UC-NRLF ^B n DSD ^f (Mi^ Digitized by tine Internet Arciiive in 2007 witii funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation littp://www.arcliive.org/details/commercenavigatiOOmccrricli THE COMMERCE AND NAVIGATION OF THE ERYTHR^AN SEA; BEING A TRANSLATION OF THE PEKIPLUS MAEIS EKYTHR.EI, BX AN AKOIfYMOUS WEITEE, AKD OF ARRIAN'S ACCOUNT OF THE VOYAGE OF NEARKHOS, PBOM TUE MOUTH OF THE INDUS TO THE HEiD OF THE PEESIAN GULF. WITH INTRODUCTIONS, COMMENTARY, NOTES, >^ -'^ , , ,AN^o ^^^^-^ "»' j; W./;'N&CMM :^i 1^;.Edin., PRINCIPAL OF THE GOVERNMENT COLLEGE, PATNA ; MEMBER OF THE COUNCIL OF THE UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH ; FELLOW OF THE CALCUTTA UNIVERSITY. (Reprinted, with additions, from the Indian Antiquary.) € nit IX tin: fomtag: THICKER, SPINK & Co. ED. SOO. PRESS. ^ It ir It : TRUBNER & Co. 1879. W, ?38 UCNRY MORSE STEPHENS BOMBAY : PRINTED AT THE EDUCATION SOCIETY'S PRESS, BYCULLA, -ix. PREFACE. In the Preface to my former work, " Ancient India as described by Megasthenes and Arrian," I informed the reader that it was my intention to pubHsh from time to time translations of the Greek and Latin works which relate to ancient India, until the series should be exhausted, and the present volume is the second instalment towards the fulfilment of that undertaking. It contains a translation of the Periplus (i. e. Circumnavigation) of the Erytlircean Sea, together with a translation of the second part of the IndiJca of Arrian describing the cele- brated voyage made by Nearkhos from the mouth of the Indus to the head of the Persian Gulf. Arrian's narrative, copied from the Journal of the voyage written by Nearkhos himself, forms an admirable supplement to the Periplus, as it contains a minute description of a part of the Erythreean Coast which is merely glanced at by the author of that work. The translations have been prepared from the most approved texts. The notes, in a few instances only, bear upon points of textual criticism, their main object being to present in a concise form for popular reading the most recent results of learned enquiry directed to verify, correct. IV PREFACE. or otherwise illustrate the contents of the narratives. The vrarm and unanimous approbation be- stowed upon the first volume of this series, both by the Press in this country and at home, has given me great encouragement to proceed with the undertaking, and a third volume is now in preparation, to contain the IndiJca of Ktesias and the account of India given by Strabo in the loth Book of his Geography. Patna College, June 1879. ANONYMI [ARRIANI UT FERTUR] PERIPLTJS MARIS EMTHR^I. TRANSLATED FROM THE TEXT As given in the Qeographi Oraci Minoret, edited by C. MuUer : Paris, 1555. WITH INTRODUCTION AND COMMENTARY. PERIPLUS OF THE ERYTHRAEAN SEA. Introduction/ The PeripMs of the Erythrcean Sea is the title prefixed to a work which contains the best account of the commerce carried on from the Red Sea and the coast of Africa to the East Indies during the time that Egypt was a province of the Roman em- pire. The Erythraean Sea was an appellation given in those days to the whole expanse of ocean reaching from the coast of Africa to the utmost boundary of ancient knowledge on the East — an appellation in all appearance deduced from the entrance into it by the Straits of the Red Sea, styled Erythraby the Greeks, and not exclud- ing the Gulf of Persia. The author was a Greek merchant, who in the first century of the Christian era had, it would appear, settled at Berenike, a great seaport situated in the southern extremity of Egypt, whence he made commercial voyages which carried him to the seaports of Eastern Africa as far as A z a n i a, and to those of Arabia as far as Kane, whence, by taking advantage of the south-west monsoon, he crossed over to the ports lying on the western shores of India. Having made careful ^ The Introduction and Commentary embody the main substance of Miiller's Prolegomena and Notes to the Periplus, and of Vincent's Commerce and Navigation of the Ancients so far as it relates specially to that work. The most recent authorities accessible have, however, been also consulted, and the result of their inquiries noted. I may mention particularly Bishop Caldwell's Dravidian Gram- mar, to which I am indebted for the identification of places on the Malabar and Coromandel ooasta. observations and inquiries regarding the naviga- tion and commerce of these countries, he commit- ted to writing, for the benefit of other merchants, the knovrledge which he had thus acquired. Much cannot be said in praise of the style in which he writes. It is marked by a rude simplicity, which shows that he was not a man of literary culture, but in fact a mere man of business, who in com- posing restricts himself to a narrow round of set phrases, and is indifferent alike to grace, freedom, or variety of expression. It shows further that he was a Greek settled in Egypt, and that he must have belonged to an isolated community of his countrymen, whose speech had become corrupt by much intercourse with foreigners. It presents a very striking contrast to the rhetorical diction which Agatharkhides, a great master of all the tricks of speech, employs in his description of the Erythraian. For all shortcomings, however, iu the style of the work, there is ample compensa- tion in the fulness, variety, accuracy, and utility of the information which it conveys. Such indeed is its superiority on these points that it must be reckoned as a most precious treasure : for to it we are indebted far more than to any other work for most of our knowledge of the remote shores of Eastern Africa, and the marts of India, and the condition of ancient commerce in these parts of the world. The name of the author is unknown. In the Hei- delberg MS., which alone has preserved the little work, and contains it after the Periplus of Arrian, the title given is 'Appiavov rrepLTrXovs ttjs' Epvdpas 6a\arr]s yivojxevrjs {Xeyofxevrjs according to Dodwell) 'Apa^ias, and was ruled by the despot of Mapharitis. Dodwell next defends the date he has fixed on by the passage in § 23, where it is said that K h a- r i b a e 1 sought by frequent gifts and embassies to gain the friendship of the emperors {rau avTOKparopoov). He thinks that the time is here indicated when M. Aurelius and L. Yerus were reigning conjointly, a.d. 161-181. There is no need, however, to put this construction on the words, which may without any impropriety be taken to mean 'the emperors for the time being ^ viz. Vespasian, Titus, and Domitian. Vincent adopted the opinion of Salmasius re- "garding the date of the work, but thinks that the Kaisar mentioned in § 26 was Claudius. " The Romans,'* he says, " from the time they first entered Arabia under ^lius Gallus, had always main- tained a footing on the coast of the Red Sea. They had a garrison at L e u k 6 K 6 m e, in ISTaba- tha3a, where they collected the customs ; and it is apparent that they extended their power down the gulf and to the ports pf the ocean in the reign of Claudius, as the freedman of Annius Plocamus was in the act of collect- ing the tributes there when he was carried out to sea and over to T a p r o b a n 6, If we add to this the discovery of Hippalus in the same reign, we find a better reason for the destruction of Aden at 8 this time than at any other." The assertion in this extract that the garrison and custom-house atLeuke Kome belonged to the Romans is not warranted by the language of the Periplus, which in fact shows that they belonged to Malikhos the king of the Nabathseans. Again, it is a mere conjecture that the voyage which the freedman of Plocamus (who, according to Pliny, farmed the revenues of the Red Sea) was making along the coast of Arabia, when he was carried away by the monsoon to Taprobane, was a voyage undertaken to collect the revenues due to the Roman treasury. With regard to the word Kaia-ap, which has occasioned so much perplexity, it is most pro- bably a corrupt reading in a text notorious for its corruptness. The proper reading may perhaps be EAI2AP. At any rate, had one of the em- perors in reality destroyed Aden, it is unlikely that their historians would have failed to men- tion such an important fact. Schwanbeck, although he saw the weakness of the arguments wibh which Salmasius and Vincent endeavoured to establish their position, never- theless thought that our author lived in the age of Pliny and wrote a little before him, because those particulars regarding the Indian navigation which Pliny says became known in his age agree, on the whole, so well with the statement in the Periplus that they must have been extracted therefrom. No doubt there are, he allows, some discrepancies; but those, he thinks, may be ascribed to the haste or negligence o^ the copyist . A care- ful examination, however, of parallel passages in Pliny and the Periplus show this assertion to be untenable. Vincent himself speaks with caution on this point : — " There is," he says, " no absolute proof that either copied from the other. But those who are acquainted with Pliny's methods of abbreviation would much rather conclude, if one must be a copyist, that his title to this office is the clearest." From these preliminary points we pass on to consider the contents of the work, and these may be conveniently reviewed under the three heads Geography, Navigation, Commerce. In the com- mentary, which is to accompany the translation, the Geography will be examined in detail. Mean- while we shall enumerate the voyages which are distinguishable in the Periplus,^ and the articles of commerce which it specifies. I. Voyages mentioned in the Periplus. I. A voyage from BerenikS, in the south of Egypt, down the western coast of the Red Sea through the Straits, along the coast of Africa, round Cape Guardafui, and then southward along the eastern coast of Africa as far as Rhapta, a place about six degrees south of the equator. II. We are informed of two distinct courses confined to the Red Sea : one from Myos Hormos, in the south of Egypt, across the northern end of the sea to Leuke Kome, on the opposite coast of Arabia, near the mouth of theElanitic Gulf, whence it was continued to Mouza, an Arabian port lying not far westward from the Straits ; the other from Berenike directly down the gulf to this same port * The enumeration is Vincent's, altered and abridged. h w III. There is described next to this a voyage from the mouth of the Straits along the southern coast of Arabia round the promontory now called Ras-el-Had, whence it was continued along the eastern coast of Arabia as far as Apologos (now Oboleh), an important emporium at the head of the Persian Gulf, near the mouth of the river Euphrates. lY. Then follows a passage from the Straits to India by three different routes : the first by adhering to the coasts of Arabia, Karmania, Ge- drosia, and Indo-Skythia, which terminated at B ar u g a za (Bharoch), a great emporium on the ri- ver Namraadias (the Narmada), at a distance of thirty miles from its mouth; the second from' Kane, a port to the west of Suagros, a great projection on the south coast of Arabia, now Cape Fartaque ; and the third from Cape Guardafui, on the African side — both across the ocean by the monsoon toMouziris and ISTelkunda, great commercial cities on the coast of Malabar. Y. After this we must allow a similar voyage performed by the Indians to Arabia, or by the Arabians to India, previous to the performance of it by the Greeks, because the Greeks as late as the reign of Philometor met this commerce in Sabaea. YI. We obtain an incidental knowledge of a voyage conducted from ports on the east coast of Africa over to India by the monsoon long before Hippalos introduced the knowledge of that wind to the Roman world. This voyage was connected, no doubt, with the commerce of Arabia, since the Arabians were the great traffickers of antiquity, and held in subjection part of the sea-board of Eastern 11 Africa. The Indian commodities imported into Africa were rice, ghee, oil of sesamum, sugar, cotton, muslins, and sashes. These commodities, the Periplus informs us, were brought sometimes in vessels destined expressly for the coast of Africa, while at others they were only part of the cargo, out of vessels which were proceeding to another port. Thus we have two methods of conducting this commerce perfectly direct ; and another by touching on this coast with a final destina- tion to Arabia. This is the reason that the Greeks found cinnamon and the produce of India on this coast, when they first ventured to pass the Straits in order to seek a cheaper market thaa Sabaea. II. Articles of Commerce mentioneb IN THE PeRIPLUS, I. Animals: — 1. TlapOevoi evei^ds Trphs TraWaKiav — Handsome girls for the haram, imported into Barugaza for the king (49).^ 2. AovXiKa Kp€i(r0-ova — Tall slaves, procured at Opone, imported into Egypt (14). 3. Sco^ara 6r)XvK.a — Female slaves, procured from Arabia and India, imported into the island of Dioskorides (31). 4. ^aifiaTa. — Slaves imported from Omana and Apologos into Barugaza (36), and from Moundou and Malao (8, 9). 5. ''Ittttoi — Horses imported into Kane for the king, and into Mouza for the despot (23, 24). * The numerals indicate the sections of the PerijpMs in which the articles are mentioned. 12 6. ' Kfiiovai vaTTjyol — Sumpter mules imported into Mouza for the despot (24). II. Animal Products : — 1. BovTvpov — Butter, or the Indian preparation therefrom called ghi, a product of Ariake (41); exported from Barugaza to the Barbarine markets beyond the Straits (14). The word, according to Pliny (xxviii. 9), is of Skythian origin, though apparently connected with Bovs, rvpos. The reading is, however, suspected by Lassen, who would substitute Botr/Liopoi/ or Boarropov, a hind of grain. 2. Aepfiara 'STjpiKo. — Chinese hides or furs. Ex- ported from Barbarikon, a mart on the Indus (39). Yincent suspected the reading depp-ara, but ground- lessly, for Pliny mentions the Seres sending their iron along with vestments and hides (vestihus pellihusque), and among the presents sent to Yudhishthira by the Saka, Tushara and Kanka skins are enumerated.— ilf«A^5^. ii. 50, quoted by Lassen. 3. 'EXe^as — Ivory. Exported from Adouli (6), Aualites (8), Ptolemais (3), Mossulon (10), and the ports of Azania (16, 17). Also from Barugaza (49), Mouziris and Il^elkunda (56) ; a species of ivory called Bcicrapr) is produced in Desarene (62). 4. "Epiov '2-qpiKov — Chinese cotton. Imported from the country of the Thinai through Baktria to Barugaza, and by the Ganges to Bengal, and thence to Dimurike (64). By "'E.pLov Yincent seems to understand silk in the raw state. 5. Kepara — Horns. Exported from Barugaza to the marts of Omana and Apologos (36). Miiller suspects this reading, thinking it strange that 13 such an article as horns should be mentioned between wooden beams and logs. He thinks, there- fore, that Kepara is either used in some technical sense, or that the reading Kop/xcai/ or Kopfilav should be substituted— adding that Kopfiovs i^ivov, planks of ebony, are at all events mentioned by Athenaios (p. 201a) where he is quoting Kal- lixenos of Ehodes. 6. KopaXXiov — Coral. (Sans, pravdla, Hindi mUngd.) Imported into Kane (28), Barbarikon on the Indus (39), Barugaza (49), and Naoura, Tundis, Mouziris, and Nelkunda (56). 7. AaKKos xP^^H-'^Ti'Vos — Coloured lac. Exported to Adouli from Ariake (6). The Sanskrit word is Idkshd, which is probably a later form of rdhslid, connected, as Lassen thinks, with rdga, from the root raiij, to dye. The vulgar form is Idkkha. Gum-lac is a substance produced on the leaves and branches of certain trees by an insect, both as a covering for its egg and food for its young. It yields a fine red dye.* Salmasius thinks that by "KaKKos xp(^H-^'^i-vos must be understood not lac itself, but vestments dyed therewith. 8. MapyapLTTjs — Pearl. (Sans. muJcta, Hindi, matt.) Exported in considerable quantity and of superior quality from Mouziris and Kelkunda (66). Cf. TTLVLKOV. 9. N^/xa ^rjpLKov — Silk thread. From the coun- * Bhagvanlal Indraji Pandit points out that the colour is called alaJctaka, Prakrit alito : it is used by women for dying the nails and feet, — also as a dye. The gulali or pill-like balls used by women are made with arrowroot coloured with alito, and cotton dipped in it is sold in the bazars under the name of pothi, and used for the same purposes. He has also contributed many of the Sanskrit names, and some notes. 14 try of the Thinai : imported into Barugaza and the marts of Dimurike (64). Exported from Barugaza (49), and also from Barbarikon on the Indus (39) ." It is called fiera^a by Procopius and all the later writers, as well as by the Digest, and was known without either name to Pliny " — Yincent. 10. Hlvlklos Koyxos — the Pearl-oyster. (Sans. siikti.) Fished for at the entrance to the Persian Oulf (35). Pearl [ttlvlkov) inferior to the Indian sort ex|5orted in great quantity from the marts of Apologos and Omana(36). A pearl fishery (Ilti/iKoG «oXvjLi/3;/o-is) in the neighbourhood of Kolkhoi, in the kingdom of Pandion, near the island of Epio- doros ; the produce transported to Argalou, in the interior of the country, where muslin robes with pearl inwoven {fiapyapin^es aivboves) were fabri- cated (59). The reading of the MS. is (riv86v€s, f^apynpeiTides XeyojjLevat, for which Salmasius pro- posed to read fiapyapirLbes. Miiller suggests instead at 'Apyapindes, as if the muslin bore the name of the place Argarou or Argulou, where it was made. Pearl is also obtained in Taprobane (61) ; is imported into the emporium on the Ganges called 'Gange(63). 11. Hopk3i,ara), the BJiMa of Rajputfina. — B. L P* 20 South India, and of Dracesna Draco, a liliaceous tree of Madeira and the Canary Islands]. 15. KdoTos (Sansk. kushta, Mar. choka, Guj. katha and pushkara mula,) — Kostus. Exported from Barbarikon, a mart on the Indus (39), and from Barugaza, which procured it from Kabul through Proklais, &c. This was considered the best of aromatic roots, as nard or spikenard was the best of aromatic plants. Pliny (xii. 25) de- scribes this root as hot to the taste and of con- summate fragrance, noting that it was found at the head of Patalene, where the Indus bifurcates to form the Delta, and that it was of two sorts) black and white, black being of an inferior qual- ity. Lassen states that two kinds are found in India — one in Multan, and the other in Kabul and Kasmir. "The Costus of the ancients is still exported from Western India, as well as from Calcutta to China, under the name of Putchoh, to be burnt as an incense in Chinese temples. Its identity has been ascertained in our own days by Drs. Royle and Falconer as the root of a plant which they called AucMandia Gostus Alexander Hamilton, at the beginning of last cen- tury, calls it lifjina dulcis (sic), and speaks of it as an export from Sind, as did the author of the Feriplus 1600 years earlier." Yule's Marco Polo, vol. II. p. 388. 16. KpoKos — Crocus, Saffron. (Sans, hasmiraja, Guj. Jcesir, Pers. zafrdJi.) Exported from Egypt to Mouza (24) and to Kane (28). 17. KvTtepos — Cyprus. Exported from Egypt to Mouza (24). It is an aromatic rush used in medi- cine (Pliny xxi. 18). Herodotos (iv. 71) describes 21 it as an aromatic plant used by the Skythians for embalming. Kvirepos is probably Ionic for KvTTeipos^KvTreipos IvBlkos of Dioskorides, and Cypria Tierha indica of Pliny. — Perhaps Turmeric, Curcuma longa, or Galingal possibly. 18. AcVrta, (Lat. lintea) — Linen. Exportedfrom Egypt to Adouli (6). 19. AijSavos (Heb. lehonah, Arab, luhan, Sans. irivdscL) — Frankincense. Peratic or Libyan frank- incense exported from the Barbarine markets — Tabai (12), Mossulon (10), Malao and Moundou, in small quantities (8, 9) ; produced in great abun- dance and of the best quahty at Akannai (11); Arabian frankincense exported from Kane (28). A magazine for frankincense on the Sakhalitic Gulf near Cape Suagros (30). Moskha, the port whence it was shipped for Kane and Lidia (32) and Indo- Skythia (39). Eegarding this important product Yule thus writes : — *' The coast of Hadhramaut is the trae and ancient Xcopa Xi^avocfiopos or \L^ava>ro(f}6poSf indicated or described under those names by The- ophrastus, Ptolemy, Pliny, Pseudo-Arrian, and other classical writers, i.e. the country producing the fragrant gum-resin called by the Hebrews Lebo- nah, by the Arabs Luban and Kundur, by the Greeks lAbanos, by the Komans Thus, in mediaeval Latin Olibanum (probably tbe Arabic al-luban, but popu- larly interpreted as oleum Libani), and in English frankincense, i.e. I apprehend, * genuine incense' or * incense proper.'^ It is still produced in this ® What the Brahmans call Tcundaru is the gum of a tree called the DTvlpa-salai ; another sort of it, from Arabia, they call Is&sa, and in KathiavSd it is known as Sesa^ ' \— B.LP. 22 region and exported from it, but the larger part of that which enters the markets of the world is exported from the roadsteads of the opposite Sumali coast. Frankincense when it first exudes is milky white ; whence the name white incense by which Polo speaks of it, and the Arabic name luhan apparently refers to milk. The elder Mebuhr, who travelled in Arabia, depreciated the Libanos of Arabia, representing it as greatly inferior to that brought from India, called Benzoin. He adds that the plant which produces it is not native, but originally from Abyssinia." — Marco Polo, vol. II. p. 443, &c. 20. AvKLov — Lycium, Exported from Barbari- kon in Indo-Skythia (39), and from Barugaza (49). Lycium is a thorny plant, so called from being found in Lykia principally. Its juice was used for dying yellow, and a liquor drawn from it was used as a medicine (Celsus v. 26, 30, and vi. 7). It was held in great esteem by the ancients. Pliny (xxiv. 77) says that a superior kind of Lycium produced in India was made from a thorn called also FyxacantJius (box-thorn) Chironia. It is known in India as Ruzot, an extract of the Berberis lycium and B. aristata, both grown on the Hima- layas. Conf. the Xvkiov IvdiKov of Dioskor. i. 133. ( ? Gamboge.) 21. MayXa — Magla— a kind of cassia mentioned only in the Periplus. Exported from Tabai (12). 