WHEN Thornton's Gazetteer of India was originally presented
to the public, it was the only compilation of its kind; and it
was obviously desirable that, within reasonable limits, the work
should afford information, not only on those subjects which
ordinarily come within the range of a Gazetteer, but also on
the history, antiquities, etc., of the various localities described.
Since that time, however, Mr. Hunter's gigantic work, The
Imperial Gazetteer of India, has been prepared under the
auspices and at the cost of the Government of India, cover-
ing ground far more extensive than that of Thornton's
Gazetteer-, and it is understood that this vast official work will
be still further enlarged in the New Edition now in course of
production. In these circumstances it has been thought ad-
visable, when issuing a New Edition of Thornton's Gazetteer
corrected up to date, to modify in some measure the plan of
the work, by omitting much of the detail, and giving only
such leading facts and figures as will suffice for ordinary pur-
poses of reference a plan which has the further advantage of
reducing the work to one moderate- sized volume, notwithstand-
ing the addition of many hundreds of articles on places not
included in any former edition. The figures of area and popu-
lation have been corrected by the Census Report of 1881 ; and
care has been taken to render the work as far as possible
accurate and trustworthy. As regards the numerous altera-
tions and additions that have been made, the Imperial Gazetteer
has of course been the main source of information, and has
been freely used ; the Editors desire to acknowledge the great
advantage which they, in common with all that section of
the public that is interested in India, have derived from the
completion of this great national undertaking. The spelling
is that adopted by the Government of India in Hunter's
Gazetteer; the Editors must not therefore be held responsible
for peculiarities which it was not within the scope of their
labours to correct.
ABBIMATHA. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 278.
ABOTTABAD. A taMl of Hazara district, Punjab. Lat. 34 9',
long. 73 16'. Area, 714 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 135,486. Also a
municipal town of that tahsil, the headquarters of the Hazara district ;
with a cantonments, the headquarter of the Frontier Force. Population
of civil station and cantonment (1881), 4189. Lat. 34 9' 15", long. 73
15' 30".
ABDTT. Town in Shikarpur district, Sind, Bombay. Pop. 1201. Lat.
27 50' 30", long. 68 50' 30".
ABHIRAMAN. Town in Ramnad, Madura district, Madras. Pop.
6313. Lat. 9 26' 30", long. 78 28' 45". Adjacent is a lake of the same
ABJL Town in Haidarabad district, Sind, Bombay. Pop. 1147.
Lat. 26 52' 30", long. 68 V 15".
ABLAGTJNDL Pass in Sandur State, Madras.
ABOR. A tribe, inhabiting mountains called the Abor Hills, on the
frontier of Assam ; extending northward from the Lakhimpur district
towards Thibet, and intersected by the Dibang river. See Dal ton's
Ethnology of Bengal. These people, consequent on the chastisement they
more than once received at the hands of a British Expedition, have
agreed to keep the peace along their border, a service in return for which
they receive an annual present of some insignificant domestic and agri-
cultural articles.
ABRAKONUNE A town in Nepal, distant north-west from Khat-
mandu 178 miles. Lat. 28 46', long. 82 4V.
ABRANG. A town in Kashmir, Punjab, distant north from Simla
180 miles. Lat. 33 40', long. 76 42'.
ABU. A mountain in Sirohi, Rajputana, connected with the Aravalli
range, but rising far above any other summit. The circuit of the base is
estimated at from forty to fifty miles. The top of the mountain is ex-
tremely irregular, terminating in numerous peaks. On the highest
summit, called Gurusikar (elevation above the sea 5650 feet), there is
a small platform inclosed by a low rampart. Abu is a sanitarium
for 'Europeans in the hot weather, when the Governor-General's Agent
for Rdrjputarra lesides there ; the English station contains a church,
barracks, and the Lawrence School. It is also a celebrated place of
pilgrimage, especially for the Jains, who have a very magnificent place of
worship at Dalwara, situate about the middle of the mountain, and five
miles south-west of Gurusikar. The group consists of four temples,
arranged in the form of a cross. Colonel Tod says, "Beyond controversy,
this is the most superb of all the temples in India, and there is not an
edifice besides the Taj Mahal that can approach it." See also Fergusson's
History of Indian and Eastern Architecture. Near the group is a small
but beautiful lake, called the Nakhi Talao. The summit of the mountain
is situate forty miles north-east of the British cantonment of Deesa. Lat
24 35' 47", long. 72 45' 16".
ABUNAGAR. Town in Fatehpur district, N.W.P. Lat. 52 50',
long. 80 52'.
ABUPUR. Tillage in Meerut district, N.W.P. Lat. 28 48', long.
77 35'.
ABYARITIMANGALA. Tillage in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 540.
ACHALA BASANTA. Peak in Cuttack district, Bengal. Lat.
20 38', long. 86 16'.
ACHALGANJ. Town in Unao district, Oudh ; four miles north-east
of the left bank of the Ganges. Lat. 26 25', long. 80 35'.
ACHALGANJ. Thana in TJnao district, Oudh. Pop. (1881), 71,038.
ACHANDEVILANTAN.- Town in Tinnevelli district, Madras. Pop.
5265. Lat. 9 29', long. 77 42'.
ACHANTA. Town in Godavari district, Madras. Pop. 5846. Lat.
16 36', long. 81 50' 30".
ACHEEN. A native state in the north-western part of the island of
Sumatra. In 1819, a treaty was concluded between the E. I. Company
and the sovereign of Acheen, on the occasion of the recovery by the
latter of his throne after a temporary expulsion from it; but in 1824, all
the British possessions on the island of Sumatra were surrendered to the
king of the Netherlands, in consideration of certain cessions made on the
part of that sovereign to the British. The chief town, Acheen, is situate
on a river about a league from the sea. The port is but indifferent.
The number of houses, which are of rude construction, is estimated at
8000. Lat, 5 35', long. 95 45'.
ACHENKOIL. Kiver in Travancore State, Madras Presidency, rises
at the foot of the Achenkoil Pass, and falls into the Pambaiyar, after a
north-westerly course of seventy miles.
ACHENKOIL. Tillage, pass, and temple in Travancore. Lat. 9
5' 45", long. 77 16'. Pass connects British district of Tinnevelli with
ACHERA or UCHRA, in the district of Farnikhabad, KW.P. Lat.
27 26', long. 79 22'.
ACHIPUR or ATCHEEPORE. Tillage and telegraph station, in the
district of the twenty-four Parganas, Lower Bengal. One of the points
on the Huglf river below Calcutta, whence daily mnvfimpTits of ships up
or down are telegraphed to Calcutta. Lat. 22 27' 5". long. 88 10' 16".
Also Thana. Area, 53 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 62,536.
ACHNIRA. Thana in Agra district, KW.P. Pop. (1881), 27,280.
ACHORA. A town in the State of Kashmir, Punjab; distant north
from Srinagar thirty-eight miles. Lat. 34 36', long. 74 56'.
ACHRE. Port in Ratnagiri district, Bombay. Lat. 16 13' 35", long.
73 29' 50".
ADALPTIR. Town in Shikarpur district, Sind, Bombay. Lat.
27 56', long. 69 21' 15". Pop. 1177.
ADAM-JO-TANDO. Municipality in Haidarabad district, Sind,
Bombay. Pop. 3457. Lat. 25 46', long. 68 41' 15".
ADAMDIGHI. Thana in Bogra district, Bengal. Area, 191 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 94,534.
ADAMPUR. Town in Jullundur district, Punjab. Pop., including
village of Sagran (1881), 2338. Lat. 31 26', long. 75 45' 15".
ADAMPUR (ADTJMPOOR). Town in Azamgarh district, N.W.P.
Lat. 26 10', long. 83 41'.
AD AMPTIRA. Thana in Benares district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 2 1,1 90.
ADAM'S BRIDGE. A narrow ridge of sand, nearly closing the Gulf
of Manaar on the north and north-east. Its western extremity joins the
eastern point of the island of Rameswaram, near the continent of India ;
its eastern extremity joins the eastern point of the island of Manaar,
lying near the coast of Ceylon ; and its length is about thirty miles, the
direction being from south-east to north-west. It is partly above and
partly below water; but when covered, has nowhere, it is said, above
three or four feet of water, even at high tides. It is by the Hindus
called the Bridge of Rama. Lat. 9 5', long. 79 30'.
ADAM'S ISLAND, off the coast of Arakan, British Burma, situate
between the islands of Amherst and Paget, and ten miles from the
mainland. Lat. 18 45', long. 94 4'.
ADANADA, in the Malabar district, Madras, the residence of the
Alvangheri Tamburacul, or chief of the Narnburis. Lat. 10 54', long.
76 5'.
ADAPIIR. Thana in Champaran district, Bengal. Area, 224 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 138,986.
ADCOLNA. Tillage in Ponda district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 317.
ADDALTIR, in the Coimbatore district, Madras. Lat. 11 25', long.
77 34'.
ADDANKL Town in the tfellore district, Madras. Lat. 15 52',
long. 80. Pop. (1881), 6481.
ADD AR. Town in Chutia Nagpur district, Bengal. Lat. 23 20',
long. 84 30'.
ADDTJMDIDGL Tillage in Bogra district, Bengal.
ADEGAON. Estate in Chhindwara district, Central Provinces. Lat.
22 37', long. 79 16'.
ADEN. A British town and seaport of Arabia Felix, in the province
of Yemen, obtained by capture from the Arabs on 17th Jan. 1839. The
territory of Aden, which is under the Government of Bombay, consists of a
mountainous peninsula, connected with the mainland by a narrow isthmus
of sand, which is nearly covered at high water, spring tides. Aden is a
military post of great strength (garrison over 3000 troops), an admirable
harbour for steamers, a depot for coals, and the entrepot for an extensive
commerce. It is strongly fortified ; and its aqueduct and tanks or
reservoirs are famous. Distilled water is also obtained here in very large
quantities by means of condensers. For legal purposes Aden is held to
be a part of India ; the administration being in the hands of a Political
Resident and two Political Assistants (usually Bombay officers), and a
Cantonment Magistrate. The trade and the general importance of Aden
has enormously increased since the opening of the Suez Canal. Lat.
12 45', long. 45 4', Area, 11-6 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 34,860.
ADEVI AVULAPALLL Mountain in Cuddapah district, Madras.
Lat. 13 28' 27", long. 78 26' 35".
ABIGALALE. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 41.
ABINABUR. Village in Coorg, Madras.
ABINA MAS JID. Famous ruined Pathan mosque in Panduah,
Maldah district, Bengal.
ADJAI. River of Bengal, rising on the borders of the Hazaribagh and
Santal Parganas districts, and falling into the Bhagirathi north of Katwa.
ABJUMPUR.A town in Mysore. Lat. 13 46', long. 76 2'.
ABNEM. Village in Q,uepem district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 316.
ABOUT, or ABWANNY. A taluk, and also a municipality therein,
in Bellary district, Madras. Acloni was formerly a strong fortress. It is
described by a Muhammadan historian as " situated on the summit of a
high hill, and containing may ponds and fountains of clear and sweet
water, with numerous princely structures." Lat. 15 37' 30", long. 77
19' 10". Pop. of town (1881), 22,441. Area of taluk, 515,200 acres.
Pop. 179,448.
ABRAMPET (ABRAMPATAM). Port in Tan j ore district, Madras.
Lat. 10 20' 10", long. 79 25' 40". Pop. 9000.
ADTJI (ADDOOE). Town in Native State of Cutch, Bombay Presi-
dency. Lat. 23 23', long. 70 29'.
ABTJR. The estate of a clan in Nellore district, Madras.
ADUSUMALLL Town in the Kistna district, Madras. Lat. 16 2',
long. 80 21'.
ABVOE. Village in Satari district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 232.
ADVOLPAL. Village in Bicholm district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 446.
AFGHANISTAN. The name given to the northern portion of the
region lying between India and Persia. A full description will be given
in a later portion of this work.
AFZALGARH. Town (in pargana of same name) in Bijnaur district,
y.W.P. Lat. 29 23' 51", long. 78 43' 3". Pop. (1881), 7797. Pop.
of pargana (1881), 69,439.
AFZALGARH. Thana in Bijnaur district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
AFZALPUR (AFZULPTTR). Town in the Haidarabad State.
Lat. 17 11', long. 76 26'.
AGAL Town in the Partabgarh district, Oudh. Lat. 26 20', long.
81 57'. Pop. 4710.
AGALL Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 70.
AGALPTJR. Chief ship in Chhatisgarh division, Central Provinces.
Pop. (1881), 19,619.
AGANTA. Pargana in Bulandshahr district, KW.P. Pop. (1881),
AGAPUR (AGAPOOR). Village in the Rampur State, N.W.P. Lat.
28 47', long. 79 3'.
AGAR. State in Pcewa Kantha, Bombay. Area, 989 miles.
AGAR. Town in Gwalior State, Central India Agency. Lat.
23 43' 30", long. 76 4' 45". Pop. (1881), 6193.
AGARPARA. Municipality in the 24-Parganas district, Bengal.
Lat. 22 41', long. 88 24' 57". Pop. 26,801.
AGARSUNDAR. Thana in Mymensingh district, Bengal. Area,
173 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 122,459.
AGARTALA. Capital of Hill Tipperah State, Bengal. Lat. 23 50'
30", long. 91 23' 5". Pop. (1881), 42,273.
AGARTALA (OLD). Village near the above, and formerly the capital.
AGASHL Town in the Tanna district, Bombay. Lat. 19 27' 45",
long. 72 49' 30". Pop. (1881), 6823. Formerly the centre of a con-
siderable trade in ship-building.
AG AST YA-MALAL Mountain in Travancore State, Madras, 6150
feet high. Lat. 8 5' 30", long. 77 33' 50".
AGAWADDO. Village in Pernem district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 456.
AGAWALLL Town in Dewas State, Central India Agency. Lat.
23 35', long. 75 36'.
AGHAGANJ. Village in Sultanpur district, Oudh. Lat. 26 24',
long. 82 50'.
AGHWANPTJR-MUGHALPUR. Town inMoradabad district, N.W.P.
Pop. (1881), 5277.
AGLAR. A small river of Garhwal district, KW.P.
AGNEAPULLL Town in the Haidarabad State. Lat. 18 5', long.
80 46'.
AGO AD A. A town in the Portuguese territory of Goa, at the entrance
of the river leading to the town of that name. Lat. 15 30', long. 73 50'.
AGORI. Town (in pargana of same name) in Mirzapur district,
N.W.P. It contains some remarkable Hindu temples, fine views of which
are given in DanielPs Oriental Scenery. Lat. 24 32', long. 83 1',
Pop. of pargana (1881), 32,713.
AGOUTUH. Town in Bulandshahr district, N.W.P. Lat. 28 31',
long. 77 57'.
AGRA. A Division in the N.W.P., containing the six districts of
Agra, Muttra, Farrukhabad, Etah, Etawah, and Mainpuri, q.v. Lat.
26 21' 30" 28 1' 30", long. 77 19' 15" 80 3' 15". Area, 10,151
sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 4,834,064.
AGRA. District of the Agra Division of the N.W.P. Lat. 26 44'
30" 27 24', long. 77 28' 78 53' 45". Area, 1850 sq. miles. Pop.
(1881), 974,656. Bounded on the north by Muttra, on the west by
Bhurtpur State, on the south by Dholpur and Gwalior States, on the
east by Mainpuri and Etawah. It includes territory on both banks of
the Jumna (Jamuna), which runs obliquely through its midst and divides
it into two unequal portions. The northern and smaller section forms
a part of the Doab, or great alluvial plain between the Ganges and the
AGRA. Tahsil of Agra district, N.W.P.. containing the great city of
that name. Area, 186 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 266,765.
AGRA. Capital city of Agra district, and formerly of the N.W.P.
Situated on the right bank of the Jumna, about 300 miles above its
confluence with the Ganges. Lat. 27 10' 6", long. 78 5' 4". Pop. (1881),
160,203. Famous as having been at times the capital of the Mughal
Empire ; and for its splendid architectural remains of that period,
especially the Taj Mahal, see Fergusson's History of Indian Architecture.
A short branch railway of thirteen miles links Agra with the East
Indian Railway at Tundla; it is connected with Bhurtpore by the Rajpu-
tana State Railway, and with Dholpur and Gwalior by the Sindia State
Hail way. The administrative staff consists of a collector, two joint
magistrates, an assistant, and two uncovenanted deputies. Agra is also
the headquarters of a Civil and Sessions Judge, while there are three
educational establishments, viz. the Government College, St. John's
College, and Victoria College.
AGRA. Village in the Jessor Sundarbans, Bengal, with some
AGRA BARKHERA. State in the Bhopal Political Agency (Central
India Agency). Lat. 23 57', long. 77 32'. Twelve villages, whose
Chief pays rent to Sindia. Pop. 4219.
AGRADWIP. Island in the Bhagirathi river, Nadiya district, Bengal.
Lat. 25 33' 45" 25 23' 37", long. 88 17' 15" 88 19' 15".
AGRAHARA VEIL ALAR. Town in the Coirnbatore district, Madras.
Lat. 10 58' 30", long. 77 3' 38". Pop. 6207.
AGRAHAUT. Town in the Cuttack district, Bengal. Lat. 20 34',
long. 85 59'.
AGRAPARA (SOUTH BARAKPTJR). Town in 24 Parganas district,
Bengal. Pop. (1881), 30,317.
AGROHA. Town in the Hissar district, Punjab; formerly an im-
portant place, the seat of the Agarwala Banias. Lat. 20 18', long.
75 44'. Pop. 1090.
AGRORE (UGHI). Frontier valley and Khanate in the Hazara
district, Punjab, inhabited chiefly by Swatis and Gujars. Lat. 34 29'
34 35' 15", long. 72 5873 9' 30". Pop. 8721.
AGTJMBI. A pass in the South Kanara district, Madras, connecting
Mysore with Mangalor. Lat. 13 29' 13 29' 30", long. 75 6' 20"
75 8'.
AGUSTMUNDI. Village in the Kumaun district, N.W.P. ; with
Hindu temple. Lat. 30 23', long. 79 5'.
AGWON (NORTH and SOUTH). Two revenue circles in the Rangoon
district, British Burma. Pop. 11,568.
AHANKARIPTJR. Town in Faizabad district, Oudh. Lat. 26 47',
long. 82 10'. Pop. (1869), 2966.
AHAR. Town (in pargana of same name) in the Bulandshahr district,
N.W.P. ; between Bulandshahr and Moradabad. Lat. 28 27', long.
78 18'. Pop. (1872), 2414. Pop. of pargana (1881), 66,578.
AHAR. Thana in Bulandshahr district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 24.532.
AHARAN. Thana in Agra district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 32,951.
AHERWA. Tillage in the Cawnpore district, N.W.P. Lat. 26 23',
long. 80 28'.
AHIRI. Gond State in Chanda district, Central Provinces. Lat.
28 57' 30" 20 52' 30", long. 79 57' 81 1'. Area, 2672 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 25,896.
AHIRI. Valuable teak forest in State of the same name ; parts reserved
by Government. Lat. 19 18' 30" 19 27' 45", long. 80 7' 80 13' 15".
AHIRWARRI (AHEERWARREE). Town in Sholapur district,
Bombay ; between Sholapur and Bijapur. Lat. 17 30', long. 76 1'.
AHIRWAS. Euined fort (celebrated as the last refuge of the Pindari
Chetu, who was killed by a tiger in the neighbouring jungle) in Indore
State, Central India. Lat. 22 31', long. 76 31'.
AHIYARL Village in Darbhangah district, Bengal. Lat. 26 18',
long. 85 50' 45". Pop. (1872), 2106.
AHLADGANJ. Town (and formerly a province) of Oudh. Lat. 25
56', long. 81 38'.
AHMADGANJ. Village in Fatehpur district, N.W.P. Lat. 25 47',
long. 81 12'.
AHMADGARH. Village in Bulandshahr district, N.W^.P. Pop.
(1872), 2621.
AHMADNAGAR. District in the Deccan province of the Bombay
Presidency. Situate between lat. 20 18 20', and long. 73 42' 40"
75 45' 50"; with an area of 6666 sq. miles, and population (1881),
751,228. The Sahyadri Hills form a portion of the western limits, while
the Godavari river skirts the district for about forty miles on the north
and north-east. The district is bounded by the Nasik district on the north-
west and west, by the Haidarabad State and the Sholapur district on the
east and south-east, by the Poona district on the south-west, and by the
Tanna district on the west. Marhatta is the general language. The district
is divided into twelve taluks in charge of a collector and four assistants.
AHMADNAGAR. Subdivision in the district of same name, Bombay.
Area, 619 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 108,950.
AHMADNAGAR. City, and capital of the Ahmadnagar district,
Bombay. It was founded by Ahmad Nizam Shah in 1494, on the site of
a more ancient town called Bingar, on the left of the bank of the river
Sina. It is reached from Bombay by the G.I.P. Kailway as far as the
Dhond Station, whence to Ahmadnagar is forty-seven miles by road. Pop.
(1881), 37,492. Lat. 19 5', long. 74 55'.
AHMADNAGAR. Village in Kheri district, Oudh. Area, 1350
acres. Pop. (1869), 1272.
AHMADNAGAR (AHMEDNUGGUR). Town in the Ah'garh district,
N.W.P. Lat, 27 44', long. 78 38'.
AHMADNAGAR (AHMEDNUGGUR). District of the Edar State,
q.v. It was independent from 1790 to 1841; and lapsed to Edar in
1841 on the election of the Raja of Ahmadnagar to the gadi of
AHMADNAGAR (AHMEDNUGGUR). The capital of the preceding,
situate on the banks of the river Hatmati. Distant north from Baroda
ninety-one miles. Lat. 23 34', long. 73 1'.
AHMADPUR (AHMEDPOOR). Town in the Multan district, Punjab,
situated on the right bank of the Chenab, thirty-seven miles north-east
of Multan. Lat. 30 34', long. 71 48'.
AHMADPUR. Village in Birbhum (Beerbhoom) district, Bengal;
and station on the loop line of the E.I.R.
AHMADPUR. Town in Bahawalpur State, Punjab. Lat. 29
8' 30", long. 71 18'. Pop. (1881), 9853. Also another town of the
same name. Pop. (1881), 4235.
AHMADPUR. Town in the Jhang district, Punjab. Pop. (1881),
AHMEDABAD. A district in the Guzerat province of the Bombay
Presidency; between lat. 21 57' 30" 23 24' 30", and long. 71 20
72 57' 30". Area, 3821 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 856,324. Bounded on
the west by Kathiawar, on the north by the northern portion of the
Baroda State, on the north-east by the States of Mahi Kantha, on the east
by the Balasinor State and the Kaira district, and on the south-east and
south by the Gulf of Cambay. The two subdivisions of Parantij in the
north-east, and Gogo in the south, are detached from the rest of the
district, the territory of native chiefs intervening. The district is
traversed from north-east to south-west by the river Sabarmati. The
general appearance of the country is almost that of a perfect level, the
land appearing as if it had been abandoned by the sea at no very remote
period, according to the reckoning of geologists. A tract running from
the head of the Gulf of Cambay to the Runn of Cutch is still subject to
be covered with water. The district was formerly, before the time of
railways, the main route for the trade of Central India and Malwa. The
Bombay, Baroda, and Central India Railway now traverses it for a
distance of 74 miles. The two chief ports are Dholera and Gogo. The
district, which is divided into seven taluks, or subdivisions in charge of a
collector and three assistants, contains eight municipalities, including
that of Ahmedabad city.
AHMEDABAD. City, and capital of the Ahmedabad district, Bombay
Presidency, situated on the east or left bank of the river Sabarmati ; it is
the first city in Guzerat, and second in the Presidency only to Bombay
itself. Its pop. in 1881 was 127,621. Its walls are still of immense
thickness, and inclose an area of about 2 sq. miles. The architecture of
Ahmedabad is famous see Hope and Fergusson's Architecture of Ahmed-
dbdd the finest specimen being the Jama Masjid of Ahmad Shah, the
founder of the city, in 1412. Lat. 43 1' 45", long. 72 30' 30".
AHMED KHAN. Town in the Karachi district, Sind, Bombay. Lat.
25 26', long. 67 54'.
the Bahawalpur State, Punjab. Lat. 28 16', long. 70 13'.
AHOBALAM. Village and shrine in Karnul district, Madras. Lat.
15 9' 3", long. 78 46' 59". Pop. 117.
AHPYOUK. Bevenue circle, Henzada district, British Burma.
Pop. 6605.
AHEATJEA (AHEOEAH). Town and pargana in Mirzapur district,
N.W.P. Lat. 25 1' 15", long. 83 4' 20". Pop. (1881), 11,332. Ten
miles north of it is the Ahraura Eoad Station, E.I.R. Pop., of pargana
(1881), 21,360. Also thana. Pop. (1881), 80,466.
AHTI. A small river of Malwa, Central India Agency, falling into
the Kali Sind, q.v.
AIAVEJ. State, with town, in Kathiawar, Bombay, paying tribute
to the Gaekwar of Baroda. Lat. 21 24', long. 71 47'.
AIGIIE. Town and Eiver in Hassan district, Mysore. Lat. 21 24',
long. 75 0' 53".
AIGUETI. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 115.
AIHAE. Town in Eae Bareli district, Oudh. Local name for tho
place is Nuniagaon. Pop. (1869), 2734.
AING-GYEE. Village in Henzada district, British Burma.
AING-KA-LOUNG. Eevenue circle in Eangoon district, British
Burma. Pop. (1876), 3623.
AIEWA. Thana in Etawah district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 18,236.
AIEI. Teak forest in Mandla district, Central Provinces. Lat.
22 3822 40', long. 80 43' 45" 80 46' 45". Area, 5 sq. miles.
AIT. Thana in Jalaun district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 27,412.
AIVATTOKKALTI. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 354.
AIYAMANGALA. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 515.
AIYAMGEEL Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 383.
AIYAE. River in Salem district, Madras.
AJABPUEA. Native State in Mahi Kantha, Bombay. Pop.
(1881), 446. The Chief pays an annual tribute of 96 rupees to the
AJAIGAEH. Native State, and famous fortress, in Bundelkhand,
Central India Agency. Between lat. 24 45' 30" 24 58', and long.
80 4' 45" 80 22'. Bounded on the north by the Charkhari State and
Banda district, on the east and south by the Panna State, on the west by
the Chhatarpur State. Area, 802 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 81,454. The
Raja, who lives at Naushahr, at the foot of the hill-fortress of Ajaigarh,
has a salute of eleven guns, and pays a tribute of 701 to the British
AJANTA. A village and ravine in the Nizam's dominions, famous for
its cave-temples ; also, the range of hills (called also the Indhyadri
Hills) in which this ravine is situated, running into the Nizam's
dominions from the south-west of Berar, and skirting the Khandesh
district, Bombay. The Buddhist cave-temples of Ajanta, which range in
date from 200 B.C. to 600 A.D., are described in Fergusson's History of
Indian ^Architecture ; see also Mrs. Speirs' Life in Ancient India. Lat.
20 32' 30", long. 75 48".
AJANUR. Town in South Kanara district, Madras. Lat. 12 20',
long. 57 T 15". Pop. 5162.
AJGAIN. Town in Unao district, Oudh ; and station on the Oudh
and llohilkhand Railway. Pop. (1869), 2365. Also thana. Pop.
(1881), 104,162.
AJGAON. Town in TTnao district, Oudh ; on the river Sai. Pop.
(1869), 3481. A great centre of the tobacco industry.
AJI. River in Kathiawar, Bombay ; falls into the Gulf of Cutch ;
length about sixty miles.
AJI (AJAI). River rising in Hazaribagh district, Bengal, flowing
through Monghyr and Birbhum districts, forming the southern boundary
between the last district and Bardwan. The Ajai falls into the Bhagi-
rathi at Katwa (Cutwa).
AJITMAL. Town in Etawah district, N.W.P. Lat. 26 33', long.
79 23'.
AJITMAL. Thana in Etawah district, K.W.P. Pop. (1881), 65,721.
A JJALLI. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 147.
AJMERE. The principal place of the district of Ajmere-Mhairwara.
A municipality, the headquarters of the district, and one of the most
important stations on the Rajputana State Railway ; it is also a city of
great antiquity and celebrity. Situated on the lower slope of the Taragarh
hill, on which is the famous fort of the same name ; obtains its water
from the Anasagar Lake. Amongst other educational institutions, it con-
tains the Ajmere College (founded 1851), and the Mayo College (founded
1870), the latter of which was established for the benefit of the sons of
Rajput noblemen. A noted shrine is called the dargah of the Khwaja
Sahib. Lat. 26 27' 10", long. 74 43' 58". Pop. (1881), 48,735.
and Chief Commissionership, consisting of the districts of Ajmere and
Mhairwara, situated in the centre of the States of Rajputana. Bounded
on the north by Kishangarh and Jodhpur, on the west by Jodhpur, on
the south by IJdaipur, and on the east by Kishangarh, Jaipur, and
Udaipur. Area, 2711 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 460,722. Lat, 25 33'
26 45', long. 73 45' 75'. The headquarters of the Deputy-Com-
missioner of the district are at Ajmere ; the Governor-General's Agent
for Rajputana (headquarters Mt. Abu) is ex-officio Chief -Commissioner
of Ajmere-Mhairwara.
AJMIRGARH. Ancient hill-fort in Bilaspur district, Central Pro-
vinces ; hill 3500 feet high.
AJNALA. Tahsil of Amritsar district, Punjab ; on both sides of the
river Ravi. Lat. 31 3732 3' 15", long. 74 32' 30" 75 1'. Pop.
(1881), 201,172. Area, 428 sq. miles.
AJNALA. Village in tahsil of same name, Amritsar district, Punjab.
Pop. (1868), 1808.
AJNAR. Thana in Hamirpur district, KW.P. Pop. (1881), 31,256.
AJODHYA. Famous ancient city, now ruins buried in jungle, in
Faiaabad district, Oudh; on the south bank of the river Gogra (Ghagra).
Lat. 26 48' 20", long. 82 14' 40". Pop. (1881), 11,643. The mausoleum
of the Bahu Begum is unrivalled of its kind. Also thana. Pop. (1881),
AJODHYA. Village in Bardwan district, Bengal. Lat. 23 35' 10",
long. 87 32' 20".
AJRA. Town in the Kolhapur State, Bombay Presidency. Lat. 16 8',
long. 74 17'.
AKA HILLS. Frontier Hills north of Darrang district, Assam,
inhabited by the Akas. Bounded on the east by the Daphla (Duffla)
Hills, and on the west by the territories of independent Bhutia tribes.
AKALGARH. Town and municipality in Gujranwala district.
Punjab. Lat. 32 16', long. 73 52'. Pop. (1881), 4312.
AKALGARH. Town in Patiala State, Punjab. Pop. (1881), 2907.
AKALKOT. Native State, being one of "the Satara Jagirs," Bombay
Presidency. Bounded on the north and east by Haidarabad State and
Kaladgi district, on the west by Sholapur district. Area, 498 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 58,040. Situate on the Deccan plateau; between lat. 17
17' 45" 17 44', and long. 75 5676 28' 30". The chief, who ranks
as a first-class Sardar of the Deccan, being a minor, the State is ad-
ministered by the Political Superintendent, Akalkot.
AKALKOT. Capital of the Akalkot State, Bombay Presidency. Lat.
17 31' 30", long. 76 15'. Pop. (1872), 8470.
AKAR. Town in Eaipur district, Central Provinces. Lat. 20 50',
long. 81 32'.
AKAR-ALI. Raised road, 20 miles long, in Sibsagar district, Assam ;
between Golaghat and Negheriting.
AKAYA. Village in the Arakan Hill Tracts district, British Burma ;
on the left bank of the Kuladan river. Lat. '^0 49', long. 93 7'.
AKBARABAD. Pargana in Bijnaur district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
AKBARABAD (AKBURAEAD). Town in Rampur State, K.AV.P.
Lat. 29 5', long. 79 4'.
AKBARABAD (AKBURABAD). Town (in pargana of same name)
in Aligarh district, N.W.P. Lat 27 48', long. 78 21'. Pop. of
pargana (1881), 57,450.
AKB ARE AND AR. Village in Rangpur district, Bengal.
AKBARNAGAR. Ancient name of Rajmahal, Bengal.
AKBARPUR. Town in Indore State, near Mandlesar, Central Indian
Agency. Lat. 22 8', long. 75 33'.
AKBARPUR. Town (and also tahsil) in Cawnpore district, N.W.P.
Lat. 26 22', long. 80. Pop. (1881), 5131. Area of tahsil, 246 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 109,910.
AKBARPUR. Village in Shahjahanpur district, N.W.P. Lat. 27
48', long. 79 43'.
AKBARPUR. Town (and also tahsil) in Faizabad district, Oudh ; on
the river Tons. Lat. 26 25' 35", long. 82 34' 25". Pop. of town(1869),
3100: of tahsil (1881), 209,694, the area of the latter being 402 sq.
miles. Also pargana. Pop. (1881), 137,159. And thana. Pop. (1881),
AKBARPUR. Thana in Cawnpore district, KW.P. Pop. (1881),
AKBARPITR (or KATE A). Village in Muzatfarpur district, Bengal.
Lat. 26 12' 45", long. 85 41' 6". Pop. (1872), 2208.
AKBARPUR (AKBURPUR). Village in Gurgaon district, Punjab.
Lat. 27 52', long. 77 10'.
AKBARPTJR (AKBURPTTR). Village in Muttra district, N.W.P.
Lat. 27 39', long. 77 37'.
AKBARPTJR-SINJHAULL Tahsil in Faizabad district, Oudh. Area,
263 sq. miles. Pop. (1869), 143,882.
AKDIA. State in Kathiawar, Bombay : containing one village. Lat.
21 42', long. 71 8'.
AKDIRAH. Town in Jodhpur State, Rajputana. Lat. 25 23',
long. 73 17'.
AKHUNDL Village in Jodhpur State, Rajputana. Lat. 25 59',
long. 72 14'.
AKKAWARRTJM. Town in Haidarabad State. Lat. 17 15', long.
79 26'.
AKLAJ. Municipality in Sholapur district, Bombay. Pop. (1872),
4889. Lat. 17 53' 30", long. 75 4'.
AKLI. Village in Jodhpur State, Rajputana. Lat. 26 4', long.
71 24'.
AKLONI. Town in Gwalior State, Central India Agency, Lat.
26 35', long. 78 37'.
AKNUR. Town, fort, and old palace, in Kashmir State, Punjab ;
situate on the Chenab. Lat. 32 5', long. 74 47'. The Chenab is
navigable downwards from a point a short distance above Aknur to
the sea.
AKOHRL Town in Unao district, Oudh. Pop. (1869), 4121.
AKOLA. District of Berar. Under the administration of the Resident
at Haidarabad. Between lat. 20 1721 15', and long. 76 2377 25'.
Bounded on the north by the Satpura range, on the east by Ellichpur
district, on the south by the Satmal range, on the west by Buldana and
Khandesh districts. Area, 2660 miles. Pop. (1881), 592,792. The
Purna is the chief river, on the banks of which are salt wells extending
fifty miles in length and ten in breadth. There are seven stations of the
Great Indian Peninsular Railway in this district.
AKOLA. Chief town (in taluk of same name) of Akola district, and
headquarters of the Commissionership of West Berar. A station on the
Nagpur line, G.I.P. Railway. Top. (1881), 16,614. Cotton market,
and seat of mission. Lat. 20 42' 15", long. 77 2'. Area of taluk, 739
eq. miles. Pop. (1881), 139,421.
AKOLA. Subdivision in Ahmadnagar district, Bombay. Area, 588
eq. miles. Pop. (1881), 60,800.
AKON A. Village in Bahraich district, Oudh. Lat. 27 33' 11",
long. 81 59' 38". Pop. (1869), 1852.
AKORAH. Town in Peshawar district, Punjab ; on the right bank
of the Kabul river. Lat. 34, long. 72 10'.
AKORI Town in the Jalann district, Bundelkhand, Central India
Agency. Lat. 25 57', long. 79 20'.
AKOT. Town (and taluk of which it is the capital) in Akola district,
Berar. An important cotton mart. Pop. (1881), 16,137. Lat. 21 5'
45", long. 77 6'. Area of taluk, 518 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 144,253.
AKOTJK-TOUNG. Hill of the Arakan Yoma Range, Henzada district,
British Burma. Lat. 18 29' 45", long. 95 10' 45'.
AKRA. Town in the Bannu district, Punjab ; situated on the left
bank of the river Gambila. Lat. 32 36', long. 70 33'.
AKRABAD. Thana in Aligarh district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 65,407.
AKRANI PARGANA. A part of the Khandesh district, Bombay.
Lat. 21 50', long. 74.
AKSATJLL Thana in Aligarh district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 22,951.
AKYAB. A district of Arakan division, British Burma ; obtained
from the Burmese by conquest, 24th February, 1826; bounded. on
the north by Chittagong, on the west by the Bay of Bengal, on the east
by the Yoma mountains, and on the south by the island of Ramri, and
numerous creeks and estuaries. It lies between lat. 20 22 29', long.
92 14' 94. Area, 5535 sq. miles, and it is the largest of the three
provinces of Arakan. It is in general flat, but along the sea-shore some
low ridges of hills run parallel with the sea, and to the north and east its
boundary is formed by high ranges, over which are several passes to
Chittagong and Ava. The valley, which constitutes the principal part of
the province, is intersected by numerous streams and tide nullahs, besides
the larger rivers Mayu, Kuladan, and Lemro, which run through it, and
in the rainy season completely inundate the neighbouring country, and
insulate the villages in their vicinity. The soil is peculiarly adapted for
the cultivation of rice. Pop. (1881), 359,706. Akyab is administered
by a Deputy-Commissioner, an Assistant-Commissioner, a Magistrate, and
eight extra Assistant-Commissioners.
AKYAB. Port, municipality, and headquarters both of the Akyab
district and the Arakan division, British Burma. Formerly a Magh
fishing-village, called Tset-twe, and still known by that name among
the Magh inhabitants. Situate on the eastern side of the island of Akyab,
which is at the south-western extremity of the district, and at the mouth
of the Kuladan river. It exports rice largely. Lat. 20 6' 45", long.
92 56' 30". Pop. (1881), 33,989.
ALABAKHSHPUR. Part of Patna Town, Bengal. Lat. 25 36',
long. 85 15'.
ALADIN ISLANDS. Islands south-west of the- Tenasserim provinces.
Lat. 9 40', long. 98 8'.
ALAGAR. Range of hills in Madura district, Madras.
which it is the capital) in Haidarabad district, Sind, Bombay. Lat. 25 27',
long. 68 45'. Pop. 3913. Area of taluk, 705 sq. miles. Pop. 59,746.
ALAIPUR. Tillage in Jessor district, Bengal. Lat. 22 49', long.
89 4 1 '. Noted for its pottery.
14 ALA.
ALAKtf ANDA. River in Garhwal district, N.W.P. ; forms, after
junction with the Bhagirathi, the main stream of the Ganges, like which
it is held sacred. Srinagar in Garhwal is a town on its banks.
ALALTTKUPPE. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 29.
Coimbatore district, Madras ; situate on the right bank of the river
Kaveri (Cauvery). Lat. 12 9', long. 77 49'.
ALAMDANGA. Village in Nadiya district, Bengal. Station of the
Eastern Bengal Railway, on the river Pangasi. Lat. 23 45' 30", long.
88 59' 30". Also thana. Area, 132 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 89,947.
ALAMGANJ. Thana in Patna district, Bengal. Pop. (1881),
ALAMGIR HILL. Hill of the Assia range, Orissa. Lat. 20 37',
long. 86 16'. On the summit there is a shrine (built 1719 A.D.) with
endowment of lands.
ALAMGIRNAGAR. Ancient fort, formerly commanded mouth of
Meghna river, British Burma.
ALAMNAGAR. Village in Bhagalpur district, Bengal. Lat. 25 34',
long. 86 56'.
ALAMNAGAR. Pargana in Hardoi district, Oudh. Area, 59 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 18,282.
ALAMPTJR. Decayed town in Jaipur State, Rajputana. Lat. 25
57', long. 76 25'.
ALAMPTJR (ALTJMPUR). Town in Haidarabad State, on the left
bank of the river Tungabhadra. Lat. 15 52', long. 78 11'.
ALAMPTJR. Native State in Gohelwad, Kathiawar, Bombay. Con-
sisting of one village. Lat. 21 57', long. 71 46'. Pays 123 annually
as tribute to the Gaekwar of Baroda.
ALAMPUR (ALLTJMPOOR). Town in Midnapur district, Bengal.
Lat. 22 30', long. 86 57'.
ALANDI Town, municipality, and Hindu shrine, in Poona district,
Bombay. Lat. 18 27', long. 74 6' 30". Pop. (1872), 1624.
ALAPIIR. Village in Gurgaon district, Punjab. Lat. 28 16', long.
77 7'.
ALAPTIR. Town in Buclaun district, KW.P. Lat. 27 54' 45",
long. 79 17'. Pop. (1881), 5630.
ALATPUR. Village in Mainpuri district, N.W.P. Lat. 27 10',
long. 78 50'.
ALATUR. Town in Malabar district, Madras. Lat. 11 52', long.
76 6' 30". Pop. 3385.
ALAWALPTJR. Town and municipality in Jullundur district, Punjab.
Lat. 31 26', long. 75 42'. Pop. (1881), 3802.
ALAWARKHAWA. Village in Dinajpur district, Bengal. Scene of
the Hindu religious festival known as Raspurnima, when upwards of
40,000 persons assemble together.
ALAYGYAN PASS. A pass over the Arakan Yoma Mountains, from
Sandoway to Prome, in British Burma. Lat. 18 31', long. 94 39'.
ALAY KHYOTJNG. Revenue circle, Kyouk-hpyii district, British
Burma. Area, 25 sq. miles. Pop. 1600.
ALAY-KYWON. Revenue circle, Kyouk-hpyu district, British
Burma. Area, 27 sq. miles. Pop. 1084.
ALAY-KYWON. Revenue circle, Bassein district, British Burma.
Area, 65 sq. miles. Pop. 1893.
ALBAK. Town in Haidarabad State. Lat. 18 10', long. 80 47'.
ALDEMAN. Pargana of Sultanpur district, Oudh. Area, 349 sq.
miles. Lat. 26 20 40', long. 52 15' 83 6'. Pop. (1881),
ALDONA. Village in Bardez district, Portuguese India. Pop. (1881),
ALGUADA REEF. Dangerous reef (with lighthouse), off the coast
of British Burma, south-south-west of Diamond Island. Lat. 15 40' 15",
long. 94 16' 45".
ALIABAD. Village, Bara Banki district, Oudh. Lat. 26 51', long.
81 41'. Pop. (1869), 1734.
ALIBAGH. Chief town and port of Kolaba district, Bombay. Lat.
18 38' 55", long. 72 54' 50'. Pop. (1881), 6376.
ALIBAGH. Subdivision in Kolaba district, Bombay. Area, 194 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 76,138.
ALI BANDAR. Town in Haidarabad district, Sind, Bombay; on
the river Guni. Lat. 24 22', long. 69 11'.
ALIGANJ. Town and municipality (in a tahsil of the same name) in
Etah district, N.W.P. Lat. 27 29' 20", long. 79 12' 40". Pop. (1881),
7436. Area of tahsil, 531 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 193,800.
ALIGANJ. Village in Kheri district, Oudh. Lat. 28 9', long.
80 40'. Pop. (1869), 1133.
ALIGANJ (ALLEEGUNJE). Town in Purniah district, Bengal.
Lat. 26 19', long. 87 48'.
ALIGANJ (ALLEHGUNJ). Town in the Farrukhabad district,
N.W.P. Lat. 27 33', long. 79 45'.
ALIGANJ. Thana in Etah district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 86,660.
ALIGANJ SEW AN. Town and municipality in Saran district,
Bengal. Lat. 26 13' 23", long. 84 23' 43". Pop. (1872), 11,099.
ALIGARH. District in the Meerut division, N.W.P. ; between lat.
27 28' 30" 28 10' 30", and long. 77 31' 15" 78 41' 15". Area,
1955 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 1,021,187. Bounded on the north
by the Ganges and the Bulandshahr district, on the east by Etah
district, on the south by Muttra and Agra districts, and on the west
by the river Jumna and Muttra district. The Ganges Canal passes
through the centre of this important district of the Doab. Administered
by a Magistrate- Collector and his Assistant, with five Deputy Collectors,
and the usual: Staff. Tbe district is traversed by the East Indian and
Oudh and Rohilkhand Railways; it also contains the well-known Ah'garh
Institute, founded in 1864 by Sayyid Ahmad Khan.
ALIGARH. Town, municipality, and headquarters of All garh district,
N.W.P. Lat. 27 55' 41", long. 78 6' 45". Population in 1872 (includ-
ing the adjacent native town of Koil), 58,539. Station of the E.I.R.
ALIGARH. Tahsil of Parrukhabad district, N.W.P. Area, 186 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 76,085.
ALIGARH. Small fort near Garden Reach, five miles south of
Calcutta; taken by Clive in 1756.
ALIGARH. Thana in Farrukhabad district, KW.P. Pop. (1881),
ALIGATIM. Town in Ahmadnagar district, Bombay; on the Bhima.
Lat. 1 8 35', long. 74 23'.
ALINAGAR. Thana in Benares district. N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
ALIPUR. Principal subdivision of the district of the twenty-four
Parganas, Bengal. Lat. 22 19' 45" 22 38' 30", long. 88 8' 30"-
88 42'. Area, 402 sq. miles. Pop. (1872), 630,736.
ALIPUR. Town, southern suburb of Calcutta, and headquarters of
the district of the twenty-four Parganas, Bengal. Lat. 22 31' 50",
long. 88 24'. Contains Belvedere, the residence of the Lieutenant-
Governor of Bengal : also the great Alipur gaol, filled with long-term
prisoners. Area, 1171 acres. Pop. (1881), 13,438.
ALIPUR. Village in Delhi district, Punjab. Lat. 28 48', long.
77 12'.
ALIPUR. Town (in subdivision of same name) in J'alpaiguri district,
Bengal. Area of subdivision, 742 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 51,697.
Also thana. Area, 649 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 32,086.
ALIPUR. Village (in tahsil of same name) in Muzaffargarh district,
Punjab. Lat. 29 23', long. 70 57'. Pop. (1881), 2555. Area of tahsil,
887 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 110,869.
ALIPUR. Village in Wardha district, Central Provinces. Lat.
20 32' 45", long 78 44'. Pop. (1870), 3303.
ALIPUR (ALLYPUR). Village in Fatehpur district, N.W.P. Lat.
25 57', long. 80 50'.
ALIPURA. Native State in Bundelkhand, Central India Agency;
between lat. 25 7' 15" 25 17' 30", and long. 79 21' 79 30' 15'.
Bounded north and east by Hamirpur district, south by Garrauli, and
west by Jhansi. Area, 69 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 14,891. The Jagirdar
maintains a force of 180 troops, with two guns.
ALIPURA. Village in Allahabad district, N.W. P. Lat. 25 12', long.
82 14'.
ALI RAJPUR. Native State, Central India Agency, bordering on
Rewa Kantha. Area, 837 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 56,827. The liana,
who pays tribute to the British Government, is entitled to a salute of
nine guns.
ALI WAL. Village in Ludhiana district, Punjab ; near the left bank
of the Sutlej. Here, on the 28th June, 1846, Sir Harry Smith attacked,
defeated, and drove back a large body of Sikhs. Lat. 30 67', long.
75 37'.
ALIYAR. River in Coimbatore district, Madras.
ALLAHABAD. A division of the North- West Province, containing
six districts Allahabad,Cawnpore, Fatehpur, Belinda, Hanurpur, Jaunpur
l.v. Area, 13,746 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 5,754,855.
ALLAHABAD. District in the Allahabad Division, N."W.P. Between
lat. 24 47' 25 47' 15", and long. 81 11' 30" 82 23' 30". Area,
2833 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 1,474,106. Bounded north by Partabgarh,
ALL 17
west and south-west by Fatehpur and Banda, south by Rewah State,
and east by Mfrzapur and Jaunpur districts. Administered by a
Magistrate-Collector, two Joint Magistrates, three Assistant Magistrates,
and two Deputy Magistrates. At the " Magh Mela " fair held in the
plain below the fort, upwards of a quarter of a million of persons annually
assemble together.
ALLAHABAD. Tahsfl of Allahabad district, forming the open of the
Doab, and containing the capital. Area, 300 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
ALLAHABAD City in Allahabad district, KW.P., and headquarters
of the Lieutenant-Governorship of the Province. Lat. 25 26', long. 81
55' 15". Pop. (1881), 148,547. The fort occupies the angle at the con-
fluence of the Ganges and Jumna ; the latter river being crossed here
by the E.I.R., whilst there are two bridges of boats over the Ganges.
Allahabad is the centre of the railway system of Northern India, being
at the point of junction of the lines to Calcutta on one side, to Delhi,
Lahore and Peshawar on another, and to Jabalpur, Nagpur, and Bombay
on another.
ALLAH BANDH. A bank, fifty miles long, and in places sixteen
miles broad, on the southern frontier of Sind, Bombay ; upheaved by
volcanic action in 1819. Lat. 24 21', long. 69 11'.
ALLAHGANJ. Thana in Farrakhabad district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
ALLAMPARWA. Tillage on the coast in South Arcot district,
Madras. Lat. 12 16', long. 80 3'.
ALLAN-MYO Town in Thayet-myo district, British Burma. Lat.
19 21' 25", long. 95 17' 30". Pop. (1881), 5825. Close to the Burmese
ALLATOBJ. Town in Trichinopoli district, Madias. Lat. 10 49',
long. 78 39'.
ALLEH. Town in the Poona district, Bombay. Lat. 19 11',
long. 74 5'.
Travancore State, Madras. Lat. 9 29' 45", long. 76 22' 31''. Pop.
(1881), 25,754. Second town and most important port in Travancore,
whence are exported the coffee and other products of the State. There
is a Lighthouse at the entrance to the harbour.
ALLI MOHUN. A town in Malwa, Central India Agency, the
chief place of the Native State of the same name. Lat. 22 12', long.
74 24'.
ALLIGAUM. Town in Haidambad State. Lat. 20 24', long.
76 53'.
ALLIYARKA TANDA. Town in Haidarabad district, Sind, Bombay.
Lat. 25 27', long. 68 48'.
ALLOW ALLI A. A title belonging to certain Sikh chiefs, whose
possessions on the left bank of the Sutlej were confiscated by the British
Government in 1848, in consequence of the non-performance of their
feudatory obligations during the Lahore war.
ALLUR. Town in Nellore district, Madras. Lat. 14 41' 30", long.
80 5' 21". Pop. 5530.
ALLUR. Town in Raipur district, Central Provinces. Lat. 19 49',
long. 81 20'.
ALLUR. Town in Haidarabad State. Lat. 17 20', long. 78 8'.
ALLUR-KOTT APATN AM. Village in Nellore district, Madras ; on
the coast. Lat. 15 27', long. 80 9' 45". Pop. 6991.
ALLYPUR PUTTI. Town (in pargana of same name) in Mainpnri
district, JST.W.P. Lat. 27 20', long. 79 13'. Pop. of pargana (1881),
ALMACUR. Town in Karnul district, Madras. Lat. 15 52', long.
78 40'.
ALMELEK. Town in Sholapur district, Bombay. Lat. 17 5', long.
76 16'.
ALMOD. State (twenty-nine villages) in the Mahadeo Hills, in
Chhindwara district, Central Provinces. Lat. 22 23' 30", long. 78
25". Area, 52 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 3133.
ALMORA. District in Kumaun, KW.P. Area, 6000 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 493,641. Also tahsil. Pop. (1881), 284,386.
ALMORA. Town and headquarters of Kumaun district, N.W.P., and
a municipality. Lat. 29 35' 16", long. 79 41' 16". Pop. (1881), 7390.
Situate on the crest of a ridge 5494 feet above the sea.
ALO-DAW-RA. Revenue circle in Prome district, British Burma.
Pop. (1876), 5476.
ALORNA. Tillage in Pernem district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 1986.
ALOT. Town in Dewas State (Malwa), Central India Agency. Lat.
23 44', long. 75 34'.
ALSIR. Town in Bikaner State, Rajputana. Lat. 27 56', long. 74 24'.
ALUMKHAN (ALAMKHAN). Town in Dera Ghazi Khan district,
Punjab. Lat. 30 25', long. 70 49'.
ALUMPARVA. Town in Chingalpat district, Madras. Lat. 12 17',
long. 80 6'.
ALTIN. Revenue circle in Henzada district, British Burma. Pop.
ALUNG. Town in Baroda State. Lat. 21 23', long. 72 9'.
ALUNIAWAS. Village in Jodhpur State, Rajputana. Lat. 26 32',
long. 74 24'.
ALTJR. Town in Bellary District, Madras. Pop. (1871), 1694.
ALUR. Village in Hassan district, Mysore State. Lat. 12 59' IS".,
long. 76 3' E. Pop. (1871), 721.
ALTJR. Taluk in Bellary district, Madras. Area, 677 sq. miles. Pop.
(1871), 94,282.
ALUR. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 70.
ALVARKURICHCHL Town in Tinnevelli district, Madras. Lat.
8 47'45"N., long. 77 25' 45" E. Pop. (1871), 6015. On the right
bank of the Chindinthura river, nineteen miles south-east of Tinnevelli.
ALV-ARTIRTJNAGARL Town in Tinnevelli district, Madras. Pop.
(1881), 5956.
ALWA (ALAVA), State in Rewa Kantha, Bombay. Area, 6 square
miles. The Chief pays tribute to the Gaekwar of Baroda.
ALWAR. State in Rajputana. See ULWTJR.
ALWAYE. Town in Travancore State, Madras. Lat. 10 6' 50" K,
long. 76 23' 31" E. Pop. (1871), 2761. The sanitarium of Cochin.
ALWAYE. River in Cochin State, Madras, a branch of the Peryar.
ALYUNNUR. Town in Madura district, Madras. Lat. 9 17', long.
78 32'.
AMAIN or AMYNE. Town in Gwalior State, Central India Agency.
Lat. 26 20', long. 78 52'.
AMAIT. Town in TJdaipur State, Rajputana. Lat. 25 15', long.
73 58'.
AMALAPTJRAM. Town in Godavari district, Madras. Latitude
16 34' 20" N., long. 82 2' 40" E. Pop. (1881), 8623.
AMALN AIR. Town in Ahmadnagar. Lat. 18 56', long. 75 21 ; .
AMALNER. Town (in subdivision of same nnrne) in Khandesh
district, Bombay. Lat. 21 1' 45" N., long. 75 7' 15" E. Pop. (1881),
7627. Area of subdivision, 527 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 88,986.
AMALYARA. Town and tributary State in Mahi Kantha, Bombay ;
between lat. 22 59' 23 21', and long. 72 44' 7;i 14'. Pop. (1872),
10,661. The Chief pays tribute to the Gaekwar of Baroda.
AMANAT. River, falling into the North Koel river, Bengal.
AMANIGANJ. Village in Bara Banki district, Oudh. Pop. (1869),
1600. Lat. 26 24', long. 81 36'.
AMANIGANJHAT. Chief silk mart in Maldah district, Bengal.
AMANPUR. Thana in Etah district, JS T .W.P. Pop. (1881),
AMARAH. Village in Rai Bareli district, Oudh, near the left bank
of the Ganges. Lat. 26 4', long. 80 56'.
AMARAPURA. A town of Independent Burma, and capital of the
country prior to 1860. Lat. 21 57', long. 73 4'. Contains a celebrated
temple faced with 250 pillars of gilt wood ; there is also a large bronze
statue of Buddha.
AMARAPURAM. Town in Bellary district, Madras. Lat. 14 8' N.,
long. 77 1' 15" E. Pop. (1881), 3105.
AMARIA. Thana in Shahjahanpur district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
AMARKANTAK. Mountain, with Hindu temples and waterfalls, in
Bilaspur district, Central Provinces. Close to one temple is a basin,
inclosed with masonry, and about eight yards long and six wide, whence
flows water, considered the head of the Nerbudda. Lat. 22 40' 15",
long. 81 48' 15".
AMARNATH. Village (with temple remarkable for its antiquity) in
Tanna district, Bombay.
AMARPATAN. Town in Rewah State, Central India Agency. Lat.
24 18', long. 81 3'.
AMARPUR. Town in Nepal State. Lat. 26 47', long. 86 47'.
AMARPUR. Thana in Bhagalpur district, Bengal. Area, 294 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 208,508.
AMAUII. Thana in Fatehpur district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 23,098.
AMB A. Town in Indore State, Central India Agency. Lat. 21 25',
long. 75 16'.
AMB A. River rising on the western declivity of the Western Ghats ;
falls into the Indian Ocean a little south of Bombay.
AMBA BHAVANI (AMBA BHOWANI). Town in TJdaipur State,
Kajputana. Lat. 24 22', long. 72 51'.
AMBABARI. Tillage in Nagar-Aveli district, Portuguese India.
Pop. (1881), 111.
AMBAGARH CHATTEL State in Chanda district, Central Provinces,
between lat. 20 35' 20 51' 30", and long. 80 31' 15" 80 52'.
Area, 208 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 29,854.
AMBAH. Town in Haidarabad State. Lat. 18 44', long. 76 30'.
AMBAHTA (AMBAITA or UMBTJHTUH). Town in Saharanpur
district, N.W.P. Lat. 29 51' 15", long. 77 22' 35". Area, 55 acres.
Pop. (1881), 6392.
AMBAJI-DURGA. Hill in Xolar district, Mysoie State, 4399 feet.
Lat. 13 23' 40", long. 78 3' 25".
AMBAJIPETTA. Town in Godavari district, Madras. Pop. (1871),
in Tinnevelli district, Madras. Lat. of town 8 42' 45", long. 77 29'
15". Pop. (1881), 8770. Area of taluk, 300 sq. miles. Pop. (1871),
AMBATIPETTA (AMBATEBETTA). Hill in the Western Ghats,
AMB ATMIIRI. Pass in South Kanara district, Madras; between 13
0' 45" and 13 4' lat., and between 75 29' 15" and 75 33' 45" long.
AMBATTI. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 100.
AMBAULIM. Village in Uuepem district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 651.
AMBEANHTJLLL Village in North Kanara district, Madras. Lat.
14 31', long. 74 37'.
AMBECHOGOVOL. Village in Satrai district, Portuguese India.
Pop. (1881), 66.
AMBEDEM-BUSURTJCO. Village in Satan district, Portuguese
India. Pop. (1881), 120.
AMBELL Village in Satari district, Portuguese India. Pop. (1881),
AMBER. Ancient, but now decayed, capital of Jaipur (Jeypore)
State, Rajputana. Lat. 26 58' 45", long. 75 52' 50". Four miles
from the present capital, Jaipur. The old palace (commenced A.D. 1600)
is a very tine specimen of llajput architecture.
AMBER. Pargana in Santal Parganas district, Bengal. Pop. (1881),
AMBEREM. Tillage in Pernem district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 67.
AMBERWARRA. Town in Chhindwara district, Central Provinces.
Lat. 22 20', long. 79 10'.
AMBGAON. Town and pargana in Chanda district, Central Provinces.
Lat. 20 38' 30", long. 79 59' 45". Area of pargana with its dependent
Zammdaris, 1212 sq. miles.
AMBGAON. Town in Nagpur district, Central Provinces. Lat 21
24', long. 80 28'.
AMB LI. Tillage in Nagar-Aveli district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 1504.
AMBOH. Town in Keunjhar State, Orissa. Lat. 21 7' Ion**
86 14'.
AMBOLI. Tillage in Nagar-Aveli district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 240.
AMBORA. Town in Mgpur district, Central Provinces. juat.
21 3', long. 79 39'.
AMBOYNA. An island in the Eastern Archipelago, restored to the
Dutch in 1814. The town is in lat. 3 35', long. 128.
AMBULUPALL Town in Travancore State, Madras. Lat. 9 23',
long. 76 24' 30". Pop. 2879.
AMBUR, AMBTIRDRTTG. Town (railway station) in North Arcot
district, Madras. Lat. 12 50' 25", long. 78 44' 30". Pop. (1881), 10,390.
A centre of trade.
AMBTIRPET Town in Salem district, Madras. Lat. 12 47' 15",
long. 78 45' 15". Pop. (1871), 7159
AMER. Town in Jaipur State, Rajputana. Pop. (1881), 5036.
AMETHI. Pargana (in tahsil of same name) in Sultanpur district,
Oudh. Lat. 26 8', long. 82 2'. Area, 299 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
159,618. Contains, amongst others, the estate of Raja Madhu Singh,
consisting of 318 villages, and paying a land revenue to the British
Government of nearly 20,000. Pop. of tahsil (1881), 198,734.
AMETHIR DUNGAR. Town in Lucknow district, Oudh. Lat.
26 45' 20", long. 81 12'. Pop. (1881), 5654.
AMGAON. Town in Narsinhpur district, Central Provinces. Pop.
(1881), 2492.
AMGAON. Chiefship in Bhandara district, Central Provinces. Area,
144 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 27,524.
AMGAON. Town in Chiefship of same name, Central Provinces.
Pop. (1881), 2074.
AMHERA. Thana in Bijnaur district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
AMHERST, or JTTGGTT ISLAND. Situate off the southern ex-
tremity of the island of Ramri, British Burma. Its greatest length is
about six miles ; its width about half as much.
AMHERST. District in Tenasserim division, British Burma ; be-
tween lat. 14 59' 17 51', and long. 97 30' 98 53'. Area, 15,189
sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 301,086. Bounded on the north, by the Salwm
and Kyuniek rivers ; on the east by the Daunat Mountains ; on the south
by the Ma-hlwai hills ; and on the west by the Gulf of Martaban. The
capital is Maulmain. The teak forests are important. Obtained by
conquest in the first (A.D. 1820) and second (AD. 1853) Burmese wars.
The administrative Headquarters of the district are at Maulmain.
AMHERST. Town in Amherst district, British Burma, situate on the
"Wakharu river, in lat. 16 4' 40", long. 97 35' 30". Originally the
capital of the district, but in 1827 the Headquarters were transferred to
AMI. River of Gorakhpur district, N.W.P., falling into the
AMILEA. Tillage in Shahjahanpur district, N.W.P. Lat. 28 3',
long. 80 10'
AMILEA. Tillage in Etawah district, N.W.P. Lat. 26 33', long.
79 24'.
AMIL GOT. Tillage in Shikarpur district, Sind, Bombay, near a
ferry over the Indus. Lat. 27 53', long. 68 56'.
AMINAGUR (AMINNAGRA). Town in Manbhum district, Bengal,
on the right bank of the river Kasai. Lat. 22 54', long. 86 51'.
AMINGAD. Town in Kaladgi district, Bombay. Lat. 16 3' 30",
long. 76. Pop. (1872), 7314.
AMIRG AN J. Tillage in Rangpur district, Bengal. Lat. 22 55',
long. 91 21'.
AMIRGAON (AMEERGONG). Town in Noakhali district, Bengal.
Lat. 22 55', long. 91 21'.
AM JAR. River of Jhalawar State, Rajputana, flows into the Au, a
tributary of the Kali Sind.
AMJHERA. State in Malwa, Central India Agency ; between lat.
22 16' 22 47', and long. 74 40' 75 15'. Area, 584 sq. miles.
AMJHERA. Capital of Amjhera State, Central India Agency. Lat.
22 32', long. 75 10'.
AMLA. Town in the Dhar State. Lat. 23, long. 75 20'.
AMLA MATIA. Pargana in Santal Parganas district, Bengal. Pop.
(1881), 6758.
AMLL Town in the Udaipur State, Rajputana. Lat. 25 20',
long. 74 20'.
AMLIARA. State in Mahi Kantha, Bombay. Population (1881),
12,437. The Chief pays a tribute of 316 rupees to the Gaekwar.
AMMALLL Tillage in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 49.
AMMANIMA CHUT. Town in Coimbatore district, Madras. Lat.
11 44', long. 77 3'.
AMMAPETAL Town in Salem district, Madras. Lat. 12 9' 15",
long. 78 41'. Pop. (1881), 7003.
AMMATTL Tillage in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 1314.
AMMAYANAYAKANUR. State in Madura district, Madras. Lat.
10 22', long. 77 59'.
AMMENAIKAM. Village in Madura district, Madras, and station
for the Pulni Hills on railway.
AMNER. Town in Amraoti district, Berar. Pop. (1867), 1800.
AMNER. Town in Mgpur. Lat. 21 23', long. 78 29'.
AMNER or JILPI- AMNER. Dismantled fort in Ellichpur district,
Berar. Lat. 21 31' 45", long. 76 49' 30".
AMOD. Town (in subdivision of same name) in Broach district,
Bombay. Lat. 21 59' 30', long. 72 56' 15". Pop. (1881), 5822. The
residence of a Thakur, who owns 21,214 acres of land with a rent-roll of
about 8000 per annum. Area of subdivision, 176 sq. miles. Pop.
(1881), 39,641.
AMONA. Tillage in Quepem district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 447.
AMONA. Village in Bicholm district, Portuguese India. Pop. (1881),
AMORHA. Town in Gorakhpur district, N.W.P. Lat. 26 43', long.
82 27'.
AMORHA. Pargana in Basti district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 190,445.
AMOSI. Town in Lucknow district, Oudh. Pop. about 2350.
AMPTA (AMP ATA or OMPTA). Town in Hugh' district, Bengal ;
on the river Darnodar. Lat. 22 34' 30", long. 88 3' 12". Pop. (1869),
AMRABAD. Town in Haidaraba"d State. Lat. 16 23', long. 78 55'.
AMRAOTI. District of Berar, between lat. 20 25' 21 36' 45",
and long. 77 15' 30" 78 29' 30". Bounded on the north by Ellichpur
district, on the east by the river "Wardha, on the south by Basim and Wun
districts, and on the west by Akola and Ellichpur districts. Area, 2759
sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 575,328. The river Puma flows through the
AMRAOTI. Town and municipality in Berar; headquarters of
district of same name. Lat. 20 55' 45", long. 77 47' 30". Pop.
(1881), 23,550. A branch (State) railway of six miles joins the town
with the Great Indian Peninsula line at Badnera. Headquarters of
Amraoti district, and of the Commissionership of East Berar.
AMRAOTI. Taluk (in district of same name) in Berar. Area, 672
sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 163,456.
AMRAPTIR. State in Bewa Kantha, Bombay. Area, If sq. miles.
Lat. 21 36', long. 71 6'.
AMRAPUR. Town in Bellary district, Madras. Lat. 14 8', long.
77 2'.
AMRATJLI or TJMRATJLI. Village in Farrukhabad district,
KW.P. Lat. 27 28', long. 79 18'.
AMRAVATI. River in Coimbatore and Trichinopoli districts,
Madras; nearly exhausted by irrigation works; falls into the Kaveri
AMRAVATI. Town in Kistna district, Madras. Lat. 16 34' 45",
long. 80 24' 21". Pop. (1871), 2155. For account of the famous
Buddhist tope, see Mr. Fergusson's History of Indian Architecture.
AMRAVATI, or CHATIA HILL. Hill and remains of fort in
Cuttack district, Bengal. Lat. 26 37', long. 86 5'.
AMRELI (AMREELI, or TJMRETLEE). Town (in district of same
name) in Baroda State, Bombay. Lat. 21 36', long. 71 15' 15".
Pop. (1881), 13,642. Area of district, 1560 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
147,468. There is also a Mahal of the same name. Area, 319 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 40,673.
AMRL Village in Karachi district, Sind, Bombay. Lat. 26 10' 30",
Ions. 68 3' 30". Pop. 867.
AMRITA BAZAR (or MAGTJRA). Village in Jessor district, Bengal.
Lat. 23 9', long. 89 6'. The Bengali newspaper, "Amrita Bazar
Patrika," is published weekly in this village.
AMRITSAR (AMRITSIR or UMRITSUR). Division of the Punjab,
including the Amritsar, Gurdaspur, and Sialkot districts. Lying between
lat. 31 10' 33 50' 30", and long. 74 14' 45" 75 44' 30". Area, 5354
sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 2.729,109.
AMRITSAR (AMRITSIR or TJMRITSUR). District in Amritsar
division, Punjab. Between lat. 31 10' 32 13', and long. 74 24'
75 27'. Area, 1574 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 893,266. Bounded on the
north-west by the river Ravi, on the north east by the district of
Gurdaspur, on the south-east by the river Beas, and on the south-west
by the district of Lahore.
AMRITSAR. City in Amritsar district, Punjab, and headquarters of
the district and division. Lat. 31 37' 15", long. 74 55'. Pop. (1881),
151,896. The religious capital of the Sikhs. Founded by Guru Ram
Das, their apostle, in 1574.
AMRITSAR. Tahsil of Amritsar district. Between lat. 31 28' 15"
31 15', and long. 74 44' 30" 75 26' 15". Area, 550 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 430,418.
AMROHA. Ancient town and municipality (also the tahsfl in which
it is) in Moradabad district, N.W.P. Lat. 28 b 54' 40", long. 78 31' 5".
Pop. (1881), 36,145. Area of tahsil, 251 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
AMROHA. Thana in Moradabad district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
AMSIN. Pargana in Faizabad district, Oudh. Area, 107 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 59,378.
AMSOT. Thana in Bijnaur district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 4155.
AMTA. Thana in Howrah district, Bengal. Area, 103 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 109,968.
AMUD. Village in Hamirpur district, N.W.P. Lat. 25 43', long.
79 45'.
AMUR KASBA. Thana in Purniah district, Bengal. Area, 285 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 124,889.
AMIIRA BHAURIARL Village in Champaran district, Bengal. Lat.
26 47', long. 84 19'. Pop. (1872), 7031.
AMTJRGTTRH. Fortress in Kashmir State, Punjab. Lat. 32 57',
long. 74 18'.
AMTJRNATH. Cave amidst the mountains bounding Kashmir State,
on the north-east. Believed by the Hindus to be the residence of the
deity Siva. Lat. 34 15', long. 75 49'.
AMWA. Town in Gorakhpur district, N."W.P. Lat. 26 51', long.
84 16' 15". Pop. (1872), 6150. Area, 145 acres.
AN (AENGr). River in Kyouk-hpyii district, British Burma ; flows
into Combermere Bay.
AN (AENG). Town (and township) in Kyouk-hpyu district, British
Burma ; on the river of same name. There is here a pass over the Arakan
Yoma mountains, from Arakan to Independent Burma. Lat. 19 49' 30",
long. 94 4' 45". Pop. (1875), 1528. Area of township, 2833 sq miles.
Pop. (1876), 20,631.
ANAGAON. Town in Haidarabad State. Lat. 18 21', long. 77 30'.
ANAHADGARH. Town in Patiala State, Punjab. Pop. (1881),
ANAJL Town in Mysore State. Lat. 14 28', long. 76 1'.
ANAKAPAILE (ANAKAPILII). Town (also taluk and estate) in
Yizagapatam district, Madras. Town is on the river Saradanadi. Lat.
17 41' 20", long. 83 3'. Pop. (1881), 13,341. Population of taluk
(1871), 165,499. The estate consists of sixteen villages, paying a tribute
to the British Government of 3076 per annum.
ANAMALAI HILLS. Hills and mountain region, in Coimbatore
district and Travancore State, Madras; between lat. 10 13' 45"
10 31' 30", long. 76 52' 30" 77 23'.
ANAMALAI. Town in Coimbatore district, Madras. Lat. 10 35',
long. 76 59' 30". Pop. (1871), 22,293.
ANAMASAMUDRAPET. Yillage in Kellore district, Madras. Lat.
14 41' 40", long. 79' 43'. The mosque is of great antiquity, and the
scene of an annual festival which lasts nine days.
ANAN-BAW. Revenue circle in Shwe-gyeng district, British Burma.
Area, 270 sq. miles. Pop. (1876), 4418.
ANAND. Town in Kaira district, Bombay. Lat. 22 32' 30", long.
73 0' 45". Pop. (1881), 9271. Station on the Bombay, Baroda, and
Central India Railway.
ANAND. Subdivision in Kaira district, Bombay. Area, 243 sq.
sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 154,118.
ANANDPUR. Town in Kahlur State. Lat. 31 17', long. 76 36'.
ANANDPUR. State in Kathiawar, Bombay, paying a tribute to the
British Government of 71 10s. per annum.
ANANDPUR. Town and municipality in Hoshiarpur district, Punjab.
Lat. 31 15', long. 76 34'. Pop. (1881), 5878. The centre of great
annual religious fairs.
ANANDPUR. Village in Midnarmr district, Bengal. Lat. 21 41' 50",
long. 87 35' 30".
^ AN ANTAGIRL Tillage in Yizagapatam district, Madras; 3111 feet
high. Containing the residence of the Eaja of Yizianagram. Pop. 250.
ANANTAPUR. Town in Shimoga district, Mysore State. Lat.
14 4' 50", long. 75 15' 10". Pop. (1871), 711.
ANANTAPUR. Taluk in Bellary district, Madras. Area, 789 sq.
miles. Pop. (1871), 101,558. A centre of irrigation.
ANANTAPUR. Town and municipality in Bellary district, Madras.
Lat. 14 40' 58", long. 77 39'. Pop. (1881), 4907.
ANANTA.PUR. - Shrine in Cuddapah district, Madras, and scene of
the Ganga Jatra festival, where the blood of buffaloes and goats runs in
streams over the holy ground.
ANANTAPUR. District in Madras. Pop. (1881), 599,899.
AN ANT AS AGr ARAM. The ancient name of Hande Anantapur; a
town in the Bellary district, Madras. Lat. 14 40', long. 77 40'.
AN ANT AS AG ARAM. Town in Nellore district, Madras. Lat. 14
34' 30", long. 79 26' 30". Pop. 3086. Contains a fine mosque and
a tank built in A.D. 1522 of a peculiar construction.
ANANTAWAEAM. Town in Haidarabad State. Lat. 17 21', long.
81 16'.
ANATILA. Pargana in Gorakhpur district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
ANCHITTAI-DTJRGAM. Hill and fort in Salem district, Madras.
Lat. 12 21', long. 77 45' 45".
AND A. Thana in Bankura district, Bengal. Area, 329 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 119,321.
ANDAGOVE. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 245.
ANDAMAN ISLANDS. Group on east side of Bay of Bengal, form-
ing part of an Archipelago stretching from Cape Negrais in Burma to
Sumatra; between lat. 10 30' 13 45', and long. 92 15' 93 15'.
Contain Great Andaman group (including North Andaman, fifty-one miles
long ; Middle Andaman, fifty-nine miles ; South Andaman, forty-nine
miles ; Eutland Island, eleven miles), and Little Andaman Group (in-
cluding Little Andaman, twenty-eight miles long), and many surrounding
islands. Capital, Port Blair, on South Andaman. Area, 880 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 14,628. The convict-settlement for all India, and scene of
Lord Mayo's murder on 8th February, 1872.
ANDANIPURA. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 78.
AND AR. Ghat in South Kanara district, Madras. Lat. 13 20' 15",
long. 75 4' 30".
ANDARI (ANDARY). Town in Chhindwara district, Central
Provinces. Lat. 22 49', long. 79 34'.
ANDAW (Sacred Double Tooth). Famous pagoda in Sandoway
district, British Burma. Lat. 18 27' 15", long. 94 28'. Supposed to
have been built in A.D. 761, to hold the tooth of Gautama Buddha.
ANDHARGAON. Town in Bhandara district, Central Provinces.
Pop. (1881), 2917.
ANDHIARL Thana in Gonda district, Oudh. Pop. (1881), 58,681.
ANDHRA. Estate in Vizagapatam district, Madras. Lat. 18 20' 45",
long. 83 15'. Pop. (1871), 7872.
ANDIPATTI. Hills in Madura district, Madras. Lat. of chief peak
9 56', long. 77 44' 30".
ANDIPATTI. Town in Madura district, Madras. Lat. 10, long.
77 40'. Pop. (1871), 7684. There is a pagoda endowed by the British
Government to the extent of 24 per annum.
ANDIYAR. Town in Coimbatore district, Madras. Lat. 11 34' 45",
long. 77 37' 45"; pop. (1871) 6135.
ANDREW BAY. On the coast of Arakan, British Burma, fourteen
miles south of the entrance of the Sandoway river. The centre of the
bay is about lat. 18 16', long. 94 16'.
ANDRHA. Ancient name of a kingdom on the east coast of India,
capital Warangal.
ANDRYTI. Rapid mountain torrent in Bashahr State, Punjab, rising
inlat. 31 2-i', long. 78 1'. It appears to be mentioned by Hodgson
under the name of Indravati.
ANDTJR. Town in Suran district, Bengal. Lat. 26 4', long.
84 22".
ANDUBI. Town in AVardha district, Central Provinces. Lat. 20 33',
long. 78 32'.
ANEAMSAGTJR Town in Haidarabad State. Lat. 18 9', long. 79 4'.
ANECHATJKUR. Toll station in Coorg, Southern India, on the road
through the Western Ghats, by which a large portion of the produce
of the State passes down to the Malabar coast. The traffic returns for
1874-75 give a total of 13,099 carts and 16,408 pack bullocks.
ANEKAL. Taluk in Bangalore district, Mysore. Lat. (centre)
12 42' 40", long. 77 44'. Area, 178 sq. miles. Pop. (1871), 55,895.
ANEKAL. Town and municipality in Bangalore district, Mysore
State. Lat. 12 42' 40", long. 77 44'. Pop. (1871), 6612.
ANGADIPURAM Town in Malabar district, Madras. Lat. 10 58'
55", long. 76 16' 51". Pop. (1871), 7644.
ANGARBARL Peak of Saranda Hills, Singbhum district, Bengal ;
height 2137 feet. Lat. 20 30', long. 85 37' 30".
ANGEVIDA. Island in Portuguese India. Area, 1-5 sq. miles.
Pop. 97.
ANGEY KYOITNG. A long and narrow island, off the coast of Arakan.
British Burma. Lat. 19 47' 20 4', long. 9;3 10'.
ANGHAD. Taluka in Rewa Kantha, Bombay. Area, 3 sq. miles.
ANGHARAH. Town in Nepal State. Lat. 29 58', long. 81 40'.
ANG-TONG. Town in Siam, on left bank of Menam river. Lat. 15
35', long. 101 20'.
ANGTSTJ. Town in Nepal State. Lat. 29 52', long. 81 50'.
ANGTJL. State (forfeited to British Government) in Orissa Tributary
Mahals, Bengal. Between lat. 20 32' 5" 21 10' 55', and long. 84 18'
10" 85 42' 45". Area, 881 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 101,903.
ANGUL. Village, and capital of State, Orissa, Bengal. Lat. 20 47'
50", long. 85 1' 26".
AN GYI. Township in Rangoon district, British Burma. Between
lat. 16 18' 16 45', and long. 95 54' 96 23'. Area, 600 sq. miles.
Pop. (1876), 75,147. Capital is Twante.
ANI or URNL Village in Alfgarh district, N.W.P. Lat. 27 52',
long. 77 54'.
ANIAH. Village in Bulandshahr district, KW.P. Lat. 28 6',
long. 77 58'.
ANIGIRL Town in Dharwar district, Bombay. Lat. 15 25', long.
75 30'.
ANIKUL. Town in Mysore State. Lat. 12 44', long. 77 44'.
AN J AN AGERIBETTAGERI. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop.
(1881), 548.
AN JANG AON. Town and municipality in Ellichpur district, Berar,
on the Shamir river. Lat. 21 10' 30", long. 77 20' 30". Pop. (1881),
9842. Noted in history as the scene of the Treaty (1803) which crushed
the power of the Mahrattas.
ANJANGAON BAEI. Town in Amraoti district, Berar. Pop.
(1867), 3123.
ANJANWEL. Port in Ratnagiri district, Bombay. Lat. 17 33',
long. 73 13'.
ANJAR. Town in Cutch State, Bombay. Lat. 23 5' 45', long. 70,
9' 45'. Pop. (1881), 12,584.
ANJE-DIVA or ANJADIPA. An island distant upwards of two
miles from the coast of North Kanara, About a mile in length, and
possessed by the Portuguese. Lat. 14 45', long. 74 10'.
ANJENGO. Town in Malabar district (but enclosed with the territory
of Travancore State), Madras. Lat. 8 40', long. 76 47' 50". Pop.
(1871), 2410.
ANJI. Town in "Wardha district, Central Provinces; on the Dham
river. Pop. (1881), 2530.
AN JIN AD. Valley and mountain district of Travancore State,
Madras. Area, 231 sq. miles.
ANJTJNA. Village in Bardez district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 7156.
ANJUNEM. Tillage in Satari district, Portuguese India, Pop.
(1881), 133.
ANKANAHALLL Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 97.
ANKEWALLIA. State in Kathiawar, Bombay ; consists of three
villages, with two independent tribute payers. Estimated revenue
(1876), 1486 ; tribute paid to the British Government, 130.
AN-KHYOTJNG. Revenue circle in Kyouk-hpyu. district, British
Burma. Area, 481 sq. miles. Pop. (1876), 3036.
ANKLESWAR. Town (in subdivision of same name) in Broach
district, Bombay. Lat. 21 37' 58", long. 73 2' 50". Pop. (1881),
9535. A station on the Bombay, Baroda, and Central India Railway.
There is also a subordinate Judge's Court and Post Office. Area of
subdivision, 294 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 65,054.
ANKOLA. Port (in subdivision of same name) in North Kanara
district, Bombay. Lat. 14 39' 30", long. 74 20' 55". Area of sub-
division, 367 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 34,189.
ANKRL Town in Haidarabad State. Lat. 19 14', long. 78 27'.
AN- LET- WAI. Revenue circle in Kyouk-hpyu district, British
Burma, Area. 1200 sq. miles. Pop. (1876-77), 2105.
AN-LET-YA. Revenue circle in Kyouk-hpyu district, British Burma.
Pop. 3469.
ANNADARARUPAD. Town in Godavari, in the British district of
Rajahmahendri, of Madras. Lat. 17 7', long. 81 40'.
ANNAMARAZPET. Village in Vizngapatam district, Madras; once
the residence of a branch of the Vizianagram family, by whom Sri
Venugopala Swamf was established here and a large pagoda built.
Endowment 363, derived from land.
AON 29
ANN ANT AGHERRL Town in Haidarabad State. Lat. 17 3',
long. 80 3'.
ANN AV ARAM. Town in Yizagapatam district, Madras. Lat. 17
50', long. 83.
ANN AWTJTTL Town in Mysore State. Lat. 14 33', long. 75 12'.
ANNIGERL Town in Dharwar district, Bombay. Lat. 15 24' 52",
long. 75 28' 31". Pop. (1872), 7098.
ANNTITRAM. Village in Etawah district, N.W.P. Lat. 26 36',
long. 79 18'.
ANOUK-BHET. Township in Tavoy district, British Burma, con-
taining the large sweet- water lake Hien-tsai, fifteen miles long and from
six to eight broad. Pop. (1876), 26,732.
ANTA DHARA. Pass in Kumaun district, N.W.P. ; leading to
Thibet; elevation, 17,500 feet. Lat. 30 35', long. 80 17'. For eleven
months of the year the pass is covered with snow.
ANTAURAH. Town in Hardoi district, Oudh. Lat. 27 40', long.
80 6'.
ANTORA. Port in Colaba district, Bombay. Lat. 19 14', long.
73 18' 30".
ANTRAVEDI. Shrine in Godavari district, Madras; at mouth of
Vasishtha branch of Godavari river. During the Kalyanam festival,
which lasts five days, as many as 20,000 pilgrims visit the sacred
ANTRI. Town in Gwalior State, Central India Agency. Close
to this spot the celebrated battle of Punniar was fought (Dec. 1843), when
the Marhattas were totally defeated by the British troops, under General
Grey. Lat. 26 3', long. 78 16'.
ANUMAKONDA. Ancient capital of the kings of Warangal.
ANUNDPUR. A town in the native state of Jutt, one of the
Satara jaghires, distant S.E. from Satara eighty-nine miles. Lat. 16
54', long. 75 9'.
ANUNDPUR. Town in Midnapur district, Bengal. Lat. 22 35',
long. 87 30'.
ANUPGARH (ANOPGURH). Town in Bikaner State, Rajputana.
Lat 29 14', long. 73 26'.
ANUPSHAHR. Town and municipality (in tahsil of same name), in
Bulandshahr district, N.W.P. Lat. 28 21', long. 78 18' 55". Pop.
(1881), 8234. Area of tahsil, 448 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 213,294.
Also pargana. Pop. (1881), 67,820.
ANWARGANJ. Thana in Cawnpore district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
ANWULKHERA or UMURKHERA. Town in Agra district, N.W.P.
Lat. 27 19', long. 78 12'.
AONGTHA. Town in Independent Burma. Lat. 22 39', long.
94 58'.
AONLA (AONLAGANJ, AOUNLAH). Town (in tahsil of same
name) in Bareilly district, N.W.P. Lat. 28 16' 25", long. 79 12'
25". Pop. (1881), 13,108. On a branch of the river Aril. Area of
30 A0ff ATU
tahsil, 308 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 197,636. Also thana" in same
district. Pop. (1881), 69,353. And pargana. Pop. (1881), 81,808.
AOTJGASL Town in Banda, N W.P. Lat. 25 40', long. 80 50'.
ACTING or AUN. Village in Fatehpur district, N.W.P. Lat. 26 9',
long. 80 38'.
API. Town in Nepal State. Lat. 30, long. 81.
APPARATJPETT. Town in Haidarabad State. Lat! 19 16', long.
78 14'.
APPECHERLTI (APPICHERLA). Town in Bellary district, Madras.
Pop. (1871), 3069.
gapatam district, Madras. Lat. 17 40', long. 83 25'. Pop. 753.
APPUSHETTALLI. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 44.
APPUWA. Village in Arakan, British Burma. Lat. 20 50', long.
93 1'.
APTA. Town in Thana (Tanna) district, Bombay. Lat. 18 51',
long. 73 12'.
APTI Village in Nagar-Aveli district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 210.
ARABTJL. "Waterfall in Kashmir State, on the Veshau, tributary of
the Jhelum. Lat. 33 37', long. 74 52'.
ARACHALTJR. Village in Coimbatore district, Madras. Pop. (1871),
ARACHL Town in Salem district, Madras. Lat. 11 7', long.
78 30'.
ARAIL. Town (in tahsil of same name) in Allahabad district, N.W.P.
Lat. 25 25', long. 81 56'. Area of tahsil, 249 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
ARAKAN. Division of British Burma, situate between the sea and
the Arakan Yoma Mountains ; it contains four districts Arakan Hill
Tracts, Akyab, Kyouk-hpyu, and Sandoway, with an area of 14,526 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881),' 587,518. Headquarters of Commissioner are at
ARAKAN. lliver flowing into the Bay of Bengal, in lat. 2C 5', long.
92 57'.
ARAKAN HILL TRACTS. District in Arakan division, British
Burma. Between lat. 20 44' 22 29', and long. 92 44' 93 52'.
Area, 1015 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 14,499. Bounded on the north and
east by unexplored regions towards Manipur and Independent Burma ;
on the south by the Akyab district, on the west by the Chittagong dis-
trict. The Kuladan, the chief river, is navigable 120 miles above Akyab,
beyond which there are numerous rapids and shallows. The district,
which was originally within the jurisdiction of Akyab, was made a
separate division in 1865, and placed under a Superintendent, aided by an
ARAKAN YOMA (or ROMA). Mountains separating Arakan
division, British Burma, from Independent Burma. Highest peak,
7100 feet. ' The chief pass, called Aeng, is upwards of 4000 feet in
ARAL. River, by which Lake Manchhar discharges its waters into
the Indus (in Karachi district).
ARALLY. Tillage in Quepem district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 852.
ARAMBOL. Village in Pernem district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 2127.
ARAMERL Tillage in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 1108.
ARAN. River extending about 100 miles through the Basim district,
Berar, and falling into the Penganga at Chinta.
ARANG. Town in Raipur district, Central Provinces ; on the
Mahanadi river. Pop. (1881), 4608.
ARAPETTU. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 314.
ARARAT. Village in Champaran district, Bengal. Lat. 26 33' 30",
long. 84 42' 15". About a mile south-west is a monolith of polished
granite, on which are cut, in well-preserved letters, portions of Asoka's
edicts ; the pillar is 36 feet high; diameter at the base, 4T8 inches, at
the top, 37-6 inches.
ARARIYA. Town (in subdivision of same name) in Purniah district,
Bengal. Lat. 26 9' 15", long. 87 32' 56". Pop. (1872), 1498. Area
of subdivision, 1044 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 401,679. Also thana.
Area, 431 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 200,012.
ARA8ALAR. A mouth of the Cauvery (Kaveri) in Tanjore district,
Madras. Falls into the sea at Karikal. Lat. 10 55', long. 79 56'.
ARASINAGTJPPE. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 21.
ARAUL. Village in Mainpuri district, N.W.P. Lat 27 8', long.
78 45'.
ARAUN. See Aulx.
district, Madras. Lat. 10 46' 30", long. 77 57'. Pop. (1871),
ARATALLI HILLS. Range of mountains in Rajputana, traversing
the Rajput States and the district of Ajmere-Mhairwara from south-west
to north-east. Length of range, 300 miles ; breadth varying from six
to 60 miles; average height, 1000-3000 feet, the highest point being
Mount Abu (5650 feet), the summer residence of the Governor-General's
Agent, Rajputana.
ARATATTOKKALU. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 613.
ARAWTJD. Town in Khandesh district, Bombay. Lat. 21 10',
long. 75 39'.
ARAZL Municipality in Karachi, Sind, Bombay. Lat. 26 28',
long. 67 49'. Pop. (1872), 2039.
ARGOT, NORTH. District in Madras; between lat. 12 21' 14
10' 45", andlong.7814 / 45" 80 13'. Area, 1256 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
1,817,814. Bounded on the west by Mysore State, on the south by
Salem, on the east by Chingleput, and on the north by Cuddapah and
JSTellore. The chief mountains are the Eastern Ghats, the Nagari Hills,
the Jawadi range. The principal river is the Palar. Chief town,
Tellore; Wallajapet and Arcot are also cities of note. The district,
which passed into the possession of the British between the years 1792-
1801, is administered by a Collector-Magistrate, and staff.
ARGOT. Town (in taluk of same name) in North Arcot district,
Madras, included in the cession of the Carnatic to the British in
1801. Lat, 12 55' 23", long. 79 24' 14". Pop. (1881), 10,718.
Historically famous, especially for the defence by Clive in 1751.
The railway station of Arcot is five miles distant. The European
station is called Ranipet. The Prince of Arcot is the first native noble-
man in Madras, and has a salute of 15 guns. Pop. of taluk (1871),
ARCOT, SOUTH. District in Madras; between lat. 11 10' 30"
12 38' 30", and long. 78 33' 30" 80 2' 15". Area, 4873 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 1,814,738. Bounded on the north by Chingleput and
North Arcot districts, on the east by the sea, on the south by Trichi-
nopoli district, and on the west by Salem district. The chief mountains
are the Kalniyan and Jawadi ranges. Chief rivers, the Coleroon, Yellar,
and Paravanar. Chief town, Cuddalore ; also Chidamburam and Porto
Novo. In the eighteenth century South Arcot was the scene of the
memorable struggles between the French and English forces ; indeed, in
1758, Cuddalore and other towns were more than once captured by the
former power, and recovered again by the British. Pondicherri, which
at the time was in the hands of the East India Company, was restored to
the French in 1785, and remains to this day one of their possessions
in the East. The district is administered by a Collector and Magistrate,
with the usual staff.
ARDABAK. Village in Twenty-four arganas district, Bengal.
ARDANJL Town inTanjore district, Madras. Lat. 10 1 1', long. 79 3'.
ARDYSIR. Town in Cutch State, Bombay. Lat. 23 38', long.
70 50'.
AREHALLL Tillage in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 60.
AREKADU. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 580.
AREYUR. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 80.
ARGAUM. Town in Akola district, Berar. Lat. 21 2', long. 77 2'.
Kear here, Sir A. "Wellesley (afterwards Duke of Wellington) defeated
the Marhattas on 28th Nov. 1803. A medal commemorative of this
campaign was struck in 1851.
ARHAR NARWARGAON. Town in Chanda district, Central
Provinces. Pop. (1881), 2035.
ARIADAHA. Village in Twenty-four Parganas, Bengal. Lat.
22 40', long. 88 25'.
ARIAKOD. Town in Malabar district, Madras. Lat. 11 14' 10",
long. 76 3' 21". Pop. (1871), 5089. Situated on the south bank of the
Beypore river.
ARIAKTJPTIM. Fort in the French territory of Pondicherri, in South
Arcot district, Madras ; situated 1 J mile south-west of the town in
question. Lat. 11 53', long. 79 42'.
ARIAL KHAN. River of Bengal, between lat. 22 37' 30"-
23 26', and long. 90 7' 30" 90 33' 45", in Fandpur and Bakarganj
ARIANKAVTJ. Village, pass, and shrine in Travancore State,
Madras. Lat. 8 58' 45", long. 77 11' 15".
ARIAPAD. Shrine in Travancore State, Madras, to which devotees
repair annually in April. Lat. 9 17', long. 76 29' 51".
ARI JAIL Village in Shikarpur district, Sind, Bombay. Lat. 27
24', long. 68 9'.
ARING or ATJRTTNG. Town in Muttra district, N.W.P. The
scene of Holkar's defeat by the British under General Lake, on 7th Oct.
1804. Lat. 27 29', long. 77 36'.
ARING. Thana in Muttra district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 18,974.
ARIPADGA. Town in Arakan, British Burma. Lat. 21 6', long.
92 33'.
ARIPUR or HARIPUR. Town in Ghazipur district, N.W.P. Lat.
25 49', long. 84 2'.
ARJL Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 997.
ARJITNL Estate in the Bhandara district, Central Provinces (10
villages). Area, 21 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 1516.
ARJTTNPTJR. Village between llardoi district, Oudh, and Farrukh -
abad district, N.W.P. Pop. (1869), 2469.
ARKAIRY. Town in Haidarabad State. Lat. 16 50', long. 77 6'.
ARK AL GAD. Town and municipality in Hassan district, Mysore
State. Lat. 12 46', long. 76 5' 40". Pop. (1871), 3923.
ARKANAHALLL Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 25.
ARK AV ATI. River in Mysore State, falling into the Cauvery
ARKONAM (ARCONUM). Town in North Arcot district, Madras.
Lat. 13 5' 15", long. 79 42' 56". Pop. (1881), 3220. The junction
station of the South- West, North- West, and Carnatic Railways.
and lighthouse on the coast of Madras, Nellore district. Lat. 13 53',
long. 80 17'. Scene of early English settlement. The lighthouse is
75 feet above high-water mark, being visible for more than twelve miles.
ARMORI. Town in Chanda district, Central Provinces, on the Wain-
ganga river. Pop. (1881), 5584.
ARMOYAMCOTTA. - Town in Madura district, Madras. Lat. 9 40',
long. 78 56'.
ARNALA (ARN ALL A) .Island in Tanna district, Bombay, off the
Waitarna river. The fort, then held by the Marhattas, was besieged by
General Godclard in 1781.
ARNATMANGALAM. Village in Madura district, Madras, inhabited
by a peculiar race of people known as Arambukutan Vallalas.
ARNL Town in Haidarabad State. Lat. 20 4', long. 78 4'.
ARNI. Town (in jagir of same name) in North Arcot district, Madras.
Lat. 12 40' 23", long. 79 19' 31". Pop. (1881), 4812. Area of jagir,
103,961 acres. Pop. (1871), 77,679. The town formerly contained a fort,
now in ruins, which was stormed by Clive in 1751, while later in 1782
Sir Eyre Coote defeated the Mysoreans, aided by the .French under the
celebrated Lally.
AROR. Ruined town in Shikarpur district, Sind, Bombay, formerly
the capital of the Hindu Rajas of Sind. There is a mosque, which is
still an object of veneration. Lat. 27 0' 39", long. 68 59'.
ARPALLI. Pargana in Chanda district, Central Provinces ; between
lat. 19 28' 15" 19 49' 45", and long. 79 48' 15" 80 11' 30". Area,
440 sq. miles.
ARRAH. Town and municipality (in subdivision of same name), and
headquarters of Shahabad. A station on the E.I.R. Lat. 25 33' 46",
long. 84 42' 22". Pop. (1881), 42,998. Noteworthy as the scene of a
gallant defence during the mutiny of 1857, when a few Englishmen, with
a handful of Sikhs, held two buildings against the rebels for eight days,
till relieved by Vincent Eyre. Area of subdivision, 915 sq. miles. Pop.
(1881), 700,273. Also thana, Area, 354 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
ARRAH CANAL. Branch of the Son Canal system in Shahabad
district, Bengal ; 55 miles in length.
ARRIATUR. To\vn in Trichinopoli, Madras. Lat. 1 1 8', long. 79 8'.
ARRULL. Town in Cutch State, Bombay. Lat. 23 26', long. 69 II 7 .
ARSIKERE. Village in Hassan district, Mysore State, containing
numerous temples. Lat. 13 18' 38", long. 76 17' 41".
ARUL. A watercourse, or channel, in Sind, Bombay, proceeding from
the south-eastern part of Lake Manchur (an expansion of the Narra), and
discharging its water into the Indus, on the western side, about four
miles below Sehwan, after a course of upwards of twelve miles. It falls
into the Indus in lat. 26 24', long. 67 55'.
ARIIN. River of Thibet and Nepal, falls into the Kusi. Its course
is about 310 miles.
ARTJNDANGI. Ancient fort and territory in Madura district, Madras ;
in early times a place of considerable importance.
ARUNDAWULL. Town in Jaipur State, Vizagapatam district,
Madras. Lat. 18 24', long. 82 12'.
ARUNG. Town in Eaipur district, Central Provinces. Lat. 21 11',
long. 82.
ARUPPTJKOTAL Town in Madura district, Madras. Pop. (1881),
ARUVATTAKLTT. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 328.
ARVALEM. Village in Bicholm district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 374.
ARVI. Town and municipality (in subdivision of same name) in
Wardha district, Central Provinces. Lat. 20 59' 45", long. 78 16' 16".
Pop. (1881), 8072. Contains a shrine at which both Hindus and Mu-
hammadans worship. Area of subdivision, 877 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
ARWAL. Thana in Gaya district, Bengal. Area, 224 sq. miles
Pop. (1881), 110,435.
ARWAL. Village in Gaya district, Bengal. Lat. 25 14' 43", long.
84 42' 30". Formerly the centre of paper manufacture.
ARWAL. Village in Hardoi district, Oudh. Pop. (1869), 2242.
ARWAPULLL Town in Haidarabad State. Lat. 1 7 20', long. 79 34'.
ARYALUR. Town in Trichinopoli district, Madras. Lat. 11 8' 20",
long. 79 6' 40". Pop. (1881), 5871. Headquarters of a Deputy Collector
and Assistant Magistrate.
ASADPTJR. Pargana in Budaun district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
ASAISH (ASAYASH, called also KAHISH). Village in TJnao
district, Oudh. Pop. (1869), 1815.
ASAMAU or HUSESMAU. Village in Cawnpore district, N.W.P.
Lat. 26 15', long. 79 55'.
AS ANSOL. Village in Bardwan District, Bengal. Lat. 23 42', long.
87 1'. Railway station on the East Indian Railway. Area, 272 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 98,842.
ASARUR Village in Gujranwala district, Punjab, containing a large
mound, with ancient ruins.
ASASUNI. Village in the district of the Twenty-four Parganas,
Bengal. The scene of an annual fair. Lat. 22 33', long. 89 13'.
Area, 137 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 62,412.
ASERGARH. Town in JN T imar district, Central Provinces. Pop.
(1881), 2437.
ASHE-MYOTTK. Township in Tavoy district, British Burma. Pop.
ASHE-TOTJNG. Township in Tavoy district, British Burma. Pop.
ASHTA. Town in Haidarabad State. Lat. 19 22', long. 76 19'.
ASHTA. Town in Bhopal State. Lat. 23, long. 76 41'. Pop.
(1881), 5793.
ASHTA. Municipal town in Satara district, Bombay, where an annual
fair is held every June, at which upwards of 5000 persons assemble. Lat.
lb 57', long. 74 27' 5". Pop. (1881), 9548.
ASHTAGRAM. Division in Mysore State, containing two districts,
Mysore and Hassan. Between lat. 11 40' 13 33', and long. 75 31'
77 27'. Area, 4859 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 1,448,372.
ASHTEH. Town in Haidarabad State. Lat. 18 49', long. 75 15'.
ASHTI or ASHTA. Town in Sholapur district, Bombay. Lat. 17
50', long. 75 29'.
ASHTI. Town in "Wardha district, Central Provinces. Lat. 21 12',
long 78 13' 30". Pop. (1881), 5245.
ASHWAPUR. Town in Haidarabad State. Lat. 17 50', long.
80 54'.
ASHWARAUPETTA. Town in Haidarabad State. Lat. 17 15',
81 11'.
ASIRGARH. Fortress in Mmar district, Central Provinces, situate
on a spur of the Satpura range. It stands at an elevation of 850 feet,
and is a place of great strength : it fell, however, into the hands of
General Wellesley in 1803, when it was restored to Sindhia; it was
again recaptured in 1819, after a siege of twenty days. It is now
garrisoned by British troops. Lat. 21 28' 19", long. 76 20' 9".
ASIWAN. Town in Unao district, Oudh, in pargana of the same
name. Lat. 26 48' 35", long. 80 29' 40". Pop. (1869), 5817. Area
of pargana, 100 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 60,119.
ASKA (ASIKA). Town (in an estate of the same name) in Ganjam
district, Madras. Lat. 19 36' 35", long. 84 42' 6". Pop. (1881), 3909.
In the town there are large sugar -works, under English supervision,
employing upwards of 1000 hands.
ASKOT. Town in Kumaun district, N.AV.P. Lat. 29 46', long. 80 22'.
Also pargana. Pop. (1881), 8637.
ASMAH. Town in Maimansinh district, Bengal. Lat. 24 53', long.
90 53'.
ASMOLL Thana in Moradabad district, 1ST.W.P. Pop. (1881),
ASOHA. Village in Unao district, Oudh. Lat. 26 38', long. 80
56'. Pop. (1862), 1251, with only one Muhammadan.
ASOHA PARS AND AN. Pargana in Unao district, Oudh. Area,
44 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 20,242.
ASOPHGARH. Village and fort in Bijnaur district, KW.P. Lat.
29 45', long. 78 15'.
ASOTHAR. Thana in Fatehpur district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
ASPERI. Town in Bellary district, Madras. Pop. (1871), 1772.
Railway station on the Madras Railway.
ASPUR. Village in Bareilly district, N.W.P. Lat. 28 26', long.
79 33'.
ASSAGAO. Village in Bardez district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 3356.
ASSAM. An extensive province at the north-eastern extremity of
India, consisting of the valleys of the Brahmaputra and the Barak or
Surma with the mountains between. Between lat. 23 58' 30" 28 17',
and long. 89 46' 97 5'. Area, 46,341 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
4,881,426. Headquarters and residence of the Chief Commissioner,
Shillong, in the Khasi Hills. Assam is bounded on the north by the
Himalaya Mountains, the frontier tribes from west to east being suc-
cessively Bhutias, Akas, Daphlas, Miris, Abars, and Mishmis ; on the
north-east by the Mishmi Hills, around the head of the Brahmaputra
valley ; on the east by unexplored mountain regions on the frontier of
Independent Burma, by the Naga Hills, and Manipur State ; on the
south by the Lushai Hills, Hill Tipperah State, and the Tipperah district ;
on the west by Maimansinh and Rangpur districts, Kuch Behar State,
and Jalpaiguri district. Assam, which was ceded to the British by the
treaty of Yandabu on 24th Feb. 1826, was, together with other districts,
constituted into a separate Province under the control of a Chief Com-
missioner in 1874. The chief industry is the cultivation of tea, of which
not less than 19,000,0001bs. are produced annually.
ASSANPUR. Thana in Murshidabad district, Bengal. Area, 19 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 16,116.
ASS APUR Town in Indore State, Central India Agency. Lat. 22
18', long. 75 39.
ASSAYE. Village in Haidarabad State, close to the Berar frontier.
Lat. 20 15' 15", long. 75 56' 15". Scene of battle (23rd September,
1803), in which Sir A. Wellesley (afterwards Duke of Wellington) de-
feated the Marhattas under Sindhia and Raghaji Bhonsla. A me.dal was
struck in 1851, to commemorate this triumph.
ASSEAGAUM. Town in Haidarabad State. Lat. 20 9', long.
77 22'.
ASSIA. Hills in Cuttack district, Bengal, containing some famous
relics of antiquity.
ASSODEM. Village in Satari district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 81.
ASSOLDA. Village in Quepeni district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 704.
ASSOLNA. Village in Salsette district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 3856.
ASSONORA. Village in Bardez district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 2907.
ASSURILLL Town in Haidarabad State. Lat. 18 40', long. 80 13'.
ASUN. River in Dehra Dun district, N.W.P., falling into the Jumna
on the left side, a short distance below Raj ghat. The source is in lat.
30 20', long. 78 4', at an elevation of 2148 feet above the sea. The
confluence is in lat. 30 26', long. 77 43'.
ASUN or AHSIN. River in Gwalior State, Central India Agency.
It joins the Kuari, which, sixty-five miles lower down, falls into the
river Sindh. The total length of course of the Asun is about eighty miles.
ASURGARH FORT. Ruins in Purniah district, Bengal.
ATA. Tahsil of Jalaun district, N.W.P., between the Jumna and the
Betwa. Area, 444 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 82,003.
ATA. Thana in Jdlaun district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 18,006.
ATAK. Town, municipality, and fort (in tahsil of same name) in
Rawal Pindi district, Punjab. Lat. 33 53' 15", long. 72 16' 45".
Pop. (1881), 4210. The fort is on a height over the Indus, opposite its
junction with the Kabul river. The communication across the Indus is
maintained by a bridge of boats for eight months in the year, and for the
remaining four by a ferry. Area of tahsil, 568 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
ATAL. Village in Nagar-Aveli district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 616.
ATALMALICA. Town in Keunjhar State. Orissa, Bengal. Lat.
21 14', long. 85 12'.
ATARI. Village in Multan district, Punjab, with interesting ruins.
ATARSTIMBA. District in Amreli division, Baroda State. Area,
90 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 27,847.
ATASARAI. Village in P;.tna district, Bengal. Centre of the
tobacco trade of Behar. Lat. 25 9', long. 85 13'. Pop. (1872), 4621 .
ATCHAVERAM. Village in Tanjore district, Madras. Lat. 10 38',
long. 79 34' 15". Pop. (1871), 1667. A place of historical importance
during the middle of the eighteenth century.
ATEHA. Pargana in Partabgarh district, Oudh. Area, 79 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 45,152.
ATER. Town in Gwalior State, Central India Agency, on the right
bank of the Chambal. Lat. 26 44', long. 78 43'.
ATGAON. Chiefship in Sambalpur district, Central Provinces. Pop.
(1881), 11,833.
ATH AR AB AI7KA. River, in the Twenty four Parganas district,
Bengal. "With other rivers it forms the Matla River, and falls into the
Bay of Bengal under that name.
ATHARABANKA. Eiver in Jessor district, Bengal, twenty miles in
ATHARA MURA. Hills in Hill Tipperah State, Bengal. Lat.
23 25' 24, long. 91 43'.
ATHARBAN. Pargana in Allahabad district, 1ST.W.P. Pop. (1881),
ATHAY GYI. Eevenue circle in Bassein district, British Burma.
Area, 15 sq. miles. Pop. (1876), 1542.
ATHBARCEM. Village in Sanguem district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 1326.
ATHGrARH. State in Orissa, between lat. 20 25' 35" 20 41' 35",
and long. 84 34' 25" 85 54'. Area, 168 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 31,079.
Bounded on the north by Dhenkanal State ; on the east by Cuttack
district ; on the south by the Mahanadi river ; and on the west by the
Tigaria and Dhenkanal States.
ATHGA.RH, Village in the state of the same name, containing the
Raja's residence. Lat. 20 31' 30", long. 85 40' 31".
ATHGATH. Town in Agra district, KW.P. Lat. 26 47', long.
78 47'.
ATHG AW AN. Pargana in Benares district, N.AV.P. Pop. (1881),
ATHIR ALA. Shrine on the Cheyair river, Cuddapah district, Madras,
having a small endowment ; the pond in this temple is deemed peculiarly
holy, and during the festival of Sivaratri, held in February, many pilgrims
repair to the spot.
ATHMALLIK. Tributary State in Orissa, Bengal; between lat.
10 36' 55" 21 5' 30", and long. 84 18' 20" 84 50' 30". Area, 730
sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 21,774^ Bounded on the north by Radhakol
State, Central Provinces ; on the east by Angul State, Bengal ; on the
south by the Mahanadi river and Bod ; and on the west by Sonpur and
Kadhakol States, Central Provinces. The Chief pays a tribute of 48 to
the British Government.
ATHNI. Town (in subdivision of same name) in Belgaum district,
Bombay. Lat. 16 43' 45", long. 75 6' 30". Pop. (1881), 11,186.
A centre of trade, and chief rural market in Belgaum. Area of sub-
division, 787 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 105,961.
ATHTIT. Revenue circle (also river) in Bassein district, British
Burma. Area, 84 sq. miles. Pop. (1876), 4528.
ATHTIT. River in Bassein district, British Burma.
ATIA. Subdivision of Maimansirih district, Bengal, between lat.
23 57' 30" 24 49', and long. 89 43' 90 16' 15". Area, 1061 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 754,241.
ATKA. Town in Hazaribagh district, Bengal. Lat. 24 6', long.
85 49'.
ATMAKUR Taluk in Nellore district, Madras. Area, 618 sq. miles.
Pop. (1871), 103,802. A centre of the indigo trade; also contains some
fine temples and mosques.
ATMAKUR. Town (in taluk of same name) in Nellore district,
Madras. Pop. (1871), 3424.
ATNER. Town in Betiil district, Central Provinces. Pop. (1881), 2429.
ATOLA. Tillage in Nagar-Aveli district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 580.
ATORNL Tillage in Agra district, N. W.P. Lat. 27 13', long. 77 58'.
AT-PADI. Town in the State of Aundh, Satara district, Eombay.
Lat. 17 25' 25", long. 74 59'. Pop. (1872), 6531.
ATP ARL Town in Satara district, Bombay. Lat. 17 26', long.
75. Pop. (1881), 5841.
ATKAFA BALD A. District in Haidarabad State. Area, 3438 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 379,748.
ATRAI. River flowing through Dinajpur, Rajshahi and Pabna
districts, Bengal, for a distance of about 250 miles ; finally joius the
Ganges in the latter district, under the name of the Bnral.
ATRANJI KHERA. Mound in Etah district, N.W.P. ; abounding in
ancient coins and sculptures. Lat. 27 40', long. 78 45' 15".
ATRAUBA TELHENL Town in Azamgarh district, KW.P. Lat.
26 20', long. 82 56'.
ATRAULA. Tahsil in Gonda district, Oudh. Pop. (1881), 556,729.
ATRAULA. Thana in Gonda district, Oudh. Pop. (1881), 122,596.
ATRAULI. Municipal town (in tahsi'l of same name) in Ah'garh
district, KW.P. Lnt. 28 1' 50", long. 78 19' 40". Area, 163 acres.
Pop. (1881), 14,374. Area of tahsil, 226,371 acres. Pop. (1881),
146,536. Also pargana. Pop. (1881), 72,574.
ATRAULI. Town in Hardoi district, Oudh. Pop. (1869), 2651.
ATRAULI. Town in Gonda district, KW.P. Pop. (1881), 5825.
ATRAULI. Thana in Ah'garh district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 57.831.
ATRAULI. Thana in Hardoi district, Oudh. Pop. (1881), 71,715.
ATRAULIA. Thana in Azamgarh district, K.W.P. Pop. (1881),
79,153. Also pargana. Pop. (1881), 96,026.
ATRAULIA. Town in Azamgarh district, N.W.P. Lat. 26 17',
long. 88 1'.
ATRI. Tillage and police station in Gaya district, Bengal. Lat. 24 55'
5", long. 85 1 7' 40". Police force, one sub-inspector and nine constables.
ATSANTA. Town in Godavari district, Madras. Pop. (1871), 5846.
A-TSI. Revenue circle in Amherst district, British Burma. Pop.
(1876), 1185.
ATTA. Town in Jalaun district, N.W.P. Lat. 26 3', long. 79 40'.
ATTANAGAR. Town in Rai Bareli district, Oudh. Lat. 26 6',
long. 81 20'.
ATTARAN. Kiver in Amherst district, British Burma. Falls into
the Maulmain river in lat. 16 31', long. 97 44', about three miles above
the town of Maulmain.
ATTARAN. Town in Amherst district, British Burma. Lat. 16 9',
long. 98 10'.
ATTARL Tillage in Amritsar district, Punjab. Pop. (1868), 2591.
Station on Sind, Punjab, and Delhi Railway.
ATTAS ARAL Thana in Patna district, Bengal. Area, 117 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 78,932.
40 ATT
ATTIKUPPA. Village and municipality (in taluk of same name) in
Hassan district, Mysore State. Lat. 12 41', long. 76 33'. Pop. (1871),
1616. Area of taluk, 371 sq. miles. Pop. (1871), 46,182.
ATTILL Town in Godavari district, Madras. Lat. 16 41' 10", long.
81 38' 36". Pop. (1871), 5878.
ATTRL Thana in Gaya" district, Bengal. Area, 172 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 78,516.
ATTURU. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 379.
ATTURNALLUR. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 344.
ATTIK. Town in Bahawalpur State, Punjab. Lat. 29 25', long.
71 20'.
ATUR. Town (in taluk of the same name) in Salem district, Madras.
Captured by the British in 1768. Lat. 11 35' 50", long. 78 39'. Pop.
(1881), 8334. Area of taluk, 780 sq. miles. Pop. (1871), 164,006.
There is a shrine of great sanctity, known as the pagoda of Kari
ATUR. Town in Tinnevelli district, Madras. Lat. 8 37' 30", long.
78 6' 30". Pop. (1881), 5744.
ATTJR. Town in Madura district, Madras. Lat. 10 16', long.
77 53'. Pop. (1871), 7206.
ATURLI. Village in Bicholm district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 172.
ATUVA. Town in Vizagapatam district, Madras. Lat. 17 59', long.
83 10'.
ATWA PIPARIA. Pargana in Kheri district, Oudh, between the
Kathna and Gumti rivers, in possession of Paida Husain Khan. Area,
64 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 10,575.
AUCIMUDI. Plateau in the Anamalai Hills, Coimbatore district,
Madras. Average height above the sea, 7000 feet.
AUCKLAND BAY. Bay on the coast of Mergui district, British
Burma. The entrance is surrounded by islands and rocks, forming the
Mergui Archipelago. The centre of the bay is in lat. 12 10', long.
98 30'.
ATJGHAD. Petty State in Rewa Kantha, Bombay. Lat. 23 55' 40",
long. 72 13' 30". Area, 2 sq. miles. The Chiefs, six in number, pay a
tribute of 1 74 to the Gaekwar of Baroda.
ATTKLAH. Town in Haidarabad State. Lat. 20 8', long. 78 19'.
AULATODDL - Town in South Kanara district, Madras. Lat.
12 20', long. 75 16'.
ATJL (RAJABARI). Thana in Cuttack district, Bengal. Area, 388
sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 91,015.
AULDAN. Thana in Jhansi district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 13,724.
AUNDH. State (with capital of same name) in the Satara Agency,
Bombay. Area, 447 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 58,916. Lat. of town, 17
32' 45", long. 74 22' 30".
AUNDHL Chief ship in Chanda district, Central Provinces. Area,
81 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 1066.
AUNG. Thana in Fatohpur district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 23,605.
AURADA. A subdivision of the Jaipur Agency, Vizagapatam district,
ATTRACT RIVER. A feeder of the Mahanadi, rising in lat. 21 20',
long. 82 43', flowing in an easterly direction for 100 miles.
AURAIYA. Town (in tahsil of same name) in Etawah district,
KW.P. Lat. 26 28', long. 79 33' 15". Area, 93 acres. Pop. (1881),
7299. Area of tahsil, 306 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 117,980.
AURAIYA. Thana in Etawah district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 44,141.
AURANGABAD. Town in Muttra district, N.W.P. The scene of
the capture of a British convoy by the Marhattas in 1804. Lat. 27 26',
long. 77 47'.
AURANGABAD. Town in Murshidabad district, Bengal. Lat.
24 37', long. 88 2'.
AURANGABAD. City in Haidarabad State. Lat. 19 54', long.
75 22'. Pop. (1881), 30,219. Contains a beautiful Mausoleum, built
by the Emperor Aurungzeb over the remains of a favourite daughter.
The division of the same name in which the city is situate contains an
area of 6159 sq. miles, and a pop. (1881) of 356,777.
AURANGABAD. Village (in subdivision of same name) in Gaya
district. Lat. 24 45' 3", long. 84 25' 2". Area of subdivision, 1246
pq. miles. Pop. (1881), 445,641. Also thana. Area, 667 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 225,429.
AURANGABAD. Pargana in Kheri district, Oudh ; bounded on the
north by Magdapur pargana, on the east by the Kathna river, on the
south by Sultanpur district, and on the west by the Gumti river. Area,
116 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 32,853.
AURANGABAD. Town in Kheri district, Oudh. Lat. 27 47', long.
83 27'. Pop. (1869), 2842.
AURANGABAD. Pargana, Sitapur district, Oudh ; bounded on the
north by Misrikh pargana, on the east by Kurauna pargana, and on the
south and west by the Gumti river, which separates it from Hardoi
district. Area, 60'sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 21,057.
AURANGABAD. Town (in pargana of same name) in Sitapur district,
Oudh. Pop. (1869), 3000. Bi-weekly market.
AURANGABAD. Thau a in Bulandshahr district, N.W.P. Pop.
(1881), 27.705.
AURANGABAD SAYYID. Town in Bulandshahr district, N.W.P.
Pop. (1881), 5210. Founded in A.D. 1704 by Sayyid Abdul, whose tomb
is still the centre of a religious fair.
AURAS. Village in Unao district, Oudh. Lat. 26 54', long. 80
33'. Pop. (1869), 1377. Bi-weekly market.
AUSGRAM. Village in Bardwan district, Bengal. Lat. 23 31' 15",
long. 87 42' 35". Area, 169 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 97,311.
AUTANCURRAL Town in Madura district, Bengal. Lat. 9 20',
long. 79 4'.
AUTERIAH. Town in Mandla district, Central Provinces. Lat.
22 23', long. 81 26'.
AUTGAUN. Town in native State of Patna, Central Provinces.
Lat. 20 40', long. 83 39'.
ATJTUNKITLL. Town in Travancore State, Madras. Lat. 8 41', long.
76 52'.
AVA. Formerly the capital of the "Burmese empire, situate on the left
hank of the Irawadi. Lat. 21 52', long. 97 I'. The city was founded
in 1364, and remained the capital till 1783, a position which it again
filled from 1822 to 1837-38.
AVANDL Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 27.
AVANDUR. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop (1881), 222.
AVANI. Sacred village in Kolar district, Mysore State. Lat.
13 6' 20", long. 78 23' 20". 'Pop. (1871), 190. A festival is held
annually in honour of the God Rama, when upwards of 40,000 persons
are present, some to pay their devotions, others to see the cattle -fair
which takes place at the same time.
AVANJAH. Town in Haidaiabad State. Lat. 16 42', long.
78 19'.
AVATI or AHTITL Village in Kolar district, Mysore State. Lat.
13 18', long. 77 48'. Pop. (1871), 1314.
AVEDDEM. Village in Quepem district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 716.
AVINASHL Town in Coimhatore district, Madras. Lat. 11 11' 30'',
long. 77 18' 45". Pop. (1871), 1019.
AVINASL See AviNism.
AVRED ALII. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 105.
AVUDERCOVIL. Town in Tanjore district, Madras. Lat. 10 5',
long. 79 5'.
AVULAPALL Hills in Cuddapah district, Madras. The highest
peak is 3850 feet above the level of the sea.
AWA. Thana in Etah district, KW.P. Pop. (1881), 28,278.
AW AH. Town in the Agra district, KW.P. Lat. 27 27' 2", long.
78 31' 47". Area, 134 acres. Pop. (1881), 5679.
AWANPUR. Thana in Faridpur district, Bengal. Area, 156 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 100,257.
AWEIN. Town in Amherst district, British Burma. Lat. 15 20',
long. 98.
AWITN. Town in Jaipur State, Rajputana. Lat. 25 48', long. 75 47'.
AYAH. Town in Eatehpur district, N.W.P. Lat. 25 51', long.
80 42'.
AYAKOTTA. Town in Malabar district, Madras. Lat. 10 37' 15",
Jong. 76 31' 15". Pop. (1871), 7458. A place of great antiquity, and
formerly of strategical importance.
AYAKUDI. Town (in estate of same name) in Madura district,
Madras. Lat. 10 26' 45", long. 77 35' 30". Pop. (1871), 11,365.
Area of estate, 27,277 acres. Pop. (1871), 20,305.
AYASAH. Pargana in Eatehpur district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
AYEWARRA. Town in Chhindwara district, Central Provinces.
Lat. 22 33', long. 79 20'.
AZU 43
AYNUR. Town in Mysore State. Lat. 14, long. 75 31'.
AYRWA. Town in Earrukhabad district, N.W.P. Lat. 26 54',
long. 79 30'.
district, Mysore State, formed by embanking the Veda river. Circum-
ference, seven miles. Capable of containing over 200,000 cubic feet of
AZAMGARH. District of the Benares Division, KW.P. Between
lat. 25 38' 26 17', and long. 82 42' 30" 84 9' 45". Area, 2147
sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 1,604,654. Bounded on the north by the Gogra
or Sarju river ; on the south by the Ghazipur district ; on the west by
Oudh and Jaunpur district. Chief rivers, Gogra and Tons. Chief towns,
Azamgarh and Man. This district, which was ceded to the British in
1801, was the scene of a massacre of British Officers during the Mutiny
of 1857. It is under the control of the Commissioner of Benares, but
there is a Magistrate, Collector, and Staff.
AZAMGARH. Town and municipality (in tahsil of same name) in
Azamgarh district, N.W.P. Lat. 26 3' 2", long. 83 13' 20". Pop.
(1881), 18,528. Headquarters of the district, on the river Tons. Area,
325 acres. Pop. (1872), 15,770. Area of tahsil, 442 sq. miles. Pop.
(1881), 278,611.
AZAMNAGAR. Pargana in Etah district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
AZGURPUR. Village in Bulandshahr district, N.W.P. Lat. 28
12', long. 77 55'.
AZIMABAD. Town in Karnal district, Punjab. Lat. 29 48',
long. 77.
AZIMGANJ. Village in MurshidaMd district, Bengal. Terminus of
the Nalhati State Railway, and a centre of trade. Lat. 24 14' 20",
long. 88 18' 1".
AZIMGANJ. Village in Murshidabad district, Bengal. Lat. 24 7'
20", long. 88 35' 46".
AZIZPITR. Village in Shikarpur district, Sind, Bombay. Lat.
27 52', long. 69 2'.
AZMERIGANJ or AJMERIGANJ. Village in Sylhet district,
Assam, on the Surma river, along which a large quantity of merchandize
is transported. Lat. 24 33' 20", long. 91 16' 31".
AZOEZPUR. Village in Muttra district, N.W.P. Lat. 27 46', long.
77 31'.
AZOZZIM. Village in Ilhas district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 253.
AZUMPUR. Town in Bijnaur district, KW.P. Lat. 29, long.
78 14'.
BABA BTJDAN, or CHANDRA DRON A. Mountains in Kadur
district, Mysore State. The first scene of coffee cultivation in India.
Highest peak, Mulaina-giri, 6317 feet.
BABAI. Town in Hoshangabad district, Central Provinces. Pop.
(1881), 3818.
BABAR. Tahsil in Kumaun district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 132,360.
BABERTJ. Tahsil of 13anda district, N.W.P. Area, 364 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 85,229.
BABHAR (BHABHAR). State (with chief town of same name) in
Palanpur Agency, Bombay. Area, 80 sq. miles. Pop. (1875), 5659.
Lat. of capital, 24 7', long. 71 43'.
BABHNIPAIR. Pargana, Gonda district, Oudh. Area, 67 sq. miles.
Pop. (1869), 31,029. The present chief is a minor.
BABLA or DWARKA. Eiver watering the Santal Parganas, Birbhum
and Murshidabad district, Lower Bengal.
BABNABARL Village, Bardwan district, Bengal.
BABRA. Town in Baroda State; distant south-west from Disa seventy
miles. Lat. 23 50', long. 71 6'.
BABRA. State in Kathiawar, Bombay. Area, 298*7 sq. miles. Lat
of capital (Babra) 21 51', long ; 71 21'.
BABRIAWAR. Part of Kathiawar, Bombay. The district was named
from the Babria tribe, who formerly possessed the adjacent districts Kathi-
awar and Gohelwar. It lies between lat. 20 47' 21 10', long. 70 3'-
71 33', and contains thirty-three subdivisions, seventy-one towns and
villages, and a population estimated at 18,468. See JAFARABID.
BABRIGOTE. Town in Haidarabad district, Sind, Bombay ; on the
left bank of the main branch of the river Indus, 30 miles south of
Tatta. Lat. 24 20', long. 67 55'.
BABUBTJND. Town in Sambalpur district, Central Provinces; on
the route from Sambalpur to Nagpur, eleven miles west of the former.
Lat. 21 22', long. 83 52'.
BABTJLGAON. Tillage in Wun district, Berar. Lat. 20 33' 30",
long. 78 12' 30". Large weekly cattle market.
BACHHRAON. Town in Moradabad district, N.W.P. Lat. 28 55'
45", long. 78 16' 55". Pop. (1881), 7046.
BACHHRAON. Thana in Morudabad district, jST.W.P. Pop. (1881),
BACHHRAWAN. Pargnna, Rae Bareli district, Oudh. Area, 94J-
tq. miles. Pop. (1881), 44,697.
BACHHRAWAN. Town in Eae Bareli district, Oudh. Pop. (1869),
4934. Government school, and tri-weekly market.
BACHHRAWAN. Thana in Rae Bareli district, Oudh. Pop. (1881),
BACHIREDDIPALLEM. Town in Nellore district, Madras. Pop.
3467. A considerable trade is carried on at this town, while an annual
fair is held in April, when upwards of 8000 persons assemble together.
BACHMAYL Village in Mainpuri district, KW.P. On the route
from the cantonment of Aligarh to that of Mainpuri, and forty -nine miles
south-east of the former. .Lat. 27 42', long. 78 50'.
BACHTJNDA. Town in Jodhpur State, Rajputana, distant south
from Jodhpur 55 miles. Lat. 25 31', long. 73 10'.
BACOTI or BTJKOTHE. Vilage in Cawnpore district, N.W.P. ; on
the route from the cantonment of Fatehgarh to that of Cawnpore, and
36 miles north-west of the latter. Lat. 26 53', long. 80 6'.
BADABANAHALLL Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 50.
BADAGA Villages in Coorg, Madras, having a population (1881)
respectively of 485, 486, 579, and 643.
BADAGARAKERL Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 369.
BADAGARI (VADAKA-RARA). Town in Malabar district, Madras,
Lat. 11 36', long. 75 37' 15". Pop. (1871), 7718. There is a fort,
which was taken from Tippu Sultan in A.D. 1790 : it is now converted
into a rest-house for pilgrims. Badagari is the headquarters of the taluk
officials, and contains courts, jail, post office, etc.
BADAHAN. Pargana in' Garhwal district, KW.P. Pop. (1881),
BADAKHSHAN. Part of Afghan Turkistan ; its chief is a feudatory
of the Amir of Kabul. Lat. (including Wakhan) 35 50' 38, long.
69 30' 74 20'. The chief district is Faizabad.
BADALGrACHI. Thana in Bogra district, Bengal. Area, 85 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 39,374.
BADAMI. Town (in subdivision of same name) in Kaladgi district,
Bombay. The fort was taken by storm in 1818, by a detachment
under Sir Thomas Munro. Distant 22 miles south-east of Kaladgi.
Contains some interesting Jain and Brahmanical caves and temples. Lat.
15 55', long. 75 45'. Area of subdivision, 676 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
BADANPUR. Town in Maihar State, Central India Agency; distant
south-west from Rewah 40 miles. Lat. 24 9', long. 80 54'.
BADANSA. Tahsil of Banda district, N.AV.P. Area, 348 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 79,939.
BADAPTJLLI. Town in Haidarabad State ; distant south-west from
Haidarabad 49 miles. Lat. 16 45', long. 78 11'.
BADARGANJ. Village in Rangpur district, Bengal. Lat. 25 40',
long. 89 6'.
BADARKA. Town in TJnao district, Oudh ; situate four miles east of
the left bank of the Ganges, distant five miles east of Cawnpore, forty-two
south-west of Lucknow. Lat. 26 28', long. 80 30'.
BADERHAT. Town in Murshidabad district, Bengal ; eleven miles
west from Murshidabad. Lat. 24 16', long. 87 59'.
BADGAON. Thana in Saharanpur district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
BADHAUL. Pargana in Benares district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
BADHI or BUDDIA. Village in Hindur State, Punjab. It is situate
on the road leading from Piniaur to Malaun. Lat. 30 55', long
76 53'.
46 BAD
BADIN or BADINO. Town and municipality (in taluk of same name),
Haidarabad district, Sind, Bombay. Lat. 24 38' 45", long. 68 53'.
Pop. 978. Area of taluk, 795 sq. miles. Pop. (1872), 51,593.
BADINTT. Village in Bikaner State, Rajputana, on the route from
"Hatangarh to the town of Bikaner, and thirty miles east of the latter.
Lat. 27 54', long. 73 51'.
BADIPTJDE. A portion of Nell ore district, Madras.
BADLAPTJR. Thami in Jaunpur district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
BADLI. Village in Rohtak district, Punjab (formerly belonging to
the Nawab of Jhajjar, whose territory was confiscated for rebellion at the
time of the mutiny in 1857). Lat. 28 33', long. 76 51'.
BADNERA. Town in Amraoti district, Berar. Lat. 20 51' 45",
long. 77 46' 15". Pop. (1881), 6460. Is important for its cotton ware-
houses, gins, and presses worked by steam-power, and as the despatching
station of the Amraoti cotton to Bombay.
BADNUE. Town in Betul district (Central Provinces), of which it is
the headquarters. Lat. 21 54' 28", long. 77 56' 40". Pop. (1881),
2881. The public buildings are the Commissioner's court-house,, the
District court-house, the jail, the tahsil and police station-house, two
Government schools for males and females respectively, the post office,
dispensary, and Government central distillery, also a good sarai for native
travellers, and a dak bungalow.
BADO 8 ARAL Town (in pargana of same name) in Bara Banki
district, Oudh, containing a shrine of great sanctity. Area of pargaua,
48 sq miles. Pop. (1881), 27,648.
BADRACHALAM. Town (in taluk of same name), Godavari district,
Madras. Lat. 17 41', long. 81. Pop. (1871), 2000. As the head-
quarters of the taluk it possesses subordinate courts, jail, police establish-
ment, treasury, post office, etc. ; but the town is chiefly notable for the
temple of Kamachandra, with its fine porch and 24 pagodas. The Nizam
annually contributes 1300 towards maintenance of this sacred edifice,
which during April is thronged with pilgrims. A considerable trade is
carried on at this time.
BADRAGOLA. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 841.
BADRAJ. A summit of the mountain bounding the Dehra Dun on
the north, rises over the left bank of the Jumna, a short distance above
its confluence with the Tons. Elevation above the sea, 7510 feet. Lat.
30 29', long. 78 I'.
BADRAJ DEVI. Halting-place in Dehra Dun district, N.W.P., on
the ascent to the fort of Bairat, in the mountains between the rivers
Jumna and Tons. Elevation above the sea, 6043 feet. Lat. 30 33',
long. 77 56'.
BADRAJ MASRAS. Mountain in Garhwal or Tehri State, N.W.P.,
on a ramification from the great Manin Peak between the Jumna and
Bhagirathi. Elevation above the sea, 7344 feet. Lat. 30 32', long.
78 7'.
BADRIHAT or GHI AS AB AD. Police station on the right bank of
the Bhagirathi, a few miles above Azimganj, in Murshidabad district,
Bengal. Lat. 24 17' 30", long. 88 17'. Site of an ancient city.
BADRINATH. Town and mountain in Garhwal district, N.W.P. ;
on the route from Srinagar to the Mana Pass, 25 miles south of the
latter, and 55 north-east of the former. It is situate on the right hank
of the Vishnuganga, a feeder of the Alaknanda, in the middle of a valley
about four miles long and one broad ; and is equidistant from two lofty
mountains, one rising to the east, the other to the west. The temple of
Bndrinath, situate in the highest part of the town, is of conical form,
with a small cupola, covered with plates of copper, and surmounted by
a golden ball and spire. The original establishment is reported to be
of very great antiquity ; the present temple has, however, a modern
appearance, several former ones having been overwhelmed by avalanches,
and an earthquake having shaken the present erection so seriously as to
render necessary an almost entire restoration. A short distance below
the temple is a sacred tank about thirty feet square, covered with a roof
of planks, supported on wooden posts. It is supplied from a thermal
spring, and is annually visited by large numbers of pilgrims. Every
twelfth year the festival known as " Kumbh Mela" is celebrated here,
on which occasion upwards of 50,000 votaries bathe in the sacred tank.
Lat. 38 44' 15", long. 79 30' 40".
BADRPUR or BADARPTIR. Village in Sylhet district, Assam.
Situated at the bifurcation of the Barak into the Surma and Kusiyara
rivers. Lat. 24 52' 45", long. 92 37' 30". In the neighbourhood, a
bathing festival is held in March, annually attended by 3000 persons,
among whom are many itinerant traders. Just within the Cachar
frontier are the Keatinge Sawmills, recently established by an English-
man, and worked partly by water, partly by steam power. They manu-
facture great numbers of tea boxes.
BADRTJAH. Town in Baroda State, distant north from Baroda 19
miles. Lat. 22 30', long. 73 10'.
district, N.W.P. ; on the route from Fatehgarh to JShahjahanpur, seven
miles south of the latter. Lat. 27 48', long. 80.
BADSHAHPTTR. Town (in pargana of same name) in Jaunpur
district, JS T .W.P. ; on the route from Allahabad to Jaunpur, thirty
miles north-east of the former, thirty-six south-west of the latter. Lat.
25 40', long. 82 10'. Pop. (1881), 6423.
BADSHAHPTJR. River in Gurgaon district, Punjab.
BADULW ALA. Tillage in Hissar district, Punjab, near the southern
frontier, towards Shekhawati. Lat. 28 49', long. 75 54'.
BADURIA. Thana in Twenty-four Parganas district, Bengal. Area,
169 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 130,205.
BADTJRIA. Town in Twenty-four Parganas district, Bengal. Pop.
(1881), 12,981.
BADVAIL. Town (in taluk of same name), Cuddapah district,
Madras. Lat. 14 45', long. 79 6'. Pop. (1881), 8638. Area of taluk,
755 sq. miles. Pop. (1871), 93,051. An indigo-producing territory,
possessing two of the finest tanks in those parts.
BAFFA. Town and municipality in Hazara district, Punjab.
Lat. 34 26' 30", long. 73 15' 15". Pop. (1881), 5410. Lies on
the right bank of the Sirhan, in the northern corner of Pakhli
48 BAG-
BAG AH A. Thana in Champaran district, Bengal. Area, 710 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 140,900.
BAGALKOT. Town (in subdivision of same name) in Kaladgi district,
Bombay ; situated on the river Ghatprabha, fifteen miles east of Kaladgi.
Lat. 16 11' 50", long. 75 44' 50". Pop. (1881), 12,850. A place of
considerable trade, with manufactures of silk and cotton goods ; sub-
judge's court, post office, and dispensary. Area of subdivision, 683 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 96,156.
BAGAPAR. Town in Gorakhpur district, N.W.P., thirty-two mil s
north of Gorakhpur. Lat. 27 9', long. 83 35'.
BAGASPTTR. Town in JSTarsinhpur district, Central Provinces. Pop.
(1881), 2026.
BAGASRA. State in Kathiawar, Bombay. Estimated revenue,
10,000. A tribute of 255 is paid to the Gaekwar, and 154 to the
Nawab of Junagarh. Area, 88-5 sq. miles.
BAGASRA. Town in Kathiawar, Bombay. Lat. 21 29', long. 71.
Pop. (1881), 7876.
BAGDOGRA (NILPHAMARI). Subdivision in Eangpur district,
Bengal. Area, 638 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 439,486.
BAGDOGRA. Town in Rangpur district, Bengal. Pop. (1881), 5747.
BAGEHWARI. Town in Sholapur district, Bombay ; on the route
from Bijapur to Mudgul, twenty-six miles south-east of the former. Lat.
16 33', long. 76 3'.
BAGENAHALLL Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 36.
BAGEPALLI. Village and municipality in Kolar district, Mysore.
Lat. 13 47' 15", long. 77 50' 31". Pop. (1871), 1441.
BAGERL Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 106.
BAGERL Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 20.
BAGERTJ. River in Nellore district, Madras, joining the Perm er at
BAGESAR or BAGESTTR. Town in Kumaun district, K"W P., at
the confluence of the rivers Sarju and Gomati. There are two consider-
able fairs in the year for the purposes of the trade with Central Asia.
According to native tradition, the inhabitants of this place and its vicinity
are the descendants of Mughals, left in Kumaun by Tamerlane's orders ;
and numerous tombs, substantially formed of large flat tiles, are, accord-
ing to Traill, the memorials of that race. The elevation is something
more than 3000 feet above the sea. Distance north-east of Almora
17 miles; north-west from Calcutta, by Almora, 911 miles. Lat. 29
49' 20", long. 79 47' 15".
BAGEWADI. Subdivision in Kaladgi district, Bombay. Area, 761
sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 86,743.
BAGH River in Bhandara district, Central Provinces.
BAGH. Town, Gwalior State, Central India Agency. Lat. 22 24',
long. 74 52' 30". Celebrated for its Buddhist cave-temples, which date
from A.D. 500 to 700.
BAGHAL. A Punjab Hill State. Lat. 31 13', long. 77 1'. Pop.
(1881), 20,633. Area, 124 sq. miles. The Raja, who pays a tribute of
360 per annum to the British Government, has a small military force ;
political relations with him are in the hands of the Superintendent of the
Hill States.
BAG 49
BAGHAMPUR. Tillage in Lahore district, Punjab. Containing the
celebrated Shalimar Gardens, laid out in the time of the Emperor Shah
Jahan. Pop. (1868), 3214.
BAGHAR (BAGHIAR). One of the mouths of the Indus, in Karachi
district, Sind, Bombay.
BAGHAT. A Punjab Hill State. Lat. 30 55', long. 77 7'. Area,
36 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 8339. The Rana, who has a small force,
pays a yearly tribute of 100 to the British Government.
BAGHDANGA. Tillage in Jessor district, Bengal, noted for its
pottery. Lat. 23 13', long. 89 12'.
BAGHEL. Town in Gorakhpur district, KW.P. Distant south-east
from Gorakhpnr 45 miles. Lat 26 22', long 83 57'.
BAGHELKHAND. The territory of a number of States, collectively
called the Baghelkhand Agency, in the Central India Agency. Between
lat. 22 40' 2o 10', and long. 80 25' 82 45'. Bounded on the
north by Allahabad and Mirzapur districts of the N.W.P., on the east
by the tributary States of Chutia Nagpur, on the south by Bilaspur and
Mandla districts, Central Provinces, and on the west by Jabalpur district
and the States of Bundelkhand. Area 11,324 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
1,512,595. The States are Rewah, Nagode, Maihar, Sohawal, and
BAGHERA. Thana in Jhansi district, KW.P. Pop. (1881), 13,961.
BAGHERHAT. Tillage (in subdivision of same name) in Jessor
district, Bengal. Lat. 22 40' 5", long. 89 49' 50". Contains numerous
interesting ruins, amongst the number the tomb of Khan Jahan (A.D.
1459), where a fair is held annually, and which is visited by pilgrims
throughout the year. Area, 229 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 137,818.
Area of subdivision, 680 sq. miles. Pop. (1872), 299,513.
BAGHERPARA. Thana in Jessor district, Bengal. Area, 105 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 63,902.
BAGHIN. A small river rising in Bundelkhand, in the table-land
surmounting the range of Panna, and in lat. 24 45', long. 80 23'. It
takes a course north-east for about twenty miles, and falls over the brow
of the ridge in a cascade, the elevation of which is estimated at 100 yards.
Running north it enters the British district of Banda, and flows along the
western base of Kalinjar ; a few miles beyond which it turns north-east,
in which direction it continues until its fall into the Jumna on the right
side, in lat. 25 33', long. 81 5'. Its total length of course is about
ninety miles.
BAGHJALA. Town and municipality in the district of the Twenty-
four Parganas, Bengal. Lat. 22 47' 38", long. 88 47' 16". Pop.
(1872), 9718.
BAGHMARA. Thana in Rajshahi district, Bengal. Area, 142 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 121,581.
BAGHMATL River of Nepal State and Muzaffarpur, Charnparan
and Darbhangah districts, Bengal. It falls into the Buri Gandak.
BAGHMATI, LITTLE. River of Muzaffarpur and Darbhangah
districts, Bengal. It falls into the Baghmati.
BAGHMUNDL Hills and table-land in Manbhum district, Bengal.
The highest peak is Gangabari (lat. 23 12', long. 86 5' 30"). Also
^ Area, 176 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 33,384.
BAGHNAGAR, (BAGNTJGAUR). Town in Gorakhpur district,
N.W.P. ; on the route from Gorakhpur to Bansi, twenty-one miles
north-west of the former. Lat. 26 54', long. 83 8'.
BAGHONDL Village in Jodhpur State, Rajputana. It is situate
in the fertile low country on the north or right bank of the Loni. Lat.
25 56', long. 72 12'.
BAGLI. State (with capital of same name) of the Indore Agency,
Central India. Area, 300 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 14,645. The Thakur
pays an annual tribute of 1647 to Maharaja Sinclhia.
BAGLTJNG CHAUE-. A town in Nepal State, distant north-west
from Khatmandu 137 miles. Lat. 28 23', long. 83 15'.
BAGNAN. Town in Hugli district, Bengal ; on the route from
Calcutta to Midnapur, 25 miles west of the former. Lat. 22 28', long.
88 1'. Alsothana. Area, 56 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 63,563.
BAGNL A river of Bhutan, rising to the north of the main range of
the Himalayas, about lat. 28 5', long. 89 31', and flowing in a southerly
direction through Bhutan for 150 miles, joins the Gadadhar in lat.
26 18', long. 89 50' ; the joint streams finally falling into the
BAGORE. Town in Udaipur State, Rajputana ; distant north-east
from Udaipur sixty-seven miles. Lat. 25 20', long. 74 30'.
BAGPAT. Town and municipality (in tahsil of the same name) in
Meerut district, KW.P. Lat. 28 55' 50", long. 77 16' 5". Pop.
(1872), 7367. Area of tahsil, 401 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 258,000:
BAGPAT. Pargana in JVIeerut district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
BAGRASL Town in Bulandshahr district, N.W.P. Pop. (1872),
BAGROD. Town in Gwalior State, Central India Agency ; on the
route from Sagar to Asirgarh, thirty-nine miles south-west of former,
245 north-east of latter. It has a bazar, and is provided with water
from wells. Lat. 23 44', long. 78 13'.
BAGULA (BOGITLA). Tillage in JSadiya district, Bengal. Station
on the Eastern Bengal Railway.
BAGULKOTA. To>vn in Belgaum district, Bombay. Lat. 16 10',
long. 75 46'.
BAGUR. A hilly tract comprising the eastern part of Guzerat and the
western of Malwa.
BAGURPUR. Tillage in Moradabad district, KW.P. On the route
from the town of Moradabad to Meerut, and twenty-three miles west of
the former. Lat. 28 54', long. 78 29'.
BAH. Tillage (in tahsil of same name) in Agra district, N.W.P. It
is situate three or four miles from the right bank of the Jumna, forty
miles south-east of Agra. Lat. 26 52', long. 78 40'. Pop. of tahsil
(1881), 120,529.
BAHA. Town in Agra district, N.W.P., sixteen miles south-west of
the city of Agra. Lat. 27 2', long. 77 53'.
BAH 51
BAHADURGANJ or BAHADURPUR. Town in Ghazipur district,
N.W.P., on the route from Ghazipur cantonment to that of Gorakhpur.
twenty-six miles north of the former, seventy-five south of the latter.
It is situate on the right bank of the Tons (north-eastern), called in this
part of its course the Sarju. Lat. 25 48', long. 83 21'. Pop. (1881),
BAHADURGANJ. Village in Bareilly district, KW.P. ; on the route
from Bareilly to Pithoragarh, and forty-two miles north- east of the former.
Lat. 28 44', long. 79 53'.
BAHADURGANJ. Town (and thana) in Purniah district, Bengal,
thirty-six miles north-east from Purniah, sixty-nine miles north-west ,of
Dinajpur. Lat. 26 12', long. 87 51'. Area of thana, 393 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 196,142.
BAHADURGARH. Town in Patiala State, Punjab. Pop. (1881),
BAHADURGARH. Town and municipality in Eohtak district,
Punjab. Lat. 28 40' 30", long. 76 57'. Pop. (1881), 6674. This
territory was confiscated consequent on the rebellion of the chief in
BAHADURGARH. Town in Meerut district, N.W.P. ; on the route
from Gurmuktesar to Anupshahr, and ten miles south of the former.
Lat, 28 41', long. 78 13'.
BAHADURGARH. Fort in Hindur State, Punjab ; on a lofty summit
of the range stretching in the Cis Sutlej territory from north-west to
south-east, in the eastern part of that state. Elevation above the sea,
6233 feet. Lat. 31 13', long. 76 56'.
BAHADUR KHEL. Salt mine in Kohat district, Punjab. Lat.
33 10' 30", long. 70 59' 15". The quarries, which are sixty in number,
extend over an area of four miles by a quarter of a mile.
BAHADURPUR. Village in Ulwar State, Rajputana. On the route
from Delhi to the town of Ulwar, and eleven miles north-east of the
latter. The road to the north, or towards Delhi, lies through the
Kishangarh Pass. Lat. 27 40', long. 76 48'.
BAHADURPUR. Town in Baroda State, Bombay, south-east from
Baroda twenty miles. Lat. 22 10', long. 73 30'.
BAHADURPUR. Village in Mirzapur district, ST.W.P. On the
right bank of the Ganges, fourteen miles north-west of Mirzapur, 735
north-west of Calcutta by water, or 912 if the Sundarban passage be
taken. Lat. 25 16', long. 82 22'.
BAHADURPUR. Town in Baroda State, 150 miles west of Mhow.
Lat, 22 9', long. 73 34'.
BAHADURPUR. Town in Gwalior State, Central India Agency;
distant south from Gwalior 130 miles. Lat. 24 19', long. 78.
BAHADURPUR. Village in Gwalior State, Central India Agency.
On the route from Etawah to Gwalior fort, sixty -seven miles south-
west of former, seventeen north-east of latter. Lat. 26 16', long
78 23'.
BAHADURPUR. Village in Budaun district, KW.P. On the route
from Aligarh to Moradabad, and thirty-three miles south-west of the
latter. Lat. 28 29', long. 78 28'.
52 BAH
BAHADTJKPTTR. Village in Sylhet district, Assam, on the Lower
Barak river. Lat. 24 45', long. 92 13' 45".
BAHAR. Town in Rai Bareli district, Oudh, distant south from
Lucknow forty-one miles. Lat. 26 17', long. 80 52'.
BAHARAGARHA. Village in Singbhum district, Bengal. A centre
of trade. Lat. 22 16' 19", long. 86 45' 30".
BAHAWA. Village in the Santal Parganas, Bengal, and railway
station on the loop line of the East Indian Railway ; distance from
Calcutta (Howrah), 185 miles.
BAHAWALPUR. State in the Punjab. Between lat. 27 41'
30 22' 15", and long. 69 47' 74 I'. Bounded on the north by Sirsa
district; on the east and south by Bikaner and Jaisalmir States,
Rajputana; on the west by the Indus and Sutlej rivers. Area, 15,000
sq miles. Pop. (1881), 573,494. The Nawab of Bahawalpur is entitled
to a salute of 17 guns. The military force of the State consists of 12
field pieces, 99 artillerymen, 300 cavalry, and 2493 infantry and police.
The Indus Valley State Railway runs through this territory. Political
relations with the Chief are in the hands of the Lieutenant -Governor of
the Punjab.
BAHAWALPUR. Capital of State of same name, Punjab. Situate
on a branch of the Ghara, about two miles from the main stream, and
fifty miles above its confluence with the Chenab. It is surrounded by a
ruinous wall of mud, which is about four miles in circuit : but part of
the inclosed space is occupied by groves of trees. The houses are built,
some of burnt, some of sun-dried bricks, but they are in general mean.
The residence of the Khan, like the rest, is in a very plain style of archi-
tecture. Pop. (1881), 13,635. Lat. 59 24', long. 71 47'.
BAHERA. Village in Darbhangah district, Bengal. Lat. 26 4', long.
86 10' 8". Also thana. Area, 447 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 309,875.
BAHERL Tahsil of Bareilly district, N.W.P. Area, 349 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 218,487.
BAHILI. Mountains in Bashahr State, Punjab. On the summit of
the ridge is situate a fort, which, at the time of Eraser's visit, was a
square redoubt, surrounded by an excellent stockade. Below it, but at
a great depth, runs the Kaugarrikhola, a considerable stream, flowing
from the east, and falling into the Sutlej on the left side. Lat. of chief
peak, 31 22', long. 77 42'.
BAHILWARA. Town in Muzaffarpur district, Bengal. Pop. (1881),
BAHJOR. Thana in Moradabad district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
BAHLOLPUR. Town in Ludhiana district, Punjab. Pop. (1881),
BAHMAIR. Town in Khandesh district, Bombay, 92 miles east
from Surat. Lat. 21 4', long. 74 17'.
BAHMINGATIN. Town in Nepal State, distant north-west from
Khatmandu 240 miles. Lat. 29 7', long. 81 40'.
BAHMNIYAVAN. Thana in Jaunpur district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
BAHNSDI. Town in Gnazipur district, N.W.P. Six miles south-
west of the right bank of the river Gogra, forty-seven north-east of
Ghazipur. Lat. 25 53', long. 84 12'.
BAHR. Tillage in Bija State, Punjab. At the base of the range of
hills bounding the Pinjaur Dun on the north-east. It is situate on the
route from Pinjaur to Subathu, and six or eight miles north of the former
place. Elevation above the sea, 2500 feet. Distant north-west from
Calcutta 1060 miles. Lat. 30 53', long. 77.
BAHRAICH. District of the Faizabad Division, Oudh. Between
lat. 27 4' 30" 28 24', and long. 81 5' 82 15'. Area, 2741
sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 878,048. It is bounded on the north by the
Nepal State, on the east by the Sonda district, on the south by Gonda
and Bara Banki, and oft the west by Sitapur and Kheri. The chief rivers
are the Gogra and the Rapti. There are thirteen Civil and Revenue and
fifteen Magisterial Courts in the district, as well as several schools, at
which over 1400 boys are educated.
BAHRAICH. Tahsfl in Bahraich district, Oudh, between lat. 27 15'
45" 21 56', and long. 81 29' 45" 82 15'. Area, 992 sq. miles. Pop.
(1881), 311,352.
BAHRAICH. Pargana in Bahraich Tahsil, Oudh. Area, 329 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 122,822.
BAHRAICH. Town in Bahraich district, Oudh. Lat. 27 34' 52",
long. 81 38' 2". Pop. (1881) 19,439. Contains the shrine of Masaud,
a famous warrior and saint, who invaded Bahraich A.D. 1033 ; this sacred
building is visited every year by upwards of 150,000 pilgrims.
BAHRAMGrHAT. Town in Bara Banki district, Oudh. Lat. 27 7',
long. 81 30'. Station on the Oudh and Rohilkhand Railway ; the trade
of the city, which is considerable, is further developed by the bridge of
boats on the Gogra.
BAHTI. River in Cuddapah district, Madras ; ultimately joins the
BAKU. Town in Dujana State, Punjab. Pop. (1881), 1972.
BAHUL. Town in Hissar district, Punjab. A town on the route
from Bikaner to Hansi, forty miles south-west of the latter. Lat.
28 38', long. 75 40'.
BAHTIRIAB AD. Pargana in Ghazipur district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
BAICHANAHALLL Villages in Coorg, Madras, having a pop. (1881)
respectively of 213 and 482.
BAIDESWAR. Village in Banki State, Orissa, on the banks of the
Mahanadi river. Lat. 20 21' 15", long. 85 25' 30".
BAIDOBATTL Town in Hugh' district, Bengal. Pop. (1881), 14,477.
BAIDORA. Thana in Jhansi district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
BAIDTJR. Town in South Kanara district, Madras. Lat. 13 52' 15",
long. 74 39' 30". Pop. (1871), 1924.
BAIDYABATL Town and municipality in Hugh' district, Bengal.
Lat. 22 47' 25", long. 88 22' 20". Pop. (1872), 13,332. A market,
54 BAI
said to be one of the largest in Bengal, is held here twice a week,
at which large transactions take place in various kinds of produce, and
specially in jute, which is brought from all parts of the adjacent country.
Hope made of hemp and jute is manufactured in the town.
B AID YANATH. Village in Shahabad district, Bengal. Lat. 25 17',
long. 82' 36' 15". Containing a ruin attributed to Madan Pal, a Sivira
BAIGrHTIL (or BHAGrTIL). River of Bareilly district, N.W.P. ;
falls into the Western Ramganga on the left side, in lat. 27 43', long.
79 40'.
BAIGONBARI. Town in Maimansinh district, Bengal ; on the right
bank of the river Brahmaputra, nineteen miles south-east of Jamalpur.
Lat. 24 47', long. 90 18'.
BAIJNATH. Town in Mandi State, Punjab ; distant north-east from
Mandi twenty-nine miles. Lat. 32, long. 76 43'.
BAIJUA. Town in Saran district, Bengal ; on the left bank of the
Gandak, eleven miles south-west of Bettia. Lat. 26 40', long. 84 26'.
BAIKANTHPTJR. Town and municipality in Patna district, Bengal.
Lat. 25 29' 30", long. 85 25' 15". Pop. (1881), 6424. Situated on
the Ganges, five miles below the point where the Punpun joins that
river. Baikanthpur is a place of great sanctity, thronged by pilgrims at
the festival of Sivaratrf.
BAILA. Town in Nagpur district, Central Provinces. Lat. 20 48',
long. 79 5'.
BAILA or BYLA. Tillage in Dehra Dun district, N.W.P. ; on a high
mountain close to the left bank of the Tons. Elevation above the sea,
6318 feet. Lat. 30 45', long. 77 47'.
BAILA BHELA. Town in Rae Bareli district, Oudh. Pop. (1869),
BAIL AM AN. Town .in Morbhanj State, Orissa, Bengal; distant
west from Midnapur eighty-five miles. Lat. 22 29', long. 86 4'.
BAILEY ISLAND. One of the group of islands forming the Mergui
archipelago, off the Tenasserim coast, British Burma. Lat. 12 9', long.
97 50'.
BAILGAON. Town in Seoni district, Central Provinces; distant north-
west from Nagpur ninety-one miles. Lat. 21 58', long. 80 16'.
BAILGAON. Village in Unao district, Oudh; five miles north-west
of Purwa, and sixteen miles south-east of Unao town. Ruined fortress ;
bi-weekly market, attended by from 4000 to 5000 people.
BAIMLEY. Town in Haidarabad State ; distant north-east from
Sholapur forty miles. Lat. 18 9', long. 76 16'.
BAINGHI. Village in Hugli district, Bengal, and a station on the
East Indian Railway; distant from Calcutta forty-four miles. Lat.
23 7', long. 88 15' 35". Pop. (1872), 4538.
BAING. A river of the Tavoy district of the Tenasserim provinces,
British Burma, rises in lat. 13 27', long. 98 51', and flowing in a
northerly direction for sixty-five miles, falls into the river Tenasserim in
lat. 14 14', long. 99 35'.
BA1NPUR. Town in Midnapur district, Bengal, twenty-nine miles
BAI 55
north-west irom Midnapur, forty-six miles south of Bankura. Lat.
22 35', loner. 87.
BAINROH. Tillage in Patiala State, Punjab, on the route from
Hansi to Ludhiana, and forty-five miles south of the latter town. Distant
north-west from Calcutta, 1067 miles. Lat. 30 20', long. 75 57'.
BAINSROLE (or BHAINSROL). Town in Kotah State, Central
India Agency ; distant south-west from Kotah twenty-two miles. Lat.
24 49', long. 75 37'.
BAINSWARA. An ancient division of Oudh; corresponding to the
district of Rai Bareli and part of Partabgarh. It lies between lat.
25 55' 26 48', long. 80 20' 81 35', and is about seventy-five miles
in length from east to west, and fifty-eight in breadth.
BAINTGHUR. Town in Midnapur district, Bengal. On the river
Rasulpur, forty-three miles south-east of Midnapur. Lat. 21 55', long.
87 47'.
BAIRAJPTJR. Village in Allahabad district, N.W.P. ; on the route
from Allahabad to Banda, and twenty-four miles west of the former.
Lat. 25 25', long. 81 22'.
BAIRAMBADA. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 565.
BAIRAMDRUG. Town in Mysore State; distant north-east from
Seringapatam fifty-six miles. Lat. 13 6', long. 77 13'.
BAIRAMGHAT. Village in Ellichpur district, Berar. Lat. 21 22'
30", long. 77 38' 30". Scene of a fair held annually every October, and
attended by upwards of 50,000 persons. On this occasion sacrifices of
thousands of animals are offered before a rock, approached by a long
flight of steps, the Hindus on one side and the Musalmans on
the other.
BAIRAMNAGAR. Village in Bulandshahr district. N.W.P. ; on the
route from Ah'garh to Moradabad, and sixteen miles north of the former.
Lat. 28 7', long. 78 13'.
BAIRAMPTIR. Town in Jessor district, Bengal ; on the southern
boundary of the district, forty miles south of Jessor. Lat. 22 37', long.
89 20'.
BAIRAMPUR (BAIRUMPTIR). Village in Allahabad district,
N.W.P. ; on the route from Allahabad to Banda, and forty-three miles
west of the former city. Lat. 25 24', long. 81 12'.
BAIRAT. Fort in Dehra Dun district, N.W.P. ; on a summit of the
nge between the Tons and Jumna, and near the right bank of the latter
VQT. Elevation above the sea, 7599 feet. Lat. 30 35', long. 78.
BAIRAT. Town in Jaipur State, Rajputana ; distant north-east from
Jaipur forty-one miles. Lat. 27 27', long. 76 14'.
BAIRATH. Town in Jaipur State, Rajputana. Pop. (1881), 5649.
BAIRCHUE. Town in Gwalior State, Central India Agency; distant
t from Ujain thirty-four miles. Lat. 23 14', long. 76 20'.
BAIRI. Town in Jaipur State, Rajputana; distant south-east from
Jaipur fifty miles. Lat. 26 17', long. 76 14'.
BAIRIA or BYRIAH. Town in Ghazfpur district, KW.P. ; on the
left bank of the Ganges, six miles by water south of Ghazipur, north-
west of Calcutta 607 by water. Lat. 25 29', long. 83 32'. Pop. (1881),
BAIRIA. Thana in Ballia district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 88,024.
BAIRKAIRA Town in Jabalpur district, Central Provinces, thirty-
nine miles west of Jabalpur. Lat. 23 6', long. 79 26'.
BAIROD. Town in Ulwar State, Rajputana; on the route from
Delhi to Mhow, and thirty-two miles south-west of the former. It is
situate at the southern extremity of a ridge of hills. Lat. 27 55', long.
76 27'.
BAIRONDA. Town in Bhopal State, Central India Agency ; distant
south from Bhopal forty miles. Lat. 22 40', long. 77 15'."
BAIRSEAH. District in Dhar State, Central India Agency, between
lat. 23 26' 23 52', and long. 77 10' 77 40'. Area, 456 sq miles.
BAIRSEAH. Town in district of the same name. Lat. 23 37', long.
77 27'.
BAIRTJR. Town in Haidarabad State ; distant south-east from
Haidarabad seventy-one miles. Lat. 16 46', long. 79 26'.
BAI8AH. Town in Haidarabad State ; distant north from Haidarabad
128 miles. Lat. 19 7', long. 78 1'.
BAITAGHATA. Thana in Khulna district, Bengal. Area, 97 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 37,501.
BAITARANI. Elver watering the Keunjhar and IVIorbhanj States,
and Cuttack and Balasor districts, Orissa. There is a legend that Rama,
when marching to Ceylon to rescue his wife Sita from the ten-headed
demon Ravana, halted at the river-side on the borders of Keunjhar ; and,
in commemoration of this event, large numbers of people visit the river
every January.
BAITTIRNI. Town in Keunjhar State, Orissa, Bengal ; distant west
from Balasor ninety miles. Lat. 21 35', long. 85 39'.
BAIZAPUR. Town in Haidarabad State; distant west from Aurang-
abad forty miles. Lat. 19 56', long. 74 47'.
BAIZNATH (or BAIDYANATH). Village in Kumaun district,
N.W.P. ; with a Hindu temple with considerable celebrity, in a valley
about twenty-two miles north of Almora. It is situate on the left bank
of the Gomati, which lower down joins the Sarju, a principal feeder of
the Gogra. Elevation above the sea, 3800 feet. Lat. 29 54', long. 79 39'.
BAJANA. Fourth-class State in Kathiawar, Bombay; between lat.
22 57' 45" 23 10' 30", and long. 71 39' 45" 71 59' 30". Maintains
a small force of fifty men, and pays tribute both to the British Govern-
ment and the Nawab of Junagarh. Area, 183 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
BAJANA. Town in State of the same name in Kathiawar, Bombay.
Lat. 23 7', long. 71 49' 15".
BAJARATJ (or BUGRI). Tillage in Jaipur State, Rajputana; with a
fort built on a rock, fifty miles south-east of the city of Jaipur. Lat.
26 25', long. 76 27'. It is about fifteen miles by river below Calcutta,
and is noted as being the site of a fort captured from the forces of Siraj-
ud-daula by Clive in 1756.
BAJ-BAJ (BUDGE-BUDGE). Village in the Twenty-four Parganas
district, Bengal. Lat. 22 29', long. 88 14'.
BAJHERA. Pargana in Muzaffarnagar district, N/W.P. Pop. (1881),
BAJI. Ruined fort in Bashahr State, Punjab ; on a summit of a ridge
stretching north-eastward from the peak of Whartu to the outer Himalaya.
Elevation above the sea, 9,105 feet. Lat. 31 15', long. 77 37'.
BAJITPTTR (BAJETPORE). Town in Maimansinh district, Bengal.
Lat. 24 12' 40", long. 90 59' 43". Pop. about. 3700. Formerly noted
for its muslin.
BAJPUR. Town in Baroda State ; on the right bank of the river
Tapti ; distance from the city of Surat, north-east, sixty miles. Lat. 21
22', long. 73 48'.
BAJUNI. Village in Hindur State, Punjab; on the route from
Subathu to Bilaspur, and twenty -two miles north-west of the former
town. It is situate near the Garnrara river, at the eastern base of the
ridge of Malaun ; the fortress of which is built on the summit, 2000 feet
above it. Lat. 31 12', long. 76 52'.
BAJWARA. Village in Hoshiarpur district, Punjab. Pop. (1868),
2641. Said to have been formerly the principal place in this neighbour-
hood, and " celebrated for cloth-weavers and pious Brahmans." The
buildings extend for 2285 acres, but the greater part now consists of
ruins, and furnishes broken bricks for metalling roads. Contains a
picturesque brick fort, the only one in the district not dismantled since
the advent of British rule.
BAKAH. Town in Raipur district, Central Provinces; distant east
from Nagpur 104 miles. Lat. 21 2', long. 80 47'.
BAKARGANJ. A district in Bengal, between lat. 21 49' 23 4'
45", and long. 89 53' 45" 91 4' 50". Area, 3649 sq. miles. Pop.
(1881), 1,900,889. Bounded on the north by Dacca and Faridpur
districts ; on the east by the Meghna and Shahbazpur rivers ; on
the south by the Bay of Bengal ; and on the west by Jessor and
Faridpur districts. The chief rivers are the Ganges, Brahmaputra, and
BAKARGANJ. Subdivision in district of same name in Bengal.
Area, 1111 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 814,595. Also thana. Area, 153
sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 135,396.
BAKARGANJ. Town of the district of the same name, Bengal;
situated near the junction of the Krishnakati and Khairabad rivers. Lat.
22 32' 45", long. 90 23' 10". In 1801 the headquarters were transferred
to Barisal, their present seat, and Bakarganj is now in ruins. Pop.
(1881), 7060.
BAKESWAR or KANA. River of Birbhum and Murshidabad districts.
Sulphur springs are found in the bed of the river, some of which attract
an annual concourse of pilgrims.
BAKHIRA or BAGNAGAR. Town in GorakTipur district, 1S T . W.P. ;
on the western bank of the lake. Buchanan, describing its condition at
he beginning of the century, states, " Bakhira contains 250 houses,
urrounded by a ditch, rampart, and bamboo hedge, still very inaccessible,
although not in repair." It has a market. Distance north-west from
Gorakhpur nineteen miles. Lat. 26 55', long. 83 4'.
BAKHIRA JHIL or BUDANCH TAL. Lake in Gorakhpur district,
N.W.P.; so called from the small town of Bakhira, situate on its western
bank. It is thus described by Buchanan : " It is certainly the finest
piece of fresh water that I have seen in India, but it will not bear a
comparison in beauty with European lakes." He adds, that though
generally known to Europeans by the name of Bakhira Jhil, the natives
generally call it Barachi ; and a Nawab of Oudh, accustomed to hunt on
its bank, called it Moti Jhil, or "Pearl of Lakes." Distant thirteen
miles north-west of the cantonment of Gorakhpur. Lat. 26 53', long.
83 5'.
BAKHRA. -Village in Muzaffarpur district, Bengal. Pop. (1872),
B AKHSHA. Thana in Taunpur district, KW.P. Pop. (1881 ), 75,087.
BAKHSHI KHAL. Water channel in Hugli district, Bengal.
BAKHTGARH. Petty Bhil State, Central India Agency, paying
tribute to Dhar.
BAKHTIARPUR. Tillage and station on the East Indian Railway,
in Patna district, Bengal. Lat. 25 27' 30", long. 85 34'.
BAKKACHERL A. Village in Bellary district, Madras. Containing
important irrigation works.
BAKKARAYASAMUDARAM. Village in Bellary district, Madras.
Pop. (1871), 2295.
BAKLOH. Town in Gurdaspur district, Punjab. Pop. (1881), 1479.
BAKRA. A river of Purniah district, North Behar.
BAKRA. Town in Jodhpur State, Rajputana ; distant north-west of
Todhpur seventy-three miles. Lat. 26 44', long. 72 3'.
BAKRANI. Village in Shikarpur district, Sind, Bombay ; on the route
from Sehwan to Larkana, and seven miles south of the latter place. It
is situate in the extensive island contained between the Indus and its
offset the "Western Nara, being distant four miles from the left bank of
the former, and about half a mile from a ferry over the latter, known as
the ferry of Bakranf. Lat. 27 25', long. 68 12'.
BAKRTJ. Town in Jodhpur State, Rajputana ; distant south-west
from Jodhpur eighty-three miles. Lat. 25 18', long. 72 30'.
BAKSAR,. Village in TJnao district, Oudh. Pop. (1869), 1222. An
annual fair is held near this spot, when 100,000 persons or more bathe in
the Ganges. In the mutiny of 1857, Baksar attained notoriety in con-
nection with the escape of the fugitives from Cawnpore.
BAKTID CREEK. A branch of the Mahanadi river, in Cuttack
district, Bengal.
BAKUH. Town in Chhindwara district, Central Provinces; distant
north from Nagpur seventy four miles. Lat. 22 12', long. 79 2'.
BAKUL or PAKTIL. Village in Gurgaon district, Punjab ; situate
at the eastern base of a low rocky range of hills, partly of sandstone,
partly of quartzose formation. Distance south from Delhi twenty miles.
Lat. 28 21', long. 77 17'.
BALA. Town in Jodhpur State, Rajputana; distant east from
Jodhpur thirty-five miles. Lat. 26 10', long. 73 41'.
BALABEHAT. Pargana in Lalitpur district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
BALABET. Town in Gwalior State, Central India Agency ; distant
north-west from Sagar forty miles. Lat. 24 20', long. 78 30'.
BAL 59
BAL AGANJ. Tillage in Sylhet district, Assam. Lat. 24 39' 15",
long. 91 52' 15".
BALAGAR Town in Hugli district, Punjab. Pop. (1881), 11,233.
BALAGARH. Thana in Hugli district, Bengal. Area, 86 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 48,218.
BALAGHAT. A name given (1) locally to the Bellary, Chiddapah, and
Kurnul districts, Madras ; also (2) to the Highlands of Berar above the
Ajanta Hills, the payanghdt being the lowlands ; and (3) anciently to the
part of the kingdom of Yijayanagar above the ghats.
BALAGHAT. A district in the Central Provinces, between lat.
21 18' 22 22', and long. 80 3' 80" 81 4'. Bounded on the north
by Mandla district, on the west by the Bagh and "Wainganga rivers, and
on the south-west by Raipur district. Area, 3146 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
340,554. The chief town is Burha, and the chief river the Wainganga.
It is administered by a Deputy Commissioner and staff of Assistants.
BAIAGODU. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 414.
BALAGUTCH. Town in Muzaffarpur district, Bengal ; on the route
from Monghyr to Hajipur, fifty miles west of the former. Lat. 25 29',
long. 85 43'.
BALAHARA. Tillage with a fort in Jaipur State, Rajputana ; on
the route from Agra to Ajmere, 78 miles west of former, 150 east of
latter. It is situate close to a pass through a chain of rocky hills running
north and south. At the close of the last century the fort was bom-
barded, and partially demolished by Duboigne, the general of Sindhia.
Lat. 26 57', long. 76 47'.
BALAHI. Hills in Bhandara district, Central Provinces ; six miles
west of Bhandara, rising 400 feet above the plain. Lat. 21 10' 30"
21 13', long. 79 35' 30" 79 3$' 15".
BAL A JI. Tillage in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 438.
BALAKOT. Town in Hazara district, Punjab, situated on the left
bank of the river Kimbar. Pop. (1868), 10,683.
BALAKOT. Tillage in Damoh district, Central Provinces. Lat.
23 41' 45", long. 79 22' 45".
BALALE.-' Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 1067.
BALAMAB ATI. Tillage in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 523.
BALAMAU. Town (in pargana of same name) in Hardoi district
Oudh. Pop. (1869), 2376. Area of pargana, 25 sq. miles. Pop. (1881)',
11,720. A thriving place, with daily market and Government school.
BALAMURI. Tillage in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 694.
BALAN. Town in Jodhpur State, Rajputana, distant south-east from
ikaner fifty-one miles. Lat. 27 19', long. 73 44'.
BALANA. Town in Jaisalmir State, Rajputana ; thirty-five miles
orth-east of the city of Jaisalmir. Lat. 27 13', long. 71 29'.
BAL AN WALL Town in Jind State, Punjab. Pop. (1881), 1932.
BALAONI. Town in Satara district, Bombay ; forty-five miles south-
ast from Satara, twenty -nine miles north-west of Miraj. Lat. 17 11',
.ong. 74 32'.
BALAPUR. Town in Haidarabad State ; distant south from Haidar-
abad four miles. Lat. 17 18', long. 78 33'.
BALAPUR. Town (in taluk of the same name) in Akola district,
60 BAL
Berar. Lat. 20 40', long. 76 49' 15". Pop. (1881), 11,244. The
fort of Balapur, which is exceedingly strong, was built about A.D. 1757
by a JSawab of Ellichpur. The Jama Masjid dates from A.H. 1032
(=A.D. 1622-23). There is also a fine pavilion of black stone on the
bank of the river. Area of taluk, 570 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 107,200.
B ALAS AN. A river of Darjiling district, Bengal.
BALASINOR. A State in the Political Agency of Rewa Kantha, in
the Province of Guzerat, Bombay, with chief town of same name.
Between lat. 22 53' 23 17', and long. 73 17' 73 40'; bounded on
the north by the Mahi Kantha States, on the east by the Mahi river,
Lunawara, and part of the Panch Mahals, and on the west and south by
Kaira district. Area, 189 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 46,328. The prin-
cipal river is the Mahi. The chief, known as the Babi, has a salute of
nine guns, and pays a yearly tribute of 18,680 to the British Govern-
BALA80R. A district (with chief town of same name) in Orissa,
Bengal. Between 20 43' 50" 21 56' 30", and long. 86 18' 40"
87 31' 20". Area, 2066 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 945,280. It is bounded
on the north by Midnapur district, and Morbhanj State ; on the east by
the Bay of Bengal ; on the south by Cuttack district; and on the west
by the States of Keunjhar, Nilgiri, and Morbhanj. The chief rivers
are the Subarnarekha, and Panchpara.
BALASOR. Subdivision in the district of the same name in Bengal.
Between lat. 21 3' 30" 21 56' 30", and long. 86 23' 45" 87 31' 20".
Area, 1158 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 519,707. Also thana. Area, 228
sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 107,685.
BALASOR. Town, municipality and headquarters of the district
and subdivision of the same name, Bengal. Lat. 21 30' 6", long. 86
58' 11". Pop. (1881), 20,265.
BALASOR. A peak, 6762 feet high, in a range of hills in Malabar
district, Madras. Lat. 11 41' 45", long. 75 57' 15".
BALAUN. A river of Nepal, rising in lat. 26 41', long. 86 22', in
the Terai or marshy lands at the base of the Sub-Himalaya range. At
the distance of eight miles from its source, it flows over the northern
boundary of the Darbhanga district, Bengal ; and holding a course
southerly for sixty miles, falls into the Gogra in lat. 25 50', long. 86 16'.
B ALB ARID ALTIA. Marsh in Bakarganj district, Bengal. Between
lat. 22 39' 22 52' and long. 89 58' 90 12' ; with an estimated
ordinary area of 39-45 sq. miles.
BALBIGA. Town in Patna district, Bengal; on the route from
Calcutta to Sherghati, fifteen miles east of the latter. Lat. 24 30',
long. 85 6'.
BALGHA. Pass on the frontier separating Garhwal from Bashahr
State ; lies over a crest of the ridge dividing the valleys of the rivers
Tons and Pabar. This ridge is covered with lofty and dense forests,
abounding in deodar. Elevation of the pass above the sea 8,898 feet.
Lat. 31 4', long. 78.
BALCHARI (BULCHERRY). Island in Lower Bengal, at the
entrance to the Matla river. Lat. 21 31' 21 35', long. 88 31' 88 37'.
BAL 61
BALCONDAH. Town in Haidarabad State ; distant north from
Haidarabad 100 miles. Lat. 18 51', long. 78 20'.
BALDHI. Town in Thibet, on the northern shore of the great lake of
Yarbrough Youmtso, distant north from Darrang 191 miles. Lat. 29 3',
long. 91 14'.
BALDIABARL Tillage in Purniah, Bengal. Lat. 25 21', long.
87 41'.
B ALBUM CHITTI. Town in Lohardaga district, Bengal ; a town
ninety-five miles east from Sarguja, and sixty-three miles south-east
of Palamau. Lat. 23 4', long. 84 37'.
BALEHBA. Town in Jodhpur State, Rajputana. Distant west from
Jodhpur 139 miles. Lat. 25 56', long. 71.
BALENL Thana in Meerut district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 25,376.
BALESWAR RIVER. A principal tributary of the Ganges ;' separates
from the main stream near Kushtia in Nadiya district, Bengal, and thence
flows through Bakarganj and Jessor districts.
BALI. Town and municipality in Bard wan district, Bengal. Lat.
22 48' 50", long. 87 48' 46". Pop. (1872), 8819.
BALI. Village in Hugli district, Bengal, and a station on the East
Indian Railway. Lat. 22 39', long. 88 23'. Area, 2294 acres. Pop.
(1881), 7037. Contains an academy for Hindu pandits.
BALIAGHATA. Village on a canal of the same name, in Twenty-
four Parganas district, Bengal. Lat. 22 33' 45", long. 88 27'.
BALIAFAL. Thana in Balasor district, Bengal. Area, 204 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 88,226.
BALIBANG. Town in Nepal State. Distant west from Khatmandu
120 miles. Lat. 27 49', long. 83 21'.
BALIGAUJ. Suburb of Calcutta and station on Calcutta and South
Eastern Railway. Area, 1056 acres. Pop. (1881), 14,499.
BALIGHATIAM. Village in Vizagapatam district, Madras, near
which is a shrine of Siva, as Brahmeswar.idu, of peculiar sanctity. Lat.
17 39', long. 82 38' 30".
BALIHRI. Town in Jabalpur district, Central Provinces. Lat.
23 47' 45", long. 80 19'. Pop. (1872), 2028. The town was in olden
times a seat of Jain worship ; its fort was dismantled by the British
Government after the Mutiny of 1857.
BALING. Village in Kumaun district, KW.P., on the right bank of
the river Dhauli. Elevation above the sea 11,000 feet. Lat. 30 12',
long. 80 35'.
BALIPARA. Forest reserve in Darrang district, Assam. Lat. 26
54' 26 55', long. 92 5192 52'.
BALIRANGAM. Mountains in Coimbatore district, Madras, averaging
from 4500 feet to 5300 feet above the level of the sea.
BALISNA. Town in Baroda State. Pop. (1881), 5002.
BALIYA. Town in Partabgarh district, Oudh; eighty-seven miles
south-east of Lucknow. It is situate in an extensive jungle, seven miles
north of the left bank of the river Sai. Lat. 25 55', long. 82 5'.
BALKH. City of Afghan Turkistan, Central Asia.
BALKISSEN. Town in Bard wan district, Bengal; eleven miles
north from Bardwan, and twenty-seven miles west of Nadiya. Lat.
23 22', long. 87 56'.
62 BAL
BALLABGARH. Town and municipality (in tahsi'l of the same
name) in Delhi district, Punjab. Lat. 28 20', long. 77 21' 30". Pop.
(1881), 5821. Area of tahsil, 388 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 138,878.
The Ballabgarh State formerly belonged to a native Raja, but was con-
fiscated consequent on the rebellion of the latter in 1857.
BALLABHPUR. Suburb of Serampur, in Hugli district, Bengal.
Noteworthy as the scene of the annual festivals in honour of Jagannath.
BALLALPUR. Village in Chanda district, Central Provinces. Lat,
19 50' 45", long. 79 23' 15". In the days of the Gond dynasty a city
of importance, to which the ruins of palaces, etc., still testify.
BALLAL-RAYAN-DURGA. Mountains in the Western Ghats, in
Kadur district, Mysore State; 4940 feet above sea-level. Lat. 13 8',
long. 75 29'.
BALLAPUR. Town in Mysore State ; distant north from Bangalore
twenty-three miles. Lat. 13 17', long. 77 36'.
BALLAPUR. Town in Mysore State; distant north-east from Seringa-
patam ninety-nine miles. Lat. 13 26', long. 77 47'.
BALLAPUR. Town in Sitapur district, Oudh; on the route from
Sitapur to Sekrora, thirty miles south-east of the former, fifty north-
west of the latter, thirty-five north of Lucknow. Lat. 27 22', long.
81 6'.
B ALL AVEDDER. Town in Mysore State ; distant north-west from
Seringapatam 152 miles. Lat. 14 27', long. 75 52'.
BALLEABERA. Town in Midnapur district, Bengal ; situate to the
south of the route from Midnapur to Sambalpur, twenty-seven miles
south-west of the former. Lat. 22 16', long. 87.
BALLIA. Town and municipality (in tahsi'l of the same name) in
Ghazipur district, KW.P. Lat. 25 43' 55", long. 84 11' 5'. Pop.
(1881), 8798. Area of tahsil, 532 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 472,282.
BALLIA. District in N.W.P. Area, 1144-4 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
924,763. Also pargana. Pop. (1881), 197,791. And thana. Pop.
(1881), 138,378.
BALLIAGHATTA. Suburb of Calcutta. Area, 2176 acres. Pop.
(1881), 30,259.
BALLIAPUDDA. Town in Cuttack district, Bengal; on the river
Mahanadi, twenty-four miles east of Cuttack. Lat. 20 27', long.
86 19'.
BALLIARI. Town in Haidarabad district, Sind, Bombay ; a town on
the northern boundary of the great western Runn of Cutch, 108 miles
south-east of Haidarabad. Lat. 24 21', long. 69 46'.
BALLIPALLI. Forest reserve in Cuddapah district, Madras.
BALLPUR. Town in Sultanpur district, Oudh ; on the route from
Sekrora to Sultanpur, seven miles south-east of the former, seventy-six
north-west of the latter, fifty north-east of Lucknow. Lat. 27 3', long.
81 45'.
BALLUA. Thana in Benares district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
BAL 63
BALLY. Village in Quepem district, Portuguese India. Pop. (1881),
BALLY. Thana in Howrah district, Bengal. Pop. (1881), 14,815.
BALMER. Town in Jodhpur State, Rajputana; with a small fort
occupying the summit of a conical hill three hundred feet high, at the
foot of which is the town. Distant south-west from Jodhpur 119 miles.
Lat. 25 47', long. 71 22'.
BALOAMUDRUM. Town in Madura district, Madras; thirty-one
miles west from Dindigal, fifty-four miles north-west of Madura. Lat.
10 25', long. 77 34'.
BALOCHISTAN. A country of Asia contiguous to India. It is
bounded on the north hy Afghanistan, on the east by the Punjab and
Sind, on the south by the Arabian Sea, on the west by Persia. Area,
about 106,500 sq. miles ; being between lat. 24 50' 30 20', and long.
61 10' 68 38'. Towns, Khelat, whose Khan is the most powerful
chief of the country ; and Quetta, a British cantonment.
BALODA. Town in Bilaspur district, Central Provinces. Pop.
(1881), 2492.
BALOTRA. Town in Jodhpur State, Rajputana; on the route from
Balmer to the city of Jodhpur, and 62 miles south-west of the latter. It
is situate on the right bank of the Luni, and on the high road from
Jodhpur to Dwarka, a celebrated place of pilgrimage at the western
extremity of Guzerat. There is, consequently, a good gathering of
pilgrims and other devotees, and of those requisite to minister to their
wants ; so that the bazaar is crowded with passengers, and filled with
goods of various kinds. The town is supplied with good water from 125
wells, lined with masonry. The population consists of 6750 Hindus
and 525 Musalmans. Lat. 25 49', long. 72 21 10". A fair, which
lasts fifteen days, and which is attended by more than 30,000 persons, is
held annually in March.
BALOWAL. Town in Dera Ismail Khan district, Punjab, sixty miles
north of Dera Ghazi Khan, seventy miles south-west of the town of Dera
Ismail Khan. Lat. 30 53', long. 70 31'.
BALRAMPUR. Town (in pargana of the same name) in Gonda
district, Oudh. Lat. 27 25' 30", long. 82 13' 50". Pop. (1881), 12,811.
BALRAMPUR. Pargana in Utraula tahsil, Gonda district, Oudh, the
property of Maharaja Sir Digbijai Sing, K. C.S.I., who has a personal
salute of nine guns. Pop. (1881), 178,336. Also thana. Pop. (1881),
BALSAMAND. Village in Hissar district, Punjab. Pop. (1868),
BALSAN. A Punjab Hill State; between lat. 30 58' 15" 31 9'
15", and long. 77 24' 30" 77 35' 15". Area, 51 sq. miles. Pop.
(1881), 5190. The Bana pays a tribute of 118 to the British Govern-
BALTIA. Village in Bhagalpur district, Bengal. Lat. 26 24' 40"-
long. 87 3' 1". Pop. (1872), 2820.
BALTJGUNDA. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 183.
BALTJMAT. Thana in Lohardaga district, Bengal. Area, 672 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 66,253.
BALTJMBA. Town in Baroda State, eight miles from the coast of the
Gulf of Cutch. Distance from Ahmedabad, west, 139 miles; Baroda,
west, 180. Lat. 22 42', long. 70 30'.
BALTJNG. Town in Bonai State, Bengal; distant north-east from
Sambalpur fifty miles. Lat. 21 42', long. 84 46'.
BALYAMUNDTJR. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 475.
BALZOKA or BALCHORAH. Fort and town in Kheri district,
Oudh ; near the northern frontier, towards Nepal. For two months
every summer a mart is held at Balzora, the mountaineers bringing their
native products to exchange for the wares of the plains. Distant north
from Lucknow 120 miles. Lat. 28 34', long. 81 12'.
BAMAN BASTI. Quarter in Calcutta. Area, 170 acres. Pop.
(1881), 1943.
BAMANBOR. State in North Kathiawar, Bombay, paying a tribute
of 7 12s. to the British Government. Lat. 22 24', long. 71 6'.
BAMANGHATL The northern division of Morbhanj State, Bengal.
Pop. (1872), 94,526.
BAMANI. Hill in Vizagapatam district, Madras; 2488 feet high.
Lat. 19 35', long. 83 40'.
BAMANRL Village in Bareilly district, N.W.P. Lat. 29 13', long.
79 35'.
BAMANWALA or BUN YAW ALA. Village in Dehra Dun district,
N.W.P. Elevation above the sea, 2220 feet. Lat. 30 19', long. 78 1'.
BAMATJLLI or BAMBOLI. Village in TJlwar State, Kajputana;
on the route from Muttra to the town of TJlwar, and twelve miles south-
east of the latter. Lat. 27 29', long. 76 48'.
BAMATJRI or BITMBATJRL Village in Bareilly district, KW.P. ; on
the route from Bareilly to Almora, and forty-two miles south of the latter.
Bamauri has an elevation above the sea of upwards of 1700 feet. Lat.
29 13', long. 79 35'.
BAMBANGAON. Chiefship in Balaghat district, Central Provinces.
Area, 8 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 1728.
BAMBHNIPAPAR. Pargana in Gonda district, Oudh. Pop. (1881),
BAMBHOLA or BOMBOLA. Town in Kishangarh State, Kajputana ;
on the route from Agra to Nasirabad, one hundred and ninety-five miles
south-west of former, twenty-eight north-east of latter. It has a bazaar,
and water is abundant. Lat. 26 27', long. 75 12'.
BAMBHORA or BHANIBORA. Fort in Bashahr State, Punjab;
on a lofty summit rising about two miles north of the right bank of the
Pabar Elevation above the sea, 9844 feet. Lat. 31 14', long. 77 50'.
BAMBOLIM. Parish in Ilhas district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 191.
BAMBTIRA. Town in Karachi district, Sind, Bombay. Lat. 24 40',
long. 67 41'.
BAMINGOLAH. Town in Dinajpur district, Bengal ; thirty-six
miles south-west from Dinajpur, fifteen miles north-east of Maldah. Lat.
25 7', long. 88 21'.
BAMNI. Town in Haidarabad State ; distant east from Jaulna forty-
nine miles. Lat. 19 47', long. 76 41'.
BAMNI. Thana in Noakhali district, Bengal. Area, 74 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 41,731.
BAMNI. Town in Mandla district, Central Provinces. Pop. (1881),
BAMNIAWAS. Town in Jaipur State, Rajputana. Pop. (1881), 6125.
BAMO MYO. Town in Independent Burma ; situated on the left
or eastern bank of the Irawadi river, 174 miles north-east of Ava.
Lat. 24 14', long. 79.
BAMONL Town in Eangpur district, Bengal. Pop. (1881), 6895.
BAMOTIM. Tillage in Daman district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 175.
BAMRA. State of Sambalpur district, Central Provinces. Between
lat. 21 8' 30" 22 11' 30", and long. 84 10' 15" 85 15' 30". It is
bounded on the north by Bonai and Gangpur States, on the south by
Kairakhol State, on the east by Talcher and Laira, and on the west by
Sambalpur. Area, 1988 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 81,286. The chief
river is the Brahmani.
BAMSARTJ. Pass in Garhwal State, K.W.P. ; over a mountain pro-
ceeding from the cluster of the Jamnotri peaks, separating the Ganges
from the Jumna. Its summit enters within the limit of perpetual conge-
lation, as a British party, which crossed it at the end of August, found it
then covered with deep snow. Elevation above the sea, 15,447 feet.
Lat. 30 56', Ion?. 78 36'.
BAMTINGAON. Town in Indore State, Central India Agency;
distant south-west from Mhow forty-one miles. Lat. 22 6', long.
75 20'.
BAMUNGAON. Town in Bundi State, Rajputana ; distant north-east
from Bundi thirty-three miles. Lat. 25 46', long. 76 5'.
BAMTJNHATI. Town in Morbhanj State, Bengal. Distant west
from Midnapur eighty miles. Lat. 22 16', long. 86 10'.
BAMTJNWAS. Town in Jaipur State, Rajputana ; on the route from
Agra to Nasirabad, 102 miles south-west of former, 118 north-east of
latter, Lat. 26 34', long. 76 37'.
BANAAR (or BANAR). River of Maimansinh district, Bengal ;
an offset of the Brahmaputra river, leaving the parent stream opposite the
town of Jamalpur, in lat. 24 43", long. 90 20' 45", and flowing in a
southerly direction for 120 miles, to lat. 23 37', long. 90 31', where it
falls into the Dhaleswari river, about seven miles above its junction with
the Meghna.
B AN AGANAPALLL State (with capital of the same name) in Karnul
district, Madras. Between lat. 15 2' 30" 15 28' 50", and long. 78
I' 45" 78 25' 30". Area, 275 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 30,754.
bounded by the Koilkantla, Nandial, and Pattikonda taluks. The chief
river is the Kunder. The Chief bears the title of Nawab, which was
stowed upon him in 1876, on the occasion of the visit of the Prince of
"Wales to India.
BANAIRA. Town of Udaipur State, Rajputana ; distant north-east
from Udaipur 88 miles. Lat. 25 30', long. 7^ 45'.
66 BAtf
BANAPTJR. Town in Chhindwara district, Central Provinces, distant
north-east from Nagpur 92 miles. Lat 22 10', long. 78 14'.
BANAS (Eastern). lliver of Udaipur State, Rajputana ; rising on
the western frontier of Udaipur or Mewar, amidst a cluster of summits of
the Aravalli range, in lat. 24 47', long. 73 28'. The word is significant
in Sanscrit, and means "Hope of the forest ; " having been, according to
the local legend, originally the name of a " chaste shepherdess, who,
while disporting in the waters of this natural fountain, espied to her
horror an intruder gazing on her charms," and praying for aid to the
guardian divinity of the place, was metamorphosed into the stream.
Holding its course through Mewar for 120 miles, it is joined by the
river Barach. Having received this latter on the right, and a few miles
beyond that confluence the Botaseri on the left, it continues its north-
easterly course, receiving on the left the river of A j mere, and subse-
quently several torrents flowing from the territory of Jaipur in the rainy
season. At the town of Tonk, and about 235 miles from its source, its
direction changes, first to south-east, and sweeping round the hills in
which are situate the stronghold of Rintimpur, it falls into the Chambal,
in lat. 25 54', long. 76 50', after a total course of about 320 miles.
BANAS. Eiver of Chutia Nagpur, Bengal.
BANAS NADL River of Shahabad district, Bengal.
BANASA. Tillage in Garhwal State, N.W.P., in the valley of the
Jumna, and seven miles below the source of that river. It is situate on
the left bank of the Jumna, at the confluence of the Banasa torrent, and
on a natural ledge of rock, a series of which, in that part of the valley,
rise over each other on the side of the mountain. The site is picturesque
and sublime in the highest degree. The Banasa is at the confluence
about two-thirds of the size of the Jumna. In 1816, half the village of
Banasa was overwhelmed and destroyed by the fall of a precipice. In the
vicinity are numerous thermal springs, the waters of which are too hot to
be borne by the touch. Lat. 30 56', long. 78 27'.
BANATJLI. Town in Haidarabad State ; distant north from Haidar-
abad 109 miles. Lat. 18 50', long. 78 5'.
BANAVAR. Village and municipality (in taluk of the same name),
in Kadur district, Mysore. Lat. 13 24', long. 76 14'. Pop. (1871),
2110. Area of taluk, 467 sq. miles. Pop. (1871), 76,384.
BANAVARA. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 165.
BAND. Town in Orchha State, Bundelkhand, Central India Agency,
distant east from Tehri 15 miles. Lat. 24 44', long. 79 8'.
BANDA. District of the Allahabad division, N.W.P. Between lat.
24 53' 15" 25 55', and long. 80 2' 45" 81 36' 15". Area, 3061 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 698,608. It is bounded on the north-east and north
by the river Jumna ; on the west by the river Ken, Hamfrpur district and
Gaurihar State ; on the south and south-east by the Panna, Charkhari and
Rewah States ; and on the east by Allahabad district. The chief moun-
tains are the Vindhya. The chief rivers are the Jumna and Ken. The
towns are Banda, Karwi, llajapur ; the fortress of Kalinjar also is famous
in Indian history. The climate is productive of ague to Europeans, who
sometimes can be freed from its attacks only by removal to a better
BAN 67
climate ; but the natives enjoy at least the usual average of health. The
black soil of the plains is noted for fertility, producing in great abundance
and perfection wheat, barley, maize, millet of various sorts, and pulse.
Sugar and indigo, also, are successfully cultivated ; but of commercial
crops by far the most important is cotton, for which the district is so
celebrated that the produce is distinguished in commerce by the prefix of
its name. There are scarcely any manufactures, except of coarse cloth,
dyed red with a colour obtained from the root of a plant called Morinda
multiflora. The conduct of the Nawab during the mutiny of 1857 was
open to suspicion ; but he was permitted to retire with a pension of
3600 per annum, and his territories merged into the British possessions.
BANDA. Town and municipality (in tahsil of the same name), in
Banda district, N.W.P., containing numerous temples and mosques.
The town is of considerable size, but straggling and ill built; the
houses being of mud, though there is abundance of excellent building-
stone procurable. In a commercial point of view, Banda is considered a
thriving place, being a great mart for cotton. Distant south-west from
Allahabad 95 miles ; north-west from Calcutta 560 ; south-east from
Agra 190. Lat. 25 28' 20", long. 80 22' 15". Pop. (1881), 28,974.
Area of tahsil, 400 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 120,578. Also thana.
Pop. (1881), 71,691.
BANDA. Thana in Shahjahanpur district, KW.P. Pop. (1881),
BANDA. Tahsil in Saugor district, Central Provinces, lying between
lat. 23 53' 24 26', long. 78 42' 45" 79 17' 45". Pop. (1881),
82,333. Area, 701 sq. miles.
BANDA CHHOTA or BANDA THE LESS. Village in Banda district,
N.W.P. ; on the route from the town of Banda to Rewah, six miles south
of the former. Lat. 25 24', long. 80 25'.
BANDAIR. Kange of hills to the northward of the valley of the
Narbada river, commencing about lat. 24 30', long. 80 48', in a south-
westerly direction.
B AND AJ AN. Pass in Kashmir State, Punjab. Lat 31 22', long.
78 4'. It consists of gneiss, and is covered with perennial snow, which
extends in an unbroken sheet to a depth of 1200 feet. The summit of
the pass is 14,854 feet above the sea.
BANDAR. Town (in taluk of the same name) in Kistna district,
Madras. Pop. (1881), 35,056. Pop. of taluk (1871), 164,525. See
BANDARBAN. On the Sangu river. Tillage of the Chittagong Hill
"racts, Bengal. Lat. 22 12' 30", long. 92 16' 30". Pop. about 3000.
"lere is a permanent market here, at which considerable traffic is carried
BANDARMALANKA. Town in Godavari district, Madras. Lat. 16
', long. 82 1'. Pop. (1871), 2367.
BANDE. Town in Sawantwari State, Bombay ; distant east from
r engurla 15 miles. Lat. 15 49', long. 73 56'.
BANDEL. Village in Hugli district, Bengal; on the river Hugh'.
Lat. 22 55', long. 88 26'. the seat of an ancient and still important
Roman Catholic Mission, founded in 1599. The festival of the Novena,
as celebrated at Bandel Priory, attracts many visitors.
68 BAN
BANDERPUR. Town in Fatehpur district, N.W.P. ; on the right
bank of the Ganges, 869 miles from Calcutta by the river ; 61 miles
above Allahabad; 32 miles south-east of the town of Fatehpur. Lat.
25 48', long. 81 18'.
BANDHUA HASNPTJR. Village in Sultanpur district, Oudh;
seventy-eight miles south-east of Lucknow. Lat. 26 16', long. 82 4'.
BANDIPALLAM. Hill and river in South Arcot district, Madras.
Lat. 11 43' 15", long. 79 48'.
BANDORA. Village in Ponda district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 2803.
BANDORA. Town in Thana (Tanna) district, Bombay ; situated on
the island of Salsette, at the southern point, where the island is connected
with that of Bombay by the causeway and arched stone bridge con-
structed by the local government from funds principally contributed by
Sir Jamsetjee Jejeebhoy. Distant north of Bombay fort nine miles.
Station on the Bombay, Baroda and Central India Kail way. Lat. 19
3' 5", long. 72 52' 30". Pop. (1881), 14,987.
BANDORBARCEM. Village in Sanguem district, Portuguese India.
Pop. (1881), 1148.
BANDRA. Village in Jodhpur State, Eajputana ; two miles north of
the route from Balmer to the town of Jodhpur, and ten miles north-east
of the former place. It contains 150 nouses. Lat. 25 52', long.
71 28'.
BANDTJGARH. Fort in Eewah State, Central India Agency ; sixty
miles south of the town of Rewah. Lat. 23 41', long. 81 6'.
BANGA. Town and municipality in Jalandhar district, Punjab. Lat.
31 11' 15", long. 76 2'. Pop. (1881), 4565.
BANGA BAZAR. Town in Sylhet district, Assam ; twenty-two
miles west of Silchar, and forty-one miles east of Sylhet. Lat. 24 50',
long. 92 30'.
BANGAHAL. Valley in Kangra district, Punjab. Lat. 32 18'
32 29', long. 76 49' 76 55'.
BANGALI. River of Rangpur and Bogra district, North Bengal. It
falls into the Halhalia river.
BANGALORE. District of the Nandidrug division, Mysore State.
Between lat. 12 1513 57', and long. 77 978 38'. It is bounded
on the south by Coimbatore and Salem districts, Madras. Area, 2901 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 669,139. Bangalore may be considered one of the
finest climates in India, being cool and pleasant throughout the greater
part of the year. The sun is generally powerful ; but in the shade and
in the house the air is always cool.
BANGALORE. The capital of the district (in taluk of the same
name). Station on the Madras Railway. Lat. 12 57' 37", long. 77 36'
56". Pop. (1881), 155,857. Distance direct from Seringapatam, north-
east, 71 miles; Mangalore, east, 115; Bellary, south, 155; Madras,
west, 185.
BANGANGA. A river of Jaipur, Bhartpur, and Dholpur States,
llajputana, and Agra district, N.W.P. It falls into the Jumna in lat.
27, long. 78 32'. A temple, called Jumwa-ki-Dair, situated in a gorge
on tbis river, is visited by the Rajas of Jaipur on their accession to
BAN 69
the gadi. Here they are shaved, the process being part of the ceremony
connected with the accession.
BANGANGA. A river of Nepal State and Gorakhpur district,
N.W.P. It falls into the Buri Rapti.
BANGAR. Pargana in Hardoi district, Oudh. Area, 143 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 65,652.
BANGARAH. One of the numerous outlets by which the Ganges
discharges its waters into the Bay of Bengal. Lat. 21 50', long. 89 42'.
BANGARMATT (or BANGERMOW). Town (in pargana of same
name) in Unao district, Oudh. Lat. 26 53' 25", long. 80 15' 10".
Pop. (1881), 6350. Area of pargana, 173 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
92,656. Also thana. Pop. (1881), 105,540.
BANGAUN. Town in Shahjahanpur district, N.W.P. ; twenty-nine
miles south-west from Shahjahanpur, eighteen miles north of Farrukhabad.
Lat. 27 39', long. 79 38'.
BANGAUN. Town (in subdivision of same name) in Nadiya district,
Bengal ; on the route from Calcutta to Jessor, thirty-nine miles north-
east of the former. Lat. 23, long. 88 50'. ' Area of subdivision, 649 sq.
miles. Pop. (1872), 318,770.
BANGEMETTA. Village in Daman district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 29.
BANGHEYA. Town in Nepal State; distant north-west from
Khatmandu 230 miles. Lat. 28 55', long. 81 56'.
BANGOMUND A. Chief ship in Sambalpur district, Central Provinces.
Pop. (1881), 22,048.
BANGURSIR. Village in Jaisalmir State, Bajputana ; on the route
from Bahawalpur to Bap, and 120 miles south-east of the former.
Bangursir is in lat. 27 59', long. 72 34'.
BANIA CHUNG (or BANIACHANG). Village in Sylhet district,
Assam ; eighty-three miles north-east from Dacca, and forty miles south-
west of Sylhet. Contains a sacred mosque. Lat. 24 31', long. 91 24'.
Pop. (1872), 22,164.
BANIAPUKAR. Suburb of Calcutta. Area, 806 acres. Pop. (1881),
BANIHAL. Pass in Kashmir State ; over the mountains of the same
name. The ascent is much more considerable on the southern than on
the northern side, where it descends into Kashmir, which country has a
greater elevation than that part of the Punjab lying to the south.
Though by no means the highest, being but 8500 feet above the sea, it
one of the most difficult passes into Kashmir, and is seldom attempted
ith horses. Lat. 33 21', long. 75 2(X.
BANKA. Town (in subdivision of same name) in Bhagalpur district,
Bengal. Lat. 24 53', long. 86 58' 5". Area of subdivision, 1185 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 420,379. Also thana. Area, 246 sq. miles. Pop.
(1881), 134,227.
BANKA CANAL. Part of the Rupnaraya and Rasulpur Canal, in
Midnapur district, Bengal. Lat, 22 6' 22 12', long. 88 88 4'.
BANKANIR. Town in Gwalior State, distant south-west from Mhow
rty miles. Lat. 22 13', long. 75 14'.
70 BAN
BANKAPAHARI. Petty State in Bundelkhand, Central India
Agency. Area, 4-64 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 1049.
BANKAPTTR. Town (in subdivision of same name) in Dharwar.
Pop. (1881), 6037. Area of subdivision, 343 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
BANKATA. Thana in Basti district, KW.P. Pop. (1881), 52,829.
BANKHERL Town in Hoshangabad district, Central Provinces.
Pop. (1881), 2643.
BANKI (or BANKY). State in Orissa, Bengal; confiscated in 1840,
and now under British administration. Between lat. 20 15' 30" 20
30', and long. 85 23' 85 40'. Area, 116 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
56,900. It is bounded on the north by the Mahanadi river, on the east
by Cuttack district, on the south by Puri district, and on the west by
Khandpara State.
BANKI. Town in Bahraich district, Oudh ; distant north-east from
Lucknow ninety-three miles. Lat. 28 4', long. 81 43'.
BANKIPTTR. Chief town of Patna district, Bengal ; also station on
the East Indian Eailway. Lat. 25 36' 40", long. 85 10' 50". Pop.
(1881), 97,008.
BANKIPUR. Thana in Twenty-four Parganas district, Bengal. Area,
118 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 107,275.
BANKOMUNDL Hill in Bod State, Orissa, 2080 feet high. Lat.
20 42' 24", long. 84 20' 18".
BANKOT (or BANKOTE). Port on the creek of the same name in
Eatnagiri district, Bombay. Lat. 17 58' 30", long. 73 5' 10".
BANKURA. District in Bengal. Between lat. 22 54'- 23 37', and
long. 86 49' 15" 87 35'. Area, 2621 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
1,041,752. It is bounded on the north by the Ranjiganj subdivision of
Bard wan district; on the east by Sonamukhi, Kotalpur, and Indas; on the
south by the Garbheta subdivision of Midnapur district ; and on the west
by the Manbhum district. "Bankura was ceded to the East India Company
on 27th Sept. 1760. The chief towns are Bankura and Bishnupur. The
chief rivers are the Damodar and Dhalkisor.
BANKURA. Town and municipality in Bankura district, Bengal ;
on the north bank of the Dhalkisor river. Lat. 23 14', long. 87 6' 45".
Pop. (1881), 18,747.
BANKURA. Subdivision in district of same name, N.W.P. Area,
1921 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 647,085. Also thana. Area, 332 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 127,551.
BANMATJTI (or BTJROTI). Village in Alfgarh district, 1ST.W.P. ;
on the route from Meerut to Muttra, and thirty-nine miles north-east of
the latter. Lat. 27 59', long. 77 55'.
BANNAWASSI (or BANNAWASI). Town and temple in North
Kanara district, Bombay; once of much celebrity, but subsequently
greatly decayed. Here is a temple of Siva or Mahadeva, which had
formerly very large endowments, and although a very mean building,
was kept in good repair, and very much frequented. Distance (direct)
from Sunda, south-east, twenty miles ; from Bombay, south-east, 340 ;
Madras, north-west, 370. Lat. 14 33', long. 75 5'.
BANNTJ. District in the Punjab. Between lat. 32 10' 33 15',
and long. 70 26' 72. Area ; 3868 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 332,577.
BAN 71
Bounded on the north by Kohat district; on the east by Rawal Pindi,
Jhelum, and Shatpur districts; and on the west and north-west by hills
belonging to the Waziri tribes. Bannu passed into the hands of the British
on the conquest of the Punjab in 1849. The chief towns are Edwardes-
abad, Laki, Kalabagh, Isakhel, and Mianwali. The district is administered
by a Deputy Commissioner and three Assistant Commissioners.
" BANNU. Tahsil of the Bannu district, between lat. 32 44' 30"
33 5' 45", and long. 70 24' 30" 71 0' 30". Area, 445 sq. miles. Pop.
(1881), 107,159.
BANNTT. Capital in Bannu district, Punjab. See EDWAP,DESAB!D.
BANPUR. Pargana in Lalitpur district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 43,354.
Also thana. Pop. (1881), 15,804.
BANS. Tillage in Kumaun district, N.W.P. ; on the route from
Almora to Pithoragarh, and forty-three miles north-east of the former.
Lat. 29 40', long. 80 13'.
BANSA. Town in Hardoi district, Oudh. Pop. (1869), 2116.
BANSA. Town in Damoh district, Central Provinces. Pop. (1881),
BANSBAB1A. Town and municipality in Hugh' district, Bengal.
Lat. 22 57' 30", long. 18 26' 30". Pop. (1881), 7031. Contains a
temple dedicated to the Goddess Hanseswari, erected at a cost of 10,000,
by the wife of a wealthy landowner of the district.
BAN8DA. State (with capital of the same name) in the Province of
Guzerat, Bombay; between lat. 20 42' 20 56', and long. 73 18'
73 34'. Bounded on the north and west by Surat district, north-east
by Baroda State, on the east by the Dang States, and south by
Dharampur State. Area, 242 sq. miles. Pop. (1872), 32,154. Pop. of
capital (1872), 2321. The Chief, who pays a yearly tribute of 735
to the British Government, is entitled to a salute of nine guns.
BANSDIH. Town in Ghazipur district, N.W.P. Lat. 25 52' 38",
long. 84 15' 30". Pop. (1881), 9617.
BANSDIH. Thana in Ballia district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 134,473.
BANSGAON. Town in Purniah district, Bengal. Pop. (1881),
BANSGAON. Tahsil of Gorakhpur district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
422,858. Also thana. Pop. (1881), 108,876. And town. Pop. (1881),
BANS!. Tahsil of Basti district, N.W.P. Area, 609 sq. miles. Pop.
(1881), 338,839. Also thana. Pop. (1881), 94,363.
BANSL Pargana in Lalitpur district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 12,119.
Also thana. Pop. (1881), 21,858.
BANSI. Town in Gorakhpur district, N.W.P. ; situate on the Rapti.
Lat. 27 7', long. 82 58'.
BANSI. Town in Allahabad district, N.W.P. ; twenty-three miles
south of Allahabad. Lat. 25 4', long. 81 50'.
BANSIHARL Thana in Dinajpur district, Bengal. Area, 257 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 81,877.
BANSKHALL Tillage in Chittagong district, Bengal. Lat. 22 50'
15", long. 91 3 1 7 . Also thana. Area, 195 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
72 BAN
BANSLQI. Tributary of the Bhagirathi river, which drains tho
Murshidabad district, Bengal.
BANSROR (or BYNSROR). Port in Kotah State, Rajputana; situate
in the angle of confluence where the river Bamani falls into the Chambal.
Its site is the summit of a great rock, from 300 to 700 feet above the
average height of the surface of the water in the river, which is here 500
yards wide, and even in the dry season forty feet deep. The stream is very
rapid and violent, there being a fall between thirty and forty feet above
the fort, and another of equal depth below. The base of the rock is
washed on all sides except the north, and is there alone accessible ; but
the rock has been artificially scarped. The fort, however, could with-
out much difficulty be reduced by shells; and even before the introduction
of artillery, was taken by 'Alau'd dm, the Pathan sovereign of Delhi,
who reigned from 1295 to 1316. Distant direct from Kotah, south-west,
twenty-two miles; from Ujjain, north, 127. Lat. 24 58', long. 75 36'.
BANSTTRA. Town in Sitapur district, Oudh, on the right bank of
the Chauka river. Pop. (1869), 2822.
.BANSWADDL Town in Haidarabad State ; distant north-west from
Haidarabad eighty-one miles. Lat. 18 23', long. 77 57'.
BANSWARA or BANSWARRA. State in Rajputana (with capital
of the same name), between lat. 23 10' 23 48', and long. 74 2'
74 41'. Area, 1500 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 152,045. The chief, who
is known as the Maharawul, pays a yearly tribute of 3913 to the
British Government : he has a force of 3 guns, 20 gunners, 60 cavalry,
and 500 infantry. The Chief has a salute of 15 guns.
BANSWARA. Capital of Banswara State, Rajputana ; on the route
from Mhow to Di'sa, 123 miles north-west of the former, 178 south-east
of the latter. It is situate eight miles west of the left bank of the river
Mahi, and has a rampart inclosing a considerable area ; much, however,
of the inclosed space being occupied by gardens. The palace, or residence
of the Maharawul, is a large turreted battlemented building, on a rising
ground overlooking the town, and near a beautiful tank overhung with
trees, access to the water being gained by a fine ghat. Within the town
are some handsome Hindu temples and an extensive bazaar. Pop.
(1881), 7908. Distance direct from Nimach, south-west, 76 miles; from
Nasirabad, south, 200 ; from Ujjain, north-west, 91 ; from Bombay,
north-east, 330; from Agra, south-west, 350. Lat. 23 30', long.
74 24'.
BANTHAR or BANTER. Town in TTnao district, Oudh. Pop.
(1869), 2807. Lat. 26 29', long. 80 32'.
BANTHRA. Thana in Lucknow district, Oudh. Pop. (1881),
BANTWA. State (with capital of the same name) in Kathiawar,
Bombay, between lat. 21 24' 21 39', and long. 70 0' 15" 70 18'
45". Area, 221 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 28,536. The chief, who
maintains a force of 216 men, pays a yearly tribute of 1682 to the
British Government. The capital has a population (1881) of 7589.
BANTWALA. Town in South Kanara district, Madras. Lat. 12
53' 20", long. 75 4' 50". Situated on the river Naitravati, fourteen
xnileb east of Mangalore. Pop. (1881), 3090.
BANTJR. Town in Patiala State, Punjab. Pop. (1881), 6671.
BAOLL Town in Meerut district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 5990.
BAONI. Muhammadan State in Bundelkhand, Central India Agency,
between lat. 25 53' 15" 26 7', and long. 79 42' 30" 80 30' 25".
Area, 117 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 17,055. The chief has a salute of
eleven guns.
BAP. Town in Jaisalmi'r State, Rajputana; on the route from the
town of Bikaner to that of Jaisalmi'r, and 100 miles north-east of the
latter. Bap is in lat. 27 22', long. 71 26'.
BAPATLA. Town (in taluk of the same name) in Kistna district,
Madras. Lat. 15 54' 30", long. 80 30' 25". Pop. (1881), 6068.
Population of taluk (1871), 143,629.
BAPITI. Town in Bikaner State, Rajputana, distant south-east from
Bikaner forty-eight miles. Lat. 27 50', long. 74 8'.
BAR. Thana in Lalitpur district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 21,411.
BAR-ALL Road in Sibsagar district, Assam, twenty-two miles in
BARA. Pargana in Benares district, KW.P. Pop. (1881), 29,307.
BARA. Thana in Allahabad district, KW.P. Pop. (1881),
BARA. Thana in TJnao district, Oudh. Pop. (1881), 91,835.
BARA. Village in TJnao district, Oudh, containing two Hindu
temples. Lat. 26 21', long. 80 46'. Pop. (1869), 1738.
BARA. River of Afghanistan and Peshawur district, Punjab. It
rises in Tirah, or the hilly tract lying between Sufed Koh and the Salt
Range. From the benefits which it confers on the country through
which it flows, it has, in conformity with Oriental feelings, become an
object of veneration. The length of the river is about sixty miles. It
enters the plain of Peshawur in lat. 33 53', long. 71 30'. The rice
grown in this plain is considered by the Afghans superior to any other.
BARA BANKL District in Oudh, between lat. 26 31' 30" 27 21'
15", and long. 80 58' 81 54'. Area, 1768 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
1,026,788. It is bounded on the north and west by Sitapur and Lucknow,
on the south by Rae Bareli and Sultanpur, on the east by Faizabad, and
on the north-east by the Chauka and Gogra rivers. The chief towns are
Nawabganj, Rudauli, and Zaidpur. The chief rivers are the Gogra and
Gumti. The district is administered by a Deputy-Commissioner, two
Assistant Commissioners, and staff.
BARA BANKI. Town (in tahsil of the same name) in Bara Banki
district, Oudh. Lat. 26 56' 10", long. 81 13' 10". Area of the tahsil,
357 sq. miles. Pop. (1869), 222,555. Pop. of town (1869), 14,489.
BARA or BAREH. Town in Ghazipur district, N.W.P. ; on the
route from Chapra to Ghazipur, seventeen miles east of the latter. It
contains a population of 7042. Lat. 25 30', long. 83 51'.
BARA DEHI. A hill in Cuttack district, Bengal.
BARA DEVI. Hill in Hindur State, Punjab ; ten miles south of the
left bank of the Satlaj, on the lofty range of mountains extending from
north-west to south-east through the western part of that state. On tho
summit is a small temple. Elevation above the sea, 7003 feet. Lat. 31
11', long. 76 57'.
74 BAR
BARA LACHA. Pass in Kangra district, Punjab, 16,500 feet high.
Lat. 32 49', long. 77 28'.
BARA LOHAKUR. Village in Bulandshahr district, N.W.P. ; on the
route from Ah'garh to Delhi, and forty miles north-west of the former.
Lat. 28 22', long. 77 49'.
BARABAR. Hills in Gaya district, Bengal. On one of the peaks
there is a sacred temple, to which pilgrims of the male sex repair every
September to the number of between ten and twenty thousand.
BARABATI FORT. Port of Cuttack, in Cuttack district, Bengal,
situated on the south bank of the Katiuri river. Lat. 20 29, long.
85 56'.
BARABHUM. Thana in Manbhum district, Bengal. Area, 648 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 133,847.
BARACHATL Village in Gaya district, Bengal. Lat. 24 30' 10",
long. 85 3' 10". Also thana. Area, 352 sq. miles. Pop. (1881)
BARAGAL A hill in Chutia Nagpur, Bengal, 3445 feet high. Lat.
23 32' 45", long. 85 29' 45".
BARAGAON. Town in Sitapur district, Oudh. Pop. (1881), 10,847.
Bi-weekly market.
BARAGAON. Thana in Benares district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
BARAGAON. Thana in Jhansi district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
BARAGAON. Pargana in Shahjahanpur district, KAV.P. Pop.
(1881), 45,989.
BARAGAON. Thana in Samur district, Bengal. Area, 413 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 284,681.
BARAGARI. Town in Rangpur district, Bengal. Pop. (1881),
BARAGHL Town in Chhota TJdaipur State, Bengal ; distant north
from Udaipur seven miles. Lat. 22 44', long. 83 22'.
BARAGU POINT. The southernmost point of land on the coast of
Pegu. Lat. 15 44', long. 95 30'.
BARAH. Tahsil in Allahabad district, KW.P. Area, 247 sq. miles
Pop. (1881), 53,430.
BARAH. Town in Cawnpore district, N.~W.P. ; on the route from
Cawnpore to Kalpi, and twenty-six miles north-east of the latter. Lat.
26 23', long. 80 5'.
BARAH. Town in Ghazipur district, N.W.P. Lat. 25 30' 30",
long. 83 54' 15". Pop. (1872), 5424.
BARAH. Town in Allahabad district, N.W.P. ; on the route from
Banda to Mirzapur, ninety miles east of the former. Lat. 25 14', long.
81 49'.
BARAHARI. Thana in Rangpur district, Bengal. Area, 199 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 142,512.
BARAH AUT. Town in Garhwal State, N.W.P. ; on the right bank
of the Bhagirathi river. Barahaut is in lat. 30 43', long. 78 29'.
BARAHTTLLI. Town in Haidarabad State ; distant north-west from
Haidarabad 111 miles. Lat. 18 34', long. 77 23'.
BAR 75
BARAIL. Hills in Cachar district, Assam, between lat. 25 25 32',
and long. 93 9' 93 46'.
BARAK (or STJRMA). River of Cachar and Sylhet districts, Assam.
It finally falls into the Meghua.
BARAKHAR. River of Chutia Nagpur and Hazaribagh, Bardwan,
and Manbhum districts, Bengal. It falls into the Damodar.
BARAKHATTA. Town in Rangpur district, Bengal. Pop. (1881),
BARAKILA and TALIBUNDA. Hills in Bellary district, Madras.
BARAKTJDTJ. A part of Yizagapatam district, Madras. See GODAIRI.
BARAKULIA KHAL. River in Twenty -four Parganas district,
BARAL. River of Rajshahi and Pabna districts, Bengal. A branch
of the Gangetic delta.
BARALOKPUR. Thana in Etawah district, KW.P. Pop. (1881),
B ARAM AH AL. Part of the Salem and North Arcot districts, Madras,
ceded to the British in 1792. Between lat. 12 5' 12 45' and long.
78 10' 79 30'.
BARAMANDEL. Pargana in Kurnaun district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
BARAMATI. Town and municipality in Poona district, Bombay.
Lat. 18 8' 30", long. 74 36' 45". Pop. (1881), 5272.
BARAMBA. A State of Orissa, between lat. 20 22' 15" 20 31' 40",
and long. 85 15' 85 31' 30". Area, 124 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
29,772. It is bounded on the north by Hindol, on the east by Tigaria,
on the south by Banki and Khandpara, and on the west by Narsinhpur.
The Rajah, who maintains a force of 652 men, pays a yearly tribute of
140 to the British Government. The capital (B^aramba) is in lat. 20
25' 15", and long. 82 22' 41".
BARAMULA. A gorge in Kashmir, in the mountains forming the
south-western boundary of the valley. Through this aperture the Jhelum
flows, draining the whole of this extensive basin. The town is situate
on the west or right bank of the river, here crossed by a bridge of eight
piers. Baramula is in lat. 34 10', long. 74 30'.
BARAN. Town (in tahsil of the same name) in Bulandshahr district,
KW.P. Area of tahsil, 478 sq. miles. Pop. (1872), 264,365. See
BARAN. Town in Kotah State, Rajputana. Pop. (1881), 7714.
BARANAGAR. Tillage on the Hugh' river, in Twenty-four Par-
ganas district, Bengal. Also thana. Area, seventy-eight sq. miles. Pop.
(1881), 29,982.
BARA-POL. River of Coorg State and Malabar district, Madras.
B AR AS ARA. Thana in Lohardaga district, Bengal. Area, 301 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 14,667.
BARASAT. Town and municipality (in subdivision of the same name),
in Twenty-four Parganas district, Bengal. Lat. 22 43' 24", long. 88
31' 45". Pop. (1881), 10,533. Area of subdivision, 389 sq. miles.
76 BAR
Pop. (1881), 272,574. Also thana. Area, 104 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
BARASIA RIVER. An offset (twenty-five miles in length) of the
Madhumati river in Jessor district, Bengal.
BARASITJN. Pargana in Garhwal district, N.AV.P. Pop. (1881),
BARATHOR. Town in Nepal State ; distant north-west from
Khatraandu ninety-four miles. Lat. 28 30', long. 84 4'.
BARAULL Pargana in Aligarh district, KW.P. Pop. (1881), 9288.
BARAUNDA. State (with capital of the same name) in Bundelkhand,
Central India Agency. Area, 238 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 17,283. The
chief has a salute of nine guns, and a force of twenty horse, 170 infantry
and police, and three guns. Lat. of capital, 25 2' 5", long. 80 40' 25".
BARAIJNDA. Village in Mirzapur district, N.W.P. ; on the route
from the city of Mirzapur to Eewah, and twenty-five miles south-west of
the former. Elevation above the sea, 500 feet. Lat. 24 57', long.,
82 12'.
BARATOSA. Village in Sultanpur district, Oudh; eighty miles
south-east of Lucknow. Lat. 26 21', long. 82 12'.
B ARE ASPTTR. State in Raipur district, Central Provinces. Between
lat. 21 40' 45" 21 43', and lat. 81 10' 15" 81 12' 30". Area, 43
sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 3715.
BARBIGHA. Town in Monghyr district, Bengal. Lat. 25 14', long.
85 49'. Pop. (1881), 7904.
BARGEM. Village in Quepem district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 579.
BARDA. Thana in Azamgarh district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 41,578.
BARDA. A division of Kathiawar, Guzerat Province, Bombay ;
between lat. 21 11' 21 57', and long. 69 30' 70 7'. Area, 570 sq.
miles. Pop. 46,980.
BARDA HILLS. Hills in Kathiawar, Guzerat Province, Bombay.
BARDEZ. Province in Goa district, Portuguese India. Area, 225 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 109,951.
BARDHA. Village in Damoh district, Central Provinces. Area,
17,531 acres. Pop. 1000.
BARDOLI. Subdivision in Surat district, Bombay. Area, 222 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 76,100.
BARDOLI. Town of Wusravi State, Rewa Kantha, Bombay ; distant
east from Surat twenty miles. Lat. 21 4', long. 73 10'.
BARDWAN. A division of Bengal; between lat. 21 36' 45"
24 9' 30", and long. 86 35' 45" 88 32' 45". Area, 13,855 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 7,393,954. It comprises Bardwan, Hugli with Howrah,
Midnapur, Bankura, and Birbhum districts.
BARDWAN. A district of Bengal; between lat. 22 4623 53',
and long. 86 5288 27' 30". Area, 2697 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
1,391,823. Bounded on the north by the Santal Parganas, Birbhum,
and Murshidabad districts ; on the east by Nadiya district ; on the south
BAR 77
by Hugli and Midnapur districts ; and on the west by Bankura and
Manbhum districts. The chief rivers are the Hugh', Damodar, and
Dhalkisor. The chief towns are Bardwan, Kalna, Syambazar, and
Raniganj. The Maharaja of Bardwan, who is one of the most prosperous
Zammdars under the permanent Settlement in Bengal, has a personal
salute of thirteen guns.
BARDWAN. Town and municipality (in subdivision of the sume
name) in Bardwan district, Bengal. Lat. 23 14' 10", long. 87 53' 55".
Pop. (1881), 34,080. Area of subdivision, 1242 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
639,593. Also th ana. Area, 185 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 61,410.
BARDWAR. Keserve of forest in Kamrup district, Assam.
BAREILLY. A district in the Rohilkhand division of the N.W.P. ;
between lat. 28 1' 28 54', and long. 79 1' 15" 80 29' 30". Area,
1614 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 1,030,936. It is bounded on the north by
the Tarai, on the east by Nepal and Shahjahanpur, on the south by
Shahjahanpur and Budaun, and on the west by Budaun and the Eampur
State. The chief towns are Bareli (Bareilly) and Pilibhit. This district,
which was ceded to the British in 1801, is administered by a Magistrate-
Collector, two Joint Magistrates, two Assistant Magistrates, and one
Deputy Magistrate.
BAREILLY. Capital of Bareilly district, KW.P. (in tahsfl of same
name), situate on the Ramganga river. Lat. 28 22' 9", long. 79 26' 38".
Pop. (1881), 113,417. Pop. of tahsil (1881), 285,731. Also thana.
Pop. (1881), 194,197. Bareiily contains some fine mosques, besides
a Government College and several high-class schools.
BAREL. Hills in the Naga Hills district, Assam Province. Lat.
25 25 32', long. 93 9' 93 46'.
BARELA. Forest in Mandla district, Central Provinces ; between
lat. 22 58' 45" 23 2', long. 80 12' 30" 80 16' 30". Area, about
ten sq. miles.
BARELA. Town in Jabalpur district, Central Provinces ; ten miles
south-east of Jabalpur. Lat. 23 6', long. 80 5' 30". Pop. (1881), 2733.
BARENDA. Pass (15,095 feet high) in Bashahr State, Punjab. Lat.
31 23', long. 78 12'.
BARENG. Valley and river in Kashmir State. The valley lies
between lat. 33 20' 33 30', and long. 75 10' 75 26'.
BARENGL Town in Cuttack district, Bengal ; forty miles west of
Point Palmyras, and forty miles north-east of Cuttack. Lat. 20 40',
long. 86 30'.
BARETHA. Town in Faizabad district, Oudh, on the bank of the
Gogra. Containing several temples. Pop. (1869), 2550.
BAREWELLL Town in Haidarabad State ; distant south-west from
Haidarabad ninety-five miles. Lat. 16 4', long. 78.
BARGA. Pass in Bashahr State, Punjab ; leading across the range of
the Himalaya bounding the part of Bashahr called Kunawar on the south.
This, with three other passes, occurs in a space of little more than a mile.
Of these Barga is the lowest, and probably has not an elevation of more
15,000 feet above the sea. Lat. 31 16', long. 78 19'.
BARGAON. Chiefship in Balaghat district, Central Provinces. Area,
2 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 247.
78 BAR
BARGARH. Thana in Banda district, KW.P. Pop. (1881), 9794.
BARGARH. Town (in tahsil of same name) in Sambalpur district,
Central Provinces. Lat. 21 21' 15", long. 83 43' 15". Area of tahsil,
2763 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 396,138.
BARGATIT. Town in Jabalpur district, Central Provinces. Lat.
22 29', long. 81 11'.
BARK. Town and municipality (in subdivision of the same name) in
Patna district, Bengal. Lat. 25 29' 10", long. 85 45' 12". Pop. (1881),
14,689. Area of subdivision, 557 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 376,074.
Also thana. Area, 267 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 194,199.
BARHA. Village in Narsinhpur district, Central Provinces. Pop.
(1881), 2691.
BARHAJ. Town in Gorakhpur district, KW.P., on the river Rapti.
Lat. 26 16' 40", long. 83 46' 5". Pop. (1881), 11,715. There is a
considerable fair held every October. Also thana. Pop. (1881), 77,300.
BARHALGANJ. Town in Gorakhpur district, N.W.P., on the river
Gogra. Lat. 26 17', long. 83 33' 15". There is a fair held annually
in October. Pop. (1881), 5779. Also thana. Pop. (1881), 106,404.
BARHANUDDIN. Thana in Barkarganj district, Bengal. Area,
353 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 89,061.
BARHAPURA. Pargana in Bijnaur district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
BARHAR. Pargana in Mirzapur district, KW.P. Pop. (1881),
BARHETA. Town in !N"arsinhpur district, Central Provinces. Pop.
(1881), 2070.
BARHI. Village in Hazaribagh district, Bengal. Also thana. Area,
353 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 52,054.
BARHI. Town in Jabalpur district, Central Provinces. Pop. (1881),
BARHI. Thana in Gorakhpur district, KW.P. Pop. (1881),
BARHIYA. Town in Monghyr district, Bengal. Lat. 25 17' 30",
long. 86 3' 40". Pop. (1872), 10,405.
BARHPURA. Thana in Etawah district, N.AV.P. Pop. (1881),
BARI. Town (in tahsil of the same name) in Sitapur district, Oudh.
Pop. (1869), 3042. Area of tahsil, 498 sq. miles. Pop. (1869), 238,528.
Also pargana. Area, 125 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 54,030.
BARI. Village in Garhwal State, N.W.P. ; on the left bank of the
Jumna. Lat. 30 55', long. 78 26'.
BARI. Town in Dholpur State, Rajputana. Lat. 26 38', long.
77 42'. Pop. (1881), 11,547.
BARI. Town in Bhopal State, Central India Agency ; the principal
place of a pargana of same name. It is situate in a mountainous country
on the north or left bank of the river Jamnir. Distant south-east of the
town of Bhopal forty-six miles. Lat. 23 8', long. 78 4'.
BARI. Town in Ghazi'pur district, N.W.P., on the right bank of the
Ganges, at the confluence of the Karamnasa. Distant north-west from
Calcutta 400 miles. Lat. 25 32', long. 83 52'.
BAR 79
BARI. Town in Sitapur district, Oudh ; distant north from Lucknow
twenty-nine miles. Lat. 27 15', long. 80 53'.
BARI DOAB. One of the natural sections into which the Punjab is
divided. Between lat. 29 18' 32 14', and long. 71 4' 75 25'.
It lies between the river Havi on the north-west, and the Ghara
or Sutlej and the Bias rivers on the south-east. Its length is 370 miles,
and its average breadth about forty-five. Though not the most extensive,
this Doab is one of the most important of those of the Punjab, both in
a commercial and agricultural point of view. It contains the Gurdaspur
and Amritsar districts, and parts of Lahar, Montgomery and Multan
districts, and also the towns of Lahore, Multan and Amritsar, and is
traversed from north-east to south-west by the great Bari Doab
canal, q.v.
BARI DOAB CANAL. Canal in Gurdaspur, Amritsar and Lahore
districts, Punjab.
BARIA. State (with capital of the same name) in Bewa Kantha, in
Guzerat Province, Bombay. Between lat. 22 21' 22 58', and long.
730 4i/ 740 ig^ it i s bounded on the east and west by Panch Mahals
district, on the north by Lunawara and Simth States, and on the south by
Chota Udaipur State. Area, 813 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 66,822. The
chief, who pays a tribute of 1200 to the British Government, and
maintains a military force of 247 men, has a salute of nine guns. Lat. of
capital, 22 44', long. 73 56' 30" Pop. (1881), 2457.
BARIBELACHLTI. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 129.
BARIGURA. Town in Kewah State, Baghelkhand, Central India
Agency. Pop. (1881), 6625.
BARIPUR. Village in Mirzapur district, KW.P., on the left bank
of the Ganges; distant north-west from Calcutta, by the river, 749
miles ; south-east from tbe city of Allahabad, by the same course, 77.
Lat. 25 16', long. 82 15'.
BARISAL. Town and municipality (in subdivision of the same name),
in Bakarganj district, Bengal. Lat. 22 41' 40", long. 90 24' 30". Pop.
(1881), 13,136. Area of subdivision, 964 sq. miles. Pop. (1872),
711,180. Also thana. Pop. (1881), 126,919.
BARKAL. Hills and rapids in the Chittagong Hill Tracts, Bengal.
BARKALUR. Town in North Kanara district, Bombay. Lat. 13
50', long. 74 53'.
BARKARUNDL Town in Chanda district, Central Provinces; distant
south-east from Nagpur, ninety miles. Lat. 20 27', long. 80 20'.
BARKHERA. State in the Bhil Agency, Central India. The Chhota
Bhumia, Bhawani Sinh, pays to the Dhar State 15 on four villages.
BARKHERA. State in the Bhil Agency, Central India. The chief,
or Bara Bhumia, has relations both with Dhar and with Sindhia. He holds
from Dhar three villages in Dharmpuri, subject to a payment of 86 12s. ;
from Sindhia he holds certain villages in the Sagor pargana, on which he
pays 165; and also five villages in Dektaun, on which he pays
BARKHERA. Thana in Pilibhit district, N.~\V.P. Pop. (1881),
BARKOP. Hills in Santal Parganas. Also thana. Pop. (1881),
80 BAR
BARKTTR. Town (in subdivision of the same name) in South Kanara
district, Madras. Lat. 13 28' 30", long. 74 47' 50". Contains ruins of
Buddhist temples. Pop. (1871), 851.
BARLA. Thana in Ali'garh district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 25,904.
BARMNARA. Chief ship in Mahi Kantha, Bombay. Pop. (1881),
4065. The Chief pays a yearly tribute of 901 rupees to the Gaekwar.
BARMTJL PASS. Pass in Daspalla State, Orissa. Lat. 20 30',
long. 84 50'.
BARN A. Pargana in Etah district, KW.P. Pop. (1881), 16,256.
BARNADI. River of Kamrup and Darrang districts, Assam. It falls
into the Brahmaputra. Lat. 26 13', long. 91 Q 48'.
BARNAGAR. Town in Gwalior State, Central India Agency. Pop.
(1881), 7908.
BARNAHAL. Pargana in Mainpuri district, KW.P. Pop. (1881),
44,553. Also thana. Pop. (1881), 30,810.
BARODA. State in Bombay Presidency, but subordinate to the
Government of India ; between lat. 21 51' 22 49', and long. 72 53'
73 55'. Area, 8570 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 2,185,005. The chief
rivers are the Nerbudda, Tapti, Mahi, Saraswati, and Sabarmati. The
only mountain range is the liajpipla Hills. The chief, known as the
Gaekwar, maintains a force of five batteries of artillery, with 400 artillery-
men, and twenty guns ; a cavalry force of 120 officers and men, and six
regiments of infantry a total of 3126 of all ranks. He is entitled to
a salute of twenty-one guns.
BARODA. Division in State of same name. Area, 1906 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 654,489. Also district. Area, 309 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
BARODA. Village in Rohtak district, Punjab. Lat, 29 9' 30",
long. 76 40' 30". Pop. (1881), 5900.
BARODA. Chief ship in Kathiawar, Bombay. Area, 1323 sq. miles.
BARODA CITY. Capital of Baroda State. Lat. 22 17' 30", and
long. 73 16'. Pop. (1881), 101,818. The cantonment has an area of
1 sq. mile, and a pop. (1881) of 4694.
BARODSAIR. Town in Gwalior State, Central India Agency. Pop.
(1881), 6787.
BARONDA. Town in Rewah State, Central India Agency ; distant
south from Rewah thirty miles. Lat. 24 6', long. 81 18'.
BAROT. Thana in Meerut district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 81,168.
Also pargana. Pop. (1881), 59,169.
BAROT. Thana in Allahabad district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 28,229.
BAROT. Town and municipality in Meerut district, N.W.P. ; distant
twenty-seven miles from Meerut; lies on left bank of Eastern Jumna
Canal. Lat. 29 6' 5", long. 77 18' 35". Pop. (1881), 7956.
BARF ALL State (with chief town of the same name) of Sambalpur
district, Central Provinces. Area, 180 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 29,163.
Lat. of capital, 21 11', long. 83 37' 45". Pop. (1881), 4125.
BARPETA. Town (in subdivision of same name) in Kamrup district,
Assam ; situated on the Chaul Khoya river. Lat. 26 19' 45", long. 91
3' 20". Pop. (1872), 13,100. Area of subdivision, 334 sq. miles. Pop.
(1872), 146,218.
BAR 81
BARRA. Town in Thana (Tanna) district, Bombay; on the river
Baitaram, thirty miles north of Kalyan. Lat. 19 40', long:. 73 IT.
BARRABHUM (or BAHARAGARH). A part of Singbhum district,
Bengal. Between lat. 22 48' 23 10', and long. 86 9' 86 52'.
Area, 860 sq. miles.
BARRACKPUR. Town and municipality in the Twenty-four
Parganas district, Bengal (in subdivision of same name). Lat. 22 45' 40",
long. 88 23' 52" Pop. (1872), 9591. There is an important Cantonment
here ; also a country residence of the Viceroy. It is on the left bank of
the Hugli river, here about three-quarters of a mile wide, fifteen miles
above Calcutta. About 1300 native troops are usually stationed at this
place, hutted in commodious lines, and adjoining are the bungalows of the
European officers. The house of the Governor-General is handsome and
commodious, but not very spacious. It is situate in a park of about 250
acres, laid out with great taste and picturesque effect, the surface being
artificially varied in elevation with much judgment, and offering as
beautiful a display of turf, tree, and flowering shrub, as any spot in the
world can produce. Barrackpur was the scene of an outbreak during the
Mutiny of 18578. Area of subdivision, forty-three sq. miles. Pop.
(1881), 62,417. There is also a thana. Pop. (1881), 21,660.
BARRAH. Town in Kotah State, Rajputana : on the route from
Kalpi to the city of Kotah, 275 miles south-west of former, forty-six east
of latter. Lat. 25 7', long. 76 33'.
BARRIPUR. Subdivision in Twenty-four Parganas district, Bengal.
Area, 442 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 199,488. Also thana. Area, 108
sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 75,830.
BARSANA. Thana in Muttra district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
BAR8I. Town (in subdivision of the same name) in Sholapur district,
Bombay. Lat. 18 13' 30", long. 75 44' 30". Pop. (1881), 16,120.
Area of subdivision, 596 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 110,046.
BARSI-TAKLL Town in Akola district, Berar. Pop. (1881), 5377.
BARSINHPUR. Town in Unao district, Oudh. Pop. (1869), 2285.
BARSOL Village in Purniah district, Bengal. Situate on the left
bank of the Mahananda. Lat. 25 37' 15", long. 87 58' 26". A large
market is held weekly in this village.
BARTI. Village in Jaisalmir State, Rajputana : seventy-one miles
north-east of the town of Jaisalmir. Lat. 27 20', long. 71 59'.
BARTI BARAI. Town in Narsinhpur district, Central Provinces ;
seventy-five miles south from Sagar, seventy miles east of Hoshangabad.
Lat. 22 46', long. 78 49'.
BARUIPTJR. Town and municipality (in subdivision of the same
name) in the Twenty-four Parganas district, Bengal. Lat. 22 21' 30",
long. 88 29'. Pop. (1869), 3231. Area of subdivision, 449 sq. miles.
Pop. (1872), 196,410.
BARTTL. Village in Bardwan district, Bengal. Lat. 23 44', long.
87 9'. It is situated in the centre of an iron-field.
BARUNIBUNTA. Hills in Cuttack district, Bengal.
BARTIR. Town in Ellichpur district, Berar. Lat. 21 8' 30", long.
77 46'. Pop. (1868), 7065.
BARTJT. Town in Haidarabad State, distant north-east from Nandair
ten miles. Lat. 19 14', long. 77 3i'.
BARTIYA. Thana in Lohardaga district, Bengal. Area, 578 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 51,080.
BARWA or BARWAH. Town (in State of same name) in Ganjam
district, Madras. Lat. 18 52' 40", long. 84 37' 35". Pop. (1881), 4298.
BARWA SAGAR. Town in Jhansi district, KW.P. Lat. 25 22'
35", long. 78 46' 35". Pop. (1881), 6315. Also thana. Pop. (1881),
BARWALA. Town in Ahmedabad district, Bombay ; on the left
bank of the river TJtauli. Lat. 22 8' 15", long. 71 57' 30". Pop.
(1872), 5813.
BARWALA. Town (in tahsil of the same name) in Hissar district,
Punjab. Pop. (1868), 3305. Area of tahsil, 580 sq. miles. Pop.
(1881), 75,549.
BAR WAN. Town (in pargana of the same name) in Hardoi district,
Oudh. Pop. (1869), 1584. Area of pargana, 53 sq. miles. Pop.
(1881), 17,870.
BAR WAN. Thana in Murshidabad district, Bengal. Area, 146 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 96,868.
BARWANI. State in the Deputy Bhil Agency, in Central India
Agency. Area, 1362 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 56,445. The Rana has a
salute of nine guns.
BARWANI. Capital of State of same name. Pop. (1881), 5581.
BARWAR. Town in Kheri district, Oudh. Lat. 27 50', long. 80
24'. Pop. (1869), 3407.
BASAHARI. Town in Saugor district, Central Provinces. Pop.
(1881), 2059.
BASANTA. River in Gurdaspur district, Punjab, falling into the
BASANTGANJ. Town in Ttai Bareli district, Oudh ; sixty-five miles
south-east of Lucknow, seventy south-east of Cawnpore, fifty-five north-
west of Allahabad. Population about 6000, Lat. 26, long. 81 20'.
BASANTIA. Village in Jessor district, Bengal; on the Bhairab
river. Lat. 23 8', long. 89 24'.
BASANTPTJR. Tillage at the confluence of the Kalindi and Jamuna
rivers, in the Twenty-four Parganas district, Bengal. A centre of the
trade in paddy. Lat. 22 27' 30", long. 89 2' 15". Pop. (1857), 224.
B AS ANTPUR. Village in Muzaffarpur district, Bengal. Lat. 26
1', long. 85 7'. Pop. (1872), 5130.
BASANTPTJR. Town in Lucknow district, Oudh; distant south-
east from Lucknow twenty-nine miles. Lat. 26 42', long. 81 28'.
BASAUDEMTSO. A large lake in Thibet, sixty miles in circum-
ference. The centre of the lake is about lat. 29 40', long. 94 35'.
BASAVANAHALLI. There are three villages in Coorg bearing this
name, the population (1881) being respectively 80, 58, and 18.
BASAVANAHARE. Village in Coorg, Madras.
B AS AVANAKOPPLTL Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 82.
BASAVANAKUKKE. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 12.
BAS 83
BASAVANATTTTR. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1871), 76.
BASERA (or BASEDA). Village in Muzaffarnagar district, JS T .W.P.
Pop. (1872), 3832.
BASHAHR. A Punjab Hill State, between lat, 31 6' 30" 32 4'
30", and long. 77 32' 15" 79 2' 30". Area, 3320 sq. miles. Pop.
(1881), 64,345. The Raja pays a tribute of 394 to the British Govern-
BASHTA. Thana in Bijnaur district, 1ST.W.P. Pop. (1881), 26,743.
BASHTA. Town in Bijnaur district, KW.P. ; on the route from
Meerut to Chilkea, thirty-one miles east of the former. Lat. 29 3',
long. 78 18'.
BASL Thana in Saharanpur district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 11,738.
BASL Town in Patiala State, Punjab. Pop. (1881), 12,896.
BASL Town in Kalsia State, Punjab. Pop. (1881), 4907.
BASI TANG. Hills in the Chittagong Hill Tracts, Bengal. The
principal, peak (lat. 21 31', long. 92 29') is 2181 feet high.
BASIM. District in Berar. Between lat. 19 26' 20 31', and long.
76 39' 78 T. Bounded on the north by Akola and Amraoti districts,
on the south by the Penganga river and the Nizam's Dominions, on the
east by Wun district, and on the west by Buldana district. Area, 2958
sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 358,883. The chief rivers are the Pus and
Kata Purna. The chief town is Basim. The district is administered by
a Deputy Commissioner and staff.
BASIM. Town and municipality (in taluk of the same name) in
Basim district, Berar. Lat. 20 6' 45", long. 77 11. Pop. (1881),
11,576. Area of taluk, 1051 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 157,690.
BASIN AKONDA. Crag in Cuddapah district, Madras, 2800 feet
above the level of the sea : on its summit is a pagoda dedicated to
BASIRHAT. Subdivision in Twenty-four Parganas district, Bengal.
Area, 363 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 323,061. Also thana. Area, 99 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 76,337.
BASIRHAT. Town (in subdivision of same name) in Twenty-four
Parganas district, Bengal. Pop. (1881), 14,843.
BASKHARL Town in Faizabad district, Oudh. Pop. (1869),
BASMANGL Hill in Tumkur district, Mysore State, with a temple
on its summit. Lat. 13 44', long. 77 6'.
BASNI. Village in Jodhpur State, Rajputana; on the route from
Pokaran to Jodhpur, and twelve miles north of the latter. It is situate
on the banks of a torrent, whicli in the rainy season discharges itself into
the river Loni. "Wells are numerous ; but the water which they yield is
brackish. Lat. 26 27', long. 73 U 12'.
BASODA or BASONDA. Town in Gwalior State, Central India
Agency ; on the route from Tehri to Ujjain, 78 miles south-west of
former, 188 north-east of latter. Pop. about 10,000. Lat. 23 51',
long. 77 58'.
BASODA. State in the Bhopal Agency, Central India Agency. Area,
22 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 7722. The military force consists of 3 guns,
8 artillerymen, 12 sowars, and 60 policemen. The capital is in lat.
23 50' 50", long. 77 55'.
84 BAS
BASORHI. Pargana in Bara Banki district, Oudh. Area, 34 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 21,374.
BASRA. Village on the Bidyadhari river, in the Twenty-four
Parganas district, Bengal, and a station on the Calcutta and South-
Eastern Railway. Lat. 22 22', long. 88 37'. Centre of timber trade.
BASREHAR. Thana in Etawah district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
BASRTJR. Town in South Kanara district, Madras. Lat. 13 40',
long. 75 10'. Pop. (1871), 1570.
BASSANTPUR. Thana in Saran district, Bengal. Area, 246 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 211,476.
BASSEIN. Island off the coast of the Konkan, Bombay; between
lat. 19 20' 19 28', and long. 72 48' 72 54'. Area, 35 sq. miles.
BASSEIN ( WAS AI). Town (in subdivision of same name) in Tanna
district, Bombay ; also station on the Bombay, Baroda and Central India
Railway. Lat. 19 20' 20", long 72 51' 20". Pop. (1881), 10,357.
Noteworthy as the spot which gave its name to the treaty concluded with
the Peshwa in 1802. Area of subdivision, 221 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
BASSEIN. A district in the Pegu division, British Burma ; between
lat. 15 44' 30" 17 59' 15", and long. 94 15' 95 40' 15". Area,
7047 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 389,419. Bounded on the north by
Henzada and Sandowy districts ; on the south and west by the sea ; and
on the east by Thon-Khwa and branches of the Irawadi delta. The chief
river is the Irawadi. The chief mountains are Arakan Hills. The chief
town is Bassein. The administration is conducted by a Deputy Com-
missioner, and a staff of Assistant Commissioners and others.
BASSEIN. River in British Burma ; chief western branch of the
Irawadi delta.
BASSEIN. Township on the left bank of the Bassein river, in
Bassein district, British Burma. Pop. (1876), 17,695.
BASSEIN. Town and municipality in Bassein district, British Burma ;
situated on both banks of the Bassein river. Lat. 16 46', long.
94 48' 10". Pop. (1881), 28,147. A great centre of rice trade.
BASSIA. Thana in Lohardaga district. Bengal. Area, 860 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 88,234.
BASSWARAJE DRUG. Fort in the British district of North Kanara,
presidency of Madras, called by the British navigators Fortified Island,
from the defences erected on it by an ancient Mysorean raja. Distant
direct from Mangalore, north, 105 miles ; from Bombay, south, 340.
Lat. 14 18', long. 74 29'.
BASTA. Thana in, Balasor district, Orissa. Area, 190 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 71,186.
BASTAR. State in 'Upper Godavari district, Central Provinces;
between lat. 17 46' 20 37', and long. 80 18' 82 21'. Bounded ou
the north by Raipur district ; on the south by Sironcha ; on the east by
Raipur and Jaipur States ; and on the west by Ahiri State. Pop. (1881 ),
196,248. Area, 13,062 sq. miles. The chief town is Jagdalpur. The
chief mountains are the Bela Dfla. The chief rivers are the Indravuii
&nd other tributaries of the Godavaii.
BASTENDA. Town in Goalpara district, Assam ; on the route from.
Rangpur to Goalpara, thirty-eight miles west of the latter. Lat. 26,
long. 90 5'.
BASIL A district of the Benares division, N.W.P. ; between
lat. 26 24' 45" 27 30', and long. 82 17' 83 20'. Area, 2753
sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 1,630,612. It is bounded on the north by
[Nepal ; on the south and west by Oudh ; and on the east by Gorakhpur
district, N.W.P. The chief rivers are the Rapti and Koana. Tke chief
towns are Basti and Mendhawal. The district staff consists of a Magis-
trate-Collector, an Assistant Magistrate, and a Deputy Magistrate.
BASTI. Town (in tahsil of the same name) on the river Koana, in
Basti district, N.W.P. Lat. 26 48' 30", long. 82 48' 10". Pop. (1881),
5536. Area of tahsil, 549 sq. miles. Pup. (1881), 335,551. Also than a.
Pop. (1881), 114,368.
BASTI SHEKH. Suburb of Jullundur district, Punjab. Pop.
BASUDERPTJR. Thana in Pun district, Bengal. Area, 194 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 71,354.
BASTJLABAD. Tahsil in Cawnpore district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
BASTTNGPIR. Tillage in Jaisalmir State, Rajputana, eleven miles
east of Jaisalmir. Lat. 26 55', long. 71 7'.
BASTJNI. A town in Jodhpur State, Rajputana ; distant north-east
from Jodhpur ninety-eight miles. Lat. 27 16', long. 74 15'.
BASUNI. Village in Jodhpur State, Rajputana ; on the route from
Balotra to the town of Jodhpur, and eight miles south of the latter. Lat.
26 13', long. 73 7'.
BASUNTPUR. Town in Muzaffarpur district, Bengal. Pop. (1881),
BASTJRHAT. Town and municipality (in subdivision of the same
name) in the Twenty-four Parganas district, Bengal. Lat. 22 40', long.
88 53' 35". Pop. (1872), 12,105. Area of subdivision, 352 sq. miles.
Pop. (1872), 268,146.
BASUTEA. Town in Midnapur district, Bengal ; on the route from
Calcutta to Kedjeri, nine miles north of the latter. Lat. 22, long.
88 2'.
BASVA PATNA. Village in Shimoga district, Mysore State. Lat.
14 12' 5", long. 75 50' 55". Pop. (1871), 1122.
BASWA. Town in Jaipur State, Rajputana. Pop. (1881), 5791.
BASWAPATAM (BASAVAPATNA). Town in Shimoga district,
Mysore; distant west from Chittal Drug forty miles. Lat. 14 11', long.
74 52'.
BAT KUCHI. Town in Darrang district, Assam ; twenty miles north
of Darrang. Lat. 26 40', long. 91 59'.
BAT ALA. Town and municipality (in tahsil of the same name) in
Gurdaspur district, Punjab. Lat. 31 48' 33", long. 75 14' 3". Pop.
(1881), 24,281. Area of tahsil, 480 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 255,131.
BAT ALA. Town in Amritsar district, Punjab ; distant north-east
from Amritsar, twenty-four miles. Lat. 31 49', long. 75 14'.
BATEL. Town in Dera Ghazi Khan district, Punjab ; situate thirty-
one miles north-west of the town of Dera Ghazi Khan. Lat. 30 20',
long. 70 25'.
BATESAR. Town (in thand of same name) in Agra district, N.W.P.
Lat. 26 56' 6", long. 78 35' 7". A great fair is annually held in this
town, when upwards of 20,000 head of cattle are exposed for sale. Pop.
ofthana(1881), 9979.
BATHERL Town in Garhwal State, N.W.P., on the right bank of
the Bhagirathi. Lat. 30 59', long. 78 36'.
BATIM. Parish in llhas district, Portuguese India. Pop. (1881), 871.
BATINDA. Town in Patiala State, Punjab ; it is distant west from
Patiala, ninety miles. Lat. 30 10', long. 75.
BATKAGARH. State in Chhindwara district, Central Provinces. Lat.
22 35', long. 78 54' 15". Area, 161 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 10,460.
BATKULL. Town in South Kanara district, Madras. Distance direct
from Mangalore, north, eighty miles; Madras, north-west, 390. Lat.
13 59", long. 74 36'.
BATTA or BHTJTAH. Biver in Sirmur State, Punjab ; flowing into
the Jumna. It rises seven miles south-east of Nahan.
BATTANA. Town in Tanna district, Bombay. Lat. 19 30', long. 73'.
BATTY. Village in Sanguem district, Portuguese India. Pop. (1881),
BATTG CHINL Town in Gwalior State, Central India Agency ;
distant north-west from Gwalior twenty-seven miles. Lat. 26 28', long.
77 56'.
BAUG NTJDDL River of the Orissa Tributary Mehals ; rising in lat.
20 16', long. 8-4 14'.
BAUGDA. Town in Nadiya district, Bengal, Lat. 23 12', long.
88 50'.
BAUGLI. Town in Gwalior State, Central India Agency. It has a
small fort. Distant fifty-four miles south-east from Ujjain. Lat. 22 38',
long. 76 24'. Pop. 3000.
BAUJPUR. Town in Wusravi State, Bombay; fifty-eight miles
north-east from Surat, and thirty-four miles east from Wusravi. Lat.
21 22', long. 73 48'.
BAULAPUR. Town in Haidarabad State, on the route from Ellichpur
to Aurungabad ; sixty-five miles south-west of former, 102 north-east of
latter, on a tributary of the Tapti. Lat. 20 43', long. 76 50'.
BATJLIARI. Port (on an inlet of the same name) in Ahmedaba'd
district, Bombay. Lat. 22 4' 30", long. 72 10' 30".
BATIMI. Pass leading from the southern portion of Arakan into Pegu,
British Burma. The crown of the pass is about lat. 17 25', long.
94 50'.
BAITN or UTUNGHUN. River of Jaipur, Bhartpur, and Dholpur
States, Rajputana, and Agra district, N.W.P. It falls into the Jumna on
its right side, in lat. 26 58', long. 78 31'.
BATINDA. Town in Jhang district, Punjab ; fifty-eight miles north-
east of the town of Multan. Lat. 30 46', long. 72 3'.
BATTNK. Village in Korea State, Chutia Xagpur, Bengal; forty -four
miles north-west of Sarguja, 108 south of Mirzapur, 360 west of Calcutta.
Lat. 23 34', long. 82 42'.
BAUPHAL. Town in Bakarganj district, Bengal. Pop. (1881), 5055.
Also thana. Area, 160 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 95,188.
BATJRA. State in the Kolhapur Agency, Bombay; between lat. 16
24' 45" 16 43' 45", and long. 73 51' 45" 74 8' 30". It is bounded
on the north, east, and south by Kolhapur, and on the west by the Ghats.
Area, 83 sq. miles. Pop. (1872), 43,439. The principal town is Baura.
The Chief pays a yearly tribute of 342 to the Kolhapur State.
BAURA. Town in Baura State, Kolhapur Agency. Lat. 16 32' 37",
long. 73 51' 27".
BATJRGARH. Hill in Jabalpur district, Central Provinces. Lat. 23
V 30", long. 79 40'.
BAURGARH. Hill in Betul district, Central Provinces. Lat. 22 11'
33", long. 77 50' 30". An annual festival is held in the city, when from
30,000 to 40,000 devotees attend to bathe in the sacred tank at the foot
of the hill.
BATJSHKERA. Village in Moradabad district, JS\W.P. ; on the route
from the town of Moradabad to Almora, and twenty-seven miles north of
the former. Lat. 29 10", long. 79.
BATJSL Village inBhagalpur district, Bengal. Lat. 2450', long. 78 4'.
BAUSUR. Town in Haidarabad State ; distant north from Haidarabad
110 miles. Lat. 18 53', long. 78.
BAVALL Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 517.
BAV AN AP ADIT. Town in Ganjam district, Madras. Lat. 18 36',
long. 84 24' 30". Pop., 960. A great trade in salt is carried on at this city.
BAVISL Chiefship in Mahi Kantha, Bombay. Pop. (1881), 38,60".
The ruler pays a yearly tribute of 33,011 to the Gaekwar of Baroda.
BAWAL. Town in Nabha State, Punjab. Pop. (1881), 4781.
BAWAN. Pargana in Hardoi district, Oudh. Area, 63 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 28,957.
BAWAN BUZURG. Town in Kae Bareli district, Oudh. Pop. (1869),
BAWDI. Revenue circle in Thunkhwa district, British Burma. Pop.
(1876), 6756.
BAWIGIRL Village in the Garo Hills district, Assam. Lat. 25 29',
long. 90 37'.
BAXA. A subdivision of Jalpaiguri district, Bengal. Also canton-
ment (lat. 26 50', long. 89 36') in the same district, where a regiment
of native Infantry is permanently located.
BAXA. A western dwar of Jalpaiguri district, Bengal. Area, 300 sq.
miles. Pop. (1872), 5142.
BAXAR. Town and municipality (in subdivision of the same name)
in Shahabad district, Bengal. Lat. 25 34' 24", long. 84 0' 46". Pup.
(1881), 16,498. Area of subdivision, 656 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
423,193. Also thana. Area, 309 sq. miles. Pop. (1H81), 163,255.
BAXAR. Village in TJnao district, Oudh. See BAKSAB.
BAXAR CANAL. A branch (45 miles in length) of the Son Canal, in
Shahabad district, Bengal. Lat. 25 1' 25 35' 30", long. 84 2' 84 8'.
BAYRA. A grain depot in the Twenty-four Parganas district, Bengal.
BAYRA BIL. An extensive marsh in the Twenty-four Parganas
district, Bengal ; covering an area of 40 sq. miles. Lat. 22 30' 22
40' 45", long. 89 3' 89 8' 30" ; situated east of the Jamuna river.
BAYTL Village in Allahabad district, KW.P. ; on the route by the
left bank of the Ganges from Allahabad cantonment to that of Benares,
thirty miles south-east of the former, forty-four west of the latter. Lat.
25 18', long. 82 22'.
BAZAAR. Town in Bannu district, Punjab ; situate on the right
bank of the Kuram river, sixty miles north of Dera Ismail Khan. Lat.
32 39', long. 70 42'.
BAZAR. Town in Peshawar district, Punjab ; situate fifty miles
north-east of the town of Peshawar. Lat. 34 33', long. 72 10'.
BAZARGAON Village in Nagpur district, Central Provinces. Lat.
21 8' 30", long. 78 48' 45". Pop. 2000.
BAZIDPUR. Thana in Maimansinh district, Bengal. Area, 420 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 209,258.
BAZPTJR. Thana in Tarai district, Oudh. Pop. (1881), 33,932.
BAZPTJR. Town in Moradibad district, N.'W.P. Lat. 29 9', long.
79 10'.
BEANLEAH. Thana in Rajshahi district, Bengal. Area, 122 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 100,887.
BEARA. Town in Wusravi State, Bombay ; on the route from Bur-
hanpur to the city of Surat. 190 miles west of former, 39 east of latter.
Pop., about 4000. Lat. 21 4', long. 73 26'.
BEAS River of the Punjab, rises on the southern verge of the Rotang
pass, in Lahul, a Himalayan region north-east of the Punjab, and at a
point 13,200 feet above the sea, in lat. 32 24', long. 77 11'. The river
takes a southerly course of about eighty miles to Mandi, and has there a
considerable body of water, and a width of from 150 to 200 yards, with
a depth of twelve feet. The depth, however, in the warm season con-
stantly varies, beginning to swell in the evening, attaining its maximum
by morning, and declining through the day, losing about one-third of its
water. This periodical change results from the melting of the snow
diurnally by the heat of the sun. From Mandi the Beas runs a course
of fifty miles, chiefly westerly, then takes a wide sweep of about eighty
miles to the north-west, and having entered the plain of the Punjab,
it turns southward, a course which it holds for about eighty miles further,
to its confluence with the Sutlej, which takes place at Endrisa, near the
village Hureki, on the borders of Kapurthala State, and in lat. 31 10',
long. 75 4', after a course by the former river of 290 miles. The Beas
is considered to be identical with the Hyphasis of Arrian, the Greek name
being a corruption of the Sanskrit Vipasa. The united stream below the
confluence bears the name of the Ghara until the confluence with the
BEAWAR (BEAWR). Town and municipality in Ajmere-Mhairwara
district, Rajputana. Lat. 26 9' 15", long. 74 23' 20". Pop.(1881), 15,829.
BECHRAJI. Temple in Baroda State. Scene of a great religious
festival in the month of As win (September October), to which about
20,000 persons annually resort.
BECTALTTNG. Town in Sylhet district, Assam ; on the left bank of
a small rivulet running into the river Barak, fifty-two miles south-west
of Sylhet. Lat. 24 25', long. 91 12'.
BEDANGA (BELDANGA). Town in Murshidabad district, Bengal.
Lat. 23 56' 15", long. 88 18'. Pop. (1881), 5455.
BEDDADANOL. Village in Gpdavari district, Madras ; thirty-five
miles west of Rajahmundry.
BEDNOR. Town in TJdaipur State, Rajputana ; distant north-west
from Udaipur ninety- three miles. Lat. 25 51', long. 74 20'.
BEDNTIR (or NAGAR). Village in Shimoga district, Mysore State.
Once an important city, plundered by Haidar All to the extent of
12,000,000. Lat. 13 50', long. 75 6'. Pop. (1871), 1295.
BEEANS. See BiA^s.
BEERBHOOM. See Biiumoi.
BEGAMABAD. Town in Meerut district, KW.P. Station on Sind,
Punjab, and Delhi Railway. Lat. 26 54' 38", long. 81 53' 35". Pop.
(1872), 2889. There is also another town of the same name. Lat. 25
51', long. 77 38'. Also thana. Pop. (1881), 45,751.
BEGAMGANJ. Town in Noakhali district, Bengal ; on the route
from Bhulua to Tipperah, fifteen miles north-east of the former. Lat.
22 56', long. 91 9'.
BEGAMGANJ. Tahsil of Gonda district, Oudh. Area, 658 sq. miles.
Pop. (1869), 355,564.
BEGAMGANJ. Village in Faizabad district, Oudh; on the route
from Azamgarh to Faizabad, sixty-six miles north-west of the former,
twenty south-east of the latter. Lat. 26 29', long. 82 22'.
BEGAMGANJ. Thana in Noakhali district, Bengal. Area, 220 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 128,933.
BEGERWAL. Village in Patiala State, Punjab ; on the route from
Hansi to Ludhiana, and seventy-five miles north of the former town.
Distant north-west from Calcutta 1051 miles. Lat. 30 6', long. 75 53'.
BEGH. Village in Farrukhabad, N.W.P; on the route from the
cantonment of Aligarh to that of Fatehgarh, and thirteen miles north-
west of the latter. Lat. 27 26', long. 79 30'.
BEGIEGHAT. Village in Saharanpur district, KW.P. ; on the route
from Karnal to Saharanpur. It is situate on the left bank of the Jumna.
Distant north-west from Calcutta 976 miles. Lat. 29 45', long. 77 13 7 .
BEGOKE. Village in Sfrsa district, Punjab ; on the route from TTansi
to Bhatnair, and eighty miles north-west of the former. Lat. 29 31',
long. 75 3'.
BEGTT SARAL Subdivision of Monghyr district, Bengal; between
lat. 25 15' 25 46' 30", and long. 85 51' 45" 86 35'. Area, 769 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 583,426. A centre of the indigo industry. Also
thana. Area, 476 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 379,794.
BEGUM. Town in Udaipur State, Kajputana. Pop. (1881), 5641.
BEGUMPUR. Village in Allahabad district, N.W.P. ; on the route
from the cantonment of Allahabad to Banda, and thirteen miles west of
the former. Lat. 25 24', long. 81 46'.
BEH AD ARPTJR. Village in Muzaffarnagar district, N.W.P. ; on the
route from Meerut to Saharanpur, and six miles south-east of the town of
Muzaffarnagar. Lat. 29 24', long. 77 50'.
BEHAR. One of the four provinces of Bengal; between lat. 23 49'
27 29', and long. 83 22' 88 35'. Its name is derived from the
Sanskrit Vihdra, a monastery, with reference to the many Buddhist
monasteries in the province, which was the cradle of the Buddhist faith.
Behar, which was ceded to the British in 1765, contains the two divisions
of Patna and Bhagalpur, and the eleven districts of Patna, Saran, Gaya,
Shahabad, Muzaffarpur, Darbhanga, Champaran, the Santal Parganas,
Bhagalpur, Monghyr, and Purniah. Area, 44,139 sq. miles. Pop.
(1881), 23,127,104.
BEHAR. Town (in pargana of the same name) in Partabgarh district,
Oudh. See BIHAR.
BEHAR. Town (in pargana of the same name) in Unao district,
Oudh. See BIHAR.
BEHAR. Municipal town (in subdivision of same name) in Patna
district, Bengal. Lat. 25 11' 28 /; , long. 85 33' 50". Pop. (1881),
46,968. Area of subdivision, 793 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 628,767.
On the south bank of the Panchana river, which passes through this
district, there is a sacred tomb, to which Muslims resort once a year,
on which occasion a large fair is held. Also thana. Area, 297 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 282,283.
BEHAR. Town in Kuch Behar State, Bengal ; distant north-east
from Eangpur forty-one miles. Lat. 26 16', long. 89 29'.
BEHAT. Thana in Saharanpur district, KW.P. Pop. (1881), 52,736.
BEHIR. Tahsil in Balaghat district, Central Provinces. Area, 1451
sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 74,139.
BEHLA. Town in Poona district, Bombay ; thirty-nine miles west of
Ahmednagar. Lat. 19 8', long. 74 11'.
BEHLAPTJR. Town in Ahmednagar district, Bombay ; on the left
bank of the river Paira, thirty-five miles north of Ahmednagar. Lat.
19 36', long. 74 39'.
BEH RAH. Town in Jodhpur State, Rajputana; distant south-west
from Ajmere, 136 miles. Lat. 25 4', long. 73 15'.
BEHRI. Town in Bundelkhand, Central India Agency; on the left
bank of the Betwa, twenty miles south-east of Kalpi. Lat. 25 54',
long. 79 58'.
BEHROR. Town in Ulwar State, llajputana. Pop. (1881), 5533.
BEHTL Village in Partabgarh district, Oudh. Pop. (1869), 1733.
Situated on the bank of a large lake covering an area of about ten
square miles in the rains, and three square miles in the dry season.
Contains three Hindu temples.
BEHTI KALAN. Town in Eai Bareli district, Oudh ; with a Hindu
temple. Pop. (1869), 4798.
BEIRWAL (or BHAIRIWAL A). Village in Patiala State, Punjab ;
on the route from Hansi to Ludhiana, and thirty-nine miles south of the
latter town ; distant north-west from Calcutta 1071 miles. Lat. 30 24',
long. 75 58'.
BEKAL. Town in South Kanara district, Madras. "With large fort.
Lat. 12 23' 45", long. 75 4' 3d". Pop. 1034.
BEKKESODHUR. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 428.
BELA. Thana in Etawah district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 36,702.
BELA. Town in Partabgarh district, Oudh ; four miles from Partab-
garh town, and thirty six from Allahabad, on the road from Allahabad to
Eaizabad. Lat, 25 55' 30", long. 82 2' 10". Pop. (1869). 2746.
BELA (VELA). Town in Kagpur district, Central Provinces. Lat.
20 46' 35", long. 79 3' 54". Pop. (1881), 4943.
BELA. Town in Patna district, Bengal ; on the route from Gaya
to Patna, forty-five miles south of the latter. Lat. 24 58', long.
85 3'.
BELAGAVI (BALAGAMI). Village in Shimoga district, Mysore
State. Containing some of the finest ruined temples in the country.
Lat. 14 24', long. 75 18'. Pop. (1871), 1491.
BELAH or BEYLUH. Town in Etawah district, KW.P. ; on the
route from Etawah to Lucknow, and forty miles east of the former. Lat.
26 49', long. 79 44'.
BELAPUR. Port in Tanna district, Bombay.
BELAURL Town in Satara district, Bombay; on the left bank of
the Kistna river, fiftv-eight miles south-east of Satara. Lat. 16 59',
long. 74 33'.
BEL AUT. Ullage in Aligarh district, KW.P. ; on the route from
Aligarh to Muttra, and seventeen miles south-west of the former.
Lat. 27 40', long. 78 2'.
BELATITI. Town in Shahabad district, Bengal ; on the route from
Dinapur to Ghazipur, forty miles west of former, fifty-two east of latter.
The town is in lat. 25 33', long. 84 28'.
BEL AUTL Thana in Shahabad district, Bengal. Area, 252 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 195,879.
BELBATHAN. Taluk in Santal Parganas district, Bengal. Pop.
(1881), 11,134.
BELDANGA. Town in Murshidabad district, Bengal. See BEDANGA.
BELERIAGANJ. Town in Azamgarh district, N.W.P. ; on the route
from Azamgarh to Gorakhpur, and ten miles north of the former. Distant
north from Benares sixty-three miles. Lat. 26 11', long. 83 12'.
92 BEL
BELGACHL Thana in Faridpur district, Bengal. Area, 134 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 94,598.
BELGAUM. A district in Bombay Presidency ; between lat. 15 22'
16 56', and long. 74 4' 75 35'. Area, 4657 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
864,014. It is bounded on the north by Miraj State, north-east by
Kaladgi district, east by Jamkhandi and Mudhol States, south by Dhar-
\var and North Kanara districts, south-west by the territory of Goa, and
west by Sawantwari and Kolhapur States. The chief towns are, Belgaum,
Gokak, and Athni. The chief mountains are the Western Ghats. The
chief rivers are the Kistna and Malprabha. The administration is con-
ducted by a Collector and four assistants.
BELGAUM. Town (in subdivision of same name) in the southern
Marhatta country, Bombay; situated at an elevation of nearly 2500 feet
above sea-level, on the northern slope of the basin of the Bellary water-
course, an affluent of the Markandi river, which flows into the Ghat-
prabha, one of the numerous tributaries of the Kistna (Krishna). Lat.
15 51' 37", long. 74 33' 59". Pop. (1881), 23,115, excluding 9582 in
the cantonment. Area of subdivision, 662 sq. miles. Pop. 118,895.
BELGHARIA (BELGHTTRRIAH). Village in the Twenty-four
Parganas district, Bengal, and a station on the Eastern Bengal Kail way,
seven miles from Calcutta.
BELGHAT. Thana in Gorakhpur district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
BELHA. Town in Partabgarli district, Oudh ; on the left bank of the
Sai, five miles east of the town of Partabgarh. Distant east of Luckiiow
115 miles, east of Allahabad, 33. Lat. 25 50', long. 82.
BELHA. Town in Darbhangah district, Bengal; thirty-six miles
north-east from Darbhangah, sixty-nine miles north of Monghyr. Lat.
26 18', long. 86 30'.
BELHA. Town in Azamgarh district, N.W.P. It is twenty miles
south of Azamgarh, twenty-six north-west of Ghazfpur, thirty-four north-
east of Benares, and in lat. 25 48', long. 83 13'.
BELHABATCS Pargana in Azamgarh district, KW.P. Pop. (1881),
BELHARL Chiefship, Central India Agency. Pop. (1881), 3331.
BELHARI. Town in Jabalpur district, Central Provinces; on the
route from Allahabad to Jabalpur, 220 miles south-west of former, and
fifty-two north-east of latter. There are some fine Hindu temples in the
town and its environs. Lat. 23 44', long. 80 22'.
BELHIR. Town in Sitapur district, Oudh ; distant north-west from
Lucknow thirty-two miles. Lat. 27 14', long. 81 20'.
BELHTITTL- Town in Sangli State, Bombay ; distant south-east from
Dharwar fifty- three miles. Lat. 15 4', long. 75 47'.
BELIA NARAYANPTJR. Village on the right bank of the Pagla
in Murshidabad district, Bengal. A centre of iron industry.
BELIAPATAM. lliver in Malabar district, Madras. It rises in the
Ghats and falls into the sea in lat. 11 57', long. 75 21'.
the left bank of the river of same name) in Malabar district, Madras
Lat. 11 55'. long. 75 25'. Pop. (1871), 7579. A great centre of trade.
EEL 93
BELIGAUN. Town in Bhutan State ; distant north-east from Kuch
Behar, sixty-nine miles. Lat. 27 10', long. 89 53'.
BELIKERL Port in North Kanara district, Bombay. Lat. 14 42'
45", long. 74 19'.
BELIN. Town in Henzada district, British Burma ; twenty miles
from the left bank of the river Sittang, sixty-two miles south-east of Pegu.
Lat. 17 22', long. 97 10'.
BELJURI or BAILJURL Town in Moradabad district, KW.P. ;
on the route from Kasipur to Dehra, two miles north-west of the former.
Beljuri has a population of 7354. Lat. 29 14', long. 79.
BELKA. Village in Rangpur district, Bengal.
BELKHERA. Town in Jabalpur district, Central Provinces. Pop.
(1881), 2033.
BELKITCHI. Town in Pabna district, Bengal ; situated on a branch of
the Jumna river. Lat. 24 19' 35", long. 89 47' 10". Pop. (1872), 5128.
BELLAGTJPA. Village in Bellary district, Madras. Pop. 1572.
BELLAMKONDA (BELLAMKONTA) Hill (with village of the
same name at its base) in Kistna district, Madras ; 1569 feet high. Lat.
16 30' 40", long. 80 3' 30".
BELLARIMADTL Village in Coorjr, Madras. Pop. (1881), 295.
BELLARY (BALLARI, VALAHARI). A district in the Madras
Presidency, between lat. 13 40' 30" 15 58', and long. 75 43'
78 19'. Area, 11,007 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 1,336,696. It is bounded
on the north by the Tungabhadra river ; on the east by Cuddapah and
Karnul districts ; and on the south and west by Mysore. The chief
towns of this district, which was ceded to the British in 1800, are Bellary
and Adoni. The chief river is the Tungabhadra. The administration is
conducted by a Collector, Magistrate and three Assistants.
BELLARY. Taluk in Bellary district, Madras; between lat. 14 57 ;
-15 42', long. 76 44' 77 16'. Area, 985 sq. miles. Pop. (1871),
BELLARY (VALAHARI). Town in Bellary district, Madras. Lat.
15 8' 51", long. 76 57' 15". Pop. (1881), 53,460. Bellary is a Military
Station of the first class, and has a total strength of upwards of 3000
BELLAT UNGADY. Town in South Kanara district, Madras; on the
route from Mangalore to Chitaldrug, thirty miles north-east of the former.
Lat. 12 59', long. 75 20'.
BELLAVI. Village and municipality in Turnkur district, Mysore
State. Lat. 13 25', long. 77 5'. Pop. (1871), 1663.
BELLTJBTJTTL Town in Haidarabad State; distant east from Bijapur
sixty miles. Lat. 16 46', long. 76 42'.
BELLTJD. Town in Raipur district, Central Provinces ; distant east
from Nagpur 124 miles. Lat. 20 45', long. 81 1'.
BELLUM A DTI. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 368.
BELLTJNDA. Town in Fatehpur district, KW.P. ; on the route from
Allahabad to Cawnpore, and seventy-five miles north-west of the former.
Lat. 25 54', long. 80 59'.
BELLTIR. Villages in Coorg;, Madras, having a pop. (1881) respec-
tively of 802 and 140.
BELMAREA. Town in Rajshahi district, Bengal ; on the route from
Pabna to llampur Beauleah, twenty miles north-west of the former.
Lat. 24 11', long. 89.
BELO. Village (in taluk of the same name) in Karachi district, Sind,
Bombay. Lat. 24 44', long. 68 8' 30". Pop. (1872), 691. Area of taluk,
294 sq. miles. Pop. (1872), 28,471.
BELONA. Town in Nagpur district, Central Provinces. Pop. (1881),
BELPATTA. District in Santal Parganas district, Bengal. Pop.
(1881), 111,911.
BELPTJR VILLAPITRAM. Town in South Arcot district, Madras ;
on the route from Trichinopoly to Madras, ninety-eight miles north-east
of the former. Lat. 11 57', long. 79 33'.
BELSAND K ALAN. Tillage in Muzaffarpur district, Bengal; on
the east bank of the old Baghmati river, about twenty-seven miles from
Muzaffarpur. Lat. 26 26' 48", long. 85 26' 30". Pop. (1872), 2971.
BELUN (BELUND). Iliver of Rewah State, Central India Agency;
falls into the Tons on the right side, in lat. 25 5', long. 81 50', after a
total course of about ninety miles.
BELTIR. Village and municipality (in taluk of the same name) in
Hassan district, Mysore State, on the right bank of Yagachi river. Lat.
13 9' 45', long. 75 54' 40". Pop. (1871), 2989. Area of taluk, 476
sq. miles. Pop. (1871), 64,697. There is an annual festival in the
village during April, attended by upwards of 5000 persons. There is also
another town of the same name in Mysore, in lat. 12 58', long. 36 48'.
BELURUBASAV AN AHALLI. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop.
(1881), 243.
BEL WIN. Village in Mirzapur district, KW.P. ; on the route from
Chanar to Mirzapur, ten miles west of the former, eleven east of the
latter. Lat. 25 7', long. 82 50'.
BEMBALTTR. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 365.
BEMDURDEM. Village in Quepern district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 44.
BEN. A river in Hoshiarpur and Jalandhar districts, Punjab. It rises
in the Siwalik Hills, and falls into the Sutlej close above its junction
with the Beas. Another stream of the same name passes Hoshiarpur
and the Kapurthala State, and falls into the Beas a few miles above its
junction with the Sutlej.
BEN. Stream in Gurdaspur district, Punjab, finally falling into the
BENAIKPUR. Pargana in Gorakhpur district, KW.P. Pop. (1881),
BENAIKPUR. Pargana in Basti district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
BENARES (BANARAS). A division containing Azamgarh, Mirza-
pur, Benares, Ghazipur, Gorakhpur, and Basti districts. It lies between
lat. 23 52' 15" 27 30', and long. 82 9' 45" 84 40' 15". Area,
18,338 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 9,820,728. It is administered by a
BENARES. A district in the N.W.P. Between lat. 25 8' 30" 25
34' 30", and long 82 42' 83 35' 30". Area, 998 sq. miles. Pop.
BEN 95
(1881), 892,684. It is "bounded on the north by Ghazipur and Jaunpur;
on the west and south by Mirzapur; and on the east by Shahabad in
Bengal. The chief towns are Benares and Ramnagar. The chief rivers
are the Ganges, Gumti, and Karamnasa. The administrative staff of the
district consists of a Collector-Magistrate, two joint Magistrates, one
Assistant Magistrate, and one Deputy Magistrate.
BENARES (VARANASI or BANARAS).-City (in tahsil of the
same name) in Benares district, N.W.P., and terminus on the Oudh and
Rohilkhand Bail way. The town, which is the religious capital of the
Hindu faith, is situate on the left bank of the Ganges. Lat. 25 28' 31",
long. 83 3' 4". Pop. (1881), 199,700. Area of tahsil, 577 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 562,513.
BENARES. Estate in Benares and Mirzapur districts, belonging to
the Maharaja of Benares, who is entitled to a salute of thirteen guns.
Area, 985 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 89,473.
BENATJLIM. Parish in Salsette district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 6081.
BENCOOLEN. Settlement in Sumatra ; formerly the chief establish-
ment possessed by the East India Company in that island, on the south-
western coast, but ceded to the King of the Netherlands in 1825, with all
the other British possessions on the island, in exchange for the Dutch
settlements on the continent of India. Lat. 3 47', long. 102 19'.
BEND A. Village in Cawnpore district, N.AV.P. ; on the route from,
Allahabad to Kalpi, and twenty-four miles east of the latter. Lat. 26 9',
long. 80 10'.
BENDEBETTA. Village in Coorg, Madras.
BENGAL. The chief Presidency of British India, containing Calcutta,
the seat of the supreme government, and surpassing each of the other two
presidencies in area, population, and resources. Except for military
purposes, the division of India into "Presidencies" is now nearly obsolete.
The Presidency of Bengal comprises, besides a large number of States, the
territories of the following great local Governments : Lower Bengal, the
North-West Provinces, the Punjab, each a Lieutenant-Governorship;
with the Chief Commissionerships of Assam and the Central Provinces, and
the Commissionership of Ajmere.
BENGAL. The Lieutenant-Governorship of Bengal (or " the Lower
Provinces of Bengal ") is the largest and most populous of the Indian
Provinces under local Governments. It includes four great Provinces
Bengal Proper, Behar, Orissa, and Chutia Nagpur; and, until 1872, also
included Assam, which now forms a separate Chief-Commissionership.
It is between lat. 19 18' 28 15', and long. 82 97. Its area
(exclusive of the Sundarbans, 5970 sq. miles) is 150,588 sq. miles; and
pop. (1881), 66,691,456, or including the Native States (area, 187,222
sq. miles) 69,536,861. Bounded on the north by Nepal, Bhutan,
Assam; on the east by the mountain regions on the frontiers of
Burma and China; on the south by Burma, the Bay of Bengal, and
Madras; on the west by the Central Provinces, the N.W.P., and the
Central India Agency. The administration is in the hands of a Lieutenant-
Governor, who is directly responsible to the Government of India. In
making laws he is assisted by a Legislative Council, composed of official
and non-official members. "Under his orders there is a Board of Revenue,
which controls the Revenue branches of the administration. The troops
stationed in Bengal number about 12,000 men. The total revenue
amounted in 1882 to 19,299,176.
BENGSOLLL Town in Bhutan State ; distant north-west from Goal-
para thirty-six miles. Lat. 26 36', long. 90 23'.
BENGTJR. Villages in Coorg, Madras, having a population (1881),
respectively of 649 and 372.
BENI. Town in Bhandara district, Central Provinces ; on the Wain-
ganga river. Noted for its carpets arid other dyed fabrics. Pop. (1881),
BENI RASTJLPTTR. Tillage in Pnrniah district, Bengal; on the
Kankai river. Lat. 25 37', long. 87 52'.
BENIGANJ. Town in Hardoi district, Oudh; distant north-east
from Lucknow forty-one miles. Lat. 27 18', long. 80 31'. Pop. (1869),
2284. Alsothana. Pop. (1881), 49,653.
BENIPATTL Thana in Darbhangah district, Bengal. Area, 372 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 273,742.
BENKAIPUR. Town in Mysore ; distant north-west from Seringa-
patam, 120 miles. Lat. 13 50', long. 75 46'.
BENKAR (or TASS-GONG). Town in Bhutan State ; distant north-
east from Goalpara, ninety-five miles. Lat. 27 19', long. 91 29'.
BENNUR. Town in Haidarabad State; distant east from Bijapur,
sixty miles. Lat. 16 56', long. 76 41'.
BENSDEM. Tillage in Nagar-Avely district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 171.
BENTINCK ISLAND. One of the group forming the Mergui Archi-
pelago, British Burma. It is about twenty miles in length from north to
south, and six in breadth; its centre is in lat. 11 45', long. 98 9'.
BENTJGARH. A fort in Purniah district, Bengal.
BERAH (or BTJRAH). Tillage in Budaun district, KW.P. ; on the
route from the city of Agra to Bareilly, and thirty-nine miles south-west
of the latter. Lat. 28 5', long. 79 6'.
BERAHERAPUR. Tillage in Mainpuri district, K.W.P. ; on the
route from Aligarh to Mainpuri, and thirty-three miles north-west of the
latter. Lat. 27 35', long. 78 42'.
BERAI GTJNGA. River of Garhwal State, N.W.P., falling into the
Jumna on its left side, in lat. 30 55', long. 78 27'.
BERANAH. Town in Lahore district, Punjab ; on the route from
Lahore to Ludhiana, twenty-two miles south-east of the town of Lahore.
Lat. 31 29', long. 74 30'.
BERARTI Tillage in Bareilly district, N.W.P. ; on the route from
Bareilly to Pithoragarh, and forty-nine miles north-east of the former.
Lat. 28 50', long. 79 57'.
BERDI. Town in Chhindwara district, Central Provinces. Pop.
(1881), 2504.
BERGANWAN. Tillage in Hamirpur district, N.W.P. ; on the route
from Kalpi to Jhansi, forty-six miles south-west of the former. Lat.
25 53', long. 79 13'.
BERGAWAH. Village in Gwalior State ; on the route from Etawah
to the fort of Gwalior, twenty-three miles south-west of former, sixty
north-east of the latter. It is situate on the small river Coharri, on the
right bank of which is room for encampment, though rather rough.
Lat. 26 39', long. 78 44'.
BERHAMPUR. Town in Nepal State; distant south-east from Khat-
mandu sixty miles. Lat. 26 54', long. 85 40'.
BERHAMPUR. Town in Gurdaspur district, Punjah. Pop. (1881),
BERHAMPUR (BRAHMA-PUR). Town and municipality (in taluk
of the same name) in Ganjam district, Madras. Lat. 19 18' 40", long.
84 47' 50". Pop. (1881), 23,605. Pop. of taluk (1871), 243,945.
municipality in Murshidabad district, Bengal ; situated on the left bank
of the Ehagirathi, five miles below the city of Murshidabad. Lat. 24 6'
30", long. 88 IT 31". Pop. (1872), 27,100. Noteworthy as being the
spot where the Mutiny of 1857-58 first broke out.
BERI (BEHRI, BHERI). State in Bundelkhand ; between lat. 25
53' 25 57' 45", and long. 79 54' 15" 80 4'. Area, 28 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 4985. The Chief, who has a sanad of adoption, maintains
a force of 25 cavalry and 125 infantry. Chief town, Beri.
BERI. Town and municipality in Eohtak district, Punjab. Lat. 28
42', long. 76 36' 15". Pop. (1881), 9695. Great centre of trade, while
there are two annual fairs held in the town in honour of the goddess Devi.
BERIS (BERUCH, BAIRAS, or BERACH). River of Rajputana;
rising in the Aravalli Hills, in Udaipur State, and finally falling into the
Banas on the right side, in lat. 25 18', long. 75 6', having flowed 120
BERLO. Tillage in Rohtak district, Punjab. Lat. 28 32', long.
76 5'.
BERMA (or BARMAN). River of Bundelkhand and Hamirpur
district, N.W.P. ; falls into the Betwa on the right side, in lat. 25 53',
long. 79 59'.
BERMYA. Town in Dacca district, Bengal ; thirty-five miles north
of the city of Dacca. Lat. 24 13', long. 90 30'.
BERPUM. Village in Nagar-Avely district, Portuguese India.
Pop. (1881), 299.
BERUL. Town in Wardha district, Central Provinces. Pop. (1881),
BESAGA. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 662.
BESSERAH or BISEORA. Town in Mirzapur district, N.W.P. ; on
the route, by the right bank of the Ganges, from Allahabad cantonment
to that of Mirzapur, forty five miles south-east of the former, sixteen
west of the latter. Lat. 25 15', long. 82 20'.
BESSONA (or BUSSOAH). Town in Ulwar State, Bajputana ; on
the route from Delhi to Jaipur, fifty miles north-east of latter. It is
situate amongst some isolated rocky hills rising from a sandy plain, and
is surrounded by a strong mud rampart. Lat. 27 9'', long. 76 40'.
BESSURTJ. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 144.
BESTHAR. Town in Cawnpore district, N.W.P. Lat. 26 25', long.
80 20'.
BESTJLL River of Gwalior State, rising in lat. 26 9', long. 78 21'.
It flows in a circuitous but generally north-easterly direction for sixty-
three miles, to lat. 26 24', long. 79 1', when it falls into the Siud river.
BETAGAON. Village in Rai Bareli district, Oudh. Pop. (1869),
4297. An annual fair is held here attended by upwards of 5000 persons.
BET ALB ATIM. Parish in Salsette district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 2045.
BETANGA. Village on the Chandna, in Faridpur district, Bengal.
Lat. 23, long. 89 57'. Pop. (1872), 500.
BET AUL. Town in Nepal State ; distant west from Khatmandu 107
miles. Lat. 27 37', long. 83 34'.
BET AURA. Village in Bareilly district, N.W.P. ; on the route from
Bareilly to Moradabad, and thirteen miles north-west of the former.
Lat. 28 28', long. 79 22'.
BETAWAD. Town and municipality in Khandesh district, Bombay.
Lat. 21 13' 30", long. 74 57'. Pop. (1872), 3338.
BETAWAD. Town in Khandesh district, Bombay ; on the left bank
of the Panjur, twenty miles north-east of Dhulia. Lat. 21 8', long.
74 52'.
BETGARL Village in Rangpur district, Bengal. Lat. 25 52', long.
89 11'.
BETHYAN. Town in Kashmir State ; distant north-west from
Jammu thirty-three miles. Lat. 33 4', long. 74 43'.
BETIGAN ATT. Village in Partabgarh district, Oudh; on the left
bank of the Ganges, eighty-eight miles south-east of Cawnpore, ninety
south of Lucknow. Lat. 25 42', long. 81 24'.
BETIGERL Town and centre of trade in Dharwar district, Bombay.
Lat. 15 26', long. 75 41'. Pop. (1872), 8716.
BETMANGAL A. Village (in taluk of the same name) in Kolar
district, Mysore ; on right bank of Palar river, eighteen miles by road
south-east of Kolar. Lat. 13 1', long. 78 22' 30". Pop. (1871), 1419.
Area of taluk, 260 sq. miles. Pop. (1871), 68,536.
BETQTJI. Village in Ponda district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 946.
BETTADAHALLL Three villages in Coorg, Madras, having a pop.
(1881), respectively of 359, 96 and 54.
BETTADPUR (BETTADAPITR). Peculiar conical-shaped mountain
in Mysore district, Mysore; 4350 feet high. Lat. 12 18' 20", long.
76 8' 20". On its summit there is a temple which has been struck with
BETTAKERI. Villages in Coorg, Madras, having a pop. (1881),
respectively of 525 and 269.
BETTATTTIR. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 984.
BETTIA (BETTIAH or BETIYA). Town and centre of trade (in
subdivision of the same name) in Champaran district, Bengal ; situated
on the Harha river. Lat. 26 48' 5", long. 84 32' 40". Pop. (1881),
21,263. Area of subdivision, 2013 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 704,052.
Also thana. Area, 537 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 371,235.
BETTOLI. Tillage in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 656.
BETTUR. Village in Chitaldrug district, Mysore. Lat. 14 29',
long. 76. Pop. (1871), 1338.
BETTJ. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 401.
BETTJL (BAITTIL). A district in the Central Provinces; between
lat. 21 20' 22 35', and long. 77 13' 15" 78 35' 30". It is bounded
on the north and west by Hoshangabad district, on the east by Chhind-
wara, and on the south by Nagpur district and Berar. Area, 3905 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 304,905. The chief town is Betul. The chief
rivers are the Machna and Sampna. The chief hills are the Satpura.
It is administered by a Deputy Commissioner and Staff.
BETTIL. Town (in tahsil of the same name) in Betul district,
Central Provinces. Lat. 21 51' 16", long. 77 58' 7". Pop. (1881),
4693. Area of tahsil, 2944 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 211,737. The
town has a brisk trade in pottery.
BETTJLPUDIANGADL Town in Malabar district, Madras. Lat.
10 53', long. 75 58' 15". Pop. (1871), 6003.
BETWA. River in Bundelkhand, Central India Agency. It rises
near Bhopal, flows through Gwalior State, and finally falls into the
Jumna near Hamirpur. Its total length is 360 miles.
BEVANUR. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 476.
BEWAR. Thana in Mainpuri district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 47,038.
Also pargana. Pop. (1881), 19,152.
BEWAR. Town in Hamirpur district, X.AV.P. ; on the route from
Banda to Kalpi, thirty-five miles north-west of former. Lat. 25 46',
long. 80.
BEWTTR. Town in Mainpuri district, JST.W.P. ; half a mile from
the right bank of the Kali Nadi (east), on the route from the cantonment
of Fatehgarh to Mainpuri, fifteen miles east of the latter. Lat. 27 13',
long. 79 21'.
BEYLA. Town in Cutch State, Bombay; distant north-east from
Bhuj seventy-five miles. Lat. 23 50', long. 70 40'.
BEYLA. Town in Saran district, Bengal ; on the route from Dinapur
to Khatmandu, 106 miles north of former. 9 1 south of latter. Lat. 26
52', long. 84 52'.
BEYPTJR (or BAIPUR). Town in Malabar district, Madras. West
coast terminus of Madras Railway. Lat. 11 10', long. 75 50' 30".
Pop. (1871), 6214.
BEYPIIR. River in Malabar district, Madras. Lat. 75 50', long.
76 40'. It rises near Neddivattam Pass and falls into the sea near
BEYREAH. Town in Ghaz(pur district, KW.P.; on the left bank of
the Ganges, fifty-eight miles north-east of Ghazipur. Lat. 25 44', long.
84 32'.
BEYRTJDONL Town in Haidarabad State ; distant south-west from
Haidarab&d 120 miles. Lat. 16 16', long. 77 10'.
BEYT (or BET). Island at the entrance of a bay, an inlet of the Gulf
of Cutch, Bombay. Between lat. 22 25' 22 29', and long. 69 8'
69 12'. It abounds with temples and shrines in honour of Krishna and
is a favourite place of resort amongst the Brahmans,
BEYT SHANKHODDHAR. District in Amreli division, Baroda
State. Area, 4 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 3424.
BEZWADA (BEZWARRA). Town (in taluk of the same name) on
the Kistna river, Kistna district, Madras. Lat. 16 30' 50", long. 80
39'. Pop. (1881), 9336. Pop. of taluk (1871), 83,081. The town,
which is a centre of trade, is rich in antiquarian relics.
BHABTJA. Town and municipality (in subdivision of the same name)
in Shahabad district, Bengal. Lat. 25 2' 30", long. 83 39' 35". Area,
628 acres. Pop. (1872), 5071. Area of subdivision, 1037 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 322,236. Also thana. Area, 914 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
BHADARSA. Town in Faizabad district, Oudh ; on the Marha river.
Near this town a religious fair is annually held, which attracts about
5000 persons. Pop. (1869), 4311.
BHADARWA. State in Rewa Kantha, Bombay. Area, 27 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 9185. Pays an annual tribute of 1907 to the Gaekwar
of Baroda.
BHADATJN. Pargana in Ballia district, N.W.P. Pop. (1 881), 28,384.
BHADATJR. Town in Patiala State, Punjab. Pop. (1881), 6912.
BHADAURA. State in Central India Agency. Chief town,
Bhadaura. Lat. 24 47', long. 77 28'. The chief pays a yearly tribute
of 115 to Maharaja Sindhia. Pop. (1881), 3365.
BHABER. River in Kathiawar, Bombay; falls into the Indian Ocean
near the town of Porbandar, in lat. 21 38', long. 69 46'.
BHADGAON. Town and municipality in Khandesh district, Bombay.
Lat. 20 38' 30", long, 75 16'. Situated on the left bank of the Girna
river. Pop. (1881), 6537. A Government model farm is in proximity
to the town.
BHADINYA. Town in Sultanpur district, Oudh ; on the right bank
of the river Gumti, fifteen miles south-east of Sultanpur cantonment,
ninety- eight south-east of Lucknow. Lat. 26 10', long. 82 18'.
BHADLI. State in North Kathiawar, Bombay, paying a yearly tribute
of 110 to the British Government. Chief village, Bhadli. Lat. 22 1',
long. 71 35'.
BHADOHL Thana in Mirzapur district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
87,179. Alsopargana. Pop. (1881), 283,027.
BHADORA. Chiefship in Central India Agency. Pop. (1881), 3365.
BHADRA. River of Kadur and Shimoga districts, Mysore. It rises
in the Western Ghats, and finally falls into the Tunga at Kudali. Lat.
130 10' 14, long. 75 10' 75 40'.
BHADRA. Estate in Balaghat district, Central Provinces. Lat.
(centre) 21 25', long. 80 33' 30". Pop. (1881), 18,855. Area, 128
sq. miles.
BHADRACHHALAM. Town (in estate of same name) in Tipper
Godavari district, Central Provinces. Pop. 2000. The temple of Ram-
Chandra, with its sacred and costly jewels, is an object of veneration
amongst the Brahmaus. A fair is held in the town every April, attended
by about 10,000 persons.
BHADRAKH. Town (in subdivision of the V 6 ^pEDeY> fa : Blv'
district, Bengal. Lat. 21 3' 10", long. 86 S3' 2&'V "To
Bounded on the west by the Western Ghats, separating it from the
Malabar and South Kanara districts, Madras ; on the north and east by
Mysore. The whole country is mountainous, the western Ghats here
spreading into numerous ranges. The chief rivers are the upper waters
of the Kaveri, with its tributaries, the Lakshmantirtha and the Hema-
vati. The chief towns are Merkara (the capital), Tira-Rajendra-pet and
COOSSY. See Kusf.
COOTJM. River of Chengalpat district, Madras ; flows into the sea
at Madras city, lat. 13 4', long. 80 20'.
COREMBU GAONDEN. Hills in South Arcot district, Madras, lying
between lat. 11 51' 12 1', and long. 78 42' 78 55'. See KALEAYAN-
CORGAO. Tillage in Pernem district, Portuguese India. Pop. (1881),
CORINGA. Town in Godavari. district, Madras ; at the northern
mouth of the Godavari river, eight miles south of Cocanada. Lat. 16
48' 25", long. 82 16' 20". Pop. (1881), 4398.
CORLA. Village in Quepem district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 133.
CORLIM. Village in Ilhas district, Portuguese India. Pop. (1881),
CORODDEM. Village in Quepem district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 416.
COROMANDEL (COAST OF). Part of the eastern coast of Southern
India, forming the shore of the Bay of Bengal. It is considered to com-
mence at Point Calimere in lat. 10 17', long. 79 56', and to hold a direction
nearly due north as far as Gondegam, in lat. 15 20', long. 80 10'. It
extends across the estuaries of many rivers ; but there is no place within
its whole extent where large ships can be sheltered in all weather. Of
the places frequented by shipping, none have havens, and ships must be
anchored in the open sea, where, during the closing months of the year,
they are exposed to the violence of the north-east monsoon. The coast
throughout is, with little exception, low and sandy, and the sea shallow
near the shore, with sounding gradually increasing with the distance
from land. The etymology of the name Coromandel has been variously
explained, some tracing it to Karimanal (see next art.) ; but it appears
that it was originally denominated Choramandal or Cholamandal, which
is considered to mean the mandal or region of the Chola, an ancient
dynasty of this part of India.
COROMANDEL. Town in Chengalpat district, Madras. Lat. 13 26'
10", long. 80 20' 36". Pop. (1871), 3050. Karimanal or black sand,
commonly used as pounce, is found here.
CORQUL Village in Satari district, Portuguese India. Pop. (1881),
CORTALIM. Village in Salsette district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 3626.
CORTELLIAR. lliver of North Arcot district, Madras.
COSSIPUR. Village in the Twenty-four Parganas district, Bengal ;
a manufacturing suburb of Calcutta, situate on the left bank of the river
Hugli, six miles north of Fort William. Here is located the govern-
ment foundry. Lat. 22 37' 30", long. 88 24' 30". Area, 896 acres.
Pop. (1881), 8770.
COTODEM. Village in Satari district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 313.
COTOMBO. Village in Bicholim district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 198.
COTTAR. Village in Nagar-Aveli district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 38.
COTTOMBY. Village in Quepem district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 742.
COURT ALLUM. Town in Tinnevelli district, Madras. Lat. 8 56'
20", long. 77 20'. Pop. (1871), 1216. There are some sacred waterfalls.
206 COY CUM:
COVELONG Village in Chengalpat district, Madras. Lat. 12 46',
long. 80 17' 40". Pop. (1871), 1512. Formerly a place of considerable
strategical importance.
COX'S BAZAR (COXE BAZAR). Town (in subdivision of same
name) in Chittagong district, Bengal; on the banks of the Baghkhali
khai. Lat. 21 26' 31", long. 92 1' 2". Pop. (1872), 4864. Pop. of
subdivision (1881), 161,348. Also thand. Area, 267 sq. miles. Pop.
(1881), 62,817.
CUDDALORE. Town and municipality (in taluk of same name) in
South Arcot district, Madras ; on the backwater, 116 miles by sea and
127 by rail south of Madras, and 16 miles south of Pondicherri. Lat.
11 42' 45", long. 79 48' 45". Pop. (1881), 43,545. Once a place of
considerable strength and importance. Area of taluk, 459 sq. miles.
Pop. (1871), 284,849.
CTIDDAP AH. District in Madras; between lat. 13 25' 16 20',
and long. 77 55' 79 40'. Area, 8745 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 1,121,038.
Bounded on the north by Karnul district, on the east by Nellore, on the
south by North Arcot district and Mysore State, and on the west by
Mysore State and Bellary district. The chief hills are the Palkonda and
Seshachalam ranges ; the chief river is the Penner, with its tributaries,
the Kundair and Sagalair. The large towns are Cuddapah and Badvail.
The Madras Railway traverses the district, with ten stations.
CUDDAPAH. Town and municipality (in taluk of same name) in
Cuddapah district, Madras, 161 miles by rail from Madras. Lat. 14
28' 49", long. 78 51' 47". Pop. (1881), 18,982. Area of taluk, 761
so. miles. Pop. (1871), 163,013.
CTTDDAPURRUM. Town in Travancore State, Madras; thirty-one
miles north from Quilon, and forty-nine miles south-east from Cochin.
Lat. 9 20', long. 76 39'.
CUDDEAPTJTNUM. Town in Travancore State, Madras ; thirty-ono
miles south-east from Trivandrum, and nineteen miles north-west from
Cape Comorin. Lat. 8 9', long. 77 20'.
CIIDDTIR. Town in Mysore State ; ninety miles north-west from
Seringapatam, and ninety-one north-east from Mangalore. Lat. 13 33',
long. 76 4'.
CUDDTJTURITTL Town in Travancore State, Madras ; twenty-one
miles south-east from Cochin, and sixty-one north from Quilon. Lat.
9 45', long. 76 33'.
CTJDNEM. Village in Bicholim district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 753.
CUMBARY. Village in Sanguem district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 201.
CITMBUM. Town in Madura district, Madras. Lat. 9 44' 50", long.
77 20' 35". Pop. (1881), 7170.
CTJMBTJM.- -Town and municipality in Karnul district, Madras. Lat.
15 34' 15", long. 79 9' 1". Pop. (1871), 7137. A tank or lake,
having an area of about 15 sq. miles, has been formed here by damming
the Gundlakamma river by a bank 57 feet high, thrown between two
CUNCOLIM. Village in Salsette district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 7830.
CUNDACHA. Tillage in Nagar-Aveli district, Portuguese India.
Pop. (1881), 229.
CUNDAIM. Village in Ponda district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 908.
CUNTLI. Village in Nagar-Aveli district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 414.
CURCA. Village in Ilhas district, Portuguese India. Pop. (1 881), 582.
CURCHIREM. Village in Satari district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 479.
CURD Y. Village in Sanguem district, Portuguese India. Pop. (1881),
CURNARCANDA. Village in Satari district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 60.
CURPEM. Village in Sanguem district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 712.
CURTIM. Village in Ponda district, Portuguese India. Pop. (1881),
CURTORIM. Village in Salsette district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 8567.
CURXEM. Village in Satari district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 161.
CUSMANE. Village in Quepem district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 847.
CUTCH. State under the political superintendence of the government
of Bombay. It is bounded on the north-west and north by the province
of Sind ; on the east by the Palanpur Agency ; on the south by the
peninsula of Kathiawar and the Gulf of Cutch, and on the south-west by
the Indian Ocean. Its limits, inclusive of the great salt marsh termed
the Runn, extend from lat. 22 47' 24 40', and from long. 68 26'
71 45'. Its greatest length from east to west is 205 miles, and its
breadth from north to south (which is nearly equal throughout its whole
extent) 110 miles. The area, exclusive of the Runn, is 6500 sq. miles,
and its population (1881), 512,084. This long narrow tract, interposed
between the desert and the sea, forms a connecting link between Guzerat
and Sind. Two mountain-ranges intersect the country. The principal,
termed the Lunkhi, nearly bisects the province from east to west ; the
other runs in a parallel direction, but more to the northward. The chief
town is Bhuj. The Rao of Cutch is entitled to a salute of seventeen
guns. The military force consists of 240 cavalry, 404 foot soldiers, 495
Arabs, and forty artillerymen. In addition, there are some 3000 irregular
infantry, and the Bhayads could furnish on requisition a mixed force of
about 4000 men.
CUTTACK. District in the Orissa division, Bengal. Between lat. 20 1'
50" 21 10' 10", and long. 85 35' 45" 87 3' 30". Area, 3517 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 1,738,165. Cuttack forms the central district of the Orissa
Commissionership or Division. Bounded on the north by Balasor district ;
on the east by the sea ; on the south by Puri district ; and on the west
by the Orissa States. The western part of the district is hilly, and there
are several famous peaks in various parts, as Naltigki and TJdayagiri.
The rivers are important, the chief being the Baitarani and the Brahmani
(forming the Dhamra), and the Mahanadi (with its large offshoots or
estuaries, the Katjuri, the Devi, the Paika, the Birupa, and the Nun).
The chief towns are Cuttack, Jaipur, and Kendrapur.
CUTTACK. Town and municipality (in subdivision of same name) in
Cuttack district, Bengal, of which it is the capital. Lat. 20 29' 4",
long. 85 54' 29". Pop. (1881), 42,656. Area of subdivision, 989 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 663,555. Also thana. Area, 389 sq. miles. Pop.
(1881), 198,574.
CUTWA. See Kiiwi,
DABADAKA Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 88.
DABANPUR. Village in Eohtak district, Punjab. Lat. 28 28',
long. 76 43'.
DAB EL. Village in Daman district, Portuguese India. Pop. (1881),
DABEM. Village in Sanguelim district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 142.
DABHA. State in Mahi Kantha, Bombay. Pop. (1881), 1922.
The Chief or Miah pays an annual tribute of 15 to the Gaekwar of
Baroda, and 5 to the Thakur of Amalyara.
DABHA. Town of Chanda district, Central Provinces. Lat. 19 38',
long. 79 42'.
DABHOI. Town (in district of same name) in Baroda State ; fifteen
miles south-east of Baroda. Lat. 22 10', long. 73 28'. Pop. (1881),
14,925. Area of district, 197 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 56,169.
DABHOL. Town in Eatnagiri district, Bombay, containing a mosque,
the only specimen of pure Saracenic architecture in the Southern Konkan.
DABLA. Town in Udaipur State, Eajputana; ninety-eight miles
north-east from the town of Udaipur, and fifty-five miles south from
Ajmere. Lat. 25 41', long. 74 49'.
DABLINGr. Village in Bashahr State, Punjab ; situate in a belt of
.irable land near the left bank of the Stitlej. The opposite bank of the
Sutlej presents a perpendicular section of 6000 or 7000 feet of pure rock.
The elevation of Dabling is 9400 feet above the sea. Lat. 31 45', long.
78 39'.
DABUR. Village in Agra district, N.W.P. ; on the route from the
city of Agra to Jaipur, and twenty-eight miles west of the former. Lat.
27 3', long. 77 39'.
DABUTA. Village in Budaun district, N.W.P. ; on the route from
Aligarh to Moradabad, forty-five miles south-west of the latter place.
Lat, 28 21', long. 78 23'.
DABWALI. Tahsil in Sirsa district, Punjab. Area, 814 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 71,136.
DACCA. Division of Bengal; between lat. 21 48' 25 26', and
long. 89 20' 91 18'. Bounded on the north by 'the Garo Hills; on
the east by Sylhet district and Hill Tipperah ; on the south by Noak-
half district and the Bay of Bengal ; and on the west by Jessor, Pabna,
Bogra, and llangpur districts. Dacca Division comprises the five Districts
of Dacca, Faridpur, Bakarganj, Maimansinh, and Tipperah, q.v. Area,
15,000 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 8,700,939.
DACCA. District in the Dacca division, Bengal ; between lat. 23 6'
30" 24 20' 12", and long. 89 47' 50" 91 1' 10". Bounded on the
north by Maimansinh district ; east by Tipperah district ; south and
south-west by Bakarganj and Faridpur district ; west by Pabna district.
Area, 2797 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 2,116,350. The district of Dacca
lies at the junction of the deltas of the Ganges and Brahmaputra ; having
on its eastern boundary the Meghna, and on its western the Jamuna or
present main stream of the Brahmaputra ; on its southern side the
Padma, the main channel of the Ganges ; whilst the Dhaleswari flows
across the centre. Other large rivers are the Kirtinasa and the Buri-
ganga. The chief towns are Dacca (the capital), Manikganj, and
DACCA. Capital, city, and municipality (in subdivision of same name)
in the Dacca district, Bengal ; on the north side of the Buriganga river,
eight miles above its junction with the Dhaleswari. Lat. 23 43', long.
90 26' 25". Pop. (1881), 79,076. Area of subdivision, 1266 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 699,029. Dacca contains a College with a staff of European
Professors, and also an almshouse, founded in 1866, by a wealthy citizen
named Nawab Abdul Gam, C.S.I.
DACHEN. Town in Sikkim State ; fifty-one miles north from
Darjiling, and 150 miles north from Dinajpur. Lat. 27 44', long.
88 36'.
DADANAIGPOLLIAM. Town in Mysore State; 48 miles north
from Bangalore, and 102 miles north-east from Seringapatam. Lat. 13
38', long. 77 40'.
DADAR. Town in Baluchistan. Lat. 29 28', long. 67 34', five
miles east of the Bolan Pass. Pop. about 2000.
DADARA. Tillage in Kagar-Aveli district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 795.
DADEKALLI. Town in the Twenty-four Parganas district, Bengal ;
thirty-five miles north-east of Calcutta. Lat. 22 53', long. 88 55'.
DADHALYA. State in Mahi Kantha, Bombay. Area, 5000 acres.
Pop. (1881), 3877. The Chief pays an annual tribute of 70 to the
Gaekwar of Baroda, and 61 to the Raja of Edar.
DADHL State in the Punjab. Area, 1 sq. mile. Pop. (1881), 170.
DADNTJH. Town in Rohtak district, Punjab. Lat. 28 34', long.
75 57'.
DADON. Thana in Aligarh district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 45,259.
DADRL Town in Jind State, Punjab. Pop. (1881), 7837.
DADRI. Tillage and station on the East Indian Railway (in pargana
of same name), in Bulandshahr district, N.W.P. ; on the route from
Delhi to Aligarh, twenty miles south-east of the former. Lat. 28 33',
long. 77 38'. Pop. (1872), 2223. Pop. of pargana (1881), 41,303.
Also thana. Pop. (1881), 36,296.
DADRL Town in Eohtak district, Punjab. Lat. 28 32', long.
76 20'.
DADTT. Town and municipality (in taluk of same name) in Karachi
district, Sind, Bombay. Lat. 26 43' 30", long. 67 49'. Pop. (1872),
3357. Area of taluk, 746 sq. miles. Pop. (1872), 66,350.
DADTILA. Village in Shikarpur district, Sind, Bombay ; on the route
from IShikarpur to Sabzulkot, and forty miles south-west from the latter
town. Lat. 28 2', long. 69 14'.
D AD UPTTR. Village in TJmballa district, Punjab ; distance north of
Delhi, eighty-eight miles. Lat. 30 12', long. 77 27'.
DAERA DINPANA. Town in Muzaffargarh district, Punjab. Pop.
(1881), 1779.
DAFLAPUR (JATH). A jagir or State in Bombay. Lat. 17,
long. 75 7'. The jagirdar pays to the British Government 640 per
annum in lieu of the service of fifty horsemen, and a tribute of 473.
Area, 95 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 6006.
DAFLAPUR. Town in Jath State, Bombay ; eighty-seven miles
north-east from Bel gaum, and eighty- four south-east from Satara. Lat.
17, long. 75 8'.
DAGA. Branch of the Bassein river, in Bassein and Henzada districts,
British Burma.
DAGA. Revenue circle of Bassein district, British Burma. Pop.
(1876), 2227.
DAG8HAI. Hill station and cantonment in Simla district, Punjab.
Lat. 30 53' 5", long. 77 5' 38". Pop. (1881), 3642.
DA-GYAING. River of Amherst district, British Burma.
DAHA. Thana in Meerut district, K.W.P. Pop. (1881), 35,569.
DAHANU. Town, port, and municipality (in subdivision of same
name) in Tanna district, Bombay. Lat. 19 58', long. 72 45'. Pop.
(1872), 3186. Area of subdivision, 643 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 109,322.
DAHI. State in the Bhil Agency, Central India Agency ; subordinate
to Indore.
DAHIRA. State in Kathiawar, Bombay.
DAI. Village in Rai Bareli district, Oudh ; on the route from Cawn-
pore to Partabgarh, fifty- six miles south-east of the former. Lat. 26 2',
long. 81 14'.
DAICHTJ. Village in Jodhpur State, Rajputana ; on the route from
Pokaran to Jodhpur, twenty-eight miles south-east of the former place.
Lat. 26 47', long. 72 27'
DAI-DA-RAI. Revenue circle in Thonkhwa district, British Burma ;
on the right bank of the To river. Pop. (1876), 5319.
DAIGLTJR. Town in Haiclarabad State ; 100 miles north-west from
Haidarabad, and 46 miles south f rom Nandair. Lat. 18 32', long. 77 39'.
DAIHINDIA. Village in Amraoti district, Berar; thirty-six miles
south-west of Ellichpur. Lat. 20 50', long. 77 11'.
DAIJBARA. Town in Broach district, Bombay ; on the headland
bounding on the north the entrance of the estuary of the river Narbada.
Distance from Surat, north, forty-two miles. Lat. 21 41', long. 72 34'.
BAIL W AURA. Town in Kathiawar, Bombay; four miles north-east
from Diu, and 106 miles south from Rajkot. Lat. 20 46', long. 71 2'.
DAING-BTJN. Eevenue circle in Kyouk-hpyu district, British Burma.
Area, 117 sq. miles. Pop. (1876), 4111.
DAIN-HAT. Town and municipality in Bardwan district, Bengal.
Lat. 23 36' 24", long. 88 13' 50". Pop. (1881), 5789.
DAINWALL Town in Tanna district, Bombay; thirty-seven miles
north-east of Bombay. Lat. 19 3', long. 73 25.
DAI-PAI. Lake in Henzada district, British Burma.
DAJEL (DAJAL). Town and fort in Dera Ghazi Khan district,
Punjab; on the route from Dera Ghazi Khan to Bhag. Pop. (1881),
5952. Lat. 29 37', long. 70 19'.
DAJIPUR. Town in Kolhapur State, Bombay ; thirty miles south-
west from Kolhapur, and fifty-three miles north-west from Belgaum.
Lat. 16 22', long. 74.
DAKATIA. River of Hill Tipperah State, and Tipperah and Koakhali
districts, Bengal ; flows into the Meghna.
DAKHILO. Village in Rohtak district, Punjab. Lat. 28 27', long.
76 37'.
DAKHINESWAR. Village in the Twenty-four Parganas district,
Bengal ; north of Calcutta, on the Hugli river. Noted for its twelve
beautiful temples in honour of Siva, built on the river bank.
DAKIAT. Village in Garhwal State, N.W.P. ; close to the right bank
of the Jumna. Lat. 30 49', long. 78 18'.
DAKOR. Town and municipality in Kaira district, Bombay. Lat.
22 45', long. 73 11'. Pop. (1881), 7771. A place of pilgrimage : on
one occasion in the year as many as 100,000 devotees assemble together.
DAKSHIN SHAHBAZPTJR. Island of the Meghna estuary in Bakar-
ganj district, Bengal. Lat. 22 16' 45" 22 51' 30", long. 90 39' 30"
90 57' 15". Area, 615 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 212,230. The
island was nearly depopulated by the cyclone of 31st October, 1876.
DALA. Town in Rangoon district, British Burma ; on the right bank
of the Rangoon river, adjoining Rangoon city.
DALA. Branch of the Rangoon river, Rangoon district, British Burma.
DALA-NWON. River of Shwe-gyeng district, British Burma; falls
into the Tsittoung.
DALGOMA. Village in Goalpara district, Assam. Lat. 26 6', long.
90 49'.
DALHOTJSIE. Hill-station, municipality, cantonment, and hill sani-
tarium in Gurclaspur district, Punjab. Lat. 32 31' 45", long. 76 0'
15". 7687 feet high. Pop. (1881), 1610.
DALINGKOT (DAMSANG). Part of Darjiling district, Bengal; east
of the Tista river.
DALLI. State in Bhandara district, Central Provinces. Area, 52 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 3431, mostly Gonds. The capital of the same name
is in lat. 21 5' 30", long. 80 16'.
DALMA. Hills in Manbhum district, J3engal ; 3407 feet high.
DALMAU. Town (in pargana of same name) in Rai Bareli district,
Oudh ; on the Ganges. Lat. 26 3' 45", long. 81 4' 20". Pop. (1881),
5367. There is a large fair held annually in the town, attended by from
50,000 to 60,000 persons. Area of pargana, 253 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
139,184. Alsotahsil. Pop.(1881), 262,499. Andthana. Pop.(1881), 84,067.
DALMI. Ruined fort with remains of temples in Manbhum district,
Bengal ; on the Subarnarekha river, in lat. 23 4', long. 86 4'.
D ALP ATPTIR. Town in Faizabad district, Oudh ; on the right bank
of the Gogra, seven miles south-east of Faizabad, eighty-two east of
Lucknow. Lat. 26 44', long. 82 14'.
DALSINGHSARAI. Thana in Darbhangah district, Bengal. Area,
273 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 279,504.
DALTONGANJ Town in Lohardaga district, Bengal ; on the North
Koel river, in lat. 24 2' 15", long. 84 6' 40". Named after Colonel
Dalton, late Commissioner of Chutia Nagpur. Pop. (1881), 7440. Also
than! Area, 428 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 64,202.
DALTONGANJ COAL-FIELD. Coal-field in Lohardaga district,
DAMAKA. Town in Kamrup district, Assam, twenty-eight miles
north-east of Goalpara. Lat. 26 27', long. 90 56'.
DAMALCHERRL Pass in North Arcot district, Madras. Lat. 13
25' 40", long. 79 5'.
DAMAN. Town on the coast of the Northern Konkan, belonging to
the Portuguese, though included within the limits of the presidency of
Bombay. It is situate on the Damanganga, or river of Daman, which
rises in the Ghats, about forty miles further east. It is intersected by
the Bombay, Baroda, and Central Indian Railway. Area, 384 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 47,798. The district, of which the town is the principal
place, is about ten miles in length from north to south, and five in
breadth. Distance of the town of Daman from Bombay, north, 101 miles.
Lat. 22 25', long. 72 53'.
DAMAN (THE BORDER), so called because it stretches between
the Sulaiman Mountains and the Indus. Part of Dera Ghazi Khan, Dera
Ismail Khan, and Kohat districts, Punjab. The Daman is 300 miles
long, from the Kala or Salt Range on the north, to the confines of Sind
on the south, and has an average breadth of about sixty miles. Lat. 28
40' 33 20', long. 69 30' 71 20'.
DAMANGANGA (DAMUNGUNGA). River of Surat and Tanna
districts, Bombay, and the Portuguese territory of Daman ; falls into the
sea in lat. 20 23', long. 72 52'.
DAMAN-I-KOH. Part of the Santal Parganas district, Bengal. Area,
1366 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 353,403.
DAMAO DE CIMA. Tillage in Daman district, Portuguese India.
Pop. (1881), 824.
DAMAO PEQUENO. Tillage in Daman district, Portuguese India.
Pop. (1881), 4314.
DAM-DAMA. See Duw-DuM.
DAMDAMA. Town in Kotah State, Rajputana ; seventy-three miles
north-east from Nimach, and eleven miles south from Kotah. Lat. 25,
long. 75 56'.
DAM DAff 213
DAMNAGAR. District in Baroda State. Area, 132 sq. miles. Pop.
(1881), 14,168.
DAMODAR. River of Lohardaga, Hazaribagh, Manbhum, Bardwan,
Bankura, Hugh', and Howrah districts, Bengal ; after a course of about
350 miles, fails into the Hugh', in lat. 22 17', long. 88 7' 30". Its
chief tributary is the Barahkar.
DAMOH. District in the Jabalpur division, Central Provinces; be-
tween lat. 22 10' 23 30', and long. 79 5' 80. Bounded on the
north by Bundelkhand, on tne east Dy Jabalpur district, on the south by
Narsinhpur district, and on the west by Sagar district. Area, 2799 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 312,957. The chief hills are the Bhondla, the
Bhanrer, and the Vindyachal ranges. The chief rivers are the Sonar
and the Bairma. The capital is Damoh, and Hatta is also a large town.
Damoh, which was formed into a separate district in 1861, is administered
by a Deputy-Commissioner, with the usual staff of assistants.
DAMOH. Capital (in tahsi'l of same name) of Damoh district,
Central Provinces, and a municipality. Lat. 23 50', long: 79 29'
30". Pop. (1881), 8665. Area of tahsil, 1792 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
DAMOXEM. Tillage in Sanguelim district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 121.
DAMRAS. Thana in Jalaun district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 10,218.
DAMUK. Town in Amraoti district, Berar ; twenty-five miles south-
east from Amraoti, eighty-five miles south-west from JSTagpur. Lat. 20
30', long. 78 1'.
DAMTJNGATJM. Town in Amraoti district, Berar ; twenty-nine miles
south-east from Amraoti, and sixty-six miles south-west from Nagpur.
Lat. 20 45', long. 78 14'.
DAMTJRHTJDA. Thana in Nadiya district, Bengal. Area, 116 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 63,014.
DAMTJRIA. Thana in Khulna district, Bengal. Area, 229 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 109,020.
DANA. Town in Nepal State; 158 miles north-west from Khat-
mandu, and 148 miles north-east from Faizabad. Lat. 28 47', long.
83 3'.
DANAYAKAN KOTTAL Town in Coimbatore district, Madras.
Lat. 11 26', long. 77 7'.
DANDAHALLL Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 88.
DANDERPHTJL. Town in JSasik district, Bombay, thirty-nine miles
south-east of Msik. Lat. 19 33', long. 74 7'.
DANDIATI. Town in Nepal State; ninety-four miles south-east from
Almora, and thirty-six miles south-west from Jemlah. Lat. 29 8' long.
81 10'.
DANGATJR. Town in Sarguja State, Bengal; twenty-seven miles
south-west from Sarguja, and thirty-three miles north- west from Udaipur.
Lat. 22 50', long. 82 53'.
DANGKHAR. Town in Kangra district, Punjab; ninety-two miles
north-east of Simla. Lat. 32 5', long. 78 15'.
214 DAN
BANGS, THE (DANG STATES). Sixteen States in the Khandesh
Political Agency, Bombay; bounded north-west by the petty state of
"VVarsavi in the Rewa Kantha Agency, north-east by the British Districts
of Khandesh and Nasik, south by the Peint State in Nasik District, and
west by the Bansda State in Surat District. The Dangs consist of sixteen
petty States, ruled by Bhil chieftains, and extending from lat. 20 22'
21 5', and from long. 73 28' 73 52'. The extreme length from north
to south is fifty-two miles, and the breadth twenty-eight miles. Are;i,
3840 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 60,270. The people and chiefs are Bhils.
The sixteen States are : Dang Pimpri, Wadhwan, Jhari Garkhardi,
Ketak, Amala, Chinchli, Pimpladevi, Palasbihar, Auchar, Derbhauti,
Garvi, Siobara, Kirti, Wasurna, Dhude, Surgana. Political relations
with the Dangs are in the hands of the Collector of Khandesh.
DAN GURU. State in Bhandara district, Central Provinces ; on the
left side of the Wainganga. Situated in lat. 21 36', long. 80 11'.
Area, 1905 acres, of which two-thirds are cultivated, producing a large
quantity of the castor-oil plant. The chief claims to be a Rajput. Pop.
(1881), 406.
DANGURTHUL. Town in Jaipur State, Rajputana; thirty-six miles
south from Jaipur, and fifteen miles north from Tonk. Lat. 26 23',
long. 75 56'.
DANKAR. Tillage in Kangra district, Punjab. Lat. 32 5' 30",
long. 78 15' 15"; at an elevation of 12,774 feet.
DANKATIR. Town (in pargana of same name) in Bulandshahr dis-
trict, N.W.P. Lat. 28 21' 25", long. 77 35' 35". Pop. (1881), 5122.
Pop. of pargana (1881), 57,939. Also thana. Pop. (1881), 32,304.
DANKIA. Mountain of Sikkim State, Bengal. Lat. 27 57' 30",
long. 88 52' 15". In some parts this range attains a height of 23,176
DANPUR. Village in Aligarh district, N.W.P. ; sixty-five miles
south-east of Delhi. Lat. 28 7', long. 78 6'.
DANPUR. Village in Bulandshahr district, N.W.P. ; on the route
from Aligarh to Moradabad, and twenty-two miles north of the former.
Lat. 28 11', long. 78 16'.
DANPUR. Pargana in Kumaun district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
DANTA. State in the Mahi Kantha Political Agency, Bombay. Pop.
(1881), 17,456. The chief pays a yearly tribute of 237 to the Gaekwar
of Baroda ; 52 to the Raja of Edar; and 50 to the Raja of Palanpur.
The Amba Bhawani shrine, famous throughout India, is situated in this
territory. It is visited by pilgrims of all ranks during August,
September, October, and November, and costly offerings are presented to
the goddess.
DANTA. Capital of Danta State, Bombay; thirty-eight miles east
of Dfsa, and 136 miles north of Baroda. Lat. 24 12' 15", long. 72
49' 30".
DANTIWARA. Village in Bastar State, Central Provinces. Lat.
18 54', long. 81 23' 30"; at the junction of the Dankani and Sankani
rivers. Pop. about 300. Famed for its temple to Danteswari or Kali,
the patron goddess of the Rajas of Bastar, where human sacrifices were
practised of old.
DANTIWARA. Village in Jodhpur State, Rajputana ; on the route
from Jodhpur to Ajmere, and twenty-one miles east of the former. Lat.
26 16', Ion?. 73 30'.
DANTROI. Town in Sirohi State, Rajputana ; twenty-two miles
south-west from Sirohi, and seventy-eight miles west from Udaipur. Lat.
24 49', long. 72 35'.
DANTUN. Town in Midnapur district, Bengal, thirty-two miles
south of Midnapur. Lat. 21 57', long. 87 20'.
DANTUN. Thana in Midnapur district, Bengal. Area, 217 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 128,447.
DANU. Town in Tanna district, Bombay ; sixty-nine miles north of
Bombay. Lat. 19 57', long. 72 43'.
DANUGAL A. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 343.
DA-NWON. Creek in Thonkhwa district, British Burma. Lat. 16
25', long. 95 12' 30".
DAPARA. Village in Nagar-Aveli district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 693.
DAPCA. Village in Nagar-Aveli district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 328.
DAPHLA (DUFFLA) HILLS. Frontier tract on the north of Darrang
and Lakhimpur districts, Assam; inhabited by a wild tribe called Daphlas
or Dufnas. During the course of 1874-75 an expedition was sent to
Daphla to release some captives that had been seized in 1872.
DAPULI. Town (in subdivision of same name) in Ratnagiri district,
Bombay; fifty-five miles north of Ratnagiri. Lat. 17 48', long. 73 16'.
Area of subdivision, 505 sq.miles. Pop. (1881), 141,012.
DAPURI. Town in Poona district, Bombay ; on the left bank of the
Muta river, a feeder of the Bhima, four miles north of Poonah. Lat. 18
32', long. 73 51'.
DA-PYU-KHYAING. Revenue circle in Kyouk-hpyu district, British
Burma. Area, 220 sq. miles, inclusive of Ma-i circle. Pop. (1876),
D A RAG AN J. Town in Allahabad district, N.W.P. ; on the route
from Allahabad to Jaunpur, and on the left bank of the Ganges, opposite
the former town. Lat. 25 41', long. 81 21'.
DARANAGAR. Town in Allahabad district, N.W.P. ; on the route
from Allahabad to Fatehpur, forty miles south-east of the latter place.
Lat. 25 41', long. 81 25'.
DARANAGAR. Town (in pargana of same name) in Bijnaur district,
N.W.P. ; on the route from Moradabad to Muzaffarnagar, and forty
miles south-east of the latter place. It is situated on the left bank of the
Ganges. Lat. 29 17', long. 78 11'. Pop. of pargana (1881), 38.131.
DARANAGARGANJ NAJABATPUR. Town in Bijnaur district,
N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 3632.
DARAPUR. Taluk and town in Coimbatore district, Madras. See
DARAPUR. Village in Jhelum district, Punjab ; about a mile from
the right or west bank of the Jhulum. Close to it are extensive ruins,
216 DAK
called TJdainagar, -which Burnes supposed to be those of Nicsea, built by
Alexander to commemorate his victory over Porus. Lat. 32 46' long.
73 36'.
DARAULI. Thana in Saran district, Bengal. Area, 267 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 222,618.
DARATJTL Village in Shahabad district, Bengal ; five miles north-
east of Ramgarh.
DARAY. Revenue circle in Amherst district, British Burma. Pop.
(1876), 544.
DARAY-BHYU. Arm of the sea in Bassein district, British Burma.
Its mouth is in lat. 15 51' 20", long. 90 41' 20".
DARAY-BOTJK. The northern mouth of the Salwin river, Martaban
district, British Burma.
D ARE ARRA. Fortress in Dera Ismail Khan district, Punjab; twelve
miles north-west of Tak, and at the mouth of a pass into the Sulaiman
Mountains. Lat. 32 15', long. 70 20'.
DARBELO. Town in Haidarabad district, Sind, Bombay. Pop.
(1872), 1159.
DARBHANGAH. District in Patna division, Bengal ; bounded on
the east by Muzatfarpur district, on the south by Monghyr district, on the
west by Bhagalpur district, and on the north by Nepal State. Lat. 26
40' 25 29', long. 85 34' 86 46'. Area (1881), 3335 sq. miles. Pop.
(1881), 2,633,447. Also subdivision. Area, 1222 sq. miles. Pop.
(1881), 969,999. And thana. Area, 428 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
DARBHANGAH. Town and municipality in Darbhangah district,
Bengal; on the left bank of the Little Baghmati river. Lat. 26 10' 2",
long. 85 56' 39". Pop. (1881), 65,955. The residence of the Maharaja
of Darbhangah, a wealthy Zamindar, having a net rent-roll of over
160,000 a year.
DARBI. Town in Bhutan State ; sixty miles east from Darjiling, and
105 miles north from Rangpur. Lat. 27 12', long. 89 18'.
DARBTJNG (RUSHKATONG). River of Bashahr State, Punjab.
After a total course of about twenty-seven miles, it falls into the Sutlej,
in lat. 31 43', long. 78 35'.
DARDI JANBAI. State in Kathiawar, Bombay.
DARGALIM. Village in Pernem district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 2857.
DARHWA. Taluk in Wun district, Berar. Area, 1062 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 132,188.
DARHYAL. Town in Moradabad district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
DARIABAD. Town in Bara Banki district, Oudh. Pop. (1881),
DARIEN. Revenue circle in Amherst district, British Burma. Pop.
(1876), 3181.
DARIKI. Town in Cuttack district, Bengal ; thirty-six miles south-
east of Cuttack. Lat. 20 4', long. 86 18'.
DARIN MALESH WAR. Thana in Santal Parganas district, Bengal.
Pop. (1881), 13,763.
DAR 217
PARISH. Town in Nellore district, Madras ; thirty miles north-west
of Ongole. Lat. 15 48', long. 79 44'.
DAR JILING. District in the Kuch Behar division, Bengal. Be-
tween lat. 26 30' 50" 27 12' 45", and long. 88 1' 30" 88 56' 35".
Situated in the Himalayas, between Nepal State on the west, Sikkim
State on the north, Bhutan State and Jalpaiguri district on the
east, and Purniah district on the south. The loftiest peaks of the
Himalayas (and the highest known mountains in the world), Mount
Everest and Kanchanjanga, are just outside the district. The rivers are
Tista and Mahananda. Area, 1234 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 155,179.
The Northern Bengal Railway skirts the district.
DARJILING. Subdivision of district of same name, Bengal. Lat.
26 46' 30" 27 12' 45", long. 88 1' 30" 88 33' 30". Area, 960 sq.
miles. Pop. (1872), 46,707. Also thana. Area, 306 sq. miles. Pop.
(1881), 52,318.
DARJILING. Town, municipality, and hill-sanitarium, the capital
of Darjiling district, Bengal ; height above the sea, 6500 to 7500 feet.
Lat. 27 2' 48", long. 88 18' 36". Pop. (1881), 7018.
DARKUTL Hill State, Punjab. Area, 5 sq. miles. Lat. 31 7',
long. 77 38' 30". Pop. (1881), 590.
DARMA. Pargana in Kumaun district, N.W.P.
BARMAN. Town in Gurdaspur district, Punjab. Pop. (1881), 1618.
DARMAPATAM. River in Malabar district, Madras ; flows into the
sea near Tellicherri.
DARMAPATAM. Town in Malabar district, Madras ; on an island
in the river of the same name. Lat. 11 46', long. 75 30'. Area, 6 sq.
miles. Pop. (1871), 4736.
DARMAPTTR. Town in Salem district, Madras; thirty-three miles
north of Salem. Lat. 12 9', long. 78 14'.
DARMUDAR. Town in Nepal State ; 190 miles west from Khat-
mandu, and 103 miles north from Faizabad. Lat. 28 17', long. 82 19'.
DARO. Town in Karachi district, Sind, Bombay. Pop. (1872), 1012.
DARRAH. Town in Bhagalpur district, Bengal; fifty miles south-
west of Rajmahal. Lat. 24 45', long. 87 5'.
DARRANG. District in Assam ; between lat. 26 12' 30" 27 2'
30", and long. 91 45' 93 50'. Bounded on the north by the Bhutia,
Daphla, and Aka Hills ; on the east by Lakhimpur district ; on the south
by the Brahmaputra ; and on the west by Kamrup district. Area,
3418 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 273,333. The chief mountains are the
Himalayas, and their offshoots the Bhutia, Daphla, and Aka Hills. The
chief river is the Brahmaputra, with its tributaries, the Bhairabi, the
Ghiladari, and others. Tezpur is the capital, at the junction of the
Brahmaputra and the Bhairabi.
DARRANGIRL Village in the Garo Hills district, Assam ; on the
Someswari river. Lat. 25 46', long. 90 56'.
DARRTJR. Town in .Haidarabad State; 185 miles north-west from
Haidarabad, and 72 miles south from Jalna. Lat. 18 50', long. 76 11'.
DARSHANGANJ. Town in Faizabad district, Oudh ; near the right
bank of the river Gogra, five miles south-east of Faizabad. Distant east
irom Lucknow eighty miles. Lat. 26 44', long. 82 12'.
DARSI. Town (in taluk of same name) in JSTellore district, Madras.
Lat. 15 48', long. 79 44'. Pop. (1871), 1831. Area of taluk, 588 sq.
miles. Pop. (1871), 73,139.
DARWA. Town (in taluk of same name) in Wun district, Berar.
Lat. 20 18' 30", long. 77 49'. Pop. of taluk (1881), 132,788.
DARWANL Tillage in Eangpur district, Bengal. Lat. 25 53' 15",
long. 88 55' 15". Seat of an annual fair of considerable importance, at
which cattle and horses form the principal articles of sale.
DARWANL Thana in Eangpur district, Bengal. Area, 204 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 137,054.
DARYABAD. Town (in pargana of same name) in Bara Banki
district, Oudh. Lat 26 53', long. 81 36'. Pop. (1881), 5538. Area
of pargana, 214 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 128,644.
DARYAGANJ. Town in Parrukhabad district, N.W.P., thirty-three
miles north-west of Farrukhabad. Lat. 27 37', long. 79 8'.
DARYA KHAN. Town in Dera Ismail Khan district, Punjab f near
the left bank of the Indus, and eleven miles east of the town of Dera
Ismail Khan. Lat. 31 45', long. 71 5'.
DARYA KHERI. State in the Bhopal Agency, Central India Agency.
DARYAPUR. Town and municipality (in taluk of same name) in
Ellichpur district, Berar. Lat. 20 56', long. 77 22' 30". Pop. (1881),
2203. Area of taluk, 505 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 123,139.
DARYAPUR (DERIAPUR). Tillage in Moradabad district, N.W.P. ;
on the route from Meerut to Moradabad, and forty-four miles south-east
of the former place ; distant north-west from Calcutta, 888 miles. Lat.
28 51', long. 78 21'.
DASADA State in Kathiawar, Bombay. Area, 119 sq. miles.
DA8ADAR. Chiefship in Jhalavar division, Kathiawar, Bombay.
Area, 120 sq. miles.
DASIRA. Tillage in Bulandshahr district, N.W.P. ; on the route
from Aligarh to Delhi, and twenty-four miles north-west of the former.
Lat. 28 10', long. 77 58'.
DASKA Town in Sialkot district, Punjab. Pop. (1881), 5525.
Lat. 32 20', long. 74 24' 6".
DASKROI. Subdivision in Ahmedabad district, Bombay. Pop.
(1881), 143,942.
DASNA (DASNTTH). Town (in pargana of same name) in Meerut
district, N.W.P.; on the route from Delhi to Ghurmuktisur, and eighteen
miles east of the former. Elevation above the sea, 821 feet. Lat. 28
40' 30", long. 77 33' 55". Pop. (1881), 4166. Pop. of pargana (1881),
76,147. A religious Muslim fair is held annually in this town, as also
two Hindu gatherings.
DASOLI. Pargana in Kumaun district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
DA80RI. Town in Jodhpur State, Rajputana ; seventy-nine miles
north from Jodhpur, and fifty miles south-west from Bikaner. Lat. 27
25', long. 72 56'.
DASPALLA. State in Orissa, Bengal. Lat. 20 10' 50" 20 35",
long. 84 31' 45" 85 8'. Area, 568 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 41,608.
The Eaja, who pays a yearly tribute of 66 to the British Government,
maintains a force of 521 men, and 269 police.
DASPTTR. Town in Midnapur district, Bengal; thirty-one miles
north-east of Midnapur. Lat. 22 37', long. 87 50'.
DASPUR. Thana in Midnapur district, Bengal. Area, 104 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 115,269.
DASUYA. Town (in tahsil of same name) in Hoshiarpur district,
Punjab. Lat. 31 49', long. 75 41' 45". Pop. (1881), 6248. Area of
tahsil, 384 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 218,644.
DATAGANJ. Town (in tahsil of same name) in Budaun district,
KW.P. Pop. (1881), 2442. Area of tahsil, 437 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
186,815. Also thana. Pop. (1881), 63,421.
DATAULL Town in Alfgarh district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 3162.
DATCHAP ALL Town in Kistna district, Madras ; fifty-two miles
north-west of Gantur. Lat. 16 37', long. 79 48'.
DATHA. State in Kathiawar, Bombay, paying an annual tribute of
509 to the Gaekwar, and 29 to Junagarh. Area. 68 sq. miles.
DATIA. State in Bundelkhand, in the Central India Agency. Lat.
25 34' 26 17', long. 78 17' 78 56'. Area, 837 sq. miles. Pop.
(1881), 182,598. Bounded on the east by Jhansi district, on the south,
west, and north, by Gwalior State. The Chief has the right of adoption,
and is entitled to a salute of 15 guns. The military force consists of 97
guns, 160 gunners, 700 cavalry, and 3040 infantry.
DATIA. Capital of Datia State, Central India Agency, lying on
the road from Agra to Sagar, 125 miles south-east of the former,
and 148 miles north-west of the latter. Lat. 25 40', long. 78 30'
Pop. (1881), 28,346.
DATIVRE. Port in Tanna district, Bombay. Lat. 19 17', long. 72 50'.
DATMIR. Village in Garhwal State, N.W.P.; on the left bank of
the Supin or Tons. Elevation above the sea, 8354 feet. Lat. 31 5',
long. 78 20'.
DATRI. Village in Mainpuri district, N.W.P. ; on' the route from the
city of Agra to Etawah, and twenty-nine miles north-west of the latter.
Lat. 27 5', long. 78 42'.
DATTAW. Tributary of the Irawadi river, in British Burma.
DATT'S BAZAR. Village in Maimansinh district, Bengal; on the
Brahmaputra river. Pop. about 1000.
DAUDAUND. Town in Bhagalpur district, Bengal ; forty-four miles
south-west of Kajmahal. Lat. 24 39', long. 87 17.
DAUD KAILI. Town in Bannu district, Punjab; situated on an
offset of the river Indus, six miles south of the town of Kalabagh. Lat.
32 51', long. 71 35'.
DATJDKANDL Town in Tipperah district, Bengal; twenty- two
miles south-east of Dacca. Lat. 23 31', long. 90 41'.
DAUDKHANDL Thana in Tipperah district, Bengal. Area, 205 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 143,222.
DAUDNAGAR. Town in Gaya district, Bengal. Lat. 25 2' 39", long.
84 26'^35. Pop. (1881), 9870. Pour miles out of Daiidnagar, on the road
to Gaya, there is a beautiful temple, the carving of which was executed
atMirzapur. Also thana. Area, 241 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 102,166.
DAUDPTJR. Town in Kalahandi State, Central Provinces; ninety
miles west from Gumsur. Lat. 19 59', long. 83 19'.
DAUDPUR. Village in Eangpur district, Bengal.
220 DAU
DATJDPUR. Village in Sultanpur district, Oudh ; on the route from
Lucknow to Sultanpur, twelve miles west of the latter. Lat. 26 18',
long-. 81 57'.
DAUDPUR. Town in Birbhum district, Bengal ; twenty miles south
of Murshidabad. Lat. 23 54', long. 88 15'.
DAUDZAL Tahsil in Peshawar district, Punjab. Area, 156 sq.
miles. Pop. (1868), 72,676.
DATTJA. Village in Allahabad district, 1ST.W.P. ; on the route from
Allahabad to Banda, and twenty miles west of the former. Lat. 25
23', long. 81 35'.
DAUKORE.- Town in Kaira district, Bombay; thirty-one miles east
of Kaira. Lat. 22 42', long. 73 10'.
DAULANG. Town in Amherst district, British Burma ; thirty-eight
miles north-east of Maulmain. Lat. 16 42', long. 98 14'.
DAULATABAD. Town in Haidarabad State. Lat. 19 57', long.
75 18'; ten miles north-west from Aurangabad, 170 north-east of
Bombay, and 280 north-west of Haidarabad. Contains a celebrated
fortress and town, sometimes called Deogiri.
DAULAT BAZAR. Thana in Murshidabad district, Bengal. Area,
63 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 39,568.
DAULATGANJ. Town in Nadiya district, Bengal ; twenty-one miles
east of Krishnagar. Lat. 23 25', long. 88 50'.
DAULATGANJ. Thana in Lucknow district, Oudh. Pop. (1881),
DAULATGARH. Town in Udaipur State, Rajputana ; six miles from
the right of the Kori river, and fifty-seven miles south-west from Nasir-
abad. Lat. 25 37', long. 74 25'.
DAULAT KHAN. Village in Bakarganj district, Bengal. Lat. 22
38', long. 90 50' 30". Pop. about 5000.
DAULATNAGAR. Town in Gujarat district, Punjab ; situated on the
route from Wazirabad to Bhimbar, twenty miles north of the former.
Lat. 32 47', long. 74 9',
DAULATPUR. Village in Cawnpore district, N.W.P. ; on the route
from Kalpi to Partabgarh, and three miles north of the former. Lat. 26
9', long. 79 49'.
DAULATPUR. Village in Saharanpur district, N.W.P. ; on the route
from !Saharanpur to Hardwar, and 27 miles east of the former town.
Distant north-west from Calcutta 938 miles. Lat. 30 6', long. 77 57'.
DAULATPUR. Town in Haidarabad district, Sind, Bombay ; ten
miles from the left bank of the Indus, and seventy-eight miles north of
Haidarabad. Lat. 26 29', long. 68 5'.
DAULATPUR. Town in Bhopal State, Central India Agency ; forty-
one miles south-west from Bhopal, and fifty-five miles west from
Hoshangabad. Lat, 22 53', long. 76 54'.
