LIBRARY UNiVtf.'S!TY OF CALIFORNIA SANTA CRUZ YALE UNIVERSITY MRS. HEPSA ELY SILLIMAN MEMORIAL LECTURES RESPIRATION SILLIMAN MEMORIAL LECTURES PUBLISHED BY YALE UNIVERSITY PRESS ELECTRICITY AND MATTER. By JOSEPH JOHN THOMSON, D.SC., LL.D., PH.D., F.R.S. Fellow of Trinity College and Cavendish Professor of Experimental Physics, Cambridge University. {Fourth printing.} THE INTEGRATIVE ACTION OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. By CHARLES S. SHERRINGTON, D.SC., M.D., HON. LL.D. TOR., F.R.S., Holt Professor of Physi- ology, University of Liverpool. {Sixth printing.} RADIOACTIVE TRANSFORMATIONS. By ERNEST RUTHERFORD, D.SC., LL.D., F.R.S., Macdonald Professor of Physics, McGill University. {Second printing.} EXPERIMENTAL AND THEORETICAL APPLICATIONS OF THERMO- DYNAMICS TO CHEMISTRY. By DR. WALTER NERNST, Professor and Director of the Institute of Physical Chemistry in the University of Berlin. PROBLEMS OF GENETICS. By WILLIAM BATESON, M.A., F.R.S., Director of the John Innes Horticultural Institution, Merton Park, Surrey, England. {Sec- ond printing.} STELLAR MOTIONS. With Special Reference to Motions Determined by Means of the Spectrograph. By WILLIAM WALLACE CAMPBELL, SC.D., LL.D., Director of the Lick Observatory, University of California. {Second printing.} THEORIES OF SOLUTIONS. By SVANTE ARRHENIUS, PH.D., SC.D., M.D., Di- rector of the Physico-Chemical Department of the Nobel Institute, Stockholm, Sweden. {Third printing.} IRRITABILITY. A Physiological Analysis of the General Effect of Stimuli in Living Substances. By MAX VERWORN, M.D., PH.D., Professor at Bonn Physio- logical Institute. {Second printing.} PROBLEMS OF AMERICAN GEOLOGY. By WILLIAM NORTH RICE, FRANK D. ADAMS, ARTHUR P. COLEMAN, CHARLES D. WALCOTT, WALDEMAR LIND- GREN, FREDERICK LESLIE RANSOME, AND WILLIAM D. MATTHEW. {Second printing. } THE PROBLEM OF VOLCANISM. By JOSEPH PAXSON IDDINGS, PH.B., SC.D. {Second printing.} ORGANISM AND ENVIRONMENT AS ILLUSTRATED BY THE PHYSI- OLOGY OF BREATHING. By JOHN SCOTT HALDANE, M.D., LL.D., F.R.S., Fellow of New College, Oxford University. {Second printing.} A CENTURY OF SCIENCE IN AMERICA. With Special Reference to the American Journal of Science 1818-1918. By EDWARD SALISBURY DANA, CHARLES SCHUCHERT, HERBERT E. GREGORY, JOSEPH BARRELL, GEORGE OTIS SMITH, RICHARD SWANN LULL, Louis V. PIRSSON, WILLIAM E. FORD, R. B. SOSMAN, HORACE L. WELLS, HARRY W. FOOTE, LEIGH PAGE, WESLEY R. COE, AND GEORGE L. GOODALE. THE EVOLUTION OF MODERN MEDICINE. By the late SIR WILLIAM OSLER, BART., M.D., F.R.S. RESPIRATION. By J. S. HALDANE, M.D., LL.D., F.R.S., Fellow of New College, Oxford, H on. Professor, Birmingham University. RESPIRATION BY J. S. HALDANE M.D., LL.D., F.R.S. FELLOW OF NEW COLLEGE, OXFORD HON. PROFESSOR, BIRMINGHAM UNIVERSITY NEW HAVEN YALE UNIVERSITY PRESS LONDON : HUMPHREY MILFORD : OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS MDCCCCXXVII COPYRIGHT 1922 BY YALE UNIVERSITY PRESS PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA First published, May, 1922. Second printing, January, 1927. THE SILLIMAN FOUNDATION IN the year 1883 a legacy of eighty thousand dollars was left to the President and Fellows of Yale College in the city of New Haven, to be held in trust, as a gift from her children, in memory of their beloved and honored mother, Mrs. Hepsa Ely Silliman. On this foundation Yale College was requested and directed to estab- lish an annual course of lectures designed to illustrate the presence and providence, the wisdom and goodness of God, as manifested in the natural and moral world. These were to be designated as the Mrs. Hepsa Ely Silliman Memorial Lectures. Tt was the belief of the testator that any orderly presentation of the facts of nature or history contributed to the end of this foundation more effectively than any attempt to empha- size the elements of doctrine or of creed ; and he therefore provided that lectures on dogmatic or polemical theology should be excluded from the scope of this foundation, and that the subjects should be selected rather from the domains of natural science and history, giving special promi- nence to astronomy, chemistry, geology, and anatomy. It was further directed that each annual course should be made the basis of a volume to form part of a series constituting a memorial to Mrs. Silliman. The memorial fund came into the possession of the Cor- poration of Yale University in the year 1901 ; and the present volume constitutes the fourteenth of the series of memorial lectures. PREFACE WHEN Yale University invited me to deliver the Silliman Lectures for 1915 I was asked to deal with the physiology of breathing and include a general account of the long series of investigations with which I had been associated on this subject and its practical applications in clinical medicine and hygiene. Owing to the war I was unable to give the lectures in 1915, but in 1916 delivered four lectures which dealt only with some of the more general conclu- sions to which I had been led, and were published early in 1917 by the Yale University Press under the title ''Organism and Environment as Illustrated by the Physiology of Breathing." The war has greatly delayed the appearance of the present book, which treats the physiology of breathing fully in accordance with the original plan. I have, however, abandoned the lecture form, and what I had written four years ago has had to be largely recast owing to the rapid advance of knowledge. The book is not a mere compilation, but contains much that has never previously been published, and is an attempt to give a coherent statement and interpretation of what is known of the subject at present. 1 fear that I may sometimes have unwittingly overlooked observa- tions by others which would have added completeness to my account. Yet I hope that what may have been lost in this way will be made up for by the fact that the book embodies the results of a continuous series of investigations leading to very definite and consistent conclusions. About the middle of last century the younger physiologists broke away from the vitalistic traditions which had been handed down to them, and set about to investigate living organisms piece by piece, precisely as they would investigate the working of a complex mechanism. This method seemed to them to promise success, and was popularized by such masters of clear and force- ful expression as Huxley. It is still the orthodox method of physi- ology, but the old confidence in it has steadily diminished in proportion as exact experimental investigation has shown that the various activities of a living organism cannot be interpreted in isolation from one another, since organic regulation dominates them. The keynote of this book is the organic regulation of breathing and its associated phenomena. viii RESPIRATION The mechanistic theory of life is now outworn and must soon take its place in history as a passing phase in the development^ of biology. But physiology will not go back to the vitalism which was threatening to strangle it, and from which it escaped last century. The real lesson of the movement of that time will never be lost. The book belongs to a transition period, but the transition is forward and not backward. My treatment of the subject may possibly be looked on askance in some quarters as reactionary: for I have been largely influenced by the ideas and work of older physiologists. If, however, I have gone backward, it is only to pick up clues which had been temporarily lost; and all of these clues lead forward forward to a new physiology which embodies what was really implicit in the old. The leaders of the mechanistic movement of last century got rid of vitalism, but in doing so got rid of life itself. I have tried to paint a picture of the body as alive. Though the picture is imperfect, others will soon paint it more completely. The time has come for a far more clear realization of what life implies. The bondage of biology to the physical sciences has lasted more than half a century. It is now time for biology to take her rightful place as an exact independent science : to speak her own language, and not that of other sciences. The endeavor to represent the facts of physiology as if they would fit into the general scheme of a mechanistic biology has led, it seems to me, to the present estrangement between physiology and medicine. Since the time of Hippocrates the growth of scientific medicine has in reality been based on the study of the manner in which what he called the "nature" ( 2 may be given off in the lungs although the CO2 pressure is lower in the venous blood than in the alveolar air, 91. Approximate mathematical treatment of the dissociation curve for CO2, 92. Effect of the CO2 in blood on the dissociation of oxyhaemoglobin in the systemic blood, 94. The physiological buffers which prevent abrupt rise or fall of CO2 pressure in the respiratory center, 96. Effects on the alveolar CO2 pressure of holding the breath or forced breathing, 96. Abruptness of rises or falls of oxygen pressure in the respiratory center, 100. This abrupt- ness is the cause of periodic breathing when the alveolar oxygen pressure is low, 103. Artificial production of periodic breathing in healthy persons, 103. Why shortage of oxygen and consequent periodic breathing do not occur nor- mally, 104. Addendum, Discussion of some recent theories of the carriage of CO2 by blood, 105. Interchange of acid between plasma and corpuscles, 106. CHAPTER VI. THE EFFECTS OF WANT OF OXYGEN 108 Immediate dependence of the body for its oxygen supply on air, 108. Anox- aemia produced by lowered pressure of oxygen in the air, 109. Effects on the breathing, 109. These effects largely transitory, 109. Lowering of the thresh- old of alveolar CO2 pressure, but alveolar CO2 pressure still regulates the breathing, no. Variability of the effects in different individuals, in. Death from anoxaemia caused by excessive removal of CO2 from the blood, 112. Excess of COa in the air counteracts the effects of deficiency of oxygen, 112. Mere increase of breathing does not diminish the anoxaemia, though it dimin- ishes the cyanosis, 114. The peculiar symptoms produced by forced breathing are apparently due mainly to anoxaemia, 115. Subsidiary effects of CO2 in re- lieving anoxaemia, 117. Periodic breathing at high altitudes is caused by anoxaemia, 117. Effects of anoxaemia on the frequency of breathing, 118. Effects in causing fatigue of the breathing, 121. Effects of anoxaemia on the circulation, 121. Increase in pulse rate is largely transitory, 123. Cyanosis and anoxaemia not the same thing, 125. Effects on the nervous system, 125. Insidious character of these effects, 125. Effects on muscular power, senses, memory, and powers of judgment, 126. Personal experiences, 128. Moun- tain sickness and conditions of its production, 128. Nervous after symptoms following severe anoxaemia, 129. After effects on heart, 129. After effects on respiratory center, 130. Adaptation to want of oxygen, 130. CHAPTER VII. THE CAUSES OF ANOXAEMIA . .132 Defective saturation of arterial haemoglobin, 132. One cause of this is defective distribution of air in the lungs, 133. Experimental proof and ex- planation of this, 133. Effects of holding the breath, and explanation of the anoxaemia produced, 141. Cause of difference between clinical Cheyne-Stokes breathing and periodic breathing produced artificially in healthy persons, 141. Significance of rapid breathing in cases of illness, 142. Danger of sudden attacks of restricted and rapid breathing, 143. Causes of anoxaemia in em- physema, bronchitis, and asthma, 145. Orthopnoea and its causes, 146. A second cause of arterial anoxaemia is defective pressure of oxygen in the in- spired air, 146. Immediate effects and after effects, 147. The percentage saturation of the arterial haemoglobin is lower than corresponds to the oxygen xiv RESPIRATION pressure of the mixed alveolar air, 148. With the same alveolar oxygen pres- sure there is less anoxaemia at low atmospheric pressures than at normal atmos- pheric pressure, 148. Anoxaemia due to hindered diffusion of oxygen into the blood, 149. Poisoning by lung-irritant gases, 150. Arterial anoxaemia in pneumonia, 150. Observations of Stadie, Harrop, and Meakins, 151. The clinical administration of oxygen, 152. Description of apparatus for the pur- pose, 154. Anoxaemia during muscular exertion, 156. Experiments of Briggs on oxygen inhalation during muscular exertion, 157. Anoxaemia and velocity of chemical reaction in the formation of oxyhaemoglobin, 158. Anoxaemia due to defective oxygen-carrying power of the blood, 158. Evidence that the symptoms of CO poisoning are due to anoxaemia, 160. CO is not oxidized in the body, but passes in and out by the lungs, 160. Popular errors as to the effects of CO poisoning and anoxaemia generally, 160. Relation be- tween percentage of CO in air and percentage saturation of the blood with CO. 1 60. Relation between percentage saturation of the blood and symptoms, 161. Causes of certain differences between the symptoms of CO poisoning and those of anoxaemia produced in other ways, 162. Alteration of the dissociation curve of oxyhaemoglobin in CO poisoning, 165. Acclimatization to CO poison- ing, 1 66. Occurrence of NO haemoglobin in the body, 166. Methaemoglobin- forming poisons, 166. Evidence that with these poisons death is due to anox- aemia, 167. Recovery from methaemoglobin-forming poisons, 167. Hae- molytic poisons, 168. Anaemia and anoxaemia, 168. Reasons why no anox- aemia is present during rest in ordinary anaemia, 169. Anoxaemia due to de- fective circulation, 169. Gum-saline injections in defective filling of the vessels with blood, 170. CHAPTER VIII. BLOOD REACTION AND BREATHING 171 Ordinary physiological indications of maintenance of a normal blood reaction, *7i' Walter's experiments on acid poisoning and the defenses against it, 171. Diabetic coma and acid poisoning, 173. "Titration alkalinity" and alkalinity of the blood, 173. The "buffer substances" in the living body, 174. Modern conceptions of alkalinity and acidity, 175. Osmotic pressure, molecular con- centration, and molecular diffusion pressure, 176. lonization of molecules, 177. lonization and reaction, 177. Electrometric measurement of reaction, 179. Theories of acidosis and anoxaemia, 179. Hasselbalch's electrometric de- terminations of relation of CO 2 pressure to reaction in blood, 182. Experiments showing that variation of alveolar CO 2 pressure in the living body compensates for variations in blood reaction which would otherwise occur, 183. Barcroft's experiments on the Peak of Teneriffe, 183. Quantitative relation between varia- tions of breathing and of blood reaction, 184. Extreme delicacy of regulation of blood reaction, 185. Very small difference between the reactions of arterial and venous blood, 185. Difference in reaction between oxygenated and fully reduced normal blood, 186. Error in electrometric method, 188. Summary of evidence as to the means by which blood reaction is regulated, 188. Dis- turbance of blood reaction by anoxaemia, 189. Physiological evidence that the blood becomes more alkaline, 189. Gradual, but incomplete, compensation for this by the kidneys and liver, 192. This compensation mistaken for an "acidosis," 192. Relief of the anoxaemia by the compensation, 193. Com- pensatory blood changes brought about by exposure to excess of CO 2 , or by ex- cessive removal by CO 2 from the body, 193. The amount of "alkaline reserve" in the blood is no certain index of "acidosis" or "alkalosis," 194. Experiments RESPIRATION xv on the urine excreted during forced breathing, 195. True acidosis caused by excessive muscular exertion, 196. Disturbance of blood reaction in nephritis, 196. Ammonium chloride acidosis in man, 196. Remarks on indirect methods^ used for measuring changes of reaction in the blood, 199. Method depending on the dissociation curve of oxyhaemoglobin, 199. Method depending on ratio of combined CO 2 to free CO 2 in blood, 200. Need for more delicate methods than we possess at present, 202. Question as to the constancy of blood reaction during normal life, 202. Action of drugs on the regulation of blood reaction, 204. Reasons why the alveolar CO2 pressure is not perfectly steady during rest, 204. Effects of meats, 204. Effects of starvation and carbohydrate-free diets, 205. The regulation of breathing in man during rest is practically speaking regulation of blood reaction, 205. Addendum. Recent literature on acidosis and alkalosis, 205. Definition of acidosis and alkalosis, 206. Ex- treme delicacy and physiological importance of regulation of reaction in the tissues, 207. CHAPTER IX. GAS SECRETION IN THE LUNGS . . 208 Question as to active secretion of gas by the lung epithelium, 208. Oxygen secretion by the swim bladder epithelium, 208. Function of the swim bladder, 208. Biot's discovery of oxygen secretion, 209. Experiments of Moreau, Bohr, and Dreser, 210. Jager's discovery of the "oval" in the swim bladder, 211. Histology of the swim bladder wall and "red body," 214. Probable function of the "red body," 214. Gas secretion in Arcella. Experiments of Bles, 216. Implications of secretion generally, 217. Ideas of Johannes Miiller on secre- tion, 218. -Apparent gas secretion in Corethra larvae, 220. Ludwig and Pfliiger on gas secretion by the lungs, 220. Experiments of Bohr and Fredericq, 221. Method and experiments of Krogh, 222. Carbon monoxide method of measuring arterial oxygen pressure, 224. Fallacies in earlier measurements, 225. New experiments on animals. Conclusions, 226. New experiments on men. Method, 229. Result that secretion is completely absent during rest under normal conditions, but present under conditions producing want of oxy- gen in the tissues, 233. Experiments after acclimatization on Pike's Peak, 236. Evidence of constant active secretion, 237. Indirect evidence of oxygen secretion, 238. Experiments of Briggs, 240. Experiments in a respiration chamber at normal atmospheric pressure, 241. Acclimatization experiments in a steel chamber, 242. Cause of difference between results by carbon monoxide and aerotonometer methods, 243. Reason why the percentage of oxygen satura- tion of the arterial blood is considerably less at high altitudes before acclimatiza- tion than corresponds to the oxygen pressure of the alveolar air, 244. Bohr's method of measuring the rate of diffusion of gases from the alveolar air into the blood, 245. Experiments of A. and M. Krogh by this method, 246. Paralysis of oxygen secretion under pathological conditions, 247. Direct evi- dence that during hard muscular work at normal atmospheric pressure diffusion of oxygen is quite insufficient to saturate the arterial blood with oxygen, 247. Question of active excretion of COa by the lungs. Krogh's experiments, 247. Reasons for suspecting that active secretion of COa may occur under certain conditions, 248. Comparison of oxygen secretion by the lungs with glomerular secretion by the kidneys, 250. Reply to some recent criticisms of the evidence for oxygen secretions, 251. Addendum. Recent experiments of Barcroft and his co-workers, 253. xvi RESPIRATION CHAPTER X. BLOOD CIRCULATION AND BREATHING 257 Intimacy of connection between circulation and breathing, 257. The mosl immediate need for circulation is the need for oxygen and for removal of COz, 257. The local circulation rates must be correlated in the main with these needs, 258. Special value of experiments on man, 259. Experiments of Loewy and von Schrotter with lung catheter, 260. Experiments of Krogh and Lind- hard by the nitrous oxide method, 262. Yandell Henderson's experiments on dogs, 263. Experiments on "heart-lung preparations," 264. New method in which the whole of the lungs are used as an aerotonometer, 264. Results in man during rest and work, 265. The circulation rate is rapid during rest, and does not increase in direct proportion to work, 268. The oxygen consumption per heartbeat and its significance, 269. The venous blood from different parts of the body, 270. Significance of this as regards the mixed venous blood under different conditions, 270. General conclusion as regards local regulation of blood flow, 271. Yandell Henderson's experiments on local circulation and COz pressure, 272. Evidence that excessive artificial respiration causes slowing of the circulation and great local anoxaemia, 272. With moderate increase of COz percentage in the inspired air the circulation does not increase with the breathing, 273. But with great increase of COz percentage the circulation in- creases, 274. Increase in oxygen pressure slows the circulation, 274. With great deficiency of oxygen there is increase in the circulation, 275. Effects of forced breathing and muscular exertion on venous blood pressure, 275. Gen- eral conclusion as to regulation of local and general circulation, 276. Com- parison of regulation of circulation with regulation of breathing, 277. Part played by the heart in the circulation, 278. Regulation of heart's action, 278. Coordination of contraction of muscular fibres of auricles and ventricles, 278. Start, spread, and frequency of each contraction, 279. Regulation of filling of ventricles, 279. Nervous regulation of frequency of heartbeat, 279. Regula- tion of blood distribution, 281. Contractility of arteries, veins, and capillaries, 281. Vasomotor regulation of arterial and venous blood pressure, 283. Abnormal defects in circulatory regulation, 284. Valvular defects and breath- ing, 286. Nervous defects and breathing, 286. Loss of blood and its treat- ment by gum-saline injections, 287. The condition of "shock," 288. Yandell Henderson's investigations, 288. Shock from absorption of poisonous disin- tegration products, 289. Regulation of blood volume, haemoglobin, and rate of pulse and respiration in animals of different sizes, and after loss of blood or transfusion, 290. Evidence that the haemoglobin percentage of the blood de- pends on the oxygen pressure in tissue capillaries, 293. Chlorotic "anaemia" and breathing, 297. Addendum. Further experiments on the circulation in man, 298. CHAPTER XI. AIR OF ABNORMAL COMPOSITION 300 Outside air of country and towns: effects of impurities, 300. Air of occupied rooms. Common impurities and their effects, 302. Effects of temperature, moisture, and movement of air, 303. General standard of air purity, 305. Critical wet-bulb temperature, 305. The katathermometer, 306. Escape of lighting gas and conditions determining their danger, 306. Importance of pro- portion of CO in lighting gas, 310. Air of mines. Abnormal constituents present, 311. Black damp: composition, sources, and properties, 311. Fire damp: composition, sources, and properties, 313. Afterdamp from explosions RESPIRATION xvii causes death by CO poisoning, 315. Causes and prevention of colliery ex- plosions, 316. Composition of pure afterdamp and practical test for CO, 316. Self-contained breathing apparatus for miners, 318. White damp and spon- taneous heating of coal, 319. Smoke from fires and blasting: nitrous fumes, 319. Treatment of CO poisoning, 320. Wet-bulb temperature in mines, 321. Effects of dust inhalation in mines, 322. Varying effects of different kinds of dust. Miner's phthisis, 322. Physiology of dust excretion from the lungs, 323. Air of wells. Barometric pressure and dangers of well sinkers, 325. Oxida- tion processes in underground strata, 326. Air of railway tunnels, 326. Air of sewers. Accidental impurities and their dangers, 327. Air of ships, 329. Lung-irritant gas poisoning in warfare, and treatment, 329. CHAPTER XII. EFFECTS OF HIGH ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURES 334 Paul Bert's work on the physiological action of barometric pressure, 334. The diver's equipment and the method of using it, 335. The diving bell and the caisson, 336. Tunneling in compressed air, 337. Effects of air pressure on the ears and voice, 338. Effects due to pressure of COz in diving, and their avoidance, 339. Compressed air illness or "caisson disease," 340. Investiga- tions of Paul Bert and others, 341. Medical recompression chambers, 343. Theory of stage decompression and experiments on the subject, 345. Tables for guidance of divers, 350. Treatment of compressed-air illness, 351. Diving operations at a great depth off Honolulu, 351. Management of air locks in tunnels, 353. Paul Bert's experiments on effects of increased oxygen pres- sure, 355. Effects of oxygen in producing pneumonia, 356. CHAPTER XIII. EFFECTS OF Low ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURES 358 Occurrence of low atmospheric pressures at high altitudes. "Mountain sickness," 358. Summary of Paul Bert's fundamental experiments on the pressure effects of gases, 358. His experiment on man in a steel chamber, 360. Reason why a given lowering of alveolar oxygen pressure has less physiological effect at a low atmospheric pressure than at ordinary atmospheric pressure, 362. Effect of CO;j pressure in diminishing the anoxaemia of a low atmospheric pressure, 362. Mosso's "acapnia" theory, 363. Acclimatization to low atmospheric pressures, 364. Effects of high altitudes in increasing the haemoglobin per- centage of the blood, 364. Effect of increased atmospheric pressure in dimin- ishing the haemoglobin percentage, 365. Beneficial effect of increased haemo- globin in anoxaemia, 365. Increased breathing in acclimatized persons, 366. Physiological effect of a mere increase of breathing, 367. The acclimatiza- tion change is a compensation of alkalosis, 369. Alveolar COz pressure in persons acclimatized at various altitudes, 370. Conclusions from the Duke of Abruzzi's Himalayan Expedition, 372. Active secretion of oxygen in the lungs after acclimatization, 373. Relation of physical training to power of oxygen secretion, 373. History of high ascents in balloons, 375. High ascent by Glaisher and Coxwell in 1862, 375. Fatal ascent of the Zenith in 1875, 376. High ascent with use of oxygen in 1901, 378. Experiments of von Schrotter, 379. Recent high American aeroplane ascent, 379. Limits of height attainable with use of ordinary oxygen apparatus, 379. Apparatus required for indefinitely great heights, 380. xviii RESPIRATION CHAPTER XIV. GENERAL CONCLUSIONS . . .382 The breathing and circulation are so regulated as to keep the diffusion pres- sures of oxygen, and of hydrogen and hydroxyl ions, in the tissues normal, 382. Breathing and circulation are responses to tissue activity, and do not pri- marily determine it, 383. Claude Bernard and the regulation of internal en- vironment, 383. Diffusion pressures and Bernard's "conditions of life/'sSs. Diffusion pressure of water on the same footing as that of other blood constitu- ents, 384. The blood constituents are in continuous active relation with the living tissues, 385. Comparison of living tissue elements with dissociable chemical molecules, 386. Conception of the living body as the seat of a system of mutually dependent reversible reactions, 386. Defects of the mechanistic and "hormone" theories of physiological inter-connection, 387. The dividing line between biology and the physical sciences, 388. The fundamental con- ception of biology, and the real work of the biological sciences, 389. This work illustrated by the investigations detailed in previous chapters, 389. Real nature of organic identity, 390. The existence of active maintenance of organic identity is the foundation of medicine and surgery, as well as of physiolo- gy and morphology, 391. Examination of the argument that the physical con- ception of Nature is truer and more scientific than the biological, 392. The previous question which is fatal to the physical conception, 394. Physical reality a superficial sensuous appearance, 394. In describing biological phe- nomena and putting her questions to Nature, biology must use her own working hypothesis and not those of the physical sciences, 394. Nature as seen by the biologist, 396. Supposed evolution from "inorganic" conditions, 396. Indi- vidual life and life in association, 396. It is impossible to describe or define conscious activity in either physical or biological terms, 397. Neither the physical nor biological interpretation of Nature is, in the last resort, more than a practical makeshift, 398. The rightful practical sphere of physiology does not include distinctively conscious activity, 399. APPENDIX ......... 400 A. Determination of oxygen capacity of blood haemoglobin by ferricyanide, 400. B. Determination of oxygen capacity of blood haemoglobin by haemoglobin- ometer, 404. C. Determination of oxygen and carbon dioxide in blood by ferri- cyanide and acid, 407. D. Colorimetric determination of percentage saturation of haemoglobin with CO, 418. E. Determination of blood volume in man during life by CO, 424. CHAPTER I Historical Introduction. IN the history of physiological discovery the growth of knowledge as to the physiology of breathing was comparatively late. Before the middle of the seventeenth century hardly anything was known about breathing except its muscular mechanism and the facts that if the breathing of a man or higher animal is interrupted for more than a very short time death ensues, and that the breath- ing is increased by exertion and by some diseases. The discovery by Harvey of the circulation threw no positive light on the physi- ology of breathing, and it was still generally believed that the main function of respiration is to cool the blood. Progress was impossible without corresponding progress in chemistry, The first beginnings of a better knowledge date from the work at Oxford of Robert Boyle 1 and Mayow 2 a young doctor. Boyle showed with the air pump that air is necessary to life, and Mayow investigated and compared together the influences of niter in the combustion of gunpowder, and of air in respiration and ordinary combustion in air. He drew the conclusion that in all of these processes a "nitro-aerial spirit" combines with "sulphur" (com- bustible matter). As regards respiration he concluded that the nitro-aerial spirit is present in limited proportion in air, and is absorbed from the air in the lungs by the blood, carried by the circulation to the brain, where it is separated off in the ventricles, and thence passes down the supposed nerve- tubules to the muscles, where it unites with "sulphur" and produces muscular contraction by the resulting explosions. He explained the increased breathing which accompanies muscular exertion as a necessary accompani- ment of the increased consumption of the nitro-aerial spirit. It will thus be seen that he had practically discovered oxygen r in so far as the rudimentary chemical ideas which he had formed permitted the discovery. He had also formed a sound physiological conception of the relation between muscular work and increased breathing. Mayow's conception of oxygen passing down the 1 Boyle, New ex-pertinents physico-mechanical, touching the Spring of the Air, Oxford, 1666. Particularly Experiments XL and XLI, with the accompanying "Digression containing some Doubts touching Respiration." 51 Mayow, Tractatus Quinque Meciico-physici, Oxford, 1673. In particular Tractatus II, De Respiratione (26. Edition). 2 RESPIRATION nerves was of course only a modification of the idea then current, and elaborated by Descartes among others, that muscular con- traction depends upon the "animal spirits" passing down the supposed nerve tubules from the brain. This conception was ap- parently confirmed by the effects of cutting or ligaturing nerves; and Lower, 8 another Oxford physician, performed the striking experiment of completely disturbing the action of the heart by a ligature on the vagus nerve. He had stumbled upon inhibition and misinterpreted it in favor of Mayow's theory. About the same time another significant observation was made by Hooke, 4 the Secretary of the Royal Society. He found that when the chest of an animal was opened so that the lungs col- lapsed, it could be revived and kept alive by artificial respiration, and, if holes were pricked in the lungs so that air could pass through them, the animal could still be kept alive if a stream of air was continuously blown through the lungs, although they did not move. The foundations thus seemed to be laid of our present knowl- edge of the physiology of breathing; but unfortunately the sig- nificance of the discoveries made at Oxford was not appreciated, and indeed the study of physiology and other branches of natural science there was practically allowed to die out for the succeeding two hundred years. The next important step in connection with respiration was the discovery, about the middle of the eighteenth century, by Joseph Black of Edinburgh, that "fixed air" (carbon dioxide) which he had found to be liberated by acids from mild alkalies (carbonates) is given off by the lungs in respiration. Priestley discovered soon afterward that what, in accordance with Stahl's phlogiston theory, he called "dephlogisticated air" (oxygen) dis- appears both in ordinary combustion and in animal respiration, while it is produced by green plants in sunlight. Lavoisier then followed up Black's and Priestley's work by showing that in combustion what he for the first time called oxygen combines with carbon and other substances, and that carbon dioxide is produced by the combination of carbon and oxygen, while water is produced by the combination of hydrogen and oxygen. He and Laplace 5 also showed that the carbon dioxide produced by an animal is nearly equivalent to the oxygen consumed, and that "Lower, Tractatus de Corde, p. 86, 1669. 4 Hooke, Phil. Trans., II, p. 539, 1667. Hooke had been assistant to Willis and Boyle at Oxford. "Lavoisier and Laplace, Memoir es de I'Academie des Sciences, p. 337, 1780. RESPIRATION 3 the amount of heat formed by an animal is nearly equivalent to that formed in combustion of carbon when an equal quantity of oxygen is consumed in respiration and combustion. He thus made it clear that in the living body, just as in combustion, oxygen combines with carbon and other substances, producing carbon dioxide and other oxidation products : also that this combination is the source of animal heat. He found in the course of experiments on man that during muscular work the consumption of oxygen and output of carbon dioxide is increased. Curiously enough, he expresses regret that this should be so, as the laboring classes, who have least money for buying food, consume more food than those who are better off. 6 The essential connection between physiological work and consumption of oxygen was still hidden from him, although, as already seen, Mayow had fairly correct ideas on this subject. It was not until 1845 that Mayer, 7 a German country doctor, pointed out in connection with the general formulation of the doctrine of conservation of energy, that in living animals, as in steam engines, ordinary kinetic energy as well as heat has its source in the potential energy liberated in the process of oxida- tion. Oxidation is thus the ultimate source of the energy of animal movements. Every exact experiment made since then on this subject has confirmed Mayer's conclusion, and the increased consumption of oxygen during muscular work became as intelli- gible as it was on Mayow's crude theory. The discoveries with regard to the chemistry of respiration raised the further question as to what the exact nature of the combustible material is, and where the combination of oxygen with combustible matter occurs. As regards the first question it was evident that since on an average the composition of the adult living body remains constant, and the excreta, as compared with the food taken, contain very little combustible material, the material oxidized must correspond to the oxidizable matter of the food. This material was classified by Prout as belonging almost entirely to one or other of three groups of substances, known now under the names of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. Of these the former alone contains nitrogen, which is excreted in the urine in the form, mainly, of urea when the protein is oxidized. Only water and carbon dioxide are formed in the oxidation of carbo- 8 Lavoisier and Sequin, Mem. de I'Acaci., p. 185, 1789. 7 Mayer, Die orgamsche Bewegung in threm Zusammenhange mit dem Stoft- wechsel, Heilbronn, 1845. 4 RESPIRATION hydrates or fats, and by the ratios and amounts in which nitrogen compounds and carbon dioxide are excreted and oxygen consumed we can calculate how much protein, carbohydrate, and fat is being consumed in the body. As regards the second question there was for long much doubt. It was, however, definitely shown by Magnus 8 in 1845 tnat mucn gas is liberated from blood on exposing it to a vacuum, and that less oxygen and more carbon dioxide are given off from venous than from arterial blood. The mercurial blood gas pump was then gradually perfected, mainly by Lothar Meyer, Ludwig, and Pfliiger ; and it was gradually established that the oxygen which disappears in the lungs is taken up by the blood almost entirely in the form of a loose chemical compound with haemoglobin, the colored albuminous substance in the red corpuscles. This compound yields up part of its oxygen as the blood passes round the systemic circulation, and returns to the lungs for a fresh charge, the charg- ing being due to the higher partial pressure of oxygen in the lungs, while the partial discharging in the systemic circulation is due to the lower partial pressure there in consequence of con- sumption of oxygen. The discharging is accompanied by a change of color from scarlet to dark purple. Similarly carbon dioxide is taken up mainly in the form of a loose chemical combination with alkali, and discharged in the lungs as a consequence of the lower partial pressure of the gas in the lungs. For a considerable time there was much doubt as to how far the actual oxidation occurs in the blood or in the tissue elements; but the investigations of Pfliiger 9 about 1872 showed clearly that practically all the oxida- tion occurs in the tissues. So far I have discussed from an abstract physical and chemical standpoint the main outlines of discovery relating to respiration. It is now necessary to consider these discoveries more closely, and from a physiological standpoint. For a long time the brilliance of Lavoisier's discovery as to the relation between respiration and animal heat carried physiologists to some extent off their balance, as it came to be believed that heat production is a more or less blind mechanical process under no direct organic control, and presumably dependent simply upon the supply of oxygen and oxidizable material. Thus Liebig, who was not only a great chemist but also a great chemical physiologist, concluded that every increase in the food consumed or the amount of oxygen 8 Magnus, Annalen der Physik, XL, 1838, and LXVI, 1845. 9 Pfliiger, Pjliiger's Archrv, VI, p. 43, 1872. RESPIRATION 5 introduced into the lungs must increase the rate of oxidation and heat production. 10 This conclusion seemed to be confirmed when he introduced his well-known method for the determination of urea in urine and it was found that every increase in the amount of nitrogenous food eaten was followed by a corresponding in- crease in the amount of urea excreted, although during complete starvation the excretion of urea was not diminished below a certain minimum. He inferred that it is only the "vital force" which pro- tects the body against indefinite oxidation, and that when more food is introduced than is really required this protection is not extended, so that the food material falls a prey to oxygen. In assuming this influence of the "vital force" he was only applying to the phenomena of physiological oxidation the ideas held by the majority of contemporary physiologists. When, however, the phenomena of physiological oxidation came to be studied more closely by Bidder and Schmidt, Voit, and other physiologists, it was found that although the excretion of urea might fall greatly during starvation there was very little fall in the consumption of oxygen. It thus became evident that any diminution in the consumption of protein was accompanied by increase in consumption of the fat and of any carbohydrate remaining in the body. Further investigation of the ratios in which protein, carbohydrate, and fat replaced one another in the oxida- tions occurring in the body resulted in the striking discovery by Rubner that within wide limits of variation in their supply to the body they replace one another in proportion to the energy which they liberate in their oxidation within the body. 11 Thus I gram of fat furnishes as much energy as 2% grams of protein or carbohy- drate, and I gram of fat from the reserve in the body takes the place of 2*4 grams of protein or carbohydrate when the supply of the latter in the food is cut off. The idea that the rate of oxida- tion in the living body is determined by the rate of food supply is thus erroneous. On the contrary the oxidation is regulated with marvelous accuracy in accordance with its energy value in satis- faction of what are commonly called the "energy requirements" of the body. Rubner's discovery is one of the main physiological foundations of scientific dietetics. Just as the rate of physiological combustion, other things being equal, is not determined in the higher organisms by the supply .of food material, so it is not determined by the abundance of the 10 Liebig, Letters on Chemistry, Third English Edition, p. 314, 1855. "Rubner, Zeitschr. f. Biologie, XIX, p. 313, 1883. 6 RESPIRATION oxygen supply. Lavoisier himself and afterwards Regnault and Reiset found that a warm-blooded animal breathing pure oxygen consumes no more oxygen than an animal breathing ordinary air; and subsequent investigations have shown that the oxygen percentage in air has to be reduced very low before the oxy- gen consumption is diminished. Pfliiger also found that oxidation in the tissues is within wide limits independent of the rate of supply of oxygen through the blood circulation. We are thus again face to face with "physiological requirements." When temperature and heat production in the living body came to be studied physiologically the first striking fact discovered was that however much the external temperature might vary within wide limits, the body temperature of warm-blooded ani- mals remained practically the same during, health. Similarly, although the heat production might be increased several times by muscular exertion there was no material increase of body temperature, and it became quite evident that the rise of tempera- ture in fever is not due to increased heat production, but to dis- turbance in the nervous regulation of heat discharge from the body. Finally, when the influence of variations in external tem- perature on heat production in the body was measured, it was found by a succession of observers, including, besides Lavoisier, 12 Crawford in 1788, and Pfliiger and others in more recent times, that, particularly in small animals, a lowering of external tem- perature evokes through the influence of the nervous system a rise in heat production, so that heat production becomes subservi- ent to the maintenance of body temperature. This maintenance is therefore one of the factors determining physiological energy requirements. When we inquire what determines the energy requirements of the body as a whole we ' nd that the results of investigation point us towards a numbei of associated conditions which we can identify one by one by observation or experiment, but which ordi- narily occur in conjunction with one another, and on an average remain very constant. Thus the activity of the nervous system in determining various forms of muscular and glandular activity constitutes one of the chief factors. But the activities of the nervous system are themselves subject to control in the form of what we call on the one hand "fatigue," or on the other "exuber- ance of spirits," finding its expression in man in games and what appear at first sight to be mere "luxus" activities of all kinds. u Pfluger, Pfluger's Archw, XII, p. 282, 1876. RESPIRATION 7 Hence apart from seasonal variations the daily nervous activities are pretty constant in total amount. Although the internal body temperature is actually very con- stant, yet a very moderate actual rise or actual fall in body temperature is sufficient to increase or diminish oxidation very materially. In fever, for instance, the oxidation in the body is greater than it would be without the rise of temperature but with other conditions the same. The oxidation in fever is, however, only a fraction of that during even very moderate exertion. When we examine still more closely, and in the light of the facts which are continuously becoming revealed by pathology and pharmacology, we begin to realize that "energy requirements" depend on an infinite multitude of associated "normal conditions." An upset in the proportion of, say, calcium or potassium in the blood, or in that of substances produced in minute amounts in one or other of the "ductless glands" or supplied to the body along with the other main constituents in ordinary food, will dramatically end "energy requirements" by that mysterious phe- nomenon which we call death* and which we are so familiar with that we almost cease to speculate about its nature. At first sight death may seem to become intelligible when we find that in the higher animals its immediate cause is want of oxygen in the tissues owing to interruption of the circulation or breathing. But further examination shows us that death is no mere stoppage of an engine owing to lack of air or fuel, but also total ruin of what we took to be machinery. It is a mysterious dissolu- tion in the association together of the infinitely complex group of normals which constitute the life the v* At**mb*totg**g**, 1862. RESPIRATION II scarlet as arterial ; and with the blood pump we can easily prove that the scarlet blood contains more dissociable oxygen than the blue. Rosenthal came to the conclusion that it is solely or almost solely in virtue of its varying oxygen content that the blood stimulates the respiratory center or not. 18 Careful blood-gas de- terminations showed that when apnoea had been produced by forced ventilation of the lungs the arterial blood contained a little more oxygen. On the other hand, when oxygenation was rendered incomplete by letting an animal breathe air very poor in oxygen there was an immediate great increase in the breathing, although the discharge of carbonic acid was in no way interfered with. Moreover, when air containing a very large excess of CO 2 was breathed by an animal the rate of breathing remained normal. Rosenthal also brought forward other evidence which appeared to point in the same direction ; but the weak point in his argument was the fact that there is no apnoea when pure oxygen is breathed, although the arterial blood contains a good deal more oxygen than usual. The truth is that he had been misled by the fact that a very high percentage of CO 2 in the air breathed has a narcotic effect, so that the breathing, which is in reality increased at first by raising the percentage of CO 2 in the air of the lungs, quiets down again when the percentage becomes very high. Pfliiger and Dohmen 17 showed that both excess of CO 2 (provided that the CO 2 is not in too great excess) and want of oxygen excite the respira- tory center. A further fact, discovered originally by Traube, 18 but often overlooked by subsequent investigators, was that apnoea could be produced even by a gas such as nitrogen or hydrogen, in which no oxygen was present. Thus if apnoea is due to "over-arterializa- tion" of the arterial blood it can be produced by the simple re- moval of CO 2 , whether or not the oxygen is also diminished, although the artificial ventilation of the lungs must be much more vigorous if apnoea is produced in the absence of oxygen. Meanwhile another theory of apnoea was put forward, and has led, as will be shown later, to the utmost confusion and com- plete misinterpretation of the facts. When the lungs are distended there is, as already mentioned, an interruption in the rhythm of discharge from the respiratory center. The inspiratory muscles, "Rosenthal in Hermann's Hanctbuch cter PkysioL, Vol. IV, 2, 1882. 17 Pfliiger, Pfliiger' s Archiv, I, p. 61, 1868. 13 Traube, Allgem. Med. Centralzeitung, 1862, No. 38, and 1863, No. 97. 12 RESPIRATION and specially the diaphragm, are, and remain till the interruption is broken by an inspiratory effort, relaxed. This interruption of inspiratory effort came to be interpreted as an apnoea, and appears so if only inspiratory muscular movements are recorded, as, for instance, with the method adopted in Hering's laboratory by Head, 19 in which only the contractions of the diaphragm are re- corded, or with other methods which do not record tonic expira- tory effort. Hence it came to be assumed that there exists what is called "vagus apnoea." The next step was to maintain that all apnoea is in reality vagus apnoea, and this inference was supported by the fact that "apnoea" can still be obtained when the arterial blood is blue owing to air containing a very low percentage of oxygen being breathed, and can also be produced (as Lorrain Smith and I found) by air very rich in CO 2 . It was also affirmed by Brown-Sequard that after the vagi are cut apnoea cannot be produced, though this statement can easily be shown to be com- pletely mistaken. With an efficient apparatus for increasing the ventilation of the lungs apnoea can quite readily be produced after section of the vagi. On the other hand, increasingly clear evidence accumulated that apnoea due to over- ventilation of the blood passing through the lungs exists as a matter of fact. The most striking proof of this was afforded by experiments in which Fredericq 20 crossed the circulation of two animals by connecting the vessels in such a way that the respiratory center of each animal was supplied with arterial blood from the other animal. He then found that when excessive artificial respiration was produced in one of the animals apnoea was produced in the other, and when the artificial respira- tion ceased hyperpnoea continued in the animal which had had artificial respiration, since its respiratory center was now receiving blood which was venous owing to the cessation of breathing in the other animal. This hyperpnoea, on the other hand, maintained the apnoea in the other animal, so that one of the animals re- mained apnoeic while the other remained hyperpnoeic. This experiment showed clearly the existence of a true "chemi- cal" apnoea; but, as the existence of vagus apnoea was also con- sidered to be firmly established, the existence of both forms of apnoea came to be generally assumed. As regards vagus apnoea the evidence was considered to show that when apnoea is produced by distending the lungs with air or hydrogen it is vagus apnoea that 19 Head, Journ. of Physiol., X, i and 279, 1889. M Fredericq, Arch, der Physiol., 17, p. 563, 1901. RESPIRATION 13 lasts on after the distention ceases, and from this supposed fact the further inference was drawn that repeated distention of the lungs produces a summed vagus effect resulting in vagus aprioea after the distentions have ceased. Thus the same procedure that causes chemical apnoea seemed to produce also vagus apnoea, and the two kinds of apnoea could hardly be distinguished in practice. Moreover hyperpnoea due to any chemical cause such as want of oxygen or excess of CO 2 must apparently tend to be prevented by the production of vagus apnoea due to repeated distentions of the lungs. The two processes by which the breathing appeared to be regulated acted, therefore, in opposite directions. As regards the chemical stimuli acting on the respiratory center, it remains to consider the further evidence as to the relative im- portance of want of oxygen and excess of CO 2 ; also whether other chemical stimuli act on the center. In 1885 Miescher 21 showed by experiments on man that a given small increase in the per- centage of CO 2 in air affects the breathing considerably, while a corresponding diminution in the oxygen percentage has no such effect. He was thus led to the conclusion that it is the CO 2 per- centage in the air of the lungs that ordinarily determines the chemical regulation of breathing, and not the oxygen percentage. Thus CO 2 protects the body from want of oxygen so long as ordinary air is breathed. It will be seen in the sequel how rela- tively correct this general view of Miescher's was, although he maintained the existence of vagus apnoea and thus shared in the mistakes of his time. In 1888 Geppert and Zuntz 22 published the results of a very careful series of experiments on the effects of muscular work (pro- duced by tetanizing the hind limbs of an animal after section of the spinal cord) on respiration. After bringing forward new evidence that it is the blood which carries the stimulus for increased breath- ing to the respiratory center they showed that during the work the proportion of CO 2 in the blood was greatly diminished, and that there was also a slight increase in the oxygen percentage of the blood. Hence, they argued, it is neither increase in CO 2 per- centage nor diminution in oxygen percentage that causes the hyperpnoea accompanying muscular exertion. They believed that it is some acid substance produced in the muscles, and pointed out that Walter had found that the breathing is much increased in poisoning by acids. 21 Miescher, Arch. f. (Anat. uJ) Physiol., p. 355, 1885. 32 Geppert and Zuntz, Pfltiger's Archiv, XLII, pp. 195, 209, 1888. I 4 RESPIRATION From the foregoing review of the knowledge existing up to the beginning of the present century on the physiological regu- lation of breathing it will be seen that the conclusions reached were unsatisfactory in many ways, and to some extent contra- dictory. On the one hand the nervous regulation through the vagi and other nerves seemed to have no relation to the requirements of the body for oxygen and for removal of CO 2 , and in fact to act antagonistically to these requirements. On the other hand the excitation of the breathing during muscular work seemed also, from the results of Geppert and Zuntz, to have no definite relation to increased requirements for oxygen and CO 2 . There was also no definite quantitative information as to why in normal breathing during rest the composition of the expired air is so constant as it is. Without more exact and consistent physiological knowledge it appeared to be very difficult to interpret the ab- normal breathing so often met with in disease, or to know how to set about investigating it. From still another standpoint the existing knowledge was very unsatisfactory to me personally. From a consideration of the general characteristics which distinguish a living organism from a machine I had become convinced that a living organism cannot be correctly studied piece by piece separately as the parts of a machine can be studied, the working of the whole machine being deduced synthetically from the separate study of each of the parts. A living organism is constantly showing itself to be a self-main- taining whole, and each part must therefore always be behaving as a part of such a self-maintaining whole. In the existing knowledge of the physiology of breathing this characteristic could not be clearly traced. The regulation of breathing did not, as represented in the existing theories, appear to be determined in accordance with the requirements of the body as a whole; and for this reason I doubted the correctness of these theories, and suspected that errors had arisen through the mistake of not study- ing the breathing as one of the coordinated activities of the whole body. In so far as the investigations detailed in succeeding chap- ters originated with me, they were mainly inspired by the con- siderations just mentioned; and, as will be seen in the sequel, the same considerations have led to a reinvestigation and reinterpre- tation of other physiological activities besides breathing. CHAPTER II Carbon Dioxide and Regulation of Breathing. MY attention was first directed to the regulation of breathing by a series of experiments carried out by Lorrain Smith and myself 1 as to the question whether, as had shortly before been asserted by Brown-Sequard and d'Arsonval as a result of a very definite and apparently convincing series of experiments, a poisonous organic substance is given off in expired air. The results of our experi- ments, which were made partly on man and partly on animals, were entirely negative, and left no doubt in our minds that the apparent positive results described were due partly to undetected air leaks which led to animals being asphyxiated, and partly to other experimental errors. In the human experiments we used an air-tight respiration chamber of about 70 cubic feet capacity, in which the air became more and more vitiated by respiration. The effects of the vitiated air on our breathing attracted our attention specially. When the proportion of CO 2 in the air rose to about 3 per cent, and the oxygen fell to about 1 7 per cent (there being 20.94 per cent of oxygen and 0.03 per cent of CO 2 in pure atmospheric air) the breathing began to be noticeably increased. With further vitiation the increase in breathing became more and more marked, until with about 6 per cent of CO 2 and 13 per cent of oxygen the panting was very great, with much consequent exhaustion. When the experiment was repeated, with the difference that the CO 2 was absorbed by means of soda lime, there was no notice- able increase in the breathing before the oxygen fell below about 14 per cent. When, finally, the CO 2 was left in the air, but oxygen was first added so that the oxygen remained abnormally high throughout, the panting was just the same as when ordinary air was used. In short experiments in which the same air was rebreathed from a large bag till we could no longer stand the experiment we found that we had to stop at about 10 per cent of CO 2 , whether oxygen was added or not, and that the oxygen per- centage made no difference to the distress produced. In these experiments there was only about 8 to 9 per cent of oxygen in the 1 Haldane and Lorrain Smith, Journal of Pathology and Bacteriology, I, pp. 168 and 318, 1893. 1 6 RESPIRATION rebreathed air at the end of the experiment; but even this made no difference to the breathing. When, on the other hand, a mixture containing a greatly reduced oxygen percentage, without any addition of CO 2 , was breathed, the breathing was increased sensi- bly, as shown by graphic records, when the oxygen fell to about 12 per cent, and was greatly increased by lower percentages. With extremely low percentages, such as 2 per cent, consciousness was lost quite suddenly after about 50 seconds, before there was time to notice any increase in the breathing. It was evident from these experiments that when the same air is rebreathed, or an insufficient proportion of fresh air is supplied, the increased breathing produced is due simply to excess of CO 2 , until, at least, the oxygen percentage becomes extremely low. It appeared, therefore, that the variations in ordinary breathing in response to variations in the respiratory exchange must be due to the increased CO 2 produced, and not to the increased consump- tion of oxygen. This conclusion was the same as that of Miescher, and supported his views as to the regulation of respiration. When more than about 10 per cent of CO 2 was breathed the effect of the mixture was to produce stupefaction, which was very marked with higher percentages. This effect was already well known in animals, and CO 2 was one of the gases tried as an an- aesthetic by Sir James Simpson before he adopted chloroform. The effect of excess of CO 2 in producing ataxia, stupefaction, and loss of consciousness has become very familiar to me in connection with experiments with mine-rescue apparatus and diving appa- ratus. These effects are readily produced in the presence of a large excess of oxygen, and are therefore quite independent of the effects of want of oxygen. The narcotic effect of a large excess of CO 2 quiets down the respiration, and this effect in animals led many previous observers to overlook almost entirely the ordinary effects of CO 2 in stimulating the breathing. During the next few years after our first experiments I was engaged in the investigation of other problems connected with general metabolism, respiration, and blood gases, but in 1903 returned to the regulation of breathing in a long series of experi- ments carried out in conjunction with Dr. J. G. Priestley, who was then a student at Oxford. It seemed pretty evident that in order to reach clear ideas on the regulation of breathing it was necessary to study very care- fully the composition of the alveolar air which is in contact, through the alveolar epithelium, with the blood passing through RESPIRATION 17 the lungs ; also that this could be best done on man. The composi- tion of human alveolar air under different conditions had already been calculated by Loewy 2 and Zuntz from the volume occupied by a plaster cast of the respiratory passages in a dead body and the average composition and volume of a breath of expired air. The expired air is evidently a mixture of air from the alveoli with the air which remains in the respiratory tubes at the end of inspira- tion. This air is presumably but little altered by diffusion through the walls of the respiratory tubes, and so far as respiratory ex- change is concerned the volume of the lumen of these tubes must constitute a "dead space" in breathing. The dead space is occupied by alveolar air at the end of expiration, and by more or less pure atmospheric air at the end of inspiration. If we know the volume of the dead space, and the volume and composition of the air expired at each breath, we can calculate the average composition of the alveolar air. It is, however, im- possible to estimate directly the volume of the dead space in a particular individual with any accuracy, or to be sure that it remains the same under different physiological conditions. The bronchi and bronchioles are provided with a muscular coat by means of which their lumen is capable of contracting or dilating. Apart from this the air in the alveoli which are nearest to the end of a bronchus will contain purer air during inspiration than during expiration, and this introduces a further complication. To get a reliable knowledge of the composition of alveolar air it seemed desirable to make direct determinations. The method introduced by Priestley and myself 3 is simply to make a sharp and deep expiration through a piece of hose pipe about four feet long and one inch in diameter, and provided with a plain glass mouth- piece which is closed by the tongue at the end of the expiration (Figure i). By means of a narrow bore glass tube filled with mercury and introduced air-tight into the hose pipe near the mouthpiece, a sample of the last part of the expired air is then at once taken directly into the gas analysis apparatus as indicated in Figure i, 4 or else into a vacuous sampling tube. 5 If the sample is to be a normal one the breathing must be quite normal before 2 Loewy, Pfluger's Archiv, LVIII, p. 416, 1894. 8 Haldane and Priestley, Journ. of Pkysiol., XXXII, p. 225, 1905. * For physiological work methods of air analysis which are both accurate and rapid are required. A description of the methods which I introduced with this in view will be found in my book, Methods of Air Analysis, London, Charles Griffin & Co., Third Edition, 1920. * If the sample is too large some pure air may be drawn in. 18 RESPIRATION the deep expiration ; and it requires some care to secure this. Under normal resting conditions the depth of expiration needed in order to give a reliable sample at the end of inspiration is at least 800 cc. With less than this the sample is likely to be mixed with air of Figure i. Apparatus for obtaining and analysing alveolar air. the apparent dead space; for though with normal breathing the volume of the apparent dead space is far less than 800 cc., at least three or four times its volume of alveolar air is needed in order to flush it and the breathing tube out thoroughly. If more than about 800 cc. are expired, the composition of the sample is the same whatever the depth of the expiration, and we designated air of this constant composition as "alveolar air" although, as will be shown later, the composition of the air in the alveoli is by no means such a simple matter as we thought. The following are the averages of results which I obtained on this point when the samples were taken just at the end of inspiration. 6 Vol. of air expired through tube 190 cc. 335 5io 650 950 1350 Per cent of COz in sample taken from tube 3-03 4-37 5-04 5-19 5-51 5.48 As soon as this method of sampling the alveolar air was applied on ourselves and others it became evident that the alveolar CO 2 and O 2 percentage during rest under normal conditions are sur- * Haldane, Amer. Journ. of Physiol., XXXVIII, p. 20, 1915. RESPIRATION 19 prisingly constant for each individual. As the depth of breathing cannot be kept absolutely steady and the composition of the al- veolar air varies slightly with inspiration and expiration it is best to take at least two samples one just at the end of inspiration, and another just at the end of expiration. The following tables give the CO 2 percentages in samples of our normal resting alveolar air, taken in the sitting position during rest at intervals over about 20 months in 1903 to 1905. Since then we have made many further determinations, but the percentages have remained nearly the same. They are slightly lower or higher on some days than on others, and other observers have noticed this in them- selves. J. S. H. Barometric COi per cent, CO* per cent. COa per cent, pressure in end- of end of mean mm. of Hg. inspiration expiration 759 5-33 5.76 5-545 747 5-47 5.69 5.56 748 5.56 5-70 5.63 748 5-59 5.87 573 748 5-38 5.60 5-49 748 5-33 5-94 5-40 749 5-8o 5-5i 5-87 749 5-66 5-59 5.585 765 5.63 5.83 5.6i 759 5-42 5-72 5-625 758 . 5-74 5-72 571 765 5-53 5-72 5-62 Mean 754 5-54 5-72 5-63 It will be seen that, as might be expected, the inspiratory samples give on an average a somewhat lower result than the expiratory ones. The average for one subject is 5.63 per cent and for the other 6.28. The slight variations of individual results from these averages are evidently not due merely to changes in barometric pressure. When ordinary air was breathed the oxygen percentage in the alveolar air was nearly as steady as the CO 2 percentage. When, however, the oxygen and CO 2 percentages in the inspired air were varied it became quite evident that the breathing is regu- 20 RESPIRATION J. G. P. Barometric COa per cent, COz per cent, COt per cent, pressure in end, of end, of mean mm. of ffg. inspiration expiration 759 6.18 6-43 6.305 754 6. 5 I 6.63 6.57 747 6.10 6.70 6.40 753 6.81 6.86 6.835 758 5-95 6.74 6-35 758 5-82 6.23 6.025 758 5-93 6.21 6.07 754 6.12 6.33 6.215 754 6.26 6.20 6.23 754 6.23 6.05 6.14 75i 5-66 6.75 6.205 75i 5.98 5-99 5.985 762 6.37 6.29 6.33 762 6.24 6.09 6.165 765 6-39 6.43 6.41 Mean 756 6.17 6-39 6.28 lated so as to give a constant percentage of CO 2 and not of oxy- gen. The following results were obtained with oxygen percentages varied at intervals in the same subject. OXYGEN PERCENTAGE CO2 PERCENTAGE Inspired, at r Alveolar air Inspired, air Alveolar air 80.24 72.21 0.20 5.84 63.67 57-57 0.14 5.41 20.93 14.50 0.03 5-54 16.03 10.39 O.O5 5-62 15.82 10.59 0.05 5.6o 15.63 10.60 0.07 5-45 12.85 8-34 0.06 5.37 12.78 7.80 0.07 5.28 11-33 8.96 O.IO 3.85 11.09 7.10 0.10 4-89 6.23 4.30 0.09 3-57 This table shows that increase in the oxygen percentage over short periods had no noticeable influence on the alveolar CO 2 percentage, and that not until the oxygen percentage in the in- RESPIRATION 21 spired air was lowered to about 12 or 13 and the alveolar oxygen percentage to about 8 was there any marked decrease in the CO 2 percentage. With a greater lowering of the oxygen percentage than this, however, the breathing was so much increased as to lower the CO 2 percentage considerably. When the CO 2 percentage in the inspired air was increased, on the other hand, the effect was strikingly different. Instead of the alveolar CO 2 rising in any direct correspondence to the rise in the inspired CO 2 , the increase in alveolar CO 2 was so slight as to be hardly appreciable even with a rise of 2 or 3 per cent in the CO 2 of the inspired air. This is evident from the following ex- periments, made in the air-tight chamber. SUBJECT CO 2 PER CENT CO 2 PER CENT IN RELATIVE IN INSPIRED ALVEOLAR AIR RATES OF AIR ALVEOLAR VENTILATION End of End of inspiration expiration Mean J. S. H. 0.03 5-42 5-83 5.62 IOO 2.07 5.60 153 3-80 6.03 5-92 5-97 258 0.03 5-74 5-72 5-71 IOO 1.74 5-59 5.71 5.65 143 3.98 5-99 6.16 6.03 277 5.28 6.44 6.66 6-55 447 J. G. P. 0.03 6-85 6.28 6.31 IOO 5-29 6.92 6.86 6.89 392 6.66 7.62 7.72 7.67 622 7.66 8.34 8.56 8-45 795 The evident effect of adding CO 2 to the inspired air was so to increase the breathing that, if the percentage added was not too high, the CO 2 percentage in the alveolar air was kept nearly constant. Of the delicacy of this reaction it is easy, from the fig- ures, to form a fair estimate. With a moderate amount of hyperp- noea, and provided that, as was actually the case, sufficient time has elapsed to eliminate the influence of any temporary damming back of CO 2 within the body, the discharge of CO 2 by the lungs is about the same during hyperpnoea as during rest. Hence it is possible to calculate how great a relative increase in the alve- olar ventilation is brought about by a given increase in the alveolar 22 RESPIRATION CO 2 percentage. We found that about 0.23 per cent increase in the alveolar CO 2 gives 100 per cent increase in the resting alveolar ventilation. For instance with 4.16 per cent of CO 2 in the inspired air, the alveolar CO 2 percentage would rise to about 6.06 per cent, if it had been about 5.6 per cent when pure air was breathed. As the difference between 4.16 and 6.06 is only a third of the difference between o.o and 5.6, it follows that the alveolar ventila- tion is thrice as great with the slightly raised alveolar CO 2 per- centage. A more precise measure of the effects of raising the alveolar CO 2 percentage on the lung ventilation has more recently been obtained by Campbell, Douglas, and Hobson, 7 who found that for an increase of 10 liters per minute in the volume of air breathed there was an increase of 0.28 per cent (or 2 mm. of mercury pressure) in the alveolar CO 2 . An increase of 0.17 per cent was sufficient to double the alveolar ventilation during complete rest in a deck chair. If an increase of 0.2 per cent in the alveolar CO 2 is sufficient to double the alveolar ventilation it might be expected that a decrease of 0.2 per cent would cause the breathing to cease. As already mentioned, forced breathing or excessive artificial respira- tion causes temporary cessation of natural breathing, or apnoea. After forced breathing for about a minute the subsequent apnoea commonly lasts for about 1^2 minutes in man. The alveolar CO 2 percentage is markedly diminished for a few seconds by even a single extra deep breath of pure air, and correspondingly in- creased by a breath of air containing more than 5 or 6 per cent of CO 2 . It is easy to show, however, that the full effect of the dimin- ished or increased percentage of CO 2 on the respiratory center is not immediate. This is just what might be expected. The arterial blood leaving the lungs at any moment is doubtless saturated with CO 2 to a point corresponding with the existing percentage of CO 2 in the alveolar air; but when this blood reaches the tissues it comes in contact with tissue and lymph saturated with CO 2 to the normal extent, but possessing a considerable capacity for absorbing more CO 2 . In consequence of this the tissues, including the res- piratory center, take some time to get into equilibrium with the new level of saturation with CO 2 in the arterial blood. Hence in order to measure the real effect of any increase or diminution in the alveolar CO 2 percentage, it is necessary to maintain this per- centage constant for some time. When air containing an excess 'Campbell, Douglas, and Hobson, Journ. of Physiol., XLVIII, p. 303, 1914. RESPIRATION 23 of CO 2 is breathed, the alveolar CO 2 percentage naturally be- comes constant after a few minutes ; but with forced breathing of ordinary air it is not possible to maintain an alveolar CO 2 per- centage which is below the normal by some required small amount. To get over this difficulty we employed forced breathing with air to which CO 2 had been added, and found that on successive trials with increasing percentages of CO 2 in the inspired air the duration of apnoea following forced breathing diminished until, when there was more than about 4.7 per cent of CO 2 in the inspired air, no apnoea at all was produced. It was thus evident that a very small diminution in the alveolar CO 2 percentage produces apnoea. The actual composition of the alveolar air at the end of forced breathing in similar experiments was determined later by Douglas and myself. 8 It was found that with more than 4.7 per cent of CO 2 in the inspired air no apnoea could be produced by forced breathing, however hard, in a person whose normal alveolar CO 2 percentage was about 5.6, and that apnoea was only produced if the alveolar CO 2 was reduced by more than 0.2 per cent below the normal. When, however, the CO 2 in the inspired air was lower, so that the alveolar CO 2 percentage was reduced by more than 0.2 per cent, apnoea was produced. It is thus clear that the cause of the apnoea following forced breathing is reduction in the CO 2 percentage in the alveolar air, and that a reduction of as little as 0.2 per cent is sufficient to cause apnoea. The astounding sensitiveness of the respiratory center to CO 2 is thus clearly established in both an upward and a downward direction. A mean increase or diminution of .01 per cent in the alveolar CO 2 will evidently produce an increase or diminution of 5 per cent in the alveolar ventilation, or of about 400 cc. per minute in the lung ventilation. It may be useful to review briefly the sources of error in the views current until recently with regard to the causes of the apnoea produced by excessive ventilation of the lungs. One view was that the excess of oxygen in the arterial blood causes the apnoea. This theory had so little evidence to support it that it is very surprising that it should have remained current so long. It is true that during excessive artificial respiration the arterial blood contains slightly more oxj^gen than usual; but there is a still greater excess during the quiet normal breathing of pure oxygen, which causes not the smallest sign of apnoea. Rosenthal 9 laid great 8 Campbell, Douglas, Haldane, and Hobson, Journ. of Physiol,, XLVI, p. 312. - Rosenthal in Hermann's Handbuch tier Physiologic, IV, 2, p. 266. 24 RESPIRATION stress on an experiment in which on slightly raising the pres- sure in a spirometer from which an animal is breathing, the an- imal stops breathing; and he attributed this to increase in the partial pressure of the oxygen in the spirometer. The real cause was quite evidently the distention of the animal's lungs by the pressure, as in the experiments of Hering and Breuer. When a man or animal has been rendered hyperpnoeic from want of oxy- gen, and the hyperpnoea has reduced the normal percentage of CO 2 in the alveolar air and blood, apnoea is produced by supply- ing more oxygen; but this apnoea is of course dependent on de- ficiency of CO 2 , and cannot, therefore, be cited in support of the oxygen theory of ordinary apnoea. The other erroneous theory that apnoea following forced breathing is due to a summation of inhibitory vagus stimuli aris- ing from distention of the lungs in the forced breathing was based on two fallacies. The first was that intact vagi are necessary for the production of apnoea by artificial respira- tion. This is certainly not the case; for apnoea can be produced quite promptly and easily after section of the vagi. It is necessary, however, to make sure that the excessive artificial ventilation is really effective in ventilating the lungs, since after section of the vagi the natural breathing does not follow the rhythm of the artificial respiration, and may thus partly annul the effects of the latter. The other fallacy connected with the vagus theory of ordinary apnoea was that when air containing little or no oxygen is used for artificial respiration an apnoea due to excessive aeration of the blood is impossible. Advocates of the vagus theory wrongly thought only of oxygen want in connection with aeration of the blood. They thus attributed to vagus excitation any apnoea which was produced in presence of defective oxygenation of the blood, ignoring the fact that deficiency of CO 2 was present along with defective oxygenation, and that this fact explained the observed apnoea. Provided that the alveolar CO 2 percentage is sufficiently reduced, apnoea can be produced readily in spite of great defi- ciency of oxygen in the alveolar air. The fact that apnoea is produced when forced breathing reduces the alveolar CO 2 percentage by as little as 0.2 per cent (with the alveolar oxygen percentage not abnormally low), and that if this reduction is prevented no amount of excessive lung ventilation will produce apnoea, affords, in conjunction with the other facts already referred to, conclusive evidence that the apnoea following RESPIRATION 25 excessive lung ventilation is due to lowering of the alveolar CO 2 percentage, and not to either of the other causes to which the apnoea has also been attributed. The vagus theory of the apnoea caused by increased lung ventilation involved the very great improbability that a special arrangement exists in the body for bringing increased breathing to an end, regardless of whether a continuance of the increased breathing is physiologically required or not. It seemed almost incredible that such a theory could be correct. The ease with which apnoea due to reduction of CO 2 in the alveolar air might be taken for an apnoea due to the after effect of mere distention of the lungs is clearly shown by the stetho- graphic tracings of human breathings reproduced in Figures 2 to 7. 10 Figure 2 shows apnoea as an after effect of inflation of the lungs, while Figure 3 shows that when the inflation is made with air containing 4.6 per cent of CO 2 , so as to prevent reduction of the alveolar CO 2 percentage, no apnoea succeeds the period of inflation. The apnoea appearing as an after effect in Figure 2 is therefore due to reduction of the alveolar CO 2 in consequence of the distention with pure air. Figure 2. Figure 3. Effects of distention for 8 sees. Crosses show beginning and end of distention. To read from left to right. In Fig. 2 pure air is used for distention ; in Fig. 3 air containing 4.62 per cent COz. Figures 4, 5, and 6 illustrate the same point. In Figures 4 and 5 there is apnoea succeeding a short distention, but not immedi- 10 Christiansen and Haldane, Journ. of Physwl., XLVIII, p. 274, 1914. 26 RESPIRATION ately, since a few seconds were needed before the "apnoeic" blood could affect the respiratory center. In Figure 6 the distention was sufficiently prolonged for the "apnoeic" blood to affect the center before the end of distention. The effect is therefore similar to that in Figure 2. Figure 4. Figure 5. Figure 6. Effects of distention with pure air for increasing short periods. Crosses show beginning and end of distention. To read from left to right. Fig. 4 distention for i sec. ; Fig. 5 for 3 sees. ; and Fig. 6 for 5 sees. The regularity of ordinary breathing is constantly being inter- fered with in various ways, as for instance during talking or singing; and the breath can if necessary be held for about a minute by voluntary effort. The readiness with which these interruptions occur has given rise to the popular idea that the supply of air to the lungs is to a large extent under voluntary control, and can be increased or diminished by proper training. In reality the mean RESPIRATION 27 ventilation of the lungs is not affected by ordinary interruptions. This is strikingly shown by experiments which we made on the effects of voluntarily varying the frequency of breathing. The frequency of breathing varies considerably among normal individuals, or in the same individual at different times ; and it is easy to vary the frequency while leaving the depth of breathing to regulate itself in a natural manner. On making experiments of this kind Priestley and I found the following percentages of CO 2 in the alveolar air : ALVEOLAR CO 2 PERCENTAGE RESPIRATIONS End, of End of Mean PER MINUTE . inspiration expiration J. S. H. 9 5-59 5.87 573 19 5.56 570 5.63 J. S. H. 9 5-33 5-47. 540 20 5-44 5.60 5-52 J. G. P. 10.5 5-95 6.74 6-35 30 5.98 6.05 6.02 In a recent series, made on myself ten years later, 11 the fre- quency was varied within much wider limits, with the following results : ALVEOLAR CO 2 PERCENTAGE RESPIRATIONS End of End of Mean PER MINUTE inspiration expiration { 30 4 5-66 5-24 570 6.09 S-te 5-66 ( 24 5.48 5-49 5.48 ( 6 5-40 573 5.56 r 36 5.63 573 5-68 J 4 5.II 6.34 572 1 3 5-10 6.24 5.71 I 60 6.17 6.16 6.16 It will be seen that in spite of variations from 3 to 36 per minute in the frequency of breathing the alveolar CO 2 percentage re- "Haldane, Amer. Journ. of PhysioL, XXXVIII, p. 20, 1915. 28 RESPIRATION mained constant, since increased or diminished depth of breathing compensated for diminished or increased frequency. The manner in which this correspondence between depth and frequency is brought about will be discussed in the next chapter. During any considerable muscular exertion the discharge of CO 2 from the lungs is enormously increased ; and in view of the facts already described we should expect to find the breathing similarly increased, with a rise in the alveolar CO 2 percentage corresponding to the rise observed when the breathing is corre- spondingly increased by breathing air containing an excess of CO 2 . Priestley and I obtained the following mean results during work on a somewhat primitive bicycle ergometer. ALVEOLAR CO 2 PERCENTAGE CALCULATED End of End of Mean RESPIRATORY EXCHANGE inspiration expiration J. S. H. Rest I 5-54 570 5.62 Work 4-9 5-44 6.05 5-75 J. G. P. Rest I 6.17 6-39 6.28 Work 3-8 6-45 6.98 6.72 Mean Rest i 5.85 6.045 5.95 Work 4-3 5-945 6-545 6.235 In this series there was thus only a mean rise of 0.285 per cent in the alveolar CO 2 , whereas we had expected to find a rise of about 0.6. The correspondence was, however, in the right direc- tion, and we endeavored, mistakenly as afterwards appeared, to explain the lack of exact correspondence. A more complete series was carried out later with much im- proved apparatus by Douglas and myself, with Douglas as sub- ject. 12 The accompanying table shows the data for volume of air breathed, oxygen consumed, CO 2 given off, composition of ex- pired air, and of alveolar air. In these experiments we used the now well-known bag method of Douglas for determining the respiratory exchange. 13 It will be seen from this table that with a CO 2 production in- creased from 264 cc. per minute during rest standing to 1398 cc. per minute during walking at 4 miles on grass the alveolar CO 2 percentage rose from 5.70 to 6.36, i.e., by 0.66 per cent. The vol- ume of air breathed per minute was increased from 10.4 to 37.3, u Douglas and Haldane, Journ. of Physiol., XLV, p. 235, 1912. "Douglas, Journ. of Physwl., XLII, Proc. Physiol. Soc., p. xvii, 1911. RESPIRATION 29 tx O COi per cent in alveolar ON tx Tj" T^* ^* o co vO ^" O OO O air m to vO vo vo vo vO vo vo vo VO vo ON Tf COz per cent in expired air M . M . 10 ONOO 01 10 tx O 01 O ON 01 CO covo iovo iO txOO tx CO co Vol. of each breath in cc. at 37 *- moist, and pre- tx 01 vailing barometric pres- *$ vo sure. vo M coiOO ^lO^-O 10 010l^-ioOOO l OOO-* 00 w tXtxONOl TtOl 01 lOCOiO Breaths per min. vo ^ Ol ^rfvo ^OO txOOOO ON Liters of air breathed per tx COVO ONOO O fO 01 10 co ON prevailing barometric pres- 2 VO 00 O * ON tx rj-vo M O sure. COz production in cc. per ONVO min. at oC. and 760 mm. M 01 tx 01 txOO M CO O vo VO VO co 01 10 ON LOCO O CO iovo txO\O fOOl txO co M hi M M 01 01 Oz consumption in cc. per co 01 min. at oC. and 760 mm. * ^ VOOO OVOOO O\o\o ^ "^ VOtXONO HH LOTfO MlO M M M M Ol 01 01 }H >-i >-i ^H >-( $ S $ $ C^ /'"N C3 /^*N rt x^v c^ ^"^ C^ ^* s ^ r^ bjOr^ fcJDr^ tU) r^ tUO ^H tlJO g rt ffj fa J, JLa <8 ~ 1 a NCNXN P^^2 ; W W coco^-^-^^uouo 30 RESPIRATION or by 26.9 liters. This corresponds very closely to the estimate by Campbell, Douglas, and Hobson of an increase of 10 liters per minute in the breathing for every .26 per cent of increased alveolar CO 2 at normal barometric pressure. When, however, the CO 2 production was increased still further, the alveolar CO 2 percentage, instead of continuing to increase, began to diminish, and was only 6.10 per cent with the maximum CO 2 production (2386 cc.) and volume of air breathed (60.9 liters). Quite clearly, an additional factor or factors besides mere increase in the alveolar CO 2 percentage was coming into play; for with the higher rates of CO 2 production the lung ventilation is not merely increasing in the same fixed proportion as before to the increased production of CO 2 , but at a slightly higher rate. What this additional factor is will be discussepl later; but mean- while we may rest content with the broad fact that the increased ventilation is almost in proportion to the increased production of CO 2 , just as we should expect from the other facts already dis- cussed with regard to the regulation of breathing. It was shown by Paul Bert 14 that the physiological actions of CO 2 , oxygen, and other gases present in the air breathed depend on their partial pressure. It is only when the barometric pressure is constant that their action depends on the percentage proportions in which they are present in the air. The method of calculating the partial pressure of the CO 2 in the alveolar air may be illus- trated by an example. Let us suppose that the barometric pressure is 760 mm., and that 5.6 per cent of CO 2 is found in the alveolar air. In the first place allowance must be made for the aqueous vapor present in the alveolar air, which in the living body must be saturated with aqueous vapor at the body temperature. The pres- sure exercised by this aqueous vapor is 47 mm. Hence the remain- ing gas pressure is 760 47=713 mm. Of this pressure 5.6 per cent is due to CO 2 (the results of the gas analysis being always in terms of dry air) . Hence the pressure of CO 2 is 760 47 5-6 x = 39.9 mm., or 5.25 per cent of an atmosphere, i oo since 39.9 is 5.25 per cent of 760. From Paul Bert's results it might be confidently predicted that it is not the mere percentage but the pressure of CO 2 in the alve- olar air which regulates the breathing, and our experiments left no doubt on this point. On descending one of the deepest mines, and ascending the highest hill in Great Britain, we found that the "Paul Bert, La Pression barometrique, Paris, 1878. RESPIRATION 31 pressure of CO 2 in the alveolar air remained about constant, while the percentage varied. A more conclusive experiment was made in a large steel pressure chamber, employed at the Brompton Hospi- tal, London, for the treatment of asthma. In this chamber the only one then existing in England of the kind we compared our alveolar air at normal atmospheric pressure, and at the highest pressure which the chamber would stand. The mean results were as follows : Barometric pressure CO* per cent CO* pressure in in mm. ffg. in dry alveolar per cent of atr one atmosphere J. G. P. I26l 3-64 5.83 765 6.41 6.05 J. S. H. 1258 3.42 5.46 765 5.62 S-3I Mean 1260 3.53 5.64 765 6.01 5-68 It is quite clear from these results that it is the pressure of CO 2 in the alveolar air, and not its mere percentage, which regulates the breathing. It is also as evident from these experiments as from those already mentioned in which the oxygen percentage was varied, that the oxygen pressure in the alveolar air may be increased very greatly without at the time affecting the regula- tion of the CO 2 pressure. The actual alveolar oxygen pressure was 13.0 per cent of an atmosphere in the observations at ordinary pressure, and 26.8 per cent in those at the high pressure. Still more striking results were obtained by Leonard Hill and Greenwood, 15 and by Boycott 16 in steel chambers erected later for the investigation of the effects of high atmospheric pressures. Hill and Greenwood obtained the following results. They considered at the time that their results showed that the production of CO 2 remained unaltered during the experiments; and it is evident that had the volume of air breathed and the mass of CO 2 produced remained the same the results would have been as they found. But the constancy of the partial pressure of CO 2 was certainly due, not to the cause which they suggested, but to the fact that the breathing was regulated so as to keep the partial pressure of CO 2 steady. "Hill and Greenwood, Proc. Roy. Soc., 1906, B, LXXVII, p. 442, 1906. 