$B IM bM3 m^mmmnsmmmm iim>^mQ^i«mj&i^«N«^i^^ i»«w>wi<*»M<«iw* ^*^ ii >Tif i ri a tftf'i i fmi ii » i wii^ D on El ( "E :n HE iSl m THE yli. >?lri^ig<^!<>JiC-i^:»'.' W!9iiK\ ABBOT 08- 22^ Cc REESE LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA Received i-^'^^r^b^lX , 18^/ Accessions No.. ^}J.A^/ Shelf No, ^ feet. As a rule no armored ships draw less than 20 feet, except the so-called Coast Defenders, which draw about 18 feet ; but unarmored cruisers drawing only 16 feet could, in the present condition of our sea- coast armament, work great destruction at ranges where our gtins would be powerless to reply. This class carries about 10 guns, varying between 9 inches and 6 inches in calibre ; and a swarm of gunboats drawing less than 16 feet carry muzzle-loading 10- inch 18-ton guns. No discussion of the power of these guns is need- ful here ; I will only recall that their muzzle energies are approximately as follows : That of the 16j<-inch llO-ton B. L. gun is 57 000 foot-tons. That of the 16-inch 80-lon M. L. gun is 30 000 foot-tons. That of the 12-inch 46-ton B. L. gun is 24 000 foot-tons. That of the 12-inch 43-ton B. L. gun is 15 000 foot-tons. That of the 9.2-inch 18-ton B. L. gun is 9 000 foot- tons. That of the 10-inch 18-ton M. L. gun is 5 000 foot- tons. That bf the 6-inch 4-ton B. L. gun is 2 500 foot- tons. The estimate to be placed upon the offensive power of these guns will of course depend upon the- nature of the proposed works ; for example, a 6-inch gun, little to be feared by a turret or an armored u 22 General Considerations. casemate, might by its rapidity of fire be more for- midable against an exposed barbette than even a 100- ton gun. In such cases shrapnel-fire becomes spe- cially dangerous. Its effect is terrible, provided the projectile be exploded at exactly the right place ; fortunately for open barbettes, precision of fire is diflBcult to secure on shipboard, and no perfect time- fuse exists. Another element of the armament of modern ships must not be forgotten — the rapid-firing and machine guns. Their record at Alexandria was a poor one, but improvements are constantly making and they will certainly be brought against forts. The best de- fence is shoal v^ater or submarine mines, which for- bid approach within a thousand or twelve hundred yards' range ; but wlien it is not possible to secure this advantage, guns on low sites, without cover dur- ing loading, must be regarded as of little value. After studying the map of the entrance to be de- fended, in connection with lists of war-ships, which for all navies are easily accessible, the engineer can form a fair estimate of the calibres of the guns likely to be brought against him. Two points should not be forgotten : (1) Coast Defenders of comparatively little draught can carry the largest modern guns, and, although they would not be allowed to leave their regular posts of duty in a war with a formidable maritime power, they may be expected on our shores for many years to come ; and (2) the moral effect of a few land guns of larger calibre than any carried by the fleet is very great. The influence of General Tot- ten was powerfully exerted to secure the introduction of the 15-inch S. B. gun when that was supposed to be quite beyond the ability of ships to carry ; the ^'largest gun possible" is a time-honored maxim with us, and I think the projects of the Corps of En- gineers for our chief harbors will always provide for Probable Nature of the Attack. 23 a few of tlie most powerful guns which the genius of the age can fabricate successfully. As stated above, our largest guns should at least be able to pierce the armor of the enemy at a two- mile range. This limit is adopted, partly because ships must approach to that distance to seriously an- noy land guns properly mounted; partly because, with ships and forts more or less shrouded in smoke, pre- cision of fire on our part is not to be expected at longer ranges ;. and partly because the area of the ship protected by her heaviest armor forms but a small per cent, of that exposed to our blows, and she may receive great injury from shots powerless to pierce her at the water-line. Number of Guns. — The next point for conside - ration is the number of the guns likely to be brought against the port under study, by the most powerful enemy. The number which a single vessel of each class carries has already been noted ; the present question is therefore restricted to the local problem of how many ships can be placed in position. For ports of the first class the basis of the estimate should be the full strength of possible attack ; for ports of minor importance the Engineer will be guid- ed by his judgment as to the size of the fleet likely to be detached for the purpose. The determination of the length of the front of attack is a simple matter of map and dividers. Draw circles with radii varying from one to three miles, the centre being the fort under consideration, and note the lengths which fall upon water of sufficient depth and otherwise suitable for occupation by war- ships. The probable distance and the maximum de- velopment of the attack can thus be estimated with precision. How near together the ships can be safely manoeu- vred will depend upon the strength of the current 24 General Considerations. and the nature of the channel, whether clear or ob- structed by shoals, reefs, or suspected torpedoes. At Alexandria, where there was no need of crowding, about four ships occupied one mile. At Charleston, on April 7, 1863, the monitors in a difficult channel formed at intervals of "one cable length," or at the rate of about eight monitors per mile. At the attack on Fort Fisher on December 24-25, 1864, as well as that of January 13, 1865, the favorable position and calm weather offered exceptionally advantageous conditions to the fleet. The monitors were ordered to be anchored '^not more than one length apart." The diagram accompanying Admiral Porter's official report of the final attack indicates that the first line (14 vessels) occupied a development of three-quarters of a mile ; the second line (12 vessels) a development of three-quarters of a mile ; and the third line (14 vessels) a development of one mile. The diagram of the December attack (which formed part of the offi- cial order for the engagement) does not materially differ in respect to length of development. The Ad- miral evidently designed to deploy his vessels at the rate of about fifteen to the mile. These facts, I think, warrant the conclusion that the larger ships of war of to-day, under the most favorable conditions, may be expected to deploy in a single line at the rate of about ten to the mile, but that in a contracted and unfavorable channel not more than five of them would be likely to make the attempt. Indeed, some individual vessels are claimed to require a mile in which to manoeuvre with safety to their neighbors. In fine, my studies induce the be- lief that, allowing to each vessel six effective guns of calibres varying from six inches upwards, according to her draught, we must anticipate a possible fire at the rate of thirty to sixty guns j)er mile of available development, depending upon the nature of the site. Prohahle Nature of the Attack. 25 The next point for consideration is the old and much-mooted question of relative efficiency between land guns and those mounted on shipboard. This question is open to intelligent differences of opinion, but, as the Engineer must commit himself to some definite estimate upon which to regulate the aTma- ment, I will state my own opinion, with some of the grounds upon which it is based. Guns Ashore and Guns Afloat. — Formerly it was a maxim accepted by French engineers that one gun on shore was able, when properly mounted and served, to contend successfully with from eight to thirty on shipboard. This rule, derived from expe- rience in such contests in olden times, was verified in the naval attack on Sebastopol, where ''an earth- en battery mounting only five guns, but placed on the cliff at an elevation of 100 feet, inflicted grievous injury on four powerful English ships of war, and actually disabled two of them, without itself having a gun dismounted and without losing even one man." But the rule was founded on conditions no longer existing. The ship guns of that period were small in calibre ; were crowded closely together ; were cov- ered by bulwarks of oak, which, when struck by such projectiles as were used in coast batteries, afforded little j)rotection ; the ship was soon buried in smoke, which prevented the scores of gunners either from seeing how to aim or from being guided with any precision by orders from aloft ; and, lastly, the ar- mament was not readily brought to bear by reason of the unwieldy nature of the ship, which floated at the mercy of baffling winds and shifting currents, with her masts and sails exposed to destruction by a single lucky shot. A modern duel between ships and forts is fought under very different conditions. The ships are more or less protected by armor in all vital parts; the 26 General Considerations. motive power, deep under water and carefully with- drawn, by the mode of manoeuvring, from direct fire, is comparatively little exposed to injury; the guns are much fewer in number, and the smoke, although still a serious cause of inaccuracy of aim, will hardly form the impenetrable veil which hung about the old three- decker in action, and its evil effects can be more easily counteracted ; moreover, the reduced size of the crews, and the protective armor (if the latter be sufficiently substantial for its work), will reduce casualties, and, leaving torpedoes out of the ques- tion, the hideous carnage of old naval contests will no longer appall the crew. ' On the other hand, it must not be forgotten that the risk of injury when struck by an effective- modern projectile is far greater for the ship than for the land battery. The latter may be disfigured by huge craters in the parapet, a few men may be killed, and a few guns may be dismounted, but so long as the magazines are secure no overwhelming disaster is to be feared. But one projectile which has forced its way into the complex mechanism covered by the armor plating of the ship may annihilate, at a single blow, the offensive power of an Italia^ of an Inflexi- ble^ or of a Trafalgar. Moreover, the shij) fires from an unstable deck, at varying and uncertain distances, and always more or less annoyed by the smoke of her own guns ; the land battery, aided by the modern system of position-finding, is comparatively unaffect- ed by smoke and can direct its fire with greater pre- cision than the ship, and with vastly greater certainty than in the days gone by. One question formerly stoutly contested has been practically answered so many times in late years that there is no longer any difference of opinion upon the subject : every one now admits that a fleet can force a passage past a line of batteries of equal or even of Probable Nature of the Attack. 27 superior armament, provided tlie channel be unob- structed. Hence in studying recent experience we may leave this class of operations entirely out of con- sideration, and confine our attention exclusively to instances of pitched battles between armored ships and forts. Combats of this kind are inevitable when the channel is obstructed by mines properly .defend- ed ; and I shall ask your attention to a few instances which throw light on the problem, although it must be admitted that experience is still lacking on which to formulate definite rules — if, indeed, it will ever be possible to formulate rules where so great variations exist in the protection afforded by different types of armored ships and by different modes of mounting and protecting land guns. Still, experience is the only safe guide, and use should be made of all that is available. On May 15, 1862, an earthen battery situated on Drewry's Bluff about 100 feet above James Ri- ver, and without bomb-proof cover, was attacked by two iron-clads, the Galena and the Monitor^ and by three wooden vessels, the Aroostook^ the Port Poyal, and the JVaugattick. The iron clads anchored at from 600 to 1 000 yards range, where a double pile obstruction, reinforced by hulks, pre^^ented a nearer approach ; the wooden vessels anchored about 1 300 yards below. After fighting for about three and a quarter hours the fleet was repulsed ; the Galena had expended nearly all her ammunition and had suf- fered severely, being hulled several times. The Monitor and apparently the wooden vessels were not seriously injured ; but Lieut. -Commander Jeffers, commanding the Monitor, reported : "So long as our vessels kept up a rapid fire they rarely fired in re- turn, but the moment our fire slackened they re- manned their guns. It was impossible to reduce such works, except by the aid of a land force." 28 General Coitsiderations. Tlie armament of the Galena consisted of 9-inch Dahlgreii smooth-bores and Parrott rifles ; the Moni- tor carried two 15-inch guns ; the armament of the wooden vessels is not stated in the ofiicial reports. When Fort Drewry was captured, in 1865, the water-bearing guns consisted of one 7-inch Brooke rifle, with six 10-inch and three 8-inch Rodman smooth-bores. I was personally informed by Major Drewry, who had commanded in the action of May 15, 1862, that at that date he had only three Rodman smooth-bores in position, the others having been added subsequently. This was, I believe, the first decisive contest be .tween our armor-clad vessels and a land battery. Although the result was a disappointment, and the vessels were repulsed with loss by a greatly inferior force, it must not be forgotten that the trial took place under conditions which gave many advantages to the land forces — the narrowness of the river even permitting them to annoy the fleet with musketry. The next typical pitched battle between guns ashore and guns afloat took place at Fort Sumter on April 7, 1863. The day was calm and all the con- ditions were favorable to the fleet. Fort Sumter at that date consisted of an un- finished masonry work having a single tier of case- mates, strengthened by such means as the Con- federates had found practicable after its occupation. The masonry was largely shell concrete faced with brick ; the scarp was 8 feet thick (5 feet in front of the recess arch and 11 feet at the piers). The site was a small artificial island. The armament which repulsed the attack of Ad- miral Dupont was mounted in Fort Sumter, Fort Moultrie, and in the batteries on Sullivan's Island. The Confederate official report gives the following ;statement of the guns and mortars used in the battle : Prohahle Nature of the Attack. 29 GUNS AND MORTARS IN USE ON APRIL 7, 1863. m m OD . rri ts J3 •c .- flj Fort or Battery. % CD « .2 1 so a IS s 11 1 5 3 2 I Fort Sumter 4 2 2 8 7 1 13 7 44 Fort Moultrie 9 5 5 2 21 Battery Bee 5 1 .. 6 Battery Beauregard.. •• . . 1 1 2 Cumraiiigs Point 1 1 .. .. 2 Battery Wagner •• •• 1 •• 1 Total 10 3 2 19 7 8 18 9 76 Fort Sumter fired 831 rounds ; Fort Moultrie, 868 rounds ; Battery Bee, 283 rounds ; Battery Beaure- gard, 157 rounds ; Cummings Point, 66 rounds ; Bat- tery Wagner, 22 rounds ; total, 2 227 rounds. In all 21 093 pounds of powder were used. The fleet consisted of the New Ironsides^ the Keokuk^ and seven monitors. Twenty-three guns were used in the action : seven 15-inch Dahlgrens, fourteen 11-inch Dahlgrens, and two 150-pounder rifles. One hundred and thirty-nine shots were flred by the fleet (124 of them at Fort Sumter). The 15-inch guns were charged with 35 pounds of powder, the 11-inch guns with 20 pounds, and the 150-pounders with 16 pounds. Admiral Dupont reported the range of the moni- tors as from 550 to 800 yards, that of the Ironsides being not less than 1 000 yards ; his ordnance officer, Lieut. A. S. Mackenzie, reports the ranges as from 550 to 2 100 yards ; tlie Confederate engineers give 30 General Considerations. them as from 900 to 1 500 yards, averaging 1 200 yards. The engagement lasted two and one-half hours. As to the result, Admiral Bahlgren reported: "I^o ship had been exposed to the severest fire of the enemy over forty minutes, and yet in that brief period five of the iron-clads were wholly or partially dis- abled ; disabled, too, in that which was most essential to our success — I mean in their armament or power of inflicting injury by their guns. . . . The other iron-clads (2 out of 7), though struck many times severely, were still able to use their guns, but I am convinced that in all probability in another thirty minutes they, too, would have been likewise dis- abled." The official rej)orts of the captains commanding the iron-clads indicate that the fleet, exclusive of the Bew Ironsides^ received 346 hits. The New Ironsides was struck several times, but the exact number ap- pears not to have been reported. The KeoJculc was sunk, where her guns were subsequently secured by the Confederates. One man was killed and at least twenty-two men were wounded on shipboard during the action. Upon the Confederate side, General Beauregard states: "Not more than 34 shots took effect on the walls of Fort Sumter." "Fort Moultrie and other batteries were not touched in a way to be considered." The injuries to Fort Sumter were by no means dis- abling, and the total casualties on land were three men killed by the accidental explosion of an ammu- nition-chest, and eleven men wounded— five of them by the same accident. The next conspicuous duel between armored ships and forts was at Fort Fisher, North Carolina. This fort had a water-front and a land-front, both consist- ing of substantial sand batteries ; the land-front had Frobable Nature of the AttacJc. 31 an oblique lire upon the sea. The worli was well provided with traverses and bomb-proofs, but the former were so conspicuous that they marked the gun positions with great distinctness. The site was a low, sandy point between the ocean and Cape Fear River. The offing afforded unlimited development to the fleet. Carrying out the plan of a co-operative attack in aid of tlie land forces, Admiral Porter ordered his monitors to anchor at a range of about 800 yards, and his wooden vessels in three lines at from 1 100 to 1 800 yards. Tlie former were to fire deliberately upon the land-front (from within a dead angle where the enemy could reply only at great disadvantage) in order to prepare the way for an assault ; the latter were to maintain so terrific a storm of shot and shell over the fort as to prevent the enemy from serving his guns. These tactics were successful, and the Confederates were soon driven to take temporary refuge in their bomb-proofs. Immediately after the capture of the fort on Jan- uary 15, 1865, I personally made an inventory of the armament, with notes as to its condition. The fol- lowing were the water-bearing guns : On the land front, one 10-inch Rodman, five 8-inch Rodmans, five old 32-pounders, one old 24-pounder, seven 6.4- inch rifles, one 4.2-inch rifle ; total, 20 guns. On the water-front, nine 10-inch Rodmans, four 8-inch Rod- mans, two 8-inch rifles, two 7-inch rifles, five 6.4-inch rifles ; total, 22 guns. The grand total which could have been used against the fleet was 42 guns. Of these, eight guns and eight carriages (16 in all) were disabled on the land-front, and one gun on the water- front (it evidently had burst in action). This state- ment includes all injuries by direct impact of shot, or by destruction of carriages, or by the ■i:)iling of sand in front of the guns ; they represent the wliole 32 General Considerations. damage effected by one of tlie most tremendous bom- bardments of modern times directed against an open barbette battery on a low site. The following was the effective armament of the fleet, as furnished to me by the Bureau of Ordnance, Navy Department. It includes all the pivot guns and half the broadside gans of the vessels in ac- tion, excluding the small bronze guns as of no value for such service : ten 15-inch Dahlgrens, 20 11-inch Dahlgrens, two 10 inch Dahlgrens, one hundred and thirty-four 9-inch Dahlgrens, eighteen 8-inch Dahl- grens, sixteen 32-pounders, eight 8-inch Parrott rifles, twenty-four 100-pounder Parrott rifles, two 60- pounder Parrotts, two 50-pounder Dahlgrens, twen- ty-seven 30-pounder Parrotts, twelve 20-pounder Parrotts, making a total of 275 guns of all calibres used against the land defences. This bombardment silenced the Are of the fort and enabled an assault to be delivered without the pre- liminary operations of a siege — an assistance of the most important character ; but that the damage to the works should be as unimportant as it actually was, seemed at the time almost incredible to the eye- witnesses. If the garrison had not been provided with ample bomb-proofs, a surrender might probably have occurred ; but, as it was, the men took shelter until the flre slackened to favor the assault, and then they exhibited anything but demoralization. Still, it must not be forgotten that such a result to-day would be decisive in favor of an attack to force a passage ; for unless the land guns can be served con- tinuously the flanking arrangements will be destroy- ed, and the mines will be removed with but little risk. These three examples, concerning which all the essential facts are known, have been selected as typi- cal contests between guns ashore and guns afloat at Probable Nature of the Attack. 33 the beginning of tlie era of armor and of heavy guns on shipboard. They certainly prove that our iron- clad fleet could not contend with any chance of suc- cess against an equal, or even against a very inferior, land armament. The same was true at that epoch in Europe, as appears from the result of the attack of the Italian fleet upon the island of Lissa in July, 1866. Al- though full data respecting this two-day engagement are lacking, enough is known to justify the claim of the Austrians "of having driven back the Italian iron-clad ships, incapable of resisting the fire of the forts which command the harbor." Just as a third attack was about to be made, including a landing of troops to storm the works, the arrival of the Aus- trian fleet terminated the attempt. The land works consisted of masonry forts and earthen batteries, which appear to have usually had high sites. They were distributed among three har- bors, and "the whole of the defence presented a front of nearly 100 guns." The latter were all of an old type, of which the largest were smooth- bores throwing solid shot weighing ^^ pounds, and rifles throwing elongated shot weighing 60 pounds. The armored fleet consisted of 12 ships, carrying 248 guns. Their armament "contained all the latest improvements which the modern art of war had up to that date invented." There were also 8 unarmor- ed ships carrying 360 guns, and 16 despatch-boats. The bombardment of Alexandria affords the only example available for testing more recent progress, and even that fails to exhibit what the latest type of guns can accomplish against land batteries. The foits at Alexandria were mostly low barbette batteries, with a few old masonry works still less de- fensible against modern attack. The garrison was demoralized by being in rebellion against its own 34 General Considerations. government, which was supported by the hostile fleet. The only circumstance in favor of the rebels was the possession of a few Armstrong guns. On the northern line there were 20 Armstrong M. L. rifles (four 10-inch, nine 9-inch, five 8-inch, and two 7-inch), thirteen 40-pounder Armstrong B. L. rifles, and 62 smooth-bores which were little used. On the inner line there were seven Armstrong M. L. rifles (one 10-inch, one 9-inch, and five 8-inch), with one 40-pounder Armstrong B. L. rifle, and 76 smooth- bores which were little used. The working broadside of the offshore squadron opposed to the northern line the fire of '^^ M. L. rifles (two 16-inch 81-tons, one 12-inch 25-tons, fifteen 10- inch 18 tons, two 9-inch 12-tons, and six 8-inch 9- tons). These were supplemented later by three more of 25 tons, two of 18 tons, and two of 81 tons. The working broadside of the inshore squadron employed th6 following heavy guns, all muzzle-load- ing rifles : four 12-inch of 25 tons, five 9-inch of 12 tons, and four 8-inch of 9 tons ; total, 13 guns. In Captain Goodrich's Keport, from which these data are extracted, is a table of numerical ratios showing 'Hhe phases which the engagement either assumed or might have been made to assume." It is : Fort Pharos 4 land to 33 ship (actual). Fort Adda 5 land to 28 or 33 ship (actual). Bas-el-Tin Lines. . 7 land to 26 ship. Light-house Fort . 4 land to 26 ship. Fort Mex 5 land to 14 or 16 ship (actual). Taking into consideration the relative calibres as well as numbers, it is plain that this action affords no fair comparison between the fire of guns on land and those on shipboard ; but it has value as a test of the effect of modern guns on batteries of the kind engaged. Three thousand one hundred and ninety- Probable Nature of the Attack. 