DAULATPUR. Thana in Nadiya district, Bengal. Area, 115 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 74,178.
DAULATPUR. Town in Haidarabad district, Sind, Bombay. Lat.
26 30' 30", long. 68 0' 15". Pop. (1871), 1159.
DAULATPUR. Village in Sind, Bombay, near the left bank of the
Indus. Lat. 28 19', long. 69 45'.
DATJLATWALLAH. Town in Dera Ismail Khan district, Punjab ;
eighty miles north-west of Dera Ghazi Khan, sixty miles south-west of
Dera Ismail Khan. Lat. 31 10', long. 70 20'.
DATJLI (DHAITLI). River of Kumaun district, KW.P. ; one of tho
headwaters of the Alaknanda.
DAUMNAGAR. Town in Baroda State ; distance from Ahraedabad,
south-west, 120 miles; Baroda, south-west, 120; Surat, north-west, 98;
Bombay, north-west, 208. Lat. 21 40', long. 71 30'.
DAITNA. Town in Bilaspur district, Central Provinces ; 1 33 miles
north-west from Sambalpur, and twenty-one miles south from Ratanpur.
Lat. 21 57', long. 82 2'.
DATINABAD. Town in Lahore district, Punjab ; on a feeder of the
river Ravi, sixty miles south-west of the town of Lahore. Lat. 31 7',
long. 73 21'.
DATJNAT. Hills in Amherst district, British Burma. The main
range commences in lat. 16 5' 45", long. 98 42' 3'.
DATJNDIAKHERA. Town (in pargana of same name) in IJnao dis-
trict, Oudh ; on the left bank of the Ganges, fifty miles south of Lucknow,
thirty south-east of Cawnpore. Lat. 26 10', long. 80 42'. Area of
pargana, 64 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 33,467.
DAUPTJR. Town in Bulandshahr district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
DATIRAHAH SIRL Village in Ludhiana district, Punjab ; distant
north-west from Calcutta 1075 miles. Lat. 30 48', long. 76 8'.
D AURAL A. Village in Meerut district, N.W.P. ; on the route from
Meerut to Saharanpur, and eight miles north of the former place. Distant
north-west from Calcutta 938 miles. Lat. 29 7', long. 77 46'.
DAURALA. Thana in Meerut district, KW.P. Pop. (1881),
DAUR VALLEY. Valley in Bannu district, Punjab; eighty miles
west of Kala Bagh, and 102 south-west from Kohat. Lat. 32 55',
long. 70 10'.
DATTSNL Thana in Saharanpur district, KW.P. Pop. (1881),
DAVADANAPATL Town in Madura district, Madras; thirty three
miles north-west of Madura. Lat. 10 8', long. 77 43'.
DAVAGTJDIT. Town in Nellore district, Madras ; twelve miles south-
west of Ongole. Lat. 15 20', long. 80.
DAVANGERE. Town and municipality (in taluk of same name) in
Chitaldrug district, Mysore State. Lat. 14 28', long. 75 59'. Pop.
(1871), 6596. Area of taluk, 357 sq. miles. Pop. (1871), 105,987.
DAVANKONDA. Town in Bellary district, Madras ; fifty-two miles
north-east of Bellary. Lat. 15 33', long. 77 37'.
DAVAROY DRUG. Town in Mysore State ; seventy-six miles north-
east from Serin gapatam, and thirty-nine miles north-west from Bangalore.
Lat. 13 22', long. 77 16'.
DAVEM. Tillage in Sanguelim district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 247.
DAVERHALI. Town in Mysore State ; sixty-eight miles north-
east from Bednor, and 126 miles north from Seringapatam. Lat. 14 6',
long. 76 2'.
DAVERKONDA. Town in Haidarabad State ; on a hill near the left
or northern side of a feeder of the river Pedawag, one of the tributaries
of the Godavari. Distant from the city of Haidarabad, south, fifty-two
miles. Lat. 16 42', long. 78 49'.
DAVIPUR. Tillage in Moradabad district, KW.P. ; on the route
from Moradabad to Almora, and twelve miles north of the former. Lat.
28 59', long. 78 54'.
DAVTILGHAT. Town in Haidarabad State ; seventy miles north-east
from Aurangabad, and 100 miles south-west from Ellichpur. Lat. 20
30', long. 76 11'.
DAWA. State in Bhandara district, Central Provinces. Area, 26 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 4997. Dawa, the capital of same name, is in lat.
21 11', long. 80 13'.
D AWL AN. Eevenue circle in Amherst district, British Burma.
DAYA. One of the mouths of the Koyakhai river, in Puri district,
DAYANG. River in Assam ; falls into the Dhaneswari in lat. 26 26',
long. 93 58'.
DAYAGANJ. Town in Mainpuri district, KW.P.
DEAGANJ. Tillage in Mainpuri district, K.W.P. ; on the route from
Agra to Etawah, and forty-six miles south-east of the former. Lat. 27
3', long. 78 46'.
DEAMAH. Town in Sultanpur district, Oudh; on the route from
Partabgarh to Sultanpur, thirteen miles south-west of the latter. Lat.
26 10', long. 82 3'.
DEARY. Town in Amraoti district, Berar ; seventeen miles south-
east from Ellichpur and thirteen miles north from Amraoti. Lat. 21,
long. 77 44'.
DEATPOR. Town in Maldah district, Bengal; twenty-five miles
north-west of Maldah. Lat. 25 12', long. 87 52'.
DEBAR (DEBUR). A considerable lake in Udaipur State, Rajpu-
tana ; it is about nine miles in length by five in breadth, and is fed by
several streams flowing from the northward. On its southern side it has
an outlet by a stream flowing into the Mahi river. Distant south-east
from TJdaipur thirty miles. Lat. 24 12', long. 74 4'.
DEBHATA. Tillage and municipality in the Twenty-four Parganas
district, Bengal. Lat. 22 33' 30", long. 89 0' 15". Pop. (1881), 5514.
DEBI PAT AN. Tillage in Gonda district, Oudh. Lat. 27 32' 8",
long. 82 26' 30". A large religious fair is held in this village, at-
tended by upwards of 100,000 persons, when a large number of animals
are sacrificed at the temple of Siva.
DEBIPUR. Than a in Twenty-four Parganas district, Bengal. Area,
50 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 43,455.
DEBRA. Town in Midnapur district, Bengal; sixteen miles east of
Midnapur. Lat. 22 23', long. 87 39'.
DEBRA. Thana in Midnapur district, Bengal. Area, 109 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 70,126.
DEBURA. Town in Gorakhpur district, N.W.P. ; on the left bank of
the river Rapti, fifty-one miles north-west of Gorakhpur. Lat. 27 17',
long. 82 58'.
DECCAN, in its usual acceptation, implies the tract of country in
Southern India, situate between the Karbada and the Kistna rivers.
Properly speaking, however, it includes the whole of the territory lying
south of the Yindhya Mountains, which separate it from Hindustan on
the north. Taken in its latter extent, it comprehends the valley of the
Narbada, and the narrow tract of lowland forming a belt round the coast
of the Peninsula ; and it occupies, in addition thereto, the vast expanse
of triangular table-land, which, resting on each side upon the Eastern
and Western Ghats, is supported at its base by the sub-Yindhyan range,
termed the Satpura Mountains.
DEDAN. State in Kathiawar, Bombay, paying an annual tribute o
295 to the Gaekwar of Baroda. Area, 49 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 5437.
DEDHROTA. State in Mahi Kantha, Bombay. Pop. (1881), 1187.
The Chief pays a yearly tribute of 69 18*. to the Gaekwar of Baroda,
and of 7 8s. to Edar.
DEDTIRDA. State in Kathiawar, Bombay, paying a yearly tribute of
10 to the Gaekwar of Baroda.
DEGAM. Port in Broach district, Bombay. Lat. 22 I 1', long. 72
39' ; on the left bank of the Mahi river, about a mile from the Gulf of
Cambay, and eighteen miles north-west of Jambusar town. Pop. (1872),
DEGANGA. Thana in Twenty-four Parganas district, Bengal. Area,
79 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 53,516.
DEGAON. Town in Bhopal State, Central India Agency; fifty
miles east from Bhopal, and fifty-six miles south-west from Sagar. Lat.
23 17', long. 78 10'.
DEGH. River in Jammu State, and in Sialkot, Lahore, and Mont-
gomery districts, Punjab; falls into the Ravi, in lat. 31 2', long.
73 24'.
DEHAT AMANAT. Pargana in Benares district, N.W.P. Pop.
(1881), 258,108.
DEHEGATIN. Town (in district of same name) in Baroda State,
Bombay; on the route from Ahmedabad to Nimach, seventeen miles
north-east of the former, 165 south-west of the latter. Pop. 8000.
Lat. 23 8', long. 72 50'. Area of district, 293 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
DEHEJ. Port in Broach district, Bombay. Lat. 21 42' 45", long.
72 38' 30" ; on the right bank of the Narbada, about three miles
from the sea, and twenty-six miles west of Broach. Pop. (1872),
DEHMA. Pargana in Ghazipur district, KAV.P. Pop. (1881),
DEHPTIR. Town in Nasik district, Bombay ; twenty-five miles
south-east of Kasik. Lat. 19 53', long. 74 10'.
BEHRA. Town and municipality (in tahsil of same name) in Dehra
Dun district, KW.P. Lat. 30 19' 59", long. 78 5' 57". Pop. (1881),
18,959. Area of tahsil, 677 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 98,953.
DEHRA DUN. District in Meerut division, N.W.P. ; between lat.
29 57' 30 59', and long. 77 37' 15" 78 22' 45". Area, 1193 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 144,070. Bounded on the north by Garhwal State,
on the west by Sirmur State and Umballa district, on the south by
Saharanpur district, and on the east by Garhwal district and state.
The chief town is Dehra. The chief rivers are the Ganges and Jumna.
The mountains are the Himalaya and the Siwaliks. The district is
administered by a Superintendent with the powers of a Magistrate and
Collector. Also tahsil. Pop. (1881), 98,953. And thana. Pop. (1881),
DEHRI. Town on the west bank of the Son, in Shahabad district,
Bengal. Lat. 24 54' 30", long. 84 12' 30".
DEHRI. Thana in Shahabad district, Bengal. Area, 169 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 78,884.
DEHWARI. Town in Satara district, Bombay; thirty-nine miles
east of Satara. Lat. 17 42', long. 70 40'.
DEKTATILL Village in Mainpuri district, N.W.P. ; on the route
from Aligarh to that of Etawah, and thirty-four miles north-west of the
latter. Lat. 27 8', long. 78 38'.
DEKTATIN. Town in Gwalior State, Central India Agency ; on the
route from Mhow to Baroda, twenty miles west of former, 196 east of
latter. Elevation above the sea, 1881 feet. Lat. 22 34', long.
75 31'.
DELHI. Division of the Punjab, containing the three districts of
Delhi, Gurgaon, and Karnal, q.v. ; between lat. 27 39' 30 11', and
long. 76 13' 77 35'. Area, 5610 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 1,907,984.
DELHI. District in the Punjab; between lat. 28 12' 29 13', and
long. 76 51' 15" 77 34' 45". Area, 1276 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
643,515. Bounded on the north by Karnal district, on the west by
Rohtak district, on the south by Gurgaon district, and on the east by
the Meerut and Bulandshahr districts of the N.W.P., across the Jumna.
The chief towns are, Delhi (the capital), Sonpat, and Faridabad. The
chief river is the Jumna. The district, which is traversed by the East
Indian Railway and Rajputana State Railway, is administered by a
Deputy Commissioner, two Assistant Commissioners, and the usual staff.
Also tahsil. Area, 434 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 317,802.
DELHI. City (and station on East Indian Railway) in Delhi district,
Punjab. Lat. 28 38' 58", long. 77 16' 30". Pop. (1881), 173,393.
The most famous city in India, for its historical associations and its archi-
tectural adornments, having for many years been the seat of government
of the Great Mughal.
DELLAMKOTTAH. Town in Bhutan State ; twenty-seven miles
east from Darjiling, and ninety-nine miles north from Dinajpur. Lat.
26 59', long. 88 44'.
DELOLL State in Mahi Kantha, Bombay. Pop. (1881), 904. The
chief pays an annual tribute of 25 10s. to the Gaekwar of Baroda.
DEMAGrIRL Waterfall on the Karnaphuli river in the Chittagong
Hill Tracts district, Bengal.
DEMNIM. Tillage in Nagar-Aveli district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 204.
DEMRL River of Thibet and Bhutan State, flows into the Monas, a
tributary of the Brahmaputra, in lat. 27 2', long. 91 10'.
DENDAURA. Village in Farrukhabad district, JSVW.P. ; on the
route from Cawnpore to Fatehgarh, and thirty- six miles south-east of the
latter. Lat. 26 59', long. 80 2'.
DENDRAH. Town in Kashmir State ; twenty-one miles north from
Jammu. Lat. 32 55', long. 74 50'.
DENKANKOTAI (DENKANIKOTTA). Town in Salem district,
Madras. Lat. 12 31' 45", long. 77 49' 50". Pop. (1872), 4797.
Sixty-eight miles north of Salem.
DENWA. River of Hoshangabad district, Central Provinces ; it falls
into the Tawa in lat. 22 34', long. 78 0' 30".
DENWA. Forest in Hoshangabad district, Central Provinces.
DEO. Town in Gaya district, Bengal. Lat. 24 39' 30", long. 84
28' 38". The present chief, Sir Jai Prakash Sinh, K.C.S.I., received the
title of Maharaja Bahadur, with a Knight Commandership of the Star of
India, for his services in 1857.
DEOBAND (DEOBTJND). Town and municipality (in tahsil of
same name) in Saharanpur district, 1ST.W.P. Pop. (1882), 22,116. Lat.
29 41' 50", long. 77 43' 10". Area of tahsil, 387 sq. miles. Pop.
(1881), 211,058. Also thana. Pop. (1881), 80,357. And pargana.
Pop. (1881), 78,219.
DEOCHA. Village in Birbhum district, Bengal, noted for its manu-
facture of iron.
DEOCHUNPUR. Village in Ghazipur district, KW.P. ; on the route
from Benares to Ghazipur, twenty-four miles north-east of the former.
It is situate on the left bank of the Ganges, twenty miles west of
Ghazipur. Lat. 25 31', long. 83 16'.
DEODANGAR. Hill in Ganjam district, Madras. Lat. 18 54' 35",
long. 84 6' 2". Height, 4534 feet above the sea.
)EODAR (DEODUR). Native State in the Palanpur Agency,
Bombay ; bounded on the north by Tharad, on the east by Kankrej, on
the south by Bhabhar and Terwara, and on the west by Suigam and
Tharad. Area, 440 sq. miles. Pop. (1872), 19,701. The chief town is
Deodar. Lat. 24 8' 30", long, 71 49'.
226 DEO
DEO DHURA Temple in Kumaun district, N.W.P. ; on a lofty
summit in the Sub-Himalaya, or mountain system south of the principal
range, on the route from Champawat to Almora, south-east of Fort
Almora nineteen miles. Elevation of summit above the sea, 6780 feet.
Lat. 29 25' long. 79 56'.
DEOGAON. Town (in tahsil of same name) in Azamgarh district,
N.W.P. ; nine miles from the left bank of the Gumti, twenty-nine miles
north of Benares, twenty-one south-west of Azamgarh. Lat. 25 44',
long. 83 3'. Area of tahsil, 261 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 239,425.
Also pargana. Pop. (1881), 115,322. And thana. Pop. (1881),
DEOGAON. Town in Ajmere district, Bajputana ; fifty miles south-
east from Ajmere, thirty-one miles west of Tonk. Lat. 26 10', long.
75 26'.
DEOGARH. Town (in subdivision of same name) in Santal Parganas
district, Bengal. Lat. 24 29' 34", long. 86 44' 35". Pop. (1881),
8005. Area of subdivision, 934 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 251,407. Also
thana. Pop. (1881), 127,846.
DEOGARH. Port (in subdivision of the same name) in Eatnagiri
district, Bombay. Lat. 16 22', long. 73 24'.
DEOGARH. Village in Chhindwara district, Central Provinces. Lat.
21 53', long. 78 46'. Twenty-four miles south-west of Chhindwara
DEOGARH. State forest in Chhindwara district, Central Provinces.
Area, about 90 sq. miles.
DEOGARH. Town in Gwalior State, Central India Agency ; twenty-
six miles south-east from Gwalior, and fifty-six miles south-west from
Etawah. Lat. 26 5', long. 78 39'.
DEOGARH. Town in Udaipur State, Bajputana; sixty-two miles
north of the town of Udaipur. Lat. 25 31', long. 73 58'. Pop. (1881),
DEOGARH (TITGIR). Village in Karauli State, Bajputana ; twenty
miles south-west of Karauli. Lat. 26 5', long. 77.
DEOGARH. Village in Jodhpur State, Bajputana ; on the route from
Pokaran to Jodhpur, and seven miles north of the latter. Lat. 26 25',
long. 73 8'.
DEOGARH. Town in Bamra State, Central Provinces; fifty miles
east from Sambalpur. Lat. 21 32', long. 84 47'.
DEOGARH. Town in Nagpur district, Central Provinces, fifty-five
miles north-west from Nagpur. Lat. 21 53', long. 78 46'.
DEOHRA. Village upon a tributary of the river Palar in Bashahr
State, Punjab. Lat. 31 6', long. 77 44'.
DEOHURL Village in Bareilly district, N.W.P. ; close to the route
from Bareilly to Almora, and thirty-four miles north of the former. Lat.
28 53', long. 79 31'.
DEO KHAS. Town in Gaya district, Bengal; thirty-nine miles
south-west of Gaya. Lat. 24 40', long. 84 29'.
DEO 227
DEOKXJLTI. Village in Ghazipur district, N.W.P. ; on the route
from Benares to Ghazipur, twenty -nine miles north-east of the former,
seventeen west of the latter. It is situate three miles north of the
left bank of the Ganges, and on the river Gangi. Lat. 25 33', long.
83 18'.
DEOLALL Cantonment in ISasik district, Bombay. Lat. 19 56' 20",
long. 73 51' 30". Pop. (1872), 1906. Deolali is the Railway Station at
which all reliefs are halted for the first time after disembarkation at
DEOLGAON RAJA. Town in Berar. Pop. (1881), 7025.
DEOLL Town in Wardha district, Central Provinces. Lat. 20 39',
long. 78 31' 30". Pop. (1881), 5126.
DEOLIA. Town in A j mere district, Rajputana ; on the route from
Udaipur to Kishangarh, forty-six miles south of the latter. Lat. 25 54',
long. 74 53'.
DEONELLY. Town in Mysore State ; twenty-two miles north-east
of Bangalore, ninety north-east of Seringapatam. Lat. 13 15', long.
77 46'.
DEONTHAL (DEONTHUL). Village on the banks of the river
Gambhar, in Simla district, Punjab ; on the route from Subathu to
Simla, and 3 miles north of the former station ; 2200 feet above the sea.
Lat. 31 1', long. 77 2'.
DEONTHAL (DEONTUL). Peak in Hindur State, Punjab; a
summit of the Malaun ridge, celebrated as the spot where the obstinately-
contested Gurkha war was virtually decided. Lat. 31 11', long. 76 53'.
DEOPRAYAG. Village in Garhwal district, N.W.P. Lat. 30 8',
long. 78 39'. A very sacred place, at the point where the Alaknanda
and the Bhagirathi unite to form the Ganges. There is a temple, said
by the Brahmans to be upwards of 10,000 years old.
DEORA KOT. Town in Faizabad district, Oudh. Pop. (1869), 2462.
DEORALIO. Town in Nepal State ; fifty- six miles north from Khat-
mandu, and 140 miles east from Malebum. Lat. 28 29', long. 85 31'.
DEORALLI (DEVALI). Village in Garhwal State, N.W.P. Lat.
30 50', long. 78 17'.
DEORANIA. Thana in Bareilly district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
DEORI. Town in Gaya district, Bengal; 100 miles west of Gaya,
Lat. 24 30', long. 83 32'.
DEORI. State in liaipur district, Central Provinces ; on the west of
the Tonk river. Area, 149 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 2032. The capital
is in lat. 21 16' 30", long. 82 46' 30".
DEORI (BURADEORI, BARADEORI). Town in Sagar district,
Central Provinces. Lat. 23 23', long. 79 4'. About thirty-seven miles
south of Sagar, on the Narsinhpur road, at an elevation of 1700 feet
above sea-level. Pop. (1881), 7414.
DEORIA. Tahsil of Gorakhpur district, N.W.P. Area, 869 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 481,145. Also thana. Pop. (1881), 88,837.
DEOSAR. Town in Jaipur State, Rajputana. Lat. 26 51', long.
76 23',
228 DEO DEE,
DEOSIH. Tillage in Kashmir State, Punjab ; fifty-six miles north
from Srinagar. Lat. 34 53', long. 75 2'.
DEOTAN. Town in Betul district, Central Provinces ; on the route
from Betul to Mhow, sixteen miles north-west of the former. Lat. 21
59', long. 77 46'.
DEOTHAN. Village in Muttra district, N.W.P ; on the route from
Muttra to Delhi, and twenty-five miles north-west of the former. Lat.
27 45', long. 77 32'.
DEOTIGARH. Eange of mountains in Assam.
DEPALPUR. Town in Indore State, Central India Agency ; on the
route from Mhow to Nimach, twenty-seven riiiles north-west of former,
128 south-east of latter. Distance, south-west, from Ujjain twenty- seven
miles. Lat. 22 50', long. 75 34'.
DERA. Town in Partabgarh district, Oudh ; thirty miles north of
Allahabad, eighty south-east of Lucknow. Lat. 25 49', long. 81
DERA. Town in Peshawar district. Punjab ; on the left bank of the
river Indus, eighty-three miles north-east of the town of Peshawar. Lat.
34 24', long. 72 59'.
DERA. Tahsil in Kangra district, Punjab. Area, 502 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 121,423.
DERA DIN PAN AH. Town in Muzaffargarh district, Punjab ; near
the left bank of the Indus, on the route from Multan to Leiah, and forty
miles north-west of the former place. Lat. 30 25', long. 71 3'.
DERA DIN PAN AH. Town in Dera Ismail Khan district, Punjab ;
on the right or west bank of the Indus. Lat. 30 40', long. 70 52'.
DERA FATEH KHAN. Town in Dera Ismail Khan district, Punjab ;
on a small western branch of the Indus, and at no great distance from the
main stream. Lat. 31 9', long. 70 50'.
DERA GHAZI KHAN. District in the Derajat division, Punjab;
between lat. 28 27' 31 14' 30", and long. 69 35' 70 59'. Area,
4517 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 363,346. The chief tows are Dera Ghazi
Khan, Dajal and Jampur. The chief river is the Indus. The chief
mountains are the Sulaiman Hills. The administration is conducted by a
Deputy-Commissioner and staff.
DERA GHAZI KHAN. Town and municipality (in tahsil of same
name) in Dera Ghazi Khan district, Punjab; situate about two miles
from the right or west bank of the Indus, which formerly flowed close to
the town. Lat. 30 3' 57", long. 70 49' 8". Pop. (1881), 22,309.
Area of tahsil, 1362 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 159,733.
DERA ISMAIL KHAN. District in the Derajat division, Punjab;
between lat. 30 35' 45" 32 33', and long. 70 14' 72 2'. Area,
9296 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 441,649. Bounded on the north by
Bannu district, on the east by Jhang and Shahpur districts, on the south
by Dera Ghazi' Khan and Muzaffargarh districts, and on the west by the
Sulaiman Mountains. The chief towns are Dera Ismail Khan (the
capital), Kulachi, Leiah and Bhakkar. The chief mountains are the
Shaikh-budin and the Sulaiman ranges. The chief rivers are the Indus,
and the Gomal or Luni ; the Indus divides the district into nearly equal
parts. The administration is conducted by a Deputy-Commissioner and
DERA ISMAIL KHAN. Town and municipality (in tahsil of same
name) in Dera Ismail Khan district, Punjab. Lat. 31 50', long. 70 55',
44". Pop. (1881), 22,164. Distant from the right bank of the Indus
4^ miles west, from Lahore 200 miles west, and from Multan 120 miles
north-west. Area of tahsil, 1673 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 120,142.
DERAJAT. Division in Punjab, containing three districts, Dera
Ghazi Khan, Dera Ismail Khan, and Bannu, q.v. ; between lat. 28 27'
33 15', and long. 69 35' 72 2'. Area, 17,681 sq. miles. Pop.
(1881), 1,137,572.
DERA NANAK. Town and municipality in Gurdaspur district,
Punjab. Pop. (1881), 5^56. Lat. 32 2' 15", long. 75 4'. Contains
a temple dedicated to the memory of Baba Nanak, the first Sikh Guru.
DERAPITR. Town (in tahsil of same name) in Cawnpore district,
N.W.P. ; thirty-five miles west of Cawnpore. Lat. 26 26', long. 79 51'.
Area, 318 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 124,746. Also thana. Pop. (1881),
DERBEND. Military post in Hazara district, Punjab ; situate on the
left bank of the Indus, where the stream, previously straitened in its
passage through the mountains, expands on entering into the plain ; and
hence probably the name of Derbend, which signifies the place of a dam
or strait. Lat. 34 18', long. 72 55'.
DERESTIRA. Tillage in Muttra district, KW.P. ; on the route from
Meerut to Muttra, and twenty-one miles north of the latter. Lat. 27
45', long. 77 51'.
DERI SHAHAN (SHAH DHERI). Tillage in Rawal Pindi district,
Punjab. Lat. 33 17', long. 72 49' 15". Ruins, believed to be those of
DEROL. State in Mahi Kantha, Bombay. Pop. (1881), 1224. The
Chief pays a yearly tribute of 51 6s. to the Gaekwar of Baroda, and of
4 12s. to Edar.
DERO MOBHAT. Taluk in Haidarabad district, Sind, Bombay;
between lat. 24 58' 15" 25 19', and long. 68 32' 30" fiQ 9,0' 45".
Area, 670 sq. miles. Pop. (1872), 30,445.
DERRO. Town in Shahabad district, Bengal; twenty-three miles
south-west of Arrah. Lat. 27 17', long. 84 27'.
DESNOK. Town in Bikaner State, Rajputana; fifteen miles south of
the town of Bikaner. Lat. 27 48', long. 73 23'.
DESSUR. Town in North Arcot district, Madras ; thirty-three miles
south of Arcot. Lat. 12 28', long. 79 32'.
ETANAW. Tillage in Rangoon district, British Burma.
DEUCA. Tillage in Daman district, Portuguese India. Pop. (1881),
DEULGAON RAJA. Town in Buldana district, Berar. Lat. 20,
long. 76. Pop. (1876-77), 10,265. An annual fair is held in October,
when food is supplied gratuitously to pilgrims and religious mendicants.
DEULGHAT. Town on the Penganga river, in Buldana district,
Berar. Lat. 20 31', long. 76 10' 30". Pop. (1867), 3954.
DETTR. Town in Satara district, Bombay ; sixteen miles north-east of
Satara. Lat. 17 51', long:. 74 12'.
DEVALA (NAMBALABAD). Village in Malabar district, Madras.
Lat. 11 28', long. 76 26'. It is a centre of gold-mines and coffee-
planting in the Wynad.
DEVANHALLI. Town and municipality (in taluk of same name)
in Bangalore district, Mysore ; twenty-three miles north of Bangalore.
Lat. 13 15', long. 77 45' 30". Pop. (1871), 5771. Area of taluk,
238 sq. miles. Pop. (1871), 70,459.
DEVANIGERL Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 623.
DEVA PAIDI. Village in Daman district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 49.
DEVARAYDTJRGA. Hill-station, and ancient fort, in Tumkur district,
Mysore State, 3940 feet above the sea. There is a small temple on the
summit. An annual festival is attended by 3000 persons. Lat. 13
22' 30", long. 77 14' 50".
DEVGADH. Subdivision in Ratnagiri district, Bombay. Area, 543
sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 117,899.
DEVI. River of Cuttack and Pun districts, Bengal ; formed by the
junction of the Great and Little Devi; falls into the Bay of Bengal,
in lat. 19 58', long. 86 25'.
DEVIAPATAM. Town in Madura district, Madras ; nine miles
north-east of Rammid. Lat. 9 28', long. 78 58'.
DEVIKOTI. Town in Jtiisalmir State, Rajputana ; on the route from
the city of Jaisalmir to Balmer, and twenty-two miles south-east of the
former. Lat. 26 44', long. 71 17'.
DEVIKOTTA. Town and ruined fort in Tan j ore district; on the
Coromandel Coast, at the mouth of the Coleroon, or great northern
branch of the Kaveri ; distant from Tranquebar north twenty-four miles,
Madras south, 122. Lat. 11 22', long. 79 52'. Pop. (1881), 8451.
DEVJAGAON. Sacred place in Broach district, Bombay. A light-
house here shows the mouth of the Dhadhar river.
DEVLALL Cantonment in Msik district, Bombay. Pop. (1881),2969.
DEVUPALLI. Town in Vizagapatam district, Madras; thirteen miles
north-west of Vizianagram. Lat. 18 16', long. 83 21'.
DEWA. Town (in pargana of same name) in Bara Banki district,
Oudh. Pop. (1881), 2930. Area of pargana, 141 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
DEW ALA. Village in Chanda district, Central Provinces. Lat. 20
6', long. 79 6' 30".
DEW ALGAON. Village in Chanda district, Central Provinces. Lat.
20 23', long. 80 2'.
DEWALGARH. Pargana in Kumaun district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
DEW ALIA. State in Kathiawar, Bombay, paying a yearly tribute of
46 to the British Government, and 5 to the Gaekwar of Baroda.
DEW ALWARA. Village in Wardha district, Central Provinces ; on
the Wardha river. A large fair has for upwards of a century been held
every November in the bed of the river.
DEWALWARA. Tillage on the Purna, in Ellichpur district, Berar.
;N T oted for its ancient buildings. Lat. 21 18', long. 77 45'.
DEW AN. Town in Murshidabad district, Bengal ; fifteen miles north
of Murshidabad. Lat. 24 24', long. 88 16'.
DEWANGANJ. Thana in Mainiansinh district, Bengal. Area,
342 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 101,372.
DEWANGANJ. Town in Hugli district, Bengal ; forty miles north-
west of Calcutta. Lat. 22 49', long. 87 50'.
DEWANGANJ. Town in Purniah district, Bengal; on the left
bank of the river Kusi, forty-nine miles north-west of Purniah. Lat. 26
24', long. 87 14'.
DEWANGARL Town in Bhutan State; fifty-three miles north from
Gauhati, and fifty miles north-west from Dai-rang. Lat. 26 51', long.
91 27'.
DEWANSERAL Thana in Murshidabad district, Bengal. Area,
95 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 55,036.
DEWAS. Town in Rewah State, Central India Agency ; twenty-one
miles north-east from Rewah, and fifty miles south-west from Allahabad.
Lat. 24 46', long. 81 35'.
DEWAS. State in Central India Agency ; between lat. 22 42' 23
5', long. 75 57' 76 21'. The State has two chiefs, of whom the
senior is commonly called the Baba Sahib, and the junior Dada Sahib.
The Baba Sahib's territories have an area of about 1378 sq. miles. Pop.
(1881), 73,940. Those of the Dada Sahib have an area of about 6197
sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 68,222. Both have received a sanad guarantee-
ing the right of adoption, and are entitled to a salute of 15 euns.
DEWAS. Capital of Dewas State, Central India Agencyr Lat. 22
58', long. 76 6'. Pop. (1881), 11,921.
DEWLI. Town in Ratnagiri district, Bombay; twenty-five miles
east of Ratnagiri. Lat. 17, long. 73 40'.
DEWRA. Town in Chhatarpur State, Central India Agency; ten
miles south-east from Bijawar, and twenty-three miles south from Chha-
tarpur. Lat. 24 34', long. 79 40'.
DEWULLL Town in Morbhanj State, Orissa, Bengal ; thirty-seven
miles south-west from Midnapur, and thirty-seven miles north from
Balasore. Lat. 22 3', long. 86 58'.
DEWULMURRI. Town in Chanda district, Central Provinces; on
the left bank of the Wainganga river, and 140 miles south from Nagpur.
Lat. 19 20', long. 80 1'.
DHABA. Town in Chanda district, Central Provinces ; thirty miles
south-east from Chanda, and 111 miles south from JSTagpur. Lat. 19
39', long. 79 41'.
DHABADDL Town in Haidarabad State; thirty miles north-east
from Aurangabad, and eighteen miles north-west from Jalna. Lat. 20
2', long. 75 46'.
DHABIEN, NORTH. Revenue circle in Rangoon district, British
Burma. Pop. (1876), 3076.
DHABIEN, SOUTH. Revenue circle in Rangoon district, British
Burma. Pop. (1876), 2604.
232 DHA
DHABIEN. Creek in Rangoon district, British Burma.
DHABLA DHIR. State in the Bhopal Agency, Central India
DHABLA GHOSL State in the Bhopal Agency, Central India
A gency.
DHABUI. Ancient town, with fine ruins, in Baroda State. Distance
from Baroda, south-east, fifteen miles ; Surat, north-east, seventy- eight ;
Bombay, north, 225 ; Ahmedabad, south-east, eighty. Lat. 22 8', long.
73 25'.
DHADHAR. River of Baroda State ; rising in lat. 22 20', and long.
73 40', and after receiving on the right the Viswamitri river, on the
"banks of which stands the city of Baroda, ultimately falling into the Gulf
of Cambay, in lat. 21 54', and long. 72 38'. Total length, 70 miles.
Drainage area estimated at 1850 sq. miles.
DHADRI. Town in Dhar State, Central India Agency ; on the right
bank of the river Narbada, and forty-nine miles south-east from Mhow.
Lat. 22 17', long. 76 28'.
DHA-GNYA WADL Revenue circle in Toung-gnu district, British
Burma. Pop. (1876), 3787.
DHAIWELL. Town in Khandesh district, Bombay ; forty-one miles
west of Dhulia. Lat. 21 2', long. 74 7'.
DHAKA RAM CHANDRA. Thana in CLamparan district, Bengal.
Area, 336 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 253,922.
DHALANDHAR. Village in the Twenty-four Parganas district,
DHALDIGHL Tillage in Dinajpur district, Bengal. There is a fair
held every February, attended by upwards of 20,000 persons.
DH ALES WARL River of Dacca district, Bengal, connecting the
Jamuna with the Meghna.
DHALESWARI River of Sylhet district, Assam, and Maimansinh
district, Bengal ; formed by the union of the Surma and Kusiara rivers ;
falls into the Meghna.
DHALESWARI. River of Cachar district, Assam, falling into the
DHALET. Revenue circle in Kyouk-hpyii district, British Burma.
Area, 420 sq. miles. Pop. (1876), 4629.
DHALET. River in Kyouk-hpyu district, British Burma ; falls into
Combermere Bay.
DHALGAON. Town in Miraj State, Bombay ; seventy-five miles
south-east from Satara, and fifty-three miles north-west from Bijapur.
Lat. 17 9', long. 75 1'.
DHALKISOR. River of Manbhum, Bankura, Bardwan and HugK
districts, Bengal, falling into the Hugh', under the name of the Rupna-
DHAMA. Town in Sambalpur district, Central Provinces; sixteen
miles south of Sambalpur. Lat. 21 15', long. 84 5'.
DHAMASIA (WANMALA). State in Rewa Kantha, Bombay. Area,
10 sq. miles. Pays a yearly tribute of 13 to the Gaekwar of Baroda.
DHAMBI. Revenue circle in Henzada district, British Burma. Pop.
(1876), 7471.
DHA. 233
DHAMDA. Town in Raipur district, Central Provinces, 135 miles
east from Nagpur. Celebrated for its brass work. Lat. 21 27', long.
81 23'. Pop. (1881), 2850.
DHAMDAHA. Thana in Purniah district, Bengal. Area, 514 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 109,391.
DHAML Hill State, Punjab ; bounded on the north by Bhajji State,
on the east and south by Patiala State, on the west by Baghal State.
Area, 26 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 3322. Its centre is in lat. 31 12',
long. 77 8'.
DHAM-MA-THA. Town in Amherst district, British Burma ; on the
river Gyaing.
DHAMNAGAR. Thana in Balasor district, Bengal. Area, 233 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 132,321.
DHAMONI. Village in Sagar district, Central Provinces ; twenty-
nine miles north of Sagar. Lat. 24 12', long. 78 49'.
DHAMORA (DIMRA). Eiver of Nepal State, and Darbhangah and
Bhagalpur districts, Bengal; falls into the Ghugri in lat. 25 31', long.
86 48'.
DHAMPUR. Town and municipality (in tahsil of same name) in
Bijnaur district, N.W.P. Lat. 29 18' 43", long. 78 32' 46". Pop.
(1881), 5708. Area of tahsil, 323 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 170,039.
Also pargana. Pop. (1881), 85,033. And thana. Pop. (1881),
DHAMRA. River of Balasor and Cuttack districts, Bengal; formed
by the junction of the Brahmani and the Baitaram.
DHAMRA. Port in Cuttack district, Bengal, on the Dhamra river.
Lat. 20 47' 40", long. 86 55' 55".
DHAMTARI. Town (in tahsil of same name) in Raipur district,
Central Provinces. Lat. 20 42', long. 81 35' 30". Pop. (1881), 6647.
Area of tahsil, 2496 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 316,828.
DHANA. Town in Sagar district, Central Provinces; eleven miles
south-east from Sagar, thirty-nine miles west of Damoh. Lat. 23 43',
long. 78 55'.
DHANAPTJR. Town in Ghazipur district, KW.P. ; on the right
bank of the Ganges, nineteen miles south-west of Ghazipur. Lat. 25
24', long. 83 24'.
DHANAPUR. Thana in Ghazipur district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
DHANATJLA. Town in Nabha State, Punjab. Pop. (1881), 7264.
DHANAULL Town in Muzaifarpur district, Bengal. Pop. (1881),
DHANATTRA. Town in Moradabad district, N.W.P. Lat. 28 58',
long. 78 18' 30". Pop. (1881), 5304.
DHANAUTL River in Champaran district, Bengal; falls into the
DHANDHTJKA. Town (in subdivision of the same name) in Ahmed-
abad district, Bombay. Lat. 22 21' 15", long. 72 2' 20". Pop. (1881),
10,044. Area of subdivision, 1098 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 123,107.
DHANESWARL River of the Naga Hills, Nowgong, and Sibsagar
districts, Assam ; falls into the Brahmaputra in lat. 26 44', long. 93 42'.
234 DHA
DHANGAIff. Town in Shahabad district, Bengal. Pop. (1881),
5600. Also thana. Area, 367 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 179,916.
DHANGAIN. Pass in Hazaribagh district, Bengal. Lat. 24 23'
30", long. 84 59' 45".
DHANGHATA. Thana in Basti district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
DHANIAKHALL Thana in Hugli district, Bengal. Area, 135 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 93,537.
DHANIAKOT. Pargana in "Kumaun district, 1ST.W.P. Pop. (1881),
DHANIKHOLA. Town in Maimansinh district, Bengal. Lat. 24
39' 10", long. 90 24' 11". Pop. (1872), 6730. On the Satua river.
DHANNL Tillage in Rampur State, N.W.P. ; on the route from
Bareilly to Almora, and forty-one miles north of the former. Lat. 28
49', long. 79 26'.
DHANORA. Chiefship in Chanda district, Central Provinces. Area,
91 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 3738.
DHANRA. Town in Garhwal district, N.W.P. ; on the left bank of
the Yishnu river, sixty-four miles north-east of Srmagar. Lat. 30 56',
long. 79 30'.
DHANTJ. Town in Sagar district, Central Provinces. Pop. (1881),
DHANTT. Revenue circle in Amherst district, British Burma ; on the
right bank of the Kyouk-tsarit and Bheng-laing rivers.
DHANTT. River in the Maimainsinh district, Bengal; falls into the
DHANTTL BHURA-GYL Ruined pagoda in Rangoon district, British
DHANTJR. Lake in Sirsa district, Punjab ; formed by the river
Ghaggar, three miles long by one broad.
DHAOLA DHAR. Mountain in Kangra district, Punjab ; separating
Kangra valley from Chamba. The highest peak attains an elevation of
15,956 feet above sea-level; while the valley has a general height of
about 2000 feet.
DHAP. Town in Rangpur district, Bengal ; six miles north-west of
the town of Rangpur. Lat. 25 46', long. 89 10'.
DHAPEWARA. Town in Nagpur district, Central Provinces ; on the
Chandrabhaga river. Lat. 21 18', long. 78 57'. Pop. (1881),
DHAR. State in the Central India Agency ; between lat. 22 1' 23
8', and long. 74 43' 75 35'. Area, 2500 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
149,244. The present Chief, who has received the title of Maharaja as
a personal distinction, is entitled to a salute of 15 guns; he maintains a
military force of 276 cavalry and about 800 infantry, including police,
2 guns, and 21 artillerymen.
DHAR. Capital of Dhar State, Central India Agency. Lat. 22 36',
long. 75 20'. Pop. (1881), 15,224.
DHAR Village in Bashahr State, Punjab ; situate on the declivity of
a hill overlooking the valley of the Pabar. Lat. 31 6', long. 77 46'.
DHA 235
DHAR. Town in Haidarabad State ; distant north-east from Aurang-
abad fifty-eight miles, north from Jalna thirty-eight miles. Lat. 20 23',
long. 76 4'.
DHARAKOTA. State in Ganj am district, Madras. Pop. (1871), 3 1,923.
DHARAMPTJR. State in the Surat Political Agency, Bombay.
Bounded on the north by Bansda State, east by Sulgana and the Bangs
States, south by the Peint State, and west by Surat district. It is forty-
eight miles in length, and thirty in breadth. Area, 794 sq. miles. Pop.
(1881), 101,289. The Chief, who is entitled to a salute of 9 guns, main-
tains a military force of 1 84 men.
DHARAMPUR. Capital of Dharampur State, Bombay. Lat. 20
34', long. 73 14'. Pop (1881), 5176.
DHARAMPTJRI. Town in Dhar State, Central India Agency;
twenty-nine miles south from Dhar, and thirty-five miles south-west from
Mhow. Lat. 22 10', long. 75 26'.
DHARAMPITRI. Town in Satara district, Bombay ; forty-nine miles
north-east of Satara. Lat. 17 57', long. 74 44'.
DHARANGAON. Town and municipality in Khandesh district,
Bombay; thirty-five miles from Dhulia. Lat. 21, long. 75 20' 20".
Pop. (1881), 13,081.
DHARAPTJRAM (DARAPUR). Town (in taluk of same name) in
Coimbatore district, Madras; forty-six miles east-south-east of Coimba-
tore, and 250 from Madras, on the left bank of the river Amravati.
Lat. 10 44' 35", long. 77 34' 28". Pop. (1881), 7310. Pop. of taluk
(1871), 217,493.
DHARI. State in Rewa Kantha, Bombay ; paying a yearly tribute of
95 to the Gaekwar of Baroda. Area, 2^ sq. miles.
DHARI. District in Baroda State. Area, 542 sq. miles. Pop.
(1881), 29,233.
DHARI DEBL Village in Kumaun district, N.W.P. ; on the route
from Almora to Srmagar, and ten miles south-east of the latter. Lat.
30 15', long. 78 55'.
DHARLA (TORSHA). Biver of Bhutan State, Jalpaiguri district,
Kuch Behar State, and Eangpur district, Bengal ; falls into the Brahma-
putra in lat. 25 40', long. 89 47' 30".
DHARMA. Part of Kumaun district, KW.P. ; lying north of the
main range of the Himalaya, and between it and Hundes, or South-
western Thibet. Some of the summits have a great elevation ; Lebong,
on the eastern frontier, being 18,942 feet above the sea. Dharma lies
between lat. 30 5' 30 30', and long. 80 25' 80 45' ; inclosing an
area of about 400 sq. miles.
DHARMANPTJR. Pargana in Bahraich district, Oudh. Area, 304
sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 25,761.
DHARMAPTJRI. Town (in taluk of same name) in Salem district,
Madras; fifty-five miles north of Salem. Lat. 12 9 / , long. 78 13'.
Pop. (1881), 7090. Pop. of taluk (1871), 190,626.
DHARMA V ARAM. Town (in taluk of same name) in Bellary district,
Madras ; on the Chitravati river, fifty miles south of Guti, and 196 north-
west of Madras. Lat. 14 24', long. 77. Pop. (1881), 5916. Area of
taluk, 1226 sq. miles. Pop. (1871), 119,877.
236 DHA
DHARMDA. Town in Midnapur district, Bengal ; six miles south-
west of Midnapur. Lat. 22 21', long. 87 19'.
DHARMKOT. Town in Firozpur district, Punjab; with a fort,
situate about seven miles from the left bank of the Sutlej ; distant thirty-
nine miles west from Ludhiana, 1140 miles north-west from Calcutta.
Lat. 30 56' 45", long. 75 16' 30". Pop. (1881), 6007.
DHARMPUR. Village in Hardoi district, Oudh; the residence of
Raja Sir Hardeo Baksh, K.C.S.L.
DHARMSALA. Hill-station and municipality in Kangra district,
Punjab. Lat. 32 15' 42", long. 76 22' 46". Pop. (1881), 5322.
Elevation between 4500 and 6500 feet.
DHARMSALA. Thana in Cuttack district, Bengal. Area, 783 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 248,762.
DHARMSALEH. Town in Nepal State; on the left bank of the river
Kurnalli, and 126 miles north-east from Almora. Lat. 29 51', long,
81 45'.
DHARNAODA. State in the Central India Agency. Pop. (1881), 41 96.
DHARUPITR. Village in Partabgarh district, Oudh; with three
temples. Pop. (1869), 1603.
DHARWAR. District in Bombay; between lat. 14 17' 15 50',
and long. 74 51' 75 57'. Area, 4535 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
882,907. The chief hills are the Kapad range. The chief rivers are the
head-waters of the Tungabhadra (and its tributary the Wardha), falling
into the Kistna eastward, and the Birti Nala, which flows westward.
The chief towns are Hubli (the largest) and Dharwar (the capital). The
administration of the district, which is traversed by the Southern
Marhatta Railway, is in the hands of a Collector and Assistant.
DHARWAR. Capital of Dharwar district, Bombay ; situated in a
subdivision of the same name. Lat. 15 27', long. 75 3' 20". Pop.
(1881), 26,520, exclusive of the cantonment, which contains 671 in-
habitants. Area of subdivision, 425 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 111,137.
DH AS AN. River of Bhopal State and Sagar district, Central Pro-
vinces ; and Lalitpur district, N.W.P. ; falls into the Betwa.
DHATA. Pargana in Fatehpur district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
13,187. Also thana. Pop. (1881), 16,249.
DHATA. Town (in pargana of same name) in Fatehpur district,
N.W.P. ; five miles north-east of the left bank of the Jumna, thirty-six
miles south-east of the town of Fatehpur. Lat. 25 32', long. 81 20'.
DHATA. Village in Hissar district, Punjab ; on the route from
Hansi to Ludhiana, thirteen miles north of the former town. Distant
north-west from Calcutta 989 miles. Lat. 29 16', long. 76 5'.
DHATHWAI KYOTIK. River in Prome district, British Burma.
DHATHWAI-KYOUK. Village in Prome district, British Burma,
situated on the river of the same name, twenty miles south-east of Prome.
Lat. 18 41', long. 95 34' 35".
DHATIA. Thana in Shahjahanpur district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
DHAULAGIRL Mountain in Xepal State. Lat. 29 11', long. 82
59'. Height, 27,600 feet.
DHAULANA. Thana in Meerut district, K.W.P. Pop. (1881),
DHATJLI. A principal head- water or tributary of the river Gogra;
falling into the Kali. Lat. 29 57', long. 80 38'.
DHATJRAHRA. Town in Kheri district, Oudh ; three miles west of
the Chanka river, eighty miles north of Lucknow, and seventy-three east
of Shahjahanpur. Lat. 28, long. 81 9'. Pop. (1881), 5767.
DHATJRAHRA. Town in Faizabad district, Oudh; four miles from
the Gogra river, and twenty miles from Faizabad town, on the road to
Lucknow. Pop. (1869), 3279.
DHATJRAHRA. Pargana in Kheri district, Oudh. Area, 261 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 88,334. Also thana. Pop. (1881), 136,649.
DHATJR BTJNGA- Town in Garhwal district, N.W.P. ; on the right
bank of the river Sani, twenty miles south of Srinagar. Lat. 29 57',
long. 78 52'.
DHATJSA. Town in Jaipur State, Rajputana. Pop. (1881), 7384.
DHA YABANG. Town in Nepal State ; on the left bank of the river
Buri Gandak, and twenty-nine miles north from Khatmandu. Lat. 28
3', long. 85 3'.
DHEBARTJA. Thana in Basti district, KW.P. Pop. (1881),
DHEBTJRTJA. Town in Gorakhpur district, N.W.P. ; on the left
bank of the river Rapti, sixty miles north-west of Gorakhpur. Lat. 27
24', long. 82 51'.
DHEISMAELPTJR. Town in Midnapur district, Bengal ; forty miles
south of Midnapur. Lat. 21 50', long. 87 21'.
DHEKTJLTJ. Military station in Kumaun district, N.W.P. ; on the
route from Moradabad to Almora, and fifty miles north-east of the
former. It is situate in the valley down which the river Kosila flows
from the mountains to the plains, on the right bank of the stream.
Elevation above the sea, 1221 feet. Lat. 29 29', long. 79 12'.
DHENKANAL. State in Orissa, Bengal; between lat. 20 31' 21
11' 30", and long. 85 3' 86' 5". Area, 1463 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
208,316. The State is traversed by the river Brahmani.
DHENKANALL (DHENKANAL GARH). Capital of Dhenkhanal
State, Bengal. Lat. 20 39' 45", long. 85 38' 16".
DHERALI. Village in Garhwal State, N.W.P. ; on the left bank of
the Ganges. Lat. 31 2', long. 78 49'.
DHERGATJM. Town in Khandesh district, Bombay; seventy-three
miles east of Broach. Lat. 21 53', long. 74 10'.
DHERIAGOTE (SOI). Village in Shikarpur district, Sind, Bombay;
on the route from Sehwan to Larkhana, and twenty-two miles south of
the latter place. It is situate in the extensive and fertile island inclosed
between the Indus and its great offset the Kara, and is seven miles from
the right bank of the former, and three miles from the left bank of the
latter. Lat. 27 10', long. 68 4'.
DHI. Town in Indore State, Central India Agency ; situate seventy-
eight miles south-west from Mhow, and ninety miles east from Baroda.
Lat. 22 9', long. 74 37'.
DHIANIRAN. Pargana in Kumaun district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
DHIGWAS (DHIGONS). Town in Partabgarh district, Oudh; thirty
miles north-west of Allahabad, eighty south-east of Lucknow.
DHINGWAS. Pargana in Partabgarh district, Oudh. Pop. (1881),
DHINISA. Town in Nepal State ; situate fifty miles north from
Khatmandu. Lat. 28 24', long. 85 22'.
DHIPA. Town in Singbhum district, Bengal; thirty-nine miles
south-west from Chaibasa, and 100 miles north-east from Sambalpur.
Lat. 22 19', long. 85 18'.
DHOA. Town in Gwalior State, Central India Agency ; twenty miles
south-west of the fort of Gwalior. Lat. 26 3', long. 77 54'.
DHOBA. Mountain, 4166 feet high, in Ganjam district, Madras. Lat.
20, long. 84 23'.
DHOBAKHAL. Tillage in the Garo Hills district, Assam; on the
Someswari river. Lat. 25 28', long. 90 46'.
DHOBHANG Town in Nepal State; 104 miles south-east from
Khatmandu, and ninety miles west from Darjiling. Lat. 27 17', long.
86 54'.
DHODA. Town in Kohat district, Punjab ; situated on the route
from Kala Bagh to Kohat, fourteen miles south of the latter. Lat. 33
27', long. 71 45'.
DHODAR ALL Embankment in Sibsagar district, Assam.
DHOKI. Town in Sholapur district, Bombay ; fifty miles north from
Sholapur, and 102 miles south from Jalnah. Lat. 18 22', long. 76 10'.
DHOLA. State in Kathiawar, Bombay, paying a yearly tribute of
32 to the Gaekwar of Baroda and 5 to Junagarh.
DHOLANA. Town in Meerut district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 3664.
DHOLATGHAT. Town in Nepal State ; twenty-seven miles south-
east from Khatmandu. Lat. 27 34', long. 85 41'.
DHOLBAJA. Village in Purniah district, Bengal ; forty miles distant
from Purniah town, and sixteen miles from Basantpur. Lat. 26 16',
long, 87 19' 21". Pop. (1872), 1784.
DHOLERA (DHOLARRA). Town and port in Ahmedabad district,
Bombay ; in the swampy tract extending along the western side of the
Gulf of Cambay. The space between the town and the port of Dholera,
a distance of about four miles, is traversed by a tramway, constructed by
a company of native speculators; opened in May, 1851. Distance from
the city of Ahmedabad, south-west, sixty-two miles. Lat. 22 14' 45",
long. 72 15' 25". Pop. (1881), 10,301.
DHOLKA. Town (in subdivision of same name) in Ahmedabad dis-
trict, Bombay ; situate amidst ruined palaces, mosques, mausoleums, and
fine and spacious tanks, embanked and lined with masonry. Though not
regularly fortified, it is surrounded by a wall of mud four miles in circuit.
Distance from Ahmedabad, south-west, twenty-five miles ; Baroda, north-
west, sixty; Surat, north, 110; Bombay, north, 262. Lat. 22 43'
30", long. 72 28' 30". Pop. (1881), 17,716. Area of subdivision, 665
Bq. miles. Pop. (1881), 111,192.
DHOLNUH. Village in Budaun district, N.W.P. ; on the route from
Fatehgarh to Meerut, and eighty miles north-west of the former place.
Lat. 27 50', long. 78 36'.
DHOLPUR (DHOLPORE). State in Rajputana; bounded on the
north and north-east by the Agra district ; on the south-east by the
Chambal, dividing it from the Gwalior State; and on the west by the
Karauli and Bhartpur States. It lies between lat. 26 22' 26 57', and
long. 77 26' 78 19' ; and is about fifty-four miles in length from north-
east to south-west, twenty-three in breadth. Area, 1200 sq. mi]es.
Pop. (1881), 249,657. The river Chambal, touching the territory at its
south-west angle, forms its south-eastern boundary for about sixty
miles ; and the Banganga, with its tributary the Parvati, also waters
the State. The chief towns are Dholpur (the capital), Ban, and Raja-
khera. The liana, who is entitled to a salute of 15 guns, maintains
a military force of 600 cavalry, 3650 infantry, 32 field guns, and 100
DHOLPUR (DHOLPORE). Capital of Dholpur State, Rajputana.
Lat. 26 42', long. 77 56'. Pop. (1881), 15,833.
DHOLPTJRL Village in Moradabad district, KW.P. ; on the route
from Moradabad to Alniora, and sixteen miles north of the former. Lat.
29 2', long. 78 56'.
DHOL SAMTJDRA. Swampy lake in Faridpur district, Bengal.
DHOLURWA. State in Kathiawar, Bombay, paying a yearly tribute
of 10 to the Gaekwar of Baroda, and 2 to Junagarh.
DHOR. Town in Rawalpindi district, Punjab ; on the left bank of
the river Indus, five miles south of the town of Attock. Lat. 33 50',
long. 72 20'.
DHORAJI. Town in Kathiawar, Bombay; forty-three miles south-
west from Rajkot, and fifty-two miles east from Porbandar. Lat. 21
45', long. 70 33'. Pop. (1881), 16,121.
DHORAIL Town in Bulandshahr district, N.W.P. ; seventy miles
south-east of Delhi. Lat. 28 7', long. 78 14'.
DHORI. Village in Azamgarh district, N.W.P.; on the route from
Azamgarh to Gorakhpur, thirty-one miles north-east of the former, thirty-
four south-east of the latter; on the right bank of the Gogra. Lat. 26
14', long. 83 33'.
DHORIAPUR. Pargana in Gorakhpur district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
DHRANGADRA. First class State in Kathiawar, Bombay, between
lat. 22 30' 23, and long. 7171 49'. Area, 1142 sq. miles. Pop.
(1881), 99,686. The salute of the State is 11 guns, but the present Chief
(1884) is entitled, as a personal distinction, to 15 guns. The military
force consists of 470 men.
DHRANGADRA Capital of Dhrangadra State, Bombay. Lat. 22
59' 10", long. 71 31'. Pop. (1881), 12,304.
DHROL. Second class State in Kathiawar, Bombay; between lat.
22 14' 22 42', and long. 70 24' 70 45'. Area, 400 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 21,776. The Chief, who is entitled to a salute of 9 guns,
pays a tribute of 1023 2s. to the Gaekwar of Baroda and the Nawab of
Junagarh, and maintains a military force of 148 men.
DHROL. Capital of Dhrol State, Bombay. Lat. 22 34', long. 70
30'. Pop. (1881), 4613.
240 DHTJ
DHUBKI. Town (in subdivision of same name) in Goalpara district,
Assam ; on the Brahmaputra, where that river turns south into Bengal.
Lat. 26 2', long. 90 2'. Pop. (1872), 477. A fair is held annually in
January, attended by upwards of 10,000 persons. Pop. of subdivision
(1872), 187,589.
DHTJJ PEAK. Hill in Kumaun district, KW.P. ; a summit of the
Sub-Himalaya, or mountain-system south of the great range, east of Fort
Almorah forty miles, and equidistant from the rivers Ramganga (Eastern)
and Kali (Eastern). Elevation above the sea, 8248 feet. Lat. 29 38',
long. 80 20'.
DHUKAT7LIA. Village in Fatehpur district, N.W.P. ; on the route
from Banda to the town of Fatehpur, and four miles south-west of the
latter. Lat. 25 54', long. 80 50'.
DHTJLAPRA. Swamp in Saharanpur district, N/VV.P.
DHTJLIA. Capital of Khandesh district, Bombay ; and head-quarters
of the subdivision of the same name ; on the Panjhra river. Lat. 20
54', long. 74 46' 30". Pop. (1881), 18,449. Area of subdivision, 759
sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 78,137.
DHTJLIAN. Village in Murshidabad district, Bengal ; on the Ganges.
An annual fair is held at this spot, which is one of the most important
river marts in the district.
DHTILIAT. Town in Gwalior State, Central India Agency ; eleven
miles west from Asirgarh, and eighty miles south from Mhow. Lat. 21
29', long. 76 17'.
DHUM. Town in Nepal State ; ninety-one miles north-east from
Pilibhit, and 1 04 miles south-east from Almora. Lat. 29 3', long. 8 1 1 9'.
DHTJMA. Town in Jabalpur district, Central Provinces ; on the route
from Nagpur to Jabalpur, forty miles south of the latter. Lat. 22 44',
long. 79 50'.
DHUMRAH (DOMRAH). See Dulinil.
DHUMRL Town in Etah district, KW.P. Pop. (1881), 2499.
Also thana. Pop. (1881), 44,464.
DHTJMTAUR (DTJMTATIR). Valley in Hazara district, Punjab ; on
the route from Attock to Kashmir by the Baramula road, extending
nearly in a direction from east to west, in lat. 34 34 10', and long. 72
55' 73 15'.
DHUMTATJR. Town in Hazara district, Punjab; sixteen miles
east of the Indus, on" the route into Kashmir. Lat. 34 7', long.
73 7'.
DHUMTERRY. Town in Raipur district, Central Provinces ; distant
east from Nagpur 150 miles. Lat. 20 39', long. 81 26'.
DHTJMTHAN. Village in Karnal district, Punjab ; on the route from
Hansi to Ludhiana, and forty-three miles north of the former town.
Distant north-west from Calcutta, 1019 miles. Lat. 29 42', long.
76 5'.
DHTINAIRI. Town in Baroda State; twenty-six miles north from
Disa, and 140 miles south-west from Udaipur. Lat. 24 37', long. 72',
DHTJ 241
DHUNATJDA. Town in Hissar district, Punjab ; on the route
from Hansi to Ludhiana, and thirty miles north of the former place.
Distant north-west from Calcutta, 1006 miles. Lat. 29 31', long.
76 4'.
DHUNCHI. Town in Nepal State ; forty-two miles north from
Khatmandu. Lat. 28 19', long. 85 14'.
DHUNDA. Village in Garhwal State, N.W.P. ; on the light bank of
the Bhagirathi or Ganges. Lat 30 41', long. 78 24'.
DHUNDGAL. Town in Haidarabad State ; nineteen miles north from
Haidarabad, and sixty miles south-east from Bidar. Lat. 17 38', long.
78 30'.
DHUNGAWAN. Town in Hoshangabad district, Central Provinces ;
thirty-four miles south-east of Sohagpur, 119 miles east of Jabalpur.
Lat. 23 2', long. 81 52'.
DHTJNGOI. Town in Saran district, Bengal ; thirty-nine miles north of
Chaprah. Lat. 26 17', long. 84 40'.
DHIJNGSURRA. Village in Jodhpur State, Rajputana ; on the route
from Jaisalmir to Nasirabad, and 102 miles north-west of the latter. Lat.
27 8', long. 73 35'.
DHUNGTJRHL Town in Kheri district, Oudh; 130 miles north from
Lucknow, and fifty-three miles east from Pilibhit, Lat. 28 41', long.
80 47'.
DHUNILA. Town in Gwalior State, Central India Agency ; on the
route from Agra to Gwalior, sixty miles south of former, eleven north-
west of latter. Lat. 26 24', long. 78 8'.
DHUNTALAO. Village in Gwalior State, Central India Agency;
on the route from Hoshangabad to Nimach, ninety-three miles
west of former, 181 south-east of latter. Lat. 22 44', long. 76
DHTJNWA. Town in Jaisalmir State, Rajputana ; five miles south
from Jaisalmir, and sixty-two miles west from Pokaran. Lat. 26 50',
long. 71.
DHUR. Village in Kumaun district, N.W.P. ; a mile from the right
bank of the river Dhauli. Elevation above the sea, about 8000 feet.
Lat. 30 5', long. 80 37'.
DHUR. Town in Cuddapah district, Madras ; twenty- nine miles
north of Cuddapah. Lat. 14 51', long. 78 43'.
DHURAMPOR. Town in Nepal State, seventy miles south-east from
Khatmandu, and fifty miles north from Darbhangah. Lat. 26 52', long.
85 55'.
DHURAULI (DEROWLI). Village in Farrukhabad district, N.W.P. ;
on the route from Aligarh to Fatehgarh, and thirty-nine miles west of
the latter. Lat. 27 30', long. 79 7'.
DHURAVI (DHARAVI). Island in Tanna district, Bombay ; to the
north-west of Salsette, about seven miles long by two broad ; its centre
is in lat. 19 14', long. 72 53'.
DHURI. Village in Patiala State, Punjab; on the route from
Hansi to Ludhiana, and forty-one miles south of the latter towii.
Distant north-west from Calcutta, 1062 miles. Lat. 30 22' long.
75 57'.
DHURIAPUR. Town in Gorakhpur district, N.W.P.; near the route
from Azamgarh to Gorakhpur, and distant thirty-four miles north of the
former, twenty-eight south of the latter. Distant north from Ghazipur
seventy-eight miles, north-east from Calcutta 509. Lat. 26 23', long.
83 18'.
DHURKOT. Town in Nepal State; 162 miles north-west from
Khatmandu, and 122 miles north-west from Gorakhpur. Lat. 28 22',
long. 82 48'.
DHURPHURIP ATI. Town in Muzaffarpur district, Bengal; twenty,
seven miles west of Muzaffarpur. Lat. 26 7', long. 85 2'.
DHURUMSAL (DHARMS ALA) .Town in Kashmir State, Punjab ;
thirty-nine miles north-east from Jhelum, and seventy-eight miles south-
west from Srinagar. Lat. 33 15', long. 74 10'.
DHURUMSALLA (DHARMS ALA). Village in Cutch State, Bombay;
eight miles south of Bhuj. Lat. 23 9', long. 69 41'.
DHURWAI. State in Bundelkhand, Central India Agency. Area,
18 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 1598.
DHUS. Town in Benares district, N.W.P. ; on the route from Benares
to Sasseram, ten miles east of the former. Lat. 25 16', long. 83 14'.
Also pargana. Pop. (1881), 24,529.
DHUTARA. Village in Bulandshahr district, N.W.P. ; on the route
from Khasganj to Meerut, and forty-five miles south of the latter. Lat.
28 23', long. 77 58'.
DIAMOND HARBOUR Town and port (in subdivision of same
name) in the Twenty-four Parganas district, Bengal ; on the left bank of
the Hugli. Distant from Calcutta thirty miles by road, forty -one by
river. Lat. 22 11' 10", long. 88 13' 37". A harbourmaster and customs
establishment are maintained here to board vessels proceeding up the
river, and the movements of all shipping up or down are telegraphed
from Diamond Harbour, and published several times a day in the Calcutta
Telegraph Gazette. Area of subdivision, 417 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
344,330. Also thana. Area, 68 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 52,828.
DIAMOND HARBOUR CANAL. Canal in the Twenty-four Parganas
district, Bengal ; extending from Thakurpukur to Kholakhali, a distance
of twenty-three miles.
of Bassein district, British Burma ; situated at the Bassein river mouth
of the Irawadi. Lat. 15 51' 30", long. 94 18' 45".
DIANUTPUR. Village in Aligarh district, N.W.P. ; on the route
from Aligarh to Agra, and twenty-one miles south of the former. Lat.
27 38', long. 78 7'.
DIBAI. Town in Bulandshahr district, 1ST.W.P. ; distant from Buland-
shahr twenty-six miles south-east, and from Aligarh twenty- six miles
north. Lat. 28 12' 30", long. 78 18' 35". Pop. (1881), 8216. Also
pargana. Pop. (1881), 78,896. And thana. Pop. (1881), 62,228.
DIBING. Town in Kashmir State, Punjab; 109 miles east from
Srinagar. Lat. 33 56', long. 76 50'.
DIBONG RIVER. River of Thibet and Assam; falls into the Brah-
maputra river in lat. 27 50', long. 95 28.
DIBRU (SONAPUR). Eiver of Kamrup district, Assam ; falls into
the Brahmaputra.
DIBRU (SONAPUR). River of Lakhimpur district, Assam ; falls into
the Brahmaputra near Dibrugarh.
DIBRUGARH. Capital (in subdivision of same name) in Lakhimpur
district, Assam ; on the Dibru, near its junction with the Brahmaputra.
Lat. 27 28' 30", long. 94 57' 30". Pop. (1872), 3870, including 1096
in the military cantonment. Area of subdivision, 2038 sq. miles. Pop.
(1872), 82,109.
DIDARGANJ. Thana in Azamgarh district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
DIDDAUR. Town in Rai Bareli district, Oudh; on the river Sai.
Pop. (1869), 2127.
DIDWANA. Village in Jodhpur State, Rajputana ; 112 miles north-
east from Jodhpur. Lat. 27 19', long. 74 30'.
DIG. Tillage in Cawnpore district, N.W.P. ; on the route from
Cawnpore to Kalpi, and fifteen miles north-east of the latter. Lat.
26 17', long. 79 57'.
DIG (DIGA). Village in Allahabad district, N.W.P. ; on the left
bank of the Ganges, 752 miles north-west of Calcutta by the river route,
fifty-six south-east of the city of Allahabad by the same. Lat. 25 15',
long. 82 18'.
DIG. Town in Bhartpur State, Rajputana. Lat. 27 28', long. 77
22'. Pop. (1881), 15,828. Captured in December, 1804, by General
Fraser, and dismantled after the capture of Bhartpur by Lord Combermere.
DIGAR. Town in Kashmir State, Punjab ; twenty miles north-east
from the town of Le, and 134 miles north-east from Kishtiwar. Lat. 34
16', long. 77 55'.
DIGARI. Village in Jodhpur State, Rajputana ; on the route from
Jodhpur to Ajmere, and three miles east of the former. Lat. 26 17',
long. 73 15'.
DIGARU. River of Thibet and Assam ; falls into the Brahmaputra,
in lat. 27 50', long. 96 2'.
DIGBIJAIGANJ. Tahsil of Rai Bareli district, Oudh. Between lat.
26 17' 30" 26 36', and long. 81 1' 30" 81 37'. Area, 465 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 245,079. Also thana. Pop. (1881), 102,256.
DIGGI (DHIGGI). Town in Jaipur State, Rajputana ; on the route
from Nasirabad to Gwalior, forty-eight miles east of former, 193 west of
latter. Lat. 26 24', long. 75 35'.
DIGH. Thana in Mirzapur district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 36,541.
DIGHIL. Village in Rohtak district, Punjab. Lat. 28 46', long.
76 41'.
DIGHORI. Town in Bhandara district, Central Provinces. Pop.
(1881), 2852.
DIGHWARA. Thana in Saran district, Bengal. Area, 106 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 120,231.
DIGNAGAR. Town in Bardwan district, Bengal ; distance north-west
from Calcutta by Bardwan seventy miles. Lat. 23 22', long. 87 45'.
DIGRAS. Town in Wun district, Berar. Lat. 20 6', long. 77 45'.
DIGSAR. Pargana in Gonda district, Oudh. Area, 157^ sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 94,833.
DIGTJCHI. Town in Satara district, Bombay ; sixty-one miles east of
Satara. Lat. 17 30', long. 74 59'.
DIH. Town in Rai Bareli district, Oudh; on the river Saj. Pop.
(1869), 2937.
DIHA. Village in Allahabad district, N.W.P. ; on the right bank of
the Ganges, 795 miles north-east of Calcutta by the river route, thirteen
south-east of the city of Allahabad by the same. Lat. 25 19', long.
82 3'.
DIHANG (DIHONG). River of Thibet and Assam ; head-waters of the
Brahmaputra; rises on the northern face of the Himalayas, in lat. 30
25', long. 82 5', and, pursuing an easterly course through Thibet for
upwards of 1000 miles, during the greater part of which it bears the
name of the Sanpu, it suddenly sweeps round to the south and enters
Assam, where, under the name of the Dihang, it falls into the Brahma-
. DIHATRA. Tillage in Bikaner State, Rajputana ; on the route from
Bikaner to Jaisalmir, and forty miles south-west of the former. Lat. 27
43', long. 72 51'.
DIKING. River of Lakhimpur district, Assam ; flows into the Brah-
maputra near Sadiya.
DIKING (BURI DIKING). River of Lakhimpur and Sibsagar
districts, Assam ; flows past Jaipur town into the Brahmaputra.
DIJI. Village and fortress in Khairpur State, Sind, Bombay. Lat.
27 20' 45", long. 68 45'.
DIKAR. Town in Raipur district, Central Provinces ; 140 miles east
from Nagpur, and 172 miles west from Sambalpur. Lat. 21 30', long.
81 20'.
DILARL Thana in Moradabad district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 54,426.
DILAWAR. Village and fortress in Bahawalpur State, Punjab. Lat.
28 44', long. 71 14'.
DILLY (MOUNT). Headland in Malabar district, Madras. In clear
weather it may be discerned from sea at a distance of from twenty-four
to twenty-seven miles, and as the contiguous land is low, the headland,
which is bluff, and has a small ancient fort on the summit, appears at a
distance like an island. Lat. 12 2', long. 75 14'.
DILODE. Town in Bhopal State, Central India Agency ; seventeen
miles north from Bhopal, and thirty miles west from Bhilsa. Lat. 23
30, long. 77 22'.
DIMAPTJR. Village in the Naga Hills district, Assam ; on the banks
of the Dhaneswari, fifteen miles north of Samaguting.
DIMLA. Town in Rangpur district, Bengal ; thirty-nine miles north-
west of Rangpur. Lat. 26 6', long. 88 55'. Pop. (1881), 10,508.
Also thana. Area. 192 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 138,760.
DINAJPTJR. District in the Rajshahi and Kuch Behar divisions,
Bengal; bounded on the north by Jalpaigurf district, on the east by
Rangpur andBogra districts, on the south by Rajshuhi district, and on the
DIN 245
west by Maldah and Purniah districts. Between lat. 24 43' 40" 26
22' 50", and long. 88 4' 89 21' 5" '. Area, 4118 sq. miles. Pop.
(1881), 1,514,346. The chief rivers are the Mahananda (with its tribu-
taries, the Nagar, Tangan, and Purnabhaba) on the west ; and the Atrai,
Jamuna, and Karatoya (old channels of the Tista) on the east, all flowing
into the Ganges. The capital and only large town is Dinajpur. The
[Northern Bengal State Railway traverses the district for about thirty
DINAJPUR. Capital of Dinajpur district, Bengal ; on the Purna-
bhaba, just below its junction with the Dhapa. Lat. 25 38', long. 8
40' 46". Pop. (1881), 12,560. Also thana. Area, 6 sq. miles. Pop.
(1881), 12,977.
DINANAGAR. Town and municipality in Gurdaspur district, Punjab.
Lat. 32 8' 15", long. 75 31'. Pop. (1881), 5589.
DINANAGAR. Town in Amritsar district, Punjab ; on the right
bank of the Bari Doab Canal, eighty-nine miles north-east of Lahore.
Lat. 32 10', long. 75 29'.
DINAPUR (DINAPORE). Capital (in subdivision of same name) of
Patna district, Bengal ; a cantonment on the right bank of the Ganges.
Lat. 25 38' 19", long. 85 5' 8". Pop. (1881), 37,893. Area, of sub-
division, 143 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 166,128. Also thana. Area, 25
sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 67,612.
DINAREH. Town in Shahabad district, Bengal ; seventy miles
south-west of Dinapur. Lat. 25 12', long. 84 6'.
BIND ARY. Town in Bilaspur district, Central Provinces; 175 miles
north-east from Nagpur, and eighty miles north from Raipur. Lat. 22
20', long. 81 33'.
DINDL River in Haidarabad State; rises in lat. 17 2', long. 78,
and flowing in a south-easterly direction for 110 miles, falls into the
Kistna in lat. 16 22', long. 79 b 16'
DINDIGAL (DINDIGUL). Town and municipality (in taluk of
same name) in Madura district, Madras; situated 880 feet above the sea,
on the trunk road from Coimbatore to Pondicherri, about twenty miles
from Kodaikanal, the sanitarium on the Palani Hills, and thirty from
Madura. It is connected by railway with the chief towns of the Presi-
dency. Lat. 10 21' 39", long. 78 0' 17". Pop. (1881), 14,182.
Formerly a place of great strategical importance. Pop. of taluk, (1871),
DINDIVARAM. Taluk in South Arcot district, Madras. Area, 810
sq. miles. Pop. (1871), 239,784.
DINDURI. Subdivision in Nasik district, Bombay. Area, 529 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 72,290.
DINDURI. Town in Ahmednagar district, Bombay ; ninety-six miles
north-west of Ahmednagar. Lat. 20 1', long. 73 50'.
IINGA. Town in Gujrat district, Punjab. Pop. (1881), 5615.
DINGAI. Village in Jodhpur State, Rajputana ; on the route from
Nasirabad to Disa, and 123 miles south-west of the former. Lat. 25
37', long. 73 27'.
DING AR. Village in Garhwal district, N.W.P.; on the left bank
of the Budiar. Elevation above the sea, 7119 feet. Lat. 30 56', long.
78 17'.
DINGARH. Town in Bahawalpur State, Punjab ; thirty-two miles
south from Bahawalpur, and 116 miles north-west from Bikaner. Lat.
28 56', long. 71 49'.
DINGARH KINER. Tillage in Si'rmur State, Punjab. Lat. 30
44', long. 77 21'.
DINGATHTTR. Village in Kumaun district, N.W.P. ; on the route
up the course of the Ramganga river (Eastern) from Pithoragarh to the
Anta Dhara Pass, sixteen miles north of Pithoragarh, one and a half east
of the left bank of the Kamganga. Elevation above the sea, 4443 feet.
Lat. 29 49', long. 80 12'.
DINGL Fort in Khairpur State, Sind, Bombay. Lat. 26 52', long.
68 40'.
DINGIER. Mountains in the Khasia and Jaintia Hills district,
Assam. The highest peak is 6400 feet above the sea-level.
DINGRTJ. Village in Bashahr State, Punjab ; and halting-place on a
rivulet of the same name, on the southern declivity of the Shatal Pass.
Elevation above the sea, 12,300 feet. Lat. 31 21', long. 78 1'.
DINHATTA. Thana in Kuch Behar State, Bengal. Area, 270 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 155,584.
DINHTJTLA. Town in Kuch Behar State, Bengal; sixty-one miles
north-east from Dinajpur, ten miles south from Behar. Lat. 26 7',
long. 89 26'.
DIPAL (DTITI). Town in Nepal State ; fifty-one miles south-west
from Jemlah, and seventy miles north-east from Pilibhit. Lat. 29 5',
long. 80 54'.
DIPALPTJR. Town (in tahsil of same name), in Montgomery district,
Punjab ; formerly of much importance, as capital of a Mughal Province.
Lat. 30 37', long. 73 38'. Pop. (1881), 3435. Area of tahsil, 956 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 154,590.
DIPALPTJR. Town in Gwalior State, Central India Agency ; on the
route from Mhow to Nimach, twenty- seven miles north-west of the
former, and 128 south-east of the latter. Lat. 22 51', long. 75 55'.
Pop., about 4000.
DIPLA. Town and municipality (in taluk of same name) in the Thar
and Parkar district, Sind, Bombay. Lat. 24 28', long. 69 37' 30".
Pop. 893. Pop. of taluk (1872), 14,524.
DIRIAPUR. Town in Aligarh district, N.W.P. ; on the route from
Aligarh to Etawah, and nineteen miles south of the former. Lat. 27
3j', long. 78 12'.
DIROI. River of Sibsagar district, Assam ; flows into the Disang, a
tributary of the Brahmaputra, in lat. 27 4', long. 94 41'.
DIRONDEM. Village in Sanguelim district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 291.
DISA (DEESA). Town in Palanpur State, Bombay ; on the Banas.
Lat. 24 14' 30", long. 72 12' 30". Pop. (1881), 3830. A British
cantonment is three miles north-east of the town. Pop. (1881), 4546.
DISAI. River in Sibsagar district, Assam ; rising in the Naga Hills,
and flowing into the Brahmaputra.
DISANG. River of Sibsagar district, Assam ; rising in lat. 26 47',
long. 95 25', in the country inhabited by the Naga tribes ; falls into the
Brahmaputra in lat. 27 4', long. 94 30'.
DISUR. Town in Jodhpur State, Rajputana ; seventy-five miles
south-east from Jodhpur, and 110 miles south-west from Ajmere. Lat.
25 19', long. 73 39'.
DIU. Island and seaport town in Kathiawar, Bombay; a Portuguese
settlement; distant from Ahmedabad, south-west, 192 miles; Baroda,
south-west, 182; Bombay, north-west, 170. Lat. 20 43' 20", long. 71
2' 30". Area, 52 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 12,636.
DIVI POINT. A low headland on the coast of Kistna district,
Madras. Around the point, and between it and the cape known
as Divi False Point, several branches of the river Kistna fall into the
sea. Divi Point is nineteen miles north-east of the mouths of the
Kistna, and thirteen south of Masulipatam. Lat. 15 57' 30", long.
81 14'.
DIVULPALLI. Town in Haidarabad State ; seventy-nine miles south-
east from Haidarabad, and seventy-three miles north-west from Grautur.
Lat. 16 50', long. 79 35'.
DIWANGIRL Village in Kamrup district, Assam. Lat. 26 51',
long. 91 27'. A large fair is annually held in the district.
DIWARNAGAR. Town in Sylhet district, Bengal; thirty-three
miles west of Sylhet, Lat. 24 59', long. 91 20'
DOA. Village in Kyouk-hpyu district, British Burma. Lat. 20 10',
long. 94 17'.
DOAB, THE. A tract of country, as its name implies, situated
between two rivers, i.e. the Ganges and the Jumna. It includes the
districts of Saharanpur, Muzaffarnagar, Meerut, Bulandshahr, Aligarh,
parts of Muttra, and Agra, Etah, Mainpuri, the greater part of Etawah,
and Farrukhabad, Cawnpore, Fatehpur, and part of Allahabad.
DOABA DAUDZAL Tahsil in Peshawar district, Punjab. Area,
182 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 68,962.
DOARI. Town in Garhwal district, N.W.P. ; on the route from
Eampur to Srinagar, thirty-seven miles south of the latter. Lat. 29
41',long. 78 59'.
DOBDTJR HAUT. Town in Sibsagar district, Assam; ten miles south
of Sibsagar. Lat. 26 52', long. 94 37'.
DOBHI. Town in Narsinhpur district, Central Provinces. POD.
(1881), 2117.
DOBURJI. Town in Lahore district, Punjab ; on the right bank of.
the Ghara river, fifty miles south of the town of Lahore. Lat. 30 53',
long. 74 20'.
DODA. Town in Gwalior State, Central India Agency ; on the route
from Nirnach to Betul, fifty-one miles south-east of former, 261 north-
west of latter. Elevation above the sea, 1482 feet. Lat. 23 46', long.
75 10'.
DODA. Town in Kashmir State, Punjab. Lat. 33 12', long. 75 18'.
DODABETTA. The loftiest summit of the Nilgiri Hills, in the Nilgiri
Hills district, Madras; height, 8760 feet. Lat. 11 25', long. 76 40'.
DODAIRI (DODDER!). Village (in taluk of same name), in Chital-
drug district, Mysore State ; distant from Chitaldrug, east, twenty-two
miles; Bangalore, north-west, 110; Serin gapatam, north, 130. Lat. 14
17' 50", long. 76 45' 5". Pop. (1871), 1003. Area of taluk, 851 sq.
miles. Pop. (1871), 77,231.
DODALLI. Village in Coorg, Madras.
DOD-BALLAPUR Town and municipality (in taluk of same name),
in Bangalore district, Mysore; on the Arkavati. Lat. 13 13' 40", long.
77 22' 50". Pop. (1871), 7449. Area of taluk, 292 sq. miles. Pop
(1871), 63,707.
DODDABANDARA. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 211.
DODDABBTJR. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 34.
DODDABETTAKERL Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 45.
DODDABILAHA. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 180.
DODDAHALLL Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 67.
DODDAKOALL Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 380.
DODDAKOLATTTJR. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 129
D ODD AKTIND A. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 80.
D ODD AL AVAR A. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 110.
DODDAMANCHALLI. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 330.
DODDATELLUR. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 318.
D ODD ATTUR. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 86.
DODKA. State in Rewa Kantha, Bombay ; paying a tribute of 1 1
yearly to the Gaekwar of Baroda. Area 2^ sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
DODTIKI. Town in Raipnr district, Central Provinces ; 118 miles
south-east from Nagpur, and seventy-six miles east from Chanda. Lat.
20 5', long. 80 33'.
DOGHIN. River in Amherst district, British Burma ; falls into the
Gyaing river, in lat. 16 55', long. 98 6'.
DOHAD (DOHTID). Town (in subdivision of same name) in Gwalior
State, Central India Agency ; on the route from Mhow to Disa, 118 miles
north-west of former, 208 south-cast of latter ; distant west of Ujjain
100 miles, north-east of Baroda 77. Lat. 22 50', long. 74 15'. Pop.
(1881), 12,394. Area of subdivision, 600 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
DOHARIGHAT. Town in Azamgarh district, N.W.P. ; on the Gogra.
Lat. 26 16', long. 83 33' 30".
DOHRA. Tillage in Bareilly district, KW.P. ; on the route by
Nanak Math, from Pilibhit to Almora, twenty-five miles north of the
former. Lat. 28 57', long. 79 49'.
DOHRL Town in Azamgarh district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 3634.
Also thana. Pop. (1881), 47,427.
DOISA. Town in Lohardaga district, Bengal; 100 miles south of
Sherghati. Lat. 23 7', long. 84 51'.
DOKHL Thana in Agra district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 26,757.
DOLANTJH. Town in Meerut district, N.W.P. ; twenty-eight miles
east of Delhi. Lat. 28 38', long. 77 43'.
DOLEH. Group of three villages in Jodhpur State, Rajputana; on
the route from Balotra to Jodhpur, and thirty-three miles north-east of
the former. Lat. 26 4', long. 72 52'.
DOLEHKUN. Town in Tanna district, Bombay; fifty-nine miles
north-east of Bombay. Lat. 19 29', long. 73 36'.
DOLER. Village in Daman district, Portuguese India. Pop. (1881),
DOLLA. Town in Lakhimpur district, Assam ; six miles from the left
bank of the Brahmaputra, and twelve south-west of Sadiya. Lat. 27
42', long. 95 36'.
DOLORA. Village in Nagar-Aveli district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 249.
DOLPHIN'S NOSE. Cape (with lighthouse) at southern entrance of
Vizagapatam harbour, Vizagapatam district, Madras. Lat. 17 41', long.
83 17'.
DOMARIAGANJ. Tahsil in Basti district, KW.P. Area, 582 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 280,254. Also thana. Pop. (1881), 90,678.
DOMEL. Island in the Mergui Archipelago, Mergui district, British
Burma ; twenty-six miles in length from north to south, and five milef-
in breadth ; its centre is about lat. 11 27', long. 98 6'.
DOMELL Town in Jheluni district, Punjab. Lat. 33 1', long. 73
24'. Pop. (1868), 4135.
DOMEPARRA. Town in Puri district, Bengal; forty-four miles
north of Jagannath. Lat. 20 23', long. 85 40'.
DOMJOR. Thana in Howrah district, Bengal. Area, 19 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 128,477.
DOMRAON. Thana in Shahabad district, Bengal. Area, 347 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 259,938.
DOMRL Town in Farrukhabad district, N.W.P. ; two miles to the
left or west of the route from Fatehgarh to Kasganj, and forty-four miles
west of the former. Lat. 27 32', long. 79'.
DOMTIS. Town in Surat district, Bombay ; on the headland bounding
the estuary of the river Tapti on the south-east. Distance from the city
of Surat, south-west, eight miles; Bombay, north, 150. Lat. 21 4',
lon^. 72 48'.
pONABYU. Town (in township of same name) in Thonkhwa district,
British Burma ; on one of the main streams by which the Irawadi flows
into the sea ; it is sixty-five miles north-west from Rangoon, fifty-four
miles north-east from Bassein. Lat. 17 15', long. 95 40'. Por>. (1876),
5800. Pop. of township (1876), 36,122.
250 DON" DOW
DONABYTT MYOMA. Revenue circle on the right bank of the
Irawadi, in Pegu division, British Burma. Pop. (1876), 7328.
DONDI LOHARA. Chiefship in Chhatisgarh district, Central Pro-
vinces. Area, 364 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 30,134.
DONGARGARH. Village in Khairagarh State, Raipur district,
Central Provinces. Lat. 21 11' 30", long. 80 50'. Pop. (1881), 5543.
Famous for its ruins.
DONGARTAL (DONGTJRTHAL). Village in Seoni district, Central
Provinces ; on the route from Seoni to JSTagpur, thirty-six miles north-
east of the latter. Lat. 21 36', long. 79 24'.
DON MANICK ISLANDS. Islands in the Meghna estuary, Bengal.
Lat. 21 55', long. 90 43'.
DOR. River of Hazara district, Punjab ; rises in lat. 34 27', long.
73 7', in the mountains west of Muzaffarabad, which divide the valley
of the Indus from that of the Jhelum. It holds a westerly course for
about fifty miles, and, uniting with the Sirrun, falls into the Indus in
lat. 34 8', long. 72 50'.
DORAHA. Town in Bhopal State, Central India Agency ; eighteen
miles north-west from Bhopal, and 111 miles south-west from Sagar.
Lat. 23 21', long. 77 10'.
DORANDA. Village and cantonment in Lohardaga district, Bengal.
Lat. 23 21' 31", long. 85 22' 5".
DORAVID. Town in Haidarabad State ; fifty miles west from
Haidarabad, and thirty -seven miles east from Mulkair. Lat. 17 18',
long. 77 50'.
DORENAL. Town in Cuddapah district, Madras; 139 miles west of
Masulipatam. Lat. 15 55', long. 79 10'.
DORNAL GHAT. Pass in JN T ellore district, Madras. Lat. 14 41',
long. 79 14'.
DOSTPUR. Thana in Sultanpur district, Oudh. Pop. (1181), 84,125.
DOUBLE ISLAND. Island off the coast of Amherst district, British
Burma; fourteen miles south of Maulmain. Lat. 15 52' 30'', long. 97
36' 30".
DOUNGBUN. Revenue circle, Prome district, British Burma. Pop.
(1876), 9296.
DOUNG-GYL Town in Bassein district, British Burma; on the
Bassein river. Lat. 17 22' 30", long. 95 8'.
DOTING MANA. Revenue circle, Prome district, British Burma.
Pop. (1876), 544.
DOWLAISHVARAM (DOWLASERTJM). Town in Godavari district,
Madras ; it is on the Godavari, five miles south of Rajamahendri, and at
the point where the great anicut was made. Lat. 16 56' 35", long. 81
48' 55". Pop. (1881), 8002.
DOYANG (DAYANG). River in the Xaga Hills district, Assam;
rises on the frontiers of Manipur, in lat. 25 36', long. 94 7' ; falls into
the Dhaneswari in lat. 26 7', long. 93 59'.
DRAFA. State in Kathiawar, Bombay, paying a yearly tribute of
370 to the British Government, and 116 to Junagarh. Area, 270 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 14,366. Town (in State of same name) in
Kathiawar, Bombay; distance from Ahmedabad, south-west, 170 miles.
Lat. 22, long. 70 13'.
DRAS (DURAS). Group of villages, with a fort, in Ladakh, near
the northern frontier of Kashmir State, Punjab ; 9000 feet above the
sea. Lat. 34 23 ; , long. 75 54'.
DRAVIDA. An ancient name for Southern India.
DRUG. Town (in tahsil of same name) in Raipur district, Central
Provinces. Lat. 21 11', long. 81 21'. Pop. (1881), 3797. Area of
tahsil, 2197 sq. miles. Pop (1881), 346,626.
DRUMMONDGANJ. - Thana in Mirzapur district, KW.P. Pop.
(1881), 19,258.
trict, Madras ; distance from Madras, north, sixty miles ; Nellore, south,
thirty-four. Lat. 13 59', long. 80 13'.
DUAB. See DolB.
DUABA. Pargana in Ballia district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 88,024.
DUB. Pass in Kashmir State, Punjab ; over a mountain on the route
from Attock to Kashmir, by the Baramula road ; it is on the watershed
dividing the drainage of the Jhelum, on the east side from that of the
Indus on the west. Lat. 34 17', long. 73 21'.
DUB AH. River of Karachi district, Sind, Bombay ; rises in the
Kirthar Mountains in lat. 25 54', long. 67 45' and flows into the
DUB ALHATL Town in Rajshahi district, Bengal; thirty miles
north-east of Rampur. Lat. 24 45', long. 88 53'.
DUBAR. Town in Mirzapur district, N.W.P. ; on the route from
Rewah to Mirzapur, seventeen miles south-west of the latter. Lat. 24
59', long. 82 28'.
DUBARI. Town in Goalpara district, Assam; on the right bank of
the Brahmaputra ; forty-six miles south-west of Goalpara. Lat. 26,
long. 89 56'.
DUBARI. Town in Azamgarh district, N.W.P. Lat. 26 11' 26",
long. 83 49' 5". Pop. (1881), 7502.
DUBAULIYA. Town in Gorakhpur district, KW.P. ; five miles
from the left bank of the Gogra river, fifty-three miles west of Gorakhpur.
Lat. 26 40', long. 82 33'.
DUBBAR (DABHA). An estuary of the Indus, being one of the
numerous outlets by which the Indus reaches the sea. The mouth of the
Dubbar is in lat. 24 21', long. 67 17'.
DUBDI. Town in Sikkim State, Bengal ; twenty-four miles north
from Darjiling. Lat. 27 23', long. 88 20'.
DUBHA. Town in Bulandshahr district, N.W.P. ; on the route from
Budaun to Delhi, sixty-nine miles south-east of the latter. Lat. 28 13',
long. 78 21'. Pop. 7837.
DITBKA. River of Kumaun district, N.W.P. ; falls into the Western
Ramganga in lat. 28 24', long. 79 17'.
DUBKI. Village in Cawnpore district, N.W.P. ; on the route from
Etawah to Cawnpore, and forty-one miles west of the latter. Lat. 26
21', long. 79 50'.
DUBLANA. Town in Bundi State, Rajputana ; 272 miles south-west
of Mhow, and 235 north of Delhi. Lat. 25 35', long. 75 41'.
DUELING. Town in Bashahr State, Punjab ; on the left bank of the
Sutlej, and ninety-six miles north-east from Simla. Lat. 31 44', long.
78 40'.
DUBOKA. Town in Nowgong district, Assam ; seventy-three miles
east of Gauhati. Lat. 26 6', long. 92 53'.
DUBRA. Village in Gwalior State, Central India Agency; on the
route from the fort of Gwalior to Sagar, thirty-three miles south of
former, 169 north-west of latter. Lat. 25 53', long. 78 20'.
DUBRAJPUR. Town in Birbhum district, Bengal. Lat. 23 47'
35", long. 87 25'. Contains a Brahman temple. Also thana. Area,
275 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 126,566.
DUBWALLI. Town in Sirsa district, Punjab ; ninety-six miles
north-west of Hansi. Lat. 29 57', long. 74 49'.
DUCHO. Town in Nepal State, on the left bank of a branch of the
Buri Gandak river, and thirty-two miles north from Khatmandu. Lat.
28 9', long. 85 13'.
DUDANA. Town in Baroda State; on the left bank of the Banas
river, thirty-nine miles south-west from Dfsa. Lat. 23 49', long.
71 42'.
DUDDI. Town in Belgaum district, Bombay; sixteen miles north-
west of the town of Belgaum. Lat. 16 2', long. 74 30'.
DUDDIAN WALLA. Town in Bannu district, Punjab ; on the left
bank of the Kuram river, fifty-six miles north of the town of Dera Ismail
Khan. Lat. 32 35', long. 70 52'.
DUDDUR. Town in Haidarabad district, Sind, Bombay; seventy
miles north-east of Haidarabad. Lat. 26 10', long. 69 8'.
DUDERTI. Town in Bikaner State, Rajputana ; on the route from
Ratangarh to Bikaner, sixty-six miles east of the latter. Lat. 27 57',
long. 74 24'.
DUDGAON. Town in Sangli State, Bombay ; sixty-two miles south-
east from Satara, and eighteen miles north-east from Kolhapur. Lat.
16 52', long. 74 30'.
DUDGAUM (DUDGAON). Town in Haidarabad State; 136 miles
north-east from Jalna, and sixty-seven miles south-east from Ellichpur.
Lat. 20 17', long. 77 58'.
DUDHAL Thana in Lalitpur district, KW.P. Pop. (1881), 10,227.
DUDHARA. Thana in Basti district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 49,943.
DUDHL Thana in Mirzapur district, K.W.P. Pop. (1881),
DUDHILL A summit of the Himalaya, inDehraDun district, N.W.P.
Elevation above the sea, 7254 feet. Lat. 30 28', long. 78 2'.
DUDHMALA. Chief ship in Chanda district, Central Provinces. Area,
33 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 590.
DUDHOA. Tillage in Rohtak district, Punjab ; on the route from
Hansi to Nimach, and fifty-two miles south of the former. Lat. 28 28',
long. 76 17'.
DUDHPUR. State in Rewa Kantha, Bombay. The Chief pays an
annual tribute of 3 to the Gaekwar of Baroda.
DUDHRAJ. State in Kathiawar, Bombay. An annual tribute of
110 is paid to the British Government and 9 to the Nawab of
DUDHU. Town in Jaipur State, Rajputana; on the route from Agra
to Ajmere, 186 miles east of former, forty-two west of latter. Lat. 26
40', long. 75 18'.
DUDI (DUDHI). Tillage in Patiala State, Punjab; on the route
from Hansi to Ludhiana, and fifty-seven miles north of the former town.
Distant north-west from Calcutta 1033 miles. Lat. 29 53', long.
76 V.
DTIDIALI. Town in Jodhpur State, Rajputana ; on the left bank of
the Sukri river, and sixty-nine miles south from the town of Jodhpur.
Lat. 25 20', long. 73.
DTIDI GHAT (DUDHI-GH AT). Tillage in Multan district, Punjab;
on the right bank of the river Chenab, and five miles north-west of
Multan. Lat. 30 15', long. 71 22'.
DUDKUNDA. Town in Nepal State ; on the right bank of a branch
of the San Kusi river, and forty-eight miles north-east from Khatmandu.
Lat. 27 54', long. 86 V.
DTJDKUSL River of Nepal State ; falls into the Kusi in lat. 27 20',
long. 86 30'.
DUDNA. River of Haidarabad State ; rises in lat. 20 2', long. 77
5' ; and falls into the Puma, itself an affluent of the G odavari, in lat. 1 9
16', long. 76 58', after a course of about 120 miles.
DUDONIM. Tillage in Nagar-Aveli district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 335.
DUDPATLI (DTIDPUTLI). Tillage in Cachar district, Assam. Lat.
25 3', long. 92 42'.
DUDU. Tillage in Bashahr State, Punjab ; on the route from Masuri
to the Gunas Pass, and five miles north-west of the former place. Eleva-
tion above the sea, 8790 feet. Lat. 31 11', long. 78 8'.
DUDU Y A. River of Jalpaiguri district, Bengal.
DUG. Town in Jhalawar State, Rajputana. Lat. 23 55', long.
75 55'.
DUGARI. Town in Bundi State, Rajputana ; on the route from Delhi
to Mhow, 210 miles south-west of former, 297 north of latter. Distance
from Bundi, north-east, nineteen miles. Lat. 25 40', long. 75 52'.
DUGDUGL Town in Fatehpur district, N.W.P.; on the right bank
of the Ganges, 882 miles from Calcutta by the river, seventy-four miles
above Allahabad, twenty-two miles east of the town of Fatehpur by
land. Lat. 25 56', long. 81 15'.
DUGRIA. State in the Central India Agency.
DUHLL Town in Etawah district, N.W.P. Lat. 27 2', long.
78 52'.
DTTHLIA. Town in Farrukhabad district, N.W.P. ; on the right
bank of the Ramganga, eight miles north-east of the city of Farrukhabad
Lat. 27 26', long. 79 45'.
DTIHRAON (DHERAON). Village in Bulandshahr district, N.W.P. ;
on the route from Aligarh to Delhi, and thirty-three miles north-west of
the former. Lat. 28 18', long. 77 53'.
DUJANA. State of the Punjab ; between lat. 28 39' 15" 28 42'
15", and long. 76 37' 76 43*'. Area, 114 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
23,416. The chief is called the Nawab of Dujana : he maintains a force
of 130 men, including police. The population of the capital (Dujana) is
(1881) 5314.
DUJANA (DTJJANO). Village in Jodhpur State, Rajputana ; on the
route from Nasirabad to Disa, 147 miles south-west of the former. Lat.
25 17', long. 73 14'.
DUJANUH. See DujitfA,
DITKAIN. Village in Akyab district, British Burma ; on the right
bank of the Kuladan river. Lat. 20 48', long. 93 4'.
DTTKI A. Village in Moradabad district, KW.P. ; on the route from
Moradabad to Alniora, and twenty-nine miles north of the former place.
Lat. 29 12', long. 79 1'.
DUKKA JETTNG. Town in Bhutan State ; on the right bank of the
Guddada river, and sixty-two miles north-east from DarjOing. Lat. 27
21', long. 89 15'.
DUKU. Town in the Abar Hills, on the frontier of Lakhimpur district,
Assam ; six miles north-east from the river Dibang, and forty miles north-
west from Sadiya. Lat. 28 14', long. 95 16'.
DULABARI Town in Rajshahi district, Bengal ; on the river Atrai.
Distance from Beauleah, north, twenty-five miles ; from Berhampur, by
Beauleah, fifty-five; from Calcutta, by Berhampur, 180. Lat. 24 42',
.long. 88 42'.
DITLAI. Thana in Pabna district, Bengal. Area, 270 sq. miles. Pop.
(1881), 186,363.
DULAINUGUR (DTJLABNAGAR). Village in Etawah district,
N.W.P. ; on the route from Kalpi to Etawah, and twenty-nine miles
south-east of the latter. Lat. 26 31', long. 79 26'.
DULALGANJ. Town in Purniah district, Bengal; seventeen miles
north-east of Purniah. Lat. 25 53', long. 87 48'.
DTJLAPUR Village in Mainpuri district, KW.P. ; on the route rrom
Aligarh to Mainpuri, and seventeen miles north-west of the latter. Lat.
27 22', long. 78 55'.
DULA SIRA. Village in Bulandshahr district, N.W.P. ; on the route
from Aligarh to Delhi, and forty-three miles north-west of the former.
Lat. 28 24', long. 77 48'
DULCHIPUR. Town in Sagar district, Central Provinces; thirty-
three miles south-east from Tehri, and thirty-four miles north-east from
Sagar. Lat. 24 14'. long. 79 3'.
DTJLGANO. Town in Darrang district, Assam ; sixty-two miles west
of Bishnath. Lat. 26 34', long. 92 12'.
DU1HL Town in Kheri district, Oudh. Pop. (1869), 2605.
DULL Town in Muzaffarpur district, Bengal ; forty-one miles north-
east of Dinapur. Lat. 25 59', long. 85 38'.
DTJLILTJGANJ. Town in Partabgarh district, Oudh ; on the left bank
of the Ganges, and ninety-one miles south-east from Lucknow. Lat. 25
40', long. 81 33'.
DTJLIPGANG (DHULIPGANJ). Tillage in Hardoi district, Oudh ;
on the route by Shahabad from Lucknow to Shahjahanpur, twenty-four
miles south of the latter. Lat. 27 31', long. 80 2'.
DTJLIPGARH (DHTJLIPGARH). Fort in Bannu district, Punjab;
on the right bank of the Kuram, sixty-three miles north-west of the town
of Dera Ismail Khan. Lat. 32 41', long. 70 41'.
DTJLKOT. Village in Delhi district, Punjab ; on the route from Delhi
to Eewari, and twenty-two miles south-west of the former. Lat. 28 26',
long. 77 1'.
DTJLSAIPUR. Tillage in Muttra district, N.W.P. ; on the route from
Agra to Bareilly, and thirty-eight miles north-east of the former. Lat.
27 32', long. 78 30'.
DULSING SERAI. Town in Darbhangah district, Bengal ; fifty-one
miles east of Dinapur. Lat. 25 38', long. 85 55'.
DULTJBA. Town in Gorakhpur district, N.W.P. ; on the route from
Gorakhpur to the Nepal territory, forty-six miles north-west of the
former. Lat. 27 20', long. 83 15'.
DTJLTJRIA. Town in Hoshangabad district, Central Provinces ; on
the route from Hoshangabad to Nurnulla, eleven miles south-west of
the former. Lat. 22 37', long. 77 40'.
DUMACEM. Tillage in Sanguelim district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 104.
DUMAGUDIEM. Town in Godavari district, Madras ; on the Goda-
vari river, 101 miles north of Eajamahendri. Lat. 17 48', long. 80 55',
Pop. (1871), 1400.
DTJMAH. Town in Betul district, Central Provinces ; on the route
from Nurnulla to Betul, fifty-two miles south-west of the latter. Lat.
21 30', long. 77 39'.
DTJ MAHAN. Town in Nepal State; forty-four miles south-east
from Khatmandu, and seventy-six miles north-east from Bettia. Lat.
27 11', long. 85 42'.
DUMAJI. Tillage in Karachi district, Sind, Bombay ; on the route
from Sehwan to Karachi, and sixty miles north-east of tfc.e latter town.
Lat. 25 21', long. 67 50'.
DUMALTING. Town in Bhutan State; 110 miles east from Darjiling,
and seven miles from the left bank of river Bagni. Lat 26 52', long.
93 3'.
DTTMBA (DUMBER). River of Karachi district, S'nd, Bombay;
rises in the Kirthar Mountains and falls into the Malari ri^er in lat. 24
52', long. 67 15'.
DTJMDUHA. Town in Purniah district, Bengal; twenty-two miles
west of the town of Purniah, on the west or right bank of the river Kusi.
Lat. 25 41', long. 87 11'.
DUM-DUM. Town, municipality, and cantonment (in subdivision of
name), in the Twenty-four Parganas district, Bengal ; distant from
256 DTTM
Calcutta, north-east, 4 miles. Lat. 22 37' 52", long. 88 27' 51".
Pop. (1872), 5179. A station on the Eastern Bengal Kail way. It is
composed of two divisions, North Dum-Dum with a population (1881) of
5201, and South Dum-Dum which contains (1881), 14,108 inhabitants.
In its vicinity is a cannon foundry, the " Woolwich " of India. Area of
subdivision, 24 sq. miles. Pop. (1872), 34,291. Also thana. Area,
24 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 31,578.
DUMDUM. Valley in Kashmir State, Punjab ; with a pass over the
mountains which inclose that country to the south. This pass is generally
called the Pir Panjal Pass, but sometimes the Nandan Sar Pass. It is
11,800 feet above the sea, and through it lies one route into Kashmir
from the Punjab, by Rajawur. Lat. 33 45', long. 75.
DUMDTIMA. Village in Allahabad district, N.W.P. ; on the left bank
of the Ganges, 788 miles north-west of Calcutta by the river route, sixteen
south-east of the city of Allahabad by the same. Lat. 25 19', long. 82 9'.
DTIMDTJMA. Village in the Twenty-four Parganas district, Bengal ;
on the Isamati, an offset of the Ganges. Distance from Calcutta, east,
forty-two miles. Lat. 22 28', long. 89 3'.
DUMDUMINIA. Town in Bhagalpur district, Bengal ; twenty miles
south-west of Rajmahal. Lat. 24 55', long. 87 31'.
DUMDUMMA. Town in Dinajpur district, Bengal ; ninety-six miles
east of Bhagalpur. Lat. 25 18', long. 88 31.'
DUMJA. Town in Nepal State ; on the left bank of the San Kusi
river, and thirty-six miles north-west from Khatmandu. Lat. 27 25',
long. 85 46'.
DUMKAIRA. Town in Raipur district, Central Provinces ; 173 miles
east from Nagpur, and ninety-four miles south-east from Ramgarh. Lat.
21 39', long. 81 45'.
DUMKOT. Town in Garhwal district, N.W.P. ; on the route from
Bijnaur to Srmagar, thirteen miles south of the latter. Lat. 30 4', long,
78 50'.
DUMP A. Town in Bhutan State; 146 miles north-east from Darjiling,
and 130 miles north from Goalpara. Lat. 28, long. 90 27'.
DUMRA FALLS. Waterfalls in Hill Tipperah State, Bengal.
DUMRAON. Town and municipality in Shahabad district, Bengal.
Lat. 25 32' 59", long. 84 11' 42". Pop. (1881), 17,429. Station on
the East Indian Railway.
DUMRAON CANAL. Part of the Arrah Canal in Shahabad district,
Bengal, 40| miles in length.
DUMUL. Town in Dharwar district, Bombay ; fifty-two miles south-
east of Dharwar. Lat. 15 18', long. 75 50'.
DUMURDAH. Town in Hugli district, Bengal; on the Hugli river.
Lat. 23 2' 15", long, 88 28' 50".
DUMURHI. Thana in Hazaribagh district, Bengal. Area, 509 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 68,685.
DUMURIAGANJ. Town in Gorakhpur district, N.W.P. ; fifty-two
miles north-west of Gorakhpur. Distant north from Allahabad and
Benares 135 miles. Lat. 27 10', long. 82 43'.
DUN. Parganas of Dehra district, N.W.P. ; having a population
respectively (1881) of Eastern, 21,018; Western, 77,935.
DUN. Hills in Champaran district, Bengal.
DUNA GIBI. Town in Kumaun district, N.W.P. ; on the route
from Almora to Srmagar, nineteen miles north-west of the former. Lat.
29 48', long. 79 30'.
DUNAHAR. Village in Mainpuri district, KW.P. ; on the route
from Agra to Mainpuri, and nine miles west of the latter. Lat. 27 14',
long. 78 58'.
DUN ARA. Town in Jodhpur State, Rajpntana ; on the left bank of
the Luni river, and thirty-three miles south-west from Jodhpur. Lat.
25 55', long. 72 52'.
DUNDA. Town in Haidarabad State; 170 miles north-west from
Haidarabad. Lat. 19 50', long. 78 15'.
DUNDAHALLL Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 40.
DUNDI. Village in Bareilly district, N.W.P. ; on the route by
Nanakmath to Rudarpur, from the town of Pilibhit, twenty-eight miles
north-west of the latter. Lat. 28 58', long. 79 43'.
DUNDORTA. Village in Daman district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 671.
DUNDUKA. Town in Ahmedabad district, Bombay ; sixty-two miles
south-west of the city of Ahmedabad, 100 north-west of Surat. Lat.
22 20', long. 71 56'.
DUNDWARAGANJ. Town in Etah district, N.W.P. Lat. 27 43'
50", long. 78 59' 34". Pop. (1872), 5414.
DUNGA (TUPI DUNGA). Halting-place in Kumaun district,
N.W.P. ; on the route by the Anta Dhara Pass from Almora to Thibet;
144 miles north-east of Almora, about four miles south of the crest of the
pass, and eight miles south of the Chinese frontier. The elevation is
about 15,450 feet. Lat. 30 32', long. 80 17'.
DUNGAGALI. Village and sanitarium in Hazara district, Punjab ;
on the Mochpura Hill.
State, Rajputana ; sixty-six miles south-east from Jaipur, and ninety-
eight miles west from Gwalior. Lat. 26 16', long. 76 41'.
DUNGARPUR (DONGERPUR). Town in Rampur State, N.W.P.
Lat. 28 49', long. 79 5'.
DUNGARPUR. State in Rajputana; between lat. 23 31'
24 3', and long. 73 37' 74 16'. Area, 1000 sq. miles. Pop.
(1881), 86,429, exclusive of 66,952 Bhils. Bounded on the north
by Udaipur State; on the east by Udaipur, the river Mahi, and
Banswara States; on the south by the Mahi river; and on the west
by the Mahi Kantha Agency, Bombay. The rivers are the Mahi and
the Som; the chief towns are Dungarpur (the capital) and Gallia-
kot. The chief, who is called the Maharawal, is entitled to a salute
of 18 guns; he maintains a force of four guns, about 400 cavalry, and
1000 infantry.
DUNGARPUR. Capital of Dungarpur State, Pajputana; on the
route from Nimach to Disa. Lat. 23 52', long. 73 49'.
DUNGAVA. Town in Bilaspur district, Central Provinces ; on the
left bank of the Hatsu river, and 208 miles south-west from Sherghati.
Lat. 22 28', long. 82 34'.
DUNGHAI. Tillage in Patna district, Bengal ; on the route from
Hazaribagh to Benares, forty- three miles north-west of former, 146 south-
east of latter. It is situate at the north-west extremity of the pass of
the same name, at the bottom of the descent by which the road passes
from the high land of Ramgarh to the plains of Behar. Lat. 24 27'.
long. 85.
DUNGKOT. Town in Nepal State ; eighty-four miles north-east from
Khatmandu, and 137 miles north-west from Darjiling. Lat. 28 10',
long. 86 32'.
DUNGRA. Village in Kumaun district, N.W.P., with a small Hindu
temple, a mile from the left bank of the Lohughat river, and two from its
confluence with the Kali (eastern). Lat. 29 20', long. 80 19'.
DTINHORA. Town in Chanda district, Central Provinces ; 102 miles
south-east from Nagpur, and sixty-seven miles north-east from Chanda.
Lat. 20 14', long. 80 21'.
DUNI. Town in Jaipur State, Rajputana ; distant from Jaipur, south,
seventy miles. Lat. 25 53', long. 75 47'.
DUNKAUR. Town in Bulandshahr district, N.W.P. ; on the route
from Muttra to Delhi by the left bank of the Jumna, and twenty-eight
miles south-east of Delhi. Lat. 28 21', long. 77 37'.
DUNRAN. Creek in Thonkhwa district, British Burma, three miles
in length.
DUNRENG. A summit of the Zwai-ka-beng Hills, in Amherst
district, British Burma.
DUNRENG. Revenue circle, Amherst district, British Burma. Pop.
(1876), 1881.
DUNTHAMIE. River of Shwe-gyeng district, British Burma ; in lat.
16 59' 30" ; falls into the Bhenglaing, a tributary of the Salwin.
DTJNTOLA. Town in Purniah district, Bengal ; forty-five miles north-
east of Purniah. Lat. 26 9', long. 88 6'.
DUNWAR. Town in Shahabad district, Bengal ; fifty-one miles
south-west of Dinapur. Lat. 25 9', long. 84 28'.
DUN WON. Village in Amherst district, British Burma; on the left
bank of the Bhileng. Pop. (1876), 281.
DUN YAPUR. Town in Multan district, Punjab. Pop. (1881), 2041.
DUPHA PANI RIVER. River of Lakhimpur district, Assam; falls
into the Noh Dihing river in lat. 27 28', long. 96 30'.
DUPUND. Town in Cuddapah district, Madras; 120 miles west of
Masulipatam. Lat. 15 56', long. 79 26'.
DURA. Revenue circle, Henzada district, British Burma. Pop.
(1876), 7216.
DURA. Group of lakes in Henzada district, British Burma.
DURA. Town in Agra district, N.W.P. ; nineteen miles south-west
of the city of Agra. Lat. 27 3', long. 77 48'.
DUR 259
DURABAND (DERABUND). Town in Dera Ismail Khan district,
Punjab ; about forty-two miles south-west of Dera Ismail Khan. It is
the place of rendezvous of the Lohani and other caravans, which every
spring depart westward with the annual supply of British and Indian
wares for Central Asia. Lat. 31 35', long. 70 13'.
DURAJI. Town in Karachi district, Sind, Bombay ; on the great
western branch of the Indus. Lat. 24 30', long. 67 30'.
DURALAH. Village in Karnal district, Punjab ; on the route from
Karnal to Ludhiana, and seventeen miles north-west of the former
town. Distant north-west from Calcutta, 982 miles. Lat. 30 2', long.
76 52'.
DURAMAU. Town in Sultanpur district, Oudh ; sixty miles south-
east from Lucknow, and fifty-five miles north-east from Fatehpur. Lat.
26 17', long. 81 41'.
DURBUH (DURBA). Village in Sirsa district, Punjab. Lat. 29 25',
long. 75 12'.
DURDURIA. Ruined town and fort in Dacca district, Bengal ; called
also Ranibari.
DURG AD AS. Village in Cawnpore district, N.W.P. ; on the route
from Allahabad to Etawah, and seventy -two miles south-east of the latter.
Lat, 26 11', long. 79 57'.
DURGAON (DERGAON). Village in Garhwal State, KW.P. ; on
the western declivity of a mountain rising from the left bank of the Tons,
about 2000 feet above its bed. Lat. 31 4', long. 78 11'.
DURGAPUR. Town in Maimansinh district, Bengal ; seventy-five
miles south of Goalpara. Lat. 25 4', long. 90 41'.
DURGAPUR. Thana in Maimansinh district, Bengal. Area, 382 sq..
miles. Pop. (1881), 116,457.
DURGARAYAPATNAM. Town in Nellore district, Madras. Lat.
13 59', long. 80 12'. Pop. (1871), 1970. Historically interesting as
being the first British settlement on this coast.
DURGINUGRA. Village in Rampur State, KW.P; on the route
from Bareilly to Moradabad, and thirty-eight miles north-west of the
former. Lat. 28 44', long. 79 8'.
DURGUK. Town in Kashmir State, Punjab; 220 miles north-east
from Jammu, and 189 miles north-east from Kangra. Lat. 34 8', long.
78 17'.
DURHATTA. Town in Huglf district, Bengal; thirty-two miles
north-west of Calcutta. Lat. 22 54', long. 88 5'.
DURIAGANJ. Town in Farrukhabad district, N.W.P. ; thirty-three
miles north-west of the city of Farrukhabad. Lat. 27 37', long. 79 8'.
DURIBA. Town in Jaipur State, Rajputana ; fifty miles north from
Jaipur, and 103 miles north-west from Bhartpur. Lat. 27 39', long.
75 59'.
DURIHA. Town in Panna State, Central India Agency ; twenty-six
miles south-east from Panna, and ninety-six miles north-east from. Jabal-
pur. Lat. 24 27', long. 80 33'.
DTJRMAHPUR. Town in Oudh ; eighty-six miles north-east from
Shahjahanpur. Lat. 28 11', long. 81 20'.
DUROD. State in Kathiawar, Bombay ; paying a yearly tribute
of 36 to the British Government, and 5 to the ]N"awab of Junagarh.
BTIRRTJR. Town in Haidarabad State ; thirty-six miles north-west
of Karnul. Lat. 16 13', long. 77 44'.
DURSANDAH. Town in Banda district, N.W.P. ; on the river
Bagain, a tributary of the Jumna ; seven miles south-west of the right
bank of the latter, thirty-nine east of the town of Banda. Lat. 25 27',
long. 80 57'.
DTJRUK. Town in Kheri district, Oudh ; seventy miles east from
Pilibhit, and eighty-one miles north-east from Shahjahanpur. Lat. 28
35', long. 81.
DURWAI (DHTTRWAI). Town in Jhansi district, N/W.P. ; sixty-
three miles south-west of Kalpi. Lat. 25 28', long. 79 7'.
DURWESHABAD. Town in Fatehpur district, KW.P. ; on the
route from Hamirpur to Fatehpur, and fourteen miles north-west of the
latter. Lat. 26 1', long. 80 41'.
DUSGAON. Town in Bardwan district, Bengal ; seventy-nine miles
north-west of Calcutta. Lat. 23 30', long. 87 42'.
DUSNAGAR. Town in Sylhet district, Assam ; thirty-six miles south
of Sylhet. Lat. 24 25', long. 91 45'
DUSSAMEDH. Thana in Benares district, 1S T .W.P. Pop. (1881),
DUSSARA. State in Kathiawar, Bombay ; paying a yearly tribute of
1296 to the British Government.
DTJSTPTJR Town in Partabgarh district, Oudh ; on the route from
Gorakhpur to Sultanpur, eighty-four miles west of the former, twenty-
six east of the latter. Lat. 26 18', long. 82 30'.
DTJTI (DIP AL). Town in Nepal State ; on the left bank of one of
the branches of the Gogra river, and 101 miles north-east from Bareilly.
Lat. 29 5', long. 80 54'.
DTJTIEYA KHARENG. Revenue circle, Assam district, British
Burma. Pop. (1876), 477.
DUTNAGAR. Tillage in Bashahr State, Punjab ; on the left bank of
the Sutlej. Elevation above the sea, 3200 feet. Lat. 31 24', long.
77 38'.
DTITTAHTJR. Town in Nellore district, Madras; 137 miles north-
west of Madras. Lat. 14 50', long. 79 22'.
DUTTAIBTJD. Town in Jaipur State, Yizagapatam district, Madras ;
fifteen miles south-east from Jaipur, and 102 miles north-west from
Vizagapatam. Lat. 19, long. 82 40'.
DTJTTGDA. Town in Indore State, Central India Agency; 107 miles
south-west from Bhopal, and 215 miles south-east from Ahmedabad.
Lat. 22 33', long. 75 55'.
DTJVAH. Town in Kistna district, Madras ; fifty-four miles north-
east of Masulipatam. Lat. 16 47', long. 81 41'.
DUWAEKA (DOARKA). Fort in Sultanpur district, Oudh; on the
left bank of the river Gumti, thirty-two miles south-east of Sultanpur
cantonment, 110 south-east of Lucknow. Lat. 26 2', long. 82 28'.
DWARA HATH (DEWARA HATH). Tillage in Kumaun district,
N.W.P. ; on the route from Almora to Srinagar, and twenty-five miles
north-west of the former. Lat. 29 47', long. 79 28'.
DWARBAND. Pass in Cachar district, Assam ; between Hailakandi
and the station of Silchar.
DWARKA (DWARIKA). Temple of Krishna or Dwarkanath, and
scene of Hindu pilgrimage, in Kathiawar, within the dominions of the
Baroda State. Lat. 22 14' 20", long. 69 5'. Pop. (1881), 5840.
DWARKA (BABLA). River of the Santal Parganas, Birbhum, and
Murshidabad districts, .Bengal; rising in lat. 23 57', long. 87 21';
falls into the Bhagirathi, in lat. 23 43', long. 88 10'.
DWAR-KHALING. Forest in Darrang district, Assam. Area, 6242
acres. Pop. (1872), 7224.
DWARS, EASTERN. Subdivision of Goalpara district, Assam ;
between lat. 26 19' 26 54', and long. 89 55' 91. Area, 1568 sq.
miles. Pop. (1869-70), 37,047. Ceded to the British Government in
1865 by the Bhutan Raja, who receives an annual allowance of 2500,
which may be increased to 5000 or withdrawn entirely at the pleasure
of the British Government.
DWARS, WESTERN. Subdivision of Jalpaiguri district, Bengal;
formerly a part of Bhutan. Area, 1880 sq. miles. Pop. (1870), 90,063.
These I) wars are nine in number, viz. : Bhalka, Bhatibari, Baxa, Chakoa-
Kshattriya, Madari, Lakshmipur, Maraghat, Mainaguri, and Cheng-
DYALOITNG. River of Nowgong district, Assam ; rising in lat. 26
4', long. 93 42' ; falls into the Kallang, a tributary of the Brahmaputra,
in lat. 26 12', long. 92 31'.
ECHAGTJR. Town in Hazaribagh district, Bengal; 163 miles north-
west of Calcutta. Lat. 23 6', long. 85 59'.
ECHAWTIR. Town in Bhopal State, Central India Agency ; on the
route from Hindya to Sehore, forty-five miles north of former, twelve
south of latter. Lat. 23 3', long. 77.
ECHIBUL. Fine fountain in Kashmir State, Punjab. Lat. 33 39 r ,
long. 75 12'.
EDAP ADI. Town in Salem district, Madras. Pop. (1881), 3942.
EDAR. State in Mahi Kantha Agency, Bombay j bounded on the
north by Sirohi and TJdaipur States, Rajputana ; on the east by Dungar-
pur State, Rajputana ; and on the south and west by Bombay and the
Baroda State. Area, 4966 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 258,429. The Chief,
who is called the Maharaja of Edar, is entitled to a salute of 15 guns, and
pays a yearly tribute of 3034 to the Gaekwar of Baroda. He maintains
a force of about 1136 troops, cavalry and infantry.
EDAR. Capital of Edar State, Bombay; sixty-four miles north-east
of Ahmedabad. Lat. 23 50', long. 73 4'. Pop. (1881), 6263.
EDDAWANA. Village in Malabar district, Madras; on the Bepur
river. Lat. 11 59' 45", long. 75 45' 50". Pop. (1871), 4471.
EDMI. Village in Mainpuri district, ~N".W.P. ; on the route from
Agra to Mainpuri, and thirty-six miles west of the latter. Lat. 27 7',
long. 78 35'.
EDMONSTONE ISLAND. An island at the mouth of the Hugli
river, Bengal. Lat. 21 32', long. 88 20'.
EDOREM. Village in Sanguelim district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 116.
EDWARDESABAD (DHTJLIPNAGAR.) Chief town, municipality,
and cantonment, in Bannu district, Punjab. Lat. 32 59' 45", long. 70
38' 51". Pop. (1881), 8960. Pounded in 1848 by Major (afterwards
Sir Herbert) Edwardes.
EECHLUPURA. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 53.
EECHUR. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 525.
EGMORE. Quarter of Madras Town.
EGRA. Thana in Midnapur district, N.W.P. Area, 122 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 63,417.
EINWA. Town in Gonda district, Oudh ; on the left bank of the
Gogra river, and fifty-four miles west from Gorakhpur. Lat. 26 35',
long. 82 33'.
EKA. Thana in Mainpuri district, K.W.P. Pop. (1881), 63,524.
EKAMB A. Village in Purniah district, Bengal. Lat. 25 58', long.
87 36' 30". There is an annual fair held every February.
EKATI. Town in Nepal State; forty-eight miles south-west from
Khatmandu, and fifty-two miles north from Bettia. Lat. 27 30', long.
84 34'.
EKATJNA. Pargana in Bahraich district, Oudh. Pop. (1881), 89,626.
Also thana. Pop. (1881), 31,387.
EKBALPUR. Suburb of Calcutta. Area, 1005 acres. Pop. (1881),
EKDALA. Pargana in Fatehpur district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
EKDIL SERAL. Village in Etawah district, KW.P. ; on the route
from Kalpi to Etawah, and six miles south-east of the latter. Lat. 26
45', long. 79 8'.
EKDULLA KHASS. Town in Fatehpur district, N.W.P. ; on the
route from Allahabad to Hamirpur, fifty-two miles north-west of tho
former. Lat. 25 38', long. 81 9'.
EKLASPUR. Town in Shahabad district, Bengal. Pop. (1872),
EKTALL Town in Midnapur district, Bengal ; eighty-eight miles*
south-west of Calcutta. Lat. 22 20', long. 87 4'.
EKWARI. Town in Shahabad district, Bengal. Pop. (1872), 2661.
ELATTJR. River of Malabar district, Madras ; flows into a backwater
communicating with the sea. Lat. 11 20' 30", long. 75 45' 45".
Tinnevelli district, Madras. Lat. 9 12', long. 77 50'. Pop. (1871),
ELEPHANT POINT. Point in Chittagong district, Bengal ; eighty-
five miles south of Chittagong, and eighty-nine miles north-west of
Akyab. Lat. 21 9', long. 92 8'.
ELEPHANT POINT. Headland in Rangoon district, British Burma ;
on the west side of the mouth of the Rangoon river, twenty- three miles
south of Rangoon. Lat. 16 28', long. 96 25'.
ELEPHANTA. Island on the east side of the harbour of Bombay,
and distant about four miles from the mainland. It is more than four
miles in circumference, and is composed of two long hills, with a narrow
valley between them. The usual landing-place is towards the south,
where the valley is broadest. About 250 yards to the right of the
landing-place used to be a large clumsy figure of an elephant, cut out
of an insulated black rock ; and from this circumstance the island (which
by the natives is called Gharapuri) has derived the denomination by
which it is known to Europeans. The island is famed for its rock-caves.
Lat. 18 57', long. 73.
ELGANDAL. District in Haidarabad State. Area, 7480 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 471,787.
ELLEN ABAD. Town and municipality in Sirsa district, Punjab ; on
the Ghaggar, twenty-three miles west of Sirsa. Lat. 29 26', long. 75
54'. Pop. (1881), 4131.
ELLICHPUR (ILICHPTJR). District in the East Berar division of
Berar or the Haidarabad Assigned Districts ; between lat. 20 50' 30"
21 46' 30", and long. 76 40' 77 54'. Area, 2623 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
313,805. Bounded on the north by Betul and Chindwara districts,
Central Provinces ; on the east by the "Wardha river ; on the south by
Amraoti district; and on the west by Nimar and Akola districts. The
chief mountains are the Satpura range, and the Gawilgarh Hills ; there
are numerous small streams flowing into the "Wardha, Purna, and
Tapti rivers. The district was assigned to the British Government in
ELLICHPUR Capital town and municipality (in taluk of same name)
in Ellichpur district, Berar. Lat. 21 15' 30", long. 77 29' 30". Pop.
(1881), 26,728. Area of taluk, 469 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 148,041.
ELLORA. Town in Haidarabad State ; thirteen miles from Aurang-
abad, seven miles f rom Daulatabad ; famous for its rock caves and temples,
Hindu, Buddhist, and Jain.
ELLORE. Town and municipality (in taluk of same name) in Goda-
vari district, Madras. Lat. 16 42' 35", long. 81 9' 5". Pop. (1881),
-5,092. Area of taluk, 729 sq. miles. Pop. (1871), 136,875.
ELPHINSTONE ISLAND. Island on the coast of Mergui district,
British Burma ; thirteen miles long and four and a half broad ; sixty-live
nniles north-west from the town of Tenasserim. Lat. 12 21', long. 98 10'.
EMILIA. Village in Allahabad district, KW.P. ; on the route from
Allahabad to Rewah, and twenty-four miles south-east of the former city.
Lat. 25 15', long. 82 10'.
EMINABAD. Town and municipality in Gujranwala district,
Punjab. Lat. 32 2' 15", long. 74 18'. Pop. (1881), 5886.
EMMEMADTJ. Tillage in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 311.
EMROKI. Tillage in Samthar State, Central India Agency ; on the
route from Gwalior to Sagar, sixty miles south-east of the former.
Distance south-west of Kalpi, fifty-four miles. Lat. 25 47', long. 79 2'.
ENDRISA. Tillage in Kapurthala State, Punjab ; situate in the
bifurcation where the Beas and Sutlej rivers unite. Endrissa is in lat.
31 12', long. 75 3'.
ENG-GA-BIT. Revenue circle, Thonkhwa district, British Burma.
Pop. (1876), 4736.
ENG-GYENG. Revenue circle, Kyouk-hpyii district, British Burma.
Area, 6 sq. miles. Pop. (1876-77), 791.
ENGLISH BAZAR (ANGRAZAB AD). Capital of Maldah district,
Bengal. Lat. 25 0' 14", long. 88 11' 20". Pop. (1881), 12,430. Also
thana. Area, 128 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 85,045.
ENGMA-MYOMA. Revenue circle, Prome district, British Burma.
ENG-RAI. Revenue circle, Bassein district, British Burma. Pop.
(1876-77), 6248.
ENG-RAI. Town (in revenue circle of same name) in Bassein
district, British Burma. Lat. 17 10' 30", long. 95 18' 30". Pop.
(1876-77), 1500.
ENG-RAI-GYI. Lake (about three miles in circumference) in Bassein
district, British Burma. There are a vast number of fish in this lake, and
upwards of 10,000 persons are employed in the fishing industry.
ENG-WON. Revenue circle, Tavoy district, British Burma. Area,
9 sq. miles. Pop. (1876-77), 2730.
ENG-ZAYA. Revenue circle, Thonkhwa district, British Burma.
Pop. (1876-77), 3739.
ENNORE. Town in Chengalpat district, Madras ; twelve miles north
of Madras. Lat. 13 30' 40", long. 80 21' 55". Pop. (1871), 1286.
ENTALLI. Tillage in the Twenty-four Parganas district, Bengal ; a
suburb of Calcutta. Lat. 22 33' 15", long. 88 24' 30". Area, 1081
acres. Pop. (1881), 26,929.
ERAN. Tillage in Sagar district, Central Provinces. Lat. 24 5' 30",
long. 78 15'. Pop. (1870), 446. Remarkable for its remains and monu-
ments. Forty-eight miles west of iSagar town.
ERANDOL. Capital (in subdivision of same name) of Khandesh
district, Bombay. Lat. 20 56', long. 75 20' 30". Pop. (1881), 11,501.
Area of subdivision, 460 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 90,872.
ERINPURA (ERINPURAMW Town in Sirohi State, Rajputana ;
135 miles south-west from Nasirabad, and seventy-eight miles south from
Jodhpur. Lat. 25 10', long. 73 9'.
ERN ETA , 265
ERNAD. Taluk in Malabar district, Madras. Pop. (1871), 287,936.
ERNAKOLAM (YEMACONLAM). Town in Cochin State, Madras ;
on the backwater, two miles east of, and opposite to, Cochin. Lat. 9 58'
55", long. 76 19' 21". Pop. (1871), 14,038.
ERNIAL. Town (in district of the same name) in Travancore State,
Madras. Lat. 8 12' 12", long. 77 21' 31". Pop. (1871), 4878.
ERODE. Town on the Kaveri (in taluk of same name) in Coimbatore
district, Madras. Lat. 11 20' 29", long. 77 46' 3". Pop. (1881), 9864.
Near the town is a bridge 1536 feet in length over the Kaveri.
ERRIODE. Town in Madura district, Madras ; 230 miles south-west
of Madras. Lat. 10 37', long. 78 8'.
ERRTJCKPUR. Town in Cuttack district, Bengal; 196 miles south-
west of Calcutta. Lat. 20 40', long. 86 11'.
ERUV ADI. Town in Tinnevelli district, Madras. Pop. (1881), 5171.
ESWUNTGARH. Town in Ratnagiri district, Bombay; 164 miles
south-east of Bombay. Lat. 16 39', long. 73 25'.
ETA. Tillage in Jaisalmir State, Rajputana ; on the route from the
town of Bikaner to Jaisalmir, and fifty-five miles north-east of the latter.
27 10', long. 71 42'.
ETAH. District in Agra division, N.W.P. ; between lat. 27 19' 42"
28 1' 39", long. 78 27' 26" 79 19' 23". Area, 1739 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 756,523. Bounded on the north by the Ganges, on the
west by Agra and Aligarh district, on the south by Mainpuri district,
and on the east by Farrukhabad. The chief towns areEtah and Kasganj.
The chief river is the Kali Nadi, a tributary of the Ganges. There
are several first-class roads in the district.
ETAH. Town and municipality (in tahsil of same name), Etah district,
N.W.P. Lat. 27 33' 50", long. 78 42' 25". Pop. (1881), 8054. Area
of tahsil, 491 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 226,892. Also thana. Pop. (1881),
ETAH SAKIT. Pargana in Etah district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
ETAIYAPITRAM. Town in Tinnevelli district, Madras. Pop. (1881),
ETATJLL Village in Shahjahanpur district, N.W.P. ; on the route
from Bareilly to Lucknow, fifty miles south-east of the former, 100
north-west of the latter. Lat. 28 2', long. 80 12'.
ETATJNDA. Town in Nepal State ; twenty-four miles south-west
from Khatmandu, and fifty-four miles north-east from Bettia. Lat. 27
26, long. 85 3'.
ETATJRA. Thana in Jalaun district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 10,113.
ETAWAH. District in Agra division, N.W.P. ; between lat. 26 21'
8" 27 0' 25", and long. 78 47' 20" 79 47' 20". Area, 1694 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 722,371. Bounded on the north by Mainpuri and Farrukh-
abad districts, on the west by the Jumna river and Agra district, the
Chambal Kuari Nadi, and Gwalior State, on the south by the Jumna,
and on the east by Cawnpore district. The chief town is Etawah.
The chief rivers are the Jumna and the Sengar. The district, which
is traversed by the East Indian Railway, is administered by a Collector
and Staff.
ETA W AH. Capital town and municipality (in tahsil of same name),
in Etawah district, N.W.P. Lat. 26 45' 31", long. 79 3' 18". Pop.
(1881), 34,721. There is a station on the East Indian Railway near the
town. Area of tahsil, 425 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 193,211. Also thana-
Pop. (1881), 65,852.
ETAWAH. Town in Sagar district, Central Provinces ; on the route
from Sagar to Jaipur, forty miles north-west of the former. Lat. 24 10',
long. 78 19'.
ETIA THOK. Thana in Gonda district, Oudh. Pop. (1881), 79,150.
ETIMADPUR (ATAMADPIIR). Town in Agra district, N.W.P. ;
on the route from Etawah to Muttra, and thirty-nine miles south-east of
the latter. Lat. 27 14', long. 78 16'.
EVEREST. Mountain in Nepal State; the highest peak of the
Himalayas and the loftiest in the world, being 29,000 feet above level
of sea ; named after Sir G. Everest, formerly Survey or- General of India.
Lat. 27 59' 12", long. 86 58' 6".
FADHLI. Chief near Aden, having a salute of 9 guns.
FAGTJ. See PniGu.
FAIZABAD. Division of Oudh ; containing Faizabad, Gonda, and
Bahraich districts. Between lat. 26 9' 28 24' and long. 81 5' 83 9'.
Area, 7311 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 3,230,393. It is bounded on the
north by the Nepal tarai ; on the east by Gorakhpur ; on the south by
Azamgarh and Sultanpur ; and on the west by Bara Banki, Sitapur, and
Kheri. The administration is in the hands of the Lieut.-Governor of the
North-Western Provinces.
FAIZABAD. District in Faizabad division, Oudh. Between lat.
26 9' 26 50' and long. 81 43' 83 9'. Area, 1689 sq. miles. Pop.
(1881), 1,081,419. The Oudh and Rohilkhand Railway traverses this
district. There are also good roads. The principal river is the Gogra ;
the chief towns are Faizabad, Tanda and Jalalpur. The administration
is conducted by a Commissioner, Deputy-Commissioner, Judge, and 11
FAIZABAD. Tahsil in Faizabad district, Oudh. Between lat. 26
32' 30" 26 50' and long. 81 51' 82 31' 15". Bounded on the north
by Begamganj tahsil of Gonda ; on the east by Basti district in the
N.W.P. ; on the south by Bikapur tahsil; and on the west by Ram
Sanehi tahsil of Bara Banki. Area, 342 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 290,942.
FAIZABAD. Capital of Faizabad district, Oudh; on the left bank of
the river Gogra, seventy-eight miles east of Lucknow. Lat. 26 46'
45", long. 82 11' 40". Pop. (1881), 43,297; or, including the canton-
ment, 55,570. There is a station on the Oudh and Rohilkhand railway.
FAIZABAD. Town (in pargana of same name) in Saharanpur district,
N.W.P. Lat. 30 19', long. 77 38'. Pop. of pargana (1881), 48,623.
FAIZPITR. Town in Khandesh district, Bombay ; seventy -two miles
north-east of Dhulia. Lat. 21 11', long. 75 56'. Pop. (1881),
FAIZPTIR BADARIA. Pargana in Etah district, 1ST.W.P. Pop.
(1881), 17,634.
FAKHRPTTR. Town (in pargana of same name), in Bahraieh district,
Oudk. Lat. 27 25' 55", long. 81 31' 41". Pop. (1869), 2140. Area
of pargana, 383 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 151,737. Also thana. Pop.
(1881), 51,701.
FAKIRGANJ. Village in Dinajpur district, Bengal.
FAKIRHAT. Village in Twenty-four Parganas district, Bengal.
Lat. 22 23' 30", long. 89 7' 15".
FALSE ISLAND. Island off the coast of Kyouk-hpyu district,
British Burma ; situate between the island of Cheduba and the mainland.
Lat. 18 39', long. 94.
FALSE POINT. Headland in Cuttack district, Bengal ; with harbour
and lighthouse ; on the north of the Mahanadi estuary. Lat. 20 20'
10", long. 86 46' 25".
FALTA. Village on the Hugli, in Twenty-four Parganas district,
Bengal. Lat. 22 18', long. 88 10'.
FARADNAGAR. Town in Noakhali district, Bengal. Lat. 22 57',
long. 91 30' 15".
FARAH. Town (in tahsil of same name) in Agra district, N.W.P.
Lat. 27 19', long. 77 49'. Area of tahsil, 202 sq. miles. Pop. (1872),
FARAH. Town in Gwalior State, Central India Agency ; five miles
from the right bank of the Parvati river, and 113 miles south-west from
Agra. Lat. 25 57', long. 76 59 / .
FARAH. Town in Muttra district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 3642.
Also thana. Pop. (1881), 30,779.
FARIDA. Town in Bulandshahr district, N/W.P. ; on the right
bank of the Ganges, sixty miles east of Delhi. Lat. 28 33', long.
78 17'.
FARIDABAD. Town and municipality in Delhi district, Punjab ;
sixteen miles south of Delhi. Lat. 28 25', long. 77 21' 45". POD.
(1881), 7427.
FARIDGANJ. Village in Allahabad district, KW.P. ; on the route
from Allahabad to Patehpur; and thirty-nine miles north-west of the
former. Lat. 25 41', long. 81 25'.
FARIDKOT. State in Punjab; between lat. 30 13' 30" 30 50',
and long. 74 31' 75 5'. The area of the State is 600 sq. miles; its
pop. 68,000. The chief town is Faridkot (lat. 30 40', long. 74 59').
Pop. (1881), 6593. Area of the State, 612 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
97,034. The Chief, who is entitled to a salute of 11 guns, maintains a
force of 200 cavalry, 600 infantry, and 3 field guns.
; FARIDKOT. Town in the Sirsa district, Punjab; 116 miles south-
vest of Patiala. Lat. 30 1', long. 74 47'.
FARIDPTJR. Town in Moradabad district, K.W.P. ; four miles
iouth-west of Moradabad. Lat. 28 47', long. 78 49'.
FARIDPUR District in Dacca division, Bengal ; between lat. 22
47' 53" 28 54' 55", and long. 89 21' 50" 90 16'. Area, 2267 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 1,631,734. Bounded on the north and east by the
main stream of the Ganges ; on the west by Chandna, Barasia, and Madhu-
mati rivers ; and on the south by the Kumar and many swamps. The
chief town is Faridpur. The chief rivers are the Ganges or Padma, and
the Madhumati, connected by the Arial Khan. The Eastern Bengal
Railway traverses the district, and there are three important lines of
FARIDPUR. Subdivision in Faridpur district, Bengal ; between lat.
22 52' 30" 23 38', and long. 89 34' 90 14'. Area, 860 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 620,545. Also thana. Area, 174 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
FARIDPUR. Capital of Faridpur district, Bengal ; situated on the
west bank of the river Mara Padma. Lat. 23 36' 25", long. 89 53'
11". Pop. (1881), 10,263. An annual agricultural exhibition is held
here every January, and there is also a large religious gathering.
FARIDPUR. Village (in tahsil of same name) in Bareilly district,
K".W.P. Lat. 28 12' 17", long. 79 4' 45". Pop. (1881), 5881. Area
of tahsil, 249 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 116,141. 'Also thana. Pop.
(1881), 58,039.
FARRUKHABAD. District of Agra division, N.W.P. ; between lat.
26 46' 31" 27 42' 51", and long. 79 9' 59" 80 3' 59". Area,
1718 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 907,608. Bounded on the north by
Budaun and Shahjahanpur districts, on the east by Hardoi district, on
the south by Cawnpore and Etawah districts, and on the west by Main-
puri and Etah districts. The chief towns are Fatehgarh and Farrukhabad.
The chief rivers are the Ganges, the Eamganga, and the Kali Nadi. The
Grand Trunk Road passes through the district, which is administered by
a Collector-Magistrate, and the usual staff.
FARRUKHABAD. Town and municipality (in tahsil of same name)
m Farrukhabad district, N.W.P. Lat. 27 23' 55", long. 79 36' 50".
Pop. (1881), 62,437. Pop. of tahsil (1881), 255,127. Also pargana.
Pop. (1881), 89,946.
FAJIRUKHABAD. Town in Maldah district, Bengal; sixteen miles
south-west of Maldah. Lat. 24 49', long. 88 4'.
FARRUKHNAGAR. Town in Meerut district, jST.W.P. ; on the
route from Delhi to the town of Meerut, and fourteen miles north-east of
the former. It is situate on the right bank of the Hindun. Lat. 28
44', long. 77 26'. Pop. (1881), 1033.
FARRUKHNAGAR. Town and municipality in Gurgaon district,
Punjab. Lat. 28 25', long. 76 51' 30". Pop. (1881), 8738.
FATEH ALL Town in Jhang district, Punjab ; situated on the left
bank of the Chenab river, seventy-two miles west of the town of Lahore.
Lat. 31 44', long. 72 57'.
FATEH PAN JAL. Mountains upwards of 1200 feet high in Kashmir
State, Punjab; bounding the Kashmir valley on the south. Lat. 33
34', long. 74 40'.
FATEHABAD. Town and municipality (in tahsil of same name) in
Hissar district, Punjab. Lat. 29 31' long. 75 30'. Pop. (1881), 7992.
Area of tahsil, 773 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 93,358.
FAT 269
FATEHABAD. Town on the Jumna (in tahsfl of same name) in Agra
district, N.W.P. Lat. 27 2', long. 78 22'. Pop. (1881), 4441. Area
of tahsil, 204 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 104,762. Also pargana. Pop.
(1881), 30,845.
FATEHABAD. Town in Ulwar State, Rajputana ; on the route from
Delhi to the town of Ulwar, and thirty-one miles north of the latter.
Lat. 27 55', long. 76 45'.
FATEHABAD. Town in Gwalior State, twelve miles south-west
from Ujjain. Lat. 23, long. 75 40'.
FATEHGAD. Tillage in Peshawar district, Punjab ; situated at the
entrance of the Khaibar Pass, ten miles west of the town of Peshawar.
Lat. 34, long. 71 30'.
FATEHGANJ. Tillage in Bareilly district, N.W.P. ; on the route
from Bareilly to Shahjahanpur, twenty-three miles south-east of the
former. Lat. 28 4', long. 79 42'.
FATEHGANJ. Tillage in Bareilly district, N.W.P. ; on the route
from Bareilly to Moradabad, and twelve miles north-west of the former ;
famous as the scene of a British victory over the Rohillas in 1796. Lat.
28 28', long. 79 24'.
FATEHGANJ. Town in Oudh, on the road from Etawah to Lucknow,
eight miles west of the latter. Lat. 26 48', long. 80 49'.
FATEHGANJ, EAST. Thana in Bareilly district, N.W.P. Pop.
(1881), 17,274.
FATEHGANJ, WEST. Thana in Bareilly district, N.W.P. Pop.
(1881), 41,178.
FATEHGARH. Town in Kishangarh State, Rajputana ; thirty-five
miles south-east from Ajmere. Lat. 26 10', long. 75 10'.
FATEHGARH. Town in Gurdaspur district, Punjab. Pop. (1881),
FATEHGARH. Capital of Farrukhabad district, KW.P.; three miles
from the city of Farrtikhabad. Lat. 27 22' 55", long. 79 40' 20". Pop.
(1881), 12,435, exclusive of the cantonment, which contains 4889
FATEHGARH. Town in Sirsa district, Punjab; fifty-one miles
south-west from Firozpur. Lat. 30 27', long. 73 59'.
FATEHGARH CAMP. Thana in Farrukhabad district, N.W.P. Pop.
(1881), 26,766.
FATEH JANG. Town on the left bank of the Indus (in tahsil of same
name) in Rawal Pindi district, Punjab. Lat. 33 35', long. 72 39'.
Pop. (1881), 4875. Area of tahsil, 798 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 107,100.
FATEHKHE AID. Town in Buldana district, Berar; on a tributary
of the Penganga. Lat. 20 11' 30", long. 76 27'. Pop. (1867), 3108.
FATEHPUR. District of the Allahabad division, K.W.P. ; between
lat. 25 26' 17" 26 12' 50", and long. 80 16' 39" 81 23'. Area,
1639 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 683,745. Bounded on the north by the
Ganges, on the west by Cawnpore district, on the south by the Jumna,
and on the east by Allahabad. The rivers are the Ganges (with a tribu-
tary, the Pandu Kadi) and the Jumna. The chief town and capital is
Fatehpur. The East Indian Railway traverses the district, which is
intersected with several good roads. The administration is conducted by
a Collector- Magistrate, and Joint Magistrate, and the usual staff.
270 FAT
FATEHPUR. Town and municipality (in tahsfl of same name) in
Fatebpur district, N.W.P. ; capital of the district ; on the route from
Allahabad to Cawnpore ; seventy miles north-west of the former, and
fifty miles south-east of the latter. Station on the East Indian Railway.
Lat. 25 55' 20", long. 80 53' 10". Pop. (1881), 21,328. Pop. of
tahsfl (1881), 177,596. Also pargana. Pop. (1881), 112,960. And
thana. Pop. (1881), 72,978.
FATEHPUR. Village in Hoshangabad district, Central Provinces.
Lat. 22 38', long. 78 34'.
FATEHPUR. Town (in pargana and tahsfl of same name) in Bara
Banki district, Oudh. Lat. 27 10' 15", long. 81 15' 5". Pop. (1881),
7754. Pop. of tahsfl (1881), 289,643. Area of pargana, 154 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 92,969. Also thana. Pop. (1881), 122,643.
FATEHPUR. Town in Etawah district, N.W.P. ; thirty-three miles
south-east from Etawah. Lat. 26 30', long. 79 28'.
FATEHPUR. Town in Farrukhabad district, KW.P.; twenty-five
miles south-east of Fatehgarh. Lat. 27 5', long. 79 53'.
FATEHPUR. Town on the Ghara, in Multan district, Punjab ; fifty
miles south-east of Multan. Lat. 29 41', long. 72 10'.
FATEHPUR. Thana in Saharanpur district, JS T .W.P. Pop. (1881),
FATEHPUR. Town in Jaipur State, Eajputana. Pop. (1881),
14,731. Lat. 27 58', long. 75 5'.
FATEHPUR. Town in Damoh district, Central Provinces. Pop.
(1881), 2,276.
FATEHPUR. Town in Mairaansinh district, Bengal ; 212 miles
south-east from Calcutta. Lat. 24 36', long. 90 58'.
FATEHPUR. Town in Karauli State, Eajputana; eighty-four miles
south-east from Jaipur and sixty-nine miles south-west from Agra. Lat..
26 37', long. 77 12'.
FATEHPUR. Town on the Ttavi, in Multan district, Punjab ; ninety-
two miles from Firozpur. Lat. 30 50', long. 73 5'.
FATEHPUR CHAURASL Town (in pargana of same name) in
Unao district, Oudh ; six miles west of Safipur, and twenty-five north-west
of the headquarters town. Pop. (1869), 2803. Lat. 27 8', long. 81 18'
Area of pargana, 90 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 33,087.
FATEHPUR SIKRI. Town and municipality (in tahsil of same
name) in Agra district, N.W.P. Noted for its ruins, which date from
the time of Akbar, when it was the capital of the Mughal Empire. Lat.
27 5' 35", long. 77 42' 18". Pop. (1881), 6243. Area of tahsfl, 167
sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 114,678. Also thana. Pop. (1881),
FATEHULLAGANJ. Town in MurshidabM district, N.W.P.
FATHANPUR Village in Farrukhabad district, N.W.P. ; on the
route from Alfgarh to Fatehgarh, and twenty miles north-west of the
latter. Lat. 27 26', long. 79 24'.
FATICKCHARI. Town in Chittagong district, Bengal; twenty-
three miles north of Chittagong. Lat. 22 40', long. 91 54'. Also thana.
Area, 312 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 104,500.
FATORP A. Village in Quepem district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 687.
PAT FIR, 271
FATWA. Town and municipality in Patna district, Bengal ; at the
confluence of the Punpun and the Ganges. Lat. 25 30' 25", long. 85 21'.
Pop. (1881), 10,919. Being on the sacred river Ganges, this town is
much venerated by the Hindus, who repair in large numbers to bathe in
the stream, sometimes to the number of 12,000. Also thana. Area, 98
sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 88,051.
FAZILKA. Town and municipality (in tahsil of same name) in Sirsa
district, Punjab ; on the left bank of the Sutlej. Lat. 30 24" 57", long.
74 4' 10". Pop. (1881), 6851. Area of tahsil, 1196 sq. miles. Pop.
(1881), 87,894.
FAZILPUR. Village in Multan district, Punjab ; situate ninety-one
miles south-west of Multan. Lat. 29 18', long. 70 25'.
FEN WICK BAZAR. Part of Calcutta. Area, 190 acres. Pop.
(1881), 25,898.
FEROKHI. Town in Malabar district, Madras; now deserted.
FILKHANA. Thana in Cawnpore district, KW.P. Pop. (1881),
FILNAGAR. Village in Shahjahanpur district, KW.P. ; on the
route from Bareilly to Fatehgarh, and twenty- eight miles south-east
of the former. Lat. 28 1', long. 79 44'.
FIRINGHI BAZAR. Village in Dacca district, Bengal; upon a
branch of the Ichamati, formerly a place of considerable importance.
Lat. 23 33', long. 90 33'.
FIROZABAD. Town in Haidarabad State ; on the left bank of the
Bhirna river, and 114 miles south-west from Haidarabad. Lat. 17 4'
long. 76 50'.
FIROZABAD. Town, municipality, and station on the East Indian
Railway (in tahsil of same name) in Agra district, K.W.P. Pop. (1881),
16,023. Lat. 27 8' 34", long. 78 25' 56". Area of tahsil, 205 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 108,521. Also pargana. Pop. (1881), 70,502.
FIROZABAD. Pargana of Kheri district, Oudh. Area, 163 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 55,066.
FIROZPUR (FIROZAPUR). Village in Farrukhabad district,
N.W.P. ; on the route from Fatehgarh to Lucknow, and twenty-eight
miles south-east of the former. Lat. 27 3', long. 79 58'.
FIROZPUR. Village in Muzaffarnagar district, JOV.P. ; half a mile
from the right bank of the Ganges. Elevation above the sea, 848 feet.
Lat. 29 30', long. 78 2'.
FIROZPUR. Town in Saharanpur district, KW.P. ; on the route
from Meerut to Saharanpur, forty-five miles north-west of the former.
Lat. 29 37', long. 77 31'.
FIROZPUR. British district in Lahore division, Punjab. Between
lat. 30 8' 31 11', and long. 74 3' 30" 75 27'. Area, 2752 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 650,519. It is bounded on the north-east by the river
Sutlej ; on the north-west by the united stream of the Sutlej and Beas ;
on the east and south-east by Ludhiana district, and the Native States of
Faridkot, Patiala, and Nabha ; and on the south-west by Sirsa district.
The chief towns are Firozpur, Muktsar, Dharmkot, Zira, and Fatehgarh.
The chief river is the Sutlej. There are several good lines of com-
FIROZPUR. Town and municipality (in tahsil of same name), in
Firozpur district, Punjab. Lat. 30 56' 42", long. 74 38' 24". Pop.
(1881), 39,570. Area of tahsil, 495 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 153,168.
FIROZPUR. Town and municipality (in tahsil of same name), in
Gurgaon district, Punjab. Lat. 27 46' 30", long. 76 59' 30". Pop.
(1881), 6878. Area of tahsil, 317 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 114,340.
FIROZPUR. Town in Moradabad district, N.W.P. ; nineteen miles
from Moradabad. Lat. 28 37', long. 78 40'.
FIROZSHAH. Village in Firozpur district, Punjab. Lat. 30
53', long. 74 49' 45". On 21st Dec. 1845, Sir Hugh Gough defeated
the Sikhs at this spot.
FIROZSHAH CANAL. Canal, runs from the river Jumna, at lat. 30
20', long. 77 38'. One branch discharges itself in the desert, in lat. 29
16', long. 75 16', and the other rejoins the parent stream at Delhi.
FIVE SISTERS ISLANDS. Islands off the coast of Mergui district,
British Burma; eighty-two miles south-west from the town of Tenasserim.
Lat. 11 25', long. 98 9'.
FLANDI. Tillage in Nagar Aveli district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 267.
FLAT ISLAND. Island off the coast of Sandoway district, British
Burma ; about five miles from the south-eastern shore of Cheduba island ;
about four miles in length from north to south. Lat. 18 37', long.
93 50'.
FORT ABBAZAL Fort in Peshawar district, Punjab. Pop. (1881),
FORT HASTINGS. Fort in Kumaun district, N.W.P. Elevation
above the sea, 6240 feet. Lat. 29 25', long. 80 5'.
FORT MACKESON. Fort in Peshawar district, Punjab ; situated at
the base of the Khattak Hills, near the entrance of the Khaibar, in lat.
33 45' 45", long. 71 36' 15". Also cantonment. Pop. (1881),
FORT MICHNI. Cantonment in Peshawar district, Punjab. Pop.
(1881), 208.
FORT ST. DAVID. Fort (now in ruins) in South Arcot district,
Madras. Lat. 11 44' 20", long. 79 49' 30" ; 100 miles south of Madras,
and 1 miles north of Cuddalore, of which it may be called a suburb.
In the time of Clive (1756) a seat of government.
FOUL ISLAND. Island off the coast of Sandoway district, British
Burma. Lat. 18 3', long. 94 16'.
FRASERPET (KUSHALNAGARA). Town in Coorg district, named
after Colonel Fraser, a former Political Agent. Lat. 12 27' 30", long.
76 0' 20". Pop. (1881), 1310.
FRENCH ROCKS. Cantonment in Mysore State; on a rocky hill,
five miles north of the river Kaveri at Seringapatam, and 300 feet above
it. Elevation above the sea, 2300 feet. Lat. 12 31', long. 76 45'.
FRENCH SETTLEMENTS. The French possessions in India com-
prise Pondicherri, Chandarnagar, Karikal, Mahe, and Yanaon or Yanan ;
q.v. The total area is about 178 sq. miles. Pop. (1876), 285,022.
FULAILI. A branch of the Indus, in Haidarabad district, Sind,
FULJAR TAL. Lake in Shahjahanpur district, N.W.P. ; the source
of the river Gumti. Lat. 28 35', long. 80 10'.
GABAT. State in Mahi Kantha, Bombay. Pop. (1881), 1430. The
Chief pays a yearly tribute of 2 10s. to the Maharaja of Edar.
GAD. State in Rewa Kantha, Bombay, paying a yearly tribute of
50 to the Raja of Chota Udaipur. Area, 134 sq. miles.
GADADHAR. River of Bhutan State, and Jalpaiguri district, Bengal,
and Goalpara district, Assam ; falls into the Brahmaputra in lat. 27 3',
long. 89 57'.
GADAK (GTJDTJK). Town in Dharwar district, Bombay ; forty-three
miles east of Dharwar. Lat. 15 26', long. 75 43'.
GADARPTJR. Pargana in Tarai, Oudh. Pop. (1881), 14,842. Also
thana. Pop. (1881), 18,982.
GADARPUR (GTIDURPUR). Town in Bareilly district, HVW.P.
Lat. 29 2', long. 79 17'.
GADAWARA. Town (in tahsil of same name), in Narsinhpur district,
Central Provinces; on the river Shakar. Lat. 22 55' 30", long. 78 50'.
Pop. (1881), 8100. Area of tahsil, 874 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 189,837.
GADDEHOSALLL Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 424.
GADHAIRL Village in Mainpuri district, W.W.P. : on the route
from Aligarh to Mainpuri, and six miles north-west of the latter. Lat.
27 15', long. 79 2'.
GADHALI. State in Kathiawar, Bombay ; paying a yearly tribute of
169 to the Gaekwar of Baroda, and 30 to Junagarh.
GADH HINGLAJ. Town in Kolhapur State, Bombay. Pop. (1881),
GADHIA. State in Kathiawar, Baroda; paying a yearly tribute
of 27 to the Gaekwar of Baroda, and 2 to Junagarh. Area, 23 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 2252.
GADHI DTTBHAR. Village in Muzaffarnagar district, N.W.P. Pop.
(1872), 2417.
GADHITLA. State in Kathiawar, Bombay; paying an annual tribute
of 16 to the Gaekwar of Baroda and 2 to Junagarh.
GADHWALA. Village in Bikaner State, Rajputana; on the route
from Ratangarh to the town of Bikaner, and nine miles east of the latter.
Lat. 27 57', long. 73 30'.
GADKA (GUDKA). Town in Baroda State ; eleven miles south from
the Gulf of Cutch, and eighty-four miles west bv south from Rajkot.
Lat. 22 9', long. 69 33'.
GADKHALI. Town in Jessor district, Bengal; on the Kabadak, in
lat. 23 5' 30", long. 89 6'. Also thana. Area 93 sq. miles. Pop.
(1881), 67,420.
GADRA. Town and municipality in Thar and Parkar district, Sind,
Bombay. Pop. (1872), 1126.
GADRA. Town in Gohelwad division, Kathiawar, Bombay. Pop.
(1881), 5822.
GAFFARGAON. Thana in Maimansinh district, Bengal. Area, 443
sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 117,759.
GAG AH Mountains in Hum aim district, N.TV.P. Between lat. 29
14' 29 30', and long. 79 9' 79 39'. The Mini Tal station is situated
in this range.
GAGLA. Village in Kangpur district, Bengal. Lat. 25 59', long.
89 40' 30".
GAHIJA. Town in Shikarpur district, Sind, Bombay. Pop. (1872),
GAHMAR. Town and station on the East Indian Railway, in Ghazipur
district, N.W.P. Lat. 25 29' 40", long. 83 50' 55". Pop. (1881),
10,443. Also thana. Pop. (1881), 87,406.
GAIBANDHA. Subdivision in Rangpur district, Bengal. Area, 760
sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 450,862.
GAICHAN. Village in Garhwal State, N.W.P. ; situate at the con-
fluence of the Rupin and Supin, the united stream of which from this
point bears the name of Tons. It is elevated 456 feet above the bed of the
Tons, and 5756 feet above the level of the sea. Lat. 31 4', long. 78 10'.
GAIDER KHAIL (GAIDAR KHEL). Town in Kohat district,
Punjab ; situated thirty-two miles from the right bank of the Indus,
twenty-four miles south- south- west of the town of Peshawar. Lat. 33
40', long. 71 32'.
GAIGHAT. Thana in Basti district, jST^V.P. Pop. (1881), 87,686.
GAIGHAT. Village in Gorakhpur district, KW.P. ; on the route
from Gorakhpur to Sultanpur, forty-nine miles south-west of the former,
sixty-one north-east of the latter. Lat. 26 35', long. 82 47'.
GAIGHATTA. Thana in Nadiya district, Bengal. Area, 94 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 50,223.
GAIGLAH (GIGELLA). Village in Muttra district, N.W.P. ; on the
route from Agra to Ah'garh, and seventeen miles north of the former.
Lat. 27 22', long. 78 6'.
GAILA. River of Kathiawar, Bombay ; rising in lat. 22, long. 71
20', and, flowing in an easterly direction, falls into the Gulf of Cambay,
in lat. 21 47', long. 72 13'.
GAINDAJTJR. Village in Bijnaur district, KW.P.; on the route
from Moradabad to Hardwar, and twenty-five miles north-west of the
former. Lat. 29 10', long. 78 40'.
GAIN!. Thana in Bareilly district, KW.P. Pop. (1881), 34,646.
GAIRAH (GIRA). Village in Garhwal State, IS T .W.P. ; in the valley
watered by the Bunal, and about five miles above its confluence with the
Jumna. Lat. 30 52', long. 78 15'.
GA JAP ATINAGAR. Town (in taluk of same name) in Vizagapatam
district, Madras. Lat. 18 16', long. 83 25'. Pop. (1871), 2272.
Pop. of taluk (1871), 108,351.
GAJATJLI (GUJAULI). Village in Agra district, KW.P. ; on the
left bank of the Jumna, seven miles north of the city of Agra. Lat.
27 15', long. 78 3'.
GAJENDRAGAD Town in Kaladgi district, Bombay. Lat. 15 44'
30", long. 76 0' 45". Pop. (1881), 5458.
GAJGHANTA. Village in Rangpur district, Bengal. Lat. 25 49'
45", long. 89 10'.
GAJNER. Town in Cawnpore district, KW.P. Pop. (1881), 3164.
Also thana. Pop. (1881), 47,428.
GAJNER (GUJNAIR). Town in Cawnpore district, N.W.P. ; on the
route from Hamirpur to Rasulabad, and twenty-five miles north of the
former. Lat. 26 17', long. 80 7'.
GAJNER (GUJNER). Village in Bikaner State, Rajputana; on the
route from the town of Bikaner to that of Jaisalmir, and nineteen miles
S.W. of the former. Lat. 27 57', long. 73 10'.
GAJNERA (GTJJNERA). Village in Bareilly district, K W.P. ; on
the route from the town of Bareilly to Sitapur, and fourteen miles south-
east of the former. Lat. 28 20', long. 79 41'.
GAJOL. Thana in Maldah district, Bengal. Area, 272 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 54,317.
GAJPTJR (GTJJPUR). Village in Gorakhpur district, EYW.P. ; on
the right bank of the river Rapti, distant from Gorakhpur cantonment,
south-east, eighteen miles. Lat. 26 30', long. 83 28'.
GAJRAUIA (GUJRATJLA). Village inMoradabad district, N.W.P.;
on the route from the town of Meerut to Moradabad, and forty miles
south-east of the former place. Distant north-west from Calcutta 923
miles. Lat. 28 51', long. 78 19'.
GALAOTHL Town in Bulandshahr district, NYW.P. ; twelve miles
north of Bulandshahr town. Lat. 28 36', long. 77 51'. Pop. (1881),
GALGHASIA. River in Twenty-four Parganas district, Bengal ; falls
into the Kholpetua.
GALI-BASHAHR (GTILI BITS STIR) .Village in Kumaun district,
NVWJP. ; on the route from Almora to Srmagar, and twelve miles north-
west of the former. Lat. 29 42', long. 79 36'.
GALIBIDU. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 654.
GALIKONDA. Hills in Vizagapatam district, Madras. Lat. 18 30',
long. 18 50'. Highest peak, 5345 feet.
GALKOT. Town in Nepal State ; on the left bank of a branch of the
Gandak river, and 142 miles north-west from Khatmandu. Lat. 28 18',
long. 83 7'.
GALLTJ. Offshoot, diverging in lat. 24 28', long. 67 54', from the
Indus river, Karachi district, ISind, Bombay.
GAMANPURA. State in Mahi Kantha, Bombay. Pop. (1881),
598. The Chief pays a yearly tribute of 13 18s. to the Gaekwar of
GAME AT. Town in Khairpur State, Sind, Bombay. Pop. (1872),
GAMBHAR. River of Simla district, Punjab ; rising in lat. 30 52',
long. 77 8', flowing by Subathu, and falling into the Sutlej in lat. 31
17', long. 76 47'.
GAMBILA (JOCHI). River of Bannu district, Punjab. It falls into
the Kuram river in lat. 32 37' 30", long. 71 6' 15".
GAMBIRPUR. Thana in Azamgarh district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
GAMIRPTJR. Village in Azamgarh district, N.W.P. ; on the route
from Azamgarh to Jaunpur, and sixteen miles south-west of the former,
twenty-six north-east of the latter. Distant north from Benares, fort) -
five miles. Lat. 25 54', long. 83 3'.
GAMSALI. Village in Kumaun district, KW.P. ; on the route from
Joshimath to the Mti Pass, and fifteen miles south of the latter. It is
situate on the right bank of the Dhauli. Elevation above the sea, 10,317
feet. Lat. 30 45', long. 79 52'.
GAMTJN-AING. Eevenue circle in Shwe-gyeng district, British
Burma. Area, 120 sq. miles. Pop. (1876), 6538.
GANAGUR. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 227.
GANAPOTA. Thana in Nadiya district, Bengal. Area, 111 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 61,052.
GANAPUR. Town in Sitapur district, Oudh; two miles from the
right bank of the river Gogra, and seventy-one miles north by east from
Lucknow. Lat. 27 50', long. 81 20'.
GANAUR. Village in Karnal district, Punjab ; on the route from
Delhi to Karnal, and thirty- six miles north of the former. Lat. 29 7',
long. 77 3'.
GANDAI. State in Eaipur district, Central Provinces ; its chief place,
Gandai, is in lat. 21 40' 30", long. 81 9'. Area, 203 sq. miles. Pop.
(1881), 20,872.
GANDAK, GREAT. Eiver of Nepal State, and Gorakhpur district,
N.W.P., Champaran, Muzaffarpur, Saran, and Patna districts, Bengal;
falls into the Ganges at Patna, in lat. 25 49' 53", long. 85 13' 45".
GANDAK, LESSER. Eiver of Nepal State, and Gorahkpur district,
N.W.P., and Saran district, Bengal; falls into the Gogra in lat. 25 41',
long. 85 14' 30".
GANDAK (THE LITTLE). A river rising on the northern boundary
of the British district of Saran, presidency of Bengal, in lat. 27 22',
long. 84 22'. Flowing in a south-easterly direction for about 120 miles,
it, in lat. 26 16', long. 85 18', leaves the district of Saran and
enters that of Tirhut, which it traverses in the same direction for about
seventy miles, to its junction with the Baghmati, in lat. 25 45', long.
86 2'.
GANDARAKOTTAH. Town in Tanjore district, Madras; 195 miles
south-west of Madras. Lat. 10 36', long. 79 5'.
GANDARI. Town in Haidarabad State ; seventy-eight miles north-
west from Haidarabad, and 180 miles south-east from Jalna. Lat. 18
24', long. 78 10'.
GANDAVA. Town in Baluchistan State. Lat. 28 32'. long. 67 32'.
The winter residence of the Khan of Khelat.
GANDEVI. Town (in district of same name) in Nausarf division,
Baroda State ; twenty-eight miles south-east of Surat. Lat. 20 47' 30",
long. 73 3'. Pop. (1881), 7035. Area of district, 45 sq. miles. Pop.
(1881), 29,683.
GANDGARH. Hills in Eawal Pindi and Hazara districts, Punjab.
Lat. 33 57', long. 72 46'.
GANDHA MADAN. Hill in Keunjhar State, Orissa, Bengal ;
3479 feet high. Lat. 21 38' 12", long. 85 32' 56".
GANDHOL. State in Kathiawar, Bombay, paying a yearly tribute of
10 to the Guekwar of Baroda and 16s. to Junagarh.
GANDIKOT. Fort in Cuddapah district, Madras. Lat. 14 48', lonjr.
78 20'. Formerly a stronghold of great importance. The population of
Gandikottown (1871) was 1175.
278 GAN
GANDLAMATI. ParganainSitapur district, Oudh. Pop. (1881), 21, 710.
GANDWA. Pargana in Hardoi district, Oudh. Pop. (1881), 58,674.
GANERL Town in Haidarabad State; on the left bank of the
Penganga river, and 177 miles north from Haidarabad. Lat. 19 54',
long. 78 33'.
GANES BAL. Hindu shrine in Kashmir State, Punjab. Here, the
pilgrims proceeding to Amarnath make their preparatory ablutions and
prostrations. Ganes Bal is in lat. 33 58', long. 75 31'.
GANESGARH. Town in Bikaner State, Rajputana; 119 miles north
by east from Bikaner, and 124 miles east by north from Bahawalpur.
Lat. 29 40', long. 73 48'.
GANESHGANJ. Thana in Lucknow district, Oudh. Pop. (1881),
GANESPTJR. Town in Gorakhpur district, N.W.P.; distant west
from Gorakhpur cantonment, thirty-eight miles. Lat. 26 48', long. 82 48'.
GANESWARL River in the Garo Hills district, Assam, rising in lat.
25 18', long. 90 49'.
GANGA (GUNGA). A common name for a river in India. The
Ganges. Also, a considerable watercourse of the Ganges, leaving that river
in lat. 28 6', long. 78 34', and flowing in a south-easterly course for fifty
miles, during which it divides the Budaun collectorate from those of
Alfgarh and Mainpuri, enters the district of Farrukhabad, which it
traverses for forty-five miles, and then rejoins the parent stream, in lat.
27 26', long. 79 39'.
GANGA BAL. Lake in Kashmir State, Punjab. Lat. 34 27', long.
74 58'. Its waters are held by the Hindus to be sacred.
GANGAIKANDAPUR. Town in Trichinopoli district, Madras. Lat.
11 12' 30", long. 79 30'. Pop. (1871), 1014. Near this village is a
temple of remarkable beauty.
GANGAJALGHATI. Thaua in Bankura district, Bengal. Area, 465
sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 172,607.
GANGAMAIK Village in Akyab district, British Burma. Lat. 20
21', long. 93 5'.
GANGAN. River of Bijnaur district, N.W.P. ; falls into the Uril
on the left side, in lat. 28 25', long. 79 1'.
GANGAOTI (GTJNGAWTJTTI). Town in Haidarabad State ; situate
on the left bank of the Tungabhadra river, and thirty miles north-west
from Bellary. Lat. 15 26', long. 76 38'.
GANGA PARSHAD (GTINGAPERSAD). Town in Purniah district,
Bengal; forty-three miles south of Purniah. Lat. 25 10', long. 87 38'.
GANGAPUR. Town in Jaipur State, Rajputana. Pop. (1881), 5880.
GANGAPURA (GUNGAPURA). Town in Udaipur State, Rajpu-
tana; ninety-two miles south-south-west from Ajmere, and 106 miles
south-east from Jodhpur. Lat. 25 13', long. 74 21'.
GANGAPUR MUHAMMADPUR. Town inMainpuri district, N.W.P.
GANGARAUL. Town in Aligarh district, N.W.P. ; twenty miles
south-east of Aligarh. Lat. 27 41', long. 78 18'.
GANGARTI. Town in Muzaffarnagar district, KW.P. Pop. (1881),
GANGA SALAN. Pargana in Garhwal district, K.W.P. Pop. (1881),
GAN 279
GANGAVARA. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 117.
GANGAWALI. Town and port in North Kanara district, Bombay.
Lat. 14 36', long. 74 21'.
GANGAWALLL River of Bombay, rising in lat. 15 15', long. 75
10', and falling into the Indian Ocean in lat. 14 36', long. 74 23'.
Or AN GEM. Tillage in Sanguelim district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 321.
GANGES. A celebrated river of India. In its upper course it is
called the Bhagirathi, which first comes to light near Gangotri, in
Garhwal State, in lat. 30 56' 4", long. 79 6' 40", issuing from under a
very low arch, at the base of a great snow-bed, estimated to be 300 feet
thick, which lies between the lofty mountains termed St. Patrick, St.
George, and the Pyramid, the two higher having elevations above the
sea, respectively, of 22,798 and 22,654 feet, and the other, on the oppo-
site side, having an elevation of 21,379. From this spot, which has an
elevation of 13,800 feet, the stream holds a direction north-west for ten
miles to Gangotri; the elevation of the latter is 10,300 feet, and the
average descent of the river thereto, from the place where it emerges
from the snow-bed, is 350 feet per mile. From Gangotri the Bhagirathi
holds a course nearly north-west to Bhairogati, in lat. 31 2', long. 78
54', the point of confluence with the Jahnavi, holding its steep and
foaming course from the north-east. The latter is considerably the
larger river. The distance is seven miles from Gangotri to Bhairogati ;
and as this latter place has an elevation of 8511 feet, the average descent
of the river in this part of its course is 255 per mile. The united stream
holds a course first westerly, and then south-westerly, for thirteen miles,
as far as Sukhi, in lat. 30 59', long. 78 45', where it may be said to
"break through the Himalaya Proper." At Deo Prayag, in lat. 30 8',
long. 78 39', it is joined on the left side by the Alaknanda, a large
stream formed by the union of the Vishnu and the Dhauli. From Deo
Prayag, the united stream, now called the Ganges, flows south-west to
Hardwar, in lat. 29 57', long. 78 14'. From Hardwar the general
course of the Ganges is nearly south for about 130 miles, as far as Anup-
shahr, in the British district of Bulandshahr, in lat. 28 31', long. 78 20',
where it turns to the south-east, and 160 miles lower down, in lat. 27 7',
long. 80 3', receives on the left side the Eamganga, a considerable river
flowing from the north-west. Eight miles lower down, it on the right
side receives the Kali Nadi, flowing likewise from the north-west ; and
twenty miles beyond, the Isan Nadi. One hundred and seventy miles
lower down, at Allahabad, in lat. 25 26', long. 81 45', it is joined, also
on the right side, by the Jumna, from the north-west. From Hardwar
to Cawnpore, the distance is about 348 miks. From Allahabad the
stream meanders in a direction generally easterly for 270 miles, to Manjhi,
near which, in lat. 25 46', long. 84 40', it is joined on the left side by
the Gogra. Between Allahabad and Manjhi, it on the left side receives
the Gumti, and on the right, the Tons and Karamnasa; besides many
smaller streams right and left. In the dry season, near Kachwa, thirty-
five miles above Benares, a shoal extends completely across the river,
having only two feet six inches of water on its lowest part. Eighteen
miles below the junction of the Gogra, opposite to the town of Cherand,
in lat. 25 39', long. 84 53', it on the right side receives the Son, a largo
280 GAN
river flowing from the south-west. At Hajipur, on the left side, twenty
miles below the confluence of the Son, the Ganges receives the Gandak, a
large river from the north-west, and continues to flow eastward for 160
miles, to Katri, in lat. 25 20', long. 87 17', where, on the left side, it
receives the Kusi, also a large river flowing from the north, having in its
course between the junctions of these two great rivers received right and
left several streams of less importance. In lat. 24 44', long. 87 59', the
Bhagirathi, a great watercourse, parts on the right side from the main
stream ; and seventy miles lower down, the Jalangi, another watercourse,
also of considerable dimensions, diverges on the same side, in. lat. 24 9',
long. 88 40'. The Bhagirathi proceeding southward for 120 miles,
is then rejoined by the Jalangi, after a course of about the like distance,
and the united stream, called the Hugli, continuing to hold the same
direction for forty-eight miles, becomes navigable for vessels of con-
siderable burthen at Chandanagar, in lat. 22 50', long. 88 24', at the
distance of 115 miles from the sea, into which it falls about lat. 21 40',
long. 88 ; its estuary being considered the termination of the sacred
stream. Below the divergence of the Bhagirathi and the Jalangi, the
main stream is called the Padma (Padda) or Ganges ; and from that point
the joint delta of the Ganges and Brahmaputra may be considered to
commence. The Ganges, flowing south-east, receives some considerable
streams on the left side ; and on the right, besides the Jalangi, it throws
off, five miles lower down, the Matabhanga ; forty miles below this latter
divergence, the Gorai; and forty miles still further, the Chandni. At
Goalanda it is joined by the Jamuna, the main stream of the Brahma-
putra ; and enters the sea by a great estuary called the Meghna. Total
course of main river to mouth of Hugli, 1509 miles; to mouth of
Meghna, 1557 miles.
GANGES CANAL. Canal-system between Hardwar and Cawnpore,
~N".W.P. ; traversing, with its branches, the districts of Saharanpur,
Muzaffarnagar, Fatehgarh, Meerut, Bulandshahr, Aligarh, Muttra,
Etawah, Etah, Mainpuri, Farrukhabad, and Cawnpore. Lat. 26 30' 30"
29 57', and long. 78 13' 80 21' 15".
GANGES CANAL, LOWER. Canal-system (an extension of the
Ganges Canal) in Cawnpore, Etawah, Farrukhabad, Fatehpur, and Main-
puri districts, N.W.P.
GANGIRI ( GUN GIRI). Village (in pargana of same name) in
Aligarh district, N.W.P. ; on the route, by Khasganj, from Bareilly to
Aligarh, and twenty-six miles south-east of the latter, fifty-four miles
north-east of Agra. Lat. 27 51', long. 78 31'. Pop. of pargana (1881),
73,962. Also thana. Pop. (1881), 29,169.
GANGIRU. Town in Muzaffarnagar district, N.W.P. Lat. 29 18',
long. 77 15' 30". Pop. (1872), 5117.
GANGNI. Thana in Nadiya district, Bengal. Area, 126 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 74,955.
GANGOH. Town in Saharanpur district, N.W.P. Lat. 29 46' 20",
long. 77 18'. Pop. (1881), 12,089. Also pargana. Pop. (1881),
57,090. And thana. Pop. (1881), 46,830.
GANGOLL Pargana in Kumaun district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
GANGOTRL Temple in Garhwal State, KW.P. ; on the right bank
of the Bhagirathi river, and eight or ten miles north-west of its source.
The river here expands a little, and on the bank of a small bay or inlet
the temple is built, about fifteen feet above the water.
GANGPUR (GANGPORE). State, Chutia Nagpur, Bengal; paying
an annual tribute of 50 to the British Government. Lat. 21 47' 5"
22 32' 20", long. 85 10' 15" 85 34' 35". Area, 2518 sq. miles. Pop.
(1881), 107,965.
GANGPUR. Village in Cawnpore district, N.W.P. ; on the route
from Cawnpore to Fatehgarh, and thirty-nine miles south-east of the
latter. Lat. 26 57', long. 80 4'.
GANGRANA. Town in Jodhpur State, Rajputana ; fifty-seven miles
east by north from Jodhpur, and forty-six miles west from A j mere. Lat,
26 34', long. 73 59'.
GANGULI HATH. Village in Kumaun district, KW.P. ; on the
route from Almora to Pithoragarh, thirty-four miles north-east of the
former. Lat. 29 40', long. 80 5'.
GANGUNDAUM. Town in Madura district, Madras ; 274 miles
south-west of Madras. Lat. 9 28', long. 78 47'.
GANGUR. Thana in Bardwan district, Bengal. Area, 181 sq. miles.
Pop. 102,748.
GANGURAR. Town in Jhalawar State, Rajputana ; on the right
bank of the Chota Kali Sind river, and 122 miles west-north-west from
Bhopal. Lat. 23 54', long. 75 39'.
GANGTIRIA. Village in Bardwan district, Bengal. Lat. 23 12' 22",
long. 88 8' 48". Pop., about 5000.
GANGURU. Town in Garhwal State, N.W.P. ; on the right bank of
the Tons river, and sixty miles north east from Dehra. Lat. 31 9',
long. 78 23'.
GANIRAU. Town in Jodhpur State, Rajputana; 108 miles south-
west from Nasirabad, and seventy-eight miles south-east from Jodhpur.
Lat. 25 16', long. 73 36'.
GANISKOTTL- Town in Haidarabad State ; eighty-five miles north-
east from Haidarabad, and 204 miles south-east from Ellichpur. Lat.
18 32', long. 78 53'.
GANIYAGARH. Town in Puri district, Orissa, Bengal; situate
sixty-five miles west from Cuttack, on the right bank of the Mahanadi
river. Lat. 20 24', long. 85 6'.
GANJ. Thana in Bijnaur district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 6374.
GANJ (GUN JE). Town in Cuttack district, Bengal; fifty-eight
miles east-north-east of Cuttack. Lat. 20 45', long. 86 46'.
GANJAM. District in Madras Presidency; between lat. 18 15'
20 15', and long. 83 49' 85 15'. Area, 8311 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
1,749,604. Bounded on the north by Puri district; on the east by
the Bay of Bengal ; on the south by Vizagapatam district ; and on the
west by Kalahandi, Patna, and Jaipur estates. The chief towns are
Berhampur (the capital), Parla Kimedi, Chicacole, and Ichhapur. The
chief mountains are the Maliyas. The chief rivers are the Rushi-
kulya, the Vamsadhara, and the Languliya. There are several good
roads. The administration is in the hands of a Collector-Magistrate and Staff.
GANJAM. Town in Ganjam district, Madras ; on the left side of the
Rushikulya river, immediately above its fall into the Bay of Bengal.
Formerly the capital of the district, which was transferred to Chicacole,
and subsequently to Berhampur. Distance direct from Chicacole, north-
east, 110 miles; Vizagapatam, north-east, 165; Madras, north-east, 536;
Cuttack, south-west, 90; Calcutta, south-west, 315. Lat. 19 22' 27",
long. 85 2' 52". Pop. (1881), 5037.
G AN JAM. Village in Mysore district, Mysore State ; adjacent to
Seringapatam. Lat. 12 24', long. 76 47'. An annual festival is held
here, attended by upwards of 20,000 persons.
GANJANSIR. Town in Cutch State, Bombay ; 45 miles north-west
from Bhuj, and 107 south-east from Tatta. Lat. 23 39', long. 69 10'.
GANJBUR. Village in Karnal district, Punjab ; on the route from
the city of Delhi to Karnal, and sixteen miles south-east of the latter.
Lat. 29 29', long. 77 2',
GANJ DUNDHWARA. Town in Etah district, N.W.P. Pop.
(1881), 5592.
GANJERL Town in Aligarh district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 2100.
GANJULI. Town in Haidarabad State ; sixty miles west of the town
of Bidar, 128 north-west of Haidarabad. Lat. 17 55', long. 76 42'.
GANRORA. Eiver of Hindur State, Punjab ; rising in the lowei
range of the Himalaya, about lat. 31 9', long. 76 54'; falls into the
Sutlej, in lat. 31 17', long. 76 48'.
GANTANG (GANTITNG). Pass in Bashahr State, Punjab. Lat. 31
38', long. 78 47'. Height, 18,295 feet.
GANTTJR. Town (in taluk of same name) in Kistna district, Madras ;
forty-six miles from Masulipatam. Lat. 16 17' 42", long. 80 29'. Pop.
(1881), 19,646. Gantur came into possession of the British in 1803.
Pop. of taluk (1871), 126,997.
GANUPW ARAM. Town in Godavari district, Madras ; forty miles
west-north-west of Rajamahendri. Lat. 17 11', long. 81 20'.
GANURGARH. Town in Bhopal State, Central India Agency;
fourteen miles north-west from Hoshangabad, and thirty miles south-
south-east from Bhopal. Lat. 22 50', long. 77 32'.
GANUTIA. Town in Birbhum district, Bengal. Lat. 23 52' 30",
long. 87 52' 45" ; on the river Mor. Noted for its silk factories, which
employ upwards of 15,000 persons.
GAOMATI (GOMATI). River of Kumaun district, N.W.P. ; rising
on the eastern declivity of the peak of Budhan Garh, in lat. 30, long.
79 36'; and falling into the Sarju, a feeder of the Kali, in lat. 29 49',
long. 79 49'.
GAPELONG. Village in Akyab district, British Burma ; on the left
bank of the river of the same name. Lat. 20 48', long. 93 7'.
GAR. Town in Bundi State, Rajputana ; seventy-three miles south-
east from Nasirabad, and seventy-four miles south from Jaipur. Lat.
25 52', long. 75 52'.
GARAG. Town (in subdivision of the same name) in Dharwar
district, Bombay. Lat. 15 24' 50", long. 75 40'. Pop. (1881), 17,001.
Area of subdivision, 699 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 100,333.
GARAG ANDUR. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 207.
GARAHUNG. Town in Nepal State ; near the left bank of tho
Gandak river, and 102 miles north-west from Khatmandu. Lat. 27 57',
long. 83 41'.
GAR 283
GARAI. River in lessor district, Bengal ; one of the branches of the
Ganges, its lower channel being called the Madhumati.
GARAMLI MOTI. State in Kathiawar, Bombay ; paying a yearly
tribute of 19 to the Gaekwar of Baroda and 2 to Junagarh.
GARAMLI NANI. State in Kathiawar, Bombay ; paying a yearly
tribute of 19 to the Gaekwar of Baroda.
GARASPUR. Town in Gwalior State, Central India Agency ; on the
route from Hoshangabad to Sagar, by Bhilsa, eighty-eight miles north-
east of former, forty-nine south-west of latter. Lat. 23 40', long.
78 10'.
GARAUKI (KARATJKI). A halting-place in Kyouk-hpyu district,
British Burma ; on the An (or Aeng) route over the Yonia mountains to
Ava. Elevation, 3165 feet. Lat. 20 2', long. 94 5'.
GARAV ALE. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 553.
GARBETA. Thana in Midnapur district, Bengal. Area, 437 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 138,023.
GARCHIROLI Town in Chanda district, Central Provinces ; on the
left bank of the Wainganga river, twenty-three miles east-north-east of
Miil. Lat. 20 11', long. 80 3'. Pop. (1881), 3099.
GARDEN REACH. Port on the Hugli river, in the Twenty- four
Parganas district, Bengal ; a suburb of Calcutta. Lat. 22 32' 35", long.
88 21' 40". Area, 883 acres. Pop. (1881), 19,032.
GAR GUNS A. Town in Kashmir State, Punjab; 177 miles north-
east from Dehra, and 185 miles north east from Simla. Lat. 32 10',
long. 80 4'.
GARH. Tillage in Bewah State, Central India Agency ; on the direct
route from Mirzapur to the diamond mines of Panna, and sixty-five miles
south-west of the former. Elevation above the sea, 1036 feet. Lat. 24
50', long. 81 42'.
GARHA. Town in Jodhpur State, Rajputana ; on the right bank of
the Luni river, and 120 miles south-west from Jodhpur. Lat. 25 11',
long. 71 42'.
GARHA. Fort in Sultanpur district, Oudh ; on the right bank of the
Gumti, fourteen miles south-east of Sultanpur, 106 south-east of Lucknow.
Lat. 26 10', long. 82 19'.
GARHA. Town in Jabalpur district, Central Provinces ; ninety miles
south-east of Sagar. Lat. 23 10', long. 79 56' 30". Pop. (1876), 2588.
GARHA. State in the Guna Agency, Central India Agency. Pop.
(1881), 9544.
GARHA. Pargana in Ghazipur district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 37,708.
GARHA. Village in Banda district, KW.P. ; on the route from the
town of Banda to Eewah, twenty-four miles south of the former. It is
situate on the right bank of the river Baghin. Lat. 25 9', long. 80 33'.
GARHA. Town in Rewah State, Central India Agency ; thirteen
miles from the left bank of the river Son, and thirteen miles east from
Kewah. Lat. 24 30', long. 81 35'.
GARHA. State in Gwalior State, Central India Agency. Pop. (1881),
GARHA KALAN. Village in Banda district, N.W.P. Pop. (1872),
284 GAR
GARHAKOTA. Town in Sagar district, Central Provinces ; situated
in an angle formed by the rivers Sonar and Gadhairi. Lat. 23 47', long.
79 II 7 30". Pop. (1881), 11,414. Garhakota passed into the hands of
the British Government in 1861, consequent on exchange of territory
with Maharaja Sindhia.
GARHAKOTA RAMNA. Forest in Sagar district, Central Provinces.
Area, 6 sq. miles.
GARHAULL Town in Hamirpur district, N.W.P. Pop. (1872), 4501.
GARHBETA. Subdivision of Midnapur district, Bengal; between lat.
22 34' 30" 22 57', and long. 87 6' 87 50' 45". Pop. (1872), 354,486.
GARHBORI. Town (in pargana of same name) in Chanda district,
Central Provinces ; on a branch of the Andharf river, sixteen miles
north-north-west of Mul. Lat. 20 18', long. 79 38' 30". Area of
pargana, 516 sq. miles.
GARHDIW ALA. Town in Hoshiarpur district, Punjab. Lat. 31
44' 30", long. 75 47' 30". Pop. (1881), 3438. An annual fair is held
here, attended by not less than 20,000 persons.
GARHGAON. A ruined city, with remains of a fort and palace,
in Sibsagar district, Assam ; near Sibsagar town. Lat. 26 57', long.
94 46'.
GARHI (BHAISA KHIRI). State, Central India Agency. Pop
(1881), 980.
GARHI-ADTI-SHAH. Town in Shikarpur district, Sind, Bombay.
Pop. (1872), 1327. Lat. 27 31', long. 69 4'.
GARHI MTJKHTIYAR KHAN. Town in Bahawalpur State, Punjab.
Pop. (1881), 5001.
GARHIYA. Town in Birbhum district, Bengal ; 138 miles north-
west of Calcutta. Lat. 24, long. 86 59'.
GARHI YASIN. Town and municipality in Shikarpur district, Sind,
Bombay. Lat. 27 54', long. 68 33' 15". Pop. (1881), 5541.
GARHKUHIYA. Town in Gonda district, Oudh; on the left bank
of the river Gogra, and forty -four miles east from Lucknow. Lat. 27,
long. 81 41'.
GARHMTJKHTESAR Town (in pargana of same name) in Meerut
district, N.W.P. Lat. 28 47' 10", long. 78 8' 30". Pop. (1881), 7305,
Situated on the Ganges. There is an annual fair held in the town
attended by upwards of 200,000 pilgrims. Pop. of pargana (1881),
48,724. Also thana. Pop. (1881), 30,269.
GARHORI. Town in Chanda district, Central Provinces; sixty-seven
miles south-east by south from Nagpur, and 149 miles east-south-east
from Ellichpur. Lat. 20 19', long. 79 39'.
GARHSHANKAR. Town (in tahsil of same name) in Hoshiarpur
district, Punjab. Lat. 31 12' 58", long. 76 11' 2". Pop. (1881), 5275.
Area of tahsil, 451 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 235,165.
GARHVI. River of Bhandara, Seoni, and Chanda districts, Central
Provinces ; falling into the Wainganga below Seoni, in Chanda district,
in lat. 20 26', long. 80.
GARHWAL. District in the Kumaun division, N.W.P. ; between
lat. 29 26' 31 5', and long. 78 17' 15" 80 8'. Area, 5500 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 345,629 persons, exclusive of the Native State of the same
name, of which the area is 9180 sq. miles, and the population (1881),
199,836. Bounded on the north by Thibet; on the east by Kumaun
GAR 285
district ; on the south by Bijnaur district ; on the west by Garhwal State
and Dehra Dun district. The chief towns are Pauri (the capital) and
Srmagar. The mountains are the Himalayas. The chief rivers are the
Nyar and the Alaknanda. There are upwards of 1000 miles of roads in
this district. The administration is conducted by an Assistant Com-
GARHWAL (TEHRI). State, N.W.P. ; between lat. 30 2' 31 20',
and long. 77 54' 79 19'. Area, 9180 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 199,836.
The chief town is Tehri. The chief river is the Alaknanda, and other
headwaters of the Ganges ; the whole country is mountainous, being on
the slopes of the Himalayas. The Raja has a salute of 11 guns.
GARI. Town in Haidarabad district, Sind, Bombay ; sixty-three
miles south-east of Tatta. Lat. 24 18', long. 68 51'.
GfARIADHAR. Town in Baroda State ; distant from Ahmedabad,
south-west, 125 miles; Baroda, south-west, 120; Surat, north-west,
ninety; Bombay, north-west, 195. Lat. 21 31', long. 71 31'.
GARI SADA KHAN. Town in Hazara district, Punjab ; seventy-
four miles north-east of the town of Attock. Lat. 34 20', long. 73 28'.
GARNEMETTA. Town in Cuddapah district, Madras. Lat. 13 48',
long. 78 56'. Pop. (1871), 5938.
GAROBIR. Town in Nepal State ; on the left bank of the Jimru river,
and 200 miles north-west from Khatmandu. Lat. 28 5', long. 82 5'.
GARO HILLS. District of Assam ; between lat. 25 9' 26 1', and
long. 89 52' 91 3'. Area, 3180 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 85,634.
Tura is the chief town. The chief mountains are the Tura and Arbela.
The chief rivers are the Krishnai, Kalu, and other tributaries of the
Brahmaputra. The district was constituted a separate administration in.
the year 1866. There is also another district named the Garo Hills
Plains, of which the area is 473 sq. miles, and the pop. (1881), 23,914.
GAROL. State in Ilewa Kantha, Bombay, paying an annual tribute
of 3 to the Gaekwar of Baroda.
GAROLA State in Sagar district, Central Provinces. Pop. (1870),
1043. In the estate is a lake of considerable size.
GAROT. Town in Shahpur district, Punjab. Pop. (1881), 2776.
GAROTHA (GTJROTA). Village (in tahsil of same name) in Jhansi
district, X.W.P. ; on the route from Banda to Gwalior, seventy-eight
miles west of the former, 126 south-east of the latter. Lat. 25 35',
long. 79 22'. Area of tashil, 501 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 87,897.
Also thana. Pop. (1881), 22,455.
GARRA (DEOHA). River of Kumaun, Bareilly and Shahjahanpur
districts, N.W.P., and Hardoi district, Oudh; rising in lat. 29 9', long.
79 49', and falling into the Western Ramganga, on the left side, in lat.
27 12', long. 79 58'.
GARRATJLL State of Bundelkhand, Central India Agency. Area,
25 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 4976. The chief maintains a force of 75 men.
GARUDA-GIRL Hill in Kadur district, Mysore. Lat. 13 29', long.
76 17'.
GARUDANADL River in South Arcot district, Madras ; falling into
the Bay of Bengal.
GARUMARL Porest in Darrang district, Assam. Area, 205 acres.
GARWA. Village and municipality, on the North Koel river, in
Lohardaga district, Bengal. Lat. 24 9' 45", long. 83 51' 10". Pop.
(1881), 6043. Also thana. Area, 570 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
GARWAR. Thana in Ballia district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 98,070.
GAR WAR. Town in Ghazipur district, "N.W. P.; on the route from
Azamgarh to Dinapur, fifty-seven miles east- south- east of the former.
Lat. 25 46', long. 84 5'.
GAR YARSA. Town in Kashmir State, Punjab ; 202 miles north-
east from Simla, and 177 miles north-east from Dehra. Lat. 31 49',
long. 8 29'.
GASTTLPTJR. State in Jahalpur district, Central Provinces ; on the
route from Jabalpur to Rewah, sixteen miles north-east of the former.
Lat. 23 20', long. 80 10'.
GATHAR. Town in Shikarpur district, Sind, Bombay. Pop. (1872),
GATKA. State in Kathiawar, Bombay ; paying a yearly tribute of
64 to the British Government and 20 to Junagarh.
GATIDALLL Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 198.
GAUGHAT. Town on the Jumna, in Allahabad district, KW.P. ;
near the city of Allahabad, and on the south side of it. Lat. 25 25',
long. 81 55'.
GATIHA. Town in Bandara district, Central Provinces ; three miles
from the left bank of the Wainganga, and thirty-eight miles east from
Nagpur. Lat. 21 6', long. 79 43'.^
GAUHANL Town in Banda district, KW.P. ; three miles left or
south-east of the route from Allahabad to Kalinjar, sixty-five miles west
of the former, fifty-seven north-east of the latter. Lat. 25 18', long.
81 9'.
GATJHATI (GOWHATTY). Capital of Kamrup district, Assam ; on
the Brahmaputra, in lat. 26 11', long. 91 48'. Pop. (1872), 11,492.
In former times a place of considerable importance. There are a High
School and a Persian School. In the immediate neighbourhood there are
two places of Hindu pilgrimage.
GATILI. Village in Bijnaur district, KW.P. ; on the route from
Moradabad to Muzaffarnagar, and thirty-seven miles north-west of the
former place. Distant north-west from Calcutta, by Moradabad, 925
miles. Lat. 29 7', long. 78 23'.
GAULI (MEW ASI). State in Khandesh district, Bombay. Estimated
pop. (1875-76), 500.
GAITNDONGREM. Village in Canacona district, Portuguese India.
Pop. (1881), 1680.
GATJNTL Thana in Patebpur district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 19,595.
GAUNTI A. Village in Farrukhabad district, N.W.P. ; on the route
from the cantonment of Shahjahanpur to Patehgarh, and five miles
north-east of the latter. Lat. 27 24', long. 79 41'.
GAUR (LAKHNATTTI). A ruined city in Malclah district, Bengal.
It is situate in lat. 24 52', long. 88 10'. Gaur, which was the
capital of Bengal under the Hindu dynasty, is famous for its extensive
ruins, and for its artificial lake, the most celebrated of its kind in Bengal.
Gaur is distant from Berhampur, north, sixty-one miles ; from Calcutta,
by Berhanipur, 179 ; Rajmahal, south-east, twenty-five.
GATJRA. Town in Nepal State ; on the right bank of a branch of the
San Kusi river, and fifty-five miles east from Khatmandu. Lat. 27 45',
long. 86 10'.
(jAURA. Town in Gorakhpur district, N.AV.P. Pop. (1881), 8485.
GAURA JAMUN. Pargana in Sultanpur district, Oudh. Area, 93
sq. miles. Pop. (1869), 50,016.
GAURANDI. Thana in Manbhum district, Bengal. Area, 173 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 45,793.
GAURANGDIHL Hills in Bankura district, Bengal. Lat. 23 26',
long. 86 48' 45".
GATIRANGI. River of Bhutan State, and Goalpara district, Assam;
rising in lat. 26 43', long. 90 7', and falls into the Brahmaputra on the
right side, in lat. 26 10', long. 90 13'.
GATJRIDAR. State in Kathiawar, Bombay ; paying an annual tribute
of 101 to the British Government and 61 to Junagarh.
GAITRIHAR. State in BundelUhand, Central India Agency; between
lat. 25 14' 25 26', and long. 80 12' 80 21'. Bounded on the east
by Banda and Hamirpur districts; on the north and west by Banda
district; and on the south by Chhatarpur State. Area, 73 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 10,691. The chief maintains a force of 3 guns, 35 cavalry,
and 240 foot-soldiers.
GATIRIHAR. Capital of State of same name, Bundelkhand, Central
India Agency. Lat. 25 16', long. 80 14'.
GAURIPIIR, Village in Goalpara district, Assam; on the Brahma-
putra. Lat. 26 11', long. 90 7'. Pop. (1872), 1805. A trading fair
is held here every year.
GATIRIYA. Village in Cawnpore district, N.W.P. ; on the route
from Allahabad to Etawah, and seventy miles south-east of the latter.
Lat. 26 12', long. 79 55'.
GATJRJTHANA. Town in Bahawalpur State, Punjab ; near the left
bank of the river Ghara, and 130 miles east-north-east from Bahawalpur.
Lat. 30 14', long. 73 39'.
GATTRNADDL Thana in Bakarganj district, Bengal. Area, 262 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 184,192.
GAVIPTIR. Village in Bangalore district, Mysore. Lat. 12 56',
long. 77 36'. Pop. (1871), 548. Noted for its cave temple.
GAVIRDAD. Fifth-class State in Kathiawar, Bombay. Area, 27 sq.
GAW. Revenue circle, Amherst district, British Burma. Pop. (1876),
GAWILGARH. Hills in Berar ; between lat. 21 10' 21 46' 30",
and long. 76 40' 77 53'.
GAWILGARH. Fortress (on hills of same name) in Ellichpur
district, Berar; between the Purna and Tapti rivers. Lat. 21 21' 30",
long. 77 24' 30". Height, 3595 feet. The fort was dismantled in 1853.
GAWT AM AW. Revenue circle, Prome district, British Burma. Pop.
(1877), 355.
GAYA. District in the Patna division, Bengal ; between lat. 24 17'
25 19', and long. 84 4' 86 5'. Area, 4712 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
2,124,682. Bounded on the north by Patna district; on the east by
Monghyr district ; on the south and south-east by Lohardaga and Hazari-
bagh districts; and on the west by Shahabad district on the other side
of the Son. The district is hilly in the south, the highest summit being
the Maher Hill, 1620 feet high. The chief rivers are the Son, the
Punpun, and the Phalgu. The chief towns are Gaya (the capital),
Jahanabad, and Tikari. The district abounds with places of veneration,
and immense numbers of pilgrims repair to the various temples, etc.,
which are to be found in all directions. The administration is in the
hands of a Collector.
GAYA. Subdivision of Gaya district, Bengal, lying between lat. 24
17'_25 6' 30', and long. 84 20' 30" 85 26' 45". Area, 1839 sq.
miles.- Pop. (1881), 805,364. Also thana. Area, 456 sq. miles. Pop.
(1881), 291,513.
GAYA. Town (in district of same name) in Bengal; situate on the
Phalgu river. Lat. 24 48' 44", long. 85 3' 16". Pop. (1881), 76,415.
GAYA. Town in Kashmir State, Punjab ; 128 miles north-east from
Chamba, and 144 miles north-east from Kane;ra. Lat. 33 39', long.
77 50'.
GAZZALHATHI. Pass in Coimbatore district, Madras. Lat. 11
33', long. 77 3'.
GEDI. State in Kathiawar, Bombay; paying a yearly tribute of
120 to the British Government, and 13 to Junagarh.
GEJJAHANAKODU. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 222.
GENERAL GANJ. Thana in Cawnpore district, N.W.P. Pop.
(1881), 31,283.
GEONKHALI. Lighthouse in Midnapur district, Bengal. Lat. 21
50' 15", long. 87 59' 15".
GEORGEGARH. Fortress in Rohtak district, Punjab. Lat. 28 38',
long. 76 37'. Built by the adventurer George Thomas.
GHAGAR. River of Bakarganj district, Bengal : it rises in lat. 23
1' 45", long. 90 8' 45", and flows into a tributary of the Ganges in lat.
22 48' 30", long. 89 57' 15".
GHAGGAR. River of Sirmur State, Umballa district, Patiala State,
Hissar and Sirsa districts, and Bahawalpur (State, Punjab. It rises in lat.
30 41', long. 77 14'.
GHAIBI DERO. -Town in Shikarpur district, Sind. Lat. 27 36',
long. 67 41'. Pop. (1872), 857.
GHAIBIPUR. Village in Hissar district, N.W.P. Lat. 29 25',
long. 76.
GHAIKTJL. Town in Chanda district, Central Provinces ; on the
right bank of the Wainganga river, and 103 miles south-east from
Nagpur. Lat. 19 49', long. 79 48'.
GHAN. River in Berar, rising in lat. 20 26' 30", long. 76 23' 20",
and joining the Purna in lat. 20 55', long. 76 33'.
GHA 289
GHANAUR Town in Patiala State, Punjab. Pop. (1881), 1099.
GHANINAUDA. State in Bewa Kantha, Bombay. Area, 1 sq. mile.
GHANSOR. Village in Seoni district, Central Provinces. Lat. 22
21' long. 79 50'. Noted for its ruined temples and sculptures.
GHANTL Thana in Gorakhpur district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
GHARA. A stream in Sind, flowing by the village of the same name,
and falling into a long creek opening into the Indian Ocean, ten miles east
of Karachi. The mouth of the Ghara creek is in lat. 24 45', long.
67 12'.
GHARA. River formed by the junction of the Beas and the Sutlej ;
after joining the Chenab in lat. 29 18', long. 71 6', it is called the
GHARO. Tillage in Karachi district, Sind, Bombay. Lat. 24 44'
30", long. 67 37' 30". Pop. (1872), 828.
GHATAL. Town and municipality (in subdivision of same name) in
Midnapur district, Bengal; on the Silai river. Lat. 22 40' 10", long.
87 45' 50". Pop. (1881), 12,638. Area of subdivision, 317 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 287,337. Also thana. Area, 92 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
GHATAMPUR. Town (in tahsil of same name) in Cawnpore district,
N.W.P. ; twenty-eight miles east of Kalpi. Lat. 26 9', long. 80 13'.
Area of tahsil, 335 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 113,946. Also thana. Pop.
(1881), 77,335.
GHATAMPUR. Pargana in TJnao district, Oudh. Area, 26 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 15,469.
GHATAMPUR KALAN. Town in TJnao district, Oudh. Lat. 26
22', long. 80 46'. Pop. (1869), 1750.
GHATARO. Town in Muzaffarpur district, Bengal. Pop. (1881),
GHATKUL. Pargana in Chanda district, Central Provinces. Area,
36 sq. miles.
GHAT LAHCHURA. Thana in Jhansi district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
GHATPILLI. Town in Haidarabad State ; ninety-seven miles north-
east from Haidarabad, and 100 miles south from Chanda. Lat. 18 30 ; ,
long. 79 22'.
GHATPRABHA. Ttiver of Belgaum district, and Mudhol State,
Bombay ; rising in lat. 15 50', long. 74 3', on the eastern slope of the
Western Ghats ; falls into the Kistna in lat. 16 20', long. 75 52'.
m GHATS (EASTERN). A chain of mountains of Southern India,
rising in Balasor district, Bengal, in about the same latitude as the
"Western Ghats on the opposite side of the peninsula. This chain
may be traced in a south-westerly direction through the districts of
Ganjam,_Yizagapatam, Godavari, Nellore, Chengalpat, South Arcot, Tri-
chinopoli, and Tinnevelli, in Madras. The average elevation of the
Eastern Ghats is about 1500 feet.
GHATS (WESTERN). An extensive range of mountains of Southern
290 GHA
India. Their northern limit is the valley of the Tapti, of which a
branch from the Suhyadri Mountains (as the npper part of the Western
Ghats is called) forms the southern inclosing range, about lat. 21
21 15', long. 73 45' 74 40', and is connected with groups which
diminish in height towards the east until they sink into the table-
land of Berar. In lat. 21 10', long. 74, this great range (the Western
Ghats) turns south nearly at right angles to that which forms the south
inclosing range of the valley of the Tapti. Its elevation increases as
it proceeds southwards, and at Mahabaleshwar, in lat. 18, long. 73 40 ; ,
is 4700 feet above the sea. South of Mahabaleshwar, and in lat. about
15, the elevation diminishes, so as not to be more than 1000 feet above
the sea. Still further to the south, however, the elevation increases, and
attains its maximum towards Coorg, where Bonasson Hill is said to be
7000 feet above the sea; Tandianmole, 5781 ; Pupagiri, 5682. South of
those elevations, the Ghats join the Nilgiri group. The length of the
Western Ghats, from the northern extremity of the Sahyadri Mountains,
to the southern brow, joining the Kunda Mountains on the north side of
the Palghat Valley, is about 800 miles. The mountains rising on the
south side of Palghat Valley, which may be called a continuation of
the Western Ghats, have considerable elevation. The length of the
chain of mountains extending from Cape Comorin to the valley of Palghat
is 200 miles.
GHATSILLA. Thana in Singbhum district, Bengal. Area, 1147 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 165,709.
GHATTA. Town in Jaipur State, Rajputana ; forty-five miles south-
east from Jaipur, and 104 miles south-west from Agra. Lat. 26 38',
long. 76 35'.
GHATWALI VILLAGES. Thana in Santal Parganas district, Bengal.
Pop. (1881), 27,462.
GHAUSGANJ. Town in Cawnpore district, KW.P. Pop. (1881),
GHAZIABAD. Town and municipality (in tahsil of same name) in
Meerut district, KW.P. ; lat. 28 39' 55", long. 77 28' 10". Pop.
(1881), 12,059. Ghaziabad is the joint station of the East Indian, and
Sind, Punjab and Delhi railways, and the junction for Delhi. Area of
tahsil, 494 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 244,815. Also thana. Pop. (1881),
GHAZIKA THANNA. Town in IJlwar State, Rajput-ana ; forty-
seven miles north-east from Jaipur, and 110 north-west from Agra. Lat.
27 27', long. 76 21'.
GHAZIPUR. District in the Benares division, N.W.P. ; between
lat. 25 18' 31" 26 2' 10", and long. 83 6' 20" 84 42' 40". Area,
1473 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 1,014,099. Bounded on the north by
Azamgarh and Saran districts ; on the west by Benares and Jaunpur
districts ; on the south by Shahabad district ; and on the east by Saran
district. The chief rivers are the Ganges, Gogra, Sargu, and Gumti.
The chief towns are Ghazipur (the capital), Mahatwar Khas, and
Shinpur. The East Indian Railway traverses the southern portion of
the district. The administration is conducted by a Collector-Magistrate,
two Joint Magistrates, an Assistant, and two Deputies.
GHAZIPUR. Town and municipality (in tahsil of same name) in
Ghazipur district, N.W.P. Lat. 25 33' 36", long. 83 35' 13". Pop.
(1881), 32,885. Area of tahsil, 432 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 322,408.
Also pargana. Pop. (1881), 113,608. And thana. Pop. (1881),
GHAZIPUR. Tahsil of Fatehpur district, KW.P. Area, 266 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 90,170. Also pargana. Pop. (1881), 46,231.
And thana. Pop. (1881), 39,121.
GHAZIPUR KHASS. Town in Fatehpnr district, TST.W.P. ; on the
route from Allahabad to Hami'rpur, seventy-three miles north-west of the
former. Lat. 25 48', long. 80 50'.
GHAZNI. Town in Afghanistan with a famous fortress ; situated on
the left bank of the river of the same name, eighty-five miles south-west
of Kabul, and 233 miles north-east of Kandahar. Lat. 33 34', long. 68 19'.
GHENDI. Town in Nepal State ; situate three miles from one of the
branches of the Gandak river, and 122 miles north-west from Khat-
rnandu. Lat. 28 21', long. 83 29'.
GHERIA. Town in Murshidabad district, Bengal. Lat. 24 30' 15",
long. 88 8' 15".
GHE8. State in Sambalpur district, Central Provinces, about fifty
miles west of Sambalpur. Area, 30 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 7030. The
principal village, Ghes, is situated in lat. 21 11' 30", long. 83 20".
GHIRDI. Town in Satara district, Bombay ; eighty-nine miles south
east of Satara. Lat. 17 17', long. 75 21'.
GHIRG AON. Village in Kumaun district, 1SYW.P. ; on the route
from Pithoragarh to the Anta Dhara Pass, thirty-two miles north of
Pithoragarh. Lat. 30 2', long. 80 13'.
GHISWA (GHISSUA). Town (in pargana of same name) in Jaunpur
district, N.W.P. ; distant seventeen miles west from Jaunpur, thirty-nine
miles north from Mirzapur. Pop. 8868. Lat. 25 41', long. 82 28'.
GHOGHARO. Town in Shikarpur district, Sind, Bombay. Lat.
27 29', long. 68 4'. Pop. (1872), 1415. Centre of rice trade.
GHOGHIA. Town in Saran district, Bengal ; ninety-three miles
north-west of Dinapur. Lat. 26 54', long. 84 38'.
GHOLGHAT. Village in Huglf district, Bengal.
GHOLWAD. Port in Tanna district, Bombay. Lat. 25 5' long.
72 46'.
GHORASAR. State in Mahi Kantha Agoncy, Bombay. Pop. (1881),
8400. An annual tribute is payable of 48 16s. to the British Govern-
ment, and 350 to the Gaekwar of Baroda. Its capital is Ghorasar.
Lat. 23 28', long. 73 20'.
a GHORA TRUP. Village in Peshawar district, Punjab ; situate on the
right bank of the river Indus, eleven miles south-west of Attock, and
thirty-four south-east of Peshawar. Lat. 33 46', long. 72 9'.
GHORAWAL. Town in Mirzapur district, KW.P. ; on the route
from Sasseram to llewah, seventy-eight miles south-west of the former.
Lat. 24 46', long. 82 51'. Also than a. Pop. (1881), 44,675.
GHORIBARL Taluk of Karachi district, Sind, Bombay. Between
lat. 24 5' 24 34', and long. 67 21' 15" 68 1'. Area, 537 sq. miles.
Pop. (1872), 32,362.
GHOSI. Pargana in Azamgarh district, KW.P. Pop. (1881),
125,885. Also thana. Pop. (1881), 85,580.
GHOSIA. Town in Azamgarh district, JST.W.P. ; on the route from
Ghazipur to Gorakhpur, and forty-seven miles north of the latter.
Distance north-east from Benares, sixty-four miles. Lat. 26 5', long.
83 36'.
GHOTANA. Town and municipality in Haidarabad district, Sind,
Bombay. Lat. 25 44' 45", long. 68 27'. Pop. (1872), 953.
GHOTE. Town in Chanda district, Central Provinces; 110 miles
south-east from Nagpur, and .131 miles north-west from Jagdalpur.
Lat. 19 50', long. 80 8'.
GHOTIPTTRTL Town in Haidarabad State; seventy-three miles
north-east from Haidarabad, and 140 miles north-west from Masulipatam.
Lat. 17 30', long. 79 39'.
GHOTKI. Town and municipality (in taluk of same name) in Shika-
pur district, Sind, Bombay. Lat. 28 0' 15", long. 69 21' 15". Pop.
(1872), 3689. Area of taluk, 372 sq. miles. Pop. (1872), 46,406.
GHTJGA (GTIGYA). Village in Gorakhpur district, N.W.P. ; on the
route from Ghazipur to Gorakhpur, twenty-two miles south of the latter.
Lat. 26 20', long. 83 30'.
GHUGTJS. Village in Chanda district, Central Provinces. Lat. 19
56' 30", long. 79 9' 30". Noted for its temples and caves.
GHTJLAM ALIKA TANDA. Town in Haidarabad district, Sind,
Bombay ; thirty-six miles south-east of Haidarabad. Lat. 25 9', long. 68 59'.
GHTJLLA. Town in Warsavi State, Rewa Kantha, Bombay; 163
miles north-east from Bombay, and thirty-two miles south from Broach.
Lat. 21 15', long. 73 5'.
GHTJNGL Eiver of Nepal State ; joins the Dhumela in lat. 27 5',
long. 83 12', and ultimately falls into the Kapti on the left side, in lat.
27 3', long. 83 12', having altogether flowed about 100 miles.
GHUNNAPURA. Town in Haidarabad State ; distance from the city
of Haidarabad, south-west, sixty miles. Lat. 16 34', long. 78.
GHUNSAMPTJR. Village in Shahjahanpur district, N.W.P. ; on the
route from Bareilly to Sitapur, and forty- eight miles south-east of the
former. Lat. 28 6', long. 80 6'.
GHTTNTAL. Village in Gurgaon district, N.W.P. Lat. 28 14',
long. 76 53'.
GHURAM. Town in Patiala State, Punjab. Pop. (1881), 1078.
GHURAUNDA (GURAUND A). Village in Karnal district, Punjab ;
on the route from the city of Delhi to Karnal, and twelve miles south-
east of the latter. Lat. 29 32', long. 77 2'.
GHURATIT. Village in Gurgaon district, KW.P. ; on the route from
Hansi, by Gurgaon, to Muttra, and fifty-four miles north-west of the
latter. Lat. 28 5', long. 77 16'.
GHURAUTUH (GAROT AH). Village in Gurgaon district, KW.P. ;
on the route from Muttra to Delhi, by the right bank of the Jumna, and
fifty-five miles south-east of the latter city. Lat. 27 56', long. 77 28'.
GHURAWAL. Town in Mirzapur district, KW.P. Top. (1881),
GHURCHURULL Town in Chanda district, Central Provinces ; on
the left bank of the Wainganga river, and eighty-seven miles south-east
from Nagpur. Lat. 20 12', long. 80 1'.
GHURIALA. Town in Eikaner State, Rajputana ; on the route from
the town of Bikaner to Jaisalmir, and fifty miles south-west of the former.
Lat. 27 44', long. 72 36'.
GHURPARRAH. Town in Sagar district, Central Provinces ; on the
route from Sagar to Tehrf, seven miles north-west of the former. Lat.
23 55', long. 78 45'.
GHURPUR. Thana in Allahabad district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
GHUSAL PASS. Pass in Bashahr State, Punjab ; across the range
of the Himalaya, forming the southern boundary of Kunawar. Elevation
above the sea, 15,851 feet. Lat. 31 21', long. 78 13'.
GHUSGARH. Town in Bahawalpur State, Punjab ; seventy-three
miles south-east from Bahawalpur, and 127 miles north-east from Jaisal-
mir. Lat. 28 24', long. 72 6'.
GHUSIA (GTJSI A). Village in Benares district, KW.P. ; four miles
north of the left bank of the Ganges, where the route from Benares
to Allahabad is intersected by that from Jaunpur to Mirzapur. Distant
west of Benares, twenty nine miles; from Allahabad, east, forty-five.
Lat. 25 16', long. 82 36'.
GHUSIPURA. Village in Bijnaur district, KW.P. ; on the route
from Moradabad to Hardwar, and thirty-three miles south-east of the
latter. Lat. 29 35', long. 78 25'.
GHUSNA (GUSUNA). Village in Muttra district, KW.P. ; on the
route from Aligarh to Muttra, and five miles north-east of the latter.
Lat. 27 32', long. 77 48'.
GHUSPUR. Town in Ghazipur district, N.W.P. : on the left bank
of the Ganges, ten miles east of Ghazipur cantonment, 590 miles north-
west of Calcutta by water. Lat. 25 37', long. 83 47'.
GHUSPUR. Village in Ludhiana district, Punjab ; on the route from
Ludhiana to Firozpur, and ten miles west of the former town. Distant
north-west from Calcutta, 1112 miles. Lat. 30 57', long. 75 44'.
GHUSRL Village in Hugli district, Bengal.
GHUTASAN DEVI. Pass in Sirmur State, Punjab. A route from
Dehra to Nahan lies through the pass. Elevation above the sea, 2500
feet. Lat. 30 31', long. 77 28'.
GIABA.NG. Village in Bashahr State, Punjab ; situate in the Kuna-
war district in the valley of Buskulung, arid near the right bank of
the river Darbang. Elevation above the sea, 9200 feet. Lat. 31 47',
long. 78 29'.
GIDDALUR. Town in Cuddapah district, Madras; 158 miles south-
west of Masulipatam. Lat. 15 23', long. 79.
GIDHATJB (GIDHOB). Tillage in Bareilly district, KW.P. ; on
the route from Bareilly to Pitlioragarh, and forty-eight miles north-
east of the former. Lat. 28 49', long. 79 56'.
GIDHAUB. Town in Monghyr district, Bengal. Lat. 24 51' 20",
long. 86 14' 25". The Gidhaur family have been settled here 700
GIDHAUB GALLI Pass in Peshawar district, Punjab, lying on the
road from Peshawar to Attock, five miles north-west of the latter town.
Lat. 33 56', long. 72 12'. Derives its name (the Jackal's Neck) from
its extreme narrowness, being not more than ten or twelve feet wide,
and bounded on either side by considerable hills.
GIDU-JO-TANDO Town on the Indus, in Haidarabad district, Sind,
Bombay. Lat. 25 22' 15", long. 68 21'. Pop. (1872), 1832.
GIDWAS. Town in Purniah district, Bengal ; sixty-four miles north-
east of Bhagalpur. Lat. 26 4', long. 97 25'.
GIGASAB AN. State in Kathiawar, Bombay.
GIHBOB. Town (in pargana of same name) in Mainpnri district ; on
the route from Agra to Mainpuri, and seventeen miles west of the latter.
Elevation above the sea, 648 feet. Lat. 27 11', long. 78 51'. Pop.
of pargana (1881), 62,837. Also thana. Pop. (1881), 55,524.
GIHUN. Tillage in Jodhpur State, Eajputana ; on the route from
Pokaran to Balmer, and four miles north of the latter place. It lies
at the eastern base of a small range of rocky hills, dividing the Great
from the Little Desert. Lat. 25 50', long. 71 20'.
GIJGABH. Town in Jaipur State, Rajputana. Pop. (1881), 5171.
GILATULLI. Town in Sylhet district, Assam ; seventy-four miles
west of Gauhati. Lat. 25 5', long. 91 39'.
GILGAON. State in Chanda district, Central Provinces. Its chief
village (of same name) is in lat. 20 0' 30", long. 80 5' 80". Area, 60
sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 1211.
GILGIT. Talley in Kashmir State, Punjab ; on the southern declivitj
of the Hindu Kush, lying between Baltistan or Little Thibet on the east,
and Chitral on the west. It consists principally of one large valley, down
which the stream called the river of Gilgit flows, and falls into the Indus
on the right or north-western bank, in lat. 35 47', long. 74 31'. There
is also a village of the same name on the right bank of the stream, in lat.
36, long. 74 10'.
GINAUB. Tahsil of Budaun district, N.W.P. ; lying along the
northern bank of the Ganges. Area, 310 sq. miles. Pop. (1872),
GINGI (CHENJI). Town and fortress in South Arcot district,
Madras. Lat. 12 15' 19", long. 79 26' 8'. Formerly a place of great
strength and importance.
GINIKHIBA. Tillage in Moradabad district, N.W.P. ; twenty-eight
miles north of Moradabad. Lat. 29 1 1', long. 79.
GINOBI ( GUN ATJBI). Town (with a fort) in Bulandshahr district,
K.W.P. ; fifty-five miles south-east of Delhi. Lat. 28 20', long. 78 4'.
GIBAL Tillage in Hissar district, Punjab. Lat. 29 14', long.
75 58'
GIR 295
GIRAJSIR. Town in Jaisalmir State, Rajputana ; on the route from
the town of Bikaner to that of Jaisalrnir, and fifty miles south-west
of the former. Lat. 27 42', long. 72 36'.
GIRAPURAM. Town in Haidarabad State; on the left bank of
the Godavari river, and 150 miles north-east from Haidarabad. Lat.
18 28', long. 80 29'.
GIRAR. Thana in Lalitpur district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 6935.
GIRAR. Town in Wardha district, Central Provinces ; thirty-seven
miles south-east of "Wardha. Lat. 20 40', long. 79 9' 30". There is a
Musalman shrine in this town, to which a large number of pilgrims, alike
Hindu and Muslims, continually flock. Pop. (1870), 1836.
GIRARI. Town in Hoshangabad district, Central Provinces ; on the
route from Ramgarh to Palamau, thirty-nine miles north-east of the
former. Lat. 22 53', long. 81 37'.
GIRATIB. Town in Jodhpur State, Rajputana ; sixty-two miles
south-west from Jaisalmir, and 157 miles south-west from Jodhpur.
Lat. 26 5', long. 70 40'.
GIRDABADL Hill of Eastern Ghats, in Ganjam district, Madras,
Lat. 19 29' 44", long. 84 25' 18". Height, 3399 feet.
GIRDHIAL Village in Moradabad district, N.W.P. ; on the route
from the town of Moradabad to Almora, and twenty-six miles north
of the former. Lat. 29 10', long. 79.
GIRHTJR. Town in Nagpur district, Central Provinces ; thirty-seven
miles south from Nagpur, and 110 miles south-east from Ellichpur.
Lat. 20 39', long. 79 10'.
GIRIDHI. Subdivision, Hazaribagh district, Bengal. Area, 2446 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 432,504.
GIRIYAK. Tillage on the Panchana river, Patna district, Bengal.
Lat. 25 1' 45", long. 85 54'.
GIRNA. River of Khandesh district, Bombay ; falls into the Tapti
on the left side, in lat. 21 9', long. 75 17'.
GIRNAR. Hill in Kathiawar, Bombay ; famQus for its ruined temples
find inscriptions of Asoka. Lat. 21 30', long. 70 42'. Height, 3500
GIRRI. River of Keonthal State, Punjab ; falls into the Jumna in
lat. 30 27', long. 77 44'.
GIRWA. River of Nepal State and Bahraich district, Oudh ; leaves
the Kauriala, and again joins that river; uniting with the Sarju and the
Chauka, they form the Gogra.
GIRWAH. See GrawiN.
GIRWAN. Town (in tahsfl of same name) in Banda district, KW.P. ;
eleven miles south of Banda. Lat. 25 19', long. 80 27'. Area of tahsil,
308 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 88,651. Also thana. Pop. (1881),
GIRWAR. Town in Sirohi State, Rajputana ; fifty-seven miles west
from Udaipur, and fifty-one miles north-east from Disa. Lat. 24 36',
long. 72 45'.
GIRWARA. Town in Bundelkhand, Central India Agency; 123 miles
north-east of Sagar. Lat. 24 31'. long. 80 29'.
GIRWARL Town in Gwalior State, Central India Agency ; fifty
miles south-west from Gwalior, and sixty-nine miles north-west from
Jhansi. Lat. 25 48', long. 77 37'.
GISGARH. Town in Jaipur State, Rajputana ; fifty-six miles east
from Jaipur, and 128 south-west from Delhi. Lat. 26 52', long. 76 49'.
GISRI. One of the mouths of the river Indus, in Karachi district,
Sind, Bombay. Lat. 24 45', long. 67 8'.
GIVAROI. Town in Haidarabad State ; fifty-one miles south-east
from Aurangabad. Lat. 19 17', long. 75 49'.
GIWARDA. Chiefship in Chanda district, Central Provinces. Area,
160 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 8134.
GNASANKA. Town in Bhutan State ; seventy-six miles north-west
from Darrang, and eighty-three miles north-east from Goalpara. Lat.
27 12', long. 91 15'.
GNA YOKHIAUNG. Pass in Bassein district, British Burma ; over
the Yoma range of mountains; twenty-seven miles south-west from
Bassein. Lat. 16 30', long. 94 35'.
GNETZAZAKAN. Village, with an encamping ground, on the An
(or Aeng) Pass, between Akyab district, British Burma, and Upper
GNOPARAWA. Tillage in Akyab district, British Burma. Lat. 20
31', long. 93 20'.
GNYOUNG-BENG. Revenue circle, in Rangoon district, British
Burma. Pop. (1876), 8339.
GNYOUNG-BENG-HLA. Revenue circle in Kyouk-hpyu district,
British Burma. Area, 8 sq. miles. Pop. (1876), 1650.
GNYOTJNG-BENG-THA. Revenue circle in Prome district, British
GNYOTING BENG-THA. Revenue circle, on the right bank of the
Irawady, in Henzada district, British Burma. Pop. (1876), 4467.
GNYOTTNG BENG-TSHIEP. Revenue circle in Thayet district,
British Burma ; on the left bank of the Irawadi. Area, 6 sq. miles.
Pop. (1876), 4115.
GNYOTING-BENG-TSHIEP. Revenue circle, in Amherst district,
British Burma ; at the junction of the Gyaing and Attaran rivers, and on
the right bank of the former. Pop. (1876), 2999.
GNYOUNG-DTIN. Town in Thonkhwa district, British Burma;
sixty miles north-west of Rangoon, at the junction of the Pan-hlaing
or Gnyoung-dun creek with the Irawadi. Pop. (1881), 12,673.
GNYOUNG-DTTN. Revenue circle in Thonkhwa district, British
Burma. Pop. (1876), 12,354.
GNYOTJNG-KHYOITNG. Revenue circle, on the right bank of the
Irawadi, in Thonkhwa district, British Burma. Pop. (1876), 10,212.
GNYOTTNG-LE BENG. Revenue circle in Shwe-gyeng district,
British Burma. Area, 70 sq. miles. Pop. (1876), 5284.
GNYOUNG-RWA-GYL Revenue circle in Henzada district, British
Burma. Pop. (1876), 4981.
GN YOUNG -RWA-NGAY. Revenue circle in Henzada district,
British Burma. Pop. (1876), 2556.
GNYOTJNG-TSA-RE. Revenue circle in Prome district; British
Burma. Pop. (1876), 5961.
GOA. The former capital of the Portuguese possessions in India,
once an opulent and powerful city, but now only a suburb of
Panji'm, the present Portuguese capital. It is situate in lat. 15 30',
long. 73 57'. The territory of the same name lies on the western
coast of the Indian peninsula, and is bounded on the north by Sawant
"Wari State, Bombay ; on the east by the British districts of Belgaum
and North Kanara; and on the south-west by the Indian Ocean. It
lies between lat. 14 53' 15 48', and long. 73 43' 74 24'; is
sixty -two miles in length from north to south, and forty in breadth,
and contains an area of 1062 sq. miles. The pop. was in 1881,
GOA. River of Sandoway district, British Burma, which empties
itself in the sea near the village of the same name. Its mouth is about
lat. 17 34', long. 93 40'.
GOA (GWA). Village in Sandoway district, British Burma. Lat.
17, 33', long. 94 41'.
GOA ISLAND (GWA ISLAND). Island off the coast of Sandoway
district, British Burma ; situate near the mouth of the river bearing the
same name, and about a mile and a half from the shore. Lat. 17 34',
long. 93 38'.
GOALANDA. Subdivision of Faridpur district, Bengal ; between
lat. 23 31' 23 55', and long. 89 22' 89 54'. Area, 429 sq. miles.
Pop. (1872), 303,138.
GOALANDA. Town in Faridpur district, Bengal. Lat. 23 50' 10",
long. 89 46' 10". Important for its position at the head of the Eastern
Bengal Railway, at the confluence of the main channels of the Ganges
and Brahmaputra.
GOALGANG. Town in Bijawar State, Central Indian Agency ; on
the route from Banda to Sagar, ninety-three miles south-west of the
former, seventy- nine north-east of the latter. Lat. 24 42', loug.
79 26'.
GOALPARA. District in Assam. Between lat. 25 32' 26 54', and
long. 89 44' 91. Bounded north by Bhutan, south by the Garo Hills
district. Area, 3897 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 446,232. The chief rivers
are the Brahmaputra, with its three tributaries, the Manas, Gadadhar, and
Sankos. The chief towns are Goalpara, Dhubri, Gauripur, and Lakshmi-
pur. The administration is conducted by a Deputy Commissioner and
GOALPARA TOWN. Capital (in subdivision of same name) of
Goalpara district, Assam ; situated on the left bank of the Brahmaputra.
Lat. 26 11', long. 90 41'. Pop. (1872), 4678. Pop. of subdivision
(1872), 220,125.
GOALUNDO. Town (in subdivision of same name) in Faridpur
district, Bengal. Pop. (1881), 8652. Area of subdivision, 425 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 321,485. Also thana. Area, 97 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
GOANEM. Village in Sanguelim district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 32.
GO AS. Town in Murshidabad district, Bengal; 114 miles north of
Calcutta. Lat. 24 13', long. 88 29'.
GOAS. Thana in Murshidabad district, Bengal. Area, 157 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 78,423.
GOA-VELHA. Tillage in Ilhas district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 2005.
GOBALPIIR. -Town in Gwalior State, Central India Agency ; forty-
six miles south-west of Gwalior fort. Lat. 25 43', long. 77 57'.
GOBARDANGA. Town and municipality of Twenty-four Parganas
district, Bengal ; on the Jamuna. Lat. 22 52' 40", long. 88 47' 55".
Pop. (1881), 6154.
GOBARDHAN. Town in Muttra district, KW.P. ; a place of pil-
grimage; noted for its remains. Lat. 27 29' 55", long. 77 30' 15".
Pop. (1881), 4944. Also thana. Pop. (1881), 16,774.
GOB ARDHANGIRL Hill and fortress between Shimoga district,
Mysore, and North Kanara district, Bombay. Lat. 14 9', long. 74 13'.
Pop. (1881), 4944.
GOBINAGAR. Town in Dinajpur district, Bengal ; thirty-two miles
north-west of Dinajpur. Lat. 25 59', long. 88 27'.
GOBINDGANJ. Town in Saran district, Bengal ; on the left bank
of the Gandak river, fifty- two miles north-west of Chapra. Lat. 26 29',
long. 84 41'.
GOBINDGANJ. Town in Bogra district, Bengal ; twenty-two miles
north of the town of Bogra. Lat! 25 10', long. 89 22'.
GOBINDPITR. Subdivision of Manbhiim district, Bengal. Between
lat. 22 38' 24 3' 30", long. 86 9' 15" 86 52' 15". Area, 782 sq.
miles. Pop. (1872), 154,742.
GOBRA. Tillage in the Sundarbans, .lessor district, Bengal.
GOBBXA. Town in Bhopal State, Central India Agency ; two miles
from the left bank of the Betwa river, and eighteen miles south-east from
Bhopal. Lat. 23 9', long. 77 37'.
GOCOLDEM. Village in Quepem district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 228.
GODAGAEI. Village in Bajshahi district, Bengal ; on the left
bank of the Padma or great eastern branch of the Ganges ; on the
route from Berhampur to Jamalpur, thirty-two miles north-east of the
former, 151 south-west of the latter, 150 north of Calcutta. Lat. 24
28', long. 88 21' 33". Also thana. Area, 173 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
GODAIRI. Town in Parla Kimedi State, Madras; 118 miles north
from Vizagapatam, and eighty-three miles west from Ganjam. Lat.
19 20', long. 83 51'.
GODAR DEOTA. Peak and temple in Bashahr State, Punjab ; near
the left bank of the Pabar. Elevation above the sea, 8605 feet. Lat.
31 10', long. 77 50'.
GOD AVARL District of Madras, between lat. 16 15' 17 35', and
long. 80 55' 82 38'. Area, 6525 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 1,791,512.
Bounded on the north by the Central Provinces and Vizagapatam district,
on the east by Vizagapatam district and the Bay of Bengal, on the south
by the Bay of Bengal and Kistna district, and on the west by Haidar-
abad State. The chief rivers are the Godavari and the Saveri. The chief
towns are Ell ore, Rajamahendri, Cocanada and Narsapur. The district
is well supplied with means of communication.
GODAVARI (GODAVERY). One of the great rivers of India. It
rises in Nasik district, Bombay ; flows by Ahmednagar district, Bombay,
into Haidarabad State ; thence into the Upper Godavari district, Centra]
Provinces, which it separates from the Haidarabad State; thence into
Godavari district in Madras. It falls into the Bay of Bengal by three
mouths, of which the largest is near the port of Cocanada. Its length is
898 miles, the chief tributaries being the Pranhita (formed by the union
of the Wardha, the Penganga, and the Wainganga), the Indravati, the
Tal, and the Savari.
GODDA. Subdivision of Santal Parganas district, Bengal. Between
lat. 24 30' 25 14', and long. 87 5' 87 38'. Area, 966 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 348,493. Also thana. Pop. (1881), 47,259.
GODHUL. Town in Haidarabad State ; sixty-nine miles south from
Haidarabad, and thirty-four miles south-east from Ghanapura. Lat. 1 6
21', long. 78 37'.
GODNA (REVELGANJ). Town and municipality in Saran district,
Bengal. Lat. 2546' 56", long. 84 41' V. Pop. (1881), 12,493. Situated
just above the junction of the Ganges and Gogra, and built along the
banks of the latter river.
GODRA (GODHRA). Town (in subdivision of same name) in Panch
Mahals district, Bombay; on the route from Nimach to Baroda, 187
miles south-west of former, fifty-two north-east of latter. Lat. 22 46'
30", long. 73 40'. Pop. (1881), 13,342. Area of subdivision, 598 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 78,318.
GOGAON. Tillage in Mirzapur district, KW.P. ; on the right bank
of the Ganges, thirty-six miles west of the city of Mirzapur, 757 north-
west of Calcutta by water. Lat. 25 13', long. 82 20'.
GOGARI (GHTJGRI). River of Nepal State, and Darbhangah,
Monghyr, Bhagalpur, and Purniah districts, Bengal ; falls into the Kusi,
on the right side, in lat. 25 24', long. 87 16' ; its total length of course
being about 235 miles.
GOGGOT RIVER. River of Kuch Behar State, Rangpur and Bogra
districts, Bengal ; offset of the Atrai, quitting it a few miles after its
divergence from the Tista, in lat. 26 19', long. 88 45'. It main-
tains a south-east direction, and falls into the Brahmaputra, after a total
course of 145 miles, in lat. 24 55', long. 89 41'.
GOGHA. Tillage in Allahabad district, KW.P. ; close to the route by
the Kutra Pass from Allahabad to Rewah, and twenty-nine miles south-
east of the former. Lat. 25 13', long. 82 13'.
GOGHA. Town (in subdivision of same name) in Ahmedabad district,
Bombay. Pop. (1881), 7063. Area of subdivision, 224 sq. miles. Pop.
(1881), 29,370.
GOGHAT. Tillage and Station on East Indian Railway, in Burdwan
district, Bengal. Lat. 22 53' 15", long. 87 44' 50".
GOGHAT. Thana in Hugli district, Bengal. Area, 146 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 108,884.
GOGHPUR. Tillage in Karnal district, Punjab ; distant north-west
from Calcutta, 997 miles. Lat. 30 5', long. 76 49'.
GOGI. Town in Haidarabad State; 126 miles south-west from
Haidarabad, and sixty-eight miles south-east from Bijapur. Lat. 16 43',
long. 76 49'.
GOGO. Town (in subdivision of same name) in Ahmedabad district,
Bombay. Lat. 21 39' 30", long. 72 21'. Pop. (1872), 9571.
GOGRA. River of Nepal State ; Kheri, Bahraich, Gonda, Bara Banki,
and Faizabad districts in Oudh ; Basti, Gorakhpur, Azamgarh districts,
N.W.P. ; and Saran district, Bengal. It is formed by the union of the
Kauriala, Girwa, Sarju, Chauka, and Dahawar ; and besides these,
it receives the Muchora and the Rapti. It falls into the Ganges at
Chapra, in lat. 25 43', long. 84 43' 30", after a course of about 600
miles. It is the chief river of Oudh.
GOGRI. Town in Monghyr district, Bengal ; a mile north-east of the
left bank of the Ganges. Distant north-east from Monghyr ten miles ;
north-west from Bhagalpur, twenty-seven miles. Lat. 25 25', long.
86 37'.
GOGRI. Thana in Monghyr district, Bengal. Area, 719 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 365,954.
GOGTJLPALLI. Town in Nellore district, Madras ; 138 miles south-
west of Masulipatam. Lat. 15 17', long. 79 21'.
GOH. Town in Patna district, Bengal ; thirty miles north-west of
Sherghati. Lat. 24 58', long. 84 41'.
GOH. Town in Kumaun district, N.W.P. ; on the right bank of the
Dhauli river, and sixty-nine miles north-east of Almorah. Lat. 30 15',
long. 80 35'.
GOHAD. Town and fort, Gwalior State, Central India. Lat. 26
25', long. 78 29'. Formerly a place of considerable importance.
GOHADL Tillage in Bareilly district, N.W.P. ; on the route from
the town of Bareilly to Almorah, and forty-three miles north of the
former. Lat. 28 52', long. 79 27'.
GOHALA. Town in Jaipur State, Rajputana; on the route from
Hansi to Nasirabad, 127 miles south of former, 116 north-east of latter.
Lat. 27 39', long. 75 43'.
GOHANA. Town and municipality (in tahsil of same name) in
Rohtak district, Punjab. Lat. 29 8', long. 76 45'. Pop. (1881), 7444.
An annual festival is held in this locality. Area of tahsil, 338 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 127,732.
GOHAR TTJLAO. Tank or small lake in Karachi district, Sind,
Bombay ; on the route from Karachi to Sehwan, and thirty-four miles
north-east of the former place. Lat. 25 5', long. 67 33'.
' GOHELWAR. State of Kathiawar, See BHAUNAGAE.
GOHUN. Town in Jalaun district, 1ST.W.P. ; on the route from Jalaun to
Etawah, thirteen miles north-west of the former. Lat. 26 19', long.
79 20'.
GOHURL Tillage in Allahabad district, KW.P. ; on the route from
Allahabad cantonment to that of Partabgarh in Oudh, seven miles north
of the former, twenty-four miles south of the latter. Lat. 25 34', long.
81 51',
GOKAK. Capital (of subdivision of same name) in Belgaum district,
Bombay. Lat. 16 10', long. 74 52'. Pop. (1881), 10,307. Area of
subdivision, 671 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 93,029.
GOKALPURA. State in Mahi Kantha, Bombay. Pop. (1881), 355.
The Chief pays a yearly tribute of 4 5s. to the Gaekwar of Baroda.
GOKARN. Town and municipality in North Kanara district, Bombay.
Pop. (1881), 4207. A great place of pilgrimage; at the fair held
annually every February as many as 8000 persons assemble together.
Also thana. Area, 85 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 41,895.
GOKTJL. Town in Muttra district, N.W.P. ; on the left or eastern
bank of the Jumna. Lat. 27 26', long. 77 46' 30". Pop. (1881), 4012.
GOKTJL. Village in Bashahr State, Punjab ; situate at the south-
eastern extremity of a high and massive ridge rising between the valleys
of the rivers Tons and Pabar. Elevation above the sea, 7079 feet. Lat.
31 4', long. 77 57'.
GOKURNTJM. Town in North Kanara district, Bombay; on the
coast of the Arabian Sea, or North Indian Ocean. Distance from banga-
lore, 120 miles. Lat. 14 32', long. 74 22'.
GOL. Village in Jodhpur State, Eajputana; on the route from Bal-
mer to the town of Jodhpur, and forty-six miles east of the former. Lat.
25 52', long. 72 9'.
GOL. Town in Jodhpur State, Rajputana; on the right bank of the
river Sukri, and seventy-six miles south-west from Jodhpur. Lat.
25 25', long. 72 29'.
GOLA. Town in Haizaribagh district, Bengal ; thirty-eight miles
north-east of Hazaribagh. Lat. 23 34', long. 85 44'.
GOLA. Town (in tahsil of same name) in Kheri district, Oudh. Lat.
28 4' 40", long. 80 30' 45". Pop. (1869), 2584. Area of tahsil, 1051
sq. miles. Pop. (1869), 220,921. Also thana. Pop. (1881), 91,639.
GOLA. Town in Gorakhpur district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 7193.
Also thana. Pop. (1881), 71,803.
GOLABABI. Thana in Howrah district, Bengal. Pop. (1881),
GOLAGHAT. Village (in subdivision of same name) in Sibsagar
district, Assam. Lat. 26 30', long. 94. Pop. (1872), 1615. Pop. of
subdivision (1872), 76,486.
GOLAULI. Village in Sanguelim district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 130.
GOLCONDA. Fortress and ruined city in Haidarabad State ; seven
miles west of the city of Haidarabad. Golconda, in former times, was
the capital of a large and powerful kingdom of the Dakhan, which arose
on the dissolution of the Bahmani empire. The fort is in lat. 17 22'-
long. 78 26' 30".
GOLCONDA. Town (in taluk of same name) in Vizagapatam district,
Madras; fifty-six miles south-west of Vizagapatam. Lat. 17 40', long.
82 31'. Area of taluk, 5009 sq. miles. Pop. (1871), 94,782.
GOLIGAIRA. Town in Mysore State; sixty-seven miles north-east
from Seringapatam, and 118 miles west from Arcot. Lat. 12 51', long.
77 38'.
GOLLAGTTDEM. Village on the Godavari, in Godavari district,
Central Provinces. Lat. 17 39', long. 81 1' 30".
GOLONDA. Village in Nagar-Aveli district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 781.
GOLRA. Town in Raipur district, Central Provinces. Pop. (1881),
GOMAL. Kiver of Dera Ismail Khan district, Punjab. It crosses r
the Sulaiman range abont lat. 32 6' ; and gives name to the Gomal
Pass (called also the Guleri Pass), the " great middle route" from
India to Afghanistan and Central Asia, much used by the Povindah
GOMAL (GOMTJL). Tillage in Dera Ismail Khan district, Punjab ;
on the road from Ghazni to Dera Ismail Khan, and forty miles west of
the latter place. It is situate near the eastern entrance of the Gomal
Pass, and on the river or torrent of the same name. Lat. 31 58', long.
70 8'.
GOMASHTAPTTR. Thana in Maldah district, Bengal. Area, 170 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 52,810.
GOMATI. River of Kangra district, Punjab ; rising in lat. 32 2',
long. 77 34', in Kullu, and, flowing in a south-westerly direction for
fifty-five miles, falls into the Beas river near the village of Hurla, in lat.
31 49', long. 77 12'.
GOMBELA (TOCHI). River of Bannu district, Punjab ; rising in
lat. 32 53', long. 70 I', on the eastern slope of the Sulaiman range of
mountains, and, flowing easterly for about 100 miles, falls into the Indus
near the village of Kafar Kot, in lat. 32 30', long. 71 20'.
GONDA. Town in the Central Provinces, on the route from Jabalpur
to Sirguja, 100 miles east of the former. Lat. 23 2', long. 81 35'.
GONDA. District in the Faizabad division, Oudh ; between lat.
26 46' 27 50', and long. 81 35' 82 48'. Area, 2881 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 1,270,926. Bounded on the north by the Nepal State,
on the east by Basti district, on the south by Faizabad and Bara Banki
district, and on the west by Bahraich district. The chief rivers are the
Buri Rapti, Rapti, Suwawan, Kuwana, Sarju, and Gogra. The towns
are Gonda, Balrampur, Colonelganj, and Nawabgang. There are several
good roads in the district. The administration is in the hands of a
Deputy Commissioner, with the usual staff.
GONDA. Tahsil of Gonda district, Oudh. Bounded on the north by
Bahraich and Balrampur tahsils, on the east by Utraula tahsil, on the
south by Begamganj tahsil, and on the west by Hisampur and Bahraich
tahsils. Area, 632 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 351,185.
GONDA. Pargana (in tahsil of same name), Gonda district, Oudh.
JBounded on the north by the Kuwana river, which divides it from
Balrampur and Utraula parganas ; on the east by Sadullanagar and
Manikpur ; on the south by Mahadewa, Digsar, Guwarich, and Paharpur
parganas ; and on the west by Bahraich district. Area, 509 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 275,925. Also thana. Pop. (1881), 120,857.
GONDA. Town (in tahsil of same name) and capital of Gonda district,
Oudh. Lat. 27 7' 30", long. 82. Pop. (1881), 13,743.
GONDA. Town in Partabgarh district, Oudh ; two miles from Bela,
on the road from Allahabad to Faizabad. Lat. 25 59', long. 82 3'.
N GOO 303
Pop. (1869), 2063. Two fairs are held annually in honour of the
tutelary goddess, Asht Bhuji Devi, each attended by about 2500
GONDAGHAON. Town in Hoshangabad district, Central Provinces ;
on the route from Bhopal to Aurungabad, fifty-two miles south-west ot
the former. Lat. 22 31', long. 77 10'.
GONDAH. Thana in Aligarh district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
GONDAL. State in Kathiawar, Bombay. Area, 687 sq. miles. Pop.
(1881), 135,604. The State pays a tribute of 11,218 in all to tho
British Government, the Gaekwar of Baroda, and the Nawab of Junagarh.
The Chief, who is entitled to a salute of nine guns, maintains a force of
198 cavalry, and 659 infantry and police, with sixteen cannon.
GONDAL. Capital (in State of same name) in Kathiawar, Bombay
Lat. 21 57' 30", long. 70 53'. Pop. (1881), 13,123.
GONDALLL Tillage in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 39.
GONDERDEHI. Chiefship in Raipur district, Central Provinces.
Area, 77 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 19,927.
GONDIBASAVANAHALLI. Tillage in Coorg, Madras. Pop.
(1881), 38.
GOND-TJMRI. State in Bhandara district, Central Provinces. Area,
28 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 2722.
GONDWANA. The land of the Gond race, an extensive, imperfectly-
defined tract of Central India. It may, however, be considered as lying
between lat. 19 50' 24 30', long. 77 38' 87 20'. Comprising a
large portion of the Central Provinces, with parts of Chutia Nagpur
and Orissa in Bengal.
GONDWARA. Town in Purniah district, Bengal. Pop. about 1500.
Lat. 25 30', long. 87 22'. Also thana. Area, 421 sq. miles. Pop.
(1881), 123,945.
GONIMARUR. Tillage in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 94.
GONKOR. River of Nepal State, and Purniah and Maldah districts,
Bengal ; formed by the junction of the Ponna and the Mui ; it falls into
the Ganges near the town of Deatpur, in lat. 25 10', long. 87 5 1 7 .
GON MYTI. Town in Amherst district, British Burma ; fifty-five
miles south-east of Maulmain. Lat. 16 2', long. 98 23'.
GONSAINTHAN. Peak of the Himalaya Mountains, between Nepal
and Thibet. Altitude 24,700 feet above the sea. Lat. 28 20', long.
GONTELI. Tillage in Sanguelim district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 42.
GOONA (GOONAH, GTJNA). The Goona Agency is a part of tho
Central India Agency ; and includes the Raghugarh and Parone States.
GOOTY (GUTI). Town in Bellary district, Madras ; consisting of a
cluster of fortified hills, nearly surrounding a lower fort and native town ;
and outside the chain of fortified summits are the military cantonment
and another pettah or town. The summits of the inclosing rocks aro
connected by a rampart, and the access to the town within is through
two openings, secured by fortified gateways. Elevation of highest
304 GOP
summit above the plain, 989 feet, above the sea, 2171. Distance from
cantonment of Bellary, forty-eight miles; from Bangalore, north, 146;
Madras, north-west, 215. Lat. 15 6' 53", long. 77 41' 32". Pop.
(1881), 5373.
GOP. Thana in Puri district, Bengal. Area, 337 sq. miles. Pop.
(1881), 116,167.
GOPALGANJ. Town in Faridpur district, Bengal; on the Madhumati
river, ninety-nine miles east-north-east of Calcutta. Lat. 23 0' 22",
long. 89 52'. Pop. (1870), 2000. Also thana. Area, 171 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 85,341.
GOPALGANJ. Town in Jessor district, Bengal; ninety-two miles
east-north-east of Calcutta. Lat. 23 I 7 , long. 89 48'.
GOPALGANJ. Subdivision, Saran district, Bengal. Area, 771 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 545,066. Also thana. Area, 358 sq. miles. Pop.
(1881), 260,385.
GOPALGARH. Town in Bhartpur State, Eajputana; on the route
from Muttra to Firozpur, forty miles north-west of the former, twelve
south-east of latter. Lat. 27 40', long. 77 7'.
GOP ALNAGAR. Town in Nadiya district, Bengal. Lat. 23 3' 50",
long. 88 48' 40". Centre of trade.
GOPALPTJK. Village in Muttra district, N.W.P. ; close to the left
side of the route from Muttra to Bhartpur, thirteen miles north-east
of the latter. Lat. 27 21', long. 77 39'.
GOP ALPTJR. Town in Fatehpur district, N.W.P. ; on the right bank
of the Ganges, 898 miles from Calcutta by the river; eighty-eight miles
above Allahabad, and twelve miles north-east of the town of Fatehpur.
Lat. 26 2', long. 81 1'.
GOP ALPTJR,. Town in Gorakhpur district, N.W.P. ; on the route
from Azamgarh to Gorakhpur cantonment, twenty-eight miles north of
the former, thirty-three south of the latter. Lat. 26 20', long. 83 20'.
GOP ALPTTR. Village in Benares district, KW.P. ; on the left bank
of the Ganges, sixteen miles north-west of Mirzapur, or higher up the
stream; 737 north-west of Calcutta by the river route. Lat. 25 15',
long. 82 26'.
GOP ALPTJR. Town in Ganjam district, Madras; distant five miles
south-eastof Berhampur. Lat. 1921'5", long. 85 1'. Pop. (1881), 2675.
GOP ALPTJR. Pargana in Azamgarh district, KW.P. Pop. (1881),
GOP ALPTJR Thana in Maimansinh district, Bengal. Area, 361 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 217,736.
GOP ALPTJR. Town in Gwalior State, Central India Agency; forty-
six miles south-west of Gwalior fort. Lat. 25 43', long. 77 37'.
GOPALPTJRA. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 129.
GOPALSWAMI-BETTA. Peak of the Western Ghats, Mysore
district, Mysore State; 4500 feet above the sea. Lat. 11 43' 20", long.
76 37' 45". On the summit stands a temple of Vishnu, attended by two
Brahmans, at which a car festival is held annually.
GOPAMATJ. Town (in pargana of same name) in Hardoi district,
Oudh ; situate two miles south-west of the left bank of the Gumti. Lat.
27 32', long. 80 19' 40". Pop. (1881), 5374. Area of pargana, 328
,sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 130,786.
GOP G OR 305
GOPI. Tillage in Ali'garh district, N.W.P. ; on the route from
Aligarh to Mainpuri, and twenty miles south-east of the former. Lat.
27 45', long. 78 23'.
GOPIBALLABPUR. Town in Midnapur district, Bengal; twenty-
nine miles south-west of Midnapur. Lat. 22 11', long. 87'. Also thana.
Area, 516 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 139,928.
GOPIGANG. Town in Mirzapur district, N.W P. Pop. (1881),
4622. Also thana. Pop. (1881), 95,169.
GOPIGANJ. Village in Etawah district, N.W.P. ; on the route from
the cantonment of Etawah to Lucknow, and eleven miles east of Etawah.
Lat. 26 47', long. 79 16'.
GOPIGANJ. Town in Eenares district, NAT.P. ; on the route from
the city of Benares to that of Allahabad, thirty-five miles west of the
former, thirty-nine south-east of the latter. Lat. 25 16', long. 82
GOPTTT (GOP AT). River in Korea State, Chutia Mgpur, Bengal ;
falls into the Son, on the right or southern side, in lat. 24 33', long.
82 26'.
GORA. Town in Tanna district, Bombay; fifty miles north by east
of Bombay. Lat. 19 39', long. 73 6'.
GORA. Tillage in Mirzapur district, N.W.P. ; on the right bank of
the Ganges, twenty-one miles north-west of the city of Mirzapur, or
hi-her up the stream. Lat. 25 12', long. 82 24'.
GORA. Town in Gorakhpur district, N.W.P. Lat. 26 33', long.
83 50' 30". Pop. (1872), 5482.
GORA. Tillage in Bashahr State, Punjab ; on the route from Ram-
pur to Siran, and six miles north-east of the former town. Elevation
above the sea, 6042 feet. Lat. 31 28', long. 77 45'.
GORA. Town in Fatehpur district, N.W.P. ; seven miles from the
left bank of the Jumna, twenty-six miles west of the town of Fatehpur.
Lat. 25 59', long. 80 29'.
GORABAZAR. Town in Murshidabad district, Bengal ; a suburb of
Barhampur. Lat. 24 5' 15", long. 88 17' 15". Area, 23 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 20,726. An annual fair held here is attended by upwards
of 20,000 people.
GORABI. River of Karachi district, Sind, Bombay ; one of the
mouths of the Indus, discharging its waters about fifty miles south-west
of Tatta, in lat. 24 20', long. 67 21'.
GORAGOT (GHORAGHAT). Town and ruined city in Dinajpur
district, Bengal ; situate on the Karatoya river. The city, at the time of
its greatness, extended eight or ten miles in length and about two in
width, but appears to have been at all times built in a straggling manner.
Distant south-east from the town of Dinajpur forty-eight miles. Lat.
25 15', long. 89 20'.
GORAI. Town (in pargana of 'same name) in Aligarh district, N.W.P.
Lat. 27 42', long. 77 54'. Pop. of pargana (1881), 45,927.
GORAJAMAN. Pargana in Sultanpur district, Oudh. Pop. (1881),
GORAKHGHAT. Chiefship in Chhindwara district, Central Pro-
vinces. Area, 9 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 564.
306 GOR
GORAKHNATH. Tillage in Patiala State, Punjab; on the route
from Pinjaur to Malaun, and twelve miles north-west of the former
place. Lat. 30 54', long. 76 54'.
GORAKHPUR. Village in Farrukhabad district, KW.P. ; on the
route from the cantonment of Bareilly to that of Fatehgarh, and eight
miles north-east of the latter. Lat. 27 28', long. 79 41'.
GORAKHPUR. District in the Benares division, N.W.P. ; between
lat. 26 5' 15" 27 28' 45", and long. 83 7' 84 29'. Area, 4598 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 2,617,120. Bounded on the north by Nepal State,
on the east by Champaran and Saran districts, on the south by the river
Gogra, and on the west by Basti and Faizabad districts. The chief rivers
are the Rapti, the Gogra, the Great Gandak, and the Little Gandak.
The chief towns are Gorakhpur, Golah, Gora, and Pena. The means of
communication are still much undeveloped. The administrative staff
consists of a Collector-Magistrate, two Joint Magistrates, and one Deputy
GORAKHPUR. Town and municipality (in tahsil of same name) in
Gorakhpur district, N.W.P. ; situate on the ' Rapti, in lat. 26 44' 8",
long. 82 23' 44". Pop. (1881), 57,922, irrespective of the cantonment,
which numbers (1881) 1986. Area of tahsil, 654 sq. miles. Pop.
(1881), 416,293.
GORAKHPUR CITY. Thana in district of same name, N.W.P.
Pop. (1881), 198,006.
GORARPARA. Village in Nagar-Aveli district, Portuguese India.
Pop. (1881), 61.
GORATJ. Village in Etawah district, KW.P. ; on the route from the
cantonment of Agra to that of Etawah, and twenty miles north-west of
the latter. Lat. 25 59', long. 78 51'.
GORBARI. Village in Nagar-Aveli district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 34.
GORBUNJI (GARBUNJI). Town in Kalahandi State, Central Pro-
vinces ; 153 miles north by west from Vizagapatam, and 153 miles west
by north from Ganjam. Lat. 19 50', long. 82 51'.
GORDHANPUR. Pargana in Muzaffarnagar district, KW.P. Pop.
11,870. Also thana. Pop. (1881), 11,629.
GOREGRAM. Town in Rangpur district, Bengal. Pop. (1881),
GORI-BIDNUR. Village (in taluk of same name) in Kolar district,
Mysore ; on the left bank of the North Pinakini river, fifty-six miles
north-west of Kolar. Lat. 13 37', long. 77 32' 50'. Pop. (1871),
1454. Area of taluk, 150 sq. miles. Pop. (1871), 36,501.
GORIGANGA (GORIGUNGA). River of Kumaun district, KW.P. ;
one of the most considerable feeders of the Gogra river, rising about
twelve miles from the southern base of the Anta Dhara Pass, lat. 30 34',
long. 80 16'; falls into the Kali in lat. 29 45', long. 80 25'.
GORINDA PARSANDAN. Pargana of IJnao district, Oudh. Area,
44 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 20,987.
GORJHAMAR. Town in Sagar district, Central Provinces. Pop,
(1881), 2498.
GORPANI. Chiefship In Chhindwara district, Central Provinces.
Area, 18 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 2263.
GORPUR. Town in Lakhimpur district, Assam ; forty miles south-
west of Lakhimpur. Lat. 26 53', long. 93 39'.
GORTJH (GORA). Town in Meerut district, KW.P. Lat. 28 49',
long. 77 56'.
GORUH (GORA). Tillage in Budaun district, KW.P. ; on the route
from Agra to Bareilly, and sixty-six miles north-east of the former. Lat.
27 50', long. 78 45'.
GOSAINGANJ. Village in Lucknow district, Oudh ; on the
route from Lucknow cantonment to Partabgarh, twenty miles south-
east of the former, and ninety miles north-west of the latter. Pop.
(1881), 2923. Lat. 26 42', long. 81 8'. Also thana. Pop. (1881),
GOSTANADI. Sacred river of Godavari district, Madras.
GOSTHANL River of Vizagapatam district, Madras.
GOTARDI. State of Rewa Kantha, Bombay, paying a yearly tribute
of 42 to the Gaekwar of Baroda.
GOTI (GOTEH). Town in Jamkhandi State, Bombay ; eighty-six
miles north-east from Belgaum, and 163 miles south-east by south from
Poonah. Lat. 16 41', long. 78 46'.
GOTILAL Village in Mainpuri district, KW.P. ; on the route from
the cantonment of Alfgarh to Mainpuri, and twenty-nine miles north-west
of the latter. Lat, 27 30', long. 78 46'.
GOTKI. Village in Shikarpur district, Sind, Bombay; on the route
from Sabzalkot to Shikarpur, and thirty-four miles west of the former
place. It is situate six miles from the left bank of the Indus. Lat.
28 2', long. 69 20'.
GOTRA. State in Rewa Kantha, Bombay. Area, 2 sq. miles.
GOTRA. Town in Gwalior State, Central Indian Agency ; eighty-
three miles south-west by west from Gwalior, and ninety-nine miles west
by north from Jhansi. Lat. 25 39', long. 77 5'.
GOTTARATJ (STJRDHAR GHUR). Fort in Khairpur State, Sind,
Bombay ; on the route from Rohri to Jaisalmir, and fifty miles north-west
of the latter place. Lat. 27 16', long. 70 4'.
GOVARDHAN. Town in Muttra district, N.W.P. ; fifteen miles west
of Muttra. Lat. 27 30', long. 77 32'.
GOVINDAPURAM. Town in Godavari district, Madras ; eighty-two
miles south-west of Vizagapatam. Lat. 17 14', long. 82 14'.
GO VINDGANJ. Thana in Rangpur district, Bengal. Area, 351 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 189,027.
GOVINDGANJ. Thana in Champaran district, Bengal. Area, 272
sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 165,062.
GOVINDGARH. Fortress close to Amritsar, in the Amritsar district,
Punjab. Lat. 31 40', long. 74 45'.
GOVINDPUR. Subdivision, Manbhum district, Bengal. Area, 803
sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 196,584. Also thana. Area. 278 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 58,090.
GOVINDPUR. Town in Amritsar district, Punjab ; situated on the
right bank of the river Beas, eighty-five miles east by north of the town
of Lahore. Lat. 31 44', long. 75 33'.
GOWAN. Thana in Hazaribagh district, Bengal. Area, 432 sq_.
miles. Pop. (1181), 53,375.
GRAM. Town in Mysore State ; fifty miles north-west from Seringa-
patam, and ninety-four miles east from Mangalore. Lat. 1 2 59', long. 76 1 1'.
GRAMANG (GRAMUNG). Village in Bashahr State, Punjab.
Elevation above the sea, 9174 feet. Lat. 31 33', long. 78 33'. Pop.
(1881), 5084.
GRINGAVARPTJKOTA Town in Vizagapatam district, Madras;
eighteen miles west of Vizianagram. Lat. 18 6', long. 83 13'.
GUARANTEED BHTJRMI ATS. States in Central India Agency.
Pop. (1881), 36,336.
GTTASTJBA. River of Twenty-four Parganas district, Bengal ; one of
the channels by which the waters of the Ganges flow into the sea. Its
mouth is in lat. 21 38', long. 88 54'.
GTJBBI. Town and municipality in Tumkur district, Mysore. Lat.
13 18' 40", long. 76 58' 30". Pop. (1871), 3714.
GTIBTJT. State in Mahi Kantha, Bombay ; paying a yearly tribute of
4 to the Raja of Edar. Pop. (1875), 1225.
GTJDALUR. Pass in Travancore State, Madras ; between Madura and
Travancore. Gudalur village is situated in lat. 11 9', long. 77.
GTJDALUS. Town in Malabar district, Madras; eighty-one miles
south-east of Cannanore. Lat. 11 30', long. 76 35'.
GITDARI. Town in Raipur district, Central Provinces; 168 miles
east from Nagpur, and eighty-one miles south from Ratanpur. Lat. 21
8', long. 81 59'.
GUDDEHOSTTR. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 111.
GTIDHA. Town in Jaipur State, Rajputana ; on the route from Delhi
to the city of Jaipur, thirty-nine miles north-east of latter. It is situate
among isolated rocky hills, rising abruptly from a barren sandy plain.
Lat. 27 4', long. 76 31'.
GITDHA. Town in Bundi State, Rajputana; ninety-seven miles
south-east from A j mere, and ten miles south-west from Bundi. Lat.
25 20', long. 75 39'.
GUDHA. Town in Jaipur State, Rajputana; sixty- six miles north-
west from Jaipur, and nineteen miles south-east from Jhunjnu. Lat. 27
50', long. 75 40'.
GUDHANUH (GUDH AN A). Village in Gurgaon district, N.W.P. ;
distance south from Delhi forty-five miles. Lat. 28, long. 77' 25'.
GTJDIATHAM. Town (in taluk of same name) in North Arcot
district, Madras. Station on the Madras Railway. Lat. 12 57' 20",
long. 78 54' 40". Pop. (1881), 10,641. Pop. of taluk (1871), 162,980.
GTJDIBANDA. Tillage and municipality (in taluk of same name) in
Kolar district, Mysore. Lat. 13 41', long. 77 44' 35". Pop. (1871),
2909. Area of taluk, 220 sq. miles. Pop. (1871), 44,233.
GUDIKOTTA. Town in Bellary district, Madras; distance from
Chitaldrug, north-east, forty-four miles ; from Bellary, south-west, thirty.
Lat. 14 50', long. 76 42'.
GTJDIVADA. Taluk in Kistna district, Madras. Pop. (1871), 87,138.
GUDIVADA. Town in Masulipatam district, Madras; twenty-two
miles north-west of Masulipatam. Lat. 16 27', long. 81 3'.
GUDRAULI (CHUK BHAN). Tillage inFatehpur district, l^.W.P.;
on the route from CawnDore to Fatehpur, and twenty-three miles north-
west of the latter. Lat* 26 8', long. 80 38'
GUDTIH (GUDA). Town in Sirsa district, Punjab; on the route
from Hansi to Faridkot, seventy-two miles north-west of the former.
Lat. 29 42', long. 75 6'.
GIIDTIR. Town in Haidarabad State ; thirty miles north from
Haidarabad, and 165 miles east from Sholapur. Lat. 17 46', long.
78 25'.
GUDTJR. Town (in taluk of same name) in Nellore district, Madras.
Lat. 14 8' 43", long. 79 53 30'. Pop. (1881), 4862. Area of taluk,
817 sq. miles. Pop. (1871), 147,141.
GTJDUR. Town in Karnul district, Madras. Lat. 15 43', long. 78 C
34' 40". Pop. (1871), 5825.
GUGAL. Town in Tonk State, Eajputana j on the left bank of the
Parvati river, and 137 miles north-west from Sagar. Lat. 24 43', long.
76 51'.
GUGERA. Town (in tahsil of same name) in Montgomery district,
Punjab. Lat. 30 58', long. 73 21'. Pop. (1868), 2114. Area of
tahsil, 1498 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 99,200.
GTJHY A. Tillage in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 356.
GUINDY. Tillage in Chengalpat district, Madras. Lat. 13, long.
80 16'. Pop. (1871), 828. A suburb of Madras city.
GUIRIM. Tillage in Bardez district, Portuguese India. Pop. (1881),
GUJA. Town in Karachi district, Sind, Bombay; on the route from
Karachi to Tatta, and ten miles west of the latter town ; on a navigable
creek debouching into the Indian Ocean, close to Karachi. Lat. 24
44', long. 67 48'.
GUJAINLL Tillage in Bashahr State, Punjab. Lat. 31 8', long.
77 42'.
GUJANGARH. Town in Cuttack district, Bengal; fifty-five miles
north-east of Puri. Lat. 20 14', long. 86 36'.
GUJ AREAS. Tillage in Ulwar State, Rajputana ; on the route from
Mhow cantonment to Delhi, and eighty-eight miles south-west of the
latter. Lat. 27 50', long. 76 22'.
GTJJAR KHAN. Tahsil of Rawal Pindi district, Punjab; between
lat. 33 4' 33 26', and long. 72 59' 73 39' 30". Area, 565 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 133,396.
GUJPUR. Town in Gorakhpur district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
GUJRANWALA. District in the Lahore division, Punjab ; between
lat. 31 32' 32 33', and long. 73 11' 30" 74 28' 15". Area, 2587
sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 616,892. Bounded on the north-west by the
river Chenab ; on the south and south-east by the districts of Jhang and
Lahore ; and on the east by the district of Sialkot. The chief towns are
Gujranwala, Wazirabad and Ramnagar. Its chief river is the Chenab.
The Northern State Railway traverses the district, which is also well
supplied with roads. The administration is conducted by a Deputy-
Commissioner and staff.
GUJRANWALA. Town (in tahsil of same name) in Gujranwala
district, Punjab. Station on the Northern State Railway. Lat. 32 9'
30", long. 74 14'. Pop. (1881), 22,884. Area of tahsil, 770 sq. miles
Pop. (1881), 250,720.
GUJRAT. District in the Rawal Pindi division, Punjab ; between
lat. 32 10' 30" 33, and long. 73 20' 74 31'. Area, 1973 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 689,115. Bounded on the north-east by Kashmir State;
on the north-west by the river Jhelum ; on the west by Shahpur district ;
and on the south-east by the rivers Tavi and Chenab. The chief rivers are
the Jhelum and Chenab. The chief towns are Gujrat, Jalalpur, Kunjah,
and Dinga. The Northern State Railway passes through the district.
GUJRAT. Town and municipality (in tahsil of same name) in
Gujrat district, Punjab. Lat. 32 34' 30", long. 74 7' 15". Pop. (1881),
18,743. Area of tahsil, 552 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 297,040.
GUJRAT. Town in Muzaffargarh district, N.W.P. ; thirty-one miles
west of Multan. Lat. 30 8', long. 71'.
GUJURU (GUJRU). Fort in Kumaun district, N.W.P. ; on a ridge
of the Sub-Himalaya ; three miles to the right of the route, by the course
of the Ramganga (Western), from Moradabad to Almora, eighty miles
by route north-east of the former, twenty-six west of the latter. Lat.
29 35', long. 79 16'.
GUL A. River of Kumaun district, N.W.P. ; rising in lat. 29 23',
long. 79 44'. It receives the drainage of Naini Tal, and some smaller
lakes ; and joins the Ramganga on the left side of that stream, in lat. 28
17', long. 79 27'.
GULACHIPPA. Thana in Bakarganj district, Bengal. Area, 294 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 59,037.
GULAOTHI. Town in Bulandshahr district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
5404. Also thana. Pop. (1881), 58,385.
GULARIHA. Town in Unao district, Oudh; thirty-six miles from
TJnao town, and sixteen from Purwa. Lat. 26 24', long. 81 1'. Pop.
(1869), 4123.
GULBARGA. District in Haidarabad State. Area, 4011 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 470,425.
GULBARGA. -Town in Haidarabad State. Pop. (1881), 22,834.
GULEDGTJD. Town and municipality in Kaladgi district, Bombay ;
situated twenty-two miles south-east of Kaladgi, and nine miles north-
east of Badami. Lat. 16 3', long. 75 50'. Pop. (1881), 10,649.
GTILELI. Village in Sanguelim district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 105.
GTILER. Town in Gurdaspur district, Punjab ; on the right bank of
the river Beas, 126 miles east by north of the town of Lahore. Lat. 31
57', long. 76 12'.
GULGAOM PIMPRALLA. Town in Khandesh district, Bombay.
Lat. 21, long. 75 37'.
GTJLIUM. Town in Bellary district, Madras; on the right bank of
the Hugri, and nineteen miles north-east of Bellary. Lat. 15 20', long.
77 9'.
GUILTJ RIVER. River of Karachi district, Sind, Bombay ; one of
the numerous channels by which the waters of the Indus flow into
the sea. It leaves the parent stream in lat. 24 28', long. 67 54', and,
pursuing a south-westerly direction for fifty miles, reaches the sea, under
the name of the Hujamri, in lat. 24 8', long. 67 26'.
GTTLSAKHALI. Thana in Bakarganj district, Bengal. Area, 511
sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 98,732.
GTILTILEM. Tillage in Sanguelim district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 311.
GIILTIRIA. Village in Kheri district, Oudh ; on the route from
Bareilly to Lucknow, fifty-eight miles south-east of the former, ninety-
eight north-west of the latter. Lat. 28 1', long. 80 14'.
GTJLTJRIA. Village in Moradabad district, N.W.P. ; on the route
from the town of Moradabad to Meerut, and twenty-two miles west
of the former. Lat. 28 54', long. 78 31'.
GtlLZARGANJ. Thana in Allahabad district. Pop. (1881), 48,381.
GTILZARGANJ. Town in Jaunpur district, N.W.P. ; on the route
from Allahabad to Jaunpur cantonment, fifty-three miles north-east of
the former, and thirteen miles west of the latter. Lat. 25 44', long.
82 34'.
GTIMA. Town in Hazaribagh district, Bengal; thirty-three miles
north of Hazaribagh. Lat. 24 25', long. 85 35'.
GTIMA. River of Kathiawar, and of Ahmedabad district, Bombay ;
rising in lat. 22 18', long. 71 30', falls into the Gulf of Cambay, in lat.
22 3', long. 72 17'.
GTIMANL Part of the Atrai river.
GTIMANI. River of the Santal Parganas district, Bengal ; flows into
the Ganges near Mahadeonagar.
GTIMANTIR. Town in Bellary district, Madras; twenty-three miles
east of Bellary. Lat. 15 10', long. 77 19'.
GUM AH. Village in Mandi State, Punjab ; on the southern slope of
the Himalaya. There is here a mine of rock-salt. Lat. 31 57', long.
76 24'.
GTIMBADI. Town in Karachi district, Sind, Bombay ; fourteen miles
south of Tatta. Lat. 24 33', long. 67 57'.
GTIMBHIR (EASTERN). River of Indore State, Central Indian
Agency ; rises on the north side of the Vindhya range, seven miles south-
east of the cantonment of Mhow, in lat. 22 30', long. 75 54'. It
holds a course generally northerly for ahout seventy-five miles, and falls
into the Sipra on the right side, in lat. 23 26', long. 75 42'.
GUMBHIR (WESTERN), or WAG. River of Udaipur State, Raj-
Eutana ; rises in lat. 24 20', long. 74 40', and, holding a course of
)rty-five miles, in a direction generally north-westerly, falls into the
river Beris on the right side, ahout half a mile west of Chittor, in lat.
24 53', long. 74 44'.
GTTMBHIRA. Town in Allahabad district, N.W.P. ; on the route
from Allahabad to Gorakhpur, fifteen miles north-north-east of the
former. Lat. 25 39', long. 82 4'.
GUMGAON. Town in JSlgpur district, Central Provinces ; situated
on the Wana river, twelve miles south of Nagpur town. Lat. 21 1',
long. 79 2' 30". Pop. (1881), 2712.
GUMGAON. Town in Betul district, Central Provinces ; fifty-nine
miles south-west of Hoshangabad. Lat. 22 5', long. 77 9'.
GUMGAON. A town in the native state of Bhutan; fifty-seven miles
north-west from Nowgong, and forty-eight miles north-north-east from
Gauhati. Lat. 26 47', long. 92 3'.
GUMI. Town in Parla Kimedi State, Ganjam district, Madras ; fifty-
four miles north from Ganjam, and sixty -six miles north-west from Puri.
Lat. 20 10', long. 84 58'.
GUMLA. Town in Singhbhum district, Bengal ; 106 miles south
from Hazaribagh, and 111 miles west from Midnapur. Lat. 22 30,
long. 85 41'.
GUMMANAKOLLI. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881),
GUMNAIGPOLIAM. Town in Mysore State; 128 miles north-east
from Seringapatam, and 117 miles north-west by west from Arcot. Lat.
13 50', long. 77 59'.
GUMN AY AK AN -PALYA. Tillage (in taluk of same name) in Kolar
district, Mysore. Lat. 13 48' 15", long. 77 58' 10". Pop. (1871), 239.
Area of taluk, 342 sq. miles. Pop. (1871), 48,600.
GUMP APUL. Town in Bhutan State ; two miles from the left bank
of the Monas, and ninety-five miles north by west from Gauhati. Lat.
27 30', long. 91 34'.
GUMSAR. Town (in taluk of same name), Ganjam district, Madras;
Lat. 19 50', long. 84 42'. Pop. (1871), 2319. Pop. of taiuk (1871),
GUMTL River of Shahjahanpur district, N.W.P. ; Kheri, Lucknow,
and Sultanpur districts, Oudh; and Jaunpur and Benares districts,
N.W.P. It rises in lat. 28 37', long. 80 7'; and falls into the Ganges
in lat. 25 31', long. 83 13'. Length of course about 500 miles.
GUMTL River of Hill Tipperah State, and Tipperah district, Bengal;
rising in lat. 23 43', long. 92 24', and falling into the Brahmaputra in
lat. 23 32', long. 90 42'*.
GUN A Town in Gwalior State, Central India Agency; 135 miles
from Gwalior, and 185 from Mhow. Lat. 24 40', long. 77 20'.
GUNAI. Village in Kumaun district, N.W.P. ; on the route from
Almora to Srinagar, and thirty-six miles north-west of the former. It is
situate near the river Eamganga. Lat. 29 50', long. 79 20'.
GUN AS Pass in Himalayan range, Punjab. Lat. 31 21', long.
78 13'. Elevation of the crest, 16,026 feet above sea-level.
GUNAUR. Town (in tahsil of same name) in Budaun district,
N.W.P. ; on the route from Bulandshahr to Budaun, forty-four miles
north-west of the latter. Pop. (1881), 4920. Lat. 28 15', long. 78 30'.
Pop. of tahsi'l (1881), 117,535. Also thana. Pop. (1881), 62,432.
GUNCA. Village in Nagar-Aveli district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 160.
GUND. State in the Punjab; between lat. 31 4' 31 15', and long.
770 22' 77 32'. Area, three sq. miles. Pop. 1000.
GUNDAGOL. Town in Kistna district, Madras ; forty- six miles
north-east of Masulipatam. Lat. 16 49', long. 81 20'.
GUNDALUR (GUNDLUR). Town in Cuddapah district, Madras;
forty-seven miles south of Cuddapah. Lat, 13 50', long. 78 52'.
GUNDAMORLA BAR. An opening into the sea about two miles
south of the Gundlakamina river, in Nellore district, Madras. Lat.
15 31', long. 80 16' 30".
GUNDAR. Eiver in Madura district, Madras, falling into the sea at
Kilkarai, lat. 9 8', long. 78 30' 32".
GUNDARDIHL State in Baipur district, Central Provinces. Lat.
20 56' 30", long. 81 20' 30".
GUNDAU. Village in Muttra district, N.W.P. ; on the route from
the city of Agra to Bareilly, and twenty-six miles north-east of the
former. Lat. 27 26', long. 78 20'.
GUNDI. Town in Kashmir State, Punjab ; on the right bank of a
branch of the river Pir Panjal, and eighty-nine miles north-east from
"Wazirabad. Lat. 33 43', long. 74 24'.
GUNDIALI. State in Kathiawar, Bombay, paying a yearly tribute
of 140 to the British Government.
GUNDLAKAMMA. Eiver of Cuddapah, Nellore, and Kistna districts,
Madras ; rising in lat. 15 40', long. 75 49', falls into the Bay of Bengal
thirteen miles west of the town of Ongole, in lat. 15 33', long. 80 18'.
GUNDLAMAU. Pargana of Sitapur district, Oudh. Bounded on the
north by Machhrehta and Kurauna parganas ; on the east by the Sarayan
river; and on the south and west by the Gumti river. Area, 65 sq.
miles. Pop. (1869), 20,220.
GUNDLUPET. Village (in taluk of same name) in Mysore district,
Mysore. Lat. 11 50', long. 76 44'. Pop. (1871), 1000. Area of
taluk, 539 sq. miles. Pop. (1871), 58,529.
GUNDRI. Town in Baroda State ; three miles from the right bank of
the Banas river, and twenty-six miles north-east from Disa. Lat. 24
32', long. 72 17'.
GTJNDUMRI. Town in Bhandara district, Central Provinces ; sixty-
eight miles east from Nagpur, and sixty-seven miles south-east from
Seoni. Lat. 21 11', long. 80 12'.
GTTNDUS (GTJNDOTTS, GTINDOSE). Town in Jodhpur State, Bajpu-
tana; on the route from Nasirabad to Disa, and 120 miles south-west of
the former. Lat. 25 39', long. 73 31'.
GTTNDWA. Pargana of Hardoi district, Oudh ; bounded on the
north and east by the Gumti ; on the south by Malihabad ; and on the
west by Sandila and Kalyanmal. Area, 140 sq. miles. Pop. (1869),
GTJNGAPTJR. Town in Gwalior State, Central India Agency. Pop.
(1881), 5590,
GUNGARAMPUR. Thana in Dinajpur district, Bengal. Area, 263
sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 74,491.
GUNGERTJ. See GAiraiBtf.
GUNI. Taluk in Haidarabad district, Sind, "Bombay ; situated between
lat. 24 30' 25 13', and long. 68 19' 68 50'. Area, 989 sq. miles.
Pop. (1872), 59,971.
GTJNIR. Town in Fatehpur district, N.W.P. ; a mile from the right
bank of the Jumna, sixteen miles direct north-west of the town of Fateh-
pur. Lat. 26 5', long. 80 44'.
GTJNJ. Town in Haidarabad State ; on the light bank of the Goda-
vari river, and 200 miles north-west from Haidarabad. Lat. 19 15',
long. 76 IT.
GUNJI. Town in Belgaum district, Bombay; twenty-two miles south
of Belgaum. Lat. 15 31', long. 74 34'.
GUNRA. Town in Bahraich district, Oudh ; sixty-four miles north-
3ast from Lucknow, and 113 miles north from Allahabad. Lat. 27 5',
long. 82.
GUN WAN. Village in Budaun district, N.W.P. ; on the route from
Aligarh to Moradabad, and forty miles south-west of the latter. Lat. 28
25', long. 78 25'.
GTINWARA. Village in Maihar State, Central India Agency; on the
route from Mirzapur to Jabalpur, eighty-seven miles north-east of the
latter, 158 Booth-west of former. Lat. 24 8', long. 80 40'.
GTJOCHNATJT. Town in Baroda State, on the left bank of the river
Banas, and fifty miles south-west from Disa. Lat. 23 45', long. 71 31'.
GUPTASAR. Sacred cave in Shahabad district, Bengal.
GUR. River of Poona and Ahmednagar districts, Bombay ; falls into
the Bhima river, in lat. 18 30', long. 74 36'.
GUR 315
GURA. Town in Haidarabad State ; on the left "bank of the Pen-
ganga, and 179 miles north from Haidarabad. Lat. 19 55', long. 78 11'.
GURANG. Town in Dera Ismail Khan district, Punjab ; situated on
the right bank of the Indus, seventy-four miles north-west by north,
of the town of Multan. Lat. 31 11', long. 70 46'.
GUR AURA. Town in Gurgaon district, N.W.P. ; on the route from
Rewafi to Eohtak, thirty-eight miles south of the latter. Lat. 28 21',
long. 76 42'.
GURBAKSHGANJ. Thana in Rai Bareli district, Oudh. Pop.
(1881), 67,464.
GURBAN. Village in Karachi district, Sind, Bombay ; on the route
from Sehwan to Karachi, and thirty miles north-east of the latter place.
Lat. 25 4', long. 67 28'.
GURBAN. River of Karachi district, Sind, Bombay ; so called from
a village of that name on its bank. It rises in the mountainous tract
between Karachi and Sehwan, about lat. 25 14', long. 67 26', and, after
a south-westerly course of about sixty miles, falls into the Bay of Karachi
in lat. 24 47', long. 67 6'.
GURDA. Village in Bhartpur State, Rajputana; on the route from
Agra to Ajmere, forty-eight miles west of former, 180 east of latter.
It is situate on the Utanghan, where the bed is about three-quarters of a
mile wide. Lat. 27 3', long. 77 20'.
GTJRDASPTIR. District in Amritsar division, Punjab; between lat.
32 30' 31 36', and long. 74 56' 75 45'. Area, 1822 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 823,695. Bounded on the north by Kashmir and Chambu
States ; on the east by Kangra district and the Beas ; on the south-west
by Amritsar district ; and on the west by Sialkot district. Its rivers are
the Ravi and the Beas; and there are several Himalayan ranges of
mountains within its limits, including the snowy Dhaola Dhar. The chief
towns are Batala, Gurdaspur (the capital), and the hill-station of Dal-
GTIRDASPIIR. Town and municipality (in tahsi'l of same name) and
capital of Gurdaspur district, Punjab. Lat 32 2' 40", long. 75 27'.
Pop. (1881), 4706. Area of tahsi'l, 484 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 208,228.
GURDEGA. Town in Bamra State, Sambalpur district, Central
Provinces; fifty-two miles north-north-east from Sambalpur, and ninety -
five miles south-south-west from Lohardaga. Lat. 22 7', long. 84 25'.
GURGAON. District in Delhi division, Punjab; between lat. 27
39' 28 30' 45", and long. 76 20' 45" 77 35'. Area, 1938 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 641,848. Bounded on the north by Rohtak district; on the
west and south-west by TJlwur, Nabha, and Jmd States ; on the south by
Muttra district, N.AV.P. ; on the east by the river Jumna ; and on the
north-east by Delhi district. The chief towns are Rewari, Firozpur,
Palwal, and Gurgaon (the capital). The chief river is the Jumna.
The Rajputana State Railway traverses the district.
GURGAON. Town and municipality (in tahsil of same name) and
capital of Gurgaon district, Punjab. Station on the Rajputana State
Railway. Lat. 28 27' 30", long. 77 4'. Pop. (1881), 3990. Area of
tahsil, 407 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 122,371.
316 GTJR
GTJRGHAT. Town in Baroda State; three miles south of the
Gulf of Cutch, and 100 miles west from Rajkot. Lat. 22 12', long.
69 19'.
GURGURRI. Town in Bhagalpur district, Bengal ; seventy-two
miles south-west of Rajmahal. Lat. 24 23', long, 86 55'.
GURGTJZGUR. Town in Mgpur district, Central Provinces; sixty-
four miles north-west by north from Nagpur, and forty-eight miles east
by north from Betiil. Lat. 21 59', long. 78 40'.
GTJRIA-TIKA (GTJRIALI). Pass in Garhwal State, KW.P. ; over a
ridge having a south-easterly direction from Surkanda summit to the
right bank of the Bhagirathi. Elevation above the sea, 7041 feet.
Lat. 30 19', long. 78 27'.
GTIRIS. Valley in Baltistan or Little Thibet ; close to the northern
boundary of Kashmir, five miles long and one mile wide. Lat. 34 33',
long. 74 50'.
GTJRITHA. Town in Budaun district, N.W.P. ; on the route from
Bareilly to Bulandshahr, thirty-eight miles east of the latter. Lat. 28
24', long. 78 32'.
GTIRJIPARA. Village in Rangpur district, Bengal.
GURKHA. Town in Nepal State ; fifty-five miles west of Khatmandu.
Lat. 27 52', long. 84 28'.
GURMA. River in Rewah State, Central India Agency ; rises on a
plateau in lat. 24 40', long. 82 16' ; at the cascade of Bilotri, about ten
miles lower down, it is precipitated 398 feet over the brow of the Kutra
ridge. It fulls into the Biland, a tributary of the Tons.
GTJRMANDA. Halting-ground in Kumaun district, KAV.P. ; on the
route from Almora to Sn'nagar, and forty-eight miles north-west of the
former. Lat. 29 58', long. 79 9'.
GURNADDL Town in Bakarganj district, Bengal; 120 miles east
by north of Calcutta. Lat. 22 59', long. 90 15'.
GTJRPTIR. River in South Kanara district, Madras ; falls into the sea
near Mangalore, and, with Nitravati, forms harbour of same name.
GURRAMKONDA. Fortress and town in Cuddapah district, Madras.
Lat. 13 46', long. 78 38'. Pop. (1871), 1948.
GURRIHTJ. Village in Damoh district, Central Provinces; on the
route from Mirzapur to Sagar, 211 miles south-west of former, seventy-
six north-east of latter. Elevation above the sea, 1131 feet. Lat.
24 14', long. 79 51'.
GITRR KOHTIRL Town in Ganjam district, Madras; thirty-eight
miles north-east of Ganjam. Lat. 19 52', long. 85 25'.
GTIRR KTJSPULLA. Town in Puri district, Orissa, Bengal ; thirty-
six miles west-south-west of Cuttack. Lat. 20 13', long. 85 28'.
GURU TAPPING. Town in Puri district, Orissa, Bengal ; thirty-two
miles south-west of Cuttack. Lat. 20 5', long. 85 40'.
GURRUMARIA. Town in Maldah district, Bengal; fourteen miles
south-east of Maldah. Lat, 24 52', long. 88 15'.
GTJRRUSGOAN. Town in Haidarabad State; thirty miles east by
south from Ellichpur, and seventy-four miles west from Nagpur. Lat.
21 4', long. 78.
GITRSARAL Town in Jhansi district, KW.P. Lat. 25 36' 55",
long. 79 13' 15". Pop. (1881), 6528.
GTJRSUHAGANJ. Town in Farrukhabad district, N.W.P. ; on the
route from Cawnpore to Fatehgarh, and nineteen miles south-east of the
latter. Lat. 27 7', long. 79 47'. Also thana. Pop. (1881), 34,579.
GITRSUTI (GTJRSATJTI). Tillage in Muttra district, KW.P. ; on
the route from the city of Agra to Aligarh, and eighteen miles north
of the former. Lat. 27 23', long. 78 7'.
GTJRTI. Town in Karachi district, Sind, Bombay ; thirty-nine miles
eouth-west of Tatta. Lat. 24 18', long. 67 39'.
GTJRTJ-SIKAR. The name given to the highest peak of Mount Abu,
Bajputana ; elevation, 5650 feet above sea-level. See ABIT.
GURUVAYUR. Tillage in Malabar district, Madras. Lat. 10 36',
long. 76 4'. Pop. (1871), 6703.
GITRW ALA. Town in Dera Ghazi Khan district, Punjab ; situated
thirty-five miles from the right bank of the river Indus, and 105 miles
north-west of the town of Multan. Lat. 31 11', long. 70 12'.
GUSAR. Town in Udaipur State, Rajputana ; seventy-four miles
north-west from Nimach, and fifty-eight miles south-east from Sirohi.
Lat. 24 42', long. 73 47'. .
GTJTAL. Town in Dharwar district, Bombay ; eighty- eight miles
east-north-east of Honawar. Lat. 14 50', long. 75 42'.
GUTHNL Town in Saran district, Bengal. Lat. 26 9' 45", long
54 5'. Pop. (1872), 4379. Celebrated for its sugar factories.
GUTNL Town in Partabgarh district, Oudh ; on the left bank of the
Ganges ; on the route from Banda to Partabgarh, ninety-two miles north-
east of the former, forty-four west of the latter. Lat. 25 42', long.
81 27'.
GUTUHATTI. Tillage in Lohardaga district, Bengal; seventy-four
miles south- south-east of Hazaribagh. Lat. 22 59', long. 85 46'.
GUWARICH. Pargana in Gonda district, Oudh. Area, 267 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 148,176.
GTJZERAT (GUJARAT). The name of an extensive province in
Bombay, still commonly used, but not applied to any administrative
division of India. It includes Surat, Broach, Kaira, Panch Mahals, and
Ahmedabad districts ; Baroda State, in many detached pieces ; the Mahi
Kantha and Rewa Kantha Agencies ; Palanpur, Radhanpur, Balasinor,
Cambay, Dang, and many other States; together with the great Penin-
sula of Kathiawar, containing 180 States. It is bounded on the north
by the Gulf of Cutch and Rajputana ; on the south by the Indian Ocean,
the G ulf of Cambay, and sundry districts of the Bombay Presidency ; on
the east by Khandesh and Malwa ; and on the west by Cutch and the
sea. It extends from lat. 20 to 24 45', and from long. 69 to 74 20',
and contains an area of 41,536 sq. miles.
GWALIOR. State in Central India Agency, the possessions of the
family of Sindhia, between lat. 22 8' 26 50', and- long. 74 45'
79 21'. Area, 29,067 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 3,115,857. It has a
singularly irregular outline, and consists of several detached districts ;
the principal of which is bounded on the north-east by the Chambal,
dividing it from Agra and Etawah districts ; on the east, in a very
tortuous direction, by Bundelkhand, and Sagar district; on the south by
the native states of Bhopal and Dhar; on the west by those of Rajgarh,
Jhalawar, and Kotah ; and on the north-west by the Chambal, separating
it from Karauli and Dholpur States, Rajputana. The length of the
principal portion above described is 246 miles from north to south,
and 170 in breadth, and comprehends part of the ancient province of
Agra, most of Malwa, and part of the Deccan. The chief river of
the State is the Chambal (the great affluent of the Jumna), which
receives the Chambla, Sipra, Chota Kali Sind, ISTiwaj, Parvati, and
other tributaries ; there are also the Tapti, the Narbada, and the Sind
(another great tributary of the Jumna). The Mandu Hills are the
chief mountains. The towns are Gwalior (the capital), Burhanpur, and
Chanderi. The State is entitled to a permanent salute of nineteen guns
in British territory, and twenty-one guns in his own dominions ; but
the present chief receives twenty-one guns in British territory. His
army consists of forty-eight guns, 6000 cavalry, and 5COO infantry.
GWALIOR. Fortress and town in Gwalior State ; the capital of the
Maharaja Sindhia's dominions, in lat. 26 13', long. 78 12'. One of the
most celebrated hill-forts of India, placed on an isolated rock. The
Lashkar or standing camp of the Maharaja Sindhia, extends several miles
from the south-west end of the rock ; whilst the old town of Gwalior is
situate along the eastern base of the rock.
GWE-KHYO. River in Prome district, British Burma ; rising in the
Padouk Hill, and, with the Eng-gun and Khyoung-tsouk, falling into the
GYAING. River in Amherst district, British Burma. Falls into the
Salwin at Maulmain in lat. 16 30', long. 97 38'.
GYAING. Revenue circle in Amherst district, British Burma. Pop.
(1876-77), 2983.
GYAING ATTARAN. Township or subdivision in Amherst district,
British Burma ; between lat. 15 59' 16 40', and long. 97 41' 97 55'.
Pop. (1876-77), 20,496.
GYAING-THAN-LWENG. Subdivision of Amherst district, British
Burma; between lat. 16 33' 16 56', and long. 97 38' 98. Pop.
(1876-77), 39,524.
HAB. River in Baluchistan and Karachi district, Sind, Bombay ;
forming the boundary in part between Smd and Baluchistan. It rises in
lat. 26 22' 30", long. 67 16', flows south-east for twenty-five miles,
then due south for fifty miles, and then south-west, till it falls into the
Arabian Sea, in lat. 24 52', long. 66 42', after a total length of about
100 miles.
HAB ANNAGAR. Tillage in Allahabad district, KW.P. ; on the
route from Allahabad to Fatehpur, and thirty-seven miles north-west of
the former. Lat. 25 40', long. 81 26'.
HABARA. Thana in Twenty-four Parganas district. Area, 105 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 68,965.
HABIGANJ. Village in Sylhet district, Assam ; on the banks of the
Barak. A centre of rice trade. Lat. 24 19', long. 91 23'.
HABRA. Tillage and municipality in Dinajpur district, Bengal ; on
the Tilai, an affluent of the Brahmaputra. Lat. 25 36' 3', long.
88 57' 50".
H AD ARNARTJ. Tillage in Mysore district, Mysore State. Pop.
(1871), 1523.
HADAYA. Town in Patiala State, Punjab. Pop. (1881), 6834.
HADIABAD. Town in Kapurthala State, Punjab. Pop. (1881), 2347.
HADIALI.Tillage in Garhwal State, K.W.P. ; on the left bank of
the Bhagirathi. Lat. 30 33', long. 78 24'.
HADINARE. Tillage in Coorg, Madras.
H AD OGERL Tillage in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 144.
HADRE. Tillage in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 69.
HADRUK. Thana in Jalaun district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 27,620.
HAFIZABAD. Tahsil in Gujranwala district, Punjab ; between lat.
31 32' 32 20' 30", and long. 73 11' 30" 74 7' 15". Area, 1362 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 196,604.
HAFIZABAD. Town (in tahsil of same name) in Gujranwala
district, Punjab; distant from Gujranwala, thirty-two miles. Pop.
(1881), 2453.
HAFIZGANG. Tillage in Bareilly district, N.W.P. ; on the route
from the town of Bareilly to Pilibhit, sixteen miles north-east of the
former. Lat. 28 30', long. 79 37'.
HAFIZGANJ. Thana in Bareilly district, KW.P. Pop. (1881),
HAGLIWADI. Town in Mysore State ; seventy-five miles north from
Beringapatam, and 137 miles east-north-east from Mangalore. Lat. 13
30', long. 76 49'.
HAIATNAGAR. Town in Haidarabad State; ten miles south-east
by east from Haidarabad, and 110 miles north by east from Karnul. Lat.
17 19', long. 78 40'.
HAIATNAGAR. Tillage in Sultanpur district, Oudh; eighty miles
south- east of Lucknow. Lat. 26 15'. long. 82 13'.
320 HAI
HAIATPTJR. Town on the Ganges, in Maldah district, Bengal.
Lat. 25 16' 20", long. 87 54' 21".
HAIBATPTJR. Tillage in Patiala State, Punjab ; on the route from
Hansi to Ludhiana, and fifty-four miles north of the former town. Distant
north-west from Calcutta 1030 miles. Lat. 29 51', long. 76 2'.
HAIDARABAD (HYDERABAD). State of Southern India, often
called the Territories of the Nizam, including the Haidarabad Assigned
Districts, or Berar, under British management. It lies between lat. 15
20' 21 41', and long. 74 40' 81 31' ; 475 miles in length from south-
west to north-east, and about the same breadth. Its area (not including
Berar) is 81,807 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 9,845,594. It is bounded on
the north by Berar ; on the north and north-east by the Central Provinces ;
on the south and south-east by Madras ; and on the west by Bombay. Its
livers are the Godavari (tributaries, the Dudna and Purna, the Manjira,
and the Pranhita, which last is formed of the Wardha, Penganga, and Wain-
ganga), and the Kistna or Krishna (tributaries, the Bhima and the Tunga-
bhadra). The chief towns are Haidarabad (the capital), Secunderabad
(a British cantonment), Jalna, Raichor (the great railway centre),
Bidar, etc. The State is traversed by the Great Indian Peninsula
Railway and the Nizam's State Railway. The ruler, or Nizam, who
is entitled to a salute of 21 guns, maintains a force of 71 field and
654 other guns, 551 artillerymen, 1400 cavalry, and 12,775 infantry,
besides a large body of irregulars.
HAIDARABAD. Capital of Haidarabad State ; situate on the river
Musi. Lat. 17 21' 45", long. 78 30' 10". Pop. (1881, including the
suburbs and cantonment at Secunderabad), 354,962. It was formerly
called Bhagnagar. Elevation above the sea, 1800 feet. Distant from
Mangalore, north-east, 498 miles; Bangalore, north, 373; Bellary, north-
east, 229 ; Madras, north-west, 389 ; Bombay, south-east, 449 ; Nagpur,
south, 314; Calcutta, south-west, 962. The town, which is supplied
with water from a large lake, twenty miles in circumference, contains
several fine mosques and other buildings of importance.
Central India, being part of Haidarabad State, assigned to British
management under certain treaties ; it lies between lat. 19 26' 21 46',
and long. 75 58' 45" 79 II' 13". Area, 17,711 sq. miles. Pop.
(1881), 2,672,673. Bounded on the north and east by the Central
Provinces ; on the south by Haidarabad State ; and on the west by
Bombay. The Province is divided into the two divisions or Comrnis-
sionerships of East Berar (capital Amraoti), and West Berar (capital
Akola) ; both Commissioners being subordinate to the Resident at Haidar-
abad. The districts of Berar are Akola, Amraoti, Ellichpur, Buldana,
"Wun, and Basim.
HAIDARABAD (HYDERABAD). District in Sind, Bombay;
between lat. 24 13' 27 15', and long. 67 5169 22'. Area, 9030
sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 754,624. Bounded on the north by Khairpur
State ; on the east by the Thar and Parkar district ; on the south by the
Thar and Parkar district and the river Kori; and on the west by the
Indus and Karachi district. Much of the Haidarabad district is desert ;
its only great river is the Indus. The chief towns are Haidarabad (the
capital), Hala, Tando Muhammad Khan, and Naushahro. The adminis-
tration is conducted by a Collector-Magistrate and staff subordinate to
the Commissioner. The district is well provided with roads, but the
Sind Railway runs the other side of the Indus.
HAIDARABAD (HYDERABAD). A subdivision of Faidarabad
district, Sind, Bombay; bounded on the north and east by the Hala
Deputy Collectorate ; on the west by the river Indus ; and on the south
by Tando. Lat. 25 10' 25 31', long. 68 19' 68 41'. Area, 416
sq. miles. Pop. (1872\ 98,217.
HAIDARABAD. Town and municipality in, and capital of, Haidar-
abad district, Sind, Bombay. Lat. 25 23' 5", long. 68 24' 51". Pop.
(1881), 45,195, excluding the cantonment, which has a pop. of 2958.
Noted for its manufactures.
HAIDARABAD. Pargana in Kheri district, Oudh. Area, 98 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 40,761.
HAIDARABAD. Town in TJnao district, Oudh. Lat. 26 55', long.
80 17'. Pop (1869), 3809.
HAIDARAMAHL Village in Aligarh district, KW.P. ; on the
route, by KMsganj, from Bareilly to Aligarh, and twenty-three miles
south-east of the latter, forty-nine north-east of Agra. Lat. 27 51',
long. 78 29'.
HAIDARGARH. Tahsil in Bara Banki district, Oudh. Between lat.
26 31' 30" 26 51', and long. 81 12' 81 39'. Area, 297 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 120,381. Also pargana. Area, 103 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
58,522. And thana. Pop. (1881), 108,666.
HAIDARGARH. Town in Bara Banki district, Oudh, and capital of
tahsil of same name. Lat. 26 37', long. 81 17'.
HAIDARNAGAR. Town in Patna district, Bengal; fifty-six miles
west of Sherghati. Lat. 24 30', long. 83 59'.
HAILAKANDI Subdivision of Cachar district, Assam. Area, 344
sq. miles. Pop. (1872), 65,671.
HAILAKANDI. Tillage in Cachar district, Assam ; on the Dhales-
HAING-GYI. Island in Bnssein river, Bassein district, British
Burma. Lat. 15 54', long. 94 20'.
HAJAMRO. River of Sind, Bombay ; flowing into the sea in lat. 24
6', long. 67 22'.
HAJIGANJ. Town and municipality on the Dakatia river, in
Tipperah district, Bengal. Lat. 23 15', long. 90 53' 30". Also thana.
Area, 373 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 172,347.
HAJIGANJ. Town in Faridpur district, Bengal ; on the right or
south-west bank of the Ganges ; distant from the town of Faridpur, east,
five miles. Lat. 23 36', long. 89 56'.
HAJIGANJ. Town in the Tipperah district, Bengal ; twenty-four
miles south-west of Tipperah. Lat. 23 16', long. 90 52'.
HAJIPTJR. Town and municipality (in subdivision of same name)
in Muzaffarpur district, Bengal ; on the Little Gandak, near its junc-
tion with the Ganges at Patna. Lat. 25 40' 50", long. 85 14' 24".
Pop. (1881), 25,078. Area of subdivision, 771 sq. miles. Pop.
(1881), 724,531. Also thana. Area, 286 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
HAJIPUR. Town in Dera Ghazi Khan district, Punjab; twenty-
seven miles from the right bank of the Indus, ninety-eight miles south-
west by west of the town of Multan. Lat. 29 20', long. 70 13'.
HAJIPTJR. Town in Maimansinh district, Bengal ; thirty-six miles
west by north of JSasirabad. Lat. 24 50', long. 89 51'.
HAJIPTIR. Village in Aligarh district, N.W.P. ; on the route from
Aligarh to Etawah, and twenty-two miles south-east of the former. Lat.
27 7 ; , long. 78 14'.
HAJO. Tillage in Kamrup district, Assam ; in close proximity to the
famous temple of Mahamuni, which, as sanctified by the presence of the
founder of their faith, is venerated by the Buddhists of all parts of India.
HAKATUR. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 618.
HAKNITWARA. Town in Haidarabad State; forty- seven miles
south from Ellichpur, and 111 miles west-south-west from Nagpur. Lat.
20 30*, long. 77 38'.
HAL A. Subdivision of Haidarabad district, Sind, Bombay ; between
lat. 25 8' 26 1 5', and long. 68 16' 30" 69 17'. It is bounded on the
north by the Naushahro Deputy Collectorate ; on the south by Haidarabad
taluk and Tando ; on the east by the Thar and Parkar Political Superin-
tendency ; and on the west by the Indus. Area, 2500 sq. miles. Pop.
(1872), 216,139.
HALA (NEW). Town and municipality (in taluk of same name), in
Haidarabad district, Sind, Bombay. Lat. 25 48' 30", long. 68 27' 30".
Pop. (1872), 4096. A fair is held twice a year in the town, when
Muhammadans flock to worship the tomb of a saint, whose remains
are deposited therein. Area of taluk, 524 sq. miles. Pop. (1872),
HALA (OLD). Town in Haidarabad district, Sind, Bombay. Pop.
(1872), 2467.
HALABAK. Town in Kashmir State, Punjab; 163 miles east from
Srmagar, and 158 miles north-east by north from Kangra. Lat. 33 55',
long. 77 46'.
HAL AGUND A. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 846.
HAL AGUE.. Town in Mysore State ; on the left bank of one of the
branches of the Kaveri, and thirty-three miles east from Serin gapatam.
Lat. 12 27', long. 77 14'.
HALANL Town in Haidarabad district, Sind, Bombay. Pop. (1872),
HALAN SYTJDS. Village in Karachi district, Sind, Bombay ; on the
route from Haidarabad to Sehwan, by way of Kotri, and thirty-two miles
north of the last-mentioned place, about a mile and a half from the right
bank of the Indus. Lat. 25 54', long. 68 18'.
HALARIA. State in Kathiawar, Bombay ; paying a yearly tribute of
10 to the Gaekwar of Baroda and 7 to the Nawab of Junagarh.
HALDA. River of Chittagong district, Bengal ; falls into the Karna-
HALDATJR. Town in Bijnaur district, N.W.P. ; on the route from
Bijnaur to Moradabad, ten miles south-east of the former. Lat. 29 17',
Ion?. 78 21'.
HA1DHARPUR. Thana in Ballia district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
HAL 323
HALDL Kiver of Midnapur district, Bengal; it rises in lat. 22 IS'
30'', long. 87 13' 16", and flows into the Hugh', in lat. 22 0' 30", long.
88 6' 15". It chief tributary is the Kasai.
HALDL Thana in Ballia district, JST.W.P. Pop. (1881), 59,413.
HALDI. Village in Ghazipur district, N.W P. ; on the route from
Gbazipur to Chapra, fifty-two miles east of the former. Lat. 25 45',
long. 84 15'.
HALDIBARL Thana in Kuc.h Behar State, Bengal. Area, 89 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 35,411.
HALDIPUKRI. Town in Manbhum district, Bengal; 148 miles
west of Calcutta. Lat. 22 37', long. 86 8'.
HALDTJG- GHAT. Ferry in Kumaun district, KW.P. ; south-east of
Pithoragarh eleven miles. Lat. 29 28', long. 80 21'.
HALEBID. Tillage in Hassan district, Mysore. Lat. 13 12' 20",
long. 76 2'. Pop. (1871), 1207. Famous as the site of the ancient
city of Dwarasamudra.
HALERL Village in Coorg, Madras. Lat. 12 27', long. 75 52'.
Pop. (1881), 547.
HALHALIA. Biver in Maimansinh and Bogra districts, Bengal; falls
into the Karatoya.
HALHALLI. Town in Mysore State ; on the right bank of one of
the branches of the Kaveri river, and twenty-five miles south-south-west
from Seringapatam. Lat. 12 6', long. 76 37'.
HALI. Town in Raipur district, Central Provinces; 133 miles south-
east from Nagpur and 135 miles east by south from Chanda. Lat. 19
38', long. 81 25'.
HALIJA. Village in Karachi district, Sind, Bombay ; fifty miles east
of the port of Karachi. It is situate among the low hills north-west of
Tatta, and near the western shore of a considerable piece of water,
communicating with the Indus by the Ghara watercourse. Lat. 24
47', long. 67 46'.
HALING. Town in Bhartpur State, Eajputana ; fifty-one miles west
from Agra, and eighty- six miles east from Jaipur. Lat. 27 7' long.
77 17'.
HALIPTITRA. Village in Karachi district, Sind, Bombay; on the
route from Sehwan to Larkhana, and four miles north of the former
place ; situate two miles from the right bank of the Indus. Lat. 26
27, long. 67 54'.
HALISHAHR. Village in the Twenty-four Parganas district, Bengal ;
situate on the left bank of the Hugli river. Lat. 22 55', long. 88 23'.
HALIYA. Town in Mirzapur district, N.W.P. ; on the route from
Rewah to Benares, fifty-three miles south-west of the latter. Lat. 24
50', long. 82 24'.
HALIYAL. Town and municipality (in subdivision of same name) in
Xorth Kanara district, Bombay. Lat. 15 19' 50", long. 74 48'. Pop.
(1881), 5527. Area of subdivision, 980 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 61,15 L
HALKANT. Town in Agra district, N.W.P. ; fifty miles south-east
of the city of Agra. Lat. 26 47', long. 78 46'.
HALLAGOTTA. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 78.
HALL All (HALAWAR). Part of the peninsula of Kathiawar,
Bombay ; bounded on the north by the Gulf of Cutch ; lies between lat.
21 39' 22 50', long. 69 9' 71 3'; is about 130 miles in length from
east to west, and seventy-five in extreme breadth. Its area may be
stated at about 4960 square miles ; comprising the Nawanagar and other
HALLIA. Thana in Mirzapur district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 30,258.
HALLIGATTTT. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 331.
HALLOW AL. Town in Sialkot district, Punjab ; situated nine miles
from the right bank of the Ravi, fifty- three miles north-east of Lahore.
Lat. 32 10', long 74 45'.
HALLWY. Town in the Bellary district, Madras ; fifty-three miles
north by east of Bellary. Lat. 15 52', long. 77 10'.
HALOL. Town in Baroda State, at the north-western base of the
mountain of Pawangarh. Distance from Ahmedabad, south-east, sixty-
five miles. Lat. 22 32', long. 73 28'.
HALON. River of Berar and Balaghat and Mandla districts, Central
Provinces ; a tributary of the Burhner, into which it falls in lat. 22 40',
long 80 47'.
HALSANGI. Town in Satdra district, Bombay ; thirty-six miles
north by east of Bijapur. Lat. 17 19', long. 75 56'.
HALUKENE. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 19.
HAL WAD. Town and fortress of Kathiawar, Bombay ; eighty-five
miles south-west of Ahmedabad. Lat. 23 1', long. 71 14' 30". Pop.
(1881), 5967.
HAMBAR. Village in Ludhiana district, Punjab ; on the route from
Ludhiana to Firozpur, and ten miles and a half west of the former town.
Distant north-west from Calcutta, 1099 miles. Lat. 30 57', long. 75 46'.
HAMBAR. Village in Firozpur district, Punjab ; ten miles and
a half west of Firozpur. Lat. 30 57', long. 75 46*.
HAMIDNAGAR. Town in Patna district, Bengal ; thirty-four miles
north by west of Sherghati. Lat. 25 2', long. 84 43'.
HAMILAYA. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 57.
HAMIRGARH. Town in Udaipur State, Rajputana ; ninety-one miles
south from Ajmere, and seventy -three miles west from Kotah. Lat.
25 10', long. 74 43'.
HAMIRPUR. District in the Allahabad division of the KW.P. ;
between lat. 25 5' 26 10', and long. 79 22' 45" 80 25' 15". Area,
2289 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 507,337. Bounded on the north by the
Jumna ; on the north-west by Baoni State and the Betwa river ; on the
west by the Dhasan river ; on the south by Alipura, Chhatarpur, and
Charkhari States ; and on the east by Banda district. The chief rivers
are the Jumna, the Betwa, and the Dhasan. The hills are the Vindhycdn
range. The chief towns are Rath, Hamirpur, Mahoba, and Maudha.
The district is administered by a Magistrate, Assistant Magistrate,
Settlement Officer, and Deputy Collector.
HAMIRPUR. Town and municipality (in tahsil of same name) and
capital of Hamirpur district, N.W.P. ; situated at the confluence of tl
Betwa and the Jumna, on the right bank of the latter river. It lies 01
the route from Banda to Cawnpore ; distant from the former thirty-sb
miles, from the latter thirty-nine, from Kalpi twenty-eight, from Aj
155, from Allahabad 110. Lat. 25 58', long. 80 11' 50". Pop. (1881),
7155. Area of tahsil, 367 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 75,398. Also par-
gana. Pop. (1881), 26,545. And thana. Pop. (1881), 22,151.
HAMIRPUR. Tahsil of Kangra district, Punjab. Area, 644 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 176,609.
HAMPAPURA. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 78.
HAMPI. Ruined town in Bellary district, Madras ; on the south
bank of the Tungabhadra. Lat. 15 19' 50", long. 76 30' 10". Formerly
a place of considerable importance, and still the seat of an annual festival.
HANAGALLU. Tillage in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 166.
HANAKODU. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 242.
HANDIA. Town (in tahsil of same name) in Allahabad district,
N.W.P. Lat. 25 22', long. 82 15'. Area of tahsil, 286 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 184,754. Also thana. Pop. (18SI), 50,179.
HANDIA. Town in Hoshangabad district, Central Provinces ; on the
Narbada river. Lat. 22 28' 30", long. 77 2'. Pop. (1870), 1992.
There is a ruined fort here.
HANDI ANANTAPUR. Town in Bellary district, Madras; fifty-
nine miles north-west of Bellary. Lat. 14 41', long. 77 41'.
HANDLI Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 125.
HANGAL. Town (in subdivision of same name) in Dharwar district,
Bombay. Pop. (1881), 5272. Area of subdivision, 299 sq. miles. Pop.
(1881), 65,787.
HANGARKOTTA. Port in South Kanara district, Madras, at the
entrance to the Silanadi.
HANGO (HUNG). Village in Bashahr State, Punjab ; noted for its
temple. Elevation above the sea, 1 1,400 feet. Lat. 31 49', long. 78 34'.
HANGRANG. Mountain pass in Bashahr State, Punjab. Lat. 31 48',
long. 78 35'. It is 14,800 feet high.
HANGTI (MIRANZAIV Village (in tahsil of same name) in Kohat
district, Punjab. Lat 33 32', long. 71 6'. Area of tahsil, 419 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 36,308.
HANLI. Town in Kashmir State, Punjab ; 154 miles north-east from
Simla, and 166 miles east by north from Chamba. Lat. 32 43, long.
78 56'.
HANSATITL River of Rohtak, Gurgaon, and Delhi districts, Punjab ;
rising in lat. 27 58', long. 76 7', and falling into the Delhi Canal a few
miles north of the town of Delhi, in lat. 28 40', long. 77 15'.
HANSGANJ. Village in Muttra district, KW.P. ; on the left bank
of the Jumna, opposite the city of Muttra. Lat. 27 31', long. 77 45'.
HANSI. Town and municipality (in tahsil of same name) of Hissar
district, Punjab. Lat. 29 6' 19", long. 76 0' 19". Pop. (1881), 12,656.
Area of tahsil, 761 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 130,612.
HANSKHALI. Town and municipality in the Nadiya district, Bengal;
on the left bank of the Churni river. Lat. 23 21' 30", long. 88 39' 30".
Also thana. Area, 104 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 45,340.
HANSOT. Town in Broach district, Bombay ; near the south-eastern
bank of the estuary of the river Narbada. Distance from Surat, north,
twenty- eight miles. Lat. 21 32', long. 72 50'. Pop. 5000.
HANTHAWADDY. District in Pegu division, British Burma.
Area, 4236 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 427,720.
HANUMANA. Village in Rewah State, Central India Agency; on
the route by the Kutra Pass from Allahabad to the town of Rewah, and
seventy-four miles south-west of the former. Elevation above the sea,
1219 feet. Lat. 24 47', long. 82 9'.
HANUMANGANJ. Thana in Allahabad district, KW.P. Pop.
(1881), 50,074.
HAPA. State in Mahi Kantha, Bombay. Pop. (1881), 1546. The
chief pays a yearly tribute of 102 10s. to the Gaekwar of Baroda, and
of 21 16s. toEdar.
HAPTJR. Town and capital (in tahsfl of same name) in Meerut
district, N.W.P. Lat. 28 43' 20", long. 77 49' 45". Pop. (1881),
13,212. Area of tahsil, 408 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 199,898. Also
pargana. Pop. (1881), 89,528. And thana. Pop. (1881), 26,778.
HARA. Town in Nadiya district, Bengal; seventy two miles north
of Calcutta. Lat. 23 36', long. 88 31'.
HARAGA. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 177.
HARAI. State in Chhindwara district, Central Provinces. Area, 1 64
sq. miles/ Pop. (1881), 13,449. The capital of the same name is in lat.
22 37', long. 79 16'.
HARAI. Village in Allahabad district, N.W.P. ; on the route from
Allahabad to Rewah, and seventeen miles south-east of the former.
Lat. 25 18', long. 82 2'.
HARAIA. Tahsil in Gorakhpur district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
HARAMAK. Mountain in Kashmir State, Punjab, 13,000 feet high.
Lat. 34 26', long. 75. There is a small lake on its northern slope,
forming an object of great veneration to the Hindus.
HARANGL Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 193.
HARAPPA (HARAPA). Village in Montgomery District, Punjab;
situate on the left bank of the Ravi. Lat. 30 40', long. 72 53'.
HARATJRA. Village (in pargana of same name) in Saharanpur
district, N.W.P. ; on the route from the town of Saharanpur to Dehra,
and eight miles east of the former place ; on the river Hindan. Distant
north-west from Calcutta 1015 miles. Lat. 30, long. 77 45'. Pop.
of pargana (1881), 57,766.
HARAWAL. Town in Patiala State, Punjab ; fifty miles from tne
left bank of the Sutlej. Lat. 30 17', long. 75 20'.
HARAWUG. Fort in Kashmir State, Punjab ; on the route from
Lahore to Kashmir. It is on the right bank of a stream, which, at
a short distance below, falls into the Chenab. Lat. 33 12', long.
75 3'.
HARCHOKA. Village on the Muwahi river, in Chang Bhakar State,
Chutia Nagpur, Bengal. Lat. 23 51' 30", long. 81 45' 30".
HARDA. Town and municipality (in tahsil of same name) in
Hoshangabad district, Central Provinces. Lat. 22 21', long. 77 8'.
Pop. (1881), 11,203. Harda is a station on the Great Indian Peninsula
Railway. Area of tahsil, 1942 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 146,782.
HAR 327
HARDA. Town in Gwalior State, Central India Agency ; on the
route from Betul to Mhow, seventy-six miles north-west of the former,
109 east of latter. Lat. 22 18', long. 77 7'.
HARDAGARH. Town in Chhindwara district, Central Provinces ;
twenty-three miles north-west from Deogarh, and fort} 7 -two miles east-
north-east from Betul. Lat. 22 7', long. 78 31'.
HARDANHALLI. Small fortified town in Mysore State ; distant
from Seringapatam, south east, fifty miles. Lat. 11 52', long. 77 1'.
HARDOL District in Sitapur division, Oudh. Between lat. 26 53'
27 47', and long. 79 44' 80 52'. Area, 2312 sq. miles. Pop.
(1881), 987,630. Bounded on the north by Shahjahanpur and Kheri
districts ; on the east by Sitapur district ; on the south by Lucknow and
Unao districts; and on the west by Farrukhabad district. The chief
rivers are the Ganges, Ramganga, Garra, Sukheta, Sai, Baitra, and
Gumti. Some of the chief towns are Hardoi (the capital), Shahabad,
Sandila, Bilgram, Mallanwan, and Pali. The Oudh and Rohilkhand
Railway runs through Hardoi for 62 miles, and there are also several lines
of communication.
HARDOI. Town and municipality (in tahsil of same name) in
Hardoi district, Oudh. Station on the Oudh and Rohilkhand Railway.
Lat. 27 23' 40", long. 80 10' 5". Pop. (1881), 10,026. Area of tahsil,
638 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 261,107. Also than a. Pop. (1881), 81,732.
HARDOI. Town (in pargana of same name) in Rai Bareli district,
Oudh. Lat. 26 28', long. 81 15'. Pop. (1869), 1590. Area of
pargana, 15,561 acres. Pop. (1881), 13,173.
HARDUAGANJ. Town and municipality in Alfgarh district, KW.P
Lat. 27 56' 30", long. 78 11' 40". Pop. (1881), 4520. Also thana.
Pop. (1881), 34,426.
H.ARDWAR. Town and famous scene of pilgrimage in Saharanpur
district, N.W.P. Lat. 29 57' 30", long. 78 12' 52". Pop. (1872), 4800.
Every twelfth year a feast of peculiar sanctity occurs in this town, when
upwards of 300,000 pilgrims assemble together, a number at least three
times as many as attend the annual gathering.
HAREK. Village in Lahore district, Punjab ; about a mile and a half
from a ferry across the Sutlej, at a point three miles below the confluence
of the Sutlej and the Beas. Lat. 31 10', long. 74 59'.
HARGAM. Town (in pargana of same name) in Sitapur district,
Oudh. Lat. 27 45', long. 80 47'. Pop. (1869), 2832. At a sacred
tank known as the Surajkund, a biennial religious trading fair is held,
attended at times by 40,000 persons. Area of pargana, 66 sq. miles.
Pop. (1869), 23,861. Also thana. Pop. (1881), 42,087.
HARGAON. Pargana in Sitapur district, Oudh. Pop. (1881), 24,516.
HARHA. Town (in pargana of same name) in Unao district, Oudh.
Lat. 26 25' 20", long. 80 34'. Pop. (1869), 5446. Area of pargana,
227 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 107,231.
HARHAR. Tillage in Muzaffarnagar district, N.W.P. ; twenty-three
miles distant from Muzaffarnagar. Pop. (1872), 948.
HARIA. Tahsil of Basti district, KW.P. ; lying along the north
bank of the river Gogra. Area, 494 sq. miles. Pop. (1872), 305,222.
HARIANA. Tract including parts of Hissar and Rohtak districts,
Punjab ; now obsolete as a territorial division.
328 HAR
HARIANA. Town and municipality in Hoshiarpur district, Punjab,
Lat. 31 38' 15", long. 75 54'. Pop. (1881), 6472.
HARIGAON. Village in Garo Hills district, Assam.
HARIHA. Village in Gujranwala district, Punjab ; on the route
from Ramuagar to Pind Dadan Khan, and fourteen miles east of the
latter place. It is situate near the left bank of the river Jheluni. Lat.
32 37', long. 73 20'.
HARIHAR. Town and municipality on the right hank of the Tunga-
bhadra river, in Chitaldrug district, Mysore. Lat. 14 30' 50", long. 76 r
50' 36". Pop. (1871), 6401. A beautiful bridge of fourteen archer!
crosses the stream at this spot.
HARIHARA. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 591
HARIHARPARA. Thana in Murshidabad district, Bengal. Area,
98 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 57,135.
HARIHARPTJR. Village in Gorakhpur district, KW.P. ; on the
Jamura, a tributary of the Bapti. Distant south-west from Gorakhpur,
twenty-two miles. Lat. 26 45', long. 83 2'.
HARIHARPTJR. Village in Kadur district, Mysore. Lat. 13 30'
25", long. 75 20' 51". Pop. (1871), 595.
HARIHARPTJR. Town in Morbhanj State, Orissa, Bengal; thirty
miles north-west from Balasor, and fifty -six miles south-west from
Midnapur. Lat. 21 51', long. 86 46'.
HARIHARPUR. Town in Nepal State ; twenty-nine miles south by
east from Khatmandu, and sixty -two miles south-west from Bettiah.
Lat. 27 18', long. 85 23'.
HARIHARPUR. Town in Sarguja State, Bengal; 136 miles south-
west from Sherghati, and 108 miles west from Lohardaga. Lat. 23 30',
long. 83 5'.
HARIJ. District in Kadi division, Baroda State. Area, 217 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 26,282.
HARIKPUKAR. Town in Cuttack district, Bengal; forty-nine miles
south-east of Cuttack. Lat. 20 4', long. 86 31'.
HARIMANDALAM. Town in Ganjam district, Madras. Pop.
(1881), 3089.
HARINGHATA. Thana in Kadiya district, Bengal. Area, 72 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 38,306.
HARINGI (SUVARNAVATI). River in Coorg ; falls into the Kaveri.
HARINKAIRA (HERRINKAIRO). Town in Hoshangabad district,
Central Provinces ; on the route from Hoshangabad to Ellichpur, seven-
teen miles south- south- west of the former. Lat. 22 30', long. 77 40'.
HARIPANI (HATHBATIA). River in Goalpara district; falling
into the Brahmaputra opposite Goalpara town.
HARIPARBAT. Thana in Agra district, KW.P. Pop. (1881),
HARIPTJR. Town and municipality (in tahsil of same name) in
Hazara district, Punjab. Lat. 33 59' 50", long. 72 58' 15". Pop.
(1881), 4884. It is situate on the river Dor, which, about ten miles
westward, falls into the Indus near Torbela. Area of tahsil, 666 sq.
milt*. Pop. (1881), 124,532.
HAE 329
HARIPTJR. Town and municipality in Kangra district, Punjab.
Lat. 32, long. 76 12'. Pop. (1881), 2174.
HARIPTJR. Village in Patiala State, Punjab. Lat. 31 1', long.
77 3'. Elevation above sea-level, 3147 feet.
HARIPTJR. Village in Dehra Dun district, N.W.P.; at the con-
fluence of the Tons and Jumna. Elevation above the sea, 1686 feet.
Lat. 30 30', long. 77 54'.
HARIPUR. Village in Kashmir State, Punjab ; on the north side of
the Pir Panjal, and close to the right bank of a tributary of the Jhelum
river. Lat. 33 40', long. 74 51'.
HARIRAMPTJR. Thana in Dacca district, Bengal. Area, 109 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 100,009.
HARIRAMPUR. Town in Dacca district, Bengal; 121 miles north-
east of Calcutta. Lat. 23 39', long. 89 58'.
HARISANKAR. Town in Nadiya district, Bengal ; on the route from
Berhampur to Pabna, thirty-five miles east of former, twenty-five west of
latter, 102 north of Calcutta. Lat. 24 2', long. 88 50'.
HARISCHANDRAGARH. Hill fort in Ahmednagar district, Bom-
bay. Elevation above the sea, 3894 feet.
HARIYAL. Town in Pabna district, Bengal ; 133 miles north-north-
east of Calcutta. Lat. 24 19', long. 89 22'.
HARNAI. Port in Ratnagiri district, Bombay ; fifty- six miles
north-west of Ratnagiri. Lat. 17 48' 50", long. 73 9'. Pop. (1872),
HARNAL. Town in Rawal Pindi district, Punjab ; twenty-six miles
from the right bank of the Jhelum, ninety-six miles south-east by east of
the town of Peshawar. Lat. 33 19', long. 73 8'.
HARNHALLI. Village and municipality (in taluk of same name) in
Hassan district, Mysore. Lat. 13 14' 30", long. 76 15' 40". Pop.
(1871), 2234. Area of taluk, 164 sq. miles. Pop. (1871), 44,143.
HAROAH. Thana in Twenty-four Parganas district, Bengal. Area,
55 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 49,292.
HAH OH. River in Hazara and Rawal Pindi districts, Punjab ; falling
into the Indus on the eastern side, a few miles below Attock, in lat.
33 46', long. 72 17'. Total length, ninety miles.
HAROHALIil. Villages in Coorg, Madras, having a pop. (1881),
respectively, of 106, 47, 26, and 3.
HAROHOSTJR. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 21.
HAROL. State in Mahi Kantha, Bombay. Pop. (1881), 2883.
The chief pays a yearly tribute of 1 1 4s. to the Gaekwar of Baroda, and
of 4 2*. to the Maharaja of Edar.
HARPANHALLL Town in Bellary district, Madras. Lat. 14 47'
5", long. 76 1' 40". Pop. (1881), 6536.
HARRAND. Village at the foot of the Sulaiman Hills, in Dera Ghazi
Khan district, Punjab. Lat. 29 28', long. 70 1'. Famous for ita
HARRIPAL. Thana in Hugli district, Bengal. Area, 115 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 84,933.
HARRISON'S ISLAND. Island off the coast of Kyouk-hpyu dis-
trict, British Burma ; situate about ton miles from the shore, and
among the cluster of islands to the south of llaniri. Lat. 1 8 40', long.
94 2'.
HARSANI. Town in Jodhpur State, Bajputana; sixty-five miles
south from Jaisalmir, and 150 miles west from Jodhpur. Lat. 26, long.
70 49'.
HARSOL. Town in Kaira district, Bombay ; thirty-eight miles north-
cast of Ahme'dabad. Lat. 23 20', long. 73 2'.
HARSOLL Town in Ulwar State, Rajputana ; on the right bank
of a branch of the Sabi-nala, and twenty miles north from Ulwar. Lat.
27 50', long. 76 40'.
HARSUKH GARHL Town in Gurgaon district, Punjab; on the
route from Delhi to Kewari, and twenty-seven miles south-west of the
former. Lat. 28 25', long. 77'.
HARSUL. Town in Peint State, Bombay; ten miles south from
Peint, and ninety-three miles north-east from Bombay. Lat. 20 9',
long. 73 30'.
HARSUR. Town in Eaipur district, Central Provinces; 153 miles
east-south-east from Nagpur, and fifty-two miles south by west from
llaipur. Lat. 20 31', long. 81 23'.
HARUA. Tillage in Twenty-four Parganas district, Bengal. A fair
which lasts a week is held here annually.
HARTJKITHAN. Town in Kumaun district, N.W.P. ; thirty-one
miles north-east of Almora. Lat. 29 54', long. 80 4'.
HARUNAGL A. Tillage in Bareilly district, N.W.P. ; on the route
from the town of Bareilly to Si'tapur, and four miles south east of the
former. Lat. 28 22, long. 79 31'.
HARTJR. Town in Salem district, Madras; thirty-four miles north-
east of Salem. Lat. 12 4', long. 78 30'.
HASAN ABDAL. Tillage in Rawal Pindi district, Punjab. Lat.
33 48' 56", long. 72 44' 41". Famous for its ruins, which have been
identified as connected with the ancient city of Taxila. There is a sacred
shrine about one mile from the town.
HASANGANJ. Tillage in IJnao district, Oudh. Pop. (1869), 1500.
HASANGANJ. Thana in Lucknow district, Oudh. Pop. (1881),
HASANGARH. Pargana in Aligarh district, KW.P. Pop. (1881),
HASANGARH. Town in Aligarh district, N.W.P. ; on the route
from Bulandshahr to Agra, forty-four miles north by west of the latter.
Lat. 27 48', long. 77 57'.
HASANKAGHARL Town in Shikarpur district, Sind, Bombay;
forty-seven miles north of Sukkur. Lat. 28 20', long. 68 44'.
HASANPITR. Town (in tahsil of same name) in Moradabad district,
K.W.P. ; distant from Moradabad thirty miles west. Lat. 28 43' 45",
long. 78 19' 55". Pop. (1881), 9142. Area of tahsd, 554 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 161,809. Also thana. Pop. (1881), 56,876.
HASANPITR. Town in Sultanpur district, Oudh. Lat. 26 16', long.
32 3'. Pop. (1869), 4338.
HAS 331
HASANPTJR. Village in Meerut district, KW.P. ; on the route
from Meerut to Moradabad, and thirteen miles south-east of the former.
Lat. 28 54', long. 77 56'.
HASANPUR. Town in Mysore State ; on the right bank of one of
the branches of the Kaveri river, and eighteen miles west from Seringa-
patam. Lat. 12 24', long. 76 29'.
HASANPUR. Town in Maimansinh district, Bengal; thirty-one
miles south-east of Nasirabad. Lat. 24 23', long. 90 40'.
HASANPURA. Town in Saran district, Bengal; thirty-seven miles
north-west of Chapra. Lat. 26 2', long. 84 27'.
HASARA. Town in Dacca district, Bengal. Lat. 23 35' 13', long.
90 20' 58'. Pop. (1872), 5707.
HASAYAN. Town in Aligarh district, N.AV.P. Pop. (1881), 3003.
Also thana. Pop. (1881), 29,911.
HASHTNAGAR. Tahsil of Peshawar district, Punjab ; between the
rivers of Swat and Kabul. Area, 303 sq. miles, Pop. (1881), 69,914.
Its chief village is on the left bank of the Landai, about twenty mi e*
north of Peshawar. Lat. 34 16', long. 71 45'.
H ASK AR A. Tahsil in Hamirpur district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
HASH CANAL (SHAHI CANAL). -Canal in Gurdaspur, Amritsar,
and Lahore districts, Punjab; between lat. 31 35' 32 8' 30", and long.
74 24' 3U" 75 31' 15". Constructed in 1633, by AH Mardan Khan,
the famous engineer of Shah Jahan.
HASSAN. District in the Ashtagram division of Mysore State;
between lat. 12 30' 13 22', and long. 75 32' 76 58''. Bounded
south-west by South Kanara district, Madras ; on the south by Coorg.
Area, 1879 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 668,417. The chief river is the
Hemavati and its tributaries. The chief mountains are the "Western
Ghats, the highest peak of which is Subrahmanya, 5583 feet high. The
chief towns are Hassan and Narsipur.
HASSAN. Capital (in taluk of same name) of Hassan district, Mysore
State. Lat. 13 0' 16", long. 76 8' 8". Pop. (1871), 6305. Area of
taluk, 371 sq. miles. Pop. (1871), 100,523.
HASSANGADL Pass in South Kanara district, Madras. Lat. 13 40',
long. 75 1'.
HASSANTJR. Pass in Coiinbatore district, Madras. Lat. 11 35',
77 10'.
HASTINAPTJR. Town in Cuddapah district, Madras; 126 miles
north-west by west of Madras. Lat. 14 10', long. 78 50'.
HAST1NAPUR. Ancient city in Meerut district, N.W.P. ; on the
bank of the Burh Ganga or former bed of the Ganges, twenty-two miles
north-east of Meerut. Lat. 29 9', long. 78 3'. Pop. (1872), 77.
Formerly a place of note. Also pargana. Pop. (1881), 82,270.
HASTINGS. Section of Calcutta. Area, fifty-seven acres. Pop.
(1881), 4953.
HASTIA. Town (in pargana of same name) in Fatehpur district,
N.W.P. ; close to the route fiom Allahabad to Fatehpur, and seven miles
south-east of the latter. Lat. 25 51' long. 80 53'. Pop. of pargana.
(1881), 64,636.
HASUA. Town and municipality in Gaya district, Bengal ; on the
right bank of the river Tiliya. Lat. 24 49' 43', long. 85 27' 35".
Pop. (1881), 5019.
HATA. Thana in Gorakhpur district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
HATAMPTTR. Town in Shahabad district, Bengal. Pop. (1872),
HATCHINAD. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 335.
HATCHINADTJ. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 55.
HATGAON. Town (in pargana of same name) in Fatehpur district,
N.W.P. ; on the route from Allahabad to Fatehpur, and nineteen miles
south-east of the latter. Lat. 25 52', long. 81 11'. Pop. of pargana,
(1881), 111,880. Also thana. Pop. (1881), 55,300.
HATGIYA. Village in Allahabad district, N. W.P. ; on the route
from Allahabad to Lucknow, and eight miles north-west of the former.
Lat. 25 34', long. 81 53'.
HATHAZARL Town and municipality in Chittagong district, Bengal;
Lat. 22 30 7 5", long. 91 50' 45". Also thana. Area, 97 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 81,830.
HATHIBARI. Government reserve-forest in Bilaspur district, Central
HATH KA PIPLIA. Town in Dewas State, Central India Agency;
twenty-eight miles east from Indore, and ninety- eight miles from Ho-
shangabad. Lat. 22 45', long. 76 17'.
HATHPTJR (HATHPOR). Tunnel in Sarguja State, Chutia Nagpur,
HATHRAS. Town (in tahsil of same name) in Aligarh district,
N.W.P. Lat. 27 35' 31", long. 78 6' 9". Pop. (1881), 25,656.
Formerly one of the strongest forts in India, but now a trading place of
considerable importance. Area of tahsil, 291 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
199,481. Also pargana. Pop. (1881), 159,144. And thana. Pop.
(1881), 92,724.
HATI (HATHI). Town in Eewah State, Central India Agency;
110 miles direct south-west of Mirzapur, fifty-eight south-east of Banda.
Elevation above the sea, 1070 feet. Lat. 24 42', long. 80 53'.
HATIA. Island in Noakhali district, Bengal ; in the estuary of the
Mcghna river. Between lat. 22 26' 22 41', and long. 90 59' 91
11' 30". Area, 185 sq. miles, Pop. (1881), 40,295.
HATIA RIVER (HATTIA RIVER). One of the mouths of the
Meghna (or Ganges) river ; so called from Hatia Island.
HATIMABAD. Village in Bulandshahr district, N.W.P. ; on the
route from Muttra to Meerut, and forty-eight miles south of the latter.
Lat. 28 21', long. 77 56'.
HATIN. Town in Gurgaon district, N.W.P. ; on the route from
Delhi to Muttra, forty-seven miles north-west of the latter. Lat. 28 2',
long. 77 19'.
HATIPUR. Village in Farrukhabad district, KW.P. ; on the route
from Alfgarh to Fatehgarh, and seven miles north-west of the latter,
lat. 27 25', long. 79 35'.
HATI ITSTL Town in Bhagalpur district, Bengal; sixty -three miles
north-north-west of Bhagalpur. Lat. 26, long. 86 31'.
HATIYA. Town in Nepal State; on the right hank of the river
Arun, and ninety-seven miles east by north from Khatmandu. Lat.
27 58', long. 86 50'.
HATNI. Town in Belgaum district, "Bombay ; seventy-two miles
north-east of Belgaum. Lat. 16 43', long. 75 8'.
HATNITR. Town in Haidarabad State; 150 miles north from
Haidarabad, and 120 miles south-south-west from Nagpur. Lat. 19 30',
long. 78 38'.
HATSIT. River of Korea State, Bengal, and Bilaspur and Sambalpiir
districts, Central Provinces; falls into the Mahanadi river, in lat. 21
50', long. 82 46'.
HATTA. Town in Haidarabad State ; 170 miles north-west by north
from Haidarabad, and eighty miles south-east from Jalna. Lat. 19 20',
long. 77.
HATTA. Tahsil in Gorakhpur district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 371,284.
HATTA (HATTUH). State in Balaghat district, Central Provinces.
Area, 134 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 29,058.
HATTA (HATTTIH). Town in Hatta State, Balaghat district,
Central Provinces ; eighty-eight miles north-east from Nagpur, and
forty-nine miles east-south-east from Seoni. Lat. 21 40', long. 80 19'.
Pop. (1881), 2466.
HATTA. Town (in tahsil of same name) in Damoh district, Central
Provinces. Lat. 24 8', long. 79 39'. Pop. (1881), 6325. A centre of
trade for red cloth. Area of tahsil, 1007 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
HATT ALL Town in Dera Ismail Khan district, Punjab ; situated
thirty miles from the right bank of the Indus, 138 miles north-north-
west of the town of Multan. Lat. 31 55', long. 70 28'.
HATTOD. Town in Indore state, Central India Agency; ten miles
north-west from Indore, and 129 miles west from Hoshangabad. Lat.
22 47', long. 75 44'.
HATTUR (KUND AD ABETTA). Mountain in Coorg. On the summit
is a temple, situate on the edge of a precipice 500 feet high : here a
festival is held annually.
HATTUR. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 729.
HATWA. Village, and residence of the Maharaja of Hatwa, in Saran
district, Bengal. Lat. 26 21' 36", long. 84 20' 21 7/ .
HATWAS. Town in Chhindwara district, Central Provinces ; on the
route from Betul to Sagar, seventy miles north-north-east of the former.
Lat. 22 46', long. 78 23'.
HATJ-GAN. Revenue circle on the left bank of the Re river, in
Amherst district, British Burma. Pop. (1876), 2066.
HATJLKURKI. Town in Mysore State, sixty-five miles north by
west from Seringapatam, and 109 miles east-north-east from Mangalore.
Lat, 13 19', long. 76 26'.
HATJMP (H AMP A) .Town in Rajpipla State, Rewa Kantha Agency,
Bombay ; on the left bank of the Narbada river, and seventy-three miles
east by north from Broach. Lat. 22, long. 74 6'.
HAVALI (HAVILI). Town in Montgomery district, Punjab ; ten
miles from the right bank of the Sutlej, ninety miles south-west of
the town of Lahore. Lat. 30 26', long. 73 34'.
HAVILI. Subdivision in Poona district, Bombay. Pop. (1880,
HAVILI. Parganas in Gorakhpur district, N.W.P., having a popula-
tion (1881) of 290,193; 249,218; and 78,182 respectively.
HAVILI. Town in Jhang district, Punjab ; on the left bank of
the Jhelum, 107 miles west by north of the town of Lahore. Lat.
31 48', long. 72 23'.
HAVILI. Pargana in Chanda district, Central Provinces. Area, 448
gq. miles.
HAVILI OTIDH. Pargana in Faizabad district, Oudh. Area, 126
sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 139,610.
HAVIRI. Town in Dharwar district, Bombay ; fifty-six miles south-
east of Dharwar. Lat. 14 47' 30", long. 75 29'. Pop. (1881),
HAW ALBAGH. Village in Kumaun district, KW.P. ; situate five
miles north of Almora, and on the left bank of the Kosila. Elevation
above the sea, 3889 feet. Lat. 29 38' 25", long. 79 39' 5".
HAYCOCK ROCK. Rock off the coast of Bassein district, British
Burma. Lat. 17 10', long. 94 31'.
HAYES ISLAND. Island off the coast of Mergui district, British
Burma; ninety-three miles from Tenasserim; length four, and breadth
two miles. Lat. 11 52', long. 97 45'.
HAZAR A. District in the Punjab; between lat. 33 45' 35 2',
and long. 72 35' 30" 74 9'. Area, 3039 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
407,075. Bounded on the north by the Black Mountains, Swat, Kohi-
stan, and Chilas ; on the east by Kashmir State ; on the south by Rawal
Pindi district ; and on the west by the river Indus. The chief mountains
are the Himalayas. The chief rivers are the Indus, with its tributaries
the TJnar, the Sirhan, the Dor, and the Haroh ; the Jhelum, with
its tributary the Kunhar. The chief towns are Haripur, Abbottabad
(the capital), Baffa, Mansahra, and Naushahr. There are several good
roads in the district.
HAZARIBAGK. District in the Chutia Mgpur division of Bengal ;
between lat. 23 25' 24 48', and long. 84 29' 86 38'. Area, 7021
sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 1,104,742. Bounded on the north by Gaya and
>Jonghyr districts; on the east by the Santal Parganas and Manbhum
districts; on the south by Lohardaga district; and on the west by Lohar-
daga and Gaya districts. The chief hills are Parasnath and Baragai; and
there are many other similar isolated peaks. The chief rivers are the
Damodar and its numerous tributaries. The chief towns are Hazaribagh,
Tchak, and Chatra. The eastern portion of the district is traversed by
a branch of the East Indian Railway. Coal is found at several places.
HAZARIBAGH. Subdivision of Hazaribagh district, Chutia Nagpur,
Bengal. Between lat. 23 56' 30" 24 14', and long. 85 11' 85 41'.
Area, 4575 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 672,238.