18 Boycott and Haldane, Journ. of Physiol., XXXVII, p. 365, 1908. 32 RESPIRATION ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE IN ALVEOLAR CO 2 ALVEOLAR CO a PRESSURE IN MM. HG. PERCENTAGE IN MM. HG. Hill Greenwood Hill Greenwood 760 4-7 5-3 33-5 37-8 4640 0-75 0.9 34-4 4L3 3860 0-95 1.0 36.2 38.1 3090 1.2 1-3 36.5 39.5 2310 1.8 1.8 40.7 40.7 1540 2.5 2.7 37-5 40.5 760 5-o 5-4 35-6 38.5 The results of Boycott and Haldane with Boycott as subject are shown graphically in Figure 7. It will be seen that, provided that the alveolar oxygen pressure was prevented from falling so low as to cause want of oxygen, the alveolar CO 2 pressure re- mained steady with variations of the barometric pressure from 300 to 2800 mm. and corresponding variations in the alveolar CO 2 percentage from 15 to 1.5. The daily variations of atmospheric pressure at any one place are not sufficiently great to cause any considerable variations in the alveolar CO 2 percentage, and there are other causes, discussed below, which cause distinct variations in the alveolar CO 2 present. Even, therefore, if we take into consideration the daily variations of atmospheric pressure, the resting alveolar CO 2 pressure is not quite constant at different times in the same individual, and varies considerably in different individuals. The differences in the alveolar CO 2 pressure in different indi- viduals, and in different sexes and at different ages, were investi- gated by Miss Fitz Gerald and myself. We obtained the following results from a number of different persons, 17 living at Oxford. ALVEOLAR CO a PRESSURES IN MM. OF MERCURY Mean Maximum Minimum Men 39-2 44-5 32.6 Women 36.3 41.0 30.4 Boys 37-2 42.1 30.6 Girls 35-2 40.1 31.2 17 Haldane and FitzGerald, Journ, of Physiol., XXXII, p. 491, 1905. RESPIRATION 33 The investigations of Priestley and myself brought out the remarkable fact that the composition of the alveolar air is the same no matter how deep the breath may be from the last portion of which the sample is taken. According to descriptions commonly 3000 2600 200 2200 1800 1400 1000 air pressure mm Hg Figure 7. Effects of variation in barometric pressure on alveolar gas pres- sures and percentage of CO 2 in A. E. B. The dotted lines show results when oxygen was added to the air. current of the anatomical relations of bronchioles to alveoli one would have expected that the deeper parts of a breath, coming from alveoli far from the bronchioles, would contain more CO 2 , since these alveoli must get less fresh air than the alveoli near a bronchiole. It was somewhat of a puzzle that this was not the case. I was unaware of the anatomical investigations which had been carried out ten years earlier by a distinguished American investi- gator, W. S. Miller, who by using the laborious "reconstruction" method had discovered the true anatomical arrangement. 18 Figure 8, modified from a colored plate in Miller's latest paper, shows 18 Miller, Journ. of Morphol., VIII, p. 165, 1893, and XXIV, p. 459, 1913. 34 RESPIRATION diagrammatically this arrangement. The finest ordinary bronchi- oles divide up to form "respiratory bronchioles" with alveoli in Figure 8. Diagram showing arrangement of three lung lobules, with their bronchiole, respiratory bronchioles, alveolar ducts, atria, and air- sacs. (After colored plate by Miller, Journ. of Morphol. 24, p. 459, 1913.) their walls, and the respiratory bronchioles branch into "alveolar ducts" lined with ordinary alveoli, and each opening into from RESPIRATION 35 two to five distributing chambers which he named "atria," and which are also lined with alveoli. From each atrium a number of openings lead onwards into what he calls "air- sacs," which are main cavities of which the walls are also constituted of alveoli or air cells. By far the greater part of the alveoli belong to the air- sac system, but a certain number belong to the respiratory bron- chioles, alveolar ducts and atria; and the latter act partly as air passages to the air sacs, and partly perform the same respiratory functions as the air sacs themselves. With this anatomical arrangement the whole of an air-sac sys- tem is about equally well ventilated with fresh air, the only alveoli which receive an undue supply of fresh air being those of the respiratory bronchioles, alveolar ducts and atria. We can thus understand why it is that the deeper parts of a very deep breath have exactly the same composition as the middle parts. Evidently however what Priestley and I called "alveolar air" is air-sac air. The fact that the atria, etc., have partly a respiratory function, and partly act as air passages to the air-sac system, enables us also to clear up some otherwise unintelligible facts with regard to the "dead space" in breathing. The dead space was first esti- mated roughly by Loewy from the volume of a cast of the respiratory passages, taken in a human lung after death. As this method seemed uncertain, Priestley and I made determinations by comparing the composition of a whole breath of expired air with the composition of what we took to be the whole alveolar air. We calculated the expired air as a mixture of this alveolar air with fresh air occupying the dead space. In this way we found that during rest the volume of the "effective dead space" is about 30 per cent of the volume of the average tidal air. For greater certainty Douglas and I collected the whole of the expired air over a certain period, and made the same calculation from the average volume and composition of each breath, compared with the composition of the alveolar air. 19 We then found that the "effective dead space" is far greater during the hyperpnoea of hard muscular work than during rest. As we were then still un- aware of Miller's work we interpreted our observations as indicat- ing that the bronchi or other respiratory passages become wider during hyperpnoea, so as to enable air to enter the lungs more easily. Any one who examines a section of lung must be struck at once by the fact that the mucous membrane of the bronchi is usually in folds, indicating that if the muscular coat relaxed the 19 Douglas and Haldane, Journ. of Physwl., XLV, p. 235, 1912. 36 RESPIRATION folds would open out and the lumen of the bronchi would greatly increase. We thought it probable that such a relaxation occurs during hyperpnoea, and that this explains the increase of the dead space. Using a method which Siebeck first introduced, Krogh and Lindhard 20 then redetermined the dead space, and concluded that it does not appreciably increase during hyperpnoea. Their method was to take in a small measured breath of a hydrogen mixture: they then made a deep expiration, which was measured, and from the deeper part of which a sample of the alveolar air was taken. From the percentage of hydrogen in the alveolar air, as compared with the higher percentage in the whole expired air, the volume of the dead space could be calculated on the assumption that it was filled with the original hydrogen mixture. The question was then independently reinvestigated about the same time by Yandell Henderson, Chillingworth, and Whitney at Yale, and myself at Oxford. We reached the same conclusion namely that the apparent effective dead space is enormously in- creased during hyperpnoea, as Douglas and I had found, but that the increase is due simply to mechanical causes, and occurs whether or not the respiratory center is excited by excess of CO 2 or other causes. Our papers appeared together in the American Journal of Physiology. 2 ^ In their determinations Krogh and Lindhard had inspired the same volume of the hydrogen mixture whether there was air hunger at the time or not, and consequently they got the same dead space; whereas our experiments were made with the very deep breathing which is naturally associated with air hunger, and consequently the dead space was increased. Miller's investigations enable us to explain the great increase of the "effective dead space" with deep inspirations. Considering the relative thickness and stoutness of the bronchial walls it seems very improbable that the bronchi, surrounded as they are by very yielding lung tissue, could passively dilate appreciably owing to a deeper inspiration, and this consideration led Douglas and me to believe that they must dilate owing to a relaxation of their muscular walls a theory negatived by the later experi- ments. What dilate during deep breathing are evidently not the bronchi but Miller's "alveolar ductules" and "atria," which serve as air passages to the "air-sacs," and' which must expand along 20 Krogh and Lindhard, Journ. of Physwl., XLVIII, p. 30, 1913. 21 Yandell Henderson, Chillingworth, and Whitney; also Haldane, Amer. Journ. of Physiol., XXXVIII, pp. i and 20, 1915. RESPIRATION 37 with the general expansion of the lungs. In addition, they are more completely washed out by fresh air during inspiration. It also fol- lows that the "effective or virtual dead space" is neither a definite anatomical space nor a fixed dead space in any sense, but a value dependent on several variable factors. These factors include the rates at which CO 2 passes outwards and oxygen passes inwards between the air and blood at different points in the alveolar sys- tem. For this reason the "effective dead space" is different for oxygen and CO 2 . The over-ventilation of the atria, etc., removes from the blood circulating round them an extra proportion of carbon dioxide, but cannot, for a reason which will be discussed later, give to the blood any appreciable extra amount of oxygen. During inspiration this extra proportion of CO 2 passes on to the saccular alveoli, but not during expiration. The "respiratory quotient," or ratio between the volume of carbon dioxide given off and of oxygen absorbed, is thus abnormally high in the air expired from the atria, etc., and as a consequence abnormally low in the air sacs, so that the "effective dead space," as calculated from deficiency of oxygen in the expired air, compared with that in the "alveolar air," is greater than when the dead space is calcu- lated from the relative CO 2 percentages. The respiratory quotient for the "alveolar air" is also below the correct value as calculated from the composition of the mixed expired air. The following table, giving results on myself, shows the varia- tions in the "effective dead space" with varying depth of breathing as calculated both from CO 2 and from oxygen, and also the differ- ences between the respiratory quotient as calculated from the expired air and from the alveolar air. Using a slightly different method, Henderson, Chillingworth, and Whitney got similar re- sults. It will be seen from this table how enormously the apparent dead space varies with the depth of breathing and how much greater the dead space calculated from the oxygen is than that calculated from the CO 2 . A further point which comes out is that with deep breathing the difference between the alveolar CO 2 percentages at the beginning and end of expiration is far less than the difference between the oxygen percentages. This is mainly because the extra CO 2 washed out of the alveolar ductules and atria passes on into the saccular alveoli during inspiration. A further point is that the true respiratory quotient is about a sixth higher than the alveolar respiratory quotient. The fact that the alveolar respiratory quotient is a good deal lower than the true 38 RESPIRATION M-- o u slS S S S = Sl g l So II J3 U I S ON ON N ~ ON -i vo ON N M NH t^ N !>>. VO I-M 00 N N M -l HH HH ~ O 00 CO vo N ON O O O O O O O O O N oo *- N u-v o ^ O m oo t^. vo O rn 4- 4- en ro ro rn "^" l^ L^ -^- ON N uo c OOQN t^-ONri-CO O 00 ur> Ti- 00 U^ Sc ^>ONO-I ON^-OONH .: r\ vo ^-*^ vo t^ *-^s ~^^ ON u^i \j-\ u~v is-\ i^\ u~) vr> w ^ o c ^-O WG vovo u^u^u-,o^u^^o H..O ThN tnunvo u-NThoo G oou^u->-.i^ooOO + l^ O i^oooooo N S*S' oooo ONOOOOOO t-^oo odddddod OONTJ-NOONr^ Q vovovof^t-^voi^oo* ONVO ^t-"-" ONOO N ON N lr\ N CO LO i-r\ N OO 4-4-4- , o H J < ac S 55 1^ 2 w SSgisl! Q W ^ < W * m O en O 00 m CO vr\ rj- NN ON TJ- TJ- vo vo vo rt- N N - vo oo t^ t~^ TJ- o _ M N VO RESPIRATION . 39 quotient had been noticed by us before this in the work of the Pike's Peak Expedition (to be referred to later), but had not been explained. It is quite evident from the table that the composition of the deep alveolar air cannot be even approximately calculated from that of the expired air by assuming the existence of a con- stant dead space. The latter assumption has caused great confusion in recent years, particularly in the work of the Copenhagen School. It was shown by Yandell Henderson and his coadjutors that when air passes along an air passage the axial stream is much faster than the peripheral stream, and that as a consequence of this the air in the dead space is not pushed out bodily in front of the alveolar air during expiration. Some of the tracheal and bronchial air is at first left behind, and before pure alveolar air issues at the nose or mouth the air passages have to be washed out by three or four times their volume of alveolar air. This is illus- ;r : '^ Figure 9. (a) Shows a "spike" of smoke moving through a glass tube, (b) Shows the condition when the current is suddenly stopped and mixing instantaneously occurs, (c) Shows clear air drawn in. Figure 10. Shows how a column of smoke crosses a bulb with little mixing or sweeping out of the air within it. trated by Figures 9 and 10, taken from their paper, and drawn from experiments made with smoke. Both they and I found also that a pause before expiration diminishes the volume of the ap- parent dead space. This is easily understood, as the air in the atria, etc., will during the pause come nearer in composition to that of the saccular alveoli. With care in avoiding a pause I found 40 RESPIRATION that during rest with normal breathing it was necessary to expire about 800 cc. of air before a reliable alveolar sample could be obtained at the end of inspiration. If the breathing was deep and slow much more air had to be expired. At the end of a normal expiration, however, the air issuing from the mouth is practically alveolar in composition. The conclusion reached by Priestley, Douglas, and myself that increased production of CO 2 , and consequent rise in the alveolar CO 2 percentage, determines increased breathing during muscular work was afterwards questioned by Krogh and Lindhard, 22 on the ground that our determinations of the alveolar CO 2 percentage were fallacious, and that the real alveolar CO 2 percentage during muscular work is not only lower than we found, but also con- siderably lower than during rest. Their argument is mainly based on the assumptions, which have already been shown to be wrong, that the "effective dead space" is not largely increased during deep breathing, and that reliable samples of alveolar air can be obtained at the end of a deep inspiration, without more than a very shallow expiration to clear the extra dead space. This part of their argument falls to the ground. They point out, how- ever, what is a real source of slight error namely that a delay of fully half a second occurs during the taking of an alveolar sample, and that during this interval the alveolar CO 2 percentage must rise appreciably. It was shown above that the difference in CO 2 percentage between samples of alveolar air taken at the beginning and end of expiration during work corresponding to an increase of 4.3 times in the CO 2 production was about 0.6 per cent. As an expiration took nearly 2 seconds, there would be a rise of 0.15 per cent in half a second, corresponding to the delay in taking the alveolar sample. During rest, according to a similar calculation, there would be a rise of 0.05 per cent. The net error in comparing rest with work would thus be only about o. I per cent, a difference too small to affect the conclusions materially. Owing to their defective methods of estimating and directly determining the alveolar CO 2 percentage at the beginning of expiration Krogh and Lindhard enormously overestimated the error due to a delay of half a second in obtaining a sample. The fact remains, however, that when the work was pushed in the case of Douglas, and even without pushing the work in my own case, the rise in alveolar CO 2 percentage was less than corresponded to the increase in breathing. This significant fact will be discussed later. 22 Krogh and Lindhard, Journ. of Physiol., XLVIII, p. 30, 1913. RESPIRATION 41 It will be shown in Chapter IX that during rest under normal conditions the gas pressures in the alveolar air and blood passing through the alveoli come into exact equilibrium. Now it has just been shown that in a very appreciable part of the lung alveoli (those in the respiratory bronchioles, alveolar ducts, and atria) the CO 2 pressure is lower, and the oxygen pressure higher, than in the air-sac alveoli. We might therefore be led to infer that in the mixed arterial blood the CO 2 pressure will be lower, and the oxygen pressure higher, than in the blood from the air-sac alveoli, and that in consequence of this the mixed arterial blood will have -a lower CO 2 pressure than that of the deep alveolar air. Further consideration shows, however, that this will not be the case. The walls of the alveoli of respiratory bronchioles, etc., are in contact on the one side with the air of air-passages, but on the other with air in the air-sac alveoli. Hence the extra proportion of CO., extracted from the blood in the air-passage alveoli is practically taken from the air-sac alveoli, and this is why the apparent respira- tory quotient of the air-sac alveoli is lower than the true respira- tory quotient. We should be counting the lowering twice if we as- sumed that in consequence of the extra discharge of CO 2 in the re- spiratory bronchioles, etc., the CO 2 pressure of the arterial blood is lower than corresponds to that of the air-sac alveoli. The same argument applies also as regards the oxygen pressure of the air- sac air, although under normal conditions hardly any extra oxy- gen can pass into a given volume of blood in its passage through the alveoli of respiratory bronchioles, etc. Hence the gas pressures of the air-sac alveoli represent truly the mean gas pressures to which the arterial blood is saturated in the various alveoli. This is why the gas pressures of the deep alveolar air as determined by the method which Priestley and I introduced are of so much importance. Krogh and Lindhard 23 still maintain that the mean gas pres- sures to which the blood is equilibrated in passing through the lungs is given, not by the composition of the deep alveolar air, but by that of the alveolar air as calculated from a fixed, or almost fixed, dead space. This involves the conclusion that during deep breathing, including the deep breathing of muscular exertion, the arterial CO 2 pressure is far lower than is shown by the direct method of Priestley and myself. As, however, there is no cor- responding apnoea, the whole theory of regulation of breathing in accordance with the CO 2 pressure of the arterial blood must be 23 Krogh and Lindhard, Journ. of Pkysiol., LI, p. 59, 1917. 42 RESPIRATION abandoned if Krogh and Lindhard are correct. Their reasoning is quite logical, but their premises are unsound. They have failed to take into consideration trje anatomical relations of the air- passage alveoli to the air-sac alveoli. The fact that the mixed air from all the air sacs of the lungs is the same in composition however much of this air is expelled in taking a sample led us to assume almost unconsciously that the composition of the air in practically all the air sacs is the same. Nevertheless all that the experiments prove is that the average composition of the air expelled from the air sacs is the same, while in individual air sacs the composition may vary widely. It is evident that in any particular air-sac system the mean composition of the contained air will depend on the ratio between the supply of fresh air and the flow of blood. If the supply of fresh air is unusually small in relation to the supply of venous blood there will be a lower percentage of oxygen and higher percentage of carbon dioxide in the air of the air sac, and vice versa. It seems probable that by some means at present unknown to us a fair adjustment is maintained normally between air supply and blood supply. For instance, the muscular walls of bronchioles may be concerned in adjusting the air supply, or the arterioles or capillaries may contract or dilate so as to adjust the blood supply. In any case what seems to matter is the degree of arteri- alization, not of the blood from individual air sacs, but of the mixed arterial blood; and if the composition of the mixed air-sac air served as a reliable index of the arterialization of the mixed arterial blood we might dismiss as a matter of only academic interest the question whether the air in individual air sacs varies in composition. It will be shown below that there can be little doubt that under normal conditions the air in different air sacs varies appreciably in composition, and that under abnormal conditions the variation may be considerable. It will also be shown that the latter fact is one of great importance in pathology and therapeutics. Meanwhile it is clear from the experiments described in the present chapter that under normal conditions, excluding heavy work, the breathing in man is on an average regulated by the al- veolar CO 2 pressure ; and a very slight increase or diminution in the alveolar CO 2 pressure suffices to cause a very great increase or diminution in the breathing. This conclusion has thrown a flood of clear light on the physiology of breathing. CHAPTER III The Nervous Control of Breathing. IT is now necessary to discuss more closely the influence of nervous control on breathing. The rhythmic activity of the respiratory center is for short periods of time very completely under volun- tary control a fact evidently connected with the very delicate use of the lungs in phonation, as well as in other voluntary acts not directly connected with "chemical" respiratory functions. Excita- tion of various afferent nerves may also excite or inhibit inspira- tion or expiration. Most of the effects thus produced appear to be protective in various ways, or preparatory to some particular effort, and they only disturb the main regulation of breathing occasionally, just as voluntary interference does. In view of the facts with regard to the control of breathing by chemical stimuli, we might thus be led to the conclusion that the respiratory center, when not interfered with by voluntary or other occasional nervous disturbances, acts simply by producing rhythmic inspiratory and expiratory discharges, determined in extent and frequency by nothing but chemical stimuli dependent on the blood supply. This simple conception is entirely inadequate, in view, more particularly, of the facts discovered originally by Hering and Breuer, and already referred to. These facts, apart from the results of section of the vagi, can be observed very fully in man, without the complications introduced by anaesthetics, and were so studied in 1916 by Mavrogordato and myself. 1 We employed a very simple arrangement which enabled us to breathe through a wide-bored tap, and observe by a water manometer the pres- sure between the mouth and the tap when the latter was closed, the nostrils being closed by a clip. If the tap was closed at the end of natural or forced inspiration or expiration, or in any other phase of respiration, the phenomena could be studied. By connecting the far end of the tap with a reservoir containing pure air or air containing any required percentage of CO 2 , we could observe the influence of hyperpnoea due to CO 2 , and by suitable volume recorders connected with the far ends of the reservoir and gauge the breathing and pressure could be recorded. If expiration is interrupted by turning the tap, and all voluntary 1 Journ. of Physiol., L; Proc. Physiolog. Soc., p. xli, 1916. 44 RESPIRATION effort is suspended, the previous rhythm of the respiratory center is interrupted by a prolonged expiratory phase, as indicated by the gauge. The expiratory pressure is at first slight and constant, but afterwards rises gradually and at an increasing rate, until, if expiration is still prevented, there is at length an inspiratory effort, as shown in Figure n. Similarly, if the breathing is ob- RESPIRATION /NTPAPULMONARY PRESSURE RESPIRATION I NTRAPULMONARY PRESSURE Figure i i . Effects of interrupting natural breathing. A. Respiration inter- rupted during inspiration near end. B. Respiration interrupted during expiration near end. Respirations inspiration up, expira- tion down. Intrapulmonary pressure positive pressure down, neg- ative pressure up. structed during expiration there is a prolonged and increasing inspiratory effort (Figure n). The initial inspiratory pressure is somewhat greater than the initial expiratory pressure, and this is in accordance with the opinion generally held that while ordi- nary quiet inspiration is always an active process the correspond- ing expiration is mainly passive. With interruption at the end of an extra deep inflation or de- flation of the lungs the phenomena are still more marked. If apnoea has previously been caused by forced breathing, the initial expiratory or inspiratory pressures are still produced as before, but a long interval elapses before they begin to increase, and the duration of the expiratory or inspiratory phase is much prolonged. RESPIRATION 45 If, on the other hand, the inflation or deflation was made during the hyperpnoea caused by breathing air containing an excess of CO 2 the expiratory or inspiratory pressures mount up at onre. The mounting up of the initial pressure is thus dependent on the accumulating chemical stimulus to the respiratory center. If the breathing is interrupted, not just after, but before the completion of inspiration or expiration, the inspiratory phase is continued if inspiration has been interrupted, and the expiratory if expiration has been interrupted, as shown in Figure II. If, instead of interrupting the breathing by means of a tap or other obstacle which cannot be overcome, the only interruption is by a limited adverse pressure capable of being overcome by the breathing, the apparent "apnoea" is terminated by an expira- tion if the pressure is positive, or an inspiration if the pressure is negative. This simply means that with a positive pressure the expiration occurs at the moment when the expiratory effort has increased sufficiently to overcome the adverse positive pressure, and similarly with a negative pressure. This is illustrated by Figures 12 and 13, which reproduce stethographic tracings ob- tained in man. 2 The subject at first breathed quietly through the limb of a wide-bore three-way tap open to the air. At the end of an inspiration the tap was suddenly turned so that the mouth of the subject was connected with the air of a bag under a pressure of about 3 inches of water. The consequence of this was that the Figure 12. Figure 13. Effects of prolonged distention of the lungs. To be read from left to right. Time marker = seconds. Distention continued between the two crosses. In Fig. 12 pure air was used for distention; in Fig. 13 air containing 7.3 per cent of COa and 8.2 per cent of oxygen. lungs were suddenly distended with a large volume of air. It will be seen that after about half a minute the apparent pause in 'Christiansen and Haldane, Journ. of Physiol., XLVIII, p. 272, 1914. 46 RESPIRATION the breathing was interrupted by an expiration, repeated after- wards at gradually diminishing intervals. The diminution in these intervals was evidently due to the fact that CO 2 was ac- cumulating in the lungs; and this interpretation is confirmed by Figure 13. Figure 14 shows a corresponding effect with a negative pressure applied, so as partially to deflate the lungs. In this case the ap- parent pause was much shorter, as CO 2 began to accumulate very rapidly, owing to the facts that not only had no fresh air been introduced, but the volume of air in the lungs was diminished. Figure 14. Effects of partial deflation. Crosses show beginning and end of deflation. To read from left to right. Time-marker = i second. The supposed apnoeic pause produced by distention or inflation of the lungs is simply a prolonged inspiratory or expiratory effort. This effect is produced regardless of the chemical stimulus to the center. Thus Lorrain Smith and I showed that it is even produced when the lungs are distended with air containing 20 per cent of CO 2 , though the prolongation is much curtailed in such a case. 3 It is thus clear that the continuance of an inspiratory or ex- piratory discharge of the respiratory center depends on the extent to which actual inspiration or expiration accompanies the dis- charge. If the movements of inspiration or expiration are not accomplished the ordinary respiratory rhythm is replaced by a prolonged and increasingly powerful inspiratory or expiratory discharge, tending to overcome the obstruction. The respiratory center does not act independently of the lung movements, but inspiratory or expiratory discharge of the center goes hand in' hand with actual inspiration or expiration, as if the center were one piece with the lungs. The term "vagus apnoea" is evidently an entire misnomer, as prolonged inspiratory or expiratory effort cannot be called apnoea. The tracings which apparently demon- strate the existence of apnoea are only one-sided, and therefore misleading, records. Hering and Breuer found, as already mentioned in Chapter I, that after section of both vagi the association of discharge of the 1 Haldane and Lorrain Smith, Journ. of Pathology, I, p. 168, 1892. RESPIRATION 47 center with the respiratory movements is annulled, so that infla- tion or deflation of the lungs has no immediate influence on the respiratory rhythm. Hence the afferent impulses through which the discharges of the center are coordinated with the movements of the lungs are conveyed by the vagi. After section, or better (so as to avoid excitatory effects produced by actual section), freezing of the vagi, the breathing, as has been known since early last century, becomes deeper and less frequent, the inspirations in particular taking on a dragging character which, until the work of Schafer, referred to below, was entirely attributed to the ab- sence of the normal inhibitory effect conveyed through the vagi on distention of the lungs to a certain point. Nevertheless the respirations continue to be rhythmic, and to respond in their depth to the stimulus dependent on varying percentages of CO 2 in the alveolar air. It was shown by Scott 4 however, that the control of the alveolar CO 2 percentage when excess of CO 2 is present in the air breathed becomes much less perfect, as the frequency of the breathing cannot increase. The analogy between the Hering-Breuer stimuli transmitted through the vagi and what Sherrington has named the "proprio- ceptive" stimuli participating in reflex or voluntary movements of the limbs is evident; though the rhythmic discharges of the respiratory center are dependent on stimuli, not from the surface of the body, but from the blood acting on the center. When, in addition to section of the vagi, the respiratory center is also severed from its connections above the medulla oblongata, the rhythmic discharges of the center become still less frequent, and may be inadequate to prevent death from asphyxia. The influence on the center of afferent stimuli from the respiratory muscles has not yet been demonstrated directly; but the fact, observed by Boothby and Shamoff, 5 that an animal in which the pulmonary branches of the vagi have been severed without injury to the recurrent laryngeal nerve recovers after a sufficient time a normal control over respiration seems to point to the existence of such stimuli. The same conclusion has been still more clearly reached in a quite recent paper by Schafer, 6 who shows that the slowed breathing after section of the vagi is largely due to ob- struction caused by laryngeal paralysis. We must now endeavor to correlate the facts relating to the 4 Scott, Journ. of Physwl., XXXVII, p. 301, 1908. 5 Boothby and Shamoff, Amer. Journ. of Physwl. , XXXVII, p. 418, 1913. 9 Schafer, Quart, Journ. of Exper. Physiol., XII, p. 231, 1919. 48 RESPIRATION Hering-Breuer phenomena with those relating to the governing of the lung ventilation by the charge of CO 2 in the alveolar air and arterial blood. It seems very clear that the immediate cause of the arrest of inspiration during ordinary breathing is the disten- tion of the lungs to a certain point, and a consequent inhibitory stimulus transmitted up the vagi. The experiments of Head, 7 in which the movements of a slip of the diaphragm, the most promi- nent inspiratory muscle, were recorded, show that this inhibition produced an instant relaxation of the diaphragm. If the vagi have been frozen the relaxation is greatly delayed, and even after the delay is at first very imperfect. The inhibition of inspira- tion initiates an expiratory phase, which continues until, in its turn, it also is cut short by deflation to a certain point, at which the vagi transmit an influence which inhibits expiration and initiates the inspiratory phase. It appears from Head's experi- ments that if the vagi are frozen after the inspiratory or expira- tory phase has been initiated, this phase still continues. If with vagi intact the breathing is partially obstructed, inspiration or expiration is continued till either act is complete. The influence transmitted through the vagi initiates inspiration or expiration, therefore; and the center persists in the inspiratory or expiratory phase till the vagus gives the signal which terminates the phase and initiates the complementary phase. The center behaves as if it always remembered the last signal; and the analogy between any act dependent on memory and the duration of the inspiratory or expiratory phases of breathing is evident. We are equally reminded of the "refractory period" in the phases of cardiac and other muscular activity. Where the "chemical" regulation of the respiratory center exerts its preponderating influence is in determining the extent to which inflation or deflation of the lungs must extend in order that the Hering-Breuer stimuli should be effective, and also the vigor and consequently the rapidity of the inspiratory and expira- tory movements. Thus an increased CO 2 stimulus causes increased depth of breathing, since a greater inflation or deflation of the lungs is required before the stimulus of inflation or deflation becomes effective. At the same time the movements of the chest wall become more rapid, so that the frequency of breathing is not diminished in consequence of the greater distances traveled by the chest walls. The net result is thus ordinarily increase in depth without diminution in frequency. But if the frequency T Head, Journ. of Physiol., X, pp. i and 279, 1889. RESPIRATION 49 is diminished in consequence of voluntary or involuntary inter- ference, the depth is correspondingly increased owing to a very slightly increased CO 2 stimulus. This is the explanation of why the mean alveolar CO 2 percentage remains so steady with varying frequency of breathing. It is only, as a rule, when there is very considerable increase in the breathing that there is any material increase in the frequency; and during health the frequency is hardly affected by moderate muscular exertions or moderate stimulation by CO 2 in other ways. The frequency of breathing is thus no measure of the amount of air breathed; but undue frequency of breathing, as will be shown later, is a very important abnormal sympton. The response of the breathing to abnormal resistance has re- cently been investigated by Davies, Priestley, and myself. 8 For recording the depth and frequency of breathing we used the recording "concertina" described in Chapter VII (Figure 43). For a resistance to breathing we sometimes used partly closed taps, the effects of which could be thrown in suddenly by closing alternative inspiratory and expiratory air passages. In place of the taps we also sometimes employed cotton wool resistances, as with a cotton wool resistance the driving pressure varies directly as the air flow, while with a tap the pressure varies as the square of the air flow. The pressure was measured with a water ma- nometer connected with the tubing between the mouth and the resistance. Figure 15. Effects of resistance. In this and subsequent figures inspiration = upstroke. Time marker = 10 seconds. To read from left to right. It was found that when a resistance is thrown in the immediate effect is a great slowing of the breathing. After the next breath the respirations become deeper and less slow, and after several breaths the breathing settles down to a rhythm in which the respirations are deeper and correspondingly less frequent. With a considerable resistance the frequency is often reduced to a fourth of the normal rate, while the depth is almost correspondingly in- 8 Davies, Haldane, and Priestley, Journ. of PAysiol., LIII, p. 60, 1919. 50 RESPIRATION creased (Figure 15). The explanation of this is obvious from the foregoing account of the physiology of the Hering-Breuer reflex. When a resistance is thrown in deflation or inflation of the lungs is slowed, but continues till the point is reached at which the phase of respiration is reversed by the reflex. Meanwhile, how- ever, CO 2 has begun to accumulate, so that the next respiration is not only more vigorous but deeper ; and the final result is deeper and less frequent respiration. When there is no resistance to breathing the compensation of diminished frequency by increased depth is almost perfect, as shown by the experiments already quoted of Priestley and my- self; but when the slowing is due to resistance the compensation is less perfect, since the extra work performed by the respiratory muscles implies a more powerful stimulus of CO 2 to the respira- tory center. Accordingly the alveolar CO 2 percentage rises quite considerably with resistance to breathing. The following table shows the rises observed by Davies, Priestley, and myself with varying resistances. Just as, in the absence of resistance a very slight increase in the alveolar CO 2 percentage, and consequent slight increase in the chemical stimulus to the respiratory center, increases the depth of breathing, so a slight diminution in alveolar CO 2 percentage diminishes the depth. It was recently discovered independently by Yandell Henderson in America and by Liljestrand, Wollin, and Nilsson in Sweden that if apnoea is first produced and artificial respiration then carried out by Schafer's or one of the other usual methods the quantity of air which enters the chest at each artificial inspiration is only about a third or less of what enters during artificial respiration when the subject has simply suspended vol- untarily his own breathing. With voluntary suspension of the natural breathing, moreover, the volume of air which enters at each artificial inspiration varies (roughly speaking) inversely as the frequency of the artificial breathing, so that it is impossible to produce a condition of true apnoea by increasing the frequency of the artificial breathing. If, finally, the air artificially inspired contains an excess of CO 2 , the volume introduced by the artificial respiration increases just as it would with natural breathing. It is, in fact, just as if the subject were himself breathing naturally all the time, in spite of the undoubted fact that he has suspended his natural breathing. These phenomena are completely intelligible on the theory that the limits within which inflation or deflation of the lungs inhibits RESPIRATION 51 SUBJECT ALVEOLAR CO 2 RESISTANCE IN PERCENTAGE CM. OF H 2 O During Inspira- N ormal resistance tory Expiratory Remarks J. S. H. 5-40 5-34 4^ 1^2 Slight cotton-wool resistance. Breathing slowed J. G. P. 5-60 5-80 4^ ^A Slight cotton-wool resistance. Breathing slowed H. W. D. 5.97 6.24 13 5 Heavier cotton-wool resistance. Breathing slowed 5-99 5-93(?) 8 4 Lighter cotton-wool resistance. Breathing slowed 6.61 Lighter cotton-wool resistance. Breathing slowed 6.21 Lighter cotton-wool resistance. Breathing slowed 6.26 Lighter cotton-wool resistance. Breathing slowed 7.02 25 14 Heavy cotton-wool resistance. Breathing slowed J. S. H. 5.4 6.40 Heavy cotton-wool resistance. Breathing quickened 6.60 Heavy cotton-wool resistance. Breathing about 66 6.76 ? ? Resistance lessened by partly opening taps. Respirations about 30 J. G. P. 5-37 5.76 ? ? Tap resistance lessened by partly opening taps. Respi- rations about 4 J. S. H. 5.33 6.50 ? ? Tap resistance lessened by partly opening taps. Respi- rations about 24 6.80 ? ? Tap resistance increased. Res- pirations about 40 52 RESPIRATION inspiration or expiration depend on the alveolar CO 2 percentage. In apnoea a very slight amount of inflation or deflation is suffi- cient to cause inhibition of inspiration or expiration. In conse- quence of this the respiratory movements are nearly jammed in a mean position during apnoea unless considerable force is ex- erted, which is not the case with ordinary methods of artificial respiration. With a normal stimulation of the respiratory center by CO 2 and a normal respiratory frequency, the limits of inflation or deflation at which the Hering-Breuer inhibition occurs are a good deal wider, and with a diminished respiratory frequency, or an increased percentage of CO 2 in the air inspired, the limits are much wider still. Thus the respiratory center tends indirectly to govern artificial respiration unless the latter is of a specially vigorous kind. That the center responds, even during apnoea, with tonic con- traction of the diaphragm to deflation of the lungs, and with re- laxation to inflation, was clearly shown by Head's experiments; and the inspiratory or expiratory pressures produced by the diaphragm and other respiratory muscles can easily be demon- strated in man. The continued control of respiratory movements during apnoea or voluntary suspension of the breathing, or during voluntary variations in the frequency of breathing, is thus readily intelligible. In voluntary forced breathing or in forcible artificial respiration, this control is broken down. It must not, however, be assumed that because the ordinary gentle methods of human artificial respiration have such a small effect during ordinary apnoea, the effect will be equally small where the suspension of breathing has been caused by asphyxiation or the action of an anaesthetic or other poison. In these cases the excitability of the respiratory center to the Hering-Breuer stimuli is possibly as much depressed as its excitability to CO 2 , in which case the artificial respiration will not be insufficient. The normal rate and depth of breathing in any individual is evi- dently an expression of the normal balance between chemical and nervous stimuli. The normal is fairly constant because the balance is a stable one. It may, however, be greatly altered under abnormal conditions, and it can easily be interfered with voluntarily. It is evident from the foregoing discussion that we cannot separate the nervous from the "chemical" control of breathing, since each determines the other at every point. From too exclusive a consideration of the nervous side of the control it has been sup- posed, on the one hand, that the center is essentially automatic in RESPIRATION 53 its action, or that its alternate inspiratory and expiratory dis- charges are, under normal resting conditions, determined simply by alternating stimuli transmitted through the vagus nerves. On the other hand a too exclusive consideration of the chemical side leads to the erroneous impression that the discharges of the center are, apart from occasional voluntary or other interferences, de- termined in strength and duration solely by chemical stimuli. If, finally, we attempt to determine, one by one, the "factors" in the regulation of breathing, the sum of the supposed factors turns out to be illusory, since no one of them is a constant quantity. The evaluation of each factor depends on its varying relation to the others. The "respiratory center" is a small area situated in the medulla oblongata. It has been found that when this area is destroyed, all rhythmical respiratory movements cease, and that so long as this area is intact and in connection with any efferent nerves supply- ing respiratory muscles, discharges of the center through these nerves continue, as shown by the rhythmical contractions of the muscles, although all the other nervous connections upwards and downwards have been severed. It is also now clear that the activity of the center depends upon the composition of the blood circulating through it, and not on chemical stimuli acting elsewhere. If the circulation to the medulla is interrupted by closure of all the four arteries supplying it, so that its blood has time to become venous, violent hyperpnoea re- sults, as Kiissmaul and Tenner showed about the middle of last century; and the crossed circulation experiments of Fredericq, already referred to, prove that either apnoea or hyperpnoea is produced, according as the blood supplied to the central nervous system is more aerated or less aerated in the lungs. It has been suspected that although the stimuli dependent on the composition of the blood act directly within the brain, nervous end-organs situated elsewhere are also sensitive to these stimuli, so that the corresponding nerves convey impulses which play an important part in the regulation of breathing. It was, for instance, believed by Traube that chemical stimuli are conveyed directly from the lungs by the vagus nerve, and others have supposed that stimuli to increased breathing are conveyed by direct nervous paths from the muscles. This hypothesis was investigated with great care by Geppert and Zuntz, 9 who severed all the nervous connections between actively working muscles and the medulla, 'Geppert and Zuntz, Pfliiger's Archiv, XLII, pp. 195, 209, 1888. 54 RESPIRATION and found that the respiratory response to increased muscular work was the same as before, but was entirely absent if the circu- lation from the working muscles was interrupted. Similarly they found that severance of the nervous connection between the lungs and the center did not affect the response. Lorrain Smith and I found, similarly, that when air containing about 20 per cent of CO 2 was supplied to a rabbit there was no difference in the time required for the onset of hyperpnoea after the vagi were cut. No definite anatomical group of nerve cells has been defined at the position occupied by the respiratory center; and the exact meaning which ought to be attached to the expression "respira- tory center" is still doubtful. It seems pretty clear, however, that the center is at about the position which is sensitive to the chem- ical respiratory stimuli. To judge from analogy the sensitive elements are probably not the bodies of nerve cells, but end- organs or arborizations. The central paths for the innervation of inspiratory and expiratory movements must also be different, but in what sense the center itself is double is still obscure. Its excita- tion by chemical stimuli depends more upon the character of the blood supplied to it than on substances generated by its own local metabolism. Thus the temporary diminution of blood supply in fainting does not produce the same prompt effect on the center as changes in the arterial blood owing to imperfect aeration in the lungs. In this respect the center is very well suited to fulfill the function of taking a part in controlling the quality of the general arterial blood supply of the body. The amount of arterial blood supplied is controlled in other ways. Like other parts of the central nervous system, the respiratory center can easily be fatigued; and, as will be explained later, fatigue of the respiratory center is of great importance in practical medicine. Fatigue of respiration was recently studied by Davies, Priestley, and myself, and its phenomena described in the paper already referred to. The fatigue was produced by breathing against a resistance, the breathing being also increased at the same time, if necessar)', by muscular exertion. The resistance was produced by cotton wool in the manner already described. So long as the center is functioning normally it responds to the resistance, in the manner indicated above, by producing a constant slow and deep type of breathing. When, however, the resistance is excessive and continued for some time, the breathing becomes progressively shallower and more frequent. At the same time the alveolar ventilation becomes less and less effective, until at last RESPIRATION 55 asphyxial symptoms begin to develop. Figure 16 is a tracing which shows this change. Figure 1 7 shows a similar change pro- duced, not by resistance alone, but by the combined effects of resistance and the increased breathing due to muscular work. IllJimHilliiiiih. Ron iRo// Figure 16. Effects of heavy resistance. To read from left to right. fR.dwr.Jf Figure 17. Effects of resistance and gentle work. To read from left to right. It will be shown later that even a slight deficiency in the oxy- genation of the arterial blood favors greatly the development of fatigue symptoms in the respiratory center. But addition of oxy- gen to the air does not prevent the development of fatigue due simply to great extra work thrown on the respiratory center. When the breathing is quite free, and the oxygenation of the blood normal, fatigue does not at all readily show itself, and greatly increased breathing goes on in a normal manner over long periods. During muscular exertion, however, as will be shown later, the oxygenation of the blood may become impaired, in which case fatigue of the breathing may easily show itself, so that the subject becomes in a literal sense "short of breath," since each breath is short. 56 RESPIRATION During the war cases were very common of what, according as one nervous symptom or another was most prominent, was desig- nated as "chronic gas poisoning," "soldier's heart," "disordered action of the heart," "neurasthenia," etc. In these cases "shortness of breath" on exertion was a common and prominent symptom. Their breathing was investigated by Meakins, Priestley, and my- self 10 and we found a marked deviation from normality in its reg- ulation. In many of these persons the frequency of the breathing was very abnormally increased during rest, and in nearly all there was on exertion a quite abnormal increase of frequency, with a corresponding reduction of the normal increase of depth. The symptoms were thus the same as those of fatigue of the respira- tory center, and on extra exertion these patients were liable to lose consciousness with asphyxial symptoms, just as in ordinary overfatigue of the center. Another prominent symptom was that the patients were unable to hold a deep breath for anything like a normal period, even if they were given oxygen to help. Many of them were also subject, particularly at night, to attacks of rapid shallow breathing with a sense of impending suffocation. The condition of the breathing in these patients was evidently such as would be produced by an abnormal increase in the readi- ness with which the Hering-Breuer reflex is elicited, and we therefore described the respiratory condition as one of "reflex re- striction" in the depth of breathing. At the time we were not aware of the symptoms of fatigue of the respiratory center. In the condition of fatigue the shallow and rapid breathing is just what would result from an increase in the strength of the Hering- Breuer reflex, and a similar apparent exaggeration of this reflex is present, as already seen in connection with the results of artificial respiration, in the condition of apnoea. In view, therefore, of all the facts relating to the respiratory movements in fatigue, apnoea, and neurasthenia, it seems probable that the apparent increased strength in the Hering-Breuer reflex is due to a diminution in the persistency of the individual inspiratory and expiratory dis- charges from the center, rather than to any real increase in the inhibitory Hering-Breuer discharges up the vagus nerves. It is thus only the weakness of the center that enables the Hering- Breuer reflex to gain the upper hand. If we apply the same general conception to the other exag- 10 Haldane, Meakins, and Priestley, Reports of the Chemical Warfare Meciical Committee, No. 5, Reflex Restrictions of Breathing, 1918, and No. n, Chronic Cases of Gas Poisoning, 1918; also Journ. of Physiol., LII, p. 433. RESPIRATION 57 gerated reflexes and general failure of nervous coordination in "neurasthenia," fatigue, and "shock," we seem to render these conditions more intelligible. Thus the great general nervous ir- ritability, exaggeration of circulatory reflexes, tendency to sweat- ing, and occasional instability of temperature, as observed in "neurasthenia/' are probably analogous to the exaggerated re- flex restriction in the depth of breathing and the inability to hold a breath. All these symptoms seem to be due to what Hughlings Jackson called "release of control." In the causation of military neurasthenia the nervous over- strain of war, and the shocks to the nervous system in connection with various incidents of warfare and gross bodily injuries had evidently played a prominent part; but it was equally evident that infections of different sorts were also in part responsible for the condition, the nervous system being apparently weakened by toxic influences. In the same way ordinary fatigue of the respira- tory center or other parts of the nervous system may be due not merely to extra work, but also partly to want of oxygen (as will be shown later) , or to other chemical influences. Neurasthenia may thus be regarded as only a more lasting and persistent form of ordinary fatigue or exhaustion. It will be shown later that a very important secondary effect of the shallow breathing characteris- tic of neurasthenia or fatigue of the respiratory center is im- perfect oxygenation of the blood. The readiness with which a given resistance to breathing pro- duces signs of fatigue of the breathing varies greatly in different individuals. In some persons a comparatively small resistance suffices to produce shallow breathing and rapid exhaustion of the respiratory center, though in other quite healthy persons a very considerable resistance is needed. Men with symptoms of neu- rasthenia are, as might be expected, particularly sensitive to re- sistance. This matter is, of course, important in connection with the design of respirators, etc. A respirator causing any consider- able resistance may easily disable a man for muscular exertion. The threshold alveolar CO 2 pressure at which the respiratory center begins to be excited may be altered by various abnormal conditions which will be discussed further in later chapters. The threshold may be lowered by want of oxygen or by the presence in the blood of an abnormally low proportion of available alkali, or by certain drugs, including, as Yandell Henderson 11 has pointed 11 Yandell Henderson and Scarbrough, Amer. Journ. of Physiol., XXVI, p. 279, 1910. 58 RESPIRATION out, ether in low concentrations, or by massive afferent nervous stimuli. On the other hand the threshold is raised by such anaes- thetics as chloroform, morphia, or chloral; and under their influ- ence the alveolar CO 2 pressure is raised 12 and the breathing is commonly so much diminished that the arterial blood becomes markedly blue. These facts are of great importance in connection with the use of anaesthetics. Henderson showed also that morphia affects the chemical more than the afferent threshold of the res- piratory center. Rise of body temperature has a marked effect in lowering the threshold. 13 u Collingwood and Buswell, Journ. of Physiol. (Proc. Physiol. Soc.), XXXV, p. xxxiv, and XXXVI, p. xxi, 1907. 13 Haldane, Journ. of Hygiene, V, p. 503, 1905; see also Haggard, Journ. of Biol. Chem. XLIV, p. 131, 1920. CHAPTER IV The Blood as a Carrier of Oxygen. THE evidence has already been referred to that nearly all the available oxygen in the blood is present in the form of a chemical compound with the haemoglobin of the red corpuscles, and that this compound has the remarkable property of dissociating with fall in the partial pressure of oxygen, at the same time changing its color from bright scarlet to a dark purple. It dissociates com- pletely when the oxygen pressure is reduced to zero, and the readiness with which the dissociation occurs is dependent on temperature and other conditions which will be discussed below. It is contained in the corpuscles to the extent of about 30 per cent of their weight, and on liberation from them it can be crystallized out with comparative ease by the help of cold and of substances which diminish its solubility. There is considerable variation in the form of the crystals obtained from the blood of different animals. To what extent, and in what directions, the elementary composi- tion of haemoglobin varies is not yet definitely known; but the haemoglobin of birds has been found to contain phosphorus, while none is present in the haemoglobin of mammals. Iron is always present. A given amount of blood, whether or not the corpuscles have been dissolved and the haemoglobin liberated and diluted, takes up, on saturation with air at room temperature, a perfectly fixed and definite amount of oxygen in chemical combination. No further measurable quantity is taken up, except in simple physical solution, on saturation with oxygen. An exactly equal volume of carbon monoxide or nitric oxide is taken up in combination in presence of either of these gases. There is no shadow of doubt that the combination is a chemical one, though some extraordinary attempts, based on ignorance of well-ascertained facts, have re- cently been made to explain the combinations of oxygen and CO 2 in blood as due to adsorption. Haemoglobin not only enters into dissociable chemical combina- tions with oxygen, carbon monoxide and nitric oxide, but also in presence of various oxidizing agents, such as ferricyanides or chlorates, or very weak acids, etc., when oxygen is also present, passes into a modification called by Hoppe Seyler methaemoglobin. 60 RESPIRATION This substance, which crystallizes in a similar form to oxyhaemo- globin but has a dull brown color in acid solution and a brownish red color in alkaline solution, was found by Hiifner to take up in its formation from haemoglobin just as much oxygen as oxy- haemoglobin ; but the oxygen is not given off in a vacuum. On the other hand it yields its oxygen much more rapidly to a reducing agent than oxyhaemoglobin or free oxygen does, and is thus an oxidizing agent of some activity. Thus if a drop of ammonium sulphide solution is mixed with a solution of methaemoglobin in the absence of free oxygen the methaemoglobin is instantly re- duced to haemoglobin, as shown by the change of color and spec- trum. But if free oxygen is present the color and spectrum of oxyhaemoglobin appear, since the ammonium sulphide combines far more slowly with free oxygen, or with the combined oxygen of oxyhaemoglobin, so that the haemoglobin formed instantly from the methaemoglobin is able to combine with the free oxygen and remain for a long time as oxyhaemoglobin. While investigating the action of poisons which form met- haemoglobin in the living body I noticed that when ferricyanide and certain other reagents act on oxyhaemoglobin to form methae- moglobin fine bubbles are liberated, and on further investigation the liberated gas was found to be oxygen. 1 I then measured ac- curately the liberated oxygen, and found that the volume of oxy- gen liberated by ferricyanide from blood agrees exactly with the volume liberated by the mercurial pump from combination in the blood. Ferricyanide also liberates carbon monoxide from its com- bination with haemoglobin, and the volume liberated corresponds with the volume of oxygen liberated by a corresponding quantity of oxyhaemoglobin. The following figures were obtained. Combined gas in cc. liberated, from the haemoglobin of 100 cc. of blood and measured dry at QC and 760 mm. By blood pump alone from blood saturated with air 18.18 By ferricyanide from blood saturated with air 18.20 By ferricyanide from blood saturated with CO 18.07 From their behavior, it appears that oxyhaemoglobin and CO- haemoglobin are molecular compounds in which the molecules of 1 Haldane, Journ. of Physiol., XXII, p. 298, 1898. RESPIRATION 6l gas are directly combined as such with the molecules of haemo- globin, just as molecules of water are combined with molecules of a salt or other substance to form hydrate molecules. In methaemu- globin, on the other hand, the atoms in the molecules of oxygen which enter into combination are separately combined just as in ordinary chemical compounds containing oxygen. When the oxidation of haemoglobin to methaemoglobin occurs the new molecule formed loses its capacity for forming the molecular compounds oxyhaemoglobin and carboxyhaemoglobin. In conse- quence of this the molecular oxygen and carbon monoxide are liberated from oxyhaemoglobin or carboxyhaemoglobin by the action of ferricyanide, and can be measured with the greatest ac- curacy in the gaseous form by a simple method which I described in 1900 (see Appendix). 2 The ferricyanide method afforded a ready means of measuring directly the gas combined in the molecular form with haemo- globin, and for this purpose replaced the complicated procedure and involved calculations required when the mercurial pump was used. One of the first discoveries made with the new method was that the coloring power of haemoglobin or any one of its molecular compounds with gases varies exactly as its capacity for combining with gas. Hence the "oxygen capacity" of the haemo- globin in blood in other words its power of fulfilling its physio- logical function of carrying oxygen can be measured easily by means of a reliable colorimetric method. 3 The following table (p. 62) shows the results we obtained on this point. That oxygen capacity and depth of color run parallel also in various anaemias and other pathological conditions was shown by Morawitz ; 4 and Douglas 5 showed that even during the rapid regeneration of haemoglobin after loss of blood this also holds. At the time when the ferricyanide method was introduced there existed several well-known forms of "haemoglobinometer." Of these the apparatus of the late Sir William Gowers was by far the most convenient. In his method 20 cubic millimeters of blood, obtained from a prick of the skin, are introduced into a small graduated tube and diluted with water until the depth of color is the same as that of a standard solution of picrocarmine in an- other similar tube. The depth of color of the picrocarmine solution a Haldane, Journ. of Phystol., XXV, p. 295, 1900. * Haldane and Lorrain Smith, Journ. of Physiol., XXV, p. 331, 1900. 4 Morawitz and Rohmer, Deutsch. Arch. f. kUn. Med., XCIII, p. 223, 1908. 5 Douglas, Journ. of Physiol., XXXIX, p. 453, 1910. 62 RESPIRATION is that of normal human blood diluted to i/iooth; and the graduated tube gives the strength of color of the blood under examination in terms of this normal standard. One defect of the method was that the picrocarmine standard is not permanent, and another that the color of the picrocarmine solution is not the OXYGEN CAPACITY PER 100 CC. Ferricyanide Colortmetric method method PERCENTAGE DIFFERENCE IN RESULT BY COLORIMETRIC METHOD Ox blood 18.51 18.42 0.5 15.05 15 33 + 1.9 20.29 19.85 2.2 15.04 15 17 +0.9 Horse blood 18.37 18.39 +0.1 Ox blood 19.75 19.90 $ 20.00 +0.9 18.94 18.94 +0.0 Rabbit's blood 14.62 \ O. I 14-55. ) Sheep's blood 17.44 17- 30 0.8 17.44 Ox blood 21.50 21.42 0.4 21.55 16.16 16.06 0.6 Human blood 2 1 .08 21.27 +0.9 Mean 18.07 18 .06 0.055 same spectrally as that of the blood solution. As a consequence of this both the depth and the quality of the tints of the two solutions are differently affected by variations in the quality of the light at the time of using the instrument. Thus if the tints agree at one time of day they may be different at another; and in ordinary artificial light the results given are totally different from the results by daylight. Moreover, in consequence of individual differences in vision, a color match for one person is not the same as that for another person, even in the same light. To remedy these defects I substituted for the picrocarmine a one per cent solution of blood of the average oxygen capacity of the blood of adult men (18.5 RESPIRATION 63 cc. of oxygen per 100 cc. of blood) , and introduced other improve- ments. 6 In the presence of free oxygen haemoglobin is a very unstable substance, and soon decomposes, owing to the action of bacteria, etc. ; but in the absence of oxygen the color of haemoglobin is per- fectly stable, and this is also the case for carboxyhaemoglobin. The standard solution was therefore saturated with carbon monoxide in the absence of oxygen, and in this form is permanent. The blood under examination is also saturated with carbon monoxide by contact with coal gas or a little carbon monoxide. The two solu- tions are thus spectrally the same. With these improvements the Gowers haemoglobinometer became an extremely accurate instru- ment for ascertaining the oxygen capacity of blood, and the ac- curacy of any particular instrument could be controlled at once by the ferricyanide method. Certain ever-recurring criticisms of the instrument are almost entirely based on want of acquaintance with the physiological principles of colorimetric methods, or of the chemical facts on which the method is based. A detailed de- scription of the method will be found in the Appendix. The percentage oxygen capacity (or haemoglobin percentage) in the blood varies quite appreciably from hour to hour and day to day, according as the total volume of the blood varies from ad- dition or withdrawal of liquid. There are also variations associ- ated with age and sex ; and pathological variations may be very marked and significant. As regards age and sex I found the follow- ing average relative figures for the percentage oxygen capacity of the blood. Men 18.5 Women 16.5 Children 16.1 It has been known for long that when an oxyhaemoglobin solution is overheated or treated with various simple reagents the oxyhaemoglobin decomposes into a coagulated protein and a deeply-colored brown substance soluble in alcohol and certain other solvents, and known as haematin. The haematin contains 8.7 per cent of iron, and the coagulated protein is free from iron. To the haematin the formula C3 4 H 34 N 6 O 5 Fe has been assigned. By the action of reducing agents the haematin loses oxygen and changes to a purple color, with a corresponding change of spec- trum, described by Stokes at the same time as he described the 8 Haldane, Journ. of Physiol., XXVI, p. 497. 64 RESPIRATION spectra of oxyhaemoglobin and haemoglobin. To this reduced haematin Hoppe Seyler gave the very suitable name haemo- chromogen, as he believed it to be the parent substance of the color of haemoglobin and its varied derivatives. Thus we can regard haemoglobin as a compound of haemochromogen with a protein, also haematin as an oxygen compound of haemochromogen, while compounds of haemochromogen with carbon monoxide and nitric oxide are also known. This conception is confirmed by the fact that the oxygen ca- pacity of haemoglobin varies as its coloring power, and by another still more recently established fact. Till a few years ago it still seemed very doubtful whether there is a fixed and definite rela- tionship between the iron in haemoglobin and its oxygen capacity; and Bohr 7 thought that he had obtained evidence of the existence of marked variations in the relation between iron and oxygen capacity ; and that this relation differs in arterial and venous blood. The doubts on this subject turned round the reliability of the methods of determining iron. But in 1912 Peters, using a new and very reliable method of iron determination, found that there is a fixed and simple relationship between the oxygen capacity and iron, one molecule of combined oxygen corresponding to one atom of iron. 8 Still other considerations point in the same direction. When we examine the colors and spectra of the various direct derivatives of haemoglobin and haemochromogen a striking general cor- respondence emerges. Methaemoglobin and haematin have very similar colors and spectra, which differ in a more or less similar manner in acid or alkaline solutions, and give a similar red color and corresponding spectrum on addition of hydrocyanic acid. With carbon monoxide haemochromogen gives the same color and spectrum and takes up the same volume of carbon monoxide as haemoglobin. With the nitric oxide compounds there appears also to be a correspondence. Thus I found that the red color of raw salted meat is due to the presence of NO-haemoglobin, formed by the action on haemoglobin of the reduction product of the niter which is mixed with the salt; and the color is still red after the meat is cooked and the NO-haemoglobin broken up to yield a haemochromogen compound on heating. NO-haemoglobin is also found post mortem in poisoning by nitrites. Between haemoglobin and haemochromogen there is also more or less of 7 Bohr, Nagel's Handbuch der Physiologie, I, p. 95, 1905. 8 Peters, Journ. of Physiol., XLIV, p. 131, 1912. RESPIRATION 65 correspondence; but oxyhaemochromogen, the molecular oxygen compound of haemochromogen, is missing, and it seems that haematin is so readily formed by haemochromogen in the pres- ence of oxygen that oxyhaemochromogen cannot exist. Figure 18 shows the positions of the absorption bands in the spectra of NO- haemoglobin and NO-haemochromogen. C D E b F Figure 18. i. Nitric oxide haemoglobin. 2. Oxyhaemoglobin. 3. Carbonic oxide. haemoglobin. 4. Nitric oxide haemochromogen. 5. Obtained by action of nitrous acid on haematin. If haemochromogen has been formed from haemoglobin by the action of acids or caustic alkali and heat, a substance possess- ing the spectrum and properties of natural haemoglobin is gradu- ally re-formed on neutralization. 9 As proteins are greatly altered in properties by heating with alkali it would seem from this ob- servation that there may be a number of different haemoglobins, in which, though the haemochromogen part of the molecule is the same in all, the protein part varies. As will be shown later, there is evidence that not only in different species, but also in different individuals of the same species, the protein part of the haemoglobin molecule varies, thus producing slight variations in the properties of the haemoglobin as a carrier of gases, although there is no variation in the oxygen capacity per unit weight of iron present. The haemochromogen part of the molecule seems, on the other hand, to be constant in all the different sorts of haemo- globin, and this brings about the identity of the relations between oxygen capacity, coloring power, and percentage of iron in all the different varieties of haemoglobin, although as regards other properties haemoglobins from different sources vary distinctly. 9 See Menzies, Journ. of Phystol., XVII, p. 415, 1895, and XLIX, p. 452, 1915- 66 RESPIRATION The original ferricyanide method for determining the oxygen capacity of haemoglobin was very accurate, but required a good deal of blood, and was also slow on account of the time needed for exact equalization of temperature and gas pressures. Mr. Barcroft was then beginning his important series of investiga- tions on the metabolism of the salivary glands and other organs. As he required a blood-gas method suitable for very small volumes of blood he asked me whether the ferricyanide method could be adapted for the purpose, and I designed an apparatus which we jointly tested and described, and which turned out so successfully that, in one form or another, it has now almost displaced the mercurial blood pump. 10 In this apparatus the oxygen combined in the haemoglobin of the very small quantity of blood required is liberated by ferricyanide, and the CO 2 by acid. The amount of gas liberated in either case is determined, not from the increase in volume which its liberation causes, but from the increase of pressure when the total volume of gas is kept rigorously constant. I adopted this principle as the result of much previous experience in the measurement of small differences in gas volumes. Certain causes of difficulty are eliminated by the pressure method, and by the adoption, as in the original ferricyanide method, of a control arrangement by which the effects of changes in temperature and barometric pressure during the experiment are eliminated. Vari- ous improvements in the technique of collecting and sampling blood drawn directly from blood vessels were also introduced by Mr. Barcroft. This apparatus has been modified in various ways by different investigators, and some of the modifications are improvements. Others, however, seem to me to be the reverse. In the Appendix there is a description of a new and much more exact method in which the volumes of oxygen and CO 2 are measured directly. Besides the oxygen chemically combined with haemoglobin, the blood contains a certain small amount of oxygen in simple solution. In accordance with Henry's law of solution of gases in liquids this amount varies with the partial pressure of oxygen in the atmosphere with which the blood is saturated, which in the case of arterial blood in the living body is (with certain reserva- tions discussed in Chapters VII and VIII), the alveolar air. The amount of oxygen in free solution can be measured directly when the haemoglobin is by one means or another put out of action in respect to its power of entering into molecular combination with 10 Barcroft and Haldane, Journ. of Physiol., XXVIII, p. 232, 1902. RESPIRATION 67 oxygen. Bohr found that at body temperature 2.2 cc. of oxygen (measured at o and 760 mm.) go into simple solution in 100 cc. of blood when the partial pressure of oxygen is one atmosphere, 11 and this is about 8 per cent less than dissolves in water. In the alveolar air the partial pressure of oxygen is only about 13 per cent of an atmosphere, and in the mixed arterial blood about 1 1 per cent, or 84 mm., of mercury. Hence the amount of free oxygen dissolved in the 100 cc. of the arterial blood of a man is only about 0.24 cc. (measured at oC. and 760 mm. pressure) whereas about 17.4 cc. are present in combination with haemoglobin, as will be shown below. It is evident, however, that the amount in free solution is of great importance; it depends upon the partial pressure of oxygen in the atmosphere with which the blood is in equilibrium; and, as already pointed out, Paul Bert found that the physiological action of oxygen and of any other gas depends upon its partial pressure in this atmosphere. From the standpoint of physical chemistry the "partial pres- sure" of a gas in solution is simply the vapor pressure of the dis- solved gas, i.e., its tendency to pass out of the solvent at any free surface, or the gas pressure which will just balance this tendency so that the amount of gas in solution neither increases nor de- creases. But the vapor pressure of a substance in solution, or of the solvent itself, varies directly, as I showed in a recent paper, 12 with the diffusion pressure of the substance in solution. Hence vapor pressure is a direct index of diffusion pressure; and this is the reason why the partial pressure of a gas in solution is of so great importance. It is owing to differences in diffusion pressure that water or substances dissolved in it tend, independently of active "secretory" processes, to pass in one direction or another in the living body or outside it. For instance, when water passes through a semi-permeable membrane into a solution of sugar or salt, this is because the diffusion pressure of the pure water is greater than that of the diluted water in the sugar or salt solution. Van't Hoff's brilliant discovery that there is a connection between the fundamental "gas laws" and the phenomena of osmotic pres- sure was unfortunately marred by his failure to interpret either the connection or the experimental facts correctly. As a conse- quence, osmotic pressure and diffusion pressure were either com- pletely misinterpreted or confused with one another. There seems now to be no doubt that it is the diffusion pressures, and not the 11 Bohr, Nagel's Hancibuch der Physiol., I, p. 62, 1905. 19 Haldane, Bio-Chemical Journal, XII, p. 464, 1918. 68 RESPIRATION mere concentration of substances in the body, that are of physio- logical importance. To illustrate this distinction, the concentra- tion of water in blood is much less than in a two per cent solution of sodium chloride ; but the diffusion pressure of water in the blood is much greater than in the salt solution. Hence water will pass from the blood into salt solution. Similarly carbonic acid probably passes by diffusion from the muscular substance into the blood although the concentration of free carbonic acid in the muscle is less than in the blood. Paul Bert's conclusion that it is the partial pressure of a gas which is of importance as regards its physiological action can thus be extended to every other substance present in the living body, not excepting water. The partial pressure of a dissolved gas is of decisive importance because the gaseous partial pressure, or vapor pressure, is an index of the diffusion pressure of a substance in solution ; but where the gaseous partial pressure is so low that it cannot be measured, we must have recourse to other indices of the diffusion pressure. It has been shown how important are the gas pressures in al- veolar air. But the gas pressures of the blood in the systemic capillaries are of still more fundamental importance. It is clear that in order to understand how the oxygen pressure of the blood is regulated we must know the connection between dissociation of the oxyhaemoglobin of blood and fall in oxygen pressure. In other words we must know what is called the dissociation curve of oxy- haemoglobin in blood. The history of the growth of knowledge on this subject is some- what curious. Paul Bert 13 made some rough determinations with the pump of the amounts of oxygen in dogs' blood saturated with air in which the oxygen pressure was varied. His results indicated that in presence of oxygen reduced to a pressure of about 20 mm. the blood at body temperature had lost half its oxygen. In a living animal breathing air with an oxygen pressure of about 55 mm. (the alveolar oxygen pressure being unknown) the blood had also lost half its oxygen. When the blood was at a temperature below that of the body the oxygen was dissociated much less readily. The subject was taken up again by Hiifner, who used a solution of oxyhaemoglobin crystals in dilute sodium carbonate solution. As the result, partly of experiments, and partly of calculation, he published in 1890 a very symmetrical curve, according to which oxyhaemoglobin does not lose half its oxygen till the oxygen pres- 18 Paul Bert, La Pression Barometrique, p. 694, 1878. RESPIRATION 69 sure is reduced to 2.6 mm. 14 This curve was totally at variance with Paul Bert's results, and made it very difficult to understand the effects on animals breathing air with a low oxygen pressure. In 1904 Loewy and Zuntz 15 published further experiments with defibrinated blood giving results much nearer to those of Paul Bert. Meanwhile the subject was taken up by Bohr, 16 who not only confirmed Paul Bert in the main, but for the first time showed that the dissociation curve for blood or haemoglobin solutions has a very peculiar shape, with a double bend (Figure 19) , and that the 100 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 HO 120 130 44O 150 Figure 19. Curves representing the percentage saturation of haemoglobin with oxygen at different partial pressures of oxygen and CO2. Dog's blood at 38C. Ordinates = percentage saturation with oxygen ; abscissae = partial pressures of oxygen in millimeters of mercury. (Bohr, Hasselbalch, and Krogh.) curve for a haemoglobin solution differs considerably from that for blood. For this reason he inferred that the haemoglobin in blood ("haemochrome") differs chemically from crystallized haemoglobin. Bohr, Hasselbalch and Krogh 17 then made the important discovery that the dissociation curve of haemoglobin or "haemochrome" is greatly influenced by the partial pressure of the CO 2 present (Figure 19), the CO 2 helping to expel oxygen from its combination, so that, as the blood takes up CO 2 in its passage through the capillaries, oxygen is liberated from the oxy- haemoglobin more readily than would otherwise be the case. "Hiifner, Arch. f. (Anat. u.) Physwl., p. i, 1890. "Loewy and Zuntz, Arch. f. (Anat. u.) Physwl., p. 166, 1904. "Bohr, Centralbl. f. Physwl., 17, p. 688, 1904. 17 Skand. Arch. f. Physwl., 16, p. 602, 1904. 70 RESPIRATION The investigation was now taken up by Barcroft and his pupils, who have made a number of important advances during the last few years with the help of one form or another of the ferricyanide apparatus. 18 They found that the form taken by the dissociation curve of oxyhaemoglobin is greatly influenced by the salts present in the red blood corpuscles, or in a solution of their oxyhaemoglobin. 19 When all the salts were removed by dialysis the curve became a rectangular hyperbola, 20 as in the curve published by Htifner. If the reversible reaction between oxygen and haemoglobin is rep- resented by the uncomplicated equation Hb + O 2 *^HbO 2 , the curve would, in accordance with the well-known law of Guldberg and Waage, be a rectangular hyperbola. This is the case when salts are absent and the solution is neutral, as in the dialysed solu- tion. When, however, salts are present, the form of the curve is altered towards the characteristic form given by blood, and the nature and extent of the alteration was found to depend on the nature and concentration of the salts. Thus when dialysed dogs' haemoglobin was dissolved in a salt solution of the same composi- tion and concentration as in human blood corpuscles the dissocia- tion curve obtained was similar to that of human blood. These discoveries rendered it unnecessary to assume with Bohr and others that there is any essential chemical difference between the haemoglobin present in blood corpuscles and in a solution of crystallized haemoglobin. At the same time they furnished a key to the explanation of the apparently divergent observations as to the dissociation curve of oxyhaemoglobin. Barcroft and Orbeli 21 found that not only does CO 2 shift the curve in the direction dis- covered by Bohr and his pupils, but that other acids added in such small quantities as not to decompose the haemoglobin have a similar effect, while alkalies have the opposite effect. As will be explained later Barcroft and his associates concluded that this alteration affords a very sensitive measure of any alteration in the reaction, or hydrogen ion concentration of the blood; and they have used it for this purpose. The form of the dissociation curve of the oxyhaemoglobin in human blood at body temperature and with a constant pressure of 18 A summary of these investigations is given in Barcroft's book, The Respira- tory Function of the Blood, 1914. 19 Barcroft and Camis, Journ. of Physiol., XXXIX, p. 118, 1909. 20 Barcroft and Roberts, Ibid,., XXXIX, p. 143, 1909. 21 Barcroft and Orbeli, Journ. of Physiol., XLI, p. 353, 1910. Barcroft, Ibid., XLII, p. 44, 191 1. RESPIRATION 40 mm. of CO 2 , as in average human alveolar air, was worked out by Barcroft, and his results for one individual (Douglas) were MOO 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 23 _O_ *80 I 2 34567 8 9 IO II 12 13 14 13 16 17 PRESSURE OF OXYGEN IN PERCENTAGE OF ONE ATMOSPHERE . Figure 20. Dissociation curves of oxyhaemoglobin in presence of 40 mm. pressure of CO2 at 38 (i per cent of an atmosphere =7.60 mm. pressure). O Blood of C. G. D., using ammonia in blood-gas apparatus. Blood of C. G. D., using NaaCOs in blood-gas apparatus. D Blood of J. S. H., using ammonia in blood-gas apparatus. Blood of J. S. H., using Na 2 CO 3 in blood-gas apparatus. X Mixed blood of six mice, using ammonia in blood-gas apparatus. approximately confirmed by Douglas and myself, working with a different apparatus. Figure 20 shows the curves given by the blood of Douglas and myself in a very exact series of observa- tions, with the individual observations marked. Our curves as will be seen are sensibly the same; but Barcroft has found that the curves of different individuals may vary very distinctly. With the blood of Douglas and myself, for instance, half-saturation of the haemoglobin with oxygen occurs at an oxygen pressure of 4.0 per cent of an atmosphere or 30.4 mm. With that of other individ- uals, and the same pressure (40 mm.) of CO 2 , half -saturation may, according to Barcroft, occur at as low an oxygen pressure as 24 mm. 22 23 Barcroft, The Respiratory Function of the Blood, p. 218, 1913. 72 RESPIRATION On examining the dissociation curve it will be seen that the steepest part of the curve is in the middle. In the case of oxy- haemoglobin dissociating in the living body as the blood passes through the capillaries, and in doing so taking up CO 2 , this part of the curve is still steeper, for the reason given by Bohr and his pupils. It is clear that with this form of curve the oxygen pressure in the capillaries must tend, after the first fifth of the oxygen has been given off, to remain comparatively steady during the giving off of the next three-fifths : for at this stage a large amount of oxygen is given off from the oxyhaemoglobin with a compara- tively small fall in the oxygen pressure. In this way the oxygen supply to the tissues is maintained at a far higher and also much steadier pressure than if the curve were a rectangular hyperbola. As will be seen later, a man would die on the spot of asphyxia if the oxygen dissociation curve of his blood were suddenly altered so as to assume the form which Hiifner supposed it to have in the living body. The salts of the red corpuscles and the particular hydrogen ion concentration of the blood are of essential impor- tance in connection with the oxygen supply of the tissues. Haemoglobin, as already mentioned, forms specially colored dissociable compounds, not only with oxygen, but also with carbon monoxide and nitric oxide, and the compound with CO is of special physiological interest, apart from its practical importance in connection with the frequency of CO poisoning. As compared with the oxygen compound the CO compound, which was dis- covered by Claude Bernard, 23 is characterized by its relative stability, which is so great that at one time it was supposed that CO-haemoglobin is not dissociable. Blood of which the haemoglobin is saturated with CO has a scarlet color similar to that of blood saturated with oxygen ; but if the CO-haemoglobin is highly diluted, or examined in a very thin layer, its color is pink, as compared with the yellow color of diluted oxyhaemoglobin. By taking advantage of this fact one can easily recognize the presence of CO-haemoglobin in blood. This test, as I have often pointed out, is far more delicate than the older spectroscopic test, but requires daylight or some similar light. By adding carmine solution to diluted normal blood one can exactly match the color of the diluted blood containing CO, 24 and by using a suitable carmine solution I found it possible to estimate 33 Claude Bernard, Compt. Rend., XLVIII, p. 393, 1858. "A detailed description of this method in its latest form will be found in the Appendix. RESPIRATION 73 with great accuracy the percentage saturation of haemoglobin with CO. With the help of this method Douglas and I worked out "dis- sociation curves for the CO-haemoglobin of human blood at 38 C in the absence, of course, of oxygen, but in the presence of varying partial pressure of CO 2 - 25 The results are shown in Figure 21. too 90 80 70 50 40 30 10 4 c* o 05O PRESSURE OF CO IN PERCENTAGE OF ONE ATMOSPHERE. Figure 21. Dissociation curves of CO haemoglobin in absence of oxygen, at 38 and with various pressures of CO 2 . O Blood of C. G. D. Blood of J. S. H. These curves, like the curve for the oxyhaemoglobin of human blood in Figure 20 are drawn free-hand. On comparing them we found that, allowing for possible small errors due to insufficient determinations, they are all the same curve when the scale on which the abscissae of each are plotted is altered by a suitable 26 Douglas, J. S. Haldane, and J. B. S. Haldane, Sourn. of Physiol., XLIV, p. 275, 1912. 