36 eight rounds, of which 1 731 were 7 inches and up- ward in calibre, were fired by the fleet. Captain Goodrich writes: "To the unprejudiced observer the most striking characteristics of the bombardment ^re, without doubt, the excessive apparent and the slight real damage done to the fortifications. . . ." "The forts at Alexandria were badly bruised, but the more modern parapets were not seriously harmed. In the generality of cases the real damage they sus- tained could have been easily repaired in a single night. If the bombardment was directed against the forts in this their defensive capacity, it must be pro- nounced a failure. If its object was the dismounting of the new rifled guns, it must be conceded that such results as attended the work of the inshore squadron (only one gun of this type being seriously affected), or even such as were achieved by the offshore squad- ron (less than one-half being permanently disabled), do not justify the verdict of success." The action at Alexandria, rightly or wrongly, has certainly tended to reduce the estimate lately enter- tained by engineers as to the accuracy of fire to be expected from shrapnel and machine guns on modern ships of war — the peace practice at Inchkeith notwith- standing. Although siege howitzers on land have proved their ability to breach concealed scarps and rsearch out nopks and corners of fortresses with show- ers of descending shrapnel-balls, it now appears that no such practice is to be apprehended from vessels. Although machine and rapid-firing guns are murder- ous at suitable ranges on land, their fire proved to be far less terrible from the gunboats. Moreover, this fire can be neutralized by forbidding an approach to within less than 1 000 yards. In addition, it has been practically learned that high-power guns, with their flat trajectories, are unfavorable for shrapnel-fire ;against earth-works. The spread of the balls is be- 36 General Considerations. lieved to be often less tlian live degrees, and mucli of the effect depends on obtaining a rapid fall in the shell itself before explosion. General Sir Andrew- Clarke, R. E., late Inspector-General of Fortifications, sums up a recent discussion of the subject with this language: ''As regards searching effect, ships are now in a worse position than they w^ere fifty years ago, and when re-armed with new guns tlieir power will in this respect be still further diminished." He also states: ''At Alexandria the fieet carried about seventy 1-inch 4-barrel I^ordenfelts and expended more than 16 000 bullets. The expenditure of Gat- ling ammunition was only 7 000 rounds, and of Mar- tini bullets 10 000. As to the results obtained opin- ions differed. It is submitted, how^ever, that the number of hits on the guns and carriages of the de- fence may fairly be taken to afford some indication of those results. The hit of a Nordenfelt bullet on iron is generally unmistakable, but it is evidently possible that grazes at a very acute angle might have escaped observation. The total number of hits on guns and carriages was seven, and even this mode- rate number requires qualification." I think, after this review of the best data upon the subject, no one will advocate a fixed ratio of compa- rison between the efficiency of guns ashore and guns afioat. The Engineer must carefully consider the question for his local problem and make his own esti- mate, taking into account the natural advantages and disadvantages of the position, and how far his art can be applied to increase the relative power of the land armament. One consideration must not be overlooked for a position of first-class importance, especially when the approaches are unfavorable to the fleet. The enemy may not be able to bring all his force to bear at the same time, but his reserves may be able to supply losses and maintain the attack with unbroken IB vigor ; Probable Nature of the Attack, 37 ^ vigor ; while the land batteries, having no reserves, will become less and less able to meet it as their guns be- come dismounted. Personally, while according a relatively higher efficiency to naval armaments as compared with land guns than was warranted by experience before recent improvements, I am convinced that ship guns can never hope to contend with similar land guns on any- thing like equal terms when the latter are properly placed in position and properly served. In fine, I think engineers would agree tliat for a port of first- class importance the armament should never be al- lowed to fall below that of the enemy in calibre, and that in number of guns we should rarely mount less than half of what can be deployed against the works in line of battle. With such an armament, well dis- posed upon a favorable site, and well served, I should have no fear of the result, and indeed one much weaker would have a fair chance for success. It only remains to consider how a land position is likely to be attacked by a fleet. Naval Tactics against Forts. — At Port Royal, in November, 1862, Admiral Dupont captured the land defences (Forts Walker and Beauregard) by a system of tactics which consisted in keeping his fleet (unarmored) in constant motion upon an elliptical curve which brought the ships within a range of about half a mile of the forts in passing. These forts, armed with 35 small guns, only two being rifled, were earthen batteries of slight command and ill- fitted to endure so powerful an attack as that of his squadron. Still, at that date these tactics were highly admired, and were even claimed by some en- thusiasts to mark a new era in such operations. Similar tactics were tried at Alexandria in 1882^ the speed being about five miles per hour, but with- out a satisfactory result. Captain Goodrich states : 38 General Considerations. V The outside squadron having tried both modes of attack, under weigh and at anchor, definitely solved one important problem. There remains no possible doubt that ships engaging forts not superior to them in force will gain more in accuracy of fire by anchor- ing than in safety by keeping under way." These views accord with statements of Royal Engineer offi- cers and with my own belief ; for I think that land guns will hereafter be so protected in positions of importance that they will have little to fear from the inaccurate practice inseparable from motion. Accepting, then, as a maxim that a first-class naval attack upon a well-fortified position will be made at anchor, or at any rate from fixed buoys to indicate the precise range to the gunners, the defence, aided by the modern system of position-finding, can count upon all the advantages resulting from supe- rior stability of platform, freedom from the annoy- ance of smoke, and a better knowledge of the range. But what ranges will ships select when the chan- nel allows a choice % The preponderance of profes- sional opinion is that it will be as short as the power of the land guns will permit. If that power be in- sufficient to penetrate the armor, ships will approach very closely to increase their precision of fire as much as possible. Their targets are guns and maga- zines, and all shots that fail to attain them are thrown away, although great apparent damage may result to earthen parapets and to masonry walls. , At Lissa the fleet forced the fighting, ranges of 300 and 400 metres being mentioned in the report. At Alexandria the outside squadron began the action at a minimum range of about 1 500 yards. Of the inshore squadron the flagship was anchored at 1 300 yards, while the Penelope drifted several times broadside on from that distance to 700 yards. The Inflexible and Temeraire fired at very much greater Probable Nature of the Attack, 39 distances — between 3 000 and 4 000 yards. These long ranges were criticised by Captain Goodricb as "needlessly great." He states: ''The outside ves- sels could have gone to within 1 000 yards on the northwest side of the Light-house fort and 800 yards abreast the Ras-el-Tin lines ; to within 500 yards of Fort Adda and 200 yards of Fort Pharos. Along the southern line the ships could easily have gotten within 400 yards of all the batteries. This would have prevented the Temeraire from shelling Mex, but it is believed that the gain would have outbal- anced the loss. It can hardly be doubted that the boldness of this move would have been rewarded by the speedier and more extensive dismounting of the guns, which was confessedly the chief object of the attack. Shrapnel and canister from a portion of the ships' batteries, supplemented by the machine guns at a more appropriate range than that originally adopted, would have prevented return fire from the shore ; and the remainder could have been concen- trated on each gun in the forts in succession until bowled over. Close range and a stable platform, however, are necessary for such refinement of prac- tice." I think there can be little doubt that such consid- erations will commend themselves to Naval Com- manders ; and they must be met by at least a few guns of the largest calibre, and by outlying sub- marine mines where nature permits too close an approach to the works. A shoal in the near front is a great merit in a position for a battery. The ship must necessarily fight under disadvantages as to pre- cision of fire, and it is the business of the Engineer to secure the full benefit of this advantage by forcing an action at long range. If this be desirable for horizontal fire, it is abso- lutely essential for vertical fire. With mortars the 40 General Considerations. force of impact depends upon the fall of the projec- tile, which fall is a direct function of the range ; hence with this class of ordnance very short ranges are to be forbidden to the enemy at any cost. To sum up these conclusions as to the probable nature of an attack by a modern fleet upon a sea-coast fortress of the first class, I am disposed to believe : (1) that we should be prepared to meet the largest calibres which the draught of water in the channel will admit ; (2) that from five to ten ships, carrying from thirty to sixty guns of six- inch calibre and upward, should be estimated for each mile of the line of battle — the character of the approaches determining the precise number ; (3) that the attack will be made at anchor, or at least from fixed buoys, in order to in- crease the precision of fire ; and (4) that it will be made at as close quarters as possible. The Engineers should provide for a land armament at least equal in calibre, and perhaps half as large in number of guns, as that which can be deployed against the works. All approach to within less than 1 000 yards must be forbidden, use being made of submarine mines if deep water renders them necessary for this purpose. Witli a reasonably favorable site, well occupied, I consider that such preparations would probably de- ter attack and would certainly give large odds in favor of the land defences. Lecture IL ECOIVOMY IN COAST DEFENCE. Limit of judicious outlay — Economic value of different elements ; gen- eral analysis ; case of non-disappearing barbette mounting; case of the King mounting for 50-ton 12-inch rifle ; case of the Duane lift; case of an armored casemate ; case of a revolving turret ; general ' conclusions. Before proceeding to consider details it will be well to discuss with some care the fundamental basis upon which they all rest. Are outlays for coast de- fence demanded by the needs of the country ; and, if so, how large an amount should be asked of Con- gress ? How far are projects for coast defence to be influenced by the question of expenditure ? LIMIT OF JUDICIOUS OUTLAY. From one point of view expenditures for sea- coast defences should be regarded simply as a neces- sary business outlay entailed by the possession of wealth, and should be governed by the usual rules of Insurance, so far as they can be applied. A citizen of New York pays a certain percentage of his prop- erty towards the support of a fire department, be- cause he is convinced that the outlay is demanded by true economy as a protection against loss by fire ; he pa\ s another tax to maintain a police department to afford security against individual violence and rob- bery ; he contributes his assessments in support of the National Gruard, because he knows that mobs are a danger to life and property which timely precau- tions alone can, control ; finally, not satisfied with 42 Economy in Coast Defence. these precautions, his business instincts teach him to pay large sums for insurance, to reimburse him for losses which may probably overtake him in spite of all his forethought. It seems amazing, to one who has reflected upon the subject, that this same man appears to forget that war, liable at any time to occur, may result either in the burning of his prop- erty under circumstances which will cripple the lire department, disperse the police and National Guard, and bankrupt the insurance companies, or else will subject him to enormous impositions to purchase ex- emption from utter destruction. Surely all history proves that this danger is real, and should arouse public sentiment to demand that the lethargy which for a dozen years has paralyzed us shall cease, and that the general government, without further delay, shall attend to its duty of providing for the national defence. It must not be overlooked that, in some important particulars, funds invested in sea coast fortresses are far more advantageous than ordinary insurance. Thus, instead of merely distributing the loss among many individuals, they prevent it altogether. More- over, large continuous outlays are not required. The works are imperishable and the annual premiums are therefore small. A port once provided with ade- quate defences remains in security until new progress in the art of war demands modifications. In a word, their utility is as permanent as anything hum^n. But, it may be asked, what has this problem in political economy to do with the duty of the military engineer \ I answer. Much. He should regulate his plans and estimates upon the same principles which determine the size of the fire department, the strength of the police force, and the organization of the Na- tional Guard. His problem is more complex, be- cause the elements are more uncertain, the field is r Limit of Judicious Outlay. 43 broader, and constructive damages constitute a larger element ; but, after all is said, the matter reduces it- self to dollars and cents. If, ignoring the question of cost, the engineer demands a larger outlay than business principles will warrant, he rightly fails to command the confidence of those whose duty it is to scrutinize the necessity for expenditures before vot- ing appropriations. When preparing a project for defence the first matter for consideration is, therefore, what sum can judiciously be expended. This by no means signifies exact figures, like those for the cost of a mass of con- crete or of an iron shield ; there are many elements to be considered, some of which can be measured by the gold standard, while others can hardly be so gauged. As an example of the first class, the port may contain a great city, and the assessed valuations for real estate and personal property are always ac- cessible, while fair estimates of the value of exempt and untaxed real estate and personal property may usually be obtained with some degree of exactitude. If a hostile fleet succeeds in forcing its way into the harbor, the property which lies at its mercy will either be destroj^ed or will be ransomed at a price which may range, according to circumstances, even up to a full cash valuation of all property subject to destruction. This valuation, of course, will exclude the cost of land, of water- works, of gas-mains, of roll- ing stock of railways, of bonds and specie, and of all other non-destructible or removable property. What is needed, therefore, by the engineer in his estimates for this class of probable damages is a fair valuation of the total destructible property. When preparing a paper on Coast Defence which was read before the Military Service Institution in 1885, Captain Eugene Griffin, Corps of Engineers, corresponded with collectors and receivers of taxes, ,44 Economy in Coast Defence, boards of assessment, and collectors of ports, and consulted reports of Tax Departments and other official documents of a similar character, with a view ito obtain a fair estimate of the destructible property -exposed to an enemy in eight of the eleven ports af- terward (1886) reported by the Endicott Board as '' most urgently requiring fortifications or other defences." The three ports not included were the Xiake ports, Hampton Roads, and Washington. Captain Griffin presents the results of his re- ^searches in tabular form ; and they convey much information useful for reference in this connection. The figures are based on valuations for the year 1884, ithree years ago. But the records show that during the past ten years there has been in New York City an average annual increase of $40 000 000 in the total assessment valuation for real estate and personal property. Last year this increase was $50 000 000. We should therefore accept Captain Griffin's figures as now considerably under the true values. His grand total of destructible property for these -eight ports (Portland, Boston, Newport, New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, New Orleans, and San Fran- cisco) is $4 529 177 244. The estimate of the cost of fortifying these same eight ports upon a liberal scale, presented by the Endicott Board (including $18 875- 000 for five floating batteries and their armament, to be used at San Francisco and New Orleans), is $90 018 150, or a gross sum not quite two per cent, of the value of the destructible property now at the mercy of any maritime enemy. Extending these expenditures over a term of ten years, as is projjosed, they would amount to an annual expenditure of two-tenths of one per cent, of the destructible prop- erty. Let us now see how this compares with the pre- miums paid for other insurance in New York. The Limit of Judicious Outlay, 45 City pays over $1 500 000 annually for the support of its lire department and over $6 000 000 annually for insurance against fire— aggregating, say, $7 500 OOO. It pays over $500 000 annually for its courts, its pri- sons, and the support of its criminal classes, and over $4 500 000 annually for its police department— or a total of upward of $5 000 000 as its insurance against minor disorders and robbery. The cost of the Na- tional Guard, which represents insurance against mob violence, is not less than $617 000, of which the State pays $400 000 for cost of camp-ground, pay of troops in camp, annual allowance for clothing, drills, etc.; the county contribution for rent of armories, janitors, etc., in New York and Brooklyn, is $117 000 ; the balance, $100 000, is the estimated private outlay of the members themselves. The aggregate annual insurance against these three dangers, fractions included, is, say, $13 800 000. The corresponding total destructible property in 1884 was $1 855 303 043. The total annual insurance against these ordinary dangers in the City of New York is, therefore, eight-tenths of one per cent, of its destructible property, or four times the percentage proposed as an annual expenditure for ten years for the most important coast defences of the Nation. The financial question, therefore, resolves itself into this : Is it or is it not judicious for the Nation to pay in ten years for protecting, during a term of many years, the property exposed to destruction in its eight principal ports, as high a premium as New York pays continuously every 2.5 years to protect itself against, loss by tire, by robbery, and by vio- lence \ It would certainly appear that business prin- ciples demand such an expenditure. But this basis for considering tlie matter is a very inadequate one, even from a financial point of view. The Nation is bound to supply its coasting trade 46 Economy in Coast Defence. with some refuge from cruisers in case of war ; and this cannot be done so long as even its chief ports are open to the enemy. The same remark is true now, and must remain so for some years, even for the Navy itself. Our navy-yards are all exposed to sud- den raids. We are even debarred from seeking re- prisals with our new cruisers ; for, with our port& open to the enemy, we should pay in cash for every capture as soon as it was made. Precedents for this ready mode of keeping our Alahamas in check are not wanting ; for a similar system was enforced against France during the late war, to protect bodies of German cavalry scouting through the country. But if these interests, which can be measured in dollars and cents, demand attention by every recog- nized business i)rinciple, how shall we estimate the National humiliation we invite by slumbering on in our present unprotected condition, while the rest of the world is so actively awake ? The stars and stripes, held aloft at so fearful a cost twenty-five years ago, are now exposed to insult by second and. third-rate powers whose geographical positions, even, are hardly known to our populace. If this exposure, so well understood by Army and Navy men, were appreciated by the country at large, should we have been allowed to sink to such a condition % I dwell upon this branch of my subject because the facts should be emphasized, (1) that there is ur- gent necessity for action ; and (2) that engineers limit their estimates for coast defence to reasonable sums. The nation has increased so rapidly that our people still gauge their ideas of military exj)endi- tures by a scale long since outgrown. Because the sums appear large when stated in dollars and cents, the enormous interests involved are forgotten and an outcry of extravagance is raised. All that engineers demand is a fair hearing, and a discussion of a busi- Limit of Judicious Outlay, 47 ness question upon business principles and in a busi- ness-like way. Before quitting tlie subject let us, to fix ideas, attempt to consider a little more mathematically the problem what stlm {x) the nation ought to expend annually on its fortifications — every consideration which cannot be measured by a gold standard being ignored. Clearly this sum will be directly proportional to the value ( F) of the property exposed to capture, and directly proportional to the average frequency of war with maritime powers, which may be ex- W pressed by the fraction p- , in which W denotes the number of years of war, and F the number of years of peace, noted during a period sufficiently long to afford a fair average. The sum to be expended will be inversely proportional to the efficiency of the ex- isting defences, which may be represented by the fraction -; — -, in which B denotes the price of an adequate system, and B, the part of this price already paid. The sum to be properly expended will also be inversely proportional to {F\ a quantity representing the fear of our retaliation or of an attack by other enemies while involved with us, and the improbability of our own inauguration of war. Hence, represent- ing by (7 a numerical constant, we may write : X=: c y^ S .— FFS F S—S, From this equation it appears that x can be zero ; i.e., that the Nation can afford to pay nothing for defences, only upon the condition that W =: 0, or that Sz=: S^, or that Z^= co ; or, in other words. 48 Economy in Coast Defence. wlien the millennium has come, or when adequate defences are completed, or when every maritime power so dreads our strength, or the hostility of its neighbors, that our wealth offers no sufficient tempta- tion to declare war against us or to give just provo- cation for war on our part. But few will claim that wars have ceased, or that our defences are perfect, or that our naval power is so vast as to spread terror throughout the world. The uncertainty of the rela- tions between the great powers was probably our salvation during the civil war; but it is a slender reed upon which to rest our only hope when our exposed wealth is measured in thousands of millions, and is increasing with wonderful rapidity from day to day. Moreover, it will be noted that this condition {F = 00 ) implies that we have made up our minds to en- dure any insult or outrage rather than have recourse ourselves to the ultima ratio regum. The Monroe doctrine must be abandoned ; we must see the Sand- wich Islands pass under a foreign protectorate, if such be the pleasure of a commercial rival ; our fisheries must be left without that protection which every government owes to its citizens ; the Isthmus canal, when completed, may be used to discriminate against us, even to the extent of ruining our commer- cial interests, without arousing us to action ; in a word, we must humble ourselves to admit that we have no rights which any nation possessed of an armored fleet is bound to respect. That the Ameri- can people will ever consent to occupy a position so humiliating is a supposition not to be named. In- deed, the belligerent shrieks which are always raised by newspapers and demagogues when our foreign political horizon becomes overcast, and the excite- ment which stirs the better class of our population as well, afford ample evidence that even although de- feat were certain, the government would never be al- Limit of Judicious Outlay. 49 lowed to avoid a just quarrel. For these various reasons we cannot assume i^ = go ; and therefore, logically, our sea-coast must be adequately defended. But let us go a little further, and, by assigning fair numerical values to the quantities in this general formula, try to estimate in a very general manner what sum business principles demand shall be ex- pended next year upon the defences of New York City. Since 8, is practically zero, both that quantity and /S' disappear. From Captain Gfriffin's researches, and the rapidly increasing wealth in the City during the past three years, Y may now be assumed at $2 000 000 000. One consideration, however, must not be forgotten. Although this amount represents the total property which would be the prize of a hostile fleet forcing its way into New York Harbor, and which at its option might be destroyed, a much smaller ransom might probably be accepted ; because a certain percentage of this value actually carried off in gold might be more imi^ortant to the captor than the forcing of a larger loss upon us. What per- centage might be demanded as a ransom would de- pend upon the local circumstances of the case ; bat certainly, in view of recent similar assessments, ten per cent. ($200 000 000) must be regarded as a mode- rate demand. The values of W and P must be derived from our actual experience as a nation. During the 111 years which have elapsed since the Declaration of Indepen- dence we have passed about nine years in actual warfare with Great Britain ; and have been in such imminent danger of foreign interference during the late civil war, to say nothing of threatened hostilities with France in the latter part of the last century, and with Spain on several recent occasions, that, in prudence, say 3 years more should be added. Hence W becomes 12, and F becomes 99. But it may be 50 Economy in Coast Defence. objected to these figures that our present strength as a nation is so much greater than it was in the earlier years of our national existence that they afford no fair indication for the future. This argument might have weight if our offensive power upon the sea had increased ^ar/^a552^ with our wealth. That form of national strength alone can be considered, since our ability to raise armies on land does not enter into the problem when confronted with an enemy across the water. Offensive power upon the ocean deters maritime attack, but exposed wealth invites it. Hence it is the ratio between these quantities at dif- ferent periods of our national existence which is to be considered : and it may safely be affirmed that never before in our whole history has this ratio been more unfavorable than it is to-day. The quantity i^, the general character of which has already been considered, is more difficult to express numerically. Mathematically it is a ratio of which the numerator is unity and the denominator a pro- per fraction — i.e., the denominator is zero for abso- lute security and unity for existing war. What val- ue shall be assigned is a matter of judgment ; but perhaps our past history affords the fairest measure. We have been engaged in actual war (not including Indian wars) about one-seventh of our national exist- ence, and I shall therefore assume F to be — =7. Making the above substitutions in the formula, an4 noting that from the values assumed for the several quantities C becomes — -, we have the numerical value : ^ aiX_20W 000000X12^ 4gg j^g_ 7X99 But this sum which, upon business principles, should be expended upon the defences of New York Limit of Judicious Outlay. 51 €ity during the coining year, exceeds by fifty per <3ent. the amount recommended by the Endicott Eoard [$2 394 850]. Hence that Board under-esti- mated rather than over-estimated the business risks and necessities involved in the problem of the de- fence of New York, and, more generally, in that of •our sea- coast and Lake frontier. That they did not ignore financial considerations is shown by the fol- lowing quotation from their report : '' A comparison can now be made of the estimates for modern works with those made in 1840, when the old system of coast- defence had received considerable -development and was being pressed toward comple- tion. The population of the country at that time was 17 000 000, and the estimate of cost, including the amounts already expended, was $57 131 541, be- ing at the rate of $3.35 per head. ''The population in 1880 was 50 000 000, and the estimate for the coast defence is $126 377 800, or at the rate of $2.52 per head. ''The valuation of property in 1880 was $43 642- '000 000 ; that of 1840 was about $4 000 000 000, and it is to be seen that the ratio of the estimate for de- fences to the wealth of the country at the present time exhibits a still more favorable comparison. "In 1840 the cost of the line-of-battle ship, then representing the most formidable means of attack against coast defences, was about $550 000, and the cost of the corresponding war-ship of the present day is about $5 000 000. While the ships have increased in cost ninefold, the estimate of the defences to re- sist them has increased only between two and three fold." The present humiliating condition of the country, arising from the neglect of this subject, can hardly l)e expressed in more forcible language than that at- tributed to Hon. Robert T. Lincoln, who when Secre- 52 Economy in Coast Defence. tary of War was in a position to have his attention officially directed to the matter. He is quoted as re- cently saying: '* During my term as Secretary of War you recall there was a diplomatic difficulty with Chili. I was in trepidation for some time lest she should send an iron-clad up the coast and exact a heavy tribute — millions of dollars, in fact — from San Francisco, under threat of laying the city in ashes, which she could easily have done. Any of the great naval powers of the world could do such a thing — along our Atlantic seaboard, for instance — in case of trouble. Of course, had we entered upon war with Chili, she would have got the worst of it in the end ; but it would have taken time enough to obtain a navy before we could have even begun offensive opera- tions. In point of fact, there is much latent hostility against us among foreign nations, and it would often be easy to bring on a war. But we are not in condi- tion for it, and all the world knows it. Hence our foreign policy lacks self-respect and a proper asser- tion of our nation's dignity and power. We would be at first at the mercy of foreign States in case of hostilities, and our government has to be humble in its diplomacy in consequence." ECOJS^OMIO VALUE OF DIFFERENT ELEMENTS. It is certain, for reasons which need not be dis- cussed, that in this country appropriations will never exceed a fraction of the sums which might economi- cally be applied in coast defence. Hence not only should estimates never cover extravagant or merely ornamental work, but the constant aim should be to provide the most effective and economical parts of the system first. In a word, funds must be applied where they will yield the quickest return in defensive strength. By following this course, and only by fol- lowing this course, will the engineer be acquitted if Economic Value of Different Elements. 