HAZARIBAGH. Town and municipality (in subdivision of same
name), and capital of Hazaribagh district, Chutia Nag-pur, .Bengal. Lat.
23 59' 21", long. 85 24' 32". Pop. (1881), 15,306. A small body of
troops are stationed at this town. Also thana. Area, 457 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 103,024.
HAZRATGANJ (HASRATGANJ). Town in Farrukhabad district,
KW.P. ; thirty miles north-west of the city of Farrukhabad. Lat. 27
39', long. 79 16'.
HAZRATPTJR. Thana in Budaun district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
IIAZRO. Town and municipnlity in Rawal Pindi district, Punjab.
Lat. 33 54' 45", long. 72 32'. Pop. (1881), 6533.
HAZTJ. Town in Kamrup district, Assam ; fifteen miles west-north-
west of Gauhati. Lat. 26 15', long. 91 31'.
HEBBATAGERL Tillage in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881\ 457.
HEBBULSE. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 131.
HEBHALES. Villages in Coorg, Madras, having a pop. (1881)
respectively of 1434 and 1967.
HEBLL Town in Dharwar district, Bombay. Lat. 15 28' 50",
long. 75 10'. Pop. (1872), 6483.
HEGGADALLL Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 63.
HEGGADDEVANKOT. Village (in taluk of same name) in Mysore
district, Mysore. Lat. 12 5' 50", long. 76 21' 50". Pop. (1871), 1080.
Area of taluk, 652 sq. miles. Pop. (1871), 54,829.
HEGGALA. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 1200.
HEGGIIL A Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 69.
HELUJA-KA-GOTE. Village in Haidarabad district, Sind, Bombay ;
on the route from Tatta to Haidarabad, by Kotri, and thirty-two miles
south of the last-mentioned place. Lat. 24 54', long. 68 8'.
HELWANK. Town in Satara district, Bombay ; thirty miles south-
west of Satara. Lat. 17 20', long. 73 47'.
HEMAV ATI. Tributary of the Kaveri river, in Hassan district,
Mysore; rising in lat. 13 12', long. 75 44'.
HEMMANE. Villages in Coorg, Madras, having a pop. (1881)
respectively of 305 and 128.
EMMATALTI. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 602.
HEMMATJDI. Town in ISouth Kanara district, Madras ; fifty-six
miles north by west of Mangalore. Lat. 13 41', long. 74 46'.
HEMTAB AD. Village in Dinajpur district, Bengal ; on the left bank
of the river Kulik, twenty-six miles west of Dinajpur. Lat. 25 40' 40",
long. 88 15' 50". Also thana. Area, 243 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
HENDWAI. Thana in Santal Parganas district, Bengal. Pop.
(1881), 165,515.
HENKELGANJ. Village in Jessor district, Bengal; situate in the
Sundarbans. Lat. 22 27' 30", long. 89 2'.
HENZADA. District in the Pegu division of British Burma; between
lat. 16 4918 30'. and long. 94 51' 96 7'. Area, 1948 sq. miles.
S36 HEtf HIG
Pop. (1881), 318,077. Bounded on the north, "by Prome district; on the
oast by the Irawadi river and Tharawadi district ; on the south by
Rangoon, Thonkhwa, and Bassein districts ; and on the west by the
Arakan Yoma mountains. The mountains of the district are the Arakan
Yoma, rising to a height of over 4000 feet. The rivers are the Irawadi
and the Bassein river (which is an offshoot of the latter), with their
tributaries flowing down from the Arakan Yoma. The chief towns are
Henzada (the capital), and Mya-Noung.
HENZADA Township, on the right bank of the Irawadi, in
Henzada district, British Burma. Pop. (1876), 73,644.
HENZADA. Town and municipality on the river Irawadi, in Hen-
zada district, British Burma, and the capital of the district. Lat. 17
38', long. 95 32'. Pop. (1881), 16,724.
HENZADA ANOUK-BHET. Revenue circle, on the right bank
of the Irawadi river, in Henzada district, British Burma. Pop. (1876),
HENZADA MYOMA. Revenue circle in Henzada district, British
Burma. Pop. (1876), 16,886.
HERAT. A division of Afghanistan, between Persia on the west, and
the Kandahar province of Afghanistan on the east.
HERAT. Capital of the Herat division of Afghanistan, in lat. 34 22',
long. 62 8'; on the right bank of the Hari Rud river, 369 miles west
from Kandahar. Said to be the dirtiest city in the world.
HERAV AN AD. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 582.
HERDOSE. Town in Bhor State, Bombay; on the right bank of one
of the branches of the Nira river, and twenty-six miles south from Poona.
Lat. 18 4', long. 73 42'.
HERUMALU. Village in Coorg, at which a festival is annually held.
HERURTJ. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 153.
HESHTO (HASDO). River in Korea State, Chutia tfagpur, Bengal.
HEWIKAIR. Town in Haidarabad State; forty-two miles west from
Ellichpur, and 164 miles east by north from Malegaon. Lat. 21 7',
long. 76 57'.
HEWRA (TJHIR A). Village in Poona district, Bombay; distant
twenty-seven miles north from Poona. Lat. 18 52', long. 73 45'.
HIAT (HIYAT). Town on the left bank of one of the branches of the
Rairi river, in Jodhpur State, Rajputana; fifty-two miles south-east of
Jodhpur. Lat. 25 53', long. 73 50'.
HIDDAGOT. Village in Karachi district, Sind, Bombay ; on the route
from Sehwan to Larkhana, nine miles north of the former place, situate
about a mile from the right bank of the Indus. Lat. 26 32', long.
67 53'.
HIGH ISLAND. Island off the coast of Bassein district, British
Burma; about five miles from the mainland, in lat. 17, long. 94 30'.
There is another of the same name in lat. 16 38', long. 94 20'.
HIGH LEVEL CANAL. Part of the Orissa Canal System, Bengal.
HIGODLTJ. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 667.
HIJ Hi:M 337
HIJILI. A part of Miclnapur district, Bengal ; lying between lat. 21
37' 22 11', and long. 87 27' 30" 88 1' 45" ; and extending along
the Hugh' and the sea-coast from the mouth of the Eupnarayan to
the boundary of the district. Area, about 1013 sq. miles,
HIJILI. Town in district of same name, Bengal. Lat. 21 49', long.
87 50'.
HILL TIPPERAH. State in Bengal, adjacent to Tipperah district,
Bengal; between lat. 22 59' 24 31', and long. 91 12' 92 24'.
Area, 4086 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 95,637. Bounded on the north by
Sylhet district, Assam ; on the west by Tipperah and Noakhali districts,
Bengal ; on the south by Noakhali and Chittagong districts ; and on the
east by the Lushai Hills and Chittagong Hill Tracts districts, Bengal.
There are many hill-ranges, of which the highest is Jampui. The chief
rivers are the Gumti and the Pheni. The chief village is Agartala. The
Eaja is entitled to a salute of 13 guns, and the present ruler has been
granted the title of Maharaja as a personal distinction.
HILSA. Town and municipality in Patna district, Bengal. Lat.
25 19' 10", long. 85 19' 31". Also thana. Area, 237 sq. miles. Pop.
(1881), 176,075.
HIMALAYA. A vast assemblage of mountains, stretching in an
irregularly curved line from the defile above Kashmir, on the north-
west, through which the Indus penetrates into the plains of the Punjab,
and separates the range from the mountains of Hindu Kush, to the
southern bend of the Sanpu or Dihong on the east, previous to its
junction with the Brahmaputra. This stupendous mass extends over
22 of longitude, its western extremity lying in long. 72 23', and its
eastern in long. 95 23'. About midway between the limits above de-
fined, and in the vicinity of Lake Manasarowar, is the southern extremity
of the mountain-range, which, extending from the north-west into Thibet,
separates the drainage system of the Indus from that of the Sanpu (after-
wards the Brahmaputra), and is by some regarded as the grand central
axis of Asia. Prom this centre the chain of the Himalayas stretches
to nearly an equal distance in a north-westerly direction on the one hand,
and a south-easterly on the other, throwing off at right angles lateral
ranges sloping southward to the plains of India. Deep narrow valleys,
separated from each other by these meridional ranges, contain the sources
of the numerous rivers which constitute the drainage system of the
Indus, the Ganges, and the Brahmaputra. Among the tributaries of
the Indus may be enumerated the Jhelum, Chenab, Beas, Eavi, and
Sutlej ; the principal feeders of the Ganges are the Jumna, Gogra,
Gandak, and Kosi ; the Tista and some others fall into the Brahmaputra.
The elevation of the culminating range of the Himalaya is probably at
a mean about 18,000 or 20,000 feet. The passes are rarely under 17,000
or 18,000 feet. The greater number of the giant peaks, which rise to
an elevation of 26,000 or 28,000 feet, are situated, not on the central
axis, but to the south of it. The length of the western division of the
culminating range of the Himalayas, from the source of the Sutlej to the
peaks of Dayamur on the Indus, is nearly 700 miles. The limits of the
snow-line on the southern slope have a height of about 18,500 feet.
The length of the eastern section of the culminating range of the Hirna-
layas, from the confluence of the Dihong with the Brahmaputra in the
east, to the river Kali, forming the boundary of Nepal on the west, is
about 800 miles. This portion supports the lofty peaks of Kanchanjanga
and Dhaulagiri. The latter, having an elevation of 27,600 feet, is in
lat. 29 11', long. 82 59'. The lofty peak of Kanchanjanga rises to the
height of 28,176 feet; and between this summit and Khatmandu is the
mountain that has a greater elevation than any other in the world,
hitherto discovered, Mount Everest, 29,002 feet. The entire chain may
be said to have an average breadth of 150 miles ; its length is computed at
about 1,500.
HIMATGANJ (HIMMTITGANG). Village in Allahabad district,
N.W.P. ; on the route from the cantonment of Allahabad to Jabalpur,
and four miles south of the former. It is situate on the left bank of the
Jumna. Lat. 25 26', long. 81 55'.
HIMATGARH (HIMUTGARH). Village in Gwalior State, Central
India Agency ; ten miles south-west of the fort of Gwalior. It is situate
at the north extremity of a narrow pass, extending from north to south,
through a range of rocky sandstone hills, to the town of Panniar. Lat.
26 6', long. 78 3'.
HINDAN. River in N.W.P. ; rising in lat. 30 8', long. 77 50'.
The Hindan has a total course of 160 miles, and falls at length into the
Jumna in Bulandshahr district, in lat. 28 28', long. 77 28'.
HINDATJL. Village in Muttra district, N.W.P. ; on the route from
the cantonment of Meerut to that of Muttra, and seventeen miles north-
east of the latter. Lat. 27 42', long. 77 49'.
HINDATJN. Town in Jaipur State, Rajputana; on the route from
Agra to Mhow, seventy-one miles south-west of the former, and 344
north-east of the latter. Lat. 26 44', long. 77 5'. Pop. (1881), 12,761.
HINDATJR. Village in Partabgarh district, Oudh ; on the road from
JBela to Rai Bareli, about fifteen miles from the former. Pop. (1869),
1109. Lat. 25 55', long. 81 52'.
HINDIA (HANDIYA). Town in Gwalior State, Central India
Agency; on the route from Betul to Mhow, ninety miles north-west of
former, ninety-six south-east of latter. It is situate on the left or south
bank of the ISTarbada, here a great river, 1000 yards wide. Distant south
from Gwalior fort 280 miles, south-east from Ujjain ninety. Lat. 22
29'. long. 77 3'.
HINDOL. State of Orissa, Bengal; between lat. 20 29' 30" 20
49' 30", and long. 85 8' 35" 85 31' 15". Bounded on the north and
east by Dhenkanal State ; on the south by Baramba and Karsinhpur
States; and on the west by Angul State. Area, 312 sq. miles. Pop.
(1881), 33,802. The chief, who pays an annual tribute of 55 to the
British Government, maintains a force of 83 men in addition to 133
HINDOLI. Town in Bundi State, Rajputana ; three miles from the
left bank of the Nej Nadi, and thirteen miles north-west from BunJi.
Lat. 25 35', long. 75 34'.
HINDORIA. Town in Damoh district, Central Provinces. Pop.
(1881), 3788.
HINDRI. River of Karnul district, Madras ; falling into the Tunga-
bhadra, in lat. 15 50', long. 78 9'.
HINDTJPATTL Town in Shahjahanpur district, N.W.P. ; lat. 27
59' 55", long. 80 8' 55". Pop. (1872), 6009.
HINDTJPUR. Town in Bellary district, Madras. Lat. 13 49', long.
79 32'. Pop. (1881), 6694.
HINDTJR (NALAGARH). Hill State in the Punjab ; between lat.
30 54' 30" 31 14' 15", and long. 76 39' 76 56' 45". Area, 252
sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 53,373. The Raja pays an annual tribute of
500 to the British Government.
HINDTJR (NALAGARH). Capital of state of same name, Punjab.
Pop. (1881), 5969.
HINDUSTAN. A name sometimes given to the whole of India. It
is occasionally applied to the North of India, as distinguished from
the Deccan or the South of India, the boundary being placed either
at the Vindhya Mountains or at the Narbada river. It is also used to
designate that part of India in which Hindi and Hindustani are vernacular
languages; namely, the N.W.P. and Oudh ; with parts of the Punjab,
Bengal, the Central Provinces, the Central India Agency, and Rajputana.
HINGANGHAT. Town (in tahsil of same name) in Wardha district,
Central Provinces. Lat. 20 33' 30", long. 78 52' 30". Pop. (1881),
9000. A centre of the cotton trade. Area of tahsil, 721 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 110,595.
HINGLAJGARH (HINGLAISGARH). Hill-fort in Indore State,
Central India Agency. Considered impregnable until captured by a
British detachment, under Major Sinclair, on 3rd July, 1804. Distant
from Indore, north, 130 miles; from Ujjain, north, 100 miles. Lat. 24
40', long. 75 50'.
HINGML Town in Haidarabad State; on the right bank of the
Penganga river, and 168 miles north by west from Haidarabad. Lat.
19 43' ; long. 77 57'.
HINGNAH. Town in Bhandara district, Central Provinces. Lat.
21 2', long. 79 2'.
HINGNL Town in Wardha district, Central Provinces. Lat. 20
55', long. 78 45'. Pop. (1881), 2157. An annual fair is held in this
HINGOLI. Town in Haidarabad State ; on the route from Haidar-
abad to Akola, 185 miles north-west of the former, and seventy-two
miles south of the latter. Lat. 19 43', long. 77 11'.
HINGON A. Village in Gwalior State, Central India Agency ; on the
route from Agra to the fort of Gwalior, forty-seven miles south of former,
twenty -three north-west of latter. It is situate on the left bank of the
small river Kohari. Lat. 26 32', long. 77 58'.
HINWA. River of Nepal State; rising in lat. 27 20', long. 88 4',
on the western slope of a spur of the Himalayas which connects the main
or Snowy range with that known as the Sub-Himalaya; falls into
the Tambur on the left side, in lat. 27 9', long. 87 24'.
HINWA (AINWAHY Village in Sultanpur district; two miles from
the right bank of the river Gogra, twenty-eight miles south-east of
Faizabad, 100 east of Lucknow. Lat. 26 37', long. 82 25'.
HIPTJRGAH (HIP ARGA). Town in Sholapur district, Bombay;
twenty-three miles east of Bijapur. Lat. 16 48', long. 76 8'.
HIRAN (HERRUN).- -Eiver of Jabalpur district, Central Provinces;
falls into the Narbada at Sankal, in lat. 23 4', long. 79 26'.
HIRAPITR. Town in Mandla district, Central Provinces ; on the
route from Ramgarh to Betul, forty-seven miles south-west of the former.
Lat. 22 30', long. 80 21'.
HIRAPUR. Village in Mainpuri district, N.W.P. ; between Alfgarh
and Mainpuri, and thirty- two miles north-west of the latter. Lat. 27
33', long. 78 44'.
HIRAPUR. State in the Central India Agency. Area, 8000 sq.
miles. Pop. (1876), 635,000. The capital of the same name is in lat.
24 23', long. 79 16'.
HIRDENAGAR. Village in Mandla district, Central Provinces. An
annual fair is held here.
HIRDOI. Town in Bundelkhand, on the route from Gwalior to Kalpi,
thirty-two miles west of the latter. Lat. 25 59', long. 79 20'.
HIREHAL (HIRAHOLU). Town in Bellary district, Madras; centre
of a brass industry. Lat. 15 0' 30", long. 76 54'. Pop. (1871),
HIREKEL (HIRIKELGUDDA). Range of hills in Mysore State.
HIREMAGALUR. Village in Kadur district, Mysore State. Pop.
(1871), 2443.
HIRIKARA. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 96.
HIRIKERL Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 4.
HIRIYTJR. Village and municipality on the right bank of the Veda-
vati river (in taluk of same name) in Chitaldrug district, Mysore State.
Lat. 13 57', long. 76 39' 30". Pop. (1871), 1731. Area of taluk, 764
sq. miles. Pop. (1871), 62,607.
HIRNI. Town in Darbhangah district, Bengal ; eighty-one miles
east by north of Dinapur. Lat. 25 47', long. 86 24'.
HIRODE (FRENCH ROCKS). Village in Mysore district, Mysore;
2882 feet above the sea, and four miles north of Seringapatam. Lat.
12 31', long. 76 45'. Pop. (1871), 4156. It is also a military
HISALTIR. Town in North Kanara district, Bombay; 126 miles
north by east of Mangalore. Lat. 14 42', long. 74 59'.
HISAMPUR. Town (in pargana of same name) in Bahraich
district, Oudh. Lat. 27 13', long. 81 39'. Pop. of pargana (1881),
HISSAR. Division of the Punjab, containing Hissar, Rohtak, and
Sirsa districts; situated between lat. 28 19' 30" 30 17', and long. 73
57' 30" 77. Area, 8355 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 1,311,067.
HISSAR. District in the Hissar division of the Punjab; between
lat. 28 36' 29 49', and long. 75 16' 76 22'. Bounded on the
north and north-west by Patiala State and part of Sirsa district ; on
the east and south by Jind State and Rohtak district ; and on the
west by Bikaner State. Area, 3540 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 504,183.
The chief river is the Ghaggar. The chief towns are Bhawani, Hissar,
and Hansi. The administration of the district is conducted by a Deputy-
Commissioner and Staff.
HISSAR. Town and municipality (in tahsi'l of same name) in Hissar
district, Punjab. Lat. 29 9' 51", long. 75 45' 55". Pop. (1881),
14,167. It is the capital, both of the district and of the division.
A cattle farm is attached to the town, founded both for the supply of
cattle and for improving the breed of the Province. Area of tahsil, 841
sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 98,106.
HITLUGADDE. Village in Coorg, Madras.
HITLUKERL Tillage in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 252.
HITLUMAKKL Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 10.
HIUNLA. River in Kumaun district, N.W.P. ; rises in the most
southerly range of mountains of the Himalaya system, in lat. 29 55',
long. 78 40'. Its direction is generally north-westerly, and after a
course of about twenty-five miles, it falls into the Ganges, on the left
side, in lat. 30 6', long. 78 26'.
HIWARKHED. Town in Ellichpur district, Berar ; on the banks of
the Pakand Nali, a tributary of the Wardha, about forty-five miles east
of Ellichpur. Lat. 21 23' 30", long. 78 7' 30". Pop. (1881), 7300.
HLAING. Township of Rangoon district, British Burma. Bounded
on the north and west by Henzada, and on the south and east by
the Hmaw-bhi and Hpoung-long townships of Rangoon. Area, 678 sq.
miles. Pop. (1876), 19,996.
HLAINGr. River of Henzada and Rangoon districts, British Burma.
In its lower course it is called the Rangoon river, as it flows past that
city into the sea.
HLAING-BHWAI. River in Amherst district, British Burma.
It falls into the Gyaing (a tributary of the Sal win) near its mouth,
in lat. 16 55', long. 98 2'.
HLAY-TSHIEP. Revenue circle, Henzada district, British Burma.
Pop. (1876), 2269.
HMAW-BHI. Subdivision of Rangoon district, British Burma. Pop.
(1876), 70,433. The Rangoon and Irawadi Valley (State) Railway
crosses Hmaw-bhi.
HMAW-BHI. Township in Rangoon district, British Burma. Pop.
(1876), 50,487. The township is traversed by the Irawadi VaUey
(State) Railway.
HMAW-BHI. Revenue circle in Rangoon district, British Burma.
Bounded on the north by the Myo-khoung ; on the south by the Hrnaw-
bhi stream ; on the east by the Pegu Yomas ; and west by the river
Hlaing. Area, 10,231 acres. Pop. (1876), 4644. The principal village
is Hmaw-bhi, in lat. 17 4' 40", long. 96 6' 5". Pop. 803.
HMAW-WON. Revenue circle, at the mouth of the Rangoon river,
in Rangoon district, British Burma. Pop. (1876), 7740.
HNAI-GYO. Revenue circle in Thonkhwa district, British Burma.
Pop. (1876), 5828.
HOBIGANJ. Town in Dacca district, Bengal ; forty miles south by
west of Dacca. Lat. 23 11', long. 90 11'.
HOBRA. Town in Twenty-four Parganas district, Bengal ; lying
on the route from Calcutta to Dacca. Distance from Calcutta, north-east,
twenty-eight miles j from Dacca, south-west, 158. Lat. 22 52', long.
HOCHO (HOPCHO). River in Bashahr State, Punjab ; rises in lat.
31 38', long. 78 48', on the western declivity of the Gantung Pass and
soon falls into the Sutlej.
HODAKANA. Tillage in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 142.
HODAL. Town in Gurgaon district, Punjab ; on the route from Delhi
to Muttra, and sixty miles south of the former. Lat. 27 53', long.
77 26'. Pop. (1881), 6453.
HODAV ADA. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 508.
HpDDURTJ. Villages in Coorg, Madras, having a pop. (1881) re-
spectively of 708 and 15.
HOJINO. Village in Rohtak district, Punjab ; on the route from
Rohtak to Narnul, and six miles north of the latter. Lat. 28 8', long.
76 12'.
HOKAI. Town in Cachar district, Assam; 110 miles south-east of
Gauhati. Lat. 25 6', long. 92 57'.
HOLALGUNDI. Town in Bellary district, Madras : twenty-seven
miles north-north-east of Bellary. Lat. 15 30', long. 77 9'.
HOLALKERE. Village and municipality in Chitaldrug district,
Mysore. Lat. 14 3', long. 76 15'. Pop. (1871), 3123.
HOLALUGTJKKE. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 107.
HOLAVANHALLL Village in Tumkur district, Mysore. Lat. 13
32', long. 77 22'. Pop. (1871), 1731.
HOLE-HONNUR. Village in Shimoga district, Mysore ; situate on
the right bank of the river Bhadra, which, a few miles below uniting
with the Tunga, forms the Tungabhadra. Lat. 13 59' 10", long. 75
43'. Pop. (1871), 1332.
HOLLAL. Town in Dharwar district, Bombay; 150 miles north-
north-east of Mangalore. Lat. 14 51', long. 75 47'.
HONAVALLI. Village (in taluk of same name) in Tumkur district,
Mysore. Lat. 13 20', long. 76 24' 45". Pop. (1871), 2304. Area of
taluk, 522 sq. miles. Pop. (1871), 57,359.
HONAWAR (HONOR). Port and capital of subdivision in North
Kanara district, Bombay. Formerly a place of considerable importance.
Pop. (1881), 6658. Lat. 14 16' 30", long. 74 29'. Area of subdivision,
446 sq miles. Pop. (1881), 85,625.
HONGAL. Town in Belgaum district, Bombay. Lat. 15 48',
long. 74 54'. Pop. (1872), 9001. Once a year a large fair is held,
at which all the most noted wrestlers of the surrounding country as-
HONNALI. Village and municipality (in taluk of same name) in
Shimoga district, Mysore. Lat. 14 14' 30", long. 75 41' 20". Pop.
(1871), 2492. Area of taluk, 498 sq. miles. Pop. (1871), 65,787.
HONNAVALLI. Village in Coorg, Madras.
HONNEKERI. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 21.
district, Mysore, and Coirnbatore district, Madras ; falls into the
HOS 343
KONWAR. Town in Belgaum district, Bombay ; twenty miles west
of Bijapur. Lat. 16 49', long. 75 30'.
HORAVELE.- Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 75.
HORSLEYKONDA. Hill-range in Cuddapah district, Madras. Lat.
13 37' 30", long. 78 24'. About 4000 feet high.
HORTI. Town in Satara district, Bombay; twenty miles north by
east of Bijapur. Lat. 17 6', long. 75 51'.
HORURIT. Tillage in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 593.
HOSABIDTI. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 449.
HOSAGUTTL Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 70.
HOSAHALLI. Villages in Coorg, Madras, having a pop. (1881) re-
spectively of 106, 77, and 63.
HOS AKERL Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 272.
HOS AKOTE. Villages in Coorg, Madras, having a pop. (1881) re-
sppctively of 226, 153, and 124.
HOSALLL Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 37.
HOSANG HAJTJ. Town in Caehar district, Assam; 116 miles south-
east of Gauhati. Lat. 25 7', long. 93 6'.
HOSAPATNA. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 132.
HOSDURG (HOSDTJRGA). Town in South Kanara district, Madras ;
on the route from Cannanore to Mangalore. Lat. 12 18' 29", long. 75
9' 15". Pop. (1871), 5162.
HOSDURGA. Village and municipality (in taluk of same name) in
Chitaldrug district, Mysore ; 100 miles north by west from Serin gapatarn,
and 117 miles north-east from Mangalore. Lat. 13 48' 10", long. 76 20'.
Pop. (1871), 2309. Area of taluk, 667 sq. miles. Pop. (1871), 60,820.
HOSHANGAB AD. District in the Narbada division, Central Pro-
vinces, between lat. 21 40' 22 59', and long. 76 38' 30" 78 45' 30".
Bounded on the north by Bhopal, Gwalior, and Indore States of the
Central India Agency, on the other side of the Narbada ; on the east by
Narsinhpur district, separated by the Dudhi river; on the south by
Western Berar, Betvil, and Chhindwara districts; and on the west by
Kimar district. Area, 4437 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 488,787. The
chief mountains are the Satpura range. The chief rivers are the Nar-
bada with its many tributaries, and the Tapti. The chief town is
Hoshangabad, the capital. The Great Indian Peninsula Railway traverses
the district, which is administered by a Deputy Commissioner and staff.
HOSHANGAB AD. Tahsil in Hoshangabad District, Central Provinces,
between lat. 21 41' 22 59', and long. 76 38' 78 44'. Area, b90
sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 152,182.
HOSHANGABAD. Capital of Hoshangabad district, Central Pro-
vinces. Lat. 20 45' 30", long. 77 46'. Situate on the left or south
bank of the river Narbada. Pop. (1881), 15,863.
HOSHIARPTIR. District in Jalandhar division of the Punjab ; be-
tween lat. 30 58' 32 5', and long. 75 31' 76 41' 15". Area, 2180
sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 901,381. Bounded on the north-east by Kangra
district and Nalagarh State ; on the north and north-west by the river
Beas ; on the south-west by Jalandhar district ; and on the south by
the river Sutlej and Umballa district. The chief mountains are parts
of the Himalayan ranges and the Siwalik hills. The chief river is
the Sutlej. The chief towns are Hoshiarpur (the capital) and Urmar-
HOSHIARPUR. Town and municipality (in tahsil of same name) in
Hoshiarpur district, Punjab. Lat. 31 32' 13", long. 75 57' 17". Pop.
(1881), 21,363. It is the capital of the district. Area of tahsil, 478
sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 239,486.
HOSKOT (USKOTTA). Town and municipality on the left bank of
the South Pinakini (in taluk of same name), in Bangalore district, Mysore;
eighteen miles east-north-east of Bangalore. Lat. 13 4' 50", long. 77
49' 40". Pop. (1871), 4508. A tank with an embankment a mile long
forms, when full, a sheet of water twelve miles in circumference. Two
religious gatherings are held in the year, each attended by about 5000
persons. Area of taluk, 401 sq. miles. Pop. (1871), 69,885.
HOSPET. Town in Bellary district, Madras ; thirty-five miles west-
north-west of Bellary. Pop. (1881), 10,219. Lat. 15 15' 40", long.
76 26'.
HOSUR. Town in Kolar district, Mysore. Lat. 12 45', long. 78 54'.
Pop. (1871), 5751.
HOSUR. Town in Salem district, Madras. Pop. (1881), 5869.
HOSUR. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 2403.
HOTI-MARDAN. Cantonment on the right bank of the Chalpani
river, in Peshawar district, Punjab ; thirty-three miles north-east of
Peshawar. Lat. 34 11' 15", long. 72 6'. Pop. (1881), 2766. Also
tahsil. Area, 632 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 83,939.
HOUNG-THARAW. River in Amherst district, British Burma;
rising in Siam ; it falls into the Hlaing-bhwai.
HOUNG-THARAW. Township in Amherst district, British Burma.
Pop. (1876), 11,625.
HOWRAH (HAURA). Subdistrict in Hugli district, Bengal. The
southern part of the Hugli district, being that part opposite Calcutta
on the west side of the Hugli river, and containing many suburbs of
Calcutta, has been formed into the separate magistracy of Howrah. Area,
476 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 635,381.
HOWRAH. Subdivision of Howrah magistracy, Hugli district,
Bengal ; between lat. 22 30' 22 41' 30", and long. 88 5' 45" 88
24' 15". Area, 173 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 311,644.
HOWRAH. Town and municipality in Howrah magistracy, Hugli
district, Bengal; a suburb of Calcutta on the other side of the Hugh'
river, but now connected with that city by a bridge. Lat. 22 35' 16",
long. 88 23' 12". Pop. (1881), 105,206. Also thana. Pop. (1881),
HP A- AN. Revenue circle on the left bank of the Salwin, in Amherst
district, British Burma. Pop. (1876), 2746.
HPA-GAT. Township in Amherst district, British Burma. Pop.
(1876), 9192.
HPA-GAT. Village in Amherst district, British Burma ; capital of
Hpa-gat township. Situated on the right bank of the Salwin, thirty
miles from Maulmain. Contains a large cave filled with images.
HPA-GU ANOUK. Revenue circle in llangoon district, British
Burma. Pop. (1876), 4830.
HPA-GTT ASHE. Revenue circle at the mouth of the Tsittoung river,
in Rangoon district, British Burma. Pop. (1876), 3020.
HPAI-KHA-TA. Revenue circle on the left bank of the Salwm, in
Amherst district, British Burma. Pop. (1876), 2253.
HPAN-KHA-BENG. Revenue circle on the left hank of the Irawadi,
in Henzada district, British Burma. Pop. (1876), 7049.
HPA-OITK. Revenue circle in Amherst district, British Burma.
Pop. (1876), 2847.
HPOUNG-GYI. Revenue circle in Rangoon district, British Burma.
Pop. (1876), 3881.
HPOTJNG-LENG. Township in Rangoon district, British Burma.
Pop. (1876), 34,477.
HPYOUK-TSHIEP. Township on the left hank of the Irawadi in
Prome district, British Burma. Pop. (1876), 8356.
HPYTI. River in Toung-gnu district, British Burma; falls into the
Tsittoung, twenty-eight miles south of Toung-gnu.
HTAN-DAW-GYI. Revenue circle in Rangoon district, British
Burma. Pop. (1876), 3844.
HTAN-LE-BENG. Revenue circle in Henzada district, British
Burma. Pop. (1876), 2791.
HTAN-LE-BENG. Revenue circle in Bassein district, British Burma.
Area, 109 sq. miles. Pop. (1876), 6662.
HTAN-MA-NAING. Revenue circle in Rangoon district, British
Burma. Area, 92 sq. miles. Pop. (1876), 2678.
HTAN-PA-DAING. Revenue circle in Amherst district, British
Burma. Pop. (1876), 4178.
HTAN-TA-BENG. Revenue circle in Rangoon district, British
Burma. Pop. (1877), 3913.
HTAN-THUN-BENG. Revenue circle in Henzada district, British
Burma. Pop. (1876), 6080.
HTAN-ZENG-HL A. Revenue circle on the left bank of the river
Htan-zeng-hla, in Bassein district, British Burma. Area, 27 sq. miles.
Pop. (1876), 2856.
HTIEN-DAW. Revenue circle on the east bank of the Irawadi,
in Henzada district, British Burma. Pop. (1876), 8191.
HTI-TSHWAL Revenue circle in Akyab district, British Burma.
Pop. (1876), 3294.
HTOUK-MA. Revenue circle on the bank of the Irawadi, in Thayet
district, British Burma. Pop. (1876), 3182.
HTTI-AING. Revenue circle in Amherst district, British Burma.
Pop. (1876), 3806.
HTUN-BHO. Revenue circle on the Irawadi, in Prome district,
British Burma. Pop. (1876), 4185.
HTTJN-TA-LTIT. Revenue circle on the right bank of the Irawadi, in
Za-lwon district, British Burma. Pop. (1876), 4458.
HTJBLI. Town (in subdivision of same name) in Dharwar district,
Bombay. Lat. 15 20', long. 75 12'. Pop. (1881), 36,667. Centre of
the cotton trade of the Southern Marhatta country. Area of subdivision,
311 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 91,997.
HUBRA. See HiimA.
HUDDTJR. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 226.
HUDIKERI. Village in Coorg, Madras. Lat. 12 5', long. 76.
Pop. (1881), 693.
HUDISARA. Town in Kamrup district, Assam; forty-seven miles
north-west of Gauhati. Lat. 26 34', long. 91 10'.
HTJDTIGTIR. Village in Coorg, Madras.
HUGLI RIVER. One of the mouths of the Ganges; the most
westerly and the most important, being the river on which Calcutta is
situated. It is formed by the union of the Bhagirathi, the Jalangf, and
the Matabhanga ; which three rivers leave the main channel of the
Ganges further up. The Hugh flows between the Bengal districts of
Hugh and Midnapur on the west, and of Murshidabad and the Twenty-
four Parganas on the east. Its length is about 120 miles; forty miles
above Calcutta, and eighty miles below. It falls into the Bay of Bengal,
in lat. 21 41', long. 88.
HUGH District in Bardwan division, Bengal; between lat. 22 13'
45" 23 13' 15", and long. 87 47' 88 33'. Area (including Howrah),
1223 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 1,012,768. Bounded on the north by
Bardwan district ; on the east by the Hugh' river ; on the south by the
Rupnarayan river; and on the west by the Rupnarayan and Bardwan
district. The chief rivers are the Hugh', the Damodar, and the Rupna-
rayan. The chief towns are Hugh (the capital) and Chinsurah, Howrah,
Serampur, Baidyabati, and Bansbaria. The East Indian Railway traverses
the district, which, in addition to other educational institutions, contains
Hugh College, attended by more than 3000 students.
HUGLI. Town, municipality, and station on East Indian Railway
(in subdivision of same name), in Hugh district, Bengal. Lat. 22 54'
44", long. 88 26' 28". Pop. (1881), 31,177. Hugh and Chinsurah
form one continuous town, which is the capital of the district. Hugh
was obtained from the Nawab of Bengal in 1640, by a grant to Dr.
Boughton, who had cured the Emperor's favourite daughter. Area of
subdivision, 442 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 308,217. Also thana. Area,
27 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 54,176.
HUGRI (VADAVATTI). River of Mysore State and Bellary district,
Madras ; falls into the Tumbhadra at Hatshalli, in lat. 15 43' 20", long.
76 57' 50".
HTIJRA. Town on the Khanwa Canal, in Montgomery district,
Punjab. Lat. 30 44' 30", long. 73 52'. Pop. (1868), 2989.
HUKERI Town in Belgaum district, Bombay ; thirty miles north-
north-east of Belgaum. Lat. 16 13', long. 74 38' 20". Pop. (1872),
HTJKIO. Pass in Bashahr State, Punjab, and Thibet. Elevation
above the sea, 15,786 feet. Lat. 31 36', long. 79'.
HUKTJMATWALA. Village in Firozpur district, twelve miles south-
east of Firozpur. Distant north-west from Calcutta 1159 miles. Lat.
30 52', long. 74 35'.
HTJLI (HULEH). Town in Dera Ghazi Khan district, Punjab;
situated ten miles from the right bank of the Indus, forty-five miles
west by south of the town of Multan. Lat. 29 59', long. 70
HTJLIGIRI. Town in Haidarabad State ; twenty-eight miles west by
south from Mudgal, and seventy-eight miles east-north-east from Dharwar.
Lat. 15 57', long. 76 8'.
HTILIYAR. Village and municipality in Chitaldrug district, Mysore ;
forty-six miles south by east of Chitaldrug. Lat. 13 35', long. 76 34'
51". Pop. (1871), 1708.
HTTLIYAR-DTIRGA. Village and municipality in Tumkur district,
Mysore; forty miles south of Tumkur. Lat. 12 49' 20", long. 77 4'
30". Pop. (1871), 2158.
HTJLSE. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 281.
HULSTIR. Town in Haidarabad State; 106 miles north-west of
Haidarabad. Lat. 18, long. 77 6'.
HULUGORINAGAR. Town in Sibsagar district, Assam; thirty
miles north-east of Sibsagar. Lat. 27 16', long. 95 3'.
HULUGTJNDA. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 72.
HULUKODIT. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 116.
HTILTJSE. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 144.
HTJMAPUKHUR. Town in Nepal State ; seventy-one miles north-
west from Khatmandu, and 1 35 miles north-east by north from Gorakh-
pur. Lat. 28 24', long. 84 28'.
HTJMCHA. Village in Shimoga district, Mysore. Lat. 13 51', long.
75 16'. Pop. (1871), 776.
HUMNABAD. Town in Haidarabad State ; ninety-two miles west-
north-west from Haidarabad, and 109 miles north from Eaichur. Lat.
17 45', long. 77 13'.
HUMP ASAGRA. Town in Bellary district, Madras ; fifty-nine miles
west of Bellary. Lat. 15 9', long. 76 8'.
HUN ASEKAYIHOSALLL Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881),15.
HTTNDIA (HINDIA, HUNDERAH). Town in Allahabad district,
N.W.P. ; on the route from Allahabad to Benares, and twenty-three
miles south-east of the former. Lat. 25 22', long. 82 15'.
HUNGUND. Town (in subdivision of same name) in Kaladgi district,
Bombay. Lat. 16 3', long. 76 6' 30". Pop. (1881), 5416. Area of
subdivision, 518 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 80,037.
HUN-MYOUK-BHET. Revenue circle in Kyouk-hpyu district,
British Burma. Area, 24 sq. miles. Pop. (1876), 2668.
HUNSASIR. Town in Jodhpur State, Rajputana ; eighty miles north
by east from Jodhpur, and forty-two miles south from Bikaner. Lat. 27
25', long. 73 20'.
HUNSUR. Town and municipality on right bank of the Lakshman-
tirtha, in Mysore district, Mysore ; twenty-eight miles west of Mysore.
Lat. 12 17' 40", long. 76 19' 5". Pop. (1871), 4293.
HUNTERGANJ. Thana in Hazaribagh district, Bengal. Area, 480
sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 56,954.
HUNTER'S ISLAND. Small island off the coast of Sandoway
district, British Burma ; situate just outside of St. Andrew's Bay. Lat.
18 16', long. 94 23'.
HUNUMANGANJ. Tillage in Allahabad district, N.W.P. ; on the
route from Allahabad to Benares, and twelve miles south-east of the
former. Lat. 25 25', long. 82 5'.
HURAGAON. Town in Gwalior State, Central India Agency ; fifty-
two miles west from Hoshangabad, and seventy miles east from Indore.
Lat. 22 43', long. 76 58'.
HURANG. Hills in Cachar district, Assam.
HURHURL Village in Bareilly district, N.W.P. ; on the route from
the town of Bareilly to Moradabad, and nineteen miles north-west of the
former. Lat. 28 30', long. 79 15'.
HURIAWALA. Village in Firozpur district, Punjab ; on the route
from Firozpur to Simla, and twenty-four miles south-east of the former
town. Distant north-west from Calcutta 1100 miles. Lat. 30 42', long.
74 40'.
HUSAINABAD. Thana in Lohardaga district, Bengal. Area, 652
sq miles. Pop. (1881), 102,515.
HUSAINABAD. Thana in Twenty-four Parganas district, Bengal.
Area, 40 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 67,227.
HUSAIN BELI (AZIZPUR, AMIL-GHOT). Ferry across the Indus,
Shikarpur district, Sind. Lat. 27 52', long. 69.
HUSAINGANJ. Thana in Fatehpur district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
HUSAINGANJ. Town in Fatehpur district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
HTTSAINGANJ. Village in Lucknow district, Oudh ; seventeen miles
south-west of Lucknow. Lat. 26 45', long. 80 42'.
HUSAINPTJR. Town in Farrukhabad district, KW.P. ; on the right
bank of the Ganges, contiguous to the station of Fatehgarh. Lat. 27 22',
long. 79 42'.
HUSAINPUR GHAT. Village in Farrukhabad district, KW.P. ; on
the left bank of the Ganges, on the route from Bareilly to Fatehgarh,
and just below the fort. Here is a ferry over the Ganges. Lat. 27 22',
long. 79 42'.
HUTEATJT. Town in Nepal State ; fifty-four miles south from
Khatmandu, and fifty miles west by south from .Bettia. Lat. 26 55',
long. 85 21'.
HUTICHINI. Town in Kashmir State, Punjab ; fifty-five miles
south-west by south from Srinagar, and seventy-two miles north-north-
east from Wazirabad. Lat. 33 20', long. 74 40'.
HTJTBI-DURGA, Fortified hill of Tumkur district, Mysore. Lat.
12 57', long. 77 11'.
HUVIN-HADAGILL Town in Bellary district, Madras; 165 miles
north-north-east of Mangalore. Lat. 15, long. 75 59'.
350 IB IDS
IB. River of the Dang States and Surat district, Bombay ; rising in
lat. 20 50', long. 73 42', on the western slope of the Sahyadri range,
and falling into the Arabian Sea, in lat. 20 43', long. 72 54'.
IBINIVALAV ADI. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 638.
IBRAHIM AB AD. Town on the Gurati river, in Bara Banki district,
Oudh. Lat. 26 50', long. 81 15'. Pop. (1869), 3095.
IBRAHIMPATA.NA. Town in Haidarabad State; sixteen miles
south-east from Haidarabad, and 103 north-east by north from Karnul.
Lat. 17 11', long. 78 42'.
IBRAHIMPUR (IBRAHIMABAD). Town in Ghazipur district,
N.W.P. Distant east from Ghazipur town, sixty miles. Lat. 25 48',
long. 84 38'. Pop. 26,582.
IBRAMPITR. Village in Pernem district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 683.
ICHAGHAR. Thana in Manbhum district, Bengal. Area, 301 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 64,242.
ICHAK. Town and municipality in Hazaribagh district, Bengal.
Lat. 24 5' 24", long. 85 28' 13". Contains the family residence of the
Rajas of Ramgarh. Pop. (1881), 7846.
ICHAKADA. Village in Jessor district, Bengal.
IGHAMATI. River of Pabna district, Bengal ; a branch from the
Ganges, flowing into the Harasagar. Length of course, thirty -two miles.
ICH AM ATI. River of Twenty- four Parganas district, Bengal; the
upper part of the Jamuna, which flows from the Matabhanga.
ICHAPUR. Town in Ganjam district, Madras; sixteen miles south-
west of Berhampur. Lat. 19 6' 40", long. 84 44' 10". Pop. (1881), 5528.
ICHAPITR. Town on the left bank of the Hugli, in Twenty-four
Parganas district, Bengal; also station on the Eastern Bengal Railway,
sixteen miles and three-quarters from Calcutta. Lat. 22 36', long.
78 23'.
ICHAULL Town in Bara Banki district, Oudh. Lat. 26 58', long.
81 37'. Pop. (1869), 4570.
ICHATJRIA. Village in Bareilly district, KW.P. ; on the left bank
of the Ramganga, six miles south of the town of Bareilly. Lat. 28 17',
long. 79 29'.
ICHHAPTTR. Town in Nimar district, Central Provinces. Pop.
(1881), 2302.
ICHRA. Village in Lahore district, Punjab; suburb of Lahore.
Pop. (1868), 5327.
IDDTTR KONKATTDL Town in North Kanara district, Bombay;
sixty-one miles north of Mangalore. Lat. 13 46', long. 74 50'.
IDGrHIR. Town in Haidarabad State ; on the left or north-west bank
of the Bhima, a considerable tributary of the Krishna. Distance from
Haidarabad, south-west, 100 miles. Lat. 16 45', long. 77 11'.
IDHA. Village in Partabgarh district, Oudh ; on the road from Behar
to Partabgarh, five miles from the former and twenty- six from the latter
town. Pop. (1869), 2134.
IDTILABAD. Town in Haidarabad State; eleven miles from the
right bank of the Penganga river, and 130 miles south-east by south from
Ellichpur. Lat. 19 39', long. 78 41'.
IDTJLABAD. Town in Haidarabad State ; ninety-five miles west by
south of Ellichpur. Lat. 21 1', long. 76 8'.
IEM-MAI. Revenue circle in Bassein district, British Burma. Pop.
(1876), 4222.
IEN-DA-PTT-RA. Eevenue circle in Rangoon district, British Burma.
Area, 73 sq. miles. Pop. (1876), 5741.
IGATPURI. Town and municipality (in subdivision of same name)
in Nasik district, Bombay. Lat. 19 40', long. 73 35'. Pop. (1881),
6306. Area of subdivision, 376 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 68,749.
IGGADAPPA-KUNDTJ. Fortified hill in Coorg.
IGGODHU. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 155.
IGLAS. Town (in tahsil of same name) in Ah'garh district, N.W.P.
Pop. (1881), 1428. Area of tahsil, 213 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 111,379.
Also thana. Pop. (1881), 70,003.
IHIJ. Town in Haidarabad State ; twenty-nine miles west-north-
west of Karnul. Lat. 16, long. 77 43'.
IHTIBBHIR. Town in Gujranwala district, Punjab; thirty-four
miles from the right bank of the Ravi, thirty eight miles north-west
of the town of Lahore. Lat. 31 58', long. 73 40'.
IJASSON. Town in Barwani State, Central India Agency; on the
left bank of the Narbada river, and 205 miles west from Betul. Lat. 22
5', long. 74 48'.
IJPTJRA. State in Mahi Kantha, Bombay. Pop. (1881), 392.
The chief pays a yearly tribute of 23 16s. to the Gaekwar of Baroda.
IKAH. Village in Jodhpur State, Rajputana ; on the route from
Phalodi to Pokaran, and six miles north-east of the latter place. Lat. 26
56', long. 72 4'.
IKATJNA. Town (in pargana of same name) in Bahraich district,
Oudh ; situated twenty-two miles east from Bahraich, on the road from
that place to Balrampur. Lat. 27 33' 11", long. 81 59' 38". Pop.
(1869), 1852. Area of pargana, 259 sq. miles. Pop. (1869), 79,421.
IKATINA. Town in Ghazipur district, N. W.P. ; three miles from the
left bank of the Ganges river. Distant east from Ghazipur, forty-three
miles. Lat. 25 43', long. 84 20'. Pop., 7005.
IKHTIYARPUR. Town in Rai Bareli district, Oudh. Lat. 26 13'
50", long. 81 16' 25". Pop. (1869), 5002. Noted for a coarse descrip-
tion of cloth known as garha, and for a sweetmeat called bara, the latter
being a speciality of the place.
IKKERI. Village in Aligarh district, N.W.P. ; on the route, by
Khasganj, from Bareilly to Aligarh, and seven miles south-east of the
latter. Lat. 27 53', long. 78 14'.
IKKERI. Village in Shimoga district, Mysore State. Lat. 14 7' 20",
long. 75 3' 45". Pop. (1871), 127.
IKTINA. Town in Maimansinh district, Bengal ; 215 miles north-
east of Calcutta. Lat. 24 30', long. 91 7'.
ILAMBAZAR. Town on the Ajai river, in Birbhum district, Bengal.
Lat. 23 37' 35", long. 87 34' 50". Noted for its lac factories.
ILGANDEL. Town in Haidarabad State; eighty-one miles north-
east from Haidarabad, and 123 miles south-east from Nandair. Lat. 18
23' long. 79 4'.
ILH AS. District in Portuguese India. Pop. (1881), 47,496.
ILKAL. Town in Kaladgi district, Bombay; eight miles south-east
of Hungund, and forty-six south-east of Kaladgi. Lat. 15 57', long.
76 9'. Pop. (1881), 9574.
ILLPTIR. Town in Madura district, Madras ; situate twenty miles
south from Trinchinopoli, and forty-eight miles east by north from
Dindigal. Lat. 10 32', long. 78 43'.
ILOL. State in Mahi Kantha, Bombay, paying a yearly tribute of
186 to the Gaekwar of Baroda, and 43 to the Chief of Edar. Pop.
(1881), 5603.
ILOL. Capital of State of same name, in Mahi Kantha, Bombay.
Lat. 23 59', long. 73 18'.
ILTJR. Town in Madura district, Madras ; forty-four miles north of
Madura. Lat. 10 33', long. 78 13'.
IMAMGARH. Fort, in ruins, in Khairpur State, Sind, Bombay.
Lat. 26 32', long. 69 16'. The town was reduced to ruins by Sir C.
Napier in 1843.
IMANGANG. Village in Allahabad district, KW.P. ; on the route
from Allahabad to Patehpur, and twenty miles north-west of the former.
Lat. 25 31', long. 81 40'.
IMJONG. Town of Lakhimpur district, Assam ; fifty -nine miles east-
south-east of Sadiya. Lat. 27 28', long. 96 32'.
IMLAK. Village in Partabgarh district, Oudh ; on the route from
the cantonment of Gorakhpur to that of Sultanpur, and fifteen miles
north-east of the latter. Lat. 26 15', long. 82 21'.
IMRATPUR. Town in Farrukhabad district, KW.P. ; on the route
from Shahjahanpur to Fatehgarh, twelve miles north of the latter, and
less than a mile from the left bank of the Ganges. Lat. 27 32', long.
79 40'.
IMRITPUR. Pargana in Aligarh district, KW.P. Pop. (1881),
IN AYAT-KA SARAL Village in Allahabad district, KW.P. ; on
the route from Allahabad to Benares, and eight miles south-east of the
former. Lat. 25 25', long. 82.
INCHALKARANJI. State in the Kolhapur Agency, Bombay.
Area, 201 sq. miles. Pop. (1872), 59,330. The chief pays a yearly
tribute of 200 to Kolhapur.
INCHALKARANJI. Capital of State of same name, Bombay.
Lat. 16 41', long. 74 31'. Pop. (1881), 9107.
INDAPTJR. Town (in subdivision of same name) in Poona district,
Bombay. Lat. 18 6', long. 75 4'. Pop. (1872), 7740. Area of sub-
division, 567 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 48,114.
INDAR. Thana in Bankura district, Bengal. Area, 124 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 78,809.
IKD 353
INDARPAT. Village in Delhi district, Punjab; in the immediate
vicinity of Delhi. Lat. 28 36' 30", long. 77 17' 30".
INDARUM. Town in Chanda district, Central Provinces ; three
miles from the left bank of the Wainganga, and 138 miles south-east by
south from Nagpur. Lat. 19 25', long. 80 6'.
INDGARH. Town in Ludhiana district, Punjab ; on the route from
Ludhiana to Firozpur, and thirty-three miles west of the former place.
Lat. 30 55', long. 75 20'.
INDI. Town (in subdivision of same name) in Kaladgi district,
Bombay. Lat. 17 11', long. 76. Pop. (1872), 4675. Area of sub-
division, 871 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 71,940.
INDIA. The Indian Empire (including British Burma) is that part of
Asia which lies south of the Himalaya Mountains ; east of Afghanistan,
Baluchistan, and the Arabian Sea ; and west of China, Burma, and Siam.
Its Provinces or main divisions, with their various subdivisions, towns,
villages, hills, lakes, and rivers, will be found more particularly described
under their respective names in the alphabetical arrangement of this
work. Every locality in this Gazetteer will be found referred to one
or other of the following main divisions, whose geographical position,
limits, area, population, etc., are fully described under their own re-
spective headings :
(1). Assam (under a Chief Commissioner).
(2). Bengal, or The Lower Provinces of Bengal (under a Lieutenant-
(3). British Burma (under a Chief Commissioner).
(4). North- West Provinces (under a Lieutenant- Governor).
(5). Punjab (under a Lieutenant-Governor).
(6). Nepal State (under a Chief, who corresponds with the Government
of India through the Eesident at Khatmandu).
Bhutan State (under Chiefs of imperfectly-known jurisdiction).
Rajputana (under the Chiefs of the various States, who correspond
with the Government of India through the Governor-General's
Agent for Rajputana).
(9). Central India Agency (under the Chiefs of the various States, who
correspond with the Government of India through the Governor-
General's Agent for Central India).
!10). Central Provinces (under a Chief Commissioner).
11). Bombay Presidency (under a Governor).
(12). Madras Presidency (under a Governor).
'13). Haidarabad State (under a Chief who corresponds with the Govern-
ment of India through the Resident at Haidarabad).
(14). Berar, or Haidarabad Assigned Districts (under the Resident at
(15). Mysore State (under a Chief who corresponds with the Government
of India through the Resident at Mysore).
(16). Coorg (under the Resident at Mysore).
Attached to the Provinces of Bengal, the North- West Provinces, the
Punjab, the Central Provinces, Bombay, and Madras, are a large number
354 IND
of States ; whose Chiefs correspond with the Government of India
through the respective local administrations, and whose territories, con-
sequently, are referred to the respective Provinces.
The most northerly point of the Indian Empire is in the Kashmir
State, in or about lat. 37 north ; its most westerly point is in Sind,
Bombay, about long. 66 ; its most southerly at Cape Comorin, in Madras,
about lat. 8 ; and its most easterly in British Burma, about long. 98
32'. The whole contains an area of 1,377,540 sq. miles; and a popula-
tion (1881) of 253,941,309. These figures are inclusive of Native States
(area, 509,284 sq. miles; pop. (1881), 55,140,456).
INDORE. State in Central Indian Agency ; the name of the capital
being given to all the possessions of the great Marhatta princely dynasty
named Holkar. These consist of many isolated tracts, some of them
lying remote from the others ; scattered between lat. 21 24' 24 14',
and long. 74 28' 77 10'. The largest tract, which is 120 miles long
and eighty-two broad, lies on both sides of the Narbada river ; others
are situated on the banks of the Chambal and its tributaries. The
hills of the State are connected either with the Vindhya or with the
Satpura range of mountains. The chief towns are Indore (the capital),
Mandlesar, Mehidpur, Rampura, Bhanpura, Chandwara, and the British
cantonment of Mhow. The total area is 8075 sq. miles. Pop.
(1881), 1,054,237. The State is traversed for a distance by a branch
of the Great Indian Peninsula Railway, known as the Holkar State
Railway ; there is also the Nimach State Railway, which connects Indore
with the N.W.P. The most important industry in the State is the
cultivation of Opium. The Maharaja is (1881) a G.C.S.I., a C.I.E., and a
Counsellor of the Empress. He is entitled to a salute of nineteen guns,
but he receives twenty-one guns in his own territory, and as a personal
distinction he has been granted twenty-one guns in British territory. He
maintains a force of 3100 regular and 2150 irregular infantry, 2100 regular
and 1200 irregular cavalry, 340 artillerymen, and twenty-four field guns.
INDORE. District in State of same name, Central India Agency.
Area, 3945 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 562,798.
INDORE. City in Indore State, Central India Agency; the capital
of the possessions of H.H. the Maharaja Holkar; situate in a plain of no
great extent on the left bank of the small river Katki or Kan. Indore
is the head-quarters of the Governor-General's Agent for Central India.
Pop. (1881), 75,401. The British cantonment of Mhow is distant, south-
east, thirteen miles. Jemnah, or Old Indore, is situate on the right side
of the stream. The present capital is 1998 feet above the sea, and the
Maharaja's palace is conspicuous from every point, and distant south-
west from Agra 402 miles ; south-west from Dehli 494 ; south from
Nimach, 142; south from Nasirabad, by Ni'mach, 285; south-west from
Sagar, 224 ; south-west from Allahabad, by Sagar, 537 ; west from
Calcutta, by Allahabad, 1030; north-east from Bombay, vid Malegaon'
and Nasik, 377. Lat. 22 42', long. 74 54'.
INDORE POLITICAL AGENCY. Part of the Central India Agency,
comprising Indore, Dewas, and Bagli States.
INDORI. Small river of TJlwar State, Rajputana, and Gurgaon dis-
trict, Punjab; falls into the Najafgarh swamp.
INDOS. Town in Bardwan district, Bengal ; 62 miles north-west
of Calcutta. Lat. 23 9', long. 87 41'.
INDPALSIR-KA-BAS. Village in Bikaner State, Rajputana; on the
route from Ratangarh to Bikaner, and thirty miles east of the latter.
Lat. 27 55', long. 74 15'.
INDRAGARH. Town in Farrukhabad district, N.W.P. ; on the
route from Kalpi to Fatehgarh, and thirty-four miles south of the latter.
Lat. 26 56', long. 79 45'.
INDRAGARH. Town in Datia State, Central India Agency ; thirty-
two miles north from Jhansi, and thirty-two miles south-east from,
Gwalior. Lat. 25 55', long. 78 40'.
INDRAGARH. Fort and town in Bundi State, Rajputana ; forty-five
miles north-east of the town of Kotah. Lat. 25 41', long. 76 19'.
INDRAL. Town in Haidarabad State ; three miles from the left bank
of the Manjira, and 111 miles west-north-west from Haidarabad. Lat.
18 12', long. 77 6'.
INDRAPUR. Village in Rampur State, N.W.P ; on the route from
Bareilly to Almora, and fifty-one miles north of the former. Lat. 2b
57', long. 79 26'.
INDRAVATI. River of Bastar State, Central Provinces ; rising in
lat. 19 56', long. 81 50', and falling into the Godavari river on the left
side, in lat. 18 40', long. 80 20'.
INDRI. Town in Karnal district, Punjab ; on the right bank of the
Delhi Canal, and fifteen miles north of Karnal. Distant north-west from
Calcutta 980 miles. Lat. 29 52', long. 77 8'.
INDUR. Town in Haidarabad State ; ninety-four miles north by
west from Haidarabad, and 162 miles east- north-east from Sholapur.
Lat. 18 40', long. 78 10'.
INDURTL Town in Haidarabad State ; on the left bank of one of
the branches of the Kistna river, and thirty-eight miles south-east from.
Haidarabad. Lat. 17, long. 78 59'.
INDUS. A great river of Asia, rising in Thibet, and flowing through
Kashmir State, the Punjab, and the Sind division of Bombay. Its length
is about 1800 miles, and its drainage-area is supposed to be about 372,700
sq. miles. It rises on the northern side of Mount Kailas, a sacred hill
north of the main Himalaya range, in lat. 32, long. 81 30'. Near its
source, it bears the name of Sinh-ka-bab, or " lion's mouth," from a
superstitious belief as to its origin. It enters the Ladakh province
of Kashmir State in about lat. 32 56', long. 79 22' ; and flows past
Leh, the capital of that province, and touches Iskardoh. Near Derbend
it enters the Punjab in lat. 34 25', long. 72 51'; and between Iskardoh
and Derbend it receives the Gilgit river and many other tributaries. In
Rawal Pindi district, Punjab, it receives the Kabul river, near Attock ;
and above Mithankot in Dera Ghazi Khan district, Punjab, it is joined
by the Panjnad and the united waters of the Jhelum, Chenab, Ravi,
Beas, and Sutlej. It enters the Sind division of Bombay in lat. 28 26',
long. 69^ 47'; and falls into the Arabian Sea, in the Karachi and
Haidarabad districts, by a large number of mouths extending over a sea-
face of about 125 miles.
INGALGHI. Town in Haidarabad State; 104 miles west-south-west
from Haidarabad, and eighty-four miles east by north from Bijapur.
Lat. 17 2', long. 77 I 7 .
INGEMTJR. Town in Nellore district, Madras; 129 miles north-
north-west of Madras. Lat. 14 49', long. 79 39'.
INHATJNA. Town (in pargana of same name) in Rai Bareli dis-
trict, Oudh. Lat. 26 32', long. 81 32'. Pop. (1869), 3974. Area of
pargana, 100 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 51,818.
INJERAM. -Town in Godavari district, Madras. Lat. 16 43' long.
82 15'. Pop. (1871), 1672. One of the earliest settlements on this
IN JILL Y. Town in Ganjam district, Madras ; twenty miles west-
north-west of Ganjam. Lat. 19 29', long. 84 50'.
INNAKONDA (VINTJKONDA). Town in Kistna district, Madras.
Lat. 16 3', long. 79 48'.
INTAGON. Village in Bareilly district, KW.P. ; on the route from
the town of Bareilly to Sitapur, and twenty-nine miles south-east of the
former. Lat. 28 16', long. 79 56'.
IPPUGALALE. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 91.
IRADATNAGAR. Town (in tahsil of same name) in Agra district,
K.W.P. ; on the route from Dholpur to Agra, fifteen miles south of
the latter. Lat. 26 59', long. 78 9'. Area of tahsil, 166 sq. miles.
Pop. (1872), 92,507. Also thana. Pop. (1881), 23,091.
IRAK. River in Karachi district, Sind, Bombay ; rises at the base of
the Bhul Hills, in the mountainous tract between Karachi and Sehwan,
and in about lat. 25 20', long. 67 45'. It holds a course of about forty
miles in a south-easterly direction, and empties itself, in lat. 24 53',
long. 68 6', into the lake of Kanjar.
IRALE. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 254.
IRAWADI. Chief river of Upper Burma and British Burma ; rising
in the Patkoi mountains in lat. 27 43', long. 97 25', it flows past Bhamo
and Mandalay in Upper Burma, and enters British Burma in lat. 19 29'
3", long. 95 15', reaching the sea by nine chief mouths, in lat. 15 50',
long. 95 8'. Its most important mouths are the Bassein river and the
Rangoon river. This river, which is 900 miles in length, forms the sole
means of communication between the interior and the coast ; the bulk of
the trade is in the hands of the " Irawadi Flotilla Company," with a fleet
of sixty vessels. The Rangoon and Irawadi State Railway runs as far as
Prome, a distance of 163 miles.
IRAWADI. Division in British Burma. Area, 16,805 sq. miles
Pop. (1881), 1,161,119.
IRIGH. Town on the right bank of the Betwa, in Jhansi district,
KW.P. ; forty-two miles north-east of Jhansi. Pop. (1881), 3379. Lat.
25 47', long. 79 8'. Formerly a place of considerable importance, as
testified by the numerous mosques and tombs.
IRLAPAL. Town in Nellore district, Madras ; thirty-seven miles
south-west of Ongole. Lat. 15 12', long. 79 40',
IRON ISLAND. Island off the coast of Mergui district, British
Burma ; twenty miles in length from north to south, and two in breadth.
Lat. 12 45', long. 98 28'.
IRRUKTTR. Village in Malabar district, Madras. Lat. 11 59',
long. 75 37'. Pop. (1871), 4330.
ISA. Village in Etawah district, N.W.P. ; on the route from Agra to
Etawah, and three miles north-west of the latter. Lat. 26 48', long.
79 2'.
ISAGARH. Town and fort in Gwalior State, Central India Agency.
Lat. 24 50', long. 77 55'.
ISAI (HISIYI). Village in Mainpuri district, N.W.P. ; on the route
from Aligarh to Mainpuri, and sixteen miles north-west of the latter.
Lat. 27 21', long. 78 55'.
ISAKAPALLL Town in Kellore district, Madras. Lat. 14 44',
long. 80 8'. Pop. (1871), 3393.
ISAKHANKAKOT. Village and fort in Firozpur district, Punjab ;
on the route from Ludhiana to Firozpur, and forty-six miles west of the
former town. Distance north-west from Calcutta, 1134 miles. Lat. 30
57', long. 75 16'.
ISAKHEL. Town and municipality on the high right bank of the
Indus (in tahsil of same name) in Bannu district, Punjab. Pop. (1881),
6692. Lat. 32 40' 50", long. 71 19'. Area of tahsil, 675 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 59,546.
ISAN. River of Aligarh and Mainpuri districts, KW.P. ; rising in
lat. 27 41', long. 78 27', and falling into the Ganges in lat. 26 47',
lonsr. 80 11'.
ISAN AGAR. Village in Kheri district, Oudh. Pop. (1869),
ISAN AGAR. Town in Chhatarpur State, Central India Agency;
eighty-four miles north-east from Sagar, and three miles east from the
right bank of the Dhasan river. Lat. 24 52', long. 79 26'.
ISATJLI. Town on left bank of the Gumti (in pargana of same name)
in Sultanpur district, Oudh. Lat. 26 24', long. 81 58'. Area of
pargana, 147 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 83,342.
ISHWARGANJ. Thana in Maimansinh district, Bengal. Area, 331
sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 229,452.
ISI. Village in Aligarh district, N.W.P. ; on the road from Aligarh
to Muttra, and eight miles south of the former. Lat. 27 48', long.
78 7'.
ISIPTIRA. Village in Allahabad district, KW.P. ; on the route from
Allahabad to Jaunpur, and nine miles north-east of the former. Lat. 25
27', long. 82 1'.
ISIWTIN. Ruined town in Unao district, Oudh ; on the route from
Fategarh to Lucknow, 25 miles west of the latter. Lat. 26 48', long.
80 30'.
ISKARDOH (SKARDO, KARDO). Capital of Baltistan, Kashmir
State, Punjab ; situate at the confluence of the Indus with its great tribu-
tary the Singhar, in lat. 35 12', long. 75 35'.
ISLAMABAD. Town on the north bank of the Jhelum in Kashmir
State, Punjab. Lat. 33 43', long. 75 17'. Noted for its shawl manu-
ISLAMABAD BIJHATJLL Tillage in TJnao district, Oudh ; twenty
miles from Safipur, and twenty-seven from TJnao. Pop. (1869), 2495.
Three religious trading fairs are held annually in this town.
ISLAMGARH (NOHAR). Fortress in Bahawalpur State, Punjab;
on the route from Khanpur to Jaisalmir, sixty-five miles north of the
latter town. Lat. 27 50', long. 70 52'.
ISLAMKOT. Town and municipality in Thar and Parkar district,
Sind, Bombay. Lat. 21 41' 30", long. 70 13'. Pop. (1872), 862.
ISLAMNAGAR. Town on the road from Bisauli to Sambhal (in
pargana of same name) in Budaun district, 1SLW.P. Lat. 28 19'
45", long. 78 46'. Pop. (1881), 5890. Pop. of pargana (1881), 82,483.
Also thana. Pop. (1881), 61,805.
State, Central India Agency; on the route from Sironj to the town of
Bhopal, fifty-five miles south of former, five north of latter. Situate at
the confluence of the rivers Bes and Patra. Lat. 23 20', long. 77 25'.
ISLAMNAGAR. Town in Monghyr district, Bengal, thirty-two
miles south-south-west of Monghyr. Lat. 25, long. 85 58'.
ISLAMPUR. Town in Satara district, Bombay, forty-eight miles
south-south-east of Satara. Lat. 17 1', long. 74 20'. Pop. (1881),
ISLAMPUR. Town in Dacca district, Bengal ; eighteen miles north
by east of Dacca. Lat. 23 59', long. 90 21.
ISMAILGANJ (TIKRI). Town in Allahabad district, N.W.P. Pop.
(1881), 2224.
ISRANA. Village in Karnal district, KW.P. ; on the route from
Karnal to Rewari, and thirty-four miles south-west of the former. Lat.
29 16', long. 76 55'.
ISURDA (ISITNDA). Town in Jaipur State, Rajputana; sixty miles
south of the city of Jaipur, and near the left bank of the river Banas.
Lat. 26 10', long. 76 10'.
ITA. Hills in Sylhet district, Assam ; about 600 feet above sea-level.
ITANDA. Town in Twenty-four Parganas district, Bengal. Pop.
(1881), 7685.
ITAPALLI. Town in Cochin State, Madras ; situate on a stream
flowing from the Western Ghats. Distance from the city of Cochin,
north-east, six miles; Bangalore, south-west, 292. Lat. 10 2', long.
76 22'.
ITAROLL Village in Etawah district, K.W.P. ; on the route from
Lucknow to Etawah, and twenty miles east of the latter place. Lat.
26 46', long. 79 25'.
ITARSI. Town in Hoshangabad district, Central Provinces. Pop.
(1881), 2138.
ITAULI. Town in Shahjahanpur district, KW.P. ; fifty-six miles
from Bareilly, and 100 from Lucknow. Lat. 28 2', long. 80 12'.
ITAITNJA. Town in Lucknow district, Oudh. Pop. (1881), 2141.
Also thana. Pop. (1881), 53,870.
ITAWA. State in Sagar district, Central Provinces ; thirty-eight
miles north-west of Sagar. Area, 77 sq. miles. The capital of the same
name has a pop. (1881) of 2177.
ITKHAPUR. Town in Ganjam district, Madras; thirty-two miles
south-west of Ganjam. Lat. 19 7', long. 84 44'.
ITKURI. Coal-field in the valley of the Mohani river in Hazaribagh
district, Bengal. Greatest length, fifteen miles ; average breadth, 1 mile.
ITMADPUR. Town (in tahsil of same name) in Agra district, N.W.P.
Pop. (1881), 1925. Pop. of tahsil (1881), 141,267. Also thana. Pop.
(1881), 66,864.
ITMAD-UD-DAULA. Thana in Agra district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
ITRIA GADHALA. State in North Kathiawar, paying a yearly
tribute of 25 to the British Government, and 8 to the Nawab of
ITTAMAKKALA. Town and port in Nellore district, Madras. Lat.
15 22' 30", long. 80 9' 11". Pop. (1871), 3811.
ITW AD. State in Rewa Kantha district, Bombay. Area, 4J sq.
miles. The chief pays an annual tribute of 60 to the Gaekwar of
IVIKER (AIBIKA). Town and port at the mouth of the Aibika in
Travancore State, Madras. Lat. 8 57', long. 76 37'.
IYAKOL A. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 394.
JABALPUR. Division of the Central Provinces, containing Jabalpur,
Sagar, Damoh, Seoni, and Mandla districts. Area, 18,688 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 2,201,633.
JABALPUR. District in Jabalpur division, Central Provinces ; be-
tween lat. 21 12' 23 56', and long. 76 40' 81 35'. Bounded on
the north by Panna and Maihar States, on the east by Eewah State, on
the south by Mandla, Seoni and Narsinhpur districts; and on the west
by Damoh district. Area, 3918 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 687,233. The
chief mountains are the Bhanrer and the Kaimur ranges. The chief
rivers are the Mahanadi, the Gurraya, the Patna, the Hiran, and the
Narbada. The chief towns are Jabalpur, Sihora, and Murwara. The
district, which was formed into a separate jurisdiction in 1861, is tra-
versed by the Great Indian Peninsula and East Indian lines. It is
administered by a Deputy- Commissioner, with the usual staff. The
High School at Jabalpur is a most successful institution, while several
periodicals are published in the chief town of the district.
JABALPUR. Town and municipality (in tahsil of same name) in
Jabalpur district, Central Provinces ; it is also the capital of the district.
Lat. 23 11', long. 79 59'. Pop. (1881), 75,705. Jabalpur, which is
an important railway station and centre of trade, is situated amidst rocks
,t an elevation of upwards of 1500 feet above the level of the sea; at
s foot there are a series of lakes which make the town unhealthy for
uropeans. Area of tahsil, 1545 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 336,168.
JABARHERA. Town in Saharanpur district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
JABBUGAON. Town in Rajpipla State, Bombay ; thirty-six miles
north-east from Surat, and 115 miles south-south-east from Ahmedabad.
Lat. 21 28', long. 73 18'.
JABIKODL Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 16.
JABRIA BHIL. Petty State in the Central India Agency.
JABUNNAGAR. Thana in Nadiya district, Bengal. Area, 77 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 40,120.
JACK DOAB. One of the natural divisions of the Punjab, formed by
the two rivers Jhelum and Chenab. It is the smallest of the four doabs
bounded by the Indus and its tributaries, and lies between lat. 31 10'
33 2', and long. 72 13' 74 48'. Its length from north-east to south-
west is 165 miles, and its breadth thirty-three.
JACOBABAD. Town and municipality (in taluk of same name) in
Upper Sind Frontier district, Bombay. Lat. 28 17', long. 68 29'.
Pop. (1881), 7365, excluding the military cantonment, which numbers
3987 persons. It is the headquarters of the military force of the Upper
Sind Frontier, and also of the civil administration. Area of taluk, 475
sq. miles. Pop. (1872), 35,545.
JADITN. Village in Jodhpur State, Rajputana; on the route from
Nasfrabad to Dfsa, and ninety-seven miles south-west of the former.
Lat. 25 50', long. 73 37'.
JAFARABAD. Second-class State in Kathiawar, Bombay ; 170 miles
south of Ahmedabad, 150 south-west of Baroda, and 165 north-west of
Bombay; between lat. 20 50' 20 59', and long. 71 18' -71 29'.
Area, 42 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 9405. The chief maintains a military
force of 200 men.
JAFARABAD. Capital of Jafarabad State, situate on the Ranai, in
Kathiawar, Bombay. Lat. 20 52', long. 71 25'. Pop. (1872), 4903.
JAFARABAD. Town in Haidarabad State; on a tributary of the Goda-
vari. Distance from Haidarabad, north-west, 260 miles ; from Aurung-
abad, north-east, forty-five ; from Bombay, north-east, 220. Lat. 20
14', long. 76 5'.
JAFARABAD. Town in Bijnaur district, N.W.P. ; on the route from
Srinagar to Moradabad, and seventy miles north-west of the latter.
Elevation above the sea, 1041 feet. Lat. 29 41', long. 78 30'.
JAFARGANJ. Town in Dacca district, Bengal ; at the confluence of
the Jamuna with the Ganges. Distance from Faridpur, north, twenty
miles; Calcutta, north-east, 120. Lat. 23 52', long. 89 48'.
JAFARGANJ. Town in Fatehpur district, N.W.P. ; one mile from
the left bank of the Jumna, and sixteen miles west of the town of
Fatehpur. Lat. 25 55', long. 80 34'. Pop. (1881), 1881.
JAFARGANJ. Town on the river Gumti, in Tipperah district,
JAFFIRGANJ. Thana in Dacca district, Bengal. Area, 172 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 143,012.
JAFLING. Village at the foot of Khasi Hills, Assam.
JAGADHRI. Town and municipality (in tahsil of same name) in
Umballa district, Punjab. It is also the capital. Thirty-seven miles
JAG 361
south-east of Umballa city, and three miles north of the Sind, Punjab,
and Delhi Kailway. Lat. 30 10', long. 77 20' 45". Pop. (1881),
12,300. Centre of metal trade. Area of tahsil, 383 sq. miles. Pop.
(1881), 169,640.
JAGALUR. Village and municipality in Chitaldrug district, Mysore
State. Lat. 14 31', long. 76 24'. Pop. (1871), 2430.
JAGAN. Town in Shikarpur district, Sind, Bombay. Pop. (1872),
JAGANA. Town in Jaipur State, Yizagapatam district, Madras;
twenty-one miles north-east by north from Jaipur, and ninety-seven
miles north-west by north from Vizianagram. Lat. 19 16', long. 82 39'
JAGANATH DIGHI. Town in Noakhali district, Bengal; 192 miles
east by north of Calcutta. Lat. 23 9', long. 91 21.
JAGANNATHDIGHL Thana in Tipperah district, Bengal. Area,
163 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 103,218.
JAGANNATHPUR. Town in Patna district, Bengal; twenty-three
miles east of Sherghati. Lat. 24 36', long. 85 12'.
JAGATBALLABPUR. Thana in Howrah district, Bengal. Area,
73 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 77,539.
JAGATPUR. Thana in Kai Bareli district, Oudh. Pop. (1881),
JAGATPUR. Village in Etawah district, N.W.P. ; on the route from
the cantonment of Etawah to Kalpi, and thirty miles south-east of the
former. Lat. 26 31', long. 79 28'.
JAGATPUR. Town in Kai Bareli district, Oudh ; sixty miles south-
south-east from Lucknow, and thirty miles east by north from Fatehpur.
Lat. 26 4', long. 81 20'.
JAGATSINHPUR. Town (in subdivision of same name) on the
Machhgaon Canal, in Cuttack district, Bengal. Lat. 20 15' 50", long.
86 12'. Pop. (1869), about 4732. Area of subdivision, 732 sq. miles.
Pop. (1872), 336,890. Also thana. Area, 314 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
JAGDALPUR. Capital of Bastar State, Central Provinces. Lat. 19
6', long. 82 4'. Pop. (1881), 4294.
JAGDISPUR. Town and municipality in Shahabad district, Bengal.
Lat. 25 28' 5", long. 84 28' 1". Pop. (1881), 12,568.
JAGDISPUR. Town (in pargana of same name) in Sultanpur district,
Oudh. Lat. 26 27', long. 81 40'. Pop. (1869), 2593. Area of par-
gana, 155 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 190,138. Also thana. Pop. (1881),
JAGES WAR. Village in Kumaun district, N.W.P. ; situate on a
rivulet of the same name, in the Sub-Himalaya range, twenty miles
lorth-east of Almora. Lat. 29 39', long. 79 53'.
JAGGAYYAPET. Town in Kistna district, Madras. Lat. 16 52',
mg. 80 9'. Pop. (1881), 10,072.
JAGGIAPETTA. Town in Haidarabad State ; three miles from the
?ft bank of the Manjira river, and forty-four miles north-west from
laidarabad. Lat. 17 50', long. 78 6'.
JAGI. Town in JSTowgong district, Assam ; thirty-three miles east of
Gauhati. Lat. 26 10', long. 92 17'.
JAGIR. Name formerly given to the part of the Madras Presidency
now called Chengalpat district, which was the earliest jagir of importance
granted to the East India Company.
JAGNER. Town in Agra district, N.W.P. ; thirty-five miles south-
west from the city of Agra. Pop. (1881), 4168. Lat. 26 52', long.
77 40'. Also thana. Pop. (1881), 39,047.
JAGRAON. Town and municipality (in tahsil of same name) in
Ludhiana district, Punjab ; on the Ludhiana and Firozpur road, twenty-
nine miles south-west of Firozpur. Lat. 30 47' 20", long. 75 30' 45".
Pop. (1881), 16,873. Area of tahsil, 409 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
JAHAJPITR. Town in Cuttack district, Bengal ; forty-two miles
north-east of Cuttack. Lat. 20 51', long. 86 24'.
JAHANABAD. Town (in subdivision of same name) in Gaya district,
Bengal. Lat. 25 13' 10", long. 85 2' 10". Pop. (1881), 5286. Area
of subdivision, 607 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 385,189. Also thana. Area,
383 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 274,754.
JAHANABAD. Town (in pargana of same name) in Pilibhit district,
KW.P. Pop. (1881), 3971. Pop. of pargana (1881), 51,736.
JAHANABAD. Town on the Dhalkisor (in subdivision of same
name) in Hugli district, Bengal. Lat. 22 53', long. 87 49' 50".
Pop. (1881), 10,507. Area of subdivision, 438 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
JAHANABAD. Town rich in architectural remains in Fatehpur
district, KW.P. Lat. 26 6' 2', long. 80 24' 18". Pop. (1881), 5244.
Also thana. Pop. (1881), 33,953.
JAHANABAD. Town in Shahabad district, Bengal; on the route
from Hazaribagh to Benares, 118 miles north-west of former, fifty south-
east of latter. Lat. 25 3', long. 83 52'.
JAHANABAD. Town in Bareilly district, N.W.P. ; on the route
from Shahjahanpur to Almora, fifty -two miles north of the former. Lat.
28 38', long. 79 47'.
JAHANABAD. Town in Bijnaur district, N.W.P. ; on the left bank
of the Ganges. Lat. 29 15', loAg. 78 11'.
JAHANABAD. Town in Allahabad district, N.W.P. ; on the left
bank of the Ganges, 839 miles from Calcutta by the river, and thirty
miles above the town of Allahabad. Lat. 25 36', long. 81 40'.
JAHANABAD. Town on the left bank of the Tapti, in Gwalior
State; seventy -nine miles from Ellichpur. Lat. 21 16', long. 76 22'.
JAHANAGANJ. Thana in Azamgarh district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
JAHANGIRA. Town in Bhagalpur district, Bengal; sixteen miles
west of Bhagalpur. Lat. 25 11', long. 86 44'.
JAHANGIRABAD. Town in Bulandshahr district, KW.P. Lat.
28 24', long. 78 8' 45". Pop. (1881), 10,319. Also thana. Pop.
(1881), 52,111.
JAHANGIRABAD. Town in Sitapur district, Oudh; twenty-nine
miles east of Sitapur, and eight miles east of Biswan. Pop. (1869),
JAHANGIRPTTR. Town in Gwalior State, Central India Agency ;
situate on the right bank of the river Chambal, and sixteen miles west
from Ujjain. Lat. 23 11', long. 75 32'.
JAHANGIRPUR. Town in Dhar State, Central India Agency ;
sixty-one miles south by west from Ujjain, and twenty- two miles south-
east from Dhar. Lat. 22 19', long. 75 33'.
JAHANGIRPUR. Town in Bulandshahr district, N.W.P. ; on the
route from Aligarh to Delhi, and forty-five miles south-east of the latter.
Lat. 28 11', long. 77 46'.
JAHANPTJR. Village in Agra district ; on the route from the city of
Agra to Jaipur, and twenty-four miles west of the former. Lat. 27 5',
long. 77 42'.
JAHAUTU (JAHATU). Town in Lohardaga district, Bengal; 182
west by north of Calcutta. Lat. 23 7', long. 85 40'.
JAHAZGARH (GEORGEGARH). Fort in Eohtak district, Punjab ;
built at the close of the last century by the military adventurer George
JAHNAVL River in Garhwal State, 1TW.P. ; a tributary of the
Bhagirathi, and one of the most remote head- waters of the Ganges ;
it rises in lat. 30 55', long. 79 14'. Total length, 30 miles.
JAHWTIR. Town in Ahmednagar district, Bombay ; nine miles east
of Ahmednagar. Lat. 19 11', long. 74 50'.
JAIBHUM. Town in Goalpara district, Assam ; twenty-six miles
west by south of Goalpara. Lat. 26 4', long. 90 14'.
JAIBTJRDI. Town in Tanna district, Bombay; eighty-one miles
north of Bombay. Lat. 20 7', long. 72 45'.
JAIGARH. Town in llatnagiri district, Bombay; 118 miles south by
east of Bombay. Lat. 17 17', long. 73 19'.
JAINAGAR. Town and municipality in Twenty-four Parganas
district, Bengal. Lat. 22 10' 55", long. 88 27' 40". Pop. (1881), 7865.
Also thana. Area, 73 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 76,140.
JAINAGAR. Town (near the Nepal frontier) in Darbhangah district,
Bengal. Lat. 26 34' 45", long. 86 11'.
JAINAGAR. Town in Dacca district, Bengal; 101 miles north-east
of Calcutta. Lat. 23 29', long. 89 41'.
JAINI. Town on the Gosthani river, in Yizagapatam district,
Madras. Lat. 18 3', long. 83 18'. Pop. (1871), 6088.
JAINPUR (SAGRI). Thana in Azamgarh district, N."W.P. Pop.
(1881), 93,476.
JAINTIA. Part of Khasi and Jaintia Hills district and of Sylhet
district, Assam. The mountainous portion of this ancient Raj is in-
corporated with the former district, whilst the plains at the foot of tho
hills have been added to Sylhet. Area, 581 sq. miles.
JAINTIA HILLS. Mountainous region, 2000 sq. miles in extent, in
the Khasi and Jaintia Hills district, Assam ; including an area of 2000
sq. miles, south of Kowgong district, west of Cachar, north of Sylhet,
864 JAI
and east of the Khasi Hills tract, which makes up the rest of the district.
The capital of this hilly region is Jowai. In 1861-63 there was a dis-
turbance in this region, necessitating the despatch of British troops.
JAINTIAPUR. Village on the Chengar Khal river in Sylhet district,
Assam ; adjacent to the Jaintia Hills. Lat. 25 8' 7", long. 92 10' 2'.
JAIPUR. State in Rajputana ; bounded on the north by Bikaner,
Loharu, Jhajjar, and Patiala States; on the east by Ulwar, Bhartpur,
and Karauli States ; on the south by Gwalior, Biindi, Tonk, and Udaipur
States ; on the west by Kishangarh, Jodhpur, and Bikaner States. Situate
between lat. 25 41' 28 27', and long. 74 55' 77 15'. Area, 14,465
sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 2,534,357. The chief mountains are parts of
the Aravalli Hills. The chief rivers are the Jumna with its many
tributaries, the Sabi, and the Kaotli. The chief towns are Jaipur
(the capital), Bassau, Bagra, Chatsu, and others. The Rajputana State
Railway traverses the State. The Raja, who possesses the right of
coining, is entitled to a personal salute of twenty -one guns, or four in
excess of the number allotted to the State. The military forces consist
of 824 artillerymen and 72 guns, 4450 cavalry, and 15,858 infantry.
JAIPUR. Capital of Jaipur State, Rajputana. Lat. 26 55', long.
75 52'. Pop. (1881), 142,578. Distant from Agra, west, 140 miles;
from Calcutta, north-west, 850; from Delhi, south-west, 150; from
Allahabad, north-west, 400 miles. Jaipur is one of the handsomest
cities in Rajputana, alike from its picturesque situation amidst sur-
rounding hills, the size of its streets, and the beauty of its mosques
and residences. It is lighted with gas, and can boast of a college,
banks, almshouses, hospitals, and schools. There is also in close proxi-
mity to the city a sacred shrine, beneath which a spring, held in great
veneration, issues forth and falls over a cascade into the valley beneath.
JAIPUR. Town and military station in Lakhimpur district, Assam.
Lat. 27 15', and long. 95 26'. Situate near the Naga Hills, on the
left bank of the river Dihing. There are extensive coal-fields in the
surrounding country.
JAIPUR (JAJAPURAM). State in Yizagapatam district, Madras,
between lat. 17 30' 20, and long. 81 20' 84 4'. Bounded on the
north by Kalahandi State, Central Provinces ; on the east by the plain of
Vizagapatam; on the south by Rekapalli and Golconda districts of
Haidarabad State; and on the west by Bastar State. Area, 11,526 sq.
miles. Pop. (1872), 452,454. The chief mountains are the Nnngiris
hills. The chief rivers are the Vamsadhara and the ISTavagali. The
chief towns are Jaipur, Kolipad, and Naorangpur. The Zamindar pays a
yearly tribute of 1600 to the British Government.
JAIPUR. Town in Jaipur State, Yizagapatam district, Madras.
Lat. 18 55', long. 82 38'. Pop. (1872), 9259.
JAIPUR. Subdivision of Cuttack district, Bengal. Area, 1104 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 499,498. Also thana. Area, 321 sq. miles. Pop.
(1881), 250,736.
JAIPUR. Thana in Mtinbhum district, Bengal. Area, 1 75 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 24,258.
JAIRANG. Village in the Khasi and Jaintia Hills district, Assam ;
twenty-one miles south-west by south from Gauhati, and sixty-three
miles east-south-east from Goalpara. Lat. 25 52', long. 91 36'.
JAI 365
JAIRTTLA. Town in Jhang district, Punjab ; twelve miles north of
the Ravi river, and 139 miles south-west by west of the town of Lahore.
Lat. 30 40', long. 72 10'.
JAIS. Town (in pargana of same name) in Eai Bareli district, Oudh ;
four miles west of Nasirabad, and sixteen south-west of Salon. Lat. 26
15' 55", long. 81 35' 15". Pop. (1881), 11,044. Area of pargana, 154
sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 86,084.
JAIS A. Town in Bhutan State; 91 miles north by west from Goalpara,
128 miles east by north from Darj fling. Lat. 27 25', long. 90 20'.
JAISALMIR. State in Rajputana ; between lat. 26 5' 28 23', and
long. 62 29' 77 15'. Bounded on the north by Bahawalpur State ; on
the east by Bikaner and Jodhpur States ; on the south by Jodhpur State
and Thar and Parkar district, Sind, Bombay ; and on the west by Khair-
pur State and Thar and Parkar district, Sind, Bombay. Area, 16,447 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 108,143. A great part of Jaisalmir is desert; and
there is only one small stream, the Kakni. Jaisalmir, the capital, is the
only considerable town. The chief, who is called the Maharawal, is
entitled to a salute of 15 guns. The military force of the State consists
of 155 cavalry and 651 infantry.
JAISALMIR. Capital of Jaisalmir State, Eajputana. Lat. 26 55',
long. 70 57'. Pop. (1881), 10,965. Remarkable for its Jain temples,
and the beautiful carved stones which adorn the houses of the more
wealthy inhabitants.
JAISINHNAGAR. Town in Sagar district, Central Provinces. Lat.
23 38', long. 78 37'. Pop. (1881), 2742.
JAIT. Village in Muttra district, N.W.P. ; ten miles north-west of
Muttra. Lat. 27 35', long. 77 40'. Also thana. Pop. (1881), 20,236.
JAITAK. Hill and fort in Sirmur State, Punjab. Lat. 30 36', long.
77 24'. Elevation above the sea, 4854 feet.
JAITAK (JYTIIK). Hill-range in Sirmur State, Punjab ; a very
steep ridge of clay-slate, rising over the north-western extremity of the
Khiarda Dun. A peak of this ridge is surmounted by a stone fort, 4854
feet above the sea. Distant north-west from Calcutta 1014 miles, by
Dehra. Lat. 30 36', long. 77 24'.
JAITANTT. Town in Shahpur district, Punjab ; on the right bank of
the Jhelum, 100 miles north-west of the town of Lahore. Lat. 32 40',
long. 72 59'.
JAITAPUR. Town and port (with lighthouse) in Ratnagiri district,
Bombay. Lat. 16 37' 30", long. 73 24' 30".
JAITHPUR. Town in Kathiawar, Bombay. Pop. (1881), 11,813.
JAITIPUR. Thana in Shahjahanpur district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
JAITO. Town in Patiala State, Punjab ; seventy-seven miles south-
west from Ludhiana, and thirty-eight miles south-east by south from
Firozpur. Lat. 30 28', long. 74 55'.
JAITPUR. Town in Baroda State; forty miles south by west from
Rajkot, and sixty- three miles east by north from Porbandar. Lat. 21
45', long. 70 44'.
JAITPUR. Town in Hoshangabad district, Central Provinces ; on the
route from Sohagpur to Sasseram, twenty-five miles north-east of the
former. Lat. 23 30', long. 81 49'.
JAITPTJR. Town (on the banks of the Bela Tal Lake) in Hamirpur
district, N.W.P. Lat. 25 15' 35", long. 79 36' 25". Pop. (1881), 5440.
JAITPTJR. Thana in Agra district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 33,895.
JAITPURA. Thana in Benares district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
JAITWARA. Thana in Partabgarh district, Oudh. Pop. (1881),
JAIWAR. Town in Bulandshahr district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
JAJAMATI. Town in TJnao district, Oudh ; twenty-two miles north-
west of TJnao town. Lat. 26 56', long. 80 14'. Pop. (1869), 2466.
JAJMATI. Town (in tahsil of same name) on the right hank of the
Ganges, in Cawnpore district, N.W.P. Lat. 26 26', long. 80 28'.
Area of tahsil, 264 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 289,333.
JAJPTTR. Town and municipality on the right hank of the Baitarani
(in subdivision of same name) in Cuttack district, Bengal. Lat. 20 50'
45", long. 86 22' 56". Pop. (1881), 11,283. A town of considerable
sanctity amongst the Brahmins, who celebrate a yearly fair in honour of
the " Goddess of the Waters " of Hindu mythology. Area of subdivision,
1154 sq. miles. Pop. (1872), 520,545.
JAJPTIR. Town in TJdaipur State, Rajputana ; sixty- three miles
south-east of Nasirabad, and 278 north-west of Sagar. Lat. 25 38',
long. 75 19'.
JAJTI. Tillage in Eohtak district, Punjab. Lat. 28 29', long.
76 14'.
JAJWARA. Town in Muzaffarpur district, Bengal. Pop. (1881), 5858.
JAKASNA. State in Mahi Kantha, Bombay. Pop. (1881), 1075.
The Chief pays a yearly tribute of 62 6s. to the Gaekwar of Baroda.
JAKHAWTJ. Port in Cutch State, Bombay. Lat. 23 14' 30", long.
68 45'. Pop. (1881), 4930.
JAKHORA. Thana in Lalitpur district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
JAKHTTN. State in Kathiawar, Bombay ; pays a yearly tribute of
24 to the British Government, and 4 to Junagarh.
JAKLATTN. Thana in Lalitpur district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 9496.
JAKO. Mountain peak in Simla district, Punjab. Lat. 31 5', long.
77 15'. It is 8000 feet high, and forms part of Simla sanitarium.
JAKO. Village in Bashahr State, Punjab ; on the southern declivity
of the outer or most southern Himalaya. Elevation above the sea, 9188
feet. Lat. 31 15', long. 78 9'.
JAKO. Town in Cutch State, Bombay ; sixty-two miles west from
Bhuj, and 113 miles south-south-east from Tatta. Lat. 23 15', long.
68 46'.
JAKODA. Village in Bohtak district, Punjab; on the route from
Delhi to Hansi, and twenty-two miles north-west of the former place.
Lat. 28 43', long. 76 55'.
JALA. Town in Kumaun district, N.W.P. ; on the route from Almora
to Srinagar, twenty-eight miles north-west of the former. Lat. 29 52',
long. 79 21'.
JAL 367
JAIAL. River of Si'rmur State, Punjab ; rises in about lat. 30 4f> f ,
long. 77 16'; and falls into the Giri, on the right side, in lat. 30 36',
long. 77 30'.
JALALABAD. Town in Afghanistan^ Lat. 34 24', long. 70 26'.
Celebrated as the scene of Sale's defence with his " illustrious garrison "
in the Afghan war of 1841-1842.
JALALABAD. Town in Hardoi district, Oudh ; six miles south-east
of Mallanwan town. Pop. (1869), 2051. Lat. 26 45', long. 80 57'.
JALALABAD. Town in Muzaffarnagar district, N.W.P. ; twenty-one
miles north-west of Muzaffarnagar. Lat. 29 37', long. 77 28' 45".
Pop. (1881), 6592.
JALALABAD. Town (in tahsil of same name) in Shahjahanpur
district, N.W.P. Lat. 27 43' 20", long. 79 41' 53". Pop. (1881),
8025. Area of tahsil, 317 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 145,915. Also
thana. Pop. (1881), 45,774.
JALALABAD. Town in Farrukhabad district, N.W.P. ; on the route
from Cawnpore to Fatehgarh, and twenty-three miles south of the latter,
Lat. 27 6', long. 79 51'. Pop. (1881), 2920. Also thana. Pop. (1881),
JALALABAD. Town (in pargana of same name) in Meerut district,
N.W.P. ; on the route from Panipat to Bulandshahr, thirty-two miles
north-west by north of the latter. Lat. 28 46', long. 77 38'. Pop. of
pargana (1881), 103,595.
JALALL Town in Aligarh district, N.W.P. ; 14 miles south-east of
Aligarh. Lat. 27 51' 35", long. 78 17' 35". Pop. (1881), 6233.
JALALKHERA. Town in Nagpur district, Central Provinces. Lat.
21 23', long. 78 27'. Pop. (1870), 3396. Formerly a place of con-
siderable size and importance.
JALALPUR. Town (in tahsil of same name) in Hamirpur district,
KW.P. Pop. (1881), 2313. Area of tahsil, 419 sq. miles. Pop.
(1872), 83,356. Also pargana. Pop. (1881), 79,817. And thana.
Pop. (1881), 12,850.
JALALPUR. Tillage and municipality in Multan district, Punjab.
Lat. 29 30' 15", long. 71 16'. Pop. (1881), 3875.
JALALPUR. Village in Jhelum district, Punjab. Lat. 32 39'
30", long. 73 27'. Pop. (1868), 2819.
JALALPUR. Town and municipality in Gujrat district, Punjab;
eight miles north-east of Gujrat. Lat. 32 21' 35", long. 74 15'. Pop.
1881), 12,839. Noted for its shawls.
JALALPUR. Town in Gujranwala district, Punjab. Pop. (1881),
JALALPUR. Subdivision of Surat district, Bombay. Area, 189 sq.
riles. Pop. (1881), 74,016.
JALALPUR. Pargana in Shahjahanpur district, N.W.P. Pop.
;i881), 43,592.
JALALPUR. Town in Jaunpur district, N.W.P. ; on the route from
enares to Jaunpur, twenty- six miles north-west of the former. Lat.
55 35', long. 82 51'. Also thana. Pop. (1881), 56,995.
JALALPUR. Town on the right bank of the Jumna, in Banda
district, N.W.P. j fifty-five miles west of Allahabad. Lat. 25 40', long.
80 45'.
368 JAL
JALALPTJR-DEHL Town in Rai Bareli district, Oudh ; eight miles
east of Dalmau, and sixteen south-east of Rai Bareli. Lat. 26 2', long.
81 62'. Pop. (1869), 1963.
JALALPUR-NAHVL Town on the river Tons, in Faizabad district,
Oudh. Lat. 26 37' 10", long. 82 10' 30". Pop. (1881), 6240. Also
thana. Pop. (1881), 126,354.
JALALUDDINNAGAR. Town in Sultanpur district, Oudh ; on the
right bank of the Gogra, ten miles south-east of Faizabad, seventy-eight
east of Lucknow. Lat. 26 44', long. 82 12'.
JALANDHAR (JTTLLUNDUR). Division of the Punjab ; between
lat. 30 56' 30" 32 59', and long. 75 6' 30" 77 49' 15", containing
Jalandhar, Hoshiarpur, and Kangra districts. Area, 12,571 sq. miles.
Pop. (1880, 2,421,781.
JALANDHAR ( JULLTTNDTTR). District in Jalandhar division of the
Punjab ; between lat. 30 56' 30" 31 37', and long. 75 6' 30" 77 49'
15". Area, 1322 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 789,555. Bounded on the north-
east by Hoshiarpur district ; on the north-west by Kapurthala State and the
Beas river ; and on the south by the Sutlej river. The chief rivers are
the Sutlej, the Beas, and their tributaries. The chief towns are
Jalandhar, Kartarpur, Alawalpur, and Adampur. The district is traversed
by the Sind, Punjab, and Delhi Railway, while there are several good
lines of communication, including the Grand Trunk Road. The District
Staff consists of a Deputy-Commissioner and his Assistants.
JALANDHAR (JULLTJNDTJR). Town and municipality (in tahsil
of same name) of Jalandhar district, Punjab. Lat. 31 19' 50", long.
75 37' 20". Pop. (1881), 52,119. There is an important cantonment,
numbering upwards of 12,000 persons, and also a college founded by the
American Presbyterian Mission. Area of tahsil, 392 sq. miles. Pop.
(1881), 243,759.
JALANGI (KHARIA). River of Nadiya district, Bengal ; an off-
shoot of the Padma or Ganges, which, joining the Bhagirathi, forms the
Hugli river.
JALAPGARH. Tillage in Muzaffarnagar district, KAV.P. ; on the
route from Karnal to Meerut, and fifteen miles south-east of the former.
Lat. 29 34', long. 77 13'.
JALARI. Town in Multan district, Punjab ; situated on the left bank
of the Ravi river ; thirty-nine miles north-east of the town of Multan.
Lat. 30 29', long. 71 59'.
JALAT. Village in Kumaun district, N.W.P. ; on the route up the
course of the river Gori, and by the Anta Dhara Pass, from Almora
to South-western Thibet. Situate near the right bank of the river Gori.
Lat. 30 5', long. 80 17'.
JALAULL Village in Farrukhabad district, N.W.P. ; on the route
from Cawnporo to Fatehgarh, and thirty-five miles south of the latter.
Lat. 27, long. 80'.
JALAUN. District in the Jhansi division, KW.P. ; between lat. 25
46 / _26 26', and long. 78 59' 79 55'. Area, 1469 sq. miles. Pop.
(1881), 418,142. Bounded on the north-east and north by the river
Sumna; on the west by Gwalior and Datia States; on the south by
Jamthar State and the Betwa river; and on the east by Baoni State.
JAL 369
The chief rivers are the Jumna and its tributaries, the Betwa and the
Pahuj. The chief towns are Kalpi, Kunch, Jalaun, and Urai (the
capital). The communications of the district are fairly good. The
administration is conducted by a Deputy-Commissioner and staff.
JALAUN. Town (in tahsil of same name) in Jalaun district, N.W.P.
Lat. 26 8' 32", long. 79 22' 42". Pop. (1881), 10,057. Area of
tahsil, 323 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 94,873. Also thana. Pop. (1881),
JALDHAKA. River of Bhutan State, the Darji'ling and Jalpaiguri
districts, and the Kuch Behar State, Bengal. It rises in the Bhutan
Hills, and flows from north to south into the Dharla river.
JALDHAKA. Thana in Rangpur district, Bengal. Area, 242 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 163,672.
JALDTJRGA. Town in Haidarabad State; situate 133 miles eas!; by
north of Belgaum. Lat. 16 14', long. 76 30'.
JALESAR. Town, municipality, and station on the East Indian
Railway (in tahsil of same name) in Etah district, KW.P. Lat. 27
28', long. 78 20' 30". Pop. (1881), 15,609. Area of tahsil, 286 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 118,925. Also thana. Pop. (1881), 68,523.
JALESWAR (JELLASORE). Tillage in Balasor district, Orissa,
Bengal. Lat. 21 47' 20", long. 87 13' 35". Pop. (1870), 3457. Also
thana. Area, 139 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 55,102.
JALGAON. Town, municipality and station on Great Indian Penin-
sula Railway, in Khandesh district, Bombay. Lat. 20 25', long. 74
33'. Pop. (1881), 9918. Centre of cotton trade.
JALGAON. Village in "Wardha district, Central Provinces. Pop.
(1881), 2121.
JALGAON-JAMBOD. Town (in taluk of same name) in Akola dis-
triot, Berar ; thirty-six miles north-west of Akola. Lat. 21 3', long.
76 35'. Pop. (1881), 10,394. Area of taluk, 392 sq. miles. Pop.
(1881), 105,739.
JALHU (JALHTIPUR). Town in Benares district, N.W.P. ; twelve
miles north-east of Benares. Lat. 25 22', long. 83 10'.
JALHTJPUR. ParganainBenaresdistrict,N.W.P. Pop.(1881), 26,816.
JALIA. Town in Belgaum district, Bombay ; eighty-four miles east
of Belgaum. Lat 15 50', long. 75 50'.
JALIA AMRAJI. State of Kathiawar, Bombay ; paying a yearly
tribute of 12 to the Gaekwar of Baroda, and 16s. to the Nawab of
JALIA pIWANL Fifth-class State of Kathiawar, Bombay ; paying
a yearly tribute of 118 to the Gaekwar of Baroda, and 37 to the
Nawab of Junagarh. Area, 35 sq. miles.
JALIA MANAJI. State of Kathiawar, Bombay ; paying a yearly
tribute of 3 to the Gaekwar of Baroda.
JALIHAL. Town in Haidarabad State ; 133 miles south-west by
west of Haidarabad. Lat. 16 22', long. 76 50'.
JALINGI. Village in Murshidabad district, Bengal; situate at the
point where the river Islangi parts from the Padma, or great eastern
branch of the Ganges. Elevation above the sea, 75 feet. Distance east
from Berhampur twenty-five miles, north from Calcutta 105. Lat.
24 8', long. 88 40'. Also thana. Area, 192 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
JALIIAPUIIUNG. Village in the Chittagong Hill Tracts district,
Bengal ; forming the termination of the first division of the great route
from Chittagong to Akyab, from the former of which places it is distant
about 105 miles. Lat. 21 17', long. 92 10'.
JAIIOR. Town in Jodhpur State, Rajputana ; on the left bank of
the Sukri river, and seventy-one miles south-west by south from Jodhpur.
Lat. 25 23', long. 72 40'.
JAIMUR. Town in Ganjam district, Madras; ninety-two miles
south-west of Ganjam. Lat. 18 31', long. 84 4'.
JAINA. Town in Haidarabad State; 240 miles north-west of
Secunderabad, thirty-eight east of Aurangabad, and 210 miles north-east
of Bombay. Lat. 19 50' 30", long. 75 56'. A British cantonment is
placed here on the road from Secunderabad to Aurangabad.
JALNA (GAIN A). Village and fort in Khandesh district, Bombay.
Distance direct from Mhow, south-west, 150 miles; from Bombay, north-
east, 165. Lat. 20 46', long. 74 30'.
JALORI (SUKET). Himalayan range in Kangra district, Punjab.
JALOTRI. Village in Lucknow district, Oudh; on the route from
Cavvnpore to Lucknow, twenty-five miles north-east of the former,
twenty-six south-west of the latter. It is situate close to a fine circular
lake, a mile in diameter. Lat. 26 42', long. 80 42'.
JALPAIGTIRI. District in Rajshahi and Kuch Behar divisions,
Bengal; between lat. 26 0' 35" 26 59' 30", and long. 88 22' 40"
89 55' 20". Area, 2884 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 581,562. The moun-
tains are the outer Himalayas. The chief rivers are the Mahananda,
Karatoya, and Tista. The chief towns are Jalpaiguri (the capital) and
Baxa. The Northern Bengal State Railway traverses the district.
JALPAIGURI. Capital (in subdivision of same name) of Jalpaiguri
district, Bengal ; situated on the Tista. Lat. 26 32' 20", long. 88 45'
38". Pop. (1881), 7936, inclusive of the troops in the cantonments.
Area of subdivision, 1493 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 497,779. Also thana.
Area, 184 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 75,418.
JALPESH. Town in Jalpaiguri district, Bengal. Lat. 26 31', long.
88 54' 30". A fair is held annually in honour of the god Siva, at which
about 2000 persons assemble together.
JAIPUR. Town in Benares district, N.W.P. ; on the route from
Benares to Ghazipur, nine miles north-east of the former. Lat. 25 21',
long. 83 10'.
JAIPUR. Village in Moradabad district, N.W.P. ; on the route from
the town of Moradabad to Almora, and thirteen miles north of the former.
Lat. 28 59', long. 78 54'.
JAIUNGA. Town in Lohardaga district, Bengal; sixty-two miles
south by west of Hazaribagh. Lat. 23 7', long. 85 10'.
JAIUR. Village in Patiala State, Punjab; near the banks of the
Ghaggar river, on the direct route from Hansi to Ludhiana, and sixty-two
miles north of the former town. Distant north-west from Calcutta 1037
miles. Lat. 29 56', long. 76.
JAM 371
JAM. Town in Haidarabad State; sixty- two miles south-west by
south of Ellichpur. Lat. 20 24', long. 77 7'.
JAM. Town in Balaghat district, Central Provinces. Pop. (1881),
district, Madras. Lat. 13 2', long. 75 22'. Pop. (1871), 1112.
JAMALAVOI DRUG. Hill in Kistna district, Madras, 1856 feet high.
Lat. 16 57' 22", long. 80 38' 8".
JAMALGARH. Town in Saharanpur district, KW.P. Lat. 29 54',
long. 77 20'.
JAMALGARHI. Town in Peshawar district, Punjab; forty miles
north-north-east of Peshawar, and forty-two miles north-north-west of
the town of Attock. Lat. 34 29', long. 72 1'.
JAMALPARA. Village in Nagar-Aveli district, Portuguese India.
Pop. (1881), 32.
JAMALPUR. Town and municipality (in subdivision of same name)
in Maimansinh district, Bengal. Lat. 24 56' 15", long. 89 58' 55".
Pop. (1881), 14,727. It is on the right bank of the Brahmaputra, at
a point where the river is crossed by a ferry. Area of subdivision, 1244
sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 497,776. Also thana. Area, 374 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 209,329.
JAMALPUR. Town and municipality in Monghyr district, Bengal.
Lat. 25 18' 45", long. 86 32' 1". Pop. (1881), 13,213. The work-
shops of the East India Eailway are situated in this town, giving employ-
ment to upwards of 3000 persons. Also thana. Area, 4 sq. miles. Pop.
(1881), 19,824.
JAMALPUR. Tillage in Aligarh district, KW.P. ; on the route from
Aligarh to Moradabad, one mile and a quarter north-east of the former.
Lat. 27 57', long. 78 6'.
JAMALPUR. Village in Aligarh district, N.W.P. ; on the route by
Khasganj from Bareilly to Aligarh, and ten miles south-east of the latter.
Lat. 27 52', long. 78 16'.
JAMANI BHOJPUR. Town in Bahraich district, Oudh ; ninety
miles north-east from Lucknow, and 120 miles east from Shahjahanpur.
Lat. 27 52', long. 81 54'.
JAMAUR. Pargana in Shahjahanpur district, KW.P. Pop. (1881),
JAMB. Town in Bhandara district, Central Provinces. Pop. (1881),
JAMBO. Town and fort in Sultanpur district, Oudh; twenty-six
miles west of Sultanpur, fifty miles south-east of Lucknow. Lat. 26
21', long. 81 44'.
JAMBU. Town in Bhutan State; three miles from the left bank
of the Manas river, and 124 miles north-east by north from Goalpara.
Lat. 27 46', long. 91 38'.
JAMBU. Creek in Cuttack district, Bengal.
JAMBUGHODA. Town in Narukot State, Bombay.
JAMBUKESWARAM. Temple in Srirangam island, Trichinopoli
istrict, Madras. Lat. 10 51', long. 78 44'. The shrine, which is of
great architectural beauty, possessing no less than 938 pillars, is probably
about 400 years old, and has an endowment of 945 per annum.
372 JAM
JAMBTTLGHATA. Town in Chanda district, Central Provinces;
seven miles north-east of Chiinur. Lat. 20 33', long. 79 30'. Noted
for its soapstone quarries.
JAMBULPATA. Town in Tanna district, Bombay ; thirty-seven
miles south-east of Bombay. Lat. 18 40', long. 73 22'.
JAMBUR. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 172.
JAMBUSAR. Town (in subdivision of same name) in Broach district,
Bombay. Lat. 22 3' 30", long. 72 51' 30". Pop. (1872), 14,924.
Area of subdivision, 373 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 77,772.
JAMBTITI. Town in Belgaum district, Bombay; eighteen miles
south-west of Belgaum. Lat. 15 40', long. 74 22'.
JAMERAPAL. Town in Midnapur district, Bengal ; eighty-five miles
south-west by west of Calcutta. Lat. 21 59', long. 87 16'.
JAMES AND MARY SANDS. Quicksands in the Hugli river, at
the point where the Rupnarayan and the Damodar join it. Between lat.
22 13' 27 17', and long. 88 5' 45" 88 7' 30". The name probably
takes its origin from the circumstance that in 1700 a ship called The
James and Mary was wrecked at this spot.
JAMGAON. Town in Peint State, Bombay ; 100 miles north by east
from Bombay, and ninety-seven miles south by east from Broach. Lat-
20 20', long. 73 15'.
JAMGARH. Town in Bhopal State, Central India Agency ; fifty-nine
miles east from Bhopal, and sixty miles south-west by south from Sagar.
Lat. 23 8', long. 78 18'.
JAMGATJM. Town in Ahmednagar district, Bombay ; 108 miles east
of Bombay. Lat. 19 4', long. 74 31'.
JAMGONG. Town in Raipur district, Central Provinces; sixteen
miles from the left bank of the Mahanadi river, and 184 miles east from
Nagpur. Lat. 21 7', long. 81 42'.
JAMIDPUR (JTIMDOA). Village in Allahabad district, N.W.P. ; on
the route from Allahabad to Band a, and thirty-four miles west of the
latter. Lat. 25 27', long. 81 28'.
JAMIRA. One of the mouths of the Ganges, Bengal. Lat. 21 36',
long. 88 31'.
JAM-JO-TANDO. Town in Haidarabad district, Sind, Bombay. Pop.
(1871), 1897.
JAM JUNG A. Town in Bhutan State; sixty- six miles north-north-
west from Goalpara, and 122 miles east from Darjiling. Lat. 27 1',
long. 90 16'.
JAMKA. Town in Karachi district, Sind, Bombay ; twenty-one miles
west by south of TatU. Lat. 24 40', long. 67 40'.
JAMKHAIR. Town in Ahmednagar district, Bombay ; forty-
eight miles south-east of Ahmednagar. Lat. 18 44', long. 75
JAMKHANDI. State in Kolhapur Agency, Bombay. Between lat.
16 26' 16 47', long. 75 7' 75 37'. Area, 492 sq. miles. Pop.
(1881), 86,008. The Chief, who ranks as a first-class chief of the
Southern Marhatta country, and maintains a military force of 57 horse
and 852 foot soldiers, pays a yearly tribute of 2084 to the Britisl
JAMKHANDI. Town in Jamkhandi State, Bombay; seventy mile
JAM 373
north-east of Belgaum, sixty-eight miles east of Kolhapur, and 162 miles
south-east of Poona. Lat. 16 30' 30", long. 75 22'. Pop. (1881),
JAMKHED. Subdivision of Ahmednagar district, Bombay. Area,
482 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 60,960.
JAMKI. Town and municipality in Sialkot district, Punjab. Lat.
32 23', long. 74 26' 45". Pop. (1881), 4157.
JAMLA. Town in Baroda State ; eighty miles from Rajkot. Lat.
21 20', long. 70 1'.
JAMLA. Town in Nepal State; situate on the right bank of the
Karnali river, and 123 miles east by south from Almora. Lat. 29 19',
long. 81 41'.
JAMLI. Chief ship in Bhandara district, Central Provinces. Area,
15 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 571.
JAMMALAMADUGU. Town in Cuddapah district, Madras. Pop.
(1881), 4846.
JAMMTT. Town (in province of same name) in Kashmir State,
Punjab ; situated on a tributary of the Chenab ; gives one of his titles to
H.H. the Maharaja of Kashmir and Jammu. Lat. 32 43' 52", long. 74
54' 14".
JAMNAWALA. Town in Moradabad district, N.W.P.
JAMNER. Town (in subdivision of same name) in Khandesh district,
Bombay. Lat. 20 48', long. 75 45'. Pop. (1881), 5705. Area of
subdivision, 525 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 83,535.
JAMNI. River of Sagar district, Central Provinces and Gwalior
State, Central Indian Agency; falls into the Betwa, on the right side,
in lat. 25 11', long. 78 37'; its total length of course being about
ninety miles.
JAMNIA (DABIR). State in the Central India Agency. Pop.
(1881), 3205.
JAMNOTRI. A collection of hot springs in Garhwal State, Punjab ;
near the source of the Jumna. Lat. 30 59', long. 78 35'. The water
rushes from a rock 20,758 feet above the level of the sea.
JAMOD. Town in Akola district, Berar. Pop. (1881), 5258.
JAMPOR. Village in Daman district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 213.
JAMPUI (JAMPTII KANG). Range of hills (varying from 2000 to
3000 feet high) in Hill Tipperah State, Bengal ; running from lat. 23 40'
to lat. 24 10'.
JAMPTIR. Town and municipality (in tahsil of same name) in Dera
Ghazi Khan district, Punjab. Lat. 29 38' 34", long. 70 38' 16". Pop.
7796. Area of tahsil, 912 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 69,159.
JAMRI. State in Bhandara district, Central Provinces. Area, 9811
acres. Lat. 21 11' 30", long. 80 5' 30".
JAMRUD. Port at the entrance of the Khaibar Pass, in Peshawar
district, Punjab. Lat. 34, long. 71 24'.
JAMTARA. Subdivision of Santal Parganas district, Bengal ;
between lat. 23 48' 15" 24 10' 30", and long. 86 41' 87 20' 30".
Area, 696 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 146,263.
JAMTHAR. Village in Kumaun district, N.W.P. ; on the route, by
the course of the Ramganga, from Pithoragarh to the Anta Dhara Pass,
ten miles north of Pithoragarh. Lat. 29 44', long. 80 16'.
JAMU. Peak in Sirmur State, Punjab ; about four miles from the
bank of the Giri. Elevation above the sea, 6852 feet. Lat. 30 37', long.
77 34'.
JAMTJI. Town on left bank of the Keul (in subdivision of same
name) in Monghyr district, Bengal. Lat. 24 55' 30", long. 86 15' 50".
Pop. (1872), 5197. Area of subdivision, 1593 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
551,972. Also thana. Area, 533 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 120,563.
JAMUL Thana in Santal Parganas district, Bengal. Pop. (1881),
JAMUNA. River of Maimansinh, Faridpur, Rangpur, Bogra, and
Pabna districts, Bengal. The chief water-course by which the Brahma-
putra river now finds its way to the sea.
JAMUNA. River of Nadiya and Twenty-four Parganas districts,
Bengal ; part of the Ichamati, one of the offshoots of the Ganges, and
emptying into the Raimangal in lat. 21 47', long. 89 13'.
JAMUNA. River of the Naga Hills and Kowgong districts, Assam ;
falls into the Kapili, a feeder of the Brahmaputra, in lat. 26 5', long.
92 47'.
JAMUNA. River of Dinajpur, Bogra and Rajshahi districts, Bengal ;
falls into the Atrai, a feeder of the Ganges.
JAMWARI. River of Kheri and Sultanpur districts, Oudh ; falls into
the Sarayan, in lat. 27 32', long. 80 47'. Length, 41 miles.
JANAKIPUR. Village in Allahabad district, N.W.P. ; on the route
from the cantonment of Allahabad to Banda, and twenty-one miles west
of the former. Lat. 25 24', long. 81 38'.
JAN ARDHANAHALLL Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 127.
JAN AURA. Town in Faizabad district, Oudh. Pop. (1869), 2131.
JANDIALA. Town, municipality, and station on the Lahore and
Delhi Railway, in Amritsar district, Punjab ; eleven miles south-east of
Amritsar. Lat. 31 33' 40", long. 75 4' 7".
JANDIALA. Town in Jalandhar district, Punjab. Lat. 31 9' 30",
long. 75 39' 30". Pop. (1881), 6316.
JANGALI. Village in Gujranwala district, Punjab ; on the route
from Lahore to Ramnagar, and fifty miles north-west of the former place.
Lat. 32 6', long. 73 55'.
JANGAMKOTTA. Town in Mysore State ; ninety-eight miles north-
east by east from Seringapatam, and 164 miles west from Madras. Lat.
13 16', long. 77 55'.
JANGI. Village in Bashahr State, Punjab ; situate on the right bank
of the Sutlej, at an elevation of 8905 feet above the sea. Lat. 31 36',
long. 78 29'.
JANGIPUR (JAHANGIRPUR). Capital (in subdivision of same
name) in Murshidabad district, Bengal ; situated on the left bank of the
Bhagirathi. Lat. 24 28', long. 88 6' 45". Pop. (1881), 10,187. It is
a toll station for river traffic. Area of subdivision, 508 sq. miles. Pop.
(1881), 304,080.
JANGRATJLL Tillage in Bareilly district, KW.P. ; on the route
from Bareilly to Pithoragarh, and thirty- eight miles north-east of the
former. Lat. 28 42', long. 79 52'.
JANL Thana in Meenit district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 62,865.
JANIDIRA (JANIDRA). Village in Shikarpur district, Sind,
Bombay ; on the route from Shikarpur to Bagh, and eighteen miles
north-west of the former town. It is situate near the border of the
desert of Shikarpur. Lat. 28 16', long. 68 28'.
JANIVANCAR. Village in Daman district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 381.
JANJIRA (HABS AN). State of the Konkan, Bombay. Between
lat. 18 18 31', and long. 72 53' 73 17'. Bounded north and east
by the Kolaba district ; south by the Ratnagiri district ; and west by the
Arabian Sea. Area, 324 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 76,361. It is note-
worthy that alone of all the States of Western India, Janjira resisted the
attacks of the Marhattas. The chief is entitled to a salute of nine guns.
JANJIRA. Town in Janjira State, Bombay ; forty-four miles south
of Bombay. Lat. 18 18', long. 73. Pop. (1872), 1740.
JANJMIR. Town in Kathiawar, Bombay ; situate on the west coast
of the Gulf of Cambay. Lat. 21 10', long. 72 4'.
JANJPAT. Town in Darbhangah district, Bengal; 105 miles north-
east of Dinapur. Lat. 26 27', long. 86 31'.
JANSATH. Town (in tahsil of same name) in Muzaffarnagar district,
N.W.P. Lat. 29 19' 15", long. 77 53' 20". Pop. (1881), 6284.
Area of tahsil, 453 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 183,854.
JAOLA. Town in Haidarabad State ; ninety-four miles east of Poona.
Lat. 18 33', long. 75 20'.
JAOLL Town in Muzaffarnagar district, N.W.P. Lat. 29 25', long.
77 55'.
JAOLI. "Village in Ulwar State, Rajputana ; on the route from the
town of Ulwar to Muttra, and fifty-one miles west of the latter. Lat. 27
33', long. 76 56'.
JAORA. State in Central India Agency. Between lat. 23 32'
23 55', and long. 74 52' 75 38'. Area, 872 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
108,434. The Nawab, who maintains a military force of 150 horse and
600 foot, is entitled to a salute of thirteen guns.
JAQESWAR. Thana in Hazaribagh district, Bengal. Area, 599 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 53,593.
JAQUI-NTJNDEM. Village in Sanguem district, Portuguese India.
Pop. (1881), 249.
JAR AIL AH. Town in Jaisalmir State, Rajputana ; twenty-nine
miles south-west from Jaisalmir, and 156 miles west by north from
Joclhpur. Lat. 26 37', long. 70 40'.
JARA SINGrHA. Chiefship in Sambalpur district, Central Provinces.
Pop. (1881), 24,861.
JARATILL Town in Fatehpur district, N.W.P. ; on the left bank of
the Jumna, fourteen miles south of the town of Fatehpur. Lat. 25 44',
long. 80 55'.
JARAJJLL Village in Bulandshahr district, K.W.P. ; on the route
from Aligarh to Moradabad, and twenty-eight miles north-east of the
former. Lat. 28 17', long. 78 17'.
JARCHA. Town in Bulandshahr district, K"W.P. Pop. (1881),
3776. Also thana. Pop. (1881), 20,451.
JARESANGK Town in Nepal State ; on the left bank of the Aran
river, and 110 miles south-east by east of Khatmandu. Lat. 27 9',
long. 86 57'.
JAM. Village in Daman district, Portuguese India. Pop. (1881), 99.
JARIA. Thana in Hamirpur district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
JAR KHASS. Town in Patehpur district, N.W.P. ; on the route
from Patehpur to Hamirpur, twenty miles west of the former. Lat. 25
57', long. 80 34'.
JARODE. Town (in district of same name) in Baroda division,
Baroda State. Lat. 22 24', long. 73 22'. Area, 375 sq. miles. Pop.
(1881), 65,522.
JARPTIRRAH. Town in Cuttack district, Bengal ; fourteen miles
south-east of Cuttack. Lat. 20 20', long. 86 4'.
JARRAH. Town in Chanda district, Central Provinces; 140 miles
south-east from Nagpur, and ninety miles east from Chanda. Lat. 19
50', long. 80 45'.
JARUNG. Town in Muzaffarpur district, Bengal. Pop. (1881),
JARWAL. Town in Bahraich district, Oudh. Lat. 27 10' 9", long.
81 35' 33". Pop. (1869), 3328.
JASDAN. Third-class State in Kathiawar, Bombay. Area, 283 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 29,037. The Chief maintains a military force of
341 men. The capital is situated in lat. 22 5', long. 71 20'.
JASHPUR. State of Chutia Nagpur, Bengal. Between lat. 22 17' 5"
23 15' 30", and long. 83 32' 50" 84 26' 15". Area, 1963 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 90,240. Bounded on the north and west by Sarguja State ; on
the south by Gangpur and Udaipur States ; and on the east by Lohardaga
district. The chief mountain peaks are Banijula, Kohiar, and Bhara-
murio. The chief rivers are the Ib and the tributaries of the Kanhar.
Chief town Jashpur. Lat. 22 43', long. 83 56'.
JASHPUR. Town in Cuttack Tributary Mahals; sixty-seven miles
north-west from Balasor. Lat. 22, long. 86 8'.
JASHPUR. Range of mountains (varying from 3200 to 3500 feet in
height) in Chutia Nagpur, Bengal.
JASO. State in the Central India Agency ; between lat. 24 20' 24
34', and long. 80 28' 80 40' 30". Area, 74 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
8050. The town of Jaso is in lat. 24 27', long. 80 35'.
JASOL. Town in Jodhpur State, Rajputana ; sixty miles south-west
of Jodhpur. Lat. 25 8', long. 72 21'.
JASPUR. Town in the Tarai district, Oudh, KW.P. Lat. 29 16'
45", long. 78 52' 30". Pop. (1881), 7055. Also thana. Pop. (1881),
JASPURA. Tillage in Banda district, N.W.P. ; seventeen miles north
of Banda. Pop. (1872), 2319. Also thana. Pop. (1881), 22,204.
JASRANA. Thana in Maiupuri district, K.W.P. Pop. (1881),
JASROTA. Town in Kashmir State, Punjab ; among the mountains
of the southern range of the Himalaya. Lat. 32 29', long. 75 27'.
JASTJL. Town in Dera Ismail Khan district, Punjab ; on the route
from Multan to Leiah, and ten miles south of the latter place. It is
situate near the left bank of the Indus ; in lat. 30 49', long. 71 2'.
JASWAN DTJN. Valley in Hoshiarpur district, Punjab.
JASWANTNAGAR. Town and station on the East Indian Railway,
in Etawah district, N.W.P. ; ten miles north-west of Etawah. Lat. 26
52' 50", long. 78 56' 30". Pop. (1881), 4950. Also thana. Pop.
(1881), 48,664.
JAT. Village in Gurgaon district, Punjab; on the route from Delhi
to Rewari, and forty-eight miles south-west of the former. It is situate
near the left bank of the Sabi. Lat. 28 15', long. 76 44'.
JATH. State in the Deccan, Bombay, Between lat. 16 50' 17 18',
and long. 75 1' 75 31'. Area, 885 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 49,486.
The Chief ranks as a first-class Sardar in the Deccan.
JATH. Town in Jath State, Bombay ; eighty-eight miles south-east
of Satara, ninety-five miles north-east of Belgaum. Capital of the State.
Lat. 17 3', long. 75 16'. Pop. (1881), 5036.
JATHPHUL. Town in Haidarabad State ; ninety-four miles south
by west from Haidarabad, and eighteen miles north-east from Karnul.
Lat. 16 1', long. 78 16'.
JATHPURA. Village in Moradabad district, N.W.P. ; on the route
from Aligarh to Moradabad, and six miles south-west of the latter. Lat.
28 46', long. 78 47'.
JATL Taluk of Karachi district, Sind, Bombay. Between lat. 23
33' 30" 24 36', and long. 68 0' 30" 68 48' 15". Area, 2053 sq.
miles. Pop. (1872), 22,725.
JATIA DIBI. Temple in Patiala State, Punjab ; on a ridge between
Subathu and Simla, and five miles south-west of the latter post. Elevation
above the sea, 5031 feet. Lat. 31 6', long. 77 9'.
JATIARA (JTJLIAR A). Village in Jodhpur State, Rajputana; on
the route from Jodhpur to Ajmere, and thirty-five miles east of the
former. Lat. 26 25', long. 73 44'.
JATIL MOUNTAINS. Hills of Karachi district, Sind, Bombay;
they form a portion of that mountain system which, stretching eastward
form the great Hala range, terminates abruptly on the right bank of the
Indus, near Sehwan. The Jatil Mountains run south-west from Sehwan
to Duba, a distance of between sixty and seventy miles. They are steep
and of considerable height, probably in few places less than 2000 feet.
The direct route from Sehwan to Karachi lies between them and the
Kirthar range, which is equally high, and holds a parallel course, bu&
more to the west. The Jatil range extends between lat. 25 32' 26 20',
and long. 67 48' 68 8'.
JATINGA. River of Cachar district, Assam ; falls into the
JATOI. Town and municipality in Muzaffargarh district, Punjab ;
eleven miles north-west from Ah'pur. Lat. 29 30' 45", long. 70 53'.
Pop. (1881), 2035.
JATOI. Village in Haidarabad district, Sind, Bombay. Pop. (1872),
JATRAPUR. Village in Rangpur district, Bengal. Lat. 25 49',
long. 89 47' 15".
JATTA. Government salt-mine on the north side of the Teri Toi river,
in Kohat district, Punjab.
JATTARL Town in Aligarh district, KW.P. Pop. (1881), 1715.
JATWALA. Village in Jodhpur State, Rajputana ; on the route from
Jodhpur to A j mere, and forty miles north-east of the former. Lat. 26
25', long. 73 40'.
JATJLDO (JALDO). Town in Manbhum district, Bengal; on the
route from Bardwan to Doranda, 125 miles west of former, forty-five east
of latter. Lat. 23 22', long. 86.
JATILI JANSATH. Pargana in Muzaffarnagar district, N.W.P.
Pop. (1881), 42,590.
JATIM (JAM). Village and fort in Indore State, Central India
Agency ; on the route from Mhow to Asirgarh, fourteen miles south of
the former, 100 north-west of the latter. It is situate on the crest of
a pass through a ravine of the Vindhya range, descending from Malwa
to the valley of the Narbada. The pass is a mile and a half in
length, and is steep, narrow, and zigzag ; notwithstanding its great
difficulty, it is much frequented by foot-travellers, being the most direct
route from Malwa southwards. Elevation above the sea, 2328 feet.
Lat. 22 22', long. 75 47'.
JATJNPUR. District in Allahabad division, N.W.P. ; between lat.
25 23' 45" 26 12', and long. 82 10' 83 7' 45". Area, 1554 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 1,209,663. Bounded on the north and north-west
by Faizabad, Partabgarh, and Sultanpur districts ; on the east and north-
east by Ghazipur and Azamgarh districts, N.W.P. ; on the south by
Benares and Mirzapur districts ; and on the west by Allahabad district.
The chief rivers are the Gumti, the Sai, the Barna, the Pilli, and the
Basohi. The chief towns are Jaunpur (the capital), and Machhlishahr.
The district is traversed by the Oudh and Rohilkhand Railway, and
there are several good roads. It is administered by a Collector-Magistrate
and a Joint-Magistrate, and staff.
JATJNPUR. Town and municipality (in tahsil of same name) in
Jaunpur district, N.W.P. Situated on the banks of the Gumti, fifteen
miles above its confluence with the Sai river ; thirty-five miles north-
west from Benares ; fifty-five miles north-east from Allahabad. Lat. 25
41' 31", long. 82 43' 38". Pop. (1881), 42,845. Jaunpur, which was
formerly the capital of a Muhammadan dynasty, abounds in architectural
remains. Area of tahsil, 334 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 322,315. Also
thana. Pop. (1881), 156,590.
JAUNSAR. Subdivision of Dehra Dun district, N.W.P. ; lying be-
tween Garhwal and Si'rmur States. It is bounded on the west by
Sirmur, from which it is separated by the river Tons ; on the north and
east by Garhwal, from which it is for a considerable distance separated
by the river Jumna, which river also, on the south, divides it from the
rest of Dehra Dun district. Jaunsar is about thirty- three miles long in
a direction from north to south ; its breadth from east to west is twenty-
three. It lies between lat. 30 31' 31 1', and long. 77 45' 78 7'.
Area, 343 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 45,117.
JAUNT GARHL Fort in Garhwal State, KW.P. ; on a summit
three miles east of the river Jumna. Lat. 30 36', long. 78 9'.
JAURASL Town in Saharanpur district, N.W.P. Lat. 29 49',
long. 78.
JAVANAGOONDENHULLL Town in Mysore State; on the left
bank of the Hari river, and ninety-nine miles north from Seringapatam.
Lat. 13 51', long. 76 48'.
JAVLI. Subdivision of Satara district, Bombay. Area, 419 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 63,729.
JAW AD. Town in Gwalior State, Central India Agency. Lat. 24
36', long. 74 54'. Pop. about 30,000. Elevation above the sea, 1400
JAW ADI. Hill range in Salem district, Madras; between lat. 12 15'
12 40' and long. 78 40 79 6'. Pop. (1871), 9296.
JAW AHIRGARH. Village in Muttra district, KW.P.; on the route
from Agra to Aligarh, and twenty miles north of the former. Lat.
27 25', long. 78 7'.
JAWALAMUKHI. Town, and place of pilgrimage, in Kangra district,
Punjab. Lat. 31 52' 34", long. 76 21' 59". Pop. (1881), 2424. Noted
for its temple, which is held in great veneration ; indeed, as many as
50,000 pilgrims repair to worship in its precincts every autumn, and
witness the holy fire which bursts forth from the ground at its base.
JAWALAPUR. Town (in pargana of same name) on the north bank
of the Ganges Canal, in Saharanpur district, KW.P. Lat. 29 55' 35",
long. 78 9'. Pop. (1881), 15,196. Pop. of pargana (1881), 67,413.
JAWALDINL Town in Nellore district, Madras; 117 miles north
by west of Madras. Lat. 14 47', long. 80 8'.
JAWAN. Thana in Aligarh district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 31,752.
JAWHAR. State in Tanna district, Bombay; between lat. 19 40'
20 4', and long. 73 2' 73 23'. Area, 534 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
JAWHAR. Capital of Jawhar State, Bombay. Lat. 19 56', long.
73 16'.
JAYAMANGALL River of Tumkur district, Mysore, and Bellary
district, Madras ; falling into the North Pinakini.
JAYES. Town in Rai Bareli district, Oudh; thirty-five miles west
of Sultanpur, fifty-five south-east of Lucknow. It is situate on the left
bank of the Naia Nadi, a tributary to the river Sai. Lat. 26 14', long.
81 37'.
JEDDYA GOWDEN. Hill in South Arcot district, Madras. Between
lat. 11 40' 11 51', and long. 78 42' 78 53'.
JEHULI. Town in Champaran district, Bengal. Pop. (1872),
JEJTJRI. Town and municipality in Poona district, Bombay ; distant
from Poona, south-east, twenty-eight miles. Lat. 18 16', long. 74 12'.
Pop. (1872), 3102.
JELGUN. Town in Barwani State, Central India Agency; on the
right bank of one of the branches of the Tapti river, and 111 miles east-
south-east from Baroda. Lat. 21 43', long. 74 52'.
JELLI PTJTTL Town in Coimbatore district, Madras ; thirty-eight
miles east by north of Darapuram. Lat. 10 49', long. 78 8'
JENKAL-BETTA. Hill in Mysore State ; a peak of the Western Ghats.
JERIM ALA. Town in Bellary district, Madras. Lat. 14 18' 40",
long. 76 33'. Formerly a place of importance.
JERRODE. Town in Baroda State ; fourteen miles north-east from
Baroda, and forty-nine miles west by south from Cambay. Lat. 22 24',
long. 73 22'.
JERRUK (JHIRAK). Subdivision of Karachi district, Sind, Bom-
bay. Between lat. 24 4' 25 26' 30", and long. 67 6' 15" 68 22'
30". Area, 2271 sq. miles. Pop. (1872), 92,902. The Sind Bailway
passes through the subdivision, which is administered by a Deputy-
Collector and staff.
JERRUK (JHIRAK). Town and municipality (in subdivision of
same name) in Karachi district, Sind, Bombay. Lat. 25 3' 6", long.
68 17' 44". Pop. (1872), 1666.
JESAR. State in Eewa Kantha, Bombay ; paying a yearly tribute of
15 to the Gaekwar of Baroda. Area, 1 sq. mile.
JESARA. Town in Garhwal district, N.W.P.; on the route from
Hardwar to south-west Thibet, seventy-one miles east by north of the
former. Lat. 30 12', long. 79 22'.
JE8SOR. District in Presidency division, Bengal. Between lat. 22
25' 50" 23 47', and long. 88 57' 33" 90 0' 13". Area, 2276 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 1,577,249. Bounded on the north and west by
Nadiya district ; on the south by the Sundarbans ; and on the east
by Faridpur district. The chief rivers are the Madhumati with its
tributaries ; the Kumar, the Kabadak, the Katki, the Harihar, the
Bhadra, and the Atharabanka. The only town of importance is Jessor
(the capital).
JESSOR. Capital (in subdivision of same name) of Jessor district,
Bengal. Lat. 23 10' 5", long. 89 15' 15". Pop. (1881), 8495. Area
of subdivision, 889 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 628,939.
JESSOR. Thana in Nadiya district, Bengal. Area, 231 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 167,354.
JETPUR BHILKA. State in Kathiawar, Bombay ; paying a yearly
tribute of 5026 to the British Government, 516 to the Gaekwar of
Baroda, and 411 to the Nawab of Junagarh. Area, 733 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 92,617.
JETPTJR. Town and fortification in Kathiawar, Bombay ; forty miles
south-west of Rajkot, and sixty- three miles north-east of Porbandar.
Pop. (1872), 9599. Lat. 21 45' 30", long. 70 48' 30".
JETPUR KALA DEVDAN. State in Kathiawar, Bombay. Pop.
(1881), 9618.
JETPUR SURAG GANGA. State in Kathiawar, Bombay. Pop.
(1881), 6026.
JETPUR WALA MERAM HARSUR. State in Kathiawar, Bombay.
Pop. (1881), 9625.
JEWAR. Town (in pargana of same name) in Bulandshahr district,
N.W.P. Lat. 28 7' 45", long. 77 36' 5". Pop. (1881), 6219. A
Hindu fair is held in this town every year. Pop. of pargana (1881),
53,554. Also thana. Pop. (1881), 37,355
JHABTJA (JHABTIAH). State in Central India Agency. Between
lat. 22 32' 23 18', and long. 74 17' 75 6'. Area, 1500 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 92,938. The Chief, who is entitled to a salute of 11 guns,
maintains a military force of 50 cavalry and 200 infantry. The capital
of the State is Jhabua. Lat. 22 45', long. 74 38'.
JHAGGL Town in Haidarabad district, Sind, Bombay; fifty-eight
miles south-east of Tatta. Lat. 24, long. 68 25'.
JHAJHAR. Town in Bulandshahr district, KW.P. Lat. 28 16',
long. 77 42' 15". Pop. (1881), 4151. Also thana. Pop. (1881),
JHAJHAR. Village in Agra district, N.W.P. ; seventeen miles south
of the city of Agra, on the north or left bank of the Banganga or
Utanghan river. Lat. 26 55', long. 77 59'.
JHAJHARKOT. Town in Nepal State; 148 miles north by east
from Lucknow, and 105 miles east by north from Pilibhit. Lat. 28 56',
long. 81 33'.
JHA J JAR. Town and municipality (in tahsil of same name) in
Bohtak district, Punjab. Lat. 28 36' 33", long. 76 41' 10". Pop.
(1881), 11,650. The Nawab of Jhajjar was executed and his estates
confiscated for rebellion during the Mutiny of 1857. Area of tahsil, 469
eq. miles. Pop. (1881), 112,485.
JHAJPUR. See JijpuR.
JHALAKATI (M AH ARA JGAN J). Village and municipality in
Bakarganj district, Bengal. Lat. 22 38' 30", long. 90 15'. At the
confluence of the Jhalakati and Nalchiti rivers. Centre of timber trado
in Eastern Bengal. A fair attended by upwards of 8000 persons is held
annually. Also thana. Area, 146 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 143,416.
JHALAWAR. State in Rajputana, consisting of several isolated
tracts. The total area is 2694 sq. miles, and pop. (1881) 340,488.
The limiting latitudes are 23 48' 25 25', and longitudes 75 55' 77
25'. Much of the State is hilly. The chief rivers are, the Parwan (with
its tributary, the Newaj), the Kali Sind, the An, and the Chhota Kali Sind.
The towns are Jhalra Patan (the capital), and Shahabad. The Chief of
Jhalawar, who pays an annual tribute of 8000 to the British Government,
382 JHA
and is entitled to a salute of 15 guns, maintains a force of 20 field and
75 other guns, 150 artillerymen, 425 cavalry and 4400 infantry.
JHALAWAR. Tract of country in Kathiawar, Bombay ; a district
named from the Jhala tribe of Rajputs, who are the principal part of the
population. It extends over the north-eastern part of the peninsula, and
is bounded on the north by the Rann or Salt-marsh, connected with the
eastern extremity of the Gulf of Cutch ; on the east by the Ahmedabad
district ; on the south by the Ahmedabad district and the tract called
Kathiawar ; on the south-west by the tract called Hallar ; on the west
by the tract called Muchokanta ; and lies between lat. 22 18' 23 8',
and long. 70 50' 72 10'. The area may be stated at 3000 sq. miles.
JHALDA. Thana in Manbhum district, Bengal. Area, 22 1 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 67,133.
JHALEEA. State, Central India Agency. Subordinate to the Political
Agent, Bhopal.
JHALLOWA. See JniLiwln.
JHALOD. Town in Gwalior State, Central India Agency; on the
route from Nimach to Baroda, 131 miles south-west of former, 108 north-
east of latter. Lat. 23 7', long. 74 9'.
JHALOTAR-AJGAIN. Pargana in Unao district, Oudh. Area,
62,657 acres. Pop. (1881), 58,185. The Oudh and Eohilkhand Railway
traverses the Pargana.
JHALRA PATAN. Capital of Jhalawar State, Rajputana ; on the
route from Nimach to Sagar, ninety miles east of the former, 216 north-
west of the latter. Lat. 24 32', long. 76 12'. Situate at the foot of a
range of hills, the drainage of which forms a large lake.
JHALTJ. Town in Bijnaur district, N.W.P. ; six miles east of Bijnaur.
Lat. 29 20' 10", long. 78 15' 30". Pop. (1881), 5547.
JHAMKA. State in Kathiawar, Bombay ; paying a yearly tribute of
18 to the Gaekwar of Baroda.
JHAMMA. State in Kathiawar, Bombay; paying a yearly tribute of
46 to the British Government.
JHAMPODAR. State in Kathiawar, Bombay ; paying a yearly
tribute of 13 to the British Government.
JHANDINUR (JANDIPTJR). Village in Agra district, N.W.P. ; on
the route from Agra to iluttra, and twenty-five miles north-west of the
former. Lat. 27 22', long. 77 49'.
JHANG. District in Multan division, Punjab. Between lat. 30 35
32 4', and long. 71 39' 73 38'. Area, 5702 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
395,296. Bounded on the north by Shahpur and Gujranwala districts;
on the west by Dera Ismail Khan district ; and on the south-east by
Montgomery district. The chief towns are Jhang, Maghiana (the capital,
and a suburb of Jhang), and Chiniot. The chief rivers are the Chenab,
the Jhelum, and the Ravi. The district, which is a great centre of cloth-
weaving, and contains upwards of 6000 looms, is administered by a Com-
missioner, Assistant Commissioner and staff.
JHANG. Town and municipality (in tahsi'l of same name) in Jhang
district, Punjab. Lat. 31 16' 16", long. 72 21' 45". Pop. (1881),
9055. Jhang, with its suburb Maghiana (which is the capital of the
district), forms one municipal town. Pop. (1881), 21,629. Area of
tahsil, 2347 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 171,713.
JHA 383
JHANGAR. Town in Karachi district, S!nd, Bombay. Pop. (1872),
JHANIDAH. Town and station on Eastern Bengal Railway (in sub-
division of same name) in Jessor district, Bengal ; on the Nabaganga,
twenty-eight miles north of Jessor. Lat. 23 32' 50", long. 89 13'.
Pop. about 2000. Area of subdivision, 475 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
326,835. Also thana. Area, 165 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 102,627.
JHANJHANA. Town (in pargana of same name) in Muzaffarnagar
district, N.W.P. Lat. 29 30' 55", long. 77 15' 45". Pop. (1881),
5655. Pop. of pargana (1881), 37,661.
JH AN JHARPUR. Tillage in Darbhangah district, Bengal. Lat. 26
15' 50", long. 86 19' 11". Pop. (1872), 3940. Famous for its brass work.
JHANSI. Division in the N.W.P. ; containing Jhansi, Jalaun, and
Lalitpur districts. Situated between lat. 24 11' 26 26', and long. 78
14'_79 55'. Area, 4983 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 1,000,457.
JHANSI. District in Jhansi division, N.W.P. Between lat. 25 3'
45"_25 48' 45", and long. 78 21' 15" 79 27' 30". Area, 1567 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 333,227. Bounded on the north by the Gwalior
and Samthar States ; on the east by the Dhasan ; on the south by Lalit-
pur district and Orchha State ; and on the west by the Datiya, Gwalior,
and Khaniya Dana States. The chief mountains are the Yindhyan range.
The chief river is the Jumna with its tributaries. The chief towns are
Mhow, Ram'pur, Gursarai, Barwa Sagar, and Bhander. During the
Mutiny of 1857 the garrison was massacred by the insurgents, under the
leadership of the Rani of Jhansi, who eventually fell in battle, in the
year 1858. The district, which is but poorly supplied with roads, is
administered by a Deputy-Commissioner, Assistant Commissioner, and staff.
JHANSI. Fortified town in Gwalior State, Central India Agency.
Lat. 25 27' 30", long. 78 37'. Pop. (1881), 26,772, irrespective of the
cantonment, which numbers 3732 persons. It was formerly the capital
of Jhansi State, and of Jhansi district up to the time of the Mutiny ; it
was subsequently granted to the Gwalior State.
JHANSI NAOAB AD. Village and municipality on the Betwa (in
tahsil of same name), in Jhansi district, N.W.P. Lat. 25 27' 30", long.
78 37'. Pop. (1881), 2473. Is now the capital of Jhansi district, being
adjacent to the former capital (Jhansi) granted to Gwalior State. Area
of tahsil, 379 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 80,971.
JHARAHL River of Gorakhpur district, N.W.P., and Saran district,
Bengal ; rises in Gorakhpur, in about lat. 27 5', long. 84 3' ; and falls
into the Gogra on the left side, in lat. 26, long. 84 11', having a total
course of 130 miles.
JHARAPAPRA. Chiefship in Chanda district, Central Provinces.
Area, 109 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 2069.
JHARATJLI. Town in Sirohi State, Rajputana ; fifty-one miles west-
north-west from Udaipur, and ten miles east-south-east from Sirohi.
Lat. 24 55', long. 73 4'.
JHARGAON. Thana in Midnapur district, Bengal. Area, 169 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 59,782.
JHARI. Town in Nepal State ; situate on the right bank of the San
Kusi river, and twenty miles north-east from Khatmandu. Lat. 27 50',
long. 85 34'.
JHARIA. Coal-field in Manbhum district, Bengal; near the Paras-
nath Hill.
JHARIA. Thana in Manbhum district, Bengal. Area, 200 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 39,854.
JHARSAINTULI (JHARSAUTLI). Village in Delhi district, Punjab ;
on the route from Delhi to Muttra, and twenty-nine miles south of the
former. Lat. 28 18', long. 77 21'.
JHARSUH. Town in Gurgaon district, Punjab ; on the route from
Rewari to Delhi, twenty miles south-west of the latter. Lat. 28 24',
long. 77 6'.
JH ATTL AL Town in Jaipur State, Rajputana; on the left bank of
the Banganga river, and twenty miles east by north from Jaipur. Lat.
27, long. 76 13'.
JHELUM (JHILAM). District in the Rawal Pindi division, Punjab ;
between lat. 32 26' 33 15', and long. 71 51' 73 50'. Area, 3910
sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 589,373. Bounded on the north by Rawal
Pindi district; on the east by the Gujrat district, across the river Jhelum ;
on the south by Shahpur district; and on the west by Bannu district.
The chief mountains are spurs of the Himalayas. The Jhelum is the
principal river. The chief towns are Pind Dadan Khan, Chakwal, and
Jhelum (the capital). The Northern State Railway traverses the dis-
trict, which is intersected with roads in various directions. The salt
mines are capable of turning out a quarter of a million tons per annum.
The district is administered by a Deputy-Commissioner and staff.
JHELUM (JHILAM). Town and municipality on the Jhelum river
(in tahsil of same name) in Jhelum district, Punjab. Lat. 32 55' 26",
long. 73 46' 36". Pop. (1881), 21,107. Area of tahsil, 885 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 174,169.
JHELUM (JHILAM, BIHAT). River of Kashmir State, and of
Hazara, Rawal Pindi, Jhelum, Gujrat, Shahpur, and Jhang districts,
Punjab ; the most western of the five great rivers which intersect that
region east of the Indus. It rises in Kashmir, the whole valley of which
it drains ; passing through the Walar and other lakes, it makes its way
to the Punjab, through the Pass of Baramula, in the lofty range of Pir
Panjal. Its tributaries in Kashmir are the Sind and the Kishnganga.
In the Punjab, it passes between the Jech (Jhelum and Chenab) Doab
and the Sind Sagar (Indus and Jhelum) Doab. It separates Kashmir
State from Hazara and Rawal Pindi districts, passes through Jhelum
district, separating that district from those of Gujrat and Shahpur, then
traverses Shahpur district, and in Jhang district joins the Chenab in lat.
31 11', long. 72 12'. Its length is about 450 miles 250 miles in
Kashmir, and 200 miles in the Punjab.
JHER NIRMALL State in Mahi Kantha, Bombay. Pop. (1881),
5622. The chief pays a yearly tribute of 112 10*. to the Gaekwar
of Baroda.
JHIN JHANA. Town in Muzaffarnagar district, KW.P. Pop.
(1881), 5655. Also thana. Pop. (1881), 32,455.
JHINJHTTNT. Town in Gwalior State, Central India Agency ; situate
on the right bank of the Kuwari river, and twenty-four miles north by
west from Gwalior. Lat. 26 33', long. 78 10'.
JHINJHTTWARA. State in Kathiawar, Bombay, paying a yearly
tribute of 1100 to the British Government. Area, 164 sq. miles. Pop.
(1881), 15,776.
JHIBJ. Kiver of Assam, falling into the Barak, in lat. 24 43', long.
93 7'.
JHIRI. Town in Gwalior state, Central India Agency ; on the route
from Kalpi to Kotah, 187 miles south-west of former, 134 east of latter.
Lat. 25 33', long. 77 28'.
JHOK. Village in Haidarabad district, Sind, Bombay ; on the route
from Haidarabad to Mirpur, and thirty-five miles south of the former
town. Lat. 24 47', long. 68 25'.
JHOREGA. Town in Khandesh district, Bombay ; twelve miles north-
east of Malegaon. Lat. 20 40', long. 74 40'.
JHOTANA. State in Mahi Kantha, Bombay. Pop. (1881), 3686.
The chief pays a yearly tribute of 305 16s. to the Gaekwar of Baroda.
JHOWANTJ. Village in Ulwar State, Rajputana ; forty miles south-
west of Delhi. Lat. 28 10', long. 76 54'.
JHUGERPUR. Town in Raigarh State, Sambalpur district, Central
Provinces; sixty-two miles north-west from Sambalpur, and 124 miles
south-west from Lohardaga. Lat. 22 10', long. 83 25'.
JHTILKAPUR. Town in Midnapur district, Bengal ; fifty-eight
miles west-south-west of Calcutta. Lat. 22 12', long. 87 39'.
JHULLAI (JELL AH). Town in Jaipur State, Rajputana; on the
route from Nasirabad to Gwalior, eighty-two miles east of former, 160
west of latter. Lat. 26 8', long. 76 10'.
JHUNAGATCH CHAPIRI. Town in Rangpur district, Bengal.
Pop. (1881), 5454.
JHUNI. Village in Kumaun district, N.W.P. ; on the route, up the
course of the river Sarju, from Almora to the Anta Dhara Pass, forty
miles north-east of Almora fort. It is situate on the right bank of the
Sarju, five miles below its source. Lat. 30 7', long. 80 3'.
JHTIN JHNU. Town in Jaipur State, Rajputana ; on the route from
Delhi to Bikaner, 120 miles south-west of former, 130 east of latter.
Lat. 28 5', long. 75 32'. Pop. (1881), 9538.
JHUNJHUWARA. Town in Baroda State, situate on the Rann of
Cutch, and seventy-three miles south-west by south from Di'sa. Lat.
23 20', long. 71 32'.
JHUPTIHAO. Village in Muzaffarpur district, Bengal ; forty-seven
miles north-north-east of Dinapur. Lat. 26 12', long. 85 29'.
JHTJRH. Town in Jodhpur State, Rajputana ; eighteen miles north-
north-east from Jodhpur, and 103 miles south from Bikaner. Lat. 26
32', long. 73 13'.
JHUSDUM. Town in Baroda State ; situate on the right bank of the
Bhader river, and thirty miles east- south-east from Raikot. Lat. 22 5'.
long. 71 15'.
JHTJSHARA JHOL. Village in Garhwal State, 1SYVV.P. ; on the
left bank of the Bhagirathi, Lat. 30 43', long. 78 29'.
JHUSI. Village (in pargana of same name) on the left bank of the
Ganges, in Allahabad district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 2267. Pop. of
pargana, (1881), 68,532. Also thana. Pop. 32,275.
JIA DHANESWARL River in Darrang district, Assam; falling
into the Brahmaputra.
JIAGANJ. Town in Murshidabad district, Bengal; situated near
Murshidabad, on the left bank of the Bhagirathi. Lat. 24 14' 30",
long. 88 18' 31".
JIAGAON. Town in Gwalior State, Central India Agency ; on the
route from Hoshangabad to Mhow, fifty-four miles west of former, ninety
east of latter. It is situate on the small river Jamner, a tributary of the
Narbada. Lat. 22 37', long. 76 59'.
JIGNA. Town in Gonda district, Oudh. Pop. (1881), 292.
JIGNI. State in the Central India Agency ; situated at the confluence
of the Betwa and Dhasan. Area, 21 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 3427. Its
capital (of same name) is in lat. 25 44', long. 79 27'.
JIKA MOUNTAIN. Hill in Ramri Island, off the coast of Kyouk-
hpyu district, British Burma ; elevation about 3000 feet above the
JILAIKI. Town in Bahawalpur State, Punjab ; on the left bank of
the Sutlej river, and 103 miles north-east by east from Bahawalpur.
Lat. 30 6', long. 73 15'.
JILLBIRAH. Village in Karnal district, Punjab ; on the route from
Karnal to Patiala, and forty-five miles north-west of the former town.
Distant north-west from Calcutta 1010 miles. Lat. 30 12', long.
76 40'.
JILLING SIRRING. Town in Lohardaga district, Bengal ; seventy-
one miles east by south of Lohardaga. Lat. 23 11', long. 85 51.
JILO. Town in Jaipur State, Rajputana; situate sixty-three miles
north from Jaipur, and 100 miles south-west by west from Delhi. Lat.
27 50', long. 76. Pop. (1881), 5941.
JIMPTJR. Village in Haidarabad district, Sind, Bombay ; near the
route from Karachi to Haidarabad. Lat. 24 57', long. 68 4'.
JIMRTI. River of Nepal State, falling into the Rapti in lat. 28 2',
long. 81 54'.
JIND. State in the Punjab. The territories of this State are in
detached pieces, scattered among the districts of Rohtak, Hissar, and
Karnul, and the lands of Patiala State. Area of State, 1232 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 249,862. The Raja, who is a G.C.S.I. (1881), is entitled to
a salute of 13 guns, as a personal distinction, or two more guns than the
salute of the State. The military force consists of 4 field and 6 other
guns, 79 artillerymen, 200 cavalry, and 1600 infantry. The capital (of
same name) is in lat. 29 19', long. 76 23'. Pop. (1881), 7136.
JIND ALA. Town in Gujranwala district, Punjab ; twenty-two miles
from the right bank of the Ravi, and twenty-six miles north-west of tho
town of Lahore. Lat. 31 49', long. 73 46'.
JINGERGATCHIA. Town in Jessor district, Bengal; fifty-four
mils north-east of Calcutta. Lat. 23 4', long. 89 6'.
JINGrlRAM. Eiver in Assam, emptying itself into the Brahmaputra
a few miles above the town of Goalpara.
JINJINIALLA. Town in Jaisalmir State, Rajputana ; forty-eight
miles south by west from Jaisalmir, and 148 miles west from Jodhpur.
Lat. 26 16', long. 70 48'.
JINKIPTJDDA. Town in Morhhanj State, Orissa, Bengal; eighty-
four miles north-east by north from Cuttack, and thirty miles west from
Balasor. Lat. 21 32', long. 86 33'.
JINSI. Village in Gwalior State, Central India Agency; on the
route from Gwalior to Sagar. Lat. 26 11', long. 78 10'.
JINTIA. Town in Dinajpur district, Bengal; seventeen miles north
by east of Dinajpur. Lat. 25 48', long. 88 42'.
JINTUR. Town in Haidarabad State ; 135 miles east by north from
Ahmednagar, and 121 miles south-west by south from Ellichpur. Lat.
19 39', long. 76 43'.
JIORTIHA Town in Hamirpur district, N.W.P. ; situate on the
route from Kalpi to Ajaigarh, seventy miles south-east of the former.
Lat. 25 13', long. 80 3'.
JIOTI. Village in Mainpuri district, N.W.P. ; on the route from the
cantonment of Aligarh to Mainpuri, and ten miles north-west of the
latter. Lat. 27 18', long. 79.
JIRA. Town in Baroda State ; seventy-one miles south by east from
Rajkot, and 132 miles west by south from Broach. Lat. 21 16', long.
71 4'.
JIRA. Town in Rewah State, Central India Agency ; 129 miles south-
west from Sasseram, and 101 miles west from Palamau. Lat. 23 50',
long. 82 27'.
JIRA. Village in Allahabad district, N.W.P. ; on the right bank of
the Ganges, north-west of Calcutta, by the river route, 769 miles ; thirty-
nine south-east of the city of Allahabad, by the same. Lat. 25 13',
long. 82 15'.
JIRA. Village on the Krishna! river, in Goalpara district, Assam.
JIRAL. State in Rewa Kantha, Bombay, paying a yearly tribute of
7 to the Gaekwar of Baroda. Area, 3 sq. miles.
JIRAMEYL Village in Mainpuri district, N.W.P. ; on the route
from Agra to Mainpuri, and seven miles west of the latter. Lat. 27 14',
long. 79 1'.
JIRAN. Town in Gwalior State, Central India Agency ; on the route
from Nimach to Baroda, twelve miles south of the former, 227 north-east
of the latter. Elevation above the sea, 1590 feet. Lat. 24 18', long. 74 58'.
JIRANG. State in the Khasi Hills, Assam. Pop. (1872), 581.
JIRDIKER. River of Bhutan State, and of Kuch Behar State,
Bengal ; rising in lat. 27, long. 88 53', on the southern slope of the
Sub-Himalaya Mountains ; falls into the Torsha river, a feeder of the
Brahmaputra, in lat. 26 15' long. 89 26'.
JITHARI. Town in Bhopal State, Central India Agency ; eighty-
two miles east from Bhopal, and eighty-seven miles west from Jabalpur.
Lat. 23 14', long. 78 40'.
JITI. Town in Ahmednagar district, Bombay ; fifty-four miles south
by east of Ahmednagar. Lat. 18 20', long. 74 56'.
JIWANPUR. Village in Azamgarh district, N.W.P. ; on the eastern
route from the town of Azamgarh to that of Gorakhpur, and twelve miles
north-east of the former, sixty miles north-east of Benares. Lat. 26 9',
long. 83 24'.
JOA (CHOYA). Town in Jhelum district, Punjab ; situated in the
Salt range, about fifty miles east of the Indus. Lat. 32 50', long.
72 30'.
JOAGARH. Town in Haidarabad State ; eighty-one miles west from
Haidarabad, and 111 miles east-north-east from Bijapur. Lat. 17 23',
long. 77 20'.
JOAR (JU WAR). Town in Aligarh district, N.W.P. ; on the route
from Aligarh to Muttra, and twenty-four miles south-west of the former.
Lat. 27 36', long. 77 58'.
JOBAT. State in the Central India Agency. Between lat. 22 24'
22 36', and long. 74 37' 74 51'. Area, 132 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
9387. Capital of same name. Lat. 22 25', long. 74 40'.
JOBNIR. Town in Jaipur State, Rajputana ; on the route from
Delhi to Nasirabad, 177 miles south-west of former, sixty-six north-east
of latter. Lat. 26 56', long. 75 28'.
JODHIA. Town in Kathiawar, Bombay. Pop. (1881), 6842.
JODHPUR. State in Rajputana. Bounded on the north by Bfkaner
and Jaipur States ; on the east by Jaipur and Kishangarh States ; on the
south-east by Ajmere-Mhairwara district; on the south by Sirohi and
Palanpur States ; on the west by the Kann of Cutch and the Thar and
Parkar district, Sind ; on the north-west by Jaisalmir State. Its limits
are included between lat. 24 36' 27 42', and long. 70 6' 75 24'.
Area, 37,000 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 1,750,403. The chief river is the
Luni with its many tributaries. The mountains are the Aravallis, and
there are several high hills, such as the Nadolai Hill, and others. The
chief towns are Jodhpur (the capital), Pali, and Merta. The Western
Rajputana Railway and the Rajputana State Railway both skirt the
State. The Maharaja, whose father did good service during the Mutiny
of 1857, is a G. C.S.I. (1881), and receives a personal salute of 21 guns, the
salute of the State being 17 guns. He pays a tribute of 9800 per
annum to the British Government. The military force consists of 20 field
guns and 250 other guns, 240 gunners, 3545 cavalry and 5020 infantry,
in addition to the European Irregular Force.
JODHPUR. Capital of Jodhpur State, Rajputana. Lat. 26 17',
long. 73 4'. The town is surrounded by a wall, in which there are
70 gates, each named according to the place whither it leads ; whilst the
fort which commands the city is built on an adjoining rock, which rises
800 feet above the level of the court at its base.
JODHPUR. Town in the Panna State, Bundelkhand ; fifty miles
south- south -west from Panna, and sixty-four miles north from Jabalpur.
Lat. 24 5', long. 79 58'.
JODKA. Town in Sirsa district, Punjab ; on the route from Hansi to
Bhatnair, and fifty-seven miles north-west of the former. Lat. 29 30',
long. 75 12'.
JOGIGARH ( JUGA). Fort in Gwalior State, Central India Agency ;
on an island in the Narbada river, in lat. 22 25', long. 76 51'. Here is
a rapid, precluding navigation during the season of low water.
JOGI-GOPHA. Village on the Brahmaputra, in Goalpara district,
Assam ; six miles north-west of Goalpara. Containing a temple dedicated
to Siva, which is much frequented by devotees.
JOGI-MARADL Peak in Chitaldrug district, Mysore State; 3803
feet high.
JOGI RIDAN. Town in Dera Ismail Khan district, Punjab ; thirty-
three miles from the right bank of the Indus, 110 miles north-west of the
town of Multan. Lat. 13 19', long. 70 14'.
JOGLIO. Town in Bikaner State, Eajputana; seventy-two miles
east from Bikaner, and 100 miles north from Ajniere. Lat. 27 54',
long. 74 32'.
JOGODTJSIDDAPTJRA Village in Coorg, Madras.
JOHAR. Pargana in Kumaun district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 9424.
JOHILA. River of Rewah State, Central India Agency ; in the
plateau of Amarkantak, in about lat. 22 45', long. 81 50' ; falls into
the Son on the left side, in lat. 23 39', long. 81 19'.
JOLAKAB MALLAI. Mountain in Malabar district, Madras. Lat.
11 14' 20", long. 76 29' 50".
PETTI). Town and railway station in Salem district, Madras. Lat.
12 34', long. 78 38'. Pop. (1871), 1024.
JOMA-MALE. Mountain in Coorg. One of the highest peaks in the
main range of the Western Ghats.
JOMBI. Town in Jaipur State, Vizagapatam district, Madras ;
twenty-four miles east-north-east from Jaipur, and eighty-six miles north-
west by north from Vizianagram. Lat. 19 9', long. 82 47'.
JONGAR. Town in Bhutan State ; seventy miles north from Goalpara,
and ninety-one miles north-west from Gauhati. Lat. 27 8', long. 90 50'.
JONKUR. Town in Gwalior State, Central India Agency ; on the
route from Guna to Mhow, 129 miles south-west of former, fifty-six
north-east of latter. Lat. 23 14', long. 76 13'.
JORABAGAN. Section of Calcutta. Area, 245 acres. Pop. (1881),
JORAI. Village in Jodhpur State, Rajputana; on the route from
Balmer to Jodhpur, and twelve miles north-east of the former. Lat. 25
54', long. 71 39'.
JORASANKO. Section of Calcutta. Area, 251 acres. Pop. (1881),
JORHAT. Village (in subdivision of same name) in Sibsagar district,
Assam; on the Disai river; twelve miles south of Kokilamukh on the
Brahmaputra. Lat. 26 46', long. 94 16'. Pop. (1872), 1310. A
centre of trade, especially as regards tea. Pop. of subdivision (1872),
JORYA. Town and fort in Kathiawar, Bombay; 145 miles west of
Ahmedabad. Lat. 22 40', long. 70 26' 30". Pop. (1872), 6592.
JOSHIMATH Village in Garhwal district, N.W.P.; a mile below
the confluence of the Alaknanda and the Dhauli ; situate on the left bank
of the former river. The town contains the residence of the rawal or
high-priest of Bhadrinath, who lives here for the six months during
which the approaches to the elevated temple that he serves are buried
under snow. Joshimath is situate on the route from India to Chinese
Tartary, through the Niti Pass, and also on that of the Mana Pass.
Elevation above the sea, 6185 feet. Lat. 30 33' 25", long. 79 36' 35".
JOTDAR Part of the estuary of the Mahanadi, in Cuttack district,
Bengal, flowing into the sea in lat. 20 11', long. 86 34'.
JOTPTJR. Town in Keunjhar State, Bengal ; situate on the left bank
of the Baitaram river, and ninety-five miles north from Cuttack. Lat.
21 49', long. 85 43'.
JOW AH. Tillage in Hissar district, Punjab. Lat. 29 26', long.
75 50'.
JOW AL Capital of Khasi Hills district, Assam. Pop. (1872), 4502.
A place of considerable trade. Elevation above the level of the sea,
4422 feet.
JOWALAPTTR. Thana in Saharanpur district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
JIIBA. Fortress in Sarguja State, Chutia Nagpur, Bengal ; about two
miles south-east of Manpura village.
JUBBAL (JIIBAL). State in the Punjab; between lat. 30 46'
31 4', and long. 77 27' 77 50'. Area, 288 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
JUBLING. Town in Nepal State ; situate three miles from the left
bank of the Dadkusi river, and seventy-two miles east from Khatmandu.
Lat. 27 40', long. 86 28'.
JUDDENGI. Town in Godavari district, Madras ; thirty-two miles
north of Samulkottah. Lat. 17 30', long. 82^ 12'.
JUGGATJR. Town and railway station in Lucknow district, Oudh.
Pop. (1869), 2398.
JTJGUL. Town in Sherbal State, Bombay ; fifty-eight miles north by
east from Belgaum, and eighty-four miles south-east by south from
Satara. Lat. 16 39', long. 74 45'.
JITGUR. > Town in Bhutan State ; ninety-six miles north from
Goalpara, and 138 miles east by north from Darjiling. Lat. 27 31',
long. 90 28'.
JTTHAR (JAWAHIR). Valley in Kumaun district, N.W.P. Be-
tween lat. 30 10' 30 35', and long. 78 49' 80 19'.
JIT-I-SHARKL Town in Rai Bareli district, Oudh ; nine miles from
Bareli. Pop. (1869), 3496.
JTTJJA (CHACHAE). Town in Bahawalpur State, Punjab ; on
the route from Khanpur to Mithankot, and ten miles north-west of the
former place. It is situate about ten miles from the left bank of
the Indus, in the alluvial tract extensively laid under water during the
inundation of that river. Lat. 28 46', long. 70 39'.
JUJURI (JUGROG). Fort in Hindur State, Punjab; on the lofty
and steep ridge bearing in a south-easterly direction from the left
bank of the Sutlej to the base of the Himalaya. Lat. 31 7', long.
76 51'.
JUKTIAL. Town in Haidarabad State; situate 108 miles north by
east from Haidarabad, and 160 miles south by west from Nagpur.
Lat. 18 52', long. 78 58'.
JTJLAGURL Village in Nowgong district, Assam. A religious fair
is annually held in this locality, when upwards of 5000 persons assemble
JULKAR. River in Garhwal State, NYW.P. ; falling into the Bhagi-
rathi, in lat. 30 28', long. 78 29'.
JULLAH. Town in Shahpur district, Punjab; situated nine miles
from the right bank of the Chenab river, eighty- one north-west by west
of the town of Lahore. Lat. 32 12', long. 72 59'.
JULLAUGOT. Village in Karachi district, Sind, Bombay; on the
route from Sehwan to Larkhana, and fourteen miles north of the former
town. It is situate on the right bank of a great watercourse filled by
the inundation of the Indus, and a mile and a quarter from the main
channel. Lat. 26 37', long. 67 55'.
JUMARRA. Town in Bhagalpur district, Bengal; twenty-seven
miles south-west by west of Rajmahal. Lat. 24 50', long. 87 28'.
JTJMLAH. Town in Baroda State ; situate on the left bank of the
Bhader river, and eighty miles south-west from Rajkot. Lat. 21 30',
long. 70 1'.
JUMMULMUDGO. Town in Cuddapah district, Madras; 177 miles
north-west of Madras. Lat. 14 51', long. 78 27'.
JUMNA (JAMUNA). River of Garhwal State, Dehra Dun, Saha-
ranpur, and Muzaffarnagar districts, N.W.P. ; Umballa, Karnal, Delhi,
and Gurgaon districts, Punjab ; and Meerut, Bulandshahr, Ali'garh,
Muttra, Agra, Etawah, Cawnpore, Jalaun, Hamirpur, Fatehpur, Band a,
and Allahabad districts, N.W.P. It is the most important feeder of the
Ganges, which river it joins at Allahabad. It rises at the south-western
base of the group called the Jamnotri Peaks, at an elevation of 10,849
feet, and in lat. 31, long. 78 32'. The stream holds a course generally
392 JTJM
south-westerly for about eight miles, when the Barai-Ganga, a stream
which down to this point surpasses the Jumna in length and volume of
water, joins it on the left side, in lat. 30 56', long. 78 27'. The de-
clivity of the bed of the stream in this part of its course is enormous, as
in a distance of sixteen miles, between its source and Kotnur, the fall is
5036 feet, being at the rate of 314 feet to the mile. About five miles
below this, and in lat. 30 49', long. 78 19', it receives on the right the
Badiar, a great torrent, descending from the mountain Kedar-Kanta. On
the same side, about three miles farther, the Banal joins it, and, eight
miles beyond, it is increased by the accession (also on the right side) of
the Kamalada, the largest of its tributaries above the Tons. About four
miles lower down, it receives the Rikna, and ten miles farther, the
Khutni, both on the right side. About fifteen miles below this, it is
joined on the left side by the Aglar or Agilwar, a considerable torrent.
In addition to those above enumerated, numerous streams of less import-
ance flow into the Jumna on both sides, between the source and this
confluence. At the latter point, in lat. 30 31', long. 78 3', the course
of the river, previously for the most part south-westerly, turns due west,
which direction it keeps for thirteen miles, to the confluence of the Tons,
in lat. 30 30', long. 77 53', and at an elevation of 1686 feet above the
sea. About ten miles farther down, on the same side, the Jumna receives
the Giri, a small river; and a mile below this place, it receives on the
left side, and at an elevation of 1470 feet, the Asan, flowing from the
south-east, and draining or irrigating the western part of the Dehra Dun.
Taking from this point a direction first westerly, then southerly, it flows
through a ravine in the Siwalik Mountains ; and enters the plains near
Faizabad in Saharanpur district, where it gives off the Eastern and
Western Jumna Canals. From Delhi, the course turns a little to the
east; but though in many places extraordinarily circuitous, it holds
generally a south-easterly direction to its confluence with the Ganges at
Allahabad, a distance from Delhi, by the river's course, of 619 miles.
Between Delhi and Allahabad, the Jumna receives on the right side the
following rivers: the Utanghan, in lat. 26 59', long. 78 31'; the
Chambal, in lat. 26 30', long. 79 19'; the Sind, eight miles below;
the Betwa, in lat. 25 55', long. 80 17'; the Ken, in lat. 25 47', long.
80 35', all considerable streams ; besides some others of less importance.
The chief streams which fall in on the left side are, the Hindan, in lat.
28 28', long. 77 50' ; and the Sengur, in lat. 26 9', long. 79 59'.
The total length of the river, from its source to its confluence with the
Ganges at Allahabad, is 860 miles. On the rocky point where the waters
meet, stands the fort of Allahabad. The streams at the junction are
nearly equal in volume ; the Ganges, the deeper, with yellow water ; the
Jumna, the more rapid, with water as clear as crystal.
JUMNA CANAL, EASTERN Canal in Saharanpur, Muzaffarnagar,
and Meerut districts, N.W.P. ; it is drawn from the Jumna, and joins that
river again in lat. 28 36' 30 19', long. 77 19' 77 38'.
JUMNA CANAL, WESTERN. Canal in TJmballa, Karnal, Delhi,
and llohtak districts, Punjab; it is taken out of the Jumna -just below the
head of the Eastern Jumna Canal, one branch going to Delhi, others
to Rohtak, Butana, and Hissar. Lat. 28 54' 30 13', long. 76 35'
77 26',
JUMPRIM. Village in Daman district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 1741.
JUNAGARH. First-class State in Kathiawar, Bombay. Between
lat. 20 48' 21 40', and long. 69 55' 71 35'. Area, 3283 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 387,499. The only mountains, the Girnar Hills (highest
summit, 3500 feet), are chiefly known for the Jains' sacred hill of Girnar.
The Nawab, who is entitled to a salute of 1 1 guns, maintains a military
force of 2682 men.
JUNAGARH. Capital of Junagarh State, Kathiawar. Lat. 21 31'.
long. 70 36' 30". Pop. (1881), 24,679.
JUNAGUDDA. Town in Kalahandi State, Central Provinces; 125
miles north by west from Yizianagram, and 144 miles west by north from
Ganjam. Lat. 19 51', long. 83. Pop. (1881), 2553.
JUNANAGAR. Name sometimes given to Sarguja.
JUNAPADAR. State in Kathiawar, Bombay; paying ar. annual
tribute of 4 to the Gaekwar of Baroda, and 16*. to the Nawab of
JTINGAR. Town in Nowagudda State, Central Provinces; 143 miles
south west from Sambalpur, and seventy-seven miles north from Jaipur.
Lat. 20 9', long. 82 20'.
JUN GLEG. Village in Bashahr State, Punjab ; last and highest village
in the valley of the river Pabar ; on the route from Sirmur to Kunawar,
by the Barenda Pass. It is situate on the right bank of the Pabar, which
holds its course down a valley formed by two spurs of mountain running
south-westward from the Himalaya. Elevation above the sea, 9257
feet. Lat. 31 18', long. 78 4'.
JUNGLE MAHALS. Name (now obsolete) formerly given to a tract
of country, comprising parts of Manbhum, Birbhum, the Santal Parganas,
"Hankura, and Midnapur districts, Bengal. Lat. 21 51' 30" 22 48' 30",
long. 86 36' 87 16'.
JUNNAR. Capital (of subdivision of same name) in Poona district,
Bombay. Lat. 19 12' 30", long. 73 58' 30". Pop. (1881), 10,373.
Formerly noted for its paper factories. Area of subdivision, 611 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 102,273.
JUNOH. Town in Lohardaga district, Bengal; 191 miles west-ncrth-
west of Calcutta. Lat. 23 25', long. 85 38'.
JUNONA. Village in Chanda State, Central Provinces ; six miles
north of Ballalpur. Lat. 19 55' 30", long. 79 26'. Contains the
remains of a palace.
JUNUNGHL Town in Cutch State, Bombay; situate fifteen miles
south from the Great Western Rann of Cutch, and fifty-nine miles west-
north-west from Bhuj. Lat. 23 33', long. 68 51'.
JUPHA. Town in Nepal State ; on the left bank of the Aran river,
and ninety-nine miles east from Khatmandu. Lat. 27 37', long.
86 52'.
JUPLA. Town in Patna district, Bengal ; fifty-one miles west of
Sherghati. Lat. 24 33', long. 84 3'.
JURA. Tillage in Farrukhabad district, KW.P. ; on the route from
Aligarh to Fatehgarh, and thirty-eight miles west of the latter. Lat.
27 30', long. 79 7'.
JURAJPIJR. Town in Hardoi district, Oudh ; on the right bank oi
the Gumti river, and fifty miles north-west from Lucknow. Lat. 27 25',
long. 80 29'.
JURATJNDA. Town in Bilaspur district, Central Provinces; situate
138 miles south-east from Jabalpur, and 187 miles east-north-east from
Wagpur. 22 6', long. 81 50'.
JURIA. Seaport in Kathiawar, Bombay ; on the south-eastern coast
of the Gulf of Cutch. Opposite are several sandbanks. Distance from
Ahmedabad, west, 145 miles; Baroda, west, 180; Surat, north-west,
190; Bombay, north-west, 300. Lat. 22 40', long. 70 22'.
JURRAH. Town in Fatehpur district, N.W.P. ; on the right bank of
the Ganges, 874 miles from Calcutta by way of the river, sixty-six miles
above Allahabad, and twenty-eight miles by land south-east of Fatehpur.
Lat. 25 50', long. 81 19'.
JURRATT (JHTJRATJ). Village in Jodhpur State, Kajputana; on the
route from Jodhpur to Ajmere, and thirty- two miles north- west of the
latter. Lat. 26 33', long. 74 18'. .
JITTA. Village in Jodhpur State, Eajputana; on the route from
Nasfrabad to Disa, and sixty miles south-west of the former. Lat. 26,
long. 74 8'.
JTTTA. Tillage in Fatehpur district, K*W. P. ; on the route from
Allahabad to the town of Fatehpur, and thirty-five miles south-east of
the latter. Lat. 25 45', long. 81 20'.
JUTIPUR. Tillage in Bareilly district, N.W.P. ; on the route from
Bareilly to Pithoragarh, and twenty-six miles north-east of the former.
Lat. 28 37', long. 79 47'.
JUTOGH. Military Station in Simla district, Punjab; a few miles
from Simla.
JIITTA KA KOTE. Tillage in Karachi district, Sind, Bombay; on
the route from Tatta to Haidarabad, by way of Kotri, and seventeen
miles north-east of Tatta. It is situate a mile and a half from the right
bank of the Indus. Lat. 24 56', long. 68 12'.
JTJTTU. Tillage in Muzaffargarh district, Punjab ; on the route from
Multan to Dera Ismail Khan, and eighteen miles north-west of the former
town. It is situate ten miles from the right bank of the Chenab river.
Lat. 30 20', long. 71 17'.
JWITI. Town in Jaipur State, Tizagapatam district, Madras ; four
miles east-north-east from Jaipur, and ninety-one miles north-west from
Tizianagram. Lat. 19 3', long. 82 30'.
KAB 395
KABADAK (KAPOTAKSHA). River of Nadiya, Jessor, and the
Twenty-four Parganas districts, Bengal ; one of the deltaic branches of
the Ganges, leaving the Matabhanga in Nadiya district and falling into
the Bay of Bengal under the name of the Malancha.
KA-BAING. Revenue circle on the left bank of the Nga-won river,
in Henzada district, British Burma. Top. (1876), 5340.
KABAR. Lake in Monghyr district, Bengal; between lat. 25 35' 30"
-25 39' 30", and long. 86 9' 86 13'.
KABAR. Pargana in Bareilly district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 39,409.
KABBAL-DURGA. Hill in Mysore district, Mysore State. Lat. 12
30', long. 77 22'. Formerly known as Jaffarabad.
KABBANI.-See Klrnri.
KABEGHERRL Town in Nellore district, Madras; fifty miles south-
west from Ongole, thirty-five miles north-west of Nellore. Lat. 14 53',
long. 79 46'.
KA-BENG. Revenue circle in Mergui district, British Burma. Pop 4
(1876), 3277.
KABILPUR. Village in Shahjahanpur district, KW.P. ; on the
route from Bareilly to Fatehgarh, and thirty-five miles south-east of the
former. Lat. 27 55', long. 79 44'.
KABO. Town in Lohardaga district, Bengal; 186 miles west by
north of Calcutta. Lat. 22 58', long. 85 35'.
KABRAL Town (on the banks of the Brahm Tal) in Hamirpur
district, N.W.P. Pop. (1872), 2641. Also thana. Pop. (1881),
KABRAI. Town in Bundelkhand, Central India Agency; twenty-
four miles from Sagar. Lat. 25 25', long. 80 5'.
KABUL (JIN SHIR). River of Afghanistan, and of Peshawar district,
Punjab ; the only great tributary of the Indus from the west. It is generally
supposed to rise at Sar-i Chasmah, in lat. 34 17', long. 68 14', where
at a height of 8400 feet above the sea, a very copious spring bursts from
the ground, and forms the chief source of the principal stream. But the
extreme head is about twelve miles farther west, on the eastern declivity
of the Unai ridge. It is at first an inconsiderable stream, everywhere
f ordable for sixty miles, as far as Kabul ; at a short distance beyond
which place it receives the river of Logar, and thenceforward is a rapid
river. About forty miles below Kabul it receives the Pan j shir river,
which has a course of 120 miles. About fifteen miles below this, it
receives the Tagao river, having a course of about eighty miles. The
united streams of the Alishang and Alingar join the Kabul river about
twenty miles farther down, after a course each of about 120 miles. At
the distance of about twenty miles more, the Surkh-ab, or Red River, so
called from the colour which its water derives from the earth suspended
in it, falls into the Kabul river after a course of seventy miles. Twenty
miles further east, the Kabul river receives the river Kama, called also
the river of Kunar, which, rising in Chitral, flows through Kafiristan.
Eastward of the Khaibar Mountains, and in lat. 34 10', long. 71 27',
it enters the British territory, and divides into three "branches, which, at
Duobandi, twelve miles lower down, reunite, and thence the river is
navigable for hoats of forty or fifty tons to Attock, near which it joins
the Indus. Just below Duobandi, it is joined from the north by the
river of Swat. After this confluence, the Kabul river continues to flow
eastward for forty miles, and falls into the Indus on the western side,
nearly opposite Attock, in lat. 33 54', long. 72 16', having a total
course of about 320 miles.
KABUL. A division of Afghanistan. Bounded on the north-west by
the Koh-i-Baba mountains ; on the north by the Hindu Kush mountains ;
on the north-east by the Panjshir river ; on the east by the Sulaiman
mountains ; on the south by the Safed Koh mountains and Ghazni
territory ; and on the west by the Hazara country.
KABUL. Capital of the Kabul division of Afghanistan ; on the Kabul
river near its confluence with the river of Logar ; eighty-eight miles from
Ghazni, 229 miles from Khilat-i-Ghilzai, 318 miles from Kandahar, 103
miles from Jalalabad, and 190 miles from Peshawar. Lat. 34 30', long.
69 5'. The treaty of Gandamak (May, 1879) provided that a British
Resident should be stationed at Kabul, but on the 3rd September in the
same year Sir Louis Cavagnari, who had been appointed to the post, was
massacred. For a considerable period the appointment was not refilled,
but eventually a native gentleman was sent to the capital to represent
the British Government. The ruler of Afghanistan is frequently known
as the Amir of Kabul.
KABUR SHAKWALA. Town in Sirsa district, Punjab; on the
route from Mandate to Bikaner, seventy-one miles south by west of the
former. Lat. 29 50', long. 74 8'.
KACHAUDA. Town in Amjhera State, Central India Agency;
situate ten miles south from Amjhera, and 126 miles east from Baroda.
Lat. 22 24', long. 75 10'.
KACHAUNA. Town in Hardoi district, Oudh ; forty miles west-
north-west from Lucknow, and forty-seven miles north by east from
Cawnpore. Lat. 27 9', long. 80 26'.
KACHAURA. Town in Agra district, N.W.P. ; situate on the right
bank of the Jumna, fifty-five miles south-east of the city of Agra. Lat.
26 50', long. 78 48'.
KACHAURA. Town in Aiigarh district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 3018.
KACHHAUD AN .Pargana in Hardoi district, Oudh. Bounded on
the north and east by Mallanwan pargana ; on the south by Bangarraau
pargana of Unao district ; and on the west by district of Farrukhabad,
N.W.P., the Ganges forming the boundary-line. Area, 47 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 20,137.
KACHHI (KACH-GANDAVA). The lowland province of Baluchi,
stan. Lat. 29 20' 29 30', long. 70 40' 71 10'.
KACHHWA. Town in Mirzapur district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 3424,
Also thana. Pop. (1881), 30,752.
KACHNAR-S ARAL Village in Gwalior State, Central India Agency;
situate eighty-three miles west-north-west from Sagar, and eighty-three
miles south by west from Bhopal. Lat. 24 24', long. 75 10'.
KACHRATTLI. Village in Karnal district, Punjab ; on the route from
the city of Delhi to Karnal, and eighteen miles south-east of the latter.
Lat. 29 27', long. 77 1'.
KACHUA. Village on the Bhairab river, in Jessor district, Bengal.
KACHTJA. Village in Allahabad district, N.W.P. ; on the left bank
of the Ganges, and distant north-west from Calcutta by the river route
756 miles, south-east from the city of Allahabad fifty-two by the same.
Lat. 25 12', long. 82 20'.
KACHUA. Town in Mirzapur district, KW.P. ; on the left bank of
the Ganges, 705 miles by water north-west of Calcutta ; thirty-five south-
west of the city of Benares. It is on the direct route by land from
Benares cantonment to that of Mirzapur, nineteen miles south-west of
the former, eight north-east of the latter. Lat. 25 12', long. 82 46'.
KADABA. Village (in taluk of same name) in Tumkur district,
Mysore. Lat. 13 14' 50", long. 76 53' 20". Pop. (1871), 1778. Area
of taluk, 508 sq. miles. Pop. (1871), 97,963.
KADAGADALTJ. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 1323.
KA-DAING-TI. Revenue circle in the Salwm Hill Tracts district,
British Burma. Pop. (1876), 5576.
KADAN. Town in Haidarabad district, Sind, Bombay; seventy-three
miles south-east by south of Haidarabad. Lat. 24 29', long. 69 3'.
KADAN A. State in Rewa Kantha district, Bombay. Area, 130 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 14,220.
KADANDALTJ. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 145.
KADANGAMARURTJ. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881),
KADANTTRTI. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 637.
KAD ASTIR. Town in Ghazipur district, KW.P. ; on the route from
Ghazipur to Hazaribagh, twenty-one miles south of the former, 171
north-east of the latter; situate on the river Karamnasa. Lat. 25 19',
long. 83 32'.
KADAYANALLTJR. Town in Tinnevelli district, Madras. Lat. 9
5', long. 77 23'. Pop. (1881), 7467.
KADI. Village in Hamirpur district, N.W.P. ; situate in lat. 25 20',
long. 80 12'.
KADI. Division in Baroda State. Area, 3158 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
KADI. District in Kadi division, Baroda State. Area, 280 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 88,733.
KADI. Town in Baroda State. Lat. 23 17', long. 72 21' 30". Pop.
(1881), 16,689.
KADIHATI. Town and municipality in Twenty-four Parganas
district, Bengal. Lat. 22 39' 10", long. 88 29' 48". Pop. (1872),
KADIPTIR (KADIRPTJR). Village (in tahsil of same name) in
Sultanpur district, Oudh ; two miles from the left bank of the river
Tons (eastern), forty- two miles south-east of Faizabad, and 108 east of
Lucknow. Lat. 26 22', long. 82 43'. Area of tahsil, 440 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 246,182. Also thaiia. Pop. (1881), 102,426.
KADIRGANJ. Town in Budaun district, N.W.P. ; on the route from
Fatehgarh to Budaun, sixteen miles south-south-west of the latter. Lat.
27 49', long. 79 9'.
KADIRGANJ. Town in Etawah district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 2710.
KADIRGANJ. Thana in Etah district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 27,887.
KADIRL Town in Cuddapah district, Madras. Pop. (1881), 5004.
KADIRPTJR. Village in Shikarpur district, Sind, Bombay ; between
Sabzalkot and Shikarpur, and twenty-four miles west of the former place.
It is situate near the left bank of the Indus. Lat. 28 10', long. 69 20'.
KADIRPTJR. Town in Ahmedabad district, Bombay; 111 miles
south by west from Ahmedabad. Lat. 21 29', long. 72 12'.
KADIYATTUR. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 403.
KADLTIR (KADALUR). Town in Haidarabad State ; sixty miles
north-west of Karnul. Lat. 16 22', long. 77 23'.
KADMTIH (KADMA). Village in Rohtak district, Punjab. Lat.
28 24', long. 76 4'.
KA DO. Revenue circle, at the junction of the Gyaing, Attaran, and
Salwm rivers, in Amherst district, British Burma. Pop. (1876), 3672.
KA-DO. Town on the Gyaing in Amherst district, British Burma.
Pop. (1877), 2232.
KADUR. District of Mysore State; between lat. 13 12' 13 58',
and long. 75 8' 76 25'. Bounded on the west by the Western Ghats,
separating it from Madras. Area, 2984 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 328,327.
The chief mountains are the Ghats and the Baba Budan range. The
chief rivers are the Tunga and the Bhadra, forming the Tungabhadra,
which is itself a tributary of the Kistna. The chief towns are Tarikere,
Chikmagalur (the capital), and Kadur. The district, which was formed
into a separate administration in 1863, is fairly well supplied with roads.
KADTJR. Village and municipality in Kadur district, Mysore. Lat.
13 33', long. 76 2' 45". Pop. (1871), 2733.
KADWA. Subdivision of Purniah district, Bengal. Area, 928 sq
miles. Pop. (1881), 303,762. Also thana. Area, 365 sq. miles. Pop.
(1881), 134,275.
KAENG. Village in Kyouk-hpyu district, British Burma ; in the
island of Ramri. Lat. 19 5', long. 93 45'.
KAFARA. Town in Kheri district, Oudh. Pop. (1868), 2467.
KAFIRKOT. A huge, lofty, and massive ruin, in Bannu district,
Punjab, near the west bank of the Indus, in lat. 32 30' 15", long. 71
22' 45".
KAGAKAT. Town in Nepal State ; on the left bank of the Gandak
river, and 163 miles north-west by west from Khatmandu. Lat. 28 57',
long. 83 3'.
KAGAL. State in Kolhapur Agency, Bombay; paying a yearly
tribute of 200 to Kolhapur. The present chief (1881) is Regent of the
latter State during the minority of the young chief, and in that capacity
is entitled to a salute of nine guns. Area, 129 sq. miles. Pop. (1872),
KAGAL. Capital of Kagal State, Bombay ; ten miles south-east of
Kolhapur. Lat. 16 34', long. 74 20' 30". Pop. (1881), 6371.
KAGAROL. Thana in Agra district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 24,001.
KAGATNAD. Town in Coorg, Madras, twenty-five miles south-
south-east of Merkara. Lat. 12 7', long. 75 59'.
KAGGODLTI. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 524.
KA-GNYENG-DAING. Revenue circle in Bassein district, British
Burma, Pop. (1876), 3238.
KAHA (KAHER). A mouth of the Indus, in Karachi district, Sind,
Bombay ; by which the Mutni, formerly a large offset of the Sata, or
great eastern branch of that river, discharged its water into the sea.
In consequence of the channel of the Mutni having been almost entirely
deserted by the stream, the Kaha mouth has become little more than
a salt-water creek. Lat. 23 56', long. 67 35'.
KAHAN (GAHAN). River in Jhelum district, Punjab ; falling into
the Jhelum about two miles above the town of same name.
KAHGUDIPUR. Village in Ghazipur district, N.W.P. ; on the route
from Ghazipur to Gorakhpur, fifteen miles north of the former, seventy-
six south of the latter. Lat. 25 44', long. 83 45'. .
KAHIRL Village of Dera Ismail Khan district, Punjab ; situate on
the right bank of the Indus. It is on the route from India to Afghanistan,
by Dera Ismail Khan and the Gomal Pass. Lat. 31 25', long. 70 47'.
KAHLUR (BILASPUR). State of the Punjab; between lat. 31 12'
30" 31 35' 45", and long. 76 26' 76 58". Area, 448 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 86,546. The Raja is entitled to a salute of 11 guns. The
capital, of same name, is situate in lat. 31 15', long. 76 40'.
KAHNUWAN. Lake (nine miles in length) in Gurdaspur district,
KAHROR. Town and municipality in Multan district, Punjab. Lat.
29 37', long. 71 57' 41". Pop. (1868), 5069.
KAHSEHS. Town in Nepal State ; three miles from the right bank
of the Karnali river, and ninety miles east-south-east from Almora.
Lat. 29 12', long. 81 8'.
KAHTJTA. Tahsil in Rawal Pindi district, Punjab ; between lat. 33
19' 33 47', and long. 73 18' 73 41'. Area, 434 sq. miles. Pop.
(1881), 87,210.
KAIDALA. Village (containing ruins of temples) in Tumkur district,
Mysore ; three miles south of Tumkur. Lat. 13 18' long. 77 8'. Pop.
(1871), 534.
KAIKERL Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 834.
KAIL. Village in Kangra district, Punjab ; situate in the Thibetan
subdivision of Spiti ; 107 miles east by north of Kangra. Lat. 32 17',
long. 78 &.
KAILASHAHR. Village (in subdivision of same name) in Hill
Tipperah State, Bengal. Lat. 24 19' 10", long. 92 2' 15". Pop. of
subdivision, (1881), 22,238.
KAILASKOTTA. Town in Jaipur State, Madras; situate seventy-
nine miles east by north from Jaipur, and 100 miles west by south from
Ganjam. Lat. 19 14', long. 83 36'.
KAILAWAN (KAILAUN). Village in Bulandshahr district, K W.P. ;
on the route from Khasganj to Meerut, and fifty-three miles south of the
latter. Lat. 28 18', long. 78 2'.
400 KAI
KAI-LENG. "Revenue circle (on the right bank of the Tsittoung) in
Toung-gnu district, British Burma. Pop. (1876), 2683.
KAILI. Town in Benares district, N.W.P. ; on the route from Chanar
to Dinapur, situate twenty-one miles north-east of the former, 125 south-
west of the latter. Lat. 25 20', long. 83 13'.
KAILIA. Thana in Jalaun district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 12,042.
KAILWARA. Thana in Lalitpur district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
KAIM. Town in Sholapur district, Bombay; 171 miles east-south-
east of Bombay. Lat. 18 II 7 , long. 75 22'.
KAIMAHRA. Tillage in Kheri district, Oudh, on the road from
Lakhimpur to Shahjahanpur.
KAIMGANJ. Town and municipality (in tahsil of same name) in
Farrukhabad district, KW.P. Lat. 27 33' 10", long. 79 23' 45". Pop.
(1881), 10,443. Area of tahsil, 373 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 167,156.
Also thana. Pop. (1881), 64,306.
KAIMUR. A mountain range in Jabalpur district, Central Provinces ;
Rewah State, Central India Agency; and Shahabad district, Bengal.
It extends south-west from about lat. 24 40', long. 82, for about
seventy or eighty miles, and divides the valley of the Tons from that
of the Son. It has in one part an elevation probably exceeding 2000 feet
above the sea. This range is a section of the Vindhya Mountains.
KAINITA. Village in Mainpuri district, N.W.P. ; on the route from
the city of Agra to Etawah, and forty-two miles north-west of the latter.
Lat. 27 8', long. 78 31'.
KAIPTJ. Pass in Bashahr State, Punjab ; over a lofty range of
mountains dividing the valley of the Taglakhar river from that of the
Hocho. Elevation above the sea, 13,456 feet. Lat. 31 40', long.
78 35'.
KAIRA (KHED A). District in Guzerat, Bombay; between lat. 22
26' 23 6', and long. 72 33' 73 21'. Area, 1608 sq. miles. Pop.
(1881), 804,800. Bounded on the north by Ahmedabad district, and
Baroda and Balasinor States ; on the west by Ahmedabad district and
Cambay State ; and on the south and east by the river Mahi. The chief
rivers are the Mahi, the Sabarmati, and the Khari. The chief town is
Kaira (the capital). The district, which is traversed by the Bombay,
Baroda, and Central India Railway, is administered by a Collector and
KAIRA (KHEDA). Capital of Kaira district, Bombay. Lat. 22 44'
30", long. 72 44' 30". Pop. (1881), 12,640.
KAIRALTJ. Town in Baroda State ; on the route from Nfmach to
Disa; 219 miles west of former, forty-one south-east of latter. Lat.
23 54', long. 72 39'.
KAIRANA. Town and municipality (in pargana of same name) in
Muzaffarnagar district, N.W.P. Lat. 29 23' 15", long. 77 14' 30".
Pop. (1881), 18,374. Pop. of pargana (1881), 40,262.
KAIRATJTL Thana in Jalpaiguri district, Bengal. Area, 259 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 32,453.
KAIRIM. State in the Khasi Hills, Assam; it extends from lat.
25 10' 25 58', and from long. 91 48' 92 11'; it is fifty-eight miles
in length from north to south, and thirteen in breadth.
KAIRNAH. Town in Morbhanj State, Orissa, Bengal; 153 miles
west by south from Calcutta, and 117 miles north from Cuttack. Lat.
22 9', long. 86 5'.
KAISAPUR. Village in Aligarh district, N.W.P. ; on the route from
Aligarh to Etawah, and twenty-nine miles south-east of the former.
Lat. 27 32', long. 78 24'.
KAISARAVALLL Tillage in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 104.
KAISARGANJ. Tahsil in Bahraich district, Oudh. Pop. (1881),
295.975. Alsothana. Pop. (1881), 104,800.
KAISAR-JO-TANDO. Village in Haidarabad district, Sind, Bombay;
nine miles south-west of Haidarabad. Pop. (1872), 1815.
KAISLA (KESLA). Town in Betul district, Central Provinces ; on
the route from Hoshangabad to Betul, forty-two miles north of the latter.
Lat. 22 26', long. 77 54'.
KAISTIMPETT. Town in Haidarabad State ; thirty-two miles south-
south-west from Haidarabad, and eighty miles north-north-east from
Karnul. Lat. 16 56', long. 78 24'.
KAITANAHALLL Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 58.
KAITHA (KITHA). Town in Hamirpur district, N.W.P. ; on the
route from Kalpi to Jabalpur, fifty-two miles south of the former, 217
north of the latter. It is situate on the small river Bearma. Lat.
25 31', long. 79 36'. Pop. (1872), 1348.
KAITHAL. Town and municipality (in tahsil of same name) on the
bank of a lake in Karnal district, Punjab. Lat. 29 48' 7", long 76
26' 26". Pop. (1881), 14,754. Area of tahsil, 1106 sq. miles. Pop.
(1881), 204,734.
KAITHAN. Town in Jaipur State, Kajputana. Pop. (1881),
KAITHAITLA. Town in Rai Bareli district, Oudh ; seventy miles
south-east of Lucknow, forty south-west of Sultanpur cantonment. It is
situate on the right bank of the river Sai, which nearly surrounds the
town by its windings. Lat. 26, long. 81 37'.
KAITI. Village in the Nilgiri Hills, Madras; three miles from
Utakamand. Lat. 11 22' 30", long. 76 46' 30". Pop. (1871), 960.
KAITI. Town in Benares district, 1ST.W.P. ; on the left bank of the
Ganges, just above the confluence of the Gumti, 645 miles north-west of
Calcutta by water, twenty-four north-east of Benares. Lat. 25 30',
long. 83 13'.
KAITI. Village in Benares district, N.W.P. ; on the right bank of
the Ganges, 662 miles north-west of Calcutta by water, seven miles
north-east of Benares. Lat. 25 20', long. 83 12'.
KAITRI. Village and fort in Gwalior State, Central India Agency;
on the route from Agra to Gwalior fort, thirty-eight miles south of
former, thirty-one north-west of latter. It is situate on the south or
right side of the river Chambal. Lat. 26 37', long. 77 57'.
KAIUNGIAM. Town in Kashmir State, Punjab; situate 190 miles
east by south from Srinagar, and 159 miles north-east from Kangra.
Lat. 33 39', long. 78 11'.
KAJINAD. Town in Travancore State, Madras ; situate fifty-three
miles south from Coimbatore, and sixty-three miles east-north-east from
Cochin. Lat. 10 15', long. 77 11'.
KAJUA. Town in Fatehpur district, N.W.P. ; on the route from
Kalpi to the town of Fatehpur, and twenty miles north-west of the latter.
Lat. 26 3', long. 80 35'.
KAJUR. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 81.
KAJTJRL State in the Central India Agency.
KAKA. Town in Nepal State ; situate under the mountain Dhaula-
giri, and 169 miles north- west by west from Khatmandu. Lat. 29 8',
long. 83 4'.
KAKADTT. Village in Cawnpore district, N.W.P. ; on the route from
Kalpi to Cawnpore, and five miles south-west of the latter. Lat. 26
28', long. 80 21'.
KAKAIR (KORKAIR). Town in Nagpur district, Central Provinces;
on the Mahanadi, in lat. 20 15', long. 81 33'; 170 miles south-east of
KAKAJA. Town in Udaipur State, Bengal ; distant north-east from
Udaipur thirty-five miles. Lat. 22 58', long. 83 49'.
KAKAR. Town on the right bank of the Western Nara (in taluk of
same name), in Shikarpur district, Sind, Bombay. Lat. 26 58', long.
67 44'. Pop. (1872), 702. Area of taluk, 602 sq. miles. Pop. (1872),
KAKARA. Town in Allahabad district, N.W.P. ; on the left bank of
the Ganges, fourteen miles above the city of Allahabad by the course of
the river. Lat. 25 30', long. 81 49'.
KAKARBAL Village in Jhansi district, N.W.P. Pop. (1872), 1709.
Also thana. Pop. (1881), 14,347.
KAKHTJNDKL Town in Satara district, Bombay ; eighty-nine miles
north-east of Belgaum. Lat. 16 37', long. 75 37'.
KAKITA. Town in Vizagapatam district, Madras ; forty-eight miles
west-south-west of Vizagapatam. Lat. 17 24', long. 82 44'.
KAKORI. Town (in pargana of same name) in Lucknow district,
Oudh; nine miles due west of Lucknow. Lat. 26 51' 55", long. 80
49' 45". Pop. (1881), 7462. The Oudh and Rohilkhand Railway passes
within a mile of the town. Area of pargana, 60 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
KAKRAJIT. Town in Midnapur district, Bengal ; seventy-eight
miles south-west by west of Calcutta. Lat. 21 58', long. 87 22'.
KAKRALA. Village in Mainpuri district, N.W.P. ; situate on
the route from the cantonment of Aligarh to that of Etawah, and
thirty-eight miles north-west of the latter. Lat. 27 11', long. 78
KAKRALA. Village in Budaun district, N.W.P. ; on the route
from Budaun to Farrukhabad, eleven miles south-south-east of the former.
Lat. 27 54', long. 79 16'. Pop. (1881), 5810. Also thana. Pop.
(1881), 31,566.
KAKRATJL. Village in Darbhangah district, Bengal; twelve miles
north of Darbhangah. Pop. (1872), 2440.
KAKRTIMPILLI. Town in Haidarabad State ; situate twenty miles
south-east from the right bank of the Godavari river, and ninety- six miles
north from Haidarabad. Lat. 18 43', long. 78 20'.
KAL 403
KAKRTJTI (KTTRITI). Village in Panna State, Bundelkhand,
Central India Agency ; on the route from Banda to Jabalpur, sixty-four
miles south of the former. Lat. 24 34', long. 80 21'.
KAKSA. Village and station on branch line of East Indian Railway,
Bardwan district, Bengal. Lat. 23 27' 10", long. 87 30' 12", Also
thana. Area, 181 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 38,989.
KAKTI. Town in Sangli State, Bombay; nine miles north from
Belgaum, and fifty-six miles south-south-east from Kolhapur. Lat. 15
57', long. 74 37'.
KAKTJBA (KAKTJA). Village in ^ Agra district, N.W.P. ; on the
route from the city of Agra to Gwalior, seven miles south of former.
Lat. 27 4', long. 78 3'. Also thana. Pop. (1881), 24,258.
KAKURH. Town in Bulandshahr district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
KAKWAGIRI. Village in the Garo Hills, Assam.
KAKWAN. Thana in Cawnpore district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
KALABAGH. Town and municipality on the right bank of the Indus,
in Bannu district, Punjab. Lat. 32 57' 57", long. 71 35' 37". Pop.
(1881), 6056. The town derives its importance from the salt mines in
its proximity.
KA-LA-BE. Revenue circle, Amherst district, British Burma. Area,
4674 acres. Pop. (1876), 2890.
KALADEVARAHOSUR. Village in Coorg, Madras.
KALADGL District in Bombay; between lat. 15 50' 17 27', and
long. 75 31' 76 31'. Area, 5757 sq. miles. Pop. {1881), 638,493.
Bounded on the north by the river Bhima, separating it from Sholapur
district and Akalkot State ; on the east and south-east by Haidarabad
State; on the south by Malprabha river, dividing it from Dharwar
district, and Ramdrug State ; and on the west by Mudhol, Jamkhandi,
and Jath States. The chief rivers are the Kistna, the Bhima, the Sena,
and the Don. The chief town is Kaladgi (the capital). The district,
which is traversed by the Western Deccan Railway, is administered by a
Collector and five assistants.
KALADGI. Town and municipality in Kaladgi district, Bombay.
Lat. 16 12' 30", long. 75 32'. Pop. (1881), 7024. It is the capital of
the district.
KALAHASTI (KALASTRI). State in North. Arcot and Nellore
district, Madras; paying a rent of 19,000 a year to the British Govern-
ment. Area, 1127 sq. miles. Pop. (1871), 231,527.
KALAHASTI (KALASTRI). Town (in State of same name) on
the Swarnamukki, in North Arcot district, Madras. Lat. 13 45' 2",
long. 79 44' 29". Pop. (1881), 9935.
KALAL Port in Tanna district, Bombay. Lat. 19 14', long.
73 6'.
KALAISUR. Town in Haidarabad State ; situate on the right bank
of the Godavari, 139 miles north-east of Haidarabad. Lat. 18 51', long.
79 53'.
KALAKAD. - Town in Tinnevelli district, Madras. Pop. (1881),
404 KAL
KALA KANDTJR. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 227.
KALAKEBI NIDAGANE. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881),
KALA KUSI. River of Purniah district, Bengal; flowing into the
Ganges in lat. 25 16' 45", long. 87 43' 30".
KALALPTJR. Town in Jhang district, Punjab ; situated on the right
bank of the Ravi, forty-three miles north-east by north of the town of
Multan. Lat. 30 40', long. 71 58'.
KALALPUR. Village in Bareilly district, N.W.P. ; on the route
from the town of Bareilly to Moradabad, and six miles north-west of the
former. Lat. 28 24', long. 79 26'.
KALAMB. Town inWun district, Berar; containing an underground
temple. Lat. 20 26', long. 78 22' 30".
KALAN. Thana in Shahjahanpur district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
KALANATJR. Town in Rohtak district, Punjab. Lat. 28 49' 45",
long. 76 25' 15'. Pop. (1881), 4692.
KALANATTR. Town and municipality, on the Kirran, in Gurdaspur
district, Punjab ; seventeen miles west of Gurdaspur. Lat. 32 1', long.
75 11' 30". Pop. (1881), 7371.
KALANG. Branch of the Brahmaputra river, in Kowgong district,
Assam ; rising in lat. 25 4', long. 93 5'.
KALAN KOT (KALIA KOT, KALA KOT). Fortress in Karachi
district, Sind, Bombay ; three miles south of Tatta.
KALAPYNDONG KEON. River of Akyab district, British Burma ;
taking its rise about lat. 21 8', long. 92 51', and joining the Mayii river
about lat. 20 43', long. 92 42'.
KALARUA. Thana in Khulna district, Bengal. Area, 89 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 81,398.
KALARUA. Town and municipality (on the Betna) in Twenty-four
Parganas district, Bengal. Lat. 22 42' 35", long. 89 7' 55". Pop.
(1881), 5995.
KALASA. Village (with temple) in Kadur district, Mysore; thirty
miles west-south-west from Chikmagalur. Lat. 13 14' 20'', long
75 24' 11".
KALBHAIRON. Thana in Benares district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
KALEGOTJK. Island off the coast of A.mherst district, British Burma.
Its length from north to south is six miles, and its breadth one mile.
Lat. 15 32', long. 97 43'.
KALE MYO. Town of Independent Burma ; situate on the left bank
of the Myithia Khyoung, and 135 miles north-west from Amarapura.
Lat. 23 3', long. 94 28'.
KALESAR. Forest (on the banks of the Jumna) in Umballa district,
Punjab. Area, 13,917 acres.
KALGHATGL Subdivision of Dharwar district, Bombay. Area, 279
sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 50,769.
KALHARL Village in Mainpuri district, N.W.P. ; on the route
from the city of Agra to the cantonment of Mainpuri, and fourteen miles
west of the latter. Lat. 27 12', long. 78 54'.
KAL 405
KALHATTL Village (6700 feet above the level of the sea) in
Ki'lgiri district, Madras. Lat. 11 27' 45", long. 76 43'.
KALI A. Village in Jessor district, Bengal. Also thana. Area, 101
sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 72,947.
KALIABAR. Village in Nowgong district, Assam.
KALIA-CHAK. Village (on the Ganges) in Maldah district, Bengal.
Lat. 21 51' 15", long. 88 3' 1". Contains a large indigo factory.
Also thana. Area, 197 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 115,692.
KALI AG AN J. Thana in Purniah district, Bengal. Area, 626 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 277,059.
KALIAGANJ. Town in Dinajpur district, Bengal ; twenty-seven
miles west by south of Dinajpur. Lat. 25 30', long. 88 13'.
KALIANA. Town in Jind State, Punjab. Pop. (1881), 3238.
KALIANGANJ. Thana in Murshidabad district, Bengal. Area, 122
sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 37,206.
KALIANI. Village in Gwalior State, Central India Agency ; on the
route from the fort of Gwalior to Sagar, twenty-one miles south of former,
181 north-west of latter. Lat. 26 2', 78 15'.
KALIANI. Town in Haidarabad State ; with a fort, formerly of con-
siderable strength, but now ruinous. Distant from the city of Haidar-
abad, north-west, 106 miles. Lat. 17 51', long. 76 59'.
KALIANPUR. Village in Cawnpore district, N.W.P. ; on the route
from the cantonment of Cawnpore to that of Fatehgarh, and seven miles
north-west of the former. Lat. 26 31', long. 80 18'.
KALIANPUR. Village in Allahabad district, N.W.P. ; on the route
from the cantonment of Allahabad to Fatehpur, and thirty-two miles
north-west of the former. Lat. 25 36', long. 81 30'.
KALIANPUR. Tahsil in Fatehpur district, N.W.P. Area, 276 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 119,182. Traversed throughout by the East Indian
Railway. Also thana. Pop. (1881), 23,942.
KALIANPUR. Town in Saran district, Bengal ; forty-seven miles
north by east of Chapra. Lat. 26 25', long. 85.
KALIANPUR. Village in Jodhpur State, Eajputana ; on the route
from Balotra to the city of Jodhpur, and twenty-eight miles north-east of
the former. Lat. 26 4', long. 72 44'.
KALIANPUR. Village in Bareilly district, N.W.P. ; on the route
from the town of Bareilly to Almora, and forty-six miles north of the
former. Lat. 28 54', long. 79 30'.
KALIANPUR. Town in Midnapur district, Bengal ; forty miles
south-west of Calcutta. Lat. 22 10', long. 88.
KALIAPUR. Town in Saran district, Bengal ; sixty-six miles north-
west by north of Chapra. Lat. 26 31', long. 24 10'.
KALIARI. Village in Kumaun district, N.W.P. ; on the route from
Almora to the Nepal territory, twenty-six miles east of the former. Lat.
29 39', long. 80 8'.
KALI BAORL State in the Central India Agency.
KALIBHANJ. Island in Dhamra river, Cuttack district, Orissa.
Lat. 20 47', long. 86 56'.
KALI BHIL. Town in Hoshangabad district, Central Provinces;
on the route from Betul to Barwani, fifty-seven miles west of the former.
Lat. 21 54', long. 77 5'.
406 KAL
KALIDANGA. Village in Kumaun district, N.W.P. ; on a mountain
of the same name, rising from the right bank of the river Gogra, twenty
miles south-east of Champawat. Elevation above the sea, 1115 feet.
Lat. 29 7', long. 80 19'.
KALIGANG. Village in Maimansinh district, Bengal; 189 miles
north-east of Calcutta. Lat. 24 36', long. 90 29'.
KALIGANJ. Town in Khulna district, Bengal. Pop. (1881), 5554.
Also thana. Area, 259 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 146,130.
KALXGfANJ. Thana in Dinajpur district, Bengal. Area, 300 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 94,882.
KALIGANJ. Municipality, composed of several villages, at the
junction of the Jamuna and Kanksiali, in the Twenty-four Par-
ganas district, Bengal. Lat. 22 27' 15", long. 89 4'. Pop. (1872),
KALIGANJ. Village, on the right bank of the Brahmaputra, in
Rangpur district, Bengal. Also thana. Area, 264 sq. miles. Pop.
(1881), 155,607.
KALIGANJ. Thanas in Nadiya district, Bengal ; having an area
respectively of 109 and 141 sq. miles, and a population (1881) of 54,192
and 89,202.
KALIGAON. Town in Kashmir State, Punjab ; situated near the
left bank of the river Jhelum. Lat. 33 37', long. 75 5'.
KALIGAON. Village in Kashmir State, Punjab ; at the head of the
Lolab valley, and near the source of the river of that name, a small
tributary of the Jhelum. It is situate at the southern base of the Green
Mountains, bounding the valley of Kashmir on the north-west. Lat. 34
33', long. 74 41'.
KALIGH AT. Village in Twenty-four Parganas district, Bengal;
a few miles south of Calcutta. Lat. 22 31' 30", long. 88 23'. Contains
a temple sacred to Kali, wife of Siva, which is annually visited by devo-
tees from all parts of the district.
KALI KAHAR. Town in Jhelum district, Punjab ; situated twenty-
three miles from the right bank of the Jhelum, 131 miles north-west by
west of the town of Lahore. Lat. 32 49', long. 72 28'.
KALI MATH. Temple in Kumaun district, N.W.P. ; on a summit
sloping westward to the left bank of the river Kosila, and four miles
north of Almora. Elevation above the sea, 6301 feet. Lat. 29 38',
long. 79 42'.
KALIMERE POINT. A headland, forming the south-eastern extremity
of Tan j ore district, Madras. Distant fifty miles south of Tranquebar.
Lat. 10 17', long. 79 56'.
KALIMPONG. Thana in Darjfling district, Bengal. Area, 486 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 12,683.
KALI NADI (EAST). Hiver of Muzaffarnagar, Meerut, Bulandshahr,
Alfgarh, Etah, and Earrukhabad districts, N.W.P. ; falling into the
Ganges in lat. 27 1', long. 80, after a course of 310 miles.
KALI NADI (WEST). Kiver of Saharanpur and Muzaffarnagar
districts, N.W.P. ; falls into the Hindan in lat. 29 19', long. 77 40',
after a course of about 70 miles.
KAL 407
KALINDI. Branch of the Jamuna river, in the Twenty-four
Parganas district, Bengal ; falling into the Raimangal in lat. 22 7', long.
89 5' 30".
KALINDRI (KALINDI). Branch of the Kusi river, in Purniah and
Maldah districts, Bengal ; falls into the Mahananda at Maldah, in lat. 25
2' 30", long. 88 10' 15".
KALINGA. An ancient division of India, on the shores of the Bay
of Bengal, south of Orissa.
KALINGA. Town and municipality in the Twenty-four Parganas
district, Bengal. Lat. 22 46' 56", long. 88 50' 5". Pop. (1872), 15,687.
KALINGAPATAM. Town at the mouth of the Vamsadhara river, in
Ganjam district, Madras ; sixteen miles north of Chicacole. Lat. 18 20'
20", long. 84 9' 50". Pop. (1871), 4675. Historically the capital of
KALINGIA. Pass, 2396 feet above the level of the sea, in Ganjam
district, Madras. Lat. 20 6', long. 84 30'.
KALIN JAR. Hill fort in Banda district, N.W.P. ; thirty- three miles
south of Banda. Lat. 25 1', long. 80 31' 35". Pop. (1881), 3706.
A town of vast antiquity and importance, and abounding in antiquarian
remains. During the Mutiny of 1857, the fort, though isolated from
assistance, was defended throughout all the disturbances. Also thana.
Pop. (1881), 32,729.
KALINJERA (KANJRA). Town in Banswara State, Rajputana ;
on the route from Ni'mach to Baroda, ninety -nine miles south-west of the
former, and 139 north-east of the latter. Lat. 23 5', long. 74 7'.
There are some fine ruins testifying to the former importance of the
KALI OUNG. Town in Tavoy district, British Burma; 134 miles
south-south-east of Maulmain. Lat. 14 39', long. 98 22'.
KALIPANL Spring in Kumaun district, N.W.P. ; situate on the
north-eastern declivity of the great mountain Bians Rikhi, and on the
route from Bians Pass to Askot, five miles south-west of the pass, forty-
five north-east of Askot, and in lat. 30 11', long. 80 56'. The spring
is resorted to for ritual ablutions and other religious practices, by pilgrims
on their route to Manasarovara.
n KALIRAWUN. Village in Hissar district, Punjab ; on the route
from Hansi to Bhatnair, and twenty-eight miles north-west of the former.
Lat. 29 18', long. 75 35'.
KALIS ARAL Tillage in Rawal Pindi district, Punjab ; on the route
from Attock to Rawal Pindi, and thirty-nine miles south-east of the
former place. It is situate on the river Kali, a tributary of the Haro.
Lat. 33 40', long. 72 54'.
KALI SIND. River of Jhalawar and Kotah States, Rajputana, and
Gwalior State, Central India Agency ; rising in lat. 22 36', long. 76
19', it passes through the Mokundarra range, and falls into the Chambal.
The Ludkunda, Parwan, Ahu, and Am jar are its chief tributaries.
Length, 225 miles.
KALJANI. River of Bhutcan State, and Jalpaiguri district, Kuch
Behar State, and Rangpur district, Bengal ; it falls into the Raidhak.
KALKA. Village in Simla district, Punjab ; thirty-seven miles from
Umballa, and forty-one from Simla. Lat. 30 50' 21", long. 76 58' 57".
408 KAL
KALKAPOR. Town in Birbhum district, Bengal; 148 miles north
by west of Calcutta. Lat. 24 37', long. 87 50'.
KALKATJD. Town in Tinnevelli district, Madras; sixteen miles
south-west from Tinnevelli, forty miles east of Trivandrum. Lat. 8
32', long. 77 36'.
KALLACH. Town in Kashmir State, Punjab; 163 miles north by
east from Kangra, and 116 miles east by north from Srinagar. Lat. 34
19', long. 76 57'.
KALLADAKURCHI. Town on a branch of the Tamrapurni, in
Tinnevelli district, Madras. Lat. 8 40' 30", long. 77 30' 15". Pop.
(1881), 10,936.
KALLA KALLE. Village in Bakarganj district, Bengal; 100 miles
east by north of Calcutta. Lat. 22 50', long. 89 59'.
KALLALE. Village in Mysore district, Mysore. Lat. 12 5', long.
76 43'. Pop. (1871), 2306.
KALLALLL- Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 270.
KALLAR. Town in Jind State, Punjab. Pop. (1881), 2155.
KALLAR. Village in Mgiri district, Madras. Lat. 11 20', long.
70 56'.
KALLATTUMADU. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 218.
KALLIATJD. Town in Malabar district, Madras ; on the route from
Cannanore to Seringapatam, twenty miles north-east of the former. Lat.
12 1', long. 75 40'.
KALLUKKAMURL Town in Travancore State; 120 miles west
by north from Madura, and 131 miles south-east by south from Cannanore.
Lat. 10 15', long. 76 27'.
KALLWA. Town in Karnul district, Madras ; nineteen miles south-
east of Karnul, ninety north-west of Cuddapah. Lat. 51 28', long.
78 16'.
KALMESHWAR. Town in Nagpur district, Central Provinces.
Lat. 21 14', long. 78 58'. Pop. (1881), 5318.
KALNA. Town and municipality (in subdivision of same name) in
Bardwan district, Bengal. Lat. 23 13' 20", long. 88 24' 30". Pop.
(1881), 10,463. An important river-mart on the right bank of the
Bhagirathi. There are some temples and fine buildings, including the
Maharaja of Bardwan's palace. Area of subdivision, 432 sq. miles. Pop.
(1881), 237,607. Also thana. Area, 144 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 92,484.
KALNA. Town in Jessor district, Bengal; thirty-two miles east of
Jessor. Lat. 23 13', long. 89 42'.
KALNI. River in Sylhet district, Assam; a branch of the Surma,
falling into the Meghna.
KALOL. Subdivision of Panch Mahal district, Bombay. Area, 415
sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 76,522.
KALOL. District in Kadi division, Baroda State. Area, 288 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 89,079.
KALOLA. Town in Baroda State. Lat. 22 37', long. 73 31'. Pop.
(1881), 5859.
KALORL Village in Rohtak district, Punjab. Lat. 28, long. 76 7'.
KALPAHAR. fahsil in Hamirpur district, N.W.P. Pop. (Ib81),
KAL 409
KALPANI. Town in Mandla district, Central Provinces; on the
route from Jabalpur to Nagpur, forty- one miles south-east by south of
the former. Lat. 22 40', long. 80 23'.
KALPANI. Town in Rangpur district, Bengal ; on the left bank of
the Ghaghat river, thirty miles north-west of Rangpur. Lat. 26 1',
long. 89.
KALPATI. Town in Coimbatore district, Madras ; thirty-eight miles
south of Coimbatore. Lat. 10 28', long. 77 4'.
KALPI. Town (in tahsil of same name) in Jalaun district, N.WP.
Lat. 26 7' 30", long. 79 47' 15". Pop. (1881), 14,306. Formerly a
place of very great importance, as indicated by the tombs and ruins with
which the city and its outskirts abound ; the most interesting of them is
the Tomb of the Eighty-four Domes. Pop. of tahsil (1881), 82,003.
Also thana. Pop. (1881), 23,977.
KALPI. Village in Twenty-four Parganas district, Bengal ; situate
on the Hugli river, forty-eight miles below Calcutta. Lat. 22 4', long.
88 18'. Also thana. Area, 110 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 90,319.
KALRAYAN. Hills in Salem district, Madras; between lat. 11 38'
11 52', and long. 78 31' 30" 78 46', from 3000 to 4000 feet high.
Pop. (1871), 5992.
KALRI. A canal, or watercourse, connected with the Indus, in
Karachi district, Sind, Bombay ; it parts from the right side of the Indus
three miles due east of Tatta, and in lat. 24 46', long. 68 2'. It holds
a course almost due west, and, under the name of the Gharo Creek, falls
into the Arabian Sea.
KALSAKARRL Town in Bakarganj district, Bengal; 137 miles
east by south of Calcutta. Lat. 22 17', long. 90 30'.
KALSAMBI. Town in Lohardaga district, Bengal; 241 miles west
by north of Calcutta. Lat. 23 30', long. 84 50'.
KALSI. Town and municipality (in tahsil of same name) in Dehra
Dun district, KW.P. ; near the confluence of the Tons and Jumna rivers.
A place of considerable antiquity. Lat. 30 32' 20", long. 77 53' 25".
Pop. (1881), 854. Area of tahsil, 343 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 45,117.
Also thana. Pop. (1881), 43,790.
KALSIA. Cis-Sutlej State in the Punjab; between lat. 30 17'
30 25', and long. 77 21' 77 35'. Area, 178 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
67,708. The chief maintains a force of fifty cavalry, 260 infantry, three
guns, and eight artillerymen.
KALTI. Town in Jodhpur State, Rajputana ; on the left bank of the
river Luni, and sixty-two miles east from Jodhpur. Lat. 26 23',
long. 74 7'.
KALTI. River in Garo Hills district, Assam; rising in lat. 25 29',
long. 90 22', and falling into the Brahmaputra.
KALTJMBE ( K ALUM AR). Mountain peak in Jabalpur district,
Central Provinces ; 2544 feet high. Lat. 23 28', long. 79 47'.
KALUNJAR. Town in Muzaffarpur district, Bengal ; fifty-four miles
north-east by east of Dinapur. Lat. 26, long. 85 51'.
KALUPOL. Thana in Nadiya district, Bengal. Area, 79 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 39,396.
KALTJR. Tillage in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 127.
KALTJR. Town in Haidarabad State; situate 139 miles east from
Haidarabad, and fifty-two miles north-west from Ellore. Lat. 17 13',
long. 80 36'.
KALTJR. Town in Dera Ismail Khan district, Punjab ; situated three
miles from the left bank of the Indus, 131 miles south by west of the
town of Peshawar. Lat. 32 10', long. 71 17'.
KALTJR. Town in Bannu district, Punjab; situated on the right
bank of the Indus, ninety-two miles south by west of the town of Pesha-
war. Lat. 32 44', long. 71 20'.
KALVENTTJRA ISLANDS. Islands off the coast of Arakan, British
Burma, consisting of two divisions. The centre of these groups is about
lat. 16 53', long. 94 20'.
KALWAN. Subdivision of Nasik district, Bombay. Area, 554 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 58,486.
KA-LWI. Revenue circle in Amherst district, British Burma. Area,
2675 acres. Pop. (1876), 3255.
KALYAN. Town, municipality, and port (in subdivision of same
name), in Tanna district, Bombay ; at the junction of the north-east and
south-east lines of the Great Indian Peninsula Railway; thirty-three
miles north-east of Bombay. Lat. 19 14', long. 73 10'. Pop. (1872),
12,804. Area of subdivision, 278 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 77,988.
KALYAN-DRTJG. Town in Bellary district, Madras ; six miles west
of the route from Madras to Bellary, forty-one miles south of the latter.
Lat. 14 34', long. 77 9'.
KALYANMAL. Pargana in Hardoi district, Oudh ; bounded on the
north by Aurangabad pargana in Sitapur, from which it is separated by
the Gumti river, on the east by Gundwa pargana, and on the south and
west by Sandila pargana. Area, 63 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 28,572.
KALZTJR. Town in Na-gpur district, Central Provinces; twenty- six
miles north-west from Nagpur, and eighty-six miles east by south from
Ellichpur. Lat. 20 54', long. 78 51'.
KAMA (KAMAN). Town in Bhartpur State, Rajputana ; on the
route from Muttra to Firozpur, thirty-nine miles north-west of the former.
Lat. 27 40', long. 77 15'.
KA-MA. Revenue circle in Kyouk-hpyii district, British Burma.
Area, 36 sq. miles. Pop. (1876), 2581.
KA-MA. Revenue circle in Thayet district, British Burma. Pop.
(1876), 3319.
KA-MA. Town (in township of same name) in Thayet district, in
British Burma; on the right bank of the Irawadi. Lat. 19 1', long.
95 10'. Area of township, 575 sq. miles. Pop. (1876), 30,363.
KAMADHIA. State of Kathiawar, Bombay.
KA-MA-KE. Revenue circle in Amherst district, British Burma.
Pop. (1876), 2112.
KAMAKHYA. Hill in Kamrup district, Assam. Lat. 26 10', long.
91 45'. On the summit there is a temple to a Goddess of Love which is
much frequented by devotees.
KAMAKHYA. Range of mountains in Nowgong district, Assam,
containing a temple to the goddess Durga.
KAMALAPTJRAM. Town, with ruins of temples, in Bellary district,
Madras. Lat. 15 17', long. 76 30' 30". Pop. (1871), 5145.
KAM 411
KAMALAPURL Village in Karnul district, Madras. There is a
tradition that snake bites in this region are harmless.
KAMALGANJ. Village in Farrukhabad district, N.W.P. ; on the
route from the cantonment of Cawnpore to that of Fatehgarh, and seven
miles south of the latter. Lat. 27 16', long. 79 41'. Pop. (1881),
2898. Also thana. Pop. (1881), 58,273.
KAMALGARH. Forts in Mandi State, Punjab; near the left or
south bank of the Beas. They are constructed partly out of the natural
rock and partly of masonry. The principal stronghold among them is an
isolated rock, with precipitous sides, rising about 150 feet above the
other peaks, about 1500 feet above the Beas, and having an elevation of
3000 feet above the sea. This range of forts is situated on the summit
of a mountain about eight miles long and five broad, surrounded by deep
ravines, with precipitous sides, 80, 100, or 150 feet high. Lat. 31 48',
long. 76 43'.
KAMALPUR. State in Central India Agency. The chief is one of
the guaranteed Girasias.
KAMALPUR. State in Kathiawar, Bombay. Paying a yearly tribute
of 77 to the British Government. The capital of the same name is in
lat. 22 28', long. 72.
KAMALPUR. Town in Ghazipur district, KW.P. ; on the route
from Chanar to Dinapur, thirty-six miles north-east of the former, 110
south-west of the latter. Lat. 25 23', long. 83 27'.
KAMALPUR. Village in Allahabad district, N.W.P. ; on the road
from Allahabad to Fatehpur, thirty-eight miles south-east of the latter
town. Lat. 25 42', long. 81 25'.
KAMAN. Town in Bhartpur State, Rajputana. Pop. (1881),
KAMAPURAM. Town in Travancore State, Madras; distant from
Quilon thirty miles. Lat. 9 18', long. 76 30'.
KAMAR. Town in Muttra district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 3771.
KAMAR. Village in Bannu district, Punjab; situated seventeen
miles from the right bank of the Indus, eighty-seven miles south- south-
west of the town of Peshawar. Lat. 32 53', long. 71 3'.
KAMARGANJ. Village in Bhagalpur district, Bengal ; on the route
from Bhagalpur to Monghyr, twenty miles west of former, fifteen south-
east of latter. Lat. 25 13', long. 86 40'.
KAMAR J ANT. Village on the right bank of the Manas river, in
Eangpur district, Bengal.
KAMARUDDINNAGAR. Town in Meerut district, N.W.P. ; in the
marsh of the Ganges, and on the left bank of its channel. It is a re-
markable and important locality, being one of the very few points at
which the Ganges is fordable after leaving the mountains. Kamarud-
dinnagar is twenty-four miles east of Meerut, fifty-five miles north-
west of Delhi. Lat. 28 56', long. 78 10'. Also thana. Pop. (1881),
4850. .
KAMASAN. Tahsil on the south bank of the Jumna, in Ban da
district, N.W.P. Area, 348 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 81,238. Also thana.
Pop. (1881), 34,649.
412 KAM
KAMATAPTJR. Ancient city, near the right hank of the Dharla
river, in Kuch Behar State, Bengal. Lat. 26 9' 30", long. 89 22' 15".
A town of considerable antiquity and former importance.
KAMBACHO. Town in Nepal State ; near the left hank of the
Kumbachen river, and fifty-one miles north-west by north from Darjiling.
Lat. 27 37', long. 87 52'.
KAM-BAI. Revenue circle on the left bank of the Bassein river, in
Bassein district, British Burma. Area, 29 sq. miles. Pop. (1876), 2353.
KAMBAR. Town (in taluk of same name) in Shikarpur district,
Sind, Bombay. Lat. 27 35', long. 68 2' 45". Pop. (1881), 6133.
Area of taluk, 943 sq. miles. Pop. (1872), 73,329.
KAMBTJA. Village in Shikarpur district, Sind, Bombay ; on the
route from Shikarpur to Larkhana, and eight miles south-west of the
former place. Lat. 27 54', long. 68 34'.
KAMLA. River of Nepal State, and Darbhangah district, Bengal ;
falling into the Chhota Baghmati.
KAMNA. Town in Darbhangah district, Bengal ; eighty-eight miles
north-east of Dinapur. Lat. 26 22', long. 86 16'.
KAMONA Village in Bulandshahr district, N.W.P. ; near the right
bank of the East Kali Nadi, sixty-four miles south-east of Delhi. Lat.
28 8', long. 78 10'.
KAMPIL Town (in pargana of same name) in Farrukhabad district,
KW.P. Pop. (1881), 2531. Lat. 27 37', long. 79 1'. Pop. of
pargana (1881), 69,255. Also thana. Pop. (1881), 30,435.
KAMPLI. Town in Bellary district, Madras ; situate on the Tunga-
bhadra river. Lat. 15 24' 40", long. 76 38' 40". Pop. (1871), 9610.
KAMPTHA. Chief ship in Bhandara district, Central Provinces.
Area, 271 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 78,816.
KAMRA. Town in Murshidabad district, Bengal; 134 miles north
of Calcutta. Lat. 24 30', long. 88 10'.
KAMREJ. District in Nausari division, Baroda State. Area, 107
sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 25,967.
KAMROIJ. Town in Wasravi State, Bombay ; on the left bank of
the Tapti, and thirteen miles north-east from Surat. Lat. 21 15', long.
73 2'.
KAMRUP. District in Assam ; between lat. 25 50' 26 53', and
long. 90 40' 92 2'. Bounded by the Bhutan Mountains on the north,
and the Khasi Hills on the south. Area, 3631 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
644,960. The chief river is the Brahmaputra, with several feeders.
The chief hills are the Bhutan Mountains. The chief town is Gauhati
(the capital). The district is traversed for a distance of 96 miles by the
Assam Trunk Road.
KAMSOLI MOTL State in Rewa Kantha, Bombay ; paying a yearly
tribute of 13 to the Gaekwar of Baroda.
KAMSOLI NANI. State in Rewa Kantha, Bombay; paying a yearly
tribute of 12 to the Gaekwar of Baroda.
KAMTAOL. Town in Muzaffarpur district, Bengal ; thirty miles
north-east by north of Dinapur. Lat. 25 58', long. 85 23'.
KAMTA RAJATJLA. State of Bundelkhand, in the Central India
Agency. Area, 4 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 1543. The town is considered
sacred by the Hindus, who frequent it as a place of pilgrimage.
KAMTARANALA. Forest along an affluent of the Jonk river in
Raipur district, Central Provinces. Area, 25 sq. miles.
KAMTHA. State in Bhandara district, Central Provinces. Area,
503 sq. miles.
KAMTHA. Town in Bhandara district, Central Provinces. Lat.
21 31', long. 80 21'. Pop. (1878), 2661.
KAMTHI. Town and military station in Nagpur district, Central
Provinces. Lat. 21 13' 30", long. 79 14' 30". Pop. (1881), 50,987.
Situated on the Kanhan river.
KAMTHI (KAMPTI). Town in Bellary district, Madras. Pop.
(1881), 9828.
KAMU11I. Town in Madura district, Madras ; forty miles south-
south-east of Madura. Lat. 9 24', long. 78 25'.
KA-MYAW-KENG Eevenue circle in Tavoy district, British Burma.
Area, 12 sq. miles. Pop. (1876), 2280.
KA-MYIT. Revenue circle in Sandoway district, British Burma.
Pop. (1876), 3488.
KAN (KAND). River of Indore State, Central India Agency; rises
on the north side of the Vindhyan range, eight miles east of the British
cantonment of Mhow, about lat. 22 36', long. 75 51'. It takes a
northerly course, and, flowing through a very fertile country by the city
of Indore, is joined by the Saraswati; it then takes a north-easterly
direction for about nineteen miles, and falls into the river Ghatti, its
total length being forty-five miles.
KANA DAMODAR. Branch of the Damodar river, in Hugh' district,
KAN ADKHAID. Town in Haidarabad State; situate on the left
bank of the Dudna river, 158 miles north-west from Haidarabad. Lat.
19 20', long. 77 5'.
KAN AGALTI. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 92.
KANAHPARA. Town in Tributary States of Orissa. Pop. (1881),
KAN-AING. Revenue circle in Kyouk-hpyu district, British Burma.
Area, 18 sq. miles. Pop. (1876), 4068.
KAN AKPUR. Town in Sylhet district, Assam; thirty- six miles
east-south-east of Sylhet. Lat. 24 42', long. 92 22'.
KANAMATI. Town in Rai Bareli district, Oudh; forty-eight miles
south from Lucknow, and thirty-nine miles south-east from Cawnpore.
Lat. 26 11', long. 80 57'.
KANA-NADI. Branch of the Damodar river in Hugh' district, Bengal,
from which it branches off near Bard wan.
KANANDAGUDL Town in Tanjore district, Madras. Lat. 10 39',
long. 79 20'. Pop. (1871), 2840. Mission Station for the Society for
the Propagation of the Gospel.
KANANGALA. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 725.
414 KAN
KANANGALA. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 20.
KANAR. Town in Gwalior State, Central India Agency ; situate on
the left bank of the Asan river, and thirty-six miles west-south-west
from Gwalior. Lat. 26 1', long. 77 43'.
KANAKA (NORTH). District of Bombay; between lat. 13 52'-
15 31', and long. 74 10' 75 7'. Area, 3910 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
421,840. Bounded on the north by Belgaum district; on the east by
Dharwar district and Mysore State ; on the south by South Kanara
district, Madras ; on the west by the Arabian Sea ; and on the north-west
by Goa, Portuguese settlement. The chief mountains are the Sahyadri
range. The chief rivers are the Wardha, a tributary of the Tungabhadra,
the Kali, the Gangawali, the Tadri, and the Shirawati. The chief towns
are Karwar (the capital), Kumpta, and Ankola; these towns are also sea-
ports. Until 1861 North Kanara was included within the Madras
Presidency. It is traversed by the Southern Marhatta Railway. The
administration is in the hands of a Collector and four Assistants.
KANARA (SOUTH). District in Madras; between lat. 14 31'
15 31', and long. 74 1' 75 2'. Bounded on the north by North
Kanara district ; on the south by Malabar ; on the east by Mysore
State and Coorg ; and on the west by the Indian Ocean. Area, 3902 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 959,514. The Western Ghats are the chief
mountain range. The chief rivers are the Vetravati, the Gurpur, the
Gongoli, and the Chendragiri. The chief towns are Mangalore (the
capital), Mulki, Udipi, Karkal and Bantwal. The administration is in
the hands of a Collector and staff.
KANARAK. Town in Pun district, Bengal. Distance from Pur(
north-west nineteen miles ; Cuttack, south, forty- three ; Calcutta, south-
west, 235. Lat. 19 54', long. 86 10'. Five or six miles south from
Kanarak are the remains of the celebrated temple of the sun, popularly
denominated by the British the Black Pagoda.
KANARAK. Temple in ruins in Puri district, Orissa ; nineteen miles
north-west of Puri. Lat. 19 53' 25", long. 86 8' 16". The temple,
which is upwards of 600 years old, is one of the finest relics of Sun
worship in India.
KANARALLL Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 45.
KAN ASIR. Village in Jodhpur State, Eajputana; on the route from
Pokaran to Balmer, and sixty miles north of the latter. Lat. 26 19',
long. 71 45'.
KANATJHL Village in Aligarh district, N.W.P. ; on the route from
Aligarh to Delhi, and thirteen miles north-west of the former. Lat.
28 2', long. 78 2'.
KANATJHI. Village in Patiala State, Punjab ; on the route from
Hansi to Ludhiana, and fifty-six miles south of the latter town.
Distant north-west from Calcutta, 1056 miles. Lat. 30 11', long.
75 56'.
KANATJJ. Town (in tahsil of same name) in Farrukhabad district,
N.W.P. ; situate on the Kali Nadi, near its confluence with the Ganges.
Lat. 27 2' 30", long. 79 58'. Pop. (1881), 16,646. One of the most
ancient cities in India, formerly a place of great splendour, having been
a capital during several centuries of Aryan civilization. Area of tahsil,
209 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 114,912.
KAN 415
KAN-BAING. Revenue circle in Akyab district, British Burma.
Pop. (1876), 2433.
KANCHANJANGA. Mountain peak, between Nepal and Sikkim
States, in the Eastern Himalayas. Lat. 27 42' 5", long. 88 11' 26".
28,176, feet high.
KANCHAN JHATT. Mountain range of the Himalayas, in Sikkim
State, Bengal.
KANCHANPTJR (CHANDPTJR). Village in Cawnpore district,
N.W.P. ; on the route from Cawnpore to Kalpi, and twenty -nine miles
north-east of the latter. Lat. 26 24', long. 80 6'.
KANCHANPTJR. Town in Hoshangabad district, Central Provinces ;
on the route from Sohagpur to Nagpur, thirty miles south of the former.
Lat. 22 53', long. 81 26'.
KANCHARAPARA. Village and station on the Eastern Bengal
Railway, in Twenty -four Parganas district, Bengal ; twenty-eight miles
from Calcutta.
KANDA. Town in Kashmir State, Punjab ; situate on the right bank
of the Jhelum river, and 130 miles east from Peshawar. Lat. 34 14',
long. 73 44'.
KANDA. Village in Garhwal district, N.W.P. ; on the left bank of
the Jumna. Lat. 30 49', long. 78 19'.
KANDA. Town in Garhwal district, N.W.P. ; thirty-eight miles east
by north of Srmagar. Lat. 30 19', long. 79 27'.
KANDAHAR. City in Afghanistan, and capital of Kandahar province ;
between the Argandab and Tarnak rivers, eighty-nine miles south-west
of Khelat-i-Ghilzai, 233 miles south-west of Ghazni, 318 south-west of
Kabul, and 380 south-east of Herat. Pop. from 50,000 to 80,000. Lat.
31 37', long. 65 30'. During the Afghan war (1878-9) Kandahar was
occupied by the British, but it has since been evacuated. It is a place
of considerable strength, surrounded by a wall of dried mud, and has
played an important part in the history of the East.
KANDAL GHATL Pass in Garhwal State, N.W.P. ; over a ridge
rising above the right bank of the Bhagirathi. Elevation above the sea,
11,893 feet. Lat. 30 59', long. 78 43'.
KANDANAKOLLL Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 163.
KANDANGALA. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 361.
KANDAPTIR. Town in South Kanara district, Madras; fifty-five
miles west of Mangalore. Lat. 13 38', long. 74 42'! Pop. (1871),
2545. Formerly of considerable importance.
KANDEYAN. Town in Mysore State ; distant north-west from
Seringapatam 101 miles. Lat. 13 23', long. 75 36'.
KANDHLA. Town and municipality (in pargana of same name)
in Muzaffarnagar district, N.W.P. Lat. 29 18' 20", long. 77 19' 5".
Pop. (1881), 11,109. Pop. of pargana, 66,869.
KANDH-MALS. Part of Bod State, Orissa, Bengal. The people are
a wild primitive race, and British rule is confined to little more than an
attempt to keep order and prevent oppression.
KANDI (JAMU KANDI). Town and municipality (in subdivision
of same name) in Murshidabad district, Bengal. Lat. 23 58', long. 88
5' 1". Pop. (1881), 10,661. Noteworthy as having been founded by
416 KAtf
Ganga Govind Sinh, the lama of Warren Hastings. Area of subdivision,
389 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 223,958. Also thana. Area, 137 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 90,320.
KANDI. Tillage in Cawnpore district, N.W.P. ; on the route from
Etawah to Cawnpore, and forty-three miles west of the latter. Lat.
26 21', long. 79 47'.
KANDIARO. Village on the Nasrat Canal (in taluk of same name)
in Haidarabad district, Sind, Bombay. Lat. 27 4', long. 68 15'. Pop.
(1872), 2558. Area of taluk, 315 sq. miles. Pop. (1872), 47,768.
KANDIAWAN. Town on the left bank of the Ganges, in Rai Bareli
district, Oudh ; twenty-two miles from Rai Bareli, and six from
Manikpur. Pop. (1869), 3632.
KANDILI. Town in Narsinhpur district, Central Provinces. Lat.
22 57', long. 79 14' 30". Pop. (1870), about 5000.
KANDKUT. Town in Hazaribagh district, Bengal; 246 miles north-
west by west of Calcutta. Lat. 24 19', long. 85 7'.
KANDRAPTJR. Thana in Azamgarh district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
KANDUKUR. Town in Nellore district, Madras. Lat. 15 12' 20",
long. 79 57'. Pop. (1881), 6601.
KANER. State of South Kathiawar, Bombay; paying a yearly
tribute of 19 to the Gaekwar of Baroda.
KAN GAL. A petty fort in Theog State, Punjab ; on a small feeder
of the Sutlej, situate two miles from the left bank of that river. Eleva-
tion above the sea, 6311 feet. Lat. 31 16', long. 77 25'.
KANGAN. Town in Kashmir State, Punjab; 161 miles east from
Attock, and 106 miles north from Jammu. Lat. 34 17', long. 75 3'.
KANGAON. Town in Wardha district, Central Provinces ; situate
five miles from the left bank of the Wardha river, and fifty-four miles
south-west from Kagpur. Lat. 20 31', long. 78 40'.
KAN-GAW. Revenue circle in Kyouk-hpyu district, British Burma.
Area, 11 sq. miles. Pop. (1876), 2728.
KANGAYAM (KONGIUM, KONGU). Town in Coimbatore district,
Madras. Lat. 11 1', long. 77 36'. Pop. (1871), 6553.
KANGLA. Town in Nepal State ; situate on the left bank of the
Dud K.usi river, and seventy-six miles east by south from Khatmandu.
Lat. 27 30', long. 86 30'.
KANGRA. District in Jalandhar division, Punjab ; between lat.
310 20' 33, and long. 75 39' 78 35'. Area, 9069 sq. miles. Pop.
(1881), 730,845. Bounded on the south-west by Hoshiarpur district; on
the north-west by Gurdaspur district and Chamba State ; on the north-
east by the Himalayan chain, separating it from Thibet and the Chinese
Empire ; and on the south-east by Bashahr, Mandi, and Bilaspur States.
The chief rivers are the Beas, the Spiti, the Chenab and Ravi. The
mountains are the Himalayas. The chief towns are Kangra, Sujanpur
Tira, Haripur and ISYirpur. The district, which has several lines of com-
munication, is administered by a Deputy Commissioner and Staff.
KANGRA. Town, municipality in, and capital of, Kangra district,
Punjab (situated in tahsil of same name). Lat. 32 5' 14", long.
7b 17' 46". Pop. (1881), 5387. In former times considered impregnable.
KAN 417
It contains the famous temple of Devi, one of the richest shrines in the
kingdom. Area of tahsil, 1065 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 218,588.
KANGRA. Peak in Si'rmur State, Punjab ; a summit of the moun-
tains between the Giri and Tons, and nearly equidistant, or about three
miles from each river. Elevation above the sea, 6600 feet. Lat. 30
34', long. 77 47'.
KANGRA PROPER. Subdivision of Kangra district, Punjab, with
administrative headquarters at Dharmsala.
KANGRAULI. Town in Gorakhpur district, N.W.P. ; distance
south-east from Gorakhpur, fifty-five miles. Lat. 26 16', long.
84 2'.
KANGITNDI. State in North Arcot district, Madras; between lat.
13 35' 13 45', and long. 78 16' 78 35'. Area, about 333 sq. miles.
Pop. (1871), 51,916. Pays a revenue of 2300 a year to the British
KANGYAM. Town in Coimbatore district, Madras; 158 miles east-
south-east of Cannanore. Lat. 11, long. 77 36'.
KAN-GYI-DOTJNG. Town on the right bank of the Daga river in
Bassein district, British Burma. Lat. 16 54' 30", long. 64 58'. Pop.
(1876), 2351.
KANHAN. River of Chhindwara, Nagpur, and Bhandara districts,
Central Provinces; rising in the Satpura Mountains, about lat. 21 52',
long. 78 39'. Holding a tortuous course, but generally south-easterly,
for about 130 miles, it receives on its left side, in lat. 21 17', long. 79
13', the Panch, flowing from the north. The joint stream, from the
confluence, continues to hold a south-easterly course of about forty-five
miles, passing by the cantonment at Kamthi, and falls into the Wain-
gans;a on the right side, in lat. 21 5', long. 79 40'.
KANHARGAON. Chiefship in Bhandara district, Central Provinces.
Area, 2 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 22.
KANHATJR. Town in Rohtak district, Punjab. Pop. (1881), 5251.
KANHERI. Hill in Bhandara district, Central Provinces ; eighteen
miles south-east of Bhandara.
KANHOLI. Town in Nagpur district, Central Provinces. Pop.
(1881), 2155.
KANHTIR. Town in Ahmednagar district, Bombay ; twenty-four
miles west of Ahmednagar. Lat. 19 7', long. 74 24'.
KANIKA. Town in Kashmir State, Punjab; 104 miles north-north-
east from Kangra, and 113 miles east-south-east from Srinagar. Lat.
33 29', long. 76 49'.
KANTMYO. Town of Independent Burma ; situate on the right bank
of the Khyendwen river, and eighty miles west-north-west from Ava.
Lat, 22 25', long. 94 59'.
KANINA. Village in Rohtak district, Punjab. Long. 28 18', long.
76 22'.
KANIRL Town in Akola district, Berar ; situate fifty-eight miles
south-west of Ellichpur. Lat. 20 39', long. 76 54'.
KANIWARA. Town in Seoni district, Central Provinces ; on the
route from Jabalpur to Seoni, eighteen miles east-north-east of the latter.
Lat. 22 9', long. 79 55'.
KAN JAGERL Tillage in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 78.
418 KAN
KANJARAPALLL Town in Travancore State, Madras. Lat. 9 4'
30", long. 76 35' 20". Pop. (1871), about 2000.
KAN JAR-DA. State in Kathiawar, Bombay ; paying a yearly tribute
of 1 3 to the Gaekwar of Baroda.
KANJIA. Town in Sagar district, Central Provinces. Lat. 24 23'
30", long. 78 15'. A town of considerable antiquity.
KAN JIKOVIL. Town in Coimbatore district, Madras. Lat. 11 22',
long. 77 38' 20". Pop. (1871), 5300.
KANJOLE. Town in Bhagalpur district, Bengal; 161 miles north by
west of Calcutta. Lat, 24 49', long. 87 50'.
KANKA. Village in Aligarh district, N.W.P. ; on the route from
Aligarh to Muttra, and fourteen miles south-west of the former. Lat.
27 43', long. 78 3'.
KANKANHALLI. Town and municipality on the right bank of the
Arkavati river (in taluk of same name), in Bangalore district, Mysore
State; thirty-six miles south of Bangalore. Lat. 12 32' 50", long. 77
27 30'. Pop. (1871), 4671. Area of taluk, 401 sq. miles. Pop. (1871),
KANKAR. Town in Bhutan State ; situate on the left bank of the
Manas river, and sixty-five miles north-north-east from Goalpara. Lat.
27, long. 91 9'.
KANKAR KHERA. Town in Meerut district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
2491. Also thana. Pop. (1881), 20,861.
KANKER. State in Raipur district, Central Provinces. Area, 639 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 63,610. The Chief maintains a force of 4 elephants,
12 horses, 1 camel, and 105 foot soldiers. The capital (Ranker) has a
pop. (1881) of 2021.
KANKHAL. Town on the west bank of the Ganges, in Saharanpur
district, N.W.P. ; distant from Saharanpur thirty-eight miles east,
from Rurki sixteen miles north-east, from Hardwar one mile south.
Lat. 29 55' 45", long. 78 11'. Pop. (1881), 5838. The temple of
Daksheswara is near this town.
KANKINA. Village on the Tista river, in Rangpur district, Bengal.
KANKJARA. Town in Goalpara district, Assam ; fifteen miles from
the right or northern bank of the river Brahmaputra, twenty-nine miles
north-west of Goalpara. Lat. 26 23', long. 90 17'.
KANKRATILI. Town in Udaipur State, Rajputana; on the route
from Nimach to Di'sa, seventy-nine miles north-west of former, 171
north-east of latter. It is situate at the south extremity of a considerable
lake. Lat. 24 50', long. 73 56'.
KANKREJ (TARA). State in Guzerat, Bombay; bounded on the
north by Palanpur State, south by Radhanpur State, east by Baroda State,
and west by Terwara and Diodar States. Pays a yearly tribute of
513 to the Gaekwar of Baroda. Area, 507 sq. miles. Pop. (1872),
KANKSIALI. State in Kathiawar, Bombay, paying a yearly tribute
of 8 to the British Government, and 3 to the Nawab of Junagarh.
KANKSIALI. Branch of Jumna river, in Twenty-four Parganas
district, Bengal.
KANKITPPA. Taluk in Chitaldrug district, Mysore. Area, 365 sq.
miles. Pop. (1871), 40,311.
KAN 419
KANLAI. Town of Independent Burma ; forty-eight miles south-east
by east from Ava, and 212 miles north-north-east from Prome. Lat.
21 30', long. 96 39'.
KANNEH. Town in Kashmir State, Punjab ; on the left bank of the
Jhelum river, and 110 miles east from Peshawar. Lat. 34 8', long.
73 30'.
KAN-NI. Revenue circle in Bassein district, British Burma. Area,
237 sq. miles. Pop. (1876), 2620.
KAN-NI. Revenue circle on the left bank of the Tsittoung, in Toung-
gmi district, British Burma. Pop. (1876), 4684.
KANOD. Town in Jaisalmir State, Rajputana ; north-east of the city
of Jaisalmir. It is situate at the southern border of an extensive lake of
salt water, stretching in the rains to the north about fifteen miles, with a
breadth of about eight, but nearly dry in the hot weather. The lake,
when full, is discharged on its eastern side by a stream, which, flowing
about thirty miles in an easterly direction, is lost in the sands of Jodhpur
State. Kanod is in lat. 27 8', long. 71 5'.
KANODA. State in Rewa Kantha, Bombay. Area, 3|- sq. miles.
Pays a yearly tribute of 160 to the Gaekwar of Baroda.
KAN-OUNG. Revenue circle on the bank of the Irawadi, in Henzada
district, British Burma. Pop. (1876), 10,542.
KAN-OUNG. Township in Henzada district, British Burma. Pop.
(1876), 36,336.
KAN-OUNG. Town on the right bank of the Irawadi, in Henzada
district, British Burma. Lat. 18 11' 50", long. 85 29'. Pop. (1877),
KANPUR. Village in Muttra district, N.W.P.; thirty-one miles
miles south-east of Aligarh. Lat. 27 28', long. 78 19'.
KANPUR (KANHPUR). Village in Jodhpur State, Rajputana ; on
the route from Nasirabad to Di'sa, and 159 miles south-west of the
former. Lat. 25 11', long. 73 10'.
KANPUR ISWARIA. State in Kathiawar, Bombay, paying a
yearly tribute of 23 to the British Government, and 11 to the Nawab
of Junagarh.
KAN-RWA. Revenue circle, Bassein district, British Burma. Area,
41 sq. miles. Pop. (1876), 3657.
KANSAT. Village on the Ganges in Maldah district, Bengal. A fair
is held every spring for two days, when upwards of 10,000 Hindus bathe
in the sacred stream.
KANSBANS. River in Balasor district, Orissa; entering the sea in
lat. 21 12' 25", and long. 86 52' 10".
KANT. Town (in pargana of same name) in Shahjahanpur district,
KW.P. ; on the route from Fatehgarh to Shahjahanpur, and ten miles
south-west of the latter. Lat. 27 49' 10", long. 79 49 45". Pop.
(1872), 5006. Pop. of pargana (1881), 62,068. Also thana. Pop.
(1881), 50,743.
KANTAI. Village in Muzaffarpur district, Bengal ; eight miles from
Muzaffarpur. Lat. 26 13', long. 85 20' 30". Pop. (1881), 5627.
420 KAN
KANTAL. Mountain in Kashmir State, Punjab ; south of the Bultul
Pass. Through this pass lies one of the principal routes from Kashmir to
Ladakh and Baltistan. Its crest forms a division between the basin of
the Indus and that of the Jhelum ; the Dras river, which rises here,
flows northwards to the former river, and the Sind, in a south-west
direction, to the Jhelum. The elevation of this pass is 10,500 feet. Lat.
34 15', long. 75 39'.
KANTALBARL Town in Bhutan State ; distant north from Eangpur
sixty-three miles. Lat. 26 36', long. 89 9'.
KANTANAGAR. Town in Purniah district, Bengal ; on the left bank
of an offset from the Ganges, thirty miles south from the town of Purniah.
Lat. 25 22', long. 87 28'.
KANTEBASAVANAHALLI. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop.
(1881), 20.
KANTH. Town in Moradabad district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 6936.
KANTHA. Town in Unao district, Oudh ; eighteen miles east of
Unao. Pop. (1869), 3734. This ancient town is the scene of two annual
fairs, attended by from 2000 to 5000 persons.
KANTHALPARA. Village in Twenty-fonrParganas district, Bengal.
A fair is held annually at this spot, which is noted as a place of Sanskrit
KANTHUA Village in Allahabad district, N.W.P. ; on the right
bank of the Ganges, 865 miles by way of the river from Calcutta, thirty-
four miles south-east by land from the town of Patehpur. Lat. 25 47',
long. 81 25'.
KANTI (KANTHI). Village in Eohtak district, Punjab; on the
route from Delhi to Narnul, and fourteen miles east of the latter. Lat.
28 3', long. 76 23'.
KANTI (KANTHI). Town in Allahabad district, N.W.P. ; on the
route from Allahabad to Rewah, and sixteen miles south of the former
city. Lat. 25 15', long. 81 51'.
KANTILO. Town on the right bank of the Mahanadi in Khanapara
State, Orissa. Lat. 20 21' 46", long. 85 14' 20". Pop. (1872), 5534.
KANTTJR. Town in Bara Banki district, Oudh ; twenty miles north-
east of Bara Banki. Pop. (1869), 3450.
KANTTJR. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 913.
KANU. Village and railway station in Bardwan district, Bengal;
fifteen miles from Calcutta.
KANTIM. Town in Bashahr State, Punjab ; the principal place of the
Kunawar subdivision ; situate on the declivity of a recess embosomed in
lofty mountains, and near a feeder of the Sutlej, which flows past at
the distance of about a mile. Elevation above the sea, about 9296 feet.
Lat. 31 40', long. 78 30'.
KANTTNA. Town in Jodhpur State, Rajputana ; situate on the right
bank of the Luni river, and fifty -three miles south-west from Jodhpur.
Lat. 25 50', long. 72 30'.
KANTJND. Town in Rohtak district, Punjab ; on the route from Hansi
to Nimach, and 70 miles south of the former. Lat. 28 14', long. 76 13'.
KANTJR. Tillage in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 441.
KANTJWA. Town in Amritsar district, Punjab ; eighty- three miles
east by north of the town of Lahore. Lat. 31 55', long. 75 30'.
KANWARA. Town in Tonk State, Rajputana ; situate on the right
bank of the Ahu river, and 178 miles west by north from Sagar. Lat.
21 25', long. 76 4'.
KANYAGIRL Hill-fort in Nellore district, Madras. Lat. 15 23',
long. 79 32'. Pop. (1881), 2869. It is upwards of 1500 feet above sea-
level, with a tableland of about 600 acres on its summit.
KANYAGIRL Town in Haidarabad State, 140 miles east from
Haidarabad, and fifty- seven miles north-west from Ellore. Lat. 17 21',
long. 80 39'.
KANZAM. Pass in Kangra district, Punjab. Lat. 32 23' 30', long.
77 40' 45". Elevation, about 15,000 feet.
KAORAPTIKTJR. Canal, twenty-three miles in length, in Twenty-
four Parganas district, Bengal. Between lat. 22 17' 22 28' 45", and
long. 88 23' 88 23' 30".
KAPADWANJ. Town (in subdivision of same name) in Kaira
district, Bombay. Lat. 23 1', long. 73 7' 30". Pop. (1872), 13,982.
Area of subdivision, 280 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 93,024.
KAPALADRITG (KABBALDURGA). Hill-fort in Mysore district,
Mysore State; situate in the rough mountainous tract north-east of
Seringapatam, from which it is distant thirty miles. Lat. 12 30', long.
77 21'. Noteworthy as being the spot used by Tipu Sultan for the
incarceration of those who incurred his displeasure.
KAPARGADI. Mountain range in Singbhum district, Bengal ; cul-
minating in the Tuiligar Hill, 2492 feet high. Lat. 22 42' 30", long.
86 11' 30".
KAPARWANJ. Town in Kaira district, Bombay ; situate on a tribu-
tary of the river Sabarmati. Distance from the city of Ahmedabad, east,
thirty miles ; Kaira, north-east, thirty-two. Lat. 23 2', long. 73 9'.
Pop. about 13,000.
KAPASAN. Town in Udaipur State, Rajputana; forty-five miles
north-east by east from Udaipur, and forty-three miles north-west from
Nimach. Lat. 24 53', long. 74 25'.
KAPASHL Town in Rangpur district, Bengal. Pop. (1881), 6556.
KAPASIA. Thana in Dacca district, Bengal. Area, 420 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 119,515.
district, Madras. Lat. 16 44', long. 81 57' 20". Pop. (1871),
KAPILI. Town in Yizagapatam district, Madras ; forty-nine miles
north-east of Yizagapatam. Lat. 18 10', long. 83 55'.
KAPILI. River of the Khasi and Jaintia Hills and Nowgong
districts, Assam ; falls into the Kalang, a branch of the Brahmaputra, in
lat. 26 13', long. 92 35'.
KAPILI NADL River in the Khasi and Jaintia Hills district,
Assam ; a tributary of the Kalang ; rises in lat. 25 8', long. 92 33', and,
flowing in a northerly direction, during which it forms the boundary
between this district and that of Northern Cachar, falls into the Kalang,
in lat. 25 40', long. 92 50'.
KAPILMUNI. Village on the Kabadak, in Jessor district, Bengal.
Lat. 22 41' 30", long. 89 21". Containing the tomb of a Muslim saint,
which is an object of veneration amongst the Muhammadans.
KAPINI (KABBANI, KAPILA). River of Mysore State, falling
into the Kaveri.
KAPRAIRA (KAPRERA). Village in Jodhpur State, Eajputana;
on the route from Nasirabad to the town of Jodhpur, and twenty-nine
miles east of the latter. Lat. 26 17', long. 73 36'.
KAPTANGANJ. Thana in Basti district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
KAPTIRGAON. Town in Ahmednagar district, Bombay ; situate
fifty-nine miles north-north-west of Ahmednagar. Lat. 19 53', long.
74 29'.
KAPIIRRA. Town in Bundi State ; five miles from the right bank
of the river Chambal, and twenty nine miles east-south-east from Bundi.
Lat. 25 22', long. 76 10'.
KAPURTHALA State in the Punjab; between lat. 31 9' 31 39'
30", and long. 75 3' 15" 75 38' 30". Area, 620 sq. miles. Pop.
(1881), 252,617. The Chief, who maintains a force of three fort guns,
eleven field guns, 198 cavalry, 1014 infantry, and 200 police, is entitled
to a salute of 1 1 guns.
KAPURTHALA. Capital of Kapurthala State, Punjab. Lat. 31 23',
lon^. 75 25'. Pop. (1881), 15,237.
KARA. Town in Allahabad district, 1ST.W.P. Pop. (1881), 5080.
Also thana. Pop. (1881), 30,212.
KARACHI (KURRACHEE). District in Sind, Bombay; between
lat. 23 34' 26 57', and long. 66 41' 30" 68 49'. Area, 14,115 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 478,688. Bounded on the north by Shikarpur
district ; on the east by the Indus and Haidarabad district ; on the south
by the sea and the Kori river ; and on the west by Baluchistan and the
Arabian Sea. The chief rivers are the Indus and the Habb, which
divides the district from Baluchistan. The chief towns are Karachi,
Kotri, and Sehwan. The district, which is traversed by the Sind,
Punjab, and Delhi Eailway, is administered by a Collector-Magistrate
and staff.
KARACHI. Port and capital (in taluk of same name) of Karachi
district, Sind, Bombay. Lat. 24 51' 9", long. 67 4' 15". Pop. (1881),
68,332, exclusive of the cantonment, which numbers (1881) 5228. It is
a noble town, though essentially modern, with a fine harbour. Area of
taluk, 1253 sq. miles. Pop. (1872), 62,384.
KARAD. Town and municipality (in subdivision of same name) in
Satara district, Bombay. Lat. 17 17', long. 74 13' 30". Pop. (1881),
10,77S. Area of subdivision, 395 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 140,920.
KARADA. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 520.
KARADIGEDU. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 653.
KARAGDIHA. Thana in Hazaribagh district, Bengal. Area, 613
eq. miles. Pop. (1881), 150,545.
KARAGOLA. Village on the left bank of the Ganges, in Purniah
district, Bengal. Lat. 25 23' 30', long. 87 30' 51". It is an important
ferry on the Ganges, and was formerly the point of crossing for travellers
to Darjiling from Calcutta.
KAR 423
KARAGANDA. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 465.
KARAHIYA. Village in Ghazipur district, K.W.P. ; on the route
from Chanar to Dinapur, sixty-one miles north-east of the former, 185
south-west of the latter. Lat. 25 26', long. 83 50'.
KARAI. Town in the Sagar district, Central Provinces; thirty-one
miles west-south-west of Sagar. Lat. 24 1', long. 78 22'.
KARAI. Eiver of Nepal State, Muzaffarpur, Darbhangah, and
Monghyr districts, Bengal; receives much of the water of the Baghmati,
and falls into the Tiljuga in lat. 25 44', long. 86 28'.
KARAIBARI. Village in Garo Hills, Assam ; formerly included
within Goalpara district. Lat. 25 18', long. 89 53'.
KARAICHTJTL Town in Tinnevelli district, Madras. Lat. 8 24'
45", long. 78 7' 20". Pop. (1871), 5104.
KARAIMADAI. Town, and station on the Nilgiri Railway, in Coim-
batore district, Madras. Lat. 11 10' 45", long. 76 59'. Pop. (1871),
2677. Contains a pagoda, held in great veneration.
KAR A JG AON. Town in Ellichpur district, Berar ; eight miles
north-east of Ellichpur. Lat. 21 19' 30", long. 77 39'. Pop. (1881),
KARAJGI. Town in Satara district, Bombay ; twenty-four miles
north of Bijapur. Lat. 17 9', long. 75 39'.
KARAJGI. Subdivision of Dharwar district, Bombay. Area, 442
sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 83,216.
KARAK. Village in Kohat district, Punjab ; situated twenty-three
miles from the right bank of the Indus, eighty- four miles south-west by
south of the town of Peshawar. Lat. 32 57', long. 71.
KARAKAL. Town in South Kanara district, Madras. Lat. 13 12'
40", long. 75 1' 50". Pop. (1871), 3269. With numerous Buddhist
KARAKAT. Town in Jaunpur district, N.W.P. ; on the route from
Ghazipur to Jaunpur, forty miles north-west of the former, eighteen
south-east of the latter. Lat. 25 36', long. 83'.
KARAKNARIL. Town in Haidarabad State ; sixty miles north-
north-east from Ahmednagar, and sixty miles south-east by south from
Malegaon. Lat. 19 52', long. 75 7'.
KARAKORAM PASS. Pass in Kashmir State, Punjab ; the highest
point on the road between Kashmir and Eastern Turkistan, 18,550 feet
above the sea. Lat. 35 33'.
KARAMBI. Village in Lohardaga district, Bengal ; fifty-eight miles
west-south-west of Lohardaga. Lat. 23 10', long. 83 55'.
KARAMNASA. River of Shahabad district, Bengal, and Mirzapur
district, N.W.P. ; falls into the Ganges near Chausa, in lat. 25 31', long.
83 55'. Total length, 146 miles. This stream is held in the utmost
abhorrence by the Hindus.
KARANAMGERL Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 685.
KARANBAS. Town on the right bank of the Ganges, in Bulandshahr
district, N.W.P. ; thirty miles south-east of Bulandshahr. Pop. (1872),
2057. A religious fair is held annually, attended by upwards of 100,000
KARANDA. Pargana in Ghazipur district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
113,608. Also thana. Pop. (1881), 30,161.
424 KAR
KARANGULL Town in Chengalpat district, Madras. Lat. 12 32',
long. 79 56' 40''. Pop. (1881), 2978. Formerly a place of considerable
KARAN JA. Town in Tanna district, Bombay ; five miles south-east
of Bombay. Lat. 18 51', long. 73. A seaport of some importance.
KARANJA. Town in Wardha district, Central Provinces ; forty -one
miles north-west of Wardha. Pop. (1870), 3000.
KARANJA. Town in Amraoti district, Berar. Lat. 20 29', long.
77 32'. Pop. (1867), 11,750. Contains several temples with beautiful
carved woodwork.
KARANO. Town in Chanda district, Central Provinces; 102 miles
south-east by south from Nagpur, and fifty-five miles east by north from
Chanda. Lat. 20 8', long. 80 14'.
KARANPTJR A. Coal-field in Hazaribagh district, Bengal ; between
lat. 23 37' 23 57', and long. 84 51' 85 30'. Area, 472 sq. miles.
Greatest length, 42 miles; breadth, 19 miles.
KARARI. Pargana in Allahabad district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
75,630. Also thana. Pop. (1881), 36,612.
KARATOYA. River of Jalpaiguri, Rangpur and Bogra districts,
KARATILL Pargana in Agra district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 114,678.
KARATJLI. Town (in pargana of same name) in Agra district,
N.W.P. ; on the route from the city of Agra to Jaipur, and fifteen miles
west of the former. Lat. 27 8', long. 77 51'. Pop. of pargana (1881),
KARATILI (KEROWLEE). State in Rajputana ; between lat.
26 3' 26 49', and long. 76 35' 77 26". Area, 1208 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 148,670. Bounded on the south-east by the river Chambal,
separating it from Gwalior ; on the south and west by Jaipur State ; and
on the north and north-west by Bhartpur and Dholpur States. Much of
this State is mountainous and rugged ; but with no distinctive hill ranges.
The chief town is Karauli (the capital). The Maharaja who is entitled
to a salute of seventeen guns, maintains a force of 250 cavalry, 1535
infantry, 32 artillerymen and 40 guns.
KARAULI (KEROWLEE). Capital of Karauli State, Rajputana.
Lat. 26 30', long. 77 4'. Pop. (1881), 25,607. The town, which
is composed entirely of sandstone, is surrounded by a wall of the same
KARATJNTH A. Village in Rohtak district, Punjab. Lat. 28 48',
long. 76 40'.
KAR AVALEB AD AG A. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 161 .
KARCHANA. Thana in Allahabad district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
KARCHOLL Village in Moradabad district, N.W.P. ; on the route
from Aligarh to Moradabad, and forty-four miles south-west of the latter.
Lat. 28 30', long. 78 33'.
KARDI. Town in Bhandara district, Central Provinces. Pop. (1881),
KARDONG. Village on the left bonk of the Bagha, in Kangra
district, Punjab.
KAR 425
KARELI. Town in Narsinhpur district, Central Provinces. Pop.
(1881), 3371.
KARENG-LE-KHYENG Tillage in Toung-ngu district, British
KARENLTTR. Town in Malabar district, Madras; fifty-one miles
south-east by south of Cannanore. Lat. 11 18', long. 75 56'.
KAREPITTTTJN. Town in Ratnagiri district, Bombay; 174 south-
south-east of Bombay. Lat. 16 32', long. 73 41'.
KARGOD. Town in Bellary district, Madras. Lat. 15 20', long.
76 53'. Pop. (1871), 3776. Celebrated for its temples.
KARGTTN. Ruined town in Indore State, Central India Agency.
Lat. 21 52', long. 75 43' 45".
KARGVIL. Town in Kashmir State, Punjab ; two miles from the
right bank of the river Dras, and seventy-nine miles east-north-east from
Srinagar. Lat. 34 32', long 76 15'.
KARHAL. Town (in tahsil of same name) in Mainpuri district,
N.W.P. Lat. 27 5", long. 78 58' 45". Pop. (1881), 7885. Area
of tahsil, 221 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 100,031. Also pargana. Pop.
(1881), 55,478. And thana. Pop. (1881), 56,090.
KARHARBARI. Coal-field in Hazaribagh district, Bengal ; worked
by the East Indian Railway ; between lat. 24 10' 24 14, and long.
86 16' 86 23'. Area, 11 sq. miles.
KARHLA (KARBL A). Village in Jodhpur State, Rajputana ; on the
route from Nimach, vtd Pali, to the city of Jodhpur, and thirty-three
miles south of the latter. Lat. 25 51', long. 73 23'.
KARIANA. State in North Kathiawar, Bombay. Paying a yearly
tribute of 85 to the British Government, and 20 to the Nawab of
KARIANS. Town in Amherst district, British Burma; fifty-eight
miles east by south of Maulmain. Lat. 16 20', long. 98 34'.
KARIGATTA. Hill at the junction of the Lokapavni river with the
Kaveri in Mysore district, Mysore State. Lat. 12 26', long. 76 47'. An
annual festival, held in February and March, is attended by 20,000 people.
KARIHTJLLI. Town in Mysore State; distant east from Seringa-
patam fifty-six miles. Lat. 12 26', long. 77 33'.
KARIKAL (KARAIKKAL). French town and settlement in Tanjore
district, Madras. Lat. 10 55' 10", long. 79 52' 20". Pop. 92,516.
Area, 52 sq. miles. On a small estuary of the Kaveri river ; distant
from Tanjore, east, forty-seven miles; Madras, south, 150 miles.
KARIKER. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 266.
KARIMGANJ. Village on the Kusiara in Sylhet district, Assam.
Lat. 24 52', long. 92 24'.
KARIMGANJ. Village in Maimansinh district, Bengal.
KARIM KHAN. Village on the right bank of the Jumna in
Hamirpur district, N.W.P. Lat. 26 20', long. 79 34'.
KARIMPUR. Thana in Nadiya district, Bengal. Area, 193 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 102,754.
KARINJA. Town in Nagpur district, Central Provinces ; forty-six
miles west from Nagpur, and fifty-nine miles east from Ellichpur. Lat.
21 16', long. 78 28'.
426 EAR
KARINJA. Town in Nagpur district, Central Provinces; on the
route from Betul to Ellichpur, forty-four miles south-south-west of the
former. Lat. 21 18', long. 77 40'
KABINJA. Town in Wardha district, Central Provinces. Pop.
(1881), 3220.
KARIS. Village in Aligarh district, KW.P. ; on the route from
Aligarh to Muttra, and eighteen miles south-west of the former. Lat.
Lat. 27 39', long. 78 2'.
KARIYAT MITTU. Pargana in Azamgarh district, N.W.P. Pop.
(1881), 13,075.
KARIYAT SIKHAR. Pargana in Mirzapur district, JST.W.P. Pop.
(1881), 24,203.
KARJAT. Town (in subdivision of same name) in Ahmednagar
district, Bombay. Lat. 18 33', long. 75 3'. Pop. (1872), 5535. Area
of subdivision, 580 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 34,820.
KARKAM. Town in Sholapur district, Bombay ; thirteen miles north
of Pandharpur. Lat. 17 52', long. 75 20'. Pop. (1881), 6421.
KARKAMB. Town in Sholapur district, Bombay ; forty-one miles
west-north-west of Sholapur. Lat. 17 51', long. 75 22'.
KARKANAHALLL Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 47.
KARKANL Town in Jodhpur State Rajputana; 110 miles east-
north-east from Jodhpur, and twenty miles south by west from Ajmere.
Lat. 26 45', long. 74 48'.
KARKAUDA (GHARGHUD A) .Village in Meerut district, N.W.P. ;
on the route from Aligarh to Meerut, and eleven miles south of the
latter. Lat. 28 50', long. 77 47'.
KARKIKOT. Town in Nepal State ; three miles from the left bank
of the Gandak river, and 131 miles north-west by west from Khatmandu.
Lat. 28 27', long. 83 21'.
KARKUMBAD. Town in Bilaspur district, Central Provinces ;
situate 101 miles north-west from Sambalpur. Lat. 22 21', long. 82 48'.
KARKUR Pass in Malabar district, Madras ; leading from Malabar
into Nilgiri district. Lat. 11 26' 20" 11 28', long. 76 27' 20"
76 28'.
KARLAPAT. Chiefship in Sambalpur district, Central Provinces.
Pop. (1881), 6270.
KARLI. Village, with famous cave, in Poona district, Bombay;
situate on the main road from Bombay to Poona, seven miles east of the
Bori Ghat. Karli is distant east from Bombay forty miles, north-west
from Poona thirty-two. Lat. 18 45' 20", long. 73 31' 16".
KARLUWALA. Town in Dera Ismail Khan district, Punjab ;
situated twenty -four miles from the right bank of the Jhelum, 142 miles
west of the town of Lahore. Lat. 31 29', long. 71 46'.
KARMADIT NERMADU. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881),
KARMALA. Town and municipality (in subdivision of same name)
in Sholapur district, Bombay. Lat. 18 24', long. 75 14' 30". Pop.
(1881), 5071. Area of subdivision, 766 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
KAR 427
KARMAR. Sixth-class State in Kathiawar, Bombay, paying a yearly
tribute of 14 to the British Government, and 3 to the JNawab of
KARMAR. Town in Allahabad district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 3204.
KARMEL. Village of Gujrat district, Punjab ; on the route from
Ramnagar to Pind Dadan Khan, and six miles north-west of the former
town. It is situate near the right bank of the Chenab. Lat. 32 26',
long. 73 46'.
KARMODA. Town in Akola district, Berar : situate fifty-two miles
west by south of Ellichpur. Lat. 21 6', long. 76 47'.
KARNAGARH. Hill in Bhagalpur district, Bengal. Lat. 25 14'
45", long. 86 58' 30". Contains tea temples of note.
KARNAJA. Town in Amraoti district, Berar. Pop. (1881), 10,923.
KARNAL. District in the Delhi division of the Punjab ; between
lat. 29 9' 30 11', and long. 76 13' 77 15' 30". Area, 2396 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 622,621. Bounded on the north by Umballa
district and Patiala State ; on the west by Patiala and Jind States, and
by Rohtak district ; on the south by Delhi district ; and on the east by
the river Jumna. The chief towns are Karnal (the capital), Panipat, and
Kaithal. The chief river is the Jumna. The district is administered by
a Deputy- Commissioner and staff.
KARNAL. Mural town and municipality (in tahsil of same name) in
Karnal district, Punjab. Lat. 29 42' 17", long. 77 1' 45". Pop.
(1881), 23,133. Area of tahsil, 832 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 231,094.
KARNAPHTJLI. River of Chittagong Hill Tracts and Chittagong
districts, Bengal ; falls into the Bay of Bengal, in lat. 22 12', long. 91
49' 30".
KARNAPRAYAG. Village in Kumaun district, N.W.P. ; at the
confluence of the Alaknanda and Pindar rivers. Elevation above the sea,
2560 feet. Lat. 30 15', long. 79 16'.
KARNATIC (CARNATIC). A name given somewhat vaguely to the
country on the eastern shore of the Peninsula of India. It extends from
Cape Comorin to the Northern Circars, and from the Ghats to the Bay of
Bengal ; between lat. 8 10' 16, and long. 77 19' 80 19'.
KARNOLI. Village in Bannu district, Punjab; situated seventeen
miles from the left bank of the Indus, 118 miles south of the town of
Peshawar. Lat. 32 18', long. 71 36'.
KARNUL. District in Madras. Bounded on the north by Haidarabad
State (separated from it by the Tungabhadra and Krishna) and Kistna
district ; on the south by Cuddapah and Bellary districts ; on the east by
Nellore and Kistna districts; and on the west by Bellary district; between
lat. 14 54' 16 14', and long. 77 46' 79 15'. Area, 7788 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 709,305. The chief mountains are the Nallamalai and
Yellamalai ranges. The chief rivers are the Tungabhadra and the
Kistna. The chief towns are Karnul (the capital), Vandial, Cumbum,
and Gudur. The district is a great centre of the weaving industry, which
gives employment to upwards of 14,000 persons. Karnul was constituted
a separate Collectorate in 1858.
KARNUL. Capital of Karnul district, Madras. Lat. 15 49' 58",
long. 78 5' 29". Pop. (1881), 20,329.
428 KAR
KARO (NORTH). River of Lohardaga and Singhbhum districts,
Bengal ; falls into the South Koel.
KARO (SOUTH). River of Gangpur and Keunjhar States and Singh-
bhum district, Bengal ; falls into the South Koel.
KAROLE. State in Kathiawar, Bombay ; paying a yearly tribute of
70 to the British Government, and 9 to the Nawab of Junagarh.
KAROLL State in Mahi Kantha, Bombay. Pop. (1881), 1504. The
Chief pays a yearly tribute of 51 to the Gaekwar of Baroda, and 9 to
the Maharaja of Edar.
KARON. Thana in Ghazipur district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 47,918.
KAROND (KALAHANDI). State in Sambalpur district, Central
Provinces; between lat. 19 5' 20 30', and long. 82 40' 83 50'.
Bounded on the north by Patna State ; on the south and east by Jaipur
State and Vizagapatam district, Madras; and on the west by Bindra
Nawagarh and Khariar States. Area, 3745 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
224,584. The present chief, who is entitled as a personal distinction
to a salute of 9 guns, pays a yearly tribute of 335 to the British
KAROR. Town and municipality (in tahsil of same name) in Dera
Ismail Khan district, Punjab. Lat. 31 13' 30", long. 70 59' 15".
Pop. (1881), 2723. An annual festival is held in this city. Area of
tahsil, 312 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 255,731.
KARRA. Town in ruins on the right bank of the Ganges (in tahsil
of same name), in Allahabad district, N.W.P. Lat. 25 41', long. 81
28'. Pop. (1881), 5080. Pop. of tahsil (1881), 123,386.
KARRAK. Salt-mine in Kohat district, Punjab. Annual average
income, 783.
KARRAKPUR. Town in Hardoi district, Oudh ; on the route from
Patehgarh to Sitapur, eight miles north-east of the former, seventy-four
west of the latter. It is situate on the left bank of the Ramganga
(Western). Lat. 27 27', long. 79 47'.
^ KARRAN (KARAN). Town in Bamra State, Central Provinces ;
situate on the left bank of one of the branches of the Brahmani river, and
sixty-one miles east from Sambalpur. Lat. 21 27', long. 84 59'.
KARRANG. Town in Nowgong district, Assam ; fifteen miles north-
north-east of Nowgong. Lat. 26 33', long. 92 56'.
KARRAPUR. Town in Sagar district, Central Provinces. Pop.
(1881), 2154.
KARRARI. Town in Darbhangah district, Bengal ; on the route
from Darbhangah to Purniah, thirty-two miles east of the former. Lat.
26 7', long. 86 29'.
KARRI. Town in Baroda State ; distance from the city of Ahmed-
ubad, north-west, fifty- two miles ; Baroda, north-west, eighty-five ; Surat,
north, 155 ; Bombay, north, 310. Lat. 23 18', long. 72 19'.
KARSANI. Village in Mainpuri district, N.W.P. ; on the route from
Alfgarh to Fatehgarh, and forty-four miles south-east of the former.
Lat. 27 44', long. 78 46'.
KARSIANG. Village in Darjiling district, Bengal; on the road from
the plains to Darjiling, twenty miles south of that town. Lat. 26 52' 40",
long. 88 19' 30". Also thana. Area, 171 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 26,937.
KAR 429
KARSOD. Town in Gwalior State, Central India Agency ; situate
twenty-eight miles west from TJjjain, and ninety miles south-south-east
from Nimach. Lat. 23 12', long. 75 22'.
KARTAIRL River of the Nilgiri Hills district, Madras; falls into
the Bhavani in lat. 11 18', long. 76 57'.
KARTARPUR. Town and municipality in Jalandhar district, Punjab ;
nine miles north of Jalandhar. Lat. 31 26' 39", long. 75 32' 28".
Pop. (1881), 9260. Held in great veneration as the hereditary residence
of the Sikh Guru.
KARTIN AD. State in Malabar district, Madras; between lat. 11
36' 11 48', and long. 75 36' 75 52'. The capital (Kuthipuram) is
in lat. 11 42', long. 75 44'.
KARTJB. Town in Patna district, Bengal ; fifteen miles south-south-
east of Patna. Lat. 25 21', long. 85 21'.
KARUDOGTI. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 84.
KARTIMATTAMPATTL Town in Coimbatore district, Madras. Lat.
11 7', long. 77 4'. Pop. (1871), 3374.
KARTIMATTIIR. Town in Madura district, Madras. Lat. 9 57',
long. 79 59'. Pop. (1871), 5775.
KARTJMBA. An island situated in the Gulf of Cutch, four miles
from the coast of the peninsula of Kathiawar, Bombay ; one mile and a
half long, north to south, and three miles broad, east to west. Lat. 22
27', long. 69 47'.
KARTJN. River of Kanker State and Raipur district, Central Pro-
vinces; falling into the Seo near Simga, in lat. 21 34', long. 81 44'.
KARTJN AP ALE. Town in Travancore State, Madras ; at the northern
extremity of an extensive inlet communicating with the Indian Ocean.
Distance from Cochin city, south-east, sixty miles. Lat. 9 16', long.
75 28'.
KA-RTIP-PI. Revenue circle in Amherst district, British Burma.
Pop. (1876), 1844.
KA-RTIP-PI. Village (in the revenue circle of the same name) in
Amherst district, British Burma. Pop. (1876), 1297.
KARUR. Town, and station on the Madras Railway, in Coimbatore
district, Madras ; on the left bank of the Amravati river, near its con-
fluence with the Kaveri. Lat. 10 57' 42", long. 78 7' 16". Pop.
(1881), 9205. The town was ceded to the British Government in
KARTJRA. Town in Raipur district, Central Provinces ; four miles
from the right bank of the Sundar river, and 128 miles west by south
from Sambalpur. Lat. 21 1', long. 82 7'.
KARVIR. Town in Kolhapur State, Bombay. Pop. (1881), 38,599.
KARWAITNAGAR. State in North Arcot district, Madras ; between
lat. 13 4' 13 36' 30", and long. 79 17' 79 53. Area, about 640
sq. miles. Pop. (1871), 252,050.
KARWAITNAGAR. Town (in State of same name) in Worth Arcot
district, Madras. Pop. (1871), 6894.
KARWAR. Town and municipality (in subdivision of same name) in
and capital of North Kanara district, Bombay. Lat. 14 50', long. 74
14'. Pop. (1881), 13,761. Karwar is the only safe harbour between
Bombay and Cochin during all seasons of the year. A railway is in
course of construction from Hubli to the port. Area of subdivision, 281
sq. miles. Fop. (1881), 47,742.
KARWI. Subdivision of Banda district, N.W.P. ; between lat. 24
53' 25 19', and long. 80 50' 81 18'. Area, 1292 sq. miles.
KARWI. Town (in tahsil of same name) in Banda district, N.W.P.
On the river Paisuni, forty-two miles from Banda. Lat. 25 12' 10",
long. 80 56' 50". Pop. (1881), 4167. The accumulations of the native
Potentate resident at Karwi, who rebelled during the Mutiny of 1857,
formed the nucleus of the " Banda and Karwi Prize." The city contains
numerous temples, some of great magnificence. Of these the Ganesh
Bagh is the most celebrated. Area of tahsil, 466 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
85,318. Also thana. Pop. (1881), 38,403.
KASAI. River of Manbhum and Midnapur districts, Bengal ; rising
in lat. 23 28' 30", long. 85 58' 15", and falling into the Haldi.
KASALAGODU. Tillage in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 42.
KASALANG. River of the Chittagong Hill Tracts district, Bengal ;
falls into the Karnaphuli in lat. 22 44', long. 92 19'.
KASALANG. Village in the Chittagong Hill Tracts district, Bengal ;
on the river of same name, where it joins the Karnaphuli in lat. 22 44',
long. 92 19' 30". An annual fair is held in this village, when the
district officers hold a public reception.
KASALPTJRA. State in Mahi Kantha, Bombay. Pop. (1881), 388.
The chief pays a yearly tribute of 4 16s. to the Gaekwar of Baroda.
KASARL Village in Allahabad district, KW.P. ; on the route from
the city of Allahabad to Lucknow, and ten miles north-west of the former.
Lat. 25 33', long. 81 50'.
KASARIYA. Thana in Champaran district, Bengal. Area, 269 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 177,682.
KASATJLI. Town and cantonment in Simla district, Punjab. Lat.
30 53' 13", long. 77 0' 52". Pop. (1881), 2807. Elevation, 6322 feet
above the sea. Forty-five miles from TJmballa, thirty-two miles from
KASATJLIYA. Village in Farrukhabad district, KW.P. ; on the
route from Ah'garh to Fatehgarh, and forty-two miles north-west of the
latter. Lat. 27 31', long. 79 4'.
KASBA. Thana in Tipperah district, Bengal. Area, 157 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 114,152.
KASBA. Village on the river Damodar, in Bardwan district, Bengal.
Lat. 23 21', long. 87 33' 30".
KASBA. Town in Purniah district, Bengal ; four miles from Purniah.
Lat. 25 51', long. 87 34' 41". Pop. (1881), 5124.
KASBA BOLA. Village in Ghazipur district, N.W.P. ; on the route
from Dinapur to Ghazipur, eleven miles east by north of the latter.
Lat. 25 34', loner. 83 49'.
KASBA SIKUNDRA. Village in Allahabad district, N.W.P. ; on
the route from Mirzapur to Lucknow, forty-nine miles north-west of the
former. Lat. 25 35', long. 82 4'.
KAS 431
KASBA SUCHANDL Village in Cawnpore district, N.W.P. ; on the
route from Cawnpore to Jalaun, ten miles west- south- west of the former.
Lat. 26 27', long. 80 16'.
KASGANJ. Village in Farrukhabad district, N.W.P. ; on the route
from Lucknow to Fategarh, and thirty- eight miles south-east of the
latter. Lat. 27, long. 80 2'.
KASGANJ. Town and municipality (in tahsil of same name) in Etah
district, N.W.P. Lat. 27 48' 5", long. 78 41' 30". Pop. (1881), 16,535.
There is a handsome mosque, remarkable for its curious roof and numerous
minarets. Area of tahsil, 490 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 216,906. Also
thana. Pop. (1881), 60,576.
KASHIPUR. Chiefship in Sambalpur district, Central Provinces.
Pop. (1881), 28,083.
KASHIPUR. Thana in Hamirpur district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
KASHIPUR (SITARGANJ). Thana in Tarai district, JST.W.P. Pop.
(1881), 48,990.
KASHIPUR. See Klsipun.
KASHMAR. Thana in Hazaribagh district, Bengal. Area, 321 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 47,094.
KASHMIR AND JAMU. State on the borders of the Punjab;
between lat. 32 17' 36 58', and long. 73 26' 80 30'. Area, 79,784
sq. miles. Pop. (1873), 1,534,972. Bounded on the north by petty
States subordinate to Kashmir, and by the Karakoram Mountains ; on the
east by Chinese Thibet ; on the south and west by the Punjab districts
and the Hazara country. This State is surrounded and intersected by
lofty mountains. The highest peak is believed to be Haramuk, 16,015
feet high. The chief river is the Jhelum, with its various tributaries.
The chief towns are Jamu, Srinagar, and Leh. There are many lakes,
of which Wular is the largest. The present Raja, who is a G. C.S.I., a
General in the British Army, and a Counsellor of the Empress, is entitled
to a salute of 19 guns, but 21 guns have been assigned permanently to the
Buler of this State when in his own dominions. He pays an annual
tribute of one horse, twelve shawl goats, and three pairs of shawls to the
British Government. The military force of the State consists of two
regiments of cavalry, sixteen batteries of artillery, 5000 irregular troops,
and about 19,000 infantry. Janm is a great centre of trade, as goods
from British India pass this way en route to Central Asia. An annual
fair is held in the city, commencing on the 20th November. A British
Officer is attached to the Kashmir Court.
KASHMOR. Town (in taluk of same name) in Upper Sind Frontier
district, Sind ; eighty-six miles north-north-east from Jacob abad. Lat.
28 26', long. 69 36'. Pop. (1872), 956. Area of taluk, 782 sq. miles.
Pop. (1872), 25,232.
KASHPUR. Village in Cachar district, Assam.
KASHUNG (KOZHANG). Eiver in Bashahr State, Punjab ; falling
into the Sutlej, in lat. 31 36', long. 78 22'.
KASIA. Town in Gorakhpur district, N.W.P. Noteworthy as the
spot where Buddha died.
KASIARL Village in Midnapur district, Bengal. Lat. 22 7' 25",
long. 87 16' 20".
432 KAS
KASIGAON. Town in Satara district, Bombay; 154 miles south-east
by east of Bombay. Lat. 17 8', long. 74 16'.
KASIGAON. Town in Satara district, Bombay ; eighty- eight miles
east of Satara. Lat. 17 36', long. 75 22'.
KASIJORA. Village in Midnapur district, Bengal. Lat. 22 17' 20",
long 87 22' 45". Centre of mat-making industry.
KASIMABAD. Town in Ghazipur district, N.W.P. ; on the route
from Ghazipur to Gorakhpur, fifteen miles north of the former. Lat.
25 45', long. 83 43'. Also thana. Pop. (1881), 101,313.
KASIMBAZAR. Town in Murshidabad district, Bengal. Lat. 24
7' 40", long. 88 19'. Formerly a place of great importance, and one of
the earliest settlements of the East India Company ; but a change in the
course of the Bhagiratbi river caused the decay of the town, which is
now desolate and deserted. It is the seat of a wealthy Hindu family,
the head of which is at present (1885) the well-known Rani Swarnamayi.
KASIMKA. Town in Bahawalpur State, Punjab ; four miles from
the left bank of the Ghara river, and ninety-one miles north-east by east
from Bahawalpur. Lat. 30 2', long. 73 3'.
KASIMKOTA. Town in Vizagapatam district, Madras ; thirty miles
west of Yizagapatam. Lat. 17 39' 50", long. 83 0' 10". Pop. (1881),
KASIMPUR (KASIMABAD). Town in Aligarh district, KW.P. ;
on the route from Fatehgarh to Meerut, by Khasganj, and 101 miles
north-west of Fatehgarh. It is situate near the left bank of the Kali
Nadi (East). Lat. 28 3', long. 78 19'.
KASIMPUR GARHL Town in Bijnaur district, N.W.P. Pop.
(1881), 3824.
KASIN. Town in Firozpur district, Punjab ; situate on the left bank
of the Sutlej, and thirty-three miles south-west by west from Firozpur.
Lat. 30 38', long. 74 14'.
KASIN AGAR. Town in Hill Tipperah State, Bengal ; situate on the
right bank of one of the branches of the Barak, and thirty-two miles
south- south-east from Sylhet. Lat. 24 32', long. 92 10'.
KASIPUR. Town and municipality (in tahsil of same name) in the
Tarai district, N.W.P. Lat. 29 13', long. 78 59' 50". Pop. (1881),
14,667. Famous place of Hindu pilgrimage, having several temples and
a holy tank, where devotees bathe on their way to Badrinath. Area of
tahsil, 186 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 74,973.
KASIPUR. Village in Gurgaon district, Punjab ; on the right bank
of the Jumna. Distance south-east from Delhi, forty-eight miles. Lat.
28 1', long. 77 33'.
KASIYA. Village in Allahabad district, N.W.P. ; on the route from
Allahabad to Fatehpur, and twenty-nine miles north-west of the former.
Lat. 25 36', long. 81 32'.
KASIYA. Thana in Gorakhpur district, KW.P. Pop. (1881), 78,608.
KASLA PAGINU MUWADU. State of Rewa Kantha, Bombay,
paying a yearly tribute of 6 to the Gaekwar of Baroda. Area, 1 J sq.
KASMANDI KALAN. Town in Lucknow district, Oudh; four miles
east of Malihabad. Pop. (1869), 1990.
KASNA. Thana in Bulandshahr district, KW.P. Pop. (1881),
KASNTKOTA. Town in Yizagapatam district, Madras ; twenty-two
miles west of Vizagapatam. Lat. 17 40', long. 83 1'.
KASNTJH (KHASNA). Town in Bulandshahr district, KW.P. ; on
the route from Delhi to Muttra, by the left bank of the Jumna, and
twenty-five miles south-east of the former. Lat. 28 26', long. 77 36'.
KASOHAN. Town in Patiala State, Punjab. Pop. (1881), 709.
KASSAI GOPANG. Town in Haidarabad district, Sirid, Bombay ;
on the route from Haidarabad to Sehwan, by the way of Kotri, and
twenty-five miles north of Haidarabad. It is situate on the right bank
of the Indus. Lat. 25 46', long. 68 22'.
KASSAWARUM PETTA. Town in North Arcot district, Madras.
Lat. 13 10', long. 79 41'.
KASSERGITRJ. Town in Maimansinh district, Bengal ; on the left
bank of the Brahmaputra, twenty-five miles south-east of Jamalpur. Lat.
24 47', long. 90 16'.
KASSIAGATT. Town in Nepal State; distant north from Jemlah
twenty-five miles. Lat. 29 40', long. 81 49'.
KASTA. Village (in pargana of same name) in Kheri district, Oudh.
Pop. (1869), 1165. Area of pargana, 95 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
KASTJMI. Town in Jaipur State, Madras; eleven miles north-west
from Jaipur, and 104 miles north-west from Vizianagrum. Lat. 19 10',
long. 82 20'.
K ASTIR. Town and municipality (in tahsil of same name) in Lahore
district, Punjab; thirty-four miles south-east of Lahore. Lat. 31 6'
46", long. 74 30' 31". Pop. (1881), 17,336. Area of tahsil, 794 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 229,798.
KASTIR. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 49.
KASWAR RAJA. Pargana in Benares district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
KASWAR SIRKAR. Pargana in Benares district, KW.P. Pop.
(1881), 30,090.
KATAHRA. Town in Jhansi district, N.W.P. ; thirty miles from
Jhansi, and fifteen from Mhow. Pop. (1872), 4437.
KATAKERL Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 458.
KATAKHAL. Branch of the Dhaleswari river, in Cachar district,
KATAKPTTR. Village in Moradabad district, N.W.P. ; on the route
from Aligarh to Moradabad, and thirty miles south-west of the latter.
Lat. 28 33', long. 78 32'.
KATAL. Tract of country in Maldah district, Bengal ; containing the
ruins of the city of Panduah, formerly a place of great splendour.
KATALGARH. Town in Kumaun district, KW.P. ; four miles north
of Champawat. Lat. 29 24', long. 80 5'.
KATAMBO. Town in Ulwur State, Rajputana ; sixty miles west of
Agra, and ninety-five south of Delhi. Lat. 27 20', long. 77 3'.
KATANGA. Village on the Tapti, in Central Provinces.
434 KAT
KATANGL Tahsfl in Seoni district, Central Provinces. Area, 83-9
sq. miles. Pop. (1872), 120,754.
KATANGL State in Bilaspur district, Central Provinces. Area, 57
sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 15,845. The capital of the same name is situate
in lat. 21 46' 30", long. 79 51'.
KATANGL Forest in Betul district, Central Provinces. Area, 170
sq. miles.
KATANGI. Village on the river Hiran, in Jabalpur district, Central
Provinces ; twenty-two miles north-west of Jabalpur. Lat. 23 26' 30",
long. 79 50'. Pop. (1881), 3505.
KATANGL Town on the right bank of the Wainganga, in Nagpur
district, Central Provinces. Eighty-eight miles east-north-east from
]S T agpur. Lat. 21 43', long. 80 21'.
KATANGTOLA. Town in Seoni district, Central Provinces; situate
seventy miles north-east by east from Nagpur, and 101 miles south from
Jabalpur. Lat. 21 41', long. 80 4'.
KATAS. Sacred spring and place of pilgrimage in Jhelum district,
Punjab. Lat. 32 43' 30", long. 72 59' 30".
KATATJLL Village in Fatehpur district, N.W.P. ; on the route from
Banda to the town of Fatehpur, and eleven miles south-west of the latter.
Lat. 25 52', long. 80 44'.
KA-TA-WA. Revenue circle on the Ku-la-dan river, in Akyab
district, British Burma. Pop. (1876), 2020.
KATHA MYO. Town of Independent Burma ; situate on the right
bank of the Irawadi river, and 161 miles north from Ava. Lat. 24 11',
long. 96 14'.
KATHATJR, A. Village in Rohtak district, Punjab ; on the route from
Delhi to Hansi, and thirty-seven miles north-east of the former. Lat.
28 50', long. 76 45'.
KATHI. State in Khandesh, Bombay; paying a yearly tribute of
13 to the British Government. Pop. (1872), 5000.
KATHIRUR (KTTTIATUR). Town in Malabar district, Madras .
Lat. 11 58' 40", long. 75 31' 54". Pop. (1871), 3954.
KATHIWAR. A great peninsula in Bombay, being that part of
Guzerat which lies between lat. 20 41' 23 8', and long. 68 56' 72
20'. Bounded on the south and west by the Indian Ocean ; on the north
by the Gulf and Runn of Cutch ; on the east by Ahmedabad district and
the Gulf of Cambay. The Kathiawar Agency comprises no less than
187 States. Area, 20,879 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 2,343,899. The head-
quarters of the Political Agent are at Rajkot. The province is traversed
))y the Bombay, Baroda, and Central India Railway.
KATHIWARA. State in the Central India Agency. Area, 68 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 2376.
KATH KI NAO. Summit in Kumaun district, N.W.P. ; in the range
dividing the valley of the Western Ramganga river from that of the
Kosila. Elevation above the sea, 5001 feet. Lat. 29 34', long. 79 10'.
KATHNA. River of Shahjahanpur district, N.W.P., and Kheri
and Sitapur districts, Oudh ; falls into the Gumti in lat. 27 20', long.
80 27'.
KAT 435
KATHOJTYA. Town in Nepal State; three miles from the right
bank of the Trisul Ganga river, and thirty- five miles west-north-west
from Khatmandu. Lat. 27 53', long. 84 47'.
KATHOR. Town in Meenit district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 3985.
KATHORI. Village in Jaisalmir State, Rajputana ; on the route from
Jaisalmir to Bahawalpur, and sixteen miles north of the former. Lat. 27
7', long. 70 59'.
KATHROTA. State of South Kathiawar, Bombay, paying a yearly
tribute of 5 to the Nawab of Junagarh.
KATI. Town in Haidarabad State ; situate 141 miles east by south
of Poona. Lat. 17 58', long. 75 58'.
KATI (KASTI). Village in Dehra Dun district, KW.P. ; among the
mountains on the right of the Jumna, and two miles from its bank. Lat.
30 36', long. 78 3'.
KATIANA. Town in Kathiawar, Bombay. Pop. (1881), 8177.
KATIAEI. Pargana in Hardoi district, Oudh ; bounded on the north
by Pali pargana ; on the east by Barwan and Sandi parganas ; on the
south and south-west by Bhojpur and Taligram parganas of Farrukhabad
district, N.W.P. ; and on the west by Khakhatmau and Paramnagar
parganas of Farrukhabad, from which it is separated from the Ganges.
Area, 90 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 36,173.
KATIGIRI. Town in Belgaum district, Bombay ; seventy-six miles
east by north of Belgaum. Lat. 16 4', long. 75 41'.
KATIGORA. Village on the right bank of the Barak river, in Cachar
district, Assam. Lat. 24 53', long. 92 38'.
KATILI Town in Maimansinh district, Bengal ; seventy-seven miles
east of Dinajpur. Lat. 25 27', long. 89 50'.
KATIPARA. Village on the banks of the Kabadak, in Jessor district,
Bengal. Lat. 22 46', long. 89 54'.
KATJTJRI. Eiver in Cuttack district, Orissa, Bengal ; a branch of the
Mahanadi, entering the sea under the name of the Jotdar.
KATKA. Thana in Mirzapur district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
KATKARINJEH. Town in Keunjhar State, Orissa, Bengal; 185
miles west by south from Calcutta, and 110 east-north-east from
Sambalpur. Lat. 21 55', long. 85 40'.
KATKA TIMROAHA. Village in Benares district, N.W.P. ; on the
route from Allahabad to the city of Benares, fifty-five miles east of the
former, nineteen west of the latter. Lat. 25 16', long. 82 45'.
KATKOT. Town in Gwalior State, Central India Agency; 103 miles
west-south-west from Hoshangabad, and 120 miles north-west from
Ellichpur. Lat. 22 20', long. 76 12'.
KATNA. River in Bhagalpur and Monghyr districts, Bengal; falls
into the Tiljuga in lat. 25 34', long. 86 46' 30".
KATNAGAR. Town in Midnapur district, Bengal; seventy-seven
miles south-west by west of Calcutta. Lat. 22 1', long. 87 22'.
KATOH. Town in Jodhpur State, Rajputana; ninety-four miles
north-east by east from Ajmere. Lat. 27 7', long. 74 19'.
KATOL. Town (in tahsil of same name) in Mgpur district, Central
Provinces ; upon the left bank of the Jam, forty miles from Ndgpur.
436 KAT
Lat. 21 16' 30", long. 78 38'. Pop. (1881), 4137. Contains a curious
temple built without mortar. Area of tahsil, 797 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
KATOE-IA. State in Kathiawar, Bombay, paying a yearly tribute
of 19 to the Gaekwar of Baroda, and 2 to the Nawab of Junagarh.
KATOSAN. State in Mahi Kantha, Bombay, paying a yearly tribute
of 54 to the Gaekwar of Baroda. Pop. (1881), 1743.
KATOTIA. Town in Mandla district, Central Provinces ; situate on
the route from Ramgarh to Jabalpur, eighteen miles west-north-west of
the former. Lat. 22 53', long. 80 46'.
KATPURL Tillage in Etawah district, KW.P. ; on the route from
Agra to Etawah, and eighteen miles north-west of the latter. Lat. 26
58', long. 78 53'.
KATRA. Village in Allahabad district, N.W.P. ; gives name to a
Pass over the Kaimur Hills between Allahabad and Rewah, in lat.
24 51', long. 82 11'. 1219 feet above sea-level.
KATRA (AKBARPTJR). Town on the west bank of the Lakhandai
river, in Muzaffarpur district, Bengal. Pop. (1872), 2208. Also thana.
Area, 228 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 187,340.
KATRA. Pargana in Shahjahanpur district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
8988. Also thana. Pop. (1881), 33,863.
KATRAH. Town in Gonda district, Oudh. Pop. (1881), 2418.
KATRI. Town in Bhagalpur district, Bengal; twenty miles north-
east by east of Bhagalpur. Lat. 25 20', long. 87 17'.
KATRA MEDNI SINK. Town in Partabgarh district, Oudh. Pop.
(1869), 2762.
KATSAHI. Town in Balasor district, Bengal ; ninety-nine miles
south-west of Calcutta. Lat. 21 39', long. 87 16'.
KA-TSENG. Revenue circle in Rangoon district, British Burma.
Area, 20 sq. miles. Pop. (1871), 3410.
KATTAJI. River of Karachi district, Sind, Bombay ; rises in lat. 25
7', long. 67 28', and after a course of twenty miles, falls into the river
K ATT ANO. Village in Mainpuri district, N.W.P. ; thirty miles
north-west of the town of Mainpuri. Lat. 27 24', long. 78 37'.
KATTEMADTI. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 194.
KATTEPTIRA. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 233.
KATTEREWAH. Town in Mandla district, Central Provinces ; on
the route from Jabalpur to Ratanpur, seventy -nine miles south-east of the
former. Lat 22 29', long. 80 57'.
KATTYWAR. See KixHiiwiR.
KATTI BYENG. Revenue circle in Thayet district, British Burma.
Pop. (1876), 1626.
KATTJPADI. Town in Jaipur State, Vizagapatam district, Madras ;
situate nineteen miles north-west from Jaipur, and 112 miles north-west
from Vizianagram. Lat. 19 15', long. 82 16'.
KATTIRIA. Thana in Bhagalpur district, Bengal. Area, 645 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 77,644.
KATWA. Town and municipality (in subdivision of same name) at
the confluence of the Bhagirathi and Ajai rivers, in Bardwan district,
Bengal. Lat. 23 38' 55', long. 88 10' 40". Pop. (1881), 6820. Katwa
is considered sacred by certain sects of the Hindus. Area of subdivision,
352 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 230,209. Also thana. Area, 142 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 82,943.
KATYAR. Village in Haidarabad district, Sind, Bombay; twenty
miles from Haidarabad city. Pop. (1872), 1125.
KAUIWIN. Town in Bastar State, Central Provinces ; distant north-
west from Bastar twenty-eight miles. Lat. 19 24', long. 81 36'.
KAULAIR. Town in Haidarabad State; 137 miles north-north-west
from Haidarabad, and 137 miles south by east from Ellichpur. Lat. 19
17', long. 78'.
KAULAPUR. Town in Ahiri chief ship, Chanda district, Central
Provinces; 152 miles south from iNagpur, and 115 miles west from
Bastar. Lat. 19 10', Ions. 80 13'.
KAULABI (KOELARU). Town in Agra district, N.W.P. ; twelve
miles south-east of the city of Agra. Lat. 27 3', long 78 14'.
KAULAS. Town in Indore State, Central India Agency ; situate ten
miles from the right bank of the Narbada river, and eighty-nine miles
north-west from Betul. Lat. 22 31', long. 76 49'.
KAULAS. Town in Haidarabad State ; on the route from Haidar-
abad to Nandair, eighty- five miles north-west of former, sixty -five south-
east of latter. Lat. 18 20', long. 77 45'.
KATJLI DRUG. Town in Mysore State ; ten miles south-east from
Beclnur, and 140 miles north-west from Seringapatam. Lat. 13 43',
long. 75 10'.
KAULSERA. Tillage in Bulandshahr district, N.W.P. ; on the route
from Aligarh to Delhi, and eighteen miles south-east of the latter;
situate near the left bank of the Hindan. Lat. 28 32', long. 77 29'.
KAUMALLA. Town in Jodhpur State, Eajputana; 106 miles south-
west by south from Jodhpur, and fifty-four miles north by east from
Dfsa. Lat. 24 58', long. 72 21'.
KAUNDAUR. Town in Jaipur State, Yizagapatam district, Madras ;
twenty -two miles east from Jaipur, and seventy- six miles north-west from
Yizianagram. Lat. 18 59', long. 82 46'.
KAUNDHA. Town in Hardoi district, Oudh ; five miles north-west
of Hardoi. Pop. (1869), 2186.
KAUPUM. Town in Man (pur State, Assam ; thirty miles west-
south-west from Manipur, and 112 miles east by south from Sylhet.
Lat. 24 40', long. 93 36'.
KAURAH. Town in Cutch State, Bombay; situate in the Great
Western Rann, and forty-four miles north by east from Bhuj. Lat. 23
50', long. 69 50'.
KAURAUKIRI. Halting-place in Kyouk-hpyu district, British
Burma; on the Aeng (or An) route, between Natyagain and Aeng. A
fine stream issues from the hills close to it. Lat. 20, long. 94 14'.
KAURIA. Thana in Bijnaur district, KW.P. Pop. (1881), 850.
KAURIAGANJ. Town in Aligarh district, JS T .W.P. Pop. (1881),
KAURI AL. Town in Jabalpur district, Central Provinces; on the
route from Jabalpur to Panna, twenty-nine miles north-east of the
former. Lat. 23 32', long. 80 10'.
KATJRIALA. Eiver of Thibet and Nepal States, and Kheri and
Bahraich districts, Oudh ; it receives as tributaries, the Girwa, the
Chauka, and the Sarda ; and falls into the Gogra, which in turn joins
the Ganges in lat. 25 46', long. 84 40'.
KAURI All SINGH KE. Village in Patiala State, Punjab ; on the
route from Hansi to Ludhiana, and sixty-five miles north of the former
town. Distant north-west from Calcutta, 1041 miles. Lat. 29 59',
long. 75 9'.
KAURI Y A. Town in Eewah State, Central India Agency ; situate
on the right bank of a branch of the Son, and eighty miles south-west by
south from Rewah. Lat. 23 32', long. 80 42'.
KAURIYA. State in Raipur district, Central Provinces ; eighty miles
east of Raipur. Area, 490 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 11,800.
KAURIYA. Village in Narsinhpur district, Central Provinces. Lat.
22 55' 30", long. 78 33'. Pop. (1881), 3295.
KAURIYA. Town (in pargana of same name) in Azamgarh district,
N.W.P. ; on the route from Azamgarh to Faizabad, seventeen miles
north-west by north of the former. Lat. 26 13', long. 83 7'. Pop. of
pargana (1881), 48,422.
KAUTA. Town in Sangli State, Bombay; situate eighty-four miles
north-north-east from Belgaum, and seventy-two miles south-east from
Satara. Lat. 17, long. 74 55'.
KAUTALL. Town in Bellary district. Madras ; forty-eight miles
north-north-east of Bellary. Lat. 15 47', long. 77 11'.
KAV ADI. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 494.
KAVAI. Town in Malabar district, Madras. Lat. 10 56', long. 75
58'. Pop. (1871), 5882.
KAVALE-DURGA. Hill, 3058 feet high, in Shimoga district,
Mysore; with ruined fortifications. Lat. 13 43' 53", long. 75
9' 20".
KAV ALL Town in Nellore district, Madras. Pop. (1881), 4927.
KAV AND APP ADI. Town in Coimbatore district, Madras. Lat. 11
23', long. 77 42'. Pop. (1871), 6898.
KAVERI (CAUVERY). River of Coorg and Mysore States, and
Coimbatore, Salem, Trichinopoly, and Tanjore districts, Madras. Its
chief mouth (a northerly one) is called the Coleroon (or Kolladam).
Three famous islands formed by the Kaveri are Seringapatam, Siva-
samudram, and Srirangam. Its chief tributaries are the Hemavati,
Lakshmantirtha, Lokapavani, Kabbani, Suvarnavati, Bhavani, Noyel, and
Amravati. Its total length is about 475 miles.
KAVERIPAK. Town in North Arcot district, Madras; ten miles
east of Arcot. Lat. 12 54', long. 79 30'. Pop. (1871), 5711. Notable
for its irrigation tank, one of the finest in Southern India, and the scene
of Clive's victory over the French in 1752.
KAVERIPATAM. Town on the Pcnnar river, in Salem district,
Madras. Lat. 12 25', long. 78 16'. Pop. (1871), 4410.
KAVERIPTJR. Town in Coirnbatore district, Madras. Lat. 11 55',
long. 77 47'. Pop. (1871), 6532.
KAVITE. Town in Ganjam district, Madras. Lat. 19 35' 30",
long. 84 35'. Pop. (1871), 4267.
KAVUDAHALLI. Town in Coirabatore district, Madras; 141 miles
east of Cannanore. Lat. 12 4', long. 77 30'.
KAWARDA. State in Bilaspur district, Central Provinces ; between
lat. 21 51' 22 29', and long. 81 3' 81 40'. Area, 887 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 86,362.
KAWARDA. Capital of Kawarda State ; sixty miles west of Bilaspur.
Lat. 22 1', long. 81 15'. Pop. (1881), 5685.
KAW-BHIEN. Revenue circle in Amherst district, British Burma.
Pop. (1876), 2883.
KAW-DWOT. Revenue circle in Arnherst district, British Burma.
Pop. (1876), 1600.
KA-WEK. Revenue circle in Bassein district, British Burma. Area,
15 sq. miles. Pop. (1876), 2211.
KAW-HMTJ. Revenue circle in Rangoon district, British Burma.
Pop. (1876), 7012.
KAW-KA-D WOT. Village in Shwegyeng district, British Burma.
Pop. (1877), 1333.
KAW-KA-MAY. Revenue circle in Shwegyeng district, British
Burma. Area, 112 sq. miles. Pop. (1876), 4723.
KAW-KA-RIET. Revenue circle in Arnherst district, British Burma.
Pop. (1876), 3240.
KAW-KA-RIET Town in Amherst district, British Burma ; on both,
banks of the small stream of the same name. Pop. (1876), 2135.
KAW-KA-RIT. Revenue circle in Salwin Hill Tracts district,
British Burma. Pop. (1876), 3601.
KAW-KHA-NI. Revenue circle in Amherst district, British Burma.
Area, 4260 acres. Pop. (1876), 1406.
KAW-LI-YA. Revenue circle in Shwegyeng district, British Burma.
Area, 192 sq. miles. Pop. (1876), 3312.
KAW-LTJ-DO. Revenue circle in Salwin Hill Tracts district, British
Burma. Pop. (1876), 4074.
KAW-LUN". Revenue circle in Amherst district, British Burma.
Pop. (1876), 2215.
KAW-PA-RAN. Revenue circle in Amherst district, British Burma.
Pop. (1876), 2844.
KAYBONGr. Town in Bassein district, British Burma ; on the right
bank of one of the mouths of the Irawadi, and sixty-eight miles west by
south from Pegu. Lat. 17 30', long. 95 16'.
KAYENKOLAM. Port in Travancore State, Madras ; on the back-
water of the same name. Lat. 8 53' 28", long. 76 36' 59". Pop. 2379.
KAZA. Town in Kistna district, Madras ; ten miles north-east of
Gantur. Lat. 16 24', long. 80 36'.
KAZI. Town in Sylhet district, Bengal ; on the south or left bank
of the Surma river, ten miles west of Sylhet. Lat. 24 54', long.
91 42'.
KAZIKHERA Tillage in Cawnpore district, KW.P. ; on the route
from the cantonment of Cawnpore to Fatehpur, and five miles south-east
of the former. Lat. 20 25', long. 80 27'.
KAZIPARA. Village in Twenty-four Parganas district, Bengal. Lat.
22 43' 45", long. 88 33'. A large annual fair is held here.
KAZIPUR. Thana in Gorakhpur district, KW.P. Pop. (1881), 79,242.
KAZTJRANGrA. Town in Nowgong district, Assam ; forty-two miles
east-north-east of Nowgong. Lat. 26 37', long. 93 24'.
KEDAKAL. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881) 555,
KEDAMULLTTRTJ. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 1411.
KEDAR. Town in Midnapur district, Bengal ; sixty miles west-
south-west of Calcutta. Lat. 22 19', long. 87 31'.
KEDAR GANGA. River in Garhwal State, N.W.P. ; falls into the
Bhagirathi just below Gangotri, in lat. 30 59', long. 78 59'.
KEDAR KANTA. Peak in Garhwal State, N.W.P. ; in the ridge
separating the rivers Jumna and Tons.
KEDARNATH. Temple in Garhwal district, KAV.P. ; situate on a
lofty ridge, rising on the eastern frontier towards Kumaun. It is
frequented by Hindu pilgrims, a previous visit to Kedarnath being con-
sidered a necessary preparation to the pilgrimage of Badrinath. In the
vicinity of Kedarnath is the peak of " Maha Panth." Elevation of the
temple above the sea, 11,755 feet. Lat. 30 44' 10", long. 79 5' 50".
KEDGERI (KHEJIRI). Village in Midnapur district, Bengal ;
station on the Hugli, near its mouth, whence movements of ships are
telegraphed to Calcutta. Lat. 21 53', long. 88.
KEDIWARI. Mouth of the Indus, in Karachi district, Sind, Bombay.
Lat. 24 2', long. 67 21'.
KEKAPAR. Town in Chhindwara district, Central Provinces ; on
the route from Betul to Jabalpur, sixty-nine miles north-east of the
former. Lat. 22 33', long. 78 41'.
KEKRI. Town in Ajmere-Mhairwara district, Rajputana ; fifty miles
from Ajmere. Pop. (1881), 4885. Lat. 26 1', long. 75 20'.
KELADL Village in Shimoga district, Mysore. Lat. 14 13' 10",
long. 75 3' 41". Pop. (1871), 1064. Contains a large temple.
KELAKODDL Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 178.
KELAPUR. Taluk in Wun district, Berar. Area, 1079 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 78,814.
KE-LA-THA. Revenue circle in Amherst district, British Burma.
Pop. (1876), 1358.
KELJHAR. Town in "Wardha district, Central Provinces ; sixteen
miles north-east of Wardha. Lat. 20 51', long. 78 51'.
KELOD. Town in Nagpur district, Central Provinces ; seven miles
north of Saoner. Lat. 21 27' 30", long. 78 55'. Pop. (1870), about
4300. Noted for its brass and copper wares.
KELSI. Port in Ratnagiri district, Bombay ; sixty-four miles north
by west of Ratnagiri. Lat. 17 55', long. 73 6'.
KELVA (KELVEN). Port in Tanna district, Bombay. Lat. 19 36',
long. 72 46'.
KELWAD. Town in Nagpur district, Central Provinces. Pop.
(1881), 4481.
KEN (CANE, KAYAN). River of Bhopal and Panna States, Central
India Agency, and Banda district, N.W.P. ; rises in lat. 23 54', long.
80 13'. The course is generally northerly, inclining to the east; and
after running 230 miles, it falls into the Jumna on the right side, at
Chilatara (or Chilla), in lat. 25 47', long. 80 35'.
KENCHENGOD. Town on the banks of the Tungabhadra, in Bellary
district, Madras. Lat. 15 36', long. 76 54' 10". Pop. (1871), 1041.
KENDA. State in Bilaspur district, Central Provinces. Area, 298
sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 12,252.
KENDRAPARA. Town and municipality (in subdivision of same
name) in Cuttack district, Orissa. Bengal. Lat. 20 29' 55", long. 86
27' 35". Pop. (1881), 15,696. 'Area of subdivision, 1424 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 575,112. Also thana. Area, 294 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
KENDRAPARA CANAL. Canal in Cuttack district, Orissa, Bengal,
42 miles in length.
KENDITLI. Village on the north bank of the Ajai, in Birbhum
district, Bengal. Lat. 23 38' 30", long. 87 28' 15". An annual fair,
attended by upwards of 50,000 persons, is held in the village at the com-
mencement of .February.
KENG. Revenue circle in Kyouk-hpyu district, British Burma.
Area, 7 sq. miles. Pop. (1876), 3668.
KENG-DAT. Revenue circle in Bassein district, British Burma.
Area, 30 sq. miles. Pop. (1876), 4602.
KENGERI (TEN GERI). Village and municipality in Bangalore
district, Mysore ; nine miles south-west of Bangalore. Lat. 12 54',
long. 77 32'. Pop. (1871), 2155.
KENG-KHYOUNG. Revenue circle in Amherst district, British
Burma. Pop. (1876), 3267.
KENG-RWA. Revenue circle in Shwegyeng district, British Burma.
Area, 220 sq. miles. Pop. (1877), 4865.
KENG-RWA. Village (in revenue circle of same name) in Shwe-
gyeng district, British Burma. Pop. (1877), 1349.
KENKERE. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 52.
KEOBRANG. Pass in Bashahr State, Punjab; over a very lofty
ridge, forming on the north-east the boundary between the Kunawar
division of Bashahr and Chinese Tartary. Elevation, 18,313 feet above
the sea. Lat. 31 36', long. 78 54'.
in Akyab district, British Burma; where there was a stockade in 1825.
Lat. 20 30', long. 93 8'.
KEONTHAL. State in the Punjab; between lat. 30 55' 30" 31
6', and long. 77 10' 77 25'. Area, 116 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
31,154. This is the State surrounding Simla. The tributaries of
Keonthal are : The Rana of Kothi ; area, 36 sq. miles ; estimated pop.
(1875), 2500. The Thakur of Theog ; area, 10 sq. miles; estimated
pop. (1875), 3000. The Thakur of Madhan ; area, 13 sq. miles; esti-
mated pop. (1875), 1000. The Thakur of Ghund ; area, 3 sq. miles;
estimated pop. (1875), 1000. The Thakur of Ratesh ; area, 3 sq. miles;
estimated pop. (1875), 437.
KEOTJN NAG AH. Town of Independent Burma ; situate on the left
bank of the Irawadi river, and forty miles north from Prome. Lat. 19
20', long. 95.
KEOW PEA. Town in M ergui district, British Burma ; thirty-seven
miles north-west by north of Tenasserim. Lat. 12 33', long. 98 49'.
KEPU. Village in Kangra district, Punjab ; situate on the left bank
of the Sutlej, and at the northern base of the lofty ridge on which stands
the fort of Kotgarh. Kepu is 3000 feet above the sea. Lat. 31 20',
long. 77 31'.
KERAGANAHALLL Tillage in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 152.
KERAKAT. Tahsil in Jaunpur district, KW.P. Pop. (1881),
KERALA (CHERA). Ancient division of Southern India, long ago
obsolete. It was specially applied to the country between the Western
Ghats and the Arabian Sea, south of the Chendragiri river, to Cape
KERA MANGRAUR. Pargana in Mirzapur district, N.W.P. Pop.
(1881), 67,451.
KERAOLL Thana in Agra district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 31,931.
KERAON. Town in Cawnpore district, N.W.P. ; three miles north
of the left bank of the Jumna, twenty miles east of Kalpi. Lat. 26 7',
long. 80 T.
KERATPTTR. Tillage in Ludhiana district, Punjab ; in the alluvial
tract on the left bank of the Sutlej. Distant north-west from Calcutta,
1090 miles. Lat. 31 11', long. 76 37'.
KEREHALLL Tillage in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 21.
KEREKERL Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 110.
KERPANI. Town in Narsinhpur district, Central Provinces. Pop.
(1881), 2084. .
KERTJR. Town and municipality in Kaladgi district, Bombay ; four-
teen miles south by east of Kaladgi. Lat. 16 1', long. 75 36'. Pop.
(1872), 7096.
KERYKATID. Town in Travancore State, Madras ; on the coast,
122 miles west-south-west from Madura. Lat. 9 11', long. 76 32'.
KESABPUR. Town on the Harihar river, in Jessor district, Bengal ;
eighteen miles south of Jessor. Lat. 22 54' 45", long. 89 15' 40".
Pop. (1881), 6405. Centre of sugar trade.
KESARIYA. Tillage in Champaran district, Bengal. Pop. (1881),
5256. Near this village is an ancient tower, 62 feet high, on the top of
a mound 1400 feet in circumference.
KESHPUR. Thana in Midnapur district, Bengal. Area, 229 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 95,609.
KESHITBPORE. Thana in Nadiya district, Bengal. Area, 100 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 85,450.
KESLABORI. Tillage in Chanda district, Central Provinces ; ten
miles north-north-east of Segaon. Lat. 20 25', long. 79 17' 30".
KESRIA. State in Kathiawar, Bombay ; paying a yearly tribute of
27 to the British Government.
KESSODE. Town in Baroda State; thirteen miles north-east from
the coast, and eighty-one miles south-south-west from Rajkot. Lat.
21 16', long. 70 18'.
KEST. Village in Etawah district, N.W.P. ; on the route from Agra
to Etawah, and eight miles north-west of the latter. Lat. 26 52', long.
78 58'.
KETHOR. Town in Meerut district, N/W.P. ; on the route from
Muzaffarnagar to Bulandshahr, thirty-three miles north of the latter.
Lat. 28 51', long. 78.
KETI. Port and town on the Hajamro mouth of the Indus, in
Karachi district, Sind, Bombay. Lat. 24 8' 30", long. 67 28' 30".
Pop. (1872), 3199.
KETUGRAM. Thana in Bardwan district, Bengal. Area, 136 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 73,723.
KETWARI. Tillage in Bhartpur State, Rajputana; on the route from
Muttra to Firozpur, thirty-five miles north-west of former, seventeen
south-east of latter. Lat. 27 37', long. 77 12'.
KEUKUCHL Village in Bashahr State, Punjab. Lat. 31 27', long.
78 37'. 12,457 feet above level of sea.
KETTNJHAR. State of Orissa, Bengal; between lat. 21 1' 22 9'
30", and long. 85 14' 86 24' 35". Bounded on the north by Singbhum
district; on the east by Morbhanj State and Balasor district; on the
south by Cuttack district and Dhenkanal State; and on the west by
Dhenkanal, Pal Lahara, and Bonai States. Area, 3096 sq. miles. Pop.
(1881), 215,612. The Raja maintains a militia force of 1758 men and
318 village police. This State is very mountainous, the highest peak
being Gandha Madan, 3479 feet high. The chief river is the Baitarani.
A Government elephant establishment is maintained at Keunjhar under
the superintendence of an English officer.
KEUNJHAR. Capital of State of same name. Lat. 21 37' 25",
long. 85 37' 31".
KEUTL Village in Rewah State, Central India Agency; on the
direct route from Mirzapur to the diamond mines of Panna, and seventy-
five miles south-west of the former. It is remarkable for a cascade,
where the Mohana, a small tributary of the Tons, falls a depth of 272
feet, over a purplish rock overlying a mottled sandstone. Elevation
above the sea, 923 feet. Lat. 24 49', long. 81 31'.
KEWAI (KOT KEWAYI). Village in Allahabad district, KW.P. ;
about eight miles from the left bank of the Ganges, twenty-five miles
east of the city of Allahabad. Lat. 25 25', long. 82 23'.
KEWANL River of Kheri district, Oudh ; falling into the Chauka.
Length 40 miles.
KEYALL. Village in Muzaffargarh district, Punjab ; situated on the
left bank of the river Indus, seventy-eight miles south-west of the town
of Multan. Lat. 29 15', long. 70 43'.
KHAB (CHAP). Village in Bashahr State, Punjab ; on the left bank
of the Sutlej, which here flows between stupendous cliffs of mica- slate
and granite. Elevation above the sea, 9310 feet. Lat. 31 48', long.
78 41'.
KHABILL River of Nepal State, rising in lat. 27 27', long. 88 7',
444 KHA
on the western side of the spur of the Himalayas, separating Nepal from
Sikkim. It flows in a south-westerly direction for fifty miles, falling
into the Tambur in lat. 27 13', long. 87 27'.
KHA-BOUNG. River of Toung-gnii district, British Burma ; falling
into the Tsit-toung. Length, 68 miles.
KHABUL. Village in Bashahr State, Punjab ; in the valley of the
Pabur, and a mile from the right bank of that river ; situate on the
route from Subathu to the Barenda Pass, and twenty miles south-west of
this last place. Elevation above the sea, 8400 feet. Lat. 31 15', long.
77 58'.
KHACHI. Town in Nepal State; 154 miles west by north from
Khatmandu, and ninety-eight miles north-north-west from Gorakhpur.
Lat. 28, long. 82 51'.
KHACHROD. Town in Gwalior State, Central India Agency; on
the route from Betul to Nimach, 231 miles north-west of the former,
eighty- one south-east of the latter. Elevation above the sea, 1638 feet.
Lat. 23 28', long. 75 20'.
KHA-DAING. Ilevenue circle in Amherst district, British Burma.
Area, 14 sq. miles. Pop. (1876), 683.
KHADAL. State in Mahi Kantha, Bombay. Pop. (1881), 3189.
The Chief pays a yearly tribute of 175 to the Gaekwar of Baroda.
KHA-DAT-NGAY. Revenue circle in Tavoy district, British Burma.
Area, 14 sq. miles. Pop. (1876), 2045.
KHADRA (KHUDRA). Village in Bashahr State, Punjab ; situate
on the right bank of the Sutlej, and on the low circuitous route from
Pangi to Lipi. Elevation above the sea, about 8300 feet. Lat. 31 35',
long. 78 26'.
KHAGA. Tahsil in Fatehpur district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 136,947.
Also thana. Pop. (1881), 53,635.
KHAGAN. Valley sixty miles long and fifteen miles in average
breadth, in Hazara district, Punjab. Area, 800 sq. miles.
KHAGAN. Village in valley of same name, Hazara district, Punjab.
Lat. 34 46' 45", long. 75 34' 15".
KHAGATJL. Town and municipality in Patna district, Bengal. Lat.
25 34' 30", long. 85 5'. Pop. (1881), 14,075.
KHAGHORIA. Village on the Myani tributary of the Kasalang river,
Chittagong Hill Tracts, Bengal.
KHAIBAR (KHYBER). Pass leading from Peshawar district,
Punjab, into Afghanistan. Centre of pass, lat. 34 6', long. 71 5'. Pop.
(1881), 8173.
KHAIR. Town (in tahsil of same name) in Aligarh district, N.W.P.
Pop. (1881), 4455. Area of tahsil, 406 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 160,264.
Also pargana. Pop. (1881), 70,670. And thana. Pop. (1881),
KHAIR. Town in Haidarabad State; situate three miles from the
left bank of the Penganga river, and 176 miles north by east from
Haidarabad. Lat. 19 50', long. 79 9'.
KHAIR. Town in Haidarabad State ; on the right bank of the
Godavari river, and 160 miles north-west from Haidarabad. Lat. 18
08', long. 76 50'.
KHAIR. Town in the Mahi Kantha Agency, Bombay; on the left
bank of one of the branches of the Sabarmati, and eighty-seven miles
north-north-east from Ahmedabad. Lat. 24 9', long. 73 9'.
KHAIR. Town in Poona district, Bombay ; sixty-eight miles east of
Bombay. Lat. 18 51', long. 73 55'.
KHAIR. Town in Poona district, Bombay; seventy-six miles south-
east of Bombay. Lat. 18 23', long. 73 53'.
KHAIR. Town in Ahmednagar district, Bombay; 135 miles east-
south-east of Bombay. Lat. 18 22', long. 74 51'.
KHAIRA. Village in Bhajji State, Punjab; on the declivity of a
mountain rising from the left bank of the JSutlej. Elevation above the
sea, 2613 feet. Lat. 31 14', long. 77 16'.
KHAIRA. Village in Mirzapur district, N.W.P., which, with Mugrar,
gives name to the pargana of Khaira Mugrar; it is situate twenty-one miles
south-east of Benares, forty-three east of the city of Mirzapur. Lat. 25
4', long. 83 19'.
KHAIRA. Village in Mirzapur district, N.W.P. ; on the right bank
of the Ganges, thirty-one miles north-west of the city of Mirzapur.
Lat. 25 14', long. 82 20'.
KHAIRA. Town in Muttra district, KW.P. Lat. 27 42', long.
77 30'.
KHAIRABAD. Capital (in pargana of same name) of Sitapur district,
Oudh. Lat. 27 31' 30", long. 80 47' 35". Pop. (1881), 14,217. Tho
town contains forty mosques and thirty Hindu temples, besides a beautiful
set of holy Muhammadan buildings. Two large fairs are held in the city,
attended respectively by 60,000 and 15,000 persons. Area of pargana,
128 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 57,411.
KHAIRABAD. River in Bakarganj district, Bengal; part of the
Gangetic delta.
KHAIRABAD. Town in Kotah State, Rajputana; situate on the
route from Nimach to Kotah, seventy-eight miles north-east of former,
forty-four south-west of latter. Lat. 24 37', long. 76.
KHAIRABAD. Village in Peshawar district, Punjab ; on the right
bank of the Indus, opposite Attock, and at the Peshawar or western
extremity of the ferry, or of the bridge of boats which affords the means
of communication during the season of low water. Lat. 33 54', long.
72 15'.
KHAIRAGARH. Pargana in Allahabad district, KW.P. Pop.
(1881), 192,205.
KHAIRAGARH. Town (in tahsil of same name) in Agra district,
K.W.P. ; twenty-two miles south-west of Agra. Lat. 26 53', long. 77
56'. Area of tahsil, 220 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 118,134.
KHAIRAGARH. State in Raipur district, Central Provinces. Pop.
(1881), 166,138. Khairagarh, the chief town, is at the junction of tho
Am and the Piparia ; forty-five miles west by north from Raipur. Lat.
21 25' 30", long. 81 2'. Pop^. (1881), 2887.
KHAIRASRA. State in Kathiawar, Bombay ; paying a yearly tribute
of 236 to the British Government, and 35 to the Nawab of Junagarh.
KHAIRGAON. Town in Shikarpur district, Sind, Bombay ; on the
west bank of the Kudan, a branch of the Western Kara Canal. Lat. 26
55', long. 67 50'.
446 KHA
KHAIRI. State in Bhandara district, Central Provinces. Area,
8848 acres.
KHAIRI DERA. Village in Shikarpur district, Sind, Bombay ; on
the route from Larkhana to Bagh, and fifteen miles north of tlie former
place. Lat. 27 44', long. 68 7'.
KHAIRI GARL Village in Shikarpur district, Sind, Bombay; on
the route from Larkhana to Bagh, and forty-four miles north of the former
place. It is situate on the south-eastern border of the desert of Shikar-
pur. Lat. 28 6', long. 67 57'.
KHAIRIGARH. Town on the left bank of the Suheli river (in par-
gana of same name) in Kheri district, Oudh ; 110 miles north of Lucknow.
Lat. 28 20' 35", long. 80 52' 55". Pop. (1869), 1135. Area of par-
gana, 425 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 39,444.
KHAIRI-MTJRAT. Range of mountains in Rawal Pindi district,
Punjab. Lat. 33 28', long. 72 49' 30".
KHAIRPUR. State in Sind, Bombay ; between lat. 26 10' 27 46',
and long. 68 14' 70 13'. Bounded on the north by Shikarpur district ;
on the east by Jaisalmir State ; on the south by Haidarabad district ; and
on the west by the river Indus. Area, 6109 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
129,153. The chief rivers are the Indus and the Eastern Nara ; this
State is also watered by five canals drawn from the Indus. The chief
town is Khairpur (the capital). The present ruler, His Highness Mir AH
Murad Khan, is entitled to a salute of 17 guns as a personal distinction,
or two more than the number allowed to the State. Khairpur is the only
State in Sind which was allowed to retain its powers on the annexation of
that kingdom.
KHAIRPUR. Capital of State of same name, Sind, Bombay; situated
on the Mirwah canal. Lat. 27 31' 30", long. 68 48' 30". Pop. (1875).
KHAIRPUR. Town in Bahawalpur State, Punjab. Lat. 29 36',
long. 72 12'. Pop. (1881), 4543.
KHAIRPUR. Town and municipality in Muzaffargarh district,
Punjab. Lat. 29 20', long. 70 51'. Pop. (1881), 2609.
KHAIRPUR. Village in Shahjahanpur district, N.W.P. ; on the
route from Bareilly to Fatehgarh, and thirty miles south-east of the
former. Lat. 27 59', long. 79 44'.
KHAIRPUR DHARKL Town in Shikarpur district, Sind, Bombay ;
sixty-five miles north-east of Rohri. Lat. 28 3', long. 69 44' 30".
KHAIRPUR JUSO. Village in Shikarpur district, Sind, Bombay;
ten miles south-west of Larkhana. Lat. 27 31', long. 68 5'. Pop.
(1872), 955.
KHAIRPUR NATHESHAH. Village and municipality in Shikarpur
district, Sind, Bombay ; eight miles south of Mehar. Lat. 27 5', long.
67 46' 30". Pop. (1872), 1430.
KHAIRU. Village in Hissar district, Punjab. Lat. 28 41', long.
75 58'.
KHAIRWA. Thana in Mirzapur district, KW.P. Pop. (1881),
KHAITUPARA. Town in Pabna district, Bengal; 112 miles north-
east of Calcutta. Lat. 23 50", long. 89 32'.
KHA 447
KHAJAULI. Village on the Dhauli, in Darbhangah district, Bengal.
Lat. 26 26' 30", long. 85 56' 51". Also thana. Area, 243 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 151,540.
KHAJRI. State in Bhandara district, Central Provinces. Area, 4359
acres. Lat. 21 8' 30", long. 80 10'.
KHAJRI. Thana in Midnapur district, Bengal. Area, 75 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 42,126.
KHAJTJHA. Town in Fatehpur district, N.W.P. Lat. 26 3' 10",
long. 80 33' 50". Pop. (1881), 3492. Contains a fine Hindu temple.
Also thana. Pop. (1881), 29,038.
KHAJURA. Village on the Chitra river, in Jessor district, Bengal;
eight miles north of Jessor. Lat. 23 17', long. 89 17'.
KHAJURA (KHUJURA). Village in Gorakhpur district, JST.W.P. ;
four miles south of the right bank of the Rapti, twenty-five miles north-
west of Gorakhpur. Lat. 26 57', long. 83 7'.
KHAJURAHRA. Town in Hardoi district, Oudh; six miles from
Hardoi. Pop. (1869), 3305.
KHAJURAHU. Town, with extensive ruins, in Chhatarpur State,
Central India Agency. Pop. about 900.
KHAJURIYA. Thina in Lalitpur district, KW.P. Pop. (1881),
KHAJURIYA (KHUJURIA). Village in Rampur State, N.W.P. ;
on the route from the town of Bareilly to Almora, and thirty -nine miles
north of the former. Lat. 28 48', long. 79 25'.
KHAKERERU. Tahsil in Fatehpur district, 1ST.W.P. ; lying along
the north bank of the Ganges. Area, 202 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
78,686. Also thana. Pop. (1881), .38,479.
KHAKHATMAU. Pargana in Farrukhabad district, N.W.P. Pop.
(1881), 16,595.
KHALARI. Village in Kaipur district, Central Provinces ; thirteen
miles from Raipur. A religious fair is held here in March, attended by
about 3000 persons.
KHALBOLIYA. Town in Nadiya district, Bengal ; sixty-six miles
north-north-east of Calcutta. Lat. 23 30', long. 88 43'.
KHALILAB AD. Tahsil in Basti district, N.W.P. ; stretching north-
ward trom the bank of the Gogra. Area, 555 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
341,590. Also thana. Pop. (1881), 63,834.
KHALILGANJ. Village in Alfgarh district, 1ST.W.P. ; on the route
from Agra to Bareilly, and thirty miles north-east of the former. Lat.
27 28', long. 78 22'.
KHALKA DEBI (ATTUK). Ruined village, with temple, in Kumaim
district, N. W.P. ; on the route from A skot to the Bians Pass, eleven
miles north-east of former, half a mile from the right bank of the Kali
river. Lat. 29 49', long. 80 32'.
KHALLIKOT. State in Ganjam district, Madras; between lat. 19
24' 19 48', and long. 85 59' 85 14'. Pop. (1871), 42,589. Chief
town, Khallikot. Pop. (1871), 2753.
KHALSA (KHULSA). Village in Bulandshahr district, KW.P. ; on
the route from Muttra to Meerut, and fifty miles south of the latter.
Lat. 28 19', long. 77 55'.
448 KHA
KHAMAM. District in Haidarabad State. Area, 9778 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 675,746.
KHAMARIYA. Town in Gorakhpur district, N.W.P. ; fifty-five
miles west of Gorakhpur; situate on the Ramrekha, a feeder of the
river Kuana. Distant north-west of Benares 110 miles, north-east of
Allahabad, 100. Lat. 26 50', long. 82 18'.
KHAMARPANI. Town in Chhindwara district, Central Provinces;
situate forty miles north from Fagpur, and seventy-seven miles east from
Betul. The Khamarpam jungles are famous as a resort of bison. Lat.
21 43', long. 79 9'.
KHAMBAT. Town of Independent Burma, nineteen miles from the
right bank of the Khyendwen river, and 173 miles north-west from Ava.
Lat. 23 46', long. 94 25'.
KHAMBHALIA. State in Forth Kathiawar, Bombay, paying a
yearly tribute of 40 to the British Government, and 11 to the Nawab
of Junagarh.
KHAMBHALIA. Town in Kathiawar, Bombay. Lat. 22 12', long.
69 50'. Pop. (1881), 8576.
KHAMG AON. Town and station on the State Railway (in taluk of
same name) in A kola district, Berar. Lat. 20 42' 30", long. 76 37'
30". Pop. (1881), 12,390. A great centre of the cotton trade. Area
of taluk, 441 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 96,179.
KHA-MOTING-KHYOUNG. Revenue circle in Kyouk-hpyu district
British Burma. Area, 14 sq. miles. Pop. (1876), 1224.
KHAMPTI HILLS. Mountainous frontier region, adjoining Lakhim-
pur district, on the eastern side of Assam. The Khamptis, who are,
comparatively speaking, a civilized people, numbered in 1872 about
KHANAIWALA Town in Multan district, Punjab ; it is situate
seventeen miles from the left bank of the Chenab, and twenty-eight
miles east-north-east of the town of Multan. Lat. 30 16', long.
71 47'.
KHANAKTTL. Town in Hugh' district, Bengal. Pop. (1881), 7708.
Also thana. Area, 145 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 133,300.
KHANAPTJR. Town (in subdivision of same name) in Satara district,
Bombay; fifty-seven miles south-east by east of Satara. Lat. 17
15', long. 74 48'. Area of subdivision, 531 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
KHANAPTTR. Town in Kolhapur State, Bombay ; twenty-nine miles
south from Kolhapur, and forty miles north-west by north from Belgaum.
Lat. 16 19', long. 74 13'.
KHANAPTIR. Town in Belgaum district, Bombay; fifteen miles
south of Belgaum. Lat. 15 39', long. 74 33'.