22. MdK€Lp — Macer. Exported from Malao and Moundou (8, 9). According to Pliny, Dioskorides, and others, it is an Indian bark — perhaps a kind of cassia. The bark is red and the root large. The bark was used as a medicine in dysenteries . Pliny 23 xii. 8 ; Salmasius, 1302. ( ? The KarachdU of the bazars, Kutajatvak). 23. MaXd^adpou (Sans, tamdlapattra, the leaf oi the Laurua 0«ssm),Malabathruni, Betel. Obtain- ed by the Thinai from the Sesatai and exported to India^° (65) ; conveyed down the Ganges to Gange near its moiith (63) ; conveyed from the interior of India to Mouziris and Nelkunda for export (56). That Malabathrum was not only a masticatory, but also an unguent or perfume, may be inferred from Horace {Odes, II. vii. 89) : — . . . ** coronatus nitentes Malabathro Syrio capillos", and from Pliny (xii. 59) : " Dat et Malabathrum Syria, arborum folio convolute, arido colore, ex quo exprimitur oleum ad unguenta: fertiliore ejusdem Egypto : laudatius tamen ex India venit." From Ptolemy (YII. ii. 16) we learn that the best Malabathrum was produced in Kirrhadia — that is, Eangpur. Dioskorides speaks of it as a masti- catory, and was aware of the confusion caused by mistaking the nard for the betel. 24. MeXt TO KoKdixtvov, to Xeyoficvov aaKxap (Sans. Sarkard, Prakrit sdkara, Arab, sukkar, Latin saccharum) — Honey from canes, called Sugar. Exported from Barugaza to the marts of Barbaria (14). The first Western writer who mentions this article was Theophrastos, who continued the labours of Aristotle in natural his- tory. He called it a sort of honey extracted from reeds. Strabo states, on theauthority of Nearkhos, that reeds in India yield honey without bees. *° More likely from Nepal, where it is called tejapdt. — B. I. P. 24 ^lian {Hist. Anim.) speaks of a kind of honey pressed from reeds which grew among the Prasii. Seneca (Epist. 84) speaks of sugar asakind of honey found in India on the leaves of reeds, which had either been dropped on them from the sky as dew, or had exuded from the reeds themselves. This was a prevalent error in ancient times, e.g. Dios- korides says that sugar is a sort of concreted honey found upon canes in India and Arabia Felix, and Pliny that it is collected from canes like a gum. He describes it as white and brittle between the teeth, of the size of a hazel-nut at most, and used in medicine only. So also Lucan, alluding to the Indians near the Ganges, says that they quaff sweet juices from tender reeds. Sugar, however, as is well known, must be extracted by art from the plant. It has been conjectured that the sugar described by Pliny and Dioskorides was sugar candy obtained from China. 25. MeXlXciTov — Melilot, Honey-lotus. Export- ed from Egypt to Barugaza (49). Melilot is the Egyptian or ISTymphasa Lotus, or Lily of the Nile, the stalk of which contained a sweet nutritive sub stance which was made into bread. So Vincent ; but Melilot is a kind of clover, so called from the quantity of honey it contains. The nymphaea lotus, or what was called the Lily of the Nile, is not a true lotus, and contains no edible substance. 26. MoKpoTov. Exported from Moundou (9) and Mossulon (10). It is a sort of incense, mentioned only in the Periplus. 27. MoT-o) — Moto — a sort of cassia exported from Tabai and Opone (13). 28. Mupoi/— Myrrh. (Sans, bola.) Exported from 25 Egypt to Barugaza as a present for the king (49). It is a gum or resin issuing from a thorn found in Arabia Felix, Abyssinia, &c., vide a-fxvpvr] inf. 29. NapSos (Sans, nalada, * kaskas,' Heb. nerd) Nard, Spikenard. ^^ Gangetic spikenard brought down the Ganges to Gauge, near its mouth (63), and forwarded thence to Mouziris and Nelkunda (56). Spikenard produced in the regions of the Upper Indus and in Indo-Skythia forwarded through Ozene to Barugaza (48). Imported by the Egyp- tians from Barugaza and Barbarikon in Indo- Skythia (49, 39). The Nardos is a plant called (from its root being shaped like an ear of corn) va.p8ov a-rdxvs, also vapbocrraxvs, Latin Spica nardi, whence ' spike- nard.' It belongs to the species Valeriana. " No Oriental aromatic," says Vincent, " has caused greater disputes among the critics or writers on natural history, and it is only within these few years that we hare arrived at the true knowledge of this curious odour by means of the inquiries of Sir W. Jones and Dr. Roxburgh. Pliny de- scribes the nard with its spica, mentioning also that both the leaves and the spica are of high value, and that the odour is the prime in all unguents ; the price 100 denarii for a pound. But he afterwards visibly confounds it with the Mala- bathrum or Betel, as will appear from his usage of HadrosphoGrum, Mesosphcerum, and Microsphoe- rtim, terms peculiar to the Betel" — II. 743-4 . See Sir W. Jones on the spikenard of the ancients in As. Bes. vol.11, pp. 416 et seg^., and Roxburgh's ^^ Obtained from the root of Nardostachys jata^nKmsi, a native of the eastern Himftlayas. — J. B. d 26 additionaL remarks on the spikenard of the an* cients, vol. IV. pp. 97 et seq., and botanical observ- ations on the spikenard, pp. 433. See also Lassen, Ind. Alt. vol. I. pp. 288 et seq. 30. NauTrXios — Nauplius. Exported in small quantity from the marts of Azania (17). The signification of the word is obscure, and the read- ing suspected. For NaYUXios Mijller suggests NaPriXtoy, the Indian cocoanut, which the Arabians call Nardil (Sansk. ndrihela or ndliMra, Guj. ndliySr, Hindi ndliyar). It favours this sugges- tion that cocoanut oil is a product of Zangibar, and that in four different passages of Kosmas Indiko- pleustes nuts are called dpyeXXia, which is either a corrupt reading for vapyeWia, or Kosmas may not haye known the name accurately enough. 31. 'OdopLov — Muslin. Seric muslin sent from theThinai toBarugaza andDimurike (64). Coarse cottons produced in great quantity in Ariake, carried down from Ozene to Barugaza (48) ; large supplies sent thither from Tagara also (51) ; Indian muslins exported from the markets of Dimurike to Egypt (56). Muslins of every de- scription, Seric and dyed of a mallow colour, export- ed from Barugaza to Egypt (49) ; Indian muslin taken to the island of Dioskorides (31) ; wide Indian muslins called fiovaxr}, mondhM, i. e. of the best and finest sort ; and another sort called crayfia- royr]vr], sagmatogen&y i. e. coarse cotton unfit for spinning, and used for stuffing beds, cushions, &c., exported from Barugaza to the Barbarine markets (14), and to Arabia, whence it was exported to Adouli (6). The meanings given to mondhhe and sagmatoghie (for which other readings have 27 been suggested) are conjectural. Vincent defends the meaning assigned to 8agmjLirzra — Sashes, girdles, or aprons. Exported from Barugaza to Adouli (6), and into Barbaria (14). 10. UoKvyLLTa — Stuffs in which several threads were taken for the woof in order to weave flowers or other objects : Latin polymita and plumatica. Exported from Egypt to Barbarikon in Indo-Sky- thia (39), to Mouziris and Nelkunda [56). 11. Sayoi 'ApcrivoTjTiKol ycyvafxfxevoi kqI ^elBafjifxevoi — Coarse cloaks made at Arsinoe, dressed and dyed. Exported from Egypt to Barbaria (8, 13). 12. SroXat 'ApcrivorjTiKaL— Women's robes made at Arsinoe. Exported from Egypt to Adouli (6). 13. XiTcdves — Tunics. Exported from Egypt to Malao, Moundou, Mossulon (8, 9, 10). VII. In addition to the above, works of art are mentioned. ^AvdpidvT€s — Images, sent as presents to Khari- bael (48). Cf. Strabo (p. 714), who among the articles sent to Arabia enumerates ropevp-a, ypacf)r]v, nXdapa, pieces of sculpture, painting, statues. Movaiicd — Instruments of music, for presents to the king of Ariake (49). 40 ANONYMI [ARRIANI UT FERTUR] PERIPLUS MARIS ERYTHR^I. 1. The first of tlie important roadsteads establislied on the Red Sea, and the first also of the great trading marts upon its coast, is the port of M y s-h o r m o s in Egypt. Beyond it Coynmentary. {!) MyosHormos. — Its situation is deter- mined by the cluster of islands now called Jifatin [lat. 27° 12^ K, long. 33° 55' E.] of which the three largest lie opposite an indenture of the coast of Egypt on the curve of which its harbour was situated [near Ras Abu Somer, a little north of Safajah Island]. It was founded by Ptolemy Philadelphos b. c. 274, who selected it as the principal port of the Egyptian trade with India in preference to Arsinoe,^^ K. IST. E. of Suez, on account of the difficulty and tediousness of the navigation down the Heroopolite Gulf. The vessels bound for Africa and the south of Arabia left its harbour about the time of the autumnal equinox, when the l^orth West wind which then prevailed carried them quickly down the Gulf. Those bound for the Malabar Coast or Ceylon left in July, and if they cleared the Red Sea before the Isb of ^" There was another Arsinoe between Ras Dh'ib and Ras Shukhair, lat. 28" 3' N. The few geographical indications added by Mr. Burgess to these comments as they passed through the press are enclosed in brackets. [ ] 41 at a dist3,nce of 1800 stadia is B e r e n i k e, which is to your right if you approach it by sea, September, they had the monsoon to assist their passage across the ocean. MyosHormos was distant from K o p t o s [lat. 26° JST.j, the station on the Nile through which it communicated with Alexandria, a journey of seven or eight days along a road opened through the desert % Philadelphos. The name Myos Hormosis of Greek origin, ar.d may signify either the Harbour of the Mouse, or, more probably, of the Mussel, since the pearl mussel abounded in its neighbourhood. Agatharkhides calls it Aphrodites Hormos, and Pliny Veneris Port us. [Veneris Portus however was probably at Sherm Sheikh, lat. 24° 36' N. Off the coast is Wade Jemal Island, lat. 24° 39' N., long. 36° 8' E., called lambe by Pliny, and perhaps the Aphrodites Island of Ptolemy IV. v. 77.'] Referring to this name Vincent says : " Here if the reader will advert to Aphrodite, the Greek title of Venus, as springing from the foam of the ocean, it will immediately appear that the Greeks were translating here, for the native term to this day is Suffan^e-el-Bahri, ' sponge of the sea' ; and the vulgar error of the sponge being the foam of the sea, will immediately account for Aphrodite." The rival of Myos-Hormas was B e r c u i k e, a city built by Ptolemy Philadelphos, who so named it in honour of his mother, who was the daughter of Ptolemy Lagos and Antigone. It was in the same parallel with Syene and therefore not far from the Tropic [lat. 23° 55' N.]. It stood nearly 42 These roadsteads are both situate at the farthest end of Egypt, and are bays of the Red Sea. 2. The country which adjoins them on the right below Berenike isBarbaria. Here the sea-board is peopled by the Ikhthyophagoi, who live in scattered huts built in the narrow gorges of the hills, and further inland are the at the bottom of Foul Bay (eV jSd^ei rov ^AKaBaprov KoXttov), so called from the coast being foul with shoals and breakers, and not from the impurity of its water, as its Latin name, Sinus Immundus, would lead us to suppose. Its ruins are still per- ceptible even to the arrangement of the streets, and in the centre is a small Egyptian temple adorned with hieroglyphics and bas-reliefs of Greek workmanship. Opposite to the town is a very fine natural harbour, the entrance of which has been deep enough for small vessels, though the bar is now impa^ssable at low water. Its pros- jierity under the Ptolemies and afterwards under the Romans was owing to its safe anchorage and its being, like Myos-Hormos, the terminus of a great road from Koptos along which the traffic of Alexandria with Ethiopia, Arabia, and India passed to and fro. Its distance from Koptos was 258 Roman miles or 11 days' journey. The distance between Myos-Hormos and Berenike is given in the Periplus at 225 miles, but this is considerably above the mark. The difficulty of the navigation may probably have made the distance seem greater than it was in reality. (2) Adjoining Berenike was B a r b a r i a 43 Berbers, and beyond them the A g r i o p h a- g o i and M o s k h o p h a g o i, tribes under regular government by kings Beyond these again, and still further inland towards the west [is situated the metropolis called Meroe]. 3. Below the M oskho ph ago i, near the sea, lies a little trading town distant from Bere- (^ Bap^apiKYj x^P^) — t^G land about Ras Abtl Fatima [lat. 22^^ 26' N.— Ptol. IV. vii. 28]. The reading of the MS. is ^ Tiarj^apiKri which Muller rejects because the name nowhere occurs in any work, and because if Barbaria is not men- tioned here, our author could not afterwards (Section 6) say rj oXKt) Bap^apta. The Agrio- p h a g o i who lived in the interior are mentioned by Pliny (vi. 35), who says that they lived princi- pally on the flesh of panthers and lions. Yincent writes as if instead of Ayptocfxxyav the reading should be AKpi,8o(f>dycov locust-eaters, who are mentioned by Agatharkhides in his De Mari Erythraeo, Section 58. Another inland tribe is mentioned in connection with them — the M o s- khophagoi, who may be identified with the Rizophagoi or Spermatophagoi of the same writer, who were so named because they lived on roots or the tender suckers and buds of trees, called in Greek fioa-xoi. This being a term applied also to the young of animals, Vincent was led to think that this tribe fed on the brinde or flesh cut out of the living animal as described by Bruce. (3) To the south of the Moskhophagoi lies P t o 1 e m a i s T h e r o n, or, as it is called by 44 nike about 4000 stadia, called P t o 1 e m a i s T her on, from which, in the days of the? Ptolemies, the hunters employed by them used to go np into the interior to catch elephants. In this mart is procared the true (or marine) tortoise-shell, and the land kind also, which, however, is scarce, of a white colour, and smaller size. A little ivory is also sometimes obtain- able, resembling that of A d o u 1 i. This place has no port, and is approachable only by boats. Pliny, Ptolemais Epitheras. [On Er-rih island, lat. 18° 9' N., long 38° 27^ E., are the ruins of an ancient town — probably Ptolemais Theron, — Miiller however places Suche here. — Ptol. I. viii. 1. ; IV. vii. 7 ; YIII. xvi. 10]. It was ori- ginally an Ethiopian village, but was extended and fortified by Ptolemy Philadelphos, who made it the depot of the elephant trade, for which its situation on the skirts of the great Nubian forest, where these animals abounded, rendered it pecu- liarly suitable. The Egyptians before this had imported their elephants from Asia, but as the supply was precarious, and the cost of importa- tion very great, Philadelphos made the most tempting offers to the Ethiopian elephant-hunters (Elephantophagoi) to induce them to abstain from eating the animal, or to reserve at least a portion of them for the royal stables. They rejected however all his solicitations, declaring that even for all Egypt they would not forego the luxury o-f their repast. The king resolved thereupon to pro- cure his supplies by employing hunters of his own. 45 4. Leaving Ptolemais Theron we are con- ducted, at the distance of about 3000 stadia, to A d o u 1 i, a regular and established port of trade situated on a deep bay the direction of which is (4) Beyond Ptolemais Theron occur Ad o u 1 e, at a distance, according to the Periplus, of 3000 stadia — a somewhat excessive estimate. The place is called also Adoulei and more commonly Adoulis by ancient writers (Ptol. IV. vii. 8; VIII. xvi. 11). It is represented by the modern ThuUa or Zula [pronounced Azule, — lat. 15° 12'— 15° 15' ]Sr.,long. 39' 36' E.].— To the West of this, according to Lord Valentia and Mr. Salt, there are to be found the remains of an ancient city. It was situated on the Adoulikos K o 1 p o s (Ptol. I. XV. 11. ; IV. vii. 8), now called Annesley Bay, the best entrance into Abyssinia. It was erroneously placed by D'Anville at Dokhnau or Harkiko, close to Musawwa [lat. 15° 35' N.] There is much probability in the supposition that it was founded by a party of those Egyptians who, as we learn from Hei"odotos (11. 30), to the number of 240,000 fled from their country in the days of Psammetikhos (b. c. 671—617) and went to as great a distance beyond Meroe, the capital of Ethiopia, as Meroe is beyond Elephantine. This is the account which Pliny (VI. 3-4) gives of its foundation, adding that it was the greatest emporium of the Troglodytes, and distant from Ptolemais a five days' voyage, which by the ordinary reckon- ing is 2,500 stadia. It was an emporium for rhinoceros' hides, ivory and tortoise-shell. It had not only a large seaborne traffic, but was also a 46 due south. Facing this, at a distance seaward of about 200 stadia from the inmost recess of the bay, lies an island called O r e i n e (or ' the mountainous'), which runs on either side parallel caravan station for the traffic of the interior of Africa. Under the Romans it was the liaven of A u X u m e (Ptol. IV. vii. 25, — written also Auxumis, Axumis), now Axum, the capital of the kingdom of Tigre in Abyssinia. A u x u m e was the chief centre of the trade with the interior of Africa in gold-dust, ivory, leather, hides and aromatics. It was rising to great prosperity and power about the time the Periplus was written, which is the earliest work extant in which it is mentioned. It was probably founded by the Egyptian exiles already referred to. Its remain- ing monuments are perfectly Egyptian and not pastoral, Troglodytik, Greek, or Arabian in their character. Its name at the same time retains traces of the term A s m a k, by which, as we learn from Herodofcos, those exiles were design nated/ and Heeren considers it to have been one of the numerous priest-colonies which were sent out from Meroe. At Adouli was a celebrated monument, a throne of white marble with a slab of basanite stone behind it, both covered with Greek charac- ters, which in the sixth century of our era were copied byKosmasIndikopleustes. The passage in Kosmos relating to this begins thus : " A d u 1 e is a city of Ethiopia and the port of communication with A x i 6 m i s, and the whole nation of which that city ia the capital. 47 with the mainland. Ships, that come to trade with Adouli, now-a-days anchor here, to avoid being attacked from the shore ; for in former times when they used to anchor at the very head of the bay, beside an island called Diodoros, which was so close to land that the sea was fordable, the neighbouring barbarians, taking advantage of this, would run across to attack the ships at their moorings. At the distance of 20 stadia from the sea, opposite O r e i n e, is the village of Adouli, which is not of any great size, and inland from this a three In this port we carry on our trade from Alexandria and the Elanitik Gulf. The town itself is about a mile from the shore, and as you enter it on the Western side which leads from Axiom is, there is still remaining a chair or throne which appertained to one of the Ptolemys who had subjected this country to his authority." The first portion of the inscription records that Ptolemy Euergetes (247-222 e.g.) received from the Troglodyte Arabs and Ethiopians certain elephants which his father, the second king of the Makedonian dynasty, and himself had taken in hunting in the region of A d u 1 e and trained to war in their own kingdom. The second portion of the inscription commemorates the conquests of an anonymous Ethiopian king in Arabia and Ethiopia as far as the frontier of Egypt. Adouli, it is known for certain, received its name from a tribe so designated which formed a part of the D a n a- k i 1 shepherds who are still found in the neigh- 48 journey is a city, K o 1 o 6, the first market where ivory can be procured. From Koloe it takes a journey of five days to reach tlie metropoHs of the people called the Auxumi- tai, whereto is brought, through the province called Kyeneion, all the ivory obtained on the other side of the Nile, before it is sent on to Adouli. The whole mass, I may say, of the ele- phants and rhinoceroses which are killed tosupj^ly the trade frequent the uplands of the interior^ though at rare times they are seen near the coast, even in the neighbourhood of Adouli. Besides the islands already mentioned, a cluster consist- bourhood of Annesley Bay, in the island of Diset [lat. 15° 28', long. 39o 45', the Diodoros perhaps of the Feriplus] opposite which is the town or station of Masawa (anc. Saba) [lat. 15° 37' N., long. 39° 28' E.], and also in the archipelago of D h a 1 a k, called in the Veriplus, the islands of Alalaiou. The merchants of Egypt, we learn from the work, first traded at Masawwa but after- wards removed to Oreine for security. This is an islet in the south of the Bay of Masawwa, lying 20 miles from the coast ; it is a rock as its name imports, and is of considerable elevation. A d u 1 i being the best entrance into Abyssinia, came prominently into notice daring the late Abyssinian war. Beke thus speaks of it, " In our recent visit to Abyssinia I saw quite enough to confirm the opinion I have so long entertained, that when the ancient Greeks founded Aclule or Adulis at the mouth of the river Hadas, now only 49 ing of many small ones lies out in the sea to the right of this port. They hear the name of Alalaion, and yield the tortoises with which the Ikhthyophagoi supply the market, 5. Below Adouli, about 800 stadia, occurs another very deep bay, at the entrance of which on the right are vastaccumulations of sand, where- in is found deeply embedded the Opsian stone, which is not obtainable anywhere else. The king of all this country, from the M o s k h o- p h a g o i to the other end of B a r b a r i a, is Zoskales, a man at once of penurious a river bed except during the rains, though a short way above there is rain all the year round, they knew that they possessed one of the keys of Abyssinia," (5) At a distance of about 100 miles beyond A d o u 1 i the coast is indented by another bay now known as Hanfelah bay [near B-as Hanfelah in. lat. U° 44', long. 40" 49' E.] about 100 miles from Annesley Bay and opposite an island called Daj-amsas or Hanfelah. It has wells of good water and a small lake of fresh water after the rains ; the coast is in- habited by the Dunimoeta, a tribe of the Danakil]. This is the locality where, and where only, the Opsian or Obsidian stone was to be found. Pliny calls it an nnknown bay, because traders making for the ports of Arabia passed it by without deviating from their course to enter it. He was aware, as well as our author, that it contained the Opsian stone, of which he gives an account, already produced in the introduction. 