63 disasters, largely resulting from ill-judged parsimony in appropriations, should hereafter afflict the Nation. But the ground is sometimes taken that where cost comes in conflict with the best mode of fortify- ing a particular site, cost must yield. The best sys- tem must be adopted, no matter at what expense. If a 16-inch gun is better than a 10-inch gun, it must be had ; if a turret is superior to a lift or to a disappear- ing carriage, it must be built. In a word, cost is to be considered only when it becomes so enormous as to forbid any hope of obtaining the needful appropria- tions. In my judgment, in the present defenseless condition of the coast this is a very mistaken view of the case. For example, suppose a million dollars were grant- ed by Congress for beginning the work of defending New York Harbor. The construction of a turret for two 110-ton guns on the site of Fort Lafayette would not, in my judgment, be a judicious application of the money. Such a turret is needed and should be built ; and if our government exhibited as much interest in Coast Defence as does Russia or Italy it would cer- tainly be promptly built. Still, the funds could be better applied under the peculiar conditions exist- ing here. There is no probability of our being able for some years to fabricate 110- ton guns ; and until we can do so the turret has no practical value — for there is no chance that Congress will import guns from Europe. One million dollars expended in sub- marine mines, operating casemates, cable-shafts and galleries, mortar batteries, lifts, and disappearing- gun batteries, would produce a, much quicker re- turn, and would at least enable some defence to be made, and at a much earlier date, than if the money were sunk in the turret. But we may go even farther, and reach the same conclusion upon the supposition that the ordnance 54 Economy in Coast Defence, will be on liand ready for mounting as soon as the turret is completed. No doubt a turret at Fort La- fayette mounting two 110-ton guns would have enor- mous influence in deterring an attack ; but thirty-two 12-inch rifled mortars, six 12-inch rifles, mounted say, one on a lift and five on disappearing carriages, behind substantial earth parapets, and an effective system of mines, with casemates, cable- galleries, etc., complete, all of which could be provided for a million dollars, would yield a better return for the invest- ment. I dwell upon this point because it is well worthy of consideration, and because it is probable that many officers, both of the Army and Navy, may not entirely agree with me. We see clearly what is the most powerful element, and are inclined to insist on procuring it, no matter what may be the cost. If funds were liberally provided to meet the needs of the service, there would be no question that this is the right principle ; but we know to our sorrow that this is not the habit of legislators. Funds are given sparingly and, what is worse, irregularly. In my judgment they should be applied so that the aggre- gate defensive return shall be the greatest, even at the temporary sacrifice of some of the more expensive and powerful elements. The whole case may be put in a nutshell. St)oner or later war will surprise us, and we shall have to do the best we can with very in- adequate means. This ought not to be so ; but it will be so, in spite of all efforts to the contrary. Hence, in my Judgment, funds should now be applied as we shall wish that they had been applied when we find ourselves compelled to fight with but few chances of success in our favor. An Inflexible would be a precious possession ; but I think the 50 first-class torpedo-boats, which, according to the money stan- dard, she represents, would be of more service in the Economic Value of Different Elements, 55 defence of our extensive sea-coast if the war-cloud were to burst to-day, or at any time within half a dozen years, and very probably, indeed, at any time within the next twenty years. I fear we shall never have the coast properly defended until another war like that of 1812 teaches our people that coast de- fence is a live issue. In a paper read before the Essayons Club of the Corps of Engineers, many years ago, Major W. R. King discussed this question ; and I quite agree with his conclusion that "cost is not only a proper standard of comparison in engineering matters, but to disregard it, or to speak of adopting a certain material or mode of construction regardless of cost, is simply a misapplication of terms." Our peo- ple thoroughly understand the cash standard in tlieir private business, and we must do the same in this matter of coast defence, or some day we shall rue its neglect. If these premises are sound the conclusion is far-reaching for both services. The problem of a new Navy is under solution by naval men. The Army problem is now before us for consideration ; and, to illustrate the principles which, in my judgment, should govern in such studies, I ask you to consider how a gross sum to be expended for the defence of New York should be allotted among different objects of expenditure ; and, to simplify this discussion, I will limit it to the very practical question. How should one million dollars be expended in purchasing and placing in position 12-inch 50-ton rifles ? General Analysis. — Evidently the maximum serviceable number of guns will be obtained by placing them upon simple barbette carriages standing; upon the shore, without protection, remote from each other, and with no provisions for loading other thau by hand. This would represent one extreme solu- tion. The other would be to mount one gun in all 56 Economy in Coast Defence. the security and with all the facilities for rapid load- ing.which could be obtained by expending the whole balance of the appropriation on these accessories. Between these limits what would be the most econo- mical and hence the most judicious investment of the iunds ? I shall assume three fundamental principles which, although perhaps sometimes modified by special conditions, are in general true. They are, (1) that the object to be sought is the maximum possible number of well-directed shots fired against the en- emy during the engagement ; (2) that the economical value of a gun-carriage and mounting is directly proportional to the number of shots it permits to be ;S0 fired, provided this number does not exceed the limit which the gun can safely endure ; (3) that the economical value of an artificial protection for the :gun and carriage is inversely proportional to the •dangerous area through which it permits the shot of the enemy to attain essential parts of the mechan- ism. In an exhaustive discussion of the problem other •elements would find a place — such, for example, as diminished efficiency resulting from restricting eleva- tion and traverse in return for cover. Practically, however, these are believed to be of so nmch less importance that they may be waived. Thus lifts can be arranged for an all-round fire unlimited as to elevation ; a revolving turret allows a full traverse of 360 degrees, and all the elevation (15 degrees) which is of much value against shipping ; the disappearing carriage affords only about 120 degrees in traverse, but is unlimited as to elevation ; in fine, the armored case- mate is the only form of protection now advocated ivhich seriously restricts the field of fire. But few positions demand an all-round field ; and, more gen- erally, conditions as to the offensive elements of the Economic Value of Different Elements, 57 battery are so dependent on the particular site that they may be ignored in a general discussion. Lo- cally they must be duly considered by the Engi- neer. In reasoning upon such questions the use of al- gebraic formulae is almost a necessity, and I shall therefore ask your indulgence for introducing the method here. Let c?=duration of engagement in minutes. ^= minimum interval between shots which the gun will endure. ^,=interval between shots, loading by hand. ^//=interval between shots, loading by stored power. a=area of target, in square feet, presented by an: unprotected gun and carriage. a^=area of target, in square feet, presented by a protected gun and carriage. w=number of minutes before the enemy by his fire can disable the unprotected gun and carriage. m,=number of minutes before the enemy by his fire can disable the protected gun and carriage. F=cost of a 12-inch 50-ton gun mounted without protection, on a hand-loading carriage. >S^= funds available for purchasing and placing in position 12-inch 50-ton rifies. a?= number of guns that should be mounted with J3,. ^=: maximum percentage of V to be expended in- increasing rapidity of fire. J/=maximum percentage of V to be expended for cover of gun and carriage. Considering first the matter of rapidity in loadings we have for the number of rounds fired by hand^ — ; and for the number of rounds fired by stored ^/ power, — -. The difference between these quantities 58 Economy in Coast Defence. will be the number of rounds gained by improve- ments in loading, providing, of course, that t^^ be not made less than t. Factoring this gain, one factor being the number of rounds with hand-loading, the other {T) will express the maximum fraction of Y which can economically be expended for machine- loading. Hence : d d d t, — t ^11 ^/ ^/ ^// (1) ^z=i=A/- IN'ext, considering the question of cover for the gun, by following the same course of . reasoning as above we have : e->) M-- m,—m m But since m : m/.\a, : a^ the numerical value of this ratio will not be changed by writing a^ for m and a for m,. Hence : a — a, Jf= a. But by revolving turrets, by lifts, and by disap- pearing gun-carriages, the gun and carriage may be removed entirely from the sight of the enemy for a greater or less time between shots. By revolving turrets and lifts its protection is thus nearly absolute when in the position of loading ; and by disappear- ing gun-carriages it is but little less so, being then subject only to danger from shots on the rapidly descending branch of their trajectory. Let us now Economic Value of Different Elements, 59 introduce these elements into the calculus, and de- cide how much we can afford to pay for such extra protection. This may be computed, with all needful precision, by giving a coefficient to a, in the last equation. Thus, if b denote the quotient of the thne during \^hich the gun is exposed between two conse- cutive shots by the whole time between two conse- cutive shots, h a, will represent the mean area serv- ing as a target ; and we have only to substitute h a^ for a^ in the above value for M, giving for this class of gun protection : a — ha, (^2) M^ ha Strictly speaking, h should be a little less than the fraction above indicated, because this mode of mount- ing gives the power of entirely withdrawing from danger any particular gun upon whose emplacement the enemy is concentrating his fire, and, while he is thus wasting ammunition, taking advantage of the comparative security of our other guns (against which he must have temporarily reduced his fire) to overwhelm him with deliberate practice. Since the gun has to be moved, however, this advantage will probably be offset by a small lengthening in the time between shots— /. 6., by a small increase in t^,. Both these details may be neglected, because their differ- ence is too small a quantity to be considered in an analysis so general as this. In combining these several elements into one equa- tion, it must be remembered that the fractional co- efficients represent the maximum percentages of the cost of the gun and mounting to be economically ex- pended in the improvements which the terms of the formula represent ; and hence that new coefficients must be added to reduce the values thus found to the actual percentages necessary to secure the desired 60 Economy in Coast Defence, improvements. Let A and B represent such coef- ficients, respectively, and we may write : X V + AxV T-\- BxVM^S S (3) x = V (1 + A T+BM) Proceeding to numerical applications of these for- mulse, let us first compute the largest price which can judiciously be paid for appliances for loading supe- rior to those available in hand-work. Assuming t to be 5 minutes, i, to be 10 minutes, and t,^ to be 5 min- utes, equation (1) indicates : y_ 10-5 _^ 5 That is, a sum equal to the cost of the gun mount- ed without cover for hand-loading, or say $70 000, may be expended to reduce the time of loading from 10 minutes to 5 minutes. The actual cost of such im- proved facilities would not probably exceed $20 000, liberally estimated. Hence the numerical value of A (the quotient of 20 000 by 70 000) becomes, say, 0.3. In discussing the question of cover, five kinds of mounting will be considered: the simple barbette car- riage behind an earthen parapet ; a King disapx)ear- ing-carriage behind an earthen parapet ; a lift of the pattern elaborated by General Duane ; an armored casemate, and a revolving turret. To make the com- parison exact it would be necessary to know the pre- cise dimensions of the gun, of the carriage, and of the exposure with each kind of cover. I shall only at- tempt to make use of values closely approximate to the truth. When a 12-inch gun is mounted without cover upon a carriage made after the old barbette centre- pintle pattern for hand-loading only, it offers a tar- Economic Value of Different Elements^, 61 get of about 70 square feet to a direct fire from the front, and of about 175 square feet to a fire perpen- dicular to its flank. These areas are computed upon the assumption that shots may arrive at any angle between the horizontal and a fall of 10°; and, also, that if they pass 2 feet below the level of the traverse- rails they will disable the gun. Intentional ricochet fire is ignored as no longer probable, especially against guns on bluffs. Since the fire may come through a wide arc in front, a mean of the two areas above given, or 125 square feet, will be assumed as a fair value to represent the target presented to the enemy. Case of a Non-disappearing Barbette.— A shot striking the superior slope in front of the gun ten feet or less from the interior crest would undoubtedly disable the gun. The descending branch of a trajectory having a fall of ten degrees, passing through this point, would intersect the platform near the rear tra- verse-wheels. The protection afforded to the gun by this mode of mounting is tlierefore much less than would appear at first sight. Indeed, the area of the exposed target, computed upon the assumptions above made for the unprotected gun, has still the large value of about 80 square feet. Hence, by equa- tion (2), ^^125-(1X80)^0.56 1X80 Hence $70 000x0.56, or $39 200, is the maximum sum which can economically be expended for this mode of mounting. The average actual cost of such a battery would probably not exceed $20 000, show- ing that it is judicious to give even this insufficient protection to the gun. Indeed, on very high sites, like the bluffs bordering the Golden Gate, these figures give an exaggerated idea of the defects of the system. 62 Economy in Coast Defence, The value of B for this kind of mounting (20 000 divided by 39 200) is 0.51. Case of the King Mounting for the 50-ton 13-inch Rifle. — The gun in its firing position ex- poses a target of about 80 square feet ; and in its load- ing position, perpendicular to the parapet, a target of about 40 square feet — computed on the same prin- ciples as above. Major King estimates that the gun can be fired with steam-power deliberately once in six minutes ; but by improved machinery it could doubtless be fired once in five minutes. Assume it to be exposed in the firing position one minute, and in the loading position perpendicular to the parapet four minutes, and ha, becomes S^^t^X^ ^ 48 square feet. And from equation (2) we have : ^^125-48^1 go 48 Hence $70 000X1. 60=$112 000 is the largest sum which can be paid judiciously for this mode of mount- ing. The actual cost of such a battery, including the extra cost of the carriage, would probably not exceed $25 000. Hence the value of B (25 000 di- vided by 112 000) becomes 0.22. Case of the Duane Lift.— The gun in its firing position will expose a target of about 80 square feet, and in its loading position will be entirely covered. Assume it to be fired once in 5 minutes, during which it is exposed 2 minutes, then ha^ becomes : ?^^ = 32 square feet. Economic Value of Different Elements. 63 And from equation (2) we have : • Jf=l^ii:?? = say 2.90 Hence $70 000x2. 9=$203 000 is the maximum which should be expended for this mounting. The actual extra outlay is estimated at about $80 000 ; and the value of B (80 000 divided by 203 000) be • comes 0.40. Case of au Armored Casemate.— The gun is constantly exposed, forming a target which may be estimated at 20 square feet. Hence from equation (2) : M=. ^^^~ ^^ c= say 5.25 20 ^ Hence $70 000x5.25=$367 500 is the maximum judicious outlay. The actual extra cost of such a mounting will probably be $200 000. Hence for B (200 000 divided by 367 500) we have 0.55. Case of a Revolving Turret. —The gun will ex- pose a target of about 20 square feet, for, say, two minutes out of five. Hence 5« -20X2^8. and from equation (2) we have : M=- 1^5^!^ =: say 14.62 8 Hence $70 000x14.62^$! 023 400 is the maximum price which should be paid for this mounting. But the actual extra cost would probably nearly or quite equal this sum, and B is therefore unity. General Conclusions.— Equation (3) solved with these values exhibits the comparative results (shown in the following table) of the expenditure of one mil- lion dollars for providing 12-incli 50-ton rifles. The figures in the second column show the number of guns, firing once in five minutes and mounted as de- 64 Economy in Coast Defence. signaled in the first column, which can economically be placed in position ; and the figures in the third column, the number of such guns which can actually be mounted. The fourth column gives the number of shots which can be fired per hour by the number of guns indicated in the third column. The fifth column exhibits the relative life accorded by the different mountings, assumed to be measured by the inverse ratio of their exposures. The sixth column contains the quotients of the products of the figures in the fourth and fifth columns by that product for the guns mounted with ''no cover, hand-loaded." These quotients perhaps exhibit, as correctly as such an ap- proximate analysis permits, the economic merit of the investments — upon the supposition that the en- gagement is to last long enough to make the theory of probabilities applicable. Local conditions may materially modify the figures. ECONOMIC COMPARISON OF DIFFERENT MOUNTINGS. MOUNTING. No cover, hand-loaded Simple barbette King disappearing...-. Duane lift Armored casemate Revolving turret NUMBER OF 12-INCH 50-TON GUNS IN POSITION FOR $1 000 000. 7.7 4.9 3.4 2.2 1.0 14.0 9.0 8.7 5.9 3.4 1.0 84 108 104 71 41 12 1.0 1.6 2.6 4.0 6.2 15.6 1.0 2.1 3.2 3.4 3.0 2.2 Economic Value of Different Elements. 65 From this point of view it would appear that the Duane lift and the King disappearing carriage offer the largest return for funds invested in mounting 50-ton guns. King's old-model carriage, mounting a 25-ton 15-inch Rodman gun, was thoroughly tested, and was successful ; and there is no doubt that his improved pattern, designed for larger guns, should be experimented with at once. This comparison as applied to the revolving turret requires qualification. For sea-coast use they can be and usually are made to contain two guns, because this involves less cost per gun than when only one is thus mounted. Moreover, sea- coast turrets are not favored for guns of so small weight as 50 tons. The table, therefore, must not be taken to imply more than it actually expresses. Upon the basis of the above computation, a much more favorable result than appears above would be shown for mounting two 110-ton guns in a single turret. It will be noted that the moral effect of the pro- tection, real or fancied, afforded by cover in front is left to be taken into account by coefficients to the sixth column of the table, based on individual judg- ment. It is safe to assume that guns mounted in the open would be deserted under the fire of a modern fleet long before they could be dismounted. Men be- hind a parapet which conceals the enemy feel com- paratively safe ; and, by the doctrine of chances, considerable time will elapse before a shot striking where the cover is weak disabuses them of the belief in its efficiency. At the siege of Petersburg the two lines were within murderous musketry range of each other, and rope mantelets to cover the gun-em- brasures were a necessity. The first pattern was bullet-proof, but too heavy for convenience, weighing over 500 pounds. Subsequently a lighter pattern which would not certainly stop bullets was used. It 66 Economy in Coast Defence, served all purposes. The enemy rarely fired at them, believing that the shots would be thrown away ; and our men were as happy behind them as they had been when perfectly protected. War, like all things human, has its successful shams, and cover more apparent than real is often valuable. Third Lecture, SELECTING THE SITE— HOEIZONTAL FIRE. Sites to prevent bombardment or to cover anchorages — Sites to prevent a forced passage ; height and character of the position ; development of front ; submarine mine requirements — Horizontal fire ; range and position-finders; revolving turrets; armored casemates; lifts; disappearing-gun batteries; non-disappearing-gun batteries; fiank- ing guns for mined zones ; magazines. With American engineers tlie objects sought in preparing works of coast defence are : (1) to forbid distant bombardment; (2) to control important an- chorages ; and (3), by far the most common and the most urgent, to close important channels. Descents in force are little to be feared, and of outlying coal- ing stations we have none. The elements of a first class system for Coast Defence, as already stated, are : (1) high-power guns and mortars for keeping the armored ships of the enemy at a distance ; (2) land fortifications to liold the position ; (3) obstructions in the channels of approach ; (4) flanking guns, movable torpedoes, and the electric light to cover the obstructions ; (5) vi- dette and torpedo boats to watch the enemy and make offensive returns. These elements are of pri- mary importance, and they are the only elements which can be so regarded ; their relative importance at different sites will vary, but, according to modern engineering principles, no site is thoroughly defended unless all of them are represented. These elements hardly admit of intercomparison as to relative importance. Each must be sufficiently elaborate to fulfil its special function at the locality. 68 Selecting the Site, Thus, obstructions cannot replace Mgh-power guns ; neither can high-power guns replace flanking guns ; nor can any or all of them replace fortifications, or vidette and torpedo boats, which are essential to guard against surprise and to make the offensive re- turns so necessary to any defence in war. When these five elements are judiciously combined and sufficiently developed, they may be trusted to do their work without further assistance, provided the site is favorable. Considerable latitude is allowed in the composi- tion of these elements. Thus, obstructions may consist of electrical buoy- ant or ground mines, self-acting mines not under con- trol, floating barricades, sunken hulks and piling, or sometimes even imaginary obstacles believed to be real by the enemy. The high-power guns required are not the same at different localities ; as a general rule their power need not much exceed what the draught of water per- mits to be brought against them, and they may be mounted, according to circumstances, in armored turrets, in armored casemates, on lifts, on disappear- ing carriages, or sometimes even in open barbette. Mortars in pits will be largely used. A good flanking fire may often be had from 8-inch or 10-inch smooth-bore guns firing canister, grape, shrapnel, and shells; but machine guns, and even low- power rifled cannon, may play an important part. Movable torpedoes under control from the shore and the electric light also fall under this class. Our cavalry of the sea will certainly comprise fast torpedo-boats, and not impossibly submarine boats of the Nordenfelt class ; while it goes without saying that such ships of war as can be spared from their more important and more legitimate field of duty will add powerfully to the defence. Sites to Prevent Bombardment. 69 Evidently a modein fortified position on the coast is like an organ with many pipes and stops ; and to produce harmony, care and good judgment in the setting-up and skill on the part of the player are re- quired. We have now to deal with the setting-up. Having, by applying the principles enunciated in former lectures, formed definite ideas as to the stra- tegic importance of the works and as to the scale upon which they are to be constructed, the first duty of the Engineer is to select the site. This requires a thorough understanding of the fiYQ elements in their various forms, and a practical knowledge of their several requirements for efficient service. In actual practice nature often leaves but little choice in fixing upon the best site; but in a theoretical consideration of the subject it is well to decide what is desirable in this connection. The object is to prepare a field of battle in advance where our guns shall overpower anything the enemy can bring against us ; where they shall be placed in position in a manner to combine maximum offensive power with minimum vulnerability; where the channel shall be unfavorable for manoeuvres and easy to obstruct ; and, in a word, where we shall have, every advantage. SITES TO PREVENT BOMBARDMENT OR COVER ANCHOR- AGES. Unquestionably a primary object in view is to se- cure the place to be defended against distant bom- bardment, which, so long as the enemy is kept out- side the barrier erected in his path, is his natural mode of attack. At some places situated on great rivers or in deep indentations of the coast — as, for example, at New Orleans, at Philadelphia, at Balti- more, and at Washington— this problem is easy ; at others— as, for example, at the Naval Depot formerly projected at the Dry Tortugas, which is situated 70 Selecting the Site, upon a small island surrounded by a narroAV cordon of sand-keys and coral-reefs, outside of which tlie enemy could deploy and maintain tlirougli an arc of 360° a concentrated lire at easy ranges — the problem to-day admits of no solution, and the project lias been abandoned. Between these extreme conditions we have many harbors which must be defended, and the question arises in each case what kind and amount of tire mxust be j)rovided, and what other means may be employed to convince the naval commander that he has more to lose than to gain from the contingent ad- vantage of shelling the port at long range. This prob- lem involves : (1) the effective range of modern high- power guns mounted on shipboard ; (2) the amount of damage they will probably inflict upon the port in question ; and (3) what kind and amount of land-fire and what other expedients will best produce the de- sired conviction that bombardment is inexpedient. Each of these questions admits of diJ3ferences of opinion, and I can only give my own. I. As to the extreme ranges to be expected from naval guns, I assume, with Lieut. Very and others, that from 13° to 15° is the maximum practicable ele- vation for guns on shipboard. At 14° Krupp's 30,5- centimetre gun, 35 calibres long, has thrown its pro- jectile about 6.5 miles. Without entering into a dis- cussion of the subject, which in this company would be travelling over familiar ground, I will state that as an engineer officer I have little expectation that bombardment from shipboard will ever be seriously attempted at ranges exceeding six or possibly seven miles ; and bearing in mind the tremendous shock upon the deck which cannot be avoided in such prac- tice, the immense number of shots required for ef- fective work where the results cannot be accurately noted, and the short life even of the best modern high-power guns, I do not believe that we have much Sites to Present Bomhardment 71 to fear at so long ranges, or, indeed, at ranges consid- erably less than those named. That these views are entertained abroad is sufficiently shown by the dis- cussion of the problem for Spezzia., mentioned in a former lecture, where the engineers considered 4.6 miles as sufficient to secure even their chief naval establishment against unendurable annoyance. Even in conservative England the dangers of bom- bardment at panic ranges are discounted. Colonel Schaw, R.E., the well-known Deputy Director of AVorks for Fortification, said, in a lecture delivered be- fore the Royal United Service Institution less than a year ago : " Bombardments are now possible at ranges of 8 000 to 10 000 yards distance, which would have seemed fabulous in former days ; and although the actual destruction produced by a bombardment may be less than would be at first siglit thought probable, yet, if ammunition be plentiful, it is undoubtedly very serious, and may be disastrous if magazines be exploded or important storehouses set on fire. ^^ Dockyards are perhaps less inflammable now than they were in former days, as iron enters so largely into the construction of ou^ ships ; yet a great quantity of wood and otlier materials that can be set on fire must be found in every dockyard, and, in any case, the bursting of large shells containing many pounds of powder, or perhaps dynamite, will work great havoc." It will be noticed that he limits the dangerous range to from 8 000 to 10 000 yards— ^^^., from 4.5 to 6.0 miles. In the discussion which followed the reading of the paper, Captain Henderson, Royal ISTavy, made use of the following language: ^'I doubt the effi- ciency of bombardment at long ranges by ships under way (for ships cannot anchor for this purpose if ex- posed to gun-fire or Whitehead attack), against uii- 72 Selecting the Site, seen objects, without any knowledge of the damage done ; for the sliort life of breech-loadiiig heavy rilled guns necessitates every shot being carefully hus- banded." No speaker criticised this conclusion or suggested a longer range as dangerous. Like contin- uous picket-liriug on the lines of an army, the re- sults will not compensate the outlay, for reasons in- dependent of the ballistic power of the guns. II. As to the damage which can be iniiicted at these extreme ranges, experience at Charleston, Yicksburg, Petersburg, and even Paris, has slio\^n that many siege projectiles may fall within the limits of a city without compelling a surrender. The laiger sizes of naval shells will produce more destructive results, and, among buildings like those in the lower part of New York, they would probably prove unen- durable ; but in a sparsely settled city like Galves- ton I should not ajpprehend a decisive result. III. As to what expedients are best to deter ves- sels from indulging in distant bombardment, or to cover important anchorages, I attach great importance to a well-directed fire from many heavy mortars, in pits quite out of sight, having a range of 5 miles, and so mounted as to bring their fire perfectly under the control of one officer. By mounting them compactly on centre-pintle carriages, with traverse-circles grad- uated to 360° from a common origin of azimuths, this is easily accomplished, as will appear in the next lecture. Supplemented by outlying groups of de- tached mines to be fired by judgment, and by a swarm of fast torpedo-boats ready to rush upon the enemy when enveloped by the smoke of his own gnns, these mortars, I think, would soon bring about the desired frame of mind. In fine, with proper arrangements, I believe little is to be feared from distant bombardment when our defensive works are placed at six miles outside the Sites to Prevent a Forced Passage. 