KHANBAILA. Town in Bahawalpur State, Punjab ; near the left
bank of the Panjnad, in lat. 29 4', long. 70 52'.
KHANBARITAPA. Town in Rangpur district, Bengal. Pop.
(1881), 6151.
KHANDA (KHUNDEH). Town in Hamirpur district, KW.P. ; on
the route from Banda to Kalpi, fourteen miles north-west by west of the
former. Lat. 25 33', long. 81 12'.
KHA 449
KHANDALA (KHUND ALA). Village in Jodhpur State, Rajpu-
tana; on the route from Balotra to Jodhpur, and sixteen miles south-
west of the latter, Lat. 26 10', long. 73 2'.
KHANDALA (KHUNDELA). Town in Jaipur State, Rajputana.
Distant north of Jaipur fifty miles. Lat. 27 34', long. 75 40'. Pop.
(1881), 7949.
KHANDATJLI (KHTJNDATJLI). - Town in Agra district; on the
route from Agra to Aligarh, and thirteen miles north of the former.
Lat. 27 18', long. 78 5'.
KHANDATJLL Village in Bhagalpur district, Bengal. Lat. 26 26'
58", long. 86 49' 6". Pop. 1396. Centre of trade with Nepal.
KHANDATJLI. Tahsil on the north bank of the Jumna, in Agra
district, N.W.P. Area, 219 sq. miles. Pop. (1872), 119,270. Also
thana. Pop. (1881), 24,284.
KHANDAUSA. Pargana on the north hank of the Gumti, in Faizabad
district, Oudh. Area, 116 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 67,712.
KHANDESH. District in Bombay; between lat. 20 15' 22, and
long. 73 37' 76 24'. Area, 9943 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 1,237,231.
There are also 22 Native States, having an area of 3840 sq. miles, and
pop. (18'81), 60,270. Bounded on the north by the Satpura Hills; on
the east by Berar; on the south by the Satmala or Ajanta Hills; on
the south-west by Nasik district ; and on the west by Baroda and
Sagbara States. The chief mountains are the Satpura Hills, the Hati,
the Satmala or Ajanta range, and the Sahyadri range. The chief rivers
are the Tapti and the Gima. The chief town is Dhulian. The Great
Indian Peninsula Railway traverses this district, which is administered
by a Collector and staff of assistants.
KHANDGIBJ. Hill in Puri district, Orissa, Bengal ; famous for its
cave-temples, the earliest memorials of Buddhism in India. Lat. 20 16',
long. 85 50'.
KHANDGOSH. Village in Bardwan district, Bengal. Lat. 23 12'
30", long. 87 44' 20". Also thana. Area, 115 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
KHANDIA. State in Kathiawar, Bombay ; paying a yearly tribute
of 80 to the British Government, and 8 to the Nawab of Junagarh.
KHANDPARA. State in Orissa, Bengal; between lat. 20 11' 15"
20 25', and long. 85 1' 85 24' 40". Bounded on the north by the
Mahanadi river ; on the east by Banki and Puri districts ; on the south
by Puri district and Nayagarh State ; and on the west by Daspalla State.
Area, 244 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 66,296. Khandpara, the capital of the
State, and residence of the Raja, is in lat. 20 15' 50", long. 85 12' 51".
KHANDTARN. Town in Champaran district, Bengal. Lat. 26 40'
15", long. 85 5' 45". Pop. (1872), 6207.
KHANDWA. Capital (in tahsfl of same name) of Nimar district,
Central Provinces. Lat. 21 50', long. 76 23'. Pop. (1881), 15,142.
There is a station on the Great Indian Peninsula Railway, where the
Bombay traffic of Central India converges. Area of tahsil, 2202 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 154,000.
KHANGARH. Town and municipality in Muzaffargarh district,
Punjab: eleven miles south of Muzaffargarh. Lat. 29 55', long. 71
12'. Pop. (1881), 3417.
450 KHA
KHANGHER. Town in Shikarpur district, Sind, Bombay; twenty-
five miles north-north-west of Shikarpur. Lat. 28 19', long. 68 24'.
KHANGURH. Town in Bahawalpur State, Punjab; sixty-eight
miles south from Bahawalpur, and 103 miles west-north-west from
Bikaner. Lat. 28 16', long. 71 45'.
KHANIA DHANA. State in Bundelkhand, Central India Agency.
Area, about 84 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 13,494.
KHANJUR. Village in Muttra district, KW.P. ; on the route from
Meerut to Muttra, and twenty-one miles north of the latter. Lat. 27
45', long. 77 51'.
KHANKAKOT. Town in Jhang district, Punjab ; situated on the
left bank of the Jhelum, 113 miles west of the town of Lahore. Lat.
31 31', long. 72 16'.
KHANNA. Town, municipality, and station on the Sind, Punjab,
and Delhi Railway, in Ludhiana district, Punjab. Lat. 30 42', long.
76 16'. Pop. (1881), 3988.
KHANNAN. Thana in Fatehpur district, KW.P. Pop. (1881),
KHA-NOUNG-TO. Revenue circle in Rangoon district, British
Burma. Pop. (1876), 5728.
KHANPUR (KHUNPUR). Village in Shahjahanpur district, N.W.P.;
on the route from Bareilly to Fatehgarh, and thirty-six miles south-east
of the former. Lat. 27 54', long. 79 44'.
KHANPUR. Town in Ghazipur district, north ; on the route from
Ghazipur to Jaunpur, thirty-two miles west of the former, twenty-eight
south-east of the latter. Lat. 25 34', long. 83 11'. Also pargana.
Pop. (1881), 22,828.
KHANPUR. Fort in Hazara district, Punjab ; forty-one miles east of
Attock, situated at the foot of the low range of mountains forming the
first stage of the ascent from the plains to the Himalayas. Lat. 33 52',
long. 73.
KHANPUR. Village in Shikarpur district, Sind, Bombay. Lat. 28
0' 15", long. 68 47'. Pop. (1872), 2807.
KHANPUR. Town and station on the Indus Valley State Railway,
in Bahawalpur State, Punjab. Lat. 30 9', long. 71 16'. Pop. (1881),
7189. Also thana. Pop. (1881), 27,807.
KHANPUR GHAT. Pass in Gurgaon district, Punjab; through a
low range of hills extending from north-east to south-west. The small
town or village of Pingawa is situate a mile east of the pass, which is on
the route from Muttra to Firozpur, and fifty-two miles north-west of the
former. Lat. 27 54', long. 77 9'.
KHANSRU CHOKI (CHAUKI). Halting-place in Dehra Dun,
N.W.P. ; on the route from Hardwar to Dehra, and twelve miles north-
west of the former place. Distant north-west from Calcutta 937 miles.
Lat. 30 5', long. 78 11'.
KHANUA (KHANWAH). Town in Bhartpur State, Rajputana ;
situated on the road from Agra to Ajmere, thirty-seven miles west of
the former and 197 miles east of the latter town. Lat. 27 2', long.
77 33'.
KHANWAHAR. Village in Haidarabad district, Sind, Bombay.
Pop. (1872), 1085.
KHA 451
KHANWAH CANAL. Canal in Lahore and Montgomery districts,
KHA-NWAI-KHA-BHO. Eevenue circle, along the left bank of
the Irawadi, in Thun-khwa district, British Burma. Pop. (1876),
KHANWAN. Town in Dhar State, Central India Agency; 137
miles west-south-west from Bhopal, and 174 miles east from Ahmedabad.
Lat. 22 53', long. 75 18'.
KHAPA. Town in Nagpur district, Central Provinces ; twenty miles
north of JSagpur. Lat. 21 25', long. 79 2'. Pop. (1881), 8465.
KHAPA. Town in Jabalpur district, Central Provinces ; on the route
from Jabalpur to Nagpur, fourteen miles south by east of the former.
Lat. 22 59', long. 80 4'.
KHAPALTJ (KHOPALTI). - Fort in Kashmir State, Punjab; built
on the summit of a rock, nearly isolated, in an expanse on the left bank
of the Indus. The eminence on which the fort stands is more than 1000
feet above the Indus, and commands a very grand view. Lat. 35 7',
long. 76 24'.
KHAPTIRHA. Village in Jaunpur district, N.W.P. ; on the route
from Jaunpur to Partabgarh, fourteen miles west of the former, thirty-
four miles east of the latter, situate on the right bank of the river Sai,
here crossed by a fine bridge of masonry. Lat. 25 45', long. 82 33'.
KHARA. Village in Jodhpur State, Rajputana. Lat. 27 1', long.
72 12'.
KHARA. Village in Jaisalmir State, Eajputana. Lat. 27 32', long.
71 39'.
KHA-RAIK-THIT. Eevenue circle in Amherst district, British
Burma. Pop. (1876), 3980.
KHARAILA. Village in Hamirpur district, N.W.P. Lat. 25 32',
long. 79 50' 45". Pop. (1872), 7809. There is a handsome temple in
this locality.
KHARAK (KHURUK). Halting-place in Patiala State, Punjab; on
the route from Hansi to Ludhiana, and eighteen miles north of the former
town. Distant north-west from Calcutta, 976 miles. Lat. 29 21', long.
76 4'.
KHARAKPTIR. Town in Monghyr district, Bengal. Lat. 25 7' 10",
long. 86 35' 20". Also thana. Area, 360 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
KHA-RA-KYWON. Eevenue circle in Eangoon district, British
Burma. Pop. (187'6), 3963.
KHARAL. State in Mahi Kantha, Bombay ; paying a yearly tribute
of 175 to the Gaekwar of Baroda, and 76 to the British Government.
Area, 2100 acres. Pop. (1875), 2814.
KHARAR. Town and municipality (in tahsil of same name) in
Umballa district, Punjab. Lat. 30 44' 45", long. 76 41' 15". Pop.
(1881), 4265. Area of tahsil, 366 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 167,869.
KHARAWAR (KHURAWAR). Village in Rohtak district, K W.P. ;
on the route from the city of Delhi to Hansi, and thirty-six miles north-
west of the former. Lat. 28 50', long. 76 45'.
KHARBA. Town in Maldah district, Bengal. Also thana. Area,
294 sq. miles. Pop (1881), 103,051.
452 KHA
KHARDA. Town in Ahmednagar district, Bombay; fifty-six miles
south-east of Ahmednagar. Lat. 18 38', long. 75 31'. Pop. (1881),
KHARDAH. Village and station on the Eastern Bengal Railway,
on the It ft bank of the HYiglf river, in Twenty-four Parganas district.
Bengal. Lat. 22 43' 30", long. 88 24' 30". A Vishnuvite place of
KHARELA (KHUREHLA). Town in Hamirpur district, 1ST.W.P. ;
distant south-west from Hamirpur, thirty-six miles. Lat. 25 33', long.
79 52'. Pop. (1881), 7633. Also thana. Pop. (1881), 13,264.
KHARGAON. Thana in Murshidabad district, Bengal. Area, 122
sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 54,018.
KHARGAON (KHURG AON). Village in Bareilly district, KW.P. ;
on the route from Bareilly to Sitapur, and one mile south-east of the
former. Lat. 28 22', long. 79 29'.
KHARGHAR. Thana in Shahabad district, Bengal. Area, 266 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 104,647.
KHARGUPTJR BAZAAR. Town in Gonda district, Oudh. Pop.
(1881), 1672.
KHARI. Village in Twenty-four Parganas district, Bengal. Contains
a tank considered sacred by the Hindus.
KHARIAN. Tahsil in Gujrat district, Punjab. Between lat. 32
21' 33, and long. 73 37' 30" 74 15'. Area, 647 sq. miles. Pop.
(1881), 217,371.
KHARIAR. State in Raipur district, Central Provinces. Area, 1306
sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 58,918. Khariar village is situated in lat. 20
17' 30", long. 82 48' 30". Pop. (1881), 2170.
KHARID. Pargana in Ballia district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 186,467.
KHARKHANDI. Town and municipality in Rohtak district, Punjab.
Lat. 28 52', long. 76 57'. Pop. (1868), 4181.
KHARKHARA (KHIJRKHTJRR A). --Village in Rohtak district,
Punjab ; on the route from Delhi to Hansi, and twenty-nine miles south-
east of the latter. Lat. 28 56', long. 76 25'.
KHARKHAUDA. Town in Rohtak district, Bengal. Pop. (1881),
KHARKHAUDA. Thana in Meerut district, 1S T .W.P. Pop. (1881),
KHARKOT. Town and fort in Nepal State ; forty-six miles south
from Khatmandu, and 100 miles north from Dinapur. Lat. 27 3', long.
85 22'.
KH ARM AT AR. Village and station on the East Indian Railway, in
Santal Parganas district, Bengal, 168 miles from Calcutta.
KHAROD. Town in Bilaspur district, Central Provinces ; forty miles
east of Bilaspur. Pop. about 3000.
KHARSAL. State in Sambalpur district, Central Provinces; thirty
miles west of Sambalpur. Area, 20 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 5135.
Kharsal village is situated in lat. 21 31', long. 83 33'.
KHARS AW AN. State in Singbhum district, Bengal; between lat.
22 4122 53' 30", and long. 85 40' 30" 85 57' 15". Area, 145 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 31,127. Kharsawan village is situated in lat. 24
47' 30", long. 85 52' 20".
KHARSIA. State in Central India Agency.
KHARSI JHALARIA. State in Central India Agency.
KHARSTIA. Eiver of Cuttack district, Orissa, Bengal ; falling into
the Brahmani.
KHARTAPTJR (KHTJRTAPTJR). Town in Bahraich district, Oudh ;
situate three miles from the left bank of the Gogra, and 103 miles north
from Lucknow. Lat. 28 20', long. 81 9'.
KHARTTJRI. Town in Champaran district, Bengal. Lat. 26 40'
15", long. 85 5' 45". Pop. (1872), 6207.
KHASATIRA. Town on the left bank of the Ramganga, in Hardoi
district, Oudh. Pop. (1869), 2648.
KHASI AND JAINTIA HILLS. District in Assam ; between lat.
25 1' 26 14', and long. 90 47' 92 52'. Area, 6157 sq. miles. Pop.
(1881), 169,360. Bounded on the north by Kamrup and Nowgong
districts; on the east by the Naga Hills and Northern Cachar; on the
south by Sylhet ; and on the west by the Garo Hills. The chief moun-
tains are the Khasi and the Jaintia Hills. The chief towns are Shillong,
Chara, Pimji, and Jowai. The lime quarries, which are inexhaustible,
supply the whole of Lower Bengal. The administration is in the hands
of a Deputy-Commissioner, and is conducted according to a special code.
KHATAH. Town in Rampur State, KW.P. ; twenty-five miles
north-west from the town of Bareilly, and twenty-six miles east- south-
east from Moradabad. Lat. 28 40', long. 79 14'.
KHATAK HILLS. Hill- range in Kohat and Peshawar districts,
Punjab. Noted for their salt mines. The highest peak attains an eleva-
tion of 5110 feet.
KHATANG. Town in Nepal State ; three miles from the right bank
of the Aran river, and ninety-six miles east-south-east from Khatmandu.
Lat. 27 18', long. 86 46'.
KHATATJLL Town and station on the Sind, Punjab, and Delhi
Railway (in pargana of same name), in Muzaffarnagar district, N.W.P.
Lat. 29 17', long. 77 46' 10". Pop. (1881), 7574. Pop. of pargana,
(1881), 56,215. Also thana. Pop. (1881), 64,154.
KHATAV. Subdivision of Satara district, Bombay. Area, 497 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 74,027.
KHATIYAR. Town in Purniah district, Bengal ; twenty-one miles
south by east of Purniah. Lat. 25 28', long. 87 37'.
KHATMANDU. Capital of Nepal State. Lat. 27 36', long. 85
24'. Pop. 50,000. It is on the Yishnumati river, at the point
where it is joined by the Baghmati. A British Resident is located at
KHATRA. Thana in Bankura district, Bengal. Area, 343 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 99,122.
KHA-YA. Revenue circle in Amherst district, British Burma. Pop.
(1876), 1584.
KHA-ZAING Revenue circle in Amherst district, British Burma.
Pop. (1876), 1373.
454 KHE
KHED. Subdivision of Ratnagiri district, Bombay. Area, 400 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 91,492.
KHED. Town and municipality (in subdivision of same name)
on tne left bank of the river Bhima, in Poona district, Bombay;
twenty-five miles north of Poona. Lat. 18 51', long. 73 55' 30".
Pop. (1872), 6446. Area of subdivision, 888 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
KHEDA. Village in Cutch State, Bombay ; thirteen miles south of
Bhuj. Contains a temple of great antiquity.
KHEDRA. Village in Hissar district, Punjab. Lat. 29 21', long.
75 56'.
KHEGUMPA. Town in Bhutan State; three miles from the left
bank of the Demri river, and sixty-four miles north-north-west from
Gauhati. Lat. 27, long. 91 24'.
KHEJTTRW ALA. Village in Saharanpur district, EYW.P. ; on the
route from Meerut to Saharanpur, and nine miles south-east of the latter
place. Distant north-west from Calcutta, via Karnal, 1000 miles. Lat.
29 52', long. 77 41'.
KHEKERA (KAHKRA). Town in Meerut district, N.W.P. ; twenty-
six miles from Meerut. Pop. (1881), 6972. Contains a fine temple.
A large annual fair is held in this town. Also thana. Pop. (1881),
KHELAT. Independent State on the north-west of India, east of Sind,
and south of Afghanistan. The State is entitled to a salute of 19 guns,
but the present ruler receives 21 guns as a personal distinction.
KHELAT (KALAT). Capital of State of same name in Baluchistan.
Lat. 28 53', long. 66 28'. Pop. about 14,000.
KHEMANDI. Village in Jodhpur State, Rajputana ; on the route
from Nasirabad to Disa, and 154 miles south-west of the former. Lat.
25 15', long. 73 11'.
KHEM KARAN. Town and municipality in Lahore district, Punjab ;
thirty-four miles south of Lahore. Lat. 31 9', long. 74 36' 30". Pop.
(1881), 5516.
KHEMLA. Town in Jaipur State, Rajputana; on the route from
Agra to Nasirabad, eighty-two miles south-west of former, 138 north-
east of latter. Lat. 26 41', long. 76 55'.
KHEMPUR. Village in Moradabad district, KW.P. ; on the route
from Hardwar to Moradabad, and fifteen miles north-west of the latter.
Lat. 29 2', long. 78 44'.
KHENGANPIJR. Town in Firozpur district, Punjab ; situate nine
miles from the right bank of the Beas, sixty-one miles south by west of
the town of Lahore. Lat. 30 46', long. 74 8'.
KHER. Town in Ratnagiri district, Bombay ; ninety-three miles
south-south-east of Bombay. Lat. 17 44', long. 73 30'.
KHERA. Village in Agra district ; on the route from the city of
Agra to Jaipur, and nineteen miles west of the former. Lat. 27 7',
long. 77 46'.
KHERA. Village in Muttra district, KW.P. ; on the route from
Agra to Bareilly, and thirty-seven miles north-east of the former. Lat.
27 31', lung. 78 28'.
KHE 455
KHERA. Tillage in Saharanpur district, KW.P. ; on the route
from Karnul to Saharanpur, and twelve miles south-west of the latter
town. Distant north-west from Calcutta 995 miles. Lat. 29 53', long.
77 26'.
KHERA. Tillage in Delhi district, KW.P. ; on the route from the
city of Delhi to Karnal, and eight miles north-west of the former. Lat.
28 46', long. 77 11'.
KHERA BAGSAR. Town in Meerut district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
KHERA BAJHERA. Pargana in Shahjahanpur district, N/W.P.
Pop. (1881), 39,959.
KHERAGARH. Thana in Agra district, KAV.P. Pop. (1881),
KHERALI. State in Kathiawar, Bombay, paying a yearly tribute of
67 to the British Government.
KHERALU. Town in Baroda State. Lat. 23 54', long. 72 40'.
Pop. (1881), 8528.
KHERALU. District in Kadi division, Baroda State. Area, 218 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 57,544.
KHERA W ARA. State in Mahi Kantha, Bombay. Pop. (1881),
1355. The Chief pays a yearly tribute of 30 4s. to the Gaekwar of
Baroda, and of 9 6s. to Edar.
KHERGAON. Town in Kagpur district, Central Provinces. Pop.
(1881), 2132.
KHERI. Chiefship in Bhandara district, Central Provinces. Area,
14 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 633.
KHERI. Village with a ruined brick fort, in Saharanpur district,
N.W.P. ; situate on the route from the town of that name to Dehra,
and twenty-two miles south-west of the latter. Lat. 30 3', long.
77 52'.
KHERI. Tillage in Muzaffarnagar district, KW.P. ; on the route
from Karnal to the town of Muzaffarnagar, and twenty-five miles west of
the latter. Lat. 29 26', long. 77 22'.
KHERI. District in Oudh, N.W.P. ; between lat. 27 41' 28 42',
and long. 80 4' 30" 81 23'. Area, 2992 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
831,922. Bounded on the north by the river Mohan, separating it from
Nepal ; on the east by the Kauriala river, separating it from Bahraich ;
on the south by Sitapur district; and on the west by Shahjahanpur
district, in the N.W.P. The chief rivers are the Kauriala, Suheli,
Dahawar, and Chauka. The chief towns are Kheri, Huhamdi, Oel, and
Lakhimpur (the capital). The administration of the district is in the
hands of a Deputy- Commissioner, with the usual staff.
KHERI. Town (in pargana of same name) in Kheri district, Oudh.
Lat. 27 54', long. 80 51'. Pop. (1881), 5996. Contains numerous
temples and mosques. Area of pargana, 193 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
KHERI GHAT. Thana in Bahraich district, Oudh. Pop. (1881),
KHERKERIA. Tillage in Bhutan State ; near the Lakshmi river.
An annual fair is held in this locality.
KHERNA Port in Tanna district, Bombay.
KHERNI. Tillage in Jaipur State ; on the route from Bundi to
Agra, seventy miles north-east of former, 120 south-west of latter. Lat.
26 14', long. 76 23'.
KHETKAL. Thana in Bogra district, Bengal. Area, 119 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 40,023.
KHETRI. Town in Jaipur State, Rajputana; distance south-west
from Delhi, ninety miles, north from Jaipur, seventy-five. Lat. 28,
long. 75 53'. Pop. (1881), 5283,
KHI. Tillage in Firozpur district, Punjab ; seven miles from the
left bank of the Sutlej, on the route from Firozpur to Mandot, and
five miles south-west of the former place. Distant north-west from
Calcutta, by way of Delhi and Faridkot, 1111 miles. Lat. 30 54', long.
74 30'.
KHIAODA. State in Central India Agency. Pop. (1881), 1184.
KHI J ARIA State in Kathiawar, Bombay.
KHIJRIA. State in Kathiawar, Bombay ; paying a yearly tribute of
38 to the British Government, and 4 to the Nawab of Junagarh.
KHIJITDIA NAGANL State in Kathiawar, Bombay; paying a
yearly tribute of 5 to the Gaekwar of Baroda.
KHILPATL Tillage in Kumaun district, N.W.P. ; on the route
from Pithoragarh to Champawat, fifteen miles south of the former, seven
north-east of the latter. Lat. 29 23', long. 80 13'.
KHILPURI (KILPTIRI). Town in Tarai district, N.W.P. ; on the
route from Pilibhit to Almora, thirty miles north-west of the former,
situate on the Baigul river. Lat. 28 59', long. 79 46'.
KHIMLASA. Town in Sagar district, Central Provinces ; forty-two
miles north-west of Sagar. Lat. 24 12' 30", long. 78 24' 30". Pop.
(1881), 2726.
KHIPRA. Town and municipality (in taluk of same name), on the
Eastern Nara, in the Thar and Parkar district, Sind, Bombay. Lat. 25
49' 30", long. 69 25'. Pop. (1872), 1227. Area of taluk, 3114 sq.
miles. Pop. (1872), 45,145.
KHIRL Thana in Allahabad district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 23,046.
KHIRKA. -Tillage in Bareilly district, N.W.P. ; on the route from
Bareilly to Moradabad, and fourteen miles north-west of the former.
Lat. 28 28', long. 79 16'.
KHIRKA BURNA. Tillage in Bareilly district, N.W.P. ; on the
route from Bareilly to Pithoragarh, and forty-seven miles north-east of
the former. Lat. 28 48', long. 79 56'.
KHIRON. Town (in pargana of same name") in Rai Bareli district,
Oudh ; twenty-five miles south of Lucknow. Lat. 26 30', long. 80 50'.
Pop. (1869), 3480. Area of pargana, 102 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
KHIRPAL Tillage in Midnapur district, Bengal. Pop. (1881 ), 6295.
KHIRWA. Town in Jodhpur State, Rajputana ; forty-nine miles
south-east by south from Jodhpur, and ninety-three miles south-west
from Ajmere. Lat. 25 41', long. 73 33'.
KHISOR HILLS (KAFIR KOT). Range of hills in Dera Ismail
Khan district, Punjab; between lat. 32 13' 32 34', and loi.g. 70
56' 71 21'. Total length, 50 miles. Highest elevation, about 3000
KHITORA. Town in Chanda district, Central Provinces ; twenty-two
miles north-east from the river Wardha, and sixty-two miles south-south-
east from Nagpur. Lat. 20 18', long. 79 25'.
KHOJAPHTJL. Village in Cawnpore district, 1ST.W.P. ; on the route
from Kalpi to Etawah, and forty-five miles south-east of the latter. Lat.
26 24', long. 79 39'.
KHOJRI. Chiefship in Bhandara district, Central Provinces. Area,
7 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 1502.
KHOLAKOT. Village in Kumaun district, N/VV.P. ; on a ridge of the
Sub-Himalaya, or mountain- system south of the main range, on the route
from Champawat to Askoth, eight miles north of the former. Lat. 29
28', long. 80 T.
KHOLAPTJR. Town in Amraoti district, Berar ; eighteen miles
west of Amraoti. Lat. 20 55' 30", long. 77 33' 30". Pop. (1881),
KHOLPETTJA. River in Twenty-four Parganas district, Bengal ; a
loop of the Kabadak.
KHOLRO. Village in Loharu State, Punjab. Lat. 28 30', long.
75 55'.
KHONDALL Town in Nagpur district, Central Provinces; on the
left bank of one of the branches of the "Wardha river, and thirty-two
miles west from Nagpur. Pop. (1881), 3296. Lat. 21 7', long. 78 40'.
KHONDALL Town in Travancore State, Madras; 117 miles north
from Trivandrum, and sixty miles south by east from Coimbatore. Lat.
10 9', long. 77 10'.
KHONDIN (KHOADIN). Village in Bannu district, Punjab ; situate
eight miles from the left bank of the Indus, 168 miles west-north-west of
the town of Lahore. Lat. 32 26', long. 71 30'.
KHONGJTTIKHULEL. Village in Manipur State, Assam; ninety-
three miles south-east by east from Sylhet, and 140 miles east-north-east
from Tipperah. Lat. 24 20', long. 93 10'.
KHONGWA ZAKAN. Village in Kyouk-hpyu district, British
Burma ; about five miles from Aeng (or An), on the route which bears the
name of that town, and close to where it crosses the river. Lat. 19
52', long. 94 9'.
KHOPA. Town in Allahabad district, KW.P. ; on the route from
Allahabad to Banda, twenty- two miles west of the former. Lat. 25 21',
long. 81 34'.
KHOPA. Village in Panna State, Central India Agency ; on tho
route from Banda to Jabalpur, ninety-nine miles south of the former,
ninety-six north of the latter, situate near the left bank of the river Ken.
Lat. 24 19', long. 80 20'.
KHOPRA NADI (KOPRA). River of Damoh district, Central
Provinces ; falls into the Sonar (a tributary of the Jumna) on the right
side, in lat. 24 3', long. 79 31'.
KHORO. Village in Dujana State, Punjab; on the route from Dadri
to Kewari, and eight miles south-east of the former. Lat. 28 28', long.
76 23'.
KHOTAR. Pargana in Shahjahanpur district, KW.P. Pop. (1881),
KHOUNGTOUNG MYO. Town of Independent Burma, situate on
the left bank of the Irawadi river, and 166 miles north-north-east from
Ava. Lat. 24 10', long. 96 55'.
KHUAPUR. Village in Fatehpur district, KW.P. ; on the route
from Kalpi to Fatehpur, and ten miles north-west of the latter. Lat. 26,
long. 80 45'.
KHUAPUR. Village in Cawnpore district, N.W.P. ; on the route
from Kalpi to Fatehgarh, and fourteen miles north of the former. Lat.
26 17', long. 79 47'.
KHUDA. Village in Umballa district, Punjab ; on the route from
Ludhiana to Saharanpur, and fifty miles north-west of the latter place.
Distant north-west from Calcutta 1008 miles. Lat. 30 20', long.
76 58'.
KHUDABAD. Ruined town in Haidarabad district, Sind, Bombay ;
thirty miles north of Haidarabad, and ten miles east of the Indus. Lat.
25 48', long. 68 32'.
KHUDAGANJ. Town in Farrukhabad district, N.W.P. ; on the
route from Cawnpore to Fatehgarh, and thirteen miles south of the latter.
It is situate on the north bank of the Kali Nadi (East), here crossed by a
suspension bridge. Lat. 27 11', long. 79 44'.
KHUDAGANJ. Town in Shahjahanpur district, KW.P. Pop.
(1881), 6925. Also thana. Pop. (1881), 38,817.
KHUDIAN. Town in Lahore district, Punjab. Lat. 30 59' 30",
long. 74 19' 15". Pop. (1881), 2917.
KHUJJI. State in Eaipur district, Central Provinces. Area, 71 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 11,309. The chief town, which bears the same
name, is in lat. 21 57', long. 81 57' 30".
KHUKHUNDU. Thana in Gorakhpur district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
KHULNA. Subdivision of district of same name, Bengal ; between
lat. 21 41' 45" 23 1', and long. 89 12' 30" 89 47' 15". Area, 696
sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 344,389. Area of district, 2077 sq. miles. Pop.
(1881), 1,079,948.
KHULNA Town and municipality (in subdivision of same name)
in Khulna district, Bengal ; situated on the river Bhairab, where it
enters the Sundarbans. Lat. 22 49' 10", long. 89 36' 55". A great
centre of trade. Also thana. Area, 181 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
KHUMARKHALL Thana in Nadiya district, Bengal. Area, 102
Bq. miles. Pop. (1881), 98,247.
KHTTMBLAO. State in Kathiawar, Bombay ; paying a yearly tribute
of 73 to the British Government, and 13 to the Nawab of Juna-
KEU 459
KHTJND (KTJND). Valley in Kashmir State, Punjab; furrowing
the northern side of the Panjal. It is three miles long, displays great
picturesque beauty, is well cultivated, and contains some villages.
Elevation above the level of the sea, 6000 feet. Khund, the principal
place, is in lat. 33 32', long. 75 10'.
KHTJNDALTJ (KHANDALA). Lake in Hindur State, Punjab;
situate about 2800 feet above the sea, amidst the hills forming the range
extending in a south-westerly direction from the left bank of the Sutlej
to the Sub-Himalaya or Siwalik Mountains. It is about a mile and a
half in length during the season of low water, but in the rainy season,
when fullest, is a mile longer. A village of the same name is situate
about a mile from the lake. Lat. 31 10', long. 76 47'.
KHUNDMAL. Tributary State, Orissa. Pop. (1881), 58,959.
KHTJRDHA. Town and municipality (in subdivision of same name),
in Puri district, Orissa, Bengal. Lat. 20 10' 49", long. 85 40' 12".
Area of subdivision, 943 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 323,405. Also thana.
Area, 583 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 269,478.
KHTJRENCHA. Village in Jodhpur State, Rajputana ; on the route
from Jodhpur to Ajmere, and thirty-eight miles north-east of the former.
Lat. 26 24', long. 73 43'.
KHURHAND. Thana in Banda district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
KHURIAL. Village in Patiala State, Punjab; on the route from
Hansi to Ludhiana, and seventy -four miles north of the former town.
Distant north-west from Calcutta, 1050 miles. Lat. 30 6', long.
75 58'.
KHURJA. Town, municipality, and station on the East Indian Rail-
way (in tahsil of same name) in Bulandshahr district, N.W.P. Distant
from Bulandshahr ten miles south, from Aligarh thirty miles north, from
Meerut and Delhi fifty miles south and south-east respectively. Lat. 28
15' 25', long. 77 53' 50". Pop. (1881), 27,190. Area of tahsil, 460 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 212,561. Also pargana. Pop. (1881), 105,185.
And thana. Pop. (1881), 75,707.
KHUSA. Town in Nepal State; situate two miles from the right
bank of the Bhotiya Kusi river, and fifty-three miles north-east from
Khatmandu. Lat. 28 7', long. 86.
KHTJSALGARH.Town and fort in Banswara State, Rajputana ; 119
miles east by north from Ahmedabad, and twenty-two miles south from
Banswara. Lat. 23 10', long. 74 27'.
KHUSHAB. Town and municipality on the right bank of the river
Jhelum (in tahsil of same name) in Shahpur district, Punjab. Lat. 32
17' 40", long. 72 23' 51". Pop. (1881), 8989. Area of tahsil, 2478 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 131,615.
KHTISHALPUR (KTJSALPUR). Town in Bijnaur district, KW.P. ;
on the route from Moradabad to Hardwar, and fifty miles north-west of
the former. Lat. 29 29', long. 78 28'.
KHIJSHAIN. Fort in Bashahr State, Punjab ; near the right bank of
a considerable feeder of the river Pabur. Elevation above the sea, 6875
feet. Lat. 31 11', long. 77 42'.
KHTTSHBIR. Village in Bashahr State, Punjab ; with a small fort,
situate on a declivity, sloping gradually eastward to the right bank
of the Sutlej. Elevation above the sea, 9284 feet. Lat. 31 33',
long. 78 19'.
KHTISHI SONDA. Town in Mandla district, Central Provinces;
situate on the route from Ramgarh to Rewah, twenty-one miles north of
the former. Lat. 23 7', long. 81 1'.
KHTJTA. Village in Rampur State, N.W.P. ; on the route from
Bareilly to Almora, and forty-five miles north of the former. Lat. 28
52', long. 79 27'.
KHUTAHAN. Tahsil in Jaunpur district, N.W.P. Area, 367 sq.
miles. Pop. (1872), 237,536.
KHTJTAR. Thana in Shahjahanpur district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
KHTITARO. Town in Satara district, Bombay ; 137 miles south-east
of Bombay. Lat. 17 39', long. 74 28'.
KHITTG AON. State in Chanda district, Central Provinces. Area,
157 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 3614. The capital, which bears the same
name, is in lat. 20 11', long. 80 14'.
KHUTHAN. Thana in Jaunpur district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
KHUTHAR (KUTHAR). Town in Shahjahanpur district, KW.P, ;
on the route from Pilibhit to Lucknow, forty -one miles south-east of the
former. Lat. 28 11', long. 80 20'.
KHUTKURRI. Town in Eewah State, Central India Agency; on
the route by the Katra Pass, from Allahabad to Jabalpur, and eighty-
three miles south-west of the former. Elevation above the sea, about
1200 feet. Lat. 24 42', long. 82 3'.
KHUTNL River in Dehra Dun district, N.W.P. ; a stream rising in
the mountains in the middle of Jaunsar Bawar subdivision, and in lat.
30 45', long. 77 56'. It has a south-easterly course of about fifteen
miles, and falls into the Jumna on the right side, in lat. 30 39', long.
78 5'
KHUTTJWAS. Village in Jodhpur State, Rajputana ; on the route
from Balotri to the city of Jodhpur, and eighteen miles south-west of the
latter. Lat. 26 9', long. 73.
KHWA. Small river of British Burma, being part of the boundary
between the Arakan and Pegu divisions.
KHWA. Town on the right bank of the Khwa river, in Sandoway
district, British Burma. Lat. 17 34', long. 94 39'. Pop. (1875), 1088.
KHWAJAH-SARAL Village in Delhi district, N. W.P. ; caravanserai
on the route from the city of Delhi to Muttra, and fourteen miles south-
east of the former. Lat. 28 30', long. 77 22'.
KHWAJA KALAN. Thana in Patna district, Bengal. Pop. (1881),
KHWA -LEK- WAI. Revenue circle along the right bank of the
Khwa, in Sandoway district, British Burma. Pop. (1876), 2339.
KHWA-LEK-YA. Revenue circle on the left bank of the Khwa
river, in Bassein district, British Burma. Pop. (1876), 2460.
KHYA-RA GUN. Revenue circle in Prome district, British Burma.
Pop. (1877), 1661.
KHYRIM (NONGKREM). State in Khasi Hills district, Assam.
Pop. (1872), 20,504.
KIAMARI. Island in Karachi district, Sind, Bombay. Lat. 24 49'
15", long. 67 2'. Station on the Sind Railway.
KIANTHENGSAH. Town in Tavoy district, British Burma; 158
miles south by east of Maulmain. Lat. 14 17', long. 98 18'.
KIBBETTA. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 167.
KICHAULL Village in Mainpuri district, KW.P. ; on the route
from Aligarh to Mainpuri, and thirteen miles north-west of the latter.
Lat. 27 20', long. 78 57'.
KICKING. Village in Singbhum district, Bengal. Lat. 21 55' 30",
long. 85 52' 30". There are two temples which are visited by
KICHIWARA. Tract of country in Malwa, Central India Agency;
named from the Kichi Rajputs. Nearly coincident with the State of
KIDDERPUR. Village in Twenty-four Parganas district, Bengal.
Lat. 22 32' 25", long. 88 22' 18". A suburb of Calcutta to the south,
situate on the Hugh' river. Contains the Government dockyard.
KIDWARRA (KULWARI). Village _in Aligarh district, KW.P. ;
on the route from Agra to Aligarh, and thirty miles north of the former.
Lat. 27 34', long. 78 7'.
KIGGALTT. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 330.
KIGGAT-N AD. Taluk in Coorg. Area, 504 sq. miles. Pop. (1871),
KIKAIRI (KIKKERI). Town in Hasan district, Mysore State;
twenty-nine miles north-north-west from Serin gapatam, and ninety-
six miles north-east by east from Cannanore. Lat. 12 46' long.
76 30'.
KIKKARAHALLL Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 51.
KILA DATJLA. Town in Shahpur district, Punjab; forty-three miles
east from the left bank of the Indus, 142 miles west by north of the town
of Lahore. Lat. 31 54', long. 71 49'.
KILADI. Town in Bhandara district, Central Provinces ; nine miles
from the left bank of the Wainganga river, and forty-six miles east-south-
east from Nagpur. Lat. 20 56', long. 79 49'.
KILA DIDAR SINGH. Town in Gujranwala district, Punjab.
Pop. (1881), 2822.
462 XIL Eltf
KILANG. Village in Kangra district, Punjab. Lat. 32 34' 15",
long. 77 4'.
KILA SOBHA SINH. Town and municipality in Sialkot district,
Punjab. Lat. 32 14', long. 74 48' 15". Pop. (1881), 4521.
KILCHIPUR. Capital of Kilchipur State, Central India Agency;
a town on the route from Nimach to Sagar, 138 miles east of former, 168
west of latter. Lat. 24 2', long. 76 34'.
KILCHIPUR. State in Central India Agency. Between lat. 23 52'
24 17', and long. 76 28' 76 45'. Area, 273 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
36,125. The chief, who pays a yearly tribute of 1313 to Sindhia,
maintains a force of 40 horse and 200 foot. He is entitled to a salute of
9 guns.
KILING (TIM IAM). Eiver of the Khasi and Jaintia Hills and
Nowgong districts, Assam ; falls into the Kalang, a loop of the Brahma-
KILIPALLI. Town in Sonpur State, Sambalpur district, Central
Provinces; it is situated on the left bank of the Mahanadi river, and
is twenty-two miles south from Sambalpur. Lat. 21 10', long.
84 3'.
KILIYAR. River in Travanoore State, Madras.
KILKARAL Port at the mouth of the Vigai, in Madura dis-
trict, Madras. Lat. 9 14' 20', long. 78 50' 10". Pop. (1881),
KIL KUNDA. Town in Malabar district, Madras; 100 miles south-
east by east of Cannanore. Lat. 11 14', long. 76 45'.
KILNER GHAT. Pass in Indore State, Central India Agency; on
the Bombay and Agra road across the Vindhya range, south of Mhow.
Lat. 22 22', long. 75 35'.
KILPITRL Town (in tahsil of same name) in the Tarai district,
N.W.P. ; on the route from Philibhit to Almora, twenty-seven miles
north by west of the former. Lat. 29, long. 79 47'. Area of tahsil,
400 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 48,990. Also pargana. Pop. (1881),
KIMIDI. Part of Ganjam district, Madras; comprising the Parla
Kimidi, Pedda or Boda Kimidi (otherwise Vizianagaram) and Chinna
Kimidi (or Pratapgiri) States.
KIMIRIA. Branch of the Brahmani river, Cuttack district, Orissa,
KIMLASA. Town in Sagar district, Central Provinces ; on the route
from Tehri to TJjjain, fifty miles south-west of former, 170 north-east of
latter. Lat. 24 12', long. 78 25'.
KIMLIA. Pass in Bashahr State, Punjab ; over the range of the
outer Himalaya, bounding Kunawar to the south. Its elevation above
the sea is probably about 17,000 feet. A peak two or three miles south-
west of the pass has an elevation of 19,481 feet above the sea. The pass
is in lat. 31 14', long. 78 28'.
KIMSUR. Village in Jodhpur State, Rajputana; on the route from
Jaisalmir to Nagaur, and 123 miles north-west of the latter. Lat. 26 58',
long. 73 27'.
KING. Island situate ten miles west of the coast of Mergui district,
British Burma. Length, north to south, twenty-six miles ; breadth, east
to west, ten miles. Lat. 12 31', long. 98 28'.
KINGRL Town in Kashmir State, Punjab ; ninety-one miles north-
east by north from Kangra, and 147 miles south-east by east from Srina-
gar. Lat. 33 4', long. 77 15'.
KINHERL Town in Multan district, Punjab ; situated on the left
bank of the Chenab, forty-one miles south-south-west of Lahore. Lat.
29 36', long. 71 12'.
KINHL State in Balaghat district, Central Provinces. Area, 159
sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 5419. Capital Kinhi. Lat. 21 37', long.
80 39'.
KINHI (KINI). Town in Haidarabad State; situate sixty-five miles
south-south-west of Ellichpur. Lat. 20 19', long. 77 16'.
KINHIKOT. Town in Cutch State, Bombay; seven miles south-east
from the great Western llann, and forty-eight miles east-north-east from
Bhuj. Lat. 23 28', long. 70 26'.
KIN JAR. Town in Muzaffargarh district, Punjab ; situated on the
left bank of the Indus, thirty-two miles south-west by west of Multan.
Lat. 29 55', long. 71 3'.
KIOWTING. Town in Birbhum district, Bengal ; eighty-three miles
north-north-west of Calcutta. Lat. 23 43', long. 88 31'.
KIRAGANDUR. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 472.
KIRAKTJT. Town (in tahsil of same name) in Jaunpur district,
KW.P. Pop. (1881), 3251. Area of tahsil, 171 sq. miles. Pop. (1872),
114,167. Also thana. Pop. (1881), 87,191.
KIRAMDADU. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 474.
KIRATPUR. Town in Mainpuri district, N.W.P. ; on the route from
Etawah to Mainpuri, and six miles south-west of the latter. Lat. 27 10',
long. 79 2'.
KIRATPUR. Town (in pargana of same name) in Bijnaur district,
N.W.P. Lat. 29 30' 5", long. 78 15' 5". Pop. (1881), 12,728. Pop.
of pargana (1881), 47,416. Also thana. Pop. (1881), 55,563.
KIRBASSA Town in Nepal State; three miles from the right
bank of the Jimru river, and 198 miles west by north from Khatmandu.
Lat. 28 23', long. 82 10'.
KIRI. Village in Patiala State, Punjab ; on the route from Karnal
to Ludhiana, and thirty-six miles north-west of the former town.
Distant north-west from Calcutta, 1001 miles. Lat. 30 8' long.
76 46'.
KIRIBILAHA. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 43.
KIRI KODLL Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 77.
KIRIYANAGAR. Town in Cutch State, Bombay; fourteen miles
south-east from the great Western Eann, and sixty-two miles east-north-
east from Bhuj. Lat. 23 30', long. 70 40'.
KIRKI. Town, station on the Great Indian Peninsula Railway, and
cantonment, in Poona district, Bombay; 115 miles south-east of
Bombay, and four north-west of Poona. Lat. 18 33', long. 73 54',
Pop. (1881), 7252.
KIRNAPUR. State in Balaghat district, Central Provinces. Area,
40 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 12,667. The capital, which bears the same
name, is in lat. 21 39', long. 80 22'.
KIRPOI. Town in Hugli district, Bengal ; on the route from Bard-
wan to Midnapur, forty miles south of the former, thirty north-east of
the latter, and forty-eight miles west of Calcutta. Lat. 22 44', long.
87 41'.
KIRRAN (SAHI). River in Gurdaspur and Amritsar districts,
Punjab ; falls into the Ravi in lat. 31 45', long. 74 37'.
KIRTAR (KIRTHAR). A range of mountains in Karachi district,
Sind, Bombay ; an offset of the great Hala range farther west. They lie
between lat. 25 50' 26 40', and about the meridian line of long.
67 40'.
KIRTHAL. Village in Meerut district, N.W.P. Lat. 29 14' 15',
long. 77 17' 15". Pop. (1881), 5516.
KIRTINASA. River in Dacca district, Bengal; falling into the
Meghna, in lat. 23 14', and long. 90 37'.
KIRTJD ALE. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 243.
KIRUGUR. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 721.
KIRWA. Village in Sirong, an outlying district of the Tonk State,
Rajputana ; on the route from Tehri to Ujjain, eighty-one miles south-
west of the former, and 185 miles north-east of the latter. Lat. 24,
long. 77 58'.
KISHIN AND SOCOTRA. State on the African Coast, having
relations with the Resident at Aden. The Sultan is entitled to a salute
of nine guns as a personal distinction.
KISHNI. Town on the right bank of the river Gumti, in Sultanpur
district, Oudh. Lat. 26 35', long. 81 41'. Pop. (1869), 2297.
KISHNI NABIGANJ. Pargana in Mainpuri district, N.W.P. Pop.
(1881), 52,949.
KISHNI. Thana in Mainpuri district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 60,090.
KISING. Town in Nepal State ; situate three miles from the left
bank of the Gandak river, and eighty-three miles west from Khatmandu.
Lat, 27 46', long. 83 56'.
KISORIGANJ. Town and municipality (in subdivision of same name)
in Maimansinh district, Bengal ; thirteen miles east of the Brahmaputra.
Lat. 24 26' 20", long. 90 48' 40". Pop. (1881), 12,898. A fair is
held annually in this town. Area of subdivision, 744 sq. miles. Pop.
(1881), 467,320. Also thana. Area, 151 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
KISORIGANJ. Village in Rangpur district, Bengal.
KISRL Town in Baroda State ; eighty-two miles south by east from
Rajkot, and 163 miles south-west from Ahmedabad. Lat. 21 9', long.
71 9'.
KISSEN DASKA TALAO. Tillage in Delhi district, Punjab;
halting-place on the route from Delhi to Muttra, and eleven miles south
of the former. Lat. 28 30', long. 77 21'.
KISSERAING. Island of the Mergui Archipelago, situate off the
coast of Mergui district, British Burma ; length north to south twenty
miles, breadth ten miles. Lat. 11 34', long. 98 36'.
KISTAWAR. Town in Kashmir State, Punjab ; elevation above sea-
level, about 5000 feet. Lat. 33 18' 30", long. 75 48'.
KISTNAPATAM. Town in Nellore district, Madras; eighty-two
miles north of Madras. Lat. 14 17', long. 80 11'.
KISUNI (KISHNI). Village in Mainpuri district, ITW.P. ; on the
route from Etawah to Fatehgarh, and twenty-five miles north-east of the
former. Lat. 27 2', long. 79 12'.
KITHOR. Pargana in Meerut district, KW.P. Pop. (1881), 77,562.
Also thana. Pop. (1881), 27,800.
KITTUR. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 346.
KITTTJR. Town in Belgaum district, Bombay ; twenty-six miles
south-east of Belgaum. Lat. 15 35' 30', long. 74 50'. Pop. (1872),
Kill. Town in Kashmir State, Punjab ; situate 149 miles north -north-
east from Kangra, and 135 miles east from Srinagar. Lat. 33 59', long.
77 19'.
KIUKUCHI. Halting-place in Bashahr State, Punjab; on the north-
eastern declivity of the elevated Charung Pass, which traverses the
huge mountain dividing the valley of the Buspa from that of the Tidung.
The halting-place is on the right bank of the Nungulti, a rapid
unfordable torrent, falling into the river Tidung a few miles farther
down. Elevation above the sea, 12,457 feet. Lat. 31 27', long.
78 37'.
KIVALUR. Town in Tanjore district, Madras; 166 miles south by
west of Madras. Lat. 10 47', long. 79 48'.
KIVENTHA. Village in Kyouk-hpyii district, British Burma; on
the route from Membu to Aeng (or An), and situate on the Mine (or
Ma-i) river. Lat. 20 18', long. 94 22'.
KIWAI. Pargana in Allahabad district, KW.P. Pop. (1881),
KI YARD A. Village in Mhan State, Punjab; in the valley of the
same name, and on the route from Dehra to Nahan, twenty-one miles
south-east of the latter place. Elevation above the sea, 1844 feet. Lat.
30 28', long. 77 36'.
KOAHDA (CHUTENEA). River of Rewah State, Central India
Agency ; formed by the junction of the Odda and the Silar. Twenty
miles from its course, and at an elevation of 1000 feet above the sea,
is the cascade of Bauti, where the river is precipitated a depth of 400
feet over the brow of the Katra ridge, and continuing a northerly
course of about fifteen miles, during which it is joined by the Gurma, is
discharged, on the left side, in lat. 24 57', long. 81 57', into the
Biland, a tributary of the Son.
KOANG. E-iver of Rewah State, Central India Agency ; falling into
the Son in lat. 23 25', long. 81 31'.
KQAHA FORT. Village in Jaisalrmr State, Rajputana ; on the route
from Kohri to Jaisalmir, and distant from the latter thirty-eight miles
west. Lat. 27 7'. long. 70 26'.
KOATPALLI. Town in Haidarabad State ; situate nine miles north
from the right bank of the Tandur river, and fifty-three miles west from
Haidarabad. Lat. 17 22', long. 77 45'.
KOCHANG Town in Lohardaga district, Bengal ; sixty miles south-
east by east of Lohardaga. Lat. 22 55', long. 85 30'.
KOCHERLAKOTAH. Town in Nellore district, fifty miles west-
north-west of Ongole. Lat. 15 50', long. 79 25'.
KOCHICHTJ. Village in Hamirpur district, N.W.P. ; on the route
from Banda to Gwalior, sixty-seven miles west of the former. It is
situate on the river Dhasan. Lat. 25 34', long. 79 29'.
KOCHILA BUEIA. Town in Darrang district, Assam; fifty-seven
miles north-east by east of Darrang. Lat. 26 55', long. 92 47'.
KOCHTJS. Town in Shahabad district, Bengal; seventy-six miles
west-south-west of Dinapur. Lat. 25 10', long. 84.
KOD. Subdivision of Dharwar district, Bombay. Area, 400 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 80,345.
KOD ABAGA. Chief ship in Sambalpur district, Central Provinces.
Area, 20 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 4154.
KOD ACHADRL Mountain in Shimoga district, Mysore ; 4446 feet
high. Lat. 13 51' 40", long. 74 54' 40". There is a temple on one of
the slopes.
KODAGARAHALLL Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 186.
KODAGU SRIRANGAPATNA. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop.
(1881), 47.
KOD AIKANAL. Town in Madura district, Madras. Lat. 10 13'
21", long. 77 31' 38". Pop. (1871), 757. A hill-station on the Panil
Hills, 7209 feet above the sea.
State, Madras; 112 miles north by west from Trivandrum, and sixty-
eight miles south-south-west from Coimbatore. Lat. 10 4', long.
76 42'.
KODAMBTJRTJ. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 344.
KOD AMENDHL Town in Nagpur district, Central Provinces. Pop.
(1881), 2171.
KODABJNA. Thana in Hazaribagh district, Bengal. Area, 442 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 73,802.
KODA SHASTRI PARV AT. Mountain of the Western Ghats, in
South Kanara district, Madras; 4300 feet high. Lat. 13 52', long.
74 55'.
KOD ASHIRL Mountain in Cochin State, Madras. Between lat. 10
21' 10 21' 45", and long. 76 23' 20" 76 28'.
KODINAR. Town (in district of same name) in Baroda State. Lat.
20 46' 30", long. 70 46'. Pop. (1881), 6542. Area of district, 252
sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 31,189.
KODLIPET. Tillage in Coorg, Madras. Lat. 12 48', long. 75 57',
Pop. (1881), 856.
KO-DOTJNG. Revenue circle in Rangoon district, British Burma.
Pop. (1876), 5389.
KODUMUDI. Town in Coimbatore district, Madras ; sixty-four miles
east of Coimbatore. Lat. 11 4', long. 77 57'.
KODUMUR. Town in Karnul district, Madras. Lat. 15 41' 30",
long. 77 50' 15". Pop. (1871), 6064. Noted for blankets.
KODTJNDUR. Town in Coimbatore district, Madras ; forty-five miles
south- south-east of Coimbatore. Lat. 10 23', long. 77 13'.
Town in Cochin State, Madras. Lat. 10 13' 50", long. 76 14' 50".
Pop. (1876), 9475. A port of great historical importance, placed at the
chief outlet of the Cochin backwater ; still held in great veneration by
the Hindus.
KODTJNGITL. Town in Haidarabad State ; situate seven miles from
the left bank of the Tandur river, and sixty miles west-south-west from
Haidarabad. Lat. 17 6', long. 77 41'.
KODTJTANNL Town in Bellary district, Madras.
KOEL (NORTH). River of Lohardaga district, Bengal ; rising in
lat. 23 4', long. 84 30', and falling into the Son in lat. 24 32', long.
83 56'.
KOEL (SOUTH). River of Lohardaga district and Gangpur State,
Bengal; rising in lat. 23 18' 30", long. 85 6' 15"; uniting with the
Sankh. it forms the Brahmani, which falls into the Bay of Bengal.
KOENT. Village in Cawnpore district, N.W.P. ; on the route from
the cantonment of Etawah to Cawnpore, and thirty-four miles west of the
latter. Lat. 26 22', long. 79 56'.
KOGOON. Town in Shwe-gyeng district, British Burma; situate
ninety miles east from Rangoon, and fifty-one miles north from Amherst.
Lat. 16 50', long. 97 39'.
KOH. Thana in Allahabad district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 23,367.
< KOH (CHOIA). River of Kumaun and Bijnaur districts, N.W.P. ;
rises in the most southern range of the Himalaya mountain-system, near
Sangur fort, at an elevation of about 6400 feet, and in lat. 29 55', long.
78 42'. It falls into the Western liamganga in lat. 29 17', long.
78 42'.
KOHARL See Kuim.
KOHAT. District in the Peshawar division of the Punjab ; between
lat. 32 47' 33 53', and long. 70 34' 72 17'. Area, 2838 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 181,540. Bounded on the north by Peshawar district and
the Afridi Hills, on the north-west by the Orakzais, on the south by
Bannu district, on the east by the river Indus, and on the west by the
Zaimukht Hills, the river Kuram, and the "Waziri Hills. This is a very
hilly district, the mountains being the continuations of the Safedkoh
range, the Waziri Hills, and others. The chief towns are the Kohat (the
capital), Hangu and Sen. The chief rivers are the Ten Toi and the
Indus. The district, which is noted for its Salt Mines, is traversed by
the Punjab Northern Railway ; it is administered by a Deputy Com-
missioner and Staff.
KOHAT. Town, municipality and cantonment (in tahsil of same
name) in Kohat district, Punjab. Distant from Peshawar thirty-seven
miles south, from Bannu eighty-four miles north-east, from Rawal Pindi
105 miles west. Lat. 33 35' 35", long. 71 28' 43". Pop. (1881),
18,179. Area of tahsil, 803 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 65,245.
KOHAT TOL River in Kohat district, Punjab ; falling into the Indus,
in lat. 33 24', long. 71 51'.
KOHISTAN Taluk in Karachi district, Sind, Bombay. Area, 4058
sq. miles. Pop. (1872), 5681.
KOHNGAM. An island twenty miles east from the coast of Siarn,
two miles long by one and a half broad. It is situate 258 miles south-
south-west of Siam. Lat. 11 21', long. 100 5'.
KOHRAR KHAS. Town in Allahabad district, KW.P. ; on the
route from Mirzapur to Banda, thirty-six miles west of the former. Lat.
25 8', long. 82 4'.
KOI (KHOI). Village in Patiala State, Punjab ; on the route from
Hansi to Ludhiana, and forty-eight miles south of the latter town.
Distant north-west from Calcutta, 1064 miles. Lat. -30 17', long. 75 56'.
KOIL. Town (in tahsil of same name) in Aligarh district, N.W.P.
Pop. (1881), 61,730. Area of tahsil, 356 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
227,654. Also pargana. Pop. (1881), 193,118. And thana. Pop.
(1881), 139,689.
KOIL A. Tillage in Allahabad district, KW.P. ; on the route from
Allahabad to Fatehpur, and fifteen miles north-west of the former. Lat.
25 29', long. 81 43'.
KOILA. Village in Jind State, Punjab. Lat. 28 44', long. 76 1 9'.
KOILAOR. Town in Bara Banki district, Oudh ; situate on the right
bank of the Gogra, and fifty-two miles east from Lucknow. Lat. 26 51',
long. 81 50'.
KOILATH. Village in Bfkaner State, Rajputana ; on the route
from the town of Bikaner to that of Jaisalmir, and twenty-nine miles
south-west of the former. Here is a very large and well- filled tank,
where a fair is held every October, at the full moon. Lat. 27 48',
long. 73 1'.
KOILKONDA. Town in Haidarabad State ; sixty-five miles south-
west from Haidarabad, and sixty-two miles north by west from Karnul.
Lat 16 41', long. 77 50'.
KOILKTINTLA. Town in Cuddapah district, Madras; sixty-one
miles north-west of Cuddapah. Lat. 15 13', long. 78 23'.
KOIRIPTIR. Village in Jaunpur district, N.W.P. ; twenty-five miles
north of Allahabad. Lat. 26 2', long. 12 24'.
KOKATNUR. Town in Sholapur district, Bombay ; thirty-two miles
east of Hijapur. Lat. 16 49', long. 76 16'.
KOKATNUR. Town in Belgaum district, Bombay ; seventy-three
miles north-east of Belgaum. Lat. 16 41', long. 75 16'.
KOKE. Town in Bhandara district, Central Provinces. Pop. (1881),
KOKKERL Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 489.
KOKRA MAILANL Pargana in Kheri district, Oudh. Pop. (1881),
KOKBI. River of Poona and Ahmednagar districts, Bombay ; falling
into the Gor river, in lat. 18 52', long. 74 20'.
KOKRIT. Town in Amherst district, British Burma; situate sixty
miles north of Maulmain. Lat. 17 20', long. 97 42'.
KOKSAL. Town in Pabna district, Bengal ; ninety-eight miles north-
east by north of Calcutta. Lat. 23 48', long. 89 16'.
KOKTJR. Celebrated spring at the northern base of the Pir Panjal,
in Kashmir State, Punjab ; bounding the valley on the south. It
gushes with a copious volume of water out of six orifices at the bottom
of a limestone cliff. A considerable stream is thus formed, which flows
into the Bareng river. Lat. 33 30', long. 75 19'.
KOLA. Small fort in Kumaun district, N.W.P. ; situate on a hill on
the right bank of the river Dubha, on the route from Almora to Kosipur,
twenty-five north-east of the latter. Lat. 29 25', long. 79 20'.
KOL ABA. District in Bombay; between lat. 17 52' 18 50', and
long. 73 7' 73 42'. Area 1496 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 381,649.
Bounded on the north by Bombay harbonr, Tanna district, and the Amba
river; on the east by the territory of Pant Sachiv and by Poona and
Satara districts ; on the south by Eatnagiri district and Janjira State ;
and on the west by the Arabian Sea. The chief mountains are the spurs
of the Sahyadri range. The chief town is Alidach. Kolaba Island, in
the days before the British rule, used to be the principal station of the
pirates of the western coast of India. The district, which is skirted
by the Western Deccan Railway, is administered by a Collector and two
KOLABA. Southern extremity of Bombay Island, Bombay ; forming
one portion of the City of Bombay. It contains the terminus of the
Bombay, Baroda, and Central Indian liailway; the quarters of the
European troops ; and many important commercial and other buildings.
Kolaba is built on the promontory between Bombay Harbour and
Bach Bay.
KOLABIRA. State in Sambalpur district, Central Provinces. Area,
231 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 31,246. The town of Kolabira is situated
in lat, 21 48', long. 84 12' 30".
KOLACHEL. Town in Travancore State, Madras. Lat. 8 10', long.
77 19'. Pop. (1875), 4768. A place of considerable importance as a
port for coasting steamers.
KOLACHI (KOLANCHI). Town in Dera Ismail Khan district,
Punjab ; situated forty miles west from the right bank of the Indus, and
140 miles north-west by north of the town of Multan. Lat. 31 51',
long. 70 53'.
KOLAD. Town in Tanna district, Bombay; forty-six miles south-east
of Bombay. Lat. 18 26', long. 73 20'.
KOLAGADALTI. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 601.
KOLAHNELLI. Town in Coimbatore district, Madras j sixty-one
miles east of Coimbatore. Lat. 11 10', long. 77 53'.
470 KOL
KOLAK. Port in Surat district, Bombay. Lat. 20 27' 30", long. 72
KOLAKAMBAI. River in Nilgiri Hills district, Madras. Between
lat. 11 13' 11 22', and long. 76 46' 76 48' 45".
KOLAKERL Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 772.
KOLANG. Village on the right bank of the Bagha river in Kangra
district, Punjab ; ten miles above Kielang.
KOLANGODTT. Town in Malabar district, Madras; distance direct
from Calicut, south-east, seventy-five miles; Cannanore, south-east, 125;
Coimbatore, south-west, 32; Madras, south-west, 300. Lat. 10 37',
long. 76 45'.
KOLAR. District in Mysore State; between lat. 12 46' 13 36',
and long. 78 5' 78 35'. Area, 1891 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 461,129.
The chief rivers are the Palar, the South Pinakinf or Pennar, the North
Pinakini, and the Papaghni. The chief towns are Kolar (the capital),
Chikballapur, Sidlaghata, Hosur, and the famous hill-fort of Nandidrug,
which was stormed by Lord Comberrnere in 1791. The district is
traversed by a branch of the Madras Railway.
KOLAK. Capital of Kolar district, Mysore ; forty-three miles east-
north-east of Bangalore. There is a station on the Madras Railway,
called Kolar Road. Lat. 13 8' 5", long. 78 10' 18". Pop. (1871), 9924.
KOLAR. Lake in Kistna and Godavari districts, Madras; between
lat. 16 30' 16 45', and long. 81 5' 81 27'.
KOLAR. Town in Satara district, Bombay ; situate twenty-seven
miles south of Bijapur. Lat. 16 26', long. 75 44'.
KOLARAGALLIL Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 57.
KOLARAS. Town in Gwalior State, Central India Agency ; seventy-
nine miles south-west of Gwalior fort. Lat. 25 13', long. 77 41'.
KOLASHAGARAPURAM. Town in Travancore State, Madras ;
it is situate fifty-one miles north-west by north from Trivandrum, and
eighty- three miles west-north-west from Tinnevelli. Lat. 9 6', long.
76 35'.
KOLASLAH. Pargana in Benares district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
KOLBARIA. Town in Manbhum district, Bengal; 131 miles north-
west of Calcutta. Lat 23 48', long. 86 54'.
KOLE. Town in Satara district, Bombay ; fifty-four miles south by
east of Satara. Lat. 17 14', long. 74 10'. Pop. (1881), 5169.
KOLEAPOL. Town in Manbhum district, Bengal; fifty-six miles
north-west of Midnapur. Lat. 22 51', long. 86 40'.
KOLGONG. Thana in Bhagalpur district, Bengal. Area, 415 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 192,237.
KOLHAN. Part of Singbhum district, Bengal. Area, 1905 sq. miles.
Pop. (1872), 150,904.
KOLHAPUR. State in the Agency of same name, Bombay ; between
lat. 15 58' 17 11', and long. 73 45' 74 24'. Bounded on the north
by the river Warna and Satara district ; on the north-east by the river
Kistna ; on the east and south by Belgaum district ; and on the west by
the Sahyadri Mountains. Area, 2816 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 800,189.
The chief mountains are the Sahyadri range. There are many streams
of considerable size during the rains ; but in the hot weather they can all
be forded. The chief town is Kolhapur, the capital. The Chief is
entitled to a salute of nineteen guns. At the present time (1885) the
state is being administered, during the minority of the Ruler, by a
Regency, with the Chief of Kagal at its head; this latter receiving
a salute of nine guns so long as he holds this position. The Western
Deccan Railway skirts this State.
KOLHAPUR. Capital of Kolhapur State, Bombay; 128 miles south
by east of Poona, and sixty-four of Satara. Lat. 16 42', long. 73 16'.
Pop. (1881), 38,599. The city contains numerous fine buildings.
KOLHTJAGAR. Tillage in Unao district, Oudh ; on the left bank
of the Ganges, ten miles south-east of Cawnpore, thirty south-west of
Lucknow. Lat. 26 25', long. 80 31'.
KOLL Thana in Allahabad district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 23,367.
KOLIPATAM. Town in Tinnevelli district, Madras. Lat. 8 33' 30",
long. 78 10'. Pop. (1881), 11,806.
KOLKOI. Tillage in Tinnevelli district, Madras. Lat. 8 40', long.
78 6'. Pop. (1871), 4683. In olden times this was a seaport, but it
is now three miles from the coast.
KOLL AM ALL AL Hills in Salem district, Madras. Between lat. 11
10' 30" 11 28', and long. 78 20' 30" 78 31' 30". The highest peak
is 4663 feet above the level of the sea.
KOLLATADA BAIGODU. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881),
KOLLATHTIR (KOLATUR). Town in Tinnevelli district, Madras ;
forty-one miles north-east by east of Tinnevelli. Lat. 9 1', long. 78 15'.
KOL LEGAL. Town in Coimbatore district, Madras. Pop. (1881),
KOLRON. Tillage and halting-place in Si'rmur State, Punjab ; on the
route from Dehra to Nahan, and fifty-four miles west of the former town.
The hills inclosing the Kiarda Dun are here so close that they are
separated merely by the channel of the Batta. Distant north-west from
Calcutta, 1086 miles. Lat. 30 30', long. 77 29'.
KOLWAR. Tillage in Sultanpur district, Oudh ; seventy miles
south-east of Lucknow, ten miles west of Sultanpur cantonment, and
half a mile from the right bank of the river Gumti. Lat. 26 23',
long. 82.
KOMADPTJR. Town in Pabna district, Bengal; 110 miles north-
north-east of Calcutta. Lat. 24 3', long. 89 9'.
KOMALDA. River in Garhwal State, N.W.P. ; rising in the moun-
tains inclosing the Rama Sarai valley on the north, and in lat. 30 57',
long. 78 7'. It has a course of about seventeen miles, generally in a
south-easterly direction, to its confluence with the Jumna, on the right
side, in lat. 30 47', long. 78 10'. It is one of the largest streams which
the Jumna receives above the confluence of the Tons.
KOMAREALWA. Town in Cuddapah district, Madras ; twenty-nine
miles south-west of Cuddapah. Lat. 14 16', long. 78 30'.
472 KOM K01S"
KOMBAL Town in Madura district, Madras. Lat. 9 51' 30", long.
77 17'. Pop. (1871), 8708.
KOMULMAIR (KTJMTILMAIR). Pass, defended by a fortress,
in Udaipur State, Rajputana; situate on the route from Udaipur to
Jodhpur, fifty miles north of the former, and ninety miles south-east
of the latter. Elevation above the sea, 8353 feet. Lat. 25 10', long.
73 40'.
KON. Town in Mirzapur district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 1122. Also
thana. Pop. (1881), 7313.
KONADA. Town in Yizagapatam district, Madras ; thirty miles
north-east by north of Vizagapatam. Lat. 18 1', long. 83 40'.
KONADUN. Town in Haidarabad State ; situate thirty miles south-
west from Haidarabad, and eighty-nine miles north from Karnul. Lat.
17 6', long. 78 11'.
KON AGERL Tillage in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 511.
KONAI. Branch of the Brahmaputra river, in Maimansinh district,
Bengal; separating from the Brahmaputra in lat. 25 10', long. 89
43', and, taking the name of the Dhaleswari, in lat. 23 13', long.
90 33', it reunites with the parent stream, there denominated the
KON A JAGERL Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 398.
KON AKAGIRL Town in Salem district, Madras; 190 miles south-
west by west of Madras. Lat. 11 53', long. 78 4'.
KONALTJ. Village in Coorg, Madras.
KONCHPARA. Town in Kamrup district, Assam ; nineteen miles
west of Gauhati. Lat. 26 7', long. 91 26'.
KONDA. Village in Benares district, N.W.P. ; situate on the right
bank of the Ganges, 666 miles north-west of Calcutta by water. Lat.
25 20', long. 83 9'.
KONDAHIT KORAIYA. Thana in Santal Parganas district, Bengal.
Pop. (1881), 84,579.
KONDAPALLL Town in Xistna district, Madras. Lat. 16 37' 59",
long. 80 34' 17". Pop. (1881), 4289. Formerly a place of im-
KONDAVIR. Town in Kistna district, Madras. Lat. 16 15' 15",
long. 80 17' 25". Pop. (1871), 2090.
KONDAYAPOLLAM. Town in Nellore district, Madras. Pop.
(1881), 3885.
KONDELW ADI. -Town in Haidarabad State ; situate four miles from
the right bank of the Godavari river, and 112 miles north-north-west
from Haidarabad. Lat. 18 48', long. 77 45'.
KONDERPI DRUG. Fort in Bellary district, Madras; fifty-two
miles south of Bellary. Lat. 14 22', long. 77 6'.
KONDKA. State in Raipur district, Central Provinces ; paying a
yearly tribute of 1100 to the British Government. Area, 174 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 32,979.
KONDRAPILLI. Town in Eastar State, Central Provinces; sixty-
seven miles south-west from Bastar, and ninety-one miles north from
Rajamahendri. Lat. 18 19', long. 81 39'.
KONDURH. Village in Fatehpur district, N.W.P. ; situate fourteen
miles south-east of Fatehpur. Lat. 25 46', long. 80 57'.
KONGANA. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 381.
KONGNOLI. Town in Belgaum district, Bombay. Lat. 16 32'
30", long. 74 24'. Pop. (1872), 5143. This town is noted for its paper
district, Madras; 128 miles west by south of Madras. Lat. 12 46',
long. 78 29'.
KONIGANAHALLI. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 91.
KONKALNAGAR. Town in Lohardaga district, Bengal; fifty-five
miles south-west of Lohardaga. Lat. 22 50', long. 84 10'.
KONKAN. A division of Bombay; comprising the five districts of
North Kanara, Ratnagiri, Kolaba, Bombay, and Tanna ; with an area of
13,580 sq. miles. The Konkan is often used as a geographical term to
indicate the strip of land in Bombay that lies between the Western Ghats
and the Arabian Sea.
KONKL River of Nepal State and Purniah district, Bengal ; ri-ing
in lat. 26 41', long. 87 51', on the southern slope of the Sub-Himalaya
range of mountains; falls into the Mahananda in lat. 25 51', long.
87 48'
KONKLI. Town in Talcher State, Orissa, Bengal ; on the right bank
of the Brahmani river, and 112 miles north from Ganjarn. Lat. 21,
long. 85 10'.
KONNAGAR. Village and station of the Eastern Bengal Railway, on
the left bank of the Hugli river. Lat. 22 42', long. 88 23'.
KONNAVERUM. Town in Haidarabad State; situate on the left
bank of the Godavari, and 187 miles east by north from Haidarabad.
Lat. 17 36', long. 81 21'.
KOPACHIT. Parganain Ballia district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 99,388.
KOPAGANJ. Town in Azamgarh district, N.W.P. Lat. 26 1', long.
83 36' 30". Pop. (1881), 6301.
KOPARI. Town in Balasor district, Bengal ; 156 miles south-west by
west of Calcutta. Lat. 21 15', long. 86 29'.
KOPATTL Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 359.
KOPILAS. Hill (2098 feet high) in Dhenkanal State, Orissa, Bengal ;
Lat. 20 40' 40", long. 85 48' 53". On the summit there is a temple,
which is visited by pilgrims in considerable numbers.
KOPPA. Village (in taluk of same name) in Kadur district, Mysore.
Lat. 13 32' 4", long. 75 21' 51". Area of taluk, 503 sq. miles. Pop.
(1871), 35,779.
KOPPACHUR. The name of a tribe inhabiting a valley between the
snowy range of the Himalaya and that known as the Sub-Himalayas.
The centre of the territory inhabited by this tribe is about iat. 27 20',
long. 93 20'.
KOPPA DRUG. Town in Mysore State ; 120 miles north-west from
Seringapatam, 29 south-east from Bednur. Lat. 13 31', long. 75 23'.
KOPPATUR. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 236.
KOPTIL. Town in Bellary district, Madras ; fifty-one miles west from
Bellary, seventy-eight east from Dharwar. Lat. 15 21', long. 76 13'.
KOR. Village in Rohtak district, Punjab. Lat. 28 5', long. 76 19'.
KOR (KOD). Town in Dharwar district, Bombay ; seventy-two miles
south-west by south of Dharwar. Lat. 14 31', long. 75 30'.
KORA. Town (in tashil of same name) in Fatehpur district, N.W.P.
Lat. 26 6' 25", long. 80 24' 20". Pop. (1881), 2650. Area of tahsil,
230 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 81,164.
KORA. Village on the Abulwaro Canal, in Khairpur State, Sind,
Bombay ; about twenty miles from Khairpur town. Pop. (1872), 3675.
KORA (KARO). Hill in Bankura district, Bengal ; from 350 to 400
feet high.
KORABAGA. State in Sambalpur district, Central Provinces. Pop.
(1866), 2336. Area, 12 sq. miles. The capital of the same name is
situated in lat. 21 45' 30", long. 83 42' 30".
KORACHA. State -in Chanda district, Central Provinces. Area,
204 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 2916. The capital of the same name is in
lat. 20 25', long. 80 45'.
KOR AD A. Town in Ganjam district, Madras; sixty-five miles north-
west of Ganjam. Lat. 19 56', long. 84 20'.
KORAI. Village in Fatehpur district, N.W.P. ; on the route from
Kalpi to Fatehpur, and four miles north-west of the latter. Lat. 25 57',
long. 80 45'.
KORAIJI NA GOTE. Village in Karachi district, Sind, Bombay ; on
the route from Haidarabad to Sehwan, by the way of Kotri, and twenty-
two miles north of Haidarabad. It is situated about one mile from the
right bank of the Indus, in lat. 25 44', long. 68 25'.
KORAIN. Village in Shikarpur district, Sind, Bombay ; on the route
from Sabzalkot to Shikarpur, and twenty-three miles west of the former
town. It is situated in a low, level country, overflowed extensively, in
time of inundation, by the Indus, from the left bank of which the village
is three miles distant. Lat. 28 11', long. 69 30'.
KORALALLL Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 50.
KORALLEA. Town in Tipperah district, Bengal; thirty-one miles
north-east of Dacca. Lat. 23 52', long. 90 53'.
KOR AM. Village in Patiala State, Punjab ; twenty-seven miles south-
west by south of Umballa. Lat. 30 5', long. 76 33'.
KORAMBA. Town in Lohardaga district, Bengal ; ten miles south of
Lohardaga. Lat. 23 18', long. 84 43'. Also thana. Area, 473 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 89,078.
KORANGALA. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 243.
KORANTADIH. Tahsil in Ghazipur district, KW.P. Pop. (1881),
286,022. Also thana. Pop. (1881), 67,954.
KORAR. Town in Jhansi district, N.W.P. ; situate twenty miles east
from Jhansi, and eighty-six miles west- south- west from Hamirpur. Lat.
25 30', Ion-. 78 59'.
KOR 475
KORARI KALAff. Town in TJnao district, Oudh. Lat. 26 27',
Ions:. 80 35'. Pop. (1869), 2198. Contains a temple to Mahadeo.
KORATAGIRI. Tillage and municipality (in taluk of same name)
on the left bank of the Suvarnamukhi river. Lat. 13 31' 30", long.
77 16' 20". Pop. (1871), 2414. Area of taluk, 292 sq. miles. Pop.
(1871), 73,933.
KORAUND. Town in Lucknow district, Oudh ; situate on the right
hank of the Gumti, and twenty-eight miles north-north-west from
Lucknow. Lat. 27 12', long. 80 49'.
KORAWALI. Town in Mainpuri district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
KORBA. State in Bilaspur district, Central Provinces. Area, 823
sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 42,172. The capital, of the same name, is
situated on the river Hasdu, forty miles east of Bilaspur, in lat. 22 21',
and long. 82 45'.
KORD. Town in Jodhpur State, Rajputana; situate 105 miles south-
west by west from Ajmere, and fifty-three miles south-south-east from
Jodhpur. Lat. 25 35', long. 73 24'.
KOREA. Town in Korea State, Bengal; 153 miles north-west from
Sambalpur, and 135 miles south-west by west from Sherghati. Lat.
23 6', long. 82 26'.
KOREA. State in Chutia Mgpur, Bengal ; between lat. 22 55' 50"
23 49' 15", and long. 81 58' 15" 82 48' 15". Bounded on the north
by Rewah State; on the east by Sarguja State; on the south by Bilas-
pur district; and on the west by Chang Bhukar and Eewah States.
The chief hills are the Korea range. The chief river is the Heshto,
which falls into the Mahanadi. Area, 1625 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
KOREA. Range of mountains in Korea State, Chutia Nagpur, Bengal.
Some of the principal peaks are Deogarh, 3370 feet high; Jutarsuka,
3238 feet high ; and Khoro, 3219 feet high,
KOREAGANJ. Town in Aligarh district, N.W.P. ; on the route from
Bareilly to Aligarh, and sixteen miles south-east of the latter. Lat.
27 50', long. 7b 22'.
KOREGAON. Village in Raipur district, Central Provinces ; situate
twenty miles north-west from Jaipur, and 113 miles north-west from
Vizianagram. Lat. 19 14', long. 82 13'.
KOREGAON. Village in Poona district, Bombay ; on the route from
Poona to Ahmednagar, sixteen miles north-east from the former. The
place is unimportant, except as the scene of a battle on 1st January, 1818.
Lat. 18 39', long. 74 8'.
KOREGAON. Town (in subdivision of same name) in Satara district,
Bombay; twelve miles east of Satara. Lat. 17 41', long. 74 15'.
Area of subdivision, 349 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 81,187.
ORH. Pargana in Mirzapur district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 26,749.
KORHALEH. Town in Ahmednagar district, Bombay; fifty miles
north-north-west of Ahmednagar. Lat. 19 44', long. 74 26'.
KORI. River in Udaipur State, Rajputana; rises in lat. 25 32',
long. 73 57', at the town of Deogarh, and flows in an easterly direc-
tion for 115 miles, forming for a portion of that distance the boundary
between A j mere and TTdaipur ; subsequently traversing a detached
portion of Ajmere, it falls into the lianas river, in lat. 25 53', long.
75 30'.
KORI. Estuary of the Indus, in Sind, Bombay. Lat. 23 40', long.
68 25'.
KORI (LAKHPAT). Port in Cutch State, Bombay. Lat. 23 49',
long. 68 48' 30".
KORIXQLA. Town in Bonai State, Chutia Nagpur, Bengal ; situate
five miles from the left bank of the Brahmani river, and seventy miles
east-north-east from Sambalpur. Lat. 21 50', long. 85 1'.
KORINATJR. Town in Kathiawar, Bombay ; on the estuary of the
Singora, which, about two miles lower down, or farther south, falls into
the Arabian Sea. Here is a fort ; and also a temple of Krishna, wor-
shipped under the singular title of Binchor, or the Becreant ; and at
certain times great multitudes of pilgrims resort to it. Distant from
Ahmedabad, south-west, 200 miles; Baroda, south-west, 190. Lat. 20
47', long. 70 40'.
KORINL Village in Delhi district, KW.P. ; on the route from the
city of Delhi to Karnal, and fifteen miles north-west of the former. Lat.
28 50', long. 77 9'.
KOHL AM. Town in Ganjam district, Madras ; eleven miles north-
east of Chicacole. Lat. 18 24', long. 84 3'.
KORNRA. Town in Jodpur State, Eajputana; twenty-three miles
west-south-west from Jodhpur, and 122 miles west by south from Ajmere.
Lat. 26 13', long. 72 48'.
KORONGE. Island off Bassein district, British Burma; about two
miles in length from north to south. Distant from Cape Negrais, north,
thirty-three miles. Lat. 16 32', long. 94 20'.
KORTAGIRI. Town in Mysore State ; forty-seven miles north-west
from Bangalore, and eighty-four miles north-east from Seringapatam.
Lat. 13 31', long. 77 17'.
KORTAPALEYAN. Town in Coinibatore district, Madras ; fifty- five
miles north-east of Coimbatore. Lat. 11 33', long. 77 35'.
KORTJLL. Town in Baroda State ; situate on the right bank of the
Narbada river, and thirty miles south from Baroda. Lat. 21 50', long.
73 12'.
KQRTJNGALAIKTJDL Town in Madura district, Madras. Lat. 9
54' 45", long. 78 33' 30". Pop. (1871), 9199.
KORZOK. Town in Kashmir State, Punjab; situate 134 miles north-
east by east from Kangra, and 194 miles east by north from Jammu. Lat.
32 57', long. 78 17'.
KOSALA. The name of an ancient kingdom of India ; now obsolete.
KOSA NAG. Mountain-lake in Kashmir State, Punjab ; on the north
side of the Fateh Panjal, one of the mountains bounding the valley on
the south. It is three-quarters of a mile long and 500 yards broad, and
is replenished from the melted snows of the neighbouring summit, the
supply from which is sometimes so abundant as to raise the surface of the
water forty feet above its level in the lowest state. It gives rise to the
Veshau, one of the principal feeders of the Jhelum, which last river is
also known in some parts of its course by the former name. The lake
is held in great veneration by the Hindus, who call it Vishnu Padh (the
foot of the Vishnu), in consequence of a legend that the deity produced
it by stamping the ground with his foot. It is, in consequence, visited
in pilgrimage by devotees, for the purpose of performing ceremonial ablu-
tions. The elevation above the level of the sea is estimated at 12,000 ft.
Lat. 33 30', long. 74 52'.
KOSI. Town, municipality, and station on the Madras Railway (in
tahsil of same name), in Muttra district, ^T.W.P. ; ten miles west of the
Jumna, and twenty-nine miles north-west of Muttra. Lat. 27 47' 30",
long. 77 28' 5". Pop. (1881), 11,231. Area of tahsil, 152 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 65,293. Also thana. Pop. (1881), 49,290.
KOSIGI. Town in Bellary district, Madras ; eighteen miles north of
Adoni. Lat. 15 51', long. 78 17'. Pop. (1871), 6760.
KOSILLA (KOSI). River of Kumaun district, N.W.P. ; rising in
lat. 29 52', long. 79 34'. The elevation of its source is in the Central
Himalaya, near Pin Nath, a summit 7111 feet above the sea. Receiving
numerous small feeders right and left, it holds a southerly course for
about thirty miles, as far as lat. 29 33', long. 79 39', where it receives,
on the left side, the Sual, a stream of nearly equal size. It passes from
the mountains by a gorge of extraordinarily picturesque beauty and
grandeur. After a total course of between 140 and 150 miles, it falls
into the Western Ramganga in lat. 28 41', long. 79 1'.
KOSIMUKA. Town in Mainpuri district, K W.P. ; on the route from
the cantonment of Fatehgarh to that of Etawah, and twenty-eight miles
north-east of the latter. Lat. 27 7', long. 79 21'.
KOSLI. Town in Rohtak district, Punjab ; fifty miles west-south-
west from Delhi, and fifty-seven miles south-east by south from Hansi.
Lat. 28 23', long. 76 33'.
KOT. Village and fort in Rawal Piodi district, Punjab ; ten miles
east of the Indus. Lat. 33 59', long. 72 48'.
KOT. Town in Ahmedabad district, Bombay ; on the route from the
city of Ahmedabad to Rajkot, thirty- two miles south-west of former,
ninety east of latter. Lat. 22 38', long. 72 16'.
KOT. Town in Muzaffargarh district, Punjab ; situated on the right
bank of the Chenab, thirteen miles north of the town of Multan. Lat.
30 20', long. 71 31'.
KOT. Pargana in Budaun district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 96,417.
KOTA. Town in Nellore district, Madras. Lat. 14 3', long. 80 5'.
Pop. (1871), 5493. A large fair is held annually in this town.
KOTA. Town in Wun district, Berar. Lat, 20 31' 30", long. 78 19'.
The largest weekly market in the district is held in this town.
KOTA. Village in Dehra Dun district, KW.P. ; near the right bank
of the Jumna, and about 3000 feet above its bed. Lat. 30 40', long.
78 6'.
KOTA. Pargana in Kumaun district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 66,003.
KOT ADIT. Town in Muzaffargarh district, Punjab. Lat. 30 28'
14", long. 71 0' 30". Pop. (1881), 2574.
KOTAGHIR. Town in Haidarabad State ; situate five miles east from
the right bank of the Man j era river, and ninety-six miles ncrth-north-
west from Haidarabad. Lat. 18 34', long. 77 52'.
478 EOT
KOTAGIRL Town in Nflgiri district, Madras. Lat. 11 20' 11
20' 10", long. 76 51' 76 56'. Pop. 220.
KOTAGTJDEM. Town in Haidarabad State ; situate on the right bank
of the Godavari, and 160 miles east-north-east from Haidarabad. Lat.
18, long. 80 52'.
KOTAH. Town in Eewah State, Central India Agency ; situate fifty-
one miles south-south-east from Rewah, and forty-four miles north-north-
east from Sohagpur. Lat. 23 51', long. 81 45'.
KOTAH. State in Eajputana; between lat. 24 30' 25 51', and
long. 74 40' 76 59'. Bounded on the north and north-west by the
river Chambal ; on the east by Gwalior, Tonk, and Jhalawar States ; on
the south by the Mokandarra Hills and Jhalawar State ; and on the west
by TJdaipur State. Area, 3797 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 517,275. The
chief river is the Chambal, with its tributaries. The chief mountains are
the Mokandarra range. The chief town is Kotah (the capital). The
Maharao is entitled to a salute of 17 guns, and is allowed to maintain
15,000 troops of all descriptions, with 70 field and about 30 other guns.
The Kotah Contingent, a body of soldiers maintained by the Kotah State,
under treaty with the British Government, is now known as the Deoli
Irregular Force.
KOTAH. Capital of Kotah State, Eajputana. Lat. 25 10', long. 75
52'. On the right bank of the river Chambal (here crossed by a ferry), and
on the route from Nasirabad to Sagar. Pop, (1881), 40,270. The town,
which is of considerable size, contains numerous temples and mosques.
KOTAH A. Pargana in Umballa district, Punjab. Between lat. 30
32' 30" 30 45' 30", and long. 76 51' 77 13'. Area, 97 sq. miles. Pop.
(1868), 5660. Bounded on the west by the Pin jaur valley, and on the
north and east by the Nahan or Sirmur Mountains. The town of Kotaha
itself stands in the plains.
KOTAI. Euined city on the shores of the Eann of Cutch, Bombay.
Contains the remains of several temples.
KOTAI PEAK. Mountain in the Western Ghats, at the junction of
the boundaries of the Madura and Tinnevelli districts, and the Travancore
State. Lat. 9 33', long. 77 29'.
KOTAK A- SERAI. Town in Gwalior State, Central India Agency;
on the route from the fort of Gwalior to Sagar, ten miles south-east of the
former, 191 north-west of the latter. It is situate on the small river
Umrar. Lat. 26 9', long. 78 11'.
KOTALIPARA. Thana in Paridpur district, Bengal. Area, 139 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 66,153.
KOTALPUR. Village in Bardwan district, Bengal. Lat. 23 1' 15",
long. 87 38' 35". Pop. (1881), 6163. Also thana. Area, 133 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 94,964.
KOTANA. Town in Meerut district, N.W.P. ; on the route from
Meerut to Jind, thirty-three miles west by north of the former. Lat. 29
6', long. 77 15'. Pop. (1881), 3350. Also pargana. Pop. (1881), 47,550.
KOTAPALLI. Town in Cuddapah district, Madras. Lat. 14 48'
30", long. 79 6' 45".
KOTAPALLI. Subdivision in Bastar State, Central Provinces. Pop.
(1881), 1123. There is a village of the same name in lat. 18 13', long.
80 49' 30".
EOT 479
KOTA POLTJR. Town in North Arcot district, Madras; forty-nine
miles north-west of Madras. Lat. 1 3 45', long. 80 4'.
KOTAPPAKONDA (YELLAMTJNDA). Village in Kistna district,
Madras. Lat. 16 10', long. 80 5'. Pop. (1871), 1902. Contains a
celebrated shrine.
KOTAR. Town in Travancore State, Madras ; forty miles south-east
by east from Trivandrum, and forty-four miles south-south-west from
Tinnevelli. Lat. 8 9' 30", long. 77 28' 30". Pop. (1871), 7338.
KOTARAIKARRAL Town in Travancore State, Madras. Lat. 9
0' 15", long. 76 49' 15".
KOTARGO. Tillage in Karachi district, Sind, Bombay ; on the route
from Haidarabad to Sehwan, by the way of Kotri, and eight miles south-
east of Sehwan. It is situate near the right bank of the Indus, and close
to the southern extremity of the pass formed by the approach of the Laki
mountains to the river. Lat 26 16', long. 67 57'.
KOTARI. Town in Haidarabad State ; 170 miles north by west from
Haidarabad, and 106 miles south from Ellichpur. Lat. 19 40', long.
77 45'.
KOTAULL Pargana in Kumaun district, N.W.P. Pop. 1516.
KOTAUR. Town in Tinnevelli district, Madras; 54 miles north-
north-east of Tinnevelli. Lat. 9 26', long. 78 3'.
KOTA YAM. Town on the bank of a small river running into the
great Cochin backwater, in Travancore State, Madras. Lat. 9 36', long.
76 34'. Pop. (1871), 6333. The centre of the Syrian Christian com-
munity, who form the majority of the population.
KOTA YAM. Town in Malabar district, Madras ; a town situate five
miles from the sea- coast. Distance from Calicut, north-west, forty- two
miles; Cannanore, south-east, twelve. Lat. 11 50', long. 75 36'.
KOTBETTA. Mountain in Coorg ; it is 5375 feet high. The summit
divides into two peaks, on one of which stands a small stone temple
dedicated to Siva. There are also two reservoirs of water, one for the
use of the Brahmans, the other for the Coorgs. The view is reckoned
the finest in all the magnificent highlands of Coorg.
KOTBTJND (KOTWUN). Village and fort in Muttra district, KW.P.;
on the route from the cantonment of Muttra to Delhi, and thirty-two
miles north-west of the former. Lat. 27 50', long. 77 28'.
KOTCHANDPTIR. Village on the left bank of the Kabadak river,
in Jessor district, Bengal. Lat. 23 24' 45", long. 89 3' 20". Pop.
(1881), 9231. Noted for its sugar refineries. Also thana. Area, 64 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 44,038.
KOTD WAR. Village in Bijnaur district, N.W.P. ; at the southern
entrance of the gorge in the Siwalik range, where the small river Koh
flows southwards from the mountains to the plain of Hindustan. Lat.
29 43', long. 78 33'.
KOTGAL. Chiefship in Chanda district, Central Provinces. Area,
45 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 1634.
KOTHARIA. State in Kathiawar, Bombay, paying a yearly tribute
of 94 to the British Government, and 29 to the Nawab of Junagarh.
KOTHL State in the Punjab; situate in about lat. 31 7', long. 77
15'. Area, 36 sq. miles. Pop. 2500. It is tributary to Keunthal State.
480 KOT
KOTHI. State in Baghelkhand, Central Indian Agency. Between
lat. 24 4' 24 53', and long. 80 39' 80 54'. Area, 9U3 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 18,386. The capital of the same name is in lat. 24 45',
long. 80 40'.
KOTHI. Tillage in Bashahr State, Punjab ; on a feeder of the Pabar,
and about six miles from the left bank of that river. The bridge over
the torrent flowing by the village has an elevation of 5910 feet above
the sea. Lat. 31 5', long. 77 56'.
KOTHIBAR. Thana in Gorakhpur district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
KOTHIDE. State in Central India Agency. Pop. (1881), 494.
The chief is known as the Bhumia.
KOTILA. Pargana in Patehpur district, KW.P. Pop. (1881),
KOTIPALLI. Village on the left bank of the Gautama Godavari, in
Godavari district, Madras. Lat. 16 40', long. 82 6'. Pop. (1871),
1844. There is a pagoda in the village, which latter, as well as the river
on which it stands, is considered sacred by the Hindus.
KOTKACHW AHA. Tillage in Patiala State, Punjab ; on the route
from Karnal to Ludhiana, and forty-five miles north-west of the former
place. Distant north-west from Calcutta, 1010 miles. Lat. 30 17', long
76 53'.
KOT KAMALIA. Town and municipality in Montgomery district,
Punjab. Pop. (1881), 7594. Lat. 30 43' 45'', long. 72 42'. The town
was plundered by the rebels in the Mutiny of 1857.
KOTKAPTJRA. Town in Firozpur district, Punjab; situate forty-
two miles from the left bank of the Sutlej. It lies on the route from
Delhi to Firozpur, and forty miles south-east of the last-mentioned place.
There is a small fort at the north of the town. Distant north-west
from Calcutta, by Delhi and Manak, 1130 miles. Lat. 30 36', long.
74 51'.
KOT KAPTJRA. Town in Faridkot State, Punjab. Pop. (1881),
KOT KASSIM. Tillage in Gurgaon district, Punjab ; situate on the
route, by Rewari, from Ulwar to Delhi, and sixty-nine miles south-west
of the latter. Lat. 28, long. 76 48'.
KOTKHAI-KOTGrARH. Tahsil in Simla district, Punjab ; composed
of two divisions. Joint area, 14 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 9847.
KOTKIPAR. Town in Raipur district, Central Provinces; situate
141 miles east- north -east fromNagpur, and 118 south-east from Jabalpur.
Lat. 21 51', long. 81 12'.
KOTL A. Tillage in Kangra district, Punjab ; situated on the right
bank of one of the branches of the Beas, 124 miles east-north-east of the
town of Lahore. Lat. 32 13', long. 76 4'.
KOTLA. Town in Agra district, N.W.P. ; on the route from Agra to
Farrukhabact, twenty-eight miles east by north of the former. Lat.
27 17', long. 78 32'.
KOT 481
KOTLI. Tillage in Kashmir State, Punjab ; among the mountains
south of Srinagar, and on the route from Lahore to Srinagar, by the town
of Punch. Lat. 33 28', long. 73 59'.
KOTLI. Town in Kashmir State, Punjab ; situate on the right bank
of the Jhelum, and 140 miles east from Peshawar. Lat. 34 7', long.
74 1'.
KOTNUR. Village in Garhwal State, N.W.P. ; on the left bank of
the Jumna, at the confluence of a torrent with that river, and about 150
feet above the water. Lat. 30 51', long. 78 22'.
KOTOLL Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 412.
KOT-PUTLI. Part of Jaipur State, Rajputana. The chief village,
with the fort, is on the route from Delhi to Mhow cantonment, and
ninety-nine miles south-west of the former. Lat. 27 43', long. 76 16'.
Pop. (1881), 8084.
KOTRA. Town in Jalaun district, KW.P. Pop. (1881), 3519.
KOTRA NAYANI. State in Kathiawar, Bombay ; paying a yearly
tribute of 54 to the Gaekwar of Baroda, and 14 to the Nawab of
KOTRANG. Town and municipality on the right bank of the Hugli,
in Hugli district, Bengal ; seven miles above Howrah. Lat. 22 41' 20",
long. 88 24'. Pop. (1881), 5747. Noted for its brickfields.
KOTRA PITHA. State in Kathiawar, Bombay; paying a yearly
tribute of 485 to the British Government, and 72 to the Nawab
of Junagarh.
KOTRA SANGANI. Fourth-class State in Kathiawar, Bombay ;
paying a yearly tribute of 907 to the British Government, and
108 to the Nawab of Junagarh. Area, 74 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
KOTRI. Large and important town on the right bank of the Indus
(in taluk of same name), in Karachi district, Sind, Bombay. Lat. 25 21'
41", long. 68 21' 37". Pop. (1881), 8922. The town is the northern
terminus of the Sind Railway, and the Indus Valley State Railway runs
from Kotri to Sukkur. Area of taluk, 684 sq. miles. Pop. (1872),
KOTRI. Town in Haidarabad district, Sind, Bombay. Lat 23 54',
long. 68 46'.
KOT-SALIVAHANA. Town in Budaun district, K"W.P. ; on the
route from Budaun to Moradabad, twenty-one miles north-west of the
former. Lat. 28 15', long. 78 58'.
KOT SULTAN. Town in Dera Ismail Khan district, Punjab ; situate
on the left bank of the Indus, fifty-five miles north-west by north of the
town of Multan. Lat. 30 47', long. 70 58'.
KOTTAGERI. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 725.
KOTTANAHALLL Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 215.
KOTTAPATAM. Town in JSellore district, Madras. Lat. 14 7',
long. 80 9' 20". Pop. (1871), 6991.
KOTTATJM. Town in Godavari district, Madras ; thirty -six miles
north-east by north of Samulkottah. Lat. 17 29', long. 82 30'.
KOTTOROH. Town in Jodhpur State, Rajputana ; on the route from
Pokaran to Balmer, and twenty-eight miles north of the latter place.
Lat. 26 7', long. 71 11'.
KOTTTJR. Town in Jaipur State, Yizagapatam district, Madras ; 132
miles south-west from Jaipur, and ninety-four miles north by east from
Masulipatam. Lat. 17 29', long. 81 30'.
KOTTTTR. Town in Coimbatore district, Madras. Lat. 10 32', long.
77 2'. Pop. (1871), 6972.
KOTTIIR Villages in Coorg, Madras, having a pop. (1881) respec-
tively of 785, 280, and 216.
KOTTUR. Town in Bellary district, Madras. Pop. (1881), 5156.
KOTTUR. Town in Cuddapah district, Madras ; thirty-one miles east
of Cuddapah. Lat. 14 26', long. 79 20'.
KOTUH. Town in Bulandshahr district, N.W.P. ; situate five miles
from the right bank of the East Kali Nadi, and thirty-four miles east of
Delhi. Lat. 28 32', long. 77 50'.
KOTTJLTJH. Tillage in Gurgaon district, Punjab ; on the western
shore of an extensive fresh-water lake. Distance south-west from
Delhi forty-eight miles. Lat. 28 1', long. 77.
KOTWA. Town in Saran district, Bengal ; fifty -two miles north of
Chapra. Lat. 26 29', long. 84 55'.
KOTWALL Thana in Agra district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 28,539.
KOTYANA. Town in Baroda State; situate on the right of the
Bhader river, and sixty-seven miles south-west from Rajkot. Lat. 21
39', long. 70 8'.
KOUNG-GUAH. Town in Prome district, British Burma; situate
on the left bank of the Irawadi river, and nine miles north from Prome.
Lat. 18 52', long. 95.
KOUNG-TSI. Revenue circle in Prome district, British Burma. Pop.
(1876), 1280.
KOVILASPUR (KOBILASPUR). Town in Sylhet district, Assam ;
fifty-five miles south by west of Sylhet. Lat. 24 9', long. 91
KOVILPATTL Town in Tinnevelli district, Madras ; thirty-six miles
north-east of Tinnevelli. Lat. 9 12', long. 77 56'.
KOVUR. Town in Nellore district, Madras. Lat. 14 30', long. 80
2'. Pop. (1871), 5062.
KOWAUN. Town in Jhang district, situated on the left bank of the
Chenab, 76 miles north-east by north of the town of Multan. Lat.
30 59', long. 72 14'.
KOYAKHAI. River in Cuttack district, Orissa, Bengal; being a
branch of the Mahanadi.
KOYANDOWNG. Hill in Kyouk-hpyu district, British Burma;
situated in the island of Ramri, and in the neighbourhood of the town of
Ramri. It has two temples on its summit. It is sometimes called St.
George's Hill.
KOYELBUDA. Town in Raipur district, Central Provinces; 151
miles south-east from Nagpur, and seventy-three miles north-west from
Bastar. Lat. 19 50', long. 81 5'.
KOYER. Town in Haidarabad State ; situate on the left bank of the
KOY Kill 483
Naringa river, and fifty-five miles west-north-west from Haidarabad.
Lat. 17 38', long. 77 46'.
KOYIKADTI. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 322.
KOYTTL. Town in Kashmir State, Punjab ; 186 miles east-north-east
from Kangra, and 173 miles north-east from Simla. Lat. 32 54', long.
79 17'.
KRISHNA (KISTNA). District in Madras; between lat. 15 35'
17 10', and long. 79 14' 81 34'. Area, 8471 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
1,548,480. Bounded on the north by Godavari district; on the east by
the Bay of Bengal ; on the south by Nellore district ; and on the west by
the Nizam's Dominions and Karnul district. The hills of the district are
unimportant. The chief rivers are the Krishna and its tributaries. The
chief towns are Masulipatam, Gantur, and Bezwara. The district is
administered by a Collector and staff.
KRISHNA (KISTNA). lliver of Satara and.Belgaum districts; the
Southern Marhatta Agency, and Kaladgi district, Bombay ; Haidarabad
State ; and Krishna district, Madras. The two great tributaries
are the Bhima and the Tungabhadra ; besides which, it is joined
by the Yerla, Warna, Idganga, Ghatprabha, and Malprabha. The
Krishna is 800 miles in length, and its drainage-area is about 94,500
sq. miles.
State, Punjab; rising in lat. 34 48', long. 75 4', in the mountains
forming the north-eastern boundary of that State ; it sweeps round the
north of that valley, and, after a course of about 120 miles, falls into the
Jhelum at Muzaffarabad, on the frontier of the Hazara district, Punjab,
in lat. 34 23', long. 73 22', being little inferior there to the principal
KRISHNAGANJ. Town on the left bank of the Matabhanga, in
Nadiya district, Bengal. Lat. 23 25' long. 88 45' 50". A centre of
trade. Also thana. Area, 57 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 32,701.
KRISHNAGANJ. Town (in subdivision of same name) in Purniah
district, Bengal. Lat. 26 6' 28", long. 87 59' 13". Pop. (1881), 6000.
Area of subdivision, 1340 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 631,301. Also thana.
Area, 321 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 158,100.
KRISHNAGANJ (KISANGHANJ). Tillage in Bhagalpur district,
Bengal; thirty-three miles north of Bhagalpur. Lat. 25 41' 10', long.
86 59' 20". Pop. (1872), 2280. Also thana. Area, 369 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 135,328.
KRISHNAGARH. Town and municipality (in subdivision of same
name) in Nadiya district, Bengal ; situated on the left bank of the Jalangi
river. Lat. 23 23' 31", long. 88 32' 31". Pop. (1881), 27,477. The
capital of the district, and seat of an important Government College. It
is also a centre of trade and noted for its manufacture of coloured clay
figures. Area of subdivision, 698 sq. miles. Pop. (1872), 334,076. Also
thana. Area, 166 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 119,469.
KRISHNAGARH (KISHANGARH). -Fort and village in Jaisal-
mir State, Rajputana ; in the desert close to the frontier towards
Bahawalpur, and eighty miles north-west of Jaisalmir. Lat. 27 40',
long. 70 26'.
484 KEI
KRISHNAGARH (KISHANGARH). Port in Hazara district,
Punjab; about ten miles east of the Indus, and on the route to Kashmir
through the Dub Pass. Lat. 34 4', long. 72 53'.
KRISHNAGARH (KISHANGARH). Town in Jaipur State, Rajpu-
tana ; thirty-six miles west-north-west from Jaipur, and sixty-four miles
north-east from Ajmere. Lat. 27 9', long. 75 25'.
KRISHNAGARH (KISHANGARH). Town in Chhatarpur State,
Central India Agency ; situate seventy-eight miles north-east by east
from Sagar, and ninety-four miles north by west from Jabalpur. Lat.
24 29', long. 79 49'.
t KRISHNAGARH (KISHANGARH). Town in Ulwar State, Eajpu-
tana; on the route from Delhi, by Rewari, to the town of Ulwar, and
twenty-three miles north-east of the latter. It is situate near the
Kishangarh pass, which lies through a range of low rocky mountains.
Lat. 27 49', long. 76 47'.
KRISHNAGARH (KISHANGARH). State in Bajputana ; between
lat. 26 17' 26 59', and long. 74 43' 75 13'. Area, 724 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 112,633. The chief town is Kishangarh, situated on the
road from Nasirabad to Hansi, twenty-one miles north-east of the former,
and 222 miles south-west of the latter; in lat. 26 35', long. 74 55'.
Pop. (1881), 14,824. The Chief, who is entitled to a salute of 15 guns,
maintains a force of 550 cavalry, 3500 infantry, 36 guns, and 100
KRISHNAGIRL Town in Salem district, Madras. Lat. 12 32',
long. 78 15' 40". Pop. (1881), 8856. It consists of two portions, Old
and New Krishnagiri, the latter also known as Daulatabad. There is also
a fort situate on a rock, 700 feet in perpendicular height, and remarkably
bare and steep.
KRISHNAGIRI (KISTNAGHARI). Town in Karnul district,
Madras; twenty- three miles south-west of Karnul. Lat. 15 34', long.
77 53'.
KRISHNA!. River of the Garo Hills and Goalpara district, Assam ;
falls into the Brahmaputra near Goalpara.
KRISHNANAGAR (KISHANNAGAR.) Town in Birbhum district,
Bengal; 104 miles north-west of Calcutta. Lat. 23 46', long. 87
KRISHNAPTIR (KISHANPTIR). Village in Patehpur district,
!N".W.P. ; on the left bank of the Jumna, twenty-five miles south-east of
Patehpur. Lat. 25 39', long. 81 4'. Pop. (1881), 2115. Also thana.
Pop. (1881), 24,847.
KRISHNAPUR (KISHANPUR). Village in Lohardaga district,
Bengal ; forming part of Eanchi, the capital of the district. Lat. 28 28',
long. 85 20'.
KRISHNAPUR (KISHANPTIR). Village in Pirozpur district,
Punjab ; on the route from Ludhiana to Pirozpur, and thirty -two miles
west of the former town. It is situate close to the left bank of a large
offset of the Sutlej. Distant north-west from Calcutta 1134 miles. Lat.
30 55', long. 75 18'.
KRISHNAPUR (KISTNAPUR). Town in Forth Arcot district,
Madras; 130 miles west by south of Madras. Lat. 12 52', long.
78 27'.
OI EUC 485
KRISHNAPTTR (KISTNAPTJR). Town in Travancore State, Madras.
Lat. 9 9', lon^. 76 33'. Pop. 3731.
Mysore State ; on the left bank of a branch of the Kaveri river, and
eighteen miles west-north-west from Seringapatam. Lat. 12 31', long.
76 30'.
KRISTONAGrAR. Thana in Hugli district, Bengal. Area, 63 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 55,107.
KROL. Peak in Keunthal State, Punjab ; in the lower and more
southerly part of the Himalaya, twelve miles east of Subathu. Elevation
above the sea, 7612 feet. Lat. 30 56', long. 77 10'.
KIT AN A. River of Gonda district, Oudh, and Basti and Gorakhpur
districts, N.W.P. ; rising in about lat. 27 22', long. 82 11', and falling
into the Gogra, on the left side, in lat. 26 16', long. 83 28', after a
total course of about 155 miles.
KTIARA (PTJJALI). Village in Bashahr State, Punjab ; on the route
from Masuri to the Gunas Pass, and fifteen miles south of the latter place.
It is situate amongst mountains of great height, near the left bank of the
Rupin. The elevation is 8790 feet above the sea. Lat. 31 12', long.
78 10'.
KTJARI. River of Gwalior State, Central India Agency, and Etawah
district, N.W.P. It rises in the territory of Gwalior, about sixty miles
south-west of the fort of Gwalior, and in lat. 25 44', long. 77 28'. It
flows first north-west, then north-east, subsequently east, and finally
south-east, having a course semicircular in its general outline, and of 185
miles in length, and falls into the Sind on the left side, in lat. 26 26',
long. 79 14'. The route from Agra to Gwalior crosses it at Hingona,
lat. 26 32', long. 78 3'. It is crossed, forty-five miles above its mouth,
by the route from Etawah to Gwalior.
KUATHARI. Town in Kumaun district, N.W.P. ; on the route from
Almora to the Nepal territory, thirty-eight miles east by north of the
former. Lat. 29 42', long. 80 19'.
KTJBA. Sixth-class State, South Kathiawar, Bombay. Area, 2-5 sq.
KTJBARA. Village in Allahabad district, N.W.P. ; on the right bank
of the Ganges, eleven miles below the city of Allahabad by way of the
river. Lat. 25 20', long. 82 2'.
KUBATTUR. Village in Shimoga district, Mysore, containing ruins
of temples.
KTJ-BHYU. Revenue circle in Henzada district, British Burma.
Pop. (1876), 8740.
KTI-BHYTJ. Revenue circle in Thayet-myo district, British Burma.
Area, 35 sq. miles. Pop. (1876), 3345.
KTICHAN. Town in Jodhpur State, Rajputana; 128 miles east-north-
east from Jodhpur, and fifty miles north by east from Ajmere. Lat. 27
10', long. 74 53'.
KTJCHARIHAT. Town in Sibsagar district, Assam ; fifty miles south-
west of Sibpur. Lat. 26 31', long. 94 3'.
KUCHAT. Town in Bardwan district, Bengal; fifty miles north-
north-west of Calcutta. Lat. 23 14', long. 88 9'.
KUCH BEHAR. State in Bengal; between lat. 25 57' 40" 26
32' 20", and long. 88 47' 40" 89 54' 35". Area, 1307 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 602,604. Bounded by the Western Dwars of Jalpaiguri on
the north, and on the south by Rangpur district. The chief rivers
are the Tista, Singimarf, Torsha or Dharla, Kalgani, Raidhak, and
Gadadhar. The chief town is Kuch Behar. The Raja, who is entitled
to a salute of 13 guns, is one of the few native chiefs who have
visited England. There is a High School in Kuch Behar, and a State
Printing Press.
KUCH BEHAR. Capital of State of same name, Bengal ; situated on
the Torsha river. Lat. 26 19' 36", long. 89 28' 53". Pop. (1881),
9535. There is also a thana of the same name. Area, 309 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 139,294.
KUCHLA BUNA. Town in Hardoi district, Oudh ; situated on
the Ramganga, and near its junction with the Ganges. Pop. (1869),
KUCHLA GHAT. Eerry in Budaun district, N.W.P.; over the Ganges,
on the route from Agra to Bareilly, and eighty-three miles north-east of
the former. Lat. 27 56', long. 78 56'.
KUCHMALAL Hill in Malabar district, Madras; about 4000 feet
high. Lat. 10 33', long. 76 55'.
KUCHNAR. Village in Moradabad district, KW.P. ; on the route
from the town of Moradabad to that of Almora, and fifteen miles north
of the former. Elevation above the sea, 741 feet. Lat. 29 1', long.
78 55'.
KUCHRAWUD. Town in Indore State, Central India Agency; 148
miles west by north of Betul. Lat. 22 6', long. 75 41'.
KUCHRI. Halting-place in Jaisalmir State, Rajputana; on the route
from Rohri to Jaisalmir, from which it is distant thirty miles in a north-
west direction. Lat. 27, long. 74 44'.
KUDAL. Town in Satara district, Bombay; thirteen miles north-
west by north of Satara. Lat. 17 50', long. 73 59'.
KUDALIGHI. Town in Bellary district, Madras ; thirty-eight miles
west-south-west of Bellary. Lat. 14 53', long. 76 27'.
KUDAM. Town in Jaipur State, Yizagapatam district, Madras;
seventy-three miles south from Jaipur, and eighty-three miles west from
Yizianagram. Lat. 18, long. 82 14'.
KUDAMPILLI. Town in Haidarabad State ; fifty-nine miles south-
west from Haidarabad, and eighty miles north from Karnul. Lat. 16
56', long. 77 47'.
KUDARKOT. Village in Etawah district, N. "W.P. ; twenty-four
miles north-east of Etawah. Is famous for its ruins. Pop. (1872), 2567.
Also thana. Pop. (1881), 26,405.
KUDDABA. Town in Mysore State ; sixty miles north from Seringa-
.patam, and fifty-two miles north-west from Bangalore. Lat. 13 14',
long. 76 55'.
KUDDABAL. Town in Bellary district, Madras ; forty-six miles west
of Bellary. Lat. 15 5', long. 76 17'.
KTTDDANA. State in Rewa Kantha, Bombay. Area, 130 sq. miles.
The State pays no tribute.
KTJDI. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 336.
KTJDIGE. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 686.
KUDKA. Town in Haidarabad State ; situate on the right bank of
one of the branches of the Manjera river, and 106 miles north-west from
Haidarabad. Lat. 18 28', long. 77 25'.
KUDLUR. Villages in Coorg, Madras, having a pop. (1881), re-
spectively of 321 and 52.
KUDLURU. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 191.
KTJDSEH. Town in Manipur State, Assam ; thirty-seven miles north-
north-west from Manipur, and 104 miles south-east from Nowgong.
Lat. 25 17', long. 93 52'.
KTJDSTT. Town in Jodhpur State, Rajputana ; eighty-nine miles
north by east from Jodhpur, and 112 miles north-west from A j mere.
Lat, 27'32', long. 73 20'.
KTIDTJREMUKHA. Hill of the Western Ghats, between Kadur
district, Mysore State, and South Kanara district, Madras; 6215 feet
high. Lat. 13 8', long. 75 20'. Its name (lit. horse-mouth) is derived
from its appearance as a conspicuous landmark to sailors.
KUDWAL. Town in Bhartpur State, Rajputana ; forty-nine miles
west-south-west from Agra, and eighteen miles south from Bhartpur.
Lat. 26 59', long. 77 31'.
KUDYA. Village in Azamgarh district, N.W.P. ; on the route from
the town of Azamgarh to Sultanpur cantonment, in Oudh, twelve miles
west of the former, fifty-six north of Benares. Lat. 26 4', long. 82 58'.
KUOfDABRA. Town in Maimansinh district, Bengal ; fifty-two miles
north-east of Pabna. Lat. 24 20', long. 90.
KUGEKODL Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 106.
KUGNALI (SACRIFICE ROCK). A small steep rocky island lying
six miles off the coast of Malabar district. It had been called Sacrifice
Bock, "from the crew of an English ship having been massacred there by
pirates, at the beginning of the seventeenth century : it is famous for
birds' nests, found in the clefts in the rocks." Lat. 11 30', long. 75 35'.
KUGUR. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 173.
KUHI. Town in JSagpur district, Central Provinces ; situate on the
right bank of one of the branches of the Wainganga, and twenty- two
miles south-east of Nagpur. Lat. 21 2', long. 79 25'. Pop. (1881),
KUHMTIR. Town in Ghazipur district, KW.P. ; on the route from
Benares to Dinapur, fifty miles east of the former. Lat. 25 26' long.
83 50'.
KTIJUDIT. Town in Lakhimpur district, Assam ; twenty-four miles
south of Sadiya. Lat. 27 30', long. 95 45'.
KTJKAI-TJRNL Town in Madura district, Madras; fifty-one miles
east-south-east of Madura. Lat. 9 43', long. 78 53'.
KTTKANTJR. Town in Haidarabad State; situate 100 miles east by
south of Belgaum. Lat. 15 30', long. 76 2'.
KUKARMTTNDA. Town in Khandesh district, Bombay; near the
right bank of the Tapti, seventy-three miles north -north -west of Malegaon.
Lat. 21 31', long. 74 7'.
KUKDEL. Town in Khandesh district, Bombay. Inclusive of the
town of Shahada, Kukdel contains a population (1872) of 5212 persons.
KUKL See Lusnli HILLS.
KUKIWARL A mouth of the Indus river, in Karachi district, Sind,
Bombay. Lat. 24 5', long. 67 33'.
KTJK-KO. Revenue circle on the shores of Combermere Bay, in
Kyouk-hpyu district, British Burma. Area, 21 sq. miles. Pop. (1876),
KUKKOLTJM. Town in Travancore State, Madras; thirty miles
south-east from Trivandrum, and twenty miles north-west from Cape
Comorin. Lat. 8 15', long. 77 22'.
KUKKOR (KAKORH). Town and fort in Jaipur State, Rajputana.
Close to it is an extensive lake, which, however, becomes dry in pro-
longed droughts. Distant direct from Bundi, north-east, forty miles ;
from Kotah, north, sixty ; Jaipur, south, sixty-five. Lat. 26 2', long.
76 4'.
KUKLTJR. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 632.
KUKRA MAILANL Pargana in Kheri district, Oudh. Pop. (1869),
KUKRESAR. Town in Indore State, Central India Agency ; on the
route from Ni'mach to Kotah, twenty-six miles east of former, ninety-six
south-west of latter. Elevation above the sea, 1412 feet. Lat. 24 26',
long. 75 20'.
KUKSI. Town in Dhar State, Central India Agency; situate forty-
one miles south-west by west from Dhar, and 150 miles north-east by
east from Surat. Lat. 22 15', long. 74 50'.
KTJKULUBA. Town in Ganjam district, Madras; fifty-six miles
north-north-west of Ganjam. Lat. 20 8', long. 84 46'.
KTJKURRAMUTTA. Town in Eaipur district, Central Provinces;
situate 146 miles east from Nagpur, and 134 miles south by east from
Kamgarh. Lat. 20 55', long. 81 23'.
KITLACHI. Town and municipality on the left bank of the Luni (in
tahsil of same name) in Dera Ismail Khan district, Punjab ; thirty-seven
miles north-west of Dera Ismail Khan, and twenty-four miles south of
Tank. Lat. 31 55' 38", long. 70 30' 19". Pop. (1881), 7834. Area
of tahsil, 1513 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 70,950.
KU-LA-DAN. River of Akyab district, Arakan, British Burma;
falling into the Bay of Bengal at Akyab town.
KTJ-LA-DAN. Township in Akyab district, British Burma. Pop.
(1876), 15,406.
KTILAGHA.T. Village on the right bank of the Dharla river, in
Rangpur district, Bengal. A centre of trade.
KUL 489
KULAGPISI. Tillage in Jaipur State, Yizagapatam district, Madras ;
thirty-eight miles west-south-west from Rayagudda, and seventy-
five miles north-west by north from Yizianagram. Lat. 19 4', long.
82 56'.
KU-LA-PAN-ZENG. Revenue circle in Akyab district, British
Burma. Pop. (1876), 12,648.
KTJLAR. Village in Patiala State, Punjab ; on the route from Hansi
to Ludhiana, and fifty-six miles south of the last-mentioned town.
Distance north-west from Calcutta, 1054 miles. Lat. 30 10', long.
75 56'.
KTJLASE KHARAPATAM. Town and seaport in Tinnevelli district,
Madras. Lat. 94' 40", long. 77 31' 20". Pop. (1881), 14,972. A centre
of trade.
KULBARGAH. Town and station on the Great Indian Peninsula
Railway, in Haidarabad State ; on the route from Haidarabad through
Sholapur to Poona, 110 miles west of former, 210 south-east of latter.
Distance from Madras, north-west, 380 miles; Bombay, south-east, 285.
Lat. 17 19', long. 76 51'.
KULDINDI. Town in Kistna district, Madras ; twenty-eight miles
north-east of Masulipatam. Lat. 16 30', long. 81 21'.
KULGATIM. Town in Haidarabad State ; situate on the left bank of
one of the branches of the Penganga river, and ninety-eight miles south
from Ellichpur. Lat. 19 47', long. 77 47'.
KULIAVA KURIL Town in Haidarabad State ; situate fifty miles
south from Haidarabad, and sixty-four miles north-east by north from
Karrml. Lat. 16 40', long. 78 33'.
KULIK. River in Dinajpur district, Bengal; a tributary of the
Nagar, into which it falls in lat. 25 34', long. 88 5'.
KULILLI. Town in Travancore State, Madras; fifty-two miles
north from Trevandrum, and sixty-three miles north-west by west from
Tinnevelli. Lat. 9 13', long. 76 57'.
KULITALAI. Town on the Kaveri river, in Trichinopoli district,
Madras. Lat. 10 56', long. 78 27'. Pop. (1871 ), 1398.
KULITULLAI. Town in Trichinopoli district, Madras; twenty-one
miles west-north-west of Trichinopoli. Lat. 10 56', long. 78 29'.
KTJLKERI. Town in Sholapur district, Bombay; seventy-two miles
south- south-east of Sholapur. Lat. 16 40', long. 76 21'.
KULLIKOTA. Town in Ganjam district, Madras; twenty miles north
of Ganjam. Lat. 19 38', long. 85 9'.
KTILLTI. Tahsil in Kangra district, Punjab ; comprises the three sub-
divisions of Kullu, Lahul, and Spiti. Between lat. 31 20' 33, and
long. 76 49' 78 35'. Area, 6344 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 108,981.
KTJLLTI. Subdivision in Kangra district, Punjab; between lat. 31
20' 32 26', and long. 76 58' 30" 77 49' 45". Area, 1926 sq. miles.
490 KUL
Pop. (1868), 90,313. Bounded on the north-cost and east by the Central
Himalayan range, which separates it from Lahul and Spiti ; on the south
by the Sutlej river ; on the south-west by the Dhaoladhar range, the
Beas river, and Suket and Mandi States ; and on the west by the Bara
Bangahal Hills, which separate the Bangahal valley from Kullu. The
chief rivers are the Sainj, the Beas, and the Sutlej. The chief mountains
are the Bara Bangahal and Mid-Himalayan ranges. The chief town is
Sultanpur. Kullu was formerly a Rajput principality.
KULLTI. Town in Jodhpur State, Rajputana ; ninety-one miles west
by south from Jodhpur, and seventy-five miles south-east of Jaisalmir.
Lat. 26 3', long. 71 43'.
KULLUR. Pass in South Kanara district, Madras, from the plains of
Kanara to the highlands of Mysore and Coorg. Between lat. 13 52' 13
53' 20", and long. 74 53' 74 54'.
KTTLLTJR. Town in Bastar State, Central Provinces ; eighty-nine
miles north from Rajamahendri, and eighty-one miles south-west from
Bastar. Lat. 18 10', long. 81 22'.
KULLTJS. Town in Poona district, Bombay ; sixty-five miles east-
south-east of Poona. Lat. 18 13', long. 74 50'.
KULORA. Village in Shikarpur district, Sind, Bombay ; on the
western route from Rohri to Haidarabad, and sixty miles south-west of
the former town. Lat. 27 11', long. 68 13'.
KULORA. Village in Karachi district, Sind, Bombay; on the
western route from Sehwan to Larkhana, by way of the Arul river, and
seven miles south-west of Larkhana. It is situate on the Chila, a water-
course from the Western Nara river. Lat. 27 24', long. 68 9'.
KTJLPAHAR. Town (in tahsil of same name) in Hamfrpur district,
K.W.P. Lat. 25 19' 10", long. 79 39' 40". Pop. (1881), 6066. Pop.
of tahsil (1881), 125,578. Also thana. Pop. (1881), 42,838.
KULPAK. Town in Haidarabad State; situate on the right bank of
one of the branches of the Kistna river, and forty-three miles north-east
by east from Haidarabad. Lat. 17 41', long. 79 6'.
"KULPETTA. Town in Malabar district, Madras; thirty-four miles
north-east of Calicut. Lat. 11 39', long. 76 10'.
KULSAPAWA. Town in Cuddapah district, Madras ; forty-seven
miles north by east of Cuddapah. Lat. 15 8', long. 79 1'.
KULSI. River of Kamrup district, Assam ; flowing into the Brahma-
putra, in lat. 26 9', long. 91 22'.
KULSI. Forest reserve on the right or west bank of the Kulsi river,
in Kamrup district, Assam. Area, 3520 acres or 5-5 sq. miles.
KULUGrA. Village in Garai district, N/W.P. ; on the right bank
of the Garai. Lat. 29 6', long. 79 47 7 .
KULUHA. Village in Allahabad district, N.W.P. ; on the route by
the Rajapur ferry from the cantonment of Allahabad to Banda, and forty-
two miles west of former. Lat. 25 25', long. 81 19'.
KULU SAIYID'S TOMB. Tomb in Bijnaur district, KW.P. It is
situate on the crest of that part of the Siwalik range bounding the
Patli Dun on the south, and marks the burial-place of a Sayyid by the
name of Knlu. Lat. 29 34', long. 78 44'.
KITLUTZAI. Village on the right bank of the Indus, in Ladakh
division, Kashmir State, Punjab. Lat. 34 19', long. 76 58'.
KTILWA. Town in Jind State, Punjab ; on the route from Hansi to
Karnal, and forty-one miles south-west of the latter place. Distant
north-west from Calcutta, by Delhi and Hansi, 1015 miles. Lat. 29 20',
long. 76 35'.
KUMANDA. Town in Khariar State, Raipur district, Central Pro-
vinces ; twelve miles north from Khariar, and 108 miles south-west from
Sambalpur. Lat. 20 30', long. 82 44'.
KUMANPILLI. Town in Haidarabad State ; situate six miles from
the right bank of the Godavari river, and 120 miles north-east by north
from Haidarabad. Lat. 18 48', long. 79 35'.
KUMAR. River of Faridpur district, Bengal. It leaves the Chandna
near Kanaipur, and falls into the Arial Khan in lat. 23 10', long. 90
15' 45".
KUMAR. River of Nadiya and Jessor districts, Bengal. It leaves
the Matabhanga near Alamdanga, and flows into the Garai. Another
name for this river is the Pangasi.
KUMARADHARL River of Coorg; it rises in lat. 13 50', long. 76
52', and joining the Netravati, falls into the sea near Mangalore.
KUMARAHALLL Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 326.
KUMARARA. Town in Manbhum district, Bengal ; forty- six miles
west by south of Midnapur. Lat. 22 17', long. 86 41'.
KUMARGANJ. Village on the river Atrai, in Dinajpur district,
Bengal. A centre of trade.
KUMARGANJ. Village on the river Karatoya, in Rangpur district,
Bengal. Also thana. Area, 177 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 94,955.
KUMARI. Town in Gwalior State, Central India Agency; situate
forty-seven miles north of Sagar, and sixty-four miles north-west of
Damoh. Lat. 24 30', long. 78 50'.
KUMARKHAL. Town in Bod State, Orissa, Bengal; situate five
miles from the right bank of the Bang ]S"adi, and sixty -four miles south
from Sambalpur. Lat. 20 33', long. 84 7'.
KUMARKHALI ( COMERCOLLY ). Town on the river Garai,
in Nadiya district, Bengal. Lat. 23 51' 30", long. 89 17' 14".
Pop. (1881), 6041. There is here a station on the Eastern Bengal
KUMARPUR. Town in Purniah district, Bengal ; twenty-nine miles
south by east of Purniah. Lat. 25 23', long. 87 41'.
KUMARTOLLY. Section of Calcutta. Area, 199 acres. Pop. (1881),
KUMAUN. District in Kumaun division, N.W.P. ; between lat. 28
55'_3()0 so/ 30^ an( i i on ^. 730 5 2'_80 56' 15". Area, 6000 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 493,641. The capital is Almora; and there are the two
492 KTJM
large hill- stations of Naim-Tal and Ranikhet, the former "being tho
summer capital of the North-Western Provinces. The district is ex-
ceedingly mountainous, containing many important peaks of the Sub-
Himalayan ranges, with a strip of the "bhabhar" or dry forest-region
that separates the mountain- region from the Tarai. The rivers are
numerous, all of them ultimately flowing into the Ganges ; they are, the
Kali (or Sarda, and lower down called the Gogra), with its tributaries,
the Dhauli, Dunka, Goriganga, East Ramganga, and Sarju ; also the
Kosi, and the "West Ramganga. The district, which came into the pos-
session of the British Government at the close of the Gurkha war of 1815,
is sometimes called Almora, from the capital which bears that name. It
is traversed by a branch of the Rohilkhand Kailway.
KUMATJN. Division of the North- Western Provinces ; containing the
Kumaun and Garhwal districts, q.v. Area, 12,438 sq. miles. Pop.
(1881), 1,046,263.
KUMB. Town in Shikarpur district, Sind, Eombay ; ninety-two
miles south-west of Shikarpur. Lat. 27 1', long. 67 41'.
KTJMBA. Village in Hissar district, Punjab ; on the route from
Hansi to Ludhiana, and twenty-four miles north of the former town.
Distant north-west from Calcutta, 1000 miles. Lat. 29 25', long. 76 5'.
KTJMBACHEN. River in Nepal State ; rising on the south-western face
of the great peak of the Himalayas known by the name of Kang-chang,
in lat. 27 40', long. 87 55'. It flows along the north-western side of a
spur of the above-named peak for thirty miles, to lat. 27 27', long. 87 32',
the point of its junction with the Tambur river.
KTJMBAKOTTA. Town in Jaipur State, Yizagapatam district,
Madras; ten miles south-west from Raiagudda, and sixty-nine miles
north from Vizianagram. Lat. 19 6', long. 83 20'.
KUMBALADALTT. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 536.
KUMBARAGADIGE. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 162.
KTJMBERI NERIYERL Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881),
KITMBHAKAMDRTIG. Mountain in North Arcot district, Madras ;
2598 feet above the sea. Lat. 13 34' 35", long. 79 55' 22".
KTJMBHAR. Town in Bhartpur State, Rajputana ; eleven miles
north-west of Bhartpur. Lat. 27 19', long. 77 25'.
KTJMBHARI. Town in Haidarabad State ; ninety-three miles south-
east from Ellichpur, and ninety-three miles north-east from Nandair.
Lat. 20 4', long. 78 23'.
KTTMBHARL Town in Sambalpur district, Central Provinces. Pop.
(1881), 2178.
KTIMBHARLIGHAT. Pass over the Western Ghats, connecting the
districts of Ratnagiri and Satara, Bombay; 123 miles from Bombay.
Lat. 17 26', long. 73 45'.
KTJMBLA. Town in South Kanara district, Madras ; situate on a
high peninsula, projecting into a salt-water lake, separated from the sea
by a spit of sand, and receiving the water of two rivers, one flowing from
the Ghats, the other, of less size, flowing from some hills a few miles east
of the town. Distant from Mangalore, south, nineteen miles ; Madras,
west, 360. Lat. 12 36', long. 75.
KTJM 493
KTJMBUR. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 347.
KITMDONGr. Town in Manipur State, Assam ; nineteen miles north-
west from Manipur, and 120 miles south-east by south from Nowgong.
Lat. 24 56', long. 93 47'.
KTJMERL Village in Kumaun district, N.W.P. ; on the route up the
course of the river Sarju, from the Almora to the Anta Dhara Pass. It
is situate on the right bank of the Sarju, thirty-five miles north-west of
Alinora. Lat. 30 2', long. 79 58'.
KTJMHARSAIN. A Hill State in the Punjab. Between lat. 31 6'
31 20' 30", and long. 77 22' 77 35'. The area is 90 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 9515. The capital of the State is a village of the same
name, forty miles east of Simla.
KTJMHER. Town in Bhartpur State, Rajputana. Pop. (1881),
KTJMHRAWAN. A pargana in Rai Bareli district, Oudh. Area, 70
sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 35,259.
KTJMIRIA. Village in Chittagong district, Bengal; in lat. 20 30'
15", long. 91 45' 40". Also thana. Area, 106 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
KUMLAGARH. Fortress in Mandi State, Punjab. Lat. 31 48',
long. 76 43'.
KTJMLANTJL. Town in Haidarabad State ; situate sixty- two miles
south by west from Haidarabad, and fifty miles north-north-east from
Karnul. Lat. 16 29', long. 78 22'.
KUMMADA. Town in Bastar State, Central Provinces ; eighty miles
north-west from Rajamahendri, and ninety-five miles south-west from
Bastar. Lat. 18 1', long. 81 14'.
KUMMTIMMET. Town in Haidarabad State; on the left bank of
the Munyeru river, a considerable tributary of the Krishna. Distance from
Haidarabad, east, 110 miles. Lat. 17 15', long. 18 13'.
KTIMORA DUMORA. Pair of villages in Rampur State, N.W.P. ;
on the route from Bareilly to the city of Rampur, and six miles south-
east of the latter. Lat. 28 41', long. 79 11'.
KUMPIN. Town in Bellary district, Madras ; twenty-eight miles
north-west of Bellary. Lat. 15 25', long. 76 40'.
KTJMPTA. Town (in subdivision of same name) in Kanara district,
Bombay ; situated on a creek on the east coast of the Indian Ocean,
about 113 miles north of Mangalore, 328 south-east of Bombay, and 410
north-west of Madras. Lat. 14. 26', long. 74 27'. Pop. (1881), 10,629.
There is a lighthouse on a hill at the mouth of the creek. Kumpta is
a centre of trade. Area of subdivision, 230 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
KUMPTJR. Town in Kumaun district, KW.P. ; on the route from
Almora to Saharanpur, sixteen miles west of the former. Lat. 29 38',
long. 79 28'.
KUMSI. Town in Mysore State ; twenty-nine miles north-east from
Bednaur, and 141 miles north-west from Serin gapatam. Lat. 14 3',
long. 75 28'.
KUMTI. Town in Raipur district, Central Provinces, 145 miles east
from Nagpur, and twenty-two miles south-west from Raipur. Lat. 21,
long. 81 22'.
KUMTUR. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 338.
KUMURDA. Town in Balasore district, Bengal; eighty- six miles
south-west of Calcutta. Lat. 21 45', long. 87 25'.
KUNADIA. Town in Inclore State, Central India Agency ; situate
eighty miles west from Bhopal, and 110 miles west-north-west from
Hoshangabad. Lat. 23 21', long. 76 10'.
KUNAPUR. Tillage in Betul district, Central Provinces ; on the
route from Betul to Amraoti, forty miles south of the former. Lat.
21 17', long. 78.
KUNARL Thana in Saharanpur district, KW.P. Pop. (1881),
KUNAWAR. Subdivision of Bashahr State, Punjab. Between lat.
31 16'- 32 3', and long. 77 33' 79 2'. Bounded on the north by
Spiti, on the east by Chinese territory, on the south by Bashahr and
Garhwal, and on the west by Kullu. Area, about 2100 sq. miles. ' Pop.
about 10,000.
KUNCH. Municipal town (in tahsil of same name) in Jalaun district,
JSVW.P. Lat. 25 59' 30", long. 79 11' 55". Pop. (1881), 13,739.
Distant from Ural nineteen miles west, from Kalpi forty-two miles south-
west. There is a large tank, known as Govind Rao's Tal, built about
1750; adorned with steps on all sides, and a cupola at each corner.
Area of tahsil, 209 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 71,429. Also thana. Pop.
(1881), 43,979.
KUNCHABARL Town in Purniah district, Bengal ; sixty-five miles
north-east by east of Purniah. Lat. 26 23', long. 88 21'.
KUNCHAKACHERLA. Town in Krishna district, Madras, forty-nine
miles west of Ellore. Lat. 16 41', long. 80 27'.
KUNCHIGANAHALLI.-Village in Coorg, Madras.
KUNCHINKULL DRUG. Town in Mysore State ; eighty-three miles
north-west from Seringapatam, and fifty-nine miles north-east from
Mangalore. Lat. 13 17', long. 75 39'.
KUNDA. Range of mountains in Nilgiri district, Madras. Between
lat. 11 9' 11 21' 40", and long. 76 27' 50" 76 46'. The two
highest points are Avalanche Peak, 8502 feet, and Makurti, 8402
KUNDA. Thana in Partabgarh district, Oudh. Pop. (1881), 123,300.
KUNDA. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 306.
KUNDA. Town in Hazaribagh district, Bengal; forty-five miles
west-north-west of Hazaribagh. Lat. 24 12', long. 84 44'.
KUNDA. Village in Meerut district, N.W.P. ; on the route from Delhi
to Meerut, and seven miles south-west of the latter. Lat. 28 56', long.
77 43'.
KUND ACHERL Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 573.
KTJK 495
KTJNDADTJM. Town in Coimbatore district, Madras; thirty-three
miles south-east of Coimbatore. Lat. 10 50', long. 77 30'.
KUNDAHAB. Town in Haidarabad State; 135 miles north-west of
the city of Haidarabad. Lat. 18 52', long. 77 17'.
KUNDAI. Village in Raipur district, Central Provinces; situate
152 miles east by north from Nagpur, and eighty-six miles south-south-
east from Bamgarh. Lat. 21 39', long. 81 26'.
KUNDAL. Town in N oakhali district, Bengal ; forty miles north-
east of Bhulua. Lat. 23 11', long. 91 27'.
KUNDALA (KH AND ALA). Town in Poona district, Bombay;
thirty-seven miles east- south-east of Bombay. Lat. 18 48', long.
73 26'.
KITNDALA. Town in Jodhpur State, Rajputana; thirteen miles
north-north-west from Ajmere, and ninety-eight miles east-north-east
from Jodhpur. Lat. 26 40', long. 74 39'.
KUND ALL!. Tillage in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 363.
KUN-DAN. Revenue circle in Rangoon district, British Burma.
Pop. (1876), 8253.
KTJNDABI. Town in Sarguja State, Bengal ; situate forty-one
miles north-east from Sarguja, and seventy-one miles west from
Lohardaga. Lat. 23 28', long. 83 40'.
KUNDABIA. Thana in Shahjahanpur district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
KUNDABKL Town in Moradabad district, N.W.P. ; on the rout*
from Moradabad to Budaun, eleven miles south of the former. Lat. 28
41', long. 78 52'. Pop. (1881), 4218. Also thana. Pop. (1881), 43,391.
KTJNDAVELLL Town in Godavari district, Madras ; twenty miles
south of Rajamahendri. Lat. 16 42', long. 81 50'.
KUN-DAW. Revenue circle in Thayet-myo district, British Burma.
Area, 48 sq. miles. Pop. (1876), 2174.
KUNDGAL. Town in Jamkhandi State, Bombay; sixty-three miles
south-east from Belgaum, and 112 miles west from Bellary. Lat. 15 15',
long. 75 19'.
KIINDHNAN KHTJBD. Town on the river Madha, in Faizabad
district, Oudh; fourteen miles from Faizabad town. Pop. (1869), 2455.
KTJNDIKAIBA. Town in Mysore State ; seventy-six miles north from
Seringapatam, and 128 miles north-east from Macgalore. Lat. 13 30',
long. 76 39'.
KUNDLA. Town in Bhaunagar State, Kathiawar, Bombay. Lat.
21 21', long. 71 25'. Pop. (1881), 6135.
KUNDBAUNL Town in Jhansi district, KW.P. ; twenty-two miles
west by north from Jhansi. Lat. 25 32', long. 78 20'.
KTJNDBI (NOBTH). Pargana of Sitapur district, Oudh. Area, 165
sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 71,161.
KUNDBI (SOUTH). Pargana of Sitapur district, Oudh. Area, 66
sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 26,516.
KUNDTJB. Town in Cuddapah district, Madras ; fifty-nine miles
south of Cuddapah. Lat. 13 39', long. 78 54'.
496 KILN"
KUNGA. Town in Patna State, Sambalpur district, Central Provinces ;
seventy-four miles south-west of Sambalpur, and 126 miles north-north-
east of Jaipur. Lat. 20 40', long. 83 16'.
KTTNGAL. Town in Haidarabad State ; situate on the right bank of
one of the branches of the Krishna, and fifty-eight miles south-east by
east from Haidarabad. Lat. 16 56', long. 79 18'.
KUNGARH. Town in Panna State, Central India Agency; situate
twenty-seven miles east from Panna, and forty-seven miles north-west
by west from Bewah. Lat. 24 45', long. 80 41'.
KTTNGHARA. Town in Chanda district, Central Provinces ; near the
left bank of the Wainganga river, and ninety-six miles south-east by
south from Mgpur. Lat. 20 4', long. 80 I'. Pop. (1881), 3259.
KUNGMA (LAKONGMA). Pass in Bashahr State, Punjab; over a
lofty mountain-ridge running from north to south, and forming the
boundary between the British and Chinese empires. Elevation of the
crest of the pass above the sea, 16,007 feet. Lat. 31 48', long.
78 46'.
KUNGRA. Lake in Gorakhpur district, KW.P. ; half a mile in
length and 200 yards wide, with high banks, and water free from weeds.
Lat. 26 35', long. 83 22'.
KUNHAR. Biver in Hazara district, Punjab. Eises in lat. 34 51',
long. 74 4', and, after a course of about 100 miles, joins the Jhelum at
Patan, in lat. 34 17', long. 73 31'. One of the main roads to Kashmir
crosses the Kunhar by a suspension bridge, with a span of 108 feet,
Below this bridge, rough suspension bridges of rope, manufactured from
twisted twigs, cross the river at long intervals.
KUNHIAR. Hill State in the Punjab; paying a tribute of 18 to
the British Government. Between lat. 31 3' 31 7', and long. 76
59' 77 3'. Area, 8 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 1923.
KTJNHIR. Eiver of Sarguja State and Lohardaga district, Bengal;
falling into the river Son on the south or right side, in lat. 24 29', long.
83 10', after a total length of course of about 130 miles.
KTJNL Eiver of Wun district, Berar ; falls into the Penganga, in
lat. 19 47' 30", long. 78 41' 30", after a course of forty-six miles.
KUNIGAL. Town and municipality (in taluk of same name) in
Tumkur district, Mysore ; twenty-two miles south by road from Tumkur.
Lat. 13 V 40", long. 77 4' 10". Pop. (1871), 3355. Area of taluk,
261 sq. miles. Pop. (1871), 85,661.
KTTNIGAL. Town in Mysore State; forty-seven miles north-east
from Seringapatam, and thirty-six miles west from Bangalore. Lat. 13
1', long. 77 5'.
KTJNI KAIRI. Town in Haidarabad State; situate six miles from
the left bank of the Bhima river, and ninety-nine miles south-west by
west from Haidarabad. Lat. 16 36', long. 77 19'.
KTJNIMTJNDA. Town in Bastar State, Central Provinces ; twenty-
seven miles north-east by north from Jaipur, and 162 miles west of
Ganjam. Lat. 19 20', long. 82 40'.
KUNIRA. Village in Muttra district, jST."W.P. ; on the route from
Agra to Bareilly, and twenty -one miles north-east of the former. Lat.
27 23', long. 78 15'.
KIT1S- 497
KTINJA. Village in Dehra Dun district, KW.P. ; situate on the left
bank of the Asan, near its confluence with the Jumna. Elevation above
the sea. 1618 feet. Lat. 30 26', long. 77 44'.
KUNJA. Town and municipality in Gujrat district, Punjab ; distant
from Gujrat seven miles. Lat. 32 31' 45", long. 74 I'. Pop. (1881), 5799.
KUNJALA. Tillage in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 961.
KIINJALAGERL Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 717.
KUNJBANGAR (KIINGBANA). Town in Daspalla State, Orissa,
Bengal ; situate eight miles from the right bank of the Mahanadi, and
sixty-eight miles south by east from Ganjam. Lat. 20 21', long. 84 57'.
KTJNJPURA. Town and municipality in Karnal district, Punjab ;
situate ten miles north-east from Karnal. Lat. 29 43', long. 77 7' 15".
Pop. (1881), 4725.
KITNJUR (KINJOR). Lake in Sind, Bombay; an extensive and
permanent piece of stagnant water, left by the Indus after it has
retired to the channel to which it is confined in the season when it is
lowest. The lake is about three miles westward of the channel, and
is a beautiful expanse of water. It is one of three, which extend north
and south about twenty miles. Lat. 24 55', long. 68 8'.
KTINKAS. River of the Garo Hills and Maimansinh district, Bengal ;
rises in lat. 25 23', long. 89 58', and flowing in a south-easterly
direction for 130 miles, falls into the Barak river in lat. 24 16', long.
90 56'.
KUNKHUL. Town in Saharanpur district, KW.P. ; on the route
from Saharanpur to Hardwar, and three miles south-west of the latter
place. It is situate on the right bank of the Ganges, and is a place of
pilgrimage. Elevation above the sea, 1032 feet. The head of the Ganges
Canal is situate a little to the north of the town. Lat. 29 55', long.
78 12'.
KTTNKIPTJR. Village in Mainpuri district, jNVW.P. ; on the route
from Aligarh to Mainpuri, and fifteen miles north-west of the latter.
Lat. 27 21', long. 78 55'.
KUNKTJNWARI. Town in Belgaum district, Bombay ; forty-four
miles north-east of Belgaum. Lat. 16 21', long. 74 58'.
KTINLAS. Himalayan range bounding Kumaun district, N.W.P., on
the side of Thibet ; called also Kailas. There are two peaks on the ridge,
both rising far above the lower limit of perpetual snow, the higher having
an elevation above the sea of 22,513 feet, the other, a short distance to
the south-east, an elevation of 21,669. The former is in lat. 30 14',
long. 80 54'; the latter, in lat. 30 13', long. 80 58'.
KTINNAGTJDL Town in Madura district, Madras ; forty-two miles
east of Madura. Lat. 10 7', long. 78 47'.
KUNNAGTJDL Town in Madura district, Madras ; fifty-eight miles
east of Madura. Lat. 9 56', long. 79 1'.
KTJNNAIJRA. Town in Cutch State, Bombay; situate ten miles
north from Bhuj, and four miles south of the Great Western Eann. Lat.
23 21', long. 69 46'.
KTINNATITA. Town in Jaipur State, Rajputana ; situate eleven
miles east-south-east from Jaipur, and eighty-nine miles east-north-east
from Ajmere. Lat. 26 50', long. 76 3'.
KTTNNIGARL Town in ETellore district, Madras; thirty-seven
miles west by south of Ongole. Lat. 15 25', long. 79 33'.
KUNNIGARI. Town in Haidarabad State ; situate 140 miles
east from Haidarabad, and fifty-seven miles north-west from Ellore. Lat.
17 21', long. 80 39'.
KUNNUR. Town in Haidarabad State ; situate fifty-one miles west-
north-west from Jalna, and fifty-three miles south-east by east from
Malegaon. Lat. 20 10', long. 75 13'.
KTJNPUR. Village in Muttra district, N.W.P. ; on the route from
Aligarh to Etawah, and thirty-one miles south-east of the former. Lat.
27 28', long. 78 19'.
KTJN-PYENG. Revenue circle in Bassein district, British Burma.
Area, 101 sq. miles. Pop. (1876), 6513.
KUNRAJA. Town in TJdaipur State, Bengal ; twelve miles north-
east from TJdaipur, and 96 miles north -north- west from Sambalpur. Lat.
22 47', long. 83 31'.
KTINRI. Town in Sitapur district, Oudh ; situate five miles west of
the right bank of the Gogra, and 52 miles north by east from Lucknow.
Lat. 27 34', long. 81 17'.
KTTN-RWA-LENG. Revenue circle in Prome district, British Burma.
Pop. (1875), 1858.
KTINSA. Town in Rai Bareli district, Oudh ; situate six miles north-
east of the left bank of the Ganges, thirty miles south-west from
Lucknow. Lat. 26 20' 15", long. 81 3' 55". Pop. (1869), 5481.
KTJNSALA. Village in Garhwal district, N.W.P. ; on the left bank
of the Jumna. Elevation above the sea, 7084 feet. Lat. 30 54', long.
78 24'.
KITNTHARIA. State in Kathiawar, Bombay; paying a yearly
tribute of 149 to the British Government, and 20 to the Gaekwar of
KTTNTIL. Town in Mirzapur district, N.W.P. ; on the route from
Mirzapur to Allahabad, three miles west by north of the former. Lat.
25 7', long. 82 35'.
KTJNTIYANA. Town in Junagarh State, Kathiawar, Bombay. Lat.
21 38', long. 70 10'. Pop. (1872), 9878.
KTTNTUL. Town in Athgarh State, Orissa, Bengal; situate sixteen
miles west-north-west from Cuttack, and eighty-eight miles north-north-
east from Ganjam. Lat. 20 32', long. 85 41'.
KUNTI. Village in Bashahr State, Punjab ; near the right bank of
the river Tidung. Elevation above the sea, 11,727 feet. Lat. 31 28',
long. 78 39'.
KTJNTIR. Town and municipality in the Nflgiri Hills district, Madras ;
situate on the road from Madras to TTtakamand, at the top of the Kunur
Ghat, 6000 feet above the sea. Lat. 11 20', long. 76 50'. Pop.
(1881), about 4788. One of the sanitaria of Madras.
KTJNITR. Town in Sholapur district, Bombay ; thirty-six miles
south-east of Bijapur. Lat. 16 30', long. 76 12'.
KTJNWAI LARKANI. Town in Jodhpur State, Rajputana; 124
miles north-east from Jodhpur, and sixty-eight miles north from Ajmere.
Lat. 27 27', long. 74 39'.
KTTNWARA. Town in Jaipur State, Rajputana; situate eighty-one
miles south from Jaipur, and eighty-six miles south-east by east from
Ajmere. Lat. 25 46', long. 75 50'.
KTIPALVAL Town in Haidarabad State ; situate on the right bank
of the Munyair river, and eighty- seven miles east by north from Haidar-
abad. Lat. 17 30', long. 79 50'.
KUPASDI. Tillage in Hoshangabad district, Central Provinces ; on
the route from Hoshangabad to Burhanpur, forty-six miles south-west by
south of the former. Lat. 22 11', long. 77 20'.
KTIPILA SUNGUM. Town in Belgaum district, Bombay; 105 miles
east by north of Belgaum. Lat. 16 11', long. 76 8'.
KTIPSA. Town in Banda district, KW.P. ; on the route from
Banda to Kalpi, eleven miles K."W. of the former. Lat. 25 34' long.
80 17'.
KUPTJNG. Town in Sandoway district, British Burma. Lat. 18 41',
long. 94 32'.
KTJPURWAR. Village in Gorakhpur district, KW.P. ; on the left
bank of the Rapti, four miles above its confluence with the Gogra. Dis-
tant south-east from Gorakhpur thirty- two miles. Lat. 26 15', long.
83 43'.
KTJRA. Town in Buldana district, Berar ; eighty miles west-south-
west of Ellichpur. Lat. 20 59', long. 76 22'.
KITRABAR. Town in Udaipur State, Rajputana ; on the route from
Kimach to Baroda, sixty-eight miles west of former, 202 north-east of
latter. Elevation above the sea, 1272 feet. Lat. 24 34', long. 74 6'.
KURAHARL Village in the Muttra district, KW.P. ; on the route
from the cantonment of Meerut to that of Muttra, and twenty miles
north of the latter. Lat. 27 44', long. 77 50'.
KURAI. Town (in tahsil of same name) in Sagar district, Central
Provinces ; thirty-two miles north-west of Sagar. Lat. 24 2' 30", long.
78 22' 30". Pop. (1881), 5370. Area of tahsil, 936 sq. miles. Pop.
(1881), 116,767.
KURAIBHAK. Thana in Sultanpur district, Oudh. Pop. (1881),
KURAITA. Village in Agra district, N.W.P. ; on the route from
Agra to Mainpuri, and thirty miles east of the former. Lat. 27 7', long.
78 31'.
KURALA. Village in Moradabad district, KW.P. ; on the route
from the town of Meerut to that of Moradabad, and thirty-eight miles
south-east of the former place. It is situate near the left bank of the
Ganges, distant north-west from Calcutta 884 miles. Lat. 28 51', long.
78 16'.
KURALA. Village in Sialkot district, Punjab, situate sixteen miles
from the right bank of the Ravi, forty-five miles north-north-east of the
town of Lahore. Lat. 32 10', long. 74 29'.
KTTRALL Village in Allahabad district, KW.P. ; on the route from
Allahabad to Banda, and thirty-one miles west of the former. Lat. 25
27', long. 81 30'.
KTIRAM. Valley in Afghanistan, adjoining Bannu district, Punjab ;
being the valley of the upper part of the Kuram river ; it is about sixty
500 KTJR
miles long, and from three to ten wide. The pop. is about 80,000.
Here was fought the battle of the Paiwar Kotal in December, 1878.
KTJRAM. River of Afghanistan and Bannu district, Punjab ; rises
in the Safed Koh Mountains, and falls into the Indus about four miles
south of Isakhel, in lat. 32 37', long. 71 22'.
KURAMBALOR. Town in Trichinopoli district, Madras; thirty-one
miles north by east of Trichinopoli. Lat. 11 15', long. 71 51'.
KTJRANDA. Town in Haidarabad State; situate 167 miles north-
west by north from Haidarabad, and 122 miles south by west from
Ellichpur. Lat 19 27', long. 77 18'.
KURANGHA. Town in Jashpur State, Bengal ; situate eighty miles
north-north-west from Sambalpur, and ninety-two miles south by west
from Palamau. Lat. 22 33', long. 83 38'.
KURANIA. Village in Karachi district, Sind, Bombay ; on the route
from Sehwan to Larkhana, and sixteen miles north of the former place.
It is situate a mile and a half from the right bank of the Indus. Lat.
26 38', long. 67 55'.
KURANTADL Town in Ghazipur district, N.W.P. ; on the left bank
of the Ganges. Distant 566 miles north-west of Calcutta by water.
Lat. 25 34', long. 84 2'.
KITRAON. Thana in Allahabad district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 45,097.
KTIRAR. Town in Nayagarh State, Orissa, Bengal; situate forty-
five miles north by west from Ganjam, and sixty-eight miles south-west
by west from Cuttack. Lat. 20 1', long. 85.
KTJRARA. Town in Jhansi district, N.W.P. ; situate on the right
bank of the Mohwar river, and twenty-eight miles west from Jhansi.
Lat. 25 28', long. 78 13'.
KTTRARA. Town in Hamirpur district, K.W.P. Pop. (1881), 3612.
Also thana. Pop. (1881), 12,173.
KTJRATT. Town in Jodhpur State, Bajputana; sixty-eight miles
west-north-west from Jodhpur, and seventy-four miles east by south from
Jaisalmir. Lat. 26 39', long. 72 6'.
KTJRATJLI. Town (in pargana of the same name) in Mainpuri district,
N.W.P. ; situate fourteen miles north from Mainpuri, on the road to
Etah. Pop. (1872), 4071. There are four mosques and nine Hindu
temples. Pop. of pargana (1881), 34,344. Also thana. Pop. (1881),
KURATJNA. Pargana of Sitapur district, Oudh. Area, 46 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 16,283.
KURAWA. Village in Muzaffarnagar district, 1ST.W.P. ; on the route
from Karnal to Meerut, and thirty-nine miles south-east of the former.
Lat. 29 21', long. 77 30'.
KTIRAYA. Town on the Nun, a small feeder of the river Sindh, in
Gwalior State, Central India Agency ; on the route from Gwalior fort to
Narwar, twenty-four miles south of the former, eighteen north of the
latter. Lat. 25 54', long. 78.
KURCHL Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 368.
KURD A. Village in Gorakhpur district, N.W.P. ; on the route
from Gorakhpur to Khatmandu, forty-five miles north-east of the former.
Lat. 27 6', long. 83 55'.
KTJR 501
KURD AW AD. Town in Indore State, Central India Agency ; situate
144 miles east from Ahmedabad, and 101 miles south from ]S"imach.
Lat. 23, long. 74 50'.
KTJRDI. Town in Tanna district, Bombay ; fifty-seven miles north-
east of Bombay. Lat. 19 36', long. 73 26'.
KURDLA. Town in Ahmednagar district, Bombay ; situate sixty-one
miles south-east by east of Ahmednagar. Lat. 18 40', long. 75 34'.
KTJRGTTN. Decayed town in Indore State, Central India Agency;
distant south from Indore, sixty miles; south from Mhow, forty-nine.
Lat. 21 50', long. 75 45'.
KURHA KESHTIPUR. Town in Paizabad district, Oudh ; four miles
from Faizabad toAvn. Pop. (1869), 2730.
KURHUL. Town in Mainpuri district, N.W.P. ; on the route from
Etawah to Mainpuri, seventeen miles south by west of the latter. Lat.
Lat. 27, long. 79'.
KURHTJS. Village in Karnal district, Punjab; on the route from
Delhi to Karnal, and thirty- one miles south-east of the latter. Lai.
29 16', long. 77 4'.
KTJRI. Village in Jodhpur State, Rajputana; on the route from
Balotra to Jodhpur, and twelve miles north-east of the former. Lat. 25
56', long. 72 30'.
KURIA. Town in Nepal State; forty-six miles south from Khat-
mandu, and forty-three miles east-north-east from Bettia. Lat. 27 3',
long. 85 10'.
KTJRIGONG. Town in Rangpur district, Bengal ; twenty-three
miles north-east of Rangpur. Lat. 25 46', long. 89 38'.
KITRIGRAM. Subdivision of Rangpur district, Bengal. Area, 937
sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 534,954.
KTIRIJAMPA. Town in Bhutan State; sixty-eight miles north by
east from Goalpara, and eighty-three miles north-west of Gauhati. Lat.
27 5', long. 90 57'.
KTJRILALESAN. Town in Dera Ismail Khan district, Punjab;
situated eleven miles from the left bank of the Indus, eighty- eight miles
north-north-west of Multan. Lat. 31 20', long. 71 3'.
KURINGA. Town in Banda district, K.W.P. ; twenty-five miles east
of Banda, seventy-two west of Allahabad. Lat. 25 30', long. 80 46'.
KTJRIPTJR. Town in Sultanpur district, Oudh; fifty-three miles
west of Azamgarh. Lat. 26 3', long. 82 23'.
KTIRIVIKULAM. Town in Tinnevelli district, Madras. Lat. 9 10'
30", long. 77 42'. Pop. (1871), 6267.
KTJRKA.LLO. Town in Haidarabad State ; situate on the right bank
of the Godavari, and 1 42 miles north-east by east from Haidarabad. Lat.
18 23', long. 80 23'.
KTIRLA. Town in Tanna district, Bombay.
KTJRMAIL. Town in Haidarabad State ; situate two miles from the
right bank of one of the branches of the Godavari, and ninety-six miles
north by east from Haidarabad. Lat. 18 43', long. 78 49'.
502 KTJR
KURMATUR. Town in Travancore State, Madras. Lat. 9 4', long,
76 43' 30".
KURMPUR. Village in Karachi district, Sind, Bombay; on the
route from Sehwan to Larkhana, three miles north of the former.
Lat. 26 25', long. 72 56'.
KURMULLA. Town in Sholapur district, Bombay ; sixty-nine miles
north-west of Sholapur. Lat. 18 25', long. 67 56'.
KURNALLI RIVER. River of Thibet, Nepal, and Ou-dh. It rises
in Thibet in lat. 30 43', long. 80 47', and flows for seventy-five miles
in a south-east direction, to the town of Anghara, on the borders of
Nepal, ten miles beyond which 'it first turns south-west for seventy miles,
subsequently south-east for forty miles, to its junction with the Bhairabi,
on the borders of Oudh, through which province it flows for thirty miles
in a south-westerly direction, to its junction with the Gogra, in lat. 28
17', long. 81 5'.
KUROD. Town in Surat district, Bombay; on the left or south
bank of the river Tapti, twenty-five miles east of Surat. Lat. 21 9',
long. 73 16'.
KURORA. Village in Allahabad district, N/W.P. ; on the route
from Allahabad to Fatehpur, and thirty miles north-west of the former.
Lat. 25 36', long. 81 31'.
KURR. Village in Tavoy district, British Burma; 110 miles north-
north-west of Tenasserim. Lat. 13 37', long. 98 31'.
KURR A. Town in Haidarabad State ; situate twenty-nine miles
east-south-east of Ahmednagar. Lat. 18 54', long. 75 9'.
KURRA. Town in Raipur district, Central Provinces. Pop. (1881),
KURRA. Thana in Mainpuri district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 31,160.
KURRABAG ADI. Town in Bellary district, Madras ; eighty-one
miles south-west of Bellary. Lat. 14 43', long. 75 50'.
KURRADIKUL. Town in Haidarabad State; situate fifty-seven
miles west of Riiichur. Lat. 16 9', long. 76 33'.
KURRAR. Town in Satara district, Bombay ; thirty-one miles south-
south-east of Satara. Lat. 17 17', long. 74 16'.
KURRUMBILA. Town in Morbhanj State, Orissa, Bengal ; situate
sixty miles west by south from Midnapur, and sixty miles north-west by
north from Balasor. Lat. 22 12', long. 86 30'.
KURSALL Village in Garhwal State, N.W.P. ; the last and highest
to be met with in ascending the valley of the Jumna towards Jumnotri,
from which it is distant three miles south-west. Lat. 30 57', long.
78 29'.
KURSANDA. Town in Muttra district, N.W.P. ; eight miles
EUR 503
north of the Jumna. Lat. 27 23' 30", long. 78 3' 51". Pop. (1881),
KURSAT. Town in Unao district, Oudh ; ten miles north of Safipur,
and four miles north of Asiwan town. Lat. 26 52' 10", long. 80 27' 10".
Pop. (1881), 5755.
KURSAT AALAN. Town near the right hank of the river Sai, in
Hardoi district, Oudh; nine miles north-east from Mallanwan. Pop.
(1869), 2688.
KURSELI. Town in Hardoi district, Oudh ; distant eleven miles
north from Hardoi. Pop. (1869), 2898.
KURSI. Town in Chanda district, Central Provinces ; situate eleven
miles east of the left bank of the Wainganga, and ninety-two miles
south-east from Nagpur. Lat. 20 17', long. 80 11'.
KURSI. Town (and capital of pargana of same name) in Bara Banki
district, Oudh; distant eighteen miles from Bara Banki. Pop. (1869),
3650. Area of pargana, 89 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 35,814. Also thana.
Pop. (1881), 85,998.
KURTHAL. Town in Meerut district, KW.P. ; it contains a popu-
lation of 7972 inhabitants. Distant north-west from Meerut thirty-one
miles, north from Delhi forty miles. Lat. 29 14', long. 77 19'.
KURTHAL. Village in Muzaffarnagar district, N.W.P. ; on the route
from Karnal to Meerut, and forty-nine miles south-east of the former.
Lat. 29 14', long. 77 33'.
KURTL Town in Haidarabad State ; situate on the left bank of the
Penganga river, and 180 miles north from Haidarabad. Lat. 19 57',
long. 78 27'.
KURTKOTL Town in Dharwar district, Bombay; distant twenty-
five miles from Habli. Lat. 15 45', long. 75 4'. Pop. (1872), 5901.
KURTUL. Tillage in Banda district, N."\T.P. ; on the route from the
town of Banda to Ajaigarh, twelve miles north of the latter. Lat.
25 2', long 80 24'.
KURTUR. Town in Nellore district, Madras ; ninety-five miles north
of Madras. Lat. 14 27', long. 80 13'.
KURUDA. Tillage in Akyab district, British Burma ; situate on the
left side of the Ma-yu river, about ten miles from its mouth. Lat.
20 20', long. 92 52'.
KURUDA-MALE (KUDU MALE). Mountain of Kolar district,
Mysore, 3312 feet high. Lat. 13 12', long. 78 25'. At its base there
are several ruined temples.
KURUDAV ALII. Tillage in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 42.
KURUKDIA. Town in Hazaribagh district, Bengal ; sixty miles
north-east by east of Hazaribagh. Lat. 24 27', long. 86 11'.
KURUKPUR. Town in Uhagalpur district, Bengal ; thirty miles
west of Bhagalpur. Lat. 25 5', long. 86 32'.
KURUKSHETRA. Historical district in Umballa district, Punjab;
being the scene of the chief events of the Mahdbhdrata. The town of
Thaneswar is situated in the midst of this tract, which embraces many
places of pilgrimage.
KURUL. Town in Ellichpur district, Berar; situate thirteen miles
east of Ellichpur. Lat. 21 10', long. 77 48'.
KURTJLPETTA. Town in Bastar State, Central Provinces ; situate
205 miles south-east from Nagpur, and twenty-five miles north-west from
Jagdalpur or Bastar. Lat. 19 30', long. 81 43'.
KURUNBAS. Village in Bulandshahr district, N.W.P. ; on the right
bank of the Ganges, seventy-two miles south-east of Delhi. Lat. 28
16', long. 78 23'.
KURTJNDWAD. State in the Southern Marhatta Agency, Bombay.
The State is at present divided into two portions, ruled respectively by
the Senior and Junior branches of the Patwardhan family. The State of
the Senior branch has an area of 182 sq. miles, and a population (1881) of
33,988; that of the Junior, an area of 114 sq. miles, and a population
(1881) of 26,207. The common capital, Kurundwad, is in lat. 16 41',
long. 74 38'. Pop. (1881), 7138. The military forces of the States
are : Senior branch, 268 men ; Junior branch, 304 men. The tribute
payable jointly to the British Government is 961 per annum.
KURUNIGADDER Village in Coorg, Madras.
KIJRUNRUMMA. Town in Hazaribagh district, Bengal; situate
thirty-eight miles north-north-east of Hazaribagh. Lat. 24 30', long.
85 40'.
KTJRTIPAM. Town in Ganjam district, Madras; situate 107 miles
west-south-west of Ganjam. Lat. 18 52', long. 83 37'.
KURITTHANL Town in Haidarabad State ; situate two miles from
the left bank of the Penganga river, and ninety miles south by east from
Ellichpur. Lat. 19 57', long. 77 57'.
KTJRVULLA. Town in Haidarabad State; situate 137 miles east-
south-east from Ahmednagar, and 105 miles south-east by south from
Jalna. Lat. 18 31', long. 76 44'.
KURWA. Town in Ajmere district, Rajputana; on the route from
Nasirabad to Beawar, twenty miles west-south-west of the former. Lat.
26 14', long. 74 32'.
KURWAI. State on the river Betwa, between Sagar and Sironcha,
in the Bhopal division of the Central India Agency. The area is 139 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 24,631. The chief river is the Betwa. The capital,
which bears the same name, is in lat. 24 7', long. 78 5'. The JSawab
maintains a force of 40 horse and 150 infantry.
KTJRWAKHERA. Village in Etawah district, N.W.P. ; on the route
from the cantonment of Etawah to Kalpi, and ten miles south-east of the
former. Lat. 26 42', long. 79 12'.
KIISBA. See KlsBl.
KUSBHADRA. River of Purf district, Bengal ; one of the mouths of
the Koyakhai branch of the Mahanadi, falling into the Bay of Bengal, in
lat. 19 51', long. 86 4'.
KTTSHALGARH. Town and fort in Jaipur State, Rajputana ; situate
on the route from Agra to Mhow, ninety-eight miles south-west of former,
317 north-east of latter. Lat. 26 30', long. 76 47.
KUSHALPUR. Village in Tarai district, N.W.P. ; on the route from
Kasipur to Alrnora, thirteen miles north-east of the former. It is situate
on the left bank of the river Kosila, in the Tarai or marshy forest extend-
ing along the southern base of the Sub -Himalaya. Lat. 29 19', long.
79 11'.
KUSHTAGL Town in Haidarabad State; situate 112 miles east of
Belgaum. Lat. 15 46', long. 76 16'.
KUSHTIA. Town (and capital of subdivision of same name) in
!Nadiya district, Bengal; located on the right bank of the Padma or
Ganges, in lat. 23 54' 55", long. 89 10' 5". It is an important river-
mart, and a station on the Eastern Bengal Railway, with a population of
(1881) 9717. Area of subdivision, 558 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 446,694.
Also thana. Area, 22 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 27,443.
KUSI. Eiver of Nepal State, and Bhagalpur and Purniah districts,
Bengal. It rises in the Himalayas in lat. 28 35', long. 86 11' ; receives
the Aran, Tambar, and Ghugri as tributaries ; and falls into the Ganges
in lat. 25 22' 15", long. 87 19'. Its total length is about 325 miles.
KUSI. River in Bengal, discharging itself into the Hugli in lat. 22,
long. 88 4'.
KUSIARA. Rivor of Sylhet district, Assam; a branch of the Surma
or Barak, falling into the Meghna.
KTJSIL. Town in Bamra State, Central Provinces ; situate on the
right bank of the Haiti Nadi, and twelve miles east from Sambalpur. Lat.
21 27', long. 84 11'.
KTISIR. Town in Akola district, Berar; situate forty-two miles
south-west of Ellichpur. Lat. 20 45', long. 77 8'.
KUSMIR. Town in Saran district, Bengal; six miles north-north-
east of Dinapur. Lat. 25 40', long. 85 11'.
KUSMOR. Town in Shikarpur district, Sind, Bombay; seventy-one
miles east-north-east of Shikarpur. Lat. 28 22', long. 69 41'.
KUSRAON. Village in Rawal Pindi district, Punjab; situated twenty-
six miles from the left bank of the Indus, fifty-eight miles south-east by
east of the town of Peshawar. Lat. 33 27', long. 72 29'.
KUSSATJN. YiUage in Jind State, Punjab; on the route from
Kaithal to Jind, and twenty-eight miles north of the latter place.
Distant north-west from Calcutta, 1003 miles. Lat. 29 39', long.
76 29'.
KUSUBTJR. Tillage in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 642.
KTJTABDIA. Island of Chittagong district, Bengal. It has a light-
house on its west side, in lat. 21 52' 30", long. 91 53'.
KTJTABNAGAR. Town in Sitapur district, Oudh; distant eighteen
miles west from Sitapur. Pop. (1869), 2256.
KTJTABPTJR. Village in Midnapur district, Bengal. A fair is held
annually about April, in honour of the goddess Brahmani.
KUTABPTTR. Village in Muttra district, KW.P. ; on the route from
Aligarh to Etawah, and forty-two miles south-east of the former. Lat.
27 23', long. 78 25'.
KUTABPUR. Village in Aligarh district, N.W.P. ; on the route,
by Khasganj, from Bareilly to Aligarh, and twenty miles south-east of
the latter, fifty-two north-east of Agra. Lat. 27 51', long. 78 25'.
506 KTJT
KTITAHAN. Tahsil in Jaunpur district, tf.W.P. Pop. (1881),
KUTCHAR. Pargana in Benares district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
KUTCHIGAD. Town in Kathiawa'r, Bombay ; situate on the north-
west point of the Peninsula of Kathiawar, ten miles south from Gulf of
Cutch, and 118 west of Rajkot. Lat. 22 20', long. 69 1'.
KTITHAR. Hill State in the Punjab. Its area is 7 sq. miles. Pop.
(1881), 3648. Situate between lat. 30 55' 30" 31 I' 30", and long.
76 57' 77 1'. The Chief pays an annual tribute of 100 to the
British Government.
KUTHAUND. Thana in Jalaun district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
KUTI. Town in Nepal State ; situate six miles south-east from the
left bank of the Bhotiya Kusi river, and sixty-three miles east-north-
east from Khatmandu. Lat. 28 8', long. 86 1 1'.
KUTIADL Pass from Malabar district, Madras, to the "Wynad, across
the Western Ghats.
KUTIA GUNIR. Pargana in Fatehpur district, N.AV.P. Pop. (1881).
KUTKIBARL Town in Goalpara district, Assam; thirty-one miles
west-north-west of Goalpara. Lat. 26 20', long. 90 11'.
KTITKOTTA. Town in Haidarabad State ; eighty-two miles south-
west from Haidarabad, and thirty-five miles north from Karnul.
Lat. 16 20', long. 77 55'.
KTITLA. Village and fort in Fatehpur district, N.W.P. ; on the right
bank of the Ganges, eighteen miles east of the town of Fatehpur. Lat.
25 50', long 81 9'.
KUTOLA. Village in Jodhpur State, Rajputana ; on the route from
Jaisalmir to Nasirabad, and 142 miles north-west of the latter. Lat. 27,
long. 73 16'.
KTJTOLLL Town in Kotah State, Rajputana ; on the left bank of
the river Parvati. Distant direct north-east of Kotah fifty miles, south-
west of Gwalior 110. Lat. 25 39', long. 76 35'.
KUTRI. Town in Cutch State, Bombay ; situate thirty miles west-
south-west from Bhuj, and seventeen miles north-north-west from
Mandvi. Lat. 23 5', long. 69 19'.
KTITRTJ. State in Bastar State, Central Provinces. Area, 1000 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 9065.
KUTTA. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 286.
KTJTTANDL Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 313.
KTJTTIRIA. Town in Bhagalpur district, Bengal ; thirty-eight miles
south-west of Bhagalpur. Lat. 24 46', long. 86 39'.
KTTTUBITGGA. Town in Sambalpur district, Central Provinces;
situate nineteen miles north-east by north of Sambalpur. Lat. 21 41',
long:. 84 10'.
KUTUL. Town in Haidarabad State ; sixty miles south from
Ellichpur, and 148 miles east from Aurangabad. Lat. 20 19', long.
77 34'.
KTJTULPOR. Town in Bardwan district, Bengal ; twenty-two miles
south-west of Bardwan. Lat. 23, lon^. 87 40'.
KTITUMBA. Town in Patna district, Bengal ; thiity-seven miles
west of Sherghati. Lat. 24 38', long. 84 IT.
KTITTTR. -Town ?.n Haidarabad State ; situate on the left batik of the
Godavari, and 122 miles north-north-east from Haidarabad. Lat. 19,
long. 79 14'.
KUVAM (COOUM). River of Chengalpat district, Madras ; on which
is situate the city of Madras. Between lat. 13 1' 30" 13 4' 10", and
long. 79 48' 80 20'.
KTJWA. Village in Fatehpur district, N.W.P. ; on the left bank of
the river Jumna, seventeen miles south of the town of Fatehpur. Lat.
25 42', long. 80 52'.
KUWANJI. Town in Kotah State, Rajputana; situate three miles
from the left bank of the Ahu river, and forty miles south-south-east
from Kotah. Lat. 24 40', long. 86 29'.
KWENG-BOTJK-GYL Revenue circle in Bassein district, British
Burma. Area, 350 sq. miles. Pop. (1876), 2432.
KWENG-DA-LA. Revenue circle in Shwe-gyeng district, British
Burma. Area, 80 sq. miles. Pop. (1876), 7793.
KWENG-GOTTK. Revenue circle in Henzada district, British Burma.
Pop. (1876), 13,731.
KWENG-HLA. Revenue circle in Bassein district, British Burma.
(Pop. 1876), 4564.
XWON-D AW. -Revenue circle in Henzada district, British Burma.
Pop. (1876), 3851.
KWON-KHYAN-GTJN. Village in Rangoon district, British Burma.
Pop. (1877), with the adjacent hamlet of Taw-pa-lwai, 1233.
KWON-KHYOTTNG. Revenue circle in Bassein district, British
Burma. Pop. (1876), 2049.
KWON-RAIK. Revenue circle in Amherst district, British Burma.
Area, 10 sq. miles. Pop. (1876), 1116.
KWON-TIN. Revenue circle in Toung-gmi district, British Burma.
Pop. (1876), 3711.
KWON-TIN. Revenue circle in Thayet district, British Burma.
Area, 8 sq. miles. Pop. (1876), 5727.
KYA-ENG. Revenue circle in Tavoy district, British Burma. Area,
24 sq. miles. Pop. (1876), 2703.
KYA-GAN. Revenue circle in Bassein district, British Burma. Area,
111 sq. miles. Pop. (1876), 4833.
KYAIK-HTI-YO. Hill in Toung-ngu district, British Burma. Its
summit is 3650 feet above the level of the sea ; and it has some famous
Buddhist pagodas, one of which projects over a rock, being supported, so
runs the legend, by the hair of Buddha, which it contains.
KYAIK-HTO. Revenue circle in Shwe-gyeng district, British Burma.
Area, 70 sq. miles. Pop. (1876), 7329.
KYAIK-HTO. Town in Shwe-gyeng district, British Burma. It is
the capital of the Tsit-toung subdivision; and is situate in lat. 18, long.
96 50'. Pop. (1876), 2040.
KYAIK-KAW. Eevenue circle in Amherst district, British Burma.
Pop. (1878), 3336.
KYAIK-KHA-MI. Eevenue circle in Amherst district, British
Burma. Pop. (1876), 3436.
KYAIK-KOTIK. Famous pagoda in British Burma, said to contain
several relics of Buddha.
KYAIK-MA-RAW. Eevenue circle in Amherst district, British
Burma. Area, 45 sq. miles. Pop. (1876), 2043.
KYAIK-PA-RAN. Eevenue circle in Amherst district, British Burma.
Pop. (1876), 2057.
KYAIK-THAN-LAN. Famous pagoda in Maulmain, Amherst district,
British Burma, supposed to contain one of Buddha's hairs.
KYAIK-TOUNG-HPO. Eevenue circle in Amherst district, British
Burma. Pop. (1876), 2349.
KYAL-PYEN. Town of Upper Burma ; situate fifty-three miles from
the left bank of the Irawadi, and ninety-six miles north-east by east from
Ava. Lat. 23 3', long. 96 50'.
KYAN. Eevenue circle in Thayet district, British Burma. Area,
91 sq. miles. Pop. (1876), 2284.
KYAN-KHENG. Township in Henzada district, British Burma.
Between lat. 18 11' 18 30', and long. 94 56' 95 20'. Pop. (1876),
KYAN-KHENG. Town on the Irawadi. in Henzada district, British
Burma. Lat. 18 19', long. 95 17'. Pop. (1881), 7367.
KYAN-KHENG-MYOMA. Eevenue circle in Henzada district,
British Burma. Pop. (1876), 4972.
KYAN-NAYAT-MYO. Town of Upper Burma; situate on the left
bank of the Irawadi river, ninety-six miles north from Ava. Lat. 23
15', long. 96.
KYAR (KYE RIVER). Eiver of Karachi district, Sind, Bombay;
one of the deltaic distributaries of the Indus. Lat. 24 34', long.
67 13'.
KYAT. Eevenue circle in Thayet district, British Burma. Area, 21
sq. miles. Pop. (1876), 1319.
KYAT-TSENG. Eevenue circle in Kyouk-hpyu district, British
Burma. Area, 20 sq. miles. Pop. (1876), 2319.
KYB-YOTJN. Town of Upper Burma ; situate on the right bank of the
Irawadi river, and sixty miles north from Ava. Lat. 22 42', long.
95 56'.
KYEK-MA-YA. Revenue circle in Prome district, British Burma.
Pop. (1876), 1572.
KYEK-RO. Revenue circle in the island of Cheduba, in Kyouk-hpyu
district, British Burma. Area, 26 sq. miles. Pop. (1876), 3233.
KYEK-TAIK. Revenue circle in Henzada district, British Burma.
Pop. (1876), 7925.
KYEK-TAW-PYUN. Revenue circle in Kyouk-hpyu district, British
Burma. Area, 13 sq. miles. Pop. (1876), 1543.
KYENDWEN. River of Independent Burma, the principal feeder
of the Irawadi ; rises in lat. 26 28', long. 96 54', in the northern part
of the Burmese territory, through which it flows, generally in a southerly
direction, for 470 miles, and falls into the Irawadi, on the right side, a
few miles below the town of Amyenmyo, in lat. 21 48', long. 95 3'.
KYE-NI. Revenue circle in Henzada district, British Burma. Pop.
(1876), 5725.
KYE-REK-DWENG. Revenue circle in Tavoy district, British
Burma. Area, 40 sq. miles. Pop. (1876), 1218.
KYIEN-TA-LI. Revenue circle in Sandoway district, British Burma.
Area, 390 sq. miles. Pop. (1876), 2082.
KYIEN-TA-LI. Town in Sandoway district, British Burma. Lat.
17 57', long. 94 35'.
KYIEN-TA-LI. Pass in Sandoway district, British Burma ; con-
necting Khwa with Le-myet-hna in Bassein. Lat. 17 59', long.
95 5'.
KYIEN-TA-LI-RE-GYAW. Revenue circle in Sandoway district,
British Burma. Area, 196 sq. miles. Pop. (1876), 1014.
KYI-THAI. Revenue circle on the left bank of the Irawadi, in
Prome district, British Burma. Pop. (1876), 3324.
KYLASA. Hill, and proposed sanitarium, in Yizagapatam district,
Madras. Its summit is 1758 feet above the sea, and is situated in lat.
17 47', long. 83 22'.
KYM-PRTT. Village in Akyab district, British Burma; on the right
bank of the Lemro river, near the confluence of one of the feeders of that
river. Lat. 20 35', long. 93 33'.
KYNCHIONG. River of the Khasi Hills and Sylhet districts, Assam,
flows into the Surma or Barak.
KYO-KTI. Town of Upper Burma ; situate twenty miles west from the
right bank of the Irawadi river, and 145 miles south-west from Ava.
Lat. 20 24', long. 94 23'.
KYOTJK-BHU. Revenue circle in Prome district, British Burma.
Pop. (1876), 1826.
KYOUK-D WAIN. Town in Tavoy district, British Burma; 142 miles
north by west of Tenasserim. Lat. 14 7', long. 98 38'.
KYOTJK-GYI. Revenue circle in Shwe-gyeng district, British Burma.
Area, 215 sq. miles. Pop. (1876), 4125.
KYOUK-GYI. Township in Shwe-gyeng district, British Burma.
Pop. (1876), 29,519.
KYOTTK-GYI. Village in Shwe-gyeng district, British Burma; situate
in lat. 18 20', long. 96 40'. Pop. (1877), 1643.
KYOTIK-HPYU. District in Arakan division, British Burma. It is
situate between lat. 18 55' 19 22', and long. 93 25' 94. Area, 4309
510 KYO
sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 149,303. It is bounded on the north by Akyab
district and Upper Burma ; on the south by Sandoway district ; and on
the west and south-west by the Bay of Bengal. The chief rivers are
the Dha-let and the An ; the mountains are the Arakan Yoma, crossed
by the Dha-let and An Passes. The chief towns are Kyouk-hpyu (the
capital, on the island of Ramri), and Cheduba or Man-oung (on the
island of the same name). The district is administered by a Deputy-
KYOUK HPYU. Township in Kyouk-hpyu district, British Burma.
Area, 383 sq. miles. Pop. (1876-77), 39,881.
KYOTIK-HPYU. Revenue circle in Kyouk-hpyu district, British
Burma. Area 26 sq. miles. Pop. (1876), 1620.
KYOUK-HPYU. Capital of Kyouk-hpyu district, British Burma;
situate in Ramri island. Lat. 19 22', long. 93 30'. Pop. (1876),
KYOUK-HTA -RAN. Tillage in Kyouk-hpyu district, British Burma.
Pop. (1877), 1032.
KYOUKKALOUNG. Town of Independent Burma ; situate on the
left bank of the Irawadi river, and twenty- four miles west from Ava.
Lat, 21 55', long. 95 40'.
KYOUK-KH YOUNG. Revenue circle in Rangoon district, British
Burma. Pop. (1877-78), 3121.
KYOUK-KHYOUNG GALE. Village in Bassein district, British
Burma; on a river of the same name flowing into the Bassein. Pop.
(1876), 1780.
KYOUK-KHYOUNG-GYL Revenue circle in Bassein district, British
Burma. Area, 49 sq. miles. Pop. (1876-77), 5992.
KYOUK -KH YOUNG -MYOUK. Revenue circle in Kyouk-hpyu
district, British Burma. Area, 10 sq. miles. Pop. (1876-77), 2332.
KYOUK-KHYOUNG-TOUNG. Revenue circle in Kyouk-hpyu district,
British Burma. Area, 42 sq. miles. Pop. (1876), 3066.
KYOUK-KYAH. Town of Upper Burma ; situate on the right bank of
the Irawadi, and 173 miles north by east from Ava. Lat. 24 20', long.
96 30'.
KYOUK-MAW. Revenue circle in Tavoy district, British Burma.
Area, 12 sq. miles. Pop. (1876-77), 1690.
KYOUK-NE-MO. Village in Kyouk-hpyu district, British Burma;
situate on Ramri island.
KYOUK-NI-M AW. Revenue circle in Tavoy district, British Burma,
Area, 56 sq. miles. Pop. (1876-77), 1870.
KYOUK-PYOUK. Revenue circle in Kyouk-hpyu district, British
Burma. Area, 25 sq. miles. Pop. (1876-77), 2506.
KYOUK-RWA. Revenue circle on the right bank of the Bassein
river, in Henzada district, British Burma. Pop. (1876), 7776.
KYOUK TAING-PYENG. Revenue circle in Rangoon district, British
Burma. Pop. (1877-78), 4664.
KYOUK-TAN. Revenue circle in Kyouk-hpyu district, British
Burma. Area, 12 sq. miles. Pop. (1876-77), 2188.
KYOUK-TAN. Revenue circle in Henzada district, British Burma.
Pop. (1876), 6124.
KYOTTK-TAN. Revenue circle in Amherst district, British Burma.
Area, 7 sq. miles. Pop. (1876), 1842.
KYOTJK-TE-GA-DE-YOTTNG. Village in Akyab district, British
Burma ; situate on the left bank of the Ku-la-dan river. Lat. 20 50',
long. 93 9'.
KYOUK-TSHAY. Revenue circle in Bassein district, British Burma.
Area, thirty sq. miles. Pop. (1876), 2485.
KYOUK-TSOUNG. Revenue circle in Thayet district, British Burma.
Area, 16 sq. miles. Pop. (1876), 2831.
KYOITNG-BYA. Revenue circle in Shwe-gyeng district, British
Burma. Area, 265 sq. miles. Pop. (1876), 2062.
KYOTING-GUN. Revenue circle in Bassein district, British Burma.
Area, 32 sq. miles. Pop. (1876), 5872.
KYOTJNG-GUN. Revenue circle in Rangoon district, British Burma.
Pop. (1877-78), 3593.
KYOUNG-GYI. Revenue circle in Sandoway district, British
Burma. Pop. (1876), 1072.
KYOTJNG-KWL Revenue circle in Henzada district, British Burma.
Pop. (1876), 5309.
KYOUNG-THA. Pass in Bassein district, British Burma; on the route
over the Yoma-doung Mountains, connecting the sea-coast of the Bay of
Bengal with the interior of Pegu. The crest of the pass is twenty miles
north-north-west of Bassein, in lat. 17 2', long. 94 45'.
KYOUNG-TSHTJN. Tillage in Amherst district, British Burma.
Pop. (1876), 1958.
KYOITNGZAH ROTJTE. Route in Bassein district, British Burma;
commences at a large village of the name, whence it takes its designation,
and leads by a good road, in one march, to Kioungyi, in lat. 16 49',
long. 94 48', a short distance north of Bassein.
KYRE. Town in Upper Burma; situate on the left bank of the
Khyen-dwen river, and 118 miles north-west from Ava. Lat. 23 2',
long. 94 45'.
KYTJAI-THE TSAKHAN. Town in Upper Burma ; situate thirty-
three miles east of the left bank of the Irawadi, and 126 miles north by
east from Ava. Lat. 23 39', long. 96 32'.
KYTTN-BOUK. Revenue circle in Thun-khwa district, British Burma.
Area, 112 sq. miles. Pop. (1876), 4797.
KYTJN- HP A. Revenue circle in Henzada district, British Burma.
Pop. (1876), 2821.
KYUN-KA-NI. Revenue circle in Bassein district, British Burma.
Pop. (1876), 5954.
KYTJN-KA-ZENG. Revenue circle in Bassein district, British Burma.
Pop. (1876), 3293.
KYUN-PA-DAW. Revenue circle in Thun-khwa district, British
Burma. Area, 78 sq. miles. Pop. (1876), 7463.
KYUN-PA DTIP. Revenue circle in Thun-khwa district, British
Burma. Area, 65 sq. miles. Pop. (1876), 9669.
KYUN-PA-GTJ. Revenue circle in Shwe-gyeng district, British
Burma. Area, 120 sq. miles. Pop. (1876), 3774.
KYTTN-P YAW. Town in Bassein district, British Burma. Lat.
17 17', long. 95 15'. Pop. (1877), 2835.
KYTTN-TA-NL Kevemie circle in Thun-khwa district, British Burma.
Pop. (1876), 3972.
KYTJN-TUN. A mouth of the Irawadi river, British Burma.
Another name for it is the Dala ; while in its upper portion it is called
the Eng-tai, and in its lower part the Maran or Kyaik-pi.
KYWAI-LIT. Eevenue circle in ISandoway district, British Burma.
Pop. (1876), 2333.
KYWON-DAING. Eevenue circle on the right hank of the Irawadi,
in Prome district, British Burma. Pop. (1876), 3168.
KYWON-DAW-HLA. Eevenue circle in Prome district, British
Burma. Pop. (1876), 6382.
KYWON-KHYOTTNG. Eevenue circle in Bassein district, British
Burma. Area, 38 sq. miles. Pop. (1876), 4561.
KYWON-PYA-THAT. Eevenue circle in Thun-khwa district, British
Burma. Pop. (1876), 4077.
LABADOE. One of the islands situated at the mouth of the Meghna
river, Bengal. Its length from north to south is eleven miles, and its
breadth five ; its centre being in lat. 22 22', long. 90 48'.
LABAIEA. Village in Bareilly district, N.W.P. ; on the route from
Bareilly to Pilibhit, and thirteen miles north-east of the former. Lat.
28 28', long. 79 35'.
LABANAKHYA. Spring and place of pilgrimage in Chittagong
district, Bengal.
LABDARYA. Taluk in Shikarpur district, Sind, Bombay; between
lat. 27 15' 27 31', and long. 68 2' 68 23'. Area, 207 sq. miles.
Pop. (1872), 31,201.
L ABB, ANGr. Village in Bashahr State, Punjab ; situate in the Kuna-
war subdivision, near the right bank of the Zong, a feeder of the Sutlej ,
and divided by it from the town of Kanum. Here is a small fort,
belonging to the Eaja of Bashahr. Elevation above the sea, 9296 feet.
Lat. 31 40', long. 78 29'.
LA-BWOT-KHYAN-MYOUK. Eevenue circle in Thun-khwa district,
British Burma. Pop. (1876), 4221.
LA-BWOT-KHYAN-TOUNG. Eevenue circle in Thun-khwa district,
British Burma. Pop. (1876), 4488.
LA -BWOT- KIT -LA. Eevenue circle in Bassein district, British
Burma. Pop. (1876), 5390.
LA -BWOT -KIT -LA. Village in Bassein district, British Burma.
Pop. (1877), 1800.
LACCADIVE ISLANDS. A cluster off the Malabar coast of India.
They extend from lat. 10 to 14, and from long. 71 40' to 74, and contain
a population (1871) of 13,495. The name means ' 100,000 islands'; but
there are in reality fourteen islands, including three reefs. Of these, the
five northern islands (of which Amini, or Aminidivi, is the most populous)
belong to the South Kanara district, Madras ; the six southern islands (of
which Minikoi is the largest and most important) belong to Ali Raja
of Cannanore, and are attached to the Malabar district, Madras. They
are coral islands, only slightly raised above the ocean, but protected from
the sea by coral-reefs. They produce coir in great quantities. The
language is Malay alam, except in Minikoi, where another dialect is
LACHAN. Tillage in Aligarh district, N."W.P. ; on the route from
Aligarh to Etawah, and eighteen miles south of the former. Lat. 27
40', long. 78 11'.
LACHHMANGARH. Town in Jaipur State, Rajputana. Pop. (1881),
LACHMANGARH. Town and fort in Ulwar State, Rajputana;
formerly an important and strong place. Distance south-west from Delhi
seventy miles. Lat. 27 23', long. 76 56'.
LACHMANGARH. Town and fort in Jaipur State, Rajputana.
Distance from Delhi, south-west, 154 miles; from Jaipur, north-west,
seventy-four. Lat. 27 48', long. 75 11'.
LACHMANPUR. Village in Sultanpur district, Oudh ; on the route
from Azamgarh to Sultanpur cantonment, fifty-six miles west of the
former, twenty-two south-east of the latter. Lat. 26 5', long. 82 20'.
LACHTJNG. Town in Sikkim State, Bengal ; situate on the right bank
of the Tista river, and fifty-two miles north-east by north from Darj fling.
Lat. 27 40', long. 88 47'.
LACHTJW ALA. Village in Dehra Dun district, N.W.P. ; on the
route from Hardwar to Dehra, and twenty miles north-west of the former
town. It is situate a mile from the right bank of the Soang. Distant
north-west from Calcutta 945 miles. Lat. 11, long. 78 11'.
LADAKH (MIDDLE THIBET). A very elevated and rugged
country north of the Punjab, and included within the Kashmir State,
Punjab. Excluding the British districts of Spiti and Lahul, Ladakh is
distributed into five subdivisions, named Nabra, Ladakh, Zanskar, Rukchu,
and Purik-Sura-Dras. It is bounded on the north by the unexplored
region south of Chinese Turkistan, and the Chinese territory of Khotan ;
on the north-east by the Chinese territory of Khotan, and Chan-than and
Rodokh, districts of Great Thibet ; on the south by the Chinese territory
and Spiti ; on the south-west by Lahul, Chamba, and Kishtiwar ; and on
the west by Kashmir and Baltistan. The position of Ladakh is between
lat. 32 20' 35, and long. 75 30' 79 30'. Area, about 26,036 sq. miles.
The most important feature in the physical aspect of Ladakh is the great
valley of the Indus, which traverses the country through its whole length,
from south-east to north-west, and divides the great northern range called
variously Kuenlun, Muz Tagh, or Karakorum, from the stupendous
mountains of Rupshu, Spiti, and Zanskar. The most elevated mountains
rise to heights little inferior to those of any summits on the face of the
globe. The climate is characterized by cold and excessive aridity. The
population is Thibetan, and estimated by Moorcroft at between 150,000
and 180,000. Under a treaty concluded in 1870 with the Maharaja of
Kashmir, two joint Commissioners (one British and one Native) have been
appointed to supervise the trade.
LADGAON. Village in Fatehpur district, KW.P. ; on the route from
Banda to the town of Fatehpur, and twelve miles south-west of the latter.
Lat. 25 51', long. 80 43'.
LADIYA. River of Kumaun district, KW.P. It rises amidst the
mountains, in lat. 29 25', long. 79 50', and, holding a course generally
in a south-westerly direction for about forty-five miles, falls into the
Kali or Sarju on the right side, in lat. 29 9', long. 80 19'.
LADNO. Town in Jodhpur State, Rajputana; 126 miles north-east
from Jodhpur, and eighty-one miles north by west from Ajmere. Lat.
27 38', long. 74 28'.
LADOLE. Town in Earoda State. Pop. (1881), 5761.
LADUWARI. Town in Muzaffarpur district, Bengal ; eighty-two
miles north-east by north of Dinapur. Lat. 26 40', long. 85 43'.
LADWA. Town in Umballa district, Punjab. The surrounding
territory was formerly the jdgir of a Sikh chieftain. Pop. (1881), 4061.
Lat. 29 59' 30", long. 77 5'.
LAGWAN. Town in Bhagalpur district, Bengal; fifty-eight miles
south-west of Rajmahal. Lat. 24 22', long. 87 14'.
LA-GWON-BENG. Revenue circle in Rangoon district, British
Burma. Pop. (1877), 3074.
LAHAR. Town in Gwalior State, Central India Agency; situated
six miles east of the right or east bank of the river Sind. Lahar is fifty
miles west of Kalpi, the same distance east of Gwalior fort, and eighty-
five south-east of Agra. Lat. 26 11' 50", long. 78 59' 5".
LAHARAPALLA. Town in Pal Lahara State, Orissa, Bengal ; situate
seventy miles east- south-east from Sambalpur, and seventy-six miles
north-west from Cuttack. Lat. 21 10', long. 85 3'.
LAHARPTJR. Town (and capital of pargana of same name) in
Sitapur district, Oudh; situated in lat. 27 42' 45", long. 80 56' 25".
Pop. (1881), 10,437. It contains thirteen mosques, four Musulman
tombs, four Hindu and two Sikh temples. A large fair is held annually
in this town, while the Muharram festival is celebrated with great
splendour. Area of pargana, 181 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 88,418.
Also thana. Pop. (1881), 123,783.
LAHEJ. State on Aden coast in treaty relations with the British
Government. The Sultan has a salute of nine guns.
LAHINL Town in Fatehpur district, N.W.P. ; situated on the right
bank of the Ganges, 917 miles from Calcutta by the river, 107 miles above
Allahabad, north-west from the town of Fatehpur by land fifteen miles.
Lat. 26 8', long. 80 41/
LAHORE. Division of the Punjab ; between lat. 30 8' 32 33' and
long. 73 11' 30" 75 27'. It contains three districts, Lahore, Firozpur,
and Gujranwala. Area, 8987 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 2,191,517.
LAHORE. District in Lahore Division, Punjab ; between lat. 30 37'
31 54', and long. 73 40' 15" 75 1'. Area, 3648 sq. miles. Pop.
(1881), 924,106. It comprises parts of the Bari and Rechna Doabs.
It is for the most part level; its rivers are the Sutlej, the Ravi, and the
Degh, and there is a great system of irrigation works known as the Bari
Doab Canal. Its chief towns are Lahore (the capital of the District and
Division, as well as of the Province of the Punjab), Meean Meer (or
L AH LAI 515
Mianmir), the cantonment of Lahore, and Kasur. The district, which is
traversed by the Sind, Punjab, and Delhi Railway, the Indus Valley
Railway, and the Northern Punjab State Railway, is administered by
a Deputy Commissioner and the usual staff.
LAHORE. Tahsil in Lahore district, Punjab; between lat. 31 13' 30"
31 44', and long. 74 2' 45" 74 42'. Area, 740 sq. miles. Pop.
(1881), 370,796.
LAHORE. City and municipality in Lahore district, Punjab ; situated
about a mile south of the Ravi river, in lat. 31 34' 5", long. 74 21'.
Pop. (1881), 149,369. It is surrounded by a brick wall, formerly twenty-
five feet high. Ranjit Sinh ran a good trench around the wall, beyond
this constructed a line of works round the entire circumference, mounted
them with heavy artillery, and gave orders for clearing away such ruins
and other objects as might yield shelter to assailants. The circuit of
this line of fortifications exceeds seven miles. The fort or citadel occupies
the north-west angle of the city. There are several large and handsome
mosques; including the " Moti Masjid," built by the Emperor Jahangir,
and the" Jama Masjid," built by Aurangzeb. There are besides many
handsome Hindu and Muhammadan buildings of antiquity. One of the
greatest ornaments in the neighbourhood is the tomb or mausoleum of
Jahangir at Shahdra. This beautiful monument is about three miles
west of Lahore. It is separated from the town by the river Ravi.
Another of these huge ornamental tombs is styled that of Anarkalli.
Three miles north-east of Lahore is the garden of Shah Jahan, called
Shalimar, or " House of Joy." Ranjit Sinh removed a large portion of
the marble embellishments to his new capital, Amritsar. Lahore is con-
nected by rail with most other parts of the Province. .
LAHORI BANDAR. Village in Haidarabad district, Sind, Bombay ;
situated on the south or left bank of the Baghiar, or western branch of
the Indus, twenty miles from the Piti mouth. Lat. 24 32', long.
67 28'.
LAHTJL. Subdivision in Kangra district, Punjab. It is bounded on
the north-east by Ladakh ; on the east by Spiti ; on the south-west by
Kullu and Kangra ; and on the west by Chamba and Kishtiwar. It is
about sixty- eight miles in length, and thirty-four in breadth, and contains
an area of 2199 sq. miles. It is situate between lat. 32 8' 32 59',
and long. 76 49' 77 46' 30". This territory is surrounded by lofty
mountains ; the Ritanka Pass, on the south, having an elevation of
13,000 feet, and the Bara Lacha Pass, on the north-west, 16,221 ; some
peaks in the vicinity rising considerably over 20,000 feet, and being
covered with perpetual snow. Lahul is traversed by innumerable torrents,
the feeders of the Surajbhaga and the Chandrabhaga, the junction of
which forms the river Chenab. The elevation of the whole territory
must be very great, as Kishtiwar, above 100 miles lower down the
course of the rapid Chenab, is more than 5000 feet above the level of the
sea. There are no towns in this secluded tract, the only collections of
habitations being the villages of Kielang, Kardong, and Kolang.
LAI-BYOTJK. Revenue circle in Bassein district, British Burma.
Area, 77 sq. miles. Pop. (1876), 2546.
LAICHANPUR. Village and rice-port in Balasor district, Bengal;
situated at the mouth of the Kansbans river.
LAIDA. Town in Hazaribagh district, Bengal ; fifty-two miles
east-north-east of Hazaribagh. Lat. 24 12', long. 86 11'.
LAI-DAW. Revenue circle in Henzada district, British. Burma.
Pop. (1876), 6104.
LAIPANGA. Town in Sambalpur district, Central Provinces; situated
twenty miles north of Sambalpur. Lat. 21 44', long. 84.
LAIBA. Tillage in Ludhiana district, Punjab ; situated on the route
from Hansi to Ludhiana, and sixteen miles south of the latter town.
Distant north-west from Calcutta 993 miles. Lat. 30 42', long. 75 53'.
LAIRA. State in Sambalpur district, Central Provinces. Area, 46
sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 5932. Its chief village is situated in lat. 21
44', long. 84 17'; seventeen miles distant from Sambalpur. Pop.
(1881), 2354.
LAIRAGARH. Town in Keunjhar State, Bengal ; thirty-one miles
west- south-west from Keunjhar, and eighty-one miles east from Sambal-
pur. Lat. 21 26', long. 85 16'.
LAIT-MAO-LOH. Range of hills in the Khasi Hills, Assam; its
highest summit is about 5377 feet.
LA-KA-DONG. Tillage, with an important coal-mine, in the Jaintia
Hills, Assam; situated six miles from a tributary of the Surma river,
and at an elevation of 2200 feet.
LAKAHARA. Village in Multan district, Punjab ; on the route
from Lahore to Multan, fifty miles north-east of the latter city. It is
situate on the left bank of the Ravi, about thirty miles above its con-
fluence with the Chenab. Lat. 30 33', long. 72 13'.
LAKAPADAR. State in Kathiawar, Bombay ; paying an annual
tribute of 15 to the Gaekwar of Baroda, and 2 8s. to the Nawab
of Junagarh. Area, 137 sq. miles.
LAKAPTJR. Village in Mainpuri district, N.W.P. ; twenty miles
north of the town of Mainpuri. Lat. 27 31', long. 78 57'.
LAKARAKUNDA. Town in Birbhum district, Bengal; situate 111
miles north-west of Calcutta. Lat. 23 48', long. 87 20'.
LAKHAJTJMOGARL Town in Nepal State; situate on the right
bank of a branch of the Marachangdi river, and sixty-seven miles north-
west by west from Khatmandu. Lat. 28 14', long. 84 26'.
. LAKHA MANDAL. Ruined town in Dehra Dun district, N.W.P. ;
situated on the right bank of the Jumna, and 300 feet above it. Some
celebrity attaches to it in Hindu legends. Lat. 30 44', long. 78 7'.
LAKHANDAL River of Nepal State, and Muzaffarpur district,
Bengal ; receives the Sauran and Basiad as tributaries, and flowing by
Sitamarhi, falls into the Baghmati river.
LAKH AT. Village in Sylhet district, Assam ; situated close to the
Khasi Hills.
LAKHI. Town and municipality (in tahsil of same name) in Bannu
district, Punjab ; situated on the Gambila river, thirty-two miles from
Edwardesabad, in lat. 32 36' 45", long. 70 57'. Pop. (1881), 4068.
Area of tahsil, 1165 sq. miles. Pop. (1868), 62,900.
LAKHI (LAKI). Hills in Karachi and Shikarpur districts, Sind,
Bombay. The range is about fifty miles in length, and rises to an
elevation of about 2000 feet. Lat. (centre) 26, long. 67 50'.
LAK 517
LAKHI (LAKI). Tillage in Karachi district, Sind, Bombay ; situated
near the Indus, on the route from Kotri to Sehwan, and close to the
Lakhi Pass. Lat. 26 23', long. 62 55'. Pop. (1872), 1018.
LAKHI (LAKI). Town in Shikarpur district, Sind, Bombay;
situated on the route from Sukkur to Shikarpur, eight miles south of the
latter. Lat. 27 51' 30", long. 68 44'. Elevation above sea, 234 feet.
Pop. (1872), 1414.
LAKHIDWAR Tillage in Bhutan State; on the left bank of the
Torsha river, and sixty-four miles east by south from Darjiling. Lat.
26 52', long. 89 19'.
LAKHIMPUR. District of Assam; situated at the eastern extremity
of the province, on each side of the Brahmaputra; between lat. 26 51'
27 54', and long. 93 49' 96 4'. Its area is 3723 sq. miles; but the
greater portion is a mountainous country, occupied by wild tribes. The
population (1881) is 179,893. On the north are the Daphla, Mm, Abar,
and Mishnii Hills ; on the east the Mi'shmi and Singpho Hills ; on the
southern boundary are the Patkai Hills, and the river Lohit, a tributary
of the Brahmaputra ; on the west are the Darrang and Sibsagar districts.
"Within this district the Brahmaputra becomes a great river, by its
junction with its tributaries, the Dibang, Dihang, Subansiri, Dibru, and
Buri Dining. The chief towns are Dibrugarh (the capital, on the Dibru,
not far above its confluence with the Brahmaputra), Lakhimpur, and
Sadiya (now a frontier military fort). The district is skirted by the
Assam Railway.
LAKHIMPUR. Tillage (and capital of subdivision of same name) in
Lakhimpur district, Assam ; situated on the Gariaj an, which falls into the
Subansiri river. Lat. 27 14' 5", long. 94 7' 10". Pop. (1869), 577.
Area of subdivision, 1107 sq. miles. Pop. (1872), 39,158.
LAKHIMPUR. Capital (in tahsil of same name) of Kheri district,
Oudh ; near the river Ul, in lat. 27 56' 45", long. 80 49' 20". Pop.
(1881), 7526. Area of tahsil, 1078 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 330,707.
Also thana. Pop. (1881), 215,740.
LAKHI-SARAI. Town in Monghyr district, Bengal ; famous as
the station on the East India Railway, where the chord line and the
loop line of that railway meet ; 262 miles from Calcutta by the chord
LAKHMIA. River in Maimansinh district, Bengal ; flows out of the
Brahmaputra, and falls into the Dhaleswari, four miles above its con-
fluence with the Meghna, in lat. 23 34', long. 90 34'.
LAKHNA. Town in Etawah district, N.W.P. ; situated fourteen
miles south-east of Kalpi, in lat. 26 38' 55", long. 79 11' 30". Pop.
(1881), 3531.
LAKHNADON. Town (and capital of tahsil of same name) in Seoni
district, Central Provinces ; situated on the route from Nagpur to Jabal-
pur, forty-five miles south-west of the latter. Lat. 22 34', long. 79 44'.
Area of tahsil, 1583 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 138,716.
LAKHNAU. Tillage in Etawah district, N.W.P. ; situate three miles
from the left bank of the Jumna, eleven miles south-east of the town
of Etawah, and seventy-three miles north-west of the cantonment of
Cawnpore. Lat. 26 39', long. 7y 13'.
518 LAK
LAKHNAUTI. Town in Saharanpur district, KW.P. ; situated on
the road from Saharanpur to Karnal, twenty-six miles south-west of the
former, in lat. 29 46', long. 77 16'. Pop. (1881), 4312.
LAKHNESAR. Pargana in Ballia district, N.W. P. Pop.(1881),55,162.
LAKHNI. Town in Bhandara district, Central Provinces. Pop.
(1881), 2642.
LAKHPAT. Town in Cutch State, Bombay ; situate on the left bank
of the Kori mouth of the Great Western Eann. Lakhpat is seventy- one
miles north-west by west from Bhuj. Lat. 23 50', long. 68 48'.
LAKHWARL Village in Dehra Dun district, N.W.P. ; built near
the summit of a hill on the right bank of the Jumna, and about 1000 ft.
above it. Lat. 30 33', long. 78 1'.
LAKNL Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 131.
LAKRIG AON. Village in Allahabad district, N.W.P. ; on the route,
by Rajapur ferry, from the cantonment of Allahabad to Banda, and six-
teen miles west of the former. Lat. 25 25', long. 81 46'.
LAKSA. Village in the Twenty-four Parganas district, Bengal ;
situate on the Golgosi, an offset of the Ganges, which, some miles
lower down, or farther south, is lost in the Sundarbans. Laksa is distant
from Calcutta, east, forty miles. Lat. 22 44', long. 89 4'.
LAKSHAM. Thana in Tipperah district, Bengal. Area, 197 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 86,872.
LAKSHAM. Village in Noakhali district, Bengal; 180 miles east
by north of Calcutta. Lat. 23 14', long. 91 10'.
LAKSHMANPUR. Village in Moradabad district, N.W.P. ; on the
route from Kashipur to Chilkia, four miles north-east of the former. It
is situate at the southern edge of the tarai or marshy forest extending
along the southern base of the Sub-Himalayan range. Lat. 29 15',
long. 79 3'.
LAKSHMANTIRTHA. Biver of Coorg, and of Mysore State ; rises
in the Western Ghats, and flows into the Kaveri at Sagarkatte.
LAKSHMESWAR. Town in Miraj State, Bombay ; situated in lat.
15 7' 10", long. 75 30' 40". Pop. (1881), 10,274.
LAKSHMIPUR. Village in Mainpuri district, N.W.P. ; on the route
from Aligarh to Fatehgarh, and forty-seven miles south-east of the
former. Lat. 27 43', long. 78 47'.
LAKSHMIPUR. Mountain-pass in Vizagapatam district, Madras ; on
the road to Jaipur State, in lat. 19 6', long. 83 20'. Height about
3000 feet above sea-level.
LAKSHMIPUR (LAKHIPUR). Village in Go alpara district, Assam ;
situated near the Garo Hills, in lat. 26 2' 5", long. 90 20' 50".
LAKSHMIPUR (LAKHIPUR). Village in Cachar district, Assam ;
situated at the junction of the Barak and Chiri rivers.
LAKSHMIPUR (LAKHIPUR). Village in Cachar district, Assam;
situate eighteen miles east of Silchar. Lat. 24 46', long. 93 6'.
LAKSHMIPUR (LAKHIPUR). Town in Bhutan State ; situate on
the left bank of the Jardikar river, and forty miles east by south from
Darjiling. Lat. 26 57', long. 88 55'.
LAKSHMIPTTR (LAKHIPTJR). Town in Noafchali district, Bengal,
156 miles east by north of Calcutta. Lat. 22 57', long. 90 50'. Also
thana. Area, 212 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 113,323.
LAKVALLI. Village (in taluk of same name) in Kadur district,
Mysore State; situated in lat. 13 42' 40", long. 75 41' 40". Pop.
(1871), 1128. Area of taluk, 540 sq. miles. Pop. (1871), 29,959.
LAKWADWA Town in Akyab district, British Burma ; situated
ninety-three miles south-south-east of Mro-houng or Arakan town. Lat.
19 30', long. 93 58'.
LALAULL Tillage in Eatehpnr district, KW.P. ; near the left
bank of the Jumna, on the route from Banda to the town of Eatehpur,
and twenty-two miles south-west of the latter place. Lat. 25 48',
long. 80 36'. Also thana. Pop. (1881), 30,644.
L ALB AGH. Subdivision of Murshidabad district, between lat. 24 6'
45" 24 23', and long. 88 3' 15" 88 32' 45". Area, 250 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 147,007.
LALBAGH. Thana in Dacca district, Bengal. Area, 316 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 244,448.
LAL BAKYA. River of MuzafFarpur district, Bengal ; falls into the
LALBAZAR. Village in Kuch Behar State, Bengal; on the route
from Kangpur to Kuch Behar, twenty-six miles north of former, and
twenty south-west of latter. Lat. 26 4', long. 89 18'.
LALBAZAR. Village in Bogra district, Bengal; distance from the
town of Bogra, north-west, thirty miles; from Calcutta, north-east, 180 ;
from Barhampur, north-east, 90. Lat. 25 7', long. 89 4'.
LAL DARWAZA. Pass across the Siwalik range, in the Dehra Dun
and Saharanpur districts, N.W.P. ; on the road from Kheri to Dehra, in
lat. 30 13', long. 77 58'. Elevation above sea, 2935 feet.
LALDHANG (LALL DONG). Village in Bijnaur district, N.W.P. ;
distant 925 miles north-west from Calcutta. Lat. 29 52', long.
78 23'.
LALER FORT (LALN AIR). Village in Bulandshahr district,
N.W.P. ; on the route from Khasganj to Meerut, and sixty-one miles
south-east of the latter. Lat. 28 13', long. 78 7'.
LALGANJ. Town in Muzaffarpur district, Bengal ; situated on the
Gandak, twelve miles north-west of Hajipur, in lat. 25 51' 45", long.
85 12' 50". Pop. (1881), 16,431. Also thana. Area, 171 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 143,862.
LALGANJ. Town (in tahsil of same name) in Eai Bareli district,
Oudh; situated in lat. 26 9' 50", long. 81 0' 49". Pop. (1869), 2602.
Area of tahsil, 469 sq. miles. Pop. (1869), 268,601.
LALGANJ. Town on the Kuana, in Gorakpur district, N.W.P. ; on
the route from the cantonment of Gorakpur to that of Sultanpur, Oudh,
forty-three miles south-west of the former, sixty-seven north-east of the
latter. Lat. 26 43', long. 82 56'.
LALGANJ. Town in Mirzapur district, N.W.P. ; on the route from
Mirzapur to Sagar, and twenty miles south-west of the former. Eleva-
tion above the sea, 504 feet. Lat. 25 1', long. 82 25'. Also thana.
Pop. (1881), 39,752.
520 LAL
LALGANJ. Town in Faizabad district, Oudh. Lat. 26 59', long.
82 28'.
LALGARH. Town in Patiala State, Punjab. Pop. (1881), 7011.
LALGLA. River of Jaipur State, and Vizagapatam district, Madras ;
rising in lat. 19 35', long. 83 18', it flows through Jaipur State for
fifty-three miles, and subsequently traversing the British district of
Yizagapatam in a south-easterly direction for eighty miles, it falls into
the Bay of Bengal, in lat. 18 12', long. 84.
LALGTTDI. Town in Trichinopoli district, Madras ; ten miles north-
east of Trichinopoli. Lat. 10 53', long. 78 53'.
LALI. Tillage in Jhang district, Punjab ; in the Jetch Doab, and
nearly equidistant from the Chenab and Jhelum. It is situate in a level
desert tract, and at the base of an inconsiderable eminence, the summit of
which is occupied by a station of fakirs, and is also a much-frequented
place of pilgrimage. Lat. 31 49', long. 72 30'.
LALI. River in the Abar Hills, Assam; a small tributary of the
Dihong, rising in lat. 28, long. 95 l x . Flowing in an easterly direc-
tion, it falls into the Dihong river, in lat. 27 56', long. 95 23'.
LALIAD. State in Kathiawar, Bombay, paying an annual tribute of
36 to the British Government.
LALIANA. Village in Lahore district, Punjab; twenty-six miles
south of Lahore. Lat. 31 14', long. 74 28'.
LALITA PATUN. Town in Nepal State; six miles south from
Khatmandu, and seventy-eight miles north-east by north from Bettia.
Lat. 27 38', long. 85 17'.
LALITPTJR. District in the Jhansi division of the North-Western
Provinces; between lat. 24 9' 30" 25 14', and long. 78 12' 20" 79
2' 15". Its area is 1947 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 249,088. Bounded on
the north and west by the Betwa river ; on the south-west by the
Narayan ; on the south by the Vindhyachal Mountains and Sagar district,
Central Provinces ; on the south-east and east by Orchha State ; and on
the east and north-east by the river Jamuni. The district is a hilly one,
gradually sloping from the Yindhyan Mountains in the south towards the
north ; and its rivers run northward towards the Jumna. Its chief towns
are Lalitpur (the capital) and Talbahat ; the latter being on the banks of
a considerable lake. The district, which is traversed by a branch lino
connecting the Great Indian Peninsula and East Indian Railways, is
administered by a Deputy-Commissioner and staff.
LALITPUR. Town and municipality (in tahsil of same name) in
Lalitpur district, N.W.P. ; and capital of the district, situated in lat. 24
41' 30", long. 78 27' 50". Pop. (1881), 10,684, exclusive of the can-
tonment, which contains 70 persons. Area of tahsil, 1059 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 138,516. Also pargana. Pop. (1881), 61,181. And
thana. Pop. (1881), 30,211.
LAL KANYO. Village in Jhang district, Punjab ; situate in the
Doab of the two rivers Chenab and Jhelum (the Jetch Doab), and very
near their junction. Lat. 31 14', long. 72 13'.
LAL KURIL Thana in Agra district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 6751.
LALLA. Thana in Gonda district, Oudh. Pop. (1881), 41,920.
LALMAI HILLS. Hills in Hill Tipperah State, Bengal ; five miles
west from Comillah.
LALPUR. Town in Purniah district, Bengal; twenty-one miles
north-west of Purniah. Lat. 25 59', long. 87 20'.
LALPUR. Tillage in Moradabad district, N .W.P. ; situated on the
route from Moradabad to Almora, and nineteen miles north of the
former. Lat. 29 5', long. 78 54'.
LALPUR. Town in Kathiawar, Bombay; situate 170 miles south-
west of Ahmedabad, 200 miles west of Baroda. Lat. 22 12', long. 70 6'.
LALPUR. Thana in Eajshahi district, Bengal. Area, 111 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 82,689.
LALPUR. Village in Cawnpore district, N.W.P. ; on the route from
the cantonment of Fatehgarh to that of Cawnpore, and twenty-nine miles
north-west of the latter. Lat. 26 47', long. 80 9'.
LALPURA. Thana in Hamfrpur district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
LALSOT. Town in Jaipur State, Rajputana ; situate forty-three miles
south-east from Jaipur, and 110 miles east from Ajmere. Lat. 26 32',
long. 76 29'. Pop. (1881), 8743.
LALU. Village in Khairpur State, Sind, Bombay ; on the road from
Bakkar to Haidarabad, sixty miles south of the former town. Lat. 26
52', long. 68 57'.
LAMAGKAO. Village in Sanguelim district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 355.
LAMBA. Town in Jodhpur State, Bajputana; situate on the right
bank of a branch of the Luni river, and fifty miles east-north-east from
Jodhpur. Lat. 26 33', long. 73 52'.
LAMBA (CHOTA LAMBA). Town in Krishnagarh State, Bajputana;
on the route from Agra to Nasirabad, 203 miles south-west of the former,
twenty north-east of the latter. Lat. 26 24', long. 75 6'.
LAMBIA. Pass in Bashahr State, Punjab ; over the Himalayan range
bounding Kunawar on the south. Lat. 31 16', long. 78 20'. Elevation
above the sea, about 17,000 feet.
LAMBRI. Town in the Khasi Hills, Assam ; situate forty-six miles
south from Gauhati, and seventy-nine miles south-east by east from
Goalpara. Lat. 25 30', long. 91 39'.
LAMIYA. Town in Jaipur State, Rajputana ; situate thirty-five miles
north-west from Jaipur, and seventy -five miles north-east from Ajmere.
Lat. 27 19', long. 75 33'.
LAM JAN. Town in Nepal State ; situate on the right bank of the
Marachangdi river, and eighty miles west-north-west from Khatmandu.
Lat. 28 10', long. 84 8'.
LANDAUR. Hill-station and cantonment and sanitarium in Dehra
Dun district, K.W.P. ; is included within the municipality of Mussooree,
in lat. 30 27' 30", long. 78 8' 30" ; 7459 feet above the sea. Pop. of
cantonment (1881), 1746.
LANDAURA. Town in Saharanpur district, KW.P. Lat. 29 48',
long. 77 58' 15". Pop. (1881), 5764. Five miles south-east of Roorkee,
and twenty-eight miles east of Saharanpur.
LANDL River of Afghanistan; the name given to the Swat river
previous to its junction with the Kabul river.
LANDI KHANA. A difficult part of the IQiaibar Pass, Afghanistan ;
lying about twenty-three miles from Kadam, the eastern entrance, and
seven from the western entrance. The pass is with difficulty practicable
for wheel-carriages. Lat. 34 10', long. 71 10'.
LANDI KHANA. Village in Pass of same name. The elevation
above the sea is 2488 feet. Lat. 34 3', long. 71 3'.
LANDI KOTAL. The highest point of the Landi Khana Pass, 3373
feet above the level of the sea.
LANGAL River of Hill Tipperah State, and Sylhet district, Assam ;
falls into the Kusiara, a branch of the Surma or Barak.
LANGCHEN KHABAB. The name given to the Sutlej river near its
LANGKONG. Village in Manipur State, Bengal; twenty-four miles
west from Manipur, and 116 miles east from Sylhet. Lat. 24 50', long.
93 40'.
LANGLO (NANGLOI). Village in Delhi district, Punjab ; on the
route from Rohtak to Delhi, and ten miles west of the latter. Lat. 28
40', long. 77 7'.
LANGLUNG. Town in Bhutan State; 118 miles north-north-west
from Gauhati, and 106 miles north by east from Goalpara. Lat. 27 40',
long. 90 58'.
LANGRASTT. Village in Garhwal State, N.W.P. ; on the left side of
the torrent Aglar, and 450 feet above the stream. Elevation above the
sea, 4393 feet. Lat. 30 29', long. 78 12'.
LANGEIN (LYNG-KIN). State in the Khasi Hills, Assam. Pop.
(1872), 1867.
LANGULIYA. River of Kalahandi State, Central Provinces, and
Jaipur State, and Vizagapatam and Ganjam districts, Madras; after a
course of 140 miles, it falls into the sea near Chicacole in Ganjam
LANGITR. Fort in Kumaun district, KW.P. ; situated in lat. 29 55',
long. 78 40'. Elevation above the sea, 6401 feet.
LANJ. Town in Ratnagiri district, Bom.bay ; twenty-three miles
south-east of Ratnagiri. Lat. 16 50', long. 73 40'.
LANJI. Town in Balaghat district, Central Provinces ; situated in
lat. 21 30', long. 80 35'. Pop. (1881), 2240.
LANJIGARH. Chiefship in Sambalpur district, Central Provinces.
Pop. (1881), 6270.
LANKTHARAL Hills in Hill Tipperah State and Sylhet district,
LAN MI. Village in Mandla district. Central Provinces ; on the route
from Ramgarh to Ratanpur, fifty-five miles east-south-east of the former.
Lat. 22 32', long. 81 49'.
LAO-BER-SAT. Hills in the Khasi and Jaintia Hills district, Assam ;
they rise to the height of 5400 feet.
LAO-BOH. Hills in the Khasi and Jaintia Hills district, Assam ; they
rise to the height of 4464 feet.
LAO-SYN-NIA. Hills in the Khasi and Jaintia Hills district, Assam ;
they rise to the height of 5775 feet.
LAPHA. State in Bilaspur district, Central Provinces. Area, 272
Bq. miles. Pop. (1881), 7044.
LAP L AT 523
LAPHAGARH. Fort in Bilaspur district, Central Provinces ; situated
in lat. 26 41', long. 91 9', about twenty-five miles north from Bilaspur,
and on a hill 3500 feet high.
LAR. Town in Gorakhpur district, N.W.P. It is situate five miles
from the left bank of the Gogra, two miles from the left of the Chota
Gandak, fifty miles south-east of Gorakhpur cantonment. Lat. 26 10',
long. 84 2'. Pop. (1881), 7408.
LAR AW AD. State in the Bhopal division of the Central India
Agency. It has an area of thirty square miles, and contains a population
of about 2900.
LARGrl. Yalley on the borders of Afghanistan. It is about forty
miles in length and eight or ten in breadth, arid, barren, and desert.
The middle part is in lat. 32 20', long. 71 5'.
LARKHANA. Frontier Deputy-Collectorate (or subdivision) of Shi-
karpur district, Sind, Bombay. Area, 2241 sq. miles. Pop. (1872),
234,575. Bounded on the north by the Frontier District and the territory
of the Khan of Khelat ; east by the Indus and the Sukkur and
Shikarpur sub-district; south and west by Mehar, Khelat, and the
Khirthar range.
LARKHANA. Capital (in taluk of same name) of the Larkhana
Deputy-Collectorate, Shikarpur district, Sind, Bombay; situated on the
Ghar Canal, forty miles south-west from Shikarpur, in lat. 27 33',
long. 68 15'. Pop. (1881), 13,188. Area of taluk, 290 sq. miles.
Pop. (1872\ 79,042.
LARSAULL Tahsil in Delhi district, Punjab.
LARTJ. Town in Kashmir State, Punjab; on the route from the
Banihal Pass to Islamabad, and about eight miles south of the latter
place. Lat. 33 36', long. 75 16'.
LAS BEYLA. State in Baluchistan. The Mir has a personal salute
of nine guns.
LASHKAR. Town in Gwalior State. Pop. (1881), 88,066.
LASHKARI KHAN KE SERAI. Tillage in Ludhiana district,
Punjab; on the route from Karnal to Ludhiana, and nineteen miles
south-east of the latter place. Distant north-west from Calcutta 1069
miles. Lat. 30 45', long. 76 12'.
LASHKARPTJR. Village in Sylhet district, Assam ; situated on the
Kwahi river, in lat. 24 16' 25", long. 91 30' 30".
LASWARI. Village in III war State, Rajputana; situated on the
banks of a stream that rises near the Jaipur frontier; famous as the
scene of Lord Lake's victory over the Marhattas in 1803. Lat. 27 33'
30", long. 76 54' 45".
LAT. Town in Haidarabad State ; situated ten miles south from the
right bank of the Godavari river, 137 miles north-west by north from
Haidarabad. Lat. 18 58', long. 77 21'.
LATAMBARCEM. Village in Sanguelim district, Portuguese India.
Pop. (1881), 1840.
LATATJLA. Town in Patiala State, Punjab; on the route from
Firozpur to Sirsa, and eighty-four miles south-east of the former place.
Distant north-west from Calcutta 1069 miles. Lat. 30 40', long.
75 53'.
LATHI. Town in Jaisalmir State, Kajputana ; on the route from
Pokaran in Jodhpur, to the town of Jaisalmir, and twenty-five miles
north-west of the former. Lat. 27 2', long. 71 39'.
LATHI. Fourth-class State in Kathiawar, Bombay; between lat.
21 41' 21 45' 30", and long. 71 23' 71 32'. Area, 41 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 6804. The Chief, who pays a tribute of 200 jointly
to the Gaekwar of Baroda and the Kawab of Junagarh, maintains a
military force of 1 1 7 men.
LATHI. Capital of Lathi State, Kathiawar, Bombay. Lat. 21 43'
20", long. 71 28' 30".
LATHI A. Village in Ghazipur district, N.W.P. Containing a very
ancient monolith column, 26 feet in height.
LATHTIDL Village in Ghazipur district, KW.P. ; on the route from
Ghazipur to Chapra, twenty-four miles east of the former, fifty-eight
west of the latter. Lat. 25 40', long. 83 58'.
LATIPTIR. Town and fort in Mirzapur district, K~W.P. ; thirteen
miles south-east of the fort of Chanar. Distant south-east from Mirzapur
thirty-one miles, north-west from Calcutta 390. Lat. 24 58', long.
83 7'.
LATIPTJR. Town in Bhagalpur district, Bengal ; seven miles north
of Bhagalpur. Lat. 25 17', long. 86 59'.
LATUMMTIR. Village in Bannu district, Punjab ; situated twenty-
eight miles from the right bank of the Indus, ninety-two miles south-
west by south of the town of Peshawar. Lat. 32 53', long. 70 51'.
LATIJA. Village in Mirzapur district, N.W.P. ; on the route from
Benares to Allahabad, forty-nine miles east of the latter, twenty-five
west of the former. Lat. 25 15', long. 82 39'.
LATIKNANG. Town in Tavoy district, British Burma; 164 miles
south-south-east of Maulmain. Lat. 14 11', long. 98 23'.
LATIN. Village in Kumaun district, N.W.P. ; on the right bank of
the Nandija, a feeder of the Goriganga. Elevation above the sea, 12,228
feet. Lat. 30 20', long. 80 12'.
LATIN (LOAN). A part of Raipur district, Central Provinces ; con-
taining about 800 sq. miles.
LATIN AR. Town in Haidarabad State; situate forty-two miles east
by north from Jalna, and 109 miles south-west from Ellichpur. Lat. 19
58', long. 76 35'.
LATIR. Ancient name of one of the subdivisions of Sylhet district,
LAURI. Town in Chhatarpur State, Central India Agency; situate
119 miles west- south- west from Allahabad, and sixty miles south by
west from Hamirpur. Lat. 25 8', long. 80 3'.
LATIRIA. Thana in Champaran district, Bengal. Area, 766 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 191,917.
LATIRTA. Town in Jodhpur State, Kajputana; forty-six miles north-
west from Jodhpur, and 136 miles west from Ajmere. Lat. 26 43',
long. 72 33'.
LAVARA. Town in Haidarabad State ; situate thirty-eight miles
north-east of Sholapur. Lat. 18, long. 76 23'.
LAWA. State in Kajputana. Area, 18 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 2682.
LAWA. Town in Tonk State, Rajputana ; twenty-one miles north-
west by north from Tonk, and sixty-three miles east from Ajmere. Lat.
26 23', long. 75 43'.
LAWA. Town in Jhelum district, Punjab; situated in lat. 32 41'
45". long. 71 58' 30". Pop. (1881), 6245.
LAWA. Town in Udaipur State, Rajputana ; on the route from
Nimach to Jodhpur, eighty-five miles north-west of former, 107 south
east of latter. Lat. 25 12', long. 74 2'.
LA-WA-DI. Revenue circle in Rangoon district, British Burma.
Area, 105 sq. miles. Pop. (1877-78), 7829.
LAWAR. Town in Baroda State; situate ninety-six miles south- south-
east from Rajkot, and 170 miles south- west by south from Ahmedabad.
Lat. 20 58', long. 71 17'.
LAWAR. Town in Meerut district, KW.P. Pop. (1881), 5258.
LAWAR. Village in Rewah State, Central India Agency ; on the
route, by the Katra Pass, from Allahabad to Jabalpur, and 102 miles
south-west of the former. Elevation above the sea, about 1200 feet. Lat.
24 40', long. 81 45'.
LAWAR. Village in Jaisalmir State, Rajputana ; on the eastern
frontier, where it adjoins the territory of Jodhpur. Lat. 26 10', long.
70 8'.
LA-YA. Revenue circle in Shwe-gyeng district, British Burma. Pop.
(1876), 3856.
LAYADA. Hills in Singbhum district, Bengal.
LAY-DI-KAN-HLA. Revenue circle in Henzada district, British
Burma. Pop. (1876), 8101.
LAYGEAH. Town in Upper Burma, 102 miles east-south-east from
Ava, and 233 miles north-east from Prome. Lat. 21 20', long. 97 29'.
LAYHLA. Revenue circle in Toung-gnu district, British Burma.
Pop. (1876), 3991.
LAYMYETHNA. Town in Bassein district, British Burma. Pop.
(1881), 5355.
LEBONG. Mountain in Kumaun district, KW.P. ; a lofty ridge
of the main range of the Himalaya. It runs in a direction from south-
east to north-west, and is crossed by an excessively difficult and dangerous
pass over perpetual snow, from the valley of Bians on the east, to that of
Dharma on the west. The crest of the pass is 18,942 feet above the sea.
Lat. 30 20', long. 80 39'.
LE-GNYA. Township in Mergui district, British Burma. Pop.
(1876), 3117.
LEH. Chief town in Ladakh, Kashmir State, Punjab ; situated about
three miles from the northern bank of the Indus, at an elevation of
11,538 feet above the sea. Lat. 34 10', long. 77 40'. Estimated pop.
4000. Entrepot for the trade between the Punjab and Chinese Tartary.
LEHRA. Village in Darbhangah district, Bengal ; on the road from
Madhuban to Bahera.
LEI AH. Town and municipality (in tahsi'l of same name) in Dera
Ismail Khan district, Punjab ; situated near the Indus, in lat. 30 57' 30",
long. 70 58' 20". Pop. (1881), 5899. Area of tahsil, 2428 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 102,612.
526 LEK LI
LEK-HTEK. Revenue circle in Amherst district, British Burma.
Pop. (1876), 3166.
LEK-PA-DAN. Revenue circle in Prome district, British Burma.
Pop. (1876), 1867.
LEK-PA-DAN. Revenue circle in Henzada district, British Burma.
Pop. (1876), 10,374.
LEK-PAN-DAING. Revenue circle in Akyab district, British Burma.
Pop. (1876), 1888.
LEK-RAI-DEK. Revenue circle in Prome district, British Burma.
Pop. (1876), 1877.
LEK-WAI-ANOTJK. Revenue circle in Sandoway district, British
Burma. Area, 30 sq. miles. Pop. (1876), 1937.
LEK-WAI-ASHE. Revenue circle in Sandoway district, British
Burma. Area, 155 sq. miles. Pop. (1876), 2110.
LEK-WAI-KYWON. Revenue ciioie in Tavoy district, British
Burma. Pop. (1876), 3199.
LE-MRO. River of Akyab district, British Burma. It flows into
Hunter's Bay.
LE-MYET-HNA. Revenue circle in Henzada district, British Burma.
Pop. (1876), 7328.
LE-MYET-HNA. Town (in township of same name) in Bassein
district, British Burma; situated on the Bassein river, in lat. 17 34' 50",
long. 95 13' 40". Pop. (1877), 3674. Pop. of township (1876), 40,065.
LE-MYET-HNA (NORTH)! Revenue circle in Bassein district,
British Burma. Area, 19 sq. miles. Pop. (1876), 5990.
LE-MYET-HNA (SOUTH). Revenue circle in Bassein district,
British Burma. Area, 42 sq. miles. Pop. (1876), 6064.
LENGJUT. Tillage in Sylhet district, Assam, close to the Khasi
LETKHOK. Pass in Kyouk-hpyu district, British Burma ; from the
coa&t of the Bay of Bengal over the Yoma Mountains, to the Bassein
branch of the Irawadi river. The crest of the pass is about lat. 17 28',
long. 94 55'.
LE-TOITNG. Revenue circle in Kyouk-hpyu district, British Burma.
Area, 22 sq. miles. Pop. (1876), 5344.
LE-TSHIT. Revenue circle in Bassein district, British Burma. Area,
32 sq. miles. Pop. (1876), 5287.
LI (SPITI RIVER,). River of Thibet, and of Kashmir State and
Kangra district, Punjab; the principal tributary of the Sutlej, and at
some seasons not inferior to it in magnitude. It rises on the northern
slope of the Paralasa range, which divides its feeders from those of the
Chenab, on the south-western side, in about lat. 32 39', long. 77 44'.
Flowing circuitously, but generally in a south-east direction for a distance
of fifty-six miles, it receives, in lat. 32 7', long. 78 12', the Pinu, a
considerable feeder, having a course of about thirty-eight miles; and
twenty-eight miles lower down, at the distance of ninety-four miles from
their remotest source, the collected waters are joined by the Para or
Parati, flowing from the wilds of Rupshu. The confluence is in lat.
32 4'', long. 78 38'. From the confluence of the Para, the Spiti or Li
flows about twenty miles in a direction nearly due south, to its confluence
with the Sutlej, which is in lat. 31 48', long. 78 41', and at an
elevation of 8494 feet above the sea.
LIBARHERL Town in Saharanpur district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
LIDAR. River of Kashmir State, Punjab ; one of the feeders of the
Jhelum. It rises on the southern slope of the mountains bounding
Kashmir on the north-east, in lat. 34 8', long. 75 48', and at an eleva-
tion of probably not less than 14,000 feet. After a course of about forty-
five miles in a south-westerly direction, it falls into the Jhelum, about
five miles below Islamabad, in lat. 33 45', long. 75 16'.
LIEN-GUN. Revenue circle on the left bank of the Hlaing, in
Rangoon district, British Burma. Pop. (1877), 4493.
LIEN-GUN. Revenue circle in Bassein district, British Burma.
Area, 28 sq. miles. Pop. (1876), 2756.
LIKHL State in Muhi Kantha Agency, Bombay. Pop. (1881),
LILAJAN. River of Hazaribagh and Gaya districts, Bengal ; unites
with the Mohani, six miles south of Gaya, to form the Phalgu.
LILHA. Town in Sultanpur district, Oudh ; situate on the left bank
of the Gumti, forty miles south-east of Lucknow. Lat. 26 35', long.
81 40'.
LILIP. Town in Nepal State ; situate on the right bank of the
Tambur river, and 140 miles east by south from Khatmandu. Lat.
27 24', long. 87 30'.
LILMA. Town in Jodhpur State, Rajputana; situated 178 miles
west by south from Jodhpur, and eighty-eight miles south-south-west
from Jaisalmir. Lat. 25 48', long. 70 24'.
LILOKHERI. Village in Karnal district, Punjab ; on the route from
Karnal to Ludhiana, and twelve miles north-west of the former town.
It is situate near the right bank of the Chitang river or torrent ; distant
north-west from Calcutta 975 miles. Lat. 29 50', long. 76 59'.
LIMRA. State in Kathiawar, Bombay; paying a yearly tribute of
93 to the Gaekwar of Baroda, and 28 to the Nawab of Junagarh. The
capital of the same name is in lat. 21 47', long. 71 37'.
LIMRI (LIMBADI). Second-class State in Kathiawar, Bombay;
between lat. 22 30' 15" 22 37' 15", and long. 71 44' 30" 71 52' 15".
Area, 343 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 43,063. The chief river is the
Bhogawo, and the capital is Limri. The chief, who is entitled to a salute
of nine guns, maintains a military force of 133 men.
LIMRI. Capital of Limri State, Kathiawar, Bombay; situate in lat.
22 34', long, 71 53'. Pop. (1881), 12,873.
LINGAGIRL Chiefship in Chanda district, Central Provinces.
LINGAGIRL Town in Kistna district, Madras; 102 miles west-
north-west of Masulipatam. Lat. 16 53', long. 79 52'.
LINGARA. Town in Berar ; situate fifty-four miles west by south of
Ellichpur. Lat. 21, long. 76 48'.
LINGARU. Town in Nepal State ; eight miles from the left bank of
the Kali river, and seventy-seven miles east-north-east from Almora.'
Lat. 29 56', long. 80 55'.
LJ.NGASAGUR. Town in Haidarabad State ; situate nine miles north-
east of Mudgal. Lat. 16 5', long. 76 34'.
LINGO. Town in Sikkim State, Bengal ; situate on the right hank of
the Tista river, and thirty-four miles north by east from Darjiling.
Lat. 27 30', long. 88 30'.
LINGRA. Town in Satara district, Bomhay; forty-seven miles south-
east by east of Satara. Lat. 17 20', long. 74 41'.
LIN GUMPURRO. Town in Godavari district, Madras; eighteen
miles north by west of Samulkota. Lat. 17 18', long. 82 11'.
LINGWAR. Village in Bashahr State, Punjab ; close to the right
bank of the Pabur, and a little below the confluence of the Sipun.
Elevation above the sea, 8759 feet. Lat. 31 18', long. 78 1'.
LINHARES. Tillage in Bardez district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 429.
LINSTJGUR. District in Haidarabad State. Area, 3371 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 330,199.
LINYA. River of Mergui district, British Burma; rises in lat. 11
17', long. 99 13', and flowing first in a northern direction for twenty-five
miles, and subsequently north-west for thirty-eight miles, falls into the
Indian Ocean, in lat. l"l 44', long. 98 56'.
LINYA. Town in Mergui district, British Burma; forty-eight miles
south by east of Tenasserim. Lat. 11 27', long. 99 13'.
LIO. Village in Bashahr State, Punjab ; situate on a small rocky
eminence, on the right bank of the Li, or river of Spiti. The bed of the
Li is here 9000 feet, that of the village 9362 feet above the sea, from
which this spot is, by the continuous course of the Sutlej and Indus,
distant above 1100 miles. Lat. 31 53', long. 78 37'.
LIPI. Village in Bashahr State, Punjab ; situate near the left bank
of the Titi, which, about four miles below, falls into the Sutlej.
Elevation, 8700 feet above the sea. Lat. 31 39', long. 78 26'.
LIPU KETHAN. Pass in Kumaun district, N.W.P. Elevation above
the sea, 9127 feet. Lat. 30 10', long. 80 17'.
LIRORL Village in Budaun district, KW.P. ; on the route from
Bareilly to Delhi, and thirty- seven miles west of the former. Lat.
28 26', long. 78 56'.
LITAR GOTRA. State in Bewa Kantha, Bombay, paying a yearly
tribute of 20 to the Gaekwar of Baroda. Area 1 sq. mile.
LITI. River or torreat in Bashahr State, Punjab ; on the southern
declivity of the Barencla Pass. Elevation above the sea, 11,692 feet.
Lat. 31 21', long. 78 8'.
LOAWUN. Town in Darbhangah district, Bengal ; seventy-one miles
north-east by east of Dinapur. Lat. 26 10', long. 86 5'.
LODEL. Town in Haidarabad State ; situate ninety-three miles
north-east by east from Haidarabad, and 138 miles north-north-west from
Gantur. Lat. 18 7', long. 79 40'.
LODHIKA. State in Kathiawar, Bombay. Paying a yearly tribute
of 128 to the British Government, and 40 to the Nawab of Junagarh.
Area, 265 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 23,042.
LODHIKHERA. Town in Chhindwara district, Central Provinces ;
situated on the route from Chhindwara to Nagpur, thirty-eight miles
from the former. Lat. 21 35', long. 78 54'. Pop. (1881), 4602.
LODHMA. Thana in Lohardaga district, Eengal. Area, 380 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 67,988.
LODHO. Tillage in Aligarh district, N.W.P. ; situate on the cross
route from Koel to Khair, and eight miles south-east of the latter, fifty-
five miles north of Agra. Lat. 27 54', long. 78 3'.
LODHRAN. Tahsil in Multan district, Punjab; between lat. 29 21'
45" 29 48', and long. 71 4' 71 51'. Area, 781 sq. miles. Pop.
(1881), 98,203.
LODIKAU. Town in Baroda State ; situate seventeen miles south-
west by south from Rajkot, and 140 miles south-west by west from
Ahmedabad. Lat. 22 8', long. 70 41'.
LOGAON. Town in Haidarabad State ; situate nine miles south-west
from the right bank of the Godavnri, and 117 miles north-west by north
from Haidarabad. Lat. 18 49', long. 77 38'.
LOGHUR. Hill-fort in Poona district, Bombay; distant north-west
from Poona, twenty-six miles ; south-east from Bombay, forty-three miles.
Lat. 18 42', long. 73 31'.
LOHAGARA. Town in Jessor district, Bengal ; situated in lat. 23
11' 45", long. 89 41' 40". Centre of sugar trade. Also thana. Area,
154 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 103,863.
LOHAGHAT (RIKHESWAR). Village and cantonment in Kumaun
district, 1ST.W.P. ; situated on the Loha river, at an elevation of 5562 ft.
Lat. 29 24' 15", long. 80 7' 10".
LOHAIN (LOWAN). Village in Allahabad district, KW.P. ; on the
right bank of the Ganges, six miles below the city of Allahabad.
Distant north-west from Calcutta, by the river, 802 miles. Lat. 25 22',
long. 81 58'.
LOHA MANDL Thana in Agra district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
LOH ANI. Village in Hissar district, Punjab. Lat. 28 42', long.
76 8'.
LOHARA. State in Raipur district, Central Provinces. Area, about
375 sq. miles.
LOHARA. Town in Khandesh district, Bombay ; seventy miles east-
north-east of Malegaon. Lat. 20 42', long. 75 32'.
LOHARAFALLI. Town in Sambalpur district, Central Provinces ;
situate forty-five miles west by south of Sambalpur. Lat. 21 18', long.
83 20'.
LOHARA SAHASPTJR. State in Raipur district, Central Provinces.
LOHARDAGA. District in Chutia Nagpur division, Bengal ; between
lat. 22 20' 24 39', and long. 83 22' 85 55' 30". The area of the
district is 12,045 sq. miles. Its pop. (1881), 1,609,244. Bounded,
north, by Hazaribagh and Gaya districts; north-west and west, by
Mirzapur district, N.W.P., and by Sarguja and Jashpur States; and,
south-east and east, by Singbhum and Manbhum districts. A large part
of the district is an elevated plateau, more than 1000 feet above the level
of the sea ; whilst some of the hills are more than 3000 feet high. The
530 IOH
chief rivers are the Subarnarekha (with its feeders, the Kanchi and
Karkari), the North Koel (with its tributaries, the Amanat and Auranga),
and the South Koel (with its tributaries, Karu and Deo). The chief
towns are Ranchi (the capital), Doranda (a military cantonment), Dalton-
ganj, and Lohardaga. A branch of the East Indian Railway traverses
this district.
LOHARDAGA. Town and municipality (in subdivision of same name)
in Lohardaga district, Bengal ; situated forty-five miles west of Ranchi,
on the road from Hazaribagh to Nagpur, eighty-two miles south-west of
the former, 492 north-east of the latter. Lat. 23 25' 48", long. 84 43'
16". Area of subdivision, 7804 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 1,124,422.
Also thana. Area, 729 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 122,023.
LOHARG AON. Tillage in Bundelkhand, Central India Agency; on
the route from Allahabad to Sagar, 198 miles south-west of Allahabad.
Elevation above the sea, 1260 feet. Lat. 24 29' 30", long. 80 22' 25".
LOKARI. Town in Bfrbhum district, Bengal; 171 miles north-west of
Calcutta. Lat. 24 13', long. 86 29'.
LOHARL Town in Hissar district, Punjab. Lat. 29 15', long. 76 8'.
LOHARI NAIG. Rapid, or succession of waterfalls, on the river
Bhagirathi, in Garhwal State, N.W.P. Above the fall, the river is
crossed by a wooden bridge, twenty-five feet above the stream. Elevation
of the bridge above the sea, 7389 feet. Lat. 30 57', long. 78 44'.
LOHARKOT. Village in Kumaun district, N.W.P. ; on the
route from Almora to Bareilly, eleven miles south-south-west of the
former. Lat. 29 27', long. 79 39'.
LOHARSING. Town in Darjiling district, Bengal; thirty-eight
miles south-wost by south of Darjiling. Lat. 26 32', long. 88 6'.
LOHARTI. State in the Punjab ; between lat. 28 21' 30" 28 45',
and long. 75 40' 75 57'. Pop. (1881), 2038. The area is 285 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 13,754. Bounded on the north by Hissar district,
Punjab ; on the east and south-east by Jind and Patiala States, Punjab ;
and on the west by Rajputana. The Nawab maintains a force of 11 field
guns, 55 cavalry, and 180 infantry. The capital of the same name is
situated in lat. 28 24', long. 75 52'.
LOHATEH. Town in Chanda district, Central Provinces; situate 130
miles east- south-east from Nagpur, and 170 miles south from Ramgarh.
Lat. 20 23', long. 80 59'.
LOHAWAT. Tillage in Jodhpur State, Rajputana; on the route
from Jaisalmir to Nasirabad, and 178 miles west of the latter. Lat. 26
59', long. 72 42'.
LOHGARH. Tillage in Eirozpur district, Punjab; situated on the
route from Ludhiana to Eirozpur, and thirty-eight miles west of the
former town. It is situate five miles from the left bank of the S title j.
Distance north-west from Calcutta, 1127 miles. Lat. 30 59', long.
75 20'.
LOHL Tillage in Muttra district, N.W.P. ; on the route from the
cantonment of Meerut to that of Muttra, and twenty-three miles north of
the latter. Lat. 27 47', long. 77 51'.
LOHIA. Tillage in Rarapur State, KW.P. ; on the route from
Bareilly to Moradabad, and twenty-nine miles north-west of the former.
Lat. 28 38', long. 79 12'.
LOHIT. River of Sibsagar and Lakhimpur districts, Assam; flows
out of, and again falls into, the Brahmaputra. It has one tributary, the
LOHSUL. Town in Jaipur State, Eajputana ; sixty-seven miles north
by east from Ajmere, and sixty-two miles north-west by west from
Jaipur. Lat. 27 23', long. 75 2'.
LOISINGHA. Chief ship in Sambalpur district, Central Provinces.
Pop. (1881), 15,225.
LOISINH. State in Sambalpur district, Central Provinces. Area, 60
sq. miles; with a population (chiefly Gonds and Kandhs) of (1881)
2412. Its chief village is on the route from Sambalpur to Cuttack,
twenty miles south-west of the former.
LOJAI. Tillage in Korea State, Bengal ; among the mountains of
Gondwana, fifty miles west of the town of Sarguja, 120 south of
Mirzapur, 430 west of Calcutta by Hazaribagh. Lat. 23 10', long.
82 20'.
LOKAPILLI. Town in Haidarabad State ; situate twenty-two miles
east-north-east from the left bank of the Bhima river, and seventy-nine
miles south-west by west from Haidarabad. Lat. 16 50', long. 77 30'.
LOKAPTJR. Town in Mudhol State, Bombay ; situate sixty-one
miles east-north-east from Belgaum, and fifty-six miles north-east by
north from Dharwar. Lat. 16 10', long. 75 25'.
LOKMANPOR. Town in Bhagalpur district, Bengal ; twenty-two
miles north-east by north of Bhagalpur. Lat. 25 27', long. 86 57'.
LOLIEM. Village in Canacona district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 3321.
LOMYN. Town in Amherst district, British Burma ; seventy-one
miles south-south-east of Maulmain. Lat. 15 30', long. 98 2'.
LONAL Town in Berar, thirty-three miles south by east of Ellichpur.
Lat. 20 44', long. 77 43'.
LONAR. Town in Buldana district, Berar ; with a famous sacred
lake, about five miles in circumference. Situated in lat. 19 58' 50",
long. 76 33'. Pop. (1867), 1865.
LONARA. Town in Hardoi district, Oudh ; situated ten miles north-
west from Sandila. Pop. (1869), 2947.
LONAWLA. Town in Poona district, Bombay. Pop. (1881), 3334.
LONI. Town in Nimar district, Central Provinces. Pop. (1881),
LONL Pargana in Ghaziabad district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 65,073.
LONI. Town in Meerut district, N.W.P. ; situated twenty-nine miles
south-west from Meerut. Lat. 28 45', long. 77 21'. Pop. (1881),
2529. Also thana. Pop. (1881), 22,203.
LONI (LTJNI). River of Ajmere district, and Jodhpur State,
Rajputana ; it has its source in a marshy tract immediately west of
Pokar, close to Ajmere, about lat. 26 37', long. 74 46'. It takes
a south-westerly course nearly parallel to the base of the Aravalli range,
Continuing to flow in a south-westerly direction, after a course of about
300 miles, it passes into the Rann by two mouths, one in lat. 24 42',
long. 71 11', the other about ten miles more to the south-east. It is the
chief river of Rajputana, its total length of course being about 320 miles.
LONIR. Town in Khandesh. district, Bombay ; twenty-three miles
east-north-east of Malegaon. Lat. 20 29', long. 74 10'.
LONJIGTJRA. Town in Kalahandi State, Central Provinces ; eighty-
one miles west by south from Gumsur. Lat. 19 41', long. 83 27'.
LOPO. Village in Patiala State, Punjab ; on the route from Firoz-
pur to Sirsa, and fifty-eight miles south-east of the former town.
Distant north-west from Calcutta 1087 miles. Lat. 30 38', long.
75 13'.
LORGTTRKARA. Village in Bahawalpur State, Punjab ; on the
route from Khanpur to Sabzalkot, and twenty-six miles north-east of the
latter place. Lat. 28 22', long. 70 16'.
LORMI. Taluk in Bilaspur district, Central Provinces. Area, 92 sq.
miles. Pop. (1872), 20,320.
LORU. Town in Jashpur State, Chutia Nagpur, Bengal ; eighty-three
miles north from Sambalpur, and eighty miles south-west from Lohardaga.
Lat. 22 40', long. 83 51'.
L08AR. Village in Spiti, Kangra district, Punjab ; one of the
highest inhabited spots in the world (13,400 feet above sea-level),
situated near the confluence of the Losar river with the river of Pino.
Lat. 32 28', long. 83 51'.
LOTAN. Thana in Basti district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 38,419.
LOTATJTI. Town in Jodhpur State, Rajputana; situate on the left
bank of the Loni river, and fifty- one miles east from Jodhpur. Lat.
26 16', long. 73 57'.
LOTHAN. Village in Gorakhpur district, KW.P. ; distance north
from Gorakhpur thirty-six miles. Lat. 27 16', long. 83 12.
LOTITL. Town in Hazaribagh district, Bengal; sixty-seven miles
west of Ramgarh. Lat. 23 39', long. 84 29'.
LOUNG-GYI. Revenue circle in Prome district, British Burma. Pop.
(1876), 2279.
LOITNG-KYEK Revenue circle in Akyab district, British Burma.
Pop. (1876), 8552.
LOUNG-LTTN. Revenue circle in Tavoy district, British Burma.
Pop. (1876), 3868.
LOTJNG-TSHAING. Revenue circle in Akyab district, British Burma.
Pop. (1876), 2625.
LOUTOLIM. Village in Salsette district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 4634.
LOW A. Town in Unao district, Oudh ; situated in lat. 26 29', long.
81 1'. Pop. (1869), 3318. It is on the river Sai, thirty-six miles from
LOWAIN. Town in Jaipur State, Rajputana; on the route from
Agra to Nasfrabad, situate 121 miles south-west of former, 102 north-
east of latter. It has a large bazaar. Lat. 26 46', long. 76 16'.
LOWUN (LOW A). Village in Jodhpur State, Rajputana; on the
route from Pokaran to Jodhpur, and eight miles east of the former. Lat.
25 51', long. 72 8'.
LUARI. Village in Nagar-Aveli district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 409.
LTJBAII (LAB AW A) .Village in Mainpuri district, KW.P. ; on the
route from Aligarh to Etawah, and thirty-six miles north-west of the
latter. Lat. 27 9', long. 78 37'.
LUCHAGIB,. Village in Allahabad district, KW.P. ; situate on the
left bank of the Ganges, 776 miles north-west of Calcutta by the river
route, thirty- two south-east of the city of Allahabad. Lat. 25 19', long.
82 15'.
LTJCKNOW. Division of Oudh ; containing the three districts of
Lucknow, Unao, and Bara Banki. Area, 4480 sq. miles. Pop. (1869),
LUCKNOW. District in the Lucknow division, Oudh ; between lat.
26 30' 27 9' 30", and long. 80 36' 81 15' 30". The area of the
district is 989 sq. miles; and its population (1881), 696,824. Bounded
by Hardoi and Sitapur districts on the north ; by Bara Banki district on
the east ; by Rai Bareli district on the south ; and by Unao district on
the west. There are no mountains, the district being an almost level
plain. The chief rivers are the Gumti (with its tributaries, the Baita
and Lorn), and the Sai (with its tributaries, the Nagwa and Bank).
The chief towns are Lucknow (the capital), Amethi, Kakori, and
Malihabad. The district, which is traversed by the Oudh and Rohil-
khand Railway, and is intersected by several roads, is administered by
a Deputy Commissioner and Staff.
LUCKNOW. Tahsil in Lucknow district, Oudh; between lat. 26
38' 30" 27 0' 15", and long. 80 42' 81 8' 30". Pop. (1881),
LUCKNOW. Pargana in Lucknow district, Oudh. Area, 165 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881) 323,970. Also thana. Pop. (1881), 92,511.
LUCKNOW. City in Lucknow district, Oudh; the capital of the
province of Oudh, and the fourth city in India in point of population,
which in (1881) was 261,303, exclusive of the cantonment, containing
21,530 souls. It is 'situated on the Gumti, in lat. 26 51' 40", long.
80 58' 10". Lucknow has four bridges, two built since the year (1856)
when it came under British administration. There are a large number
of buildings and ruins of historical or architectural interest. Among
these may be named the Imambara or mausoleum of Asaf-ud-daula, the
Jama Masjid, the Chattar Manzil palace, the Kaisar Bagh, the Residency,
the Machi Bhawan fort, the Rumi Darwaza, the Dilkusha, etc. Lucknow
was the residence of the ISTawab Vazirs or Kings of Oudh ; but is chiefly
famous for its heroic defence on two occasions during the Great Mutiny
of 1857. The Oudh and Rohilkhand Railway has a station at Lucknow.
About 403 feet above the sea. Distant north-west from Calcutta, by
Benares, Jaunpur, and Sultanpur, 610 miles ; north-west from Allahabad,
128 ; north-east from Cawnpore, 42.
LUDAOLI. Village in Mainpuri district, N.W.P. ; on the route from
Agra to Etawah, and twenty-six miles north-west of the latter. Lat.
27 3', long. 78 46'.
LUDHAWA. Village in Aligarh district, N.W.P. ; on the route from
the cantonment of Aligarh to that of Mainpuri, and eighteen miles south
of the former. Lat. 27 46', long. 78 21'.
LTIDHIANA. District in the TJmhalla division, Punjab ; between lat.
30 33' 31 1', and long. 75 24' 30" 76 27'. The area of the district
is 1375 sq. miles; its pop. (1881), 618,835. Bounded on the north by
Jalandhar district; on the east by Umballa district; on the south by
Patiala, Nabha, and Maler Kotla States; and on the west by Firozpur
district. There are no hills in the district. Its chief river is the
Sutlej, which separates it from Jalandhar district; it is also watered
by a branch of the Sirhind Canal. Its chief towns are Ludhiana (the
capital, a few miles south of the Sutlej), Raikot, Jagraon, and Machi-
wara. There are some detached portions of the district in the ad-
joining States. The district, which is traversed by the Sind, Punjab,
and Delhi Railway, is administered by a Deputy-Commissioner and usual
LUDHIANA. Capital (in tahsil of same name), in Ludhiana district,
Punjab, and a municipality; situated about eight miles south of
the Sutlej, in lat. 30 55' 25", long. 75 53' 30". Pop. (1881),
44,163. There is an important railway-station here, on the Sind,
Punjab, and Delhi Railway. Area of tahsil, 678 sq. miles. Pop.
(1881), 307,559.
LUDHONA. Town in Gwalior State, Central India Agency ; situate
forty-six miles south-east from Nimach, and 214 miles west from Sagar.
Lat. 24, long. 75 27'.
LUGARI. Village in Haidarabad district, Sind, Bombay : on the
route from Haidarabad to Amarkot, and sixty miles west of the latter
place. It is situate on the right bank of the Purana river. Lat. 25 13',
long. 68 48'.
LUGHASI. State in the Central India Agency. Bounded on the
south-west, south, and south-east by the Chhatarpur State : and on the
north, north-east and north-west by Hamirpur district, N.W.P. Area.
47 sq. miles. Pop. ,(1881), 6159. The military force of the State
consists of five guns and 135 infantry.
LUGHASI. Capital of Lughasi State, Central India Agency ; situated
on the road from Kalpi to Jabalpur, eighty-six miles south of the former
and 183 miles north of the latter. Lat. 25 4', long. 79 39'.
LUGU. Mountain in Hazaribagh district, Bengal; situated in lat. 23
46' 45", long. 85 44' 30". Height, 3203 feet.
LUHORA. River of the Punjab Frontier, and Dera Ismail Khan
district, Punjab ; rising in lat. 31 34', long. 69 48', in the Sulaiman
range of mountains, and, flowing in an easterly direction for about forty-
five miles, is lost in the valley of the Derajat.
LUKA. Village in Miiltan district, Punjab; on the route from
Firozpur to Multan. It is situate in the Doab between the Ghara and
the Chenab. Lat. 29 52', long. 72 20'.
1UKA (LTJBA). River of Cachar, Jaintia Hills, and Sylhet districts,
Assam; falls into the Surma, near Mulaghul in Sylhet.
LUKANWARL Town in Buldana district, Berar ; situate seventy-
five miles south-west of Ellichpur. Lat. 20 30', long. 76 43'.
LUK BAWAN. Village in Kashmir State, Punjab. Lat. 33 36',
long. 75 16'.
LUKKHOKI. Village in Multan district, Punjab, in the Doab
between the Ghara and the Ravi ; situate about three miles from the
right or west bank of the former river, and on the route from Firozpur to
Multan. Lat. 30 3', long. 72 57'.
LTTKONDA. Town in Godavari district, Madras ; thirty miles north
by east of Rajarnahendri. Lat. 17 25', long. 82.
LUKTAHA. Village in Allahabad district, KW.P. ; on the right
bank of the Ganges, 789 miles north-west of Calcutta by the river route,
twenty south-east of Allahabad by the same. Lat. 25 "l 9', long. 82 8'.
LTJM. Town in Nepal State ; situate on the left bank of the Arun
river, and ninety-six miles east by south from Khatmandu. Lat. 27 29',
long. 86 49'.
LUMBAIONG. Mountains in the Khasi Hills, Assam ; rising to the
height of 4646 feet above the sea.
LUMBUHI. Village in Manipur State, Bengal ; twenty-three miles
north-east by east from Manipur, and 146 miles east from Jaintiapur.
Lat. 25, long. 94 21'.
LUMHWA. Thana inSultanpur district, Oudh. Pop. (1881), 89,195.
LTJNA. Town in Cutch State, Bombay ; situate two miles south of
the Great Western Rann, and forty-one miles north-west from Bhuj.
Lat. 23 40', long. 69 20'.
LTJNAWARA. State in Rewa Kantha, Bombay; lying between lat.
20 50' 23 16', and long. 73 21' 73 47'. It is bounded by
Dungarpur State, Rajputana. on the north ; on the south by the Panch
Mahals district, Bombay ; and on the east and west by other States of
Rewa Kantha and Mahi Kantha. Its area is 388 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
75,150. Its chief river is the Mahi; the capital is Lunawara. The
Chief, who is entitled to a salute of nine guns, maintains a force of 240
men, and pays a tribute of 1800 per annum jointly to the British
Government and the Gaekwar of Baroda.
LTJNAWARA. Capital of Lunawara State, Rewa Kantha, Bombay ;
situated near the junction of the Mahi and Panam rivers, in lat. 23
8' 30", long. 73 39' 30". Pop. (1881X 9059.
LUNGHL Town of Upper Burma ; situated on the left bank of the
Irawadi, and sixty miles north from Prome. Lat. 19 39', long. 94 59'.
LUNGTTING. Town in Jaintia Hills district, Assam; forty miles
north of Jaintiapur. Lat. 25 40 ; , long. 92 9'.
LTTNI. Petty State in Kathiawar, Bombay.
LUNI. Village and river in Dera Ismail Khan district, Punjab; on the
route by the Gomal Pass from Ghazni to Dera Ismail Khan, about thirty-
five miles west of the latter town. The river Luni is a branch of the
Gomal river. Lat. 31 50', long. 70 12'.
LURI. Village in Rawal Pindi district, Punjab ; situate on the left
bank of the Sohan river, on the route from Attock to Jalalpur, and fifty
miles south-east of the former town. Lat. 33 33', long. 73 8'.
LTISHAI (or KTJKI) HILLS. A wild mountainous region, only
partially explored, lying south of Cachar district, Assam, and Chittagong
district, Bengal. A large number of more or less savage tribes, called
Lushais or Kukis, inhabit these hills, and frequently commit raids on
British territory, and on the adjacent States of llanipur and Hill
Tipperah. Towards the east, the Lushai country is quite unknown, and
extends far into Upper Burma. Prior to 1872 the Lushais gave con-
siderable trouble, but the chastisement they received in that year led to
satisfactory results, and the peace of the border has not of late years been
LTJXAR. Village in Dehra Dun district, N.W.P. ; on a ridge rising
above the right bank of the Jumna, and about two miles from that river.
Lat. 30 34', long. 78 2'.
LWENG-PYENG. Revenue circle in Henzada district, British
Burma. Pop. (1876), 2846.
LYNG-KER-DEM. Hills in the Khasi and Jaintia Hills district,
Assam ; rising to a height of 5000 feet.
MACAZANA. Village in Salsette district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 1304.
MACHANDL Village in Bareilly district, N.W.P. ; on the route
from Bareilly to Pithoragarh, and forty-three miles north-east of the
former. Lat. 28 45', long. 79 53'.
MACHARI. Village in Ulwur State, Rajputana; situated on the
route from Nasirabad to Muttra, and seventy-six miles south-west of the
latter. Pop. (1878), 2352. Lat. 27 15', long. 76 42'.
MACHHGAON. Town in Cuttack district, Bengal ; situated on the
Devi estuary. Lat. 19 58', long. 86 21'.
MACHHGAON CANAL. Canal in Cuttack district, Orissa; con-
necting Cuttack with the fort of Hachhgaon on the Devi estuary. It is
fifty-three miles in length, with many irrigation distributaries. Between
lat. 20 20 3', and long. 86 0' 30" 86 17'.
MACHHLIGAON. Tillage, with famous Hindu temple, in Gonda dis-
trict, Oudh. Pop. (1869), 1751. A considerable fair is held here every year.
MACHHLIPUR. Town in Indore State, Central India Agency; situate
156 miles west by north from Sagar, and 1U5 miles north-north-east from
Indore. Lat. 24 7', long. 76 22'.
MACHHLISHAHR. Town (in tahsil of same name) in Jaunpur
district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 9200. Lat. 25 42', long. 82 26'.
Area of tahsil, 353 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 238,759. Also thana.
Pop. (1881), 65,273.
MACHHRETA. Town (in pargana of same name) in Sitapur district,
Oudh. Lat. 27 25', long. 80 41'. Pop. (1881), 4180. Area of par-
gana, 108 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 40,672.
MACHHTJKANTA. Division of Kathiawar, Bombay, named from the
river Machhu, which flows nearly through its centre, in a direction from
south to north, and falls into the Gulf of Cutch. This division is bounded
on the east and south-east by that of Jhalawar ; on the south-west and
west by the division of Hallar ; on the north-west by the Gulf of Cutch ;
on the north by the Eann or Great Salt Marsh ; and lies between lat. 22
30' 23 6', and long. 70 34' 71 3'. The area is about 700 sq. miles.
MAGHIDA. State in Sambalpur district, Central Provinces. Area,
10 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 1073. The capital (of the same name) is
situated in lat. 21 49', long. 83 38'.
MACHIWARA. Town and municipality in Ludhiana district,
Punjab ; situated on the route from Ludhiana to Rupar, and twenty-
three miles south-east of the former. Lat. 30 55', long. 76 14' 30".
Pop. (1881), 5967.
MACHROL. Village in Rohtak district, Punjab ; on the route from
Karnal to Rewari, and twenty-four miles north of the latter. Lat. 28
27', long. 76 43'.
MACHTJRLA. Town in Krishna district, Madras ; seventy miles
west of Gantur. Lat. 16 28', long. 79 29'.
MADAGODII. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 85.
MADAHPTIRA. Town (in subdivision of same name) in Bhagalpur
district, Bengal ; situated on the Parwan river, in lat. 25 55' 40", long.
86 49' 51". Pop. (1872), 3499. Area of subdivision, 872 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 398,006. Also thana. Area, 503 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
MADAKRAL Town in Coimbatore district, Madras; situated eight
miles south of Coimbatore. Lat. 10 54', long. 77 2'.
MADAKSIRA. Town in Bellary district, Madras; situated in lat.
13 56' 30", long. 77 18' 40". Pop. (1871), 5262.
MADAM. Town in Tinnevelli district, Madras; situated nine miles
north-west of Tinnevelli. Lat. 8 49', long. 77 39'.
MADANAPALLI. Town in Cuddapah district, Madras ; situated in
lat. 13 33' 37", long. 78 32' 45"; 126 miles west by north from
Madras; 2500 feet above sea-level. Pop. (1881), 5700.
538 MAD
MADANGANJ. Town in Dacca district, Bengal ; a suburb of
Karainganj, on the opposite side of Lakhmia. Pop. of the two cities
(1881), 12,508.
MADANPUR. Chiefship in Sambalpur district, Central Provinces.
Pop. (1881), 12,539.
MADANPUR. State in Bilaspur district, Central Provinces ; with an
area of twenty-five sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 7616.
MADANPUR. Thana in Lalitpur district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
MADANPTJR. Town in Kalahandi State, Central Provinces; situated
seventy-eight miles west-north-west of Gumsur. Lat. 20 19', long.
83 37'.
MADANPUR. Village in Gorakhpur district, N.W.P. ; situate on a
small stream, a feeder of the river Rapti, thirty miles south-east of
Gorakhpur cantonment. Lat. 26 15', long. 83 47'. Pop. (1881), 5090.
MADANPUR. Village in Sultanpur district, Oudh; situate on the
left bank of the river Tons (north-eastern), forty miles south-east of
Faizabad. Lat. 26 30', long. 82 26'.
MADAPATNA. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 314.
MADAPOLLAM. Village in Godavari district, Madras; situated
forty-two miles east-north-east of Masulipatam, in lat. 16 26', long.
81 44' 20". Formerly a place of considerable commercial importance.
MADAPUR. Town in Hassan district, Mysore ; thirty-four miles
north-west from Seringapatam, and 102 miles east from Mangalore.
Lat. 12 48', long. 76 24'.
MADAPUR A. Village in Coorg, Madras.
MADARA MYO. Town of Upper Burma; situate eight miles from
the left bank of the Irawadi, and twenty-nine miles north-north-east
from Ava. Lat. 22 15', long. 96 12'.
MADARI. River in the Twenty-four Parganas district, Bengal.
MADARIA (GOLA). Town in Gorakhpur district, KW.P. ; situated
on the Kuana river, twenty-six miles south of Gorakhpur, in lat.
26 20' 50", long. 83 23' 40". Pop. (1872), 5147.
MADARIPUR. Town (in subdivision of same name) in Faridpur
district, Bengal. Pop. (1881), 12,298. Area of subdivision, 979 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 689,704. Also thana. Area, 240 sq. miles. Pop.
(1881), 165,917.
MADARKUTL Town in Twenty-four Parganas district, Bengal;
situated forty-one miles east-north-east of Calcutta. Lat. 24 47', long.
89 2'.
MADAVARVILAGAM. Town (with fine pagoda and tower) in
Tinnevelli district, Madras ; a suburb of Tinnevelli, in lat. 9 30', long.
77 38' 20". Pop. (1871), 9955.
MADAWARA. Town in Lalitpur district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
MADDIKERA. Town, and station on the Madras Railway, in Karnul
district, Madras; situated in lat. 15 15', long. 77 28'. Pop. (1871),
MADDUR. Village and municipality in Mysore district, Mysore ;
situated on the river fchimsha, in lat. 12 35' 30", long. 77 5' 20". Pop.
(1871), 2288.
MAD 539
MADE. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 2194.
MADGIRI. Town and municipality (in taluk of same name) in
Tumkur district, Mysore ; situated twenty- four miles north of Turnkur,
in lat. 13 39', long. 77 16'. Pop. (1871), 3959. Contains two large
temples. Area of taluk, 437 sq. miles. Pop. (1871), 86,532.
MADGIRI-DRUG. Hill and ancient fortress in Tumkur district,
Mysore ; situated close to the town of Madgiri, in lat. 13 39' 30", long.
77 14' 40"; rises to a height of 3935 feet above the sea.
MADGULA (MADGOLE). Town in Vizagapatam district, Madras;
situated in lat. 17 55', long. 82 51' 30". Pop. (1871), 7428.
MADHA. Town and municipality (in subdivision of same name) in
Sholapur district, Bombay; situated in lat. 18 4', long. 75 35'. Pop.
(1872), 5254. Area of subdivision, 619 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
MADH AN. State in the Punjab, a feudatory of the Keonthal State ;
-with an area of 13 sq. miles, and pop. (1875), about 1000.
MADHAN. Town in Mainpuri district, N.W.P. ; situated on the
route from Muttra to Mainpuri, and ten miles west of the latter. Lat.
27 15', long. 78 55'.
MADHARAJPTJR. Town in Jaipur State, Eajputana ; on the route
from Delhi to Mhow, 190 miles south-west of former, 317 north-east of
latter. Lat. 26 35', long. 75 42'.
MADHBANI. Town in Saran district, Bengal; situated twenty-eight
miles west-north-west of Bettia. Lat. 26 57', long. 84 10'.
MADHEPUR. Town in Darbhangah district, Bengal ; situated in lat.
26 10' 20", long. 86 25' 1". Pop. (1872), 7301.
MADHESWARANMALAL Town in Coimbatore district, Madras;
situated in lat. 12 2', long. 77 35'. Pop. (1871), 7522.
MADHIGANJ. Thana in Bakarganj district, Bengal. Area, 292 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 145,711.
MADHLI. Village in Jodhpur State, Rajputana; situated on the
route from Nasirabad to Disa, and 111 miles south-west of the former.
Lat. 25 44', long. 73 30'.
MADHOGANJ. Town in Hardoi district, Oudh. Pop. (1881), 3088.
MADHOGARH. Town in Jalaun district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
3438. Also thana. Pop. (1881), 25,197.
MADHPURL Village in Bijnaur district, KW.P. ; on the route by
the course of the Ramganga (Western), from Moradabad to Almora,
forty-eight miles north of the former. Lat. 29 29', long. 78 42'.
MADHTIBAN. Thana in Azamgarh district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
MADHTJBAN. Town in Champaran district, Bengal. Pop. (1881),
7025. Also thana. Area 129 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 105,086.
MADHUBANI. Town (in subdivision of same name) in Darbhangah
district, Bengal ; situated sixteen miles north-west of Darbhangah. Lat.
26 21' 20", long. 86 7'. Pop. (1881), 11,911. Area of subdivision,
1349 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 907,505. Also thana. Area, 276 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 211,772.
MADHUBANI. Village in Ghazipur district, N.W.P. ; situated on
the route from Ghazipur to Chapra, sixty-four miles east of the former,
eighteen west of the latter. Lat. 25 48', long. 84 32'.
540 MAD
MADHUGARH. Tahsfl in Jalaun district, KW.P. Area, 282 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 97,457.
MADHUPUR. Forest in Dacca and Maimansinh districts, Bengal;
called the " Madkupur Jungle," or the " Gar Guzali."
MADHUPUR. Thana in Santal Parganas district, Bengal. Area, 534
sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 61,631.
MADHUPUR. Town in Darbhangah district, Bengal. Pop. (1881),
MADHUPUR. Town in Jaipur State, Rajputana; situate seventy-
nine miles south-east by south from Jaipur, and 121 miles east-south-east
from Ajmere. Pop. (1881), 14,075. Lat. 25 56', long. 76 34'.
MADHUPTIR. Town in Maimansinh district, Bengal; situated 170
miles north-east of Calcutta. Lat. 24 37', long. 89 59'.
MADHUPUR. Town in Pabna district, Bengal ; on the route from
Berhampur to Dacca, eighty -nine miles south-east of former, eighty-three
west of latter. Lat. 23 48', long. 89 22'.
MADHUPUR. Tillage in Bareilly district, KW.P. ; on the route
from Moradabad to Bareilly, and eleven miles north-west of the latter.
Lat. 28 27', long. 79 23'.
MADHUPUR. Village in Gurdaspur district, Punjab. Lat. 32 22',
long. 75 39'. Pop. (1868), 2675.
MADHUPURA. Town in Jaipur State, Rajputana ; on the route
from Hansi to Nasirabad, situate 143 miles south of former, 100 north-
east of latter. Lat. 27 26', long. 75 42'.
MADHUPURA. Town in Jaipur State, Rajputana; situate thirty-
nine miles north-north-west from Jaipur, and ninety-four miles north-east
from Ajmere. Pop. (1881), 14,075. Lat. 27 28', long. 75 43'.
MADHWAPUR. Village in Muzaffarpur district, Bengal; situated
on the Dhaus river, close to the Nepal frontier. Pop. (1872), 1534.
MADHYARJUNAM. Town (with noted temple) in Tan j ore district,
Madras ; situated in lat. 10 57', long. 79 30'. Pop. (1871), 4832.
MADIADEH. Town in Damoh district, Central Provinces. Pop.
(1881), 2384.
MADIJI. Village in Shikarpur district, Sind, Bombay ; on the route
from Sukkur to Larkhana, and twenty-eight miles west of the former
place. Lat. 27 40', long. 68 30'.
MADINA (MODENA). Village in Rohtak district, Punjab ; on the
route from Delhi to Hansi, and thirty-three miles south-east of the latter.
Lat. 28 56', long. 76 30'.
MADIPUR. Village in Delhi district, Punjab; situated on the route
from Rohtak to the city of Delhi, and six miles west of the latter. Lat.
28 40', long. 77 11'.
MADNAGARH. Large tank in Chanda district, Central Provinces ;
situated in lat. 20 35', long. 79 32'.
MADNAPUR. Thana in Shahjahanpur district, K W.P. Pop. (1881),
MADNUR. Town in Haidarabad State; situated eight miles west
from the left "bank of the Manjira river, and ninety-seven north-west of
Haidarabad. Lat. 18 30', long. 77 40'.
MAD 541
MADRAK. Town in Aligarh district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 1506.
MADRAS. One of the three Presidencies of British India, named
from the city which is the seat of its government. It is bounded on the
north by the presidency of Bombay, the Haidarabad State, the Central
Provinces, and the Orissa division of Bengal ; on the east and south-east
by the Bay of Bengal; on the south by the Indian Ocean; and on the
south-west and west by the Arabian Sea. It extends from Cape Comorin,
in lat. 8 4', to the northern extremity of the district of Ganjam, in lat.
20 15'; and from the north-west point of the district of South Kanara,
in long. 74 1', to the eastern extremity of the district of Ganjam, in
long. 85 15'. Its greatest length, measured from north-east to south-
west, is about 950 miles ; and its greatest breadth, measured at right
angles to the direction of that line, is about 400. Its sea- coast on one
face, measured in a south-eastern direction, and subsequently eastward to
Cape Comorin, extends 540 miles, being nearly throughout washed by the
Arabian Sea, and for a short distance by the Indian Ocean. On the other
face, measured from Cape Comorin north-east to the north of Ganjam,
along the shore of the Bay of Bengal, its length is about 1187 miles;
and consequently the total extent of the sea-coast of the Presidency
is 1727 miles; being much greater than that of the two others combined.
As regards harbours, that at Cochin, on the Malabar coast, which has the
greatest depth of water, is, during several months of the year, closed
by the south-west monsoon. The port of Man galore admits with safety
only vessels having not more than ten or twelve feet draught. About
fifty-six miles north-west of the city of Madras, the Eastern Ghats form
a junction with the range, which, sweeping irregularly inland, crosses
the peninsula in a south-west direction ; and in the vicinity of the
Nilgiris, joins the "Western Ghats, which extend to Cape Comorin on
the one side, and to the northern frontier of the presidency on the other.
The Eastern and Western Ghats unite in the Nilgiris, of which one peak,
Dodabetta (8640 ft. high), is the highest mountain in Southern India.
Besides these may be mentioned the Shevaroy Hills in Salem district,
the Anamalai Hills in Coimbatore, and the Palni Hills in Madura.
Though the great table-land of the Deccan rises considerably towards the
south, it has a general slope of surface to the east or south-east, all
the streams of any considerable magnitude flowing in that direction, and
being ultimately emptied into the Bay of Bengal. The principal
rivers are the Godavari, Krishna, Kaveri, North Pennar or Pinakini,
the South Pennar or Pinakini, and the Palar. The two great railway
systems of the Presidency are the Madras Railway and the South
Indian Railway. The former, with a total length of 857 miles (1880),
joins Raichor (on the Great Indian Peninsula Railway of Bombay) with
Madras, and proceeds thence westward to the west coast of Beypur, with
branches to Bellary and Bangalore. The latter railway, with a total
length of 633 miles (1880), joins Madras with Tuticorin. The area
of the Presidency is 138,856 sq. miles, and the pop. (1881), 31,170,631,
exclusive of the Native States, which have an area of 9192 sq. miles,
and a pop. (1881) of 3,303,563. The administration is in the hands
of a Governor appointed direct by the Crown.
MADRAS. The seat of the Presidency bearing that name, and the prin-
cipal place of the territory subject thereto. The city is situated at the
mouth of the Corum river ; in lat. 13 4' 6", long. 80 17' 22". It occupies
an area of about 27 sq. miles, extending eight miles along the beach, and
3J miles inland. Madras consists of numerous more or less scattered
sections ; Black Town on the north, covering a square mile, densely
populated ; south of this, an open space, two miles long and extending
inland about three-quarters of a mile, containing the Fort, Government
House, the Island, etc. ; Chintadrapet, Tiruvaleswarampet, Pudupak,
Royapet, Kistnampet, and Mylapur, all lying west and south of the
second division; west of Black Town are Veperi, Pudupet, Egmore,
Nangambakam, and Perambur ; and on the south-west and south are
Tanampet and Adyar. Chintadrapet is separated from Yeperi by the
river Cooum, which almost incloses the former. The city of Madras, in-
cluding the whole of the various divisions of which it is composed,
contained, according to the census of 1881, a total population of 405,848.
It is a terminal station of the Madras line and of the Madras and Tanjore
section of the South Indian Railway.
MADRE. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 130.
MADRUPOR. Town in Bhagalpur district, Bengal; it is situated
twenty-two miles east-south-east of Bhagalpur. Lat. 25 5', long.
87 20'.
MADSAN. Town in Aligarh district, N.W.P. ; situated on the left
bank of the Jumna, and twenty-eight north of Agra, eighty-five south-
east of Delhi. Lat. 27 35', long. 77 58'.
MADURA. District in the Madras Presidency; lying between lat.
90 4'_ 10 44', and long. 77 14' 79 20'. It is bounded on the north
by Coimbatore, Trichinopoli, and Tanjore districts ; on the east and south-
east by the sea ; on the south-west by Tinnevelli district ; and on the
west by Travancore State. The chief mountain? of the district are the
Palni Hills; but on the western and northern borders there are various
ranges connected with the Western Ghats, including the Travancore
Hills, the Agamalia Hills, and the Anamalai Hills. The chief rivers
are the Vaiga with its tributaries, and the Gundu. The chief towns
are Madura (the capital), and Dindigal. The district is traversed
by the South Indian Railway. Area, 8401 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
MADURA. Capital of Madura district, and station on the South
Indian Railway, Madras; situated on the Vaiga, thirty -three miles by
road south-south-east of Dindigal. Lat. 9 55' 16", long. 78 9' 44".
Pop. (1881), 73,087. It contains a famous pagoda, an ancient palace,
and other great buildings.
MADURA. River in Cachar district, Assam ; falls into the Barak.
MADURU. Town in Krishna district, Madras; twenty-two miles
west-north-west of Masulipatam. Lat. 16 17', long. 80 53'.
MADUTHUR. Town in Tinnevelli district, Madras; it is situated
twenty-nine miles east by north of Tinnevelli. Lat. 8 49', long.
78 8'.
MADUVANALLI. Town in Coimbatore district, Madras ; one
hundred and twenty-two miles east by north of Cannanore. Lat. 12
10', long. 77 13'.
MAGKADAHALLL Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 97.
MAG 543
MAGADI. Village and municipality (in taluk of same name) in
Bangalore district, Mysore ; situated twenty-eight miles west of Banga-
lore, inlat. 12 57' 20", long. 77 16' 10". Pop. (1871), 3712. Area
of taluk, 220 sq. miles. Pop. (1871), 99,086.
MAGAMURCHL River of Salem district, Madras; rising in lat. 11
59', long. 78 6', and, flowing through the district for forty-two miles in
a south-westerly direction, falls into the Kaveri on the left side, in lal.
11 30', long. 77 47'.
MAGANAND. Pass in Sirmur State, Punjab. It crosses the Siwalik
Hills, on the road from Sadhaura to Mhan, in lat. 30 32', long. 77 19'.
The height of the highest point is 2600 feet.
MAGAR TALAO. Famous crocodile-pond or tank, with hot springs
and a temple, in Karachi district, Sind, Bombay ; situated about seven or
eight miles north of Karachi, in lat. 24 58', long. 67 5'.
MAGARVARA. Tillage in Daman district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 1389.
MAGDAPUR. Pargana in Kheri district, Oudh ; between the Kathna
river on the east, and the Gumti on the west. Area, 56 sq. miles. Pop.
(1881), 11,941.
MAGGULA. Tillage in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 653.
MAGHAR. Tillage on the river Ami (in pargana of same name)
in Gorakhpur district, N.W.P. ; eighteen miles west of Gorakhpur. Lat.
26 42', long. 83 11'. Pop. of pargana (1881), 79,342.
MAGHIANA. Town and municipality in Jhang district, Punjab;
capital of the district, and adjacent to the town of Jhang; situated in
lat. 31 16' 40", long. 72 20' 55". Pop. (1881), 12,574.
MAGHRIBI. Town in Haidarabad district, Sind, Bombay ; situated
seventy-five miles south by west of Haidarabad. Lat. 24 20', long. 68
MAGHRIBI. Town in Karachi district, Sind, Bombay; situated on
a branch of the Indus. Lat. 24 10', long. 68 17'.
MAGORI. State in Mahi Kantbfi, Bombay ; paying a yearly tribute
of 9 to the Raja of Edar. Pop. (1881), 3076.
MAGRA. Town in the Twenty-four Parganas district, Bengal;
situated in lat. 22 59' 5", long. 88^ 25'. Magra is a station on the
East India Railway.
MAGRATTNL Village, with fort, in Gwalior State, Central India
Agency ; situated three miles north of the left bank of the river Sind.
Lat. 25 42', long. 77 56'.
MAGRAYAR. Pargana in Unao district, Oudh. Area, 31 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 16,343.
MAGTJI. Town in Manipur State, Bengal ; twenty-two miles north-
north-west of Manipur. Lat. 25 6', long. 93 54'.
MAGUNA. State in Mahi Kantha, Bombay. Pop. (1881), 4353.
The Chief pays a yearly tribute of 89 4s. to the Gaekwar of
MAGURA. Town (in subdivision of same name) in Jessor district,
Bengal ; situated at the junction of the Nabaganga with the Muchikhali,
in lat. 23 29' 25", long. 89 28' 5". Pop. (1881), 5642. Area of sub-
division, 425 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 293,303. Also thana. Area, 222
sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 159,162.
MAGURA. Village in Garhwal State, N.W.P. ; situated amidst the
mountains on the southern frontier, between Surkanda and the ridge
rising north-east of the Dehra Dun. Lat. 30 24', long. 78 16'.
MA-GYI-BENG. Eevenue circle in Prome district, British Burma.
Pop. (1876-77), 3748.
MAH. Pargana in Allahabad district, KW.P. Pop. (1881), 98,986.
MAHABALESHWAR. Hill-station and sanitarium in Satara district,
Bombay ; situated on the Mahabaleshwar range, with a general elevation
of from 4500 to 4700 feet above the level of the sea. It was established
in 1828 by Sir John Malcolm. The population varies according to the
time of year, but on an average is from 2000 to 3000. Distance north-
west from Satara, by a good carriage road, 30 miles; south-west from
Poona, by circuitous hilly route, 70 ; south-east from Bombay, 114 ; or
by another route, 127. Lat. 17 58' 5", long. 73 42' 35".
MAHABALIPTJR (SEVEN PAGODAS). Tillage and collection
of temples in Chengalpat district, Madras; situated thirty-three miles
south of Madras. Lat. 12 36' 55", long. 81 13' 55". Pop. (1871), 777.
MAHABAN. Hill in Yagistan, on the Punjab frontier. It is about
7400 feet high, and is near the right bank of the Indus.
MAHABAN. Town (in tahsil of same name) in Muttra district,
K.W.P. ; situated on the Jumna, six miles south-east from Muttra, in
lat. 27 25' 35", long. 77 47' 30". Now decayed, but famous as the
birth-place of Krishna. Pop. (1881), 6182. Area of tahsil, 237 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 116,829. Also thana. Pop. (1881), 18,724.
MAHABAH. Hills in Hazaribagh district, Bengal ; overhanging the
Sakri river, and rising to a height of about 2210 feet above the sea. An
annual fair is held in these hills in February.
MAH AD. Town and municipality (in subdivision of same name)
in Kolaba district, Bombay; situated fifty-three miles from Alibagh.
Lat, 18 5', long. 73 28'. Pop. (1881), 6804. Area of subdivision,
459 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 109,391.
MAHADANAPURAM. Town in Trichinopoli district, Madras.
Pop. (1871), 6016.
MAHADEO. River in Garo Hills district, Assam.
MAHADEOPAHAR. Hills in Hoshangabad district, Central Provinces,
MAHADIPUR. Town in Haidarabad State ; situated on the Goda-
vari river, 138 miles north-east of Haidarabad. Lat. 18 48', long.
79 59'.
MAHADIWA. Pargana in Gonda district, Oudh. Area, 89 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 51,492.
MAHADIWA. Town in Bahraich district, Oudh; situated fifteen
miles north-north-west of Faizabad, and eighty-two miles west by north
of Gorakhpur. Lat. 26 59', long. 82 6'.
MAHADWANI. Town in Mandla district, Central Provinces; situated
on the route from Ramgarh to Jabalpur, twenty-one miles west-north-
west of the former. Lat. 22 56', long. 80' 44'.
MAHAGAON. State in Bhandara district, Central Provinces. Area,
30 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 2289. The capital of the same name is
situated sixty-nine miles east- south -east of Nagpur, and ninety-five miles
south-Routh-east of Seoni, in lat. 20 44', long. 80 5'.
MAH 545
MAHAGATTM. Town in Haidarabad State; situated on the right
bank of the Araun river, seventy-five miles south-south-east of Ellichpur.
Lat. 20 10', long. 78.
MAHAGATJM. Town in Thana district, Bombay ; situated sixty
miles north of Bombay. Lat. 19 48', long. 72 50'.
MAHAICH. Pargana in Ghazipur district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
MAHAIR. Town in Gaya district, Bengal; situated twenty-five
miles east-north-east of Sherghati. Lat. 24 43', long. 85 13'.
MAHAISRI. Town in Monghyr district, Bengal ; situated forty-nine
miles south by west of Monghyr. Lat. 24 41', long. 86 18'.
MAHAKALIDURGA. Hill in Tumkur district, Mysore; height,
3610 feet. Lat. 16 26', long. 77 34'.
MAHAL. Village in Firozpur district, Punjab ; situated forty-eight
miles west of Ludhiana, and nine miles from the left bank of the
Sutlej. Distant north-west from Calcutta 1137 miles. Lat. 31 5', long.
75 10'.
mAHALINGPTJB,. Town in Mudhol State, Bombay ; situated in lat.
16 23' 20", long. 75 8' 50". Pop. (1881), 5206.
MAHAL PATNA. Chief ship in Sambalpur district, Central Provinces.
Pop. (1881), 13,017.
MAHAMTJNI. Famous temple in Chittagong district, Bengal. The
resort of pilgrims, who every spring make offerings at its shrine.
MA-HA-MU-NI. Famous pagoda, and scene of Buddhist pilgrimage,
in Akyab district, British Burma; situated in lat. 20 52' 40", long.
93 5' 30".
MAHAN. River of Sarguja State, Bengal; rising in lat. 23 11',
long. 83 18', and flowing for eighty -five miles first westerly, and then
northerly, falls into the Rehr, tributary of the Son, on the right side, in
lat. 23 50', long. 82 51'.
M AH AN ADI. One of the great rivers of India ; total length 520
miles, with a catchment basin of about 43,800 sq. miles. It rises in
Raipur district, Central Provinces, in lat. 20 10', long. 82; and, flowing
through the Central Provinces, the Orissa Tributary Mahals, and Cuttack
and Puri districts, Orissa, Bengal, it falls into the Bay of Bengal through
a number of deltaic channels, by two main estuaries-, that of the Maha-
nadi near False Point, and that of the Devi in Puri district, Orissa,
Bengal. Its chief tributaries are the Seo, the Jonk, the Hasdu, the
Mand, the Kelu, the Ib, the Telu. The most important deltaic channels
of the Mahanadi are, the Katjuri and Koyakhai, the Devi, the Jotdar, the
Paika, the Birupa (which joins the Brahmani, and flows into the sea by
the Dhamra estuary), the Chitartala, and the Nun. Connected with the
Mahanadi is the great canal-system of Orissa. The principal mouth of
the Mahanadi is in lat. 20 20', long. 86 50'. At Sambalpur, 260 miles
above its mouth, it is nearly a mile in breadth during the rains, and at
the town of Cuttack, it is at the same season fully two miles in breadth.
From July to February it is navigable for boats from the sea as far as
Seorinarayan, a distance of about 460 miles. The volume of water
rolled down by this river during the periodical rains is enormous, not
less than 1,800,000 cubic feet per second.
546 MAH
MAHANADI (LITTLE). Eiver of Mandla and Jabalpur districts,
Central Provinces, and Kewah State, Central India Agency; rising in
lat. 23 6', long. 80 41', and falling into the Son after a course of about
100 miles.
M AH AN AND A. River in Darjiling, Jalpaiguri, Purniah, and Maldah
districts, Bengal; rising in the Himalaya Mountains, in lat. 26 57',
long. 88 20'; and falling into the Padma, or great eastern branch of the
Ganges, in lat. 24 28' 30", long. 88 20' 30". Its chief tributaries are
the Balasan, the Nagar, the Tangan, and the Purnabhaba.
MAHANWAN (MAHOW A). Village in Allahabad district, N.W.P.;
situated on the route by the Bajapur ferry from Allahabad to Banda, and
thirty- seven miles west of the former. Lat. 25 27', long. 81 25'.
MAHAE-. Town in Kolaba district, Bombay; situated at the west
base of the Ghats, and on the small river Savitri. Distance from
Bombay, south-east by sea and by the river Savitri, 100 miles; direct
seventy-five. Lat. 80 6', long. 73 30'.
MAHAR. Town in Poona district, Bombay ; situated fifty-nine miles
north of Poona. Lat. 19 21', long. 73 50'.
MAHAR. Town in Jhang district, Punjab ; situated ten miles east
from the left bank of the Chenab, 112 miles west-south-west of the town
of Lahore. Lat. 31 9', long. 72 24'.
situated sixty-one miles north-west by west of Seringapatam, and seventy-
three miles east of Mangalore. Lat. 12 54', long. 76.
Bengal ; situated in lat. 26 6' 35", long. 84 2' 36".
MAHARAJGANJ. Town in Patna district, Bengal ; adjacent to
Patna city.
MAHARAJGANJ. Town in Azamgarh district, KW.P. Pop. (1881),
2882. Also thana. Pop. (1881), 72,726.
MAHARAJGANJ. Thana in Faizabad district, Oudh. Pop. (1881),
MAHARAJGANJ. Tillage (in tahsfl of same name) in Gorakhpur
district, N.W.P. ; situated twenty- eight miles north-east of the can-
tonment of Gorakhpur. Lat. 27 2', long. 83 32'. Area of tahsil
1374 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 365,702. Also thana. Pop. (1881),
MAHARAJGANJ. Town in Benares district, N.W.P. ; situate on.
the route from Benares to Allahabad, fifty-two miles east of the latter,
twenty -two west of the former. Lat. 25 16', long. 82 40'.
MAHARAJNAGAR. Town in Sitapur district, Oudh; situated six-
teen miles from Sitapur. Pop. (1869), 2003.
MAHARAJPUR. Town in Cawnpore district, N.W.P. ; situated on
the route from Cawnpore to Fatehpur, and twelve miles south-east of
the former. Lat. 26 19', long. 80 31'. Also thana. Pop. (1881),
MAHARAJPUR. Village in Gwalior State, Central India Agency ;
situated fifteen miles north-west of the fort of Gwalior. This place gives
name to the famous victory of Sir Hugh Gough over the Marhatta army
on the 29th December, 1843. Lat. 26 29', long. 78 5'.
MAH 547
MAHARAJPTJR. Village in Mandla district, Central Provinces ;
situated in lat. 22 35', long. 80 24', at the junction of the Narbada and
Ban jar.
MAHARAJPTTR. Tillage in the Santal Parganas district, Bengal;
situated in lat. 25 II 7 45", long. 87 47'. It is a station on the East
Indian Railway (loop line).
MAHARAM. State in the Khasi Hills district, Assam. Pop. (1872),
MAHARASHTRA. An ancient division of India.
MAHARI. Village in Etawah district, N.W.P.; situated on the route
from Kalpi to the cantonment of Etawah, and twenty-three miles south-
east of the latter. Lat. 26 35', long. 79 20'.
MAHASIN. Town in the Orissa Tributary Mahals ; situated 104
miles south of Sambalpur, and eighty-six miles north-west by west of
Ganjam. Lat. 19 59', long. 83 59'.
MAHASINGPTJR. Village in Aligarh district, N.W.P. ; situated on
the route from Aligarh to Etawah, and twenty-six miles south-east of
the former. Lat. 27 34', long. 78 16'.
MAHASTHANGARH. Sacred place in Bogra district, Bengal ;
situated seven miles north of Bogra, in lat. 24 56' 40", long. 89 24'.
A fair is held annually in April at this spot.
MAHASU. Hill near Simla, in Keonthal State, Punjab ; situated in
the Sub-Himalayan range in lat. 31 6', long. 77 20'. Height, 9140
MA-HA-THA-MAN. Township in Prome district, British Burma.
Area, 670 sq. miles. Pop. (1877), 52,360.
MAHATPUR. Town and municipality in Jalandhar district, Punjab ;
situated in lat. 31 3', long. 75 31'. Pop. (1881), 6011.
MAHATTI. Town in Akyab district, British Burma ; situated eight
miles south of Arakan. Lat. 20 36', long. 93 25'.
MAHATWAR KHAS. Town in Ghazipur district, KW.P. ; situated
in lat, 25 50', long. 84 21'. Pop. (1872), 8975. Distant from
Ghazipur forty-six miles north-east, from Ballia twelve miles north-
MAHATIL. Town in Azamgarh district, N.W.P. ; situated on the
route from Azamgarh to Faizabad, twenty-three miles west-north-west
of the former. Lat. 26 6', long. 82 53'.
MAHAULL Village in Etawah district, N.W.P. ; situated on the
route from Kalpi to Etawah, and thirty-four south-east of the latter.
Lat. 26 29', long. 79 30'.
MAHATJNIA. Town in Nepal State ; situated ten miles east of the
left bank of the Sarju river, and 152 miles north by west from Lucknow.
Lat. 28 58', long. 80 20'.
MAHATJRI (MOWARI). Village in Allahabad district, N.W.P.;
situated on the route from Allahabad to Rewah, and ten miles south-east
of the former. Lat. 25 21', long. 81 58'.
MAHAVINYAKA. Sacred Hill in Cuttack district, Bengal. A
scene of pilgrimage in the Barumbunta Hills.
MAHBUBGANJ. Village in Sultanpur district, Oudh ; on the right
bank of the Gogra, eighteen miles south-east of Eaizabad. Lat. 26 40',
long. 82 22'.
548 MAH
MAHDARA. Village in Sultanpur district, Oudli; near the right
bank of the Tons (north-eastern), twenty-five miles south-east of
Faizabad. Lat. 26 27', long. 82 26'.
MAHDAWAL. Town in Basti district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 11,592.
MAHDIWA (MAHADEOPUR). Tillage in Allahabad district,
K"W.P. ; on the left bank of the Ganges, 770 miles north-west of
Calcutta by the river route, thirty- eight south-east of the city of Allah-
abad by the same. Lat. 25 14', long. 82 17'.
MAHE. French settlement, with harbour, in Malabar district,
Madras; situated at the mouth of the river Mahe, in lat. 11 41' 50",
long. 75 34' 25". Area, 1445 acres. Pop. (1871), 8492. Restored to
the French in 1793.
MAHEJI. Town and municipality in Khandesh district, Bombay;
situated forty-five miles east of Dhulia, in lat. 20 46', long. 75 30'.
Pop. (1872), 2150. A large fair is held annually from January to March.
There is here a station of the Great Indian Peninsula Railway.
MAHEM. Village in Sanguelim district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 1319.
MAHENDRAGANJ. Town in Maimansinh district, Bengal ; situated
twenty-four miles north-west by north of Jamalpur. Lat. 25 11', long.
89 52'.
trict, Madras ; situated in the Eastern Ghats, in lat. 18 58' 10", long.
84 26' 4". Height, 4923 feet.
MAHENDRATANAYA. River of Ganjam district, Madras ; rises in
Mahendragiri hiU, and falls into the sea in lat. 18 52' 40", long. 84 38'.
MAHESH. Village in Hugli district, Bengal ; situated close to
Serampur, in lat. 22 44', long. 88 23' 45". Famous for the two great
festivals of Jaganath, viz. the Snan-Jatra or * bathing of the God,' in May,
and the Rath-Jatra or ' car procession,' six days later. An important
fair is held at Mahesh at this period, with an attendance of about 8000
persons daily.
MAHESH-REKHA. Subdivision of Hugh' district, BengaL Between
lat. 22 13' 22 47', and long. 87 47' 88 14'. Area, 468 sq. miles.
Pop. (1872), 433,993.
MAHESPUR. Town and municipality in Nadiya district, Bengal ;
situated in lat. 22 55' 55", long. 88 56' 50". Pop. (1869), about 4100.
MAHESPUR. Village in Bareilly district, N.W.P. ; situated on the
route from the town of Bareilly to Moradabad, and five miles north-west
of the former. Lat. 28 23', long. 79 26'.
MAHESWA. Village in Jodhpur State, Rajputana ; situated on the
route from Nasirabad to Disa, and forty-nine miles west of the former.
Lat. 26 12', long. 74 14'.
MAHESWAR. Town in Indore State, Central India Agency; situated
on the Narbada, in lat. 22 1 1', long. 75 37'.
MAHESWAR. Village in Moradabad district, KW.P. ; situated on
the route from the town of Moradabad to Meerut, and thirty miles west
of the former. Lat. 28 52', long. 77 23'.
MAHGAWAN. Town in Hardoi district, Oudh. Pop. (1869), 2941.
MAHGWAY. Town in Upper Burma ; situated on the left bank of
the Irawadi, and 103 miles north of Prome. Lat. 20 13', long. 94 43'.
HAH 549
MAHI. Elver of Amjhera State, Central India Agency, and the
Malii Kantha and Eewa Kantha States, the Kaira and Panch Mahals
districts, the Baroda and Cambay States, and Broach district, Bombay ;
total length about 350 miles. It rises in lat. 22 52', long. 75 5', and
flows into the Gulf of Cambay in lat. 22 14', long. 72 38'.
MAHIGKANJ. Town in Eangpur district, Bengal ; situated close to
Eangpur, in lat. 25 43' 30", long. 89 20'. Pop. (1872), 14,845.
MAHI KANTHA, THE. Collection of States in Bombay. Between
lat. 23 14' 24 28, and long. 72 40' 74 5'. Area, 11,049 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 517,485. It is bounded on the north-east by the
Eajput States of TJdaipur and Dungarpur; on the south-east by Eewa
Kantha ; on the south by the British District of Kaira ; on the west by
the Native States of Baroda and the Palanpur Agency. It comprises the
following States : Eclar, Pol, Danta, Malpur, Mansa, Manpur, Warsora,
Pithapur, Eanasan, Punadra, Kharal, Ghorasar, Katosan, Ilol, Amalyara,
Walasna, Dabha, Wasna, Sudasna, Eupal, Dadhalya, Magori, Waragam,
Sathamba, Eamas, Barudra, Derol, Kherawara, Kuroli, "Waktapur,
Prempur, Dedhrota, Tajpuri, Hapa, Suttasan, Bhalusna, Likhi, Harol,
Magona, Tejpura, Visrora, Palej, Dehloli, Kussulpura, Mehmudpura,
Ijpura, Eampura, Eanipura, Gubat, Temba, Umbri, Motakotarni.
MAHIM. Town (in subdivision of same name) in Thana district,
Bombay ; five miles west of the Palghar station on the Bombay, Baroda,
and Central India Eailway, and fifty-six miles north of Bombay. Lat.
19 1' 30", long. 72 52' 50". Pop. (1881), 7122. Area of sub-
division, 419 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 77,360.
MAHIM. Town in Eohtak district, Punjab ; situated in lat. 28 58',
Ions. 76 20'. Pop. (1881), 7315.
MAHIWA. Village in Panna State, Central India Agency ; situated
on the route from Allahabad to Sagar, 101 miles north-east of the latter.
Elevation above the sea, 1181 feet. Lat. 24 24', long. 80 12'.
MAHIWA. Tillage in Allahabad district, N.W.P. ; situated on the
right bank of the Ganges. Distant north-west of Calcutta 762 miles by
the river route, and forty-six south-east of Allahabad by the same. Lat.
25 10', long. 82 18'.
MAHKEPAE. Town in Bhandara district, Central Provinces. Pop.
(1881), 2017.
MAHLTIEI. Town in Balasor district, Bengal; situated forty-eight
miles south-west of Balasor. Lat. 21 6', long. 86 23'.
MAHMUDA. Tillage in Farrukhabad district, N.W.P. ; situated on
the route from Cawnpore to Fatehgarh, and thirty miles south-east of the
latter. Lat. 27 2', long. 79 56'.
MAHMTJDABAD. Town (in pargana of same name) in Sitapur
district, Oudh ; situated in lat. 27 17' 40", long. 81 9' 45". Pop.
(1881), 7335. Pop. of pargana (1881), 78,002. Also thana. Pop. (1881).
MAHMUDABAD. Town in Kaira district, Bombay; situated eight
miles north-east of Kaira. Lat. 22 49', long. 72 45'.
MAHMUDPTJR. Town in Moradabad district, N.W.P. ; situated on
the route from Aligarh to Moradabad, and fourteen south-west of
the latter. Lat. 28 40', long. 78 43'.
550 . MAH
MAHMTJDPTJR. Village in Aligarh district, N.W.P. ; situated on
the route, by Khasganj, from Bareilly to Aligarh, and eight miles south-
east of the latter, forty-six miles north of Agra. Lat. 27 52', long.
78 15'.
MAKNATH AIR. Village in Moradabad district, KW.P. ; on the
route from Aligarh to the town of Moradabad, and eleven miles south-
west of the latter. Lat. 28 42', long. 78 46'.
MAHNTTSNI. Small river in Ulwar State, Rajputana. See LASWAEI.
MAHOAR (MAHWA). Village in Allahabad district, K W.P. ;
situated on the route, by Rajapur ferry, from Allahabad to Banda, and
twenty-five miles west of the former. Lat. 25 26', long. 81 34'.
MAHOBA. Town (in tahsil of same name) in Hamirpur district,
N.W.P. ; situated on the route from Banda to Sagar, thirty- six miles
south-east of the former. It is situate in a beautiful and picturesque
country, amongst numerous ruins of mausoleums, palaces, and temples.
There are three very beautiful lakes, on the west, south, and east sides of
the town respectively. The town is 147 miles west of Allahabad. Lat.
25 18', long. 79 55'. Pop. (1881), 7577. Area of tahsil, 329 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 70,626. Also thana. Pop. (1881), 27,971.
MAHOLA. Village in Gurgaon district, Punjab ; situated twenty-
seven miles south of Delhi. Lat. 28 16', long. 77 19'.
MAHOLI. Pargana in Sitapur district, Oudh. Bounded on the
north by Kheri district; on the east by Sitapur pargana ; on the south
by Misrikh pargana ; and on the west by the Kathna river. Area, 79
sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 37,514. Also thana. Pop. (1881), 77,311.
MAHON. River of Sarguja State, Bengal ; rising in lat. 23 6', long.
83 18', and, flowing in a northerly direction for seventy miles, falls into
the Rehtmd, in lat. 23 50', long. 82 51'.
MAHONA. Town (in pargana of same name) in Lucknow district,
Oudh; situated about fifteen miles from Lucknow. Pop. (1869), 3594.
Lat. 27 6', long. 80 50'. Area of pargana, 147 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
MAHONA. Town in Gwalior State, Central India Agency; situated
on the route from Gwalior fort to Sironj, thirty miles south-west of
former, 130 north of latter. Lat. 25 54', long. 77 45'.
MAHONI. Town in Rewah State, Central India Agency ; situated
nine miles east of the right bank of the Son river, and sixty-one miles
south of Rewah. Lat. 23 39', long. 81 28'.
MAHOP. Village in Bareilly district, N.W.P. ; situated on the route
from Pilibhit to Faizabad, and eleven miles north-east of the former.
Lat. 28 40', long. 79 59'.
MAHRAJ. Town in Firozpur district, Punjab ; situated in lat. 30
19', long. 75 14'. Pop. (1881), 5758. A great excavation, from which
was taken earth to build the town, is regarded as a sacred spot, offerings
being made monthly to the guardian priest.
MAHRAM. State in the Khasi Hills, Assam ; it is bounded on the
north, east and west by other hill States, and on the south by the district of
MAH 551
Rylhet ; its centre is about lat. 25 12', long. 91 24'. It is twenty miles
in length from north-east to south-west, and twelve in breadth, and
contains an area of about 162 sq. miles.
MAHRIURL Pargana in Kumaun district, N.AV.P. Pop. (1881),
MAHRONL Tahsil in Lalitpur district, 1ST.W.P. Pop. (1881),
110,572. Alsopargana. Pop. (1881), 22,100. And thana. Pop. (1881),
MA-HTUN. Eiver in Thayet district, British Burma ; it rises in
the Arakan Yoma Hills, and, alter a course of 150 miles, falls into the
MAHTTA. Thana in Muzaffarpur district, Bengal. Area, 314 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 310,444.
M AHU AS ARHL Hills, about 1500 feet high, in the Santal Parganas
district, Bengal.
MAHUDHA. Town in Kaira district, Bombay; situated in lat. 22
48' 30", long. 73 1'. Pop. (1881), 9440.
MAHUL. Town and port in Thana district, Bombay. Lat. 19 0'
45", long. 72 56' 45".
MAHUL. Tahsil in Azamgarh district, KW.P. Area, 437 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 312,146. Alsopargana. Pop. (1881), 167,698
MAHULL Thana in Basti district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 67,016.
MAHULI KHAS. Village in Gorakhpur district, KW.P. Lat. 26
36', long. 83.
MAHUNBARA. Town in Khandesh district, Bombay ; situated
twenty- seven miles east of Malegaon. Lat. 20 33', long. 74 55'.
MAHTIR. Town in Haidarabad State ; situated four miles from the
right bank of the Pen river, and ninety-eight miles south-south-east
irom Ellichpur. Lat. 19 50', long. 78.
MA-HTI-RA. Revenue circle in Rangoon district, British Burma.
Pop. (1877-78), 5850.
MAHURIGAON. Town and port in Cuttack district, Bengal ; on the
Baitarani, near Chandbali.
MAHUTH WAR. Town in Ghazipur district, KW.P. ; situated on
the route from Ghazipur to Muzaffarpur, forty-nine miles east-north-east
of the former. Lat. 25 49', long. 84 23'.
MAHTJWA. District in Nausari division, Baroda State. Area, 125 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 32,628.
MAHITWA. State in Kathiawar, Bombay ; paying a yearly tribute
of 12 to the British Government, and 4 to the Nawab of Junagarh.
MAHUWA. Town in Bhaunagar State, Kathiawar, Bombay ; it is
situated on the coast in lat. 21 5' 15", long. 71 48' 45". Pop. (1872),
MAHTJYADABAR. Town in Gorakhpur district, N.'W.P. ; situated
on the Manaura, a feeder of the Gogra. Distant south-west from
Gorakhpur forty miles. Lat. 26 34', long. 82 44'.
MAHWARL Pargana in Benares district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
MAI. Village in Mainpuri district, N.W.P. ; situated on the route
from Aligarh to Mainpuri, and nineteen miles north-west of the latter.
Lat. 27 23', long. 78 54'.
MAI. Two Passes in Kyouk-hpyii district, British Burma; leading
from Sandoway on the Yoma Mountains to Upper Burma. The Mai
Great Pass is in lat. 19 14', long. 94 30'; the Little Pass is a few miles
further north.
MAI. Village and police-station in Kyouk-hpyu district; situated on
a line of road from Sandoway over the Yoma Mountains into Upper
Burma, and 113 miles south-south-east from Mro-houng. Lat. 19 17',
long. 94 10'.
MA-I. Revenue circle in Sandoway district, British Burma. Area,
590 sq. miles. Pop. (1876-77), 2508.
MAIBONG. Ruined city, near Asalu, Cachar district, Assam.
MAIDANI (LOWAGHAR). Hills in Bannu district, Punjab ; rising
to a height of 4745 feet. The highest portion has an elevation of 4745
feet above the sea-level. Lat. 32 51', long. 71 10' 45".
MAIDUR GAT. Town in Krishna district, Madras ; situated seventy-
four miles north-west by north of Masulipatam. Lat. 17 I', long.
80 32'.
MAIGANJ. Thdna in Rangpur district, Bengal. Area, 170 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 129,532.
MAIHAR. State in the Central India Agency. Area, about 400
sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 71,709. The Raja, who is entitled to a salute
of 9 guns, maintains a force of 7 guns and 88 infantry and police.
The capital (of the same name) is situated in lat. 24 16' 5", long. 80
47' 40".
MAI-HPYTJ. Revenue circle in Toung-ngu district, British Burma.
Pop. (1877), 8197.
MAIKAL. Hills in Bilaspur and Mandla districts, Central Provinces ;
highest point, 3500 feet.
MAIKHINDA. Village in Garhwal State, N.W.P. ; situated on the
route from Srinagar to Kedarnath Temple, and twelve miles south of the
latter. It is situate near the right bank of the Mandagni river. Eleva-
tion above the sea, 5545 feet. Lat. 30 34', long. 79 5'.
MAIKIR. Town in Haidarabad State ; situated on the left bank of
the Penganga river, and ninety-six miles south-west from Ellichpur.
Lat. 20 10', long. 76 40'.
MAIL. Town in Gorakhpur district, N.W.P. ; situated on the route
from Gorakhpur to Chapra, forty-seven miles south-east of the former.
Lat. 26 12', long. 83 54'.
MAILATPTJRA. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 64.
MAILAVERAM. Town in Krishna district, Madras. Pop. (1881),
MAILOG. State in the Punjab; between lat. 30 52' 30" 31 5',
and long. 76 52' 76 58'. Pop. (1881), 9169. The Chief, who pays
a yearly tribute of 145 to the British Government, maintains a military
force of 75 men.
MAI 553
MAILS!. Tahsil in Multan district, Punjab ; betweei lat. 29 29'
30 16', and long. 71 31' 30" 72 54' 30". Area, 2u7 6 sq. miles. Pop.
(1881), 141,517.
MAILSIR. Town in Bikaner State, Rajputana ; situated eighty miles
north-east by east from Bikaner, and 148 miles north of A j mere. Lat.
28 36', long. 74 28'.
M AIM ANSINH. District in the Dacca division, Bengal; between
lat. 23 56' 25 25', and long. 89 43' 91 18'. Area, 6257 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 3,051,966. The district is bounded by the Garo Hills on
the north ; by Sylhet district, Assam, on the east ; on the south-east by
Tipperah district, Bengal ; on the south by Dacca district, Bengal ;
on the west by Pabna, Bogra, and Rangpur districts, Bengal. The
Brahmaputra, Jamuna, and Meghna, with their various offshoots, are the
chief rivers of the district. The principal towns are Maimansinh or
Nasirabad (the capital), Jamalpur, Kisoriganj, and Sherpur. The district,
which is traversed by a branch of the Northern Bengal Railway, is
administered by a Collector with the usual Staff.
MAIMANSINH. Subdivision of Maimansinh district, Bengal ; between
lat. 24 7' 25 1 1', and long. 91 2' 91 9'. Area, 1849 sq. miles. Pop.
(1881), 744,524. Also thana. Area, 676 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
MAIMATGARH. Town in Ratnagiri district, Bombay; situated 143
miles south -south-cast of Bombay. Lat. 17 4', long. 73 47'.
MAIMOK GHAT. A ferry in Montgomery district, Punjab ; situated
on the Sutle] river. By this ferry the route passes to the town of
Pakpattan. Lat. 30 13', long. 73 13'.
MAINA. Village in Quepem district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 319.
MAINA. Town in Bhopal State, Central India Agency; situated
forty-nine miles west by south from Bhopal, and fifty-five miles east of
TTjjain. Lat. 23 9', long. 76 40'.
MAINAGHURI. Thana in Jalpaiguri district, Bengal. Area, 235
sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 66,451.
MAIN AH KOT. Village in Shahjahanpur district, N.W.P. ; situated
on the route from Pilibhit to Faizabad, and 16 miles east of the former.
Lat. 28 41', long. 80 8'.
MAINATHAIR. Village in Moradabad district, Ts T .W.P. ; on the
route from Aligarh to Moradabad, eleven miles south-west of the
latter. Lat. 28 42', long. 78 46'. Also thana. Pop. (1881),
MAINDTJ. Town in Prome district, British Burma ; situated on the
right bank of the Rangoon river, and two miles south from Prome. Lat.
16 44', long. 96 17'.
MAINGAN. Town in Patiala State, Punjab. Pop. (1881), 1525.
MAINGHOUNG. Town in Thayet district, British Burma; situated
on the left bank of the Irawadi river, and seventy -nine miles north of
Prome. Lat. 19 54', long. 94 54'.
MAINGY. Island of the Mergui Archipelago; situated twenty-three
miles west of the coast of Tenasserim, British Burma. Its centre is in
lat. 12 32', long. 98 22'.
554 MAI
MAIN! (MAYANT) . Town and municipality in Satara district,
Bombay; situated forty miles south-east of Satara. Lat. 17 29', long.
74 34'. Pop. (1872), 2978.
MAINPURL District in the Agra division of the North- Western
Provinces ; between lat. 26 52' 30" 27 30', and long. 78 27' 45" 79
28' 30". Area, 1697 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 801,206. The district is
bounded on the north by Etah district ; on the east by Parrukhabad
district ; on the south by Etawah district ; and on the west by Muttra
and Agra districts. The chief river is the Jumna, with many small
tributaries ; and the district is also watered by the Ganges Canal. Main-
puri is in the centre of the Doab ; and its chief towns are Mainpuri (the
capital), Shikohabad, and Bhongaon. The district, which is traversed by
the East Indian Bailway, is administered by a Civil Judge and Collector.
MAINPURI. Town and municipality (in tahsil of same name) in
Mainpuri .district, !N".~W.P. ; and the capital of the district. Pop. (1881),
20,236. Situated on the river Isan, in lat. 27 14' 15", long. 79 3' 5".
Distant north-west from Calcutta, by Cawnpore, 727 miles; east from
Agra, 71 ; south-east from Delhi, 165. Area of tahsil, 396 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 183,334. Also pargana. Pop. (1881), 86,153. And thana.
Pop. (1881), 78,023.
MAINTAPAL. Tillage in Mhan State, Punjab ; situated on the
route from Saharanpur to Nahan, and eight miles south-west of the latter
town. Distant north-west from Calcutta, 1008 miles. Lat. 30 31',
long. 77 17'.
MAINTSTAIN. Town in Upper Burma; situated forty miles east of
the left bank of the Irawadi, and thirty-four miles south-west by south
of Ava. Lat. 21 29', long. 95 43'.
MAINWAR. Town in Kheri district, Oudh; situated 112 miles
north by east from Lucknow, and ninety-two miles east by south from
Pilibhit. Lat. 28 27', long. 81 21'.
MAI-PA-LAN. Bevenue circle in Toung-ngu district, British Burma.
Pop. (1877), 5600.
MAIPARA. Biver in Cuttack district, Bengal ; one of the mouths of
the Brahmani. Just outside the entrance to the Maipara river lies a
small island of the same name. Lat. 20 41' 30", long. 87 6' 15".
MAIRABPUR. Town in Khairpur State, Sind, Bombay; situated
forty-six miles south-west by south from Bukkur, and thirty-four miles
south-east from Larkhana. Lat. 27 7', long. 68 34'.
MAIRA PARANG. Town in Peshawar district, Punjab. Pop. (1881),
MAIRPTIR. Town in Udaipur State, Bajputana; situated on the
left bnnk of the Sabarmati river, and twenty-three miles west-north-west
from Udaipur. Lat. 24 42', long. 73 27'.
MAIRWA. Town in Saran district, Bengal; situated forty-nine miles
north-west by west of Chapra. Lat. 26 1 1', long. 84 1 1'.
MAISANA. Town in Baroda State; situated 105 miles north-north-
west from Baroda, and forty-two miles north-north-west from Ahmedabad.
Lat. 23 35', long. 72 21'.
MAISI. Town in Saran district, Bengal ; situated forty-seven miles
north by east of Chapra. Lat. 26 20', long. 85 11'.
MAISILI. Town in Betul district, Central Provinces; situated on
the route from Gawilgarh to Betul, twelve miles north-east of the latter.
Lat. 21 45', long. 77 50'.
MAITADL Tillage in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 1106.
MAITWARA. Town in Bhopal State, Central India Agency ;
situated on the left bank of the Newaj river, and sixty-one miles west-
south-west from Bhopal. Lat. 22 59', long. 76 29'.
MAI-ZA-LI. Revenue circle in Bassein district, British Burma.
Area, 99 sq. miles. Pop. (1876-77), 2756.
MAJAL. Town in Jodhpur State, Rajputana; situated on the left
bank of the Loni river, and forty-one miles south-west of Jodhpur. Lat.
25 51', long. 72 45'.
MAJATTLI. Village in Gorakhpur district, tf.W.P. ; situated on the
left bank of the Little Gandak river, forty-five miles south-east of the
cantonment of Gorakhpur. Lat. 26 17', long. 83 58'.
MAJGAWAN. Thana in Hamirpur district, KW.P. Pop. (1881),
MAJGURRA. Village in Dera Ismail Khan district, Punjab; situated
on the route from Dera Ismail Khan to Ghuzni, by the Goleri Pass,
and twenty-nine miles west of Dera Ismail Khan. It is situate at
the foot of a pass across the Sulaiman Mountains. Lat. 31 45', long.
70 24'.
MAJHAULL Town in Gorakhpur district, KW.P. Pop. (1881),
MAJHAURA. Pargana in Faizabad district, Oudh ; bounded on the
north by Amsin, on the east by Akbarpur and Aldemau, on the south by
Aldemau and Sultanpur, and on the west by Pachhimrath parganas.
Area, 74 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 72,535. An annual fair is held here
attended by upwards of 5000 or 6000 persons.
MAJHGAWAN. Town in Jabalpur district, Central Provinces.
Pop. (1881), 2253.
MAJHOL Thana in Muttra district, KW.P. Pop. (1881), 12,028.
MAJHOLI. Town in Jabalpur district, Central Provinces. Pop.
(1881), 2440.
MAJHWAR. Town (in pargana of same name) in Benares district,
N.W.P. Lat. 25 14', long. 83 23'. Pop. of pargana (1881), 45,445.
MAJINDA. Town in Karachi district, Sind, Bombay ; on the route
from Haidarabad to Sehwan, and forty-five miles south-east of the latter
place. It is situate two miles from the right or western bank of the
Indus. Lat. 25 54', long. 68 19'.
MAJITHA. Town and municipality in Amritsar district, Punjab ;
situated ten miles north-east of Amritsar. Lat. 31 45' 30", long. 75.
Pop. (1881), 6053.
MAJOGOYA. Town in Sibsagar district, Assam ; situated sixty-seven
miles north-east of Sibsagar. Lat. 27 36', long. 95 32'.
MA JORD A. Village in Salsette district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 3842.
MAJRA. Village in Rohtak district, Punjab ; situated twenty miles
south of Rohtak. Lat. 28 40', long. 76 30'. Pop. (1868), 7908.
MAJTTRA. Town in Thana district, Bombay ; situated thirty-one
miles north-north-east of Bombay. Lat. 19 2 1', long. 73 4'.
MAKANDGAN J. Town in Hazaribagh district, Bengal ; situated
nineteen miles north-west by north of Kamgarh. Lat. 23 56', long.
85 21'.
MAKARDHOKRA. Town in Nagpur district, Central Provinces.
Pop. (1881), 2366.
MAKAVA. Town in Yizagapatam district, Madras; situated sixty-
seven miles north of Vizagapatam. Lat. 18 40', long. 83 21'.
MAKDAMPUR. Village in Moradabad district, N.W.P. ; situated on
the route from the town of Moradabad to that of Muzaffarnagar, and
twenty-four miles north-west of the former. Distant north-west from
Calcutta, 872 miles. Lat. 28 58', long. 78 30'.
MAKERAN. Town in Hoshiarpur district, Punjab ; situated on the
left bank of the Beas, ninety-two miles east-north-east of the town of
Lahore. Lat. 31 57', long. 75 39'.
MAKHANPTIR. Village in Mainpuri district, N.W.P. ; situated on
the route from the city of Agra to Etawah, and thirty -nino miles north-
west of the latter. Lat. 27 7', long. 78 33'.
MAKHANPTIR. Town in Eewah State, Central India Agency;
situated nine miles south of the town of Eewah. Lat. 24 24', long.
81 19'.
MAKHANPUR. Village in Cawnpore district, N.W.P. ; situated in
lat. 26 54', long. 80 1' 20" ; on the route from Cawnpore to Fatehgarh,
thirty-four miles north west of the former town. The tomb of a Musal-
man saint annually attracts a large concourse of pilgrims.
MAKHI. Town in Unao district, Oudh ; situated nine miles north of
Unao. Pop. (1869), 4513.
MAKHTI. Town in Firozpur district, Punjab ; situated thirty-three
miles east-north-east of Firozpur. Lat. 31 6', long. 75 5'. Pop. (1881),
MAKIMPTJR. Village in Shahjahanpur district, 1ST.W.P. ; situated
on the route from Bareilly to Lucknow, fifty-eight miles south-east of the
former, ninety-eight north-west of the latter. Lat. 28 2', long. 80 13'.
MAKIMPUR. Village in Bulandshahr district, N.W.P. ; situated on
the route from Khasganj to Meerut, and forty-six miles south of the latter.
Lat. 28 22', long. 77 59'.
MAKIR. Town in Saran district, Bengal ; situated twenty-three
miles north-east by east of Chapra. Lat. 25 56', long. 85 6'.
MAKKANDUR. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 472.
MAKLOR. Town in Jodhpur State, Rajputana; situated thirteen
miles south of the left bank of the Loni river, and sixty-two miles south-
west of Jodhpur. Lat. 25 37', long. 72 32'.
MAKOWAL, Town in Kahlur State, Punjab; situated close to the
left bank of the Sutlej, in the tract stretching between the river and the
]S T ina Devi mountain. Distant 1100 miles north-west of Calcutta. Lat.
31 14', long. 76 34'.
MAKRAHA. Town in Sultanpur district, Oudh ; situated on the
river Tons, sixty-two miles south-east of Faizabad. Lat. 26 14', long.
82 52'.
MAKRAI. State in Hoshangabad district, Central Provinces. Area,
215 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 16,764. The capital of the same name is
in lat. 22 4', long. 77 7' 30".
MAKRAMGARH. Town in Satara district, Bombay ; situated thirty
miles west-north-west of Satara. Lat. 17 50', long. 73 39'.
MAKRANDNAGAR. Town in Farrukhabad district, N.W.P. Pop.
(1881), 868.
MAKRL Town in Banda district, KW.P. ; distant twenty-eight
miles north-east from Panna, and thirty miles south by east of Banda.
Lat. 25 2', long. 80 33'.
MAKSUD AN GARH. State in the Central India Agency. Area,
about 81 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 13,924. The State, which is subordi-
nate to Gwalior State, is situated on the Parbati river.
MAKSUDNAGAR. Town in Gwalior State, Central India Agency ;
situated 161 miles south-south-west of Gwalior, and 101 miles west by
north of Sagar. Lat. 24 7', long. 77 4'.
MAKSUDPUR. Town in Dacca district, Bengal; situated 102 miles
east-north-east of Calcutta. Lat. 23 20', long. 89 50'.
MAKSUDPUR. Thana in Faridpur district, Bengal. Area, 220 sq.
miles.. Pop. (1881), 156,933.
MAKTAL. Town in Haidarabad State ; situated near the frontier of
Bellary. Distance from Haidarabad, south-west, direct, ninety miles ;
Madras, north-west, 305. Lat. 16 29', long. 77 31'.
MAKUDL Hill in Hazaribagh district, Bengal ; 2437 feet in height.
There is a tea plantation which gives an average yield of from 10,000 to
12,000 Ibs. per acre.
MAKUM. Village in Lakhimpur district, Assam; situated twenty
miles east of Jaipur, on the river Dihing.
MAKURTL Hill in Nilgiri district, Madras ; situated in the Kunda
Hills, in lat. 11 22' 15", long. 76 33' 30" ; height, 8402 feet.
MAKWANPUR. Village in Nepal State ; situated on the banks of
the river Kra, a feeder of the Rapti. Lat. 27 22', long. 85 11'.
MALABAR. District in Madras; between lat. 10 15' 12 18', and
long. 75 14' 76 52'. It is bounded on the north by South Kanara
district ; on the east by Coorg, the Nilgiri Hills, and Coimbatore district ;
on the south by Cochin and Travancore States ; on the west by the sea.
The area of the district is 5765 sq. miles; its pop. (1881), 2,365,035.
Malabar district has a coast-line of 145 miles, with a good harbour at
Cochin. It stretches inland to a distance varying from twenty-five to
seventy miles, far up into the mountainous country of the Western Ghats,
whose summits rise in parts to more than 7000 feet. The line of
mountains is broken in this district by the famous Palghat Gap. There
are many rivers, of which the Beypur and the Ponani are the chief;
and along the coast are extensive lagoons or backwaters, most useful
for navigation. The chief towns are Calicut (the capital), Tellicheri,
Cochin, and Palghat of which all except the last are seaports. The
outrages of the Moplas (a race of converts to Islam) are a feature in
Malabar history. The Madras railway traverses the district, the chief
means of communication in which are canals. The administration is in
the hands of a Collector.
558 MAL
MALABAR POINT (MALABAR HILL). The south-western ex-
tremity of the island of Bombay. This place contains a residence for
the use of the Governor of the Presidency. Distant three miles west of
Bombay Castle. Lat. 18 56', long. 72 51'.
MALACCA. Town in the straits of the same name ; situated at the
entrance of a small river, near the southern extremity of the Malay
peninsula. It consists of two divisions, separated by the river, but con-
nected by a bridge. Lat. 5, long. 100. Malacca is now (1881) under
the control of the Colonial Office.
MALAGARH. Village in Bulandshahr district, N.W.P. ; situated on
the left bank of the East Kali Nadi, thirty-eight miles south-east of
Delhi, in lat. 28 28', long. 77 53'. Pop. (1872), 1886. There was
formerly a fort, but it was razed to the ground during the Mutiny of
MALAI. Town in Saran district, Bengal ; situated on the left or east
bank of the river Baghmati, distant east from Gorakhpur 149 miles, from
Dinapur, north, 85. Lat. 26 46', long 85 29'.
MALAI-SOH-MAT (MALAICHAMAT). State in the Khasi Hills,
Assam. Pop. (1872), 299.
MALAMBL Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 48.
MALANCHA. Estuary of the Kabadak and Kholpetua rivers, in the
Twenty-four Parganas district, Bengal ; situated in lat. 21 42', long. 89 26'.
MALANGUR. Town in Haidarabad State ; situated eighty-five miles
north-east of the city of Haidarabad. Lat. 18 20', long. 79 23'.
MALAO. Town in Baroda State ; situated thirty- three miles north-
east from Baroda, and sixty-eight miles east-south-east from Ahmedabad.
Lat. 22 37', long. 73 32'.
MALAPTJR. Town in Kheri district, Oudh ; situated on the right
bank of the Gogra, and sixty-three miles north-north-east from Lucknow.
Lat. 27 43', long. 81 20'.
MALARI. Village in Kumaun district, IST.W.P; on the route from
Joshimath to the Mti Pass, and twenty miles south of the latter ; eleva-
tion 10,250 feet above the sea. Lat. 30 41', long. 79 56'.
MALA SHEDAO. Town in Bahawalpur State, Punjab ; situated on
the left bank of the Beas river, and seventy-seven miles north-east by
east from Bahawalpur. Lat. 29 57', long. 72 50'.
MALATJD. Village in Bod State, Orissa, Bengal ; situated eighty-five
miles south from Sambalpur, and ninety-eight miles north-west from
Ganjam. Lat. 20 15', long 83 58'.
MALAUN. Town in Hardoi district, Oudh ; situated on the route
from Cawnpore to Sitapur, thirty-eight miles north of the former, forty-
four south of the latter. Lat. 27, long. 80 32'. Pop. (1881), 10,970.
MALAUN. Hill fort in Hindur State, Punjab, famous for its
resistance in the Nepal war ; situated in lat. 31 12', long. 76 52'.
MALAUN. River of Amherst district, British Burma; rises in lat.
17 9', long. 98 27', and, flowing in a circuitous but generally westerly
direction forty-five miles, falls into the Gyein river, in lat. 16 32', long.
97 43'.
MALAUN. Village in Amherst district, British Burma; situated on
the left bank of the Irawadi river. Distant south-west from Ava 105
.miles, north from Prome 148. Lat. 21, long. 94 39'.
MAL 559
MALAYAGIRL Hill in Pal Lahara State, Orissa, Bengal ; situated
in lat. 21 22' 20", long. 85 18' 41". Height, 3895 feet.
MALCOLM ISLAND. In the Mergui Archipelago; situate thirty-
three miles west of the coast of Tenasserim, British Burma. Its centre
is in lat. 11 18', long. 98 20'.
MALCOLMPET. Village in Satara district, Bombay ; a part of
Mahabaleshwar ; distant 104 miles south-east of Bombay. Lat. 17 56',
long. 73 41'.
MALDAH. District in the Bhagalpur division, Bengal. Bounded on
the north by Purniah district ; on the north-east by Dimvjpur district ; on
the south-east by Kajshahi district; and on the south-west by Murshid-
abad and Bhagalpur districts. It lies between lat. 24 29' 50"
25 32' 30", and long. 87 48' 88 33' 30" ; and is seventy miles in
length from south-east to north-west, and thirty-seven in breadth. The
area is 1891 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 710,448. It is traversed by numerous
streams, all of which, flowing towards the south-east, indicate the general
slope of the surface to be in that direction; and as they communicate
with each other by numerous offsets, they give the country the character
of the delta of a vast river, though distant 200 miles in a direct line from
the sea. The principal of these are the Ganges, Mahananda, Purnabhaba
and Bhagirathi. The principal towns are English Bazar (the capital, on
the right bank of the Mahananda), Maldah or Old Maldah, Rohanpur ;
and the famous ruined cities of Gaur and Panduah. Maldah was formed
into a separate district in 1876.
MALDAH. Town in Maldah district, Bengal ; situated on the route
from Berhampur to Purniah, seventy-three miles north of the former,
ninety-one south-east of the latter. It is situate on the left bank of the
Mahananda, at the confluence of the Kalindri, a considerable offset from
the Ganges, and during the periodical rains is nearly insulated by the
inundation. Pop. (1872), 5262. Distant north from Calcutta, by
Berhampore, 191 miles. Lat. 25 2' 30", long. 88 10' 51". Also thana.
Area, 236 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 50,894.
MALDAH. Town in Monghyr district, Bengal; situated forty-six
miles west- south-west of Monghyr. Lat. 25 8', long. 85 48'
MALDARE. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 169.
MALDIVE ISLANDS. Group of islands in the Indian Ocean,
stretching from a short distance south of the equator to north lat. 7 6',
and between long. 72 33' 73 44'. Divided into nineteen smaller
groups called Atols, and ruled by a Sultan who is tributary to the
Governor of Ceylon. The capital is Mali or King's Island.
MALEBTIM. Town in Nepal State; situated 143 miles west-north-
west of Khatmandu, and 127 miles north of Gorakhpur. Lat. 28 30',
long. 83 12'.
MALEGAON. Town (in subdivision of same name) in Nasik district,
Bombay; situated in lat. 20 32' 18", long. 74 36' 51"; 154 miles
north-east of Bombay. Pop. (1881), 10,622, exclusive of the cantonment,
which numbers (1881) 3780. Area of subdivision, 775 sq. miles. Pop.
(1881), 28,498.
MAXEKRA. Town in Kangra district, Punjab ; situated close to the
560 MAL
celebrated fort Hot Kangra. Malekra is built on the side of a hill
traversed by the road from Nadaum to Kot Kangra. Lat. 32 6', long.
76 19'.
MALEE KOTLA. State in the Punjab ; between lat. 30 24' 30 41',
and long. 75 42' 75 59' 15". Area, 164 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
71,051. The Nawab receives a personal salute of 11 guns, or two in
excess of the number allowed to the State. He maintains a military
force of 120 cavalry and 350 infantry, 5 field-guns, and 11 artillery-
MALEE KOTLA. Capital of Maler Kotla State, Punjab; situated
in lat. 30 31', long. 75 59'. Pop. (1881), 20,621.
MALGIN. Salt mine in Kohat district, Punjab ; situated in lat.
33 19' 30", long. 71 34'. Average annual gross income, 2736.
MALHIPUE. Thana in Bahraich district, Oudh. Pop. (1881),
MALTA. Fourth-class State in Kathiawar, Bombay. Area, 102 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 11,224. The Thakur pays a tribute of 136 jointly
to the Gaekwar of Baroda and the Nawab of Junagarh, and maintains a
military force of 50 men.
MALIA. Capital of Malia State, Kathiawar, Bombay; situated in
lat. 23 4', long. 70 46'.
MALIA. Town in Baroda State; situated eighty-six miles south-
south-west of Rajkot, and 111 miles south-east of Dwarka. Lat. 21
10', long. 70 21'.
MALIHABAD. Town (in tahsil of same name) in Lucknow district,
Oudh; situated in lat. 26 54' 50", long. 80 45'. Pop. (1881), 7276.
A station on the Oudh and Rohilkhand Railway. Area of tahsil, 334
sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 153,045. Also pargana. Area, 187 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 87,797. And thana. Pop. (1881), 99,549.
M ALIKE AGH. Town in Twenty-four Parganas district, Bengal;
distant from Calcutta, north, twenty-five miles. Lat. 22 56', long.
88 24'.
MALIKPUE Town in Bulandshahr district, N.W.P. ; situated on
the route from Anupshahr to Khurja, and five miles west of the former.
Lat. 28 20', long. 78 15'.
MALIMBL Hill in Coorg, Madras ; height, 4488 feet.
MALINAGAE Town in Darbhangah district, Bengal ; situated on
the Little Gandak river, in lat. 25 59' 30", long. 85 42' 30". Contains
a temple to Mahadeo. A fair is held annually from 1st to 5th of April
.in honour of Kama, and is attended by from 2000 to 4000 persons.
MALINGAPUE. Town in Mudhol State, Bombay; situated sixty-
six miles east-south-east of Kolhapur, and fifty-eight miles north-east of
Belgaum. Lat. 16 23', long. 75 14'.
MALINGTJEM. Village in Sanguelim district, Portuguese India.
Pop. (1881), 286.
MALIPAEA. Town in Nadiya district, Bengal; situated ninety-
seven miles north-north-east of Calcutta. Lat. 23 54', long. 88- 51'.
MALIPUE (MALIYAPTJEAM). Town in Malabar district, Madras;
situated in lat. 11 3' 2", long. 75 51' 21". Pop. (1871), 6012 ; Thirty
miles south-east of Calicut. Notable as the centre of the Mopla fanatical
MAL 561
MALIPTJR. Town in Saharanpur district, 1ST.W.P. ; situated on the
route from Saharanpur to Muzaffarnagar, five miles south of the former.
Lat. 29 54', long. 77 38'.
MALIPTJR. Village in Patiala State, Punjab ; situated on the western
route from Thaneswar to Sarhind, and forty-eight miles north-west of the
former. Distant north-west from Calcutta 1036 miles. Lat. 30 29',
long. 76 30'.
MALIWARA. Town in Raipur district, Central Provinces ; situ-
ated ninety-eight miles south-east by east of ]S"agpur, and ninety-four
miles south-west by west of Raipur. Lat. 20 30', long. 80 29'.
MA-LI-WON. Subdivision of Mergui district, British Burma. Pop.
(1877), 5561.
MALIYAS. Hills in Ganjam and Yizagapatam districts, Madras.
MALKA. Town in Montgomery district, Punjab ; situated nineteen
miles north-west from the right bank of the Sutlej, 105 miles south-west
by south of the town of Lahore. Lat. 30 24', long. 73 17'.
MALKAGIRI (MALKATJGIRI). Taluk in Jaipur State, Vizaga-
patam district, Madras. Pop. (1871), about 13,000. The town of
Malkagiri is situated in lat. 18 19', long. 81 53'.
MALKAH. Town in Nepal State ; situated on the right bank of the
Kurnalli river, and nineteen miles west by north of Jemlah. Lat. 29
22', long. 81 23'.
MALKAIR. Town in Haidarabad State ; situated on a considerable
tributary of the river Bhima. Distance from the city of Haidarabad,
west, eighty-six miles. Lat. 17 10', long. 77 19'.
MALKAPTJR. Town (in taluk of same name) in Buldana district,
Berar ; situated on the Nalganga river, in lat. 20 5', long. 76 23' 20".
Pop. (1881), 8152. The Great Indian Peninsula Railway runs about
300 yards north of the town. Area of taluk, 790 sq. miles. Pop.
(1881), 168,508.
MALKAPTJR. Town in Kolhapur State, Bombay ; twenty-two miles
north-west by west from Kolhapur, and fifty-five miles south from Satara.
Lat. 16 53', long. 74 1'.
MALKAPUR. Town in Haidarabad Assigned Districts in the
valley of the Tapti, twelve miles south of the left bank of that river,
ninety-two miles west-south-west of Ellichpur. Lat. 20 51', long.
76 14'.
MALKARGARH. Town in Indore State, Central India Agency;
situated on the road from Mmach to Mhow, in lat. 24 19', long.
74 58'.
MALL A BONNTJR. Town in Mysore State; situated 149 miles
north-north-west of Seringapatam, and 120 miles north-east by north of
Mangalore. Lat. 14 21', long. 75 49'.
MALLAHALLL Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 27.
district, Bengal; situated in lat. 26 45', long. 85 28' 30". Pop. (1872),
MALLANAHALLL Village in Coorg, Madras.
MALLANPUR. Town in Sitapur district, Oudh ; situated forty-one
miles north-east of Sitapur town. Pop. (1869), 4045.
MALLANWAN. Town (in pargana of same name) in Hardoi district,
562 MAL
Oudh; situated twenty-one miles south of Hardoi, in lat. 27 2' 10",
long. 80 11' 30". Pop. (1869), 11,670. Area of pargana, 136 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 72,792. Also thana. Pop. (1881), 79,995.
MALLA SALAN. Pargana in Garhwal district, N.W.P. Pop.
(1881), 41,125.
MALLEPURA. Tillage in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 31.
MALLUGANAHALLL Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 121.
MALLUNG. Town in Sylhet district, Assam ; situated twenty-six
miles north-west by north of Sylhet. Lat. 25 11', long. 91 38'.
MALLUR. Tillage in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 35.
MALN ATH. Town in Jodhpur State, Bajputana ; situated on the
route from Balmer to the city of Jodhpur, and seventy-two miles south-
west of the latter. It is situate on the right bank of the river Loni.
Here are the shrine and sanctuary of Malnath. Lat. 25 53', long.
72 9'.
MALNIPAHAR. Hot spring in Monghyr district, Bengal. The
temperature of the water varies from about 145 to 150 F.
MALOD. Town in Patiala State, Punjab ; situated on the route from
Firozpur to Sirsa, and 101 miles south-east of the former place. Distant
1069 miles north-west of Calcutta. Lat. 30 38', long. 76 3'.
MALOI. Village in Aligarh district, N.W.P. ; situated nineteen
miles south-east of the cantonment of Aligarh. Lat. 27 42', long. 78 17'.
MALOLI. Village in Sanguelim district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 201.