50 habits and of a grasping disposition, but otlieF- wise honourable in his dealings and instructed in the Greek language. 6. The articles which these places import are the following : — 'l/xdrio ^ap^a^iKCL, ayvaiara tottikm ^vdfia KaT€(rK€va(rp.€vai. — Gold and silver plate made ac- cording to the fashion of the country for the king. 'Aj36\Xai — Cloaks for riding or for the camp. Kavvd, MoXoxtva — Webs of cloth mallow- tinted. 2ii/Soi/es 'oXiyai — Fine muslins in small quantity. AaKKos x'pw/^Tfi'os — Gum-lae: yielding Lake. The articles locally produced for export are ivory, tortoise-shell, and rhinoceros. Most of the goods which supply the market arrive any time from January to September — that is, from Tybi to Thoth. The best season, however, for ships from Egypt to put m hero is about the month of Septeml^er.. ©r the Abalitik mart; it is from this mart thai the coast of Africa falling down first to the South and curving afterwards towards the East is styled the Bay of Aualites by Ptolemy, (IV. vii. la, 20, 27, 30, 39,) but in the Periplus this name is confined to a bay immediately beyond the straits which D'Anville has likewise inserted ia his map, but which I did not fully understand till I obtained Captain Cook's chart and found it perfectly consistent with the Periplus.'" It is the gulf of Tejureh or Zeyla. ^^ Brvuie„ Travels, vol. III., p. 02.— J. B. 53 7. From this bay the Arabian Gulf trends eastward, and at Aualites is contracted to its narrowest. At a distance of about 4000 stadia (from AdouU), if you still sail along the same coast, you reach other marts ofBarbaria, called the marts beyond (the Straits), which occur in successive order, and which, though harbour- less, afford at certain seasons of the year good and safe anchorage. The first district you come to is that called Aualites, where the passage across the strait to the opposite point of Arabia is shoi'test. Here is a small port of trade, called, like the district, Aualites, which can be approached only by little boats and rafts. The imports of this place are — 'YaXf] Xidia avfifJiiKTos — Flint glass of various sorts. [XvXos-] ALosTToXLTiKris oficfiaicos — Juice of the sour grape of Diospolis. The tract of country extending from the Straits to Cape Aromata" (now Guardafui) is called at the present day A d e 1. It is described by Strabo (XVI. iv. 14), who copies his account of it from Artemidoros. He mentions no em]3orium, nor any of the names which occur in the Pe-nplus except the haven of Daphnous. [Bandar Mariyah, lat. 11° 46' N., long. 50' 38' E.] He supplies liowever many particulars regarding the region which are left unnoticed by our author as having no reference to commerce — particulars, however, which prove that these parts which were resorted to in the times of the Ptolemies for elephant- hunt- 54 *I/iaria ^apjBapiKo. (rvfXjxiKTa yeyvapixeva — Cloths of different kinds worn in Barbaria dressed by the fuller. 21tos — Corn. Olvos — Wine. Kaaa-iTepos oXiyos — A little tin. The exports, which are sometimes conveyed on rafts across the straits by the Berbers themselves to O k e 1 i s and M o u z a on the opposite coast, are— 'Apco/iara — Odoriferous gums. 'EXe^as 'oXt'yo? — Ivory in small quantity. XiKcovT] — Tortoise-shell. ^jxvpva iXaxlo-TT] dta(j)€pov(ra de ttjs aXXrjs — Myrrh in very small quantity, but of the finest sort. McLKeip — Macer. The barbarians forming the population of the place are 7'ude and lawless men. ing were much better known to the ancients than they were till quite recently known to ourselves. Ptolemy gives nearly the same series of names (IV". vii. 9, 10) as the Periplus, but with some dis- crepancies in the matter of their distances which he does not so accurately state. His list is : D e r e, a city ; Abalitesor Aualites, a mart ; M a 1 a 6, a mart ;Moundou or Mondou, a mart ; Mondou, an island ; Mosulon, a cape and a mart ; Kobe, a mart ; Elephas, a mountain ; A k- kanai or Akannai, a mart; Aromat a, a cape and a mart. The mart of Abalitesis represented by the modern Z eyla [lat. iT 22" N., long. 43' 29" E., 55 8. Beyond Aualites there is another mart, superior to it, called Malao, at a distance by sea of 800 stadia. The anchorage is an open road, sheltered, however, by a cape protrud- ing eastward. The people are of a more peace- able disposition than their neighbours. The imports are such as have been already specified, with the addition of — n\eioj/e? x'''''^^^^ — Tunics in great quantity. 2dyoi ^Apa-ivorjTLKol yeyi/a/x/xevoi koi ^e^afifxevoi — Coarse cloaks (or blankets) manufactured at Arsi- noe, prepared by the fuller and dyed. MeXUcbda oXi'ya.— A few utensils made of copper fused with honey. 2i8?/poy — Iron. Arjvdpiov ov noXv xP^o-ovvre Ka\ dpyvpovv — Specie, — gold and silver, but not much. The exports from this locality are — 2/Liupm — Myrrh. Ai^avos 6 nepariKos oXiyos — Frankincense which we call peratic, i.e. from beyond the straits, a little only. 79 miles from the straits.] On the N. shore of the gulf are Abalit and Tejureh. Abalit is 43 miles from the straits, and Tejureh 27 miles from Abalit. This is the Z o u i 1 e h of Ebn Haukal and the Z a 1 e g h of Idrisi. According to the Periplus it was n^ar the straits, but Ptolemy has fixed it more correctly at the distance from them of 50 or 60 miles. (8) M a 1 a 6 as a mart was much superior to Abalites, from which our author estimates its distance to be 800 stadia, though it is in reality •.a%£:".'4^- , : JS?; 56 Kaa-cria cTKXrjpoTepa — Cinnamon of a hard grain. AovaKa — Douaka {a?i inferior kind of cinnamon). KayKUfiop — -The gum (for fumigation) kangka- mon. ' Dekamalli,' gum. Mdiceip — The spice macer, which is carried to Arabia. 2o)fj.aTa (TTravicos — Slaves, a few. 9. Distant from M a 1 a 6 a two days' sail is the trading port of M o u n d o u, where ships find a safer anchorage by mooring at an island which lies very close to shore. The exports and imports are similar to those of the preced- ing marts, with the addition of the fragrant gum called Mohrotoic, a peculiar product of the place. The native traders here are uncivilized in their manners. 10. After MoundoUjif you sail eastward as before for two or three days, there comes greater. From the description he gives of its situation it must be identified with Berbereh [lat. 10° 25' N., long. 45° V E.]now the most considerable mart on this part of the coast. Vincent erroneously places it between Zeyla and the straits. (9) Tiie next mart after Malao is M o u n d o u, which, as we learn from Ptolemy, was also the name of an adjacent island -f- that which is now called Meyec or Burnt-island [lat. 11° 12' N., long. 47° 17' E., 10 miles east of Bandar Jedid]. (10) At a distance beyond it of two or three days' sail occurs M o s u 1 o n , which is the name both of a mart and of a promontory. It is mentioned 57 next M o s u 1 1 o n, where it is difficult to anchor. It imports the same sorts of commodities as have been already mentioned, and also ntensils of silver and others of iron but not so many, and glass-ware. It exports a vast amount of cinnamon (whence it is a port requiring ships of heavy burden) and other fragrant and aromatic products, besides tortoise shell, but in no great quantity, and the incense called moJcrotou inferior to that of Moundou, and frankincense brought from parts further dis- by Pliny (VI. 34), who says : " Further on is the bay of A b a 1 i t e s, the island of Diodorus and other islands which are desert. On the main- land, which has also deserts, occur a town G-aza [Bandar Gazim, long. 49" 13' E.], the promontory and port of Mosylon, whence cinnamon is exported. Sesostris led his army to this point and no further. Some writers place one town of Ethiopia beyond it, Baricaza, which lies on the coast. According to Juba the Atlantic Sea begins at the promontory of Mossylon." Juba evidently confounded this promontory with Cape Aromata, and Ptolemy, perhaps in consequence, makes its projection more considerable than it is. D'Anville and Gosselin thought Mossulon was situated near the promontory Mete, where is a river, called the Soal, which they supposed preserved traces of the name of Mossulon. This position however cannot be reconciled with the distances given in the Periplus, which would lead as to look for it where Guesele is placed in the h 58 tant, and ivory and myrrh thougli in small quantity. 11. After leaving Mosullon, and sailing past a place called Neiloptolemaios, and past Tapatege and the Little Laurel-grove, you are conducted in two days to Cape E 1 e- latest description given of this coast. Yincent on very inadequate grounds would identify it with Barbara or Berbera. [Miiller places it at Bandar Barthe and Has Antarah, long. 49° 35'' E.] (11) After Mosul on occurs Cape Elephant, at some distance beyond Neiloptolemaios, Tapatege, and the Little Laurel-grove. At the Cape is a river and the Great Laurel-grove called A k a n n a i. Sfcrabo in his account of this coast mentions a Neilospotamia which however can hardly be referred to this particular locality which pertains to the region through which the Khori or San Pedro flows, of which Idrisi (I. 45) thus writes : " At tw-o journeys' distance from Markah in the desert is a river which is subject to risings like the ll^ile and on the banks of which they sow dhorra." Regarding Cape Elephant Vincent says, " it is formed by a mountain conspi- cuous in the Portuguese charts under the name of Mount Felix or Felles from the native term Jibel Fil, literally, Mount Elephant. The cape [Ras Filik, 800 ft. high, lat. \V hT IS"., long. 50'> 37^ E.] is formed by the land jutting up to the North from the direction of the coast which is nearly East and West, and from its northern- most point the land falls off again South-East to R,as 'A sir — Cape Guardafun, the Arornata of the 59 p h a n t. Here is a stream called Elephant River, and the Great Laurel-grove called A kan- nai, where, and where only, is produced the peratic frankincense. The supply is most abun- dant, and it is of the very finest quality. 12. After this, the coast now inclining to the south, succeeds the mart of A r o m a t a, and a ancients. We learn from Captain Saris, an Eng- lish navigator, that there is a river at Jibel Fil. In the year 16H he stood into a bay or harbour there which he represents as having a safe entrance for three ships abreast : he adds also that several sorts of gums very sweet in burning were still purchased by the Indian ships from Cambay which touched here for that purpose in their passage to Mocha." The passage in the Periplus where these places are mentioned is very corrupt. Vincent, who regards the greater D a p h n 6 n (Laurel-grove) as a river called A k a n n a i, says, "Neither place or distance is assigned to any of these names, but we may well allot the rivers Daphnon and Elephant to the synonymous town and cape ; and these may be represented by the modern Mete and Santa Pedro." [Miiller places Elephas at Eas el Eil, long. 50^ 37^ E., and Akan- nai at Umiah Bandar, long. 50° 56' E., but they may be represented by Ras Ahileh, where a river enters through a lagoon in 11" 46', and Bonah a town with wells of good water in lat. 11° 58' N., long. 60° bV E.] (12) We come now to the great projection Cape Aromata, which is a continuation of Mount Elephant. It is called in Arabic Jerd HafAn 60 bluflf headland running out eastward wliicTa forms the termination of the Barbarine coast. The roadstead is an open one, and at certain seasons dangerous, as the place lies exposed to or Eas Asir ; in Idrisi, Oarfouna, whence the name by which it is generally known. [The South point ll"" 40^ is Ras Shenarif or Jerd Hafun • the JN". point 11° 5V is Ras 'Asir.] It formed the limit of the knowledge of this coast in the time of Strabo, by whom it is called !N" o t o u K e r a s or South Horn. It is described as a very high bluff point and as perpendicular as if it were scai-ped. [Jerd Hafun is 2500 feet high,] The current comes round it out of the gulf with such violence that it is not to be stemmed with- out a brisk wind, and during the South-We&t Monsoon, the moment you are past the Cape to the North there is a stark cahn with insufferable heat. The current below Jerd Haftin is noticed by the Periphh as setting to the South, and is there perhaps equally subject to the change of the monsoon. With this account of the coast from the straits to the great Cape may be compared that which has been given by Strabo, XYI. iv. 14 : " From D e i r e the next country is that which bears aromatic plants. The first produces myrrh and belongs to the Ichthyophagi and Creophagi. It bears also the persea, peach or Egyptian almond, and the Egyptian fig. Beyond is Licha, a hunting ground for elephants. There are also in many places standing pools of rain- water. When these are dried up, the elephants with their trunks and tusks dig holes and fijid 61 the north wind. A coming storm gives warning of its approach bj a pecuHar prognostic, for the sea turns turbid at the bottom and changes its colour. When this occurs, all hasten for refuge water. On this coast there are two very large lakes extending as far as the promontory Pytho- laus. One of them contains salt water and is . called a sea ; the other fresh water and is the haunt of hippopotami and crocodiles. On the margin grows the papyrus. The ibis is seen in the neighbourhood of this place. Next is the country which produces frankincense ; it has a promontory and a temple with a grove of poplars. In the inland parts is a tract along the banks of a river bearing the name of I s i s, and another that ■ of N i 1 u s, both of which produce myrrh and frank- incense. Also a lagoon filled with water from the mountains. Next the watch-post of the Lion and the port of Pythangelus. The next tract bears the false cassia. There are many tracts in succession on the sides of rivers on which frankincense grows, and rivers extending to the cinnamon country. The river which bounds this tract produces rushes {(^Xovs) in great abundance. Then follows another river and the port of D a p h n u s, and a valley called A p o 1 1 o's which bears besides frankincense, myrrh and cinnamon. The latter is more abundant in places far in the interior. Next is the mountain Elephas, a mountain projecting into the sea and a creek ; then follows the large harbour ofPsygmus, a water- ing place called that of Cynocephali and the last promontory of this coast N o t u- c e r a s (or the 62 to the great promontory called T a b a i, which affords a secare shelter. The imports into this mart are such as have been already mentioned ; while its products are cinnamon, gizeir (a finer sort of cinnamoTi), asuphe (a7i ordinary sort), Southern Horn). After doubling this cape towards the south we have no more descriptions of harbours or places because nothing is known of the sea-coast beyond this point." [Bohn's Tra7isl.~\ According to Gosselin, the Southern Horn corresponds with the Southern Cape of Bandel-caus, where com- mences the desert coast of Ajan, the ancient Azania. According to the Periplus Cape A r 6 m a t a marked the termination of Barbaria and the beginning of Azania. Ptolemy however dis- tinguishes them differeutly, defining the former as the interior and the latter as the sea-board of the region to which these names were applied. The description of the Eastern Coast of Africa which now follows is carried, as has been already noticed, as far as R h a p t a, a place about 6 degrees South of the Equator, but which Vincent places much farther South, identifying it with Kilwa. The places named on this line of coast are : a promontory called Tabai, a Khersonesos ; O p on e, a mart ; the Little and the Great A p o- k o p a ; the Little and the Great Coast ; the Dromoi or courses of Azania (first that of Serapion, then that of N" i k 6 n) ; a number of rivers ; a succession of anchorages, seven in num- ber ; the Paralaoi islands ; a strait or canal ; the island ofMenouthias; and then R h a p t a, 63 fragrant gums, magla, moto (afi inferior cinna- raon), and frankincense. 13. If, on sailing from T a b a i, you follow the coast of the peninsula formed by the pro- montory, you are carried by the force of a strong current to another mart 400 stadia distant, called O p 6 n e, which imports the commodities already mentioned, but produces most abundantly cin- beyond which, as the author conceived, the ocean curved round Africa until it met and amalgamated with the Hesperian or Western Ocean. (13) Tabai, to which the inhabitants of the Great Cape fled for refuge on the approach of a storm, cannot, as Yincent and others have supposed, be Cape Orfui, for it lay at too great a distance for the purpose. The projection is meant which the Arabs call Banna. [Or, Tabai may be identified with Eas Shenarif, lat. 11° 40' JST.] Tabai, Muller suggests, may be a corruption for Tabannai, " From the foreign term Banna," he says, " certain Greeks in the manner of their countrymen invented Panos orPanon or Pano or Panoua Kome. Thus in Ptolemy (I. 17 and IV. 7) after Aromata follows P a n 6 n K o m e, which Mannert has identified with Benua. [Khor Banneh is a salt lake, with a village, inside Eas AliBeshgel, lat. 11° 9'' N., long. 51° 9^E.] Stephenof Byzantium may be compared, who speaks of P a n o s as a village on the Eed Sea which is also called Panon." The conjecture, therefore, of Letronnius that Panon Kome derived its name from the large apes found there, called Panes, falls to the ground. 64 namon, spice, 7not6, slaves of a very superior sort, claiefly for the Egyptian market, and tor- toise-shell of small size but in large quantity and of the finest quality known. 14. Ships set sail from Egypt for all these ports beyond the straits about the month of July — thatis, Epiphi. The same markets are also regularly supplied with the products of places far beyond them — A r i a k e and B a r u- g a z a. These products are — 2irof — Corn. *OpvCa^«— Eice. BovTvpov — Butter, i. e. ghi. "EXatoV (rrjcrdixivov — Oil of sesamum. ^Odoviov rj T€ fiovaxfj '^^'' V o-ayiiaToyrjvr) — Fine O p 6 n e was situated on the Southern shores ■ of what the Periplus calls a Khersonese, which can only be the projection now called E, a s HafUn or Cape D'Orfui (lat. 10° 25^ N.) • Ptolemy (I. 17) gives the distance of Opone from Pan on K 6m e at a 6 days' journey, from which according to the ^Periplus it was only 400 stadia distant. That the text of Ptolemy is here corrupt cannot be doubted, for in his tables the distance between the two places is not far from that which is given in the Periplus. Probably, as Miiller conjectures, he wrote 686v fjfxepas (a day's journey) which was converted into odov rjixep. s (a six-days' journey). (14) At this harbour is introduced the mention of the voyage which was annually made between ^^ From the Tamil arisi, rice deprived of the husk. — Caldwell. 65 •cotton called MonaJchS, and a coarse kind for stuffing called Sagmatogene. Ilf pi^(B/xara — Sashes or girdles. MeXi re KaXdfiivov to Xfyojuevoi' o-aKxapi. — The honey of a reed, called sugar. Some traders undertake voyages for this commerce expressly, while others, as they sail along the coast we are describing, exchange their cargoes for such others as they can procure. There is no king who reigns paramount over all this region, but each separate seat of trade is ruled by an independent despot of its own. 15. After p 6 n e, the coast now trending more to the south, you come first to what ar& called the little and the great A p o k o p a (or Bluffs) of A z a n i a, where there are no har- the coast of India and Africa in days previous to the appearance of the Greeks on the Indian Ocean, which has already been referred to, (15) After leaving p 6 n e the coast first runs ■due south, then bends to the south-west, and here begins the coast which is called the Little aad the Grea^ Apokopa or Bluffs of A z a m i a, the voyage along which occupies six days. This rocky coast, as we learn from recent explorations, begins at Ras Mabber [about lat. 9^ 25' JS".], which is between 70 and 80 miles distant fromRas Haflin and extends only to R & s-u 1-K h e i 1 [about lat. 7" 45^ N.], which is distant from Ras Mabber about 140 miles or a voyage of three or four days only. The length of this rocky coast (called H a z i n e by the Arabs) is therefore much exaggerated in the Peri- 66 bonrs, bnt only roads in which ships can conv^' niently anchor. The navigation of this coast, the direction of which is now to the south- west, occupies six days. Then follow the Little Coast and the Great Coast, occupying other six days, when in due order succeed the D r o m o i pltis. From this error we may infer that our author, who was a very careful observer,. had not personally visited this coast. Ptolemy, in opposition to Mari- nes as well as the Periplus, recognizes but one A p o k o p a, which he speaks of as a bay. Muller concludes an elaborate note regarding the A p o- k o p a by the following quotation from the work of Owen, who made the exploration already referred to, " It is strange that the descriptive term H a z i n e should have produced the names Ajan, Azan* and A z a n i a in many maps and charts, as the country never had any other appellation than Barra Somali or the land of the Somali, a people who have never yet been collected under one government, and whose limits of subjection are only within bow-shot of individual chiefs. The coast of Africa from the Eed Sea to the river Juba is inhabited by the tribe called Somali, They are a mild people of pastoral habits and confined entirely to the coast ; the whole of the interior being occupied by an untameable tribe of savages called Gall a." The coast which follows the A p o k o p a, called the Little and the Great Aigialos or Coast, is so desolate that, as Vincent remarks, not a name occurs on it, neither is there an anchorage noticed, nor the least trace of commerce to be 67 (t>r Courses) of A z a n i a, the one going by the name of Sarapion, and the other by that of Nik on. Proceeding thence, you pass the mouths of numerous rivers, and a suc- cession of other roadsteads lying apart one from another a day's distance either by sea or by found. Yet it is of great extent — a