74 RESPIRATION constant. It thus appears that the effect of substituting CO for O 2 , or of varying the partial pressure of CO 2 , is only to alter a simple constant in the equation to the curve. In other words it is only the affinity of haemoglobin for the gas saturating it which alters. With respect to the oxyhaemoglobin curve the same conclusion was reached by Barcroft and Poulton, 26 who found that variations in the partial pressure of CO 2 had, within wide limits, the same effects on the dissociation curve of oxyhaemoglobin, as on that of CO-haemoglobin. In the case of Bancroft's blood it requires a little over twice as high a partial pressure of oxygen to produce half-saturation of the haemoglobin in presence of 40 mm. pres- sure of CO 2 as when CO 2 is absent; just as in the blood of Douglas it takes a little over twice as high a partial pressure of CO. Bar- croft and Means 27 have, however, also shown that in the case of a salt-free or nearly salt-free solution of haemoglobin the effect of CO 2 is not merely to alter the affinity of oxygen for haemoglobin, but also to alter the mathematical form of the curve, just as salts do. Hence it is only in the case of whole blood that the affinity alone is altered ; and probably we should find that it is only within definite limits of variations in the hydrogen ion concentration of whole blood that the mathematical form of the dissociation curve is sensibly unaltered. When blood or haemoglobin solution is exposed to a mixture of CO and air the haemoglobin becomes partly saturated with CO and for the rest with O 2 . I found many years ago that with a dilute solution of blood the curve representing the percentage saturation of the haemoglobin with CO when increasing percentages of CO are added to the air in the saturating vessel is a rectangular hyper- bola. 28 Figure 22 shows curves obtained by Douglas and myself with undiluted blood at body temperature from two persons and two mice. 29 It will be seen that in each case the curve is a rectangular hyperbola, corresponding to the simple reversible reaction HbO 2 + CO^HbCO + O 2 . Thus for my own blood the proportions of HbCO to HbO 2 are I : I with .07 per cent of CO, 2 : 1 with 2 x .07 per cent of CO, 3 : 1 with 3 x .07 per cent of CO, etc. For each kind *" Barcroft and Poulton, Journ. of Physwl., XLVI, Proc. Physwl. Soc., p. iv, 1913- 87 Barcroft and Means, Journ. of Physwl., XLVII, Proc. Physwl. Soc., p. xxvii, 1914. "Haldane, Journ. of Physiol., Vol. XVIII, p. 449, 1895. 28 Journ. of Physiol., Vol. XLIV, p. 278, 1912. RESPIRATION 75 of blood the curve remains exactly the same when the blood is diluted, or rendered less or more alkaline, or when neutral salts are added. This is of course quite different from what happens with the simple dissociation curves of oxyhaemoglobin and CO- haemoglobin. 15 -20 -25 PERCENTAGE OFCO. Figure 22. Dissociation curves of CO haemoglobin in presence of air (20.9 per cent O 2 ) at temperature of 38. I. Blood of J. S. H. II. Blood of C. G. D. III. Blood of mouse A. IV. Blood of mouse B. The crosses indicate points deter- mined in the presence of 40 mm. pressure of added COa. When the percentage of CO in the air is kept constant and the percentage of oxygen is varied the curve is again a complete rec- tangular hyperbola, as shown in Figure 23, provided that the per- centage of CO is sufficient to saturate the haemoglobin completely in the absence of O 2 , as in the upper curve. 7 6 RESPIRATION It is thus evident that when we have determined the percentage saturations of a sample of haemoglobin with CO and O 2 in a solu- tion saturated with a gas mixture containing CO and O 2 at known concentrations or partial pressures, what we have really de- termined is the relative affinities of the haemoglobin for CO and 100 90 580 60 Q- 10 \ in 10 20 30 40 ,50 60 70 PERCENTAGE OF OXYGEN. 80 90 100 Figure 23. Dissociation curves of CO-haemoglobin in presence of constant percentage of CO and varying percentage of oxygen, at atmospheric pressure. I. Blood of J. S. H. : CO = 0.0945 per cent. Blood of mouse C : CO = 0.090 per cent. III. Blood of mouse D : CO = 0.0635 per cent. O 2 (without allowing, however, for the slight difference in solu- bility between the two gases). In my own blood the haemoglobin is equally divided between CO and O 2 when the partial pressures of CO and O 2 are as .07 to 20.9 i.e., as I to 299. Hence the affinity of the haemoglobin for CO is 299 times its affinity for O 2 . For the haemoglobin of Douglas the corresponding figure is 246. For his haemoglobin we can also compare the affinities for CO and RESPIRATION 77 O 2 in another way. In presence of 40 mm. of CO 2 his blood be- comes half -saturated with CO (in the absence of oxygen) at a pressure of .017 per cent of an atmosphere of CO, as shown in Figure 21, and half -saturated with O 2 (in the absence of CO) at a pressure of 4.0 per cent of an atmosphere, as shown in Figure 20. These pressures are in the ratio of I 1235, which is nearly the same ratio as when the relative affinities are estimated by the pre- vious method. As already seen, we may be able to account for varying dis- sociation curves of the oxyhaemoglobin in whole blood by the varying composition and concentration of the salts contained in the red corpuscles, and by varying alkalinity; but we cannot so account for the varying relative affinities of different specimens of haemoglobin for CO and O 2 , since the curves in Figure 22 are not affected by varying concentration of salts or degrees of alka- linity. There seems to be no escape from the conclusion that in different individuals of the same species, as well as in different species, the haemoglobin molecules are different. Whether the haemoglobin in each individual is made up of homogeneous mole- cules, or is a mixture in some definite proportion of two or more different kinds of haemoglobin, we do not as yet know. What seems pretty certain, however, is that each individual has a specific kind of haemoglobin just as he has a specific shape of nose. At whatever time we have investigated my own and Dr. Douglas's haemoglobin their specific differential characters have appeared to be sensibly the same. It seems pretty certain that, since the ratio of oxygen capacity to both the coloring power and amount of iron in haemoglobin is constant, the difference in the haemoglobin molecule in different kinds of blood is due to the protein and not the haemochromogen fraction of the molecule; but as yet there are no data to indicate more specifically the nature of the differ- ence. It is of considerable biological significance to have found, however, that, looking at living organisms from a purely chemical standpoint, individual differences express themselves, not merely in the relative amounts of the different molecules which can be separated from different parts of the body, but also in their chemi- cal constitution. Since the dissociation curve of CO-haemoglobin in presence of a constant pressure of oxygen and varying pressure of CO, or in presence of a constant pressure of CO and varying pressure of oxygen, is a rectangular hyperbola, provided that the gases are present at sufficient pressure to saturate the haemoglobin, it is 78 RESPIRATION clear that provided we know the relative affinities of the two gases for the haemoglobin, and the pressure at which one is present, we can tell from an observation of the percentage saturation of the haemoglobin the pressure of the other. Hence we can use haemo- globin solutions for determining small percentages of CO in air. All that is necessary is to introduce a little blood solution into a small bottle of the air, shake till the solution takes up no more CO, and then determine colorimetrically the percentage saturation of the haemoglobin with CO, and calculate the percentage of CO present. 30 Still more important in physiological work is the con- verse determination of the oxygen pressure by observation of the percentage saturation of haemoglobin exposed to a constant pres- sure of CO. By this means, as we shall see later, it is possible to measure the partial pressure of oxygen in the arterial blood within the living body and so decide the question whether active secretion of oxygen inwards occurs in the lungs. Douglas and I found that when the combined pressure of O 2 and CO are insufficient to saturate the haemoglobin the dissocia- tion curve of CO-haemoglobin in presence of a constant pressure of CO and diminishing pressure of O 2 begins to diverge from the rectangular hyperbola which it would otherwise have followed, and then proceeds to trace out the peculiar hump shown on the lower two curves in Figure 23, and in greater detail in Figure 24. We thus have what seems at first sight a most anomalous fact, namely that although all other facts show that increase in the pressure of oxygen tends to keep out CO more and more from combination with haemoglobin, yet at very low pressure of oxygen and CO the reverse is the case, and increase of oxygen pressure helps the CO to combine with haemoglobin. There can be no doubt that the converse is also the case namely that at low pressures of CO the presence of the CO helps the oxygen to combine with the haemoglobin. This explains a very anomalous fact noticed by Lorrain Smith and myself many years ago 31 namely that the presence of a small percentage of CO helps animals to resist the effect of a very low oxygen pressure, or at any rate does not make them worse. We had expected that a given percentage of CO would become more and more poisonous the more the oxygen pressure was diminished, and this was the case within certain limits ; but we were then quite at a loss to understand why with very low oxygen pressures the CO seemed to do no harm. ""Haldane, Methods of Air Analysis, p. 119, 19 1 g. "Haldane and Lorrain Smith, Journ. of Physiol., XXII, p. 246, 1897- RESPIRATION 79 The explanation of the anomalous hump in the curves on Fig- ures 23 and 24 is in reality easy enough in view of the peculiar double-bended form of the simple dissociation curves of oxy- haemoglobin and CO-haemoglobin in whole blood. When CO is present at a pressure insufficient to saturate the blood, and the 100 90 2eo 5 Iro 3 O ?60 50 I- u. z 40 o j 30 ^ 20 I '0 E t/ y\ 4 6 3 10 12 14 16 18 2O 22 PRESSURE OF OXYGEN IN PERCENTAGE OF ONE ATMOSPHERE. Figure 24. Dissociation curves of CO-haemoglobin in blood at 38 and in presence of 40 mm. CO 2 , with constant pressure of CO and varying pressures of oxygen. oxygen pressure is gradually raised from zero, the two gases to- gether will trace out curves representing the total saturation of the haemoglobin, as shown in the thin lines on Figure 24. These curves are calculated on the theory that the proportion of oxy- haemoglobin to CO-haemoglobin is exactly what is required in view of the known relative affinities of oxygen and CO for the haemoglobin of the blood used. As, however, the thin curves start at the steep part of the joint curve a very small addition of oxygen 8o RESPIRATION will produce such a large effect that not only will a large amount of oxygen go into combination, but also an increased proportion of CO. The thick lines show the curve for CO-haemoglobin as calculated on this hypothesis, and the dots show the actual ob- servations. There is in reality perfect agreement with the theory that oxygen and CO combine with haemoglobin in exact propor- tion to their relative affinities for haemoglobin and their partial pressures, just as in the upper curve of Figure 23. The great sig- nificance of this in connection with the explanation of CO poison- ing will be referred to later. It remains to discuss the explanation of the various dissocia- tion curves to which reference has been made. We have seen above that Barcroft and his pupils found that when a solution of oxy- haemoglobin is freed, or approximately freed, from salts it gives a dissociation curve which is a simple rectangular hyperbola, in accordance with the simple reaction Hb + O 2 ^HbO 2 . A. V. Hill pointed out in 1910 that the varying values obtained for the osmotic pressure of haemoglobin solutions in presence of salts indicates that the molecules are more or less aggregated to- gether owing to the influence of the salts ; and he showed that this fact was capable of explaining the deviation from a rectangular hyperbola of the dissociation curve. Thus if, in consequence of the aggregation, the reaction were Hb 2 + 2O 2 ^Hb 2 O 4 , the curve would no longer be a rectangular hyperbola but would approximate to that given for oxyhaemoglobin in presence of a certain proportion of salts. By assuming a suitable proportion of aggregation of the haemoglobin molecules as Hb 2 , Hb 3 , etc., we can therefore construct equations which will give the actual dis- sociation curves. He also gave a general form of equation to meet the varying cases. In this equation there are two constants, which must be suitably chosen. The subject was also taken up by Douglas, J. B. S. Haldane, and myself. We adopted Hill's aggregation theory, but in a dif- ferent form. It seemed to us that the aggregation in protein solu- tions is a phenomenon of the same general nature as precipitation, the precipitate being, however, only formed in very small parti- cles consisting of only two, three, or at any rate a few molecules. RESPIRATION 8 1 On this view the aggregated haemoglobin molecules have their molecular affinities saturated, and therefore go out of the^e^ action between oxygen or CO and haemoglobin, thus following the general principle that corpora non agunt nisi soluta. The only reaction taking place between the haemoglobin and oxygen is thus the first one mentioned above. To explain the actual form of the dissociation curve for blood or salt solutions we assumed that the degree of aggregation depends on the concentration of the haemo- globin or oxyhaemoglobin in the solution, in accordance with the reactions Hb Hb + Hb 2 ^ - , ^-^ ^ ** - c ^_ ^ ^ ** ^U ^* ^ ,' ^ ^ -" / I* ^f / /r / / / r / / c/ '/ o Vj /. >->0 1 f ; J/ ^ ^ JO // Q 10 20 30 40 5O 60 7O 80 90 100 HO 12 PRESSURE of CO 2 in MM. Hy. Figure 25. Lower curve absorption of CO2 by blood of J. S. H. in presence of air and C(>2. Upper curve absorption of CC>2 by blood of J. S. H. in presence of hydrogen and C0 2 . Attention may first be directed to the lower curve, showing the amounts of CO 2 taken up in the presence of air and varying pres- sures of CO 2 . The first, and by far the most striking, point to be noted is that, although the different determinations were made on different days covering a period of about six months, they all lie on one curve. The samples were taken at different times of the day RESPIRATION 89 during ordinary laboratory work. In regulating the temperature of the bath containing the saturator, analyzing the samples of air from the saturator, observing the barometric pressure, measuring the sample of blood (of which about I cc. was used for each anal- ysis), and determining the CO 2 by means of the blood-gas ap- paratus (we used Brodie's modification of the original apparatus), it was impossible to avoid combined errors of I or 2 per cent of the quantities to be measured, so that we could not say how exact Nature's regulation of the curve is. At any rate it was so exact for my blood that the most exact existing chemical methods did not show any deviations from the curve, any more than they could show deviations from the oxyhaemoglobin or CO-haemo- globin dissociation curves. Marked temporary deviations could, however, be produced by severe muscular exertion ; and probably very distinct deviations may occur after meals. With the blood of other persons the results were only slightly different. Thus the curves, so far as ascertained, for the blood of Miss Christiansen and Dr. Douglas were slightly below, and otherwise parallel to mine under normal conditions. The blood of most persons seemed to take up about 50 volumes of CO 2 per 100 volumes of blood at 40 millimeters pressure of CO 2 ; but under abnormal conditions, as will be shown below, there are great temporary variations from this standard, corresponding to the great variations observed under the unfavorable conditions in experiments on animals. More than 50 years ago it was suspected by Ludwig that oxygen may have some influence in turning out CO 2 from the venous blood which conies to the lungs. The experiments made to ascer- tain whether oxygen helps to turn out CO 2 from blood gave, how- ever, only a negative result, and more recent work by Bohr, Hasselbalch, and Krogh 9 led to similar negative conclusions. We had been making experiments to investigate the rise of alveolar CO 2 pressure when the breath was held, or when a small quantity of air was rebreathed. One result of these experiments was to show that if the alveolar oxygen pressure fell much below normal the percentage of CO 2 in the alveolar or rebreathed air was always, without exception, lower after any definite interval of time, than was the case under the same conditions but with the alveolar oxy- gen percentage high. This brought us back to Ludwig's old ques- tion, which with the new blood-gas method we could investigate "Bohr, Hasselbalch, and Krogh, Skand. Arch. f. Physiol., XVI, p. 411, 1904. 90 RESPIRATION far more easily and exactly than when nothing but the blood pump and the old methods of gas analysis were available. The first pair of experiments showed us that Ludwig's old suspicion was correct, and that at the same pressure of CO 2 blood takes up considerably more CO 2 in the absence than in the presence of oxygen. The upper curve in Figure 25 is the absorption curve for my own blood in the absence of oxygen, and shows that at the physiologically important part of the curve the blood takes up from 5 to 6 volumes per cent more of CO 2 if oxygen is absent. We found that the excess of CO 2 taken up runs parallel, not to the partial pressure of oxygen, but to the extent to which the oxy- haemoglobin of the blood is dissociated. Saturation of the haemo- globin with CO had just the same effect on the curve as saturation with oxygen. The effect may be due to saturated haemoglobin being a less alkaline substance than reduced haemoglobin, but is more probably dependent on the molecules of reduced haemo- globin having a much greater tendency to aggregate than those of saturated haemoglobin. The reasons for this assumption with regard to aggregation were given at the end of last chapter. The aggregated haemoglobin molecules would presumably have less mass influence in keeping out the CO 2 from combination with alkali than the unaggregated molecules. Let us now see what physiological deductions can be drawn from the absorption curves in Figure 25. Human blood contains about 1 8 volumes per cent of oxygen, and if all this oxygen were used up in the tissues about 15 volumes of CO 2 would be formed. But during the using up of the oxygen the absorption curve for CO 2 starting from 40 mm. would pass from the lower to the upper curve of Figure 25, following upwards the thick line shown in Figure 26. Hence the CO 2 pressure, instead of rising to 80 mm., as would be the case if the lower curve were followed, would only rise to 62 mm. Actually, as will be shown later, not more than about a fifth of the oxygen is used up during rest, so the pressure of CO 2 in the mixed venous blood rises only about 5 or 6 mm. This makes it far more easy to understand why the pressure of CO 2 in the arte- rial blood should be so exactly regulated as it is. If it had been the case that the resting CO 2 pressure in the systemic capillaries were far above the arterial CO 2 pressure, the necessity for such exact regulation of the arterial CO 2 pressure would have been hard to understand. While the venous blood is being aerated in the lungs, the ab- RESPIRATION sorption curve for CO 2 will follow the thick line downwards. It will be seen that, if we assume the resting excess pressure of CO 2 in the venous blood, the quantity of CO 2 given off when the CO 2 pressure in the lung capillaries falls to that of the alveolar air will be about 55 per cent greater than if no oxygenation had oc- curred. If, on the other hand, we assume a certain excess charge 75 50 40 /A 80 90 30 40 50 60 70 PRESSURE of CO 2 in MM. Hq. Figure 26. Upper curve absorption of CO2 by blood of J. S. H. in pres- ence of hydrogen and CC>2. Middle curve absorption of COz by blood of J. S. H. in pres- ence of hydrogen and CC>2. Lower curve absorption of CO2 in blood of ox and dog in pres- ence of air and CO 2 (Bohr's data). Thick line A B represents the absorption of CO2 by the blood of J. S. H. within the body. of CO 2 in volumes per cent in the venous blood, the discharge of CO 2 will ordinarily be about 55 per cent greater than if no oxy- genation had occurred. We can also see that under abnormal conditions, such as may easily occur when the breathing is suspended or reduced in 92 RESPIRATION amount, as after forced breathing, or during excessive artificial respiration, or other respiratory disturbances, CO 2 may easily be given off by the lungs when there is no excess of venous over alveolar CO 2 pressure, or even when the venous CO 2 pressure is considerably lower than that of the alveolar air. For when the blood reaches the lungs the process of oxygenation so reduces the capacity of the blood for CO 2 that its CO 2 pressure is raised above that of the air, and diffusion results. If the respiratory quotient has fallen temporarily to a third or less of its normal value, the thick line of Figure 26 will become vertical in the living body, or incline to the left instead of to the right. It is merely necessary to suspend the breathing for a very short time in order to realize this condition. Only if air containing a large excess of CO 2 is breathed, will CO 2 be absorbed backwards, and the thick line pass downwards as well as to the left. Tlje discovery that oxygenation of the haemoglobin helps to turn out CO 2 from blood gives us the key to the proper interpreta- tion of the fact that, as was found by ourselves in human experi- ments, and earlier by Werigo, 10 and by Bohr and Halberstadt, 11 more CO 2 is given off into the air of the lungs when oxygen is present. Thus in Halberstadt's experiments it was found that if one lung was ventilated with air, and the other with hydrogen, the lung ventilated with air gave off nearly 50 per cent more CO 2 than the lung ventilated with hydrogen. This result is precisely what would be expected in view of the facts just described; but as Bohr was misled by the apparent results of his experiments with blood outside the body, he wrongly attributed Halberstadt's and Werigo's results to the supposed fact that in presence of air there is a large formation of CO 2 in the lungs, owing to a process of oxidation occurring there. As will be shown later, hardly any formation of CO 2 occurs in the lungs. In a quite recent paper Parsons 12 has investigated mathemati- cally the form of the absorption curve of blood for CO 2 on the theory that the blood is a chemical system consisting of carbonic acid and what may be regarded as one other free acid (consisting of the proteins present) with a fixed concentration of available alkali distributed between them. This fixed concentration he estimated from blood-ash analyses and in other ways, to be about 4.5 x io~ 2 N. He found that the form of the curve given by calcula- 10 Werigo, Pfliiger's Archiv., LI, p. 321, 1892. 11 Bohr, Nagel's HancLb. der Physiol., I, p. 208. 13 Parsons, Journ. of PAysiol., LIII, p. 42, 1919. RESPIRATION 93 tion corresponded satisfactorily with the curves which both we and he had obtained experimentally for human blood. This is illustrated in Figure 27, reproduced from his paper. We had not attempted to calculate the form of the curve, as several proteins are involved in the chemical system; but by the simplifying as- sumption which he made Parsons overcame this difficulty. Pco, 10 20 30 40 50 60 7O 8O 9O IOO 110 120mm. Figure 27. Comparison between the theoretical curve and experimental results for completely reduced blood of Haldane. In the previous chapter we have seen that, other things being equal, a rise of CO 2 pressure shifts the dissociation curve of oxy- haemoglobin to the right if the curve is represented as in Figure 19 or 28. In the living body the pressure of CO 2 is constantly rising as the blood becomes more and more venous in its passage through the systemic capillaries. The data embodied in Figure 25 gave us the means of calculating this rise, and it will be seen that it is much less than previously existing knowledge would have led us to believe. Figure 27 shows the oxygen dissociation curve of my own blood in the living body, calculated from Figure 26, on the assumption that the shifting of the curve to the right is pro- portional to the increase of CO 2 pressure in the blood as it passes along the systemic capillaries. Bohr believed that the shifting of the dissociation curve to the right by the influence of increasing CO 2 pressure in the systemic 94 RESPIRATION capillaries is an important factor in facilitating the unloading of oxygen from the blood ; and this line of argument has been further elaborated by Barcroft. The actual shifting is, however, very small under normal conditions, and of much less physiological importance than the effect of the shifting of the CO 2 absorption curve in consequence of reduction of oxyhaemoglobin. 100 h S 80 1 C 70 60 ^40 ;r 30 5 20 *,. ^^ ^*^ -^ = _^ BB ^OK. ?=. ^. ^ ^i * / y , 7 ' / / 1 / / / / / / > > / / 7 / / / f / / / / '/ / '/ X ^ Pressure of oxyyen in Percentage of one atmosphere. Figure 28. The thick line shows the dissociation curve of oxyhaemoglobin in the blood of J. S. H. and C. G. D. in the presence of 40 mm. pressure of COa. The thin line represents the dissociation curve of oxyhaemoglobin in the blood of J. S. H. and C. G. D. within the body. We are now in a position to interpret much more completely the facts concerning the regulation of breathing by small varia- tions in the alveolar CO 2 pressure. How very small the mean variations are, we have already seen. On the other hand the breathing is constantly being interrupted or interfered with in one way or another during ordinary occupations, such as speak- ing or singing, and the breath can be held for a few seconds with- out any noticeable air hunger being produced. During these interferences the alveolar CO 2 pressure must be constantly rising and falling on either side of the normal limit, but the physiological effect seems almost nil, and to popular imagination it seems as if the breathing, instead of being regulated so rigorously as was shown to be the case in the second chapter, is hardly regulated at RESPIRATION 95 all. We are also familiar with instructions to increase the breathing so as to "improve the oxygenation of the blood" and with quack advertisements based on the same idea. How does it come about that although the regulation is so exact on the average, yet temporary deviations from this average exactitude do not cause any discomfort? How is it, also, that when the production of CO 2 is suddenly increased to perhaps ten times the normal, as on a sudden muscular exertion, yet the breathing responds gradually and easily to the new conditions? The answer to this question is that there are physiological buf- fers between the stimulus of increased production of CO 2 , or increase in the alveolar CO 2 pressure, and stimulation of the respiratory center, and that if it were not so the respiratory center would work in a jerky, irregular, and extremely inconvenient manner. The first of these buffers is the large volume of air always present in the lungs. Thus in my own case the mean volume of air in the lungs at the end of inspiration during rest is 3650 cc., measured dry at oC, including about 3000 cc. of saccular al- veolar air containing about 5.6 per cent of CO 2 . Let us assume that the breath is held at the end of inspiration during rest, and consider what happens. About 250 cc. of CO 2 would be normally given off per minute, or 20 cc. in 5 seconds; and if the latter quantity were given off with the breath held the mean CO 2 pres- sure in the lung air would rise by 0.6 per cent in 5 seconds. But, as will be shown later, about 700 cc. of blood will pass through the lungs in 5 seconds, and as the arterial blood will be more highly saturated with CO 2 if the alveolar CO 2 percentage rises, some of the CO 2 which would ordinarily have been given off will be dammed back in the blood. Figure 25 shows that for every rise of 2.5 mm. or .36 per cent in the alveolar CO 2 pressure the blood will take up, or hold back, i volume per cent of CO 2 . Hence the actual rise in the mean CO 2 pressure within the lungs cannot be more than about 0.4 per cent in the 5 seconds during which the breath is held. The net result is that about two-thirds of the CO 2 which the suspension of the breathing prevents from escaping from the body is temporarily accommodated in the lung air, which thus acts as a first buffer for preventing too sudden a change in the arterial CO 2 pressure. A second buffer is provided by the tissues and lymph in and around the respiratory center itself. So far as we know the re- action in all parts of the body is slightly alkaline, just as in the blood; and the tissues and lymph have, like the blood, a con- 9 6 RESPIRATION siderable capacity for absorbing CO 2 . Hence it will take some time for the blood to saturate the tissues and lymph up, or de- saturate them down, to a new CO 2 pressure. Here we have a second, and very powerful, buffer action, tending to smooth out the influence on the respiratory center and other tissues of all variations of short duration in the CO 2 pressure of the arterial blood, and also to prolong the influence of variations of longer duration. This subject was investigated by Douglas and myself. 13 The following table shows the results we obtained on determining the alveolar CO 2 pressure at various times after holding the breath. In order to throw out disturbing effects due to the action of oxy- gen want on the respiratory center, some of the experiments were made after a few normal breaths of oxygen had been taken, so that there should be plenty of oxygen in the lungs up to the end of the stoppage of respiration. PRESSURE IN MM. OF HG. IN ALVEOLAR AIR C0 2 2 At end of period of holding breath for 30" 49.2 62.6 At fifth expiration following 29.1 At ninth expiration following 31-5 At twelfth expiration following 32.0 At twentieth expiration following 33-8 At thirtieth expiration following 37-0 At fortieth expiration following 38.8 At fifth expiration after holding 40" 28.4 117. At eighth expiration following 29.4 At end of holding breath for 130" after oxygen 61.9 274. At sixth expiration afterwards 24.8 At twentieth expiration afterwards 33-3 At fortieth expiration afterwards 31-2 Normal average 39-75 105. Figure 29 is a stethographic tracing of the respirations during an experiment, and shows that the breathing returns gradually to normal after the hyperpnoea following the stoppage. The table is extremely instructive, and shows very clearly what a long period of increased breathing, with the alveolar CO 2 pres- sure distinctly below normal, is required in order to compensate 13 Douglas and Haldane, Journ. of Physwl., XXXVIII, p. 420, 1919. I 5 ^ ss m .s bi ft .SvO p t" :* Is .-8. i a e- 98 RESPIRATION for the cumulative action of the stoppage of breathing. After the long stoppage of 130 seconds the breathing and alveolar CO 2 pressure had not nearly returned to normal, even after the fortieth breath following the stoppage. Figure 30 shows the converse experiment. Forced breathing was continued two minutes so as to wash out CO 2 from the lungs, arterial blood, and respiratory center; and oxygen had been taken into the lungs, so as to cut out the effects of want of oxygen. The apnoea lasted 4% minutes, and an alveolar sample (the taking of which is recorded on the tracing and somewhat disturbs it) was obtained as soon as the slightest inclination to breathe was noticed. It will be seen that the CO 2 percentage in this sample was 7.12 per cent (51.5 mm. of CO 2 pressure) a value far above the normal 40 mm. required to excite the center under normal conditions. Separate experiments showed that by the end of two minutes of forced breathing the alveolar CO 2 pressure had fallen to about 13 mm. and during the apnoea rose to normal again at the end of 2j^ minutes. During the last 2 minutes the alveolar CO 2 pressure was above normal ; but sufficient CO 2 had not accumulated in the tissues of the respiratory center to stimulate it, till the alveolar CO 2 pressure had gradually risen to 51.5 mm. At this point the center, which had now just reached its normal CO 2 pressure, began to work quietly and smoothly, reducing the alveolar CO 2 pressure to normal, and picking up the normal regulating activity. The breathing cannot indicate a gradual return of the CO 2 pressure in the center to normal, corresponding to the gradual return in Figure 29, since, as is shown by the experiments described in Chapter II, complete apnoea results from a fall of 0.2 per cent or 1.5 mm. of the CO 2 pressure in the respiratory center. The apnoea following forced breathing can be temporarily interrupted by sending a block of blood highly charged with CO 2 to the respiratory center. The effect of this is shown in Figure 31. As soon as the breathing and the "apnoeic" venous blood return- ing to the lungs have removed the extra CO 2 introduced into the lungs the apnoea returns again. The washing out of CO 2 from the body during forced breath- ing, and its gradual reaccumulation during the next ten or twenty minutes, were strikingly illustrated in some experiments carried out by Boothby. 14 Thus in an experiment on myself he found that during i*/2 minutes of forced breathing I had removed about 1,400 cc. extra of CO 2 from the body. During the subsequent ap- 14 Boothby, Journ. of Physwl., XLV, p. 328, 1912. RESPIRATION 99 noea of 2 minutes about 600 cc. of CO 2 were regained, and about 200 cc. more during two minutes of periodic breathing which followed. The remainder was regained during the following six or eight minutes. In this latter period the alveolar CO 2 pressure Figure 31. Effect of a breath of air containing 9.0 per cent of CO 2 during apnoea follow- ing forced breathing. Crosses show inspiration and expiration of breath. After an interval there are three deep, and two shallow, breaths, followed by a long apnoeic interval, after which the usual periodic breathing begins. To read from left to right. Time-marker = i second. was practically normal, but the respiratory quotient very low, in correspondence with the very high respiratory quotient during the forced breathing. What approximately happens to the CO 2 pressure in the al- veolar air and respiratory center is represented in Figures 32 and -so -40 -30 -10 Time in Minutes Figure 32. Approximate variations in CO 2 pressure of arterial and venous blood dur- ing and after forced breathing of oxygen for two minutes. 33. The pressure of CO 2 in the respiratory center is assumed to be about equal to that of the mixed venous blood, though it is prob- ably lower. 100 RESPIRATION The very powerful steadying influence on the CO 2 pressure of the capacity of the tissues for taking up CO 2 is evident from these figures. In consequence of this influence, and in a much less degree that of the reserve of air in the lungs, variations of short duration in the alveolar CO 2 pressure hardly count, although even the slightest variations of a more prolonged character count a great deal. 2 4 T/ne in Minutes Figure 33. Approximate variations in COa pressure of arterial and venous blood during and after holding the breath for 130 seconds with oxygen. On examining Figure 32 it will be seen that, although the venous CO 2 pressure is below that of the alveolar air during most of the apnoea, CO 2 is being given off all the time into the alveolar air. This is due to the effect of oxygenation in decreasing the capacity for CO 2 and thus raising its pressure in the blood. This effect is explained by the fact that the thick line of Figure 26 will be inclined to the left, as very little CO 2 is being given off by the tissues, impoverished as they are of CO 2 by the forced breathing. In order to realize how important the steadying influence just mentioned is, we have only to turn to what happens when want of oxygen, instead of CO 2 , is exciting the center. Oxygen is no fil 18 T3 00 O >n "C in I! o> H 1 pill - S8 *J "sl g ,s Us 1 " s^ o S S 102 RESPIRATION more soluble in the tissues and lymph than in water. They have thus practically no power of storing free oxygen. In the course of our investigations on the effects of want of oxygen it became evident that the center works very jerkily when excited by want of oxygen, and the subject was studied in further detail by Doug- las and myself. 15 We found that the effects of regulation of the center by oxygen want could be observed very conveniently at the end of the apnoea caused by forced breathing of ordinary air. When apnoea is produced by forced breathing of air for about two minutes, the oxygen percentage in the lungs runs down very low before the pressure of CO 2 in the respiratory center has nearly risen to its normal value. In some subjects there is an alarming fr-4 VK. Mf mv.'i\Mi'.',lr, Figure 35. Variations in alveolar gas pressures after forced breathing for two minutes. Thin line = oxygen pressure, thick line = CO 2 pressure. Double line = normal alveolar CO 2 pressure. The actual breathing is indicated at the lower part of the figure. appearance of blueness in the face before any desire to breathe is felt. Ultimately, however, the stimulus of oxygen want (together with the subliminal CO 2 stimulus) suffices to start the breathing. But the first four or five breaths greatly raise the alveolar oxygen percentage and thus quiet the center down again, so that apnoea again follows, which is again followed by breathing and subse- quent apnoea, this periodic rising and dying away of the breath- ing going on for about five minutes, as shown in Figure 34, though not all subjects react alike. Figure 35 shows the variations of the alveolar oxygen and CO 2 "Douglas and Haldane, Journ. of PAysiol., XXXVIII, p. 401, 1909. RESPIRATION 103 pressure, as determined in samples of alveolar air. Reference to Figure 31 shows that at no time during the periodic breathing is the CO 2 pressure in the respiratory center more than just suf- ficient to excite the center by itself. It is very easy to see what has been happening. The oxygen want caused by the partially reduced blood coming from the lungs at the end of the apnoea has, along with the CO 2 present, sufficed to excite the center; but this oxygen want is at once re- lieved by the breaths which follow, since the oxygen pressure in the lungs is raised beyond the exciting point. The result is a prompt return of the apnoea, till the oxygen in the alveolar air again returns to the stimulating point. The respiratory governor is "hunting" just as the governor of a steam engine or turbine hunts if there is no heavy flywheel or other steadying influence. The chief flywheel of the respiratory center is the great storage Figure 36. Breathing through soda lime and long tube. Sample of alveolar air at the end of a dyspnoeic period, Oz= 8.70 per cent, CO2= 5.48 per cent. capacity in the tissues for CO 2 . There is no such storage capacity in connection with oxygen, so the flywheel has disappeared. When slight oxygen want, and not merely excess of CO 2 , is exciting the center, the breathing very readily becomes periodic. To realize this condition in a permanent manner we only had to breathe in and out through a tin of soda lime with a piece of hose pipe of variable length attached on the far side, so as to give a suitable dead space. By this means the alveolar oxygen pressure can be reduced to any required extent. Figure 36 shows the effect of such an arrangement. This effect is at once knocked out if oxy- gen is breathed. 104 RESPIRATION Some years ago it was discovered by Pembrey and Allen 16 that the well-known pathological form of periodic breathing named after Drs. Cheyne and Stokes, who described it (though it was previously described by John Hunter), is abolished by giving the patient pure oxygen to breathe. This observation indicates with great certainty that ordinary pathological Cheyne-Stokes breath- ing is caused also by want of oxygen participating in the excita- tion of the center. Pathological periodic breathing and that of hibernating animals will be discussed later. The normal pressure of oxygen in the alveolar air is about 100 mm. or 13.1 per cent of an atmosphere. On looking at the dissociation curve of oxyhaemoglobin in human blood (Figure 20) it will be seen that a fall of 4 per cent of an atmosphere, or 30 mm., makes very little difference to the saturation of the haemo- globin. Nor has such a fall any appreciable influence on the rest- ing breathing at the time. It is thus evident that, although there is no appreciable store of readily available oxygen in the liquids of the body outside the red corpuscles and certain muscles which contain a little haemoglobin, there is a store of oxygen, available without any inconvenience, in the air of the lungs. If the breathing is temporarily stopped during some occupation this store is drawn on. Thus if the breath is held for half a minute the oxygen runs down by about 4 per cent in the alveolar air during rest ; but under normal conditions it is quite impossible to hold the breath long enough to imperil seriously the oxygen supply to the tissues. In spite of the gradual manner in which, as we have just seen, CO 2 acts on the respiratory center, there is never, except under very artificial conditions, any considerable oxygen want. The com- paratively large volume of air which is always in the lungs gives sufficient oxygen storage to guard against the temporary want of oxygen. Were this amount of air much less the danger would be always present, and, as we shall see later, this danger or incon- venience is present at high altitudes, when the mass of oxygen in the lungs is greatly diminished. At a high altitude one cannot hold the breath for more than a few seconds without feeling an imperative desire to breathe, and such operations as shaving, or reading a barometer, are thus rendered troublesome. Nature sees to it that ordinary mortals who live under a pressure of about one atmosphere carry about sufficient oxygen in their lungs to pre- vent oxygen want; and there seems to be some evidence that 16 Pembrey and Allen, Journ. of Physiol., XXXII, Proc. Physiol. Soc., p. xviii, 1905 ; also Medico- Chirurg. Trans., XI, p. 49, 1907. RESPIRATION 105 persons who inhabit very high parts of the earth develop a greatly increased chest capacity. Addendum. The account given in this chapter of the manner in which CO 2 is carried by the blood represents what I have taught for many years, and is largely based, as mentioned above, on the teaching of Pfliiger and Zuntz. A very different view of the subject has recently been presented by Buckmaster, Bayliss, and others. According to this view the extra CO 2 taken up in the venous blood is combined, not with alkali, but with haemoglobin, and may also be in part adsorbed by haemoglobin and other proteins. As evidence that haemoglobin and other proteins do not play the part of weak acids in expelling CO 2 from its combi- nation with alkali, Buckmaster cites experiments in which he found that, contrary to Pfliiger's statement, blood or haemo- globin is not capable of expelling CO 2 from a weak carbonate solution in the vacuum of a blood pump at body temperature. 1 It seems to me that these experiments were fallacious because the blood was neither boiled nor shaken. Boiling, shaking, or bubbling is necessary to remove the CO 2 . When Pfliiger's experiment was repeated in a simple form by Adolph in my laboratory the ex- pulsion of CO 2 from sodium carbonate by blood was found to occur quite readily. 2 As already mentioned, Buckmaster's con- tention that haemoglobin gives a characteristic spectrum with CO 2 was also found to be incorrect. The supposition that an extra amount of gas is adsorbed by the proteins of blood has no basis. The careful experiments of Bohr and other previous observers show clearly that apart from chemi- cal combination blood takes up, not more, but considerably less, gas than an equal volume of water. The only apparent exception to this rule was the fact that oxygenated blood (but not reduced blood) yields slightly more nitrogen than the quantity calculated from its estimated solubility. The existence of this small surplus was confirmed by Buckmaster and Gardner. 3 The apparent surplus is almost certainly due to what is a rather common source of slight error in gas analysis. When the gas pumped off from oxy- genated blood is analyzed, the first step is to bring the gas into contact with potash solution to absorb the CO 2 . When this is ab- sorbed a gas mixture consisting almost wholly of oxygen is left in contact with the potash solution. But the latter is saturated 1 Buckmaster, Journ. of Phystol., LI, p. 105, 1917. 'Adolph, Journ. of Physiol., LIV, Proc. Physiol. Soc. p. XXXIV, 1920. 8 Buckmaster and Gardner, Journ. of Physwl., XLIII, p. 401, 1912. 106 RESPIRATION with air, and as a consequence nitrogen diffuses from the potash solution into the gas mixture, while oxygen diffuses into the potash solution. The consequence is that the residue of nitrogen found in the gas after the oxygen has been absorbed is greater than was originally present in the gas. This source of error is absent if little or no oxygen is present in the gas pumped off from the blood. We can thus explain why no extra nitrogen has been found in reduced blood. Bayliss 4 contends that the bicarbonate and the plasma proteins present in blood play no part in the physiological carriage of CO 2 between the tissues and the lungs, and that haemoglobin is alone concerned in the carriage, since it does not, under actual physiological conditions, compete as an acid with CO 2 for the alkali available in the blood. The experiments cited in support of this conclusion seem to me quite unconvincing; and if it were cor- rect we should expect to find that blood saturated at the alveolar partial pressure with CO 2 would contain more combined CO 2 than a solution of bicarbonate of the same strength in titratable alkali as the blood. Actually, the blood, especially at body temperature, contains far less combined CO 2 . It seems quite impossible to reconcile Bayliss' theory with this fact ; and I cannot see how any other theory than that given in the first part of this chapter is capable of interpreting the facts as a whole. It may be that a small amount of CO 2 is combined with free haemoglobin ; but it seems evident that under physiological conditions haemoglobin and other proteins act, for all practical purposes, simply as weak acids. It is in virtue of this action, and the more powerful action of oxyhaemoglobin than reduced haemoglobin as an acid, that blood functions so efficiently as a physiological carrier of CO 2 . Campbell and Poulton, who entirely disagree, and on substantially the same grounds as I do, with the conclusions of Buckmaster and Bayliss, have recently shown that an artificial mixture of dialysed cor- puscles and dilute sodium bicarbonate solution takes up, within physiological limits of CO 2 pressure, much less CO 2 than the bicarbonate alone holds. 5 For the sake of simplicity I did not discuss separately the action of plasma and corpuscles in combining with CO 2 ; but much attention has been given recently to this subject. Zuntz 6 pointed out that when plasma or serum is separated from blood collected 4 Bayliss, Journ. of Physiol., LIII, p. 162, 1919. 5 Campbell and Poulton, Journ. of Physiol., LIV, p. 157, 1920. 6 Zuntz, Hermann's H ' andbuch der Physiol., IV, 2, p. 77, 1882. RESPIRATION 107 as it flows from a vessel, the corpuscles are capable of taking up from pure CO 2 > more combined CO 2 than an equal volume _pf the plasma. If, on the other hand, the blood is artificially saturated with pure CO 2 , or air containing a high percentage of CO 2 , and then separated into plasma and corpuscles, the plasma contains more combined CO 2 than the corpuscles. He concluded that alkali previously combined with haemoglobin in the corpuscles combines with CO 2 when a high concentration of the latter is present, and passes out as bicarbonate into the plasma. Further investigation of this phenomenon by Giirber 7 showed that alkali does not pass out of the corpuscles, but acid passes in, leaving the corresponding alkali behind in the plasma. The walls of the corpuscles seem, therefore, as Hamburger 8 in particular has pointed out, to be practically impermeable to sodium and potassium ions, but per- meable to chlorine and other anions. Hence the proportions of alkali to chlorine, etc., in the plasma depend upon the corpuscles, and are regulated by them according as the pressure of CO 2 in the blood rises or falls. Yandell Henderson and Haggard, who have quite recently investigated this phenomenon closely from the physiological standpoint, point out what striking effects this regulating action may produce. 9 During forced breathing, for instance, the weakly combined alkali of the plasma may be con- siderably diminished, although the total weakly combined alkali in the blood need not necessarily be altered. The relation of the corpuscles to the available alkali in the plasma suggests at once the question whether there is not a similar relation as regards other tissue elements. Henderson and Haggard showed that with vigorous and continued artificial respiration the available alkali in the whole blood, and not merely in the plasma, diminishes greatly, and that this diminution is accompa- nied by signs of irretrievable damage to the body. This suggests excessive draining of acid from the tissue elements with the result that the whole body suffers, although the alkalinity of the blood itself is partly prevented from falling. The matter will, however, be discussed further in Chapter VIII. 7 Giirber, Sitz-der. d. physik-med. Gesellsch. zu Wurzburg, p. 28, 1895. Anionenwanderungen in serum und Blut unter den einfluss von CO 2, saure und alkali. Biochem. Zett. Vol. 86, p. 309-324, 1918. 9 Haggard and Henderson, Journ. of Biol. Chem., XLV, p. 199, 1920. CHAPTER VI The Effects of Want of Oxygen. IN the higher organisms, as Paul Bert first pointed out, the im- mediate cause of death of the body as a whole is practically always want of oxygen, owing to failure of the circulation or breathing. This fact arises from the circumstance that the body has hardly any internal storage capacity for oxygen, but depends from moment to moment for its supply from the air. We can deprive the body for long periods of its external supplies of food or water, or we can prevent for some time the excretion of urinary products or even of carbon dioxide, but we cannot interfere with the supply of oxygen to the blood without producing at once the most threat- ening symptoms. Almost the only appreciable storage capacity for surplus oxygen is in the lungs. In virtue of this small store breathing can be prevented for about 1*4 minutes in a man at rest and previously breathing normally before urgent symptoms of oxygen want appear ; but if the oxygen in the lungs and blood is rapidly washed out by breathing pure nitrogen, nitrous oxide, or other gas free from oxygen, loss of consciousness occurs almost at once. Lorrain Smith and I found that even with quiet breathing of pure hydrogen, so that some time was needed to wash out the lungs, sudden and complete loss of consciousness was produced within 50 seconds. Even when the oxygen supply, though not cut off, is insuffi- ciently free, the ill effects develop rapidly, and may very soon become serious. Hence few things are of more importance in practical medicine than the causes and effects of want of oxygen. Want of oxygen in the systemic circulation may be produced either by deficiency in the available oxygen in the arterial blood, or by abnormal slowing of the circulation, so that too much of the available oxygen is used up in the systemic capillaries. It will be convenient to consider first the effects of want of oxygen or "an- oxaemia," and afterwards discuss the various ways in which it may be produced. The effects of anoxaemia can be observed most conveniently in persons breathing air from which part of the oxygen has been removed without the addition of any other gas producing by itself a physiological effect; or in persons breathing pure air at RESPIRATION 109 reduced atmospheric pressure. In either case the partial pressure of the oxygen breathed is reduced, and the haemoglobin tends to become imperfectly saturated with oxygen in the lungs in cor- respondence with the dissociation curve for the oxygen in human blood (Figure 20). The effects on the breathing have already been touched upon in Chapter II, but must now be discussed fully. In most persons the percentage of oxygen in the air breathed, or the barometric pressure, must be reduced by about a third before any evident effect on the breathing is produced at the time; and this effect differs according as the reduction is produced rapidly or slowly. With a greater reduction the contrast in this latter respect is still more marked. With rapid reduction there is at first a quite notice- able increase in the depth, and also in the frequency, of breathing. In the course of several minutes, however, the increase diminishes markedly. This phenomenon and the causes of it were described and investigated by Poulton and myself. 1 We found that the in- creased breathing causes, as could be anticipated, a distinct fall in the alveolar CO 2 pressure. As a consequence, more CO 2 than usual is washed out of the blood, and the respiratory quotient, or ratio of the volume of CO 2 given off to that of oxygen absorbed, is increased. Thus it increased from the normal of about 0.8 to as much as 2.8 when there was sudden and considerable oxygen de- ficiency. Soon, however, the extra discharge of CO 2 from the blood began to cease and there was only a slight further fall in the alveolar CO 2 pressure. Part passu the breathing quieted down so as, in spite of the diminished discharge of CO 2 , to maintain a certain level of alveolar CO 2 pressure, this level being of course below the normal level. At the same time the alveolar oxygen pressure dropped, since the lung ventilation had diminished while the rate of absorption of oxygen remained undiminished. The drop in alveolar oxygen pressure tended, of course, to increase the symptoms of want of oxygen and thus prolong the period of in- creased breathing; but finally a balance was struck, for the time at any rate. When the deficiency of oxygen was produced quite gradually the initial marked increase of breathing was not notice- able, as the extra CO 2 was washed out gradually. By further experiments, we found that the new and lower level of alveolar CO 2 pressure had become the regulating level for the atmosphere breathed. That is to say, a small increase above this level caused a great increase in the breathing, while a small *Haldane and Poulton, Journ. of Physwl., XXXVII, p. 390, 1908. 1 10 RESPIRATION diminution caused apnoea, just as when pure air is breathed. It was evident, therefore, that the CO 2 pressure, though at a lower level, was controlling the breathing still. The primary marked increase in the breathing was due to the alveolar CO 2 pressure and the CO 2 pressure in the whole of the body being above the new level, and the quieting down of the breathing was due to the gradual washing out of CO 2 from the whole body till the at- tainment of the new normal level, which was itself determined by the alveolar oxygen pressure. A fuller discussion of these facts, and of the ultimate physio- logical response to long-continued slight anoxaemia, must be postponed to Chapter VII, but meanwhile it is evident that they throw a new light on the physiology of breathing. Hitherto we have considered the amount of lung ventilation as if it were de- termined solely by a certain excess of partial pressure of CO 2 in the arterial blood; but now we see that the excess is something variable and dependent, for one thing, on the pressure of oxygen in the arterial blood, just as the action of the Hering-Breuer re- flex depends, not merely on the amount of distention or collapse of the lungs, but also on the pressure of CO 2 in the arterial blood. Similarly the action of want of oxygen on the breathing depends on the CO 2 pressure. On how many other factors which together make up "normal conditions" the action of CO 2 or want of oxy- gen on the respiratory center depends we do not know. We always find normal conditions in a healthy organism, and we are there- fore apt to overlook their unknown complexity. If we represented the relation between arterial CO 2 pressure, oxygen pressure, and lung ventilation in the form of an equation, this equation would only be valid under conditions otherwise normal. In other words an unknown constant C would have to be set down in the equation. That this constant exists during life in other words that living organisms maintain fundamental normals of structure and ac- tivity representing the I E-8 RESPIRATION 121 removing from the body the large amount of preformed CO 2 which has become superfluous owing to the effect of anoxaemia in lowering the threshold of CO 2 pressure. Figures 41 and 42 show the effects of anoxaemia combined with those of the slight resistance associated with the recording ap- paratus. The effects are complicated owing to the fact that with a certain degree of anoxaemia, varying greatly for different indi- viduals, periodic breathing is produced readily, as shown in some of the tracings. Periodic breathing, or else very shallow breathing, is also produced invariably after the anoxaemia, as shown in all the tracings. This is of course due to the fact that so much CO 2 has been removed from the body by the hyperpnoea of anoxaemia, just as it is removed by forced breathing. In Figure 41 B and Figure 42, A, C, and D, it will be seen that after an initial increase in depth the breathing became progres- sively shallower and more frequent just as in fatigue due to ex- cessive resistance; and after a time asphyxial symptoms were usually impending owing to the ineffectiveness of the shallow breaths. When the experiments were made we had not investigated the effects of fatigue caused by resistance, and there is now no doubt that the slight resistance due to the apparatus, combined with the effects of anoxaemia on the respiratory center, accounted for the specially rapid failure of breathing shown in the figures. When the breathing is quite free, as in a steel chamber at low pressures, failure of the respiratory center does not occur nearly so readily, but the difference is only one of degree; and failure of the respiratory center, as shown by shallow and frequent res- pirations, is the inevitable result of serious arterial anoxaemia. With the increasing shallowness of the breaths the arterial an- oxaemia increases, owing to causes discussed in Chapter VII. This increases the failure of the respiratory center; and unless relief comes the inevitable result of the vicious circle thus pro- duced is death. We must now turn to the other symptoms and signs of want of oxygen, beginning with the circulatory symptoms. Unfortunately we cannot as yet measure the volume of blood circulated per minute in the same easy way in which we can measure the volume of air breathed. Our knowledge of the effects of want of oxygen on the circulation is thus imperfect as yet. It will be discussed more fully in Chaper X. When moderate symptoms of anoxaemia are produced experimentally, as in a steel chamber at reduced atmospheric pressure, or when air deficient in oxygen is breathed, RESPIRATION 123 there is at first an increase of the frequency, and apparently also in the strength, of the heartbeats. This indicates an increase in the circulation rate. But just as in the case of the respirations, the frequency and vigor of the pulse soon fall again, though the fre- quency remains above normal, just as does the frequency of res- piration. Thus the pulse may rise to about 120 at first, and then fall after a few minutes to about 90, and remain steady. With greater anoxaemia the increase in rate is more marked. The great temporary increase in blood pressure with acute anoxaemia in animals is also a well-known phenomenon. At first sight it might seem that a great increase in both res- pirations and circulation would be the natural physiological response to anoxaemia, since the increased respiration will raise the alveolar oxygen pressure and the increased circulation rate will increase the amount of oxygen left in the red corpuscles of the blood passing through the capillaries. But, as already seen, the increased respiration lowers the pressure of CO 2 in the respira- tory center and tissues, and this lowering rapidly reduces the in- creased breathing to within relatively narrow limits. A similar lowering of CO 2 pressure in the tissues must also be produced by increased circulation rate ; and the f alling-off in the initial increase of pulse rate is probably at bottom due to the same cause as the falling-off in the initial depth and frequency of breathing. With further increase in the anoxaemia the heartbeats, like the respira- tions, become more and more feeble. A fuller discussion of the relatively little that is at present known definitely as to the physio- logical regulation of the circulation will be found in Chapter X. It is of course evident that the physiology (not the mere physics) of the circulation is intimately related to that of the breathing. As a sign of anoxaemia, the appearance of the lips, tongue, and face is of much importance, but requires careful interpretation. The bluish color or cyanosis seen in the lips and skin during ordinary anoxaemia is, of course, due to the fact that in the blood passing through the capillaries the proportion of oxyhaemoglobin to haemoglobin is abnormally low. A somewhat similar color may be produced by the action of poisons which produce methaemo- globin and other colored decomposition products in the blood; and this condition, which is of course quite exceptional, and can quite easily be distinguished, will be referred to in Chapter VII. Cyanosis may either be due to general or local slowing of the circulation, or to the fact that the arterial blood is imperfectly oxygenated, and the latter cause, as will be shown in Chapter VII, 124 RESPIRATION is far more common than was, till recently, supposed. Portions of the skin may be blue from local slowing of the circulation due to cold and other causes; but abnormal blueness of the lips and tongue points to either imperfect oxygenation of the arterial blood or general slowing of circulation. According as there is much or little blood in the capillaries the color is full or unsatu- rated. Thus in extreme cyanosis the lips may be either almost black, or only leaden gray ; and in slight cyanosis the color may be either a full or a pale purplish red. Ordinary cyanosis of one kind or another is commonly seen in patients who, though suffering from some chronic ailment, are not particularly ill. Hence the significance of cyanosis under other conditions is apt to be overlooked unless all the symptoms and other circumstances are taken into account. It must, in the first place, be pointed out that the degree of cyanosis is no direct measure of the degree of physiological anoxaemia. The latter is due to a lowering in the partial pressure of oxygen in the blood of the capillaries, while the former is due to a diminution in the ratio of oxyhaemoglobin to haemoglobin. Under ordinary conditions the latter effect is an index, though, owing to the form of the dissociation curve of oxyhaemoglobin (Figure 20), not a direct measure, of the former effect. When, however, the matter is com- plicated by an alteration in the Bohr effect of CO 2 pressure on the dissociation of oxyhaemoglobin, the relationship between oxygen pressure and dissociation of oxyhaemoglobin is at once altered. If, for instance, the pressure of CO 2 in the arterial blood is reduced by increased breathing, there may be much less cyanosis for a given degree of physiological anoxaemia than when the CO 2 pressure in the blood is normal. Thus there is no fixed relationship between cyanosis and physiological anoxaemia; and this fact is of great importance in the clinical interpretation of cyanosis. Moreover, as Barcroft showed, the Bohr effect is due to the action of CO 2 as an acid. Hence, owing to the adjustments which, as will be shown in Chapter IX, occur in the living body when time is given, the CO 2 pressure in the alveolar air may be no guide as to how far the Bohr effect is disturbing the ordinary relations be- tween cyanosis and true anoxaemia. The word "anoxaemia" should evidently be taken as signifying a condition in which the free oxygen in the systemic capillary blood is abnormally dimin- ished ; and this of course, in accordance with Henry's law, comes to the same thing as diminution in the oxygen pressure. The symptoms produced in the nervous system generally by RESPIRATION 125 anoxaemia must now be described. A knowledge of them is of great importance in practical medicine. If a pure anoxaemia is produced very suddenly, as by breathing pure nitrogen, hydro- gen, methane, or nitrous oxide, loss of consciousness occurs quite suddenly and with no previous warning symptoms. Thus a miner who puts his head into a cavity in the roof full of pure, or nearly pure, methane drops suddenly as if he had been felled ; and when he recovers after breathing pure air for a few seconds he some- times even imagines that he has been knocked down by another man, and acts accordingly. If the anoxaemia is produced with only moderate rapidity the marked temporary disturbances, al- ready referred to, in the breathing and circulation give, as a rule, some warning of what is coming. But when the onset is gradual there is little or no preliminary discomfort, and for this reason the onset of pure anoxaemia is very insidious, and the condition is, therefore, in practice a dangerous one, as is well seen in CO poisoning, or in ascents to very high altitudes in balloons or aero- planes, or in many clinical cases. Thus although CO is not very poisonous as compared with other gaseous poisons, it is responsible for a far larger number of deaths than any other gaseous poison not used in warfare. As the slow onset of anoxaemia advances, the senses and intellect become dulled without the person being aware of it; and if the anoxaemia is suddenly relieved by means of oxygen or ordinary air, the corresponding sudden increase in powers of vision, hear- ing, etc., is an intense surprise. The power of memory is affected early, and is finally almost annulled, so that persons who have ap- parently never lost consciousness can nevertheless remember noth- ing of what has occurred. Powers of sane judgment are much impaired, and anoxaemic persons become subject more or less to irrational fixed ideas, and to uncontrolled emotional outbursts. Muscular coordination is also affected, so that a man cannot walk straight or write steadily. With further increase in the anoxaemia, power over the limbs is lost; the legs first being paralyzed, then the arms, and finally the head. The senses are lost one by one, hear- ing being apparently the last to go. The sense of painful impres- sions on the skin seems to be lost early. Thus miners suffering from CO poisoning, but not to the point of losing consciousness, are often burnt by their lamps or candles without their being aware of the burn at the time. In many respects the symptoms of anoxaemia resemble those of drunkenness, and a man suffering from anoxaemia cannot be 126 RESPIRATION held responsible for his actions. Without reason he may begin to laugh, shout, sing, burst into tears, or become dangerously violent. He is, however, always quite confident that he himself is perfectly sane and reasonable, though he may notice, for instance, that he cannot walk or write properly, cannot remember what has just happened x and cannot properly interpret his visual impressions. When unable even to stand, owing to experimental CO poisoning or to anoxaemia produced by low pressures in a steel chamber, I have always been quite confident in my own sanity, and it was only afterwards that I realized that I could not have been in a sane state of mind. A recent experience of this kind was in a steel chamber in which Dr. Kellas, who is an experienced climber in the Himalayas and has exceptional powers of resisting anoxaemia, was with me. 11 We had reduced the pressure to 320 mm., and as I could no longer write or make any observations I handed him the notebook. He afterwards told me that I remained sitting, but always answered his questions quite deliberately and confidently, and insisted on his keeping the pressure at 320 mm. This went on for an hour and a quarter, of which time I could afterwards remember absolutely nothing. At last Dr. Kellas obtained my assent to raising the pres- sure to 350 mm., after which I took up a mirror to look at my lips, though Dr. Kellas observed that for some time I looked at the back instead of the front of the mirror. I had, however, begun to realize that we had been far longer at the low pressure than we had intended, and agreed to a rise to 450 mm. On reaching this pressure my mind had cleared and I noticed a return of feeling and power in my legs. After coming out I could vaguely remember taking up the mirror, but nothing before that, after handing over the notebook. We had no intention of staying at so low a pressure that it was impossible for me to take notes, and my persistence was quite irrational. Dr. Kellas was much bluer than I was during the stay at 320 mm., but could still write quite well, watch the ba- rometer, and manage the regulating tap ; but whether he was quite normal mentally seemed rather doubtful. Perhaps he shared to some extent my irrational desire to continue the experiment: otherwise I think he would have noticed how abnormal my condi- tion was. We were both at the time unacclimatized to low pres- sures. This personal experience illustrates some of the peculiar dangers associated with atmospheres which produce anoxaemia, 11 Haldane, Kellas, and Kennaway, Journ. of Physiol., LIII, p. 181, 1919. RESPIRATION 127 whether in virtue of defective oxygen pressure or of the presence of poisonous proportions of CO. In the first place it is evident that a man may advance for some distance into such an atmosphere before he begins to be seriously affected; for the temporary marked increase in the breathing may, when the oxygen pressure is defective, at first prevent an appreciable fall in the alveolar oxygen pressure. This must, for instance, happen while a balloon or aeroplane is rising rapidly, or while a miner is advancing with an electric lamp into an atmosphere very highly charged with fire-damp. When the breathing begins to quiet down again the effects of the atmosphere will develop fully and it may then be too late to turn. At 320 mm., for instance, I was at first quite capable of making observations and taking notes, including a note of the increased breathing and its subsequent quieting down. Another, and often still more serious, danger arises from the gradual and insensible failure of judgment. A man suffering from anoxaemia will usually go on, and insist in going on, with what he set out to do. An airman will very probably continue to ascend, oblivious to danger ; and a miner engaged in rescue or exploration work, or in dealing with an underground fire, will insist in going on when he is suffering from the anoxaemia of CO poisoning, and will often fight any one who tries to make him desist. All these considerations apply equally to clinical cases of anox- aemia ; and for this reason the condition is quite commonly never recognized till too late. The early recognition of clinical anox- aemia is a matter of great importance. Besides the immediate symptoms of anoxaemia there are a number of delayed symptoms or after effects. They depend partly on the length, and partly on the severity, of the exposure. A short exposure, even with loss of consciousness, produces no serious after symptoms ; but occasionally a man's behavior is very abnormal for a few minutes after recovery. One of my ac- quaintances has twice knocked persons down on waking up from a short loss of consciousness caused by anoxaemia; and my own behavior was distinctly abnormal just after coming out from the steel chamber in the experiment alluded to above. Similar ab- normalities after slight CO poisoning have often come under my observation. Thus a well-known inspector of mines, on returning to the surface after he had been affected by CO from an under- ground fire, first shook hands very cordially with all the by- 128 RESPIRATION standers. A doctor who was present then offered him an arm ; but this the inspector regarded as an insult, with the result that he took off his coat and challenged the doctor to a fight. The best-known delayed effect of slight anoxaemia is the train of symptoms originally called "mountain sickness." This is a condition in the typical form of which there is nausea, vomiting, headache, sometimes diarrhoea, and always great depression. The symptoms appear, as a rule, some hours after the beginning of the exposure, and may not appear at all till after the exposure is over. In CO poisoning it is usually after the exposure, and often after the CO has practically disappeared from the blood, that these symptoms begin. The duration of exposure required for their production depends upon the degree of anoxaemia. Thus the higher a mountain is, or the greater the altitude at which an air- man has been flying, the shorter is the exposure required. On Pike's Peak, at 14,100 feet (barometer about 458 mm.) the usual stay (an hour or two) of visitors by train is too short to produce mountain sickness, though the ordinary immediate symptoms of anoxaemia are usually very evident, and even very great cyanosis and fainting are observed occasionally. A stay of several hours is usually required to induce mountain sickness, which usually begins about 8 to 12 hours after the beginning of the exposure. Thus the symptoms may only develop after the return downwards. With a sufficient period of exposure mountain sickness may develop at much lower altitudes than that of Pike's Peak. It is often observed at even 7,000 or 8,000 feet, where the degree of anoxaemia is not sufficient to produce any noticeable immediate effect on the breathing. Similarly a percentage of CO which pro- duces no noticeable immediate effect will, with sufficiently long exposure, cause headache, nausea, etc. These facts are of the greatest significance in clinical medicine, for it is now evident that even a very slight degree of continued anoxaemia is of much importance to the patient. Mountain sickness and the effects of CO poisoning are not isolated phenomena unrelated to the rest of physiology and pathology, but symptoms of anoxaemia, which is in reality one of the commonest conditions during illness. At present we can only conjecture as to the nature of the slight temporary pathological changes of which the mountain sickness symptoms are the manifestations. With severe and prolonged exposure to want of oxygen the nervous after symptoms are of an extremely formidable nature, RESPIRATION 129 and often end in death. 12 For a reason which will be explained in a later chapter they are most commonly met with after CO poisoning, and whatever their origin they are often grossly mis- interpreted. The patient does not recover at once on removal of the oxygen want, as in short exposures. In cases of CO poisoning consciousness may not be recovered, although within an hour or two after removal to fresh air most of the CO has already disap- peared from the blood. It is exactly the same with men who have remained unconscious for, perhaps, several hours in air very poor in oxygen. Or if consciousness has been partially recovered the patient may lapse again into unconsciousness. During gradual recovery there is usually a very marked spastic condition of the muscles, and occasional epileptiform seizures, and there may be various partial paralyses and other nervous symptoms. Sometimes the patient lingers on for weeks in a comatose condition with spastic muscles and occasional opisthotonos. The body tempera- ture is unstable, and every function of the central nervous system seems to be more or less affected. Gross hemorrhages in the brain have been described, and Mott has found small multiple hemor- rhages. The symptoms are, however, evidently due in the main to widespread injury to the nerve cells themselves during the ex- posure. Loss of memory, mental incapacity, and even definite mania may follow the exposure; but whatever the nature of the symptoms may be, they nearly always pass off gradually if the patient survives the first few days. One interesting nervous after effect occasionally observed is what appears from the symptoms to be peripheral neuritis. The heart may also suffer severely in prolonged exposure to want of oxygen ; and if the exposure has been accompanied by much muscular exertion, as in efforts to escape or to rescue other men, the after symptoms may be mainly cardiac. In these cases the pulse is feeble and irregular, the heart dilated, with a blowing systolic murmur; and any muscular exertion produces collapse. It may be a considerable time before the heart fully recovers. Probably every other organ and tissue in the body feels the after effects of severe exposure to want of oxygen. The patient often enough dies of pneumonia. Acute nephritis and gangrene of extremities have been noticed as sequelae to the acute broncho- pneumonia and oedema of the lungs in chlorine poisoning. As " An interesting description of these symptoms by Dr. Shaw Little will be found in Appendix B to my Report on the Causes of Death in Colliery Explosions, Parliamentary Paper C. 8112, 1896. 1 30 RESPIRATION the patients have been exposed to very grave oxygen want in consequence of the lung condition, it seems probable that the af- fections just mentioned are after effects of the oxygen want, aggravated by the after effects on the heart, and often complicated by secondary infections. With anoxaemia, as already explained, the respiratory center becomes very easily susceptible of fatigue, as manifested by di- minishing depth of the breathing. It is now well known that in the resuscitation of persons who have been nearly asphyxiated by drowning, asphyxiating atmospheres, etc., the most effective remedy is artificial respiration. This is because the respiratory center has completely or almost completely failed or become "fatigued," and the patient would die if this condition were not compensated for by artificial respiration. Respiration seems almost always to fail before the heart fails. The respiratory center may also take a long time to recover sufficiently to be able, without artificial aid, to keep the patient alive. For this reason it may be necessary to prolong the artificial respiration for hours. Diminishing depth with increasing rate of respiration is always a sign of the onset of fatigue of the breathing; and when the depth continues to diminish without compensation from increased rate the condition rapidly becomes dangerous, as will be shown in Chapter VII, since secondary anoxaemia develops. In a person dying quietly the diminishing depth can be observed until the resulting anoxaemia ends in death. The immediate cause of death seems to be failure of the respiratory center. When death from anoxaemia occurs at very high altitudes (as, for instance, in the case referred to in Chapter XII, of the balloonists, Tissandier and Croce Spinelli) it is evidently failure of the respiratory center which precipitates the anoxaemia, thus making the conditions so very dangerous ; and the same remark applies to asphyxiation in atmospheres containing a low percentage of oxygen in mines, wells, etc. In CO poisoning, as will be explained in Chapter VII, there is not so much danger from this cause, so that extreme anox- aemia may exist for a long time without death occurring. After the respiratory center has been over-fatigued in conse- quence of anoxaemia, the effects may not pass off for a very long period. The breathing on exertion, or even during rest, is ab- normally shallow ; and the peculiar group of symptoms observed in the neurasthenic condition so familiar during the war, and al- ready referred' to in Chapter III, is observed. This condition may RESPIRATION 131 remain for months after severe anoxaemia, and is often mistaken for organic heart injury. In considering the effects of anoxaemia a factor comes in which must always be borne in mind namely that of adaptation or ac- climatization. This may act in two different ways. In the first place adaptation may bring it about that the anoxaemia which would, without adaptation, exist is greatly diminished. This form of adaptation is very clearly seen in persons living at great alti- tudes, and will be discussed in detail in later chapters. In the second place the tissues may adapt themselves to a lower partial pressure of oxygen. About this second form of adaptation our knowledge is at present very imperfect; but it seems to me that clinical evidence points strongly to its existence. Perhaps the clearest evidence is afforded by cases of congenital heart defect, in which part of the venous blood passes direct to the left side of the heart without first passing through the lungs. In these cases of "Morbus coeruleus" the arterial blood is always more or less blue, and becomes extremely blue on muscular exertion, so that one can always recognize this condition in persons walking in the street. The remarkable point, however, is that in spite of the an- oxaemic condition of the arterial blood these persons may get on quite well, and be able to walk at a good pace. On account of the large increase in their haemoglobin percentage, they have plenty of oxygen in their blood, but at a low partial pressure. It seems hardly possible to doubt, therefore, that their tissues have become adapted to the low partial pressure of oxygen; and the same adaptation probably exists to a considerable extent in many chronic cases of valvular heart disease, emphysema, etc. The fact that cyanosis may exist without harm in chronic cases of disease has certainly contributed greatly to the general failure to recognize the gravity of anoxaemia in persons not adapted. Adaptation is a process which always requires time, and the time factor must, therefore, be taken into account in judging of the physiological effects of anoxaemia. CHAPTER VII The Causes of Anoxaemia. IN the previous chapter anoxaemia has been defined as the condi- tion in which the partial pressure of oxygen, or, what comes to practically the same thing, the amount of free oxygen, in the systemic capillaries generally, is abnormally low. The causes of this condition must now be examined. The first and most important cause of anoxaemia is defective saturation of the arterial haemoglobin with oxygen. This may, as we shall see, arise from several causes ; but the most obvious of these is defective partial pressure of oxygen in the alveolar air. It will be shown in Chapter IX that during rest under normal conditions oxygen passes into the blood through the alveolar epithelium by a process of simple diffusion, and that the oxygen pressure in the arterialized blood leaving each alveolus is exactly that of the air in the alveolus. For the purposes of the present discussion we may provisionally assume that this is always the case during rest, so long as the lungs and the inspired air are normal, although modifications in this assumption must be intro- duced later. In the light of this assumption and of our knowledge of the dissociation curve of oxyhaemoglobin, it might seem at first that we are justified in assuming that the oxygen pressure of mixed arterial blood is simply that of mixed alveolar air as ordinarily obtained for analysis by the methods already described. In favor of this assumption is the now well-ascertained fact that the breathing is regulated under ordinary conditions in close ac- cordance with the pressure of CO 2 in the mixed alveolar air, as explained in Chapter II. Variations in average alveolar CO 2 pres- sure are thus a direct measure of variations in the CO 2 pressure of the arterial blood ; and it was natural to assume, as was done by myself and others till lately, that variations in alveolar oxygen pressure must also be a measure of variations in the oxygen pres- sure of the arterial blood. One known difficulty in this assumption lay in the fact that the arterial oxygen pressure, as measured in animals by the aerotonometer (Chapter IX) is nearly always lower, and sometimes considerably lower, than the alveolar oxy- gen pressure; but various explanations of this difficulty had been adopted by myself and others. RESPIRATION 133 A new and important light was thrown on the whole subject in the course of a study by Meakins, Priestley, and myself of the "neurasthenia" produced by gassing and other causes during the war. 1 As mentioned in Chapter III, the breathing in these patients is abnormally frequent and shallow, particularly on exertion. It was also found that addition of oxygen to their inspired air was of considerable service during any ordinary exertion, and that in some of them the lips became blue on exertion unless oxygen was given. As there was no sign of anything seriously abnormal in their lungs, we were led to suspect that the shallow breathing was somehow causing anoxaemia. This led us to make experiments Figure 43. "Concertina" apparatus for continuous record of respiration. on the effects of shallow breathing in normal persons, and for this purpose we devised the apparatus 2 shown in Figure 43. The subject inspires through the mouthpiece and inspiratory valve from the recording "concertina." The bottom of this moves up- wards with inspiration, and records the movement by means of an inked pen on the drum. The bottom comes down on a movable stop, and by moving this upwards the maximum capacity of the concertina can be reduced to whatever is desired. During expira- tion the expired air passes out by the rubber expiratory valve. At the same time the expiratory pressure is communicated to a 1 Haldane, Meakins, and Priestley, Journ. of Physiol., LII, p. 433, 1919. 