MALONDI Town in Thana district, Bombay. Pop. (1872), 5293.
MALOT. Ruins in Jhelum district, Punjab ; situated in lat. 32 56'
45', long. 73 39' 15".
MALPENA. Village in Sanguelim district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 96.
MALPRABHA. River of Belgaum district, and the Southern
Marhatta States, Bombay; rising on the eastern slope of the Western
Ghats, in lat. 15 45', long. 74 19', and flowing in an easterly direction
for 160 miles, falls into the Krishna river on the right side, in lat. 16 12',
long. 76 9'.
MALPUR. State in the MahiKantha, Bombay. Pop. (1881), 14,009.
The Rawal pays an annual tribute of 43 to the British Government, 50
to the Rao of Edar, and 30 to the Gaekwar of Baroda.
MALPUR. Capital of Malpur State, Bombay; situated in lat. 23
21' 20", long. 73 28' 30".
MALPUR. Town in Baroda State ; situated on the route from Mhow
to Disa, 200 miles north-west of former, 126 south-east of latter. It is
situate at the base of a low range of hills. Lat. 23 20', long. 73 28'.
MALPURA. Town in Agra district, N.W.P. ; situated eight miles
south-west of the city of Agra. Lat. 27 7', long. 77 59'. Also thana.
Pop. (1881), 26,090.
MALPURA. Town in Jaipur State, Rajputann. : situated on the route
from Delhi to jSTimach, 216 miles south-west of former, 155 north-east of
latter. Pop. (1881), 8212. Lat. 26 17', long. 75 25'.
MAL 563
MALPTTRI. Chiefship in Bhandara district, Central Provinces. Pop.
(1881), 601.
MALE. A. Tillage in Rohtak district, Punjab ; situated on the route
from Rohtak to Narnul, and forty-seven miles south-west of the former.
Lat. 28 19', long. 76 15'.
MALSAI. Village in Aligarh district, N.W.P. ; situated on the route
by Khasganj from Bareilly to Aligarh cantonment, and twenty-eight
miles south-east of the latter, fifty-three north-east of Agra. Lat. 27
51', long. 78 32'.
MALSALML Thana in Patna district, Bengal. Pop. (1881) 36,134.
MALSIAN. Town in Jalandhar district, Punjab ; situated in lat.
31 8', long. 75 23' 15". Pop. (1868), 6286.
MALSIJ GHAT. Pass over the "Western Ghats, separating the Thana
and Ahmednagar districts, Bombay ; sixty-eight miles north-east by east
from Bombay. Lat. 19 25', long. 73 48'.
MALSIRAR. Subdivision of Sholapur district, Bombay. Area, 574
sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 58,332.
MALTHON. Town in Sagar district, Central Provinces ; situated
forty miles north of Sagar, in lat. 24 19', long. 78 34'. Pop. (1881),
MALTI NADI. River of Sambalpur district, Central Provinces ;
rising in lat. 21 22', long. 84 13', and, flowing circuitously, but
generally westerly, for twenty miles, through the district, falls into the
Mahanadi, in lat. 21 25', long. 84 1'.
MALTJDI. Village in Shikarpur district, Sind, Bombay ; situated
on the route from Sabsalkot to Shikarpur, and thirty-five miles south-
west of the former place. Lat. 28 6', long. 69 23'.
MALTIKOT. Town, with fort, in Hassan district, Mysore State ;
situated on a high rocky hill commanding a noble and extensive view
southwards. Here is a huge temple dedicated to Krishna. Distant from
Seringapatam, north, eighteen miles ; Bangalore, west, sixty-five. Lat.
12 40', long. 76 42'.
MALTIN. Town in Upper Burma ; situated on the right bank of the
Irawadi river, and eighty-five miles north of Prome. Lat. 19 59', long.
94 49'.
MALTIPTJR. Village in Agra district ; situated on the route from the
city of Agra to Aligarh, and eleven miles north of the former. Lat. 27
17', long. 78 5'.
MALITR. Town in Madura district, Madras, situated nineteen miles %
north-east by east of Madura. Lat. 10 3', long. 78 24'.
MALTJR. Village and municipality (in taluk of same name) in Kolar
district, Mysore State ; situated eighteen miles south-west of Kolar, in
lat. 13 43' 20", long. 75 22' 35". Pop. (1871), 2981. Malur is a
station on the Bangalore Railway. Area of taluk, 154 sq. miles. Pop.
(1871), 56,581.
MALUR (MOLTJR). Village in Bangalore district, Mysore State;
situated in lat. 13 5', long. 77 58' 20". Pop. (1871), 1794.
MALVALLI. Town and municipality (in taluk of same name) in
Mysore district, Mysore ; situated twenty-eight miles east of Mysore,
in lat. 12 23' 10", long. 77 5' 50". Pop. (1871), 5114. Area of
taluk, 350 sq. miles. Pop. (1871), 74,985.
MALWA (WESTERN). Name given to a subordinate Agency of the
Central India Agency ; comprising the four States of Jaora, Ratlam,
Sillana, and Sitamau. Area, 8882 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 987,279.
MALWA. The ancient name of a considerable portion of Central
India. The name is still in common use, though it does not indicate any
political or administrative division ; being applied to the territories
forming the western part of the Central India Agency, with other
adjacent districts. Malwa is a table-land of uneven surface, elevated from
1500 to 2500 feet above the level of the sea, bounded on the west by the
Aravalli range of mountains ; on the south by the Vindhya chain ; on
the east by Bundelkhand ; and on the north-east by the valley of the
Ganges. The most important States of Malwa are Gwalior, Indore, and
MALWA. Tillage in Fatehpur district, KW.P. ; situated on the
route from Cawnpore to the town of Fatehpur, and ten miles north-east
of the latter. Lat. 26 2', long. 80 46''. Also thana. Pop. (1881),
MALWAN. Town (in subdivision of same name) in Katnagiri
district, Bombay ; situated on an island, known also by the names of
Melundy Island and Sindudrug, off the coast of the Southern Konkan, in
lat. 16 3' 20", long. 73 30' 10". Pop. (1881), 15,565. Distant 210
miles south of Bombay, 122 miles south-west of Satara. Area of sub-
division, 238 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 84,663.
MAMADPUR. Village in Shikai pur district, Sind, Bombay ; situated
on the route from Sabsalkot to Shikarpur, and twenty-two miles south-
west of the former town. Lat. 28 7', long. 69 34'.
MAMKPTJNJ. Town in Ahmednagar district, Bombay ; situated
eighty miles north of Ahmednagar. Lat. 20 14', long. 74 44'.
MAMORIBASTI. Town in Montgomery district, Punjab ; situated
on the left bank of the Ravi, 105 miles south-west of the town of Lahore.
Lat. 30 43', long. 72 57'.
MAMUN. Village in Bulandshahr district, N.W.P. ; situated on the
route from Muttra to Meerut, and forty-nine miles south of the latter.
Lat. 28 20', long. 77 55'.
MAN. Subdivision of Satara district, Bombay. Area, 649 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 52,111.
MAN. Thana in Eai Bareli district, Oudh. Pop. (1881), 80,962.
MANA. Village in Garhwal district, N.W.P. ; situated on the
Saraswati, called lower down the Vishnuganga, a tributary of the
Alaknanda. It is the chief place of a petty district of the same name,
containing three villages and 700 or 800 inhabitants. A route from the
south proceeds by the village and up the course of the river, to the crest
of the range dividing Kumaun from Chinese Tartary, on which it
debouches by a pass of the same name as the town. The Mana Pass,
though very lofty, is one of the easiest into Chinese Tartary from the
south. The town of Mana has an elevation of 10,492 feet, the pass of
18,000. Lat. of town, 30 46', long. 79 32'; lat. of pass, 31 5', long.
79 34'.
MAN AD A. "River of Haidarabad State; rising in lat. 18 40', long.
76 45', and, flowing in an easterly direction for ninety-five miles, falls
into the Manjhira, on the left bank, in lat. 18 40', long. 77 47'.
HAN 565
MAN AGALI Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 118.
MANAGALLE. Village in Quepem district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 124.
MANAGAON. State in Bhandara district, Central Provinces. Area,
30 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 2289. The capital of the same name is in
lat. 20 44', long. 80 5'.
MANAGOLI. Town in Kaladgi district, Bombay; forty-five miles
north by east of Kaladgi. Lat. 16 40', long. 75 54'. Pop. (1872), 6038.
M AN AJUR. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 233.
MANAMALEGUDL Town in Tanjore district, Madras; situated
fifty-three miles south of Tanjore. Lat. 10 3', long. 79 18'.
MANANTADI (MANANTAWADI). Town in Malabar district,
Madras ; capital of the Wainad or Wynaad, situated in lat. 11 48', long.
76 2' 55". Pop. (1871), 10,959.
MANAPAD. Town in Tinnevelli district, Madras ; situated on the
sea-coast, on the south-west side of the estuary of the river Nat. It
is distant from Cape Comorin, north-east, forty-one miles. Lat. 8 23',
long. 78 7'.
MANAPARA. Town in Madura district, Madras; situated fifty-five
miles north-north-east of Madura. Lat. 10 39', long. 78 29'.
MAN All Island off the coast of Ceylon, and at the eastern
extremity of the long narrow sandbank called Adam's Bridge, which
stretches in a direction from east to west between Ceylon and the
mainland of India. Manar gives the name to a gulf or rather bay
indenting the mainland of India ; it bears north-east from Cape Comorin,
and south-west from Palk's Straits, from which it is divided by Adam's
Bridge. The island is in lat. 9 3', long. 80.
MANARGARH. Town in South Kanara district, Madras ; situated
twenty-six miles north by west of Mangalore. Lat. 13 13', long. 74 47'.
MAN ARGTJDL Town in South Arcot district, Madras; 134 miles
south-west of Madras. Lat. 11 19', long. 79 38'.
MANAS. River of Bhutan State, and of Goalpara and Kamrup
districts, Assam ; flows into the Brahmaputra. Lat. 26 15', long.
90 41'.
MANASA (MONASSA). Town in Indore State, Central India
Agency; on the route from Giina to Nfrnach, 162 miles west of the
former, 18 east of the latter; situated in lat. 24 27', long. 75 13'.
Elevation above the sea, 1440 feet.
MANASA BAL. Lake in Kashmir State, Punjab ; situated in lat.
34 13', long. 74 58'. The remains of a palace built by Nur Jahan, the
Queen of Jahan gir, stand upon its northern bank.
situated in lat. 30 8', long. 81 53'. A place of pilgrimage, and an
important spot in Hindu mythology.
MAN A WAR. State in Kathiawar, Bombay ; paying a yearly tribute
of 14 to the Gaekwar of Baroda, and 2 to the Nawab of Junagarh.
MANBAZAR. Thana in Manbhum district, Bengal. Area, 284 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 68,615.
MANBHTJM. District in the Chutia Nagpur division, Bengal ;
between lat. 22 37' 24 3', and long. 85 51' 87 16'. Area, 4147 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 1,058,228. Manbhum is bounded by Hazaribagh
566 MAN
and Birbhum districts on the north ; on the east hy Bardwan and Ban-
kura districts ; on the south by Singbhum and Midnapur districts ; on the
west by Lohardaga and Hazaribagh districts. Like the rest of the
division, Manbhum is hilly, the highest summit being Dalma (3407 ft.) ;
whilst the hill of Panchet (or Pachete) is 1600 ft., and was the capital
of the Raj of that name. The chief rivers are the Kasai, the Barakhar,
the Damodar, and the Subarnarekha. The chief towns are Purulia (the
capital) and Raghunathpur. A branch of the East Indian Railway
traverses the district.
MANBTI. Town in Lakhimpur district, Assam ; situated thirty miles
north-west of Sadiya. Lat. 28 10', long. 95 26'.
MANCHENHALLL Village in Kolar district, Mysore State; on
the right bank of the ^ T orth Pinakini. Pop. (1871), 1586. A car festival
of Venkatranama swami, held for two days at the full moon of the month
of Phalgun, is annually attended by 2000 persons.
MANCHHAR. Lake in Karachi district, Sind, Bombay ; between lat.
26 22' 26 28', and long. 67 37' 67 47'. Formed by the Western
]N"ara and the Aral.
MANCHI. River of Bhutan and Kuch Behar States, rising in lat.
27, long. 89 3', on the southern slope of the Sub-Himalaya range
of mountains ; falls into the Jirdikar river, on the left side, in lat. 26 20',
long. 89 15'.
MANCHUN.River of Baria and Sunth States, and of the Panch
Mahals district, Bombay; rising in lat. 22 21', long. 74 38', on the
northern slope of the Vindhya range of mountains, and in the native
State of Baria, and, flowing in a northerly direction for fifty-five miles,
falls into the river Mahi, in lat. 23 32', long. 74 I'.
MANDA. Village in Rajshahi district, Bengal ; situated on the Atrai,
in lat. 24 46' 10", long. 88 41' 30". An annual fair is held in March
or April, attended by about 15,000 people. Also thana. Area, 299 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 103,308.
MANDA. Thana in Allahabad district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 40,890.
MANDAGNI (MANDAKINI). River of Garhwal State and Kumaun
district, N.W.P., called also the Kali, a tributary of the Alaknanda.
It rises on the boundary between Garhwal and Kumaun, at the south-
eastern base of Kedarnath Mountain, in lat. 30 47', long. 79 8'. It
holds a course generally southerly, and in lat. 30 32', long. 79 9',
receives the Jagru on the left side. Continuing to flow in a southerly
direction, it falls into the Alaknanda on the right side, at Rudraprayag,
in lat. 30 17', long. 79 1', after a total course of about forty-five miles.
MANDAHAL. Village in Rohtak district, N.W.P. ; situated on the
route from Delhi to Hansi, and fifteen miles south-east of the latter.
Lat. 29 1', long. 76 15'.
MANDAL Village in Fatehpur district, KW.P. ; situated on tho
left bank of the Jumna, twenty-six miles south-east of Fatehpur. Lat.
25 33', long. 81 10'.
MANDAL Village in Jaipur State, Rajputana ; situated eighty miles
east-south-east from Delhi. Lat. 28 13', long. 76 3'.
MANDAL Village in Mainpuri district, N.W.P. ; situated on tho
route from Agra to Mainpuri, and twenty-seven miles west of the latter.
Lat. 27 7', long. 78 43'.
MAN 567
MANDAKI S ARAL Village in Fatehpur district, N.W.P. ; situated
on the route from Allahabad to the town of Fatehpur, and thirteen miles
south-east of the latter. Lat. 25 54', long. 81 4'.
MANDAL. Town in Udaipur State, Rajputana ; situated seventy-six
miles north-east from Udaipur, and seventy-five miles south from Ajniere.
Lat. 25 25', long. 74 37'.
MANDAL. Town and municipality in Ahmedabad district, Bombay ;
situated in lat. 23 17', long. 71 58'. Pop. (1872), 6774.
MANDALAY. Chief town in Upper Burma ; situated near the left
bank of the Irawadi, in lat. 21 59' 4", long. 96 8'. Mandalay lies
beyond British territory ; but is the seat of a British Resident, and, since
1860, the capital of Independent Burma.
MANDALGrARH. Town in Udaipur State, Rajputana; situated
ninety-six miles south by east of Ajmere. Lat. 25 10', long. 75 10'.
M AND ALIA. Village in Jodhpur State, Rajputana ; situated on the
route from the town of Jodhpur to that of Ajmere, and forty-six miles
north-east of the former. Lat. 26 26', long. 73 47'.
MANDALO. Village in Rohtak district, Punjab ; situated on the
route from Rohtak to Narnul, and thirty-five miles south-west of the
former. Lat. 28 29', long. 76 18'.
MANDALOR. Town in Gwalior State, Central India Agency ;
situated on the route from Nasfrabad to Gwalior, by the town of Karauli,
174 miles east of the former, twenty- seven west of latter. It is situate
two miles north of the left of the river Chambal. Distant from Jaipur,
south-east, ninety-eight miles ; south from Bhartpur seventy ; south-west
from Agra eighty. Lat. 26 18', long. 77 14'.
MANDAN. Town in Ulwar State, Rajputana ; situated on the route
from Rewari to Narnul, and eighteen miles north-east of the latter. Lat.
28 6', long. 76 27'.
MANDANA. Town in Khandesh district, Bombay ; situated seventy-
six miles north by east of Malegaon. Lat. 21 37', long. 74 44'.
MANDAPETA (MANDAPETT). Town in Godavari district, Madras;
situated in lat. 16 50', long. 81 58'. Pop. (1871), 5440.
MANDAR (MANDARGrlRI). Hill, 700 feet high, in Bhagalpur
district, Bengal; situated about thirty miles south of Bhagalpur, in lat.
24 50' 25", long. 87 4' 41". It possesses the greatest sanctity in Hindu
MANDAT. Town in Tavoy district, British Burma; situated 119
miles north-north-west of Tenasserim. Lat. 13 43', long. 98 28'.
MANDATILA. Town in Jodhpur State, Rajputana; situated on the
left bank of the Loni river, and 100 miles south-west of Jodhpur. Lat.
25 20', long. 71 59'.
MANDAUTHI. Town in Rohtak district, Punjab; situated on the
route from Rohtak to Delhi, eighteen miles south-east of the former.
Lat. 28 42', long. 76 51'.
MANDAWA. Town in Jaipur State, Rajputana; situated eighty-six
miles north -west by north of Jaipur, and 115 north-north-east from
Ajmere. Lat. 28 1', long. 75 18'.
MANDAWAL. Town in Jaora State, Central India Agency ; situated
on the right bank of the Chambal river, and thirty- eight miles north-west
from Ujjain. Lat. 23 35', long. 75 24'.
MANDAWAL. Town in Gorakhpur district, N.W.P. Lat. 26 57',
long. 83 9'.
MANDAWAR. Town in Bijnaur district, KW.P. ; situated in
lat. 29 28' 50", long. 78 10' 25". Pop. (1881), 7125. Distant
from Bijnaur, eight miles north. Also pargana. Pop. (1881),
MANDAWI. Village in Karnal district, Punjab ; situated on the
route from Hansi to Ludhiana, and fifty-one miles north of the former
town. It is situate amidst thick jungle, on the left bank of the Ghaggar.
The road in this part of the route is excellent. Distant north-west from
Calcutta 1027 miles. Lat. 29 48', long. 76 3'.
MANDESAR. Town in Gwalior State, Central India Agency;
situated eighty miles from Ujjain, on a feeder of the Chambal. Famous
as giving name to the final treaty between Holkar and the British
Government in 1818, at the end of the Pindari War. Pop. (1881),
MANDESIR. Village in Bikaner State, Rajputana ; situated on the
route from Ratangarh to the town of Bikaner, and thirty miles east of
the latter. Lat. 27 54', long. 73 43'.
MANDGAON. Town in Wardha district, Central Provinces ; situated
nineteen miles south-west of Wardha. Pop. (1881), 3199.
MANDGAON. Town in Raipur district, Central Provinces ; situated
on the right bank of one of the branches of the Wardha river, and
thirty-nine miles south- south- west from Nagpur. Lat. 20 40', long.
78 55'.
MANDHA. Village in Jaisalmir State, Rajputana; situated on the
route from the town of Jaisalmir to that of Bahawalpur, and thirty-two
miles north of the former. Lat. 27 21', long. 71.
MANDHA. Village in Hardoi district, Oudh; situated on the route
from Fatehgarh to Sitapur, fifty-six miles north-east of the former,
twenty-seven west of the latter. Distant seventy-five miles from Luck-
now. Lat. 27 35', long. 83 24'.
MANDHAR. Town in Nagpur district, Central Provinces. Pop.
(1881), 2371.
MANDHATA. Holy Island in the Narbada, Mmar district, Central
Provinces. A fair is held here at the end of October, attended by about
15,000 persons.
MANDI. Town in Birbhum district, Bengal; situated 114 miles west-
north-west of Calcutta. Lat. 23 4', long. 86 45'.
MANDI. State in the Punjab ; situated between lat. 31 23' 45"
32 4', and long. 76 40' 77 22' 30". Bounded on the north, east, and
west by Kangra district ; on the south by Suket State, Punjab. Its area
is 1000 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 147,017. The Chief, who pays a tribute
of 10,000 per annum to the British Government, and maintains a
military force of 1700 infantry and 25 cavalry, is entitled to a salute
of eleven guns.
MANDI. Capital of Mandi State, Punjab ; situated on the Beas, in
lat. 31 43', long. 76 58'. Pop. (1881), 5030. The river here is a swift
torrent, and is spanned by the new " Empress " bridge.
MAN 569
MANDL Village in Allahabad district, N.W.P. ; situated on the
route by the Katra Pass, from Allahabad to Rewah, and thirty-two miles
south-east of the former city. Lat. 25 12', long. 82 15'.
MANDIAON. Town in Lucknow district, Oudh ; close to Lucknow,
and formerly the site of the cantonments of that city. Pop. (1869), 3155.
An annual festival is held here.
MANDIGANJ. Town in Partabgarh district, Oudh ; ninety miles
south-east of Lucknow. Lat. 25 53', long. 82.
MANDISL Town in Muttra district, N.W.P. ; on the route from the
cantonment of Muttra to Bhartpur, and seventeen miles north-west of the
latter. Lat. 27 24', long. 77 42'.
MANDIWATA Town in Gwalior State, Central India Agency;
situated thirty-six miles north-north-east from Ujjain, and ninety-five
miles west-north-west from Bhopal. Lat. 23 39', long. 75 58'.
MANDIYAHU. Thana in Jaunpur district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
MANDLA. District in the Central Provinces ; situated between lat.
22 14' 23 22', and long. 80 81 48'. Area 4719 sq. miles. Pop.
(1881), 301,760. It is bounded on the north-east by Eewah State;
on the south-east by Bilaspur district ; on the south-west by Balaghat
district; on the west by Seoni and Jabalpur districts. The district
is very mountainous, the chief range being the Maikal. The rivers are
the Narbada (with its tributaries, the Ban jar, the Halon, and others),
and some feeders of the Wainganga. The chief towns are Mandla (the
capital) and Ramgarh. The district, which was formed into a separate
charge in 1866, is administered by a Deputy Commissioner.
MANDLA. Capital (in tahsil of same name) of Mandla district,
Central Provinces ; situated on the Narbada, in lat. 22 35' 6", long. 80
24'. Pop. (1881), 4732. It is 1770 feet above sea-level. Area of tahsil,
2042 sq. miles. Pop. (1872), 129,311.
MANDLA. Village in Jodhpur State, Rajputana ; situated on the
route from Pokaran to the town of Jodhpur, and twenty miles east of the
former. Lat. 26 52', long. 72 20'.
MANDLADAI. Hill in Seoni district, Central Provinces ; twenty
miles north-east of the town of Seoni. 2500 feet above sea-level.
MANDLESAR. Town in Indore State, Central India Agency;
situated on the Narbada, on the route from Mhow to Asirgarh, and thirty
miles south of the former, and eighty three miles north-west of the latter.
Lat. 22 11', long. 75 42'. Pop. about 2000.
MANDOGARH (MANDTI). Town (formerly a great city) in Dhar
State, Central India Agency, and capital of the Muhammadan kingdom
of Malwa ; 15 miles north of the right bank of the Narbada, 26 miles
south-west from Mhow, and 38 miles south-west from Indore. Lat. 22
21', long. 75 26'.
MANDONIM. Village in Nagar-Aveli district, Portuguese India.
Pop. (1881), 302.
MANDOR. Town in Jodhpur State, Rajputana ; formerly the capital
of the State, situated in lat. 26 21', long. 73 5'. There are several fine
remains in the city, which is weekly visited by numerous devotees from
570 MAN
MANDOT. Town and fort in Firozpur district, Punjab, situated near
the Sutlej. Lat. 30 53', long. 74 26'. Pop. (1868), 2568.
MANDPTTR. Town in Sarguja State, Bengal; situated forty miles
north of Sarguja, and fifty-one miles west by south of Palamau. Lat.
23 41', long. 83 13'.
MANDRA. Town in Jaipur State, Kajputana. Pop. (1881), 5567.
MANDRAK. Village in Aligarh district, N.W.P. ; situated about
seven miles south of Koil. Pop. (1872), 1687. Noted for its defence
against the rebels in 1857.
MANDREL. Town in Gwalior State, Central India Agency; situated
on the right bank of the Parbati river, and sixty-two miles west of
Gwalior. Lat. 26 14', long. 77 15'.
MANDREM. Tillage in Pernem district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 3068.
MANDRILA. Town in Jaipur State, Kajputana ; situated thirteen
miles north from Jhunjhmi, and 111 miles west-south-west from Delhi.
Lat. 28 8', long. 75 32'.
MANDRTTP. Town in Sholapur district, Bombay ; situated fourteen
miles south-south-west of Sholapur. Lat. 17 28', long. 75 52'.
MANDTJ MAHAL SIRGIRA. State in Sambalpur district, Central
Provinces. Area, 10 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 1381.
MANDTTNI. Village in Kumharsain State, Punjab ; situated on the
route from Simla to Kotgarh, and ten miles south of the latter place.
Elevation above the sea, 7428 feet. Lat. 31 11', long. 77 29'.
MANDTJR. Village in Ilhas district, Portuguese India. Pop. (1881),
MANDTJRDA. Town in Kathiawar, Bombay; situated seventy-two
miles south-south-west of Rajkot, and fifty-one miles south-east by east
of Porbander. Lat. 21 20', long. 70 30'. Pop. (1881), 5406.
MANDVI. Town in Cutch State, Bombay ; an important port on the
coast of the Gulf of Cutch; 36 miles south-east of Bhuj. Situated in lat.
22 50' 30", long. 69 31' 45". Pop. (1881), 35,980.
MANDVI. Town (in subdivision of same name) in Surat district,
Bombay; situated in lat. 21 18' 20", long. 73 22' 30". Pop. (1881),
4744. Area of subdivision, 280 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 50,810.
MANDWA. State in Rewa Kantha, Bombay ; paying a yearly tribute
of 221 to the Gaekwar of Baroda. Area, 7 sq. miles.
MANDWA. Port in Kolaba district, Bombay.
MANDWA. Town in Haidarabad State; situated 161 miles north-
east by north of Haidarabad, and 127 miles south by east of Nag-pur.
Lat. 19 24', long. 79 40'.
MANDWA. Town in Haidarabad State ; situated eighty-nine miles
south-east by east of Ahmednagar. Lat. 18 32', long. 75 59'.
MANDWALLA. Town in Jodhpur State, Rajputana ; situated on
the right bank of the Sukri river, and sixty-eight miles south-west by
south of Jodhpur. Lat. 25 28', long. 72 35'.
MANDYA. Village and municipality (in taluk of same name) in
Mysore district, Mysore State ; situated 25 miles north-east of the town
of Mysore, in lat. 12 32' 10", long. 76 55' 50". Pop. (1871), 3241.
Area of taluk, 194 sq. miles. Pop. (1871), 89,673.
MANDYA. Village in Gurgaon district, Punjab ; situated on the
route from Dadri to Rewari, and six miles north-west of the latter. Lat.
28 15', long. 76 36'.
MANECKWARA. Contingent Camp in Amreli division, Baroda State.
Area, 1 sq. mile. Pop. (1881), 2786.
MANER. Town and municipality in Patna district, Bengal ; situated
near the confluence of the Ganges and Son, in lat. 25 38' 40", long. 84
55' 10". Also thana. Area, 118 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 98,516.
MANERANG. Pass between Bashahr State, Punjab, and Thibet.
The ascent of the pass from the south-east or Kunawar side is up the
course of the Darbung river, to its source, in perennial ice and snow, at
an elevation of 15,000 feet. Elevation above the sea, 18,612 feet. Lat.
31 56', long. 78 24'.
MANGAL. State in the Punjab ; situated between lat. 31 18' 31
22', and long. 76 55' 77 1'. Area, about 13 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
1060. The chief pays a yearly tribute of 7 to the British Govern-
MANGALAGIRI. Town in Krishna district, Madras; situated in
lat. 16 26', long. 80 36'. Pop. (1881), 5617. Contains two famous
MANGALDAI. Tillage (in subdivision of same name) in Darrang
district, Assam ; situated near the Brahmaputra river in lat. 26 27', long.
92 5'. Pop. (1872), 585. Area of subdivision, 1320 sq. miles. Pop.
(1872), 168,240.
MANGALKOT. Village in Bardwan district, Bengal ; situated in lat.
23 31' 50", long. 87 56' 30". Also thana. Area, 74 sq. miles. Pop.
(1881), 73,543.
MANGALORE. Capital of South Kanara district, Madras ; situated
on the north side of the estuary formed by the junction of a river flowing
from the north-east, and the Netravati. Distant direct from Bombay,
south-east, 440 miles; from Bangalore, west, 188; Seringapatam, north-
west, 130 ; Madras, west, 130 ; Calcutta, south-west, by Bangalore,
Ongole, Ellore, Cuttack, and Midnapur, 1160. Lat. 12 51' 40", long.
74 52' 36".
MANGALORE. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 264.
MANGALPUR. Town in Dhenkanal State, Orissa, Bengal ; situated
fifty-eight miles north-west by west from Cuttack, and 100 miles north
from Ganjam. Lat. 20 50', long. 85 10'.
MANGALPUR. Town in Cawnpore district, N.W.P. ; situated on
the route from Cawnpore to Bhind, forty miles west of the former. Lat.
26 31', long. 79 46'. Also thana. Pop. (1881), 32,647.
MANGALSI. Pargana in Faizabad district, Oudh ; between the
Gogra and Madha rivers. Area, 125 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 91,954.
MANGALTJRTJ. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 26.
MANGALVEDHA. Town in Sangli State, Bombay ; situated in lat.
17 30' 42", long. 75 29' 19". Pop. (1881), 9156.
MAN GANJ. Village in Cawnpore district, N.W.P. ; situated on the
route from Etawah to Cawnpore, and fifty miles west of the latter. Lat.
26 21', long. 79 42'.
MAN GAON. Subdivision of Kolaba district, Bombay. Area, 353 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 81,085.
MANGAOff. Town in Allahabad district, KW.P. ; situated on the
route from the cantonment of Allahabad to Fatehpur, and eighteen miles
north-west of the former. Lat. 25 3 1 7 , long. 81 40'.
MANGAPET ^MANGAMPET ). Village in Haidambad ^ State ;
situated on the right or south-west bank of the river Godavari, which
flows at the base of a range of mountains situate in the Central Provinces.
It has a small mud fort; but the remarkable objects there are some
structures in the Cyclopean style of architecture, cut out of the sandstone,
the natural formation of the rocks in that part of the country. Distant
150 miles north-east of Haidarabad. Lat. 18 13', long. 80 35'.
MANGARA. Village in Jodhpur State, Rajputana ; on the ronte
from Balotra to the city of Jodhpur, and three miles north-east of the
former. Lat. 25 52', long. 72 21'.
MANGARH. Town in the Damoh district, Central Provinces ;
situated on the route from Damoh to Sohagpur, twenty-one miles east-
south-east of the former. Lat. 23 40', long. 79 50'.
MANGARI Village in Allahabad district, N.W.P. ; situated on the
route by the Katra Pass from Allahabad to Rewah, and fifteen miles
south-east of the former. Lat. 25 1 8', long. 82.
MANGLA. Town in Kashmir State, Punjab ; on the left bank of
the Jhelum river, and 113 miles north by west of Lahore. Lat. 33 7',
long. 73 40'.
MANGLATTR. Town (in pargana of same name) in Saharanpur
district, N.W.P. ; situated six miles south of Rurki, in lat. 29 47' 11",
long. 77 54' 48". Pop. (1881), 9990. Pop. of pargana (1881), 73,157.
Also thana. Pop. (1881), 64,737.
MANGLI. Town in Haidarabad State ; situated on the left bank of
the Penganga river, and 169 miles north by east from Haidarabad.
Lat. 19 45', long. 78 59'.
MANGLORA. Village in Muzaffarnagar district, N.W.P. ; situated
on the route from Karnal to Meerut, and ten miles south-east of the
former, Lat. 29 36', long. 77 10'.
MANGMTJTCHA. Town in Mergui district, British Burma. Lat.
13 10', long. 28 43'.
MANGOLA. Village in Aligarh district, N.W.P. ; situated on the
route from Aligarh to Moradabad, and ten miles north-east of the former.
Lat. 28 2', long. 78 11'.
MANGOLI. Town in Kaladgi district, Bombay. Pop. (1881), 5126.
MANGOR. Fortified village in Gwalior State, Central India Agency ;
situated eleven miles south-west of Gwalior Fort, in lat. 26 7', long. 78 6'.
MANGOWA (MAJGOWA). On the route by the Katra Pass from
Mirzapur to Jabalpur, and eighty-four miles south-west of the former.
Elevation above the sea, abont 1550 feet. Lat. 24 40', long. 81 39'.
MANGRAULI. Town in Gwalior State, Central India Agency,
situated on the left bank of the Betwa river, and fifty-eight miles north-
west of Sagar. Lat. 24 24', long. 78 10'.
MANGROL. Town in Junagarh State, Kathiawar, Bombay ; situated
on the south-west coast, washed by the Arabian Sea. Distant from
Ahmedabad, south-west, 205 miles ; Baroda, south-west, 210. Lat.
21 8', long. 70 14' 30". Pop. (1881), 12,123.
MAN 573
MANGROL. Town in Kotah State, Rajputana ; situated on the route
from Kalpi to Kotah, 274 miles south-west of former, forty-six east of
latter. Lat. 25 17', long. 76 35' 15". Pop. (1881), 5906.
MANGROTA. Town in Dera Ghazi Khan district, Punjab; forty-
five miles north of Dera Ghazi Khan. Pop. (1868), 4424. Lat. 30 36',
long. 70 20'.
MANGRTJL DASTAGIR. Town in Amraoli district, Berar. Pop.
(1881), 6122.
MANGRTIL PIR. Town (in taluk of same name) in Basim district,
Berar; situated in lat. 20 19', long. 77 24' 20". Pop. (1867), 5753.
Contains shrines supposed to be upwards of four centuries old. Area of
taluk, 634 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 76,142.
MANI. Village in Bulandshahr district, N.W.P. ; situated on the
route from Aligarh to Delhi, and eighteen miles north-west of the former.
Lat. 28 7', long. 77 59'.
MANIARI. Town in Purniah district, Bengal ; situated thirty-four
miles south by east of Purniah. Lat. 25 18', long. 87 41'. Also thana.
Area 240 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 54,456.
MANIARI. River in Bilaspur district, Central Provinces ; falling
into the Seonath, in lat. 21 53', long. 82 5'. Length of course, 70
MANICKTOLL AH. Suburb of Calcutta. Area, 775 acres. Pop.
(1881), 9889.
MANIGUMBA. Town in Nepal State ; situated on the right bank of
the Arun river, and 102 miles east-north-east of Khatmandu. Lat. 28 7',
long. 86 51'.
MANIHALA (MANI ALA). Town in Lahore district, Punjab ; situ-
ated fourteen miles south-east from the left bank of the Ravi, thirteen
miles east-south-east of the town of Lahore. Lat. 31 32', long.
74 35'.
MANIKA CHAR. Tillage in Goalpara district, Assam ; situated on
the left bank of the Brahmaputra.
MANIK CHATJK. Town in Muzaffarpur district, Bengal. Pop.
(1881), 5166.
MANIKDRTJG. Town in Haidarabad State; situated 166 miles
north by east from Haidarabad, and 107 miles south from Mgpur. Lat.
19 39', long. 79 17'.
MANIKGANJ. Town (in subdivision of same name) in Dacca dis-
trict, Bengal ; situated on the Dhaleswari, in lat. 23 52' 45", long. 90
4' 15". Pop. (1881), 11,289. Area of subdivision, 489 sq. miles. Pop,
(1881), 427,217. Also thana. Area, 208 sq. miles. Pop. (1881).
MANIKI ALA. Village in Rawal Pindi district, Punjab ; situated in
lat. 33 27' 30", long. 73 17' 15". It has some famous ruins.
MANIKPUR. Village in Budaun district, JST.W.P. ; situated on the
route from Agra to Bareilly, and forty-four miles south-west of the
latter. Lat. 28 1' long. 79 4'.
MANIKPUR. Village (in pargana of same name) in Gonda district,
Oudh j bounded on the north by parganas Gonda and Sadullanagar, on
574 MAIS'
the east by Sadullanagar and Babhnipair, on the south by Nawabganj
and Mahadewa, and on the west by Gonda. Area of pargana, 125 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 46,887.
MANIKPTJR. Town (in pargana of same name) in Partabgarh
district, Oudh ; situated on the north bank of the Ganges, thirty-six
miles from both Partabgarh and Allahabad, in lat. 25 46', long.
81 26'. Pop. (1869), 1646. Area of pargana, 36 sq. miles. Pop.
(1881), 55,474.
MANIKPTJR. Tillage in Banda district, N.W.P. ; situated thirty-
one miles south-west of Allahabad, in lat. 25 3' 30", long. 81 8' 20".
Pop. (1872), 841. A station on the East Indian Railway, Jabalpur
branch. Also thana. Pop. (1881), 24,115.
MANIL. Town in North Arcot district, Madras; situated fifty miles
west of Madras. Lat. 13 4', long. 79 36'.
MANI MAJRA Town in TJmballa district, Punjab; situated twenty-
three miles north of Umballa, in lat. 30 42' 48", long. 76 53' 48". Pop.
(1868), 6045.
MANIPTJR. State attached to Assam ; between lat. 24 35'
24 48' 30", and long. 93 94 40'. Manipur is bounded by the
Angami Hills on the north ; on the west by Cachar district, Assam ; on
the east and south by wild mountains, in parts unexplored, and by Upper
Burma. The area of the state is about 7600 sq. miles; and its population
has been estimated at about 139,000. The most remarkable physical
feature of the state is the Logtak Lake ; the chief river is the Barak.
The military force of the State consists of 4400 infantry, 500 artillery,
and 400 cavalry.
MANIR. Town in Ghazipur district, N.W.P.; situated in lat. 25
57', long. 84 19'.
MANIRI. Town in Sawant Wari State, Bombay; situated sixteen
miles south of Sawantwari, and forty miles west by south of Belgaum.
Lat. 15 42', long. 74 1'.
MANIYAR. Town in Ballia district, KW.P. Pop. (1881), 8600.
MANJADIKARA. Town in Travancore State, Madras; situated in
lat. 9 26', long. 76 35'. Pop. (1871), 6572.
M AN J ARAB AD. Town (in taluk of same name) in Hassan district,
Mysore State ; seventy-two miles north-west from Seringapatam. Lat.
12 55', long. 75 50'. Area of taluk, 412 sq. miles. Pop. (1871), 69,817.
MANJERL Town in Malabar district, Madras ; situated in lat.
11 6' 30", long. 76 9' 50". Pop. (1871), 8094. Notable as the scene
of a Mopla outrage in 1849.
MANJESAR. Town in South Kanara district, Madras; on an inlet
of the Arabian Sea, or North Indian Ocean, and at the mouth of a river
descending from the Ghats. Distant from Man galore, south, eleven
miles; Madras, west, 360. Lat. 12 42', long. 74 57'.
MAN JH AND. Town and municipality (in taluk of same name) in
Karachi district, Sind, Bombay; situated on the Indus, forty-two miles
north of Kotri, in lat. 25 54' 45", long. 68 16' 30". Pop. (1872), 2872.
Area of taluk, 118 sq. miles. Pop. (1872), 18,551.
MANJHANDPUR. Tahsil in Allahabad district, N.W.P. Area,
262 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 120,283. Also thana. Pop. (1881),
HAN 575
MANJHI. Town in Saran district, Bengal; situated on the Gogra in
lat. 25 50' 10", long. 84 37' 20". Pop. (1881), 6068. Also thana.
Area, 143 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 149,722.
MANJHI A. Town in Hardoi district, Oudh.
MANJIRA. Eiver of Haidarabad State; rising in lat. 18 44', long.
75 30', and flowing in a south-easterly direction for 170 miles, it falls
into the Godavari river on the right-hand side, in lat. 18 48', long. 77 55'.
MANJIRA. Tillage with rock-cut temples in Ellichpur district, Berar.
MANKA. Town in Lohardaga district, Bengal; situated twelve miles
east-south-east of Palamau. Lat. 23 45', long. 84 11'.
MANKAPTJR. Town in TJnao district, Oudh ; situated twenty- seven
miles south-east of TJnao. Pop. (1869), 2153. Lat. 27 3', long. 82 13'.
MANKARI. Town in Malabar district, Madras ; situated 106 miles
south-east of Cannanore. Lat. 10 47', long. 76 32'.
MANKERA. Village in Dera Ismail Khan district, Punjab ; situated
near the Indus, in lat. 31 23' 15", long. 71 28' 45".
MANKHOLA. Village in Gurgaon district, N.W.P. ; situated on the
route from Hansi to Muttra, and fifty-eight north-west of the latter.
Lat. 28 8', long. 77 14'.
MANKOT. Town in Kashmir State, Punjab ; situated eighteen miles
north-west of the right bank of the Ravi, and 101 miles north-east of
Lahore. Lat. 32 38', long. 75 24'.
MANKTJR. Town in Bard wan- district, Bengal; a station on the chord-
line of the East Indian Railway, ninety miles from Calcutta ; an annual
fair is held in January. Lat. 23 25' 40", long. 87 36' 30".
MANKYA. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 45.
MANMAD. Town in Nasik district, Bombay ; a station on the Great
Indian Peninsula Railway (Jabalpur branch), 161 miles north-east of
Bombay. Lat. 20 14' 50", long. 74 28' 40". Pop. (1881), 4137.
MANNARGUDL Town in South Arcot district. Madras; 134 miles
south- south- west of Madras. Lat. 11 19', long. 79 38'.
MANNARGUDI. Town and municipality in Tan j ore district, Madras;
situated twenty-four miles south-east of Tanjore, in lat. 10 40' 10", long.
79 29' 30". Pop. (1881), 19,409. There is a fine pagoda, with a
popular car festival.
MANOHAR (MANOHARGARH). Town, and seaport in Sawantwari
State, Bombay; situated in lat. 16 2' 45", long. 74 1'.
MANOHARPUR. Town in Jaipur State, Rajputana ; situated on the
route from Delhi to Mhow, 132 miles south-west of former, 375 north-east
of latter. Lat. 27 19', long. 76 1'.
MANOKPTJR. Town in Jodhpur State, Rajputana ; forty-nine miles
north-east of Jodhpur, and seventy miles north-east by north of Ajmere.
Lat. 26 49', long. 73 40'.
MANOLI. Town in Belgaum district, Bombay ; situated forty-two
miles east of Belgaum, in lat, 16 16', long. 74 40'. Pop. (1872), 6232.
MANORA. Town in Gaya district, Bengal ; situated thirty-four miles
north-west of Sherghati. Lat. 24 53', long. 84 27'.
MANORA. Part of Karachi port, in Karachi district, Sind, Bombay ;
a cape and lighthouse, in lat. 24 47' 15", long. 67 1'. Station on the
Indo-European Telegraph Establishment. An annual fair is held in
March. Pop. (1872), 824.
576 MAN
MANORI. Town in Thana district, Bombay; a seaport, situated in
lat. 19 12' 30", long. 72 50'.
MAN-OTJNG-MYOMA. Revenue circle in Kyouk-hpyu district,
British Burma. Area, 54 sq. miles. Pop. (1877), 5393.
MANPORA. Town in llewah State, Central India Agency ; situated
forty-seven miles south from Kewah, and thirty-nine miles north of
Sohagpur. Lat. 23 50', long. 81 20'.
MANPORA (MANKARA). One of the islands at the mouth of the
Megna river.
MANPUR. Town in Jaipur State, Rajputana ; situated on the route
from Agra to Ajmere, eighty-seven miles west of former, 141 east of latter.
It is situated on the right or south bank of the Banganga river or torrent.
Lat. 26 58', long. 76 44'.
MANPIIR. District in Central India Agency. Area, 70 sq. miles.
Pop. (1181), 5239.
MANPUR. Thana in Moradabad district, 1TW.P. Pop. (1881),
MANSA. State in Mahi Kantha, Bombay ; situated in the midst of
the Gaekwar's territory. Pop. (1881), 13,299. The Chief pays a tribute
of 1175 to the Gaekwar of Baroda.
MANSA. Capital of Mansa State, Mahi Kantha, Bombay ; situated in
lat. 23 26', long. 72 43' 10".
MANSA. Sacred lake in Kashmir State, Punjab; situated in the
southern range of the Himalaya, a mile in length, half a mile in breadth,
and very deep. Lat. 32 40', long. 75 8'.
MANSEHRA. Town (in tahsil of same name) in Hazara district,
Punjab ; situated on the right bank of an affluent of the Sirhan, in lat.
34 20' 10", long. 73 14' 30". Pop. (1868), 3171. Area of tahsil,
1455 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 123,013.
MANSI DEVI. Village and temple in Patiala State, Punjab ; situated
at the southern base of the low ridge bounding the Pinjhaur Dun on the
south-west. Elevation above the sea, 1263 feet. Lat. 30 43', long. 76 56'.
MANSORLA. Town in Haidarabad State ; situated on the left bank
of the river Godavari, and 129 miles north-east of Haidarabad. Lat.
18 59', long. 79 30'.
MANSTJD. Town in Chhindwara district, Central Provinces; situated
on the route from Ellichpur to Deogarh, fifty miles north-east by east of
the former. Lat. 21 38', long. 78 10'.
MANSTJK. Village in Korea State, Bengal, among the mountains of
Gondwana ; situated forty-five miles west of Sarguja, 136 south of
Mirzapur, 440 west of Calcutta by Hazaribagh. Lat. 23 12', long. 82 25'.
MANSTTRGANJ. Town in Gorakhpur district, N.W.P.; distant north-
east of Gorakhpur twenty miles. Lat. 26 52', long. 83 38'. Also thana.
Pop. (1881), 61,761.
MANSURKOTA. Town in Ganjam district, Madras ; situated in lat.
19 17', long. 84 58'.
MANSTJRNAGAR. Pargana in Hardoi district, Oudh; bounded on
the north by Alamnagar and Pihani, on the east by Gopamau, and on the
south and west by South and North Sara. Area, 25 sq. miles. Pop.
(1881) 7902.
MANSTJRPUR. Town in Nabha State, Punjab; situated twenty
miles west of Patiala, and forty- three miles south-south-east of Ludhiana.
Lat. 30 20', Ions. 76 9'.
MANSURPUR. Town in Patiala State, Punjab. Pop. (1881), 2140.
MANTARADL Town in Ganjam district, Madras; situated twenty-
four miles south-west by west of Ganjam. Lat. 19 10', long.
84 50'.
MANTHALIGHOT. Town in Nepal State; situated forty-seven miles
east- south-east of Khatmandu, and ninety-five miles north of Darbhangah.
Lat. 27 30', long. 86.
MANTHOLI. Town in Chanda district, Central Provinces ; situated
129 miles south-east of Nagpur, and ninety-two miles west by south of
Chanda. Lat. 20 6', long. 80 47'.
MANTI. Village in Cawnpore district, N.W.P. ; situated on the route
from the cantonment of Cawnpore to that of Kalpi, and twenty-one miles
north-east of the latter. Lat. 26 20', long. 80 1'.
MANTIM. Town in Haidarabad State ; situated on the right bank of
the river Godavari, and 124 miles north-east by north of Haidarabad.
Lat, 18 46', long. 79 43'.
MANTRALA KANAMA. Pass in Karnal district, Madras ; situated
in the Mlamallai Hills, in lat. 15 54', long. 78 58'.
MANTRESWAR. Tillage in Bardwan district, Bengal ; situated in
lat. 23 25' 30", long. 88 9'. Pop., about 5000.
MANTJK. Village in Patiala State, Punjab ; situated on the route
from Firozpur to Sirsa, and fifty miles south-east of the former town.
Lat. 30 40', long. 75 40'.
MANULA BAZAAR. Thana in Murshidabad district, Bengal. Area,
9 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 14,771.
MANUND. Hill in Keonthal State, Punjab; on a ridge connected
with the Simla range, and throwing off feeders to the river Giri. Eleva-
tion above the sea, 7800 feet. Lat. 31 3', long. 77 19'.
MANTTR. Town in Haidarabad State ; situated twenty-seven miles
south- east by south of Sholapur. Lat. 17 19', long. 76 9'.
MANTJR. Town in Haidarabad State ; situated 141 miles north of
Haidarabad, and 139 miles south-south-east of Ellichpur. Lat. 19 23',
long. 78 31.
MANITR Town in Ahmednagar district, Bombay ; situated forty-one
miles east of Ahmednagar. Lat. 19 9', long. 75 2i'.
MANURU (MUNHAIRII). Town in Eohtah district, Punjab;
situated on the route from Hansi to Nimach, and thirty-four miles south-
east of the former. Lat. 28 41', long. 76 17'.
MANWAN. Village (in pargana of same name) in Sitapur district,
Oudh ; situated on the Sarayan river, four miles south of Ban town.
Pop. (1869), 1069. Area of pargana, 69 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
MAO. Town in Farrukhabad district, N.W.P. ; situated eleven miles
north-west of the city of Farrukhabad, and a mile and a half west of the
right bank of the Ganges. Lat. 27 35', long. 79 3 1 7 .
MAO-BEH-LYRKAR. Village, 5000 feet above sea-level, in the
Khasi Hills, Assam, eighteen miles from Shillong.
MAO-DON. State in the Khasi Hills, Assam. Pop. (1872), 253.
MAO-FLANG. Tillage in the Khasi Hills, Assam; on a plateau of
the same name, about fourteen miles west of Shillong. Highest peak,
5931 feet above sea-level.
MAO-IONG (MAO- YANG). State in the Khasi Hills, Assam. Pop.
(1872), 1238.
MAO SYN-RAM. State in the Khasi Hills, Assam; on a mountain
range of the same name. Pop. (1872), 947. The highest peak of the
mountain range is 5810 feet above sea-level.
MAO-THAD-RAI-SHAN. Mountains in the Khasi Hills, Assam ;
rising to a height of 6297 feet.
MAPAN. Village in Kumaun district, N.W.P. ; situated in the
Bhutia subdivision of Jawahir, on the route to Hundes or Chinese
Tartary, and sixteen miles south of the Jawahir Pass. It is situate near
the right bank of the Gori river, which flows at the depth of about 250
feet below. Elevation above the sea, 11,082 feet. Lat. 30 23', long.
80 12'.
MAPRAN. Town in Amherst district, British Burma ; situated fifty-
one miles south-east of Maulmain. Lat. 15 55', long. 98 13'.
MAPTICA. Village in Bardez district, Portuguese India. Pop. (1881),
MAQJJRA. Thana in Khulna district, Bengal. Area, 79 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 48,212.
MARACHANGDL River of Nepal State ; rising in lat. 28 55', long.
83 58', in the snowy range of the Himalayas, and, flowing in a southerly
direction for 100 miles, falls into the baling, a tributary of the Trisul-
Ganga, in lat. 27 40', long. 84 11'.
MARAGODU. Villages in Coorg, Madras, having a pop. respectively
(1881), of 543 and 169.
MARAMARXAI. Eiver of Darrang and Lakhimpur districts, Assam ;
rising in the Daphla Hills, and flowing into the Lohit, a branch of the
MARANDAHALLIK. Town in Salem district, Madras ; situated
161 miles west-south-west of Madras. Lat. 12 24', long. 78 4'.
MARANGAPUNI. Town in Madura district, Madras ; situated
forty-four miles north-north-east of Madura. Lat. 10 29', long.
78 28'.
MARANG BARTJ (BARAGAI). Hill in Hazaribagh and Lohardaga
districts, Bengal ; situated in lat. 23 32' 45", long. 85 29' 45". Extreme
elevation above the sea, 3445 feet.
MARA TISTA. An old channel of the Tista river, Bengal.
MARAUNI. Village in Gwalior State, Central India Agency; situated
on the route from Tehri to Ujjain, twelve miles south-west of the former.
Lat. 24 35', long. 78 43'.
MAR AURA. Town in Sagar district, Central Provinces; situated
twenty-two miles west by north of Shahgarhj and thirty-seven miles
north of Sagar. Lat. 24 22', long. 78 50'.
MARAURA. Pargana in Lalitpur district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
45,118. Also thana. Pop. (1881), 15,443.
MARATJRI. Town in Bareilly district, KW.P. ; situated on tho
route from Bareilly to Oudh, thirty- six miles east by south of the former.
Lat. 28 18', long. 80.
MAR 579
MARATJT. Town in Jodhpur State, Rajpirtana; situated 140 miles
east -north- east of Jodhpur, and 52 miles north-east by north of Ajmere.
Lat. 27 5', long. 75 10'.
MARCAIM. Village in Ponda district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 2213.
MARCHAGANJ. Town in Maimansinh district, Bengal; situated
197 miles north-east of Calcutta. Lat. 24 30', long. 90 45'.
MARDA. Thana in Ghazipur district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 41,156.
MARDANA. Town in Indore State, Central India Agency ; situated
135 miles west of Betul. Lat. 22 10', long. 75 55'.
MARDL Town in Haidarabad State ; situated eleven miles north of
Sholapur. Lat. 17 49', long. 75 47'.
MARDLANDA. Village in Hissar district, Punjab; situated on the,
route from Hansi to Ludhiana, and twenty-two miles north of the former
town. Distant north-west from Calcutta, 998 miles. Lat. 29 23', long.
76 5'.
MAREHRA (MARHARA). Town and municipality (in pargana of
the same name) in Etah district, N.W.P. ; situated twelve miles north
of Etah, in lat. 27 44', long. 78 36' 45". Pop. (1881), 9271. Pop. of
pargana (1881), 96,204. Also thana. Pop. (1881), 52,181.
MARGAO. Village in Salsette district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 12,225.
MARGRAM. Town in Murshidabad district, Bengal ; situated twenty
miles west of Berhampur, in lat. 24 8' 45", long. 87 53' 30". Pop.
(1881), 6008.
MARHIAN. Thana in Mirzapur district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 7166.
MARHWAS. Town in Ilewah State, Central India Agency ; situated
forty-two miles south-east of Rewah, and sixty miles north-north-east of
Sohagpur. Lat. 24 6', long. 81 51'.
MART. Town in Pirozpur district, Punjab ; situated thirty miles
from the left bank of the Sutlej . Distant south-east of Firozpur thirty-
eight miles; north-west of Calcutta, by way of Dehli and Manuk, 1068
miles. Lat. 30 36', long. 75 7'.
MARIADOH. Village in Damoh district, Central Provinces ; situated
ten miles north of Hatta, in lat. 24 16', long. 79 42'.
MARIAHU. Town (in tahsil of same name) in Jaunpur district,
N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 3821. Lat. 25 34', long. 82 41'. Area of tahsil,
331 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 242,940.
MARIAN RIVER. One of the mouths of the Irawadi, British
Burma ; falling into the Bay of Bengal in lat. 16 35', long. 96 45'.
MARIAO. State in the Khasi Hills, Assam. Pop. (1872), 2306.
MARIWALLA. Town in Dera Ghazi Khan district, Punjab; situated
on the right bank of the Indus, seventy-four miles south-west of the
town of Multan. Lat. 29 23', long. 70 40'.
MARJA. Pass in Bashahr State, Punjab ; over the range of the
Himalaya bounding Kunawar to the south. This pass and three others
cross the ridge within the space of little more than a mile. The elevation
of Marja is probably between 16,000 and 17,000 feet. Lat. 31 16', long.
78 27'.
580 MAE
MART AT A (KAGA). Estuary in the Twenty-four Parganas district,
Bengal; situated in lat. 21 44', long. 89 32'.
MARKA. Thana in Banda district, N. W.P. Pop. (1881), 13,819.
MARKANDL Village in Chanda district, Central Provinces; situ-
ated on the Wainganga river. Lat. 19 41', long. 79 52'. Noted foi
its temples. A fair is held every February.
MARKAPTJR. Town in Cuddapah district, Madras; situated ninety-
one miles north-north-east of Cuddapah. Lat. 15 45', long. 79 20'.
MARKARL Town in Malabar district, Madras ; situated on the
western base of the Western Ghats, on a river flowing from that range,
nine miles east of Cannanore. Lat. 11 52', long. 75 38'.
MARKTJNDA. River or torrent of Nahan State, Punjab ; rising in
the hills about Nahan, in lat. 30 35', long. 77 27', it flows into the
Saraswati in lat. 29 29', long. 76 39', having run from its source to
this point about seventy miles.
MARMAGOA BAY. A considerable inlet on the coast of Goa, Poitu-
guese India, where ships may find a good shelter from north-west winds.
Its entrance is in lat. 15 26', long. 73 51'. There is a Railway into the
MAROLI. Town in Thana district, Bombay; a seaport, situated in
lat. 20 18', long. 72 46'.
MA-RO-THOUNG-SHA-KHAL Revenue circle in Bassein district,
British Burma. Area, 65 sq. miles. Pop. (1876-77), 3296.
MAROWA. Village in Benares district, N.W.P. ; situated on the
right bank of the Ganges, 659 miles north-west of Calcutta by water, ten
north-east of Benares. Lat. 25 22', long. 83 10'.
MARPHA. Fort in Banda district, N.W.P. ; now in ruins.
MARPTIRA. Town in Farrukhabad district, KW.P. ; situated on
the right bank of the Isan, thirty miles south of the city of Farrukhabad.
Lat. 26 58', long. 79 41'.
MARSAGHAL Town in Cuttack district, Bengal ; situated forty-two
miles from Cuttack by the Kendrapara Canal, in lat. 20 24', long. 86 37'.
MARTABAN. Revenue circle in Amherst district, British Burma.
MARTABAN. Township in Amherst district, British Burma. Pop.
(1876-77), 31,097.
MARTABAN. Town in Amherst district, British Burma ; situated on
the Salwin river, opposite Maulmain, in lat. 16 32', long. 97 38'. Pop.
(1877), 1673. Noted for many years for its great glazed jars, called
after it Martabani.
MARTI KHAN KA TANDA. Town in Khairpur State, Sind,
Bombay; situated on the route from Khairpur to Haidarabad, and
sixteen miles south-west of the former place. Lat. 27 20', long.
68 36'.
MARTOLI. Village in Kumaun district, N.W.P. ; situated on the
route to Hundes or Chinese Thibet by the Johar Pass, in lat. 30 21',
long. 80 13'. Elevation, 11,352 feet.
MARTJDGI. Town in Dharwar district, Bombay, situated nine
miles east of Dharwar. Lat. 15 29', long. 75 11'.
MARUFGANJ. Part of Patna city, in Patna district, Bengal.
MARUM. Town in Haidarabad State ; situated thirty- eight miles
east by north of Sholapur. Lat. 17 43', long. 76 30'.
MARITPTJR. Town in Earrukhabad district, N.W.P. ; situated on the
route from Etawah to Eatehgarh, and thirteen miles south-west of the
latter. Lat. 27 14', long. 79 37'.
MARTIR. Tillage in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 102.
MARURAL Village in Aligarh district, KW.P. ; situated on the
route from the city of Agra to Aligarh, and eight miles south of the
latter. Lat. 27 48', long. 78 9'.
MARTIT. Town in Bahawalpur State, Punjab ; situated on the route
from Bahawalpur to Bhatner, and sixty miles east of the former place.
Lat. 29 5', long. 72 40'.
MARUT. Village of Sfrsa district, Punjab. Lat. 30 10', long.
74 35'.
MARTI WARD WAN. Eiver, valley, and village in Kashmir State,
Punjab ; the river joins the Chenab at Kishtawar. Lat. 33 45', long.
75 45'.
MARVOR. Village in Daman district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 326.
MARWAL. Thana in Banda district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 16,636.
MARWAT. The seat of the Marwat tribe in Bannu district, Punjab ;
a valley on the west side of the Indus, and south of the valley of Bannu.
It has on the west the lofty Sulaiman range and on the north the snow-
clad peaks of Safed Koh. Marwat, the chief place, is little more than a
village. Lat. 33 10', long, 71 15'. Also tahsil. Area, 1269 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 75,581.
MASAN. River of Champaran district, Bengal : rising in the Sumes-
war hills, it flows into the Little Gandak.
MASAR. Town in Shahabad district, Bengal; situated about six
miles west of Arrah.
MASATJLI. Village in Bara Banki district, Oudh, situated on the
route from Lucknow cantonment to that of Sikrora, twenty-eight miles
north-east of the former, and the same distance south-west of the latter.
Lat. 26 58', long. 81 24'.
MAS AURA. Town in Patna district, Bengal; situated thirty- one
miles south-west by west of Patna. Lat. 25 20', long. 74 50'.
MASHO. Town in Kashmir State, Punjab ; situated on the left bank
of the Indus river, and 158 miles east of Srinagar. Lat. 34 1', long.
77 44'.
MASHOBRA. Village in Keonthal State, Punjab ; situated near
Simla, in lat. 31 8', long. 77 7'.
MASHRAK. Thana in Saran district, Bengal. Area, 178 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 220,802.
MASIRANL Peak in Garhwal State, N.W.P. ; on the range bound-
ing the Dehra Dun to the north, and stretching along the left bank
of the Aglar, a feeder of the Jumna. It is situate about five miles west
of the hill-station of Masuri. Elevation above the sea, 7888 feet. Lat.
30 28', long. 78 7'.
MASJIDKTTR Village in lessor district, Bengal ; a ruined mosque,
situated in lat. 22 28' 45", long. 89 19' 30".
MASKALA. Town in Agra district, N.W.P. ; situated eighteen miles
north-west of the city of Agra. Lat. 27 14', Ion?. 77 42'.
MASKHAL. Island off Chittagong district, Bengal ; situated in lat.
21 36', long. 91 57'.
MASKHAL. Thana in Chittagong district, Bengal. Area, 183 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 29,158.
MASLANDPTJR. Thana in Midnapur district, Bengal. Area, 126 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 80,569.
MAS SATE. Tillage in Nagar-Aveli district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 455.
MASSATJDHI BUZURG. Thana in Patna district, Bengal. Area,
193 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 120,613.
MASSSY. Town in Sitapur district, Oudh ; situated on the left bank
of the Gumti river, and thirty-seven miles north-west by north of
Lucknow. Lat. 27 20', long. 80 43'.
MASSORDEM. Village in Sanguelim district, Portuguese India.
Pop. (1881), 306.
MASTGARH. Fort in Bashahr State, Punjab; situated in lat. 21
20', long. 77 39'. Height, about 6000 feet.
MASTI. Village in Kolar district, Mysore State, 158 miles west
from Madras; situated in lat. 12 52' 30", long. 78 2' 25". Pop.
(1871), 2523.
MASTJDA. Town in Ajmere district, Rajputana. Distance south of
the city of Ajmere thirty miles. Lat. 26 6', long. 74 35'.
MASTTLIPATAM (MACHLI-PATN AM). Capital of Krishna district,
Madras ; a port situated on a mouth of the Krishna river, 2 1 5 miles north
of Madras, in lat. 16 9' 8', long. 81 11' 38". Pop. (1871), 36,316.
A centre of the Missionary efforts of the Church Missionary Society, the
founders of the " Noble High School," named after Mr. Noble, who
laboured in this town for more than 24 years.
MASTJR. Town in Satara district, Bombay; situated twenty-three
miles south- south-east of Satara. Lat. 17 23', long. 74 15'.
MASTJRA. Town in Ratnagiri district, Bombay ; situated in lat.
16 10', long. 73 32' 30", eight miles north-east of Maiwan. Pop.
(1872), 7308.
MAT. Town (in tahsil of same name) in Muttra district, N.AV.P.
Pop. (1881), 4093. Pop. of tahsil (1881), 95,446. Also thana. Pop.
(1881), 24,900.
MATABHANGA. River of Nadiya district, Bengal ; a deltaic branch
of the Padrna, which divides into the two rivers, the Churni and the
Ichhamati, both falling into the Hugli.
MATAK. Territory in Lakhimpur district, Assam; on the south or
left bank of the Brahmaputra.
MATAMTJRL River of the Chittagong Hill Tracts, Bengal ; rising
in the mountains on the Arakan frontier, and falling into the Bay of
MATAN (MARTIAN). Table-land in Kashmir State, Punjab;
extending from the town of Islamabad to the base of the range
inclosing the valley on the east. On a slight eminence at its western
extremity are massive ruins. Lat. 33 42', long. 75 2 1/.
MAT 583
MATANI. Town in Peshawar district, Punjab ; situated on the road
from Kohat to Peshawar, fourteen miles south of the latter. Lat. 33
48', long. 71 37'.
MATAR. Town in Kaira district, "Bombay. Pop. (1881), 4889.
MATARI. Town and municipality in Haidarabad district, Sind,
Bombay ; sixteen miles north of Haidarabad. Lat. 25 35' 30", long.
68 28' 30". Pop. (1881), 5054. There are several shrines, at which
annual fairs are held in September and October, attended by from
2000 to 3000 Muhammadans.
MATATJLI. Tillage in Cawnpore district, KW.P. ; situated on the
route from Kalpi to Etawah, and forty-four miles south-east of the latter.
Lat. 26 24', long. 79 38'.
MATATJNDH. Town in Banda district, KW.P. ; situated twelve
miles west of Banda. Pop. (1881), 6258. Also thana. Pop. (1881),
MATE ARL Thana in Bakargi-.n; di tri.-t, Bengal. Area, 238 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 96,032.
MATCHUAKAL. Town in Tipperah district, Bengal; situated
twenty-seven miles west by south of Comillah. Lat. 23 22', long.
90 46'.
MATEGAON. Town in Ramgarh district, Central Provinces; situated
on the route from Nagpur to Ramgarh, sixty-two miles south-west of the
latter. Lat. 22 8', long. 80 21'.
MATHABHANGA. -Thana in Kuch Behar district, Bengal. Area,
345 sq. miles. Pop. (1 881 )> 154,292.
MATHERAN. Hill-station in Thana district, Bombay ; situated near
Bombay, in lat. 18 58' 50", long. 73 18' 20", 2460 feet above the sea.
JS T arel, a station on the Great Indian Peninsula Railway, fifty-three miles
from Bombay, is at the foot of Matheran Hill.
MATHIARA. Town in Kheri district, Oudh ; situated on the right
bank of the Gogra, and eighty-seven miles north by east of Lucknow.
Lat. 28 5', long. 81 15'.
MATHINGTJMBO. Town in Nepal State ; situated seventy-one miles
east-north-east of Khatmandu, and 136 miles north by east of Darbhangah.
Lat. 28 4', long. 86 22'.
MATHORA. Village in Jodhpur State, Rajputana ; situated on the
route via Nagar from Jaisalmir to Nasirabad, and 157 miles north-west
of the latter. Lat. 26 56', long. 73.
MATHTIRA. Thana in Pabna district, Bengal. Area, 115 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 102,486.
MATHTJRA. Town in Gonda district, Oudh ; situated two miles
north of the Rapti, fifteen from Balrampur. Pop. about 1500. Thousands
of devotees annually resort to the shrines in this town.
MATHURAPUR. Thana in Twenty-four Parganas district, Bengal.
Area, 71 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 56,453.
MATHWAR. Town in Ali Rajpur State, Central India Agency;
situated fourteen miles south from Kajpur, and seventy-four miles east by
south from Barpda. Lat. 22 7', long. 74 23'.
MATHWAR. State in the Bhil Agency, Central India Agency.
Area, 140 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 2630.
MATIA. Town in Fatehpur district, N.W.P. ; situated three miles
from the left bank of the Jumna, fifteen miles south-west of the town of
Fatehpur. Lat. 25 42', long. 80 47'.
MATIAKHAR. Forest in Kamrup district, Assam. Area, 2240
MATIANA. Tillage, with a fort, in Keonthal State, Punjab ; situated
on the route from Simla to Kotgarh, nineteen miles north-east of the
former, in lat. 31 11', long. 77 27'. Height, about 8000 feet.
MATIARI. Town in Purniah district, Bengal ; situated thirty-six
miles north-north-west of Purniah. Lat. 26 16', long. 87 23'. Also
thana. Area, 272 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 94,115.
MATIL. Village in Keonthal State, Punjab ; situated on the south-
eastern declivity of a high ridge. Lat. 31 1', long. 77 39'.
MATIN. State in Bilaspur district, Central Provinces. Area, 569 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 5950. Near Matin there is a sacred hill called
Matin Deva.
MATXHANL Tillage in Kumaun district, N.W.P. ; situated on the
route from Pithoragarh to Thakil Peak, two miles south-east of the
former. Lat. 29 34', long. 80 17'.
MATKOPA. Town in Gorakhpur district, N.W.P. ; situated on the
route from Gorakhpur to the territory of Nepal, thirty miles north-east
of the former. Lat. 27, long. 83 43'.
MATLA (RAIMATHA). River of the Twenty-four Parganas district,
Bengal ; one of the chief mouths of the Ganges, on which is situated the
town of Matla or Port Canning.
MATLAHAT. Thana in Khulna district, Bengal. Area, 111 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 50,478.
MAT NOH JHIL. Town (in tahsil of same name) in Muttra district,
N.W.P. ; on the east bank of the Jumna. Lat. 27 35', long. 77 49'.
Area, 218 sq. miles. Pop. (1872), 100,248.
MA-TOTING- DA. Revenue circle in Henzada district, British Burma.
Pop. (1876), 5822.
MA-TOIING-DA. Another revenue circle in Henzada district, British
Burma. Pop. (1876), 3046.
MATRA TIMBA. State in Kathiawar, Bombay, paying a yearly
tribute of 29 to the British Government, and 7 to the Nawab of
MATSI. Town in Multan district, Punjab ; situated eight miles west
from the right bank of the Sutlej, forty-five miles east-south-east of the
town of Multan. Lat. 29 49', long. 72 10'.
MATTA BTIRAILLL Town in Bhopai State, Central India Agency ;
situated seventy miles east of Bhopai, and fifty-three miles south-south-
west of Sagar. Lat. 23 8', long. 78 28'.
MATTOD. Tillage in Chitaldrug district, Mysore. Pop. (1871),
1416. Noted for its glass-manufacture. Lat. 13 46', long. 76 28'.
MATTTIR. Tillage in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 440.
MATWAD. Town and port in Surat district, Bombay; seven miles
west by south of Navsari.
MAU. Town (in tahsil of same name) in Jhansi district, N.W.P.
MAU 585
Pop. (1881), 15,981. Lat. 25 15', long. 79 12'. Area of tahsil, 440
sq. miles. Fop. (1881), 107,151. Also thana. Pop. (1881), 29,025.
MAU. Thana in Jalaun district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 5214.
MATT. Town in Azamgarh district, N.W.P.; situated in lat. 25 57'
10", long. 83 35' 4ft". Pop. (1881), 14,945.
MAU AIMA. Town in Allahabad district, N.W.P. ; situated on the
road from Allahabad to Partabgarh, seventeen miles north of the former,
in lat. 25 41' 40", long. 81 58' 5". Pop. (1881), 8423. Also thana.
Pop. (1881), 30,803.
MA-U-BENG. Revenue circle in Thun-khwa district, British Burma.
Pop. (1876-77), 4142.
MA-U-BENG. Capital in Thun-khwa district, British Burma. Pop.
(1877), 1178.
MATT CHIBATJ. Town (in tahsil of same name) in Banda district,
N.W.P. ; on the south bank of the Jumna. Lat. 25 17', long. 81 26'.
Area of tahsil, 237 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 74,622. Also thana. Pop.
(1881), 37,967.
MA-U-DAING. Eevenue circle in Thayet district, British Burma.
Area, 30 sq. miles. Pop. (1877), 2411.
MATJDHA. Town (in tahsil of same name) in Hamirpur district,
N.W.P.; situated in lat. 25 40' 30", long. 80 9' 25". Pop. (1881),
6116. Area of tahsil, 231 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 49,905. Also thana.
Pop. (1881), 37,983.
district, Madras; situated in lat. 18 55', long. 83 45' 30". Pop. (1871),
MAUGANJ. Town in Rewah State, Central India Agency ; situated
on the route by the Kutra Pass, from Allahabad to Jabalpur, and ninety-
one miles south-west of the former. Elevation above the sea, about
1200 feet. Lat. 24 40', long. 81 56'.
MAU KHAS. Thana in Meerut district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
MAUKHAS. Village in Cawnpore district, N.W.P. ; situated on the
route from Allahabad to Etawah, and sixty-four miles south-east of the
latter. Lat. 26 13', long. 79 50'.
MAULINGUEM. Villages in Sanguelim district, Portuguese India,
having a pop. respectively (1881), of 1244 and 286.
MAULMAIN (MOULMEIN). Capital of Amherst district, British
Burma; situated on the left bank of the river Salwi'n, at the point of
confluence of the Gyaing and Attaran rivers, in lat. 16 30', long. 97 38'.
Maulmain is protected on its sea-face by the island of Bhilu-Gywon.
The population of this thriving port is (1881) 53,107.
MAULMASIR. Town in Lucknow district, Oudh; situated five miles
west of the right bank of the river Gumti, and eighteen miles north-west
from Lucknow. Lat. 27 1', long. 80 40'.
MAUMDUR. Town in North Arcot district, Madras ; situate forty-
seven miles south-west by west of Madras. Lat. 12 45', long. 79 45'.
MAUN AGAR (KANT). Town inMoradabad district, N.W.P.; situated
in lat. 29 3' 20", long. 78 40' 10". Pop. (1872), 7030.
MAUNAT BHANJAN. Thana in Azamgarh district, tf.W.P. Pop.
(1881) 97,253. Also pargana. Pop. (1881), 24,943.
MAUNDA (MOUNDA). Village on the Kanhan river, in Mgpur
district, Central Provinces; situated in lat. 21 8', long. 79 22'.
MAUNLINGTTEM. Tillage in Canacona district, Portuguese India.
Pop. (1881), 222.
MATT RANIPTTR. Town (in tahsil of same name) in Jhansi district,
KW.P.; situated in lat. 25 14' 40", long. 79 10' 45". Pop. (1872),
16,428. Forty miles south-east of Jhansi.
MATJRANWAN. Town (in pargana of same name) in TJnao district,
Oudh ; situated twenty-six miles from TJnao, in lat. 26 25' 45", long.
80 55' 30". Pop. (1881), 7163. An annual fair is held in this town.
Area of pargana, 173 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 80,910. Also thana.
Pop. (1881), 94,338.
MAURESWAR. Village in Birbhum district, Bengal; situated in
lat. 23 59' 5", long. 87 48' 20".
MAUS. Village in Sanguelim district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 277.
MATJTNI. River in Karachi district, Sind, Bombay ; an offset of the
Sata branch of the Indus, discharging its water into the sea by the un-
navigable Kahir mouth, in lat. 23 51', long. 67 38'.
MATJVINHOLA. Town in Shimoga district, Mysore State ; situated
151 miles north-west of Seringapatam, and seventy-nine miles north by
east of Mangalore. Lat. 13 58', long. 75 10'.
MATJZABAD. Town in Jaipur State, Rajputana ; on the route
from Agra to Ajrnere, 180 miles west of former, forty-eight east of latter.
Lat. 26 40', long. 75 25'.
MAITZIMPTIR. Village in Muttra district, N.W.P. ; situated on the
route from Aligarh to Eta w ah, and thirty-nine miles south-east of the
former. Lat. 27 26', long. 78 24'.
MAVALIKAHA. Town in Travancore State, Madras ; situated in lat.
9 14' 32", long. 76 35' 11". Pop. (1871), 4468.
MAVINAHALLA. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 5.
MAVINAHALLL Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 47.
MAWAL Pargana in Benares district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 12,089.
MA WAI. Town in IJnao district, Oudh. Pop. (1869), 3995.
MAWAI MAHOLARA. Pargana in Bara Banki district, Oudh;
bounded on the north by Rudauli and Basorhi; on the east by Khandansa
in Faizabad district ; on the south by the Gumti river ; and on the west
by Kalyani. Area, 71 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 37,040.
MAWAL. Subdivision of Poona district, Bombay. Area, 385 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 62,383.
MAWANA. Town in Meerut district, KW.P. ; situated in lat. 29
', long. 77 57' 55". Pop. (1881), 7219. Also thana. Pop. (1881), 64,513.
MAWAR. Village in Cawnpore district, KW.P. ; situated on the
left bank of the river Singur, and on the route from the cantonment of
Cawnpore to that of Kalpi, eighteen miles north-east of the latter. Lat.
26 18', long. 79 59'.
M AT AKOND A. Village in Chitaldrug district, Mysore; situated in
lat. 14 17' 15", long. 76 7' 25". Pop. (1871), 1482.
MAYAKOT. Town in "N"epal State; situated 193 miles west-north-
west of Khatmandu, and 157 miles north-north-west of Gorakhpur. Lat.
28 46', lon$. 82 25'.
MAYAMMUDL Tillage in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 295.
MAYAPITR. Town in Lohardaga district, Bengal ; situated eleven
miles south-west by west of Palamau. Lat. 23 45', long. 83 53'.
MAYAPITR. Village in the Twenty four Parganas district, Bengal ;
situated near Achipur, on the river Hugli, in lat. 22 26' 15", long.
88 10' 50".
MAY APUR. Village in Jhansi district, N.W.P. ; situated on the
route by Jhansi from Kalpi to Guna, 146 miles south-west of former,
fifty-nine north-east of latter. About a mile south-west of the village
commences the ascent of the Mayapur Pass, short, stony, and of easy
ascent. Lat. 25 8', long. 78 7'.
MAYAPUR. Village in Saharanpur district, KW.P. ; situated on
the right bank of the Ganges, about two miles below Hardwar. At this
spot commences the artificial channel of the Ganges canal. Lat. 29 56',
long. 78 12'.
MA-YA-TSEN. Revenue circle in Kyouk-hpyu district, British
Burma. Area, 45 sq. miles. Pop. (1876), 2558.
MAYAVARAM. Town, municipality, and railway station in Tanjore
district, Madras; situated on the Kaveri river, in lat. 11 6' 20", long.
79 41' 50". Pop. (1881), 23,044.
MAYENOTJNGr. Town in Prome district, British Burma; situated
on the right bank of the Irawadi river, and thirty-eight miles south of
Prome. Lat. 19 31', long. 94 27'.
MA-YEN-ZA-YA. Revenue circle in Rangoon district, British
MAYO MINES. Salt mines in Jhelum district, Punjab ; situated in
lat. 32 39' 30", long. 73 3'.
MA-YU. River of Akyab district, British Burma, flowing into the Bay
of Bengal, near Akyab Island.
MAYUNI. Town in Satara district, Bombay; situated forty miles
east by south of Satara. Lat. 17 25', long. 74 37'.
MAZAGON. Part of Bombay City, distant direct from Bombay fort
one mile and three-quarters. Mazagon contains the P. and 0. l)ocks.
Lat. 18 56', long. 72 53'-
ME AD AY. Town in Thayet district, British Burma ; situated on the
left bank of the Irawadi river, thirty-five miles north from Prome. Lat.
19 17', long. 95.
MEASTI. Town in Jhang district, Punjab; situated twelve miles
west from the right bank of the Chenab, seventy-one miles north-north-
east of the town of Multan. Lat. 31 2', long. 72.
MEA WALLA. Town in Dera Ismail Khan district, Punjab ;
situated on the left bank of the Indus, seventy miles north-north-west of
the town of Multan. Lat. 31 1', long. 70 57'.
MECHI. River of Darjiling and Purniah districts, Bengal.
MEDDUK. Town in Haidarabad State ; on the right bank of the
Manjhera river, and fifty-one miles north of Haidarabad. Lat. 18 4',
long. 78 18'.
MEDIRYEN KOATA. Town in Haidarabad State; situated nine
miles south-east of the right bank of the Krishna river, and twenty miles
north-east of Mudgal. Lat. 16 13', long. 76 42'.
MEDNA. Town in Sonpur State, Sambalpur district, Central
Provinces; situated twenty miles west by north of Sonpur, and thirty-
eight miles south- south-west of Sambalpur. Lat. 20 58', long. 83 49'.
MEEANEE. See Milan.
MEEAN MEER (MIAN MIR). Cantonment of Lahore city, in
Lahore district, Punjab ; situated three miles east of the civil, station of
Lahore. Pop. (1868), 13,757. Lat. 31 31' 15", long. 74 25' 15".
MEERUT (MIRATH). Division of the North-Western Provinces,
containing six districts, viz. Ah'garh, Bulandshahr, Meerut, Muzaffar-
nagar, Saharanpur, and DehraDun. Area, 11,319 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
MEERUT (MIRATH). District in the Meerut division, N.W.P. ;
between lat. 28 28' 15" 29 18', and long. 77 10' 30" 78 14'; with
an area of 2379 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 1,313,137. Meerut district is
bounded on the north by Muzaffarnagar ; on the west by the river
Jumna ; on the south by Bulandshahr district ; and on the east by the
river Ganges. It forms part of the Doab ; and is watered by the Ganges
and the Jumna; and also by the Eastern Jumna and Ganges Canals.
The chief towns are Meerut (the capital), and Ghaziabad. The district
is traversed by the East Indian Railway and the Punjab and Delhi
Kailway, while there are numerous good roads.
MEERUT. City, cantonment, and municipality in Meerut district,
N.W.P. ; the capital of the district (in tahsil of same name), situated
about twenty-five miles from the Jumna, and twenty-nine miles from the
Ganges, in lat. 29 0' 41", long. 77 45' 3". Pop. (1881), 99,565, ex-
clusive of the cantonment (38,617). Approached by the Grand Trunk
Road, and Sind, Punjab, and Delhi Railway, which has stations at the
city and cantonments. The Mall is one of the finest drives in India.
Area of tahsil, 366 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 291,170. Also thana. Pop.
(1881). 84,386.
MEGATALU. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 93.
MEGHASANL Mountain in Morbhanj State, Bengal ; lat. 21 37' 58",
long. 86 23' 30". Height, 3824 feet.
MEGHNA. Name given to the lower course of the Brahmaputra
river ; and also to the great estuary formed by the union of the Brahma-
putra or Jamuna with the Ganges or Padma at Goalanda. Noted for the
''bore" of the tide, which at times assumes most formidable dimensions,
occasioning immense loss of life and property.
MEGNL Thana in Jalaun district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 4092.
MEHAR. Subdistrict of Shikarpur district, Sind, Bombay. Between
lat. 26 52' 27 26' 30", and long. 67 11' 68 15'. Area 1528 sq.
miles. Pop. (1872), 142,305. The chief mountains are the Kirthar
range. The district is watered by the Indus, and by the Western Nara
Canal. Its chief towns are Mehar and Khairpur Natheshah. The
subdistrict, which is administered by a Deputy Collector and staff, is
fairly well supplied with lines of communication.
MEHAR. Capital (in taluk of same name) of Mehar subdistrict,
MEL 589
Shikarpur district, Sind, Bombay ; situated in lat. 27 10' 45", long. 67
52'. Pop. (1872), 1246. Area of taluk, 583 sq. miles. Pop. (1872)-
MEHDAK. District in Haidarabad State. Area, 1779 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 293,930.
MEHELAO. Town in Baroda State. Pop. (1881), 5377.
MEHERPORE. Town in Nadiya district, Bengal. Pop. (1881), 5731.
MEHESANA. Town (in district of same name) in Baroda State. Pop.
(1881), 8791. Area of district, 150 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 71,500.
MEHIDPTTR. Town in Indore State, Central India Agency ; situated
on the right bank of the Sipra, in lat. 23 29' 30", long. 75 46' 30", in
the angle formed by the confluence of a small feeder. The left bank of
the Sipra at this point was the scene of the decisive victory gained in
1817 by the British under Sir Thomas Hislop over the Marhattas under
MEHKAR. Town (in taluk of same name) in Buldana district,
Berar; situated in lat. 20 9' 30", long. 76 37'. Pop. (1867), 3583.
Area of taluk, 1005 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 131,244.
MEHMADABAD. Town and municipality (in subdivision of same
name) in Kaira district, Bombay ; situated twenty miles from Ahmedabad,
in lat. 22 49' 30", long. 72 48'. Pop. (1881), 8173. Mehmadabad is
a station on the Bombay, Baroda, and Central India Railway. Area of
subdivision, 174 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 88,936.
MEHRONI. Town in Lalitpur district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
MEJA. Thana in Allahabad district, K.W.P. Pop. (1881), 54,162.
MEKERL Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 389.
MEKLIG AN J. Thana in Kuch Behar district, Bengal. Area, 105
sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 52,166.
MEKRAIM. Town in Amherst district, British Burma ; situated on
the right bank of the Sal win river, thirty-five miles north of Martaban.
Lat. 17 1', long. 97 38'.
MELAGIRIS. Mountains in Salem district, Madras; rising (at Pona-
siheta) to a height of 4969 feet. Between lat. 12 10' 12 30', and
long. 77 38' 78 2'.
MELAKERL Town in TJlwar State, Rajputana ; situated on the
route from Jaipur by Rajgarh, to the town of TJlwar, and fifteen miles
south of the latter. Lat. 27 23', long. 76 42'.
MELAO. Town in Kaira district, Bombay ; situated in lat. 22 34',
long. 72 52'. Pop. (1872), 5085.
MELAPALAIYAM. Town in Tinnevelli district, Madras. Pop.
(1881), 6875.
MELAPAVUR. Town in Tinnevelli district, Madras. Pop. (1881),
MELATJLI. Village in Sanguelim district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 475.
MELGHAT (GANGRA). Taluk in Ellichpur district, Berar; a hilly
tract, extending over a part of the Satpura Hills, between lat. 21 11'
21 46', and long. 76 40' 77 40'. Area, 1649 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
590 MEL
MELLIPOR. Town in Bhagalpur district, Bengal; the principal
place of the pargana of the same name. Distant twenty-eight miles
south-west of Monghyr. Lat. 25 1', long. 86 17'.
MELUKOT. Tillage in Hassan district, Mysore State ; distant from
Seringapatam, north, eighteen miles ; Bangalore, west, sixty-five.
Situated in lat. 12 40', long. 76 43'. Pop. (1871), 2842. It was an
ancient city of great importance, and is held sacred. An annual festival
is attended by 10,000 persons.
MELIIR. Village in Bangalore district, Mysore State. Pop. (1871),
691. A cattle fair is held annually, attended by 10,000 persons.
MEMADPURA. State in Mahi Kantha, Bombay. Pop. (1881), 644.
The chief pays a yearly tribute of 17 8s. to the Gaekwar of Baroda.
MEMARI. Town in Bardwan district, Bengal ; there is a station here
of the East Indian Railway.
MENASA. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 108.
MENCTIREM. Village in Sanguelim district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), C>79.
MENDK^WAL. Town in Basti district, KW.P. ; situated near the
Rapti river, thirty miles north-east of Basti, in lat. 26 58' 45", long.
83 9' 10". Pop. (1869), 8124.
MENDHU. Town in Ah'garh district, KW.P. Pop. (1881), 4370.
MENDI-KHALL Creek of the Meghna, Dacca district, Bengal.
MENG-BRA. Township in Akyab district, British Burma. Pop.
(1876-77), 26,893.
MEN G DAI. Revenue circle in Prome district, British Burma. Pop.
(1876-77), 7169.
MENG-DAT. Revenue circle in Thayet district, British Burma. Area,
27 sq. miles. Pop. (1872), 3445.
MENG-DUN. Township in Thayet district, British Burma. Between
lat. 19 5' 19 30', and long. 9-i 30' 94 45'. Area, 708 sq. miles.
Pop. (1877), 26,039.
MENG-DUN. Revenue circle in Thayet district, British Burma.
Pop. (1876-77), 4178.
MENG-DUN. Town (in township of same name) in Thayet district,
British Burma. Lat. 19 20', long. 94 44'. Pop. (1876), 1600.
MENG-GA-LA-DTJN. Revenue circle in Rangoon district, British
Burma. Pop. (1877-78), 5963.
MENG -GA- LA -GYL Revenue circle in Akyab district, British
Burma. Pop. (1876), 3569.
MENG-GYI. Township of Henzada district, British Burma. Pop.
(1876), 15,770.
MENG-GYI. Town in Henzada district, British Burma. Pop. (1876),
MENG-HLA. Revenue circle in Henzada district, British Burma.
Pop. (1876-77), 341^.
MENG-HLA. Township in Henzada district, British Burma. Pop.
(1876), 33,191.
MENGNI. Fifth-class State in Kathiawar, Bombay. Paying a yearly
tribute of 341 to the British Government. Area, 34 sq. miles.
MENG-PYENG. Revenue circle in Kyouk-hpyu district, British
Burma. Area, 20 BO A . miles. Pop. (1876), 3789.
MEN MER, 591
MENG-RWA. Eevenue circle in Prome district, British Burma. Pop.
(1876-77), 3039.
MER AND SER. Mountain summits, which rise to great, height,
fifty or sixty miles east of the eastern boundary of the valley of Kashmir.
In their regular conical form they as closely resemble each other as though
they had been cast in the same mould, but they differ in hue, one being
completely white, the c^er as uniformly black. Lat. 34, long. 76 10'.
MERATUR. Town in Tanjore district, Madras; situated in lat. 10
50', long. 79 23'. Pop. (1871), 6553.
MERGE. Village in Ilhas district, Portuguese India. Pop. (1881). 1 996.
MERGTJI. District in the Tenasserim division of British Burma ;
between lat. 9 58' 13 24', and long. 90 15' 98 35'. Its area i*
7810 sq, miles. Pop. (1881), 56,559. Mergui is bounded on the north
by Tavoy district ; east and south by the Yoma Mountains and Siam ;
and on the west by the Bay of Bengal. This district includes the Mergui
Archipelago. The portion of it on the mainland is remarkable for its
great length from north to south, a distance of 206 miles, with an average
breadth of 40 miles. There are two great ranges of mountains ; the chief
rivers are the Tenasserim, the Le-gnya, and the Pakchan. The only
large town is the capital, Mergui ; Tenasserim is little more than a village.
The district, which passed into the possession of the British in the year
1824, is administered by a Deputy-Commissioner and staff.
MERGTJI. Capital of Mergui district, British Burma ; situated on an
island in the Tenasserim river, in lat. 12 11', long. 98 38'. Pop. (1881),
MERGUI ARCHIPELAGO. Th* Mergui Archipelago, consisting of
a large cluster of islands, fronts the southern extremity of the coast
of Tenasserim, British Burma. Their elevation in one or two instances
exceeds 3000 feet. The channels between some of the islands are
dangerous and intricate, while others are very accessible, and have safe
anchorage. Among the principal islands in the Archipelago are the
Great and Little Canister, King's Island, Cabossa, Bentinck, Domel,
Kisseraing, Sullivan's, and St. Matthew's.
MERIAHDO. Town in Chhatarpur State, Central India Agency ;
situated forty-four miles south from Chhatarpur and sixty-six miles east-
north-east from Sagar. Lat. 24 17', long. 79 41'.
the seat of the civil government of the district, and a military cantonment.
Situated (in taluk of same name) in lat. 12 26' 50", long. 75 46' 55",
at the south-east angle of an oblong table-land, the declivities from which
on the north and east are gentle, but on the other sides dip precipitously
to the lower country, to the extent of 500 or 600 feet. Pop. (1871),
8146. A small river rises near the town. The fort of Merkara is situate
on an isolated eminence, the summit of which has been levelled for the
purpose. The town was occupied by the British Government in 1834,
when Coorg was annexed. Elevation above the sea, 4506 feet. Distance
from Cannanore, north-east, forty-seven miles; from Mangalore, south-
east, 130; from Bangalore, south-west, 130; from Seringapatam, west,
64; from Madras, west, 315. Area of taluk, 265 so. miles. Pop. (1871),
MERTIGITDDA (K ALAS A) .Hill in Kadur district, Mysore State ;
situated in lat. 13 18', long. 75 26'. Height, 5451 feet.
MERIT (MARTI). Tillage in Bashahr State, Punjab ; situated about
a mile from the right bank of the Sutlej, near the confluence of a feeder
called the Jula. Elevation above the sea, 8580 feet. Lat. 31 32', long.
78 11'.
MERIT. Tillage in Nagar-Aveli district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 68.
MESANA. Town in Baroda State ; situated in lat. 23 42', long.
72 36' 30". Pop. (1872), 7825.
METAMIO. Town in Tavoy district, British Burma; situated 151
miles north-north-west of Tenasserim. Lat. 14 16', long. 98 35'.
METCALF ISLAND. Island of Mergui Archipelago, British Burma ;
situate fifty miles off the coast of Tenasserim. Lat. 12 18', long.
97 53'.
METTAPOLLIEM. Town and municipality in Coimbatore district,
Madras ; situated on the Bhavani, in lat. 11 19', long. 76 59'. It is the
station for Utakamand, on the Nilgiri branch railway. Pop. (1877),
METTUR. Town in North Arcot district, Madras ; situated thirty
miles west-north-west of Arcot. Lat. 13 3', long. 79.
METZA. Town in Amherst district, British Burma ; situated thirty-
two miles north of Maulmain. Lat. 16 57', long. 97 45'.
MEVLI. State in Rewa Kantha, Bombay ; paying a yearly tribute of
150 to the Gaekwar of Baroda. Area, 6 sq. miles.
MEWASA. State in Kathiawar, Bombay ; paying a yearly tribute of
44 to the British Government, and 11 to the Gaekwar of Baroda.
Pop. (1881), 14,785.
ME WAT. The historical name (now almost obsolete) of a territory
situated to the south of Delhi, comprising parts of Muttra district,
N.W.P., Gurgaon district, Punjab, and Ulwar and Bhartpur States,
Rajputana. Its chief towns were Barnaul, Ulwar, Tijara, and Rewari.
The history of Mewat merges from the year 1775 in that of Ulwar and
MEWAT. Hills, with an average elevation of 500 feet, in Delhi and
Gurgaon districts, Punjab.
MEWHAUN. Town in Amherst district, British Burma; situated
eighty-nine miles south-east of Maulmain. It is situate on the Zimmi, a
river which afterwards, under the name of Attaran, flows into the Bay
of Bengal. Lat. 15 32', long. 98 37'.
MEYWASA. Town in Kathiawar, Bombay; situated three miles
from the right bank of the Bhader river, and thirty-two miles south-west
from Rajkot. Lat. 21 51', long. 70 40'.
MHAIRWARA. Part of Ajmere-Mhairwara district, Rajputana;
between lat. 25 24' 26 12', and long. 73 48' 74 31'. Area, 641 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 101,434. Bounded north by Jodhpur and Ajmere;
east by Udaipur and Ajmere; south by Udaipur; west by Jodhpur.
Comprises a narrow strip of territory, seventy miles in length, but
varying in breadth from one to fifteen miles. Since 1842 Mhairwara has
been incorporated with Ajmere under a Deputy-Commissioner.
MHASWAD. Town and municipality in Satara district, Bombay ;
situated fifty-one miles east of Satara, in lat. 17 38', long. 74 49' 50".
Pop. (1881), 5581.
MHENDIGrANJ. Town in Partabgarh district, Oudh ; situated three
miles south of the right bank of the river Sai, ninety miles south-east of
Lucknow. Lat. 25 53', long. 82.
MHIDTJRGL Town in Satara district, Bombay; 152 miles east of
Satara. Lat. 17 26', long. 76 21'.
MHOW (MAU). Town and British cantonment in Tndore State, Central
India Agency ; situated thirteen miles south-west of the town of Indore.
The military force was stationed here in pursuance of Art. VII. of the
treaty of Mandesar. The town of Mhow is situate on the Gambir river,
on an eminence one mile and a half north-west of the cantonment.
Elevation of cantonment above the sea, 2019 feet. Distance south-east
from Nimach, 142 miles ; south-east from Nasi'rabad by Nimach, 272
miles; south from Ujjain, 42; south-west from Sagar, 215; south-west
from Agra, 355 ; south from Delhi, 435. Lat. 22 35', long. 75 48'.
MHOW (MATT). Town in Azamgarh district, N.W.P. ; situated on
the eastern route from Ghazipur to Gorakhpur, fifty- seven miles south
of the latter, thirty-four north of the former ; on the right bank of the
Sarju (North-Eastern Tons). Distance north-east from Benares, fifty-five
miles. Lat. 25 54', long. 83 37'.
MHOW. Village in Meerut district, N.W.P. ; situated on the route
from the town of Meerut to that of Moradabad, and eleven miles south-
east from the former place. Distant north-west from Calcutta by Delhi,
930 miles. Lat. 28 54', long. 77 54'.
MHOW. Town in Aligarh district, N.W.P. ; on the route from
Aligarh to Etawah, and twenty-seven miles south-east of the former.
Lat. 27 34', long. 78 16'.
MHOW (MUH). Town in Allahabad district, N.W.P. ; situated on
the route from Allahabad to Partabgarh, and seventeen miles north-west
of the former. Lat. 25 39', long. 81 52'.
MHOWA. Town in Kathiawar, Bombay. Pop. (1881), 13,704.
MHU8LA. Town in Janjira State, Bombay; situated sixty miles
south by east from Bombay, and eighty miles north of Eatnagiri. Lat.
18 8', long. 73 11'.
MHUSWUB,. Town in Satara district, Bombay; situated fifty-one
miles east of Satara. Lat. 17 39', long. 74 51'.
MIAN DOAB. A name sometimes given to the Jalandhar Doab.
MIANGANJ. Town in TJnao district, Oudh; situated on the route
from Fatehgarh to Lucknow, seventy-seven miles south-east of the former,
thirty-four west of the latter. The river Sai is traversed a little east
of the town by a fine bridge. Lut. 26 48'. long. 80 33'. Pop. (1881),
MIANGANJ. Town in Farrukhabad district, KW.P. Pop. (1881),
MIANI. Village on the left bank of the Sutlej, in Ludhiana district,
Punjab. Distant north-west from Calcutta, 1147 miles. Lat. 31 4',
long. 75 18'.
MIANI. Town on the right bank of the Ravi, in Lahore district,
Punjab. It is on the route from Ludhiana, by Amritsir, to Attock.
Lat. 31 49', long. 74 32'.
MIANI. Town and municipality in Hoshiarpur district, Punjab;
situated near the Beas river, in lat. 31 42' 15", long. 75 36' 15". Pop.
(1881), 6499.
MIANI. Town and municipality in Shahpur district, Punjab ; situated
on the Jhelum, opposite Pind Dadan Khan, in lat. 32 31' 45", long. 73
6'. Pop. (1881), 8069. Centre of salt trade.
MIANI. Village in Haidarabad district, Sind, Bombay ; situated six
miles north of Haidarabad. The scene of Sir Charles Napier's victory
over the Baluch army of the Sind Amirs, on 17th February, 1843.
MIANI. Town in Kathiawar, Bombay ; 220 miles distant from
Ahmedabad. Lat. 21 50', long. 69 31'.
MIANI. Town on the Indus, in Karachi district, Sind, Bombay.
Lat. 25 20', long. 68 20'.
MIANWALI. Town (in tahsil of same name) in Bannu district,
Punjab; situated near the Indus in lat. 32 34' 30", long. 71 32' 50".
Pop. (1868), 4654. Residence of the Mians of Mianwali, possessing a
great reputation for sanctity. Area of tahsil, 1479 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
MICHENKHEYL. Town in Bannu district, Punjab ; situated twenty
miles west from the right bank of the Indus, 111 miles south-south-west
of the town of Peshawar. Lat. 32 31', long. 70 58'.
MICHNL Village in Peshawar district, Punjab ; situated on the left
bank of the Kabul river, in lat. 34 11' 10", long. 71 30'. There is a
British fort here.
MICHIT. A tribe inhabiting a portion of the valley to the east of the
native state of Bhutan. Lat. 27 35', long. 93.
MIDAGESI. Village in Tumkur district, Mysore ; situated at the foot
of the Midagesi-durga, in lat. 13 50', long. 77 14'. Pop. (1871), 1324.
MIDNAPUR. District in Bardwan division, Bengal ; named from its
principal place. It is bounded on the north by Bankura and Bardwan
districts ; on the east by Hugh' and Howrah districts and the Huglf river ;
on the south by the sea ; on the south-west by Balasor district ; and on
the west by Morbhanj State, and Singbhum and Manbhum districts. It
lies between lat. 21 37' 22 57', and long. 86 35' 45" 88 14'. Area,
5082 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 2,517,802. It is traversed by numerous
rivers and torrents, all making a direction south-east, thus indicating the
declivity of the country towards that point, and ultimately discharging
themselves into the estuary of the Ganges, or the Bay of Bengal. The
principal of these are the Rupnarayan, the Haldi, and the Rasulpur, all
falling into the Hugli. The capital, Midnapur, is on the Kasai, a tribu-
tary of the Haldi ; the other towns are Chandrakona, Ghatal and Tamluk.
The administration is in the hands of a Collector.
MIDNAPTTR. Capital (in subdivision of same name") of Midnapur
district, Bengal, situated on the route from Calcutta to Cuttack, sixty-
eight miles west of former, and 179 north-east of the latter, and an the
left hank of the river Kasai, in lat. 22 24' 48", long. 87 21' 12". Pop.
(1881), 33,560. Area of subdivision, 3296 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
1,269,255. Also thana. Area, 361 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 162,106.
MIDNAPUR HIGH LEVEL CANAL. Canal in Midnapur district,
Bengal ; from Midnapur to Ulubaria on the Hugh', sixteen miles below
Calcutta. Commences in lat. 22 24', long. 87 23', and joins the Bupna-
rayan river in lat. 22 26', long. 87 55' 30".
MIDURA. Town in Jodhpur State, Rajputana; situated 161 miles
west by south from the town of Jodhpur. Lat. 25 50', long. 70 39'.
MIEMUMMAW. Town in Mergui district, British Burma ; situated
fifty-five miles north-north-west of Tenasserim. Lat. 12 50', long. 98 47'.
MIGANI (MINGANA). Town in Jhang district, Punjab; situated
three or four miles from the left or eastern bank of the Chenab. Lat.
31 10', long. 72 12'.
MIHANI. Eiver of Hazaribagh and G-aya districts, Bengal ; rising in
lat. 24 2', long. 85 16', ten miles west of Hazaribagh, and flowing in a
northerly direction falls into the Lilajan river a few miles above the town
of Gaya, in lat. 24 44', long. 85 4'.
MIHNAGAR. Thana in Azamgarh district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
MIHRATJNL Tahsi'l in Lalitpur district, KW.P. Area, 888 sq.
miles. Pop. (1872), 93,664.
MIHRI. Village in Champaran district, Bengal; situated on the road
from Muzaffarpur to Motihari. Pop. (1872), 3590.
MIHRPTJR. Town (in subdivision of the same name) in Nadiya
district, Bengal; situated on the Bhairab, in lat. 23 46' 35", long. 88
40' 15". Pop. (1872), 5562. Noted for its manufacture of brass utensils.
Area of subdivision, 632 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 338,554. Also thana.
Area, 133 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 71,685.
MIHUM (MOHIM). Town in Eohtak district, N.TV.P. ; situated on
the route from Hansi to Delhi, and twenty-four miles south-east of the
former. It was formerly a large and important commercial town, but is
now ruinous. Lat. 28 58', long. 76 21'.
MIKIR HILLS. Hills in Nowgong district, Assam; occupied by the
aboriginal tribe of Mikirs.
MILAM (JUHAR). Pass and village in Kumaun district, 1ST.W.P. ;
over the Himalaya Mountains into Hundes or Thibet; situated in lat.
30 25' 30". long. 80 10' 15". Elevation above the sea, 17,270 feet.
MILGHIA. Town in Nepal State ; situated twenty-three miles
south by east of Khatmandu, and sixty-five miles north-east of Bettia.
Lat. 27 23', long. 85 22'.
MILKIPUR. Thana in Faizabad district, Oudh. Pop. (1881),
MILLIK. Village in Eampur State, N.W.P. ; situated on the route
from Bareilly to Moradabad, and twenty-six miles north-west of the
former. Lat. 28 37', long. 79 13'.
MILMILLIA. Forest in Kamrup district, Assam; situated on the
Kulsi river. Area, 1400 acres.
MIMBA. Town in Thayet district, British Burma ; situated on the
right bank of the Irawadi, and forty-eight miles north from Prome. Lat.
19 28', long. 94 57'.
MINA. Town in Dinajpur district, Bengal ; situated thirty-five miles
south-west of Dinajpur. Lat. 25 15', long. 88 11'.
MINAPARA. Tillage in Jaipur State, Rajputana ; situated on the
route from Agra to Mhow, 107 miles south-west of former, 318 north-
east of latter, situate on the small river Banhan. Lat. 26 30', long.
76 47'.
MINCHINABAD. Town in Bahawalpur State, Punjab. Pop. (1 881),
MINDAWAR (MANDATIR). Town in Muttra district, N.W.P. ;
situated on the left bank of the Jumna, eight miles north of the city
of Agra. Lat. 27 17', long. 78 2'.
MINDPURA. Town in Dhar State, Central India Agency ; situated
fifteen miles south by west from Dhar, and 152 miles west from Hoshang-
abad. Lat. 22 48', long. 75 22'.
MINHDAWAL. Thana in Basti district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
MINTJJ. Town in Sholapur district, Bombay; situated forty-seven
miles east-south-east of Bijapur. Lat. 16 27', long. 76 21'.
MIOPIIR. Tillage in Sultanpur district, Oudh ; situated fifty-five
miles south-east of Faizabad. Lat. 26 11', long. 82 43'.
MIORI. Tillage in Bareilly district, N.W.P. ; situated on the route
from the town of Bareilly to Sitapur, and nine miles south-east of the
former. Lat. 28 21', long. 79 35'.
MIRAJ (SENIOR BRANCH). State in the Southern Marhatta Agency,
Bombay ; situated in the valley of the Krishna, and in the Dhar war and
Sholapur districts, Bombay. Its area is 340 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
69,732. The chief, who ranks as a first-class Sardar in the Southern
Marhatta country, pays a yearly tribute of 1256 to the British Govern-
ment, and maintains a military force of 597 men.
MIRAJ (JUNIOR BRANCH). State in the Southern Marhatta Agency,
Bombay ; situated in Dharwar, Satara, Sholapur, and Poona districts,
Bombay. Its area is 207 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 30,541. The chief,
who ranks as a first-class Sardar in the Southern Marhatta country, pays
a yearly tribute of 641 to the British Government, and maintains a
military force of 289 men.
MIRAJ. Capital of the Miraj State (Senior Branch), Bombay ;
situated near the river Krishna, in lat. 16 49' 10", long. 74 41' 20".
Pop. (1881), 20,616.
MIRAJGAON. Town in Ahmednagar district, Bombay ; situated 145
miles east of Bombay. Lat. 18 46', long. 75 4'.
MIRAN-KA-S ARAL Town in Farrukhabad district, N.W.P. ;
situated on the route from Cawnpore to Fatehgarh, and thirty-three miles
south of the latter. It has a very fine sarai, whence its name, and the
tomb of the founder, in a garden on the opposite side of the road. Lat.
27 1', long. 79 59'.
MIRANPTJR, Town in Muzafiarnagar district, N/W.P. ; situated in
MIR 597
lat. 29 IT 15", long. 77 59' 25". Pop. (1881), 7276. Distant from Mu-
zaffarnagar, twenty miles south-east. Also thana. Pop. (1881), 38,092.
MIRANPTJR KATRA. Town in Shahjahanpur district, N.W.P. ;
situated twenty miles west of Shahjahanpur, in lat. 28 2', long. 79 43'.
Pop. (1881), 5949. Scene of British victory over Rohillas in 177-1.
MIRCHA. Village in Gorakhpur district, KW.P. ; situated on the
route from Azamgarh to Gorakhpur, thirty-eight miles north of the
former, twenty-three south cf the latter. Lat. 26 28', long. 83 14'.
MIRGAHUN GHAT. River Station in Muzaffarnagar district,
N.W.P. ; situated on the left bank of the Jumna, at a ferry on the route
from Karnul to the town of Meerut, and six miles south-east of the
former. Lat. 29 3S', long. 77 6'.
MIRGANJ. Village in Farrukhabad district, KW.P. ; situated on
the route from Cawripore to Fatehgarh, and forty miles south-east of the
latter. Lat. 27. long. 80 3'.
MIRGANJ. Town in Gorakhpur district, N.W.P. ; situated on the
route from Gorakhpur to Lucknow, twenty-eight miles north-west of the
former, 138 east of the latter. Lat. 26 45', long. 83 5'.
MIRGANJ. Town (in tahsil of same name) in Bareilly district,
N.W.P. ; situated on the route from the town of Bareilly to Moradabad,
and twenty-one miles nortl -west of the former. Lat. 28 32', long.
79 16'. Area of tahsil, 153 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 160,939. Also
thana. Pop. (1881), 43,170.
MIRGANJ. Town in Rajshahi district, Bengal; situated 116 miles
north by east of Calcutta. Lat. 24 14', long. 88 43'.
MIRGARH. Town in Bahawalpur State, Punjab ; situated in the
desert extending through the eastern part of that State, in lat. 29 10',
long. 72 52'.
MIRHAKTJR. Town in Agra district, N.W.P. ; situated on the route
from the city of Agra to Jaipur, and ten miles west of the former. Lat.
27 9', long. 77 55'.
MIRHATISAR. River of Bhopal State, Central India Agency ; rising
in lat. 24 39', long. 80 23'. It holds a south-westerly course of about
forty miles, and falls into the river Ken on the right side, in lat. 24 26',
long. 80.
MIRI. Town in Bannu district, Punjab ; situated forty-eight miles
west from the right bank of the Indus, 120 miles south-west by south of
the town of Peshawar. Lat. 32 37', long. 70 30'.
MIRIANL Village in Cawnpore district, N/W.P. ; situated on the
route from Fatehgarh to Cawnpore, and seventeen miles north-west
of the latter. Lat. 26 38', long. 80 15'.
MIRI KHO (NAMKIU RIVER). Name given to the Irawadi in
the upper part of its course.
MIRKASARAI. -Town in Noakhali district, Bengal ; situated on the
road from Dacca to Chittagong, in lat. 22 46' 4", long. 91 37' 10".
Pop. (1872), about 5000.
MIRKHAN THANA. Town in Karachi district, Sind, Bombay;
situated seventy- four miles north-east of Karachi. Lat. 25 30'. long.
67 58'.
598 MIS.
MIROT. Village in Bohtak district, N.W.P. ; situated near the left
bank of the Hansauti torrent. Lat. 28 34', long. 76 37'.
MIRPUR. Village in Bulandshahr district, KW.P. ; situated on the
route from Aligarh to Delhi, and twenty- six miles north-west of the
former. Lat. 28 12', long. 77 57'.
MIRPUR. Town (in taluk of same name) in Shikarpur district, Sind,
Bombay; situated fifty-five miles north-east of Rohri, in lat. 28 1' 15",
long. 69 35'. Pop. (1872), 1425. Area of taluk, 1720 sq. miles.
Pop. (1872), 42,127.
MIRPUR. Town in the Sind Frontier district, Sind, Bombay;
situated twenty miles east of Jacobabad, in lat. 28 11', long. 68 46'.
MIRPUR. Tillage in Aligarh district, N.W.P. ; situated fifty miles
south-east of Delhi. Lat. 28 4', long. 77 48'.
MIRPUR. Town in Kashmir State, Punjab ; situated ninety- two
miles south-west from Srinagar, and 113 miles north from Lahore. Lat.
33 9', long. 73 50'.
MIRPTIR BATORO. Town and municipality (in taluk of same name)
in Karachi district, Sind, Bombay ; situated thirteen miles north-east
of Sujawal, in lat. 24 44', long. 68 17' 30". Pop. (1872), 2846. Area
of taluk, 322 sq. miles. Pop. (1872), 31,645.
MIRPUR KHAS. Town and municipality (in taluk of same name)
in Haidarabad district, Sind, Bombay ; situated forty-one miles east-north-
east from Haidarabad, in lat. 25 31' 45", long. 69 3'. Pop. (1872),
1280. Built in 1806 by Mir All Murad Talpur.
MIRPUR SAKRO. Town (in taluk of same name) in Karachi
district, Sind, Bombay. Lat. 24 33', long. 67 40'. Area of taluk,
1112 sq. miles. Pop. (1872), 22,614.
MIRSERAL Thana in Chittagong district, Bengal. Area, 129 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 76,799.
MIRTA (MERTA). Town in Jodhpur State, Rajputana, situated. on
the route from the city of Jodhpur to that of Ajmere, and seventy-six
miles north-east of the former. There are several temples, and in the
middle of the town a large and lofty mosque. Lat. 26 39', long.
74 5' 35".
MIRUNGrLUA. Town in Akyab district, British Burma; situated
fifty-one miles west of Arakan. Lat. 20 35', long. 92 38'.
MIRYAGANJ. Town in Bakarganj district, Bengal; situated 122
miles east of Calcutta. Lat. 22 22', long. 90 19'.
MIRZA MORAD. Village in Mirzapur district, N.W.P. ; situated on
the route from Allahabad to the city of Benares, sixty-one miles east
of the former, thirteen west of the latter. Lat. 25 17', long. 82 50',
MIRZ AMUR AD. Thana in Benares district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
MIRZAPUR. District in -the Benares division, N.W.P. ; between lat.
23 51' 30" 25 31', and long. 82 9' 15" 83 36'. Its area is 5224
sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 1,136,796. Bounded on the north by Jaunpur
and Benares districts ; on the east by Shahabad and Lohardaga districts,
Bengal; on the south by Sarguja State ; on the west by Allahabad district,
North-Western Provinces, and llewah State, Central India Agency. The
Vindhya and Kaimur Mountains are the chief ranges of the Mirzapur
district, which is the largest in the province. Its chief rivers are
the Ganges, the Son, and the Karamnasa. The chief towns are Mirzapur
(the capital) and Chanar (also a famous historical fortress). The district
is traversed by the East Indian Railway, and has several lines of communi-
cation. It is administered by a Collector and usual staff.
MIRZAPUR. City and municipality (in tahsil of same name), the
capital of Mirzapur district, N.W.P. ; situated on the Ganges, fifty-six
miles from Allahabad, in lat. 25 9' 43", long. 82 38' 10". Pop. (1881),
56,378. It is a station on the East Indian Railway. Noted for its
manufacture of shell-lac, giving employment to about 4000 persons.
Area of tahsil, 1160 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 377,346. Also thana.
Pop. (1881), 159,029.
MIRZAPUR-. Town in Cuttack district, Bengal ; situated thirty
miles north-east of Cuttack. Lat. 20 43', long. 86 17'.
MIRZAPTIR. Town in Purniah district, Bengal ; situated two miles
west of Purniah. Lat. 25 46', long. 87 31'.
MIRZAPUR. Town in Shikarpur district, Sind, Bombay; situated
eleven miles south of Shikarpur. Lat. 27 51', long. 68 39'.
MIRZAPUR. Thana in Murshidabad district, Bengal. Area, 101 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 45,496.
MIRZAPUR. Thana in Saharanpur district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
MIRZAPUR. Thana in Shahjahanpur district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
MIRZAPUR CHAUBARI. Pargana in Allahabad district, N.W.P.
Pop. (1881), 19,178.
MIRZAPUR CHHOTA. Town in Mirzapur district, N.W.P.; situated
on the route from Chanar to Diuapur, ten miles north-east of the former;
situate on the right bank of the Ganges, in lat. 25 12', long. 83 4'.
MIRZI (MIRJAN). Town in North Kanara district, Bombay ;
situated on an inlet of the Arabian Sea, or North Indian Ocean. Distance
from Mangalore, north, 115 miles; from Bombay, south, 325 ; Bangalore,
north-west, 236; Madras, north-west, 408. Lat. 14 30', long. 74 29'.
MISHMI HILLS. Tract on the eastern frontier of Assam ; between
lat. 27 40' 28 40', and long. 96 97 30'. The hills are named from
the tribes inhabiting them.
MISIRPURA. Village in Mirzapur district, N.W.P. ; situated on the
right bank of the Ganges, thirty-one miles north-west of the city of
Mirzapur ; 750 north-west of Calcutta. Lat. 25 16', long. 82 20'.
MISRAULL Village in Benares district, N.W.P. ; situated on the
loft bank of the Ganges, 656 miles north-west of Calcutta by water;
thirteen north-east, or farther down the stream, than Benares. Lat. 25
24', long. 83 15'.
MISRAULIA. Thana in Basti district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 45,463.
MISRIKH. Town (in tahsil of same name) in Sitapur district, Oudh ;
situated thirteen miles south of Sitapur, in lat. 27 25' 50", long. 80
34' 20". Pop. (1881), 2036. Contains a sacred pool, at which' a large
fair is held annually. Area of tahsil, 613 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
213,671. Also pargana. Area, 126 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 41,561.
And thana. Pop. (1881), 90,526.
MISRIKOTA. Town in Dharwar district, Bombay ; situated sixteen
miles south-south-east of Dharwar. Lat. 15 16', long. 78 8'.
MISRIPTTR. Town in Cawnpore district, KW.P. ; situated on the
route from Cawnpore to Jaitpur, thirty-eight miles south-west of the
former. Lat. 26 5', long. 80.
MISSARPTJR. Tillage in Partabgarh district, Oudh ; situated on the
route from Banda to Partabgarh, eleven miles west of the latter, 125
east of the former. Lat. 25 55', long. 81 48'.
MITANL Town in Haidarabad district, Sind, Bombay ; situated 106
miles north by west of Haidarabad. Lat. 26 52', long. 68.
MITANI. Town in Kathiawar, Bombay ; situated eighteen-miles north
from Rajkot, and 160 miles west by north from Baroda. Lat. 22 3'2' }
long. 70 46'.
MITATJLI. Town in Kheri district, Oudh ; situated near the river
Kathna, on the road from Lakhirnpur to Maikalganj. Pop. (1869), 2006.
Also thana. Pop. (1881), 84,025.
MITAYI. Village in Aligarh district, N.W.P. ; on the route from the
city of Agra to Aligarh, and twenty-nine miles north of the former.
Lat. 27 33', long. 78 6'.
MITHA BIRL Village in Dehra Dun district, KW.P. ; situated
near the right bank of the Asan. Elevation above the sea, 2189 feet.
Lat. 30 19', long. 78 2'.
MITHANKOT. Town and municipality in Dera Ghazi Khan district,
Punjab ; situated near the Indus, twelve miles south of Rajanpur, in hit.
28 55' 20", long. 70 25'. Pop. (1881), 3353.
MITHAPUKHR Thana in Rangpur district, Bengal. Area, 199 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 99,053.
MITHA TIWANA. Town in Shahpur district, Punjab ; situated on
the road to Dera Ismail Khan, in lat. 32 14' 40", long. 72 8' 50".
Pop. (1868), 4854. Headquarters of the Maliks, who long held out
against the Sikh power.
MITHIPUR. Village in Etawah district, N.W.P. ; situated on the
route from the cantonment of Agra to that of Etawah, and sixteen miles
north-west of the latter. Lat. 26 57', long. 78 53'.
MITI. Town in Haidarabad district, Sind, Bombay; situate ninety-
six miles south-east of Haidarabad. Lat. 24 45', long. 69 50'.
MITIALLA. Town in Kathiawar, Bombay ; situated eighty miles
south-south-east from Rajkot, and 100 east-south-east from Porbandar.
Lat. 21 12', long. 71 17'.
MITIGTJRAM. Town in Chanda district, Central Provinces ; situated
167 miles south- south-east from Nagpur, and 210 miles north by west of
Masulipatam. Lat. 19 5', long. 80 25'.
MITPALLI. Town in Haidarabad State ; situated 109 miles north
of Haidarabad, and 174 miles south-south-east of Ellichpur. Lat. 18
54', long. 78 41'.
MITRANWALA. Town in Sialkot district, Punjab. Pop. (1 881), 3730.
MITTANI. Town in Peshawar district, Punjab ; situated thirty-three
miles west of the right bank of the Indus, twelve miles south-west of the
town of Peshawar. Lat. 43 46', long. 71 35'.
MITTI. Town (in taluk of same name) in Thar and Parkar district,
Sind, Bombay ; situated sixty miles south of Araarkot, in lat. 24 44',
long. 69 51'. Pop. (1872), 2497. Pop. of taluk (1872), 23,039.
MITTITOKTJR. Town in TJnao district, Oudh ; situated thirty-three
miles west-south-west of Lucknow, and fifteen miles north-east by north
of Cawnpore. Lat. 26 40', long. 80 30'.
MI-ZAN. Revenue circle in Amherst district, British Burma. Pop.
(1876), 1942.
MO-BHAW. Revenue circle in She-gyeng district, British Burma.
Area, 240 sq. miles. Pop. 6672.
MOBI. Town in Upper Burma ; situate 142 miles south- south-east of
Ava, and 154 miles north-east of Prome. Lat. 20 5', long. 97.
MO-BYA MYOTJK. Revenue circle in Bassein district, British Burma.
Pop. (1876), 4739.
MO-BYA-TOUNG. Revenue circle in Bassein district, British Burma.
Pop. (1876), 4816.
MODARA. Town in Ahmedabad district, Bombay. Pop. (1881),
MODHORAJPURA. Town in Jaipur State, Rajputana; situated
twenty-seven miles south- south-west of Jaipur, and sixty-six miles east
of Ajmere. Lat. 26 34', long. 75 45'.
MODIBENL Town in Nepal State ; situated on the left bank of one
of the branches of the Gandak, and 119 miles west by north from
Khatmandu. Lat. 28 15', long. 83 29'.
MODIRA. Village in Jodhpur State, Rajputana; situated on the
route from Nasirabad to Disa, and 155 miles south-west of the former.
Lat. 25 18', long. 73 10'.
MODTJL. Village in Jodhpur State, Rajputana ; situated on the route
from Nasirabad to Dfsa, and 134 miles south-west of the former. Lat.
25 27', long. 73 24'.
MODUPUR. Town in Hazaribagh district, Bengal ; situated fifty-two
miles east of Hazaribagh. Lat. 23 56', long. 86 13'.
MODURU. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 454.
MOGA. Town (in tahsil of same name) in Firozpur district, Punjab ;
situated thirty-four miles from Firozpur. Pop. (1881), 6430. Area of
tahsil, 811 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 221,169.
MO-GNYO. Revenue circle in Henzada district, British Burma.
Pop. (1876), 7717.
MO-GNYO. Township in Henzada district, British Burma. Pop.
(1876), 45,792.
MO-GNYO. Town (in revenue circle and township of the same name)
in Henzada district, British Burma; situated in lat. 17 58' 20", long.
95 33' 20".
MO-GOTING. Revenue circle in Thayet district, British Burma.
Area, 3840 acres. Pop. (1876-77), 5709.
MOGOUNG MYO. Town of Upper Burma; situated 167 miles east
by north of Manipur, and 190 miles south-south-east of Sadiya. Lat. 25
18', long. 96 39'.
MOGRA. Village in Jodhpur State, Rajputana ; situated on the route
from Nimach to Jodhpur, and eleven miles south of the latter. Lat. 26
8', long. 73 10'.
MOGULTUR. Town in Godavari district, Madras ; situated fourteen
miles south-east of Narsapur, in lat. 16 24', long. 81 43'. Pop. (1871),
4399. Noted for its salt manufacture.
MOHADEBPUR. Thana in Dinajpur district, Bengal. Area, 171
sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 67,265.
MOHAN. River of Nepal State, and of Kheri district, Oudh ; falls
into the Kauriala, near Ramnagar.
MOHAN. Town (in tahsil of same name) in Unao district, Oudh ;
on the route from Fatehgarh to Lucknow, eighteen miles west of
the latter. It is situate on the left bank of the river Sai, here crossed
by a permanent bridge. Lat. 26 46' 55", long. 80 43'. Pop. (1881),
5858. Area of tahsil, 437 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 238,650.
MOHANA. River of Rewah State, Central India Agency ; rising near
the village of Raipur, in lat. 24 32', long. 81 32', and discharging into
the Tons, on the right side, in lat. 24 57', long. 81 35', after a total
course of thirty-eight miles.
MOHANA. Thana in Jalaun district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 11,004.
MOHANA. Town in Rohtak district, Punjab; situated on the
route from the city of Delhi to Jind, and thirty-five miles north-west
of the former. Lat. 29 2', long. 76 55'.
MOHAN AURAS. Pargana in TJnao district, Oudh ; bounded on the
north by Hardoi and Lucknow districts ; on the east by Lucknow ; on
the south by Jhalotar A j gain pargana ; and on the west by Asiwan
Rasulabad pargana. Area, 196 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 99,359.
MOHAND. Pass in Dehra Dun district, N.W.P. ; situated at the
point where the route from Dehra to Saharanpur crosses the Siwalik
MOHAND. Thana in Saharanpur district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
MOHANGANJ. Pargana in Rai Bareli district, Oudh ; bounded on
the north by Simrauta and Jagdispur ; on the east by Gaura Jamun ; on
the south by Rokha Jais ; and on the west by Hardoi pargana. Area, 79^-
sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 47,652. Also thana. Pop. (1881), 107,896.
MOHANGANJ. Town in Pabna district, Bengal ; situated 124 miles
north-east of Calcutta. Lat. 24, long. 89 40'.
MOHAN GARH. Fort in Jaisalmir State, Rajputana ; situated in the
desert, and about thirty-five miles north-east of the town of Jaisalmir.
Lat. 27 13', long. 71 22'.
MOHANIYA. Town in Shahabad district, Bengal; situated on the
route from Hazaribagh to Benares, 147 miles north-west of former, forty-
two south-east of latter. Lat. 25 8', long. 83 40'. Also thana. Area,
387 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 150,413.
MOHANKOT. Town in Karachi district, Sind, Bombay; situated
ninety-two miles north-east of Karachi. Lat. 25 52', long. 67 57'.
MOHANLALGANJ. Town (in tahsil of same name) in Lucknow
district, Oudh ; situated on the road from Lucknow to Rai Bareli, four-
teen miles south-east of the former, in lat. 26 40' 45", long. 81 1' 30".
Pop. (1869), 3674. Area of tahsil, 272 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 129,209,
Also pargana. Pop. (1881), 96,878. And thana. Pop. (1881), 76,96y.
MOH 603
MOHANPUR. State in Mahi Kantha, Bombay. Pop. (1881), 14,177.
The Chief pays a yearly tribute of 475 to the Gaekwar of Baroda, 225
to the liaja of Edar, and 15s. to the British Government.
MOHANPTJR. Capital of Mohanpur State, Mahi Kantha, Bombay.
MOHANPUR. Town in Etah district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 2600.
MOHANPUR. Town in Gwalior State, Central India Agency;
situated 110 miles south of Gwalior fort. Lat. 24 47', long. 77 43'.
MOHANPUR. Town in Cachar district, Assam ; situated eleven
miles south-east of Silchar. Lat. 24 41', long. 95 58'.
MOHANPUR. Village in Muttra district, KW.P. ; situated on the
route from the cantonment of Aligarh to that of Etawah, and thirty-six
miles south-east of the former. Lat. 27 27', long. 78 23'.
MOHANPUR. Village in Bijnaur district, N.W.P. ; situated on the
route from Moradabad to Hardwar, and twenty-three miles south-east of
the latter. Lat. 29 42', long. 78 18'.
MOHANPURA. Village in Jaipur State, Rajputana ; situated on the
route from Agra to Ajmere, 128 miles west of former, 100 east of latter.
Lat. 26 52', long. 76 10'.
MOHAR. Village in Fatehpur district, N.W.P. ; situated on the
right bank of the Ganges, on the route from Cawnpore to the town
of Fatehpur, and eighteen miles north-west of the latter. Lat. 26 6',
long. 80 40'.
MOHARI. Town in Bhandara district, Central Provinces ; situated
on the river Sur, thirty-nine miles east-north-east of Nagpur, ten miles
north of Bhandara, in lat. 21 19', long. 79 42'. Pop. (1881), 5142.
MOHESHPUR. Thana in Nadiya district, Bengal. Area, 201 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 112,137.
MOHGrAON. Town and municipality in Chhindwara district, Central
Provinces ; situated forty-three miles north-west of Nagpur, thirty-eight
miles south of Chhindwara, on a tributary of the river Jam, in lat.
21 38', long. 78 46'. Pop. (1881), 5180. Contains a large Hindu
temple of considerable antiquity.
MOHI. Town in Unao district, Oudh ; situated fifteen miles south-
east of Purwa, in lat. 26 26', long. 81 2'. Pop. (1869), 4995.
MOHINDARGARH. Town in Patiala State, Punjab. Pop. (1881),
MOHNAR. Town in Muzaffarpur district, Bengal ; situated near the
Ganges, twenty miles south-east of Hajipur. Pop. (1881), 7447.
MOHNE. Fortress in Bashahr State, Punjab ; with a celebrated
Hindu temple, dedicated to Badrimith, and crowned by a ball of pure
gold, said to weigh fifteen or twenty pounds. It is situate on the southern
declivity of the great Ilaldang Mountain in Kunawar. Lat. 31 26',
long. 78 19'.
MOHODA. Town in Nagpur district, Central Provinces ; situated
twenty miles east of Nagpur, and 110 miles east-south-east of Betul.
Lat. 21 9', long. 79 29'.
MOHOL. Town in Sholapur district, Bombay; situated nineteen
miles west-north-west of Sholapur. Lat. 17 48', long. 75 42'.
604 MOT! MOJ
MOHOLI (MAHATJLI). Village in Hardoi district, Oudh ; situated
on the route from Bareilly to Lucknow, eighty-nine miles south-east
of the former, sixty-seven north-west of the latter. Lat. 27 40', long.
80 32'.
MOHPA (MTJHPA). Town in Nngpur district, Central Provinces;
situated twenty miles from Nagpur, on the Chandrabhaga river, in lat.
21 19', long. 78 52'. Pop. (1881), 5515.
MOHRA DHIL A. Village in Moradabad district, N.W.P. ; situated
at the point where the smnll river Dhela flows to the south from the
Siwalik range; north of Moradabad forty miles. Lat. 29 24', long.
79 4'.
MOHRL Village in Moradabad district, KW.P. ; situated on the
route from Hard war to the town of Moradabad, and sixteen miles north-
west of the latter. Lat. 29 4', long. 78 42'.
MOHBINL Village in Shahjahanpur district, KW.P. ; situated on
the route from Bareilly to Sitapur, and forty-three miles south-east of
the former. Lat. 28 9', long. 80 5'.
MOHUN. Town in Baroda State ; situated eight miles north from the
right bank of the Narbada, and fifty-two miles east by south of Baroda.
Lat. 22 6', long. 74 2'.
MOHUN CHOKI Village in Saharanpur district, N.W.P. ; situated
on the route from the town of Saharanpur to Dehra, and twenty-six miles
north-east of the former. Distant north-west of Calcutta, 1030 miles.
Lat. 30 10', long. 77 57'.
MOHUN KE-SARAL Village in Benares district, N.W.P. ; situated
on the route from the city of Benares to that of Mirzapur, seven miles
south-west of the former, twenty north-east of the latter. Lat. 25 16',
long. 82 55'.
MOHURKAPUR. Village in Cawnpore district, KW.P. ; situated
on the route from Kalpi to Patehgarh, and eighteen miles north of
the former. Lat. 26 20', long. 79 45'.
MOHWAR. River of Jhansi district, N.W.P. ; rising in lat. 25 6',
long. 78 5', and, flowing through Jhansi in a north-easterly direction for
sixty miles, falls into the Sind river, in lat. 25 47', long. 78 23'.
MOIRA. Village in Bardez district, Portuguese India. Pop. (1881),
MOIYONG. State in the Khasi Hills district, Assam. It contains
an area of 110 sq. miles, and its centre is in lat. 10 20', long. 91 27'.
MOJGARH. Town in Bahawalpur State, Punjab; situated on the
route from the city of Bahawalpur to Jodhpur, and thirty-seven miles
south-east of the former. A mosque conspicuously surmounts the gate-
way, and a little to the north is a Muslim tomb, with a cupola pro-
fusely ornamented with coloured glazed tiles. Lat. 29 1', long. 72 11'.
MOJPITR. Village in Ulwar State, Rajputana ; situated on the routo
from Nasfrabad to Muttra, and sixty-one miles south-west of the latter.
Lat. 27 22', long. 76 52'.
MOKALMURIT. Village in Chitaldrug district, Mysore; situated
forty miles north-east of Chitaldrug, in lat. 14 43' 50", long. 76 46' 40".
Pop. (1871), 1784.
MOKA PAGINIT MUWADU. State in Rewa Kantha, Bombay;
with an area of five-eighths of a square mile. Pays a yearly tribute of
25 to the Gaekwar of Baroda.
MOKAURA. Town in Thana district, Bombay ; situated seventy-four
miles north north-east of Bombay. Lat. 19 54', long. 73 23'.
MOKHAD. Town and municipality in Rawal Pindi district, Punjab ;
important river- station at the head of the navigable part of the Indus.
Lat. 33 7', long. 71 50'. Pop. (1881), 4195.
MOKHAIR. Town in Ahmednagar district, Bombay; situated 120
miles north-east of Bombay. Lat. 20, long. 74 20'.
MOKHER. Town in Chhindwara district, Central Province?. Por-,
(1881), 2240.
MOKMAI. Town of Upper Burma; situated 140 miles south-east by
south from Ava, and 176 miles north-east by east from Prome. Lat. 20
17', long. 97 16'.
MOKTJMPAD. Town in Haidarabad State; situated 133 miles east
by north from Haidarabad, and ninety-four miles north from Gantur.
Lat. 17 40', long. 80 30'.
MOLAUR. Town in Fatehpur district, KW.P. ; situated three miles
north-east of the left bank of the Jumna, fifteen miles south-west of the
town of Patehpur. Lat. 25 45', long. 80 57'.
MOLAWUN. Village in Partabgarh district, Oudh ; situated on th
route from Banda to Partabgarh, twenty-two miles west of the latter, Hi
east of the former. Lat. 25 45', long. 81 40'.
MOLCOPONA. Village in Quepem district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 147.
MOLCORNEM. Village in Quepem district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 851.
MOLLTING. Town in Rangpur district, Bengal; situated ten miles
south-west by south of Rangpur. Lat. 25 33', long. 89 10'.
MOLTE. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 191.
MOMAIL MYO. Town in Upper Burma; situated fifty miles east
from the left bank of the Irawadi, and 110 miles north- north-east from,
Ava. Lat. 23 20', long. 96 47'.
^ MOMINABAD. Town in Haidarabad State, one of the stations of the
Subsidiary Force. Distance from Haidarabad, north-west, 175 miles ;
Madras, north-west, 485 ; Bombay, east, 240. Lat. 18 44', long.
76 27'.
MONAMGERL Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 687.
MONAPALEYAM. Town in North Arcot district, Madras ; situated
on one of the islands of the Pulicat Lake, fifty-five miles north by west
of Madras. Lat. 13 54', long. 80 16'.
MONAY. Town of Upper Burma; situate 1 138 miles south-east by
south of Ava, and 190 miles north-east by east of Prome. Lat. 20 26',
long. 97 24'.
MONDA. Town in Jodhpur State, Rajputana; situated fifty- seven
miles south-east of Jodhpur, and seventy-four miles south-west of Ajmere.
Lat. 25 47', long. 73 50'.
MONDA. Town in Eagpur district, Central Provinces. Pop. (1881),
MONEHALLL Tillage in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 20.
MONFTT. Town in Upper Burma; situated on the right bank of the
Irawadi river, and 193 miles north-north-west from Ava. Lat. 24 23',
long. 94 51'.
MONG (MUNG). Village in Gujrat district, Punjab; situated near
the Jhelum, on the site of Alexander's eity of JSTika3a, in lat. 32 39',
long. 73 33'.
MONGHYR (MTJNGIR). District of Bhagalpur division, Bengal ;
between lat. 24 22' 25 49', and long. 85 40' 86 55'. Its area is
3921 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 1,969,774. The district is bounded on the
north by Bhagalpur and Darbhangah districts ; on the east by Bhagalpur
district ; on the south by the Santal Parganas and Hazaribagh districts ;
and on the west by Gaya, Patna, and Darbhangah districts. Its chief
hills are the Kharakpur range in the south. The Ganges flows through
the middle of the district, receiving as tributaries the Buri Gandak and
Tiljuga. The chief towns are Monghyr (the capital), Jamalpur, and
Jamui. The district, which is traversed by the East Indian Railway, is
noted for its indigo factories.
MONGHYR (MUNGIR). Capital (in subdivision of same name)
of Monghyr district, Bengal, and station on the East Indian Railway ;
situated on the right bank of the Ganges ; distant from Benares, east, by
Dinapur, 265 miles ; from Calcutta, north-west, by Berhampur, 304
miles, by the Ganges, 371. Lat. 25 22' 32", long. 86 30' 21".
Pop. (1881), 55,372. Monghyr is the Birmingham of India so far as
manufactures are concerned. Area of subdivision, 1559 sq. miles. Pop.
(1881), 834,376. Also thana. Area, 166 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
MONGTTLHAT. Town in Rangpur district, Bengal ; situated on the
right or south-west bank of the river Dharla. Distant north-east
from the town of Rangpur, twenty-two miles. Lat. 25 58', long.
89 25'.
MONIERKHAL (MANIERKHAL). Tillage and military station
in Cachar district, Assam ; situated on the Sonai, near the Manipur
MONIRAMPUR. Thana in Jessor district, Bengal. Area, 219 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 155,611.
MONKHO. Village in Aligarh district, KW.P. ; situated ten miles
south-west of Aligarh, forty-two miles north of Agra. Lat. 27 47',
long. 78 4'.
MONOHUR THANA. Town in Jhalawar State, Rajputana ; situated
forty-four miles east-south-east of Jhalra Patan, and 129 miles west by
north of Sagar. Lat. 24 13', long. 76 50'.
MONRESWAR Thana in Bardwan district, Bengal. Area, 240 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 88,836.
MONTESWAR. Thana in Bardwan district, Bengal. Area, 172 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 63,053.
MONTGOMERY. District in the Multan division, Punjab ; between
lat. 29 58' 31 33', and long. 72 29' 30" 74 10' 30". Its area is
5574 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 426,529. The district is bounded on the
north-east by Lahore district ; on the south-east by the river Sutlej
(with Bahawalpur State and Sirsa district beyond it) ; on the south-west
by Multan district ; and on the north-west by Jhang district. Mont-
gomery forms part of the Bari and Rechna Doabs ; and is watered by the
Sutlej and Ravi rivers. Its chief towns are Montgomery (the capital),
Pakpattan, and Kot Kamallia. The district, which is traversed by the
Lahore and Multan Railway, is administered by a Deputy- Commissioner
and Staff.
MONTGOMERY. Capital (in tahsil of same name) of Montgomery
district, Punjab ; situated on the centre ridge of the Bari Doab, in lat.
30 58', long. 73 21'. Pop. (1881), 3178. It is a mid-way station on
the Lahore and Multan Railway. It received its name out of compliment
to Sir R. Montgomery, then (1865) Lieutenant-Governor. Area of tahsil,
1815 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 94,127.
MONWEL. State in Kathiawar, Bombay ; paying a yearly tribute of
5 to the Gaekwar of Baroda.
MONZE CAPE (RAS MUARI). Cape in Karachi district, Sind,
Bombay ; a sharply-projecting headland, forming the western extremity
of the coast of Sind, the termination seawards of the high lands known
in different parts by the names of the Hala, Brahui, and Pabb Mountains.
On the north-west of it is the Island of Chilni or Churna, the channel of
separation being four miles wide, and six or seven fathoms deep in the
middle. Lat. 24 50', long. 66 43'.
MOPEA. Town in the Khasi Hills, Assam ; situated twenty-six miles
south of Gauhati, and fifty-four miles north-west by north of Jaintiapur.
Lat. 25 47', long. 91 40'.
MOPP A. Village in Pernem district, Portuguese India. Pop. (1881),
MOPTJN. Town in Amherst district, British Burma ; situated three
miles south of Maulmain. Lat. 16 26', long. 97 42'.
MOR (MATTREKSHA). River of the Santal Parganas, Birbhum,
and Murshidabad district, Bengal, rising near Deogarh, it ultimately falls
into the Bhagirathi.
MORA. Town and sea-port in Thana district, Bombay.
MORADABAD. District in the Rohilkhand division, N.W.P. ; be-
tween lat. 28 13' 45" 29 15' 45", and long. 78 779 2' 45". Its
area is 2281 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 1,155,173. Bounded on the
north by Bijnaur and the Tarai districts ; on the east by Rampur State ;
on the south by Budaun district; and on the west by Meerut and Buland-
shahr districts. It is watered by the Ganges, Ramganga, and Sot rivers.
Its chief towns are Moradabad (the capital), Sambhal, Amroha, and
Chandausi. The district, which is traversed by the Oudh and Rohilkhand
Railway, and has, in addition, numerous good roads, is administered by a
Collector and Staff.
MORADABAD. Capital (in tahsil of same name) and municipality
in Moradabad district, N.W.P. ; situated on the right bank of the
Ramganga, in lat. 28 49' 55", long. 78 49' 30". It is a station on the
Oudh and Rohilkhand Railway. Pop. (1881), 67,387, in addition to the
cantonment, 1965. Area of tahsfl, 234 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 231,863.
Also thana. Pop. (1881), 138,065.
MORADABAD. Town in TJnao district, Oudh. Pop. (1881), 4149.
MORALKAKANDA. Lofty mountain-range in Bashahr State,
Punjab, which stretches continuously, but with various height and
breadth, in a south-westerly direction, from the Himalaya bounding
Kunawar on the south, to Urki, in the state of Bhagal, or from between
lat. 31 10' 31 29', and long. 77 77 50'.
MORAR. British cantonment in Gwalior State, Central India
Agency; situated on a tributary of the Chambal, in lat. 26 13' 40",
long. 78 16' 30".
MORAS A. Town in Ahmedabad district, Bombay ; situated sixty-six
miles north-east of Kaira, in lat. 23 27' 45", long. 73 20' 45". Pop.
(1872), 7436.
MORBHANJ. State in Orissa, Bengal; between lat. 21 17' 22
33' 46", and long. 85 42' 30" 87 13' 55". Its area is 4243 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 385,737. Bounded on the east by Balasor district; on the
south by Nilgiri State and Pun district ; on the west by Keonjhar State;
and on the north by Singhbhum, Manbhum, and Midnapur districts. Its
chief villages are Banpada and Daspur. The Chief has a militia of 972 men.
MORCHOPNA. State in Kathiawar, Bombay ; paying a yearly
tribute of 15 to the Gaekwar of Baroda, and 18s. to the Nawab of
MORGOL. Tillage in Is"agar-Aveli district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 646.
MORDI BAY. Bay on the east coast of the island of Bombay. Lat.
18 56', long. 72 54'.
MOREILGANJ. Thana in Khulna district, Bengal. Area, 180 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 62,670.
MORGIM. Village in Pernem district, Portuguese India. Pop. (1881),
MORI. A summit of the Rajmahal Hills, Santal Parganas district,
Bengal. Height, 2000 feet.
MORLEM. Village in Sanguelim district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 490.
MORMUGAO. Village in Salsette district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 1451.
MORNA (MTTRNA). River of Akola district, Berar, which flows
into the Purna.
MORNI (MURI). Hill in Nahan State, Punjab; a summit in a
range of mountains of moderate elevation, stretching from Nahan, in a
north-western direction, to the south-eastern extremity of the Pinjaur
Dun. Elevation above the sea, 2413 feet. Lat. 30 41', long. 77 9'.
MORO. Town and municipality (in taluk of same name) in Haidarabad
district, Sind, Bombay; situated fifteen miles south-west of Naushahro,
in lat. 26 40', long. 68 2'. Pop. (1872), 1738. Area of taluk, 704 sq.
miles. Pop. (1872), 45,551.
MORPIRLA. Village in Quepem district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 648.
MORRELLGANJ. Town in Jessor district, Bengal ; a port situated
on the Panguchi, a tributary of the Haringhata, in lat. 22 27' 35", long.
89 54'. Named after Mr. Morrell, who cultivated the district.
MORRISON BAY. Bay formed by several islands composing the
Mergui Archipelago, British Burma. Its centre is about lat. 11 53,
long. 98 29'.
MORSI. Town (in taluk of same name) in Amraoti district, Berar ;
situated on the Narka river, forty miles east of Ellichpur, in lat. 21 20',
long. 78 4'. Pop. (1881), 5592. Area of taluk, 622 sq. miles. Pop.
(1881), 129,688.
MORTAKKA. Town (in tahsil of same name) in Mmar district,
Central Provinces. Lat. 22 13', long. 76 5'. Area of tahsil, 649 sq.
miles. Pop. (1872), 29,300.
MORTHAL. Par-ana in Aligarh district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
MORUDIA. Village in Cawnpore district, N.W.P. ; situated on the
route from Etawah to Cawnpore, and forty -eight miles west of the latter.
Lat. 26 22', long. 79 42'.
MORVL Second-class State, Kathiawar, Bombay; between lat. 22
2323 6' 30", and long. 70 3071 3' 30". Its area is 740 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 89,964. Its chief river is the Machhu. The towns are
Morvi (the capital) and Wawania, a port on the Gulf of Cutch. The
Chief, who pays a tribute of 5847 jointly to the British Government
and the Gaekwar of Baroda, maintains a military force of 386 men. He
has a salute of 1 1 guns.
MORVI. Capital of Morvi State, Kathiawar, Bombay ; situated on
the Machhu river, in lat. 22 49', long. 70 53'. Pop. (1881), 15,353.
MOSCOS. A chain of islands on the coast of Tavoy district, British
Burma; known as Northern, Middle, and Southern, extending from lat.
13 4714 28', and long. 97 53'.
MOSEH. Town in Poona district, Bombay; situated sixty miles
south-east of Bombay. Lat. 18 26', long. 83 36'.
MOSULUKTIL. Town in Haidarabad State; situated twenty- six
miles west-north-west of Raichur. Lat. 16 22', long. 77 3'.
MOTAI. Town in Jodhpur State, Rajputana; situated seventy 'two
miles north-north-west from Jodhpur, and sixty-four miles south- tvest
from Bikaner. Lat. 27 18', long. 82 46'.
MOTAKOTARNA. State in Mahi Kantha, Bombay. Pop. (1881),
MOTE (MOTH). Town in Jalaun district, N.W.P. ; situated on the
route from Kalpi to Guna, sixty-four miles south-west of former, 121
north-east of the latter. Lat. 25 43', long. 79 1'.
MOTH. Town (in tahsil of same name) in Jhansi district, N.W.P. ;
Pop. (1881), 3395. Area of tahsil, 247 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 57,208.
Also thana. Pop. (1881), 17,168.
MOTIHARI. Capital (in subdivision of same name) of Champaran
district, Bengal; a town and municipality, situated on the bank of the
Motihari Lake, in lat. 26 39' 46", long. 84 57' 29'. Pop. (1881),
10,307. Area of subdivision, 1470 sq. miles. Pop. (1872), 865,654.
Also thana. Area, 288 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 176,748.
MOTIJHARNA. Waterfall in Santal Parganas district, Bengal ; near
the Maharajpur station of the East Indian Railway. An annual fair is
held here in February.
MOTIPUR. Thana in Bahraich district, Oudh. Pop. (1881), 52,920.
MOTI-TALAO. Tank in Mysore district, Mysore ; situated in lat. 13
10', long. 78 25'.
MO-TSA-GYAN. Revenue circle in Henzada district, British Burma.
Pop. (1876-77), 4676.
MO-TSAY. Revenue circle in Akyab district, British Burma. Pop.
(1876-77), 2360.
MO-TS AY- GYL Revenue circle in Akyab district, British Burma.
Pop. (1876-77), 2256.
MOTUPALLI. Town in Krishna district, Madras ; a seaport, situated
in lat. 15 43' 40", long. 80 20'. Pop. (1871), 1142.
MOTUR. Table-land in Chhindwara district, Central Provinces ;
situated thirty-four miles north-west of Chhindwara, in lat. 22 17',
long. 78 37'. Elevation above the sea, 3500 feet.
MOTURA. Town in Pabna district, Bengal ; situated 121 miles north-
east of Calcutta. Lat. 23 55', long. 89 40'.
MOUNG-DAW. Town in Akyab district, British Burma. Pop.
(1877), 547.
MOUNG-MA-GAN. Revenue circle in Tavoy district, British Burma.
Area, 26 sq miles. Pop. (1876-77), 3483.
MOUNG-MA-GAN. See Moscos.
MOUNG-MAI-SHOTJNG. Revenue circle in Tavoy district, British
Burma. Pop. (1876-77), 1863.
situated nineteen miles from the right bank of the Irawadi, and forty-
three miles north-north-west from Ava. Lat. 22 25', long. 95 46'.
MOUZA BHATBACHAGARL Town in Rangpur district, Bengal.
Pop. (1881), 5293.
MOW (MAU). Town in Aligarh district, N.W.P. ; situated twenty
miles south-east of the cantonment of Aligarh. Lat. 27 47', long. 78 26'.
MOW. See Mnow.
MOW MU 611
MOWA. Town in Jaipur State, Rajputana ; situated on the route
from Agra to Ajmere, seventy miles west of former, 158 east of latter.
The town is surrounded by an earthen rampart, with bastions, and has at
its north-east angle a fort belonging to the Jaipur Raja. Lat. 27 3',
Ion*. 76 59'.
MOWA. Town in Kathiawar, Bombay ; situated on the coast of
the peninsula. Distance from Ahmedabad, south, 150 miles; Baroda,
south-west, 130; Bombay, north-west, 160. Lat. 21 3', long. 71 43'.
MOWA. Town in Muzaffarpur district, Bengal ; situated on the
route from Dinapur to Purniah, thirty miles north-east of former, 170
west of latter. Lat. 25 46', long. 85 29'.
MOWA. Town in Muzaffarpur district, Bengal ; situated forty-
eight miles south-east from Muzaffarpur. Lat. 25 33', long. 85 55'.
MOWAL Village in Banda district, N.W.P. ; situated on the route
from Cawnpore, by Chila Tara ghat, to the town of Banda, four miles
north of the latter. Lat. 25 32', long. 80 24'.
MOWAL Village in Fatehpur district, KW.P. ; situated on the left
bank of the Jumna, thirty miles west of the town of Fatehpur. Lat. 25
55', long. 80 22'.
MOWAR. Town in Nagpur district, Central Provinces ; situated on
the Wardha, six miles north of Jalalkhera. Pop. (1881), 4054.
MOWASI. Village in Unao district, Oudh ; situated on the route
from Cawnpore to Lucknow, five miles north-east of the former, forty-
eight south-west of the latter. Lat. 26 30', long. 80 31'.
MOYAR. River of the Nilsiri and Coimbatore districts, Madras ;
rising in the Nilgiris in lat. 11 22', long. 76 35', at the foot of the
mountain called Makurt Peak, and joining the Bhawani in lat. 11 28',
long. 77 10'. After a course of seventy miles, the united stream
discharges itself into the Kaveri.
MOYUNDA. Village in Dehra Dun district, N.W.P. ; situated on a
rocky and bare ridge, about two miles west of the right bank of the
Jumna. Lat. 30 41', long. 78 6'.
MRO-HOUNG. Township in Akyab district, British Burma. Pop.
(1876-77), 24,316.
MRO-HOTING. Town (in township of same name) in Akyab district,
British Burma ; situated at the head of a branch of the Kuladan river, in
lat. 20 44', long. 93 26'. It was formerly called Arakan, or Old
Arakan, and was the capital of the Arakanese kingdom. Pop. (1877),
MRO-THIT. Revenue circle in Kyouk-hpyu district, British Burma.
Pop. (1876), 3438.
MRO-THIT. Revenue circle in Akyab district, British Burma. Pop.
(1876-77), 3361.
MRO-THIT-KHYOTJNG. Revenue circle in Akyab district, British
Burma. Pop. (1876-77), 11,338.
MU. River of Upper Burma, rising in lat. 23 33', long. 95 27', and,
flowing in a south-easterly direction for 125 miles, falls into the Irawadi,
about forty-two miles below Ava, in lat. 21 56', long. 95 24'.
MUBARIKPUR Town in Bahawalpur State, Punjab ; situated five
miles from the left bank of the Sutlej, and fifty-eight miles east-north-
east of Bahawalpur. Lat. 29 43', long. 72 38'.
MUBARIKPUR. Town in Azamgarh district, N.W.P. ; situated in
lat. 26 5' 15", long. 83 20'. Pop. (1881), 13,157.
MUBARIKPUR. Town in Bijnaur district, N.W.P. Lat. 29 19',
long. 78 12'.
MUBARIKPUR. Town in Sultanpur district, Oudh ; situated on the
right bank of the Gogra, thirty-five miles south-east of Faizabad. Lat.
26 35', long. 82 38'.
MUCHERHUTTA. Town in Hardoi district, Oudh ; situated forty-
one miles north-north-west of Lucknow, and fifty-eight miles south-east
by east of Shahjahanpur. Lat. 27 24', long. 80 45'.
MUCHIPARA. Section of Calcutta. Area, 266 acres. Pop. (1881),
MUCHURL Town in Etawah district, K.W.P. ; situated on the route
from Mainpuri to Etawah, and twelve miles north of the latter. Lat. 26
57', long. 79 1'.
MUDAK-DOR. Hill in Mysore district, Mysore; situated on the
bank of the Kaveri river. A festival is held annually, attended by
upwards of 10,000 persons.
MUDBIDRI. Ancient town in South Kanara district, Madras ;
situated in lat. 13 4' 10", long. 75 2' 30". Now in ruins, but famous
for its Jain pagodas.
MUDDEBIHAL. Town and municipality (in subdivision of same
name) in Kaladgi district, Bombay ; distant forty-eight miles from
Kaladgi, in lat. 16 20' 25", long. 76 10' 20". Pop. (1872), 3547.
Area of subdivision, 564 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 65,024.
MUDDIRA. Town in Haidarabad State ; situated 129 miles east
by south from Haidarabad, and seventy- six miles north-west from
Masulipatam. Lat. 16 57', long. 80 26'.
MUDGAL. Town in Haidarabad State; situated sixty-eight miles
north-west by north of Bellary. Lat. 16, long. 76 30'.
MUDH. Tillage in Bikaner State, Eajputana; situated on the route
from the town of Bikaner to that of Jaisalmir, and thirty miles south-
west of the former. Lat. 27 50', long. 73'.
MUDHARGARHL Village in Agra district, N.W.P. ; situated on
the route from Khasganj to the city of Agra, fourteen miles north east
of the latter. Lat. 27 19', long. 78 11'.
MUDHOL. State in the Southern Marhatta Agency, Bombay ;
between lat. 16 6' 50" 16 26' 45", and long. 75 4' 21" 75 31' 56".
Its area is 362 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 52,163. It is bounded on the
north by Jamkhandi State ; on the east by the Kaladgi district ; on the
south by Kaladgi district and Kolhapur State ; and on the west by
Belgaum district. The State is watered by the Ghatprabha river. The
only town is Mudhol (the capital). The chief, who pays a yearly tribute
of 217 to the British Government, is a " first-class" Sardar, and main-
tains a military force of 700 men.
MUDHOL. Capital of Mudhol State, Bombay; situated in lat. 16
19' 50", long. 75 19' 20". Pop. (1881), 6060.
MUDHOL. Town in Haidarabad State ; situated nine miles from the
left bank of the Godavari river, and 120 miles north- north- west of
Haidarabad. Lat. 18 59', long. 77 53'.
MUDIVEDU. Town in Cuddapah district, Madras; situated in lat.
14 1' 30", long. 78 44' 10". Pop. (1871), 5254.
MUDKHED. Town in Haidarabad State ; situated six miles from the
left bank of the Godavari, and 140 miles north-north-west of Haidarabad.
Lat. 19 9', long. 77 33'.
MUDKI. Village in Firozpur district, Punjab : situated twenty-six
miles south of the Sutlej, in lat. 30 47', long. 74 55' 15". Famous for
the battle between the English and the Sikhs on 18th December, 1845.
MUDMESUR. Village, with a Hindu temple, in Kumaun district,
N.W.P. ; situate at the southern base of Badrinath Mountain, in lat. 30
36', long. 79 15'.
MUDNAIKHANHALLL Town in Bellary district, Madras ; situated
forty- nine miles south-east by south of Bellary. Lat. 14 33', long.
77 20'
MUDONG. Town in Amherst district, British Burma ; situated
sixteen miles south -south-east of Maulmain. Lat. 16 16', long. 97 48'.
MUDRA (MUNDURA). Village in Allahabad district, N.W.P. ;
situated on the right bank of the Ganges, 772 miles north-west of
Calcutta by the river route, thirty-six south-east of the city of Allahabad
by the same. Lat. 25 17', long. 82 16'.
MUDRAVALLL Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 104.
MIT-DUN. Revenue circle in Amherst district, British Burma. Pop.
(1877), 3268.
MU-DUN. Village (in revenue circle of same name), in Amherst district,
British Burma; situated nine miles from Maulmain. Pop. (1877), 2475.
MUFTANG. Town in the Khasi Hills, Assam; fifty miles south of
Gauhati, and thirty-one miles north-west of Jaintiapur. Lat. 25 26',
long. 91 47'.
MUFTIGANJ. Town in Jaunpur district, KW.P. ; situated on the
route from Ghazipur to Jaunpur, thirty-nine miles west of the former,
eleven south-east of the latter. Lat. 25 41', long. 82 55'.
MUFTI KA PURWA. Village in Allahabad district, N.W.P. ;
situated on the route from Allahabad to Fatehpur, and thirteen miles
north-west of the former. Lat. 25 28, long. 81 44'.
MUGDAI. Cave and spring in the Perzagarh Hills, Chanda district,
Central Provinces. A fair is held here annually.
MUGGUTTAGERL Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 510.
MUGHALBHIN. Town in Karachi district, Sind, Bombay; situated
on the Gungro, a branch of the Indus, in lat. 24 22', long. 68 18' 30".
Pop. (1872), 1533.
MUGHALIMIRL Town in Kolar district, Mysore State; situated
119 miles north-east of Seringapatam, and 151 miles west by north of
Madras. Lat. 13 29', long. 78 9'.
MUGHALPUR. Town in Moradabad district, N.W.P. ; situated near
the Ramganga river, seven miles north-west of Moradabad, in lat. 28
55' 43", long. 78 45' 55". Pop. (1881), 5277.
MUGHALPUR. Town, on the Chauka inKheri district, Oudh; sixty-
five miles from Lucknow. Lat. 27 45', long. 80 65'.
MUGHAL SARAI. Town in Tonk State, Rajputana ; situated eleven
miles north from Si-ronj, and seventy-eight miles west-north-west of Sagar.
Lat. 24 16', long. 77 40'.
MUGHAL SARAI. Town in Benares district, N.W.P. ; situated six
miles from Benares, in lat. 25 16' 30", long. 83 10' 45". It is a station
on the East Indian Railway.
MUGITALA. Town in Haidarabad State ; situated on the left bank
of the Krishna river, and 111 miles east-south-east from Haidarabad. Lat.
16 50', long. 80 9'.
MUGOTTAGERL Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 363.
MUGROR (MUNGROR): Village inMirzapur district, N. W.P. ; situate
twenty-five miles south-east of the city of Benares, and forty-five miles
south-east of Mirzapur. Lat. 25 1', long. 83 20'.
MUHAMDL Town (in tahsil of same name) in Kheri district, Oudh ;
situated three miles west of the Gumti river, in lat. 27 57' 15", long.
80 15'. Pop. (1881), 6635. Area of tahsil, 666 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
232,909. Also pargana. Area, 116 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 55,333.
And thana. Pop. (1881), 127,624.
MUHAMMADABAD. Town in Jalaun district, N.W.P.; on the route
from Jalaun to Banda, seventeen miles south-east by south of the former.
Lat. 25 57', long. 70 31'.
MUHAMMADABAD. Town (in tahsil of same name) in Ghazipur
district, KW.P. Pop. (1881), 7135. Area of tahsil, 249 sq. miles.
Pop. (1872), 169,421. Also pargana. Pop. (1881), 146,938. And
thana. Pop. (1881), 85,312.
MUHAMMADABAD. Town (in tahsil of same name) in Azamgarh
district, K.W.P. Lat. 26, long. 83 28'. Pop. (1881), 9154. Area
of tahsil, 428 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 327,017. Also pargana. Pop.
(1881), 238,442. And thana. Pop. (1881), 109,895.
MUHAMMADABAD. Town (in tahsil of same name) in Farrukhabad
district, KW.P. Pop. (1881), 1601. Lat. 27 19', long. 79 30'. Area
of tahsil, 343 sq. miles. Pop. (1872), 256,516. Also pargana. Pop.
(1881), 21,543. And thana. Pop. (1881), 87,529.
MUHAMMADABAD. Thana in Santal Parganas district. Pop.
(1881), 31,717.
MUHAMMADABAD. Town in Sitapur district, Oudh ; situated on
the route from Sitapur to Sekrora, thirty-eight miles south-east of the
former, forty-two north-west of the latter, thirty-two north-east of
Lucknow. Lat. 27 16', long. 81 3'.
MUHAMMAD ALL Village in Shikarpur district, Sind, Bombay;
on the route from Sehwan to Larkhana, and sixty-three miles north of the
former place ; situated on the right bank of a great offset of the Indus.
Lat. 27 8', long. 68 3'.
MUHAMMAD ALIPUR. Village in Bijnaur district, NVW.P. ;
situated on the route up the course of the Ramganga (Western) from
Moradabad to Almora, forty-two miles north of the former. Lat. 29 25',
long. 78 43'.
MUHAMMAD AMRU. Village in Shikarpur district, Sind, Bombay;
situated on the route from Sehwan to Larkhana, and five miles south of
the last-mentioned town. Lat. 27 28', long. 68 11'.
MUHAMMADGARH. State in the Bhopal division of the Central
India Agency ; bounded by Bhilsa and Rahatgarh. Its area is 27 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 5347. Chief town, Muhammadgarh, lat. 23 39',
long. 78 12'.
MUHAMMADPUR. Tillage in Farrukhabad district, N.W.P. ;
situated on the route from Alfgarh to Fatehgarh, and eleven miles north-
west of the latter. Lat. 27 23', long. 79 34'.
MUHAMMADPUR. Town in Indore State, Central India Agency;
situated fifty-eight miles south of Indore, and 139 miles west of Betul.
Lat. 21 52', long. 75 50'.
MUHAMMADPUR. Village in Saran district, Bengal. Pop. (1872),
4140. Centre of rice trade.
MUHAMMADPUR. Town in Patna district, Bengal ; situated ad-
jacent to the town of Barh, in lat. 25 30', long. 8546 / . Pop.(1881), 8479.
MUHAMMADPUR. Tillage in Jessor district, Bengal ; situated on
the Madhumati river, in lat. 23 23' 45", long. 89 38' 30". Also thana.
Area, 113 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 83,677.
MUHAMMADPUR. Pargana in Bara Banki district, Oudh ; bounded
on the north by Sitapur district, on the east by the Chauka river, on the
south by Ramnagar pargana, and on the west by Sitapur district. Area,
62 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 29,814.
MUHAMMADPUR. Town in Faizabad district, Oudh; situated
twenty-four miles west of Faizabad. Pop. (1869), 2615.
MUHAMYAING. Town in Upper Burma; situated nineteen miles
east from the left bank of the Khyendwen river, and 122 miles north-
west by north from Ava. Lat. 23 19', long. 95.
MUHILA. Town in Muzaffarpur district, Bengal ; situated seventy-
one miles north-north-east of Dinapur. Lat. 26 34', long. 85 32'.
MUHI-UD-DIN-PUR. Tillage in Alfgarh district, N.W.P. ; situated
on the route from the city of Agra to Khasganj, and 51 miles north-east
of the former. Lat. 27 40', long 78 36'.
MUHUARI. Town in Benares district ; situated on the right bank of
the Ganges, fifteen miles to the north-east of Benares. Lat. 25 24',
long. 83 16'.
MUIKAL. Town in Malabar district, Madras; situated forty-nine
miles south-east of Cannanore. Lat. 11 24', long. 75 58'.
MUIKILUNG. Town in Amherst district, British Burma; situated
thirty-five miles east of Maulmain. Lat. 16 30', long. 98 13'.
MUIRI. Town in Baroda State ; situated 111 miles west by south
from Rajkot, and sixty-four miles north-west by west from Porbandar.
Lat. 22 6', long. 69. 10'.
MUJAHUN. Town in Bikaner State, Rajputana; situated sixty miles
north-east by north of Bikaner, and 137 miles west by south of Hansi.
Lat. 28 43', long. 73 54'.
MTTJATJTHAPTJRAM. Town in Haidarabad State ; situated on the
left bank of the Tandur river, and forty-six miles west-south-west of
Haidarabad. Lat. 17 4', long. 77 57'.
MUJGAON. Town in Farrukhabad district, N.W.P. ; situated twenty-
five miles south of the city of Farrukhabad. Lat. 27 1', long. 79 35'.
MUJINWAN (MTINJIAWAN). Tillage in Gaya district, Bengal ;
situated south-east from Benares eighty-five miles. Lat. 24 20', long.
83 50'.
MUJTRI. Village in Bijnaur district, N.W.P. ; situated on the route
from Moradabad to Hardwar, and thirty-nine miles north-west of the
former. Lat. 29 23', long. 78 32'.
MUJNAI. River of Bhutan State, Jalpaiguri district, and Kuch
Behar State, Bengal. It falls into the Jaldhaka, in lat. 26 26' 30", long.
89 14' 15".
MUJPUR. State in Kathiawar, Bombay ; paying a yearly tribute of
60 to the British Government.
MTIJW AN. Tillage in Allahabad district, KW.P. ; situated on the
route by the Katra Pass, from Allahabad to Rewah, and eighteen miles
south-east of the former. Lat. 25 17', long. 82 4'.
MUKAMA (MOKAMEH). Town in Patna district, Bengal; situated
on the Ganges, in lat. 25 24' 25", long. 85 55' 26". Pop. (1881),
13,052. It is an important station on the East Indian Railway. Also
thana. Area, 161 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 93,824.
MUKANDWARA (MOKTJNDURRA). Tillage in Kotah State, Rajpu-
tana ; situated at the famous Mukandra Pass, on the route from Ni'mach
to Kotah, ninety miles north-east of the former, and thirty- two south-
west of the latter, in lat. 24 48' 50", long. 76 4' 50".
MUKARARI. Town in Malabar district, Madras ; situated at the
western base of the Western Ghats, on a river flowing from that range,
and nine miles east of Cannanore. Lat. 11 52', long. 75 34'.
MUKERIAN. Town in Hoshiarpur district, Punjab ; situated in lat.
31 56' 50", long. 75 38' 50". Pop. (1881), 4116.
MTJKHWAR Town in Muttra district, N.W.P. ; situated fourteen
miles north-east of the city of Agra. Lat. 27 18', long. 78 14'.
MUKODLU. Tillage in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 247.
MTIKSI. Town in Haidarabad State ; situated fourteen miles east by
south of Mudgal. Lat. 15 58', long. 76 42'.
MTJKTSAR. Town (in tahsil of same name) in Firozpur district,
Punjab; situated in lat. 30 28' 30", long. 74 33' 15". Pop. (1881),
3125. A Sikh festival takes place in January. Area of tahsil, 946 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 111,634.
MUKUTPUR. Town in Mandla district, Central Provinces ; situated
on the route from Sohagpur to Nagpur, forty-two miles south- south- west
of the former. Lat. 22 47', long. 81 7'.
MU-KYI. Revenue circle in Amherst district, British Burma. Pop.
(1877), 4080.
MTJL. Mountain range in Chanda district, Central Provinces j situated
three miles west of the town of Mul.
MIJL 617
MTJL. Town (in tahsil of same name) in Chanda district, Central
Provinces; situated thirty miles north-east of Chancla, in lat. 20 4', long.
79 43'. Pop. (1881), 3844. Area of tahsil, 5098 sq. miles. Pop.
(1881), 215,784.
MTILA (MTTLOH). Pass in Baluchistan, over the Brahuik range,
between Kachh Gandava and Jhalawan in Baluchistan. Its summit is
5250 feet above the sea. It is preferable as a military pass to the Bolan,
the road being better, the ascent easier and more gradual, and some
supplies, at least, being obtainable in it.
MTJLA. River of Poona and Ahmednagar districts, Bombay; rising
in lat. 19 26', long. 73 53', on the eastern slope of the "Western Ghats,
and a few miles north of the Malsej Ghat, and, flowing in an easterly
direction for 100 miles, falls into the Prawara river, a tributary of the
Godavari, in lat. 19 32', long. 84 51'.
MTJLAGUL. Village in Sylhet district, Assam ; situated on the right
bank of the Surma river.
MULAHUR. Tillage in Jodhpur State, Rajputana ; situated on the
route from the town of Bikaner to that of Phalodi, and five miles north of
the latter. Lat. 27 13', long. 72 26'.
MULAIR. Town in Khandesh district, Bombay ; situated thirty-five
miles west- north- west of Malegaon. Lat. 20 44', long. 74.
MULAJINAPURA. State in Mahi Kantha, Bombay. Pop. (1881),
221. The Chief pays a yearly tribute of 2 10. to the Gaekwar of
MULA-MITTA. River of Poona district, Bombay ; a feeder of the
Bhima river, deriving its name from the junction near Poona of two
streams, the Mula and the Muta, the former rising near the Bhor Ghat,
in lat. 18 44', long. 73 28', and the latter in lat. 18 25', long. 73 30'.
The united stream falls into the Bhima, in lat. 18 34', long. 74 23'.
MULANA. Town in Umballa district, Punjab ; situated on the route
from Saharanpur to Ludhiana, and forty-one miles north-west of the
former place. Distant north-west from Calcutta, by Delhi and Karnal,
1000 miles. Lat. 30 17', long. 77 7'.
MULANUR. Town in Coimbatore district, Madras ; situated in lat.
10 45' 30", long. 77 46'. Pop. (1871), 6950.
MULBA. Village in Jodhpur State, Rajputana ; situated on the route
from Balotra to the city of Jodhpur, and thirty-seven miles north-east of
the former. Lat. 26 6', long. 72 50'.
MULBAGAL (MUDLA-BAG ALA). Town and municipality (in taluk
of same name) in Kolar district, Mysore; situated in lat. 13 9' 40", long.
78 26' 30". Pop. (1871), 4706. In the neighbourhood there is the
tomb of a Musalman saint, which annually attracts many pilgrims.
Area of taluk, 241 sq. miles. Pop. (1871), 58,051.
MULGAO. Village in Sanguelim district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 875.
MULGHAT. Town in Darbhangah district, Bengal; situated 124
miles east- south-east from Khatmandu, and ninety miles north-corth-west
from Pumiah. Lat. 27, long. 86 7'.
MULGUN. -Torrent of Bashahr State, Punjab; rising about lat. 31
618 MTJL
iO', ]ong. 78 12', on the south-eastern declivity of the Damuk Shu, a
very lofty range dividing that territory from Ladakh. It falls into the
Sutlej on the right side, in lat. 31 35', long. 78 21'.
MULGUND. Town in Dharwar district, Bombay; situated thirty-
eight miles east-south-east of Dharwar, in lat. 15 17', long. 75 36'.
Pop. (1881), 5386.
MULHARA. Tillage in Chhatarpur State, Central India Agency ;
situated on the route from Banda to Sagar, sixty miles south-west of the
former, 112 north-east of the latter. Lat. 25 2', long. 79 44'.
MULHARGARH. Town in Indore State, Central India Agency ; on
the route from Nimach to Mhow, ten miles south of former, 141 north-
west of latter. Lat. 24 19', long. 74 58'.
MULL Fourth-class State in Kathiawar, Bombay ; between lat. 22
33' 45" 22 46' 45", and long. 71 25' 71 38' 15". Area, 133 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 19,832. The Chief pays a tribute of 935 jointly
to the British Government and to the Nawab of Junagarh.
MULL Capital of Huli State, Kathiawar, Bombay ; situated in lat.
22 38', long. 71 30'. Pop. (1881), 6357^.
MULILA DERI. State in Kathiawar, Bombay, paying a yearly
tribute of 127 to the British Government, and 17 to the Nawab of
MULKAGIRI. Town in Eaipur district, Central Provinces ; situated
124 miles north by east from Masulipatam, and seventy-one miles north
by west from Eajamahendri. Lat. 16 57', long. 80 35'.
MULKI. Town in South Kanara district, Madras; situated on the
coast fifteen miles north of Mangalore, in lat. 13 5' 15", long. 74
49' 35".
MULL. River in Haidarabad district, Sind, Bombay ; a branch on the
left or eastern side of the Sata, a branch of the Indus. Though once a
large stream, it has now become a shallow rivulet, discharging a scanty
body of water through the Mull mouth, in lat. 23 55', long. 67 44'.
MULLUK HARHUR. Tillage in Allahabad district, N/W.P. ;
situated on the route from the city of Allahabad to Lucknow, and six
miles north-west of the former. Lat. 25 32', long. 81 43'.
MULLUSOGE. Tillage in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 423.
MULMULA. Town in Nepal State; situated 153 miles west of
Khatmandu, and eighty-two miles north-west by north of Gorakhpur.
Lat. 27 46', long. 82 50'.
MULTAI. Town (in tahsil of same name) in Betul district, Central
Provinces; situated twenty-eight miles east of Bednur, in lat. 21 46'
26", long. 78 18' 5". Pop. (1181), 3423. A large tank, ornamented
with several temples, is reverenced by Hindus as the source of the river
Taptf. Area of tahsi'l, 961 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 93,168.
MULTAN. Division of the Punjab; containing four districts, Multan,
Montgomery, Jhang, and Muzaffargarh. Between lat. 29 1' 32 4',
and long. 70 33' 74 10' 30". Area, 20,295 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
MULTAN. District in the Multan division, Punjab ; between lat.
29 22' 30 45', and long. 71 4' 72 54' 30". Its area is 5880 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 551,964. The Multan district is bounded on the
south by the river Sutlej ; on the north-west by the Chenab ; on the
north by the Ravi and Jhang district ; and on the east by Montgomery
district. The district includes the triangle at the apex of the Bari Doab,
with a part of the Rechna Doab ; and it is watered by the Sutlej and
Chenab rivers, and in a small part by the Ravi. Its chief towns are
Multan (the capital), Shujabad, and Kahrur. The district is traversed
by a branch of the Sind, Punjab, and Delhi Railway, and by the Indus
Yalley State Railway. There are also a large number of good roads. It
is administered by a Deputy-Commissioner and usual staff.
MULTAN. City and municipality (in tahsil of same name) in Multan
district, Punjab, and the capital of the district and division ; situated
four miles from the left bank of the Chenab, in lat. 30 12', long. 71 30'
45". Pop. (1881), 68,674. The Church Missionary Society maintains a
station at Multan, which is also a centre of trade. Area of tahsil, 949 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 170,610.
MULTAN. Cantonment, adjacent to Multan City, in Multan district,
Punjab. Lat. 30 11' 15", long. 71 28'. Pop. (1868), 10,780.
MULTAN. Town in Dhar State, situate thirty-five miles north
from Dhar, and ninety-nine miles south by east from Nimach. Lat. 23
4', long. 85 14'.
MULUGI. Town in Dharwar district, Bombay ; situated fifty miles
south by east of Dharwar. Lat. 14 46', long. 75 13'.
MULUR. Tillage in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 312.
MUN. Revenue circle in Shwe-gyeng district, British Burma. Area,
290 sq. miles. Pop. (1876), 4630.
MUNAGAL. Town in Haidarabad State ; twenty-nine miles west-
north-west of Haidarabad, and 148 miles east from Sholapur. Lat. 17
29', long. 78 10'.
MUNAGALA. Town in Krishna district, Madras ; situated sixty-six
miles north-west of Gantur. Lat. 17 3', long. 79 53'.
MUNAK. Village in Patiala State, Punjab ; situated on the route from
Delhi to Firozpur, 140 miles north-west of the former place. Distant north-
west of Calcutta, via Delhi, 1027 miles. Lat. 29 49', long. 75 57'.
MUNARA. Town in Karachi district, Sind, Bombay ; situated sixty
miles south-east by south of Karachi. Lat. 24 11', long. 67 40'.
MUNDAGAON. Town in Kalahandi State, Central Provinces ;
situated 140 miles south-west by south of Sambalpur. Lat. 19 54', long.
82 40'.
MUNDAGUR. Town in North Kanara district, Bombay ; situated
sixty-one miles north-east of Honawar. Lat. 14 58', long. 75 8".
MUNDAL. Town in Kaira district, Bombay ; situated twenty-one
miles east of Kaira. Lat. 22 47', long. 73 1'.
MUNDAR. Cave in Bashahr State, Punjab ; on the southern declivity
of the Barenda Pass, from the crest of which it is distant two miles.
Elevation above the sea, 12,807 feet. Lat. 31 23', long. 78 12'.
MUNDARGI. Town (in subdivision of same name) in Dharwa'r
district, Bombay. Pop. (1881), 3826. Lat. 15 13', long. 75 57'.
Area of subdivision, 217 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 78,279.
620 MUN
MUNDEJ. Town in Jaipur State, Madras ; situated thirty-four miles
east-north-east of Jaipur, and 109 miles north by west from Vizagapatam.
Lat. 19 12', long. 82 55'.
MUNDHA. Thana in Moradabad district, KW.P. Pop. (1881),
MUNDHAKHERA. Town in Bulandshahr district, N.W.P. Pop.
(1881), 2797.
MUNDHRI. Town in Bhandara district, Central Provinces. Pop.
(1881), 2314.
MUNDI. Town in Gwalior State, Central India Agency ; situated
nine miles west of the Suktha river, and eighty-eight miles west by north
of Betul. Lat. 22 2', long. 76 39'.
MUNDIA. Town in Budaun district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 2489.
MUNDKA. Village in Delhi district, Punjab ; situated on the route
from Delhi to Hansi, and twelve miles west of the former. Lat. 28
40', long. 77 6'.
MUNDLANA Town in Eohtak district, Punjab. Pop. (1881), 5469.
MUNDL AP AD. Town in Cuddapah district, Madras ; situated sixty
miles north of Cuddapah. Lat. 15 20', long. 78 58'.
MUNDRA. Town and seaport in Cutch State, Bombay ; situated on
the Gulf of Cutch, in lat. 22 48' 40", long. 69 52' 30". Pop. (1881),
MUNDRI. Town in Rutlam State, Central India Agency, situated
four miles from the right bank of the Mahi river, and six miles south-
south-east of Rutlam. Lat. 23 11', long. 75 3'.
MUNDROTTTJ. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 37.
MUNDWA. Village in Jodhpur State, Rajputana ; situated on the
route from Nasirabad to Nagar, and eleven miles south-east of the latter
town. Lat. 27 3', long. 73 55'.
MUNDYPOLLUM. Town in Travancore State ; situated twenty-nine
miles north-east from Quilon, and sixty-four miles north-west by west
from Tinnevelli. Lat. 9 11', long. 76 56'.
MUNGAPAKAM (MTJNGAPAKA). Town in Vizagapatam district,
Madras ; situated in lat. 17 38', long. 83 3' 30".
MUNGDTI. Town in Akyab district, British Burma ; situated sixty-
one miles west of Mro-houng. Lat. 20 46', long. 92 30'.
MTINGELI. Town (in tahsil of same name) in Bilaspur district,
Central Provinces ; situated thirty-six miles west of Bilaspur, in lat. 22
4', long. 81 4-4'. Pop. (1881), 4757. Area of tahsil, 1613 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 322,117.
MTJNGHOM. Town in Upper Burma; situated 117 miles east of
Manipur, and 199 miles north of Ava. Lat. 24 42', long. 95 52'.
HUN HUB, 621
MUNGI. Town in Haidarabad State ; situated on the right bank of
the Godavari river, and forty-one miles south-west of Jalna. Lat. 19
27', long. 75 30'.
MUNGRA BADSHAHPUR. Thana in Jaunpur district, KW.P.
Pop. (1881), 51,444.
MUNGROL. Town in Haidarabad State ; situated sixty-three miles
south by west from Ellichpur, and 104 miles east-north-east of Jalna.
Lat. 20 17', long. 77 26'.
MUNIA. Village in Allahabad district, N.W.P. ; situated on the
right bank of the Ganges, nine miles below the city of Allahabad by the
river, 799 above Calcutta by the same way. Lat. 25 20', long. 82.
MUNIA. Tillage in Dholpur State, Rajputana; on the route from
Agra to Gwalior, twenty-five miles south of former, forty-four north of
latter. Lat. 26 50', long. 77 59'.
MUNIR. Town in Ghazipur district, KW.P. Pop. (1872), 5285.
MTINJ. Tillage in Etawah district, N.W.P. ; situated fourteen miles
north-east of Etawah, in lat. 26 53' 45", long. 79 12' 1'. Famous for
its ruins. Pop. (1872), 684.
MUNJPUR. Town in Baroda State ; situated 109 miles north-east by
north of Rajkot, and fifty- one miles south-west by south of Disa. Lat.
23 35' ? long. 71 43'.
MUNKA. Thana in Lohardaga district, Bengal. Area, 675 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 46,993.
MTJNSHIGANJ. Subdivision of Dacca district, Bengal. Area, 401
square miles. Pop. (1881), 519,447.
MIIN-TSA-LI. Revenue circle in Thayet district, British Burma.
Area, 18 sq. miles. Pop. (1876-77), 1935.
MUNYERU. River of Haidarabad State and Krishna district,
Madras ; falls into the Krishna.
MTIRA. Town in Sambalpur district, Central Provinces ; situated
twenty-nine miles west-north-west of Sambalpur. Lat. 21 38', long.
83 38'.
MURAD. Town in Thana district, Bombay ; situated forty -three
miles south by east of Bombay. Lat. 18 20', long. 73 2'.
MURADABAD. Town in Partabgarh district, Oudh ; situated forty-
six miles from Bela. Lat. 26 39', long. 80 17'. Pop. (1869),
MTIRAD-I-MANZIL. Town in Ajmere district, Rajputana ; situated
on the route from Nasirabad to Bundi, forty- three miles south-east of the
former. Lat. 25 55', long. 75 20'.
MURADNAGAR. Tillage in Meerut district, KW.P. ; situated
eighteen miles south-west of Meerut. Pop. (1881), 4500. Also thana.
Pop. (1881), 41,313.
MURADNAGAR. Thana in Tipperah district, Bengal. Area, 225 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 152,322.
m MURALIDHAR-KA-SARAL Tillage in Mainpuri district, KW.P. ;
situated on the route from the city of Agra to Etawah, and twenty-four
miles north-west of the latter. Lat. 27 2', long. 78 47'.
622 MTJR
MTJRAMGAON. Chiefship in Chanda district, Central Provinces.
Are'a, 149 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 1382.
MTJRAMKHTJLEL. Town in Manipur State, Assam ; situated forty-
six miles north of Manipur, and 132 miles east by north of Jaintiapur.
Lat. 25 29', long. 94 6'.
MUEAMKHURAO. Town in Manipur State, Assam ; situated thirty-
four miles north of Manipur, and 128 miles east by north of Jaintiapur.
Lat. 25 19', long. 94 6'.
MTJRANG. Town in Bashahr State, Punjab ; situated on the left
bank of the Sutlej, near the confluence of the Tidang. Elevation above
the sea, 8500 feet. Lat. 31 36', long. 78 30'.
MTIRANG. Town in Bashahr State, Punjab ; situated on the left
bank of the Sutlej, and ninety-three miles north by east from Dehra.
Lat. 31 35', long. 78 27'.
MURAON. Town in Fatehpur district, N.W.P. ; situated on the
route from Allahabad to the town of Fatehpur, and eleven miles south-
east of the latter. Lat. 25 55', long. 81.
MURARAI. Tillage in Murshidabad district, Bengal; a station of the
East Indian Railway, situated 155 miles from Calcutta, in lat. 24 27' 15",
long. 87 54'.
MTJRASSAPTIR. Town in Partabgarh district, Oudh ; situated four
miles from Manikpur. Pop. (1869), 5427. A fair is held annually, at
which upwards of 30,000 persons are present.
MURATGANJ. Tillage in Allahabad district, N.W.P. ; situated on
the route from Allahabad to Fatehpur, and twenty-three miles north-west
of the former. Lat. 25 33', long. 81 37'. Also thana. Pop. (1881),
MURBAD. Subdivision of Thana district, Bombay. Area, 351 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 63,934.
MTTRBAR. Town in Thana district, Bombay ; situated forty-six
miles east -north- east of Bombay. Lat. 19 17', long. 73 30'.
MURDARA. Town in Bhandara district, Central Provinces. Pop.
(1881), 2142.
MURDESWAR. Town and sea-port in North Kanara district, Bombay ;
situated thirteen miles south of Honawar, in lat. 14 6', long. 74 36'.
MURGAYA. Town in Hamirpur district, KW.P. ; situated on the
route from the town of Banda to Kalpi, eleven miles south of the latter.
Lat. 25 58', long. 79 50'.
MURGOD. Town in Belgaum district, Bombay ; situated twenty-
seven miles east of Belgaum, in lat. 15 53' 35', long. 74 58' 10". Pop.
(1872), 7181. A fair is held annually, attended by upwards of 3000
MTIRGTJR. Town in Kolhapur State, Bombay ; situated twenty-two
miles south of Kolhapur, and forty-three miles north-west by north
of Belgaum. Lat. 16 23', long. 74 15'.
MURHAR. River of JIazaribagh, Gaya and Patna districts, Bengal ;
rising in lat. 24 8', long. 84 26', and, flowing in a northerly direction
for twenty-two miles through Hazaribagh, seventy-nine miles through
Gaya, and thirty miles through Patna, falls into the Ganges a few miles
below the town of Patna, on the right side, in lat. 25 28', long. 85 23'.
MUR 623
MTTRIGTTRAM. Town in Haidarabad State ; situated on the left bank
of the Godavari river, and 154 miles east-north-east of Haidarabad. Lat.
18 14', long. 80 40'.
MURILA Village in Jodhpur State, Rajputana ; situated on the
route from Nasirabad to Bikaner, and fifty-one miles north-west of the
former. It contains about thirty houses, supplied with water from two
tanks. Lat. 26 37', long. 74 14'.
MURIOW. See Mlmlo.
MURJAPETT. Town in Chanda district, Central Provinces ; situated
on the left bank of the "Wainganga river, and ninety-one miles south-east
of Nagpur. Lat. 20 10', long. 80 2'.
MTJRLI Town in Nepal State ; situated fifty- three miles south -
south-west of Khatmandu, and twenty-six miles north-east by east of
Bettia. Lat. 27, long. 84 56'.
MIIRLIGANJ. Town in Bhagalpur district, Bengal ; situated twelve
miles east of Madahpura, on the Daus channel of the Kusi. Pop. (1872),
MTJRPILLI. Town in Haidarabad State ; situated seventy-three
miles north from Haidarabad, and 208 miles south-south-east from Ellich-
pur. Lat. 18 24', long. 88 40'.
MTJRRAI. Tillage in Agra district, N.W.P. ; situated on the route
from the city of Agra to Jaipur, and twenty-five miles west of the former.
Lat. 27 3', long. 77 42'.
MURRAI MAKAM. Village in Karachi district, Sind, Bombay;
situated on the route from Sehwan to Karachi, and seventy-five miles
south of the former place. Lat. 25 30', long. 67 55'.
MTJRREE HILLS. Hills in Rawal Pindi district, Punjab ; on one of
the ridges of which is situated the hill-station of Murree ; between lat.
33 53' 30" 33 54' 30", and long. 73 25' 15" 73 26' 30".
MURREE. Hill-station (in tahsil of same name) in Rawal Pindi
district, Punjab ; situated on a ridge of the Murree Hills, between the
rivers Indus and Jhelum. Elevation of the station above the sea, 7507
feet. Pop. (1881), 2489. Lat. 33 54' 30", long. 73 26' 30". Area of
tahsil, 210 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 39,198.
MTTRRIVAMLA. Town in Cuddapah district, Madras; situated 131
miles north-north-east of Cuddapah. Lat. 16 15', long. 79 38'.
MURSAN. Town (in pargana of same name) in Aligarh district,
N.W.P. ; situated twenty-four miles south-west of Aligarh, in lat. 27
34' 40", long. 77 59'. Pop. (1881), 4708. Pop. of pargana (1881),
40,367. Also thana. Pop. (1881), 44,683.
the Presidency division, Bengal; between lat. 23 43' 15" 24 52', and
long. 87 43' 88 47'. It is bounded on the north and east by the
Ganges or Padma, separating it from Maldah and Rajshahi districts;
on the south by Nadiya and Bardwan districts; and on the west by
Birbhum and the Santal Parganas districts. Its area is 2144 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 1,226,790. It lies at the head of the delta of the Ganges;
and is watered by the Bhagirathi and Jalangi, and many other deltaic off-
shoots. The chief towns are Murshidabad City, Barhampur (the capital),
and Kandi. The district, which is traversed by the East Indian Railway
and the Bengal State Railway, is administered by a Collector and Staff.
MURSHIDABAD. Subdivision of Murshidabad district, Bengal.
Area, 997 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 551,745.
MURSHIDABAD (MAKSUDABAD). City in Murshidabad district,
Bengal; situated on the Bhagirathi, in lat. 24 11' 5", long. 88 18' 50".
Pop. (1881), 39,231. It contains a handsome palace of the Nawab
Nazim, as well as an Imambara, Nizamat College, and other fine
buildings. About two miles distant is the Motijhil or "Pearl Lake,"
a beautiful sheet of water. In former days it was the seat of Govern-
ment under the Nawabs of Bengal.
MURSUNGONG. Town in Bhutan State ; situated fifty-seven miles
north by east of Darrang, and seventy-four miles north-west by west of
Bishnath. Lat. 27 13', long. 92 11'.
MURTAZAPUR. Town (in taluk of same name) in Amraoti district,
Berar; situated in lat. 20 44', long. 77 25'. Pop. (1867), 3897.
There is a station here of the Great Indian Peninsula Railway. Area of
taluk, 610 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 110,573.
MURUMGAON. Town in Chanda district, Central Provinces ;
situated 110 miles south-east by east of Nagpur, and 200 miles south by
east of Jabalpur. Lat. 20 21', long. 80 36'.
MURUSAY. River of Akyab district, British Burma; rising in lat.
21 20', long. 92 40', and, flowing in a south-westerly direction for
thirty-five miles, falls into an arm of the sea, near Tek-Naf Point, in lat.
20 47', long. 92 23'.
MURWARA. Town (in tahsil of same name) in Jabalpur district,
Central Provinces; situated on the Katna river, fifty- seven miles north-
east of Jabalpur, in lat. 23 51', long. 80 26'. Pop. (1881), 8612.
Area of tahsil, 1176 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 157,716.
MUSA KHEL Town in Bannu district, Punjab ; situated forty-one
miles west from the right bank of the Indus, 129 miles south-west by
south of the town of Peshawar. Lat. 32 25', long. 70 35'.
MUSANAGAR. Town in Cawnpore district, N.W.P. ; situated near
the left bank of the Jumna, on the route from Kalpi to Partabgarh, and
sixteen miles east of the former. Lat. 26 10', long. 80 1'. Pop. (1881),
1968. Also thana. Pop. (1881), 25,199.
MUSIRI. Town in Trichinopoli district, Madras; situated twenty-five
miles from Trichinopoli, in lat. 10 57', long. 78 28' 56". Pop, (1871),
MUSIWALLA. Town in Dera Ismail Khan district; situated ten
miles from the left bank of the Indus, 123 miles south by west of the
town of Peshawar. Lat. 32 16', long. 71 22'.
MUSKARA. Thana in Hamirpur district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
MUSLA. Town in Indore State, Central India Agency; situated
twenty-four miles south-east from Indore, and 107 miles west by south
from Hoshangabad. Lat. 22 27', long. 76 8'.
MUSLIMUDDU. Town in Karnul district, Madras ; situated
twenty-eight miles east-north-east of Karnul. Lat. 15 59', long.
78 30'.
MUSSOOREE (MASURI). Hill-station in Dehra Dun district,
E\~W.P. ; situated on a hill of the Himalayas, 7433 feet above the sea, in
lat. 30 27' 30", long. 78 6' 30". Pop. (1881), 3106. Forms one station
with Landaur. Also thana. Pop. (1881), 9688.
MUSTAFABAD. Town (in tahsil of same name) in Mainpuri district,
N.W.P. Lat. 27 18', long. 78 38'. Area of tahsil, 321 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 162,201.
MUSTAFABAD. Town in Faizabad district, Oudh; situated nineteen
miles from Faizabad. Pop. (1869), 2585.
MUST AFAB AD. Tillage in Rai Bareli district, Oudh ; situated on
the route from Allahabad to Lucknow, fifty-two miles north-west of the
former, seventy-six south-east of the latter. Lat. 25 56', long. 81 13'.
Pop. (1869), 2473.
MUSTAFABAD. Town in TJmballa district, Punjab; situated on the
route from Saharanpur to Ludhiana, and thirty-three miles north-west of
the former place ; distant north-west from Calcutta, 996 miles. Lat.
30 12', long. 77 13'. Pop. (1868), 3775.
MUSWA. Town in Khandesh district, Bombay; situated forty-eight
miles north-east by east of Malegaon. Lat. 20 53', long. 75 7'.
MUTA RIVER. See MuLl-Muxi.
MUTAUR. Pargana in Fatehpur district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
MUTAURKHAS. Town in Fatehpur district, KW.P. ; situated on
the route from Fatehpur to Banda, fourteen miles south-west by west
of the former. Lat. 25 48', long. 80 43'.
MUT-HTI. Revenue circle in Tavoy district, British Burma. Area,
12 sq. miles. Pop. (1876), 2281.
MUT-KYWON. Revenue circle in Rangoon district, British Burma.
Pop. (1877-78), 3315.
MUTLU. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 86.
MUT-TA-MA. Revenue circle on the right bank of the Salwin river,
in Amherst district, British Burma. Pop. (1876-77), 4755.
MUTTARAMUDL Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 395.
MUTTRA (MATHURA). District in the Agra division, N.W.P. ;
between lat. 27 14' 30" 27 58', and long. 77 19' 30" 78 33'. Its
area is 1453 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 671,690. The Muttra district is
bounded on the north by Aligarh and Gurgaon districts ; on the west by
Bhartpur State; on the south by Agra district; and on the east by
Mainpuri, Etah, and Aligarh districts. It lies on both sides of the
river Jumna, and is watered by that river and by the Ganges canal. It
is sacred as the scene of Krishna's youth. The chief towns are Muttra
(the capital), Brindaban, Shergarh, and Mahaban. The district, which
is traversed by the East Indian Railway, is administered by a Collector
and Staff.
MUTTRA (MATHURA). City and municipality (in tahsil of same
name) in Muttra district, N.W.P., and the capital of that district;
situated on the Jumna, thirty miles from Agra, in lat. 27 30' 13",
long. 77 43' 45". Pop. (1881), 47,483, exclusive of the Cantonment,
which numbers (1881) 2708. Muttra (or Mathura) is one of the most
sacred cities in India. It is connected with the East Indian Railway
by a branch line from Hathras. Pop. of tahsil (1881), 220,307. Also
thana. Pop. (1881), 66,484.
MUTUPETTA. Town in Madura district, Madras ; situated sixty-six
miles south-east of Madura. Lat. 9 17', long. 78 54'.
MUVATTEKLU. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 209.
MUWANA. Town (in tahsil of same name) in Meerut district,
N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 7205. Area of tahsil, 431 sq. miles. Pop.
(1872), 145,496.
MUYANLAKHULEL. Town in Manipur State, Assam; situated
thirty-one miles north-west by north of Manipur, and 111 miles east by
north of Jaintiapur. Lat. 25 13', long. 93 50'.
MUZ AFF ARAB AD. Town in Saharanpur district, KW.P. ; situated
on the route from Saharanpur to Dehra, fifteen miles north-east of the
former. Lat. 30 8', long. 77 48'. Also pargana. Pop. (1881), 54,275.
And thana. Pop. (1881), 32,034.
MUZAFFARABAD. Town in Kashmir State, Punjab ; situated at
the junction of the Jhelum and the Kishenganga, near the frontier of
Hazara district, in lat. 34 24', long. 73 22'.
MUZAFFARGARH. District in the Multan division, Punjab; be-
tween lat. 29 1' 30 46' 45", and long. 70 33' 71 49'. Its area is
3139 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 338,605. Muzaffargarh forms the south-
western district of the Multan Division. The Muzaffargarh district is
bounded on the north by Dera Ismail Khan and Jhang districts ; on the
west by the Indus ; and on the east and south-east by the Chenab. It
forms the inmost triangle of the Sind Sagar Doab ; and is watered by the
Indus and the Chenab. The chief towns are Kot Adu and Muzaffargarh
(the capital). The district, which is but poorly supplied with roads, is
administered by a Deputy-Commissioner and staff.
MUZAFFARGARH. Town and municipality (in tahsil of same
name) in Muzaffargarh district, Punjab; the capital of the district;
situated in lat. 30 4' 30", long. 71 14'. Pop. (1881), 2720. Area
of tahsil, 925 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 146,885.
MUZAFFARKHANA. Tahsil in Sultanpur district, Oudh. Bounded
north by Ram Sanehi Ghat and Bikapur tahsils, east by Sultanpur, south
by Raipur, and west by Salon and Maharajganj. Area, 394 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 221,229. Also thana. Pop. (1881), 149,453.
MUZAFFARNAGAR. District in the Meerut division, KW.P. ;
between lat. 29 11' 30" 29 45' 15", and long. 77 3' 45" 78 10' 45".
Its area is 1656 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 758,444. The Muzaffarnagar
district is bounded on the north by Saharanpur district; on the west
by the river Jumna ; on the south by Meerut district ; and on the east
by the Ganges. It comprises the northern portion of the Doab ; and is
watered by the Ganges, the Jumna, the Hindan, the Kali !N"adi, and also
by the Ganges Canal and the Jumna Canal. It contains many populous
towns ; of which the chief are Kairana, Khandla, and Muzaffarnagar (the
capital). The district is traversed by the Sind, Punjab, and Delhi Railway.
MUZAFFARNAGAR. Town and. municipality (in tahsil of same
name) in Muzaffarnagar district, N.W.P. ; the capital of the district ;
situated on the road from Meerut to Landaur, in lat. 29 28' 10", long.
77 44'. Station on the Sind, Punjab, and Delhi Railway. Pop.
(1881), 15,080. Area of tahsil, 457 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 202,707.
Also pargana. Pop. (1881), 61,185.
MUZ- M YE 627
MUZAFFARPUR. District in the Patna division, "Bengal ; between
lat. 25 30' 26 51' 30", and long. 84 55' 30" 85 58'. Its area is
3003 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 2,582,060. The Muzaffarpur district
(formerly the western half of the Tirhut district) is bounded on the
north by Nepal State ; on the east by Darbhangah district ; on the south
by Patna district ; and on the west by Saran and Champaran districts.
The chief rivers are the Ganges, the Gandak, the Little Gandak, and the
Baghmati. The chief towns are Muzaifarpur (the capital), Hajipur (at
confluence of the Ganges and Gandak), Lalganj, and Sitamarhi.
MUZAFFARPUR. Town and municipality (in subdivision of same
name) in Muzaffarpur district, Bengal ; capital of the district, situated
on the right bank of the Little Gandak river, in lat. 26 7' 23", long. 85
26' 52". Pop. (1881), 42,460. Area of subdivision, 1218 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 1,019,635. Also thana. Area, 572 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
MUZANG. Part of Lahore city, Punjab. Pop. (1868), 8321.
MYADOUNG-MYO. Town in Upper Burma; situated on the left
bank of the Irawadi river, and 133 miles north from Ava. Lat. 23 49',
long. 96 8'.
MYAING-GA-LE. Revenue circle in Amherst district, British
Burma. Pop. (1876-77), 2553.
MYAING-GYI. Revenue circle in Amherst district, British Burma.
Pop. (1876-77), 3374.
MYAN-OUNG. Township in Henzada district, British Burma. Pop.
(1876-77), 40,972.
MYAN-OUNG. Town in Henzada district, British Burma ; situated
on the Irawadi, in lat. 18 16' 50", long. 95 22' 20". Pop. (1881),
MYAN-OUNG-MYOMA. Revenue circle in Henzada district, British
Burma. Pop. (1876-77), 6340.
MYA-PA-DAING. Revenue circle in Amherst district, British Burma.
Pop. (1876-77), 3705.
MYA-WA-DI. Revenue circle in Amherst district, British Burma.
Pop. (1876), 2090.
MYA-WI-DI. Part of Kama township, in Thayet district, British
MYE-BUN. Township in Kyouk-hpyu district, British Burma. Pop.
(1877), 19,607.
MYE-DAI. Township in Thayet district, British Burma. Between
lat. 18 50' 3" 19 29' 3", and long. 95 13' 30" 95 55'. Area, 921
sq. miles. Pop. (1876), 60,700.
MYE-DAI-MYO-MA. Revenue circle on the left bank of the Irawadi.
Pop. (1876), 7802.
MYENG-HUT. Revenue circle in Akyab district, British Burma.
Pop. (1876-77), 5738.
MYENG-WA-TOUNG. Revenue circle in Henzada district, British
Burma. Pop. (1876-77), 4221.
MYE- NT-GUN. Revenue circle in Amherst district, British Burma.
Pop. (1876-77), 2567.
MYE-NU. Revenue circle in Bassein district, British Burma. Area,
81 sq. miles. Pop. (1876), 7932.
MYIT-MA-KHA. River in Prome and Henzada districts, British
Burma ; flows into the Hlaing.
MYIT-TA-RA. River of Bassein district, British Burma ; flows into
the Bassein river.
MYIT-TA-RA. Revenue circle in Bassein district, British Burma.
Area, 160 sq. miles. Pop. (1876^, 2301.
MYL-LIEM. State in the Khasi Hills, Assam. Pop. (1872), 12,266.
MYO-DWENG. Revenue circle in Henzada district, British Burma.
Pop. (1876-7), 6244.
MYO-HLA. Revenue circle in Prome district, British Burma. Pop.
(1876), 2346.
MYO-HLA. Revenue circle in Thayet district, British Burma. Area,
83 sq. miles. Pop. (1876), 3162.
MYOUK-BHET-MYO. Township in Sandoway district, British Burma.
Area, 1454 sq. miles. Pop. (1876), 19,520.
MYOUNG-GYL Revenue circle in Henzada district, British Burma.
Pop. (1876), 2353.
MYOUNG-MYA. Revenue circle in Bassein district, British Burma.
Area, 163 sq. miles. Pop. (1876-7), 6534.
MYOUNG-MYA. Township in Bassein district, British Burma. Area,
931 sq. miles. Pop. (1876-7), 34,914.
MYOUNG-MYA. Town (in township of the same name) in Bassein
district, British Burma ; situated on a creek of the same name, in lat. 1 6
35', long. 94 51'. Pop. (1877), 1715.
MYOUNG-MYA. Creek in Bassein district, British Burma, leaving
the Daga near Ut-hpo, in lat. 17 4', long. 95 16'.
MYOUNG-MYA-HOUNG. Creek in Bassein district, British Burma.
MYOUNG-TA-NGA. Revenue circle in Rangoon district, British
Burma. Area, 220 sq. miles. Pop. (1878), 4895.
MYSORE. State in Southern India, between lat. 11 40' 15,
and long. 74 40' 78 30'. Mysore State is bounded on the north by
Bellary district, Madras ; on the east by Salem, North Arcot, Cuddapah,
and Bellary districts, Madras ; on the south by Malabar and Coimbatore
districts, Madras ; on the west by Coorg, and by Dharwar and North
Kanara districts, Bombay. Its area is 24,723 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
4,186,188. Forming the triangle between the Eastern and Western
Ghats before they unite in the Nilgiri Hills, Mysore is mountainous,
especially in its western portion, called the Main ad. The eastern portion
is called the Maidan, or plains. The Baba Budan range rises to a height
of 6317 feet; and many isolated peaks or drugs, such as Nandidrug,
Savandrug, and Balalrayandriig, attain an elevation of 4000 or 5000 feet.
The chief rivers are the Krishna (with its tributaries the Tungabhadra and
the Hagari), the Kaveri (with the Hemavati and other tributaries), the
North Pennar (with the Chitravati and Papaghni as tributaries), the South
Pennar, the Palar, and the Sharavati (flowing westward, and falling over
the "Western Ghats in the famous Gersoppa Falls). The divisions are
Nandidrug (containing the Bangalore, Kolar, and Tumkur districts),
Ashtagram (containing Mysore and Hassan districts), and Nagar (con-
taining Shimoga, Kadur, and Chitaldrug districts). The capital, and seat
of the Maharaja's Government, is at Mysore. There is a large British
cantonment at Bangalore, which is not under the Maharaja's jurisdiction.
A branch of the Madras Railway traverses the State. For many years
the country was resumed by the British Government, but eventually in
1881 the State was restored to the Native Dynasty. The Chief is entitled
to a salute of 21 guns.
MYSORE. District of the Ashtagram division, in Mysore State ;
between lat. 11 6' 12 45', and long. 75 56' 77 24'. Mysore
district is bounded on the north by Tumkur and Hassan districts, Mysore
State; on the east by Coimbatore district, Madras, and Bangalore district,
Mysore ; on the south by the Nilgiri and Malabar districts, Madras ; and
on the west by Coorg. Its area is about 2980 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
902,566. The Bilgirirangan Hills are the chief mountains; the Kaveri,
the Lakshmantirtha, and the Kabbani are the chief rivers. The principal
town is Mysore, the capital both of the district and of the State.
MYSORE. Capital of Mysore State ; situated ten miles south-west of
Seringapatam, in lat. 12 18' 24", long. 76 41' 48". Pop. (1871), 57,815.
MYSORE. Taluk in Mysore district. Mvsore State. Area, 394 sq.
miles. Pop. (1871), 126,930.
MYTHAULL Tillage in Mainpuri district, N.W.P. ; situated on the
route from the city of Agra to the cantonment of Mainpuri, and eleven
miles west of the latter. Lat. 27 13', long. 78 56'.
MYTHIA KHYOUNG. River of Upper Burma; rising in lat. 21
20', long. 94 4', and flowing in a northerly direction for 170 miles, falls
into the Khyendwen river, in lat. 23 11', long. 94 41'.
MYTILA. Town in Upper Burma ; situated seventy miles east from,
the left bank of the Irawadi river, and 104 miles south by west of Ava.
Lat. 20 23', long. 95 46'.
MYWA GTILA. Town in Nepal State, situated on the right bank of
the Tambur river, and 137 miles east by south from Khatmandu. Lat.
27 18', long. 87 27'.
NAAF. Arm of the sea, extending in a northerly direction parallel
with the coast of Arakan, between the districts of Chittagong, Bengal,
and Akyab, British Burma, from the island of Shahpuri, at its mouth,
in lat. 20 45', long. 92 30', to Elephanta Point.
NAAF. Township in Akyab district, British Burma. Pop. (1877-78),
NAAF, NORTH. Revenue circle in Akyab district, British Burma.
Pop. (1876-77), 7152.
NAAF, SOUTH. Revenue circle in Akyab district, British Burma.
Pop. (1876-77), 2530.
NABAGANGA. River of Nadiya and lessor districts, Bengal ; a
deltaic channel of the Ganges, flowing out of the Matabhanga, and falling
into the Madhumati.
NABHA. State in the Punjab; between lat. 30 IT 30 40', and
long. 75 50' 76 20'. Its area is 928 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
261,524. The military force, including police, consists of twelve field
and ten other guns, fifty artillerymen, 560 cavalry, and 1250 infantry.
The salute of the State is eleven guns, but the present ruler (1881) has
been granted thirteen guns as a personal distinction. The capital of the
same name has a pop. (1881) of 17,116.
NABIGANJ. Tillage in Manrpuri district, KW.P. ; situated twenty-
four miles east of Mainpuri, in lat. 27, 11' 50", long. 79 25' 25". Pop.
(1872), 1257.
NABIGANJ. Tillage in Sylhet cistrict, Assam ; situated on the
Barak river.
NABINAGAR. Town in Sitapur district, Oudh ; three miles north-
west of Laharpur town. Pop. (1869), 2649.
NABINAGAR. Thana in Tipperah district, Bengal. Area, 233 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 175,971.
NABINAGAR. Town in Gaya district, Bengal. Distant south-west
of Gaya, fifty-five miles ; Benares, south-east, eighty-five. Lat. 24 36',
long. 84 10'. Also thana. Area, 338 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 98,046.
NABIPUR. Village in Cawnpore district, N.W.P. ; situated on the
route from Cawnpore to Kalpi, and twenty-two miles north-east of the
latter. Lat. 26 21', long. 80 2'.
NABISAR. Town and municipality in Thar and Parkar district,
Find, Bombay ; situated in lat. 25 4', long. 69 41', twenty miles south
of Umarkot. Pop. (1872), 1514.
NABKHIRA. Village in Bulandshahr district, N.W.P. ; situated on
the route from Muttra to Meerut, and forty-seven miles south of the
latter. Lat. 28 22', long. 77 56'.
NABOG NAI. Pass in Kashmir State, Punjab; over the mountain-
range bounding Kashmir on the east, in lat. 33 43', long. 75 34'. The
height of the pass is 12,000 feet.
NABPUR. Village in Bardwan district, Bengal.
NACHANGAON. Town in Wardha district, Central Provinces;
situated twenty-four miles from Wardha, in lat. 20 42', long. 78 22'.
Pop. (1881), 3615.
trict, Madras; situated in lat. 9 30' 25", long. 77 40'. Pop. (1871),
NAGHINOLA. Village in Bardez district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 982.
NACHNA. Town in Jaisalmir State, Rajputana ; situated in the
desert, sixty-five miles north-east of Jaisalmir. Lat. 27 30', long. 71 45'.
NACHTIG AON. Town in Sylhet district, Assam ; situated thirty-six
miles west-south-west of Sylhet. Lat. 24 44', long. 91 20'.
NADAMIYI. Village in Mainpuri district, N.W.P. ; situated on the
left bank of the Kali Nadi (East), thirty-four miles north-west of the town
of Mainpuri. Lat. 27 39', long. 78 49'.
NADANGHAT. Tillage in Bardwan district, Bengal.
NADATJN. Town in Kangra district, Punjab ; situated on the Beas,
twenty miles south-east of Kangra, in lat. 31 46', long. 79 19'. Pop.
(1868), 1855.
NADBA. Town in Purniah district, Bengal ; situated twenty-one
miles south-east of Purniah. Lat. 25 31', long. 87 44'.
NABIAD. Town (in subdivision of same name) in Kaira district,
Bombay. Pop. (1881), 28,304. Area of subdivision, 224 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 162,256.
NADIKERI. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 361.
NADIYA (NUDDE A) .District in the Presidency division, Bengal ;
between lat. 22 52' 33" 24 11', and long. 88 11' 89 24' 41". Its
area is 3404 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 2,017,847. The Nadiya district is
bounded on the north by Murshidabad and Rajshahi districts ; on the east
by Pabna and Jessor districts ; on the south by the Twenty-four Parganas
district; and on the west by Birbhum, Bardwan, Hugli, and Murshidabad
districts. Its northern boundary-line is the Padma, or main channel of
the Ganges, from which flow the great deltaic off-shoots known as " the
!N"adiya rivers." These are the Bhagirathi, on the western boundary;
the Jalangi, which joins the Bhagirathi at Nadiya, the united stream
being from that point called the Hugh' ; and the Matabhanga. The
Bhairab is a branch of the Jalangi; the Pangasi, the Kumar, the Kabadak,
the Churni, and the Ichamati, are all branches of the Matabhanga.
There are no less than sixty-one towns in the district with a population
exceeding 2000 ; of these, seven are municipalities, each containing more
than 5000 inhabitants. The chief towns are Krishnagar (or Kishnaghur),
the capital, on the Jalangi ; Santipur, Kushtia, Ranaghat, Nadiya,
Mihrpur, Kumarkhali. The famous battle-field of Plassey was in this
district, but the floods have washed away the scene where this memorable
engagement (1757) took place. The Eastern Bengal Railway traverses
the district, which has also several good fair weather roads.
NADIYA. Subdivision of Nadiya district, Bengal. Area, 701 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 374,973.
NADIYA (NABADWIP). Town in jSadiya district, Bengal ; a
municipality, and anciently the capital of the district, and of all Bengal ;
situated in lat. 23 24' 55", long. 88 25' 3", at the confluence of the
Jalangi and the Bhagirathi. Pop. (1872), 8863. It is also noted for its
"tols" or Sanskrit schools, and is famous for its sanctity and learning.
A festival is held here annually.
N ADI YAG AON. Village in Datia State, Central India Agency ;
situated on the route from Gwalior to Kalpi, fifty-three miles west of the
latter ; on the river Pahaj, in lat. 26 6', long. 79 5'.
NADOL. Town in Jodhpur State, Rajputana ; famous for its
architectural remains.
NAGA HAUT (NAGA HAL). Town in Sibsagar district, Assam ;
situated thirty-six miles east by north of Sibsagar. Lat. 27 5', long.
95 13'.
NAGA HILLS. District in Assam; between lat. 25 13' 26 32',
and long. 93 94 13'. The district lies between Nowgong district and
Manipur State ; and consists largely of unexplored mountain and jungle.
The area is 6400 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 94,380. The chief mountains
632 NAG
are the Rengma and the Barel ranges; the chief rivers, the Dayang,
Dhaneswari, and Jamuna. The most important tribes are the Nagas,
Kuki's, and Mikirs. The only large villages are Samaguting (the capital),
and Dimapur. It was formed into a separate district under a Deputy
Commissioner in 1867. The tribes are very unruly, and scarce a year
elapses without a forage or outrage of some sort, in many cases necessi-
tating the intervention of the British Government.
NAGAL. Pargana in Saharanpur district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
58,029. Also thana. Pop. (1881), 45,750.
NAGAL. Village in Dehra Dun district, N.W.P. ; situated near the
eastern (or Garhwal) boundary of the Dun. Lat. 30 23', long.
78 10'.
NAGALAPTIR. Hills in Chengalpat district, Madras; between lat.
130 24' 13 27' 40", and long. 79 49' 79 51' 50". Height, about
1800 feet.
NAGAMANGALA. Town (in taluk of same name) in Hassan district,
Mysore State. Distant from Seringtipatam, north, twenty- eight miles ;
Bangalore, west, fifty-eight. Lat. 12 49' 10", long. 76 47' 40". Area
of taluk, 313 sq. miles. Pop. (1871), 74,762.
NAGANAINPOL. Town in Haidarabad State ; situated on the right
bank of the river Godavari, and 159 miles north-east from Haidarabad.
Lat. 17 40', long. 80 55'.
NAGANUR. Town in North Kanara district, Bombay ; situated
seventeen miles north-east of Sunda. Lat. 14 53', long. 75 5'.
NAGAR (RAJNAGAR). Town in Birbhum district, Bengal ; situated
in lat. 23 56' 50", long. 87 21' 45". Anciently an important fortified
place, but now almost deserted.
NAGAR. River of Dinajpur and Purniah districts, Bengal. It
receives the Patki and Kulib as tributaries ; and falls into the Mahananda,
in lat. 25 29' 45", long. 88 7'.
NAGAR. River of Bogra and Rajshahi districts, Bengal ; falls into
the Gur after a course of about twenty miles.
NAGAR. Town in Bannu district, Punjab ; situated near the Salt
Range, in lat. 33 10', long. 71 5'.
NAGAR. Hills in Jabalpur and Mandla districts, Central Provinces.
NAGAR. Town in Kangra district, Punjab; situated 116 miles north-
east of Ludhiana. Lat. 32 8', long. 77 10'.
NAGAR (NAGORE). Town in Tan j ore district, Madras ; situated at
the mouth of the Vettar, just north of Negapatam, and adjacent to it.
Lat. 10 49' 26", long. 79 53' 24". It was ceded to the English by the
Dutch in 1781. A Muslim festival is held here annually.
NAGAR (NAGYR). Village in Kashmir State, Punjab ; situated
north-west of Baltistan and south of Pamir. Lat. 35 47', long. 74 22'.
NAGAR. Town in Dholpur State, Rajputana ; situated eleven miles
south-west of Dholpur, and forty-six miles south-south-west of Agra.
Lat. 26 34', long. 77 53'.
NAGAR A. Town in Ratlam State, Central India Agency; situated
nine miles north-east by east from Ratlam, and 165 miles east by north
from Ahmedabad. Lat. 23 20', long. 75 8'.
NAG 633
NAGARANATJ. Town in TJnao district, Oudh ; situated thirty miles
south of Lucknow. Lat. 26 34', long. 80 50'.
NAGARBARA. Town in Kamrup district, Assam ; situated forty-
four miles west of Gauhati. Lat. 26 5', long. 91 2'.
NAGARBASTL Town in Darbhangah district, Bengal ; situated
twenty miles south of Darbhangah, on the Little Gandak, in lat. 25 52'
15", long. 85 51' 30"; twenty miles south of the town of Darbhangah.
Also thana. Area, 195 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 169,946.
NAGARDA. Village in Mirzapur district, N.W.P. ; situated on the
left bank of the Ganges, twenty-five miles north-west of Mirzapur. Lat.
25 15', long. 82 23'.
NAGARL Hills in North Arcot district, Madras.
NAGARI. Town in North Arcot district, Madras; situated at the
foot of Nagari Nose, thirty -three miles north -north- east of Arcot. Lat.
13 19', long. 79 39'.
NAGARI. Town in Chanda district, Central Provinces ; situated on
the left bank of the Wainganga river, and eighty -two miles south-east of
Nagpur. Lat. 20 19', long. 80.
NAGARIA. Town in Farrukhabad district, N.W.P. ; situated near
the right bank of the Ganges, and eighteen miles north-west of the city
of Farrukhabad. Lat. 27 38', long. 79 30'.
NAGARI NOSE. One of the summits of the Nagari Hills, in North
Arcot district, Madras; situated in lat. 13 22' 53", long. 79 39' 22".
Height, 2824 feet. At the foot of the hill is the village of Nagari (pop.
in 1871, 2400) with a railway station.
NAGAR KARNUL. District in Haidarabad State. Area, 5573 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 547,694.
NAGAR KH AS. Village in Gorakhpur district, N.W.P. ; situated on
the Chanda Tal lake, in lat. 26 42', long. 82 43'.
NAGARKOIL. Town in Travancore State, Madras ; adjacent to the
town of Kotar, in lat. 8 11', long. 77 28' 41". Pop. (1876), 6941.
The London Mission Society has an agency in this town.
NAGARNATJR. Town in Bastar State, Central Provinces ; situated
ten miles east from Jagdalpur, and twenty-six miles south-east by east
of Jaipur. Lat. 19 13', long. 82 7'.
NAGAR PARKAR. Town and municipality (in taluk of same name)
in Thar and Parkar district, Sind ; situated 120 miles south of Umarkot,
in lat. 24 21', long. 70 47' 30". Pop. (1872), 2355. Pop. of taluk
(1872), 33,259.
NAGARTIR. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 25.
NAGATJLA. Village in Aligarh district, N.W.P. ; situated on the
route from the cantonment of Aligarh to that of Moradabad, and seven
miles north-east of the former. Lat. 28 1', long. 78 10'.
NAGAUR. Town in Jodhpur State, Rajputana ; situated seventy-five
miles north-east of Jodhpur, and eighty-four miles north-west of Nasfr-
abad, in lat. 27 11' 15", long. 73 46' 15". A superior breed of cattle is
reared in the neighbourhood.
NAGAVALA. Village in Coorg, Madras.
634 NAG
NAGAVARA. Tillage in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 25.
NAGAVARAM. Town in Godavari district, Madras; thirty-five
miles north-west by west of Rajamahendri ; situated in lat. 17 13' 40",
long. 81 22' 20". Pop. (1871), 6271.
NAGBHIR. Town in Raipur district, Central Provinces; situated fifty-
four miles south-east of the city of Nagpur, and 100 miles south of Seoni.
Lat. 20 36', long. 79 44'.
NAGDIRGRAM. Tillage at the junction of the Rukhmini river with
the Sonai, in Cachar district, Assam ; situated ten miles south of
NAGESHWARI. Thana in Rangpur district, Bengal. Area, 320
sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 177,229.
NAGGAR. Town in the plain of Bannu, westward of the Indus, and
at the foot of the Salt range of mountains. Lat. 33 10', long. 71 5'.
NAGHBIR. Town in Chanda district, Central Provinces. Pop.
(1881), 3829.
NAGINA. Town and municipality (in tahsil of same name) in
Bijnaur district, N.W.P. ; situated forty-eight miles north-west of
Moradabad, in lat. 29 27' 5", long. 78 28' 50". Pop. (1881), 20,503.
Celebrated for its ebony carvings, glass-ware, ropes, and matchlocks.
Area of tahsil, 474 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 70,075. Also pargana.
Pop. (1881), 71,569.
NAGINA. Tillage in Gurgaon district, Punjab ; situated on the route
from Ulwar, by Firozpur, to Delhi, and sixty-five miles south-west of the
latter. Lat. 27 55', long. 77 2'.
NAGKANDA. Pass in Kumharsain State, Punjab ; situated in lat.
31 15', long. 77 31'. Height, 9016 feet.
NAGLA. Town in Budaun district, N.W.P. ; situated on the route
from Belhari to Nagina, and twenty-eight miles west of the former. Lat.
18 59', long. 79 35'.
NAGLA. Tillage in Muzaffarnagar district, N.W.P. ; situated on
the route from Karnal to Meerut, and seven miles south-east of the
former. Lat. 29 18', long. 77 8'.
NAGLIA. Town in Bareilly district, N.W.P. ; situated four miles
east of the left bank of the Ganges. Lat. 28 52', long. 78 15'.
NAGNI. Small fort in Balsan State, Punjab ; elevation above the
sea, 8808 feet. Lat. 31 5', long. 77 31'.
N AGO A. Tillage in Bardez district, Portuguese India. Pop. (1881),
NAGODE (NAGUDH, UCHAHARA).-State in the Central India
A gency ; situated in Baghelkhand, and bounded on the north and east by
Suhawal and Rewah States, on the south-east by Maihar, and on the west
by Panna. Its area is about 450 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 79,629. Its
chief town is Nagode. The Jabalpur extension of the East Indian Railway
passes through the State. The Raja, who is entitled to a salute of 9 guns,
maintains a force of 2 guns and 116 infantry and police.
NAGODE. Capital of Nagode, State, Central India Agency ; situated
on the route by Rewah from Sagar to Allahabad, on the banks of the
WAG 635
Amran (a tributary of the Tons), in lat. 24 33' 45," long. 80 37'
55", 110 miles north-west of Jabalpur. Elevation above the sea, 1099
NAGOR. Village in Unao district, Oudh ; situated on the route from
Cawnpore to Partabgarh, thirty miles south-east of the former, close to
the left bank of the Ganges. Lat. 26 22', long. 80 38'.
NAGORXEM. Tillage in Carracona district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 2760.
NAGOTHNA. Town in Kolaba district, Bombay; situated on the
river Amba, twenty miles above its mouth, in lat. 18 32' 33", long. 73
10' 55", forty miles south-west from Bombay.
NAGOVEM. Village in Quepem district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 217.
NAGPUR. Division of the Central Provinces; containing the six
districts, Wagpur, Bhandara, Chanda, Wardha, Balaghat, and the Upper
Godavari. Area, 24,040 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 2,758,056.
NAGPUR. District in Wagpur division, Central Provinces ; between
lat. 20 36' 21 43', and long. 78 17' 79 42'. Bounded on the north
by Chhindwara and Seoni ; on the east by Bhandara ; and on the south
and west by Wardha. Its area is 3786 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 697,356.
The mountains are the Satpura range, with three other ranges as spurs ;
the chief heights being Kharki Hill (2000 feet), Pilkapar (1899 feet),
and Sitapahar (1433 feet). The chief rivers are the Wardha (with its
tributaries the Jam and the Madar), and the Kanhan, an affluent of the
Vfainganga (with its tributaries, the Pench, the Kolar, and others).
There are many important towns in this district, of which the chief are
Nagpur (the capital), Kamthi (the cantonment of Wagpur), and Umrer.
The district, which lapsed to the British Government on the death of the
Raja in 1853 without heirs, was merged into the Central Provinces
in 1861, and is administered by a Deputy-Commissioner. It is traversed
by a branch of the Great Indian Peninsula Railway.
NAGPUR. City in Wagpur district, and capital of the Central
Provinces, of the Wagpur division, and of the Wagpur district. It is
situated on the little river Wag, in lat. 21 9' 30", long. 79 7'. Its popu-
lation is (1881), 98,299. Close to the city stands the fine hill of
Sitabaldi, with the European quarter adjacent, and the rail way- station.
There are some fine Hindu (Marhatta) temples, and several large tanks
and public gardens. A garrison of English troops is located in this town,
which is noted for its fabrics. There is also a tahsil of the same name.
Area, 852 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 368,479.
NAGPUR. Town (in pargana of same name) in Garhwal district,
N.W.P. ; situated on the route from Alinora to Kunawar, fifty-six miles
north-west by north of the former. Lat. 30 20', long. 79 16'. Pop. of
pargana (1881), 42,300.
NAGRA. Thana in Ballia district, W.W.P. Pop. (1881), 89,499.
NAGRA. Town in Azamgarh district, N.W.P. ; situated on the route
from Azamgarh to Chapra, forty-five miles east of the former. Lat. 25
56', long. 83 56'.
NAGRA. Village in Bareilly district, N.W.P. ; situated on the route
to Eudrapur from the town of Pilibhit, twenty-eight miles north-west of
the latter. Lat. 28 57', long. 79 36'.
NAGRAM. Town in Lucknow district, Oudh. Pop. (1869), nearly
NAGROLA. Tillage in Chamba State, Punjab ; situated on the
route from Chamba to Kashmir, by the Banihal Pass. It is situate thirty
miles north-west of Chamba, in a rugged country between the upper
course of the Ravi and that of the Chenab. Lat. 32 50', long, 75 50'.
NAGULDINNI. Town in Bellary district, Madras ; situated seventy
miles north-east of Bellary. Lat. 15 55', long. 77 38'.
NAGULPAD. Town in Haidarabad State ; situated eighty-one miles
east-south-east from Haidarabad, and seventy-three miles north-west from
Gantur. Lat. 17, long. 79 41'.
NAGTJLPILLI. Town in Haidarabad State ; situated thirty-six miles
north from Haidarabad, and 161 miles east by north from Sholapur.
Lat. 17 50', long. 78 29'.
NAGITRSOGA. Town in Haidarabad State ; situated 143 miles west-
north-west of Haidarabad. Lat. 18 11', long. 76 35'.
NAGWA. Village in Muzaffarnagar district, N.W.P. ; situated on the
route from Karnal to Meerut, and fifty-two miles south-east of the former.
It is situate on the right bank of the Hindan. Lat. 29 12', long. 77 34'.
NAGWAN. Village in Garhwal State, N.W.P. ; situated on the
Budiya, a considerable feeder of the Jumna, and close to the confluence
of the streams. Elevation, 4000 feet above the sea. Lat. 30 50', long.
78 19'.
NAHAL. Town in Shahjahanpur district, N.W.P. ; situated on the
route from Bareilly to Sitapur, and forty-four miles south of the former.
Lat. 28 8', long. 80 6'.
NAHAN. See SfRMtfu.
NAHAN. Capital of Sfrmur State, Punjab ; situated on the route
from Saharanpur to Subathu, fifty-four miles south-east of the latter, at
the western extremity of the Kyarda Dun, and in lat. 30 34', long. 77
21'. Its elevation is 3207 feet. Pop. (1881), 5253.
NAHANI. Town in Lohardaga district, Bengal; situated twenty-
three miles south-west of Lohardaga. Lat. 23 12', long. 84 30'.
NAHAPARA. Town in Birbhum district, Bengal ; situated ninety-
eight miles north by west of Calcutta. Lat. 23 54', long. 88 I'.
NAHAR. Town in Gurgaon district, Punjab ; situated on the route
from Rewari to Hansi, twenty miles north-west of the former. Lat. 28
25', long. 76 29'.
NAHAR. Town in Dujana State, Punjab; situated on the route
from Dadri to Rewari, and eighteen miles north-west of the latter. Lat.
28 23', long. 76 29'. Pop. (1881), 1567.
NAHAR A. State in Rewa Kantha, Bombay, paying a yearly tribute
of 2 10s. to the Gaekwar of Baroda. Area, If sq. miles.
NAHARGARH. Town in Kotah State, Rajputana; situated eight
tfAH NAI 637
miles north-east from the right bank of the Parbati, and sixty-six miles
east by south from Kotah. Lat. 24 56', long. 76 53'.
NAHARNADI. Town in Jodhpur State, Rajputana ; situated on the
route from Balotra to Jodhpur, and twelve miles south-west of the latter.
The city, citadel, and palaces of Jodhpur form a striking prospect as seen
from this place. Lat. 26 12', long. 73.
NAHGUL. Village in Bijnaur district, N.W.P. ; situated on the route
from Moradabad to Hardwar, and twenty-two miles south of the latter.
It is situate on the left bank of the Ganges. Lat. 29 40', long. 78 15'.
NAI. Town in Cutch State, Bombay ; situated sixty-eight miles
west-north-west of Bhuj, and ninety-six miles south-east by south of
Tatta. Lat. 23 30', long. 68 42'.
NAIERAK. Town in Kashmir State, Punjab; situated 124 miles
east from Srinagar, and 134 miles north-north-east from. Kangra. Lat.
33 51', long. 77 9'.
NAIGAON RIBAHL State in the Central India Agency; situated
in Bundelkhand, between Hamfrpur district, N.W.P. ; on the west, north
and east, and Chhatarpur State on the south. Its area is 16 sq. miles.
Pop. (1875), 3360. There is also a town of the same name. Lat.
25 27', long. 79 35'.
NAIHATI. Town, municipality, and station on the Eastern Bengal
Railway, in the Twenty -four Parganas district, Bengal. Pop. (1881),
21,533. Lat. 22 53' 50", long. 88 27' 40". Also thana. Pop. (1881),
NAIKRAS. Tribe inhabiting part of the Rewa Kantha territory,
Bombay ; including portions of the Baria and Chhota Udaipur States.
NAIKTJL. Town in Bamra State, Central Provinces ; situated on the
right bank of the Brahmani river, and fifty-nine miles east of Sambalpur.
Lat. 21 22', long. 84 54'.
NAILA PAIDI. Village in Daman district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 106.
NAIMA. Town in Kashmir State, Punjab ; situated on the right
bank of the Indus river, and 159 miles north-east by east of Kangra.
Lat. 33 12', long. 78 42'.
NAIN. Village in Rai Bareli district, Oudh ; situated sixty miles
south-east of Lucknow. Pop. (1869), 827. Lat. 26 4', long. 81 20'.
NAINA KOT. Town in Gurdaspur district, Punjab. Pop. (1881),
NAINI TAL. Hill-station in Kumaun district, N.W.P. ; situated on
the banks of a lake among the spurs of the Himalayas, in lat. 29 22',
long. 79 29' 35". Summer retreat of the Government of the N.W.P.
Elevation, 6409 feet. Pop. (1881), 6576, exclusive of the cantonment,
which numbers 1398.
NAINTWA. Village in Garhwal State, KW.P. ; situated on the
point of land formed by the confluence of the Rupin and Tons rivers ; in
lat. 31 4', long. 78 10'.
NAINWA. Town in Bundi State, Rajputana ; situated on the route
from Delhi to Mhow, 251 miles south-west of former, 256 north of latter.
Lat. 25 46', long. 75 55'. Pop. (1881), 5254.
NAIPAR. Town in Kaira district, Bombay ; situated thirty-three
miles south-east by east of Kaira. Lat. 22 28', long. 73 7'.
NAIR. Town in Haidarabad State ; situated fifty-eight miles south-
south-east from Ellichpur. Lat. 20 26', long. 77 58'.
NAI SARAI. Village in Unao district, Oudh ; situated on the route
from Cawnpore to Lucknow, twenty-eight miles north-east of the former,
twenty-five south-west of the latter. Lat. 26 41', long. 8 42'.
NAISRI. Town in Kolhapur State, Bombay ; situated forty-six miles
south by east from Kolhapur, and nineteen miles north-west from Belgaum.
Lat. 16 2', long. 74 24'.
NAIWAL. River of Sirsa district, Punjab, and Bikaner State, Raj-
putana ; passes into the great desert of Rajputana, where its waters
become absorbed for purposes of irrigation, or by evaporation.
NAJAFGARH, Village in Cawnpore district, N. W.P. ; situated sixteen
miles from Cawnpore, in lat. 26 18', long. 80 36'. Pop. (1881), 3999.
NAJAFGARH. Town in Delhi district, Punjab; situated on the west
shore of the extensive lake formed by the overflow of the Hansauti torrent
during the rainy season. Distance fifteen miles south-west from Delhi.
Pop. (1881), 1020. Lat. 28 36', long. 77 2'.
NAJAFGARH JHIL. Lake in Gurgaon and Delhi districts, Punjab,
between lat. 28 26' 30" 28 34', and long. 76 56' 77 4' 30".
NAJIBABAD. Town and municipality (in tahsil of same name) in
Bijnaur district, N.W.P. ; situated on the Malin Nadi, thirty-one miles
south-east of Hardwar, in lat. 29 36' 50", long. 78 23' 10". Pop.
(1881), 17,750. Area of tahsil, 494 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 133,561.
Also pargana. Pop. (1881), 63,870. And thana. Pop. (1881), 54,847.
NAJRA. Town in Satara district, Bombay ; situated seventy-two
miles east- south-east of Satara. Lat. 17 21', long. 75 6'.
NAKALGODTJ. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 18.
NAKARIKALLTI. Town in Krishna district, Madras; situated thirty-
five miles west by north of Grantur. Lat. 16 23', long. 80.
NAKLI. Town in Maimansinh district, Bengal; situated 199 miles
north-east by east of Calcutta. Lat. 24 19', long. 90 57'.
NAKO. Village in Bashahr State, Punjab ; one of the largest of that
district ; situated on the western declivity of the huge mountain of
Parkiyala, in Kunawar, and about a mile from the left bank of the Li,
or river of Spiti. Elevation above the sea, 11,850 feet. Lat. 31 52',
long. 78 40'.
NAKODAR. Town and municipality (in tahsil of same name) in
Jalandhar district, Punjab; situated in lat. 31 7' 30", long. 75 31'.
Pop. (1881), 8486. Area of tahsil, 342 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 194,069.
NAKPUR. Town in Faizabad district, Oudh ; situated on the Tons,
fifty-two miles from Faizabad. Pop. (1869), 2817.
NAKSHIPARA. Thana in Nadiya district, Bengal. Area, 135 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 59,762.
NAKTAURA. Thana in Hardoi district, Oudh. Pop. (1881), 97,512.
NAKTJNAOD. Town in Coorg, Madras ; situated fifteen miles north-
north-east of Merkara. Lat. 12 15', long. 75 42'.
NAKUR. Town (in tahsil of same name) in Saharanpur district,
N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 4836. Lat. 29 56', long. 77 23'. Area of tahsil,
423 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 201,622. Also pargana. Pop. (1881), 54,662.
And thana. Pop. (1881), 53,823.
NAL 639
NAL. State in Khandesh, Bombay. Pop. (1872V 275.
NAL. Lake in Ahmedabad district, Bombay ; between lat. 22 45'
22 50' 15", and long. 72 I' 45" 72 8' 9"; thirty-seven miles south-
west of Ahmedabad. Area, about 49 sq. miles.
NAL. Village in Bikaner State, Eajputana; situated on the route
from the town of Bikaner to that of Jaisalmir, and eight miles west
of the former. Lat. 28 3', long. 73 16'.
NALACHERLA. Town in Krishna district, Madras; situated fifty-six
miles north by east of Masulipatam. Lat. 16 57', long. 81 29'.
NALADL Tillage in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 363.
NALAPANI (KALANGA). Fort in Dehra Dun district, N.W.P. ;
situated on the range forming the eastern boundary of the valley.
Famous as the scene of a siege by the British forces in the Nepal War in
1814, in which General Gillespie was killed. Distant north-west from
Calcutta, by Aligarh, Meerut, and Dehra, 1000 miles. Elevation above
the sea, 3286 feet. Lat. 30 20' 20", long. 78 8' 30".
N ALAP AT AN. Village, with Hindu temple, in Garhwal State,
!N.W.P. ; situated on the route from Srmagar to Kedarnath temple, and
eighteen miles south of the latter. It is situate about a mile from
the right bank of the Mandagni, a tributary of the Alaknanda. Elevation
above the sea, 4731 feet. Lat. 30 32', long. 79 8'.
NALATWAD. Town and municipality in Kaladgi district, Bombay ;
situated fifty-six miles north-east of Kaladgi, in lat. 16 14' 40", long.
76 19' 50". Pop. (1872), 4645.
NALBANA. Island in the Chilha Lake, Orissa, Bengal ; situated in
lat. 19 41' 30", long. 85 20'. About 5 miles in circumference.
NALBARI. Village in Kamrup district, Assam ; situated in lat. 26
25' 55", long. 91 27' 45".
NALBARI. Village in Darrang district, Assam; situated twenty
miles north of Mangaldai.
NALGHERA. Town in Bakarganj district, Bengal ; situated on the
right or south-west side of the Ganges. Distance north of Barisal, twelve
miles. Lat. 22 55', long. 90 19'.
NALCHHA. Ruined town in Dhar State, Central India Agency ;
situated in lat. 22 25', long. 75 28', on the route from Mhow to Mandu,
twenty- seven miles south-west of the former, and six north of latter.
The site is beautiful, on the southern verge of the rich open table-land of
NALCHITI. Village and municipality in Bakarganj district, Bengal ;
situated on the Nalchiti river, in lat. 22 37' 55", long. 90 19' 10".
Also thana. Area, 87 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 78,961.
NALDRUG. Town and fort (in district of same name) in Haidarabad
State; 150 miles from Haidarabad. Lat. 17 40', long. 76 20'. Area
of district, 3997 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 538,807.
NALGANGA. -River of Buldana district, Berar ; falling into the
Wagar, a tributary of the Puma.
NALGONDA. District in Haidarabad State. Area, 4131 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 494,190.
NALGTJN. Pass in Bashahr State, Punjab j over the range of the
Himalaya bounding "Kunawar to the south. Elevation, 14,891 feet. It
is situated in lat. 31 19', long. 78 17'. A considerable stream, called
also the Nalgun, flows in a north-easterly direction, and after a course
of ten miles, falls into the Baspa.
NALHATL Town in Birbhum district, Bengal; situated 126 miles
north-north-west of Calcutta. Lat. 24 18', long. 87 50'. Also thana.
Area, 276 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 133,897.
NALIA. State in Rewa Kantha, Bombay ; paying a yearly tribute of
4 to the Gaekwar of Baroda. Its area is half a square mile.
NALING. Town in Khandesh district, Bombay ; situated twenty-
four miles north-east by north of Malegaon. Lat. 20 50', long.
74 41'.
NALING. River of Nepal State; risiug in the great snowy range of
the Himalayas, in lat. 28 57', long. 83 33', and flowing through
Nepal in a southerly direction for 110 miles, to its junction with the
Trisul Ganga, in lat. 27 33', long. 84 12'.
NALIYA. Town in Cutch State, Bombay; situated in lat. 23 18',
long. 68 54'. Pop. (1881), 5266.
NALKAR. Town in Bhutan State ; situated on the right bank of the
Manas river, and seventy-seven miles north-west by north of Darrang.
Lat. 27 22', long. 91 30'.
NALKERI. Tillages in Coorg, Madras, having a pop. (1881), re-
spectively, of 942 and 804.
NALKNAD. Village in Coorg, Madras; situated close to the Tadi-
andamol mountain, in lat. 12 14', long. 75 42'.
NALKUR. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 279.
N ALL AM ALAIS. Hills in Cuddapah and Karnul districts, Madras ;
between lat. 14 43' 15 14', and long. 78 43' 78 58'. Average
height, 2000 feet ; the most lofty being 3055 feet.
NALLUGOTE. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 606.
NALLTJR. Villages in Coorg, Madras, having a pop. (1881), re-
spectively, of 632 and 405.
NALTIGIRL Branch of the Assia hills in Cuttack district, Bengal.
NALVATOKKALU. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 629.
NALWAR. Town in Haidarabad State ; situated on the left bank of
the river Bhima, and 104 miles west-south-west from Haidarabad. Lat.
16 56', long. 77 3'.
NAMAKAL. Town and hill-fort (in taluk of same name) in Salem
district, Madras; situated in lat. 11 13' 15", long. 78 12' 40". Pop.
(1881), 5147. It is built at the foot of a fortified rock (the Durgam),
which rises 300 feet above the plain. Contains a large colony of weavers.
NAMAL (NIMAL). Town in Bannu district, Punjab ; situated on
the slope of the Salt Range, in lat. 32 40' 15", long. 71 51'. Pop.
(1868), 5010.
NAMBALGIRL Town in Bellary district, Madras ; situated forty-six
miles south-west of Bellary. Lat. 14 42', long. 76 26'.
NAMBAR. River in the Naga Hills, Assam ; falling into the
NAMBIYUR. Town in Coimbatore district, Madras ; situated in lat.
11 21' 30", long. 77 22'. Pop. (1871), 6890.
NAMDING. Town in Lakhimpur district, Assam ; situated thirty-
nine miles south of Sadiya. Lat. 27 17', long. 95 41'.
NAMGIA. Village in Bashahr State ; situated on the left bank of the
Sutlej, in Kunawar, about a mile above the remarkable confluence of the
Li or Spiti with that great river on the opposite side. The village is
between 600 and 700 feet above the bed of the Sutlej. Elevation above
the sea, 9272 feet. Lat. 31 48', long. 78 42'.
NAMGOH. Town in Sikhim State, Bengal ; situated on the left bank
of the Ti'sta river, and forty miles north-east by north of Darjiling.
Lat. 27 31', long. 88 40'.
NAM JANG. Town in Nepal State ; situated on the left bank of the
Kali river, and seventy-two miles north-west of Jamla. Lat. 30 3',
long. 80 53'.
NAMKITI (MIRI KHU). River of Upper Burma; the name of one
of the feeders of the Irawadi river, rising in lat. 27 51', long. 97 28',
and, after flowing southerly for 142 miles, joins another main source, in
lat. 26, long. 97 19'.
NAMRTIP. River of Lakhimpur district, Assam ; rising in lat.
27 9', long. 96 23', and, flowing north-west through Sadiya, falls into
the Dihing river, in lat. 27 23', long. 95 58'.
NAMUKHI. Town in Bahawalpur State, Punjab ; situated on the
left bank of the Sutlej, and 116 miles north-east by east of Bahawalpur.
Lat. 30 14', long. 73 23'.
NANA. Town in Jodhpur State, Rajputana; situated ninety-one
miles south from Jodhpur, and 142 miles north-west of Ajmere. Lat.
25, long. 73 12'.
NANAKMATA. Pargana in Tarai district, Oudh. Pop. (1881),
NANAMATI. Village in Cawnpore district, N.W.P. ; situated on the
route from Fatehgarh to Lucknow, and forty-nine miles south-east of the
former. It is situate on the right bank of the Ganges. Lat. 26 52',
long. 80 10'.
NANAUN. Village in Aligarh district, N.W.P. ; situated on the route
from the cantonment of Aligarh to that of Mainpuri, and thirteen miles
south-east of the former. Lat. 27 49', long. 78 19'.
NANAUTA. Town in Saharanpur district, KAV.P. ; situated on the
route from Saharanpur to Panipat, twenty miles south-south-west of the
former. Lat. 29 42', long. 77 30'. Pop. (1881), 3997. Also thana.
Pop. (1881), 25,646.
NAND. Village in Ajmere district, Rajputana ; situated on the route
from the town of Jodhpur to that of Ajmere, and five miles west of the
latter. Lat. 26 28', long. 74 38'.
NAND A. Village in Gurgaon district, Punjab; situated on the south-
western frontier towards TJlwar. Lat. 28 10', long. 76 28'.
NAND A DEVI. Mountain in Kumaun district, N.W.P. ; one of
a very lofty Himalayan group, near the north-eastern frontier. The
summit is altogether inaccessible ; but a mile below it a religious festival
is held every twelfth year, though access to the spot is so difficult that
it is reached by scarcely fifty of the pilgrims who make the attempt.
The elevation of Nanda Devi is 25,749 feet above the level of the sea.
Lat. 30 22', long. 80 1'.
NANDAGAIMTJKH. Town in Nagpur district, Central Provinces.
Pop. (1881), 2026.
N AND AIR (NANDER). Town (in district of same name) in Haidar-
abad State ; situated on the left or north bank of the Godavari. It is
a place of pilgrimage for the Sikhs. Distant from the city of Haidarabad,
north, 145 miles. Lat. 19 9', long. 77 23'. Area of district, 4122 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 753,035.
NANDAKTJJA. River of Rajshahi district, Bengal ; a branch of the
NANDAN. Town in Agra district, N.W.P. ; situated on the left
bank of the Jumna, twenty miles east of the city of Agra. Lat. 27 7',
long. 78 24'.
NANDAN AJ. Town in the Haidarabad Assigned Districts ; situated
fifty miles south-east of Ahmednagar. Lat. 18 38', long. 75 21'.
NANDANAWONAM. Town in Nellore district, Madras ; situated
seventy-three miles north-west of Nellore. Lat. 15 13', long. 79 16'.
NANDANAWONAM. Town in Nellore district, Madras; situated
eighty miles north-north-west of Nellore. Lat. 15 29', long. 79 31'.
NANDAN SAR. Lake in Kashmir State, Punjab; situated, with
four others, on the northern side of the Pir Panjal mountain, and a little
north of the pass of the same name, which also is sometimes called the
Nandan Sar pass. The collective waters of these form the source of the
Haripur river. Nandan Sar is visited in pilgrimage. Lat. 33 37', long.
74 40'.
NANDAOLL Town in Aligarh district, N.W.P. ; situated on the
route from the city of Agra to Bareilly, and forty-three miles north-east
of the former. Lat. 27 35', long. 78 33'.
NANDAPORAM. Town in Jaipur State, Yizagapatam district,
Madras; situated fifty-five miles south from Jaipur, and seventy-one
miles north-west by west from Yizagapatam. Lat. 18 14', long. 82 28'.
NANDAPUR. Town in Haidarabad State; situated on the right bank
of the Penganga river, and 113 miles south-west from Ellichpur. Lat.
19 35', long. 77 17'.
NANDARTHAN(NAGARDHAN). Town in Nagpur district, Central
Provinces ; situated near Eamtek, in lat. 21 21', long. 79 21'. Pop.
(1881), 2614.
N AND AS A. State in Mahi Kantha, Bombay. Pop. (1881), 1203.
The Chief pays a yearly tribute of 43 to the Gaekwar of Baroda.
N AND ATT. Village in Agra district, N.W-R ; situated on the route
from Agra, by Khasganj, to Bareilly, and nine miles north-east of the
former. Lat. 27 16', long. 78 16'.
NANDATJR. Lake in Gorakhpur district, N.W.P. Lat. 26 46',
long. 83 15'.
NAN-DAW. Pagoda in Sandoway district, British Burma; close to
the town of Sandoway. Festivals are held in March, June, and October.
NANDGAD. Town in Bel gaum district, Bombay ; situated twenty-
three miles south of Belgaum, in lat. 15 34', long. 74 37'. Pop. (1872),
N AND G AN J. Tillage in Ghazipur district, N.W.P. ; situated on the
NAN 643
route from the cantonment of Benares to that of Ghazipur, thirty-six
miles north-east of the former, ten west of the latter, three north-west
of the left bank of the Ganges. Lat. 25 30', long. 83 30'. Also thana.
Pop. (1881), 47,159.
NANDGAON. Subdivision of Nasik district, Bombay. Area, 437 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 30,399.
NANDGAON. State in Raipur district. Central Provinces. Its area
is 905 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 164,339. The Chief maintains a military
force of 7 elephants, 100 horses, 5 camels, and 500 infantry. The capital
of the same name has a pop. (1881) of 5849.
NANDGAON. Town in Thana district, Bombay ; situated forty miles
south by east of Bombay. Lat. 18 22', long. 73.
NANDGAON. Town in the Haidarabad Assigned Districts; situated
thirty miles south-east by east of Ellichpur. Lat. 20 56', long. 77 57'.
NANDGAON Town in the Haidarabad Assigned Districts ; situated
forty-seven miles south-south-east of Ellichpur. Lat. 20 35', long. 77 53'.
NANDI (NUNDY). Village in Kolar district, Mysore; situated close
to Nandidrug, with a population (1871) of 1948. An annual cattle fair
is attended by 50,000 persons, and lasts for nine days.
NANDIAL (NANDYALAMPETA). Town in Cuddapah district,
Madras ; situated in lat. 14 43' 30", long. 78 52' 15". Pop. (1871), 6645.
NANDIAL. Town (in taluk of same name) in Karnul district, Madras ;
situated in lat. 15 29' 30", long. 78 31' 40". Pop. (1881), 8907.
Contains 9 Sivaite pagodas.
NANDIDRUG (NUNDYDROOG). Division in Mysore State; con-
taining three districts, Bangalore, Kolar, and Tumkur. Area, 9097 sq.
miles. Pop. (1871), 2,079,547.
NANDIDRUG. Hill-fort in Kolar district, Mysore State ; situated
thirty-one miles north of Bangalore, in lat. 13 22' 17", long. 77 43' 38".
Its summit is 4810 feet high.
NANDIGANA. Town in Krishna district, Madras ; situated seventy-
one miles north-west by west of Masulipatam. Lat. 16 47', long.
80 20'.
NANDIGRAM. Thana in Midnapur district, Bengal. Area, 158 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 121,895.
NANDIGUND A. Tillage in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 112.
NANDIJA. River of Kumaun district, N.W.P. ; rising in lat. 30
32', long. 80 8', and having an easterly course of about eight miles, falls
into the Gori, a great feeder of the Kali, at an elevation of 10,514 feet
above the sea.
NANDIKANAMA. Pass in Karnul district, Madras ; situated in lat.
15 23' 30", long. 78 48' 7".
NANDIKOTKUR. Town (in taluk of same name) in Karnul district,
Madras ; situate in lat. 15 52', long. 78 18' 21". Pop. (1871), 4216.
NANDIPURA. Village in Coorg, Madras.
NANDIYA. Town in Sirohi State, Rajputana ; situated on the right
bank of the Banas river, and fifty-four miles west-north-west from
Udaipur. Lat. 24 51', long. 73.
NANDLAPUR. Village in Agra district, KW.P. ; situated on the
route from Agra to Aligarh, and nine miles north of the former. Lat.
27 15', long. 78 17'.
644 NAN
NANDOD. Cnpital of Rajpipla State, Bombay. Lat. 21 54', long.
73 34'. Pop. (1881), 10,777.
NAXDODRA. Town in Ahmedabad district, Bombay; situated thirty-
three miles west-south-west of Ahmedabad. Lat. 22 48', long. 72 10'.
NANDORA. Town in Partabgarh district, Oudh; situated three
miles north of the Ganges. Pop. (1869), 2762.
NANDPUR. Town in Wardha district, Central Provinces ; situated
forty-four miles south by west from Nagpur, and 106 miles east-south-
east from Ellichpur. Lat. 20 33', long. 79 2'.
NANDRA. Village in Jodhpur State, Rajputana ; situated on the
route from the town of Jodhpur to that of Ajmere, and five miles east of
the former. Lat. 26 18', long. 73 14'.
NANDRAKHEL. Town in Bannu district, Punjab ; situated on the
right bank of the Tochi river, 123 miles south- south- west of the town of
Peshawar. Lat. 32 24', long. 70 48'.
NANDURA. Town in Buldan a district, Berar; situated on the Dayan-
ganga, in lat. 20 50', long. 76 32'. Station on the Great Indian
Peninsula Railway, 324 miles from Bombay. Pop. (1881), 6743.
NANDURBAR. Town and municipality (in subdivision of same
name) in Khandesh district, Bombay; situated forty -eight miles north-
west of Dhulia, in lat. 21 23' 10", long. 74 18' 45". Pop. (1881),
6841. Noted for its manufacture of "roya-oil," which is much esteemed
as a medicinal preparation. Area of subdivision, 674 sq. miles. Pop.
(1881), 62,866.
NANDWA. Town in Chhindwara district, Central Provinces ; on the
route from Jabalpur to Betul, forty-eight miles south-west by west of the
former. Lat. 22 44', long. 79 25'.
NANELI. Tillage in Sanguelim district, Portuguese India. Pop
(1881), 108.
NANENWAR. Mountain in Kashmir State, Punjab ; situated in
lat. 34 31', long. 74 50'.
NANGAL. Thana in Bijnaur district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 18,146.
NANGALA. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 794.
NANGAM. State in Rewa Kantha, Bombay, paying a yearly tribute
of 129 to the Gaekwar of Baroda. Area, nearly 2 sq. miles.
NANGAMBAKAM. Suburb of Madras.
NANGAR. Town in Bhartpur State, Rajputana ; on the route from
Muttra to Ulwar, situated thirty-nine miles west of former, thirty-six
east of latter, twenty-eight north-west of Bhartpur. Lat. 27 25',
long. 77 10'.
NANGAVELLI. Town in Salem district, Madras; situated twenty-
two miles west-north-west of Salem. Lat. 11 47', long. 77 56'.
NANGLATI. Town in the Khasi Hills, Assam ; situated thirty-six
miles south of Gauhati, and fifty-three miles north-north-west of Sylhet.
Lat. 25 37', long. 91 40'.
NANGSAGUMA. Town in Bhutan State; situated on the right
bank of the Bagni river, and 102 miles north-east by east from Darjiling.
Lat. 27 54', long. 89 41'.
NANGUNERI. Town (in taluk of same name) in Tinnevelli district,
Madras; situated in lat. 8 29' 20", long. 77 44'. Pop. (1881); 4414.
Contains a rich temple.
NA1S T NAO 645
NANJANGUD. Town and municipality (in taluk of same name) in
Mysore district, Mysore State ; situated on the Kabbani, twelve miles
south of Mysore, in lat. 12 7' 20", long. 76 44'. Pop. (1871), 4754.
Contains a temple to Siva which is endowed by Government to the
extent of more than 2000 per annum. A festival is held at the end of
March. Area of taluk, 176 sq. miles. Pop. (1871), 64,535.
NANJARAJPATNA. Taluk inCoorg, Madras. Area, 331 sq. miles.
Pop. (1871), 26,159.
NANJARAYAPATNA. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 179.
NANKATHA KHYOUNG RIVER. River of Manipur State, Bengal,
and Upper Burma ; a considerable tributary of the Irawadi ; rising in lat.
25 16', long. 94 10', falls into the Myithia Khyoung, in lat. 22 36',
long. 94 2 i'.
NANNING. A district of the Straits Settlements in the Malay
peninsula, bounded on the north by the Malay state of Rumbowe ; on the
east by that of Johole ; on the south-east and south by Segamet ; and on
the south-west by the Straits of Malacca. Its length from north to south
is about forty miles, and its breadth ten ; giving an area of 400 sq. miles.
The centre of the district is in lat. 2 25', long. 102 30'.
NANOREM. Village in Sanguelim district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 147.
NANPARA. Town (in tahsil of same name) in Bahraich district,
Oudh ; situated twenty-two miles north of Bahraich, and 100 miles east
of Shahjahanpur, in lat. 27 52', long. 81 32' 45". Pop. (1881), 7351.
Contains several temples. Area of tahsil, 1037 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
270,721. Also pargana. Area, 523 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 168,942.
And than! Pop. (1881), 124,514.
NANPARA. Thana in Nadiya district, Bengal. Area, 175 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 136,713.
NANSARI. State in Bhandara district, Central Provinces ; situated
nine miles south-east of Kamtha. Area, 13 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 4771.
NANTHE. Town in Upper Burma; situated five miles east from the
left bank of the Khyendwen river, and 141 miles north-west by north
from Ava. Lat. 23 30', long. 94 47'.
NANTO. Town in Kotah State, Rajputana ; situated on the route
from the city of Kotah to that of Bundi, five miles north-west of former,
nineteen south-east of latter. Lat. 25 12', long. 75 51'.
NANTTKMUTHA. Village, with temple, in Bareilly district, N.W.P. ;
situated on the right bank of the river Ghara, twenty-two miles north of
the town of Pilibhit. Lat. 28 57', long. 79 53'.
NANUN. Village in Meerut district, N.W.P. ; situated four miles
from the left bank of the Jumna. Lat. 28 49', long. 77 20'.
NANTJS. Village in Sanguelim district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 71.
N ANWAR. Village in Shikarpur district, Sind, Bombay ; situated on
the route from Sehwan to Larkhana, and thirty-nine miles north of the
former town. Lat. 26 54', long. 67 54'.
NAODWAR. Forest in Darrang district, Assam ; between the
Bhoroli and Bar Dikrai rivers. Area, 82 sq. miles.
NAOGAON. Village in Rajshahi district, Bengal ; situated on the
646 NAO NAB,
Jamuna, in lat. 24 45' 30", long. 88 58' 30". Centre of the gdnjd
(hemp) cultivation of the district.
NAOGAON. Town in Moradabad district, N.W.P. ; situated on the
route from the town of Moradabad to Muzaffarnagar, and twenty-eight
miles north-west of the former place. Distant north-west of Calcutta
9 1 6 miles. Lat. 29 I', long. 78 29'.
NAOGAWA. Village in Aligarh district, N.W.P. ; situated on the
route from the cantonment of Aligarh to that of Muttra, and sixteen
miles south-west of the former. Lat. 27 41', long. 78 3'.
NAPAKLTL Town in Coorg, Madras; situated in lat. 12 19', long.
75 44'. Pop. (1881), 896.
NAP ASIR. Village in Bikaner State, Rajputana ; situated on the
route from Ratangarh to the town of Bikaner, and ten miles south-east of
the latter. Lat. 27 57', long. 73 38'.
NAPTITA. Town in Bassein district, British Burma; situated on the
left bank of the Negrais river, and 101 miles south-west of Rangoon.
Lat. 16 27', long. 94 48'.
NAQTJERY. Village in Quepem district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 409.
NAR. Town in Baroda State ; situated in lat. 22 28', long. 72 45'.
Pop. (1881), 7328.
NARA. Chiefship in Raipur district, Central Provinces. Area,
33 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 2022.
NARA. Town in Raipur district, Central Provinces ; situated ninety-
three miles south by east of Ratanpur, and 107 miles west-south-west
of Sambalpur. Lat. 20 56', long. 82 29'.
NARA. Village in Karachi district, Sind, Bombay; situated on the
route from Sehwan to Larkhana, and fifty-three miles north of the former
town. It is situated about a mile from the right bank of the Indus.
Lat. 27 3', long. 67 57'.
NARA, EASTERN. Canal in Bahawalpur State, Punjab, and Khair-
pur State and Thar and Parkar district, Sind, Bombay.
NARA, WESTERN. Canal of Shikarpur district, Sind, Bombay;
falling into Lake Manchhar.
NARAD. Three small rivers in Rajshahi district, Bengal ; which
unite in the Atrai just above its junction with the Nandakuja.
NARAIL. Subdivision in Jessor district, Bengal. Area, 487 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 328,172. Also thana. Area, 232 sq. miles. Pop.
(1881), 151,362.
NARAINGANJ (NARAYANGANJ). Town and municipality (in
subdivision of same name) in Dacca district, Bengal ; situated at the
junction of the Lakhmia and the Dhaleswari, in lat. 23 37' 15", long.
90 32' 5". Pop. (1881), 12,508. A great port for the export of jute.
Area of subdivision, 641 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 470,657. Also thana.
Area, 116 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 103,760.
NARAINGAON. Town in Poona district, Bombay; situated forty-
four miles north by east of Poona. Lat. 19 7', long. 74 2'.
NARAINGARH. Town in Midnapur district, Bengal ; situated
seventy miles west-south-west of Calcutta. Lat. 22 10', long. 87 27'.
Also thana. Area, 300 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 129,199.
NARAINGARH. Village (in tahsil of same name) in Umballa district,
Punjab ; situated on the route from Dehra to Subathu, seventy- two miles
NAR 647
west of Dehra. Elevation above the sea, 2154 feet. Lat. 30 29', long.
77 11'. Area of tahsil, 429 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 145,633.
NARAINKHAID. Town in Haidarabad State ; situated seven miles
from the left bank of the river Manjhira, and sixty-seven miles north-
west from Haidarabad. Lat. 18 2', long. 77 49'.
NARAINPUR. Town in Haidarabad State; situated thirty miles
east-south-east from Haidarabad, and 120 miles west-north-west from
Gantur. Lat. 17 10', long. 78 57'.
NARAINPUR. Town in Bastar State, Central Provinces; situated
169 miles south-east of Nagpur, and 120 miles east by south of Chanda.
Lat. 19 41', long. 81 13'.
NARAINPUR. Thana in Aligarh district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
NARAJOL. Tillage in Midnapur district, Bengal ; situated on the
Palaspai, in lat. 22 34' 8", long. 87 39' 4". Pop, (1872), over 2000.
NARAKAL. Town in Cochin State, Madras ; situated on the coast,
three miles west of Cochin, in lat. 10 2' 30", long. 76 12'. Pop. (1871),
NARAL. Town (in subdivision of same name) in Jessor district,
Bengal ; situated on the Chitra, twenty-two miles east of Jessor, in lat.
23 10', long. 89 32' 30". Area of subdivision, 483 sq. miles. Pop.
(1872), 299,043.
NARAL A. Town in Kalahandi State, Central Provinces ; situated on
the south-west frontier of Bengal, thirty- seven miles east-north-east of
Junagarh, and 102 miles south-south-west of Sambalpur. Lat. 20 4',
long. 83 31'.
NARAMSIR. Town in Cutch State, Bombay ; situated on the Kori
mouth of the Great Western Rann of Cutch, and eighty-one miles west-
north-west of Bhuj. Lat. 23 40', long. 68 33'.
NARANGA. Town in Darbhangah district, Bengal; situated forty-
nine miles north-north-west of Darbhangah. Lat. 26 47', long. 85 42'.
NARANJANPUR. Village in Budaun district, N.W.P. ; situated
on the route from Agra to Bareilly, and thirty-eight miles south-west
of the latter. Lat. 28 5', long. 79 6'.
NARAOLI. Town in Moradabad district, N.W.P. ; situated near the
Sot river, in lat. 28 29', long. 78 45'. Pop. (1881), 5069.
NARAOLI. Town in Jaipur State, Rajputana; situated sixty-nine
miles south-east of Jaipur, and 130 miles east of Ajmere. Lat. 26 20',
long. 76 48'.
NARASARAVAPETA. Town in Krishna district, Madras ; situated
twenty-six miles west by south of Gantur. Lat. 16 15', long. 80 8'.
NARASINGABILLA. Town in Vizagapatam district, Madras; situated
twenty-eight miles west by south of Vizagapatam. Lat. 1 7 36', long. 82 57'.
NARASINGANALLUR. Village in Tinnevelli district, Madras ;
situated four miles west of Tinnevelli, in lat. 8 42', long. 77 42'. Pop.
(1871), 6795.
NARASINHGARH. Town in Manbhum district, Bengal; situated
120 miles west of Calcutta. Lat. 22 34', long. 86 34'.
NARASINHNAGAR. Town in Tipperah district, Bengal; situated
thirty-nine miles north by east of Tipperah. Lat. 24, long. 91 17'.
648 NAB,
NARATJL. Town in Partabgarh district, Oudh; situated twenty-five
miles north of Allahabad, ninety south- east of Lucknow. It is nearly
surrounded by the district of Allahabad. Lat. 25 43', long. 81 40'.
NARAYANADEVARAKERA. Town in Bellary district, Madras.
Pop. (1881), 3669.
NARAYANAVANAM. Town in North Arcot district, Madras;
situated in lat. 13 27', long. 79 38'. Pop. (1871), 6894.
NARBA Town and fort in Sirhind, Punjab. Lat. 30 23', long. 76 1 5'.
NARBADA ( NERBUDD A). Division of the Central Provinces;
containing five districts, viz. Betul, Chhindwara, Hoshangabad, Narsinh-
pur, and Nimar. Area, 17,728 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 1,779,869.
NARBADA. One of the greatest rivers of India ; rising in Bilaspur
district, Central Provinces, on the elevated plateau of Amarakantak, in
the Vindhya Mountains, at an elevation of probably between 3000 and
4000 feet above the sea, in lat. 22 41', long. 81 49'. About forty
miles below Jabalpur, in lat. 23 4', long. 79 26', it, on the right side,
receives the Hiran, a small river ; and twenty miles lower down, on the
left side, the Sher, still smaller. Lower in its course, the channel is con-
tracted between two high perpendicular cliffs, of magnesian limestone,
white as snow, called the Marble Bocks. Four or five miles above
Hoshangabad, 360 miles from its source, and in lat. 22 45', long. 77 49',
it on the right side receives the Tawa, perhaps the largest of its tributaries.
In lat. 22 15', long. 76 48', 455 miles below the source of the river, 346
above its mouth, is a fall which entirely stops navigation. From this
place the river is unfit for navigation for seventy miles, to Makrai Fall,
in lat. 21 47', long. 73 48', 691 miles from the source, 110 from the
mouth. From Makrai to Talakwara, a distance of twenty-five miles, the
navigation is difficult, but practicable. From Talakwara, in lat. 21 57',
long. 73 32', to the sea, a distance of eighty-five miles, it is navigable
for boats of considerable burthen. Flowing by the city of Broach, situate
on its right or north bank, it falls into the Gulf of Cambay, in lat. 21
35', long. 72 35' ; its total length of course being 801 miles. The tide
is perceptible only twenty-five miles above Broach, or fifty-five from the
sea. Throughout the tidal part of its course, the breadth of the Narbada
exceeds a mile. At Broach, about thirty miles from the mouth, it is a
noble sheet of water two miles wide, even when the tide is out. Ships of
burthen can proceed up the river to Broach, but skilful pilotage is
necessary. Few rivers have a more direct course than that of the
Narbada, which is nearly due east and west. It is considered to be the
boundary between the Deccan and Hindustan. As a sacred stream it
ranks second only to the Ganges.
NAREGAL. Town in Dharwar district, Bombay ; situated fifty-five
miles east of Dharwar, in lat. 15 36', long. 75 54'. Pop. (1881), 6071.
NARGANHALI. Village in Shimoga district, Mysore State ; situated
on the north-west frontier, towards the district of Dharwar. Distance
from Chitaldrug, north-west, twenty-two miles ; from Seringapatam,
north, 145. Lat. 14 20', long. 76 9'.
NARGARH. Town in Gwalior State, Central India Agency ; situated
eighty miles north-north-west from Ujjain, and thirty miles south-east
by east from Nimach. Lat. 24 12', long. 75 17'.
NAR 649
NARGrTJND. Town and municipality in Dharwar district, Bombay ;
situated thirty-two miles north-east of Dharwar, in lat. 15 43' 22", long.
75 25' 30". Pop. (1881), 7874. The Chief lost his possessions for com-
plicity in the Mutiny of 1857.
NARHAN. Town in Saran district, Bengal; situated forty miles
west-north-west of Chapra. Lat. 25 56', long. 84 20'.
NARHAT. Thana in Lalitpur district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 13,646.
NARHL Town in Ghazipur district, N.W.P. ; situated two miles
from the Ganges, in lat. 25 42' 15", long. 84 4' 15", Pop. (1872),
NARIAB. Town in Kohat district, Punjab ; situated forty-nine miles
west from the right bank of the Indus, sixty-three miles south-west of
the town of Peshawar. Lat. 33 25', long. 70 50'.
NARIAD. Town and municipality in Kaira district, Bombay ;
situated twenty-nine miles south-east of Ahmedabad, in lat. 22 40' 45",
long. 72 55' 20". Pop. (1872), 24,551. A station on the Bombay,
Baroda, and Central India Railway.
NARIAWAL. Village in Bareilly district, N.W.P. ; situated on the
route from Bareilly to Shahjahanpur, and four miles south-east of the
former. Lat. 28 19', long. 79 31'.
NARIKELBARIA. Village in Jessor district, Bengal ; situated on
the river Chitra. Centre of sugar trade.
NARILA. Village in Karnal district, N.W.P. ; situated on the route
from the city of Delhi to Karnal, and sixteen miles north-west of the
former. Lat. 28 51', long. 77 10'.
NARINJA. River of Haidarabad State; rising in lat. 17 30', long.
77 45', and, flowing north-west for seventy-five miles, falls into the
Manjhira river, in lat. 18 6', long. 77 7'.
NARISHA. Town in Dacca district, Bengal ; situated in lat. 23 33'
45", long. 90 10' 45". Pop. (1872), 5645.
NARIY AND AD A. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 753.
NARKHER Town in Nagpur district, Central Provinces; situated
fifty-two miles from Nagpur. Pop. (1881), 7061.
NARKI. Town in Agra district, N.W.P. ; situated twenty-five miles
north-east of the city of Agra. Lat. 27 18', long. 78 28'.
NARKLIR. Thana in Agra district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 40,459.
NARNALA. Hill fort in Ellichpur district, Berar ; situated in lat.
21 14' 30", long. 77 4' 20". Elevation, 3161 feet.
NARNATIL. Town in Patiala State, Punjab. Pop. (1881), 20,052.
NARNATIND. Town in Hissar district, Punjab ; situated on the
route from Hansi to Karnal, and sixty-six miles south-west of the latter
place. It is situate near the right or north-western bank of the canal of
Firoz Shah. Distant north-west of Calcutta, by Delhi and Hansi, 990
miles. Lat. 29 13', long. 76 13'.
NARNAVERAM. Town in North Arcot district, Madras; situated
forty miles north-north-east of Arcot. Lat. 13 25', long. 79 38'.
NARNOL. Town in Rohtak district, Punjab ; situated on the route
from Hansi to Nimach, and eighty-six miles south of the former. Lat.
28 1', long. 76 1 1'.
650 FAR
NARO A. Village in Ilhas district, Portuguese India. Pop. (1881), 249.
NAROA. Village in Sanguelim district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 1062.
NARODI. Town in Raipur district, Central Provinces; situated 137
miles east-north-east of Nagpur, and seventy-seven miles south from
Ramgarh. Lat. 21 42', long. 81 10.
NAROLI. Town in Moradabad district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
NARONA. Town in Cutch State, Bombay; situated on the Great
Western Rann of Cutch, and twelve miles north-north-west from Bhuj.
Lat. 23 23', long. 69 40'.
NARONOI. Town in Haidarabad State; situated 116 miles west
of Haidarabad, and fifty-eight miles east by south of Sholapur. Lat.
17 30', long. 76 49'.
NARORA. Town in Bulandshahr district, KW.P. ; situated in lat.
28 12', long. 78 25' 45".
NAROT. Town and municipality in Gurdaspur district, Punjab ;
situated in lat. 32 17' 30' 7 , long. 75 30'. Pop. (1881), 3706.
NAROWAL. Town and municipality in Sialkot district, Punjab;
situated in lat. 32 6', long. 74 55'. Pop. (1881), 4558.
NARRAMPATNUM. Town in Jaipur State, Madras ; situated
eighty-two miles north of Vizagapatam. Lat. 18 52', long. 83 15'.
NARRI. Salt-mine on the bank of the Teri Toi river; situated in
lat. 33 11' 15", long. 71 12' 30".
NARSANNAPET. Town in Ganjam district, Madras. Pop. (1881),
NARSAPTJR. Town in Godavari district, Madras; situated in lat.
16 26' 20", long. 81 44' 30". Pop. (1881), 7184.
NARSAPUR. Town in Thana district, Bombay; situated thirty-
eight miles east of Bombay. Lat. 18 59', long. 73 28'.
NARSINGAH. Town in Narsinhpur State, Orissa, Bengal ; situated
on the left bank of a small tributary of the Brahmani river, and
fifty-seven miles west-north-west of Cuttack. Lat. 20 41', long.
85 5'.
NARSINHA. Rock and temple in Seoni district, Central Provinces ;
overlooking the Wainganga.
NARSINHGARH. State in the Central India Agency. Area, 623
sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 112,427. The Chief, who is entitled to a salute
of 11 guns, maintains a military force of 9 guns, 24 artillerymen, 98
cavalry, and 326 infantry.
NARSINHGARH. Capital of Narsinhgarh State, Central India
Agency ; situated in lat. 23 42' 30", long. 77 5' 50".
NARSINHGARH. Town in Damoh district, Central Provinces;
situated on the route from Sagar to Rewah, in lat. 23 59', long.
79 26'.
NARSINHPETTA. Town in Haidarabad State; situated fifty-two
miles north of Haidarabad, and 170 miles east by north of Sholapur.
Lat. 18 6', long. 78 28'.
NARSINHPUR. District in the Narbada division, Central Provinces ;
between lat. 22 45' 23 15', and long. 78 38' 79 38'. It is bounded
on the north by Bhopal State, and Sagar, Damoh, and Jabalpur districts ;
on the east by Seoni district ; on the south by Chhindwara district ; and
on the west by the river Dudhi and Hoshangabad district. The area of the
district is 1916 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 365,173. The chief mountains
of the district, which forms part of the Narbada valley, are the Vindhya
and Satpura ranges. Its chief rivers are the Narbada, the Sonar, and the
Dudhi. The chief towns are Narsinhpur (the capital) and Gadarwara.
The district, which is traversed by the Great Indian Peninsula Railway,
is administered by a Deputy-Commissioner and Staff.
NARSINHPTJR. Capital (in tahsil of same name) of Narsinhpur
district, Central Provinces ; situated on the Singri, in lat. 22 56' 35",
long. 79 14' 45". Pop. (1881), 10,222. Area of tahsil, 1042 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 175,336.
NARSINHPTJR. State of Orissa, Bengal; between lat. 20 24'
20 37', and long. 85 85 16' 15". Its area is 199 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
32,583. It is- bounded on the north by Angul and Hindol States ; on the
east by Baramba State ; on the south by the Mahanadi ; and on the west
by Angul State. It pays a yearly tribute of 145 to the British
Government. There is a militia of 583 men, besides 196 police.
NARSINHPUR. Capital of Narsinhpur State, Orissa, Bengal;
situated in lat. 20 28', long. 85 7' 1".
NARSIPUR. Town and municipality (in taluk of same name) in
Hassan district, Mysore State; situated on the Hemavati, in lat. 12 47',
long. 76 16' 40". Pop. (1871), 5253. Area of taluk, 473 sq. miles.
Pop. (1871), 42,345.
NARSIPTIR. Village and municipality in Mysore district, Mysore
State ; situated at the junction of the Kaveri and the Kabbani, in lat.
12 12' 40", long. 76 57' 21". Pop. (1871), 444. A sacred spot, con-
taining two ancient temples.
NARSIPUR. Town in Godavari district, Madras ; situated forty-
eight miles south of Rajamahendri. Lat. 16 20', long. 81 47'.
NARTJ. River of Shikarpur, Thar and Parkar districts, Sind, Bombay ;
rising in lat. 27 42', long. 69 4', a few miles east of the town of Rohri.
After a southerly course of 185 miles, the stream is lost in the desert,
near the town of Umarkot, in about lat. 25 23', long. 69 34'.
NARUGANE Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 363.
NARTJKOL. Town in Baroda State ; situated thirty-two miles east
by north from Baroda, and eighty-six miles south-east by east of
Ahmedabad. Lat. 22 20', long. 73 43'.
NARTJKOT. State in Guzerat, Bombay. Its area is 143 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 6440. The Chief pays a yearly tribute of 4 jointly to the
British Government and the Gaekwar of Baroda.
NARTIKOT. Capital of Narukot State, Bombay.
NARWAL. Town in Cawnpore district, N.W.P. ; situated eight
miles west of the right bank of the Ganges, eighteen miles south of
Cawnpore. Lat. 26 16', long. 80 30'. Pop. (1881). 2520. Also thana.
Pop. (1881), 19,942.
NARWAL A. Town in Bahawalpur State, Punjab ; situated ninety-
two miles south from Multan, and seventy-one miles south-west from
Bahawalpur. Lat. 28 31', long. 70 40'.
NARWAN. Pargana in Benares district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
NARW ANA. Town in Patiala State, Punjab. Pop. (1881), 2918.
NARWAR. Town in Bhopal State, forty-one miles east from Bhopal,
and sixty- two miles south-west by west from Sagar. Lat. 23 18',
long. 78.
NARWAR (NERWAR). Town in Gwalior State, Central India
Agency ; situated on the right bank of the river Sind, in lat. 25 39' 2",
long. 77 56' 57"; on the route from Kalpi to Kotah, 152 miles south-
west of the former, and 169 north-east of the latter; forty-four miles
south of Gwalior city. Narwar was anciently a large city, fourteen or
fifteen miles in circumference.
NASAIRA. Town in Gujranwala district, Punjab ; situated twenty-
eight miles north-west from the right bank of the Ravi, thirty-two miles
north-west by north of the town of Lahore. Lat. 31 55', long. 73 58'.
NASIK. District in Bombay; between lat. 19 34' 20 52', and
long. 73 21' 75 2'. Its area is 5940 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 781,206.
The Nasik district is bounded on the north by Khandesh district ; on the
east by Haidarabad State ; on the south by Ahmednagar district ; and on
the west by Thana district and the Khandesh Dang States. The chief
mountains are the Sahyadri and Chander ranges. The rivers are the
Darna, Kadwa, Deo, and Maralgin tributaries of the Godavari ; and the
Girna (with its tributary, the Mosam), a tributary of the Tapti. The
chief towns are ]S"asik (the capital), Sirmar, Malegaon, Deolali, Yinchur,
Manmad, and Lasalgaon. The district, which is traversed by the
Great Indian Peninsula Railway, is administered by a Collector and
NASIK. Capital (in subdivision of same name) of Nasik district,
Bombay; situated in lat. 19 59' 45" long. 73 49' 50"; famous as
a holy city, second only to Benares. Pop. (1881), including the Canton-
ment of Devlali (2969), 27,070. A spot held in great veneration by the
Hindus. Area of subdivision, 465 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 94,980.
NASIRABAD (MAIMANSINH). Capital of Maimansinh district,
Bengal ; situated on the Brahmaputra, in lat. 24 45' 50", long. 90
26' 54". Pop. (1881), 10,561.
NASIRABAD. Town (in subdivision of same name) and station on
the Great Indian Peninsula Railway in Khandesh district, Bombay;
situated 268 miles north-east of Bombay, eight miles south-west of
Bhusawal, in lat. 20 58' 30", long. 75 41' 30". Pop. (1881), 10,243.
Noted for the manufacture of glass bangles. Area of subdivision, 318
sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 60,526.
NASIRABAD. Cantonment in Ajmere-Mhairwara district, Rajpu-
tana; situated in lat. 26 18' 45", long. 74 47'. Pop. (1881), 21,320.
Nasirabad is garrisoned by British troops.
NASIRABAD. Town (in taluk of same name) in Shikarpur district,
Sind, Bombay ; situated on the Chilo Canal, in lat. 27 23', long. 67 57'
30". Pop. (1872), 1085. Area of taluk, 343 sq. miles. Pop. (1872),
NASIRABAD. Town in Rai Bareli district, Oudh ; situated fourteen
miles north-east of Salon, in lat. 26 15', long. 81 34'. Pop. (1869),
NASIRPTIR. Town in Haidarabad district, Sind, Bombay; situated
nineteen miles north-east by east of Haidarabad. Lat. 25 30', long.
68 41'.
NASBIDA. Town in Jaipur State, Eajputana ; situated seventy-one
miles south-south-west of Jaipur, and sixty miles south-east by east of
Ajmere. Lat. 26, long. 75 30'.
NASRIGANJ. Town and municipality in Shahabad district, Bengal ;
situated in lat. 25 3' 15", long. 84 22' 25". Pop. (1881), 6063.
NASSICK. See Nlsix.
NASTANGr. State in Khasi Hills, Assam; lying north of Sylhet
district, and east of Maimansinh district, in lat. 25 25 28', and
long. 90 53' 91 21'; forty miles in length from north-east to south-
west, and fifteen in breadth, and contains an area of 360 sq. miles.
NASTJM. Town in Cuddapah district, Madras; situated forty-five
miles north-west of Cuddapah. Lat. 14 58', long. 78 27'.
NASUMON. Tillage in Kashmir State, Punjab; situated on the
right or north bank of the Chenab, and on the great route from India to
Kashmir, through the Bainhal Pass. Lat. 33 14', long. 75 5'.
NASWADI. State in Eewa Kantha, Bombay ; paying a yearly
tribute of 169 to the Gaekwar of Baroda. Area, 8 sq. miles.
NATAGARH. Tillage in the Twenty-four Parganas district, Bengal.
NATCHENGUON. Town in Wardha district, Central Provinces;
situated on the left bank of the Wardha river, and sixty miles south-west
by west of Nagpur. Lat. 20 42', long. 78 22'.
NATEPTJTA. Town and municipality in Sholapur district, Bombay ;
situated forty-two miles north-west of Pandharpur, in lat. 17 53' 40",
long. 74 47' 36". Pop. (1872), 2376.
NATHDWARA. Town in TJdaipur State, Rajputana; situated on
the Banas, twenty-two miles from TJdaipur. There is a famous shrine,
which attracts large multitudes of pilgrims. Pop. (1881), 38,214. Lat.
24 53', long. 73 51'.
NATHI KHERA. Thana in Lalitpur district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
NATHPUR. Town in Purniah district, Bengal; situated on the route
from Dinapur to the town of Purniah, 152 miles south-east of former,
fifty north-west of latter. It is situate on the right bank of the Kosi.
There is considerable business here in the transit-trade from Nepal to
Hindustan. Lat. 26 18', long. 87 10".
NATHTIPUR. Pargana in Azamgarh district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
NATHTITA. Town in Jodhpur State, Eajputana; situated 114 miles
east-north-east from Jodhpur, and twenty-six miles north-north-east from
Ajmere. Lat. 26 49', long. 74 51'.
NAT-MAW. Tillage in Henzada district, British Burma; situated on
the Nat-maw river, in lat. 17 34' 10", long. 95 30' 30". Pop. (1877),
NAT-MAW Eevenue circle in Henzada district, British Burma.
Pop. (1877), 5961.
NATTOR. Town (in subdivision of same name) in Eajshahi district,
Bengal; situated on the Narad river, thirty miles from Eampur Beauleah,
in lat. 24 25' 15", long. 89 2' 21". Pop. (1881), 9094. Area of sub-
division, 814 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 470,512. Also thana. Area, 199
sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 153,662.
NATUAPUR. Village in Cawnpore district, KW.P. ; situated on the
route from Allahabad to Etawah, and seventy-one miles south-east of the
latter. Lat. 26 12', long. 79 56'.
NATUPALWUN. Town in Eatnagiri district, Bombay ; situated
sixty-three miles north of Eatnagiri. Lat. 17 54', long. 73 20'.
NATUSIR. Village in Bikaner State, Eajputana; situated on the
route from Churu to Bikaner, and forty miles north-east of the latter
place. Lat. 28 18', long. 74 2'.
NATWABARA. Town in Hazaribagh district, Bengal; situated
thirty-two miles east by south of Hazaribagh. Lat. 23 53', long.
85 53'.
NATJB AT A. Village in Agra district, N.W.P. ; situated on the route
from the city of Agra to that of Muttra, and four miles north-west of the
former. Lat. 27 12', long. 78 3'.
NAUBATGANG. Village in Hardoi district, Oudh ; on the route
from Fatehgarh to Lucknow, fifty miles south-east of the former, sixty
west of the latter. Lat. 26 53', long. 80 11'.
NAUBATPTJR. Village on the Karamnasa, in Benares district,
N.W.P. ; situated in lat. 25 19', long. 83 29'.
NAUGAULAUNCHARL Town in Tinnevelli district, Madras ; situ-
ated eighteen miles south of Tinnevelli. Lat. 8 28', long. 77 42'.
NAUGULWARL Town in Indore State, Central India Agency;
situated seventy- two miles south-south-west from Indore, and 105 miles
north-east by north from Malegaon. Lat. 21 44', long. 75 28'.
NAUGUMPILLI. Town in Godavari district, Madras ; situated
sixteen miles north of Eajamahendri. Lat. 17 13', long. 81 49'.
NAUGUTWARA. Town in Jaora State, Central India Agency;
situated on the right bank of the Chambal river, and fifteen miles north-
east from Jaora. Lat. 23 46', long. 75 16'.
NAUN. Town in "Wardha district, Central Provinces ; situated thirty-
five miles south by east from Kagpur, and 118 miles east- south-east from
Ellichpur. Lat. 20 40', long. 79 19'.
NAUP ADA. Town in Ganjam district, Madras; situated in lat. 18
33' 30", long. 84 20' 50". Pop. (1871), 1596. Noted for its salt
NATIRAHI. Town in Faizabad district, Oudh. Pop. (1881),
NAURTJNGA (AURANGABAD). Town in Gaya district, Bengal;
situated on the route from Hazaribagh to Benares, eighty-eight miles
north-west of former, 101 south-east of latter. Lat. 24 44', long.
84 25'.
NAURUNGABAD (ATIRANGABAD). Village in Muttra district,
N.W.P. ; situated on the route from Agra to Muttra, and four miles
south of the latter. Lat. 27 26', long. 77 47'.
NAURUNGABAD (AURANGABAD). Town in Kheri district, Oudh;
situated on the route from Bareilly to Sitapur, seventy-seven miles south-
NATT 655
east of the former, twenty-eight north-west of the latter. It is situate
five miles east of the left bank of the Gumti, crossed by the route from
Bareilly. Lat. 27 46', long. 80 26'.
NAURUNGABAD (AURANGAB AD). Village in Aligarh district,
N.W.P. ; situated on the route from the cantonment of Aligarh to that
of Mainpuri, and four miles south-east of the former. Lat. 27 52', long.
78 13'.
NAUSARI. District (in division of same name) in Baroda State.
Area, 119 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 49,002. Area of division, 1940 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 287,549.
NAUSARI. Town in district of same name, Baroda State. Pop.
(1881), 14,920.
NAUSHAHRA. Village in Mainpuri district, N.W.P. ; situated on
the route from the city of Agra to Etawah, and forty-one miles east of
the former. Lat. 27 6', long. 78 40'.
NAUSHAHRA. Town in Dera Ghazi Khan district, Punjab ; on the
right bank of the Indus, fifty-eight miles north-west of Multan. Pop.
(1881), 1961. Lat. 30 42', long. 70 58'.
NAUSHAHRA. Town in Dera Ismail Khan district, Punjab. Lat.
31 4', long. 71 2'.
NAUSHAHRA (NO WSHERA). Village (in tahsil of same name)
in Peshawar district, Punjab; situated twenty-six miles east of Peshawar,
on the Kabul river, in lat. 33 59' 50", long. 72 1' 45". There is a
cantonment here. Pop. (1881), 12,963. Area of tahsil, 548 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 90,584.
NAUSHAHRA (NOWSHERA). Town in Hazara district, Punjab ;
situated two miles east of Abbottabad, in lat. 34 10', long. 73
18 45'.
NAUSHAHRA KALAN. Village in Peshawar district, Punjab ;
situated on the Kabul river, opposite the cantonment of Naushahra, in
lat. 34 1', long. 72 1'. Pop. (1868), 6083.
NAUSHAHRA SARAL Station and village in Kashmir State,
Punjab ; on the route from Lahore to Srinagar by the Pir Panjal Pass.
It is situate on the river Tauhi, which, at thirty-five or forty miles to
the south-east, falls into the Chenab. Naushahra Sarai is in lat. 33 9',
long. 74 17'.
NAUSHAHRO. Sub-district of Haidarabad district, Sind, Bombay,
between lat. 26 I' 30" 27 15', and long. 67 51' 68 54'. Area,
3067 sq. miles. Pop. (1872), 219,596.
NAUSHAHRO. Town and municipality (in taluk of same name) in
Haidarabad district, Sind, Bombay; situated in lat. 26 51', long. 68 10'.
Pop. (1872), 2950. Area of taluk, 531 sq. miles. Pop. (1872),
NAUSHAHRO ALRO. Taluk in Shikarpur district, Sind, Bombay.
Area, 415 sq. miles. Pop. (1872), 48,226.
NAUTARAUPOLLIAM. Town in Salem district, Madras ; situated
fifty-three miles north-west by north of Salem. Lat. 12 17'. long.
77 47'.
NAUTARITAPA. Town in Rangpur district, Bengal. Pop. (1881),
NAUTHAN DTTBA. Tillage in Champaran district, Bengal ; situated
in lat. 26 42' 15", long. 84 32'. Pop. (1872), 8117.
NAUTPUR (NATHPTJR). Town in Lohardaga district, Bengal;
situated thirty-nine miles south of Lohardaga. Lat. 22 52', long.
84 47'.
NAVABAD (NAWABPUR). Tillage in Bijnaur district, N.W.P. ;
situated on the route, up the course of the Ramganga (Western), from
Moradabad cantonment to Almorah, forty-four miles north of the former.
Lat. 29 28', long. 78 45'.
NAVARDIPUR. Town in Eai Bareli district, Oudh; situated on the
right bank of the river Sai, seventy-five miles south-east of Lucknow.
Lat. 25 59', long. 81 38'.
NAVELIM. Tillage in Salsette district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 7056.
NAVELIM. Tillage in Sanguelim district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 630.
NAVGARH. Town and sea-port in Thana district, Bombay.
NAVOYKOLTJM. Town in Travancore State, Madras ; situated
twenty-three miles north-north-west from Trivandrum, and sixty-one
miles west from Tinnevelli. Lat. 8 46', long. 76 50'.
NAWABGANJ. Town in Farrukhabad district, N.W.P. ; situated on
the route from the cantonment of Aligarh to that of Fatehgarh, and
sixteen miles north-west of the latter. Lat. 27 27', long. 79 28'. Also
thana. Pop. (1881), 37,271.
NAWABGANJ. Thana in Maldah district, Bengal. Area, 149 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 66,453.
NAWABGANJ. Thana in Cawnpore district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
NAWABGANJ. Town (in tahsil of same name) in Bareilly district,
N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 4343. Lat. 28 33', long. 79 42'. Area of
tahsil, 226 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 117,002.
NAWABGANJ. Capital of Bara Banki district, Oudh (in tahsil
of same name) ; situated on the road from Lucknow to Faizabad, seven-
teen miles east of the former, in lat. 26 55' 55", long. 81 14' 35".
Pop. (1881), 13,933. Pop. of tahsil (1881), 212,058. Also pargana.
Area, 79 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 61,029. And thana. Pop. (1881),
NAWABGANJ. Town (in pargana of same name) in Gonda district,
Oudh; situated in lat. 26 55' 45", long. 82 11' 36". Pop. (1881),
8373. Area of pargana, 142 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 68,511.
NAWABGANJ. Town in Unao district, Oudh ; situated twelve miles
north-east of Unao. Pop. (1869), 3128. A large fair is held every year
in this town.
NAWABGANJ. Town and municipality in the Twenty-four Parganas
district, Bengal ; situated in lat. 22 45' 40", long. 88 23' 52". Pop.
(1881), 17,702. Also thana. Pop. (1881), 40,757.
NAWABGANJ. Tillage in Purniah district, Bengal ; situated thirty-
four miles from Purniah, in lat. 25 29', long. 87 17'. Pop., about 1500.
Contains an old fort in ruins.
NAWABGANJ. Town in Allahabad district, K.W.P. ; situated on
the route from Allahabad to Lucknow, eleven miles north-west of the
former. Lat. 25 33', long. 81 50'. Also pargana. Pop. (1881),
NAWABGANJ. Town in Dinajpur district, Bengal ; situated forty-
six miles north of Dinajpur. Lat. 26 14', long. 88 40'. Also thana.
Area, 238 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 61,637.
NAWABGANJ. Town in Dinajpur district, Bengal ; situated thirty
miles east-south-east of Dinajpur. Lat. 25 23', long. 89 3'.
NAWABGANJ. Town in Rangpur district, Bengal; situated two
miles north of Rangpur. Lat. 25 42', long. 89 15'.
NAWABGANJ. Town in Rajshahi district, Bengal; situated 137
miles north of Calcutta. Lat. 34 23', long. 88 20'.
NAWABGANJ. Town in Dacca district, Bengal; situated 133 miles
north-east by east of Calcutta. Lat. 23 43', long. 90 10'. Also thana.
Area, 160 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 160,235.
NAWABGANJ NAGARL Town in Etah district, KW.P. Pop.
(1881), 863.
NAWADA. Town (in subdivision of same name) in Gaya district,
Bengal ; situated in lat. 24 52' 42", long. 85 35' 1", on a branch of the
river Dhanarji. Pop., about 5000. Area of subdivision, 1020 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 488,488.
NAWADA. Village in Midnapur district, Bengal ; situated in lat.
22 35' 30", long. 87 30'. Pop. (1872), about 2000. Also thana.
Area, 462 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 302,892.
NAWADA. Village in Dehra Dun district, N.W.P. ; situated on the
declivity of a low ridge running in a direction nearly north and south.
Elevation above the sea, 2364 feet. Lat. 30 12', long. 78 7'.
NAWADA. Town in Murshidabad district, Bengal ; ninety-four miles
north of Calcutta. Lat. 23 55', long. 88 23'. Also thana. Area,
88 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 47,559.
NAWADERA. Village in Shikarpur district, Sind, Bombay ; situated
on the route from Larkhana to Sukkur, and twelve miles east of the
former town. Lat. 27 38', long. 68 19'.
N AW AG AON. Hills in Bhandara district, Central Provinces; 200
feet above the plain. There are eight distinct peaks, known as the
" Seven Sisters and their Little Brother."
NAWAGAON. Large tank or lake in Bhandara district, Central
Provinces ; situated in lat. 20 55', long. 80 11'; seventeen miles round.
NAWAGARH. Town in Lohardaga district, Bengal ; situated twenty-
two miles north-east by east of Palamau. Lat. 23 59', long. 84 20'.
NAWAGARH. Town in Bilaspur district, Central Provinces; situated
1 62 miles east-north-east from Nagpur, and 1 00 miles south from Sohagpur.
Lat. 21 53', long. 81 32'. Pop. (1881), 2558.
NAWAGARH. Town in Bilaspur district, Central Provinces ; situated
on the right bank of the Hasda river, and forty- six miles south-east by
east from Ratanpur. Lat. 21 52', long. 82 43'.
NAWAGARH. Town in TJdaipur State, Rajputana ; situated seventy-
five miles north-north-east of Udaipur, and seventy miles south-west by
south of Ajmere. Lat. 25 39', long. 74 10'.
658 NAW
NAWAGARH. Town in Mirzapur district, N.W.P. ; fifty miles
east -south-east of Mi'rzapur. Lat. 24 50', long. 83 19'.
NAWAGARH (KOT) Fort in Bashahr State, Punjab ; situated 011 a
ridge stretching in a south-easterly direction from the great range of
Moral-ka-kanda. It is situate on a neck of land stretching from and
under a high wooded and rockv peak which commands it. Elevation,
about 9105 feet above the sea. "Lat. 31 15', long. 77 40'.
NAWAI. Town in Jaipur State, Rajputana; situated fifty miles
south-east of the city of Jaipur. Lat. 26 21', long. 76 3'.
NAWAKOT. Town in Haidarabad district, Sind, Bombay; situated
seventy-six miles south-east by east of Haidarabad. Lat. 24 51', long.
69 31'.
NAWAKOT. Town in Dera Ismail Khan district, Punjab ; situated
thirty-two miles north-west from the right bank of the Chenab, sixty-two
miles north of the town of Multan. Lat. 31, long. 71 30'.
NAWALGARH. Town in Jaipur State, Rajputana; distance south-
west of Delhi 135 miles, north-west of Jaipur 75. Pop. (1881),
10,032. Lat. 27 51', long. 75 26'.
NAWALGUND. Town (in subdivision of same name) in Dharwar
district, Bombay; situated twenty-four miles north-east of Dharwar, in
lat. 15 33' 10", long. 75 23' 40". Pop. (1881), 7810. Area of sub-
division, 562 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 87,832.
N AW ALPUR. State in Khandesh district, Bombay. Pop. (1872), 55.
NAWANAGAR. First-class State in Kathiawar, Bombay ; situated
between lat. 21 44' 22 54', and long. 68 58' 71. Its area is 3393
sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 316,147. There are two ports on the Gulf of
Cutch, Nawanagar (the capital) and Jaria. The Chief, who pays tribute
of 12,000 jointly to the British Government, the Gaekwar of Baroda,
and the Nawab of Junagarh, maintains a military force of 2701 men.
He is entitled to a salute of 15 guns, of which 4 are personal to the
present (1885) Ruler.
NAWANAGAR. Town in Nawanagar State, Kathiawar, Bombay;
the capital of the State (and a sea-port), situated in lat. 22 26' 30", long.
70 16' 30". Pop. (1881), 39,668.
NAWAPTIR. Town and sea-port in Thana district, Bombay ; situated
in lat. 19 47', long. 72 43' 30".
NAWAPUR. Town in Khandesh district, Bombay ; situated on the
route from Surat to Malegaon, sixty miles east of the former, and sixty-
five north-west of the latter. Lat. 21 9', long. 73 48'.
NAWAR. Lake in Gorakhpur district, N.W.P. ; situated in lat. 26
40', long. 83 19'.
NAWARANGAPTJR. Town in Bastar State, Central Provinces;
situated thirty-four miles east by north from Jagdalpur, and 107 miles
north-west from Vizianagram. Lat. 19 20', long. 82 27'.
NAWARGAON. Town in Chanda district, Central Provinces. Pop.
(1881), 4304.
NAWASHAHR. Town in Hazara district, Punjab. Pop. (1881),
NAWASHAHR. Town and municipality (in tahsil of same name) in
Jakndhar district, Punjab; situated in lat. 31 7' 30", long. 76 9' 30".
Pop. (1881), 4960. Area of tahsil, 294 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 183,458.
NAY 659
NA-WENG. River in Prome district, British Burma ; formed by the
junction of two streams, known as the North and South Na-weng. In
lat. 18 49' 30", and long. 95 18', the united stream falls into the
Irawadi, near the town of Prome.
NAWIBANDAR. Town and sea port in Kathiawar, Bombay; situated
at the mouth of the Bhadar river, in lat. 21 26', long. 69 50'.
NAWULA-JO-GOTE. Village in Karachi district, Sind, Bombay;
situated on the route from Sehwan to Larkhana, and sixteen miles north
of the former town. Lat. 26 35', long. 67 55'.
NAYA BAGNI. Deltaic channel in Bakarganj district, Bengal ; from
the Padma or Ganges to the estuary of the Meghna.
NAYABAS. Village in Bulandshahr district, N.W.P. ; situated on
the route from Aligarh to Delhi, and ten miles south-west of the latter,
on the left bank of the Jumna. Lat. 28 35', long. 77 22'.
NAYA-DUMKA. Town (in subdivision of same name) in the Santal
Parganas district, Bengal ; capital of the district, situated in lat. 24 16',
long. 87 17' 30". Area of subdivision, 1426 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
NAYAGAON. Town in Bundelkhand; on the left bank of the Pisanm
river, twenty-five miles north-east from Kalinjar. Lat. 25 10', long.
80 56'.
NAYAGAON. Town in Saharanpur district, N.W.P. ; on the route
from Saharanpur to Dehra Dun, twenty miles north-north-east of the
former. Lat. 30 12', long. 77 43'.
NAYAGAON. Town in Banda district, N.W.P. ; situated on the
route from Ajaigarh to Kalinjar, nine miles north-east of the former, in
lat. 25 3' 30", long. 79 27' 30". Pop. (1872), 2338.
NAYAGAON. Town in Midnapur district, Bengal; twenty-eight miles
south-south-west of Midnapur. Lat. 22 2', long. 87 14'.
NAYAGARH. State in Orissa, Bengal; situated between lat. 19
54' 30" 20 20' 30", and long. 84 50' 45" 85 18'. Its area is 588
square miles. Pop. (1881), 114,622. The Nayagarh State is bounded
on the north by Khandpara State; on the east by Ranpur; on the
south by Pun district ; and on the west by Gumsar State, Madras, and
by Daspalla State. The Chief, who pays a yearly tribute of 552 to the
British Government, maintains a police force of 495, and a militia of 62
NAYAGARH. Town in Rewah State, Central India Agency; situated
thirty-four miles north-east by east from Rewah, and 105 miles north by
east from Sohagpur. Lat. 24 48', long. 81 50'.
NAYAKAN-HATTI (HAITI). Village in Chitaldrug district, Mysore
State ; situated in lat. 14 28' 10", long. 76 34' 21". Pop. (1871), 2723.
A car-festival is annually attended by 15,000 people.
NAYAKOT. Town in Nepal State ; situated on the right bank of the
Naling river, and seventy-eight miles west by south from Khatmandu.
Lat. 27 32', long. 84 3'.
NAYAKOT. Town in Nepal State ; situated 159 miles west by north
from Khatmandu, and 110 miles north-north-west from Gorakhpur.
Lat. 28 10', long. 82 48'.
NAYAR (SANI). "River of Garhwal district, N.W.P. ; rising at an
elevation of between 6000 and 7000 feet, in lat. 30 5', long. 79 13';
it falls into the Alaknanda, in lat. 30 3', long. 78 38', at an elevation of
1342 feet above the level of the sea.
NAYA SARAL Town in Gwalior State, Central India Agency;
situated on the right bank of the Sind river, and 100 miles north-west
by west of Sagar. Lat. 24 49', long. 77 39'.
^NAYA SHITHTTR (MADHUPTJR). Town in Jaipur State, Eajpu-
tana ; situated near the southern frontier, towards the territory of Bundi,
Distance from Jaipur, south-east, 172 miles ; from Agra, south-west.
133. Lat. 25 55', long. 76 33'.
NAYA-THANA. Small fort in Kumaun district, N.W P. ; situated
on a summit sloping westwards to the left bank of the "Western Eam-
ganga. Distant twenty-five miles north-west of Almora. Elevation
above the sea, 5785 feet. Lat. 29 48', long. 79 21'.
NAZIRA. Tillage in Sibsagar district, Assam ; situated on the river
Dikku, ten miles south-east of Sibsagar, in lat. 26 55', long. 94 48'.
Head-quarters of the Assam Tea Company.
NEAKOT. Town in Nepal State ; situated thirty-three miles south-
south-west from Jemla, and 100 miles east by north irom Pilibhit.
Lat. 28 50', long. 81 30'.
NEATJNGSHEWAY. Town in Upper Burma ; situated ninety-seven
miles south-east by south from Ava, and 192 miles north-east from
Prome. Lat. 20 54', long. 97.
t NEDDIAVATTAM. Village in the Nilgiri Hills district, Madras ;
situated about twenty-two miles from Utakamand, in lat. 11 28', long.
76 32'; 5800 feet above the level of the sea.
NEGAPATAM. Town and municipality in Tan j ore district, Madras ;
an important fort, and the terminus of the South Indian Railway ;
situated in lat. 10 45' 37', long. 79 53' 28". Pop. (1881), 53,855.
NEGRAIS CAPE. Cape in Bassein district, British Burma; the
name given to the south-west extremity of the coast of Pegu. Lat.
16 2', long. 94 16'.
NEGRAIS RIVER. Name of one of the mouths of the Irawadi, in
Bassein district, British Burma; in lat. 15 55', long. 94 25'.
NEGUG. Town in Ahmednagar district, Bombay; situated thirty-
two miles west-south-west of Ahmednagar. Lat. 18 59', long. 74
NEHTAUR. Town in Bijnaur district, N.W.P.; situated on the route
from Bijnaur to Pilibhit, fifteen miles east by south of the former. Lat.
29 19', long. 78 26'.
NEJ NADI. River of Jodhpur and Bundi States, Rajputana ; rising
in lat. 25 20', long. 75 17', and falling into the Chambal, in lat. 25 36',
long. 76 25'.
NEKMARD. Place of pilgrimage, and scene of a great annual fair
(attended by upwards of 100,000 persons) in Bhawanfpur village,
Dinajpur district, Bengal ; situated in lat. 25 59', long. 88 18' 30".
NELAJL Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 1089.
NEL AM AN GAL A. Town and municipality (in taluk of same name)
in Bangalore district, Mysore State ; situated seventeen miles north-west
of Bangalore, in lat. 13 & 10", long. 77 26'. Pop. (1871), 4016.
Area of taluk, 209 sq. miles. Pop. (1871), 71,509.
NELAMBTJR. Town in Malabar district, Madras; situated in lat.
11 17', long. 76 15' 45". Pop. (1871), 11,283.
NELAMBTJR. Town in Coimbatore district, Madras ; situated in lat.
10 46' 15", long. 77 38' 20". Pop. (1871), 6811.
NELLAKOTTA. Town in Madura district, Madras ; situated
twenty-eight miles north-west of Madura. Lat. 10 11', long. 77 54'.
NELLIA. Town in Cutch State, Bombay; situated fifty -four miles
west from Bhuj, and 113 miles south-east by south from Tatta. Lat.
23 20', long. 68 53'.
NELL I AL I AM. Town in Malabar district, Madras; situated seventy
miles east-south-east of Cannanore. Lat. 11 31', long. 76 24'.
NELLOKE. District in Madras, situated on the Coromandel coast,
between lat. 13 25' 15 55', and long. 79 9' 80 14'. It is bounded
on the east by the Bay of Bengal; on the west by the Karnul and
Cuddapah districts (on the other side of the Eastern Ghats) ; on the north
by Krishna district ; on the south by North Arcot and Chengalpat districts.
Area, 8739 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 1,220,236. The mountains of the
Nellore district are spurs of the Eastern Ghats. Its chief rivers are the
Pennair, the Suvarnamukhi, and the Gundlakamma. The chief towns
are Nellore (the capital), and Ongole. There is a famous hill and fort
known as Udayagiri-drug. Eour Christian missions are established in
this district, which is noted for its famous herd of cattle. There are
several good roads and canals.
NELLORE. Capital of Nellore district, Madras ; situated on the
Pennair, 107 miles north of Madras, in lat. 14 26' 38", long. 80 1' 27".
Pop. (1881), 27,505.
NELYAHUDIKERL Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 522.
NEMMALE. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 672.
NENKTTR. Village in Karachi district, Sind, Bombay; situated on
the route from Sehwan to Larkhana, and five miles north of the former
town. It is situate two miles west of a large offset from the Indus, and
four miles west of the main channel. Lat. 26 27', long. 67 54'.
NEO DHTTRA. Pass in Kumaun district, N.W.P., over the Hima-
layas into South-western Thibet ; situated in lat. 30 29', long. 80 37',
at the head of the Dhauli river. Elevation, not less than 15,000 feet
above the sea.
NEORIA HUSENPUR. Town in Pilibhit district, N.W.P. Pop.
(1881), 4106.
NEOTINL Town in TJnao district, Oudh ; situated on the Sai, two
miles south-west of Mohan. Pop. (1869), 3809.
NEPAL. State of Northern India. Bounded on the north by Thibet ;
on the east by Sikkim State and Darjiling district ; on the south by
662 NER
Purniah, Kumaun, Bhagalpur, Darbhangah, Muzaffarpur, Champaran, and
Gorakhpur districts ; on the south-west by Oudh ; and on the west by the
Kumaun district. It extends from lat. 27 to 31, and from long. 80 15'
to 88 15' ; is 450 miles in length from east to west, and 160 in breadth,
and contains an area of 54,500 square miles. The principal territorial
divisions are Nepal Proper, Country of the Twenty -four Rajas, Country
of the Twenty-two Rajas, Makwanpur, Kirauts, Khatang, Chhayanpur,
Saprari, and Morang. Throughout their southern border, from the river
Kali on the western frontier, to the banks of the Mahananda on the
eastern boundary, the territories of Nepal are skirted by the Tarai, a long
narrow strip of land separating them from the Bengal provinces, and from
Oudh. Ten miles from the frontier commences the great forest of Nepal,
following the same direction as the Tarai, possessing an average breadth
of from eight to ten miles. Beyond this, in a northerly direction, lies a
hilly tract of country, which again is succeeded by two others of increasing
elevation, the first of which may be denominated the mountainous, and
the second the Alpine region of Nepal, with its lofty peaks of Dhaulagiri,
Gossainthan, Mount Everest, and Kanchanjanga. At the western head of
the valley of Nepal stands the temple of Sambhunath, an ancient edifice
occupying the summit of a hill having an elevation of about 300 feet
above the subjacent plain, the ascent to which is gained by a flight
of steps cut out of the rock. A colossal figure of Buddha stands at the
foot of the steps. The principal rivers which traverse Nepal are the
Karnali, Gandak, Trisul-Ganga, Buri-Gandak, Kusi, and Baghmati. The
Maharaja keeps a large standing army, besides a body of about 30,000
soldiers at his capital (Khatmandu). During the Mutiny of 1857 he
lent some Gurkha troops, which did good service, for which his Prime
Minister, Jang Bahadur, was made a G. C.S.I.
NEB. Town in Khandesh district, Bombay ; situated on the Panjhra,
fourteen miles west of Dhulia, in lat. 20 56', long. 74 34'. Pop. (1872),
NER (PARSOPANT). Town in Wun district, Berar ; situated in lat.
20 29', long. 77 55'.
NERALE. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 30.
NERBTJD. Town in Baroda State ; situated eighty-six miles east-
south-east from Rajkot, and seventy-nine miles west-south-west from
Baroda. Lat. 21 52', long. 72 7'.
NERI (NARI). Town in Chanda district, Central Provinces; situated
in lat. 20 28', long. 79 29'. Pop. (1881), 3364.
NERLA. Town in Satara district, Bombay ; situated forty-four miles
south of Satara, in lat. 17 6', long. 74 15'. Pop. (1881), 6807.
NER PINGLAL Town in Amraoti district, Berar. Pop.(1881),6644.
NERTIGAL ALE Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 50.
NERUGALALEKARKALLI. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop.
(1881), 207.
NERTJL. Village in Bardez district, Portuguese India. Pop. (1881),
NERTJR (NERRTJR). Town in Coimbatore district, Madras; situ-
ated in lat. 11 0' 15", long. 78 11' 40". Pop. (1871), 5963.
NER :N T GW 663
NETAI. River in the Garo Hills, Assam and Maimansinh district,
Bengal ; falls into the Kanks.
NETRAKONA. Subdivision in Mairnansinh district, Bengal. Area,
1389 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 588,115. Also thana. Area, 1007 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 471,658.
NETRAVATI. Hiver in South Kanara district, Madras; rises in lat.
13 10' 15", long. 75 26' 20", and falls into the sea at Mangalore, in lat.
12 50', long. 74 52' 40".
NETJRA. Village in Ilhas district, Portuguese India. Pop. (1881),
NEVTI. Town and sea-port in Ratnagiri district, Bombay ; situated
in lat. 15 55', long. 73 32'.
NEW ALGANJ. Town in TJnao district, Oudh; situated two miles
east of Mohan, in lat. 26 47' 10", long. 80 45 21". Newalgang has
another town, Maharajganj, adjacent to it. The united pop. (1869) is
7756. Aleo thana. Pop. (1881), 113,468.
NEW ALGARH. Town in Gonda district, Oudh; sixty miles north-
north-east of Faizabad, and eighty-one miles north-west from Gorakhpur.
Lat. 27 35', long. 82 34'.
NEW ASA. Subdivision of Ahmednagar district, Bombay. Area, 607
sq miles. Pop. (1881), 78,158.
NEW HALLA. Town in Haidarabad district, Sind, Bombay ;
situated thirty miles north of Haidarabad. Lat. 25 48', long. 61 26'.
NEWRIA. Thana in Pilibhit district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 16,935.
NEWTA. Town in Damoh district, Central Provinces ; situated on
the route from Damoh to Jabalpur, twelve miles south-east of the former.
Lat. 23 40', long. 79 38'.
NGA-HLAING KHYTJN. Revenue circle in Thayet district, British
Burma. Area, 52 sq miles. Pop. (1877), 3171.
NGA-KHO-BYENG. Revenue circle in Kyouk-hpyu district, British
Burma. Area, 14 sq. miles. Pop. (1877-78), 4002.
NGA-KHWA. Revenue circle in Bassein district, British Burma.
Pop. (1877), 2445.
NGA-PI-TSHIEP. Village in Henzada district, British Burma ;
situated on the right bank of the Irawadi. Pop. (1877-78), 2019.
NGA-PTI-T AW. Township in Bassein district, British Burma. Pop.
(1876-77), 20,037.
NGA-PYENG. Revenue circle in Thayet district, British Burma.
Pop. (1877), 3301.
NGA-RUT-KOUNG. Revenue circle in Bassein district, British
Burma. Bounded on the east by the Arakan Yoma Hills, and on the
south and west by the Bay of Bengal. Pop. (1877-78), 2114.
NGA-THAING-KHYOUNG. Town in Bassein district, British
Burma; situated on the Bassein river. Pop. (1877), 2289.
NGA-ZAING-RAING. Revenue circle in Akyab district, British
Burma. Pop. (1877-78), 2557.
NGWE-DOTJNG. Revenue circle in Akyab district, British Burma.
Pop. (1877-78), 2040.
NGWE-TWENG-TTT. Revenue circle in Kyouk-hpyii district, British
Burma. Area, 36 sq. miles. Pop. (1877-78), 2060.
NHTIN. Town in Dera Ismail Khan district, Punjab; situated on
the left bank of the Indus, 135 miles south by west of the town of
Peshawar. Lat. 32 7', long. 71 18'.
NIALLA KONDAP ALL Town in Haidarabad State; 106 miles east
from Haidarabad, and sixty- two miles north-north-west from Gantur.
Lat. 17 8', long. 80 8'.
NIBARI. Village in the Garo Hills district, Assam ; situated on the
Jingiram river.
NIBKARORL Town in Farrukhabad district, N. W.P. Pop. (1881),
NIBOLIRA. Thana in Agra district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
NIBRANG. Pass in Bashahr State, Punjab ; across the elevated
ridge forming the southern boundary of Kunawar. It has the appear-
ance of a gateway, and lies between two perpendicular rocks, each thirty-
five feet high. Three hundred yards to the south-east is the Gunas Pass,
and a quarter of a mile further, in the same direction, is the Ghusul Pass.
Kibrang is 16,035 feet above the sea. Lat. 31 22', long. 78 13'.
NICHBO. Town in Jaipur State, Rajputana ; situated seventy-two
miles north-west from Jaipur, and seventy-eight miles north by east from
Ajmere. Lat. 27 34', long. 74 59'.
NICHLATJL ( NUHL AW ALI ). Village in Gorakhpur district,
!N"."W.P. ; situated near the northern frontier towards Nepal. Distant
north-east from Gorakhpur, forty-five miles. Lat. 27 17', long. 83 47'.
Also thana. Pop. (1881), 37,801.
NICHOR. Village in Bashahr State, Punjab ; situated on the
northern declivity of a mountain sloping down to the left bank of the
Sutlej. Elevation above the sea, 6925 feet. Lat. 31 33', long. 78.
NICOBARS. A cluster of islands in the Bay of Bengal, lying south
of the Andamans, between lat. 6 40' 9 20', and long. 93 3' 94 13'.
There are eight large islands and about twelve smaller. The largest is
Great Mcobar, thirty miles long, and twelve to fifteen miles broad ; and
the next is Camorta. The islands of Nancowry and Camorta, with a
smaller island, form between them an excellent harbour, usually called
Camorta. The population is estimated at 6000. The Mcobars formerly
belonged to Denmark, and are now attached to the Commissionership of
the Andaman Islands.
NIDADATJL (NIDDADOLE). Town in Krishna district, Madras;
situated sixty-three miles north-east by north of Masulipatam, in lat. 16
54' 28", long. 81 42' 41".
NIDAP ATI. Village in Allahabad district, N.W.P. ; situated on the
route from Allahabad cantonment to Fatehpur, and six miles west of the
former. Lat. 25 28', long. 81 50'.
NIDDAGUNDA. Town in Haidarabad State ; situated fifty-six
miles north-east by east from Haidarabad, and 127 miles north-west from
Gantur. Lat. 17 43', long. 72 19'.
NIDHATTLL Village in Etah district, KW.P. Pop. (1881), 3673.
Also thana. Pop. (1881), 37,964.
NIDHPTJR. Pargana in Etah district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
NIDTA. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 180.
NIDUGAL. Hill-fort in Chitaldrug district, Mysore State; situated
in lat. 14 9' 22", long. 77 7' 31"; 3780 above sea-level.
NIDUGUMB A. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 211.
NIDTIVATTTJ. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 529.
NIGHASAN. Tahsil in Kheri district, Oudh. Area, 1256 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 268,306.
NIGHASAN. Pargana in Kheri district, Oudh. Bounded on the
north by Khairigarh, from which it is separated by the river Sargu ;
on the east by Dhaurahra ; on the south by Bhur, the Chauka river
marking the boundary ; and on the west by Palia. Area, 263 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 67,245.
NIGOHAN. Town (in pargana of same name) in Lucknow district,
Oudh ; situated twenty-three miles from. Lucknow. Pop. (1869),
NIGOHAN SISSAINDI. Pargana in Lucknow district, Oudh ;
bounded on the north by Mohanlalganj parganas, and on the south by the
Sai river, which separates it from Unao district. Area, 72 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 32,331.
NIGOHI. Town (in pargana of same name) in Shahjahanpur district,
N.W.P. ; situated on the route from Shahjahanpur to Pilibhit, seventeen
miles north by west of the former. Lat. 28 8', long. 79 55'. Pop. of
pargana (1881), 54,461. Also thana. Pop. (1881), 50,059.
NIHALGARH CHAK JANGLA. Town in Sultanpur district,
Oudh ; thirty-six miles west of Sultanpur. Pop. (1869), 2593.
NIHTOR. Town (in pargana of same name) in Bijnaur district,
KW.P.; situated on the Gangan, in lat. 29 19' 30", long. 78 25' 35".
Pop. (1881), 9686. Pop. of pargana (1881), 36,864. Also thana. Pop.
(1881), 39,658.
NIJAGAL. Hill fort in Bangalore district, Mysore State ; situated in
lat 13 15', long. 77 15' 20".
NIKRAI. Town in Cuttack district, Bengal; situated thirty-seven
miles east by north of Cuttack. Lat. 20 34', long. 86 29'.
NIKRITING. Village in Sibsagar district, Assam ; on the left bank
of the Brahmaputra, sixteen miles north of Golaghat.
NILAB. Village in Rawal Pindi district, Punjab ; situated on the left
or eastern bank of the Indus, a short distance below Attock, and close to
the confluence of the Haru river. The great river here is narrow, rapid,
and 120 feet deep. Lat. 33 46', long. 72 15'.
NILAPALLL Town in Godavari district, Madras; situated close to
Yanaon, in lat. 16 44', long. 82 13'. Pop. (1871), 4560.
in South Kanara district, Madras ; situated in lat. 12 15', long. 75 9'
40". Pop. (1871), 6878.
666 NIL
NILGADIR. Town in Haidarabad State ; situated on the right bank
of the Godavari river, and 147 miles north-east by east from Haidarabad.
Lat. 18 36', long. 80 20'.
NILGIRI State in Orissa, Bengal ; between lat. 21 18' 50" 21 37',
and long. 86 29' 86 51' 30". Its area is 278 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
50,972. The Nilgiri State is bounded on the north and west by Morbhanj
State, and on the east and south by Ealasor district. The State pays a
tribute of 390 to the British Government. The Raja's militia consists
of 28 men, and the police force of 76 men. The chief town is Nilgiri,
situated in lat. 21 27' 20", long. 86 48' 41".
NILGIRI HILLS. Mountain- group, and district named from them,
between lat. 11 12' 11 37', and long. 76 18' 77 5'. Its area is 957
sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 91,034. The district is bounded on the north
by Mysore State ; on the east by Coimbatore district ; on tbe south by
Malabar and Coimbatore districts ; and on the west by Malabar district.
The Nilgiri Hills district consists of a plateau, nearly isolated, of an
average height of over 6000 feet, with an area of more than 700 sq. miles ;
and upwards of 200 sq. miles of the Wainad, at about half that elevation.
There are many lofty summits, of which the highest is Dodabetta, 8760
feet. The rivers are the Moyar (which flows into the Bhavani), the
Paikara, and the Calicut. The chief towns are TJtakamand (the capital)
and Coonoor; Wellington is an important cantonment. In 1868 the
Nilgiris were constituted a separate district under a Commissioner.
Noted for its coffee, tea and cinchona estates, the latter the property of
the Madras Government.
NILGUNDA. Town in Haidarabad State ; situated at the northern
base of a granite hill, on the summit of which, about 1000 feet above
the plain, the fortress is erected. Distance from the city of Haidarabad,
south-east, fifty-five miles. Lat. 17 3 ; , long. 79 20'.
NILGTJNDLA. Town in Haidarabad State ; situated eleven miles
north from the left bank of the Krishna river, and eighty miles south-west
from Haidarabad. Lat. 16 31', long. 77 43'.
NILIGAON. Town in Satara district, Bombay; situated twenty
miles east of Sholapur, and sixty-nine miles north-north-east of Bijapur.
Lat. 17 41', long. 76 15'.
NILING. Town in Chinese Tartary, near the northern frontier of
Garhwal, in the district of Chaprang. It is situate on the right bauk of
the Jahnevi, a great confluent of the Bhagirathi. Besides the road to
Chaprang, there is another to Kunawar by the Chungsakhago Pass, situate
about lat. 31 14', long. 78 37'. This is probably the most difficult pass in
the Himalayas. Elevation above the sea, 11, 127 feet. Lat. 31 6', long. 76 2'.
NIL NAG. Lake in Kashmir State, Punjab ; a great spring or piece
of water, which gives rise to a stream falling into the Jhelum, in the
\icinity of Baramula, in lat. 33 48', long. 74 47'. It is situate on the
north-eastern declivity of the Pir Panjal, and twenty- one miles south-
west of Srinagar.
NILTI. Town in Jhelum district, Punjab; situated six miles north-
west from the right bank of the Jhelum, 116 miles north-west by west
of the town of Lahore. Lat. 32 34', long. 72 32'.
NIL MM 667
NILTJNGA. Town in Haidarabad State; situated 126 miles west-
north-west from Haidarabad. Lat. 18 8', long. 76 50'.
NILUVAGLTI. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 229.
NILVONA-TELOY. Village in Quepem district, Portuguese India.
Pop. (1881), 39.
NILWALA. State in Kathiawar, Bombay; paying a yearly tribute
of 51 to the British Government, and 15 to the Nawab of Juna-
NIMACH (NEEMTICH). Town and British cantonment, in Gwalior
State, Central India Agency ; situated near the frontier of Udaipur State,
Rajputana, in lat. 24 27' 38", long. 74 54' 15"; 155 miles north-west
of Mhow, 371 south-west of Delhi, 312 south-west of Agra, 306 west of
bagar, 1114 west of Calcutta, via Allahabad and Sagar.
NIMAJ. Town in Jodhpur State, Rajputana ; situated sixty-two
miles east by south from Jodhpur, and forty-five miles south-west by
west from Ajmere. Lat. 26 9', long. 74 7'.
NIMAR District in the Central Provinces; between Jat. 21 4'
22 26', and long. 75 50' 77 1'. Its area is 3340 sq. miles. Pop.
(1881), 231,341. The Nimar district is bounded on the north and west
by Dhar and Indore States, Central India Agency ; on the south by
Khandesh district, Bombay, and Berar ; and on the east by Hoshangabad
district. The chief mountains are the Satpura range, with the fortified
hill of Asirgarh. The chief rivers are the Narbada (with the Chhota Tawa
and many other tributaries) and the Tapti. The chief towns are
Burhanpur (of historical fame) and Khandwa (the capital). The district,
which is traversed by the Great Indian Peninsula Railway, was in 186-4
formed into a separate administration, under a Deputy-Commissioner.
NIMBA. Town in Ahmednagar district, Bombay ; situated eleven
miles north- north-west of Ahmednagar. Lat. 19 15', long. 74 41'.
NIMBERA. Town in Tonk State, Rajputana ; situated on the route
from Nimach to Nasirabad, sixteen miles north-west of the former, and
127 south of the latter. , Lat. 24 36', long. 74 43'. Pop. (1881), 6289.
NIMBSOR. Town in Satara district, Bombay ; situated thirty-five
miles south-east by east of Satara. Lat. 17 27', long. 74 31'.
NIMGIRI. Mountains in Jaipur State, Vizagapatam district, Madras.
Lat. 19 45', long. 82 30'. Greatest height, 5000 feet.
NIMKESARAL Village in Muttra district, N.W.P. ; situated on
the route from the city of Agra to Bareilly, and twenty -two miles north
of the former. Lat. 27 24', long. 78 17'.
NIMKHAR (NIMSAR). Sacred town in Sitapur district, Oudh ;
situated on the Gumti, twenty miles from Sitapur, in lat. 27 20' 55",
long. 80 31' 40". Pop. (1881), 2336.
NIMKHERA. State in the Central India Agency; situated among
the spurs of the Vindhya Hills. The Bhumia or Chief pays an annual
tribute of about 50 to the State of Dhar.
NIMRA. Village in Shikarpur district, Sind, Bombay; situated on
the route from Larkhana to Bagh, and forty-four miles north of the former
place. Lat. 28 3', long. 68 14'.
668 MM NIR
NIMRANI. Tillage in Ulwar State, Rajputana ; situated on the
summit of a rocky range of hills. Distant south-west from Delhi, seventy-
six miles. Lat. 28, long. 76 19'.
NTMRI. Tillage in Jodhpur State, Rajputana ; situated on the
route from Nasirabad to Nagor, and twenty-three miles south-east of the
latter. Lat. 26 57', long. 74 3'.
NIM SARAL Tillage in Allahabad district, KW.P. ; situated on
the route from the cantonment of Allahabad to Fatehpur, and seven
miles north-west of the former. Lat. 25 27', long. 81 49'.
NIMUNIA (NIMUIA). Tillage in Champaran district, Bengal;
situated in lat. 26 45' 30", long. 85 6'. Pop. (1872), 5108.
NINA DEVI. Hill in Kahlur State, Punjab ; situated in the narrow
peninsula formed by a remarkable flexure of the Sutlej, and about four
miles from the left bank of that river. It rises about 3000 feet above the
town of Anandpur, or 4000 above the level of the sea. Its shape is
singularly like the peaked turban worn by the Sikhs, which people hold
the spot in great veneration, because Guru Govind Sinh ascended to its
summit, and there, surrounded by a few faithful followers, concerted
measures for the propagation of their faith. A small well-constructed
temple is situate on the summit, to which there is access by means of a
flight of stone steps. Lat. 31 18', long. 76 37'.
NINDO SHAHR. Tillage and municipality in Haidarabad district,
Sind, Bombay ; situated on the Sherwa, sixty-nine miles south-east of
Haidarabad. Pop. (1872), 1439. Lat. 24 37' 30", long. 69 5'.
NINGrRU. Town in Lakhimpur district, Assam ; situated thirty-four
miles south of Sadiya. Lat. 27 20', long. 95 42'.
NIPANI. Town in Belgaum district, Bombay; situated forty-five
miles north-west of Belgaum, in lat. 16 23' 40", long. 74 25' 10". Pop.
(1881), 9777.
NIPHAD. Subdivision of Kasik district, Bombay. Area, 411 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 87,523.
NIR. Tillage in Hardoi district, Oudh ; situated six miles south-east
of Hardoi. Pop. (1869), 2481.
NIRA. River of Poona and Satara districts, and Bhor and Phaltan
States, Bombay ; rising in lat. 18 20', long. 73 36', on the eastern slope
of the Western Ghats, and flowing in an easterly direction for 130 miles,
falls into the Bhima river, on the right side, in lat. 17 58', long. 75 12'.
NIRANCAL. Tillage in Ponda district, Portuguese India. (Pop.)
(1881), 481.
NIRGTINDA. Tillage in Chitaldrug district, Mysore State ; situated
in lat. 13 47', long. 76 15'. Pop. (1871), 241.
NIRHL Town in Ghazipur district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 5415.
NIRMUL. Town in Haidarabad State ; situated nine miles north of
the left or north bank of the Godavari, on the route from Haidarabad to
Nagpur, 120 miles north of former, 150 south-west of latter. Lat. 19 7',
long. 78 25'.
NIRPARA. Town in Meerut district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 5524.
NIRSHA. Thana in Manbhum district, Bengal. Area, 170 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 50,627.
NIRT. Tillage in Bashahr State, Punjab ; situated on the left bank of
the Sutlej . Elevation above the sea, 3087 feet. Lat. 31 23', long. 77 37'.
NIK NOA. 669
NIRTTGTJND A. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 299.
NISBETGANJ. Thana in Kangpur district, Bengal. Area. 183 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 124,507.
NISUNG. Village in Bashahr State, Punjab ; situated near the left
bank of the Taglakhar, a large stream which rises in Chinese Tartary.
The village lies at the northern base of the Tungrug Pass. Elevation,
10,165 feet above the sea. Lat. 31 39', long. 78 34'.
NITI. Village in Garhwal district, N.W. P. ; situated near a
celebrated pass of the same name, across the range or succession of
mountains forming the boundary towards Hundes or Chinese Tartary.
The village, thirteen miles south of the pass, is situate on the left bank
of the Dhauli. This is considered the easiest and best pass between
Kumaun and Hundes, and in consequence is one of the principal channels
of the trade between Chinese Tartary and Hindustan. Elevation of crest
of pass above the sea, 16,814 feet. Lat. 30 57', long. 79 54'. Elevation
of village, 11,464 feet. Lat. 30 46' 10", long. 79 51' 50".
NITORLIM. Village in Sanguem district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 1282.
NITTERKONA. Town in Maimansinh district, Bengal; situated
forty-five miles east of Jamalpur. Lat. 24 50', long. 90 45'.
NITTUR. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 387.
NIWAJ (NEWAZ, JAMNIRI). River of Jhalawdr State, Rajpu-
tana; rising on the north side of the Vindhya range, in lat. 22 53',
long. 76 28'. It falls into the Parwan, a tributary of the Kali Sind.
NIWANS. Town in Mandla district, Central Provinces ; situated on
the route from Eamgarh to Jabalpur, thirty-seven miles west-north-west
of the former. Lat. 23 3', long. 80 30'.
NIZAMAB AD. Town (in pargana of same name) in Azamgarh district,
N.W.P. ; situated on the route from Azamgarh to that of Jaunpur, eight
miles west of the former, thirty-two north-east of the latter, fifty north
of Benares. Lat. 26 5', long. 83 5'. Pop. of pargana (1881), 278,611.
Also thana. Pop. (1881), 70,664.
NIZAMPATAM. Town and port in Krishna district, Madras; situated
in lat. 15 54' 30", long. 80 42' 35". Pop. (1881), 4128.
NIZAMPUR. Town in Thana district, Bombay; fifty-one miles
south-east by south of Bombay. Lat. 18 20', long. 73 22'.
NIZAM-TJD-DIN-PUR. Town in Saran district, Bengal; situated
fifty-six miles north-north-east of Chapra. Lat. 26 42', long. 85 25'.
NOAGAON. Town in Daspalla State, Orissa, Bengal ; situated
seventy- two miles north-west by north of Ganjam, and ninety-two miles
west by south of Cuttack. Lat. 20 17', long. 84 32'.
NOAKHALI (NOACOLLY). District in the Chittagong division,
Bengal; between lat. 20 2223 17' 30", and long. 90 43' 91 40'.
Its area is 1641 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 820,772. The Koakhali district
is bounded on the north by Tipperah district and Hill Tipperah State ;
on the east by Hill Tipperah State, Chittagong district, and the Meghna;
on the south by the Bay of Bengal ; and on the west by the Meghna. A
small elevation near the frontier of Hill Tipperah State is the only hill in
this deltaic district, which is interlaced by the various branches and
channels (under many different names) of the Meghna. The chief town
is Sudharam or Noakhali (the capital). Bhulua was formerly the capital.
Sandwip is an important island at the mouth of the Meghna.
NOAKHALL Subdivision in ftoakhali district, Bengal ; between lat.
22 34' 22 53', and long. 90 53' 91 18'. Area, 1298 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 578,797. Also thana. Area, 232 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
NOAKOT. Town in Nepal State ; situated on the left bank of the
Buri Gandak river, and twenty miles north-west from Khatmanclu. The
valley, of which this town is the principal place, is about eighteen miles
distant from Khatmandu. Lat. 27 53', long. 85 3'.
NOARBAND. Village and military outpost in Cachar- district, Assam ;
eighteen miles south of Silchar.
NOBADWIP. Town in Nadiya district, Bengal. Pop. (1881),
NOBRA (NUBRA). A division of Ladakh, Kashmir State, Punjab ;
on the south side of the Karakorum Mountains ; bounded on the north,
the east, and the south sides by the Shy-Yok, a river which joins the
Indus a few miles above, and east of Iskardo. The lowest part of this
tract is estimated to be more than 11,000 feet above the sea. Deskit,
the chief place, is in lat. 34 35', long. 77 37'.
NOELGANJ. Town in Unao district, Oudh ; situated on the route
from Lucknow to Mainpuri, nineteen miles west of the former, 116
south-east of the latter. Lat. 26 45', long. 80 45'.
NOGARGAO Village in Sanguelim district, Portuguese India.
Pop. (1881), 160.
NOGOAN. Village in TJlwar State, Rajputana ; on the route from
Ulwar, by way of Eirozpur, to Delhi, and eighty-seven miles south of
the latter. Lat. 27 38', long. 76 58'.
NOH DIKING. River of Lakhimpur district, Assam ; a tributary of
the Brahmaputra, rising in lat. 27 9', long. 96 56', and, flowing in a
north-westerly direction for 100 miles, falls into the Brahmaputra, on the
left side, in lat. 27 44', long. 95 48'.
NOHGHIL. Thana in Muttra district, KW.P. Pop. (1881), 44,827.
NOIWALA. Town in Gujranwala district, Punjab; situated on the
route from Ramnagar to Lahore, and fifty-five miles north-west of the
latter place. Lat. 32 12', long. 73 54'.
NOK. Village in Jaisalmir State, Rajputana; situated on the route
from Bikampur to Balmir, fifteen miles south-east of Bikampur. Lat.
27 34', long. 72 20'.
NOKILA. Town in Bogra district, Bengal ; situated on the route
from Bogra to Jamalpur, sixteen miles east of former, twenty-six south-
west of latter. It is situate near the river Kanai, a vast offset of the
Brahmaputra. Distant north-east of Calcutta, 262 miles. Lat. 24 50',
long. 89 37'.
NOKORI. Village in Kumaun district, N.W.P. ; situated on the route
from Almora fort to Hundes or Thibet, by the Jawar Pass, fifty-three
miles north-east of Almora, 103 south-west of the latter. Lat. 29 58',
long. 80 2'.
NQKRA. Village in Jaisalmir State, Rajputana; situated on the
route from the town of Bikaner to that of Jaisalmir, and fifty- two miles
south-west of the former. Lat. 27 39', long. 72 45'.
NOKUR (NATJSIR). Town in Bikaner State, Eajputana; situated
in lat. 29 11', long. 74 52'.
NOKYA. Tillage in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 781.
NOLAI. Town in Gwalior State, Central India Agency; situated on
the route from Mhow to Disa, forty-six miles north-west of former, 255
south-east of latter. Elevation above the sea, 1698 feet. Distant twenty-
nine miles south-west of Ujjain. Lat. 23 3', long. 75 23'.
NOLBARI. Town in Kamrup district, Assam ; situated twenty-eight
miles north-west of Gauhati. Lat. 26 26', long. 91 27'.
NONAI (NAN AI). River of Bhutan State and Darrang district,
Assam ; falls into the Brahmaputra nearly opposite Gauhati. There is
another river of the same name, in Nowgong district, Assam ; falls into
the Kalang, a branch of the Brahmaputra.
NONGHANVADAR TIMBA. Petty State in Kathiawar, Bombay.
NONG-KLAO. State in the Khasi Hills, Assam. Pop. (1872), 6924.
NONG-KRIM. Village in Khyrim State, Khasi Hills, Assam.
NONG-SOH-PHOH (NOBOSOHPHOH). State in the Khasi Hills,
Assam. Pop. (1872), 961.
NONG-SPUNG. State in the Khasi Hills, Assam. Pop. (1872), 871.
NONG-STAIN. State in the Khasi Hills, Assam. Pop. (1872), 7763.
Khasi Hills, Assam. Pop. (1872), 378.
NONORE. Town in Shahabad district, Bengal ; situated fifty miles
south-west by west of Sasseram. Lat. 25 16', long. 84 43'.
NORAI. Village in Faizabad district, Oudh ; situated on the route
from Gorakhpur to Lucknow, ninety-five miles west of the former,
seventy-one east of the latter. Lat. 26 47', long. 81 52'.
NOROQTJEM. Village in Canacona district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 187.
NOROLI. Village in Nagar-Aveli district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 2028.
NORRIWALLA. Town in Dera Ismail Khan district, Punjab, on
the left bank of the Indus, seventy-six miles north-north-west of Multan.
Lat. 31 7', long. 70 58'.
NORTH-WESTERN PROVINCES. Province of India; between lat.
23 51' 30" 31 5', and long. 77 3' 84 43' 30". The area of the
province is 81,865 (or, including Oudh, 106,111) sq. miles. Pop.
(1881), 33,720,128 (or, including Oudh, 44,107,869). It is bounded on
the north by the Chinese dominions in Thibet; on the north-east by
Nepal State and Oudh; on the east by Bengal; on the south by Chutia
Nagpur, Rewah, the Bundelkhand States, and the Central Provinces;
and on the west by Gwalior, Rajputana, and the Punjab. Oudh
(formerly a separate Government under a Chief Commissioner) is now
attached to the Lieutenant- Governorship of the N.W.P. The latter
province comprises the two States of Garhwal or Tehri, and Rampur;
and the following divisions (or jurisdictions of a Commissioner) and
districts : Meerut division, containing Dehra Dun, Saharanpur, Muzaff-
arnagar, Meerut, Bulandshahr, and Aligarh districts ; Eohilkhand
division, containing Bijnaur, Moradabad, Budaun, Bareli (Bareilly),
Shahjahanpur, and Tarai districts; Agra division, containing Muttra,
Agra, Farrukhabad, Mainpuri, Etawah, and Etah districts ; Jhansi
division, containing Jalaun, Jhansi, and Lalitpur districts ; Allahabad
division, containing Cawnpore, Fatehpur, Banda, Allahabad, Hamirpur,
and Jaunpur districts ; Benares division, containing Azamgarh, Mirzapur,
Benares, Ghazipur, Gorakhpur, and Basti districts ; and Kumaun division,
containing Kumaun and Garhwal districts. The capital of the province
is Allahabad, where the Lieutenant-Governor resides.
NOSANG. Village in the Naga Hills, Assam ; situated in lat. 25
33' 20", long. 93 17' 35".
NOSAEI (NAVASARI). Town in Baroda State; situated in an
isolated portion of the State surrounded by Surat district, on the Purna
river, eighteen miles south from Surat city, and forty-nine miles north
from Bombay. Pop. (1872), 14,700. Station on the Bombay, Baroda,
and Central India Railway. Lat. 22 7', long. 73 40'.
NOTING-LENG-PYI. Revenue circle in Akyab district, British
Burma. Pop. (1876-77), 2428.
NOTJNG-LTJN. Revenue circle in Amherst district, British Burma.
Pop. (1876-77), 2428.
NOWABAD JHANSI. Thana in Jhansi district, KW.P. Pop.
(1881), 5776.
NOWAGHAM. Town in Orissa, Bengal ; forty-five miles north-west
by west from Gumsur, and 123 miles west by south from Cuttack. Lat.
20 9', long. 84 3'.
NOWAGUDDA. Town in Bengal; 133 miles south-west by west
from Sambalpur, and 107 miles north by west from Jaipur. Lat. 20 33',
long. 82 13'.
NOWA THTJLA. Tillage in Jaisalmir State, Rajputana ; situated on
the route from Bikaner to Jaisalmir, and forty-eight miles north-east of
the latter. Lat. 27 7', long. 71 43'.
NOWGONG. Subdivision in Rajshahf district, Bengal. Area, 603 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 268,579. Also thana. Area, 139 sq. miles. Pop.
(1881), 85,840.
NOWGONG (NAOGAON). District in Assam; between lat. 25 45'
26 40', and long. 92 93 50'. Its area is 3417 sq. miles. Pop.
(1881), 310,579. The Nowgong district is bounded on the north by
the Brahmaputra, on the south by the Jaintia and Naga Hills. The
chief hills are the Mikir and Kamakhya ranges. The rivers are the
Brahmaputra and its branches and tributaries ; of which the Kalang is
the most important (leaving the Brahmaputra and again rejoining it in
the district), also the Leteri, the Dhaneswari, and many others.
There are some considerable lakes. The chief town is Nowgong (the
capital, on the Kalang). The principal means of communication in the
district, which largely produces tea, are the rivers. The administration
is in the hands of a Deputy-Commissioner.
NOWGONG. Capital of Nowgong district, Assam; situated on the
Kalang river. Pop. (1871), 2883.
NOWGONGr (NAOGAON). British Cantonment on the frontier of
Chhatarpur State, Central India Agency, and Hamirpur district, N.W.P.
The Eajkumar College of Bundelkhand, established in 1875-6 by the
native chiefs of Bundelkhand in memory of Lord Mayo, is at Nowgong.
NOWSTJR. Village in Shikarpur district, Sind, Bombay ; situated on
the route from Shikarpur to Larkhana, and seven miles and a half south-
west of the former town. Lat. 27 54', long. 68 34'.
NOWSTJR. Village in Jodhpur State, Kajputana; situated on the
route from Jaisalmir to Nasirabad, and 163 miles north-west of the
latter. Lat. 26 54', long. 72 57'.
NOYIL. River in Coimbatore district, Madras; rises in lat. 10 55'
45", long. 76 45' 40", and falls into the Kaveri in lat. 11 4', long.
77 59' 30".
N. SRA DA CONCEICAO. Parish in Diu district, Portuguese India.
Pop. (1881), 7456.
NUGAON. Village in Farrukhabad district, N.W.P. ; situated on the
route from the cantonment of Aligarh to that of Fatehgarh, and twenty-
five miles north-west of the latter. Lat. 27 27', long. 79 20'.
NUGGIHALLL Town in Hassan district, Mysore State; situated
forty-four miles north-north-west of Seringapatam, and 111 miles east by
north of Mangalore. Lat. 13 1', long. 76 31'.
NUGTJLSUR. Town in Balasor district, Bengal; situated twenty
miles north-east by east of Balasor. Lat. 21 37', long. 87 13'.
NTTGTJRIA Village in Aligarh district, N.W.P. ; situated on the
route from Meerut to Muttra, and twenty -nine miles north-east of the
latter. Lat. 27 52', long. 77 50'.
NUH. Town in the Muttra district. KW.P. Lat. 27 51', long.
77 42'.
NTJH. Town in Aligarh district, N.W.P. ; situated on the route from
the city of Agra to Bareilly, and thirty- six miles north-east of the former.
Lat. 27 31', long. 78 28'.
NUH. Town (in tahsil of same name) in Gurgaon district, Punjab ;
situated in lat. 28 6' 30", long. 77 2' 15". Pop. (1881), 4219. Area
of tahsil, 403 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 120,324.
NTJJIKAL. River of Coorg, and South Kanara district, Madras;
rising in the Western Ghats, and falling into the Indian Ocean near
NUN. River of Pun district, Bengal; falls into the Daya, in lat. 19
53' 30", long. 85 38'.
NUN. Village in Rohtak district, Punjab ; near the western frontier
towards Loharu. Lat. 28 20', long. 76 5'.
NUNA. Sea dyke, or embankment in Balasor district, Bengal.
Between lat. 20 58' 21 12', and long. 86 52' 86 55'.
NUNA. River of Muzaffarpur, Darbhangah, and Monghyr districts,
Bengal ; rising in a lake ten miles south-west of the town of Muzaffarpur,
in lat. 26 1', long. 85 18'. It flows in a south-easterly direction
to its junction with the Baghmati, in lat. 25 30', long. 86 12'.