73 object to be defended, be it a densely populated city, a depot, a navy-yard, or a port crowded with vessels of commerce. Still, if ten miles be practicable at rea- sonable expense, no engineer to-day would probably choose a less distance for works to prevent distant bombardment. SITES TO PREVENT A FOKCED PASSAGE. In selecting a line for blocking the entrance, cer- tain local conditions are desirable — snch are a single channel, a favorable height and character of banks, a well-developed front for ourselves, a contracted front of attack, and a channel easy to obstruct ; the latter calling for moderate depth, small tidal range, gentle curients, water sufficiently turbid to conceal mines, and a muddy bottom to bury the electric cables. Each wilFbe considered in turn. Height and Character of the Position. — A low site near the sea- level possesses a single advan- tage over one moderately high — it favors ricochet fire. But in the days of smooth-bore guns and wooden ships this was the most effective kind of tire known, because a small error in elevation or a variation in strength of powder did not prevent destructive hits. For this reason water-batteries were often placed at the water's edge, even when such locations involved extra expense in foundations. Fort Wadsworth, in New York Harbor, is an example in point. With rifled guns this advantage has lost much of its value, even against unarmored ships, because after striking the water the projectile often diverges widely from the plane of tire. Still, as many old smooth- bore guns will continue to be used for the flanking of submarine mines when attacked by boats, ricochet fire is not entirely obsolete even to-day. Against armored ships it conld no longer be used, because after even one grazing impact on water so much of 74 Selecting tlie Site, the velocity is lost as to destroy the effective energy of the largest projectile. On the other hand, a low site for land guns entails many disadvantages.* (1) It affords no direct fire upon the deck of a ship, which, being her most vul- nerable point, should always be attacked. (2) It en- ables ships to dispense witli high angles of fire, for which the mode of mounting their guns in a measure disqualifies them. (3) It places the hostile guns on shipboard on an equality with land guns as to energy of impact — an advantage which nature denies them in attacking a high battery. For example, a 16-inch rifle, firing projectiles weighing one ton from a bluif 200 feet high, will have its efl'ective energy of imx)act increased 200 foot-tons by gravity — a matter worth considering wlien striking a'' plunging blow upon a 3-inch steel deck. A similar gun returning this fire from shipboard will lose an equal amount of energy in the projectile, which must be raieed against grav- ity to the top of the bluif ; the ship will therefore be handicapped to the extent of 400 foot-tons for every shot jn a duel fought under such conditions. (4) The depression of the axis of the land gun fired fi'om a high site tends to make the trajectory more nearly normal to the deck, while the corresj)onding elevation of the axis of the gun on shipboard tends, at short ranges, to make its trajectory still more oblique to the parapet, and especially more oblique to inclined armor. (5) A high site compels the ship to keep her- self at a certain distance in order to bring the guns to bear, and thus interferes with the precision of fire needful to dismount land guns attacked from a mov- ing gun platform like the deck of a shij). Even*nt Fort Mex, a low w^ork at Alexandria, out of 920 shots fired at 14 guns piactically en harhette by five ar- mored ships at ranges from 1 000 to 3 800 yards, two land guns were perhaps grazed but none were dis- Sites to Prevent a Forced Passage. 75 abled b.v direct hits ; and only direct hits can place a gun properly mounted on a bluff Jiors de combat. These considerations make it evident that where nature has provided moderately high sites (say from 100 to 200 feet) they should be occupied by the for- tifications of to-day. The question w^as not so simple in 1864, vs^hen it was brought seriously to the atten- tion of a special Board of Engineers convened, in view- of the tlien recent changes in guns and of the introduction of armor, to report what should be done in respect to fortifications under actual construction. We were not prepared at that date to entirely sacri- fice the advantages of ricochet fire ; but no data existed to decide definitely how much would be lost by placing the guns considerably above the water. The problem, about this time, was discussed ana- lytically in a paper written by Prof. C. A. Schott, of the Coast Survey, at the instance of General A. P. Howe, Inspector of Artillery, IT. S. A., and his re- sults were submitted by the latter in a report to the Chief of Engineers. Mr. Schott based his computa- tions upon the assumption that the angle of re- bound from the water was equal to the angle of incidence — an assumi)tion which I could not accept. After the war was over, in the summer of 1865, acci- dent placed my brigade of volunteer artillery troops for a short time in the Defenses of Washington ; and I took advantage of the opportunity to investi- gate the problem by firing shots with 15-inch guns at the heights of 36 feet and 103 feet above the waters of the Potomac. These data I subsequently subjected to mathematical analysis ; and General Haskin, of .the Artillery, kindly checked the results by firing, in 1867, at Fort Schuyler, New York Harbor, with an 8-inch Rodman gun and a 24-pounder, at heights above the water of 38 feet and 15 feet respectively. This investigation led to definite formulae and con- 76 Selecting the Site. elusions, which are reported in full in Professional Papers No. 14 of the Corps of Engineers. Briefly, the results may be stated as follows : Re- bounds cease when the angle of incidence increases to about 8 degrees, whether fired from heights of 15 feet or 103 feet. The angles of rebound at the first and subsequent impacts are always greater than those of incidence ; and they follow a law which was experimentally deduced. The loss in the ricochet trajectories of the 15-inch gun, caused by increasing its height above the water, proved to be not so great as had been imagined. For example, with spherical shells, weigliing 344 lbs. and having an initial veloci- ty of 1 166 feet per second (assuming that such projec- tiles are dangerous to unarmored vessels when mov- ing with a velocity not less than 300 feet per second at a height above the water not greater than 25 feet), the lengths of dangerous ricochet trajectories are as follows : HEIGHT OP GUN. DANGEROUS TRAJECTORY, TOTAL TRAJECTORY. FEET. YARDS. YARDS. 10 3428 4152 36 3122 4457 60 1924 3758 104 821 2706 150 481 1934 200 291 1508 250 63 1117 With residual velocities not less than 400 feet, and heights of projectiles above the water surface not greater than 20 feet, these figures become : HEIGHT OF GUN. DANGEROUS TRAJECTORY. TOTAL TRAJECTORT. FEBT. YARDS. YARDS. 10 3007 4152 36 2311 4457 60 1174 3758 104 433 2706 150 204 1934 200 57 1508 250 50 1117 I Sites to Prevent a Forced Passage. 11 With the smooth-bore ordnance in service when our i3rovisional earthen-battery system was phinned, it is plain that a trajectory useful for ricochet fire for fully one-quarter of a mile was secured, even with our guns raised 100 feet above the water ; and when- ever this height was available it tvas selected in locat- ing the works. We would do the same, for stronger reasons, with the ordnance of to-day. There are, of course, limits which should not be exceeded in raising guns above the water. With a depression of 7°, which is about the maximum pro- vided for by modern carriages and mountings, the dead angle in front of a gun 200 feet above the water would cover 543 yards ; at 400 feet above the water this space would be 1 086 yards wide. If a deep channel past the position lay within this space, it would evidently be necessary to place at least part of the armament at a lower level. The height of the site exercises a controlling influ- ence upon die mode of mounting and covering the guns. The object sought is to combine the widest possible range and traverse with the least risk of being silenced by the enemy's Are. If the site be low and the adjacent water deep, the position is very unfavorable and an open barbette mounting is inad- missible ; for the ships would approach within less than 1 000 yards, and with shrapnel and machine-gun lire would render it impossible to serve the guns. Turrets for 100-ton guns and casemates or lifts for 50-ton guns are imperative for such sites. With heights 300 or 400 feet above tide the conditions are far more favorable, and open barbette batteries may be constructed with reasonable chances of effective service. For intermediate heights, especially if shoal water or mine fields prevent the near approach of the vessels, disappearing guns in barbette batteries may be trusted to do good service. On cliffs 500 feet 78 Selecting the Site. high, like some of those which border the Golden Gate, land guns, however mounted, have enormous advantages : the target is enlarged by the area of the deck, the fire is pluno;ing, the enemy at short ranges has difficulty in elevating his guns, and his shots, pass over with little i'all. On the other hand, provi- sion must be made to cover the dead angle left near the shore. When a choice is given between a low site near the water and a bluff in rear, the question of relative cost will often decide whether a more powerful gun en barhette on the bluff or a less powerful gun in a more expensive form of battery near the water shall be preferred. Equal armor-piercing power at a two- mile range should be secured. There are, of course, other matters connected with the banks besides height which have influence in selecting the site. Forests are always advantageous, because they favor concealment ; and for mortar bat- teries, from which no sight of the enemy is required, this is so important that, if not in siiu^ trees will often have to be cultivated. The character of the soil and of the foundation ; the absence of ledges of rock, which will enhance the cost of construction ; and many other matters pertaining to the details of the profession, must have due consideration, although they need not be dwelt upon here. Development of Front. — The batteries of the defence should be widely distributed : (1) to avoid accumulations of smoke, which interfere with the accurate firing demanded of modern guns ; this mat- ter is more serious than formerly when far smaller charges were burned, and when shorter ranges and ricochet tiring rendered precision in pointing less im- portant ; (2) to avoid the concentration of fire which can be brought against a contracted site ; shots aimed at one gun, under such circumstances, may take effect Sites to Frenent a Forced Passage. 79 upon its neighbor, and bursting sliells or accidental explosions will cause the maximum of destruction ; (8) because a widely -developed land front favors cross-fire, which is exceedingly effective upon some types of modern sliijjping, such, for example, as that of the Benbow^ wliere 110-ton guns are exposed eii barbette. Fighting "head on" maybe thus rendered impracticable, except at too long ranges to be ef- fective. On the other hand, in selecting the position the enemy should be forced, when possible, to make use of a contracted front ; he will thus not only be sub- jected to the inconveniences named above, but also may be prevented from developing his full power, and will certainly be thrown into confusion should some of his vessels become unmanageable during the engagement. The map and the ground should both be studied with a view to selecting a site combining the two advantages of a wide development of fire for ourselves and a* contracted front for the enemy. For example, the choice may lie between occupying projecting head lands where our guns must be massed on the sea- shore, and where the enemy may develop his attack from a semi-circle, with all his vessels advantugeously placed ; or choosing an interior position where our guns may be scattered widely while his front is re- stricted to a narrow channel. In such cases the latter site will always be selected by an engineer. A long, narrow gorge opening in rear into a small bay, or a sharp bend in the channel, will usually be occupied by the defence rather than a position still farther to the rear which enables the enemy to deploy in the bay or to escape from a dangerous triangle. The ap- proaches to Melbourne present a good example of the first class of positions; and the East Kiver entrance to New York harbor, one of the second. The i)osi- 80 Selecting the Site. tion at the Narrows is a familiar illustration where the natural conditions oft'er great advantages to the defence. Submarine Mine Requirements. — Shallow wa- ter, gentle currents, and small tidal range should have great weight in choosing a site for blocking the channel, whether by tlie older plans or by submarine mines, which to-day afford the best and simplest mode of so doing available to the engineer. Under certain circumstances these conditions may of them- selves modify the selection of the position ; for where the mines are, there must also be an array of land guns to cover them. San F'rancisco is a case in point. This matter will be rendered more clear by con- sidering briefly a few details. The smaller a buoyant torpedo is made, the more easy it is handled and the more likely will it be to remain effective for a long period. Even in still water enough buoyancy must be given to support tlie torx^edo-case, the charge, the mooring ropes, and the electric cable ; in a strong- current its depressing effect must also be taken into account or the torpedo will sink too deep to be struck by a passing vessel. With our spherical pattern tlie buoyancy varies with the cube of the radius, wliile the great circle cross-section varies with the square of the radius. But the horizontal thrust due to the current is directly proportional to the great circle cross-section, and may be estimated in pounds per square foot, when applied to the spherical surface of our adopted pattern, by taking one-half of the square of the velocity in feet. That is, a spherical torpedo 32 inches in diameter, having 6 square feet of cross- section, w^hen moored in a current of 7 feet per sec- ond, will experience a horizontal thrust of about 6 X ^ X 7' = 147 pounds. But this thrust is also ap- plied to the mooring and electric cable, which in water 50 feet deep about doubles its intensity — giving Bites to Prevent a Forced Passage. 81 in tills case a horizontal thrust of about 300 pounds to be overcome by buoyancy additional to what is required in still water. But to obtain increased buoy- ancy sufficient to prevent the torpedo from being carried below the draught of the vessel, its size and hence the above figures must also be increased— and increased very considerably— since the gain varies only as the cube of the radius, while the increased thrust varies as the square of that quantity. These figures give an idea of the great difficulties which beset the submarine miner wlien he has to con- tend with a strong current. Great depths are hardly less objectionable; for not only is the increased weight of mooring and cable (about one pound per running foot) to. be supported, but also the admissi- ble angular deflection to prevemt too great depression of the torpedo is rapidly reduced, and the absolute buoyancy needful from this cause is correspondingly increased. Practically a depth of 100 feet with a current of 7 feet per second fixes the admissible limit within which submarine mining is effective in our harbors ; and defensive positions must be chosen accordingl}^. Excessive tidal ranges, such as prevail in the English Channel (20 feet and upward), can only be overcome by a double system of mines— one for low water, and another in rear of the first for high water. Very fortunately we are not afflicted with such tides on our coast, where 10 feet is about the maximum in any harbor of first-class importance ; hence this double system is not necessary in our projects for submarine mines. After duly considering these matters of distant bombardment, practicable height of batteries, nature of the soil, development of front for himself and contraction of front for the enemy, depth of water, and the tidal range and velocities of cu/rents at the 82 Selecting the Site, different stages, the engineer selects his site or sites and proceeds to study the extent to be covered by his submarine mines, the needful armament, and the ex- act character and location of his works. HOKIZONTAL FIKE. An early matter for consideration is : What sliall constitute the land armament and how shall it be placed in i)osition ? Tliis subject was referred by Con- gress for report to a special Board, of wliich the Secre- tary of War, Judge Endicott, was president— consist- ing of two officers of the Engineer Corps of tlie Army, two officers of the Ordnance Department of the Army, two officers of the line of the Navj^, and two civilian experts in steel manufacture. This Board, in January, 1886, endorsing the views of the Board of Engineers and of the last Armament Board (July, 1884), recommended, exclusive of old guns now on hand, the adoption of modern high- ])Ower guns fabricated entirely of steel. For the land defence of the twenty-seven most important seaports of the United States the following calibies and num- bers were specified, viz. : 44 16-inch guns, 6 14-inch guns, 203 12-inch guns, 222 10-inch guns, 102 8-inch guns, 4 6-inch guns, 700 12-inch rifled mortars, and 24 10-incli rifled mortals ; also 5 floating batteries, 150 toriDedo-boats, 12 special torpedo-gunboats for the Lakes, and 6 161 submarine mines. Summing up the total new armament recom- mended for the twenty seven ports, we find 581 guns of all calibres and 724 mortars. The 16-incli 110-ton guns are recommended to be mounted in revolving turrets ; the smaller calibres in armored casements, on lifts, or on disappearing or non-disappearing car- riages, according to the peculiarities of the sites. The mortars are to be served in groups from pits entirely concealed, when practicable, from the enemy's view. Horizontal Fire. 83 I shall confine myself to-day to discnssing the different modes of providing for the horizontal fiie. The power and character of the proposed gnns, and reasons for their selection, are so familiar to all present that time wonld be wasted in discussing them ; but a fe\v words upon recent improvements in land- pointing will not be out of place. Range and Position Finders. — The change from many small guns to few large guns in coast defence has vastly increased the importance of mak- ing every shot tell. For this reason the subject of range- finding has received much study of late years, and many devices have been presented for trial. For sea-coast works where an altitude of not less than fifty or sixty feet can be obtained, the principle which seems to lend itself best to the requirements of the problem is that of ''depression angles" : ix., the angle is measured between the horizontal and a line drawn to the water- surface at the object whose distance is desired ; this being the parallax of the known height of the instrument above the water as seen from that object, the distance may either be determined by calculation or be read from a scale on the instrument. The accuracy attained by some of these new devices is wonderful. One of the best, known as the Watkin Depression Range-Finder, is claimed to give an error of only about half a dozen yards at a range of 2 000 yards. Where the site is low the use of horizontal angles becomes necessary ; and two observers at a consider- able distance from each other, or a very delicate and costly instrument with a short base, may be employ- ed, according to circumstances. But there is another difficulty inherent to modern practice— viz., the volumes of smoke caused by burn- ing so large charges, which makes it very desirable to know more than the simple dista nce to th e object. 84 Selecting tlte Site. This necessity, and the advantages which grow out of having one general system of range-finding instead of isolated measurements, have led to the introduc- tion of *' position-finders." These instruments de- fine the ship's exact position at any instant of time ; and by having the maj) divided into squares some forty or fifty yards on the edge, and supplying lists at the batteries giving the corresponding elevation and azimuths, the guns, even when completely shroud- ed in smoke, may be served with precision by orders telegraphed from a distant station where the fleet is in view. The first system of position finding was devised by Mr. Madsen, and was introduced at Copenliagen in the war of 1864 by Colonel Ernst, of the Danish Engineers. It was a complex system of triangula- tion by theodolites, under electrical control from a central station. This plan was succeeded by the well-known Dis- tance-Measurer of Siemens, by which, through the aid of electricity, a light arm is caused to move over a chart at a distant station, always retaining its paral- lelism to the axis of the governing telescope. The complexity of this system and the practical diffi- culties attending it are the chief objections, and they apply to the similar plan of Major Watkin, R.A., submitted in 1867. In all of these three methods the system of corresponding squares on the chart and on the water forms the basis of the operation, and it is evident that any well-considered plan of tiiangula- tion can be adapted to the same principle. Major Watkin' s electrical position-finder was tried at Pick- lecombe Battery in actual practice at a moving tar- get, and with decided success. When a height of not less than 60 or 80 feet above the water can be had. Major Watkin has modified his range-finder to give azimuths as well as distances ; Horizontal Fire. 85 and llius, at a single station wlncli may be far reniov- I^Led from smoke or hostile artillery practice, tlie point- '^^ing of every gun in every battery may be regulated by ordinary telegrapliy — the actual iiring may be done at the battery or by electricity from the observing station. This system is now adopted in the English land service, and no doubt the same, or something imilar, will hereafter be used in all sea-coast fort- resses. Suitable stations are easily prei)ared at most of our ports. Speaking of this system before the Royal United Service Institution within less than a year, Colonel Schaw, R.E., Deputy Director of Works for Fortifi- cation, said : ''This sounds too complicated and sci- entific to be practicable ; but seeing is believing. The S3'stem is no longer a project, but an accomplished fact, which I have witnessed in successful operation, and which I hope may soon be applied to every im- portant battery we possess. . . . The percentage of hits will be probably increased tenfold." Moiiiitiiig Land Guns. — Reverting to how land guns should be mounted, it is to be noted that so soon as a resort is had to horizontal fire we are compelled to face the problem of how best to en- counter the flying asteroids now to be expected in naval warfare. Five principal plans are in use to- ay — turrets of various types ; armored casemates ; ifts by which the gun with its platform complete is raised to fire over the parapet, and then lowered at once for cover while reloading ; disappeaiing car- riages operated in a similar manner from a fixed platform, but utilizing the force of recoil to raise the gun ; and the open barbette mounting. One remark is to be made emphatically at the outset. No matter what kind of protection is chosen, some of the defenders will be hurt. It appears to be expected in some quarters that the same men who are n 86 Selecting the Site. to be disciplined to endure the loss of one-tliird of their numbers in serving a light buttery in action, are to be guaranteed entire safet}^ as to life and linib in serving the armament of a sea-coast fortress. This is asking too much of the engineer, and is raising a false standard by which to judge of his work. Wh-ere blows are to be received measured b}^ the im- pact of the New York obelisk dropx)ed from the top of Trinity Church steeple, it is idle to look for ab- solute security. Let us hope, before the time comes, to have in readiness works offering reasonable chances of safety ; but if not, our soldiers may be trusted not to disgrace the flag. If there were no risks to be encountered, the service would cease to be war and soldiers would become mere laborers. Revolving Turrets. — The details of revolving turrets, with their machinery and gun-carriages, are so similar to like arrangements on shipboard that time would be wasted in discussing them. Land turrets are surrounded by a massive masonry glacis, below which, and properly covered, are the magazines, the shell-rooms, the engine and boiler rooms, the quarters for the garrison in war, and such store-rooms for coal, etc., as are necessary for the service of the guns. All these appurtenances may be thoroughly protected ; and in this resjject land turrets have decidedly the advantage over those on shipboard, which must always be liable to become unserviceable from any seiious injury to the ship itself, whether caused by a gun, by a mortar, by a submarine mine, or even hy a rock or shoal. On land serious difficulty is experienced in pre- venting fragments, dislodged from the masonry glacis in the near vicinity of the base of the turret, from becoming wedged in a manner to prevent its rotation. This is attempted to be obviated in the Dover turret by embedding in the masonry two ver- I Horizontal Fire. 87 tical wroiiglit-iron plates parallel to each other, on circumferences concentric with the turret. Gruson j)rovides a massive glacis ring of chilled cast-iron, buried in part under the masonry, but curving to the rear to form half of a roof of a chemin des rondes passing around the concealed truss which supports the weight of the turret. The bottom surface of the turret itself forms the other half of .this roof. The junction between the two, near the crown of the arch, is well protected against impact by the curved form of both parts ; and the space between the plates is too small to admit fragments of stone large enough to stop rotation against the power of the engines. This arrangement appears to be excellent. The tendency at present is to replace the cylin- drical form of turret by that of a cupola, with curved surfaces inclined to the horizon — the object being to break and deflect the projectiles by opposing only an oblique surface. This form, admirable everywhere else, entails serious consequences round the embra- sures by the excessive cutting away of the metal necessary to accommodate the gun. Protection im- mediately over the chase is certainly apparent rather than real ; and, worse still, the effect of a very pow- erful blow upon the iron mass between the two em- brasures, where it has little or no lateral support, becomes, to say the least, doubtful; experiment here- tofore has thrown no light on this difficulty. In these two particulars the new form is far inferior to the old ; it is the price paid for the unquestioned advantages resulting from obliquity of imx)act. Un- fortunately the weak place falls immediately in front of the guns, where it can be least favored by rapid and skilful manipulation of the revolving mechanism.. A shattering blow here could not but be fatal to both guns. Another form of two-gun turret, known in Eng- 88 Selecting the Site. land as the CoUingwood mounting, is attracting attention for land uses. The embrasures of the ordi- nary turret are omitted, and the gun, mounted upon a hydro-pneumatic carriage, is lired in barbette. The breecli