six days' voyage according to the Periplus, but, according to Ptolemy, who is here more correct, a voyage of eight days, for, as we have seen, the Periplus has unduly extended the Apokopato the South. Next follow the D r o m o i or Courses of A z a n i a, the first called that of Serapion and the other that of Nikon. Ptolemy inter- poses a bay between the Great Coast and the port of S e r a p i 6 n, on which he states there was an emporium called Essina — a day's sail dis- tant from that port. Essina, it would therefore appear, must have been somewhere near where Makdashil [Magadoxo, lat. 2° 3^ N.] was built by the Arabs somewhere in the eighth century A..D. The station called that of N i k 6 n in the Periplus appears in Ptolemy as the mart of Tonike. These names are not, as some have supposed, of Greek origin, but distortions of the native appel- lations of the places into names familiar to Greek ears. That the Greeks had founded any settle- ments here is altogether improbable. At the time when the Periplus was written all the trade of these parts was in the hands of the Arabs of M o u z a. The port of Serapion may be placed at a promontory which occurs in 1° 40'' of N. lat. From this, Tonike, according to 68 land. There are seven of tbein altogether, and they reach on to the Puralaoi islands and the narrovj strait called the Canal, beyond which, where the coast changes its direction from south- west slightly more to soath, yoa are conducted by a voyage of two days and two nights to M e- the tables of Ptolemy, was distant 45', and its position must therefore have agreed with that of Torre or Torra of our modern maps. Next occnrs a succession of rivers and road- steads, seven in nnmber, which being passed we are conducted to the Puralaan Islands, and what is called a canal or channel (Stcopv^). These islands are not mentioned elsewhere. They can readily be identified with the two called M a n d a and L a m o u, which are situate at the mouths of large rivers, and are separated from the mainland and from each other by a narrow channel. Vin- cent would assign a Greek origin to the name of these islands. " With a very slight alteration," he says, ^' of the reading, the Puralian Islands (nOp aXtoj/, marine fire,) are the islands of the Fiery Ocean, and nothing seems more consonant to reason than for a Greek to apply the name of the Fiery Ocean to a spot which was the centre? of the Torrid Zone and subject to the perpendi- cular rays of an equinoctial sun." [The Juba islands run along the coast from Juba to about Lat. 1° 60' S., and Manda bay and island is in Lat. 2' 12- S.] Beyond these islands occurs, after a voyage of two days and two nights, the island of M e- nouthjasor Menouthesias, which it has 69 nouthias, an island stretching towards sunset, and distant from the mainland about 300 stadia. It is low-ljing and woody, has rivers, and a vast variety of birds, and yields the mountain tortoise, but it has no wild beasts at all, except only crocodiles, which, however, are quite been found difficult to identify with any certainty. " It is," says Vincent, " the Eitenediommenouthesias of the Teriplus, a term egregiously strange and corrupted, but out of which the commentators unanimously collect Menoothias, whatever may be the fate of the remaining syllables. That this Me- noothias," he continues, " must have been one of the Zangibar islands is indubitable ; for the dis- tance from the coast of all three, Pemba, Zangibar, and Momfia, affords a character which is indelible ; a character applicable to no other island from Guardafui to Madagascar." He then identifies it with the island of Zangibar, lat. 6° 5' S., in pre- ference to Pemba, 5"" 6^ S., which lay too far out of the course, and in preference to Momfia, 7° 50'' S. (though more doubtfully), because of its being by no means conspicuous, whereas Zangibar was so prominent and obvious above the other two, that it might well attract the particular attention of navigators, and its distance from the mainland is at the same time so nearly in accordance with that given in the Periplus as to counterbalance all other objections. A writer in Smith's Classical Geography, who seems to have overlooked the in- dications of the distances both of Ptolemy and the Periplus, assigns it a position much further to the north than is reconcilable with these distances. 70 harmless. The boats are here made of planks sewn together attached to a keel formed of a single log of wood, and these are used for fishing and for catching turtle. This is also caught in another mode, peculiar to the island, by lower- ing wicker-baskets instead of nets, and fixing He places it about a degree south from the mouth of the River Juba or Goviud, just where an open- ing in the coral-reefs is now found. " The coast- ing voyage," he says, " steering S. W., reached the island on the east side — a proof that it was close to the main. ... It is true the navigator says it was 300 stadia from the mainland ; but as there is no reason to suppose that he surveyed the island, this distance must be taken to signify the estimated width of the northern inlet separat- ing the island from the main, and this estimate is probably much exaggerated. The mode of fishing with baskets is still practised in the Juba islands and along this coast. The formation of the coast of E. Africa in these latitudes — where the hills or downs upon the coast are all formed of a coral conglomerate comprising fragments of madrepore, shell and sand, renders it likely that the island which was close to the main 16 or 17 centuries ago, should now be united to it. Granting this theory of gradual transformation of the coast-line, the Menouthias of the FeripUis may be supposed to have stood in what is now the rich garden-land of S h a m b a, where the rivers carrying down mud to mingle with the marine deposit of coral drift covered the choked- up estuary with a rich soil." 71 them against the mouths of the cavernous rocks which lie out in the sea confronting the beach. 16. At the distance of a two days' sail from this island lies the last of the marts ofAzania, called R h a p t a, a name which it derives from the sewn boats just mentioned. Ivory is procured here in the greatest abundance, and also turtle. The indigenous inhabitants are ■ The island is said in the Periplus to extend towards the West, but this does not hold good either in the case of Zangibar or any other island in this part of the coast. Indeed there is no one of them in which at the present day all the characteristics ofMenouthias are found com- bined. M o m fi a, for instance, which resembles it somewhat in name, and which, as modern travellers tell us, is almost entirely occupied with birds and covered with their dung, does not possess any streams of water. These are found in Zangibar. The author may perhaps have con- fusedly blended together the accounts he had received from his Arab informants. ■ (16) We arrive next and finally at E h apt a, the last emporium on the coast known to the author. Ptolemy mentions not only a city of this name, but also a river and a promontory. The name is Greek (from paTrreii/, to sew), and was applied to the place because the vessels there in use were raised from bottoms consisting of single trunks of trees by the addition of planks which were sewn together with the fibres of the cocoa. 72 men of huge statnre, who live ajpart from each other J every man ruling like a lord his own domain. The whole territory is governed by the despot of Mopharitis, because the sovereignty over it, by some right of old standing, is vested in the kingdom of what is called the First Arabia. The merchants of M o u z a farm its revenues from the king, and employ in trading with it a great many ships of heavy burden, on board of which they have Arabian command- ers and factors who are intimately acquainted with the natives and have contracted marriage " It is a singular fact," as Tincent remarks, " that this peculiarity should be one of the first objects which attracted the attention of the Portuguese upon their reaching this coast. They saw them first at Mozambique, where they were called Almeidas, but the principal notice of them in most of their writers is generally stated at Kilwa, the very spot which we have supposed to receive its name from vessels of the same con- struction." Yincent has been led from this coinci- dence to identify Ehapta with Kilwa [lat. 8° 50' S.]. Miiller however would place it not so far south, but somewhere in the Bay of Zangibar, The promontory of Rhaptum, he judges from the indications of the Periplus to be the projection which closes the bay in which lies the island of Zangibar, and which is now known as M o i n a n o- k al li or Point Pouna, lat. 7° S. The parts beyond this were unknown, and the southern coast of Africa, it was accordingly thought by the ancient 73 with them, and know their language and the navigation of the coast. 17^ The articles imported into these marts are principally javelins manufactured at Mouza, hatchets, knives, awls, and crown glass of various sorts, to which must be added corn and wine in no small quantity landed at particular ports, not for sale, but to entertain and thereby con- ciliate the barbarians. The articles which these places export are ivory, in great abundance but of inferior quality to that obtained at Adouli, rhinoceros, and tortoise-shell of fine quality, second only to the Indian, and a little geographers, began here. Another cape however is mentioned by Ptolemy remoter than Rhaptum and called Prasum (that is the Green Cape) which may perhaps be Cape Delgado, which is noted for its luxuriant vegetation. The same author calls the people of R h a p t a, the R h a p s i o i Aithiopes. They are described in the Periplus as men of lofty stature, and this is still a charac- teristic of the Africans of this coast. The Rh a p s i i were, in the days of our author, subject to the people of Mouza in Arabia just as their descendants are at the present day subject to the Sultan of Maskat. Their commerce moreover still maintains its ancient characteristics. It is the African who still builds and mans the ships while the Arab is the navigator and supercargo. The ivory is still of inferior quality, and the turtle is still captured at certain parts of the coast. J 74 18. These marts, we may say, arc abont tlie last on tlie coast of A z a n i a — the coast, that is, which is on your right as you sail soutli from B e r e n I k e. For beyond these parts an ocearu hitherto unexplored, curves round towards sun- set, and, stretching along the southern ex- tremities of Ethiopia, Libya, and Africa, amalga- mates with the Western Sea. 1 9. To the left, again, of B e r e n i k e, if you (18, 19) Our author having thus described the African coast as Tar southward as it was known on its Eastern side, reverts toBerenike and enters at once on a narrative of the second voyage — that which was made thence across the Northern head of the gulf and along the coast of Arabia to the em- porium of M o u z a near the Straits. The course is first northward, and the parts about B^reniko as you bear away lie therefore now on your left hand. Having touched at M y o s H o r m o s the course on leaving it is shaped eastward across the gulf by the promontory P h a r a n, and L e u k e K o m e^^ is reached after three or four days' sailing. This was a port in the kingdom of the Nabathseans (the Nebaioth of Scripture), situated perhaps near the mouth of the Elanitic Gulf or eastern arm of the Eed Sea, now called the Gulf of Akabah. Much difference of opinion has prevailed as to its exact position, since the encroachment of the land upon the sea has much altered the line of coast here. Mannert identified it wi-th the modern y e nb o [lat. 24° 5' N., long. 38' 3^ E., the port ^^ Meaning white village. /o sail eastward from M y o s-H o r m o s across tho adjacent gulf for two days, or perhaps three, you arrive at a place having a port and a fortress " which is called Leuke Kome, and forming the point of communication with Petra, the residence of M a 1 i k h a s, the king of the Nabata3ans. It ranks as an emporium of trade, since small vessels come to it laden with merchandize from Arabia ; and hence an officer is deputed to of Medina], Gosselin with Mowilah [lat. IT 38' N., long. 35° 28' E.,] Vincent with Eynounah [lat. 28^ 3' N., long. 35° 13' E.-the Onne of Ptolemy], Eeichhard with IstabelAntai, and Rijppel with Wejh [lat. 26^ 13' IST., long. 36' 27' E]. Miillcr prefers the opinion held by Bochart, D'Anville, Quatremere, Noel des Vergers, and Bitter, who agree in placing it at the port called Hauara [lat. 24° 59' N., long. 37° 16' E.) men- tioned by Idrisi (I. p. 332), who describes it as a village inhabited by merchants carrying on a con- siderable trade in earthen vases manufactured at a clay-pit in their neighbourhood. Near it lies the island of Hassani [lat. 2-i'' 59' N., long. 37° 3' E.], which, as Wellsted reports, is con- spicuous from its white appearance. Leuke Kome is mentioned by various ancient authors, as for instance Strabo, who, in a passage where- in he recounts the misfortunes which befel the expedition which Aelius led into Nabathaea, speaks of the place as a large mart to which and from which the camel traders travel with ease and in safety from Petra and back to Petra 76 .collect the duties which are levied on imports at the rate of twenty-five per cent, of their value, and also a centurion who commands the garrison by which the place is protected. 20. Beyond this mart, and quite contiguous to it, is the realm of Arabia, which str^etches to a great distance along the coast of the Red Sea. It is inhabited by various tribes, some speaking the same language with a certain degree of with so large a body of men and camels as to differ in no respect from an army. The merchandize thus conveyed from L e u k e Kome to Petra was passed on to R h i- n.okoloura in Palestine near Egypt, and thence to other nations, but in his own time the greater part was transported by the Nile to Alexandria. It was brought down from India and Arabia toMyos Hormos, whence it was first conveyed on camels to K o p t o s and thence by the Nile to A 1 e x a n d r i a. The Nabathaean king, at the time when our author visited L e u k e, Kome, was, as he cells us, Malikhas, a name which means * king,' Two Petraean sovereigns so called are mentioned by Josephos, of whom the latter was contemporary with Herod, The Malikhas of the Periplus is however not mentioned in any other work. Tlie Nabathaean kingdom was subverted in the time of Trajan, a.d. 105, as we learn from Dio Cassius (cap. Ixviii. 14), and from Eutropius (viii.2, 9), and from Ammianus Marcellinus (xiv. 8). (20) At no great distance from LeukeKome the Nabathaean realm terminates and Arabia. 77 uniformity, and others a language totally differ- ent. Here also, as on the opposite continent, the sea-board is occupied by Ikhthyophagoi, who live in dispersed huts ; while the men of the interior live either in villages, or where pasture can be found, and are an evil race of men, speaking two different languages. If a vessel is driven from her course upon this shore she is plundered, and if wrecked the crew on escaping to land are reduced to slavery. For this reason they are treated as enemies and cap- tured by the chiefs and kings of Arabia. They are called Kanraitai. Altogether, therefore, the navigation of this part of the Arabian coast is very dangerous : for, apart from the harharitij of its people, it has neither harbours nor good roadsteads, and it is foul with breakers, and girdled with rocks which render it inaccessible. For this reason when sailing south we stand off begins. The coast is here described as most dis- mal, and as in every way dangerous to navigation. The inhabitants at the same time are barbarians, destitute of all humanity, who scruple not to attack and plunder wrecked ships and to make slaves of their crews if they escaped to land. The mariner therefore, shunned these inhospitable shores, and standing well out to sea, sailed down the middle of the gulf. The tribe here spoken of was that perhaps which is represented by the H u t e m i of the present day, and the coast be- longed to the part of Arabia now called H e j i d. 78 from a shore in every way so dreadful, and keep our course down the middle of the gulf, straining our utmost to reach the more ckyilized part of Arabia, which begins at Burnt Island. From this onward the people are under a regu- lar government, and, as their country is pastoral, they keep herds of cattle and camels. 21. Beyond this tract, and on the shore of a bay which occurs at the termination of the left (or east) side of the gulf, is M o u z a, an estab- lished and notable mart of trade, at a distance A more civilized region begins at an island called Burnt island, which answers to the modern Zebayir [about lat. 16" 5' N., long. 42" 12' E.], an island which was till recently volcanic. (21) Beyond this is the great emporium called M ouz a, [lat. 13" 43' N., long. 43" 5M4"E.] situated in a bay near the termination of the Gulf, and at a distance from Berenikeof 12,000 stadia. Here the population consists almost entirely of merchants and mariners, and the place is in the highest degree commercial. The commodities of tlie country are rich and numerous (though this is denied by Pliny), and there is a great traffic in Indian articles brought from Barugaza (Bharoch). This port, once the most celebrated and most fre- quented in Yemen, is now the village Musa about twenty-five miles north from Mokha, which has replaced it as a port, the foundation of which dates back no more than 400 years ago. " Twenty miles inland from Mokha," says Vincent, " Niebuhr dis- covered a Musa still existing, which he with great 79 Boutli from Berenike of not more than 12,000 stadia. The whole place is full of Arabian ship- masters and common sailors, and is absorbed in the pursuits of commerce, for with ships of its own fitting out, it trades with the marts beyond the Straits on the opposite coast, and also with B a r u g a z a. 22. Abovethisa three days' journey ofFlies the city of S a u e, in the district called M o p h a- r i t i s. It is the residence ofKholaibos, the despot of that country. probability supposes to be the ancient mart now carried inland to this distance by the recession of the coast." [He must have confounded it with JebelMusa, due east of Mokha, at the com- mencement of the mountain country.] It is a mere village badly built. Its water is good, and is said to be drunk by the wealthier inhabitants of Mokha. Bochart identified Mouza with the M e s h a mentioned by Moses. (22) The Periplus notices two cities that lay inland from M o u z a — the 1st Sane, the Save of Pliny (YI. xxvi., 101), and also of Ptolemy (VI. vii., p. 411), who places it at a distance of 500 stadia S. E. of Mouza. The position and distance direct us to the city of T a a e s, which lies neara mountain called Saber. Saue belonged to a district called MapharitisorMophareites, a name which appears to survive in the modern M h a r r a s, which designates a mountain lying N. E. from T a a e s. It was ruled byKholaibos (Arabice—Khaleb), whom our author calls a tyrant. 80 23. A journey of nine days more conducts us to S a p li a r, tlie metropolis ofKliaribael, the rightful sovereign of two contiguous tribes, the Hom.erites and the Sabaitai, and, by means of frequent embassies and presents, the friend of the Emperors. and who was therefore probably a Sheikh who had revolted from his lawful chief, and established himself as an independent ruler. (23) The other city was S a p h a r, the metro- polis of the Homeritai, i.e. the H i m a r y i — the Arabs of Yemen, whose power was widely extended, not only in Yemen but in distant countries both to the East and West. Saphar is called Sappharby Ptolemy (VI. vii.), who places it in 14°]S[. lat. Philostorgios calls it T a p h a r o n, and Stephen of Byzantium T a r p h a r a. It is now D h a f a r or Dsoffar or Zaphar. In Edrisi (I. p. 148) it appears as D h o f a r, and he thus writes of it : — " It is the capital of the district Jahsseb. It was forncierly one of the greatest and most famous of cities. The kings of Yemen made it their residence, and there was to be seen the palace of Zeidan. These structures are now in ruins, and the population has been much decreased, never- theless the inhabitants ,have preserved some remnants of their ancient riches." The ruins of the city and palace still exist in the neigh- bourhood of J e r i m, which I^iebuhr places in 14° 30' N. lat. The distance from S a u e to Saphar in the Periplus is a nine days' journey. Niebuhr accomplished it however in six. Perhaps, as Miiller suggests, the nine days' journey is from 81 24. The mart of M o u z a has no harbour, but its sea is smooth, and the anchorage good, owing to the sandy nature of the bottom. The com- modities which it imports are — Xlopcjivpa, didcfjopos Kal x^Saia — Purple cloth, fine and ordinary. "ifi'aTKTfios 'Apa/3t/c6y ;^eipi6c«r6?, ore AttKovs koi 6 Kotvbs Koi (TKOTOvXaTos Koi bidxpya-os — Garments made up in the Arabian fashion, some plain and common, and others wrought in needlework and inwoven with gold. KpoKos — Saffron. KvTrepos — The aromatic rush Kyperos. (Tur- meric ?) 'oBovLov — Muslins. ' A^oXXat — Cloaks . Ad>8iK€s ov TToXXai, dTrXot re koX ivTottioi. — Quilts, in small quantity, some plain, others adapted to the fashion of the country. Zwrnt o-Ktcerai — Sashes of various shades of colour. Mvpov fierpiov — Perfumes, a moderate quantity. Xprjfia Uavbv — Specie as much as is required. Olvos — Wine. Stroff ov noKvs — Corn, but not much. Mouzato Saphar. The sovereign of Saphar is called by our author Kharibael, a name which is not found among the Himyaritic kings known from other sources. In Ptolemy tho region is called Elisaron, from a king bearing that name. (24) Adjacent to the Homeritai, and subject to them when the Periplus was written, were the Sabaeans, so famous in antiquity for their wealth, 82 The country produces a little wheat and a great abundance of wine. Both the king and the despot above mentioned receive presents consisting of horses, pack-saddle mules, gold plate, silver plate embossed, robes of great value, and ntensils of brass. M o u z a exports its own local products — myrrh of the finest quality that has oozed in drops from the trees, both the Gabiraoan and Minoean kinds ; white marble (or alabaster), in addition to commodities brought from the other side of the Gulf, all such as were enumerated at A d o n 1 i . The most favourable seasonfor making a voyage to Mouza is themonth of September, — that is Thoth, — but there is nothing to prevent it being made earlier. 