NUNGSAI. Town in Manipur State, Assam ; situated thirty-seven
miles south-west by west from Manipur, and fifty miles west-north-west
from Silchar. Lat. 24 30', long. 93 32'.
NUNL Town in Bhagalpur district, Bengal; fifty-two miles south of
Bhagalpur. Lat. 24 30', long. 87 8'.
NTJNIU. Town in Jodhpur State, Rajputana ; situated seventy-five
miles north-west by north of Jodhpur, and 146 miles west-north-west of
Ajmere. Lat. 27 14', long. 72 31'.
NUNULA (NUNIWALA). Village in TJmballa district, Punjab;
situated on the route from Karnal to Patiala, and fifty miles north- west
of the former place. Distant north-west from Calcutta 1015 miles. Lat.
30 14', long. 76 39'.
NTJRABAD. Town in Gwalior State, Central India Agency ; situated
on the right bank of the Sankh, in lat. 26 24' 45", long. 78 3' 30", on
the route from Agra to Gwalior fort ; distant sixty miles of the former,
and eleven north-west of the latter.
NURAICH. Village in Agra district, N.W.P. ; situated on the route
from Agra to Aligarh, and four miles north of the former. It is situate
about a mile east of the left or eastern bank of the Jumna. Lat.
27 12', long. 78 6'.
NURAT. Village in Sagar district, Central Provinces; situated at
the north-east base of a range of hills dividing Bundelkhand from Malwa,
and on the route from Tehri to Ujjain, thirty miles south-west of former.
South-west of the village commences the ISTurat Ghat or Pass. Lat.
24 24', long. 71 37'.
NURJA. Village in Karachi district, Sind, Bombay ; situated between
Sehwan and Larkhana, and ten miles north of the former town. It is
situate two miles west of the right bank of a large offset of the Indus,
and three miles west of the main channel. Lat. 26 34', long. 67 53'.
NUB mrW 675
NURKODA. Town in Haidarabad State ; situated thirteen miles
south-west by west of Haidarabad, and 158 miles west-north-west of
Gantur. Lat. 17 16', long. 78 23'.
NUR MAHAL. Town and municipality in Jalandhar district,
Punjab ; situated sixteen miles south of Jalandhar, in lat. 31 6', long.
75 37' 45". Pop. (1881), 8161. The town takes its name from Nur
Jahan, the wife of the Emperor Jahangi'r.
NURNAGAR. Town in Tipperah district, Bengal ; situated twenty
miles north of Tipperah. Lat. 23 45', long, 91 10'.
NURNAGAR. Town in Muzaffarnagar district, N.W.P. ; situated on
the route from Muzaffarnagar to Hardwar, twenty-two miles north-east
by north of the former. Lat. 29 41', long. 77 59'.
" NUROKAL-BETTA. Mountain in Coorg; situated in the Nurokal
range, a spur of the Western Ghats.
NURPUR. Town and municipality (in tahsil of same name) in
Kangra district, Punjab ; situated on the route to Kashmir, on a feeder
of the Chakki, in lat. 32 18' 10", long. 75 55' 30". Pop. (1881),
5744. Noted for its shawls and woollen fabrics. Area of tahsil, 514 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 105,244.
NURPUR. Town in Sitapur district, Oudh ; situated thirty-four
miles north-east of Cawnpore. Lat. 27 18', long. 81 13'.
NURPTJR. Town in Jhelum district, Punjab ; situated twenty-two
miles north-west from the right bank of the Jhelum, 131 miles north-
west by west of the town of Lahore. Lat. 32 40', long. 72 38'.
NURPUR. Town in Shahpur district, Punjab ; situated fourteen
miles west from the right bank of the Jhelum, 122 miles west by north
of the town of Lahore. Lat. 31 57', long. 72.
NURPUR. Town in Dera Ghazi Khan district, Punjab ; situated on.
the right bank of the Indus, ninety miles south-west by south of the
town of Multan. Lat. 29 8', long. 70 36'.
NURPUR. Town in Dacca district, Bengal; situated twenty -two
miles south-west of Dacca. Lat. 23 29', long. 90 12'.
NURPUR. Town in Bijnaur district, N.W.P.; situated in lat. 29 9',
long. 78 28'. Also thana. Pop. (1881), 35,404.
NURUDDIN SARAI. Town in Lahore district, Punjab; situated
twenty-seven miles south-east from the left bank of the Ravi, thirty-four
miles east by south of the town of Lahore. Lat. 31 30', long. 74 52'.
NUSRATPUR. Town in Ghazipur district, N.W.P. ; situated on the
route from Ghazipur to Sasseram, eleven miles south of the former. Lat.
25 23', long. 83 38'.
NUWARL Town in Chhindwara district, Central Provinces ; situated
fifty miles north-east of Deogarh, and seventy-one miles south-west by
south of Jabalpur. Lat. 22 20', long. 79 20'.
NUWARL Tillage in Cawnpore district, N.W.P. ; situated on the
route from Allahabad to Kalpi, and twenty- two miles east of the latter.
Lat. 26 9', long. 80 9'.
NUZUID. Town in Krishna district, Madras ; situated in lat. 16 47'
25", long. 80 53' 20". Pop. (1881), 5657.
NWA-MA-EAN. Revenue circle in Prome district, British Burma.
Pop. (1876-77), 2187.
NYAGAON (NAYAGAON). Town in Midnapur district, Bengal;
situated twenty-eight miles south-south-west of Midnapur. Lat. 22 2',
long. 87 14'.
NYAMTI. Tillage and municipality in Shimoga district, Mysore
State; situated in lat. 14 9' 10", long. 75 36' 55". Pop. (1871), 2571.
NYOUNGBENTHA. Town in Upper Burma; situated on the right
bank of the Irawadi river, and 130 miles north from Lat. 23 43',
long. 96.
OAMCHU. River of Bhutan State; rising in lat. 27 30', long. 91
55', and, flowing in a westerly direction for thirty miles, falls into the
Manas river, in lat. 27 23', long. 91 31'.
0-BHO. Revenue circle in Henzada district, British Burma. Pop.
(1876-77), 5289.
OBIRIA. Village in Shahjahanpur district, N.W.P. ; situated on the
route from Fatehgarh to Shahjahanpur, and nineteen miles south-west of
the latter. Lat. 27 44', long. 79 45'.
OCHATTL Tillage in Rohtak district, Punjab ; situated in lat. 28
22', long. 76 21'.
OCHTEELONY. Tailey in the Nilgiri Hills district, Madras; famous
for its coffee cultivation. Between lat. 11 23' 11 29' 15", and long.
76 2776 34' 15". Named after Colonel Ochterlony, who first
explored it.
OD. Town in Kaira district, Bombay ; situated in lat. 22 37', long.
73 10'. Pop. (1872), 8423.
ODDAE. Tillage in Uuepem district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 172.
OEL. Town in Kheri district, Oudh; situated eight miles west of
Lakhimpur, in lat. 27 50' 30", long. 80 46' 55". Pop. (1881),
OHIND. Town in Peshawar district, Punjab ; situated on the right
bank of the Indus, forty-nine miles east by north of the town of Peshawar.
Lat. 34 3', long. 72 29'.
OIN. Tillage in Kashmir State, Punjab ; situated near the base of
the mountains inclosing Kashmir on the south. It is situate on the river
Jhelum, in lat. 33 44', long. 73 35'.
OKALDANGA. Town in Kumaun district, N.W.P. ; situated on the
river Kosila, on the route from Moradabad to Almora, sixty-five miles
north-east of the former, in lat. 29 14' 20", long. 79 39'. The elevation
above sea is about 2000 feet.
OKHAMANDAL. District in Amrelli division, Kathiawar, Bombay ;
situated at the north-west angle of the peninsula. Area, 276 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 19,985.
OKIRA. Town in Bankura district, Bengal; situated 104 miles
north-west of Calcutta. Lat. 23 39', long. 87 19'.
OKLISIR. Town in Broach district, Bombay; situated on the route
from Surat to Baroda, thirty-five miles north of the former, and fifty
south of the latter. Lat. 21 38', long. 73 2'.
OL. Thana in Muttra district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 16,557.
OLAL Pargana in Etah district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 29,528.
OLD UDAIPUR. Village on the left bank of the Gumti, in Hill
Tipperah State, Bengal ; famous for its ruins buried in jungle.
OLIAPTJR. Town in Rangpur district, Bengal; situated twenty-two
miles east by south of Rangpur. Lat. 25 36', long. 89 36'.
OLLAVAKONDA. Town in Cuddapah district, Madras ; situated
seventy miles north-west of Cuddapah. Lat. 15 9', long. 78 17'.
OLPAD. Subdivision in Surat district, Bombay. Area, 323 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 62,049.
OMARGARH. Thana in Etah district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
OMATWARA. The country of the Omat Rajputs, including parts of
Inclore, Gwalior, Rajgarh, and Narsinhgarh States, Central India Agency ;
between lat, 23 35' 24 11', and long. 76 23' 77 16'. Length from
north to south, 60 miles ; breadth, 55 miles.
OMEDUNDA. Town in Lohardaga district, Bengal ; situated
thirty-two miles east-north-east of Lohardaga. Lat. 23 39', long.
85 12'.
OMLAO. River of Dehra Dun district, KW.P. ; rising in the
mountains north-west of Bairat, in lat. 30 40', long. 77 55' ; it has
a direction generally southerly, and, flowing by the small town of
Khalsi, falls into the Jumna on the right side, a mile east of the con-
fluence of the Tons, in lat. 30 30', long. 77 54', after a course of
about fifteen miles.
OMRA. Fort in Samthar State, Central India Agency ; situated on
the route from Kalpi to Guna, seventy-two miles south-west of the
former, 133 north-east of the latter. Lat. 25 42', long. 78 58'.
OMUDPUR (AHMADPTIR). Village in Cawnpore district, N.W.P. ;
situated on the route from Kalpi to Fatehgarh, and thirteen miles north
of the former. Lat. 26 17', long. 97 47'.
ONAGONG. Town in Bhutan State ; situated on the left bank of the
Gadadhar river, and fifty-six miles west-north-west of Goalpara. Lat.
26 23', long. 89 48'.
ONAIL. Town in Gwalior State, Central India Agency ; situated on
the left bank of the Sipra river, and seventeen miles north-west of Ujjain.
Lat. 23 18', long. 75 35'.
ONCHHA. Thana in Mainpuri district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
ONDA. Village in Sanguelim district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 375.
ONDARI. Small island, off Kolaba district, Bombay ; situated about
twenty miles south of the city of Bombay.
ONJDTJ. Town in Jodhpur State, Eajputana; situated ninety miles
west of Jodhpur, and sixty miles south-east of Jaisalmir. Lat. 26 20',
long. 71 42'.
ONGOLE (VANGrOLTI). Town in Eellore district, Madras ; situated
on the Musi, 189 miles north of Madras, in lat. 15 30' 20", long.
80 5' 30". Pop. (1881), 9200.
ONNA. Village in Sanguelim district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 156.
ONTIMITTA. Town in Cuddapah district, Madras; fifteen miles
east-south-east of Cuddapah. Lat. 14 23', long. 79 5'.
OOT-POO. See TTi-pu.
OP AH. Town in Lohardaga district, Bengal ; situated seventeen
miles east-north-east of Lohardaga. Lat. 23 32', long. 85.
OPARBUNDA. Town in Birbhum district, Bengal; situated 150
miles north-west of Calcutta. Lat. 24 10', long. 86 56'.
OPERAI. Town in Datia State, Central India Agency ; situated on
the route from Banda to Gwalior, 160 miles west of the former. Lat. 25
46', long. 78 27'.
OR AN. Thana in Banda district, N/W.P. Pop. (1881), 21,777.
ORCHA. Village in Bashahr State, Punjab; situated 11,296 feet
above the level of the sea. Lat. 31 38", long. 78 37'.
ORCHHA (TEHRI). State of Bundelkhand in the Central India
Agency ; between lat. 24 26' 25 34', and long. 78 28' 30" 79 23'.
Bounded on the west by Jhansi and Lalitpur districts, N.~W.P. ; on
the south by Lalitpur district, and Bijawar States ; on the east by
Bijawar, Charkhari, and Garrauli States. Area, about 2000 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 311,514. The chief rivers are the Betwa and Dhasan.
The principal towns are Tehri, the present capital, where the Kaja now
resides, and Orchha, the old capital. The fort of Tikamgarh, at Tehri,
often gives name to the State. The Chief was formerly known as Baja,
but in 1865 he was granted the higher title of Maharaja. The State is
entitled to a salute of 15, but the present ruler (1885) receives 17 guns
as a personal distinction; he maintains a force of 200 cavalry, 4400
infantry, and 90 guns, with 100 gunners.
ORCHHA (URCHHA). Town in Orchha State, Bundelkhand, Central
India Agency, and formerly capital of the State; situated in lat. 25 21',
long. 78 42', on the river Betwa. The fortress was formerly the
residence of the Chief.
ORGAO. Village in Ponda district, Portuguese India. Pop. (1881),
ORISSA. A Province which now forms a Division of Bengal; between
lat. 19 2822 34' 15", and long. 83 36' 30" 87 31' 30". Bounded
on the north and north-east by Chutia Nagpur and Bengal ; on the east
and south-east by the Bay of Bengal ; on the south by Madras ; and on
the west by the Central Provinces. Area, 9053 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
3,730,735, exclusive of the Tributary States. The chief rivers are the
Mahanadi, the Brahmani, the Baitarani, the Salandi, and the Subanrekha.
The greater part of the Province is considered by the Hindus more or less
ORISSA TRIBUTARY STATES. Nineteen dominions forming the
hilly interior of the Orissa Division, Bengal; situated between lat. 19
52' 15" 22 34' 15", and long. 83 36' 30" 87 13'. The States are:
Angul, Athgarh, Athmallik, Banki, Baramba, Bod, Daspalla, Dhenkanal,
Hindol, Keunjhar, Khandpara, ]yorbhanj, Narsinhpur, Nilgiri, Nayagarh,
Pal Lahara, Kanpur, Talcher, Tigaria. The total area is 15,187 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 1,469,142.
ORLIM. Village in Salsette district, Portuguese India. Pop. (1881),
OSIMLL State in the Khasi Hills, Assam ; surrounded entirely by
other hill states; between lat. 25 20' 25 29', and long. 91 26' 91
41'. It is forty-three miles in length from north to south, and sixteen in
breadth, and has an area of 350 sq. miles.
OSMANPTJR. Village in Agra district, N.W.P. ; situated on the
route from the city of Agra to Bareilly, by Khasganj, and fourteen miles
north-east of the former. Lat. 27 19', long. 78 li'.
OTAPIDARAM. Town in Tinnevelli district, Madras ; situated
twenty-eight miles north-east by east of Tinnevelli. Lat. 8 56', long.
78 5'. Pop. (1881), 2854.
OUDH (AVADH, AWADH). A province of India, under a Chief
Commissioner, but now united with the North-Western Provinces the
same officer being Chief Commissioner of Oudh and Lieutenant- Governor
of the North-western Provinces. Situated between lat. 25 34' 28 42',
and long. 79 44' 83 9' ; and bounded on the north-east by the State
of Nepal; on the north-west by llohilkhaud (N.W.P.) ; on the south-
west by the Ganges ; on the east by Basti district ; and on the south-east
by the Benares division of the K.W.P. The capital is Lucknow. Oudh
contains four divisions, subdivided into twelve districts. Lucknow
division contains Lucknow, TJnao, and Bara Banki districts ; Sitapur
division, Sitapur, Hardoi, and Kheri districts ; Faizabad (or Fyzabad)
division, Faizabad, Bahraich, and Gonda districts ; and Rai Bareli division,
Rai Bareli, Sultanpur, and Partabgarh districts. The total area is 24,246
sq. miles. The pop. (1881), 11,387,741. The province was annexed in
1856, and amalgamated with the North-Western Provinces on January
17th, 1877. It is traversed by the Oudh and Eohilkhand Railway.
OUNCHA. Town in Mainpuri district, N.W.P. ; situated thirteen
miles north-west of the town of Mainpuri. Lat. 27 19', long. 78 53'.
OUNG-DAING. Revenue circle in Akyab district, British Burma.
Pop. (1876-77), 2263.
OUR. Town in Jodhpur Stete, Rajputana; situated on the right
bank of the Sukri river, and sixty-four miles south- south- west from
Jodhpur. Lat. 25 26', long. 72 50'.
OURAD. Town in Haidarabad State ; situated ninety-four miles
north-west by west from Haidarabad, and 109 miles east-north-east from
Sholapur. Lat. 18 14', long. 77 29'.
OURAHI. Town in Bahraich district, Oudh ; situated on the left
bank of the Gogra river, and sixty miles north-north-east from Lucknow.
Lat. 27 39', long. 81 26'.
OURANGA (AURANGA). River of the Dang States, and Surat dis-
trict, Bombay; rising in lat. 20 37', long. 73 33', on the western slope
of the Sahyadri range of mountains, and flowing in a westerly direction
for a distance of forty-eight miles, falls into the Arabian Sea, in lat. 20
36', long. 72 56'.
OURLAGONDA. Town in Haidarabad State; situated ninety- two
miles east from Haidarabad, and seventy-six miles north-west by north
from Gantur. Lat. 17 14', long. 79 54'.
OUSA. Town in Haidarabad State, situated fifty-nine miles north-
east from Sholapur, and 145 miles north-west from Haidarabad. Lat.
18 16', long. 7b 34'.
OWEN ISLAND. An island in the Mergui Archipelago, British
Burma. It is about four miles in diameter, and its centre is in lat. 11
15', long. 98 21'.
OWLUHA KHASS. Town in Saran district, Bengal; situated twenty-
two miles south-east of Bettia. Lat. 26 33', long. 84 49'.
OXEL. Village in Bardez district, Portuguese India. Pop. (1881),
OYSTER REEF. A reef off the coast of Arakan, British Burma.
OZOREM. Village in Pernem district, Portuguese India. Pop. (1881),
PAA. State in Kathiawar, Bombay ; paying a yearly tribute of 30
to the Gaekwar of Baroda, and 24s. to the JN"awab of Junagarh.
PAARI. Town in Sirohi State, Rajputana; situated five miles south-
east from Sirohi, and ninety-three miles south by west from Jodhpur.
Lat. 25, long. 72 51'.
PA BANG. Town in Thayet district, British Burma; situated 130
miles east by north from Prome, and 102 miles north-north-east from
Pegu. Lat. 19 8', long. 96 59'.
PABAR. River of Bashahr State, Punjab ; has its source close to the
Barenda Pass, in a lake called Charamai, in lat. 31 22', long. 78 12',
13,839 feet above the sea. The river joins the Tons, in lat. 30 56',
long. 77 54', after a total course of about fifty-eight miles.
PABNA (PUBN A). District in the Rajshahi-Kuch-Behar division,
Bengal ; situated between lat. 23 49' 24' 45', and long. 89 2' 30"
89 53'. Bounded on the east by the Brahmaputra or Jamuna, and on
the south-west by the Ganges or Padma. Area, 1847 sq. miles. Pop.
(1881), 1,311,728. The district is situated in the angle of the Ganges
and the Brahmaputra ; and the other chief rivers are generally connected
with both these main streams, the Ichamati being an offshoot of the
Ganges or Padma, and falling into the Harasagar, which is, in turn, a
branch of the Brahmaputra or Jamuna. Pabna, on the Ichamati, is the
capital; but Sirajganj (the centre of the jute trade, on the Jamuna) is
the largest and most flourishing town. The district is traversed by the
New Bengal State Railway, but a large amount of trade is carried on by
means of the rivers.
PABNA. Capital (in subdivision of same name) of Pabna district,
Bengal; situated on the Ichamati, in lat. 24 0' 30", long. 89 17' 25".
Pop. (1881), 15,267. There is a large indigo factory in the town. Area
of subdivision, 901 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 611,964. Also thana.
Area, 305 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 189,648.
PABTIL. Town in Poona district, Bombay ; situated twenty-six miles
north-north-east of Poona. Lat. 18 50', long. 74 3'.
PABYA RIVER. River of British Burma ; an offset of the Yennan,
one of the branches of the Irawadi ; falls into the Sittang after a
course of about fifty miles, in lat. 18 58', long. 96 30'.
PACK AM ALIA. Mountains in Trichinopoli and Salem districts,
Madras; between lat. 11 10' 11 24', and long. 78 33' 30" 78 50'.
Extending for a distance of about twenty miles, with a height of
upwards of 2500 feet.
PACHAMBA. Town (in subdivision of same name) in Hazaribagh
district, Bengal ; situated near the chord line of the East Indian Railway,
about three miles from Giridi station, in lat. 24 12' 29", long. 86
18' 38". Area of subdivision, 1824 sq. miles. Pop. (1872), 224,099.
Also thana. Area, 450 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 80,097.
PACHAM SURIORA. Tillage in Allahabad district, N.W.P.; situated
on the route by the Rajapur ferry from the cantonment of Allahabad to
Banda, and thirty-nine miles west of the former. Lat. 25 26', long.
81 22'. Also thana. Pop. (1881), 43,910.
682 PAG
PACHATJRIA. Village in Bareilly district, tf.W.P. ; situated on the
route from the town of Pilibhit to Pithoragarh cantonment, twenty -five
miles north-east of the former. Lat. 28 57', long. 80 4'.
PACHBTTDBA. Town in Jodhpur State, Rajputana ; situated sixty
miles south-west of the city of Jodhpur, and eight miles north of the
right bank of the Soni. Lat. 25 57', long. 72 21'.
PACHEGAM. State in Kathiawar, Bombay, paying a yearly tribute
of 212 to the Gaekwar of Baroda, and 68 to the JNawab of Junagarh.
PACHGAIN. Village in Bulandshahr district, N.W.P. ; situated on
the route from Aligarh cantonment to that of Delhi, and thirty-five miles
north-west of the former. Lat. 28 19', long. 77 52'.
PACHHIMRATH. Pargana in Faizabad district, Oudh; formerly
a territorial division of greater area and importance. Bounded on the
north by Haweli Oudh, on the east by Majhaura, on the south by
Sultanpur Baraunsi in Sultanpur district, and on the west by Rudauli in
Bara Banki. Area, 350 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 198,303.
PACHHOHA. Pargana in Hardoi district, Oudh ; bounded on the
north by Shahjahanpur district, on the east by Shahabad pargana, on the
south by Pali, and on the west by Farrukhabad and Shahjahanpur
districts. Area, 88 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 30,253.
PACHISAR. Village in Kumaun district, NYW.P. ; situated at the
confluence of the rivers Surju and Kali (Eastern), on the left bank of the
former, right of the latter, ten miles south of the cantonment of
Pithoragarh. Lat. 29 27', long. 80 18'.
PACHIWOR. Town in Jaipur State, Rajputana ; situated on the
route from Agra to Nasirabad, 183 miles south-west of former, forty
north-east of latter. Lat. 26 30', long. 75 26'.
PACHLANA. Pargana in Etah district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 13,608.
PACHMARHI. State in Chhindwara and Hoshangabad districts,
Central Provinces ; situated in the centre of the Mahadeo Hills. The
Chief is the principal hereditary guardian of the temple on the Mahadeo
Hills, in which capacity he receives yearly 75 in lieu of pilgrim tax.
Area, 61 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 3836.
PACHMARHI. Table-land in Hoshangabad district, Central
Provinces; situated at an elevation of 2500 feet, and constituting a
valuable sanatorium for the Central Provinces. Pop. (1881), 2054.
PACHORA. Subdivision of Khandesh district, Bombay. Area, 535
sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 100,051.
PACHOTAR. Pargana in Ghazipur district, KW.P. Pop. (1881),
PACHPAHAR. Town in Jhalawar State, Eajputana ; situated thirty-
two miles west-south-west of Jhalra Patun, and fifty-three miles east of
Nimach. Lat. 24 21', long. 75 45'.
PACHPERWA. Thana in Gonda district, Oudh. Pop. (1881), 55,609.
PACHPIRA. Village in Mainpuri district, KW.P. ; situated on the
route from the city of Agra to Etawah, and thirty miles north-west of
the latter. Lat. 27 5', long. 78 41'.
PACHPIRA. Village in Aligarh district, N.W.P. ; situated on the
route from the city of Agra to Bareilly, and fifty-two miles north-east of
the former. Lat. 27 41', long. 78 37'.
PACHPIRA. Tillage in Bareilly district, N.W.P. ; situated on the
route from the town of Pilibhit to Nagma, and sixteen north-west of the
former. Lat. 28 48', long. 79 40'.
PACHRTTKHA. Village in Champaran district, Bengal ; situated in
lat. 26 41' 30", long. 84 53' 45". Pop. (1872), 5590.
PACHWARL Town in Birbhum district, Bengal; situated on the
route from Berhampur to Bhagalpur, fifty-eight miles north-west of
former, sixty south-east of latter. Lat. 24 3 1 7 , long. 87 30'.
PADAKALTJ. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 188.
PADAMPTJR. Chiefship in ISambalpur district, Central Provinces.
Pop. (1881), 18,437.
PA-DAN. Revenue circle in Rangoon district, British Burma. Pop.
(1877-78), 3525.
PAD ATI. Town inTavoy district, British Burma; situated 131 miles
north-north-west of Tenasserim. Lat. 13 53', long. 98 22'.
PADDELI. Village in Sanguelim district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 175.
PADDY. Village in Quepem district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 97.
PA-DE. River of Thayet district, British Burma ; it falls into the
PA-DENG. Revenue circle in Sandoway district, British Burma.
Pop. (1877), 2804.
PADINALKN AD. Taluk in Coorg, Madras. Area, 472 sq. miles.
Pop. (1871), 32,350.
PADMANABHAM. Village in Vizagapatam district, Madras ;
situated near Bimlipatam, in lat. 17 58', long. 83 19'. Pop. (1871),
558. Scene of an important battle, in which Colonel Prendergast com-
pleted the conquest of Vizianagram in 1794. Contains a large Hindu
temple of great sanctity.
PADMAV ATI. Town in Khandpara State, Orissa, Bengal ; situated
on the Mahanadi, in lat. 20 20' 45", long. 85 21'.
PA-DOTJNG. Township on the right bank of the Irawadi, in
Prome district, British Burma. Area, 1188 sq. miles. Pop. (1877),
PA-DOTJNG. Capital of Pa-doung township, Prome district, British
Burma; situated on the Irawadi, in lat. 18 41', long. 95 10'. Pop.
(1877), 2897.
PADRA. Town (in district of same name) in Baroda State ;
situated near Baroda, in lat. 22 14' 30", long. 73 7' 30". Pop. (1881),
7668. Area of district, 181 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 86,705.
PADRATINA (PARATJNA). Town (in tahsil of same name) in
Gorakhpur district, N.W.P. ; situated forty miles east of Gorakhpur, in
lat. 26 54' 20", long. 84 1' 25". Pop. (1881), 8389. Area of tahsil,
1067 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 559,838. Also thana. Pop. (1881),
PADRATTNAN. Town in Gorakhpur district, jST.TV.P. ; situated on
the route from Gorakhpur cantonment to Mullai, and thirty-six east of
the former. Distant north-west of Dinapur 105 miles. Lat. 26 50',
long. 84 1'.
PADRI. Town in Purniah district, Bengal ; situated forty-four
miles south-east of Darbhangah. Lat. 25 38', long. 86 23'.
PADRI. Town in Khairpur State, Sind, Bombay ; seventy-three
miles south-south-east from Bakar, and 106 miles north-east by north
from Haidarabad. Lat. 26 40', long. 69 19'.
PADRTI. Town in Jodhpur State, Rajputana ; situated eleven miles
east from the left bank of the Luni river, and eighty-two miles south-
west from Jodhpur. Lat. 25 32', long. 72 11'.
PADSHAHGANJ. Village in Sultanpur district, Oudh; situated two
miles south-west of the cantonment of Sultanpur. Lat. 26 18', long.
81 59'.
PADSHAH MAHAL. Ruined palace, built by Shahjahan, in Saha-
ranpur district, N.W.P. ; situated at the spot where the river Jumna
enters the plain, and opposite the point where the Delhi Canal passes off
to the south-west. Distant north-west of Calcutta, 1030 miles; elevation
above the sea, 1276 feet. Lat. 30 20', long. 77 39'.
PADSHAHPUR. Village in Gurgaon district, Punjab; situated on
the route from Hansi to Muttra, by Gurgaon ; distant twenty-five miles
south-west of Delhi. Lat. 28 22', long. 77 6'.
PADSHAHPUR. Town in Belgaum district, Bombay ; situated
twenty-one miles north-east by north of Belgaum. Lat. 16 5', long.
74 46'.
PADUR. Town in Coimbatore district, Madras ; situated seventy-
three miles north-east of Coimbatore. Lat. 11 41', long. 77 49'.
PAGAR. Town in Hazaribagh district, Bengal ; situated twenty-
three miles west by south of Hazaribagh. Lat. 23 54', long.
85 3'.
PAGARA. State in Hoshangabad district, Central Provinces. The
Chief is one of the hereditary guardians of the temple of the Mahadeo
PAGHAM MEW. Town in Upper Burma ; situated on the left bank
of the Irawadi river, and ninety-nine miles south-west by west of Ava.
Lat. 21 7', long. 94 42'.
PAGHRUKHL Town in Gaya district, Bengal ; situated thirty- three
miles south of Behar. Lat. 24 44', long. 85 37'.
PAGLA (PAGLI). River in Maldah district, Bengal ; a branch of the
PAGODA POINT. Southernmost extremity of Bassein district, British
Burma; named from a pagoda standing upon it. Lat. 15 36', long.
94 19'.
PAGODA POINT. Prominent headland in Amherst district, British
Burma ; at the entrance of the small river on which is situated the town
of Amherst. Lat. 16 5', long. 97 38'.
PA-GUT-TOUNG. Revenue circle in Mergui district, British Burma.
Pop. (1877), 2526.
PAHARA. Pargana in Farrukhabad district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
PAHARAPUR. Pargana in Gonda district, Oudh; bounded on the
north and east by Gonda pargana, on the south by Guwarich, and on the
west by Hisampur pargana in Bahraich district. Area, 115 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 75,260.
PAHARGARH. Town in Gwalior State, Central India Agency;
situated twenty- eight miles south-west of the fort of Gwalior, on a sand-
stone hill ; whence its name. Lat. 26 11', long. 77 44'.
PAHARI. Village in Bhartpur State, Rajputana ; situated on the
route from Mathura to Firozpur, by Dig, fifty-four miles north-west of
former, fifteen south-east of latter. Lat. 27 43', long. 77 9'.
PAHARI. Thana in Banda district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 29,848.
PAHARI BANKA. State in Bundelkhand, Central India Agency;
one of the Hasht Bhaya Jagirs, adjoining Jhansi district, N.W.P., which
bounds it on the north. Area, 4 sq. miles. Pop. (1874), 1800. Pahari,
the capital, is in lat. 27 43', long. 77 9'.
PAHARPUR. Town in Dera Ismail Khan district, Punjab ; situated
on the right bank of the Indus, 136 miles south by west of the town of
Peshawar. Pop. (1881), 2496. Lat. 32 8', long. 71 3'.
PAHARPUR. Village in Farrukhabad district, N.W.P. ; situated on
the route from the cantonment of Bareilly to that of Fatehgarh, and
seven miles north-east of the latter. Lat. 27 28', long. 79 41'.
PAHAR SIRGIRA. State in Sambalpur district, Central Provinces.
Area, 20 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 1962.
PAHASIJ. Town (in pargana of same name) in Bulandshahr district,
K"."W.P. ; situated on the Kali, twenty-four miles south of Bulandshahr.
Pop. (1881), 3880. Pop. of pargana (1881), 53,822. Also thana.
Pop. (1881), 49,942.
PAHLADPUR. Village in Budaun district, KW.P. ; situated on the
route from Agra to Bareilly, and sixty-eight miles north east of the
former. Lat. 27 52', long. 78 46'.
PAHRA. State in Bundelkhand, Central India Agency. Area, 10 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 4016. The capital of the same name is in lat.
25 16', long. 80 56'.
PAI. Town in Tavoy district, British Burma; situated 103 miles
north -north- west of Tenasserim. Lat. 13 30', long. 98 36'.
PAI-BENG. Tidal channel in Bassein district, British Burma ; joining
the Da-ga and Bassein rivers.
PAI-BENG. Eevenue circle in Bassein district, British Burma.
Area, 56 sq. miles. Pop. (1877), 4673.
PAI-BENG-YENG. Revenue circle in Akyab district, British Burma.
Pop. (1877), 2099.
PAIGA. Town in Moradabad district, N.W.P. Lat. 29 8', long.
78 59'.
PAIGA. Town in Dera Ghazi Khan district, Punjab ; thirty-three
miles west from the right bank of the Indus, sixty-nine miles west by
south of the town of Multan. Lat. 29 57', long. 70 24'.
PAIKATJLL Village in Gorakhpur district, KW.P. ; situated on the
route from Dinapur to Gorakhpur cantonment, 125 miles north-west of
the former. Lat. 26 52', long. 83 38'.
686 PAI
PAIKGACHA. Thana in Khulna district, Bengal. Area, 189 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 70,478.
PAIKHIA. Town in Mergui district, British Burma ; situated eighty
miles north by west of Tenasserim. Lat. 13 14', long. 98 50'.
PAIK-THOUNG. Revenue circle in Bassein district, British Burma.
Area, 91 sq. miles. Pop. (1877), 7427.
PAIK-TSOUNG. Town in Amherst district, British Burma ; situated
fifty-one miles north-east by north of Maulmain. Lat. 17 5', long. 98 8'.
PAIKULIA. Thana in Basti district, KW.P. Pop. (1881), 64,533.
PAILA. Pargana in Kheri district, Oudh. Area, 103 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 38,005.
PAILADI. Town in North Arcot district, Madras; situated thirty-
eight miles north by west of Madras. Lat. 13 38', long. 80 17'.
PAILANL Town in Banda district, N.W.P. ; situated on the route
from Banda to Lucknow, twenty-three miles north by east of the former.
Lat. 25 46', long. 80 30'. Also tahsil. Pop. (1881), 83,033. And
thana. Pop. (1881), 34,252.
P AIMS A KA PTTRWA. Village in Sultanpur district, Oudh;
situated on the route from Lucknow to Sultanpur, seventy miles south-
east of the former. Lat. 26 25', long. 81 40'.
PAI-MYOITK Revenue circle in Thayet district, British Burma.
Pop. (1877), 2708.
PAINA. Town in Gorakhpur district, KW.P. ; situated on the left
bank of the river Ghagra. Distant south-east of Gorakhpur cantonment
forty-five miles. Lat. 26 15', long. 83 50'. Pop. (1881), 6642.
PAINDA. Biver in Sylhet district, Assam ; a branch of the Surma.
PAINGAWA. Village in Gurgaon district, Punjab. Lat. 27 54',
long. 77 10'.
PAING-KWON. Revenue circle in Amherst district, British Burma.
Pop. (1877), 2432.
PAING-KYUN. Revenue circle in Rangoon district, British Burma.
Pop. (1877), 5113.
PAING-KYUN. Tidal channel in Rangoon district, British Burma ;
joining the Pegu and Tsittoung rivers.
PAINKHANDA. Pargana in Garhwal district, N.W.P. Pop.
(1881), 7513.
PAINLULLA. Town in Hoshangabad district, Central Provinces;
situated on the route from Hoshangabad to Seoni, twenty-five miles east
by south of the former. Lat. 22 39', long. 78 8'.
PAINTEPUR. Town in Sftapur district, Oudh ; situated in lat. 27
16' 40", long. 81 13' 20". Pop. (1881), 5199.
PAINTI. Village in Moradabad district, KW.P. ; situated on the
route from Moradabad to Muzaffarnagar, and nine miles west of the
former place. Distant north-west from Calcutta, 897 miles. Lat. 28
51', long. 78 41'.
PAIRA. River of Ahmednagar district, Bombay; rising in lat. 19
32', long. 73 39', on the eastern slope of the Western Ghats, and, flowing
in an easterly direction for 105 miles, falls into the Godavari on the right
side, near the town of Toka, in lat. 19 36', long. 75 3'.
PAIRGATJM. Town in Ahmednagar district, Bombay ; situated
thirty-nine miles south of Ahmednagar. Lat. 18 33', long. 74 45'.
PAISANI. River of Bundelkhand, Central India Agency; rising in
lat. 24 52', long. 80 43', and falling into the Jumna on the right side,
in lat. 25 26', long. 81 14'; its total length of course being eighty
PAISIA. Thana in Gorakhpur district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
PAITAN. Town in Nepal State ; situated on the left bank of tho
Jimru river, and 206 miles west by north from Khatmandu. Lat. 28 34',
long. 82 6'.
PAITAPUR. Town in Baroda State; situated on the right or western
bank of the river Sabarinati. Distance from Ahmedabad, north, fifteen
miles. Lat. 23 14', long. 72 40'.
PAITHAN. Town in Nepal State ; situated 153 miles west from
Khatmandu, and ninety miles north-north-west from Gorakhpur. Lat.
27 53', long. 82 50'.
PAITHIA. Village in Eaizabad district, Oudh ; situated four miles
south-west of the right bank of the river Tons (North-eastern), fifty-five
miles south-east of the city of Oudh. Lat. 26 16', long. 82 48'.
PAITIANI RIVER. One of the mouths of the river Indus, flowing
into the sea in lat. 24 24', long. 67 13'.
PAITON. Town in Haidarabad State ; situated on the left bank of
the Godavari river, and fifty-three miles north-east by east of Ahmednagar.
Lat. 19 29', long. 75 28'.
PAIZTT. Town in Dera Ismail Khan district, Punjab; situated sixteen
miles west from the right bank of the Indus, 133 miles south-south-west
of the town of Peshawar. Lat. 32 13', long. 70 52'.
PAJATJL. Village in Kumharsain State, Punjab ; situated on the
right bank of the Giri. Elevation above the sea, 4980 feet. Lat. 31 6',
long. 77 31'.
PAKA BHTITA. Town in Bahawalpur State, Punjab ; situated on
the left bank of the Indus river, and 131 miles south-west by west from
Bahawalpur. Lat. 28 26', long. 69 59'.
PAKANGOLO Town in Nepal State ; situated thirteen miles east
from the left bank of the Arun river, and 111 miles east by north of
Khatmandu. Lat. 27 59', long. 87 3'.
PAKARPUR. Town in Bahraich district, Oudh ; situated fifty-one
miles north-east of Lucknow, and 106 miles east-south-east of Shahja-
hanpur. Lat. 27 22', long. 81 35'.
PAKAUR. Subdivision in the Santal Parganas district, Bengal.
Area, 1343 sq. miles. Pop. (1872), 141,304.
PAKBARA. Village in Moradabad district, N.W.P. ; situated on the
route from the town of Moradabad to Muzaffarnagar, and six miles west
of the former place. Distant north-west of Calcutta, 890 miles. Lat.
28 50', long. 78 44'.
PAK-CHAN. River in Mergui district, British Burma, forming in
part the boundary of Siam; it rises in lat. 10 48' 14", long. 98 55' 40",
and falls into the Bay of Bengal at Victoria Point ; total length, 78 miles.
PAK-CHAN. Town in Mergui district, British Burma; situated
ninety miles south by west of Tenasserim. Lat. 10 51', long. 98 42'.
PAKHRAULA. Village in Moradabad district, KW.P ; situated on
the route from the town of Meerut to that of Moradabad, and thirty-
seven miles south-east of the former place. Distant north-west of
Calcutta, via Moradabad, 924 miles. Lat. 28 51', long. 78 15'.
PAKHURA. Town in Nepal State ; situated on the right bank of the
baling river, and 102 miles west-north-west from Khatmandu. Lat. 28
15', long. 83 47'.
PAKOL. Town in Maimansinh district, Bengal ; situated forty-nine
miles south-south-west of Maimansinh. Lat. 24 9', long. 90.
PAKOLIYA. Village in Gorakhpur district, N.W.P. ; situated forty-
six miles west of Gorakhpur. Lat. 26 48', long. 82 34'.
PAKPATTAN. Town (in tahsil of same name) in Montgomery
district, Punjab ; situated thirty miles south of Montgomery, about ten
miles from the present course of the Sutlej, in lat. 30 20' 40", long. 73
25' 50". Pop. (1881), 5993. Area of tahsil, 1305 sq. miles. Pop.
(1881), 78,612.
PAKRI. Village in Allahabad district, N.W.P. ; situated on the
right bank of the Ganges, 781 miles north-west of Calcutta by the river
route, and twenty-seven miles south-east of the city of Allahabad by the
same. Lat. 25 18', long. 82 12'.
PAKRIBARAWAN. Thana in Gaya district, Bengal. Area, 213
sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 88,221.
PAKTNA. Town in Kumaun district, 1ST.W.P. ; situated on the route
from Almora to Pilibbit, nineteen miles south- south-east of the former.
Lat. 29 21', long. 79 49'.
PAKUR. Subdivision in Santal Parganas district, Bengal. Area, 683
sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 204,919.
PAL. Fifth-class State in Mahi Kantha, Guzerat, Bombay ; bounded
on the north and east by Udaipur State, Rajputana. Area, 21 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 6629.
PAL. State in Hallar, Kathiawar, Bombay, paying a yearly tribute
of 125 to the Gaekwar of Baroda, and 39 to the Nawab of Junagarh.
PAL. Village in Jodhpur State, Rajputana ; situated on the route
from Balotra to the town of Jodhpur, and five miles south of the latter.
Lat. 26 15', long. 73 4'.
PA-LA. Revenue circle in Mergui district, British Burma. Pop.
(1877), 2846.
PALADUM. Town in Coimbatore district, Madras ; situated twenty-
one miles east of Coimbatore. Lat. 11, long. 77 19'.
PALAGTJ. Town in Tavoy district, British Burma; situated 148
miles south- south-east of Maulmain. Lat. 14 24', long. 98 16'.
PALAIRHAGUDL Town in Nepal State ; situated on the left bank
of the Aran river, and 147 miles south-east by east from Khatmandu.
Lat. 25 33', long. 87 14'.
PALAKI. Town in Jhelum district, Punjab ; situated thirty-six
miles west from the right bank of the Jhelum, 106 miles north-west by
north of the town of Lahore. Lat. 33 3', long. 73 17'.
PALAKOLLTT. Town in Godavari district, Madras ; formerly a Dutch
settlement, situated in lat. 16 31', long. 81 46' 6". Pop. (1881), 7510.
PALAKONDA. Town on the Languliya river, in Vizagapatam
district, Madras ; formerly the capital of a small State, situated in lat.
18 36', long. 83 48'. Pop. (1881), 9531. The State was confiscated
in 1832, consequent on the rebellion of the Zamindar; it is at present
rented to Messrs. Arbuthnot & Co. of Madras.
PALAKONDA. Town in North Arcot district, Madras; situated
twenty-six miles west of Arcot. Lat. 12 54', long. 79.
PALALEM. Village in Canacona district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 862.
PAL AM. Town in Delhi district, Punjab ; situated on the north-
eastern bank of the extensive lake formed by the overflow of the
Hansauti Nala during rains. Distance south-west from the city of Delhi
ten miles. Lat. 28 35', long. 77 8'.
PALAMATI. Town (in subdivision of same name) in Lohardaga
district, Bengal. Lat. 23 50', long. 84 1'. Area of subdivision, 4241
sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 484,822.
PALAMGALA. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 681.
PALAMKOTTA. Capital of Tinnevelli district, Madras; a muni-
cipality, and station on the South Indian Railway. Situated near the
Tamrapurni river, in lat. 8 42' 30", long. 77 46' 40". Pop. (1881), 17,964.
PAL AMP ATI. Town in Trichinopoly district, Madras ; situated
thirty- three miles north by east of Madura. Lat. 10 23', long. 78 16'.
PALAMPUR. Town in Kangra district, Punjab ; situated in the
Palam Valley, famous for its tea-gardens, in lat. 32 7', long. 76 35'.
Since 1868 a fair has been held here for the purpose of encouraging trade
with Central Asia.
PALANAMAIRL Town in North Arcot district, Madras ; situated
thirty-six miles west-north-west of Arcot. Lat. 13 13', long. 78 48'.
PALANG. Thana in Faridpur district, Bengal. Area, 308 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 256,250.
PALANPUR AGENCY. A group of eleven States in the Bombay
Presidency; comprising the Palanpur, Radhanpur, Warai, Terwara,
Tharad, Wao, Suigaon, Deodar, Santalpur, Kankrej, and Bhabar States.
Total area, 7275 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 576,478.
PALANPUR. State in the Palanpur Agency, Guzerat, Bombay ;
situated between lat. 23 57' 24 41', and long. 71 51' 72 45'. Area,
3150 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 234,402. Bounded on the north by the
Marwar and Sirohi States, Rajputana; on the east by Sirohi and l)anta
States ; on the south by Baroda ; and on the west by Suigaon and Warai
States, Tharad, Bombay. The chief rivers are the Banas and the Saras-
wati. The chief towns are Palanpur (the capital), and Disa (a British
cantonment). The Chief, who pays a tribute of 5000 to the Gaekwar
of Baroda, maintains a force of 294 horse and 697 foot. He is entitled
to a salute of 1 1 guns.
PALANPUR. Capital of Palanpur State, Bombay ; situated in lat.
24 9' 58", long. 72 28' 9". Pop. (1881), 17,547.
PALAR. River of Mysore State, and of North Arcot, Salem, and Chen-
galpat districts, Madras; rising in Mysore in lat. 13 27', long. 78 2', it
flows south and east, and fails into the sea a little south of Sadras, in lat.
690 PAL
12 27' 20", long. 80 12' 30". Its length is about 230 miles. Its chief
affluents are the Poini and Cheyar ; and it flows past the towns of
Ambur, Vellore, Arcot, Wallajabad and Chengalpat.
PALASBARI. Tillage in Kamrup district, Assam ; situated on the
Brahmaputra, in lat. 26 8', long. 91 35'.
PALASGAON (SANGARHI). State in Bhandara district, Central
Provinces. Area, 71 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 1296. There is also another
State of the same name in this district. Area, 3 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 433.
PALASGAON. Town in Wardha district, Central Provinces; situated
twenty-nine miles south-west by south of Nagpur, and ninety-two miles
east-south-east from Ellichpur. Lat. 20 49', long. 78 55'.
PALASGARH. State in Chanda district, Central Provinces. Area,
262 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 9430.
PALASGARH. Town in Chanda district, Central Provinces ; situated
eighty-five miles east-south-east from Nagpur, and 105 miles south-south-
east from Seoni. Lat. 20 40', long. 80 20'.
PALASNI. State in Rewa Kantha, Bombay, paying a yearly tribute
of 213 to the Gaekwar of Baroda. Area, 12 sq. miles.
PALASWARA. Town in Khandesh district, Bombay ; situated
sixty-nine miles north of Malegaon. Lat. 21 31', long. 74 28'.
PA-LAW. Revenue circle in Mergui district, British Burma. Pop.
(1877), 3513.
PA-LAW. Tillage in Mergui district, British Burma ; situated on the
Pa-law river, forty miles north of Mergui, in lat. 12 51' 4", long. 98
42' 40". Pop. (1877), 1481.
PALAWAR. Town in Hoshangabad district, Central Provinces ;
situated on the route from Hoshangabad to Betul, thirty-nine miles north
of the latter. Lat. 22 21', long. 77 55'.
PALDEO. State in Bundelkhand, in the Central India Agency.
Area, 28 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 8824. The Chief maintains a military
force of about 250 infantry. The capital is a village of the same name,
situated in lat. 25 6', long. 80 50'.
PALEGAON. Town in Haidarabad State; situated ninety-three miles
south by west from Ellichpur, and 173 miles east-north-east from
Ahmednagar. Lat. 19 54', long. 77 14'.
PALEJ. State in Mahi Kantha, Bombay. Pop. (1881), 1701. The
Chief pays a yearly tribute of 39 18s. to the Gaekwar of Baroda.
PALGHAT. Town, municipality, and railway station in Malabar
district, Madras ; situated on the Palghat Pass, or Gap of Coimbatore,
sixty-eight miles east of Calicut, in lat. 10 45' 49", long. 76 41' 48".
Pop. (1881), 36,339. It was the scene of many contests in the Mysore wars.
PALGTTRA.LAPALLL Tillage in Cuddapah district, Madras ; situated
thirty-nine miles north by east from Cuddapah town.
PALHALLI. Tillage in Mysore district, Mysore ; situated on the Ka 1 veri
river, seven miles north of Mysore, three miles west of Seringapatam. Pop.
(1871), 1531. Noted for its sugar works, known as Ashtagram Factory.
PALHITA. Tillage in Daman district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 53.
PAL 691
PALI. Town in Gurgaon district, Punjab ; situated eighteen miles
south of Delhi. Lat. 28 23', long. 77 18'.
PALI. Pargana in Kurnaun district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 105,643.
PALI. Village in Nagar-Aveli district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 327.
PALI. Town in Jodhpur State, Rajputana ; situated on the road
from Nasirabad to Di'sa, 108 miles south-west of the former, in lat. 25
46', long. 73 25' 15".
PALI. Town (in pargana of same name) in Hardoi district, Oudh ;
situated on the Garra, twenty miles north-west of Hardoi, in lat. 27 31'
45", long. 79 53' 20". Pop. (1869), 5122. Area of pargana, 73 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 25,962.
PALI. Large decayed town in Sultanpur district, Oudh; situated
on the right bank of the river Gumti, thirty- eight miles north-west of
Sultanpur cantonment, forty-two south-east of Lucknow. Lat. 26 38',
long. 81 33'.
PALI. Village in Garhwal State, N.W.P. ; situated in a sequestered
glen, down which flows a stream, falling into the Jumna on the right
side. Lat. 30 53', long. 78 22'.
PALI. Village in Sanguelim district, Portuguese India. Pop. (1881),
PALI. Town in Jodhpur State, Rajputana ; situated forty-nine miles
north-north-west of Jodhpur, and 122 miles west by north of Ajmere.
Lat. 26 57', long. 72 50'.
PALI. Town in Thana district, Bombay; situated thirty-nine miles
south-east of Bombay. Lat. 18 31', long. 73 18'.
PALI. Town in Jaipur State, Rajputana; situated on the left
bank of the Chambal river, and eighty-eight miles south-east by south of
Jaipur. Lat. 25 50', long. 76 37'.
PALIA. Pargana in Santal Parganas district, Bengal. Pop. (1881),
PALIA. Town (in pargana of same name) in Kheri district, Oudh ;
situated near the Chauka river, in lat. 28 26', long. 80 37'.
Pop. (1869), 4204. Area of pargana, 139 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
PALIAPURAM. Town in Travancore State, Madras ; situated eleven
miles north-west of Trivandrum, and fifty-nine miles west of Tinnevelli.
Lat. 8 36', long. 76 54'.
PALIEM. Village in Pernem district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 952.
PALIGANJ. Town in Patna district, Bengal ; situated near the Son,
twenty-five miles from Bankipur.
PALIKHAIRA. Town in Muttra district, N.W.P. Lat. 27 34',
long. 77 31'.
PALIKTJT. Town in Malabar district, Madras ; situated seventy-two
miles south-east by east of Cannanore. Lat. 11 20', long. 76 20'.
PALIP ATI. Town in Salem district, Madras ; situated twenty-three
miles north-east of Salem. Lat. 11 55', long. 78 26'.
PALIRA. Town in Tehri State, Bundelkhand, KW.P. ; sitnated
thirty-two miles north-east of Tehri, and eighty-eight miles north-north-
east of Sagar. Lat. 25 1', long. 79 15'.
692 PAL
PALITANA. Second-class State in Kathiawar, Bombay; situated
between lat, 21 23' 30" 21 42' 30", and long. 71 31' 72 0' 30".
Its area is 305 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 49,271. The Chief, who has a
salute of 9 guns, maintains a military force of 545 men.
PALITANA. Capital of Palitana State, Kathiawar, Bombay; situated
120 miles south-west of Ahmedabad, seventy miles north-west of Surat,
and 190 miles north-west of Bombay, in lat. 21 31' 10", long. 71 53' 20".
Pop. (1881), 7659. Adjacent to the town is Satrunjaya Hill, a famous
sacred seat of the Jain worship.
PALIVELII (PULLIVELU). Town in Godavari district, Madras;
situated in lat. 16 41', long. 81 55'. Pop. (1871), 5315.
PALIYAD. State in Kathiawar, Bombay, paying a yearly tribute of
90 to the British Government, and 30 to the Nawab of Junagarh.
Area, 227 sq. miles.
PALIYAD. Town in Baroda State ; situated forty-six miles east of
Rajkot, and eighty- three miles west-south-west of Kaira. Lat. 22 15',
long. 71 31'.
PALKHEBA. State in Bhandara district, Central Provinces. Area,
39 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 7364.
PALKONDA. Mountains in Cuddapah district, Madras, with an
average height of 2000 feet, but rising to 3060 feet; situated between
lat. 13 43' 30" 14 27', and long. 78 56' 79 28' 30". The extremity
of the range is the sacred Tripati Hill.
PALKOT. Town in Lohardaga district, Bengal ; situated thirty-eight
miles south of Lohardaga. Lat. 22 54', long. 84 40'. Also'thana.
Area, 826 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 108,719.
PALK'S BAY AND STRAITS. Part of the sea between the
southern coast of India and the north coast of Ceylon.
PALLA. Town in Khandesh district, Bombay; situated thirty-nine
miles west by south of Malegaon. Lat. 20 29', long. 73 55'.
PALLA. Town in the Aligarh district, N.W.P. ; nine miles north-
west of Aligarh. Lat. 27 59', long. 78 3'.
PALLADAM (PULLADTIM). Town (in taluk of same name) in
Coimbatore district, Madras; situated in lat. 10 59', long. 77 20'. Pop.
(1871), 945.
PAL LAHARA. State in Orissa, Bengal; between lat. 21 8' 30"
21 40' 35", and long. 85 3' 85 21' 30". Its area is 452 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 14,887. The State is bounded on the north by the Bonai
State ; east by Keunjhar State ; south by Talcher State ; and west by
Bamra State. A famous mountain, Malayagiri, rises in this State to the
height of 3895 feet. The capital is Lahara, situated in lat. 21 26', long.
85 13' 46". The Chief, who pays a yearly tribute of 26 to the British
Government, maintains a militia of 67 men, and a police force of 57 men.
PALLAPATTL Town in Coimbatore district, Madras. Pop. (1881),
PALLAVARAM (PALAVERAM). Town in Chengalpat district,
Madras; situated eleven miles south-west of Madras, in lat. 12 57' 30",
long. 80 13'. There is a station here of the South Indian Railway.
P ALLI. Village in Sanguelim district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 312.
PALM A. The ruins of an ancient Jain settlement ; situated near
Purulia, in Manbhum district, Bengal.
PALMANER (PALAMAINER). Town (in taluk of same name) in
North Arcot district, Madras; situated at an elevation of 2000 feet,
twenty-six miles west of Chittur, in lat. 13 11' 30", long. 78 47' 17".
Pop. (1881), 1931.
PALMYRAS POINT. Cape in Cuttack district, Bengal ; situated in
lat. 20 44' 40", long. 87 2'.
PALNI (PALANI, PTJLNEY). Town (in taluk of same name) in
"Madura district, Madras ; situated thirty-two miles west of Dindigal, in
Jtat. 10 27' 20", long. 77 33' 1". Pop. (1881), 12,974.
PALNI HILLS. Mountains in Madura district, Madras; situated
between lat. 10 10 15', and long. 77 20' 77 55'. The range is
connected with the Western Ghats, the Anamalai Hills, and with the
An j mad Hills in Travancore ; it is about fifty-four miles long, with an
average breadth of fifteen miles.
P ALOHA. Town in Narsinhpur district, Central Provinces. Pop.
(1881), 2838.
PALPA. Town in Nepal State ; on the right bank of the Gandak
river, and 112 miles west by north from Khatmandu. Lat. 27 54',
long. 83 30'.
PALPTIR. Town in Gwalior State, Central India Agency ; situated
seventy miles south-west of Gwalior fort. Lat. 25 49', long. 77 10'.
PALRA. Village in Muzaffarnagar district, N.W.P. Lat. 29 22',
long. 77 35'.
PALRI. Village in Jodhpur State ; situated on the route from
Nasirabad to Disa, and 163 miles south-west of the former. Lat. 25 9',
long. 73 5'.
PALRI. Village in Rohtak district, Punjab ; situated on the route
from Rohtak to Narnul, and forty miles south-west of the former. Lat.
28 25', long. 76 15'.
PALS AN A. District in Nausari division, Baroda State. Area, 89 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 22,909.
PALTA. Village in the Twenty-four Parganas district, Bengal;
situated on the HugH near Barrackpur, in lat. 22 47' 30", long. 88 24'.
It is the site of the head of the Calcutta water- works.
PALUPARE. Village in Coorg, Madras ; situated on the Kire river
PALUR. River in Sirmur State, Punjab; rising on the southern
declivity of the Chaur peak, in lat. 30 51', long. 77 33'. After a
course of about twenty miles in a south-westerly direction, it falls into
the Giri, in lat. 30 42', long. 77 26'.
PALTJRTJ. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 535.
PALWAL. Town and municipality (in tahsil of same name) in
Gurgaon district, Punjab ; situated thirty miles south-east of Gurgaon,
in lat. 28 8' 30", long. 77 22' 15". Pop. (1881), 10,635. Area of
tahsil, 385 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 142,258.
PAMBAI. River of Travancore State, Madras; joins the A chink oil,
and after a course of about ninety miles, falls into the great backwater at
PAMBAM (PATTMBEN). Town on the channel between the island
of Rameswaram and Madura district, Madras ; situated in lat. 9 1 7' 20",
Ion?. 79 15' 31". Pop. (1871), 9407. There is a lighthouse here.
tween India and the island of Ceylon. It lies between Madura district
and the island of Rameswaram; and has been deepened and partially
cleared of obstructions to navigation.
PAMBAM. Town in Madura district, Madras. Lat. 9 1 7', long. 79 1 7'.
PAMBAR. Town in Kashmir State, Punjab ; situated on the right
bank of the Chenab river, and fifty-six miles east-south-east of Srinagar.
Lat. 33 38', long. 75 50'.
PAMIDI. Town in Bellary district, Madras ; situated fourteen miles
south of Giiti, on the Pennair river, in lat 14 56' 30", long. 77 39' 15".
Pop. (1881), 5260.
PAMPUR. Town in Kashmir State, Punjab ; situated on the Jhelum,
about five miles south-west of Srinagar, in lat. 34, long. 75 3'.
PANABARAS. State in Chanda district, Central Provinces. Area,
344 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 12,374.
P AN ABAR AS. Forest in Panabaras State, Chanda district, Central
Provinces. Area, 25 sq. miles.
PANAGTTR. Town in Jabalpur district, Central Provinces ; situated
about nine miles from Jabalpur, in lat. 23 17', long. 80 2'. Pop. (1881),
PANAHAT. Town in Agra district, N.W.P. ; situated near the
Chambal river, 130 miles south-east of Agra, in lat. 26 52' 36", long.
78 24' 59". Pop. (1881), 5697.
PANAI. Pargana in Santal Parganas district, Bengal. Pop. (1881),
PANAIRA. Thana in Gorakhpur district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
PANAITH. Town in Baroda State ; situated on the left bank of the
Narbada river, and twenty-eight miles south from Baroda. Lat. 21 51',
long. 73 18'.
PAN AKHA. Town in Bhutan State ; situated on the left bank of the
Bagni river, and ninety-six miles east-north-east of Darjiling. Lat. 27
34', long. 89 45'.
PANALAGARH. Town in Gwalior State, Central India Agency;
situated forty miles south by east from Kargun, and 107 miles north-east
by east from Malegaon. Lat. 21 18', long. 75 54'.
PAN AMTIRTHKOTA. Town in Malabar district, Madras; situated
forty-nine miles east by south of Cannanore. Lat. 11 44', long. 76 8'.
PANAPUR. Town in Bareilly district, N.W.P. ; situated on the
route from the town of Bareilly to Sitapur, and six miles south-east of
the former. Lat. 28 21', long. 79 33'.
PANAPUR. Town in Saran district, Bengal. Pop. (1881), 6425.
PANAR. River of Purniah district, Bengal ; flows into the Ganges.
PANAR. River of Kumaun district, N.W.P. ; rising in lat. 29 28',
long. 79 48', and falling into the Surju in lat. 39 32', long. 80 7'.
PANCH. Thana in Jhansi district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 8307.
PANCH. Tillage in Kashmir State, Punjab ; situated on the southern
slope of the mountains bounding Kashmir on the south. It is situated at
PAN 695
the foot of the Panch Pass, and on the banks of a river of the same name,
discharging itself into the Chenab. Elevation of the Panch Pass, 8500
feet ; of the town, 3280. Panch is in lat. 33 51', long. 74 10'.
PANCH. River in Kashmir State, Punjab ; rising on the south-
western declivity of the Pir Panjal Pass, about lat. 33 33', long. 74 43',
and falling into the Chenab, in lat. 33 12', long. 73 41'.
PANCHAMNAGrAR. Village in Damoh district, Central Provinces;
situated about twenty-four miles north-west of Damoh, in lat. 24 3',
long. 79 13'. Pop. (1866), 2024.
PANCHANNAGrRAM. A name sometimes applied to the suburbs of
Calcutta. Area, 14,829 sq. miles. Lat. 22 30' 22 41, and long. 88
19'_88 31'.
PANCHATGARH. Thana in Meerut district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
PANCHATJRA. State in Kathiawar, Bombay, paying a yearly tribute
of 20 to the Gaekwar of Baroda, and 4 to the Nawab of Junagarh.
PANCHAVADDY. Village in Portuguese India. Pop. (1881),
PANCHBIBI Thana in Bogra district, Bengal. Area, 203 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 66,724.
PANCHET (PACHETE). Territorial division (formerly a State) in
Manbhum district, Bengal; with an area of 1890 sq. miles, between lat.
22 56' 23 54', and long. 85 46' 87 10'.
PANCHET. Capital of Estate of same name in Manbhum district,
Bengal; distance from Calcutta, north-west, 150 miles. Lat. 23 36',
long. 86 50'.
PANCHET. Hill in Bankura district, Bengal ; three miles in length,
and upwards of 2000 feet high; situated in lat. 23 37' 30", long.
86 49' 15".
PANCHIPENTA (PACHIPETA). Pass and village in Vizagapatam
district, Madras; between Salur and Jaipur; situated in lat. 18 28',
long. 83 12'. The village has a population of about 3474. The highest
point of the Pass is at an elevation of about 3000 feet.
PANCHKTIRA. Thana in Midnapur district, Bengal. Area, 164 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 142,081.
PANCHLA. Village in Jodhpur State, Rajputana ; situated on the
route via !N"agar, from Jaisalmir to Nasirabad, and 131 miles north-west
of the latter. Lat. 26 58', long. 73 20'.
PANCH MAHALS. District in Guzerat, Bombay ; situated between
lat. 22 30' 23 10', and long. 73 35' 74 10'. Its area is about 1613
sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 255,479. The district is divided into two
separate portions by the lands of Baria State, Rewa Kantha. The Mahi
is the chief river ; the Pawagarh Hill, the chief mountain. The capital
is Godhra.
PANCHORA. Town in Khandesh district, Bombay ; situated fifty-
four miles east by north of Malegaon. Lat. 20 38', long. 75 20'.
PANCHPARA. River of Balasor district, Bengal; flowing into the
sea in lat. 21 31', long. 87 9' 30'.
PANCHPUKURIA. Town in Tipperah district, Bengal; on the
696 PAN
PANCHPUR. Thana in Bajshahi district, Bengal. Area, 165 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 79,431.
PANCHII. Tillage in Kumaun district, N.W.P., on the route to
Hundes or Chinese Tartary, and fifteen miles south of the Jawar
Pass. It is situate on the right bank of the Gori, a little below the con-
fluence of the Gunka. Elevation above the sea, 11,284 feet. Lat. 30
24', long. 80 12'.
PANDAI. Biver of Champaran district, Bengal ; rising north of the
Sumeswar Hills, it falls into the Dhoram.
PANDARIA. State in Bilaspur district, Central Provinces ; with an
area of 486 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 71,110. The capital of the same
name is situated in lat. 22 14', long. 81 27', and has a pop. (1881) of
PANDARKATJRA. Tillage in Wun district, Berar ; situated in lat.
20 1', long. 78 35'. Here, on 2nd April, 1818, the Marhattas under
the Peshwa Baji Hao were defeated by Colonels Scott and Adams.
PANDA TARAL Town in Bilaspur district, Central Provinces;
situated fifty miles west of Bilaspur, in lat. 22 12', long. 81 22'. Pop.
(1881), 2421.
PANDATJL. Tillage in Darbhangah district, Bengal; situated seven
miles south of Madhubanf.
PAN-DAW. Town in Bassein district, British Burma; situated in
lat. 17 19' 30", long. 95 10'. Pop. (1877), 3982.
PAN-DAW. Be venue circle in Tavoy district, British Burma. Pop.
(1877), 2075.
PAN-DAW. Bevenue circle in Henzada district, British Burma. Pop.
(1877), 6914.
PANDHANA. Town in Mmar district, Central Provinces ; situated
ten miles south-west of Khandwa, in lat. 21 42', long. 76 16'. Pop.
(1881), 2788.
PANDHARPTTR-. Town (in subdivision of same name) in Sholapur
district, Bombay ; situated on the Uhi'ma, 112 miles south-east of Poona,
in lat. 17 40' 40", long. 75 22' 40". Pop. (1881), 16,910. A sacred
town amongst the Hindus, who hold three fairs annually, attended by
many thousands of persons. Area of subdivision, 470 sq. miles. Pop.
(1881), 72,212.
PANDHITRNA. Town in Chhindwara district, Central Provinces;
situated on the route from Betul to Nagpur, fifty-eight miles south-west
of Chhindwara, in lat. 21 36', long. 78 34'. Pop. (1881), 7469.
PANDIA. Ancient name of one of the three great divisions of
Dravida or Southern India.
PANDIWARA (PANDLIWARA). Town in Baroda State ; situated
on the route from Baroda to Nimach, 106 miles north of former, 164
south-west of latter. Lat. 23 24', long. 73 40'.
PANDRAHA. Pargana in Benares district, KW.P. Pop. (1881),
PAN DRAS. Tillage in Kashmir State, Punjab; situated on the
route from Leh to Srinagar, by the Baltal Pass, from which it is distant
twenty miles north-east. The elevation above the sea exceeds 9000 feet.
Lat. 34 23', long. 75 47'.
PAN 697
PANDRAWAL. Village in Bulandshahr district, N.W.P. ; situated
on the route from Khasganj to Meerut, and thirty-six miles north-west
of the former. Pop. (1881), 2951. Lat. 28 7', long. 78 15'.
PANDRI. Town in Betvil district, Central Provinces ; situated on the
route from Betul to Ellichpur, thirty-seven miles south-west by south of
the former. Lat. 21 22', long. 77 41'.
PANDBI KALAN. Town in Unao district, Oudh; situated ten
miles south-east of Unao. Pop. (1869), 3852.
PANDRINTON. Temple in Kashmir State, Punjab ; situated about
four miles south-east of Srinagar, in lat. 34 2', long. 74 47'.
PANDIT. State in Eewa Kantha, Bombay, paying a yearly tribute of
450 to the Gaekwar of Baroda. Area, 147 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
PANDTIA. Village in Hugli district, Bengal; anciently an im-
portant town, and now famous for its ruins. Situated in lat. 23 4' 28",
long. 88 19' 43". Pop. (1872), 3690. Also thana. Area, 111 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 66,113.
PANDTIA. Euined town in Maid ah district, Bengal ; anciently a
capital of Bengal, but now buried in jungle. A large religious gathering
is held here in October or November.
PANDUR. Town in the Berars ; situated twenty-one miles west-south-
west of Ellichpur. Lnt. 21 5', long. 77 15'.
PANDWAHA. Thana in Jhansi district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
PANGAL. Town in Haidarabad State; situated eighty miles south
of the city of Haidarabad. Lat. 16 15', long. 78 9'.
PANGI. Collection of hamlets in Kunawar district, Bashahr State,
Punjab; situated on the right bank of the Sutlej. Elevation above the
sea, 9197 feet. Lat. 31 35', long. 78 20'.
PANGIM. Village in Ilhas district, Portuguese India. Pop. (1881),
PANGKONG. Lake in Kashmir State, Punjab ; long and narrow,
being 100 miles in length, with an average breadth of three. Its waters
are clear and salt. Elevation above the sea, 14,224 feet. Its centre is
in lat. 33 45', long. 79 15'.
PANGRA. Thana in Faridpur district, Bengal. Area, 197 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 141,981.
PAN GUI. Town in Sholapur district, Bombay; situated forty-five
miles north of Sholapur. Lat. 18 19', long. 75 58'.
PANGTUR. Town in the Berars; situated sixteen miles north of
Karnul. Lat. 16 3', long. 78 4'.
PANGTIR A. Village in Banda district, N.W.P. ; situated on the
route from the town of Banda to Jabalpur, twenty miles south of the
former. Lat. 25 13', long. 80 31'.
PANHAN. Town (in pargana of same name) in Unao district, Oudh ;
situated in lat. 26 25', long. 80 54'. Pop. (1869), 2773. Two annual
fairs are held here, each attended by about 4000 persons. Area of
pargana, 19 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 7566.
PANHATL Village in Aligarh district, KW.P. ; situated on the
route from the cantonment of Aligarh to that of Mainpuri, and eight
miles south-east of the former. Lat. 27 51', long. 78 14'.
PAN-HLAING. Tidal channel in Rangoon and Thun-khwa districts,
British Burma ; between the Irawadi and the Hlaing, near Rangoon.
PAN-HLAING. Revenue circle in Rangoon district, British Burma.
Pop. (1877), 10,269.
PANIALA. Village in Dera Ismail Khan district, Punjab ; situated
thirty-two miles north of Dera Ismail Khan, in lat. 32 14' 30", long. 70
55' 15". Pop. (1868), 5502.
PANIGAON. Town in Darning district, Assam; situated fifty-five
miles north-east by east of Darrang. Lat. 26 44', long. 92 52'.
PANIKOIL. Town, with roadstead, in Tinnevelli district, Madras;
situated on the north-west coast of the Gulf of Manar. Lat. 8 39', long.
78 II 7 .
PANIMAR. Village in Nowgong district, Assam ; situated on the
KapiK river, at the foot of the Jaintia Hills.
PANIPAT. Town and municipality (in tahsil of same name) in
Karnal district, Punjab ; situated fifty- three miles north of Delhi, in lat.
29 23', long. 77 V 10". Pop. (1881), 25,022. One of the most famous
historical sites in India, dating from the earliest times. It has been the
scene of three of the decisive battles of India. The first was in 1526,
when Babar defeated Ibrahim Lodi and established the Mughal dynasty.
The second was in 1556, when Akbar defeated Hemu, the leader of the
Afghan rebellion; and the third was in 1761, when Ahmad Shah Durani
defeated the Marhattas. Area of tahsil, 458 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
PANJAL (PANGLA). Village in Hindur State, Punjab; situated
on the river Gumber, and in the valley between the ridge of Raingarh
and that of Malaun. Lat. 31 5', long. 76 52'.
PANJNAD. River of Muzaffargarh district and Bahawalpur State,
Punjab; formed by the junction of the Sutlej, Beas, Ravi, Chenab, and
Jhelum ; it falls into the Indus close to Mithankot, in lat. 28 57', long.
70 29'.
P AN JTTR. River of Khandesh district, Bombay ; rising on the eastern
slope of the Sahyadri range of mountains, in lat. 20 53', long. 73 53',
and, flowing in an easterly direction for sixty-two miles, and northerly
for thirty miles, falls into the Tapti river, on the left side, in lat. 21 17',
long. 74 59'.
PANKIMATH. Town in Garhwal district, N.W.P. ; situated on the
route from Srinagar to Thibet, forty-three miles east-north-east of the
former. Lat. 30 27', long. 79 30 ; .
PAN-MA-MYIT-TA. Channel in Bassein district, British Burma.
PAN-MA- WA-DI. Channel in Bassein district, British Burma ; it
joins the Meng-ma-naing in about lat. 16 50', long. 95 13', and
ultimately unites with the Bassein river.
PANNA (PUNN AH). State in Bundelkhand, Central India Agency;
it is bounded on the north by Banda district, N.W.P., and Charkhari
State ; on the east by Kothi, Suhawal, Nagode, and Ajaigarh States ; on
the south by Damoh and Jabalpur districts, Central Provinces ; and on
the west by Chhatarpur and Ajaigarh States. Area, 2568 sq. miles.
Pop, (1881), 227,306. Panna chiefly consists of a hilly region above the
PAK 809
Vindhyan Ghats ; and is famous for its diamond mines, which are found
in various parts of the State, those known as the Panna Mines being near
the town of Panna on the north-east. The Chief (1885) is entitled to a
personal salute of 13 guns, or two more than the recognized number for
the State ; he maintains a military force of 250 cavalry and 2440 infantry,
with 19 guns and 60 artillerymen.
PANNA. Capital of Panna State, Central India Agency ; situated in
lat. 24 43' 30", long. 80 13' 55"; 130 miles south of Kalpi, and 173
south-west of Allahabad.
PANNIAR (PTINNIAR). Town in Gwalior State, Central India
Agency ; situated in lat. 26 6' 12", long. 78 2' 2"; twelve miles south-
west of Gwalior fort. Scene of an engagement on the 29th Dec. 1843,
between the British and Marhatta forces.
PANNIRGANJ. Thana in Mirzapur district, KW.P. Pop. (1881),
PANROTI (PANRTJTTI). Town in South Arcot district, Madras,
and a station on the South Indian Eailway ; situated in lat 11 46' 40",
long. 79 35' 16". Pop. (1881), 20,172.
PANS AVAL. Village in Tan j ore district, Madras ; thirty- seven miles
south of Tan] ore. Lat. 10 16', long. 79 13'.
PANTA DAIRA. Town in Shikarpur district, Sind, Bombay ; situated
twenty-seven miles south-west by west of Shikarpur. Lat. 27 49', long.
68 18'.
PANTALAORI. State in Rewa Kantha, Bombay; paying a yearly
tribute of 20 to the Raja of Rajpipla. Area, 6 sq. miles.
PANTAN. Forest in Kamrup district, Assam ; situated on the Kulsi
river. Area, 12 sq. miles.
PAN-TA-NAW. Township in Thun-khwa district, British Burma.
Area, 238 sq. miles. Pop. (1877), 34,971.
PAN-TA-NAW. Revenue circle in Thun-khwa district, British
Burma. Area, 23 sq. miles. Pop. (1877), 8002.
PAN-TA-NAW. Town in Thun-khwa district, British Burma ;
situated on the Irawadi, in lat. 16 55', long. 95 28'. Pop. (1881),
PANTH PIPLATJDA. State in Central India Agency. Pop. (1881),
PANTL Village in Garhwal State, N.W.P. ; situated on the right
bank of the Jumna, and 400 feet above its bed. Lat. 30 48', long.
78 15',
PANTL Village in Bareilly district, N.W.P. ; situated on the route
from Bareilly to Pithoragarh, and seventy miles north-east of the former.
Lat, 29 2', long. 80 3'.
P ANWAR. Town in Jaipur State, Rajputana ; situated eighty-one
miles south by west from Jaipur, and seventy-two miles south-east from
Ajmere. Lat. 25 48', long. 75 36'.
PAN WAR A. Town in Bhagalpur district, Bengal ; situated twenty-
five miles south by east of Bhagalpur. Lat. 24 55', long. 87 4'.
PANWA.RI. Town (in tahsil of same name) in Hamirpur district,
KW.P. ; situated on the route from Guna to Kalpi, 126 miles south-
west of the latter. Lat. 25 26', long. 79 32'. Area of tahsil, 556 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 125,578.
PANWEL. Town and municipality (in subdivision of same name) in
Than a district, Bombay; situated sixteen miles south-east of Thana, in
lat. 18 58' 50", long. 73 9' 10". Pop. (1881), 10,351. Area of sub-
division, 307 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 101,181.
PAPAGINL Eiver rising in the Mysore State, in lat. 13 30', long.
77 50', and flowing north-easterly for forty miles through the Mysore
territories, and ninety miles through the Cuddapah district, falls into the
Pennar, on the right side, in lat. 14 36', long. 78 45'.
PAP AN AS AM. Village and place of pilgrimage in Tinnevelli district,
Madras, situated near the falls of the Tamrapurni river, in lat. 8 4',
long 77 24'.
PAPARGHAT. Euined town in Sultanpur district, Oudh ; situated
on the route from the cantonment of Sultanpur to Jaunpur, forty-seven
miles north-west of the latter, ten south-east of the former. Lat.
26 10', long. 82 17'.
PAP AUSA. Village in Hissar district, Punjab. Lat. 28 59', long.
76 3'.
PA PHOS. Town in Upper Burma ; situated 140 miles east by north
from Prome, and 118 miles north-east by north from Pegu. Lat. 19 12',
long. 97 7'.
PA-PWON. Eevenue circle in the Salwin Hill Tracts, British Burma.
Pop. (1877), 4487.
PA-P WON. Capital of Salwin district, British Burma ; situated on
the Ewon-za-leng river.
PAR. Eiver of the Dang States and Broach district, Bombay ; rising
in lat. 20 30', long. 73 43', on the western slope of the Sahyadri range
of mountains, and flowing in a westerly direction, it falls into the Arabian
Sea,, in lat. 20 32', long. 72 56'.
PARA. Eiver of Kashmir and Bashahr States, Punjab; rising in
lat. 32 27', long. 78 3', and joining the Sutlej in lat. 31 49', long.
78 41'.
PARADANGA. Town in Bangpur district, Bengal ; situated twenty-
nine miles north-east by east of Eangpur. Lat. 25 55', long. 89 40'.
PARADSINGA. Town in Nagpur district, Central Provinces. Pop.
(1881). 2780.
PARAHAT. Sequestrated Estate under Government management in
Singbhum district, Bengal. Area, 791 sq. miles. Pop. (1872), 54,374.
PARAKATAGERL Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 227.
PARAMATI. Town in Coimbatore district, Madras; situated sixty-
six miles east of Coimbatore. Lat. 10 57', long. 77 59'.
PARAMBAKTIDI. Town in Madura district, Madras; situated in lat.
9 31', long. 78 42'. Pop. (1871), 6284.
PARAMBALOR. Town in Trichinopoli district, Madras ; thirty-two
miles north-north-east of Trichinopoli. Lat. 11 15', long. 78 55'.
PARAMNAGAR. Pargana in Farrukhabad district, N.W.P. Pop.
(1881), 12,276.
PARANG. A pass over the western range of the Himalaya Mountains ;
it leads from the British district of Spiti into Rupshu, Kashmir State,
Punjab. Lat. 32 27', long. 78 3'.
PAR 701
PARANGALTTR. Town in Pudukottai State, Madras ; situated
twenty-eight miles south-east by south from Trichinopoli, and sixty-nine
miles north-east by east from Madura. Lat. 10 30', long. 79.
PARANTAJ. Town in Kaira district, Bombay ; fifty miles north by
east of Kaira. Lat. 23 26', long. 72 53'.
PARANTIJ. Town and municipality (in subdivision of same name)
in Ahmedabad district, Bombay; situated in lat. 23 26' 20", long.
72 53" 45'. Pop. (1881), 8353. Area of subdivision, 449 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 107,554.
PARASGAD. Subdivision of Belgaum district, Bombay. Area, 640
sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 91,826.
PARASNATH. Hill in Hazaribagh and Manbhum districts, Bengal;
situated in lat. 23 57' 35", long, 86 10' 30". This ridge, which rises
abruptly from the plains of Bengal to a height of 4479 feet, is held sacred
by the Jains.
PARASPTJR ATA. Tillage in Gonda district, Oudh ; situated fifteen
miles south-west of Gonda. Pop. (1881), 4099. Also thana. Pop.
(1881), 55,685.
PARASWARA. Town in Balaghat district, Central Provinces ;
situated in lat. 22 11', long. 80 20'.
PARATWARA. Town and cantonment in Ellichpur district, Berar ;
situated in lat. 21 18', long. 77 33' 20", about two miles from Ellichpur.
Pop. (1881), 9445.
PARAVANAR. River of South Arcot district, Madras ; rising in lat.
11 31', long. 79 43', it falls into the sea, after a course of thirty-two
miles, by Cuddalore, in lat. 11 44', long. 79 50' 30".
PARAVTIR (PARUR). Town (in subdivision of same name) in
Travancore State, Madras; situated in lat. 10 10', long. 76 16'. Pop.
(1871), 3363.
PARAWAR. Thana in Jalaun district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 6404.
PARE ATI (PARVVATI). River in Kangra district, Punjab; rising
at an elevation of over 20,000 feet, it flows through Kullu, and after a
course of ninety miles, falls into the Beasin lat. 31 53' 30", long. 77 11'.
PARBATI (EASTERN). River of Central India, rising close to the
town of Sipri, in lat. 25 3 1 7 , long. 77 46', and falling into the Sindh,
in lat. 25 47', long. 78 21'.
PARBATI (WESTERN). "River of Central India, rising twenty
miles south of the town of Ashta, in lat. 22 45', long. 76 33', and
falling into the Chambal on the right side, in lat. 25 50', long. 76 40' ;
after a course of 220 miles.
PARBATIPTJR. Thana in Dinajpur district, Bengal. Area, 166 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 66,708.
PARBHANI. District in Haidarabad State. Area, 4334 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 582,379.
PARDAMPUR Town in Phuljhar State, Sambalpur district, Central
Provinces ; situated on the right bank of the Aurag river, and sixty-nine
miles south-west by west from Sambalpur. Lat. 21, long. 83 5'.
PARDI. Subdivision of Surat district, Bombay. Area, 163 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 55,761.
702 PAE
PARELI. Tillage in Ghund State, Punjab ; situated on the right
bank of the Giri. Lat. 31 5', long. 77 27'.
PARELL. Suburb of the city of Bombay, in which is situated the
residence of the Governor. Station on the Great. Indian Peninsula
PARGI. Town in Haidarabad State ; situated forty-one miles west-
pouth-west from Haidarabad, and 138 miles east by south from Sholapur.
Lat. 17 10', long. 77 58'.
PARGONG. Town in Sambalpur district, Central Provinces ; forty-
three miles west-north-west of Sambalpur. Lat. 21 40', long. 83 24'.
PARI. Town in Bhutan State ; situated on the right bank of the
Gadadbar river, and seventy-five miles north-east by east from Darjiling.
Lat. 27 35', long. 89 23'.
PARIAR. Sacred town (in pargana of same name) in Unao district,
Oudh ; situated fourteen miles north-east of Unao, in lat. 26 37' 45',
long. 80 21' 45". Pop. (1869), 2593. An annual religious fair is held
in this town, attended by 100,000 persons. Area of pargana, 36 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 14,560.
PARICHHATGARH. Town in Me erut district, KW.P. Pop. (1881),
PARIKTID. Islands in the Bay of Bengal, close to the strip of land
that separates the Chilka Lake from the sea ; the seat of an important
salt manufacture.
PARIMBAKTJM. Town in Chengalpat district, Madras ; thirty-
three miles west of Madras. Lat. 13 2', long. 79 51'.
PARITIR. Town in Tinnevelli district, Madras; seventy miles north
of Tinnevelli. Lat. 9 44', long. 77 51'.
PARK AIL. Mountain in Bashahr State, Punjab ; situated six or
seven miles north-east of the confluence of the Spiti and Sutlej, in lat.
31 54', long. 77 46', at an elevation of 22,488 feet.
PARKANDL Town in Garhwal district, N.W.P. ; situated on the
route from Srmagar to the native state of Thibet, twenty- eight miles north-
east of the former. Lat. 30 30', long. 79 10'.
PARKIAL (TTJZHIGANG) in Bashahr State, Punjab ; a peak of the
ridge in the district of Kunawar, separating the Spiti from the Sutlej,
and rising six or seven miles north-east of the confluence of those rivers.
The elevation of the highest peak is 22,488 feet above the sea. Lat.
31 54', long. 77 46'.
PARK STREET. Section of Calcutta. Area, 192 acres. Pop.
(1881), 4968.
PARLA KIMEDI. State in Ganjam district, Madras. Area, about
993 sq. miles. Pop. (1871), 250,978.
PARLA KIMEDI. Capital, of Parla Kimedi State, in Ganjam district,
Madras ; situated in lat. 18 46' 40", long. 84 8'. Pop. (1881), 10,812.
PARLAKOT. Sub-feudatory State in Bastar State, Central Provinces.
Area, 500 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 3455. Chief town, Parlakot. Lat.
19 47', long. 80 43'.
PARLI. Town in Haidarabad State; situated 165 miles north-west
by west from Haidarabad, and 123 miles east by south from Ahmednagar.
Lat. 18 51', long. 75 38'.
PAH 703
PARMATI. Town in Salem district, Madras; situated thirty-seven
miles south by west of Salem. Lat. 11 9', long. 78 6'.
PARNER. Town (in subdivision of same name) in Ahmednagar
district, Bombay ; twenty miles west-sonth-west of Ahmednagar. Lat.
19, long. 74 29'. Area of subdivision, 779 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 73,701.
PARNESALA. Shrine in Godavari district, Madras.
PARO. Town in Bhutan State, on the bank of the Gadadhar river,
sixty-four miles east-north-east from Darjiling. Lat. 27 22', long.
89 18'.
PARO. Town in Lohardaga district, Bengal; fifty-six miles souih-
south-east of Lohardaga. Lat. 22 43', long. 85 6'.
PARODA. Village in Salsette district, Portuguese India. Pop. (1881),
PAROLA. Town and municipality in Khandesh district, Bombay;
situated in lat. 20 53' 20", long. 75 9' 30" twenty-four miles east of
Dhulia, and twenty-two miles west of the Mhasawar station on the Great
Indian Peninsula Railway. Pop. (1881), 12,354.
PARON. State in the Central India Agency. Pop. (1881), 7328.
The capital, Paron, is situated in lat. 24 59', long. 76 57'.
PARPONDI. Chiefship in Raipur district, Central Provinces. Area,
32 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 6950.
PARPORI. State in Raipur district, Central Provinces ; the capital,
Parpori, is situated in lat. 21 35', long. 81 16'.
PARRA. Village in Bardez district, Portuguese India. Pop. (1881),
PARRTJA. Town in Maldah district, Bengal ; situated on the route
from Maldah to Purniah, six miles north of former. It is now much
ruined, bnt contains many monuments of antique greatness, especially the
Adina mosque, a vast structure nearly 500 feet in breadth from north to
south, and 300 from east to west. Distant north of Calcutta, by
Barhampur, 197 miles. Lat. 25 4', long. 88 9'.
PARSA. Town in Saran district, Bengal. Pop. (1881), 5735. Lat.
25 37', long. 84 37'. Also thana. Area, 269 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
PARSA. Town in Dinajpur district, Bengal ; thirty-nine miles south-
east of Dinajpur. Lat. 25 13', long. 89 5'.
PARSEONL Town in Mgpur district, Central Provinces; situated
eighteen miles from Nagpur, in lat. 21 22', long. 79 11'. Pop. (1881),
PARSHADEPITR. Town (in pargana of same name) in Rai Bareli
district, Oudh ; situated near the river Sai, twenty miles from Rai Bareli.
Lat 26 4', long. 81 34'. Pop. (1869), 4319. Area of pargana, 54 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 32,026.
PARSRAMPUR. Thana in Basti district, KW.P. Pop. (181),
PARTABGANJ. Pargana in Bara Banki district, Oudh ; bounded on
the north by Eatehpur tahsil, on the east by Ram Sanehi Ghat tahsil,
on the south by Satrikh pargana, and on the west by Nawabganj pargana.
Area, 56 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 33,448.
PARTABGANJ. Thana in Bhagalpur district, Bengal. Area, 438
sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 153,272.
704 PAR
PARTABGARH (PRATABGARH). District in the Rai Bareli
division, Oudh ; situated between lat. 25 34' 26 10' 30", and long. 81
22' 82 29' 45". The district is bounded on the north by Rai Bareli
and Sultanpur districts; on the east, south, and west by the Jaunpur
and Allahabad districts of the North- Western Provinces. The area is
1436 sq. miles, and the pop. (1881), 847,047. The capital is Bela, four
miles from Partabgarh. The rivers are the Ganges, which bounds the
district on the west ; and the Gumti (which skirts it for a short distance
on the east), with its tributary the Sai, which is the principal river
of the district. The chief towns are Bela (the capital), Partabgarh, and
Lalganj. The district, which is well supplied with roads, is administered
by a Deputy- Commissioner and Staff.
PARTABGARH (PRATABGARH). Town and municipality (in
tahsil of same name) in Partabgarh district, Oudh ; situated four miles
from Bela and thirty-six miles from Allahabad, in lat. 25 53' 25", long.
81 59' 10". Area of tahsil 434 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 280, 685.
Alsopargana. Area, 355 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 235,533. And thana.
Pop. (1881), 146,729.
PARTABGARH (PRATABGARH). State in Rajputana; situated
between lat. 23 14' 24 14', and long. 74 27' 75. The State is
bounded on the north by Udaipur ; on the east by Gwalior, Jaora, and
Ratlam; and on the south-west by Banswara. Its crea is 1460 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 79,298, in addition to 270 Bhils. The Chief, who
maintains a force of 12 guns, 40 gunners, 275 cavalry, and 950 infantr} r ,
is entitled to a salute of 15 guns. The capital is also called Partabgarh,
and is situated in lat. 24 2' 30", long. 74 52' 15". Pop. (1881), 12,755.
PARTABGARH (PRATABGARH). Famous hill-fort, now in ruins,
in Satara district, Bombay; situated in lat. 17 56', long. 73 38' 30".
Famous as having been one of the seats of Sivajf, and the place where he
murdered the Muhammadan general Afzul Khan.
PARTABGARH. Town in Bhandara district, Central Provinces ;
situated seventy miles east-south-east of Nagpur, and ninety-two miles
south-south-east of Seoni. Lat. 20 49', long. 80 10'.
PARTABPTJR. Town in Midnapur district, Bengal ; situated twenty-
eight miles east of Midnapur. Lat. 22 24', long. 87 50'.
PARTABPUR. Village in Meerut district, N.W.P. ; situated on the
route from Delhi to the town of Meerut, and eight miles south-west
of the latter. Lat. 28 55', long. 77 42'.
PARTABPUR. Village in Mainpuri district, N.W.P.; situated on
the route from the cantonment of Aligarh to that of Etawah, and forty-
one miles north-west of the latter. Lat. 27 13', long. 78 35'.
PARTAPGARH. Chiefship in Chhindwara district, Central Provinces.
Area, 289 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 17,078.
PARU. Thana in Muzaffarpur district, Bengal. Area, 418 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 288,957.
PARTIR. Town in South Arcot district, Madras; situated in lat. 12
24' 20", long. 79 33'. Pop. (1871), 4852.
PARVATIPUR. Town in Vizagapatam district, Madras ; situated in
lat. 18 47', long. 83 28' 10". Pop. (1881), 9933.
PARW AN. Elver of Bhagalpur district, Bengal ; falls into the Sahsal
swamp, emerging: therefrom under the name of the Katna.
PARW AN NADL River of Darbhangah and Bhagalpur districts,
Bengal; rising in lat. 26 31', long. 87 2', and, flowing in a southerly
direction for seventy miles, generally through the district of Bhagalpur,
falls into the Dhamora, in lat. 25 38', long. 86 49'.
PARXEM. Tillage in Pernem district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 1891.
PARZAI. Village in Nagar-Aveli district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 205.
PASGAWAN. Town (in pargana of same name) in Kheri district,
Oudh, N.W.P. ; situated eighty-two miles north-west by north of Luck-
now, and sixteen miles east by south of Shahjahanpur. Lat. 27 50',
long. 80 13'. Area of pargana, 121 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 49,775.
PA-SHENG. River in Henzada district, British Burma ; rises in the
Arakan Yoma, and falls into the Irawadi, after a course of forty miles.
PASKITIM. Town in Kashmir State, Punjab ; eighty-three miles
east-north-east from Srinagar, and 119 miles north from Kangra. Lat.
34 29', long. 76 20'.
PASLI. Town in Seoni district, Central Provinces ; situated on the
route from Seoni to Hoshangabad, twenty-four miles west-north-west of
the former. Lat. 22 10', long. 79 20'.
PASRUR. Town and municipality (in tahsil of the same name) in
Sialkot district, Punjab ; situated in lat. 32 16', long. 74 42' 30". Pop.
(1881), 8378. Area of tahsi'I, 543 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 194,205.
PATA. -Town in Kashmir State, Punjab; 178 miles' east by north
from Srinagar, and 178 miles north-east by north from Chamba. Lat.
34 28', long. 78.
PATA CUDDAPAH. A suburb of the town of Cuddapah, in the
Cuddapah district, Madras. Lat. 14 29' 45", long. 78 53' 30". Pop.
(1870), 6616.
PATA MANJHANPUR. Town in Allahabad district, N.W.P. Pop.
(1881), 3143.
PATAMARI. Village in Goalpara district, Assam; situated on the
PATAMTINDL Thana in Cuttack district, Bengal. Area, 323 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 109,401.
PATAN. Town (in pargana of same name) in Unao district, Oudh ;
situated on the river Lon. Pop. (1869), 2373. Two annual fairs are
held near the tomb of a famous Muhammadan saint, one of which,
in September, is attended by as many as 70,000 persons. Area of
pargana, 11 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 5740.
PATAN (ANHILWARA PATTAN). Town (in subdivision of same
name) in Baroda State ; situated in lat. 23 51' 30", long. 72 10' 30",
on the Saraswati, a tributary of the Banas. Pop. (1881), 32,712. Area
of subdivision, 469 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 120,830.
PATAN (PATTANA). Town in Junagarh State, Kathiawar, Bombay;
situated in lat. 20 59' 54", long. 70 28' 30". Pop. (1881), 6644.
PATAN (KESHORAI PATTAN). Village in Bundi State, Rajpu-
tuna: situated in lat. 25 17', long. 75 59'. Pop. (1878), about 4000.
A temple in the city is the scene of an annual pilgrimage.
706 PAT
PATAN. Tillage in Kashmir State, Punjab ; situated twenty-five
miles north-west of the town of Srmagar. Lat. 34 7', long. 74 23'.
PATAN. Town in Nepal; situated in lat. 27 38', long. 85 17', near
the Baghmati, about two miles south-east of Khatmandu.
PATAN. Town in Satara district, Bombay.
PATAN. Town in Jabalpur district, Central Provinces. Pop. (1881),
PATAN. Town in Jaipur State, Eajputana. Pop. (1881), 11,886.
PATAN. Town in Jhalawar State, Eajputana. Pop. (1881), 11,469.
PATAN. Town (in subdivision of same name) in Satara district,
Bombay ; situated twenty-three miles south- south- west of Satara. Pop.
(1881), 3548. Lat. 17 22', long. 73 56'. Area of subdivision, 536
sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 112,414.
PATAN. State in Eajputana; between lat. 27 31' 27 56', long. 75
48' 76 12'. The capital of the same name is in lat. 27 47', long. 76 9'.
PATANA. Tillage in Shahabad district, Bengal; known also as
PATAN AGO. Town of Upper Burma ; situate on the left bank of the
Irawadi, and eighty-three miles north from Prome. Lat. 19 58', long.
94 51'.
PATANCHIRTI. Town in Haidarabad State; situated twenty-one
miles north-west by west of Haidarabad, and 158 miles east of Sholapur.
Lat. 17 31', long. 78 19'.
PATAN SAONGI. Town in Mgpur district, Central Provinces;
situated in lat. 21 19' 30", long. 79 4', near the river Kolar, fourteen
miles from Nagpur. Pop. (1881), 4810.
P AT APTJR. Tillage in Cawnpore district, KW.P. ; on the route
from the cantonment of Cawnpore to that of Kalpi, and twenty miles
north-east of the latter. Lat. 26 19', long. 80 1'.
P ATARI. Tillage in Garhwal State, N.W.P. ; situated five miles from
the left bank of the Bhagirathi, in lat. 30 48', long. 78 25'.
P ATARI. Tillage in Eewah State, Baghelkhand, thirty-five miles
from Mirzapur. Lat. 24 48', long. 82 5'.
P AT ARSL Tillage in TJrnballa district, Punjab ; situated on the
route from Karnal to Ludhiana, and seventy-five miles north-west of the
former place. Distant north-west from Calcutta 1040 miles. Lat. 30
34', long. 76 35'.
PATASPUR. Thana in Midnapur district, Bengal. Area, 116 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 87,324.
PATATJDL State in the Punjab ; situated between lat. 28 14' 28
22', and long. 76 42' 76 52' 30". Area, 48 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
17,847. The Eajputana State Eailway passes through the State. The
estimated military force of the State, including police, is 119 men.
Capital of same name. Pop. (1881), 4052.
PATERA. Town in Damoh district, Central Provinces. Pop. (1881),
PATGAON. Town in Kolhapur State, Bombay; situated forty-four
miles south-south-west from Kolhapur, and forty-three miles west-north-
west from Belgaum. Lat. 16 8', long. 74.
PAT 707
PATGAON. Town in Bangpur district, Bengal; situated forty-four
miles north-north-west of Rangpur. Lat. 26 17 7 , long. 89 3'.
PATGRAM. State in Jalpaiguri district, Bengal. Also thana. Area,
104 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 64,636.
PATHANKOT. Town and municipality (in tahsil of same name) in
Gurdaspur district, Punjab; situated in lat. 32 16' 45", long. 75 42', at
the point where the hill-path to Dalhousie leaves the plains. Pop. (1881),
4344. There was formerly a fort here, which has been allowed to fall
into decay. Area of tahsil, 357 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 140,825.
PATHAPATANAM (M AND AS A). Town in Gan jam district, Madras.
Pop. (1881), 4671.
PATHARDI. Town in Ahmednagar district, Bombay ; situated in
lat. 19 10' 25", long. 75 13' 31", twenty-five miles east of Ahmednagar.
Pop. (1881), 6734.
PATHABI. State in Central India Agency. Area, 26 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 6393. The capital, also called Pathari, is situated in lat.
23 56', long. 78 15'.
PATHAEIA. Hills in the south of Sylhet district, Assam. Height,
600 feet.
PATHAEIA. Tillage in Damoh district, Central Provinces ; situated
in lat. 23 53', long. 79 14', twenty-eight miles north-east of Sagar.
Pop. (1881), 2326.
PATHATJLL Village in Agra district, N.W.P. ; situated on the route
from the city of Agra to Jaipur, and six miles west of the former. Lat.
27 9', long. 78.
PATHRL Town in Raipur district, Central Provinces. Pop. (1881),
PATHRL Eiver of Saharanpur district, N.W.P. ; rising in lat. 30
3', long. 78 5'. It holds a course of about thirty miles in a direction
generally southerly, and falls into the Banganga Nadi, an offset of the
Ganges, in lat. 29 42', long. 78 9'.
PATHROT. Town in Ellichpur district, Berar. Pop. (1881), 5271.
PA-THW AY. Revenue circle in Thun-khwa district, British Burma.
Pop. (1877), 8275.
PATIALA. State in the Punjab; situated between lat. 29 23' 15"
30 54', and long. 74 40' 30" 76 59' 15". Its area is about 5887 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 140,433. Patiala State consists of two detached
portions, one in the plains south of the Sutlej, and the other in the hills in
the direction of Simla. It is one of 'the most important of the Cis-Sutlej
States. The Maharaja of Patiala furnishes a contingent of 100 horse for
general duty. He is entitled to a salute of seventeen guns. The military
force consists of about 2750 cavalry, 600 infantry, including police,
31 field and 78 other guns, and 238 artillerymen.
PATIALA. Chief town of Patiala State, Punjab; situated in lat.
30 20', long. 76 25'. Pop. (1881), 53,629.
PATIALI. Town (in pargana of same name) in Etah district, "N. W.P. ;
situated in lat. 27 41', long. 79 4', forty-four miles north-west of
Fatehgarh. Pop. (1881), 4798. Pop. of pargana (1881), 30,983. Also
thana. Pop. (1881), 45,456.
PATIANAGLA. Village in Moradabad district, N.W.P. ; situated on
708 PAT
the route from the town of Moradabad to Almora, and twenty miles north
of the former. Lat. 29 4', long. 78 57'.
PATIAR. Town in Kangra district, Punjab ; situated thirteen miles
east-north-east of Kangra and ninety-two miles north-north-east of the
town of Ludhiana. Lat. 32 6', long. 76 30'.
PATIHAE,. Town in Saharanpur district, KW.P. ; situated on the
route from Saharanpur to Simla, twelve miles north-north-west of the
former. Lat. 30 8', long. 77 32'.
PATIRAM. Town in Dinajpur district, Bengal; situated twenty-one
miles south-south-east of Dinajpur. Lat. 25 18', long. 88 47'. Also
thana. Area, 291 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 70.661.
PATITA. Town in Mirzapur district, N.W.P. ; situated five miles
south of the fort of Chanar. In 1781 the fort was stormed by Major
Popham. Distant south-west from Benares eighteen miles ; north-west
from Calcutta, by Hazaribagh and Sasseram, 420. Lat. 25 4', long:
82 54'.
PATKOLANDA. State in Sambalpur district, Central Provinces;
thirty-five miles south-west of Sambalpur. Area, 10 sq. miles. Pop.
(1881), 1292.
PATNA. Division in Bengal ; containing the seven districts of Patna,
Gay a, Shahabad, Darbhangah, Muzaffarpur, Saran, and Champaran ;
between lat. 24 17' 15" 27 29' 45", and lat. 83 23' 86 46'. Area,
23,647 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 15,063,944.
PATNA. District in the Patna division, Bengal ; situated between
lat. 24 58' 25 42', and long. 84 44' 86 5'. The area of the
district is 2079 sq. miles; its population (1881), 1,756,856. It is
bounded on the north by the Ganges, separating it from the districts of
Saran, Muzaffarpur, and Darbhangah ; on the east by Monghyr ; on the
south by Gaya ; and on the west by Shahabad. The chief mountains are
the Rajagriha Hills, rising to a height of about 1000 feet, and situated in
the south-eastern portion of the district. The chief rivers are the Ganges
and the Son, which form the boundary in parts, and are navigable. The
chief towns are Patna, Bankipur (the capital), Dinapur (the military
station), Behar, Patwa aud Mukama. Patna, which is a centre of the
opium trade, is traversed by the East Indian Eailway. The district is
administered by a Commissioner and Staff.
PATNA (AZIMABAD). City (in subdivision of same name) in Patna
district, Bengal; situated in lat. 25 37' 15", long. 85 12' 31";
distant east from Dinapur ten miles ; east from Benares, 157 ; north-west
from Calcutta, 377 miles. The city is generally named Azimabad by the
Muhammadans, in consequence of its having been the residence of Azfm,
son of the Emperor Aurangzeb. It extends along the right bank of the
Ganges as far as Bankipur, the capital of the Patna district. Pop. (1881),
170,654. Station on the East Indian Kailway. Several newspapers are
published in this town, which is noteworthy as the head-quarters of the
Wahabi movement in India. There is a college in this city. Area of
subdivision, 617 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 585,887.
PATNA. State in Sambalpur district, Central Provinces. It has an
area of 2399 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 257,959. Its centre is in lat. 20
40'', long. 83 15'. The principal town, bearing the same name, is in lat.
20 36', long. 83 9'. Pop. (1881), 2053.
PAT 709
PATNA. Town in Belgaum district, Bombay ; situated twenty miles
west of Belgaum. Lat. 15 52', long. 74 18'.
PATNA CANAL. Canal in Patna district, Bengal. It is seventy-
nine miles long, and irrigates part of the country near the confluence of
the Son and the Ganges.
PATODI. Town in Jodhpur State, Rajputana; situated forty-eight
miles west-south-west from Jodhpur, and 103 miles south-east by east
from Jaisalmir. Lat. 26 9', long. 72 24'.
PATON. Town in Kumaun district, N.W.P. ; situated on the route
from Almora to the Rakus Lake, fifty-three miles north-east of the
former. Lat. 30 10', long. 80 20'.
PATRI. Town in Baroda State ; situated at the south-eastern angle
of the Great Salt Marsh. Distant west from Ahmedabad fifty-two miles.
Lat. 23 10', long. 71 44'.
PATRI. Town in Haidarabad State ; situated on the left bank of the
Godavari river, and 188 miles north-west from Haidarabad. Lat. 19
16', long. 76 30'.
PATRI. Fifth-class State in Jhalawar, Kathiawar, Bombay, paying
a yearly tribute of 523 to the British Government. Area, 39 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 3877.
PATRI. Town in Ahmedabad district, Bombay and a station on the
Bombay, Baroda> and Central India Railway; situated in lat. 23 11',
long. 71 50', fifty-eight miles west of Ahmedabad city. Pop. (1872),
PATROSHAIR. Town in Bankura district, Bengal. Pop. (1881),
PATRTJD. Town in Haidarabad State; situated 192 miles north-
west by west from Haidarabad, and 100 miles east from Ahmednagaar.
Lat. 19 7'. long. 76 17'.
PATSANDA. Thana in Santal Parganas district, Bengal. Pop.
(1881), 30.666.
PATTAPATTI (PELTAI). Town in Tinnevelli district, Madras;
situated in lat. 8 43' 20"', and long. 77 43' 10". Pop. (1871),
PATTERGHATTA. Town in Dacca district, Bengal ; situated fifty-
four miles south-west of Dacca. Lat. 23 10', long. 89 48'.
PATTI. Town in Lahore district, Punjab ; thirty-eight miles south-
east of Lahore; situated in lat. 31 17', long. 74 54'. POD. (1881),
PATTI. Tahsil of Partabgarh district, Oudh. Bounded on the north
by Sultanpur and Kadipur tahsil s : on the east by Jaunpur district ; on
the south by Allahabad district ; and on the west by Partabgarh tahsil.
Area, 468 sq. miles. Pop. (188T), 255,697. Also thana. Pop. (1881),
PATTIKONDA. Town in Karnul district, Madras. Lat. 15 28',
long. 77 4'. Pop. (1871), 4383.
PATITAKHALI. Town (in subdivision of same name) in Bakarganj
district, Bengal. Lat. 22 G '20' 35", long. 90 22' 45". Area of sub-
division, 1231 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 426,758. Also thana. Area,
266 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 173,801.
PATTJN. Thana in Lohardaga district, Bengal. Area, 481 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 79,655.
PATUNSAONGI. Town in Mgpur district, Central Provinces;
situated thirteen miles north-north-west of Nagpur, and ninety-eight
miles east by north of Ellichpur. Lat. 21 20', long. 79 3'.
PATUR. Town in Akola district, Berar; situated in lat. 20 27',
long. 69 59', eighteen miles south of Akola town. Pop. (1881), 7219.
An annual fair is held in January.
PATURGHATTA Village in Bhagalpur district, Bengal ; situated
on the right bank of the Ganges, four miles north of the route from
Berhampur to Dinapur, 134 miles north-west of former, 164 east of latter.
Lat. 25 19', long. 87 16'.
PATUS. Town in Poona district, Bombay ; situated forty-two miles
east of Poona. Lat. 18 28', long. 74 31'.
PAUDELLA. Town in Nellore district, Madras ; situated twenty-
eight miles west-north-west of Ongole. Lat. 15 38', long. 79 41'.
PAUDURKAORA. Town in Haidarabad State; situated near the
north-east frontier, towards Xagpur to Berar. Distance from the city of
Haidarabad, north, 178 miles; Nagpur, south-west, ninety. Lat. 19 55',
long. 78 49'.
PAUGA. Town in Bhutan State ; situated on the left bank of the
Gadadhar river, and sixty-five miles east by north of Darjiling. Lat.
27 15', long, 89 20'.
PAUGARA. Thana in Banda district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 25,651.
P AUGUR. Town in Mysore State; situated 123 miles north-north-
east of Seringapatam, and seventy-seven miles south-south-east of Bellary.
Lat. 14 6', long. 77 20'.
PAUMANI. Town in Bastar State, Central Provinces; situated ten
miles north-west of Jagdalpur, and 162 miles north of Eajamahendri.
Lat. 19 20', long. 81 51'.
PAUMBEN. Town in Madura district, Madras. See P^MBAM.
PAUMUR. Town in Nellore district, Madras; situated fifty-three
miles south-south-east of Nellore. Lat. 15 7', long. 79 30'.
PAUNALL Town in Independent Burma ; situated on the left bank
of the Irawadi river, and sixty-six miles north of Ava. Lat. 22 49',
long. 96.
PAUNAR. Town in Wardha district, Central Provinces ; situated in
lat. 20 47', long. 78 42' 30", on the river Dham, five miles north-east
of Wardha town. Pop. (1881), 2495.
PAUNDORKAUN. Town in Nepal State; situated 112 miles west-
north-west of Khatmandu, and 123 miles north of Gorakhpur. Lat. 28
27', long. 83 42'.
PAUNI. Town in Bhandara district, Central Provinces ; situated in
lat. 20 48', and long. 79 40', thirty-two miles south of Bhandara. Pop.
(1881), 9773.
PAURL Capital of Garhwal district, KW.P. Lat. 30 8' 10", long.
78 48' 15".
PAURI. Town in Gwalior State, Central India Agency ; situated on
the route from Kalpi to Kotah, 195 miles south-west of former, 126
of latter. Lat. 25 32', long. 77 27'.
PAUTEPASHAKURANELLUR. Town in Madura district, Madras ;
situated thirty-three miles south-east of Madura. Lat. 9 35', long.
78 31'.
PATJTL Town in Bijnaur district, KW.P. Lat. 29 12', long.
78 32'.
PAVANASI. Town in Tanjore district, Madras; situated twelve
miles north-east of Tanjore., Lat. 10 55', long. 79 19'.
PAVUGADA. Village (in taluk of same name) in Chitaldrug district,
Mysore; situated in lat. 14 6' 23", long. 77 19' 8", sixty miles east
of Chitaldrug town. Pop. (1871), 2091. Area of taluk, 456 sq. miles.
Pop. (1871), 66,250.
P AW AGARH. Hill -fort in the Panch Mahals district, Bombay;
bituated in lat. 22 31', long. 73 36', about twenty-eight miles east
of Baroda. On its summit there are a Hindu temple and a Musalman
PAWANGARH. Hill-fort in Kolhapur State, Bombay. Lat. 16
48', long. 74 10' 15".
PAWAYAN. Town (in tahsil of same name) in Shahjahanpur district,
N.W.P. ; situated in lat. 28 4' 10", long. 80 8' 25", four miles
south of the Bhainsi river, and seventeen miles north of Shahjahanpur
town. Pop. (1881), 5478. Area of tahsil, 589 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
245,454. Also pargana. Pop. (1881), 142,373. And thana. Pop.
(1881), 86,948.
PAWI MULANDA. State in Chanda district, Central Provinces.
Area, 87 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 1681.
PAYANGHAT. Valley of the Purna river, in Berar, lying between
lat. 20 27' 21 10', and long. 76 10' 78.
PAYANG YAY. Town in Burma; situated on the left bank of the
Irawadi river, and 120 miles south-west from Ava. Lat. 20 40', long.
94 39'.
PA YECH. Ancient ruin in Kashmir State, Punjab ; situated at the
northern base of the Kariwa. The building appears to be dedicated to
Vishnu. Lat. 33 50', long. 74 45'.
PAYIDIP ALA. Town in Vizagapatam district, Madras. Lat. 17
38', long. 82 47'. Pop. (1871), 7797.
PAY ISLAND. One of the numerous cluster of islands known as the
Mergui Archipelago. It is situate thirteen miles west from the coast of
Tenasserim. Lat. 11 27', long. 98 36'.
PEAK. River in Chhindwara district, Central Provinces ; rising in
lat. 22 20', long. 78 47', and, flowing south-easterly for fifty miles, falls
into the Panch river, in lat. 21 55', long. 79 13'.
PEDDAPALI. Town in Haidarabad State ; situated 110 miles north-
east by north of Haidarabad, and 182 miles north-north-west of Gantur.
Lat. 18 43', long. 79 26'.
PEDDAPUR (PEDAPUR). Capital of Peddapur taluk, Godavari
district, Madras. Lat. 17 4' 55", long. 82 10' 35". Pop. (1881), 11,278.
PEGU. Division of the Province of British Burma, comprising the
districts of Rangoon, Thun-khwa, Bassein, Henzada, Tharawadi, Prome,
and Thayet-myo. Area, 9159 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 1,162,393.
PEGU. Township in Rangoon district, Pegu division, British Burma.
Pop. (1877-78), 49,655.
PEGU. "Revenue circle in Eangoon district, Pegu division, British
Burma. Pop. (1877-78), 13,847.
PEGU. Capital of Pegu division and township, Eangoon district,
Pegu division, British Burma ; situated in lat. 17 20', long. 96 30', on
the left hank of the Pegu river. It is distant north from Rangoon,
sixty-two miles. Pop. (1881), 5891. Pegu was captured by the British
in 1824, and restored upon the termination of the war. During the
second war in 1852, the town previously taken and abandoned was a
second time occupied.
PEGU. River in Rangoon district, Pegu division, British Burma;
rises in lat. 18 C , long. 96 10', on the eastern slopes of the Pegu Yoma
Mountains, and, after a tortuous course of about 180 miles, joins the
Rangoon or Hlaing river, in lat. 16 45', long. 96 1-1', near Rangoon
city. The Pegu river is navigable during the rainy season as far up
as the town of Pegu.
PEHAE.I. Village in Bundelkhand, Central India Agency ; situated
on the route from Banda to Gwalior, eighty-eight miles west of the
former, 1 1 6 south-east of the latter. It is the principal place of a small
jaghir. Lat. 25 33', long. 79.
PEHOIA (PIHEWAV Town in TJmballa district, Punjab; situated in
lat. 29 58'' 45", long. 76 37' 15", on the river Saraswati, thirteen miles
west of Thaneswar. Pop. (1881), 3408. A large fair is held here
annually, attended by upwards of 50,000 pilgrims.
PEINT. State (comprising a subdivision of same name) in Bombay
Presidency ; bounded on the north by the raj of Dharampur and the
territory of the Dang rajas ; on the east by the British district of
Ahmednagar ; on the south by that of Tanna, which also, with Surat,
bounds it on the west. It lies between lat. 20 V 20 27', long.
72 58' 73 40' ; is forty-six miles in length from east to west, and
twenty-eight in breadth ; and contains an area of 458 sq. miles, with a
population (1881) of 55,144.
FEINT. Village in Peint State, Bombay; situated in lat. 20 16' 30",
long. 73 29' 35", thirty-two miles north-west of ISTasik, ten miles north
of Harsul, and 102 miles north-north-east of Bombay.
PEJUR. River in Tehri-Garhwal State, JS T .W.P ; rising in lat.
31 47', long. 78 18'. and holding a south-easterly course of about
twenty miles, to the village of Chalun, near which it is joined by the
Munlung; it falls into the Sutlej in lat. 31 38'. long. 78 29'.
PELIGAO. Village in Sanguelim district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 905.
PELLUR. Town in Nellore district, Madras ; situated seventy-two
miles north of Nellore. Lat. 15 29', long. 80 6'.
PEN". Town (in subdivision of same name) in Kolaba district,
Bombay ; situated twenty-five miles south-east of Bombay, in lat. 1 8
43' 50", long. 73 8' 40". Pop. (1881), 8082. Area of subdivision, 290
sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 70,200.
PENA.Town in Gorakhpur district, KW.P. Lat. 26 15' 15", long.
83 49' 30". Pop. (1872), 5331.
PENAGUNCHIPKOL. Town in Krishna district, Madras j situated
PEN" 713
eighty-one miles north-west by west of Masulipatam. Lat. 16 56', long.
80 18'.
PEN AGUE-. Town in Chengalpat district, Madras; situated fifty-
two miles south-west of Madras. Lat. 12 39', long. 79 44'.
PENCH. Eiver of the Central Provinces ; rising in lat. 22 20', long.
78 37', in the Chhindwara district. It flows at first easterly for sixty-
five miles, then south for fifty-three miles, and forms a junction with the
Kanhan river, in lat. 21 17', long. 79 13', near the town and canton-
ment of Kampthi.
PENCHALAK'ONDA. Mountain in Nellore district, Madras. Lat.
14 17', long. 79 28' 45". Elevation above sea-level, 3000 feet.
PENDHAT. Village in Mainpuri district, N.W.P. ; twenty-nine
miles north-west of Mainpuri town. Pop. (1872), 1433. A religious
gathering is held here annually.
PENDRA. State in Bilaspur district, Central Provinces. Area, about
585 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 43,868. The chief village lies in lat. 22
47', long. 82.
PENDRAL. Tillage in Sanguelim district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 73.
PENGANGA (PAINGANGA). Eiver of Berar; rising in lat. 20 31'
30", long. 76 2', near the eastern boundary of Khandesh ; after flowing
through the Berar districts in a circuitous but generally easterly direction,
it falls into the Wardha river on the right side, in lat. 19 53' 20", long.
79 1 1' 30". Total length, 200 miles.
PENGRA BAZAR. Town in Sibsagar district, Assam ; situated
thirteen miles south-west ef Sibsagar. Lat, 26 51', long. 94 32'.
PENGTJGTJRA1KL Town in Salem district, Madras; situated thirty-
eight miles north-west by north of Salem. Lat. 12 6', long.
77 55'.
PENHA DE FRANCA. Tillage in Bardez district, Portuguese India.
Pop. (1881), 1835.
PENNAKONDA. Town in Bellary district, Madras. Lat. 14 5' 15",
long. 77 38' 10". Pop. (1881). 5331. Formerly a place of considerable
importance, as testified by numerous ruins of temples.
PENNAR (NORTHERN). River rising in lat. 13 23', long. 77
43'. The stream, flowing to the north-west for thirty miles, crosses the
northern boundary of the territory of Mysore, and takes a northerly
course for ninety-five miles, to Udarpi Drug, where it turns eastward,
and, continuing to flow in that direction for 230 miles, passes in its
course by Nellore, and falls into the Bay of Bengal, in lat. 14 38', long.
80 13' fits total length being 355 miles. Its principal tributaries on
the right side are the Chittrarati, the Papugni, and the Cheyair ; on the
left side, the Kundar.
PENNAR (SOUTHERN). River rising north of the Nandidrug Hills,
in lat. 13 32', long. 77 C 45'. It flows circuitously, but generally south,
for fifty-five miles, to Mutanhalli. where it crosses the south-eastern
frontier of Mysore into the Carnatic, through which it holds a south-
easterly course of 190 miles, and falls into the Bay of Bengal, in lat. 11
45', long. 79 51', a mile north of Eort St. David ; its total length being
245 miles.
PENT. Town in Ratnagiri district, Bombay ; situated forty, miles
north-north-east of Ratnagiri. Lat. 17 30', long. 73 35'.
PENTAKOTA. Town and port in Yizagapatam district, Madras ;
situated in lat. 17 19', long. 82 35' 30". Pop. (1871), 1610.
of three islands at the entrance of the Arakan river, in the Akyab district,
British Burma. It is about twenty- six miles in length, and six in
breadth. The centre of the island is in lat. 20, long. 93 4'.
PEP ALL Town in Karnul district, Madras ; situated in lat. 15 15',
long. 77 48', on the road from Gooty to Karnul. Pop. (1871), 5076.
PERAJE. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 614.
PERAMBAKAM. Town in Chengalpat district, Madras. Lat. 12
54' 30", long. 80 15' 40". Pop. (1871), 1279. The British troops under
Colonel Baillie were, in 1780, all but annihilated at this spot by Haidar
Ali of Mysore.
PERIKHALI. Town in Jessor district, Bengal ; situated eighty-three
miles east of Calcutta. Lat. 22 30', long. 89 42'.
PERIM. An island in the Gulf of Cambay, off the harbour of Gogo,
in Guzerat, on the west side of the gulf, in the district Ahmedabad.
The island is about one mile in length and 400 yards in breadth, and is
separated from the mainland of Guzerat by a channel, which in parts is
sixty fathoms deep, while its breadth is about 1200 yards. In the island
are the remains of a considerable fort, and of an antique temple, contain-
ing an image of Buddha. A lighthouse has been erected on this island.
Lat. 21 36', long. 72 23' 30".
PERIM. Island situated in the Straits of Bab-el-Mandeb at the mouth
of the Red Sea. Lat. 12 40' 30", long. 43 23'. It is under the
superintendence of the Resident at Aden. There is a lighthouse on the
island (erected in 1861), which latter is guarded by a small garrison of
native infantry.
PERIMBIRI. Town in Chengalpat district, Madras; situated sixty
miles south-west by south of Madras. Lat. 12 23', long. 79 50'.
PERINDORAL Town and station on the Madras Railway, in
Coimbatore district, Madras ; distant 252 miles south-west of Madras.
Lat. 11 15' 30", long. 77 37' 30". Pop. (1871), 6347.
PERIPOLLIAM. Town in Chengalpat district, Madras ; situated
twenty-two miles north-west of Madras. Lat. 13 17', long. 80 7'.
PERIYA. Pass in Malabar district, Madras, over which the road from
Cannanore to Manantoddi is carried. Lat. 11 51', long. 75 50' 20".
PERIYAKULAM. Town in Madura district, Madras. Pop. (1881),
PERIYAPATNA. Village (in taluk of same name) in Mysore
district, Mysore. Lat. 12 20' 40", long. 76 7' 25" ; 113 miles south-
west of Bangalore, and ninety miles south-east of Mangalore. Pop.
(1871), 1321. Area of taluk, 447 sq. miles. Pop. (1871), 116,334.
PERIYAR. River in Travancore State, Madras; rising in lat. 10 40',
long. 76 56'. It flows first north, and afterwards west, a total distance
of 142 miles, falling into the sea at Kodungalur.
PERMAGTJDL Town in Madura district, Madras. Pop. (1881),
PERMAKOIL. Town in South Arcot district, Madras ; situated
thirty- three miles north of Cuddalore. Lat. 12 10', long. 79 45'.
PERNEM. District in Portuguese India. Pop. (1881), 29,895.
PEROWA. Town in the Tonk State, Eajputana; situated on the
route from Ujjain to Kotah, sixty-nine miles north of former, and seventy-
two south of latter. Lat. 24 9', long. 76 4'.
PERTJMUKAL. Village in South Arcot district, Madras ; situated in
lat. 12 12' 10", long. 79 46' 30". Pop. (1871), 1728. There is a small
tower near this spot situated on a hill 370 feet high.
PERUNGUDL Town in Tinnevelli district, Madras. Lat. 8 17',
long. 77 38' 20". Pop. (1881), 5575.
PERTIR. Village in Coimbatore district, Madras. Contains numerous
temples. Lat. 10 58', long. 77.
PERUR. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. p 881 )> 620.
PERZAGrARH. Hill range in Chanda district, Central Provinces.
PESHAWAR. Division in the Punjab ; containing the three districts
of Peshawar, Hazara, and Kohat. Area, 8381 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
PESHAWAR. District in Peshawar division of the Punjab, lying
between lat. 33 43' 34 31', and long. 71 25' 72 47'. The area of the
district is 2504 sq. miles ; its population (1881), 592,674. It is bounded
on three sides by Khaibar, Mohmand, Swat and Khattak hills ; in the
east it is open to the Indus. The chief feature in the district is the
valley, which is shut in on three sides by hills and mountains ranging
from 3000 to 7000 feet. The valley is very fertile, and in many parts
it is highly cultivated. It is intersected by the Kabul river with its
main tributaries, the Bara, the Swat and the Kalpani, which on their
way through the district readily lend themselves to irrigation. The
climate is very hot in summer, and the range of the thermometer is very
great, varying from 17 in February to 137 in July. Pathans form
nearly half of the population, which is almost entirely Muhammadan.
The language is mainly Pushtu. The chief towns are Peshawar, with
its cantonment, Charsada, Nowshera (Naushahra), and Tangi Nasratzi,
The Grand Trunk Eoad traverses the district, which is administered by a
Deputy Commissioner and Staff.
PESHAWAR. City (in tahsil of same name) in Peshawar district,
Punjab; situated in lat. 34 1' 45", long. 71 36' 40", near the left
bank of the Bara stream, thirteen miles and a half south-east of the
junction of the Swat and Kabul rivers, and ten miles and a half from
Jamrud fort at the entrance of the Khaibar (Khyber) Pass. Distant
from Lahore 276 miles, from Kabul 190 miles. Elevation above the sea,
1068 feet. Pop. (1881), 79,982. Area of tahsil, 374 sq. miles. Pop.
(1881), 172,031.
PESHAWAR. Cantonment in Peshawar district, Punjab, lying west
of the city. Lat. 34 0' 15", long. 71 34' 45", Pop. (1868), 22,709.
Lines exist for a battery of artillery, a regiment of Native cavalry, four
regiments of Native infantry, one of British infantry, and two companies
oi sappers.
PET BTTDHWARA. Town in Mgpur district, Central Provinces.
Pop. (1881), 2361.
PETH. Town in Satara district, Bombay. Pop. (1881), 5672.
PETHAPITR. State in the Mahi Kantha Agency, Bombay. Pop.
(1881), 7081. The Chief pays an annual tribute of 863 to the Gaekwdr
of Baroda.
PETHAPTIR. Town of Pethapur State, Mahi Kantha, Bombay;
situated in lat. 23 13' 10", long. 72 33' 30".
PETLAD. District in Baroda division, Baroda State. Pop. (1881),
PETT. Town in Baroda State ; situated ninety-two miles north-north-
east of Baroda, and eighty-nine miles north-east by east of Kaira. Lat.
23 30', long. 73 46'.
PETTAH. Town in Krishna district, Madras ; situated three miles
north-west of Masulipatam. Lat. 16 11', long. 81 10'.
PETTAL Town in Tinnevelli district, Madras. Pop. (1881), 7321.
PETTAI. Town in South Arcot district, Madras ; situated forty miles
north-west of Cuddalore. Lat. 12 7', long. 79 26'.
PETTI. Town in Lahore district, Punjab ; situated eleven miles from
the right bank of the Sutlej, forty-five miles east-south-east of the town
of Lahore. Lat. 31 17', long. 74 54'.
PHAETON. Shoal off the mouth of the Bassein river, British Burma;
on which H.M.S. Phaeton struck on the 16th of February, 1810.
PHAGEH. Town in British Burma ; situated north by west of
Ava, and ninety-six miles east by south of Manipur. Lat. 24 34', long.
95 30'.
PHAGrl. Town in Jaipur State, Rajputana; situated on the route
from Delhi to Nimach, 192 miles south-west of former, 180 north-east of
latter. Lat. 26 34', long. 75 38'.
PHAGU. Village in Keonthal State, Punjab ; twelve miles east of
Simla. Lat. 31 6', long. 77 21'.
PHAGWARA. Town in Kapurthala State, Punjab. Pop. (1881),
PHAJUDL Town in Bhutan State ; situated on the right bank of
a branch of the Guddada river, and sixty-eight miles north-east by east
of Darjiling. Lat. 27 29', long. 89 19'.
PHALALTJM (PHALTIT). One of the loftiest peaks in Darjiling
district, Bengal, 12,042 feet in height. Lat. 27 12' 30", long. 88 3'.
PHALAUDA. Town in Meerut district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
PHALGTJ. Torrent in Gaya district, Bengal, formed by the junction
of two great mountain- streams, the Mohana and Lilajan, which, taking
an easterly direction, falls into the Ganges, on the right side, in lat. 25
11', long. 86 10', having flowed a total distance of about 246 miles.
PHALIA. Town in Gujrat district, Punjab ; situated six miles
north of the right bank of the Chenab, seventy-three miles north-west of
the town of Lahore. Lat. 32 27', long. 73 38'.
PHALIAN. Tahsil of Gujrat district, Punjab ; lying between lat.
32 10' 30" 32 44', and long. 73 20' 73 55' 30". Area, 772 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 174,704.
PHALJAR. Village of Sylhet district, Assam; containing a cele-
brated Hindu temple, at which human sacrifices used formerly to be
offered; a practice which led to the British annexation of Jaintia in
PHALTAN. State in Satara Agency, Bombay; lying between lat.
HO 5 6 /_! 8 o e^ ancl i ong 740 j 6 / 74 o 44 ^ 5 oun d e( i on t ^ e nor th by Poona
district, and on the east, west, and south by Satara district. Area, 397
sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 58,402. The ruler ranks as a ' First-class
Sardar ' in the Deccan.
PHALTAN. Chief town in Phaltan State ; situated in lat. 17 59'
40", long. 74 28' 20" ; thirty-seven miles north-east of Satara. Pop.
(1881), 10,842.
PHANCHTTGANJ. Town in Sylhet district, Bengal; situated sixteen
miles south-south-east of Sylhet. Lat. 24 41', long. 91 57'.
PHANSIDEWA. Thana in Darjiling district, Bengal. Area, 271
sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 63,241.
PHAPHAMATI. Town in Allahabad district, K"W.P. ; on the route
from the cantonment of Allahabad to that of Lucknow, and four miles
north of the former. Distance by river, north from Allahabad, seven
miles; north-west from Calcutta, 815. Lat. 35 32', long. 81 56'.
PHAPHUND. Town in Etawah district, N.W.P. Lat. 26 35' 50",
long. 79 30' 25". Pop. (1881), 7796. An annual fair is held in this
town, attended by upwards of 10,000 persons. Area of tahsil, 231 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 111,585. Also thana. Pop. (1881), 44,870.'
PHARAMGIRI (F AH AMGIRI). Village in the Garo Hills District,
Assam ; 3952 feet above sea-level.
PHARHA. Town in Mainpuri district, jS'.W.P. Distant from Main-
puri town, thirty-nine miles and a half. Pop. (1881), 4268. Also
thana. Pop. (1881), 26,534.
PHEN A. Village in Bijnaur district, KW.P. ; situated on the route
from the town of Moradabad to that of Muzaffarnagar, and thirty-four
miles north-west of the former place. Distant 992 miles north-west of
Calcutta. Lat. 29 5', long. 78 25'.
PHENI. Subdivision in Noakhali district, Bengal. Area, 343 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 241,975. Also thana. Area, 212 sq. miles. Pop.
(1881), 132,697.
PHENI. River of Eastern Bengal; rising in Hill Tipperah, in lat.
23 20', long. 91 49' 30", it flows south-west, marking the boundary
between Hill Tipperah and the Chittagong Hill Tracts, and ultimately
falls into the Sandwip Channel, an arm of the Bay of Bengal, in lat.
22 46', long. 91 31'.
PHILLATJR. Town (in tahsil of same name) in Jalandhar district,
Punjab ; situated in lat. 31 0' 38", long. 75 49' 55", on the right bank
of the Sutlej, eight miles north-north-west of Ludhiana. Pop. (1881),
7107. Phillaur is a depot station on the Sind, Punjab, and Delhi Railway.
Area of tahsil, 294 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 168,269.
PHILU-GYWON (BHILTI-GYWON). Island in Tennasserim, British
Burma. Area, about 107 sq. miles. Pop. (1876), 24,141. Lat. 16 20',
long. 97 37'.
PHINGESWAR (FINGES WAR). State in Raipur district, Central
Provinces, about thirty miles south of Raipur town. Area, 208 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 16,325. Phingeswar town lies in lat. 20 58', long.
82 5'.
PHIRANDI. Town in Cutch State, Bombay ; situated twenty-
two miles south of Bhuj, and eighteen miles east- north-east of
Mandavi. Lat. 22 57', long. 69 40'.
PHIRIA. Town in Nepal State ; situated thirty-seven miles north-
east of Khatmandu, and 134 miles north by west of Darbhangah. Lat.
28 3', long. 85 45'.
PHITTI (PITTI). One of the largest, deepest, and best-defined
of the mouths of the Indus. The mouth of the Phitti is in la.t.
24 42', long. 67 12'.
PHOA. Town in TJmballa district, Punjab ; situated thirty-two
miles south by west of TJmballa. Lat. 29 58', long. 76 40'.
PHOBTTM. Town in Amherst district, British Burma ; situated
thirty-two miles south-east by east of Maulmain. Lat. 16 12', long.
98 6'.
PHTJGWARA. Town in Jalandhar district, Punjab ; situated fifteen
miles north from the right bank of the Sutlej, fourteen miles east-south-
east of the town of Jalandhar. Lat. 31 14', long. 75 45'.
PHUKANTJ. Town in Muzaffarnagar district, N.W.P. ; situated
on the route from Muzaffarnagar to Kohtak, twenty-two miles west-
south west of the former. Lat. 29 19', long. 77 29'.
PHUL. Town in Patiala State, Punjab ; situated forty-eight miles
from the left batik of the Sutlej, on the route from Delhi to Firozpur.
Distant north-west from Calcutta, by Delhi and Munuk, 1045 miles.
Lat. 30 22', long. 75 14'.
PHTTLAUDI. Town in Jodhpur State, Bajputana; situated on the
route from Bikaner to Balmir, and 147 miles north-east of the latter.
Distant north-west from Calcutta, by Agra, Nasirabad, and Nagar, 1180
miles. Lat. 27 8', long. 72 28'.
PHULDAKOT. Pargana in Kumaun district, KAV.P. Pop. (1881),
PHTILJHAR. State in Sambalpur district, Central Provinces. Area,
787 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 65,878. Phuljhar, the chief town, is in
lat. 21 13', long. 82 53'.
PHULMURRL Town in Haidarabad State ; situated near the north-
west frontier, on the upper part of the river Gurka Puna, a con-
siderable tributary of the Godavari. Distant twenty miles north of
Aurangabad, 280 miles north-north-west of Haidarabad. Lat. 20 9',
long. 75 28'.
PHTJLPARAS. Thana in Darbhangah district, Bengal. Area, 458
sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 270,451.
PHULPTJR. Town (in tahsil of same name) in Allahabad district,
N.W.P. ; situated on the route from the city of Allahabad to Jaunpur,
and nineteen miles north-east of the former. It is twelve miles from the
left bank of the Ganges, and on the right bank of the small river of the
same name. Lat. 25 33', long. 82 9'. Pop. (1881), 8025. Area of
tahsil, 274 sq. miles. Pop. (1872), 160,305. Also thana. Pop. (1881),
PHULPUR. Town in Azamgarh district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
PHULPUR. Thana in Maimansinh district, Bengal. Area, 399 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 114,467.
PHULPUR. Thana in Benares district, 3T.W.P. Pop. (1881),
PHULRA. Tahsil in Hazara district, Punjab. Pop. (1881), 4317,
PHULRIYL Village in Etawah district, N.W.P. ; situated on the
route from the cantonment of Agra to that of Etawah, and fourteen miles
north-west of the latter. Lat. 26 56', long. 78 55'.
PHULSUND. Town in Jodhpur State, Rajputana; situated in the
depressed tract near the south-west frontier. Lat. 26 24', long.
71 57'.
PHULTAMBA. Town in Ahmednagar district, Bombay ; situated
fifty miles north of Ahmednagar. Lat. 19 48', long. 74 40'.
PHULTULA. Town in Jessor district, Bengal; situated sixty-eight
miles east-north-east of Calcutta. Lat. 23, long. 89 24'.
PHULUNGr. Town in Bhutan State ; situated on the left bank of
a branch of the Monas river, and eighty- seven miles north-west by north
of Darrang. Lat. 27 28', long. 91 20'.
PHULWARL Town in Patna district, Bengal; situated nine miles
west south-west of Patna. Lat. 25 30', long. 85 8'.
PHUMARA. Town in Khairpur State, Sind, Bombay ; situated on
the right bank of the Naru river, and thirty-two miles south-south-east
of Khairpur. Lat. 27 10', long. 69 1'.
PHUNDA. Town and pass in Kolhapur State, Bombay; leading to
Viziadrug; distant thirty-four miles south-west of Kolhapur. Lat.
16 22', long. 73 57'.
PHUNDI (KUNDI). One of the mouths of the Indus, having five
feet at low water. The mouth of the Phundi is in lat. 24 38', long.
67 13'.
PHURSABAHA. Town in Jodhpur State, Bengal ; situated seventy-
three miles north-north-west of Sambalpur, and 102 miles south by west
of Palamau. Lat. 22 25', long. 83 32'.
PHURSU. Village in Bhartpur State, Rajputana ; situated on the
river Banganga, and on the route from Agra to Ajmere, forty-five miles
west of the former, 183 east of the latter. Lat. 27 3', long. 77 23'.
PIAGPUR. Thana in Bahraich district, Oudh. Pop. (1881), 92,438.
PIALI. River in the district of the Twenty-four Parganas, Bengal.
It falls into the Matla about fifteen miles below Port Canning.
PIANJA. Town in Baroda State. Pop. (1872), 6686.
PIARU. Village in Gurgaon district, Punjab ; distance south of
Delhi, thirty miles. Lat. 28 16', long. 77 22'.
PICHAURL Village in Muttra district, N.W.P. ; situated on the
route by Mahaban from the city of Agra to the cantonment of Mattra,
and seventeen miles south-east of the latter. Lat. 27 23' long.
77 59'.
PICHORE. Town in Gwalior State, Central India Agency ; situated
near the south-east frontier, towards Datia. Pichore is twenty-five miles
south-east of Gwaiior, eighty-five west of Kalpi. Lat. 25 57', long.
78 30'.
PIDA WAGr. Biver in Haidarabad State ; rising in lat. 16 59', long.
78 32', and, flowing south-easterly for seventy miles, falls into the
Krishna river, in lat. 16 33', long. 79 18'.
PIEDADE. Village in Ilhas district, Portuguese India. Pop. (1881),
PIEN-NAI-KHYOTJNGr. Eevenue circle in Akyab district, British
Burma. Pop. (1877), 4510.
PIGEON ISLAND. Island off the coast of Vizagapatam district,
Madras ; situated in lat. 17 33', long. 83 14'. Another small island off
the coast of Kanara bears the same name.
PIHANI. Town (in pargana of same name) in Hardoi district,
N.W.P. ; situated in lat. 27 37' 15", long. 80 14' 25", on the road
between Sitapur and Shahjahanpur. Pop. (1881), 7540. Formerly a
place of importance. Area of pargana, 80 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
37,463. Also thana. Pop (1881), 91,076.
PIHEJ. Town in Baroda State. Pop. (1881), 6294.
PIHONA. Town in Nagpur district, Central Provinces ; situated on
the left bank of the Wardha river, and sixty -two miles south-south-west
of Nagpur. Lat. 20 20', long. 78 47'.
PIKALATT. Town in Cuttack district, Bengal ; situated eighteen
miles east by north of Cuttack. Lat. 20 30', long. 86 11'.
PILAKTJND. Village in Moradabad district, KW.P. ; situated on the
route from the town of Moradabad to that of MuzafFarnagar, and twenty-
six miles north-west of the former place. Distant north-west of Calcutta,
914 miles. Lat. 28 59', long. 78 30'.
PILATIDA. Town in Jaipur State, Eajputana, situated on the route
from Agra to Kotah, ninety miles south-west of former, 130 north-east of
latter. Lat. 26 37', long. 76 53'.
PILERNE. Village in Bardez district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 1816.
PILIBHIT. District in Rohilkhand division, N.W.P. Area, 1371 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 451,601.
PILIBHIT. Town (in tahsil of same name) in Bareilly district,
N.W.P. ; situated in lat. 28 38', long. 79 50' 50"', on the Deoha river,
thirty miles north of Bareli city. Pop. (1881), 29,721. The Pilibhft
rice, much prized throughout India for its whiteness, firmness, and
fine flavour, is produced in the south of Kumaun, and has received
the name by which it is generally known in commerce, in consequence of
being brought to market here. Elevation above the sea, 517 feet. Area
of tahsil, 841 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 18,334. Also pargana. Pop.
(1881), 131,608. And thana. Pop. (1881), 83,144.
PILICH. Town in Patna district, Bengal, situated twenty-eight miles
south-south-east of Patna. Lat. 25 12', long. 85 27'.
PILKHTTWA. Town in Meerut district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 5661.
Situated in lat. 28 42' 45", and long. 77 42', nineteen miles south-west
of Meerut city. Also thana. Pop. (1881), 27,597.
PILKUCHLA. Town in Jaunpur district, N.W.P. ; situated on the
route from Jaunpur to Faizabad, nineteen miles north-north-west of the
former. Lat. 25 58', long. 82 37'.
PIMINGK Pass in Bashahr State, Punjab, on the boundary between
Chinese and British territory. Lat. 31 49', long. 78 46'. Elevation
above sea, 13,518 feet.
PIMPALGAON RAJA. Town in Buldana district, Berar ; situated
in lat. 20 43', long. 76 30', on the river Dayanganga. Pop. (1867),
PIMPULGrATJM. Town in Ahmednagar district, Bombay; situated
seventeen miles north-east of Nasik. Lat. 20 10', long. 73 59'.
PIMPTJLNAIR. Town (in subdivision of same name) in Khandesh
district, Bombay; situated thirty-nine miles north-west of Malegaon.
Lat. 20 55', long. 74 4'. Area of subdivision, 1339 sq. miles. Pop.
(1881), 87,549.
PIN (PINTT, PIM). River in Kangra district, Punjab ; an important
tributary of the Spiti river, joining the Spiti in lat. 32 6', long. 78
11', a little above Dankar, after a course of forty-five miles.
PINAHAT. Town (in tahsil of same name) "in Agra district, N.W.P. ;
situated two miles from the left bank of the Chambal, thirty miles south-
east of Agra. Lat. 26 51', long. 78 28'. Area of tahsil, 338 sq. miles.
Pop. (1872), 142,155. Also thana. Pop. (1881), 39,214.
PINAYA. Town in Kashmir State, Punjab; situated seventy miles
south -south- west of Srmagar, and 112 miles north by east of Lahore.
Lat. 33 11', long. 74 25'.
PINDARA JAGIR. State in Central India Agency. Area, 14 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 12,358.
PIND DAD AN KHAN. Town (in tahsil of same name) in Jhelum
district, Punjab ; situated in lat. 32 35', long. 73 5' 20", one mile from
the north bank of the Jhelum river, and five miles from the foot of the
Salt Range. Pop. (1881), 16,724. Salt is raised in the vicinity for the
supply of a great part of the Punjab, and there is a large trade carried on
in goods from Central Asia, and English and Indian merchandise and
produce. Area of tahsil, 1006 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 166,186.
PINDI BHALIAN. Town in Gujranwala district, Punjab. Pop.
(1881), 3528.
PINDIGHEB.Town (in tahsil of same name) in Rawal Pindi dis-
trict, Punjab; situated in lat. 33 14' 30", long. 72 18', on the road
between Rawal Pindi and Kalabagh. Pop. (1881), 8583. Area of
tahsil, 1517 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 103,581.
PINDI PATHAN. Town in Gujranwala district, Punjab; situated
six miles from the left bank of the Chenab, seventy-one miles north-west
by west of the town of Lahore. Lat. 32, long. 73 16'.
PIND MULIK ONLIA. Town in Rawal Pindi district, Punjab;
situated ten miles south-east of the left bank of the Indus, fifty-four
miles south-east by south of the town of Peshawar. Lat. 33 14' long.
72 8'.
PINDRAL Town in Balaghat district, Central Provinces; situated
on the route from Jabalpur to the territory of Nagpur, forty-five miles
south-east by south of the former. Lat. 22 34', long. 80 17'.
PINDTIR. River of Kumaun and Garhwal districts, N.W.P. ; rising
in lat. 30 19', long. 80 6', from three snow-beds on the western de-
722 PIN" PIP
clivity of a summit of the Himalaya, having an elevation of 22,491 feet.
It takes a course generally south-west for forty-five miles, to Chiring,
where it turns north-westward, flowing in that direction thirty miles, to
Kurnprag, in lat. 30 15', long. 79 16', where it joins the Alaknanda.
PINGrlRL Tillage in Agra district, N.W.P. ; situated on the route
from the city of Agra to that of Muttra, and nineteen miles north-west of
the former. Lat. 27 17', long. 77 53'.
PINGrNA. Thana in Maimansinh district, Bengal. Area, 124 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 72,262.
PINJAR. Town in Akola district, Berar. Lat. 20 33', long. 77
17', twenty-four miles east of Akola town. Pop. (1867), a little over
3000. Contains a fine ancient temple.
PINJATTR. Small town in Patiala State, Punjab; situated at the
confluence of two feeders of the river Ghaggar. Pop. (1881), 1223. The
town is distant north-west of Calcutta, via Kurnal and Umballa, 1053
miles. Lat. 30 48', long. 76 59'.
PINYARI, a great branch of the Indus, in Sind, Bombay, parting from
the main stream on the eastern or left side, in lat. 25 2', long. 68 22'.
PIORA. Tillage in Karnal district, Punjab ; situated on the route
from Thaneswar to Kaithal, and fifteen miles west of the former town.
Distant north-west from Calcutta, 1003 miles. Lat. 29 50', long.
76 37'.
PIORA. Tillage in Kumaun district, KW.P. ; situated on the
route from Almora to Bareilly, and nine miles south of the former.
Elevation above the sea, 5238 feet. Lat. 29 31', long. 79 40'.
PIPALGAON. Town in Chanda district, Central Provinces. Pop.
(1881), 2162.
PIPAR. Town in Jodhpur State, Rajputana ; situated on the route
from the city of Jodhpur to that of Ajmere, and thirty-seven miles north-
east of the former. Lat. 26 24', long. 73 40'.
PIP ARG AON. Town in Farrukhabad district, KW.P. ; situated on
the route from Farrukhabad to Mainpuri, five miles west-south-west of
the former. Lat. 27 22', long. 79 34'.
PIP ARIA. Town in Kawardha Feudatory State, Central Provinces
Pop. (1881), 2205.
PIPARIA. Town in Jabalpur district, Central Provinces. Pop.
(1881), 2177.
PIP ARPTJR. Thana in Sultanpur district, Oudh. Pop. (1881),
PIPARWANL Town in Damoh district, Central Provinces. Pop.
(1881), 2065.
PIPCHA (BARDAN PIPCHA). Town in Kashmir State, Punjab ;
situated 124 miles east-south-east of Srinagar, and 105 miles north-north-
east of Kangra. Lat. 33 25', long. 77 1'.
PIPCHTJ. Town in Hazaribagh district, Bengal ; situated forty-nine
miles north-north-east of Ramgur. Lat. 24 21', long. 85 47'.
PIPILI. Tillage in Bijnaur district, KW.P. ; situated on the route
from Moradabad to Muzaffarnagar, and forty- four miles north-west of the
former. Distant north-west of Calcutta, 932 miles. Lat. 29 11', long.
78 17'.
PIP 723
PIPIRA. Town in Bijawar State, Bundelkhand, Central Indie
Agency ; situated on the right bank of the river Dhasan, ninety milefe
south-west of Banda. Lat. 24 46', long. 79 24'.
PIPIRANDA. Village in Banda district, N.W.P. ; situated on tht
route from Cawnpore, by Chila Tara Ghat, to the town of Banda, ten
miles north of the latter. Lat. 25 38', long. 80 28'.
PIPIRIA. Pass in Central Provinces, by which the route from
Banda to Jabalpur ascends from the more depressed tract of Loharganao
to the plateau on the range called the Bandair Hills. It is 105 miles
south of Banda, ninety north-east of Jabalpur ; and is steep, but neithei
long nor very difficult. Lat. 24 15', long, 80 23'.
PIPLAI. "Walled town, with fort, in Jaipur State, Rajputana ;
situated in an extensive sandy plain fifty-five miles south-east of the
town of Jaipur. Lat. 26 31', long. 76 35'.
PIPLAUDA. State in Central India Agency. Pop. (1881), 11,643.
PIPLI AN AGAR. State in the Central India Agency.
PIPLOD. Town in Gwalior State, Central India Agency ; situated
on the left bank of the Suktha river, and sixty-seven miles north-west by
west from Ellichpur. Lat. 21 39', long. 76 40'.
PIPPLI. Town in Balasor district, Bengal ; situated on the left bank
of the river Subarnarekha, ten miles above its fall into the Bay of Bengal,
formerly of some commercial importance. It was the first place in which
the English were formally permitted to trade, the privilege being in 1634
granted by the Emperor Shah j ah an of Delhi. Distant south-west from
Calcutta ninety miles. Lat. 21 40', long. 87 22'.
PIPPLI. Thana in Puri district, Bengal. Area, 325 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 226,782.
PIPPLI. Tahsil of IJmballa district, Punjab. Area, 745 sq. jniles.
Pop. (1881), 209,341.
PIPRA. Town in Sultanpur district, Oudh ; situated eighty miles
south-east of Lucknow. Distant north from Gonda eight miles. Lat. 26
6', long. 82 4'.
PIPRA. Tillage in Gorakhpur district, KW.P. ; situated two miles
from the right bank of the river Jharia. Distant south-east from Gorakh-
pur cantonment, fifty-two miles. Lat. 26 18', long. 84 9'.
PIPRAGANATJ. Tillage in Mirzapur district, N.W.P. ; situated on
the right bank of the Ganges, three miles north of the city of Mirzapur,
or lower down the stream; 718 north-west of Calcutta by the stream.
Lat. 25 12', long. 82 39'.
PIPRAICH (EASTERN). Town in Gorakhpur district, KW.P. ;
situated on the route from Gorakhpur cantonment to Mulai, ten miles
north-west of the former. Lat. 26 47', long. 83 36'. Pop. (1881),
2932. Also thana. Pop. (1881), 61,896.
_ PIPRAICH (WESTERN). Village in Gorakhpur district, KW.P. ;
situated ten miles north of the left bank of the river Ghagra. Distant
west from Gorakhpur cantonment thirty-eight miles. Lat. 26 42', long.
82 48'.
PIPRAON. Village in Allahabad district, N.W.P. ; situated on the
route bv the Kutra Pass, from the cantonment of Allahabad to Eewah,
and nineteen miles south-east of the former city. Lat. 25 19', long.
81 59'.
^ PIPRATJL Perry over the Ganges in Budaun district, KW.P. ;
situated on the route from Agra to Bareilly, and eighty-one miles north-
west of the former. Pipraul is in lat. 27 57', long. 78 55'.
PIPRI. Town in Kathiawar, Bombay ; situated sixty-six miles south
by east from Rajkot, and 159 miles south-west from Ahmedabad. Lat.
21 20', long. 71.
PIPULKHIRL Town in Bhartpur State, Rajputana; situated on
the north-west extremity towards Ulwar, forty miles north-west of the
towns of Mattra and Bhartpur. Lat. 27 38', long. 77 9'.
PIPTJLSANA. Town in Bijnaur district, N.W.P. ; situated on the
route from Moradabad to Hardwar, and forty-one miles north-west of the
former. Lat. 29 20', long. 78 32'.
PIPTTLTHON. Town in Bhopal State, Central India Agency ; situated
twenty- six miles south-west by south from Bhopal, and forty- two miles
west-north-west from Hoshangabad. Lat. 22 58', long. 77 10'.
PIPURI A. Village in Shahjahanpur district, N.W.P; situated on
the route from Pilibhit to Oudh, and thirty-five miles south-east of the
former. Lat. 28 20', long. 80 14'.
PIRABHOR. Thana in Patna district, Bengal. Pop. (1881), 24,744.
PIRAI. Tillage in Allahabad district, N.W.P. ; situated on the
route by Rajapur ferry, from the cantonment of Allahabad to Banda, and
eighteen miles west of the former. Lat. 25 26', long. 81 34'.
PIRAL. Tillage in Daman district, Portuguese India. Pop. (1881),
PIRANTURAL Town in Coimbatore district, Madras ; forty-six
miles east-north-east of Coimbatore. Lat. 11 16', long. 77 38'.
PIRAO. Town in Jodhpur State, Rajputana; situated 187 miles west
by south from Jodhpur, and eighty-two miles south-west by south from
Jaisalmir. Lat. 26, long. 70 11'.
PIRAWA. Town in Tonk State, Bajputana. Pop. (1881), 5681.
PIRBTTTPUR. Tillage in Ghazipur district, K.W.P. ; situated on the
left bank of the Ganges, 532 miles north-west of Calcutta by water; east
of Ghazipur cantonment, fifty. Lat. 25 43', long. 84 20'.
PIRGANJ. Town in Dinajpur district, Bengal ; situated twenty-six
miles north-west by west of Dinajpur. Lat. 25 47', long. 88 20'.
Also thana. Area, 237 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 93,880.
PIRGANJ. Town in Rangpur district, Bengal; situated twenty-
eight miles south-south-east of Rangpur. Lat. 25 18', long. 89 24'.
Also thana. Area, 158 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 69,008.
PIRGANJ. Town in Purniah district, Bengal ; situated nine miles
south-south-west of Purniah. Lat. 25 39', long. 87 30'.
PIRH. Town in Nepal State ; situated fifty-three miles east by south
from Khatmandu, and 103 miles north from Darbhangah. Lat. 27 37',
long. 86 9'.
PIRI. Tillage in Gorakhpur district, N.W.P. ; situated fifty miles
south-east of Gorakhpur cantonment. Lat. 26 20', long. 84 12'.
PIRKI. Town in Rewah State, Central India Agency; situated on
the route from Sohagpur to Ratanpur, forty-four miles south-east by
south of the former. Lat. 22 47', long. 81 48'.
PIRLA. Village in Quepem district, Portuguese India. Pop. (1881),
PIRMAID. Hill station in Travancore State, Madras. Lat. 9 36',
long. 77 : average elevation, 3000 feet. Noted for its coffee plantations.
PIRNAGAR. Yillage (in pargana of same name) in Sitapur district,
Oudh ; on the route from Lucknow to Sitapur, thirty-seven miles north
of the former, fourteen south of the latter. Lat. 27 23', long. 80 45'.
Area of pargana, 44 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 19,692.
PIROZPUR. Subdivision of Bakarganj district, Bengal. Area, 692
sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 447,306. Also thana. Area, 116 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 117,638.
PIRPAINTI (PEERPOINTEE). Town and station on the East
Indian Railway, in Bhagalpur district, Bengal. Lat. 25 17' 52", long.
87 27' 40".
PIR PANJAL(THE SAINT'S MOUNTAIN). A lofty range, form-
ing part of the south-western boundary of Kashmir, and separating it
from the Punjab. Its general direction is from north-west to south-east ;
its length, from the Baramula Pass, at the former extremity, to the Pir
Panjal Pass, or that of Nandan Sar, at the latter, is about forty miles.
Its highest point is supposed to be about lat. 33 40', and is estimated
to be 16,500 feet above the sea.
PIR PANJAL. Hi ver of Kashmir State, Punjab; rising in lat. 33
30', long. 74 43', and, flowing first north-westerly for forty-five miles,
and subsequently south-westerly for sixty-three miles, falls into the
Jhelum, in lat. 33 16', long. 73 38'.
PIRPORI. Town in Nadiya district, Bengal ; situated seventy-seven
miles north-north-east of Calcutta. Lat. 23 39', long. 88 48'.
PIRTHTILA. Yillage in Gurgaon district, Punjab ; situated on the
route from Delhi to Muttra, and thirty-four miles south of the former.
Lat. 28 13', long. 77 21'.
PIRTI. Thana in Shahabad district, Bengal. Area 309 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 179,492.
PIS ANGUN. Town in Ajmere district, Eajputana. Distance fifteen
miles west of Ajmere, north-west of Nasirabad, twenty-two miles. Lat.
26 26', long. 74 30'.
PISINI. Town in Haidarabad State ; situated 144 miles north-
north-west from Haidarabad, and 128 miles south by east from Ellichpur
Lat. 19 24', long. 78 3'.
PISSURLEM. Tillage in Sanguelim district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 638.
PITAR. Yillage in Tehrf-Garhwal State, N.W.P. ; situated on a
feeder of the Tons, and about five miles from the right bank of that river.
Elevation above the sea, 6684 feet. Lat. 31, long. 78 1'.
PITARI. Town in Unao district, Oudh, about four miles north-west
of Unao town. Pop. (1869), 3589.
PITHAPUR. Capital of the Pithapur taluk, Godavari district, Madras.
Lat. 17 6' 45", long. 82 18' 40". Pop. (1881), 11,953.
PITHORAGARH. Cantonment in Kumaun district, N.W.P. Lat.
29 35' 35", long. 80 14' 30". Elevation above sea-level, 5334 feet.
Pop. (1881), 438.
PITHOBIA. Town in Sagar district, Central Provinces; situated
on the route from Sagar to Narwar, twenty-one miles north-west of the
former. Lat. 24 8', long. 78 34'.
PITHORIA. State in Sagar district, Central Provinces ; twenty miles
north-west of Sa^ar town. Area, 51 sq. miles.
PITIHRA (PUTERA). State in Sagar district, Central Provinces.
Area, 231 sq. miles. The capital of the same name has a population of
about 800.
PITLAD. Capital of the Pitlad Subdivision of Baroda State. Lat.
22 29', long. 72 50'. Pop. (1881), 14,418.
PITLAUD (PITLAWUD). Town in Jhabua State, Central India
Agency; situated on the route from ]S"imach to Baroda, 117 miles south
of former, 150 north-east of latter. Lat. 23, long. 74 52'.
PITLATID. Town in Kaira district, Bombay ; situated forty-
two miles south- south -east of Ahmedabad. Lat. 22 27', long. 72
PITRABAR. Town in Chutia Nagpur division, Bengal ; situated
twenty-one miles east by south of Ramgarh. Lat. 23 40', long.
85 50'.
PITUMPUR. Village in Cawnpore district, N.W.P. ; situated on the
route from Allahabad to Etawah, and forty-seven miles south-east of the
latter. Lat. 26 24', long. 79 40'.
PITUMPUR Town in Bulandshahr district, N.W.P. ; situated on
the route from Bulandshahr to Aligarh, twenty miles south-east of the
former. Lat. 28 11', long. 78 10'.
PLASSY. Village in Hindur (Nalagarh) State, Punjab; situated on
the route from Rupar to Bilaspur, and ten miles north-east of the former
place. It is situate on the right bank of the Sursa. Distant north-west
from Calcutta, 1080 miles. Lat. 31 2', long. 76 44'.
PLASSY. Town in Purniah district, Bengal ; thirty-nine miles south-
east by east of Purniah. Lat. 25 27', long. 88 2'.
PLASSY. Town in Nadiya district, Bengal ; situated on the left bank
of the Bhagirathi, and on the route from Calcutta to Berhampur, ninety-
six miles north of the former, twenty-two south of the latter. It was
here, on the 23rd June, 1757, that the memorable battle was fought
between Clive and Suraj-ud-daula, subahdar of Bengal, which ended in
the total defeat of the latter. The immediate effect of this memorable
engagement was the transfer of the subahdarship of Bengal from Suraj-
ud-daula to Mir Jaffir ; but its eventual consequences were much more
important, seeing that in this victory was laid the foundation of the
magnificent fabric of the British Empire in India. Lat. 23 47', long.
88 17' 45".
PODAKOTE. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 447.
PODANGMEW. Town in Pegu district, British Burma ; situated on
the right bank of the Irawadi river, and nine miles south-west from
Prome. Lat. 18 41', long. 94 58'.
PODAV ADA. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 459.
PODICHAID Town in Haidarabad State ; situated fifty-one miles
east from Haidarabad, and 110 miles north-west from Gantur. Lat. 17
23', long. 79 19'.
POGrlTLAPALLL Town in Haidarabad State; situated six miles
from the right bank of the Godavari river, and 161 miles east by north
from Haidarabad. Lat. 17 33', long. 80 58'.
POHNA. Town in Wardha district, Central Provinces ; situated forty
miles south-west of Nagpur, and seventy-nine miles east-south-east of
Ellichpur. Lat. 20 48', long. 78 42'.
POHONI. Town in Chanda district, Central Provinces ; situated on
the right or west bank of the Wainganga. Distance from the city of
Nagpur, south-east, forty-five miles. Lat. 20 47', long. 79 42'.
POHRA. Town in Bhandara district, Central Provinces. Pop. (1881),
POHTTJ. River in Bundelkhand, rising from a small lake twenty
miles south-west of Jhansi, in lat. 25 18', long. 78 25'. It holds a
course sinuous, but generally north-east, for 125 miles, and falls into the
Sind, on the right side, in lat. 26 25', long. 79 13'.
POHUR. Town in Haidarabad State; situated seventy-two miles
west-south-west from Ellichpur. Lat. 20 46', long. 76 35'.
POICHA. State in Rewa Kantha, Bombay, paying a yearly tribute
of 150 to the Gaekwar of Baroda. Area, 3 sq. miles.
POINGUINIM (TALPONA). Village in Canacona district, Portu-
guese India. Pop. (1881), 3562.
POINI. River rising in the North Arcot district, Madras, and flowing
about forty-five miles south to the Palar between Vellur and Arcot.
POKARAN (POKHARN). Town in Jodhpur State, Rajputana;
situated in lat. 26 55', long. 71 57' 45", on the route from Phulodi
to Jaisalmir, sixty-six miles east of the latter place. It is situated close
to a deserted town of the same name, and contains about 3000 houses. A
conspicuous temple, on an elevated situation, marks the site of the old
deserted city. Distant south-west of Nagar 134, west of Nasirabad, by
Nagar, 228 miles.
POKRAURA. Village in Kumaun district, KW.P. ; situated on the
route from Pithoragarh to Askot, seven miles north of the former. Lat.
29 41', long. 80 16'.
POKRI. Village in Kumaun district, N.W.P. Lat. 30 20', long.
79 15'. Elevation above sea-level, 6110 feet. Here are copper mines,
but though formerly very productive, they were abandoned in 1841, as
the produce did not meet the expenses of working.
POL AIR. Town in Jaipur State, Vizagapatam district, Madras;
situated sixty-one miles south of Jaipur, and seventy-four miles west-
north-west of Vizagapatam. Lat. 18 10', long. 82 20'.
POLAVARAM. State in the 'Northern Circars,' Godavari district,
Madras. The village of Polavaram is situated in lat. 17 14' 50", long.
81 40' 40"; twenty-three miles north-north-west of Rajarnahendri.
Pop. (1871), 2734.
POLBA. Thana in Hugli district, Bengal. Area, 83 sq. miles. Pop.
(1881), 46,173.
POLE. Town in Baroda State; situated eighty-one miles east by
south of Disa, and eighty-three miles north-east by north of Ahmedabad.
Lat. 23 59', long. 73 20'.
POLEKUL. Town in Bellary district, Madras ; situated seventy-two
miles north-east of Bellary. Lat. 15 50', long. 77 46'.
POLEKTJRRTI (POLKTIRU). Town, in Godavari district, Madras.
Lat. 16 47', long. 82 18'. Pop. (1871), 6429.
POLEM. Village in Canacona district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881\ 452.
POLENSHAW. Town, with fort, in Haidarabad State; situated
thirteen miles from the right bank of the river Godavari. Distant 150
miles east of Haidarabad. Lat. 17 35', long. 80 45'.
POLL Town in Cuddapah district, Madras; situated in lat. 14 12'
45", long. 79 13'; thirty-one miles south-east by east of Cuddapah. Pop.
(1871), 6660.
POLLACHL Capital of Pollachi taluk, Coimbatore district, Madras.
Lat. 10 39' 20", long. 77 3' 5". Pop. (1881), 5082.
POLL ASTJRRA. Town in Ganjam district, Madras; situated twenty-
seven miles north-west by north of Ganjam. Lat. 19 41', long. 84 53'.
POLLIAM. Town in Haidarabad State ; situated on the right bank
of the Godavari river, and 154 miles north-west of Haidarabad. Lat.
19 1', long. 77 1'.
POLLILTJR. Town in Conjeveram taluk, Chengalpat district, Madras.
Lat. 12 58' 20", long. 79 45' 20". Pop. (1871), 933.
POLTIR. Capital of Polur taluk, North Arcot district, Madras;
situated in lat. 12 30' 45", long. 79 9' 30", thirty-three miles south-
west of Arcot. Pop. (1881), 5649.
POMBURP A. Tillage in Bardez district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 2569.
POMTJRNA. Town in Chanda district, Central Provinces ; situated
nine miles from the right bank of the "Wainganga river, and ninety-five
miles south-sonth-east of Nagpur. Lat. 19 53', long. 79 40'.
PONANI. Capital of Ponani taluk, Malabar district, Madras. Pop.
(1871), 11,472, chiefly Moplas. Distance from Bombay, south-east, 600
miles; Mangalore, south-east, 160; Calicut, south-east, 34; Bangalore,
south-west, 190. Lat. 10 47' 10", long. 75 57' 55".
PONANI. River of Malabar district, Madras; rising in the British
district of Coimbatore, in lat. 10 19', long. 77 6', and flowing north-west
enters the Arabian Sea, in lat. 10 47' 30", long. 75 58' ; the total
length of the course is 128 miles.
PONASSA (POMAWA). Village in Jodhpur State, Rajputana ;
situated on the route from Nasirabad to Disa, and 157 miles south-west
of the former. Lat. 25 2', long. 73 4'.
PONDA. Town in the Portuguese territory of Goa ; situated nine
miles south-east by east from Goa, and sixty-six miles west from Dharwar.
Lat. 15 25', long. 74 5'.
PONDA. District in Portuguese India. Pop. (1881), 39,097.
PONDALTIRIA. Town in Chhatisgarh district, Central Provinces ;
situated 165 miles north-east by east of Nagpur, and seventy-four miles
south of Sohagpur. Lat. 22 15', long. 81 26'.
POO 729
PONDICHEREI. On the Coromandel coast, a Trench settlement
included within the limits of the British district of South Arcot. During:
the obstinately-contested wars between the British and French in India,
in the course of the last century, Pondicherri, as a military and maritime
station, had the advantage over Madras of lying to windward of it during
the south-west monsoon, which was the season for hostile operations.
Pondicherri is the capital of the French possessions in India, and the seat
of their supreme government. In each of these settlements there is a
government agent, who receives the governor's orders direct, and corre-
sponds with him. The territory of Pondicherri consists of 1. The district
of Pondicherri, properly so called, containing, besides the town, eleven
villages ; 2. The district of Vallianur, containing forty- five villages ; 3.
The district of Bahur, containing thirty-six villages. The total area is
estimated at 113 sq. miles, with a population (1876) of 156,094. The
population of the town is estimated at from 25,000 to 30,000. Distance
from Madras, south-south-west, eighty- six miles. The town of Pondi-
cherri is in lat. 11 55' 57", long. 79 52' 53".
PONDTJA. Town in Sylhet district, Bengal; situated fifteen miles
north-north-west of Sylhet. Lat. 25 26', long. 91 47'.
PONGA. Town in Rangpur district, Bengal; situated thirty-nine
miles north-west of Rangpur. Lat. 26 5', long. 88 52'.
PONNAPETE. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 783.
PONOXEM. Tillage in Sanguelim district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 155.
PONPTJTTA. Town in Malabar district, Madras; situated seventy-
one miles south-east of Cannanore. Lat. 11 12', long. 76 15'.
PONSULI. Village in Sanguelim district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 115.
PONWAR. Town in Shahabad district, Bengal; situated fifty-one
miles north-east by east of Sasseram. Lat. 25 21', long. 84 41'.
POONA. District in the Deccan, Bombay; situated between lat. 17
54'__igo 23', and long. 73 24' 75 13'. It is bounded on the north by
the districts of Nasik and Ahmednagar ; on the east by those of Ahmed-
nagar and Sholapur ; on the south by Satara and the State of Phaltan ;
and on the west by the Bhor State and the Sahyadri Hills or the Western
Ghats. Area, 5347 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 900,621. The chief rivers
are the Nira, the Bhima, the Mula, the Mata, and the Gur. The district
is traversed by the south-eastern branch of the main line of the Great
Indian Peninsula Railway Company. The principal roads are those from
Poona, connecting that city with Bombay, Sholapur, Ahmednagar, Nasfk,
Satara, by the Niri bridge. The administration is in the hands of a
Collector and Staff.
POONA. The capital of the district of the same name. Pop. (1881),
99,622. It is situate on the small river Mata, immediately above its
confluence with the Mula. The south-eastern branch of the main line of
the Great Indian Peninsula Railway Company passes by the city. The
most remarkable building is the palace, formerly the residence of the
Peshwa. It is of considerable extent, and contains a handsome quad-
rangle, surrounded by cloisters of carved wooden pillars. The head-
quarters of one of the divisions of the Bombay army are at Poona, and
from July to November it is the seat of the Government of Bombay.
The cantonments (pop. 1881, 30,129) are on an elevated site a mile west
of the city, and are perhaps the most extensive and best arranged in
India. The Khadakwasla lake, which has an area of about 5 sq. miles,
and is situated about ten miles south-west of Poona, now affords the chief
water supply to Poona and to the neighbouring cavalry and artillery
cantonment of Kirki. There are two colleges at Poona, the Deccan
College and the Engineering College, also a training college for preparing
teachers for vernacular schools, a government high school, and several
government and private schools for education both in English and the
vernacular. A female normal school has also been in operation for some
time. Elevation above the sea, 1850 feet. Distance from Bombay,
south-east, seventy -four miles ; from Satara, north, fifty-eight ; from
Ahmednagar, south-west, seventy. Lat. 18 30' 41", long. 73 55' 21".
PORADTJ. Tillage in-Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 241.
PORAKAD (PORKA). Town in Travancore State, Madras. Lat. 9
21' 30", long. 76 25' 40". Pop. (1871), 2922.
PORAKADL Town in Malabar district, Madras ; situated fifty-five
miles east by south of Cannanore. Lat. 11 41', long. 76 13'.
PORAYAR. Town in Tanjore district, Madras. Pop. (1881),
PORBANDAR. Third-class State in Kathiawar, Bombay. Area, 567
sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 71,072. The chief rivers are the Somti, Waiiu,
Minsar, and Ojad. The chief harbours are Porbandar, Madhupur, and
Miani. The rana, or chief of Porbandar, who pays a yearly tribute of
3350 jointly to the British Government, the Gaekwar of Baroda, and
the Nawab of Junagarh, is entitled to a salute of 1 1 guns, and maintains
a military force of 683 men.
PORBANDAR. Capital of Porbandar State, Bombay ; situated on the
western coast of Kathiawar, in lat. 21 37' 10", long. 69 48' 30". Pop.
(1881), 14,569. Though having no shelter for ships of considerable
burden, in consequence of a bar obstructing the entrance, it is much
frequented by craft of from 12 to 80 tons burthen, carrying on a brisk
trade with the opposite coast of Africa and various ports in Sind,
Baluchistan, Arabia, and the Persian Gulf.
PORIAN POINT. In Bassein district, Pegu, British Burma; situated
at the mouth of the TsTegrais river. It lies low, is formed of white cliffs
covered with trees. Distant sixty-nine miles south-south-west of Bassein.
Lat. 15 49', long. 94 29'.
PORIEM. Tillage in Sanguelim district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 2313.
PORINAMLA. Town in Cuddapah district, Madras ; situate thirty-
nine miles north by east of Cuddapah. Lat. 15, long. 79 4'.
POROS-CONDEM. Tillage in Pernem district, Portuguese India.
Pop. (1881), 378.
POROXEM. Tillage in Sanguelim district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 242.
PORSHA. Thana in Dinajpur district, Bengal. Area, 202 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 48,586.
PORT BLAIR. Harbour of the Andaman Islands.
PORT CANNING (MATIA). Town and port in the District of the
Twenty-four Parganas, Bengal ; situated in lat. 22 19' 15", long.
88 43' 20". There were considerable endeavours made in 1853 and
following years to form here a port for Calcutta, but they entirely failed,
nnd the place is now almost deserted. It has a line of railway from
Calcutta, but no traffic worth mention passes by it. There is also a thana
of the same name. Area, 261 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 47,518.
PORTO. Tillage in Daman district, Portuguese India. Pop. (1881),
PORTO NOVO. Seaport town in South Arcot district, Madras ;
situated on the Coromandel coast, at the mouth of the river Tellar. This
town was formerly of considerable importance and prosperity. Endeavours
were made to establish iron works here, by a joint-stock company, but
after some years the enterprise had to be abandoned. Distance from
Tranquebar, north, thirty-three miles ; Madura, north-east, 155; Tan] ore,
north-east, sixty -three ; Madras, south, 116. Lat. 11 29' 25", long.
79 48' 13". Pop. (1881), 7823.
PORTUGUESE POSSESSIONS. The Portuguese Possessions in India
consist of Goa, Daman, and Diu. Total area, 1086 sq. miles. Pop.
(1881), 481,467.
POTAL. Town in Maimansinh district, Bengal; situated forty-four
miles south-west by west of Nasirabad. Lat. 24 21', long. 89 50'.
POTALPUTTU. Town in North Arcot district, Madras ; situated
thirty- five miles north-west by north of Arcot. Lat. 13 20', long. 79 9'.
POTANUR. Railway Station in Coimbatore district, Madras; 302
miles from Madras.
POTEGAON. State in Chanda district, Central Provinces; sixteen
miles east-north-east of Chamursi. Area, 34 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
793. Potegaon village is situated in lat. 20, long. 80 11'.
POTHL Tillage in Rohtak district, Punjab. Lat. 29 5', long.
76 20'.
POTIKALL. State in Bastar district, Central Provinces. Area, 350
Bq. miles. Pop. (1881), 2013. Potikall, the chief village, is situated on
the river Tal, in lat. 18 33', long. 80 56'.
PO-TSA-DAW- Revenue circle on the left bank of the Irawadi,
Henzada district, Pegu division, British Burma. Pop. (1877), 2732.
POUK-KHOUNG. Revenue circle in Prome district, Pegu division,
British Burma. Pop. (1877), 2106.
POUK-TAW. Revenue circle in Toung-ngu district, Tenasserim
division, British Burma. Pop. (1877), 4020.
POUK-TAW. Eevenue circle in Prome district, Pegu division, British
Burma. Pop. (1877), 2298.
POUK-TAW. Revenue circle in Henzada district, Pegu division,
British Burma. Pop. (1877), 4625.
POTTK-TAW. Revenue circle in Henzada district, Pegu division,
British Burma. Pop. (1877), 7657.
POUNG. Revenue circle in Amherst district, Tenasserirn division,
British Burma. Pop. (1877), 5459.
POTJNG-DAY. Township in Prome district, Pegu division, British
Burma. Pop. (1877), 33,750.
POTJNG-DAY. Chief town of the township of same name, Prome
district, Pegu division, British Burma; situated in lat. 18 28' 20", long.
95 33' 40", on the main road from Rangoon northwards, thirty-three
miles south of Prome. Pop. (1881), 6727.
POUNG-LOTJNG. Range of hills in Tenasserim, British Burma,
forming the eastern boundary of Shwe-gyeng district.
POWAI. Thana in Azamgarh district, KW.P. Pop. (1881),
POWAIN. Town in Shahjahanpur district, N.W.P. ; situated on the
route from Shahjahanpur to Jamla, eighteen miles north-east of the
former. Lat. 28 4', long. 80 10'.
POWANGARH. Town in Baroda State ; situated twenty-two miles
north-east from Baroda, and sixty-nine south-east by east from Ahmedabad.
Lat. 22 28', long. 73 30'.
POWANGARH. Town in Kolhapur State, Bombay ; situated sixty-
four miles south from Satara, and sixty-nine miles north-north-west from
Belgaum. Lat. 16 47', long. 74 12'.
POWAR. Town in Poona district, Bombay ; situated seventeen miles
west of Poona. Lat. 18 31', long. 73 39'.
PRACA. Tillage in Daman district, Portuguese India. Pop. (1881),
PRAIGPTTR. Town in Jaipur State, Rajputana ; situated on the
route from Delhi to the town of Jaipur, 107 miles south-west of former,
fifty-four north-east of latter. Lat. 27 38', long. 76 13'.
PRAKASHA. Town in Khandesh district, Bombay ; situated in lat.
21 36', long. 74 28', twenty-five miles south-west of Dhulia, and seven
miles south-west of Shahada ; at the junction of the Tapti river with two
of its tributaries. Pop. (1881), 5651. A great Hindu fair is held here
once in twelve years.
PRANHITA. River in the Upper Godavari district, Central Provinces ;
it separates the Central Provinces in these parts from the Haidarabad
state. It is formed by the junction of the Wardha and Wainganga rivers,
and falls into the Godavari at Sironcha, in lat. 18 51', long. 80 1'.
PRATAPNAGAR. Tillage in the district of the Twenty-four
Parganas, Bengal; situated in lat. 22 23' 5", long. 89 15' 15", on the
bank of the Kholpetua river.
PRATTIP ADIT. Village in Krishna district, Madras. Lat. 16 12',
long. 80 24'. Pop. (1871), 7315.
PREMPUR. State in Mahi Kantha, Bombay. Pop. (1881), 2424.
The Chief pays a yearly tribute of 18 14s. to the Gaekwar of Baroda,
and of 4 12.?. to Edar.
PREMTOLL Village in Rajshahi district, Bengal. Lat. 24 24' 30",
long. 88 25' 15". An annual religious trading fair is held here.
PRINCE OF WALES ISLAND (PEN ANG). Island situate near
the northern entrance of the Straits of Malacca, off the western coast of
the Malay peninsula, being separated from its dependency Province
Wellesley, on the mainland, by a channel two miles and a half wide.
It lies between lat. 5 14' 5 29', long. 100 25'; is fifteen miles in
length, and twelve in its greatest breadth, and contains an area of 160
sq. miles.
PRIOL. Village in Ponda district, Portuguese India. Pop. (1881;,
PRODDTTTUR (PODDATURU). Town in Cuddapah district, Madras.
Lat. 14 45', long. 78 35' 20". Pop. (1881), 6510.
PROME (P YE). District in Pegu division, British Burma ; bounded
on the north by the Thayet district; on the east by the Pegu Yoma
mountains ; on the south by the Henzada and Tharawadi districts ; and
on the west by the Arakan Mountains. Area, 2887 sq. miles. Pop.
(1881), 322,342. The chief features of the district are the two mountain
ranges on either side, sending down forest-covered spurs towards the
Irawacli river, which, flowing from north to south, divides the district.
The Na-weng rivers, which fall into the Irawadi at Prome, drain, in con-
junction with their tributaries, the ranges of the Pegu Yoma. The
Hlaing, known in its upper course as the Zay and the Myit-ma-kha,
carries off the surplus waters between the Pegu Yoma and the Prome
Hills. Prom the side of the Arakan range comes the Thani, which falls
into the Irawadi at Pai-gyi, the Bhu-ru, which, after a course of thirty-
five miles, falls into the Thani, the Kyouk-bhu, another tributary of the
Thani, and the Tha-le-dan streams, which unite near Ma-toung, and fall
into the Irawadi at Tha-le-dan. The rivers are chiefly made use of for
floating timber down to the Irawadi. The chief towns are Prome, Pa-
doung, Shwe-doung, and Poung-day. There are at Shwe-tshan-daw and
at Shwe-nat-daw two celebrated pagodas. The Irawadi Valley State
Railway traverses the district.
PROME. Capital of Prome district, Pegu division, British Burma;
situated on the left bank of the Irawadi, in lat. 18 43', long.
95 15'. Pop. (1881), 28,813. Station on the Irawadi Valley State
PROMNA. Town in Amherst district, British Burma ; situated fifty-
three miles north of Maulmain. Lat. 17 16', long. 97 42'.
PRUCHITGARH. Town in Sawantwari State, Bombay; situated
twenty miles north-east of Vengurla, and fifty-two miles south-west by
south of Kolhapur. Lat. 16 3', long. 73 53'.
PRUCHITGARH. Town in Kolhapur State, Bombay ; situated fifty
miles north-west of Kolhapur, and thirty-eight miles south-west by south
of Satara. Lat. 17 12', long. 73 47'.
PUARI. Village in Kunawar district, Bashahr State, Punjab ; situated
on the left bank of the Sutlej. Elevation above the sea, 6008 feet.
Lat. 31 33', long. 78 20'.
PUBB MOUNTAINS, extending southward from the Hala range, and
forming a natural boundary between the Baluch province of Lus and
Sind. The highest point is about 2000 feet.
PUBTHUL. Town in Bardwan district, Bengal ; situated thirty-two
miles north-east by east of Bardwan. Lat. 23 28', long. 88 21'
PITCH. Village in Jhansi district, N/W.P. ; situated on the route
from Kalpi to Guna, fifty-five miles south-west of former, 150 north-east
of latter. Lat. 25 50', long. 79 6'.
PTJCHAK. Village in Jodhpur State, Rajputana ; situated on the
route from Nasirabad to the town of Jodhpur, and forty-three miles east
of the latter. Lat. 26 10', long. 73 47'.
PTTCHARL Village in Jaipur State, Rajputana. Lat. 28 8', long.
76 I 7 .
PUCHROLL Village in Jodhpur State, Rajputana ; situated on the
route from the town of Jodhpur to that of A j mere, and thirty-seven
miles north-west of the latter. Lat. 26 35', long. 74 11'.
PTJDAPADDI. Town in Malabar district, Madras; situated forty-
nine miles south-east by east of Cannanore. Lat. 11 29', long.
76 2'.
PUDDOPTJKER. Section of Calcutta. Area, 165 acres. Pop. (1881),
PUDORA. Village in Aligarh district, N.W.P. ; situated on the route
from the city of Agra to Bareilly, and fifty-three miles north-east of the
former. Lat. 27 42', long. 78 37'.
PITDTJKOTTAI (POODOOCOTTAH). State in Madras ; situated
between lat. 10 1510 29', and long. 78 4579. The State is
bounded on the north by the Trichinopoly district ; on the east by the
Tanjore district ; and on the south and west by the Madura district.
It is about forty -three miles in length from north to south, and the same
in breadth, and has an area of 1101 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 302,127.
The country is generally level, with occasional small rocky hills, and
is well cultivated, except in the south-west, where some hill and jungle
is found. The chief, called the Tondaman, from the Tamil word meaning
a ruler, has a salute of 11 guns; he maintains a military force of 126
infantry, 21 cavalry, and 3260 militia.
PUDUKOTTAI (POODOOCOTTAH). Capital of the State of the
same name, Madras. Lat. 10 23', long. 78 51' 51". Pop. (1881),
15,384. It is situated on the left bank of the Vellore river, fifty-nine
miles north-east by east of Madura.
PTT-GAN-DOUNG. Revenue circle in Rangoon district, Pegu division,
British Burma. Pop. (1877-78), 10,257.
PTIGHI SAWUR. Town in the Dang States, Bombay; situated
sixty-three miles west of Malegaon, and fifty-eight miles south-east of
Surat. Lat. 20 37', long. 73 32'.
PUHASU. Town in Bulandshahr district, KW.P. ; situated on the
route from Bulandshahr to Aligarh, nineteen miles south-east of the
former. Lat. 28 11', long. 78 8'.
PTJ-HTO. Revenue circle in Thayet district, Pegu division, British
Burma. Area, 48 sq. miles. Pop. (1877), 2645.
PUKARL Village in Banda district, N.W.P. ; situated on the route
from the town of Banda to Ajaigarh, twenty miles north of the latter.
Lat. 25 7', long. 80 29'.
PUKHRA. Town in Bara Banki district, Oudh ; situated five miles
east of the Gumti river, on the Rai Bareli and Haidargarh road. Pop.
(1869), 3383.
PUKHRAIN. Village in Cawnpore district, N.W.P. ; situated on the
route from the cantonment of Cawnpore to that of Kalpi, and ten miles
north-east of the latter. Lat. 26 14', long. 79 54'.
PUKKA SERAI. Village in Bulandshahr district, KW.P. ; situated
on the route from Aligarh cantonment to that of Delhi, and fourteen
miles south-east of the latter. Lat. 28 32', long. 77 26'.
PTTKLI. Small tract in Hazara district, Punjab ; situated in lat. 34
15' 34 30", long. 72 50' 73 15'.
PTJLALCHERRTJ. Town in Cuddapah district, Madras ; situated
seventy-three miles north of Cuddapah. Lat. 15 31', long. 78 59'.
PTJL ALL State of Jhalawar, in Kathiawar, Bombay ; paying a yearly
tribute of 35 to the British Government, and 4 12s. to the Nawab of
PTJL AN A. Village in Keonthal State, Punjab ; situated on the right
bank of the Gin, near the confluence of a feeder from the north.
Elevation above the sea, 6133 feet. Lat. 31 6', long. 77 29'.
PTJLANA. Town in Udaipur State, Eajputana ; situated fifteen miles
north-north-east of Udaipur, and sixty-six miles west-north-west of
Nimach. Lat. 24 48', long. 73 55'.
PTJLANTI. Town in Nepal State ; situated on the right bank of the
San Kus river, and twenty-eight miles east from Khatmandu. Lat. 27
42', long. 85 44'.
PTJLAVAINDLA. Town in Cuddapah district, Madras; situated
forty miles west by south of Cuddapah. Lat. 14 25', long. 78 17'.
PTJLBADI. Town in Jaipur State, Vizagapatam district, Madras;
situated forty-four miles south-east by south of Jaipur, and sixty-
eight miles north-west by north of Vizagapatam. Lat. 18 33', long.
82 51'.
PTJLGAON. Village and railway station in Wardha district, Central
Provinces; situated in lat. 20 44', long. 79 21', near the river "Wardha.
A yearly fair is held in this village, which is considered sacred by
the Hindus.
PTJLIANGTJDL Town in Tinnevelli district, Madras ; situated on the
Madura road, in lat. 9 10' 40", long. 77 26' 15". Pop. (1871),
PTJLICAT (PALIYAVERKADTJ). Town in Chengalpat district,
Madras ; situated on an island in an extensive inlet of the sea or salt-
water lake of the same name. The lake of Pulicat is thirty-three miles
in length from north to south, and eleven in breadth where widest, and
contains some large islands besides that on which the town is situate.
The town of Pulicat is distant from Arcot, north-east, seventy-six miles ;
Nellore, south, seventy-five; Madras, north, twenty-two. Lat. 13 25'
8", long 80 21' 24". Pop. (1871), 4903.
PTJLIKONDA (PTJLLICONDAH).-Village in North Arcot district,
Madras; situated in lat. 12 54' 40", long. 78 59', on the road from
Madras, by Vellore, to Bangalore ; distant from the former place, ninety-
seven miles, and from the latter, 115 miles.
PTJLIKOTTTJ. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 773.
PTJLIVENDLA. Town in Cuddapah district, Madras. Pop. (1881),
PTJLIYERL Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 1824.
PULIA CHAND. Village in Aligarh district, K"W.P. ; situated on
the route from Meerut to Muttra, and thirty-two miles north-east of the
latter. Lat. 27 53', long. 77 53'.
PULL OK. Town in Tavoy district, British Burma ; situated eighty-
eight miles north-north-west of Tenasserim. Lat. 13 20', long.
98 41'.
PULLOW. Town in Amherst district, British Burma ; situated
sixty-six miles north-north-west of Tenasserim. Lat. 13, long. 98 44'.
PULP. Village in Kumaun district, KW.P. ; situated half a mile
west of the right bank of the Kali (Eastern), thirteen miles south-east of
Champawat cantonment. Lat. 29 17', long. 80 20'.
PU-LU. Tidal creek in Bassein district, British Burma. It branches
from the Myoung-mya river in about lat. 16 35' 32 ;/ , and then runs
south and west into the Rwe.
PU-LU-PYENG-MA-GUN. Revenue circle in Bassein district, British
Burma. Area, 28 sq. miles. Pop. (1877), 4285.
PUNADRA. State on the Watruk River, in the Mahi Kantha Agency,
Bombay, paying a yearly tribute of 37 to the Gaekwar of Baroda.
Pop. (1881), 3767.
PUNAHANA. Town in Gurgaon district, TsT.W.P. ; situated on the
route from Muttra to Rewari, forty miles north-west of the former. Lat.
27 51', long. 77 16'.
PUNAKULLO. Town in Haidarabad State ; situated on the left bank
of the Godavari river, and 126 miles north-north-east of Haidarabad.
Lat. 19 6', long. 79 7'.
PUNAMALLU. Town in Chengalpat district, Madras ; thirteen miles
west-south-west of Madras. Lat. 13 2' 40", long. 80 8' 11 7/ . Pop.
(1871), 4733.
PUN ASA. Town in Nimar District, Central Provinces; situated in
lat. 22 14', long. 76 26', thirty-three miles from Khandwa. Formerly
a place of considerable importance.
PUN AS A. Village in Allahabad district, KW.P. ; situated on the
route by the Kutra Pass, from the cantonment of Allahabad to Rewah,
twenty-one miles south-east of the former. It is situate on the left bank
of the Tons, close to its confluence with the Ganges. Lat. 25 16', long.
82 7'.
PUNDARPUR. Town in Satara district, Bombay: situated on the
Bhima river, a tributary of the Krishna. Distance south-east from Poona
112 miles, and 185 south-east from Bombay. Lat. 17 40', long. 75 24'.
PUNDRL Town in Karnal district, Punjab. Lat. 29 45' 30", long.
76 36' 15". Pop. (1881), 4977.
PUNDUKISUR. Town in Garhwal district, N.W.P. ; situated on the
route from Srinagar to Thibet, fifty-four miles north-east by east of the
former. Lat. 30 37', long. 79 36'.
PUNDUR. Tract of country in Keonthal State, Punjab ; originally
subject to the Jubal State, on the north of which it lies. It extends
about eight miles in length, nearly in a direction from south-west to
north-east, and five in breadth, in a direction at right angles with the
former ; lying between lat. 30 58' 31 4', and long. 77 35' 77 42".
PTJX 737
This tract consists principally of a main ridge running from south-west to
north-east, forming part of the range connecting the peak of Wartu with
that of Chur, and having probably an elevation of from 6000 to 7000
feet above the sea. The streams flow across the district in a south-
easterly direction towards the Tons. On the expulsion of the Gurkhas,
Pundur passed into the possession of the East-India Company, and was
transferred to the Rana of Keonthal, its present sovereign. The popula-
tion is estimated at 3000.
PUNG. Town in Amherst district, British Burma; situated eleven
miles north of Maulmain. Lat. 16 38', long. 97 42'.
PUNGANUR. Town in North Arcot district, Madras; situated in
lat. 13 21' 40", long. 78 36' 33", on a plateau 2000 feet above the sea.
Pop. (1881), 7672.
PUNGTJL. Village in Bikaner State, Rajputana ; situated on the
route from the town of Bikaner to that of Bahawalpur, and forty-eight
miles north-west of the former. Lat. 28 29', long. 72 52'.
PTJNITTJ. Town in Travancore State, Madras; situated fifty-seven
miles north by east of Q,uilon, and ninety-one miles north-west of
Tinnevelli. Lat. 9 40', long. 76 50'.
PUNJAB (THE). Province of British India, so called from two Persian
words, signifying "five waters," the name having reference to five great
rivers which flow through it. It includes within its districts and states,
exclusive of Baluchistan, all India north of Rajputana to Sind between the
Jumna on the east and the Sulaiman Mountains on the west, or between
lat. 27 39' 35 2', and long. 69 35' 78 35'. The length from north to
south is about 800 miles, with a breadth of 650 miles. The Province
comprises thirty-two districts, with an area of 106,632 sq. miles, and a
pop. (1881) of 18,842,264; and thirty-six States, largely hilly, and
desert, with an area of 35,817 sq. miles, and a pop. (1881) of 3,861,683.
The Salt Range, sometimes known as the Kalabagh Mountains, holds a
direction a little south of east, between lat. 32 33' 33, and terminates
rather abruptly on the right bank of the river Jhelum. The elevation
is not great, probably in few places exceeding 2000 feet above the sea.
The chief rivers are the Sutlej, Beas, Ravi, Chenab, and Jhelum. The
chief towns are Lahore (capital), Delhi, Umballa, Multan, Rawal Pindi,
and Peshawar. The plain of the Punjab is divided by its rivers into
five extensive natural sections, described by the native term dodb,
signifying a great tongue of land lying in the bifurcation above the
confluence of two rivers. First, the doab of Jalandhar, between the
Sutlej and the Beas ; second, the doab of Bari, between the Beas and
Ghara on the east and the Ravi on the west ; third, the doab of Rechna,
between the Ravi on the east and the Chenab on the west ; fourth, the
doab of Jetch, between the Chenab on the east and the Jhelum on the
west ; fifth, the doab of Sind Sagur, between the Jhelum, Trimab or
Chenab, and Panjnad on the east, and the Indus on the west. Of late
years a large and constantly increasing area has been devoted to the
cultivation of wheat. The Punjab was annexed in 1849, on the conclu-
sion of the second Sikh war, and the Maharaja Dhulip Sinh became a
pensioner of Government. It is administered by a Lieutenant-Governor.
The province is traversed by the East Indian Railway, the Rajputana
State Railway, the Sind, Punjab and Delhi Railway, and the Northern
State Railway. There are also numerous canals, as well as several
excellent roads. The manufacturing industry of the Punjab is con-
siderable. It is exercised principally in the silk and cotton productions
of Amritsir, Lahore, Multan, Shujahabad, Leia, and some other places
in the south, and in the fabrication of arms in Lahore. Much of the
commerce of the Punjab consists in the transit of the goods of Hindostan
to the countries west of the Indus. The chief marts are Amritsir,
Multan, Lahore, Umballa, Delhi and Peshawar.
PUN-NA-RIP. Village in Henzada district, Pegu division, British
Burma. Pop. (1877), 3351.
PUNNOH. Village in Bhartpur State, Rajputana; situated on the
route from Agra to Ajmere, forty-three miles west of former, 185 east of
latter. Lat. 27 4', long. 77 24'.
PUNPUN. River of South Behar, rising in the extreme south of
Gaya district, in lat. 24 30', long. 84 11'. It flows towards the Ganges,
into Patna district, joining the Ganges at Fatwa. About nine miles
above its junction with the Ganges, the Punpun is joined by the Murhar.
Lat. 25 28' 45", long. 85 13' 30". The width of the Punpun, which is
enclosed with high steep banks, is here about 100 yards.
PUNU. Town in Shikarpur district, Sind, Bombay ; situated thirty-
two miles west of Shikarpur. Lat. 27 58', long. 68 8'.
PUNWA. Village in Allahabad district, KW.P. ; situated on the
route, by Rajapur ferry, from the cantonment of Allahabad to Banda,
and thirty-eight miles west of the former. Lat. 25 27', long.
81 23'.
PUPRI. Town in Muzaffarpur district, Bengal ; situated thirty-six
miles north-east of MuzafFarpur. Lat. 26 30', long. 85 50'. Also thana.
Area, 242 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 222,516. .
PUR. Town in Muzaffarnagar district, K.W.P. Elevation above the
level of the sea, 963 feet. Lat. 29 40', long. 77 54'.
PUR. Town in Azamgarh district, K.W.P. Lat. 25 57' 15",
long. 84 3'. Pop. (1881), 5735. Also thana. Pop. (1881), 40,124.
PURA. Town in Cawnpore district, N.W.P. ; situated on the route
from the cantonment of Fatehgarh to that of Cawnpore, and twenty-six
miles north-west of the latter. It has a bazar, and is well supplied with
water. Lat. 26 45', long. 80 9'.
PURAI. Town in Faizabad district, Oudh; situated on the route
from Azamgarh to Faizabad, seventy-six miles north-west of the former,
ten south-east of the latter, two south-west of the right bank of the
Ghagra. Lat. 26 43', long. 82 10'.
PURAINA. Town in Basti district, N.W.P. ; situated on the route
from Gorakhpur to Oudh, fifty-four miles west by north of the former.
Lat. 26 49', long. 82 32'.
PURAINDAR. Town in Haidarabad State; situated 211 miles
north-west of Haidarabad. Lat. 18 19', long. 75 30'.
PURAINHA. Village in Shahjahanpur district, N.W.P. ; situated
on the route from Fatehgarh to the cantonment of Shahjahanpur, and
eighteen miles south-west of the latter. Lat. 27 45', long. 79 46'.
PURAINL Village in Bijnaur district, N.W.P. ; situated on the
PUR 739
route from Moradabad to Hardwar, and forty-four miles north-west of
the former. Lat. 29 24', long. 78 31'.
PURAIYAR. Town in Tanjore district, Madras ; situated close to
Tranquebar, in lat. 10 38', long. 79 25'. Pop. (1871), 5864.
PURA MUFTI. Thana in Allahabad district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
PURANDA. Town in Purniah district, Bengal ; situated twenty-two
miles west of Purniah. Lat. 25 46', long. 87 10'.
PURANDHAR. Hill-fort and sanitarium (in subdivision of same name)
in Poona district, Bombay. The highest point of the mountain of Pur-
andhar is upwards of 1700 feet from the plain immediately below, and
4472 feet above the sea. There are two forts, an upper and a lower,
situated from 300 to 400 feet below the summit, which command a passage
through the Ghats, denominated the Purandhar Ghat. Purandhar
is distant sixteen miles south of Poona, forty miles north of Satara, and
ninety south-east of Bombay. Lat. 18 16' 33", long. 74 0' 45".
Area of subdivision, 470 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 75,678.
PURANGARH. Town in Ratnagiri district, Bombay ; situated
twelve miles south of Ratnagiri. Lat. 16 50', long. 73 22'.
PURANI CHAONI. Town in Dholpur State, Rajputana. Pop.
(1881), 5246.
PUR ANIGUD AM. Village in Nowgong district, Assam.
PURANIPUR. Village in Allahabad district, N.W.P. ; situated on-
the right bank of the Ganges, 779 miles north-west of Calcutta by the
river route, twenty-nine miles south-east of Allahabad by the same. Lat.
25 18', long. 82 14'.
PURANPUR. Tahsil in Pilibhft district, KW.P. Pop. (1881),
PURANPUR. Town in Shahjahanpur district, Ts T .W.P. ; situated on
the route from Bareilly to the Nepal territory, forty-eight miles east by
north of the former. Lat. 28 30', long. 80 13'.
PURANUM. Town in Gujrat district, Punjab ; situated on the left
bank of the Jhelum, eighty-nine miles north-north-west of the town of
Lahore. Lat. 32 46', long. 73 40'.
PURARA. State in Bhandara district, Central Provinces. Area, 37
sq. miles. Pop. (1811), 3517. Purara, the chief village, is situated in
lat. 21 9', long. 80 26'.
PURAULL Village in Farrukhabad district, KW.P. ; situated on
the route from the cantonment of Aligarh to that of Fatehgarh, and
forty-four miles north-east of the latter. Lat. 27 31', long. 79 2'.
PURAUR. Town in Travancore State, Madras; situated 126 miles
north-north-west from Trivandrum, and eighty-two miles south-south-
east from Calicut. Lat. 10 9', long. 76 16'.
PURBANL Town in Haidarabad State ; situated on the right bank
of the Dudna river, and 174 miles north-west from Haidarabad. Lat.
19 17', long. 76 50'.
PURE ASTHALL Thana in Bardwan district, Bengal. Area, 116
sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 82,070.
PURBUNL Village in Kunawar district, Bashahr State, Punjab;
situated on the left bank of the Sutlej. Purbuni is 7318 feet above the
sea. Lat. 31 35', long. 78 22'.
740 PUR
PURCHAPTJR.. Pargana in Muzaffarnagar district, K"W.P. Pop.
(1881), 40,124.
PURGAL Village in Cawnpore district, N.W.P. ; situated on the
ronte from the cantonment of Cawnpore to that of Fatehgarh, and ten
miles north-west of the former. Lat. 26 33', long. 80 17'.
PURL A district in Bengal; situated between lat. 19 27' 40"
20 16' 20", and long. 85 0' 26" 86 28'. Area, 2473 sq. miles. Pop.
(1881), 888,487. Bounded on the north by the States of Banki and
Athgarh, on the east and north-east by Cuttack district, on the south-east
and south by the Bay of Bengal, and on the west by the Madras district
of Ganjam and by the State of Rampur. In the western part of the
district there are a range of hills of no great height, by which numerous
rivers and streams pass through an alluvial plain to the Chilka Lake, and
the low sandy banks of the sea-coast. The lower part of the district is
very much open to inundation, which occasionally occurs in spite of the
protection of some 317 miles of embankment. The chief rivers are the
Bhargavi, the Nun, and the Daya, which fall into the Chilka Lake, and
the Kusbhadra, which falls into the Bay of Bengal. They are practically
channels of the Mahanadi river. The Chilka Lake is a gulf or inland sea,
salt or fresh according to the season of the year, and varying from 450 to
344 sq. miles, with an average depth of 5 to 3 feet. The chief towns are
Puri or Jagannath, widely known on account of the festivals held there,
Pippli and Bhuvaneswar. There are two main lines of road in the
PURI (JAGANNATH). Capital (in subdivision of same name) of
Pun district, Bengal; situated on the coast, in lat. 19 48' 17", long.
85 51' 39". Pop. (1881), 22,095. During the great festivals of
Jagannath, the number is sometimes swollen by as many as a hundred
thousand pilgrims. The great Car festival of Jagannath, which takes
place annually about June or July, is well known, and much has been
written on it. The Imperial Gazetteer of India states that " There have
doubtless been instances of pilgrims throwing themselves under the wheels
in a frenzy of religious excitement ; but such instances have always been
rare, and are now almost unknown. At one time several people were
injured or killed every year, but these were almost invariably the result
of accidental trampling. The few cases of suicide that did occur were
for the most part those of diseased and miserable objects who took this
means to put themselves out of pain. The official returns place this
beyond doubt." Area of subdivision, 1530 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
565,082. Also thana. Area, 868 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 222,133.
PURMA. Town in Chhatisgarh district, Central Provinces; situated
126 miles east-north-east of Nagpur, and eighty-seven miles south of
Eamgarh. Lat. 21 33', long. 81 3'.
PTJRNA. River of Haidarabad State; a considerable feeder of the
Godavari; rises in lat. 20 22', long. 75 16', and, flowing south-east for
190 miles, falls into the Godavari river, in lat. 19 6', long. 77 5'.
PURNA. River of Dang States, Bombay ; rising in lat. 20 59', long.
73 44', on the western slope of the Western Ghats, and falling into the
North Indian Ocean, in lat. 20 53', long. 72 48'.
PURNA. River of Berar, rising in lat. 21 35', long. 77 41', in the
PUR 741
Betul district, Central Provinces, and flowing southerly for sixty-five
miles through that district, and for ninety-five through the Amraoti
and Akola districts of Berar, falls into the Tapti, in lat. 21 4', long.
76 8'.
PTJRNABHABA. River of Bengal; rises in the Dinajpur district,
and flows southwards for about seventy-two miles, until it enters Maldah
district. Here it takes a south-westerly direction, and joins the Maha-
nancla, in lat. 24 50', long. 88 21', about a mile below Rohanpur.
PURNGAD. Port in Ratnagiri district, Bombay. Lat. 16 48', long.
73 20'.
PURNIAH. District in Bhagalpur division, Bengal; situated between
lat. 25 1 5' 26 35', long. 87 1 '88 33'. It is bounded on the north by the
state of Nepal and the Darjiling district, on the east by Maldah, Dinajpur
and Jalpaiguri districts, on the south by the Ganges dividing it from the
districts of Bhagalpur and the Santal parganas, and on the west by the
Bhagalpur district. The area is 4956 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 1,848,687.
Though remote from the sea, it is a level and rather depressed tract,
traversed by numerous streams, generally descending from the Himalaya
Mountains, lying to the north. There are no mountains or hills within
Purniah, the chief eminence throughout this extensive tract being
a conical peak, about 100 feet high, at Maniari. The principal rivers
which skirt or intersect the district are the Ganges, the Kusi, the Gogari,
and the Mahananda. The staple produces of the district are rice, which
is cultivated with considerable care, and indigo, which forms an important
manufacture. Tobacco and jute are also extensively cultivated. The
chief towns are Purniah, the capital, and Karagola, on the Ganges.
It is administered by a Collector and Staff.
PTJRNIAH. Capital (in subdivision of same name) of Purniah dis-
trict, Bengal. It is situated on the banks of the Little. Kusi, occupying
both sides of the river, and lying on the route from Bhagalpur to Titalya,
seventy-eight miles north-east of the former, and seventy-two south-west
of latter. Pop. (1881), 15,016. Purniah is distant north-west from
Calcutta by Berhampur 283 miles; south-west from Darjiling ninety-
eight. Lat. 25 46' 15", long. 87 30' 44". Area of subdivision, 1644
sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 511,945. Also thana. Area, 424 sq. miles. Pop.
(1881), 153,720.
PUROGAON. Town in Sylhet district, Bengal ; situated sixty miles
east by south of Jaintiapur. Lat. 25 4', long. 93.
PUROKH. Tillage in Mainpuri district, N.W.P. ; situated on the
route from the cantonment of Aligarh to that of Mainpuri, and eight
miles north-west of the latter. Lat. 27 17', long. 79 1'.
PTJRSOL Town in Mirzapur district, KW.P. ; situated fifty-three
miles south-south-east of Mirzapur. Lat. 24 27', long. 82 58'.
PTJRSTID. Village in Muttra district, K.W.P. ; situated on the route
from the cantonment of Aligarh to that of Muttra, and eleven miles
north-east of the latter. Lat. 27 34', long. 77 54'.
PTJRSUR. Town in Baroda State : situated forty-one miles north-
north-west from Rajkot, and sixty miles east-south-east of Bhuj. Lad.
22 51', long. 70 36'.
PURTIAL. Town in Gantur district, Madras; situated fifty-nine
miles north-west by west of Masulipatam. Lat. 16 40', long. 80*30'.
PTTRTTTR. Town in Haidarabad State ; situated on the right "bank of
the Dudna river, and 140 miles south-west by south from Ellichpur.
Lat, 19 36', long. 76 18'.
PTJRTJLIA. Capital (in subdivision of same name) in Manbhum
district, Bengal. Lat. 23 19' 38", long. 86 24' 35". Pop. (1881), 9305.
Area of subdivision, 3344 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 861,644. Also thana.
Area, 711 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 186,791.
PURUSGAON. Town in Bhandara district, Central Provinces ;
situated seventy-one miles east by north of Nagpur, and 130 miles south
of Jabalpur. Lat. 21 18', long. 80 14'.
jam district, Madras. Lat. 19 31' 15", long. 84 57'. Pop. (1881),
PURTJSP ATI. Tillage in Sultanpur district, Oudh, N.W.P. ; situated
on the route from Azamgarh to Sultanpur cantonment, sixty-six miles
west of the former, twelve south-east of the latter. Lat. 26 17', long.
82 10'.
PURWA. Town (in tahsil of same name) in Unao district, Oudh ;
situated twenty miles south-east of Unao town. Lat. 26 27' 20", long.
80 48' 55". Pop. (1881), 9719. Area of tahsil, 547 sq. miles. Pop.
(1881), 278,527. Also pargana. Area, 111 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
60,335. And thana. Pop. (1881), 76,589.
PTJRWA. Town in Hardoi district, Oudh ; situated sixty-five miles
north-west of Lucknow, and thirty-seven miles east-north-east of Farrukh-
abad. Lat. 27 30', long. 80 13'.
PURWA. Town in Unao district, Oudh ; situated twenty-nine miles
south-south-west of Lucknow, and thirty miles east of Cawnpore. Lat.
26 29', long. 80 51'.
PUS. River of Berar ; rises in lat. 20 9', long. 77 12'; and, after a
course of sixty-four miles, first south-east and then north-east, empties
itself into the Penganga at Sangam, in lat. 19 51', long. 76 47'.
PTISA. Town in Muzaffarpur district, Bengal; situated on the route
from Dinapur to Purniah, fifty miles north-east of former, 150 west of
latter. It is situate on the banks of the Little Gandak river. Lat. 25
59', long. 85 41'.
PTJSA. Government estate in Darbhangah district, Bengal. Has
been used as a stud depot, and also as a model farm.
PUSAD. Town (in taluk of same name) in Basim district, Berar;
situated in lat. 19 54' 30", long. 77 36' 30", about twenty-five miles
south-east of Basim town, on the Pus river, from which it takes its name.
Pop. (1881), 5047. Area of taluk, 1273 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
PUSES AVLL Town in Satara district, Bombay; situated in lat. 17
26', long. 74 24', twenty-seven miles south-east of Satara town. Pop.
(1872), 2456.
PTJSHKARA. Town, lake, and place of pilgrimage in Ajmere-Mhair-
wara district, Bajputana. Lat. 26 30', long. 74 40'. No living thing
may be put to death within the limits of the town. A fair is held
annually in October and November, attended by about 100,000 pilgrims,
who bathe in the sacred lake.
PTTSHPA-GIRI. Highest peak of the Subrahmanya range of moun-
tains, a spur of the Western Ghats, in the territory of Coorg. Lat. 12
40', long. 75 44'. Elevation, 5626 feet above the sea.
PITT. Town in Tavoy district, Tenasserim, British Burma ; situated
110 miles south by east of Maulmain. Lat. 14 56', long. 98 5'.
PTITATI. Tillage in Jodhpur State, Rajputana ; situated on the route
from Balotra to the city of Jodhpur, and fourteen miles north-east of the
former. Lat. 25 57', long. 72 30'.
PTITH. Town (in pargana of same name) in Meerut district, KW.P. ;
situated on the route from Meerut to Budaon, thirty-eight miles south-
east by east of the former. Lat. 28 40', long. 78 16'. Pop. of pargana,
(1881), 62,638. Also thana. Pop. (1881), 21,709.
PUTHIA. Tillage in Mainpuri district, N.W.P. ; situated on the
route from Aligarh cantonment to that of Mainpuri, and thirty-seven
miles south-east of the former. Lat. 27 37', long. 78 37'.
PUTHONA. Town in Allahabad district, N.W.P. ; situated on the
route from Allahabad to Fatehpur, twenty-one miles west-north-west of
the former. Lat. 25 32', long. 81 38'.
PTJTINL Village in Muzaffarnagar district, KW.P. ; on the route
from Kurnal to Meerut, and nineteen miles south-east of the former.
Lat. 29 32', long. 77 14'.
PUTIRA. Tillage in Banda district, N.W.P. ; situated on the route
from Cawnpore to the town of Banda, seventeen miles north of latter.
Lat, 25 42', long. 80 32'.
PTJTJIRWA. Town in Saran district, Bengal; situated eight miles
west-north-west of Bettia. Lat. 26 48', long. 84 28'.
PUTLI. Town in Ulwar State, Rajputana; situated twenty-eight
miles west-north-west of Ulwar, and ninety-eight miles south-west of
Delhi. Lat. 27 40', long. 76 13'.
PTJTNI. River rising in the Central Provinces in lat. 23 40', long.
80 1', and taking a northerly course of eighteen miles, it crosses the
northern frontier into Bundelkhand, through which it flows first north-
easterly and then north-westerly, and falls into the Kan on the left side,
in lat. 24 20', long. 80 8', having a total course of about seventy
PTJTNITOLA. Town in Dinajpur district, Bengal ; situated forty
miles south of Dinajpur. Lat. 25 2', long. 88 42'. Also thana. Area,
262 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 69,238.
PUTORAL Town in Travancore State, Madras ; situated twenty
miles south-east from Trivandrum, and thirty-two miles west-north-west
from Cape Comorin. Lat. 8 17', long. 77 11'.
PUTPURGANJ. Tillage in Bulandshahr district, KW.P. ; situated
near the left bank of the Jumna, on the route from Aligarh to Delhi
cantonment, and eight miles south-east of the latter. Lat. 28 37', long.
77 21'.
PTJTRA. Town in Jaipur State, Madras ; situated 182 miles west by
south from Ganjam. Lat. 19 17', long. 82 23'.
PUTRTJHUT. Town in Sohawal State, Baghelkhand, Central India
Agency ; situated on the route from Sagar, by Rewah, to Allahabad, 158
miles south-west of the latter. It is situate on the right bank of the rivei
Tons (South-eastern). Lat. 24 34', long. 80 59'.
PUTSIN. Town in Rajshahi district, Bengal; situated thirty-two
miles north-east by east of Rampur. Lat. 24 37', long. 89 5'.
PUTTA HAT. Town in Noakhali district, Bengal; situated fourteen
miles north-west of Bhullua. Lat. 23, long. 90 46'.
PUTT AKOT. Town in Tanjore district, Madras ; situated twenty-
nine miles south-south east of Tanjore. Lat. 10 25', long. 79 21'.
PUTT AN AP ARAM. Town in Travancore State, Madras; situated
forty-three miles north by west from Triyandrum, and sixty-two miles
west-north-west from Tinnevelli. Lat. 9 5', long. 76 55'.
PUTTARI. Village in Rewah State, Baghelkhand, Central India
Agency ; situated on the old route from Mirzapur to the town of Rewah,
and thirty-five miles south-west of the former. Lat. 24 48', long.
82 5'.
PUTTIA. Thana in Chittagong district, Bengal. Area, 252 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 180,448.
PUTTIA. Town in Kajshahi district, Bengal. Pop. (1881), 6249.
Also thana. Area, 140 sq ? miles. Pop. (1881), 121,238.
PUTUR. Town in South Kanara district, Madras ; situated twenty-
six miles east by south of Mangalore. Lat. 12 45' 45", long. 75 14' 10".
Pop. (1871), 2312.
PUTUR. Town in Madura district, Madras. Lat. 10 8' 30", long.
78 20'. Pop. (1871), 8169.
PUWAL Town in Panna State, Bundelkhand, Central India Agency;
situated thirty-two miles south by west of Panna, and fifty-five miles
Dorth-east by east of Damoh. Lat. 24 16', long. 80 14'.
PU-ZWON-DOUNG. River in Rangoon district, Pegu division,
British Burma ; rises in the Pegu Yoma range, in about lat. 1 7 8', and,
after a southerly course of fifty-three miles, falls into the Hlaing just
below Rangoon town.
PWAI-THA. Revenue circle in Henzada district, British Burma.
Pop. (1877), 2510.
PYA MA-LAW. One of the mouths of the Irawadi, British Burma ;
falling into the sea in lat. 15 50', long. 94 48'.
PYA-PUN. Township in Thun-khwa district, British Burma. Pop.
(1877), 44,207.
PYA-PUN. Revenue circle in Thun-khwa district, British Burma.
Pop. (1877), 7220.
PYA-PUN. Village in Thun-khwa district, British Burma ; situated
in lat. 16 16', long. 95 40'.
PYA-PUN. Tidal creek in Thim-kwa district, British Burma; forming
one of the numerous mouths of the Irawadi.
PYAW-BHWAY. Revenue circle in Ran goon district, British Burma.
Pop. (1877), 7990.
PYAW-BHWAY. Village in Rangoon district, British Burma ;
situated in lat. 16 40', long. 96 13'. Pop. (1877), 3766.
PYENG-BHU. Revenue circle in Mergui district, British Burma.
Pop. (1877), 3583.
PYENG- DA-RAY. Revenue circle iu Thun-khwa district, British
Burma. Pop. (1877), 3579.
PYE Qn 745
PYENG-MA-BENG-HLA. Revenue circle in Bassein district, British
Burma. Area, 33 sq. miles. Pop. (1877), 2365.
PYENG-MA-NA. Revenue circle in Prome district, British Burma.
Pop. (1877), 3806.
PYNG. Town in Independent Burma ; situated nineteen miles west
from the right bank of the Irawadi river, and 149 miles south-west from
Ava. Lat. 20 18', long. 94 24'.
PYTIN-WA. Tidal creek at the entrance to the Bassein river, British
Burma. Total length, sixteen miles.
QTTEDAH. State on the Malay peninsula, occupying that portion of
the mainland which lies opposite the British possession of Prince of "Wales
Island. Province Wellesley forms its western boundary. Quedah, the
principal place, is in lat. 6, long. 100 30'.
QTJEDDEM. Tillage in Quepem district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 152.
QJJELAUDEM. Tillage in Sanguelim district, Portuguese India.
Pop. (1881), 205.
QJJELAUNIM. Tillage in Nagar-Aveli district, Portuguese India.
Pop. (1881), 334.
Q.TJEPEM. Tillage in district of same name, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 1624. Pop. of district (1881), 18,263.
QUERARBARI. Tillage in Nagar-Aveli district, Portuguese India.
Pop. (1881), 133.
QJJERDI. Tillage in !N"agar-Aveli district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 326.
QTJERIM. Tillage in Ponda district, Portuguese India. Pop. (1881),
QTJERIM. Tillage in Sanguelim district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 876.
OTERIM. Tillage in Pernem district, Portuguese India. Pop. (1881),
QTJERPUM. Tillage in Nagar-Aveli district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 142.
QTIETTA. Town in Khelat State, Baluchistan. Lat. 30 12', long.
66 55'. Quetta has been the seat, since 1876, of a British political
officer, with an adequate military detachment. A railway is now (1885)
in course of construction to this spot.
QUETTLA. Tillage in Ponda district, Portuguese India. Pop. (1881),
OTILANDI (COILANDI, KOYILANDI). Town in Malabar district,
Madras. Lat. 11 26' 25", long. 75 44' 11". Pop. (1871), 10,367.
dTJILON (KOLLAM, COIL AM). Town in Travancore State, Madras;
thirty-eight miles north-west of Trivandrum, 225 south-east of Canna-
nore, and 385 south-west of Madras. Lat. 8 53' 28", long. 76 36' 59".
Pop. (1875), 14,366.
QTJTSCONDA. Village in Quepem district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 127.
QTJITOL. Village in Quepem district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 369.
aUOMORUDINAGAR. Village in Delhi district, Punjab ; situated
on the route from Rohtak to the city of Delhi, and eleven miles west of
the latter. Lat. 28 40', long. 77 6'.
RABKAVL Town in the State of Sangli, Bombay. Lat. 16 28'
25", long. 75 8' 16". Pop. (1881), 5028.
RABKOB. Village of Udaipur, a State of Chutia Nagpur, Bengal ;
situated near the centre of the State, in lat. 22 28' 18", long. 83 15' 25".
RABNABAD. An arm of the Bay of Bengal, east of the Haringhata
river in the Sundarbans, with a large island of the same name at its
RABNABAD. Island at the mouth of the channel of the same name,
in the Sundarbans, Bengal. Its southern extremity is situated in about
lat. 21 50', eighteen or twenty miles to the eastward of the Haringhata
RACHERRI. Town in Haidarabad State ; situated nineteen miles
from the left bank of the Godavari river, and 158 miles north-east from
Haidarabad. Lat. 18 59', long. 80 13'.
RACHOL. Town in the Portuguese state of Goa, situated fourteen
miles south- south-east from Goa. Lat. 15 19', long. 74 4'.
RACHOL. Village in Salsette district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 1419.
RACHUR. Town in Gantur district, Madras ; situated twenty-nine
miles south-east by east of Gantur. Lat. 16 3', long. 80 50'.
RACHUTI. Town in Cuddapah district, Madras ; situated on the
Mundavir or Chittair, a small stream tributary to the river Northern
Pennair. Distance from the town of Cuddapah, south, thirty miles;
Kellore, south-west, eighty-six; Madras, north-west, 123. Lat. 14 3',
long. 78 49'.
RAGOLI. Village in Nagar-Aveli district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 335.
RAD AUR. Town in TJmballa district, Punjab. Lat. 30 1', long.
77 10'. Pop. (1881), 4081.
RADHANPTJR. State in Guzerat, Bombay; lying between lat. 23 26'
23 58', and long. 71 28' 72 3'. Including Munjpur and Sami, it
is bounded on the north by the States of Morwara and Terwara ; on the
east by Baroda ; on the south by Ahmedabad district and Jhinjhiwara
under Kathiawar; and on the west by the State of Warahi under
Palanpur. The area of Radhanpur is 1150 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
98,129. The district is traversed by the Banass river and by the minor
streams of the Saraswati and Rupan ; but as they generally dry up
during the hot weather, the inhabitants are mainly dependent on wells
for their supply. The chief is entitled to a salute of 11 guns, and
maintains a military force of 248 horse and 362 foot. Political rela-
tions with the State are conducted by the Political Superintendent of
RADHANPUR. Capital of Radhanpur State, Bombay; situated in
lat. 23 49' 30", long. 71 38' 40". Pop. (1881), 14,722.
RADHAPURAM. Town in Tinnevelli district, Madras. Lat. 8 16'
30", long. 77 44' 30". Pop. (1881), 5268.
RAGAULL Town in Gorakhpur district, N.W.P. ; twenty-one miles
north-north-west of Gorakhpur. Lat. 26 59', long. 83 17'.
RAGAULL Hill-fort in Banda district, NVW.P. ; ten miles north of
Ajaigarh. Lat. 25 1', long. 80 22'. Elevation above sea-level, about
1300 feet.
RAGAVAPURAM. Town in Godavari district, Madras; situated
sixty-eight miles north by west of Masulipatam. Lat. 17 8', long.
80 59'.
RAGHUGARH. State in Maiwa, Central India Agency. Pop. (1881),
RAGHUGARH. Capital of the State of the same name, Central India
Agency; situated in lat. 24 26', long. 77 15', on a tributary of the
Parbati river, and on the road from Guna to Mhow, sixteen miles south-
west of the former and 169 north-east of the latter.
RAGHUNANDAN. Hill range in the west of Sylhet district, Assam,
running north from the State of Hill Tipperah. Estimated area, 61 sq.
miles. Height above sea-level, 1000 feet.
RAGHUNATHAPURAM. Town in Ganjam district, Madras. Lat.
19 43' 40", long. 84 51'. Pop. (1881), 7634.
RAGHUNATHGANJ. Thana in Murshidabad district, Bengal. Area,
71 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 67,456.
RAGHUNATHGARH. Town in Jaipur State, Rajputana; situated
fifty-seven miles north-north-west of Jaipur, and 104 miles south by west
of Hissar. Lat. 27 40', long. 75 31'.
RAGHUNATHPUR. Thana in Midnapur district, Bengal. Area,
126 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 62,124.
RAGHUNATHPUR. Hill in Manbhum district, Bengal ; eight miles
west of Gaurangdihi. Lat. 23 31', long. 86 44'. Elevation, about
1000 feet above the sea.
RAGHUNATHPUR. Town in Manbhum district, Bengal. Pop.
(1881), 6115. Also thana. Area, 300 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 108,668.
RAGHUNATHPUR. Town in Gwalior State, Central India Agency ;
situated seventy-seven miles west of Gwalior, near the south or right
bank of the river Chambal. Lat. 26 4', long. 76 56'.
RAHA. Village in Nowgong district, Assam ; situated thirteen miles
south-west of Nowgong town.
RAHAHTA. Town in Ahmednagar district, Bombay ; situated forty-
seven miles north-north-west of Ahmednagar. Lat. 19 42', long. 74 30'.
RAHATGARH. Town in a tract of the same name, in Sagar district,
Central Provinces. Lat. 23 47', long. 78 25', twenty-five miles west
of Sagar town. Pop. (1881), 4013.
RAHIGAU. Town in Nepal State ; situated on the right bank of the
Bhyroi river, and twenty-one miles south by west of Jemla. Lat. 29,
long. 81 37'.
RAHIMATPTJR. Town in Satara district, Bombay ; situated in lat.
17 35' 35", long. 74 14' 40", sixteen miles south-east of Satara town.
Pop. (1881), 6802.
RAHIMNAGAR PANDIAWAN. Town in Lucknow district, Oudh ;
situated on the right bank of the Sai. Pop. (1869), 2500.
RAHIMPTJR. Town in Gurgaon district, Punjab ; situated on the
right bank of the Jumna, distant south-east of Delhi forty-two miles.
Lat, 28 6', long. 77 31'.
RAHINPTJR. Village in Allahabad district, N.W.P. ; situated on the
route from the cantonment of Allahabad to Jaunpur, and eight miles
north-east of the former. Lat. 25 28', long. 82.
RAHLAI. Town in Agra district, N.W.P. ; situated on the southern
frontier, towards the territory of Dholpur, seventeen miles south of the
city of Agra. Lat. 26 56', long. 78 6'.
RAHMAN-GARH. Hill in Kolar district, Mysore. Lat. 13 21',
long. 78 4' ; 4227 feet above sea-level.
RAHOLL Village in Moradabad district, 1ST.W.P. ; situated on the
route from Bareilly to Delhi, forty miles west of the former. Lat.
28 27', long. 78 54'.
RAHON. Town in Jalandhar district, Punjab. Lat. 31 3', long. 76
11'. Pop. (1881), 11,736.
RAHTJN. Town in Jodhpur State, Rajputana ; situated on the route
from Nasirabad to Nagar, and fifty-seven miles north-west ot the former.
Lat. 26 46', long. 74 8'.
RAHURI. Town (in subdivision of same name) in Ahmednagar district,
Bombay ; situated twenty-one miles north-north-west of Ahmednagar.
Lat. 19 23', long. 74 40'. Area of subdivision, 497 sq. miles. Pop.
(1881), 63,289.
RAI. Port in Thana district, Bombay.
RAIA. Tillage inSalsette district, Portuguese India. Pop. (1881), 6669.
RAIBAG. Town in Belgaum district, Bombay ; situated forty-eight
miles north-north-east of Belgaum. Lat. 16 29', long. 74 50'.
RAIBAGA. Town in Gangpur State, Chutia Nagpur, Bengal ; situated
on the left bank of the Sankh river, and eighty-one miles north-east by
north of Sambalpur. Lat. 22 17', long. 84 42'.
RAI BARELI. Division of Oudh, comprising the districts of Rai
Bareli, Sultanpur, and Partabgarh. Area, 4881 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
RAI BARELI. A district of Rai Bareli division, Oudh; situated
between lat. 25 49' 26 35', and long. 80 44' 81 40'. The area
of the district is 1738 sq. miles ; its pop. (1881), 951,905. It is
bounded on the north by the districts of Lucknow and Bara Banki ; on
the east by the Sultanpur and Partabgarh districts ; on the west by TJnao
district ; and on the south-west by the Ganges, which separates it from
the Fatehpur district. It is one of the most beautifully wooded and
fertile districts of the plain of Hindustan. The chief rivers are, the
Ganges, which is here navigable for boats of nearly fifty tons burden ;
the Sai, which is only navigable in the rains ; and the Loni, which dries
up in the hot season. The chief towns are Rai Bareli, the capital, Jais,
Daiman, and Salon. The district, which has numerous roads, is ad-
ministered by a Deputy-Commissioner and Staff.
RAI 749
RAI BARELI. Capital (in tahsil o same name) of Rai Bareli
district, Oudh ; situated on the banks of the Sai, forty-eight miles south-
east of Lucknow, in lat. 26 13' 50", long. 81 16' 25". Pop. (1881),
11,781. The town is especially interesting from an architectural point of
view. Area of tahsil, 371 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 199,095. Also thana.
Pop. (1881), 119,435.
RAICHANGA. Town in Kuch Behar State, Bengal ; situated
eighteen miles north-west of Behar. Lat. 26 27', long. 89 16'.
RAICHAO. Town in Jhalawar State, Rajputana; situated eight
miles south-east of Jhalra Patan, and eighty-nine miles east of Nimach.
Lat. 24 27', long. 76 20'.
RAICHOR. Town (in district of same name) in Haidarabad State ;
situated 111 miles south-west by south of Haidarabad. Lat. 16
10', long. 77 24'. Area of district, 2328 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
BAIDHAK. River of Bengal ; rises in the Bhutan Hills, and enters
the Jalpaiguri district in lat. 26 43' 30", long. 89 48', whence, flowing
southward, it passes into the Kuch Behar territory, and uniting with the
Kaljani, forms the Sankos ; the combined rivers fall into the Brahmaputra
below Dhubri.
RAIDI. Town in Lohardaga district, Chutia Nagpur, Bengal; situated
forty-one miles south-west by south of Lohardaga. Lat. 22 55', long.
84 28'.
RAIDRTJG (RAYADRTIG). Town in Bellary district, Madras;
situated thirty-one miles south of Bellary. Lat. 14 41' 50", long. 76
52' 50". Pop. (1881), 8766.
RAIGANJ. Town in Dinajpur district, Bengal ; situated in lat. 25
36' 40", long. 88 9' 48", on the left bank of the river Kulik. It is the
principal mart in the district, and engrosses the traffic of a large extent
of rich country. Distant thirty-two miles west of Dinajpur, and 292
north-west of Calcutta by Dinajpur.
RAIGANJ. Thana in Pabna district, Bengal. Area, 221 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 92,374.
RAIGARH. State attached to Sambalpur district, Central Provinces,
lying between lat. 21 45' 22 35', and long. 83 83 35'. It is
bounded on the north by the States of Sarguja and Gangpur, under
Chutia Nagpur ; on the south by the river Mahanadi and Sambalpur
district ; on the east by the Kolabira State ; and on the west by Chandra-
pur state and Sakti. Pop. (1881), 128,943. Area, about 1486 sq. miles.
The capital, Raigarh, is'situated in lat. 21 54', long. 83 25'. Pop,
(1881), 4860.
RAIGARH (RAYGAD). Town in Thana district, Bombay ; situated
thirty-two miles south-west of Poona, sixty-five south-east of Bombay.
The fort here, situated amidst the Northern Ghats, was, during the
campaigns against the Marhattas, considered one of the strongest in India.
Lat. 18 14', long. 73 30'.
RAIGARH (RAEGARH). Town in Partabgarh district, Oudh ;
situated six miles from Bihar, on the Partabgarh road. Pop. (1869),
RAI-HLA. Revenue circle in Shwe-gyeng district, British Burma.
Pop. (1876-77), 5512.
750 RAI
RAIJWA. Village in Muttra district, N.W.P. ; situated on the route
from the city of Agra to Eareilly, thirty -four miles north-east of the former.
Lat. 27 30', long. 78 26'.
RAIKA. State of Rewa Kantha, Bombay, paying a yearly tribute of
57 to the Gaekwar of Baroda.
RAIKOT. Town in Ludhiana district, Punjab. Distant thirty miles
south-west of Ludhiana town. Lat. 30 39', long. 75 35'. Pop. (1881),
RAIKWARA. Town in ISTagode State, Baghelkhand, Central India
Agency ; situated forty-one miles west from Rewah, and ninety- five miles
north-west by north of Sohagpur. Lat. 24 30', long. 80 44'.
RAI-LAING. Revenue circle in Tavoy district, British Burma. Pop.
(1876-77), 2770.
RAI MAN GAL. Estuary in the Sundarbans, Bengal. Its entrance is
situated about twelve miles east of the Guasuba river, in lat. 21 37'.
RAIMANGAL RIVER One of the mouths of the Ganges, falling
into the sea in lat. 21 42', long. 89 5'.
RAIN. District in Keonthal State, Punjab ; bounded on the north,
east, and south by the native state of Bashahr, and on the west by Jubbal
and Bashahr. It extends from lat. 31 2' 31 12', and from long. 77
47' 77 57', and is twelve miles in length from north to south, and five
in breadth.
RAIN A. Village in Bardwan district, Bengal. Lat. 23 4' 20", long.
87 56' 40".
RAINGARH. Fort on the left bank of the river Pabar, in Keonthal
State, Punjab. It is situated in lat. 31 7', long. 77 48'. Belonged to
Bashahr before the Gurkha invasion ; surrendered to the British in 1815,
and transferred to Keonthal in exchange for territory now forming part
of Simla district. Elevation of fort above sea-level, 5408 feet.
RAINWAL. Town in Jaipur State, Rajputana; situated on the route
from Delhi to Mhow, 181 miles south-west of former, 326 north-east of
latter. Lat. 26 41', long. 75 45'.
RAIPORA. Town in Panna State, Bundelkhand, Central India
Agency; situated sixty-one miles south by west of Panna, and eight
miles east of Sagar. Lat. 23 53', long. 80.
RAIPUR. A district in the Central Provinces ; situated between lat.
19 48' 21 45', and long. 80 28' 82 38' ; bounded on the north by
Bilaspur district; on the south by Bastar State; on the east by the
Sambalpur district ; and on the west by Chanda and Balaghat districts.
The area is 11,885 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 1,405,171. The Raipur
district may be best described as the basin of the Mahanadi and its
tributaries. This river rises in the south-eastern portion, near Sehawa
town, flowing west for thirty miles, then northerly, till its junction with
the Seonath river, which is at the junction the larger of the two, and
receives as tributaries on the right bank the Gurnaria, Am, Suri, Gara-
ghat, Ghogwa, and Hamp : on the left, the Karkara, Tendula, Karun,
and Khorsi. Prior to its junction, the Mahanadi receives the Pairi, the
Kesho, Korar, and Nairn. The chief towns are Raipur and Dhamtari.
Raipur, which was formed into a separate district in 1861, is administered
by a Deputy-Commissioner.
RAI 751
RAIPUR. The capital (in subdivision of same name) of Baipur
district, Central Provinces ; situated on a plateau 950 feet above sea-
level, about 180 miles east of Nagpur, by the road from Nagpur to
Calcutta. Lat. 21 15', long. 81 41'. Pop. (1881), 24,948. Area of
subdivision, 5791 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 466,091.
RAIPUR. Subdivision of Sultanpur district, Oudh. Area, 366 sq.
miles. Pop. (1869), 199,038. Also thana. Pop. (1881), 142,482.
RAIPUR. Town in Saharanpur district, N.W.P. ; situated on the
route from Saharanpur to Sfrmur, twenty miles north of the former. Lat.
30 15', long. 77 40'.
RAIPUR. Town in Jalaun district, NYW.P. ; situated on the route
from Kalpi to Etawah, sixteen miles north-west of Kalpi. Lat. 26 17',
long. 79 36'.
RAIPUR. Town in Gwalior State, Central India Agency; situated
six miles south-west of the fort of Gwalior. Lat. 26 8', long. 78 4'.
RAIPUR. Village in Rewah State, Baghelkhand, Central India
Agency ; situated on the route by the Kutra Pass, from Allahabad to
Jabalpur, and ninety-five miles south-west of the former. Elevation
above the sea, about 1100 feet. Lat. 24 34', long. 81 30'.
RAIPUR. Village in Mainpuri district, K.W.P. ; situated on the
route from the cantonment of Aligarh to that of Mainpuri, and fifty-five
miles south-east of the former. Lat. 27 39', long. 78 54'.
RAIPUR. Village in Cawnpore district, N.W.P. ; situated on the
route from the cantonment of Cawnpore to that of Kalpi, and sixteen
miles south-west of the former. Lat. 26 25', long. 80 12'.
RAIPUR. Town in Udaipur State, Rajputana ; situated sixty-one
miles north-north-east from Udaipur, and eighty-two miles south-south-
west from Ajmere. Lat. 25 26', long. 74 9'.
RAIPUR. Village in Ali'garh district, N/W.P. ; situated on the route
from Fatehgarh to Meerut, and 106 miles north-west of the former,
is situate near the left bank of the Kali Nadi (East). Lat. 28 5', long.
78 17'.
RAIPUR. Town in Hoshangabad district, Central Provinces. Pop.
(1881), 2346.
RAIPUR. Thana in Bankura district, Bengal. Area, 333 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 95,802.
RAIPURA. Thana in Dacca district, Bengal. Area, 298 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 202,738.
RAIRAKHOL. State attached to Sambalpur district, Central Pro-
vinces; situated between lat. 20 55' 21 20', and long. 84 84 48'.
Bounded on the north by Bamra, on the east by Athmallik and Aiigul, on
the west by Sambalpur district, and on the south by Sonpur. Pop.
(1881), 17,750. Area, about 833 sq. miles.
RAIRI. Fort in Ratnagiri district, Bombay; situated in lat. 15 45,
long. 73 44', 225 miles south of Bombay, on a rocky eminence at the
mouth of a small river, navigable for boats of some size. This place is
also called Yeswantgarh.
RAIRI. River of Jodhpur State, Rajputana ; rising on the confines of
Mhairwara, in lat. 25 55', long. 74 4', and flowing in a westerly
direction for eighty-eight miles, falls into the Luni river, in lat. 25 54',
long. 72 51'.
RAI SANKLI. Sixth-class State, in Jhalawar, Kathiawar, Bombay,
paying a yearly tribute of 55 to the British Government, and 38 to
the Naw&b of Junagarh.
RAISIN. Fort in Bhopal State, Central India ; situated twenty-three
miles north-east of the town of Bhopal, in an elevated tract, a peak
in its vicinity rising to the height of 2500 feet. The fort is on the route
from Hoshangabad to Sagar, fifty miles north of former, eighty-seven
south-west of the latter. Lat. 23 20', long. 76 46' 10".
R AIT AL. Village in Tehri-Garhwal State, N.W.P. ; situated close to
the right bank of the Bhagirathi. Elevation above the sea, 7082 feet.
Lat. 30 49', long. 78 39'.
RAITPUR. Village in Aligarh district, N.W.P. ; situated on the
route from the cantonment of Aligarh to that of Muttra, and twenty
miles south-west of the former. Lat. 27 38', long. 78 1'.
RAJA BELL. Town in Dera Ismail Khan district, Punjab ; situated
on the right bank of the Indus, 123 miles south- south- west of the town
of Peshawar. Lat. 32 14', long. 71 11'.
RAJAEITA. Town in Birbhum district, Bengal; situated 159 miles
north-west of Calcutta. Lat. 24 8', long. 86 40'.
RAJABORARI. Forest in Hoshangabad district, Central Provinces ;
covering about 160 sq. miles, and extending from Saligarh on the east
to Kalibhit and Makrai on the west.
RAJAGRIHA. A range of rocky hills in Patna district, Bengal,
between lat. 24 58' 30" 25 1' 30", and long. 85 25' 85 33' 30".
RAJAGRIHA (RAJGIH). Ruins in Patna district, Bengal. Con-
sidered to have been formerly the residence of Jarasmdhu, King of
Magadha (1426 B.C.). Lat 25 1' 45", long. 85 28'.
RAJ AHAT. Town in the Twenty-four Parganas district, Bengal;
nineteen miles south-south-west of Calcutta. Lat. 22 20', long. 88 20'.
RAJ AHPALAYAM. Town in Tinnevelli district, Madras ; situated
fifty-one miles north-north-west of Tinnevelli. Lat. 9 27', long. 77 31'.
Pop. (1881), 12,021.
RAJA JANG. Town in Lahore district, Punjab. Pop. (1881), 5187.
RAJAKHAIRA. Town in Dholpur State, Rajputana ; situated
twenty-three miles north-east of the town of Dholpur, twenty south-east
of Agra. Lat. 26 55', long. 78 15'. Pop. (1881), 6274.
RAJAKULARAMAN. Town in Tinnevelli district, Madras ; situated
in lat. 9 23' 30", long. 77 40' 30", on the Tinnevelli road. Pop.
(1871), 5447.
RAJ AM. Town in Vizagapatam district, Madras ; situated fifty-eight
miles north-north-east of Vizagapatam. Lat. 18 27', long. 83 44'.
RAJAMAHENDRI (RAJAHMUNDRY). Town in Godavari district,
Madras ; situated on the left bank of the Godavari, thirty miles from the
sea, and 365 miles north-east of Madras. Lat. 17, long. 81 48' 30".
Pop. (1881), 24,555.
RAJ AMUNDRTJG. Town in North Kanara district, Bombay;
fifteen milfs north-north-west of Honawar. Lat. 14 31', long. 74 26'.
RAJANPTJR. Town in Bahawalpur State, Punjab ; situated on the
left bank of the Indus river, and 116 miles south-west by west from
Bahawalpur. Lat. 28 31', long. 70 10'.
RAJ 753
RAJANPUR. Town (in tahsil of same name) in Dera Ghazi Khan
district, Punjab ; situated seventy- three miles south of Dera Ghazi Khan
town. Lat. 29 6' 20", long. 70 21' 54". Pop. (1881), 4932. Area of
tahsil, 1615 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 82,675.
RAJAORI (RAJ AWUR). Town in Kashmir State, Punjab; situated
on the banks of a stream, which, rising in the Pi'r Panjal, falls into the
Chenab. Elevation above the sea, 2800 feet. Lat. 33 19', long. 74 21'.
RAJAPUR. Town in Sitapur district, Oudh; situated on the right
bank of the Gogra river, and fifty miles north-north-east of Lucknow.
Lat. 27 30', long. 81 20'.
RAJAPUR. Town in Janjira State, Bombay ; situated on the
northern point of land forming the entrance of the harbour of Rajapur.
Lat. 18 18', long. 73 3'.
RAJ APTJR. Tillage in Banda district, K W.P. ; situated on the route
from Allahabad cantonment to that of Ban da, fifteen miles west of the
former, sixty east of the latter. Lat. 25 24', long. 81 14'.
RAJAPUR. Village in Gorakhpur district, N.W.P. ; on the left bank
of the Gogra, at the confluence of the Rapti. Distant south-east of
Gorakhpur cantonment, thirty-five miles. Lat. 26 14', long. 83 48'.
RAJAPUR. Town (in subdivision of same name) in Ratnagiri district,
Bombay; situated thirty miles south by east of Ratnagiri town. Lat.
16 39' 10", long. 73 33' 20". Pop. (1881), 7448. Area of subdivision,
512 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 127,999.
RAJAPUR (MAJHGAON). Town in Banda district, IST.W.P. ;
situated on the banks of the Jumna, eighteen miles north-east of Karwi.
Four fairs are held here annually. Lat. 25 24', long. 81 12'. Pop.
(1881), 7329. Also thana. Pop. (1881), 37,219.
RAJARAMPUR. Town in Dinajpur district, Bengal; situated five
miles north-east of Dinajpur. Lat. 25 36', long. 88 41'. Also thana.
Area, 388 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 199,409.
RAJA SANSI. Town in Amritsar district, Punjab ; situated on the
Sialkot road, seven miles north-west of Amritsar city. Pop. (1868), 3922.
RAJAU. Village in Bareilly district, N.W.P. ; situated on the route
from the town of Bareilly to Shajahanpur, and seven south-east of the
former. Lat. 28 17', long. 79 33'.
RAJAULL Town in Gaya district, Bengal. Lat. 24 39', long.
85 32' 25'. Pop. (1872), 5012. Also thana. Area, 345 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 96,775.
RAJ AURA Town in Agra district, KW.P. ; situated on the right
bank of the Jumna, and thirty-two miles south-east of the city of Agra.
Lat. 26 58', long. 78 32'.
RAJBARI. Town in Cuttack district, Bengal ; situated fifty-five
miles east-north-east of Cuttack. Lat. 20 42', long. 86 44'. Also thana.
Area, 388 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 91,015.
RAJGKARH. State in Malwa, Central India Agency. The area is
642 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 117,533. The Nawab, who is entitled to a
salute of eleven guns, maintains a force of 240 cavalry, 360 infantry,
4 field and 8 other guns, with 12 artillerymen. The town of Rajgarh
is in lat. 24 0' 23", long. 76 46' 38".
RAJGARH. State in the Deputy Bhil Agency, under the Central
India Agency. Pop. (1881), 706.
754 RAJ
RAJGARH. Ruined fort in Si'rmur State, Punjab. Lat. 30 52', long.
77 23'. Elevation above sea-level, 7115 feet.
RAJGARH. Town in Ajmere-Mhairwara district, Rajputana ;
situated ten miles south of Ajmere city, and six miles west of Nasirabad.
Lat. 26 17' 50", long. 74 40' 35".
RAJGARH. Town in Baroda State ; situated thirty miles north-east
of Baroda, and seventy-two miles east-south-east of Ahmedabad. Lat.
22 31', long. 73 35'.
RAJGARH. Town in Chanda district, Central Provinces ; situated on
the right bank of the Wainganga river, and eighty-eight miles south-
south-east from Nagpur. Lat. 20 3', long. 79 49'. Also pargana.
Area, 447 sq. miles.
RAJGARH. Town in TTdaipur State, Rajputana; situated on the
right bank of the Banas river, and seventy-seven miles south-south-east
from Ajmere. Lat. 25 29', long. 75 II 7 .
RAJGARH. Fort in Patiala State, Punjab ; situated two miles from
the right bank of the river Giri. Elevation above the sea, 7175 feet.
Lat. 30 53', long. 77 14'.
RAJGARH. Town in Rewah State, Baghelkhand, Central India
Agency ; situated on the left bank of the Son river, and fifty-four miles
east by north from Rewah. Lat. 24 35', long. 82 13'.
RAJGARH. Town in Gwalior State, Central India Agency ; situated
seventy-five miles south-west by south from Gwalior, and sixty-eight
miles west by south from Jhansi. Lat. 25 20', long. 77 35'.
RAJGARH. Town in Ulwar State, Rajputana ; situated on the route
from Nasirabad to Muttra, and seventy-six miles south-west of the
latter. Lat. 27 14', long. 76 42'. Pop. (1881), 9749.
RAJGARH. Town in Bikaner State, Rajputana; situated 140 miles
east-north-east of Bikaner, and forty miles south-south-west of Hissar.
Lat. 28 38', long. 75 31'.
RAJGARH. Town in Kotah State, Rajputana; situated on the
right bank of the Nfwaj river, and thirty miles east by south of Kotah.
Lat. 25 5', long. 76 20'.
RAJ GAWA. Tillage in Allahabad district, N.W.P. ; situated on the
route by the Rajapur ferry, from the cantonment of Allahabad
to Banda, and forty-one miles west of the former. Lat. 25 25', long.
81 21'.
RAJGHAT. Fort in Benares district, N.W.P., commanding the city
of Benares, and situated on an eminence fifty feet above the plain, at the
junction of the Barna river with the Ganges.
RAJGHAT. Village in Dehra Dun district, 1ST/W.P. Elevation above
the sea, 1516 feet. Lat. 30 26', long. 77 25'.
RAJGHAT. Village in Bulandshahr district, KW.P.; situated on
the right bank of the Ganges, seventy-three miles south-east of Delhi.
Lat. 28 14', long. 78 25'.
RAJGIR. See RjLrlGBinl.
RAJHLI. Village in Karnul district, Punjab ; situated on the route
from Hansi to Ludhiana, and fifty-six miles north of the former town.
It is situate on a branch of the river Ghaggar, in a low, level country.
Distant north-west from Calcutta, 1032 miles. Lat. 29 52', long.
76 2'.
RAJ 755
RAJIAKA. Tillage in Gurgaon district, Punjab ; situated on the
route from Karnul to Rewari, and six miles south-west of the latter.
Lat. 28 8', long. 76 35'.
RA JIM. Town in Raipur district, Central Provinces ; situated at the
junction of the Pairf and Mahanadi rivers, twenty-four miles south-east
of Raipur town. Lat. 20 58' 30", long. 81 55'. Pop. (1881), 3252.
A fair is held annually, attended by upwards of 30,000 persons.
RAJIPUR. Village in Farrukhabad district, N/W.P.; situated on the
route from Kalpi to Fatehgarh, and nine miles south of the latter. Lat.
27 14', long. 79 42'.
RAJKOT. Second-class State in Kathiawar, Bombay. Area, 231 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 46,540. The Chief, who pays a tribute of 2132
jointly to the British Government and the Nawab of Junagarh, maintains
a military force of 327 men. He is entitled to a salute of 9 guns.
RAJKOT. Capital of the State of the same name, in Kathiawar,
Bombay. Lat. 22 17' 40", long. 70 55' 45". Pop. (1881), 15,139;
exclusive of the civil cantonment and military station, pop. (1881), 6013.
The Rajkumar College for the education of the sons of native chiefs
is situated at Rajkot.
RAJLA. Town in Jhabua State, Central India Agency ; situated ten
miles south by east of Jhabua, and ninety-six miles east-north-east of
Baroda. Lat. 22 39', long. 74 39'.
RAJMAHAL. Town (in subdivision of same name) in the Santal
Parganas disirict, Bengal; situated in lat. 25 2' 51", long. 87 52' 51',
on the right bank of the Ganges. The place is principally remarkable
for the ruins, which are of great antiquity, but are now buried in jungle
about four miles west of the modern town. As the Ganges in 1864
shifted its main channel to a distance of four miles from Rajmahal, the
trade that was carried on here has much decayed, and the place is now
little more than a collection of mud huts. Area of subdivision, 751 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 253,825.
RAJMAHAL HILLS. An important range in the Santal Parganas
district, Bengal; estimated to cover an area of 1366 sq. miles. The
height nowhere exceeds 2000 feet above sea-level, but they form an
isolated group, the north-eastern extremity of which constitutes the
turning-point of the Ganges.
RAJNAGAR. Town in TJdaipur State, Rajputana; situated thirty-
nine miles north-north-east from TJdaipur, and 107 miles south-south-
west from A j mere. Lat. 25 4', long. 74 2'.
RAJNAGAR. Town in Chhatarpur State, Bundelkhand, Central
India Agency ; situated eighty-five miles south of Kalpi. Lat. 24 52',
long. 80.
RAJNAGAR. Town in Sylhet district, Bengal; situated twenty-six
miles south of Sylhet. Lat. 24 32', long. 91 52'.
RAJOLI. State in Bhandara district, Central Provinces. Area, 43
sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 1625. The town of Rajoli lies in lat. 20 40',
long. 80 16'.
RAJORA. Town in Dholpur State, Rajputana ; situated on the route
from Agra to Bari, thirty miles south-west of former, fourteen north-west
of the town of Dholpur. Lat. 26 50', long. 77 45'.
756 EAJ
RAJPARA. State in Kathiawar, Bombay, paying a yearly tribute
of 25 to the Gaekwar of Baroda, and 1 16s. to the Nawab of Junagarh.
RAJPIPLA. State in Eewa Kantha, Bombay, between lat. 21 23'
21 59', and long. 73 5' 74. Area, 1514 square miles. Pop. (1881),
114,756. The State is bounded on the north by the river Narbada, on
the east by the Mehwasi States under the district of Khandesh, on the
south by part of the Baroda State and the Surat district, and on the west
by the Broach district. Its extreme length from north to south is thirty-
six miles, and its extreme breadth from east to west fifty-five miles.
The population mainly consists of wild tribes inhabiting the hills ; but
the lowlands contain a considerable proportion of agriculturists. Three-
fourths of the State are occupied by a continuation of the Satpura range,
known as the Bajpipla hills. The main rivers are the Narbada, skirting
the territory for nearly 100 miles, and the Karjan, which, flowing north-
wards into the first-mentioned stream, divides the State into two equal
portions. The Chief, who pays a yearly tribute of 6500 to the Gaekwar
of Baroda, through the British Government, maintains a force of 456 men,
horse and foot, and is entitled to a salute of 1 1 guns. The capital of the
State, Nandod, is situated on the river Karjan, in lat. 21 54', long.
73 S4'. Pop. (1881), 10,777.
RAJPIPLA. Town in Eajpipla State, Eewa Kantha, Bombay ;
situated in lat. 21 47', long. 73 29'.
RAJPITA. Town in Manbhum district, Chutia Nagpur, Bengal;
situated thirty miles north-west of Eaghunathpur. Lat. 23 50', long.
86 25'.
RAJPTIR. Tillage in Ulwar State, Eajputana ; situated on the
route from the town of Ulwar to Jaipur, and fifty-five miles north-east of
the latter. Lat. 27 10', long. 76 36'.
RAJPTJR. Town in Eajpur Ali State, in the Bhil Agency, Central
India Agency. Lat. 22 20', long. 74 21'.
RAJPTIR. Town in Hoshiarpur district, Punjab ; situated nine miles
from the left bank of the Beas, and forty-three miles north-east of the
town of Jalandhar. Lat. 31 46', long. 76 13'
RAJPTJR. Village in Cawnpore distnct, N.W.P. ; situated on the
route from Kalpi to Etawah, and sixteen miles north-west of the former.
Lat. 26 18', long. 79 45'.
RAJPTJR. Village in Dehra Dun district, K.W.P. ; situated on the
route from the town of Dehra to the station of Landaur, and six miles
and a half south of the latter. Lat. 30 24', long. 78 10'. Pop.
(1881), 3293. Alsothana. Pop. (1881), 10,151.
RAJPTJR. Chiefship in Sambalpur district, Central Provinces. Area,
36 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 4765.
RAJPTJR. Pargana in Budaun district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 56,297.
RAJPTJR. Town in Twenty-four Parganas district, Bengal. Pop.
(1881), 10,576.
RAJPTJR. State in Kathiawar, Bombay, paying a yearly tribute of
241 to the British Government, and 18 to the Nawab of Junagarh.
RAJPTJR. State in Eewa Kantha, Bombay, paying a yearly tribute
of 5 to the Gaekwar of Baroda. Area, about 1 sq. mile.
RAJPTJRA. State in Kathiawar, Bombay, paying a yearly tribute
of 292 to the British Government, and 24 to the Nawb of Junagarh.
RAJ 757
RAJPURA. Tillage in Bareilly district, ISYW.P. ; situated on the
route from Pilibhit to Kasipur, twenty miles south-east of the latter.
Lat. 29 3', long, 79 16'.
RAJPURA. Town in Bikaner State, Rajputana; situated 112 miles
north-east by east of Bikaner, and sixty-two miles south-west of Hissar.
Lat. 28 33', long. 75 4'.
RAJPURA. Town in Patiala State, Punjab ; situated on the route
from Umballa to Ludhiana, and thirteen miles north-west of the former
place. Lat. 30 29', long. 76 41'. Pop. (1881), 3031.
RAJPURA. Thana in Budaun district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 49,756.
RAJPUR ALL State in the Bhil Agency, under the Central Indian
Agency, lying between the Narbada river and the Yindhya Mountains.
Area, about 800 sq. miles. Estimated population (1875), 29,000,
almost all of whom are Bhils. The Chief, who is entitled to a salute of
9 guns, maintains a force of 2 guns, 31 horse, and 150 policemen.
RAJPUTANA. An extensive tract of "Western India, so denominated
from its prevailing population, the Bajputs. It is bounded on the north-
east by the Punjab and North- Western Provinces ; on the south-east by
the Indore and Gwalior States ; on the south-west by Baroda and districts
of Bombay ; on the west by Sind ; and on the north-west by the Baha-
walpur State. Denned by these limits, it lies between lat. 23 30,
and long. 69 30' 78 15'. The area is 129,750 sq. miles, and the pop.
(1881), 10,268,392. The States comprised within Rajputana are Sirohi,
Mewar or Udaipur, Dungarpur, Banswara, Partabgarh, Marwar or
Jodhpur, Jaisalmir, Bikaner, Jaipur, Kishengarh, Ulwar, Bhartpur,
Dholpur, Karauli, Bundi, Kotah, Jhalawar, and Tonk. The territory
comprised within Rajputana is intersected by the Aravali range of
mountains, in a line commencing from the ridge of Delhi on the north-
east to Mount Abu on the south-west. The country lying north-west of
this line and comprising about three-fifths of the province is chiefly desert.
In this desert, which is covered with sand-hills, generally lying in long
straight ridges, water is obtainable from wells or pools with difficulty,
and as the water gives out villages often have to shift position. The
principal towns however, which have a secure water supply, are generally
well built and prosperous. To the southward of the Aravali range the
country is more fertile ; being watered by the Banas and Chambal rivers
with their tributaries, rising from the Tindhya Mountains. In the north-
western portion the only river of importance is the Loni, which rises near
Ajmere, and runs south-west for about 200 miles into the Kann of Cutch.
Among the most striking physical features of Rajputana is the Sambhar
Salt Lake, lying between Jaipur and Marwar. The chief towns are
generally the capitals of the principal States : the towns of Jaipur,
Jodhpur, Bikaner, Jaisalmir, Ulwar, Udaipur, Bhartpur, Tonk, Kotah,
Bundi, and Jhalra Patan are the most important. The province, which is
traversed by the Rajputana Railway, is administered by the Governor-
General's Agent at Rajputana.
RAJSHAHL District in Bengal; situated between lat. 24 3'
24 59', and long. 88 20' 45" 89 23' 30". It is bounded on the north
by Bogra and Dinajpur districts, on the east by Bogra and Pabna districts,
on the west by the district of Maldah ; on the south-west and south the
Ganges forms a continuous boundary separating it from the Murshidabad
and Nadiya districts. The area of the district is 2361 sq. miles, and the
pop. (1881), 1,838,638. The chief rivers are the Ganges, the Mahananda,
which, rising in the Himalayas, touches the western boundary for a few
miles before it falls into the Ganges, the Atrai, a channel of the Tista,
and the Baranai, which flows into the Atrai. The chief towns are,
llampur Bauleah, the administrative headquarters of the district, and
Natter. The district which is traversed by the Northern Bengal State
Hail way, is administered by a Collector.
RAJSHAHI. Subdivision of Rajshahi district, Bengal ; between lat.
24 3' 15" 24 56', and long. 88 21' 89 11'. Area, 944 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881). 599,847.
RAJSHAHI with KTJCH BEHAR. Division in Bengal ; situated
between lat. 23 43' 45" 26 20', and long. 87 43' 89 54' 30". It is
bounded north by Bhutan and Nepal ; east by the districts of Goalpara,
the Garo Hills, and Maimansinh ; south by Dacca, Faridpur, Nadiya, and
Jessor; and west by Purniah, Maldah, and Murshidabad. Area, 17,428
sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 7,733,775. It comprises the seven districts of
Dinajpur, Rajshahi, Rangpur, Bogra, Pabna, Darjiling, Jalpaiguri, and
the native state of Kuch Behar.
RAJUKONDTJ. Town in Haidarabad State; situated twenty-three
miles east-south-east from Haidarabad, and 108 east-north-east from
Karnul. Lat. 17 12', long. 78 5 1 7 .
RAJTJLA. Town in Kathiawar, Bombay. Distance from Ahmedabad
south-west 155 miles, Baroda 145. Lat. 21 2', long. 71 28'.
RAJULDISIR. Town in Bikaner State, Rajputana ; situated on the
route from Ratangarh to the town of Bikaner, and 75 miles east of the
latter. Lat. 28 1', long 74 34'.
RAJTJMPET. Town in Haidarabad State ; situated 66 miles north
by west from Haidarabad, and 166 miles east by north of Sholapur. Lat.
18 17', long. 78 21'.
RAJUR. Town in Shikarpur district, Sind, Bombay ; situated
twenty-seven miles south-east from the left bank of the Indus, and
twenty-seven miles south-east by east from Bukkur. Lat. 27 26', long.
69 16'.
RAJUR A. Town in Haidarabad State ; situated on the right bank of
the Wainganga river, and 180 miles north by east from Haidarabad.
Lat. 19 49', long. 79 26'.
RAJURI. Town in Haidarabad State ; situated 138 miles north-west
by west from Haidarabad, and 100 miles north-east from Sholapur. Lat.
18 40', long. 77.
RAKCHAM. Village in Bashahr State, Punjab; situated in the
valley of the Buspa, on the right bank of the river of that name, and
near the confluence of the Gor. Elevation above the sea, 10,456 feet.
Lat. 31 22', long. 78 27'.
RAKHA. Town in Nepal State ; situated on the right bank of the
Gandak or Salagra river, and 145 miles west-north-west from Khatmandu.
Lat. 28 37', long. 83 13'.
RAKI. Town in Jhelum district, Punjab ; situated on the left bank
of the Sohan river, fifty-four miles south-south-east of the town of Attock.
Lat. 33 15', long. 72 6 48'.
RAKISHBTJN. Town in Haidarabad State; situated on the right
bank of the Godavari river, and thirty-seven miles south by west from
Jaulna. Lat. 19 20', long. 75 46'.
RAKLIN. Town in Sikkim State; situated nineteen miles north from
Darjiling, and 116 miles north-north-east from Purniah. Lat. 27 18',
long. 88 22'.
RAKRI. Tillage in Alfgarh district, N.W.P. ; twelve miles south-
east of the cantonment of Alfgarh. Lat. 27 46', long 78 15'.
RALA. Town in Akyab district, British Burma ; situated twenty-two
miles north-west by west of Arakan. Lat. 20 5 1 7 , long. 93 8'.
RALAIGAON. Town in Haidarabad State ; situated eighty-five miles
south-east of Ellichpur. Lat. 20 27', long. 78 36'.
RALDANG (WEST KAILAS). A lofty mountain of the Kunawar
Yalley, Bashahr State, Punjab, separating the valley of the Baspa from
that of the Tidang. The highest peak has an elevation of 21,103 feet.
Lat. 31 29', long. 78 21'.
RALHUPTIR. Town in Benares district, N.W.P. ; on the route from
Benares to Sasseram, five miles south-east of the former. Lat. 25 14',
long. 83 7'. Also pargana. Pop. (1881), 29,417.
RALLI. Town in Yizagapatam district, Madras ; situated fourteen
miles north by west of Yizagapatam. Lat. 17 53', long. 83 19'.
RAMA. Town in Jodhpur State, Rajputana ; situated forty-six miles
south-south-west of Jodhpur, and 128 west-south-west of Ajmere. Lat.
25 41', long. 72 54'.
RAMAGrHARI. Town in Madura district, Madras ; situated fifty^
three miles north of Madura. Lat. 10 41', long. 78 12'.
RAMAGIRI. Town, with fort, in Mysore State; situated on the
right or west side of the river Arkavati. Distant from Serin gapatam,
north-east, forty-eight miles ; Bangalore, south-west, twenty-five. Lat.
12 45', long. 77 30'.
in Bellary district, Madras. Lat. 15 6' 30", long. 76 30' 30"; thirty-
eight miles west of Bellary. This convalescent depot has been established
for many years in the state of Sandur with the permission of the
Chief. Elevation above the sea, 3150 feet; above Bellary, 1825; and
above the surrounding plain, 1200 feet. The station is best known as
RAMANKA. State in Gohelwar, Kathiawar, Bombay, paying a
yearly tribute of 57 to the Gaekwar of Baroda, and 10 to the Nawab
of Junagarh.
RAMAPUR. Thana in Gonda district, Oudh. Pop. (1881), 78,588.
RAMARI. Yillage in Kumaun district, N.W.P. ; situated on the
route from Almora to the frontier of South-western Thibet, by the
Jawahir Pass, sixty-seven miles north-east of the former, eighty-nine
south-west of the latter. Lat. 29 58', long. 80 9'.
RAMAS. State in Mahi Kantha, Bombay, paying a yearly tribute
of 15 to the Gaekwar of Baroda. Area, 1708 acres. Pop. (1881),
RAMAS. High bluff headland on the coast of Goa. Lat. 15 5',
long. 73 58'.
760 RAM
RAMA SERAI. Valley in Tehri-Garhwal State, N.W.P. ; extending
in a direction from north-west to south-east, between lat. 30 46' 30 58',
and long. 78 78 12'. It is about a mile wide, fertile, and well
watered, and formerly was well cultivated. The Kamalda river, which
flows down the valley, falls into the Jumna on the right side.
RAMATGANJ. Village in TJnao district, Oudh ; situated on the route
from Cawnpore to Lucknow, twenty-two miles north-east of the former,
thirty-one south-west of the latter. Lat. 26 40', long. 80 41'.
RAMBHA. Village in Ganjam district, Madras. Pop. (1871),
RAMBRAL State in the Khasi Hills, Assam. Pop. (1872), 1737.
RAMBTJDRAPTJR,. Town in Haidarabad State ; situated on the left
bank of the Godavari river, and 168 miles east by north of Haidarabad.
Lat. 17 48', long. 81 2'.
RAMDAS. Town in Amritsar district, Punjab; situated near the
Kirran stream, twelve miles north-east of Ajnala. Lat. 31 58', long.
74 58'. Pop. (1881), 4498.
RAMDRTJG. State in the Southern Marhatta Country, Bombay.
Area, 140 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 29,570. Bounded on the north and
west by the Kolhapur State, on the south by Dharwar district, and on
the east by the Kaladgi district. The Chief, who ranks as a "first-class"
Sardar in the Southern Marhatta Country, maintains a military force of
750 men.
RAMDRUG. Capital of the State of the same name, Bombay;
situated fifty-four miles east by north of Bel gaum, and sixty-six miles
south-south-west of Bijapur. Lat. 15 56' 40", long. 75 20' 35". Pop.
(1881), 6810.
RAMENALLL Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 65.
R AMES AR. Village in Kumaun district, KW.P. ; situated at the
confluence of the rivers Surju and Eastern Ramganga. Elevation above
the sea, 1500 feet. Lat. 29 32', long. 80 8'.
RAMESWAR. Town in Pun district, Bengal ; situated twenty-eight
miles north-west by west of Jagannath. Lat. 20 1', long. 85 33'.
RAMESWARAM. Island and town in Madura district, Madras,
situated at the western extremity of Adam's Bridge, forming the
northern boundary of the gulf of Manaar, and extending in a direction
nearly east and west between Ceylon and the south-eastern coast of the
peninsula of India. It is about twelve miles long by six wide, and was
probably at one time connected with the mainland. It contains one
of the most venerated Hindu shrines in India, founded, according to
tradition, by Rama himself. Lat. 9 17' 10", long. 79 21' 55". Pop.
(1871), 13,767.
RAMGANG. Village in TJnao district, Oudh; situated on the route
from Cawnpore to Lucknow, sixteen miles north-east of the former,
thirty-seven south-west of the latter. Lat. 26 37', long. 80 37'.
RAMGANGA (EASTERN). River of Kumaun district, N.W.P.,
rising on the southern declivity of the main chain of the Himalaya, at
an elevation of about 9000 feet, in lat. 30 1 1', long. 80 8'. It holds
a course generally southerly for about fifty-five miles, to Ramesar, where
it falls into the Surju, on the left side. The name of Ramganga is often
given to the united stream as far as its confluence with the Kali.
RAH 761
RAMGANGA (WESTERN). Eiver of Kumaun and Rohilkhand
districts, N.W.P., and of Hardoi district, Oudh ; rising in lat. 30 6',
long. 79 20'. Its course for the first twenty miles is in a south-easterly
direction; it then becomes south-westerly, and so continues to its exit
from the hills, in lat. 29 30', long. 78 49', at the distance of about
ninety miles from its source. In this upper part of its course, it receives
numerous mountain-streams, on both the right and left sides. A short
distance below its entrance into the plain, and about 100 miles from its
source, it takes a southerly direction, which it holds for fifteen miles, and
in lat. 29 17', long. 78 42', receives the Koh, a considerable feeder, on
the right side. Besides some feeders of less size, it receives on the left
side the Sanka. Sixty miles still lower, it on the left side receives the
Deoha or Garah, a considerable stream. Ten miles below this last con-
fluence, the Eamganga falls into the Ganges on the left side, nearly
opposite the ancient city of Kanauj, in lat. 27 7', long. 80 3'. Its total
length of course is about 373 miles.
RAMGANJ. Town in Noakhali district, Bengal; situated twelve
miles north of Bhullua. Lat. 23 3', long. 90 57'. Also thana. Area,
117 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 80,742.
RAMGARA. Town in Panna State, Central India Agency ; situated
forty-eight miles south by east from the town of Panna, and sixty-nine
miles north-north-east of Jabalpur. Lat. 24 3', long. 80 28'.
RAMGARH. State in the Bhopal Agency, under the Central India
A gency.
RAMGARH. Coal-field in Hazaribagh district, Bengal. Its total
area is about 40 sq. miles. The coal in the eastern part occurs generally
in thick seams, but the quality is so variable that it is doubtful if it could
be profitably extracted.
RAMGARH. Town in Hazaribagh district, Chutia Mgpur, Bengal.
Lat. 23 42', long. 85 30'. Also thana. Area, 364 sq. miles. Pop.
(1881), 72,953.
RAMGARH. Hill in Sarguja State, Chutia Nagpur, Bengal ; noted
for its rock-caves and ruins of temples.
RAMGARH. Town (in tahsfl of same name) in Mandla district,
Central Provinces ; situated in lat. 22 47', and long. 81, on a rocky
eminence, below which flows the Burhner, separating Eamgarh from the
village of Amarpur, the site of an encamping ground. The town is on
the route from Sohagpur to Nagpur, forty-five miles south-west by
south of the former. Area of tahsil, 2677 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
RAMGARH. Port in Hindur State, Punjab ; situated on the steep
ridge which runs from the Himalayan range to the left bank of the Sutlej.
During the Gurkha war of 1814, General Ochterlony invested the fort,
and succeeded in conveying guns up the precipitous and previously track-
less slopes of the hill-side ; the defences were in consequence speedily
demolished, and the garrison capitulated. Elevation above sea-level, 4054
feet. Lat. 31 5', long. 76 51'.
RAMGARH. Town in Vizagapatam district, Madras ; situated eighty
miles south of Bastar, and seventy-six miles north by east of Eaja-
mahendri. Lat. 18 5', long. 82.
RAMGARH. Town in Barwani State, Central India Agency ; situated
762 RAM
twenty-one miles south-west of Barwani, and sixty-seven miles north of
Dhulia. Lat. 21 50', long. 74 49'.
RAMGARH. Town in Ajmere district, Ajmere-Mhairwara ; situated
on the route from Ajmere to Udaipur, thirty-nine miles south-south-west
of the former. Lat. 25 59', long. 74 32'.
RAMGARH. Town in Jaipur State, Eajputana ; situated on the west
frontier towards Bikaner. Distance west of Delhi, 141 miles, north-west
of Jaipur, 100, east of Bikaner, 108. Lat. 28 9', long. 75 5'. Pop.
(1881), 11,313.
RAMGARH. Town in Jaipur State, Eajputana; situated forty-one
miles north-west by west of Jaipur, and sixty-eight miles north-east by
north of Ajmere. Lat. 27 15', long. 75 21'.
RAMGARH. Tillage, with fort, in Jaipur State, Eajputana ; situated
on the route from Agra to Ajmere, seventy-two miles west of former, 156
east of latter. Lat. 27 3', long. 76 58'.
RAMGARH. Town in Ulwar State, Rajputana; situated on the
route from Ulwar, by Firozpur, to Delhi, and ninety-five miles south of
the latter. Lat. 27 35', long. 76 52'. Pop. (1881), 5101.
RAMGARH. Town in Baitul district, Central Provinces ; situated
on the route from Baitul to Kurgaon, fifty-four miles west of the former.
Lat. 21 49', long. 77 8'.
RAMGARH. Town in Gwalior State, Central India Agency ; situated
thirty-six miles north from Gwalior, and thirty-four miles south-south-
east from Agra. Lat. 26 44', long. 78 12'.
RAMGARH. Town in Chittagong district, Bengal; situated forty-
eight miles north by west of Chittagong. Lat. 23, long. 91 43'.
RAMGARH. Fort and village in Jaisalmir State, Eajputana ; situated
thirty-five miles north-west of the town of Jaisalmir. Lat. 27 16', long.
70 42'.
RAMGARH. Village (in pargana of same name) in Kumaun district,
TsT.W.P. ; situated on the route from Almora to Bareilly, and nineteen
miles south-west of the former. Elevation above the sea, 4872 feet.
Lat. 29 27', long. 79 37'. Pop. of pargana (1881), 177,000.
RAMGARTAL. Jhil or shallow lake in Gorakhpur district, N.W.P. ;
situated close to the cantonment of Gorakhpur. Lat. 26 46', long.
83 24'.
RAMGHARL Town in Haidarabad State ; situated 110 miles north-
east of the city of Haidarabad. Lat. 18 38', long. 79 39'.
RAMGHAT. Town in Bulandshahr district, N.W.P. ; situated on the
route from Aligarh to Bareilly, and thirty miles north-east of the former,
situate on the right bank of the Ganges, eighty miles south-east of Delhi.
Pop. (1881), 2903. Lat. 28 9', long. 78 80'. Also thana. Pop.
(1881), 15,267.
RAMGIRL Hill in Bangalore district, Mysore, on the left bank of
the Arkavati. Lat. 12 45', long. 77 22'.
RAMIA BIHAR. Village in Kheri district, Oudh. Pop. (1869),
RAMJIBUNPUR. Town in Midnapur district, Bengal. Pop. (1881),
RAMJUNDA. Town in Lohardaga district, Chutia Nagpur, Bengal ;
RAM 763
situated twenty-four miles west by south of Palamau. Lat. 23 46', long.
83 40'.
RAMKAIL. Fair held annually on the last day of June, and con-
tinuing for five days, within the precincts of Old Gaur, in the immediate
neighbourhood of the great Sagar Dighi, Maldah district, Bengal.
Pilgrims, chiefly Hindus of the Vaishnav sect, flock hither to the number
of 30,000 from all parts of Maldah, and from the neighbouring
RAMKOLA. Village in Gorakhpur district, N.W.P. ; situated on the
route from the cantonment of Gorakhpur to Bettia, twenty-eight miles
east of the former, fifty-four west of the latter. Distant north-west of
Dinapur, 110 miles. Lat. 26 50', long. 83 56'. Also thana. Pop.
(1881), 59,664.
RAMKOT. Pargana in Sitapur district, Oudh, N.W.P. ; bounded on
the north by Sitapur pargana, on the east by Khairabad, on "the south by
Machhrehta, and on the west by Misrikh. Area, 20 sq. miles. Pop.
(1881), 7666.
RAMKIINDA. Thana in Lohardaga district, Bengal. Area, 770 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 64,300.
R AMMAN. One of the tributaries of the Great Ran jit river in
Darjiling district, Bengal, rising in the Singalila range, which separates
Daij fling from Nepal. The Ramman flows along the northern boundary
of the Darjiling district from west to east, until it falls into the Great
Ranjit, in lat. 27 8', long. 88 19'. _
RAMNAD. Town in Madura district, Madras, the principal place of
an extensive zamindari or feudal estate of the same name, situated five or
six miles from the sea-coast of Palk's Bay, and about a mile and a half
from the right bank of the river Yaigai. The State lies between lat. 9
3'_10 2', and long. 78 79 24', and is bounded on the north by Siva-
ganga, Pudukottai, and Tanjore, on the east and south by the sea, on the
south by the Tinnevelli district, and on the west by the districts of
Tinnevelli and Madura. Its area is about one million acres. Pop.
(1871), 500,653 persons. The town of Ramnad has a pop. (1881) of
10,519, and is distant eighty-seven miles north-east of Palamkotta, sixty
miles south-east of Madura, 100 miles south of Tanjore, and 275 miles
south-west of Madras. Lat. 9 22' 16", long. 78 52' 9".
RAMNAGAR, Town in Benares district, N.W.P. ; situated on the
Ganges, about two miles above Benares city, on the southern bank.
Residence of the Maharaja of Benares. Lat. 25 16' 7", long. 83 4' 1".
Pop. (1881), 11,859. Also thana. Pop. (1881), 30,061.
RAMNAGAR. Town in Gujranwala district, Punjab ; situated
below the high bank of the river Chenab, twenty-four miles south-west
of Wazfrabad, and twenty-eight miles north-west of Gujranwala town.
During the second Sikh war, Lord Gough first encountered the Sikh
troops of Sher Sinh near Ramnagar in 1848. Lat. 32 19', long. 73 50'.
Pop. (1881), 6830.
RAMNAGAR. Tillage in the district of the Twenty-four Parganas,
RAMNAGAR. Tillage in Champaran district, Bengal ; thirteen miles
north-west of Bettia. Lat. 27 9' 53", long. 84 22' 2". Residence of
the Raja of Ramnagar.
764 RAM
RAMNAGAR. Town (in pargana of same name) in Bara Banki
district, Oudh ; situated (on the right bank of the Gogra river)
about four miles from Bahramghat, and thirty-two miles east-north-east
of Lucknow. Lat. 27 5', long. 81 26' 40". Pop. (1881), 5376. Area
of pargana, 112 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 80,559. Also thana. Pop.
(1881), 112,760.
RAMNAGAR. Town on the Narbada, in Mandla district, Central
Provinces ; ten miles east of Mandla town. Lat. 22 36', long. 80 33'.
Formerly a place of considerable importance.
RAMNAGAR. Village in Faizabad district, Oudh ; situated on the
route from Partabgarh to Faizabad, forty-five miles north of the former,
eighteen south of the latter. Lat. 26 24', long. 82 56'. Also thana.
Pop. (1881), 103,281.
RAMNAGAR. Village in Cawnpore district, KW.P. ; situated on
the route from the cantonment of Cawnpore to that of Fatehgarh, and
twelve miles north-west of the former. Lat. 26 35', long. 80 17'.
RAMNAGAR. Village in Gorakhpur district, K/W.P. ; situated near
the south-eastern frontier, towards the British district of Saran. Distant
south-east of Gorakhpur cantonment, fifty miles. Lat. 26 10', long.
84 2'.
RAMNAGAR. Village in Mainpuri district, N.W.P. ; situated on
the route from the city of Agra to the cantonment of Mainpuri, and
twenty-five miles west of the latter. Lat. 27 8', long. 78 45'.
RAMNAGAR. Town in Kewah State, Baghelkhand, Central India
Agency ; situated on the left bank of the Son river, and twenty-three
miles south of Rewah. Lat. 24 10', long. 81 20'.
RAMNAGAR. Town in Fatehpur district, N.W.P. ; situated on the
right bank of the Ganges, 879 miles from Calcutta, and 71 miles above
Allahabad ; twenty-four miles by land east of Fatehpur. Lat. 25 55',
long. 81 15'.
RAMNAGAR. Village in Allahabad district, KW.P. ; situated on
the route, by the Kutra Pass, from the cantonment of Allahabad to
Rewah, and twenty-six miles south-east of the former. Lat. 25 15',
long. 82 11'.
RAMNAGAR. Town in Bareilly district, N.W.P. ; situated on the
route from Shahjahanpur to Pilibhit, forty miles north of the former.
Lat. 28 28', long. 79 58'.
RAMNAGAR. Town in Nadiya district, Bengal ; situated ninety-six
miles north of Calcutta. Lat. 23 57', long. 88 30'.
RAMNAGAR. Town in Kashmir State, Punjab ; situated ninety-five
miles south-south-east of Srinagar, and 100 miles north-east of Lahore.
Lat. 32 45', long. 75 25'.
RAMPA. Hill tract in Godavari district, Madras. Between lat. 17
18' 40" 17 49', and long. 81 34' 30" 82. Pop. (1871), 13,958.
Rampa is a wild country, thinly populated, and yielding no revenue to
Government. It extends into the Haidarabad State, and towards the
States of Bastar and Jaipur of Vizagapatam. It has more than once
been the scene of local outbreaks, which the nature of the country has
made difficult to suppress.
RAMPAILI. Town in Bhandara district, Central Provinces. Pop.
(1881), 2157.
RAM 765
RAMPAL. Thana in Khulna district, Bengal. Area, 159 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 49,827.
RAMPARDA. State in Kathiawar, Bombay. Paying a yearly
tribute of 7 to the British Government.
RAMPUR. State in Rohilkhand, 1SIYW.P. ; situated between lat.
28 26' 29 10', and long. 78 54' 79 33'. Bounded on the north by
the Tarai district, on the east and south by the Bareilly district, on the
west by the Moradabad district. Area, 945 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
543,901. It is a level fertile country, abundantly supplied with water
in its northern division by the rivers Kosila and Nahul, both of which
hold a course generally southerly and nearly parallel to each other, the
latter on an average about ten miles east of the former. The southern
division is irrigated by the Ramganga, which, after receiving the waters
of the Kosila, traverses this quarter of the territory in a south-easterly
direction. The northern part of the district adjoins the Tarai, or tract of
marshy forest which extends along the base of the mountains and is much
overrun with jungle. The upper classes of the inhabitants are for the
most part Rohilla Afghans. The Nawab, who has (1885) a personal
salute of 15 guns (or two more than the State can claim), maintains a
force of 315 artillery, 505 cavalry, and 977 infantry, with 28 guns, besides
1023 military police.
RAMPUR. Capital of Rampur State, N.W.P. ; situated on the left
bank of the Kosila. at an elevation of 546 feet above the sea. Pop.
(1881), 74,250. Rampur is the residence of the Nawab, who repre-
sents the old Rohilla chieftains of Rohilkhand. Distant 789 miles north-
west of Calcutta. Lat. 28 48', long. 79 4'.
RAMPUR. Town (in pargana of same name) in Saharanpur district,
N.W.P. ; situated fourteen miles south of Saharanpur town, in lat. 29
48 15", long. 77 29' 35". Pop. (1881), 7951. A religious fair is held
in June in this town, which is famous for the manufacture of glass
bangles. Pop. of pargana (1881), 74,810. Also thana. Pop. (1881),
RAMPUR. Town in Malabar district, Madras ; situated seventy-one
miles east by south of Cannanore. Lat. 11 42', long. 76 29'.
RAMPUR. Town in Baroda State ; situated sixty-four miles east by
north of Baroda, and 112 miles east-south-east of Ahmedabad. Lat.
22 26', long. 74 12'.
RAMPUR. Town in Bellary district, Madras ; situated sixty-three
miles north-east by north of Bellary. Lat. 15 56', long. 77 24'.
RAMPUR. Village in Bareilly district, N.W.P. ; situated on the
route from the town of Bareilly to Sitapur, and thirty-two miles south-
west of the former. Lat. 28 15', long. 79 57'.
RAMPUR. Town in Muttra district, KW.P. ; situated on the right
bank of the river Jumna, twenty-three miles north of Muttra. Lat.
27 50', long. 77 38'.
RAMPUR. Village in Mirzapur district, 1ST.W.P. ; situated on the
left bank of the Ganges, twelve miles north-west of Mirzapur, 733 north-
west of Calcutta. Lat. 25 14', long. 82 30'.
RAMPUR. Village in Aligarh district, 1ST.W.P. ; situated on the
route from Agra to Bareilly, and 45 miles north-east of the former. Lat.
27 43', long. 78 28'.
766 RAM
RAMPUR. Town in Faizabad district, Oudh; near the north-east
frontier, towards the British district of Gorakhpur. Lat. 26 36', long.
82 12'.
RAMPUR. Town in Eewah State, Baghelkhand, Central India
Agency ; situated on the left bank of the Son river, and twenty miles
south-east of Eewah. Lat. 24 19', long. 81 33'.
R AMP UR. Town in Nepal State ; situated on the left bank of the
Gogra river, and 138 miles north-north-west of Lucknow. Lat. 28 46',
long. 80 23'.
RAMPITR. Town in Chhindwara district, Central Provinces ; situated
ninety-eight miles north-west of Nagpur, and forty-seven miles south-
east of Hoshangabad. Lat. 22 18', long. 78 17'.
RAMPUR. Town in Sitapur district, Oudh; situated on the left
bank of the Chauka river, and forty miles north-east by north of Lucknow.
Lat. 27 20', long. 81 22'.
RAMPUR. Town in Nepal State ; situated on the right bank of the
Gandak or Salagra river, and ninety-three miles west of Khatmandu.
Lat. 27 46', long. 83 49'.
RAMPUR. Town in IJlwar State, Eajputana. Pop. (1881),
RAMPUR. State in Orissa. Area, 203 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
RAMPUR. Town in Jaunpur district, N.'W.P. ; situated on the route
from Jaunpur cantonment to that of Mirzapur, twenty-one miles south of
the former, twenty-two north of the latter. Lat. 25 29', long. 82 38'.
Also thana. Pop. (1881), 82,756.
RAMPUR. Town in Tipperah district, Bengal ; fifty-two miles north
of Tipperah. Lat. 24 13', long. 21 10'.
RAMPUR. Tillage in Etah district, KW.P. ; situated four miles and
a half north of Aliganj, thirty-two miles east of Etah town. Pop. (1881),
4670. The village is commonly known as Eampur Raja.
RAMPUR. Town in Bashahr State, Punjab, and residence of the
Raja ; situated at the base of a lofty mountain, overhanging the left bank
of the Sutlej, and 138 feet above the stream. Cliffs surround the town
and confine the air, so that during summer the radiation from the rocks
renders the heat intolerable. The Raja resides at Eampur during the
winter, and retires to the cooler station of Saharan for the hottest mouths.
Elevation above sea-level, 3300 feet. Lat. 31 27', long. 77 40'.
RAMPUR. State in Sambalpur district, Central Provinces. Area,
190 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 13,248.
RAMPUR. Town (in pargana of same name) in Partabgarh district,
Oudh, N.W.P. Lat. 25 53', long. 81 47'. Area of pargana, 179 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 73,962.
RAMPURA. Town in Tonk State, Rajputana; seventy miles south
of Jaipur, ninety south-east of Nasirabad, 145 west of Agra. Lat. 25
57' 53", long. 76 T 26".
RAMPURA. State in Eewa Kantha, Bombay, paying a yearly
tribute of 142 to the Gaekwar of Baroda. Area, 2^- sq. miles.
RAMPURA. Town in Indore State, Central India Agency ; situated
thirty-four miles east of Nimach, and 124 miles north by west of Indore.
Lat. 24 26', long. 75 26'.
RAM 767
RAMPURA. Tillage in Cawnpore district, KW.P. ; situated on the
route from the cantonment of Etawah to that of Cawnpore, and forty-five
miles west of the latter. Lat. 26 21', long. 79 46'.
RAMPURA. Town in Indore State, Central India Agency ; situated
on the route from Nimach to Kotah, formerly the capital and residence of
the court, before the selection of Indore. It is situated a mile from the
north bank of the river Taloyi. Elevation above the sea, 1360 feet.
Distant 120 miles north of Indore, ninety-five miles north of Ujjain.
Lat. 24 28', long. 75 25'.
RAMPURA. Town in Gwalior State, Central India Agency ; situated
123 miles south-west by south of Gwalior, and 120 miles north-west by
west of Sagar. Lat. 24 45', long. 77 11'.
RAMPURA. Town in Gwalior State, Central India Agency; situated
five miles south of the confluence of the Sind with the Jumna. Lat. 26
22', long. 79 6'.
RAMPURA. State in Mahi Kantha, Bombay. Pop. (1881), 717.
The Chief pays a yearly tribute of 4 16s. to the Gaekwar of Baroda.
RAMPURADAPETE. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 253.
RAMPUR BEAULEAH. Capital of Rajshahi district, Bengal ;
situated on the north bank of the Ganges, in lat. 24 22' 5", long. 88 38'
55". Pop. (1872), 22,291.
RAMPUR HAT. Town (in subdivision of same name) in Murshid-
abad district, Bengal ; situated in the extreme west of the district, in
lat. 24 9', long. 87 49' 30". Station on the East Indian Railway; 136
miles from Howrah. Area of subdivision, 669 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
310,507. Also thana. Area, 153 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 87,774.
RAMPURL Town in Bijnaur district, N.W.P. ; situated five miles
south-east of Nujibabad. Lat. 29 34', long. 78 29'.
RAMPURIA. Village in Bareilly district, KW.P. ; situated on the
route from Bareilly to Pithoragarh, and thirty-seven miles north-east of
the former. Lat. 28 41', long. 79 52'.
RAMPUR MATHURA. Town in Sitapur district, Oudh ; situated
one mile east of the Chauka, and three miles west of the Gogra, forty-
four miles south-east of Sitapur town. Pop. (1869), 2217.
RAMPUR SHAHPUR. Village in Aligarh district, N.W.P. ;
situated on the route from Meerut to Muttra, and forty-four miles north-
east of the latter. Lat. 28 3', long. 77 55'.
RAMRA. Town in Phuljhar State, Sambalpur district, Central
Provinces ; situated seventy-five miles west by south of Sambalpur, and
eighty -two miles south-east by south of Ratanpur. Lat. 21 18' long.
82 52'.
RAMRAI. State in the Khasi Hills district, Assam ; bounded on the
north by the district of Kanirup; on the south-east by the states of
Muriau and Nustung ; and on the west by the territory occupied by the
Garo hill tribes. It is about forty miles in length from north to south,
and twelve in breadth, and contains an area of 328 sq. miles. Its centre
is in lat. 25 35', long. 91 13'.
RAMRI. Island off the coast of British Burma, in Kyouk-hpyu
district, Arakan. It contains the towns of Ramri and Kyouk-hpyu, the
capital of the district. The island is crossed by a main range of moun-
tains, with a general north-north-west and south-south-east direction,
and an elevation above the plain of from 500 to 1500 feet; highest point,
3000 feet. It is separated from the mainland of Arakan by a narrow but
deep channel. Its length is about fifty miles from north to south, and
its extreme breadth twenty miles. Between lat. 18 51' 19 24', and
long. 93 28 94.
RAMRI. Township in Kyouk-hpyu district, British Burma ; occupy-
ing the southern portion of the island of the same name. Pop. (1876-77),
RAMRI. Capital of the township of the same name, in Kyouk-hpyu
district, British Burma; situated in lat. 19 6' 30", long. 93 53' 45",
near the eastern coast of Ramri Island, about thirteen miles up the Tan,
a tidal river, navigable thus far by good-sized boats. Pop. (1876-77),
RAMS AG AON. Town in Nowgong district, Assam ; situated forty-
six miles south-east by east of Nowgong. Lat. 25 59', long.
93 22'.
RAM SANEHI. Subdivision of Bara Banki district, Oudh ; bounded
on the north by Ramnagar ; on the east by Nawabganj ; on the south by
Muzaffarkhana ; and on the west by Haidargarh and Bara Banki tahsils.
Pop. (1881), 354,706. Also thana. Pop. (1881), 104,898.
RAMSURA. Town in Sirsa district, Punjab; situated on the route
from Hissar to Multan, seventy-four miles west by north of the former.
Lat. 29 23', long. 74 38'.
RAMTAL. Lake in Darjiling district, Bengal.
RAMTEK. Town (in tahsil of same name) in Nagpur district, Central
Provinces; situated on the route from Sagar to Nagpur, twenty-four
miles north of Nagpur city. Pop. (1881), 7814. East of the town is a
steep peaked hill, on the summit of which, about 500 feet above the
circumjacent plain, is a group of temples, access to which from below is
by a broad steep flight of well-laid stone steps. Ramtek is accounted
a very holy place, and is much frequented by pilgrims. Lat. 21 24',
long. 79 20'. Area of tahsil, 1117 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 147,336.
RAMTT. Village on the Chittagong and Arakan road, Chittagong
district, Bengal; eighty-five miles south of Chittagong town. Lat.
21 25', long. 92 8' 25".
RAMTJRADIPET. Town in Haidarabad State; situated seventy- shf
miles north of Haidarabad, and 174 miles east-north-east of Sholapur.
Lat. 18 27', long. 78 25'.
RAMU SARAI. Town in Kashmir State, Punjab ; situated seventeen
miles south of Sn'nagar, and seventy-five miles north from Jamu. Lat.
33 50', long. 74 56'.
RANA. Village in Tehri-Garhwal State, KW.P. ; situated on the
left bank of the Jumna. Elevation above the sea, 7084 feet. Lat. 30
55', long. 78 26'.
RAN AGHAT. Town and railway station (in subdivision of same
name) in Nadiya district, Bengal ; situated on the Churni river. Lat.
23 10' 40", long. 88 36' 30". Pop. (1872), 8871. Area of subdivision,
427 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 241,205. Also thana. Area, 161 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 84,415.
RANAHI (NAURAHI). Town in Eaizabad district, Oudh. Pop.
(1881), 5210.
BAN 769
RANASAM. State in Mahi Kantha, Bombay; paying a yearly tribute
of 37 to the Gaekwar of Baroda, and 6s. to the British Government.
Pop. (1881), 4840.
RANATJSUN. Town in Baroda State ; situated eighty-seven miles
south-east of Di'sa, and forty-eight miles north-east of Ahmedabad.
Lat. 23 28', Ion*. 73 9'.
RAN-BYAI MYOMA, EAST. Revenue circle in Kyouk-hpyu district,
British Burma. Pop. (1876-77), 2466.
RAN-BYAI-MYOMA, SOUTH. Revenue circle in Kyouk-hpyu
district, Burma. Pop. (1876-77), 4961.
RANCHI. Capital of Lohardaga district, Bengal ; situated on
the high central plateau of Lohardaga, in lat. 23 22' 37", long. 85
22' 6", with a general elevation of 2100 feet above sea-level. Pop.
(1881), 18,443. Also thana. Area, 566 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
RANDA-GRANDE.- Village in Nagar-Aveli district, Portuguese
India. Pop. (1881), 537.
RANDA-PEQTTENO. Village in Nagar-Aveli district, Portuguese
India. Pop. (1881), 190.
RANDER. Town in Surat district, Bombay; situated three miles
north-west of Surat city, with the river Tapti flowing southwards between.
Lat. 21 12', long. 72 51'. Pop. (1881), 9416.
RANDHIA. State in Kathiawar, Bombay.
RANEH. Town in Damoh district, Central Provinces. Pop. (1881),
RANGAGTIRA. Town in Goalpara district, Assam. Lat. 27 32',
long. 95 20'.
RANGAMATI.- Town in Murshidabad district, Bengal; situated in
lat. 24 1' 10", long. 88 13' 11", on the right bank of the Bhagirathi,
fourteen miles below Berhampur.
RANGAMATI. Town in the Chittagong Hill Tracts, Bengal, and one
of the chief markets for the sale of hill produce. Lat. 22 41' 5', long.
91 49' 50".
RANGAMATI. Village in Goalpara district, Assam ; situated on
the north or right bank of the Brahmaputra. Lat. 26 19', long.
90 48'.
RANGANADI. River in the north of Lakhimpur district, Assam,
which rises in the Daphla Hills, and, flowing south, empties itself into
the Subansiri below Goramur.
RANGASAMTIDRA. Town in Cuddapah district, Madras ; sixty-five
miles south-west by south of Cuddapah. Lat. 13 42', long. 78 19'.
RANGASAMTIDRA. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 42.
RANGASWAMI. Peak in the Nilgiri Hills, Madras ; situated near
the Gazzalhathi Pass. Lat. 11 27' 20", long. 77 20'; height above sea-
level, 5948 feet.
RANGATITL Town in Hill Tipperah State, Bengal ; situated forty
miles south by east of Sylhet, and eighty miles north-east by north of
Tipperah. Lat. 24 20', long. 92.
RA.NGL State in Chanda district, Central Provinces. Area, 112
sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 4562. Kangi, the principal village of the State,
is situated in lat. 20 21', long. 80 13'.
770 RAN
RANGIA. Tillage in Kamriip district, Assam ; on the Baraliya river,
about twenty miles north-north-west of Gauhati. Lat. 26 26', long.
91 40'.
RANGIR. Village in Sagar district, Central Provinces ; twenty-two
miles south-east of Sagar town. A fair is held annually attended by
upwards of 70,000 persons.
RANGMAGIRI. Village in the Garo Hills district, Assam, on the
southern slope of the Mimanram Mountain.
RANGNA. Town in Savvantwari State, Bombay ; situated twelve
miles north-west of Sawantwari, and forty-nine miles west-north-west of
Belgaum. Lat. 16 3', long. 73 53'.
RANGOON. District in the Pegu division, British Burma ; also called
the Hanthawadi district; situated between lat. 16 17, and long.
95 96. The area of the district is 4236 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
427,720. It is bounded on the north by the districts of Henzada and
Tharawadi, on the east by the Shwe-gyeng district, on the west by the
Thun-khwa district, and the south by the Gulf of Martaban. The chief
mountains are the Pegu Yoma, which, rising to an elevation of 2000 feet
in the northern parts, run southwards and separate the valleys of the
Hlaing and Pu-zwon-doung rivers. The Hlaing enters the district as the
Zay from Prome, and leaves it as the Rangoon river ; it receives from the
slopes of the Pegu Yoma, the Uk-kan Ma-ga-ri and Hmaw-bhi, and at
Rangoon the Pegu river and the Pu-zwon-doung. On the west tidal
creeks, most of which are navigable, connect the mouths of the Hlaing
and the Irawadi. The chief towns are Rangoon, the capital, and Pegu,
situated on the Pegu river.
RANGOON. Capital of the Rangoon district and of British Burma;
situated on the left bank of the Hlaing river, at its junction with the
Pegu and Pu-zwon-doung streams, twenty-one miles from the sea. Lat.
16 46' 40", long. 96 13' 15". Pop. (1881), 134,176.
RANGOON RIVER. The name usually given to the lower portion of
the Hlaing River, British Burma.
RANGPUR District in Bengal ; situated between lat. 25 2' 50"
26 18' 45", and long. 88 4789 55' 30". The district is bounded
on the north by Jalpaiguri district and Kuch Behar State; on the
east by the Brahmaputra, separating it from Goalpara and Maimansinh ;
on the south by Bogra ; and on the west by Dinajpur and Jalpaiguri.
The area is 3486 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 2,097,964. The district
is a level plain skirted on the eastern border by the Brahmaputra river,
whose main tributary in these parts, the Tista river, crosses the district
from north-west to south-east for 110 miles. Prior to 1787 this river
flowed into the Ganges, but changed its course in that year for the
Brahmaputra. Old channels of the Tista, as the Karatoya, Ghaghat,
Manas and Gujaria, abound in the district, and form valuable water
communications during the rainy season. The Dharla, Sankos and
Dudhkuraar are also tributaries of the Brahmaputra. Rangpur, the
capital, is the chief and only town. Rice is the chief product. The
district is traversed by the Northern Bengal State Railway, and is
administered by a Collector and Staif.
RANGPUR. Capital (in subdivision of same name) of Rangpur
district, Bengal ; situated on the north bank of the Ghaghat river, 268
RAN 771
miles north-east of Calcutta. Lat. 2544'55",long.8917'40". Pop. (1881),
13,320. Area of subdivision, 1151 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 662,672.
RANGPTTR. Ruins in Sibsagar district, Assam, immediately south of
Sibsagar town, marking the site of the residence of the Aham kings
during the seventeenth century.
RANIA. Town in Sirsa district, Punjab ; situated on the right bank
of the river Ghaggar, thirteen miles west of Sirsa town, on the route from
Hansi to Bhutnair. Lat. 29 28', long. 74 54'. Pop. (1881), 4626.
RANIA. Town in Cawnpore district, N.W.P. ; on the route from
Cawnpore to Kalpi, thirty-one miles north-east of the latter. Lat. 26
24', long. 80 8'.
RANIBENNZTR. Town (in subdivision of same name) in Dharwar
district, Bombay ; situated on the high road from Poona to Madras, vid
Sholapur and Hubli, about eighty miles south-east of Dharwar town.
Lat. 14 37' 10", long. 75 40' 20". Pop. (1881), 10,202. Celebrated
for its silk and cotton fabrics. Area of subdivision, 405 sq. miles. Pop.
(1881), 74,213.
RANIBULA. Village in Sirsa district, Punjab ; situated on the route
from Hansi to Bhutnair, and twenty-eight miles east of the latter. Lat.
29 32', long. 74 49'.
RAN I GAM. State in Kathiawar, Bombay, paying a yearly tribute
of 71 to the Gaekwar of Baroda.
RANIGANJ. Thana in Partabgarh district, Oudh. Pop. (1881),
RANIGANJ. Town (in subdivision of same name) in Bardwan
district, Bengal; situated on the north bank of the Damodar river, 120
miles north-west of Calcutta, 295 miles south-east of Benares. Lat.
23 36' 30", long. 87 8' 30". Pop. (1881), 10,792. This town is the
centre of the Raniganj coal industry ; and its prosperity dates from the
discovery and working of the mines, and also from the time when it was
made a station on the East Indian Railway. Area of subdivision, 671 sq.
miles. Pop. (1872), 245,017.
RANIGANJ. Coal-field in Bardwan district, Bengal; situated at a
distance of from 120 to 160 miles north-west of Calcutta. Area, about
500 sq. miles. Between lat. 23 35' 23 45', and long. 86 40' 87 15'.
The coal of the Raniganj field is a non-coking bituminous coal, occurring
in seams of great thickness. It is inferior to the average English coal,
especially for the purposes of long sea-voyages, but is much used for
locomotives on railways in India.
RANIGANJ. Town in Purniah district, Bengal ; situated on the
river Kanila, sixteen miles due west of Basantpur. Lat. 25 51' 40'',
long. 87 57' 55". Pop. (1881), 5978. Centre of trade. Also thana.
Area, 341 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 107,552.
RANIGAT. Town in Peshawar district, Punjab ; situated fifteen
miles from the right bank of the Indus, fifty- three miles north-east by
east of the town of Peshawar. Lat. 34 20', long. 72 30'. There is an
ancient fortress of this name, identified by General Cunningham with the
Aornos of Alexander's historians.
RANIGHAT. Town in Nadiya district, Bengal ; situated forty-four
miles north by east of Calcutta. Lat. 23 11', long. 88 33'.
RANI GOD ATJN. Town in Kamrup district, Assam; situated four-
teen miles south-west of Gauhati. Lat. 26, long. 91 35'.
RANIKHET. Military sanatorium in Kumaun district, N.W.P. Lat.
29 39' 50", long. 79 33'. Pop. (1881), 5984, irrespective of the
cantonment (6638).
RANI-NUR. Rock-cave in Khandgiri Hill, Puri district, Orissa,
RANIPET. Town in North Arcot district, Madras ; situated on
the north bank of the Palar river, in lat. 12 56', and long. 79 23' 20".
Pop. (1881), 3697.
RANIPUR. Town in Jhansi district, N.W.P. ; situated on the
Jhansi and Nowgong road, five miles west of Mhow. Lat. 25 14' 40",
long. 79 10' 45". Pop. (1881), 6846.
RANIPUR. Town in Khairpur State, Sind, Bombay ; situated on the
main road from Haidarabad to Rohri, forty-five miles south-west of
Rohri, and fifteen west of Diji fort. Lat. 27 17', long. 68 31' 30".
Pop. (1872), 6310.
RANIPUR. Town in Azamgarh district, N.W.P. ; situated on the
route from the town of Azamgarh to Ghazipur, seventeen miles east-south-
east of the former. Lat. 25 53', long. 83 29'.
RANIPUR A. State in Mahi Kantha, Bombay. Pop. (1881), 168.
RANIPUR TENGRAHL Town in Saran district, Bengal. Pop.
(1881), 6197.
RANISANKAIL. Thana in Dinajpur district, Bengal. Area, 189
sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 75,102.
RANI SARAI. Village in Azamgarh district, N.W.P. ; situated on
the route from Azamgarh to Jaunpur, eight miles south-west of the
former, thirty-four north-east of the latter, fifty north of Benares. Lat.
26, long. 83 7'.
RANISUNKER. Town in Dinajpur district, Bengal ; situated thirty
miles north-west of Dinajpur. Lat. 25 50', long. 88 17'.
RANIW ALA. Town in Moradabad district, N.W.P. ; situated on the
route from Alfgarh to Moradabad, and fifty miles north-east of the former.
Lat. 28 30', long. 78 29'.
RAN JIT (GREAT). River of Bengal, which rises in Independent
Sikkim, and enters Darjiling district from the west, forming part of the
northern boundary. After a short course from west to east, it falls into
the Tista in lat. 27 6', long. 88 29'.
RAN JIT (LITTLE). Biver of Bengal, rising in the Singalila range,
on the borders of Sikkim and Nepal. It flows generally in a north-
easterly direction, and falls into the Great Banjit on its right bank.
RAN JITPURA. Town in TJnao district, Oudh; situated twenty-two
miles east of Cawnpore, thirty south-west of Lucknow. Lat. 26 30',
long. 80 40'.
RANJUNGAM. Town in Ahmednagar district, Bombay; situated
seventeen miles south-west by south of Ahmednagar. Lat. 18 53', long.
74 37'.
RANKA. Town in Lohardaga district, Bengal ; situated twenty-six
miles north-west by west of Palamau. Lat. 24 2', long. 83 42'.
RANKATTA. Village in Agra district, N.W.P. ; situated one mile
from the right bunk of the Jumna, on the route from the city of Agru to
that of Muttra, and twelve miles north-west of the former. Lat. 27 14',
long. 77 56'. Also thana. Pop. (1881), 15,887.
RAN-KHYOTJNG. Eevenue circle in Akyab district, British Burma.
Pop. (1876-77), 2531.
RANMATSH. Town in Nepal State ; situated on the right bank of a
branch of the KurnalU river, and sixteen miles east-north-east of Jemla.
Lat. 29 22, long. 81 56'.
RANOD. Town in Gwalior State, Central India Agency; situated
three miles to the right or north of the route from Kalpi to Guna canton-
ment, 155 miles south-west of former, fifty north-east of latter. Lat.
25, long. 77 53'.
RANPTJR. Town in Ahmedabad district, Bombay ; situated in lat.
22 22', long. 71 45'. Pop. (1872), 5796.
RANPTIR. State in Orissa, Bengal; situated between lat. 19 52'
45"_2o 12', and long. 85 9' 15" 85 29' 15. Area, 203 sq. miles.
Pop. (1872), 27,306. Bounded on the north, east, and south by Puri
district ; and on the west by Nayagarh state. The south-western part of
the state is very hilly, covered with forest, and almost uninhabited. The
only town is the Eaja's place of residence, situated in lat. 20 3' 55",
long. 85 23' 26". The Chief has a militia of 8 men, and a police force
of 94.
RANSI. Village in Kumaun district, N.W.P. ; situate two or three
miles to the right of the route from Srinagar to the Temple of Kedar-
nath, and fifteen miles south of the latter. It is situate about a mile
from the right bank of the river Mudmesur. Lat. 30 34', long.
79 10'.
RANSKANDI. Town in Cachar district, Bengal ; situated ten miles
east of Silchar. Lat. 24 47', long. 93.
RANTICHOTA. Town in Ganjam district, Madras ; situated sixty-
one miles south-west of Ganjam. Lat. 18 49', long. 84 27'.
RAN-WA. Eevenue circle in Akyab district, British Burma. Pop.
(1876-77), 2020.
RAOJAN. Tillage in Chittagong district, Bengal. Lat. 22 32',
long. 91 57' 50".
RAOLDL Village in Delhi district, Punjab. Lat. 28 36', long.
76 21'.
RAOMAKA BAZAR. Town in Haidarabad district, Sind, Bombay ;
situated eighty-eight miles south-east by south of Haidarabad. Lat. 24
20', long. 69 14'.
RAOTSIR. Town in Bikaner State, Eajputana; situated 115 miles
north-east of Bikaner, and eighty-one miles west by north of Hissar.
Lat. 29 18', long. 74 30'.
RAPRI. Village and ruins in Mainpuri district, N.W.P. ; situated on
the left bank of the Jumna, about forty-four miles south-west of Mainpuri.
Pop. (1872), 903.
RAPTI. Eiver of Oudh and the North-Western Provinces. It takes
its rise in the Sub-Himalayan ranges of Nepal, in lat. 28 19', long. 82
53', and flowing round a long spur of mountains, first southerly for forty
miles, and then north-westerly for forty-five miles, enters the plains of
Oudh, in lat. 28 3', long. 81 55', which it traverses in a south-easterly
direction for ninety miles, passing through Bahraich and Gonda districts,
till it reaches the North-Western Provinces in Basti district. It finally
joins the Gogra in lat. 26 15', long. 83 42'. Total length, 400 miles.
Its principal tributary is the Burha Rapti, which joins it on its left bank
in Gorakhpur district.
RAPTI (BURHA RAPTI). Chief tributary of the Rapti, into which
it discharges, in lat. 26 58', long. 83 17'. It rises in lat. 27 34', long.
82 10'. Total length, 134 miles.
RAPUR. Town in Cutch State, Bombay. Pop. (1881), 4601.
RARANG. Village in Kunawar district, Bashahr State, Punjab ;
situated near the right bank of the Sutlej. Elevation above the sea,
9519 feet. Lat. 31 36', long. 78 24'.
HASAN. Village in Banda district, N.W.P. ; situated twenty-nine
miles south-east of Banda town, seven miles north-east of Kalinjar.
Pop. (1872), 2707.
RASANDA. Tahsil of Ghazipur district, N.W.P. Area, 335 sq.
miles. Pop. (1872), 187,766.
RASAULI. Town in Bara Banki district, Oudh; situated four miles
east of Nawabganj, on the Faizabad road. Pop. (1869), 3431.
RASDHAN. Town in Cawnpore district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
3146. Lat. 26 22', long. 79 44'.
RASHMI. Town in Udaipur State, Rajputana ; fifty -two miles north-
east of Udaipur, and 103 miles south by west of A j mere. Lat. 25 2',
long. 74 27'.
RASIN. Town in Ahmednagar district, Bombay; situated forty-six
miles south-south-east of Ahmednagar. Lat. 18 29', long. 74 58'.
RASIPUR. Town in Salem district, Madras ; situated on the Salem-
Namakal road, in lat. 11 27' 30", long. 78 13' 47". Pop. (1881), 8808.
RAS MUARI (RAS MOVARI, RAS JIL). Promontory between Sind
and Baluchistan, at the south-eastern extremity of the estuary of the
Hab river. Lat. 24 50', long. 66 43'. It is also known as Monze Cape.
RASRA. Thana in Ballia district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 56,480.
RASRA. Town (in tahsil of same name) in Ghazipur district,
N.W.P. ; situated twenty-eight miles north-east of Ghazipur town,
twenty-two miles north-west of Ballia. Lat. 25 51' 20", long. 83 53'
55'. Pop. (1881), 11,224. Pop. of tahsil (1881), 452,481.
RASSA. Village in the district of the Twenty-four Parganas, Bengal.
RA8TAM. Village in Shikarpur district, Sind, Bombay; situated nine
miles north-east of Shikarpur town. Lat. 27 58', long. 68 51' 30". Pop.
(1872), 1114.
RASULA. Town in Bareilly district, N.W.P. ; on the route from
Agra to Bareilly, twenty-five miles south-west of the latter. Lat.
28 14', long. 79 12'.
RASULABAD. Town in Unao district, Oudh ; situated fourteen
miles north of Unao town. Lat. 26 50', long. 80 30'. Pop. (1869),
3443. Noted for its goldsmiths' and jewellers' work.
RASULABAD. Town in Wardha district, Central Provinces. Pop.
(1881), 2552.
RASULABAD. Town in Farrukhabad district, N.W.P. ; situated
near the left bank of the Isan, twenty-five miles south of the city of
Farrukhabad. Lat. 27 2', long. 79 42'.
RASULABAD. Town (in tahsil of same name) in Cawnpore district,
^.W.P. ; situated on the route from Cawnpore to Etawah, thirty-three
miles west-north-west of the former. Lat. 26 40', long. 79 56'. Area
of tahsil, 223 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 102,168. Also thana. Pop. (1881),
RASULABAD. Town in Eai Bareli district, Oudh ; situated on the
route from Cawnpore to Partabgarh, forty miles north-west of the latter.
Lat. 26, long. 81 30'.
RASULPUR. River of Bengal, the only tributary of the Hugh'
within Midnapur district.
RASULPUR. Town in Faizabad district, Oudh ; situated on the
bank of the Gogra river, four miles from Tanda. Pop. (1869), 3691.
RASULPUR. Village in Cawnpore district, N.W.P. ; situated on the
route from the cantonment of Fatehgarh to that of Cawnpore, and thirty
miles north-west of the latter. Lat. 26 47', long. 80 9'.
RASULPUR. Village in Muttra district, N.W.P. ; situated on the
route from Muttra cantonment to Bhartpur, and thirteen miles south-west
of the former. Left. 27 20', long. 77 38'. Also thana. Pop. (1881),
RASULPUR. Town in Gaya district, Bengal; situated twenty-five
miles north-east by north of Sherghati. Lat. 24 52', long. 85 4'.
RASULPUR GHAUS. Pargana in Basti district, N.W.P. Pop.
(1881), 176,337.
RASULPUR MONER. Town in Patna district, Bengal. Pop. (1881),
RASULPUR NARAINPUR. Village in the Bulandshahr district,
N.W.P. ; twenty miles north of Aligarh. Lat. 28 10', long. 78 15'.
RASUNWAS. Village in Nabha State, Punjab. Lat. 28 36', long.
76 13'.
RASURI. Town in Haidarabad State ; situated on the left bank of
the Penganga river, and 108 miles south-east by south from Ellichpur.
Lat. 19 59', long. 78 36'.
RAT. Village in Hamfrpur district, N.W.P. ; situated on the route
from Jabalpur to Kalpi, forty- six miles south of the latter. Lat. 25 36',
long. 79 38'.
RATANGANJ. Town in Bhagalpur district, Bengal ; situated
twenty-three miles west-south-west of Bhagalpur. Lat. 25 4', long.
86 56'.
RATANGARH. Fort in Kahlur State, Punjab ; situated on the crest
of the steep ridge of Malaun. During the Gurkha war in 1815, the fort
was occupied by the British, and, though small, was at the time of some
importance. Lat. 31 14', long. 76 51'.
RATANGARH. Town in Bikaner State, Eajputana ; situated on the
route from Udaipur to the town of Bikaner, and eighty-six miles east of
the latter place. Lat. 28 3', long. 74 43'. Pop. (1881), 7580.
RATANGARH KHIRI. Town in Gwalior State, Central India
Agency; situated on the route from Ni'mach to Bundi, thirty-six miles
north-east of former, seventy- three south-west of the latter. Lat.
24 49', long. 75 13'.
RAT AN JAN. Town in Sholapur district, Bombay ; situated twenty-
nine miles north of Sholapur. Lat. 18 4', long. 75 57'.
776 RAT
RATANMAL. State in the Bhil Agency, under the Central India
Agency. The population, which is entirely Bhil, amounted, in 1881,
to 468.
RATANPTJR. Town in Bilaspur district, Central Provinces ; situated
in a hollow surrounded hy spurs from the Vindhyan range, twelve miles
north of Bilaspur town. Lat. 22 16' 30", long. 82 11'. Pop. (1881),
RATANPTJR. Town in Faizabad district, Oudh ; situated eleven
miles from the right bank of the Gogra river, and thirteen miles south
from Oudh. Lat. 26 35', long. 82 10'.
RATANPUR DHAMANKA State in Kathiawar, Bombay ; paying
a yearly tribute of 75 to the Gaekwar of Baroda, and 15 to the Nawab
of Junagarh.
RATANPURL Village in Kumaun district, N.W.P. ; situated on the
route by Xanakmath and Ruderpur, from the town of Pilibhit to that
of Kashipur, twenty-five miles south-east of the latter. Lat. 29, long.
79 21'.
RATESH. State in the Punjab, subordinate to Keonthal. Area, 3
sq. miles. Pop. from 400 to 500.
RATH. Town (in tahsil of same name) in Hamirpur district, N.W.P.
Lat. 25 35' 35", long. 79 36' 55". Pop. (1881), 14,479. Area of tahsil,
381 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 106,013. Also thana. Pop. (1881), 59,903.
RA-THAI. Revenue circle in Prome district, British Burma. Pop.
(1876-77), 3117.
RA-THAI-DOUNG. Township in Akyab district, British Burma.
Pop. (1876), 55,189.
RA-THAI-MYO. Ancient capital of the kingdom of Prome, British
Burma. Known also as Tha-re-khettra ; situated about eight miles west
of Prome town, on the main road northwards to Mye-dai.
RATI. Village in Lucknow district, Oudh ; situated on the route from
Allahabad to Lucknow, ninety-nine miles north-east of the former,
twenty-nine south-west of the latter. Lat. 26 32', long. 80 53'.
RATIA. Town in Hissar district, Punjab ; situated forty miles north-
west of Hissar town. Pop. (1881), 3212.
RATLAM. State in the Western Malwa Agency, under the Central
India Agency. Area, 729 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 87,314. The Raja
has a personal salute of 1 3 guns, or two in excess of the number assigned
to the State; he maintains a force of 5 field-guns, 58 artillerymen,
35 cavalry, and 300 infantry.
RATLAM. Capital of the State of the same name, Malwa, Central
India ; situated fifty miles west of Ujjain, and 288 miles south-west of
Gwalior fort. The Nimach State Railway, connecting Indore with
Nimach and Nasirabad, passes by the town. Lat. 23 21', long. 75 7'.
Pop. (1881), 31,066. Elevation, 1577 feet above sea-level. Centre of
opium trade.
RATNAGIRI. District in the southern division, Bombay Presidency ;
situated between lat. 15 43' 18 5', and long. 73 3' 30" 74 2'. The
area of the district is 3922 sq. miles, its pop. (1881), 997,090. It is
bounded on the north by the Janjira State and the Kolaba district ; on
the east by the Satara district and the Kolhapur and Sawantwari States j
on the south "by the Portuguese possessions of Goa ; and on the west by
the Arabian Sea. The eastern boundary of the district is formed by the
Sahyadri Hills, running parallel to the coast-line at an elevation varying
from 2000 to 3000 feet, though some of the peaks attain an altitude
of 5000 feet. Two good cart roads cross the Sahyadri Hills, and form the
communication witli the interior. From the hills several rivers flow to
the sea, the largest being the Vashishti. The district, which is back-
ward in means of communication, is administered by a Collector and the
usual Staff.
RATNAGIRI. Capital (in subdivision of same name) of Ratnagiri
district, Bombay; situated on the sea-coast, 136 miles south by east of
Bombay. Lat. 16 59' 37", long. 73 19' 50". Pop. (1881), 12,616.
A lighthouse was erected in 1867. Area of subdivision, 432 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 126,227.
RATO DERO. Town (in taluk of same name) in Shikarpur district,
Sind, Bombay ; situated eighteen miles north-east by north of Larkhana.
Pop. (1872), 3057. Area of taluk, 228 sq. miles. Pop. (1872), 35,896.
RATOL. Village in Patiala State, Punjab ; on the route from Hansi
to Ludhiana, and thirty miles south of the latter place. Lat. 30 29',
long 76.
RAT-THIT. Revenue circle in Prome district, British Burma. Pop.
(1876-77), 4329.
RATUA. Thana in Purniah district, Bengal. Area, 259 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 80,024.
RATWA. Village in Gwalior State, Central India Agency ; situated
on the route from Kalpi to the fort of Gwalior, eighty-four miles west of
former, forty east of latter. Lat. 26 11', long. 78 40'.
RATWAL. Town in Saran district, Bengal ; situated twenty-four
miles north-west of Bettiah. Lat. 27, long. 84 IT.
RAUCHERLA. Town in Mysore State, Madras; situated 138 miles
north-north-east of Seringapatam, and seventy-two miles south-east by
south of Bellary. Lat. 14 15', long. 77 30'.
RAUDPUR. Village in Cawnpore district, N.W.P. ; situated on the
route from Kalpi to the cantonment of Cawnpore, and seven miles south-
west of the latter. Lat. 26 29', long. 80 20'.
RAUDUKUNDA. Town in Haidarabad State ; situated thirty-one
miles south-east of Muclgul. Lat. 15 41', long. 76 50'.
RAIT JAN. Thana in Chittagong district, Bengal. Area, 240 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 144,380.
RATT KARNA. Town in TJnao district, Oudh; situated seven miles
from Unao town, on the road to Safipur. Pop. (1869), 2273.
RAULI GHAT. Ferry over the Ganges, in Bijnaur district, KW.P. ;
situated on the route from Moradabad to Muzaffarnagar, and twenty-
five miles east of the latter town. The village of Eauli is situate on the
left bank of the Ganges. Distant north-west of Calcutta 970 miles.
Lat. 29 26', long. 78 8'.
RAUNAPTJR. Village in Azamgarh district, N.W.P. ; situated on
the route from the town of Azamgarh to that of Gorakhpur, and eighteen
miles north of the former, forty-three south of the latter. Distant north
of Benares seventy miles. Lat. 26 15', long. 83 20'. Also thana.
Pop. (1881), 46,613.
RATJNPTTR Town in Ahrncdabad district, Bombay; situated seventy-
eight miles south-west of Ahmedabad. Lat. 22 20', long. 71 40'.
RAITNPTJR. Town in Baroda State; situated seventy-five miles
west-south-west of Rajkot, and sixteen miles north by east of Porbandar.
Lat. 21 50', long. 69 49'.
RATJRA. Town in Nepal State ; situated on the left bank of a branch
of the Kurnali river, and thirteen miles north-north-east of Jcmla. Lat.
29 30', long. 81 46'.
RATJRA. Town in Ahmednagar district, Bombay; situated 118 miles
north-west by north of Ahmednagar. Lat. 20 29',* long. 73 42'.
RAUS (RASS). Town in Jodhpur State, Rajputana; situated on the
north-west declivity of the Aravalli range, on the route from Nasirabad
to Di'sa, and thirty-eight miles west of the former. Lat. 26 17', long*
74 16'.
RAUSHPURAM. Town in Salem district, Madras ; situated fifteen
miles south of Salem. Lat. 11 28', long. 78 16'.
RATISURA. Town in Darbhangah district, Bengal ; situated thirty-
one miles south-south-east of Darbhangah. Lat. 25 43', long. 86 7'.
RAVER. Town in Khandesh district, Bombay ; station on the north-
east line of the Great Indian Peninsula Railway, 297 miles north-east of
Bombay, and 121 miles east-north-east of Malcgaon. Pop. (1881), 4782.
Lat. 21 15', long. 76 4' 30".
RAVER. Town in Nimar district, Central Provinces ; on the
iNarbada river, forty miles south-west of Khandwa.
RAVI. River in the Punjab ; one of the five great streams from
which the province derives its name ; it rises in Kullu, Kangra district, a
short distance west of the Rotang pass, about lat. 32 26', long. 77, and
finally falls into the Chcnab in lat. 30 31', long. 71 51' 20", after a
total length of about 450 miles.
RAVIPATJD. Town in Cuddapah district, Madras; situated eighty
miles north-north-east of Cuddapah. Lat. 15 34', long. 79 15'.
RAVONA. Village in Sanguelim district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 247.
RAVTJR. Town in Nellore district, Madras ; situated thirty-three
miles west-north-west of Nellore. Lat. 14 36', long. 79 34'.
RAWA. Town in Gwalior State, Central India Agency; situated
twenty-four miles south-south-east of Nimach, and eighty-three miles
north-west of Ujjain. Lat. 24 8', long. 75 1'.
RAW AL State in Punjab. Area, 3 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 752.
RAW ALHAIR. Village in Bijnaur district, JS.W.P. ; situated on the
route from Moradabad to Hardwar, and forty miles south-east of the
latter. Lat. 29 30', long. 78 28'.
RAWAL PINDI. Division in the Punjab, containing the four dis-
tricts of Rawal Pindi, Jhelum, Gujrat, and Shahpur. Area, 15,435 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 2,520,508.
RAWAL PINDI. District in the Punjab, situated between lat. 33
34, and long. 71 46' 73 41'. It is bounded on the north by the
Hazara and Peshawar districts, on the east by the river Jhelum, sepa-
rating it from Kashmir, on the south by the Jhelum district, and on the
west by the Indus, separating it from the Peshawar and Kohat districts.
Its area is 4861 sq. miles, and the population (1881), 820,512. The
district forms part of the Himalayan spur which runs down into the Sind
Sagar Doab. The eastern ranges of sandstone are known as the Murree
Hills, which near the sanatorium of Murree reach an elevation of 8000
feet. The mountains on the western side belong to the Trans-Indus
limestone system, the chief range is known as the Chitta Pahar. The
chief rivers are the Indus, the Jhelum, the Sohan, and the Haroh.
The chief cities are Rawal Pindi (the capital), Hazro, and Pindi Gheb.
The district, which is traversed by the Punjab Northern State Railway,
is administered by a Deputy-Commissioner and the usual Staff.
RAWAL PINDI. Capital (in tahsil of same name) of Rawal Pindi
district, Punjab. Lat. 33 37', long. 73 6'. Pop. (1881), 52,975. A
great horse fair is held in this town. Government contributes largely in
the way of prizes. Area of tahsil, 769 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 211,275.
RAWAL PINDI. Cantonments in Rawal Pindi district, Punjab,
lying south of the native town, from which they are separated by the
little river Leh. The barracks are capable of accommodating about 2500
European soldiers. Lat. 33 36' 20", long. 73 5' 40".
RAWATSIR. Town in Haidarabad district, Sind, Bombay ; situated
147 miles east by south of Haidarabad. Lat. 25 2', long. 70 46'.
RAWUL. Village in Giirgaon district, Punjab ; situated on the route
from Rewari to Ulwar, and eight miles south of the former. Lat. 28
4', long. 76 38'.
RAWUNHIRL Village in Bikaner State, Rajputana; situated on
the southern frontier, and on the route from the town of Bikaner to that
of Jaisalmir, being forty-five miles south-west of the former. Lat. 27
40', long. 72 49'.
RAYA. Tahsil, on the bank of the river Ravi, of Sialkot district,
Punjab. Area, 476 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 194,205.
RAYA (RAI). Town in Muttra district, KW.P. ; situated on the
route from the cantonment of Aligarh to that of Muttra, and nine miles
north-east of the latter. Lat. 27 33', long. 77 52'. Pop. (1881), 2752.
Also thana. Pop. (1881), 44,219.
RAYACHOTL Town inCuddapah district, Madras. Pop. (1881), 4367.
RAYAGUDDA. Village in Jaipur State, Vizagapatam district, Madras;
situated thirty- three miles north-west of Parvatipur. Lat. 19 9' 40",
long. 83 27' 30".
RAYAK. Village in the Garo Hills district, Assam ; situated on the
Sameswari river.
RAYAKOTTAL Village in Salem district, Madras; situated near an
old fort which was of much importance in the wars of the last century.
At an elevation of 2449 feet above the sea it commanded one of the chief
passes into Mysore. Lat. 12 31', long. 78 5'.
RAYAN. Town in Jodhpur State, Rajputana ; situated twenty-seven
miles north-west of the city of Jodhpur. There is a fort here, on a rock
about 200 feet above the plain, which commands the whole town. Lat.
26 23', long. 74 17'.
RAYAPETTA (ROYAPET). Suburb of the city of Madras.
RAYAVALASA. Pass in Vizagapatam district, Madras ; situated on
the route from Kasipur or Kasimkota to Jaipur by Gallikonda. The crest
of the pass is 2850 feet above the sea. Lat. 18 15', long. 83 7'.
RE. A river of British Burma; falling into the sea in lat. 15 5',
in the extreme south of Amherst district, Tenasserim.
REBAL State in Bundelkhand, Central India Agency. Area, 8 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 3365.
RECHNA DOAB Natural division of the Punjab, situated between
the rivers Chenab and Ravi, extending between lat. 30 33' 32 36',
and long. 71 49' 75 36'.
RED ANA. Town in Jodhpur State, Rajputana; situated 135 miles
west by south of Jodhpur, and seventy-four miles south of Jaisalmir.
Lat. 25 51', long. 71 3'.
REDI. Port in the Ratnagiri district, Bombay ; situated seven miles
south of Yingorla, and eighty-nine miles south by east of Ratnagiri
town. Lat. 15 45' 15", long. 73 42' 30".
REGTILAVALASA. Town in Vizagapatam district, Madras ; situated
twenty-three miles north by west of Vizianagram. Lat. 18 27', long. 83 27'.
REGUNVARA. Village in Daman district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 190.
RE-GYAW. Revenue circle in Henzada district, British Burma.
Pop. (1876-77), 3583.
RE-GYI. Revenue circle in Toung-ngu district, British Burma. Pop.
(1876-77), 2158.
RE-GYI. Two adjoining revenue circles in Bassein district, British
Burma. Area, 17 sq. miles. Chief town, Re-gyi Pan-daw. Pop.
(1876-77), 7752.
RE-GYI. Creek in Bassein district, British Burma. It falls into the
Nga-won or Bassein river, close to Nga-thaing-khyoung.
RE-GYI PAN-DAW (PANDAN YAYGYI). Town in Bassein dis-
trict, British Burma; situated on the Re-gyi creek. Lat. 17 19' 50",
long. 95 10' 20".
REH. Village in Fatehpur district, N.W.P. ; situated on the left bank
of the Jumna, at the mouth of the small river Rind. Lat. 25 52', long.
80 37'.
REHAND. Biver of Chutia Nagpur, Bengal ; rising in lat. 22 46',
long. 83 17', in the Udaipur State, Chutia Nagpur. It first takes the
name of the Rher, and flowing in a northerly direction through Udaipur,
Sarguja, the State of Rewah in Baghelkhand, into the Bengal district of
Mirzapur, it falls into the Son on the right side, near the town of Agori
Khas, in lat. 24 32', long. 83 3'.
REHAR. Town in Bijnaur district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 4543.
Also thana. Pop. (1881), 19,594.
REHLI. Town (in tahsil of same name) in Sagar district, Central
Provinces ; situated twenty-eight miles south-east of Sagar. Elevation,
1350 feet above sea-level. Pop. (1881), 5230. Lat. 23 38', long. 79 5'.
Area of tahsil, 1301 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 168,870.
REHLI. Town in Faizabad district, Oudh ; situated on the route
from the cantonment of Gorakhpur to that of Sekrora, seventy-three
miles north-west of the former, thirty-nine south-east of the latter. Lat.
26 52', long. 82 4'.
RE-HP YU. Revenue circle in Thayet district, British Burma. Area,
20 sq. miles. Pop. (1876-77), 2591.
REHRA. Thana in Moradabad district, KW.P. Pop. (1881), 38,413.
REIS-MAGOS. Village in Bardez district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 2157.
RE-KENG. Revenue circle in Henzada district, British Burma.
Pop. (1876-77), 15,770.
RE-KENG. Town in Henzada district, British Burma; situated on
the east bank of the Irawadi. Pop. (1877), 2997.
RE-LA-MAING. Township in Amherst district, British Burma. Pop.
(1876-77), 11,788.
REMDA. Town in Sambalpur district, Central Provinces. Pop.
(1881), 2511.
REMTJNA. Tillage in Balasor district, Bengal ; situated five miles
west of Balasor town. Lat. 21 33', long. 86 59'. A religious fair,
attended by upwards of 12,000 persons, is held annually in February.
RENGAN. State in Rewa Kantha, Bombay, paying a yearly tribute
of 46 to the Gaekwar of Baroda. Area, sq. mile.
RENG-E. Revenue circle in Henzada district, British Burma. Pop.
(1876-77), 4126.
RENG-GNYIEM. Revenue circle in Amherst district, British Burma.
Pop. (1876-77), 2245.
RENGMA. Mountain range in the Naga Hills, Assam, lying between
the Jamuna and Kaliani rivers. Between lat. 26 15' 26 30', and
long. 93 24' 93 40' ; height, between 2000 and 3000 feet above sea-
RENGTIP AH AR. Mountain range in the south of Cachar district,
Assam ; forming the watershed between the Sonai and Dhaleswari rivers.
RENG TIN. Revenue circle in Shwe-gyeng district, British Burma.
Pop. (1876-77), 6499.
RENHDAR. Thana in Jalaun district, KW.P. Pop. (1881), 16,435.
RENI. Walled town in Bikaner State, Rajputana ; situated near the
north-eastern frontier, towards Shaikhawati. Pop. (1881), 5198. Lat.
28 41', long. 75 6'.
REOTI. Town in Ghazipur district, KW.P. ; situated on the stream
which discharges the water of the lake Suraha into the river Ghagra, and
four miles south-west of the right bank of the latter. Distant north-east
of Ghazipur cantonment fifty-five miles. Lat. 25 50', long. 84 25'.
Pop. (1881), 9933. Also thana. Pop. (1881), 51,994.
REOTIPTIR. Town in Ghazipur district, N.W.P. ; situated two miles
south-west of the right bank of the Ganges, ten south-east of Ghazipur
cantonment. Lat. 25 30', long. 83 48'. Pop. (1881), 10,297.
RESALPUR. Town in Hoshangabad district, Central Provinces.
Pop. (1881), 2311.
RE-THO. Revenue circle in Rangoon district, British Burma. Pop.
(1876-77), 8359.
RE-TSU-DAING. Tidal creek in Thun-khwa district, British Burma.
REVORA. Tillage in Bardez district, Portuguese India. Pop. (1881),
REWADANDA. -Town and port in Kolaba district, Bombay ; situated
six miles south by east of Alibagh, in lat. 18 32' 50", long. 72 58'.
Pop. (1881), 6908.
HEW AH. State in Baghelkhand, under the Central India Agency ;
situated between lat. 22 39' 25 12', and long. 80 46' 82 51'. The
State is hounded on the north by the Banda, Allahabad, and Mirzapur
districts, N.W.P. ; on the east by part of Mirzapur district and by States
in Chutia Nagpur; on the south by the Chhatisgarh, Mandla, and
Jabalpur districts, Central Provinces ; and on the west by Maihar, Nagode,
Sohawal, and Kothi States in Baghelkhand. The area of the State
is about 13,000 sq. miles, and the pop. (1881), 1,305,124. The chief
mountains are the Kaimur Hills. The chief rivers are the Son, which rises
in the State, the Mahanadi, the Tons, the Beher, and the Biland. The State
is rich in minerals and forest produce. The principal places are Rewah
Simerea, Mowganj, and Bandugarh. The Maharaja (1881), who was
created a G. C.S.I, for his services during the Mutiny, receives a salute of
17 guns; he maintains a force of 900 cavalry, 12,600 infantry, 6 field
and 50 other guns, and 100 artillerymen.
HEW AH. Capital of the State of the same name in Baghelkhand,
Central India; situated 131 miles south-west of Allahabad, and 182
north-east of Sagar. The town is surrounded by three ramparts, of which
the innermost incloses the palace of the Raja. Elevation above the sea,
about 1200 feet. Pop. (1881), 22,016. Lat. 24 31' 30", long. 81 20'.
REWA KANTHA. Political Agency in Bombay; comprising
numerous small States; situated between lat. 21 23' 23 33', and long.
73 3' 74 18', or generally between the Mahi and Tapti rivers, about
fifty miles from and parallel to the coast of the Gulf of Carnbay, from
which it is separated by the Bombay district of Broach. The eastern
boundary is formed by States under the Central India Agency. The area
is 4814 sq. miles, and the pop. (1881), 543,452.
REWARI. Town (in tahsil of same name) in Gurgaon district,
Punjab ; situated on the route from Delhi to Jaipur, thirty-four miles
south-east of Gurgaon town, and fifty miles south-west of Delhi. Lat.
28 12', long. 70 40'. Pop. (1881), 23,972. Area of tahsil, 426 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 142,555.
PtEWAS. Port in the Kolaba district, Bombay ; situated ten miles
north-east of Alibagh. Lat. 18 47' 20", long. 72 58' 30".
RHUNTT. Village in Jaunpur district, N.W.P. ; situated on the route
from Jaunpur cantonment to that of Sultanpur, in Oudh, twelve miles
north-west of the former, forty-six south-east of the latter. Lat. 25
50', long. 82 35'.
RIAGADA. Town in Jaipur State, Yizagapatam district, Madras;
situated on the right bank of the Lalgla river, and seventy-two miles
north from Vizagapatam. Lat. 19 10', long. 83 29'.
RIALPETTA. Town in Cuddapah district, Madras ; situated eighty
miles south of Cuddapah. Lat. 13 19', long. 78 48'.
RIASI. Fort and town in Kashmir State, Punjab ; situated near the
left bank of the Chenab, on the southern slope of the most southern of the
Himalaya ranges. Lat. 33 5', long. 74 52'.
RIB AND AR. Village in Ilhas district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 3560.
RICHA. Town in Pilibhi't district, N.W.P. ; situated on the route
from Pilibhit to Bampur, eighteen miles west-north-west of the former.
Lat. 28 43', long. 79 37'.
RICHAL RIVER. Name of one of the mouths of the Indus river,
flowing into the sea in lat. 24 3', long. 67 26'.
RICHHA. Pargana in Bareilly district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
RICHOLA. Village in Bareilly district, KW.P. ; situated on the
route from the town of Bareilly to Pilibhit, and twenty miles north-east
of the former. Lat. 28 32', long. 79 41'. Also thana. Pop. (1881),
RIGA. Town in the territory occupied by the Abar tribe, on the
northern boundary of Upper Assam. It is situated on the right bank of
the Dihong river, fifty-one miles north-west of Sudiya. Lat. 28 20',
long. 95 T.
RIGAULL Town in Gorakhpur district, N.W.P. ; situated on the
route from Gorakhpur to Khachi, twenty-one miles north-north-west of
the former. Lat. 26 59', long. 83 IT. Also thana. Pop. (1881),
RIHILU. Town in Kangra district, Punjab; situated on the left
bank of one of the branches of the Beas, eleven miles north of the town
of Kangra. Lat. 32 14', long. 76 18'.
RIKABGANJ. Thana in Agra district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
RIKI KASI. Hindu temple (1427 feet above the level of the sea)
in Dehra Dun district, N."W.P. ; situated at the north-east angle, where
the Ganges, leaving the mountains, enters the plains of Bengal. Lat.
30 6', long. 78 22'.
RIKNAR. Biver of Dehra Dun district, N.W.P. ; rising amidst the
mountains in lat. 30 53', long. 77 59'. It holds a south-easterly course
of about twenty miles, and falls into the Jumna on the right side, in lat.
30 44', long. 78 8'.
RILAKOT. Village in Kumaun district, N.W.P. ; situated on the
route to Chinese Tartary, by the Jawahir Pass, from which it is twenty
miles south. It is situate on the left bank of the river Gori, which runs
250 feet below. Elevation, 10,680 feet above the sea. Lat. 30 19',
long. 80 15'.
RINGNOD. Town in Jaora State, Central India Agency ; situated on
the left bank of a branch of the Chambal river, and eight miles north-
north east from Jaora. Lat. 23 43', long. 75 10'.
RINJAKHAR. Town in Balaghat district, Central Provinces ;
situated 153 miles east-north-east from Nagpur, and fifty-three miles
south-south-east from Bamgarh. Lat. 22 6', long. 81 20'.
RINTIMBTJR. Fort in Jaipur State, Bajputana; situated on an
isolated rock, the summit of which is surrounded by a massive stone wall,
strengthened by towers and bastions. Within the inclosure are an ancient
palace, the residence of the Governor ; a mosque, with the tomb of a
reputed Huhammadan saint; and barracks for the garrison. Distant
seventy-five miles south-east of Jaipur, 195 south of Delhi. Lat. 26 2',
long. 76 30'.
BIOTI. Town in Ghazipur district, N.W.P. ; situated six miles south
of the Gogra, and sixteen miles north-east of Ballia. Pop. (1872), 7700.
RIOTIPUR. Town in Ghazipur district, N.W.P. ; situated one mile
south of the southern branch of the Ganges, and eight miles east of
Ghazipur town. Lat. 25 50' 15", long. 84 25'. Pop. (1872), 9323.
HIP ALL Town in Gantur district, Madras; situated thirty-two miles
south-east by east of Gantur. Lat. 16 3', long. 80 53'.
RIPU. One of the Dwars or lowland tracts of Goalpara district,
Assam. Area, 242 sq. miles. Pop. (1870), 2645.
RIRIGHAT. Town in Nepal State ; situated on the right bank of the
Gunduk or Salagra river, and 116 miles west by north of Khatmandu.
Lat. 27 58', long. 83 27'.
RIRWI. Village in Bikaner State, Rajputana ; situated on the route
from Ratangarh to the town of Bikaner, and fifty miles east of the
latter. Lat. 27 55', long. 74 11'.
RISHIKTJND. Sacred warm spring in Monghyr district, Bengal.
A small fair is held at Rishikund once in three years.
RISOD. Town in Basim district, Berar. Lat. 19 58' 30", long. 76
51'. Pop. (1867), 4716.
RISP. Village in Kunawar district, Bashahr State, Punjab ; situated
on the left bank of the Sutlej, a short distance below the confluence of the
river Tidung. Elevation above the sea, 8046 feet. Lat. 31 34', long.
78 28'.
RITHATJRA. Village in Bareilly district, ff.W.P. ; situated on the
route from the town of Bareilly to Pithoragarh, and eleven miles north-
east of the former place. Lat. 28 28', long. 79 34'. Also thana. Pop.
(1881), 17,338.
RITPTJR. Town in Ellichpur district, Berar ; situated twenty miles
east of Ellichpur town. Lat. 21 14', long. 77 52'. Pop. (1867), 2450.
Formerly a place of some importance.
RIVEM. Village in Sanguelim district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 118.
RIVONA. Village in Sanguem district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 1230.
RIWASUN. Village in Gurgaon district, K'W.P. ; situated sixty-six
miles north-east of Ul war, forty-four miles south-west of Delhi. Lat. 28
10', long. 77 8'.
RIXI. Town in Lohardaga district, Chutia Nagpur, Bengal ; situated
twenty-four miles south-south-east of Palamau. Lat. 23 30', long.
84 11'.
ROBARTSGANJ. Tahsil in Mirzapur district, N.W.P. Area, 2632
sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 226,318. Also thana. Pop. (1881), 35,143.
ROBKRAI. Town in Bannu district, Punjab ; situated ten miles from
the left bank of the Indus, ninety-five miles south of the town of Pesha-
war. Lat. 32 40', long. 71 33'.
ROGI. Village in Kunawar district, Bashahr State, Punjab ; situated
about a mile from the right bank of the Sutlej. Rogi is 9100 feet above
the level of the sea. Lat. 31 30', long. 78 17'.
ROH 785
BOH. Town in Gaya district, Bengal ; situated sixty miles east-
north-east of Sherghati. Lat. 24 53', long. 85 45'.
ROHA. Town in Cutch State, Bombay ; situated thirty miles west of
Bhuj, and fifty miles south-east of Luckput. Lat. 23 15', long. 69 17'.
ROHA. Subdivision of Kolaba district, Bombay. Area, 200 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 44,835.
ROHA ASHTAML Town in Kolaba district, Bombay. Pop. (1881),
ROHAIRI. Tillage in Aligarh district, N.W.P. ; situated on the
route from the city of Agra to Aligarh cantonment, and twenty miles
south of the latter. Lat. 27 39', long. 78 7'.
ROHANA. Village in Saharanpur district, N.W.P. ; situated on the
route from Meerut to Saharanpur, and forty-two miles north of the
former. Lat. 29 35', long. 77 46'.
ROHANIA. Thana in Benares district, N.AV.P. Pop. (1881),
ROHANPUR. Town in Rajshahi district, Bengal ; situated on the
western frontier, towards the British district of Maldah, on the left side
of the river Mahananda, a short distance below the confluence of the
Purnabada. Distant south-east of Maldah twenty miles, north of Cal-
cutta, by Barhampur, 168. Lat. 24 48', long. 88 20'.
ROHERA. Town in Udaipur State, Rajput-ana ; situated forty-two
miles west by north of Udaipur, and seventy- six miles north-east by east
of Disa. Lat. 24 42', long. 73 10'.
ROHILKHAND. Division in the North-Western Provinces, contain-
ing the six districts of Bijnaur, Moradabad, Budaun, Bareilly, Shah-
jahanpur, and the Tarai. Area, 10,882 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
ROHINA. Village in Aligarh district, N.W.P. ; situated on the route
from the cantonment of Aligarh to that of Mainpuri, and twelve miles
south-east of the former. Lat. 27 49', long. 78 17'.
ROHI8ALA. State in Kathiawar, Bombay, paying a yearly tribute
of 10 to the Gaekwar of Baroda, and 16s. to the Nawab of Junagarh.
ROHNA. Town in Wardha district, Central Provinces; situated
twenty-three miles west by north of Wardha town. Lat. 20 32' 30",
long. 78 25'. Pop. (1881), 2172. A fair takes place annually in
ROHRI. Town (in subdivision of same name) in Shikarpur district,
Sind, Bombay ; situated upon the right bank of the Indus, on a rocky
eminence of limestone interspersed with flint. This rocky site is ter-
minated abruptly on the western side by a precipice forty feet high, rising
from the beach of the Indus, which in inundations attains a height of
sixteen feet above its lowest level. Pop. (1881), 10,224. Lat. 27 42',
long. 68 56'. Area of subdivision, 4258 sq. miles. Pop. (1872), 217,515.
ROHTAK. District in the Hissar division of the Punjab ; situated
between lat. 28 19' 29 17', and long. 76 17' 77 30'. It is bounded
on the north by Karnal district ; on the east by the State of Dujana and
the Delhi district ; on the south by Gurgaon district ; and on the west by
Hissar district and the State of Jind. The area of the district is 1811
sq. miles, and the pop. (1881), 553,609. The district consists of a very
level plain, in which there is only one stream, the Sahibi, which flows
from the Ajmere hills ; hut the land is watered hy the Rohtak and
Butana branches of the Western Jumna Canal. The chief towns are
Rohtak, Jhajjar Beri, Majra, Bahadurgarh, Gohana, and Mahim. The
roads are not numerous, and the administration is conducted by a Deputy-
Commissioner and Staff.
ROHTAK. Capital (in tahsil of same name) of Rohtak district,
Punjab ; situated forty-two miles north-west of Delhi, on the Hissar road.
Lat. 28 54', long. 76 38'. Pop. (1881), 15,699. Area of tahsQ, 587
sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 171,215.