2 Made by Messrs. Siebe Gorman & Co., 187 Westminster Bridge Road, London. RESPIRATION 135 tambour the movement of which, as shown, closes a circuit from an accumulator or from the lighting circuit through a rheostat. This circuit passes through an electromagnet which instantly lifts a valve and admits air freely into the concertina, which at once refills itself. At the end of expiration the circuit is instantly broken and the valve closes, so that only the volume of air contained in the concertina can be inspired at the next inspiration. In this way the amount of air taken in per breath can be limited, and a continuous record is at the same time obtained of the depth and frequency of respiration. With the concertina fully open ordinary records of the breathing are obtained, and any gaseous mixture can be supplied through a glass cylinder which incloses the electromagnet and valve. The advantage of this method is that it is capable, not merely of permitting a study of shallow breathing, but also of giving a continuous quantitative record of any sort of breathing. The old stethographic method of recording the breathing is apt to be misleading, since it does not give a quantitative record. When the depth of inspiration is limited by means of this ap- paratus the natural impulse, at first, is to continue the inspiratory effort at the end of each inspiration, as the Hering-Breuer reflex has not given the signal for expiration. With a little practice, however, the breathing goes quite easily, and the frequency in- creases in proportion as the depth is diminished. When the depth is greatly limited the breathing becomes very frequent 100 or more a minute. On observing the breathing when the depth was gradually more and more limited, we found that the breathing became periodic very readily. As already explained, periodic breathing is a symp- tom of anoxaemia, and this fact led us to try the effect of adding a little oxygen to the inspired air. This promptly abolished the periodic breathing, as shown in Figure 44. There could thus be no doubt that the periodic breathing was due to imperfect oxy- genation of the arterial blood. In some persons, such as myself, the periodic breathing was produced much more readily, and in a more striking degree, than in other persons. This, as already mentioned in Chapter VI, is due to individual differences in the response of the respiratory center to anoxaemia. We at first thought that the anoxaemia must be due to the fresh air not penetrating properly to the deep (air-sac) alveoli when the breathing was shallow ; but on examining samples of the deep alveolar air during a prolonged experiment, we were disappointed 136 RESPIRATION to find that in the deepest alveolar air the oxygen percentage, so far from being lower, was actually higher than usual. There was thus hyperpnoea from want of oxygen, and yet the deep alveolar air contained more oxygen than usual. The breathing was, how- ever, very inefficient and therefore greatly increased in amount, as the dead space told much more than with normal breathing, so that the percentage of CO 2 in the expired air was very low. On turning the matter over, we bethought ourselves of some anatomical observations collected by Professor Arthur Keith in "Further Advances in Physiology," edited by Professor Leonard Hill, 1909. He showed in this essay that during inspiration the lungs do not expand equally and simultaneously at all parts, but open out part by part, somewhat like the opening of a lady's fan. The parts nearest the moving chest walls (for instance the diaphragm) expand first, and other parts follow. It follows from this, that in shallow breathing the lungs will be very unevenly ventilated. Only certain parts will expand properly, and on ac- 6.6 6.0 PRESSURE OF CO^ PERCENT OF AN ATMOSPHERE S3 4.6 4.0 3.3 2.6 20 /.3 0.7 024 68/0/2 14 16 Id 20~Z2 24 26 26 30 32 54 36 38 4042 44 3 PERCENT OF AN ATMOSPHERE ^ OXYGEN PRESSURE Figure 45. Dissociation curves of blood for COa and oxygen. count of the increased frequency of breathing they will receive much more than their proper share of fresh air, while the other parts which do not expand will receive much less. The consequence of this will be that the venous blood passing through the unexpanded parts of the lungs will be very im- perfectly arterialized, whereas in the expanded parts the blood will be more arterialized than usual. The mixed arterial blood will thus be a mixture of over-arterialized and under-arterialized RESPIRATION 137 blood. To see what the results of this mixture will be, we must refer to the respective dissociation curves for the oxygen and the CO 2 present in blood, taking also into account the action of oxygen in expelling CO 2 from venous blood, as shown on the curve in Figure 26. For convenience' sake the two relevant curves are plotted together in Figure 45, taken from our paper. It will at once be seen that the over-ventilation in some parts of the lungs will wash out CO 2 from the blood in the same proportion as the under-ventilation fails to wash it out. The mixed arterial blood will thus be normal as regards its content of CO 2 if the total al- veolar ventilation is normal. On the other hand, the over- ventila- tion will hardly increase at all the charge of oxygen in the blood from the over- ventilated alveoli, since this blood is on the flat part of the curve with the alveolar oxygen pressure at perhaps 16 or 1 8 per cent of an atmosphere. The under-ventilation, on the other hand, will leave the venous blood nearly venous and on the steep part of the oxyhaemoglobin curve, with a large deficiency of oxy- gen. The mixed arterial blood will, therefore, be seriously deficient in oxygen, and symptoms of anoxaemia will consequently be pro- duced. As one of these symptoms is increase in the breathing, there will be some compensation, and the CO 2 percentage of the mixed alveolar air will fall somewhat, there being a corresponding rise also in the oxygen percentage, as was actually found in our ex- periments. There is thus a very complete explanation of our experimental results, and also of the symptoms of anoxaemia in the neurasthenic cases ; but clearly it is necessary to modify radically the idea that the alveolar oxygen pressure gives the oxygen pressure of the mixed arterial blood. We have no guarantee that even during quite normal breathing the distribution of air in the individual lung alveoli corresponds exactly with the distribution of blood to them. Unless this correspondence is exact some alveoli will re- ceive more air in proportion to their blood supply than others, and as a consequence the mixed arterial blood will be a mixture of more and less fully arterialized blood, with some of the con- sequences first discussed. It is probable indeed that in some way or other the air supply is proportioned to the blood supply, whether by regulation through the muscular coats of the bron- chioles or regulation of the blood distribution ; but it is also certain that this proportioning is only an approximation. The fact that in animals the aerotonometer gives a lower arterial oxygen pres- sure than the alveolar oxygen pressure (Chapter IX) is most I 3 8 RESPIRATION naturally explained on the theory that the proportioning is only approximate, and there are various other facts which point in the same direction. One of these facts is as follows. When the breathing is suddenly interrupted voluntarily the breath can be held for a certain time usually about 40 seconds if only an ordinary breath is inspired before the interruption. Leonard Hill and Flack 3 discovered, how- ever, that if the lungs are filled with oxygen first the breath can be held for two or three times longer ; also that the alveolar CO 2 percentage is considerably higher at the breaking point. On the other hand, when the same air was rebreathed continuously from a small bag filled at the start with a breath of alveolar air, the alveolar CO 2 percentage went as high as when the breath was held with oxygen, though not so high as when oxygen was re- breathed from the bag. The following table, illustrating these results, is taken from Hill and Flack's paper. It was difficult, at the time, to interpret these results satisfac- torily, since the alveolar oxygen percentages, when the breath was held after breathing ordinary air, did not seem to be low enough to stimulate the breathing appreciably. In order to obtain still more definite information Douglas and I repeated the observations, but in such a way as to have great variations in the alveolar oxy- gen percentage. 4 We then found that the beneficial effects of in- creasing the alveolar oxygen percentage were still evident, though to a diminishing extent, till 1 7 per cent of oxygen was present in the alveolar air. Oxygen in excess of this made no difference. But 1 7 per cent is 3 per cent more than what is present in normal al- veolar air; and, as we have already seen, there are no effects on the breathing from want of oxygen when ordinary air is breathed by normal persons, or even when the oxygen percentage of the alveolar runs down to 10 or even 8 per cent. The results were therefore very mysterious at the time, and we were compelled to adopt the improbable hypothesis that holding the breath has some considerable effect on the circulation in the brain, leading to anoxaemia of the respiratory center. There is, however, no reason whatever to expect such an effect. The experiments on shallow breathing have furnished the solution to this mystery. It is evident that the relation between blood supply and ventilation in individual groups of alveoli is not an even one. In some alveoli the oxygen runs down and CO 2 'Leonard Hill and Flack, Journ. of Physiol., XXXVII, p. 77, 1908. 4 Douglas and Haldane, Journ. of Physiol., XXXVIII, p. 425, 1909. o o o CO vo T}- oq oo upoq ^t- rf X ~ ^ d> co IX O \O IH Os tx tx M q w od o o* d 6 O ID o 01 .* 3> s^-2 r 1 ^6 u ON M co M 00 00 * ~^ %H u 3 1 & a 30 20 40 60 80 100 120 M '6O 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 540 36O 380 400 420 440 PRESSURE OF O z iN MM.H2 pressure, and the thin lines the alveolar O 2 pressure. The dotted lines refer to the experiment in which oxygen was added to the air. short of breath during illness they are often very uncomfortable in the recumbent position, and may become dangerously worse if not propped up in bed or in a chair. This condition is known as 30Q I 4 6 RESPIRATION orthopnoea, and its causation now seems evident. With a failing respiratory center, and consequent abnormal shallowness of respi- ration, anoxaemia is the natural result of the recumbent position; and the prevention of this anoxaemia by keeping the patient in a sitting position becomes an important part of treatment unless the same object is attained by oxygen administration. Defective distribution of air in the lung alveoli is, of course, only one of the causes of defective oxygenation of the arterial blood; but I have dealt with this cause first, not only because it is of very great importance in medicine, but because an under- standing of it is essential to the understanding of other causes of defective oxygenation. A second and hitherto much better known cause of defective oxygenation of the arterial blood is a deficiency in the partial pressure of oxygen in the inspired air, and consequent fall in the alveolar oxygen pressure. As shown in Chapter II, it usually re- quires a fall in oxygen percentage from the normal of 20.9 to about 14 per cent, or a third, before any evident effect on the breathing is produced at the time by the oxygen deficiency. Simi- larly a fall of about a third in barometric pressure (corresponding to about 1 1,500 feet above sea level) is required. Figure 49, from a paper by Boycott and myself, 7 shows that until the barometric pressure in a steel chamber falls by about a third, the normal alveolar CO 2 pressure is very little disturbed. The alveolar CO 2 percentage simply goes up as the barometric pressure goes down, but the pressure of CO 2 remains almost the same in the alveolar air. In the same investigation we found that even when the bar- ometric pressure was reduced to 300 mm. the alveolar CO 2 pres- sure remained the same, provided that any excessive fall in the oxygen pressure of the inspired air was prevented by adding oxy- gen to the air of the chamber. There is thus no trace of foundation for Mosso's contention 8 that the diminished mechanical pressure of the air produces by itself a diminished saturation of the blood with CO 2 . Since the alveolar air, with the breathing normal, contains about a third less oxygen than the inspired air, it follows that when the oxygen percentage or partial pressure in the inspired air is reduced by a third the alveolar oxygen percentage will be reduced to about half i.e., from about 13 per cent of an atmosphere to about 6.5 per cent. On comparing this with the dissociation curve of oxy- T Boycott and Haldane, Journ. of Physiol., XXXVII, p. 355, 1908. 8 Mosso, Life of Man on the High Alps, London, p. 287, 1898. RESPIRATION 147 haemoglobin it will be seen that such a diminution corresponds to a saturation of about 80 per cent of the haemoglobin with oxy- gen, and that any further diminution will cause a rapid fall in the saturation. The air produces at the time no noticeable discomfort, and the breathing is not sensibly affected, although the lips are slightly bluish. The natural conclusion is that a diminution of about 15 per cent in the saturation of the haemoglobin, or a dimi- nution to half in the arterial oxygen pressure, is of no physio- logical importance, even though the lips are rather dull in color. This wholly mistaken idea is, however, rudely shaken by the effects of remaining for a sufficient time in the atmosphere : for the observer will be almost certainly prostrated by an attack of mountain sickness which he is never likely to forget afterwards. If, now, in order to escape mountain sickness, the pressure of oxygen in the inspired air is only diminished by one-seventh (cor- responding to a height of 4,500 feet; or an oxygen percentage of 17 at ordinary atmospheric pressure), there will be no appreciable blueness, and the corresponding saturation on the oxyhaemoglobin dissociation curve will be only 3.5 per cent below that for normal alveolar air. Nevertheless there will, if sufficient time is given, be quite appreciable physiological responses, which will be discussed in succeeding chapters. The truth is that in the long run the body responds in a fairly delicate manner to quite small diminutions in the oxygen pressure of the inspired air. Let us now look at the matter in the light of the new knowledge as to the somewhat imperfect manner in which air is distributed in the alveoli. In the course of our investigation on military neurasthenia, we placed several of the patients in a steel chamber and observed the effects of diminished pressure. A very slight dim- inution, corresponding to only about 5,000 feet, was sufficient to produce in them urgent respiratory and other symptoms, although they were doing no work. Even in normal persons the dissociation curve of oxyhaemoglobin and composition of the mixed alveolar air are, as was shown above, no certain guides to the percentage saturation of the haemoglobin, or oxygen pressure in the mixed arterial blood. As a matter of fact the blueness of the lips seen in persons freshly exposed to very low atmospheric pressure seems to be often much greater than would correspond to the oxygen pressure in their alveolar air when due allowance is made for the Bohr effect of lowered alveolar CO 2 pressure. We may thus be quite sure that at diminished atmospheric pressure the saturation 148 RESPIRATION of the mixed arterial blood with oxygen is or may be distinctly lower than corresponds to the oxygen pressure of the alveolar air. Poulton and I found that when a small quantity of air about 6 liters was rebreathed continuously up to the verge of loss of consciousness, the CO 2 being completely absorbed by soda lime, the inspired air contained only 4.8 per cent of oxygen, and the alveolar air 3.7 per cent. There was very great hyperpnoea; for the preformed CO 2 had not had time to escape in the manner already referred to in Chapter VI. The respiratory quotient of the alveolar air was as high as 2.8. The experiment was then repeated with a large volume of air, and under such conditions that the oxygen percentage only fell very slowly. The lowest per- centage of oxygen that could now be reached in the inspired air without great confusion of mind was about 9.4, with about 4.6 per cent (or 33 mm.) in the alveolar air. There was no noticeable hyperpnoea, and the respiratory quotient was normal. The al- veolar CO 2 percentage was only reduced from the normal of 5.7 per cent to 4.6, indicating that the alveolar ventilation was only increased by about a fourth. From these experiments we may conclude that air containing less than 9.5 per cent of oxygen would ordinarily cause disable- ment within half an hour. At a barometric pressure of 368 mm., or a little less than half an atmosphere, corresponding to about 20,500 feet above sea level, there would be a corresponding drop in the alveolar oxygen pressure; but judging from my own ob- servations the physiological effects are very distinctly less severe. This is probably due to the fact that in rarefied air the diffusion of oxygen within the lung alveoli is much more free than at atmos- pheric pressure. 9 As a rule no very serious symptoms are ex- perienced at the time till the barometric pressure has fallen to about 350 mm. (corresponding to 21,500 feet) ; but in this respect different individuals vary considerably. It must also be borne in mind that nervous symptoms of anoxaemia begin to appear at altitudes not nearly so great. At 320 mm. (about 24,000 feet) most persons, including myself, are soon very seriously affected in the manner described in Chapter VI, unless they are acclima- tized. Another cause of imperfect oxygenation of the arterial blood is that there may not be sufficient time for the required quantity of oxygen to pass into the blood through the alveolar epithelium. This cause of anoxaemia came into prominence in connection with * Haldane, Kellas, and Kennaway, Journ. of Physiol., LIU, p. 195, 1915. RESPIRATION 149 the effects of lung-irritant poison gas during the war. It was evi- dent from the first cases which I saw in April, 1915, that there was acute anoxaemia due to imperfect oxygenation of the arterial blood. There were the ordinary chlorine symptoms of acute bron- chitis, alveolar inflammation, and oedema of the lungs. The faces of the patients were deeply cyanosed, in spite of considerably in- creased breathing of adequate depth. At first it was suspected that the cyanosis was due to "toxaemia," causing the formation in the blood of methaemoglobin or some similar dark-colored decompo- sition product; but on diluting a drop of the blood, saturating with CO, and comparing the solution with the tint of similarly treated normal blood, I found that there was no abnormal pigment present, so that the blue color was due simply to anoxaemia. That this anoxaemia was, in the main at least, due to delay in the pas- sage of oxygen into the arterial blood was then confirmed by the fact that on administering oxygen the blue color changed to red, and the patients improved in other respects. It was evident that with the greatly increased partial pressure of oxygen in the al- veolar air, the oxygen was able to pass into the blood at a sufficient rate to saturate or nearly saturate the blood, and thus maintain life. The delayed passage was probably due mainly to the fact that the alveolar walls were swollen and oedematous, so that they did not allow oxygen to pass inwards at a normal rate. As will be pointed out in Chapter IX, this condition was produced experi- mentally in animals by Lorrain Smith. The distribution of air in the lung alveoli was doubtless also gravely interfered with by the bronchitis and emphysema caused by the actions of chlorine, though at the time I was ignorant of the importance of this cause. To judge by the increased breathing there was also much dis- turbance in the excretion of CO 2 by the lungs; and the great dis- tention of the veins and other signs in the chlorine cases pointed in this direction also. In the cases of poisoning by phosgene and other lung irritants used later, the symptoms of irritation of the air passages were much less prominent. The general symptoms corresponded more closely with those of pure anoxaemia. This was particularly true in the earlier seen, or less severe, cases, when there was no evi- dent oedema of the lungs. Thus, at first, the symptoms of acute anoxaemia were shown only on muscular exertion sufficient to cause a greatly increased need for oxygen ; and some of the men who were apparently at the time only slightly affected lost con- sciousness or died as a result of muscular exertion. Others suf- 150 RESPIRATION fered only from general malaise or symptoms similar to those of mountain sickness, and apparently due to slight anoxaemia. In the graver cases the anoxaemia was usually unaccompanied by distention of the lips and veins with blood, and the cyanosis was thus of the leaden or gray type, just as in cases of slowly advancing anoxaemia from other causes. In death from gradual CO poison- ing, for instance, there is no extra distention of the lips or veins with blood, although, of course, the lips are not gray but light pink. Death, in the phosgene cases and probably in others, seems to have been finally due to failure of the respiratory center, the breathing becoming more and more shallow till the resulting increase in the anoxaemia ended in death. Orthopnoea was a very common symptom so long as the men were conscious. In favorable cases of ordinary croupous pneumonia the lips remain of a good color, and there are no evident signs of anoxae- mia ; but the breathing is rapid, and correspondingly shallow. The danger of anoxaemia is therefore not far off. At Cripple Creek (at an altitude of about 10,000 feet) I was told that cases of commencing pneumonia were at once put on the train and sent down to the prairie level, as it had been found that they had a very poor chance if treated locally. This indicates the danger from anoxaemia, and led us, in the Report of the Pike's Peak Expedition, to advocate the use of chambers containing air en- riched with oxygen for treating pneumonia. The fact that there is often no cyanosis in spite of very extensive lung consolidation seems to show that the pulmonary circulation has practically ceased in the consolidated areas. The blood supply of these areas may be solely through the bronchial arteries, the high-pressure supply from which joins the pulmonary circulation. This inference has recently been confirmed by Gross, 10 who found by means of X-ray photographs of lungs injected with an injection mass opaque to X-rays, that the pulmonary vessels are nearly blocked off in the consolidated parts in pneumonia. In the unaffected parts of the lungs, the oxygen seems to penetrate the alveolar walls readily enough in pneumonia. Where anoxaemia becomes danger- ous in croupous or disseminated pneumonia it seems usually to be failure of the respiratory center and consequent shallow breathing that is mainly responsible for the anoxaemia. The fact that in pneumonias of all kinds the arterial blood is commonly more or less imperfectly saturated with oxygen has Gross, Canadian Med. Assoc. Jourtt., p. 632, 1919. RESPIRATION 151 quite recently been shown directly by Stadie, 11 who examined samples of arterial blood drawn usually from the radial artery by means of a syringe. In normal persons he found an average of 95 per cent saturation of the haemoglobin with oxygen ; and this is about what might be expected in view of what has been said above. In cases of pneumonia the saturation varied from 95 to 42 per cent; and as a rule the cases where the saturation was below 76 per cent ended fatally. Cardiac cases were soon after- wards investigated by Harrop, 12 who found that in many of them there was imperfect saturation of the arterial blood. This was almost certainly due, frequently, to partial failure of the respira- tory center and consequent shallow breathing. The significance of these analyses will be evident from what has been said in the previous and present chapters ; and the danger to a patient of permitting any serious arterial anoxaemia to con- tinue when it can be prevented is, I hope, already evident. As anoxaemia is such a common and often dangerous condition, and can frequently be combated by the addition of oxygen to the inspired air, it will be in place to refer here to clinical methods of administering oxygen. In the first place it is necessary to have clear ideas as to the objects aimed at, in administering oxygen. If the oxygen is only given to enable a patient to surmount some quite temporary crisis due to anoxaemia produced, it may be, by one of the sudden angina-like attacks of reflex restriction of breath- ing referred above a very simple method of administration will suffice. A small cylinder of oxygen furnished with an india-rubber tube by means of which a stream of oxygen may be directed into the patient's open mouth will suffice; and such an arrangement would probably often be useful in certain cases, as the oxygen could be given promptly by a competent nurse at any time. In the great majority of cases, however, the cause of the an- oxaemia is one which may last for a considerable time, so that the administration of oxygen, in order to be useful, must be continued. In this connection it should be clearly realized that the object of the oxygen administration is not simply palliative, but curative. By preventing the anoxaemia we not only avert temporarily a cause of danger or damage to the patient ; but give the body an interval for recovery from the original cause, what- ever it may be, of the anoxaemia, or for adaptation. We also break a vicious circle: for if the anoxaemia is allowed to continue, it 11 Stadie, Journ. of Exper. Med., XXX, p. 215, 1919. a Harrop, Journ. of Exper. Med., XXX, p. 241, 1919. 152 RESPIRATION will itself make the patient worse, or tend to prevent the recovery which would otherwise naturally occur. We are not dealing with a machine, but with a living organism; and a living organism always tends to return to the normal if the opportunity is given. Oxygen is still often given by methods which are either quite ineffective or extremely wasteful. One method is to place a funnel over the patient's face, and allow some quite indefinite amount of oxygen to pass into the funnel. By this method the patient re- breathes a good deal of expired air, but may hardly get any of the oxygen, as the latter, being heavier, runs out below. A far better method is to insert a rubber catheter or other soft tube into the patient's mouth or nose, and pass a stream of oxygen through the tube. Another good method, when pure oxygen has to be given, is to allow the oxygen to pass at a sufficient rate into a rubber bag connected with the inspiratory valve of an anaesthetic mask placed over the patient's mouth and nose. The patient inhales from the bag, and exhales to the outside through the expiratory valve in the mask. In ordinary cases the patient does not require pure oxygen, but only a sufficient addition to the air of oxygen to prevent the an- oxaemia. In any case it would be very undesirable to continue the administration of pure oxygen for more than a limited time, as pure, or nearly pure, oxygen has a slow irritant action on the lungs, as will be shown in Chapter XII. If the mask is left open to the air, so that the patient can breathe as much air as he likes, and a stream of oxygen is allowed to pass into the mask directly, the oxygen which passes in during expiration is of course wasted. It became evident during the war that an efficient apparatus for the continuous administration of oxygen with maximum econo- my in oxygen was greatly needed, particularly in the treatment of acute cases of poisoning by lung-irritant gas. I therefore de- vised an apparatus so arranged that by a simple device the patient inspired through a face piece the whole of the added oxygen, without waste during expiration, while the proportion of oxygen could easily be cut down or increased, according as was needful. The original form of this apparatus was described in the British Medical Journal, February 10, 1917, page 181, after it had already been supplied extensively to the army in France. Its use there for gas cases was initiated, and' the management of it carefully inves- tigated, by Lieutenant Colonel C. G. Douglas of Oxford. Other well-known medical officers also made very valuable observations on the effects of oxygen inhalation. The results, particularly in RESPIRATION 153 gas cases, were strikingly successful; and practically continuous administration could easily be carried out over the two or three days during which there was danger from anoxaemia. Patients can sleep comfortably during the administration. The apparatus was afterwards simplified, with the special object of making it both easy for a nurse to handle, and available for front line and stretcher work, including treatment of "shock" cases. Figure 50 shows the arrangement of the apparatus. It con- sists of : ( I ) an oxygen cylinder provided with an easily worked f/ICf p/ece Figure 50. Apparatus for administering oxygen. and efficient main valve; (2) a pressure gauge showing how much oxygen is in the cylinder; (3) a reducing valve which reduces the pressure to a small amount which remains constant till the cylinder is exhausted; (4) a graduated tap indicating the flow of oxygen in liters per minute; (5) thick- walled rubber tubing con- veying the oxygen to the patient and a light rubber bag; (6) a face piece with a minimum of dead space, and provided with elastic straps and a pneumatic cushion which can be taken off for disinfection. The patient can inspire and expire freely through an opening in which there is a rubber flap to cause a very slight resistance. During expiration the oxygen collects in the bag, and is sucked into the face piece at the beginning of inspiration. From the move- ments of the bag it can be seen at any time whether the patient is receiving the oxygen. To put the apparatus in action the main valve is opened freely, and the tap is adjusted to give 2 liters a minute or whatever greater or less amount suffices. With a de- 154 RESPIRATION livery of 2 liters a minute a 40- foot cylinder would last nearly ten hours. The effects of continuous oxygen inhalation with this apparatus on the arterial blood in pneumonia and bronchitis have quite recently been investigated by Meakins. 13 He found that with 2 liters a minute the percentage saturation of the haemoglobin in a pneumonia case with almost complete consolidation of one lung rose from 82 per cent to 91 per cent, but went back on stopping the oxygen to 84 per cent, slight cyanosis returning also. On then giving 3 liters a minute, the saturation rose to 97 per cent, which is 2 per cent above the normal value for healthy persons. In a bronchitis case with slight cyanosis and orthopnoea, the satura- tion rose from 88.6 to 97.0 per cent on giving 2 liters a minute, and the cyanosis and orthopnoea disappeared. In a normal man the saturation rose from 95.6 to 98.1 on giving 2 liters a minute. The plan of treating patients in an air-tight chamber contain- ing a high percentage of oxygen was introduced towards the end of the war at Cambridge under Barcroft's direction; 14 and a similar chamber was erected at Stoke-on-Trent. Favorable results were obtained in chronic cases of gas poisoning, as might be anticipated in view of the disturbed nervous control of breathing, already described in Chapters III and VII. It now seems evident that the administration of air enriched with oxygen is likely to be successfully introduced in the treatment of various illnesses in which arterial anoxaemia is present. During considerable muscular exertion the rate at which oxy- gen has to penetrate from the alveoli into the blood is enormously increased. Hence it is during muscular work that we should ex- pect to find any signs of anoxaemia in healthy persons breath- ing normal air at normal atmospheric pressure. That a certain amount of anoxaemia is commonly produced can be shown indirectly in various ways. In the first place the alveolar CO 2 pressure, particularly in some persons, does not rise during mus- cular exertion in the proportion that would be expected if the increased breathing were simply due to the increased production of CO 2 and consequent rise in the alveolar CO 2 pressure. Thus in the experiments of Priestley and myself, my own alveolar CO 2 pressure rose only by .13 per cent, in place of an expected rise of 11 Meakins, Brit. Med. Journ., March 5, 1920. A number of further cases have still more recently been recorded by Meakins, Journ. of Pathol. and, Bacter., XXIV, p. 79, 1921. 14 Barcroft, Dufton, and Hunt, Quarterly Journ. of Medicine, XIII, p. 179, 1920. RESPIRATION 155 about .8 per cent, if the increased breathing had been due to CO 2 alone; while in the case of Priestley (who was in much better physical training than I was) the rise was .44 per cent in place of an expected rise of about .56. I have since then frequently found that my alveolar CO 2 pressure does not rise appreciably with muscular exertion, and falls if the exertion is very great; though in younger men there is almost always a marked rise, as in the experiments on Douglas, mentioned in Chapter II. The absence of a rise in me when ordinary air is breathed is not due to the formation of lactic acid referred to in Chaper VIII. I found in 1917, however, that there is a well-marked rise when a little oxy- gen is added to the inspired air. The failure of my alveolar CO 2 to rise was therefore due apparently to slight anoxaemia during muscular exertion. It has for long been well known to engineers that men perform hard physical work more easily when they are working in com- pressed air. This was very evident, for instance, during the work on the Blackwall tunnel under the Thames, which I visited about 25 years ago. At the existing air pressure the alveolar oxygen pressure would have 3^/2 times its normal value. In breathing nearly pure oxygen while wearing a mine rescue apparatus, I share the very common experience, that in spite of the weight of the apparatus, heavy exertion, such as walking very fast, is much easier. On the other hand, even a very moderate increase in alti- tude increases considerably the panting on exertion. Some years ago Hill and Flack 15 published a number of ob- servations on the apparent effects of oxygen before and after muscular exertion. Many of their observations were concerned with very striking effects, already referred to, of oxygen in pro- longing the time during which the breath can be held. They showed that this effect is just as marked when exertion is per- formed with the breath held as during rest. They also found that oxygen given during the distress immediately following severe exertion has a distinct effect in raising the blood pressure, improv- ing the pulse, and alleviating the distress. This indicates that a raised partial pressure of oxygen in the alveolar air increases the oxygenation of the blood, and that part of the distress caused by severe muscular work is caused by deficient oxygenation of the arterial blood. I am unable to agree, however, with their further conclusion that when oxygen is breathed a large amount of free 15 Hill and Flack, Journ. of PhyswL, XXXVIII, Pro. PhyswL Soc,, p. xxviii, 1909 ; and XL, p. 347, 1910. 156 RESPIRATION oxygen is stored in the blood and tissues, and that for this reason a man who has breathed oxygen for a time has a distinct physio- logical advantage as regards performance of work over a man who has simply breathed air. Douglas and I found 16 that if oxy- gen is breathed quietly before an exertion there is no physiological advantage if the breath is not held. The extra oxygen in the lungs is quickly washed out by the breathing, and there is nothing to indicate the existence of any other extra store of oxygen in the body. If, however, the breathing is forced before the exertion, there is considerable advantage whether air or oxygen is breathed during the forced breathing ; and this advantage is due simply to washing out of CO 2 . As will be shown in Chapter XII, the tis- sues and venous blood cannot become highly saturated with oxy- gen when this gas is simply breathed at ordinary atmospheric pressure; and if oxygen had any appreciable effect apart from that due to the actual presence of an increased percentage of oxy- gen in the lungs the result would be very unintelligible. A clear and striking light has been thrown on this subject by some recent experiments by Dr. Henry Briggs. 17 He found that when equal work is done on a Martin's ergometer the percentage of CO 2 in the expired air is, in persons not in good physical train- ing, considerably higher when air rich in oxygen is breathed than when ordinary air is breathed. In persons in the best physical training, on the other hand, there is practically no difference until the work done is very excessive. The following table is from his PERCENTAGE CO a IN EXPIRED AIR Work in foot pounds Subject A Subject B per minute Breathing Breathing Breathing Breathing Pedaling with brake off air oxygen air oxygen 3-9 4-1 4-4 4-5 3,000 4-65 5.25 5-3 5.45 6,000 4-7 5-8 6.2 6.2 9,000 4-3 5-8 6.1 6.3 10,000 4.1 5-7 6.0 6.2 12,000 5-6 6.0 " Douglas and Haldane, Journ. of Physiol., XXXIX, Proc. Physiol. Soc., p. i, 1909. 17 Briggs, Henry Fitness and breathing during exertion, /. Physiology, Vol. 53, 1919-1920, Proc. Physiological Soc., p. 38-40. RESPIRATION 157 paper. Subject A was out of training, and Subject B in good training. The reason why anoxaemia is absent in persons who are in good training will be discussed in Chapter IX. There can be little doubt, in view of all the evidence adduced above, that muscular work produces some degree of anoxaemia in untrained persons, and that the anoxaemia increases with the work. The anoxaemia can hardly be due to any other cause than LITERS GAS INSPIRED PER MINUTE Subject A Breathing Breathing Subject B Breathing Breathing air oxygen atr oxygen 12 25 13 22.5 14 20 II 18 40 33 27 27 54 57 43 46 37 40-5 50 37 40.5 48 that the blood is passing through the lungs so quickly that suffi- cient oxygen to saturate the haemoglobin has not time to pass in through the alveolar epithelium, just as occurs to a far greater extent even during rest in a case of phosgene poisoning. Another possible explanation might perhaps suggest itself, and seems, indeed, to be suggested in Chapter XI of Mr. Barcroft's book, "The Respiratory Functions of the Blood." This is that the velocity of the chemical reaction, which occurs when haemoglobin comes into contact with oxygen at a certain partial pressure of oxygen, is so low that there is not time for the change to complete itself in the lungs during muscular exertion. The rate at which haemoglobin takes up oxygen, or oxyhaemoglobin gives it off, in presence of a certain partial pressure of oxygen is so extremely rapid that at present we have no means of measuring it. We can form some conception of what must be the velocity if we consider what is happening in the circulation of a small warm-blooded animal, such as a mouse or bird. As was shown by Dr. Florence Buchanan 18 the pulse rate of such an animal is, even during rest, "Buchanan, Journ. of Physiol,, XXXVII, Proc. Physiol. Soc., p. bcxix, 1908; and XXXVIII, Proc. Physiol. Soc., p. Ixii, 1909. 158 RESPIRATION about 700 to 800 a minute. A volume of blood equal to the whole of that in the animal will pass round the circulation in one or two seconds during exertion, so that any portion of blood will only be present for an instant in the pulmonary capillaries in each round of the circulation. Yet the time is sufficient for the chemical change to occur in the blood, and doubtless far more than sufficient, since we have to allow also for the time needed for the passage of oxy- gen through the layer of living tissue separating the air from the blood. In man the time available is much greater, so that the absolute velocity of the chemical change does not come into con- sideration at all, though of course the relative rates at which oxy- gen is chemically associated with or dissociated from haemoglobin at varying partial pressures of oxygen and varying temperatures, determine the corresponding dissociation curves as experimentally determined. A further group of causes of anoxaemia depends not on defec- tive saturation in the lungs, but on defect in the charge of available oxygen carried by the arterial blood, so that, with the existing rate of circulation, the oxygen pressure in the systemic capillaries falls too low. Of this group, carbon monoxide anoxaemia will be considered first. The laws of combination of carbon monoxide with haemoglobin have already been discussed in Chapter IV. My own interest in carbon monoxide arose out of my connection with coal mining, as it had become evident to me that carbon monoxide poisoning was a common occurrence, and I wished to understand it as thoroughly as possible. When Claude Bernard discovered the combination of CO with haemoglobin he attributed death from CO poisoning to the anoxaemia resulting from the fact that CO displaces the oxy- gen of oxyhaemoglobin. CO was, however, very generally be- lieved to have other physiological actions than those of anoxaemia, and my first experiments were made with a view to clearing this matter up. To put the matter to the test, I devised the following experi- ment 19 (Figure 51). A mouse was dropped into a thick glass measuring vessel filled with pure oxygen, and the pressure of oxygen in this cylinder was then raised to two atmospheres by connecting it with an oxygen cylinder in the manner shown. The oxygen was then clamped off and another clamp opened, through which the oxygen was directed into the top of another measuring vessel full of water, and the water driven over into a third measur- "Haldane, Journ. of Physiol., XVII, p. 201, 1905. RESPIRATION 159 ing vessel filled with pure carbon monoxide, so arranged that the gas was driven into the vessel containing the mouse. The animal was now in a mixture consisting of two parts of oxygen and one of carbon monoxide, at a total pressure of two atmospheres of oxygen and one of carbon monoxide. It could also be killed by drowning in this atmosphere if water was forced over. My calculation was that in the presence of two atmospheres of oxygen the animal would have in simple solution sufficient oxy- gen in its arterial blood to supply the oxygen requirements of its tissues, at any rate during rest; and that it would thus be inde- pendent of the oxygen supply shut off through the action of the Figure 51. Apparatus for exposing mouse to atmosphere of oxygen and CO. CO, with which the haemoglobin would be almost completely saturated. If, however, the CO had any toxic action apart from its action in producing anoxaemia this action would certainly manifest itself at once, since the partial pressure of the CO was 100 per cent of an atmosphere, whereas in CO poisoning as ordi- narily met with in non-fatal cases, the partial pressure of CO 160 RESPIRATION is not more than about 0.2 per cent of an atmosphere. The amount of free oxygen which would go into solution in blood at the body temperature with an atmospheric pressure of two atmospheres is 4.2 volumes per 100 cc. of blood, which is just about as much as is ordinarily taken from the blood as it passes through the tissues (see Chapter X). The mouse remained quite normal and seemingly unconcerned, except that when it exerted itself in climbing up the jar it seemed to become more easily tired than usual. Thus CO has no appreci- able physiological action except that of producing anoxaemia. It is, physiologically speaking, an indifferent gas, like nitrogen, hydrogen, or methane, and, like these gases, only acts physio- logically by cutting off the supply of oxygen. Its only specific physiological action, so far as I am aware, is that it has a slight garlic-like odor. It is not an "odorless gas" except to those who are afraid even to smell it on account of the mythical properties commonly attributed to it. Animals which have no haemoglobin pay no more attention to CO than to nitrogen. I kept a cockroach for a fortnight in an atmosphere consisting of 80 per cent of CO and 20 per cent of oxygen, and it remained perfectly well. CO is not oxidized or otherwise decomposed in the living body of any animal. 20 It passes in by the lungs and passes out far more rapidly than is generally supposed by the lungs, without there being the smallest loss. For this and other reasons it is a most valuable physiological reagent. The popular idea that CO remains for long in the blood is based simply on failure to realize the nature of the symptoms which fol- low severe or long-continued anoxaemia. In the light of present knowledge it is childish to suppose that as soon as anoxaemia is relieved a patient will recover, or that anoxaemia is in itself a trifling matter if life is not immediately imperiled. If there were only one clinical lesson derived from a perusal of this book, I hope it would be that anoxaemia is a very serious condition, the con- tinuance of which ought to be prevented if at all possible. The properties of CO as a poison can now in the main be under- stood in the light of preceding chapters. As the molecular affinity of haemoglobin for CO is enormously more powerful than its affinity for oxygen, it is evident that a very small proportion of CO in the air is capable of saturating the blood to a noticeable extent. The proportion of oxygen in dry alveolar air is about 14 20 For experiments and references on this subject see Haldane, Journ. of PAysiol., XXV, p. 225, 1899, and M. Krogh, Pfliiger's Archiv, 162, p. 94, 1915. RESPIRATION 161 per cent, and the affinity of haemoglobin for CO (in my own case at least) is about 300 times its affinity for oxygen. It follows that, if we assume for the moment that the oxygen pressure of the blood is that of the normal alveolar air, the blood will gradually become half-saturated with CO if air containing = .047 per cent of 300 CO is breathed continuously for a sufficient time. If the per- centage is .0235 per cent, the final saturation will only be one third ; and if the percentage is .012 the saturation will be a fourth ; and so on. If pure air were again breathed the CO would be ex- pelled from the body through the unbalanced action of the al- veolar oxygen pressure in expelling CO from its combination. The rates of absorption and of elimination of the CO can also be calculated on the same principles from the mean percentage of CO in the alveolar air, allowing for the fact that as the haemo- globin approaches the balancing saturation the rate of absorption will gradually fall off; and similarly the rate of elimination will gradually fall off as the blood loses CO. As will be shown in Chapter IX, however, this theoretical course of events is pro- foundly modified by active secretion of oxygen inwards by the lung epithelium. It is evident also that in air abnormally poor in oxygen a given percentage of CO will become more poisonous, and in air ab- normally rich in oxygen less poisonous. This I verified experi- mentally on animals. It remained to ascertain in man what effects corresponded to a given saturation of the haemoglobin ; and this I ascertained by experiments on myself, 21 using for the purpose the carmine titration method referred to in Chapter IV, and fully described in its latest form in the Appendix. I found in these experiments that no particular effect was ob- served until the haemoglobin was about 20 per cent saturated. At about this saturation an extra exertion, such as running upstairs, produced a very slight feeling of dizziness and some extra palpita- tion and hyperpnoea. At about 30 per cent saturation very slight symptoms, such as slight increase of pulse rate, deeper breathing, and slight palpitations, became observable during rest, and run- ning upstairs was followed in about half a minute by dizziness, dimness of vision, and abnormally increased breathing and pulse rate. At 40 per cent saturation these symptoms were more marked, and exertions had to be made with caution for fear of fainting. At 50 per cent saturation there was no real discomfort during 21 Haldane, Journ. of PhyswL, XVIII, p. 430, 1895. 1 62 RESPIRATION rest, but the breathing and pulse rate were distinctly increased, vision and hearing impaired, and intelligence probably greatly impaired. It was also hardly possible to rise from the chair with- out assistance. Writing was very bad, and spelling uncertain. Movements were very uncertain, and it was difficult to recognize objects distinctly or estimate their distance correctly, so that things a long way off were grasped at in vain. Attempts to go any distance caused failure of the legs and collapse on the floor. In one experi- ment the saturation reached 56 per cent. It was then hardly possible to stand, and impossible to walk. After each of these experiments the saturation of the blood fell rapidly when fresh air was breathed ; and within three hours the saturation had fallen below 20 per cent. Shortly after these experiments, I examined the bodies of a large number of men who had been killed in colliery explosions, and found that nearly all had died of CO poisoning. The satura- tion of the haemoglobin with CO was usually about 80 per cent, but in some cases not more than 60 per cent. In fatal cases of poisoning by lighting gas Lorrain Smith found similar satura- tions. The general similarity between the symptoms of CO poisoning and those of anoxaemia produced in other ways is evident; and the after-symptoms appear to be identical with those of mountain sickness and related disorders. There is, however, a difference between the symptoms of CO poisoning and those of anoxaemia produced by imperfect oxygenation of the arterial haemoglobin. This difference lies in the fact that in CO poisoning fainting, or a tendency to fainting, is much more prominent than respiratory distress. A man at a high altitude pants excessively on exertion, but does not easily faint. A man suffering from CO poisoning faints very readily on exertion, and the tendency to dizziness and collapse is far more prominent than the hyperpnoea. The fainting on exertion is evidently due to the fact that from lack of the mass of oxygen needed the heart cannot compensate by sufficiently increased output of blood for the greatly increased flow of blood through the working muscles. The blood pressure therefore falls, with the result that the circulation to the brain is diminished and anoxaemia then causes loss of consciousness. But why does this occur so much more readily in CO poisoning? The fact that it does so indicates that relatively speaking the respiratory center is less affected in the anoxaemia of CO poisoning, in which the mass of oxygen in the blood is reduced but the pressure of oxygen in the RESPIRATION 163 arterial blood remains normal. That is to say, with a degree of anoxaemia which would not seriously affect the heart in anoxae- mia from imperfect oxygenation of the available haemoglobin there will be marked response to anoxaemia in the respiratory center, but not in CO poisoning. This points clearly to the very important conclusion that it is practically speaking to the oxygen pressure of the arterial blood that the respiratory center responds. The blood which bathes the receptive end-organs (or whatever else is sensitive to the respiratory chemical stimuli) of the respira- tory center must therefore be blood which has lost very little of its arterial charge of oxygen. There are other facts pointing in the same direction. Thus in fainting or dizziness from fall of blood pressure there is no im- mediate panting, although the anoxaemia which immediately results in the cerebrum is sufficient to cause loss or impairment of consciousness. The arterial blood, however, remains normal as regards its pressures of oxygen and CO 2 during fainting; and in accordance with the conclusion just reached, the breathing is not stimulated till the stagnation of blood in the respiratory center is very marked. It is to be kept in mind that at a moderate altitude the pressure of oxygen in the arterial blood is diminished far more than the mass of the oxygen, as expressed by the percentage saturation of the haemoglobin. With CO it is the mass of oxygen which is diminished in the blood, while the pressure may be normal. It also seems a priori probable that the respiratory center should be continuously sampling and controlling the gas pressures of the arterial blood. For it has to act for the whole body. Its function is evidently, not to keep normal the gas pressures in the capillaries of one particular part of the body, such as the medulla oblongata, but to keep normal the arterial blood upon which every part of the body draws in accordance with varying local requirements. It keeps the gas pressures normal just as the heart keeps the blood pressure normal, so that every part of the body can always indent for arterial blood of standard quality and sufficient quantity. A further peculiarity of CO poisoning is that quite commonly consciousness is lost for long periods in the poisonous atmosphere without death occurring. Thus cases of CO poisoning afford strik- ing opportunities of studying the effects of prolonged general anoxaemia of the brain and every other organ in the body. The reason why death does not occur more readily seems to be that, although the amount of oxygen transported by the blood is dimin- 164 RESPIRATION ished, the oxygen pressure in the arterial blood remains normal, and as a consequence the respiratory center does not rapidly fail in the same manner as it does when the arterial oxygen pressure is very low, as explained in Chapter VI. This characteristic seems to be common to all forms of anoxaemia in which the arterial oxygen pressure remains about normal, including anoxaemia due simply to a failing heart. If the action of CO were simply to diminish the oxygen- carrying power of the haemoglobin, without modification of the properties of the remaining haemoglobin, the symptoms of CO poisoning would be very difficult to understand in the light of other knowledge. Thus a person whose blood is half-saturated 20 Pressure of 2 in Mm. of \\g. 30 40 50 6.0 70 80 90 g &4%526272& 91 Pressure of 0, in % of an atmosphere Figure 52. Curve I, o per cent saturation with CO; II, 10 per cent; III, 25 per cent; IV, 50 per cent; V, 75 per cent. with CO is practically helpless, as we have just seen ; but a person whose haemoglobin percentage is simply diminished to half by anaemia may be going about his work as usual. Miners may be doing their ordinary work though their haemoglobin percentage is reduced to half or less by ankylostomiasis ; and women may be going about their duties with their haemoglobin percentage re- RESPIRATION 165 duced to a third by chlorosis. Even in the extremest "anaemia," with the haemoglobin below 20 per cent of its normal value, and the lips of extremest pallor, the patient is perfectly conscious, though hardly capable of any muscular exertion. The key to this seeming paradox is furnished by the discovery 22 that the oxyhaemoglobin left in the arterial blood when it is partially saturated with CO has its dissociation curve altered in such a way that the haemoglobin holds on more tightly to the oxy- gen. The oxygen still present as oxyhaemoglobin is therefore less easily available, so that the oxygen pressure in the tissues must fall lower in order to get off the combined oxygen. With a given amount of available oxygen in the blood the physiological anox- aemia is thus increased. Figure 52, from a paper by J. B. S. Hal- dane, 23 shows the alterations in the dissociation curves of the oxyhaemoglobin with varying percentage saturations of the blood with CO. It will be seen, for instance, that with 50 per cent satu- ration of the blood with CO the oxygen pressure must fall to less than half the usual value, and with 75 per cent saturation to less than a third, in order to dissociate half the oxygen present in the arterial blood as oxyhaemoglobin. No wonder, therefore, that the symptoms of CO poisoning are much more severe than those of a corresponding simple deficiency of haemoglobin in the blood. It will be seen also that the shape of the dissociation curve is com- pletely altered. The characteristic double bend (which, as already seen, is of such vital physiological importance) in the oxyhaemo- globin curve tends to disappear altogether, so that an enormous fall in oxygen pressure is needed to make the bulk of the oxygen in the oxyhaemoglobin dissociate. In the investigations which Lorrain Smith and I made on the effects of continuously breathing a definite percentage of CO all the experiments were made on ourselves, and in a series which was more or less continuous from day to day. From the results of these experiments we estimated that it required about .05 per cent of CO in the air to produce the 30 per cent saturation of the blood which was necessary for any very noticeable symptoms of CO poisoning. In isolated experiments made later, however, we found the CO much more poisonous, so that it only required about .02 per cent to produce the required saturation. In the original ex- periments we had become "acclimatized" without knowing it. The 22 Douglas, J. S. Haldane, and J. B. S. Haldane, Journ. of Physwl., XLIV, p. 293, 1912. 83 J. B. S. Haldane, Journ. of Physiol., XLV, Proc. Physiol. Soc., p. xxii, 1912. 1 66 RESPIRATION great significance of this "acclimatization" will be discussed in succeeding chapters. The other gas, besides CO, which enters into molecular com- bination with haemoglobin is nitric oxide. But as free nitric oxide combines at once with the oxygen in air to form yellow "nitrous fumes," and these are intensely irritant and produce very danger- ous inflammation, nitric oxide poisoning in the same sense as CO poisoning is impossible. Sir Humphrey Davy nearly killed him- self when he attempted to breathe nitric oxide (NO) at the time when he discovered the effects of nitrous oxide, or "laughing gas" (N 2 O). NO haemoglobin is, however, formed to some extent in the living body during poisoning by nitrites, as was discovered by Makgill, Mavrogordato, and myself ; 24 and some time after death from nitrite poisoning the whole of the haemoglobin becomes combined with NO. Hence the body is red, just as in a fatal case of CO poisoning, so that the case might easily be mistaken for CO poisoning on mere spectroscopic examination of the blood. The condition can be distinguished at once by the fact that the blood and tissues remain red on boiling, just as in the case already al- luded to of salted meat. Another cause of an anoxaemia analogous to that of CO poison- ing is present in the case of the action of poisons which produce methaemoglobin in the living body. The first of these to be dis- covered was chlorate of potash, which in former times, before the dangerous properties of chlorates were realized, used to be ad- ministered freely as an oxidizing agent, and has even been recom- mended as an antidote for the anoxaemia of high altitudes. The discovery that in a fatal case of diphtheria treated with chlorate of potash the blood contained much methaemoglobin drew atten- tion to the possible dangers from anoxaemia in poisoning by any of the numerous substances which are capable of producing me- thaemoglobin in the living body. The possibilities of anoxaemia being produced were investi- gated by Makgill, Mavrogordato, and myself. As ferricyanide does not penetrate the walls of the red corpuscles, and chlorates do not do so in the animals we were using, we used chiefly nitrites for the experiments; and we did so for the reason, partly, that nitrites have other important physiological actions besides that of producing methaemoglobin (in reality a mixture of methaemo- globin with a certain proportion of NO haemoglobin). Having discovered the dose required to produce death we then, as soon 34 Makgill, Mavrogordato, and Haldane, Journ. of Physiol., XXI, p. 160, 1897. RESPIRATION 167 as serious symptoms began to develop after administration of the dose, placed the animals in compressed oxygen. The result was that the serious symptoms disappeared and the animals recovered. If, however, they were removed into ordinary air, they died at once with anoxaemic convulsions. When kept in the oxygen for a sufficient time, however, they completely recovered and could be returned to ordinary air. Oxygen at ordinary atmospheric pres- sure was often sufficient to save the animals. Having worked out a method for estimating colorimetrically the proportional extent to which the haemoglobin was altered by the poison, we then found that the dangerous symptoms depended, just as in CO poisoning, on the extent of the alteration. It was thus evident that the cause of death, and of the dangerous symp- toms, was anoxaemia, just as in CO poisoning. We also found that the methaemoglobin and NO haemoglobin soon disappeared, leav- ing the blood quite normal, if death was averted. The methaemo- IOO 70 ^ 60 50 I ^ 40 1 20 10 Mours offer srr/'ec{t'o/i Figure 53. Methaemoglobin due to sodium nitrate. globin was simply reduced back again, just as on the addition of a reducing agent to a methaemoglobin solution outside the body. It was also evident that the reduction process was constantly going on and tending to neutralize the poison even while the relatively large amounts of it were still present in the blood. In proportion 1 68 RESPIRATION as the poison was destroyed or excreted the reduction process got the upper hand. There are, therefore, reducing agents of some kind or another within the corpuscles. Figure 53 shows the per- centage conversion to methaemoglobin in the blood of a rabbit at intervals after a non-poisonous dose of sodium nitrite. It will be seen that after four hours the blood had completely recovered. The action of methaemoglobin-forming poisons is rendered evident at once by the marked cyanosis which they produce. The methaemoglobin has a dark color, and the arterial blood becomes therefore of a chocolate or coffee color. This form of cyanosis may become very marked indeed without serious real symptoms of an- oxaemia being present. Thus in acute poisoning by dinitrobenzol (an ingredient of certain explosives) a man may become very blue in the face and yet be going about as usual, although he presents a most alarming appearance. Many of the poisons which produce methaemoglobin cause, in addition, radical decomposition in the haemoglobin, and even breaking up of the red corpuscles. This is, for instance, the case, to a large extent, with dinitrobenzol, so that there are other colored decomposition products present as well as methaemoglobin; and for the present it is not possible to specify their nature. Their pres- ence, or that of methaemoglobin, can, however, be detected at once on diluting a drop of the blood till the color begins to become yellowish, then saturating with coal gas or CO, and comparing the tint with that of normal blood diluted to a corresponding ex- tent and similarly saturated. If any colored decomposition prod- ucts are present the normal blood solution will be pinker, as the CO does not combine to give a pink color with these foreign substances. When a poison causes solution of the red corpuscles (haemo- lysis), or decomposes the haemoglobin beyond the methaemo- globin stage, the haemoglobin is lost to the body, and "anaemia" is one result of this, as well as jaundice. Thus chronic poisoning by dinitrobenzol and similarly acting substances causes very seri- ous anaemia. This also results from chronic poisoning by arsenu- retted hydrogen, which has the peculiar action of injuring the walls of the red corpuscles and so causing haemolysis, with re- sulting haemoglobinuria, jaundice, and often nephritis. We are thus brought to the consideration .of the anoxaemia caused by anaemia, the word "anaemia" being taken to mean simply a diminution in the percentage of haemoglobin in a given volume of blood, whether the blood volume itself is diminished, or normal, RESPIRATION 169 or increased. As a matter of fact the blood volume is usually much increased in "anaemia," as was first shown by Lorrain Smith. 25 It was found by Miss FitzGerald that in ordinary cases of anaemia there is no appreciable diminution in the alveolar CO 2 pressure. 26 As will be shown more fully in Chapter VIII, a chronic arterial anoxaemia, however slight, invariably lowers the alveolar CO 2 pressure if time is given, and if the anoxaemia continues during rest. The absence of a lowered alveolar CO 2 pressure in cases of anaemia is thus clear evidence of the absence of anox- aemia, in spite of greatly diminished oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood. It is evident, therefore, that the circulation rate is much increased in anaemia and this inference is confirmed by the ab- sence of cyanosis. A little consideration will show that this in- creased circulation rate, while it serves to maintain the normal oxygen pressure of the blood in the systemic capillaries, will prob- ably not reduce too much the pressure of CO 2 in the tissues. The CO 2 conveying power of the blood in the living body depends, as shown in Chapter V, on the concentration of haemoglobin present in the blood, and this concentration is greatly reduced in anaemia. Diminution in the actual CO 2 -conveying power of the blood in the living body will therefore advance pari passu with the diminu- tion of the oxygen-carrying power. Thus (as shown in Chapter X) an increased circulation rate is brought about by the combined stimulus of diminished oxygen pressure and increased CO 2 pres- sure. This is not so in the case of anoxaemia from defective satura- tion of the haemoglobin in the lungs ; nor, for the special reason given above, in the anoxaemia of CO poisoning. The reason why imperfect saturation of the arterial blood causes such serious anoxaemia in the cerebrum and tissues elsewhere, while anaemia causes so little anoxaemia (during rest) unless it is very extreme, is probably bound up with this difference as regards effects on CO 2 pressure in the tissues. The matter will, however, be discussed more fully in Chapter X. The last cause of anoxaemia to be considered is that due prima- rily to defective circulation ; and it will be referred to very briefly here, as the relation of circulation to respiration will be discussed in Chapter X. When the blood pressure is very defective owing to failure of heart action or failing supply of venous blood to the heart, the inevitable result is failure in the general circulation rate, and failure also in the proper distribution of blood within the body. 25 Lorrain Smith, Trans. Path. Soc. Lond., LII, p. 315. 86 Journ. of Pathol. and Bacter., XIV, p. 328, 1910. I ;o RESPIRATION This must result in anoxaemia in the tissues, together with an undue rise in their CO 2 pressure. But owing to the combination of these two conditions the fall in oxygen pressure and rise in CO 2 pressure will both be moderate until the slowing of circulation is excessive : for the oxygen will fall along the steep part of the dotted curve in Figure 21, while the CO 2 pressure will rise along the thick line in Figure 26. This means that a great diminution in the charge of oxygen in the haemoglobin, and consequently a very considerable cyanosis, will be possible with a comparative small fall in the oxygen pressure or rise in the CO 2 pressure. Hence cyanosis due to slowing of the circulation is not in itself such a serious indication as cyanosis due to failing saturation of the blood with oxygen, although of course indicative of possible more serious failure of the circulation. When fall of arterial blood pressure is. due to defective filling of the large veins leading to the heart, benefit may be expected from the intravenous injection of suitable saline solution, as this will tend to fill up the veins, and to bring about adequate filling of the heart. A simple salt solution tends, however, to leak out again very quickly from the circulation. To remedy this defect Bayliss 27 has introduced the plan of adding gum to the salt solu- tion, the gum fulfilling the same function in preventing leakage as the proteins normally present in blood plasma. This procedure has proved very successful, and avoids the risks and practical difficulties associated with transfusion of blood or liquids con- taining proteins. For the reasons already pointed out, the dilution of the blood by the saline injection does not cause anoxaemia. As will be pointed out in Chapter X, failure in the venous return to the heart may be due to deficient pressure of CO 2 in the systemic capillaries, owing to excessive washing out of CO 2 in the lungs ; and this excessive washing out may be secondary to arterial anox- aemia. Arterial anoxaemia and deficiency of CO 2 may also be the cause of failure of the heart muscle. It is probable, therefore, that in many cases the vicious circle may be more effectively broken by administration of oxygen or even CO 2 than by injection of gum- saline solution or transfusion of blood; but in other cases injection or transfusion would quite clearly be required. "Bayliss, Intravenous Injection in Wound, Shock, 1918. CHAPTER VIII Blood Reaction and Breathing. IT has been known for long that the reaction of blood to litmus paper is always slightly alkaline, while the living tissues are also alkaline, though they change to acid in dying. Knowledge as to the connection between the blood reaction and normal breathing is, however, mostly of very recent origin ; and the same may be said of knowledge as to the extreme exactitude with which the reaction of the blood is regulated, and the physiological importance of the very slightest deviation, from the normal reaction of the blood and tissues. That the reaction within the body is physiologically regulated was originally indicated, not only by the reaction of the blood to litmus and other indicators being always the same, but also by the fact that on administration of sufficient doses of sodium bicarbon- ate or other alkalies the urine, which is normally acid in man, becomes alkaline. The same effect is produced by a vegetable diet, which contains a large amount of organic acids combined with alkali. The acids are mostly oxidized with formation of CO 2 within the body, thus leaving alkaline carbonates, so that the excess of alkali must be, and actually is, excreted in order that the reaction within the body may remain normal. In herbivorous animals the urine is always alkaline. On the other hand, in carnivorous ani- mals, and in man with his usual mixed diet, the urine is acid. This is because there is an excess of non-volatile acid formed within the body by the oxidation of. the sulphur, phosphorus, etc., in the food constituents and this excess is partly, at least, got rid of by the kidneys, and the normal alkalinity of the blood and tissues thus preserved. More than forty years ago an important series of investigations bearing on the physiology of the blood reaction was carried out under Schmiedeberg's direction at Strassburg. The effect on rab- bits of the administration of large doses of dilute hydrochloric acid was investigated by Walter, 1 and it was found, as one result, that the breathing of the animals was very greatly increased, becoming extremely deep as well as more frequent the same sort of effect as is produced by excess of CO 2 , as shown in Chapter II. The X F. Walter, Archw /. exper. PatAol. Pharmakol., VII, p. 148, 1877. 172 RESPIRATION animals also ultimately became comatose, just as is the case when CO 2 is in great excess ; and finally there were signs of exhaustion of breathing, the breathing ceasing before the heart ceased to beat. Another very important result reached in these investigations was that when the experiments were repeated on dogs it was much more difficult to produce the symptoms, and it was found that the amount of ammonia excreted (in combination with acid) in the urine was increased greatly. Under normal conditions the amount of nitrogen excreted as ammonia is small in proportion to the total excretion of nitrogen. Thus in man the amount of ammonia usually excreted in 24 hours is only about 0.7 gram (sufficient, however, to neutralize about 2 grams of H 2 SO 4 ), so that only a small fraction of the total nitrogen is excreted as ammonia. In acid poisoning, however, the fraction becomes a very much larger one in carnivorous animals and in man. Walter found that in dogs the ammonia excretion could be pushed up to several times the normal by giving large doses of acid. According to the existing evidence, which originated with Schmiedeberg and his pupils, ammonia is converted into urea in the liver. It appears, therefore, that when acid is administered to carnivorous animals or men, ammonia is not converted into urea, or else nitrogen which normally appears as urea is converted into ammonia and goes to neutralize the acid. If ammonia is admin- istered by mouth as carbonate it is wholly converted into urea, and the excretion of ammonia by the urine may be actually diminished. If, on the other hand, the ammonia is administered in combination with a strong acid as a neutral salt, much of this ammonia appears as salts of ammonia in the urine. Some is, however, converted into urea in the liver, as was recently shown definitely by perfusion experiments. 2 It was found that during health the proportion of ammonia which escapes conversion into urea and consequently appears in the urine depends on the acid-forming or alkali- forming properties of the diet. Thus with a meat diet the pro- portion of ammonia is much higher than with a vegetable diet; and by administering alkalies ammonia may be made to disappear entirely from the urine. The varying neutralization of acids by ammonia is therefore one of the means by which the reaction within the body is regu- lated in man and carnivorous animals, while variation in the excretion of acid or alkali in the urine is another. The former means hardly exists in herbivorous animals. But the significance 'Loffler, Biochem. Zetischr., LXXXV, p. 230, 1918. RESPIRATION 173 of the most rapid and effective method of all varying excretion of carbonic acid by the breathing remained hidden till quite recently, although Walter's experiments showed that there is not only a great increase in the breathing, but the amount of carbonic acid present in the arterial blood is reduced in extreme case to about a twelfth of the normal. It was discovered by von Jaksch 3 in 1882 that where acetone is present in the urine, as in bad cases of diabetes, verging on coma, or actually comatose, considerable quantities of aceto- acetic acid are also present; and soon afterwards Minkowski 4 found that oxybutyric acid, a closely allied substance, is likewise present. The excretion of ammonia had already been shown to be greatly increased, as well as the depth of the breathing and the acidity of the urine, just as in acid poisoning; and indeed it was this that led Minkowski, and Stadelmann before him, to the search for organic acids. Thus all the symptoms point to acid poisoning by the acids mentioned. Shortly after Priestley and I introduced our method of investigating alveolar air, Pembrey, Beddard, and Spriggs investigated the alveolar air in cases of diabetic coma at Guy's Hospital, 5 and found the alveolar CO 2 percentage as low as i.i per cent. It went up and down as the patient emerged from or relapsed into coma; and the ad- ministration of sodium bicarbonate warded off the attacks of coma, and at the same time kept the alveolar CO 2 percentage from falling. Investigation of the alveolar CO 2 pressure is now a well- recognized clinical method for estimating the gravity of symptoms in diabetic coma and other states of "acidosis," as well as for judging of the effects of treatment. For a long time the degree of alkalinity of the blood was judged from the amount of acid which has to be added to a given volume of it or its serum before an indicator, such as litmus, gives the tint indicative of neutrality. By this method it was found that the blood in acid poisoning or diabetic coma is less alkaline than usual; and all sorts of similar supposed "acidoses" have been dis- covered, although the signs of physiological response to the pres- ence in the body of too much acid might be more or less absent or even contradictory. A few years ago, however, it became evident that the amount of acid required for neutralization is no reliable 3 Von Jaksch, Bertchte der cLeutschen Chem. Gesellsch., p. 1496, 1882. 4 Minkowski, Arch. f. exper. Pathol. u. Pharmak., XVIII, pp. 35 and 147, 1884. 6 Beddard, Pembrey, and Spriggs, Journ. of Physiol., XXXI, Proc. Physiol. Soc.. p. xliv, 1904; also XXXVII, p. xxxix, 1908. 174 RESPIRATION measure of the blood alkalinity. Even a strong solution of sodium bicarbonate is but feebly alkaline ; but the amount of acid which must be added to it to render it neutral is as great as if the sodium were present as caustic soda, and is thus no measure of the actual alkalinity of the solution. The carbonic acid united with the soda prevents it from being at all strongly alkaline, but at the same time does not completely neutralize it, and all weak acids have the same properties. They may thus be said to be "buffer" substances, since they prevent a strong acid from neutralizing at once a weakly alkaline solution. A great deal of the strong acid has to be added before the weak alkalinity is neutralized. The same applies to weak alkalies, mutatis mutandis. Now the blood and tissues are full of buffer substances. In the first place, as already seen in Chapter V, carbonic acid is present in combination. Haemoglobin and various other proteins are also present ; and it has been well known for a long time that proteins act as both acid and alkaline buffers, so that the neutral point in a solution containing proteins is very difficult to ascertain sharply by means of ordinary indicators. The color alters gradually in either direction as the neutral point for any particular indicator is approached. It was shown in Chapter V that in the alkaline blood haemoglobin and other proteins act as weak acids more than sufficient in amount to combine with the bases not already com- bined with strong acids, and that the presence of these proteins along with carbonic acid determines the manner in which the alkali in blood takes up and gives off CO 2 with varying partial pressures of this gas. The amount of acid required to produce neutrality is thus in itself no measure of the degree of alkalinity in blood, but depends on the amount of the various buffer sub- stances, including carbonic acid in combination with alkali ; and they may vary considerably in amount under different conditions. This has been pointed out very clearly by L. J. Henderson. 6 It may be desirable at this point to remind the reader as to the conception of acidity and alkalinity to which chemical and physi- co-chemical investigation has led during the last thirty years. The phenomena of electrolysis revealed to Faraday the fact that the constituents of any "electrolyte," such as copper sulphate, are torn asunder during electrolysis into definite fragments, of which one kind travels toward the anode, and the other to the cathode. These fragments he called "ions," because it is their movement towards either anode or cathode, and the fact that each of them has " L. J. Henderson, Ergebn. der Physiol., VIII, p. 254, 1909. RESPIRATION 175 a definite electrical charge, that determines the phenomena of electrolysis and the exact quantitative relationship between-the current passed through a cell containing an electrolyte in solution and the splitting up of the electrolyte into its constituents. Van't Hoff and Arrhenius brought Faraday's conception into relation with osmotic pressure and various other phenomena connected with solutions. Osmotic pressure was first measured accurately by the botanist Pfeffer. 7 He used a semi-permeable membrane (i.e., a membrane which allowed the solvent water, but not the dissolved substance, to pass) which had been originally discovered by Moritz Traube in i867, 8 though Traube had not seen how to apply this membrane for measuring osmotic pressures. Some years later van't Hoff 9 made the brilliant discovery that in dilute solutions of sugar and other substances, the osmotic pressure is practically the same as the pressure which the solute would have if its molecules were present alone in the gaseous form at the same temperature. There must thus be a fundamental connection between molecular con- centration, osmotic pressure, and gas pressure ; also between mo- lecular concentration and the vapor pressures, boiling points and freezing points of solutions, as had already been empirically shown by the investigations in particular of Raoult. Van't Hoff believed that osmotic pressure, etc., were due in some way to the molecular bombardment of the solute molecules, and therefore vary as their concentration per liter of solution ; and this theory has served for the building up of the theory of solutions as it is still represented in current textbooks of physical chemistry. In reality this theo- retical interpretation was not even justified by Pfeffer's data if concentration per liter is considered, and breaks down entirely for concentrated solutions. The theory is also quite unintelligible mechanically, since the bombardment pressure of the solute mole- cules would be in the wrong direction for explaining the phe- nomena. Hence many persons regarded van't Hoff's theory with the greatest suspicion ; but the fact that it seemed to answer ad- mirably as a means of prediction in the case of dilute solutions, and to cover an enormous mass of facts, has led to its very general acceptance, though other attempts have been made to substitute for it some more intelligible conception. In iQiS 10 I showed quite clearly, as I think, that van't Hoff's T Pfeffer, Osmottsche Untersuchungen, 1877. 8 Traube, Archiv f. (Anat. .) Physiol., p. 87, 1867. 9 Van't Hoff, Zeitschr. f. physik. Chemie, I, p. 481, 1887. "Haldane, Bio-Chemical Journal, XII, p. 464, 1918. 1 76 RESPIRATION conception of osmotic pressure was mistaken. It is neither the con- centration per liter of the solute molecules, nor that of the solvent molecules, that determines osmosis, but the diffusion pressure of the solvent. Water passes through a semi-permeable mem- brane into a solution, because the diffusion pressure of pure water is greater than that of the diluted water in the solution. The osmotic pressure is not the excess of diffusion pressure of water outside the solution, but the external mechanical pressure required to equalize the two diffusion pressures, although in sufficiently dilute solutions this mechanical pressure is practically the same as the excess of diffusion pressure of water. In a solution, just as in a gas mixture, the molecules are free to move about; and, just as in a gas mixture, the mean free space round each molecule is the same because the mean energy of external movement is the same for each molecule. Hence the free space in which water molecules are free to diffuse is in pro- portion to the total number per liter of molecules present. This space is of course greater per molecule of solvent in a solution than in the pure solvent. Hence the pure solvent diffuses into the solution unless the external pressure on the solution is raised sufficiently to equalize the two diffusion pressures. When osmotic pressure, vapor pressures, boiling points, etc., are calculated in terms of this theory instead of van't Hoff's theory, the experimentally ascertained values agree with the theory, whereas this is not the case, as is now well known, with van't Hoff's theory, except in the case of very dilute solutions. Thus for solutions of cane sugar, and allowing for the fact that at temperatures near oC. cane sugar is present in solution as a penta- hydrate, the osmotic pressures at oC. calculated from the con- centrations on the new theory and the pressures actually observed by the Earl of Berkeley and Mr. Hartley at Oxford are as follows : OSMOTIC PRESSURE IN ATMOSPHERES Grams Cane Sugar Observed Calculated Calculated on per 100 cc. van't Hoff's theory 3-32 2.23 2.24 2.17 9-59 6.85 6.85 6.29 18.26 14.21 14.17 11-95 25.81 21.87 21.80 16.90 28.13 24-55 24.44 18.41 54-24 67.74 67.66 35-48 RESPIRATION 177 The vapor pressures, boiling points, and freezing points of sugar solutions show a similar agreement between observations and the new theory, as pointed out in detail in my paper. To physiologists the main advantage of the new theory is that, as will be pointed out in detail in later chapters, it enables us to utilize the kinetic theory of matter in unifying our conceptions of a great number of physiological phenomena. The osmotic pressures observed by Pfeffer and others for dilute salt solutions were far greater than corresponded to van't Hoff's theory. This became quite intelligible when Arrhenius pointed out in I88; 11 that the discrepancy could be cleared up on the as- sumption that solutions of electrolytes are ionized to a greater or less extent. Their osmotic pressures are not merely due to the concentration (or, in terms of the new theory just referred to, the diffusion pressure) of complete molecules of the solute, but also to the concentrations of the ions present, as indicated by the vary- ing electrical conductivities of different strengths of the solutions. This explanation of Arrhenius was received at first with some incredulity, but is now universally accepted, as the evidence in favor of it is overwhelming. A dilute solution of sodium chloride, for instance, is not now regarded as a solution of NaCl molecules, but, practically speaking, of sodium and chlorine ions. Similarly a dilute solution of hydrochloric acid is a solution of hydrogen and chlorine ions. lonization may be regarded as a tearing apart of the molecules of the electrolyte in solution on account of the molecular affinity of H 2 O molecules for the atoms of the electrolyte molecules ; and in accordance with this conception the ions are not stray atoms or other fragments of molecules, but molecular compounds with molecules of water. In pure water itself the molecules are also to a certain extent ionized, as indicated by, among other things, the conductivity of pure water. The products of this ionization are hydrogen and hydroxyl (HO) ions, combined with molecules of water. The acidity of a solution is due to preponderance of hydrogen ions, and the alkalinity to preponderance of hydroxyl ions; and when the concentrations of hydrogen and hydroxyl ions are equal the solution is neutral. As, however, hydrogen and hydroxyl ions are constantly reacting with one another according to the equation H + HO * H 2 0, the product of the concentrations of hydrogen and hydroxyl ions 11 Arrhenius, Zeitschr. f. -phystk. Chemie, I, p. 631, 1887. 