25. If on proceeding from Mouza yon sail by the coast for about a distance of 300 stadia, luxury and magnificence. Their country, the S h e b a of Scripture, was noted as the land of frankincense. Their power at one time extended far and wide, but in the days of our author they were subject to the Homerites ruled over by Kharibael, who was assiduous in courting the friendship of Rome. (25) At a distance of 300 stadia beyond Mouza we reach the straits where the shores of Arabia and Africa advance so near to each other that the passage between them has only, according to the Periplus, a width of 60 stadia, or 7^ miles. In the midst of the passage lies the island of D i o- d 6 r o s (now Perim), which is about 4| miles long by 2 broad, and rises 230 feet above the level of the 83 fhere occurs, where the Arabian mainland and the opposite coast of B a r b a r i a at A u a- 1 i t e s now approach each other, a channel of no great length which contracts the sea and encloses it within narrow bounds. This is 60 stadia wide, and in crossing it you come midway upon the island of D i o d 6 r o s, to which it is Owing that the passage of the straits is in its neighbourhood exposed to violent winds which blow down from the adjacent mountains. There is situate upon the shore of the straits an Arabian village subject to the same ruler (as Mouza), k e 1 i s by name, which is not so much a mart of com- merce as a place for anchorage and supplying water, and where those who are bound for the interior first land and halt to refresh themselves. sea. The straits, according to Moresby, are 14 1 geographical miles wide at the entrance between Bab-el-Mandab Cape (near which is Perim) and the opposite point or volcanic peak called J i b e 1 S i j an. The larger of the two entrances is 11 miles wide, and the other only l^-. Sfcrabo, Agathemeros, and Pliny all agree with the Periplus in giving 60 stadia as the breadth of the straits. The first passage of those dreaded straits was regarded as a great achievement, and was naturally ascribed to Sesostris as the voyage though the straits of Kalpe was ascribed to Herakles. ■. Situated on the shores of the straits was a place called O k e 1 i s. This was not a mart of commerce, but merely a bay with. 84 26. Beyond O k e 1 i s, the sea again widening" out towards the east, and gradually expanding into the open m^in, there lies, at about the dis- tance of 1,200 stadia, EudaimonArabia, a maritime village subject to that kingdom of which Kharibael is sovereign — a place with good anchorage, and supplied with sweeter and better water than that of Okelis, and standing at the entrance of a bay where the land begins to good anchorage and well supplied with water. It ia identical with the modern Ghalla or Cella, which has a bay immediately within the Straits. Strabo following Artemidoros notes here a promontory called A k i 1 a. Pliny (VI. xxxii. 157) mentions an emporium of the same name "ex quo in Indiam navigatur." In xxvi., 104 of the same Book he says : " Indos petentibus utilis- simam est ab c e 1 i egredi." Ptolemy mentions aPseudokelis, which he places at the dis- tance of half a degree from the emporium of Okelis. (26) At a distance beyond Okelis of 1,200 stadia is the port of EudaimonArabia, which beyond doubt corresponds to 'Aden, [lat. 12o 45^ IsT., long. 45° 21' E.] now so well-known as the great packet station between Suez and India. The opinion held by some that Aden is the Eden mentioned by the Prophet Ezekiel (xxvii. 23) is opposed by Bitter and Winer. It is not mention- ed by Pliny, though it has been erroneously held that the Attanae, which he mentions in the following passage, was Aden. "Homnae 85 retire inwards. It was called Eudaimon (' rich and prosperous'), because in bygone days, when the merchants from India did not proceed to Egypt, and those from Egypt did not venture to cross over to the marts further east, but both came only as far as this city, it formed the com- mon centre of their commerce, as Alexandria receives the wares which pass to and fro between Egypt and the ports of the Mediter- et Attanae (v. 1. Athanae) quss nunc oppida maxime celebrari a Persico mari negotiatorea dicunt." (vi. 32.) Ptolemy, who calls it simply Arabia, speaks of it as an emporium, and places after it at the distance of a degree and a half Melan Horos, or Black Hill, 17 miles from the coast, which is in long. 46° 59' E. The place, as the Periplus informs us, received the name of Eudaimon from the great prosperity and wealth which it derived from being the great entrepot of the trade between India and Egypt. It was in decay when that work was written, but even in the time of Ptolemy had begun to show symptoms of returning prosperity, and in the time of Constantine it was known as the ' Eoman Em- porium,' and had almost regained its former con- sequence, as is gathered from a passage in the works of the ecclesiastical historian Philostorgios. It is thus spoken of by Edrisi (I. p. 51) : "'Aden is a small town, but renowned for its seaport whence ships depart that are destined for Sind, India, and China." In the middle ages it became again the centre of the trade between India and S6 ranean. Now, however, it lies in ruins, the Emperor having destroyed it not long before our own times. 27. To Eudaimon Arabia at once suc- ceeds a great length of coast and a bay extend- ing 2,000 stadia or more, inhabited by nomadic tribes and Ikhthyophagoi settled in villages. On doubling a cape which projects from it you come to another trading seaport, Kane, which the Hed Sea, and thus regained that wonderful prosperity which in the outset had given it its name. In this flourishing condition it was found by Marco Polo, whose account of its wealth, power and influence is, as Vincent remarks, almost as magnificent as that which Agatharkhides attributed to the Sabseans in the time of the Ptolemies, when the trade was carried on in the same manner. Agatharkhides does not however mention the place by name, but it was probably the city which he describes without naming it as lying on the White Sea without the straits, whence, he says, the Sabseans sent out colonies or factories into India, and where the fleets from Persis, Kar mania and the Indus arrived. The name of Aden is supposed to be a corruption from Eudaimon. (27) The coast beyond Aden is possessed partly by wandering tribes, and partly by tribes settled in villages which subsist on fish. Here occurs a bay — that now called Ghubhet-al-Kamar, which extends upwards of 2,000 stadia, and ends in a promontory — that now called Ras-al-Asidah or 87 is subject to Eleazos, king of the incense country. Two barren islands lie opposite to it, 120 stadia oflf — one called r n e 6 n, and tbe other Troullas. At some distance inland from Kane is Sabbath a, the principal city of the district, where the king resides, ilt K a n e is collected all the incense that is pro- duced in the country, this being conveyed to it partly on camels, and partly hij sea on floats Sa-l-haf [lat. 13° 58' N., long 48° 9' S.— a cape with a hill near the fishing village of Gillah]. Beyond this lies another great mart called Kane. It is mentioned by Pliny, and also by Ptolemy, who assigns it a position in agreement with the indications given in the Periplus. It has been identified with the port now called Hisn Ghorab [lat. 14° 0^ K long. 48° 19^ E.]. Not far from this is an island called Halani, which answers to the Troullas pf our author. Further south is an- other island, which is called by the natives of the adjacent coast Sikkah, but by sailors Jibtls. This is covered with the dung of birds which in countless multitudes have always frequented it, and may be therefore identified with the r n e 6 n of the Feriplus. Kane was subject to Eleazos, the king of the Frankincense Country, who resided at S a b b a t h a, or as it is called by Pliny (VI. xxxii. 155) Sabot a, the capital of the Atramitae or Adramitae, a tribe of Sabeeans from whom the division of Arabia now known as Hadhramaufc takes its name. The position of this city cannot be determined with certainty, Wellsted, who pro- 88 supported on inflated skins, a local invention, and also in boats. Kane carries on trade with ports across tlie ocean — B a r u g a z a, S k y t h i a, and m a n a , and the adjacent coast of P e r s i s. 28. From Egypt it imports, like Mouza, corn and a little wheat, cloths for the Arabian ceeded into the interior from the coast near Hisn Ghorab through Wadi Meifah, came after a day's journey and a half to a place called !N"akb-el- Hajar, situated in a highly cultivated district, where he found ruins of an ancient city of the Himyarites crowning an eminence that rose gently with a double summit from the fertile plain. The city appeared to have been built in the most solid style of architecture, and to have been protected by a very lofty wall formed of square blocks of black marble, while the inscriptions plainly betokened that it was an old seat of the Himyarites. A close similarity could be traced between its ruins and those of Kane, to which there was an easy communication by the valley of Meifah. This place, however, can hardly be regarded as S a fa- bat h a without setting aside the distances given by Ptolemy, and Wellsted moreover learned from the natives that other ruins of a city of not less size were to be met with near a village called Esan, which could be reached by a three days* journey. — (See Haines, Mem. of the S. Coast of Arah.) (28) With regard to the staple product of this region — frankincense, the Periplus informs us that 89 market, botli of tlie common sort and the plain, and large quantities of a sort that is adulterated ; also copper, tin, coral, styrax, and all the other articles enumei^ted at Mouza. Besides these there are brought also, principally for the king, wrought silver plate, and specie as well as horses and curved images, and plain cloth of a superior quality. Its exports are its indigen- ous products, frankincense and aloes, and such commodities as it shares in common with other marts on the same coast. Ships sail for this port at the same season of the year as those bound for Mouza, but earlier. 29, As you proceed from Kane the laud it was brought for exportation to K a n e. It was however in the first place, if we may credit Pliny, conveyed to the Metropolis. He says (xv. 32) that when gathered it was carried into S a b o t a on camels which could enter the city only by one particular gate, and that to take it by any other route was a crime punished by death. The priests, he adds, take a tithe for a deity named S a b i s, and that until this impost is paid, the article cannot be sold. Some writers would identify Sabbatha with Mariabo (Marab), but on insufficient grounds. It has also been conjectured that the name may be a lengthened form of S a b a (Sheba), a common appellation for cities in Arabia- Felix. [Muller places Sabbatha at Sawa, lat. 16° 13' N., long. 48° 9' E.] (29) The next place mentioned by our author I 90 retires more and more, and there succeeds another very deep and far-stretching gnlf, Sakhalites by name, and also the frank- incense country, which is mountainous and difl&cult of access, having a dense air loaded with vapours [and] the frankincense exhaled from tlie trees. These trees, which are not of any great size or height, yield their incense in the form of a concretion on the bark, just as several of our trees in Egypt exude gum. The incense is collected by the hand of the king's slaves, and malefactors condemned to this service as a punishment. The country is unhealthy in the" extreme : — pestilential even to those who sail along the coast, and mortal to the poor wretches who gather the incense, who also suffer from lack of food, which readily cuts them off. 30. Now at this gulf is a promontory, the greatest in the world, looking towards the east, after K a n e is a Bay called Sakhalites, which terminates at Suagros, a promontory which looks eastward, and is the greatest cape in the whole world. There was much difference of opinion among the ancient geographers regarding the position of this Bay, and consequently regard- ing that of Cape Suagros. (30) Some would identify the latter with Eas- el-Had, and others on account of the similarity of the name with Cape Saugra or Saukirah [lat. 18° 8' N., long. 56° 3b' E.], where Ptolemy places a city S u a g r o s at a distance of 6 degrees 91 and called S u a g r o s, at which is a fortress which protects the country, and a harbour, and a magazine to which the frankincense which is collected is brought. Out in the open sea, facing this promontory, and lying between it and the promontory of A r 6 m a t a, which pro- jects from the opposite coast, though nearer to S u a g r o s, is the island going by the name of Dioskorides, which is of great extent, but from Kane. But Suagrosis undoubtedly Ras Fartak [lat. 15° 39^ N., long. 62° 15' E.], which is at a distance of 4 degrees from HisnGhorab, or Kane, and which, rising to the height of 2,600 feet oa a coast which is all low-lying, is a very conspicuous object, said to be discernible from a distance of 60 miles out at sea. Eighteen miles west from this promontory is a village called Saghar, a name which might probably have suggested to the Greeks that of S u a g r o s. Consistent with this identification is the passage of Pliny (VI. 32) where he speaks of the island Dioscoridis (Sokotra) as distant from S u a g r o s, which he calls the utmost projection of the coast, 2,240 stadia or 280 miles, which is only about 30 miles in excess of the real distance, 2,000 stadia. Wifch regard to the position of the Bay of Sakhalites, Ptolemy, followed by Marcianus, places it to the East of Suagros. Marines on the other hand, like the Periplus, places it to the west of it. Miiller agrees with Fresnel in regarding Sakhle, mentioned by Ptolemy (YI. vii. 41) as ^2 desert and very moist, having rivers and cro- codiles and a great many vipers, and lizards of enormous size, of vfhich the flesh serves for food, while the grease is melted down and used as a substitute for oil. This island does not, bow- ever, produce either the grape or com. The population, which is but scanty, inhabits the north side of the island — that part of it which looks towards the mainland (of Arabia). It 1^ degree East of Makalleh [lat. 14^ 31' N., long 49° 7' W.] as the same with Shehr — which is now the name of all that mountainous region extending from the seaport of Makalleh to the bay in which lie the islands of Kury^a Morya. He therefore takes this to be in the Regio Sakhalites, and rejects the opinion of Ptolemy as inconsistent with this determination. With regard to Shehr or Shehar [lat. W 38' N., long. 49° 22' E.] Yule {M. PoZojII, vol. p. 440, note) says : " Sbihr or Shehr still exists on the Arabian Coast as a town and district about 330 miles east of Aden." The name Shehr in some of the oriental geographies in- cludes the whole Coast up to Oman. The hills of the Shehr and Dhafar districts were the great source of produce of the Arabian frankincense. The island of Dioskorides (qow Sokotra) is placed by the Periplus nearer to Cape S u a- g r o s than to Cape A r 6 m a t a — although its dis- tance from the former is nearly double the distance from the latter. The name, though in appearance a Greek one, is in reality of Sanskrit origin ; from Dvtpa Sukhdddra, i.e. insula fortunata, ' Island abode 93 consists of an intermixture of foreigners, Arabs, Indians, and even Greeks, who resort hither for the purposes of commerce. The island pro- duces the tortoise, — the genuine, the land, and the white sort : the latter very abundant, and distinguished for the largeness of its shell ; also the mountain sort which is of extraordinary size and has a very thick shell, whereof the under- part cannot be used, being too hard to cut, of Bliss.' The accuracy of the statements made regarding it in the Periplus is fully confirmed by the accounts given of it by subsequent writers. Kosmas, who wrote in the 6th century, says that the inhabitants spoke Greek, and that he met with people from it who were on their way to Ethiopia, and that they spoke Greek. " The ecclesiastical historian NikephorosKallistos," says Yule, " seems to allude to the people of Sokotra when he says that among the nations visited by the Missionary Theophilus in the time of Constantius, were ' the Assyrians on the verge of the outer Ocean,' towards the East . . . whom Alexander the Great, after driving them from Syria, sent thither to settle, and to this day they keep their mother tongue, though all of the blackest, through the power of the sun's rays.' The Arab voyagers of the 9th century say that the island was colonized with Greeks by Alexander the Great, in order to promote the culture of the Sokotrine aloes ; when the other Greeks adopted Christianity these did likewise, and they had continued to retain their profession of it. The colonizing by 94 while tlie serviceable part is made into money- boxes, tablets, escritoires, and ornamental articles of that description. It yields also the vegetable dye {Kivvd^api) called Indie am (or Dragon's- blood), which is gathered as it distils from trees. 31. The island is subject to the king of the frankincense country, in the same way as A-z a n i a is subject to Kharibael and the despot of Mopharitis. It used to be visited by some {merchants) from Mouza, and others on the homeward voyage from Limurik^ and Barugaza would occasionally touch at it, import- ing rice, corn, Indian cotton and female- slaves, who, being rare, always commanded a ready market. In exchange for these commodities they would receive as fresh cargo great quan- tities of tortoise-shell. The revenues of the island are at the present day farmed out by its sovereigns, who, however, maintain a garrison in it for the protection of their interests. Alexander is probably a fable, but invented to account for facts." {Marco Polo II. 401.) The aloe, it maybe noted, is not mentioned in the Periplus as one of the products of the island. The islanders, though at one time Christians, are now Muham- madans, and subject as of yore to Arabia. The people of the interior are still of distinct race with curly hair, Indian complexion, and regular features. The coast people are mongrels of Arab and mixed descent. Probably in old times 95 32. Immediately after Suagros follows a gulf deeply indenting the mainland of m a n a, and having a width of GOO stadia. Beyond it are high mountains, rocky and precipitous, and inhabited by men who live in caves. The range extends onward for 500 stadia, and be- yond where it terminates lies an important harbour called M o s k h a, the appointed port to civilization and Greek may have been confined to the littoral foreigners. Marco Polo notes that so far back as the 10th century it was one of the stations frequented by the Indian corsairs called B a w a r i j, belonging to Kachh and Gujarat. (32) Eeturniug to the mainland the narrative conducts us next to M o s k h a, a seaport trading with Kane, and a wintering place for vessels arriving late in the season from Malabar and the Gulf of Khambat. The distance of this place from Suagros is set down at upwards of 1,100 stadia, 600 of which represent the breadth of a bay which begins at the Cape, and is called Oman a A 1-K a m a r. The occurrence of the two names Omana and Moskha in such close connexion led D'Anville to suppose that Moskha is identical with M a s k a t, the capital of O m a n, the country lying at the south-east extremity of Arabia, and hence that Eas-el-Had, beyond which Maskat lies, must be Cape Suagros. This supposition is, how- ever, untenable, since the identification of Moskha with the modern Ausera is complete. For, in the first place, the Bay of Seger, which begins at Cape Fartak, is of exactly the same measure- 96 wbicli the SaJckah'tik frankincense is forward- ed. It is regularly frequented by a number of ships from Kane; and such ships as come from Limurike and Barugaza too late in the season put into harbour here for the winter, where they dispose of their muslins, corn, and oil to the king's officers, receiving in exchange frankincense, which lies in piles throughout the ment across to Cape Thurbot Ali as the Bay of O m a n a, and again the distance from Cape Thur- bot Ali [lat. 16° 38' N., long. 53' 3' E.] to Kas-al- Sair, the A u s a r a of Ptolemy, corresponds almost as exactly to the distance assigned by our author from the same Cape to M o s k h a. Moreover Pliny (Xll. 35) notices that one particular kind of incense bore the name of Ausaritis, and, as the Periplus states that M o s k h a was the great emporium of the incense trade, the identification is satisfactory. There was another Moskha on this coast which was also a port. It lay to the west of Suagros, and has been identified with K e s h i n [lat. 15° 21' N. long. 51" 39'' E.]