ROHTANG. Pass in Kangra district, Punjab, over the Himalayan
ranges ; between Koksar in Lahul and Palchan in Kullu. The crest has
an elevation of only 13,000 feet above the sea, but the range on either
side rises to a height of 16,000 feet, while several peaks within twelve
miles exceed 20,000 feet. The main road from Sultanpur and Kangra to
Leh and Yarkand crosses this pass. Lat. 32 22' 20", long. 77 17' 20".
ROHTASGARH. Hill-fort in Shahabad district, Bengal ; situated on
the left bank of the river Son. Elevation above the sea, 1490 feet. It
is distant 22 miles south of Sasseram, seventy-five miles south-east of
Benares, and 373 north-west of Calcutta. Lat. 24 37' 30", long. 83
55' 50".
ROHTTD. Village in Eohtak district, Punjab ; situated on the route
from Delhi to Hansi, and twenty-seven miles north-west of the former.
Lat. 28 44', long. 76 52'.
ROHTJT. Village in Jodhpur State, Hajputana ; situated on the route
from Nimach, vid Pali, to the city of Jodhpur, and twenty-four miles
south of the latter. Lat. 25 59', long. 73 14'.
ROIR BAZAAR. Town in Puri district, Bengal ; situated twenty-
three miles north-north-east of Jagannath. Lat. 20 7', long. 86.
ROJHAN. Town in Dera Ghazi Khan district, Punjab ; situated
upon the west bank of the Indus, below Dera Ghazi Khan. Lat. 28 17',
long. 68 19'. Pop. (1868), 5656.
RO-KYWON. Revenue circle in Akyab district, British Burma.
Pop. (1876-77), 2244.
ROLAG AON. Town in Bhopal State, Central India Agency ; situated
forty-nine miles south-west by west of Bhopal, and sixty-one miles east
by north of Indore. Lat. 22 51', long. 76 48'.
ROLL Village in Budaun district, N.W.P. ; situated on the route
from Agra to Bareilly, and forty-one miles south-west of the latter. Lat.
28 2', long. 79 5'.
ROLPA. Town in Nepal State ; situated forty miles south of Jemla,
and 121 miles east of Pilibhit. Lat. 28 45', long. 81 51'.
RON. Town (in subdivision of same name) in Dharwar district,
Bombay; situated fifty-two miles east by north of Dharwar. Lat. 15
41' 30", long. 75 11' 1". Pop. (1872), 5251. Area of subdivision, 370
sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 60,724. Also than a. Pop. (1881), 112,771.
RONAHI. Town in Faizabad district, Oudh ; situated ten miles from
Faizabad town, near the bank of the Gogra. Pop. (1869), 5193.
RONCHL Village in Muttra district, N.W.P. ; situated on the route
from Agra to Muttra, and five miles south of the latter, and near
the right bank of the Jumna. Lat. 27 25', long. 77 47'.
HUD 787
RONT AN. Village in Keonthal State ; situated near the left bank of
the Pabur. Elevation above the sea, 7898 feet. Lat. 31 6', long.
77 50'.
ROORKEE. See RthiKi.
ROPA. Village in Bashahr State, Punjab ; situated in the valley of
Ruskalang, and near the left bank of the river Darbung. Elevation
above the sea, 9800 feet. Lat. 31 47', long. 78 28'.
RORI. Town in Sirsa district, Punjab ; situated nineteen miles north-
west of Sirsa town. Lat. 29 43', long. 75 37'. Pop. (1881), 3063.
RORI MIR SHAH. Town in Dera Ismail Khan district, Punjab ;
situated on the right bank of the Indus, seventy-five miles north-west by
north of the town of Multan. Lat. 31, long. 70 46'.
ROSHNABAD. State in Tipporah district, Bengal. Area, 589 sq.
ROSHUNABAD. Town in Farrukhabad district, KW.P. ; situated
near the right bank of the Ganges, tea miles north-west of the city
of Farrukhabad. Lat. 27 30', long. 79 32'.
ROSS ISLAND. Considerable island, forming one of the group known
as the Mergui Archipelago. Its centre is about lat. 12 14', long. 98 12'.
RO-TA-RUP. llevenue circle in Akyab district, British Burma.
Pop. (1876-77), 3900.
ROTAS. Ruins of a celebrated fort built by Sher Shah, in the Salt
Range, on a hill overlooking the gorge of the Kuhan Nadi, eleven miles
north- west of Jhelum town, in Jhelum district, Punjab. The walls are
of immense strength, in some parts 30 feet thick ; they extend for three
miles and encircle the rocks which command the entrance of the pass.
Lat. 32 55', long. 73 49'.
ROTHINGI. Pass in Bashahr State, Punjab ; leading over a ridge
rising abruptly from the left or south-eastern bank of the Taglakhar
torrent. The elevation of the crest of the pass is 14,638 feet above the
sea. Lat. 31 36', long. 78 42'.
ROUK-THWA. River of British Burma ; rising in the Poung-loung
range in Toung-ngu district. After a south-westerly course of upwards
of thirty miles, it falls into the Tsit-toung about six miles north of Muii,
a village in Shwe-gyeng district.
ROXAKANDL Town in Jessor district, Bengal ; situated fifty miles
north-east of Jessor. Lat. 23 40', long. 89 26'.
RUBUPURA. Town in Bulandshahr district, N.W.P. ; situated on
the route from Muttra to Delhi, on the left bank of the Jumna, thirty-
five miles south-east of Delhi. Lat. 28 15', long. 77 40'. Pop. (1881),
RITDANA. Tillage in Nagar-Aveli district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 624.
RUDAULL Town (in pargana of same name) in Bara Banki district,
Oudh ; situated thirty- seven miles south-east of Bara Banki town. Lat.
26 44' 45", long. 81 47' 20". Pop. (1881), 11,394. Area of pargana,
173 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 110,262.
RTJDATJLL Tillage in Gorakhpur district, N.W.P. ; situated on the
river Ami, forty miles north-west of Gorakhpur cantonment. Lat.
27 3', long. 82 48'.
RTTDAULL Thana in Basti district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 56,3.55.
RUDAWAL. Village in Bhartpur State, Rajputana ; situated on the
route from Agra to Mhow, forty-one miles south-west of the former, 374
north-east of the latter. Lat. 26 59', long. 77 29'.
RUDHAMATI. Town in Hardoi district, Oudh ; situated ten miles
from the left bank of the Ganges, and fifty-one miles west by north of
Lucknow. Lat. 27 7', long. 80 13'.
RUDLIGANJ. Town in Rangpur district, Bengal ; situated fourteen
miles west by south of Rangpur. Lat. 25 37', long. 89 2'.
RTJDRABIDU. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 165.
RTJDRAGUPPE. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 690.
RTJDRA HIMALA. Mountain peak in Garhwal State,. N.W.P. ; on
the eastern frontier of Garhwal, towards Chinese Tartary. Elevation
above sea-level, estimated at 22,390 feet. Lat. 30 58', long. 79 9'.
RTIDRA PRAY AG. Temple in Garhwal district, N.W.P. ; situated
at the confluence of the Mandakini with the Alaknanda. One of the five
sacred confluences of the Hindus. Elevation above sea-level, 2200 feet.
Lat. 30 17', long. 79 2'.
RTJDRAPTIR. Town in Gorakhpur district, KW.P. ; situated on the
river Majhua, upon the Gorakhpur and Barhaj road, twenty-three miles
south-east of Gorakhpur town. Lat. 26 26' 40", long. 83 39' 35".
Pop. (1881), 9843. A fair is held in February, attended by upwards of
1500 persons. Also thana. Pop. (1881), 137,577.
RUDRAPUR. Village in Bareilly district, N.W.P.; situated fifty-
three miles north of Bareilly town, on the Almora road. Lat. 28 58',
long. 79 26' 40". Also thana. Pop. (1881), 88,138.
RUDRAPUR. Tahsil in Tarai district, Oudh. Pop. (1881), 83,030.
Also pargana. Pop. (1881), 34,256. And thana. Pop. (1881), 30,116.
RUDRAPUR. Town in Chutia Mgpur district, Bengal ; situated
sixty-one miles south-west by south of Lohardaga. Lat. 22 46', long.
84 9'.
RUDRAR. Town in Cuddapah district, Madras; situated fifty-eight
miles north-north-west of Cuddapah. Lat. 15 16', long. 78 40'.
RUDUNDA. Fort in Thana district, Bombay ; situated on the coast
twenty-nine miles south of Bombay. Lat. 18 33', long. 73.
RUKUNPUR. Village in Bulandshahr district, N.W.P. ; situated on
the route from Aligarh cantonment to that of Delhi, and twenty-three
miles north-west of the former. Lat. 28 9', long. 77 58'.
RUL. Village in Bashahr State, Punjab ; situated near the southern
base of the Shatul Pass. Elevation, 9350 feet above the sea. Lat.
31 19Mong. 77 57'.
RUM A. Village in Cawnpore district, N.W.P. ; situated on the route
from the cantonment of Cawnpore to Fatehpur, and ten miles south-east
of the former. Lat. 26 21', long. 80 30'.
RUMALA. Town in Meerut district, N.W.P. ; situated on the route
from Delhi to Saharanpur, thirty-eight miles north of the former. Lat. 1
29 13', long. 77 20'.
RUMYIPUR. Town in Cawnpore district, KW.P. ; situated ten
miles west of the right bank of the Ganges. Lat. 26 21', long. 80 21'.
RUNANG. Pass in Bashahr State, Punjab ; leading over a range in
Kunawar and dividing the valley of Raskalang from that of Pijar.
Elevation above sea-level, 14,500 feet. Lat. 31 43', long. 78 28'.
RUNGALPUR. Town in Lahore district, Punjab ; situated on the left
bank of the Ravi river, twenty -five miles south-west of the town of
Lahore. Lat. 31 20', long. 74.
RUNGAPUR. Town in Haidarabad State ; situated 102 miles north-
east of Haidarabad, and 148 miles north-north-west of Gantur. Lat. 18
17', long. 79 44'.
RUN-TSHIEP. Revenue circle on the right bank of the Irawadi, in
Prome district, British Burma. Pop. (1876-77), 2052.
RUOJAN (RAO JUN). Town in Chittagong district, Bengal; situated
nineteen miles north-east of Chittagong. Lat. 22 33', long. 92 5'.
RUPAIN. River of Baroda State ; rising in lat. 23 31', long. 72 2',
and, flowing west for forty-two miles, falls into the Rann of Cutch, in
lat. 23 28', long. 71 28'.
RUPAL. State in Mahi Kantha, Bombay, paying a yearly tribute of
116 to the Gaekwar of Baroda, and 36 to the Raja of Edar. Pop.
(1881), 3497.
RUPAR. Town (in tahsil of same name) in Umballa district, Punjab ;
situated on the south bank of the Sutlej, forty-three miles north of
Umballa city. Pop. (1881), 10,326. Lat. 30 57', long. 76 33'. Two
large fairs are held in this town, one Muhammadan, the other Hindu, at
each of which upwards of 50,000 persons assemble together. Area of
tahsil, 277 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 154,303.
RUPBAS (RUPAS). Town in Bhartpur State, Rajputana ; situated
sixteen miles south-east of the city of Bhartpur. Lat. 27, long. 77 39'.
RUPGANJ. Town in Dacca district, Bengal ; situated eight miles
north-east of Dacca. Lat. 23 47', long. 90 31'. Also thana. Area,
227 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 164,159.
RUPGARH. Town in Jaipur State, Rajputana; situated forty-five
miles north-west of Jaipur, and seventy-six miles north-east by north of
Ajmere. Lat. 27 21', long. 75 22'.
RUPIN. Pass in Bashahr State, Punjab; over the range of the
Himalaya, bounding Kunawar on the south. Elevation above the sea,
15,480 feet. Lat. 31 21', long. 78 12'.
RUPNAGARH. Town in Krishnagarh State, Rajputana ; situated
twenty-six miles north-east by north of Ajmere, and sixty-one miles west
by south of Jaipur. Lat. 26 47', long. 74 55'. Pop. (1881), 5665.
RUPNARAYAN. River of Bengal. The name given to the Dhal-
kisor from the point where it receives the waters of the Silai, a tributary
which flows into it from Midnapur district. It flows through the Hugli
district with a course generally south-easterly, and joins the Hugli river
opposite Hugli Point, in lat. 22 12' 30", long. 80 6' 15".
Midnapur, Bengal, extending from Rupnarayan to the Rasulpur river.
RTJPNATH. Tillage in the Jaintia Hills, Assam, -with a Hindu
temple greatly frequented by pilgrims from the plains of Sylhet.
RTJPOHI RIVER. Considerable watercourse formed by the Brahma-
putra river; it leaves that stream in lat. 26 34', long. 92 51', and
rejoins it again in lat. 26 17', long. 92 V, after a course of seventy
RTTPSHU. An elevated plain or extensive valley in Ladakh ; among
the Western Himalayas. Its mean elevation is 16,000 feet. Its centre
is about lat. 33, long. 78 15'.
RTIPSI. Village and fort in Jaisalmir State, Bajputana ; situated ten
miles north-west of the city of Jaisalmir. Lat. 26 58', long. 70 50'.
RTIRGAON Tillage in Cawnpore district, N.W.P. ; situated on the
route from Allahabad to Etawah, and sixty-three miles south-east of the
latter. Lat. 26 14', long. 79 49'.
RTTRKHAKALAN. Town in Jalandhar district, Punjab. Lat.
31 7' 12", long. 76 45' 30". Pop. (1881), 5492.
RTJRKI. Town (in tahsil of same name) in Saharanpur district,
N.W P. ; situated on a high ridge overlooking the bed of the Solani river,
twenty-two miles east of Saharanpur. The Ganges Canal passes east of
the town, which is the headquarters of the Ganges Canal works and
foundry. The Thomason Civil Engineering College is also established
at Rurki, and there is a cantonment for native sappers and British troops.
Lat. 29 52' 25", long. 77 55' 40". Pop. (1881), exclusive of the
cantonment (3135), 15,953. Area of tahsil, 789 sq. miles. Pop.
(1881), 274,571. Also pargana. Pop. (1881), 66,236. And thana.
Pop. (1881), 64,168.
RURTONDA GHAT. Pass in Satara district, Bombay ; by which the
road from the Konkan to Satara is carried over the Western Ghats. Distant
thirty-four miles west-north-west of Satara. Lat. 17 54', long.
73 38'.
RTTRTJ. Village in Bashahr State, Punjab; situated on the right bank
of the Pabur, near the confluence of a small feeder called the Supil.
Elevation of the village above the sea, 5100 feet. Lat. 31 12', long.
77 48'.
RUSERA (ROSHRA). Town in Darbhangah district, Bengal; situated
on the east bank of the Little Gandak, just below the confluence of that
river with the Baghmati. Lat. 25 45' 8", long. 86 4' 8". Pop. (1881),
11,578. Also thana. Area, 347 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 256,605.
RUSHIKTTLYA. River in Ganjam district, Madras ; rising in the
Chinna Kimidi Maliyas, in lat. 19 55' 20", long. 84 20', it runs south-
east to A ska, where it is joined by the Mahanadi ; thence south-east and
east till it enters the sea at Ganjam town, in lat. 19 22', long. 85 7'.
The total length of its course is about 115 miles.
RTJSKUND. Town in Midnapur district, Bengal; situated twenty-
six miles north of Midnapur. Lat. 22 47', long. 87 28'.
RUSSELLAWALA. Town in Multan district, Punjab ; situated
fifteen miles from the left bank of the Chenab, eighteen miles east-north-
east of the town of Multan. Lat. 30 12', long. 71 47'.
RUSSELLKONDA. Town in Ganjam district, Madras; situated on
the river Loharakandi about fifty miles north-west of Ganjam town.
The name is compounded of the surname of Mr. Russell, who was Com-
missioner here in 1835, and the word "konda" signifying a hill. There
was at one time a military cantonment here. Lat. 19 56' 20", long.
84 37' 34". Pop. (1871), 1658.
RUSTAMPUR. Village in Moradabad district, KW.P. ; situated on
the route from Hardwar to Moradabad, and thirteen miles north-west of
the latter. Lat. 29 1', long. 78 45'.
RTJTBHANPUR. Village in Mainpuri district, N.W.P. ; situated on
the route from the cantonment of Etawah to that of Mainpuri, and ten
miles south of the latter. Lat. 27 6', long. 79 4'.
RTJTHAURA (RHUTORA). Town in Meerut district, N.W.P. ;
situated on the route from Delhi to Saharanpur, thirty-seven miles north
of the former. Lat. 29 12', long. 77 17'.
RUTMIT. River, or great torrent, of Saharanpur district, N.W.P. ;
rising in lat. 30 10', long. 78 2'. It holds a course of about thirty-
five miles in a southerly direction, to its confluence with the Solani, in
lat. 29 50', long. 78.
RUTSIR. Town in Ghazipur district, KW.P. ; situated near the
northern frontier, towards Azamgarh, and thirty -five miles north-east of
Ghazipur cantonment. Lat. 25 50', long. 84 8'.
RUTTIA Town in Sirsa district, Punjab ; situated on the route from
Hissar to Firozpur, thirty-seven miles north by west of the former. Lat.
29 40'. long. 75 41'.
RITTTURSATJ. Town in Purniah district, Bengal; situated thirty-four
miles north-west of Purniah. Lat. 26 5', long. 87 9'.
RUXAM. Town in Goalpara district, Bengal ; situated twenty miles
south-south-west of Goalpara. Lat. 25 53', long. 90 30'.
RWA-GTJN. Revenue circle in Prome district, British Burma. Pop.
(1876-77), 2108.
RWA-LWOT. Revenue circle in Amherst district, British Burma.
Pop. (1876-77), 3658.
RWA-THIT. Revenue circle in Henzada district, British Burma.
Pop. (1876-77), 11,595.
RWA-THIT. Town in Henzada district, British Burma ; situated on
the left bank of the Irawadi. Pop. (1877), 3671.
RWA-THIT. Village in Henzada district, British Burma; situated
six miles north of Henzada. Pop. (1877), 2038.
RWA-TOUNG. Revenue circle in Thayet district, British Burma.
Pop. (1876-77), 3321.
RWA-TOTJNG. Town in Thayet district, British Burma, a suburb of
Allan-myo ; situated on the left bank of the Irawadi, just opposite the
Thayet-rnyo cantonment. Lat. 19 19' 20", long. 95 18' 45". Pop.
(1878), 2643.
RWE. One of the mouths of the Irawadi, British Burma ; formed by
the junction of the Pu-lii with the Tsaga-mya, in about lat. 16 33', long.
95 8'. The course is south-south-west, length about 60 miles; it is
navigable by river steamers at all seasons.
R WE -DOTING. Revenue circle in Henzada district, British Burma.
Pop. (1876-77), 5802.
RWEK-GNYO-TOTJNG. Revenue circle in Akyab district, British
Burma. Pop. (1876-77), 3925.
RWON, EAST. Revenue circle in Rangoon district, British Burma.
Pop. (1876-77), 5723.
RWON, WEST. Revenue circle in Rangoon district, British Burma.
Pop. (1876-77), 4275.
RWON-GNYA. Revenue circle in Amherst district, British Burma.
Pop. (1876-77), 2310.
RWON-ZA-LENG. River in Tenasserim division, British Burma ;
rising to the north of the mountainous country forming the Salwin Hill
Tracts. It flows nearly due south through a rocky valley as far as Kaw-
karit, where it joins the Salwin.
SAADATGANJ. Town in Bara Banki district, Oudh ; situated four-
teen miles north-east of Bara Banki town. Pop. (1869), 2789.
SAADATGANJ. Thana in Lucknow district, JSLW.P. Pop. (1881),
SAAB. River in Burma, an offset of the Yennan, one of the branches
of the Irawadi. It runs in' a south-easterly direction, and falls into the
Sitang, near the town of Toung-ngu, in lat. 19 2', long. 96 20'.
SAAWAN. Town in Gwalior State, Central India Agency; situated
on the route by Bhapura and the Makundura Pass, from Nfmach to Kotah,
thirteen miles east of former, 109 south-west of latter. Lat. 24 26', long.
75 10'.
SABALGARH. Town, with a fort of great natural strength, in
Gwalior State, Central India Agency ; situated on a hill on the right or
south bank of the river Chambal, forty-five miles west of Gwalior fort.
Lat. 26 15', long. 77 24'.
SABANG. Thana in Midnapur district, Bengal. Area, 284 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 201,714.
SABAR. Town in Dacca district, Bengal ; situated eighteen miles
north-west of Dacca. Lat. 23 52', long. 90 13'.
SABARI (SEBERI, SEVERI, SAVARJ). River, rising in the
Eastern Ghats, in the State of Jaipur, Madras ; it traverses the Upper
Godavari district, Central Provinces, and falls into the Godavaii in lat.
17 35', long. 81 18'.
SABARMATI. River of Rajputana and the Mahi Kantha and
Ahmedabad districts, Bombay ; rising in lat. 24 44', long. 73 30', near
the town of Mairpur, in the Udaipur State, Rajputana ; after a course in
a southerly direction of about 200 miles, it falls into the Gulf of Cambay,
in lat. 22 20', long. 72 21'.
SABAYIA. Town in Independent Burma ; situated on the right
bank of the Irawadi river, 144 miles south-west by south of Ava.
Lat. 20 10', long. 94 43'.
SABBIAN. Town in Independent Burma ; situated on the left bank
of the Irawadi river, seventy-nine miles south-west by west of Ava.
Lat. 21 13', long. 94 59'.
SABHAR. Town in Dacca district, Bengal; situated on the north
bank of the Buriganga, a tributary of the Dhaleswari. Lat. 23 50' 55",
long. 90 IT 10". Pop. (1871), 2350. Also thana. Area, 370 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 174,831.
SABHAW ALA. Village in Dehra Dun district, F.W.P. ; situated on
the left bank of the Asun. Elevation above the sea, 1792 feet. Lat. 30
22', long. 77 51'.
SABL See SiniBi.
SABZTJLKOT. Town in Bahawalpur State, Punjab ; situated fourteen
miles south-east of the left bank of the Indus, and seventy-six miles
north-east by east of Bukkur. Lat. 28 12', long. 69 57'.
SACHENDL Town in Cawnpore district, N.W.P. ; fourteen miles
west of Cawnpore. Lat. 26 25', long. 80 14'. Also thana. Pop.
(1881), 58,691.
SACHIN. State in Guzerat, Bombay. The territory mainly lies
within the Surat district, though there are some outlying villages within
the Baroda State. The area is estimated at 42 sq. miles and the pop.
(1881), 15,721. The Nawab, who is a descendant of a branch of the
Habshis or Abyssinians of Janjira, is entitled to a salute of 9 guns. He
maintains a force of 62 men.
SACHIN. Capital of Sachm State, Bombay; nine miles south of
Surat city. Lat. 21 3' 40", long. 72 59'.
SAD ABAD. Town (in tahsil of same name) in Muttra district, N.W.P.
Pop. (1881), 3286. Pop. of tahsil (1881), 80,217.
SADALGI. Town in Belgaum district, Bombay; situated fifty-one
miles north of Belgaum town, and twenty-five south-east of Kolhapur.
Lat. 16 33', long. 74 33'. Pop. (1872), 6863. Noted for its manu-
facture of sugar.
SADAR. Tahsil of Farrukhabad district, KW.P. ; along the west
bank of the Ganges. Area, 343 sq. miles. Pop. (1872), 256,516.
SADARPUR. Pargana in Sitapur district, Oudh. Pop. (1881),
SADARVAIL. Town in the Dang States, Bombay; situated fifty
miles east by south from Surat, and sixty-six miles north-west by west
from Malegaon. Lat. 21, long. 73 37'.
SADASHIVGAD (SADASHIVGARH). Port in Kanara district,
Bombay ; situated on the north side of the mouth of the Kali river.
The entrance is hazardous and intricate, and ships frequenting this part
of the coast anchor outside in Karwar Bay. Distant 290 miles south-
east of Bombay. Lat. 14 50' 25", long. 74 10' 55".
SADAT. Town (in thana of same name) in Ghazipur district, 1ST.W.P.
Pop. (1881), 3951. Pop. of thana (1881), 44,455.
SADHATJRA. Town in Umballa district, Punjab ; situated near the
hills, on the left bank of the Markanda torrent, twenty-six miles east of
Umballa. Lat. 30 23', long. 77 16'. Pop. (1881), 10,794. An annual
fair attracts upwards of 20,000 pilgrims.
SADIGANAHALLL Tillage in Coorg, Madras.
SADIPUR. Town in Banda district, N.W.P. j situated on the right
Lank of the Jumna, twenty-six miles north-east of the town of Banda,
twenty miles south-west of the town of Fatehpur. Lat. 25 46', long.
80 37'.
SADIYA. The name formerly given to a tract of country stretching
along the north bank of the Brahmaputra, on the extreme north-east
frontier of Assam.
SADIYA. Tillage in Lakhimpur district, Assam ; situated on the
rijrht hank of the main stream of the Brahmaputra, about 100 miles above
Dibrugarh. Lat. 27 49' 45", long. 95 41' 35".
SADEA. Town in Mahi Kantha, Bombay.
SADRAS (SATRANJA-PATANA). Town in Chengalpat district,
Madras ; situated on the Coromandel coast, three miles north of the
estuary of the river Palar. It was at one time a trading settlement of
the Dutch, but the river has silted up so that only small coasting craft
are able to pass the bar. Distant sixty-two miles south-east of Arcot,
forty-two miles south of Madras. Lat. 12 31' 25", long. 80 12'.
SADRPTJR. Town (in pargana of same name) in Sitapur district,
Oudh; situated thirty miles south-east of Sitapur town. Pop. (1869),
2109. Area of pargana, 108 sq. miles. Pop. (1869), 54,477.
SADTILAGANJ. Thana in Budaun district, KW.P. Pop. (1881),
SADTJLANAGAR. Tillage (in pargana of same name) in Gonda
district, Oudh ; situated twenty-eight miles north-east of Gonda town.
Lat. 27 5' 45", long. 82 24' 51". Pop. (1869), 706. Area of pargana,
103 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 40,894. Also thana. Pop. (1881),
SADULAPUR. Tillage in Maldah district, Bengal. The chief de-
scent to the holy stream of the Bhagirathi is at this place, to which
the dead bodies of Hindus are brought from great distances to be burned.
Market and small annual fair held in March, chiefly for religious purposes.
There is another village of this name, on the right bank of the Chenab,
in the Punjab.
SADTTLAPUR. Town in Rangpur district, Bengal; situated twenty-
six miles south-east by south of Rangpur. Lat. 25 22', long. 89 29'.
Also thana. Area, 188 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 112,563.
SAEL. Town in Raipur district, Central Provinces ; situated fifty-one
miles south by east of Ratanpur, and 110 miles west of Sambalpur. Lat.
21 30', long. 82 20'.
SAF APUR. Town in Kashmir State, Punjab ; situated fourteen miles
north-west by north of Srinagar. Lat. 34 14', long. 74 49'.
SAFDARGANJ. Town in Bara Banki district, Oudh ; situated on the
route from Gorakhpur to Lucknow, 137 miles west of the former, twenty-
nine east of the latter. Pop. (1881), 1150. Lat. 26 56', long. 81 15'.
SAFED KOH. Range of mountains in Afghanistan, commencing to
the east of the Allah-koh ridge, between Kabul and Ghazni, and follow-
ing 34 of latitude for about seventy-five miles to longitude 70 35',
when it splits into two main ridges, one going north-east to the Khaibar
and the Kabul river ; the other, after a short turn to the east, continuing
due east to the junction of the Kabul river with the Indus. The highest
point is the Sitaram mountain, 15,622 feet above the sea, whence the
range preserves a tolerably uniform level, perhaps nowhere less than
12,500 feet, until it again culminates in a double-peak mountain, whose
summits average 14,800 feet.
SAFFRAI. Coal area in Si'bsagar district, Assam ; extending along
the foot of the Naga Hills to the Dikhu river.
SAFIDON. Town in Jind State, Punjab. Pop. (1881), 4160.
SAFIPUR f SAIPUR). Town (in tahsil of same name) in Unao district,
Oudh ; situated seventeen miles north-west of Unao town, on the road
leading thence to Hardoi. Lat. 26 44' 10", long. 80 23' 15". Pop.
(1881), 7031. Area of tahsil, 395 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 194,001.
Also pargana. Area, 132 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 68,258. And thana.
Pop. (1881), 136,435.
SAFTIBARI. Town in Rangpur district, Bengal ; situated fourteen
miles north-east by north of Rangpur. Lat. 25 51', long. 89 22'.
SAGAR (SAUGOR). District in the Central Provinces; situated
between lat. 23 4' 24 27', and long. 78 6' 79 12'. Bounded on
the north by the Lalitpur district of the North- Western Provinces and
the states of Bijawar, Panna, and Charkhari ; on the east by Panna and
Damoh districts ; on the south and west by Narsinhpur district and the
states of Bhopal and Gwalior. The area is 4005 sq. miles, and the popu-
lation (1881) 564,950. The principal rivers are the Sunar, the Bias,
the Dhupan, and the Bina, all of which flow in a northerly direction
to the Jumna. In the north of the district there is the Ramna teak
forest, covering eight square miles. The chief towns are Sagar, the
capital, Garha-Kota, Rehli, and Kurai. The district, which was formed
into a separate charge in 1861, is administered by a Deputy- Commis-
sioner and Staff.
SAGAR (SAUGOR). Capital (in tahsil of same name) of Sagar district,
Central Provinces; situated in an elevated position, 1940 feet above sea-
level, on the north-west borders of a fine lake nearly a mile broad, from
which it derives its name. There is a large Marhatta fort commanding the
city and the surrounding country, now used as an ordnance depot ; the civil
station of Sagar and the cantonments lie to the east and north of the lake.
Pop. (1881), 44,416. Sagar lies ninety miles north-west of Jabalpur,
185 miles north of Nagpur, and 223 miles south-west of Allahabad. Lat.
23 49' 50", long. 78 48' 45". An European regiment and two batteries
of European artillery, as well as some native troops, are stationed at
Sagar. Area of tahsil, 1067 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 196,980.
SAGAR (SAUGOR). Island at the mouth of the Hugli river, Bengal.
Lat. 21 35' 30" 21 56' 30", long. 88 4' 30" 88 14'. There is a light-
house on the island, and the meteorological department have an observatory
here. Enormous destruction and loss of life was caused on the island by
a cyclone in 1864. An annual religious fair is held here in January,
when pilgrims wash away their sins in the sacred waters of the river.
SAGAR. Town in Haidarabad State; situated 124 miles south-west
by west of Haidarabad, and ninety-five miles south-east of Sholapur.
Lat. 16 36', long. 76 51'.
SAGAR. Town (in taluk of same name) in Shimoga district, Mysore ;
situated on the left bank of the Yarada river, forty miles west-north-west
of Shimoga town. Pop. (1871), 1740. Lat. 14 9' 50", long. 75 4' 20".
Area of taluk, 621 sq. miles. Pop. (1871), 60,231.
SAGARDIGHL Thana in Murshidabad district, Bengal. Area, 86
sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 27,859.
SAGAUR. Town in Bonai State, Chutia Nagpur, Bengal ; situated
eighty-six miles east-north-east of Sambalpur, and 110 miles north-north-
west of Cnttack. Lat. 21 55', long. 85 15'.
SAGEMARUR. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 159.
SAG! A. Pass in Bashahr State, Punjab ; leading over the outer range
of the Himalaya, and forming a communication between Kunawar and
Garhwal. Lat. 31 13', long. 78 29'. A peak about three miles north-
east of this pass was, in the great trigonometrical survey of the Himalaya,
ascertained to have an elevation of 21,178 feet above the sea.
SAGOR. Village in Indore State, Central India Agency ; situated on
the route from the British cantonment of Mhow to Baroda, twelve miles
west of former. Elevation above the sea, 1932 feet. Lat. 22 36', long.
75 40'.
SAGRI. Town (in tahsil of same name) in Azamgarh district,
K.W.P. ; situated on the route from Azamgarh to Gorakhpur, thirteen
miles north-east of the former. Lat. 26 7', long. 83 23'. Pop. of
tahsil (1881), 447,455. Also pargana. Pop. (1881), 178,533.
SAGRWHA. Town in Champaran district, Bengal. Pop. (1872),
SAHAIL. Thana in Etawah district, KW.P. Pop. (1881), 23,789.
SAHANGARI. Town in Bhandara district, Central Provinces ;
situated sixty miles east by south of Nagpur, and seventy-eight miles
south by east of Seoni. Lat. 20 59', long. 80 3'.
SAHANPUR. Town in Bijnaur district, N.W.P. ; situated on the
route from Moradabad to Hardwar, and sixty- four miles north-west of the
former. Lat. 29 38', long. 78 23'.
SAHAPTJR. Village in Moradabad district, N.W.P. ; situated on the
route from the town of Meerut to that of Moradabad, and thirty-six miles
south-east of the former place. Lat. 28 50', long. 78 18'.
SAHAR. Town in Muttra district, N.W.P. ; situated on the route
from Muttra to Delhi, fifteen miles north-west of the former. Lat.
27 38', long. 77 33'. Pop. (1881), 2776. Also thana. Pop. (1881),
SAHARANPUR. District in the Meerut division of the North-
Western Provinces; situated between lat. 29 34' 45" 30 21' 20", and
long. 77 9' 78 14' 45". Bounded on the north by the Siwalik hills,
separating it from the Dehra Dun district; on the east by the Ganges,
separating it from Bijnaur district ; on the south by the Muzaffamagar
district ; and on the west by the river Jumna, separating it from the
Umballa and Karnul districts of the Punjab. The area of the district is
2221 sq. miles. Its population (1881), 979,544. Saharanpur is the
most northerly portion of the Doab or alluvial land between the Ganges
and the Jumna ; the Ganges Canal and the Eastern Jumna Canal both
begin at the base of the Siwalik Hills, and flow through the length of the
district from north to south. The chief towns are Saharanpur, the
capital, Deoband, Hardwar, the celebrated place of pilgrimage, and
Kiirki, the headquarters of the Ganges Canal Estalishment, and site of
the Civil Engineering College. The Punjab and Delhi railway passes for
forty-one miles through the district, and is joined at Saharunpur by the
SAH 797
Oudh and Rohilkhand Railway ; there is also considerable traffic by the
Ganges Canal.
S AH ARANPUR. Capital (in tahsil of same name) of Saharanpur
district, N.W.P. ; situated on a low site on both sides of the Damaula
Nadi. It is a station on the Sind, Punjab, and Delhi Railway, and is
the headquarters of the Jumna Canal Establishment. Elevation above
the sea, 902 feet. Lat. 29 58' 15", long. 77 35' 15". Pop. (1881),
59,194. Area of tahsil, 618 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 292,293. Also
pargana. Pop. (1881), 131,629. And thana. Pop. (1881), 135,070.
SAHASPUR. Town in Sambalpur district, Central Provinces ; situated
eleven miles south- south -east of Sambalpur. Lat. 21 20', long.
84 5'.
SAHASPUR, (SAHISPUR). Town in Bijnaur district, N.W.P. ;
situated on the Moradabad and Hard war road, twenty-eight miles south-
east of Bijnaur town. Lat. 29 7' 40", long. 78 40' 15". Pop. (1881),
6338. Also thana. Pop. (1881), 19,492.
SAHASPTIRA. Town in Mirzapur district, N.W.P. ; situated on the
route from Mirzapur to Patna, twenty-seven miles east of the former.
Lat. 25 9', long. 83 2'.
SAHASPUR LOHARA. Chiefship in Raipur district, Central Pro-
vinces. Area, 197 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 19,748.
SAHATWAR. Town in Ballia district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 11,024.
SAHAWAR. Town (in pargana of same name) in Etah district,
KW.P. ; forty miles from Mainpuri. Lat. 27 48', long. 78 55'. Pop.
(1881), 4065. Pop. of pargana (1881), 52,517. Also thana. Pop.
(1881), 41,180.
SAHDURI. Town in TJdaipur State, Rajputana; situated fifty-one
miles east -south-east of TJdaipur, and twenty-three miles west by south
of Nimach. Lat. 24 21', long. 74 33'.
SAHDURI. Town in TJdaipur State, Rajputana; situated sixty- two
miles east-south-east of Udaipur, and thirteen miles south-west by west
of Nimach. Lat. 24 20', long. 74 43'.
SAHET MAHET (SRAVASTI). Ruins in Gonda district, Oudh;
situated on the south bank of the Rapti river, ten miles from Balrampur,
and six from Ikauna. Probably the remains of the ancient city of
Sravasti. Lat. 27 31', long. 82 5'.
SAHGANJ (SAIGANJ). Town in Paizabad district, Oudh ; situated
three miles south-west of the right bank of the Tons (North-eastern).
Distant south-east of Lucknow, seventy-eight miles. Lat. 26 37', long.
82 2'.
SAHI. Village in Hindur State, Punjab ; situated on the route from
Subathu to Bilaspur, and eighteen miles north-west of the former. Lat.
31 7', long. 76 56'.
SAHIBGANJ. Town in the Santal Parganas district, Bengal ; situated
on the Ganges, and near the station on the loop-line of the East Indian
Railway. Pop. (1881), 6512. Sahibganj has of late years become a
centre of traffic between the river and rail. Lat. 25 14' 30", long. 87
40' 3".
SAHIBGANJ. Civil station of Gaya district, Bengal; adjoining Gay a
town, of which it forms a part. Lat. 24 47' 58", long. 85 2' 45".
SAHIBGANJ. Tillage in Muzaffarpur district, Bengal; situated on
the river Baya, a channel of the Gandak, from which it is about four
miles distant ; it is thirty miles north-west of Muzaffarpur town.
SAHIBGANJ. Village in Eangpur district, Bengal.
SAHIBGANJ. Village in Bardwan district, Bengal. Lat. 23 26', 20",
long. 87 52' 45". Also thana. Area, 124 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 75,171.
SAHIBGANJ. Village on the river of the same name in Bakarganj
district, Bengal.
SAHIBGARH. Town in Patiala State, Punjab. Pop. (1881), 5077.
SAHIBI (SABI). Hill stream in Gurgaon district, Punjab ; rises in
Rajputana near the Sambhar Lake, flows through the Rewari tract, and
empties itself into the Najafgarh lake on the borders of Delhi district.
SAHIBNAGAR. Town in Patiala State, Punjab. Pop. (1881), 1320.
SAHINSPUR. Village in Dehra Dun district, KW.P. ; situated on
the right bank of the Asun. Elevation above the sea, 1754 feet. Lat.
30 24', long. 77 52'.
SAHISWAN. Town (in tahsil of same name) in Budaun district,
N.W.P. ; situated on the route from Budaun to Rewari, twenty- three
miles west of the former. Pop. (1881), 14,605. Lat. 28 4' 20",
long. 78 47' 20". Area of tahsil, 473 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 192,131.
Also pargana. Pop. (1881), 95,714. And thana. Pop. (1881), 54,842.
SAHIWAL. Town in Shahpur district, Punjab ; situated on the left
bank of the Jhelum, twenty miles south of Shahpur town. Lat. 31 58',
long. 72 22'. Pop. (1881), 8880.
SAHJADPUR. Town in Faizabad district, Oudh; situated a milo
south-west of the right bank of the river Tons (North-eastern), 100 miles
east of Lucknow. Lat. 26 26', long. 82 28'.
SAHLAYDAN. Town in Prome district, British Burma ; situated on
the right bank of the Irawadi river, and sixteen miles south-west by
south from Prome. Lat. 18 35', long. 94 54'.
SAHPAN. Thana in Muttra district, KW.P. Pop. (1881), 25,830.
SAHSON. Thana in Etawah district, KW.P. Pop. (1881), 23,505.
SAHUKA. State in Kathiawar, Bombay, paying a yearly tribute of
51 to the British Government, and 6 to the Nawab of Junagarh.
SAHTJWALA. Tahsil of Sirsa district, Punjab. Pop. (1868), 57,520.
SAHYADRI. Mountain range in Bombay. The term Sahyadri is
applied to the entire system of the Western Ghats from the Tapti river
to Cape Comorin, but more especially to the ranges in the coast districts
of the Deccan. The Sahyadri hills in this sense commence in Khandesh
district, and they run south and south-west as far as Goa, with scattered
continuations to the Pal Ghat. The range may be generally described as
forming a continuous eastern boundary parallel to the coast at a distance
of from thirty to forty miles ; the general elevation varies from 2000 to
3000 feet, though some of the peaks attain an altitude of 5000 feet.
SAI. River of Oudh, rising in Hardoi district, in lat. 27 10', and
long. 80 32', between the Gumti and the Ganges. It holds a very
serpentine course, in a direction generally south-east, through Oudh,
passing Rai Bareli and Partabgarh towns; it enters the North-West
Provinces in the Jaunpur district, and falls into the Gumti on its right or
south bank a few miles below Jaunpur town.
SAI 799
SAIARA. Town in Jodhpur State, Rajputana ; situated forty-two
miles east-north-east from Jodhpur, and fifty-nine miles west of Ajmere.
Lat. 26 29', long. 73 48'.
SAIDAPET (SYDAPET). Capital of the Chengalpat district, Madras,
and a station on the South Indian Railway ; situated five miles from
Madras city. Lat. 13 1' 32", long. 80 15' 40". Pop. (1881), 10,290.
A model farm was established in this town in 1865, but was abolished
in 1885.
SAIDUPRL Town in Ghazipur district, KW.P. ; situated on the
left bank of the Ganges, near the confluence of the Gumti, twenty-three
miles north-east of Benares, and the same distance west of Ghazipur.
Lat. 25 30', long. 83 18'.
SAIFGANJ. Town in Purniah district, N.W.P. ; situated twenty
miles distant from Purniah town. Lat. 25 32', long. 87 37' 36".
A centre of trade.
SAIFGANJ PIRWAHA. Village in Purniah district, Bengal ;
situated thirty-eight miles north of Purniah town, and sixteen from
Basantpur. Lat. 26 13' 55", long. 87 15' 51". Pop. (1872), 709.
SAIGARH. Village in Rai Bareli district, Oudh; situated on the
route from Lucknow cantonment to Partabgarh, eighty miles south-east
of the former, thirty north-west of the latter. Lat. 26 18', long.
11 30'.
SAIGIWUN. Town in Haidarabad State; situated sixty-one miles
north-west by west of Jalna, and forty-seven miles east by south of
Malegaon. Lat. 20 24', long. 75 11'.
SAIHAJ. River of Lalitpur district, N.W.P. ; rising in lat. 24 27',
long. 78 25', and, flowing north for about forty miles, falls into the
Betwa, on the right bank, in lat. 25, long. 78 23'.
8AIJERA. Town in Lahore district, Punjab; situated nine miles
from the right bank of the Sutlej, thirty-five miles south-east by south
of the town of Lahore. Lat. 31 6', long. 74 30'.
SAILANA (SILLANA). State in the Central India Agency. The
area is 113 sq. miles, and the pop. (1881), 29,723. The state at
one time formed part of Ratlam. The Raja receives a salute of
11 guns, and maintains a force of 3 field guns, 18 artillerymen, 50 horse,
and 120 foot. Sailana, the capital of the state, is in lat. 23 30' 30",
long. 75 0' 45".
SAILGIJMNA. Town in Korea State, Chutia Nagpur, Bengal ;
situated sixty-eight miles east-north-east of Sohagpur, and 101 miles west
by south of Palamau. Lat. 23 40', long. 82 26'.
SAILI. Village in Nagar-Aveli district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 793.
SAIMBRAMKTJM. Town in Chengalpat district, Madras; situated
seventeen miles west of Madras, close to a tank twenty miles in circuit,
formed by an embankment between two natural ridges of ground. Lat.
13 4', long. 80 3'.
800 SAI
SAIMRI. Village in Muttra district, N.W.P. ; situated on the route
from Muttra cantonment to Delhi, eighteen miles north-west of the
former. Lat. 27 40', long. 77 36'.
SAIN. Range of mountains in Sirmur State, Punjab ; stretching in a
direction from north-west to south-east, between the river Julal, which
flows along its south-western base, while the Giri passes its eastern base.
At the south-east extremity is situated Thandu Bhawani, 5700 feet
above the sea ; at the north- west Sarsu Debi, 6299 feet. The range
stretches about twenty-five miles in length, between lat. 30 37' 30 51',
and long-. 77 15' 77 29'.
SAINAGARH. Town in Panna State, Bundelkhand, Central India
Agency ; situated on the route from Banda to Jabalpur, sixty-nine miles
north of the latter. Lat. 23 55', long. 80 20'.
SAINGARH (SENGTIR). River of N.W.P. ; rising in the Aligarh
district, in lat. 27 50', long. 78 12'. It passes through the Mainpuri
and Etawah districts in a south-easterly direction, and falls into the
Jumna on the left side, about fifteen miles below Kalpi, in the ex-
treme south of the Cawnpore district. Its total length of course is about
210 miles.
SAINL Thana in Allahabad district, KW.P. Pop. (1881), 67,749.
SAINJ. River of Kangra district, Punjab ; rising in lat. 32 2', long.
77 40', and, flowing south-west for thirty-eight miles, falls into the
Beas, in lat. 31 43', long. 76 16'.
SAINJUNA. Village in Shahjahanpur district, N.W.P. ; situated on
the route from Bareilly to the cantonment at Fatehgarh, and forty- three
miles south-east of the former. Lat. 27 48', long. 79 43'.
SAINKHEEA. Town in Narsinhpur district, Central Provinces.
Pop. (1881), 2549.
SAINT MARTIN ISLAND, off the coast of Arakan ; it is formed of
two divisions united by a dry ledge of rocks, near the east side of the
island. Lat. 20 36', long. 92 25'.
Chengalpat district, Madras; situated at the foot of a hill, the most
northern and least elevated of a small range running parallel to the
Coromandel coast, and about five miles west of it. It is one of the
most important military stations in the Madras Presidency. The Mount
itself is granite and syenite rock, about 220 feet above sea-level, over-
looking the cantonment. The pop. is (1881) 15,013. Distant ten miles
north-west of Madras, 178 east of Bangalore. Lat. 13 0' 18", long.
80 14' 11".
SAINT THOME (MALAIPTIR). Suburb of Madras city. Lat. 13 2',
long. 80 19'.
SAIPUR (SHAHIPUR). Town in Rewah State, Central India
Agency ; situated on the river Rhern, a tributary of the Son, ninety
miles, south of Benares, 170 west of Hazaribagh, 409 west of Calcutta.
Lat. -24 3', long. 82 45'.
SAIRA. Town in Baroda State; situated sixty-five miles east of
Ahmedabad, on a small river tributary of the Mahi. Lat. 22 55', long.
73 37'.
SAIRI. Village in the Simla Hills, in a part of Kunhfar territory of
the Patiala state, Punjab ; situated on a ridge crossed by the road from
Kalka and Kasauli to Simla, via Subathu, ten miles from Simla station.
Elevation above sea-level, 4971 feet. Lat. 31 6', long. 77 6'.
SAIBJAM. Town in British Burma ; situated on the right bank of
one of the branches of the Irawadi river, and eleven miles east-north-east
of Rangoon. Lat. 16 50', long. 96 26'.
8 AIRS A. Town in Midnapur district, Bengal ; sixty-one miles west
by north of Calcutta. Lat. 22 40', long. 87 30'.
SAIYAN. Thana in Agra district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 23,752.
SAJAITI. Thana in Cawnpore district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
SAJAPTJR. Town in Samthar State, Central India Agency ; situated
twelve miles north-west of the left bank of the river Betwa. Distant
south-west of Kalpi seventy-five miles. Lat. 25 46', long. 78 53'.
SAJAULI. Thana in Bahraich district, Oudh. Pop. (1881),
SAJNAIR. River of Lalitpur district, KYW.P. ; rising in lat. 24 22',
long. 78 35', a few miles south of the town of Sindwa, and, flowing
about sixty miles in a northerly direction, falls, on the left side, into the
Jamuni, a feeder of the Betwa, in lat. 25 8', long. 78 42'.
SAKALDIA. Town in Benares district, N.W.P. ; situated on the
route from Chunar to Dinapur, twenty-eight miles north-east of the
former, 118 south-west of the latter. Lat. 25 21', long. 83 20'. Pop.
(1881), 2880. Also thana. Pop. (1881), 41,939.
SAKALPUR. Tillage in Pilibhit district, N.W.P. ; situated on the
right bank of the Gaula. Lat. 29 4', long. 79 38'.
SAKARTAL. Small fort and hamlet in Muzaffarnagar district,
N.W.P. ; situated about half a mile from the right bank of the Ganges,
which is navigable from the sea to this point. Lat. 29 29', long.
78 3'.
SAKATPTIR. Town in Farrukhabad district, N.W.P. ; situated on
the route from Farrukhabad to Jalaun, thirty-one miles south by west of
the former. Lat. 26 57', long. 79 36'. Also pargana. Pop. (1881),
SAKEKAMENG. Town in Manipur State, Assam ; situated on the
left bank of the Nankatha Khyoung river, eight miles north-east of
Manipur. Lat. 24 52', long. 94 9'.
SAKESWAR (STJKESAR). Mountain in Shahpur district, Punjab ;
the highest peak in the Salt Range. Distant twenty-five miles east of
Mianwali. Elevation above sea-level, 4994 feet. Lat. 32 33', long.
71 58'.
SAKHAS. Town in Fatehpur district, N.W.P. ; situated on the route
from Fatehpur to Banda, and seven miles south-west of the former. Lat.
25 53', long. 80 46'.
SAKHEDA. Town in Baroda State. Pop. (1872), 5522.
SAKHI-SARWAR. Muhammadan shrine in Dera Ghazf Khan
district, Punjab ; situated on the b;mk of a hill-stream at the foot of the
Sulaiman range. Lat. 30, long. 70 10' 30". Throughout the year, the
shrine forms the resort of numerous mendicants, Hindu and Muhammadan.
802 SAK
SAKIT. Town in Etah district, 1ST.W.P. ; situated on a very isolated
site, twelve miles south-east of Etah town. Lat. 27 26' 10", long. 78
49' 15". Pop. (1881), 5435. This town, which was formerly of con-
siderable importance, contains an unfinished temple of great beauty.
Also thana. Pop. (1881), 53,896.
SAKKAMPATTL Town in Tinnevelli district, Madras. Pop. (1881),
SAKKARAIKOTTAL Town in Madura district, Madras. Lat. 10
28' 30", long. 77 59' 10". Pop. (1871), 7578.
SAKKEYMOUN. Town in Tharawadi district, British Burma ;
situated on the left bank of the Irawadi river, fifty-two miles south-
south-east of Prome. Lat. 18 6', long. 95 21'.
SAKLESHPTIR. Village in Mysore State ; situated on the right bank
of the Hemavati river, twenty-three miles west of Hassan town. Lat.
12 57' 20", long. 75 50' 31". Pop. (1871), 1027.
SAKOLI. Subdivision of Bhandara district, Central Provinces. Area,
2033 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 272,481. Sakoli town is situated in lat.
21 15', long. 80.
SAKHA. Town in Sambalpur district, Central Provinces ; situated
eighty-four miles west by south of Sambalpur. Lat. 21 19', long. 82 43'.
SAKRANA. Town in Farrukhabad district, KW.P. ; situated on the
route from Farrukhabad to Jalaun, thirty miles south-south-west of the
former. Lat. 27, long. 79 29'.
SAKRAND. Town (in taluk of same name) in Haidarabad district,
Sind, Bombay; fifty miles north of Haidarabad. Lat. 26 7', long.
68 24'. Area of taluk, 1399 sq. miles. Pop. (1872), 53,566.
SAKRAPATAM. Town in Mysore State ; situated eighty-eight miles
north-west of Seringapatam, and eighty-four miles north-east by east
of Mangalore. Lat. 13 26', long. 75 59'.
SAXRAUDA. Town in Saharanpur district, KW.P.; situated on the
route from Saharanpur to Hardwar, eighteen miles east of the former.
Lat. 30, long. 77 55'.
SAKRAWA. Pargana in Farrukhabad district, KW.P. Pop. (1881),
SAKRAYPATNA. Village in Kadur district, Mysore ; situated fifteen
miles north-east of Chik-magalur. Lat. 13 26', long. 75 58' 5". Pop.
(1871), 1866.
SAKRI. Eiver of Bengal ; rising in Hazaribagh district, and flowing
in a generally northerly direction through Gaya and Patna districts.
SAKRIA. Town in Shahabad district, Bengal; thirty-eight miles
north-east by east of Sasseram. Lat. 25 13', long. 84 33'.
SAKSURA. Town in Nepal State ; situated on the left bank of the
Anm river, 101 miles east by north of Khatmandu. Lat. 27 54', long.
86 55'.
SAKTHA (SITKTA). River of Nimar district, Central Provinces; rising
in lat. 21 38', long. 76 18', and, flowing northerly for seventy miles,
falls into the Narbada river on the left side, in lat. 22 11', long. 76 41'.
SAKTI. State attached to Bilaspur district, Central Provinces ;
situated along the base of the Gunji hills. Area, 115 sq. miles. Pop.
(1881), 22,819. Sakti town lies in lat. 22 0' 30", long. 83.
SAKTISGARH. Village, with fort (in pargana of same name), in
Mirzapur district, N.W.P. ; situated thirty miles south-west of Benares,
twenty south-east of Mirzapur. Lat. 24 58', long. 82 53'. Pop. of
pargana (1881), 16,828.
SAKULIPTJR. Thana in Birbhum district, Bengal. Area, 244 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 122,723.
SAKUM. Town in Lahore district, Punjab ; situated fourteen miles
from the right bank 01 the Ravi, eighteen miles north-west by north of
the town of Lahore. Lat. 31 49', long. 74 8'.
SAKUN. Town in Sambalpur district, Central Provinces; situated
eight miles north by east of Sambalpur. Lat. 21 34', long. 84 2'.
SAKUN. Town in Jaipur State, Rajputana ; situated forty-nine miles
west-south-west of Jaipur, and thirty-four miles north-east by east of
Ajmere. Lat, 26 42', long. 75 II 7 .
SAKUR. Town in Haidarabad State ; situated seventy-two miles
south by east of Ellichpur, and thirty-one miles north-west from Mahur.
Lat. 20 10', long. 77 40'.
SAKVAR. Thana in Jhansi district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 15,282.
SALAGRAM. Town in Mysore State ; situated thirty-two miles
west-north-west of Seringapatam, and seventy-seven miles north-east of
Cannanore. Lat. 12 35', long. 76 18'.
SALAMBHA. Village and salt-works in Gurgaon district, Punjab ;
situated at the foot of the Mewat Hills, north of Sonah.
SALANDI (SALN ADI). River of Bengal, rising in the southern
slope of the Meghasani Mountain in Morbhanj State. As the river passes
into the lowlands of Cuttack, it forms a network of streams with the
Matai river, and after a serpentine course eventually falls into the
Dhamra near to the mouth of the latter.
SALAULY. Village in Sanguem district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 2085.
SALAYA Port in Nawanagar State, Kathiawar, Bombay. Pop.
(1881), 2773.
SALBAI (SALE YE). Village in Gwalior State, Central India;
situated thirty-two miles south-east of the fort of Gwalior. The village
is celebrated on account of the treaty concluded here in 1782 between the
British Government and the Marhatta Confederacy. Lat. 25 51', long.
78 19'.
SALBALDI. Village and hill on the Maru river ; situated five miles
north of Morsi, partly in Ellichpur district, Berar, and partly in Betul
district, Central Provinces. Lat. 21 26', long. 77 59'.
SALBARI. Thana in Jalpaiguri district, Bengal. Area, 742 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 51,697.
war, Bombay ; situated about two miles from the coast, eight miles east-
north-east of Jafarabad and seventeen miles from Mowah Point. The
centre of the island is in lat. 20 54' 30", long. 71 33' 30".
SALBUNI. Thana in Midnapur district, Bengal. Area, 207 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 53,617.
SALELL Village in Sanguelim district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 253.
804 SAL
SALEM (SELAM). District in the Madras Presidency ; situated
between lat. 11 2' 12 54', and long. 77 3379 6'. The district is
bounded on the north by Mysore and North Arcot ; on the east by
Trichinopoli and South and North Arcot ; on the south by Coimbatore and
Trichinopoli ; and on the west by Coimbatore and Mysore. Its area is
7653 sq. miles and the population (1881), 1,599,595. The district is hilly,
except towards the south, and is divisible into three tracts, the Balaghat
or country above the Ghats, part of the Mysore plateau ; the Baramahal,
partly below and partly on the face of the Ghats ; and the Talaghat or
country below the Ghats. The chief ranges are the Shevaroys, of which
the highest portion is the Green Hills, rising to 5410 feet, and forming
sites for coffee plantations ; the Kalrayan and other ranges have a general
elevation of from 4000 to 4500 feet. The chief river is the Kavari, from
which a considerable area in the south of the district is irrigated. The
Palar passes through the district for a few miles only. The Pennar, the
Sanathkumara, the Vasishta and the Swetha are rivers of much value to
the district. The chief towns are Salem (the capital), Tirupatur, and
Shendamangalam. The district, which is traversed by the Madras Rail-
way, is administered by a Collector and Staff.
SALEM (SELAM). Capital of Salem district, Madras ; situated in a
valley to the southward of the Shevaroy Hills ; at an elevation of 900 ft.
above the sea. The river Tirumanimutar divides the native town into
two quarters. The Europeans live in a suburb named Hastanpet. The
railway station lies in another suburb, Suramangalam, 3|- miles distant.
Salem is distant 100 miles south-east of Bangalore, 170 south-west of
Madras. Lat. 11 39' 10", long. 78 II 7 47". Pop. (1881), 50,667.
Arcot district, Madras. Lat. 11 38', long. 78 55' 30". Pop. (1871),
SALEM. Tillage in Sanguelim district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 1278.
SALEMPUR. Thana in Aligarh district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
SALEMPUR. Pargana in Gorakhpur district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
481,145. Also thana. Pop. (1881), 115,165.
SALEMPUR MAJHOLL Town in Gorakhpur district, N.W.P. Pop.
(1881), 5599.
SALETEKRI. Chiefship in Balaghat district, Central Provinces.
Area, 284 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 5809. The principal village is fifty
miles south-east of Burha.
SALHANA. Town in Shikarpur district, Sind, Bombay ; situated
twenty miles south of Shikarpur. Lat. 27 44', long. 68 37'.
SALIGAOR. Village in Bardez district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 3939.
SALIGORL Town in Dinajpur district, Bengal; situated seventy-
seven miles north by west of Dinajpur. Lat. 26 39', long. 88 23'.
SALIHATTA. Town in Patna State, Central Provinces ; situated on
the left bank of the Aurag river, forty-two miles south-west by south
from Sambalpur. Lat. 21, long. 83 39'.
SALIJANWA. Thana in Gorakhpur district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
57 403.
SAL 805
SALIKHA. Thana in lessor district, Bengal. Area, 90 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 50,464.
SALIMABAD. Village in Bardwan district, Bengal. Lat. 23 4' 50",
long. 88 2' 45". Also thana. Area, 113 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
SALIMAUN. Town in Jhang district, Punjab ; situated on the left
bank of the Chenab, eighty-eight miles west by south of the town of
Lahore. Lat. 31 33', long. 72 29'.
SALIMPUR. Town in Lucknow district, Oudh ; situated twenty
miles south-east of Lucknow city, on the road to Sultanpur. Lat.
26 45', long. 81 4'. Pop. (1869), 2365.
SALIMPUR. Tillage in Delhi district, Punjab ; situated on the
route from the city of Delhi to Jind, forty miles north-west of the
former. Lat. 29 5', long. 76 56'.
SALIMPUR. Village in Bulandshahr district, N.W.P. ; situated on
the route from Khasganj to Meerut, fifty-eight miles south of the
latter. Lat. 28 20', long. 78 1'.
SALIMPUR. Town in Cawnpore district, N.W.P. ; situated on the
route from Cawnpore to Fatehpur, eleven miles south-east of the former.
Lat. 26 21', long. 80 32'.
SALIMPUR. Village in Gorakhpur district, N.W.P. ; situated on
the right bank of the Little Gandak. Distant south-east from Gorakhpur
forty-five miles. Lat. 26 15', long. 83 57'.
SALIMPUR. Town (in pargana of same name) in Budaun district,
N.W.P. ; eighteen miles east of Budaun. Lat. 28 1', long. 79 30'.
Pop. of pargana (1881), 109,843.
SALIPUR. Thana in Cuttack district, Bengal. Area, 286 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 249,979.
SALKHIA. Northern suburb of Howrah, the capital of Hugli district,
Bengal. Lat. 22 34', long. 88 24'.
SALKOPA. Thana in Jessor district, Bengal. Area, 246 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 180,170.
SALMURA KAP ALL Town in Nepal State ; situated on the left
bank of one of the branches of the Gandak river, 144 miles west by
north from Khatmandu. Lat. 28 4', long. 83.
SALON. Town (in tahsil of same name) in Rai Bareli district,
Oudh ; situated on the road from Partabgarh to Kai Bareli town. Lat.
26 1' 40", long. 81 29' 50". Pop. (1869), 5155. Area of tahsil, 434 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 245,232. Also pargana. Area, 226 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 127,122. And thana. Pop. (1881), 122,640.
SALOR HIRAPUR. Town in Wardha district, Central Provinces.
Pop. (1881), 2431.
SALPI GHAT. Town in Satara district, Bombay ; situated fifty miles
north -north-east of Satara. Lat. 17 59', long. 74 14'.
SALSETTE. Island in Bombay Presidency ; situated north of Bombay
town, and connected with it and with Bombay island by a bridge and
causeway. The island of Salsette extends sixteen miles from Bhandara
northwards to the Bassein inlet; and lies between lat. 19 2' 30"
19 18' 30", and long. 72 51' 30" 73 3'; its area is 150 sq. miles.
It is a beautiful, picturesque and well- wooded tract, the surface being
806 SAL
much diversified by hills and peaks, of which the central and highest,
Tanna, is 1530 feet high, and on the north is another detached peak 1500
feet above the sea. The lower grounds are very fertile and rich in rice-
fields. The island of Bombay and that of Salsette are connected with
the mainland by the G.I. P. Railway. There is also a district of the same
name. Area, 241 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 108,149.
SALSETTE. District in Portuguese India. Pop. (1881), 101,330.
SALSI. Town in Ratnagiri district, Bombay; situated fifty miles
south-south-east of Ratnagiri. Lat. 16 20', long. 73 39'.
SALT RANGE. Hills in Jhelum, Shahpur, and Bannii districts,
Punjab ; known to the natives under various denominations, but
by Europeans the range is comprehended under the general term Salt
Range, in consequence of the great extent and thickness of the beds of
rock-salt which it in many places contains. It stretches generally in a
direction from west to east in lat. 32 41' 32 56', long. 71 42' 73.
Commencing with the convergence of three spurs cropping up from the
Jhelum river, the main chain runs westerly in two parallel ridges culmi-
nating in the mountain of Sakeswar in Shahpur, which has an elevation
of 4994 feet above sea-level. The Salt Range is generally remarkably
barren, and vegetation is very scanty. In addition to salt, an in-
different quality of coal is obtainable, and it is stated that other valuable
minerals are to be found.
SALT-WATER LAKE (DHAPA). Lake in the Twenty-four Par-
ganas district, Bengal; situated about five miles east of Calcutta, between
the Hugli and Bidyadhari rivers. Area, about 30 sq. miles. Lat. 22
28' 22 36', long. 88 25' 30" 88 30' 30".
SALUMBA. Town in TJdaipur State, Rajputana. Pop. (1881), 5574.
SALTJR. Town in Yizagapatam district, Madras; situated fifty- eight
miles north of Yizagapatam. Lat. 18 30' 40", long. 83 14' 50". Pop.
(1881), 11,856.
SALVADOR DO MUNDO. Village in Bardez district, Portuguese
India. Pop. (1881), 1852.
SALWIN (SALWEEN). River of Tenasserim, British Burma, with
a general north and south course. The source of this river has never
been visited by Europeans, but it appears to take its rise far up in the
snowy range about lat. 28 north of the Chinese province of Yunan.
After traversing Yunan and the Shan and Kareng-ni States, the Salwin
enters British Burma at its extreme north-eastern corner, and marks the
eastern boundary of the Province till its confluence with the Thoung-
yeng river, in about lat. 18 40'. Thence it passes through Tenasserim,
and unites its waters with the Gyaing and the Attaran near Maulmain.
The length of the main stream of the Salwin is estimated at 750 miles.
Its northern mouth is in lat. 16 25', long. 97 20'.
SALWIN HILL TRACTS. District in Tenasserim division, British
Burma ; bounded on the north by the Kareng-ni States ; on the east
by Zeng-mai in Siam ; on the south by the Amherst and Shwe-gyeng
districts ; and on the west by the Shwe-gyeng and Toung-ngii districts.
The area is about 4646 sq. miles; its pop. (1881) 30,009. The district
is exceedingly mountainous; the Poung-loung mountains form three
principal ranges running north-west and south-east, and from these in-
numerable wooded spurs are thrown out. The chief rivers are the
SAM 807
Salwm, the Rwon-za-leng, and the Bhileng. Pa-pwon, the capital, is
the only town in the district. The inhabitants are chiefly Karengs. The
district is administered by an Assistant- Commissioner and Staff.
SAM ADI ALA CHAB ARIA. State in Kathiawar, Bombay, paying
a yearly tribute of 189 to the Gaekwar of Baroda, and 38 to the
Nawab of Junagarh.
SAMADIALA CHARAN. State of Kathiawar, Bombay.
SAMADRALA. State of Kathiawar, Bombay, paying a yearly tribute
of 51 to the Gaekwar of Baroda, and 165. to the Nawab of Junagarh.
SAMAGUTING. Frontier Station of the Mga Hills district, Assam ;
situated on a tributary of the Dhaneswari river, about sixty-seven miles
south of Golaghat in Sibsagar district. Elevation, 2477 feet above sea-
level. Lat. 25 45' 30", long. 93 46'. Samaguting is now abandoned
as a station in favour of Kohima.
SAMANA. Town in Patiala State, Punjab ; situated sixteen miles
south-west of Patiala, and thirty-four miles south-west by west of
Umballa. Lat. 30 10', long. 76 20'. Pop. (1881), 9495.
SAMANAGAR. Town in Sylhet district, Bengal ; situated thirty-one
miles west by south of Sylhet. Lat. 24 50', long. 91 21'.
SAMAND. Town in Ahmedabad district, Bombay ; situated seventeen
miles west by south of Ahmedabad. Lat. 22 59', long. 72 20'.
SAMARA. Town in Nepal State ; situated at the source of one of the
branches of the Rapti river, 153 miles west of Khatmandu. Lat. 27
40', long. 82 50'.
SAMARIA. Town in Raipur district, Central Provinces ; situated 156
miles east-north-east of Nagpur, and seventy-seven miles south- south- east
of Ramgarh. Lat. 21 49', long. 81 29'.
SAMARKHA. Town in Kaira district, Bombay Presidency. Lat. 22
36', long. 73 2'. Pop. (1872), 5321.
SAMARSL River of the Central Provinces; rising in lat. 21 50',
long. 77 53', in the Chhindwara district, and, flowing north-west for
sixty miles, through Chhindwara and Hoshangabad districts, falls into
the Narbada in lat. 22 46', long. 77 49'.
SAMAITLI. Town in Gwalior State, Central India Agency ; situated
on the right bank of the Asun river, nineteen miles north-west from
Gwalior. Lat. 26 23', long. 78.
SAMB. Town in Seoni district, Central Provinces ; situated seventy-
six miles south by east of Jabalpur. Lat. 22 5', long. 80 16'.
SAMBAL. Town in Kashmir State, Punjab ; situated twelve miles
north-west of Srmagar. Lat. 34 11', long. 74 47'.
SAMBALPTIR. District in the Chhatisgarh Division of the Central
Provinces ; situated between lat. 21 2' 21 57', and long. 83 16' 84
21'. It is bounded on the north by Chutia Nagpur ; on the east and
south by Cuttack district, Bengal ; and on the west by Bilaspur and
Raipur districts. The area of the district is 4521 sq. miles. Its pop.
(1881), 693,499. Sambalpur is entirely surrounded by feudatory states,
which are attached to the district for administrative purposes, and are in-
cluded in its boundaries. The Government portion of the district lies in
the valley of the Mahanadi, forming an undulating plain bordered by
rugged hill ranges, of which the chief is the Bara Pahar, which at Debri-
808 - SAM
garh attains an elevation of 2267 feet above the plain. The Mahanadi
flows through the district in an easterly and south-easterly direction for
ninety miles, and is joined within the district by the Ib, Kelu, and Jhira.
The only town of importance is Sambalpur, the capital. Sambalpur,
which was formed into a separate district in 1861, is administered by a
Deputy-Commissioner and Staff.
SAMBALPUR Town and capital (in tahsil of same name) of Sam-
balpur district, Centr;il Provinces; situated on the north bank of the
Mahanadi. Lat. 21 27' 10", long. 84 I 7 . Pop. (1881), 13,939. Area
of tahsil, 1758 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 297,361.
SAMBARVANIM. Village in JSagar-Aveli district, Portuguese
India. Pop. (1881), 574.
SAMBHAL. Town (in tahsil of same name) in Moradabad district,
N.W.P. ; situated on the Aligarh road, twenty-two miles south-west of
Moradabad town, and four miles west of the Sot river. Lat. 28 35' 5",
long. 78 36' 30". Pop. (1881), 21,373. Area of tahsil, 463 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 248,107. Also thana. Pop. (1881), 108,383.
SAMBHALHIRA. Town in Muzaffarnagar district, N.W.P.; situated
on the route from Muzaffarnagar to Moradabad, eighteen miles south-
east by east of the former. Lat. 29 19', long. 77 59'.
SAME HAM Town in Vizagapatam district, Madras ; situated forty-
nine miles north-north-east of Vizagapatam. Lat. 18 20', long. 83 40'.
SAMBHAR. Lake in Jaipur State, Rajputana; situated on the
border of the Jaipur and Jodhpur States, east of the Aravalli range of
hills, between lat. 26 52' 27 2', and long. 74 5775 16'. In the
rains the lake becomes twenty miles in length, with a breadth varying
from three to ten miles, and one to four feet in depth. In the dry season
the wet saline portion is only about one mile by 1 mile. The bottom
consists of a tenacious black mud, in which the salt is formed in small
crystals ; the water also holds the salt in solution. The average yearly
out-turn of salt is from 3000 to 4000 tons, and the cost of extraction is
about three farthings for 82lbs. The town of Sambhar is situated on
t^p pouth side of the lake. Lat. 26 53', long. 75 13'. Pop. (1881),
SAMBHARPUR. Village in Cawnpore district, KW.P. ; situated on
the route from Fatehgarh to Cawnpore, eighteen miles north-west of
the latter. Lat. 26 39', long. 80 13'.
SAMBHUGANJ. Town in Maimansinh district, Bengal; situated
three miles east of Nasirabad. Pop. (1872), 2257. Centre of trade.
SAMBRANI. Town in North Kanara district, Bombay ; situated
thirty-seven miles north of Sunda. Lat. 15 14', long. 74 49'.
SAMBTJ GYAING. Town in Independent Burma ; situated on the
right bank of the Irawadi river, and 123 miles south-west of Ava. Lat.
20 38', long. 94 36'.
SAMBTJRA. Village in Jodhpur State, Rajputana; situated three
miles north of the right bank of the Luni, on the route from Balmir to
Jodhpur, and fifty-eight east of the former. Lat. 25 55', long. 72 19'.
Hills, Assam ; rising near the station of Tura. It flows first in an
easterly direction along the north of the Tura range, and then turns
south into the plains in the Maimansinh district, and finally empties
SAM 809
itself into the Kanks river. It it navigable for a considerable part of
its course.
SAMI. Town in Radhanpur State, Bombay; situated on the river
Saraswati. Lat. 23 41' 15", long. 71 50'. ' Pop. (1872), 5486.
SAMIR. Town in Gwalior S:ute, Central India Agency ; situated
twenty miles north by west of Indorc, and fourteen miles south of TJjjain.
Lat. 22 57', long. 75 48'.
SAMIW ALA. Village in Bijnaur district, N.W.P. ; situated on the
route from Moradabad to Hardwar, and twenty-two miles south-west of
the latter. Lat. 29 42', long. 78 18'.
SAMKTJR. Town in Cachar district, Assam ; situated seventy-four
miles east of Jaintiapur, and eighty-nine miles south-south-east of Now-
gong. Lat. 25 12', long. 93 14'.
SAMOT. Town in Jaipur State, Rajputana ; situated on the route
from Delhi to Mhow, 143 miles south-west of former, 364 north-east
of latter. Lat. 27 13', long. 75 54'.
S AMP A JE. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 161.
SAMPAJI GHAT. One of the passes connecting South Kanara
district, Madras, with Coorg.
SAMPGAON. Subdivision of Belgaum district, Bombay. Area, 425
sq. miles. Pop- (1881), 119,843.
SAMPIGEDALU. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 146.
8AMPLA. Town (in tahsil of same name) in Rohtak district, Punjab;
situated on the Rohtak and Delhi road, half-way between Rohtak town
and Bahadurgarh. Lat. 28 47', long. 76 49'. Area of tahsil, 417 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 142,177.
8 AMR A. Town in Agra district, 1ST.W.P. ; situated on the route from
Agra to Jaipur, thirty-two miles west by south of the former. Lat. 27
6', long. 77 36' 25".
SAMRAH BABD AHA. Town in Champaran district, Bengal. Pop.
(1872), 5571.
SAMRALA. Tahsil in Ludhiana district, Punjab. Area, 288 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 152,509.
SAMTHAR (SAMPTHAR, SUMPTER). State in Bundelkhand,
Central India Agency; situated between lat. 25 42' 25 57', and long.
78 51' 79 1 1'. Samthar is bounded on the north and west by Gwalior ;
on the south by the Jhansi district ; and on the east by Jalaun district.
The area is 175 sq. miles, and the pop. (1881), 38,633. The Chief, who
is entitled to a salute of 1 1 guns, maintains a force of 300 cavalry and
2000 infantry, with 35 guns and 150 gunners.
SAMTHAR. Capital of Samthar State, Bundelkhand. Lat. 25 51',
long. 78 55'.
SAMULBARI. Town in Purniah district, Bengal; situated twenty
miles north-east of Purniah. Lat. 25 57', long. 87 47'.
SAMTJLKOTA (CHAMARLAKOTA). Town in Godavari district,
Madras ; situated seven miles north of Coconada. Elevation above the
sea, 70 feet. Lat. 17 3' 10", long. 82 12' 50". Pop. (1871), 5535.
SAMURIA. Village in Pilibhit district, ]S T .W.P. ; situated on the
route from Bareilly to Pithoragarh, and forty-one miles north-east of the
former. Lat. 28 44', long. 79 52'.
810 SAN
SANA. Town in Rai Bareli district, Oudh ; situated near the right bank
of the river Sai, 65 miles south-east of Lucknow. Lat. 26 5', long. 81 24'.
SANA. Town in Monghyr district, Bengal ; situated forty miles
south by west of Monghyr. Lat. 24 48', long. 86 20'.
SANALA. State in Kathiawar, Bombay, paying a yearly tribute of
30 to the Gaekwar of Baroda, and 30s. to the Nawab of Junagarh.
SAN AND. Town in (subdivision of same name) in Ahmedabad
district, Bombay ; situated sixteen miles west of Ahmedabad city, in lat.
22 59', long. 72 25' 30". Pop. (1881), 6984. Sanand is a station
on the Bombay, Baroda, and Central India Kailway, eighteen miles
from Ahmedabad. Area of subdivision, 366 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
SANATILL Village in Ghazipur district, N.W.P. ; situated on the
right bank of the Ganges, twenty-five miles south of Ghazipur by water,
fourteen by land. Lat. 25 25,, long. 83 28'.
SANATJRA. Village in Mainpuri district, N.W.P. ; situated on the
route from the cantonment of Aligarh to that of Etawah, forty miles
north-west of the latter. Lat. 27 12', long. 78 36'.
SANAUT. Town in Gaya district, Bengal ; situated thirty-nine miles
south-west of Behar. Lat. 24 50', long. 85 10'.
SANAVARAPETA. Town in Godiivari district, Madras. Pop. (1881),
SANAWAN. Tahsil of Muzaffargarh district, Punjab. Area, 1327
sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 80,851.
SANAWAR. Plot of land in Simla district, Punjab ; on which the
Lawrence Military Asylum is built. Lat. 30 54' 35", long. 77 2' 10".
SANAWAR. Town in Patiala State, Punjab. Pop. (1881), 9128.
SAN BRAS. Village in Ilhas district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 2810.
SANCHI. Village in Bhopal State, Central India Agency; situated
on the left bank of the Betwa river, about five miles and a half south-
west of Bhilsa, and twenty miles north-east of the city of Bhopal. It is
celebrated as the site of remarkable Buddhist remains, being in the centre
of the group described by General Cunningham as the Bhilsa topes.
SANCHORI. Village in Jodhpur State, llajputana; situated on the
route from Nasirabad to Di'sa, and 132 miles south-west of the former.
Lat. 25 26', long. 73 25'.
SANCOALE. Village in Salsette district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 486.
SANCORDEM. Village in Sanguem district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 2192.
SANDA. Town in Patna district, Bengal; situated nineteen miles
south-south-west of Patna. Lat. 25 19', long. 85 8'.
SANDAIRA. Town in Jodhpur State, llajputana; situated on the
route from Nasfrabad to Di'sa, 144 miles south-west of the former.
Lat. 25 17', long. 73 17'.
SANDAN SERAI. Village in Moradabad district, N.W.P. ; situated
on the route from Aligarh to Moradabad, thirty-two miles south-west of
the latter. Lat. 28 32', long. 78 30'.
SANDI. Town (in pargana of same name) in Hardoi district, Oudh ;
situated on the left bank of the Garra river, on the old route from Shahja-
SAN 811
hanpur via Shahabad to Luclmow. Lat. 27 17' 15", long. 79 59' 45".
Pop. (1881), 9810. Area of pargana, 168 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 72,830.
SANDILA. Town, and station on the Oudh and Rohilkhand Kailway
(in tahsil of same name), in Hardoi district, Oudh ; situated thirty-two
miles north-west of Lucknow, and thirty-four south-east of Hardoi.
Lat. 27 4' 15", long. 80 33' 20". Pop. (1881), 14,865. Area of tahsil,
557 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 250,406. Also pargana. Area, 329 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 151,440. Andthaua. Pop. (1881), 114,363.
SANDIP. Island in the Bay of Bengal; situated at the mouth of the
Meghna river, off the coast of Chittagong and Noakhali, and part of the
latter district. The island, though fertile, lies very low, and is much
exposed to disasters from cyclones, and consequent inundations. Lat.
22 24' 22 37', long. 91 22' 91 35'. ,
SANDIP. Thana in Noakhali district, Bengal. Area, 258 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 72,467.
SAN DLL Town in Jodhpur State, Rajputana ; situated on the left
bank of the Luni river, seventy-six miles west-south-west of Jodhpur.
Lat. 25 49', long. 72 5'.
SANDLIPTJR. Tillage in Indore State, Central India Agency;
situated on the route from Betul to Mhow, ninety-six miles north-west of
former, eighty-nine south-east of latter. Lat. 22 32', long. 76 57'.
Pop. about 1500.
SANDLIPUIl. Village in Moradabad district, N.W.P. ; situated on
the route from the town of Moradabad to Hard war, ten miles north-
west of the former. Elevation above the sea, 690 feet. Lat. 28 58',
long. 78 45'.
SANDOWAY (THAN-DWAI). District in the Arakan division,
British Burma. Bounded on the north by the Ma-i river, separating it
from Kyouk-hpyu district ; on the east by the Arakan Mountains ; on the
south by the Khwa river, separating it from the Bassein district ; and on
the west by the Bay of Bengal. Area, 3667 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
64,010. The district is mountainous, the Arakan range, rising in the
north in peaks having elevations of about 5000 feet above the sea, sinks
to about 3200 feet where the Toung-gup road crosses the range and falls
to about 890 feet near the sources of the Khwa. It throws out numerous
spurs reaching down to the coast. The chief rivers are the Ma-i, the
Tan-lwai, the Toung-gup, the Sandoway, and the Khwa. The chief
towns are Sandoway (the capital), and Toung-gup, situated near the river
and pass of the same name. The district is administered by a Deputy-
Commissioner and Staff.
SANDOWAY. Capital of Sandoway district, British Burma; situated
on the Sandoway river, about fifteen miles from its mouth, but only four
and a half from the sea in a direct line. Lat. 18 27' 35", long.
94 24' 36".
SANDOWAY. River in Sandoway district, British Burma; rising in
the Arakan Hills. It flows in a west-north-westerly direction past the
town of Sandoway, from which point to the sea, a distance of fifteen
miles, it is navigable by large boats. Its mouth is situated in lat.
18 31'.
SANDOWAY MYOMA. Township in Sandoway district, British
SANDOWAY MYOMA. Revenue circle in Sandoway district, British
Burma. Pop. (1876-77), 2809.
SANDRU. Pass in Bashahr State, Punjab, across the Himalayan
range in Kunawar. Elevation above sea-level, about 16,000 feet. Lat.
31 24', long. 78 2'.
SANDUA. Village in Hissar district, Punjab ; situated close to the
southern frontier, towards Shekhawati. Lat. 28 45', long. 75 54'.
SANDUR (SUNDOOR). State in Bellary district, Madras ; situated
between lat. 14 58' 15 12', and long. 76 28' 76 43'. The area of
the State is about 140 sq. miles and its pop. (1881), 10,530. It consists
of a valley almost completely shut in by wooded hills, of which Raman-
drug, used as a convalescent depot for Madras troops, is the chief. The
hills round Sandur have a general elevation of about 3000 feet above
the sea.
SANDUR (SUNDOOR). Hills in Bellary district, Madras; running
from south-east to north-west for about fifteen miles, and forming a
western boundary of the State of Sandur. Ramandrug, 3150 feet above
the sea, is the principal hill, and on it is situated the sanatorium of
SANDWA. Town in Bikaner State, Rajputana; situated fifty-eight
miles east by south of Bikaner, and ninety-three miles north-north-west
of Ajmere. Lat. 27 45', long. 74 17'.
SANDY ISLAND. Small island off the coast of Arakan, eighty miles
north of Cape Negrais. Lat. 17 11', long. 94 31'.
SANEHA. Pargana in Bareilly district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
SANGAIYANAPURA. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 64.
SANGALA. Ruins in Jhang district, Punjab ; identified by General
Cunningham with the Sangala of Alexander's historians.
SAN GAM. Town in Haidarabad State ; situated on the left bank of
the Manjira river, 109 miles north-north-west of Haidarabad. Lat.
18 49', long. 77 53'.
SANGAM. Town in Nellore district, Madras; situated nineteen
miles north-west by west of Nellore. Lat. 14 35', long. 79 49'.
SANGAMESHWAR. Town (in subdivision of same name) in Ratna-
giri district, Bombay ; situated twenty-one miles north-east by east of
Ratnagiri. Lat. 17 9', long. 73 36'. Area of subdivision, 557 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 104,640.
SANGAMNER. Town (in subdivision of same name) in Ahmednagar
district, Bombay; situated forty-nine miles north-west of Ahmednagar
city. Lat. 19 34' 30", long. 74 16' 10". Pop. (1881), 8796. Area of
subdivision, 708 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 68,357.
SANGAMULASA. Town in Vizagapatam district, Madras ; situated
seventy-seven miles north of Vizagapatam. Lat. 18 48', long. 83 27'.
SANGANIR. Town in TJdaipur State, Rajputana; situated on the
route from Nimach to Nasirabad, seventy-four miles north of former,
sixty-nine south of latter. Lat. 25 22', long. 74 44'.
SANGANIR. Town in Jaipur State, Rajputana ; situated nine miles
south by west of Jaipur, and seventy-eight miles east-north-east of
Ajmere. Lat. 26 49', long. 75 53'.
SANGARH. Town (in tahsil of same name) in Dera Ghazi Khan
district, Punjab ; ninety miles west-north-west of Multan. Lat. 30 44',
long. 70 6'. Area of tahsil, 628 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 51,779.
SANGARHI. Town (in chiefship of same name) in Bhandara district,
Central Provinces; situated twenty-four miles south-east of Bhandara
town, and three miles south of the Seoni Lake. Lat. 20 58', long. 80.
Pop. (1881), 3172.
SANGAWARA. Town in Banswara State, Rajputana; situated on
the route from Mhow to Di'sa, 136 miles north-west of former, 165 south-
east of latter. Lat. 23 37', long. 74 5'.
SAN GHAKHERA. Town in Hoshangabad district, Central Provinces.
Pop. (1881), 2957.
SANGHL Tillage in Rohtak district, Punjab. Lat. 29 1', long.
76 37'. Pop. (1881), 5194.
SANGI. Town in Sultanpur district, Oudh ; situated ninety miles
south-east of Lucknow. Lat. 26 5', long. 81 58'.
SANGIPTJR. Thana in Partabgarh district, Oudh. Pop. (1881),
SANGLA. Tillage in Bashahr State, Punjab; situated on the right
bank of the Buspa, in Kunawar. Elevation above the sea, 8600 feet.
Lat. 31 25', long. 78 19'.
SANGLI. State in the Southern Marhatta Country, Bombay, con-
sisting of six separate detached portions; the centre of the principal
tract is in lat. 17 28', long. 75 30'. The area of the state is altogether
896 sq. miles, and its pop. (1881), 196,832. The chief, who ranks as
a "first-class" Sardar in the Southern Marhatta Country, maintains a
military force of 822 men.
S AN GLI. Capital of Sangli State, Bombay; situated on the river
Krishna, north of the confluence of the "Warna, and north-east of Kolhapur.
Lat. 16 51' 35", long. 74 36' 20". Pop. (1881), 13,272.
SANGNAM. Village in Bashahr State, Punjab ; situated on the left
bank of the river Darbang. Elevation, 9350 feet above the sea. Lat. 31
45', long. 78 31'.
SANGOD. Town in Kotah State, Rajputana ; situated on the route
from Kasirabad to Sagar, 153 miles south-east of former, 197 north-west
of latter. Distant from the city of Kotah, south-east, thirty-three miles.
Lat. 24 55', long. 76 20'. Pop. (1881), 5006.
SANGOLA. Town (in subdivision of same name) in Sholapur district,
Bombay ; situated nineteen miles south-west of Pandharpur. Lat.
17 26' 30", long. 75 14' 15'. Pop. (1881), 4726. Area of subdivision,
649 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 62,849.
SANGOLI. Town in Belgaum district, Bombay ; situated twenty-four
miles east-south-east of Belgaum. Lat. 15 44', long. 74 54'.
SANGRAMGARH. Thana in Partabgarh district, Oudh. Pop. (1881),
SANGRAMPTJR. Town in Champaran district, Bengal; situated on
the river Gandak. Lat. 26 28' 38", long. 84 44'. Pop. (1872),
SANGRI. Hill State in the Punjab; situated south of the river
Sutlej. Its area is about sixteen sq. miles, and the pop. (1881),
814 SAN
SANGRTJL. Town in Kolhapur State, Bombay ; situated ten miles
west-south-west of Kolhapur, and sixty-three miles north-north-west of
Belgium. Lat. 16 40', long. 74 10'.
SANGRTTR. Town in Jind State, Punjab. Pop. (1881), 9139.
SANGRUR. Village in Patiala State, Punjab; situated on the route
from Hansi to Ludhiana, and fifty-one miles south of the latter town.
Lat. 30 14', long. 75 56'.
SANGU. Subdivision of the Chittagong Hill Tracts, Bengal.
SANGU. River of Chittagong, Bengal ; rising in the range of hills
which divide Arakan from the Chittagong Hill Tracts, near the hill of
Kudang. It flows in a course generally northerly for about 125 miles,
till it reaches Bandarban, whence it takes a westerly direction through
Chittagong district, and finally empties itself into the Bay of Bengal, in
lat. 22 6', long. 91 53', about ten miles south of the Karnaphuli. It
is navigable by large cargo boats for a distance of thirty miles throughout
the year. The principal tributary is the Dolu.
SANGUELIM. District in Portuguese India. Pop. (1881), 42,790.
SANGTJEM. Town (in district of same name) in the Portuguese
territory of Goa; situated twenty-four miles south-east of Goa. Lat.
15 13', long. 74 13'. Pop. of district (1881), 20,180.
SANGWA. Tillage in Jodhpur State, Rajputana ; situated on the
route from Nasirabad to Disa, and 128 miles south-west of the former.
Lat. 25 32', long. 73 27'.
SANL River of Garhwal district, N.W.P. ; rising in lat. 30 6', long.
79 12', and flowing southerly for thirty miles, and north-west for thirty-
two, falls into the Bhagirathi river, in lat. 30 4', long. 78 39'.
SANI. Town in Bhutan State ; situated on the left bank of the Monas
river, 103 miles north by west of Gauhati. Lat. 27 38', long. 91 37'.
SANICHARA. Village in Gorakhpur district, N.W.P. ; situated four
miles from the left bank of the Gogra. Distant south-west of Gorakhpur
twenty-five miles. Lat. 26 30', long. 83.
SANIRAMPTJR. Town in Tipperah district, Bengal ; situated forty-
six miles north by west of Tipperah. Lat. 24 6', long. 91 2'.
SANIVARSANTE. Village in Coorg State.
SANIYA MUNDL Village in Pilibhit district, N.W.P. ; situated on
the route from Bareilly to Pithoragarh, and sixty-four miles north-east of
the former. Lat. 28 54', long. 79 58'.
SANJA. Town in Jodhpur State, Rajputana; situated eight miles
west of the right bank of the Luni river, and ninety-two miles south-west
by west of Jodhpur. Lat. 25 42', long. 71 51'.
SAN JACINTHO. Village in Salsette district, Portuguese India.
Pop. (1881), 484.
SANJAIT. Town in Jaora State, Central India Agency ; situated on
the small river Rithum. Distant north of Indore 115 miles, north-west
of Ujjain eighty-five, south-east of Nimach twenty-seven. Lat. 24 18',
long. 75 18'.
SAN JAN. Village in Thana district, Bombay. Supposed to have
been the place where the Parsis first landed in India.
SAN JELL State of Rewa Kantha, Bombay. Pop. (1881), 3751.
SANJULL Town in Purniah district, Bengal; situated twelve miles
south-east of Purniah. Lat. 25 39', long. 87 41'.
SAN 815
SANK. Eiver of Gwalior State, Central India Agency ; rising about
lat. 26 3', long. 77 57'. It runs in a north-easterly direction, and falls
into the Asun river on the right side, in lat. 26 30', long. 78 16', after
a course of about forty-five miles, the whole of which is through the
Gwalior territory.
SANKAR River of Chittagong district, Bengal ; it rises in lat. 22
10', long. 92 40', and, flowing seventy miles through the district of
Chittajjong, falls into the sea in lat. 22 10', long. 91 58'.
district, Madras ; situated at the foot of a square mass of gneiss rising
1000 feet above the plain, terraced with fortifications. Lat. 11 28' 52",
long. 77 55' 40". Pop. (1871), 1711.
SANKARKATI. Village in the Twenty-four Parganas district,
Bengal. An annual fair is held here.
SANKARNAINARKOIL. Town in Tinnevelli district, Madras ;
situated on the road from Madura to Travancore. Lat. 9 10' 10", long.
77 34' 35". Pop. (1881), 8212.
SANKAR NARAIN. Town in South Kanara distric.t, Madras;
situated fifty-one miles north of Mangalore. Lat. 13 36', long. 74
SANKARPUR. Town in Chanda district, Central Provinces; situated
sixteen miles north-north-east of Chimar. Lat. 20 38', long. 79 34'.
SANKESWAR. Town in Belgaum district, Bombay; situated twenty-
seven miles north by west of Belgaum town. Lat. 16 15', long.
74 31' 30". Pop. (1872), 8905.
SANKH. River of Chutia Nagpur, Bengal ; rises in the west of
Lohardaga district, and after a course of 120 miles, first south-westerly
and then south-easterly, joins the South Koel in Gangpur State. The
united stream, under the name of the Brahmani, enters the sea to the
north of Orissa.
SANKHA. Village in Cawnpore district, N.W.P. ; situated on the
route from Allahabad to Kalpi, and eighteen miles east of the latter.
Lat, 26 10', long. 80 3'.
SANKHATRA. Town in Sialkot district, Punjab. Lat. 32 13',
long. 74 58'. Pop. (1881), 2381.
SANKHEDA. Town (in district of same name) in Baroda State.
Pop. (1881), 4661. Area, 177 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 51,645.
SANKHTJND. Spring in Bhagalpur district, Bengal.
SANKIS A. Village and ruins in Etah district, N.W.P.
SANKOS. River of North-Eastern Bengal, flowing through the low
tract of country between the Himalayas and the Brahmaputra, where no
river preserves its identity amid the frequent fluvial changes that take
place year by year. It can only be affirmed that the name is given, in
different parts of its course, to a river that flows southward from the
Bhutan Hills, and ultimately joins the Brahmaputra, in lat. 25 52', and
long. 89 52'. The main channel of this river forms a boundary separat-
ing Bengal from Assam. Its chief tributaries are the Kaljani and
Raidhak on the right bank, and the Gadadhar on the left. The name of
the Gadadhar is commonly applied to the united stream.
SAN LOURENCO. Village in Ilhas district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 2116.
816 SAN
SAN MATHIAS. Tillage in Ilhas district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 783.
SANN. Town in Karachi district, Sind, Bombay; situated close to
the western bank of the Indus, at the mouth of a torrent that issues
from the Laki Hills; on the main road from Kotri to Sehwan, eleven
miles north of Manjhand, and eleven south of Amri. Lat. 26, long.
68 8'. Pop. (1872), 1798.
SANOSRA. Sixth-class State of Kathiawar, Bombay, paying a
yearly tribute of 18 to the British Government, and 5 to the Nawab of
SAN PEDRO. Tillage in Ilhas district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 744.
SANPUR. Town in Hazaribagh district, Bengal ; situated seventeen
miles north of Hazaribagh. Lat. 24 13', long. 85 29'.
SANSAR DHARA. Grotto and place of pilgrimage in Dehra Dun
district, N.W.P. ; situated twelve miles south-east of Mussooree. Lat.
30 21', long. 78 6'.
SAN SIMAO E MOTJLA. Tillage in Ilhas district, Portuguese
India. Pop. (1881), 158.
SANTA. Town in Karnal district, Punjab; situated on the Umla
torrent, and on the route from Karnal to Patiala, 39 miles north-west
of the former place. Lat. 30 10', long. 76 44'.
SANTA ANNA. Tillage in Ilhas district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 247.
SANTA BARBARA. Tillage in Ilhas district, Portuguese India.
Pop. (1881), 526.
SANTA CRUZ. Tillage in Ilhas district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 3818.
SANTA IGNEZ. Tillage in Ilhas district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 116.
S ANT ALGARH. Tillage in Jaipur State, Rajputana; situated on the
route from Delhi to Jaipur, twenty-six miles north-east of latter. Lat.
27 5', long. 76 23'.
SANTALLL Tillage in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 291.
SANTAL PARGANAS (THE). District in Bhagalpur division,
Bengal; situated between lat. 23 48' 25 19', and long. 86 30' 87
58'. Bounded on the north by the districts of Bhagalpur and Purniah ;
on the east by Maldah, Murshidabad, and Birbhum ; on the south by
Bardwan and Manbhum ; and on the west by Hazaribagh and Bhagalpur.
The area of the district is 5456 sq. miles, and the pop. (1881), 1,568,093.
The Kajmahal hills form the chief physical feature, though of no great
elevation, being nowhere above 2000 feet above sea-level, they cover an
extensive area of 1366 sq. miles. The other minor ranges, the Mahua-
sarhi, Ramgarh, Belpata, are generally densely overgrown with jungle,
and most difficult of access. The Ganges forms the northern and part of
the eastern boundary of the district, and all the rivers in this part, as the
Gumani, the Moral, the Bansloi and others, flow into it or pass through
the district to join the Bhagirathi. The main and loop lines of the East
Indian Railway inclose the district. The chief towns are Naya Dumka,
the capital, Deogarh, Rajmahal and Sahibganj, which is a great mart for
rail and river traffic on the Ganges.
SA1S T SAO 817
SANTALPUR-with-CHADCHAT. State in the Palanpur Agency,
Bombay ; bounded on the north by the Marwara and Singam estates, on
the east by the States of Warahi and Radhanpur, and on the south and
west by the Rann of Cutch. The two divisions of Santalpur and Chadchat
form a state ruled by a number of chieftains, and the area of the whole
is estimated to be 440 sq. miles, and the pop. in 1872 was put at
SANTAPTJRA. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 75.
SANTAUR GARH. Town in Dehra Dun district, N.W.P. ; situated
on the route from Dehra to Kunawar, eight miles north of the former.
Lat. 30 25', long. 78 5'.
SANTAVEBL Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 40.
SANTHAL. State in Mahi Kantha, Bombay. Pop. (1881), 2488.
The Chief pays a yearly tribute of 17 14s. to the Gaekwar of Baroda.
SAN THOME. Village in Salsette district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 2509.
SANTIPTJR. Town in Nadiya district, Bengal ; situated on the river
Hugh'. Pop. (1881), 29,687. Santipur is a place of considerable trade
and traffic. There is a large fair held, lasting for three days, in October
or November each year, attended by upwards of 26,000 persons. Lat.
23 14' 24", long. 88 29' 6". Also thana. Area, 74 sq. miles. Pop.
(1881), 53,864.
SANTO ANDRE. Parish in Diu district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 5180.
SANTO ESTEVAM. Village in Ilhas district, Portuguese India,
Pop. (1881), 3463.
SANTIT. Town in Jodhpur State, Rajputana; situated on the right
bank of a branch of the Sukri river, eighty-four miles south-south-
west of Jodhpur. Lat. 25 13', long. 72 38'.
SANVORDEM. Village in Sanguelim district, Portuguese India.
Pop. (1881), 336.
SANVORXEM. Village in Sanguelim district, Portuguese India.
Pop. (1881), 349.
SANWARA. Town in Jabalpur district, Central Provinces ; situated
on the route from Jabalpur to Betul, eighteen miles south-west by west
of the former. Lat. 23, long. 79 49'.
SAOLI. Town in Chanda district, Central Provinces ; situated seven
miles east of Mul. Lat. 20 5', long. 79 50'. Pop. (1881), 3680.
SAOLI. Town in Baroda State. Pop. (1881), 6275.
SAOLIGARH. Government forest, in the north of Betul district,
Central Provinces. Area, 130 sq. miles. The town of Saoligarh is
situated thirty-four miles north-west by west of Betul, in lat. 22 7',
long. 77 31'.
SAONER (SON AIR). Town on the Kolar, in!S T agpur district, Central
Provinces ; situated twenty-four miles north-west of Nagpur city, near
the main road to Chhindwara, with which place a good branch road
connects the town. Lat. 21 23', long. 78 58'. Pop. (1881), 5023.
SAONKAIRA. Town in Baroda State; situated twenty-one miles
east-south-east from Baroda, and eighty-four miles north-east by north of
Surat. Lat. 22 10', long. 73 31'.
818 SAO S AR
SAORGAON. Town in Nagpur district, Central Provinces. Pop.
(1881), 3241.
SAPI. Town in Bhutan State ; situated 116 miles north of Goalpara,
and 141 miles east-north-east of Darjiling. Lat. 27 48', long. 90 26'.
SAPI. Town in Kumaun district, N.W.P. ; thirty-eight miles north-
east of Almora. Lat. 30 4', long. 80 I'.
SAR. Lake in Puri district, Bengal. A hack-water of the Bhargavi
river, situated to the north-east of Pun town ; its length from east to
west is four miles, and its breadth from north to south two miles. The
centre of the lake is in lat. 19 51' 30", long. 85 55'.
SARA (NORTH). Pargana in Hardoi district, Oudh. Area, 90 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 16,685.
SARA (SOUTH). Pargana in Hardoi district, Oudh. Pop. (1881),
SARAGAJ (LANGLA). Hill range in the south of Sylhet district,
Assam. Estimated area, 81 sq. miles; height above sea-level, 700
SARAGTJR (SARGTIR). Village in Mysore district, Mysore ; situated
on the right bank of the Kabbani, thirty-six miles south-west of Mysore
city. Lat. 12 0' 10", long. 76 25'. Pop. (1871), 1626.
SARAHAN. Town in Bashahr State, Punjab; situated three miles
from the left bank of the Sutlej, in a wooded amphitheatre, beyond which
rise the snow-clad summits of the Kullu Mountains. It is the summer
residence of the Bashahr Raja. Elevation above sea-level, 7264 feet
Lat. 31 30', long. 77 50'.
SARAI. Town in Lalitpur district, N.W.P. ; situated on the route
from Tehri to Sagar, thirty miles south of the former. Lat. 24 7', long.
78 50'.
SARAI AGHAT. Town and ruins in Etah district, N.W.P. ; situated
on either side of a ravine of the Kali Nadi, forty-three miles south-east
of Etah town, and three-quarters of a mile north-west of Sankisa. The
ruins and an ancient mound lie to the west of the village. Pop. (1881),
SARAI AKIL. Town in Allahabad district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
2823. Also thana. Pop. (1881), 72,765.
SARAI GIRDHARL Town in Etah district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
SARAI GTJNGA. Village in Saharanpur district, N.W.P. ; situated
on the route from Kurnal to Saharanpur, twenty-three miles north-
east of the former town. Lat. 29 46', long. 77 20'.
SARAIKALA. State in Smgbhum district, Bengal ; situated between
lat. 22 33' 22 54' 30", and long. 85 53' 86 13'. Area, 438 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 77,062.
SARAIKALA. Village in Saraikala State, Singbhum district, Bengal.
Lat. 22 41' 52", long 85 58' 28".
SARAI KHWAJA. Thana in Jaunpur district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
SARAI KONDA. Town in Haidarabad State ; situated thirty-one
miles south-south-east from Haidarabad, and eighty-eight miles north-
east by north from Karniil. Lat. 16 56', long. 78 4 1 7 .
SAR 819
SARAI MAMREZ. Thana in Allahabad district, N.W.P. Pop.
(1881), 75,740.
SARAI MIR. Town in Azamgarh district, N.W.P. Pop (1881),
5238. Also thana. Pop. (1881), 55,501.
SARAI MIRAN. Town in Farrukhabad district, N.W.P. Pop.
(1881), 2195. Also thana. Pop. (1881), 92,233.
SARAI MOHI-UD-DIN. Thana in Jaunpur district, N.W.P. Pop.
(1881), 79,720.
SARAI SAD AR. Thana in Bulandshahr district, N.W.P. Pop.
(1881), 14,819.
SARAI SALIH. Town in Hazara district, Punjab ; situated in the
Haripur plain. Pop. (1868), 2887.
SARAI SIDHTI. Town (in tahsil of same name) in Multan district,
Punjab. Lat. 30 35' 30", long. 72 1'. Area of tahsil, 1752 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 80,012.
SARAI TARIN. Town in Moradabad district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
SARAJGANJ. Subdivision of Pabna district, Bengal. Area, 946
sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 699,764. Also thana. Area, 306 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 219,185.
SARAN. District in the Patna division, Bengal ; situated between
lat. 25 40' 26 38', and long. 83 58' 85 14'. The district is inclosed
by the Gandak, Gogra and Ganges. It is bounded on the north by the
Gorakhpur district of the North- Western Provinces ; on the east by the
Champaran and Muzaffarpur districts ; on the south by the Shahabad and
Patna districts. The area of Saran district is 2622 sq. miles, its pop.
(1881), 2,280,382. It is a level alluvial tract, intersected by numerous
channels draining into the three great rivers that surround it, and is very
liable to inundation. The chief towns are Chhapra (the capital), Kevelganj ,
Sewan, Panapur and Manjhi.
SARAN. Subdivision of district of same name, Bengal. Area, 998
sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 985,834.
SARAN. Town in Bashahr State, Punjab ; situated on the left bank
of the Sutlej river, forty-six miles north-east by east of Simla. Lat.
31 30', long. 77 51'.
SARANDA. Gi-oup of villages of the Kolhan, in Singbhum district,
Bengal; containing forty-three villages. Lat. 22 1' 15" 22 30', long.
85 2' 85 28'.
SARANDA. Hill range in Singbhum district, bordering on Gangpur
State, Bengal ; rising to an elevation of 3500 feet.
SARANGARH. State attached to Sambalpur district, Central
Provinces; situated between lat. 21 21' 21 45', and long. 82 59'
83 31'. It is bounded on the north by the Chandrapur and Raigarh
States, on the east by Sambalpur district, on the south by the Phuljhar,
and on the west by the Bilaspur district. The area is 540 sq. miles,
and the pop. (1881), 71,274. The State lies on the south bank of the
Mahanadi, and the country is generally level, though in the south and east
there are ranges of hills. The chief town, Sarangarh, is situated sixty-
eight miles west of Sambalpur, in lat. 21 30', long. 82 59'. Pop.
(1881), 4220.
SARANGARH. Chief town of State of same name ; sixty-eight miles
820 SAR
from Sambalpur and eighty-four from TJdaipur. Lat. 21 30', long. 82 C
59'. Pop. (1881), 4220.
SARANGKOT. Town in Jhelum district, Punjab ; situated on the
left bank of the Sohan river, seventy-three miles south-south-east of the
town of Peshawar. Lat. 33 5', long. 72 13'.
SARANGPUR. Town in Faizabad district, Oudh ; situated on tho
river Tons (North-eastern), 110 miles south-east of Lucknow. Lat. 26
24', long. 82 33'.
SARANGPUR. Town in Gwalior State, Central India Agency;
situated on the route from Guna to Mhow, ninety-seven miles south-west
of former, eighty-eight north-east of latter. It is situate on the right or
east bank of the Kali Sinh river. Distant north-east of TJjjain, fifty-five
miles. Lat. 23 31', long. 76 30'.
SARAO. Tillage in Tehri-Garhwal State, N.W.P. ; situated in the
valley of the Budiar, on the left bank of the river of that name.
Elevation, 7885 feet above the sea. Lat. 30 57', long. 78 17'.
SARASWATI. River of Hugli district, Bengal ; at one time it was
the main channel of the Ganges, and navigable by large ships, but it has
now silted up, and has become a shallow creek, branching south-west
from the Hugh' near Tribeni, in lat. 22 59', long. 88 26' 45".
SARASWATI. Sacred river of "Western India, rising in Mount Abu,
Rajputana. It flows through the Palanpur and Radhanpur States, and
through part of Baroda State, and eventually, after a south-westerly
course of over 100 miles, enters the Rann of Cutch to the east of the
State of that name.
SARASWATI (SARSTJTI). Sacred river of the Punjab, rising in lat.
30 23', long. 77 19', in Sirmur State; it enters the plain at Zadh
Budri in Umballa, flowing in a general south-westerly direction, and is
more than once lost in the sands, but reappears again with little diminished
volume ; passes by the town of Thanesar, enters Karnal district and
Patiala State, and finally joins the Ghaggar in Sirsa district, in lat.
29 51', long. 76 5'.
SARATH. Thana in Santal Parganas district, Bengal. Pop. (1881),
SARATH A. Port on river of the same name in Balasor district,
Bengal. Lat. 21 34' 45", long. 87 8' 16".
SARATJLL Town in Bareilly district, N.W.P. ; situated twenty miles
west-north-west of Bareilly. Lat. 28 30', long. 79 10'.
SARATILI (NORTH). Pargana in Bareilly district, N.W.P. Pop.
(1881), 41,330.
SARATILI (SOUTH). Pargana in Bareilly district, JST.W.P. Pop.
(1881), 36,693.
SARAUN. Town in Sirsa district, Punjab ; situated sixty-two miles
north-west of Sirsa. Lat. 30 12', long. 74 25'.
SARAWA. Town in Rangoon district, British Burma ; situated on
the left bank of the Irawadi river, sixty-four miles west of Pegu. Lat.
17 44', long. 95 19'.
SARAYAN. River of Oudh ; rising in Kheri district, in lat. 27 46',
long. 80 32', after a course of forty-nine miles in a south-easterly direc-
tion it enters the Sitapur district, where it receives the Jamwari on its
SAR 821
left bank, in lat. 27 32', long. 80 47'. Thence it flows for about three
miles in a north-westerly course, and, resuming its previous direction,
joins the Gumti in lat. 27 9', long. 80 55'. Total length, about
95 miles.
SARAYAT. Village in Basti district, N.W.P. ; situated fifty miles
north-west of Gorakhpur cantonment. Lat. 27 20', long. 82 53'.
SARDA. River of North-Western India and Oudh ; rising in the
ranges of the Himalayas, between Kurnaun and Thibet. The elevation
of its source is probably 18,000 feet above the sea. It debouches from
the hills at Barmdeo, 148 miles from its source, in lat. 29 6', long.
80 13', at an altitude of 847 feet above sea-level. 190 miles from its
source, it joins the Chauka, near Mothia Ghat. Prom this point the
united stream takes the name of the Chauka, falling into the Gogra on
its right bank, in lat. 27 9', long. 81 30'.
SARDHANA. Town (in tahsil of same name) in Meerut district,
N.W.P. ; situated twelve miles north-west of Meerut. It is noted as the
former capital of the famous Begam Samru. Lat. 29 9' 6", long.
77 39' 26". Pop. (1881), 13,313. Area of tahsil, 251 sq. miles. Pop.
(1881), 159,422. Also pargana. Pop. (1881), 88,427. And thana.
Pop. (1881), 87,510.
SARDHATJR. Town in Kathiawar, Bombay, situated 118 miles
south-west of Ahmedabad, and 140 west of Baroda. Lat. 22 8', long.
71 1'.
SARENDI. Town in TJnao district, Oudh; situated near the right
bank of the river Sai, fifty miles south-east of Lucknow. Lat. 26 16',
long. 81 5'.
8ARENI. Pargana of Rai Bareli district, Oudh ; bounded on the
north by Khiron, on the east by Dalmau, on the south by the Ganges,
and on the west by Daundia Khera. Area, 114 sq. miles. Pop.
(1881), 63,823. Also thana. Pop. (1881), 84,426.
SARGATJM. Town in Thana district, Bombay ; situated fifty-three
miles north of Bombay. Lat. 19 43', long. 72 52'.
SARGUJA. State of Chutia Nagpur, Bengal ; situated between lat.
22 37' 30" 24 6' 30", and long. 82 32' 5" 84 7'. It is bounded
on the north by the Mirzapur district of the North-Western Provinces,
and the State of Rewah ; on the east by Lohardaga district ; on the south
by Jashpur, Udaipur, and the Bilaspur district ; and on the west by
Korea. Its area is 6055 sq. miles, and the pop. (1881), 270,311. Sarguja
is inclosed by the table-lands of the Mainpat and Jamirapat ranges, the
former of which rises to 3781 feet above the sea. The Korea forest
closes it in on the west. The chief rivers are the Kanhar, Rehr
and Hah an, which are tributaries of the Son, and the Sankh river,
which flows into the Brahmani. The chief towns are Bisrampur and
SARGTJNG. Town in Raipur district, Central Provinces; situated
forty-seven miles north-north-east of Raipur, and ninety-one miles south-
east of Ramgarh. Lat. 21 50', long. 81 58'.
SARGUNG. Town in Bhutan State; situated sixty-two miles north
by east of Darrang, and seventy-three miles north-west of Bishnath.
Lat. 27 18', long. 92 17'.
822 SAR
SARH. Town in Cawnpore district, N.W.P. Lat. 26 14', long.
89 24'.
SARH SALIMPUR. Tahsi'l of Cawnpore district, KW.P. Area,
208 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 101,830. Also thana. Pop. (1881), 30,020.
SARHA. Village in Banda district, N.W.P. ; situated on the route
from Allahabad to Kalinjar, 104 miles south-west of former, eight north-
east of latter. Lat. 25 6', long. 80 36'.
SARHAD. Town in Shikarpur district, Sind, Bombay ; situated seven
miles south-east of the left bank of the Indus, and forty-six miles north-
east from Bukkur. Lat. 28 5', long. 69 29'.
SARHALI KALAN. Town in Amritsar district, Punjab. Pop.
(1881), 5197.
SARHANDL Town in Agra district, N.W.P. ; situated on the route
from Agra to Karauli, twenty- nine miles south-west by west of the
former. Lat. 26 56', long. 77 46'.
SARHAT. Town in Hazaribagh district, Bengal ; situated on the
route from Pachete to Monghyr, forty-five miles north of former, eighty
south of latter. Lat. 24 16', long. 86 52'.
SARHIND. Town in Patiala State, Punjab. Pop. (1881), 5401.
SARHUCHIA. Town in Muzaffarpur district, Bengal ; situated
fourteen miles north-north-east of Muzaffarpur. Lat. 26 17', long.
85 33'.
SARHUL. Town in Jhalawar State, Rajputana; situated twenty-
seven miles east by south of Jhalra Patan, and 143 miles west-north-
west of Sagar. Lat. 24 28', long. 76 40'.
8ARILA. State of Bundelkhand, in the Central India Agency,
and in the Hamfrpur district, N.W.P., and completely surrounded by
British territory. The area of the State is 35 sq. miles, and its pop.
(1881), 5014. The military force of the State consists of 4 guns,
40 cavalry, and 200 infantry and police. The town of Sarila is situated
twenty-five miles south of Kalpi, and forty-five north-west of Banda, in
lat. 25 46', long. 79 48'.
SARIR. Town in Muttra district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 5199.
SARISHPUR (SIDDHESWAR). Hill range in the south of Assam ;
between the Cachar and Sylhet districts.
SARIYA. Town, with fort, in Kathiawar, Bombay; situated on a
stream called the River of Sariya. Distance south-west of Ahmedabad,
190 miles; west of Baroda, 220. Lat. 22 18', long. 69 47'.
SARIYA. Town in Gorakhpur district, N.W.P.; eight miles west of
Gorakhpur. Lat. 26 45', long. 83 15'.
SARJAPTJR. Tillage in Bangalore district, Mysore. Lat. 12 52',
Ion-. 77 49' 5". Pop. (1871), 3051.
SARJU (EASTERN). River of Nepal and Ouclh ; a tributary to the
Gogra. It rises in the kingdom of Nepal (where it is known by the name
of the Relang), in lat. 28 15', long. 81 57', and flowing in a direction
north-westerly for forty miles, it enters the plains of Oudh, in lat. 28
26', long. 81 24'. Its course is then generally from north to south for
about 120 miles, when it falls into the great river Gogra, on its left side,
in lat. 26 58', long. 81 46'.
SARJU (WESTERN). River of the N.W.P. ; a considerable tribu-
tary of the river Gogra, rising in the British district of Kumaun, in a
SAB, 823
gorge on the southern face of the main range of the Himalaya. At
Supi, eight miles from its source, the bed of the river is 5659 feet
above the sea. It holds a south-westerly direction, receiving many
streams ; and one of considerable volume (the Phungur) falls into it
on the left side, thirty-one miles from the source, in lat. 29 52',
long. 79 49'. Mowing five miles further in the same direction,
it, at Bageswar, receives, on the right side, the Gaomati, a considerable
stream running from the north-west. From that point it takes a south-
easterly direction, receiving several small streams, and thirty-five miles
below the confluence of the Gaornati it receives, on the right side, the
Punar, a considerable river flowing from the south-west. Flowing from
the confluence with the Punar still in a south-easterly direction, it at
Ramesur, three or four miles farther down, receives, on the left side, its
greatest feeder, the Ramganga (Eastern), flowing from the north. This
confluence is 1500 feet above the sea. Below the confluence it is in-
differently called the Sarju or the Ramganga. Continuing to flow in a
south-easterly direction for twelve miles farther, it, at Pachisar, in lat.
29 27', long. 80 18', falls into the Kali (Eastern), or principal head-
water of the great river Gogra. The total length of course is between
eighty and ninety miles.
SARMALI. Town and stockade in Nepal State ; situated eighty miles
west of Jamla, and forty-six miles east-south-east of Almora. Lat. 29
21, long. 80 23'.
SARMOT. Town in Kashmir State, Punjab ; situated fifty-four miles
south of Srmagar, and eighty-one miles east-north-east of Jhelum. Lat.
33 23', long. 74 45'.
SARNAL. Tillage in Tehri-Garhwal State, N.W.P. ; situated on the
left bank of the Budiar, a feeder of the Jumna. Elevation above the sea,
7255 feet. Lat. 30 54', long. 78 18'.
SARNATH. Buddhist ruins in Benares district, K.W.P. ; situated
three miles and a half north of Benares city.
SAROMANNAGAR. Town (in pargana of same name) in Hardoi
district, Oudh ; situated six miles south of Shahabad, and fifteen miles
north-west of Hardoi town. Pop. (1869), 1452. Area of pargana, 35 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 13,096.
SARRATJ. Town in Kathiawar, Bombay ; situated forty-one miles
north-east by north of Rajkot, and ninety-four south-west of Ahmedabad.
Lat. 22 47, long. 71 10'.
SARSA. Kiver of Simla district, Punjab ; rising in the valley south
of Subathu, in lat. 30 54', long. 77 3'. It holds a north-westerly
course through the Pinjor Dun, and, receiving several small feeders from
the mountains of Hindur, falls into the Sutlej near Kanoli, in lat. 31 2',
long. 76 38', after a course of about thirty miles.
SARSA. Town in Kaira district, Bombay; situated twenty-eight
miles east by south of Kaira town. Lat. 22 33.', long. 73 7'. Pop.
(1872), 5218.
SARSAGANJ. Village in Mainpuri district, N.W.P. ; situated on the
Etawah road, six miles north of Bhadan station, East Indian Railway,
and twenty-seven miles south-west of Mainpuri town. Lat. 27 3', long.
78 43' 50".
824 SAB,
SARSAP. Hill fort in Jaipur State, Rajputana ; situated on the route
from Agra to Nimach, 145 miles south-west of former. Lat. 26 10',
long. 76 10'.
SARSAWA. Town (in pargana of same name) in Saharanpur district,
N.W.P. ; situated on the road from Saharanpur to Umballa, ten miles
west of the former. Sarsawa is identified by General Cunningham with
Sharwa or Sharasharaha, the city of Raja Chand, sacked by Mahmud
of Ghazm in 1019 A.D. Pop. of pargana (1881), 40,293.
SARSAWA. Town in Sambalpur district, Central Provinces ; eighty-
eight miles west of Sambalpur. Lat. 21 30', long. 82 40'.
SARSHA. Thana in Nadiya district, Bengal. Area, 130 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 79,046.
SARSIRI. Town in Belgaum district, Bombay ; situated twenty-two
miles east by north of Belgaum. Lat. 15 55', long. 74 54'.
SARTI. Hill in Chutia Kagpur, Bengal ; situated in Lohardaga
district, west of Ranchi town. Elevation, 3615 feet. Lat. 23 30', long.
84 30' 45".
SARTJMOGAY. Town in Coimbatore district, Madras ; situated
twenty-three miles north by east of Coimbatore. Lat. 11 20', long. 77 4'.
SARTJR. Town in Ahmednagar district, Bombay ; situated thirty
miles south-west by west of Ahmednagar. Lat. 18 50', long. 74 25'.
SARURPTJR. Town in Meerut district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 5374.
SARTTVTAL. Town in Madura district, Madras ; situated thirty-eight
miles east of Madura. Lat. 9 58', long. 78 43'.
SARVEPALLI. Town in Nellore district, Madras; situated twelve
miles south by west of Nellore. Lat. 14 17' 30", long. 80 0' 40". Pop.
(1871), 5101.
SARVONA. Village in Sanguelim district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 325.
SARWA. Village in Panna State, Bundelkhand, Central India
Agency ; situated on the route from Banda to Sagar, by the Hirapur Pass,
110 miles south-west of the former, sixty-two north-east of the latter.
Lat. 24 28', long. 79 20'.
SARWA. Pargana in Meerut district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 35,008.
SARWAN. Town in Ratlam State, Central India Agency ; situated
twenty miles north-west of Ratlam, and seventy miles south by west
of Nimach. Lat. 23 29', long. 74 49'.
SARWAN. Town in Monghyr district, Bengal ; situated sixty miles
south of Monghyr. Lat. 24 30', long. 86 20'.
SARWAN. Village in TTnao district, Oudh ; situated six miles north-
west of Purwa and twenty-six miles east of TJnao town. Lat. 26 36',
long. 80 56'. Pop. (1869), 2183. Contains a celebrated Sivaite temple.
SARWANI SARAL Town in Benares district, K.AV.P. ; situated
on the route from the city of Benares to Jaunpur, nine miles north-west
of the former, twenty-nine south-east of the latter. Lat. 25 25' long.
82 57'.
SARWAR. Town in Sholapur district, Bombay ; situated ten miles
south-west of Bijapur. Lat. 16 43', long. 75 41'.
SARWAR. Town in Krishnagarh State, Rajputana ; situated on the
route from Guna to Nasfrabad, 204 miles north-west of the former, and
twenty-five south-east of the latter. Lat. 26 5', long. 75 8'. Pop.
(1881), 5361.
SARYA. Indigo factoiy in Muzaffarpur district, Bengal ; situated
eighteen miles south-west of Muzaffarpur town, on the banks of the Baya
river. Near to this spot is a monolith, 24 feet in height, known as Bhim
Sinh's lathi or club ; the subject is a lion carved in stone.
SASA. Town in Hissar district, Punjab. Pop. (1881), 5174.
SASNI (SASANI). Town in Aligarh district, N.W.P.; situated on
the road from Aligarh to Agra, fourteen miles south of the former, and
seven miles north of Hathras. Lat. 27 42' 12", long. 78 8' 5". Pop.
(1881), 4851. Also thana. Pop. (1881), 44,627.
SASPANI. Town in Seoni district, Central Provinces ; situated on
the route from Jabalpur to Nagpur, thirty-nine miles south-south-west of
the former. Lat. 22 39', long. 79 49'.
SASRAN. Town in Gwalior State, Central India Agency; situated
forty-two miles south-west by west of Gwalior, and seventy miles west-
north-west from Jhansi. Lat. 25 55', long. 77 40'.
SASSAKA. Town in Bahawalpur State, Punjab; situated sixty-seven
miles south-east of Bahawalpur, and seventy miles north-west of Bikaner.
Lat. 28 46', long. 72 37'.
SASSERAM. Town (in subdivision of same name) in Shahabad
district, Bengal ; situated on the Grand Trunk Road, sixty miles south of
Arrah, and seventy-two miles south-east of Benares. Lat. 24 56' 59",
long. 84 3' 7". Pop. (1872), 21,023. The town, which derives its name
(one thousand toys) from a certain infidel who had a thousand arms, each
of which held a separate plaything, contains the tomb of Shir Shah, the
Afghan Emperor of Delhi. Area of subdivision, 1493 sq. miles. Pop.
(1881), 519,207. Also thana. Area, 691 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
SASSUR. Town in Poona district, Bombay; situated sixteen miles
south-east of Poona. Lat. 18 20', long. 74 3'.
SASTJ. River of Lakbimpur district, Assam, rising in lat. 27 26',
long. 95 16', and flowing westerly for forty-five miles, it falls into the
Buri Dihing near its junction with the Brahmaputra, in lat. 27 15', long.
94 43'.
SASUKHA. Town in Bhutan State ; 110 miles north of Goalpara,
and 141 miles north-west of Darang. Lat. 27 44', long. 90 40'.
SASUNL Town in Aligarh district, N.W.P. ; situated on the route
from Agra to Aligarh, and fourteen miles south of the latter. Lat. 27
42', long. 78 9'.
SASURAHALLL Town in Mysore State ; situated on the right bank
of the Tunga river, and 1 38 miles north-west by north of Seringapatam.
Lat. 14 9', long. 75 45'.
SASWAD (SASAR). Town in Poona district, Bombay ; situated on
the left bank of the river Karha, sixteen miles south-east of Poona city.
Lat. 18 20' 20", long. 74 4' 20". Pop. (1881), 5684.
SATA. Branch of the Indus in Sind, forming the chief eastern
channel, that to the west being known as the Baghar. The Sata sends
off, on the left or eastern side, two branches, the Mai and the Matni,
both of which are now only shallow streams. In the lower part of its
course the Sata, still the main stream of the Indus, is known by the
826 SAT
names JVTanija and "Wanyani, and falls into the Indian Ocean by the
Hajamro, not far from its former mouth, the Kukaiwara, which is now
choked by sand. The Kukaiwara mouth is in lat. 24 2', long. 67 32'.
SATAHUNG. Town in Nepal State; situated 102 miles west-north-
west of Khatmandu, and 102 miles north by east of Gorakhpur. Lat.
28 7', long. 83 44'.
SATAI. Town in Panna State, Central India Agency ; situated
thirty-nine miles west of Panna, and eighty-four miles north-east of
Sajrar. Lat. 24 42', long. 79 40'.
SATAK. Town in Kashmir State, Punjab; situated 160 miles east-
south-east from Srmagar, and 100 miles north-east from Kangra. Lat.
33 8', long. 77 30'.
SATALTJRI. Town in Bakarganj district, Bengal ; situated 126
miles east of Calcutta. Lat. 22 40', long. 90 1 1'.
SATANA. Subdivision of Nasik district, Bombay. Area, 619 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 64,875.
S AT ANONES. State in Kathiawar, Bombay, paying a yearly tribute
of 10 to the Gaekwar of Baroda, and 12s. to the Nawab of Junagarh.
SATANWARL Port in Bhopal State, Central India ; situated thirty
miles north-west of Bhopal town, close to the Gwalior frontier. Lat. 23
36', long. 77 10'.
SATARA. District in the Central division, Bombay Presidency;
situated between lat. 16 51' 18 10' 30", and long. 73 37' 74 58'. It
is bounded on the north by the states of Bhor and Phaltan, and the Ni'ra
river separating it from Poona district ; on the east by Sholapur district ;
on the south by the river Yarna, separating it from Kolhapur and Sangli
States ; and on the west by the Sahyadri hills, separating it from the
districts of Kolaba and Ratnagiri. The area of the district is 4987 sq.
miles ; its pop. (1881), 1,062,350. The feudatory States have an area of
3063 sq. miles, and a pop. (1881) of 318,687. The main range of the
Sahyadri hills or Western Ghats extends along its west frontier for
about ninety miles, separating it from the Konkan, and on this side
the mountains rise precipitously from the plain, but on the east or Deccan
side they have a very gradual declivity towards the plains of Haidarabad,
though the surface is generally very rugged and diversified by many
considerable ranges and isolated mountains. In the north-west corner of
the district is the well-known hill-station of Mahabaleshwar, 4717 feet
above the sea, from which point the Mahadeo range of hills starts, running
nearly at right angles to the Sahyadri range, and having much the same
elevation. Almost all the rivers have a south-easterly direction and
ultimately fall into the Krishna. The chief towns are Satara (the capital),
"Wai, Karad, and TJrun. The district, which is traversed by the Western
Deccan Railway, is administered by a Deputy-Commissioner and the
usual Staff.
SATARA. Capital (in subdivision of same name) of Satara district,
Bombay ; situated fifty-six miles south of Poona, near the confluence of
the Krishna and the Yena, in the highlands of the Deccan. The fort is
situated on the summit of a small, steep, rocky hill; and immediately
under it, in a deep hollow, lies the town of Satara. Lat. 17 41' 25",
long. 74 2' 10". Pop. (1881), 28,601, inclusive of the military lines,
pop. 427. Area of subdivision, 336 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 119,913.
SAT 827
SATARL District in Portuguese India. Pop. (1881), 18,650.
SATARRA. Town in Raipur district, Central Provinces ; situated
166 miles east of Nagpur, and 135 miles south-south-east of Ramgarh.
Lat. 20 59', long. 81 41'.
SATASL Pargana in Budaun district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 47,011.
SATGAON ( S APT AGR AM). Ruined town in Hugli district, Bengal.
Formerly a city of considerable importance. Lat. 22 38 20", long. 88
25' 10".
SATGARH. Tillage in Kumaun district, N.W.P. ; situated on the
route from Pithoragarh to Askoth, six miles north-east of the former.
Lat. 29 40', long. 80 19'.
SATHAN. Town in Rai Bareli district, Oudh ; situated on high
ground overlooking the Gumti river, forty miles north-west of Sultanpur.
This city is much frequented by Muslim worshippers. Pop. (1869),
SATHIKA. Town in Jodhpur State, Rajputana ; situated fifty-three
miles north by east of Jodhpur, and ninety-seven miles west-north-west
of Ajmere. Lat. 27 2', long. 73 18'.
SATH WALL Town in Haidarabad State ; situated on the right hank
of the Manj era river, and sixty-four miles north-west by north from
Haidarabad. Lat. 18 9', long. 78 3'.
SATIGHAT. Town in Nepal State ; situated on the right bank of the
Marachangdi river, and seventy miles west from Khatmandu. Lat. 27
46', long. 84 10'.
SATIGHIRI. Town in Belgaum district, Bombay; situated thirty-nine
miles east-north-east of Belgaum. Lat. 1 6 1', long. 75 7'.
SATIKUL. Town in Coimbatore district, Madras; situated eighty-
nine miles north by east of Coimbatore. Lat. 12 15', long. 77 13'.
SATJORA. Town in Saran district, Bengal ; situated thirty miles
north by east of Chupra. Lat. 26 10', long. 84 56'.
SATKANYA. Thana in Chittagong district, Bengal. Area, 246 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 147,515.
SATKHIRA. Town (in subdivision of same name) in Twenty-four
Parganas district, Bengal ; situated on the Betna river. Contains many
Hindu temples. Lat. 22 42' 35", long. 89 7' 55". Pop. (1881), 8738.
Area of subdivision, 702 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 434,766. Also thana.
Area, 138 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 96,614.
SATKUNIA. Town in Chittagong district, Bengal ; situated twenty-
seven miles south-east of Chittagong. Lat. 22 1', long. 92 9'.
SATLASNA. State in Mahi Kantha, Bombay ; paying a yearly
tribute of 168 to the Gaekwar of Baroda, and 73 to the Raja of Edar.
Pop. (1881), 7894.
SATNAIR. Town in Betul district, Central Provinces ; situated on
the route from Betul to Ellichpur, twenty-two miles south-south-west of
the former. Lat. 21 33', long. 77 50'.
SATODAR WAORL State of Kathiawar, Bombay ; paying a yearly
tribute of 146 to the British Government, ana 46 to the NawaD of
828 SAT
SATODEM. Village in Sanguelim district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 98.
SATP ATI. Port in Thana district, Bombay.
SATPURA. Hill range of the Central Provinces and Western India ;
commencing at Amarkantak in the Bilaspur district of the Central
Provinces, it stretches east and west for about 600 miles, with an ex-
treme breadth of 100 miles; the western portion of the range parts the
valleys of the Narbada and the Tapti, and reaches nearly down to
the coast. The hill of Amarkantak is 3328 feet above sea-level, whence
the range passes through Seoni and Chhindwara districts, then north
of the Berars to Asfrgarh, where it leaves the Central Provinces. Just
east of Asirgarh there is a break, through which the Great Indian
Peninsula Railway is carried. Satpura, a small town in the Indore State,
from which the range takes its name, is in lat. 21 48', long. 76 27'.
SATPURA. State forest lying along the southern slopes of the
Satpura Hills, in Seoni', Chhindwara, and Nagpur districts, Central
Provinces. Area, about 1000 sq. miles.
SATREM. Tillage in Sanguelim district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 107.
SATRIKH. Town (in pargana of same name) in Bara Banki district,
Oudh; situated five miles south-east of Bara Banki town. Lat. 26 51'
30", long. 81 14' 10". Pop. (1869), 3584. Area of pargana, 46 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 22,570.
SATRUNJAYA ( SHETRTJNJA ). Sacred hill near Palitana in
Kathiawar, Bombay. Lat. 21 31' 10", long. 71 53' 20".
SATRUNJL River of Kathiawar, Bombay; rising in lat. 21 15',
long. 70 45', and, flowing easterly for sixty miles, falls into the Gulf of
Cambay, in lat. 21 16', long 72 5'.
SATTANKULAM. Town in Tinnevelli district, Madras. Pop. (1881),
SATTAVADE. Town in North Arcot district, Madras; situated
thirty-three miles north-west of Madras. Lat. 13 27', long. 80 1'.
SATTENAPATTI. Town in Gantur district, Madras ; situated
twenty-one miles west-north-west of Gantur. Lat. 16 25', long. 80 12'.
SATITLA. Village in Simla district, Punjab ; situated on a mountain
rising steeply over the left bank of the Sutlej . Elevation above the sea,
6771 feet. Lat. 31 19', long. 77 31'.
SATULANU. Town in Jodhpur State, Rajputana; situated on the
right bank of the Luni river, and twenty-four miles south- south- west of
Jodhpur. Lat. 26, long. 73.
SATUR. Village in Tinnevelli district, Madras. Lat. 9 26', long.
77 31' 20". Pop. (1881), 6443. A station on the South Indian Railway.
SAT WAR A. Town in Indore State, Central India Agency ; situated
sixty-five miles south by east of Indore, and sixteen miles south-east of
Kargun. Lat. 21 44', long. 75 59'.
SAT WAS. Town in Gwalior State, Central India Agency ; situated
seventy miles south-east of Ujjain, and seventy-six miles west-south-west
of Hoshangabad. Lat. 22 29', long. 76 37'.
SATYAMANGALAM. Town in Coimbatore district, Madras ; with a
fort situated on the Bhavani river, commanding the fords at the foot
oi the Gazzalhathi Pass into Mysore; it was of considerable strategic
SATJ 829
importance in our wars with Haidar All and Tipu. Lat. 11 30' 20",
long. 77 17' 15". Pop. (1881), 3210.
SATJAR. Village in Rampur State, N/W.P. ; situated on the north-
eastern route from the town of Rampur to Nugina, eighteen miles north
of the former. Lat. 29 2', long. 79 6'.
SATIDAPALLI. Town in Cuddapah district, Madras; situated seventy-
two miles south by west of Cuddapah. Lat. 13 26', long. 78 45'.
SAUDAR. Town (in subdivision of same name) in Khandesh district,
Bombay; situated 108 miles east-north-east of Malegaon. Lat. 21 8',
long. 76. Pop. (1881), 8642. Area of subdivision, 553 sq. miles. Pop.
(1881), 141,745.
SATJDRA. Village in Jaisalmir State, Rajputana ; situated near the
route from Rohri, in Sind, to the town of Jaisalmir, and eleven miles
north-west of it. Lat. 26 57', long. 71 7'.
SATIHAR. Pargana in Etah district, N/W.P. Pop. (1881), 14,079.
SATJLIGARH. Town in Betul district, Central Provinces; situated
34 miles north-west by west of Betul. Lat. 22 7', long. 77 31'.
SAUMB (STJMB). Mountain torrent rising at the southern base of the
Siwalik Mountains, in lat. 30 24', long. 77 28'.
SAUNAIR. Town in Nagpur district, Central Provinces ; situated
twenty-one miles north-west of Nagpur, and ninety-one miles east by
north of Ellichpur. Lat. 21 23', long. 78 57'.
SATINDA. Town in Datia State, Bundelkhand, Central India Agency ;
situated on the right bank of the river Sind, seventy-two miles west of
Kalpi. Lat. 26 9', long. 78 50'.
SATJNDATTI. Town in Belgaum district, Bombay; situated forty-
one miles east by south of Belgaum town, and about two miles north
of the ruins of the hill fort of Parasgad. Lat. 15 45' 50", long. 75
9' 40". Pop. (1881), 7133. Near this town a fair is held annually in
April and November, attended on each occasion by upwards of 20,000
SAUNI. Town in Hoshangabad district, Central Provinces ; situated
on the route from Hoshangabad to Asirgarh, thirty miles south-west
of former, 111 north-east of latter. Lat. 22 28', long. 77 30'.
SAUNKH. Town in Muttra district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 4126.
SATJNUR. Town in Datia State, Bundelkhand, Central India
Agency ; situated on the right bank of the river Sind, seventy-two miles
west of Kalpi. Lat. 26 9', long. 78 50'.
SAURATH. Village in Darbhangah district, Bengal; situated eight
miles west of Madhubam. Celebrated for its annual religious fair.
SAURIKH. Town (in pargana of same name) in Farrukhabad district,
N.W.P. ; situated on the route from Farrukhabad to Jalaun, twenty-five
miles south by west of the former. Lat. 27 3', long. 79 34'. Pop.
(1881), 2316. Pop. of pargana (1881), 315,093. Also thana. Pop.
(1881), 79,552.
SAURUJPUR. Town in Nepal State; situated 113 miles west by
south of Khatmandu, and fifty-six miles north of Gorakhpur. Lat.
27 30', long. 83 29'.
SAUSA. Town in Muttra district, N.W.P.; situated on the route
from Muttra to Kombher, in Bhartpur, fifteen miles north-east of the
latter. Lat. 27 27', long. 77 37'.
SATJSAR. Town (in tahsil of same name) in Chhindwara district,
Central Provinces ; situated thirty-four miles south of Chhindwara town,
on the main road to Nagpur. Lat. 21 40', long. 78 50'. Pop. (1881),
4311. Area of tahsil, 1088 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 110,809.
SAVANDRTJGr. Hill-fort in Bangalore district, Mysore State ; situated
nineteen miles west of Bangalore. It is known locally as the Magadi
Hill, has an elevation of 4024 feet above the sea, and consists of an
enormous mass of granite, standing on a base eight miles in circumference.
The rock is divided by a chasm into two great summits, each surmounted
by a fortress independent of each other, and both abundantly supplied
with water. The forts were stormed by a British army under Lord
Cornwallis in 1791. Lat. 12 55', long. 77 21'.
SAVANTANKUTTA. Town in Mysore State; situated 172 miles
north-west of Seringapatam, and eighty-six miles north of Mangalore.
Lat. 14 6', long. 74 51'.
SAVANUR. State in Dharwar district, Bombay; situated between
lat. 14 56' 45" 15 1' 45", and long. 75 21' 45" 75 25'. The area of
the State is 70 sq. miles. Its pop. (1881), 14,763. The Nawab is of
Afghan descent, and his family was connected with Tipu Sultan.
SAVANUR. Capital of Savanur State, Bombay ; situated thirty-nine
miles south by east of Dharwar. Lat. 14 58', long. 75 23' 5". Pop.
(1881), 7640.
SAVDA. Town in Khandesh district, Bombay, and a station on the
Great Indian Peninsula Railway ; situated 285 miles north-east of
Bombay city. Lat. 21 8' 30", long. 75 56'. Pop. (1872), 7552.
SAVTTRI (SAVATRI). River of Bombay, rising on the western
declivity of the Mahabaleshwar range, Satara district, in lat. 18 28',
long. 73 30'. It flows west past the town of Mhar, forms the northern
boundary of the Ratnagiri district for twenty-four miles, and falls into
the Arabian Sea in lat. 17 58', long. 73 3'. The total length of its
course is about seventy miles.
SAWA. Town in TJdaipur State, Rajputana ; situated fifty-five miles
east- north-east of Udaipur, and twenty-six miles north-west of Nimach
Lat. 24 45', long. 74 39'.
SAW AN. River of the Punjab; rising in lat. 31 41', long. 69 40',
and. flowing easterly for fifty -five miles, loses itself in the desert, about
lat/31 41', long. 70 20'.
SAW ANTGARH. Town in Bundi State, Rajputana ; situated nine-
teen miles north-east by north of Bundi, and ninety-four miles south-east
of Ajmere. Lat. 25 39', long. 75 52'.
SAW ANTWARL State in Bombay ; situated about 200 miles south
of Bombay city, between lat. 15 38' 30" 16 14', and long. 73 37'
74 23'. It lies between the Sahyadri mountains and the sea, and
is bounded on the north by the Ratnagiri district ; on the south by
Portuguese Goa. Its area is 900 sq. miles, and the pop. (1881), 174,433.
The Chief, who is entitled to a salute of 9 guns, maintains a force of 436
men, known as the Sawantwari Local Force. Sawantwari, the capital, is
situated seventeen miles east of Yingorla, in lat. 15 56', long. 74 1'.
SAWAR. Town in the Saran district, Bengal ; situated forty-one miles
south by west of Bettia. Lat. 26 11', long. 84 25'.
SAWAR. Town in Ajmere-Mhairwara district, Rajputana; situated
on the route from Guna to Nasirabad, 177 miles north-west of former,
fifty-two south-east of latter. Lat. 25 49', long. 75 21'.
SAWOTTI. Town in Independent Burma ; situated on the right bant
of the Irawadi river, and fifty-nine miles north of Prome. Lat. 19 37',
long. 94 55'.
SAWTJR. Hill-fort and village in Jaipur State, Rajputana ; situated
on the route from Agra to Nimach, 147 miles south-west of former, 182
north-east of latter. Lat. 26 8', long. 76 9'.
SAWURD. Town in Ratnagiri district, Bombay; situated thirty-three
miles north-north-east of Ratnagiri. Lat. 17 24', long. 73 34'.
SAWURGAUM. Town in Ahmednagar district, Bombay; situated
forty-seven miles east by north of Nasik. Lat. 20 7', long. 74 30'.
SAWUTSIR. Village in Bikaner State, Rajputana ; situated on the
route from Ratangarh to the town of Bikaner, and thirty-three miles east
of the latter. Lat. 27 54', long. 73 52'.
SAYANA. Town in Bulandshahr district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
SAYLA. Third-class State in Kathiawar, Bombay. Area, 222 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 16,991. The Chief pays a tribute of 1551 jointly
to the British Government and the Nawab of Junagarh.
SAYLA. Capital of Sayla State, Kathiawar, Bombay. Lat. 22 32',
long. 71 32'. Pop. (1881), 6488.
SAYYIDABAD. Town in Allahabad district, N.W.P. ; situated
eighteen miles east of Allahabad. Lat. 35 22', long. 82 10'.
SAYYIDABAD. Town (in tahsil of same name) in Muttra district,
N.W.P. ; situated on the route from Agra to Aligarh, and twenty- one
miles north of the former. Lat. 27 26', long. 78 6'. Area of tahsil,
180 sq. miles. Pop. (1872), 108,305. Also thana. Pop. (1881), 61,165.
SAYYIDAPTJRAM. Town in Nellore district, Madras ; situated
twenty-five miles south-west of Nellore. Lat. 14 11', long. 79 49'.
SAYYIDNAGAR. Town in Jalaun district, N.W.P. ; situated seven-
teen miles south-west of Urai. Pop. (1881), 3157. Also thana. Pop.
(1881), 11,499.
SAYYIDPTJR. Town in Faridpur district, Bengal; situated on the
Barasia river. Lat. 23 25' 10", long. 89 43'. Pop. (1876), 6324.
SAYYIDPUR. Village and ruins (in tahsil of same name) in Ghazipur
district, N.W.P. ; situated on the north bank of the Ganges, thirty miles
west of Ghazipur town. The ruins are chiefly of Hindu or Buddhist
origin. Lat. 25 32' 5", long. 83 15' 40". Pop. (1881), 5075. Area
of tahsil, 247 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 169,720. Also pargana. Pop.
(1881), 109,805. And thana. Pop. (1881), 92,262.
SAYYIDPUR. Taluk in Shikarpur district, Sind, Bombay. Area,
167 sq. miles. Pop. (1872), 20,488.
SAYYIDRAJA. Thana in Benares district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
SAYYIDWALA. Village in Montgomery district, Punjab; situated
on the north bank of the Ravi, twenty miles north-east of Gugaira.
Pop. (1881), 3,389. Lat. 31 6', long. 73 31'.
SECUNDERABAD. British military cantonment in Haidarabad State;
situated six miles north-east of Haidarabad city. Secunderabad canton-
ment is the largest military station in India, and forms the headquarters
of the Haidarabad Subsidiary Force, which is maintained by the British
Government, under treaty, in lieu of certain auxiliary forces which had
been previously raised by the Nizam to co-operate with the British Army,
but had proved inefficient. The cost is defrayed out of the revenues of
certain districts ceded by the Nizam for the purpose. The average
strength of the Eorce is about one regiment British cavalry, two of British
infantry, four batteries royal artillery, one regiment native cavalry, three
regiments native infantry, and one company of engineers. The arsenal
is in charge of an ordnance department. In addition to this force, the
Bolaram cantonment, to the north of Secunderabad, is garrisoned by a
brigade of the Haidarabad Contingent, which is under the immediate
authority of the Nizam. About two miles south of Secunderabad are
situated the lines of the Haidarabad Reformed Troops, also belonging to the
Nizam. Both of these latter forces are under the command of European
officers. About two miles to the north-east of the city there are two
very remarkable and large granitic hills of a hemispherical shape, each
completely isolated. Secunderabad town, which forms the cantonment
bazar, has a population estimated at about 32,000. The elevation of the
cantonment above the sea is 1830 feet. It is distant from Bombay south-
east 449 miles, Bellary, north-east, 229 miles, Madras, north-west, 398
miles. Lat. 17 26' 30", long. 78 33'.
SEGAON. Town in Chanda district, Central Provinces ; situated
fifty-eight miles south from Nagpur, and 123 miles south-east by east
from Ellichpur. Lat. 20 20', long. 79 13'.
SEGAULI. Town in Champaran district, Bengal ; situated near the
south bank of the Sikhrena river, fifteen miles north-west of Motiharf,
on the Bettia road. It is a military station, ordinarily held by a regiment
of native cavalry. Lat. 26 46' 41", long. 84 47' 51".
SEGHTJR (SIGUR) GHAT. Pass in the Nilgiri Hills, Madras;
situated near the village of Seghur, and forming the chief communication
by road between Bangalore, Madras, and places to the northward. Lat.
11 29' 11 31' 40", long. 76 43' 30" 76 43' 35".
SEGHUR GANJ. Town in Rampur State, N.W.P. Lat. 28 40',
long. 79 1'.
SEHNA. Town in Jabalpur district, Central Provinces. Pop. (1881),
SEHORE. Town in Ahmedabad district, Bombay; situated 103 miles
south-south-west of Ahmedabad. Lat. 21 40', long. 71 55'.
SEHORE. Town in Bhopal State, Central India; situated on the
right bank of the Saven, on the route from Sagar to Asirgarh, 132 miles
south-west of the former place, and 152 north-east of the latter ; distant
from Bhopal city twenty-two miles south-west. Noted for its printed
muslins. Lat. 23 11' 55", long. 77 7' 14".
SEHPAN. Town in Muttra district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 3623.
SEH SEN" 833
SEHRA. Town in Kashmir State, Punjab ; situated on the left bank
of the Pir Panjal river, fifty-seven miles south-west by west from
Srinagar. Lat. 33 38', long. 74 6'.
SEHTWAN. Town in Ballia district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 11,024.
SEHTJL. Village in Moradabad district, KW.P. ; situated on the
route from Moradabad to Almora, five miles north of the former. Lat.
28 54', long. 78 53'.
SEHWAN. Sub-district of Karachi district, Sind, Bombay ; between
lat. 25 13' 26 56', and long. 67 10' 68 29'. Area, 3646 sq. miles.
Pop. (1872), 162,836.
SEHWAN. Town (in taluk of same name) in Karachi district, Sind,
Bombay ; situated on the main road from Kotri to Shikarpnr vid Larkhana ;
eighty-four miles north-north-west of Kotri, and ninety-five miles south-
south-west of Larkhana. The river Aral, which formerly flowed close to
the town, has now quite deserted it. At Sehwan is the shrine of Lai Shah-
baz, whose memory stands high for sanctity not only with Muhammadans,
but also with Hindus ; great numbers of pilgrims flock to this spot from
all parts of Sind and the neighbouring countries. To the west of the
town is a mound, about 80 feet high, surrounded with an ancient wall,
where the remains of towers are still visible. This work is ascribed to
Alexander the Great. The population of Sehwan in 1872 was 4296.
Its elevation above the sea is 117 feet. Lat. 26 26', long. 67 54'.
Area of taluk, 924 sq. miles. Pop. (1872), 54,292.
SEJAKPUR. State in Kathiawar, Bombay, paying a yearly tribute
of 31 to the British Government, and 11 to the Nawab of Junagarh.
SEKAIBIN. Town in Myanoung district, British Burma ; situated on
the left bank of the Irawadi river, sixty-nine miles west by north of
Pegu. Lat. 17 48', long. 95 16'.
SEKAIGADTT. Town in Independent Burma; situated on the left
bank of the Irawadi river, sixty-six miles south-west by west of Ava.
Lat. 21 22', long. 95 8'.
SELL Tillage in Nagar-Aveli district, Portuguese India. Pop. (1881),
SELTI. Tillage in Nagar-Aveli district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 521.
SELII (SAIL!!). Town in Wardha district, Central Provinces; situated
on the Bor river, eleven miles north-east of Wardha town, and close
to the old high road from Nagpur to Bombay. Lat. 20 50', long. 78
46'. Pop. (1881), 2918.
SEMRA. Thana in Gorakhpur district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 76,331.
SENDGARSA. Peak in the Santal Parganas district, Bengal, over-
looking the valley of the Eajmahal Hills. Elevation, about 2000 feet
above the sea.
SENDHAT. Town in Independent Burma ; situated on the left bank
of the Irawadi river, forty-six miles west of Ava. Lat. 21 54', long.
95 20'.
SENDTJRJANA. Town in Ellichpur district, Berar; situated about
sixty miles south-east of Ellichpur town. Pop. (1867), 7032.
SENHATI. Town in Jessor district, Bengal; situated four miles
north of Khulna.
SENTHAL. Town in BareiUy district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 4113.
SEODIVADUR. State in Kathiawar, Bombay, paying a yearly
tribute of 5 to the Gaekwar of Baroda, and 16s. to the Nawab of
SEONATH (SEO). River in Central Provinces, rising in Chanda
district, in lat. 20 30', long. 80 43'. It flows northwards through
Raipur district, then, turning to the east, it forms the boundary between
Raipur and Bilaspur districts for some distance, and finally falls into
the Mahanadi at Devighat.
SEOND A. Village in Banda district, N.W.P. ; situated on the route
from the town of Banda to Kalinjar, twenty-five north-west of the latter.
Lat. 25 18', long. 80 25'.
SEONDARA. Town in Moradabad district, 1ST.W.P. ; situated on the
route from Moradabad to Budaun, nineteen miles south by east of the
former. Lat. 28 33', long. 78 56'. Also thana. Pop. (1881), 63,320.
SEONI. District in the Narbada division of the Central Provinces ;
situated between lat. 21 36' 22 58', and long. 79 14' 80 19'. It
is bounded on the north by Jabalpur, on the east by Mandla and Balaghat,
on the south by Nagpur and Bhandara, and on the west by Narsinhpur
and Chhindwara. The area of the district is 3247 sq. miles, and its popu-
lation (1881), 334,733. It forms part of the high table-lands of the Satpura
range, spreading out into fine fertile plateaux, with a general elevation of
from 1800 to 2200 feet above the sea. The reserved forests of this
district are noticeable ; they mainly consist of teak, saj, and satinwood.
The chief river is the Wainganga, which rises a few miles east of the
Kagpur and Jabalpur road, and crossing the district and turning south
forms part of the eastern boundary separating it from Balaghat. Its
tributaries on the right bank are the Hiri and the Sagar. The chief
town is Seoni, which is also the capital of the district. Seoni, which was
formed into a separate district in 1861, is administered by a Deputy-
SEONI. Capital (in subdivision of same name) of Seoni district,
Central Provinces ; situated on the road from Nagpur to Jabalpur, nearly
half-way between the two places. Lat. 22 5' 30", long. 79 35'. Pop.
(1881), 10,203. Area of subdivision, 1664 sq. miles. Pop. (1881)
SEONI. Town (in tahsil of same name) in Hoshangabad district,
Central Provinces ; situated on the high road from Jabalpur to Bombay,
and on the G.I. P. Railway, which has a station here. Pop. (1881),
6998. Lat. 22 28', long. 77 29'. Area of tahsil, 491 sq. miles. Pop.
(1881), 53,865.
SEONIB AND. Lake in Bhandara district, Central Provinces; formed
by an embankment 630 feet long. It has an average depth of thirty
feet, and is eight miles in circumference. It is situated eight miles
north-west of the Nawegaon tank. Lat. 21, long. 80 2'.
SEOPUR. Town (in pargana of same name) in Benares district,
N.W.P. ; situated on the route from Benares to Jaunpur, three miles
north-west of the former, thirty-four south-east of the latter, five north-
west of the left bank of the Ganges. Lat. 25 21', long. 83 1'. Pop.
(1881), 1907. Pop. of pargana (1881), 33,728.
SEOPTTR (SHEOPUR). Town in Gwalior state, Central India; situated
near the western boundary of that territory. Lat. 25 39', long. 76 41' 15".
SEOPUR DIAR. Town in Ghazipur district, N.W.P. ; situated two
miles from the northern bank of the Ganges, and five miles south-east
from Ballia. Lat. 25 40', long. 84 18'.
SEORAJ. Tract of country in Kangra district, Punjab ; situated
between lat. 31 20' 30" 31 54' 30", and long. 77 14' 77 43'. It
consists in great part of forest land, of deodar and other trees, and lying
between the Sainj and the Sutlej, forms part of Kullu. Its area is 575
sq. miles.
SEORI NARAYAN. Town (in tahsil of same name) in Bilaspur
district, Central Provinces ; situated thirty-six miles east of Bilaspur
town, on the Mahanadi river. Pop. (1881), 2250. Lat. 21 43', long.
82 39'. Area of tahsil, 1415 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 276,590.
SEOTA. Town in Sitapur district, Oudh; situated thirty-two miles
east of Sitapur town, between the Chauka and Gogra rivers. Pop. (1869),
SEOTL River of Mirzapur district, N.W.P. ; rising in lat. 24 44',
long. 82 15', close to the Bujhat Ghat, and at an elevation above the sea
of probably upwards of 1000 feet. It holds a northerly course of about
fifteen miles, and then turning to the north-west, flows by the northern
base of the Kutra Pass, and receiving several small streams, falls into the
Bilund on its left side, in lat. 24 55', long. 82 8', having flowed
altogether a distance of about forty miles.
SERAMPUR (SRIRAMPUR). Town (in subdivision of same name)
in Hugli district, Bengal ; situated on the west bank of the Hugli river,
opposite Barrackpur. The Serampur station on the East Indian Railway
is thirteen miles north of Calcutta. The town is noted as the site of the
Baptist Mission, originally conducted by Carey, Marshman and Ward;
whose successors have established a church, school, college and excellent
library. The "Friend of India" newspaper is published here. The
manufacture of paper is a thriving business at Sjrampur. Lat. 22
45' 26", long. 88 23' 10". Pop. (1881), 25,559. Area of subdivision,
343 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 351,955. Also thana. Area, 22 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 68,344.
SERAMPUR. Town in Hazaribagh district, Bengal ; situated sixty-
one miles east by north of Hazaribagh. Lat. 24 8', long. 86 20'.
SERATJLIM. Tillage in Salsette district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 1044.
SERIGAO. Tillage in Sanguelim district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881\ 482.
Mysore State, formerly the capital ; situated on an island of the same
name in the river Kaveri, seventy-five miles south-east of Bangalore by
road, and ten miles north-east of Mysore city. The island is about three
miles in length by one in breadth ; the fortifications, constructed on an
irregular pentagon, and laid out by Tipii Sultan, lie at the western end,
and are exceedingly massive, with deep ditches cut out of solid granite.
They were "besieged three times by British forces, and eventually captured
in 1799 by General Harris, whenTipu himself was killed in the defence of
the breach. The fortifications have been left much in the same state as
they were at the time of the capture ; within the fort are the ruins of
of Tipu's palace and other buildings. Including Ganjam, a commercial
suburb to the east of the fortified town, the pop. in 1871 was 10,594.
The elevation above the sea is 2412 feet. Lat. 12 25' 33", long.
76 43' 8".
SESHACHALAM Range of hills skirting the east and north-east of
Cuddapah district, Madras. Elevation, from 1200 to 1800 feet above sea-
level. Between lat. 14 12' 14 35', and long. 78 1' 30" 78 56'.
SEW AN. Subdivision of Saran district, Bengal. Area, 853 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 749,482. Also thana. Area, 340 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
SEW AN. Town in Karnal district, Punjab ; situated fourteen miles
north of Kaithal. Lat. 29 42', long. 76 25'. Pop. (1881), 5717.
SEWANI. Town in Hissar district, Punjab ; situated twenty-one
miles south of Hissar town. Pop. (1868), 4053.
SEWNA. Town in Poona district, Bombay ; situated twenty-four
miles north-west by west of Poona. Lat. 18 42', long. 73 35'.
SEWNI. Town in Haidarabad State ; situated near the north-east
frontier, towards Nagpur, on a small river tributary to the Penganga.
Distance from the city of Haidarabad, north, 200 miles ; from the city
of Nagpur, south-west, eighty. Lat. 20 15', long. 78 28'.
SHABAZPUR RIVER. One of the mouths of the Meghna, flowing
east of the island of Deccan Shabazpur into the sea, in lat. 22 27',
long. 91 3'.
SHABKADAR ( SHANK ARGARH). Town and fort in Peshawar
district, Punjab ; situated about three miles from the foot of the western
hills, and seventeen miles north-east of Peshawar city. Lat. 34 10' 30",
long. 71 33'. The fort stands about a mile north-east of the village.
It was built by the Sikhs, and is now strongly fortified, and held by a
detachment from Peshawar.
SHADATPUR. Town in Shikarpur district, Sind, Bombay ; situated
on the route from Larkhana to Gandava, twenty-five miles north-west
of the former place. To the north-west stretches the dreary tract called
the Pat or desert of Shikarpur. Lat. 27 46', long. 67 55'.
SHAD AURA. Town in Gwalior State, Central India Agency ; situated
117 miles south- south- west of Gwalior, and ninety -two miles north-west
by north of Sagar. Lat. 24 37', long. 77 40'.
SHADIABAD. Pargana in Benares district, KW.P. Pop. (1881),
SHADIABAD. Town in Ghazipur district, N.W.P. ; situated on the
Bisu, a small river tributary to the Ganges, distant twelve miles north-
west of Ghazipur cantonment, thirty-two north-east from Benares. Lat.
25 40', long. 83 22'. Also thana. Pop. (1881), 82,397.
SHA 837
SHADIPTJR. Town in Kashmir State, Punjab; situated nine miles
north-west from Srmagar, and 112 miles north-east from Jhelum. Lat.
34 7', long. 74 53'.
SHAFIABAD. Village in Delhi district, Punjab ; on the route from
the city of Delhi to Karnal, eighteen miles north-west of the former. Lat.
28 53', long. 77 8'.
SHAHABAD. District in the Patna division of Bengal ; situated
between lat. 24 31' 25 43', and long. 83 23' 84 55'. It is bounded
on the north by the Ganges, separating it from the Ghazipur district of
the 1SVW.P., and the Saran district of Bengal ; on the east and south by
the river Son, separating it from the districts of Patna, Gaya, and
Lohardaga ; on the west by the Mirzapur, Benares, and Ghazipur districts
of the N.W.P., from which it is separated by the river Karamnasa. The
area of the district is 4365 sq. miles, and the pop. (1881), 1,964,909.
About a third of the district, situated in its south-western part, is rough
and elevated, and is probably about 500 feet above the flat alluvial plains
of the Ganges and the Son that occupy the remainder of the district.
In the extreme south of the district the Kaimur Hills rise to an elevation
of 1500 feet above the sea. In addition to the Ganges, Son, and Karam-
nasa rivers already mentioned, the district is watered by the Dhoba
or Kao and the Dargauti. It is also irrigated by the system of the Son
Canals, which are navigable, and hence form not only a protection against
famine, but an assistance to trade also. The chief towns are Arrah, the
capital (noted for its defence in 1857), Baxar, Sasseram, Dumraon, and
Jagdispur. The East Indian Railway traverses the district, which is also
intersected by the Ganges.
SHAHABAD. Town (in subdivision of same name) in Hardoi district,
Oudh ; situated on the road from Lucknow to Shahjahanpur, fifteen miles
from the latter town. There is a station here on the Oudh and Rohil-
khand Railway. Lat. 27 38 25", long. 79 59' 5". Pop. (1881),
18,510. Area of subdivision, 539 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 216,825.
Also pargana. Area, 131 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 67,182. And thana.
Pop. (1881), 126,033.
SHAHABAD. Town in Umballa district, Punjab; situated on the
left bank of the Sarsuti, but the river is now nearly desiccated by irriga-
tion channels and the silting up of dams. Lat. 30 10', long. 76 55'.
Pop. (1881), 10,218.
SHAHABAD. Town in Kashmir State, Punjab ; formerly a favourite
residence of the Mughal Emperors, but now ruinous and neglected.
It is situated in the midst of a fruitful and picturesque valley, famous for
producing the finest wheat in Kashmir. Elevation above sea-level, 5600
feet. Lat. 23 32', long. 75 16'.
SHAHABAD. Town in Jhalawar State, Rajputana ; situated on the
route from Kalpi to Kotah, 225 miles south-west of former, ninety-six
east of latter. Lat. 25 13', long. 77 12'.
SHAHABAD. Town in Rampur State, N.W.P. Lat. 28 34', long.
79 4'. Pop. (1881), 8200.
SHAHABAZAR. Town in Dharwar district, Bombay. Pop. (1872),
SHAHADA. Town (in subdivision of same name) in Khandesh
district, Bombay ; situated forty-eight miles north-west of Dhulia. Pop.
838 SHA
(1881), 5441. Area of subdivision, 479 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
64,: : 568.
SHAHADARA. Town in Meerut district, KW.P. Pop. (1881),
SHAH ALUM. Town in Dera Ismail Khan district, Punjab ; situated
on the left bank of the Indus river, 176 miles west by north of the
town of Lahore. Lat. 32 2', long. 71 17'.
SHAHANA. Thana in Murshidabad district, Bengal. Area, 25 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 31,023.
SHAHAPUIl. Town in Sangli State, Bombay. Lat. 15 50' 5", long.
74 33' 56". Pop. (1881), 10,732.
SHAHAPTJE. Subdivision of Thana district, Bombay. Area, 870
sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 107,729.
SHAHAPUR. Town in Poona district, Bombay ; situated thirty-two
miles west-north-west of Poona. Lat. 18 40', long. 73 26'.
SHAHAR and MAKULLA. State on the Arabian Coast; having
relations with the Resident at Aden. The Jamadar receives a salute of
12 guns as a personal distinction.
SHAHARA. Town in Nimar district, Central Provinces. Pop. (1881),
SHAHBANDAR. Town (in subdistrict of same name) in Karachi
district, Sind, Bombay ; situated in the delta of tne Indus, thirty miles
south-west of Mugalbhin, and thirty- three miles south of Sujawal. Shah-
bandar stood formerly on the east bank of the Malir, one of the mouths
of the Indus, but it is at present ten miles distant from the nearest point
of the river. Prior to 1775 there was an English factory here, which
supported fourteen vessels, but the stream deserted the place. Lat. 24
10', long. 67 56'. Pop. (1872), 1203. Area of subdistrict, 3378 sq.
miles. Pop. (1872), 103,887. Also taluk. Area, 699 sq. miles. Pop.
(1872), 21,046.
SHAHBAZAR. Town in Hugli district, Bengal ; situated near the
north-west frontier, towards the British district of Bardwan, four miles
from the right or east bank of the Damoda. Distance from Bardwan,
south-east, sixteen miles ; Calcutta, north-west, thirty-six. Lat. 22 59',
long. 88 4'.
8HAHBAZGARHI. Town in Peshawar district, Punjab ; situated
twenty-six miles north-west of the right bank of the Indus, thirty-five
miles north-east of the town of Peshawar. Lat. 34 15', long. 72 12'.
SHAHDADPTIR. Town (in taluk of same name) in Haidarabad district,
Sind, Bombay ; situated on the Jamwa Canal, fifteen miles north-east of
Hala, and forty miles north-east of Haidarabad city. Lat. 25 56', long.
68 40'. Pop. (1872), 2232. Area of taluk, 765 sq. miles. Pop. (1872),
SHAHDIRA. Village in Meerut district, KW.P; on the route from
Delhi to Meerut, six miles east of the former. Lat. 28 40', long.
77 21'.
SHAHDRA. Village in Lahore district, Punjab ; situated on the west
bank of the Ravi, nearly opposite Lahore city. It contains the mausoleum
of Jahangir and his wife Nur Jahan, and the tomb of Asaf Khan, brother
of the Empress. Lat. 31' 40', long. 74 20'. Pop. (1868), 4370.
SHA 839
SHAHD WAR A. Village in Agra district, K"W.P. ; situated on the
left bank of the Jumna, on the route from the city of Agra to Mainpuri,
five miles north-east of the former. Lat. 27 12', long. 78 8'.
SHAHDWARA. Town in Meerut district, N.W.P. ; situated near
the left bank of the Eastern Jumna Canal, about thirty-one miles south-
west of Meerut, and six miles east of Delhi. Lat. 28 40' 5", long.
77 20' 10". Pop. (1872), 7257. Also thana. Pop. (1881), 18,518.
SHAHGANJ. Town in Jaunpur district, N.W.P. Lat. 26 3'
30", long. 82 41' 30". Pop. (1881), 6317. Also thana. Pop. (1881),
SHAHGANJ. Town in Mfrzapur district, KW.P. ; situated forty-
one miles south-east of Mi'rzapur. Lat. 24 41', long. 83 1'. Also thana.
Pop. (1881), 25,329.
SHAHGANJ (MUKIMPUR). Town in Faizabad district, Oudh;
situated about ten miles from Faizabad town. Pop. (1869), 3744.
8HAHGARH. Town in Sagar district, Central Provinces; situated
forty miles north-east of Sagar town. Prior to 1857 this town was the
capital of the State of an independent chieftain, who took a prominent
part in the Mutiny. Lat. 24 19', long. 79. Pop. (1881), 2155.
SHAHGARH. Town in Bareilly district, N.W.P. ; situated twenty-
five miles north-west of Pilibhit. Lat. 28 47', long. 79 34'.
SHAHGARH. Town in Bareilly district, N.W.P. ; situated on the
route from Bareilly to Almora, thirty miles north of the former. Lat.
28 49', long. 79 35'.
SHAHGARH. Town in Jaisalmir State, Bajputana ; situated eighty-
six miles south-east by east of Bukkur, and fifty- three miles west by
north of Jaisalmir. Lat. 27, long. 70 6'.
SHAHI. Village (in pargana of same name) in Bareilly district,
N.W.P. ; situated near the right bank of the river Bhagul, nineteen miles
north of Bareilly. Lat. 28 33', long. 79 23'. Pop. (1881), 3755. Pop.
of pargana (1881), 43,828. Also thana. Pop. (1881), 58,431.
SHAHI. See HisLi.
SHAHJAHANABAD. Name given to the city of Delhi by Shah-
jahan, its founder.
SHAHJAHANPUR. District in the Bohilkhand division of the
KW.P. ; situated between lat. 27 3528 28' 15", and long. 79 23'
80 25' 45". It is bounded on the north by Bareilly ; on the east by the
districts of Hardoi and Kheri, in Oudh ; on the south by the Ganges,
separating it from Farrukhabad ; and on the west by Budaun and
Bareilly. The area of the district is 1744 sq. miles, and its pop. (1881),
856,946. It is a long narrow tract of very irregular shape, extending
from the base of the Himalayas to the Ganges. The chief rivers crossing
the district are the Gumti, the Khanaut, which falls into the Deoha below
Shahjahanpur town, the. Garai, and the Ramganga. The Oudh and
Rohilkhand Railway traverses the district in a north-westerly direction*
The chief towns are Shahjahanpur (the capital), Tilhar Pawayan, Jalal-
abad, and Miranpur Katra. Shahjahanpur is the seat of a Civil and
Sessions Judge, but the administration is conducted by a Collector-
Magistrate and Staff.
SHAHJAHANPUR. Capital (in tahsil of same name) of Shahjahan-
pur district, N.W.P. ; situated on the left bank of the river Deoha,
840 SHA
crowning the high ground just above its junction with the Khanaut.
An old fort overhangs the confluence, and a large masonry bridge spans
the smaller river. Lat. 27 52' 55", long. 79 56' 50". Pop. (1881),
74,830. There is a cantonment at Shahjahanpur. Pop. (1881), 7512.
Area of tahsil, 401 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 252,028. Also pargana.
Pop. (1881), 146,109. Andthana. Pop. (1881), 130,294.
SHAHJAHANPUR. Town in Gwalior State, Central India Agency ;
situated on the left bank of the river Tilir. 114 miles south-west of Guna,
ty-two north-east of Mhow. It received its name from its founder,
Shahjahan, Emperor of Delhi, who reigned from the year 1628 to the year
1658. Lat. 23 24', long. 76 18'.
SHAHJAHANPUR. Town in Meerut district, KW.P. ; situated on
the route from the town of Meerut to MoradaMd, twenty-one miles south-
east of the former. Lat. 28 52', long. 78 1'. Pop. (1881), 3618.
SHAHJAHANPUR. Town in Cawnpore district, N.W.P. ; situated
on the route from Kalpi to Etawah, twelve miles north of the former.
Lat. 26 16', long. 79 49'.
SHAHJAHANPUR. Town (in pargana of same name) in Gorakhpur
district, N. W.P. ; situated thirty miles east of Gorakhpur. Lat. 26 40',
long. 83 53'. Pop. of pargana (1881), 95,911.
SHAHJAHANPUR. Town in Gurgaon district, Punjab; situated
sixty-two miles south-west of Delhi. Lat. 28, long. 76 32'.
SHAH JAMAB. Town in Dera Ghazi Khan district, Punjab ; situated
on the right bank of the Indus, fifty-six miles south-west of the town of
Multan. Lat. 29 37', long. 70 49'.
SHAHKOTTA. Town in Madura district, Madras ; situated forty-four
miles east-north-east of Madura. Lat. 10 7', long. 78 47'.
SHAHLIMAR. Pleasure-ground in Lahore district, Punjab ; situated
in the village of Baghampur, five miles east of Lahore. The gardens
and pavilions were made by order of Shah Jahan, and were restored by
Ranjit Sinh, who substituted stucco for the original marble of the central
pavilion. Lat. 31 35', long. 74 23'.
SHAH NUHUR CANAL, flows out of the Firuzshah Canal in lat.
29 28', long. 76 54', and joins it again in lat. 28 50', long.
77 4'.
SHAHPUR. District in the Rawal Pindi division of the Punjab ;
situated between lat. 31 32' 32 42', and long. 71 37' 73 21'. It is
bounded on the north by the Jhelum river and district, on the east by
Gujrat and the river Chenab, on the south by Jhang, and on the west and
north-west by Dera Ismail Khan and Bannu. The area of the district is
4691 sq. miles; and the pop. (1881), 421,508. The greater part of the
district is still a barren waste, stretching from the Chenab across the
valley of the Jhelum into the Sind Sagar Doab as far as the Salt Range.
The cultivated portions are chiefly strips of land along the borders of the
Chenab and Jhelum rivers. Some of the upper land is good and used for
pasturage, but cannot be regularly cultivated for want of water. The
Salt Range rises to its greatest elevation, of 5000 feet, in Mount Sakeswar,
The chief towns are Shahpur, which is the capital, though in itself but
a small town, Bhera, Sahiwal, Khushab and Miani. The administration
is in the hands of a Deputy- Commissioner and Staff.
SHA 841
SHAHPUR. Capital (in tahsil of same name) of Shahpur district,
Punjab ; situated on the left bank of the Jhelum river, exactly opposite
Khushab. Pop. (1881), 7752. Lat. 32 16', long. 72 31'. Area of
tahsil, 1032 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 122,633.
SHAHPUR. Town in Allahabad district, N.W.P. ; situated on the
left bank of the Jumna, forty miles west of the city of Allahabad. Lat.
25 23', long. 81 15'.
SHAHPUR. Town in Lahore district, Punjab ; situated on the left
bank of the Ravi, sixteen miles south-south-west of the town of Lahore.
Lat. 31 24', long. 74 12'.
SHAHPUR. Town in Kashmir State, Punjab ; situated eight miles
east of the left bank of the Jhelum river, and ninety-three miles south-
west of Srmagar. Lat. 33 5', long. 73 53'.
SHAHPUR. Village in Umballa district, Punjab; situated on the
route from Saharanpur to Subathu, thirty-one miles north-west of the
former place. Elevation above the sea, 1228 feet. Lat. 30 17', long.
77 22'.
SHAHPUR. Town in Jhalawar district, Kathiawar, Bombay ;
situated eighty-four miles north-east by east of Rajkot, and forty-two
miles west-south-west of Ahmedabad. Lat. 22 51', long. 71 59'.
SHAHPUR. Town in Gorakhpur district, N.W.P. ; situated on the
route from Gorakhpur to Azamgarh, twenty-five miles south by west of
the former. Lat. 26 21', long. 83 17'.
SHAHPUR. Town in Mandla district, Central Provinces ; situated
on the route from Ramgarh to Rewah, eighteen miles north by east of
the former. Lat 23 3', long. 81 3'.
SHAHPUR. Town in Thana district, Bombay; situated forty-six
miles north-east of Bombay. Lat. 19 27', long. 73 21'.
SHAHPUR. Town in Haidarabad State; situated 119 miles south-
west by west of Haidarabad, and ninety-three south-east of Sholapur.
Lat. 16 40', long. 76 56'.
SHAHPUR. Range of hills in Mandla district, Central Provinces;
situated north of the Narbada river, and rising precipitously from the
valley of the Johila, which flows in a deep bed below.
SHAHPUR. Town in Gurdaspur district, Punjab. Pop. (1881), 1258.
SHAHPUR. Town in Muzaffarnagar district, KW.P. Pop. (1881),
3608. Also thana. Pop. (1881), 50,615.
SHAHPUR. Towns in Nimar district, Central Provinces, having a
pop. respectively (1881), of 3812 and 2364.
SHAHPUR. State in Kathiawar, Bombay, paying a yearly tribute of
46 to the British Government, and 14 to the Nawab of Junagarh.
SHAHPUR (PADSHAHPUR). Town in Bel gaum district, Bombay;
situated on the river Gutpurba, fifty miles north-west of the town of
Dharwar. Lat. 16 8', long. 74 45'.
SHAHPUR A. State in Rajputana. The Raja belongs to a junior
branch of the Udaipur family, and is a feudatory of Udaipur as well as of
the British Government. The area is estimated at 400 sq. miles. The
pop. being (1881), 51,750. The military force of the State consists of
12 guns, 20 artillerymen, 250 cavalry, and the same number of infantry.
SHAHPURA. Capital of Shahpura state, Rajputana. Lat.
27 23' 45", long. 76 1'. Pop. (1881), 10,652.
842 SHA
SHAHPURA. Town in Jaipur State, Rajputana; situated on the
route from Delhi to Mhow, 125 miles south-west of former, 382 north-
east of latter. Lat. 27 25', long. 76 12'.
SHAHPURA. Town in Mandla district, Central Provinces ; situated
on the route from Rarngarh to Bijawar, thirty-two miles north-west of
the former. Lat. 23 II 7 , long. 80 45'. Pop. (1881), 2588.
SHAHPURA. Town in TJdaipur State, Rajputana; situated 104 miles
north-east of TJdaipur, and sixty-two miles south-south-east of Ajmere.
Lat. 25 37', long. 75.
SHAHPURI. Island in Chittagong district, Bengal ; situated at the
mouth of the Naaf river. The centre of the island is in lat. 20 46',
long. 92 24'. Its seizure by the Burmese in 1824 was one of the causes
leading to the first Burmese war.
SHAHPUR KUBRA. Town in Gorakhpur district, K.W.P. ; situated
on the route from Gorakhpur to Azamgarh, twelve miles south of the
former. Lat. 26 31', long. 83 23'.
SHAHR. Town in Jaipur State, Rajputana ; situated on the route
from Agra to Nasirabad, ninety-two miles south-west of former, 129
north-east of latter. Lat. 26 37', long. 76 47'.
SHAHRA. Town in Gwalior State, Central India Agency ; situated
100 miles south-east by south of TJjjain, and eighty-two miles north-west
by west of Ellichpur. Lat. 21 51', long. 76 31'.
SHAHR SULTAN. Town in Muzaffargarh district, Punjab. Lat.
29 35', long. 71 2'. Pop. (1881), 2132.
SHAHZADANAGAR. Town in Budaun district, N.W.P. ; on the
route from Agra to Bareilly, thirty-four miles south-west of the latter.
Lat. 28 7', long. 79 7'.
SHAHZADAPUR. Town in Allahabad district, N.W.P. ; situated
half a mile from the right bank of the Ganges, on the route from the city
of Allahabad to that of Fatehpur, thirty-five miles north-west of the
former. Lat. 25 40', long. 81 28'. Pop. (1881), 3496.
SHAHZADPUR Village in Cawnpore district, N.W.P. ; situated on
the route from the cantonment of Etawah to that of Cawnpore, twenty-
six miles west of the latter. Lat. 26 22', long. 80 2'.
SHAHZADPUR. Town in Faizabad district, Oudh ; situated on the
river Tons, seventy-three miles south-west of Gorakhpur, thirty-seven
miles north-east of Sultanpur. Lat. 26 24', long. 82 28'.
SHAHZADPUR. Town in Pabna district, Bengal ; situated twenty-
eight miles north-east by east of Pabna. Lat. 24 12', long. 89 36'.
Also thana. Area, 201 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 216,494.
SHAIKHASIR. Decayed village in Jaisalmir State, Rajputana;
situated on the route from the town of Bikaner to that of Jaisalmir,
ninety-five miles north-east of the latter. Lat. 27 12', long. 72 14'.
SHAIKHAWATI (SHEKHAWATI). District of Jaipur State in
Rajputana ; situated between lat. 27 20' 28 33', and long. 74 40'
76 5'. The chieftains of Shaikhawati form a confederacy under the
suzerainty of Jaipur. The area has been estimated at 5400 sq. miles, and
its pop. at 432,000. It is chiefly noticeable for the valuable copper
mines at Khetri.
SHAIKH BUDIN. Sanatorium in Bannu and Dera Ismail Khan
districts, Punjab ; situated on the border of the two districts, fifty-seven
SHA 843
miles north of Dora Ismail Khan, and sixty-four miles south of Bannu.
Elevation above sea-level, 4516 feet. Lat. 32 17' 48", long. 70 50' 48".
SHAIKH BUDIN. Mountain range, separating the districts of
Bannu and Dera Ismail Khan, Punjab. The highest point (4516 feet
above sea-level) is occupied by the Shaikh Budin sanatorium.
SHAIKHPTJR. Village in Cawnpore district, N.W.P. ; situated on
the route from Kalpi to Etawah, nine miles north of the former. Lat.
26 13', long. 79 48'.
SHAIKHPURA. Town in Monghyr district, Bengal. Lat. 25 8' 30",
long. 85 53' 11". Pop. (1881), 12,517. Also thana. Area, 344 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 199,480.
SHAIL. Village in Bashahr State, Punjab ; situated at the south-
eastern base of the Wartu Mountain. Here is a mine of excellent iron
ore. Elevation, 8000 feet above the sea. Lat. 31 14', long. 77 37'.
SHAILGAON. Town in Haidarabad State ; situated 124 miles north-
west of Haidarabad, and 122 miles east of Ahmednagar. Lat. 19 4',
long. 76 38'.
SHAILOD. Town in Malabar district, Madras ; situated fifty miles
east-south-east of Cannanore. Lat. 11 34', long. 76 6'.
SHAIRMADAVL Town in Tinnevelli district, Madras ; situated ten
miles west-south-west of Tinnevelli. Lat. 8 40', long. 77 36'.
SHAKAPTJE. Town in Haidarabad district, Sind, Bombay; situated
on the great route from Cutch to Haidarabad. About a mile north-east
of the town are the ruins of a large city. Lat. 24 34', long. 68 24'.
SHAKARGARH. Tahsil of Gurdaspur district, PUD jab. Area 501
sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 208,228.
SHAKARPTJR. Town in Meerut district, N.W.P ; situated on the
route from Meerut to llewari, thirty-eight miles south-west of the former.
Lat. 28 37', long. 77 21'.
SHA-KHAI. Revenue circle in Bassein district, British Burma. Pop.
(1876-77), 3296.
SHALL Peak in Bhajji State, Simla district, Punjab ; situated about
four miles south of the ISutlej, very difficult of access on account of its
steepness. On its summit is a wooden temple where human sacrifices
were formerly offered to the goddess Kali. Elevation above sea-level,
9623 feet. Lat. 31 11', long. 77 20'.
SHALKUR. Fort in Bashahr State, Punjab ; situated near the
northern boundary of Kunawar, on the right bank of the Li, or river of
Spiti, the site being elevated 400 feet above the stream. Elevation above
the sea, 10,413 feet. Lat. 32, long. 78 34'.
SHALVARI. Town in Dharwar district, Bombay; situated thirty-
two miles cast by north of Dharwar town. Pop. (1872), 5220.
SHALWL Hiver of Jubbal State, Simla district, Punjab ; rising in
lat. 31 3', long. 77 36', and falling into the Tons river, in lat. 30 48',
long. 77 49', after a course of about twenty-five miles. In the upper
part of its course, it is called the Koti Nala.
SHAMBAZAR. Town in HugK district, Bengal. Pop. (1881), 12,462.
SHAMGARH. Town in Ajmere district, Ajmere; situated on the
route from Nasirabad to Jalor, twenty -four miles south-west by west of
the former. Lat. 26 8', long. 74 32'.
844 SHA
SHAMGARH. Village in Karnal district, Punjab ; situated on the
route from Karnal to Ludhiana, five miles north-west of the former
town. Lat. 29 45', long. 76 57'.
SHAMI. Town in Palanpur State, Bombay. Pop. (1881), 5306.
SHAMLI. Town (in tahsil of same name) in Muzaffarnagar district,
jS\AV.P. ; situated on the bank of the Eastern Jumna Canal, twenty-four
miles west of Muzaffarnagar town. Lat. 29 26' 45", long. 77 21' 10".
Pop. (1881), 7359. Area of tahsil, 461 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 202,233.
Also pargana. Pop. (1881), 56,182.
SHAMPUKER. Section of Calcutta. Area, 327 acres. Pop. (1881),
SHAMPITR. Thana in Howrah district, Bengal. Arei, 67 sq. miles,
Pop, (1881), 323,737.
SHAMSABAD. Town in Gwalior State, Central India Agency;
situated twenty-nine miles north-west of Bhilsa, and eighty-one west bj
south of Sagar. Lat. 23 49', long. 77 31'.
SHAMSABAD. Thana in Agra district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
SHAMSILA (SHIMSHTTPA). River of Mysore State ; rising in
Tumkur district, in lat. 13 25', long. 77 15', it flows in a southerly
direction to join the Kaveri, in lat. 12 19', long. 77 18', just below the
falls of Sivasamudaram. Its waters are utilized in the Tumkur district
to form the great Kadaba tank, and in the Mysore district to form the
Maddur tank and irrigation channels.
SHAMSHABAD. Town in Farrukhabad district, N.W.P. ; situated
on the right bank of the Buddhi Ganga river, eighteen miles north-west
of Patehgarh. Lat. 27 32' 15", long. 79 28' 40". Pop. (1881), 8271.
Also thana. Pop. (1881), 35,144. There are also two parganas of the
same name, East Shamshabad, with a pop. (1881) of 58,013 ; and West
Shamsbabad, with a pop. (1881) of 97,901.
SHAMSGARH. Town in Bhopal State, Central India Agency;
situated twelve miles west-south-west of Bhopal, and thirty-seven miles
north-west of Hoshangabad. Lat. 23 5', long. 77 20'.
SHAMSHERGANJ. Thana in Murshidabad district, Bengal. Area,
104 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 69,536.
SHAMSHERGANJ. Village in Sylhet district, Assam. Lat. 24 43',
long. 91 34'.
SHAMSHURNAGAR. Town in Gaya district, Bengal; situated
forty-one miles north-north-west of Sherghati. Lat. 25 4', long.
84 31'.
SHANDAMANGALTIM. Town in Salem district, Madras; situated
twenty-four miles south by east of Salem. Lat. 11 19', long. 78 18'.
SHANKARGARH. Town in Peshawar district, Punjab. Pop. (1881),
SHAN-KWENG. Revenue circle in Bassein district, British Burma.
Area, 40 sq. miles. Pop. (1878), 2402.
SHANOR. State of Rewa Kantha, Bombay, paying a yearly tribute
of 157 to the Gaekwar of Baroda. Area, 3f sq. miles.
SHARA. Town in Kashmir State, Punjab ; situated on the right bank
of the Sinh-ka-bab, or Indus river, and 192 miles north-east by east of
Jarnu. Lat. 33 50', long. 77 57'.
SHARADANADI ( AN AKAPALLI). River in Yizagapatam district,
Madras ; rising in the Madgol Hills, and, flowing south-west past
Anakapalli and Kasimkota, it enters the sea at "Wattada.
SHARAKPUR. Town (in tahsil of same name) in Lahore district,
Punjab ; situated on the bank of the river I)egh, to the west of the Ravi.
Lat. 31 27', long. 74 6'. Pop. (1881), 4595. Area of tahsil, 887 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 121,451.
SHARAV ATI. River of Mysore State and North Kanara district,
Bombay ; rising in lat. 13 44', long. 75 11', it flows in a north-westerly
direction through the district of Shimoga, in Mysore, and, after breaking
through the line of the "Western Ghats by a sheer leap of 900 feet over
the magnificent Palls of Gersoppa, falls into the sea at Honawar in North
SHARGODA. Town in Ganjam district, Madras ; situated thirty-two
miles west-north-west of Ganjam. Lat. 19 32', long. 84 40'.
SHARIAKANDL Thana in Bogra district, Bengal. Area, 151 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 122,362.
SHARRETALAL Town in Travancore State, Madras. Lat. 9 41'
30", long. 76 23' 20". Pop. (1871), 9228. An annual festival is held
in the town.
SHATAL PASS, in Bashahr State, Punjab ; on the route from Chuara
to Kunawar, over the most southern ridge of the Himalaya, here running
in a direction from east-south-east to west-north-west. It is excessively
dangerous, both on account of the deep snow from which it is never free,
and the furious cold winds, to which the traveller is exposed. The
elevation of the pass is 15,555 feet above the sea. Lat. 31 23', long.
78 3'.
SHATJLA (BARA SHAUL A) .Tillage in Bijnaur district, N.W.P. ;
situated on the route from the town of Moradabad to Muzaffarnagar,
thirty-one miles north-west of the former place. Lat. 29 3', long. 78 26'.
SHA YAK. Town in Kashmir State, Punjab; situated 187 miles east
by north of Srinagar, and 186 miles north-east by north from Kangra.
Lat. 34 13', long. 78 17'.
SHEDBAL. Tracts of land on the borders of the Kolhapur State,
Bombay. It was formerly one of the southern Marhatta jaghirs, but
lapsed many years ago.
SHEGAON. Town in Akola district, Berar, and a station on the
Great Indian Peninsula Railway ; situated twenty-four miles west of
Akola town, and about eleven miles from Balapur and Khamgaon. Lat.
20 48', long. 76 46'. Pop. (1881), 11,079.
SHEKOHPURA. Town in Gujranwala district, Punjab ; situated on
the road between Hafizabad and Lahore, twenty-two miles south-east
of the former town. It contains a ruined fort, built by the Emperor
SHEKUL. Town in Madura district, Madras; situated sixty miles
south-east, of Madura. Lat. 9 15', long. 78 43'.
SHELLA. State in the Khasi Hills, Assam. Pop. (1872), 5511.
Sheila has been for many years a station of the Welsh Calvinistic
846 SHE
SHEMAR. Tillage in Kumaun district, N.W.P. ; situated on the
route up the course of the Ramganga (Eastern), from Pithoragarh to the
Anta Dhara Pass, fourteen miles north of Pithoragarh, half a mile east of
the left bank of the Ramganga. Lat. 29 47', long. 80 12'.
SHEM DEO. Hindu temple in Kumaun district, N.W.P.; situated
on a summit of the Sub-Himalaya, east of Alniora cantonment eleven
miles. Elevation above the sea, 6760 feet. Lat. 29 37', long.
79 52'.
SHENDAMANGALAM. Town in Salem district, Madras. Lat. 11
40' 30", long. 78 10' 20". Pop. (1881), 12,575.
SHENDURJANA. Town in Amraoti district, Berar. Pop. (1881),
SHENDTTRNI. Town in Khandesh district, Bombay ; situated sixty
miles south-east of Dhulia, and seventeen miles east of Pachora station on
the Great Indian Peninsula Railway. Lat. 20 39', long. 75 39'. Pop.
(1881), 5644. An annual Hindu fair is held in this village.
SHENG-DHA-WAL Pagoda in Tavoy district, British Burma. It is
77 feet high, and 301 feet in circumference at the base.
SHENG-MAW. Pagoda on Tavoy Point, Tavoy district, British
Burma. Supposed to contain a tooth of Gautama.
SHENG-MTTT-TL Pagoda in Tavoy district, British Burma ; 58 feet
high, and 308 feet in circumference at the base. An annual festival is
held here.
SHENG-NGAY. Revenue circle in Prome district, British Burma.
Pop. (1876-77), 2142.
SHENKOTTA. Town in Travancore State, Madras ; situated on the
main road from Trevandrum and the South Travancore ports, across the
Ghats, to Tinnevelli, from which place it is distant about forty miles.
Lat. 8 59', long. 77 17' 45". Pop. (1871), 9752.
SHENKOTTA. Town in Tinnevelli district, Madras ; situated forty-
nine miles north-east by north of Tinnevelli. Lat. 9 17', long. 78 10'.
SHEO. Town in Jodhpur State, Rajputana ; situated on the route
from Jaisalmir to Balmir, thirty-six miles north of the latter. Lat.
26 12', long. 71 14'.
SHEOPURL Town in Bareilly district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 4519.
SHEORAJPUR. Thana in Allahabad district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
SHEORAJPUR. Tillage (in tahsil of same name) in Cawnpore district,
N.W.P. ; situated on the route from Cawnpore to Fatehgarh, and twenty-
one miles north-west of the former. Lat. 26 41', long. 80 12'. Area
of tahsil, 268 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 150,728. Also thana. Pop.
(1881), 51,266.
SHER. River of the Central Provinces, rising in lat. 22 34', long.
79 44', in Seoni district ; after a north-westerly course of eighty miles,
it falls into the Narbada, in lat. 23, long. 79 10', near the centre of
Narsinhpur district.
SHERGARH. Town in Bareilly district, N.W.P. ; situated on the
route from Bareilly to Almora, twenty miles north of the former. Lat.
28 40', long. 79 27'. Pop. (1881), 2326.
SHE 847
SHERGARH. Town in Muttra district, KW.P. ; situated on the
right bank of the Jumna, eight miles north-east of Chhata. Lat. 27 46'
40", long. 77 38' 40". Pop. (1881), 4712. Also thana. Pop. (1881),
SHERGARH. Village in Shahabad district, Bengal ; situated twenty
miles south-west of Sasseram. There was a fort here, but the whole
place is now in ruins. Lat. 24 49' 45", long. 83 46' 15".
SHERGARH. Town in Jaipur State, Eajputana; situated seventy-
four miles south-east by south of Jaipur, and 121 miles east by south of
Ajmere. Lat. 26 2', long. 76 35'.
SHERGH ATI. Town in Gaya district, Bengal ; situated at the point
where the Grand Trunk Road crosses the Murahar, twenty miles south-
west of Gaya. Lat. 24 33' 24", long. 84 50' 28". Pop. (1881), 5862.
Also thana. Area, 575 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 162,319.
SHERKHANWALA. Village in Firozpur district, Punjab ; situated
on the route from Ludhiana to Firozpur, nine miles east of the latter
town. Lat. 30 56', long. 74 42'.
SHERKOT. Town in Bijnaur district, KW.P. ; situated on the bank
of the Kho river, forty miles north-west of Moradabad. Lat. 29 19'
35", long. 78 36' 55". Pop. (1881), 15,087. Also thana. Pop. (1881),
district, Madras; situated on the Tambraparni river. Lat. 8 40' 40",
long. 77 35' 13". Pop. (1881), 7624.
SHERPUR. Town in Ghazipur district, KW.P. ; situated on the
alluvial plain south of the Ganges. Lat. 25 34' 40", long. 83 50'.
Pop. (1881), 9030.
SHERPUR. Town in Bogra district, Bengal ; situated twelve miles
south of Bogra, on the right bank of the river Karatoya. The place has
historical interest from its mention by Muhammadan writers as an
important frontier post. Lat. 24 40' 20", long. 89 28' 20". Pop. (1872),
4229. Also thana. Area, 165 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 78,875.
SHERPUR. Town in Maimansinh district, Bengal ; situated between
the rivers Shiri and Mirghi, about half a mile from the former, and one
mile from the latter, nine miles north of Jamalpur. Contains a fine
Hindu temple. Lat. 25 0' 58", long. 90 3' 6". Pop. (1881), 8710.
Also thana. Area, 528 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 187,065.
SHERPUR. Town (in subdivision of same name) in KMndesh
district, Bombay; situated thirty miles north of Dhulia. Lat. 21 21',
long. 74 57'. Pop. (1881), 7613. Area of subdivision, 651 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 43,321.
SHER SHAH. Fort in Multan district, Punjab ; situated upon the
Chenab river. Lat. 30 6' 45", long. 71 20'.
SHETTALLL Villages in Coorg, Madras, having a pop. (1881),
respectively, of 505 and 202.
SHETTIGANAHALLL Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 33.
SHETTIGERL Villages in Coorg, Madras, having a pop. (1881),
respectively, of 465 and 420.
SHETTIKAIBA. Town in Mysore State; situated sixty-two miles
south by east from Chitaldrug, and sixty-six miles north irom Serin ga-
patam. Lat. 13 21', long. 76 38'.
SHEVA (SIVA). Port on the coast of Thana district, Bombay-
Lat. 19 3', long. 72 54'.
in Salem district, Madras; situated between lat. 11 43' 11 55', and
long. 78 13' 78 24' 30". They occupy a total area of about 100 sq.
miles, with a plateau of about 20 sq. miles ; average elevation, 4500 feet ;
highest point in the Green Hills, 5410 feet above the sea.
SHEVGAON. Subdivision of Ahmednagar district, Eombay. Area,
670 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 87,113.
SHEVLI. Town in Haidarabad State ; situated 130 miles south-west
of Ellichpur, and 111 miles east- north- east of Ahmednagar. Lat.
19 46', long. 76 18'.
SHEWE ZUTO. Town in Independent Burma; situated eighteen
miles west from the right bank of the Irawadi, and 151 miles south-west
from Ava. Lat. 20 14', long. 94 25'.
SHIALBA. Village in Tehri-Garhwal State, KW.P. ; situated on the
right bank of the Jumna, near the confluence of the Budiar, a feeder of
that river. Lat. 30 50', long. 78 20'.
SHIALLI. Town in Tanjore district, Madras ; situated fifty-one miles
north-east of Tanjore. Lat. 11 15', long. 79 48'.
SHIANAGAR. District in Amreli division, Baroda State. Area,
29 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 5016.
SHIANKRA. Town in Tonk State, Ptajputana ; situated eleven
miles south-south-west of Tonk, and eighty-one miles east- south-east of
Ajmere. Lat. 26', long. 75 54'.
SHIAR. Pass in Bashahr State, Punjab ; leading over a ridge pro-
ceeding southwards from the great range of the Himalaya bounding
Kunawar on the south. The prospect from this spot is vast and magnifi-
cent, comprehending the Chor Mountain to the south-west ; on the east
the flanks of Barenda, but not the pass itself; to the south-east the
peaks of Jumnotri, rising one above the other in majestic disorder, and
covered with perpetual snow ; and beyond, the Gunas Pass, one of the
huge Ruldung peaks, upwards of 21,000 feet high. Shiar Pass has an
elevation of 13,720 feet above the sea. Lat. 31 19', long. 77 58'.
SHIBCHAR. Thana in Faridpur district, Bengal. Area, 121 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 116,043
SHIBGANJ. Thana in Maldah district, Bengal. Area 186 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 102,162.
SHIBGANJ. Thana in Bogra district, Bengal. Area 123 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 59,080.
SHIBI (SIBI). Village in Tumkur district, Mysore ; situated fifteen
miles north of Tumkur town. There is here a famous temple of Vishnu.
A festival is held annually, attended by upwards of 10,000 persons.
Pop. (1871), 754.
SHIBI. Village in Bashahr State, Punjab ; situated in the valley of
Ruskulung, near the left bank of the river Darbung. Elevation above
the sea, 9800 feet. Lat. 31 47', long. 78 29'.
SHIBPUR. Thana in Howrah district, Bengal. Pop. (1881), 31,594.
SHI 849
SHIKARPUR. District in Sind, Bombay ; situated between lat. 27
29, and long. 67 70. It is bounded on the north by the Frontier
District of Upper Sind ; on the east by the States of Bahawalpur and
Jaisalmir ; on the south by Khairpur State and the Karachi district ; and
on the west by the Khirthar Mountains. The area of the district is
10,000 sq. miles, and its pop. (1881), 852,986. The river Indus
intersects the district, and its alluvial plain is only broken at Sukkur and
Rohri by low limestone hills inclosing the river. The Khirthar range
on the west rises up to 7000 feet. The chief towns are Shikarpur
(the capital), Sukkur, with the island fortress of Bukkur, and Rohri on
the opposite side of the Indus. Larkhana is also a considerable town.
The administration is in the hands of a Collector-Magistrate and Staff.
SHIKARPUR. Capital (in taluk of same name) of Shikarpur district,
Sind, Bombay ; situated twenty-six miles south-east of Jacobabad, twenty-
two miles north-west of Sukkur, and forty miles north-east of Larkhana.
It lies in a fertile tract between the Chota Begari and the Raiswah
branches of the Sind Canal, and is about eighteen miles west of the Indus.
Elevation, 194 feet above sea-level. Lat. 27 57' 14", long. 68 40' 26".
Pop. (1881), 42,496. Area of taluk, 472 sq. miles. Pop. (1 872 )> 73,383.
SHIKARPUR. Town (in pargana of same name) in Bulandshahr
district, N.W.P. ; situated thirteen miles south-east of Bulandshahr town.
Lat. 28 17', long. 78 3' 15". Pop. (1881), 10,708. Pop. of pargana
(1881), 40,831. Also thana. Pop. (1881), 43,005.
SHIKARPUR. Village (in taluk of same name) in Shimoga district,
Mysore State ; situated near the right bank of the Choradi river, twenty-
eight miles north-west of Shimoga town. Lat. 14 15' 40", long. 75 23'
30". Pop. (1871), 2093. Area of taluk, 410 sq. miles. Pop. (1871),
SHIKARPUR. Town (in pargana of same name) in Muzaffarnagar
district, N.W.P. ; situated on the route from MuzafFarnagar to Rohtak,
fourteen miles west-south-west of the former. Lat. 29 22', long. 77 33'.
Pop. of pargana (1881), 58,554.
SHIKOHABAD. Town (in tahsil of same name) in Mainpuri district,
N.W.P. ; situated on the Agra road, nearly two miles from Shikohabad
station, on the East Indian Railway, and thirty-four miles west of Main-
puri town. Lat. 27 6' 5", long. 78 38' 10". Pop. (1881), 11,826.
Area of tahsil, 293 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 144,882. Also thana. Pop.
(1881), 56,888.
SHIKUR. Village in Jaisalmir State, Rajputana ; situated on the
route from the town of Bikaner to that of Jaisalmir, seventy-five miles
north-east of the latter place. Lat. 27 6', long. 72 10'.
SHILGANWA. Town in Jodhpur State, Rajputana; situated fifty-
eight miles north-east by north of Jodhpur, and seventy miles west-north-
west of Ajmere. Lat. 26 56', long. 73 42'.
SHILLONG. Capital of the Khasi and Jaintia Hills district, and
headquarters of the Chief Commissioner of Assam ; situated on a plateau
of the Shillong range, sixty-seven miles south by road from Gauhati.
In addition to the Civil station, Shillong contains a cantonment and
sanitarium, the elevation of which is 4951 feet above sea-level. The
climate is mild and equable, a temperature higher than 80 P. being
seldom recorded. Lat. 25 32' 39", long. 91 55' 32".
850 SHI
SHILLONG. Range of mountains in the Khasi and Jaintia Hills
district, Assam ; overlooking the station of the same name. The highest
peak (lat. 25 34' 18", long. 91 55' 43") attains a height of 6449 feet
above the sea.
SHIMOGA. District in the Nagar division of Mysore State ; situated
between lat. 13 3014 38', and long. 74 4476 5'. It is bounded
on the north and west by Dharwar and North Kanara districts of Bombay ;
on the south by Kadur ; and on the east by Chitaldrug. The area is
estimated at 3797 sq. miles, and the pop. (1881), 499,728. The general
elevation of the district is 2000 feet above the sea, rising in the west
to the Western Ghats, the highest point of which in this part is the
Kodachadri peak, 4446 feet above the sea-level. The chief rivers are
the Tungabhadra (formed by the junction of the Tunga and the Bhadra),
flowing northwards ; and the Shiravati, which passes through the Ghats
by the celebrated falls of Gersoppa. The chief towns are Shimoga (the
capital), and Nagar or Beclnur, the ancient capital.
SHIMOGA (SHIVA MUKH A). Capital (in taluk of same name)
of the Shimoga district, Mysore State ; situated on the right bank
of the Tunga river, 171 miles by road north-west of Bangalore. Lat.
13 55' 30", long. 75 36' 5". Pop. (1871), 11,034. A weekly fair
is attended by 1500 persons. Area of taluk, 533 sq. miles. Pop.
(1881), 79,031.
SHINGE. Town in Tavoy district, British Burma; situated 116 miles
sonth-south-east of Maulmain. Lat. 14 50', long. 98 10'.
SHINGNAPTJR. Town in Satara district, Bombay; situated forty-
six miles east by north of Satara. Lat. 17 51' 20", long. 74 42' 6".
Pop. (1876), 1506.
SHINLL Thana in Cawnpore district, KW.P. Pop. (1881), 64,212.
SHINOR. Town in Baroda State. Pop. (1872), 6006.
SHIOGANGANJ. Town in Jaunpur district, N.W.P. ; situated on
the route from the cantonment of Jaunpur to Partabgarh, twenty-six
miles west of the former, twenty-two east of the latter. Lat. 25 46'.
long. 82 14'.
SHIPKI. Village in Bashahr State, Punjab ; situated on the north-
eastern boundary, about one mile from- the left bank of the Sutlej. This
village is usually the limit of the exploratory travels of Europeans
towards Chinese Tartary, all beyond being guarded from intrusion with
the most vigilant jealousy. In proceeding to it from Dabling, there is a
choice of two routes ; one by Piming Ghat, having an elevation above the
sea of 13,518 feet, the other, a little to the south of the former, by the
Kungma Pass, having an elevation of 16,000 feet, but, notwithstanding
its greater height, easier than the former. The elevation of Shipki above
the sea is 10,597 feet. Lat. 31 48', long. 78 48'.
SHIPUR. Lofty peak in Tehri-Garhwal State, K.W.P. ; situated
on the north-east frontier, towards Chinese Tartary, six miles north-
east of Gangotri, in the bifurcation between the rivers Bhagirathi and
Jahnavi. Elevation above the sea, 18,681 feet. Lat. 31 1', long.
79 4'.
SHIRADTJN. Town in Haidarabad State; situated 172 miles west-
north-west from Haidarabad, and sixty miles north from Sholapur.
Lat. 18 31', long. 76 13'.
SHIRAJGANG. Town in Pabna district, Bengal. Pop. (1881),
SHIRALI. Port on the south-western coast of North Kanara district,
SHIRODA. State in Kathiawar, Bombay, paying a yearly tribute of
12 to the Gaekwar of Baroda, and 1 to the Nawab of Junagarh.
SHIROL. Town in Kolhapur State, Bombay. Pop. (1881), 6944.
Lat. 16 44' 10", long. 74 38' 40".
SHIRWAL. Town in Satara district, Bombay; thirty-two miles north
of Satara. Lat. 18 9', 74 1'.
SHISGARH. Village in Bareilly district, N.W.P. ; situated on the
route from the town of Bareilly to Almora, thirty-four miles north of
the former. Pop. (1881), 4198. Lat. 28 43', long. 79 23'. Also
thana. Pop. (1881), 47,011.
SHISWA. District in Baroda division, Baroda State. Pop. (1881),
SHITABGARH. Town in Multan district, Punjab ; situated sixteen
miles north-west from the right bank of the Sutlej, thirty-nine miles east
by south of the town of Multan. Lat. 29 57', long. 72 8'.
SHUT. Pass in Bashahr State, Punjab ; situated on a ridge projecting
northwards from the most southerly range of the Himalaya. The route
from the Barenda Pass, northwards, into Kunawar, lies over the Shiu.
The elevation of the pass is 13,350 feet. Lat. 31 24', long. 78 13'.
SHIVANASTJNDRUM. Island formed by the river Kaveri in Coimba-
tore district, Madras. It is three miles in length by one in breadth, and
upon it are the ruins of an ancient city of the same name. Lat. 12 17',
long. 77 14'.
SHIVILPUTTIR. Town inTinnevelli district, Madras; situated fifty-
five miles north of Tinnevelli. Lat. 9 30', long. 77 39'.
SHIVNER. Hill-fort in Poona district, Bombay; situated not far
from the Harischandragarh, and near the fort of Junnar. Shivner was
the birthplace of Sivaji. It commands the road leading to the Naneghat
and Malsejghat.
SHIWAR. Village, in Benares district, KW.P. ; situated on the left
bank of the Ganges, three miles north of the city of Benares. Lat.
25 21', long. 83 8'.
SHOILAGTJDI. Town in Madura district, Madras; situated fifty-
seven miles south-south-east of Madura. Lat. 9 10', long. 78 30'.
SHOLAGARH. Town in Dacca district, Bengal. Pop. (1872), 6525.
Lat. 23 33' 45", long. 90 20'.
SHOLANGARH. Town in North Arcot district, Madras; situated
fourteen miles north-north-east of Arcot. Lat. 13 4', long. 79 29'.
SHOLAPADI. Town in Salem district, Madras ; situated twenty-
seven miles north-west of Salem. Lat. 11 53', long. 77 56'.
SHOLAPUR. District in the Central Division, Bombay; situated
852 SHO SHE,
between lat. 17 13' 18 35', and long. 74 39' 76 1 1'. It is bounded
on the north by Ahmednagar district, on the east by Akalkot and
Haidarabad States, on the south by Kaladgi district, and on the west by
Satara and Poona districts and the States of Phaltan and Panth Pratinidhi.
The area is 4521 sq. miles, and the pop. (1881), 582,487. The chief
rivers are the Bhi'ma, with its tributaries the Man, Nira, and Sma, flow-
ing south-east. The chief towns are Sholapur (the capital), Barsi, Pand-
harpur, Karmala, and Vairag. The district, which is traversed by the
Great Indian Peninsula Railway, is administered by a Collector and staff.
There are two subdivisions of this district. (1) Sholapur. Pop. (1881),
89,649. (2) Sholapur City. Pop. (1881), 59,890.
SHOLAPUR. Capital of Sholapur district, Bombay ; situated on the
plain of the Sma, 125 miles east of Satara and 150 miles by rail from
Poona. Lat. 17 40' 18", long. 75 56' 38". Pop. (1881), 59,890,
exclusive of the cantonment (1391).
SHOLAVANDAN. Town in Madura district, Madras; situated on the
Vaigai river, twelve miles from Madura city. Lat. 10 2' 30", long.
78 2'. Pop. (1871), 2970.
district, Madras ; having a station on the Madras railway. Contains
a famous temple much frequented by pilgrims. Lat. 13 7', long. 79 29'.
Pop. (1871), 4956.
SHOR. Pargana in Kumaun district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 25,516.
SHORAPITR. Town in Haidarabad State ; previous to 1860 it was the
capital of a small state of the same name, tributary to the Nizam, but
the affairs of the state were constantly grossly mismanaged, and in 1857
the Raja joined in the Mutiny. On the settlement of affairs, the state was
ceded to the Nizam. Area, 2901 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 287,602.
The town of Shorapur is in lat. 16 31', long. 76 48'.
SHORIPUR CHOKL Halting-place in Dehra Dun district, N.W.P. ;
situated on the route from Dehra to Saharanpur, and seven miles south-
west of the former town. It is situate on the crest of the Khera Pass,
across the Siwalik Mountains. Lat. 30 14', long. 78 1'.
SHORKOT. Town (in tahsil of same name) in Jhang district, Punjab ;
situated among the lowlands of the Chenab, 36 miles south-west of Jhang
town. There is here a large mound of ruins surrounded by a wall of
antique bricks. The place has been identified by General Cunningham
with a town of the Malli, attacked and taken by Alexander. Lat. 30 50',
long. 72 6'. Pop. (1881), 2283. Area of tahsil, 1206 sq. miles. Pop.
(1881), 95,352.
SHORON. Town in Muzaffarnagar district, NYW.P.; on the route
from Muzaffarnagar to Rewari, thirteen miles south-west of the former.
Lat. 29 19', long. 77 39'.
SHOTJNG-GYO-GTJN. Revenue circle in Prome district, British
Burma. Pop. (1876-7), 3799.
SHRAVAN-BELGOLA. Village in Hassan district, Mysore State;
situated between two rocky hills called Chandra-betta and Indra-betta,
on which are rock inscriptions and a Buddhist statue. Lat. 12 51' 10",
long 76 31' 31". Pop. (1871), 1697.
SHRIMANGALA. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 151.
SHTJBARNAGARL Town in Ganjam district, Madras ; situated fifty-
one miles west of Gumsar, and 113 miles south of Sambalpur. Lat.
19 50', long. 83 54'.
SHUGUNG. Town in Manipur State, Assam ; situated on the left
bank of the Manipur river, thirty-nine miles south of Manipur. Lat.
24 15', long. 93 59'.
SHUHUR ( SEW AHTJR). Town in Muzaffarpur district, Bengal;
situated twenty-eight miles north by west of Muzaifarpur. Lat. 26 30',
long. 85 21'. Pop. (1881), 5475.
SHUJABAD. Town (in tahsil of same name) in Multan district,
Punjab ; situated about three miles from the present bed of the Chenab.
Lat. 29 53', long. 71 20'. Pop. (1881), 6458. Area of tahsil, 322 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 61,622.
SHTTJAGANJ. Town in Bara Banki district, Oudh; on the route
from Gorakhpur cantonment to Lucknow, 110 miles west of the former,
fifty-six east of the latter. Lat. 26 50', long. 81 35'.
SHUJAGANJ. Thana in Murshidabad district, Bengal. Area, 23
sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 23,857.
SHTIJTIL. Town in Jodhpur State, Rajputana; situated on the
left bank of the Raiii river, forty- six miles south-east by east of
Jodhpur. Lat. 25 56', long. 73 44'.
SHUK. Town in Nepal State ; situated 146 miles north-west by west
of Khatmandu, and 145 miles north of Gorakhpur. Lat. 28 47', long.
83 18'.
SHUKRABAD. Town in Kashmir State, Punjab ; situated forty-
three miles west of Srinagar, and seventy-eight miles north-north-east of
Jhelum. Lat. 33 59', long. 74 14'.
SHTJLI. Town in Cawnpore district, N.W.P. ; situated on the route
from Cawnpore to Mainpuri, twenty-one miles west-north-west of the
former. Lat. 26 36', long. 80 7'.
SHUNKERNAKOIL. Town in Tinnevelli district, Madras ; situated
thirty- two miles north by west of Tinnevelli. Lat. 9 10', long.
77 37'.
SHUNTHAPA. Town in Tinnevelli district, Madras; situated ten
miles north-east by east of Tinnevelli. Lat. 8 47', long. 77 53'.
SHTJPIAN. Town in Kashmir State, Punjab ; situated twenty-six
miles south of Srinagar, and eighty-four miles north-east by east of
Jhelum. Lat. 33 43', long. 74 56'.
SHTJRIARL Town in Jodhpur State, Rajputana ; situated sixty-two
miles south-east of Jodhpur, and seventy-eight miles south-west of Ajmere.
Lat. 25 40', long. 73 53'.
SHURUFUDINPUR. Town in Muzaffarpur district, Bengal ; situated
nine miles east of Muzaffarpur. Lat. 26 5', long. 85 35'.
SHUSHABAD. Town in Agra district, N.W.P. ; situated fourteen
miles south-east of the city of Agra. Lat. 27 1', long. 78 12'.
SHUTAR GARDAN. Mountain pass in Afghanistan, dividing the
Kuram and Logar valleys. It forms an important position on the road to
Kabul from the Kuram valley, and was taken and held by Sir F. Roberts
in 1878-9. The ascent on the Kuram side is comparatively slight, on
the Logar side it is very steep.
SHUTINL Village in Cawnpore district, N.W.P. ; situated on the
route from the cantonment of Cawnpore to that of Kalpi, fourteen
miles north-east of the latter. Lat. 26 16', long. 79 57'.
SHWE AN-DAW. Pagoda in Thayet district, British Burma ;
situated a few miles north of Thayet town.
SHWE BAN-DAW. 'Be venue circle in Thayet district, British
Burma. Pop. (1876-77), 4761.
SHWEDAGON. The great Pagoda of Rangoon, British Burma;
situated in the angle formed by the junction of the Eangoon and Pegu
rivers. It is an object of the greatest veneration in all the Indo-Chinese
countries. The hill on which it stands is fortified; the pagoda was
abandoned by the Burmese during the war of 1825-26, and was also
stormed and captured in 1852, during the second Burmese war. Lat. 16
46' 40", long. 96 13' 50".
SHWE-DOUNG. Revenue circle in Thayet district, British Burma.
Area, 82 sq. miles. Pop. (1876-77), 4394.
SHWE-DOUNG. Township in Prome district, British Burma,
Between lat. 18 28' 18 50', and long. 95 10' 95 23'. Area, 200
sq. miles. Pop. (1876-77), 25,901.
SHWE-DOTJNG. Town in Prome district, British Burma; situated
on the right bank of the Irawadi, about eight miles below Prome, on the
great road from Eangoon to the north. Lat. 18 42', long. 95 17' 30".
Pop. (1881), 12,373.
SHWE-DOTJNG MYOMA. Revenue circle in Prome district, British
Burma. Pop. (1876-77), 3332.
SHWE-GNYOUNG-BENG. Revenue circle in Bassein district, British
Burma. Area, 45 sq. miles. Pop. (1876-7), 2426.
SHWE-GNYOITNG-BENG. River in Bassein district, British Burma;
joining the Bassein river in lat. 17 1', long. 94 55'.
SHWE-GUN. Revenue circle on the left bank of the Salwfn, in
Amherst district, British Burma. Pop. (1876-77), 1994. ,
SHWE-GYENG. District in the Tenasserim division, British Burma ;
situated in the valley of the Tsit-toung river. It is bounded on the north
by the Toung-ngu district ; on the east by the Poung-loung range and
the Salwin district ; on the south by Amherst district ; and on the west
by the Pegu Yoma Hills, separating it from Tharawadi and Prome. Its
area' is 5567 sq. miles, and the pop. (1881), 171,144. The district is
inclosed by the Pegu Yoma and Poung-loung ranges, the latter rising to
4000 feet opposite to Shwe-gyeng town. The Tsit-toung river entering
at the northern border pursues a tortuous course southwards to the Gulf
of Martaban ; it is navigable throughout the district for large boats. The
Bhi-leng rises in the Salwin district, and also has a southerly course to
the Gulf of Martaban. The chief towns are Shwe-gyeng (the capital),
Kyaik-hto, Bhi-leng, and Tsit-toung, situated on the rivers of the same
SHWE-GYENG. Township on both sides of the Tsit-toung river, in
Shwe-gyeng district, British Burma. Pop. (1876-77), 49,198.
SHWE-GYENG. Revenue circle along the right bank of the Irawadi,
in Henzada district, British Burma. Pop. (1878), 3641.
SHWE-GYENG. Capital of Shwe-gyeng district, British Burma;
situated on the left bank of the Tsit-toung (Sitoung) river, at the con-
fluence of the Shwe-gyeng river, forty-four miles north-east of Pegu.
Lat. 17 55', long. 96 57' 30". Pop. (1881), 7519.
SHWE-GYENG. River in Shwe-gyeng district, British Burma;
rising in the high mountains north-east of Shwe-gyeng, and falling into
the Tsit-toung at that town.
SHWE-HMAW-D AW. Pagoda in the old town of Pegu, Rangoon
district, British Burma.
SHWE-LAY. River in Prome district, British Burma ; rising in the
western slopes of the Ko-dek spur of the Pegu Yomas. It flows in a
south-westerly direction, and falls into the Myit-ma-kha or Hlaing river.
Tlie river is known by the names of Shwe-lay, Wai-gyi, Wek-put, and
Khyun-khyun-gya, in various portions of its course.
SHWE-LAY. Township in Prome district, British Burma ; between
lat. 18 28' 18 51', and long. 95 30' 95 58'. Pop. (1876-77).
SHWE-IL River of Independent Burma; rising in lat. 23 51',
long. 98 30', and flowing westerly for about 180 miles, falls into the
Irawadi, in lat. 23 59', long. 96 10'.
SHWE-LOTJNG. Revenue circle on both banks of the Myit-ma-kha
or Hlaing river. Pop. (1876-77), 4266.
SHWE-LOTJNG. Township in Thun-khwa district, British Burma.
Area, about 1124 sq. miles. Pop. (1876-77), 34,715.
SHWE-LOTJNG. Town in Thun-khwa district, British Burma;
situated on the Irawadi river. Lat. 16 44' 30", long. 95 23' 30".
SHWE-MYENG-DENG. Pagoda in Thayet district, British Burma.
SHWE-MYENG-DENG. Revenue circle along the left bank of the
Bassein river, in Bassein district, British Burma. Area, 21 sq. miles.
Pop. (1876-77), 3224.
< SHWE-NAT TOTJNG. Pagoda in Prome district, British Burma ;
situated about sixteen miles south of Prome town. An annual festival is
held every March, attended by upwards of 20,000 persons.
SHWE-THEK-L WOT. Pagoda in Thayet town, Thayet district,
British Burma.
SHWE-TSHAN-DAW. Pagoda near Twan-te, in Rangoon district,
British Burma.
SHWE-TSHAN-DAW. Pagoda in Prome town, Prome district,
British Burma ; situated on a hill about half a mile from the bank of the
Irawadi, it gives its name to a quarter of the town. Its height is 180
feet, and it occupies an area of 11,025 sq. feet.
SIAL. River of Sambalpur district, Central Provinces ; rising in lat.
21 33', long. 84 18', and, flowing south-easterly for twenty-six miles,
falls into the Mahanadi river, in lat. 21 28', long. 84 1'.
SIALDA. Village in the Twenty-four Parganas district, Bengal ;
situated just outside the limits of Calcutta, and forming the terminus of
the Eastern Bengal and Calcutta and South-Eastern Railways. Lat. 22
35', long. 88 26'.
SIAL KA GARH. Town in Jhang district, Punjab; situated ten
miles from the right bank of the Chenab, fifty-three miles north-north-
cast of the town of Multan. Lat. 30 54', long. 71 50'.
856 SIA
SIALKOT. District in the Amritsar division of the Punjab ; situated
between lat. 31 56' 32 50', and long. 74 16' 75 3'. It is bounded
on the north by Kashmir State and the river Chenab, separating it
from Gujrat district; on the east by Gurdaspur ; on the south by Amritsar
and Lahore ; and on the west by Gujranwala. Its area is 1958 sq. miles,
and the pop. (1881), 1,012,148. The district forms the northern portion
of the Rechna Doab between the Chenab and Ravi ; its general character
is that of a level plain, though only twenty miles from the lowest range
of the Himalayas. The Chenab has two tributaries, both of which are
called Tavi. The Aik and Degh rivers flow only during the rains. The
chief towns are Sialkot (the capital), Pasrur, Zaffarwal, Kila Sobha Sinh,
and Chawindah. The district, which is fairly well supplied with roads,
is administered by a Deputy- Commissioner and Staff.
SIALKOT. Military cantonment and capital (in tahsil of same
name) of Sialkot district, Punjab ; situated on the northern bank of the
river Aik, seventy-two miles north-east of Lahore. Noted for its paper
factories, which employ over 1200 hands. Lat. 32 31', long. 74 36'.
Population, including cantonment (1881), 45,762. Area of tahsil, 637 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 402,825.
SIALPUNT. Town in Kumaun district, KW.P. ; situated on the
route from Almora to Thibet, sixty miles east-north-east of the former.
Lat. 29 58', long. 80 39'.
SIALTEKH. Village in Cachar district, Assam ; situated on the
Barak or Surma river, near the boundary of Sylhet.
SIAM. Independent kingdom in the Malay Peninsula ; bounded on
the west by the Salwm river and the watershed of the Tenasserim Yoma,
separating it from British Burma as far south as the Pakchan river and
the isthmus of Kra. To the east lie the provinces of Laos and Cambodia,
which assert independence, but are claimed as feudatories by Siam. This
gives the territory of Siam an area of about 309,000 sq. miles, situated
between lat. 4 21, and long. 98 107. The population is estimated
at 6,000,000, Muhammadans and Buddhists. The principal rivers are the
Menam and the Me-Ping, flowing north and south. The chief products
are rice, sugar, pepper, tobacco, and teak-wood. The capital is Bangkok,
situated on the left bank of the Menam.
SIANEYGITA. Town in Tavoy district, British Burma; situated 139
miles north-north-west of Tenasserim, and eight south of Tavoy. Lat.
13 59', long. 98 21'.
SIAORI. Thana in Jhansi district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
SIAPRL Town in Nepal State ; situated at the foot of the Himalaya
Mountains, sixty-four miles north-north-east of Khatmandu. Lat.
28 25', long. 85 37'.
SIARSOL. Coal-mine in Bardwan district, Bengal, forming part of
the Raniganj coal-field.
SIATAKTJND. Town in Champaran district, Bengal; situated thirty-
six miles south-east by east of Bettia. Lat. 26 30', long. 85 4'.
SIAULA. Village in Fatehpur district, N.W.P.; situated on the
route from Cawnpore to the town of Fatehpur, nine miles north-west
of the latter. Lat. 26 2', long. 80 44'.
SIB -SID 857
SIBGANJ. Town in Bogra district, Bengal; situated on the river
Karatoya. Lat. 25, long. 89 20'.
SIBGANJ. Town in Maldah district, Bengal ; situated twenty-six
miles south of Maldah. Lat. 24 40', long. 88 10'.
SIBPUR. Town in Midnapur district, Bengal ; situated forty- six
miles south by east of Midnapur. Lat. 21 47', long. 87 30'.
SIBPUR. Town in Sibsagar district, Assam ; situated forty-six miles
south-east by east of Lakhimpur. Lat. 27, long. 94 40'.
SIBPUR. Suburb of Howrah town, Hugli district, Bengal ; situated
in lat. 22 34', long. 88 16', opposite Fort William.
SIBSAGAR. District in the Assam valley division of Assam ; situated
between lat. 26 19' 27 16', and long. 93 21' 95 25'. It is bounded
on the north and east by Lakhimpur district, on the west by Nowgong
district, and on the south by the Naga Hills. Its area is 2855 square
miles, and the pop. (1881), 370,274. The district lies along the south
bank of the Brahmaputra, which is joined by many affluents from the
Naga Hills, the chief being the Dhaneswari, Buri Dihing, Disang and
Dikhu, all of which are navigable. In the Sibsagar district is included
the large island or alluvial deposit of Majuli, which has an area of 400
square miles, and is situated in the channel of the Brahmaputra. The
chief towns in the district are Sibsagar (the capital), Jorhat and Gola-
ghat. The district is a great centre of the tea-planting industry.
SIBSAGAR. Capital (in subdivision of same name) of Sibsagar
district, Assam; situated eleven miles from the Brahmaputra. Lat.
26 59' 10", long. 94 38' 10". Pop. (1872), 5278. Pop. of subdivision
(1872), 103,237.
SIDAM. Town in Udaipur State, Chutia Nagpur, Bengal ; situated
twenty miles north of Udaipur, and seventy-two miles south-west by
south of Palamau. Lat. 22 57', long. 83 24'.
SIDDAPUR. Town (in subdivision of same name) in North Kanara
district, Bombay; situated thirty-one miles east of Honawar. Lat.
14 21', long. 74 58'. Area of subdivision, 239 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
SIDDAPUR. Tillage in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 322.
SIDDAPURA. Villages in Coorg, Madras, having a pop. (1881),
respectively, of 941 and 36.
SIDDHAUR. Town in Bara Banki district, Oudh; situated sixteen
miles west of the civil station. Lat. 26 46', long. 81 26' 10". Pop.
(1869), 2203. A fair is held annually in this village. There are also
two parganas of the same name, North Siddhaur, with a pop. (1881) of
30,165, and South Siddhaur, with a pop. (1881) of 61,715.
SIDDHESHWARA Peak in the Brahmagiri range of mountains, a
section of the Western Ghats in the territory of Coorg. Lat. 12 21',
long. 76 3'. On the summit there is a temple dedicated to Siva.
SIDDHESWAR. Village on the boundary between the districts of
Cachar and Sylhet, Assam ; situated on the left bank of the Barak river,
at the foot of the Siddheswar range. An annual fair is held here, attended
by about 3000 persons.
SIDHAM (SIDHUAN). Village in Ludhiana district, Punjab;
situated about half a mile from the left bank of the Sutlej, on the route
from Ludhiana to Firozpur, thirty miles west of the former place.
Lat. 30 55', long. 75 26'.
SIDHAULL Tahsil in Sitapur district, Oudh. Pop. (1881), 240,602.
Also thana. Pop. (1881), 127,123.
SIDHATIT (SIDHAWAT). Town in Cuddapah district, Madras;
situated on the left bank of the Pennar river, ten miles east of Cuddapah.
Lat. 14 27' 56", long. 79 0' 40". Pop. (1871), 3759.
SIDHNA JOBNA. Pargana in Gorakhpur district, N.W.P. Pop.
(1881), 559,838.
SIDHPUR. Town (in district of same name) in Baroda State,
Bombay ; situated on the Saraswati river, thirty-two miles south-east of
Disa, fifty-eight miles north of Ahmedabad. Place of Hindu pilgrimage.
Lat. 23 55' 30", long. 72 26'. Pop. (1881), 13,505. Area of district,
266 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 95,079,
SIDLAGATTA. Town (in taluk of same name) in Kolar district,
Mysore; situated thirty miles north-west of Kolar town. Lat. 13 23'
40", long. 77 54' 41". Pop. (1871), 7009. Area of taluk, 163 sq.
miles. Pop. (1871), 91,849.
SIBLI. One of the Dwars or lowland tracts forming the Eastern
Dwars Subdivision of Goalpara district, Assam. Area, 361 sq. miles.
Pop. (1870), 12,696.
SIDLINGAPURA. Village in Coorg, Madras.
SIDNOWA. Village in Loharu State, Punjab ; situated on the
route from Hansi to Churu, thirty-one miles south-west of the
former. Lat. 28 42', long. 75 49'.
SIGEHOSURU. Village in Coorg, Madras.
SIGONEM. Village in Sanguelim district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 85.
SIGOTT A. Village in Coorg, Madras.
SIGIT. Village in Bulandshahr district, N.W.P. ; situated forty-five
miles east of Delhi. Lat. 28 35', long. 78 1'.
SIHA. Village in Gurgaon district, KW.P. Lat. 28 15', long.
76 29'.
SIHAR. Town in Fatehpur district, N.W.P. ; situated on the right
bank of the Ganges, nearly opposite Delmau, and eighteen miles north-
east of the town of Fatehpur. Lat. 26, long. 81.
SIHARL Town in Basti district, N.W.P. ; situated on the route
from Gorakhpur to Bahraich, sixty-two miles north-west by west of the
former. Lat. 27 8', long. 82 31'.
SIHARI KA SARAL Village in Agra district, KW.P. ; situated on
Ihe route from the city of Agra to Jaipur, and eight miles west of the
former. Lat. 27 9', long. 77 58'.,
SIHONDA. Town in Banda district, N.W.P. ; situated on the bank
of the Ken river, eleven miles south-east of Banda. In the time of the
Mughals, Sihonda was an important place, but has since fallen to ruins
and decay. Pop. (1872), 1477.
SIHOR. Town in Haidarabad State ; situated thirty miles west-
north-west of Daulatabad, and sixty-eight miles north from Ahmednagar.
Lat. 20 8', long. 74 50'.
SIHOR. Town in Bhaunagar State, Kathiawar, Bombay. Lat.
21 42', long. 72 1' 45". Pop. (1881), 9528.
SIHORA. State of Rewa Kantha, Bombay ; paying a yearly tribute
of 480 to the Gaekwar of Baroda. Its area is about 14 sq. miles.
SIHORA. Town (in tahsil of same name) in Jabalpur district, Central
Provinces ; situated on the road from Jabalpur to Mirzapur, four miles
north of the Hiran river, and twenty-seven miles north-east of Jabalpur.
Lat. 23 29', long. 80 9'. Pop. (1872), 3988. Area of tahsil, 1197 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 192,722.
SIHORA. Town in Bijnaur district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 9014.
SIHORA (TIRORA). Town in Bhandara district, Central Provinces ;
situated thirty miles north-east of Bhandara town. Lat. 21 24', long.
79 58'. Pop. (1881), 2539.
SIJAWAL. Taluk of Shikarpur district, Sind, Bombay. Area, 192
sq. miles. Pop. (1872), 15,107.
SUIT. Village in the Garo Hills district, Assam; situated on the
Sameswari river.
SIKANDARABAD. Town in Multan district, Punjab ; situated on
the left bank of the Chenab, thirteen miles south-south-west of the town
of Multan. Lat. 29 58', long. 71 26'.
SIKANDARABAD (SECUNDERABAD). Town (in tahsil of same
name) in Bulandshahr district, N.W.P. ; situated on the Delhi branch of
the Grand Trunk Road, thirty-six miles south-east of Delhi, and ten
miles east of Bulandshahr town. Elevation above the sea, 792 feet.
Lat. 28 27' 10", long. 77 44' 40". Pop. (1881), 16,479. Area of tahsil,
524 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 236,066. Also pargana. Pop. (1881),
86,824. And thana. Pop. (1881), 62,050.
SIKANDARPUR. Village in Gorakhpur district, N.W.P. ; situated
sixty-two miles west of Gorakhpur cantonment. Lat. 26 5 1', long. 82 2 1'.
SIKANDARPUR. Village in Saharanpur district, N.W.P. ; situated
on the route from Saharanpur to Hardwar, thirteen miles east of the
former town. Lat. 29 57', long. 77 50'.
SIKANDARPUR. Town (in pargana of same name) in Ballia district,
N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 7029. Pop. of pargana (1881), 269,545. Also
thana. Pop. (1881), 116,645.
SIKANDARPUR. Town (in tahsil of same name) in Azamgarh
district, N.W.P. ; situated on the route from Azamgarh to Muzaifarpur,
fifty-six miles east of the former. Lat. 26, long. 84 6'. Area of tahsil,
546 sq. miles. Pop. (1872), 281,809.
SIKANDARPUR. Town (in pargana of same name) in Unao district,
Oudh; situated on the left bank of the Ganges river, thirty-eight
miles south-west by west of Lucknow. Lat. 26 34', long. 80 29'.
Area of pargana, 58 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 31,416.
SIKANDRA. Town in Agra district, N.W.P. ; situated five miles
north-west of Agra city, on the Muttra road. Sikandra is chiefly notice-
able as containing the tomb of Akbar, commenced by that monarch, and
finished by his son Jahangfr in 1613. Lat. 27 12' 59", long. 77 59' 34''.
Also thana. Pop. (1881), 9877.
860 SIK
SIKANDRA. Pargana in Allahabad district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
104,469. Also thana. Pop. (1881), 43,790.
SIKANDRA. Thana in Monghyr district, Bengal. Area, 233 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 122,389.
SIKANDRA. Town in Cawnpore district, KW.P. ; situated on the
route from Cawnpore to Jalaun, forty-six miles west of the former. Lat.
26 22', long. 79 41'. Pop. (1881), 2100. Also thana. Pop. (1881),
SIKANDRA.-^-Town in Jaipur State, Rajputana; situated on the
right bank of the Bangatiga, ninety-three miles west of Agra, 135 miles
east of Ajmere. Lat. 26 57', long. 76 38'.
SIKANDRA RAO. Town (in tahsii of same name) in Aligarh
district, N.W.P. ; situated on the road from Koil to Mainpuri and Cawn-
pore, twenty -three miles south-east of Koil. Lat. 27 41' 10", long. 78
25' 15". Pop. (1881), 10,193. Area of tahsil,"342 sq. miles. Pop.
(1881), 175,873. Also pargana. Pop. (1881), 118,423. And thana.
Pop. (1881), 64,548.
SIKAR. Town in Jaipur State, Rajputana. Distance south-west of
Delhi, 143 miles, north-west of Agra, 180. Lat. 27 36', long. 75 20'.
Pop. (1881), 17,739.
SIKHAR. Town and fort in Benares district, N.W.P. ; situated on
the left bank of the Ganges, nearly opposite Chunar, twenty-three miles
south-west of Benares by water, seventeen by land. Lat. 25 8', long.
82 53'.
SIKKIM. State in the Eastern Himalayas; bounded on the north
and north-east by Thibet ; on the south-east by Bhutan ; on the south by
the Darjiling district; and on the west by Nepal. It is situated between
lat. 27 9' 27 58', and long. 88 4' 89, containing an area of about
2600 sq. miles, with an estimated pop. of 7000. There are several passes
northwards into Thibet. The most southerly, Jelep-la, rises to 13,000
feet; Guiatu-la and Yah-la next to it are 14,000 feet high. The Cho-la
and Tankra-la further north are respectively 15,000 and 16,083 feet high.
The chief rivers are the Tista and the Am-machu, flowing southwards
from the northern ranges. The capital is Tumlung, where the Raja
resides for nine months of the year, usually going to his estates at
Chumbi in Thibet in summer to avoid the heavy rains of Sikkim. The
Raja is entitled to a salute of 15 guns.
SIKLIBTIN. Town in Nepal State ; situated on the left bank of
a branch of the Rapti river, 104 miles west by south from Khatmandu.
Lat. 27 30', long. 83 38'.
SIKRI. Town in Ghazipur district, N.W.P. ; situated on the river
Mangai, thirty miles south-east of Azamgarh. Lat. 25 43', long. 83 29'.
SIKRI. Village in Gurgaon district, Punjab ; situated on the route
from Delhi to Muttra, thirty-one miles south of the former. Lat. 28 17',
long. 77 21'.
SIKRI. Town in Budaun district, N/W.P. ; situated on the route
from Bareilly to Delhi, thirty-five miles west of the former. Lat. 28
26', long. 78 59'.
SIKRIGULI. Town in Purniah district, Bengal ; situated on the
right bank of the Ganges, ninety-seven miles north-west of Berhampur,
197 miles east of Dinapur. The Rajmahal Hills come down close to the
river at this point. Distant north-west of Calcutta, by Berhampur, 215
miles ; by the course of the river, 268. Lat. 25 10', long. 87 43'.
SIKROL (SIROL). Suburb (on ^ the Barna) of Benares city, con-
taining the military cantonments, civil station and European quarter.
Lat. 25 20' 20", long. 83 1' 20". Also thana. Pop. (1881), 57,239.
SIKRORA. British cantonment in Gonda district, Oudh ; situated
three miles east of the left bank of the Eastern Sarju, a feeder of the
Gogra, fifty-six miles north-east of Lucknow, 115 north of Allahabad.
Lat. 27 7', long. 81 44'.
SIKWADANRA. Town in Nepal State ; situated 184 miles west by
north of Khatmandu, and forty miles north-west of Khachi. Lat. 28 26*,
long. 82 26'.
SIIA GANGA. River of Hill Tipperah State, Bengal; rises in lat.
23 55', long. 92 3', and flowing first westerly for thirty-five miles, then
south for eighteen, falls into the Gumti river, in lat. 23 34', long.
91 37'.
SILAI. River of Bengal ; rising in Manbhum district, and flowing
in a south-easterly direction into the district of Midnapur. After a
tortuous course it falls into the Rupnarayan (of which it forms the chief
tributary), near the point where that river touches the eastern boundary
of Midnapur.
SILANA. State of Kathiawar, Bombay ; paying a yearly tribute of
10 to the Gaekwar of Baroda.
SILANATH. Village on the Kamla river, in Darbhangah district,
Bengal. Lat. 26 34' 30", long. 86 9' 45". Pop. (1872), 2520. An
annual fair is attended by upwards of 15,000 persons.
SILAO. Thana in Patna district, Bengal. Area, 142 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 91,477.
SILCHAR. Capital of the district of Cachar, Assam ; situated on the
south bank of the Barak river, sixty-three miles east by south of Sylhet.
The military cantonments at Silchar are generally garrisoned by one
regiment of native infantry. Lat. 24 49' 40", long. 92 50' 48". Pop.
(1872), 3729. A trading fair is held here annually, attended by upwards
of 20,000 persons.
SILDA. Town in Midnapur district, Bengal ; situated thirty-nine
miles west-north-west of Midnapur. Lat. 22 40', long. 86 51'.
SILDARRAMPUR. Town in Nowgong district, Assam; situated
thirty miles south-east by east of Nowgong. Lat. 26 7', long. 93 10'.
SILHAT. Pargana in Gorakhpur district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
SILHETI. State in Raipur district, Central Provinces ; sixty miles
north- west of Raipur town. Area, 83 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 4475.
The town of Silheti lies in lat. 21 47', long. 81 9'.
SILL Town in Lohardaga district, Chutia Nagpur, Bengal ; situated
seventy-one miles east of Lohardaga. Lat. 23 23', long. 85 53'. Also
thana. Pop. (1881), 68,335.
SILLAY MEW. Town in Independent Burma ; situated on the left
bank of the Irawadi river, 116 miles south-west from Ava. Lat. 20 45',
long. 94 38'.
862 SIL SIM:
SILLER (SELERE). Biver in Vizagapatam district, Madras. It has
a very tortuous course through mountainous country, and finally, after a
total length of 150 miles, joins the Saveri at Moat, about twenty miles
north- east of the junction of that latter stream with the Godavari.
SILLIGOB1. Thana in Jalpaiguri district, Bengal. Area, 330 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 80,178.
SILONDI. Town in Jabalpur district, Central Provinces. Pop.
(1881), 2025.
SILPAT A. Tillage in Darrang district, Assam. A large fair is held
here annually.
SILVASSA. Tillage in Nagar-Aveli district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 680.
SIMAUNL Town in Banda district, KW.P. ; situated on an insig-
nificant stream tributary to the Jumna, eight miles south of the right
bank of the latter, twenty north-east of the town of Banda, seventy-eight
west of Allahabad. Lat. 25 36', long. 80 40'.
SIMBIL. Town in Udaipur State, Bajputana ; situated thirty-eight
miles north-west of Udaipur, and ninety miles south by east from Jodhpur.
Lat. 25 3', long. 73 30'.
SIMBOLONG. Town in Manipur State, Assam ; situated thirty-seven
miles west from Manipur, and forty miles east from Silchar. Lat.
24 48', long. 93 28'.
SIMBULKET. Tillage in Kumaun district, N.W.P. ; situated on the
route by the course of the Eamganga (Western), from MoracUbad can-
tonment to Almorah. It is distant fifty-six miles north of Moradabad.
Lat. 29 36', long. 78 45'.
SIMGA. Town (in tahsil of same name) in Eaipur district, Central
Provinces; situated on the Seo river, twenty-eight miles north of
Baipur town, on the road to Bilaspur. Pop. (1881), 2277. Area of
tahsil, 1401 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 275,626.
SIMIRIA (SIMRIA). Tillage in Gwalior State, Central India Agency ;
situated on the route from the fort of Gwalior to Sagar, twenty-nine
miles south of former, 184 north-west of latter. Lat. 25 55', long.
78 21'.
SIMIRIA. Town in Eewah State, Baghelkhand, Central India
Agency ; situated sixty-two miles south-east of Allahabad. Elevation
above the sea, 1009 feet. Lat. 24 45', long. 81 16'.
SIMLA. District in the Umballa division of the Punjab, consisting of
several detached plots of territory ; situated among the hills of the lower
Himalayan system as they fall from Bashahr State to the plains at
TJmballa, between the Sutlej and the Jumna. Its area is 18 sq. miles,
and the population (188 1) 42, 945. To the south and east of Simla the
hills between the Sutlej and the Tons culminate in the Chor peak, which
has an elevation of 11,982 feet above the sea. The chief places in the
district are Simla, which is its capital, and the headquarters of the
Government in the hot season, Kasauli, which is used as a convalescent
depot, Dagshai and Subathu, which are cantonments for British troops.
The Simla Hill States are in charge of the Deputy -Commissioner of
SIMLA. Tahsil of Simla district, Punjab. Area, 4 sq. miles. Pop.
(1881), 33,098.
SIMLA. Capital of Simla district, Punjab, and chief sanatorium and
summer capital of .British India; situated on a transverse spur of the
Central Himalayan system, at an elevation above sea-level of 7084 feet.
Distant from Umballa, seventy- eight miles ; from Kalka, at the foot of
the hills, by cart-road, fifty- seven miles. The view from Simla is ex-
ceedingly grand. To the north successive mountain ranges rise in pro-
portion as the distance increases, and are terminated with surpassing
grandeur by the snowy crescent of the Himalaya, the peaks of which, in
fine weather, have so distinct an outline against the dark-blue sky, that
their real distance of sixty or seventy miles seems not more than eight or
ten. Lat. 31 6', long. 77 11'. Pop. (1881), in the season, 13,258.
SIMLAPAL. Thana in Bankura district, Bengal. Area, 119 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 32,682.
SIMONBONG. Town in Darjiling district, Bengal ; situated six miles
north-west by west of Darjiling. Lat. 27 4', long. 88 13'.
SIMONG. Town in the Abar Hills, on the northern frontier of Assam ;
situated forty- six miles north-west by north of Sudiya, and 105 miles
north-east of Lakhimpur. Lat. 28 22', long. 65 20'.
SIMONGALPUR. Town in Sylhet district, Bengal ; situated forty-
five miles south by west of Sylhet. Lat. 24 18', long. 91 42'.
SIMORIA. Thana in Hazaribagh district, Bengal. Area, 377 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 37,029.
SIMRA (SIMOR). Village in Gorakhpur district, N.W.P. Lat.
26 35', long. 84 7'.
SIMRABAS. Town in Nepal State ; situated forty-four miles south-
west by south of Khatmandu, and thirty-five miles north-east of Bettia.
Lat. 27 10', long. 84 56'.
SIMRAON. Ruined town in Champaran district, Bengal; situated
partly in Nepal territory, the frontier line passing through the walls.
SIMR ATI. Town in Nepal State ; situated 141 miles south-east by
east of Khatmandu, and sixty- six miles north-north-west of Purniah.
Lat. 26 40', long. 87 13'.
SIMRATJTA. Town (in pargana of same name) in Rai Bareli district,
Oudh; situated fifty miles south-east of Lucknow. Lat. 26 17', long.
81 20'. Area of pargana, 67 sq. miles. Pop. (1869), 58,711.
SIMRI. Town in Gaya district, Bengal; situated thirty-six miles
west of Sherghati. Lat. 24 32', long. 84 19'.
SIMTOKA. Town in Bhutan State; situated seventy-three miles
east-north-east from Darjiling, and 120 miles north-west of Goalpara.
Lat. 27 25', long. 89 25'.
SIMULB ARIA. Town in the Twenty-four Parganas district, Bengal :
situated forty miles south by west of Calcutta. Lat. 29, long. 88 21'.
SIMULIA. Town in Dacca district, Bengal; situated twenty-one
miles north-north-east of Dacca. Lat. 24 2', long. 90 40'.
SIMURIA. Village in Bundelkhand, Central India Agency; situated
in the depressed tract or basin of Lohargaon, on the route from Allahabad
to Sagar, 230 miles south-west of the former, eighty-three north-east of
the latter. Lat. 24 16'. long. 79 58'.
SINA. River of Ahmednagar and Sholapur districts, Bombay ; rising
864 SIN
in lat. 19 8', long. 74 37'. It flows south-east through the Ahmednagar
district and that of Sholapur, and falls into the Bhima, river in lat. 17 22',
lon^. 75 58'.
SINAR. Town (in subdivision of same name) in Nasik district,
Bombay ; situated on the Nasik and Poona road, seventeen miles south-
east of the former town. Lat. 19 50' 25", long. 74 2' 30". Pop.
(1881), 7960. Area of subdivision, 519 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 66,081.
SINAWAD. Town in Indore State, Central India Agency ; situated
forty-three miles south-east by south of Indore, and 112 miles north-west
by west of Ellichpur. Lat. 22 8', long. 76 10'.
SINCHAL PAHAR. Range of hills in Darj fling district, Bengal.
A military depot with barracks for a European regiment is situated at a
height of 8607 feet above sea-level, on a spur from this range which
stretches gradually towards the Tista river. Lat. 26 59', long. 88 20' 5".
SINCHUXA. Hill range in Jalpaiguri district, Bengal ; forming the
boundary between British territory and Bhutan. Its average elevation is
from 4000 to a little over 6000 feet, the highest peak, Renigango (lat.
26 47' 30", long. 89 37' 15"), being 6222 feet above sea-level.
SIND CANAL, flowing from the Indus, at lat. 27 59', long. 69,
through the British district of Shikarpur.
SIND. A province of British India, included within the Presidency
of Bombay; situated between lat. 23 28 40', and long. 66 5071.
The Province of Sind consists of the lower valley and delta of the
Indus. It is bounded on the north by Baluchistan, the Punjab Province,
and Bahawalpur State ; on the east by the States of Jaisalmir and
Jodhpur in Rajputana ; on the south by the Rann of Cutch and the
Indian Ocean ; and on the west by Baluchistan. Sind is divided into the
five districts of Karachi, Haidarabad, Thar and Parkar, Shikarpur, and
Upper Sind Frontier. Its area is 48,014 sq. miles, and the pop. (1881),
2,413,823. The greater portion of the province consists of dry desert
and alluvial plains, which are irrigated by a network of channels from
the Indus. The only permanent stream in Sind, beside the Indus and its
tributaries is the river Hah. The only mountains are the Kirthar range,
which divide Sind from Baluchistan, and rise to a height of more than
7000 feet above sea-level. In the western portion of the Karachi district
there is a wild and rocky tract known as Kohistan, which forms an
exception to the general flatness of the province. Sind is very sparsely
populated. The bulk of the inhabitants are Muhammadans. The chief
towns are Karachi (the capital), Haidarabad (the old capital of the Talpurs),
and Shikarpur. Sind, which was annexed to the British Empire on the
conclusion of the war in 1843, is administered by a Commissioner. It is
traversed by the Sind, Punjab and Delhi Railway, and the Indus Yalley
State Railway.
SIND. River of Gwalior State, Central India Agency ; rising in Tonk
State, Rajputana, from a small range of mountains about 12 miles south-
west of the town of Seronj, in lat. 24 1', long. 77 29'. At about 10 or
1 2 miles from its source, it leaves the Tonk State, and enters that of
G-walior, through which it takes a northward course for about 130 miles to
Narwar, and thence turning north-east forms for about 60 miles the
boundary between Gwalior State and Datia State in Bundelkhand, and falls
into the Jumna on the right side, in lat. 26 26', long. 79 18', flowing
altogether about 260 miles. It receives during its course many small
streams, the principal being the Parbati and the Pohuj, the first falling
into the Sind on the left side, about twenty-five miles below Narwar, and
the other on the right side, four or five miles above its mouth. The Sind
is subject to great inundations during the periodical rains.
SIND ATJSL Fort and village in Etawah district, KW.P. ; situated
eight miles west of the right or west bank of the Jumna, twenty-two
miles south of the cantonment of Etawah. Lat. 26 29', long. 79 10'.
SINDEWAHI (SINDWAI). Town in Chanda district, Central
Provinces; situated sixteen miles north of Mul. Lat. 20 17', long.
79 42'. Pop. (1881), 4569.
SINDGI. Subdivision of Kaladgi district, Bombay. Area, 812 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 72,650.
SINDHIAPTJRA. State of Rewa Kantha, Bombay, paying a yearly
tribute of 6 to the Gaekwar of Baroda. Area, 4 sq. miles.
SINDHKHED MEW AS. State in Rewa Kantha, Bombay. Area,
311 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 53,214.
SINDI. Town in Wardha district, Central Provinces; situated twenty
miles east of Wardha town, on the Great Indian Peninsula Railway,
which has a station here. Lat. 20 48', long. 78 56'. Pop. (1881),
SINDKH AID Town in Haidarabad State ; situated fifty-four miles
east of Aurangabad, and 111 miles north-east by east of Ahmednagar.
Lat. 19 55', long. 76 11'.
SINDKHER. Town in Buldana district, Berar. Lat. 19 57', long.
76 10'.
SINDKHERA. Town in Khandesh district, Bombay ; situated about
thirty miles north of Dhulia. Lat. 21 17' 30", long. 74 50'. Pop.
(1872), 4501.
SINDONIM. Tillage in Nagar-Aveli district, Portuguese India.
Pop. (1881), 295.
SINDRAPA. Town in Sambalpur district, Central Provinces; situated
fifty-three miles south-east by east of Sambalpur, and ninety miles north
of Gumsur. Lat. 21 9', long. 84 44'.
SINDRI. Town in Jodhpur State, Rajputana ; situated on the left
bank of the river Soni, ninety miles south-west of the town of
Jodhpur. Lat. 25 32', long. 71 59'.
SIND SAGAR DOAB. Tract of country in the Punjab; situated
between the river Indus to the west, and the Chenab and Jhelum rivers
to the east. Its limits are from lat. 28 27' 34 39', and long. 70 31'
73 39'.
SINDUNUR. Town in Haidarabad State ; situated twenty-eight
miles south-east by east from Mudgul, and forty-three miles west from
Bellary. Lat. 15 46', long. 76 50'.
SINDURNL Town in Khandesh district, Bombay ; situated seventy-
two miles east of Malegaon. Lat 20 38', long. 75 37'.
SINDWA. Village and fort in Indore State, Central India ; situated
on the route from Mhow to Bombay, ninety miles south-west of the
former, and 274 north-east of the latter. It lies nine miles outside and
north of the Sindwa Ghat, a somewhat steep but much-frequented
mountain pass, leading from the highlands of the Satpura range to the
valley of the Tapti in Khandesh. Lat. 21 40', long. 75 20'.
SINDWA (SINDWAHA). Village in Lalitpur district, N.W.P. ,
situated on the route from Tehri to Ujjain, twenty miles south-west of
former, 246 north-east of latter. Lat. 24 30', long. 78 40'.
SINGA. Town in Muzaffarpur district, Bengal ; situated on the route
from Dinapur to Khatmandu, twenty-nine miles north-east of former,
176 south of latter. Lat. 25 50', long. 85 15'.
SINGA. Mountain pass in Bashahr State, Punjab ; leading across the
Himalayan range, which bounds Kunawar to the south. It is open from
May till the middle of August, but impracticable at other times from the
depth of the snow. Elevation above sea-level, between 16.000 and
17,000 feet. Lat. 31 15', long. 78 29'.
SINGA. Town in Shahjahanpur district, N/W.P. ; situated on the
route from Patehgarh to Shahjahanpur, eighteen miles north of the
former. Lat. 27 38', long. 79 40'.
SINGALILA. Hill range in Darj fling district, Bengal ; stretching
south from Kanchanjanga to the plains of India, and separating Sikkim
from East Nepal. Lat. 27 1' 27 14', long. 88 88 2'.
SINGANALLTJR. Town in Coimbatore district, Madras, and a station
on the Madras South-Western Eailway; situated in lat. 12 9', long. 77 C
16' 40". Pop. (1871), 7125.
SINGANMAT. Principal peak in the Sankara range, Santal Parganas
district, Bengal.
SINGAPORE. Island situated in the Straits of Malacca, at the
southern extremity of the Malay peninsula, from which it is separated by
a narrow strait, which, though not exceeding half a mile in breadth at
some points, was formerly the channel of navigation between India and
China, now carried on by a more southward course. The settlements of
Singapore, Malacca, and Penang, with the province of Wellesley, were
part of the British Indian Empire till 1867, when they were transferred
to the Colonial Office, and became a Crown Colony. The area of the
whole is 1350 sq. miles, and the pop. upwards of 320,000. The island of
Singapore is about twenty-six miles in length, and thirteen in its greatest
breadth, and contains an area of 223 sq. miles. Singapore owes its
prosperity to the freedom of its port, which has rendered it the great
entrepot for the goods of Europe, Asia, and Australia, that pass through
the Singapore Strait. The town of Singapore is built on both sides of
the embouchure of a small river, that empties itself into the sea at the
western head of a deep bay, and which is navigable for small craft. Lat.
1 16', long. 103 53'. Its pop. in 1881 was returned at 82,000.
SINGAPUR. Village in Shahjahanpur district, N.W.P. ; situated on
the route from Bareilly to Sitapur, forty-one miles south-east of the
former. Lat. 28 9', long. 80 4'.
SINGAPUR (SINGAPURAM). Town m Jaipur State, Madras;
situated on the left bank of the Lalgla river, twenty- one miles west of
Bissem Katak, and on the Banjara route to Nagpur. Lat. 19 3' 19",
long. 82 43' 16". The population was estimated in 1871 at about 800.
SIN 867
SINGARH. Village in Muzaffarnagar district, N.W.P. ; situated on
the route from Karnal to Meerut, seventeen miles south-east of the
former. Lat. 29 33', long. 77 14'.
SINGARH. Town in Poona district, Bombay; eleven miles from
Poona. Lat. 18 24', long. 73 50'.
SINGARINL Town in Haidarabad State ; situated 120 miles east of
Haidarabad, and eighty-six miles north by west of Gantiir. Lat. 17 31',
long. 80 20'.
SINGARPUR Village in Agra district, N.W.P. ; situated on the
route from the city of Agra to Jaipur, seventeen miles west of the
former. Lat. 27 7', long. 77 48'.
SINGARPUR. Town in Champaran district, Bengal ; situated
twenty-three miles north of Bettia. Lat. 27 6', long. 84 31'.
SINGARTIP ATI. Town in Salem district, Madras ; situated fifty-two
miles north-east by north of Salem. Lat. 12 15', long. 78 42'.
SINGATTUR. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 365.
SINGATJLI. Town in TJdaipur State, Rajputana ; situated 100 miles
east-north-east of TJdaipur, and forty-six miles north-east by north of
Nimach. Lat. 25, long. 75 20'.
SINGAURGARH. Hill-fort in Jabalpur district, Central Provinces ;
situated twenty- six miles north-west of Jabalpur city, on a high hill
commanding the narrow Sangrampur valley. Lat. 23 32' 30", long.
79 47'.
SINGAWALA. Village in Firozpur district, Punjab ; situated
twenty miles from the left bank of the Sutlej. Lat. 30 46', long.
75 11'.
Chutia Nagpur division of Bengal ; situated between lat. 21 59' 22 53',
and long. 85 2' 86 56'. It is bounded on the north by the districts
of Lohardaga and Manbhum ; on the east by Midnapur ; on the south by the
tributary States of Orissa ; and on the west by Lohardaga and the tributary
States of Chutia Nagpur. The Singbhum district comprises the Kolhan,
the subdivision of Dhalbhum, and the States of Parahat, Saraikala, and
Kharsawan. Its area is 3753 sq. miles, and its pop. (1881), 453,775.
The central portion is an undulating tract, inclosed by hill ranges. The
west and south-western portions are extremely mountainous and sparsely
inhabited by wild tribes of the Kols. Part of this is known as " Saranda
of the seven hundred hills," in which the mountains rise to an elevation
of 3500 feet. The chief rivers are the Subarnarekha and the Koel, with
its affluents the North and South Karo and the Koina. The chief and
almost the only town is Chaibasa (the capital).
SINGES WARTH AN. Village' in Bhagalpur district, Bengal; situated
four miles north of Maldahpura. A noted elephant fair is held here
annually. Lat. 25 58' 48", long. 86 50' 31".
SINGHAL Thana in Kheri district, Oudh. Pop. (1881), 110,432.
SINGHANA. Town in Jaipur State, Rajputana ; situated ninety-five
miles south-west of Delhi, and eighty north of Jaipur city. Lat. 28 5',
long. 75 44'. Pop. (1881), 5259. A copper mine in a rocky hill, two
miles south-west of the town, contains abundance of ore of a poor quality,
yielding from 2 to 7 per cent, of metal.
SINGHARA BUZURGK Town in Darbhangah district, Bengal. Pop.
(1881), 5032.
SINGHIRAMPUR. Town in- Farrukhabad district, N.AT.P. Pop
(1881), 1960.
SINGI. Town in Bahraich district, Oudh ; situated on the left bank
of the Gogra river, 101 miles north from Lucknow. Lat. 28 19',
long. 80 57'.
SINGIASUR. Town in Bhagalpur district, Bengal ; situated fifty-one
miles north by west of Bhagalpur. Lat. 25 55', long. 86 51'.
SINGIMARL Tillage in Goalpara district, Assam ; situated near the
left bank of the Brahmaputra, fifty-six miles south-west by west of Goal-
para, and about forty-two miles west of Tura station in the Garo Hills,
with which it is connected by road. Lat. 25 41', long. 89 53'.
SINGIMARL River of Kuch Behar State, Bengal ; entering the
State under the name of the Jaldhaka, at its extreme north-west corner,
it flows in a south-eastern direction and joins the river Dharla or Torsha
on the southern border. It is navigable all the year round. In the
middle of its course it is called the Manshahi, and lower down the
SINGLA. Tillage in Patiala State, Punjab ; situated on the route
from Hansi to Ludhiana, thirty-four miles south of the latter town.
Lat. 30 27', long. 75 59'.
SINGLA. River in Sylhet district, Assam; flowing north from the
Lushai Hills into the Surma.
SINGOLA. Village in Budaun district, KW.P. ; situated on the
route from Aligarh to Horadabad, thirty-six miles south-west of the
latter. Lat. 28 27', long. 78 26'.
SINGON. Town in Indore State, Central India Agency ; situated
fifty- two miles south-south-west from Indore, and 122 miles north-east of
Malegaon. Lat. 21 59', long. 75 34'.
SINGORA. Town in Phuljhar State, Sambalpur district, Central
Provinces ; situated fifty miles west-south-west of Sambalpur, and ninety-
six miles south of TJdaipur. Lat. 21 18', long. 83 15'.
SINGPHO HILLS. Tract of country bordering the extreme eastern
frontier of Assam, occupied by the Singphos, a wild tribe who are said to
be an offshoot of the Ka-khyens of Burma.
SINGPUR. Town in Rewah State, Central India Agency; situated
on the route from Sohagpur to Ratanpur, ten miles south-south-east of
the former. Lat. 23 11', long. 81 30'.
SINGPUR. Town in Mirzapur district, N/W.P. ; situated on the
route from Mirzapur to Sarguja, seventy-three miles south by east of the
former. Lat. 24 7', long. 82 55'.
SINGPUR. Town in Narsinhpur district, Central Provinces ; situated
on the route from Sagar to Seoni, sixty-eight miles south-south-east of
the former. Lat. 22 58', long. 79 13'. Pop. (1881), 3130.
SINGPUR (SOWASTHAN SINHPUR). One of the Mewas States
in Khandesh, Bombay. Estimated pop. (1872), 350.
SINGPURIA. Estate in Hoshiarpur district, Punjab. Lat. 31 2',
long. 76 40'.
SINGRA. Thana in Rajshahi district, Bengal. Area, 310 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 112,607.
SINGRAMATT. Town in Jaunpur district, KW.P. ; situated on the
ronte from Jaunpur to Sultanpur, twenty-five miles north-west of the
former, thirty-three south-east of the latter. Lat. 25 57', long. 82 28'.
SINGRAIJLI. Pargana in Mirzapur district, N.W.P., and partly
within the dominions of the Raja of Rewah. Pop. (1881), including
Dudhi, 69,944.
SINGRAUR. Town in Allahabad district, K"W.P. ; situated on the
left bank of the Ganges, twenty- seven miles above the city of Allahabad
by the river, and 835 miles from Calcutta by the same way. Lat. 25
85', long. 81 42'.
SINGTJR. Village in Jodhpur State, Rajputana; situated on the
route, vid Nagar, from Jaisalmir to Nasirabad, and 101 miles north-west
of latter. Lat. 27 10', long. 73 40'.
SINGUR. Thana in Hugli district, Bengal. Area, 71 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 59,184.
SINGWARA. Town in Rewah State, Baghelkhand, Central India
Agency ; situated on the route from Sohagpur to Dumoh, twenty-eight
miles west by north of the former. Lat. 23 26', long. 81 1'.
SINHACHALAM. Temple in Yizagapatam district, Madras ; situated
on a hill (800 feet above sea-level) six miles north-west of Vizagapatam
town. Lat. 17 46', long. 83 11' 8".
SINHGARH (SINHGAD). Hill-fort in Poona district, Bombay;
situated twelve miles south by west of Poona. The fort, being one of
great natural strength, was of considerable importance in the times of
Si'vaji and the Hahratta power. It was invested and capitulated to the
British in 1818. It is now occasionally used as a sanatorium. Lat. 18
21' 51", long. 73 47' 51".
SINJHATJLI SHAHZADPUR. Town in Faizabad district, Oudh ;
situated on the right bank of the Tons, opposite Akbarpur, thirty-six
miles south-east of Faizabad town, on the road to Jaunpur. Lat. 26
24', long. 82 35'. Pop. (1869), 5069.
SIN ORE. Town (in district of same name) in Baroda division, Baroda
State. Pop. (1881), 6047. Area of district, 134 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
SINTJR. Town in Ahmednagar district, Bombay, seventy-three miles
north-west of Ahmednagar. Lat. 19 51', long. 74.
SIOGARH. Town in Bahraich district, Oudh ; situated eighty-three
miles north-east of Lucknow, and 120 miles east of Shahjahanpur. Lat.
27 43', long. 81 55'.
SIOHARA. Town (in pargana of same name) in Bijnaur district,
N.W.P. ; situated on the Moradabad and Hardwar road, twenty-eight
miles south-east of Bijnaur town. Lat. 29 12', long. 78 38'. Pop.
(1881), 9014. Pop. of pargana (1881), 48,142.
SIOLIM. Tillage in Bardez district, Portuguese India. Pop. (1881),
SIGN. Suburb of Bombay City ; situated at its northern extremity,
and near the point where the island of Salsette is united with that of
Bombay by a causeway, and also by the railway-bridge. Lat. 19 2',
long. 72 56'.
SIP A. Town in Saran district, Bengal ; situated thirty miles south
by west of Bettia. Lat. 26 21', long. 84 30'.
SIP ATI. Town in Dholpur State, Rajputana; situated thirteen miles
north-west of Dholpur, and thirty-three miles south-west by south of
Agra. Lat. 26 47', long. 77 50'.
SIPRA (SIPRI). River of Central India, rising in Malwa, on the
north side of the Vindhyan range, eleven miles east of the small town
of Pipalda, in lat. 22 37', long. 76 12'. It has a winding course,
generally north-westerly, through a fertile country ; and forty miles from
its source receives on its left side the small river Kaund, and, passing
subsequently by the towns of Ujjain and Mehidpur, falls into the
Chambal, on the right bank, in lat. 23 54', long. 75 29', after a total
course of 120 miles.
SIPRI. Town in Gwalior State, Central India Agency ; situated on
the route from Kalpi to Kotah, 162 miles south-west of former, 156 east
of latter. Distant sixty-five miles south of Gwalior fort. Lat. 25 24',
long. 77 46'.
SIPTJN. River of Bashahr State, Punjab ; rising at an elevation of
15,000 feet, in lat. 31 24', long. 78 6', on the southern declivity of the
Yusu Pass, whence it is sometimes called the Yusu river. After a pre-
cipitate course of about five miles in a south-west direction, it receives a
considerable torrent, flowing from the north-east, and about two miles
below falls into the Pabur, the confluence having an elevation of 8300
feet, and being in lat. 31 18', long. 78 4'.
SIR. Estuary of the Indus in Sind, Bombay ; situated towards the
south east angle of the delta in lat. 23 46', long. 68 7'.
SIRA. Village in Bijnaur district, N.W.P. ; situated on the route
from Moradabad to Hard war, forty-three miles north-west of the former.
Lat. 29 24', long. 78 31'.
SIRA. Town (in taluk of same name) in Tumkur district, Mysore State;
situated thirty-three miles north-north-west of Tumkur town, and seventy-
three miles north-west of Bangalore. Lat. 13 44' 43", long. 76 57' 16".
Pop. (1871), 4231. Area of taluk, 670 sq. miles. Pop. (1871), 71,928.
SIRA. Town in Montgomery district, Punjab ; situated on the left
bank of the Ravi river, forty-nine miles south-west of the town of Lahore.
Lat. 31 7', long. 73 41'.
SIRA. Pargana in Kumaun district, KW.P. Pop. (1881), 11,409.
SIRAGTIPPA (SIRUGUPPA). Town in Bellary district, Madras;
situated on the Tungabhadra river. Lat. 15 38' 50", long. 76 56' 30".
Pop. (1881), 5013.
SIRAHA. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 91.
SIRAHOLALIT. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 56.
SIRAIN. Town in Puri district, Bengal; situated seventeen miles
north-west by north of Jagannath. Lat. 20, long. 85 45'.
SIRAJGANJ. Town (in subdivision of same name) in Pabna district,
Bengal ; situated near the Jamuna or main stream of the Brahmaputra.
It is an important mart for river trade, the chief export being jute. The
Sirajganj Jute Company gives employment to 1200 hands. Lat. 24 26'
58", long. 89 47' 5". Pop. (1881), 21,037. Area of subdivision, 1031
sq. miles. Pop. (1872), 656,575.
SIR 871
SIRAKOT. Fort and temple in Kumaun district, KW.P. ; situated
nine miles north-west of the confluence of the Gori and Eastern Kali.
The fort is on a rocky ridge, projecting from the northern slope of a
mountain, and having two of its sides craggy scarps to the depth of about
2000 feet, and the part most remote from the mountain terminated by a
chasm 700 feet deep. The narrow path from Almora to Nepal winds
round one of the steep sides. The temple is situate on a conical rock,
which rises nearly perpendicularly from the crest of the ridge, along
which the fortifications extend. During the Gurkha invasion in the early
part of the century, the garrison was cut off from their water supply,
upon which they surrendered, and the fort has ever since remained in a
ruinous condition. Elevation above the sea, 6924 feet. Lat. 29 49',
long. 80 17'.
SIRALL Town in Makrai State, Central Provinces. Pop. (1881),
SIKALKOPP A. Tillage in Shimoga District, Mysore. Lat. 14 20'
50", long. 75 19' 53". Pop. (1871), 1661. A weekly fair is held here.
SIRA MATJ (NORTH). Thana in Shahjahanpur district, KW.P.
Pop. (1881), 24,935.
SIRA MATJ (SOUTH). Thana in Shahjahanpur district, N.W.P.
Pop. (1881), 32,840.
SIRAMPUR. Town in Kimidi State, Ganjam district, Madras;
situated forty-nine miles west of Gumsur, and 120 miles south of Sambal-
pur. Lat. 19 45', long. 83 57'.
SIR ANGAL A. Villages in Coorg, Madras, having a pop. (1881)
respectively, of 1494, 45, and 21.
SIRANGALLL Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 140.
SIRANGOLI. Village in Sanguelim district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 66.
SIRASGAON. Town in Ellichpur district, Berar. Lat. 21 20', long.
77 45'. Pop. (1881), 5408.
SIRAULL Town in Bareilly district, N.W.P. ; situated on the route
from Bareilly to Moradabad, twenty miles west-north-west of the former.
Lat. 28 30', long. 79 10'. Also thana. Pop. (1881), 46,331.
SIRATILI PYAS. Town in Bareilly district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881)
SIRAWA. Town in Meerut district, N.W.P. ; situated on the route
from Meerut to Bulandshahr, sixteen miles south of the former. Lat.
28 47', long. 77 49'.
SIRDAR SHIR. Town in Bikaner State, Rajputana. Pop. (1881),
SIRDARNAGAR. Village in Cawnpore district, N.W.P. ; situated
on the route from Kalpi to Etawah, fifty-two miles south-east of the
latter. Lat. 26 20', long. 79 43'.
SIRDHTIRPUR. Town in IJnao district, Oudh ; situated on the left
bank of the Ganges river, forty-nine miles west from Lucknow. Lat.
26 56', long. 80 12'.
SIRDILA. Town in Gay a district, Bengal ; situated forty- one miles
south by west of Behar. Lat. 24 39', long. 85 29'.
872 SIB
SIBFAWAN. Pargana in Bareilly district, KW.P. Pop. (1881),
SIBHAN. River in Hazara district, Punjab ; rising at the head of
the Bhogarmang glen, in lat. 34 16', long. 73 19', and falling into the
Indus at Tarbela (lat. 34 5', long. 72 44'), after a length of about
eighty miles. It is not navigable, but is fordable almost everywhere,
except during floods.
SIBHATTI. Town in Sangli State, Bombay ; situated forty-one
miles east-south-east from Dharwar, and ninety miles west of Bellary.
Lat. 15 13', long 75 39'.
SIBHIND. Tract in the Punjab; consisting of the north-eastern
portion of the plain which intervenes between the Jumna and the Sutlej
rivers. It includes the British districts of Umballa, Ludhiana, and
Firozpur, together with the Native States of Patiala, Jind, and Nabha.
Sirhind has now no existence as an administrative division of territory ;
but in the historical sense it embraces the level plain between the
Himalayas and the desert of Bi'kaner, the Sutlej and the Jumna.
SIBHIND. Town in Patiala State ; situated twenty-three miles north
of Patiala, and twenty-seven miles north-west of Umballa. Lat. 30 38',
long. 76 29'.
SIBHIND CANAL. Irrigation work in Umballa and Ludhiana
districts, and Patiala and Nabha States, Punjab.
SIBHPUBA Town in Etah district, tt.W.P. Pop. (1881), 1045.
Also thana. Pop. (1881), 38,023.
SIBHUBPUB. Village in Faizabad district, Oudh ; situated on the
route from Azamgarh to Sultanpur, forty-six miles west of the former,
thirty-two south-east of the latter. Lat. 26 15', long. 82 43'.
SIBIDAO. Tillage in Ilhas district, Portuguese India. Pop. (1881),
SIBIGALALE. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 111.
SIBKUN. Fort in Garhwal district, N.W.P. ; situated on the route
from Almora to Garhwal, forty-three miles north-west by north of the
former. Lat. 30 10', long. 79' 20'.
SIBMATJ. Town in Bhopal State, Central India Agency ; situated on
the route from Hoshangabad to Sagar, seventy-six miles north-east of
former, thirty-eight south-west of latter. Lat. 23 24', long. 78 34'.
SIBMOWA. Village in Farrukhabad district, N.W.P. ; situated on
the route from the cantonment of Alfgarh to that of Fatehgarh, and
fourteen miles north-west of the latter. Lat. 27 26', long. 79 29'.
SIBMTIB. One of the Hill States in the Punjab, frequently called
Kahan, from the name of the chief town. Sfrmur is bounded on the north
by the Hill States of Balsan and Jubal ; on the east by the Dehra Dun
district, from which it is separated by the rivers Tons and Jumna ; on the
south-west by Umballa district, and some detached portions of the States
of Kalsia ; and on the north-west by the States of Patiala and Keonthal.
It lies between lat. 30 24' 31, and long. 77 5' 77 50', and has an
area of 1077 sq. miles, with a pop. (1881) of 112,371. The present Raja
(1885) has been created a K.C.S.I. ; he receives a salute of 11 guns, and
maintains a force of 100 cavalry, 530 infantry, with 10 field guns and 20
SIR 873
SIRODA. Tillage in Ponda district, Portuguese India. Pop. (1881),
SIROHL State in Rajputana ; situated between lat. 24 22' 25 16',
and long. 72 22' 73 18'. Sirohi is bounded on the north by Jodhpur;
on the east by Udaipur ; on the south by Palanpur and the Mahi Kantha
States of Edar and Danta, and on the west by Jodhpur. Its area is 3020
sq. miles, and the pop. (1881), 142,903. The country is much intersected
and broken up by hills and rocky ranges. It is divided in a direction
from north-east to south-west by the Aravalli mountain chain, of which
the main feature is Mount Abu, a well-known sanatorium and the head-
quarters of the Governor-General's Agent, situated at the southern ex-
tremity, where the highest peak has an elevation of 5653 feet above the
sea. The drainage from the Aravallis parts into the Loni river to the
west, and into the Banas river to the east. The Western Rajputana
Railway, on the narrow gauge, passes through the length of the State.
The Raja, who is entitled to a salute of 15 guns, maintains a military
force of 2 guns, 74 cavalry, and 260 foot-soldiers.
SIROHI. Capital of the State of the same name, Rajputana ; situated
sixty-seven miles north-east of Nasirabad, in lat. 24 53' 12", long. 72
54' 28". Pop. (1881), 5699.
SIROHI. Town in Darbhangah district, Bengal ; situated fifty-nine
miles north-west of Purniah. Lat. 26 25', long. 86 57'.
SIRONCHA. Town in Haidarabad State ; situated on the left bank
of the Wainganga river, 142 miles north-east from Haidarabad.
Lat. 18 55', long. 79 56'.
SIRONCHA (SINRONCHA). Capital (in tahsil of same name) of the
Upper Godavari district, Central Provinces ; situated on the left bank of
the Pranhita river, two miles above its confluence with the Godavari,
and 120 miles south-south-east of Chanda. Lat. 18 51', long. 80 1'.
Pop. (1881), 3476. Area of tahsil, 1085 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
SIRONJ. Town in Bhopal, Central India ; situated seventy-eight
miles north-west of Sagar, and 140 north-east of Ujjain, Sironj is built
at the foot of a pass connecting Malwa with the table-land to the north,
and at the beginning of the century belonged to the noted Pathan free-
booter, Amir Khan. Lat. 24 6' 23", long. 77 43' 30".
SIRONJ. Town in Tonk State, Rajputana. Pop. (1881), 11,356.
SIROT. Town in Jaipur State, Rajputana; situated on the route
from Agra to Mhow, sixty-two miles south-west of former, 350 north-
east of latter. Lat. 26 49', long. 77 12'.
SIROTJLL Village in Sanguelim district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 192.
SIRPADI. Town in Morbhanj State, Orissa, Bengal ; situated seventy
miles west by south of Midnapur. Lat. 22 16', long. 86 20'.
SIRPUR. Town in Haidarabad State; situated 164 miles north-north-
east of Haidarabad, and 128 miles south-east of Eliichpur. Lat. 19 30',
long. 79 38'.
SIRPUR. Town in Patna district, Bengal; situated on the right
bank of the Ganges, fifteen miles west of Patna city. Lat. 25 40',
long. 85 2'.
874 SIR
SIRPUR. Town in Murshidabad district, Bengal ; situated eighteen
miles west by south of Murshidabad. Lat. 24 8', long. 88 1'.
SIRPUR. Town in Khandesh district, Bom Day; situated sixty-four
miles north-north-east of Malegaon. ^ Lat. 21 20', long. 75.
SIRPUR. Town in Basim district, Berar. Contains a sacred Jain
shrine. Lat. 20 10' 30", long. 77 1'. Pop. (1867), 3555
SIRPURA. Pargana in Etah district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 34,638.
SIRPURA. Village in Mainpuri district, N.W.P. ; situated on the
route from Aligarh to Fatehghar, fifty-seven miles south-east of the
former. Lat. 27 38', long. 78 56'.
SIRPUR TANDUR. District in Haidarabad State. Area, 5022 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 214,231.
SIRSA. District in the Hissar division, Punjab; situated between
lat. 29 13' 30 40', and long. 73 57' 75 23'. It is bounded on the
north-east by the district of Firozpur and the State of Patiala, on the
west by the river Sutlej, on the south-west by the States of Bahawalpur
and Bikaner, and on the east by the district of Hissar. Its area is 3004
sq. miles, and the pop. (1881) 253,275. Sirsa is a sandy plain between
the rivers Sutlej and Ghaggar, but its cultivation is increasing. The
chief towns are Sirsa (the capital), Rania, Ellenabad, Fazilka, and Rori.
The district is administered by a Deputy-Commissioner and Staff.
SIRSA. Capital (in tahsil of same name) of Sirsa district. Punjab ;
situated on the north side of a dry bed of the Ghaggar. A large cattle
fair is held here every autumn. Lat. 29 32' 20", long. 75 7'. Pop.
(1881V 12,292. Area of tahsil, 994 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 94,245.
SIRSA. Village in Pilibhit district, N.W.P. ; situated on the route
from Bareilly to Pithoragarh, thirty-six miles north-east of the former.
Lat. 28 40', long. 79 52'.
SIRSA. Village in Allahabad district, N.W.P. ; situated on the right
bank of the Ganges, close to the confluence of the Tons, twenty-five miles
south-east of Allahabad. Lat. 25 16', long. 82 10'. Pop. (1881),
3442. Also thana. Pop. (1881), 29,010.
SIRSAGANJ. Town in Mainpuri district, BT/W.P. Also thana. Pop.
(1881), 74,215.
SIRSALLA. Town in Haidarabad State ; situated 179 miles north-
west by west from Haidarabad, and 111 miles east of Ahmednagar. Lat.
18 59', long. 76 28'.
SIRSAUL. Town in Cawnpore district, N.W.P. ; situated on the
route from the cantonment of Cawnpore to Fatehpur, fifteen miles southr
east of the former. Lat. 26 18', long. 80 33'.
SIRSAUL. Village in Aligarh district, iNVW.P. ; situated on the
route from the cantonment of Aligarh to that of Delhi, three miles
west of the former. Lat. 27 55', long. 78 6'.
SIRS AWA. Town in Saharanpur district, N.W.P. ; situated on the
route from Saharanpur to Umballa, ten miles west-north-west of the
former. Lat. 30 2', long. 77 29'. Pop. (1881), 3978. Also thana.
Pop. (1881), 29,832.
SIRSAWAN. Pargana in Bareilly district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
SIRSI. Town (in subdivision of same name) in North Kanara district,
Bombay ; situated 320 miles south-east of Bombay, and about forty miles
south-east of the port of Karwar. Elevation, 2500 feet above sea-level.
Lat. 14 36', long. 74 54'. Pop. (1881), 5633. Every second year a
fair is held here, attended chiefly by low-caste Hindus. Area of sub-
division, 779 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 62,400.
SIRSI. Town in Moradabad district, KW.P. ; situated seventeen
miles south-west of Moradabad town, and three miles east of the Sot
river. Lat. 28 36' 30", long. 78 39' 45". Pop. (1881), 5947.
SIRSI. State in the Goona Agency, under the Central India Agency.
Pop. (1881), 4026.
SIRSI. Town in Mgpur district, Central Provinces. Pop. (1881),
SIRSIA. Town in Gorakhpur district, N.W.P.; situated on the route
from Gorakhpur to Nepal, forty-six miles north by east of the former.
Lat. 27 20', long. 83 32'.
SIRSODEM. Village in Sanguelim district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 69.
S.IRSTT. Town in Gorakhpur district, N.W.P. ; situated on the route
from Gorakhpur to Jaunpur, twenty-two miles south-west of the former.
Lat. 26 29', long. 83 9'.
SIRSTJNDL- State in Chanda district, Central Provinces; situated
twenty-four miles east of Wairagarh ; comprising fifteen villages. Area,
38 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 755. Sirsundi village is in lat. 20 26', long.
80 23'.
SIRTTD. Group of villages in Jaisalmir State, Rajputana; situated on
the route from the town of Bikaner to that of Jaisalmir, and seventy
miles south-west of the former. Lat. 27 25', long. 72 33'.
SIRTJR (GHODNADI). Town (in subdivision of same name) in
Poona district, Bombay; situated on the river Ghod, thirty-six miles
north-west of Poona city, and thirty-four miles south-west of Ahmed-
nagar. Lat. 18 49' 45", long. 74 22' 51". Pop. (1872), 5049. At a
hamlet about two miles south of the town, a Hindu fair, attended by
about 3000 persons, is held yearly in March or April. Area of subdivision,
577 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 72,793.
SIRUTANDANALLUR (IRAL). Town in Tinnevelli district,
Madras ; situated near the mouth of the Tambraparni. Lat. 8 38', long.
78 35' 15". Pop. (1881), 6087.
SIRVOY. Village in Quepem district, Portuguese India. Pop,
(1881), 867.
SIRZA. Town in Agra district, N.W.P.; situated in lat. 27 21',
long. 77 43'.
SIS AHL Village in Hissar district, Punjab. Lat. 29 10, long.
76 6'.
SISAIYA. Thana in Bahraich district, Oudh. Pop. (1881), 70,873.
SISANDL Town in Lucknow district, Oudh ; situated eighteen miles
south from Lucknow, and forty -nine miles noith by east of Eatehpur.
Lat. 26 37', long. 80 59'.
SISANG CHATTDLL State in Kathiawar, Bombay, payir>g a yearly
tribute of 72 to the British Government, and 22 to the JSawab of
SISAULL Town in Muzaffarnagar district, iNYW.P. Pop. (1881),
SISEBJ. Town in Unao district, Oudh ; situated fifteen miles south
of Lucknow. Lat. 26 38', long. 80 50'.
SISKAL-BETTA (SISUKALI-BETTA). Mountain peak in the
Western Ghats, between Mysore State and the South Kanara district,
SISOLAR. Thana in Hamirpur district, KW.P. Pop. (1881),
8ISORA. Village in Hardoi district, Oudh ; situated on the route
from Bareilly to Lucknow, fifty-nine miles south-east of the former,
ninety-six north-west of the latter. Lat. 28 2', long. 80 13'.
SISPARA (CHICHCHIPARAI). Pass leading from Malabar to the
Ki'lgiris district, Madras. Lat. 11 12', long. 76 28'.
SISSAINDI. Town in Lucknow district, Oudh ; situated on the
banks of the Sai river, six miles south-east of Mohanlalganj. Pop.
(1869), 3140.
SISSANA. Town in Rohtak district, Punjab. Pop. (1868), 5051.
SISWA BAZAR. Town in Gorakhpur district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
SISWAL. Tillage in Hissar district, Punjab. Lat. 29 12', long
75 25'.
SISW ALL Town in Kotah State, Rajputana. Pop. (1881),
SITABALDI. Eocky hill, surmounted by a fort, on the outskirts of
the town of Nagpur, Nagpur district, Central Provinces. It is memorable
for the gallant defence made by a small party of British troops against
the Raja of Nagpur's army in 1817. Lat. 21 9', long. 79 8'.
SITAKUND. Peak in the Sitakund range, Chittagong district, Bengal ;
1155 feet above sea-level. Lat. 22 37' 40", long. 91 41' 40".
SITAKUND (CHANDRANATH). Hot spring on the mountain of
the same name, said to be bituminous. A great place of pilgrimage for
pious Hindus from all parts of India. Lat. 25 20', long. 86 31'.
SITAKUND. Tank excavated in the Mandar Hill, Bhagalpur district,
Bengal, nearly 500 feet above the surrounding plain.
SIT ALGrARL Village in Muzaffarnagar district, !NVW.P.; situated on
the route from Karaal to Meerut, eleven miles south-east of the
former. Lat. 29 35', long. 77 10'.
SITALPORE KHAS. Town in Purniah district, Bengal. Pop. (1881)
SITALPUR.- Village in Saran district, Bengal ; situated on the
Gandak river. Pop. (1881), 2474.
SITAMARHI. Town (in subdivision of same name) in Muzaffarpur
district, Bengal ; situated on the west bank of the Lakhandai. Lat. 26
35' 20", long. 85 31' 33". Pop. (1881), 6125. A large fair is held
here annually. Area of subdivision, 1014 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 837,894.
Also thana. Area, 562 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 469,262.
SITAMAU. State in Malwa, under the Central India Agency. Area,
350 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 30,839. The Raja receives a salute of
1 1 guns. The military force consists of 6 guns, 50 horse, and 200 foot.
SITAMAU. Capital of the State of the same name, Central India;
SIT 877
situated about 230 miles south-west of the fort of Gwalior. Lat. 24 2'
7", long. 75 22' 24".
SITAMPETTA. Pass in Yizagapatam district, Madras, heing one of
the principal roads from Yizagapatam into Ganjam, and the usual route
into North Jaipur. Lat. 18 40', long. 83 55'.
SITANAGAR. Town in Damoh district, Central Provinces. Pop.
(1881), 2513.
SITANAGARAM. Hills in Krishna district, Madras; situated between
lat. 16 28' 16 29' 40", and long. 88 38' 88 38' 40", on the right bank
of the Krishna river opposite Bezwada, and forming one base of the great
SITANG. Peak in the Singalila range, Darjiling district, Bengal;
situated to the south-east of Darjiling station. Lat. 26 54' 45", long.
88 26'.
SITAPUR. Division of Oudh, N.W.P. It comprises the three
districts of Sitapur, Hardoi, and Kheri. Area, 7555 sq. miles. Pop.
(1881), 2,777,803.
SITAPUR. A district in the Sitapur division of Oudh, KW.P. ;
situated between lat. 27. 7' 27 53', and long. 80 21' 80 26'.
The district is bounded on the north by Kheri ; on the east by the Gogra
river separating it from Bahraich ; and on the south and west by Bara
Banki, Lucknow, and Hardoi districts, the Gumti river forming the
boundary. The area of the district is 2253 sq. miles, and its pop. (1881),
958,251. It is a well-cultivated plain, watered by numerous rivers, of
which the chief are the Gogra, the Chauka, the Gumti, the Gon, Oel,
Kewani and Sarayan. The chief towns are Sitapur (the capital), Khairabad,
Laharpur, Biswan, Mahmudabad and Paintepur. The district is ad-
ministered by a Deputy- Commissioner and Staff.
SITAPUR. Capital (in tahsil of same name) of Sitapur district,
Oudh ; situated on the banks of the Sarayan river, half-way on the road
from Lucknow to Shahjahanpur. Lat. 27 34' 5", long. 80 42' 55".
Pop. (1881), 6780, exclusive of the cantonment (pop. (1881), 3780).
Area of tahsil, 564 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 257,514. Also pargana.
Area, 115 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 59,811. And thana. Pop. (1881),
SITAPUR. Town in Banda district, KW.P. ; situated a short distance
from the foot of the sacred hill of Chitrakot, on the left bank of the
Paisuni river, five miles from Karwi, and forty-three miles from Banda
town. Pop. (1881), 1977.
SITARAMPUR. One of the abandoned coal-mines of the Raniganj
coal-field in Bardwan district, Bengal. The mine was given up in conse-
quence of the poor quality of the coal.
SITI LIKH. Peak of the main range of the Himalayas, in Kumaun
district, N.W.P. ; situated on the right bank of the Kali. Elevation
above the sea, 15,833 feet. Lat. 30 8', long. 80 52'.
SITLA. Town in Bankura district, Bengal; situated fourteen miles
north-east of Bankura. Lat. 23 22', long. 87 15'.
SITPUR. Village in Muzaffargarh district, Punjab. Pop. (1881),
SITTANG. Town in Shwe-gyeng district, British .Burma ; situated
on the left bank of the Sittang river, seventy-two miles north-north-
east from Rangoon. Lat. 17 42', long. 96 49'.
SITUNDA. Town in Haidarabad State ; situated forty-eight miles
north by east from Aurungabad, and sixty-two miles east from Malegaon.
Lat. 20 32', long. 75 29'.
SITTJRWALA. Village in Bijnaur district, N.W.P. ; situated on the
route from Moradabad to Hardwar, forty miles south-east of the latter.
Lat. 29 30', long. 78 28'.
SIUHA. Than a in Muzaffarpur district, Bengal. Area, 203 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 146,116.
SIVAGANGA. State in Madura district, Madras. Its area is about
1460 sq. miles. Pop. (1871), 432,023. The town of Sivaganga lat. 9
51', long. 78 31' 50" contained in (1881), 8343 inhabitants.
SIVAGANGA. Hill in Bangalore district, Mysore; many religious
associations are connected with this hill, and its face is crowded with
sacred buildings and inscriptions. Elevation, 4559 feet above sea-level.
Lat. 13 10', long. 77 17'. Pop. (1871), 721.
SIVAGIRL Town in Tinnevelli district, Madras. Lat. 9 20' 20",
long. 77 28'. Pop. (1881), 13,632.
SIVAKASL Town in Tinnevelli district, Madras. Lat. 9 27 7 10",
long. 77 50' 20". Pop. (1881), 10,833.
SIVAPURA. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 4.
SIVARALLL Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 103.
district, Madras ; formed by the branching of the Kaveri river into two
streams. It is about three miles long, by three-quarters of a mile broad.
The island is properly called Heggura, but the name of Sivasamudram
is derived from an ancient city, of which a few remains are still visible.
Lat. 12 16', long. 77 14'.
SIVUR. Town in Coimbatore district, Madras; situated twenty-five
miles north-east of Coimbatore. Lat. 11 15', long. 77 16'.
SIWAGANJ. Village in Maihar State, Central India Agency; situated
on the route from Mirzapur to Jabalpur, 171 miles south-west of former,
seventy-four north-east of latter. Lat. 24 2', long. 80 32'.
SIW AHUT. Village in Allahabad district, JN.W.P. ; situated on the
route from Allahabad cantonment to that of Partabgarh, in Oudh, eight
miles north of the former, twenty-three south of the latter. Lat. 25 36',
long. 81 55'.
SIWALIK HILLS. Mountain range in Dehra Dun district, 1ST.W.P.,
and in Sirmur State and Hoshiarpur district, Punjab ; situated between
lat. 29 58' 4" 30 23', long. 77 45' 78 11' 28". The Siwalik chain
crosses the Dehra Dun districts in a north-westerly direction, and dips for
a while in the Jumna valley. Thence it enters Sirmur and the Simla
Hill States at a slightly greater elevation, till the Sutlej river forces its
passage through. From this point the range becomes more of an elevated
table-land in the Hoshiarpur district till it reaches the basin of the Beas.
The total length of the range from the Ganges to the Beas is about 200
miles, and its average breadth ten miles. The highest peaks have an
elovjition of upwards of 3500 feet above the sea.
SIW AN A. Town in Jodhpur State, Kajputana; situated nine miles
south of the left bank of the Luni river, and sixty-two miles south-west
of Jodhpur. Lat. 25 40', long. 72 29'.
SIWANI. Town in Hissar district, Punjab; situated on the route
from Hissar to Jhunjhnu, nineteen miles south-south-west of the former.
Lat. 28 53', long. 75 44'.
SIWARA. Town in Jodhpur State, Rajputana; situated 127 miles
south-west by south of Jodhpur, and forty-two miles north of Disa.
Lat. 24 50', long. 72.
SrWTTNGAON. Town in Amraoti district, Central Provinces ; situated
thirty-six miles east- south-east of Ellichpur, and twenty miles north-east
of Amraoti. Lat. 20 58', long. 78 3'.
SIWTJNWARA. Town in Raipur district, Central Provinces; situated
111 miles east-south-east of Nagpur, and 145 miles south of Ramgarh.
Lat. 20 45', long. 80 50'.
SIYAINGHU. Town in Independent Burma; situated on the left
bank of the Irawadi river, 109 miles south-west of Ava. Lat. 20 51',
long. 94 41'.
SIYANA (SIANA). Town (in pargana of same name) in Bulandshahr
district, N.W.P. ; situated on a raised site, near the Anupshahr branch of
the Ganges Canal ; nineteen miles north-east of Bulandshahr town, on
the Garhmukhteswar road. Lat. 28 37' 55", long. 78 6' 20". Pop.
(1881), 6532. Pop. of pargana (1881), 70,821. Also thana. Pop.
(1881), 61,148.
SLIKIALI. Town in Gujrat district, Punjab ; situated twelve miles
from the right bank of the Chenab, fifty-one north-north-west of the
town of Lahore. Lat. 32 33', long. 73 52'.
SOAMWARPET. Town in Coorg ; situated seventy miles east-south-
east of Mangalore. Lat. 12 34', long. 75 53'.
SOANGr. Village in Bashahr State, Punjab; situated near the left
bank of the Buspa. Elevation above the sea, 9,100 feet. Lat. 31 26',
long. 78 15'.
SOANGIR. Town in Khandesh district, Bombay ; situated forty miles
north-north-east of Malegaon. Lat. 21 3', long. 74 45'.
SOB AD A. Town in Naga Hills district, Assam ; situated seventy-
three miles south by east of Nowgong. Lat. 25 20', long. 92 59'.
SOBHAPTJR. Town in Hoshangabad district, Central Provinces.
Pop. (1881), 4883.
SOBNALI. River of the Twenty-four Parganas district, Bengal ; also
known as the Kundria, the Bengdaha, and the Guntiakhali. It forms
one of the principal boat routes between Calcutta and the eastern districts.
SOBORA. Town in Khairpur State, Sind, Bombay; situated sixty-
one miles east-south-east from Bukkur, seventy-four miles west-north-
west from Jaisalmfr. Lat. 27 21', long. 69 51'.
SOBRAON. Village in Lahore district, Punjab ; situated on the west
bank of the Sutlej, near the south-east corner of the district. Opposite
this village, on the east bank of the river, in Firozpur district, lies
the battle-field where Sir Hugh Gough gained the victory of 10th Feb-
ruary, 1846, which brought to a close the first Sikh war, and led to the
occupation of Lahore by a British force. Lat. 31 7', long. 74 54'.
SOCCORRO. Tillage in Bardez district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 3160.
SODAKHOR. Village in Jaisalmir State, Rajputana ; situated on the
route from the town of Bikaner to that of Jaisalmir, thirty-four miles
north-east of the latter. Lat. 27 3', long. 71 31'.
SODLURU. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 434.
SOFAHUN. Village in Kashmir State, Punjab ; situated at the south-
eastern extremity of the valley. Lat. 33 32', long. 75 12'.
SOGrAM. Town in Kashmir State, Punjab ; situated on the left bank
of the Jhelum river, thirty-seven miles north-west of Srinagar. Lat.
34 30', long. 74 35'.
SOHAGr. Canal in Lahore and Montgomery districts, Punjab, one of
the "Upper Sutlej Inundation Canals." Lat. 30 28' -30 43', long.
73 24' 74 15'.
SOHAGI GHAT. Pass in Rewah State, Baghelkhand, Central India
Agency; situated on the route from Allahabad to the town of Rewah,
thirty-six miles south-west of the former. The village of Sohagi is
situate five miles from the right bank of the Tons. Lat. 24 58', long.
81 45'.
SOHAGPUR. Town in Rewah State, Baghelkhand, Central India
Agency ; situated ninety miles east of Jabalpur, fifty miles south of
Allahabad. Lat. 23 20', long. 81 28'.
SOHAGPUR. Town (in tahsil of same name) in Hoshangabad district,
Central Provinces ; situated on the high-road from Bombay, thirty miles
east of Hoshangabad town. Sohagpur is a station on the Great Indian
Peninsula Railway, 494 miles from Bombay. Lat. 27 52', long. 78 1'.
Pop. (1881), 7027. Area of tahsil, 1114 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 135,765.
SOHAN. River of Rawal Pindi and Jhelum districts, Punjab ; rising
in the Murree Hills, a few miles from the sanatorium of Murree, in lat.
33 52', long. 73 27', and falling into the Indus ten miles below Mokhad.
A magnificent bridge conveys the Grand Trunk Road across the stream,
three miles east of Rawal Pindi.
SOHARPUR. Village in Banda district, KW.P. ; situated on the
route by Chi la Tara Ghat, from Cawnpore to the town of Banda, eighteen
miles north of the latter. Lat. 25 44', long. 80 32'.
SOHAWAL. State in Baghelkhand, Central India Agency. The
territories lie in two distinct patches, separated from each other by
Kothi ; the northern portion being much intermixed with lands belong-
ing to Panna. The area is 300 sq. miles, and the pop. (1881), 37,747.
A small police force is maintained of about 50 men.
f SOHAWAL. Capital of Sohawal State, Baghelkhand, Central India;
situated on the river Sutri, not far from the line of railway between
Jabalpur and Allahabad. Elevation above the sea, 1059 feet. The town
was formerly defended by a fort, which is now in ruins. Lat. 24
34' 35", long. 80 48' 50".
SOHDRA. Town in Gujranwala district, Punjab. Pop. (1881),
SOHI-ONG. State in the Khasi Hills, Assam. Pop. (1872), 1951.
SOHNA. Town and sulphur spring in Gurgaon district, Punjab ;
situated at the foot of the Mewat Hills. The sulphur springs have a
temperature of 115 to 125 F., and are considered a specific for " Delhi
ulcers." The waters are received in a large covered reservoir. Lat
28 14', lon. 77 7'. Pop. (1881), 7374.
SOHOLA. Town in Sambalpur district, Central Provinces ; situated
forty miles west by south of Sambalpur. Lat. 21 18', long. 83 28'.
SOHROH. Town in Balasor district, Bengal; situated twenty-two
miles south-west of Balasor. Lat. 21 16', long. 86 46'.
SOHTTRIA. Town in Champaran district, Bengal ; situated fifty-three
miles north-west of Bettia. Lat. 27 20', long. 84'.
SOJIMA. Town in Kaira district, Bombay. Lat. 22 32', long. 72
46'. Pop. (1872), 11,322.
SOJITA. Town in Baroda State. Pop. (1881), 10,253.
SOJNA. Thana in Lalitpur district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 12,135.
SOLAGIRI. Town in Salem district, Madras ; situated seventy-one
miles north of Salem. Lat. 12 40', long. 78 7'.
SOLAH SARAYAT. Town in Horadabad district, N.W.P. Pop.
(1881), 9528.
SOLAN. Cantonment and hill sanatorium in Simla district, Punjab ;
situated on the southern slope of the Krol Mountain, on the cart-road
between Kalka and Simla, thirty miles from the latter station. Lat. 30
55', long. 77 9'.
SOLANI. Hiver of Saharanpur and Muzaffarnagar districts, N.W.P. ;
rising at the south-western base of the Siwalik range, in about lat. 30 13',
long. 77 55'. It holds a course of upwards of fifty-five miles, generally
south-westerly, and falls into the Ganges on the right side, in lat. 29 3',
long. 78 1'. The river is crossed by the Ganges Canal near Rurki, and
to effect the passage a brickwork aqueduct with fifteen arches, each
fifty feet in span, had to be constructed. The stream passes beneath it
with a clear waterway of 750 feet.
SOLIGONG. Town in Haidarabad State; situated sixteen miles
south-west of Aurangabad, and fifty-two miles north-east by north of
Ahmednagar. Lat. 19 44', long. 75 10'.
SOM ADG AN J. Tillage in Jaunpur district, KW.P. ; situated on the
route from Allahabad cantonment to that of Jaunpur, forty-nine miles
north-east of the former, seventeen south-west of the latter. Lat. 25
42', long. 82 32'.
SOMAIGTJL. Town in Manipur State, Assam ; situated sixty -three
miles west-south-west from Manipur, and thirty-five miles south-east by
south from Silchar. Lat. 24 23', long. 93 9'.
SOMANHALLL Town in Mysore State ; situated on the left bank of
the Chitravati river, 114 miles north-east from Seringapatam. Lat.
13 39', long. 17 55'.
SOMASTIPUR. Tillage in Darbhangah district, Bengal ; situated on
the south bank of the Buri Gandak river, about two miles west of Nagar-
basti, on the road from Tajpur to Rusera.
SOMAVARAPETE. Tillage in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 1528.
SOMAW ARAM. Town in Haidarabad State ; situated 124 miles east
by south from Haidarabad, and sixty-one miles north of Guntur. Lat.
17 10', long. 80 25'.
SOMISIR. Town in Jodhpur State, Rajputana ; situated sixty-three
miles west by north of Jodhpur, and seventy-eight miles east-south-east
of Jaisalmfr. Lat. 26 31', long. 72 10'.
SOMNA. Village in Aligarh district, N.W.P. ; situated 14| miles
north-west of Aligarh town, on the Delhi road. A station on the East
Indian Railway, 889 miles from Calcutta (Howrah), and sixty-five from
Delhi. Pop. (1881), 1743. Also thana. Pop. (1881), 29,852.
SOMNAGANJ. Town in Aligarh district, N.W.P. ; situated on the
route from the cantonment of Aligarh to that of Delhi, and sixteen miles
north-west of the former. Elevation above the sea, 752 feet. Lat. 28
3', long. 78.
SOMNATH. Town in Kathiawar, Bombay ; situated on the south-
west coast, washed by the Arabian Sea. Noted as the site of the famous
temple of Somnath, which was taken by storm by Mahmud of Ghazni in
1024-1026 A.D. It is asserted that he carried away the gates of the
temple, and these were afterwards brought back to India by the British
army on its return from Afghanistan in 1842. The western headland
is occupied by the port of Verawal. Somnath is 210 miles south-
west of Ahmedabad. Lat. 22 7', long. 71 34'.
SOMNATHPUR. Village in Mysore State ; celebrated for its temple.
SOMSA PARWAT. Peak of the Western Ghats in South Kanara
district, Madras ; situated about forty miles east of Mangalore. The hill
is used as a sanatorium in the South Kanara district. Elevation above the
sea, 6300 feet. Lat. 13 8', long. 75 18'.
SOMURA. Town in Jodhpur State, Rajputana ; situated eighty-nine
miles north-east from Jodhpur, and seventy miles east by south from
Bikaner. Lat. 27 12', long. 74 4'.
SON (SOAN, SONE). River of Central India ; rising in the elevated
table-land of Amarkantak in the Rewah State, at about 3500 feet above
the sea, in lat. 22 41', long. 82 7'. Thence the Son flows m a generally
northern direction, often forming the boundary between the Central
Provinces and the States comprised in the Baghelkhand Agency, through
an intricate maze of hills, until it strikes upon the Kaimur range. At
this point, in lat. 24 5', long. 81 6', it is diverted to the east, and holds
that direction in a tolerably straight course until it ultimately falls into
the Ganges, about ten miles above Dinapur, in lat. 25 41' 30", long. 84
52', after a total length of about 465 miles. In its lower section, of upwards
of 160 miles, it first flows across the British district of Mirzapur in the
N.W.P., and then, passing into Behar, separates Shahabad from Gaya
and Patna. Its principal tributaries are on the left bank, the Johila and
Mahanadi, both in the upper portion of its course ; and on the right bank,
the Gopat, Rehand, Kanhar, and Koel, the last of which, and by far the
most important, falls into it nearly opposite the famous hill- fort of Roh-
tasgarh. There are no towns on its banks, nor even commercial marts of
any magnitude. So far as regards navigation, its stream is mainly used
for floating down large rafts of bamboos and a little timber ; but in the
rainy season, and especially just after a storm has burst on the plateau of
Central India, the river rises with incredible rapidity. The Son is crossed
by the Grand Trunk Road on a stone causeway ; and lower down, near
Koel war, the East Indian Railway has been carried across on a lattice
SON 883
girder bridge. Its junction with the Ganges has been gradually receding
farther westwards. Old channels of the Son have been found between
Bankipur and Dinapur, and even below the present site of Patna.
SOX ADA. Town in Nadiya district, Bengal; situated eighty miles
north of Calcutta. Lat. 23 43', long. 88 30'.
SONAGAON. Village in Wardha district, Central Provinces ; situated
thirteen miles west of Wardha. Lat. 20 38', long. 78 45' 30". An
annual fair is held here every autumn.
SONAHAT. Town in Singbhum district, Chutia Nagpur, Bengal;
situated sixty-six miles east by south of Lohardaga. Lat. 23 13' long.
85 45'.
SONAI. Town in Ahmednagar district, Bombay ; situated about
twenty-four miles north by east of Ahmednagar. Lat. 19 23', long. 74
54'. Pop. (1881), 5483.
SONAI. Navigable channel in Nowgong district, Assam ; issuing
from the Brahmaputra, after a winding course in a south-westerly
direction, it finally falls into the Kalang.
SONAI. Hill stream in Cachar district, Assam ; rising in the Lushai
Hills, and flowing into the Barak at Sonamukh.
SONAIBA. Village in Gwalior State, Central India Agency ; situated
on the route from Guna to Mhow, 107 miles south-west of the former,
seventy-eight north-east of the latter. Lat. 23 27', long. 76 23'.
SONAKHAN. State in Bilaspur district, Central Provinces ; situated
sixty miles south-east of Bilaspur town ; comprising two small fertile
villages, surrounded by hills. The village of Sonakhan lies in lat. 21
31', long. 82 37'.
SONAKHODA. Town in Purniah district, Bengal; situated fifty-
eight miles north-east of Purniah. Lat. 26 18', long. 88 16'.
SONALA. Town in Akola district, Berar. Pop. (1881), 5130.
m SONAMGANJ (SUNAMGANJ). Village in Sylhet district, Assam;
situated on the left or south bank of the Surma river, opposite. the con-
fluence of a stream flowing down from the Khasi Hills. A considerable
river trade is carried on here. Lat. 25 3', long. 91 24'.
SON AMTJKHL Village in Bardwan district, Bengal. Lat. 23 18'
20", long. 87 27' 15". Pop. (1881), 5590. Also thana. Area, 141 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 80,016.
SON APASL Town in Morbhanj State, Orissa, Bengal; situated 100
miles west-south-west of Midnapur, and ninety-eight north of Cuttack.
Lat. 21 51', long. 85 58'.
SONAPUR. Village in Kamrup district, Assam. Lat. 26 16' 20",
long. 91 40' 10".
SONAPUR. Village in Ganjam district, Madras. Lat. 19 6' 30",
long. 84 50' 40". Pop. (1871), 1597.
SONAR. River of Sagar and Damoh districts, Central Provinces;
rising in the Sagar district in about lat. 23 23', long. 78 46', at an
elevation of 1950 feet above the sea. It holds a north-easterly course of
110 miles, receiving the Bairma on the right side, and eight miles
lower down falling into the Ken, on the left side, in lat. 24 22', long. 79
59'. The fall of its channel from its source to the confluence is about
950 feet.
SON AHA. Town in Indore State, Central India Agency; situated
on the route from Nimach to Kotah, seventy miles north-east of former,
fifty-two south-west of latter. Lat. 24 34', long. 75 55'.
SONARGAON. Site of the ancient Muhammadan capital of Eastern
Bengal, in Dacca district, Bengal ; situated about two miles from the
Brahmaputra. The village in the vicinity of the ruins is called Painam.
Lat. 23 39' 45", long. 90 38' 20".
SONARPTJR. Thana in Twenty-four Parganas district, Bengal.
Area, 53 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 42,434.
SONATJLIM. Village in Sanguelim district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 192.
SONBARSA. Town in Ghazipur district, N.W.P. ; situated ten miles
north-east of Ballia. Pop. (1872), 7162.
SON CANALS. Irrigation works in the Province of Behar, taking the
name from the Son river. They consist of a series of canals in the three
districts of Shahabad, Gaya, and Patna, which all branch off from a dam
thrown across the Son at the village of Dehri.
SONDWARA. Tract of land situated partly in the Indore State and
partly in Gwalior State; lying between lat. 23 10' 24, and long. 75
76 15'. It has received the denomination from its inhabitants, the Sondis.
They are often called Rajputs, but are a mixture of all classes, or rather
descendants of a mixed race.
BOHG. River of Garhwal district, N.W.P, ; rising on the southern
declivity of the Surkanda peak, in lat. 30 24', long. 78 22'. It first
flows in a south-westerly direction for about twenty miles, to Nalapani,
and washes its eastern base, whence it takes a southerly course of
about twenty miles to the confluence of Suswa, where it turns south-
east, and after a farther course of about eight miles, falls into the
Ganges, in lat. 30 2', long. 78 19', at an elevation of 1200 feet above
the sea.
SONGARH. Hill-fort (in district of same name) in Baroda State ;
situated on a hill to the west of the once walled town of Songarh,
forty-five miles east of Surat. Lat. 21 8', long. 73 33'. Area of
district, 344 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 29,922.
SONGARH. State in Kathiawar, Bombay, paying a yearly tribute of
50 to the Gaekwar of Baroda, and 7 to the Nawab of Junagarh.
SONGDI. Town in Haidarabad State ; situated on the right bank of
the Penganga river, 166 miles north from Haidarabad. Lat. 19 42',
long. 78 53'.
SONGIR. Town in Khandesh district, Bombay; situated twelve miles
north of Dhulia. Noted for its brass and copper ware. Lat. 21 8',
long. 75 4'. Pop. (1872), 4618.
SONHA. Thana in Basti district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 41,966.
SONHAT. Town in Korea State, Chutia Nagpur, Bengal; situated
fifty miles north-west of Sarguja, 120 south of Mirzapur, 420 west of
Calcutta by Hazaribagh. Lat. 23 20', long. 82 23'.
SONK. Town in Muttra district, N.W.P. ; situated on the route from
Kombher, in Bhartpur, to the cantonment of Muttra, fifteen miles
south-west of the latter. Lat. 27 23', long. 77 34'. Also thana. Pop.
(1881), 14,900.
SONKACH. Town in Gwalior State, Central India Agency ; situated
on the east or right side of the river Kali Sind, forty miles south-east of
Ujjain. Lat. 23, long. 76 21'.
SONMIANL Town and harbour in Baluchistan; situated seventy
miles south of Bela, and fifty-two north-west of Karachi, in Sind. The
harbour is situated at the northern extremity of an inlet of the sea, and
is formed by the Purali river. The entrance channel is extremely
narrow ; it has a depth of sixteen feet at high water, but shifts its
position frequently. Lat. 24 27', long. 66 39'.
SONNEL. Town in Gwalior State, Central India Agency ; situated
on the route from Ujjain to Kotah, eighty-five miles north of former,
fifty-five south of latter. Lat. 24 20', long. 76 2'.
SONOCO-VONVOLIEM. Village in Sanguelim district, Portuguese
India. Pop. (1881), 95.
SONORL Town in Datia State, Bundelkhand, Central India Agency;
situated thirteen miles north of Datia, and thirty miles south-east by
south of Gwalior. Lat. 25 50', long. 78 30'.
SONPAT. Town in Delhi district, Punjab; situated twenty-five miles
north-east of Delhi city. Lat. 28 59' 30", long. 77 3' 30". Pop. (1881),
SONPUR. Village in Saran district, Bengal ; situated at the con-
fluence of the Gandak and the Ganges. Noted for the great elephant and
horse fair held here, which lasts for ten days. Lat. 25 41' 35", long.
85 12' 50".
SONPUR. State in Sambalpur district, Central Provinces; situated
between lat. 20 40' 21 10', and long. 83 20' 84 18'. Bounded
on the north by Sambalpur district, on the east by Eairakhol, on the
south by Bod, and on the west by Patna. Its area is 906 sq. miles,
and the pop. (1881), 178,701. The country is flat, and fairly culti-
vated. The Mahanadi flows through the centre of the State, receiving
the waters of the Tel and Suktel ; to the north, the Jira river divides
Sonpur from Sambalpur. The town of Sonpur is situated on the
right side of the Mahanadi. Lat. 20 55', long. 84 8'. Pop. (1881),
SONPUR. State in Chhindwara district, Central Provinces ; situated
south-west of Harai. Area, 110 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 10,849.
Sonpur village lies in lat. 22 21', long. 79 3'.
SONPUR BINKA. Town in Sonpur State, Central Provinces. Pop.
(1881), 4680.
SONPUR MANDA. Town in Sonpur State, Central Provinces. Pop.
(1881), 2158.
SONSARI. State in Chanda district, Central Provinces ; situated
fourteen miles north-north-east of Wairagarh. Area, 56 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 3558. Sonsari village lies in lat. 20 31', long. 80 15'.
SONUND. Town in Satara district, Bombay ; situated eighty-one
miles east-south-east of Satara. Lat. 17 15', long. 75 13'.
SON YL Town in Muttra district, N.W.P. ; situated on the route
from Muttra to Budauii, thirteen miles east-north-east of the former.
Lat. 27 33', long. 77 58'.
SOPUR. Town in Kashmir State, Punjab ; on the left bank of the
Jhelum river, and twenty-three miles west-north -west of Srinagar. Lat.
34 15', long. 74 40'.
SORAB. Village (in taluk of same name) in Shimoga district, Mysore ;
situated on the right bank of the Dandavati river, forty-six miles north-
west of Shimoga town. Centre of sandal-wood carving industry. Lat.
14 22' 45", long. 75 7' 55". Pop. (1871), 1364. Area of taluk, 271
sq. miles. Pop. (1871), 67,073.
SORAM. Thana in Allahabad district, KW.P. Pop. (1881),
SORAON. Town (in tahsfl of same name) in Allahabad district,
If.W.P. ; on the route from Allahabad to Oudh, fourteen miles north of
the former. Lat. 25 38', long. 81 55'. Pop. of tahsil (1881), 184,894.
Also thana. Pop. (1881), 98,082.
SORASHTRA (SORATH). Old name of Kathiawar.
SORATJN. Town in Allahabad district, KW.P. ; situated on the
route from the city of Allahabad to Partabgarh, twelve miles north
of the former. Lat. 25 36', long. 81 55'.
SORO. Thana in Balasor district, Bengal. Area, 397 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 197,508.
SORON. Town (in pargana of same name) in Etah district, N.W.P. ;
situated on the Burhganga, or ancient bed of the river Ganges, on the
Bareilly and Hathras road, twenty-seven miles north-east of Etah town.
Pop. (1881), 12,745. Lat. 27 53' 40", long. 78 47' 35". Pop. of
pargana (1881), 26,362. Also thana. Pop. (1881), 53,688.
SORON. Town in Budaun district, N.W.P. ; situated on the route
from Koel to Budaun, twenty-five miles south-west of the latter. Lat.
27 53', long. 78 49'.
SORTIBA, Town in Mysore State; situated 173 miles north-west of
Seringapatam, and forty-five miles east by north of Honawar. Lat. 14
23', long. 75 9'.
SORUTH. Prant or county in Kathiawar, Bombay, the most southern
of the peninsula. It is bounded on the north by the prant of Hallar ; on
the north-east and east by that of Gohelwad ; on the south and south-
west by the Arabian Sea; and lies between lat. 20 41' 21 50, long.
G9 58' 71 12'.
SOSILLA. Town in Mysore State ; situated twenty-one miles south-
east by east of Seringapatam, and eighty-eight miles north of Coimbatore.
Lat. 12 16', long. 76 59'.
SOT (YARWAFADAR). Biver of Moradabad and Budaun districts,
N.W.P. ; rising in the Moradabad district in about lat. 28 54', long.
78 33'. It holds a south-easterly course of about 130 miles, and falls
into the Ganges on the left side, in lat. 27 41', long. 79 29'.
SOTEH. Town in Manipur State, Assam ; situated twenty-eight miles
cast by south from Manipur, and 102 miles east of Silchar. Lat. 24 41',
long. 94 27'.
SOUTH MARHATTA JAGIRS. Group of States in Bombay,
comprising Sangli, Jamkhandi, Miraj (Senior and Junior Branch), Ku-
rundwad (Senior and Junior Branch), Mudhol, and Ramdrug. Area,
2734 B
TIKRIALA JIL. Town in Cutch State, Bombay ; situated on the
Great Western Rann, thirty-six miles north from Bhuj. Lat. 23 42'
long. 69 52'.
^ TIKURL Village in Budaun district, N.W.P. ; situated on the route
from Agra to Bareilly, twenty-nine miles south-west of the latter. Lat.
28 11', long. 79 9'.
TIKTJRL Fort in Rewah State, Central India Agency ; situated
forty-six miles south-west by south of Rewah, and fifty-one miles north-
west by north of Sohagpur. Lat. 23 57', long. 81 1'.
TILAIN. Range of hills in Cachar district, Assam, running north
from the Lushai Hills. Elevation, from 100 to 500 feet.
TILAKWARA. District in Baroda division, Baroda State. Area,
37 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 7529.
TILAURA. Town in Gorakhpur district, N.W.P., situated 129 miles
west by south of Khatmandu, and fifty-four miles north by west of
Gorakhpur. Lat. 27 28', long. 83 15'.
TILBIGUMPUR. Town in Bulandshahr district, N.W.P. ; situated
on the route from Bulandshahr to Delhi, fourteen miles west-north-west
of the former. Lat. 28 29', long. 77 42'.
TILCHL Village in Bareilly district, N.W.P. ; situated on the route
from Bareilly to Sitapur, thirty-nine miles south-east of the former.
Lat. 28 11', long. 80 2'.
TILHAR. Town (in tahsil of same name) in Shahjahanpur district,
N.W.P. ; situated fourteen miles west of Shahjahanpur city, on the route
from Shahjahanpur to Bareilly. It is a station on the Oudh and Rohil-
khand Railway. Lat. 27 57' 50", long. 79 46' 25". Pop. (1881),
15,351. Area of tahsil, 415 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 213,549. Also
pargana. Pop. (1881), 66,549. And thana. Pop. (1881), 51,478.
TILIAGARHI. Pass in the Santal Parganas, Bengal; between the
Rajmahal Hills and the Ganges.
TILJTJGA. River of Northern Behar ; rising in the lower ranges of
hills in the Nepal State, in lat. 26 51', long. 86 39', flowing southwards
into Bhagalpur district, and forming its western boundary. At the village
of Tilkeswar it turns south-east across the Monghyr district, and re-
entering Bhagalpur, finally falls into the Kusi, in lat. 26 40', long. 87
12'. It forms the main water communication of Bhagalpur, being
navigable for boats of 70 tons as high up as Tilkeswar, and for smaller
boats to within 10 miles of the Nepal frontier.
TILOI. Town in Partabgarh district, Oudh ; situated fifty-five miles
south-east of Lucknow. Lat. 26 8', long. 81 30'.
TILOKPUR. Thana in Basti district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 55,913.
TILOTHTJ. Village in Shahabad district, Bengal ; situated near the
falls of the Tutrahi, a branch of the Kudra river. The cliff over which
the river is precipitated has a height of from 180 to 250 feet. Lat. 24
47', long. 84 3'.
TILPTTR. Pargana in Gorakhpur district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
TILTTRA. Town in Jaunpur district, N.W.P. ; situated on the route
from Jaunpur to Fatehpur, twenty- seven miles west of the former. Lat.
25 46', long. 82 20'.
TIL WAN. Town in Khandesh district, Bombay; situated thirty
miles west of Malegaon. Lat. 20 34', long. 74 3'.
TILWARA. Town in Jodhpur State, Kajputana ; situated on the left
bank of the Luni, between Balmir and Jodhpur, sixty-five miles south-
west of the latter place. Lat. 25 52', long. 72 8'.
TILWARA. Village in Ludhiana district, Punjab; situated on the
left bank of the Sutlej, on the route from Ludhiana to Firozpur, thirty
miles west of the former town, Lat. 30 57', long. 75 23'.
TIMAPURAM. Town in Haidarabad State, situated 112 miles
east-north-east of Haidarabad, and 122 miles north by west of Gantur.
Lat. 18 1', long. 80 5'.
TIM ARATJN. Town in Bhopal State, Central India Agency ; situated
on the right bank of the Narbada river, eighty-eight miles east by south
from Bhopal. Lat. 23 3', long. 78 42'.
TIMARIKOTA. Town in Gantur district, Madras; situated sixty-
nine miles west by north of Gantur. Lat. 16 33', long. 79 30'.
TIM ARM. Town in Hoshangabad district, Central Provinces. Pop.
(1881), 4176.
TIMBA. Town in Baroda State; situated on the left bank of the
Tapti river, seventy-three miles south of Baroda. Lat. 21 11', long.
73 10'.
TIMBA. State in Mahi Kantha, Bombay. Pop. (1881), 1705. The
Chief pays a yearly tribute of 5 to the Gaekwar of Baroda.
TIMBUNRL Town in Hoshangabad district, Central Provinces;
situated fifty-nine miles north-west by west of Betul, and forty-three
miles south-west of Hoshangabad. Lat. 22 21', long. 77 14'.
TIMBURNAL Town in Wun district, Berar; situated sixty-six
miles south-oast of Ellichpur. Lat. 20 23', long. 78 10'.
TIMERI. Town in North Arcot district, Madras ; situated six miles
south-west of Arcot. Lat. 12 49' 45", long. 79 21' 20". Pop. (1871),
TIMLA. Ruined fortification in Kumaun district, N.W.P. ; situated
on the southern range of the Himalayas, forty-three miles south-east of
Almora. Elevation above the sea, 3821 feet. Lat. 29 9', long. 80 9'.
TIMLI. Village in Dehra Dun district, N.W.P. ; situated on the
north-eastern declivity of the Siwalik range. Elevation above the sea
2509 feet. Lat. 30 21', long. 77 46'.
TIMLI. Pass in Dehra Dun district, N.W.P. ; named from the village
of Timli; it leads from Saharanpur to Dehra, over the Siwalik moun-
tains, bounding the Dehra Dun on the south-west. Elevation above the
sea, 2339 feet. Lat. 30 20', long. 77 46'.
TINARA. Town in Seoni district, Central Provinces ; situated on the
route from Jabalpur to Seoni, twenty miles north-east by north of the
latter. Lat. 22 15', long. 79 50'.
TINDIVANUM. Town in South Arcot district, Madras ; situated
thirty-eight miles north-north-west of Cuddalore. Lat. 12 14', long.
79 41'. Pop. (1881), 3526.
TINDWARL Thana in Banda district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 28,852.
TINJINA. Town in Lohardaga district, Bengal; situated fifty-five
miles south of Lohardaga. Lat. 22 40', long. 84 46'.
TINMOHONL Town in Jessor district, Bengal; situated fifty-three
miles east-north-east of Calcutta. Lat. 22 54', long. 89 10'.
TINNEVELLI (TIRUNELVELI). District in Madras, situated be-
tween lat. 8 9' 9 56', and long. 77 1678 27'. It is bounded on the
north and north-east by the Madura district, on the south-east and south
by the Gulf of Mannar, and on the west by the Southern Ghats, separating
it from the state of Travancore. It has a coast-line of ninety-five miles,
from Vembar nearly to Cape Comorin. The area of the district is 5381
sq. miles, its pop. (1881), 1,699,747. It is a well-cultivated plain, sloping
to the east from the Southern Ghats, which rise to an elevation of 4000
feet. The chief rivers are the Tambraparni, with its affluent, the Chittar,
and the Vaipar. The principal towns are Tinnevelli, Palamcotta, Tuti-
corin and Satur. The district, which is noted for its pearl fisheries, is
traversed by the South Indian Railway. The administration is in the
hands of a Collector and Staff.
TINNEVELLI (TIRUNELVELI). Capital of Tinnevelli district,
Madras ; situated one mile and a half from the left bank of the Tambra-
parni, and eighty-six miles south of Madura. It is connected by a
bridge over the river Tann with the civil station at Palamcotta, two miles
and a half distant. Tinnevelli is the terminus of a branch of the South
Indian Railway. Lat. 8 43' 47", long. 77 43' 49". Pop. (1881),
TINOR. Village in Nagar-Aveli district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 73.
TIOKLA. Town in Amherst district, British Burma; situated twenty-
three miles north of Maulmain. Lat. 16 50', long. 97 41'.
TIPACHATRAM. Town in Nellore district, Madras ; situatrd
twenty-nine miles south-south-east of Nellore. Lat. 14 4', long.
80 11'.
TIPAI. River of Assam ; rising in the Lushai Hills, and flowing
northwards with a tortuous course falls into the Barak river, in lat.
24 14', long. 93 3' 3", near the village of Tipai-mukh in Cachar
TIPPER AH (TRIPURA). District in the Chittagong division of
Bengal; situated between lat. 23 2' 24 16' 15", and long. 90 36'
91 25'. It is bounded on the north by the district of Maimansinh, and
the district of Sylhet in Assam; on the east by the State of Hill Tipperah;
on the south by Noakhali district ; and on the west by the river Meghna,
separating it from the Maimansinh, Dacca and Bakarganj districts. Its
area is 2491 sq. miles, and the pop. (1881), 1,519,338. JThe district is
a level open plain, with the only exception of the Lalmai range of low
wooded hills. The chief rivers are the Meghara (which is navigable
throughout the year for trading boats), the Gumti, Dakatia and Titas, all
similarly navigable in a great part of their course. The Muhuri,
Bijaigang and Borigang rivers are navigable for part of the year. The
chief towns are Comillah, the capital, and Brahmanbaria. The staple
crop of the district is rice.
TIPPEEAH. Subdivision of Tipperah district, Bengal. Area, 1142
sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 703,540.
TIPPEEAH. Town in Tipperah district, Bengal; situated forty-eight
miles east-south-east of Dacca. Lat. 23 28', long. 91 10'.
TIPTTIE. Village in Tumkiir district, Mysore State; situated forty-
six miles by road east of Tumkur town. A weekly fair is held here
attended by upwards of 10,000 persons. Lat. 13 15', long. 76 31'.
Pop. (1871), 2093.
TIEA. Town in Cutch State, Bombay; situated twenty-five miles
south-west of the Great Western Rann, and fifty miles west by north
from Bhuj. Lat. 23 21', long. 69.
TIEACOL. Village in Pernem district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 486.
TIEAUEI. Town in Karnal district, Punjab ; situated on the route
from Karnal to Thanes war, eight miles north of former, fifteen south of
latter. Lat. 29 47', long. 77.
TIEHUT. Formerly a district of Bengal ; situated between lat.
25 28' 26 52', and long. 84 56' 86 46'. In January, 1875, it was
formed into two distinct districts of Darbhangah and Muzaffarpur.
TIEIPTJNAITOEAL Town in Cochin State, Madras ; situated about
seven miles south-east of Cochin, and about two miles north-east of the
Backwater, an extensive shallow lake, the reservoir of numerous streams
flowing from the Western Ghats. Lat. 9 57', long. 76 24'.
TIEIT. Town in Kashmir State, Punjab ; situated 158 miles east by
north of Srinagar, and 167 miles north-east by north of Chamba. Lat.
34 34', long. 77 42'.
TIEXANAMBL Village in Mysore district, Mysore State ; the site
of an ancient city the name of which is said to have been Kudugallur.
Lat. 11 49', long. 76 51'. Pop. (1871), 1964.
TIEKHEEI MALPTIEL State in Bhandara district, Central Pro-
vinces ; comprising seven villages, the largest of which is Tirkheri.
Area, 15 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 3265.
TIEMIUM. Town in Pudukottai State, Madras ; situated forty miles
south of Trichinopoly, and fifty miles north-east by east of Madura.
Lat. 10 15', long. 78 50'.
TIR 939
TIRNL Village in Allahabad district, KW.P. ; situated on the route
by Rajapur ferry, from the cantonment of Allahabad to Banda, and
twenty-two miles west of the former. Lat. 25 24', long. 81 38'.
TIRORA. Town (in tahsil of same name) in Bhandara district, Central
Provinces. Pop. (1881), 2781. Area of tahsil, 1889 sq. miles. Pop.
(1881), 411,298.
TIRPAVANIUM. Town in Madura district, Madras ; situated ten
miles south-east by east of Madura. Lat. 9 50', long. 78 17'.
TIRSUN. Village in Bulandshahr district, JST.W.P. ; situated on the
route from Khasganj to Meerut, forty-nine miles south of the latter.
Lat. 28 21', long. 78.
TIRTH AH ALLL Village in Shimoga district, Mysore State ; situated
on the left bank of the Tunga river, thirty miles south-west of JShimoga
town. Lat. 13 41', long. 75 17'. Pop. (1871), 1286.
TIRTOL. Thana in Cuttack district, Bengal. Area, 419 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 183,677.
TIRTJA. Town in Farrukhabad district, N.W.P. ; on the route from
Farrukhabad to Cawnpore, thirty -three miles south-south-east of the
former. Lat. 26 59', long. 79 51'.
TIRUCHENDUR. Town in Tinnevelli district, Madras ; situated on
the coast, eighteen miles south of Tuticorin. Lat. 8 29 50", long.
78 10' 30". Pop. (1881), 7582.
TIRUCHENGOD (TRICHANGOLE). Town in Salem district,
Madras ; situated twenty-nine miles south- west of Salem, and seven miles
south of Sankaridrug, at the foot of a rock, on the summit of which is a
temple. Lat. 11 22' 45", long. 77 56' 20". Pop. (1881), 5889.
TIRTJKOVILUR. Town in South Arcot district, Madras; situated
thirty-eight miles west-north-west of Cuddalore. Lat. 11 57' 55", long.
79 14' 40". Pop. (1871), 4340.
TIETJMALE. Village in Bangalore district, Mysore State. Pop.
(1871), 2109. A festival is held here in April, attended by upwards of
10,000 persons.
TIRUMANAI MTJTTAR. River in Salem district, Madras ; rising in
the Shevaroy Hills, and flowing past the town of Salem, falls into the
TIRUMANGALAM. Town in Madura district, Madras. Lat.
9 49' 20", long. 78 1' 10". Pop. (1871), 5772.
TIRUMURTIKOVIL. Village in Coimbatore district, Madras; con-
taining a venerated Hindu temple. Lat. 10 27', long. 77 12'.
TIRUNAGESWERAM. Town in Tanjore district, Madras. Pop.
(1881), 5275.
TIRUPATI (TRIPETTY). Town in North Arcot district, Madras ;
situated about one mile north of the river Suvarnamukhi, fifty-one miles
north by east of Arcot, eighty miles north- west of Madras. Tirupati is
celebrated for its Hindu temple or pagoda, which stands on a hill about
25,000 feet above the sea-level, and is visited by thousands of pilgrims
from all parts of India. Lat. 13 38', long. 79 27' 50". Pop. (1881),
TIRUP ATUR (TRIP ATUR). Town in Salem district, Madras;
940 TIE
situated sixty-three miles north-north-east of Salem. It is an important
trading town, having a station on the Madras Railway. Lat. 12 29' 40",
long. 78 36' 30". Pop. (1881), 14,278.
TIEUPATUE. Town in Madura district, Madras ; thirty-six miles
east-north-east of Madura. Lat. 10 7', long. 78 40'.
TIEUPUE. Town in Coimbatore district, Madras ; situated twenty-
eight miles east by north of Coimbatore, on the Madras Railway ; the
station being known as the " Avinashi Road Station." Lat. 11 37',
long. 77 40' 30". Pop. (1871), 3903.
TIEUTANI (TEITANI). Town and station on Madras Railway, in
North Arcot district, Madras; situated twenty-six miles north-east of
Arcot. Lat. 13 10' 20'', long. 79 38' 40". Tirutani contains a temple
much frequented by pilgrims, and there is a festival once a month. Pop.
.(1871), 2232.
TIEUVADI (TEIVADI). Town in Tanjore district, Madras ; situated
on the river Kaveri, six miles north of Tanjore. Lat. 10 52' 45", long.
79 8'. Pop. (1881\ 8473.
TIEUVADI (TEIVADI). Town in South Arcot district, Madras;
situated thirteen miles west-north-west of Cuddalore. Lat. 11 46', long.
79 36' 35". Pop. (1871), 4143.
TIEUVAKAEAI (TEIVACAEI). Ruined town in South Arcot
district, Madras. There are clear indications that at one time a large
town existed on this site. Lat. 12 1' 30", long. 79 43'.
TIETIVALTIE. Town in Chengalpat district, Madras, and a station
on the Madras Railway; situated thirty miles west of Madras. Lat.
13 8' 30", long. 79 57' 20". Pop. (1881), 6242.
TIETTVALUE. Town in the district of Tanjore, Madras; situated
twenty-four miles east of Tanjore. Lat. 10 47', long. 79 41'.
district, Madras ; situated at the base of a fortified hill, 2668 feet above
sea-level, surmounted by a lofty pagoda, which commands all parts of it.
Its position at the junction of many roads from the low country to the
Chengama Pass into the plateau above the Ghats gave it great military
importance in the Karnatic wars, and it was frequently besieged. It is
fifty-eight miles north-west of Cuddalore, and 103 miles south-west of
Madras. Lat. 12 13' 56", long. 79 6' 43". Pop. (1881), 9592.
TIETJVAETIE. Town in Tanjore district, Madras; situated sixteen
miles south-west of Negapatam, and thirty-four miles east of Tanjore.
Lat. 10 46' 37', long. 79 40' 34". Pop. (1881), 9181.
TIEUVATIYUE. Town in Chengalpat district, Madras. Pop. (1881),
TIEUVATTUE. Town in North Arcot district, Madras ; situated
twenty-two miles south-east of Arcot. Lat. 12 38' 30", long. 79 36'.
Pop. (l_87l) 1311. Contains a ruined temple.
TIEUVENGUDAM. Town in Tinnevelli district, Madras. Lat.
9 15' 50", long. 77 44'. Pop. (1871), 8241.
T1EWA. Town (in tahsil of same name) in Farrukhabad district,
N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 6220. Pop. of tahsil (1881), 171,546. Also
pargana. Pop. (1881), 91,994. And thana. Pop. (1881), 64,462.
TISAR. Town in Muttra district, N.W.P. Lat. 27 25', long.
78 29'.
TISGATJM. Town in Ahmednagar district, Bombay ; situated twenty-
three miles east-north-east of Ahmednagar. Lat. 19 11', long. 75 6'.
TISTA (TRISROTA). River of Northern Bengal ; rising in the
Chatamu Lake, Thibet, but said to have another source below Kanchan-
janga in Independent Sikkim. After flowing through Thibet and south-
ward through Sikkim for ninety-seven miles, it marks the boundary
between Sikkim and Darj fling districts for some distance, till it receives
the waters of the Great Ranjit, in lat. 27 6', long. 88 29', when if,
turns to the south, and traverses the Darjiling district and the Jalpa : gu;
district in a south -easterly direction. Its course then crosses the western
corner of the state of Kuch Behar, after which it passes through the
length of the Rangpur district, and finally falls into the Brahmaputra, in
lat. 25 14', long. 89 41', having a total course of about 313 miles.
The Ti'sta is navigable in the Rangpur and Jalpaiguri districts, but its
navigation is frequently difficult and precarious. It is an erratic river,
noted for frequent and violent changes of its course.
TISUA. Village in Bareilly district, N.W.P. ; situated eighteen miles
south-east of Bareilly, on the Fatehgarh road. In 1774, the British
troops gained a decisive victory over the Rohillas at this spot. Lat.
28 8', long. 79 38' 25".
TITABUEHAT. Town in Sibsagar district, Assam; situated forty
miles south-west of Sibpur. Lat. 26 36, long. 94 10'.
TITAGARH. Village in Twenty-four Parganas district, Bengal;
situated on the Hugli, between Khardah and Barrackpur, on the Eastern
Bengal Railway (on which it has a station), thirteen miles and a half
north of Calcutta. Many merchants and gentlemen of Calcutta have
country residences here. Lat. 22 44', long. 88 26'.
TIT ALL A. Town in Sambalpur district, Central Provinces ; situated
fifty-nine miles west-north-west of Sambalpur. Lat. 21 44', long. 83 10'.
TITALYA. Town in Jalpaiguri district, Bengal ; situated on the left
bank of the Mahananda river, seventy-two miles north-east of Purniah,
forty-five south of Darjiling. It is celebrated for its annual fair. Lat.
26 29' 35", long. 88 22' 50".
TITAS. River in Tipperah district, Bengal ; rising in the northern
part of the district, through which it flows till it falls into the Meghna at
Char Lalpur, after a course of ninety-two miles. It is navigable for
large boats throughout the year.
TITAVL Thana in Muzaffarnagar district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
TITLAKOT. Site of the stockade formerly held by Nepal troops, in
Kumaun district, N. W.P. ; two miles west of the right bank of the
Kali, on a spur of mountain running southwards from the main range
of the Himalaya, on the route from Askot to the Bians Pass, twenty -four
miles north-east of Askot. Lat. 29 58', long. 80 40'.
TITRAUN Town in Saharanpur district, N.W.P. ; situated on the
route from Saharanpur to Panipat, twenty-six miles south-west by south
of the former. Lat. 29 40', long. 77 23'. Pop. (1881), 3551.
TITROtf. Town in Saharanpur district, N.W.P.
TITJREM. Village in Ponda district, Portuguese India. Pop. (1881),
TIVIM. Tillage in Bardez district, Portuguese India. Pop. (1881),
TO. Channel of the Irawadi, known also as the China Bakir. It
leaves the Kyun-tun or Dala river at the village of Kywon-khareng, and
after running in a south-easterly direction for about seventy miles, falls
into the Gulf of Martaban, between the Rangoon and Than-htiep rivers,
in lat. 16 19', long. 96 10'. It is navigable above its junction with
the Bassein creek, and is utilized as the dry season route for steamers and
large boats from Rangoon to the Irawadi.
TODA. Town in Jaipur State, Rajputana ; situated sixty- three miles
south by west from Jaipur, and sixty-five miles east-south-east from
Ajmere. Lat. 26 4', long. 75 39'. Pop. (1881), 5546.
TODA BHIM. Town in Jaipur State, Rajputana. Pop. (1881),
TODAN AD. Tillage in the Mgiri district, Madras. Pop. (1871),
7537. It is the principal spot occupied by the hill tribe of Todas.
TODA TODL State in Kathiawar, Bombay, paying a tribute of 14
per annum to the Gaekwar of Baroda, and 3 to the Nawab of Junagarh.
TODIKOMBIT. Town in Madura district, Madras; situated thirty-
nine miles north-north-west of Madura. Lat. 10 27', long. 78 1'.
TOGA. Town in Peshawar district, Punjab; situated eleven miles
from the right bank of the Indus, thirty-six miles south south-east of
Peshawar. Lat. 33 30', long. 71 38'.
TOHANA. Town in Hissar district, Punjab ; situated forty
miles north of Hissar town. Lat. 29 41', long. 75 58'. Pop. (1881),
TOKA. Town in Ahmednagar district, Bombay ; situated forty-one
miles north-north-east of Ahmednagar. Lat. 19 37', long. 75 2'.
TOKSALGHAT. Town in Nepal State ; situated on the left bank of
the San Kusi river, sixty-one miles east-south-east from Khatmandu.
Lat. 27 24', long. 86 12'.
TOLA. Village in Kumaun district, N.W.P. ; situated on the left
bank of the river Gori, 400 feet above the stream, and on the route to
Hundes by the Jawahir Pass, from which it is distant twenty miles
south. Elevation above the sea, 11,122 feet. Lat. 30 20' long.
80 15'.
TOLJAPTJR. Town in Haidarabad State; situated twenty-eight
miles north-east of Sholapur. Lat. 18, long. 76 10'.
TOLLYGANJ. Suburb of Calcutta. Area, 1517 acres. Pop. (1881),
TOLLY'S NALA. Canal in Twenty-four Parganas district, Bengal;
extending from Kidderpur, in lat. 22 33', long. 88 22', about a mile
south of Calcutta, to Tardaha, in lat. 22 27' 15", long. 88 33'. It is
eighteen miles in length, and is partly formed on an old course of the
TOLTA. Town in Jessore district, Bengal ; situated thirty miles
south-south-east of Jessore. Lat. 22 44', long. 89 20'.
TO-MA-YAN. Revenue circle in Thun-khwa district, Pegu division,
British Burma. Pop. (1877), 3007.
TONGANUR. Town in South Arcot district, Madras ; situated sixty-
one miles west-north-west of Cuddalore. Lat. 12 6', long. 79.
TONGDI. Town in Kashmir State, Punjab; situated 124 miles east-
south-east of Srinagar, and eighty-eight miles north-east by north of
Chamba. Lat. 33 32', long. 77 3'.
TONGLO. Mountain of Sikkim State ; having an elevation of 10,000
feet. Lat. 27 3', long. 88 8'.
TONGSO. Town in Bhutan State; situated on the left bank of the
Champamati river, 100 miles north-north-west of Goalpara. Lat.
27 30', long. 90 9'.
TONK. State in Rajputana. The territories of Tonk belong to the
family of the celebrated Pathan freebooter, Amir Khan, to whom they
were guaranteed by the Marquis of Hastings in 1817, on the condition
of his disbanding his army. Area, 2509 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 338,029.
The Chief, who is entitled to a salute of 17 guns, maintains a force
of 8 field and 45 other guns, 100 artillerymen, and 1130 cavalry and
1730 infantry. The capital, of the same name, has a pop. (1881), of
40,726. Lat. 26 10', long. 75 56'.
TONNUR (TONDANUR). Village in Mysore State; situated ten
miles south-west of Seringapatam. It is noted for its splendid tank or
reservoir called Moti Talab; and there is also a Muslim temple. Lat.
12 33'. long. 76 42'. Pop. (1871), 566.
TONS. River of Garhwal State and Dehra Dun district, N.W.P.;
rising at the northern side of the Jamnotri peaks close to the source of the
Jumna, and issuing first from a snow-bed 12,784 feet above sea-level.
It takes a westerly course for thirty miles, with a declivity of about 250
feet per mile, and receives the waters of the Rupin on the right side,
in lat. 31 3', long. 78 10', at an elevation of 5300 feet. Nineteen miles
lower down, it is joined by the Pabar; and thenceforward forms the
boundary between part of Dehra Dun district and the Native States of
Jubbal and Sirmur in the Punjab. Its course in this portion runs almost
due south, through a succession of rugged limestone ravines, till it joins
the Jumna at an elevation of 1686 feet above sea-level, in lat. 30 30',
long. 77 53'. As its total course is about 100 miles, it has the enormous
fall of above 110 feet in a mile.
TONS (SOUTH-WESTERN). River of Bundelkhand and the
N.W.P. ; rising in the State of Maihar, in lat. 24, long. 80 30', at a
considerable elevation, and flowing through a ravine of the Katra range,
with a cascade over 200 feet in height. Thence it flows in a north-
easterly direction, and fifty miles below the fall, passes through the Tara
Hills into the plains. Twenty miles farther down, it joins the Ganges
on its right bank, in Allahabad district, after a total length of 165 miles.
The East Indian Railway crosses the river by a bridge of seven spans,
with a length of 1206 feet, and a height of 75 feet. The Tons is subject
to sudden and violent floods, and navigation is confined to the lower
reaches in the summer months.
TONS (NORTH-EASTERN). River of Faizabad and Azamgaih
districts, Oudh and N.W.P. ; leaving the Gogra river on the right side,
about ten miles above the city of Oudh, in lat. 26 47', long. 82 1', it
takes a south-easterly direction, and about twenty-five miles from its
commencement sends northward an offset, by which it communicates with
the original stream. Proceeding in a south-easterly direction, it passes
the town of Azamgarh, and uniting with the Sarju, another offset of the
Gogra, the joint stream falls into the Ganges on the right side, in lat. 25
41', long. 84 11'; its total length of course being about 240 miles.
TOPCHANCHI. Thana in Manbhum district, Bengal. Area, 155 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881'), 48,013.
TORA. Town in Peshawar district, Punjab ; situated twenty miles
from the right bank of the Indus, thirty miles north-east of the town of
Peshawar. Lat. 34 9', long. 72 8'.
TORA. Town in Raipur district, Central Provinces; situated 152
miles east of Nagpur, and 122 miles south-south-east of Ramgarh. Lat.
21 8', long. 81 30'.
TORABGANJ. Tahsil in Gonda district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
TORAGTJL. Town in Belgaum district, Bombay ; situated forty-eight
miles east by north of Belgaum. Lat. 15 56', long. 75 17'.
TORBELA. Village in Hazara district, Punjab ; situated on the left
or eastern bank of the Indus, a little below where it issues from the
mountains, and flows over the plain in a broad and shallow, yet still very
rapid current. Lat. 34 7', long. 72 50'.
TORI. Town in Jaipur State, Rajputana ; situated fifty -two miles
south-south-west of Jaipur, and fifty-six miles east by south of Ajmere.