178 RESPIRATION remains the same, in accordance with the law of mass action, how- ever acid or alkaline a solution may be. Hence the concentration of hydroxyl ions diminishes in proportion as that of hydrogen ions increases, and vice versa. All acids and' bases combine with one another in chemically equivalent proportions, but different acids and alkalies vary very greatly in the extent to which they are ionized. The "strengths" of different acids and alkalies were found by the electrical con- ductivity method to depend upon the extent of their ionization. The "strong" acid HC1 is, for instance, very completely ionized into hydrogen and chlorine ions, and the "strong" base NaHO is similarly ionized into sodium and hydroxyl ions ; while "weak" acids, such as carbonic acid, or weak bases, such as ammonia, are very slightly ionized. Water itself is slightly ionized into hydrogen and hydroxyl ions, and can thus act as either a very weak acid towards bases or a weak base towards acids. In the case of strong or highly ionized acids and bases this property of water is practically of no account, as the ionization of water is so very small ; but in the case of weak acids or bases the water competes appreciably with the acid or base. For instance in the case of potassium cyanide, a compound of an extremely weak acid with a very strong base, the following re- action occurs : KCN + H 2 * KOH + HCN. Thus free KOH and free HCN are both present in a solution of this salt. But the KOH is highly ionized into K and HO ions, while the HCN is hardly ionized at all. Hence HO ions pre- dominate, and the solution is alkaline. Carbonic acid is not such a weak acid as hydrocyanic acid; but the same relations hold, so that both carbonates and bicarbonates form solutions which are distinctly alkaline ; and bicarbonate solutions are still slightly alkaline, even though much free carbonic acid is present, as in the case of blood in the living body. The ordinary indicators appear to be extremely weak acids or bases which change color on combination. When the only other acids or bases present are strong ones, the change of color is of course very sharp ; but with other weak acids or bases present, the change is gradual and the complete color change does not occur until the solution is distinctly alkaline or acid. This is be- cause the indicator competes with other weak acids for the base ; and different indicators compete in varying degrees. Thus dif- ferent indicators turn with different degrees of slight variation RESPIRATION 179 from the true neutrality point where hydrogen and hydroxyl ions are equal in concentration, as in pure water. The relative diffusion pressures, or (to use the incorrect lan- guage of the still generally accepted van't HofTs theory of osmotic pressure, etc.) the relative concentrations of any particular sort of ion, in different solutions, can be measured by the differences of potential communicated to a suitable electrode dipped in the solutions. Thus with a hydrogen electrode hydrogen ion con- centration can be measured directly; and this method was ap- plied, soon after its discovery, to the measurement of the hydrogen ion concentration (and therefore indirectly also of the hydroxyl ion concentration) of blood. The earlier attempts gave the result that the blood was neutral in reaction, and remained neutral even in acidosis. The physiological signs of acidosis were, however, very clear, as already explained. The electrometric method in its earlier form was thus far too rough for physiological work. It was mentioned in Chapter I that the experiments of Geppert and Zuntz on the hyperpnoea following- muscular contractions in animals showed a great diminution in CO 2 and a slight excess of oxygen in the arterial blood during the hyperpnoea. They there- fore concluded that neither excess of CO 2 nor want of oxygen can be the cause of the hyperpnoea ; and they sought for the cause in some acid substance present in the blood, since acids were known to stimulate the breathing. The search made for the acid substance did not, however, lead to any definite result ; and the experiments of Priestley and myself on man brought us back to CO 2 as the stimulus to the increased breathing. The improbability of any organic acid being the stimulus to the breathing seemed to us to be in any case very great. No acid other than CO 2 is given off in the expired air, and organic acids, etc., are not appreciably oxi- dized in the blood itself. It did not therefore seem possible to un- derstand how the air hunger of muscular exertion could be re- lieved, as it undoubtedly is, by increased breathing. In any case the diminished proportion of CO 2 in the arterial blood in these experiments was entirely discounted by the fact that this dimin- ished proportion continued to exist for at least an hour after the hyperpnoea had passed off. We thought that in Geppert and Zuntz's experiments owing to defective circulation in the artifi- cially stimulated muscles of the animal some lactic acid had been produced and thrown into the blood, thus greatly reducing its power of combining with CO 2 . Thus, although the pressure of CO 2 was perhaps actually higher in the arterial blood and caused 1 8o RESPIRATION hyperpnoea, the amount of CO 2 contained in the blood was much less. We also thought that owing to the diminished CO 2 carrying power of the blood there might be an increased rise of CO 2 pres- sure in the tissues. This explanation was, however, somewhat strained and unsatisfactory, as was pointed out in Chapter II. We had correctly divined the main cause of the greatly diminished proportion of CO 2 in the arterial blood in those experiments, but not the whole cause. In a series of experiments by Boycott and myself on the effects of low atmospheric pressure in a steel chamber on the alveolar CO 2 pressure 12 we found that on returning from low pressure the alveolar CO 2 pressure, which had been lowered by the hyperp- noea caused by the low atmospheric pressure, did not return at once to normal, but remained low for some time. Ogier Ward, who was working in conjunction with us, found the same thing and in much more marked and persistent degree, on returning to ordinary pressure after a stay on Monte Rosa. 13 Galleotti, 14 and also Aggazotti, 15 had already found that the titration alkalinity of the blood is diminished by exposure to low pressure in a steel chamber or at high altitudes. It was also known from older experi- ments made in Hoppe-Seyler's laboratory by Araki 16 that in con- ditions of acute want of oxygen (CO poisoning, etc.) large quanti- ties of lactic acid are produced in the body. Putting together all these facts, and the results of Walter's experiments on acid poison- ing, we drew the conclusion that what the respiratory center re- sponds to is the combined effect of carbonic acid and other acids on the reaction of the blood. It seemed no longer possible to maintain the hypothesis that CO 2 acts specifically in exciting the respira- tory center. The long duration of the lowering of alveolar CO 2 pressure after exposure to want of oxygen seemed intelligible on the theory that excess of lactic acid had been produced owing to the anoxaemia, and that the sodium or potassium lactate thus formed had been excreted by the kidneys, thus robbing the body of alkali and leaving the blood correspondingly less alkaline a deficiency which it required some time to make up. This conclusion was further strengthened by the observation of Douglas and myself, that after an excessive muscular exertion 11 Boycott and Haldane, Journ. of Physiol., XXXVII, p. 355, 1908. "Ogier Ward, Journ. of PhyswL, XXXVII, p. 378, 1908. "Galleotti, Arch. Ital. de BioL, XLI, p. 80, 1904. "Aggazotti, Ibid., XLIV, 1905. "Araki, Zeitschr. f. physiol. Chemie, XV, p. 335, 1908; also XVI, p. 425; XVII, p. 311 ; XVIII, p. 422. RESPIRATION jgi the alveolar CO 2 pressure remains low for about an hour. 17 We attributed this to the effect on the respiratory center of lactic acid 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70_ 75 Figure 54. Blood, + Serum, O Corpuscles of same sample. El Blood, X Serum of another sample. / Blood of another sample. Another sample of blood. Same sample with acetic acid added. O 8 parts Na 2 HPO 4 and 2 parts KH 2 PO 4 . Q Equal IS IS parts Na 2 HP0 4 and KH 2 PO 4 . KC1 solution. 15 10 given off into the blood by muscles in which the work had been far in excess of the possible oxygen supply. The correctness of "Douglas and Haldane, Journ. of PhysioL, XXXVIII, p. 43 1, 1909. 1 82 RESPIRATION this inference was shortly afterwards established by Ryffel, 18 who had meanwhile worked out a new and very convenient method of determining small amounts of lactic acid in blood and urine. The methods of determining hydrogen ion concentration in the blood were at that time still too crude to permit of testing these in- ferences by direct determinations, but shortly afterwards the elec- trometric method was greatly improved by Sorensen and particu- larly by Hasselbalch of Copenhagen. In 1912 Hasselbalch and Lundsgaard 19 published curves showing the variations of hydro- gen ion concentration with variations in CO 2 pressure at body temperature in ox blood, and Lundsgaard 20 repeated the experi- ments with human blood. Figure 54 shows graphically their re- sults for blood and other liquids. For convenience' sake the results for hydrogen ion concentration are plotted, not directly in terms of gram molecules per liter, but in terms of the negative power of TO representing this value. This mode of notation, introduced by Sorensen, is represented by the symbol PH, and since the negative power increases with diminution of hydrogen ion, or increase of hydroxyl ion concentration, the curve rises with diminution of hydrogen ion concentration. At body temperature the point of neutrality corresponds to a PH about 6.78, as indicated by the thick line in the figure. It will be seen from the curves that even with a far higher pressure of CO 2 than exists in the living body the neutral point is not reached. This is partly due to the fact that the proportional ioniza- tion of carbonic acid becomes less and less with increasing con- centration, just as is the case with other acids, including even strong ones. The lower curve (for neutral potassium chloride solu- tion) shows this clearly. Thus sulphuric acid when pure is quite devoid of acid properties and does not attack metals, because it is practically not ionized at all. This can be understood on the theory, already alluded to, that ionization in aqueous solutions is brought about through a reversible reaction with the water mole- cules. The influence of a buffer substance (disodium phosphate) in hindering changes of hydrogen ion concentration is shown very strikingly in the two curves for phosphate solutions. In blood, as already pointed out, various buffer substances, including haemo- globin with other proteins, and the phosphate in the corpuscles, are present. The curve for acidified blood shows that even when 18 Ryffel, Journ. of Physiol., XXXIX, Proc. Physwl. Soc., p. xxix, 1910. 19 Hasselbalch and Lundsgaard, Bwchem. Zeitschr., XXXVIII, p. 77, 1912. 20 Lundsgaard, Btochem. Zeitschr., XLI, p. 247, 1912. RESPIRATION 183 blood is rendered distinctly acid these buffer substances still act very efficiently. The haemoglobin acts as an alkali, whereas it always acts as an acid in blood within the living body. In order to test whether it is really to difference in PH that the respiratory center normally reacts, Hasselbalch made the experi- ment of altering the resting alveolar CO 2 pressure by changing the diet. A meat diet, consisting largely of proteins containing sulphur and phosphorus which break down into free sulphuric and phosphoric acid, is evidently an acid-forming diet as compared with a vegetable diet, which contains less protein and a relative abundance of salts of organic acids which break up in the body so as to yield carbonates. Hasselbalch found that with the acid meat diet the resting alveolar CO 2 pressure was 4.4 mm. lower, and then proceeded to compare the PH of the blood in the two condi- tions. The results were as follows : 21 Alv. CO2 Pressure PH of blood PH of blood at mm. Hg. at 40 mm. CO2 existing alveolar pressure CO2 pressure Meat Diet 38.9 7-33 7-34 Vegetable Diet 43-3 7.42 7.36 It will be seen that at 40 mm. CO 2 pressure the blood sample taken with the meat diet was distinctly more acid than with the vegetable* diet, but that at the existing alveolar CO 2 pressure the two values for PH were identical, at least within the limit of ac- curacy of the method of measurement. Hence the respiratory center had regulated the alveolar CO 2 pressure in such a manner as to keep the PH of the blood almost constant. There is other evidence pointing in the same direction. Barcroft found that on the Peak of Teneriffe the dissociation curve of human blood appeared to be normal, provided that the curve was investigated, not at the normal sea level alveolar CO 2 pressure of about 40 mm., but at the existing resting alveolar CO 2 pres- sure. 22 We got a similar result at a greater height on Pike's Peak, 23 as did also Barcroft and his co-workers on Monte Rosa. 24 21 Hasselbalch, Btochem. Zeitschr., XLVI, p. 416, 1912. 22 Barcroft, Journ. of Physiol., XLII, p. 44, 1911. 23 Douglas, Haldane, Henderson, and Schneider, Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc., (B) 203, p. 201, 1913- 24 See Chapter XVII, of Barcroft, The Respiratory Function of the Blood, 1913. 1 84 RESPIRATION As already pointed out this curve is shifted to the right or left with varying alkalinity, and the shifting is a moderately delicate index of the variation (Chapter III). Peters, 25 working with Barcroft, has shown that the shifting with variations in CO 2 pressure de- pends on the shifting of PH. Hence the constancy of the dissocia- tion curve appeared to be a direct index of the constancy in PH of the blood. The lowering of alveolar CO 2 pressure at high altitudes seemed therefore to be just sufficient to keep the PH of the blood steady in so far as direct methods enable us to measure the degree of steadiness. As will be seen below, however, there is physio- logical evidence that the blood is actually more alkaline at high altitudes. More recently Hasselbalch and Lindhard have made direct electrometric measurement of PH in a steel chamber after exposure of sufficient duration to the low pressure, and their measurements give practically the same result. 26 The resting al- veolar CO 2 pressure on Pike's Peak was about 27 mm., or 13 mm. below that at sea level. Raising the alveolar CO 2 pressure on Pike's Peak to 40 mm. would have caused the extremest panting. As soon as the results of Hasselbalch and Lundsgaard were published, it was possible to estimate quantitatively the delicacy with which the respiratory center responds to variations in the reaction of the blood : for the delicacy of the reaction of the center to variations of CO 2 pressure was known from our previous ex- periments, while the curves of Hasselbalch and Lundsgaard made it possible to convert variations of CO 2 pressure into variations of PH in the blood. Some confusion arose, however, owing to the fact that Lindhard, 27 and Hasselbalch and Lindhard, 28 had mean- while published experiments which seemed to indicate that the respiratory center in man is commonly far less sensitive to CO 2 than Priestley and I had found. The matter was therefore rein- vestigated by Campbell, Douglas, Hobson, and myself. 29 We found that the Danish observers had been deceived, owing to a faulty modification of the method of sampling the alveolar air. The fresh experiments gave practically the same results as Priest- ley and I had obtained, so we could make the calculation accord- ingly. A rise of 0.2 per cent or 1.5 mm. in the CO 2 pressure of the "Barcroft, The Respiratory Function of the Blood, p. 316, 1913. 28 Hasselbalch and Lindhard, Biochem. Zeitschr., 68, p. 293, 1915. 87 Lindhard, Journ. of Physiol., XLII, p. 337, 1911. 88 Hasselbalch and Lindhard, Skand. Arch. f. Physiol., XXVIII, 1911. 29 Campbell, Douglas, Haldane, and Hobson, Journ. of Physiol., XLVI, p. 301, 1913- RESPIRATION 185 alveolar air and arterial blood causes an increase of about 100 per cent in the resting alveolar ventilation, and from Figure 54 it will be seen that this corresponds to a difference of .012 in PH. This difference, large as its physiological effect is, cannot be de- tected with certainty by the electrometric method, or by indicators, and is quite undetectable by the shifting of the dissociation curve of oxyhaemoglobin. Nevertheless a twentieth of this difference would produce an easily measurable effect on the breathing or alveolar CO 2 pressure. The astounding delicacy of the regulation of blood reaction is thus evident. No existing physical or chemical method of discriminating differences in reaction approaches in delicacy the physiological reaction. Unfortunately, however, the quantitative significance of our calculation has not yet been ap- preciated. The blood within the living body is still treated as if its reaction were not only variable, during rest, as it is, but capable of showing the variations by the existing very rough chemical and physical reactions. One might as well try to cut delicate histo- logical sections with a blunt carving knife, as try to demonstrate ordinary very minute changes in blood reaction by the existing physical and chemical methods. It was discovered by Christiansen, Douglas, and myself, as previously set forth, that the reduction of oxyhaemoglobin, as this occurs in the course of the circulation, has an effect re- sembling that of the addition of alkali to the blood. Thus the CO 2 pressure of the blood in the systemic capillaries is pre- vented from rising nearly as high as it would otherwise do. The hydrogen ion concentration of the blood is also prevented from rising in correspondence with the actual greatly restricted increase in CO 2 pressure. Accordingly the actual increase of hydrogen ion concentration in mixed venous as compared with arterial blood must be very small. In this way the extraordinarily delicate regu- lation of the reaction of arterial blood becomes much more intelli- gible, as venous blood must be very little less alkaline than arterial blood. In determining the hydrogen ion concentration of blood by the ordinary electrometrical method it is necessary to reduce the blood first, as the presence of oxygen interferes with the action of the hydrogen electrode. 30 Thus the determination is made on re- duced, or by Barcroft's method on partially reduced, blood, but with a CO 2 pressure corresponding to that of arterial blood. It is 80 Peters, Journ. of Physiol., 48, Proc. Phys. Soc., p. vii, 1914. It is probable that owing to incomplete reduction the values obtained by Hasselbalch have been slightly too low. 1 86 RESPIRATION evident, therefore, that the value obtained for the hydrogen ion concentration is lower than that which exists in either arterial or venous blood in the living body. To investigate the amount of this difference Parsons 31 adopted the method of determining the hy- drogen ion concentration, not in whole blood, but in its serum, of which the hydrogen ion concentration is not altered when free oxygen is removed. Using this method, he found that with normal blood the PH at a constant pressure of CO 2 at anywhere near the alveolar CO 2 pressure is greater by .038 in the oxygenated than the reduced blood. Figure 55 shows his results. From them and 8.6. 6-5 8-4 83 8.2 81 e-o 79 78 77 76 75 74 73 72 7/ \ \ MM. HG o 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Figure 55. Curve R, completely reduced blood. Curve O, fully oxygenated blood. X, direct measurements on reduced blood without removal of corpuscles. H, Hasselbalch's curve. from Figure 26 (Chapter V) it is possible to calculate what the difference for normal blood between the PH of arterial and mixed venous blood is, assuming that the venous blood has lost a certain proportion of its oxygen and simply gained a corre- sponding proportion of CO 2 . If the venous blood had lost all its "Parsons, Journ. of Physwl., LI, p. 440, 1917. RESPIRATION oxygen the difference would be .07, as shown in Figure 56 from Parsons's paper. Assuming, however, that the mixed venous blood loses normally a fourth of its combined oxygen (see Chapter X), the difference is only .0175 a difference which can hardly be detected except by physiological methods, and which corresponds to a rise of only 0.3 per cent in the alveolar CO 2 percentage. It might be supposed that in order to obtain the true PH of arterial blood under abnormal conditions all that is necessary is to add a constant to the value obtained for reduced blood; and that consequently the ordinary methods of determining PH (whether electrometrically or from indications given by the dissociation 7-6 7-5 7-3 7-2 1-1 40 50 60 70 TOTAL C0 t CONTNT(c.c/ iQoc J OF BLOOD Figure 56. The slope of the line AC shows the rate at which the PH of blood increases as its content of CO 2 increases in the capillaries. curve of oxyhaemoglobin) give reliable indications of any altera- tion in the PH of the arterial blood. There is, however, no evidence at present that this is the case, and there is in fact other evidence pointing in the opposite direction. If, in the first place, the proportion of haemoglobin in the blood is altered, there will presumably be an alteration in the difference between the PH of fully oxygenated and of reduced blood. Apart altogether from this, however, there may be another kind of al- teration in this difference. In the paper by Christiansen, Douglas, and myself, it was pointed out that the probable reason why re- duced blood appears to be more alkaline than oxygenated blood is that on reduction the haemoglobin becomes more aggregated and therefore acts less strongly as an acid. In abnormal blood the degree of increased aggregation may be either increased or di- minished. This will alter the difference in PH between oxygenated and reduced blood, and will also, if our theory as to the cause of 1 88 RESPIRATION the peculiar shape of the dissociation curve of the oxyhaemoglobin in blood is correct, alter the shape of the dissociation curve. In a quite recent paper Lovatt Evans 32 has shown that the PH of blood as determined colorimetrically by an indicator method is as much as 0.2 higher than when determined electrometrically. He has also shown pretty conclusively that the electrometric method has an error owing to the formation of formate from carbonate by catalytic action at the electrode, so that the PH of blood is higher by 0.2 than appears from the electrometric de- terminations. The new colorimetric method of Dale and Evans 33 seems to avoid several defects inherent in the electrometric method as applied to blood. On the existing evidence, and allowing for mistaken inferences which have been drawn in ignorance of the peculiar properties of haemoglobin (as it exists in the red corpuscles) in regulating the PH of blood, it seems evident that during health the regulation of the reaction of the arterial blood is carried out with a delicacy and constancy of which we can at present only obtain a real con- ception by physiological observations. The foregoing discussions show that there are at least three regulators of the reaction the lungs, the kidneys, and the liver. We can also now form a general conception of how these regulators act under ordinary conditions. The part played by the lungs in this regulation is, quite clearly, to deal rapidly with variations in reaction due to varying pro- duction of CO 2 , and particularly to the rapid variation caused by varying muscular exertion. By keeping the alveolar CO 2 pressure approximately normal, the action of the lungs keeps the arterial CO 2 pressure approximately normal; and so long as the dissocia- tion curve for CO 2 in the blood is also kept normal by other means the reaction of the arterial blood is also kept almost exactly normal. If, however, owing to rapid production of lactic acid in muscles, rapid secretion of gastric or pancreatic juice, or other causes, the dissociation curve for CO 2 is temporarily disturbed, the breathing compensates approximately at once for the disturbance in blood reaction. The part played by the kidneys seems also clear. They not only respond to the minutest variations in blood alkalinity by secreting more acid or more alkaline urine, but also tend to keep normal the proportion of soda and potash and other crystalloid substances existing in the blood. In this way the dissociation curve of the CO 2 "Lovatt Evans, Journ. of Physiol., LIV, p. 353, 1921. "Dale and Evans, Journ. of Physiol,, LIV, p. 167, 1920. RESPIRATION 189 in blood is kept normal ; and no physiological phenomenon is more striking than the constancy of this curve under normal conditions. If the proportion of available alkali is temporarily diminished by acid poured out into the blood, the kidneys help to restore it to normal again ; and similarly with excess of alkali. The action of the kidneys is slow compared with that of the lungs; but is apparently still more delicate. As L. J. Henderson was the first to point out clearly 34 the PH of urine is no measure of the total acid excreted in it, since urine, like blood, contains buffer substances. Among these phosphoric acid plays the main part in acid urine, and carbonic acid in alkaline urine. To measure the acid excreted titration must be employed, and in titrating alkaline urine the combining CO 2 must be allowed to escape. 33 The part played by the liver is to neutralize as far as possible the disturbing effect of any excess of acid or of alkali introduced into the body through the intestines, or formed in the tissues. By allowing more, or less, ammonia to enter the circulation the liver regulates the reaction of the blood ; and the neutral ammonia salts are afterwards eliminated by the kidneys as being foreign substances. The importance of the part played by the liver under normal conditions is evident enough in view of the fact that in man the ammonia excreted daily would just about suffice to neu- tralize all the sulphuric acid formed daily. Like that of the kid- neys, the action of the liver is slow and delicate as compared with that of the lungs. Possibly the intestines also play an active part in regulating the blood reaction. It is known, at any rate, that alkali may be eliminated from them in the form of insoluble alkaline phosphates. We have now to consider how this joint regulation behaves when the action of one of the regulators is interfered with; and the case of interference with the lung regulation will be considered first. This regulation may be disturbed in various ways, but per- haps most is known at present as to its disturbance owing to the fact that under abnormal conditions the stimulus of anoxaemia in- creases the breathing, and thus disturbs the normal relation be- tween the lung ventilation and the degree of stimulus of the respiratory center owing to varying reaction of the arterial blood. The history of the development of knowledge on this point is very instructive. 84 L. J. Henderson, Amer. Journ. of Physiol., 21, p. 427, 1908. 86 Davies, J. B. S. Haldane, and Kennaway, Journ. of Physiol., LIV, p. 32, 1920. 190 RESPIRATION It has already been shown in Chapters VI and VII that until the oxygen pressure of the inspired air is lowered by about a third, or that of the alveolar air to about half (i.e., from about 100 mm. to 50 mm.) there is no marked immediate increase in the breath- ing. The effect on the respiratory center of the very distinct degree Cos pressure 800 Altitude 7SO 70O ISO 140 JSO 120 no 100 90 60 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 / o/.wt/ 30000 29000 28000 27.000 25&00 25,000 24000. 215,000 22.000 21.000 20,000 19.OOO 13,000 17.000 16,000 15.000 14,000 13,000 12,000 11.000 10,000 9,000 8,000 7,000 6.000 5,000 4.000 3000 2.0OO 1,000 o / - / - / ^ I - 7* - A/veo/ar sgjd \ n / - JWV$Si//V ^ k // - x. x sX / ' .K \0 // "/- - 5 ^ f - / % ^ - At veola r / ^ N > x pr&fre'Z^' i re^a tc t Q * *-2^* D O ^^ ^ x ~x> <7//l P vosp/H fSSUt r/r e ^ r ^ -^ ^ i^Tj .. ^ ^ / "" -, ii; / BOO 75O 7OO 65O 6OO SSO 5OO 4SO 4OO 3SO 3OO 2SO 2OO Atmospheric pressure in mm. of mercury. Figure 57. Alveolar gas pressures in relation to barometric pressure or altitude. of anoxaemia which is undoubtedly produced, in the manner ex- plained in Chapter VII, is almost entirely masked by the con- trary effect due to extra washing out of CO 2 and consequent lowering of the PH in the arterial blood. But if exposure to the lowered oxygen pressure is continued, not merely for perhaps an hour, but for days or weeks, there is a quite marked increase in RESPIRATION 191 the breathing, as shown by a fall in the alveolar CO 2 pressure. This fact, already referred to in connection with the historical development of the theory of regulation of the breathing by the blood reaction, was brought out in full clearness by the investiga- tions carried out in connection with the Pike's Peak expedition by Miss FitzGerald on persons fully acclimatized at different altitudes. 36 Figure 57 represents graphically her results on this subject. It will be seen that in such persons the alveolar CO 2 pres- sure falls regularly with increase of altitude. In other words the breathing increases in a regular ratio with diminution in the oxy- gen pressure of the inspired air. What is the cause of this increase? Since the experiments, already referred to, of Boycott, Ogier Ward, and myself, it has been pretty generally assumed that in response to the stimulus of anoxaemia a slight acidosis, sufficient to account for the increased breathing, develops in the blood. This explanation received strong confirmation from the discovery by Barcroft in the Teneriffe experiments that the dissociation curve of the oxyhaemoglobin of the blood at high altitudes is sensibly the same in presence of the existing alveolar CO 2 pressure as at sea level in presence of the alveolar CO 2 pressure existing there. The extra acid, or dimin- ished available alkali, present in the blood seemed just to compen- sate for what would otherwise be increased alkalinity due to the lowered CO 2 pressure. The physiological facts, however, do not correspond with the lactic acid theory. Moreover no excess of lactic acid could be discovered by Ryffel in the urine and hardly any in the blood, of persons exposed to low pressures in a respira- tion chamber or steel chamber, 37 or indeed in persons at high altitudes ; 38 and no other abnormal acid could be discovered in the blood. Hence the theory of an acidosis due to formation of ab- normal acids cannot be substantiated. In the report of the Pike's Peak Expedition we adopted the theory that the anoxaemia alters the activity of the kidneys in such a way that they regulate the blood to a lower level of alkalinity. Another, and essentially similar, theory was adopted by Has- selbalch and Lindhard as the result of experiments in a steel chamber. 39 They found that the excretion of ammonia is markedly "FitzGerald, Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc., 203 (B), p. 351, 1913; and Proc. Roy. Soc., 88 (B), p. 248, 1914. See also, Yandell Henderson, Journ. of Biol. Chem., 1920. "Ryffel, Journ. of Physiol., XXXIX (Proc. Physiol. Soc.), p. xxix, 1910. 88 See Barcroft, The Respiratory Function of the Blood, p. 260. "Hasselbalch and Lindhard, Biochem. Zeitschr., 68, p. 295, 1915. 1 92 RESPIRATION diminished at the lowered pressure, and were thus led to the theory that the acidosis of high altitudes is due to diminished formation of ammonia by the liver as a consequence of anoxaemia. The question was again taken up in a series of experiments in steel chambers by Kellas, Kennaway, and myself, in which care- ful measurements were made of the excretion of acid and am- monia. 40 We found that even with a comparatively slight diminu- tion of pressure there was a great diminution in the excretion of acid and ammonia, and the urine passed to the alkaline side of neutrality. The true explanation of the supposed acidosis then revealed itself to us. The kidneys and liver were responding quite normally, but to an alkalosis, this alkalosis being produced by the increase (largely masked) of breathing caused by the anoxaemia. A similar view of the supposed acidosis of high altitudes was reached, on independent grounds which will be discussed below, by Yandell Henderson. 41 The increased excretion of alkali and diminished formation of ammonia lead gradually towards a compensation of the alkalosis and simultaneous relief of the anoxaemia, this relief being due to the increased oxygen supply to the lung alveoli, and to other causes discussed in Chapters IX and X. But the final result is a compromise. A certain small degree of anoxaemia and consequent alkalosis still remains, as evidenced by a continued low excretion of ammonia and other physiological symptoms and by the fact that on removal of the anoxaemia there is a quite appreciable immediate rise in the alveolar CO 2 pressure, as was shown for instance, when we breathed air enriched with oxygen after we had become acclimatized on Pike's Peak. The extra excretion of alkali comes to an end, however, as the kidneys cannot reduce the blood alkali further without very serious alteration of the normal balance of salts in the blood. The supposed acidosis is thus not an acidosis at all, but the in- complete compensation of an alkalosis. The "adaptation" of the blood so as to relieve the alkalosis and anoxaemia is also nothing but an extension of the everyday adaptations by which alkalosis and anoxaemia are continuously being prevented. The reason why the adaptation takes so long at low atmospheric pressures is simply that it takes a long time for the kidneys and liver to get level with the very prolonged and considerable work thrown on them by 40 Kellas, Kennaway, and Haldane, Journ. of Physwl., LIII, p. 181, 1919. 41 Yandell Henderson, Science (N. S.), XLIX, p. 431, 1910; see also the series of papers by Henderson and Haggard, Journ. of Biol. Chem., 1919-1921 incl. RESPIRATION 193 progressive increase in the breathing. They are, as it were, pursu- ing in a leisurely manner a goal which is constantly receding from them, so that it is a long time before they finally reach it. The quantity of alkali which has to be removed from the blood and tissues is very large, as a simple calculation will show. With the compensation of the alkalosis there also comes com- pensation of any secondary anoxaemia caused by the alkalosis as a consequence of the Bohr effect discussed so fully in Chapters IV and VI. Owing to the increased breathing the percentage satu- ration of the arterial blood is (without any allowance for increased oxygen secretion) as high as at first, while the oxygen pressure in the systemic capillaries is higher (i.e., nearer normal) on account of the decreased alkalosis. Cyanosis may be, however, quite as marked as before. By the administration of acid the adaptation to a lowered oxygenation of the arterial blood could doubtless be hastened. The study of responses to the anoxaemia and alkalosis of high altitudes is of great medical interest, since, as already explained in the two preceding chapters, anoxaemia is a very common and often extremely dangerous clinical condition. There can be no doubt that the same responses as occur in healthy persons at high altitudes occur also in patients suffering from anoxaemia. It is therefore important not to misunderstand these responses. During the war, for instance, the intensely dangerous anoxaemia of acute gas poisoning and "shock" was sometimes treated by the administration of alkalies, on the theory, based on nothing but the unintelligent use of a new method of blood examination, that the patients were suffering from "acidosis." Physiological knowledge as to the deadly significance of serious anoxaemia, and the (sup- posed) acidosis as an adaptive change tending towards its com- pensation, was ignored. It is also important to understand that the adaptive changes require time, and that so-called palliative treat- ment, by giving this time, may in reality be curative. Another cause of interference with the lung regulation of blood reaction is to place an animal or man in an atmosphere in which the percentage or pressure of CO 2 is so high that the regulation breaks down completely and there is in consequence an excessive and lasting fall in the PH of the blood. This condition was studied recently in animals by Yandell Henderson and Haggard. 42 They made the very important and significant discovery that the acido- ** Yandell Henderson and Haggard, Journ. of Biol. Chem., XXXIII, p. 333, 1918. I 9 4 RESPIRATION sis thus produced gradually brings about a marked increase in the capacity of the blood for combining with CO 2 . In other words the dissociation curve of the CO 2 in blood, if plotted as in Figure 25, would occupy a higher position. This is evidently a change tending to counteract the diminished blood alkalinity produced by the excess of CO 2 . The same observers found that on prolonged and forced arti- ficial ventilation of the lungs, so as to produce a condition of al- kalosis, there is a corresponding diminution in the capacity of the blood for combining with CO 2 . This is also a change towards the normal alkalinity. Thus in an alkalosis produced by excessive removal of CO 2 the available alkali in the blood diminished, while in an acidosis produced by excess of CO 2 the available alkali increased. It is clear that in either case the change is of a character tending to neutralize the change in blood reaction. What is the significance of this change? It occurs much too quickly to be capable of explanation as due to an adaptive re- sponse by the kidneys and liver. The probability is, therefore, that it is due to exchange of anions between the tissues and blood in the manner discussed in Chapter IV (Addendum), and is indica- tive, therefore, of very severe alkalosis or acidosis of the tissues. This would help to account for the very dangerous symptoms which Henderson and Haggard found to be an accompaniment of any considerable diminution of the available alkali of the blood, when the diminution was produced by excessive artificial respira- tion. Thus a diminution of about 40 per cent in the capacity of the blood for combining with CO 2 was fatal to the animal. A similar diminution due to the acidosis caused by running quickly up a stair is hardly felt at all. In the latter case the diminution in available alkali in the blood indicates a quite trifling acidosis, while in the former a similar change in the blood indicates a severe and fatal alkalosis. These and other experiments 43 of these investigators brought out in a striking manner that it is a complete mistake to regard diminution of the available alkali (or so-called "alkaline reserve") of the blood as a definite sign of acidosis in the living body. The "alkaline reserve" of the blood and whole body is only another name for its "titration alkalinity" ; and it has already been shown above that titration alkalinity is no measure, and not even a sure qualitative indication, of the real alkalinity of the blood. In the 43 Haggard and Henderson, Journ. of Bwl. Chem., XXXIX, p. 163, 1919; and XLIII, pp. 3, 15, and 29, 1920. RESPIRATION 195 experiments of Yandell Henderson and Haggard the animals were suffering from severe alkalosis although the "alkaline reserve^ or titration alkalinity of their blood was greatly diminished; and similarly they were suffering from severe acidosis although the "alkaline reserve" of their blood was greatly increased. It was these observations that led Yandell Henderson to the same conclusion which we reached namely, that in the anoxae- mia of high altitudes there is a condition of alkalosis, and not of acidosis, in spite of the greatly reduced titration alkalinity or "alkaline reserve" of the blood. A ready method of interfering temporarily with the regulation of blood reaction by the lungs is forced breathing. This can be continued for a considerable time if it is employed in moderation. Leathes 44 found that if forced breathing is continued for some time the urine becomes alkaline to litmus, and the titration alka- linity has still more recently been investigated by Davies, J. B. S. Haldane, and Kennaway. 45 The titration alkalinity is, however, not so striking as after a large dose of sodium bicarbonate has been taken. The same observers found that after a large dose of sodium bicarbonate there was not only a rise of as much as I per cent in the alveolar CO 2 pressure for some hours, but the available alkali in the blood (as shown by the dissociation curve for CO 2 ) was markedly increased, while there was also a great increase in the titration alkalinity of the urine. Large quantities of bicarbonate (readily determined by the blood-gas apparatus) were present in the urine, which effervesced briskly on the addition of acid, though the actual alkalinity of the urine was of course only feeble, since the CO 2 acted as a buffer. The titration alkalinity (after removal of liberated CO 2 ) was equivalent to nearly I per cent of HC1. The ammonia had completely disappeared from the urine, and this was also the case after forced breathing, although such a degree of forced breathing as was practicable did not appreciably dimin- ish the available alkali in the blood within one and one-half hours. A stay of several hours in air containing 5 to 6 per cent of CO 2 was also not sufficient to increase appreciably the available alkali of the blood, although the titration acidity of the urine was increased, along with increased excretion of ammonia. Collip has, however, found that, as might be expected from the change in distribution of acid and alkali between plasma and corpuscles "Leathes, Brit. Med. Journ., Aug. 9, 1919. 46 Davies, J. B. S. Haldane, and Kennaway, Journ. of Physiol., LIV, p. 32, 1920. 196 RESPIRATION when the PH of blood is altered, the alkaline reserve of the plasma was distinctly diminished by forced breathing. 46 The blood reaction may, of course, be disturbed in other ways than by interference with respiration. One of these ways is by ingestion of acids or by production within the body of great ex- cess of some organic acid. Walter's experiments, interpreted in the light of our present knowledge, showed the effects of acid poisoning in stimulating to the utmost all the means of diminishing acidosis, including excessive breathing, greatly increased forma- tion of ammonia, and secretion, presumably, of an abnormally acid urine. The titration alkalinity or "alkaline reserve" of the blood and doubtless also of the whole body was evidently dimin- ished very greatly. Christiansen, Douglas, and Haldane produced a temporary true acidosis by flooding the blood with lactic acid produced by mus- cular anoxaemia during the heavy exertion of running several times upstairs. In this case two results followed. In the first place there was a fall in the resting alveolar CO 2 pressure, which was, in several experiments, about 39 mm. before the exertion, and 30.5 mm. about 10 minutes after the exertion. The blood absorbed about 49 volumes of CO 2 per 100 of blood before the exertion in presence of the existing alveolar CO 2 pressure, and only about 28 afterwards. After one and one-half hours both the resting alveolar CO 2 pressure and the absorbing power of the blood for CO 2 had returned to normal. In these experiments the capacity of the blood for absorbing CO 2 at a CO 2 pressure of 40 mm. had been reduced by about 40 per cent, and the resting alveolar CO 2 pressure by about 20 per cent, corresponding to an increase of about 25 per cent in the lung ventilation. There was thus a very distinct acidosis ; but ref- erence to the calculations already made will show that the acidosis could not have been detected by any existing method of directly estimating hydrogen ion concentration. The great drop in the capacity of the blood for combining with CO 2 suggests at first that the blood had become correspondingly inefficient as a carrier of CO 2 from the tissues to the lungs, and that this deficiency could only be made up by a greatly increased circulation rate, if it was made up at all. The truth, however, is that the main difference produced was that the dead weight of CO 2 always carried round by the blood was greatly diminished. As a carrier of CO 2 from the tissues to the lungs, the blood was 48 Amer. Journ. of Physiol., LI, p. 568, 1920. RESPIRATION 197 nearly as efficient as normal blood. This is due to the fact that, as already explained in Chapter V, the haemoglobin and other pro- teins play the essential part in the actual conveyance of CO 2 from the tissues to the lungs, and can still play this part in spite of what, in a physiological sense, is extreme acidosis. The experiments were practically a replica in man of the ex- periments of Geppert and Zuntz on muscular activity in dogs (Chapter I). In discussing these experiments Priestley and I were not aware that a very great diminution of the CO 2 content of the blood may be caused by acidosis without any serious diminution in the capacity of the blood for conveying CO 2 from the tissues to the lungs. The discovery made in 1914 by Christiansen, Douglas, and myself has greatly altered the previously existing ideas as to the conveyance of CO 2 from the tissues. The comparatively rapid recovery of the blood after the flood- ing of the body with lactic acid was evidently due to the fact that lactic acid was rapidly oxidized before the slight acidosis actually produced had time to cause any considerable extra excretion of acid by the kidneys, or formation of ammonia by the liver. Had the acidosis been produced by a mineral acid it would probably have taken far longer to pass off. Disturbance of the blood reaction may be artificially produced by the ingestion of acids or alkalies, or even, to a slight extent, by varying the character of the diet. It requires a very large amount of acid or alkali to produce any considerable disturbance. This is partly due to the abundance of buffer substances in the body, but still more to the effective means (variations in lung ventilation, ammonia formation, and excretion of acid or alkali by the kid- neys) which the body possesses of active defence against dis- turbance of reaction. If the administration of acids or alkalies is used medicinally as a means of assistance in the regulation of the blood reaction, the large doses required must be borne in mind. Small doses cannot but be practically useless. The amelioration of the physiological symptoms of acidosis or alkalosis will form the safest guide to what is required ; but it is evidently very important not to mistake alkalosis for acidosis, or the hyperpnoea of acidosis for the abnormal breathing caused by anoxaemia or an exhausted or "neurasthenic" respiratory center. There are no short cuts to decisions on such a subject. A physician must be a real physician, and must have learned to be one by study of how the living body behaves of what its " ^ -'*" , ( U if / ^ ^" M ^- 1 / /> ^ff^ / / ^ ** //I JT 10 tO 30 40 50 60 70 SO SO . Serum, 38 Blood, 1 8 Blood, 38 Blood corpuscles, 38 Serum, 18 Figure 58. COa dissociation curves (from Hasselbalch loc. cit.) Nevertheless this method, like that of Barcroft and Peters, seems to break down with abnormal blood. As an example of abnormal blood he took, from the paper already referred to by Christiansen, Douglas, and myself, experiments in which Douglas had flooded his blood with lactic acid by running quickly a number of times up and down the laboratory stairs at intervals during about a quarter of an hour. As a consequence his blood had lost about 40 per cent of its normal power of combining with CO 2 , and his resting alveolar CO 2 pressure was diminished by about a fifth. The samples were taken about ten minutes after the last ascent of the stairs, and all sensible hyperpnoea had passed off. From the data given, Hasselbalch calculates, in accordance with the law he had discovered for the same blood at varying pressures of CO 2 , that the PH of Douglas's arterial blood had fallen by .12. This would, in accordance with the data given above as to the effects of increase of PH on the breathing, suffice to increase the breath- ing to about ten times its resting value. Indeed Hasselbalch evi- dently believed that there must have been such an increase, since he speaks of the immensely increased breathing being unable to compensate for the decrease in PH. The breathing was, however, perfectly quiet and apparently normal, though the lowering of 202 RESPIRATION the alveolar CO 2 pressure showed that it was about a fourth deeper than it otherwise would have been. On the physiological evidence, therefore, the fall in PH was only about .003, instead of .12, or only one-fortieth as much as calculated. From this example it would seem to follow that Hasselbalch's method, when extended to abnormal blood, is as unreliable as that of Barcroft and Peters. Further investigation as to methods of determining hydrogen ion concentration in abnormal blood seems to be much needed. Except by observation of physiological reactions, there seems at present to be no method of estimating in a reliable manner the small variations in PH which are of so much physiological impor- tance. Hasselbalch estimates that a difference of .03 can be detected in single determinations by the electrometrical method ; but this is a very large difference, corresponding to an increase of 250 per cent in the breathing. The colorimetric method by means of indi- cators is equally rough. Time and effort will continue to be wasted on futile measurements until the extreme fineness of the physio- logical regulation of PH in the blood and tissues is more fully realized. REACTION OF THE BLOOD IN EIGHT DIFFERENT WOMEN BEFORE AND AFTER CHILDBIRTH PH. at 40 mm. Before CO2 pressure After Alveolar CO 2 pressure Before After PH at alveolar COi pressure Before After 7.40 7.40 7-45 7-44 7.48 7-45 31.0 27.7 35-6 42.2 43-5 398 7-44 7-43 7.49 7.46 7.48 7-45 7-39 7-43 32.5 43-5 7.42 7.42 7-39 7-38 7.38 7-35 7-44 7-45 7-43 7.38 32.7 27-7 30.3 33-8 37-7 33-5 38.3 37-3 7-43 7-45 7-45 7-49 7.4i 7-44 7.38 7.40 Mean 7.39 7-44 3i.3 39-5 7-44 7-44 On account of various sources of error, already alluded to, in the electrometrical or other measurements of PH, we are still with- out much very exact information as to the permanent steadiness during health of the alkalinity of the blood under resting condi- tions. In this connection some very interesting observations have been made by Hasselbalch and Gammeltoft on the PH of the RESPIRATION 203 blood during and after pregnancy. 51 It had already been found by Hasselbalch and others that the alveolar CO 2 pressure is much lower than normal during pregnancy. Taking advantage of this fact, they determined the PH of arterial blood before and after childbirth with the results shown in the accompanying table. Allowing for the probable errors in determining the PH and alveolar CO 2 pressure, these figures seem to show that the fall in alveolar CO 2 pressure compensates within the limits of accuracy of the electrometric method for the fall in the PH of the blood which would otherwise occur. The mean of the first two columns shows that this fall in PH would have been 0.05, whereas the compen- sating fall in alveolar CO 2 pressure was 8.2 mm. as shown by the mean for the second two columns. Hence a difference of o.oi in PH corresponds to a difference of 1.6 mm. of CO 2 pressure, or 0.23 per cent of CO 2 in alveolar air. We have already seen, how- ever, that a change of about this amount in alveolar CO 2 pressure is sufficient to cause either apnoea or doubling of the alveolar ventilation according to its direction. Even under the most favor- able conditions it is hardly possible at present to determine differ- ences in PH within the body to within 0.03 in single observations; but by measuring the variations in lung ventilation as compared with production of CO 2 we have an index of change in PH which is at least 50 times as sensitive as the existing direct electrometric method, exact as this is in comparison with older methods. Although the measurements of PH showed no change in the alkalinity of the blood during pregnancy, yet the fall in alveolar CO 2 pressure indicated that there was an increase of 25 per cent in the lung ventilation per unit of CO 2 given off. This, therefore, would correspond to an "acidosis" to the extent of a PH of 0.003 an amount far too small for direct measurement. That it was acidosis which caused the increase in the breathing was shown by the fact that the increase was accompanied by an increase of about 20 per cent in the proportion of nitrogen excreted as NH 3 to total nitrogen excreted in the urine. The authors conclude that there is an increased acid production in the body during pregnancy (or perhaps an increased drain of alkali from the body of the mother) , but that it is compensated by increased breathing and formation of NH 3 . It is true that relatively to the degree of accuracy at present attainable in determining the PH of blood the compensa- tion is perfect. But if the compensation were really perfect we should be landed in the position of the vitalists of assuming effects "Hasselbalch and Gammeltoft, Biochem. Zeitschr., 68, p. 206, 1915. 204 RESPIRATION produced without any measureable cause. In reality the acidosis is not completely compensated, and the incompleteness is only hidden by the extreme roughness of the method of measurement in comparison with the fineness of the physiological reaction. The table seems to indicate that the normal PH is not quite the same, though very nearly the same, in different individuals. For the present, however, this conclusion is rather doubtful, in view of the fact that the measurements were for imperfectly reduced blood. We have seen already that in spite of the accuracy of regu- lation there are individual differences in the normal alveolar CO 2 pressure, the normal composition of haemoglobin, and the normal dissociation curve of blood for CO 2 . As regards every detail of structure and function we may be certain of rinding similar differ- ences when the measurements are made with sufficient accuracy; and this doubtless applies also to even the PH of the blood. We have already considered one cause which alters the PH to which the respiratory center regulates. This cause is anoxaemia. At high altitudes the body is in the long run projected to a large extent from the effects of the alkalosis thus produced, because the kidneys and liver still react almost true to the normal PH. There can be no doubt that other causes, such as the action of anaes- thetics or poisons, or of other small changes in the composition of the blood, would have a similar effect in altering the standard to which the PH regulation of the arterial blood is set. This question, and the question how the PH is regulated, not merely in the arterial blood, but in the systemic capillaries, will be deferred to Chapters X and XIV. We can now see much more clearly why it is that the resting alveolar CO 2 pressure is not quite steady in spite of the extreme sensitiveness of the respiratory center to the minutest variation in alveolar CO 2 pressure. There are various causes tending to disturb the constancy of the reaction of the blood ; and the respira- tory center, and not merely the kidneys and liver, must do its share in compensating for these disturbances. Hence the alveolar CO 2 pressure cannot remain completely steady during rest. One of these causes is the secretion of acid or alkaline digestive juices. On account of the secretion of acid gastric juices the alveolar CO 2 pressure rises distinctly very soon after a meal. The effects of a meal on alveolar CO 2 pressure have been investigated recently by Dodds. 52 He found that there is normally a sharp rise varying in different individuals, but usually amounting to about 4 mm. half 82 Dodds, Journ. of Physiol., LIV, p. 342, 1921. RESPIRATION 205 an hour after the meal. This is rapidly followed by an equally marked fall below normal, culminating about one and one-half hours after the meal, with a subsequent rapid return to normal. Bennett and Dodds 53 have found that the rise of alveolar CO 2 just after a meal is closely related to the concentration and rate of secretion of the gastric hydrochloric acid as indicated by samples taken from the stomach. In cases where there is little or no secretion of HC1 the rise in alveolar CO 2 is absent, though the fall due to alkaline secretion into the intestine is still present. Another cause of variation in alveolar CO 2 pressure is the charac- ter of the diet. With an alkali-forming vegetable diet the alveolar CO 2 pressure is quite considerably higher than with an acid-form- ing meat diet. This was brought out very clearly in some of the experiments of Hasselbalch alluded to above; and he showed at the same time that the reaction of the urine varied in correspond- ence with the changes in alveolar CO 2 pressure. During starvation the body is living on what amounts to an acid-forming diet, and Higgins 54 has shown that during starva- tion the alveolar CO 2 pressure falls. Perhaps the most striking effects are obtained with a carbohydrate-free diet. This leads to the formation within the body of a certain amount of aceto-acetic and oxybutyric acids, as in severe diabetes. Higgins, Peabody, and Fitz 55 showed that there is a striking fall in alveolar CO 2 pressure, together with a very large elimination of oxybutyric and aceto-acetic acid by the kidneys, and an accompanying large in- crease in ammonia excretion and excretion of acid. All the available evidence points, therefore, to the conclusion that practically speaking the regulation of breathing in man dur- ing rest under normal conditions is regulation of the blood re- action. This very important conclusion is the outcome of the present chapter. Addendum. Within the limits of the present book it is un- fortunately impossible to deal in detail with the mass of quite recent literature bearing on the regulation of blood alkalinity. Some of this literature is based on assumptions with which, for the reasons already given, I am unable to agree : while other parts of it are concerned with details as to which it seems difficult for the present to form definite judgments. In general, however, it K Bennett and Dodds, Brit. Journ. of Exper. Pathol., II, p. 58, 1921. "Higgins, Publication No. 203, Carnegie Institution of Washington, p. 168, - Higgins, Peabody, and Fitz, Journ. of Med. Research, XXXIV, p. 263, 1916. 206 RESPIRATION does not appear to me that anything which has recently been published, points to any important modification of the conclu- sions embodied in this chapter. In view of the great confusion which evidently exists as to the subject, it may, nevertheless, be useful to indicate more explicitly the reasons for regarding the words "acidosis" and "alkalosis" as denoting deviations towards the acid or alkaline side respectively of the normal reaction or hydrogen-ion concentration within the body. Acidosis and alkalosis are now frequently regarded as condi- tions in which, whether or not there is an alteration in actual reaction, the "alkaline reserve" of the blood plasma is diminished or increased. This definition originated in a paper by Van Slyke and Cullen in which they pointed out the ease with which varia- tions in the "alkaline reserve," or total capacity of the blood plasma for combining with CO 2 can be determined experimentally, and the advantages of using oxalated blood plasma in place of whole blood for the purpose. 56 Though they stated clearly that variations in alkaline reserve are no direct measure of the varia- tions in actual reaction of the blood, they, very unfortunately as I think, proceeded to define "acidosis" as simply a condition in which the alkaline reserve of the blood is diminished. It is, how- ever, to variations in reaction, and not in the conveniently meas- ured alkaline reserve of the plasma that the body is reacting in conditions of acidosis or alkalosis; and to define acidosis or alkalosis as anything else than a deviation towards the acid or alkaline side of the normal reaction seems to me quite unjustifiable. The confusion has been added to by the general failure to realize the extreme delicacy of physiological regulation of re- action, as compared with the comparative roughness of our present means of directly measuring changes in reaction. Thus in cases where there are all the physiological signs of acidosis, the avail- able means of direct measurement may show no sign of the change; and hence it has been quite wrongly assumed that no change exists. This has contributed towards an acceptance of the definition of acidosis as a condition, not of increased hydrogen- ion concentration. within the body, but of diminished alkaline re- serve. The picturesque expression "alkaline reserve" is evidently an unfortunate one in so far as it suggests a reserve of alkali not in actual use. The alkali weakly combined in the body is in reality always in physiological use, and the most urgent symptoms of acidosis appear long before the alkaline reserve disappears. "Van Slyke and Cullen, Journ. of Biol. Chem., XXX, p. 289, 1917. RESPIRATION 207 As was shown above, a difference of .012 in the PH of the blood is sufficient to double the resting breathing, or cause apnoea. This difference in PH corresponds to a difference of only about one part by weight of ionized hydrogen in a million million parts of blood. A continued difference of o. I in PH would in all probability cause danger to life. This is a much lower limit than has commonly been assumed. By forced breathing we can, it is true, produce a greater difference in the PH of arterial blood, and maintain this difference for an hour or more without loss of consciousness. The difference, however, applies only to the arterial blood. As will be shown in Chapter X, slowing of the circulation protects the tissues to a large extent from great rises in PH. It is possible, also, that ac- tive secretion of CO 2 by the lungs, as well as quickening of the cir- culation, protects similarly against fall in the PH of the tissues. Nevertheless, as Yandell Henderson has so clearly shown, when efficient forced respiration is kept up in animals for a sufficient time, not only do coma and progressive failure of circulation ensue, but so much damage is done that it is impossible to recover the ani- mal on restoring the PH of the blood by administering CO 2 , just as it is impossible to recover a patient who has suffered for a sufficient time from acute anoxaemia. That progressive and often irrepar- able damage ensues also during a condition of excessive acidosis is suggested by the phenomena of CO 2 poisoning and clinical acidosis. To what extent the damage during alkalosis is due di- rectly to the rise in PH, or to the accompanying anoxaemia, we cannot at present say; and perhaps the question is at bottom merely academic. When the forced breathing is of oxygen instead of air the effects are much less marked, as mentioned above; but this may be because the circulation can be shut down more effec- tively when oxygen is breathed, and that hence the rise in PH in the tissues is diminished. CHAPTER IX Gas Secretion in the Lungs. IN the lungs the blood is separated from the alveolar air by two layers of living tissue, namely the capillary endothelium and the alveolar epithelium. What part in respiratory exchange is played by these very thin layers of living tissue? Is this part purely me- chanical? In other words, do these layers behave towards the respiratory gases as any very thin non-living moist membrane would behave? Or do the living membranes play an active part in the process? We must now face this interesting, but also contro- versial subject. There has been a tendency to assume that because these mem- branes are very thin they cannot play any active part. But it is not so long since even membranes consisting of cubical or columnar epithelial cells were supposed only to play a passive part in the separation of material; and the presumption that a thinner mem- brane of flattened cells cannot play an active part has come down to us from the time, about the middle of last century, when physico- chemical theories became dominant in physiology, and secretion in general was supposed to be a mere mechanical process like filtra- tion or diffusion. Another prevalent presumption is that though liquids or dissolved solids may be actively secreted, gases probably pass through living membranes by simple diffusion. So little information about gas secretion is usually to be found in physiological text books that it may be useful, before discussing gas secretion by the lungs, to give some account of gas secretion as it is now well known to exist in the swim bladder of fishes. The swim bladder is morphologically a diverticulum of the alimentary canal, like the lungs. In some classes of fishes there is an open duct from the swim bladder into the alimentary canal, but in other classes this duct is closed. Quite evidently, the main function of the swim bladder is to make the specific gravity of the fish about equal to that of the water it displaces when the fish is at a certain depth. With a certain amount of gas in its swim bladder the fish will just float at a certain depth. It is, however, in a position of unstable equilibrium : for any movement upwards will cause expansion of the air, so that the fish will tend to rise with increasing velocity towards the surface ; and any movement RESPIRATION 209 downwards from the position of equilibrium will similarly tend to make the animal sink with increasing velocity to the bottom. When fishes are stunned by an explosion under water, about half of them float to the top, and the other half sink to the bottom. One has only to place a goldfish in a large and tall bottle of water provided with a perforated cork through which a thick walled tube containing water passes to another small bottle of water, in order to see how the fish deals with the situation. If the pressure in the large bottle is raised by raising the small bottle the fish will at first begin to sink, but will immediately turn its nose upwards and swim upwards, so as to reestablish its position of unstable equilibrium; and conversely if the large bottle be lowered. It was formerly believed that a fish compresses or relaxes its swim bladder when it wishes to go downwards or upwards. That this is not the case was shown by Moreau 1 in a series of beautiful experiments. A fish is really confined temporarily to about a certain depth by its swim bladder ; for if any cause tends to make it leave this depth the animal's response to the stimulus of expansion or contraction of its swim bladder soon brings it back to its proper depth. The goldfish has an open duct to its swim bladder, so if the pressure is greatly diminished, as by connecting the large bottle to a filter pump, the air of the swim bladder comes bubbling out of the animal's mouth. If the pressure is now restored to normal the animal sinks to the bottom, and after a few fruitless efforts to swim upwards lies helpless on its side. If it is left there for some time, however, it gradually becomes more buoyant, and after a certain number of hours it will be swimming about as usual, with its swim bladder full of gas. If a fish has a closed swim bladder, and the gas from this is removed by means of a hypodermic syringe, the fish also sinks at first, but soon refills its swim bladder with gas. How is this gas produced, and what is it? It cannot have been swallowed as air, as the fish has been lying in water at the bottom all the time, or has a closed swim bladder. This brings us to gas secretion. About the beginning of last century the eminent French physi- cist Biot was engaged in survey work in the Mediterranean, and was attracted by the observation that fishes caught with a line at great depths come to the surface and lie helpless with their swim bladders distended with gas and sometimes projecting out through the mouth. He determined to analyze the gas, and having intro- 1 Moreau, Memoires de PAysiologie, Paris, 1877. 210 RESPIRATION duced some of it, along with excess of hydrogen, into a glass "eudiometer" he passed a spark. Instead of the mild explosion usual in air analyses, there was a violent explosion which broke his instrument. He then knew that he had made a most significant discovery, as the gas he was analyzing must be nearly pure oxy- gen. He got another eudiometer and made a number of analyses of gas from the swim bladder. The results showed that while the gas taken from the swim bladder of a fish near the surface often contained less oxygen than ordinary air, that taken from fishes caught at great depths contained nearly pure oxygen. 2 Biot had discovered oxygen secretion. To illustrate the real significance of his observations we may take an analysis made much more recently by Schloesing and Richard, 3 in connection with which the depth from which the fish was taken is definitely stated, and was 4,500 feet. They found that the gas contained 84.6 per cent of oxygen, together with 3.6 per cent of CO 2 and n.8 per cent of nitrogen. The latter gases are, however, quite likely to have mostly got in by diffusion during the delay before the sample was taken. Now the pressure at 4,500 feet is 136 atmospheres. Therefore the oxygen pressure in the Q i fZ swim bladder was at least I36x = 115 atmospheres, while i oo the oxygen pressure in the sea water was only about 21 per cent of an atmosphere, and, in the blood circulating in the capillaries round the swim bladder, certainly very much less. At a moderate estimate the oxygen pressure on the inside of the wall of the swim bladder was at least 1,000 times greater than in the cap- illaries outside. In the monograph already referred to, Moreau described a number of experiments showing the conditions under which oxy- gen secretion into the swim bladder occurs. He found, for instance, that if a fish confined in an open cage was sunk to a considerable depth, so that its specific gravity became greater than that of the water, it gradually secreted oxygen so as to restore the balance ; and similarly if its swim bladder had been emptied by puncturing. The simple experiment on the goldfish which I have just described is of the same nature. Moreau even found that if a weight was attached to one fish in an experimental tank, and a float to another fish, so that the first fish was for the time glued to the bottom, and the second to the surface, both fishes would soon be swimming a Biot, Memoir es de la Societe d'Arcueil, 1807. 3 Comptes rendus, Vol. 122, p. 615, 1896. RESPIRATION 21 1 about again quite unconcerned in the tank, their respective swim bladders having, compensated by secretion or absorption of gas for the disturbance in equilibrium caused by the sinker or float. Such facts as these pointed to the conclusion that the gas secre- tion is under the control of the nervous system ; but this was not clearly demonstrated by Moreau. It was not till sixteen years later that Bohr showed that the secretion after emptying the swim bladder by puncture ceases after the branch of the vagus supplying the swim bladder is cut. 4 I well remember the interest with which I saw this experiment when Bohr showed it while he was staying with me in Oxford a few months before he published his paper on the subject. Dreser 5 had meanwhile already shown that the secretion of oxygen, like that of saliva, sweat, etc., is excited by the action of pilocarpine. It is clear that a fish may require to get rid of gas from its swim bladder, as well as to secrete gas. If the duct is open, there is of course no difficulty in getting rid of gas ; but it is different Figure 59. Diagram of arrangement of "oval." if the duct is closed. The oxygen might, conceivably, be secreted backwards; but often there is a large percentage of nitrogen in the gas, and there might be trouble about this. It was discovered by Jager 6 that in fishes with a closed swim bladder there is an oval window-like area on the dorsal side of the swim bladder (Figure 59). Over this area there is nothing but a thin layer of flattened cells between the air of the swim bladder and an under- lying layer containing a close network of capillaries. This thin layer seems to permit free diffusion outwards of the gas in the swim bladder. Assuming this to be the case, the oxygen will freely diffuse into the blood capillaries, where, as already seen, 4 Bohr, Journ. of Physwl., XV, p. 499, 1893. 6 Dreser, Arch. f. Exper. Pathologie, XXX, p. 160. e Jager, Pfliiger's Archiv, XCIV, p. 65, 1903. 212 RESPIRATION the oxygen pressure is very low. Nitrogen and CO 2 , on the other hand, will diffuse inwards if their partial pressure is less inside the swim bladder than in the blood, and outwards in the converse case. The pressure of nitrogen in the blood is doubtless about 79 Figure 60. Section through secreting gland of swim bladder of Sciaena aquila, showing the epithelial body and underlying layer of capillary network (f) with gas bubbles distending the gas ducts of the epithelial body (Jager). Figure 61. More highly magnified portion of epithelial body shown in Figure 60. A distended gas duct, with surrounding secreting cells (Jager). RESPIRATION 213 per cent of an atmosphere, as it is in sea water ; so whenever the oxygen percentage is sufficiently reduced by diffusion to make the nitrogen pressure in the swim bladder more than 79 per cent of an atmosphere, the nitrogen will follow the oxygen out through the "oval" ; as will the CO 2 , and from a similar cause. But Jager found also that the "oval" can be opened or closed by the relaxa- Figure 62. (X 330) Folds of the swim bladder epithelium of Gobius niger. C.R.M., capillaries of the rete mirabile. I.C.C., intracellular capil- lary (Woodland). tion or contraction of a ring of unstriped muscle surrounding its periphery. When this ring is contracted the "oval" is covered up by a layer of the ordinary lining membrane of the swim bladder. Thus not only secretion, but also absorption of gas from the swim bladder, is under complete physiological control. 214 RESPIRATION On microscopic section of the wall of the swim bladder we find that at most parts it is lined by flattened epithelial cells similar in outward appearance to those covering the oval. At certain parts, however, this flattened epithelium passes into a layer consisting of cubical or columnar epithelial cells, and forming the so-called "epithelial body" (Figures 60, 61), or else a convoluted layer of columnar epithelium (Figure 62). In the glandular structure ducts containing gas may be seen (Figures 60 and 61) in certain species of fishes, and the gland is evidently an oxygen-secreting gland. The true glandular structure was one of Johannes Miiller's many discoveries about glands. R.M. G.E. Figure 63. Diagram of circulation in rete mirabile of eel. R.M. rete mirabile. G.E. gland epithelium. Arterioles and arterial capillaries continuous lines. Venules and venous capillaries interrupted lines (Woodland). Beneath the glandular structure is a mass of red blood vessels, forming a structure which attracted the attention of anatomists hundreds of years ago 7 and came to be known as a rete mirabile. The arrangement of the blood vessels in this "red body" was re- cently studied by Woodland, 8 who established the fact that the rete mirabile is an arrangement in which the arterioles passing to the gland break up into capillaries which come into intimate contact with corresponding venous capillaries from the venules coming from it (Figure 63). What is the significance of this? The arrangement reminds us of that in a regenerating furnace, where the heat carried away in the waste gases is utilized to heat T Redi, Observations sur les animaux vivans contenus dans les animaux vivans. Florence, 1684. 8 Woodland, Proc. Zool. Soc. of London, p. 183, 1911. RESPIRATION 215 the incoming air. Nevertheless it seems hardly probable that the arrangement is for heat regeneration. The blood passes to the gland with, presumably, the main physiological object of supply- ing oxygen, and venous blood in returning is already spent as regards its supply of oxygen. Nevertheless I think we can now suggest an explanation. It was discovered by Barcroft and King 9 that at low temperatures the influence of CO 2 in expelling oxygen from haemoglobin is much greater, relatively speaking, than at the temperature of warm-blooded animals. The difference is so great as to suggest that the dissociation of oxyhaemoglobin in the tis- sues of cold-blooded animals is practically dependent, not on fall S.G. END Figure 64. (X 1000). Transverse section through anterior end of rete mirabile of Gobius niger, showing the peculiar endothelium (END) of the arterial capillaries (A) as compared with the venous capillaries (V) (Woodland). of oxygen pressure, but on rise of CO 2 pressure. It seems probable, therefore, that the function of the rete mirabile is to enable venous blood to communicate part of its CO 2 to the arterial blood. The effect of this will be to raise the CO 2 pressure of the blood sup- plied to the gland, and so raise the oxygen pressure. There may be active secretion of CO 2 into the arterial capillaries; and this 9 Barcroft and King, Journ. of Physiol., XXXIX, p. 374, 1909. 2i6 RESPIRATION hypothesis is supported by the existence in the arterial capillaries of a very peculiar thickened endothelium figured clearly by Wood- land (Figure 64). Another very interesting case of gas secretion occurs in Arcella discoides, which is a microscopic unicellular organism found in rivers and ponds. It has a more or less transparent shell, shaped something like the top of a mushroom, with an opening where the stalk should come. Through this opening it protrudes delicate pseudopodia, by means of which it can creep about (Figure 65). Figure 65. Arcella raising itself by developing bubbles. Two bubbles visible through shell, and pseudopodia projecting through lower opening. When a living and healthy arcella is examined in a drop of water under the microscope, the presence of one or more gas bubbles inside its protoplasm can at times be observed, particularly if by accident or design the animal has been turned on its back, with the opening of its shell upwards. The bubbles of course make the animal lighter, so that it rises towards the surface of the water, and also comes right-side up, after which they rapidly disappear again. The occurrence of these phenomena was described many years ago by Engelmann. Quite recently Dr. Bles took up the subject again at my suggestion, as it looked as if oxygen want was in some indirect way the real stimulus to the formation of the bubbles, just as it is (as we shall presently see) the stimulus to oxygen secretion in the lungs. He elicited the very interesting fact that a quite slight fall in the normal oxygen pressure of the surrounding water is sufficient to cause the immediate formation of gas bubbles in the arcella, and thus cause it to rise to where presumably there is more oxygen. It seems probable, also, from other observations made by him later, that the bubbles which are apt to develop when the animal is placed on its back are a conse- quence of stimuli produced by internal want of oxygen owing to increased oxygen consumption during its efforts to right itself. RESPIRATION 217 Before going further let us try to form some sort of conception as to what is occurring in a gland cell during the secretion of oxygen. On the side of the cell next the lumen of the duct we have a pressure of oxygen which may be 1,000 times as great as on the side next the capillaries ; and yet oxygen may be passing inwards from the capillaries towards the duct. The cell is permeable to oxygen : for oxygen is passing through it. Yet the oxygen cannot be free to dissolve in the ordinary way in the "protoplasm" of the cell : for if this were the case the oxygen would run backwards through the cell like water through a sieve. At a pressure of 1 1 5 atmospheres, to go back to our concrete example, 100 volumes of water at ioC would take up 430 volumes of oxygen (measured at o and 760 mm.) ; and if the oxygen were as freely soluble in the cell water as in ordinary water the swim bladder would leak outwards at a quite hopeless rate. If we start by looking upon "living protoplasm" as a mere solution and suspension of colloid and other material, we may as well give up the attempt to get any insight whatever into even the most rudimentary physiological processes. When we take a broad general view of the phenomena of life, one of the most fundamental facts that appears is that the com- position of each organism or part of an organism is distinctly specific. The percentage and nature of each of the substances which we can recover on disintegrating the living tissue are spe- cific ; and the more we learn about the nature of these substances the more clearly does this specific character emerge. It is evidently no mere accident that muscle yields so much potassium, so much phosphoric acid, so much water, and so much of various proteins. These substances must be present in some kind of combination in the living "substance" ; and if so the living substance cannot be regarded as a mere solution of free molecules. The molecules are in some sense bound, as they are in a solid ; and in so far as this is the case the living substance must in certain respects behave as a solid, impervious to the free passage of material by diffusion. The layer of thin flattened epithelium lining appears to be gas- tight (to oxygen at least) except where it covers the oval. At this point the layer allows gas to pass freely. From this point of view we can understand why the living cells of the oxygen-secreting gland should be gas-tight, or nearly so, against diffusion backwards, but we have not yet considered how the gas passes forward through them during secretion; and if 218 RESPIRATION "living material" behaved like an ordinary solid no such explana- tion would be forthcoming. But evidently a living cell does not behave like an ordinary solid : for it is constantly taking up and giving off material, not merely during secretion, but at every moment of its existence. This is evident from a general considera- tion of the phenomena of nutrition, and becomes still more evident if by altering the environment of a cell we disturb the labile balance between living cells and their surrounding liquids. In the secretion of oxygen and many other substances, such as urea, sugar, salts, etc., the substance taken up on one side of the cell is given off in the same form on the other side. In the processes of ordinary nutrition, on the other hand, the taking up and giving off may be on the same side of the cell, and the substance given off may be in a different chemical form from that taken up. We have no reason to believe, however, that there is any fundamental dis- tinction between the taking up and giving off during ordinary nutrition and during secretion. Nearly a century ago Johannes Miiller, at the end of his famous memoir on secreting glands, 10 after pointing out that his observations negatived the mechanical theories of secretion then current, suggested that secretion must be regarded as a process akin to growth, the only difference being that whereas in ordinary growth the material deposited tends to remain where it is, in secretion it is always being carried away and replaced. Johannes Miiller's theory was bound up with his vitalistic physiology, and the clue which he was grasping at was swept from the hands of physiologists by the wave of mechanistic speculation which passed over physiology about the middle of last century. But now that we know from nearly a century of painful experimental investigation what to the genius of a great biologist like Miiller was evident enough, that mechanical theories of secretion are impossible, we can take up the clue again. When oxygen (or indeed any other substance entering into cell metabolism) is taken up on one side of the cell, we are led by the experimental facts to assume that the oxygen enters into easily dissociable chemical combination. Were this combination not easily dissociable we could not understand why a cell should be so enormously sensitive, as we shall see later that it is, to changes in the concentration of oxygen and other substances in its immediate environment. Now all we know about cell metab- olism points to the conclusion that the balance of stability at any one part of the cell depends on the balance of stability at other "Johannes Miiller, De Glandularum Secernentium Structura Penitiori, 1830. RESPIRATION 219 parts. The taking up of oxygen, for instance, depends on a host of conditions in the environment, such as the concentrations, or, more correctly, the diffusion pressures, of ions of different sorts, and of various other substances which are, or may be, passing into and out of the cell. A minute trace of pilocarpine, for instance, will set the oxygen-secreting cell violently taking up oxygen on one side, and giving it off on the other; and probably we could paralyze the oxygen secretion at once by reducing the concentra- tion of calcium ions in the cell environment. In a secreting cell the rate of secretion, other conditions being favorable, depends on the concentration of the dissolved material to be secreted. This we can see with the utmost clearness in the case of the kidney or intestinal epithelium. The rate of secretion also depends on the concentration of the dissolved material on the excretory side, as we can also see in the case of the kidney. Clear evidence on. this point is summarized by Ambard in his book La physiologie des reins, Paris, 1920. We are thus led to the conclusion that the stability of the oxygen combination on one side of the oxygen-secreting cell depends, other things being equal, on the stability of the oxygen combination at the other side, and that in proportion as the oxygen combination at one surface becomes increased, the oxygen combination at the opposite surface becomes more ready to release oxygen towards the cell environment. It also seems probable that as we proceed from the absorbing to the secreting side of the cell, the tendency to give off oxygen becomes greater and greater. A cell of sub- stantial thickness is therefore required to produce a large differ- ence in oxygen pressure. The combination which dissociates itself on the excretory surface will, if the concentration of oxygen at that surface is not so high as to stop the dissociation, be constantly resatu rating itself in part from the combination lying deeper in the cell. Thus oxygen will travel from the absorbing to the se- creting side of the gland cell, just as urea, or sodium, or phosphoric acid, will travel from the absorbing to the secreting side of other kinds of secreting cells. We can also imagine how, in the course of their passage, chemical transformations may occur in the transported material, so that, for instance, an intestinal cell which takes up fatty acid may deliver fat on the other side, or a cell which takes up sugar may transform it into fat, or amino acids into proteins, or oxygen into CO 2 and water, or may perform any of the numerous other syntheses or disintegrations with which physiologists are familiar. 