is lowered for loading, leaving the muzzle always exposed. The iiitejior space is covered with a steel deck, with openings to .permit raising and lowering the guns. In this arrangement rotation is given by a turn-table, the heavy armored walls re- maining fixed in position ; they are made of inclined iron covered entirely with masonry in the form of a glacis. The question of the kind of armor is still an open one for land turrets. They have been actually con- structed of wrought iron and of chilled cast iron, the latter being now generally preferred on the Continent of Europe ; they liave never been made either of compound plates or of steel. The chief reason for giving preference in naval constructions to com- pound or steel armor — less weight for equal protec- tion—loses much of its force when applied to a land turret. The subject will be considered more fully in a subsequent lecture, and I will now simply express my opinion that judgment in this country should be held in suspense for the piesent. There are serious objections to the use of any form of turret in coast -defence. They are enormous- ly expensive ; they somewhat restrict the elevation of the guns ; and, like all complex machines, they are liable to become unserviceable in action by a single lucky shot which may jam a gun in its em- brasure, or by any chance accident to the mechanism which may^render it impossible to revolve the turret or to serve the ammunition. On the other hand, they afford more perfect cover to the guns, the personnel, and the machinery for loading and pointing than any other known mode of protection ; they simplify \ Horizontal Fire. 89 the carriage (a matter of no small importance with guns of this weight), since no azimuth motion aside from that of the turret itself is required ; they afford an all-round lire ; in the event of an overpowering concentration upon a single turret they permit all vulnerable parts to be withdrawn temporarily from action by revolving the embrasures to the rear ; and, lastly, where nature has too much restricted the area of the site, they compress into the smallest space the maximum possible offensive power. The balance between these merits and demerits evidently becomes more favorable as the weight and power of the guns increase. In our projects turrets are proposed only for the 16-incli 110-ton gun, or for larger calibres if such should ever become necessary, and for low sites where a wide field of fire is demand- ed. Under such conditions it must be remembered that their cost, although great, is less than half of the sums which have been expended for similar guns to be brought against us on armored ships, and less even than tliat of single buildings in our great cities, which without tlieir protection may be reduced to heaps of ruins. Twenty-two of them were recom- mended by the Endicott Board. Armored Casemates. — This mode of covering guns so much restricts their field of fire that it has only a limited application. About 15 degrees in elevjition and 60 degrees in traverse (80 on each side of the perpendicular) are all which can be given. If a larger traverse is demanded, the best way is to in- crea,se the number of guns and dispose them on a polygon giving the needful dispersion. A hexagon is usually the best form to select, because all the guns on two adjacent fronts can be brought to bear upon a vessel lying on the line bisecting the angle included between these fronts. If a polygon of a greater number of sides be selected, there will be a 90 Selecting the Site. wasteful overlap of fire ; if of a less number of sides, there will be a dead angle which will be taken advan- tage of by a skilful Naval Commander — as was done in selecting the anchorage for the iron-clad vessels at the bombardment of Fort Fisher. This kind of protection permits no temporary withdrawal of the armament from action, either for repairs or to escape a concentration of hostile fire ; and this objection is aggravated by the fact that per- haps no form of battery is so difiicult to design to meet the conflicting requirements of the problem. The old composite form of iron shields and ma- sonry merlons has long been out of date. An all- iron scarp is now universally adopted, with a single tier of guns, and with the magazines, etc., in case- mates below them where perfect protection can be given. For low^ sites this form of battery affords better cover than any other except turrets. The cost is materially reduced by combining several guns in the same battery ; it is usual to consider from three to five as the minimum number. They are necessarily crowded in a small space, and the annoyance of smoke in preventing accurate aim may well be feared. The question of the kind of armor to be nsed is the same as for turrets. It is still an open one in our service. Until the dimensions of gun and carriage are defi- nitely determined it is impossible to form precise rules for the interior space needful in a casemate. A sufficiently close approximation for all general pur- poses may be had, however, from the English rule, which is based on large experience wath modern guns and iron structures. It is in substance the follow- ing : Strike an arc from the pintle as a centre, with a radius of 24.5 feet ; the space included between the extreme lines of fire, with four feet beyond them, will afford enough floor space for any gun np to the Horizontal Fire, 91 S12.5-mcli of 38 tons. The 12-inch 43-ton B. L. gun requires a radius of ^'o.^ feet, and one of 28.5 feet is favored. A clear height of 9 feet is sufficient. Casemate magazines are usually now placed in a second tier under the guns, fitted with suitable lifts for supplying ammunition. These lifts should be placed in the rear piers, enlarged slightly for the purpose, where danger of accidental explosions com- municating to the magazines below is at a minimum, and where the space required for serving the guns is not encroached upon. Reducing the size of the gun makes comparative- ly little difference in the cost of the casemate, which is chiefly dependent upon the size of the armament to be brought against it. Hence only one type, suited to the 12-inch 50- ton gun, is proposed for our service, and it is restricted to low sites. Casemates for eighty of these guns were recommended by the Endicott Board. Lifts. — This class of mounting dispenses with the use of armor entirely, or at any rate restricts its use to a light bomb proof roofing which ma}^ be sometimes used to stop fragments of shells and shrapnel-balls. The gun and its platform are placed behind a suita^ble parapet, and by hydraulic power, with or without the aid of counterpoises, are raised and lowered at plea- sure. When in the firing position the gnn has all the capacity as to elevation and traverse afforded by the best barbette carriage, even, if necessary, being given a traverse of 360 degrees; but no sooner is its work done than it sinks out of sight and is loaded, so far as horizontal fire is concerned, in perfect safety. Guns have been actually mounted upon this prin- ciple for several years at Cronstadt and at Alexan- dria ; and the Temeraire and other armored vessels carry guns disposed in a similar manner. General Duane, when president of the Board of Engineers, 92 Selecting the Site. gave careful study to the subject, and devised two types, one v^rith and the other without counterpoises, which met with such favor before tlie Endicott Board that tlie construction of 54 of them was recommended for the defence of the Coast. Lifts are usually restricted to the mounting* of the 12- inch 50- ton gun, and are preferred for medium heights where a wide traverse is required. They would serve an excellent purpose as the chief defence of secondary ports where the depth of water in the channel will not permit the entrance of vessels carry- ing a more powerful armament than the 12-inch gun. The cost is estimated at $100 000 per gun, and it is greatly to be desired that the construction of one of them should at once be undertaken, to enable the minor details to be perfected by trial. This mode of mounting x>ossesses so many and such incontestable merits that a few details may prove interesting. The two types devised by Gene- ral Duane differ only in the mode of applying power to the raising and lowering of the platform. They have in common a substantial parapet to resist the lire of the heaviest gun which can be brought against them Usually the front of this parapet would be of earth, but near the guns it must be of massive ma- sonry, presenting only a horizontal surface to the fire of the enemy. The crest is broken by semi-circular recesses, 50 feet in diameter, to receive the guns, which are placed at a minimum distance of 74 feet apart. The centres of these semi-circles are live feet in front of the crest, giving a horizontal angle of fire of 180 degrees. The arrangements behind the para- pet dispense with the use of traverses — a very great advantage, as their absence destroys the usual clue to the position of the guns. The latter are mounted on any form of low centre-pintle barbette carriage, which is supported by a circular platform 26 feet in Horizontal Fire. 93 diameter. This platform, wlieri in the firing position, forms x>art of the masonry floor of tbe recess, the reference being six feet below the crest. This floor extends' unbroken to the rear for 50 feet from the centre of motion of the gun. Covered by it are two tiers of casemates for magazines, shell-rooms, etc.; and in front of them on the side of the gun is a long gallery, parallel to the crest, for communications, hydraulic macliiiiery, etc. The circular platform rests on a trussed staging, and can be lowered 14 feet to the loading position. The muzzle of the gun in the firing position extends well over the crest. After the recoil, if not already there, it is traversed to the front, where, within an angle of 60 degrees, the floor- ing is cut away to form a recess to receive the muzzle in lowering. Loading is done from a fixed position, tlie usual shot-lift supplying the ammunition in front of an hydraulic rammer lo force it home in the gun. As already stated, the foregoing arrangements are common to both of General Duane's devices. In one of them the gun platform is lowered and raised by means of six counterweio-hts and an hydraulic ac- cumulator which communicates by pipe with the gun-lift. The counterweights are connected by wire ropes, running over drums, to the foot girders of the platform staging. The total weight of gun, platform, and staging is greater than the combined weight of the counterweights, causing the gun to descend when connection with the accumulator is turned off and the waste-cock of the gun-lift is opened. The pressure of the accumulator, when transmitted to the ram of the gun-lift, is greater than the preponderance of the gun and staging, and will raise them to the firing position. The other device is operated without counter- weights by a more powerful hydraulic ram, in the manner usual to such mechanism. Experiment is needed to determine which is the better arrangement. 94 Selecting the Site, Disappearing Gun-Batteries. — The invention of a (Carriage which, without change of level in the platform, shall remove the gun from sight when fired, and by this motion shall store up the power need- ful to raise it again when wanted, has long engaged the attention of engineers as well as of artillerists. The advantages of such a mode of mounting are great. (1) The gun is exposed to injury only during the firing. If overpowered it may remain under cover, always ready to resume action when the ene- my is tired of throwing away his ammunition. In a word, such a battery can never be ''silenced'' until the guns are hit. (2) The greater part of the person- nel is permanently under cover, and the casual- ties will consequently be few. (3) When guns are mounted in this manner no satisfactory reconnois- sance can be made by the enemy. I attach no little importance to this matter, having myself experienced a like difficulty in land operations. The Confederates sometimes withdrew tlieir field-guns from the bar- bettes, so that the most careful scrutiny gave no information as to the artillery fire to which a charge would be subjected. As soon as the assault was de- livered, flanking guns would appear as if by magic, and with results far exceeding wliat would have been accomplished if tbeir position had been known and our guns had been disposed accordingly. Many different disappearing carriages have been devised. No less than favQ distinct systems have been introduced, but most of them are applicable only to guns of small calibre. The Aloncrief counterj^oise carriage will only carry guns about five tons in weight. King's carriage, which alone has had a practical trial in this country, has proved itself suc- cessful with the 15-inch 25-ton smooth-bore gun ; and his new adaptation for a 12-incli 50-ton gun ought to be experimentally tested, without delay, in competi- Horizontal Fire. 95 tion with the Buffington and any other device which promises success. The Moncrief hydro-pnenmatic carriage, the Rendel carriage, tlie Raskasoff carriage, and other types are favorably regarded abroad. Armstrong now furnishes a disappearing carriage for guns 70 tons in weight. The excessive length of modern high-power guns, and the loading at the breech, have increased the difficulty of properly covering this type of carriage — not only from the greater weights to be handled, but also from the comparatively exposed position of the cannoniers, which is so far removed from the parapet that curved fire becomes annoying. A special form of battery suited to receive the new King carriage has been devised by the Board of Engineers. The gun may be loaded from the extreme rear ; but being exposed in that position to shrapnel fire, and to shot descending at an angle of ten or more degrees, x>rovision has been made»for revolving the gun to a position parallel to the crest, and there loading it from a j)assage in a bomb-proof traverse, which contains, in sub-casemates, the magazines, shell- rooms, etc. The cost of this battery is small, about $15 000, and its efficiency in positions of moderate height will be great. Cover is estimated at the rate of 70 feet of sand, or its equivalent in concrete or stone masonry. The gun is lowered 8 feet. In ex- tending the battery an interval of 124 feet is left between guns. The traverses rise 11 feet above, and the terreplein is 12 feet below the level of the crest. A sunken passage 6 feet below the terreplein affords secure communications and fair cover for men en- gaged in loading in the open. Non-disappearing Gun-Batteries.— Probabl y new batteries of this class will be restricted to ex- ceptionally high sites, where they will certainly be troublesome to the enemy. Simplicity and economy 96 Selecting the Site. are their chief merits. The only part of our present armament which could with any chance of success reply to the fire of modern guns is thus mounted, and most of the batteries were constructed to admit of the introduction of the old King carriage, if de- sired. It is to be noted, however, that although now viewed with suspicion from perhaps exaggerated esti- mates of the efficiency of shrapnel and of rapid- firing guns on shipboard, there are indications that where vessels can be kept at a distance this mode of mounting may again receive favor. Thus the French have adopted a simple barbette mounting for the heavy armament (four 46- ton guns) of the Admiral Dwperre and for other ships ; and the English have followed their example in the Imperieuse^ the War- spite^ and even in the Benhoio. Nay, more, the heaviest guns now mounted in English land defences (the four lOQrton Armstrong guns at Gibraltar and Malta) are placed in barbette behind a high jiarapet about 100 feet above the water. They are provided, however, with a complete under-cover system of loading. The change from muzzle-loading to breech-loading lias, upon the whole, done much to increase the effi- ciency of barbette batteries. Although the cannoniers are stationed further from the parapet, and are there- fore more exposed to curved tire, the gun itself is a great protection to them, especially at high elevations ; and cover against small missiles is easily given by steel hoods enveloping the breech. Flanking Guns for Mined Zones.— None of the modern high-power guns are well adapted for use in flanking, being too heavy and too few in number to be effective in such work. Machine and rapid- firing guns will doubtless play an important part in such operations, especially for new works where no Horizontal Fire. 97 flanking arrangements now exist. Where old ma- sonry works are available, they will be measurably serviceable, even with their present armament (usually 10-inch and 8 inch Rodman smooth-bores) ; for a heavy fire of canister, grape, shrapnel, and shell is as effective now as it ever was against launches and small craft, which, if permitted to countermine, would work the worst damage to the mines. Such vessels abound in every fleet, and provision to meet them is to be considered first. A few of ^the converted 8-inch rifles now on hand, judiciously distributed among the old forts, may prove serviceable against regular counterminers. Probably the idea will suggest itself to every one that to depend on the old works to cover the flank- ing guns of the mines is to rest on a broken reed ; because they can be so easily breeched from a dis- tance by the fleet, and because, under such a fire, the' cannoniers would be driven from the guns. But it must be remembered that countermining is most to be dreaded at night, when little can be accomplished by distant fire ; and that by day the ships, while at- tempting to destroy the old works, will be themselves subjected to the deliberate practice of the high-power guns. Experience leads me to believe that a heavy artillery fire upon an enemy's field battery will be sure to compel a reply, and I see no reason to doubt that the same is true on shipboard. Some of the flanking guns would doubtless be placed liors de Goinhat by occasional shots, and sometimes the tem- porary withdrawal of the cannoniers will doubtless be expedient ; but whatever be the demerits of the old stone forts, a deficiency in number of guns is not one of them. They swarm on every front, and par- ticularly on those not visible to the enemy at a dis- tance, from which their fire to flank the mines will largely be required. The problem to destroy at long 98 Selecting tlie Site. ranges tlie efficiency of every one of scores of flank- ing guns, wliile suffering from the tire of higli-power guns, will, I think, be neither simple nor satisfactory to tlie attacking party. Judging by the precision of lire shown at Alexandria, the enemy will be liors de combat before it is accomplished ; and while even a few of the guns can be served liis fleet of launches must remain idle. Wliile fort's of this type will never be constructed in the future, they can still be made use of in the plan of defence to-day ; and to condemn them entirely is, in my judgment, a very great mistake. Where new works are to be constructed, wdi ether for the flanking of mines or for repelling boat parties attempting to land, so much use will be made of the latest type of small ordnance that I shall give a brief summary of some particulars which have an import- ant bearing on land defences, even at the risk of re- calling facts familiar to every one present. The machine guns of Gatling, Gardner, Norden- felt, and Maxim usually fire bullets of 0.45 inch cali- bre, although Nordenfelt and Maxim both supply patterns firing 1-inch steel projectiles. The rapidity with which the small calibres can be served ranges from 600 to 1 200 rounds per minute; they w-ere de- signed to replace infantry fire, but are nov/ regarded as better suited for defending positions than for active field service. The Nordenfelt and Maxim inch bolts were designed to pierce the light armor of tor- pedo-boats. The. Maxim 0.45 inch projectiles are fired automatically at the rate of 660 per minute, and his inch bolts at the rate of 280 per minute ; the lat- ter pierce an inch of iron at 100 yards. Hotchkiss revolving cannon are made of calibres 37 mm. (1-pounder), of 47 mm. (3 pounder), and of 53 mm. (4-pounder). They fire shells designed to replace light- artillery projectiles up to a range of at least Horizontal Fire. 99 2 000 yards (extreme range 5 000 yards). Served at full speed, the smaller calibres have attained a rate of 600 shots per minute, and, when aimed, of 17 shots per minute. A special flank-defence pattern (40 mm.) is designed for sweeping ditches. The live barrels are rifled on different pitches, ranging from 1 to 6.7 turns, which enables them to distribute 1 f)00 projec- tiles per minute with admirable uniformity and without change of aim, over a space 300 yards long and 50 feet wide. Rapid-firing hand- loaded guns are especially de- signed for repelling the attacks of torpedo-boats, and they will play an imi:)ortant part in flanking mined zones. The Hotchkiss Company fabricates them upon modern high-power principles, 82 to 34 calibres long. About 1 200 yards is their fighting range, their rapidity of fire varying from 20 to 10 shots per minute, according to the care with which they are aimed. Very gives the following as their steel-penetrating power : Calibre 37 mm., or 1-pounder : 0.8 inches at muzzle ; 0.4 inches at 1 200 yards. Calibre 47 mm., or 3 pounder : 1.7 inches at muzzle ; 0.8 inches at 1 200 yards. Calibre 57 mm., or 6-pounder : 3.5 inches at muzzle ; 1.75 inches at 1 200 yards. Calibre ^^ mm., or 9-pounder : 4.0 inches at muzzle ; 2.25 inches at 1 200 yards. Calibre 100 mm., or 33-pounder : — inches at muzzle ; — inches at 1 200 yards. Iron penetrations are one-third greater. These guns all fire steel shells, common shells, shrapnel, and case or canister. The three smaller calibres have non-recoil mounts, and the others recoil mounts ; they are also sometimes mounted on a miodified case- mate carriage, or like field artillery. 100 Selecting the Site. The Elswick Company is now fabricating a 4.7- inch 30- pounder pattern which has a muzzle velocity of 1 900 feet per second, and which can be fired iit the rate of 10 shots per minute ; and designs for a 70- pounder have been completed. Should this gun prove successful a very important departure in light can- non of high power may be at hand. Rapid-firing guns are also receiving attention at Essen. A 15.5-pounder was tested last February which gave a muzzle velocity of 1 990 feet per second and a rapidity of 22 shots per minute. These machine and rapid-firing guns have all come into general use since our civil war, but they are now universally adopted. When skilfully ap- plied they will be of great service in meeting our needs resulting fiom widely distributing batteries in Coast Defence. Magazines. — Magazines, of course, are always l^laced, so far as possible, out of sight of the enemy, and where his projectiles cannot penetrate. The latter condition is far more difficult to fulfil than formerly, and the problem often becomes perplexing. The Royal Engineer rule a few years ago required 18 feet of granite or other masonry ; but they now allow 40 feet, and Captain Lewis states (1884): "It is probable that for the immediate present the 40 feet of protection aimed at with our magazines is sufficient, but it will not be so for long." With turrets, casemates, and lifts, and at con- tracted sites, the natural place for magazines is in a tier of casemates under the guns. They should al- ways be buried under ground when practicable. The usual rule for capacity is based on having 100 rounds of cartridges and 100 rounds of shell on hand, and not more than four guns are allotted to one ser- vice magazine. In future permanent magazines no attempt will Horizontal Fire, 101 • be made to preserve the powder dry by excluding moisture from the room. Experience has shown that this is impossible to accomjjlish in many cases ; and, moreover, the huge size of modern charges will forbid their preparation at the time of firing. The cart- ridges must be put up in advance, and in water-proof cases whicli will serve to keep them dry indefinitely. The necessity of precautions to prevent the acci- dental explosion of a cartridge en route to the gun from communicating fire to the magazine, is receiving attention abroad. Safety-traps in lifts and swinging mantelets in magazine passages are recommended ; also that no more wood- work about a cartridge-lift than is absolutely necessary should be allowed. No greater disaster can occur during a bombard- ment than the explosion, of a large magazine. Two land batteries were silenced from this cause at Lissa in 1866, and two at Alexandria in 1882. The sur- render of the Castle of San Juan d'Ulloa to the French fleet in 1838 was due to a like catastrophe. At the storming of Foit Fisher, JS". C, in January, 1865, a shell from a 15-inch naval gun reached and crushed the plank sheathing of the large traverse ma- gazine at the principal salient near the Blakely rifle ; and had the fuse done its duty many lives lost in the subsequent assault mi^ht have been saved. It is safe to assert that provisions to prevent such acci- dents ill future will engage the attention of the En- gineers of every Nation. Fourth Lecture. MORTARS AND SUBMARINE MINES. Vertical fire ; advantages of rifling ; carriages and platforms ; mortar batteries ; economy of mortars— Submarines mines ; general condi- tions ; attacks by daylight ; attacks by night or in fogs ; attempted passage by force. The introduction of armored ships of war, besides increasing the calibre of land guns and modifying the nature of their carriages, of their mountings, and of their cover, has brought into so much greater promi- nence two old elements of coast defence that it may almost be said to have created them. I refer, of course, to vertical fire and to submarine mines. TJiese modes of counter-attack directly assail what is now, and what must continue to be, the most vulner- able parts of the ship— her deck and her bottom. They have another peculiar merit : their attack ad- mits of no reply in kind. They are weapons which cannot be used by ships against forts, except mortars in occasional river operations like the bombardment of Fort Jackson, below New Orleans. With vertical fire, the least roll of the sea or the least swinging to the anchor must be fatal to anything like precision. For these reasons I suppose a discussion of mor- tars and submarine mines, rather more elaborate than has been given to the use of guns, may be of 'interest to Naval Officers. VERTICAL FIRE. For the defence of our entire coast the Fortifica- tion Board of which Secretary Endicott was presi- Vertical Fire. 103 dent, endorsing the views held by tlie Board of Engi- neers, recommended 581 high-power guns of all cali- bres, and 724 heavy mortars, or, as they are now often called, rifled howitzers. The proportion between the number of guns and mortars shown by these fig- ures differs so enormously from that accepted by the best authorities a quarter of a century ago, that the reasons for the change demand consideration. They are, in brief, (1) Because the blow is struck preciselj^ where armored protection is least effective, and where either shot or shell are most destructive in their effects. Indeed, in their power of encountering such missiles ships have retrograded since the close of the civil war, when it was proposed to give the Kalamazoo a solid deck tliroughout of three inches of wrought iron strongly supported. Now the ten- dency seems to be to sink the protected deck below the water-line, and thus to provide a shell-trap where the effect of the explosion will be increased to the maximum by confinement. In plunging fire the mor- tar trajectory is incomparably more effective than that of cannon. The latter, with the gun at a height of 100 feet, attains an angle of incidence of 10 degrees only at a two-mile range, and at a height of 500 feet only at a mile-and-a-lialf range ; and this with low- power guns. Modern high-power guns have still flatter trajectories, and are therefore still less fitted for effective plunging fire, (2) Because of the greatly increased precision of modern vertical fire resulting from the introduction of rifling, from improved sys- tems of range-finders, and from a disposition and mode of mounting which devolves the responsibility of aiming upon a single officer stationed where he can accurately watch the effect of his shots and cor- rect errors as soon as they occur. Formerly this responsibility fell upon the individual gunnere, who were often annoyed by smoke and confused by the 104 Mortars and Submarine Mines, fall of projectiles other tlian their own around tlie target— a difficulty aggravated by the long time of flight as compared with tliat of guns. (3) Because vertical Are cannot be silenced, even on land, when the mortars are properly covered. The artillery con- test at the digging of the Dutch Gap Canal on James River in 1864 is a case in point. The excavation, across a narrow neck between two bends, covered an area of 30 000 square feet, being 500 feet long by 60 feet wide. The bank opposite the upper end of the cut, held by the enemy, was low ; that opposite the lower end, held by ns, was a bluff j^robably 80 feet above the