. Our author, though correct in his description of the coast, may perhaps have erred in his nomenclature ; and this is the more likely to have happened as it scarcely admits of doubt that he had no personal knowledge of South Arabia beyond Kane and Cape Suagros. Besides no other author speaks of an Omana so far to westward as the position assigned to the Bay of that name. The tract immediately beyond Moskha or Ausera is low and fertile, 97 wTiole of Sakhalitis witlioufc a guard to protect it, as if the locality were indebted to sorae divine power for its security. Indeed, it is impossible to procure a cargo, either publicly or hj connivance, without the king's permission. Should one take furtively on board were it but a single grain, his vessel can by no possibility escape from harbour. and is called Dofar or Zhafar, after a famous city now destroyed, but whose ruins are still to be traced between Al-hafah and Addahariz. " This Dhafar," says Yule {Marco Polo II. p. 442 note) ** or the bold mountain above it, is supposed to be the S e p h a r of Genesis X. 30." It is certain that the Himyarites had spread their dominion as far eastward as this place. Marco Polo thus de- scribes Dhafar : — " It stands upon the sea, and has a very good haven, so that there is a great traffic of shipping between this and India ; and the mer- chants take hence great numbers of Arab horses to that market, making great profits thereby. . . . Much white incense is produced here, and I will tell you how it grows. The trees are like small fir-trees ; these are notched with a knife in several places, and from these notches the incense is exuded. Sometimes, also, it flows from the tree without any notch, this is by reason of the great heat of the sun there." Miiller would identify M o s k h a with Zhafar, and accounts for the discre- pancy of designation by supposing that our author had confounded the name M a s k a t, which was the great seat of the traffic in frankincense with 98 33. From the port of M o s k h a onward to A s i k h, a distance of about 1,500 stadia, rans a range of hills pretty close to the shore, and at its termination there are seven islands bearing the name ofZenobios, beyond which again we come to another barbarous district not subject to any power in Arabia, but to Persis. If when sailing by this coast you stand well out the name of the greatest city in the district which actually produced it. A similar confusion he thinks transferred the name of Oman to the same part of the country. The climate of the in- cense country is described as being extremely un- healthy, but its unhealthiness seems to have been designedly exaggerated. (33) Beyond M o s k h a the coast is mountain- ous as far as A s i k h and the islands of Zeno- bios — a distance excessively estimated at 1,500 stadia. The mountains referred to are 5,000 feet in height, and are those now called Subaha. Asikh is readily to be identified with the H a s e k of Arabian geographers. Edrisi (I. p. 54) says : " Thence (from Marbat) to the town of Hasek is a four days' journey and a two days' sail. Before Hasek are the two islands of K h a r t a n and M a r t a n. Above H a s e k is a high mountain named Sous, which commands the sea. It is an inconsiderable town but populous." This place is now in ruins, but has left its name to the promontory on which it stood [Ras Hasek, lat. 17° 23^ N. long. 55° 20^ E. opposite the island of Hasiki]. The islands of Zenobios are mentioned by Ptolemy as seven in 99 to sea so as to keep a direct course, then at about a distance from the island ofZenobios of 2,000 stadia you arrive at another island, called that of S ar ap i s, lying off shore, say, 120 stadia. It is about 200 stadia broad and 600 long, possessing three villages inhabited by a savage tribe of I k h t h y o p h a go i, who speak the Arabic language, and whose clothing con- number, and are those called by Edrisi K h a r t a n and Mart an, now known as the Kuriyan M u r i y a n islands. The inhabitants belonged to an Arab tribe which was spread from Hasek to Kas-el-Had, and was called B e i t or Beni J e n a b i, whence the Greek name. M. Polo in the 31st chapter of his travels " discourseth of the two islands called Male and Female," the position of which he vaguely indicates by saying that " when you leave the kingdom ofKesmacoran (Mek- ran) which is on the mainland, you go by sea some 500 miles towards the south, and then you find the 2 islands Male and Female lying about 30 miles distant from one another" (See also Marco Polo, vol. II. p. 396 note.) Beyond A s i k h is a district inhabited by barbarians, and subject not to Arabia but to Persis.- Then succeeds at a distance of 200 stadia beyond the islands of Zenobiosthe island of Sarapis» (the Ogyris of Pliny) now called Masira [lat. 20° 10 to 20° 42' ]Sr., long. 58° 37' to 58° 59' E.] opposite that part of the coast where Oman now begins. The Periplus exaggerates both its breadth and its distance from the continent. It was still in- 100 sists of a girdle made from the leaves oftlie cocoa-palm. The island produces in great plenty tortoise of excellent quality, and the merchants of Kane accordingly fit out little boats and cargo-ships to trade with it. 34. If sailing onward you wind round with the adjacent coast to the north, then as you approach the entrance of the Persian Gulf you habited by a tribe of fish-eaters in the time of Ebn Batuta^ by whom it was visited. On proceeding from S a r a p i s the adjacent coast bends round, and the direction of the voyage changes to north. The great cape which forms the south-eastern extremity of Arabia called R a s- el-Had [lat. 22° 33^ N. long. 59° 48" E.] is here indicated^ but without being named ; Ptolemy calls itKorodamon (VI. vii. 11.) (34) Beyond it, and near the entrance to the Persian Gulf, occurs, according to the Periplus, a group of many islands, which lie in a range along the coast over a space of 2,000 stadia, and are called the islands of K a 1 a i o u. Here our author is obviously in error, for there are but three groups of islands on this coast, which are not by any means near the entrance of the Gulf. They lie beyond Maskat [lat. 23^ 38' N. long. 58° 36" E.] and extend for a considerable distance along the Batinah coast. The central group is that of the Deymaniyeh islands (probably the Damnia of Pliny) which are seven in number, and lie nearly opposite Birkeh [lat 23" 42' N. long. 57" 66' E.]. The error, as Miiller suggests, may be accounted 101 fall in with a group of islands which lie in a range along the coast for 2,000 stadia, and are called the islands of K a 1 a i o u. The inhabit- ants of the adjacent coast are cruel and treacherous, and see imperfectly in the day- time. 35. Near the last headland of the islands of Kalaiou is the mountain called K a 1 o n for by supposing that the tract of country called El Batinah was mistaken for islands. This tract, which is very low and extremely fertile, stretches from Birkeh [lat. 23° 42^ N. long. 57° 55'' E.] onward to Jibba, where high mountains approach the very shore, and run on in an unbroken chain to the mouth of the Persian Gulf. The islands are not mentioned by any other author, for the Calaeou insulaeof Pliny (VI. xxxii. 150) must, to avoid utter confusion, be referred to the coast of the Arabian Gulf. There is a place called E 1 K i 1 h a t, the Akilla of PHny [lat. 22° 40' N. long. 59°24'E.] — but whether this is connected with the Kalaiou islands of the Periplus is uncertain [Conf. Ind. Ant. vol. IV. p. 48. El Kilkat, south of Maskat and close to Sur, was once a great port.] (35) Before the mouth of the Persian Gulf is reached occurs aheightcalled Kal o n (Fair Mount) at the last head of the islands of Papias— r«i/ UaTTLov vfjo-tav. This reading has been altered by Fabricius and Schwanbeck to twv KaXdiov vf]v ip.TToplQ. All the regions beyond this are unex- plored, being difficult of access by reason of the extreme rigour of the climate and the severe frosts, or perhaps because such is the will of the divine power. intersected those of his contemporary Ptoiemy Euergetes— (vide Yule's Travels of Marco Polo, vol. II. p. 21). THE VOYAGE OF NEARKHOS, FROM THE INDUS TO THE HEAD OF THE PERSIAN GULF, AS DESCRIBED IN THE SECOND PART OF THE INDIKA OF ARRIAN, (Feom Chapter XVIII. to the end.) TRANSLATED FROM MULLER'S EDITION (As given in the Qeographi Orceci Minorea : Paris, 1856). WITH INTRODUGTiON AND NOTES. THE VOYAGE OF NEARKHOS. Introduction. The coasting voyage from the mouth of the Indus to the head of the Persian Gulf, designed by Alexander the Great, and executed by Nearkhos, may be regarded as the most important achieve- ment of the ancients in navigation. It opened up, as Vincent remarks, a communication between Europe and the most distant countries of Asia, and, at a later period, was the source and origin of the Portuguese discoveries, and consequently the primary cause, however remote, of the British establishments in India. A Journal of this voyage was written by Nearkhos himself, which, though not extant in its original form, has been preserved for us by Arrian, who embodied its contents in his little work on India,^ which he wrote as a sequel to his history of the expedition of Alexander. Nearkhos as a writer must be acknowledged to be most scrupulously honest and exact, — for the result of explorations made in modern times along the shores which he passed in the course of his voyage shows that his description of them is accurate even in the most minute particulars. His veracity Was nevertheless oppugned in ancient times by Strabo, who unjustly stigmatises the whole class of the Greek writers upon India as mendacious. " Generally speaking," he says (II. i. 9), " the men who have written upon Indian * Written in the Ionic dialect. 154 affairs were a set of liars. Deimakhos holds tlie first place in the list, Megasthenes comes next, while Onesikritos and Nearkhos, with others of the same class, stammer out a few words of truth/^ {TTapa-^eXkL^ovTes). Strabo, however, in spite of this censure did not hesitate to use Nearkhos as one of his chief authorities for his description of India, and is indebted to him for many facts re- lating to that country, which, however extraordi- nary they might appear to his contemporaries, have been all confirmed by subsequent observa- tion. It is therefore fairly open to doubt whether Strabo was altogether sincere in his ill opinion, seeing it had but little, if any, influence on his prac- tice. We know at all events that he was too much inclined to undervalue any writer who retailed fables, without discriminating whether the Writer set them down as facts, or merely as stories, which he had gathered from hearsay. In modern times, the charge of mendacity has been repeated by Hardouin and Huet. There are, however, no more than two passages of the Journal which can be adduced to support this imputa- tion. The first is that in which the excessive breadth of 200 stadia is given to the Indus, and the second that in which it is asserted that at Malana (situated in 25° 17' of N. latitude) the shadows at noon were observed to fall south- ward, and this in the month of November. With regard to the first charge, it may be supposed that the breadth assigned to the Indus was probably that which it was observed to have when in a state of inundation, and with regard to the second, it may be met by the supposition, which is^ quite 155 admissible, that Arrian may have misapprehended • in some measure the import of the statement as made by Nearkhos, The passage will be after- wards examined,* but in the meantime we may say, with Vincent, that if the difficulty it presents admits of no satisfactory solution, the misstate- ment ought not, as standing alone, to be insisted upon to the invalidation of the whole work. But another charge besides that of mendacity has been preferred against the Journal. Dodwell has denied its authenticity. His attack is based on the following passage in Pliny (YT. 23) : — Onesciriti et Nearchi navigatio nee nomina habet mansionum nee spatia. The Journal of Onesicritus and Nearchus has neither the names of the anchorages nor the measure of the distances. From this Dod- well argues that, as the account of the voyage in Arrian contains both the names and the distances, it could not have been a transcript of the Journal of Nearkhos, which according to Pliny gave neither names nor distances. Now, in the first place, it may well be asked, why the authority of Pliny, who is by no means always a careful writer, should be set so high as to override all other testimony, for instance, that of Arrian himself, who expressly states in the outset of his narrative that he intended to give the account of the voyage which had been written by Nearkhos. In the second place, the passage in question is probably corrupt, or if not, it is in direct conflict with the passage which immediately follows it, and contains Pliny's own summary of the voyage in which little else * See infra, note 35. 15G is given than the names of the anchorages and the distances. Dodwell was aware of the inconsis- tency of the two passages, and endeavoured to explain it away. In this he entirely fails, and there can therefore be no reasonable doubt, that in Arrian's work we have a record of the voyage as authentic as it is veracious. Of that record we proceed to give a brief ab- stract, adding a few particulars gathered from other sources. The fleet with which Nearkhos accomplished the voyage consisted of war-galleys and transports which had been partly built and partly collected on the banks of the river Hydaspes (now the Jhelam), where Alexander had supplied them with crews by selecting from his troops such men as had a knowledge of seamanship. The fleet thus manned sailed slowly down the Hydaspes, the Akesines, and the Indus, its movements being regulated by those of the army, which, in marching down towards the sea, was engaged in reducing the warlike tribes settled along the banks of these rivers. This downward voyage occupied, according to Strabo, ten months, but it probably did not oc- cupy more than nine. The fleet having at length reached the apex of the Delta formed by the Indus remained in that neighbourhood for some time at a place called Pattala, which has generally been identified with Thatha— a town near to where the western arm of the Indus bifurcates,-— but which Cunningham and others would prefer to identify with Nirankol or Haidarabad.^ From Pattala 2 Geog. of Anc. India, p. 279 sqq. 157 Alexander sailed down the western stream of the river, where some of liis ships were damaged and others destroyed by encountering the Bore, a phenomenon as alarming as it was new to the Greeks.* He returned to Pattala, and thence made an excursion down the Eastern stream, which he found less difficult to navigate. On again returning to Pattala he removed his fleet down to a station on the Western branch of the river (at an island called Killouta),^ which was at no great distance from the sea. He then set out on his return to Persia, leaving instructions with Nearkhos to start on the voyage as soon as the calming of the monsoon should render navigation safe. It was the king's intention to march near to the coast, and to collect at convenient stations supplies for the victualling of the fleet, but he found that such a route was impracticable, and he was obliged to lead his army through the inland provinces which lay between India and his destination, Siisa.'' He left Leonnatos, however, behind him in the country of the Oreitai, with instructions to render every assistance in his power to the expedition under Nearkhos when it should reach that part of the coast. Nearkhos remained in the harbour at Killouta for about a month after Alexander had departed, and then sailed during a temporary lull in the monsoon, as he was apprehensive of being at- * See Arrian's Anab. VI. 19. Kai tovto ovttod irporepov iyPiiBKoai Tols dpcf)' 'AXe^avdpov €K7rXr)^iv fiev Koi avro ov (TfiiKpav napetrx^- ^ See Arrian, ib. « See id. VI. 23, and Strab. xv. ii 3, 4. 158 tacked by the natives who had been but imperfectly subjugated, and whose spirit was hostile/ The date on which he set sail is fixed by Vincent as the 1st of October in the year B.C. 326. He pro- ceeded slowly down the river, and anchored first at a place called Stoura, which was only 100 stadia distant from the station they had quitted. Here the fleet remained for two days, when it proceeded to an anchorage only 30 stadia farther down the stream at a place called Kaumana.^ Thence it proceeded to Koreatis (v. 1. Korecstis) — where it again anchored. When once more under weigh its progress was soon arrested by a dangerous rock or bar which obstructed the mouth of the river. ^ After some delay this difficulty was overcome, and the fleet was conducted in safety into the open main, and onward to an island called Krokala (150 stadia distant from the bar), where it re- mained at anchor throughout the day follow- ing its arrival. On leaving this island Nearkhos had Mount Eiros (now Manora) on his right hand, and a low flat island on his left; and this, as Cunningham remarks, is a very accurate de- scription of the entrance to Karachi harbour. The fleet was conducted into this harbour, now so well known as the great emporium of the trade of the Indus, and here, as the monsoon was still blowing with great violence, it remained for four and twenty days. The harbour was so commodious and secure that Nearkhos designated it the Port 7 Strab. ib. 5. * This may perhaps be represented by the raodei'n Khau, the name of one of the western mouths of the Indus. » See infra, p. 176, note 17. 159 of Alexander. It was well sheltered by an island lying close to its mouth, called by Arrian, Bibakta, but by Pliny, Bibaga, and by Philostratos, Biblos. The expedition took its departure from this station on the 3rd of November. It suffered both from stress of weather and from shortness of pro- visions until it reached Kokala on the coast of the Oreitai, where it took on board the supplies which had been collected for its use by the exer- tions of Leonnatos. Here it remained for about 10 days, and by the time of its departure the monsoon had settled in its favour, so that the courses daily accomplished were now of much greater length than formerly. The shores, how- ever, of the Ikhthyophagoi, which succeeded to those of the Oreitai, were so miserably barren and inhospitable that provisions were scarcely pro- curable, and Nearkhos was apprehensive lest the men, famished and despairing, should desert the ships. Their sufferings were not relieved till they approached the straits, which open into the Persian Gulf. When within'the straits, they entered the mouth of the river Anamis (now the Minab or Ib- rahim river), and having landed, formed a dockyard and a camp upon its banks. This place lay in Har- mozeia,a most fertile and beautiful district belong- ing to Karmania. ISTearkhos, having here learned that Alexander was not more than a 5 days' journey from the sea, proceeded into the interior to meet him, and report the safety of the expedi- tion. During his absence the ships were repaired and provisioned, and therefore soon after his return to the camp he gave orders for the re- sumption of the voyage. The time speat at Har- 160 hiozeia was one and twenty days. The fleet again under weigh coasted the islands lying at the mouth of the gulf, and then having shaped its course towards the mainland, passed the western shores of Karmania and those of Persis, till it arrived at the mouth of the Sitakos (now the Kara-Agach), where it was again repaired and supplied with provisions, remaining for the same number of days as at the Anamis. One of the next stations at which it touched was Mesembria, which appears to have been situated in the neigh- bourhood of the modern Bushire. The coast of Persis was difficult to navigate on account of intricate and oozy channels, and of shoals and breakers which frequently extended far out to sea. The coast which succeeded, that of Sousis (from which Persis is separated by the river Arosis or Oroatis, now the Tab) was equally difficult and dangerous to navigate, and there- fore the fleet no longer crept along the shore, but stood out mors into the open sea. At the head of the gulf Sousis bends to westward, and here are the mouths of the Tigris and Euphrates, which appear in those days to have entered the sea by separate channels. It was the intention of Nearkhos to have sailed up the former river, but he passed its mouth unawares, and continued sailing westward till he reached Diridotis (or Teredon), an emporium in Baby- lonia, situated on the Pallacopas branch of the Euphrates. From Diridotis he retraced his course, and entering the mouth of the Tigris sailed up its stream till he reached the lower end of a great lake (not now existing), through which its current 161 flowed. At the upper end of this lake was a village called Aginis, said to have been 500 stadia distant from Sousa. Nearkhos did not, as has been erroneously supposed by some, sail up the lake to Aginis, but entered the mouth of a river which flows into its south-eastern extremity, called the Pasitigris or Enlaeus, the Ulai of the Prophet Daniel, now the Kariin. The fleet pro- ceeded up this river, and came to a final anchor in its stream immediately below a bridge, which continued the highway from Persis to Sousa. This bridge, according to Hitter and Eawlinson, crossed the Pasitigris at a point near the modern village of Ahwaz. Here the fleet and the army were happily reunited. Alexander on his arrival embraced Nearkhos with cordial warmth, and rewarded appropriately the splendid services which he had rendered by bringing the expedition safely through so many hardships and perils to its destination. The date on which the fleet anchored at the bridge is fixed ])j Vincent for the 24th of February r.. c. 325, so that the whole voyage was performed in 146 days, or somewhat less than 5 months. 162 The following tables show the names, positions, &c., of the different places which occurred on the route taken by the cv6pos) fii*st designated the Arabian Gulf or Red Sea, and was af tei^wards extended to the seas beyond the Straits by those who first explored them. The Eed Sea was so called because it washed the shores of Arabia, called the Eed Land (Edom), in contradistinction to Egj^pt, called the Black Land (Kemi), from the darkness of the soil deposited by the Nile. Some however thought that it received its name from the quantity of red coral found in its waters, especi- ally along the eastern shores, and Strabo says (loc. cit.): " Some say that the sea is red from the colour arising from reflexion either from the sun, which is vertical, or from the mountains, which are red by being scorched with intense heat; for the colour it is supposed may be produced by both of these causes. Ktesias of Knidos speal^s of a spring which discharges into the sea a red and ochrous water." — Cf. Eustath. Comment. 88. ^^ This island is that now called A n g a r, or H a n j a m, to the south of Kishm. It is described as being nearly destitute of vegetation and uninhabited. Its hills, of volcanic origin, rise to a height of 300 feet. The other island, distant from the mainland about 800 stadia, is now called the Great Tombo, near which is a smaller island called Little Tombo. They are low, flat, and uninhabited. They are 25 miles distant from the western extremity of Kishm. 