220 RESPIRATION In the arcella, bubbles, probably consisting largely of oxygen, appear and disappear within the cell body, according to the ex- isting physiological conditions. It seems probable that the bubbles, for the development of which a high internal oxygen pressure will be needed, occur in interstices of the living substance, due to the presence of inclosed liquid or solid substances. In these inter- stices the gas pressure can rise up to the point at which it pro- duces disruption and bubble formation. Gas bubbles have not hitherto been observed in the cells of oxygen-secreting glands, although certain microscopic appearances have been taken for such bubbles. The well-known transparent larva of Corethra possesses two gas floats : one near the anterior, and the other near the posterior end of the larva. The gas is enclosed in chitinous bladders de- veloped from the tracheal system and partially rigid, with cells on their external walls. If the pressure of the water is increased the larva begins to sink owing to diminution in the capacity of the bladders, but regains its equilibrium in two or three minutes; and conversely if the pressure is diminished. This looks, therefore, like a case of gas secretion. Krogh showed, however, in a beautiful series of experiments 10A that there is no gas secretion, but secretion of liquid out of or into the bladders, so as to compensate for the alteration in their capacity. The larva can equilibrate itself in this way since the bladders are partially rigid. In deep water, for instance, the gas pressure is kept the same as that of the atmos- phere, and hence much less than that of the surrounding water. The gas pressures inside and outside the bladders are thus the same, and simple diffusion of gases is not modified by gas secretion. Having to some extent cleared our ideas by the consideration of undoubted cases of gas secretion, we can now proceed to dis- cuss the evidence as to gas secretion by the lungs. As mentioned already, Ludwig had the idea (in which he was right) that prob- ably something occurs in the lungs to facilitate the escape of CO 2 , and possibly the absorption of oxygen ; and this idea appeared in the work of some of his pupils. It was a time when physiological research was very active in Germany; and friendly, or some- times anything but friendly, shots were often exchanged between the leading laboratories. The Leipzig idea was accordingly put to the test by Pfliiger and his pupils at Bonn, and for the purpose Pfliiger devised an instrument which he called the aerotonometer, its object being to measure the partial pressures or tensions of the 10A Krogh, Skand. Archiv. /. Physiol., XXV. p. 183, RESPIRATION 221 gases contained in venous and arterial blood, so that these pres- sures could be compared with one another and with the corre- sponding pressures in the air of the lungs. The aerotonometer consisted of two tubes immersed in a water bath at body tempera- ture, and closed below by a mercury seal. In one tube was placed a mixture containing a smaller percentage of CO 2 and greater percentage of oxygen than corresponded to the partial pressures expected in the blood ; and in the other tube a mixture containing a higher percentage of CO 2 and a lower percentage of oxygen. The blood from the animal was then allowed to trickle down the inside of the tubes, so that it should as far as possible equalize its gas tensions with those in the tubes, either by taking up or giving off CO 2 or oxygen. In a successful experiment the blood gave off CO 2 and absorbed oxygen in one tube, and vice versa in the other, so that the gas pressures of the blood were defined within narrow limits on the analyses of the gases in the two tubes. The sample of lung air was obtained by another ingenious instrument, the "lung catheter," by means of which a bronchus could be blocked off and a sample of the gas in the lungs drawn off as soon as the air thus confined had reached a constant composition. The conclusion drawn from the actual experiments by Pfliiger and his pupils was that there was no average difference in gas pressures between the venous blood and the air inclosed beyond the blocked bronchus; and therefore no evidence of any giving off of CO 2 or absorption of oxygen except by simple diffusion. 11 The question was taken up again by the late Professor Bohr of Copenhagen, one of Ludwig's pupils. 12 Bohr improved the aeroto- nometer, so that a large stream of arterial blood could be run through it and back to the animal, the blood of which had first been rendered incoagulable by injecting peptone or leech extract. He obtained the result that while usually the CO 2 pressure in the arterial blood is not less than in the alveolar air, and the oxygen pressure not greater, yet sometimes this relation is reversed. From these results he concluded that active secretion of oxygen from the lung air into the blood, and of CO 2 from the blood into the lung air, may both occur. Owing to the many possibilities of error the results were not very convincing, however; and Fred- ericq 13 of Liege soon afterwards made a further series of experi- 11 Pfli'tger's Archiv, IV, p. 465 ; VI, p. 65 ; VII, p. 23, 1871-1873. 12 Bohr, Skand. Arch, of Physiol., p. 236, 1891. 18 Fredericq, Arch, de Biol., XIV, p. 105, 1896. 222 RESPIRATION ments, all of which seemed to tell in favor of Pfliiger's interpreta- tion. About fifteen years later the aerotonometer was greatly im- proved by Krogh, who was then Bohr's assistant. He very greatly diminished the volume of air exposed to the blood in the aeroto- nometer, thus rendering it far quicker in its action ; and ultimately he succeeded in working with a single bubble of air, round which a stream of blood could play, the bubble being afterwards analyzed with the help of a graduated capillary tube into which it could be sucked up and measured before and after its CO 2 and oxygen had been removed by suitable reagents. Figure 66. Krogh's micro-aerotonometer, showing inlet and outlet for blood, lower part of measuring tube, and air bubble. Before his death Bohr published some experiments made with Krogh's aerotonometer, and apparently showing distinctly that the pressure of CO 2 in the venous blood could be less than in the expired air, although CO 2 was being given off in the lungs ; and that the arterial CO 2 pressure could also be less than that of the expired air. Krogh himself, however, took the view that there were errors in these experiments, and published, along with M. Krogh, the results of a careful series of experiments on animals under conditions which were much more nearly normal than in RESPIRATION 223 any previous experiments. 14 The arterial oxygen pressures were always very distinctly below the oxygen pressures at the same time in the alveolar air; while the arterial CO 2 pressures were sensibly equal to those in the alveolar air. There was never any approach to excess of arterial over alveolar oxygen pressure, or of alveolar over arterial CO 2 pressure, even when these pressures were varied considerably by altering the composition of the in- spired air. Krogh, therefore, rejected Bohr's conclusions that there is active secretion of oxygen or CO 2 in the lungs, and con- cluded in favor of Pfliiger's view that the exchange of gases in the lungs is entirely due to diffusion. The following table shows the results of a typical experiment in which the alveolar oxygen pressure was varied during the experiment, the alveolar air and blood samples being taken nearly simultaneously. TIME TENSION OF CO 2 IN TENSION OF OXYGEN IN Alveoli Blood Alveoli Blood 1.36-43 3-6 3.7 12. IO.O 2. 10-12 3.o 3-5 18.0 15.0 3-03- 3-07 2-5 2-5 12.0 ii-5 Before following this long controversy further, I should like to point out a fallacy in the interpretation of the aerotonometer results. The conclusion of Pfliiger that diffusion alone explains the giving off of CO 2 in the lungs was wholly fallacious, as has already been shown in Chapter V. The oxygen reaching the blood in the lungs helps to drive out CO 2 ,* and under certain con- ditions which are very apt to occur during physiological experi- ments on animals, and may easily be produced in man, the venous CO 2 pressure may be lower than that of the alveolar air, although no secretion at all may be occurring. In the lung-catheter experi- ments the oxygen supply to the lungs was blocked off, so that the blood could not take up oxygen. As a consequence the CO 2 pres- sure in the confined air must have been considerably lower than if oxygen had been present. In reality Ludwig was right, and Pfliiger was wrong. This source of fallacy does not in any way invalidate Krogh's conclusion that the arterial CO 2 pressure is not, under normal conditions, lower than the alveolar CO 2 pres- sure. I think this conclusion is correct ; and it agrees, as he points out, with all the indications given by the work of Priestley and 14 A. and M. Krogh, Skond. Arch. f. Physwl., XXXII, p. 179, I9 io. 224 RESPIRATION myself on the regulation of breathing in accordance with the alveolar CO 2 pressure. When Bohr's original experiments on the question of secretion by the lungs were published in 1891, I was just beginning the serious study of mine gases and the physiological effects of vitiated air; and his results interested me greatly. A year or two later Lorrain Smith and I made a visit of several weeks to Copenhagen, and carried out some research work in the laboratory under Bohr's direction, thus learning a great deal which we could not have learned in England about existing methods of blood-gas investigation, and, far more important, getting into personal touch with Bohr himself. I should like to take this opportunity of saying how much we, and indirectly other physiologists in Great Britain and America, have owed to Bohr and the Copenhagen School of physiologists. The difficulties of the aerotonometer method of determining the oxygen pressure of arterial blood were very evident, and I cast about in my mind for some better method. Soon afterwards I began investigating the action of carbon monoxide in mines, and the results of this investigation, and the colorimetric method of blood examination, which I worked out during the investigation, suggested a new means of attacking the problem which Ludwig had originally suggested. The general principle of this method has already been ex- plained in Chapter IV, and depends on the fact that within wide limits the relative proportions in which haemoglobin is shared between oxygen and CO are proportional to the relative partial pressures of the two gases when allowance is made for their rela- tive affinities for the haemoglobin. Hence if the proportions in which oxygen and CO are shared in the haemoglobin of the blood when equilibrium is established are known, as well as the pressure of CO, the pressure of oxygen can be calculated. To measure the oxygen pressure in the arterial blood it is therefore only necessary to allow a man or animal to breathe a constant small percentage of CO until absorption of CO stops, owing to a balance having been struck between oxygen pressure and CO pressure in the blood passing through the lung alveoli. The percentage satu- ration of the haemoglobin with CO is then determined, and the arterial oxygen calculated from a knowledge of the relative affini- ties of the two gases for haemoglobin, as determined outside the body. The method seemed simple in principle, but it turned out to RESPIRATION 225 be as full of pitfalls in practice as the use of the blood pump, aerotonometer, or spectrophotometer. What misled us most were : (i) the assumption that Hiifner's oxyhaemoglobin dissociation curve, then and for many years later quoted in every textbook, was at least approximately correct; (2) the assumption that all haemoglobin is alike as regards its relative affinities for oxygen and CO; (3) ignorance at first of the powerful action of bright light on the dissociation of CO haemoglobin, and of the influence of temperature; (4) failure at first to realize how long it takes to saturate blood or blood solution outside the body with air con- taining low percentages of CO. There were probably also some errors in the colorimetric titrations, owing chiefly to our not taking precautions which subsequent experience showed to be necessary, against decomposition of blood solutions during long experiments. The first experiments were made by Lorrain Smith and my- self 15 on men, the subject of the experiment going through the lengthy process of breathing air containing a definite small per- centage of CO, until absorption of CO ceased, as shown by the analyses of blood samples. The results led us to the conclusion that the normal resting arterial oxygen pressure was considerably above that of the alveolar air; and corrections, made afterwards for the causes of error just referred to caused this conclusion to stand out still more clearly. Subsequent experience leads me to the conclusion that we had become acclimatized more or less to want of oxygen by frequently breathing CO, so that at the time we were no longer ordinary normal subjects. We were at any rate breathing with complete impunity a percentage of CO which would under ordinary circumstances cause very unpleasant symp- toms. On trying the next year and once or twice subsequently to repeat one of the experiments, we were surprised to find that the former percentages were too high for us, and we suspected that there must have been some error about the percentages breathed in the first series of experiments. On reconsidering the matter I cannot see how there could have been an error about the per- centages breathed. It now seems practically certain that we had become acclimatized, and had consequently developed during the experiments a considerably higher arterial oxygen pressure than normal persons would have had, or than we ourselves would have had, if we had not absorbed so much carbon monoxide as in the experiments, and thus become somewhat short of oxygen. "Haldane and Lorrain Smith, Journ. of Phystol., XX, p. 497, 1896. 226 RESPIRATION Our next experiments 16 were on various small animals chiefly mice. Small animals are specially convenient, as their blood becomes saturated within a few minutes to its maximum extent for any percentage of CO in the air. These experiments again gave an apparently higher oxygen pressure in the arterial blood than in the alveolar air. When the percentage of CO was in- creased, so that the animals began to show symptoms of consid- erable oxygen want, the difference between arterial and alveolar oxygen pressure became much greater. On the other hand, when the animals were breathing a mixture of oxygen and CO there was still a large apparent excess of arterial over alveolar oxygen pressure. This result was a great disappointment to us, as we had hoped that when oxygen was breathed, active secretion of oxygen inwards would cease. The fact that it apparently did not do so ought to have aroused our suspicions of the correctness of the measurements. The phenomena observed when the oxygen per- centage, or the barometric pressure, was diminished, led us, apart from the measurements, to conclude that secretion of oxygen in- wards became more active; but in our measurements of oxygen pressure we were depending on the substantial correctness of Hiifner's dissociation curve; and when this curve was subse- quently found to be totally incorrect our measurements had also to be abandoned as incorrect. During the next few years knowledge as regards the dissocia- tion of haemoglobin had greatly increased, thanks to the work of Bohr, Zuntz and Loewy, Barcroft, and others, as well as our own work, as described in Chapter IV. Douglas and I now took up the old subject again, but with far more complete knowledge of the material we were dealing with. 17 Dr. Krogh had also kindly in- formed me in a letter of some experiments he had made (subse- quently published) 18 showing that in the blood of a rabbit the relative affinities for haemoglobin of oxygen and CO were dif- ferent from those in the ox ; and we found, as already mentioned in Chapter IV, that this is not only so for different classes of ani- mals, but also, and in a most marked degree, for different indi- viduals of the same species. We therefore had to modify the method. Each animal was ex- posed for a sufficient time to a definite percentage of CO in a bottle, and then drowned in situ. Some of its blood was then 19 Haldane and Lorrain Smith, Journ. of Physiol., XXII, p. 231, 1897. " Douglas and Haldane, Journ. of Physiol., XLIV, p. 305, 1912. "Krogh, Skand. Arch. /. Physiol., XXXII, p. 255, 1910. RESPIRATION 227 placed, undiluted and at body temperature, in the saturator, and thoroughly saturated in presence of some of the same mixture of air and CO that the animal had been breathing. The percentage saturations with CO of the haemoglobin in the blood taken straight from the animal, and in that from the saturator, were then determined, and the arterial oxygen pressure calculated in the usual way. The following table shows the results. Duration Percentage saturation Arterial oxygen of exp. in of haemoglobin pressure in per- Animal used Percentage minutes with CO centage of the ex- of CO s~^ *^^ -* ^ existing In vivo In vitro atmosphere* Mouse .Ol6 60 26.2 17.2 12.2 .0165 50 26.7 19-5 13.9 .018 45 26.0 I8. 5 13-5 .019 33 19.7 12-5 I2.I .025 43 25.6 I 7 .6 13-0 .046 40 29.1 22.7 15.0 053 40 37-7 30.2 16.2 M .IOO 32 45-0 43-0 19-3 .129 3i 56.4 56.3 20.8 .198 57-6 56.5 2O.O 9) .213 13 59-1 75-5 44-Tt .244 12 67.3 71.7 25-7t 255 60 60.1 62.8 23-3 .260 25 67.0 64.7 18.9 .262 20 66.4 73-7 28.2 H 275 25 66.5 76.9 35-9 Rabbit .029 140 28.0 18.7 12.4 Same rabbit .191 ISO 58.2 56.0 19.1 * Calculated without reduction for aqueous vapor in the alveolar air. f Mouse died. On looking down this table it will be seen that as long as the percentage of CO did not exceed about .03 per cent, or the per- centage saturation of the blood did not go over about 28 per cent, the arterial oxygen pressure was only about that of the alveolar air, assuming that the alveolar air of a mouse has about the same composition as human alveolar air. But as the percentage of CO in the air, or the percentage saturation of the blood, rose, the arterial oxygen pressure rose, first to about that of the inspired air, and then, in most cases, far above it sometimes to double. 228 RESPIRATION We then repeated the old experiments with oxygen which had disappointed Lorrain Smith and me so much. The results were as follows: EXPERIMENTS WITH MIXTURES OF OXYGEN AND CO ON MICE Percentage saturation Oxygen pressure in percentage Duration of haemoglobin with CO of the existing atmosphere* Percentage of exp. in ^ " _ ^~ f * of CO minutes In vivo In vitro Arterial blood. Inspired air 0.16 30 31.3 29.6 77-4 83.9 0.61 30 57.0 54.6 66.6 73-5 I.I5 30 71.4 70.8 83.1 85.6 1.47 30 69.0 75.0 96.3 71-5 * Calculated without reduction for aqueous vapor. It will be seen that as long as the saturation of the blood with CO did not exceed about 60 per cent, the arterial oxygen pressure was about 7 per cent below that of the inspired air, just as the alveolar oxygen pressure would be. With over 60 per cent satura- tion, however, the animals began to suffer from oxygen want, and the arterial oxygen pressure went just as high above that of the inspired air as in animals breathing ordinary atmospheric air. The old experiments were wrongly calculated, because the relative affinities of haemoglobin for oxygen and CO are on an average different in mouse blood from what they are in human blood or in the ox blood which we then took as a fixed standard. This led us to calculate the arterial oxygen pressure about 50 per cent too high in both the ''normal" and the oxygen experiments. Moreover the "normal" experiments were not normal, since the percentage saturations of the blood were about 40 per cent, and therefore too high to give normal results such as those of the first five experiments in the previous table. If one recalculates the average results of the old experiments in the light of this new knowledge they give just the same result as the new experiments. The general, and absolutely sharp and definite, result of these experiments is that with very low percentages of CO there was no evidence of active secretion of oxygen inwards, but that with higher percentages of CO there was perfectly clear evidence of active secretion. This active secretion began to show itself as soon as the CO percentage was sufficient to cause symptoms of CO poisoning, which symptoms, as shown in Chapter VII, are simply RESPIRATION 229 those of oxygen want : moreover the secretion did not appear if oxygen was breathed along with the CO, until a much higher saturation of the blood with CO was reached. Pure oxygen, as already shown in Chapter VII, provides a certain supply of dis- solved oxygen to the blood independently of the oxygen carried by the haemoglobin, and thus prevents, to a large extent, the oxygen want which would otherwise be caused by the CO. Now the oxygen want is in the tissues, and not in the lungs. Hence the stimulus to secretion originates in the tissues. This stimulus is almost certainly something carried by the blood from the oxygen-starved tissues to the lungs or central nervous system. One might perhaps suppose that whenever the respiratory center is excited, nervous impulses pass down secretory fibers in the vagus nerve and excite secretion in the lungs. Lorrain Smith and I tested this hypothesis, and found that when the respiratory center was excited by excess of CO 2 there was not the slightest rise in the arterial oxygen pressure. Hence the secretion has no direct con- nection with the ordinary activity of the center in producing respiratory movements; and the stimulus to secretion is not a hydrogen ion stimulus. We also made a series of determinations on man. In view of the results of the mouse experiments we were anxious to work with low percentages of CO ; but if we had used the old method which Lorrain Smith and I had employed, it would have taken so long before equilibrium was reached between the CO in the air and that in the blood that our experiment could hardly have been completed during winter daylight. We therefore adopted the course of quickly absorbing as much CO as would saturate the blood to the desired extent, and then breathing in and out of a small air space, in which the oxygen and CO 2 percentage was kept constant. Under these conditions CO must, of course, be given off into the air of the space, and as this air is breathed again and again, equilibrium between the CO in the air and that in the blood must establish itself very quickly. The method finally adopted was as follows (see Figure 67). The subject, wearing a nose clip, breathes through the mouth- piece A, inhaling through the inspiratory valve B, and expiring through the valve C. The expired air passes through a rubber pipe of large caliber to the tin vessel D, which is filled with small fragments of solid caustic soda, and is made of such a size (di- ameter 23 cms., depth 12 cms.) that the whole of the carbonic acid in the expired air is effectively removed. Another rubber 230 RESPIRATION pipe leads the outgoing air current from D to the bottle E of 12 liters capacity, which is connected by another pipe with the in- spiratory valve B. The entrance and exit pipes of E are so ar- ranged that the incoming air current is directed to the bottom of the bottle, while the subject inhales air from the top. The arrows r "= Figure 67. Apparatus for determining the arterial oxygen pressure in man. indicate the direction of the air current caused by the subject's respiration in the main circuit. Two side pipes lead into the rubber pipe connecting D with E. One of these, G, is of large bore and short, and is connected with a vulcanized rubber gas bag of con- siderable size, such as is utilized on Clover's ether apparatus. This bag serves only to accommodate each expiration, as the rest of the apparatus is indistensible, and at the end of inspiration the bag collapses entirely. The other side pipe F serves for the admission of oxygen. The oxygen supply is so arranged that oxy- gen enters the main air circuit automatically to fill up the defi- ciency caused by the absorption of oxygen by the subject at each breath. It is essential in a closed system of small size that the oxygen supplied shall be pure; the small amount of nitrogen contained in ordinary cylinder oxygen renders its use inadmis- sible. We therefore in all the later experiments used oxygen made by the action of water on "oxylith" in the generator H. The current of oxygen is controlled by the tap at the top of the gen- erator, and passes along a pipe past a blow-off valve to air J, through a small gas meter K and thence through a water valve RESPIRATION 231 M to enter the main air circuit at F. The height of the water above the orifice of the pipe in M is about 2 mm. greater than in J, and the oxygen therefore passes out to air through the valve J unless a slight negative pressure is set up in the main air circuit, when it will pass by preference through M. Such a negative pressure obtains in the main air circuit only at the end of an inspiration, and depends upon the fact that the whole volume of air in the cir- cuit is diminished by the amount of oxygen absorbed at the last breath of the subject, as the carbonic acid expired is removed. The meter records, therefore, the actual oxygen consumption by the individual. Interposed between the meter and the valve M is a small rubber bag L, such as is used in a small sized football. This serves as a reservoir for the oxygen, and enables a free and sudden supply to be drawn into the air circuit. Without this it would be necessary to run the oxygen from the generator at an excessive and wasteful rate, and the slight resistance of the meter might be felt. In practice the oxygen supply is so adjusted that it is just escaping continuously to air through J, so as to insure that the bag L is filled to constant pressure; otherwise the readings of the meter will not accurately represent the oxygen consumption. A Haldane gas analysis apparatus N is attached directly to the air pipe leading from the bottle E to the inspiratory valve, so that samples of the inspired air may be withdrawn at intervals during the experiment for analysis. The extremity of a vacuous gas sampling tube O is inserted into the pipe between the expiratory valve and the caustic soda tin, not far from the former, for the purpose of obtaining a sample of alveolar air by Haldane and Priestley's method. By means of the tap P, connected with the laboratory water supply, a large volume of air can be displaced from the bottle E through the pipe R, and used for filling satu- rating vessels, etc. Before each experiment the apparatus is tested for air-tightness by disconnecting the oxygen supply pipe at F and substituting a water manometer for it, and then producing a positive or negative pressure by blowing in air or sucking it out through the mouthpiece. The whole apparatus is readily blown out with fresh air by disconnecting the return air pipe from the in- spiratory valve and blowing through the mouthpiece with a pair of bellows. We found that the percentage of oxygen in the air in the ap- paratus falls by about 0.8 per cent during the first five minutes of an experiment, doubtless owing to the rise of temperature caused by the breathing, which will hinder the entrance of oxygen. After 232 RESPIRATION this the oxygen percentage shows oscillations, which however do not exceed I per cent. Such oscillations are unavoidable, seeing that the oxygen supply must be influenced in this method by the depth of the individual breaths : the percentage could only re- main absolutely constant if the depth of breathing was itself constant. For the same reason the oxygen consumption should not be determined over a shorter period than five minutes. One great advantage of this apparatus is that it is very easy to subject oneself to atmospheres containing different percentages of oxygen by means of it. To obtain an atmosphere poor in oxygen all that is necessary is to uncouple the oxygen supply from the valve M and breathe into the apparatus. Air now enters through F instead of oxygen, and breathing is continued until analysis of the inspired air shows that the required degree of oxygen de- ficiency has been produced. If the oxygen supply is now reestab- lished the artificial atmosphere produced will remain constant. To obtain an atmosphere rich in oxygen, the gas may be blown in through the orifice for the alveolar air sampling tube, leaving the mouthpiece free for the escape of the displaced air from the re- turn air pipe. The total volume of the air in our apparatus is about 15 liters, and we may therefore presume that the whole of it goes through the alveoli of a resting adult subject in three minutes. We have on a number of occasions breathed into the apparatus for an hour with the greatest comfort, the percentage of oxygen mean- while varying only within the limits mentioned above. The time during which the subject breathed into the respiration apparatus in our experiments has varied on different occasions from twenty minutes to one hour. So far as we could ascertain the shorter time was sufficient to establish equilibrium of concentra- tion of the carbon monoxide in the blood and in the air breathed, though we have as a rule adopted a period in excess of this" as a matter of precaution. In our earlier experiments we passed about 2 cc. of CO into the air in the respiration apparatus before begin- ning to breathe into it, in order that the percentage of this gas present at the start might approximate to its final value. As this procedure had no influence on the result of the experiment we gave it up, and the respiration apparatus thereafter always con- tained air free from CO at the commencement of the experiment. Analyses of the inspired air were made several times during the course of the experiment, as it was naturally important for our purpose that the composition of the inspired air should show none 1 1 ^-Cj *w ^ VA -^ *> .^ ^ K ^ f >8 *cX S -S ^ K "** tv ^ -^"S "3 5 Q Q **! 5 * 5 5' !* ion 3 U ^ ? s ^ * " 'S 5 * ^ o oil ^. o^loi 14.2 (104.4) I4.I 91.6 12.8 102.7 13.2 93.4 Normal oxygen 16.2 1 1 0.8 atmosphere. Rest. 14.45 (92.0) \ 13-9 98.9 J Mean 99.1 : 21.7 100.2 High oxygen : 2 3.i 98.5 atmosphere. Rest. 6.9 H5.4 ' 8.5 1 2 1 .6 Low oxygen 8.2 128.1 atmosphere. Rest. 6.2 112. 1 16.0 124.8 Moderate work with one arm. 19.9 131.7 ] Normal 20.9 135.0 \ Severe work ' oxygen. 14.9 128.0 \ with one arm. 24.8 128.0 J 15.1 147.6 Moderate work with one arm. Low oxygen. RESPIRATION 233 but minimal variations. Shortly before the close of the experi- ment a sample of blood was withdrawn from the subject's ringer into a capsule, and defibrinated with a platinum wire. Five-hun- dredths cc. of this blood was then introduced into the saturating vessel in the manner described in our paper. Immediately after- wards two further small samples of blood were taken from the subject's fingers as a rule one from each hand the blood being received into small test tubes quite full of water, which were im- mediately corked. These samples served for the colorimetric determination of the degree of saturation of the blood with carbon monoxide. A last sample of the inspired air was then taken, and a sample of the alveolar air. Breathing into the apparatus was continued for about two minutes in case the composition of the air in the respiration apparatus had been altered by the deep ex- piration necessary to afford the alveolar air sample : some car- bonic acid, for instance, might have got through the caustic soda tin. The experiment then terminated, and the mouthpiece of the respiration apparatus was at once closed. The saturating vessel containing the blood was as soon as possible filled by displacement with some of the air remaining in the respiration apparatus, which was expelled for this purpose from the bottle E by the arrange- ment indicated at P and R. While the saturating vessel was being rotated in the water bath at 38 the determination of the degree of saturation with carbon monoxide of the samples taken from the ringers was proceeded with. During this time also the analyses of the alveolar air, and air from the respiration apparatus, were completed and when necessary the analysis of a sample from the saturating vessel. After the saturating vessel had been rotated for half an hour or more, it was removed from the water bath and the degree of saturation with carbon monoxide of the blood con- tained in it was determined. All the data for calculating the oxygen pressure of the arterial blood and contrasting it with that of the alveolar or of the inspired air were then at our disposal. Our first experiments on man were taken up with determining the arterial oxygen pressure under as normal conditions as pos- sible, and we especially wished to guard against the effects of deficiency of oxygen. We therefore employed a low saturation (23 per cent) of the blood with CO and made sure that the res- piration apparatus contained a normal atmosphere by ventilating it freely with fresh air before the experiment. All the experiments were made with the subject sitting at rest. 234 RESPIRATION The results of these experiments are collected in the accom- panying table. The figures show quite distinctly that under normal circum- stances when the subject is at rest the arterial oxygen pressure in man corresponds exceedingly closely to the pressure of oxygen in the alveolar air. In fact in no single instance does the value of the arterial oxygen pressure differ from the alveolar by a greater amount than can be accounted for by the experimental error of the method. We then tested the effect of raising the alveolar oxygen pressure considerably above the normal value by filling the respiration apparatus with an atmosphere rich in oxygen. The results of the experiments are also given in the table. Here again the figures show that the arterial and alveolar oxygen pressures have prac- tically identical values. In these experiments on man we were content to use only a moderate increase of the alveolar oxy- gen pressure, for the higher the oxygen pressure is raised the less proportional difference is there between the inspired air and the alveolar air. A point will therefore eventually be reached when the determination of the difference of tint between the blood withdrawn from the body and that saturated with the inspired air in vitro will fall almost within the experimental errors of the method. It should be noted that in these experiments the car- bonic acid in the alveolar air had precisely its normal value, namely 5.6 per cent when measured dry, and we have therefore no reason to suppose that the alveolar air samples were other than normal. Having obtained thus results which indicated that during rest under normal conditions the transference of oxygen through the pulmonary epithelium occurs without active secretory interven- tion of the alveolar epithelium, we were naturally anxious to test the matter further under conditions in which some amount of deficiency of oxygen might affect the subject. The necessary de- ficiency of oxygen was obtained by exposing the subject to an atmosphere containing a considerably lower percentage of oxy- gen than the normal. The experimental procedure was precisely the same as before, save that we filled the respiration apparatus before the start with an appropriate atmosphere by the method described above. The results of these experiments are collected in the middle part of the table. The partial pressure of oxygen in the air breathed corresponded RESPIRATION 235 to an altitude of 15,000 feet or over; yet we noted that a 23 per cent saturation of the blood with carbon monoxide was tolerated without inconvenience. One of the subjects was liable to head- ache when his blood was saturated to 25 per cent or more with carbon monoxide, but this was in no wise accentuated in these experiments. That deficiency of oxygen was exerting its custom- ary effect on the respiration is indicated by the low value of the alveolar carbonic acid percentage. Both the subjects noticed dis- tinct hyperpnoea for some time after commencing to breathe into the respiration apparatus, and that this was accentuated on the slightest movement. The face remained of a distinctly bluish color throughout the experiment, but the blueness passed away if the hyperpnoea became exaggerated for a short time by mus- cular movement. On rebreathing normal air at the close of the experiment well-marked Cheyne-Stokes breathing was once or twice observed, indicating that the want of oxygen had induced a real hyperpnoea which had lowered the general carbonic acid pressure in the body considerably. In calculating the arterial oxygen pressures from the experi- mental data of these experiments, it was necessary to make allow- ance for the fact that the arterial blood was not fully saturated with oxygen and CO, while the blood from the saturator must have been almost completely saturated, as the oxygen pressure in the air of the saturator was considerably higher, and hardly any CO 2 was present. For the correction required under these circum- stances I must refer to our original paper. On looking at the results of the four experiments it will be seen that in every case the arterial was above the alveolar oxygen pres- sure. The mean difference seems to be outside the limits of experi- mental error, but only amounts to 8 mm. A further series of experiments was made with the subject doing muscular work. Preliminary experiments made with the work done on a tricycle ergometer had shown that when the breathing was greatly increased difficulties arose with the appa- ratus. We therefore decided to make use of work with only one arm. This enabled us to push the work to the point of fatigue, when want of oxygen would be produced in the muscles, with formation of lactic acid. That lactic acid was actually formed is indicated by the low alveolar CO 2 percentages. The work appa- ratus which we employed was of the simplest description. It consisted of a lever which could be moved backwards and for- wards, and transmitted its motion by means of a connecting rod to 236 RESPIRATION a small table carrying a weight which slid to and fro upon a smooth plank, to one end of which the lever was pivoted. The work apparatus was placed upon the ground adjacent to the chair on which the subject sat, so that he could move the lever and yet breathe comfortably into the respiratory apparatus. By increasing the weight the amount of work done by the subject could be raised. It was not possible to measure the actual work done in mechanical units, but we could do so in physiological units by observing, by means of the small gas meter, the effect on the oxygen consumption of the subject per minute. What we term "moderate work" in the tables below was sufficient to raise the total oxygen consumption to one and a half times its resting value, while "severe work" doubled the resting oxygen consump- tion. Work which doubles the resting oxygen consumption is only equivalent to walking on the flat at two miles per hour, and does not sound particularly severe, but we found it sufficiently tiring when it was performed by one arm only, and kept up for half an hour at a time. The lower part of Table III shows the results of the work ex- periments. These results are very striking : for the arterial oxygen pressure was on an average 4.4 per cent, or 32 mm. of mercury, above the alveolar oxygen pressure, and in two experiments was 8.5 and 15.6 mm. above the oxygen pressure of the inspired air (allowing for aqueous vapor). In the last experiment on the table the effects of muscular work and low oxygen in the inspired air were combined. It will be seen that the arterial was 33.5 mm. above the alveolar oxygen pressure, whereas with a low oxygen in the inspired air and no work the arterial never exceeded the alveolar oxygen pressure by more than 13 mm. As already mentioned, it was noticed that when work was done while a low oxygen percentage was being breathed the lips and face lost the bluish color due to the low oxygen, and became of a normal red color. It was also noticed many years ago by Loewy 25 that even a slight muscular exertion produced a marked improvement in the subjective symptoms of want of oxy- gen in a steel chamber at low atmospheric pressure. Our results on the arterial oxygen pressure during muscular exertion furnish an evident clue to these observations. "Loewy. Untersuchungen u. d. Respiration und Circulation, Berlin, 1895, p. 1 6. The fact that Geppert and Zuntz (PfLiiger's Archiv, XLII, p. 189, 1888) found a little more oxygen in arterial blood during work than during rest may point also in the same direction. RESPIRATION 237 In a former chapter I have referred to some of the results of the expedition to Pike's Peak undertaken in 1911 by Professors Yandell Henderson and Schneider, Dr. Douglas, and myself. 26 Part of our object was to determine whether the want of oxygen due to the rarefied air at 14,000 feet did not produce active secre- tion of oxygen inwards. We used the same method as at Oxford, taking every precaution against errors. The results were quite unmistakable. We found that as soon as acclimatization to the air was established the arterial oxygen pressure became considerably higher than that of the alveolar air. The next table shows our results. In ordinary resting experiments on acclimatized persons, the arterial oxygen pressure was on an average about 70 per cent above the alveolar oxygen pressure. When, however, air extra rich in oxygen was breathed, so that the alveolar oxygen pressure rose to about what it is at sea level, the difference between arterial and alveolar oxygen pressure fell to 8 or I o per cent, even during the short period of an experiment. In a subject investigated im- mediately on arrival at the summit by the cogwheel railway the arterial was only about 15 per cent above the alveolar oxygen pressure, whereas three days later, after acclimatization, the ex- cess was 100 per cent. The Pike's Peak results threw much new light on oxygen secre- tion by the lungs, and on the former experiments at Oxford. It was evident, that not only is oxygen want a stimulus to active oxygen secretion by the lungs, but that the response to the stimulus improves greatly with practice or "acclimatization," just as is the case with other physiological responses. We can now see why some experiments for instance those which Lorrain Smith and I made jointly on ourselves, indicated oxygen secretion, while other experiments in which the physical and chemical conditions seemed to be the same gave negative results. It was the physiological con- ditions which were different. In the latter experiments we were not acclimatized against anoxaemia. It is easy to see the physiological advantage of oxygen secretion as a defense against the anoxaemia of high altitudes and similar conditions, or against carbon monoxide poisoning; but its uses under ordinary conditions, where nothing but pure air at about ordinary atmospheric pressure is breathed, are not so obvious. It is clear that as the arterial haemoglobin is nearly saturated with oxygen, during rest, at any rate, without any active secretion, 29 Douglas, Haldane, Yandell Henderson, and Schneider, Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc., (B) 299, p. 195, 1913. d, d G 00 ^3 4H ^ hb bX) O cL O-, OQ wo g rt SS& a a O O2 tension of arterial OO VO vo O\ HH TfOO Ol O tx rj- "t tX Tt blood in mm. H g (at 37 moist) ON iO co OiOO 00 00 O O ON 01 01 10 M O ON iO co tH M tx TJ- tx o covo 00 ON Ol HH 1000 Oz tension of alveolar ^" O O CO \f** CO IO Ol VO ON Th Tj- CO vo tx air in mm. H g {at CO ONOO ON T}- VO CO VO 00 CO Ol IO O 37 'moist) iO TfOO ONVO VO vo CO Ol M 10 VO ^ 10 * M- GO * W Oz tension of arterial H blood in percentage of ON ON M 00 O ON tx 10 tx 00 co CO Tf ON tx to W the existing atmosphere without allowing for i-i O ovo xJ" Ol 01 Ol 01 Ol ^t" Ol co 1-1 01 01 M co co 10 M 01 O CO 01 01 Ol ON O aqueous vapor M rv & 10 10 tX IO O tX vo oo 10 IX h-5 &**0 '3 01 01 txvo o M ON tX VO 00 HH ON ON 5 !|.i - 01 01 H H 01 Ol 01 HH H) HH HH 01 01 M EH ~ V. b "^ ^ 10 IO IO 10 * - O IO 01 I-H 10 CO Tj- co O O CO 01 vo 00 tx <$ 2 ~^ ** ^ 8 M O ONOO tx ON ONOO ON 00 vo ONOO 01 vo 1 w OH -^ v^S 1-1 Ol ON O CO ONOO O "^ 10 00 M vo O Ol Tf IX Tl- txvo VO 00 HH CO VO vo CO Ol OsVO co J ^ ! vo vo tx tx vO vo vo Tf ts. VO 10 tx tx tx tx W "** Q ^ a ^ ^ HH i>^ "^. co vo co co O w co O txvo HH O VO vo PH ^ <5 ON M 01 00 Ol OO HH oi tx 10 vo tx M OO CO hH h-l Tf IO vo rj- OO ON covo M HH ON M M Ol 01 M 01 HH HH KCS Q Id . CQ * i ^ ^ ^ ^ CJ - >"~ w 8 + ON O ^ VO 01 HH 00 HH CO ON ON HH 00 Tf tX <& M 01 01 01 01 01 HH Ol CO r\ ^ bb >~ hi >-> bi) * ^ hi ^s 3 ^ ^ 3 *~r* 3 >> due to anything else but imperfect saturation of the arterial blood with oxygen ; and that this is the actual cause is directly shown by the fact that a very moderate increase in the oxygen percentage of the air breathed relieves the symptoms. In ordinary persons not in good physical training a very mod- erate diminution in atmospheric pressure is quite sufficient to cause a noticeable excess of hyperpnoea on any considerable ex- ertion, such as climbing or walking fast. This is very evident on going by train to some place four or five thousand feet above sea level; and the cause is, without a shadow of doubt, imperfect oxygenation of the arterial blood. At ordinary atmospheric pres- sure we are accustomed to a certain degree of hyperpnoea and exhaustion with a given degree of muscular exertion. That this is in part dependent on imperfect saturation of the arterial blood is only revealed by the fact that in air at a higher atmospheric pressure (as in the case of workers in compressed air, and prob- ably in deep mines), or when air enriched with oxygen is breathed, the same work becomes much easier, at any rate to many persons. The observations of Dr. Henry Briggs, described in Chapter VII, show that there is a striking difference in this respect be- tween men in good physical training and ordinary persons, as the former class get no benefit from air enriched with oxygen unless the work is excessively hard, while the latter get great benefit, shown, not only by the much greater ease and comfort with which they perform the work, but by the smaller amount of air which they require to breathe. The corresponding difference at high altitudes is perfectly familiar to mountaineers. The man who is in good training is free from the hyperpnoea, mountain sickness, and other effects of high altitudes to a far greater extent than the man who is not in training; and this evident fact has often led mountaineers to the mistaken conclusion that mountain sickness has nothing to do with altitude or anoxaemia, but is simply a sign of imperfect training. "Campbell, Douglas, and Hobson, Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc., (B), Vol. 210, p. x, 1920. RESPIRATION 241 All the facts just mentioned confirm the direct evidence in favor of oxygen secretion in the lungs. Part of the exhaustion of hard physical work is due to imperfect saturation of the arterial blood with oxygen and the consequent effects on the respiratory center and central nervous system as already described in Chap- ters VI and VII. In persons who are in good physical training these effects are in abeyance because as one part of physical train- ing the lung epithelium has become much more capable of re- sponding to the stimulus calling forth increased secretion of oxygen, just as in the case of a man who has become acclimatized to a high altitude, or to breathing air containing a small per- centage of CO. It is the training of the lung epithelium, and not anything else, that makes the specific difference. This is shown at once by the fact that acclimatization to high altitudes or CO poisoning takes place whether a man takes exercise or not. In this connection I may mention the result of an experiment which I made for a specific object during the war. It seemed desirable to find out how soon the fall in oxygen percentage in the air of a submarine would begin to have serious effects. I there- fore shut myself in an air-tight respiration chamber which was provided with the same sort of purifier for absorbing the CO 2 produced by respiration as was used in British submarines. The oxygen percentage was also allowed to fall at the same slow rate as that at which it had been found to fall in the most crowded submarines then in use. After a few hours a light would no longer burn in the air, and in a few more hours even a lighted pipe handed in through a small air lock would no longer keep alight. After 56 hours the oxygen percentage had fallen below 10. I then terminated the experiment as the purifier was failing, and the immediate object of the experiment, which was to find out whether the air in a submarine would last easily for 48 hours without any addition of oxygen, had been attained. I had no trace of mountain sickness or any other symptom of anoxaemia, and my lips were just as red as usual, though from other experiments described in Chapter VII, I knew that without acclimatization I should have broken down hopelessly in the existing atmosphere. A laboratory attendant who afterwards went into the chamber along with me became blue and uncomfortable, and finally collapsed and had to be pulled out hurriedly. In this experiment the fall in oxygen percentage had been so slow that acclimatization had kept pace in me with the fall in oxygen percentage, just as when a man ascends only very gradu- 242 RESPIRATION ally to a high altitude. There is, however, much more in this acclimatization than mere increase in the power of oxygen secre- tion, since there is also the gradual adjustment of blood reaction to increased breathing, as explained fully in Chapter VIII. In a more recent series of experiments by Kellas, Kennaway, and myself 28 these two effects were separated. One of our objects was to see how far acclimatization to high altitudes could be ob- tained by discontinuous exposures to low barometric pressures. This question is of course of considerable importance to airmen, in whom the exposures are discontinuous. The effects produced before acclimatization on Dr. Kellas, myself, and others, by an exposure to 320 or 330 mm. barometric pressure, are described in Chapter VI. To obtain acclimatization we used the method of exposing ourselves for six to eight hours to atmospheric pressures of 500, 430, and 360 mm. on three successive days. We found, how- ever, that our resting alveolar CO 2 pressure had always returned to normal before the morning after each successive exposure. Thus there was no lasting adjustment of blood reaction to in- creased breathing, as any change in this direction had disappeared by the morning. There was also no lasting increase in our haemo- globin percentages. Any acclimatization obtained must therefore, apparently, be due to increased power of oxygen secretion. The result of the experiment was that there was marked ac- climatization, but limited in amount. When unacclimatized I had been totally disabled, and had lost all memory, at a pressure of 320 mm., as already described. But on the last day of the ac- climatization we stayed at 315 mm. for a considerable time, during which, though we were distinctly blue, I could quite easily con- tinue to do gas analyses and other operations, and move about as usual, with no loss of memory afterwards of what had occurred. In this experiment my son, Captain J. B. S. Haldane, acted as an unacclimatized control. He came in with us and stayed for some time at 366 mm. ; but after two hours he was so much affected that we had to let him out. His breathing had become increasingly rapid and shallow, and he had gradually sunk into a stupefied condition. After coming out he could remember hardly anything of the last hour in the chamber. It is clear from this experiment that airmen, so long as they retain their health, and remain at high altitudes pretty fre- quently, must be capable of acquiring a considerable degree of 28 Haldane, Kellas, and Kennaway, Journ. of Physiol., LIII, p. 181, 1919- RESPIRATION 243 acclimatization. This acclimatization was long ago noted by Glaisher in connection with his occasional high balloon ascents. An equal degree of acclimatization can undoubtedly be main- tained in a simpler manner by good physical training; and at heights of less than about 20,000 feet an airman in good physical training should have little difficulty from anoxaemia. It must be noted, however, that even a small degree of the neurasthenia with shallow breathing described in Chapter III renders an airman totally incapable of going to any considerable height without an oxygen apparatus. Our acclimatization experiment indicated that with complete acclimatization, including adjustment of the blood reaction to the increased breathing, and increase in the haemoglobin per- centage, a man could probably, if the mere physical difficulties were not too great, reach the summit of Mount Everest without breathing anything else than ordinary air, though he would quite certainly die at this altitude if he were not acclimatized. It was pointed out in Chapters III and VII that, on account of the imperfect distribution of air in the lungs, the average alveolar oxygen pressure is, even during rest under normal healthy condi- tions, no certain guide to the oxygen pressure of the mixed arterial blood. During heavy work this must be so to an increased degree, since, although the expansion of the lungs is much better, the rate at which oxygen is absorbed is enormously greater. Meakins and Davies 29 have recently made exact determinations of the percentage saturation with oxygen of the haemoglobin in the arterial blood of a number of healthy persons, and found it to vary from 94 to 96 per cent in different persons, the variation depending probably on the differences in the oxyhaemoglobin curves which Barcroft discovered (Chapter IV). In my own case the saturation was 94.3 per cent. This is not much lower than 96 per cent, the saturation which would be expected if my arterial blood were fully saturated to the oxygen pressure of the mixed alveolar air. If, however, we look at the dissociation curve of the oxyhaemoglobin of human blood, we see that 94.3 per cent saturation corresponds to an oxygen pressure of only 11.2 per cent of an atmosphere, as compared with 13.2 per cent in the alveolar air. Thus the oxygen pressure in the mixed arterial blood is very distinctly less than in the alveolar air ; and this is the sort of result which the aerotonometer gives, as already explained. "Meakins and Davies, Journ. of Pathol. and, Bacter., XXIII, p. 453, 1920. 244 RESPIRATION On the other hand the carbon monoxide method gives, during rest under normal conditions, exactly the same oxygen pressure in the arterial blood as in the alveolar air. This difference in the results by the two methods used to be rather a puzzle, and was explained by me as probably due, either to a process of rapid but slight oxidation in the blood itself, or to a little blood getting through the lungs without exposure to alveolar air. Our shallow breathing experiments, and the neurasthenia cases, showed clearly enough why the mixed arterial blood is not fully saturated to the alveolar pressure; but why does the carbon monoxide method not show this? A little consideration will show the reason. The carbon monoxide method gives the average arterial oxygen pressure of all the portions of arterial blood leaving the lung alveoli, just as the "alveolar air" gives the average oxygen pres- sure of all the portions of air in the alveoli of the air-sac system. But the oxygen pressure of the mixed arterial blood cannot be deduced, as fully explained in Chapter IV, from the average of the oxygen pressures in the blood leaving the alveoli. It is this average that the carbon monoxide method gives. Hence for the purpose of deducing the oxygen pressure of the mixed arterial blood the carbon monoxide method has exactly the same defects as the method of inferring this value from the oxygen pressure of the alveolar air on the assumption (perfectly valid for resting conditions at ordinary atmospheric pressure when pure air is breathed) that diffusion equilibrium is established between al- veolar air and blood. For the purpose, however, of deciding whether or not active secretion of oxygen is occurring, the carbon monoxide method is perfectly valid. It gives just the information needed; and for this purpose it is far more reliable than the aerotonometer method, which has always given misleading in- formation on the question of diffusion equilibrium for oxygen, and made it appear as if diffusion equilibrium is never attained, even during complete rest. To those who pin their faith, as regards the secretion question, to the aerotonometer results, I may perhaps point out that if they were accepted as evidence they would completely wreck the dif- fusion theory. For if diffusion equilibrium is not even obtained under resting conditions under normal barometric pressure it would be quite inconceivable on the diffusion theory that anything approaching to diffusion equilibrium would be obtained during muscular work, and particularly at high altitudes. Yet on Pike's RESPIRATION 245 Peak is was possible to do hard muscular work with .the lips re- maining quite red. It will easily be seen on consideration that as the barometric pressure, or the oxygen percentage of the inspired air, is pro- gressively reduced, the difference in percentage saturation be- tween the mixed arterial blood and blood completely saturated at the existing alveolar oxygen pressure will increase more and more if diffusion alone determines the saturation of the blood in the lungs, and will tend in the same direction even if active secretion assists diffusion. We can thus easily explain why some of the persons who ascended Pike's Peak were very blue in the face, and why fainting or partial loss of consciousness were common occur- rences. We can also understand why some persons become more or less unwell at first on going to an altitude of only four or five thousand feet, and why in all persons there is a distinct physio- logical reaction to anoxaemia, as shown by lowering of the al- veolar CO 2 pressure and rise in the haemoglobin percentage. This physiological reaction would be difficult to understand if there was uniform saturation of the haemoglobin in all the alveoli. We must conclude that whether or not a person is acclimatized to a low barometric pressure the percentage saturation of the mixed arterial haemoglobin with oxygen is distinctly diminished, though the amount of the diminution is not indicated by the carbon mon- oxide method. In the process of oxygenation of the blood in the lungs, the oxygen has to pass from the alveolar air through a thin layer of living tissue into the blood and into the corpuscles. This process must take some time. To the genius of Christian Bohr we owe the principle of a method by which the time may be estimated, in so far as the process is one of diffusion. In connection with the ab- sorption of oxygen by the lungs it is not possible to measure the rate at which, with a given diffusion pressure, oxygen passes inwards, because we do not know the mean diffusion pressure. We can, as will be shown later, measure the oxygen pressure of the venous blood, as well as that of the alveolar air and arterial blood ; but we do not know how quickly the blood becomes satu- rated in its passage along the alveolar capillaries. Hence we can- not estimate the mean difference in oxygen pressure required for the diffusion inwards of a given quantity of oxygen in a given time. In the case of absorption of CO present in the air in a low proportion the conditions are quite different, however: for we can determine the percentage of CO in the alveolar air, and the 246 RESPIRATION rate at which the gas is absorbed, while, for short experiments, the difference in CO pressure between the alveolar air and the blood is constant. In this way we can tell how much CO is ab- sorbed per minute with a given pressure difference; and from this, allowing for the greater solubility and slightly lower dif- fusibility of oxygen, we can calculate the rate at which oxygen diffuses in with the same pressure difference. Bohr's original calculations (based on rather rough experi- ments made by myself for another purpose) were not very ac- curate ; but the matter was reinvestigated by A. and M. Krogh, 30 and still more recently by M. Krogh. 31 A. and M. Krogh found that for adults about 25 cc. of oxygen will diffuse inwards per minute for every I mm. of difference in oxygen pressure during rest, and about 35 cc. during work. The estimate of M. Krogh is considerably higher ; but I do not think that the method which she used was at all reliable, for the following reasons. The method consisted in taking in a deep breath of air containing a small percentage of CO. Part of this breath was then breathed out, and a sample of the alveolar air taken. The rest of the breath was held for a measured interval of time, after which a second sample of alveolar air was taken, and the percentages of CO in the two samples very accurately determined. From the fall in the per- centage of CO between the two samples the rate of absorption of the CO was then calculated. If the difference between the percentages of CO in the two samples represented absorption of CO, the method would be a correct one. Actually, however, it is quite impossible, as I have convinced myself by repeated experiments with various gas mix- tures, to secure an even distribution of a gas through the lung air by taking in a single deep breath. The first alveolar sample con- tains an undue proportion of the atrial air containing a higher initial percentage of CO, while the second sample comes ex- clusively from the alveoli of the air-sac system, in which the per- centage of CO was never nearly so high as in the atria. Thus the apparent absorption of CO during the interval of holding the breath is much greater than the actual absorption. The method is thus fallacious; and the same criticism applies to a number of other Copenhagen experiments with regard to alveolar air, the dead space in breathing, etc. Taking, however, the earlier estimate of A. and M. Krogh, it 30 A. and M. Krogh, Skand. Arch. f. Physiol., XXIII, p. 236, 1910. 31 M. Krogh, Journ. of Physwl., XLIX, p. 271, 1915. RESPIRATION 247 can be calculated 32 that during rest at normal atmospheric pres- sure, the arterial blood passing through an average alveolus would easily be saturated by simple diffusion to the oxygen pres- sure of the air in the alveolus. During considerable muscular work, however, this would not be the case ; and the arterial blood would emerge incompletely saturated. That there should be some an- oxaemia during considerable exertion is therefore exactly what might be anticipated on the diffusion theory, even without any allowance for the effects of uneven distribution of air and blood among different alveoli. When allowance is also made for this factor, the presence of anoxaemia during even very moderate exertion at ordinary atmospheric pressure in persons not physi- cally fit is just what might be expected; and at high altitudes the anoxaemia would be so serious as to make any considerable ex- ertion impossible but for active secretion. All the facts, therefore, and not merely our direct measurements, go towards showing that oxygen secretion is a most important physiological factor, not merely under exceptional circumstances, but during ordinary life at sea level. It is probably also an im- portant factor under pathological conditions, though on this sub- ject our knowledge is still almost a blank, owing to lack of observations. The only relevant observations are those of Lorrain Smith. 33 His experiments, when due allowance is made for the errors already referred to in our calculations, showed that either a rise of body temperature or a severe infection paralyzed the power of oxygen secretion in response to CO poisoning. When lung inflammation was produced by exposing the animals to a high pressure of oxygen (see Chapter XII) the arterial oxygen pressure fell to values which, when corrected, are much below that of the alveolar air. In this case it is evident that not only active secretion, but also diffusion of oxygen inwards, was inter- fered with. The animals were incapable of muscular exertion and thus showed symptoms similar to those of phosgene poisoning, as described in Chapter VII. A significant determination has quite recently been published by Harrop 34 of the percentage saturation of human arterial blood with oxygen, first during rest, and then just after exhausting work. The results were 95.6 per cent during rest, and 85.5 per cent just after the exertion. The deficiency found in the blood just 32 Douglas and Haldane, Journ. of Physiol., XLIV, p. 337, 1913. 88 Lorrain Smith, Journ. of Physiol., XXII, p. 307, 1898. 34 Harrop, Journ. of Exper. Med., XXX, p. 246, 1919. 248 RESPIRATION after exertion is far greater than could be accounted for by ex- perimental errors. As already mentioned, the aerotonometer experiments of Krogh indicated that the arterial CO 2 pressure is the same as that of the alveolar air. The manner in which the respiratory center responds to the slightest increase or diminution in the alveolar CO 2 pres- sure, and the quantitative correspondence between rise in alveolar CO 2 pressure and response of the respiratory center, point most clearly to the conclusion that within pretty wide limits there is no active secretion of CO 2 outwards in the lung, or active retention of CO 2 when the lungs are over-ventilated. In individual experi- ments Bohr obtained results which seemed to point to active secretion of CO 2 outwards. The latest of these were made with Krogh's small aerotonometer; but Krogh has pointed out how easily errors may arise with this instrument; and in view of all the facts I think his criticism of Bohr's experiments is probably correct. If we calculate, by Bohr's method, the rate of diffusion of CO 2 from the alveolar air into the blood, the result is that for the same difference in partial pressure CO 2 , in consequence of its much greater solubility, must diffuse outwards about 20 times as rapidly as oxygen diffuses inwards. Against this, however, must be set the fact that the initial difference in CO 2 pressure between the venous blood and alveolar air is only about a tenth of the corresponding difference in oxygen pressure. On balance, however, there is prob- ably little hindrance, even during hard work, to the establishment by diffusion of practical equilibrium in CO 2 pressure between the alveolar air and arterial blood. We have already seen that the giving off of CO 2 in the lungs is dependent in great part on the saturation of the haemoglobin with oxygen. Hence the giving off of CO 2 is to a large extent under the control of oxygen absorp- tion, and so of oxygen secretion when this occurs. Apart from this there seem to me to be strong reasons for sus- pecting that although active secretion of CO 2 , like active secretion of oxygen, does not occur under ordinary conditions, it does occur when high pressures of CO 2 exist in the arterial blood, and the body is threatened by the excess of CO 2 . As yet there is no direct evidence on this subject ; but the reasons are as follows : ( I ) When a small volume of oxygen is rebreathed as long as possible, or even when the breath is held as long as possible after filling the lungs with oxygen, the percentage of CO 2 in the alveolar air mounts up much higher and more rapidly than can well be ac- RESPIRATION 249 counted for from any probable rise in the pressure of CO 2 in the venous blood. Examples of experiments in this direction are given in the paper by Christiansen, Douglas, and myself. (2) It ap- pears that men in good training and with the power of oxygen secretion well developed are capable of standing a much higher percentage of CO 2 in the inspired and alveolar air than other men. In my experience with self-contained mine-rescue apparatus, and similar devices, I have often been struck with the greater sensitiveness to CO 2 of myself and other sedentary workers in comparison with men in good physical training, although nearly pure oxygen was being breathed. These observations suggest very strongly that along with the power of oxygen secretion the power of secretion of CO 2 is developed by muscular exertion. (3) In the experiments of Paul Bert 35 on the blood gases when increasingly high percentages of CO 2 were breathed by animals, it appeared that with increase in the CO 2 percentage the CO 2 in the arterial blood often showed little or no increase. It seems very dif- ficult to explain these results apart from active secretion of CO 2 coming into play progressively, and particularly in view of the experiments of Henderson and Haggard on the increased CO 2 - absorbing capacity of the blood when excess of CO 2 is breathed (Chapter VIII). In view of the absence, as yet, of direct measurements, it seems unnecessary to discuss this question further; but I may point out that just as the opponents of the oxygen-secretion theory have been mistaken in drawing general conclusions from experiments in which oxygen secretion was either absent or could not be dem- onstrated, it is very probable that they have been equally mistaken over secretion of CO 2 . Bearing in mind Johannes Miiller's argu- ment as to the analogy between secretory activity and ordinary metabolic processes, it seems quite likely that the active transport, not only of oxygen, but also of CO 2 , is a phenomenon which oc- curs in all living cells. Not only do oxygen and CO 2 diffuse through the lung epithe- lium into or out of the blood, but also other gases, such as nitrogen, hydrogen, methane, carbon monoxide, etc., so that their partial pressures become exactly equal in the body and the alveolar air. But how is it that oxygen is sometimes actively secreted inwards, and that the oxygen pressure may be greater in the blood without the oxygen leaking back by diffusion into the alveolar air just as "Paul Bert, La Pression barometrlque, p. 985. 250 RESPIRATION other gases leak in or out? We must, I think, suppose that the structure of the alveolar epithelium is not homogeneous but may be divided into a reticulum of living structure and a plasma filling the interstices, just as is the case with the body as a whole. The diffusion will take place through the plasma, while the living sub- stance behaves as a solid towards diffusion, as in the case of the secreting cells of the swim bladder. Not only oxygen but also other gases will diffuse through the plasma; but during secretion of oxygen the living substance behaves like the protoplasm of the swim bladder, taking up oxygen on one side of the cell, and giv- ing it off at a higher pressure on the other. The oxygen will tend to diffuse backwards if, as in experiments with a high percentage of CO, the oxygen pressure becomes higher in the blood than in the alveolar air; but some, at least, of this oxygen will be caught on its way and returned. This general conception throws light in other directions. For let us suppose the direction of the oxygen secretion to be reversed, so that the lung epithelium, instead of absorbing oxygen, hinders its passage. Nitrogen and other inert gases will still be able to pass inwards freely by diffusion. We shall thus have nitrogen going through, without oxygen. Now let us suppose that the epithelium has an excretory function; and let us apply the general concep- tions, above set forth, to the glomerular epithelium of the kidney. We can imagine the living substance of this epithelium holding back, by an active process, all the normal constituents of blood, particularly water, if their normal diffusion pressures are not ex- ceeded, but otherwise letting them through. All the known facts seem to confirm Bowman's original conclusion that the water of the urine is usually almost entirely separated in the glomeruli. It seems also clear that as shown by Ludwig and his pupils, the process of separation is dependent on blood pressure, like a filtra- tion process. If we suppose that the passages through which the liquid is filtered are not permeable by the proteins of the blood, we have an explanation, as pointed out by Starling, of why a cer- tain minimum blood pressure is needed. The liquid separated might be little different from pure water, whereas the blood plasma contains salts in considerable amount. Such a liquid could not be separated by simple filtration, and numerous other facts are against the simple filtration theory. I think that all the facts con- form with the theory that the glomerulus is a filter, but with a living framework, and that the action of this living framework, is to pick out and return to the blood what belongs to its normal RESPIRATION 251 composition, the rest being allowed to pass. In this process the glomerular epithelium will of course be doing work; but every living tissue seems to be always doing work, even when it is "rest- ing." During a glomerular diuresis there may be no extra work for the epithelium to do, and it will simply act as a filter, just as the lung epithelium during rest under normal conditions acts like a nonliving membrane. Barcroft and Straub have shown that during certain kinds of diuresis there is no increased consumption of oxygen by the kidney, and therefore presumably no work done by the kidney in the process of separation of the extra urine formed. 36 It is probable that under normal conditions a pure filtration diuresis of this type never occurs at all; but the possibility of producing it experimentally throws much light on the mode of action of the glomeruli and also of the lung epithelium. Possibly the substances carried to the lungs during anoxaemia act in the same way as a diuretic drug acts on the kidneys. In concluding this long chapter I must make some reference to criticisms which have been made on our experiments. Part of these criticisms are the evident outcome of a natural conservative desire to save some remnant of the old mechanistic theory of glandular secretion. The lungs and the kidney glomeruli were the last remaining strongholds that there seemed much hope of defending, and I can admire the spirit which has animated the defenders. It is different, however, with the criticisms made by my friend Mr. Barcroft in his recent book, 37 as he fully ac- knowledges the difficulties of the diffusion theory and the inherent probability of secretory activity in the lungs. He bases these criticisms on the work of his pupil, Mr. Hart- ridge. The latter devised a new and thoroughly sound method of determining the percentage saturation of the blood with CO by delicate measurements of the shifting in position of the absorption bands of oxy- and CO-haemoglobin; and he showed clearly that his method, although it requires elaborate apparatus, is capable of giving accurate results. Armed with this method he proceeded to repeat, as he thought, some of the experiments (not yet pub- lished except in a short abstract) of Douglas and myself on man. Unfortunately he modified the method in essential respects, neither taking precautions that the subject was breathing a constant per- centage of oxygen, nor using whole blood in the saturator, nor experimenting in a way calculated to elicit any evidence of active * Barcroft and Straub, Journ. of Phystol., XLI, p. 145, 1911. " Barcroft, The Respiratory Function of the Blood,, p. 204. 252 RESPIRATION secretion during work. His experiments did not appear to show any active secretion, and it would have been extraordinary if they had. I now come to the main point of Barcroft's criticisms. Hartridge had at first calibrated his instrument by ascertaining its readings with what he believed to be known mixtures of oxyhaemoglobin and CO-haemoglobin. He subsequently found that his calibrations had been quite incorrect; and in order to secure correct calibration he finally had recourse to the very tedious method of pumping out the CO and oxygen from the blood mixture after adding ferricyanide, and determining the CO and oxygen by analysis, using the general method which I followed in originally testing the accuracy of the ferricyanide method for blood gases. In his paper 38 Hartridge says of his first method that "experiments made since to discover the cause of the error have shown that with the method of mixture employed complex interactions take place between the two portions of solvent." Let us expand this somewhat mystic statement. He was working with blood diluted with water to about a twentieth. One portion of this he saturated with CO, and another portion with air. These were then mixed. It was apparently expected that the result would be a mixture con- taining half the haemoglobin saturated with CO and the other half with oxygen. Now if one dilutes blood to a twentieth and saturates with CO, the solution will contain about one volume of CO in combination with haemoglobin to two and one-half in simple solution ; and when this is mixed with an equal proportion of the solution saturated with air the CO in simple solution in the first part will straightway combine with the haemoglobin in the second part, and turn out the oxygen, the result being that prac- tically the whole of the haemoglobin combines with CO. With the method first adopted by Hartridge it was clearly impossible for him to calibrate his instrument. Our colorimetric method of determining the saturation of haemoglobin with CO had repeatedly been tested against mix- tures previously prepared, the most scrupulous precautions (de- scribed in three different papers) being, however, taken to avoid errors arising from the solubility of CO. Barcroft, however, infers that because Hartridge's calibration failed with the method of mixtures, ours was presumably also inaccurate : whereas Hart- ridge's final calibrations were made with the blood pump, which 38 Hartridge, Journ. of Physiol., XLIV, p. 9, 1912. RESPIRATION 253 is an "objective method," and therefore the only trustworthy one. Hence, Barcroft argues, Hartridge's experiments, so far as they go, furnish the only reliable evidence about oxygen secretion, as to which they give a negative result. As a matter of fact there is not a shadow of doubt that our method of testing the colorimetric method was at least as exact as the final method used by Hartridge. Barcroft's reference to objective methods recalls to my mind what happened when Hartridge came to Oxford to demonstrate his method. It was apparently an "objective method," dependent, like Hiifner's spectrophotometric method, on the exact positions of absorption bands in the spectra of oxyhaemoglobin and CO haemoglobin bands of which the "exact positions" can be quite easily photographed. A solution of blood was prepared for dem- onstration; and Hartridge, the late Professor Gotch, and I went into a dark room and proceeded first to determine the zero point on the scale of the apparatus. First one, and then the others of us determined the zero point. But the results were all different, though each one of us always got the same result. We stood there in the dark, each suspecting the others of want of accuracy, but afraid to say so. Suddenly the truth dawned on us. Even the position of an absorption band is subjective ! And then, if our ears could have caught it, we might have heard a gentle but kindly laugh. It came from a Spirit that flits round old university walls and even wanders sometimes into laboratories. It was the Spirit of Humanism that laughed, and it always laughs when men find out with Socrates that what is ob- jective is also subjective. Addendum.. Barcroft and his associates 39 have recently made a very carefully planned attempt to see whether any evidence of oxy- gen secretion could be obtained by analyses of the arterial blood. Barcroft himself was the subject of the experiment, and he re- mained for a week in a respiration chamber in which the oxygen percentage was gradually lowered, until on the last day there was only about 1 1 per cent of oxygen in the air, corresponding to an altitude of 18,000 feet, or about 17,000 if allowance is made for the presence in the air of about 0.5 per cent of CO 2 . There was thus apparently every chance of acclimatization occurring. On the other hand very little acclimatization seems to have actually oc- curred, as the subject was very unwell, with slight rise of tempera- 39 Barcroft, Cooke, Hartridge, T. and W. Parsons, Journ. of PhysioL, LIII, p. 450, 1920. 254 RESPIRATION ture, on the last day or two, and was in a fainting condition at the end, just before the samples of arterial blood were taken. Samples of arterial blood were taken, firstly during rest, and later during work on a bicycle ergometer of about 380 kilogram- meters per minute, which would increase the respiratory exchange about three or four times. The haemoglobin of the sample during rest was found to be 88. 1 per cent saturated with oxygen. Analyses of the arterial blood were made, both by the ferricyanide method and with the pump, and agreed closely. Samples of alveolar air were also taken, and part of the arterial blood saturated with air of about the same composition. The saturation of the haemoglobin of this blood, when corrected for the slight difference in oxygen pressure between the air in the saturator and the sample of alveolar air, was found to be 91 to 92 per cent, which is distinctly higher than the saturation of the arterial blood. The oxygen pres- sure of the sample of alveolar air was, however, quite unac- countably high. It was 68 mm., instead of about 45 mm. which was the value actually found in a determination made a few hours previously, and was also the value to be expected from the curve shown in Figure 98 of this book. Had the actual alveolar gas pres- sures corresponded with those of the sample, the respiratory quo- tient would have been about 2 ; and such a quotient occurs only during forced breathing, which could not have occurred. It seems, therefore, that there must have been some mistake about the al- veolar sample; but what this was is far from clear. If the actual alveolar oxygen pressure had been about 45 mm., as would cor- respond to the alveolar CO 2 pressure, the oxygen saturation of the blood from the saturator would have been considerably lower than that of the arterial blood. The experiment is thus inconclusive, apart altogether from the question as to whether the subject was acclimatized at all, or to what extent. The experiment during work is much more consistent. The arterial haemoglobin was found to be only 83.5 per cent saturated with oxygen. A lower saturation during work of the character chosen corresponds well with all our observations on Pike's Peak and at Oxford. Unacclimatized persons became very blue in the face on Pike's Peak with comparable work ; and even after acclima- tization there were clear indications of some anoxaemia. In me, for instance, the alveolar oxygen pressure rose about 8 mm., and the alveolar CO 2 pressure fell, on walking at 4 miles an hour; and this, as we pointed out, indicated arterial anoxaemia. The haemo- globin of the blood exposed to the alveolar air in the saturator RESPIRATION 255 gave a saturation of 89.2 per cent, which is 5.7 per cent higher than the saturation of the arterial blood. This result furnishes no evidence of secretion, but to show that there was actually no secre- tion it would, I think, be necessary to make a control experiment on a person who had spent only a short period in the chamber, and was undoubtedly unacclimatized. Barcroft and his associates consider that the results of the experiments were against the secretion theory. In this I cannot agree with them. It seems to me evident that if there was any acclimatization in these experiments it was very imperfect, and not comparable to the acclimatization commonly observed at high altitudes, and closely studied by us on Pike's Peak. Acclimatization occurs much more readily in certain persons than in others, and seems also to be greatly affected by accompanying conditions. An experiment in which marked acclimatization occurred in myself in a respiration chamber was referred to above. On endeavoring to repeat this experiment in the summer of 1920 there was no effective acclimatization, and on account of severe symptoms of anoxaemia, accompanied by blueness of the lips, etc., I had to stop before the oxygen pressure had fallen to quite as low a point as on Pike's Peak, or to nearly as low a point as in the previous experiment where no pathological signs of anoxaemia were pro- duced. It was about a week before I recovered from the effects of this unsuccessful experiment. The weather was hot, and the chamber correspondingly uncomfortable. I was also several years older. In this experiment my arterial blood was analysed by Pro- fessor Meakins, who found the haemoglobin to be considerably below its normal saturation with oxygen. There was evidently little or no acclimatization. I should like to correct here one or two misunderstandings which occur in the paper of Barcroft and his associates. Through a mis- reading of the paper by Douglas and myself he concluded that on lowering the oxygen pressure of the inspired air to what cor- responded to about the oxygen pressure on Pike's Peak we found in a short experiment at Oxford that by the carbon monoxide method the arterial oxygen pressure was 70 mm. above the al- veolar oxygen pressure. The actual difference was only trifling (about 8 mm.), as shown in the table reproduced above. It re- quired prolonged acclimatization to produce as great a difference as even 35 mm. There is also a misunderstanding as to our experi- ments on the effects of work. Though we made no observations by the carbon monoxide method on the effects of work such as was 256 RESPIRATION employed by Barcroft, all the other observations referred to in the present chapter tend to show that except, perhaps, when physi- cal training or acclimatization is very effective, the arterial oxygen saturation during such work is lower than during rest. Clear evidence is brought forward by Barcroft and his associ- ates that no appreciable loss of dissociable oxygen occurs in ar- terial blood which is allowed to stand for a short time. In the Pike's Peak report we concluded that such a loss probably occurs. The chief reason for this conclusion was that the aerotonometer always gives a lower oxygen pressure than that deduced on the diffusion theory from the alveolar oxygen pressure, or indicated by the carbon monoxide method during rest under ordinary baro- metric pressure. As explained above, however, there is now an- other and very clear explanation for this ; and since the investiga- tion by Meakins, Priestley, and myself on the effects of shallow breathing I have altogether ceased to believe in the presence, to any extent which would upset a blood-gas or aerotonometer de- termination, of "reducing substances" in blood. I am in entire agreement with Barcroft's criticism of the old experiments by which Pfliiger believed that he had demonstrated the existence of reducing substances in fresh arterial blood. It may also be men- tioned here that in some unpublished experiments Douglas and I were unable to obtain any evidence by blood-gas analysis of the presence of reducing substances, even in blood which was com- pletely reduced by prolonged stoppage of the circulation in the arm. CHAPTER X Blood Circulation and Breathing. ALTHOUGH it does not fall within the scope of this book to deal in detail with the physiology of the circulation, yet the connection between breathing and circulation is so specially intimate that a chapter must be devoted to this subject. Physiology is most em- phatically not a subject which can be divided off into water-tight compartments. We have seen that it is with the composition of the arterial blood that breathing is essentially correlated; but it has also been shown in successive chapters that the amount and composition of the blood returning from the tissues to the lungs play a most es- sential part in determining the composition of the arterial blood, and are thus intimately correlated with breathing. If, moreover, the blood supply to the brain and other tissues is insufficient, or the blood is abnormal in composition, the breathing is affected in various ways. On the other hand circulation is intimately de- pendent on breathing. If the breathing is hindered the circulation is quickly affected; and, as Yandell Henderson was the first to show, excessive breathing brings about failure of the circulation. Thus we cannot at all fully understand how the breathing is regu- lated and what part it is playing unless we understand the dis- tribution of the circulating blood and the means by which its composition in the tissue capillaries is regulated. It seems evident that the most urgent and immediate need for an adequate blood supply to any part of the body arises from the necessity for a continuous supply of fresh oxygen. If the supply of oxygen to the arterial blood is cut off in a warm-blooded animal by placing it in nitrogen or hydrogen, loss of consciousness oc- curs as soon as the store of oxygen in the lungs and venous blood is washed out. In man eight or ten breaths suffice for this during rest, and still fewer breaths during exertion. In very small ani- mals, with their rapid breathing and circulation, two or three seconds are sufficient; and a few seconds afterwards the heart is paralyzed also. The important effects of even a slight diminution in the pressure of oxygen in the arterial blood have been made clear in preceding chapters. 