Lat. 26 16', long. 75 34'.
TORI. Town in Hazaribagh district, Bengal ; situated forty-six miles
west-south-west of Hazaribagh. Lat. 23 40', long. 84 46'.
TORI FATEHPUR. State in Bundelkhand, Central India Agency ;
almost entirely surrounded by the British district of Jhansi. Its area
is about 36 sq. miles; the population being (1881) 10,631. The
town of Tori Fatehpur is situated forty miles east of Jhansi. Lat. 25
27', long. 79 10'.
TORIORE. Town in Trichinopoli district, Madras ; situated twenty-
three miles north-north-west of Trichinopoli. Lat. 11 9', long.
78 39'.
TORISHA (TORSHA). River of Northern Bengal ; rising in lat. 26
57', long. 89 14', in the territory of Bhutan, and, flowing south through
Bhutan and across the Jalpaiguri district, into the Kuch-Behar State, falls
into the Dharla river, in lat. 25 56', long. 89 31'*
TORPA. Thana in Lohardaga district, Bengal. Area, 627 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 104,140.
TORRES. Two islands in the Mergui Archipelago ; situated seventy-
two miles from the coast of Tenasserim. They are about lat. 11 47',
long. 97 36'.
TORXEM. \illuge in Pernem district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 807.
TOSHAM. Town in Hissar district, Punjab; situated twenty-three
TOU 945
miles south-west of Hissar, amid the sandy hills of Chak Bagar. Lat.
28 54', long. 75 56'. Pop. (1868), 2128.
TOUNG-BHEK-MYO. Township in Sandoway district, British Burma.
Area, 1290 sq. miles. Pop. (1877-78), 9919.
TOUNG-BHO-HLA. Revenue circle in Henzada district, British
Burma. Pop. (1878), 5569.
TOUNG-GNYO. Revenue circle in Henzada district, British Burma.
Pop. (1878), 3287.
TOTING GUN-ZI-GUN. Revenue circle in Henzada district, British
Burma. Pop. (1878), 7469.
TOUNG-GUP. Revenue circle in Sandoway district, British Burma.
Pop. (1878), 4432.
TOUNG-GUP. Village in Sandoway district, British Burma ; situated
about six miles from the mouth of the Toung-gup river. Lat. 18 49'
50", Ions- 94 19' 50". Pop. (1877), 2219.
TOUNG-GUP. River in Sandoway district, British Burma ; rising in
the western slopes of the Arakan Hills, and passing the village of Toung-
gup, falls into the sea a little south of Ramri.
TOTING- KHYOUNG. Revenue circle in Akyab district, British
Burma. Pop. (1878), 2443.
TOTING-LOTING-TSTI. Village in Henzada district, British Burma.
Pop. (1878), 3081.
TOTING-LTIN. Revenue circle in Bassein district, British Burma.
Area, 28 sq. miles. Pop. (1878), 8210.
TOTING-NGTI. District of the Tenasserim division, British Burma;
situated between lat. 17 37' 19 28', and long. 95 53' 96 53'. It
is bounded on the north by Independent Burma, the boundary-line being
marked by a line of masonry pillars, fixed by Lord Dalhousie in 1853;
on the east by the great watershed of the Tenasserim Yoma ; on the
south by Shwe-gyeng district; and on the west by the Pegu Yomas.
The area of the district is 6354 sq. miles, and its pop. (1881), 128,848.
It is traversed in a direction generally north and south by three great
mountain ranges, the Pegu Yomas, the Poung-loung and !Nat-toung ;
the latter, culminating in a peak 8000 feet above the sea-level. The
Pegu Yomas have a general elevation of from 800 to 1200 feet, while
the central range averages from 2000 to 3000 feet. The Tsit-toung
(or Sitoung) is the only large river in the district. Its tributaries, the
Tshwa, Kha-boung, Hpyu, Thoukre-gat, and Rouk-thwa-wa, are all
navigable to some extent. A railway is under construction from Rangoon
to Toung-ngu, the capital, and only town of importance in the district.
The district is administered by a Deputy-Commissioner and Staff.
TOUNG-NGU. Township in Toung-ngu district, British Burma. Pop.
(1877-78), 16,982.
TOUNG-NGU. Capital of the Toung-ngu district, British Burma;
situated on the right bank of the Tsit-toung (Sitoung) river, 170 miles
north of Rangoon by land, and 295 miles by water, eighty-three miles
east by north of Prome, and about thirty-seven miles from the northern
frontier. Toung-ngu contains a cantonment and barracks for European
infantry and artillery. It was at one time the capital of an independent
kingdom, and the ruins of the ancient palace are still existing. Lat. 18
55' 30", long. 96 31' 10". Pop. (1881), 17,199.
TOTING -RWA. Revenue circle in Kyouk-hpyu district, British
Burma. Area, 31 sq. miles. Pop. (1878), 3496.
TO WANG. Town in Bhutan State ; situated on the left bank of the
Demri river, seventy-seven miles north hy east of Darrang. Lat. 27 30',
long. 92 19'.
TOW ARUM. Town in Madura district, Madras ; situated fifty-eight
miles west of Madura. Lat. 9 55', long. 77 20'.
TOYALLL Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 45.
TRANDA (TURANDA). Village in Bashahr State, Punjab ; situated
near the left bank of the Sutlej, at the confluence of the Chonda torrent.
Elevation above the sea, 7089 feet. Lat. 31 33', long. 77 55'.
TRANQTJEBAR (TARANGAMB ADI). Town in Tanjore district,
Madras ; situated on the coast, where a bay is formed, causing the surf to
be less violent than in the more exposed parts. It was in the 17th
century a settlement with a fort belonging to the Danes. In 1807 it
was captured by the British, restored to the Danes in 1814, and finally
purchased from them in 1845. It has been a busy port, but its prosperity
has fluctuated considerably, and is now at low ebb. Lat. 11 1' 37", long.
79 53' 44". Pop. (1871), 15,040.
TRAVANCORE. State in Madras Presidency ; situated between lat.
8 4' 10 22', and long. 76 12' 77 38'. It is bounded on the north by the
State of Cochin ; on the east by the Madura and Tinnevelli districts ; on
the south and west by the Indian Ocean. Its area is 6730 sq. miles, and
the pop. (1881), 2,401,158. The most marked physical feature in the
State is furnished by the Western Ghats, which separate it on the east
from British territory. This great mountain range rises to an elevation
of 8000 feet, and throws out spurs towards the coast, along which there
is a belt of flat country of about ten miles in width. The rivers at their
mouths are forced by the action of the Arabian Sea to spread out in lagoons
or backwaters, which are connected here and there by artificial canals,
and form an inland line of smooth water communication along the coast.
The chief river is the Periyar, which is navigable for sixty miles. Other
important rivers are the Parnbai, with its tributary the Achin Koil, the
Kallada, and the Western Tambrapani. The chief towns are Trivandrum,
the capital ; Alleppi, the chief seaport, Quilon, Shenkotta and Sharetala.
The Maharaja is entitled to a salute of nineteen guns. Succession
devolves on the eldest male member of the royal family in the female
TRAVANCORE (TERAVANKODE). Town in Travancore State,
Madras ; formerly the capital of the State, but nearly deserted since the
Raja has transferred his residence to Trivandrum, on the sea-coast. Lat.
8 14', long. 77 19'. Pop. (1871), 2351.
TRIBENL Village in Hugli district, Bengal ; situated at the junction
of the Ganges or Hugli, the Saraswati, and the Jamuna. It is a place of
great sanctity among Hindus, and several festivals are held there in the
year. Lat. 22 59' 10", long. 88 26' 40".
TRI 947
TRICHINOPOLI. District in the Madras Presidency ; situated
between lat. 10 37' 11 30' 30", and long. 78 12' 79 30'. It is bounded
on the north and north-east by South Arcot district; on the south-east
by the river Coleroon, which separates it from Tan j ore ; on the south by
the Pudukottai State and Madura ; and on the west by Coimbatore. The
area is 3561 sq. miles, and the pop. (1881), 1,215,033. The general
surface of the district is flat, diversified by protruding masses of rock,
some tabular, and others with rounded summits, which seldom rise to
any considerable height. The Pachaimalais, which rise to 2000 feet and
extend into Salem district, form the only mountainous range. The
chief rivers are the Kaveri and the Coleroon. The principal towns are
Trichinopoli, the capital, Srirangam, Turaiyur and Mahadanapuram. The
district, which is administered by a Collector and Staff, is traversed by
the South Indian Railway.
district, Madras ; situated on the right bank of the river Kaveri, about
fifty-six miles from the sea. It is a place of much historic interest,
having been the scene of many well-known sieges and combats. The
city consists of the fort, situated about a mile south of the river ; the
civil and military station, and numerous suburbs. The fort is built on
a mass of gneiss known as the Trichinopoli rock, rising abruptly out of
the plain to a height of 273 feet above the street at its foot. There are
two railway stations of the South Indian Railway, and its extension south-
wards into Madura. Trichinopoli is a great centre of the Roman Catholic
religion, containing as many as 8000 members of that faith. There are
also Lutheran and Wesleyan missions, while the Society for the Propaga-
tion of the Gospel has an agent in the city. Pop. (1881), 84,449. Lat.
10 49' 45", long. 78 44' 21".
TRICHUR (TIRTTSHAVAPERTTR). Town in Cochin State, Madras ;
situated on the eastern coast of the Cochin backwater, or series of lagoons
by which communication is carried on along the coast. It is therefore a
position of active trade. It is a very ancient town, and was fortified, but
the fortifications are now in ruins. Lat. 10 32', long. 76 15' 10". Pop.
(1871), 1109.
TRIKOLTJM. Town in Malabar district, Madras ; situated sixty-nine
miles south-east by south of Cannanore. Lat. 11 2', long. 75 59'.
TRIKOTA. Mountain in Kashmir State, Punjab ; forming part of the
range bounding the valley of Srinagar on the south. The summit is
covered with snow almost throughout the year. On its northern flank
a spring gushes from the rock in regular pulsations hot in winter, but
cooled by intermixture of the melting snows during the summer months.
The Hindus regard this spring as holy, and pay pilgrimages to it from
considerable distances. Lat. 32 58', long. 74 37'.
TRILOKNATH. Town in Kashmir State, Punjab; situated on the
left bank of the Chandra river, 140 miles south-east from Srinagar.
Lat. 32 43', long. 76 43'.
TRIMALROYENPATAM. Town in the French territory of Karikal,
within the limits of Tanjore district, Madras ; situated forty-seven miles
east by north of Tanjore. Lat. 10 53', long. 79 53'.
TRIMBAK. Town in Nasik district, Bombay ; situated twenty miles
south-west of Msik town. Trimbak is a place of Hindu pilgrimage, and
948 TRI
a special fair is held about every 12th year. Lat. 19 54' 50", long.
73 33' 50". Pop. (1881), 3839.
TRIMOHINI. Village in Jessor district, Bengal ; situated five miles
west of Kesabpur, at the point where the Bhadra river formerly left the
Kabadak. Trimohini is a considerable market-place, Chandra being the
name of the village. An annual fair is held here in March. Lat. 22 54',
long. 89 10'.
TRIMUNGALTJM. Town in Madura district, Madras ; situated eleven
miles south-west of Madura. Lat. 9 50', long. 78 3'.
TRIP ASTIR (TIRUPASUR). Town in Chengalpat district, Madras ;
formerly a considerable cantonment and a station for cadets in the East
India Company's service, but used of late years for pensioned European
soldiers. Lat. 13 8' 20", long. 79 55'. Pop. (1871), 2847.
TRIPUNATHORAL Town in Cochin State, Madras ; situated eight
miles east of Cochin, and five and three-quarters from Ernakollam, the
official and commercial capital of the State. Tripunathorai is the usual
residence of the Raja of Cochin, whose palace and fort, with the houses of
members of the reigning family, are the chief features of the town. Lat.
9 56' 40", long. 76 23' 19". Pop. (1872), 8493.
TRISUL GANGA. River of Nepal State ; called in the upper part of
its course the Bori Gandak, rising in the Himalayas, in lat. 28 57', long.
85 48', and flowing in a south-westerly direction, forms a junction
with the Gandak in lat. 27 31', long. 84 5'.
TRITRAPTTNDL Town in Tanjore district, Madras ; forty miles
east-south-east of Tanjore. Lat. 10 33', long. 79 42'.
TRIVALUM. Town in North Arcot district, Madras ; situated eight
miles north-west of Arcot. Lat. 12 59', long. 79 18'.
TRIVANANELLUR. Town in South Arcot district, Madras; situated
twenty-nine miles west-north-west of Cuddalore. Lat. 11 52', long.
79 24'.
TRIVANDRTJM. Capital of Travancore State, Madras ; situated
about two miles from the sea, on the right bank of a small river flowing
from the Western Ghats. The town is of considerable size, having its
greatest length north and south. At the southern extremity is the fort,
about half a mile square, without a ditch, with walls of mud cased with
stone at some parts of the north and west faces. Within the fort is the
Raja's palace, a large handsome edifice in the European style. At
the north of the town are the barracks and the cantonment, forming
the head-quarters of the Nair brigade. Elevation of the town above
the sea, 135 feet. Distance from Cannanore, south-east, 255 miles;
Madras, south-west, 395. Lat. 8 29' 3", long. 76 59' 9". Pop.
(1KH1), 37,652.
TRIVELOR. Town in Chengalpat district, Madras ; situated twenty-
five miles west of Madras. Lat. 13 8', long. 80.
TRIVTIR. Town in Masulipatam district, Madras ; situated seventy-
six miles north-north-west of Masulipatam. Lat. 17 8', long. 80 40'.
TROMBAY (TTJRMBHEN). Town and sea-port on an island of the
same name, in Thana district, Bombay ; situated nine miles north-east of
Bombay. Lat. 19, long. 73 4'.
TRTJNTJLVATJSEL. Town in Tanjore district, Madras; situated fifty-
seven miles north-east by east of Tanjore. Lat. 11 13', long. 79 56'.
TSA-BAY-GAN. Revenue circle in Prome district, British Burma.
Pop. (1877), 3459.
TSA-DTJ-THI-RI-GTJN. Revenue circle in Henzada district, British
Burma. Pop. (1878), 9121.
TSAGAING. Town in Independent Burma ; situated on the right
bank of the Irawadi river, three miles north-north-west from Ava.
Lat. 21 55', long. 96.
TSA GTJ. Island forming a revenue circle of Kyouk-hpyu district,
British Burma. Area, 11 sq. miles. Pop. (1878), 2631.
TSAING-PYWON. Revenue circle in Bassein district, British Burma.
Area, 52 sq. miles. Pop. (1878), 3589.
TSALENG. Town in Bhutan State; situated 101 miles north-west
by west of Darrang, and seventy-two miles north of Goalpara. Lat. 27
10', long. 90 40'.
TSAM-BAY-RTJN (TS A-B AY- YTJN). Township in Bassein district
British Burma. Area, 649 sq. miles. Pop. (1877-78), 43,820.
TSAM-BAY-RTJN. Revenue circle on the right bank of the Daga
river, Bassein district, British Burma. Area, 55 sq. miles. Pop. (1878),
TSAM-PA-NA-GO. Revenue circle in Amherst district, British
Burma. Pop. (1877-78), 4402.
TSAN-PTJ (SANGPTJ). River of Thibet, forming the upper waters
of the Brahmaputra. The Tsan-pu rises near Manasarowar Lake, on the
northern side of the Himalayas, in about lat. 31, long. 83', not far from
the sources of the Indus and the Sutlej ; thence it flows in an easterly
direction through the whole length of Thibet, to lat. 95, where it turns
south through a gorge of the Himalayas, and under the name of the
Dihang enters Assam, and becomes one of the three swift rivers which
unite to form the Brahmaputra in lat. 27 70', long. 95 50'.
TSAN-RWE. Township of Henzada district, British Burma. Pop.
(1871), 62,859.
TSA-WA. Revenue circle in Sandoway district, British Burma. Pop.
(1877), 2990.
TSAW-KAI. Revenue circle in Prome district, British Burma. Pop.
(1877\ 3027.
TSEK-KHAW. Revenue circle in Kyouk-hpyu district, British
Burma. Area, 42 sq. miles. Pop. (1878), 3162.
TSEK-LAI -DOTING. Revenue circle in Shwe-gyeng district, British
Burma. Pop. (1877-78), 3207.
TSHAN-DAW. Pagoda in Sandoway district, British Burma ; situated
amid the hills on the left bank of the Sandoway river, about half a mile
from Sandoway town. The inhabitants of Sandoway town spend one day
at this temple in March, June, and October of each year.
TSHAT-THWA. Revenue circle in Sandoway district, British Burma.
Area, 121 'sq. miles. Pop. (1879), 2465.
TSHAY-HNIT-RWA. Revenue circle in Henzada district, British
Burma. Pop. (1878), 6671.
TSHENG-BAIK. Revenue circle in Akyab district, British Burma.
Pop. (1878), 2721.
TSHENG-DAI. Revenue circle in Prome district, British Burma.
Pop. (1877), 3463.
TSHENG-DUP. Revenue circle in Thayet district, British Burma.
Area, 55 sq. miles. Pop. (1878), 2739.
TSHENG-HPYU-KYWON. Revenue circle in Akyab district, British
Burma. Pop. (1878), 3554.
TSHI-DAW. Revenue circle in Tavoy district, British Burma. Pop.
(1878), 2308.
TSHIEP-THA. Revenue circle in Thun-khwa district, British Burma.
Pop. (1877), 4713.
TSHI-GUN. Tillage in Henzada district, British Burma. It has a
station on the Irawadi Valley Railway. Pop. (1878), 1789.
TSHUN-LAI. Revenue circle in Henzada district, British Burma.
Pop. (1878), 3857.
TSHWA. Revenue circle in Toung-ngii district, British Burma. Pop.
(1878), 2973.
TSHWA. River in Toung-ngu district, British Burma ; rising in the
Pegu Yoma Mountains, and after an easterly course of sixty miles, falls
into the Tsit-toung, about twenty-four miles north of Toung-ngu town.
TSI-BENG. Revenue circle in Henzada district, British Burma.
Pop. (1878), 8511.
TSINGUH MYO. Town in Independent Burma ; situated on the left
bank of the Irawadi river, forty-nine miles north of Ava. Lat. 22
34', long. 96 2'.
TSIN-KHYUN. Revenue circle in Kyouk-hpyu district, British
Burma. Area, 24 sq. miles. Pop. (1878), 2569. Centre of sugar trade.
TSIT-PENG. Revenue circle on the left bank of the Pu-zwon-doung
river, in Rangoon district, British Burma. Pop. (1878), 4211.
TSIT-TOUNG. Township on both banks of the Tsit-toung river, in
Shwe-gyeng district, British Burma.
TSIT-TOUNG. Revenue circle in Shwe-gyeng district, British Burma.
Area, 240 sq. miles. Pop. (1878), 6242.
TSIT-TOUNG. Town in Shwe-gyeng district, British Burma; situated
on the left bank of the Tsit-toung river, fifty miles by water below
Shwe-gyeng town. Pop. (1878), 978. Lat. 17 26' 5", long. 96 57' 30".
TSIT-TOUNG (SITANG, SITTOUNG). River of Tenasserim division,
British Burma ; rising in the hills in Independent Burma, about twenty-
five miles north-east of Re-me-theng, and about 130 above Toung-ngu
town; flows southwards through the districts of Toung-ngu and Shwe-
gyeng, and falls into the sea at the head of the Gulf of Martaban, in lat.
16 50', long. 97 15'. Its total course is about 350 miles, of which the
lust 175 are through British Burma.
TSOUNG-KHWET. Revenue circle in Henzada district, British
Burma. Pop. (1878), 3284.
TSTALONTSKAIK. Town in Independent Burma ; situated on the
left bank of the Khyendwen river, sixty-nine miles west-north-west
from Ava. Lat. 22 14', long. 95 4'.
TTIAVI. Village in Muzaffarnagar district, N.W.P. ; situated on the
route from Karnal to Muzaifarnagar, thirty-nine miles south-east of the
former. Lat. 29 28', long. 77 35'.
TUBA. Town in Jaipur State, Yizagapatam district, Madras ; situated
fifty miles south by east of Jaipur, and sixty- nine miles north-west by
west of Vizagapatam. Lat. 18 20', long. 82 33'.
TUBKIBAGRA. Town in Noakhali district, Bengal ; situated thirty
miles north-west of Bhulua. Lat. 23 10' long. 90 37'.
TUCHAMAKERL Tillage in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 399.
TUDDON. Village in Sanguem district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 915.
TUDURPUR. Village in Pilibhit district, N.W.P. ; situated on the
route from Bareilly to Pithoragarh, forty-five miles north-east of the
former. Lat. 28 47', long. 79 55'.
TTJEM. Village in Pernem district, Portuguese India. Pop. (1881),
TUFANGANJ. Thana in Kuch Behar State, Bengal. Area, 309 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 139,294.
TUGRA. Town in Bakarganj district, Bengal ; situated 100 miles
east of Calcutta. Lat. 22 30', long. 90.
TULARAM-SENAP ATI'S COUNTRY. Part of Cachar district,
Assam ; forming the North Cachar subdivision of the district. Tularam
Senapati was one of the generals of. the Raja of Cachar, who established
his independence of that kingdom early in the present century ; on his
death without heirs in 1854, the territory lapsed to the British.
TULASI DUNGARI. Range of hills in Vizagapatam district, Madras ;
stretching into the State of Bastar, with an average elevation of 3000
feet above sea-level. Lat. 18 45', long. 81 30' 82 40'.
TULSIA. Town in Bhagalpur district, Bengal; situated forty-one
miles north of Bhagalpur. Lat. 25 46', long. 87 2'.
TULSIPUR. Pargana in Bahraich district, Oudh. Pop. (1881),
TULSIPUR. Town (in pargana of same name) in Gonda district,
Oudh ; situated about five miles south of the line of forest, near the
Nepal frontier. Lat. 27 30', long. 82 24'. Pop. (1869), 2292. Area
of pargana, 445 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 132,175. Also thana. Pop.
(1881), 103,488.
TULUVA. Ancient kingdom of Southern India, lying between the
Western Ghats and the sea, and between the Kalyanapuri and Chandra-
giri rivers. Lat. 12 27 13 15', long. 74 45' 75 30', with a coast-
line of about eighty miles. It now exists only as a linguistic division.
TUM ADI. Town in Masulipatam district, Madras ; situated eighteen
miles north-north-east of Masulipatam. Lat. 16 24', long. 81 19'.
TUMBGI. Town in Sholapur district, Bombay; eighty-one miles
south-south-east of Sholapur. Lat. 16 34', long. 76 21'.
TUMBONG KHA. Town in Independent Burma; situated forty-
seven miles east of the left bank of the Irawadi river, and 197 miles
north-east by north of Ava. Lat. 24 19', long. 97 44'.
TUMINKATTL Town in Dharwar district, Bombay. Pop. (1881),
TUMKUR. District of Nandidrug division, Mysore State ; situated
between lat. 12 43' 14 10', andlong. 76 10' 77 30'. It is bounded on
the north by the Bellary district of the Madras Presidency ; on the east
by Bangalore and Kolar ; on the south by Mysore district ; on the west
by Chitaldrug and Hassan districts of Mysore State. The area of the
district is 3420 sq. miles, and its pop. (1881), 413,183. It chiefly
consists of elevated table-land, intersected by river-valleys. A range of
hills rising to nearly 4000 feet crosses the district from north to south,
forming the watershed which divides the system of the Krishna from that
of the Kaveri. The principal rivers are the Jayamangala and the Shimsha.
The chief towns are Tumkur, the capital, Sira, Madgiri, Kunigal,
Chiknayakanhalli and Gubbi.
TUMKUR. Capital (in taluk of same name) of Tumkur district,
Mysore State ; situated at the base of the Devaray-durga Hills, forty-
three miles north-west of Bangalore, and seventy miles north-north-east
of Seringapatam. Lat. 13 20' 20", long. 77 8' 50". Pop. (1871),
11,170. Area of taluk, 394 sq. miles. Pop. (1871), 101,981.
TUMSAR. Town in Bhandara district, Central Provinces; situated
on a small tributary of the Wainganga, twenty miles north-east of
Bhanrlara town. Lat. 20 15', long. 80 19'. Pop. (1881), 7388.
TUMU. Town in Independent Burma ; situated nineteen miles west
from the right bank of the Khyendwen river, and 191 miles north-west
by north of Ava. Lat. 24 8', long. 94 29'.
TUMULLAGUDIUM. Town in Haidarabad State; situated thirty-
eight miles east of Haidarabad, and 118 miles north-west by west of
Gantur. Lat. 17 20', long. 79 7'.
TUMULTHULPUR. Town in Nellore district, Madras; situated
twenty-one miles west-south-west of Nellore. Lat. 14 18', long. 79 46'.
TUNA. Port in Cutch State, Bombay. Lat. 23 2' 30", long. 70 10'.
TUNDA. Town in Damoh district, Central Provinces ; situated on the
route from Damoh to Hoshangabad, sixty-one miles south-west by west of
the former. Lat. 23 24', long. 78 40'.
TUNDLA. Town in Agra district, KW.P. ; and a station on the
East Indian Railway main line ; distant from Calcutta (Howrah station)
827 miles, from Agra city (for which it is the junction station) fourteen
miles. Lat. 27 12' 50", long. 78 17' 50".
TUNGA. River in Mysore State ; rising beneath the peak of Ganga-
mula in the Western Ghats, in lat. 13 15', long. 75 14'. It flows with
a tortuous course in a northerly direction, enters the district of Shimoga,
and passing Shimoga town, joins the Bhadra, in lat. 14, long. 75 43',
near the village of Kudali. The united rivers are then known as the
TTJNGA. Town in Jaipur State, Rajputana; situated twenty-two
miles south-east of the city of Jaipur. Lat. 26 41', long. 76 16'.
TUNGABHADRA (TUMBUDRA). River of Southern India, formed
by the junction of the two rivers Tungra and Bhadra. Both rise near
the south-west frontier of Mysore, on the eastern slopes of the high range
of hills which border on South Kanara. Their junction takes place in
lat. 14, long. 75 43', in Shimoga district, Mysore State. Prom this
point the Tungabhadra, flowing north and north-east, forms the northern
boundary of Bellary district and of the Madras Presidency, then entering
Karnul district, it falls into the Krishna river on the right side, in lat.
15 58', long. 78 17' 20", having a total course of about 400 miles.
Its principal tributaries on the right are the Haggari and the Hindri, on
the left bank the Kumadwati and the Wardha. Owing to its rapid course
and rocky channel, the Tungabhadra is scarcely at any time navigable
even by small boats.
TUNGHAW ALA. Town in Gujranwala district, Punjab; situated
forty miles from the right bank of the Ravi, forty miles north-west by
north of the town of Lahore. Lat. 32 7', long. 73 55'.
TUNGI. Town in Peshawar district, Punjab; situated on the left
bank of the Lundai river, twenty miles north of Peshawar. Lat. 34 18',
long. 71 42'.
TTJNGLA. Town in Bhutan State ; situated six miles from the right
bank of the Monas river, and eighty miles west-north-west of Darrang.
Lat. 26 55', long. 90 54'.
TTJNGRU. Mountain peak in Bashahr State, Punjab ; situated in the
range stretching between the Wartu and Chur mountains. From its
western side the river Giri takes its rise, and from its north-eastern,
feeders pass off to the Pabur. Elevation above the sea, 10,102 feet. Lat.
31 8', long. 77 41'.
TTJNGRUNG. Pass in Bashahr State, Punjab ; leading over a lofty
ridge separating the valley of the Buspa from that of the Taglakhar.
Elevation, 13,739 feet above the sea. Lat. 31 38', long. 78 32'.
TUNGUDA. Town in Krishna district, Madras; situated forty-nine
miles north-west by west of Gantur. Lat. 16 40', long. 79 54'.
TTINGTIL. Town in Sikkim State, Bengal ; situated on the left bank
of the Tista river, sixty miles north-north-east of Darjiling. Lat.
27 52', long. 88 37'.
TUNI. Town in Godavari district, Madras; situated thirty-three
miles north-east of Samulkota. Lat. 17 21', long. 85 35'.
TITNNIMANL Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 414.
TUPUKRA. Town in TJlwar State, Rajputana; situated forty-four
miles south-west of Delhi. Lat. 28 7', long. 76 54'.
TUPTJRANA. Village in Muzaffarnagar district, N.W.P. ; situated on
the route from Karnal to Meerut, twenty-four miles south-east of the
former. Lat. 29 29', long. 77 19'.
TURA. Mountain range in the Garo Hills, Assam; running east and
west through the entire length of the district. The highest peak is 4652
feet above the sea.
TTJRA. Capital of the Garo Hills district, Assam ; situated on a spur
of the mountain range of the same name, 1323 feet above sea-level, and
about forty miles west of Maniker Char on the Brahmaputra. Tura
itself is only a village, its importance arising from its having been selected
as the civil station of the district. The average rainfall is about 127
inches in the year. Lat. 25 29' 30", long. 90 16' 10". Pop. (1878), 865.
TURAIYUR. Town in Trichinopoli district, Madras. Lat. 11 9' 10",
long. 78 38' 15". Pop. (1881), 6637.
TURANA. Town in Indore State, Central India Agency ; situated
on the right bank of the Chota Kali Sind river, twenty-two miles north-
east of Ujjain. Lat. 23 18', long. 76 3'.
TURAVANTJR. Town in Chitaldrug district, Mysore. Lat. 14 24',
long. 76 30'. Pop. (1871), 5072. Noted for its red dyes.
TURAWATI (BUTISI). District of Jaipur State, Kajputana. Its
centre is in lat. 27 42', long. 75 58'.
TUREM-BUZTJRHCO. Village in Sanguelim district, Portuguese
India. Pop. (1881), 197.
TUREM-CURDO. Tillage in Sanguelim district, Portuguese India.
Pop. (1881), 95.
TURXAIRA. Town in Khandesh district, Bombay; situated sixty-
four miles north by east of Malegaon. Lat. 21 27', long. 74 43'.
TURKANAMBL Town in Mysore State; situated forty-six miles
south by east of Seringapatam, and fifty- eight miles north by west of
Coimbatore. Lat. 11 48', long. 76 51'.
TURKOD. Town in Dharwar district, Bombay ; situated twelve miles
north-west by north of Dharwar. Lat. 15 36', long. 74 59'.
TURKUA. Town in Midnapur district, Bengal; situated thirty-four
miles south of Midnapur. Lat. 21 56', long. 87 26'.
TURKITLWA. Town in Gorakhpur district, K W.P. ; situated thirty-
four miles east by south of Gorakhpur. Lat. 26 36', long. 83 55'.
TURMAPURI. State in Bhandara district, Central Provinces;
situated five miles north of Sakoli, and comprising seven villages. The
area is 13 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 979.
TURRI KAIRA. Town in Mysore State, fifty-two miles east by
south of Bednor, and 107 miles north-west by north of Seringapatam.
Lat. 13 43', long. 75 52'.
TTIRTIPAR. Town in Ballia district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 6307.
TURUVEKERE (TURVEKERE). Town in Tumkur district, Mysore
State; situated forty-four miles south-west of Tumkur, and fifty-four
miles north of Seringapatam. Lat. 13 10' 10", long. 76 42' 10". Pop.
(1871), 2640.
TUR YA. Town in Raipur district, Central Provinces; situated 160
miles east by north of Nagpur, and 108 miles south-south-east of Eamgarh.
Lat. 21 21', long. 81 36'.
TURYA SUJUN. Town in Gorakhpur district, N.W.P. ; situated
fifty-six miles east of Gorakhpur. Lat. 26 36', long. 84 17'.
TUSHAM. Town in Hissar district, Punjab ; situated on the route
from Hissar to Rewari, twenty-two miles south-east by south of the
former. Lat. 28 51', long. 76.
TUTICORIN. Town and sea-port in Tinnevelli district, Madras ;
situated on the north-west coast of the Gulf of Manar. It has a safe
roadstead, with good anchorage, sheltered on the west, north and south
by the mainland of Tinnevelli, and on the east hy a group of islets,
extending about eight miles from north to south. The trade of this place
has much increased since the opening of the South Indian Railway, of
which Tuticorin is a terminus. It is distant thirty- three miles east
of Tinnevelli, 325 miles south of Madras. Pop. (1881), 16.281 Lat
8 48' 3", long. 78 11' 27".
TUTTABAR. Town in Hazaribagh district, Bengal; situated fifty-
six miles west by north of Ramgarh. Lat. 23 51', long. 84 40'.
TUTU. Village in Jaisalmir State, Rajputana ; situated on the route
from Bikaner to Jaisalmir, fifty-five miles north-east of the latter. Lat.
27 12', long. 71 49'.
TUTWAS. Town in Jodhpur State, Rajputana; situated sixty-six
miles north by east of Jodhpur, and fifty-four miles south of Bikaner.
Lat. 27 14', long. 73 19 7 .
TUZHIGANG. Tillage in Bashahr State, Punjab; situated at the
northern base of the lofty Purgaul, hence sometimes called the Tuzhigang
mountain. Lat. 31 50', long. 78 43'.
TWAN-TE. Revenue circle in Rangoon district, British Burma.
Pop. (1879), 5777.
TWAN-TE. Town in Rangoon district, British Burma; situated on
the banks of the Twan-te river, about seven miles from its mouth in the
To or China Bakir. In its immediate vicinity is the Shwe Tshan-daw
pagoda, an object of great veneration. Pop. (1879), 1870. Lat.
16 41' 30", long. 96 0' 30".
TWENGNGAGE. Town in Independent Burma ; situated on the left
bank of the Irawadi river, eighty-three miles north of Ava. Lat.
23 4', long. 96 I 7 .
TWENTY-FOUR PARGANAS, THE. District in the Presidency
division, Bengal ; situated between lat. 21 55' 20" 22 57' 32", and long.
88 6' 45" 88 20' 51". It is bounded on the north by Nadiya, on the
east by the Kabadak river separating it from Jessor, on the south by the
Bay of Bengal, and on the west by the river Hugh'. The total area of
the district is 2097 sq. miles, and its pop. (1881), 1,618,420, exclusive of
Calcutta. The southern or sea-board part of the district is a network of
swamps and tidal channels, known as the Sundarbans. The principal
rivers in the Twenty-four Parganas are the Hugli, Bidyadhari, Piali,
Kalindi, Jamuna, Kholepetua, and Kabadak, all navigable throughout the
year. There are numerous canals or water-ways. The chief towns,
exclusive of Calcutta and its suburbs, are Agarpara, Naihati, Nawabganj,
Kalinga, Basurhat, and Barasat. The civil headquarters of the district
are at Alipur, a suburb of Calcutta. The district, which is traversed by
the Eastern Bengal Railway, and the Calcutta and South-Eastern State
Railway, is administered by a Collector-Magistrate and Staff.
TWENTY-FOUR PARGANAS. Subdivision in district of same
name. Area, 420 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 384,972.
TYAMGONDAL. Town in Bangalore district, Mysore State. Lat.
13 13', long. 77 22'. Pop. (1871), 3804.
TYATE. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 158.
TYUR. Town in Mysore State; situated on the right bank of the
Kaveri river, eighteen miles south-east by south of Seringapatani.
Lat. 12 13', long. 76 53'.
TTBATJRO. Town (in taluk of same name") in Shikarpur district, Sind,
Bombay; situated seventy miles north of Kohri. Lat. 28 1 1', long. 69 30'.
Pop. (1878), 2585. Area of taluk, 450 sq. miles. Pop. (1872), 42,043.
TJBDTJLPUR. Town in Ghazipur district, N.W.P. ; situated twenty
miles north of Ghazipur. Lat. 25 50', long. 83 44'.
UBHAON. Thana in Ballia district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 37,261.
TJBHU. Village in Sirsa district, Punjab. Lat. 30 9', long. 74 10'.
TICCASSAIM. Village in Bardez district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 3090.
TJCH. Town in Dera Ismail Khan district, Punjab, near the junction
of the Jhelum and Chenab, 128 miles west-south-west of Lahore. Lat.
31 12', long. 72 3'.
UCHAD. State in Rewa Kantha, Bombay ; paying a yearly tribute
of 88 to the Gaekwar of Baroda. Area, 4 sq. miles.
TJCHARA. Town in Nagode State, Baghelkhand, Central India
Agency ; situated thirty-four miles west by south of Rewah, forty-
four miles south-east by east of Panna. Lat. 24 23', long. 80 51'.
TJCHH. Town in Bahawalpur State, Punjab ; situated on the left
bank of the Panjnad river, seventy miles south- south- west of Multan,
and forty miles north-east of the present confluence of the Panjnad with
the Indus at Mithankot. General Cunningham has identified Uchh with
the town which Alexander the Great built near the meeting of the Punjab
rivers. Lat. 29 13', long. 71 9'. Pop. (1881), 5767.
TICHNIRA. Town in Agra district, N.W.P. ; situated on the route
from Agra to Bhartpur, sixteen miles west of the former. Lat. 27 10',
long. 77 49'.
UCHULARU. Mountain in Garhwal State, KW.P. ; situated on a
ridge between the rivers Jumna and Bhagirathi. Its sides are clothed
with forests, which extend to the height of 11,800. Elevation above
the sea, 14,302 feet. Lat. 30 54', long. 78 39'.
IIDAIPUR (MEW AR). State in Eajputana ; situated between lat.
23 46' 25 56', and long. 72 50' 75 38'. It is bounded on the north
by Ajmere; on the east by the States of Bundi, Gwalior, Tonk, and
Partabgarh ; on the south by Banswara and Dungarpur and the Mahi
Kantha; on the north-west by Sirohi, Godwar, and the Province of
Mhairwara- Ajmere. The area of the State is 12,670 miles, and the pop.
(1881), 1,443,144, of whom 51,076 are Bhils. About three-fifths of the
territory is level plain, the remainder is hilly, formed by a range of the
Aravalli mountains, extending over the south-western part of the State.
These hills are rich in minerals. The family of the Eaja of Udaipur
ranks highest in antiquity and dignity among the Rajput chiefs of India.
The chief town is Udaipur, from which a metalled road runs towards
Nimach. The Nimach State Railway, on the metre gauge, passes
TJIA 957
through the north-eastern part of the State. The Chief is entitled
to a salute of 21 guns, of which 2 are personal to the present Maharana
(1885) ; he maintains a force of 263 guns, ] 338 artillerymen, 6240 cavalry,
and 13,900 infantry.
UDAIPUR (OODEYPORE). Capital of the State of Mewar or
Udaipur in Rajputana; situated seventy miles west of Nimach, on a low
ridge in a valley or hasin, surrounded on all sides by hills, except on the
west, where extends a lake five miles in circuit. The palace is a noble
pile of granite, built on the crest of a rocky ridge, overlooking the lake,
city, and valley. Udaipur has an elevation of 2064 feet above sea-level
Lat. 24 35' 19", long. 73 43' 23". Pop. (1881), 38,214.
UDAIPUR. State in Chutia Nagpur, Bengal ; situated between lat.
22 3' 30" 22 47', and long. 83 4' 30" 83 49' 30". It is bounded on
the north by Sarguja ; on the east by the State of Jashpur; and on the
south and west by the districts of Raigarh and Bilaspur in the Central
Provinces. The area is 1055 sq. miles, and the pop. (1881), 33,955.
Udaipur contains part of the most extensive coal-field in India, but no
attempt has as yet been made to work it. The river Ifand flows through
the State in a tortuous course from north-east in a south-westerly direc-
tion towards the Mahanadi, but it is not navigable within the limits of
Udaipur. The chief town is Rabkob, near to which is the old castle of
the Rajas of Udaipur.
UDAIPUR. Town (in subdivision of same name) in Hill Tipperah
State, Bengal ; situated on the left bank of the Gumti, a few miles lower
down the river than Old Udaipur. Udaipur has a sacred temple, which is
annually visited by thousands of pilgrims. Lat. 23 31' 25", long. 91
31' 10". Pop. of subdivision (1881), 31,126.
UDAIPUR. Town in Guzerat, Bombay ; on the route from Baroda to
Mhow, fifty miles east of former, 115 west of latter, situate on the river
Orsung, a tributary of the Narbada. Distance from Ahmedabad, south-
east, 105 miles; Surat, north-east, 110. Lat. 22 20', long. 74 I'.
UDAIPUR. Town in Bikaner State, Rajputana ; eighty-four miles
north-north-east from Bikaner, and 135 west from Hansi. Lat. 29 7',
long. 73 53'.
t UDAIPUR (OLD). Ancient town in Hill Tipperah State, Bengal ;
situated on the left bank of the Gumti, a few miles above the modern
village of Udaipur. It was once the capital of Raja Udai Manikya, who
was sovereign of this part of the country in the latter part of the
sixteenth century. The palace and all the buildings connected with it
have long been deserted, and are now overgrown by dense jungle.
UDAIPURA. Town in Ghazipur district, N.W.P. ; fifteen miles east
from Ballia. Lat. 25 44', long. 84 25'.
UDAIYARPALAIYAM. Town in Trichinopoli district, Madras.
Lat. 11 11' 20", long. 79 20". Pop. (1881), 5703.
UDALGURI. Village in Darrang district, Assam ; situated near the
Bhutan frontier. There is an annual fair held here, lasting for some
weeks, which is attended by the Bhutia chiefs and the hill-tribes of the
UDALI. Town in Ahmedabad district, Bombay; situated seventy-
eight miles south-south-west of Ahmedabad. Lat. 22, long. 72 6'.
UDAMALPET. Town in Coimbatore district, Madras. Lat. 10 35'
40", long. 77 17' 15". Pop. (1881), 5061.
UDARBAND. Village in North Cachar, Assam.
UDARPIDRUG. Town in- Bellary district, Madras; situated forty
miles south-east by east of Bellary. Lat. 14 49', long. 77 25'.
UDATPUR. Village in Cawnpore district, N.W.P. ; situated on the
route from the cantonment of Fatehgarh to that of Cawnpore, twenty
miles north-west of the latter. Lat. 26 40', long. 80 12'.
UDAYAGIRI. Hill in Puri district, Bengal ; noticeable for its
ancient Buddhist cave-dwellings.
UDAYAGIRI. Village and hill in Nellore district, Madras ; situated
eight miles from the main chain of the Eastern Ghats. The hill is quite
isolated, and was at one time strongly fortified. Its elevation is 3079
feet above the sea-level. The village has a pop. (1871) of 3252. Lat.
14 52', long. 79 19'.
UDAYAGIRI. Town in Parla Kimedi State, Madras; sixty- two miles
west by south from Ganjam, and 114 miles north-east by north from
Vizagapatam. Lat. 19 9', long. 84 13'.
UDDHANPUR. Village in Bardwan district, Bengal; situated on
the bank of the Bhagirathi. Lat. 23 41' 10", long. 88 11'.
UDDHANPUR. Town in Hardoi district, Oudh ; situated on the
route by Shahabad from Lucknow to Shahjahanpur, fourteen miles south
of the latter. Lat. 27 42', long. 80'.
UDGIR. Village in Haidarabad State; situated 115 miles north-west
of Haidarabad. Lat. 18 24', long. 77 11'.
UDHANALA (OODEYNULL AH). Village in the Santal Parganas
district, Bengal ; situated six miles south of Rajmabal. The Nawab
Mir Kasim was here defeated by Major Adams in 1763. Lat. 24 59'
30", long. 87 53' 15".
UDHUR. Village in Gurgaon district, Punjab ; situated on the route
from TJlwar, by Firozpur, to Delhi, fifty-two miles south-west of the
latter. Lat. 28 6', long. 77 5'.
UDIAMPER. Town in Cochin State, Madras ; celebrated as the place
where, in A.D. 1599, Menezes, the Portuguese Archbishop of Goa, com-
pelled the Syrian Christians of St. Thomas ostensibly to conform to
papacy, and judicially burned their ritual and doctrinal books. Distance
from city of Cochin, north-east, ten miles. Lat. 10 2', long. 76 29'.
UDIPL Town in South Kanara district, Madras. Lat. 13 20' 30",
long. 74 47'. Pop. (1881), 4449. TTdipi is considered by Hindus to be
the most sacred spot in the Kanarese country, and is much frequented by
pilgrims from Mysore (Maisur).
UDIPUR. Town in Jaipur State, Rajputana. Distance north-west
from Agra 160 miles, south-west from Delhi 130, north from Jaipur fifty-
five. Pop. (1881), 9161. Lat. 27 42', long. 75 34'.
UDIPUR. Town in Gwalior State, Central India Agency ; situated
at the base of a remarkable conical hill. Distant south of Gwalior 160
miles. Lat. 23 52', long. 78 9'.
UDIRAMSIR. Village in Bikaner State, Rajputana ; situated on the
route from Nagar to Bikaner, six miles south of the latter. Lat. 27 57',
long. 73 23'.
TJDTJMPTJR.-Village in Bareilly district, KW.P. ; situated on the
route from Bareilly to Almora, thirty-eight miles north of the former
Lat. 28 47', long. 79 25'.
TJGHTIHALI. Town in Mysore State ; situated eighty-one miles
west-north-west of Seringapatam, and fifty-eight miles east by north of
Mangalore. Lat. 13 3', long. 75 44'.
UGTJ. Town in Unao district, Oudh ; situated twenty-two miles from
TJnao, and five from Fatehpur Chaurasi. An annual fair is held here
Pop. (1869), 4452.
TJGrTTEM. Village in Pernem district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 649.
UGUPTJR. Village in Mirzapur district, N.W.P. ; situated on the
route from Jaunpur to Mirzapur, thirty-three miles south of the former,
ten north of the latter, three north of the left bank of the Ganges. Lat.
25 17', long. 82 37'.
UHIAN. Town in Amherst district, British Burma; situated twenty
miles south-east by east of Maulmain. Lat. 16 20', long. 97 57'.
TJHRAO. Village in Bareilly district, N.W.P. ; situated on the route
from the town of Bareilly to Almora, thirty-five miles north of the
former. Lat. 28 46', long. 79 23'.
UITHAM. Village in Kumaun district, N.W.P. ; situated close to the
river Sarju, on the route from Almora to the Jawahir or Anta Dhara
Pass, forty-three miles north-east of Almora. Lat. 29 57', long.
79 57'.
TJJA (TJNJA). Town in Baroda State. Lat. 23 48' 10", long.
72 27'. Pop. (1881), 10,454.
TJJAL. River in Kathiawar, Bombay ; rising in lat. 21 31', long. 70
51', and flowing in a circuitous, but generally westerly direction, for
seventy-five miles, falls into the Bhadar river, near the town of Nawi-
bandar, in lat. 21 27', long. 69 59'.
TJJHANI. Town (in pargana of same name), in Budaun district,
N.W.P. ; situated eight miles south-west of Budaun, on the Etah road.
Pop. (1881), 7185. Lat. 28 0' 25", long. 79 2' 20". Pop. of pargana
(1881), 86,736. Also thana. Pop. (1881), 86,392.
TJJI. Town in Gorakhpur district, N.AV.P. ; situated three miles
north of the left bank of the Gogra, and forty -two miles west of Gorakhpur.
Lat. 26 44', long. 82 37'.
TTJITPTJR. Village in Barnpur State, N.W.P. ; situated on the route
from Bareilly to Moradabad, forty-one miles north-west of the former.
Lat. 28 45', long. 79 4'.
UJ JAIN (UJ JAIYINI). Town in Gwalior State, Central India Agency,
situated on the right bank of the river Sipra. Though much decayed,
Ujjain is still a large and populous city, with considerable commerce.
The modern town is of oblong outline, six miles in circumference, and
surrounded by groves and gardens. The ruins of the ancient city, which
was the famous capital of Malwa, are situated about a mile to the north
of th( present city of Ujjain. Elevation above the sea, 1698 feet. Lat.
23 11' 10", long. 75 51' 45". Pop. (1881), 32,932.
UJJAYINL Town in Etawah district, N.W.P. ; situated on the routo
from Kalpi to Etawah, seventeen miles south-east of the latter. Lat.
26 38', long. 79 17'.
TIJKICHATIKI. Village in Mirzapur district, N.W.P. ; situated on
the route from Benares to Allahabad, forty-two miles west of the former,
thirty-three south-east of the latter. Lat. 25 19', long. 82 25'.
TIKBURPTIR. Town in Cawnpore district, N.W.P. ; situated on the
left bank of the Jumna, twenty-four miles east of Kalpi. Lat. 26 4',
long. 80 10'.
TJKHALIYA. Town in Nepal State ; situated on the left bank of the
San Kusi river, 116 miles east-south-east from Khatmandu. Lat.
27 6', long. 87.
TJKHTA. Town in Champaran district, Bengal; situated forty-eight
miles east by south of Bettia. Lat. 26 40', long. 85 20'.
TIKI-MATH. Village, with Hindu temple, in Kumaun district,
N.W.P. ; on the route from Srinagar to Kedarnath Temple, eighteen
miles south of the latter. It is situate on an eminence, on the left bank
of the Mandakini. Elevation of the temple, above the sea, 4339 feet.
Lat. 30 31', long. 79 8'.
TIK-KAN (OOK-KAN). Eevenue circle in Rangoon district, British
Burma. It is traversed from south to north by the Irawadi Valley State
Railway. Pop. (1878), 7109.
TIK-KAN. River in Rangoon district, British Burma ; rising in the
Pegu Yorna range, and falling into the Hlaing at Pyeng-ma-gun. The
stream is narrow, but navigable during the rains.
TIK-KAN. Village in Rangoon district, British Burma ; situated about
five miles west of the Hlaing river. Pop. (1878), 713.
TIKLI. Town in Kaladgi district, Bombay ; situated sixty-six miles
south of Sholapur. Lat. 16 42', long. 75 56'. Pop. (1881), 5218.
TIKLIMPTIR. Village in Gurgaon district, Punjab ; situated on the
southern shore of an extensive fresh-water lake. Distance south-west of
Delhi fifty miles. Lat. 27 58', long. 77 2'.
TIKPA. Village in Bashahr State, Punjab ; situated on the right bank
of the Sutlej. Elevation, 8450 feet above the sea. Lat. 31 35', long.
78 26'.
UL. River of Oudh, rising in lat. 28 21', long. 80 27', in Shah-
jahanpur district of the North- Western Provinces. It flows south by east,
forming the boundary between the districts of Shahjahanpur and Kheri,
till it enters the latter district in lat. 28 22', long. 80 28'. It then
passes in a south-easterly direction through Kheri district, and joins the
Chauka on its left bank in Sitapur district, in lat. 27 42', long. 81 13'.
The total length of its course is about 110 miles.
TILA. Town in Haidarabad State; situated 126 miles north-north-
west from Haidarabad, and 144 miles south by east of Ellichpur. Lat.
19 10', long. 78 9'.
ULAGAVERL Town in Tinnevelli district, Madras; thirty-four
miles north of Tinnevelli. Lat. 9 13', long. 77 41'.
TILA KANDI (BHAIRAB BAZAR). Town in Maimansinh district,
Bengal ; situated on the Brahmaputra, just at the boundary junction of
the three districts of Dacca, Tipperah, and Maimansinh. It is an
important commercial mart. Pop. (1872), 1500.
TJLAL. Town in South Kanara district, Madras ; situated three miles
south of Mangalore. Lat. 12 50', long. 74 54'.
TTLAPARA. Thana in Pabna district, Bengal. Area, 218 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 171,711.
ULATJTL River of Ahmedabad district, Bombay; rising in lat. 22 13',
long. 71 33', and flowing in an easterly direction for fifty miles, falls into
the Gulf of Cambay, in lat. 21 58', long. 72 14'.
TIIAYI. Town in Budaun district, N.W.P. ; situated on the right
bank of the Ganges. Lat. 27 51', long. 79.
TJLAYI. Village in Jodhpur State, Kajputana; situated on the route
from Nagar to Bikaner, fourteen miles north-west of the former. Lat.
27 20', long. 73 40'.
TJLINAGAR. Town in Madura district, Madras; situated forty-four
miles west by north of Madura. Lat. 10 3', long. 77 33'.
ULIPUR. Town in Bijnaur district, N.W.P. Lat. 29 19', long.
73 43'.
ULIPTTR. Thana in Rangpur district, Bengal. Area, 418 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 215,213.
ULLIGANG (ALLEEGUNGE). Town in Bareilly district, KW.P. ;
situated on the route from Agra to Bareilly, thirteen miles south-west
of the latter. Lat. 28 20', long. 79 19'.
TTLPAR. Town in Surat district, Bombay ; situated on a small river,
which, eight miles farther west, falls into the Gulf of Cambay. Distance
north from Surat twelve miles. Lat. 21 17', long. 72 47'.
TJLTADANGAH. Suburb of Calcutta. Area, 576 acres. Pop. (1881),
TILT AFGANJ. Village in Faizabad district, Dudh ; situated two
miles south-west of the right bank of the Gogra, on the route from
Azamgarh to Faizabad, fifty-six miles north-west of the former, and
thirty south-east of the latter. Lat. 26 39', long. 82 28'.
TJLTIA Town in Kolhapur State, Bombay; situated fourteen miles
east-north-east from Kolhapur, and sixty-six miles north of Belgaum.
Lat. 16 47', long. 74 30'.
TJLTIBARIA. Town (in subdivision of same name) in Howrah district,
Bengal ; situated on the banks of the Hugh', fifteen miles south of
Howrah. Lat. 22 28', long. 88 9' 15'. Area of subdivision, 303 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 303,737. Also thana. Area, 77 sq. miles. Pop.
(1881), 81,345.
TJLTTGTJLI Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 925.
ULUKDIO. Town in Pilibhit district, N.W.P. ; situated on the route
from Pilibhit to Nagina, forty miles north-west of the former. Lat. 28
59', long. 79 20'.
TJLUR. Town in Travancore State, Madras; situated fifty-five miles
north-west by west of Cape Comorin, and five miles north-west by north
of Trivandrum. Lat. 8 32', long. 76 58'.
TJLVI. Town in North Kanara district, Bombay. A religious fair is
held annually, at which nearly 5000 pilgrims assemble.
TIL WAR (ALWAR). State in Rajputana ; situated between lat. 27
4' 28 13', and long. 76 7' 77 14'. It is bounded on the north by
Gurgaon district ; on the east by the State of Bhartpur ; on the south and
west by the State of Jaipur. The area of the State is 3024 sq. miles, and
its pop. (1881), 682,926. The surface of the country is generally rugged,
rocky, and hilly, in some cases rising to 2400 feet above the sea, or 1600
feet above the plain. A large portion of the State is known as Mewat,
from the Meo inhabitants, who were at the commencement of this century
troublesome brigands. The Sabi river forms the western boundary of the
State for sixteen miles. The chief towns are Ulwar (the capital), Raj-
garh, and Eamgarh. The Rajputana State Railway runs through the
State from north to south. The chief, who is entitled to a salute of 15
guns, maintains an army of 2000 cavalry, 5500 infantry, 10 field and 290
other guns, and 300 artillerymen.
ULWAR (ALWAR). Capital of Ulwar State, Rajputana; situated
nearly in the centre of the State. The city is protected by a rampart
and a moat on all sides, except where the rocky hill range crowned by
the fort secures it from attack. The fort overlooks the town from an
elevation of about 1000 feet. About nine miles south-west is the lake
of Siliserh, from which water is brought by an aqueduct to the city. Lat.
27 34' 4", long. 76 38' 28". Pop. (1881), 49,867.
UMANANDA. Island and place of pilgrimage in the channel
of the Brahmaputra, opposite the town of Gauhati, Kamrup district,
TTMARAWATI. Town in Gantur district, Madras ; situated twenty
miles north of Gantur. Lat. 16 34', long. 80 26'.
UMARGARH. Town in Nabha State, Punjab ; situated forty miles
west of Umballa, and thirty-four miles south-south-east of Ludhiana.
Lat. 30 29', long. 76 9'.
UMARGARH. Town in Bulandshahr district, KW.P. ; situated on
the route from Anupshahr to Meerut, fifty miles south-east of the latter.
Lat. 28 28', long. 78 12'.
UMARGARH. Tillage in Muttra district, KW.P. ; situated on the
route from the cantonment of Aligarh to that of Etawah, and forty-four
miles south-east of the former. Lat. 27 22', long. 78 25'.
TJMARI. Village in Mainpuri district, N.W.P. ; situated on the route
from Agra to Etawah, twenty-eight miles north-west of the latter. Lat.
27 4', long. 78 44'.
UMARIA. Town in Jabalpur district, Central Provinces. Pop.
(1881), 2238.
TIM ARKHEL. Town in Bannu district, Punjab ; situated on the
right bank of the Indus, 114 miles south by west of Peshawar. Lat. 32
23', long. 71 20'.
TTMARKHER. Town in Basim district, Berar. Lat. 19 36', long.
77 45'. Pop. (1881), 5959. There is a religious temple at TJmarkher,
whifh is much frequented by devotees.
TJMARKOT. Town (in taluk of same name) in Thar and Parkar district,
Sind, Bombay. Lat. 25 21', long. 69 46'. Pop. (1881), 2828. Area of
taluk, 1107 sq. miles. Pop. (1872), 64,794.
UMARKOT. Town on the right bank of the Indus, in the Dera
Ghazf Khan district, Punjab ; nineteen miles south-west of Mithankot.
Lat. 28 45', long. 70 18'.
UMARPUR. Town in Bhagalpur district, Bengal. Lat. 25 2' 23",
long. 86 57'. Pop. (1872), 3777.
UMARPUR. Town in Mainpuri district, N.W.P.j lying on the route
from the cantonment of Alfgarh to that of Fatehgarh, forty-seven miles
south-east of the former. Lat. 27 42', long. 78 48'.
UMAESAEI. Port in Surat district, Bombay ; situated on the north-
western coast of the district, four miles west of Pardi. Lat. 20 31',
long. 72 54'.
UMATTUR. Village in Mysore district, Mysore State. Lat. 12 4 f
10", long. 76 56' 40". Pop. (1871), 1579.
UMBALLA (AMBALA). Division in the Punjab, containing the
three districts of Umballa, Ludhiana and Simla. Area, 3963 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 1,729,043.
UMBALLA (AMBALA). District in the Umballa division, Punjab ;
situated between lat. 29 49' 31 12', long. 76 22' 77 39'. It is
bounded on the north by the Simla States and Hoshiarpur district, from
which it is separated by the Sutlej ; on the east by the river Jumna,
separating it from Saharanpur; on the south by Karnal and Patiala State ;
and on the west by Ludhiana district. The area is 2570 sq. miles, and
the pop. (1881), 1,067,263. The district is part of the level plain
between the Sutlej and the Jumna, except at the centre, where it includes
a large hill tract known as the Kotaha pargana, which is covered by the
forest of Morni. The chief rivers are the Ghaggar and Saraswati. The
"Western Jumna and Sirhind Canals pass through the district. The
principal towns are Umballa (the capital), Jagadhri, Eupar, Buriya,
Sadhaura, Main Majra, Thaneswar and Shahabad. The district, which
is traversed by the Sind, Punjab and Delhi Railway, is administered by a
UMBALLA (AMBALA). Capital (in tahsil of same name) in
Umballa district, Punjab, and Station on the Sind, Punjab and Delhi
Eailway ; consisting of Umballa city and cantonment ; situated on an
open plain 1040 feet above the sea, three miles east of the river Ghaggar,
fifty-five miles north of Karnal, sixty-nine south-east of Ludhiana. The
cantonments are four miles south-east of the city, and are laid out for a
garrison of three batteries of artillery, two regiments of cavalry (one being
European), and two regiments of infantry (one being European). The
lines are intersected by good metalled roads, often shaded by groves of
fine trees. Pop. of city and cantonment (1882), 67,463. Lat. 30 21'
25", long. 76 52' 14". Area of tahsil, 366 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
UMBAEGAM. Port in Thana district, Bombay ; situated on the west
coast, sixty miles north of Bassein. Lat. 20 11' 55", long. 72 47' 40".
UMBARL Tillage in Dehra Dun district, N.W.P. ; situated near the
left bank of the Jumna, on the route from Dehra to Kalsi, eighteen
miles north- west of the former place. Lat. 30 29', Ions:. 77 52'.
UMBAEVANIM. Village in Nagar-Aveli district, Portuguese India.
Pop. (1881), 652.
UMBOECIM. Village in Nagar-Aveli district, Portuguese India.
Pop. (1881), 652.
UMBUD. Town in Haidarabad State ; situated seventeen miles south
by west of Jalna, and eighty-four miles north-east by east of Ahmed-
n-agar. Lat. 19 37', long. 75 54'.
TJMDI. Town in Satara district, Bombay ; 108 miles east by south of
Satara. Lat. 17 14', long. 75 39'.
TJMETA. State in Rewa Kantha, Bombay, paying a yearly tribute of
500 to the Gaekwar of Baroda. Area, 36 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
TJMETA. Town on the right bank of the river Maihi, in Kaira
district, Bombay. Lat. 22 17', long. 73 6'.
UMILIA (ITNULIA). Tillage in Cawnpore district, KW.P. ;
situated on the route from the cantonment of Cawnpore to that of
Fatehgarh, fourteen miles north-west of the former. Lat. 26 36', long.
80 16'.
ITMLA. Town in Bhopal State, Central India Agency ; situated
thirty- three miles west- south- west of Bhopal, and seventy-three miles
east-north-east of Indore. Lat. 23 7', long. 76 54'.
UMLIALA. Town in Baroda State ; situated on a small tributary of
the river Sabarmati, thirty-four miles north-east of Ahmedabad. Lat.
23 11', long. 73 4'.
TJMNT. Town in Kheri district, Oudh; situated 126 miles north
from Lucknow, and sixty miles east from Pilibhit. Lat. 28 40', long.
80 51'.
UMRAHA. Tillage in Shahjahanpur district, N.W.P. ; situated on
the route from Fatehgarh to Shahjahanpur, sixteen miles south-west
of the latter. Lat. 27 46', long. 70 50'.
TJMRAPTTR. Town in Haidarabad State ; situated on the left bank
of the Penganga river, ninety miles south-west of Ellichpur. Lat. 20
23', long. 76 30'.
TJMRAPUR. State in Kathiawar, Bombay, paying a yearly tribute of
51 to the British Government.
UMRATJDA. Tillage in Cawnpore district, N.W.P. ; situated on the
route from Kalpi to Etawah, seven miles north of the former. Lat.
26 12', long. 79 51'.
UMRAURL Tillage in Fatehpur district, N.W.P. ; situated on the
route from Cawnpore to Fatehpur, fourteen miles north-west of the
latter. Lat. 26 3', long. 80 43'.
TJMRER. Town (in tahsil of same name) in Nagpur district, Centra]
Provinces ; situated on the north bank of the river Arab, twenty-eight
miles south-east of Nagpur. Lat. 20 18', long 79 21'. Pop. (1881),
14,247. Area of tahsil, 1025 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 134,061.
TJMRETH. Town in Kaira district, Bombay ; situated fourteen miles
north-east of Anand, and five miles south by west of Dakor Umreth. It
has a station on the Bombay, Baroda, and Central India Railway. Lat.
22 41', long. 73 11'. Pop. (1881), 14,643.
UMRETH. Town in Chhindwara district, Central Provinces ; situated
seventy-two miles north-north-west of Nagpur, and fifty-six miles east-
north-east of Betul. Lat. 22 7', long. 78 45'.
TJMRL Tillage in Allahabad district, N.W.P. ; situated on the route
by Rajapur ferry from the cantonment of Allahabad to Banda, nine miles
west of the former. Lat. 25 27', long. 81 48'.
TJMRL State in Mahi Kantha, Bombay. Pop. (1881), 1082.
UMRI. State in the Guna Agency, under the Central India Agency.
Chief town, Urnri. Lat. 24 45', long. 77 22'. Pop. (1881), 2740.
UMRI. State in Bhandara district, Central Provinces ; situated four
miles west of the great Nawegaon Lake. It comprises ten villages, with
an area of 17 sq. miles. The centre is in lat. 20 46', long. 79 46'.
Pop. (1881), 1147.
TJMRL Thana in Etawah district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 38,776.
UMTA. Town in Baroda State. Pop. (1881), 5833.
TJMUR SAG AH. Village in Jaisalmir State, Rajputana ; situated on
the route from Eori, in Sind, to the town of Jaisalmir, two miles north-
west of the latter. Lat. 26 55', long. 70 57'.
UNA. Town in Junagarh State, Kathiawar, Bombay. Lat. 20 49',
long. 71 5'. Pop. (1881), 5980.
UNA. Town (in tahsil of same name) in Hoshiarpur district, Punjab ;
situated eight miles from the right bank of the Sutlej, forty-six miles
east-north-east of Jalandhar, about the centre of the Jaswan Dun or
valley of the Sohan river. Elevation above sea-level, 1404 feet. Lat.
31 32', long. 76 IS'. Pop. (1881), 4389. Area of tahsil, 867 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 208,086.
UNAO. District in Lucknow division, Oudh ; situated between lat.
26 8' 27 2', and long. 80 6' 81 5'. It is bounded on the north by
Hardoi, on the east by Lucknow, on the south-east by Rai Bareli, and on
south and south-west by Fatehpur and Cawnpore districts in the N.W.P.,
from which it is separated by the river Ganges. It has an area of 1747
sq. miles, with a pop. (1881) of 899,069. The district is very level and
densely populated. It is watered by the Sai and Kalyani rivers
coming from Hardoi district, and by the Tinai and Loni. All these
streams drain into the Ganges. The cultivation is mainly dependent
on irrigation. The Lucknow and Cawnpore branch of the Oudh and
Rohilkhand Railway intersects the district from east to west. The
principal towns are Unao (the capital), Mauranwan, Bangarmau and
Safipur. The administration is in the hands of a Deputy-Commissioner
and Staff.
UNAO. Capital (in tahsil of same name) of Unao district, Oudh, and
station on the Oudh and Rohilkhand Railway ; situated nine miles north-
east of Cawnpore, on the road to Lucknow, forty- three south-west of the
latter. A battle was fought here in July, 1857, between General Havelock's
forces and the mutineers, who were defeated with loss. Lat. 26 32' 25",
long. 80 32'. Pop. (1881), 9509. Area of tahsil, 385 eq. miles. Pop.
(1881), 187,891. Also pargana. Area, 41,081 acres. Pop. (1881),
34,684. Andthana. Pop. (1881), 105,664.
^ UN AULA. Village in Gorakhpur district, N.W.P. ; situated near the
river Ami, on the route from Azamgarh to Gorakhpur, forty-eight miles
north of the former, thirteen south of the latter. Distant north of
Benares, ninety miles. Lat. 26 32', long. 83 21'.
UNCHAD. Town in Gwalior State, Central India Agency; situated
fifty-two miles south-east by east from Ujjain, and seventy-one miles
south-west by west from Bhopal. Lat. 22 44', long. 76 28'.
UNCHADA. Village in Allahabad district, JST.W.P.; situated on the
route by the Katra Pass from Allahabad to Rewah, twenty-eight miles
south-east of the former. Lat. 25 14', long. 82 12'.
UNCHADA. Town in Allahabad district, N.W.P. ; situated on the
966 UNO
route from Allahabad to Palamau, thirty-eight miles south-east of the
former. Lat. 25 1', long. 82 17'.
TTNCHAGANW. Tillage in Pilibhit district, KW.P. ; situated one
mile and a half west of the right bank of the river Goula, on the route
by Nanakmath to Rudrapur, thirty-five miles north-west of Pilibhit.
Lat. 28 58', long. 79 36'.
TJNCHAPAHAR. Lofty hill in Jaipur State, Rajputana ; situated
five miles south-east of the town of Sikar. Distance south-west of Delhi,
140 miles ; north-west of Jaipur, fifty-five. Lat. 27 32', long.
75 20'.
UNCHGANO. Village in Faizabad district, Oudh ; situated three
miles south-west of the right bank of the Tons (North-eastern), fourteen
south of Faizabad. Lat. 26 38', long. 82 9'.
TJNDA. Town in Bankura district, Bengal; situated eighty- seven
miles north-west by west of Calcutta. Lat. 23 7', long. 87 14'.'
UNDARGAON. Town in Sholapur district, Bombay ; situated thirty-
two miles north-west of Sholapur. Lat. 18 1', long. 75 39'.
UNDARSTIL. Town in Ahmednagar district, Bombay; situated fifty-
three miles east of Nasik. Lat. 20, long. 74 36'.
TJNDIRA. Village in Muzaffarnagar district, N.W.P. ; situated on
the route from Karnal to Meerut, nine miles south-east of the former.
Lat. 29 38', long. 77 9'.
TJNDORNA. Village in Quepem district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 107.
UNDRAKONDA. Town in Haidarabad State; situated eighty-two
miles east by south from Haidarabad, and seventy-five miles north-west
from Gantur. Lat. 17 5', long. 79 44'.
UNDSARVIYA. District in Kathiawar, Bombay ; between lat. 21
18' 21 30', and long. 71 38' 71 55' ; twenty-six miles in length from
north-east to south-west, and thirteen in extreme breadth. ,
TTNDWANALA. Small stream in Bhagalpur district, Bengal ;
discharging itself into the Ganges on the right side. It gives name to a
village with an antique fort, to which, in 1763, the army of Mir Kasim
fled, after being defeated in a general engagement near Suti. Lat. 24
58', long. 87 53'.
TTNGHA. Town in Gaya district, Bengal; situated forty-one miles
north-west of Sherghati. Lat. 25, long. 84 26'.
TJNGOTH A. Village in Agra district, N.W.P. ; situated on the route
from Agra to Bhartpur, eleven miles west of the former. Lat. 27 10',
long. 77 57'.
TJNIANL Village in Bareilly district, N.W.P. ; situated on the left
bank of the Bhagal river, on the route from Pilibhit to Nagma, fifteen
miles north-west of the former. Lat. 28 46', long. 79 41'.
UNIYARA. Town in Jaipur State, Rajputana; distant south of Jaipur,
seventy miles. Lat. 25 55', long. 76 10'.
Central India Agency ; situated on the south side of an island in the
river Narbada. Lat. 22 12', long. 76 15'.
UNOWA. Village in Allahabad district, N.W.P. ; situated on the
route from Allahabad to Fatehpur, thirty-three miles north-west of the
former. Lat. 25 37', long. 81 29'.
UNRAWATI. River of Indore State, and Khandesh district, Bombay ;
rising in lat. 21 26', long. 75 39', and flowing for thirty-three miles
westerly, through a portion of Holkar's territory, and south-westerly for
thirty miles, through the British district of Khandesh, falls into the
Tapti river, in lat. 21 20', long. 74 55'.
UNTARI. Town in Lohardaga district, Bengal ; situated forty-five
miles north-west of Palamau. Lat. 24 16', long. 83 30'.
UNTRI. State in Jhalawar, Kathiawar, Bombay, paying a yearly
tribute of 49 to the British Government, and 4 to the Nawab of
UNTUR. Town in Haidarabad State; situated thirty-eight miles
north of Daulatabad, and fifty miles east of Malegaon. Lat. 20 29',
75 IB'.
UNTISURA. Town in Puri district, Bengal ; situated forty-two miles
south-south-east of Cuttack. Lat. 19 56', long. 86 11'.
UP AD. Marsh in Goalpara district, Assam ; covering an area of about
12 sq. miles.
UPKOT. Village in Kumaun district, N.W.P. ; situated on the right
bank of the Sarju, on the route by the course of the Sarju from Almora
to the Anta Dhara Pass. It is forty-two miles north-east of Almora.
Lat. 29 57', long. 79 54'.
UPLANA. Town in Haidarabad State, Sind, Bombay ; sixty-six
miles south-south-west of Haidarabad. Lat. 24 30', long. 68 5'.
UPLETA. Port in Gondal State, Kathiawar, Bombay. Lat. 21 44',
long. 70 20'. Pop. (1881), 6240.
UPMAKA. Village with ancient temple in Vizagapatam district,
Madras. Pop. (1871), 2051. Lat. 17 25', long. 82 46'.
UPNI and KILANSIR. Two contiguous villages in Bikaner State,
Rajputana ; situated on the route from Ratangarh to Bikaner, forty-five
miles east of the latter. Lat. 27 54', long. 74 5'.
UPPAIL. Town in Ghazipur district, N.W.P. ; situated thirty-seven
miles north-east of Ghazipur. Lat. 25 49', long. 84 10'.
UPPER GODAVARI DISTRICT. Formerly a district in the Central
Provinces, lying between lat. 17 57' 19 7', and long. 79 58' 81; but
now amalgamated with Chanda district of the Central Provinces, with
the exception of two taluks transferred to Madras.
UPPER SIND FRONTIER. District in the Province of Sind,
Bombay Presidency ; situated between lat. 27 56' 28 27', and long. 68
69 44'. It is bounded on the north by the Dera Ghazi Khan district
of the Punjab and by Baluchistan ; on the west by Baluchistan ; on the
south by the Shikarpur district ; and on the east by the Indus separating
it from the Rohri subdivision of the Shikarpur district and the Bahawalpur
State. The area of the district is 2139 sq. miles, and its pop. (1881),
124,181. It is hilly in the north-east portion, otherwise it consists of a
strip of level plain, with high sand-hills, half of which is covered with
jungle and subject to inundation. There are in the district six canals
by which water is drawn from the Indus to fertilize the soil ; the largest
of these is the Begari Canal, which has a length of eighty-five miles, and
is throughout navigable by large boats. The chief towns are Jacobabad
(the capital), Thul, and Kashmor. The district, which is crossed by the
Frontier Railway from the Indus to Sibi, is administered by a Political
Superintendent and Staff.
UPPINANGADI (LIBBARU). Town in South Kanara district,
Madras ; situated on the JSetravati river. Lat. 12 50' 15", long.
75 17' 20". Pop. (1871), 4897.
UPRAI. Tillage with noteworthy shrine in Ellichpur district,
Berar ; situated on the bank of the river Purna, about eighteen miles
south of Ellichpur town. Lat. 21, long. 77 34' 30". Contains a shrino
to which devotees are wont to resort in large numbers.
TJPRAUDH. Pargana in Mirzapur district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
TIPRORA. State in Bilaspur district, Central Provinces; situated in
the northern hills. Area, 431 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 4743.
TTPSTTNG. Stream in Bashahr State, Punjab ; rising in the Kunawar
district in lat. 31 46', long. 78 43', on the western declivity of a lofty
mountain running in a direction from north to south, and forming the
boundary between the British and Chinese empires ; after a very rapid
course of about five miles, generally in a northerly direction, it falls into
the Sutlej, on the left side. The bed of the Upsung, about a mile above
the confluence with the Sutlej, was found to have an elevation of 10,989
feet above the sea.
TJRAGAON. Town in Cochin State, Madras ; situated thirty-three
miles north of Cochin, and nine miles south of Trichur. Lat. 10 26',
long. 76 17'.
TTRAI. Town in Balasor district, Bengal ; situated sixty-one miles
south-west by south of Balasor. Lat. 20 45', long. 86 30'.
URAL Capital (in tahsil of same name) of Jalaun district, N.W.P. ;
situated on the Kalpi and Jhansi road. Lat. 25 59' 5", long. 79 29' 35".
Pop. (1881), 7738. Area of tahsil, 295 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 72,380.
Also thana. Pop. (1881), 34,987. '
URAKTA. Mountain in Jubbal State, Punjab. Lat.313Mong.7744'.
URAL WAD A. Town in Cuddapah district, Madras ; situated fifty-
two miles north of Cuddapah. Lat. 15 14', long. 78 57'.
URAN. Town in Thana district, Bombay ; situated twenty-two miles
south by west of Thana town. Lat. 18 52' 40", long. 72 59'. Pop.
(1881), 10,149.
TJRATJL. Town in Cawnpore district, N.W.P. ; situated on the route
from Cawnpore to Futehgarh, forty-two miles south-east of the latter.
Lat. 26 54', long. 80 6'.
URAVAKONDA. Town in Bellary district, Madras. Lat. 14 57'
30", long. 77 19'. Pop. (1881), 6203.
URCHA. Village in Bashahr State, Punjab; situated in Kunawar,
near the right bank of the Taglakhar river. Numerous Buddhist religious
mounds stud the surrounding country, consisting of loose, uncemented
stones, piled to a height of 3 to 4 feet, and sometimes 200 feet in length.
They are covered at the top with pieces of slate, carved with religious
sentences in the sacred character. The neighbourhood is bare and dreary.
Lat. 01 38', long. 78 37'.
URCHAN. Town in Haidarabad State ; situated thirty-five miles
south-east by south of Sholapur, and 155 miles west of Haidarabad.
Lat. 17 13', long. 76 14'.
URDAPUR. Town in Haidarabad State ; situated eight miles from
the left bank of the Godavari river, and 151 miles north-west by north of
Haidarabad. Lat. 19 17', long. 77 27'.
URDUN. Town in Kathiawar, Bombay; situated forty- seven miles
south by east of Rajkot, and sixty-three miles north from Diu Fort and
Island. Lat. 21 39', long. 70 56'.
URIDACHELLUM. - Town in South Arcot, district, Madras ; situated
thirty-one miles west-south-west of Cuddalore. Lat. 11 32', long.
79 U 23'.
URIRIAL. Town in Purniah district, Bengal ; situated twenty-two
miles north by east of Purniah. Lat. 26 4', long. 87 39'.
U-RI- TOTING. Pagoda in Akyab district, British Burma.
U-RI-TOUNGr. Revenue circle in Akyab district, British Burma.
Pop. (1876-77), 3912.
U-RI-TOUNG, EAST. Township of Akyab district, British Burma.
Pop. (1876-77), 35,651.
U-RI-TOUNGr, Wi ST. Township in Akyab district, British Burma.
Pop. (1876-77), 35,291.
URIYA. Tahsil of Etawah district, N.W.P. Area, 306 sq. miles.
Pop. (1872), 108,549.
URJUA. Town in Etawah district, N.W.P. ; situated on the route
from Allahabad to Etawah, thirty-nine miles south-east of the latter.
Lat. 26 28', long. 79 35'.
URJUNPUR. Village in Mainpuri district, N.W.P. ; situated on the
route from Aligarh to Fatehgarh, fifty- one miles south-east of the
former. Lat. 27 41', long. 78 52'.
URKI. Fort in Baghal State, Punjab ; situated amidst the steep and
lofty ridges on the eastern frontier. It was garrisoned by the Gurkha
army during the war between that power and the British, who acquired
possession of it by the capitulation which preceded the treaty of 1815.
Lat. 31 9', long. 77 2'.
URMAL. River of Chhatarpur State, Central India Agency ; rising
in Bundelkhand, in lat. 24 50', long. 79 36'. Having run sixty miles,
it falls into the Ken, on the left bank, in lat. 24 56', long. 80 9'.
URMAR. Town in Hoshiarpur district, Punjab. Pop. (1881), 7120.
An annual fair is attended by about 1000 persons.
URMULLA. Town in Balasor district, Bengal ; situated eight miles
west of Balasor. Lat. 21 30', long. 86 52'.
URNI. Village in Bashahr State, Punjab ; situated near the right
bank of the Tula, which about a mile below falls into the Sutlej, on the
right side. Lat. 31 32', long. 78 10'.
URNIA. Town in Indore State, Central India Agency ; situated
forty-seven miles north of Indore, and ninety-three miles south-east by
south of Nfrnach. Lat. 23 21', long. 75 44'.
URRUR. Town in Travancore State ; situated near the coast of the
Northern Indian Ocean, among the nmmerous salt-water lakes and islets
in that part of the country. Distance from Cochin, south-east, nine miles j
Trivandrum, north, 122 ; Madras, south-west, 440. Lat. 9 52', long.
76 22'.
TJKSIMABI. Town in Bilaspur district, Central Provinces ; situated
fifty-six miles north-east by east of Ratanpur and 118 miles north-west of
Sambalpur. Lat. 22 43', long. 82 48'.
TJRUBA. Village in Jodhpur State, Rajputana ; situated on the route
from Balotra to Jodhpur, thirty miles north-east of the former. Lat. 26
3', long. 72 45'.
TJRUGTJTTL Tillage in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 118.
TTRTJLI. Town in Poona district, Bombay; situated twenty miles
east of Poona. Lat. 18 30', long. 74 11'.
TJRITN (ISLAMPUR). Town in Satara district, Bombay; situated
forty-eight miles south -south- east of Satara town. Lat. 17 1' 47", long.
74 25' I". Pop. (1872), 8390.
TJRTJNI) (RIND). Small river of the N.W.P. ; rising in the Main-
puri district, about thirty-five miles north-west of the town of that name,
in lat. 27 27', long. 78 34'. Its headwaters are on the south-west
or Jumna side of the crest which marks the interior of the Doab, nearly
equidistant from the Ganges and Jumna. The course is tortuous, but
generally in a south-easterly direction, to its discharge into the Jumna
on the left side, in Cawnpore district, in lat. 25 54', long. 80 37', after
a total length of about 245 miles.
USABAD. Village in Agra district, KW.P. ; situated on the route
from Agra to Mainpuri, twenty-nine miles east of the former. Lat. 27
8', long. 78 30'.
USAINI. Village in Agra district, N.W.P. ; situated on the route
from Agra to Mainpuri, twenty-one miles east of the former. Lat.
27 12', long. 78 24'.
USAITH. Town in Budaun district, N/W.P. ; situated in lat.
27 48', long. 79 18'.
US ARAHAR. Thana in Etawah district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 27,810.
USDEM. Village in Sanguelim district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 102.
TJSEHAT. Town (in pargana of same name) in Budaun district,
N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 2877. Pop. of pargana (1881), 76,972. Also
thana. Pop. (1881), 44,254.
TJSGAO. Village in Sanguelim district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 1821.
USHTIN. River of Keonthal State, Punjab ; rising a few miles east of
Simla, in lat. 31 6', long. 77 18', and holding a course first in a south-
westerly, and then in a south-easterly direction, it falls into the Giri,
in lat. 30 54', long. 77 17', after having run a distance of about twenty-
five miles.
TJSIA MITT. Town in Sawantwari State, Bombay ; situated twenty-
nine miles north-west of Sawantwari, and fifty-nine miles south-south-
east of Ratnagiri. Lat. 16 14', long. 73 46'.
USIGA (ASIGHA). Town in Ghazipur district, N.W.P. ; situated
ten miles north-east of Ghazipur. Lat. 25 53', long. 84 13'.
USIL. Village in Tehri-Garhwal State, K.W.P. ; situated on the
right bank of the Supin. Elevation above the sea. 8936 feet. Lat. 31
7', long. 78 25'.
TJSKA. Town in Basti district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 5079. Also
thana. Pop. (1881), 59,212.
TJSLANA. Town in Damoh district, Central Provinces ; situated on
the route from Damoh to Tehri, thirteen miles north-west of the former.
Lat. 23 57', long. 79 22'.
TISNI. Town in Fatehpur district, N.W.P. ; situated on the right
bank of the Ganges, nearly opposite Dalmau, fifteen miles north-east
of Fatehpur. Lat. 26 3', long. 81 6'.
TJSTIR. Town in Salem district, Madras ; situated eighty-two miles
north-north-west of Salem. The Remount Depot, which distributes
horses for the whole Madras Army, is 3 miles from Usur. The town has
an elevation of 3120 feet above the sea. Lat. 12 44' 10", long. 77 52'
10". Pop. (1871), 6360.
TJSTIRI. Town in Mysore State ; situated on the south-east bank of
an extensive tank. Distance north-west of Bangalore, fifty-two miles.
Lat. 13 35', long. 77 30'.
UTAKAMAND (OOTACAMUND). Capital of the Mgiri Hills
district, Madras ; situated in an open valley almost in the centre of the
hills, protected on the north, east, and south by the Dodabetta range,
of which the chief peak rises to an elevation of 8760 feet above sea-level.
Five other mountain tops, including the Elk Hill, have an elevation
exceeding 8000 feet. The plateau on which Utakamand stands is open
towards the west. It forms the chief sanatorium of the Madras Presidency,
and in the hot months is the head-quarters of the Governor and of the
Commander-in-Chief of the Madras Presidency. The nearest Railway
station is Metapollium, 327 miles from Madras, on the Madras railway,
and it is about 22 hours' journey by rail and road from Madras, the
distance from Utakamand being about 32 miles. The botanical gardens
at Utakamand are justly celebrated, and are of much value to the Presi-
dency. Elevation, 7228 feet above sea-level. Annual rainfall, about 45
inches. Lat. 11 24', long. 76 44'. Pop. (1881), 12,335.
TITAL (BESI). State attached to Sambalpur district, Central
Provinces ; situated fifty miles south- south-east of Sambalpur town.
Estimated pop. (1872), 10,696. Area, 80 sq. miles. The chief town
is Bijapur.
TTTALTJU. Town in Haidarabad State ; situated six miles south-west
from the left bank of the Manjhira river, and sixty miles north-west from
Haidarabad. Lat. 18 2', long. 78.
TITAN. Port in Thana district, Bombay ; situated on the coast,
seventeen miles north-west of Thana. Lat. 19 18', long. 72 49'.
UTARHI. Village in Cawnpore district, N.W.P. ; situated on the
route from Fatehgarh to Cawnpore, twenty-eight miles north-west of the
latter. Lat. 26 46', long. 80 9'.
TJTGHOR. Village in Banda district, N.W.P. ; situated on the route
from Banda to Gwalior, eleven miles west of the former. Lat. 25 30',
long. 80 13'.
TJTGIR (DEOGARH). Town in Karauli State, Rajputana ; situated
on the left bank of the Chambal river, twenty-eight miles south-south-
west from Karauli. Lat. 26 6', long. 77.
TJTHA. Village in Allahabad district, N.W.P. ; situated on the route
by the Katra Pass from Allahabad to Rewah, thirty miles south-east
of the former. Lat. 25 13', long. 82 14'.
TJT-HPO. Town in Henzada district, British Burma; situated on
the Ka-gnyeng stream, four miles west of the Irawadi, and twenty-nine
south of Myanoung. Lat. 17 48', long. 95 20' 10". Pop. (1877),
TJT-HPO. Township in Henzada district, British Burma. Pop. (1877),
UT-HPO. Kevenue circle in Henzada district, British Burma. Pop.
(1877), 10,542.
TJTMAN BTJLAQ. Tahsil in Peshawar district, Punjab. Area, 465
sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 107,304.
UTMANZAL Town in Peshawar district, Punjab. Pop. (1881),
ITT PIT. Revenue circle in Tavoy district, British Burma.
TITRATJLA. Town (in tahsil of same name) in Gonda district, Oudh ;
situated three miles south of the river Rapti. Lat. 27 19', long. 82 27'
25". Pop. (1869), 5788. Area of tahsil, 1455 sq. miles. Pop. (1869),
465.628. Also pargana. Area, 126,438 acres. Pop. (1881), 90,836.
TJTTAMAPALAIYAM. Town in Madura district, Madras. Lat. 9
48' 30", long. 77 22' 20". Pop. (1871), 6376.
UTTANKARAL Town in Salem district, Madras ; situated forty-
nine miles north-east by north of Salem. Lat. 12 16', long. 78 35'.
UTTARADRITG. Town in Bangalore district, Mysore State ; situated
forty-seven miles north-east by north from Seringapatam, and thirty two
miles west from Bangalore. Lat. 12 58', long. 77 10'.
TJTTARI. Village in Gurgaon district, Punjab ; situated near the
right bank of the Jumna. Distance south-east of Delhi, twenty-eight
miles. Lat. 28 18', long. 77 29'.
UTTARPARA. Village in Hugli district, Bengal ; situated on the
Hugli river, immediately north of Bali. Lat. 22 35', long. 88 23'.
Pop. (1881), 5307.
district, Madras. Lat. 12 36' 55", long. 79 48'. Pop. (1871), 7441.
There are numerous ruins of temples in this town.
TIT-TIT. Revenue circle in Tavoy district, British Burma. Area, 12
sq. miles. Pop. (1876-77), 3873.
TJTTTIR. Town in Poona district, Bombay ; situated about fifty miles
north-north-west of Poona city. Lat. 19 17', long. 74 3' 30". Pop.
(1872), 6291. An annual fair is held here, attended by upwards of 2000
TJTTUR. Town in Coimbatore district, Madras ; situated sixty-four
miles north-north-east of Coimbatore. Lat. 11 51', long. 77 20'.
TJTURHUT. Village in Banda district, N.W.P. ; situated on tbe route
from Cawnpore to Banda, thirteen miles north of the latter. Lat. 25
40', long. 80 31'.
VADAGEN-HALLL Town in Bangalore district, Mysore State. Lat.
13 18', long. 77 52'. Pop. (1871), 4296.
VADAKARAI. Town in Madura district, Madras; situated on the
north bank of the Varahanadi river, a tributary of the Yaigai. Lat.
10 7' 35", long. 77 35' 20". Pop. (1871), 5726.
VADAKARAI. Town in Travancore State, Madras ; situated thirty-
four miles north-west by north of Trivandrum, and eighty-two miles
south-south-east of Cochin. Lat. 8 52', long. 76 43'.
VADAPATHY MELPATHY. Town in Tanjore district, Madras.
Pop. (1881), 5190.
VADARNIAM. Town in Tanjore district, Madras ; situated fifty-six
miles south-east by east of Tanjore. Lat. 10 24', long. 49 55'.
VADASUNDUR. Town in Madura district, Madras ; situated forty-
four miles north by west of Madura. Lat. 10 32', long. 78 2'.
VADAVLI. District in Kadi division, Baroda State. Area, 296 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 91,643.
VADDY. Village in Ponda district, Portuguese India. Pop. (1881),
VADEPAPURA. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 88.
VADI. State in Rajpipla, Rewa Kantha, Bombay. Area, 20 sq.
VADIA. State in Kathiawar, Bombay.
VADNAGAR. Town (in district of same name) in Baroda; nine
miles from Visnagar. Pop. (1881), 15,424. Area of district, 76 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 30,057.
VAGCHAURUM. Village in ISagar-Aveli district, Portuguese India.
Pop. (1881), 129.
VAGCHIMPA. Village in Nagar-Aveli district, Portuguese India.
Pop. (1881), 328.
VAGTJRIEM. Village in Sanguelim district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 41.
VAGURMEM. Village in Ponda district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 366.
VAIGAI (VYGAY). Biver in Madura district, Madras ; rising in the
spurs of the "Western Ghats. It is formed by the junction of the Vaigai
proper with the Suruli, in lat. 10 8', long. 77 50'. The main portion of
the stream is drawn off for irrigation. It flows past the towns of Madura
and Ramnad, and falls into the sea at Attankarai when its volume is
VAILTTR. Town in Haidarabad State ; situated thirty-one miles north
by east of Haidarabad, and 140 miles north-north-east of Karnul. Lat.
17 47', long. 78 37'. -
VAIMBATJR. Town in Tinnevelli district, Madras; situated fifty-
three miles east-north-east of Tinnevelli. Lat. 9 6', long. 78 25'.
VAINGUENIM. Villages in Sanguelim district, Portuguese India,
having a pop. (1881), respectively, of 257 and 143.
VAIPTJ. Town in Cochin State, Madras ; at the southern extremity
of a long narrow island, bounded south-west by the Arabian Sea, and on
all other sides by the Backwater or estuary formed by the streams flow-
ing westward from the Western Ghats. Distance from the city of Cochin,
east, two miles; Cannunore, south-east, 145; Bangalore, south-west, 225.
Lat. 9 58', long. 76 18'.
VAIPTTR. River of Tinnevelli district, Madras ; rising near the
western frontier, on the eastern declivity of the Eastern Ghats, in
about lat. 9 25', long. 77 20'. Taking an easterly, and in some places
south-easterly, course of about eighty miles, it falls into the gulf of
Manar, in lat. 9, long. 78 20'.
VAIRAG. Town in Sholapur district, Bombay ; situated on the road
connecting Sholapur and Barsi, twenty-eight miles north of the latter
place. Lat. 18 3' 42", long. 75 50' 45". Pop. (1872), 7282.
VAIRAWAL. Town in Kathiawar, Bombay ; situated on the sea-
coast, forty miles west by north of Diu Island, and 102 miles south by
west of Rajkot. Lat. 20 55', long. 70 21'.
VAIROWAL. Town in Amritsar district, Punjab. Lat. 31 56',
long. 74 40'. Pop. (1881), 5409.
VAITURNA. River of Thana district, Bombay; rising in lat. 19
44', long. 73 31', and flowing circuitously, but generally in a south-
westerly direction, for seventy miles, falls into the sea, in lat. 19 36',
long 72 55'.
VAJPORE. District in Nausari division, Baroda State. Area, 460
eq. miles. Pop. (1881), 8210.
VAKAL. District in Nausari division, Baroda State. Pop. (1881),
VALAGUND A. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 3.
VALAL. Town in Haidarabad State; situated on the left bank of
the Tandur river, fifty-nine miles west by south of Haidarabad. Lat.
17 11', long. 77 40'.
VALAMPTJTTU. Town in Salem district, Madras; situated thirty-
two miles east by north of Salem. Lat. 11 47', long. 78 41'.
VALANGUMAN. Town in Tanjore district, Madras. Lat. 10 53',
long. 79 25'. Pop. (1881), 7285.
VALAVANTJR (VILLENORE). Village in South Arcot district,
Madras. Lat 11 55', long. 79 48'. Pop. (1881), 7231.
VALDAVUR. Village in South Arcot district, Madras ; situated nine
miles north-west of Pondicherri. It formed one of the supports of
Pondicherri in the last century, and was captured by Sir Eyre Coote in
1760. Valdavur has given its name to one of the main redoubts of the
Pondicherri fortifications ; it is now a land custom station on the French
frontier. Lat. 11 58' 50", long. 79 44' 30". Pop. (1871), 1732.
VALENGTIDI. Town in Madura district, Madras ; situated forty
miles north-east by east of Madura. Lat. 10 13', long. 78 40'.
VALIYUR. Town in Tinnevelli district, Madras. Lat. 8 23', long.
77 59'. Pop. (1881), 5459.
VALLAM (VADAKTJSETTI). Town in Tanjore district, Madras;
situated seven miles from Tanjore city. Lat. 10 43' 10", long. 79 6' 10".
Pop. (1881), 7168.
VALLARAPULLAI. Town in Cochin State, Madras ; situated
eighteen miles north-east of Cochin, in a small portion of territory
isolated amidst the dominions of the Raja of Travancore. Lat. 10 18',
long. 76 28'.
VALLUR. Town in Krishna district, Madras. Pop. (1881), 4670.
VALRAMPUR. Town in Travancore State ; situated forty-four miles
north-west by west of Cape Comorin, and seven miles south-east of
Trivandrum. Lat. 8 26', long. 77 5'.
VALUKURRAI. Town in Cochin State, Madras ; situated fourteen
miles south of Trichur, and twenty-six miles north of Cochin. Lat.
10 20', long. 76 18'.
VALUR. Town in Salem district, Madras; situated eighteen miles
east-north-east of Salem. Lat. 11 44', long. 78 29'.
VALUR. Town in Haidarabad State; situated on the left bank of the
Dudna river, 127 miles east by north of Ahmednagar. Lat. 19 29',
long. 76 39'.
VALTIRTYAGATUR. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881),
VAMILAPTTRA. Ancient town (the ruins of which still exist) on
the Kharri, in Kathiawar, Bombay. Lat. 21 50', long. 71 53'.
VAMSADHARA. River of Vizagapatam and Ganjam districts,
Madras ; rising in Jaipur State, Yizagapatam district, in lat. 19 55',
long. 83 32'. It flows south- south-east into Ganjam district, which
it enters at Battili in the Kimedi country. Thence it follows a south-
easterly course, until it falls into the Bay of Bengal at Kalingapatam.
It has a total course of about 170 miles, for nearly half of which it is
navigable by country boats.
VAMULKONDA. Town in Haidarabad State ; situated forty-four
miles east of Haidarabad, and 116 miles north-west of Gantur. Lat.
17 23', long. 79 11'.
VANARASI. Village in Kolar district, Mysore State ; situated seven
miles north of Kolar town. There is an annual festival held here, lasting
for nine days, attended by some 25,000 persons. Lat. 13 14' 30", long.
78 11' 31". Pop. (1871), 306.
VANGTIRDEM. Village in Quepem district, Portuguese India.
Pop. (1881), 32.
VANIYAMBADI. Town on the river Palar, in Salem district,
Madras; situated seventy-eight miles north-north-east of Salem. Lat.
12 41' 20", long. 78 39' 15". Pop. (1881), 15,426. Station on the
Madras Railway.
VANKILUP ADIT. Town in Gantur district, Madras; situated thirty-
one miles south-south-west of Gantur. Lat. 15 56', long. 80 17'.
VANSDA. Village in Nagar-Aveli district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 174.
VANTEM. Village in Sanguelim district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 484.
VANXIM. Village in Ilhas district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 322.
VARACUNDA. Village in Daman district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 1632.
VARADA. River of Southern India ; rising in lat. 14 6', long.
75 7', at Varadamula, near the town of Sagar in Shimoga district, Mysore
State, and after flowing north through Shimoga district, passes into the
Bombay district of Dharwar, and then, turning eastwards, joins the
Tungabhadra at the village of Gulnatha below Havanur. "While in
Shimoga district, it is crossed by fifty-one small anicuts or dams, from
which are drawn off channels with a total length of thirty- six miles.
VARAGAM. State in Mahi Kantha, Bombay. Pop. (1881), 3446.
VARAGHERI HILLS. Range of mountains of Southern India,
situate between lat. 10 10' 10 44', and long. 76 21' 77 52'.
VARAHANADI (PANDERTT). River in Vizagapatam district,
Madras ; rising in the Eastern Ghats, and flowing for forty-five miles in a
south-easterly direction, joins the Tharadanadi at Wattada, and falls into
the Bay of Bengal. It is extensively used for irrigation.
VARCA. Village in Salsette district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 2646.
VARCANDA. Village in Pernem district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 746.
VARDHA CHATRA. Town in Nepal State; situated on the left
bank of the San Kusi river, 124 miles east- south-east of Khatmandu.
Lat. 26 57', long. 87 4'.
VARIGUNTAPADU. Town in Nellore district, Madras; situated
forty-one miles west by north of Nellore. Lat. 14 34', long. 79 26'.
VARSODA. State in Mahi Kantha, Bombay. Pop. (1881), 4051.
The Chief pays a yearly tribute of 158 4s. to the Gaekwar of Baroda.
VASAV AD. Fifth-class state in Kathiawar, Bombay. Area, 16 sq.
VASSONA. Village in Nagar-Aveli district, Portuguese India
Pop. (1881), 397.
VASTARA. Village in Kadur district, Mysore State ; situated six
miles south-west of Chikmagalur, at the entrance to the hill-country.
Lat. 13 14', long. 75 47'. Pop. (1871), 1304.
VASUDEVANALLTIR. Town in Tinnevelli district, Madras ; situated
on the Travancore road. Lat. 9 13' 45", long. 77 26' 30". Pop.
(1881), 5142.
VATTILA-GUNDU. Village in Madura district, Madras ; situated on
the main road to the Palni Hills, from which it draws its water for
irrigation. In 1768 Vattila-gunda was the scene of military operations
between the forces of Madura and Mysore, and is mentioned in Orme's
History as Batlagundu. Lat. 10 9' 30", long. 77 50' 30". Pop.
(1871), 9783.
VATTIRAYIRUPPU. Town in Tinnevelli district, Madras. Pop.
(1881), 6053.
VAY ALP AD. Town in Cuddapah district, Madras. Pop. (1881),
VEBU. Town in Amherst district, British Burma; situated forty- one
miles east of Maulmain. Lat. 16 33', long. 98 19'.
VEDAGANGA. River of the Deccan ; rising in Kolhapur State,
Bombay, and joining the Dudhganga. The combined streams fall into the
Krishna on its right bank, near the northern boundary of the Belgaum
districts, in lat. 16 35', long. 74 42'.
VEDAVATI (HAGAEI). River of Southern India ; rising in Mysore
State. Two streams, the Yeda and the Avati, both rise on the western
slopes of the Baba Budan Mountains, and flowing north-east join near the
town of Kadur, forming the Yedavati. The river then continues a north-
easterly course into the Chitaldrug district, and after passing the town of
Hiriyur, turns due north into the Bellary district of Madras, and falls
into the Tungabhadra, after a course of 125 miles, in lat. 15 43' 20",
long. 76 57' 50". During its course in the Bellary district it is known
as the Hagari. It is a shallow broad stream, little used either for
irrigation or navigation.
VEHAR. Lake or artificial reservoir in Salsette island, about fifteen
miles from Bombay. It was formed in 1860 by damming up the valley
of the Gopur river, and covers an area of about 2550 acres. The water
supply of Bombay city comes from this reservoir, which can yield about
8,000,000 gallons of water a day, or between 12 and 13 gallons a head for
the entire population.
VEJANONESS. State in TJndsarviya, Kathiawar, Bombay; paying
a yearly tribute of 3 to the Gaekwar of Baroda.
VEKRIA. State of South Kathiawar, Bombay; paying a yearly
tribute of 5 to the Gaekwar of Baroda.
VELACHHA. District in Nausari division, Baroda State. Pop.
(1881), 31,503.
VELAPTTR. Town in Satara district, Bombay ; situated seventy miles
cast by north of Satara. Lat. 17 47', long. 75 8'.
VELCAO. Yillage in Salsette district, Portuguese India. Pop. (1881),
VELGUEM. Yillages in Sanguelim district, Portuguese India, having
a population (1881), rsspectively, of 453 and 408.
VELIM. Yillage in Salsette district, Portuguese India. Pop. (1881),
VELINGA. Yillage in Ponda district, Portuguese India. Pop. (1881),
VELLAIKOVIL. Town in Coimbatore district, Madras; situated fifty
miles east of Coimbatore. Lat. 10 56' 45", long. 77 46' 40". Pop.
(1871), 6036.
VELLAR (VASISHTHANADI). River of Madras; rising in Salem
district from the streams of the Tinunda and Kalrayan hills. It flows
through the Attur pass into South Arcot district, falling into the sea at
Porto Novo, in lat. 11 29', long. 79 50', after a course of about 135
VELLAR. River of Madras ; rising in lat. 10 28', long. 78 21', and
taking an easterly direction through Madura, Pudu Kottai, and Tanjore,
falls into the sea, in lat. 10 6', long. 79 17'.
VELLARYKYEN. Town in Malabar district, Madras; situated 124
miles south-east of Cannanore. Lat. 10 30', long. 76 38'.
VELLORE. Town in North Arcot district, Madras ; situated on the
right side of the river Palar. It is a military and civil station, and on
the railway line between Madras and Arcot ; being eighty miles west of
the former, and fifteen east of the latter. In the eighteenth century,
Yellore was the strongest fortress in the Karnatic, and in 1780 withstood
for two years a siege by Haidar Ali. After the fall of Seringapatam,
Yellore was selected as the residence of the sons of Tipu Sultan,
and to their intrigues has been -attributed the revolt of the Sepoys at
Yellore in 1806. Lat. 12 55' 17", long. 79 10' 17". Pop. (1881),
VELPTJR. Town in Godavari district, Madras. Lat. 16 41', long.
81 45'. Pop. (1871), 5377.
VELTJGAO. Yillage in Nagar-Aveli district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 440.
VELTJNGTJR. Town in Travancore State; situated 114 miles north -
north-west of Trivandrum, and fourteen miles east-north-east of Cochin.
Lat. 10 3', long. 76 29'.
VELTJZ. Yillage in Sanguelim district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 184.
VEMBAKOTTAI. Town in Tinnevelli district, Madras. Lat. 9 20',
long. 77 50'. Pop. (1871), 5619.
VEMPALLI. Town in Cuddapah district, Madras ; situated on the
river Papagini. Lat. 14 21' 30", long. 78 30' 10". Pop. (1881), 5811.
Contains a curious temple.
VENGURLA (VINGORLA). Town and harbour (in subdivision of
same name), with fort, in Eatnagiri district, Bombay ; situated eighty-
four miles south by east of Eatnagiri town. A considerable coasting
trade is carried on here. The Yengurla port lighthouse was erected in
1869 on the mainland at the northern point of the bay. The lantern is
200 feet above high water, and is visible from the deck of a ship nine
miles distant. Pop. (1881), 8947. Lat. 15 51' 30", long. 72 39' 45".
Area of subdivision, 65 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 34,237.
VENGTJRLA ROCK LIGHTHOUSE. Lighthouse (not to be con-
founded with the Yengurla port lighthouse, described above) situated on
an isolated rock in the west of Eatnagiri district, Eombay. Lat. 15 54',
long. 73 30' 15". It was erected in 1870. The height of the lantern
above high-water is 110 feet, and the light is visible from the deck of a
ship twelve miles distant.
VENKATAGIRL State and town in Nellore district, Madras. The
State has an area of 2117 sq. miles, including 726 villages, with a pop.
(1871) of 348,370. The family of the Zamindar has always been dis-
tinguished for its loyalty to the British. Pop. of the town (1881), 7989.
Lat. 13 57' 7", long. 79 37' 20".
VENKATAGIRL Town in North Arcot district, Madras ; fifty-nine
miles west by north of Arcot. Lat. 13, long. 78 32'.
VENKATAGIRL Town in North Arcot district, Madras; seventy-
two miles north by east of Arcot. Lat. 13 55', long. 79 34'.
VENKATAGIRL Town in North Arcot district, Madras; thirty-six
miles north-west by west of Arcot. Lat. 13 11', long. 78 58'.
VENKATREDDYPOLLIAM. Town in Cuddapah district, Madras;
situated 113 miles north by east of Cuddapah. Lat. 16 3', long. 79 17'.
VENTIPITR. Tillage and ruins in Kashmir State, Punjab ; identified
with the ancient capital of the valley ; situated near the right bank of
the river Jhelum, sixteen miles south-east of Srinagar, on the Islamabad
road. Lat. 33 54', long. 75 9'.
VEPERY. Suburb of Madras City. Lat. 13 5' 25", long. 80 18' 40".
VERABUDR DRUG. Town in Karnul district, Madras ; situated
thirty miles north-east by east of Karnul. Lat. 16 3', long. 78 30'.
VERALLIMALLI. Town in Madura district, Madras ; situated
fifty-eight miles north-east by north of Madura. Lat. 10 38', long.
78 37'.
VERAPOLI. Town in Travancore State, Madras ; situated nine miles
north-east of Cochin, on a shallow lake or estuary known as the Backwater.
Here is the residence of the Pope's Yicar- Apostolic for Malabar and the
seat of a Carmelite mission. Lat. 10 4', long. 76 19' 20".
VERAWAL. Port in Junagarh State, Kathiawar, Bombay. Lat. 20
53', long. 72 26'. Pop. (1881), 12,111.
VEREM. Yillage in Ponda district, Portuguese India. Pop. (1881),
VERLEM. Yillage in Sanguem district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 266.
VERNA. Yillage in Salsette district, Portuguese India. Pop. (1881),
VERNAG. Spring in Kashmir State, Punjab ; situated in the south-
eastern extremity of the Srinagar valley. It rises with a great volume
of water, in a basin 120 yards in circumference, built by order cf
Jahangir, and forms one of the chief feeders of the Jhelum river. Lat.
33 29', long. 75 15'.
VESAVA. Port in Thana district, Bombay. Lat. 19 8' 45", long.
72 51'.
VEYUL. The name given to the Jhelum in the upper part of its
VICHHAWAD. Sixth-class State in Kathiawar, Bombay. Area,
307 sq. miles.
VICHTINDREM. Yillage in Sanguem district, Portuguese India.
Pop. (1881), 347.
VICTORIA FORT. Port in Eatnagiri district, Bombay ; situated on
the south side of the entrance of the river Savitri, near the town of
Bankot. The position was one of the early acquisitions of tbe East
India Company, and was doubtless of importance when the Savitri was
navigable for large ships, but, through the formation of a bar at the mouth
of the river, the latter now only admits a passage for small vessels. The
tort is about sixty-five miles south of Bombay, and sixty-five miles
south-west of Poona. Lat. 17 58', long. 73.
VIERAVANDL Town in South Arcot district, Madras ; situated
twenty-eight miles north-west by north of Cuddalore. Lat. 12 3', long.
79 36'.
VTJAPUR. State in the Bastar dependency, Central Provinces ; com-
prising 250 villages. Area, 170 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 12,653.
VLTAPUR. Town (in subdivision of same nume) in Baroda State.
Lat. 23 33' 30", long. 72 48' 10". Pop. (1881), 10,081. Area of
subdivision, 288 sq miles. Pop. (1881), 143,467.
VIJAYANAGAR. Village in Bellary district, Madras; situated on
the south bank of the Tungabhadra, thirty-six miles north-west of
Bellary. The proper name of this village is Hampi. Lat. 15 18', long.
7630 / . Pop. (1871), 437.
VIJAYAP. Town in Nepal State; situated 134 miles south east by
east of Khatmandu and eighty miles north-north-west of Purniah. Lat.
26 54', long. 87 14'.
VIJOVA. Town in Jodhpur State, Rajputana ; situated sixty-three
miles south- south-east of Jodhpur, and 110 miles south-west of Nasi'rabad.
Lat. 25 26', long. 73 26'.
VIKKTIR. Town in Karachi district, Sind, Bombay; situated sixty
miles south-east by south of Karachi. Lat. 24 11', long. 67 40'.
VILIENA. Village in Sanguem district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 237.
VILLTJPTJRAM. Town in South Arcot district, Madras, and a station
on the South Indian Railway, the junction station for the Pondicherri
branch, twenty-five miles west of Pondicherri; situated on the Trichi-
nopoli trunk road. In old maps and historical accounts Villupuram is
frequently cited as Belpore. Lat. 11 56' 35", long. 79 31' 50". Pop.
(1881), 8241.
VINCHTJR. Town in Nasik district, Bombay; situated four miles
south-west of the Lasalgaon station, on the north-east line of the Great
Indian Peninsula Railway, and 120 miles north-east of Bombay. Pop.
(1872), 5321. Lat. 20 7', long. 74 17'.
VINDHYA MOUNTAINS. A chain of hills crossing the peninsula
of India from east to west, constituting the northern boundary of the
valley of the Narbada; uniting the northern extremities of the two
great lateral ranges (the Eastern and Western Ghats), it forms as it
were the base of the triangle which supports the table-land of Southern
India. They extend from Guzerat on the west across Malwa and the
central portions of India, till their easternmost spurs reach into the
valley of the Ganges at Kajmahal. The hill-country thus marked out
extends between lat. 22 25' 24 30', and long. 73 34' 80 45'. Its
elevation ranges from 1500 to 4500 feet in height, and nowhere exceeds
5000 feet. Tinder the Mughals, the country north of the Vindhya range
was called Hindustan, and that lying to the south the Deccan.
VINGUR. Town in Haidarabad district, Sind, Bombay ; situated 102
miles south-east of Haidarabad. Lat. 24 20', long. 69 35'.
VINJAMTJR. Village in Nellore district, Madras. Pop. (1871),
5674. Lat. 14 15', long. 79 37' 10".
VINJAN. Town in Cutch State, Bombay; situated forty-six miles
west by south from Bhuj. Lat. 23 9', long. 69 2'.
VINJORAI (BINJORAI). Town in Jaisalmir State, Bajputana;
situated on the route from Balmer, in Jodhpur, to Jaisalmir, and thirty
miles south-east of the latter. Lat. 26 30', long. 71 10'.
VINUKONDA Fort in Gantur district, Madras; situated on an
eminence of rock. Distance from Gantur, south-west, fifty-two miles;
Madras, north, 205. Lat. 16 4', long. 79 48'.
VINUKONDA. Hill town in Krishna district, Madras. The hill,
which is 600 feet above sea-level, is nn ancient and interesting hill fort,
having three lines of fortification, with reservoirs, granaries, etc. Pop.
(1874), 4928. Lat. 16 3' 30", 79 46' 40".
VIRAGANUR. Town in Salem district, Madras; situated thirty-
three miles east by south of Salem. Lat. 11 29', long. 78 50'.
VIRAGHOTTAM. Town in Vizagapatam district, Madras ; situated
seventy-two miles north-north-east of Vizagapatam. Lat. 18 41', long.
83 40'.
VIRAJANADI. Water-course in Mysore district, Mysore State,
supplied from the Kaveri river, and having a total length of thirty-eight
VIRAJENDERPETTA. Town in Coorg, Madras ; situated on a small
feeder of the Kaveri. It is the largest town in the province, and is
principally inhabited by native Christians. Elevation above the sea, 3399
feet. Distance from Merkara, south, sixteen miles ; Mangalore, south-
east, eighty; Bangalore, south-west, 130. Lat. 12 13', long. 75 52'.
VIRAMGAM. Town (in subdivision of same name) in Ahmedabad
district, Bombay, and a station on the Bombay, Baroda, and Central India
Kail way ; situated forty miles west of Ahmedabad city. Pop. (1881),
18,990. Lat. 23 7' 30", long. 72 7' 15". Area of subdivision, 677
sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 136,574.
VIRAMPURA. State in Eewa Kantha, Bombay ; paying a yearly
tribute of 10 to the Gaekwar of Baroda. Area, | sq. mile.
VIRAPALI. Town in Cuddapah district, Madras ; situated twenty-
three miles south of Cuddapah. Lat. 14 9', long. 78 55'.
VIRA-RAJENDRA-PET (KUKLURTJ). Town in Coorg province,
Madras. Pop. (1871), 3413. Lat. 12 12' 34", long. 75 51' 6". Con-
tains a settlement of native Christians.
VIRAROJENDRAPET. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881),
VIRAVANALLUR. Town in Tinnevelli district, Madras. Pop.
(1881), 12,318. Lat. 8 27' 30", long. 78 10' 30".
VIRAVASANUM. Town in Godavari district, Madras ; situated
thirty-five miles south by west of llajamahendri. Lat. 16 31', long.
81 41'.
VIRAVASARAM. Town in Godavari district, Madras. Pop. (1881),
5257. Lat. 16 21', long. 81 40'.
VIRAV ATI. Town in Haidarabad State, Sind, Bombay; situated 153
miles east-south-east of Haidarabad. Lat. 24 30', long. 70 41'.
VIRAWAH. Village in Thar and Parkar district, Sind, Bombay;
situated fifteen miles north of Nagar Parkar. Pop. (1872), 1126. Lat.
24 30' 30", long. 70 48'.
VIRDEL. Subdivision of Khandesh district, Bombay. Area, 504 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 61,461.
VIRDI. Villa ge in Sanguelim district, Portuguese India. Pop. (1881),
VIRGNAJUNG. Town in Kumaun district, N/W.P. ; situated on the
route from Almora to Thibet. Lat. 30 10', long. 80 46'.
VIRNORA. Village in Pernem district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 612.
VIRPUR. Fourth-class State, with a town of the same name, in
Kathiawar, Bombay; containing twelve villages. The chief pays a
tribute of 411 to the British Government and the Nawab of Junagarh,
and maintains a military force of 40 men. Area, 66 sq. miles. Pop.
(1881), 5338.
VIRPUR KHAREDI. State in Hallar, Kathiawar, Bombay ; paying
a yearly tribute of 341 to the British Government, and 69 to the
Nawab of Junagarh.
VIRSORA. State in Mahi Kantha, Bombay. The Chief pays a yearly
tribute of 44 12s. to the Gaekwar of Baroda. Pop. (1881), 1203.
VIRSUNDA. Town in Peshawar district, Punjab ; situated sixteen
miles from the right bank of the Indus. Lat. 33 17', long. 71 30'.
VIRUDHACHALAM. Town in South Arcot district, Madras ;
Pop. (1881), 7347. Lat. 11 31' 30", long. 79 24'.
VIRUDUPATI. Town in Tinnevelli district, Madras, and a station
on the South Indian Railway ; situated seventy-one miles north-west of
Tuticorin, and sixty-two miles north-north-east of Tinnevilli. Pop.
(1881), 9506. Lat. 9 35', long. 78 1'.
VIRUPAKSHL Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 38.
VIRWA. State in Hallar, Kathiawar, Bombay; paying a yearly
tribute of 14 to the British Government, and 4 to the Nawab of
VISAWUDUR. Town in Kathiawar, Bombay; situated seventy-four
miles south of Eajkot, and forty miles north-north-west of Diu Island and
Fort. Lat. 21 15', long. 70 43'.
VISHALGARH. State in the Kolhapur Agency, Bombay; situated
along the eastern slopes of the main line of the Sahyadri Hills. Its
area is 235 sq. miles, and the population (1872), 32,414. The centre
of the State lies in lat. 16 52', long. 73 50'. The capital is
Malkapur. Vishalgarh, town is situated in lat. 16 54' 30", long.
73 47'.
VISHNU. Mountain-torrent rising in the Himalayas, in lat. 31 4',
long. 79 28'. It flows in a southerly direction for a distance of forty-
three miles, to its junction with the Dhauli at Vishnuprayag, in lat.
30 33', long. 79 38' ; whence the united stream is named the
VISHNUPRAG (VISHNUPRAYAG). Town in Garhwal district,
N.W.P. ; situated on the route from Srinagar to Thibet, fifty-four miles
east-north-east of the former. Lat. 30 34', long. 79 39'.
VISHNUPUR. Thana in Twenty-four Parganas district, Bengal.
Area, 81 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 71,717.
VISNAGAR (VISALNAGAR). Town (in subdivision of same name)
in Baroda State. Pop. (1881), 19,602. Area of subdivision, 227 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 81,842.
V1T VIZ 983
VISWAGANGA. Biver of Berar; rising in Buldana district, in lat.
20 34', long. 76 16'. It flows parallel to the Nalganga, and falls into
the Purna.
VITA. Town in Satara district, Bombay ; situated forty-eight miles
south-east of Satara. Lat. 17 17', long. 74 34'. Pop. (1881), 4477.
VITHALGARH. State in Jhalawar, Kathiawar, Bombay ; consisting
of eight villages. Area 26 sq. miles.
VITTAR. Branch of the Kaveri river, Tanjore district, Madras. It
leaves the latter stream in lat. 10 49' 20", long. 79 39', and falls into the
sea in lat. 10 49' 45", long. 79 54' 45".
VIZAGAPATAM ( VIS AKHAPATN AM ). District in Madras;
situated between lat. 17 14' 30" 18 58', and long. 82 1983 59'.
Bounded on the north and north-east by Ganjam district; on the east and
south-east by the Bay of Bengal ; on the south by the Godavari district,
and on the west by Chhatisgarh district and Bastar State in the
Central Provinces. The area of the district proper is 3477 sq. miles
(including the Jaipur and Yizianagram dependencies, 17,380 sq. miles),
and the pop. (1881), 1,790,468. The main portion is occupied by
the Eastern Ghats, which run through the district from north-east to
south-west, with peaks attaining an elevation of more than 5,000 feet.
The chief crops are rice and sugar, but the cultivation of indigo has lately
proved successful. From the watershed of the Eastern Ghats numerous
streams drain toward the sea on the east, while on the western side the
Indravati, the Sabari, and Siller rivers drain towards the Godavari river.
The chief towns are Vizagapatam (the capital), Bimblipatam and Viziana-
gram, the chief town of the state of that name. The administration is in
the hands of a Collector.
tam district, Madras; situated in a small bay, the south extremity of
which is bounded by a promontory known as the Dolphin's Nose, and its
northern extremity by the suburb of Waltair. The town or fort, as it is
called, is separated from the Dolphin's Nose by a small river, which forms
a bar where it enters the sea, but is passable for vessels of 300 tons during
spring-tides. Two ferries ply between the north and south sides of the
river. Distant 380 miles north-east of Madras, 180 north-east of
Masulipatam, and 470 south-west of Calcutta. Lat. 17 41' 50", long.
83 20' 10". Pop. (1881), 30,291. Vizagapatam is the residence of a
Roman Catholic Vicar-Apostolic.
VIZAYROYE. Town in Godavari district, Madras; situated forty-
nine miles north of Masulipatam. Lat. 16 50', long. 81 3'.
VIZIADRTJG. Port in Batnagiri district, Bombay; situated thirty
miles south of Batnagiri town. It has an excellent harbour, with
sheltered anchorage. There is a fort which was built by Sivaji. The
place was denominated Gheria by the Muhammadans, but the name of
Viziadrug is more familiar to the Marhattas. Lat. 16 33' 40", long.
73 22' 10".
VIZIANAGBAM. State comprised in Vizagapatam district, Madras.
It has an area of about 8000 sq. miles, with a pop. (1871) of 846,205.
The present Maharaja (1885) is a K. C.S.I., and is entitled to a personal
salute of 13 guns. The only town is Vizianagram, but there are many
thriving agricultural villages.
VIZI AN AGE, AM. Capital of Vizianagram State, Vizagapatam district,
Madras; situated on ground sloping gently to the north, seventeen
miles north-west of Bimblipatam. Vizianagrani is the residence of the
Maharaja, also a military cantonment and a municipality. The fort is
separated from the town by a large tank which contains water at all
seasons. It is a well-built town, with tiled and terraced houses, and
contains a fine market, a town-hall, and other public institutions, the gift
of the Maharaja. Lat. 18 6' 45", long. 83 27' 20". Pop. (1881),
VIZIANARAYANAM. Town in Tinnevelli district, Madras. Pop.
(1881), 4387.
VOHOBA. State in Eewa Kantha, Bombay. Area, three and a half
sq. miles.
VOLAMTJDL Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 502.
VOLKONDA. Town in Trichinopoli district, Madras ; situated
thirty-eight miles north-north-east of Trichinopoli. Lat. 11 20', long.
78 59'.
VOLVOY. Village in Ponda district, Portuguese India. Pop. (1881),
VONIPENTA (VANIPENTA). Town in Cuddapah district, Madras.
Lat. 14 46' 30", long. 78 49' 10". Pop. (1871), 6293.
VONTIMITTA (WONTIMETTA). Town in Cuddapah district,
Madras, and a station on the railway. It has a large pagoda and
a tank of some importance. Lat. 14 24', long. 79 5'. Pop. (1871),
VUDAGTJNL Town in Mysore State ; situated 164 miles north-west
of Seringapatam, and fifty-six miles east of Honawar. Lat. 14 20',
long. 75 19'.
VTILLTJPULUM. Town in South Arcot district, Madras; situated
thirteen miles south-west of Cuddalore. Lat. 11 35', long. 79 40'.
VUTUKTJR (UTOOKOOR). Village in Cuddapah district, Madras.
Lat. 14 10' 40", long. 79 14'. Pop. (1871), 6424.
VYARA. District in Nausari division, Baroda State. Area, 360 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 47,947.
VYPIN (WAIPEY). Subdivision of Cochin State, Madras. Lat. 9
58' 30", long. 76 18' 20",
VYTERI (VYTHIRI). Town in Malabar district, Madras ; situated
near the head of the Tamracheri ghat. It is the chief town of the South
"Wainad coifee country, and has a considerable European community.
Pop. (1871), 8637.
WADA. Subdivision of Thana district, Bombay. Area, 310 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 36,493.
WADAL. State in Undsarviya, Kathiawar, Bombay, paying a yearly
tribute of 15 to tbe Gaekwar of Baroda.
WADALI. State in Hallar, Kathiawar, Bombay, paying a yearly
tribute of 24 to the British Government, and 7 to the Nawab of
WADEGAON. Town in Akola district, Berar. Pop. (1881), 6096.
WADGAON. Town in Kolhapur State, Bombay. Lat. 16 50' 10",
long. 74 22' 2". Pop. (1872), 5027.
WADHW AN. Second-class State in Kathiawar, Bombay. Area, 236
sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 42,500. The Chief, who has a salute of nine
guns, pays a tribute of 2869 jointly to the British Government and the
Nawab of Junagarh.
WADHW AN. Capital of Wadhwan State, Bombay; situated on a
small river which runs dry in the hot season, sixty-eight miles south-
west of Ahmedabad ; station on the Bombay, Baroda and Central India
Railway. Lat. 22 42', long. 71 44' 30". Pop. (1881) 16,949.
WADHW AN STATION. Thana circle in Kathiawar, Bombay.
Area, 196 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 25,995.
WADNER. Town in Wardha district, Central Provinces. Pop.
(1881), 2010.
WADONA. Town in Haidarabad State ; situated on the left bank of
the Kum river. Lat. 20 3', long. 78 45'.
WAGAIRA. Town in Nasik district, Bombay ; situated sixteen miles
south of Peint, and eighteen miles west by north of Nasik. Lat. 20 4',
long. 73 31'.
WAGAN. Town in Shikarpur district, Sind, Bombay ; situated twenty-
one miles west-south-west of Shikarpur. Lat. 27 54', long. 68 20'.
WAGHARI. River of Wun district, Berar ; rising south of Yeotmal,
it first flows east, then turns south for about forty miles, falling into the
Penganga. It is not navigable.
WAGOTUN. Town in Ratnagiri district, Bombay ; situated thirty-six
miles south by east of Ratnagiri. Lat. 16 30', long. 73 30'.
WAGRTT. Town in Amherst district, British Burma ; situated thirty-
four miles south by east of Maulmain. Lat. 16, long. 97 50'.
WAGULI. Town in Poona district, Bombay ; situated ten miles north-
east by east of Poona. Lat. 1 8 35', long. 74.
WAGWARL State of Kathiawar, Bombay, paying a yearly tribute
of 13 to the Gaekwar of Baroda, and 1 18s. to the Nawab'of Junagarh.
WAHN I BUCHTIR. Town in Bannu district, Punjab; situated
twenty-four miles from the left bank of the Indus. Lat. 32 28', long.
71 48'.
WAI. Town (in subdivision of same name) in Satara district, Bombay;
situated on the river Krishna, twenty miles north by west of Satara, and
fifteen miles east of Mahableshwar. Pop. (1881), 11,676. Lat. 17 56'
50", long. 73 56'. Wai is a place of Hindu pilgrimage. Area of sub-
division, 392 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 88,610.
WAI. Town in Ahmednagar district, Bombay; situated sixty-two
miles north-west by north of Ahmednagar. Lat. 19 50', long. 74 12'.
WAIGAON. Town in Wardha district, Central Provinces ; situated
eight miles south of Wardha, on the Wardha valley road. An annual
fair is held in this town. Pop. (1881), 2741.
WAINAD (WYNAAD). Subdivision of Malabar district, Madras;
situated between lat. 11 27' 11 58', and long. 75 50' 45" 76 41'.
Area, 1180 sq. miles. It consists of a table-land amid the Western
Ghats, sixty miles long by thirty broad, with an average elevation of
3000 feet. There are numerous coffee estates on the Wainad, and gold
seems to be almost universally distributed throughout the soils and the
quartz veins. Pop. (1871), 125,827.
WAINBOK. Town in Amherst district, British Burma; situated forty-
eight miles south-east by east of Amherst. Lat. 15 44', long. 98 17'.
WAINGANGA. Eiver of the Central Provinces; rising in Seoni
district, near the Kurai Ghat, in lat. 22 25', long. 79 8'. It is crossed
by the Nagpur and Jabalpur road in its passage across Seoni district, and
after its junction with the Thanwar river, it flows south for about sixty
miles, forming the boundary between Seoni and Balaghat districts ;
thence it has a south-westerly direction through Bhandara district,
receiving on its right bank its main tributary, the Kanhan, in lat. 21 5',
long. 79 39', and after passing through Chanda district, unites with the
Wardha river in lat. 19 36' 10", long. 79 50', to form the Pranhita
river, which ultimately falls into the Godavari. The Wainganga, which
has numerous tributaries, is navigable during the rains for about a
hundred miles above its junction with the Kanhan. Its greatest breadth
is 300 yards, and its total length to its union with the Wardha about
350 miles.
WAINGO (WENGRAW). River of Amherst district, British Burma ;
rising in lat. 15 20', long. 98 26', and flowing northerly for sixty -five
miles, falls into the Attaran river, in lat. 16 8', long. 98 9'.
W AIR. Town in Bhartpur State, Rajputana. Pop. (1881), 7210.
WAIRAGARH. Town (in pargana of same name) in Chanda district,
Central Provinces ; situated eighty miles north-east of Chanda town, at
the confluence of the Khobragarhi and Tepagarhi. Mines of diamonds and
rubies were formerly worked in the vicinity, but have long been given
up. Lat. 20 25', long. 80 7'. Pop. (1881), 2279. Area of pargana,
1960 sq. miles.
WAJIRABAD. Town in Haidarabad State ; situated on the left bank
of the Krishna, ninety-two miles south-east by east of Haidarabad.
Lat. 16 42', long. 79 43'.
WAJIRIA. State in Rewa Kantha, Bombay, paying a yearly tribute
of 500 to the Gaekwar of Baroda. Area, 21 sq. miles.
WA-KHA-MAY. Revenue circle in Thun-khwa district, British
Burma. Pop. (1877-78), 5982.
WA-KHA-RTJ. Township in Amherst district, British Burma.
WA-KH AY-MA. Village in Thun-khwa district, British Burma;
divided by the "Wa-khay-ma river into two villages, the one on the
northern bank being called Taw-ta-no. Total pop. (1878), 1992.
WAKORL Town in Nagpur district, Central Provinces. Pop. (1881),
WAKTAPTJR. State in Rewa Kantha, Bombay ; paying a yearly
tribute of 15 to the Gaekwar of Baroda. Area, 1 sq. mile. Pop.
(1881), 2379.
WALA. Third-class State in Kathiawar, Bombay ; situated between
lat. 21 51' 21 57', and long. 71 49' 72 3'. Area, 109 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 17,019. The Thakiir pays a tribute of 878 jointly
to the Gaekwar of Baroda and the Nawab of Junagarh, and maintains a
military force of 95 men.
WALA. Capital of Wala State, Kathiawar, Bombay ; situated in lat.
21 52' 30", long. 71 57' 30".
WALAJABAD (SHIMARAM). Town in Chengalpat district,
Madras ; situated on the river Palar, thirty-eight miles south-west of
Madras, Pop. (1871), 4675. Lat. 12 47' 25", long. 79 51' 51".
WALAJANAGAR. Town in North Arcot district, Madras ; situated
sixteen miles east of Yellore. Pop. (1881), 10,387. Lat. 12 56', long.
79 25'.
WALAJAPET. Town in North Arcot district, Madras, and a station
on the Madras Railway ; situated three miles from Arcot town, on the
left bank of the river Palar. Pop. (1871), 12,034. Lat. 12 55' 35",
long. 79 24' 20".
WALAM. Town in Baroda State. Pop. (1881), 6043.
WALIDPUR. Town in Azamgarh district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881), 5343.
WALIPTJR. Village in Ludhiana district, Punjab; situated on the
left bank of the Sutlej, at the spot where it is joined by the navigable
water-course flowing by Ludhiana. Lat. 30 56', long. 75 42'.
W ALL ANCHUNG. Town in Nepal State ; situated on the left bank
of the Tamur river. Lat. 27 44', long. 87 31'.
WALLI. Town in Jodhpur State, Rajputana ; situated seventy-four
miles south by east of Jodhpur. Lat. 25 15', long. 73 21'.
WALOR. Town in Surat district, Bombay ; situated thirty-one miles
east by south of Surat. Lat. 21, long. 73 20'.
WALTAIR (VALTERTJ). Town in Vizagapatam district, Madras;
situated three miles north of Vizagapatam. Elevation, 230 feet. It forms
the civil station of Vizagapatam, and is garrisoned by one regiment of
native infantry. Pop. (1871), 1483. Lat. 17 44', long. 83 22' 36".
WALTJSNA. State in Mahi Kantha, Bombay ; paying a yearly
tribute of 28 to the Gaekwar of Baroda.
WALVA. Subdivision of Satara district, Bombay. Area, 543 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 169,408.
WALWA. Town in Kolhapur State, Bombay ; situated forty-nine
miles north-west by north of Belgaum. Lat. 16 29', long. 74 13'.
WAMBURI. Town in Ahmednagar district, Bombay ; situated four-
teen miles north of Ahmednagar. Lat. 19 19', long. 74 45'.
988 "WAN
WAN (BAN). River of Berar; rising in the Satpura hills, and
flowing through Akola district to the Purna, which it joins in lat. 20 55'
30", Ions:. 76 47'.
WANALA. State in Jhalawar, Kathiawar, Bombay; paying a yearly
tribute of 39 to the British Government.
WANBHACHRAN (VAN BACHRAN). Town in Bannu district,
Punjab; situated on the road from Isa Khel to Shahpur. Pop. (1868),
WANDIA. Town in Cutch State, Bombay; situated fifty-eight miles
east of Bhuj, and sixty-six miles north by west of Eajkot. Lat. 23 14',
long. 70 39'.
WANDIPTJR. Town in Bhutan State ; situated on the left bank of
the Hagni river. Lat. 27 25', long. 89 49'.
WANDIWASH (VANDIVASU). Town in North Arcot district,
Madras. Famous as the scene of several important operations in the War
of the Karnatic. Lat. 12 30' 20", long. 79 38' 40". Pop. (1881), 4130.
WANGA BAZAR. Town in Haidarabad district, Sind, Bombay;
situated seventy-four miles south-east of Haidarabad. Lat. 24 39', long.
69 19'.
WANGADRA. State in Gohelwar, Kathiawar, Bombay, paying a
yearly tribute of 7 to the Gaekwar of Baroda, and 2 to the JSTawab of
J unagarh.
WANGI. Town in Satara district, Bombay ; situated forty-two miles
south-east by south of Satara. Lat. 17 12', long. 74 28'.
WANGTTJ. Village in Bashahr State, Punjab ; situated on the left
bank of the Sutlej. Lat. 31 32', long. 78 3'.
WANGUR. Large torrent in Bashahr State, Punjab ; formed by the
junction of two others flowing from the eastern declivity of the Damuk
Chu. It falls into the Sutlej on the right side, in lat. 31 33', long. 78 1 0'.
WANJI. Town in Sholapur district, Bombay ; situated sixty-three
miles north-west by west of Sholapur. Lat. 18 13', long. 75 11''.
WANKANER. Second-class State in Kathiawar, Bombay. Area,
414 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 30,491. The Chief, who pays a tribute of
1880 jointly to the British Government and the Nawab of Junagarh,
has a salute of 9 guns.
WANKANER. Capital of Wankaner State, Kathiawar, Bombay;
situated on the Machhu river. Lat. 22 36' 10", long. 71 2' 50". Pop.
(1881), 5533.
WANKANER. Town in Eewa Kantha, Bombay; situated on the left
bank of the Mahi river, twenty miles north by west of Baroda. Lat.
22 31', long. 73 10'.
WANNA. State in Jhalawar, Kathiawar, Bombay, paying a yearly
tribute of 371 to the British Government, and 27 to the JSawab of
WANODE. Fifth-class State in Jhalawar, Kathiawar, Bombay,
paying a yearly tribute of 195 to the British Government. Area, 57
sq. miles Pop. (1881), 6766.
WANTHLI (BANTHLY). Town in Kathiawar, Bombay. Lat.
21 28' 30", long. 70 22' 15". Pop. (1881), 6529.
"WAO WAR 989
WAO. State in the Palanpur Agency, Bombay. It extends from
north to south about thirty-five miles, and from east to west fifteen miles.
It mainly consists of a flat sandy plain, and is bounded on the north by
Sachor State, on the east and south by the Tharad and Singam States, and
on the west by the Rann of Cutch. Area, 360 sq. miles. Pop. (1872),
23,081. The Chief maintains a military force of 50 men.
WAO. Capital of Wao State, Bombay. Lat. 24 21' 30", long.
71 30'.
WAORI DHARW ALA. State in Gohelwar, Kathiawar, Bombay,
paying a yearly tribute of 129 to the Gaekwar of Baroda, and 23 to
the Nawab of Junagarh.
WAORI WACHANL State in Gohelwar, Bombay, paying a yearly
tribute of 29 to the Gaekwar of Baroda, and 5 to the Nawab of
WAQRA. Subdivision of Broach district, Bombay. Area, 308 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 33,902.
WARA. Village in Agra district, KW.P. ; situated on the route from
Agra to Muttra, twenty-seven miles north-west of the former. Lat.
27 23', long. 77 48'.
WARAD. Chiefship in Bhandara district, Central Provinces. Area,
86 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 21,160.
WARAGATIM. Town in Akola district, Berar. Lat. 20 32', long.
76 52'.
WARAHI. State in Palanpur Agency, Bombay. It is bounded on
the north by Chadchat State, south by the Rann of Cutch, east by
Radhanpur State, and west by Chorwar. Area, 204 sq. miles.
Pop. (1872), 20,096. The territory of "Warahi is flat and open, and
traversed by the Bands river.
WARAHI. Capital of Warahi State, Palanpur Agency, Bombay.
Lat. 23 47' 20", long. 71 29' 20".
WARAKTJNCHAIRI. Town in Malabar district, Madras; situated
sixty-five miles south-east of Calicut. Lat. 10 37', long. 76 32 .
WARANG. Mountain pass in Bashahr State, Punjab ; situated in the
Kunawar valley. Elevation above the sea, 13,000 feet. Lat. 31 38',
long. 78 23'.
WARANGAL. Town in Haidarabad State ; situated eighty-six miles
north-east of Haidarabad. It was the ancient capital of Telingana, of
which little now remains to denote its former grandeur, save the four
gateways of the Temple of Siva, which still continue in a state of tolerable
preservation. Lat. 17 58', long. 79 40'.
WARANGAM. State in Mahi "Kantha, Bombay. Pop. (1875), 3259.
WARANGAON. Town in Khandesh district, Bombay ; situated eight
miles east of Bhusawal. Lat. 20 57', long. 75 55' 30". Pop. (1881),
WARARBANDH. Chiefship in Raipur district, Central Provinces.
Area, 11 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 2698.
WARASEONL Town in Balaghat district, Central Provinces. Pop.
(1881), 3326.
WARBAH (BHAWAL). State in the Khasf Hills, Assam. Pop.
(1872), 369.
990 WAR
WARDAWAN. Town in Kashmir State, Punjab; situated on the
left bank of the Wardwan river. Lat. 33 51', long. 75 42'.
WARDHA. District in the Central Provinces ; situated between lat.
20 18' 21 21', and long. 78 4' 30" 79 15'. It is bounded on the north
and west by the Wardha river, separating it from Berar ; on the south
by Chanda district, and on the east by Nagpur district. The area is
2401 sq. miles, and its pop. (1881), 387,221. The district is hilly, being
intersected by spurs from the Satpura range. In the central portions
there are three peaks; that of Malegaon (1726 feet), Nandgaon (1874
feet), and Garumsur (2086 feet), the latter being the highest point, and
forming the watershed of the district. Prom Garumsur numerous streams
lead to the Wardha river on the one side, while on the other the Dhain,
Bor and Asoda rivers traverse the district in a south-easterly direction.
Wardha district is crossed by the Great Indian Peninsula Eailway, which
has here a branch line to Warora in Chanda district. The chief towns
are Wardha (the capital), Hinganghat, Arvi and Deoli. It is administered
by a Deputy- Commissioner.
WARDHA. Capital (in subdivision of same name) of Wardha district,
Central Provinces ; situated on the Great Indian Peninsula Railway, on,
which it has a station. It is quite a new town, having been built in
1866 on the site of the old village of Palakwari. Lat. 20 45', long.
78 40'. Pop. (1881), 5816. Area of subdivision, 803 sq. miles. Pop.
(1881), 155,485.
WARDHA. Eiver of the Central Provinces; rising in the Satpura
Hills between Nagpur and Betul districts. It flows south-east, forming
the boundary between Berar and the iNagpur, Wardha, and Chanda
districts. It is joined by the Penganga, its chief affluent, in lat.
20 6' 30", long. 79 10', about 190 miles from its source, and a little
above Chanda ; after a course of 254 miles, it unites with the Wainganga,
forming the Pranhita river, which ultimately falls into the Godavari.
WARL The chief town of Sawantwari, a Native State in the
Bombay Presidency ; situated 220 miles south of Bombay. The town is
also known by the names of Sawantwari and Sundarwari. Lat. 15 54'
25", long. 73 51' 33". Pop. (1881), 8584.
WARI. River of Haidarabad district, Sind, Bombay; rising in lat.
24 10', long. 68 3', and, flowing south for twenty-five miles, falls into
the sea, in lat. 23 51', long. 67 56'.
WARN AIR. Town in Jodhpur State, Rajputana ; situated 167 miles
south-west of Jodhpur, and 1 62 miles east by south of Haidarabad in
Sind, Bombay. Lat. 24 58', long. 71.
WARNOLIMOTI. State in Rewa Kantha, Bombay, paying a yearly
tribute of 10 to the Gaekwar of Baroda. Area, f sq. mile.
WARNOLMAL. State in Rewa Kantha, Bombay, paying a yearly
tribute of 8 to the Gaekwar of Baroda. Area, 2 sq. miles.
WARODA. Town in Akola district, Berar; situated sixty-four miles-
west by south of Ellichpur. Lat. 21 2', long. 76 38'.
WARODE. State in Jhalawar, Kathiawar, Bombay, paying a yearly
tribute of 125 to the Gaekwar of Baroda, and 27 to the Nawab of
WARODE. State in Gohelwar, Kathiawar, Bombay, paying a yearly
"WAR WAW 991
tribute of 94 to the Gaekwar of Baroda, and 16 to the Nawab of
WARORA. Town (in tahsil of same name) in Chanda district, Central
Provinces ; situated thirty-two miles north-west of Chanda town. It is
an important commercial city, having at hand a valuable colliery, and
being connected with the railway system. Lat. 20 14', long. 79 2'.
Pop. (1881), 8022. Area of tahsil, 1281 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
136,128. Also pargana. Area, 415 sq. miles.
WARSA. Town in Khandesh district, Bombay; situated forty-seven
miles north-west by west of Malegaon. Lat. 20 54', long. 73 54'.
WARSUORA (WTJRSORA). State in Mahi Kantha, Bombay, paying
a yearly tribute of 158 to to the Gaekwar of Baroda. Pop. (1881),
WARTAL. Town in Kaira district, Bombay, the headquarters of the
Swami'narayan sect of Hindus, and the residence of their high priest.
WARTID. Town in Amraoti district, Berar. Pop. (1881), 6607.
WARWANIA. Town in Kathiawar, Bombay. Distance from Ahmed-
abad, west, 120 miles. Lat. 23 4', long. 70 44'.
WASA. Town in Baroda State ; situated within the limits of Kaira
district, Bombay. Lat. 22 40', long. 72 48'. Pop. (1881), 7014.
WASAN SEW ADA. State in Rewa Kantha, Bombay, paying a
yearly tribute of 115 to the Gaekwar of Baroda. Area, 3 sq.
WASAN VIRPTIR. State in Eewa Kantha, Botrbay, paying a yearly
tribute of 43 to the Gaekwar of Baroda. Area, 7 sq. miles.
WASHISHTI. River of Ratnagiri district, Bombay; rising in lat.
17 50', long. 73 36', and falling into the sea, in lat. 17 33', long.
73 16'.
WASIOTA. Town in Satara district, Bombay ; situated twenty miles
west of Satara. Lat. 17 40', long. 73 47'.
WASSAWAD. State in South Kathiawar, Bombay; paying a yearly
tribute of 76 to the British Government.
WASTARA. Town in Mysore State ; situated eighty-eight miles
north-west by west of Seringapatam, and sixty-six miles east-north-east
of Mangalore. Lat. 13 16', long. 75 46'.
WATAR. Town in Satara district, Bombay ; situated thirty-one
miles north-east of Satara. Lat. 17 56', long. 74 27'.
WATERLOO STREET. Section of Calcutta. Area, 205 acres. Pop.
(1881), 5785.
WATGTJNGE. Suburb of Calcutta. Area, 371 acres. Pop. (1881),
WATRAP (VATTIRAIRUPPTT). Town in Tinnevelli district,
Madras; situated in a fertile valley on the Madura boundary. Lat.
9 38', long. 77 41'. Pop. (1871), 14,892. Considerable iron-smelting
WAWANYA. Port in Morvi State, Kathiawar, Bombay. Lat. 23,
long. 70 43'.
WAZERA. Town in Ahmednagar district, Bombay ; situated fifty -
three miles north-west by west of Ahmednagar. Lat. 19 30', long.
74 4'.
WAZIRABAD. Town (in tahsil of same name) in Gujranwala district,
Punjab ; situated on the Grand Trunk Eoad and Northern State Railway,
twenty-two miles north of Gujranwala, and about three miles from the
left bank of the Chenab. Wazirabad was the headquarters of General
Avitabile, of Ran jit Sinh's service, who rebuilt it in European style. Lat.
32 27', long. 74 10'. Pop. (1881), 16,462. Area of tahsil, 455 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 109,658.
WAZIRGANJ. Town in Gonda district, Oudh ; situated on the route
from Gorakhpur to Sekrora, eighty-four miles west of the former, and
twenty-eight south-east of the latter. Lat. 26 58', long. 82 5'. Also
thana. Pop. (1881), 105,042.
WAZIRGANJ. Ruined town in Lucknow district, Oudh ; situated on
the route from Fatehgarh to Lucknow, seven miles south-west of the
latter. Lat. 26 46', long. 80 53'. Also thana. Pop. (1881), 36,641.
WAZIRGANJ. Town in Budaun district, JST.W.P. ; situated fourteen
miles north by west of Budaun. Lat. 28 14', long. 79 8'. Also thana.
Pop. (1881), 37,287.
WAZIR GARH. Tillage in Tehri-Garhwal State, 1ST.W.P. ; situated
on the right bank of the Jumna. Elevation above the sea, 5813 feet.
Lat. 30 54', long. 78 23'.
WAZIRI LAG. Subdivision of Kullu, in Kangra district, Punjab.
Area, 178 sq. miles.
WAZIRI PAROL. Subdivision of Kullu, in Kangra district, Punjab.
Area, 496 sq. miles.
WAZIRI RTJPL Subdivision of Kullu, in Kangra district, Punjab.
Area, 677 sq. miles.
WAZIRPTJR. Town in Montgomery district, Punjab ; situated ten
miles from the right bank of the Sutlej. Lat. 30 34', long. 73 43'.
WAZIRPUR. Village in Mainpuri district, N.W.P. ; situated on the
route from Alfgarh to Fatehgarh, forty- two miles south-east of the
former. Lat. 27 45', long. 78 45'.
WELAP. Town in Amherst district, British Burma ; situated twenty-
two miles south-east of Amherst. Lat. 15 49', long. 97 51'.
WE-LA-TOTING. Village in Akyab district, British Burma; situated
on the bank of the Myo-thit stream. Pop. (1878), 2721.
WELLESLEY PROVINCE. District in the Straits Settlements ; con-
sisting of a narrow strip of land on the western coast of the Malayan
peninsula, immediately opposite the island of Penang or Prince of Wales'
Island. It has an area of 236 sq. miles, with a pop. of about 72,000.
The staple production is rice, which is cultivated to a great extent, the
low swampy lands of the province being well suited for its culture.
Sugar is extensively grown in the central and southern portions of
Province Wellesley, the land being held chiefly by sugar-planters. There
are also tin mines worked by Chinese. The sandy soil, which frequently
occurs in the province, is generally appropriated to the cocoa-nut, which
thrives here exceedingly well. Province Wellesley was ceded to the
British for a pecuniary consideration by the King of Kedah, in 1802.
WELLINGTON ( JAKATAL A). Sanatorium and military canton-
ment in Nilgiri district, Madras. The hill of Jakatala is situated about
one mile and a half from Kunur, and nine miles from Ootacamund.
Elevation, 6100 feet above sea-level. Pop. (1871), 1707. Lat. 11 22',
long. 76 50'.
WELTUR. Town in Mgpur district, Central Provinces. Pop. (1881),
WENG-BA-DAW. Creek in Shwe-gyeng district, British Burma;
joining the Tsit-toung river at Weng-ba-daw village.
WENG-BA-DAW. Village in Shwe-gyeng district, British Burma;
situated at the mouth of the Weng-ba-daw creek, on the left bank of the
Tsit-toung river.
WENG-PYAING. Eevenue circle in the district of the Salwi'n Hill
Tracts, British Burma. Pop. (1877-78), 3659.
WENG-TSIEN. Revenue circle in Amherst district, British Burma.
Pop. (1877-78), 2151.
WENRA. Town in Amherst district, British Burma ; situated thirty-
six miles east of Amherst. Lat. 16 1', long. 98 11'.
WER. Town in Bulandshahr district, KW.P. ; situated thirty-six
miles south-east of Delhi. Lat. 28 21', long. 77 46'.
WHARTU. Mountain peak in Bashahr State, Punjab; situated in
the lower or more southern part of the Himalaya. Elevation above the
sea, 10,673 feet. Lat 31 14', long. 77 34'.
WLAMUNGALTJM. Town in Malabar district, Madras; situated
sixteen miles north-north-west of Calicut. Lat. 11 28', long.
75 42'.
WIHAR. Town in Chanda district, Central Provinces. Pop. (1881),
WIR. Town in Bhartpur State, Rajputana ; situated on the route
from Agra to A jmere, by Jaipur, fifty-five miles south-west of the former.
Lat. 27, long. 77 14'.
WODIARPOLLITJM. Town in Trichinopoli district, Madras ; situated
forty-eight miles north-east by east of Trichinopoli. Lat. 11 11', long.
79 21'.
WODNAPUR. Town in Sitapur district, Oudh; situated sixty-two
miles north by west of Lucknow. Lat. 27 45', long. 80 51'.
WOHORA. State in Rewa Kantha, Bombay, paying a yearly tribute
of 85 to the Gaekwar of Baroda. Area, 2 sq. miles.
WOMOLUR. Town in Salem district, Madras ; situated eleven miles
west -north-west of Salem. Lat. 11 44', long. 78 5'.
WON (WUN). Ruined town in Indore State, Central India Agency ;
situated fifty-one miles south-west of Mhow, and sixty-one miles south-
west of Indore. Lat. 21 51', long. 75 31'.
WOREGAUM. Town in Haidarabad State; situated seventy-three
miles east-south-east of Ahmednagar. Lat. 18 49', long. 75 50'.
WOZTJR. Town in Ahmednagar district, Bombay ; situated ten miles
north-east by east of Nasik. Lat. 20 4', long. 73 54'.
WUDAKARI. Town in Malabar district, Madras; situated on the
994 WTJD
Backwater, twenty- two miles south- east of Cannanore, and twenty-eight
miles north-west of Calicut. Lat. 11 36', long. 75 37'.
WTJDAMARI. Town in Haidarabad State, situated twenty-three
miles north-east by north of Haidarabad. Lat. 17 37', long 78 44'.
WUDJAR KURRTJR. Town in Bellary district, Madras; situated
thirty-six miles east by south of Bellary. Lat. 15 1', long. 77 28'.
WTJDTJ. Town in Bellary district, Madras; situated eighteen miles
west by north of Bellary. Lat. 15 10', long. 76 42'.
WUDUNTA. River of Sambalpur district, Central Provinces ; tribu-
tary of the Tell river, which it joins from the east, in lat. 20 11', long.
83 12'.
WUHOA. Town in Dera Ismail Khan district, Punjab; situated
forty-four miles west from the right bank of the Indus, 103 miles north-
west by west of the town of Multan. Lat. 30 58', long. 70 2'.
WUIKCHONG. Town in Manipur State, Bengal; on the left bank
of the Mythia Khyoung river, twenty-nine miles south of Manipur.
Lat. 24 23', long. 94.
WULENDTJRPET. Town in South Arcot district, Madras ; situated
thirty-one miles west of Cuddalore. Lat. 11 42', long. 79 21'.
WULLA. Town in Kathiawar, Bombay ; situated seventy- one miles
east-south-east of Rajkot. Lat. 21 50', long. 71 50'.
WULTJR. Lake in Kashmir State, Punjab ; formed by the expansion
of the river Jhelum. It is twenty-one miles long from west to east, and
nine wide from north to south. In the lake is a small island, which
contains the extensive ruins of a Buddhist temple of great antiquity,
destroyed by the Muhammadans. The lake is subject to violent squalls.
The centre is in lat. 34 20', long. 74 37'.
WUN. District in Berar ; situated between lat. 19 46' 20 42', and
long. 77 26' 79 10'. Bounded on the north by Amraoti district ; on the
east by the Wardha river, separating it from the Central Provinces ; on
the south by the Penganga, separating it from Haidarabad State ; and on
the west by Basim district. The area is 3907 sq. miles, and the pop.
(1881), 392,102. It is a wild hilly district, intersected by offshoots from
the Ajanta chain of mountains. The chief rivers are the Wardha and
Penganga, the latter of which carries off nearly all the drainage of the
district. Its principal tributaries are the A ran, the Waghari, and the
Kuni. The chief towns are Wun (the capital), and Darwa. The means
of communication are few in this district, which is administered by a
Deputy- Commissioner and Staff.
WTJN. Capital (in taluk of same name) of Wun district, Berar;
situated on the postal road from Haidarabad to Nagpur. Lat. 20 3',
long. 79. Pop. (1876), 4233. A fair is held every spring. Area of
taluk, 857 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 72,654.
WUN. Town in Ahmednagar district, Bombay ; situated twenty-five
miles north by east of Msik. Lat. 20 20'. long. 73 52'.
WUNI. Town in Haidarabad State ; situated on the right bank of
the river Godavari, on the route from Nagpur to Haidarabad, eighty-
one miles south of the former, and 185 north of the latter. Lat. 20,
long. 79 3 7 .
WUNVARLY. Town in Basim district, Berar ; situated eighty-seven
miles south of Ellichpur. Lat. 19 58', long. 77 30'.
WUR. Town in Cutch State, Bombay ; situated twenty-eight miles
north of Bhuj. Lat. 23 37', long. 69 46'.
WTJRNA. River of Satara district, and Kolhapur State, Bombay ;
rising on the eastern declivity of the Western Ghats, in lat. 17 18', long.
73 46', and flowing south-east for eighty miles, during which course
it divides the territory of Satara from the native State of Kolhapur, it falls
into the Krishna river, in lat. 16 50', long. 74 36'.
WURNAIR. Town in Ahmednagar district, Bombay ; situated
twenty-four miles north-east by north of Nasik. Lat. 20 16', long. 74.
WUSNA. State in Mahi Kantha, Bombay, paying a yearly tribute of
310 to the Gaekwar of Baroda. Pop. (1881), 4794.
WUTATUR. Town in Trichinopoli district, Madras ; situated twenty
miles north-north-east of Trichinopoli. Lat. 1 1 5', long. 78 54'.
XELDEM. Village in Quepem district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 979.
XOLOPE-BTTSTJRTICO. Village in Sanguelim district, Portuguese
India. Pop. (1881), 56.
XELOPE-CURDO. Village in Sanguelim district, Portuguese India.
Pop. (1881), 64.
XELVONA. Village in Quepem district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 365.
YADEHALLL Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 32.
YADIKL Town in Bellary district, Madras. Pop. (1381), 6409.
Lat. 15 3' 10", long. 77 54' 50".
YADUNDE. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 23.
YADTIRU. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 307.
YAGACHI (BADARI). River of Mysore State ; rising in the Baba
Budan Mountains, in Kadur district, and flowing with a southerly course
into Hassan district, where it joins the Hemavati river.
YAHYAPUR. Town in Saran district, Bengal ; situated forty-one
miles south-west of Bettia. Lat. 26 22', long. 84 7'.
YAIGL Town in Bassein district, British Burma ; situated on the
right bank of one of the arms of the Irawadi river. Lat. 17 14', long.
95 14'.
YAILAGHARL Town in Salem district, Madras; situated seventy-
three miles north-north-east of Salem. Lat. 12 37', long. 78 39'.
YAIMALLAI (MOUNT DELLY). Town in Malabar district,
Madras; situated eighteen miles north-west of Cannanore. Lat. 12 2',
long. 75 15'.
YAJGO. Town in Independent Burma ; situated sixteen miles west
from the right bank of the Kyeng-dweng river, and 150 miles north-west
from Ava. Lat. 23 23', long. 94 26'.
YAKTHTTN. Town in Haidarabad State ; situated eighteen miles
west-south-west of Jalna. Lat. 19 44', long. 75 41'.
YAKUTGANJ. Village in Farrukhabad district, KW.P. Lat. 27
19', long. 79 40'.
YAKTITPTJR. Village in Aligarh district, N.W.P. ; situated in lat.
27 52', long. 78 11'.
YALAMALAI (ELTTMALAI). Town in Madura district, Madras.
Top. (1871), 5806. Lat. 10 16', long. 77 16' 30".
YALUNGK River of Nepal State, rising in lat. 27 35', long. 88 5',
on the southern face of Kangchang, a peak of the Himalayas. It flows
in a south-westerly direction for forty miles, and in lat. 27 21', long.
87 31', falls into the Tambur river. The town of the same name is in
lat. 27 32', long. 87 56'.
YAMBISL Town in Haidarabad district, Sind, Bombay; situated
sixty-eight miles north by east of Haidarabad. Lat. 26 20', long.
68 43'.
YAMETHEN. Town in Independent Burma; 124 miles south from
Ava. Lat. 20 5', long. 95 53'.
YAMKANMARDI. Town in Belgaum district, Bombay; situated
twenty-one miles north of Belgaum. Pop. (1872), 5296. Lat. 16 8',
long. 74 32'.
YANAON (YANAM). French settlement in Godavari district,
Madras ; situated near the bifurcation of the Godavari and the river of
Coringa. The French territory extends along the banks of the two
rivers for about six miles, and contains an area of 5 sq. miles, with a pop.
(1878\ of 5460. Lat. 16 44' 10", long. 82 15' 5".
YANDABU (YENDABOO). Town in Independent Burma ; situated
on the right bank of the Irawadi, about forty miles west of Mandalay,
and sixty-three miles west by south of Ava. Yandabu is of historical
importance, as the place where the Treaty of Peace, which concluded the
first Burmese war, was signed on the 26th February, 1826. Lat. 21 38',
long. 95 4'.
YANDUN. Township in British Burma.
YANG. Town in Manipur State, Assam; ninety-nine miles south-
east of Nowgong. Lat. 25 31', long. 94.
YANGMA. lliver of Nepal State, tributary to the Tambar, with
which it forms a junction in lat. 27 38', long. 87 32'.
YARD WAR. Town in Belgaum district, Bombay ; situated fifty-two
miles north-east by east of Belgaum. Lat. 16 13', long. 75 15'.
YARU. Town in Dera Ghazi Khan district, Punjab; situated twenty-
fivo miles from the right bank of the Indus. Lat. 30 10', long.
70 30'.
YATLAKI. Town in Bellary district, Madras ; situated sixty-nine
miles east by south of Bellary. Lat. 15 2', long. 77 58'.
YAVAKAPADL Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 1119.
YAVENESUREN. Town in Madura district, Madras ; situated forty-
two miles south-east of Madura. Lat. 9 31', long. 78 38'.
YAWAL. Town in Khandesh district, Bombay; situated twelve
miles west of Sanda. It has a fort which is still in good repair. Yawal
was at one time famous for its manufacture of paper and indigo. Pop.
(1881), 8889. Lat. 21 10' 45", long. 75 45'.
YE. Tract of country in British Burma. Lat. 15 15', long. 98 4'.
YEAVAN GHEOUN. Town in Independent Burma ; situated on the
left bank of the Irawadi river, 122 miles south-west of Ava. Lat. 20
31', long. 94 43'.
YEDATTIR. Village (in taluk of same name) in Mysore district,
Mysore ; situated on the right bank of the Kaveri river, twenty-four
miles north-west of Mysore city. A weekly fair is held here. Lat.
12 28' 20", long. 75 25' 20". Pop. (1871), 1949. Area of taluk, 168
sq. miles. Pop. (1871), 65,523.
YEDAVARE. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 159.
YEDDAPADL Town in Salem district, Madras; situated in the
district of Salem, Presidency of Madras, twenty-four miles south-west of
Salem. Lat. 11 33', long. 77 53'.
YEDDIAKOTTA. Town in Madura district, Madras ; situated fifty
miles north-north-west of Madura. Lat. 10 35', long. 77 52'.
YEDEHALLI. Village in Kadur district, Mysore State ; situated
thirty miles north-west of Chikmagalur. Lat. 14 39' 50", long. 75 57'
20". Pop. (1871), 1518.
YEDENALKN AD. Subdivision in the territory of Coorg, Madras.
Area, 313 sq. miles. Pop. (1871), 31,104.
YEDIYUR. Village in Tumkur district, Mysore State. Lat. 12 59',
long. 76 55'. Pop. (1871), 507. A religious festival, lasting for five
days, is annually attended by 10,000 people.
YEDTORA. Town in Mysore State ; situated on the Kaveri, twenty-
two miles west by north from Seringapatam. Lat. 12 29', long. 76 26'.
YEDTJR. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop. (1881), 282.
YEKALL Town in Haidarabad State ; situated sixty-three miles
west-north-west of Haidarabad. Lat. 17 40', long. 77 40'.
YELAGIRL Range of hills in Salem district, Madras; situated
between lat. 12 31' 20" 12 37' 49", and long. 78 39' 20" 78 45' 30".
Average height above sea-level, 3500 feet ; highest point, 4437 feet.
YELAHANKA. Village in Bangalore district, Mysore State ; situated
ten miles north of Bangalore. Lat. 13 6' 10", long. 77 38'. Pop.
(1871), 2521.
YEL AKANUR. Village in Coorg, Madras. Pop, (1881), 86.
YELANDUR. Town (in taluk of same name) in Mysore district,
Mysore ; situated on the Honnuhol river. Lat. 12 4', long. 77 5'.
Pop. (1871), 3130. Area of taluk, 73 sq. miles. Pop. (1871),
YELBTJRGA. Town in Haidarabad State ; situated sixty-nine miles
west-north-west of Bellary. Lat. 15 38', long. 76 4'.
YELDURTI. Town in Karnul district, Madras ; situated twenty-one
miles south-south-west of Karnul. Lat. 15 32', long. 77 59'.
YELJAL. Town in Haidarabad State ; situated forty miles south by
west of Haidarabad. Lat. 16 49', long. 78 24'.
YELLAGOD. Town in Karnul district, Madras ; situated thirty- six
miles east by south of Karnul. Lat. 15 44', long. 78 38'.
YELLAMALA (YERRAMALA). Range of mountains in Karnul
and Cuddapah districts, Madras; situated between lat. 14 31' 14 57'
40", and long. 78 1078 32' 30". Its length is from sixty to seventy
miles ; its greatest width, about twenty miles ; and the average elevation,
1600 feet above sea-level.
YELLANTJR. Town in Bellary district, Madras ; situated eighty-six
miles east- south- east of Bellary. Lat. 14 40', long. 78 8'.
YELLAPITR. Town (in subdivision of same name) in North Kanara
district, Bombay; situated about forty-three miles south-west of Dharwar.
Lat. 14 58', long. 74 45'. Pop. (1872), 1531. Area of subdivision,
589 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 36,314.
YELLTTANDAR. Town in Mysore State ; situated thirty-six miles
south-east of Seringapatam, and seventy-two miles north of Coimbatore.
Lat. 12 3', long. 77 4'.
YELUSAVIRA. Subdivision in the territory of Coorg, Madras.
Area, 115 sq. miles. Pop. (1871), 18,829.
YELWAL. Town in Mysore State ; situated nine miles south-west of
Seringapatam. Lat. 12 20', long. 76 40'.
YEMHATTI. Town in Coimbatore district, Madras ; situated ninety-
two miles north-east by north of Coimbatore. Lat. 12 10', long.
77 40'.
YEMMIGANUR (EMMIGANTJR). Town in Bellary district, Madras.
Lat. 15 46', long. 77 31' 20". Pop. (1871), 7349.
YEMWUNTUNG. Town in Independent Burma; situated 100 miles
north-west of Ava. Lat. 23, long. 95 9'.
YENEGANUR. Town in Bellary district, Madras. Pop. (1881),
YENGBINE. River of Tenasserim province, falling into the Thaluayn
Myeet river, in lat. 17 22', long. 97 48'.
YENNAN RIVER. Offset of the Irawadi river, on the borders of
Independent Burma, falling into the Sittang, or Tsit-toung river, in lat.
19 54', long. 96 6'.
YENNIKIIL GTJTA. Town in Mysore State; situated 111 miles
north of Seringapatam. Lat. 14 1', long. 76 52'.
YENTTR. Town in South Kanara district, Madras ; situated twenty-
two miles north-east of Mangalore. It is an old Jain town, containing
eight temples, and a large monolithic statue, thirty-eight feet high. Lat.
13 1' 30", long. 75 11' 5". Pop. (1871), 442.
YEOLA. Town (in subdivision of same name) in Nasik district,
Bombay ; situated forty-four miles east of Nasik town, thirteen miles south
of Manwar station (161 miles from Bombay), on the north-east line of the
Great Indian Peninsula Railway, and nearly twelve miles from the
frontier of the Nizam's Dominions. It is a flourishing commercial town,
with a municipality. Lat. 20 4' 10", long. 74 30' 30". Pop. (1881),
17,685. Area of subdivision, 412 sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 53,282.
YEOTMAL. Taluk in Wun district, Berar. Area, 909 sq. miles.
Pop. (1881), 107,846.
YEOWA. Town in Independent Burma ; situated on the right bank
of the Irawadi river, 108 miles south-west of Ava. Lat. 20 56', long.
94 40'.
YERKAD (ERKAD, YERCAUD). Town in Salem district, Madras ;
situated in the Shevaroy Hills, at an elevu ion of 4828 feet above sea-level,
fourteen miles from Salem, and twelve miles from the Shevaroy Hills
railway station. There are many European residents, and in the hot
season Yerkad is much frequented by visitors from Madras and Salem.
The scenery is very beautiful. Lat. 11 51' 38", long. 78 13' 5". Pop.
(1871), 2867.
YERNAGTJDEM. Town in Godavari district, Madras; situated sixty-
three miles north- north-east of Masulipatam. Lat. 17, long. 81 33'.
YERUMAUR. Town in Malabar district, Madras; situated sixty-
eight miles south-east by east of Calicut. Lat. 10 40', long. 76 38'.
YEWUR. Town in the Dang States, Bombay ; situated fifty-two
miles south-east by east of Surat. Lat. 20 40', long. 73 30'.
YINKOLTJ. Town in Krishna district, Madras ; situated thirty- six
miles south-south-west of Gantur. Lat. 15 50', long. 80 15'.
YIRODIT. Town in Coimbatore district, Madras ; situated fifty-six
miles east-north-east of Coimbatore. Lat. 11 20', long. 77 46'.
YOMA or ROMA MOUNTAINS. Two ranges in Burma. The first
and most important, known as the Arakan Yomas, starts from the
mountainous country of Manipur and Tippernh, and contracts into a de-
fined chain in Chittagong, commencing in the Blue Mountain (above 8600
feet), in lat. 22 37', long. 93 10'. From this point it runs southward
for more than 700 miles, separating the division of Arakan from
Independent Burma, as far as lat. 19 25'. Thence it forms the boundary
between Sandoway and Henzada, and, always decreasing in breadth and
altitude, traverses Bassein district, and terminates at Cape Negrais.
The Pegu Yoma is a distinct range, forming the watershed between
the valleys of the Tsit-toung, or Sittoung river, and the Irawadi. It
has its origin in Independent Burma, and takes a southerly direction to
the delta of the Irawadi, throwing out spurs in the form of low hills,
the best known being crowned by the famous Shwe Dagon pagoda near
YOUNG AI. Town in Tavoy district, British Burma; situated 114
miles south-south-east of Amherst. Lat. 14 30', long. 98 18'.
YOUN ZERAL Town in Prome district, British Burma ; situated on
the Irawadi river, eighteen miles south by west of Prome. Lat. 18 31',
long. 95.
YTJLA. Stream in Bashahr State, Punjab ; rising on the eastern
declivity of the Damuk Chu Mountains, forming the boundary towards
Ladakh. It holds a course nearly southerly for about fifteen miles, and
falls into the'Sutlej on the right side, in lat. 31 31', long. 78 11'.
YTILANG. Torrent in Bashahr State, Punjab ; falling into the Li, or
river of Spiti, on the right side, in lat. 31 55', long. 78 37', after a
course of about eight miles in a south-easterly direction.
1000 YUS ZAM
YTJSAFZAL Tahsil of Peshawar district, Punjab. Area, 872 sq.
miles. Pop. (1868), 152,392.
YUSU. Mountain pass in Bashahr State, Punjab ; leading over the
range of the Himalaya, forming the southern boundary of Kathiawar.
Elevation of the pass above the sea, 15,877 feet. Lat. 31 24', long.
78 9'.
ZA-DI. Revenue circle in Tavoy district, British Burma. Pop.
(1877), 2239.
ZA-DI-BYENGr. Revenue circle in Sandoway district, British Burma.
Area, 9 sq. miles. Pop. (1877), 2C75.
ZAFARABAD. Town in Jaunpur district, N."W.P. ; situated on the
right bank of the river Gumti, six miles south-east of Jaunpur. Lat. 25
42', long. 82 47'. Pop. (1881), 3218.
ZAFARGARH. Town in Haidarabad State; situated seventy-two
miles east-north-east of Haidarabad. Lat. 17 46', long. 79 31'.
ZAFFARWAL. Town (in tahsil of same name) in Sialkot district,
Punjab ; situated on the east bank of the river Degh, twenty-seven miles
south-east of Sialkot, on the road to the foot of the hills below Dalhousie.
Lat. 32 22', long. 74 54'. Pop. (1881), 4978. Area of tahsil, 302 sq.
miles. Pop. (1881), 163,190.
ZAHURABAD. Town (in pargana of same name), in Ghazipur
district, N.W.P. ; situated fourteen miles north-east of Ghazipur. Lat.
25 41', long. 83 48'. Pop. of pargana (1881), 90,325.
ZAIDPTJR. Town in Bara Banki district, Oudh. Lat. 26 49' 45",
long. 81 22' 20". Pop. (1881), 9181. Also thana. Pop. (1881), 91,880.
ZAING GA-NAING. Revenue circle in Rangoon district, British
Burma, Pop. (1877), 8903.
ZAINPOR. Village in Cawnpore district ; situated on the route by
Nanamau Ghat, from Etawah to Lucknow, fifty-three miles east of
Etawah. Lat. 26 53', long. 79 56'.
ZA-LWON. Township (on the Irawadi) in Henzada district, British
ZA-LWON. Revenue circle in Henzada district, British Burma. Pop.
(1878), 4790.
ZA-LWON. Town in Henzada district, British Burma ; situated on
the right bank of the Irawadi. Lat. 17 27', long. 95 37' 55". Pop.
(1879), 4637.
ZA-LWON. Revenue circle in Tavoy district, British Burma. Area,
40 sq. miles. Pop. (1877-78), 1345.
ZAMANIA. Town (in tahsil of same name) in Ghazipur district,
N.W.P. ; situated in the portion of the district south of the Ganges, with
a station on the East Indian Railway. Lat. 25 22' 25", long. 83 34'
35". Pop. (1881), 5116. Area of tahsil, 369 sq. miles. Pop. (1881),
225,949. Also pargana. Pop. (1881), 174,966. And thana. Pop.
(1881), 78,383.
ZA-MIE. River in Amherst district, British Burma; rising in the
main range of the Pegu Yomas, near the Pass of the Three Pagodas, in
ZAM ZON 1001
lat. 15 18', long. 98 25' 29", and flowing for about eighty miles in a
general north-north-west direction, till it joins the Wengraw. The
united stream, under the name of the Attaran, falls into the Sal win at
ZANODDEM. Tillage in Quepem district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 143.
ZANSKAR. Elevated region in Ladakh, lying between the Indus on
the north and the Chenab on the south. It is about eighty miles long
from south-east to north-west, sixty wide from south-west to north-east,
and lies between lat. 33 34 30', and long. 76 2077 40'.
ZARANIM. Village in Sanguelim district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 140.
ZARIFNAGAR. Thana in Budaun district, N.W.P. Pop. (1881),
ZA-THA-BYENG. Revenue circle in Amherst district, British Burma.
Pop. (1878), 3042.
ZA-THA-BYENG. Village in Amherst district, British Burma. Pop.
(1878), 2160.
ZA-YAT-HLA. Revenue circle in Thun-khwa district, British Burma.
Pop. (1877), 6384.
ZEBTJIBIN. Town in Independent Burma ; situated on the Irawadi
river, 121 miles south-west of Ava. Lat. 20 41', long. 94 34'.
ZE-MA-THW AY. Revenue circle in Amherst district, British Burma.
Pop. (1877-78), 2806.
ZE-YA-WA-DL Township in Toung-ngu district, British Burma.
Pop. (1877), 22,835.
ZE-YA-WA-DL Revenue circle in Toung-ngu district, British
Burma. Pop. (1877), 9071.
ZHE-PA-THW AY. Revenue circle in Rangoon district, British
Burma. Pop. (1878), 4448.
ZI-BENG-HLA. Revenue circle in Prome district, British Burma.
Pop. (1877), 3686.
ZILLAPTIR. Village in Cawnpore district, N.W.P. ; situated on the
route from Allahabad to Etawah, fifty-seven miles south-east of the
latter. Lat. 26 16', long. 79 46'.
ZIRA. Town (in tahsil of same name) in Firozpur district, Punjab.
Lat. 30 58', long. 75 2' 25". Pop. (1881), 3492. Area of tahsil, 500
sq. miles. Pop. (1881), 164,548.
ZIRAPTJR. Town in Indore State, Central India Agency ; situated
103 miles north-north-east of Indore, and 100 miles east- south- east of
Nimach. Lat. 24 3', long. 76 26'.
ZI-YA. Revenue circle in Akyab district, British Burma. Pop.
(1877-78), 1986.
ZOIYA. Town in Amherst district, British Burma ; situated fifty-four
miles east by north of Maulmain. Lat. 16 33', long. 98 30'.
ZONGRI. Town in Sikkim State, Bengal; situated thirty-six miles
north by west of Darjiling, and 182 miles east of Khatmandu. Lat. 27
31', long. 88 11'.
1002 ZOP ZUZ
ZOPHALING. Town in Lakhimpur district, Assam ; situated forty-
eight miles east by north of Sadiya. Lat. 27 58', long. 96 29'.
ZORAWARGANJ. Town in Noakhali district, Bengal; situated
forty-six miles east by south of Bhulua. Lat. 22 49', long. 91 39'.
ZORMEM. Village in Sanguelim district, Portuguese India. Pop.
(1881), 305.
ZUMAWALA. Town in Bannu district, Punjab; situated nine miles
from the left bank of the Indus, eighty miles south of Peshawar. Lat.
32 52', long. 71 48'.
ZUMKHA. State in Rewa Kantha, Bombay, paying a yearly tribute
of 5 to the Gaekwar of Baroda. Area, sq. mile.
ZURHTJR GHAT. Town in Chhindwara district, Central Provinces ;
situated on the route from Hoshangabad to Nagpur, thirty-one miles
south-east of the former. Lat. 22 26', long. 78 6'.
ZURKAIL. Town in Shikarpur district, Sind, Bombay; ten miles
north of Shikarpur. Lat. 28 9', long. 68 40'.
ZUTO. Town in Independent Burma; nine miles west from the
Irawadi, and 145 miles south-west of Ava. Lat. 20 15', long. 94 34'.
ZUT-THUT. Revenue circle in Shwe-gyeng district, British Burma.
Area, 110 sq. miles. Pop. (1877-78), 4573.
ZUZ NAR. Town in Kashmir State, Punjab; situated thirty-four
miles south-west by south of Srinagar, and eighty- one miles north of
Sialkot. Lat. 33 38', long. 74 43'.
ABTJ. Station on Rajputana State Railway.
ACHNERA. Station on Rajputana State Railway.
ADAMWAHAM. Station on Indus Yalley State Railway.
ADIPTJR. Station on Darjiling and Himalaya Railway.
ADONI. Station on Madras Railway.
AGRA. Station on East Indian Railway ; also on Sindia State Railway.
AGRA CANTONMENT. Station on Rajputana State Railway ; and
also on Sindia State Railway.
AGRA FORT. Station on Rajputana State Railway; and also on
Sindia State Railway.
AHMADPUR Station on Indus Valley State Railway.
AHMEDABAD. Station on Bombay, Earoda and Central India
AHMEDNAGAR. Station on Dhond and Manmad State Railway.
AHMUDPUR. Station on East Indian Railway.
AHR AURA. Station on East Indian Railway.
AIYALTJR. Station on South Indian Railway.
AJANTI. Station on Holkar and JSTimach State Railway.
AJERAKA. Station on Rajputana State Railway.
A JG AON. Station on Oudh and Rohilkhand Railway.
AJMERE. Station on Rajputana State Railway.
AJNAD. Station on Holkar and Nimach State Railway.
AJNODE. Station on Holkar and Nfmach State Railway.
AJODHYA. Station on Oudh and Rohilkhand Railway.
AKBARPUR. Station on Oudh and Rohilkhand Railway.
AKOLA. Station on Great India Peninsula Railway.
AKOLNAIR. Station on Dhond and Manmad State Railway.
AKORA. Station on Punjab Northern Railway.
1004 ALA AZI
ALAMBAKAM. Station on South Indian Bail way.
ALEPPI. Station on South Indian Eailway.
ALIGARH. Station on Oudh and Rohilkhand Eailway; and also on
East Indian Railway.
ALLAHABAD. Station on East Indian Eailway.
ALLANMAYO. Station on Eangoon and Irawadi Valley State
ALTJMDANGA. Station on Eastern Bengal Eailway.
ALTJMNAGAR. Station on Oudh and Eohilkhand Railway.
AMALSAD. Station on Bombay, Baroda and Central India Eailway.
AMBGAON. Station on Nagpur State Eailway.
AMBLI ROAD. Station on Bombay, Baroda and Central India
AMBTJE. Station on Madras Eailway.
AMMAN AIKANUR. Station on South Indian Eailway.
AMMAPETT A. Station on South Indian Eailway.
AMEAOTI. Station on Great Indian Peninsula Eailway.
AMEI. Station on the Indus Valley State Eailway.
AMBITS AH. Station on Sind, Punjab, and Delhi Eailway.
AMEOLI. Station on Bombay, Baroda, and Central India Eailway.
ANAIKARAI CHATTRAM. Station on South Indian Eailway.
AN AND. Station on Bombay, Baroda, and Central India Eailway.
AN DAL. Station on East Indian Eailway.
ANDHERL Station on Bombay, Baroda, and Central India Eailway.
AN6AR. Station on Great Indian Peninsula Eailway.
ANKAI. Station on Dhond and Manmad State Eailway.
ANKLESWAR. Station on Bombay, Baroda, and Central India
AONLA. Station on Oudh and Eohilkhand Eailway.
ARANGHAT A. Station on Eastern Bengal Eailway.
ARCONUM. Junction on Madras Eailway.
ARCOT. Station on Madras Eailway.
ARLALTJ. Station on Bhaunagar and Gondal State Eailway.
ARNTT. Station on Eajputana State Eailway.
ARRAH. Station on East Indian Eailway.
AS ALPUR. (Station on Eajputana State Eailway.
ASSENSOLE. Station on East Indian Eailway. "
ASUFPITR. Station on Oudh and Eohilkhand Eailway.
ATAR. Station on Holkar and N'fmach State Eailway.
ATCHERAVAK. Station on South Indian Eailway.
ATGATJM. Station on Great Indian Peninsula Eailway.
ATRAL Station on Northern Bengal State Eailway.
ATRAULI ROAD. Station on Oudh and Eohilkhand Eailway.
ATT ARL Station on Sind, Punjab and Delhi Eailway.
ATTOCK Station on Punjab and Northern State Eailway.
ATJJHI Station on Oudh and Eohilkhand Eailway.
AUSPRL Station on Madras Eailway.
AVADI. Station on Madras Eailway.
AVENASHI ROAD. Station on Madras Eailway.
AY AMPETTAL Station on South Indian Eailway.
AZIMGANG. -Station on Nalhati Eailway.
BAB BAR 1005
BABAI. Station on Great Indian Peninsula Bail way.
BABRALA. Station on Oudh and Rohilkhand Railway.
BABTJTPUR. Station on Oudh and Rohilkhand Railway.
BAD AN. Station on East Indian Railway.
BADARGAN. Station on Northern Bengal State Railway.
BADEH. Station on Indus Valley State Railway.
BADLAPUR. Station on Great Indian Peninsula Railway.
BADNERA. Station on Great Indian Peninsula Railway.
BADRESWAR. Station on Eastern Bengal Railway.
BAGHAULL Station on Oudh and Rohilkhand Railway.
B AGRA. Station on Great Indian Peninsula Railway.
B AH ADTIRPUR. Station on Bombay, Baroda, and Central India
B AHA WA. Station on East Indian Railway.
BAHAWTJLPUR. Station on Indus Yalley State Railway.
B AID YANATH. Station on East Indian Railway.
BAILGAON. Station on Great Indian Peninsula Railway.
BAILGTIRRIA. Station on Eastern Bengal Railway.
BAJTJWA. Station on Bombay, Baroda, and Central India Railway.
BAKRANI ROAD. Station on Indus Yalley State Railway.
BAKTIARPTIR. Station on East Indian Railway.
BALAMOW. Station on Oudh and Rohilkhand Railway.
BALI. Station on East Indian Railway.
BALIAGPUR. Station on Oudh and Rohilkhand Railway.
B ALLYG AN J. Station on Calcutta and South Eastern State Railway.
B ALL YP ALL Station on Madras Railway.
BALWARA. Station on Holkar and ]S T imach State Railway.
BANDANWARA. Station on Malwa Railway.
BANDIKIA. Station on Rajputana State Railway.
BANDORA. Station on Bombay, Baroda, and Central India Railway.
BANGALORE. Station on Madras Railway ; and also on Mysore
State Railway.
BANKAPUR. Station on Southern Marhatta Railway.
BANKER. Station on Great Indian Peninsula Railway.
BANKERI. Station on Great Indian Peninsula Railway.
BANKIPUR. Patna clearing station, on East Indian Railway.
BANMOW. Station on Sindia State Railway.
BARAGAON. Station on Oudh and Rohilkhand Railway.
BARAI ROAD. Station on Great Indian Peninsula Railway.
BARAKHAR. Station on East Indian Railway.
BARANAGAR. Station on Holkar and Nimach State Railway.
BARDWAN. Station on East Indian Railway.
BAREILLY. Station on Oudh and Rohilkhand Railway; and also on
Rohilkhand and Kumaun Railway.
BAREJARI. Station on Bombay, Baroda, and Central India "Railway.
BARGARH. Station on East Indian Railway.
BARINDA. Station on Sind, Punjab, and Delhi Railway.
1006 BAB BHA
BARKHERA. Station on Bhopal State Railway.
EARL. Station on Malwa Railway.
BARODA. Station on Bombay, Baroda and Central India Railway.
BARRACKPITR. Station on Eastern Bengal Railway.
BARRH. Station on Tirhut State Railway.
BARRH GHAT. Station on East Indian Railway; also on Tirhut
State Railway.
BARRIPUR. Station on Calcutta and South Eastern State Railway.
BARSIARI. Station on Bombay, Baroda, and Central India Railway.
BARSI ROAD. Station on Great Indian Peninsula Railway.
BAR WAI. Station on Holkar and Ni'mach State Railway.
BARWAR A. Station on Rajputana State Railway.
B ASHURATG AN J. Station on Oudh and Rohilkhand Railway.
BASI. Station on Rajputana State Railway.
BASRAH. Station on Calcutta and South Eastern State Railway.
BASSEIN ROAD. Station on Bombay, Baroda and Central India
B AS W A Station on Rajputana State Railway.
BATALA. Station on Sind, Punjab, and Delhi Railway.
BAWAL. Station on Rajputana State Railway.
BAZIDPTIR. Station on Tirhut State Railway.
BEAS. Station on Sind, Punjab and Delhi Railway.
BEAS (East Bank). Station on Sind, Punjab, and Delhi Railway.
BEAWAR. Station on Rajputana State Railway.
BEDDIA. Station on East Indian Railway.
BEGUM AB AD. Station on Sind, Punjab and Delhi Railway.
BEHERL Station on Sind, Punjab, and Delhi Railway.
BELA. Station on Patna and Gaya State Railway.
BELAR GHAT. Station on Oudh and Rohilkhand Railway.
BELGACHL Station on Eastern Bengal Railway.
BELGAUM. Station on Southern Marhatta Railway.
BELLARY. Station on Southern Marhatta Railway.
BELLPUT. Station on Indus Valley State Railway.
BEL WANDL Station on Dhond and Manmad State Railway.
BENAR. Station on East Indian Railway.
BENARES. Station on East Indian Railway ; and also on Oudh and
Rohilkhand Railway.
BERHAMPUR. Station on East Indian Railway.
BETTIAH. Station on Tirhut State Railway.
BE YPUR. Station on Madras Railway.
BEZV ADA. Station on Nizam's State Railway.
BHAALI. Station on Great Indian Peninsula Railway.
BHADI. Station on Great Indian Peninsula Railway.
BHADRADHEAUR. Station on Nizam's State Railway.
BHAGALPUR. Station on East Indian Railway.
BHAINDER. Station on Bombay, Baroda, and Central India Railway.
BHALAJ. Station on Bombay, Baroda, and Central India Railway."
BHAMBAM Station on Bhaunagar and Gondal State Railway.
BHAN. Station on Indus Valley State Railway.
BH AND AL Station on Sindia State Railway.
BHANDONA. Station on Nagpur State Railway.
BHA BOB, 1007
BHANDUP. Station on Great Indian Peninsula "Railway.
BHAODIN. Station on Punjab and Northern State Railway.
BHARTPUR. Station on Bajputana State Bailway.
BHARWARL Station on East Indian Railway.
BHAUNAGAR. Station on Bhaunagar and Gondal State Bailway.
BHERA. Station on Punjab and Northern State Bailway.
BHIGW AN. Station on Great Indian Peninsula Bailway.
BHILA. Station on East Indian Bailway.
BHILAB. Station on Bombay, Baroda, and Central India Railway.
BHILWARTI. Station on Malwa Bailway.
BHIMBAR BRIDGE CROSSING. Station on Punjab and Northern
State Bailway.
BHIMLIA. Station on Rajputana State Railway.
BHIRINGI. Station on Great Indian Peninsula Railway.
BHOPAL. Station on Bhopal State Railway.
BHOSAWAL. Junction on Great Indian Peninsula Railway.
BHOWPUR. Station on East Indian Railway.
BHTIDDESHUR. Station on East Indian Railway.
BHUSAWAL JUNCTION. Station on Great Indian Peninsula
BHUTARL Station on Sind, Punjab, and Delhi Railway.
BICHPURL Station on Rajputana State Railway.
BID ADI. Station on Mysore State Railway.
BIDDABATTL Station on East Indian Railway.
BIHIYA. Station on East Indian Bailway.
BIHTA. Station on East Indian Railway.
BIJAPUR. Station on East Indian Railway; and also on Southern
Marhatta Railway.
BIJHOL Station on Oudh and Rohilkhand Railway.
BILARL Station on Oudh and Rohilkhand Railway.
BILASPUR. Station on Tirhut State Railway; and also on Nagpur
State Railway.
BILIMORA. Station on Bombay, Baroda and Central India Bailway.
BILIVAW. Station on Bombay, Baroda, and Central India Bailway.
BILURA. Station on Rajputana State Bailway,
BILWAL Station on Oudh and Bohilkhand Railway.
BIND AURA. Station on Oudh and Bohilkhand Railway.
BIR. Station on Great Indian Peninsula Railway.
BIRAMPUR. Station on Northern Bengal State Railway.
BISHARATGANG. Station on Oudh and Bohilkhand Bailway.
BISWA BRIDGE. Station on Great Indian Peninsula Bailway.
BIWAI. Station on Bajputana State Railway.
BOHANI. Station on Great Indian Peninsula Railway.
B01NCHL Station on East Indian Railway.
BOISAR. Station on Bombay, Baroda and Central India Bailway.
BOKHARA. Station on Nalhati State Bailway.
BOLARI. Station on Sind, Punjab and Delhi Railway.
BOMBAY. Station on Bombay, Baroda, and Central India Bailway.
BOMBAY (BORI BUNDER). Station on Great Indian Peninsula
BOREBAIL. Station on Great Indian Peninsula Railway.
1008 BOB CHA
BORGAON. Station on Great Indian Peninsula Railway.
BORI. Station on Great Indian Peninsula Railway.
BOBIANL Station on Bombay, Baroda and Central India "Railway.
BORWALI. Station on Bombay, Baroda and Central India Railway,
BOTAD. Station on Bhaunagar and Gondal State Railway.
BROACH. Station on Bombay, Baroda and Central India Railway.
BUBRALA. Station on Oudh and Rohilkhand Railway.
BITCH. Station on Indus Valley State Railway.
BUDALTIR. Station on South Indian Railway.
BTJGGTJLA. Station on Eastern Bengal Railway.
BULPTJR. Station on East Indian Railway.
BTILSAR. Station on Bombay, Baroda and Central India Railway.
BULWARA. Station on Holkar and Nimach State Railway.
BTJNJORAKL Station on Sind, Punjab, and Delhi Railway.
BTJNTANHALL. Station on Madras Railway.
BTJRHA. Station on East Indian Railway.
BTTRHAN. Station on East Indian Railway; and also on Punjab and
Northern State Railway.
BTJRHANPTJR. Station on Great Indian Peninsula Railway.
BURRARA. Station on Sind, Punjab, and Delhi Railway.
BURRIARPUR. Station on East Indian Railway.
BITRTNA. Station on East Indian Railway.
BTITARI. Station on Sind, Punjab, and Delhi Railway.
BTTXAR. Station on East Indian Railway.
BYCULLA. Station on Great Indian Peninsula Railway.
BYRAM GHAT. Station on Oudh and Rohikhand Railway.
C AD JTTDL Station on Madras Railway.
CALCUTTA. Station on Calcutta and South-Eastern State Railway;
and also on Eastern Bengal Railway.
CAMASAMTTDRUM. Station on Madras Railway.
CAMPBELLPAR ROAD. Station on Punjab and Northern State
CANNING. Station on Calcutta and South-Eastern State Railway.
CAWNPORE. Station on East Indian Railway; and also on Oudh
and Rohilkhand Railway.
CAWNPORE BRIDGE. Station on Great Indian Peninsula Railway.
CHAILAHATL Station on Northern Bengal State Railway.
CHAIT AN GRAM. Station on Northern Bengal State Railway.
CHAKITND. Station on Patna and Gaya State Railway.
CHALISGAON. Station on Great Indian Peninsula Railway.
CH AM ARGANL Station on Bombay, Baroda, and Central India
CHAMBAL. Station on Holkar and Nimach State Railway.
CHANDARNAGAR. Station on East Indian Railway.
CHANDNI. Station on Great Indian Peninsula Railway.
CHANDODE. Station on Bombay, Baroda, and Central India Railway.
CHANDPUR. Station on Oudh and Rohilkhand Railway.
CHA CYtf 1009
CHANDUR. Station on Great Indian Peninsula Railway.
CHANNIGOTE. Station on Indus Valley State Railway .
CHAPPAHATTE. Station on Calcutta and South-Eastern State
CHARNI ROAD. Station on Bombay, Baroda, and Central India
CHARORL Station on Bombay, Baroda, and Central India Railway.
CHAUDRL Station on Indus Yalley State Railway.
CHAUSA. Station on East Indian Railway.
CHAWA. Station on Sind, Punjab, and Delhi Railway.
CHEMNAPAINA. Station on Mysore State Railway.
CHENGALP AT. Station on South Indian Railway.
CHENGLEROYENS CHOULTRY. Station on South Indian Railway.
CHHAPL Station on Rajputana State Railway.
CHHIND WAR A. Station on Great Indian Peninsula Railway.
CHICHAWUTNL Station on Sind, Punjab, and Delhi Railway.
CHIKSAGAR. Station on Great Indian Peninsula Railway.
CHILAL. Station on Bhaunagar and Gondal State Railway. .
CHILAN-B AN AM. Station on South Indian Railway.
CHINCHAULL Station on Great Indian Peninsula Railway.
CHINCHPUGLL Station on Great Indian Peninsula Railway.
CHINCHWAR. Station on Great Indian Peninsula Railway.
CHINHAMAPET. Station on Madras Railway.
CHITAPUR. Station on Nizam's State Railway.
CHITOR. Station on Malwa Railway.
CHITULL Station on Dhond and Manmad State Railway.
CHOGDA. Station on Eastern Bengal Railway.
CHOLA. Station on East Indian Railway.
CHORAL. Station on Holkar and Nfmach State Railway.
CHUADANGA. Station on Eastern Bengal Railway.
CHUN AR. Station on East Indian Railway.
CHUNDAUSL Station on Oudh and Rohilkhand Railway.
CHUNDAWAL. Station on Rajputana State Railway.
CHUNGA MUNGA. Station on Sind, Punjab, and Delhi Railway.
CHUNNU. Station on Sind, Punjab, and Delhi Railway.
CHURA. Station on Bhaunagar and Gondal State Railway.
CHURCH GATE. Station on Bombay, Baroda, and Central India
CLOYPET. Station on Mysore State Railway.
COCHIN. Station on South Indian Railway.
COIMBATORE. Station on Madras Railway; and also on South
Indian Railway.
COLGONG. Station on East Indian Railway.
COMB ACON AM. Station on South Indian Railway.
CONJECODE. Station on Madras Railway.
CON JEVARAM. Station on South Indian Railway.
CUDDALORE (New Town). Station on South Indian Railway.
CUDDALORE (Old Town). Station on South Indian Railway.
CUDDAP AH. Station on Madras Railway.
CUDUMBATOR. Station on Madras Railway.
CYNTHIA. Station on East Indian Railway.
1010 DAE DHO
DAB AURA. Station on East Indian Bail way.
DABHOL Station on Bombay, Baroda and Central India Railway.
DADAR. Station on Great Indian Peninsula Railway j and also on
Bombay, Baroda and Central India Railway.
DADRI. Station on East Indian Railway.
DADU. Station on Indus Valley State Railway.
DAHANU ROAD. Station on Bombay, Baroda and Central India
DAKOR. Station on Bombay, Baroda and Central India Railway.
DALANDA. Station on Holkar and Nimach State Railway.
DALSINGH SERAI. Station on Tirhut State Railway.
DAMAN ROAD. Station on Bombay, Baroda and Central India
DAMUDAPTJR. Station on Oudh and Rohilkhand Railway.
DAMUKDIA. Station on Northern Bengal State Railway.
DANASATJR. Station on South Indian Railway.
DANGARWA. Station on Rajputana State Railway.
DANHARL Station on Oudh and Rohilkhand Railway.
DANSA. Station on Rajputana State Railway.
DARBHANGAH. Station on Tirhut State Railway.
DARJILING. Station on Darjiling and Himalaya Railway.
DARSENAGAR. Station on Oudh and Rohilkhand Railway.
DARWANL Station on Northern Bengal State Railway.
DARYAB AD. Station on Oudh and Rohilkhand Railway.
DAURAHA. Station on Sind, Punjab, and Delhi Railway.
DEGAON. Station on Great Indian Peninsula Railway.
DELHI. Station on East Indian Railway; also on Rajputana State
Railway ; and on Sind, Punjab, and Delhi Railway.
DELHI SHADERA. Station on East Indian Railway; and also on
Sind, Punjab, and Delhi Railway.
DEOBAND. Station on Sind, Punjab, and Delhi Railway.
DEOLALI BARRACK SIDING. Station on Great Indian Peninsula
DHAMANGAON. Station on Great Indian Peninsula Railway.
DHANKIA. Station on Rajputana State Railway.
DHARAM KHUNDL Station on Great Indian Peninsula Railway.
DHARUR. Station on Nizam's State Railway.
DHARWAR. Station on Southern Marhatta Railway.
DHASA. Station on Bhaunagar and Gondal State Railway.
DHILLIANWALA. Station on Punjab and Northern State Railway.
DHODHTJR. Station on Holkar and Nimach State Railway.
DHOLPUR. Station on Sindia State Railway.
DHOND. Station on Great Indian Peninsula Railway ; and also on
Dhond and Manmad State Railway.
DHORAJL Station on Bhaunagar and Gondal State Railway.
DHOWKALL Station on Nagpur State Railway.
DIA FAR 1011
DIAMOND HARBOUR. Station on Calcutta and South Eastern
State Railway.
DIBAI. Station on Oudh and Rohilkhand Railway.
DIBRUGARH. Station on Assam Railway.
DIKSAL. Station on Great Indian Peninsula Railway.
DILDARNAGAR. Station on East Indian Railway.
DINAJPTJR. Station on Northern Bengal State Railway.
DIN APUR. Station on East Indian Railway.
DINDIGAL. Station on Madras Railway ; and also on South Indian
DINGAH. Station on Punjab and Northern State Railway.
DIP. Station on Bhopal State Railway.
DIVA. Station on Great Indian Peninsula Railway.
DODIIR. Station on Rajputana State Railway.
DOMER. Station on Northern Bengal State Railway.
DONGARGAH. Station on Nagpur State Railway.
DONGARG AON. Station on Great Indian Peninsula Railway.
DORBAJI. Station on Sind, Punjab, and Delhi Railway.
DOSA. Station on Rajputana State Railway.
DITBHAL Station on Oudh and Rohilkhand Railway.
DUBTURA. Station on Oudh and Kohilkhand Railway.
DTJDHNL Station on Great Indian Peninsula Railway.
DULARIA. Station on Great Indian Peninsula Railway.
DUMDUM. Station on Eastern Bengal Railway.
DUMDUMA. Station on Assam Railway.
DUMR AON. Station on East Indian Railway.
DUNGRL Station on Bombay, Baroda, and Central India Railway.
DUNIDAI. Station on Rangoon and Irawadi Valley State Railway.
DURG APUR. Station on East Indian Railway.
DURRAR A. Station on East Indian Railway.
EAST BANK. Station on Sind, Punjab, and Delhi Railway.
ELAMANORE. Station on South Indian Railway.
ERINPUR A. Station on Rajputana State Railway.
ERODE. Station on South Indian Railway ; and also Junction on
Madras Railway.
ETAH. Station on East Indian Railway.
ETAW AH. Station on East Indian Railway.
FATZAB AD. Station on Oudh and Rohilkhand Railway.
FARIDKOT. Station on Sind, Punjab, and Delhi Railway.
FARIDPUR. Station on Oudh and Rohilkhand Railway.
FARRUKHABAD. Station on Bombay, Baroda, and Central India
FARUKNAGAR. Station on Rajputana State Railway.
1012 FAT GUD
FATEHABAD. Station on Holkar and Nimach State Kail way.
FATEHGANG. Station on Oudh and Rohilkhand Railway ; and also
on Punjab and Northern State Railway ; and on Nizam's State Railway.
FATEHGARH. Station on East Indian Railway.
FATEHPUR. Station on East Indian Railway.
FATWA. Station on East Indian Railway.
FIROZA. Station on Indus Valley State Railway.
FIROZABAD. Station on East Indian Railway.
FIROZPUR Station on Sind, Punjab, and Delhi Railway.
FRENCH ROCKS. Station on Mysore State Railway.
FRERE STREET. Station on Sind, Punjab, and Delhi Railway.
GADARWARA. Station on Great Indian Peninsula Railway.
GADTIK. Station on Southern Marhatta Railway.
GAGGAN. Station on Punjab and Northern State Railway.
GAINGTJNADAM Station on South Indian Railway.
GAIPURA. Station on East Indian Railway.
GANGAWARAM. Station on Nizam's State Railway.
GANGES BANK. Station on Tirhut State Railway.
GANGRER. Station on Malwa Railway.
GARHI HARSARU. Station on Rajputana State Railway.
GARRIA. Station on Calcutta and South Eastern State Railway
GAYA. Station on Patna and Gaya State Railway.
GHAKKAR. Station on Punjab and Northern State Railway.
GHAZIABAD. Station on East Indian Railway ; and also junction
on Sind, Punjab, and Delhi Railway.
GHOBA. Station on East Indian Railway.
GHOLWAD. Station on Bombay, Baroda, and Central India Railway.
GHOTI. Station on Great Indian Peninsula Railway.
GHOTKL Station on Indus Valley State Railway.
GHUMER. Station on East Indian Railway.
GIDHAUR. Station on East Indian Railway.
GIL W ALA. Station on Indus Valley State Railway.
GIRIDI KURHURBALLL Station on East Indian Railway.
GOA. Station on West of India Portuguese Railway.
GOALUNDO. Station on Eastern Bengal Railway.
GODRA. Station on Bombay, Baroda, and Central India Railway.
GOGO. Station on East Indian Railway.
GONDIA. Station on Nagpur State Railway.
GOP ALPUR. Station on Northern Bengal State Railway.
GOP ANG. Station on Indus Valley State Railway.
GOREG AON. Station on Bombay, Baroda, and Central India Railway.
GOSAINGANJ. Station on Oudh and Rohilkhand Railway.
GOVINDGARH. Station on Punjab and Northern State Railway.
GRANT ROAD. Station on Bombay, Baroda, and Central India
GUD ALUR. Station on Madras Railway.
GUDUR. Station on Great Indian Peninsula Railway.
GUD HOW 1013
GTTDUVANCHERI. Station on South Indian Railway.
GTJHMER. Station on East Indian Railway.
GUJRANWAL A. Station on Punjab and Northern State Railway.
GTJJRAT. Station on Punjab and Northern State Railway.
GUNDAGOL. Station on Madras Railway.
GUNDASINGWALLA. Station on Sind, Punjab, and Delhi Railway.
GURDASPUR. Station on Sind, Punjab, and Delhi Railway.
GURGAON. Station on Rajputana State Railway.
GURIATTUM. Station on Madras Railway.
GURREA. Station on Calcutta and South Eastern State Railway.
GUSHKARA.. Station on East Indian Railway.
GTJTI. Station on Madras Railway.
GWALIOR. Station on Sindia State Railway.
HAIDARABAD. Station on Nizam's State Railway.
HAISA. Station on Eastern Bengal Railway.
HAJIPUR. Station on Tirhut State Railway.
HALDIBARL Station on Northern Bengal State Railway.
HALSHA. Station on Eastern Bengal Railway.
HALTJLLIA. Station on Northern Bengal State Railway.
HAMIRGARH. Station on Malwa Railway.
HANKERL Station on Mysore State Railway.
HANSI. Station on Sind, Punjab, and Delhi Railway.
HARAPPA. Station on Sind, Punjab, and Delhi Railway.
HARD A. Station on Great Indian Peninsula Railway.
HARDOL Station on Oudh and Rohilkhand Railway.
HARDUAGANG. Station on Oudh and Rohilkhand Railway.
HARDWAR. Station on Oudh and Rohilkhand Railway.
HARKIA KHAL. Station on Holkar and Nimach State Railway.
HARSUD. Station on Great Indian Peninsula Railway.
HARSTJLL Station on Rajputana State Railway.
HASAN ABDAL. Station on Punjab and Northern State Railway.
HATHRAS CITY. Station on Muttra-Hathras Light Railway, North-
Western Provinces.
HATHRAS ROAD. Junction on Muttra-Hathras Light Railway,
North- Western Provinces ; and also Station on East Indian Railway.
HELAK. Station on Rajputana State Railway.
HILLI. Station on Northern Bengal State Railway.
HINGANGAT. Station on Wardha Yalley State Railway.
HINGOLE. Station on Sind, Punjab, and Delhi Railway.
HISS AR. Station on Sind, Punjab, and Delhi Railway.
HITAMPTIR. Station on Sindia State Railway.
HI AU- GAIT. Station on Rangoon and Irawadi Valley State Railway.
HMATJ-BHI. Station on Rangoon and Irawadi Valley State Railway.
HOPEWELL. Station on Assam Railway.
HOSHAN GAB AD. Station on Bhopal State Railway.
HOSPET. Station on Southern Marhatta Railway.
HOWRAH. Station on East Indian Railway.
1014 HP Y JAM:
HPYU. Station on Kangoon and Irawadi Yalley State Railway.
HTUNG GYI. Station on .Rangoon and Irawadi Yalley State
HUBLI. Station on Southern Marhatta Railway.
HTIDGI. Station on Great Indian Peninsula Eailway.
HUG-LI. Station on East Indian Railway.
HUMAON. Station on Indus Yalley State Railway.
HURAUNL Station on Oudh and Rohilkhand Railway.
HTJRRIA. Station on Punjab and Northern State Railway.
HUSHIARPUR. Station on Sind, Punjab, and Delhi Railway.
HUSSAIN SAGAR. Station on Nizam's State Railway.
ICHHAPUR. Station on Eastern Bengal Railway.
IGATPURL Station on Great Indian Peninsula Railway.
IKRAN. Station on Rajputana State Railway.
INDORE. Station on Holkar and Nimach State Railway.
ISAPUR. Station on Dhond and Manmad State Railway.
ITARSI. Station on Great Indian Peninsula Railway.
ITOLA. Station on Bombay, Baroda, and Central India Railway.
JABALPTJR. Station on East Indian Railway; and also on Great
Indian Peninsula Railway.
JACOB AB AD. Station on Indus Yalley State Railway.
JADUPUR. Station on Calcutta and South Eastern State Railway.
JAGADISPUR. Station on East Indian Railway.
JAGOTL Station on Eastern Bengal Railway.
JAGUDAN. Station on Rajputana State Railway.
JAHANABAD. Station on Patna and Gaya State Railway.
JAIGA.ON. Station on Great Indian Peninsula Railway.
JAIPUR. Station on Northern Bengal State Railway ; and also on
Rajputana State Railway.
JAIRAMPUR. Station on Eastern Bengal Railway.
JAITPUR. Station on Bhaunagar and Gondal State Railway.
JAKHWARA. Station on Bombay, Baroda, and Central India
JALAISUR ROAD. Station on East Indian Railway.
JALALGANJ. Station on Oudh and Rohilkhand Railway.
JALAMB. Station on Great Indian Peninsula Railway.
JALANDHAR CANTONMENT. Station on Sind, Punjab, and Delhi
JALANDHAR CITY. Station on Sind, Punjab, and Delhi Railway.
JALGAON. Station on Great Indian Peninsula Railway.
J ALP AIGURL Station on Northern Bengal State Railway.
JAMALPUR. Station on East Indian Railway.
JAMTARA. Station on East Indian Railway.
JAM KAL 1015
JAMTJI. Station on East Indian Railway.
JANDIALA. Station on Sind, Punjab, and Delhi Railway.
J AND! WAI A DH ABWAL A. Station on Punjab and Northern
State Railway.
JAORA. Station on Holkar and Nimach State Railway.
JAPAG. Station on Rajputana State Railway.
JASWANTNAGAR. Station on East Indian Railway.
JATAOLI. Station on Rajputana State Railway.
JATWARA. Station on Rajputana State Railway.
JAUNPUR (CITY). Station on Oudh and Rohilkhand Railway.
JAUNPUR (CIVIL). Station on Oudh and Rohilkhand Railway.
JAURA. Station on Punjab and Northern State Railway.
JAW AH. Station on Great Indian Peninsula Railway.
JEHUR. Station on Great Indian Peninsula Railway.
JELLU. Station on Sind, Punjab, and Delhi Railway.
JESSO. Station on Central Bengal Railway.
JETALSAR. Station on Bhaunagar and Gondal State Railway.
JETWAR. Station on East Indian Railway.
JHANJARPUR. Station on Tirhut State Railway.
JHELTJM. Station on Punjab and Northern State Railway.
JHINJAK. Station on East Indian Railway.
JHIIND. Station on Bombay, Baroda, and Central India Railway.
JIMPIR. Station on Sind, Punjab, and Delhi Railway.
JIRUPAUR. Station on Madras Railway.
JODHPUR. Station on Rajputana State Railway.
JOKHAI. Station on East Indian Railway.
JOLLARPET. Station on Madras Railway.
JOYRAMPTIR. Station on Eastern Bengal Railway.
JUGADRL Station on Sind, Punjab, and Delhi Railway.
JUGGAUR Station on Oudh and Rohilkhand Railway.
JUNGSHAL Station on Sind, Punjab, and Delhi Railway.
JUSHWANINAGA. Station on East Indian Railway.
JTJSRA. Station on East Indian Railway.
JITTPUT. Station on Indus Valley State Railway.
JUWALI. Station on Rajputana State Railway.
KADALA. Station on Rajputana State Railway.
KADAMBTIR. Station on South Indian Railway.
KAHAL. Station on Punjab and Northern State Railway.
KAHELIA. Station on Oudh and Rohilkhand Railway.
KAILRAB AD .Station on Punjab and Northern State Railway.
KAKI. Station on Nagpur State Railway.
KAKORL Station on Oudh and Rohilkhand Railway.
KALA. Station on Punjab and Northern State Railway.
KALADUNGL Station on Rohilkhand and Kuma'un Railway.
KALAKUND. Station on Holkar and Nimach State Railway.
KALIKADI. Station on South Indian Railway.
KALILPUR. Station on Rajputana State Railway.
1016 KAL KHA
KALLIAN. Junction on Great Indian Peninsula Railway.
KALOL. Station on Rjijputana State Railway.
KALYANPUR. Station on Nagpur State Railway.
K AM ALAPUR. Station on Madras Railway.
KAMERKALL Station on Eastern Bengal Railway.
KAMIRPUR. Station on Oudh and Rohilkhand Railway.
KAMOK Station on Punjab and Northern State Railway.
KAMPTI. Station on Nagpur State Railway.
KANCHRAPARA. Station on Eastern Bengal Railway.
KANOTA. Station on Rajputana State Railway.
KANIT JUNCTION. Station on East Indian Railway.
KAPURGAON. Station on Dhond and Manmad State Railway.
KARABG AON. Station on Great Indian Peninsula Railway.
KARACHI. Station on Sind, Punjab, and Delhi Railway.
KARAK BEL. Station on Great Indian Peninsula Railway.
KARELI. Station on Great Indian Peninsula Railway.
KARJAT. Station on Great Indian Peninsula Railway.
KARKALA. Station on Great Indian Peninsula Railway.
KARKIAN. Station on Great Indian Peninsula Railway.
KARLI. Station on Great Indian Peninsula Railway.
KARN A. Station on Oudh and Rohilkhand Railway.
KAROR. Station on South Indian Railway.
KARTARPUR. Station on Sind, Punjab, and Delhi Railway.
KARTRAL. Station on Great Indian Peninsula Railway.
KARTRTJR. Station on Great Indian Peninsula Railway.
KARWAN. Station on Bombay, Baroda, and Central India Railway.
KARWAR. Station on Karwar Railway.
KASARA. Station on Great Indian Peninsula Railway.
KASGAON. Station on Great Indian Peninsula Railway.
KASIRE. Station on Sind, Punjab, and Delhi Railway.
KATA S ARAL Station on Oudh and Rohilkhand Railway.
EATHAILA. Station on Punjab and Northern State Railway.
KATOAMBA. Station on Indus Valley State Railway.
KATTATJLL Station on Sind, Punjab, and Delhi Railway.
KAUNIA. Station on Northern Bengal State Railway.
KEMENDINE. Station on Rangoon and Irawadi Yalley State
KENGERN. Station on Mysore State Railway.
KHADAMBA. Station on Dhond and Manmad State Railway.
KHAF. Station on Nagpur State Railway.
KHAGA. Station on East Indian Railway.
KHAIRPUR. Station on Indus Valley State Railway.
KHAIRTHAL. Station on Rajputana State Railway.
KHALAT-I-KILLA. Station on Indus Valley State Railway.
KHAMGAON. Station on Great Indian Peninsula Railway.
KHAMKHER. Station on Great Indian Peninsula Railway.
KHANA. Station on Sind, Punjab, and Delhi Railway.
KHANAW ALA. Station on Sind, Punjab, and Delhi Railway.
KH AND ALA. Station on Great Indian Peninsula Railway.
KHANDWA. Station on Great Indian Peninsula Railway ; and also
on Holkar and Nimach State Railway.
KOR 1017
KHANPUR. Station on Indus Valley State Railway.
KHANYAN. Station on East Indian Railway.
KHARDI. Station on Great Indian Peninsula Railway.
KHARGAHORA. Station on Bombay, Baroda, and Central India
KHARIAN. Station on Punjab and Northern State Railway.
KHARKHTJR. Station on Bhaunagar and Gondal State Railway.
KHARKI. Station on Great Indian Peninsula Railway.
KHARMATAR. Station on East Indian Railway.
KHARWA. Station on Rajputana State Railway ; and also on
Bhaunagar and Gondal State Railway.
KHASA. Station on Sind, Punjab, and Delhi Railway.
KHASGANJ. Station on East Indian Railway.
KHATATJLL Station on Sind, Punjab, and Delhi Railway.
KHAZITPUR. Station on Rajputana State Railway.
KHERGAON. Station on Great Indian Peninsula Railway.
KHERI. Station on Holkar and Nimach State Railway.
KHERLI. Station on Rajputana State Railway.
KHERWADI. Station on Great Indian Peninsula Railway.
KHEWRA. Station on Punjab and Northern State Railway.
KHIRTAL. Station on Rajputana State Railway.
KHOKSA. Station on Eastern Bengal Railway.
KHORI AN. Station on Punjab and Northern'State Railway.
KHURDHA. Station on Eastern Bengal Railway.
KHTJRJA. Station on East Indian Railway.
KHURMATAR. Station on East Indian Railway.
KHUSHALGARH. Station on Punjab and Northern State Railway.
KIAMARI. Station on Sind, Punjab, and Delhi Railway.
KIGRA. Station on East Indian Railway.
KIM. Station on Bombay, Baroda, and Central Indian Railway ; and
also on Great Indian Peninsula Railway.
KIRAM ADI. Station on Madras Railway.
KIRKI. Station on Great Indian Peninsula Railway.
KISHANPUR. Station on Tirhut State Railway
KIVALUR. Station on South Indian Railway.
KODTJM ADI. Station on South Indian Railway.
KODUR. Station on Madras Railway.
KOKLUR. Station on East Indian Railway.
KOKSA. Station on Eastern Bengal Railway.
KOLABA. Station on Bombay, Baroda, and Central India Railway.
KOLAR ROAD. Station on Madras Railway.
KOLATUR. Station on South Indian Railway.
KOLHAPTJR. Station on Southern Marhatta Railway.
KOLWAR Station on East Indian Railway.
KONAGARH. Station on East Indian Railway.
KONDIPURAM. Station on Madras Railway.
KONNIT- YIT A. Station on Rangoon and Irawadi Yalley State
KONTJR. Station on Madras Railway.
KOPARGAON. Station on Dhond and Manmad State Railway.
KORDACHARL Station on South Indian Railway.
1018 KOS KAK
KOSIGI. Station on Madras Hallway.
KOTKAPARA. Station on Sind, Punjab, and Delhi Railway.
KOTRI. Station on Indus Valley State Railway ; and also on Sind,
Punjab, and Delhi Railway.
KOT SAMABA. Station on Indus Yalley State Railway.
KOVILPAT. Station on South Indian Railway.
KRISHNA. Station on Great Indian Peninsula Railway.
KRISHNAGANJ. Station on Eastern Bengal Railway.
KRISHNAGARH. Station on Rajputana State Railway.
KRISHNAPUR. Station on Tirhut State Railway.
KRTJLI. Station on Great Indian Peninsula Railway.
KUCHA WAN. Station on Rajputana State Railway.
KUDALL Station on Bhaunagar and Gondal State Railway.
KUDHA. Station on Rajputana State Railway.
KUJRA. Station on East Indian Railway.
KUKN A. Station on Central Bengal Railway.
KULBARGA. Station on Great Indian Peninsula Railway.
KTJLDAL. Station on Punjab and Northern State Railway.
KULIKARL Station on South Indian Railway.
KTILIPTTRAM. Station on Madras Railway.
KULITALAL Station on South Indian Railway.
KTJLLIGADI. Station on South Indian Railway.
KUMARAPUR AM. Station on South Indian Railway.
KUMAR-KHALI. Station on Eastern Bengal Railway.
KUNDARKL Station on Oudh and Rohilkhand Railway.
KUNKZO. Station on Bhaunagar and Gondal State Railway.
KUNN A. Station on Sind, Punjab, and Delhi Railway.
KUPGAL. Station on Madras Railway.
KUPUM. Station on Madras Railway.
KURCHUNA. Station on East Indian Railway.
KURGRAM. Station on Northern Bengal State Railway.
KURLA. Station on Great Indian Peninsula Railway.
KURSEONG. Station on Darjiling and Himalaya Railway.
KURUM. Station on Great Indian Peninsula Railway.
KUSHAMBL Station on Oudh and Rohilkhand Railway.
KUSHTIA. Station on Eastern Bengal Railway.
KUTCHA KU. Station on Sind, Punjab, and Delhi Railway.
KUTIPURAM. Station on Madras Railway.
KUTNL Station on East Indian Railway.
KUTTAL AM. Station on South Indian Railway.
KUTTALAL Station on South Indian Railway.
I ADPURA. Station on Rajputana State Railway.
LAHORE. Station on Sind, Punjab, and Delhi Railway ; and also on
the Punjab and Northern State Railway.
LAINI A. Station on Malwa Railway.
LAKH. Station on Dhond and Man mad State Railway.
LAKHI SARAL Station on East Indian Railway.
LAK MAH 1019
LAKHTAR. Station on Bombay, Baroda, and Central India Railway.
LAKE. Station on Indus Yalley State Railway.
LALA MTJSA. Station on Punjab and Northern State Railway.
LALAPETT A. Station on South Indian Railway.
LALI. Station on Bhaunagar and Gondal State Railway.
LANDI. Station on Sind, Punjab, and Delhi Railway.
LANOLI. Station on Great Indian Peninsula Railway.
LARAMADI. Station on Madras Railway.
LARKHANA. Station on Indus Yalley State Railway.
LASALGAON. Station on Great Indian Peninsula Railway.
LA WRENCEPUE. Station on Punjab and Northern State Railway.
LEPPADAN. Station on Rangoon and Irawadi Valley State Railway.
LILAPUR ROAD. Station on Bombay, Baroda, and Central India
LIMRI. Station on Bhaunagar and Gondal State Railway.
LINDSAY. Station on Indus Yalley State Railway.
LINGAMP ALL Station on Nizam's State Railway.
LITHENJAK. Station on East Indian Railway.
LODHRAN. Station on Indus Yalley State Railway.
LOHI AN WAL A. Station on Punjab and Northern State Railway.
LONAULI. Station on Great Indian Peninsula Railway.
LONGAR. Station on Punjab and Northern State Railway.
LONI. Station on Great Indian Peninsula Railway.
LTTCKADL Station on Madras Railway.
LTTCKNOW. Station on Oudh and Rohilkhand Railway.
LTJDHIANA. Station on Sind, Punjab, and Delhi Railway.
MADANPTTR. Station on Eastern Bengal Railway.
MADARGANJ. Station on Northern Bengal State Railway.
MADEJI ROAD. Station on Indus Yalley State Railway.
MADHANAGAR. Station on Northern Bengal State Railway.
MADHUPTJR. Station on East Indian Railway.
MADINATJR. Station on Oudh and Rohilkhand Railway.
MADRANTAKUM. Station on South Indian Railway.
MADRAS. Station on South Indian Railway; and also on Madras
MADURA. Station on South Indian Railway.
MAHADEO. Station on Oudh and Rohilkhand Railway.
MAHALAKSHMI. Station on Bombay, Baroda, and Central India
M AH AN AGAR. Station on Northern Bengal State Railway.
MAHARAJPUR. Station on East Indian Railway.
MAHATIKA. Station on Sind, Punjab, and Delhi Railway.
MAH AITKAR. Station on Sind, Punjab, and Delhi Railway.
MAHEJL Station on Great Indian Peninsula Railway.
MAKES AR. Station on Indus Yalley State Railway.
MAHIM. Station on Bombay, Baroda, and Central India Railway.
MAHMUDPTIR. Station on Oudh and Rohilkhand Railway.
1020 MAH MAY
MAHRATJLI. Station on Bombay, Baroda, and Central India
MAIHAE. Station on East Indian Railway.
MAIJAM. Station on East Indian Hallway.
MAILPATI. Station on Madras Railway.
MAILTJM. Station on South Indian Railway.
MAIMAEL Station on East Indian Railway.
MAKDUMPUE. Station on Oudh and Rohilkhand Railway; and
also on Patna and Gaya State Railway.
MAKUM. Station on Assam Railway.
MALAKHERI. Station on Rajputana State Railway.
MALANCHI. Station on Northern Bengal State Railway,
MALAPUEAM. Station on Madras Railway.
MALIHABAD. Station on Oudh and Kohilkhand Railway.
MALIKWAL. Station on Punjab and Northern State Railway.
MALIPUR. Station on Oudh and Rohilkhand Railway.
MALKAPTIE. Station on Great Indian Peninsula Railway.
MALLTJR. Station on Madras Railway.
MAN A. Station on Bhopal State Railway.
MANANPUE. Station on East Indian Railway.
MAN AP ARAL Station on South Indian Railway.
MANATJEI. Station on East Indian Railway.
MANDAL. Station on Malwa Railway.
MANDALA. Station on Bombay, Baroda, and Central India Railway.
MANDAWAE. Station on Rajputana State Railway.
MANDHANA. Station on East Indian Railway.
MANDRA. Station on Punjab and Northern State Railway.
MANDSAUE. Station on Holkar and Nimach State Railway.
MANDWA. Station on Bhaunagar and Gondal State Railway ; and
also on Great Indian Peninsula Railway.
MANGALIW AS. Station on Rajputana State Railway.
MANIA. Station on Sindia State Railway.
MANIACHI JUNCTION. Station on South Indian Railway.
MANIAEL Station on Tirhut State Railway.
MANIKPUE. Station on East Indian Railway.
MAN JHAND. Station on Indus Valley State Railway.
MANKUE. Station on East Indian Railway.
MANMAD. Station on Dhond and Manmad State Railway ; and also
on Great Indian Peninsula Railway.
MAN SUEPUE. Station on Sind, Punjab, and Delhi Railway.
MAEAI. Station on Oudh and Rohilkhand Railway.
MAKHA. Station on Great Indian Peninsula Railway.
MAEINE LINES. Station on Bombay, Baroda, and Central India
MAEKUNDL Station on East Indian Railway.
MAEMAGAON. Station on West of India Portuguese Railway.
MAEOLL Station on Bombay, Baroda, and Central India Railway.
MASAUEIA. Station on Patna and Gaya State Railway.
MAUNA. Station on Great Indian Peninsula Railway.
MAYAPADTI. Station on Bhaunagar and Gondal State Railway.
MAYAVEEAM. Station on South Indian Railway.
MAY MUL 1021
MAYTING. Station on Sind, Punjab, and Delhi Railway.
MCDONALD'S CHOULTRY. Station on Madras Railway.
McLEOD. Station on Sind, Punjab, and Delhi Railway.
MEEAN MEER (EAST). Station on Sind, Punjab, and Delhi
MEEAN MEER (WEST). Station on Sind, Punjab, and Delhi
MEERTJT CANTONMENT. Station on Sind, Punjab, and Delhi
MEERTJT CITY. Station on Sind, Punjab, and Delhi Railway.
MEHM AD AB AD. Station on Bombay, Baroda, and Central India
MEHSANA. Station on Rajputana State Railway.
MENGHLA. Station on Rangoon and Irawadi Valley State Railway.
METTAPOLLEM. Station on Madras Railway.
MHASAWAD. Station on Great Indian Peninsula Railway.
MHOW. Station on Holkar and Nimach State Railway.
MIANI. Station on Punjab and Northern State Railway.
MIRANPUR KATRA. Station on Oudh and Rohilkhand Railway.
MIRGANJ. Station on Great Indian Peninsula Railway.
MIRPUR. Station on Indus Valley State Railway and also on
Northern Bengal State Railway.
MIRZAPUR. Station on East Indian Railway.
MITTRL Station on Indus Valley State Railway.
MIYAGAM. Station on Bombay, Baroda, and Central India Railway.
MOGUL HAT. Station on Northern Bengal State Railway.
MOGULSARAL Station on East Indian Railway.
MOHAR. Station on East Indian Railway.
MOHESMUNDA. Station on East Indian Railway.
MOHOL. Station on Great Indian Peninsula Railway.
MOHUDIPUR. Station on Sind, Punjab, and Delhi Railway.
MOKAMEH. Station on Tirhut State Railway; and also on East
Indian Railway.
MONGHYR. Station on East Indian Railway.
MONTGOMERY. Station on Sind, Punjab, and Delhi Railway.
MOPANI. Station on Great Indian Peninsula Railway.
MORADABAD. Station on Oudh and Rohilkhand Railway.
MORAPUR. Station on Madras Railway.
MORTAKKA. Station on Holkar and Nimach State Railway.
MOSA. Station on Rangoon and Irawadi Valley State Railway.
MOTIHARL Station on Tirhut State Railway.
MUAGERL Station on Mysore State Railway.
MUBARAKPUR. Station on Indus Valley State Railway.
MUDANUR. Station on Madras Railway.
MUDDIKARL Station on Madras Railway.
MUDURE. Station on Mysore State Railway.
MUGRA. Station on East Indian Railway.
MUGRA GHAT. Station on Calcutta and South Eastern State
MUJGOWAN. Station on East Indian Railway.
MULHOR. Station on Oudh and Rohilkhand Railway.
1022 MUL NAN
MULLARGARH. Station on Holkar and Ni'mach State Bailway.
MULLARPUR. Station on East Indian Railway.
MULT AN. Station on Indus Yalley State Railway.
MULTAN CANTONMENT. Station on Sind, Punjab, and Delhi
MULTAN CITY. Station on Sind, Punjab, and Delhi Railway.
MULWA Station on East Indian Railway.
MUNGALUM. Station on Madras Railway.
MUNSHIGANJ. Station on Eastern Bengal Railway.
MURADNAGAR. Station on Sind, Punjab, and Delhi Railway.
MURAROI. Station on East Indian Railway.
MURIDKI. Station on Punjab and Northern State Railway.
MUROGATUM. Station on Madras Railway.
MURSAN. Station on Muttra-Hathras Light Railway, North-
Western Provinces.
MURSHIDABAD. Station on Eastern Bengal Railway.
MURTAZAPUR,. Station on Great Indian Peninsula Railway.
MUSJID. Station on Great Indian Peninsula Railway.
MUTMARL Station on Madras Railway.
MUTTALL. Station on Indus Valley State Railway.
MUTTRA. Station on Muttra-Hathras Light Railway, North-Western
MUZAFFARABAD. Station on Sind, Punjab, and Delhi Railway;
and also on the Indus Valley State Railway.
MUZAFFARNAGAR. Station on Sind, Punjab, and Delhi Railway.
MUZ AFFARPUR. Station on Tirhut State Railway.
MYSORE. Station on Mysore State Railway.
NADBAI. Station on Rajputana State Railway.
NAGAGULI. Station on Assam Railway.
NAGAL. Station on Sind, Punjab, and Delhi Railway.
NAGARI. Station on Madras Railway.
NAGPUR. Station on Great Indian Peninsula Railway ; and also on
Nagpur State Railway.
NAGRL Station on Wardha Valley State Railway.
NAIDQNGRL Station on Great Indian Peninsula Railway.
NAIHATL Station on Eastern Bengal Railway.
NAINI. Station on East Indian Railway.
NAINI TAX. Station on Rohilkhand and Kumaon Railway.
NALHATI. Station on East Indian Railway; and also on the Nalhati
State Railway.
NALWAR. Station on Great Indian Peninsula Railway.
NAMLI. Station on Holkar and Nimach State Railway.
NAMPULI (HAIDARABAD). Station on Nizam's State Railway.
NAN A. Station on Rajputana State Railway.
NANDGAON. Station on Great Indian Peninsula Railway.
NANDURA. Station on Great Indian Peninsula Railway.
NANGAON. Station on Malwa Railway.
NAR PAH 1023
NARAINA. Station on Rajputana State Railway.
NARASINGAPETT A. Station on South Indian Railway.
NARGAON. Station on Great Indian Peninsula Railway.
NARI. Station on Indus Valley State Railway.
NARIAD. Station on Bombay, Baroda, and Centra 1 India Railway.
NARSINHPUR. Station on Great Indian Peninsula Railway.
NASIK ROAD. Station on Great Indian Peninsula Railway.
NASIRAB AD. Station on Malwa Railway.
NATTOR. Station on Northern Bengal State Railway.
NATO AN WAN. Station on Holkar and Nimach State Railway.
NAULI. Station on Bombay, Baroda, and Central India Railway.
NAUNDERA. Station on Indus Valley State Railway.
NAURAN GAB AD. Station on Punjab and Northern State Railway.
NATISARI. Station on Bombay, Baroda, and Central India Railway.
NAUSHRA. Station on Indus Valley State Railway.
NAWABGANJ. Station on Oudh and Rohilkhand Railway.
NAW ADA. Station on Nalhati State Railway.
NAWADI. Station on East Indian Railway.
NAWAI. Station on East Indian Railway.
N A WAND JL Station on Nizam's State Railway.
NEGAPATAM. Station on Madras Railway ; and also on the South
Indian Railway.
NELLIKTJPP AM. Station on South Indian Railway.
NERAL. Station on Great Indian Peninsula Railway.
NIADONGRI. Station on Great Indian Peninsula Railway.
NIDAMUNGALUM. Station on South Indian Railway.
NILPHAMARL Station on Northern Bengal State Railway.
NIMACH. Station on Holkar and Nimach State Railway.
NIMBOHIRA. Station on Malwa Railway.
NIMBORA. Station on Great Indian Peninsula Railway.
NIMCHA. Station on East Indian Railway.
NIPHAR. Station on Great Indian Peninsula Railway.
NUNCHERLA. Station on Madras Railway.
NUNDALTIR. Station on Madras Railway.
NURGALA. Station on Bhaunagar and Gondal State Railway.
OKARA. Station on Sind, Punjab, and Delhi Railway.
OK-KAN. Station on Rangoon and Irawadi Valley State Railway.
OLAKKTJR. Station on South Indian Railway.
OT-PHO. Station on Rangoon and Irawadi Valley State Railway.
OTJIDAPET.- Station on South Indian Railway.
PACHBTJDR A. Station on Rajputana State Railway.
PACHORA. Station on Great Indian Peninsula Railway.
PAGDHAL. Station on Great Indian Peninsula Railway.
PAHARI. Station on the East Indian Railway.
PAHLI A. Station on Holkar and Nimach State Railway.
PAKAUR. Station on East Indian Railway.
PAKNI. Station on Great Indian Peninsula Railway.
PAK PATTAN. Station on Sind, Punjab, and Delhi Railway.
PALAM. Station on Rajputana State Railway.
PALAMCOTTA. Station on South Indian Railway.
PALANPTJR. Station on Rajputana State Railway.
PALAVERAM. Station on South Indian Railway.
PALEJ. Station on Bombay, Baroda, and Central India Railway.
PALGHAR. Station on Bombay, Baroda, and Central India Railway.
PALGHAT. Station on Madras Railway.
PALI. Station on Bombay, Baroda, and Central India Railway ; and
also on the East Indian Railway and Rajputana State Railway.
PALIA. Station on Holkar and Nimach State Railway.
PALLOR. Station on South Indian Railway.
PANCHBIBL Station on Northern Bengal State Railway.
PANDTJA. Station on East Indian Railway.
PANGSA. Station on Eastern Bengal Railway.
PANIGARH. Station on East Indian Railway.
PANITOLLA. Station on Assam Railway.
PAN JAN. Station on Punjab and Northern State Railway.
PANO AKIL. Station on Indus Valley State Railway.
PANOLI. Station on Bombay, Baroda, and Central India Railway.
PANROTL Station on South Indian Railway.
PANTAMBA.- Station on Dhond and Manmad State Railway.
PAPAVINASHAM. Station on South Indian Railway.
PARAS. Station on Great Indian Peninsula Railway.
P ARE ATIPTJR. Station on Northern Bengal State Railway.
PARDI. Station on Bombay, Baroda, and Central India Railway.
PAREL. Station on Bombay, Baroda, and Central India Railway ;
and also on the Great Indian Peninsula Railway.
PARTABPTTR. Station on Sind, Punjab, and Delhi Railway.
PASRTIR. Station on South Indian Railway.
PATAS. Station on Great Indian Peninsula Railway.
PATHONKOL. Station on Sind, Punjab, and Delhi Railway.
PATNA (CITY). Station on East Indian Railway; and also on
Patna and Gaya State Railway.
PATRI. Station on Bombay, Baroda, and Central India Railway.
PATJKATCHERTI. Station on Madras Railway.
PATJNAR. Station on Great Indian Peninsula Railway.
PEGU. Station on Rangoon and Irawadi Yalley State Railway.
PERAMBUR. Station on Madras Railway.
PERANDTJRAY. Station on Madras Railway.
PERPENGADL Station on Madras Railway.
PETARO. Station on Indus Yalley State Railway.
PHALERA. Station on Rajputana State Railway.
PHAPHUND. Station on East Indian Railway.
PHILLAUR. Station on Sind, Punjab, and Delhi Railway.
PHUGWARA. Station on Sind, Punjab, and Delhi Railway.
PHULBAN. Station on Northern Bengal State Railway.
PHULJL Station on Indus Yalley State Railway.
PHTTLPUR. Station on Oudh and Rohilkhand Railway.
PILIBHIT. Station on Oudh and Rohilkhand Railway.
PIMPRI. Station on Dhond and Manmad State Railway.
PIND DADAN KHAN. Station on Punjab and Northern State
PIND STJLTANI ROAD. Station on Punjab and Northern State
PINDWARA. Station on Rajputana State Railway.
PIP ARIA. Station on Great Indian Peninsula Railway.
PIPRA GHAT. Station on Tirhut State Railway.
PIR CHOKL Station on Indus Yalley State Railway.
PIRPAINTL Station on East Indian Railway.
POMALWARI. Station on Great Indian Peninsula Railway.
PONDICHERRY. Station on South Indian Railway.
POONA. Station on Great Indian Peninsula Railway.
PORTO NOVO. Station on South Indian Railway.
POTALPANI. Station on Holkar and Nfmach State Railway.
POTANUR. Station on Madras Railway.
POUNGDAY. Station on Rangoon and Irawadi Yalley State Railway.
POUNPTIR. Station on Patna and Gaya State Railway.
PROME. Station on Rangoon and Irawadi Valley State Railway,
PUDL Station on Madras Railway.
PUGALUR. Station on South Indian Railway.
PTJLGAON. Station on Great Indian Peninsula Railway.
PULLTJR. Station on South Indian Railway.
PUMALWARI. Station on Great Indian Peninsula Railway.
PTTNTAMB A. Station on Dhond and Manmad State Railwav
PURLAL Station on Madras Railway.
PURODA. Station on Eastern Bengal Railway.
PUTTAMBL Station on Madras Railway.
PUTUR. Station on Madras Railway.
OTETTAH Station on Indus Yalley State Railway.
QTJILON. Station on South Indian Railway.
RADHAN. Station on Indus Yalley State Railway.
RAEPTIR. Station on Rajputana State Railway.
RAGHUNATHPUR. Station on East Indian Kailway.
RAHIMAB AD .Station on Oudh and Rohilkhand Railway.
RAHTIRI. Station on Dhond and Manmad State Railway.
RAICHTIR. Station on Great Indian Peninsula Railway; and also on
Madras Railway.
RAI WIND. Station on Sind, Punjab, and Delhi Railway.
RAJ AMPET. Station on Madras Railway.
RAJBARI. Station on Eastern Bengal Railway.
RAJBUND. Station on East Indian Railway.
1026 RAJ SAD
RAJGARH. Station on Rajputana State Railway.
RAJGHAT. Station on Oudh and Rohilkhand Railway.
RAJGOWAN. Station on East Indian Railway.
RAJGURA. Station on Sind, Punjab, and Delhi Railway.
RAJMAHAL. Station on East Indian Railway.
RAJPURA. Station on Sind, Punjab, and Delhi Railway.
RAMACHAN. Station on Eastern Bengal Railway.
RAMNAGAR. Station on Oudh and Rohilkhand Railway ; and also
on Eastern Bengal Railway.
RAMPUR. Station on Great Indian Peninsula Railway.
RAMPTIR HAT. Station on East Indian Railway.
RANAGHAT. Station on Eastern Bengal Railway.
RANGOON. Station on Rangoon and Irawadi Yalley State Railway.
RANGPTJR. Station on Northern Bengal State Railway.
RANI. Station on Rajputana State Railway.
RANIBAGH (NAINI TAL). Station on Rohilkhand and Kumaon
RANIGANJ. Station on East Indian Railway.
RANINAGAR. Station on Northern Bengal State Railway.
RANPTJR. Station on Bhaunagar and Gondal State Railway.
RAO. Station on Holkar and Nimach State Railway.
RAWALPINDI. Station on Punjab and Northern State Railway.
RAWER. Station on Great Indian Peninsula Railway.
RAYA. Station on Muttra-Hathras Light Railway, North Western
REDDIP ALL Station on Madras Railway.
RETL Station on Indus Yalley State Railway.
RHIMBAR. Station on Punjab and Northern State Railway.
RIWARI. Station on Rajputana State Railway.
RIWAT. Station on Punjab and Northern State Railway.
ROHIR A. Station on Rajputana State Railway.
ROHRL Station on Indus Yalley State Railway.
ROSA. Station on Oudh and Rohilkhand Railway.
ROYALCHERTI. Station on Madras Railway.
ROZAGAON. Station on Oudh and Rohilkhand Railway.
RTJDAULL Station on Oudh and Rohilkhand Railway.
RTIK. Station on Indus Yalley State Railway.
RTINIJA. Station on Holkar and Nimach State Railway.
RUPAILL Station on Malwa Railway.
RITRA. Station on East Indian Railway.
RURKL Station on Oudh and Rohilkhand Railway.
RTJSSAULL Station on Oudh and Rohilkhand Railway.
RTJTLAM. Station on Holkar and Nimach State Railway.
SABARMATT. Station on Rajputana State Railway.
SABLI ROAD. Station on Bombay, Baroda, and Central India
SACHIN. Station on Bombay, Baroda, and Central India Railway.
SADKOK. Station on Punjab and Northern State Railway.
SAD SAT 1027
S A DIKAB AD. Station on Indus Valley State Bail way.
SADIYA. Station on Assam Railway.
SAFDARGANJ. Station on Oudh and Rohilkhand Railway.
SAGARDIGHL Station on Nalhati State Railway.
S AH APUR. Station on Nalhati State Railway.
S AH ARUNPUR. Station on Sind, Punjab, and Delhi Railway.
SAHIBGANJ. Station on East Indian Railway.
SAIDAPET. Station on South Indian Railway.
SAIDAPUR. Station on Great Indian Peninsula Railway.
SAIDPUR. Station on Northern Bengal State Railway.
ST. THOMAS'S MOUNT. Station on South Indian Railway.
SAIY AN. Station on Sindia State Railway.
SAKRA. Station on Tirhut State Railway.
SAKTIGARH. Station on East Indian Railway.
SAKTILDIA. Station on East Indian Railway.
SALEM. Station on South Indian Railway; and also on Madras
SAIL Station on Rajputana State Railway.
SALIAMUNGALUM. Station on South Indian Railway.
SALIKAS A. Station on Nagpur State Railway.
SALTJR. Station on Madras Railway.
SALWA. Station on Nagpur State Railway.
SAMASATA. Station on Indus Valley State Railway.
SAMBHAR. Station on Rajputana State Railway.
SAMIANALUR. Station on South Indian Railway.
SAMULP ATI. Station on Madras Railway.
SANAND. Station on Bombay, Baroda, and Central India Railway.
SANARY DRUG. Station on Madras Railway.
SANAWAD. Station on Holkar and Nimach State Railway.
SANDILA. Station on Oudh and Rohilkhand Railway.
SANGANIR. Station on Rajputana State Railway.
SANGARU. Station on Bhaunagar and Gondal State Railway.
SANGI. Station on Indus Valley State Railway.
SANJAN. Station on Bombay, Baroda, and Central India Railway.
SANN. Station on Indus Valley State Railway.
SANNEHWAL. Station on Sind, Punjab, and Delhi Railway.
SANOAN. Station on Bombay, Baroda, and Central India Railway.
SANODA. Station on Oudh and Rohilkhand Railway.
SANOSRA. Station on Bhaunagar and Gondal State Railway.
SANSIRL Station on Malwa Railway.
SANWATSIJt. Station on Dhond and Manmad State Railway.
SAODA. Station on Great Indian Peninsula Railway.
SAPHALA. Station on Bombay, Baroda, and Central India Railway.
SARA. Station on Northern Bengal State Railway.
SARADHANAN. Station on Rajputana State Railway.
SARH AD. Station on Indus Valley State Railway.
SAROLA. Station on Dhond and Manmad State Railway.
SAROTRA. Station on Rajputana State Railway.
SATARA. Station on Southern Marhatta Railway.
S ATARI. Station on Great Indian Peninsula Railway.
SATKHANDA. Station on Malwa Railway.
1028 SAT SIH
SATUR. Station on South Indian Railway.
SAUDO. Station on Great Indian Peninsula Eailway.
SAUGOR (KARELI). Station on Great Indian Peninsula Railway
SAYAN. Station on Bombay, Baroda, and Central India Railway.
SAYYIDPTJR. Station on Northern Bengal State Railway.
SECUNDRABAD. Station on Nizam's State Railway.
SEGOWLL Station on Tirhut State Railway.
SEH WAN. Station on Indus Valley State Railway.
8EMRI. Station on Great Indian Peninsula Railway.
SENDRA. Station on Rajputana State Railway.
SEONI. Station on Great Indian Peninsula Railway.
SEOPUR. Station on Oudh and Rohilkhand Railway.
SEORAJPTJR. Station on East Indian Railway.
SERAM. Station on Nizam's State Railway.
SERAMPUR. Station on East Indian Railway.
SERATTILI. Station on East Indian Railway.
SERINGAPATAM. Station on Mysore State Railway.
SHAHABAD. Station on Great Indian Peninsula Railway.
SHAHAPTJR. Station on Great Indian Peninsula Railway.
SHAHDARA. Station on Punjab and Northern State Railway.
SHAHGANJ. Station on Oudh and Rohilkhand Railway.
SHAHJAHANPUR. Station on Oudh and Rohilkhand Railway.
SHAHPUR. Station on Great Indian Peninsula Railway.
SHAMPUR. Station on Northern Bengal State Railway.
SHAPURA. Station on Great Indian Peninsula Railway.
SHEGAON. Station on Great Indian Peninsula Railway.
SHEKOAB AD. Station on East Indian Railway.
SHEKOABAD. Station on East Indian Railway.
SHER MUH. Station on Punjab and Northern State Railway.
SHER SHAH. Station on Indus Valley State Railway.
SHEVAROY HILLS. Station on Madras Railway.
SHIARIA. Station on Great Indian Peninsula Railway.
SHIKAPTJR. Station on Indus Valley State Railway.
SHIKARPUR. Station on Northern Bengal State Railway.
SHINGNELLTIR. Station on Madras Railway.
SHIYALI. Station on South Indian Railway.
SHOLAPTJR. Station on Great Indian Peninsula Railway ; and also
on Southern Marhatta Railway.
SHOLAVANDAN. Station on South Indian Railway.
SHOLINGHAR. Station on Madras Railway.
SHORANUR. Station on Madras Railway.
SHU JAB AD .Station on Indus Valley State Railway.
SHURIPUR. Station on Oudh and Rohilkhand Railway.
SIALDA. Station on Northern Bengal State Railway.
SIALKOT. Station on Punjab and Northern State Railway.
SIARSOL. Station on East Indian Railway.
SIBI. Station on Indus Valley State Railway.
SIDAHPUR. Station on Rajputana State Railway.
SIDHI. Station on Great Indian Peninsula Railway.
SIHOR. Station on Bhaunagar and Gondal State Railway.
SIHORA ROAD. Station on East Indian Railway.
SIK SYN 1029
SIKARPTTR. Station on Sindia State Railway.
SIKLI. Station on South Indian Railway.
SILIGORL Station on Northern Bengal State "Railway.
SIMMISWAY. Station on Rangoon and Ira wadi Valley State Railway.
SIMULTALA. Station on East Indian Railway.
SIMURIA. Station on Tirhut State Railway.
SINDI. Station on Great Indian Peninsula Railway.
SINGAPERMATJL KOVIL. Station on South Indian Railway.
SINGAREM. Station on Nizam's State Railway.
SINGAWAL. Station on Malwa Railway.
SIRATHTI. Station on East Indian Railway.
SIRATKA. Station on East Indian Railway.
SIRDH AN A. Station on Sind, Punjab, and Delhi Railway.
SIRHIND. Station on Sind, Punjab, and Delhi Railway.
SIRIJPUR. Station on East Indian Railway.
SIRS A. Station on Sind, Punjab, and Delhi Railway.
SIRS A ROAD. Station on East Indian Railway.
SIRSATJL. Station on East Indian Railway.
SIRS AWA. Station on Sind, Punjab, and Delhi Railway.
SIRSOLL Station on Great Indian Peninsula Railway.
SITABTJLDI. Station on Great Indian Peninsula Railway.
SIT A ROAD. Station on Indus Valley State Railway.
SITARAMPUR,. Station on East Indian Railway.
SLEEMANAB AD. Station on East Indian Railway.
SODEPUR. Station on Eastern Bengal Railway.
SOHAGPITR. Station on Great Indian Peninsula Railway.
S OH AW AL. Station on Oudh and Rohilkhand Railway.
SOHNEPUR. Station on Tirhut State Railway.
SOHOWA. Station on Punjab and Northern State Railway.
SOLINGARH. Station on Madras Railway.
SOMANUR. Station on Madras Railway.
BOMASTIPUR. Station on Tirhut State Railway.
SOMNA. Station on East Indian Railway.
SONADA. Station on Darjiling and Himalaya Railway.
SON AGAON. Station on Wardha Valley State Railway.
SON APUR. Station on Calcutta and South-Eastern State Railway.
SRIDHAN. Station on Nalhati State Railway.
SUJAT ROAD. Station on Rajputana State Railway.
STJKKTJR. Station on Indus Valley State Railway.
STJKTJLEA. Station on East Indian Railway.
STILTANGANJ. Station on East Indian Railway.
STILT ANPUR. Station on Rajputana State Railway.
SUNDARAPERUMAL KOVIL. Station on South Indian Railway
SURAMUNGALUM. Station on Madras Railway.
SURAT. Station on Bombay, Baroda, and Central India Railway.
SUTNA. Station on East Indian Railway.
SYAD DINW ALA. Station on Punjab and Northern State Railway.
SYAMNAGAR. Station on Eastern Bengal Railway.
S YE AN. Station on Sindia State Railway,
SYNTHIA. Station on East Indian Railway.
1030 TAD TIT
TADPTTTRI. Station on Madras Railway
TAIKUL. Station on Madras Railway.
TAJGOW AN. Station on East Indian Railway.
TAKIPITR. Station on Nalhati State Railway.
TALEGAON. Station on Great Indian Peninsula Railway.
TANDAULL Station on Oudh and Rohilkhand Railway.
TANJORE. Junction on South Indian Railway.
TANDUR. Station on Nizam's State Railway.
TANUR. Station on Madras Railway.
TAPASI. Station on East Indian Railway.
TARKESSTJR. Station on East Indian Railway.
TARNATJL. Station on Punjab and Northern State Railway.
TARSANA. Station on Mysore State Railway.
TATIPUR. Station on Sind, Punjab, and Delhi Railway.
TEIK-GYL Station on Rangoon and Irawadi Valley State Railway.
TEMPLEDERA. Station on Indus Valley State Railway.
TERUVEMBTIR. Station on South Indian Railway.
THAIGON. Station on Rangoon and Irawadi Valley State Railway.
THAMINE. Station on Rangoon and Irawadi Valley State Railway.
THANA. Station on Great Indian Peninsula Railway.
THARODE. Station on Holkar and Nimach State Railway.
THARSA. Station on Nagpur State Railway.
THASRA. Station on Bombay, Baroda, and Central India Railway.
THATTAPARAI. Station on South Indian Railway.
THERTTVELLTJM. Station on Madras Railway.
THIRUVADAMARUDHUR. Station on South Indian Railway.
THITTAI. Station on South Indian Railway.
THONHSAI. Station on Rangoon and Irawadi Valley State Railway.
THULTJKKAPATTL Station on South Indian Railway.
TILAUNA. Station on Rajputana State Railway.
TILHAR. Station on Oudh and Rohilkhand Railway.
TIMARNI. Station on Great Indian Peninsula Railway.
TIMBI. Station on Bhaunagar and Gondal State Railway.
TINDEVANTJM. Station on South Indian Railway.
TINGARJL Station on Indus Valley State Railway.
TINNANORE. Station on Madras Railway.
TINNEVELLL Station on South Indian Railway.
TIN PAHAR. Station on East Indian Railway.
TIRORA. Station on Nagpur State Railway.
TIRUMANGALAM. Station on South Indian Railway.
TIRUPAPULIYTJR. Station on South Indian Railway.
TIRTJPARANGUNDRAM. Station on South Indian Railway.
TIRUPATL Station on Madras Railway.
TIRUR. Station on Madras Railway.
TIRUTANL Station on Madras Railway.
TIRUVELLTJM. Station on Madras Railway.
TITAGARH. Station on Eastern Bengal Railway.
TITW ALA. Station on Great Indian Peninsula Railway.
TEE VIK 1031
TREVANDRUM. Station on South Indian Railway.
TRICHINOPOLL Station on South Indian Railway.
TRICHINOPOLI FORT. Station on South Indian Railway.
TRIP ATTJR. Station on Madras Railway.
TRISHBIGA. Station on East Indian Railway.
TRISHOL Station on East Indian Railway.
TRIVALUR Station on South Indian Railway.
TRIVELLUR. Station on Madras Railway.
TUDIALITR. Station on Madras Railway.
TULUHUP ATA. Station on South Indian Railway.
TITMSAR. Station on Nagpur State Railway.
TUNDAULL Station on Oudh and Rohilkhand Railway.
TUNDLA JUNCTION. Station on East Indian Railway.
TUNGABADHRA RIVER. Station on Madras Railway.
TUTICORIN. Station on South Indian Railway.
UDWARA ROAD. Station on Bombay, Baroda, and Central India
UJALWAO. Station on Bhaunagar and Gondal State Railway.
TJJIARPTIR. Station on Tirhut State Railway.
UJJAIN. Station on Holkar and Nfmach State Railway.
TIL WAR. Station on Rajputana State Railway.
UMBALLA CANTONMENT. Station on Sind, Punjab, and Delhi
UMBALLA CITY. Station on Sind, Punjab, and Delhi Railway.
UMDARA. Station on East Indian Railway.
UMRETH. Station on Bombay, Baroda, and Central India Railway.
UNAO. Station on Oudh and Rohilkhand Railway.
UNARPUR. Station on Indus Valley State Railway.
UNDAL. Station on East Indian Railway.
UNJALUR. Station on South Indian Railway.
UNJHA. Station on Rajputana State Railway.
URCHARA. Station on East Indian Railway.
URULI. Station on Great Indian Peninsula Railway.
USHAINGANJ. Station on Oudh and Rohilkhand Railway.
UTCHULDA. Station on East Indian Railway.
VADAMADURA. Station on South Indian Railway.
VAIDHISWARAM KOVIL. Station on South Indian Railway.
VAIYAMP ALL Station on South Indian Railway.
VAIYAMP ATI. Station on South Indian Railway.
VANDALUR. Station on South Indian Railway.
VANIYAMBADL Station on Madras Railway.
VELLORE. Station on Madras Railway.
VENDALUR. Station on South Indian Railway.
VERIG. Station on Bhaunagar and Gondal State Railway.
V1KRAVANDL Station on South Indian Railway.
1032 VIL ZUM
VILLAPTJRAM. Station on Sonth Indian Railway.
VIRAMGAM. Station on Bombay, Baroda, and Central India Railway.
VIRAPUR. Station on Madras Kailway.
VIRAR. Station on Bombay, Baroda, and Central India Railway.
VIRDUPATI. Station on South Indian Railway.
VIRINJTPURTTM. Station on Madras Railway.
VIRUPUR. Station on Madras Railway.
VONTIMITTA. Station on Madras Railway.
WADHWAtf. Station on Bombay, Baroda, and Central India
Railway ; and also on Bhaunagar and Gondal State Railway.
WADI. Station on Great Indian Peninsula Railway; and also on
Nizam's State Railway.
WAING-GYI. Station on Rangoon and Irawadi Valley State Railway.
WALHAR. Station on Indus Valley State Railway.
WALLIAR. Station on Madras Railway.
WANGAON. Station on Bombay, Baroda, and Central India Railway.
WANGNI. Station on Great Indian Peninsula Railway.
WANRADHARAM. Station on Sind, Punjab, and Delhi Railway.
WARANGAON. Station on Great Indian Peninsula Railway.
WARDHA.-^ Station on Great Indian Peninsula Railway ; and also on
"Wardha Valley State Railway.
WARORA. Station on Wardha Valley State Railway.
WASAD. Station on Bombay, Baroda, and Central India Railway.
WASIND. Station on Great Indian Peninsula Railway.
WAZIRABAD. Station on Punjab and Northern State Railway.
WEVJI. Station on Bombay, Baroda, and Central India Railway.
WILAD. Station on Dhond and Manmad State Railway.
WIN!. Station on Tirhut State Railway.
WIRANGOLE. Station on Nizam's State Railway.
WONUMETTA. Station on Madras Railway.
WOWSHERA. Station on Punjab and Northern State Railway.
WURL Station on Bhaunagar and Gondal State Railway.
WTJTAPOLIAM. Station on Madras Railway.
WUTKALL Station on Madras Kailway.
YADAGIRL Station on Great Indian Peninsula Railway.
YEOAT. Station on Great Indian Peninsula Railway.
YEOLA. Station on Dhond and Manmad State Railway.
YERRAGUNTLA. Station on Madras Railway.
ZEEGON Station on Rangoon and Irawadi Valley State Railway.
ZUMANIA. Station on East Indian Railway.
ACHRE. Ratnagiri. Lat. 16 6 13' 35", long. 73 29" 50".
ADRAMPATAM (Adrampet). Tanjore. Lat. 10 20' 10", long.
79 25' 40".
AENG (Combermere Bay). Kyouk-bpyu. Lat. 19 35', long. 93 35'.
AGANSI (Saiwan). N. Konkan. Lat. 19 28', long. 72 50'.
AGOADA (Alguada). Portuguese India. Lat. 15 29' 30", long.
73 45'.
AHMEDABAD (Sabarmati). Guzerat. Lat. 43 1' 45", long. 72
30' 30'.
AIBIKA. Travancore. Lat. 8 56' 30", long. 76 32'.
AKYAB. Akyab. Lat. 20 6' 45", long. 92 56' 30".
ALIBAGH (Kolaba). Kolaba. Lat. 18 38' 55", long. 72 54' 50".
ALLEPPL Travancore. Lat. 9 29' 45", long. 76 22' 31".
AMBOLGARH. Ratnagiri. Lat. 16 39', long. 73 23'.
AMHERST. Amherst. Lat. 16 4' 40", long. 97 35' 30".
AMLI GHAT (Pheni). Noakhali. Lat. 22 46', long. 91 31'.
AMMAPATAM. Madura. Lat. 9 59', long. 79 18'.
ANDREW BAY. Sandoway. Lat. 18 16', long. 94 16'.
ANJADIVA. Portuguese India. Lat. 14 45', long 74 10'
ANJANWEL (Chiplun). Ratnagiri. Lat. 17 33', long. 73 13'.
ANJENGO. Travancore. Lat. 8 40', long. 76 47' 50'.
ANKOLA (Bellikerry). N. Kanara. Lat. 14 39' 30", long. 74 20' 55".
ARAKAN (Mro-houng). Akyab. Lat. 20 24', long. 93 26'.
ARMEGHON (Durgarazpatam). Nellore. Lat. 13 53', long.
80 17'.
ATTAKUYE. Malabar. Lat. 10 32', long. 76 6'.
ATTANGARI (Autankari). Madura. Lat. 9 20', long. 79 4'.
1034 AUC
AUCKLAND BAY. Mergui. Lat. 12 10', long. 98 30'.
AVA. British Burma. Lat. 21 52', long. 97 1'.
BADAGIRI (Vadaka-Sara). Malabar. Lat. 11 36', long. 75
37' 15".
BAINDUR. S. Kanara. Lat. 13 50', long. 74 36'.
BAIPUR. Malabar. Lat. 11 10', long. 75 50' 30".
BAKARGANJ (Burisol). Bakarganj. Lat. 22 32' 45", long. 90
23' 10".
BALACHERL Kathiawar. Lat. 22 37', long. 70 6'.
BALAIPATAM. Malabar. Lat. 12, long. 75 22'.
BALASOR. Balasor. Lat. 21 30' 6", long. 86 58' 11".
BALAUPUR (Hog Island). Thana. Lat. 18 58', long. 72 57'.
BANDA. Sawantwari. Lat. 15 49', long. 73 56'.
BANKOT (Vashvi). Ratnagiri. Lat. 17 58' 30", long. 73 5' 10".
BAP AN AP AUDIT. Ganjam. Lat. 18 34', long. 84 19'.
BARDWAN. Bardwan. Lat. 23 14' 10", long. 87 53' 55".
BARKUR (Hungarkati). S. Kanara. Lat. 13 28' 30", long. 74
47' 50".
BARWA. Ganjam. Lat. 18 52' 40", long. 84 37' 35".
BASSEIN. Bassein. Lat. 16 46', long. 94 48' 10".
BASSEIN (Wasai). N. Konkan. Lat. 19 20' 20", long. 72 51' 20".
BATKULL (Baticolo). S. Kanara. Lat. 13 59', long. 74 36'.
BAUMI (Bhami). Sandoway. Lat. 17 25', long. 94 42'.
BEKAL (Baicul). S. Kanara. Lat. 12 23' 45", long. 75- 4' 35".
BENDAMURLUNKA. Godaveri. Lat. 16 30', long. 82.
BEYT. Kathiawar. Lat. 22 27', long. 69 10'.
BHAUNAGAR. Kathiawar. Lat, 21 45', long. 72 12' 30".
BHOGWA DANDI (Dandi or Ulpar). Surat. Lat. 21 20', long.
72 35'.
BILIN. Shwe-gyeng. Lat. 17 10', long. 97 15'.
BIMLIPATAM. Vizagapatam. Lat. 17 53' 15", long. 83 29' 50".
BINGHI (Benigi). N. Kanara. Lat. 14 45', long. 74 11'.
BOM COI 1035
BOMBAY. Bombay. Lat. 18 55' 5", long. 75 53' 55".
BROACH. Broach. Lat. 21 43' 20", long. 73 2'.
BULSAR. Surat. Lat. 20 36' 30', long. 72 58' 40".
CALCUTTA. Twenty-four Parganas. Lat. 22 34' 2', long. 88
23 59'.
CALICUT. Malabar. Lat. 11 15', long. 75 49.
CAMBAY.-Guzerat. Lat. 22 18' 30", long. 72 40'.
CAN ACONA. Portuguese India. Lat. 15 1', long. 74 6'.
CANNANORE. Malabar. Lat. 11 51' 12", long. 75 24' 44".
CASSERGODE. S. Kanara. Lat. 12 29' 50", long. 75 2' 10".
CHANDARNAGAR. French Possessions. Lat. 22 51' 40", long.
88 24' 50".
CHANTAPILLL Vizagapatam. Lat. 18 4' 25", long. 83 42'.
CHAPRA (Kolwol). Portuguese India. Lat. 15 36', long. 73 37'.
CHAUGHAT. Malabar. Lat. 10 35', long. 76 3' 51".
CHAUL. Kolaba. Lat. 18 32' 50", long. 72 54'.
CHEDUBA. Kyouk-hpyu. Lat. 18 50', long. 93 35'.
CHENGALPAT. Chengalpat. Lat. 12 42' 1", long. 80 I 7 13".
CHILKA LAKE. Puri. Lat. 19 42', long. 85 40'.
CHITTAGONG (Islamabad). Chittagong. Lat. 22 21' 3", long.
91 52' 44".
CHITWA. Malabar. Lat. 10 32', long. 76 3' 52".
CHOMBAL Malabar. Lat. 11 41', 73 32',
CHURAMAN. Balasore. Lat. 21 7' 50", long. 86 49' 16".
COCANADA. Godavari. Lat. 16 57', long. 82 13'.
COCHIN. Malabar. Lat. 9 58' 7", long. 76 17'.
1036 COI WA
COMILLAH (Tipperah). Tipperah. Lat. 23 7' 55", long. 91 .10'.
COMORO. Travancore. Lat. 8 4', long. 77 36'.
CONTAI (Hijeli). Midnapur. Lat. 21 46', long. 87 15'.
CORINGA. Godaveri. Lat. 16 48' 25", long. 82 16' 20".
COVELONG. Chengalpat. Lat. 12 46', long. 80 17' 40".
COX'S BAZAR (Ramu). Chittagong. Lat. 21 26' 31", long.
92 1' 2".
CTTDDALORE. S. Arcot. Lat. 11 42' 45", long. 79 48' 45".
CUTTACK (False Point). Cuttack. Lat. 20 29' 4", long. 86 54' 29".
DABHOL. Ratnagiri. Lat. 17 32', long. 73 8' 50".
DACCA (Narainganj). Lat. 23 43', long. 90 26' 25".
DAMAN. K Konkan. Lat. 23 25', long. 72 53'.
DAMLEJ (Sutrapara). Kathiawar. Lat. 20 51', long. 70 30'.
DANTURA. N. Konkan. Lat. 19 30', long. 72 45'.
DANTT. N. Konkan. Lat. 19 57', long. 72 43'.
DARMONJAI. Amherst. Lat. 15 5', long. 97 40'.
DEHEJ. Broach. Lat. 21 42' 45", long. 72 38' 30".
DEOGHTJR (Dewghur). Ratnagiri. Lat. 16 23' 50", long. 73 21'
DEVIAPATAM. Madura. Lat. 9 28', long. 78 58'.
DHAMRA. Cuttack. Lat. 20 47' 40", long. 86 55' 55".
DHARAVL Thana. Lat. 19 15', long. 74 47'.
DHOLERA. Kathiawar. Lat. 22 14' 45", long. 72 15' 25".
DIIT. Kathiawar. Lat. 20 43' 20", long. 71 2' 30".
DURMAPATAM. Malabar. Lat. 11 46', long. 72 28'.
DWARKA. Kathiawar. Lat. 22 14' 20", long. 69 5'.
EAD HEjS" 1037
EADGONG. Chittagong. Lat. 21 38", long. 91 58'.
ELATUR. Malabar. Lat. 11 20' 30", long. 75 45' 45".
ENNORE. Chengalpat. Lat. 13 30' 40", long. 80 21' 55".
ETTICOLUM (Eli or Monte d'Eli). Malabar. Lat. 12 0' 15", Ion]
75 II 7 30".
FUNGUS. Ratnagiri. Lat. 17 10', long. 73 32'.
GANDEVL Surat. Lat. 20 47' 30", long. 73 3'.
GANGAWALL N. Kanara. Lat. 14 36', long. 74 21'.
GANJAM. Ganjam. Lat. 19 22' 27", long. 85 2' 52".
GHORI BANDAR. Thana. Lat. 19 17', long. 72 53'.
GISRI BANDAR. Sind. Lat 24 45', long. 67 8'.
GOA (Panjim). Portuguese India. Lat. 15 30', long. 73 57'.
GOGAH (Gosfo). Kathiawar. Lat. 21 40', long. 72 40'.
GOP ALP ATAM. Madura. Lat. 10 17', long. 79 26'.
GOPALPUR (Munsurkotta). Ganjam. Lat. 19 21' 5", long. 85 1'.
GOLWUD. North Konkan. Lat. 20 10', long. 72 42'.
GUDALUR (Cuddalur). Malabar. Lat. 11 9', long. 75 40'.
GUNDAR. Broach. Lat. 21 53', long. 72 37'.
HAB RIVER. Sind. Lat. 24 52'. long. 66 42'.
HANSOT. Broach. Lat. 21 32', long. 72 50'.
HARIKPUR (Davy River). Cuttack. Lat. 20 4', long. 86 31'.
HASTINGS HARBOUR. Mergui. Lat. 10 11', long. 97 40'.
HEANZAI BASIN. Tavoy. Lat. 14 20', long. 98 10'.
HENZADA. Henzada. Lat. 17 38', long. 95 32'.
1038 HER KAR
HONAWAR (Honor). N. Kanara. Lat. 14 16' 30", long. 74 29'.
HUNTER'S BAY. Kyouk-hypu. Lat. 18 16', long. 94 23'.
IPTTRPALIEM. Krishna. Lat. 15 50', long. 80 35'.
ISKAPULLI (Divelan). Nellore. Lat. 14 40', long. 80 20'.
JAFRABAD. Kathiawar. Lat. 20 52', long. 71 25'.
JAIGHTIR (Zyghur). Ratnagiri. Lat. 17 18', long. 73 10' 50".
JAITAPTJR. See Rajapur.
JAKO (Guria). Cutch. Lat. 23 15', long. 68 46'.
JALESWAR (Pipli or Subunrika). Balasor. Lat. 21 47' 20",
long. 87 13' 35".
JHAGGI (Sair Gunda). Sind. Lat. 24, long. 68 25'.
JURIA. Kathiawar. Lat. 22 40', long. 70 22'.
KADALUNDL Malabar. Lat. 11 10', long. 75 52'.
KADIAPATAM. Travancore. Lat. 8 7' 30", long. 77 18'.
KALBADIVI (Meria). Ratnagiri. Lat. 17 2', long. 73 20'.
KALIMERE. Tanjore. Lat. 10 17', long. 79 56'.
KALINGAPATAM. Ganjam. Lat. 18 20' 20", long. 84 9' 50".
KANP. S. Kanara. Lat. 13 12', long. 74 45'.
KAP AT. Malabar. Lat. 11 23', long. 75 43'.
KARACHI. Sind. Lat. 24 51' 9", long. 67 4' 15".
EAR KUL 1039
KARANJA (Wurun or TJrun). Thana. Lat. 18 51', long. 73.
KARANKAD. Madura. Lat. 9 40', long. 79 1'.
KARIKAL. French possessions. Lat. 10 55' 10", long. 79 52' 20".
KARLL Ratnagiri. Lat. 15 58', long. 73 29'.
KARWAR (Sedashigarh). N. Kanara. Lat. 14 50', long. 74 14'.
KATKACHERRL S. Kanara. Lat. 12 30', long. 75.
KATTUMAVAD A. Madura. Lat. 10 6', long. 79 18'.
KAULL N. Konkan. Lat. 20 32', long. 72 48'.
KAVAI. Malabar. Lat. 10 56', long. 75 58'.
KAYAL. Tinnevelli. Lat. 8 40', long. 78 10'.
KAYENKOLAM. Travancore. Lat. 8 53' 28", long. 76 36' 59".
KELSL Ratnagiri. Lat. 17 55', long. 73 6'.
KETL Sind. Lat. 24 8' 30", long. 67 28' 30".
KETTAPOLLEM. Krishna. Lat. 16, long. 80 50".
KEVI BANDAR. Guzerat. Lat. 22 10', long. 72 36'.
KHWA (Gwa). Sandoway. Lat. 17 34', long. 94 39'.
KILAKARL Madura. Lat. 9 16', long. 78 50'.
KIM. Hroach. Lat. 21 26', long. 72 38'.
KODIAMPOLAYEM. Tanjore. Lat 11 22', long. 79 54'.
KODUNGALTJR (Cranganore). Cochin. Lat. 10 13' 50", long.
76 14' 50".
KOLACHEL. Travancore. Lat. 8 10', long. 77 19'.
KOLAK. Surat. Lat. 20 27' 30", long. 72 57'.
KOLAM. Malabar. Lat. 11 27', long. 75 40'.
KOLINAR (Mhul Dwarka). Kathiawar. Lat. 18 70', long. 70 55'.
KONADA. Vizagapatam. Lat. 18 1', long. 83 40'.
KOTRL Sind. Lat. 23 54', long. 68 46'.
KOTTAKAL Malabar. Lat. 11 34', long. 75 35'.
KOTTAPATAM. Nellore. Lat. 15 26', long. 80 9' 20".
KOTTAP AT AM. Madura. Lat. 9 55', long. 79 16'.
KRAHUL. Travancore. Lat. 9 25' 30, long. 76 23' 50".
KRISHNAJIPATAM. Madura. Lat. 10 4', long. 79 18'.
KRISHNAPATAM. Nellore. Lat. 14 20', long. 80 20'.
KUJUNG. Cuttack. Lat. 20 5', long. 86 32'.
KULADAN (Koladain). Akyab. Lat. 20 7', long. 92 53'.
KULA GUK (Bentinck Sound). Amherst. Lat. 15 40', long. 97 39'.
KULASAGARAPATAM (Coilsinipatam). Tinnevelli. Lat. 8 27',
long. 78 4'.
1040 KUM MAN
KUMBARTJ (Conorah). Jinjira. Lat. 18 13', long. 73 1'.
KUMPTA. N. Kanara. Lat. 14 26', long. 74 27'.
KUN BANDAR. Kathiawar. Lat. 22 17', long. 72 18'.
KUNDAPUR S. Kanara. Lat. 13 38', long. 74 39'.
KURKUYE. Malabar. Lat. 10 32', long. 76 8'.
KURLA. Kolaba. Long. 18 32', lat. 72 53'.
KURYAT NEWRI. Eatnagiri. Lat. 17 7', long. 73 21'.
KUTABDIA. Chittagong. Lat. 21 52' 30", long. 91 53'.
KUTCHIGAD. Kathiawar. Lat. 22 20', long. 69 1'.
KUTRA. Kathiawar. Lat. 21 56', long. 72 11'.
KUTTAI (Kuti). Malabar. Lat. 10 45', long. 75 50'.
KYIEN-TA-LL Sandoway. Lat. 17 57, long. 94 35'.
KYOUK-HPYU. Kyouk-hpyu. Lat. 19 22', long. 93 30'.
KYOUNG-THA. Bassein. Lat. 17 2', long. 94 45'.
IAKHPAT (Kori). Cutch. Lat. 23 50', long. 68 48'.
LINYA (Whale Bay). Mergui. Lat. 11 27', long. 99 13'.
MADRAS. Chengalpat. Lat. 13 4' 6", long. 80 17' 22".
MAHAR. Ratnagiri. Lat. 18 6', long. 73^30'.
MAKE. French possessions. Lat. 11 41' 50", long. 75 34' 25".
MAHIM (Kelvi). Thana. Lat. 19 1' 30", long. 72 52' 50".
MAIPADTI. Nellore. Lat. 14 31', long. 80 20'.
MALI WON. Mergui. Lat. 10 11', long. 98 38'.
MALPE (Mulpay). S. Kanara. Lat. 13 16', long. 74 45'.
MALWAN (Sirjakot). Ratnagiri. Lat. 16 3' 20", long. 73 30' 10".
MANDAR (Chorwar). Kathiawar. Lat. 21 2', long. 70 16'.
MANDVL Cutch. Lat. 22 50' 30", long. 69 31' 45'
MANDVL Surat. Lat. 21 18' 20", long. 73 22' 30".
MANGALORE. S. Kanara. Lat. 12 51' 40", long. 74 52' 36".
MANGROL. Kathiawar. Lat. 21 8', long. 70 14' 30".
MANIKPATAM. Puri. Lat. 19 45', long. 85 40'.
MANJESAR (Munjeshwar). S. Kanara. Lat. 12 42', long. 74 57'.
MAR NAR 1041
MARGAO. Portuguese India. Lat. 15 10', long. 73 57'.
MARKKA!. Chittagong. Lat. 21 36', long. 91 57'.
MARMAGOA. Portuguese India. Lat. 15 26', long. 73 51'.
MAROLL N. Konkan. Lat. 20 18', long. 72 46'.
MARTABAN. Amherst. Lat. 16 32', long. 97 38'.
MASULIPATAM (Machlipatnam). Krishna. Lat. 16 9' 8", long
81 11' 38".
MAULMAIN. Amherst. Lat. 16 30', long. 97 38'.
MERCANUM. S. Arcot. Lat. 12 12', long. 79 53'.
MERGUI (Tenasserim). Mergui. Lat. 12 11', long. 98 38'.
MI ANI. Kathiawar. Lat. 21 50', long. 69 31'.
MIDNAPUR (Huldi River). Midnapur. Lat. 22 24' 48", long
87 21' 12".
MOLANKADTT Malabar. Lat. 11 13', long. 75 47'.
MORRELLGANJ. lessor. Lat. 22 27' 35", long. 89 54'.
MOSCOS ISLANDS. Tavoy. Lat. 14, long. 98.
MOTTIPALLL Krishna. Lat. 15 44', long. 80 IT.
MOWA. Kathiawar. Lat. 21 3', long. 71 43'.
MTIDIAPUTN AM. Madura. Lat. 9 27', long. 79 10'.
MULTAN. Sind. Lat. 30 12', long. 71 30'.
MTJLKL S. Kanara. Lat. 13 5' 15", long. 74 49' 35".
MUNDAPUM. Madura. Lat. 9 20', long. 79 20'.
MUNDRA. Cutch. Lat. 22 48' 40", long. 69 52' 30".
MUSUR. Ratnagiri. Lat. 16 10', long. 73 32'.
MUTAPETTA. Madura. Lat. 9 11', long. 78 58'.
MUTTAPETTAL Tanjore. Lat. 10 22', long. 79 33'.
MYO-TEK. Akyab. Lat. 20 30', long. 92 35'.
NAGAR (Nagore). Tanjore. Lat. 10 49' 26", long. 79 53' 2-1".
NAGOTNA. Thana. Lat. 18 32', long. 73 12'.
NAIKENKOTTA. S. Kanara. Lat. 13 40', long. 74 37'.
NANDGAON. Kolaba. Lat. 18 22', long. 73.
1042 NAB PER
NARAKAL. Cochin. Lat. 10 2' 30", long. 76 12'.
NARSIPUR (Antavedi). Godaveri. Lat. 16 18', long. 81 42'.
NAUSA.RL Surat. Lat. 22 7', long. 73 40'.
NAWANAGAR (Baidai). Kathiawar. Lat. 22 26' 30", long.
70 16 30".
NAWAPUR (Aliwada). N. Konkan. Lat. 19 47', long. 72
13' 30".
NAWI (Nawibandar). Kathiawar. Lat. 21 26', long. 69 50'.
NAWINAR. Cutch. Lat. 22 50', long. 69 35' 60".
NEGAPATAM. Tanjore. Lat. 10 45' 37", long. 79 53' 28".
NGAN-KHYOUNG. Bassein. Lat. 16 25', long. 94 20'.
NGA-YOT KOUNG. Bassein. Lat. 17 32', long. 94 18'.
NIZAMPATAM. Krishna. Lat. 15 54', long. 80 38'.
NOAKHALI (Sudharam or Bhulua). Chittagong. Lat. 22 48'
15", long. 91 8' 45".
NUMBUDALAL Madura. Lat. 9 44', lat. 79 4'.
PADTTRTL Krishna. Lat. 15 35', long. 80 15'.
PAKALA (Itamakla). Nellore. Lat. 15 20', long. 80 15'.
PALMYRAS POINT (Kunika or Maipara). Cuttack. Lat. 20 44\
10', long. 87 2.
PALSHET. Ratnagiri. Lat. 17 26' 50", long. 73 9'.
PAMBAM (Paumben). Madura. Lat. 9 17' 20", long. 79 15' 31'.
PANCHNADL Ratnagiri. Lat. 17 38', long. 73 13'.
PANWEL. Thana. Lat. 18 58' 50", long. 73 9' 10".
PADS (Pawis). Ratnagiri. Lat. 16 56', long. 73 14'.
PARONL Malabar. Lat. 10 52', long. 75 55'.
PARPARAGANDL Malabar. Lat. 11 5', long. 75 45'.
PASIPATNAM. Madura. Lat. 9 49', long. 79 9'.
PEGU. Rangoon. Lat. 17 20', long. 96 30'.
PENTAKOTA. Vizagapatam. Lat. 17 19', long. 82 35' 30".
PERIM. Kathiawar. Lat. 21 36', long. 72 23' 30".
PHE RAJ 1043
PILLAMADUM. Madura. Lat. 9 18', long. 79 8'.
PIPALWAO BANDAR. Kathiawar. Lat. 21, long. 71 35'.
POANG HAT (Sungu). Chittagong. Lat. 22 5', long. 91 55'.
POLEM (Polai). Portuguese India. Lat. 14 55', long. 74.
PON ANI. Malabar. Lat. 10 47' 10", long. 75 57' 55".
PONDICHERRL S. Arcot. Lat. 11 55' 57", long. 79 52' 53".
PONDRAKA. Krishna. Lat. 16 12', long. 81 30'.
PONNAPUDL Nellore. Lat. 14 40', long. 80 12'.
PORAKAD (Porca). Travancore. Lat. 9 21' 30", long. 76 25' 40".
PORBANDAR. Kathiawar. Lat. 21 37' 10", long. 69 48' 30".
PORT BLAIR. Andaman Islands. Lat. 11 43', long. 92 45'.
PORT CANNING (Matla). Twenty-four Parganas. Lat. 22 19'
15", long. 88 43' 20".
PORT DALHOUSIE. Bassein. Lat. 16 4', long. 94 13'.
PORTO NOVO (Firingipet or Mahmud Bandar). S. Arcot. Lat.
11 29' 25", long. 79 48' 13".
POSHITRA (Pusotra). Kathiawar. Lat. 22 22', long. 69 12'.
PROME. Prome. Lat. 18 43', long. 95 15'.
PUDBIDRL S. Kanara. Lat. 13 2', long. 74 46'.
PTJDIANGADL Malabar. Lat. 11 19', long. 75 44'.
PUDI-MADAKA. Yizagapatam. Lat. 17 35', long. 83 8'.
PTIDUPATNAM. Madura. Lat. 9 42', long. 79 3'.
PULICAT (Paliyaverkadu). Chengalpat. Lat. 13 25' 8", long.
80 21' 24".
PTJNDI (Pudi). Ganjam. Lat. 18 40', long. 84 22'.
PTINDI (Pudi). Chengalpat. Lat. 13 50', long. 80 15'.
PITRANGARH (Pent). Ratnagiri. Lat. 16 50', long. 73 22'.
PURI (Jagannath). Puri. Lat. 19 48' 17", long. 85 51' 39".
PYA-PUN. Thun-khwa. Lat. 16 16', long. 95 40'.
QTTILANDI (Coilandi or Koyilandi). Malabar. Lat. 11 26' 25",
long. 75 44' 11".
QUTLON (Kollam, or Coilam, or Tangacheri). Travancore. Lat.
8 53' 28", long. 76 36' 59".
RAIPTTR. Noakhali. Lat. 23 1', long. 90 49'.
RAJAPUR (Rajpuri). Jinjira. Lat. 18 18', long. 73 3'.
RAJAPUR (Jaitapur). Ratnagiri. Lat. 16 37', long. 73 3'.
1044 RAJ-SRE
RAMESWARAM Malabar. Lat. 9 17' 10", long. 79 21' 55".
RAMIAPATAM. Nellore. Lat. 15 3', long. 80 6'.
RAMRI (Amherst Harbour) Kyouk-hpyu. Lat. 19 6' 30", long.
93 53' 45",
RAMU. See Cox's BAZAR.
RANGOON. Rangoon. Lat. 16 46' 40", long. 96 13' 15".
RANIGANJ. Bardwan. Lat. 23 36' 30", long. 87 8' 30".
RARI (Riri). Ratnagiri. Lat. 14 45', long. 73 38'.
RATNAGIRI. Ratnagiri. Lat. 16 59' 37", long. 73 19' 50".
REWAR. Kolaba. Lat. 18 47' 20", long. 72 58' 30".
ROHA. Kolaba. Lat. 18 26', long. 73 6'.
SACHIN. Surat. Lat. 21 3' 40", long. 72 59'.
SADRAS (Satranja-Patana). Chengalpat. Lat. 12 31' 25", long.
80 12'.
SALNAIKPATNAM. Madura. Lat. 10 15', long. 79 22'.
SANDOWAY. Sandoway. Lat. 18 27' 35", long. 94 24' 36".
SATPATL N. Konkan. Lat. 19 43', long. 72 41'.
SEHWAN. Sind. Lat. 26 26', long. 67 54'.
SEMAH. Kathiawar. Lat. 20 47', long. 71 9'.
SEVERNDRTIG (Herni). Ratnagiri. Lat. 17 47' 50", long. 73 5',
SHALBET (Chanch). Kathiawar. Lat. 20 54', long. 71 30'.
SHERUR. S. Kanara. Lat. 13 56', long. 74 35'.
SHWE-GYENG. Shwe-gyeng. Lat. 17 55', long. 96 57' 30".
SIL. Kathiawar. Lat. 21 11', long. 70 2'.
SIRAYA (Kambalia). Kathiawar. Lat. 22 18', long. 19 38'.
SITTANG. Shwe-gyeng. Lat. 17 42', long. 96 49'
SONAPUR. Ganjam. Lat. 19 6' 30", long. 84 50' 40".
SREWURDTJN. Jinjira. Lat. 18 2', long. 73 2'.
SUB TRI 1045
SUKKUR. Sind. Lat. 27 42', long. 68 54' 30".
SULTANPUR. Kathiawar. Lat. 21 18', long. 72 5'.
SUNDRAPUNDIAPATN AM. Madura. Lat. 9 49', long. 79 10'.
SUNDRL Kathiawar. Lat. 21' 58', long. 72 14'.
SURAT (Tapti or Suwali). Surat. Lat. 21 9' 30", long. 72
54' 15".
TADRI. N. Kanara. Lat. 14 31' 30", long. 74 24'.
TAMLUK. Midnapur. Lat. 22 18' 2", long. 87 58' 10".
TANKARI. Broach. Lat. 21 59' 45", long. 72 42' 30".
TANORE. Malabar. Lat. 10 59', long. 75 50'.
TARAPUR (Chichun). N. Konkan. Lat. 19 50', long. 72 42' 30"
TAVOY (Dawai). Tavoy. Lat. 14 5', long. 98 13'.
TEK-NAAF. Chittagong. Lat. 20 49', long. 92 23'.
TELLICHERY. Malabar. Lat. 11 44' 53", long. 75 31' 38".
THANA. Thana. Lat. 19 11' 30", long. 73 1' 30".
THUN-KHWA (To). Irawadi. Lat. 16 40', long. 95 50'.
TIKOTI (Trekodi). Malabar. Lat. 11 35', long. 75 30'
TIRACOL (Chiracol). Portuguese India. Lat. 15 43', long. 73
40' 30'.
TIRPALGADL Madura. Lat. 9 33', long. 78 58'.
TONDL Madura. Lat. 9 40', long. 79.
TOPITORAL Tanjore. Lat. 10 25', long. 79 50'.
TOUNG-GUP. Sandoway. Lat. 18 49' 50", long. 94 19 7 50".
TOUNG-NGU. Toung-ngu. Lat. 18 55' 30", long. 96 31' 10".
TRANftUEBAR (TaUangambadi). Tanjore. Lat. 11 1' 37", long.
79 53' 44".
TRIMULVASSEL. Tanjore. Lat. 11 14', long. 79 55'.
TRIVANDRUM (Puturai). Travancore. Lat. 8 29' 3", long. 76
59' 9'.
1046 TUD VIZ
TULSUNDA (Sakri Bandar). Batnagiri. Lat. 16 36', long. 73 20 .
TUMMALAPENTA. Nellore. Lat. 14 54', long. 80 8 ; .
TUNA (Anjar). Cutch. Lat. 23 2' 30", long. 70 10'.
TUTICORIN. Tinnevelli. Lat. 8 48' 3", long. 78 11' 27".
TICHIL. S. Kanara. Lat. 13 11', long. 74 45'.
TIDIAWAR (TIdapi). S. Kanara. Lat. 13 14', long. 74 45'.
UMARSARL Surat. Lat. 20 31', long. 72 54'.
UMBARGAM (TJmargaon or Sunjan). N. Konkan. Lat, 20 11' 55",
long. 72 47' 50".
UPADA. Godavari. Lat. 17 5', long. 82 30'.
VAILI. Travancore. Lat. 9 40', long. 76 20'.
VAILUM (Mandwa). Kathiawar. Lat. 20 41', long. 70 51'.
VAIMBTIR. Tinnevelli. Lat. 9 6', long. 78 25'.
VAIPUR. Tinnevelli. Lat. 9, long. 78 20'.
VALANGANG. Tanjore. Lat. 10 35', long. 79 53'.
VALINUKHAM. Madura. Lat. 9 9', long. 78 39'.
VARNL Nellore. Lat. 14 38', long. 80 10'.
VELENJUM. Travancore. Lat. 8 23', long. 77 2'.
VELIANGODE. Malabar. Lat. 10 45', long. 75 56'.
VENGURLA (Vingorla). Katnagiri. Lat. 15 51' 30", long. 72
39' 45.
VERAWAL (Somnath Puttan). Kathiawar. Lat. 20 53', long.
72 26'.
VERSOVA. Thana. Lat. 19 7', long. 72 46'.
VIDAULL Madura. Lat. 9 17', long. 79 10'.
VIKKUR (Gora Bari). Sind. Lat. 24 11', long. 67 40'.
VIRANDNAPATAM. Tinnevelli. Lat. 8 35', long. 78 10'.
VISIAVITHI. Tinnevelli. Lat. 8 11', long. 77 49'.
VIZAGAPATAM. Vizagapatam. Lat. 17 41' 50", long. 83 20' 10".
VIZIADRUG (Wagotun). Eutnagiri. Lat. 16 33' 40", long. 73
22' 10".
"WAG ZYG 1047
WATTARA (Ratada). Vizagapatam. Lat. 17 26', long. 82 52'.
YANAON (Yanam). Godaveri. Lat. 16 44' 10", long. 82 15' 5".
YARVAUDL Madura. Lat. 9 10', long, 78 45'.
YAY (Yeah). Amherst. Lat. 15 12', long. 97 47'.
ZTJVALADINNA (Jualdine). Nellore. Lat. H 48, long. 80 8'.
ADAM'S BERG. A hill upwards of 300 feet in height in the Matura
district, Southern Province, Ceylon; on the summit there is a colossal
figure of Buddha formed in stone.
ADAM'S BRIDGE. A reef of sunken rocks connecting the north of
Ceylon with the mainland of India.
ADAM'S PEAK. Rock in Western Ceylon. It is much frequented
by pilgrims to worship a supposed footprint of Buddha. Lat. 6 54',
long. 80 31'.
ADIKARIPATTTI. Divisions in the Kaltura and Colombo districts
AGALAWATTA. Village in Pasdum district, Western Province,
Ceylon ; situated fifteen miles inland from Kaltura.
AGANIS (Agaus). Space of land extending along the east coast of
Ceylon from lat. 6 50' 7 ; it is covered with sand-hills, one of which
is 767 feet high.
AHANGAMME. Village in Galle district, Southern Ceylon.
AITGAILE. Village seven miles north of Kandy.
AKKARAPATTTT. Province and division in North-western Ceylon.
AKORALE POINT. Headland on the west coast.
ALAMBIEL. Village on the north-west coast. Lat. 9 IT 30",
long. 80 50'.
ALAUWE. Village (on the Maha-oya) on the road from Colombo to
ALIPTJT. Village in Central Province, Ceylon.
ALLAPTITTI. Small island off Jaffna in the north of Ceylon.
ALTJTGAMA. Village on the Bentotte River, twelve miles from
ALUTKTTR. District in Western Province, Ceylon.
ALTJTNUWARA. Village in Bintenne district, Central Provinces,
Ceylon ; situated about thirty miles east of Kandy, on the eastern bank
of the Mahawili. There is also another village of the same name in the
Province of Saffragam, on the road from Colombo to Badulla.
ALUT ROCK. Rock on western coast of Ceylon. Lat. 6 19', long.
AMBAGAMTJWA. Village in Upper Bulatgama district, "Western
Ceylon ; situated four miles from Nawalepitiya.
AHB-ATI 1049
AMBALAM. Village in North- western Ceylon, six miles north of
AMBEPUSSA. Station on Kandy and Colombo Railway ; situated
34 miles from Colombo. Lat. 7 30', long. 80 30'.
AMBLANGODA. Tillage in Southern Ceylon; situated nineteen
miles north of Galle. In the neighbourhood are several sugar and cocoa-
nut estates, approached by a beautiful lake extending some miles into the
interior. Lat. 6 15', long. 80.
AMSTERDAM ISLAND (Karativo). Island on the north coast of
Ceylon. Lat. 9 51', long. 80 I 7 .
AMUNAPURA. Tillage and fort on the road from Colombo to Kandy.
ANDERAN ROCKS. Reef on western coast of Ceylon.
ANDIPANE. Rest-house, twelve miles north of Chilaw, North-
western Ceylon. There is also a lake of the same name.
ANELLATIVO (Rotterdam). Tillage on an island of same name in
North Ceylon.
ANEMADOE. Tillage in "Western Ceylon. Lat. 7 55', long. 80.
ANETIVOE. Tillage on the road from Trincomali to Batticaloa.
ANEWULTJDANPATTU. Province in the west of Ceylon, sixteen
miles in length, and from half a mile to nine miles in breadth.
ANNADOWE POINT. Headland in South-east Ceylon.
ANNAMALLE. Tillage in the district of Batticaloa, East Ceylon,
thirty-two miles north of Arukgam.
ANNATEWAMADTT. Tillage on the road from Trincomali to
Tertaltivo, seventy-seven miles from the former.
ANTJRADHAPURA. Town in Northern Ceylon ; situated sixty-eight
miles north-east of Putlam, and ninety-two miles north of Kandy.
Lat. 8 25', long. 80 20'.
APPERLOTTE. Bay on east coast of Ceylon. Lat. 6 58', long.
81 57'.
AREBOKKE. Tillage in South Ceylon. Lat. 6 15', long. 81 7'.
ARIPO. Town in Northern Province, Ceylon ; situated on the
western coast, 141 miles north of Colombo. Lat. 8 50', long. 79 55'.
ARIPO. River in north-west part of Ceylon, falling into the sea by
several mouths, in lat. 8 50', long. 79 55'.
ARLAN KOLOM. Tillage in West Ceylon. Lat. 6 45' long.
80 15'.
ARUKGAM. River on east coast of Ceylon, falling into a bay of the
same name, in lat. 7, long. 80 46'. There is also a small village of the
same name, sixty-four miles east of Batticaloa.
> ATCHANKITLAM. Tillage in province of Nanatan, Northern Ceylon,
six miles from Aripo.
ATCHUWELLY. Tillage in province of Waligammo, North-western
AVISHAWELLA. Tillage in Hewagam district, Western Province,
Ceylon ; situated on a tributary of the Kalani Ganga, about thirty miles
east of Colombo. This place was the seat of Maya Dunnai, who opposed
the accession of Dharmma Pala to the throne of Cotta. It is the station
of a police magistrate.
1050 BAD EEL
BADDEGAMA. Station of the Church Missionary Society in Galle
district, Southern Province, Ceylon. It is beautifully situated on the
Gindura River, about twelve miles north-east of Galle.
BADTJLLA. Station in Uva district, Central Province, Ceylon;
situated fifty-four miles south-east of Kandy, and 2100 feet above the
sea. Lat. 7 6', long. 81 2'.
BALLANEKANDA. Mountain in Pour Korles district, Western
Ceylon ; it is 3000 feet above the level of the sea.
BALLANGODDE. Village in Saffragam district, Western Ceylon.
BALLAPANE. Tillage forty-four miles north-east of Colombo, on
the road to Kandy, from which it is twenty-eight miles distant.
BALLAPITTI MODERE. Tillage in Southern Ceylon; situated
twenty-two miles from Galle.
BALMIDEN. Tillage in Eastern Ceylon. Lat. 6 40', long. 81 38'.
BAMLIMODTJ. Tillage twenty-five miles south-east of Batticaloa,
Eastern Ceylon.
BAMMOLLA. Tillage in South Ceylon. Lat. 6 8', long.' 80 48'.
BANAGALLE. Tillage in South Ceylon. Lat. 6 26', long. 80 29'.
BANDARAKOSWATTA. Tillage in Seven Korles district, North-
west Ceylon ; thirty-five miles north-west of Kandy.
BANGALLI. Tillage in north-west of Ceylon. Lat. 9, long.
79 55'.
BARBERYN. Island off western coast of Ceylon. Lat. 6 28',
long. 79 57'.
BARBERYN. Tillage in Kaltura district, Western Province, Ceylon ;
situated 32 miles south of Colombo. There is a small harbour, and
some trade is carried on with India. Lat. 6 30', long. 80.
BARON'S CAP. Hill in East Ceylon.
BASS AS, GREAT (called by the natives Ramanpaj). Range of rocks
upwards of eight feet out of water off the south coast of Ceylon, about
half a mile in breadth and a mile long. Lat. 6 10', long. 81 28'.
BASSAS, LITTLE. Eange of rocks upwards of two feet out of water,
and about twenty miles from the north-east part of Great Bassas. Lat. 6
22' 30", long. 81 43'.
BATTICALOA. Town in district of same name, Eastern Province,
Ceylon. It is situated on a small island, and is the station of an Assistant-
Agent. Lat. 7 44' 30", long. 81 40' 30".
BATTICALOA. River in Eastern Ceylon, falling into the sea in lat.
7 44' 30", long. 81 40' 30".
BATTICOTTA. Tillage in Waligam district, Northern Province,
Ceylon; station of the American Mission. Lat. 7 40', long. 81 42'.
BATTTJGEDERA. Tillage in Saffragam district, Western Ceylon,
seven miles south-east of Colombo.
BATTULU OYA. Small river emptying into the Lake of Andipane,
North-west Ceylon.
BELLIGAM (Weligama). Tillage in Southern Ceylon ; situated on
EEL DAM 1051
a small bay, nearly midway between Galle and Matura. It is a fishing
village, with a small port. Lat. 5 59' 30", long. 80 40'.
BENTOTTE (Bentota). Village in Galle district, Southern Province,
Ceylon ; situated about midway between Galle and Colombo, at the
mouth of a river of the same name. Lat. 6 20', long. 79 59'. There
is also a river of the same name, whence the above village derives its
BIAGAM. Village on the east bank of the Kalani Ganga, in "Western
BIBLIGAMME. Village in Saffragam district, Western Ceylon, seven
miles east of Adam's Peak.
BINTENNE. Village in district of same name, Central Ceylon. Lat.
7 20', long. 81'.
BOGAMBERA. Village in the immediate vicinity of Kandy, Central
BOLAWALNE. Village in Alutkur district, Western Ceylon.
BOULDER POINT. Headland on east coast of Ceylon. Lat. 9 50',
long. 81 1'.
BULATGAMA. Provinces in Western Province, Ceylon, known
respectively as Upper and Lower Bulatgama.
BUTELA. Village of TJva district, Central Ceylon, eleven miles and
a half from Aliput.
CHAVAGACHERRL Village in Northern Province, Ceylon. It is
situated east of Jaffna, and is the station of a police magistrate.
CHILAW. Town in district of same name, North-western Province ;
situated on the coast, fifty-three miles north of Colombo. Lat. 7 34',
long. 79 47',
CHIMNEY HILL. Peak in South-east Ceylon, 445 feet above the sea.
CHOENDIC COLOM. Village on east coast. Lat. 9 25', long.
80 26'.
COCACHEIRA POINT. Headland on western coast of Ceylon.
COCKLAJ. Eiver in Eastern Ceylon.
COLOMBO. Capital of Colombo district, Western Province, Ceylon ;
situated 74 miles from Kandy, with which it is connected by railway.
Lat. 6 57', long. 79 50'. Pop. about 60,000.
COLOMBOGAM. Village on the western coast.
CONDACHI. Town in North-west Ceylon, about four miles south
of Aripo.
DALUGAMA. Village on the banks of the Kalani Ganga, seven miles
north-east from Colombo.
DAMBADENIYA. Village in Seven Korles district, North- Western
Province, Ceylon, fifty-six miles east of Colombo.
1052 DAM ERA
DAMBTJL. Tillage in Central Ceylon ; forty-six miles north of
Knndy. Lat. 7 40', long. 80 38'.
DANDRA HEAD. Point on south coast of Ceylon. Lat. 5 58',
long. 80 33'.
DEDRTI-OYA. River in Ceylon, falling into the sea in lat. 7 32',
long. 79 48'.
DELFT. Island in Northern Province, Ceylon ; situated south-west
of Jaffna. Lat. 9 35', long. 79 46'.
DEMELEPATTU. District in Chilaw, North-west Ceylon.
DESARTES ROCK. Tillage on western coast of Ceylon.
DEVIL'S POINT. Headland on North- west of Ceylon. Lat. 9 25',
long. 80 1' 50".
DHARMARAJAGAL. Steep rock near Adam's Peak, Western Ceylon,
ascended by 127 steps cut horizontally on the face.
DIGORELLA. Tillage in Southern Ceylon.
DIKWELLE. Tillage in Matura district, Southern Ceylon, eleven
miles from Tangalle.
DIWURTTNGALA. Large rock near Demelepattu, North-west
DODANDTJWA. Tillage in Southern Ceylon; situated eight miles
from Galle, on the road to Colombo.
DODENMELLE. Tillage seven miles south-west of Kandy, Central
DODOMPARA ROCKS. Rocks on western coast of Ceylon.
DONDRA. Tillage in Southern Ceylon ; situated near Matura, on a
promontory of the same name, the most southerly point in the island.
Lat. 5 55', long. 80 35' 30".
DORAVA POINT (Mago). Headland on south coast of Ceylon.
Lat. 6 8', long. 81 18'.
DUMBRA. District in Central Ceylon, divided into two portions,
known respectively as Upper and Lower Dumbra.
DUTCH BAY. Cove in the North-west of Ceylon.
EKELLE. Tillage in Alutkur district, "West Ceylon.
ELEPHANT HILL (Etugalle). High isolated rock near the
southern shore of Ceylon, 480 feet high. Lat. 6 8' 50", long. 81
20' 30".
ELIZABETH POINT. Headland in Trincomali Bay, Eastern Ceylon.
ELMATIVO. Tillage in North Ceylon.
ELUDUM AT WAL. Tillage in the province of Tenmarachi, North
ERATJR. Tillage on north-east coast of Ceylon. Lat. 7 35', long.
81 32'.
ERAVIL. Tillage on north-east coast of Ceylon. Lat. 7 29', long.
81 46'.
ERR GIN 1053
ERRUPASSE. Tillage in Lower Uva district, Central Ceylon ; eleven
miles east of Butela.
ERUKALAMPITTL Tillage in isle of Manaar, North Ceylon.
ETALI Village on the Gulf of Kalpentyn, north-west of Putlam.
FORT HAMMANHEIL. Small fort situated on a rock in the harbour
of Kaits, Northern Ceylon.
FORT KING. Military fort, twenty-three miles south-west of Kandy,
Central Ceylon. Lat. 7 13', long. 80 28'.
FORT McDONALD. Military fort in Upper Uva, Central Ceylon;
forty- one miles from Kandy.
FOTIL POINT. Headland in Trincomali Bay. Lat. 8 32', long.
81 19'.
FOUR KORLES. District in Western Province, Ceylon.
FRIAR'S HOOD MOUNTAIN. Hill, 1563 feet high, in East Ceylon,
Lat. 7 26' 30", long. 81 28'.
GALBODE-KANDE. Hill in Western Ceylon.
GALGAMMA. Village in Seven Korles district, North-west Ceylon ;
twenty-two miles north-east of Putlam.
GALKISSE. Village in Salpitti district, "Western Province, Ceylon ;
situated seven miles south of Colombo on the Galle road.
GALLE. Sea-port in Galle district, Southern Province, Ceylon. The
India, China, and Australian steamers call at this place, and some trade
is carried on with the Maladive Islands and India. Lat. 6, long. 86 10'.
GAMPOLA. Town in Udapalata district, Central Province, Ceylon ;
situated twelve miles south of Kandy, on the Mahavella Ganga. It was
at one time the capital of the island, and is now the station of a police
magistrate, and the second town in the Central Province. There is also
a station of this name on the Ceylon Railway. Lat. 7 14', long. 80 32'.
GAN. Island in South Ceylon.
GANDURA POINT. Head on south coast of Ceylon. Lat. 5 54',
long. 80 35'.
GANGABADA PATTU. There are three districts of this name ; one
in the province of Matura, Southern Ceylon ; another in the province of
Galle, Southern Ceylon ; and a third in the province of Hina, Western
GANNIPALLE. Village on the road from Kandy to Colombo.
GIANT'S TANK. Lake in north-west of Ceylon. Lat. 8 50', long.
80 5'.
GILLERNALLE. Village in Safrragam district, West Ceylon ; on
the road from Colombo to Adam's Peak.
GINDAVANA. Islet in Ceylon. Lat. 6 14'.
1054 GIN HEW
GINDURA. Elver in Ceylon, falling into the sea in lat. 6, long.
80 28'. There is also a village of the same name on the bank of the
GIRAWAI PATTU. District in Southern Province, Ceylon.
GIRIULLA. Village in North-western Ceylon ; situated on the
Maha-oya, twenty-two miles from Negomba.
GODAWOY POINT. Headland in South Ceylon. Lat. 6 5', long. 81.
GODDIAGAMME. Village in Uva district, Central Ceylon ; seventeen
miles from Badulla, and fifteen from Bintenne.
GONNAGAMME. Village on the bank of the Mahavella Ganga;
fifteen miles from Kandy.
GORKADENIA. Village in Chilaw district, North-western Ceylon.
GUNNER'S QUOIN. Hill in East Ceylon; 1320 feet above the level
of the sea.
GUNNUMALLE. Village in Uva district, Central Ceylon ; seventeen
miles from Badulla.
HABBURENNE. Village in Eastern Ceylon, near Trincomali.
HALPE. Village in Western Ceylon, on the road from Colombo to
HAMBANTOTA. Village in the district of same name, Southern
Ceylon ; situated nearly eighty miles from Galle. There is a small
harbour visited by native vessels in a bay of the same name. Lat.
of latter, 6 7', long. 81 7'.
HANGURANKETTI. Village in Hewahetti district, Central
Province, Ceylon ; situated about sixteen miles south of Kandy.
HANGWELLA. Village on the Kalani Ganga, in Hewagam district,
"Western Province ; on the old route to Kandy ; eighteen miles east of
HAPITIGAM. District in Western Province, Ceylon.
HAPPUWURRA. Village in Hewahetti district, Central Ceylon;
22J miles from Kandy.
HARISPATTU. District in Kandy division, Central Province, Ceylon.
HARISPUL POINT. Headland in Western Ceylon.
HA WENNA. Village in Southern Ceylon. Lat. 6 26', long. 80 55'.
HAYCOCK MOUNTAIN. Hill on western coast of Ceylon.
HEMBLIATTAWELLE. Village in Central Ceylon, on the road from
Kandy to Badulla; eleven miles from Port McDonald.
HENERATGODA. Town in Western Province, Ceylon ; situated
seventeen miles from Colombo. Lat. 7, long. 79 57'. It is also a station
on the Ceylon Railway.
HETTYMULE. Village in Central Ceylon, near Kandy.
HEVISA. Village in Western Ceylon. Lat. 6 32', long. 80 18'.
HEWAGAM. District in Western Province, Ceylon.
HEWAHETTI. District in Central Ceylon, to the south-east of
Kandy ; it is divided into two portions, known respectively as Upper and
Lower Hewahetti.
HIC KAH 1055
HICKGODE. Village in Southern Province, Ceylon ; situated twelve
miles from Galle.
HINA. District in Western Province, Ceylon.
HONDAELLA. Village on the road from Colombo to Trincomali.
HORTON (Wilmanie) PLAINS. Situated 6990 feet above the sea ;
these plains form the highest table-land in Ceylon.
HTJLTJGANGA. Eiver in D umbra district, Central Ceylon.
IDALGASHENA. Mountain 4700 feet above the level of the sea ;
it forms the pass from Saffragam to Upper Uva.
IDAMALPANE. Village in Western Ceylon ; fifty-two miles north-
east of Colombo.
IDANGODDE. Village in Saffragam district, Western Ceylon ;
37^ miles from Colombo.
IDDEGODDEPATTU. Subdivision in Kaltura district, Western
ILIPPE-KADAVE. Town on north-west coast. Lat. 9 25', long.
80 10'.
ILPEK AD AWE. Village in Jaffna district, Northern Ceylon.
IRRENTIVO. Island in the Gulf of Manaar, North-western Ceylon.
JAFFNA. Capital (in district of same name) of Northern Province,
Ceylon ; situated about 220 miles north of Colombo, and about 250 miles
south of Madras. Lat. 9 47', long. 80 9'.
JAKELLE. ViUage on east coast of Ceylon. Lat. 6 35', long.
81 35'.
JAYELLA. Village in Western Ceylon ; situated nine miles north of
JITLITJS NAVE POINT. Headland in South-eastern Ceylon. Lat.
6 29' 30", long. 81 43'.
KADDTTPITTI OYA. Eiver in Chilaw district, North- western
KADDUWELLA. Village in Western Ceylon ; ten miles east of
KADIRAWELLL Village in Eastern Ceylon ; forty-eight miles north
of Batticaloa.
KADTJGANNAVA. Village in Central Ceylon; situated on the
Colombo road, ten miles from Kandy, and near the boundary between the
Central and the Western Provinces. It is also a station on the Ceylon
KAHANDAWA POINT. Headland in Southern Ceylon. Lat. 6 3',
long. 80 53'.
1056 KAI KAN
KAIGALLE (Kegalla). Village in Four Korles district, "Western
Province, Ceylon ; situated forty -nine miles from Colombo. It is the
station of an Assistant-Agent.
KAITS. Sea-port in Northern Ceylon, six miles west of Jaffna.
KALA (Kalawa). River in North-west Ceylon, falling into the sea
in lat. 8 20', long. 79 45'.
KALAIA. Town in Central Ceylon. Lat. 7 58', long. 81 3'.
KALAMATTA POINT. Headland, in bay of same name, in Southern
Ceylon. Lat. 6 3' 20", long. 80 55'.
KALANI (Mulwa). Village in South-western Ceylon. Lat. 7,
long. 80.
KALANI GANGA. River in "Western Ceylon, rising near Adam's
Peak, and falling into the sea three miles north of Colombo.
KALI (Black River). Stream in Western Ceylon, falling into the
sea in lat. 6 35', long. 79 57'.
KALINGA. Village on the bank of the Mahavella Ganga, eighty
miles from Trincomali.
KALLUPANE. Village in Sanragam district, Western Ceylon.
KALMAENE POINT. Headland in North Ceylon. Lat. 9 35',
long. 80 1'.
KALODAL Village in Eastern Ceylon. Lat. 7 30', long. 81 20'.
KALPENTYN (Kalpitiya). Town in North-western Ceylon ; situated
on the west side of the Gulf of Kalpentyn, sixty-three miles north of
Colombo. Lat. 8 12', long. 79 41'.
KALTURA (Kalutara). Town in district of same name, Western
Province ; situated twenty- six miles south of Colombo, at the mouth of
the Kaluganga. The climate is considered very salubrious. Lat. 6 42',
long. 79 54'.
KALTJ GANGA. River rising on the southern side of Adam's Peak,
and discharging itself into the sea at Kaltura, in lat. 6 42', long.
79 54'.
KALUMTJLLE. Village on the road from Colombo to Galle, about
four miles south of Kaltura.
KALTJWAMODERA. - Village eleven miles south of Kaltura, Western
KAMBTTKGAM. River in Eastern Ceylon, falling into the sea in lat.
6 40', long. 81 42'.
KAMLTJ KUTI. River in north-west of Ceylon, falling into the sea
in lat. 9 25', long. 80 10'.
KAMPAHL Village in Southern Ceylon. Lat. 6 1', long. 80 45'.
KANDABADA PATTU. District in Southern Province, Ceylon.
KANDAKUDA. Village eight miles south-west of Kalpentyn, North-
west Ceylon.
KANDAKULL Village three miles south-west of Kalpentyn, North-
west Ceylon.
KANDANE. Village in the Alutkur district, Western Ceylon.
KANDETUKL Village in Putlam district, North-west Ceylon.
KANDY. Capital of Kandy district, Kandy division, Central Province,
Ceylon. It is 74 miles distant by rail from Colombo, and 113 miles
from Trincomali. The town lies in a valley formed by the surrouuding
KAN KIN 1057
hills, and is 1680 feet above the sea. Lat. 7 24', long. 8 43'. It is
also a station on the Ceylon Railway.
KANGARAYEN. River in Northern Ceylon, falling into the sea in
lat. 9 26', long. 80 20'.
KANGARAYEff KOLOM. Tillage in Northern Ceylon. Lat. 9 5',
long. 80 30'. .
KANGESERONG. Village in Northern Ceylon.
KANNYA. Village seven miles north-west of Trincomali.
KANTELAWA. Village in east of Ceylon. Lat. 8 20', long. 81.
KAPPERA WELLE POINT. Head on south coast of Ceylon. Lat.
5 52', long. 80 36'.
KARA-TIVO. Island off the north-west of Ceylon. Lat. 8 31',
long. 79 47'. There is also a village of the same name on the east
coast. Lat. 7 21', long. 11 48'.
KARE. Island on north-west coast of Ceylon. Lat. 9 30', long.
79 40'.
KARETCHYPATTU. District in Jaffna district. Northern Ceylon.
KARKUCHENA. Village on the west of the Gulf of Kalpentyn, six
miles north-west of Putlam, North-west Ceylon.
KARNA W ALP ATTU. There are two districts of this name (known
respectively as North and South Karnawalpattu) in the Jaffna division,
Northern Ceylon.
KARREWAHTT. District in Batticaloa division, Eastern Ceylon.
KARSEL. Village eight miles north-west of Manaar, Western Ceylon.
KATCHAL Village in Jaffna district, Northern Ceylon.
KATLO (Serto). River flowing into the sea in lat. 8 55', long. 81.
KATTALOWE. Village in Western Ceylon, thirty-four miles from
KATTAWELLL Village in Jaffna district, Northern Ceylon.
KATTERAGAMME HILLS. Range in Southern Ceylon ; 1972 feet
above the level of the sea.
KATTRAGAM. Temple in TJva district, Central Province, Ceylon ;
situated on the Parapa-Oya, fifty-eight miles south-east of Badulla. Lat.
6 26', long. 81 17'.
KATTU KOLAMP ATTU. District near Trincomali.
KAYMEL. Village in North- Western Province ; situated at the
mouth of the Maha Oya. Lat. 7 16', long. 79 48'.
KAYTH ADI. Village in Jaffna district, Northern Ceylon.
KELANIA. Village in Western Ceylon; situated on the Kalani
Ganga, about four miles from Colombo. It is said that Kelania was at
first sixteen miles from the sea, but a part of the coast has been swept
away. It is also a station on the Ceylon Railway.
KEREV ANNE. Rock on western coast of Ceylon.
KERIJALLE Village on east coast of Ceylon. Lat. 6 42', long.
81 45'.
KETTLE BOTTOM. Hill in Eastern Ceylon. Lat. 7 32', long.
81 13' 15".
KINGE (South Virgel). River on east coast, falling into the sea in
lat. 8 20', long. 81 20'.
KIRIMETTYPATTTJ. District in Demelepattu, North-west Ceylon.
KIRINDE. River in Southern Ceylon, falling into the sea in lat.
6 16', Ions. 81 25'.
KIRINDE POINT. Headland in Southern Ceylon. Lat. 6 8' 25",
long. 81 20'.
KITTULGALLE. Village on the road from Colombo to Kandy.
KIWULAGEDR A. Village in Lower TJva district, Central Ceylon.
KLALI. Village in Northern Ceylon ; twenty miles south-east of
KLAPENBERG ISLAND. Island in Trincomali Bay, Eastern Ceylon.
KODRA-MALAI. Point in North-western Ceylon. Lat. 8 32', long.
79 52'.
KOKATTICHOLI Village in Batticaloa district, Eastern Ceylon.
KOKILAY. Town (on river of same name) in north-west of Ceylon.
Lat. 9 15', long. 80 60'.
KOLONA. Village in Southern Ceylon. Lat. 6 26', long. 80 44'.
KOMBOKAN (Kumukam). River rising in the mountains near
Badulla, and falling into the sea near Mahagampattu in Eastern Ceylon.
KOMBOKEPATTII. Subdivision in Kaltura district, Western Ceylon.
KOPAY. Village in Northern Ceylon ; situated six miles north-east
of Jaffna.
KORLEPATTTT. Subdivision in Batticaloa district, Eastern Ceylon.
KOSGODA. Village in Southern Ceylon ; situated about three miles
beyond Ballapitti Modere.
KOSRUPE. Village in Western Ceylon ; situated fifteen miles from
KOTMALE. District in Nuwara Eliya division, Central Province,
Ceylon. There is also a river of the same name.
KOTTA. Town in Salpitti district, Western Province, Ceylon;
situated about six miles south-east of Colombo.
KOTTACHENE. Village in Eastern Ceylon. Lat. 7 25', long. 81 43'.
KOTTADENIYA. Village on the Maha Oya; twenty-eight miles
south-west of Kurnagalle.
KOTTAPETTIA. Village in Western Ceylon, on the road from
Colombo to Badulla, thirteen miles from Ratnapura.
KOTTIAR. Capital of district of same name, Eastern Province,
KUDREMALE. Hill nineteen miles north-east of Kalpentyn district,
North-western Ceylon.
KTJMARAWANNIPATTU. Subdivision of Putlam district, North-
western Cevlon.
^ KUNDESALA. Village on the Mahavella Ganga, in Central Ceylon ;
situated about four miles north of Kandy, on the old Badulla road.
KUNKALLA. River in Southern Ceylon ; falling into the sea in lat.
6 2', long. 80 48'.
KUNKALLA MODERE. Village in south of Ceylon. Lat. 6 2',
long. 80 48'.
KURETCHY. Village in north of Ceylon. Lat. 9 26', long. 80 20'.
KURISYIPETTL Village in North-western Ceylon; three miles
south of Kalpentyn.
KUR 1TAH 1059
KURNEGALLE (Kurunegala). Principal station in North-western
Province, Ceylon ; situated in Seven Korles district, twenty- six miles
north-west of Kandy, and fifty-eight miles north-east of Colombo. Lat.
7 31', long. 80 26'.
KTTRTJGAL. River in east of Ceylon; falling into the sea in lat.
8 29', long. 81 5'.
KURTJNDU OYA. River traversing the Walapanne district, Central
KURTTWTKOLAM. Tillage in North-western Ceylon ; five miles
south of Putlam.
KURTTWITTIA. Village in Western Ceylon, on the road from
Colombo to Badulla ; seven miles from Ratnapura.
LANKA. River in Eastern Ceylon ; falling into the sea in lat. 7 14',
long. 81 46'.
LEV AY POINT. Headland on south coast of Ceylon. Lat. 6 7'
30", long. 81 8'.
LEWELLE. Village in Central Ceylon ; one mile south-east of Kandy.
LEYDEN. Island on north-west coast of Ceylon. Lat. 9 35', long.
79 50'.
LTJNUWILLA. Village in Putlam district, North- western Ceylon.
MADAMPE. Village in Chilaw district, North -western Province ;
situated seven miles south of Chilaw. There is also another village of this
name in the Galle district, Southern Ceylon ; seven miles below Hickgode.
MAD AURA. River in Eastern Ceylon ; flowing into the sea in lat.
7 58', long. 81 30'.
MADDAWALATENNA. Village in Tumpane district, Central
Province, Ceylon ; situated on the road to Kurnegalle, eleven miles from
MADDAWATCHL Village in Central Ceylon. Lat. 8 35', long
80 25'.
MADEREGAMTJVE. Village on the Maha Ova in North-western
Ceylon ; twelve miles from Kaymel.
MADRAM KTJLI. Village in North-western Ceylon, nine miles south
of Putlam.
MADTJLLA. Village in the Walapanne district, Central Ceylon;
sixteen miles from Badulla, and thirty-five from Kandy.
MAGTINA. Point in South Ceylon.
MAHABOLA Village in Western Ceylon on the road from Colombo
to Negomba ; six miles from the former.
MAHAGAM. Capital of Mahagampattu district, Southern Ceylon.
MAHAGAMPATTTI. District in Southern Province, Ceylon. It is
flat and sandy, and abounds with bears and elephants. It was once a
subordinate principality, called Ruhuna.
1060 MAH MAV
MAHA OYA (Kaymel). River in Eastern Ceylon, flowing into the
sea in lat. 7 30', long. 79 31'.
MAHAPATTU. Subdivision of Kaltura district, Western Ceylon.
MAHARA. Village in Western Ceylon ; situated 8 miles from
Colombo. It is also a station on the Kandy and Colombo Railway.
MAHARRE. Village in Adikaripattu district, eight miles from
MAHAVELLA GANGA. Largest river in Ceylon, falling into the
sea on the east coast in lat. 8 17', long. 81 25'.
MAHAVELLA POINT. Headland on south coast of Ceylon. Lat.
5 59', long. 80 45'.
MAJLETTL Village in Jaffna district, Northern Ceylon.
MAKAWITTA. Village in Matura district, Southern Ceylon.
MAKKUN. Village in Kaltura district, Western Ceylon.
MALLAGAM. Village in Jaffna district, Northern Ceylon.
MANAAR (Mannar). Long narrow island in Northern Province,
Ceylon ; situated on the Western Coast, in the Gulf of Manaar. Lat. 9
6', long. 79 50'. Manaar at the eastern extremity is the station of an
Assistant Government Agent. Talaimannar, at the western extremity, is
the place from which travellers generally cross over to India.
MANEPI. Village in Northern Ceylon; situated five miles north-
east of Jaffna.
MANGALAWELLI. Village in Chilaw district, North-western
MANGTJEL. Province in Seven Korles district, North-western
MANICK. River in South-eastern Ceylon, falling into the sea in lat.
6 26', long. 81 35'.
MANIPAY. Village in Jaffna district, Northern Ceylon.
MANMUNE. Division in Batticaloa district, Eastern Ceylon.
MANOTTE. Village in Mantotta district, North-western Ceylon, on
the road from Colombo to Jaffna, thirteen miles from Aripo.
MANTOTTA. Subdivision of Manaar district, North-western Ceylon.
MAPLEGAMME. Village in Galle district, Southern Ceylon, twelve
miles north-east of Baddegama.
MARA VILLA. Village on west coast of Ceylon. Lat. 7 28', long.
79 46'.
MARBLE POINT. Headland in Trincomali Bay.
MARCHIKOTTA. Village in Manaar district, North-western Ceylon.
MARDODDE. Village in Putlam district, North-western Ceylon*.
MATELEN. Village on east coast. Lat. 9 20', long. 80 40'.
MATELLE (Matale, Fort McDowall). Village in Matelle district,
Central Province, Ceylon ; situated sixteen miles north of Kandy. Lat.
7 30', long. 80 38'.
MATTJRA (Matara). Village in district of same name, Southern
Province ; situated twenty-six miles south-east of Galle, at the mouth of
the Nilganga. Lat. 5 56' 30", long. 80 33'.
MATURA. Island on south coast of Ceylon.
MATURATA. Village in Kandy district, Central Province, Ceylon,
north-east of Nuwara Eliya.
MAVETTAPTJRAM. Village in Tillipalli district, Northern Ceylon.
MED MUN 1061
MED AGAMWELLE. Village in Wella?se district, Central Ceylon.
MED AKINDE Division of Uva district, Central Province, Ceylon.
MEDAMAHANUWARA. Village in Dumbra district, Central
Ceylon ; situated about seventeen miles east of Kandy.
MEDAPALATTA. Province in Chilaw district, North-western Ceylon.
MED APATTU. Division of Hewagam district, Western Ceylon. Also
division of Hina district, Western Ceylon.
MIDIGAMA. Village in the district of Galle, Southern Ceylon.
MIHINTALLAI. Rocky mountain on the east of the island ; much
venerated as having been visited by Buddha.
MINERY. Village in east of Ceylon. Lat. 8 5', long. 80 55'.
There is also a lake of the same name close to tbe above.
MINI! ANGODDE. Village one mile from Galle, Southern Ceylon.
MI OYA (Welukay Aar). River rising in the Matelle mountains,
Central Ceylon, and falling into the Gulf of Kalpentyn by several
MIRIGAMA. Station on Ceylon Railway.
MIRISGUNA OYA. River crossing the road from Kurnegalle to
Trincomali, two miles from Dambulla.
MIRISSE. Point on southern coast of Ceylon.
MODERE GALLE. Point on western coast of Ceylon.
MOG AM ALLE. Village in Jaffna district, Northern Ceylon.
MOHARRI. Village in Kumarawannipattu district, North-western
MOLEWAL (Molativa) HOUSE. Headland in Eastern Ceylon.
Lat. 9 16' 15", long. 80 49'.
MONEISERAMPATTU. Province in North-western Ceylon.
MONESSERAM (Muniyaiswara). Village in Moneiserampattu dis-
trict, North-western Ceylon, one mile east of Chilaw.
MONEW ATTEBAGEP ATT U. Division of Kaltura district, Western
MOROTTO (Moratuwa). Village in Western Ceylon. It is situated
on a strip of land having the sea on one side and an inlet on the other,
and is distant eleven miles south of Colombo.
MORUWA, District in Southern Province, Ceylon.
MOSELEY. District in Northern Ceylon.
MOTTETTOGAMME. Village on the road from Colombo to Badulla,
three miles from Alutnuwara.
MOUNT LAVINIA. Hill in Ceylon, 6 miles north-west from
Colombo. Lat. 6 46', long. 7 48'.
MUDELEKUDA. Village in Manmune district, Eastern Ceylon ;
situated on the lake sonth-west of Batticaloa.
MULLATIVU. Village in Northern Province, Ceylon ; situated
on the north-east coast, fifty-eight miles from Jaffna.
MULLAW ALLE. Village in Wanni district, Northern Ceylon.
MULLIPATTU. Village in Jaffna district, Northern Ceylon.
MUNDINI. River in Eastern Ceylon, flowing into the sea in lat.
7 56', long. 81 29'.
1062 MUN NIL
MTTNGrlL AAR. River rising south-east of Karativo, and falling
into the Gulf of Kalpentyn, near Periakuda.
MTIEENDENWELLI. Tillage in North-western Ceylon, six miles
north of Karativo.
MUTWAL. Island in Gulf of Manaar, North-western Ceylon.
MYIMBA. Eocks on west coast of Ceylon.
NABE (Palenti). River on west coast, falling into the sea in lat.
8 50', long. 81 7'.
NADENE. Village in Porativo district, Eastern Ceylon.
NADOKADU. Province in Batticaloa district, Eastern Ceylon.
NAINATIVO (Haarlem). Island on the south-west of Jaffna. Lat.
9 41', long. 79 54'.
NAKENDELLA. Village forty miles from Colomho.
NALANDE. Village in Matele district, Central Province, Ceylon;
situated thirty-one miles north of Kandy, on the road to Trincomali.
NALLTJRTJWA. Village north of Kaltura, Western Ceylon.
NAMUNTTKULAKANDE. Volcanic mountain in Southern Ceylon,
6740 feet above the level of the sea. Lat. 7, long. 81 10'.
NANATAN. Town (in district of same name) ten miles south-
south-east of Manaar, Northern Ceylon.
NAPA. Rock on western coast of Ceylon.
NARAKALLL Village on the shores of the Gulf of Kalpentyn, North-
west Ceylon.
NAEANGALA KANDE. Mountain in Uva district, Central Ceylon,
eight miles from Hornatotte.
NAVAKALI. Village in Jaffna district, Northern Ceylon.
NAVAKERL Village nine miles north-east of Jaffna, Northern
NAWAKADTT. Village in Akkarapattu district, North-western
Ceylon ; fifteen miles from Kalpentyn.
NAWALAPITIYA. Village in Central Ceylon; situated about ten
miles south of Gampola. Lat. 6 59', long. 80 31'. It is also a station
on the Ceylon Railway.
NAYPATTIMUNE. Village in Eastern Ceylon, seventeen miles
south-east of Batticaloa, on the banks of the lake which runs up from
that town.
NEDVEN. Island on north-west coast of Cevlon. Lat. 9 25', long.
79 35'.
NEGOMBA. Town with ruined fort in Alutkur district, Western
Province, Ceylon ; situated on the west coast, twenty-three miles from
Colombo. Lat. 7 19', long. 79 49'.
NELLORE. Village in Jaffna district, Northern Province, Ceylon ;
situated two miles north of Jaffna.
NILAVELLL Village on the road from Jaffna to Trincomali, fifty-
Be v en miles from Mullativu.
NILEWELLE POINT. Headland in a bay of the same name, on the
south coast of Ceylon. Lat. 5 57', long. 80 43'.
NILLEGALE. Village in Southern Ceylon. Lat. 7 13', long. 81 17'.
NIPPLE PEAK. Hill 903 feet above the sea, in Southern Ceylon.
NORWAY ISLAND. Island in Trincomali Bay, Eastern Ceylon.
NITWARA ELIYA. Village 6200 feet above the sea in Walapane
district, Central Province, Ceylon ; situated forty-seven miles south of
Kandy. It is much frequented by Europeans on account of its cool
climate. Lat. 7, long. 8 45'.
NUWARA KALAWIYA. District in Northern Province, Ceylon;
situated to the north of Kandy.
NYAKANDUGALLE. Point on western coast of Ceylon.
ODELWELLE. Village on the banks of the Kaddupitti Oya, twelve
miles south of Chilaw, North-western Ceylon.
ODEPENKARIIE. Village in Chilaw, North-western Ceylon.
ODTJGAHAPATTIT. Division of (1) Hina district. Western Ceylon;
(2) Hewagam district, Western Ceylon ; (3) Salpitti district, Western
Ceylon ; (4) Hapitigam district, Western Ceylon ; (5) Raigam district,
Western Ceylon ; and (6) Moruwa district, Southern Ceylon.
OHUNDAMALLE. Rock on the road from Hambantota to Batticaloa,
twelve miles from Kumukan.
OLLOMADO. Village on the road from Trincomali to Werteltivo,
sixteen miles west of Panangamme, Northern Ceylon.
OMADEWATTE. River in Eastern Ceylon, falling into the sea in
lat. 6 58', long. 81 57'.
OSTENBERG POINT. Headland in Tricomali Bay, Eastern Ceylon.
OTJLANDANGAWA. Village on the road from Kurnegalle to Trin-
OULANDHE POINT. Headland in Kalamatta Bay, Southern Ceylon.
Lat. 6 4', long. 80 56'.
OUTARI. Rocky bank on western coast of Ceylon.
PACHELAPALLE. District in Jaffna peninsula, North-western
Province, Ceylon.
PADENIA. Village in Seven Korles district, North-western Ceylon,
forty-three miles from Putlam.
PADIWEL KOLOM. Lake to the north of Ceylon. Lat. 8 50',
long. 80 40'.
PALATTJPANE. Village on the south-east coast of Ceylon. Lat.
6 20', long. 81 25'.
PALEKTIDA. Village in the Akkarapattu district, North-western
Ceylon, eight miles south of Kalpentyn.
1064 PAL PAT
PALGAMAM. Tillage in Porativo district, Eastern Ceylon.
PALK BAY. Bay between the north part of Ceylon and the Conti-
nent of India.
PALLAWARAJENKATTO. Village in Jaffna district, Northern
PALLEGAMME. Village in Galle district, South Ceylon.
PALLEKANDEL. Village in Putlam district, North- western Ceylon.
PALLEPATTU. Division of (1) Hewagam district, West Ceylon;
(2) Salpitti district, South Ceylon; and (3) Moruwa district, South
PALLICODE. Village on west coast of Ceylon. Lat. 7 45', long,
lat. 79 30'.
PALLIWASELTORRE. Village in Akkarapattu district, North-
western Ceylon; situated on the Gulf of Kalpentyn, five miles south-
west of Kalpentyn.
PALMYRA. Extreme north-east point of Ceylon. Lat. 9 51', long.
80 12'.
PALTOPANE POINT. Headland in Southern Ceylon. Lat. 6 9',
long 81 20'.
PANANGAMME. Village in Wanni district, Northern Ceylon, on
the road to Trincomali.
PANDATIRIPPTI. Village in Jaffna district, Northern Ceylon, four
miles west of Tillipalli.
PANDUWAS NUWERA. One of the ancient capitals of the Island
in the Seven Korles district, North-western Ceylon.
PANEBATRI. Village in Central Ceylon, six miles from Colomho,
on the road to Kandy.
PANGRAGAM. Village on the Mahavella Ganga, Eastern Ceylon.
PANICHANKENL Village on the road from Trincomali, thirty-
nine miles north-west of Batticaloa. There is also a river of the same
PANNIAGALLE. Village on the road from Colombo to Badulla.
PANOA. Division of Batticaloa district, Eastern Ceylon.
PAN-PYE. Village on east coast of Ceylon. Lat. 9 30', long.
80 20'.
PANTTTRA. Village in district of same name, Western Province,
Ceylon ; situated at the mouth of the Pantura river, sixteen miles from
Colombo. Lat. 6 42', long. 79 54'.
PARAGODA. Valley below the Hangram-kotona pass, Matelle
district, Central Ceylon.
PARAMAKANDE. Hill in Putlam district, North-western Ceylon,
fifteen miles from Putlam.
PARAMKANDEL. Village in Mantotta district, North-western
PASDUM. District in Western Province, Ceylon.
PASIMADTI. Village near Anuradhapura, Northern Ceylon.
PASSBAGE. Village at the confluence of the Kotmale and Mahavella
PASSERA. Village 8 miles from Badulla, Central Ceylon.
PATIPAL. River in Eastern Ceylon, falling into the sea in lat.
7 14', long. 81 46V
PAT PUN 1065
PATTERAJA POINT. Headland on southern coast of Ceylon.
Lat. 6 7' 50", long. 81 12'.
PEDARATALLAGALLA. Mountain in Central Ceylon, 8280 feet
above the level of the sea. Lat. 7 4', long. 80 44'. .
PELIAGODDE. Village of Adikaripattu district, Western Ceylon,
five miles from Colombo.
PERADENIYA. Station on Kandy and Colombo Eailway ; situated
seventy-one miles from Colombo.
PERIATORRE. Village on the Mahavella Ganga in Eastern Ceylon.
Lat. 7 57' 30", long. 81 4'.
PERIWELLIPATTTI. District south-east of Putlam, North-western
PERRUMAMADTI. Village on the road from Trincomali to Kandy,
nine miles from Lake of Kandelle.
PESALE. Village on coast, eight miles north-west of Manaar,
"Western Ceylon.
PICHAMPATTL Village in Wanni district, Northern Ceylon.
PIGEON ISLAND (Elizabeth Island). Island in Trincomali
Bay. Lat. 8 43', long. 81 12'.
PLOPALLE. Village in Jaffna district, Western Ceylon.
POENGER. Island on north-west coast of Ceylon. Lat. 9 30',
long. 79 40'.
POHALPITT A. Village on the Kotmale Ganga.
POINT PEDRO. Town in Northern Province, Ceylon ; situated
on the east coast, twenty-one miles from Jaffna. Lat. 9 50', long.
80 35'.
POLGAHAWELLA. Station on Kandy and Colombo Railway,
situated forty-five miles from Colombo. Lat. 7 25', long. 80 16'.
POLLANNARUWA. Ancient city of Ceylon, now in ruins.
POLONHA POINT. Headland on the southern coast of Ceylon.
Lat. 5 56', long. 80 44'.
POMPARIPO. Village (in district of same name) in west of Ceylon,
thirty-one miles north of Putlam. Lat. 8 20', long. 79 45'. There is
also a river of the same name rising in Matelle, Central Ceylon, and
falling into the Gulf of Kalpentyn.
PONARYN. Village in Jaffna district, Northern Province, Ceylon ;
situated twenty miles south of Jaffna, on the road to Manaar. Lat. 9
30', long. 80 10'.
PORATIVO. Village in district of same name, in Eastern Ceylon,
about ten miles south of Batticaloa.
POTANA POINT. Headland in South-eastern Ceylon. Lat. 6 21',
long. 81 33'.
POTANE. Village in Eastern Ceylon, ten miles north-east of Galle.
There is also another village now nearly deserted, ten miles north-east of
PROVIDIEN ISLAND. Island off the east coast of Ceylon. Lat.
8 0' 30", long. 81 33'.
PULUDIWAYEL. Village in Akkarapattu district, five miles south-
west of Putlam, North-western Ceylon.
PTINGUDUTIVE (Middleburgh). Island on the south-west of
Jaffna, Northern Ceylon. Lat. 9 33', long. 79 45'.
PUBMALLE. Tillage north-west of Jaffna, Northern Ceylon.
PUSILAVA. Village in Udapalata district, Central Province, Ceylon ;
situated twenty-three miles south of Kandy, on the road to Nuwara
Eliya. It is about 3000 feet above the sea.
PUTLAM (Puttalam). Village in Putlam district, North-western
Province ; situated south-east of the Gulf of Kalpentyn, eighty-five miles
north of Colombo. Lat. 8 5', long. 78 51'.
PUTTUB. Village in Jaffna district, Northern Ceylon.
PYAGELIE. Village five miles south of Kaltura, on the road to
Galle, Western Ceylon.
QUIP ABA WA. Small lake on the east side of Kattakadu.
BACKOVA POINT. Headland in Southern Ceylon. Lat. 6 2' 30",
long. 80 50' 30".
BAGAMPATTU. Division of Alutkur district, Western Ceylon.
KAIGAM. District in Western Province, Ceylon.
BAJAWANNIPATTU. District adjoining Putlam district, North-
western Ceylon.
BALI. Village in Batticotta district, Northern Ceylon.
BAMBAWE. -Village in Central Ceylon. Lat. 7 48', long. 80 27'.
BAMBODDA. Village in Kandy district, Central Ceylon, on the road
from Kandy to Nuwara Eliya, twenty-five miles from Kandy.
BAMBUKKAN. Station on Kandy and Colombo Eailway ; situated
forty-five miles from Colombo.
BANNI. Village nine miles north-east of Tangalle, Southern Ceylon.
BASSA MUNA. Hill point on south coast of Ceylon.
BATMALANE. Village eight miles south of Colombo, Western
EATNAPUEA. Town in Saffragam district, Western Province,
Ceylon ; situated on the Kaluganga, fifty-six miles south-east of Colombo.
Considerable trade is carried on between Eatnapura and Kaltura by
means of boats on the Kaluganga. Lat. 6 45', long. 80 28'.
BATTANA POINT. Headland in Southern Ceylon. Lat. 6 4' 50",
long. 80 56'.
BED CBOSS BIVEB. Eiver in Eastern Ceylon.
BIDEPANE. Hill one mile from Badulla, Central Ceylon.
BOUND ISLAND. Island in Trincomali Bay.
BUANWELLA. Village in Three Korles district, Western Province,
Ceylon; situated near the junction of the Guru-oya with the Kalani
Ganga, forty-two miles north-east of Colombo.
SAP TAM 1067
SAFFRAGAM. District in Western Province, Ceylon. It forms the
south-eastern extremity of the province.
ST. PEDRO. Village three miles north-west of Manaar, Western
SALPITTI. -District in Western Province, Ceylon.
SAMMANTORE. Division in Batticotta district, Northern Ceylon.
SANGANL Village in Jaffna district, Northern Ceylon.
SATJKIMAN KANDY. Easternmost part of Ceylon. Lat. 72, long.
81 53'.
SENAKTJDIYIRUPPIT. Village about a mile east of Putlam, North-
western Ceylon.
SEVEN KORLES. District in North-western Province, Ceylon.
SIDUWA. Village in Alutkur district, Western Ceylon, eight miles
from Negomba.
SIGIRI. Village (now in ruins) in Central Ceylon.
SINGARATOPU. River in East Ceylon, falling into the sea in lat.
7 16', long. 81 47'.
SITAWAKA. Village in Western Province, Ceylon ; situated near
Avishawella, about thirty miles east of Colombo. Lat. 7 2', long. 80 13'.
SMALL QUOIN. Hill in Eastern Ceylon.
SOBER ISLANDS. There are two batches of Islands of this name in
Trincomali Bay ; called respectively Great and Little Sober Islands.
SUGAR LOAF. Isolated cone in Eastern Ceylon, 532 feet high. Lat.
7 49' 50", long. 81 41".
TAILI. Village in Akkarapattu district, North-western Ceylon, eight
miles from Putlam.
TALAIMANAAR. Village in Manaar district, Northern Ceylon.
TALAVILLI. Town in Kalpentyn Island, North-western Ceylon.
Lat. 8 12', long. 79 41'.
TALDENI A. Village in Dumbra district, Central Ceylon, 9|- miles
from Lewelle.
TALLAWITTIA. Village in Saffragam district, Western Ceylon,
41 f miles from Colombo.
TALPE PATTU. District in Southern Province, Ceylon.
T AM AN A NUWARA. The most ancient town in the island, situated
about six miles east of Putlam, North-western Ceylon.
TAMANKADOWE. District in Eastern Province, Ceylon.
TAMBAGAMME. Village in Jaffna district, Northern Ceylon.
TAMBLEGAM. Village in district of same name, Eastern Province,
Ceylon. Lat. 8 31', long. 81. There is also a lake of the same name.
Lat. 8 25', long. 80 55'.
1068 TAN-UNA
TANQALLE. Town in Girawai Pattu district, Southern Province,
Ceylon. It is situated on the coast, and has a small fort and a district
court. Part of it is irrigated by means of the Kirime Canal. Lat. 6 1',
long. 80 48'.
TAPENA. Village in Saffragam district, "Western Ceylon, six miles
from Tallawittia.
TEMP ALA. Village about ten miles from Negomba.
TENMARACHI. District in Jaffna Peninsula, Northern Province,
THREE KORLES. District in Western Province, Ceylon.
TIBBATTUGODDE. Village in Walapanne district, Central Ceylon,
thirty miles from Kandy.
TILLIADDI. Village on the Gulf of Kalpentyn, North-western
TILLIPALLL Village in Jaffna district, Northern Ceylon.
TOLPTJRAM. Village in Jaffna district, Northern Ceylon.
TOMGRATIVO. Village in Northern Ceylon.
TOPE. Village on the banks of the Maha Oya, five miles from
TOPETTE. Village in Uva district, Central Ceylon, 8 miles from
Eadulla, and ten from Fort McDonald.
TOPORE. Village in Kottiar district, Eastern Ceylon, thirty-four
miles from Trincomali.
TOTAWELLL Village in Manaar district, Northern Ceylon, three
miles from Manaar.
TRIKOLL. Village in Eastern Ceylon, twenty-three miles from
Arukgam. Lat. 7 16'.
TRINCOMALI. Principal station (in district of same name) in
Eastern Province, Ceylon; situated 113 miles north-east of Kandy, and
137 miles south-east of Jaffna. It has a strong fort and one of the finest
harbours in the world. It is much frequented by ships of war, but the
trade is inconsiderable. Lat. 8 31', long. 81 23'.
TUMPANE. District in Kandy division, Central Province, Ceylon.
UDAKINDE. District in Kandy division, Central Ceylon.
UDAPALATA. District in Kandy division, Central Ceylon.
UDAPITTA POINT. Headland on western coast of Ceylon, three
miles south of Barberyn. Lat. 6 25', long. 79 59'.
UDARATTA. Division in Central Ceylon.
^ UDEVILLE. Village in Jaffna district, Northern Province, Ceylon ;
situated five miles north of Jaffna.
UDUNUWARA. District in Kandy division, Central Province,
UMA OYA. River branching off from the Mahavella-Ganga and
intersecting the road from Kandy to Badulla.
UNADIYA PARWATTE. Mountain near Adam's Peak.
UNAPAYA GALLE. Point in Western Ceylon.
UNAWATI POINT. Headland in Southern Ceylon.
TJRELYA. Village in Chilaw district, North-west Ceylon, ten miles
east from Chilaw.
TJRI AAR. Small inlet in the Gulf of Kalpentyn, about seven miles
south-west of Kalpentyn, North-west Ceylon.
UTARAPALATTA. Province of Chilaw, North-west Ceylon.
UTUWANKAND A. Village in Western Ceylon; situated about fifty-
five miles from Colombo, and sixteen miles from Kandy.
TJVA. District in Central Province, Ceylon.
VEDTJKKI. River in North-western Ceylon, falling into the sea in
lat. 8 1', long. 79 30'.
VELANGAHENA. Village in TJva district, Central Ceylon, eight
miles from Kallupane.
VENLTIS (Vendelus) BAY. Inlet on east coast of Ceylon. Lat.
7 58' 30", long. 81 32' 30".
VERT ALTIVO. Village in Wanni district, Northern Ceylon, nine
miles north of Mantotta.
VEYANGODA. Village in Western Province, Ceylon ; situated
twenty-five miles from Colombo. Lat. 7 3', long. 80. It is also a
station on the Kandy and Colombo Railway.
VIGIBAPTJRA. Village in Central Ceylon. Lat. 8 1', long. 80 30'.
VILLAGHEPOLLA. Village in Saffragam district, Western Ceylon,
sixty- five miles north-west of Matura.
VILLAWAI. Village in Saffragam district, Western Ceylon, forty-six
miles from Matura.
VIRDODDE. Village in Akkarapattu district, North-western Ceylon,
seven miles south-east of Putlam, and twenty-six miles south of Kalpentyn.
VIRUNDAGODDE. Town ten miles east of Karrativo, Eastern
WAAL. Islet in Ceylon. Lat. 6 8', long. 80 5'.
WADAMARACHL District in Jaffna Peninsula, Northern Province,
WAHACOTTE. Village in Matelle district, Central Province, Ceylon.
W AL ALL AWITE. District in Western Province, Ceylon.
WALAPANNE. District in Nuwara Eliya division, Central Province,
WALAWE GANGA. River rising near Adam's Peak, and falling into
the sea 8 miles north of Hambantota in lat. 6 22', long. 81 6'.
WALFIEKOLOM. Village on east coast of Ceylon. Lat. 7 12',
long 81 45'.
WALIGAMMO. District in Jaffna Peninsula, North-western Province,
Ceylon. Also an island, the centre of which is in lat. 9 40'.
WALLAMETTI TORRE. Village in Northern Ceylon.
WALTJWE. River in Southern Ceylon.
1070 "WAN Y AT
WANNARP ANNE. Village in Jaffna district, Northern Ceylon.
WANNL District in Northern Province, Ceylon; situated south of
WANNIYA. District in Northern Province, Ceylon.
WARRAKAPOLLE. Village thirty-five miles east of Colombo.
WARRENL District in Northern Ceylon.
WASKADUWE. Village two miles north of Kaltura, Western Ceylon.
WATAPOLOGA. Village three miles from Kandy, Central Ceylon.
WAWELLE. Village ten miles from Galle, Southern Ceylon.
WELANE. Island off Jaffna, Northern Ceylon.
WELLASSE. District in Central Province, Ceylon; situated north
of Uva.
WELLEBODA PATTU. District in Southern Province, Ceylon.
Also district on south-east coast.
WELLENKARRE. Village in Akkarapattu district, North-western
Ceylon, three miles south-west of Kalpentyn.
WESTMINSTER ABBEY. Table mount in Eastern Ceylon. Lat.
7 5', long. 81 29'.
WEYALTJWA. District in Central Province, Ceylon.
WEYWELDENI A. Village in Hapitigam, district, Western Province,
Ceylon ; situated about thirty miles from Colombo.
WILSON PLAINS. An open tract of land, situated between
Nuwara Eliya and Badulla. It was so called after Sir John Wilson,
Commander of the Forces.
YAGAMPATTTT. Province in Chilaw district, North-western Ceylon.
YALLE. Eiver falling into the sea near the Elephant Hock, Southern
YAPAHTT. Euined town in Seven Korles district, North-western
YATIGAHAPATTU. Division of Hapitigam district, North-western
YATIKINDE. Division in TJva district, Central Province, Ceylon.
YATINUWARA. District in Kandy division, Central Province,
YATIYANTOTA. Town in Western Province, Ceylon; situated forty-
two miles from Colombo.
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