water. Moreover, a signal-tower, 120 feet high, on this bluff, gave an excellent opportunity to overlook the whole ground, the river here being only 400 yards wide. To interrupt the digging of the canal, the enemy i)laced in front of it, at ranges vary- ing fi'om 600 to 800 yards, four or Ave siege-mortars in sunken batteries concealed behind clumps of trees and provided with bomb-proof cover. Their lire sunk the dredge and harassed the working par- ties ; and to compel their silence became an impor- tant object. Seven siege-mortars and five guns were placed in position near the cut, where they had a crossfire at short range; and a skilful officer. Cap- tain Pierce, First Connecticut Artillery, fired about 4 000 shots, taking advantage of the tower to direct his aim, and of the guns to prevent the Confederate cannoniers fiom watching the effect of their firing. He interfered with their practice, but he could not compel their silence. This duel, and much other fir- ing at Petersburg, convinced me that a mortar bat- tery, well placed, well constructed, and well served, cannot be silenced. If this be true in respect to a land attack, how much more true is it in resx^ect to .a naval attack, where no target is presented for horizontal .fire,. and where vertical fire is not to be Vertical Fire, 105 feared ! In fine, sliips may sometimes compel the silence of land gnns, but they must endure vertical fire so long as they remain within range. (4) Be- cause of the relatively small cost of mortars, as com- pared with that of guns, both for fabrication and for cover against an enemy's fire. This advantage per- mits them to be used in large numbers without exor- bitant demands upon the Treasury. Some of these points will bear elaboration. Advantages of Rifling. — The trajectory of pro- jectiles fired under high angles differs materially from that of ordinary gun practice ; and to appreci- ate the effect of rifiing mortars this difference must be understood. Fired with an elevation of, say, 45 de- grees, the shell receives an initial velocity which can be resolved into two equal components, one horizon- tal and the other vertical. Both components will be gradually reduced by the resistance of the air (acting nearly in proportion to their squares), but the ver- tical component is also directly opposed by gravity, which soon brings it to zero. This will occur near the highest point of the trajectory. Gravity, still acting, will then communicate a velocity in the reverse direction, which will increase proportionately to the square roots of the distances passed over, until the re sistance of the air, making itself felt more and more, will at last establish an equilibrium, and the compo- nent will become unvarying. The name "final ve- locity" is usually applied to this, the maximum theoretical velocity which can be used against a ship. Unfortunately, from an engineer point of view, its value is not great, being for a 10-inch round shot, 580 feet ; for a 15-inch round shot, 700 feet ; and for a 20 inch round shot, 790 feet. These values are theo- retical limits which can never be reached, although they may be approached in long-range practice. The vertical component has so small an average 106 Mortars and Submarine Mines. value that, within the limits of ordinary firing, the laws applicable in vacuo give results differing but slightly from exact accuracy. Hence, within these limits, the vertical velocity of impact of a mortar projectile may be assumed to be that which would be acquired by a heavy body falling in vacuo a height equal to one- fourth of the horizontal range in feet. At elevations above 45 degrees, the charge remaining the same, the height attained is greater and the range is less ; and hence, in obtaining a given range^ the useful compo- nent of the velocity is doubly increased. At 60 de- grees elevation the height is one-half greater and the range is one-tenth less, and at 75 degrees elevation the height is four-fifths greater and the range one- half less than at 45 degrees. From these well-known laws thefollowing approx- imate rules result for estimating the vertical velocity (in feet j)er second) of mortar projectiles at impact, the firing being done at the water level. This vertical component of course measures the effective velocity upon which deck-perforation depends. At 45 degrees elevation the vertical component is four times the square root of the range in feet. At 60 degrees elevation the vertical comx)onent is 4.9 times the square root of the range in feet. At 75 degrees elevation the vertical component is 5.3 times the square root of the range in feet. Having thus formed an estimate of the effective velocities attainable at different high angles and at different langes, the next point to be considered is the energy necessary to accomplish the perforation of the deck. Actual experiments in this direction with vertical fire are few in number. One fact noted by General Duane at the attack on Fort McAllister throws some light on the subject. A 10 inch mortar-shell, loaded with sand and thrown by the fort at a range of about Vertical Fire, 107 1 800 yards, just penetrated the deck of one of our monitors, which was plated with 1.5 inches of iron. Assuming that the shell weighed 100 pounds, and that it was fired at 45 degrees elevation, its vertical energy at impact was about 1.9 foot-tons per inch of its circumference. A 13-inch shell fired under like conditions would have had 3.1 foot-tons, and would probably have endangered the vessel. Trials in England, about 1871, proved that a 13- inch mortar-shell at 4 200 yards would easily pene- trate a strong deck covered with 1.5 inches of wrought iron under 4.5 inches of wood plank- ing (energy, 7.1 foot-tons per inch of circumference) ; and that at 2 800 yards it would penetrate a similar deck covered with one inch of wrought iron under 4.5 inches of wood planking (energy, 4.7 foot -tons per inch of circumference). In the absence of experimental data derived from modern vertical fire, recourse must be had to the behavior of plating when tested in the ordinary manner. It is most convenient to assume wrought iron as the basis of comparison, because its resistance is governed by more definite laws than that of any other kind of armor ; and, although the different formula3 representing these laws are not entirely accordant, they are fairly so for small penetrations. They indicate that to pierce three inches of wrought iron requires from 12.5 to 14.5 foot- tons of energy per inch of the shot's circumference. But this energy for a falling projectile is : ^^ WV ^ WY' 2 240 X 2^ X 27tB ~ 906 000^ This formula shows, since Fis a function of the range and i:>ointing, that when these are fixed the only way to increase the energy at impact is to in- crease the weight relatively to the radius. But this is precisely the effect of rifiing; and herein lies the 108 Mortars and Submarine Mines. first advantage resulting from its use. For example, tlie weight of a 12-inch solid shot is about 215 pounds ; that of the corresponding elongated projectile is about 625 pounds. Here, therefore, is a gain of nearly 200 per cent, in the effective force of impact — a gain which, by reason of the low velocities inherent to ver- tical fire, is of great importance. It may even be in- creased at short ranges, if deemed expedient ; Krupp fires a projectile weighing 759 pounds from a 28-cen- timetre (11-inch) howitzer at 58° elevation. The following table exhibits the destructive ener- gies of a service 12-inch rifled-mortar projectile fired at different angles and ranges. It illustrates one char- acteristic difference between horizontal and vertical fire : with the former we must shorten the range and lessen the elevation, and with the latter we must lengthen the range and increase the elevation, to in- crease the destructive effect. FALLING ENERGY OP A12-INCn 625-LiB. RIFLED PROJECTILE. rOOT-TONS PBK INCH OP CIRCUMFEatENCB. Bang©. § . a ■ft Half-mile 4.9 S.7 19.4 29.1 3a& 48.6 7.3 14.6 29.2 43.7 58.3 72.9 8.5 One mile ,. ... ....... 17.1 Two miles 34.1 Three miles 51.2 Four miles 68.2 Five miles As already stated, it requires from 12.5 to 14 5 Vertical Fire. 109 foot-tons \)QV inch of the shot's ckcumference to pen- etrate a 3-iiich wroLiglit-iron deck. Hence at a range of one mile and npward the fire becomes dangerous. The second merit of rifling is that it vastly in- creases the serviceable range. With the old smooth- bore i3-iiich mortar the full charge was 20 pounds, giving a range of 4 200 yards, of which not more than 2 200 yards were effective against a 3-inch deck. With the 12-incli rifled mortar these figures are 60 pounds and 9 000 yards, of which 7 200 yards are effective. Here, therefore, we have a gain of 325 per cent. It is this merit that makes the new mortar so useful in opposing the distant bombardment of cit- ies by modern high-power guns on sliij)board. No admiral would exj)ose his ships to receive such blows on their decks without serious concern ; and, as will soon appear, all we have to do is to multiply numbers and provide suitable emphicements to obtain an occa- sional hit, even at very long ranges. But this suggests the third advantage of rifling — increased precision of fire. It would at first sight ap- pear paradoxical that rifling can be beneficial with this class of ordnance. As used in guns it tends to keep the axis of the projectile always pamllel to it- self. But in vertical tire this would make the shell fall sideways, which, by increasing the resistance of the air, would reduce the vertical velocity, and by op- posing an unsymmetrical shape would probably cause an irregular flight. But experience, the only sure guide in such matters, proves these anticipations to be groundless. About a dozen years ago experiments were made at Shoeburyness to test the matter. A large target was inclined at such an angle as to re- ceive the trajectory at right angles to its plane ; and it was perforated by a round hole, not by one shaped like the longitudinal cross-section of the projectile, as would have been the case, to a greater or less ex- 110 Mortars and Submarine Mines. tent, if the axis had remained parallel to itself. A little flag was then placed in the open fuse-hole, and the spectators could distinctly perceive that the axis remained nearly parallel to the trajectory. Knowing the fact, it appears probable that the short length of the bore in the mortar limits the velocity of rotation just sufficiently to prevent tumbling, but not enough to prevent the resistance of the air from forcing the projectile to turn to a position of tangency. How- ever this may be, nothing is more certain than that precision of tire has been vastly increased by rifling, as will appear from the following statement : During the civil war 268 shots were fired in the Defences of Washington, at a range of about half a mile, to determine the precision of fire of smooth- bore siege-mortars in the hands of good troops, under fair service conditions. It was found that with the 10-incli mortar the average distance from the point of impact to the centre of the target was 40 yards, and that six-tenths of the shells fell within this radius. With tlie 8-inch mortar these numbers were .^0 yards and five-tenths of the shells respectively. With the 24-pounder Coehorn mortar (for which this range is too great) about half the shells fell within 80 yards of the centre of the target. With mortars, as with guns, the accuracy of fire increases with the weight and density of the projectile ; and it was esti- mated that, with proper care, a 20-incli smooth-bore mortar would throw at least half of its projectiles within 30 yards of the centre of the target at a range of 1 000 yards : i.e.^ the chances should be even that the shell will fall within a circle of which the area is 26 000 square feet. But the area of the deck of modern war-ships varies between about 4 000 and 16 000 square feet, the mean (250 by 50 feet) being about 12 500 square feet. Hence, by the theory of probabilities, about one out of eight 20-inch mortar- VerUcal Fire, 111 shells (smooth-bore) should strike her at 1 000 yards from the battery ; at 2 000 yards her danger would not be very materially reduced ; at 3 000 yards the uncertainty of fire would so much increase that it was estimated that not more than one shot in twenty-five would take effect. Let us now see how these figures compare with the results to be expected from the modern 12-inch rifled mortar. At the Bucharest experiments of 1885-86 some valuable data were obtained as to the precision of fire of Krupp's 21-centimetre siege-mortar. The range was 2 761 yards, or a little more than a mile and a half. The charge was 6.6 pounds of powder. The projectiles were either common shell weigliing 200 I)ounds, or steel shells weighing the same but longer and carrying a larger bursting charge (24 pounds in- stead of 10.5 pounds). The elevation varied between 53° and 56°.5. Two mortars were used : 70 shell were fired at the French cupola, and 94 at the German. The firing oc- curred on four days, that at the French cupola com- ing first. ' The following figures show separate analy- se's, an evident improvement taking place during the practice : FRENCH CUPOLA. GERMAN CUPOLA. Extreme lateral dispersion. . 273.4 yds. 76.5 yds. Extreme dispersion in range. 393.7 '' 273.4 " Average lateral dispersion. . 16.2 " 9.7 " Average dispersion in range. 44.2 '^ 39.5 '' Out of these 164 shells, 70, or nearly one-half, fell within a rectangle around the target of which the area was about 17 000 square feet (20 x 80 metres). Hence, the area of the deck being 12 500 square feet, about one projectile out of five or six fired from this siege- mortar at a range of 1.5 miles should strike a modern war-ship at anchor. The exact percentages, comput- ed by the theory of probabilities, are, for the head-on 112 Mortars and Submarine Mines, position 17^ and 30i^ per cent., and for the broad- side position Wyi and 14 per cent, respectively. With mortars large enough to be used in coast de- fence experimental data are not so full as could be desired, because the firing has not been made under service conditions. The chief causes of bad practice are to be attributed : (1) to mechanical inaccuracies in the mortar and carriage ; (2) to want of uniformity in the ammunition ; (3) to errors in pointing ; (4) to v^^ind and other unfavorable conditions ; (5) to the excite- ment of action — although to this last little weight should be accorded in mortar practice against ship- ping, for the gunners will be covered so perfectly against any return that the veriest coward should re- main cool. Precise data are available to estimate the effect of the first-named causes of inaccuracy (mechanical defects and variable ammunition) in Krupp's tables of firing at Meppen : GERMAN PRACTICE WITH 28 CENTIMETRE (11-INCH) HOWITZER. EXTREME 1 MEAN w. O 1 1 1 o i DISPERSION. DISPERSION. DATE. "3 ■'3 "3 '5 i a w ^ 0) 5 2 "i^ •Si 5 a To 1 a \ p lbs. lbs. yds. yds. yds. yds. yds. Mar. 30, 1887. 5 58 13 506 1993 36 5 11.9 1.6 July 9, 1886. 5 58 19 759 2 158 13 13 5.4 3.3 June 28, 1886 8 58 33 759 4 019 46 15 13.0 4.7 Mar. 14, 1879. 10 45 42 475 8 513 145 24 35.0 4.5 May 14, 1886. 10 45 62 475 10 787 130 54 36.2 10.4 Applying the calculus of probabilities to the last Vertical Fire. 118 two records, it ax)pears that nearly one rifled shell out of two (65 per cent, in the head-on position and 15 per cent, in the broadside position) should strike the deck of a war-sliip at a range ol 4.8 miles ; and that nearly one out of four (81 per cent, in the head- on position and 14 per cent, in the broadside position) should take effect at a range of 6.1 miles. These fig- ures, of course, give an exaggerated idea of what can be expected in service, because the other causes of inaccuracy above named are ignored. What numeri- cal coefficient should be adopted to correct for these omissions is a matter of individual judgment. The follown'ng are some results of experimentill firing with an 11-inch mortar in Russia in 1885. The princip;d objects were the testing of new carriages, and the determination of the maximum charge under the condition that the pressure in the bore should not exceed 1 900 atmospheres. These charges were fixed, after firing 400 rounds with fiiD and 200 with reduced charges, at 46.9 pounds with a cast- iron 1)1*0 jec tile weighing 477 pounds, and at 45 pounds with a steel projectile weighing 559 pounds, the grade of powder being "large grain." I give the table showing the abstract of this firing in full, because it illustrates a subject concerning which little information, is accessible : RUSSIAN PRACTICE WITH 11-lNCH MORTAR. Weight of pro- jectile. Weight charge. Initial veloc- ity. Pressure at base of bore. Bange at 43° 30'. Probable deviation. PROJECTILES. In range. In direc- tion. Cast iron if Steel lbs. 477 477 559 559 559 559 lbs. 36.1 46.9 18.0 27.1 36.1 45.1 feet. 758 938 482 613 735 840 atmos. 1875 1700 yds. 5 668 7 412 2 343 3 597 5 014 6 431 yds. 24.0 28.3 17.6 13.2 19.8 26.2 yds. 4.4 6.5 3.3 «< 2.2 << 3.3 <( 4.4 114 Mortars and Submarine Mines. The wonderful precision attained in this practice proves that the Krupp firing analyzed above was not exceptional, and the same conclusion is warranted by recent records of firing with a 12- inch mortar at Sandy Hook. It must, therefore, be admitted that modern improvements in vertical fire have kept pace with those in guns. Indeed, in a recent analytical accuracy table it appears that the probability of hitting, with the projectiles of a 9-inch mortar, a first- class ship of war lying at a known distance diagon- ally to the plane of fire, is 62 per cent, at 1.3 miles, 51 per cent, at 2.6 miles, and 32 per cent, at 4.0 miles. In other words, it is about half that of Ijitting the same ship with a rifled gun of similar calibre. These results of the practice ground are not with- out confirmation in actual service. On May 10, 1877, a Russian shell from a 6-inch rifled mortar (one of four in position near Braila, on tlie Danube) "pene- trated the deck of one of the largest Turkish moni- tors, the Luftl-Djelil^ and exploded in the powder- magazine. She blew up and sank instantly, with all her crew of 17 officers and 200 men. The ship was a twin-screw, iron- clad, sea-going monitor, carrying four 150-pounder Armstrong guns." The latest development in mortar practice is the reported ability to throw large explosive charges of wet gun-cotton. It is stated on good authority that in Germany shells containing 110 pounds are now fired with safety from a 28-centimetre mortar. If this claim be verified it marks an important advance ; because the long range of the piece will enable it to throw its projectile beyond the mined zones, and thus avoid the objection fatal to the pneumatic dyna- mite gun that it assists the enemy in countermining. Carriages and Platforms. — No better evidence can be desired of the low estimate which until within a few years has been placed upon the value of verti- cal fire than the crude mode of mounting universally Vertical Fire. 115 adopted. Every practical requirement of precision was ignored ; hence, in my judgment, the small part which mortars formerly played in projects for sea- coast defence. Since their value has been better understood, the old mortar bed with its eternal ."heave, heave, heave," and the absurd pointing-cord and old wooden quadrant, have disappeared, and artillerists everywhej-e are giving intelligent consid- eration to the subject. It is now appreciated that so long as every gunner must point his piece indepen- dently, the slow flight of the projectile will prevent him from recognizing the splash of 'his own shell from those of others ; and hence the more numerous the mortars the worse will be the firing. All this is changed in the new system. Mortars are now mounted upon chassis like guns, and the traverse-circle is graduated so that they can be accu- rately pointed in any desired vertical plane. The ze- ros of graduation for the entire group to be served together are given the same relative position with re- spect to the meridian, so that all can be set to fire in any desired set of parallel planes. By this system the captain regulates every shot ; and if the mortars are all loaded with equal charges, set at equal angles of elevation, and adjusted to the same azimuth, the shells should fall, simultaneously if so desired, over an area not greatly larger than that of the battery itself. One curious fact, which has a bearing upon the practicability of firing at high angles on board ship, has been developed quite recently in experimenting with new mountings. The increase of weight in pro- jectile and charge has so largely increased the shock on the carriage, and especially on the platform, that radical changes are demanded. Thus some recent experiments in Italy, conducted by the Artillery and Engineer Committee with a 28- centimetre (11-inch) howitzer mounted on an ordinary carriage, with a charge of 42 pounds of powder and 116 Mortars and Submarine Mines, elevations varying from 30 to 60 degrees, liave proved that the shock transmitted to the platform is sur- prisingly difficult to resist. A platform of gianite, 24 inches thick, laid on a substratum of concrete 3 feet thick, was soon cracked and thrown out of level. A second platform, covering a wider area of concrete., and with larger granite blocks, better distributed, shared the same fate. The third trial was with a bed introducing an elastic element. Upon the concrete foundation was placed a layer of granite 16 inches thick ; upon this was laid a double la^^er of oak beams, each 10 inches thick ; upon this was a layer of cast-iron plates, 4 inclies thick, with bevel joints. Even this structure developed injurious cracks and settling, although still serviceable after 244 rounds. Finally, for the fourth trial, a platform identical with the last received an additional top layer of 1.5 inches of wrought-iron plates. This structure en- dured the tiring of 1 225 rounds without becoming unserviceable, and was approved for adoption. But the use of wood in the construction of per- manent works has always been regarded with dis- favor by Engineers, and it is quite natural to find, as we do, that efforts are making to introduce the ele- ment of elasticity in some other way. It is now sought to modify the carriage in su^li a manner as to reduce the shock on the platform ; and two different patterns, one by the El:=wick Ordnance Company and the other a Russian device by Lieutenant E-askasoff, are under trial. The Elsvvick pattern has yielded so favorable re- sults with a 28 centimetre (11-incli) howitzer at Spez- zia that the Italian government is reported to have de- cided to order a large number for service. The prin- ciple is to break the shock of recoil by interposing an elastic buffer. The chassis-rails slope to the rear at an angle of 60 degrees to the horizon. The top carriage, resting thereon, is supported by two hydro- Vertical Fire, 111 pneumatic buffers fixed below and in prolongation of the cliassis-rails. Each cylinder contains two cham- bers, connected by a valve which can be regulated from without. One chamber is filled with glycerine and receives the recoil ram ; tlie other contains a supply of glycerine and air. When the liowitzer is fired the force of recoil drives the rams into their chambers, and, displacing the columns of glycerine, forces it out through non-return valves into tlie outer chambers. This increases the normal tension of the contained air and glycerine from 750 pounds to 1 150 pounds to the incli. To raise the carriage again to the firing position the valve is opened between the cylinders, and the equalization of pressure tlius ef- fected does the work. The whole carriage, mounted on a live ring, is readily turned to any desired azi- muth by ordinary training gear. Facilities for bring- ing the axis of the piece to a horizontal position for convenience in loading are provided. The axis of the liowitzer can be raised or lowered 15 degrees from its mean elevation of 60 degrees in firing, thus permit- ting of elevations ranging from 45 to 75 degrees. The carriage supj)lied to the Italian government is said to be adapted to receive an li-inch howitzer. The new Russian carriage is similar in principle to that of the Elswick Company, but, instead of the hydro-pneumatic apparatus, use is made of an hy- draulic cylinder and a system of steel-disc springs. It has been adapted to an 11-incli mortar made on the Krupp system and 12 calibres long. The action is entirely automatic. The Committee desire to com- bine low as well as high angles of fire, and thus are compelled to sacrifice some advantages i^eculiar to each. Tlie chassis-rails slope to the rear at an angle of only 35 degrees. The carriage admits of an ex- treme elevation of 25 degrees above this sloping plane, or of 60 degrees as referred to the horizon. The extreme recoil is said to be about two and a half 118 Mortars and Submarine Mines. feet. Several hundred rounds have been fired with- out injury to a pattern of platform which with an ordinary carriage Avas completely shattered. It is quite certain that modern mortars will re- quire some such mounting as has just been described, and I think few matters connected with our new land armament are more urgently in need of attention. The Ordnance Department is alive to the necessity, and it is to be hoped that Congress will soon provide means for making the trials. With the old form of carriage, or with any form which does not provide a buffer, our Engineers will probably be forced to introduce wood into the platforms. But, although experiments have been made in this direction with creosoted timber, no success lias been had in prevent- ing decay when exposed for long periods ; and in all probability the outbreak of war would find such plat- forms either unlaid or unserviceable. Mortar Batteries. — In these days, when Engi- neers are compelled to deal so much with the terrific energies of modern horizontal fire, it is a relief to find one kind of effective ordnance which can be mounted and served with almost absolute safety from behind a simple earthen parapet. No embrasures with their conflicting conditions are to be devised, and an ample thickness of earth is all tliat is needful. But even this statement does not present the case with suf- ficient strength. The battery may be entirely con- cealed from the enemy — indeed, would usually be so concealed by natural inequalities of the ground, or by bushes or trees. Even a view of the ship from the battery itself is unnecessary, for the fire will al- waj^s be regulated from a distant point. In a word, with the smoke of our firing as the only target for hostile guns, and with vertical fire (not to l)e had on shipboard) only to be dreaded, it is easy to under- stand why mortar-b^tteiies are simple as comx)ared with all others. Vertical Fire, 119 There are, however, certain matters which must not be ignored. In order that the projectiles shall fall sufficiently near together to make the fire effec- tive, it is essential that the mortars shall be massed, thus constituting, as it were, a single piece. Four mortars may be placed in one pit, and by disposing four of these pits symmetrically round a common centre very convenient arrangements for serving are secured. A compact battery containing 16 mortars logically results from this reasoning, and that num- ber is suitable for the command of a single officer. Such a combination constitutes, in effect, a single gigantic musket throwing a charge of buckshot of which each pellet weighs a quarter of a ton ! The radius of the circle is fixed by the following considerations : On the one hand, the lateral and longitudinal separation of the pits must be sufficient to afford space between tliem ample for magazines, loading-rooms, and bomb-proof cover for the garrison. On the other hand, the extreme distance between pits must be limited to the extreme dispersion of the projectiles of a single mortar, else there will be an area of safety in the middle of the field of fall. Lateral dispersion being much less than longitudinal dispersion, this condition fixes a much narrower limit for admissible separation of the pits in a direction across the plane of fire than in a direction parallel to that plane. Indeed, in the former direction the extreme limit can hardly be avoided ; but in the latter it is easy to secure a decided overlapping of the rectangles. These conditions are fulfilled when the centres of the outer mortars in each pit lie on a circle 150 feet in radius, the extreme lateral separation being 140 feet, and the extreme longitudinal separation being 265 feet. The arrangements in the battery are simple. One long bomb-proof extends parallel to the usual plane 120 Mortars and Submarine Mines. of fire, with debouches into each pit near its extrem- ities ; the magazines, shell-rooms, engine-rooms, etc., are X)laced nnder the cross-embankment, with conjmu- nications opening into the middle of the {;entral bomb-proof. The firing will all be done by electricity from the bomb-proof, permanent leading wires to the mortars being laid in advance ; all the work of loading, except the actual insertion of the shells iti the mortars, will also be done under cover ; tlie cannoniers will be exposed only when loading ; and, lastly, nothing but accident can bring a hostile