258 RESPIRATION A second, but somewhat less urgent, need is for a continuous re- moval of carbonic acid or any other acid product formed in the tissues. We can probably express this generally as a need for pre- venting an abnormal proportion of hydrogen ions to hydroxyl ions. The effect on the central nervous system of a sudden flooding with CO 2 , without deficiency of oxygen, is almost as striking, though not so immediately dangerous to life, as the effect of deprivation of oxygen. The results of even a slight variation in arterial CO 2 pressure have often been referred to already. Other conditions in the blood besides the diffusion pressures of oxygen and CO 2 or other acid products are just as important to life. For instance there are the diffusion pressure of water (inac- curately identified with osmotic pressure) and the diffusion pres- sures of the ions of various inorganic salts, on the importance of which the investigations of Ringer and many others have thrown much light. But none of these values vary in the same rapid manner as the diffusion pressures of oxygen and CO 2 do ; and of ordinary nutrient substances present in blood, the tissues them- selves appear to possess a store which can be drawn on if the supply from the blood fails for a time. The results of perfusion experiments continued with the same blood indicate that if only the blood is properly aerated it continues for a very long time to support life in the tissues. It would seem, therefore, that the regulation of circulation through the tissues must in the main be determined in correlation with the need for supplying oxygen and removing CO 2 . There are evidently, however, cases where some other factor determines the circulation rate. For instance, the skin circulation is de- termined to a large extent in relation to the regulation of body temperature; and the circulation through an actively secreting gland is probably determined to a considerable extent in corre- lation with local excess or deficiency of water or dissolved solids. We can form a general idea as to what changes in gaseous composition determine the circulation rate through the tissues if we compare the arterial blood with the mixed venous blood re- turning to the lungs. As regards this point, analyses showing the difference in composition have already been quoted in Chapter V, and indicate that, in the animals experimented on, the blood in its passage through the tissues had lost about a third of its avail- able oxygen, and gained the amount of CO 2 which would cor- respond to the loss of oxygen when allowance is made for the existing respiratory quotient of the animal. If we applied these RESPIRATION 259 results to man, and interpreted them in the light of the thin line in the dissociation curves of oxyhaemoglobin shown in Figure 28 (assuming that the haemoglobin of arterial blood is 95 per cent saturated) and the thick line in the corresponding curve for CO 2 (Figure 26) it would appear that the average pressure of oxygen in the venous blood is about 5.2 per cent of an atmosphere, or 40 mm. of mercury, and the average pressure of CO 2 about 47 mm. The experiments were, however, made on animals, while the dis- sociation curves (the only accurately determined ones) are for human blood. Moreover the animals, owing to operative disturb- ances, anaesthetics, etc., were more or less under abnormal con- ditions. Hence the inferences -just drawn are mere approxima- tions. The very great variability in the CO 2 content of the samples of arterial blood from animals of the same species, as compared with the constancy of CO 2 content in the case of man under normal resting conditions, is in itself very significant. The history of the investigations detailed in the preceding chapters is sufficient to warn us of the necessity for reaching more than rough approxima- tions in physiological investigation, and for expecting that physio- logical regulation of the circulation may turn out to be something just as delicate and definite as regulation of respiration. It is to measurements in man, rather than in animals, that we must look for information of sufficient physiological accuracy, just as it has been through measurements in man that our definite information as to the regulation of breathing has been obtained. The difficulty as regards human experiments has till quite recently been that of suitable methods. We can easily measure the blood pressure, pulse rate, etc., in man; but the information thus obtained is extremely limited in value and almost impossible to interpret satisfactorily in the absence of information as to the rate of blood flow. Direct measurements of the rate of blood flow in animals have been carried out by means of the Ludwig "Strohmuhr" and the improved forms of it which have been applied to measuring the blood flow through the aorta; but the operative disturbance is far too serious to allow of sufficiently definite results being obtained. Valuable information of a rough kind was obtained by Zuntz and Hagemann 1 in experiments in which the gases of the venous and arterial blood were determined in horses, along with the total respiratory exchange, during rest and work. These experiments seemed to show clearly that the 1 Zuntz and Hagemann, LancLwirtsch. Jahrb., 27, Supplem. Bd. Ill, 1898. 260 RESPIRATION general circulation rate is considerably increased during muscular work, so that, in spite of the enormous increase in consumption of oxygen and production of CO 2 in the body, there is still a good deal of oxygen in the venous blood. Other very interesting experiments were made on man by Loewy and von Schrotter. 2 They succeeded in introducing a modified Pfliiger lung catheter (Figure 68) into a branch bron- chus or one of the two main bronchi in man. The supply of fresh Figure 68. Lung-catheter as used by Loewy and von Schrotter. The lung-catheter con- sists of a central inner tube open at the lower end, and an outer tube ending below in a distensible bulb which can be blown up by the rubber bag when the end of the catheter is placed in position in a bronchus. By means of the syringe and glass sampling tube a sample of gas from beyond the bulb can be collected over mercury free of air. air to the corresponding part of a lung, or whole lung, was thus completely cut off and remained so for long periods. The breath- ing, however, went on quite quietly and naturally, just as before, even though all the air usually distributed to the two lungs was going to only one lung. It is very significant that so little dis- turbance in breathing, etc., was produced; but the fact is quite easily intelligible now in the light of the preceding chapters. The 2 Loewy and von Schrotter, Die Blutcirculation beim Menschen, 1905. RESPIRATION 261 lung which remained connected with fresh air was receiving much more fresh air than usual, so that the proportion of CO 2 in the arterial blood from this lung would be reduced practically in proportion to its increased ventilation. This blood would mix with the venous blood from the other lung, and in this way form a mixture in which the proportion of CO 2 was about normal. The arterial blood from the ventilated lung would, in virtue of the higher pressure of oxygen and lower pressure of CO 2 , contain slightly more oxygen than usual, while the blood from the un- ventilated lung would contain considerably less. The result would be a mixture containing an abnormally low proportion of oxy- gen, but not sufficiently low to cause any marked immediate dis- turbance. Even with a whole lung blocked off, the haemoglobin of the mixed arterial blood would be at least 85 per cent saturated with oxygen instead of 95 per cent, so that the effect on the breath- ing would be no greater than the probable effect, hardly notice- able at the time, of breathing air containing 14 per cent of oxy- gen, or ordinary air at a height of about 1 1,000 feet. Analyses of the air in the blocked lung showed that after a comparatively short interval of time the percentages of oxygen and CO 2 became steady, and were, in different individuals, about 5.3 per cent of oxygen and 6.0 per cent of CO 2 , corresponding respectively to 37.5 mm. and 42 mm. These values are evidently the pressures of oxygen and CO 2 in the venous blood. The low value of the venous CO 2 pressure was quite unintelligible at the time, since the average arterial CO 2 pressure is about 40 mm. as shown above. The experiments of Christiansen, Douglas, and myself (Chapter V) showed, however, that the true venous CO 2 pressure is in reality only a little higher than the arterial CO 2 pressure; and if we allow for the fact that the breathing was presumably slightly increased by the stimulus of want of oxygen the result is just what might be expected. The venous oxygen pressure would be somewhat lower than usual, since the arterial blood was incompletely saturated with oxygen. Hence both the oxygen pressure and the CO 2 pressure would be below normal. The results of these experiments were nevertheless of the highest interest. It is evident that if by any means we can measure the rate of blood flow through the lungs, and at the same time measure the intake of oxygen and discharge of CO 2 from the blood, we can calculate how much oxygen a given volume of the blood gains, and how much CO 2 it loses, in the lungs ; and in this way we can 262 RESPIRATION indirectly calculate how far the gain and loss vary under different conditions. A rough method devised by Yandell Henderson for measuring the relative rates of the blood flow was used in the Pike's Peak expedition, and served to indicate that the rate of blood flow remained practically normal in spite of the great alti- tude. Another method, the principle of which was tried, though without success, by Henderson on Pike's Peak, was about the same time independently worked out and extensively used by Krogh and Lindhard at Copenhagen. 3 This method gives absolute and not merely relative results. The principle of the method is that the lungs are filled by a very deep breath with a mixture containing a considerable percentage of nitrous oxide, a gas which is very solu- ble in blood. A sample of alveolar air is taken after an interval of five seconds to allow the lung tissue to become saturated with the nitrous oxide, and after a further interval during which the breath is held, another alveolar sample. By determining the nitrous oxide in the two samples, and also the total volume of gas in the lungs, we find out how much nitrous oxide has been absorbed. Knowing the solubility of nitrous oxide in blood, and assuming also that the blood leaving the lungs is fully saturated with nitrous oxide to the existing partial pressure of the gas, we can calculate from the loss of nitrous oxide how much blood has passed through the lungs in the given time interval. The experiment must be carried out so rapidly that the venous blood continues to be free of nitrous oxide. There are various sources of probable error in this method, but in the hands of Krogh and Lindhard it gave fairly consistent results. They found that during rest the amount of blood circula- ting through the lungs of an adult man varies from about 2.8 to 5 liters per minute, and that the arterial blood loses about 30 to 60 per cent of its available oxygen on an average, and during considerable work about 50 to 70 per cent. The following table gives calculated volumes of blood passing through the lungs, and calculated percentage losses in the available oxygen of the blood as it passes round the tissues. It will be seen that, allowing for the fact that the haemoglobin of arterial blood is only 95 per cent saturated with oxygen, the haemoglobin of the venous blood was apparently only 38 per cent and 53 per cent saturated in the two resting experiments. The flow of blood through the lungs during work appeared to be as 1 Krogh and Lindhard, Skand. Arch. /. Physiol., XXVII, p. 100, 1912. RESPIRATION 263 much as six times as great as during rest. As the pulse rate only went up to about double the normal, the volume of blood expelled from the heart at each systole must, if these results were reliable, have been trebled. This would be just as striking an increase as occurs in the depth of breathing during muscular work. The values for utilization of the available oxygen of the arterial blood are Subject Work in kg.m. Calculated, blood- Percentage utilization per minute flow Liters per of available O of minute arterial blood, J. L. 2.8 60 458 9.8 73 i minute ajter work 4-45 44 A. K. o 2.92 46 446 16.0 47 552 17.6 Si not very far from those obtained in the horse by Zuntz and Hagemann, but do not agree at all well with those of Loewy and von Schrotter in man. In the case of six experiments on different individuals where approximate data were available the latter observers calculated a utilization of rather less than 20 per cent during rest. During or since the war several other observers have used the method of Krogh and Lindhard, and obtained more or less similar results. These observers include Boothby, 3A as well as Newburgh and Means 3B in America. Lindhard 30 has also published a number of additional results, which give, on the whole, a distinctly higher rate of circulation, and lower percentage utilization of oxygen, during rest. The subject had meanwhile been approached by a quite different method by Yandell Henderson. 4 He used dogs for his experi- ments, and placed a recording plethysmograph round the heart after removing the pericardium. By this method he found that the volume of blood discharged per heartbeat was approximately the same, whether the heart was beating faster or slower. Thus within wide limits the volume of blood discharged per minute 3A Boothby, Amer. Journ. of Physiol., XXXVIII, p. 383, 1915. 8B Newburgh and Means, Journ. of Pharm. and, Exp. Therap., VII, p. 4, 1915. 30 Lindhard, PfHiger's Archiv. 4 Yandell Henderson, Amer. Journ. of Physiol., XVI, p. 325, 1906. 264 RESPIRATION appeared to depend almost entirely on the pulse rate. He concluded that under normal conditions the heart is, practically speaking, always adequately filled during diastole, although under abnormal conditions the filling may become inadequate for instance when the carbon dioxide of the blood is greatly reduced by excessive artificial respiration. If we apply Henderson's conclusions to man it is evident that they cannot be reconciled with those of Krogh and Lindhard. On Henderson's theory the increased absorption of oxygen and discharge of CO 2 from the blood passing through the lungs during muscular exertion must be due to a very large ex- tent to greater utilization of the oxygen in the blood passing round the body, and a corresponding increase in its charge of CO 2 . The rate of circulation can only be increased in proportion to in- creased pulse rate, the discharge of blood per systole remaining about the same. There is no question that the systolic discharge may, at least under abnormal conditions, vary enormously. This was very clearly shown by the experiments of Starling and Patterson, 5 with a "heart-lung preparation" i.e., a preparation in which the only circulation was through the lungs and heart, the lungs being ventilated so as to insure full oxygenation of the blood. By vary- ing the venous blood pressure, the systolic discharge could be varied tenfold, without any variation in the pulse rate. It does not follow, however, that there are corresponding variations in systolic discharge in normal men and animals with the organic regulation of circulation not thrown out as in the case of a heart-lung prepa- ration. In the nitrous oxide method there are various sources of pos- sible very serious error which can hardly be discussed in detail here. In order to get a more direct and accurate insight into the venous gas pressures and their relation to blood flow, a new method was introduced by Christiansen, Douglas, and myself. 6 In the first application of this method we simply determined the CO 2 pressure of the venous blood after oxygenation but without its losing any CO 2 . As we had already discovered (see Chapter V), this pressure is higher by an easily calculable amount than that for the unoxygenated venous blood. Mixtures containing about the required percentage of CO 2 were prepared by adding CO 2 to air. A deep breath of one of these mixtures was taken in 5 Starling and Patterson, Journ. of Physwl., XLVIII, p. 357, 1914. 9 Christiansen, Douglas, and Haldane, Journ. of Phystol., XLVIII, p. 244, 1914. RESPIRATION 265 after previously expiring deeply. After two seconds part of the air in the lungs (about i l / 2 liters) was expired, so as to obtain a sample of alveolar air. The rest of the breath was held for five seconds and a second sample of alveolar air was then taken. If these two samples gave practically the same percentage of CO 2 , the CO 2 in the alveolar air was evidently in pressure equilibrium with the CO 2 of the oxygenated venous blood. If too much CO 2 were present in the alveolar air the second sample would contain less CO 2 than the first, and if too little, more. We were thus using the whole of both lungs as an aerotonometer. For any particular person it was easy to find the mixture which gave equilibrium. With the help of Figure 26 (Chapter V) we could then calculate the CO 2 content of the venous blood and the true value of the venous CO 2 pressure. We could also calculate how much CO 2 the blood had' taken up in passing round the body if we knew the normal alveolar CO 2 pressure. The following table shows the results obtained during complete rest in a sitting position with the four subjects investigated. Subject Arterial COz pressure Venous COz pressure Difference in mm. Hg. in mm. H g. J. C. 34-9 41.8 6.9 J. S. H. 40.6 45-6 5-0 C. G. D. 39-7 44-4 4-7 J. G. P. 40.4 45-1 4-7 Mean 38.9 44-2 5-3 Reference to Figure 26 shows that on an average the venous blood had only taken up about 24 per cent of the CO 2 which it would have taken up if all its available oxygen had been used up. Hence the blood had only lost about 24 per cent of its oxygen in passing round the circulation; and in the three male subjects the proportion lost was only about 21 to 22 per cent. This indicates a much faster circulation rate during rest than the nitrous oxide method had shown. At the outbreak of war, Dr. Douglas and I were engaged in carrying these experiments further; but as he volunteered at once for active service they were interrupted; and owing to the disorganization following the war they are not yet completed, though I was able to carry them on up to a certain point with help from Dr. Mavrogardato, and to communicate a number of 266 RESPIRATION results to the Physiological Society in 1915. We had been engaged in measuring directly both the true venous CO 2 pressure and oxygen pressure just after forced breathing, so as to discover the effects of lowered CO 2 pressure on the circulation. We found that the apparent venous oxygen pressures were incredibly high 70 mm. or even more. On further investigation it became evident that after a single deep expiration, followed by a single deep in- spiration of the gas mixture, the air in the alveoli was not properly mixed. At the end of the forced breathing there would be nearly 20 per cent of oxygen in the alveolar air. With one deep inspira- tion of the mixture, the air in the air-sac system of alveoli was mingled with air from the inspired mixture, but an even mixture in all parts of the alveolar system was not obtained, so that the air-sac alveoli contained considerably more oxygen than the rest of the alveoli. As a consequence the second alveolar air sample, taken more exclusively from the air-sac alveoli, contained more oxygen than the first, in spite of the fact that it had remained longer in the lungs. It was evidently necessary, therefore, to take two or, in the case of forced breathing, three successive deep breaths of the mixture before holding the breath and taking the samples. When this was done the results were quite consistent, and showed that the venous CO 2 pressures as determined directly during rest confirmed the calculated values previously obtained; while the venous oxygen pressures, when interpreted in the light of the thin-line curve of Figure 28, corresponded very closely with the percentage oxygen loss of the blood as calculated indi- rectly from the venous CO 2 pressure. Moreover, not only the venous CO 2 pressure, but also the venous oxygen pressure, was considerably lower at the end of forced breathing. The following are examples of two typical experiments carried out on myself at the end of ten minutes' rest on a chair. No. i, 26/2/15. Bar. 762 mm. Mixture used contained 6.21 per cent of CO 2 and 5.73 per cent of oxygen. First alveolar sample 2" after last deep inspiration, 6.43 per cent of CO 2 and 6.18 per cent of oxygen. Second alveolar sample 5" after first sample, 6.47 per cent of CO 2 and 6.22 per cent of oxygen. Therefore venous CO 2 pressure = 6.47 per cent = 46.16 mm. and oxygen pressure 6.22 per cent = 44.5 mm. Normal alveolar CO 2 percentage (mean of inspiratory and expira- tory samples) 5.64 per cent = 40.3 mm. RESPIRATION 267 Metabolism (by Douglas Bag method) = 330 cc. of CO 2 and 379 cc. of oxygen (at o and 760 mm.) per minute. As the venous CO 2 pressure was 6.O mm. above the arterial, the blood (calculating from Figure 26) had gained 4.2 per cent by volume of CO 2 . Hence the circulation rate calculated from CO 2 was - = 7.9 liters per minute. As the venous oxygen pressure was 44.5 mm. and this corresponds, calculating from Figure 28, to 73 per cent saturation of the haemoglobin, the blood had lost about 22 per cent of its combined oxygen. Adding the correspond- ing small amount of dissolved oxygen this corresponds to a loss of about 4.3 volumes per cent of oxygen. Hence the circulation rate, calculating from the oxygen, was - = 8.8 liters per 43 minute. No. 2. 27/2/1$. Bar. 752 mm. Mixture used contained 6.26 per cent of CO 2 and 5.26 per cent of oxygen. First alveolar sample 2" after last deep inspiration, CO 2 = 6.26 per cent and O 2 = 6.25 per cent. Second alveolar sample 5" after first sample, CO 2 = 6.30, O 2 = 6.09 per cent. Therefore venous CO 2 pressure = 6.30 per cent = 44.4 mm. ; and oxygen pressure 6.09 per cent = 42.9 mm. Normal alveolar CO 2 pressure (mean) = 5.55 per cent = 39.1 mm. Metabolism 332 cc. of CO 2 and 374 cc. of oxygen absorbed (at o and 760 mm.) per minute. As the venous CO 2 pressure was 5.3 mm. above the arterial, the blood (calculating from Figure 26) had gained 3.7 volumes per cent of CO 2 . Hence the circulation rate calculated from CO 2 was - = 9.0 liters per minute. As the venous oxygen pressure was o / 42.9 mm., and this corresponds (Figure 28) to 70 per cent satura- tion of the haemoglobin, the blood had lost about 25 per cent of combined oxygen or about 4.9 volumes per cent of oxygen. Hence the circulation rate, calculating from the oxygen, was = g.o 47 liters per minute. If we take these two experiments together, the circulation rate determined from the CO 2 was 8.45 liters per minute, and from 268 RESPIRATION the oxygen 8.40 liters, the general mean being 8.4 liters. As my pulse rate was 80 to 85 per minute this means that just about 100 cc. of blood were delivered at each heartbeat; and as my blood volume is about 4.8 liters (see p. 280 of the Pike's Peak Expedi- tion's Report) a volume of blood equal to that in the whole body was passing round every 35 seconds. This is a much higher rate than has usually been calculated in recent years, but not higher than what the data of Loewy and von Schrotter indicate. There are so many sources of probable error in the nitrous oxide method, 7 that I do not think that much stress can be laid on the lower estimates which this method has given during the resting condition. Nevertheless it is already evident from our experiments that considerable individual dif- ferences exist in the resting circulation rate in man; and it is probable that under abnormal conditions both the circulation rate and the delivery per beat vary considerably even in persons of the same weight. At different times we have found very little difference in the resting venous gas pressures of the same individual. These gas pressures seem to be not much less steady during rest under normal conditions than the arterial gas pressures. It is very dif- ferent, however, during exertion. The smallest muscular exertion raises the venous CO 2 pressure, and the rise is far more than corresponds to the comparatively slight rise in arterial CO 2 pres- sure as measured in the ordinary way in the alveolar air. Hence it is now perfectly certain that the general circulation rate does not increase in anything like direct proportion to increased me- tabolism. Even with moderate exertion (about a third the maxi- mum possible) on a Martin's ergometer, the difference between arterial and venous CO 2 pressure became about two and one-half times as great as usual, so that the venous blood could not be more than about 45 per cent saturated with oxygen. So far as we can calculate there is sometimes more increase in circulation than can be accounted for by increased pulse rate ; but the increase is seldom 7 For instance, it seems very probable that while the breath is held in perform- ing an experiment the blood flow to the heart, and consequently through the lungs, is temporarily diminished. Krogh and Lindhard, misled, as we believe, by the imperfect mixture of oxygen in the alveolar air in their experiments, estimated that there is a greatly increased absorption of oxygen, and a corresponding abnormal increase in circulation, while the breath is held ; and their results are corrected accordingly. The correction, which is a large one, does not seem to us to be war- ranted, and without it their results come much closer to ours. This is especially true for Lindhard's later results. RESPIRATION 269 great. Roughly speaking, therefore, our results confirm those obtained by Henderson on the dog. Henderson and Prince have determined in a number of persons the oxygen consumption per beat of the heart, or what they call for brevity "the oxygen pulse." 8 This value is obtained by simply dividing the oxygen consumption per minute by the pulse rate. Figure 69 shows graphically a fairly typical example of their g 25 25oo 20 2000 15 '500 JO 'Ooo 5 500 Pulse 60 70 &o 90 100 no 120 130 140 150 160 Figure 69. Subject Y. H., Weight 75 kilos. Haemoglobin 107. In this diagram the broken line expresses the oxygen consumption per minute, the dotted line the CO 2 elimination, and the solid line the oxygen pulse. During the short periods of vigorous exertion and rapid heart rates, the CO2 elimination was increased to a greater extent than the oxygen consumption, the respiratory quotient even rising above unity in some cases, and indicating an excessive blowing off of C0 2 . results. It will be seen that with low oxygen consumption per minute the oxygen consumption per beat is low, but increases rapidly up to a maximum as the oxygen consumption per minute increases owing to muscular exertion. When, however, this maxi- mum is reached, further increase of the oxygen consumption per minute causes no increase in the oxygen consumption per beat. Interpreting these data in the light of our own experiments on man, and Henderson's former experiments on the heart of the dog, the increased oxygen consumption per beat is not due to any marked extent to increased output of blood per beat, but to in- creased utilization of the charge of oxygen in the arterial blood. 8 Yandell Henderson and Prince, Amer. Journ. of Physiol., XXXV, p. 106, 1914. 2;o RESPIRATION When this increased utilization reaches its physiological limit, further increase in the oxygen consumption per minute can only be obtained by increase in the rate of heartbeat. The mixed venous blood returning to the heart comes from various parts of the body; but during muscular exertion a very greatly increased proportion must come from the muscles. Now there is evidence from a series of experiments by Leonard Hill and Nabarro that the venous blood returning from the muscles contains even during rest far less oxygen and more CO 2 than at any rate the venous blood returning from the brain. 9 Without obstructing the vessels they collected venous blood returning from muscles through the deep femoral vein, and from the brain through the torcular Herophili in the dog. The following table shows the average of about eight determinations in each case. OXYGEN, VOLUMES Percentage PER CENT loss of [Muscle Rest \ Artery I8.IO Vein 5-12 Difference 12.98 oxygen 72 [Brain 16.81 13.39 3.42 20 Tonic [Muscle fit \ 17-05 3.30 13.75 8l [Brain 15-17 10.22 4-95 32 Clonic ("Muscle fit \ 18.66 6.03 12.63 6 9 [Brain 15.77 11.46 4.3i 27 It will be seen ( I ) that during rest the blood lost three and one- half times as much of its charge of oxygen in the muscles as in the brain; (2) that during the intense activity of a tonic or clonic fit (produced by absinthe) the percentage loss of oxygen by the blood was only slightly increased in either the brain or the muscles. The animals were anaesthetized with morphia or chloroform, so it is possible that the circulation was less active than in normal animals; but the difference between the brain circulation and that through muscles is none the less striking. In the light of these experiments we can see what is presumably happening as regards the mixed venous blood during muscular 9 Leonard Hill and Nabarro, Journ. of Physiol., XVIII, p. 218, 1895. RESPIRATION 271 activity. The chief reason why the oxygen diminishes and CO 2 increases so strikingly is that the mixed venous blood contains a much larger proportion of blood from muscles, and that this blood is very poor in oxygen whether the muscles are working or not. During rest the mixed venous blood will contain but little blood from the muscles, and a large proportion from the brain and probably other parts which furnish venous blood relatively rich in oxygen. As indicated by the size of its arteries, the brain has a very rich blood supply, going mainly to the gray matter. Its normal oxygen pressure is evidently very high; and this renders intelligible the fact that it is so sensitive to deficient satu- ration of the arterial blood with oxygen. The rapid circulation explains the promptness of its reaction to changes in quality of the arterial blood. The fact that during muscular exertion the mixed venous blood contains much less oxygen and more CO 2 explains why, if the breath is voluntarily held during exertion, the alveolar CO 2 percentage shoots up much higher than if it is held for a far longer time during rest. It also explains what would otherwise be a very puzzling fact with regard to congenital heart affections ("morbus coeruleus"). In cases of morbus coeruleus the face becomes intensely blue on muscular exertion. Quite evidently the arterial blood is very imperfectly oxygenated ; and Douglas and I found that the blueness continues even if the patient breathes pure oxygen during the exertion. The blueness is due to part of the venous blood short-circuiting through a congenital direct com- munication between the right and left sides of the heart, so that the mixed arterial blood always contains a certain proportion of unae' rated venous blood. During rest this venous blood contains so much oxygen that the cyanosis is only slight ; but during exer- tion, with much less oxygen in the venous blood, the cyanosis is of course far more marked, and the breathing of oxygen avails very little towards redressing the balance. It is evident from the facts just referred to that the increase in blood flow through the lungs during exertion is very much less than the increase in air breathed. At first sight, therefore, it might seem that the regulation of circulation differs fundamentally from the regulation of breathing. A little consideration, however, shows that there are no real grounds for this conclusion. If we take as our measure, not the blood flow through the heart, but the blood flow through individual parts of the body, the facts so far discussed do not point to any other conclusion than that the blood flow, just 272 RESPIRATION like the breathing, is delicately regulated in accordance with the local requirements for the supply of oxygen and removal of CO 2 . The idea that the local circulation is regulated in accordance with the local CO 2 pressure was brought forward in a very definite form by Yandell Henderson in a series of papers on "Acapnia and Shock." 10 He showed, firstly, that the local circulation and func- tional activity in the exposed intestines depends upon the main- tenance in them of a sufficient pressure of CO 2 , and secondly, that on the removal of an excessive quantity of CO 2 from the body by excessive artificial or natural respiration the circulation fails, whereas excessive ventilation with air to which sufficient CO 2 has been added produces no such effect. These are evidently facts of fundamental importance as regards the regulation of the circula- tion, and as showing the intimate connections between respiration and circulation. On these and other observations he also based the theory that the immediate cause of shock may be excessive res- piratory activity. The blood-gas changes caused by excessive artificial respira- tion were first investigated by Ewald in connection with apnoea. 11 He not only found that there is a slight excess of oxygen and very large deficiency of CO 2 in the arterial blood, but also (though of this he did not realize the significance) that there is great de- ficiency of both CO 2 and oxygen in the mixed venous blood. The changes in the arterial blood have already been discussed in earlier chapters, and it was pointed out in Chapter VII that owing to the deficiency of CO 2 a state of anoxaemia must, other things being equal, be produced by forced breathing. Ewald's analyses show, however, that there is something more to cause anoxaemia than mere deficiency of CO 2 . The latter would not by itself account for the deficiency of oxygen combined with haemoglobin in the venous blood. In long experiments Ewald found this oxygen down to about a third of the normal, and the CO 2 down to half the normal. Taking into account both the direct effect of deficiency of CO 2 in diminishing the free oxygen present in the venous blood, and the effect in the same direction of the diminished proportion of oxyhaemoglobin present, the artificial respiration must have brought about a condition of very intense anoxaemia in the tis- sues. But the diminution in the proportion of oxyhaemoglobin 10 Yandell Henderson, Amer. Journ. of Physiol., XXI, p. 126, 1908; XXIII, p. 345, 1909; XXIV, p. 66, 1909; XXV, p. 310, 1910; XXV, p. 385, 1910; XXVI, p. 260, 1910; XXVII, p. 152, 1910; XLVI, p. 533, 1918. "Ewald, Pfluger's Archiv., VII, p. 575, 1873. RESPIRATION 273 cannot have been due to any other cause than diminution in the circulation rate; and this diminution is shown far more directly by Yandell Henderson's experiments and numerous blood-gas analyses by the ferricyanide method. The diminution in circula- tion goes so far that the venous return to the heart becomes quite inadequate to fill the ventricles. Hence arterial as well as venous pressure finally falls, and the heart itself is inadequately supplied with free oxygen or CO 2 , and gradually fails along with fail- ure in the brain and other parts of the body. Slowing of the circulation through the hands during forced breathing was clearly demonstrated by his calorimetric method by G. N. Stewart. 11A By means of the new method for determining venous gas pres- sures in man we found that though there is a considerable fall, after forced breathing for about three minutes, in the CO 2 con- tent of the mixed venous blood, there is, relatively speaking, an even greater fall in the oxygen content. The experiments were difficult because of the mental state of the subject. I had to be watched very closely to see that I carried out the proper manipula- tions, and many experiments failed because of gross errors, such as taking in a deep breath of ordinary air from the room. The gas mixture used had to contain less than 4 per cent of oxygen and less than 5 per cent of CO 2 . The fall in oxygen pressure was con- siderably more than could be accounted for as due to the fall in CO 2 pressure on account of the Bohr effect. Hence the circulation rate was diminished. The mental condition was apparently due to marked anoxaemia of the nervous centers ; and it may be remarked that owing to the rapid normal circulation through the brain the effects of the forced breathing must be felt there sooner than else- where. We also investigated the effect on the circulation of a moderate excess of CO 2 , sufficient to increase the breathing to about five times the normal. This was easily accomplished in a respiration chamber in which the CO 2 percentage had been raised to a little over 5 per cent. Under this condition there was a slight rise in both my arterial and venous CO 2 pressure; but the difference between them was not diminished. Thus there had been no ap- preciable increase in the circulation rate. It was quite clear that the circulation does not increase with increased arterial CO 2 pres- sure in a manner corresponding to the increase of breathing. The UA G. N. Stewart, Amer. Journ. of Physiol., XXVIII, p. 190, 1911. 274 RESPIRATION breathing had increased five times or more, but the circulation had apparently not increased at all. The pulse, etc., were also hardly affected. With a great excess of CO 2 , however, the ve- nous return to the right heart is evidently much increased. This was first definitely observed by Yandell Henderson, who also makes the, to me, interesting remark that he first noted the signs of increased circulation rate on myself, while I was nearly over- come by accumulation of CO 2 in a mine- rescue apparatus, without any deficiency of oxygen. 12 Similarly, great deficiency of CO 2 , as in forced breathing or excessive artificial respiration, will dim- inish the circulation rate; and it seemed probable that great in- crease in the oxygen pressure in the tissues (though this is difficult to produce except under the high atmospheric pressures referred to in Chapter XII) would have a similar effect. That this effect is actually produced in man is indicated by the results of quite recent experiments by Dautrebande and myself. 13 We found that when pure oxygen was breathed, particularly under a barometric pressure increased to two atmospheres, the breathing increases, as shown by a fall in alveolar CO 2 pressure, and there is a simultaneous slowing of the pulse. This indicated a slowing of circulation through the brain, such as would compensate for the high oxygen pressure of the arterial blood. The slowing would of course raise the pressure of CO 2 in the brain, and thus increase the breathing. It would also explain the fact that though oxygen at two atmospheres pressure has a rapid poisonous action on the lungs and other living tissues directly exposed to it (see Chapter XII), there are no evident cerebral symptoms until oxygen at much higher pressures is breathed. The responses involved in the chemical control of the venous return to the right heart were found by Henderson and Harvey to be peripheral, but independent of the vasomotor nerves and nerve endings. In the "spinal" cat they found that slow injections of adrenalin, and other prolonged vasomotor stimulations, cause a maintained elevation of arterial pressure, but only an evanescent rise of venous pressure. Ventilating the lungs with air rich in CO 2 (with ample oxygen) has, on the contrary, in the absence of the medullary vasomotor center, no appreciable direct effect upon arterial pressure, but induces a gradual, sustained and large eleva- tion of venous pressure. They note also that during this action "Yandell Henderson and Harvey, Amer. Journ. of PAysiol., XLVI, p. 533, 1918. 18 Dautrebande and Haldane, Journ. of Physiol., LV, p. 296, 1921. RESPIRATION 275 the veins are always relaxed, as well as distended ; and they con- sider that the easier escape of the blood from the tissues, due to relaxation especially of venules, is the cause of the larger venous return and consequent rise of venous pressure. Recently Hender- son, Haggard, and Coburn 14 have shown that inhalation of air containing 6 or 8 per cent of CO 2 has a powerful restorative effect upon the circulation, and particularly upon the venous pressure, in patients after prolonged anaesthesia and major surgical opera- tions. With great deficiency of oxygen there is also at first a very marked increase in the circulation rate. This is shown by the greatly increased pulse rate, deep blue flushing of the skin, etc., and great rise of venous blood pressure when air very deficient in oxygen is breathed. In rapid poisoning by CO there is the same flushing of the skin and distention of large veins, though the color is now red and not blue. The increased pressure in the great veins causes the distention of the right side of the heart and rapid pro- duction of oedema of the lungs so characteristic of acute asphyxia, although but for the fact that the heart muscle is lamed by the anoxaemia there would probably be no over-distention. As Star- ling and Knowlton found, oedema of the lungs and over-disten- tion of the right side of the heart are very quickly produced by a quite moderate increase of the ordinary very low venous pressure at the entry to the heart. 15 With moderate oxygen deficiency, pro- duced rapidly, there are, just at first, distinct signs of increased circulation as well as of increased respiration; but very soon the increased washing out of CO 2 from the blood moderates both the breathing and circulation, and after a short time the circulation, as well as the breathing, quiets down, so that unless the anoxaemia is considerable the increased pulse rate and other signs of in- creased circulation may have practically disappeared. The circulation during and just after forced breathing in man was meanwhile investigated by a quite different method by Hen- derson, Prince, and Haggard. 16 They measured the venous pres- sure by observing the height of the column of blood in a vein of the arm when the subject was placed in a head down position on a sloping board (Figure 70) , thus obtaining a measure of the venous 14 Henderson, Haggard, and Coburn, Journ. Amer. Med. Assn., LXXIV, p. 783, 1920. 15 Starling and Knowlton, Journ. of Physwl., XLIV, p. 206, 1914. 18 Yandell Henderson, Prince, and Haggard, Journ. of Pharmac. and, Exper. Therapeutics, XI, p. 203, 1918. 2 7 6 RESPIRATION blood pressure at the entry to the heart. The effect of forced breathing was to cause a great diminution in venous blood pres- sure. Thus the supply of blood to the heart must have become inadequate to fill the right ventricle. Owing, however, to the diminished outflow of blood from the arterial system there was no fall in arterial blood pressure. It seems to be only when the anoxaemia of forced breathing becomes so intense as to affect the heart muscle seriously that the arterial blood pressure falls. Figure 70. Measurement of venous blood pressure by placing subject in a head-down position. Putting all these facts together, it appears that in general the circulation is so regulated as to keep the pressures of both oxygen and CO 2 approximately steady in the venous blood from any particular organ. The regulation is evidently of a double kind, involving both oxygen and CO 2 . If the oxygen pressure goes down and the CO 2 pressure also goes down, as in a pure anox- aemia, there is comparatively little effect on the circulation rate, because increase due to the lowered oxygen pressure is at once counteracted by the effect of diminution due to the lowered CO 2 pressure. Similarly, in an atmosphere containing simple excess of CO 2 increased circulation due to the excess of CO 2 pressure tends to be counteracted by decrease due to increased oxygen pressure. During muscular work, on the other hand, there is both a rise of CO 2 pressure and fall of oxygen pressure, and consequently a RESPIRATION 277 great increase in blood flow through the muscles, with a corre- sponding increase in venous blood pressure, as Henderson and his colleagues found with the apparatus shown in Figure 7O. 17 The correspondence between blood flow and amount of work done by a muscle seems to appear clearly in data obtained by Markwalder and Starling for the coronary circulation with vary- ing work of the heart in a heart-lung preparation. 17A The amount of blood pumped by the heart, the aortic blood pressure, and the flow through the coronary vessels, were measured simultaneously. The data show that if the work done is estimated by the amount of blood pumped multiplied by the aortic pressure, the coronary blood flow varied within wide limits in proportion to the work done. The variations in coronary blood flow might, of course, be attributed to the variations in aortic blood pressure, but this inter- pretation does not seem to explain more than a small part of the facts. At first sight the regulation of the circulation appears to be different from that of respiration, since in the case of the latter the influence of CO 2 predominates. This, however, is simply be- cause when ordinary air is breathed the oxygen pressure in the tissues is not increased when the breathing increases. In reality, there is no fundamental difference. Whenever anoxaemia is pres- ent the respiratory regulation, as already shown in Chapter VII, works just like the local circulatory regulation. The breathing is not then free to increase in such a way as to compensate approxi- mately for increasing anoxaemia, because increased breathing lowers the CO 2 pressure and this tends to diminish the breathing. Similarly the breathing cannot increase freely with increased CO 2 pressure, because the increased breathing would diminish the anoxaemia. Under deep anaesthesia, when the arterial blood becomes dark, CO 2 has very little effect on the breathing. There can be little doubt that in the case of circulation, just as in that of respiration, increase in CO 2 pressure stands simply for increase in hydrogen ion concentration. Hence alkalosis due to deficiency of CO 2 in the systemic capillaries, or acidosis due to excess, will tend to be relieved by the slow acclimatization changes described in Chapter VIII. When once the fundamental fact is grasped that the general flow of blood throughout the body is correlated with the gas pres- 17 Yandell Henderson and Haggard, Journ. of Pharmac. and, Exper. Therap. t XI, p. 197, 1918. 17A Markwalder and Starling, Journ. of Physiol., XLVII, p. 279, 1913. 278 RESPIRATION sures in the capillaries, the whole physiology of the circulation appears in a new light. It is not the heart nor the bulbar nervous centers which govern the circulation rate, but the tissues as a whole; and they govern it with an accuracy and delicacy com- parable to the accuracy and delicacy with which they govern breathing. The heart and vaso-motor system are only the executive agents which carry out the bidding of the tissues, just as the lungs and nervous system do in the case of breathing. It appears that the immediate function of the heart is not to regulate the circulation rate, but simply to pass on at a greatly increased pressure the blood supplied to it. The problem of the regulation of the circulation under normal conditions seems in the main to resolve itself into that of the regulation by the tissues of the amount of blood supplied to the heart; and this regulation depends, as we have just seen, to an overwhelming extent on a linked control by the oxygen pressure and hydrogen ion concen- tration in the systemic capillaries. Just as in the case of regulation of breathing, so also in the case of regulation of the circulation, the dominant facts have been, and still are, obscured by masses of detail which, in their un- connected form, simply confuse the mind and lead to wholly mistaken judgments. It is difficult to pick a way through all these details, but the salient points concerning the immediate control of the heart's action must now be referred to. We owe mainly to Gaskell the demonstration that the muscular fibers of the heart may continue to contract rhythmically apart from nervous control and even when they are separated from one another, just as the rhythmic activity of the respiratory center continues apart from peripheral nervous control. When, however, different parts of the heart are separated from one another, the frequency of the contractions in the different parts is different, the ventricular contracting less frequently than the auricular parts. In lower vertebrates the order of frequency in contractions is sinus venosus, auricle, ventricle, and bulbus arteriosus. More- over the individual fibers in each separated part contract normally in unison with one another so long as they are not separated. In a normal intact heart, however, not only do the individual fibers in sinus venosus, auricles, ventricles, and bulbus arteriosus contract in unison, but so also do all the parts of the heart. The explanation of this contraction in unison has been furnished by the physiological and clinical investigations of the last few years. As was shown by Lewis with the help of the string gal- RESPIRATION 279 vanometer, each normal contraction starts in what is known as the Keith-Flack node, an island of primitive sinus venosus tissue in the right auricle. Thence it is conducted by primitive muscular tissue to the auricles, and by a bundle of similar muscular tissue, the bundle of Kent or His, to the ventricles. This primitive tissue is distributed (as the fibers of Purkinje) over the ventricles, and has a conduction rate far faster than the rest of the muscular tis- sue of the heart. Thus all parts of the ventricles contract almost simultaneously, and shortly after the almost simultaneous con- traction of all parts of the auricles; while the pace of the whole heart is set by the contractions starting in the Keith-Flack node. Impairment or total failure in the conduction from auricle to ventricle, or from fiber to fiber in auricle or ventricle, explains many of the peculiarities met with in heart affections. So long as the contractions of the ventricles are complete, the volume of blood discharged at each beat must depend on the ex- tent to which the right ventricle fills in diastole. This, in turn, depends on the rate at which blood is let through from the arteries to the veins. The difference between arterial and venous pressure is so great that accessory factors such as the pumping movements of respiration can hardly have more than a very minute average influence on the circulation, though they have a marked tempo- rary influence. It is therefore the rate at which the systemic blood is allowed to pass through the tissues into the venous system that determines the amount of blood pumped by the heart; and, as already pointed out, the rate at which blood is allowed to pass through the tissues is determined by their metabolic requirements, and particularly by the amount of blood required to keep the diffusion pressures in them of oxygen and carbonic acid approxi- mately steady. It is evident that in the carrying out of this regulation, both by the heart and the blood vessels, the nervous system plays a very important part, just as in the case of regulation of breathing; but the main fact must never be lost sight of that the primary factor in determining the rate of circulation is neither the heart nor the nervous centers specially connected with the circulation, but the metabolic activities of the tissues. At bottom the regulation of the circulation is a chemical regulation, just as in the case of the breathing. The frequency and strength of the heartbeats are moderated through the central nervous system, first by the well-known in- hibitory impulses passing to the heart through the vagus nerve, 2 8o RESPIRATION and secondly by the equally well-known accelerator impulses passing to the heart through sympathetic branches. Increased liberation of inhibitory impulses has been found to be a direct re- sult of rise of arterial blood pressure (so that the inhibition tends to prevent an excessive rise of arterial pressure and consequent fa- tigue of the heart or over-distention of arteries), but is certainly also a result of rise in oxygen pressure and diminution in CO 2 pressure in the blood passing through the brain. An increase of arterial blood pressure will, therefore, owing to the increased rate of circulation, slow the heart. When the arterial blood pres- sure is normal there is a considerable amount of vagus inhibition, so that on section of the vagi the heartbeats quicken. It appears also that this tonic nervous inhibition of the heart is itself reflexly inhibited, either directly or indirectly, by increase of pressure on the great veins opening into the heart. This was recently shown by Bainbridge, 18 who found that, even if the accelerator nerves are cut, increase in venous pressure causes marked quickening of the heartbeats provided that the vagi are still intact. He showed that any considerable increase in venous pressure causes quickening of the heartbeat, and that the quickening depends upon the in- tegrity of the vagus nerves. Part, at any rate, of this effect is due to inhibition of the tonic inhibitory action of efferent vagus fibers. Another part is probably due to reflex excitation of accelerator nerves, but on this point the evidence was not so clear. The action of the heart is not subject to direct voluntary control, but the ef- fects of emotional stimuli on the rate of heartbeat are well known and very evident. There is no necessary connection between rate of heartbeat and circulation rate. This has been shown by various experiments, but most strikingly by the experiments of Starling and his pupils on the bodies of animals in which an artificial circulation through the heart and lungs alone had been established, the physiological connections with central nervous system and rest of the body being cut off. In such a "heart-lung preparation" the rate of heartbeat remains steady for long periods if the temperature is kept steady and artificial respiration is maintained; but the flow of blood can be varied within very wide limits by simply varying the rate at which blood is supplied to the right side of the heart. Thus Pat- terson and Starling found that with a pulse rate which was steady at 144 the circulation rate in a heart-lung preparation from the 18 Bainbridge, Journ. of Physiol., L, p. 65, 1915. RESPIRATION 281 dog could be varied from 215 to 2,000 cc. per minute by simply regulating the supply of blood to the right side of the heart. 19 The heart is thus a pump which is capable of adjusting its out- put without any variation in rate of stroke ; and we might imagine a heart working quite efficiently on this principle, without any -regulation by the nervous system. The circulation would adjust itself automatically in accordance with the rate at which blood was allowed to pass through the systemic capillaries; and the resistance in the arterioles and capillaries would automatically maintain a sufficient arterial blood pressure. It is possible that in certain cases of heart disease, where the physiological connection between auricles and ventricles through the bundle of Kent and His is broken, the circulation is main- tained in this way, since in these cases the pulse rate does not change during the very limited amount of muscular exertion which is possible. In normal persons or animals, however, the pulse rate increases very markedly during muscular exertion ; and in persons in whom, owing to some nervous or cardiac abnormality this increase does not occur, the capacity for exertion is very small. We must infer, therefore, that under normal conditions the ca- pacity of the heart for increasing the circulation rate without increase of the rate of heartbeat is very limited far more so than might be inferred from study of a heart-lung preparation. In other words the output of the heart during systole is usually pretty constant under normal conditions, as Henderson was the first to point out. We must now consider in more detail how the distribution of blood is regulated. It has been known since the discovery by Claude Bernard of vasomotor nerves that the distribution of blood in the body is regulated through the nervous system. Vaso- constrictor nerves are known to be widely distributed in all parts except the central nervous system, and vasodilator nerves have also been discovered at certain points. There is also a main vaso- motor center in the medulla from which vasoconstrictor impulses radiate, and subsidiary vasomotor centers in the spinal cord. Another and much more direct means of regulating the distribu- tion of blood has recently been discovered by Krogh. 20 He has found by microscopical examination of living capillaries, and by injection of Indian ink, that under resting conditions the great majority of capillaries in muscular and other tissues are firmly 19 Patterson and Starling, Journ. of PhysioL, XLVIII, p. 357, 1914. 20 Krogh, Journ. of Physiol., LII, p. 457, 1919. 282 RESPIRATION contracted and impermeable to blood, so that neither blood cor- puscles nor even the finest particles of Indian ink can pass through them. Nor is the full arterial blood pressure capable of forcing them open. Whenever the tissue is stimulated to activity, however, these capillaries open wide, so that blood can pass through them freely. He found, for instance, that in muscle of the guinea pig about twenty times as many capillaries were open during activity of the muscle as during rest. The active contrac- tility of capillaries had been directly observed by Roy and Gra- ham Brown in 1880, but the real significance of this observation had not been realized. Krogh's observations have thrown a flood of new light on the exchange of gases and other material between the blood and the living tissues : for the opening out of new capillary paths when- ever a greater exchange of material is taking place must facili- tate enormously the exchange, and thus furnish a means of keep- ing the gas pressures in the tissues approximately normal in spite of great variations in metabolism. During muscular work, for instance, the immense increase of capillary paths will greatly facilitate the exchange of oxygen and carbonic acid between the blood and the muscle fibers. There must be a great tendency to fall in the oxygen pressure of the blood passing through the muscle capillaries during muscular work. Unless this fall were approximately compensated for by the opening out of new capil- laries, it is difficult to see how a sufficient oxygen supply could be maintained, as in all probability the oxygen consumption in a muscle during very hard work is twenty or thirty times as great as during rest. We can also now understand much better how it comes about, for instance, that when the skin circulation is cut down to the utmost by vasoconstriction in the prevention of un- necessary loss of heat from the body, the skin, though more or less blue from greatly diminished blood flow, may be still full of blood, as shown by the full blue color. Probably it is the stimulus of the presence in excess of certain metabolic products, particularly carbonic acid, and the deficiency of others, particularly oxygen, that determines the relaxation of the capillary walls. There can also be little doubt that the same stimuli, acting reflexly, determine the activity of local vasomotor nerves. Temperature stimuli, or irritation stimuli, appear to act in a similar manner. Stimuli may also act centrally, however, as in the general regulation of body temperature by variations in the skin circulation, or in emotional vasomotor changes. RESPIRATION 283 How very powerfully a local stimulus may act on local blood circulation is strikingly shown by a recent experiment of Meakins and Davies. 20A They found that when the arm was immersed in cold water the returning venous blood was completely deprived of oxygen. On the other hand, when the arm was kept in hot water the haemoglobin of the venous blood was 94 per cent saturated with oxygen, as compared with 96 per cent for the arterial blood. The oxygen consumption was doubtless much greater in the warm than in the cold skin, so the difference in circulation rate must have been enormous. If the regulation of blood distribution in the body were simply a matter of opening the proper sluice gates according to local re- quirements, the matter would be much more simple than it is. Actually, however, the contraction and dilatation of various ar- teries, veins, and capillary tracts must tend to have the effect of varying the total capacity of the blood vessels, with the result that the venous blood pressure at the heart inlet varies, and either too little, or too much, blood is supplied to the heart. As a conse- quence, the arterial blood pressure would either tend to fall too much to secure an adequate supply of blood to the brain and other parts, or else to rise too high. There appears to be an elaborate nervous defense against such disturbances. Excessive rise of arterial blood pressure is guarded against, not only by the reflex vagus inhibition already referred to, but also by reflex vasomotor inhibition through the "depres- sor" branch from the cardiac vagus. Excitation of the depressor fibers causes inhibition of the vasomotor center in the medulla and consequent dilatation of arteries and probably veins in the splanch- nic and other areas. Depressor action is brought about (whether directly or indirectly) by excessive arterial blood pressure, so that the pressure is relieved. Deficiency in arterial and venous pressure is guarded against by an opposite "pressor" action re- sulting in excitation of the vasomotor center and consequent rise in blood pressure. A normal stimulus to pressor action of the center is quite evidently deficiency of oxygen combined with excess of carbonic or other acids in the blood supplying the brain. Thus the arterial and venous blood pressures rise very markedly in response to deficiency of oxygen combined with excess of carbonic acid, whether produced by deficient aeration of the blood or circulatory failure. A very important effect of this rise of blood pressure is SOA Meakins and Davies, Journ. of Path, and, Bact., XXIII, p. 460, 1920. 284 RESPIRATION to concentrate the available blood flow towards the brain. In mus- cular exertion there is also a rise of blood pressure, due partly to the effect on the vasomotor center of excess of CO 2 and deficiency of oxygen in the arterial blood, but perhaps partly also to a gen- eral pressor action complementary to a local depressor action on the arteries and veins concerned in supplying the muscles with blood. We may compare the action of the bulbar centers controlling blood pressure and heart rate with that of the respiratory center in its linked responses to direct chemical and peripheral nervous stimuli; but data are not yet available for carrying the com- parison into detail. From this general survey of the experimental evidence relating to the regulation of the circulation, it will be seen that the deciding factor in determining the rate of circulation ancl local distribution of blood flow is local or general deficiency or excess in the diffusion pressures of the substances which enter into tissue metabolism, and particularly deficiency or excess in the diffusion pressures of oxygen and carbonic acid. Temperature is also a factor, but per- haps not a different one, since the diffusion pressure of a sub- stance varies as its absolute temperature. The regulation of the circulation may be abnormal in various ways, and the present chapter would be incomplete without some reference to this subject. The abnormality may arise from disease or congenital defect of the heart or from operative interference, but is very commonly due to disorder of the nervous regulation, whether or not any organic defect is also present. Another form of abnormal circulation is due to a deficient volume of blood, or to abnormality in its composition. In all these cases the abnormal circulation is reflected in abnormal breathing. Owing to the ab- sence of adequate clinical or experimental investigations it is difficult as yet to deal with this subject in a satisfactory manner, and I can only attempt to discuss it tentatively in the light of what is already known. The effect may first be considered of a valvular defect which either causes narrowing of valvular openings (stenosis) or makes a valve incompetent so that there is regurgitation. The effect of this is that, other things being equal, more work is thrown on one or another part of the heart. If this extra work is not serious it may be completely met, and partly by a true hypertrophy of the muscular substance on which the increased work is thrown; but if the extra work is serious the action of the heart as a pump will RESPIRATION 285 be limited, so that the increased circulation required during mus- cular exertion cannot be produced. The arterial blood pressure will therefore fall during muscular work of more than a certain amount. In consequence of this the coronary circulation may also be impaired, with possibly dangerous consequences under the ex- isting circumstances ; and there will be faintness along with hy- perpnoea, owing to slowed circulation and hence diminished oxy- gen pressure and increased CO 2 pressure in the capillaries of the brain. During rest, however, or such muscular exertion as is pos- sible without abnormal symptoms, the circulation will be carried on in a normal manner. The alveolar CO 2 pressure in a number of cases of valvular heart disease was investigated by Miss FitzGerald, and found to be normal except in cases confined to bed with serious symptoms. 21 The absence of any fall in the alveolar CO 2 pressure constituted good evidence of the absence of any impairment of the circula- tion during rest. In cases with serious symptoms even during rest there was a marked fall in the alveolar CO 2 pressure. This is also the case in congenital heart affections, when the alveolar CO 2 pressure may be as low as 20 mm. 22 We can see what is happening in these cases. Owing to the im- paired or short-circuited circulation the oxygen pressure in the tissues falls and the CO 2 pressure tends to rise. This, however, increases the breathing, and so prevents the rise of CO 2 pressure by abnormally diminishing the CO 2 pressure of the arterial blood leaving the lungs. The fall in oxygen pressure cannot, however, be prevented in this way, as the increased breathing will not materially increase the oxygen in the arterial blood. Some anox- aemia will therefore be present, and will probably show itself by the color of the skin and lips, as well as by more frequent, and possibly shallower, breathing, and other symptoms of anoxaemia. The alkalosis produced by the increased breathing due to anox- aemia will gradually be compensated for by increased excretion of alkali and diminished formation of ammonia, just as at a high altitude (see Chapter VII) ; and this will tend to diminish the real anoxaemia though without diminishing the cyanosis. Unless the breathing became shallow no material relief could be looked for owing to active secretion of oxygen inwards by the lung ep- ithelium, as this would only slightly increase the oxygen in the 21 FitzGerald, Journ. of Pathol. and Bact., XIV, p. 328. * French, Pembrey, and Ryffel, Journ. of Physiol., XXIX, Proc. P&ysiol. Soc., p. ix, 1909. 286 RESPIRATION arterial blood; but some relief may come from compensatory in- crease in the percentage of haemoglobin in the blood. In a bad heart case the heart has usually broken down owing to either some more or less acute infection or to too much muscular exertion; and usually the main question is whether, and to what extent, the heart will recover with rest and the passing off of the infection. In many heart affections the defect is in the nervous regulation of the heart, either without or with a valvular defect. The ac- celerator, inhibitory, depressor, or pressor reflexes may be acting excessively. Cases with evident defects of nervous control have been very common during the war, under such names as "soldier's heart," "disordered action of the heart," "neurasthenia," etc. In the commonest form of this defect there is very abnormal increase in pulse rate on slight exertion or emotional and other stimuli ; and accompanying the increase there is pain and hyperalgesia in the areas where pain is usually felt in heart affections. The exag- gerated cardiac reflexes seem to be similar to the exaggerated Hering-Breuer respiratory reflex in the same cases, and to be due to the same causes (see Chapter III). Reflexes and nervous or emotional responses of all kinds are exaggerated in these cases of neurasthenia; and the exaggeration of cardiac reflexes is fre- quently only one symptom of a condition of general neurasthenia. The pain is probably only an expression of fatigue produced by the over-frequent heartbeats. A similar condition is very commonly present as an accompani- ment of valvular defect; and the associated shallow breathing may cause very serious secondary anoxaemia in the manner al- ready described in Chapter VII. This seems to be the explanation of the orthopnoea and Cheyne-Stokes breathing so often seen in bad heart cases, and also explains the marked effects of oxygen inhalation in relieving the symptoms. Continuous inhalation of air enriched with oxygen is likely to prove a very valuable remedy in promoting recovery where failure of the respiratory center is complicating defects of circulation. A very interesting investigation demonstrating a relation be- tween vascular disturbances in the lungs and the Hering-Breuer reflex has recently been published by J. S. Dunn, 22A who was working at the time in conjunction with Barcroft. He produced multiple embolism of pulmonary arterioles by intra-venous injec- tion of starch granules. When only a moderate degree of embolism was produced (so as not to cause immediate death) he observed MA Dunn, Quart. Journ. of Med., XIII, p. 129, 1920. RESPIRATION 287 an extraordinary increase in frequency and diminution in depth (to half or even a fourth) of respiration. At the same time the rate of circulation (measured by a very perfect blood-gas method described in the same journal by Barcroft, Boycott, Dunn and Peters) was not diminished, nor was the venous blood pressure raised, or the arterial pressure disturbed : nor was there appreci- able deficiency of oxygen or excess of CO 2 in the arterial blood. But when the vagi were cut the respirations slowed down and became normally deep at once. It appears, therefore, that the Hering-Breuer reflex (Chapter III) was enormously exaggerated as a result of the disturbed pulmonary circulation. Just at first the breathing was stopped, which suggests that the respiratory move- ments were jammed completely by the exaggerated reflex. These experiments throw a quite new light on the intense and exhausting dyspnoea caused by pulmonary embolism, and also in cardiac cases where there is rapid breathing without other cause. How the vagus nerve endings are excited is not yet clear. The discovery of a drug capable of controlling their action would evidently be an important advance in therapeutics. In defective circulation owing to loss of blood the primary cause of breakdown appears to be that, in spite of contraction of arterioles and venules owing to pressor reaction of the vasomotor center, there is not sufficient blood to fill the large veins and ade- quately supply the right side of the heart. As a consequence the arterial blood pressure falls and the circulation slows down, with consequent anoxaemia acting most seriously on the brain, and affecting the breathing in the manner already explained in con- nection with valvular affections where compensation is imperfect. The natural remedy for this condition would appear at first sight to be a pressor excitation of the vasomotor center, just as the natural remedy for arterial anoxaemia due, say, to low atmos- pheric pressure, appears at first sight to be increased breathing and increased circulation rate. But just as the increased breathing and circulation rate in arterial anoxaemia is to a large extent pre- vented by the counter-balancing effect of the alkalosis thereby produced, so also is the full pressor response to anoxaemia due to fall in blood pressure. The breathing is already stimulated by the diminished blood circulation in the brain, so that the arterial blood is so alkaline as to quiet down the vasomotor center, in spite of the anoxaemia. Benefit may be expected from the administra- tion of CO 2 or even of acids ; but the main need is for increase in the volume of the blood. This increase comes naturally, provided 288 RESPIRATION that fluid is supplied ; and the great thirst which results from loss of blood is an expression of the need for fluid. But time is required for this natural process of recuperation, and meanwhile the patient may die. Fluid may be supplied quickly by the intravenous injection of Ringer's Solution, but this plan is rather ineffective, since the injected liquid leaks out from the vessels quickly. Bayliss there- fore introduced his now well-known gum-saline solution for use in cases of loss of blood and similar conditions. 23 The gum does not leak out at all readily from the vessels, and in virtue of the osmotic pressure which it produces it keeps the salt solution from leaking out. The gum thus plays the same part in this respect as the proteins of the blood plasma, but is free from the occasional toxic properties of the proteins in blood transfused from another person, although it seems to be sometimes not free from disadvan- tages. It might seem at first sight as if the injection of gum saline must, other things being equal, be very inferior in its effects to transfusion of blood, since there is no haemoglobin in the salt solu- tion. But unless the loss of blood has been enormous there is no great need for haemoglobin. Increased rate of circulation will make up for diminished power of the blood to carry oxygen and CO 2 , as explained more fully on page 293. The conditions known as "wound-shock," "surgical shock," "anaesthetics shock," and shock from burns, have given rise to much discussion and investigation. When "shock" is fully de- veloped, the arterial blood pressure is very low, the pulse feeble, the lips and skin leaden colored, and the breathing shallow and often rapid, or sometimes periodic. It appears at present as if this general condition can be brought about in several different ways; and Yandell Henderson's investigations have thrown a clear light on certain of the causes of shock. It will be convenient to consider these first. He showed in the first place that a condition of shock can be brought about in animals by continued excessive ventilation of the lungs. This of course greatly reduces the CO 2 in the arterial blood, thus producing a state of alkalosis. The response to this is slowing of the circulation, and consequent great anoxaemia, as already explained. The slowing of the circulation tends, of course, to diminish the alkalosis in the tissues, but only at the expense of producing most formidable anoxaemia. The alkalosis is also com- 23 Bayliss, Intravenous Injection in Wound Shock, 1918. RESPIRATION 289 bated by the body in other ways, one being the prompt stoppage of ammonia formation and the excretion of alkaline urine, as already explained ; and, whether in consequence of this or of other causes, the so-called "alkaline reserve" of the blood decreases greatly, as Henderson and Haggard showed (Chapter VIII). Nevertheless the anoxaemia and alkalosis cannot be overcome. The circulation rate steadily diminishes; the heart, in consequence, probably, of anoxaemia, begins to fail, apart altogether from its inadequate supply of venous blood ; and finally there is complete failure of the heart. If, however, the forced breathing is stopped before cardiac failure has occurred, death may occur from pro- longed apnoea and consequent acute asphyxia, as mentioned in Chapter II. When the condition of shock has developed suffi- ciently, the animal cannot be saved by adding CO 2 to the air breathed ; but in the earlier stages this procedure is quite effective. The hopeless condition to which the animal is reduced by the forced artificial respiration is probably analogous to the condition produced in various ways by prolonged anoxaemia, as in very severe CO poisoning, or in a patient who has been allowed to suffer for long from severe arterial anoxaemia. It is probably the anoxaemia rather than the alkalosis that produces the serious effect, since, as already mentioned, forced breathing of oxygen is more easily tolerated than forced breathing of air. A condition of shock produced by forced artificial respiration is, of course, not a natural occurrence; but Henderson showed that excessive respiration can be produced by natural means in two ways : firstly, by powerful afferent stimuli, as by electrical stimulation of the sciatic nerve, even in the presence of anaesthesia sufficient to abolish consciousness ; and secondly, by the action of ether in doses not sufficient to anaesthetize an animal completely. The afferent stimuli, or the ether, increase the breathing to such an extent as to diminish greatly the CO 2 in the arterial blood, thus producing great alkalosis or acapnia, with concomitant anox- aemia. By these means, therefore, a condition of shock may easily be produced in a patient; and it seems probable that in this way the condition generally known as shock is frequently produced as a matter of fact. Clinical evidence seems, nevertheless, to indicate that in many ordinary cases of wound shock there has been no excessive breathing. On the other hand there are many facts indicating that the symptoms are due to absorption from injured tissues of 290 RESPIRATION harmful disintegration products, 24 and Dale and Laidlaw have shown that similar symptoms are caused by the action of histamine produced by tissue disintegration. 25 In "histamine shock" the venous return to the heart is inadequate, just as in acapnial shock, and blood appears to stagnate in dilated capillaries so that the rest of the vascular system is imperfectly filled with blood. Dale and Laidlaw regard the dilatation of capillaries as a primary ac- tion of the poison. The respiratory center seems, also, to be affected very quickly, so that artificial respiration is needed to keep the animal alive. How far the failure of the respiratory center is consequent on failure of the circulation, or vice versa, it seems difficult at present to say ; but the shallow breathing and leaden cyanosis in shock are indicative of advancing failure of the re- spiratory center, and appear to be clear indications for early and continuous oxygen administration, if the condition cannot be dealt with by removing its cause or in other ways. To remedy the imperfect filling of the vessels and consequent failure of the circu- lation, there is an equally clear indication for the intravenous injection of gum-saline solution. Whether the administration of air containing CO 2 would be of service, as in shock due to simple alkalosis, is not yet known. If the respiratory center is injured by a poison from the injured tissues it may be unable to respond properly to the CO 2 . Dale found that the danger from histamine shock may be enor- mously increased by the administration of an anaesthetic. Many of Henderson's observations seem to point in the same direction as regards acapnic shock. These investigations throw much light on the fatal accidents of anaesthesia. In connection with circulation and breathing it is important to consider the manner in which the volume and haemoglobin per- centage of the blood adjust themselves under varying conditions. They are fairly constant within about five per cent under ordinary conditions for any individual, and the volume of blood in a mam- mal bears a pretty constant ratio to the body weight. This propor- tion does not depend upon size or ratio of body weight to surface, since it is about the same in large as in small mammals. Thus in the rat or mouse the proportion is about the same as in man. In a small warm-blooded animal such as a mouse the metabolism per gram of body weight is enormously greater than in a large 84 Report No. VIII of Surgical Shock Committee (Special Report No. 26 of Medical Research Committee), 1919. "Dale and Laidlaw, Journ. of Physiol., LII, p. 355, 1919. RESPIRATION 291 animal such as a man, and roughly speaking is proportional to the ratio of external surface to body weight. As was shown by Dr. Florence Buchanan, 26 the pulse rate and respiration rate vary in about the same proportion. Thus in a canary the pulse rate, as recorded photographically by means of the capillary electrometer, was about 1,000 per minute, the rate, as compared with that in man, being greater in proportion to the more rapid metabolism. The circulation rate in a small animal is thus enormously greater than in a large animal, and indeed must be so ; but the proportions 12.0 10-0 S-o 6.0 4.0 2.0 40O 600 1200 I60O 200O 2400 2BOO Weight of Rabbits in Grammes szoo Figure 71. Blood volumes of rabbits in cc. of blood per 100 grams of body weight. The curve shows what the blood volumes would be if they varied in the pro- portion of body surface to body weight. The dots and crosses show average results of actual determinations by the modified Welcker method. Dots repre- sent results of Boycott : crosses of Dreyer and Ray. The numbers indicate number of determinations for each group of observations. between the different parts of animals, including the blood, do not depend on differences in size of the animals. From a very limited number of experiments on animals, Professor Dreyer of Oxford 27 drew the extremely improbable conclusion that in ani- 29 Buchanan, Science Progress, July, 1910. "Dreyer and Ray, P kilos. Trans. Royal Society, B, CCI, p. 138, 1910; also Dreyer, Ray, and Walker, Skand. Arch. f. Physiol., 28, p. 299, 1913. 292 RESPIRATION mals of the same species the blood volume is a function of the ratio of body surface to mass, and even inferred that the carbon monoxide method of determining blood volume (appendix) must be incorrect because it showed no such relation in experi- ments published by Douglas. 28 The matter was afterwards re- investigated in rats by Chisolm, 29 and by Boycott. 30 Figure 71 shows the results of Boycott and of Dreyer (all obtained by the modified Welcker method) in rabbits of different sizes. It will be seen that there is no difference between them, and that, al- though young rabbits have usually a somewhat higher proportion of blood than older ones, the increased proportion does not vary with the proportion of body weight to surface. The circulation rate must, other things being equal, be faster in a smaller animal with its higher proportional metabolism, but an increased pro- portional dead weight of blood would be no advantage, but a disadvantage. When the volume of blood is reduced by considerable bleeding, there is at first a fall in arterial, and doubtless also in venous, blood pressure ; but soon the blood pressure is restored. The first effect of the bleeding is probably to evoke partial compensation by a pressor excitation of the vasomotor center. This is probably due to diminished circulation rate and consequent fall in oxygen pressure and increase of CO 2 pressure in the medulla. Very soon, however, the blood volume is more or less restored by taking up of liquid from the tissues and intestines. The blood is thus diluted ; but the diluted blood fills up the blood vessels and completely re- stores the blood pressure. After a delay of many days or perhaps several weeks, the hydraemic blood is restored to normal by re- production of the missing corpuscles. Similarly when blood is transfused from another animal of the same species there is at first a rise of both venous and arterial blood pressure. Soon, however, the volume of blood is reduced by disappearance of most of the extra plasma. The remaining blood then contains an excess of red corpuscles, and these are only got rid of in the course of some days or weeks. The changes which occur were followed by Boycott and Doug- las with the help of the carbon monoxide method of determining the blood volume in living animals. 31 They found that on repeated 28 Douglas, Journ. of Physiol., XXXIII, p. 493, 1906. 29 Chisolm, Quart. Journ. of Exper. Physiol., IV, p. 208, 1911. 30 Boycott, Journ. of Pathol. and Bacter., XVI, p. 485, 1912. 81 Boycott and Douglas, Journ. of Pathol. and Bacter., XIII, p. 270, 1909. RESPIRATION 293 bleeding the reproduction of the red corpuscles becomes more and more rapid, so that finally the animal can reproduce the lostxor- puscles very rapidly. Similarly on repeated transfusion the animal can get rid of the transfused corpuscles more and more rapidly. It thus becomes adapted to either bleeding or transfusion. In an animal in which as a result of bleeding or similar causes the proportion of haemoglobin in the blood is abnormally low the oxygen pressure must fall more rapidly than usual if the rate of circulation is unaltered, as the blood passes through the tissues. In accordance with what has been already said, this will naturally tend to be more or less compensated for by an increased rate of circulation. But this can occur freely without the opposing effect due to the production of alkalosis, since owing to the diminished percentage of haemoglobin the pressure of CO 2 would also be OXFOGD 1 P SUMMIT OF PIKES PEAK COLORADO SPRINGS NEW HAVEN OXFORD HALDANE I3U 120 ^ AT"*" o~_. * . <^ no A * ^ f** ..^ ^> ^ V \, " N>- -= oX ^, ^ JWWw'-' 0^ ^\ A / v^ ~~~ "' v_ -s^ i* fl ** < 90 * \r^\ A/ Figure 72. Ordinates represent percentages of the average haemoglobin percentages obtained before ascending the Peak (Oxford and Colorado Springs) on the particular subject. Continuous thick line = total oxygen capacity or total amount of haemoglobin. Continuous thin line = percentage of haemoglobin. Interrupted line = blood volume. The values in Oxford before the start of the expedition are plotted without relation to time. too high unless the circulation rate were increased. An increased circulation rate is thus the natural response to a diminished haemo- globin percentage. We know from observations on persons living at high altitude that one result of the shortage of oxygen caused by the diminished barometric pressure is that the percentage of haemoglobin and of red corpuscles in the blood rises (see Chapter XIII). In different individuals the rise varies considerably. Thus in persons who had been living for some weeks on the summit of Pike's Peak we found that the haemoglobin percentage varied from 113 to 153 per cent of the normal. The rapidity with which the change occurs varies also greatly in different individuals. Figure 72 shows the rate 294 RESPIRATION at which the change occurred and disappeared in one of the members of the Pike's Peak expedition, and Figure 73 shows the far faster rate of increase in haemoglobin in Mr. Richards, a mining engineer who kindly made for me a careful series of observations on himself on going to a mine in Bolivia at a height of 15,000 feet. Figure 72 also shows the changes in blood volume and total haemoglobin in the body (total oxygen capacity). It will be seen that after the first few days the blood volume in- RESPIRATION 295 creases, so that the total haemoglobin in the body increases more than the percentage of haemoglobin. Thus the corpuscles dcrnot simply increase at the expense of the space occupied by plasma, but the total space occupied by the blood is increased. It seems probable, however, that when a rapid increase in the percentage of haemoglobin occurs, as shown in Figure 73, the increase is mainly brought about at first by disappearance of plasma owing to a pressor reaction of the vasomotor center, with consequent in- creased filling of the capillaries and resulting loss of liquid from the blood. In acute anoxaemia produced by asphyxial conditions there appears to be a rapid loss of fluid from the blood, and this is probably due to a pressor reaction. Schneider and his colleagues have recently observed that in a considerable proportion of airmen exposed for a quite short time to low pressures of oxygen there is a small but quite appreciable rise in the haemoglobin percentage. 