211 their left, called Pylora, and anchored at Sisidone, a small town which could su])ply nothing but water and fish/'^ Here again the natives were fish eaters, for the soil was utterly sterile. Having taken water on board, they weighed again, and having run 300 stadia,. anchored at Tarsia, the extremity of a cape which projects far into the sea. The next place of anchorage was Kataia^ a desert island, and very flat.'^ It was said to be sacred to Hermes and Aphrodite. The length of this course was 300 stadia. To this island sheep and goats are annually sent by the people of the adjoining con- tinent who consecrate them to Hermes and Aphrodite . These animals were to be seen running about in a wild state, the effect of time and the barren soil. XXXVIII. Karmania extends as far as this island, but the parts beyond appertain to Persia. The extent of the Klarmanian coast was 3,700 ™ The island of P y 1 o r a is that now called Polior. Sisidone appears in other forms— Prosidodone, pro- Sidodone, pros Sidone, pros Dodone. Kempthorne thought this was the small fishing village now called M o g o s, situated in a bay of the same name. The nanie may per- haps be preserved in the name of a village in the same neighbourhood, called Dnan Tarsia— now Ras-el-Dj ard — described as high and rugged, and of a reddish colour. " K at ai a is now the island called Kaes or Kenn. Its character has altered, being now covered with dwarf trees, and growing wheat and tobacco. It supplies ships with refreshment, chiefly goats and sheep and a ^few- vegetables. "At morning," says Binning (1.137), we passed Polior, and at noon were running along the South side of the Isle of Keesh, called in our maps Kenn ; a fertile and populous island about 7 miles in length, ihe inhabitants of this, as well as of every other island m the Gulf, are of Arab blood— for every true Persian appears to hate the very sight of the sea." 212 stadia/^ The people of this province live like the Persians, on whom they border, and they have similar weapons and a similar military system. When the fleet left the sacred island, its course lay along the coast of Persia, and it first drew to land at a place called Ila, where there is a harbour under cover of a small and desert island called Kai- kander.'^ The. distance run was 400 stadia. Towards daybreak they came to another island which was inhabited, and anchored thereon. Near- khos notices that there is here a fishery for pearl as there is in the Indian Sea.'* Having Bailed along the shores of the promontory in which this island terminates, a distance of about 40 stadia, they came to an anchor upon its shores. The next anchorage was in the vicinity of a lofty hill called Okhos, where the harbour was well sheltered and the inhabitants were fishermen.'^ Yfeighing thence they ran a course of "" The boundary between Karmania and Persis was formed by a range of mountains opposite the island of Kataia. Ptolemy, however, makes Karmania extend much further, to the river Bagradas, now called the NabauorNabend. " Kaikander has the other forms — Kekander, Ki- kander, Kaskandrus, Karkundrus, Karskandrus, Sasa3kan- der. This island, which is now called In d er ah ia, or A n d a r a V i a, is about four or five miles from the mainland, having a small town on the north side, where is a safe and coinmodious harbour. The other island me .tioned imme- diately after is probably that now called Busheab. It is, according to Kempthorne, a low, flat island, about eleven miles from the mainland, containing a small town prin- cipally inhabited by Arabs, who live on fish and dates. The harbour has good anchorage even for large vessels. ''* The pearl oyster is found from Ras Musendom to the head of the Gulf. There are no famed banks on the Persian aide, but near Bushire there are some good ones. '' Apostana was near a place now called S c h e v a r. It is thought that the name may be traced in D a h r a 213" 400 stadia, which brought them to Apostana, where they anchored. At this station they saw a great many boats, and learned that at a distance of 60 stadia from the shore there was a village. From Apostana they weighed at night, and proceeded 400 stadia to a bay, on the borders of which many villages were to be seen. Here the fleet anchored under the projection of a cape which rose to a considerable height. '° Palm-trees and other fruit- bearing trees similar to those of Greece, adorned the country round. On weighing thence they sailed in a line with the coast, and after a course of somew^here about 600 stadia reached Gogana, which was an inhabited place, where they anchored at the mouth of a winter torrent called the Areon. It was difficult to anchor, for the approach to the mouth of the river was by a narrow channel, since the ebbing of the tide had left shoals which lay all round in a circle.'' Weighing thence they gained, after running as many as 800 stadia, the mouth of another river called the Sitakos, where also it was troublesome to anchor. Indeed all along the coast of Persis the fleet had to be navigated through shoals and breakers and oozy channels. A h b fi n, an adjacent mountain ridge of which Okhos was probably the southern extremity. ^° This bay is that on which Naban or Nabend is now situated. It is not far from the river called by Ptolemy the Bagradas. The place abounds with palm-trees as of old. '' Gogana is now Konkan or Konaun. The bay lacks depth of water ; a stream still falls into it — the Areon of the text. To the north-west of this place in the interior lay P a s a r g a d a, the ancient capital of Persia, and the burial-place of Kyros, in the neighbourhood of Murghab, a place to the N. E. of Shiraz (30° 24' N . 56^ 20' E.). 214 At the Sitakos they took on board a large supply of provisions, which under orders from the king had been collected expressly for the fleet. They remained at this station one-and- twenty days in all, occupied in repairing and kareening the ships, which had been drawn on shore for the pur- pose/^ XXXIX. Weighing thence they came to an inhabited district with a town called Hieratis, after accomplishing a distance of 750 stadia. They anchored in a canal which drew its waters from a river and emptied into the sea, and was called Heratemis.'^ Weighing next morning about sunrise, and sailing by the shore, they reached a winter torrent called the Padargos, where the whole place was a peninsula, wherein were many gardens and all kinds of trees that bear fruit. The name of the place was Mesam- " The Sitakos has been identified with the Kara Agach, Mand, Mund or Kakee river, which has a course of 300 miles. Its source is near Kodiyan, which lies N. W. of Shiraz. At a part of its course it is called the Kewar Eiver. The meaning of its name is hlaclc wood. In Pliny it appears as the Sitioganus. Sitahon was jprobably the name as Nearkhos heard it pronounced, as it frequently happens that when a Greek writer comes upon a name like an obHque case in Greek, he invents a nominative for it. With regard to the form of the name in Pliny, ' g' is but a phonetic change instead of 'k'. The ' i' is probably an error in transcription for 't'. The Sitakos is probably the Brisoana of Ptolemy, which can have no connexion with the later -mentioned Brizana of our author. See Report on the Persian Gulfhy Colonel Eoss, lately issued. Pliny states that from the moutt of the Sitiogus an ascent could be made to Pasargada, in seven days ; but this is manifestly an error. ^' The changes which have taken place along the coast have been so considerable that it is difficult to explain this part of the narrative consistently with the now existing state of things. 215 bria.^° Weighing from Mesambria and running a course of about 200 stadia,' they reach Taoke on the river Granis, and there anchor. Inland from this lay a royal city of the Persians, dis- tant from the mouths of the river about 200 stadia.^^ We learn from ISTearkhos that on their way to Taoke a stranded whale had been observed from the fleet, and that a party of the men having rowed alongside of it, measured it and brought back word that it had a length of 60 cubits. Its skin, they added, was. clad with scales to a depth of about a cubit, and thickly clustered over with parasitic mussels, barnacles, and seaweed. The monster, it was also noticed, was attended by a great number of dolphins, larger than are ever seen in the Mediterranean. Weighing from Taoke they proceeded to Ehogonis, a winter torrent, where they anchored in a safe harbour.^' The course thither was one of 200 stadia. Weighing "" The peninsula, which is 10 miles in length and 3 in breadth, lies so low that at times of high tide it i# all but submerged. The modem Abu-S hah r orBushir is situated on it. "^ Nearkhos, it is probable, put into the mouth of the river now called by some the Kis ht, by others the Bosha- vir. A town exists in the neighbourhood called G t- a. or Gran, which may have received its name from the Granis. The royal city (or rather palace), 200 stadia distant from this river, is mentioned by Strabo, xv. 3, 3, as being situate on the coast. Ptolemy does not mention the Granis. He makes Taoke to be an inland town, and calls all the district in this part Taokene. Taoke may be the Touag mentioned by Idrisi, which is now represented by Konar Takhta near the Kisht. •"^Rhogoni s. — It is written Ehogomanis by Ammiauus Marcellinus, who mentions it as one of the four largest rivers in Persia, the other three being the Vatrachitis, Brisoana, and Bagrada. It is the river at the mouth of which is Bender- Righ or Regh, which is considered now as in the days of Nearkhos to be a day's sail from Bushire. 216 thence, and running 400 stadia, they arrived at another winter torrent, called Brizana, where they land and form an encampment. They had here difficulty in anchoring because of shoals and breakers and reefs that showed their heads above the sea. They could therefore enter the roads only when the tide was full ; when it receded, the ships were left high and dry.^* They weighed with the next flood tide, and came to anchor at the mouth of a river called the Arosis, the greatest, according to Nearkhos, of all the rivers that in the course of his voyage fell into the outer ocean. ^* XL. The Arosis marks the limit of the pos- sessions of the Persians, and divides them from the Susians. Above the Susians occurs an inde- pendent race called the TJxians, whom I have described in my other work [Anab. VII. 15, 3) as robbers. The length of the Persian coast is 4,400 stadia. Persis, according to general report, has three different climates,^' for that part of it which lies along the Erythraean sea, is sandy and barren 83 "The measures here are neglected in the Journal, for we have only 800 stadia specified from Mesamhria to Brizana, and none from Briza?ia to the Arosis ; but 800 stadia are short of 50 miles, while the real distance from Mesambria (Bushir) to the Arosis with the winding of the coast is above 140. In these two points we cannot be mistaken, and therefore, besides the omission of the interval between Brizana and the Arosis, there must be some defect in the Journal for which it is impossible now to account." — Vincent. 1. p. 405. "* Another form of the name of this river is the Aroatis. It answers to the Zarotis of PHny, who states that the navigation at its mouth was difficult, except to those well acquainted with it. It formed the boundary between Persis and Susiana. The form Oroatis corresponds to the Zend word aurwat * swift.' It is now called the Tab. "^ On this point compare Strabo, bk. xv. 3, 1. 217 from the violence of the heat, while the part which succeeds enjoys a delightful temperature, for there the mountains stretch towards the pole and the North wind, and the region is clothed with verdure and has well-watered meadows, and bears in profusion the vine and every fruit else but the olive, while it blooms with gardens and pleasure parks of all kinds, and is permeated with crystal streams and abounds with lakes, and lake and stream alike are the haunts of every variety of water-fowl, and it is also a good country for horses and other yoke cattle, being rich in pasture, while it is throughout well- wooded and well- stocked with game. The part, however, which lies still further to the JSTorth- is said to be bleak and cold, and covered with snow, so that, as Near- khos tells us, certain ambassadors from the Euxine Sea, after a very brief journey, met Alex- ander marching forward to Persis, whereat Alexander being greatly surprised, they explained to him how very inconsiderable the distance was.*® I have already stated that the immediate neigh- bours to the Susians are the Uxians, just as the Mardians, a race of robbers, are next neighbours to the Persians, and the Kossaeans to the Medes. All these tribes Alexander subdued, attacking them in the winter time when their country was, as they imagined, inaccessible. He then founded cities to reclaim them from their wander- ing life, and encouraged them to till their lands and devote themselves to agriculture. At the "^ It has been conjectured that the text here is imperfect. Schraieder opines that the story about the ambassadors ia a fiction. &2 218 game time he appointed magistrates armed witli the terrors of the law to prevent them having recourse to violence in the settlement of their quarrels. On weighing from the Arosis the ex- pedition coasted the shores of the Susians. The remainder of the voyage, Nearkhos says, he cannot describe with the same precision ; he can but give the names of the stations and the length of the courses, for the coast was full of shoals and beset with breakers which spread far out to sea, and made the approach to land dangerous. The navi- gation thereafter was of course almost entirely restricted to the open sea. In mentioning their departure from the mouth of the river where they had encamped on the borders of Persis, he states that they took there on board a five days' supply of water, as the pilots had brought to their notice that none could be procured on the way. XLI. A course of 500 stadia having been accomplished, their next anchorage was in an estuary, which swarmed with fish, called Kata- derbis, at the entrance of which lay an island called Margastana.^' They weighed at daybreak, the ships sailing out in single file through shoals. The direction of the shoal was indicated by stakes fixed both on the right and the left side, just as posts are erected as signals of danger in the passage between the island of Leukadia and Akaruania to prevent vessels grounding on the shoals. The shoals of Leukadia, however, are of firm sand, and "^ The bay of Kataderbis is that which receives the streams of the M e n s ii r e h and D o r a k ; at its entrance lie two islands, Bunah and 9eri, one of which is the Mar- gastana of Arrian. 219 it is thnseasy to float off vessels should they happen to strand, but in this passage there is a deep' mud on both sides of such, tenacity that if vessels once touched the bottom, they could not by any ap- pliances be got off; for, if they thrust poles into the mud to propel the vessels, these found no resistance or support, and the people who got over- board to ease them off into navigable water found no footing, but sunk in the mud higher than the waist. The fleet proceeded 600 stadia, having such difficulties of navigation to contend with, and then came to an anchor, each crew remaining in their own vessel, and taking their repast on board. From this anchorage they weighed in the night, sailing on in deep water till about the close of the ensuing day, when, after completing a course of 900 stadia, they dropped anchor at the mouth of the Euphrates near a town in Babylonia called Diridotis — the emporium of the sea-borne trade in frankincense and all the other fragrant produc- tions of Arabia, ^^ The distance from the mouth of the Euphrates up stream to Babylon is, accord- ing to ISTearkhos, 3,300 stadia. XLII. Here intelligence having been received that Alexander was marching towards Sousa, they retraced their course from Diridotis so as to join *' Dirid6tis is called by other writers Teredon, and is sa'd to have been founded by Nabukhodonosor. Mannert places it on the island now called B u b i a n ; Colonel Chesney, however, fixes its position atJebelSanara, a gigantic mound near the Pallacopas branch of the Euphrates, considerably to the north of the embouchure of the present Euphrates. Nearkhos had evidently passed unawares the stream of the Tigris and sailed too far west- ward. Hence he had to retrace his course, as mentioned in the next chapter. 220 him by sailing up the Pasitigris. They had now Sousis on their left hand, and were coasting the shores of a lake into which the Tigris empties itself, a river, which flowing from Armenia past Ninevehj- a city once of yore great and flourish- ing; encloses between itself and the Euphrates the tract of country which from its position between the two rivers is called Mesopotamia. It is a dis- tance of 600 stadia from the entrance into the lake up to the river's mouth at Aginis, a village in the province of Sousis, distant from the city of Sousa 500 stadia. The length of the voyage along the coast of the Soiisians to the mouth of the Pasitigris was 2,000 stadia.^" Weighing from the "^ This is the Eulseus, now called the K ar un, one arm of which united with the Tigris, while the other fell into the sea by an independent mouth. It is the U 1 a i of the prophet Daniel. Pas is said to be an old Persian word, meaning small. By some writers the name Pasitigris was applied to the united stream of the Tigris and Euphrates, now called the S h a t-e 1- A r a b. The courses of the rivers aud the conformation of the country in the parts here have all undergone great changes, and hence the identification of localities is a matter of difficulty and uncertainty. The following extract from Strabo will illustrate this part of the narrative : — Polycletus says that the C h o a s p e s, and the E u 1 ae u s, and the Tigris also enter a lake, and thence discharge themselves into the sea ; that on the side of the lake is a mart, as the rivers do not receive the merchandize from the sea, nor convey it dowa to the sea, on account of dams in the river, purposely constructed ; and that the goods are transported by land, a distance of 800 stadia, to Susis : according to others, the rivers which flow through Susis discharge themselves by the intermediate canals of the Euphrates into the single stream of the Tigris, which on. this account has at its mouth the name of Pasitigris. According to Nearchus, the sea-coast of Susis is swampy, and terminates at the river Euphrates; at its mouth is a village which receives the merchandize from Arabia, for the coast of Arabia approaches close to the mouths of tlie Euphrates and the Pasitigris ; the whole intermediate space 221 month of this river they sailed np its sti'eani through a fertile and popnlous conntry, and having proceeded 150 stadia dropped anchor, awaiting the return of certain messengers whom Nearkhos had sent off to ascertain where the king was. Nearkhos then presented sacrifices to the gods their preservers, and celebrated games, and full of gladness were the hearts of all that had taken part in the expedition. The messengers having returned with tidings that Alexander was approach- ing, the fleet resumed its voyage i*ip the river, and anchored near the bridge by which Alexander intended to lead his army to Sousa. In that same place the troops were reunited, when sacrifices were offered by Alexander for the preservation of fiis ships and his men, and games were celebrated. Nearkhos, whenever he was seen among the troops, was decorated by them with garlands and pelted with flowers. There also both Nearkhos and Leonnatos were crowned by Alexander with golden diadems— Nearkhos for the safety of the expedition by sea, and Leonnatos for the victory which he had gained over the r e i t a i and the neighbouring barbarians. It was thus that the expedition which had begun its voyage from the mouths of the Indus was brought in safety to Alexander. occupied by a lake which receives the Tigris. On sailing up the PasHigris 150 stadia is a bridge of rafts leading to Susa from Persis, and is distant from Susa 60 (600 f) stadia ; the Pasitigris is distant from the Oroatis about 2,000 stadia ; the ascent through the lake to the mouth of the ligris is 600 stadia; near the mouth stands the feusian village Aginis, distant from Susa 500 stadia ; the journey by Avater from the mouth of the Euphrates up to Babylon, through a well-inhabited tract of country, is a distance ot more than 3,000 stadia."— Book xv. 3, Bohn's trans. 222 XLIII. Now^° the parts which lie to the right of the E r.y t h r ae a 11°^ Sea beyond tlie reahns of Babylonia belong principally to Arabia, which extends in one direction as far as the sea that washes the shores of P h oe n i k i a and S y r i a n P a 1 e' s- t i n e, while towards sunset it borders on the Egyp- tians in the direction of the Mediterranean Sea. Egypt is penetrated by a gulf which ex- tends up from the great ocean, and as this ocean is connected with the E r y t h r aj a n S e a, this fact proves that a voyage could be made all the way from Babylon to Egypt by means of this gulf. But, owing to the heat and utter sterilit}'- of the coast, no one has ever made this voyage, except, it may be, some chance navigator. For the troops belonging to the army of K a m b y s c s , which escaped from Egypt, and reached S o u s a in safety, and the troops sent by P t o 1 e m y, the son of Lagos, to Seleukos Nikator to Babylon, traversed the A rabian isthmus in eight days altogether.^^ It was a waterless and sterile region, and they had to cross it mounted on swift camels carrying water, travelling only by night, the heat by day being so fierce that they could not expose themselves in the open air. So far are the parts lying beyond this region, which we have spoken of as an isthmus extending from the Arabian Gulf to the E r y t h r se a n Sea ^ The 3rd part of the Indika, the purport of which is to prove that the sotithern parts of the world are uninhabit- able, begins with this chapter. ^'^ Here and subsequently meaning the Persian Gulf. ^'^ It is not known when or wherefore Ptolemy sent troops on this expedition. 