shell to interrupt the steady prosecution of the firing. The service of su(;h a battery in action would be something like the following: The captain woukl take his station at a point from which he could see the enemy engaged at some work, as, for example, at countermining in our mined channel. From his chart and a position-finder he would determine the elevation, charge, and azimuth for a trial shot. Giving his orders by telephone, he would watch the splash of the shell, and, estimating the deviation, would give orders for the second shot accordingly. Having succeeded in dropping one shell in close vicinity to the enemy, he would order the whole battery to adopt the same elevation, cliarge, and azimuth, and to fire by volleys of 4 or of 16 mor- tars, as seemed best. After that, countermining, which to be eifective must be strictly local, could be carried on only under great disadvantages ; and even in an attempted distant bombardment the only safeiy for the fleet would. lie in so frequent a change of position as to destroy any precision of fire. To fix ideas upon the probable distribution of the projectiles f lom such a battery containing sixteen 12- inch rifled mortars, I have discussed the foregoing German and Russian data with ll-inch mortars, which afford the best available criterion for judging of the performance of the latest sea- coast types. The Vertical Fire. 121 two records are remarkably accordant ; and, combin- ing those at 4.8 and 4.2 miles (8513 and 7412 yards) as of equal weight, they give the following results when discussed by an application of the method of least squares. The 16 projectiles, being fired under identical conditions, should fall in relative positions corre- sponding to those occupied by the mortars themselves. But the units of each sub-group of four, being situated at the angles of a square only 20 feet on the edge, may be treated as a compound unit in the computa- tion. The mean rectangle containing half of the pro- jectiles of a single mortar, derived from the combined records, is 28 feet wide and lt52 feet long in the plane of fire. Hence, by the law of error, the following rectangles result : PERCENTAGE RECTANGLES IN MORTAR PRACTICE AT 4.5 MILES. Zone. Length- Width. Area. Receives Per Cent. Feet. Feet. Sq. Feet. Percent 20 62 11 653 4 40 136 22 2 103 16 CO 202 35 4 332 36 80 308 53 9 287 64 100 648 112 56 201 * 100 An over-lapping tinted diagram is next prepared, showing these rectangles in their proper relative positions ; and the number of projectiles, in a volley from four mortars, falling in 1 000 square, feet of each tint is inscribed thereon. By plac- ing a tracing of the Inflexible^ also subdivided into sections of 1 000 square feet, in any desired position on this diagram, it is easy to estimate her danger, and to form a definite idea of the degree of 122 Mortars and Submarine Mines. precision which is needful in the officer's determina- tion of the locus of the ship when directing the firing. The following results have been reached by this method. To define the different positions occupied by the middle of the ship, they are referred to a rect- angular system of co-ordinate axes, parallel to the sides of the rectangles of dispersion and central to the field of fall. In the *' diagonal" position the keel of the ship makes an angle of 45 degrees Avith the axis of X. The shots per hour are computed upon the supposition that six volleys are fired, which is certainly within what may reasonably be expected. The range, it will be remembered, is about four and a half miles. PROBABLE PRACTICE AT THE JKFLEXIBLJE WITU 11-INCH MORTARS AT 4.5 MILES. Position op the Ship. (FEET) Hits per Volley. Hits per Hour. Effective iier cent, of Shots. Head on. Central 0.93 5.6 5.8 (( X = 60;Y = 3.24 19.4 20.3 (( X = 60; Y = 122 2.84 17.0 17.8 Broadside. Central 2.21 13.3 13.8 Diagonal. Central 2.24 13.5 14 X :- 50 ; Y = 1.87 11.2 11.7 X = 100 ; Y = 1.40 8.4 8.8 X = 150 ; Y = 0.69 4.1 4.3 X - . ; Y = 100 2.27 13.6 14.2 X -_ ; Y = 300 1.69 10.1 10.5 Xr^O Y = 300 0.82 4.9 5 1 X = 0; Y = 400 0.33 2.0 21 X = ; Y = 500 0.07 0.4 05 Vertical Fire. 123 From this table it appears that the fire of this bat- tery, when armed with 11-iiich mortars, covers a space 800 feet long and 300 feet wide so effectively, at a range of four and a half miles, that the Inflexible, within its limits, would probably be struck from two to nineteen times per liour. It is, of course, to be understood that computations of this character afford only approximate indications of wliat can be attained in service ; but they do show that with this form of battery slight errors in adjust- ing altitudes, azimuths, and charges will have far less effect than when the same number of mortars are pointed and served separately. The combination of several somewhat erratic projectiles in one volley tends to eliminate individual lack of precision and to distribute the fall over the dangerous area even more uniformly than theory requires. The risk in occupy- ing the field of fire is enormously increased ; and even one such 16-mortar battery, skilfully served, should go far to deter a ship from anchoring anywhere within a range of from one to five miles with a view to the bombardment of a distant city. Economy of Mortars.— The cost of mortars themselves is small compared with that of guns, for they are not so much exposed to excessive powder- pressures, and may perhaps be made even of cast iron if any trustworthy mode of loading at the breech Ccin be adapted to that material. The additional weight needful with cast iron is perhaps no disad- vantage in view of the difficulty of controlling recoil ; but experience at Sandy Hook indicates that breech- loading is essential to give the regular and uniform velocity of rotation upon which precision of fire de- pends. With muzzle-loading in so short a bore, the expanding sabot acts irregularly, and the shells are liable to tumble or to take up a wabbling flight incon- sistent with uniformity of range. 324 Mortars and Submarine Mines. The cost of a mortar-battery is trifling as com- pared with that for guns. Including masonry maga- zines for a large supply of ammunition, bomb proofs of ample size for all the needs of tbe garrison, and en- gine and boiler-rooms for supj^ilying power for serv- ing the pieces, the cost would range from $2 000 to $6 000 per mortar, according to the local requirements of the site. I constructed at Willets Point in 1872 a 16-mortar battery embodying the above principles, at a total cost of $25 000. But, it may be asked, why do not mortar-batteries, with all these merits, solve the problem of a modern coast armament, and thus render unnecessary the heavy expense of high-power steel guns and armored defences in which to mount them % Two defects in- herent in vertical fire furnish the answer. It can only be used with effect upon vessels under way by the aid of a tlieoretically peifect system of position- finding ; and from lack of energy in the projectiles it is little to be dreaded at short ranges. If the enemy can approach much within a mile, no destructive blow will be struck by a descending projectile flred pven at 75° elevation. The best held for horizontal lire is thus the worst for mortars ; they are allies but not substitutes. SUBMARTl^E MI:NES. General Conditions. — The following are the general conditions which military engineers consider should be fulfllled by this system of channel ob- structions : First. The mines must be so arranged as to admit of the safe passage of our own vessels, while they can instantly be rendered dangerous to the enemy. This condition can only be fulfilled by employing electricity as the igniting agent. When there are several parallel channels, it may be admissible to Submarine Mines. 125 close some of them by self-acting mines ; but such instances are exceptional, not the rule. Second. Mines which can be exploded only by judgment, at tlie will of an operator on shore, have a very limited api^lication. In the night, or a fog, or the smoke of a bombardment, or when several vessels are a]3proaohing abreast, or when the water is deep, or when the channel is wide, the chances of failure are very great. Indeed, the destructive range of practicable charges is so limited that, if the ship be constructed with double cellular bottom and water-proof compartments, judgment-firing has become nearly obsolete for any but very narrow channels. In general, there- fore, the system must be automatic, the explosion occurring in consequence of the touch of the ene- my; but it should also admit of j^idgment-liring by groups when desired. To meet the ccmtingency of interference by our own vessels, or the use of defensive outriggers by the enemy, provision must be made to delay the ex- plosion after contact, if desired, until the order to lire can be given by "the officer directing the defence. Since the apparatus must be operated in a casemate, from which no view of the channel can be had, this condition implies not only an arrangement of the ap- paratus by which a contact may report itself without firing the mines, but also a telegraphic communica- tion with the ramparts. As a vessel moving at a high rate of speed will remain only a few seconds within dangerous range of a mine, a perfect code sys- tem is essential. Third, The mines should be so disposed as to cover a large area of the channel. It is not enough to oppose a narrow belt of danger. The waters well to the front of the forts, under their close lire, and far to the rear, must be dreaded by the enemy. 126 . Mortars and Submarine Mines. Fourth. Since the mines may remain in position for long periods, the system must provide electrical tests, by which the condition of every part may often be verified in detail; and it must also be ar- ranged to admit of rex-)airs in case of need. Fifth. All of the mechanical arrangements of the mine must be simple, enduring, and strong enough to resist shocks from friendly vessels and from the explosion of neighboring mines ; and special precautions against twisting and undue dex)ression by currents must be taken for all floating parts. Sixth. Every practicable auxiliary expedient should be adopted. Movable torj^edoes controlled from the shore, and the electric light, are obvious aids. In addition, the operating apparatus should be arranged to provide for the automatic firing of flanking guns in case of any disturbance of the sys- tem by the enemy under cover of night or fog. The electric cable should have sufficient weight to sink into the mud in favorable localities, thus increasing the difficulty of boat-grappling ; strong hemp cables, weighted at short intervals, should be anchored in the mine field with the same object in view ; and, lastly, dummy mines and false buoys should not be neglected. As to the disposition of the mines in the channel engineers are not entirely agreed. Some limit them to two or three well-defined lines which cannot be traversed because the least distance between contigu- ous mines is less than the width of a ship of war. One fatal objection to this mode of planting is, in my judg- ment, that, with the practical difficulties to be en- countered in most places, it is impossible to plant mines so near together without bringing some of them accidentally, in so close proximity that one explosion will endanger the neighboring mines. A still stronger objection to the plan is that it greatly favors the Submarine Mines. 127 kind of attack we have most to dread, that by counter- mines. Such minute refinements are out of place under water. If it is known or believed that the chan- nel for three or four miles is thickly studded with effective mines, the enemy will never attempt to run past until he has found some way of opening a reasonably safe passage. Nothing is so certain as chance in such cases ; and the knowledge that the individual mines are none of them nearer than even a couple of hundred feet of each other will not induce a wise man to try to run the gauntlet unless he can see them. In other words, I believe that it is the total number of the mines rather than great exactness of location which will best bar the passage. But, on the other hand, it would be almost impossible to thorough- ly defend a channel without having some regular sys- tem of working. The cables would become hopelessly entangled, so that no repairs of tiie system would be possible, if each mine were planted independently of the others. Hence the use of the multiple (seven- cored) cables leading to separate groups becomes a necessity ; and these groups can be planted more readily by assigning definite positions to the mines. Moreover, by placing three mines on each separate cable, each of them will explode singly if struck ; while all three will be exploded simultaneously when fired at the will of the operator on shore. The efficiency of the whole system will be increased by this mode of planting, and the use of the enormous chai'ges favored in France and in some other countries will be avoided. For these and other reasons it appears desirable to cut the field by continuous lines, with ample inter- vals between mines to prevent them from becoming mutually destructive when fired ; and to fill the gaps between lines by single-cable mines admitting only of automatic action. Upon this system it is possible to 128 Mortars and Submarine Mines. thorougUy obstruct a large area of cliannel without increasing to an extravagant extent the total number of individual mines. There are two other mine systems which require special arrangements. The object of one is to obstruct a restricted area available for occupation in conduct- ing a distant bombardment ; this is specially easy if the water be so shalloAvas to permit the use of ground- mines. A few large and carefully located charges, arranged preferably for judgment-tiring (so that their discovery by sweeping shall be made as difficult as possible), will reinforce mortar-firing in a very ef- fective manner. Such mines, technically called "de- tached groups-," will certainly be used to cover an- chorages like that near Coney Island, whence a ves- sel, without crossing the bar, might annoy Brooklyn. The system permits the use of cable too much de- teriorated for automatic firing, and may have an ex- tended application under certain contingencies. The other special system is emi)loyed when we can afford to sacrifice one or more channels because we have the use of a better one defended by electrical mines. Such an obstruction would be made by the use of self-acting mines, dangerous alike to all comers. The only remark I have to make in respect to this class is that no pattern which fails to fulfil three conditions should be received with favor. These conditions are, iV) that no safety arrangement which requires the act of the planting party to remove is admissible ; (2) that some arrangement to cause the immediate explosion of the charge if the mine goes adrift is essential ; and (3) that every possible means should be taken to make the removal difficult. There appears to be a differ- ence of opinion among engineers as to this last point ; but I think it arises from overlooking the fact that it is impossible to easily remove ourselves what an enemy informed as to the mechanism cannot also Submarine Mines. 129 readil}^ clear away. No compromise in such a case is possible. If we want efficiency we must pay tlie price by incurring difficulty in oijening the channel when the need for tlie obstructions has passed. This same class of self-acting mines may some- times find useful employment in repairing injuries done to a regular system of electrical mines by coun- termining. To be of much use the passage opened by the enemy must be well marked and buoyed. A few self-acting mines dropped in it by night would prove extremely dangerous ; and such mines are very easily handled and rapidly planted. All that is necessary to render the expedient easy of application is to adapt the special parts of the self-acting mechanism to the ordinary electrical mine, so that when desired it may be planted to act in either capacity. To operate electrical submarine mines success- fully, large voltaic batteries and delicate apparatus of various kinds are indispensable. To expose this material to boat attacks, or even to distant bombard- ment, would be inadmissible, for even a slight in- jury here might open the channel to the enemy. The operating ai:)paratus is the most vulnerable pait of the sj^stem ; hence the accepted principle that mines must be served from strong land fortifications. A sunken gallery leads from the water edge at lowest tide, under the foundations of the fort, to a vertical shaft oiDening into a bomb-proof casemate which contains the apparatus. This apparatus is connected with the ramparts by telegraph, so that the engineer is fully informed as to what is electrically reported by the ndnes, and at the same time is able to see what the enemy is doing and to take measures ac- cordingly. Attacks by Daylig'ht. — Where the defence is believed to be weak, shii^s, by the use of outrigger frames or wire-rope crinoline, may try to explode at 130 Mortars and Submarine Mines. a safe distance such mines as may chance to be en- countered. But with electrical mines the engineer will simply delay the explosion until the torpedo has passed under her bottom ; or, if such devices should ever be made really practicable, he will plant his cir- cuit-closer buoys a little in rear of his mines, and thus cause the explosion to occur precisely where he wants it. Finally, the crinoline being certainly swept away by the first explosion, the ship will be left, encumbered by the wreck, among other mines equally dangerous. Should divers be sent forward to destroj^ the sys- tem, so soon as their work is revealed by the electri- cal indications a mine fired in the vicinity will at once put an end to their labors. If old hulks, steered by electricity, be sent for- ward to explode the mines in the channel, or if rafts provided with grapnels be allowed to drift in with the tide, the engineer will switch off his batteries ; and, although injury may result, a terrible uncertain- ty will be left to the enemy as to how many perfect mines may still be waiting to receive him. Remembering that a cleared and buoyed passage is a sine qua non for the fleet, and that by daylight the guns of the fort will sweep the mined zone with a murderous fire, the uncertainty of any unsystematic attack is apparent. The only successful method of attacking land mines has been shown, by the experi- ence of centuries, to be by countermines, and I be- lieve that future wars will teach the same lesson for sea mines. Steam-launches, controlled by electricity or other- wise, or small, heavily armored vessels made for the purpose, will move up to the supposed outer limit of danger ; will plant from one to four 500-pound counteruiines ; will back off, and by exploding them by electricity will destroy any mines in the immedi- I Submarine Mines, 131 ate vicinity. The vessel will then steam forward into the vortices and plant one or more buoys. By re peating this operation it is clear that n safe channel maybe opened and plainly marked ; and that, finally, the fleet will be free to move rapidly tli rough it past the guns. These countermining operations, however, will be neither expeditious nor safe. The vessel will neces sarily indicate her successive positions of rest, and the mortars and guns will prepare volleys for her reception at i)oiiits where her exact locus is known. Movable torpedoes under control from the shore will assail her below the armor belt, however massive that may be. By night new mines will be dropped in her buoyed channel. In fine, the delays, disasters, and murderous struggles familiar in land-mining will in future wars find their counterparts on the sea. Attacks by Night or in Fog^s.— Under such conditions the firing of the guns and the operating of the mines cannot be so intelligently directed by the defence ; but, on the other hand, the enemy can derive little information as to the details of the dam- age inflicted, unless he sends boats forward to work systematic mischief and to drop buoys accordingly. How to defend the mines against boat attacks con- ducted when shrouded from view becomes, therefore, an important engineering problem. The best of all assistance can be rendered by a flotilla of naval j)ick- et and torpedo-boats ; but when they cannot be had, four useful auxiliaries may be employed — fouling- lines, automatic action of the guns, the electric light, and, last but not least, movable torpedoes under con- trol from the shore. I shall say a few words as to how engineers propose to make use of each of these auxiliaries. Nets to foul propellers are too well known for discussion. As a defence against attempts to grapple 132 Mortal's and Submarine Mines. the cables, whether by drifting rafts, or by the some- what fanciful scheme of mortar-boats throwing grap- nels, or by ordinary steam-launches or small boats, a few hawsers anchored in front of and among the mines will certainly be found useful. They should be attached to the heavy anchors or blocks of stone used to hold them in position, by short lashings, to prevent them from being drawn under the mud. Multiple cables for mines soon bury themselves by their own weight in the soft bottom of many of our harbors ; and, as a harmless hawser can only be de- tected by raising it, the enemy must either lose time in so doing, or, if use be made of explosive grapnels, he will be led to over-estimate the damage he is in- flicting. Main lines of mines should be so arranged as to be swept throughout their length by the fire of flanking guns. These guns, charged with canister, grape, or shrapnel, according to the range, should be trained by daylight to sweep their respective fields. Cables extended to the mining casemate place these guns, in groups, in connection with the electrical system, and any injuries to mines or cables will at once draw the fire of the guns ]3ointed to annoy the boat which has done the mischief. The artillery offi- cers are thus informed that parties are grappling and that their position lies in a certain direction. Know- ing the latter, they will keep up such a fire as will stop or, at any rate, greatly harass the boats. As to the utility of the electric light in channel defence, I think a better idea can be formed after it has been more fully tried in war. Before firing be- gins it will doubtless be very useful, but so soon as the air becomes obscured by smoke from the guns, or from smoke-balls burned for the purpose, experience leads me to doubt its value. It will be most useful in clear, dark nights ; in bright moonlight nights, Sabmarine Mines. 133 and especially in fogs, I think little dependence will be placed on its assistance by engineers. Tlie usual dispositions of the apparatus in a fort- ress are to place the engines and dynamo in a bomb- proof casemate, and to throw the beam from a station near the water-level, either directly or by reflectors, according to circumstances. Stations sliould be du- plicated and be placed near the flanlenetration of blind shell, 9-inch or lO-inch, into the soft rubble scarp of Fort Adda, was from 8 to 9 feet. A 9-inch Palliser burst with 4 feet penetration. A 16-inch common shell burst with 8 feet 6 inches penetration, and made a crater about 10 feet in diameter at the face of the wall. This was one of the best results obtained. The shell struck near the base of the wall. Range about 1 500 yards. ''At Fort Pharos the 10-inch shell, common and Palliser, penetrated the 8-foot rubble walls of the casemates and burst inside." Comparing these results with those of former fir- ing with less powerful guns, and allowing for the reduced effect of the ranges likely to be used in war, it appears that not less than 30 feet of good granite masonry, or 40 feet of good concrete masonry, is ad- missible in sea-coast forts where it is to be exposed to direct fire, and that even these thicknesses are not sufficiently great to resist a prolonged bombardment. English engineers now protect their magazines wftth llesistance to Projectiles. 149 40 feet of masonry, but an increased thickness is an- ticipated. Resistance of Earth. — The resistance of earth to penetration of modern ordnance is so variable, not ordy from difference of consistency but also from the tendency of the projectile to change direction and pass out at the top of the parapet, that it is not easy to frame a rule for suitable thickness. Clay opposes a local resistance like wrought iron ; sand seems to wedge in front and thus resists as would a cone pressed at the vertex. This difference is marked and characteristic, and preference should therefore al- ways be given to sand where it can be obtained at reasonable expense. The tendency to curve upward, always present, appears to increase with the range — possibly because the velocity of fall continues at the base after the point is engaged. However this may be, the fact occasioned much surprise at the bom- bardment of Alexandria, where no x)rojectile, even those of the 80-ton gun, penetrated the sand parapet to a greater depth than 20 feet before coming out at the top. Firing at Fort Monroe in 1866-67 with a M. L. 12- iuch rifled gun, with projectiles varying from 500 to 600 pounds in weight, and velocities ranging from 1 100 to 1 300 feet per second, indicated that penetra- tions should not be estimated at less than 20 feet. The Italian 100-ton gun (cast iron) was fired at a sand parapet in 1880-1, the projectile weighing 2 200 pounds, the striking velocity being 1 453 feet, and the energy being 32 000 foot-tons. The penetration in five shots varied between 39 and 47 feet. One of their 10-incli guns at a range of 1 100 yards gave a penetration of 24 feet into earth or 20 feet into sand. At Woolwich, in 1880, the 12-inch M. L. rifled gun gave a maximum penetration of 6Q feet in sand. Older experiments at Shoeburyness, with a butt of 150 Sea- coast Fortresses. stiff marsh clay, gave as a mean penetration of 23 shots with a 13.3-inch rilled gun, 36.5 feet, the maxi- mum being 50 feet ; and as a mean penetration of 43 shots with a 9.2-inch rifled gun, 32 feet, the maximum being 40 feet. The rule given by Captain Lewis, R.E., in 1882, as the result of English trials with siege artillery of the present type, is that the extreme j^enetration of earth in feet is about four times the calibre in inches. In the Lydd experiments of 18S5 two shots were fired with a 9.2-inch B. L. gun, at a range of 1 200 yards, against a clay parapet 30 feet thick with an exterior slope of 45 degrees. The first shot pene- trated 13 feet into the parapet ; the second went through, lowering the interior crest 3.5 feet. About 61.9 cubic yards were removed. No such results were obtained with sand, or with a loam consisting of two parts sand and one part clay. The U. S. Board of Engineers, making allowance for probable increased calibres and for craters which may be expected in action, have adopted 70 feet be- tween crests as the proper thickness to be given to sand parapets, although, in view of the facts above stated, the probability of penetration with a less thickness would not appear to be sufficiently great to require all old parapets to be increased to this stan- dard. APPROXIMATE FOEMUL^. When planning and studying sea-coast fortresses a few rules, in a form to be easily remembered, are convenient to assist in roughly estimating the proba- ble effect of tiring. Such are : For Weight of Projectiles. — The cube of the radius in inches gives the weight in pounds of the solid spherical projectile. Modern armor-piercing Approximate FormidcB. 151 projectiles usually range from 8.3 to 4 times this weight. Another form of this rule (corresponding to a multiplier of 4) is to take half the cube of the cali- bre of the gun in inclies for the weight in pounds. For Velocity of Projectiles of High-Power Guns. — A cliarge of one-fourth of the weight of the projectile will give a velocity of about 1 500 or 1 600 feet per second ; and a charge of one-half that weight, a velocity of about 2 000 or 2 100 feet per second. These are muzzle velocities ; to estimate striking velocities up to a range of about 6 000 yards subtract from them' one- tenth of the range in yards ; for longer ranges the loss is less rapid. For Energy in Foot-Tons.