223 from being inhabited, that even the parts which run up further to the north are a desei't of sand. Moreover, men setting forth from the Arabian Gulf in E g y p t, after having sailed round the greater part of Arabia to reach the sea which washes the shores of P e r s i s and S o u s a, have returned, after sailing as far along the coast of Arabia as the water they had on board lasted them, and no further. The exploring party again which Al-exander sent from Babylon with instructions to sail as far as they could along the right-hand coast of the ErythraeanSea, with a view to examine the regions lying in that direction, discovered some islands lying in their route, and touched also at certain points of the mainland of A r a b i a. But as for that cape which Nearkhos states to have been seen by the ex- pedition projecting into the sea right opposite to K a r m a n i a, there is no one who has been able to double it and gain the other side. But if the place could possibly bo passed, either by sea or by land, it seems to me that Alexan- der, being so inquisitive and enterprising, would have proved that it could be passed in both these ways. But again H a n n o the Libyan, setting out from Carthage, sailed out into the ocean beyond the Pillars of Hercules, having Libya on his left hand, and the time until his course was shaped towards the rising sun was five-and- thirty days ; but when he steered southward he encountered many difficulties from the want of water, from the scorching heat, and from streams of fire that fell into the sea. K y r e n e, no doubt, which is situated in a some- 224 what barren part of L i b y a, is verdant, possessed of a genial climate, and well watered, has groves and meadows, and yields abundantly all kinds of useful animals and vegetable products. But this is only the case up to the limits of the area within which the fennel-plant can grow, while beyond this area the interior of Kyrene is but a desert of sand. So ends my narrative relating to A 1 e x a n d e r, the son of Philip the Makedonian. INDEX. CHIEFLY GEOGRAPHICAL. Ahhreviations.—B. Bay, C. Cape, G. Gulf, Is. Island or Islands, M. Mountain, R, River. Common names are printed in Italics. Many proper names which in the usual orthography begin with C, will be found under K. A . Page Abalitea 51,54, 55, 57 Aberia or Abiria 113 Abhira 114 Ahollob 38 Abu-FatimaC 43 Abu-Shahr, see Bushire. Achare 129 Adel 53 Aden, see Eudaim&n- Arabia. Adouli, 12— S9 passim. 45—49 Adramitaa 87 Agbor R 177 n. Aginis 161, 220, 221 n. Agriophagoi 43 Agrisa, see Agrispolis. Agrispolis 194 n. AhileC. 59 Ahwaz 161 Aigialos 126 Aigidioi 130 Aii 134, 139 Aka'bahG 74 Akabarou 127 Akannai 21, 54, 58, 59 C2 Page Akesines R. (Chenab R.) 156, 170, 171 Alabagium C, see Alam- bator. Alabaster 34 Alalaiou Is 48, 49 Alambator 191 n. Alexander, Port of, see Karachi. Alexander the Great passim. Alexandria.,... 76 Aloes ...15,93,94 Anamis R. . 159 n., 202 n., 207 Ananis R., see Anamis R. Andanis R., see Anamis R. Angediva Is 130 Anger Is 210 n. AnnesleyB 45,48,49 Antarah C 58 Antigone 41 Aparantika 113 Apokopa 62,65,66,67 Apollodotos 121 226 INDEX. Apolloplianes 182 n. Apologos . . . 10—38 jpassim. 103, 104 Apostana 212 n., 213 ArabahC.&B 106,187 Arabii 177 n. Arakhosioi, ...121, 186, 208 n. Arastras or Ar atti 121 Aratrioi 120 Arbitae 106 Areon R 2l3n. Argalou 14,29,140 Argaric G 142 Argeirou 142 Argyro Is 147 Ariake . . . 13 — 39 ^passim. 52, 64, 112, 114 Ariake Sadinou 127 Arii 121,186 Arkhias 169,191,192 Armagara 129 Aroatis R., see Arosia R. Ar6mata C 59, 62 91, 138 Aromata (a mart) 59 Arosapes R 183n. ArosisR. ...160, 216 n., 218 Arsenic 30 Arsinoe (Suez) 39, 40 Arsino^ (in Barbaria) ... 50 Arusaces R., see Arosapes R. AsaboiM. 102, 103 AsidahO 86 Asikh 98 AsirC 58—60 Asmak 46 Astakapra 115, 117 Astola or Ashtola Is.... 188 n. Page Atramitae, see Adramitae. Attanae 84,85 Aualites . . . 12 — 37 passim. 50, 53, 83 Aurangabad 125 Ausera 95 Auxume 46 Axum, see Auxume. Axumitae 5,48 Azania (Ajan) 1 — 144 passim. Azania, Courses of ...62, Q6, 67 B Bab-el Mandab Straits... 83 Babylon... 219, 221 n., 222 Badera or Bodera, see Barna. Badis 181, 200 Bagb'war Dasti R 193n. BagiaC 193 Bagisara 106,187 Bagradas R 212 n., 213 n., 215 n. Babar R 179 n. Bahrein Is 103 Baiones Is 116 Bakare 131, 134 Bakkar 109 Baktria 12, 148 Baktrianoi 121 Ba-l-ha£C 87 Balita 140 Balomon 190 Baltipatna 129 Bammala 140 BandaR 129 Bandar Barthe 58 BandelCausC 62 INDEX. 227 Page Bankut 129 Banna 63 Barak6G 111,112 Barbara, see Berbera. Barbarei 108 Barbaria 42, 43, 62 Barbarikon . . . 12 — 38 pas- sim. 108, 115 Bargusoi 145 Baricaza 57 Barna 190 Barousai 145 Barygaza ... 10, 39 passim. M, 78, 88, 96, 116—120 Barygaza G 112,117 Basra 103 Batinah 100, 101 Bdellium 16 Becare ^.131, 134 BendaR 128 Berbora 58 Berenike 1, 3, 9, 41, 42, 74. 75, 78 Berenike (in Barbaria)... 50 Betel 23,25 Bharoch, see Barygaza. BhauQagar 115 Bhusal R., see Tomeros R. Bibaktals 159, 177 Biblos Is., see Bibakta Is . Binagara, see Minnagar. Birkeh 100 BombarakC 200 Borah 59 Bore (of rivers) 119, 120, 157 Boshavir R., see Kislit. Boukepbalos Alexandreia 12 1 Brass 31 Brisoana R 214 n., 215 n. Brizana R 2 16 n . Brokt Is 202 n. Bubian Is 219 Buna Is 218 BunthR 194n. Burntisland 78 Busbealls 212 n. Butter 12 Byzantion 127, 129 C Gael 141 Caelobotliras 6, 131 Calaeou Insulae 101 Calcutta 20 Cannibals 146 Canary Is 20 Carfouna 57 Carthage 223 Ceylon, see Taprobane. CbaubarB 193 n. Cbauggan 148 Chaul 113, 128 Chenval 128 Cliewabad, see Churber. Chimula 128 n. China 188 n. ChoaspesR. 220 n. ChodaR 129 Chrysels 147 Chrysolite 37 Churber B 190 n. Cinnabar 15,19, 94 Cinnamon 18, 19 Coast Little and Great ... 66 Colcis Indorum 141 ComorinC. ... 125,137, 139 228 INDEX. Page Copper 32 Cottouara 131 D Dabil 110 Dagasira 194 Dahra Asban 213 n. Dakhan 124 Dakhinabades 124 DaVsMnapatha 124 Damirike 126 Damnia Is 100 Daphndn 59 Daplinous 53, 61 Debal 129 Deire or Dere 51, 54, 60 Deimakhos 154 DelgadoC 73 Dendrobosa 190 Deri Is 218n. Desarene 12, 145 Devagiri or Deogiirh 125 Deymaniyeh Is 100 Dhafar or Dofar ...80, 81, 97 Diamonds 33 Dimyrike . . . 12 — 29 passim . 94, 96, 121, 126 Djerun Is., see Ormus Is. Diodoros, Is. 47, 48 Diodoros Is,, Perim, 67, 82 83 Dioskorides Is 15, 26, 27, 29, 91—93 Diospolis 27, 34, 50, 53 Disa 16 Diset Is., see Diod6ros Is. Domai la 178 n. DorakR ^ 218 n. DosarduR 145 Page Bvaclimai 121, 122 Dragon' s-Blood 94 Drangiani 186 E Eden 84 Eirinon G Ill EirosM 158, 177, 178 n. Elanitic Gulf 9,47,74 El Bab Straits 102 Eleazos 87 Elephant C 58 Elephant M 54, 58, 61 Elephant R 59 Elephantine... 45 Elephantophagoi 44, 51 Elisaron 81 ElKilhat 101 Elura 125 Epideires 57 EpiodSros 14, 140, 142 Epiphi (July)... 64, 110, 124, 138 Er-rib Is 44 Erythraean Sea — ^its ex- tent... 1, 209 n., 222 n., why so called 209 n. Erythrcs 202 n., 209 Esan 88 Essina 67 Esvantgadh 129 Etesian Winds ...138, 174 n. Eudaimon-Arabia (Aden). 6, 84-80, 138 Enlaeus R. ...103, 220 u., 101 Eunienes, Grove of 57 Euphrates R. ... 10, 219, 220 Eynouna 75 INDEX. 229 P Page FavtakC 10,91,95 Felix or Pelles M., see Elephant M. FilikC 58 FillamC 101 Fluor-spath 34, 35 Foul Bay 42 Fran k incense 2 1, 90, 97 FuggemC 194 n. G Galla 66 Gandarioi 121 Gango 14, 23, 25, 146 Ganges E 146 Gaza (Bandar Gazim) ... 57 Gedrosia 10, 16, 186, 199 Gersaijpa, Falls of 130 Ghalla or Cella 84 GharaE 176 n. Gliodabandar 128 Gbubat-al-Kamar 86 Ghuuso C 191 Girishk 194 n. Glass 36,37 Goa 129 Goaris E 127 Godavari E 144 Godem C 194 n. G«gana 213 n. Gold 33 Goldstone 33, 122 Govind E., see Juba E. Gram {Alligators) 108 Granis E 215 n. GuadclC 100,191 Gudrdafui C 9, 10, 68 Guesele 57 Gujarat 34, 113, 114 Gwattar B 193 n. H Hadas R 48 Hadhramaut 21,87 HafiTuC Gi, 65 Haidarabtid 156 Halani Is 87 HanfelahB 35,49 Hanjam Is., see Angar Is. Hanno ^ 223 Harkaua 181 n. Harmozeia 159, 202 n. Hasek 98,99 Hassani Is 75 Hastakavapra, see Asta- kapra. Ha,thab, see Astakapra. Hauara 75 Haur 177 n. Hazine (Ajau) 65, 66 Hejid 77 Heroopolite Gulf 40 Ileptanesia 130 Heratemis 214 Hercules, Pillars of 223 Herone 117 Hieratis 214 Himaryi 80 Hingal E., see Tomeros fi. Hippalos ...5, 7, 10, 131, 135, 138 Ilippioprosopoi 146 Hippokoura 128 230 INDEX. Page HisnGhorab 87, 88,91 Hoinorites 80, 81 Homnae 84,104 Honavar or Onore 130 Horitai, see Oreitai. Hormara B , see Arabah B. Hutemi 77 Hwen-Thsang 181 n. Hyacinth 36 Hydaspes R. ...156, 168, 171" Hydrakes 189 HydriacosR 193 Hydriakus 189 n. Ilyeno^s 124 I lambe 41 Ihis 61 Ikhthyopbagi passim. Ikhtyophagi of Mekran described 195 Ila 212 Inderabia Is. 212 n. IndAgo 17 Indo-Skytliia 10,25, 107 Indor 14 Indus R. . . .107 andpassim. Iron 31 IsisR 61 Istabel Antai 75 J Jacinth 36 Jahsseb 80 JaskC 189, 199 n. Jaygadh 129 Jebel Sanam M 219 n. Page JerdHafun GO Jorim 80 Jibba 101 Jibus Is 87 Jiffatinls 40 JubaR 66,68, 70 Junnar 125 E Kabana 181 Kabolitai 123 Kabul 20, 123 Kachb, Gulf of Ill Kadattanadu 28, 132 Kaes or Kcesh Is. ... 211 n. Kaikauder Is 212 n. Kaineitai 130 Kakee R., see Sitakos R. Kalaiouls 100, 101 Kalama 187 Kalami R. ...180 n., 188 n., 189 KalatC 194 n. Kalliena 127 KalonM 101, 102 Kalpe, Straits of 83 Kaltis 147 Kalyana 127 Kalybi, see Karbine. Kamara 141, 143 Kammdni 117 Kanasis 194 Kanate 194 Kane...l — 39 passim, 86, 88, 138 Kannettri 131,134 Kanraitai 77 Kauthatis 200 Kara-Agach R. ...160, 214 n. INDEX. 231 Page Karachi 158, 176 n. Karbine 188 n., 199 n. Karbis 189 Karmana, see Kirman. Karmania ...10, 35, 86, 199 n. Karoura 133 Karpasos 18 KarpellaC 200 KarumE 103 Karun 202 n. KarxlnK 220 Ka^mir 20 Kaspian Sea 148 Kassia 18, 19 Kataderbis 218 n- Kataials 211 n., 212 n. Ktltbiawad 16 Kaamana 158 Kaveripattam 143 KaveryR 143 KayalC 141 Kenjan-fu 148 Kenn Is., see Kataia. Keprobotres 6, 132 Kerala 131 Keralaputra 132 Kerazi C 200 Keroot, see Kerazi C. Keshin 90 Kesmacoran (Mekran) ... 99 Khaberis 143 KhaberosR 143 Kbambat G 95, 112, 116 Klaaribael 7,39,80 82 Kbartan Is 90 KbeilC 65 Khersonesos, the Golden. 15, 143, 146 Page KhersonesoSj iu India, 129, 130 KhoriR 58 Kholaibos 79 Khryse Is 146 K il wa (Quiloa) 62, 72 Killouta Is 157 Kirrhadia 23, 145 KirU 199 Kirman 199 n. Kissa 189 Kishm Is 202 n KishtR 215 n. Kobe 54 Koiamba 180 n., 181 n. Kokala .: 159, 182 Kolandiophonta 142, 143 Kolatta-nadu 132 Kolis '. 142 Kolkei 144 Kolkhoi 14, 138, 141 Koloe 48 Kolta 187n. Kolum 134 Komar C 139 Kommana 194 n. Komta 130 Konkan or Kanoon 213 n. Kophas 189 n., 191 Koppa C., see K6phas. Koptos 41,42,76 Koreatis 158, 175 Korodaman C ....142 KoruC 142 Kossaeans 217 Kostus 20 Koti 142 Kottonara 28, 132 232 TNDEX. Page Kreopliagoi 00 Ki'ishna R 114 Krokalals 15S, 176 Kuraarl (Durga) 140, 141 Kungoun 194 n Kunokepliali 61 KnrmutR 180 n. Kurya Murya Is 92, 99 Kyeneion 43 Kyiza 191, 193 n., 196 Kysa, see Kissa. Kyros 213 n- Kyrene 223,229 L Lac 13 Lamnaios E. (Narmada R.) 116 LamoTi Is 68 Laccadive Is 15 Lar-Desa, see Larike. Larike 113 Laristan 199 n Laurel Grove, the Little. 58 Laurel Grove, the Great . 59 Las 177 n. Lead 31 Leute (White) Is. ...127, 130 Leuke Kome 7—9, 74, 70 Licha 60 Liinyrike, see Dimyrik^. Lycium 22 Lykia 22 M MahberC 65 Macer 22 Madura 105 Page Madeira Is 20 Mahi R., see Mais R. Maiotic Lake 148 MaisR 116 Mais61usR 144 Makalleh 91 Makdoshu (Magadoxo).., 67 Maklow R., see Tomeros R. Malcroprosdpoi 140 Malabar 10, 95, 137, 143 Malahathrum {Betel) 22, 149 Malacca 147 Malana 154,185, 187 Malao.l7 — 39 passim. 54, 55 Malava 171 n. Maleus M 185 n. Malikhos 876 MalinC 185 Main 171 Manaar G 141, 142 Mand R., see Sitakos. Manda Is 68 Mandagora 127, 129 Mangalur 130 Manora 158, 178 ManpuUi 140 Mansura 109 Maphai'itis 7 Mardians 217 Margastana Is 218 Mariabo 189 Markah 158 Markari 134 Martan Is 98 Masalia 144, 145 Masawwa 45,48 Masira 99 Maskat 73,95,97, 100 INDEX. 233 Page Matliura 133 Mazenes 209 Medina 75 Megasthencs 154, 208 Mekran 186 Meligeizara 127, 129 Meliiot 24 Menander 121 Menhabery 109 Menouthias Is. 15, 62, 69—71 Mensureh R 218 Meroe 45, 46, 186 Mesembria 160, 215 n., 216 n. Mesha 79 Mesopotamia '. 220 MeteC .57,59 Methora 134 Mharras, see Mopharitis. MinabR 159, 202ii. Minnagar 108—110, 114 Mirjan 130 Modura 127, 131, 133 IMogbostan 199 n. Moinanakalu C 72 Mokha 78 Mombaros 113 Mompbia Is 69, 71 Monedes 186 n. Monze 106, 178 n. Mopharitis 72, 74, 79 Moran C, see Malin C. Morontobara ... 178 n., 180 n. Mosarna 189 Moskha 17, 21, 29, 95, 96 Moskbopbagoi 43, 49 Mossylou 12 — 39, 'passim. 54 Moundou 17 — 39, 'passim. 54, 57 d2 Page Mouza. .9, 38, passim. 54—82, passion. Mouziris 6— 39passMn,... 131 Mowilah 75 Mmlri C 178 n Mubammara 103 MubaniR I93n. Mtiltan 20, 171 n. Murgbab 213 n. Muslin 26 Mussendom or Mesandum C 102, 200 n., 212 n. Muyiri 131 Myos Hormos, 9, 40—42, 74,75 Myrrh 24, 25, 29 Nabatbaea 7, 74, 75 NabendC 199 Nabend or Naban R 212 n., 213 n. Nakb-el-Hajar 88 Namades R., see Narmada R. Nammadios R., see Nar- mada R. Nanagouna R 129 Naoura 13,127,130 Nard 25, 122 Narmada (Nerbada) R., 10, 107, 114, 117, 127 Nausari 127 Nausaripa 127 Neacyndon 131 Nebaiotb, see Nabatbaea. Neiloptolemaios 58 234 INDEX. Page Neilospotamia 58 Nelkynda ...10— 39 pas- sim. 131—135 Neoptana 202 Nepal 23 n. Nereid, story of a 198 Nikobar Is 145 Nik6n 62,66 Nineveh. 220 Nirankol 156 Nitra or Nitria 129—1 31 Nosala Is. . . . 188 n., 198, 199 n. NotoTi Kerag ( South Hom)C 60,61 Oaraktals 202 n., 209 Oboleh (Obolegh) 10,103 Ogyrisis 99, 202 n. Okelis 54, 83, 84,131 OkhosM 212,21311. Omana (Oman) 12—38 passim. 88, 92, 95, 98, 104, 105 Omana 194 n. Onne 75 Onore 130 Onyx 34 Ophir '.114, 127 Opone 15—31 passim. 62—64 Opsian or Obsidian Stone 35,36,49 Oraia 27, 106 Oreinels 46—48 Oreitai 107, 177, 181 n. OrfuiC 63 Organa Is 202 n., 209 Page Ormus, Straits of 200 Ormusis 202 n., 209 n. Orneon Is 87 OroatisR 160 Ozene (Ujjain) ...25,26, 29, 34, 114, 122 P PabM 178 n. PadargosR 214 Pagala 181 Paithana 34, 125 Palaipatmai 127, 129 Palaisimoundou (Ceylon) 4,143 PalkBay 142 Pallacopas R 160, 219 n. Pandae 133 Pandion 6, 131, 133, 135, 139 PanonKome 63,64 Papiasis 101,102 PapikeC 115,117 Papyrus 61 Parada, see Parthians. Parag6nB 106 Paralaoi Is 62 Paralia 139 Parsidai 105 Parthians 110 Pasargada 213 n. Pasinou Kharax, see Spa- sinou Kharax. Pasira 106, 187 Pasirees 106, 187 PasitigrisR. ...103, 161, 220 PassenceC 188 n., 189 Pattala 156 INDEX. 235 Page Pearl Fisheries 102, 103, 141, 178, 212 Pegada, see Pagala. Pekhely 121 Pembals 69 Pepper 27, 28,132 Peram Is 116 Perimis 82 Persian Gulf, aspect of. 209n. Persis, Climates of ...216, 217 Persis, Coast of ...86, 88, 212 Peshawar 121 Petra 75,76 Phagiaura 180 n. Pharan C 74 Phoenikia 222 Pirate Coast 129 Pirates... 95, 130, 131, 177, 188 PitiR 176n. Plocamus 7, 8 Podouke 141, 143 Polior Is 211 n. Polymita 39 Pondicherry 143 Pontos 148 Porcelain, see Fluor-spath, Poulipoula 127 PounaC 72 Prasii 24 Prasum C 73 Proklais 20, 121, 122 Psarametikhos 45 Pseadokelis 1&4 Psygmus 61 Ptolemais Theron ... 12, 15, 43, 45 Ptolemy Eaergetes 47 Ptolemy Lagos 41 Page Ptolemy Philadelphos . . . 40, 41, 44 Puduchcheri 143 Pulikat 143 PuraliR 177 n. Puthangelos, Chase of ... 51 Puthangelus 61 Pylora Is 211 n Pyralaoils 68 Pytholaus 61 R Rajapur 129 Rambakia 106 Ramesvaram C 142 Ran, see Eirinon. Ras-al-SairC 96 Ras-el-Had C. 10, 90, 95, 99, 100 Regh 215 n. Rhapsioi 73 Rhapta 9,62, 71 RhaptumC 72, 73 Rhapua 187 n. Rhinoceros 14 Rhinokoloura 76 Rhizana J80 n. Rhogonia R 215 n. Rice 2f, 64 Rizophagoi 43 Rumrah R., see Karraut R. Rungpur 23 Sabaea 10, 11 Sabseans 81, 86 Sabaitai 80 236 INDEX. Page Sabbatha 87—89 Saber M 79 Sabota, see Sabbatha. Saghar 91 Saimur 113 SUka 107 ^akabda 110 Sakala 178 Sakhalitis Eegio 97 Sakhalites G , 90 Saklile 91 Salama C, see Mussen- dom C. Salike (Ceylon) 4 Salour 142 Salsette Is 125 Sandalwood 28 Sandanes 128 Sandara'ke 28 Sangada 177 n. Sangadlpis 188 n. Sangara 142, 143 San Pedro R 58, 59 Saue 79, 80 Saugra C. 90 Sapbar 80 Sapphire 36 Saraganes 127, 128 Saranga 178 SaravatiR 130 Sawa 89 Scbevar 212 n. SegerM 95 Semiramis M 102, 103 SemuUa 127, 128, 129 Sephar 97 Serapion 62, 67 Serapisis 15, 99 Page ....23, 148 Sesekreienai Is 129, 130 Sesostris 83 Shadoivs 85 n. Skat-el- Arab R 220 n. Sbamba 70 Sheba 82,89 Shebr 93 ShenarifC 60 Shi-Hwengti 148 Shiraz 213 n. Sibyrtios 208 Sigerus 129 SijanM 83 Sikkan Is 87 Simulla 128 Sinai (Chinese) 148 Sindhu, see Sinthos. Sindhudrug 129 Sinthos (Indus R . ) 107 Sisidone 211 n. Sitakos R. IGO, 214 n. Sitioganus R., see Sita- kos R. Skythia 88, 107,122, 138 Soal R 57 Sohar 104 Sokotra Is., see Diosko- ridcs Is. Somali qq Sonmiyani..l77n., 179n., 180 n. S6patma 141, 143 Sophir 127 Soupara 127 Sous M 98 Sousa 220, passim. Sousis, Coast of 218 INDEX. 237 Spasinou Kharax 103, 104 Spermatopliagoi 43 Spilicnard, see Nard. Stadium, length of 162 n. St. George Is 130 Stibium 32 Storax 30 Stoura 158,175 Strongyle M 102 Suari 106 n. Subaha M 98 Suche 44 SudichE 194 n. Sugar 11,23, 65 Sumatra Is 134 Supara 127 Surat 127, 209 n. Syagros C....10, 21, 90, 91, 95 Syrastrene 113, 114 Taacs 79 TabR 160, 216 n. Tabai 16—3 1 passi m . 62 TabisM 147 Tagara 26, 125, 126 Talmona 193 Tamil 126,127 Ta6ke 215 n. Tapatege 58 Tapbaron, see Sappbar. Taprobane. . . . ; .7—33 pas- sim. 143, 144 Tarphara, see Sappbar, Tarsia 211 Page Tejureb G 52,55 Tellicberry 132 Terabd6iiB 106 Teredon, see Dirid6tis. Tbana 113 Tbatha 109, 156 Thibet 124 Tbina (Cbina) 147, 148 Thinai 12, 14,23 Thdth 52,82 Tburbot AUG 96 Tigre 46 Tigris E 160 Tiasbanes (Cbasbtana)... 115 Timoula 128 Tin 31 Tinnevelly 139, 144 TirakalR 129 Tisa 193 n. Tiz 193 n. Tlepolemos 208 Tombols 210 n. TomerosE 183 n. Tonike 67 Topazals 28 Toperon 127 Torra or Torre ^ Touag 215 n. Travancore .134, 139 Troglodytes 45,47 Troisi 194 n. Trombayls 128 Troullasis 87 Tunak 144 Tutikorin 138,141 Tybi 52 Tyndis 13, 129, 131 Tyranosboas 127 238 INDEX, Page U Ujjain, see Ozene. UlaiE 161 Ulukh Bunder 59 Urmara C, see Arabah C. Uxians 216 Valabhi 115 Vasai 127 Vatracliitis R 215 n. Veueris Portus 41 Vijayadrug 129 Vikramaditya 110 Vingorla Eocks 130 Vrokt Is., see Brokt Is. W Wadi Meifah Wejh 75 Page Whales 196, 215 Wheat 28 Wine 27 Y Yemen 78, 80 Yenbo 74 Yenkaotschin 110 Z Za Hakale 5 Zalegh 55 Zanzibar Is 69, 71 Zappbar, see Sappbar. ZarotisE 216 n. Zeyla 54 Zeyla G 52 Zcnobiosis 98, 99 Zbafar 97 Zoskales 5, 49 Zouileh 55 BOMBAY : PRINTED AT THE EDUCATION SOCIETY S PRESS. BY THE SAME AUTHOR. ANCIENT INBIi AS DESCRIBED BY MEGASTHENES AND ARRIAN; BEING A TRANSLATION OF THE FRAGMENTS OF MEGASTHENES COLLECTED BY DR. SCHWANBECK, AND OF THE FIRST PART OF THE INDIKA OF ARRIAN. THACKER, SPINK & Co.— CALCUTTA. TRUBNER & Co.— LONDON. Rs. 2-8. Opinions of the Press. In rendering the results of Dr. Schwanbeck's industry- accessible to English readers by this translation of the collected fragments of the lost Indika of Megasthenes, per- haps the most trustworthy of the Greek writers on India, Mr. McCrindle would have performed a most valuable service even had he not enriched the original by the addi- tion of copious critical notes, and a translation of Arrian's work on the same subject. — Calcutta Review. Mr. McCrindle's translations of the accounts of ancient India by Megasthenes and Arrian is a most valuable con- tribution to our knowledge of the subject in the days when Greeks and Romans were ruling the world Mr. McCrindle has conferred a great boon on society by translating Dr. Schwanbeck's learned work into English, illustrating it by a valuable map of ancient India, and pub- lishing it at a small price. There is more bond fide informa- tion regarding ancient India in this unpretending volume than is to be found in the great bulk of Sanskrit puranas ; whilst it forms a most valuable adjunct to the mass of tradi- tions and myths which have been preserved in the Hindu epics of the Mahabharata and Ramayana, &c. — Pioneer. 11 Mr. J. W. McCrindle of Patiia has given us a readable translation both of Schwanbeck's Megasthenes and of the first part of Arrian's Jwt^iZjo,. Mr. McCrindle deserves the thanks of all who take an interest in Ancient India, and should he be able to fulfil his promise to translate " the entire series of classical works relating to India," he will give an impetus to the study of the early civilization of this country among native as well as European Scholars. His work is well printed, and, as far as we have been able to judge, carefully edited. — The Madras Times. Mr. McCrindle, who has already published a portion of the translation of Arrian, reprints these valuable contri- butions to our scanty knowledge of ancient India An Introduction and notes add value to the translation, a value which happens to be very great in this case, and to centre in one long note on the identification of the old Palibothra or Pataliputra with the modern Patna. — The Daily Review. Mr. McCrindle, who holds a very high position in the Education Department of the Indian Government, has col- lected into a volume some translations which he has lately contributed to the " Indian Antiquary'' from Megasthenes and Arrian Strabo and Pliny thought fit to condemn the writings of Megasthenes as absolutely false, and incre- dible, although they were glad to copy into their own works much that he had written. We moderns, however, with our longer experience of travellers' tales, and of the vitality of fabulous statements, and practised in com- paring accounts that vary, find much in these fragments that agrees with what we can reasonably conjecture of the past of India We may observe that many of the singu- larities of the human race which are depicted on the famous Mappemonde at Hereford are described by Megasthenes — Mr. McCrindle's volume ends with an excellent transhxtion of the first part of Arrian's Indika. He is to be congra- tulated on having made a very useful contribution to the popular study of Indian A.i\tv\mt\G^.— Westminster Review. Other notices of a like favourable import have appeared in the "Englishman," the "Scotsman," the "Saturday" Review," and several Indian vernacular publications. RETURN TO — ► MARIAN KOSHLAND BIOSCIENCE AND NATURAL RESOURCES LIBRARY 2101 Valley Life Sciences BIdg. 642-2531 LOAN PERIOD ONE MONTH LOAN ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS. DUE AS STAMPED BELOW. rvi ftv DUE hHB 5 200A •L REC'D B!( )S DEC U 5 '03 -- tK) nvl FORM NO. DD 8 24M 11-02 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY Berkeley, California 94720-6500 CD^s^flDaDl