— Take seven-mil- lionths of the product of the square of the velocity in feet by the weight of the projectile in pounds. For Penetration of Wrouglit-Iron Plates. — Under favorable service conditions, the thickness in inches of wrought-iron armor pierced by a suitable projectile, may be estimated, with about as much pre- cision as the subject admits, by taking one-thou- sandth of the product of the calibre in inches by the velocity of the projectile in feet per second. This rule, suggested by Captain Orde Browne, R.A., de- pends for its accuracy upon the constancy of the ratio between the weight of the spherical shot and of the elongated projectile of the same calibre. It is not far from true in ordinary practice with armor-pierc- ing projectiles. Common shells can be put through wrought-iron plates about half a calibre thick. For Limit of Resistance of Steel-Faced and Steel Armor. — The compound plates and steel plates now manufactured mnst be disruj^ted rather than perforated ; and their extreme resistance (not materially different for these two kinds of armor) is usually estimated in terms of the thickness of wrought iron which opposes an equivalent resistance 152 Sea-coast Fortresses. to perforation. This has been shown by many trials to vary between one-quarter and one-half greater thickness, the latest accepted value being one-third greater thickness — i.e., a 9 inch steel or compound plate is equivalent to a 12-iiich wrought-iron plate, since a projectile which will perforate the latter will usually disrupt the former. It must not be forgot- ten, however, that much depends upon the projectile itself. When the latter is broken up by the shock its work on the plate is greatly and irregularly re- duced ; and until quite recently this rupture ap- peared to be unavoidable with very hedvy armor. Within a year, 'however, a 16.5-inch St. diamond steel battering shell, with a striking velocity of only 1 410 feet per second and an energy of only about 24 000 foot-tons, traversed, entire, a 19.7-inch Creusot steel armor-plate, and fell 400 metres beyond it, upset one-quarter of an inch ! Also 12-inch Holtzer projectiles have penetrated 16-inch compound plates practicall}^ uninjured. There is little utility in attempting to construct a formula to predict the effect of the imp)act of so di- verse projectiles as have been used in firing at steel and compound armor, but I fin(^ the results of many of the experiments to be fairly represented by the following rule : A steel or compound plate with ordi- nary backing rarely fails to yield to a projectile hav- ing an energy in foot-tons represented by sixty times the square of its thickness in inches. For Resistance of Chilled Cast Iron.— No for- mula for the resistance of this kind of armor has been generally accepted. Gruson's rule for the maxi- mum thickness in inches to be given to his plates is the product of a constant by the fourth root of the energy in foot-tons to which it is to be exposed. His constants are : For port-plates 0.29 ; for side-plates, 0.27 ; for glacis-plates with earth in front, 0.22 ; and Fortijication of the Site Selected, 153 for glacis-plates with granite in front, 0.20. For in- land fortifications tliese constants are increased ten per cent. FORTIFICATEON OF THE SITE SELECTED. Coast defences differ radically from ordinary for- tifications, in that tliey are not expected to resist an attack by formal land approaches. They must be planned to resist capture by surprise or by storm, but not by regular saps. Moreover, our sea-coast fortresses of to-day will be much less exposed to boat attack than were those planned in 1816. Not only lias the increase of population and the exten- sion of railroad and telegraphic communication ren- dered it vastly more easy to concentrate reinforce- ments, but the reduction of crews in naval v^ar-ships has lessened the force available for landing opera- tions. For these reasons the idea of constructing a fort- ress to contain all the water-bearing guns within its enceinte has long been abandoned. The ordnance is now distributed in detached batteries, each provided with minor defensive arrangements suited to the locality, while the whole position is made secure by a central keep. This 'is usually a small enclosed work, fortified on the principles recognized in land constructions. It should be concealed from the view of hostile shipping ; should contain or flank the casemate for operating the submarine mines ; and should command as many of the detached batteries as the site will permit. Four kinds of fire are requisite to contend against a modern fleet : (1) A sufficient array of armor-pierc- ing guns to attain the vital parts behind a belt of steel about 20 inches thick, at ranges of 1 500 to 2 000 yards. (2) Guns throwing large common shells 154 Sea- coast Fortresses. to destroy the upper works, which in the more recent types include an area so much larger than the ar- mored belt that this kind of fiie is the most effective at ranges exceeding 2 000 yards. High-power guns of moderate calibres, or even a less efficient armament, will serve this purpose. Rapidity of fire, calling for many guns, is needful. Here the use of high explo- sives in shells, which (if not now) is certain to be soon available, will play its most important part. (3) Ver- tical lire from heavy mortars, to attack the lightly armored decks at ranges exceeding 1 500 yards ; and (4) Light guns, inclading machine and mpid-firing guns as well as the old types throwing canister, shrapnel, and shells, to flank the submarine mines, repel boat attacks, and contend with the torpedo- boat armament of the ships if they can approach sufficiently near to bring it into play to annoy the cannoniers in serving our high-power guns. At long ranges machine-gun fire is useless because its effect cannot be noted. No precise rules can be laid down for fixing the relative proportions of these different types in a mod- ern armament ; the engineer must study his special problem and be governed by local conditions. In little else can his professional skill be better dis- played. The principles which should determine the number of battering guns and their largest calibres, have already been considered. In planning the works the chief objects are : to dispose separate gun batteries in such a manner as to cover the field of fire thoroughly without leaving dead angles, and to permit effective concentration upon the more important channels ; to place the mortar batteries where they will be concealed as much as possible from view, and where their smoke shall not interfere with the guns ; to locate the submarine mining casemates where they will be secure against Fortification of the Site Selected. 155 bombardment ; and, finally, to make the needful pro- visions against surprise by boat parties. The separate batteries will be much more scat- tered than formerly — partly to avoid mutual interfer- ence by smoke, which, being dependent on the amount of powder burned, will, unless provided against, be a more serious annoyance than ever before ; and partly to x)i'event the enemy from obtaining that concentra- tion of fire which his reduced number of guns will render more than ever desirable. The new phases of modern warfare have thus introduced a dispersed order in sea- coast batteries as well as in the shock of armies in the field. Machine guns will play an important part in de- fending such a system of works against assault. They concentrate within a small space the fire of whole regiments under the old system ; they may be withdrawn from view, and be made safe from cap- ture, at small expense ; and, lastly, they avoid the ne- cessity of providing bomb-proof quarters for a large garrison. Still a reserve, in moderate numbers, is a necessity ; and provision for cover during bombard- ment, and a strong keep to serve as a rallying point in case of a formidable attack, wdll form a part of every important sea-coast fortress of to-day. Trous de loups, wire entanglements, ordinary arrangements for ditch defence, etc., will of course be provided ac- cording to local needs, but works of this character will be largely left to be placed by the garrison so soon as war is declared. Before a fortress can be planned some definite es- timate must be formed as to the size of its war gar- rison. The rule abroad is to determine the number of cannoniers needful to serve all the guns likely to be in action at the same time, and the number of the guards ; to allow three reliefs for these duties, and to the total thus found add the number of men proba- bly to be detailed on special duties. 156 Sea- coast Fortresses. Sucli a garrison would be much larger than would be available in this country without reinforcements of volunteers ; and in general it should be ample to defend the works against boat attacks, which usually could not be effectively supported by the iire of the fleet at the moment of assault. Provision for quar- tering such a garrison will therefore suffice in plan- ning the defences. To determine the lines of the batteries wdiich, in whole or in part, constitute the general trace of the works, the following is the usual procedure. Circles are drawn on the map, with the battery under consid- eration as a centre. The bounding radii of fire will be determined by the width of field open to occu- pation by the fleet ; and if this differs materially at tlie different pi acticable ranges, separate studies must be made and the best compromise be effected. Each mode of mounting has a maximum angle of distribu- tion of fire — a revolving turret has 360 degrees, a casemate 60 degrees, an ordinary barbette 120 de- grees, etc. If the desired bounding radii, fixed as al- ready explained, include a less angle than that per- mitted by the selected mode of mounting, the crest of the battery will be a straight line perpendicular to the bisecting radius ; if not, the crest should be a broken line — and in general an angle of about 60 de- grees will be most advantageous. With casemates this angle is decidedly the best. Having drawn the crest-line upon the map, note whether or not it is ex- posed to be flanked or enfiladed by shipping, and ex- amine the locality itself to learn whether a slight change of position would reduce the cost of construc- tion. The different batteries are thua successively established. The traverses and parados are next to be con- sidered, Traverses are desirable between all large high-power guns mounted in barbette : (1) to sux)ply Fortification of the Site Selected. 157 magazines and sliell or loading rooms ; (2) to prevent the blast of adjacent j:>ieces from interfering with each other ; (3) to limit the effect of an exploding shell ; (4) to cover the guns against enfilade fire, if that be practicable from the water. On the other hand, if raised considerably above the level of the parapet, as has usually been the custom, they serve to define the exact position of the gun to the enemy ; and, with the increased precision of fire to be ex- pected from shipsf,under favorable conditions, this is a serious objection. Some of the reasons for their existence do not absolutely compel them to be raised much above the crest of the parapet, and per- liaps, where there is no danger of enfilade, future practice may limit them to that height. With dis- appearing guns, especially, this would reduce the target to a long, ill-defined line with nothing to indi- cate their position except an occasional appearance at the moment of firing. Recent difiicalties which have arisen in respect to the x)arados are more perplexing. Its only raison d'etre is to afford protection against reverse fire, to which coast batteries are sometimes unavoidably ex- posed. No one has ever proposed to use the device unnecessarily, because when a projectile is coming over the parapet a highway to speed the parting guest is an instinctive provision. But experiment lias shown that even when parados are unavoidable it it is not easy to fulfil the conflicting conditions they impose. Allowing for an angle of fall of 15 degrees, a parados must be placed quite near the gun or else be built to an excessive height. But if it be built too near, the effect of shells from the front, of the size now employed by ships, is disastrous. Quantities of earth, especially .if frozen, stones, gravel, and splin- ters of shell, are thrown back so* freely by such pro- jectiles that the Italian engineers, after practical ex- 158 Sea-coast Fortresses. periments, have decided 95 feet behind the platform to be not an excessive distance for parados exposed to guns of a larger calibre than six inches. Up to and including that calibre Q^ feet proved sufficient ; field and siege guns caused no dangerous splinters. But a distance of 95 feet with a fall of 15 degrees calls for a parados rising at least 25 feet above the crest. Evidently they will be avoided whenever practicable, and, when unavoidable, will demand special studies in each case. 9 Of late the attention of engineers has been strong- ly drawn to the importance of concealing sea-coast batteries by every practicable expedient. To in- crease precision of fire, gunners on shipboard will take advantage of surrounding objects which have a known relation to the position of the guns, and they will correct errors in pointing by noting the bursting of percLission-shells, or columns of dust thrown up by shot. Hence those sites are* most advantageous which do not favor such methods. For example, forests behind the battery give an uncertain horizon, while if the guns are clearly defined against the sky it is comparatively easy to adjust the sights. If the slope in front is wooded or grown up with brush it is not easy to perceive the exact point where a projec- tile has struck ; while a battery placed upon a long, smootli slope which continues to rise to the rear, is as unfavorably situated as the bull's eye of a target. A battery retired a short distance behind the crest of a bluff affords a very uncertain clue to its range. A rocky slope increases the chance of ricochet shots taking effect, while a steep earthen slope stops the projectiles. Evidently in the future we must sacrifice neat crests and beautiful slopes, so far as the service of the guns and protection against washing by storms will permit ; trees and bushes must be planted on the Fortification of the Site Selected. 159 parapets and behind the batteries to prevent a clear definition of the guns ; the latter themselves must be colored to harmonize with tlieir surroundings in sum- mer and winter ; in a word, dispersion and conceal- ment, as contrasted with concentration and armor, is the hitest phase which the question has assumed. This solutiou has been strongly advocated by Gen- eral Sir Andrew Clarke, recently Inspector-General of Fortifications in England ; and no doubt, as ship- guns improve in power and accuracy, engineers will study every expedient to aggravate the difficulty of aiming from the unstable decks to which, fortunately for us, they are confined. Another matter must not be overlooked in con- structing batteries for high-power guns — the effect of the blast. The direct blow of the gases is not so severe as might be expected. A smooth layer of stone or concrete three feet thick, under and in front of the muzzle of a 12-inch gun, saves the parapet from degradation ; but there is another effect which in confined positions is formidable. The partial vacuum created behind the blast has a tendency to burst open doors and light recesses, break windows, etc., by the pressure of the air behind them. This effect has long been noted at the explosion of maga- zines. Iron bars 2.5 inches wide and 0.5 inches thick, securing the doors of shell recesses, are reported to have been bent outward by the vacuum created by the blast of a 9-inch rifled gun. Large embrasures in case- mates have caused the breaking open of doors of shot- lifts, and have shaken uj) the cannoniers most un- pleasantly. To meet this difficulty, free passages for the air to enter should be supplied, and casemates should never be closed in rear. Some experiments were made in 1872-73, in New York harbor, to test the effect of the blast of a 15- inch smooth-bore gun charged with 100 pounds of 160 Sea- coast Fortresses. mammoth j)owder and a sliot weigUing 460 pounds. The conclusion reached by the Board conducting the experiments was that a second battery Q5 feet below the first and 200 feet in advance, the ground between being a somewhat broken slope of earth, would be beyond the range of injury from the blast or from unburned grains of powder ; but at 54 feet in front and 12 feet below the muzzle there would be danger from the latter, a screen of inch boards having been riddled under like conditions. It was also inferred that intermediate irregularities of ground, in the na- ture of high screens, would tend to further reduce the effects of the blast at a second batter3^ and that a sufficiently high scarp (height not determined) would justify placing a second barbette battery at its foot. The Board, however, guarded itself by recom- mending that, before a second barbette battery was placed in front of the high battery, "a few experi- mental shots should be fired in order to test the force of the blast at points of the intended site." I think that, with the high-power guns and slow- burning powder of to-day, no engineer would care to dispose two barbette batteries so that one should fire over the other, under conditions even approaching those favored by this Board. In fine, then, a sea-coast fortress of to-day, suited to the needs of this country, consists of a central keep provided with bomb-proof quarters and ar- ranged for a vigorous defence ; of detached high- power gun batteries (turrets, iron casemates, lifts, barbette batteries for disappearing guns, open bar- bette batteries, etc., according to circumstances), so placed as to sweep the channel and approaches, but with ample space between their sites to prevent mutual interference ; of detached mortar batteries, usually in rear of the guns, and, so far as possible, out of sight of the enemy ; of machine guns in covered Fortification of the Site Selected. 161 positions to sweej) slopes and approaches, and the in- terior of the batteries in case of surprise ; of wire and other entanglements to check the advance of tbe es- calade parties from boats ; of secure operating rooms, cable-shafts, galleries, and flanking guns for the mined zones ; of position-finders suited to the local- ity, for determining ranges and controlling the fire of the guns and the operation of the mines from the station of the commanding officer ; of snitable ar- rangements for sweeping the approaches by the elec- tric light, and for using movable torpedoes under control from the shore. In countries where there is danger of powerful descents upon the coast more attention is paid to the defence of the position against assault ; but with us little is to be feared in that di- rection. Few modern fleets could afford to land more than 1 500 or 2 000 men for that purpose, and, with our reserves of local troops added to the regular gar- rison, w^e should be able to hold the works with the preparations indicated. The cost of such a fortress is less than might be imagined, and very far less than would be demanded by a system of floating batteries. Thus the Fortifi- cation Board, of which Secretary Endicott was presi- dent, after a careful study of the subject, estimated that the first cost of one floating battery, complete except the armament, would be $3 300 000. Let us see what could be prepared for that sum in the way of a sea-coast fortress, adopting a liberal scale of ex- penditure, increased in nearly every important item over the figures of that Board : 162 Sea-coast Fortresses. FIRST COST OF A SEA-COAST FORTRESS COMPLETE, EX- CEPT THE GUNS. One 2-gUTi turret for two 16^-iiich 110- ton guns $1 000 000 Ten lifts for ten 12-incli 50- ton guns 1 000 000 Ten disappearing batteries for ten 12-inch 50 ton guns 450 000 Three batteries for forty-eight 12-inch mor- tars 192 000 Four hundred mines and cables, etc., com- plete 200 000 Two operating casemates for the same, with cable shafts, etc 100 000 One keep, with flanking arrangements for the batteries 200 000 Add contingencies, 5 per cent 158 000 Total $3 300 000 The floating battery carries two 16 J^ -inch 110- ton guns and one 10-inch 27- ton gun, and is exposed to torpedo attacks and to rapid deterioration. The fort- ress mounts two 16;^ -inch 110- ton guns, twenty 12- inch 50-ton guns, forty-eight 12-incli mortars, four hundred mines with their adjuncts ; and they are ex- posed neither to torpedo attacks, nor to escalade, nor to rapid deterioration. Bearing in mind the import- ance of economy, these figures permit of no difference of opinion as to how funds should be invested in cases where a land fortress will accomplish the de. sired object ; and this is the case in all but two of our cjiief seaports. NAVAL CO-OPERATION. We have seen that, from the standpoint of a mili- tary engineer, a sea-coast fortress bears a relation to Naval Co-operation. 163 the naval strength of the nation similar (o that of an entrenched camp to *the land forces. It affords security to the port and depots, a refuge to the com- mercial marine, and a base of operations for the fleets. So far as the position permits, the means of defence should be conflned to the land ; in that way only can -' economy, permanency, and security against torpedo attacks be secured. Moreover, any floating defence is always liable to be transferred to some other held to meet a pressing emergency, real or imagined, and the enemy may thus succeed by skilful manoeuvres in stripping his proposed point of attack of elements vital to its projected plan of defence. It is therefore an accepted axiom with us that, so far as possible, our system of land defences shall be independent of floating supx)ort. But this, like all other rules, has its exceptions. Thus, for example, nature may offer no facilities for defensive works. A large city, like many of our Lake ports, lying upon a straight shore with no bay or river approach admitting of defence intervening between itself and an anchorage within bombarding range, is practically at the mercy of the power hold- ing control of the water. Other sites, like San Fran-o Cisco Bay, by reason of deep water, strong currents, and unfavorable topography, may justify the great cost of floating defences to complete the land system. Yet other sites, like the mouth of the Mississippi, '■ may i^resent engineering difficulties in the way of foundations which render it cheaper to float the heavy guns on water rather than on mud. But in addition to these special cases where the aid of floating batteries is counted upon by the land forces, there is one duty of vital importance in a vig- orous defence which is solely naval. No entrenched camp would be left without outposts to watch the approach of the enemy, or without sorties to harass 164 Sea- coast Fortresses. him when he has made lijs appearance. Tlie land defences are immovable and would lose half their value if not supported by an active naval force. It is not great guns that we shall need ; they can usually be mounted far more economically on land. It is the power of making offensive returns, in the nature of sorties, that we lack ; and for supplementing this deficiency we shall everywhere need naval co-opera- tion. Present indications lead to the belief that the modern torpedo-boat is lit ted for this work. Its high speed would render it as useful as is cavalry for scouting ; its terrible weapon would make it more dreaded than the '^ masked battery" so often heard of in the early days of the civil war ; while its power of combining in flotillas, and assailing individ- ual armored shi^^s of the first-class by night or when obscured by the smoke of their own guns, might lead to results as decisive as those achieved by the column of Macdonald on the field of Wagram. These needs in our latest system of coast defences are strongly appreciated by engineers, and weliope that they may be seriously considered by naval offi- cers, who will know how they can best be met by ex- isting or by modified types of torpedo-boats. I can- not but believe that in no other form can funds for ' ' coast defenders "be so usefully applied. O ur forts have been likened to chained w^atch-dogs, and in one sense it is a true comparison ; but we must not forget that the dog is chained in front of the office safe, where he is most needed, and that there are better ways of assisting him than by locking an unchained friend in the same apartment. INDEX. Alexandria, bombardment of, 24, 33, 37, 38, 101. Armament for coast, 82. Armor, kinds compared, 142; fab- rication of the Gruson, 143 ; kind not yet adopted, 88, 90, 145 ; re- sistance of wrought iron, 151; resistance of steel and compound, 151; resistance of chilled cast iron, 152. Art of the Engineer, 16. Attack by fleet, nature of, 40, 129, 131, 134; reasons for, 137. Bombardment distant, the prob- lem, 69; effective range, 70 ; in- juries from, 72; how to meet, 72, 128. Boston, strategic relations of, 12. Calibres in naval warfare, 20. Casemates, exposure in, 63; de- scription of, 89 ; space within, 90 ; how to locate, 156. Charleston, naval attack on, 24, 28, 136. Cost of Coast defence, judicious limit of, 41; estimate for chief ports, 44; compared with insur- ance in New York, 45 ; other reasons for incurring, 45, 52; proper annual, 47; analysis for New York City, 49 ; former out- lays for, 51 ; funds how applied, 52; fortresses versus "Coast de- fenders," 161. Danube, mortar-fire on, 114. Disappearing gun batteries, ex- posure in, 62; description of , 95; merits and demerits, 94. Draught of war-ships, 20. Drewry's Blufl", naval attack on, 27. Dutch Gap, mortar-fire at, 104. Earth, resistance of, 149. Elements of Coast defence, 19, 67, 138, 153, 160. Formulae approximate, (see Rules approximate). Forts existing, utility of, 97, 141; history of, 135; description of, 138. Fort Fisher, naval attack on, 24, 30, 90, 101. Fort Sumter, naval attack on, 28. Fortification of site, discussion of, 153; armament for, 153; plan- ning the works, 154 ; size of gar- rison, 155; general trace, 156; the keep, 153; traverses, 156; parados, 157; concealment, 158; effect of blast, 159 ; cost of, 161. Grand tactics, in Coast defence, 14. Gulf Coast, strategic relations of, 13. Guns, mounting analyzed, 55; ex- posure without parapet, 60; ex- posure as non-disappearing bar- bette, 61 ; exposure on the King carriage, 62; exposure on the Duane gun-lift, 62; exposure in casemates, 63; exposure in tur- 166 Index. ret, 63; economic comparison of mountings, 64; height above wa- ter, 73, 77; modes of mounting, 82, 85; extreme effective range, 70; flanking submarine mines, 96, 154; power of, 21; calibres needed, 20; number of, 23; ashore and afloat, 25, 37; ma- chine, 35, 98, 155; rapid firing, 99; relative numbers, 153. Hampton Roads, strategic relations of, 12. Horizontal fire, nnmber required, 83; how mounted, 85. Lifts (gun), exposure in, 62; de- scription of, 91. Lissa, naval attack on, 33, 38, 101. Logistics in Coast defence, 16. Machine guns, details respecting,. 98; precision of, 35; for local defence, 155. Magazines, rules for constructing, 91, 100; explosion of, 101. Masonry, resistance of, 146. Mortars, number required, 102; merits of, 103; demerits of, 124; advantages of rifling, 105: ve- locity of fall, 106; energy to crush deck, 106, 108; efi:ective range^ 109; precision of fire, 109; practice in defences of Washing- ton, 110; practice at Bucharest, 111; practice at Meppen, 112; practice in Russia, 113; high ex- plosives in, 114; disposition in battery, 119. Mortar batteries, plan of, 118 , ser- vice of ,.120; distribution of fire, 120; cost of, 124. Mortar carriages, Elswick, 116; Raskasoff, 117; need of experi- ments with, 118. Mortar platforms, 114; Italian ex- periments with, 115. Narragansect Bay, strategic re- lations of , 12. Naval co-operation, 8, 68, 72, 131, 162. Non-disappearing gun batteries, exposure in, 61 ; where used, 95. Pacific Coast, strategic relations of, 13. Parados, 157. Position-finders, 84. Pneumatic dynamite gun, 114, 133. Portland, strategic relations of, 10. Port Royal, naval attack on, 37. Range-finders, 83, Rapid-firing guns, details respect- ing, 99; see also Machine guns. Ricochet fire. 73, 75. Rules approximate, weight of pro- jectile, 150; velocity of projec- tile, 151; energy of projectile, 151; penetration of wrought-iron armor, 151; resistance of steel and compound armor, 151; re- sistance of chilled cast-iron ar- mor, 152. Sea-coast fortresses, discussed, 135 ; history of our, 135; duty of, 138; mir third system, 138; our pro- visional system after the civil war, 141 ; now proposed, 153. Sebastopol, naval attack on, 25. Ships of war, draught of, 20; de- ployment of, 23; guns per mile of line, 24; attack on land de- fences, 40; ranges they seek, 38; tactics against forts, 37; deck protection, 103. Shrapnel fire, 35. Site for works, to deter bombard- ment, 69 ; to prevent passage, 73 ; discussion of height, 73 ; develop- ment of front, 78; submarine re- quirements, 80; selection of, 67; see also Fortification of site. Spezzia, defences of, 15, 71. Strategy naval, in Coast defence, 8, 13 ; naval bases demanded by, 10. Index. 167 Submarine mines, depth of water, 81: inllueiice of eiirreiits, 80; tidal range. 81 ; conditions to ful- fil, 124, 138: disposition of, 130: detached groups, 138; self-act- ing, 138; operating casemate for, 131): attacked by day, 129: at- tacked by night, 131; ttanking guns of, l;)2: electric light for, 133; movable torpedoes for, 133; passMu:^ throuiih, by force^ 134, Torpedo-boats (naval), utility of. 14, 11), 54. 68, 73: largo numl)erj» needed, 108. Tori:)edoes, movable, conditions to be nu»t, 133. Travei-ses, 150. Turrets, exposure in. OiJ; descrip- tion of, 86: metal of, 88; merit. s and demerits of, 88. Vertical tiro, discusst^d, 103: theory of, 105, 109 'r see also Mortars. 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewals only: Tel. No. 642-3405 Renewals may be made 4 days prior to date due. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. I^PRlSlSTieT ^ KfcC'DLO AFR l/t-4fHA0S "STANFORD m^M'm^m^ii OCT 8 1974 IHRY2 5 1977 SAN niE GO-SlQ INTERLIBRARY LOAN AUG 3 1978 LD21A-50to-2,'71 (P2001sl0)476 — A-32 General Library University of California Berkeley K 03n^l