32 There appears to be no doubt that the cause of the increased total amount of haemoglobin and red corpuscles in the body at high altitudes is increased activity of the bone marrow in forming red corpuscles. On this point direct evidence was obtained by Zuntz and his colleagues. 33 They found that in dogs the blood- forming red marrow was markedly increased at a high altitude. The stimulus to this increase was undoubtedly fall in the oxygen pressure of the blood, and it is doubtless in the same way that in- creased formation of red corpuscles is brought about by loss of blood, especially if repeated. From the experiments of Boycott and Douglas on repeated blood transfusions, we can also infer with great probability that with increased oxygen pressure in the tis- sue capillaries, owing to an increased proportion of haemoglobin, there is a corresponding increase in the blood-destroying tissues. The proportion of haemoglobin in the blood appears, therefore, to be dependent on the oxygen pressure in tissue capillaries. This inference is confirmed by the fact that, as Nasmith and Graham showed, 34 the haemoglobin percentage rises markedly in animals which are kept exposed to a small percentage of CO. In cases of chronic heart disease, and more particularly in cases of congenital heart defects accompanied by cyanosis, there is often a great increase in the total haemoglobin and also in the blood volume. Thus in a congenital case of "Morbus coeruleus," brought 82 Gregg, Lutz, and Schneider, Amer. Journ. of Physiol., L, p. 216, 1919. 33 Zuntz, Loewy, Muller, and Caspar!, Hohenklima und Bergwanderungen, Berlin, 1906. 34 Nasmith and Graham, Journ. of Physwl., XXXV, p. 32, 1906. 296 RESPIRATION to us by Dr. Parkes Weber, Douglas and I found that the haemo- globin percentage was increased 80 per cent; the blood volume IOO per cent; and the total haemoglobin 260 per cent; 35 and we found similar increases in another case. Lorrain Smith had al- ready found a considerable increase in a non-congenital heart case with chronic cyanosis. 36 In some cases (so-called idiopathic polycythaemia) where there is neither exposure to a lowered oxygen pressure nor any heart or lung affection, the haemoglobin percentage and number of red corpuscles per unit volume is greatly increased. On determin- ing the blood volume in two of these cases I found it greatly in- creased. Boycott and Douglas examined three other cases with a similar result. 37 In the most marked of these cases the haemo- globin percentage was 1 76 per cent of the normal, and the blood volume nearly three times the normal, so that the amount of haemoglobin in the body was about five times the normal. Idio- pathic polycythaemia is accompanied by a bluish tint of the skin, and this suggests that from some cause there is slowing of the circulation and consequent anoxaemia of the tissues, to which the increased haemoglobin percentage is a natural response. It is clear that increase in the haemoglobin percentage will tend to diminish the tissue anoxaemia at high altitudes or in cases of heart affections; for the blood can pass more slowly (or at a more normal rate at high altitudes) through the capillaries before a given fall in the oxygen pressure occurs. This compensation is never complete, however; for if it were there would be no stimu- lus to the increased concentration of haemoglobin. An undue rise of CO 2 pressure in the tissues is also prevented by the increased haemoglobin percentage. When the red corpuscles and haemoglobin are increased 60 or 80 per cent the viscosity of the blood is very greatly increased, and a good deal of stress has been laid on this increased viscosity as a hindrance to circulation. Nevertheless persons with their hae- moglobin percentage increased 50 per cent at high altitudes are capable of the severest muscular exertion ; and there is no indica- tion in them of any circulatory impairment. When we consider the manner in which the circulation is normally regulated, as "The details of this case are given by Parkes Weber and Dorner, Lancet, Jan. 21, 1911. 38 Lorrain Smith and McKisack, Trans. Path. Soc. of London, LIII, p. 136, 1902. 87 Boycott and Douglas, Guy's Hospital Reports, LXII, p. 157. RESPIRATION 297 explained above, it seems evident that anything but a very ex- treme increase in viscosity will at once be compensated for by more free opening of arterioles and capillaries. The resistance to flow of blood in the living body is regulated physiologically, and cannot for a moment be compared to the mechanical resist- ance in a system of lifeless tubes. The rapid variations in blood volume from diminution or in- crease in the vasoconstrictor (pressor) influence of the vaso- motor center is perhaps shown most strikingly by the effects on the blood of section of the spinal cord below the vasomotor center in the medulla. Cohnstein and Zuntz found that very quickly after section and consequent fall of blood pressure the proportion of red corpuscles fell to about half, while the proportion rose rapidly again on stimulation of the cord just below the section, with consequent rise of blood pressure. 38 The blood appears to take up. or lose plasma rapidly when the capacity of the blood vessels is diminished or increased. It was discovered by Lorrain Smith with the help of the carbon monoxide method that in chlorosis and in secondary "anaemias" the blood volume is increased without any diminution, or with only a very slight one, in the total haemoglobin in the blood. The anaemia is thus in reality a hydraemia or dilution of the haemo- globin. 39 Boycott and I found the same condition in the ''anaemia" of ankylostomiasis. 40 Miss FitzGerald found later that in chlorosis the alveolar CO 2 pressure is not diminished but normal, so that in this form of anaemia there appears to be no anoxaemia during rest. 41 These facts suggest that the apparent anaemia is due to some cause leading to abnormal dilation and consequent increased capacity of the blood vessels, with the natural sequence of hydrae- mia, but so that the oxygen pressure in the tissues is not dimin- ished. Possibly, therefore, the anaemia is produced through the vasomotor nervous system, or through substances, or the deficiency of substances, which act primarily on the blood vessels. The facts that salts of iron have a striking curative action in chlorosis, and that iron is a constituent of haemoglobin, have led to the idea that the anaemia is caused by the absence of sufficient iron for a normal formation of haemoglobin; but in the cure of chlorosis by iron Lorrain Smith could find no appreciable increase in the total 38 Cohnstein and Zuntz, P finger's Archiv., 88, p. 310, 1888. 39 Lorrain Smith, Trans. Pathol. Soc. of London, LI, p. 311, 1900. 40 Boycott and Haldane, Journ. of Hygiene, III, p. 112, 1903. 41 FitzGerald, Journ. of Pathol. and Bacterial., XIV, p. 328, 1910. 298 RESPIRATION amount of haemoglobin in the body. The characteristic dyspnoea and faintness on exertion in chlorosis, etc., are probably due to the impossibility of sufficiently increasing during exertion the already greatly increased circulation. In pernicious anaemia and the anaemia of haemorrhage, Lor- rain Smith found a very marked diminution of the total haemo- globin present ; but often enough the blood volume was increased above normal. Although the intimate connection between breathing and cir- culation is already very evident, many points in the connection are still uncertain or obscure. There is an abundant field for clinical and physiological investigation in elucidating this sub- ject, though it must always be remembered that not only are breathing and circulation closely dependent on one another, but they are dependent also on other physiological activities. Addendum. The experiments by Douglas and myself on the regulation of the circulation in man have now been completed, and are in course of publication. A very complete series, in which Douglas was himself the subject, shows that during complete rest the mixed venous blood had only utilized about 19 per cent of its available oxygen, and gained a corresponding charge of CO 2 - During hard work, with the oxygen consumption increased about nine times, about 65 per cent of the arterial oxygen was utilized. The pulse rate was increased about 2.6 times, and as the utiliza- tion of the arterial oxygen was increased 3.4 times, the output of blood per heartbeat was practically the same during hard work as at complete rest, and the blood flow had simply increased in proportion to the increase of pulse rate. Various other subjects, including myself, had a similar high rate of blood flow (about 8 liters per minute) during rest, but one or two had a markedly lower rate of flow, with the percentage utilization of oxygen as high, in one case, as 33 per cent. In this case the output per beat during rest, and the circulation rate (about 4.7 liters per minute) were a good deal lower than in the other subjects, but the output per beat increased to about double during hard work. There are thus considerable individual differences (quite apart from differences in weight) as regards the rate of general blood flow and the particular manner in which the circu- lation adapts itself to varying amounts of work. As some doubt has arisen lately as to whether oxygenation of blood within the living body has the same influence on the CO 2 RESPIRATION 299 carrying power of blood as after the blood has been removed and defibrinated, we made careful observations on this point. The experiments showed clearly that oxygenation produces the same effect in the living body as outside it. A full account of the method, and of the results reached by it, will be found in our paper. CHAPTER XI Air of Abnormal Composition. IN the present chapter I propose to describe the mode of occur- rence and physiological effects of the more commonly occurring gaseous constituents of air. The number of noxious gases, vapors, and particulate impurities, which may, under particular circum- stances, be present in air, is of course very large, and only the commoner additions to air can be dealt with here. Outside Air. Pure country air, freed from moisture, contains 20.93 per cent by volume of oxygen, .03 per cent of carbon diox- ide, and 79.04 per cent of a residue usually designated as "nitro- gen," although of this 79.04 per cent about .94 per cent consists of argon. Very minute traces are also present of hydrogen and various rare gases. Ordinary atmospheric air contains, however, aqueous vapor in varying proportions ; and about I per cent is on an average present in a climate such as that of Great Britain. The composition of dry country air is the same to the second decimal point all over the world. In summer weather the percentage of CO 2 near the ground may be as low as .025 during the day, and as high as .035 during the night, owing to the influence of vegeta- tion, etc. ; and doubtless the oxygen percentage rises or falls correspondingly, though this has not yet been shown directly. In towns the composition of the outside air varies surprisingly little from that in the country. The percentage of CO 2 seldom rises above .05, nor does that of oxygen fall below 20.9, even in a large town, like London ; and in summer weather there is hardly any difference between the oxygen and CO 2 percentages of town and country air. In a London park on a summer day the per- centage of CO 2 may fall quite as low as in the country. Consider- ing the great area of a town like London, and the enormous quantity of coal and gas burnt, this fact is very striking, and shows clearly that apart from horizontally-flowing wind there are very active up-and-down movements of the air, and these keep the air of a town pure. It is only in foggy weather that these up-and-down movements cease more or less; and then the im- purities in the air of a large and smoky town may become very RESPIRATION 301 appreciable. Russell found, for example, that in London the per- centage of CO 2 might rise to 0.14 during a dense fog. Along with CO 2 there are present in the air of towns a number of other impurities. From fires a good deal of unburnt CO passes off. In the air of the underground railways when steam loco- motives were still used, I found that about I volume of CO was present for every 12 volumes of CO 2 . If we assume the same pro- portion for the air of a town, there would be about .01 per cent of CO present in the air of a bad London fog. This would be sufficient in time to saturate the haemoglobin with CO to the ex- tent of about 17 per cent, and might thus produce appreciable effects on persons already in bad health, though healthy persons would not notice any effect. Much more appreciable, however, are the effects of the par- ticulate impurities. Ordinary coal contains a good deal of sul- phur; and the sulphur, in the process of combustion, is mainly oxidized to sulphuric acid, which condenses along with water in the form of minute droplets and thus helps to form fog. Of the unpleasant irritant effects of this sulphuric acid one can form a good idea in passing through a railway tunnel, particularly if the train is moving slowly up an incline and the coal burnt contains much sulphur. Those familiar with sulphuric acid fumes in chemi- cal laboratories or factories will at once recognize them in the tunnel air. When badly purified lighting gas is burnt in a room, the same irritant effect is also noticeable to a less degree. In a bad fog in a large town the choking effects of sulphuric acid con- tribute largely to the unpleasant effect of the fog and the manner in which the fogginess of the air persists even when the air is warmed in the interior of a house. There is no escape from this effect unless the air is scrubbed or filtered. The sulphuric acid is also destructive to metal and other materials. Besides sulphuric acid the smoky air contains particles of black carbonaceous matter which greatly help absorb the light, and also contains substances which have an unpleasant odor and more or less irritant effect on the air passages. As will be shown below, there is no reason to believe that the continued inhalation of these particles has any deleterious effect on the lungs, and in ordinary town air they are not present in sufficient concentration to be of any direct consequence in other ways to health. Their greatest importance arises from the inconvenience and expense caused by their obstruction of light and the manner in which they dirty clothes, walls, ceilings, and everything else in a house. By the 302 RESPIRATION substitution of well-purified gas for coal in fires, or by smokeless combustion of coal, the trouble might be avoided, and indeed has been much diminished within recent years. Lower organisms, and particularly plants, are on the whole far more sensitive to impurities in air and other changes in en- vironment than higher animals, and particularly man. The real reason for this is that between the living tissue elements and the outside environment higher organisms possess an internal en- vironment which is not only highly developed, but is maintained with an efficiency which increases with the scale in development. Plants are extremely sensitive to the particulate and other impuri- ties in air and the obstruction of light by smoke and opaque fogs. But few trees and plants can flourish in the air of a town or in- dustrial area. The traces of acid and other impurities present in the air can act more or less directly on their tissue elements, which have very little between them and the external environment. Air of Occupied Rooms. In rooms of all kinds where men are present the composition of the air becomes altered, owing to res- piration and evaporation and to any gas or oil lamps which may be burning. Both respiration and lamps consume oxygen and pro- duce CO 2 and moisture. The combustion in the lamps is perfect, so that no CO passes into the air; and unless the gas is badly purified from sulphur the products of combustion have very little unpleasant effect apart from what may be due to heat. It was formerly supposed that some volatile toxic substance is given off in the breath; but the experimental evidence in support of this belief was found to be fallacious, and all attempts to demonstrate the existence of such a substance have failed. Some of the most striking evidence on the subject is afforded by experience in sub- marines, in which a limited volume of air is quite commonly re- breathed until after a few hours a light will not burn and 3 per cent or more of CO 2 may be present. Provided the air remains cool, as it does in a temperate climate owing to the cooling influence of the water, the only effects observed are those due to CO 2 . Even in the most crowded and ill-ventilated rooms the pro- portion of CO 2 seldom rises above 0.5 per cent, with, of course, a corresponding drop in the oxygen percentage. From the account already given of the physiology of breathing it is evident that a difference of this order in the composition of the air is in itself of no appreciable importance. The breathing simply becomes very slightly deeper and the composition of the alveolar air and RESPIRATION 303 arterial blood remains practically unaffected as regards either CO 2 or oxygen. Although apart from CO 2 no appreciable amount of any poisonous substance is given off to the air by the body, various substances which affect the olfactory nerves are given off in minute amounts from persons or furniture in a room. As a rule these sub- stances are only perceived on entering a room, and are not noticed after a short time by those who remain in it. In sensitive persons, however, they may produce an unpleasant reflex effect; and for this reason apart from any other a good ventilation is desirable. When, however, there is no musty furniture, and the bodies and clothing of those present are fairly clean, there is little or no in- convenience from this cause. A far more important factor in connection with the physio- logical effects of the air in rooms is temperature, and along with it moisture. The maintenance of a constant internal body tempera- ture depends on constant physiological adjustment between ac- tual heat loss from the body and variations in environmental con- ditions which tend to make the heat loss greater or less than the heat production. The variations in environmental conditions con- sist in variations in temperature, moisture content, and movement of the air, and also variations in the radiant heat gained or lost by the body, apart from the actual temperature of the air. The actual heat loss is regulated physiologically, apart from conscious regulation by variation of clothing, etc., partly by varying the rate of blood circulation through the skin, and partly by varying the amount of water evaporated by the skin. The latter means of regulation does not come into play unless the air is warm, or heat production in the body is greatly increased by muscular exertion. When the air of a room is so cold, or the movement of the air is so great, that the skin, or parts of it, become uncomfortably cold, we are always clearly aware of the cause of discomfort. But when the air is so warm as to lead to the skin being uncomfortably warm we are apt to attribute the discomfort to some other cause than the heat. The matter is also complicated by the fact that in different persons the air temperature at which discomfort is felt varies considerably. Thus persons who have been undergoing "open-air" treatment and are accustomed to rooms with open windows feel much discomfort in rooms with closed windows where other persons are just comfortable. Similarly Americans accustomed to the warm air associated with central heating find British houses with fires very uncomfortably cold in winter, while 304 RESPIRATION British visitors to America find the warm air of American houses very trying. The discomforts of warm or cold air are not usually associated with rise or fall of internal body temperature. When suffering great discomfort from sitting in a very cold room, I have found the rectal temperature slightly raised rather than lowered, and on going to an uncomfortably warm room there was a slight fall in rectal temperature. Persons going unaccustomed into very warm air may become faint or suffer from nausea or headache without any appreciable rise of body temperature. There appears to be a fall of arterial pressure owing to failure on the part of the vasomotor center to compensate for the increased flow of blood through the skin in a warm atmosphere, and this probably ac- counts for the more striking symptoms. In any case persons soon become more or less acclimatized within limits to the effects of warm air. One can observe this in miners who become accustomed to warm places in mines, or in people who become accustomed to Turkish baths. It is somewhat noteworthy that men accustomed to hard outdoor work seem to be much less sensitive to heat or cold indoors than other persons. This is probably due to the fact that though they are not accustomed to external heat they are accustomed to what in this reference comes to much the same thing, namely, greatly varied internal heat production, which involves the same capacity for vasomotor adaptation as exposure to external heat or cold. Those who are most affected by external heat or cold indoors are persons who are not only unaccustomed to external heat, but are also unaccustomed to hard muscular exertion. Part of the discomfort of warm air in rooms is due to its drying effect on the skin and particularly the upper air passage. Winter air warmed to a temperature of about 70 F. is very dry; and if the skin and upper air passages are kept warm by the air they lose far more moisture than usual and become uncomfortable. With cold air the inside of the nose is kept cool, and during expiration moisture condenses in it, so that it is kept moist in spite of the fact that the cold air contains very little moisture. With warm dry air, on the other hand, there is much evaporation during inspiration and little or no condensation during expiration, so that the nose is apt to become very dry ; and this appears to lead to swelling of the mucous membrane. The combination of physiological disturbances produced by warm air in a room is apt to be attributed to chemical impurities RESPIRATION 305 in the air. Owing to this fact, and general ignorance as to the physiology, as distinguished from the chemistry, of respiration, too much stress was formerly laid on the chemical purity of the air in rooms. The chemical purity is nevertheless a very important index of the chances of infection through the air from person to person in a room. The more air is passing through the room the less the chances of infection become ; and for this reason as high as possible a standard of chemical purity is desirable where a number of persons, some of whom may be carriers of infection, are present. A reasonable standard to aim at under these circum- stances is that the excess of CO 2 in the air of the room should not be over .02 per cent unless lights are burning, or that about 5 cubic feet of air per person and per minute should be supplied. This standard can easily be maintained in ordinary houses with natural ventilation ; and even in the case of crowded buildings a similar standard can be attained by the right application of modern engineering methods. When air becomes very warm the regulation of body tempera- ture becomes dependent on increased evaporation from the skin and not merely on variation in the blood flow through it. If mus- cular work is being done this point is soon reached if the air is fairly still. The amount of moisture in the air then becomes very important, as the rate of evaporation from the skin depends on the amount of moisture already present in the air. In still air, or in air moving at any given rate, a temperature is finally reached at which in spite of profuse sweating the skin cannot evaporate water quickly enough to prevent the body temperature from rising. As I showed experimentally in 1905, this temperature is reached when the wet-bulb temperature reaches a certain point. 1 Thus in still air and with hardly any clothing, the body temperature be- gins to rise when the wet-bulb temperature exceeds 88 F (3iC). It does not matter what the actual air temperature is, or the actual percentage of moisture in the air, provided that the wet- bulb temperature reaches 88. Thus it was indifferent whether the air temperature was 88 with the air saturated, or 133 with the air very dry, provided that the wet-bulb temperature was 88. When the wet-bulb temperature was far above 88 the rate of rise of body temperature was proportional to the rise of wet-bulb temperature. 2 1 Haldane, Journ. of Hygiene, V, p. 494, 1905. a Haldane, Trans. Inst. of Mining Engineers, XLVIII, p. 553, 1914. 3 o6 RESPIRATION When even moderate muscular work was being done the criti- cal wet-bulb temperature was, even with almost no clothing, at least 10 below 88 in still air. With the ordinary clothing of temperate climates the critical wet-bulb temperature is much lower than without clothing, especially during muscular work. On the other hand, with the air in motion, the critical wet-bulb tem- perature is higher. The beneficial effects of fans, punkahs, etc., during heat is well known. With the wet-bulb temperature above the body temperature, however, the rise of body temperature is the more rapid the more the air is in motion. In the climate of Great Britain the wet-bulb shade temperature very seldom rises above 70, even on very warm summer after- noons ; but during heat waves in America a wet-bulb temperature of 75 is not infrequently reached, and cases of hyperpyrexia from the heat then become common. Wet-bulb temperatures of over 80 are of course common in tropical countries, and are met by proper adaptation of clothing and mode of life; but the amount of muscular exertion which is possible with a wet-bulb temperature over 80, except in a good breeze, is limited. In ordinary rooms in a temperate climate, and when ordinary cloth- ing is worn, a wet-bulb temperature of even 65 becomes oppres- sive and likely to cause fainting and headaches in persons not accustomed to heat or heavy muscular exertion. In order to obtain a simultaneous measure of the cooling action on the body of air temperature, movement of air, and maximum evaporation from the skin, Dr. Leonard Hill has devised an in- strument known as the katathermometer. This consists of an alcohol thermometer with a very large bulb, which, when an ob- servation has to be made, is heated to about iooF. The flask is jacketed with an absorbent jacket which can be moistened with water. By the rate at which the water cools, a comparative esti- mate can be obtained of the maximum possible combined cooling action on the human body of movement of air, temperature, and evaporation. The actual cooling effect of the air depends, of course, on the physiological responses of the body, but cannot ex- ceed the maximum shown by the wet katathermometer. The physiology of temperature regulation lies outside the scope of this book; but temperature effects are so liable to be confused with effects due to chemical impurities in air that it seemed necessary to refer briefly to the physiological disturbances due to warm air. The air of occupied rooms is liable to be contaminated by RESPIRATION 307 escapes of lighting gas ; and under certain circumstances fatal or very serious accidents from this cause may occur and lighting gas may be used very easily for purposes of suicide or even murder. The great majority of accidental deaths from poisoning by lighting gas have been in bedrooms, owing to the gas being in some way left turned on after being extinguished. In 1899 a Departmental Committee of which I was a member reported on the influence of the use of water gas in connection with poisoning by lighting gas, and I investigated the conditions under which poisoning may occur in bedrooms. 3 It might be supposed that the sense of smell would always give warning of an escape of lighting gas in a room. On going into a room in which gas is escaping one notices the smell at once, and long before sufficient gas is present to cause any symptoms of poisoning; but a person inside the room when the escape begins may quite probably never notice it. The reason for this is that the sense of smell for any particular substance becomes fatigued very rapidly, and if the proportion of the odoriferous substance in the air is only very gradually increased the smell is never noticed. In this way an escape of gas in a bedroom is often unnoticed. When a continuous escape of gas occurs in a room, the per- centage of gas in the air goes on increasing until the rate of es- cape through walls, roof, etc., balances the rate of inflow of gas. In any ordinary room the walls, roof, and floor are permeable to air, and, if any cause such as pressure of wind or difference of temperature between inside and outside tends to produce air currents in and out of the room, the flow of air is surprisingly free. If, for instance, the door and windows are closed and all visible chinks pasted up, it will be noticed that when a fire is lit the chimney draws just as well as before. Large volumes of air are passing up the chimney, and this air comes in through the walls, roofs, etc. Brick and stonework, for instance, are fairly permeable to air, as can easily be shown by suitable means. Small rooms in a dwelling house do not require artificial ventilation, provided the passages, etc., are well ventilated, since the ratio of surface to cubic capacity is high, so that ventilation through the surfaces of the room counts for more in relation to the cubic space per person in the room. It will thus be readily seen that what happens in a room when gas escapes continuously will depend on various circumstances, such as the difference in temperature between inside and outside, 3 Report of the Water-gas Committee, Part. Paper, 1899. Appendix i. 3 o8 RESPIRATION the presence of a fire or of central heating by warm air, the amount of wind, etc. But even if there is little or no cause of ex- change of air before the gas escape begins, the escape itself will furnish a cause, since the gas is much lighter than air, so that air to which gas has been added will tend to pass out by the roof. Hence even under conditions least favorable to ventilation, the gas can never accumulate to more than a very limited concentra- tion in the air of a room. Another complication in connection with gas escapes is that the gas may or may not mix evenly with the air of a room. Gas escap- ing from a burner passes straight upwards to the roof and there spreads. I found that unless the temperature of the windows and walls was below the air temperature of the room the gas never came down again to any very great extent. With a very rapid escape of gas, as when a burner was completely removed or a pipe cut, this was very marked. It was impossible to obtain a poisonous atmosphere at the ordinary breathing level, but there was a heavy concentration of gas near the roof. The danger of poisoning was to persons in the floor above, and not to those in the room where the escape was occurring. Near the floor level, how- ever, a curious phenomenon was observed. The gas actually present in the air was found to be nearly pure hydrogen. This showed that it was only by diffusion, and not by convection cur- rents, that gas had penetrated downwards. Hydrogen, being much more diffusable than any of the other constituents of lighting gas, had diffused downwards much more rapidly ; and in general it was found that the hydrogen in lighting gas separates off by diffusion very readily, leaving a mixture containing more of CO and the other heavier constituents of the gas. At night, when the windows were cold, and the tendency to convection currents down them was consequently strong, mixture of the gas by convection was much more apt to occur, especially if the escape was at a moderate rate. There was consequently more danger at night to persons sleeping in the room. When the percentage of gas was determined at intervals in the air of a room with gas continuously escaping from a burner and mixing by convection currents down the windows, I found that, if the conditions of wind, etc., remained constant, the percentage became constant after a certain time which depended on the size of the room among other conditions, and might vary from about one to three hours according to the size of the room, rate of gas escape, amount of wind, etc. The maximum percentage obtained RESPIRATION 309 was 2.7 per cent at the breathing level. With larger escapes of gas this percentage could hardly be increased, as most of the gas remained at the roof. The air at all parts of the rooms tested was examined with a miner's safety lamp to see if the air ever became explosive; but with such escapes as could be produced when burners were not taken off, I never succeeded in obtaining an explosive atmosphere even at the roof. It requires about 8 per cent of lighting gas to render air explosive. These experiments had a very definite practical significance in connection with the composition of lighting gas used for domestic purposes : for it is evident that whether or not a dangerous result will ensue from an escape of gas in a room will depend on how poisonous the gas is, and not simply on the time during which the escape continues. The poisonous action of lighting gas largely diluted with air depends exclusively on the CO contained in it. In every case of persons found dead in air containing lighting gas the post mortem appearances are those of CO poisoning, and the percentage saturation of blood as determined by the method de- scribed in the appendix has turned out to be round 80, just as in the case, referred to below, of miners poisoned by CO. Thus, broadly speaking, the danger of poisoning from escape of lighting gas depends on whether the air will be poisonous from CO when less than 2 or 2.5 per cent of gas is present. Lighting gas as originally introduced is made by the distillation of bituminous coal, and usually contains about 7 or 8 per cent of CO. With 2 per cent of this lighting gas in the air there would only be about 0.14 per cent of CO ; and this, though a formidable percentage, would not, so far as known, produce fatal effects in a healthy person, as the haemoglobin would, in all probability, not become much more than about half -saturated. To judge from all our present knowledge, and from the results of experiments on animals, about 0.3 per cent would usually be needed to produce death within a few hours. Excellent lighting gas can also be made by blowing steam through incandescent coke or coal. The product is what is called "blue" water gas consisting roughly of equal parts of hydrogen and CO. This gives a very hot, though small, flame, and although the flame by itself is "blue" and practically nonluminous, an ex- cellent light is given when a properly adjusted mantle is used. On the other hand the calorific value of a given volume of this gas is very low as compared with ordinary coal gas ; and as the value of gas depends mainly on the heating power of a given volume of it, 310 RESPIRATION as well as, to a certain extent, on the luminosity of its flame when no mantle is used, water gas is usually "carbureted" by the ad- dition of cheap oil in a chamber where the oil is "cracked" by means of heat. The product is known as carbureted water gas, and is very largely used as a substitute for ordinary coal gas. It has a luminous flame and more or less satisfactory calorific value, but contains about 30 per cent of CO. It is evident that with gas containing 30 per cent of CO, poison- ing will occur very readily with an escape of gas during the night in a house. On inquiring into the deaths from gas poisoning in American towns supplied with carbureted water gas, the com- mittee referred to above found that about 100 to 200 times as many deaths occurred from gas poisoning with a given distribu- tion of gas as in English towns supplied with coal gas only. The gas was also used very extensively for purposes of suicide, and sometimes also as a means of murder. Apart from actual danger from poisoning, there was also the constant anxiety as to danger from gas poisoning. An American mother, for instance, told me that she regularly got up every night to make sure that gas was not escaping where her children were sleeping. The result of the committee's inquiries was to show that if gas is to be used for domestic purposes the percentage of CO in it should be reasonably low ; and in consequence of this finding the use of undiluted car- bureted water gas was discontinued in Great Britain, where, indeed, it had only been introduced in one or two places, though with unfortunate results which led to the inquiry. It should, how- ever, be mentioned that with the general introduction of mantles the danger of poisoning from accidental escapes from burners is considerably diminished, as less gas escapes, and if there is a pilot flame the risk is further greatly diminished. Gas poisoning in houses may not only occur from escapes within the house, but also from escapes from street gas mains; and many serious accidents from this cause have occurred, par- ticularly with carbureted water gas. The danger is much increased from the fact that in passing through earth the odoriferous con- stituents (benzene, etc.) of the gas are apt to be more or less absorbed, so that the gas entering the basements of houses is more or less odorless. Probably, also, it may have lost a good deal of its hydrogen by diffusion, and this will make it more poisonous. A large number of persons in several houses and many different rooms may be poisoned by one serious breakage of a main. Pettenkofer recorded an interesting case where, in the times before RESPIRATION 311 clinical thermometers, illness through gas poisoning from a broken main was mistaken for a peculiar and rapidly infectious form uf typhus. No smell of gas was noticed at first, and the percentage of CO must have been so low, and perhaps inconstant, that it took some hours before any distinct symptoms of illness were produced. At last the smell became noticeable, probably because the earth through which the gas was escaping had become saturated with the odoriferous constituents, and so ceased to absorb them com- pletely. Air of Mines. The air of mines is liable to be contaminated by various gases known to British miners as black damp, fire damp, afterdamp, white damp, and smoke. Of these, black damp is the commonest and most universally present; fire damp is hardly found except in connection with coal or oil; afterdamp occurs only after explosions ; white damp in connection with spontaneous heating of coal ; and smoke in connection with fires or blasting. Black damp is distinguished by miners through its character- istic properties of extinguishing lamps without exploding and not causing danger to life provided a lamp will still burn. As ordinary black damp is heavier than air, it was formerly identi- fied with CO 2 . Its true composition was first ascertained in 1895 by Sir William Atkinson and myself. 4 It is the residual gas of an oxidation process, and thus consists of nitrogen with anything up to about 21 per cent of carbon dioxide. It is now evident that black damp may be formed by several different oxidation pro- cesses, among which oxidation of timber, of coal, and of iron pyrites (FeS 2 ) are the most important. When timber oxidizes in the process of decay, it gives off nearly as much CO 2 as it consumes oxygen. Hence the black damp formed consists of about 80 parts of nitrogen and 20 of CO 2 . Freshly broken coal also oxidizes slowly for some time at ordinary temperatures, but to a very limited extent. The oxidation process is a simple chemical one and not dependent on microorganisms; and extremely little CO 2 is formed. In the oxidation of pyrites, which is also a simple chemical process, no CO 2 is directly formed ; the sulphur is oxidized to sulphuric acid, which partly combines with the iron to form ferrous and ferric sulphates, but may react with calcium carbonate to form calcium sulphate, CO 2 being of course liberated. Black damp of one sort or another is found in practically all mines, though in coal mines where there is much fire damp its Haldane and Atkinson, Trans. Instit. of Mining Engineers, 1895. 3 i2 RESPIRATION presence can often be detected only by analysis, on account of the predominance of fire damp. Occasionally there is so little CO 2 present in black damp that it is lighter than air; or it may be lighter than air owing to admixed fire damp. I found that the black damp formed simply in the oxidation of coal at ordinary temperatures contains small percentages of CO, 5 but black damp as ordinarily found in considerable concentrations in mines is practically free from CO. The action of black damp on lamps and candles is of much practical importance, particularly as a miner trusts to his lamp to warn him of the presence of black damp or fire damp. A flame is extremely sensitive to any variation in the oxygen percentage in air. If the oxygen percentage is increased the flame becomes brighter and hotter, and substances which are not inflammable in ordinary air may then become readily inflammable. If the oxygen percentage is diminished the flame becomes dimmer and less hot, unless the diminution is due to the addition of an inflam- mable gas to the air. When the oxygen percentage is dimin- ished by the addition of nitrogen or black damp to the air, the light given by a candle or lamp diminishes by about 3.5 per cent for a fall of o.i per cent in the oxygen percentage. 6 With a fall of about 3 to 3.5 per cent in the oxygen an oil or candle flame is extinguished. Aqueous vapor is even more effective than nitrogen in causing extinction of flame. It should be noted that it is to the percentage, and not the partial pressure, of oxygen that the flame is so sensitive, whereas it is the partial pressure that is of physio- logical importance. A fall in the oxygen percentage of 3 per cent is of very little importance to a man, though it extinguishes a flame. On the other hand a flame still burns well when the atmos- pheric pressure is diminished to a third, while a man is soon as- phyxiated. Gas flames may be much less readily extinguished by fall in oxygen percentage than oil or candle flames. Thus a hydro- gen flame may not be extinguished till the oxygen percentage falls to half or even less, the extinction point depending to a con- siderable extent on the velocity with which the gas is issuing from the burner. An acetylene lamp will burn till the oxygen percentage falls to about 12. The physiological action of black damp added to air depends within wide limits on the percentage of CO 2 in the black damp, * Haldane and Meachem, Trans, Inst. of Mining Engineers, 1899. 8 Haldane and Llewellyn, Trans. Inst. of Mining Engineers, XLIV, p. 267, 1902. RESPIRATION 313 and can be deduced from the data already given as to the physio- logical actions of CO 2 and oxygen. It should be noted that the CO 2 diminishes greatly the risk that would otherwise exist from diminution of the oxygen percentage. This risk is greatly di- minished, owing to the fact that the CO 2 firstly increases the oxy- gen percentage in the alveolar air by stimulating the breathing, and secondly raises the hydrogen ion concentration of the blood, thus increasing the circulation rate and assisting the dissociation of oxyhaemoglobin in the tissue capillaries. There is therefore little or no danger from lack of oxygen till the oxygen percentage in the air falls to 6 or 7 per cent; but if the oxygen falls much lower death occurs from want of oxygen. The very evident effect of the CO 2 on the breathing gives good warning of the danger, so that apart from the ample warning given by a lamp a man is not likely to go into a dangerous percentage of black damp unless he does so suddenly, as in descending a shaft or steep incline. In former times miners often worked in air containing so much black damp as to put a great strain on their breathing while they were at work. Air containing, say, 3 per cent of CO 2 doubles the breathing during rest; but this effect is scarcely noticeable sub- jectively. During work, however, the breathing is also about double what it would otherwise be, and the lungs are thus strained to the utmost. Probably a great deal of the emphysema from which old miners used to suffer was due to this cause. 7 The ordinary fire damp of coal mines is, practically speaking, pure methane (CH 4 ). In a very "fiery" seam as much as 1,500 cubic feet of methane may be given off per ton of coal extracted. The methane is adsorbed in the coal, 8 and may come off under a pressure of 30 atmospheres or more. Of other higher hydro- carbons a small amount is also adsorbed in the coal, but held more firmly, so that only in the last fractions of gas coming off from coal can their presence be clearly demonstrated by analysis. No carbon monoxide comes off with the methane, but appreciable quantities of CO 2 and nitrogen are often given off. It occasionally happens, however, that enormous quantities of CO 2 are adsorbed in coal and may come off in very dangerous outbursts. This is un- known in British and American coal fields, but has been met with in France. Sudden outbursts of adsorbed gas, whether methane or CO 2 , can only occur, however, where coal has been locally dis- integrated, as is apt to be the case near a fault. Ordinary solid coal * Haldane, Trans. Inst. of Mining Engineers, LI, p. 469, 1916. 8 Graham, Trans. Inst. of Mining Engineers, LII, p. 338, 1916. 314 RESPIRATION is so impermeable to gas that it only adsorbs or gives off gas very slowly. In the inflammable gas associated with oil fields higher hydrocarbons are present in considerable amount, so that the gas may burn with a luminous flame and has toxic properties. Methane may of course also be produced by the action of bacteria on old timber or other organic matter in the absence of oxygen ; and accidents from the explosion of gas from this source have occasionally occurred in British ironstone mines. When about 6 per cent of methane is present in air, the mixture becomes inflammable with an ordinary light, and explodes vio- lently with a somewhat higher percentage. Curiously enough, however, an excess of methane prevents explosion, although plenty of oxygen is still present; and with more than about 12 per cent 10 I) < /% Figure 74. Diagram showing outlines of caps visible on an oil flame with different percentage of methane. of methane the mixture ceases to be inflammable. This fact limits considerably the direct dangers from explosions of fire damp. The presence of nonexplosive proportions of fire damp in air can easily be detected by the appearance of a "cap" on the flame of a lamp. The cap is a pale, nonluminous flame which appears on the top of the ordinary flame. In order to see it properly the ordi- nary flame must be either effectively shaded or lowered till little else than a blue flame is present, as otherwise the light from the ordinary flame produces a dazzling effect which renders the cap invisible, though it can be photographed without difficulty. The length of the cap depends on the temperature and size of the flame, and with the very hot hydrogen flame the test becomes far more delicate, so that as little as 0.2 per cent of methane can be detected easily. Figure 74 shows the outlines of the cap visible RESPIRATION 315 with different percentages of methane when an ordinary oil flame is lowered to the extent required in testing. To obviate the danger arising from ignition of fire damp mix- tures by lamps, some sort of safety lamp is now always used in fiery mines. A safety lamp may be either an oil lamp constructed on the general principle introduced by Davy, or an electric lamp ; but the latter has of course the disadvantage that it does not indi- cate the presence of fire damp and black damp. As regards its physiological properties, fire damp behaves as an indifferent gas like nitrogen or hydrogen. A mixture of 79 per cent of methane and 21 of oxygen has the same physiological properties as air, except that the voice is altered ; and the physio- logical action of methane is simply due to the reduction which it causes in the oxygen percentage. Its action can thus be deduced from the data in Chapters VI and VII. In actual practice the danger from asphyxiation by fire damp is considerably greater than from black damp, since a man going with an electric lamp or no lamp into air progressively vitiated by fire damp has little physiological warning of impending danger. He is in a similar position to an airman at a very high altitude, and if he suddenly falls from want of oxygen he is very likely to die from failure of the respiratory center. Afterdamp. Afterdamp is the gas produced as the result of an explosion, and has been known for long to be specially dangerous. In 1895 I made an inquiry into the causes of death in colliery explosions, 9 and found that nearly all (about 95 per cent) of the men who died underground were killed by CO, although a con- siderable number had received such serious skin burns that they could hardly have survived in any case. Death was never due to deficiency in the oxygen percentage of the air, nor to excess of CO 2 , nor, apart from exceptional cases, to more than 2 per cent of carbon monoxide. It was clear that the men had died in air containing plenty of oxygen, and not much carbon monoxide. That carbon monoxide was the actual cause of death was clear from the fact that the venous blood was usually about 80 per cent saturated with CO ; and that death was slow, and therefore due to a low percentage of CO, follows from the fact that about the same saturation was found all over the body. With more than about 2 per cent of CO the venous blood has not time to become evenly saturated and the saturation is usually a good deal lower. 9 Haldane, Report on the Causes of Death in Colliery Explosions and Fires. Parl. Paper C, 8112, 1896. 316 RESPIRATION Colliery explosions were formerly attributed simply to ex- plosions of fire damp. About 40 years ago it was first clearly pointed out by Mr. Galloway that this explanation is unsatis- factory, and that the spread of an explosion must be due to coal dust. Further evidence of the predominant part played by coal dust in all great colliery explosions was soon brought forward; and it became clear that many explosions occur in the complete absence of fire damp, the coal dust being originally stirred up and lighted by the blowing out of flame in blasting, and the explosion carried on indefinitely by further stirring up and ignition. In other cases the starting point is some, perhaps quite small, explosion of fire damp, caused by a defective lamp, a spontaneous fire in the coal, or perhaps even by a spark from falling stone. The ease with which coal dust explosions may be produced by blasting when even a very little coal dust is lying on a road, and the astounding violence which they may develop after the flame has traveled about a hundred yards, were strikingly shown in experiments made with pure coal dust at Altofts Colliery under Sir William Garforth's direction. 10 On account of their danger in a populous neighborhood these experiments were transferred to Eskmeals on the Cumberland coast; and finally showed that when an equal weight of shale dust or other similar material was present along with the stone dust the mixture could not be ignited by blasting or gas explosions. 11 Sir William Garforth's plan of stone-dusting all the roads in collieries with shale dust, so that at no point is there more than half as much coal dust as shale dust, has now been adopted very generally in Great Britain ; and the only serious recent explosions have been in mines where this precaution was not adopted. Stone- dusting is far more efficacious and cheaper than watering the dust; and indeed efficient watering is impossible in many cases, owing to the effect of water on the roof and sides of a colliery road. In the Altofts experiments, samples of afterdamp were analyzed by Dr. Wheeler. The following is a typical example. Carbon dioxide 11.9 Carbon monoxide 8.6 Hydrogen 2.9 Methane 3.1 Nitrogen 73.5 10 Record of British Coal-dust Experiments, 1910. 11 Reports of the Explosions in Mines Committee, Parl. Papers, 1912-1914. RESPIRATION 317 It will thus be seen that pure afterdamp, free from air, may contain as much as 8.6 per cent of CO. Fresh afterdamp also con tains an appreciable percentage of H 2 S (not shown in the analy- sis). This is a very poisonous gas, and o.i per cent will knock a man over unconscious in a very short time. The most immediate effect of fresh afterdamp may be due to H 2 S ; but on this point there is no definite knowledge as yet. Considering the deadly composition of pure afterdamp it is at first sight somewhat surprising that in actual colliery explosions the men are not killed at once by the afterdamp, and that the CO is so dilute in the atmosphere that kills them. It must, however, be borne in mind that along the roads of collieries the coal dust is never pure, and often contains so much shale dust that an ex- plosion is not possible. The combustion is probably, therefore, far from complete, so that much air is left, apart from what is drawn in as soon as the air cools. Possibly, also, the percentage of CO in the pure afterdamp is lower. Afterdamp is, of course, extremely dangerous to rescuers, and many lives of rescuers have been lost owing to poisoning by CO. They have gone too far into the poisonous air before becoming aware of any danger, and the first symptom noticed is usually faintness and failure of the legs, so that return is impossible. Moreover the mental condition of men beginning to be affected by CO is usually such, as already explained in Chapter VI, that they will not turn back, and are reckless of danger. A lamp is of course useless for indicating the danger. In order to give miners a practical means of detecting danger- ous percentages of CO, I introduced the plan of making use of a small warm-blooded animal such as a mouse or small bird. 12 Owing to their very rapid general metabolism and respiration and circulation small animals absorb CO far more rapidly than men. Hence they show the effects of CO far more quickly, and can thus be used as indicators of danger, although in the long run they are possibly rather less sensitive to CO than men are. Thus a danger- ous percentage which would require nearly an hour to affect a man at rest will affect the bird or mouse within about five minutes. This test has now come into very general use, and was, for in- stance, largely used during the war by the tunneling companies. It is easier to see the signs of CO poisoning in a bird in a small cage, as it becomes unsteady on its perch, and finally drops, while a mouse only becomes more and more sluggish; but the mouse is "Haldane, Journ. of Physiol., XVIII, p. 448, 1895. 318 RESPIRATION easier to handle, and less apt to die suddenly and thus leave the miner without any test. The animals recover very quickly as soon as purer air is reached and this greatly increases their value as a test. After an explosion it is very necessary to have some test for CO. The ventilation system is thrown out of action owing to doors and air crossings being blown in. On the other hand it is very im- portant to get in as soon as possible in case men are still alive, and in order to deal with any smoldering fires left by the explosion. When air in a mine is for any reason not safe to breathe, self- contained breathing apparatus are now frequently employed. It is beyond the scope of this book to describe these apparatus in detail ; 13 but it may be mentioned that the usual principle employed is that the wearer breathes through a mouthpiece into and out of a bag, the nose being closed by a noseclip. Into the bag there is directed a stream of oxygen from a steel cylinder carried behind ; and by means of a reducing valve and properly adjusted opening beyond it the stream is kept steady at not less than 2 liters per minute. This is as much as a man uses during pretty hard exertion. If he uses less, the excess is allowed to blow off. If he uses more, the oxygen percentage in the bag may fall rather low, or the bag may become flat before the end of a full inspiration. In the former case he will begin to pant more than usual, but will not fall over so long as the 2 liters are coming in. If less than about 2 liters are coming in he will be liable to fall over, owing to a rapid fall in the oxygen percentage. If the bag begins to go flat he will notice this, and either turn on more oxy- gen through a by-pass, or exert himself less. The carbon dioxide in the expired air is absorbed by a purifier containing caustic alkali. In another form of apparatus the delivery of oxygen is gov- erned by the state of fullness of the bag; but in applying this principle there is the difficulty that the oxygen may not be quite pure, and the contained nitrogen may thus accumulate in the bag, or a little nitrogen may leak in from the air at the mouthpiece. In still another form use is made of liquid air, of which a large amount can be carried, so that most of the expired CO 2 can be allowed to pass out and only a small purifier is needed. 13 A thorough discussion of the apparatus in use in America and the principles and practice applicable to it is given in U . S. Bureau of Mines Technical Paper, No. 82, 1917, by Yandell Henderson and J. W. Paul. Numerous investigations, including two full reports by myself, have appeared in Great Britain. RESPIRATION 319 Whichever form of apparatus is used it is very necessary that it should be extremely reliable in its action, and that the users should be thoroughly instructed and trained in its proper use and upkeep. A number of lives have been lost or endangered through defective supervision and mode of use, or defective design, of apparatus; and as a consequence of these defects men wearing the apparatus in quite breathable air have often had to be rescued by men without apparatus. With proper and scientific supervision these accidents do not occur, as has been shown again and again during extensive operations in irrespirable air. By white damp miners understand a poisonous form of gas coming off from coal which has spontaneously heated. The term seems to have arisen from the fact that steam commonly comes off from the warm coal with this poisonous gas and causes a white mist. By experiments on animals and analyses I have frequently found that the poisonous constituent of the gas was CO. Freshly broken coal is, as already mentioned, liable to a slow oxidation process. This of course produces heat, and if sufficient coal is present, so that the heat is not lost as quickly as it is pro- duced, the coal will heat, and the heated coal will oxidize faster and faster until at last it is red hot or bursts into flame if sufficient oxygen is present. It is for this reason that coal may be a danger- ous cargo on long voyages, and that coal cannot be stacked safely in very high heaps. In many seams there is great trouble and no little danger from spontaneous heating of broken coal under- ground ; and the residual gas coming off from heated coal is often called white damp. The higher the temperature of coal which is slowly oxidizing, the greater the proportion of CO in the residual gas. The effects of white damp are thus much the same as those of afterdamp ; and the same precautions are required. Smoke in mines may come either from fires or from blasting. The smoke from a fire is usually, of course, visible and irritates the air passages and eyes owing to the irritant properties of the suspended particles. If, however, smoke has slowly traveled some distance in a mine, the particles have subsided and the smoke has become a more or less odorless and transparent gas. Many very serious accidents, involving sometimes the loss of 100 lives, have occurred through the poisonous action of smoke from fires in mines. In these cases the deaths have always, so far as hitherto ascertained, been due to CO poisoning. A large amount of un- burnt CO is given off from smoky or smoldering fires, so that the gases from a fire are almost as dangerous as the afterdamp of an 320 RESPIRATION explosion. Practically speaking, afterdamp and smoke from fires produce nearly the same effects, and require the same precautions. A fire in the main intake of a mine is a most dangerous occurrence, since the poisonous gas is apt to be carried all over the mine, and to kill all the men in it. To afford a means of dealing with this danger, the ventilating fans provided at British coal mines are now so constructed that the air current can be at once reversed, so as to drive back the smoke. Smoke from blasting may contain various poisonous gases, along with CO 2 , according to the nature of the explosive. Some explosives, such as guncotton, give much CO, and some very little ; but all seem, in practice, to give some. Hence there is always risk of CO poisoning where explosives are used in mines, unless the proper precautions are taken. Black gunpowder, as used for blasting, produces both CO and H 2 S ; and in the cases of gassing it is often difficult to decide whether CO or H 2 S has been mainly responsible for the effects. With explosives containing nitro- compounds another and very serious danger is met with. When these explosives detonate properly the nitrogen is given off as nitrogen gas; but when they burn instead of detonating, the nitrogen comes off as nitric oxide, along with CO instead of CO 2 . In practice, owing to defective detonators or other causes, some of the explosive is apt to burn instead of detonating. The nitric oxide then passes into the air and combines with oxygen to form yellow nitrous fumes. These have a somewhat irritant effect at the time, but this is not sufficient to give proper warning of their dangerous properties. The immediate effects are very slight. If, however, enough of the mixture has been inhaled, the result is that after a few hours symptoms of very severe lung irritation appear, and finally oedema of the lungs and great danger to life. I have found that exposure to the fumes from as little as .05 per cent of nitric oxide in air may be fatal to an animal. This subject will be referred to more fully below in connection with poisonous gas used in war. Poisoning with CO in mines is so apt to occur, that a few words may not be out of place as to the treatment of CO poisoning. The symptoms and their cause have already been dealt with. The first thing, is, of course, to get the patient out of the poisonous air. In doing so, however, it is important to keep him well covered and avoid in any possible way exposing him to cold. For some reason which is at present not clear, a man suffering from CO poisoning gets much worse on exposure to cooler and moving air, as in the RESPIRATION 321 main intake of a mine. If the breathing has stopped artificial res- piration should be applied promptly ; and this can best be done by Schafer's well-known method. If oxygen is available it should be given at once. It immediately increases greatly the amount of dis- solved oxygen in the blood, and also expels far more rapidly the CO from the blood, as will be evident considering the properties of CO haemoglobin. The oxygen will do most good at first, and may be continued with advantage for at least twenty minutes. Suit- able apparatus for giving oxygen can now be obtained easily. Hen- derson and Haggard have recently shown, however, that owing to the great washing out of CO 2 which occurs during the hyperpnoea produced in acute CO poisoning, or perhaps owing to temporary exhaustion of the respiratory center, the breathing is apt to re- main for some time inadequate. 13A They found by experiments on animals that under this condition the removal of CO from the blood is greatly accelerated by adding CO 2 to the air or oxygen inhaled. The desirability of having some safe and practicable means of adding CO 2 to oxygen used in reviving men poisoned by CO seems evident from these experiments. A man who has been badly gassed by CO, and has been un- conscious for some time, is sure to have very formidable symptoms, lasting long after all traces of CO have disappeared from the blood. He may never recover consciousness at all; but when he does his nervous system generally is likely to remain very seriously affected for days, weeks, or months, so that he requires to be care- fully watched, nursed, and treated. Mental powers and memory may be much impaired, and the nervous system seems to be in- jured in many different directions. Thus the regulation of body temperature is apt to be imperfect, and symptoms resembling those of peripheral neuritis are common. A condition of neurasthenia, similar to that so often seen during the war, appears to result fre- quently, with the usual affections of the respiratory and cardiac nervous system. In some cases there seems to be acute dilatation of the heart ; and probably almost every organ in the body has suf- fered from the effects of want of oxygen. As mines grow deeper and warmer, the importance of the wet- bulb temperature in connection with mine ventilation becomes more and more prominent. The reasons for this will be evident from what has already been said on this subject; especially when the fact that a miner has to do hard physical work is also taken into 13A Yandell Henderson and Haggard, Journ. of Pharmac. and Exper. Therap., XVI, p. u, 1920. 322 RESPIRATION consideration. To this subject I have given very close attention in recent years, and a full general discussion of it will be found in the recent Report of the Committee on Control of Temperature in Mines. 14 Owing to the nature of their work and the dry conditions in deep and well-ventilated mines, miners are very much exposed to dust inhalation; and the prevalence of "miners' phthisis" among certain classes of miners led me to the investigation of the effects of dust inhalation. Both men and animals are in general more or less exposed to dust inhalation. The problem presented by dust inhalation in mining and other dusty occupations is thus only a part of a general physiological problem as to how the dust inhaled along with air is dealt with by the body. It is evident that if the insoluble dust which is constantly being inhaled by civilized men, particularly in towns and in dusty occupations, accumulated in the lung alveoli, the effects would in time be disastrous. There is, however, no evidence that such effects are ordinarily produced. The lungs of a town dweller, for instance, are more or less black- ened by smoke particles, but remain perfectly healthy; and the same applies to the lungs of coal miners and of persons engaged in many other very dusty occupations. In other cases, however, such as certain kinds of metalliferous mining, steel grinding, pottery work, etc., the effects of continuous inhalation of the dust are disastrous. Why have certain kinds of insoluble dust no cumu- lative bad effect on the lungs? Why, on the other hand, have other kinds such disastrous cumulative effects? When the first question is answered the second becomes relatively easy. It is in the production of phthisis (pulmonary tuberculosis) that the continued inhalation of a dangerous variety of dust shows its effects most clearly. The following table, which I compiled from the statistics of the Registrar General for England and Wales, shows the marked contrast between different occupations as regards the effects of dust inhalation in producing phthisis. Two dusty occupations are included coal mining and tin mining. Of the two, coal mining is much the dustier occupation. It will be seen, however, that among coal miners there is not only very little phthisis, but even less than among farm workers, and much less than the average for all other occupations. Among tin miners, on the other hand, there is a great excess of phthisis; and detailed 14 First Report of the Committee on Control of Underground Temperature, Trans. Inst. of Mining Engineers, 1920. RESPIRATION 323 investigation has shown clearly that it is to dust inhalation that this excess is solely due. 15 A very large proportion of the dust in inspired air is caught on the sides of the nasal and bronchial inspiratory passages, from which it is continuously removed by the action of the ciliated epithelium. It is only the very finest particles that penetrate to the lung alveoli. Nevertheless large amounts of dust do, as a matter DEATH RATES FROM PHTHISIS PER 1000 LIVING AT EACH AGE PERIOD FOR ENGLAND AND WALES, 1900-1902 Age period 15-25 25-35 35-45 45-55 55-65 All occupied and retired males i.i 2.1 2.9 3-2 2.6 coal miners 0.7 1.0 I.I i-5 2.0 farm workers 0.6 I.I5 1-3 1.4 2.6 tin miners 0.4 7.0 II.7 16.1 16.2 of fact, reach the alveoli. Arnold showed that even what, in human experience, is relatively harmless dust, will produce, if inhaled in very large amount, foci of scattered broncho-pneumonia in the lungs, and that quartz dust is specially apt to produce inflam- matory changes followed by development of connective tissue. 18 In connection with the use of shale dust for preventing colliery explosions Beattie showed that neither coal dust nor shale dust produce any harm in animals if the dust is inhaled in the moder- ate quantities comparable to what a miner inhales. On the other hand, the dust from grindstones produces signs of fibrosis. 17 The subject was followed further in my laboratory by Mavrogardato in an investigation undertaken for the Medical Research Com- mittee. 18 This work showed that the very fine particles which reach the alveoli are rapidly taken up by special cells of the al- veolar walls. When coal dust or shale dust was inhaled, these cells soon detached themselves and wandered away with their load of dust particles. Some pass directly into the open ends of the bron- chial tubes, and are thence swept upwards by the cilia. Others pass into lymphatic vessels and are carried to the nodules of lym- 15 Haldane, Martin, and Thomas, Report on the Health of Cornish Miners, Parl. Paper Cd, 2091, 1904. 18 Arnold, Untersuchungen uber Staubinhalation und Staubmetastase, 1885. 17 Beattie, First Report of Explosions in Mines Committee, Parl. Paper, Cd, 6307. 1912. 18 Mavrogardato, Journ. of Hygiene, XVII, p. 439, 1918. 324 RESPIRATION phatic tissue surrounding bronchi and then pass right through the walls of the bronchi and are swept out. Others reach the lymphatic glands at the roots of the lungs, and finally seem to pass from there into the blood. In this way the dust is removed from the lungs, and if too much dust is not inhaled the process of re- moval will keep pace with the introduction of dust. The well- known "black spit" of a collier, which continues for long periods when he is not working underground, is apparently a healthy sign showing that dust particles are being removed from the lungs. It seems quite probable, also, that the efficiency of the physiological process for dealing with dust improves with use, like other physiological processes. Moreover the dust-collecting cells appear to be identical with cells which collect and deal with bacteria in the lungs. Possibly, therefore, the somewhat re- markable immunity of colliers from phthisis is connected with their capacity for dealing with inhaled dust particles. 19 At the end of a few months the lungs of a guinea pig which have been heavily charged with coal dust or shale dust by experimental inhalations are again free from dust. On the other hand this was not the case when the dust inhaled was quartz. Most of the quartz remained in situ, though mainly within the dust-collecting cells. Part had, however, been carried onward to lymphatic glands. The quartz did not seem to excite the cells to wander in the same way as the coal dust or shale dust did ; and it appeared as if this dif- ference in the properties of different kinds of dust explained why some dusts are much more apt than others to produce cumulative ill effects in the lungs. Presumably the quartz particles are so inert physiologically that they do not excite the dust-collecting cells to wander away. Other kinds of dust particles may be equally insoluble, but may also be charged with adsorbed material which makes them physiologically active. Coal, for instance, though very insoluble in water, adsorbs substances of all kinds, and the im- portance of its power of adsorbing gases has already been pointed out. Shale dust was found by Dr. Mellor to contain about 35 per cent of quartz. Nevertheless the quartz in shale dust does no harm to the lungs and is eliminated readily. There are many other kinds of stone which contain still more quartz, but also produce a harmless dust. In fact nearly all the dust ordinarily met with is of the harmless variety, and Mavrogardato's investigation indi- 19 Haldane, Trans. Inst. of Mining Engineers, LV, p. 264, 1918. RESPIRATION 325 cated that quartz dust becomes relatively harmless when it is mixed with other dust of the harmless variety. The lung cells appear to clear out the quartz when they are clearing out the other dust. It is evident that much further investigation is needed in order to elucidate completely the physiology of dust excretion from the lungs. It is equally evident, however, that this process is under physiological control, just as much as other physiological activi- ties are. Air of Wells. The case of the air of wells and other unventilated underground spaces differs from that of mines owing to the fact that no artificial ventilation is provided for. It might be supposed that the air in a well, with only rock or brickwork round it, pure water at the bottom, and the top more or less open, would never be more than slightly contaminated. Experience shows, however, that this is not the case, and that the air in even a shallow well, only a few feet deep, is sometimes dangerously contaminated. In 1896 I investigated this subject, visiting various wells where men had been asphyxiated, in order to see what had happened. 20 I found plenty of foul air, and that its composition was similar to that of black damp, and not simply CO 2 , as was then believed. The composition of the gas varied from about 80 per cent nitro- gen and 20 per cent CO 2 to almost pure nitrogen ; and it was quite evident that this black damp or choke damp was simply the residual gas from oxidation processes occurring in the strata round the well. Another point which emerged quite clearly was that the state of the air in any well liable to foul air depended entirely on changes in barometric pressure. With a rising barometer the air was quite clear, and with a falling barometer it was foul. Thus any fall in barometric pressure might make a well very dangerous, though an hour before the air was quite pure. Moreover with a falling barometer the well might be brimful and rapidly over- flowing with dangerous gas. The danger to which well sinkers are exposed is thus evident At one well an engine house which covered the top of the well had been built, and sometimes it was unsafe to enter this building owing to the gas, unless doors and windows were wide open. The engine man was much comforted when I lent him an aneroid barometer and thus convinced him that the outbursts of gas were due to natural and not supernatural 20 Haldane, Trans. Inst. of Mining Engineers, 1896. 326 RESPIRATION causes. By always carrying a lighted candle or lamp with him, a well sinker can guard most effectually against the danger from black damp ; but it is quite unsafe to trust to previous tests. It is thus evident that a well acts as a chimney communicating with a large air space in the substance of the surrounding rock, or in crevices within it. Air may either be going down this chim- ney or returning; and if the rock contains any oxidizable material such, for instance, as iron pyrites, the returning air or gas has lost more or less of its oxygen, and possibly also gained some CO 2 . If, however, less than about 4 per cent of CO 2 were present in the black damp it would be lighter than air, and thus likely to escape unnoticed. An interesting case which came under my notice later may be mentioned in this connection. While a tunnel was being driven with compressed air under the Thames it was found that in a large cold storage on the river bank lamps or candles were extinguished. The air was analyzed for CO 2 , but no noticeable excess was found. On analysis I found the air very poor in oxygen. On further investigation it turned out that air very poor in oxygen, but with practically no excess of CO 2 , was coming up the shaft of a well belonging to the building. 21 The flow did not depend on baro- metric pressure, and nothing of the sort had occurred before the construction of the tunnel began. It was evident, therefore, that the flow was due to compressed air escaping deep down through the London clay from the advancing end of the tunnel, and forcing a way to the well, but at the same time losing oxygen owing to the presence in the clay of oxidizable material such as iron pyrites. The pure black damp contained 99.6 per cent of nitrogen and 0.4 per cent of CO 2 . Air of Railway Tunnels. Although the great difficulties form- erly experienced in the ventilation of long railway tunnels have been overcome by the substitution of electric traction for steam locomotives, it may be worth while to record here some of these difficulties. Probably the worst cases were those of single-line tunnels on a stiff gradient in the Apennines. When the wind was blowing in the same direction as a train was traveling on an up- gradient the smoke from the engine or engines tended to travel with the train. Thus the air rapidly became poisonous from the presence of CO, and the oxygen percentage fell so low that some- times lights were extinguished and steam began to fail, owing 21 Blount, Journ. of Hygiene, VI, p. 175, 1906. RESPIRATION 327 to the engine fires burning badly. The passengers could partly protect themselves by closing the windows; but the engine drivers were liable to become unconscious, and at least one very serious accident occurred, owing to a train running on with the men on the engine unconscious. In the London Underground Railway there was also much trouble, owing to the great traffic, although there were numerous openings to the street along all parts of the system, and a colliery fan had also been installed at one point. The difficulties were referred to a Board of Trade Committee of which I was a member, and I made numerous analyses of the air. 22 It was never so bad as appeared to have been sometimes the case in the Apennine tun- nels, and the trouble from sulphuric acid and smoke was largely mitigated by the use of Welsh steam coal containing very little sul- phur. The air was often, however, very unpleasant, and many persons were unable to use the railway. At busy times the per- centage of CO 2 might rise as high as 0.8, and of CO to .06 ; but of course passengers and railwaymen were not long enough exposed to this air to suffer from the effects of CO, and repairing work on the line was not carried out except at night. At the end of the inquiry it was agreed to introduce electric traction, and since this was done there has been no further difficulty. The tunnels are close to the surface, and the trains push abundance of air out and in through openings to the outside air. In the (London) tubes, which lie much deeper, the ventilating action of the trains proved insufficient by itself to prevent the air from becoming rather unpleasant; and systematic ventilation by fans was therefore adopted. In various other railway tunnels simple shafts are provided; and in the Severn Tunnel there is a nearly central shaft provided with a powerful fan. By these means the air is kept fairly pure. Air of Sewers. The air of sewers is perhaps mainly of interest in connection with the time-honored belief that "sewer gas" spreads infection. Some of my earliest scientific work was con- cerned with the air commonly present in sewers, and was started by the late Professor Carnelley and myself 23 at the request of a House of Commons' Committee appointed in consequence of alarm as to the sewers of the House of Commons. The air of a sewer has, of course, an unpleasant smell, which, however, is hardly noticed except at the manhole by which access M Report of the Committee on Tunnel Ventilation, Parl. Paper, 1897, Appendix i. a3 Carnelley and Haldane, Proc. Roy. Soc., 4-?, p. 501, 1887. 328 RESPIRATION is gained to the sewer. The air is saturated with moisture, and may be somewhat warm if much warm water flows into the sewer. Chemically speaking, however, the air is very little contaminated. Even in the sewers of Bristol, where ventilating shafts were re- duced to a minimum, I found only about 0.2 per cent of CO 2 . On determining the number of bacteria in the air we found that fewer were present in the sewer air than outside, but of much the same kinds. In sewers which were well ventilated there were far more than in badly ventilated sewers; and it was evident that nearly all the bacteria came from the outside through the venti- lators. Where there was much splashing, however, a few were thrown into the air. These results, which have been confirmed by other investigators, are just what might be expected. Particulate matter is not given off from moist surfaces apart from mechani- cally acting causes, and any bacteria or other particles driven into suspension in the air of a sewer will tend to fall back again. It is conceivable that infection might be carried by sewer air ; but innumerable other paths of infection are much more probable. Although ordinary sewer air is chemically very pure, and not even a trace of H 2 S can be found, accidents to sewermen from foul air are not very uncommon ; and there is no doubt that most of these accidents are due to H 2 S. I investigated one case of this kind where five men had lost their lives at a manhole the last four in attempts at rescue. 24 All the symptoms described, includ- ing irritation of the eyes, were those of H 2 S poisoning ; and though the air was not poisonous when I descended, a little H 2 S was present. When some of the sewage was put into a large bottle and shaken up, H 2 S was found to be present, and a mouse lowered into the bottle showed severe symptoms of H 2 S poisoning. These symptoms were absent when lead acetate was added before shak- ing, or when caustic soda was added. It is only when sewage stagnates or deposits solid matter that H 2 S is formed. Any cause that stirs this sewage, or liberates H 2 S from it, may make the air dangerous. About 0.2 per cent will kill an animal within a minute or two ; and o. I per cent will rapidly disable it. H 2 S is thus a good deal more poisonous than CO, and far quicker in its action. Another source of danger is lighting gas from leaky street mains. Lighting gas is frequently met with in sewers, and I have several times smelt it in sewers. In one recent case which I in- vestigated two men were killed by CO poisoning from lighting *' Lancet, Jan. 25, 1896. RESPIRATION 329 gas. There seems to be no evidence of accidents in sewers from any other gas than H 2 S or CO ; but many strange smells are en- countered, and we were once much alarmed by chlorine coming from a bleaching factory. Air of Ships. In the compartments of a ship air is specially liable to become foul owing to the air-tight conditions which often exist. In a double bottom compartment, for instance, the whole of the oxygen may disappear, owing to rusting or to ab- sorption of oxygen by drying paint. In an ordinary compartment battened down the same thing may also occur owing to slow ab- sorption of oxygen by articles of cargo, such as grain, wool, etc. Accidents from this cause are not infrequent if men descend with- out first testing the air with a lamp or giving time for ventilation to occur. In coal bunkers fire damp may accumulate in the absence of proper ventilation, or else the oxygen may fall very low. Coal trimmers are occasionally also affected by what appears to be CO poisoning due to small quantities of CO formed at ordinary temperatures in the slow oxidation of coal, as described above. The ventilation of passenger and crew spaces on ships was very defective, particularly in rough weather, until fan ventilation was generally introduced. It was forgotten that the rooms in a ship do not ventilate themselves naturally through walls and roof, as a house ashore does. Owing to the close quarters, it is often diffi- cult to ventilate the spaces in a ship properly without causing intolerable draughts. In the mess decks of warships this is specially difficult, as there are hammocks everywhere at night. The matter was investigated recently by an Admiralty Committee of which I was a member and a system introduced by which equal amounts of air can be made to issue from a large number of louvres on the sides of ventilating ducts. In this way the men are supplied with an average of 50 cubic feet of air each per minute, without any unpleasant draught impinging on any one. The temperature, and particularly the wet-bulb temperature in warm weather, can also be controlled very efficiently by this plan. With men perspiring more or less from heat, and giving off perhaps fifty times as great a volume of aqueous vapor as of CO 2 , very ample artificial venti- lation is needed when no other means of ventilation is available. Gas Warfare. It would be out of place to attempt to discuss the nature and mode of action of the various substances used in gas warfare ; but a certain number of facts of physiological interest in connection with respiration may be fitly referred to here. The first serious gas attacks were made, as is well known, with 330 RESPIRATION chlorine, discharged into the air in a good breeze as "drift gas" from cylinders of liquefied gas. The liquefied gas quickly evapo- rated, thus cooling a large body of air which rolled along the ground, producing at the same time a mist if the air was nearly saturated, and passing downwards into every trench. From ac- counts given by officers and men at the time, I estimated that along the lines attacked there was usually about .01 per cent of chlorine in the air; but of course the percentage would vary. At about this and higher concentrations, chlorine has an immediate and severe irritant effect on the air passages, and a less severe action on the eyes. Bronchitis follows if the exposure lasts for more than a very short time, and some time later symptoms of oedema of the lungs appear, owing to the action of the gas on the alveolar walls. The symptoms are then similar to those which follow exposure to nitrous fumes. The men suffering from this condition were deeply cyanosed, with superficial veins about the neck prominent, greatly increased depth and rate of breathing, and a frequent, but usually fairly strong pulse. Intelligence was clouded, but the distress seemed very great. On testing a drop of blood by diluting it to a yellow color, saturating with coal gas and comparing the pink tint thus pro- duced with the tint of normal blood similarly diluted, it was evi- dent that there was no decomposition of the haemoglobin. The cyanosis was therefore due to imperfect saturation of the blood with oxygen. That the imperfect saturation was due, not to slow- ing of the circulation, but to imperfect saturation in the lungs, was shown at once by the effect of giving oxygen. This abolished the cyanosis, cleared up the clouded intelligence, but had no great effect on the breathing. On post mortem examination of fatal cases it was found that the lungs were voluminous and greatly congested. Large quantities of albuminous liquid could be squeezed out through the cut bronchi, and there was much em- physema. The interpretation of the more dangerous symptoms seems fairly clear. The cyanosis was due to the fact that the blood in passing through the lungs was imperfectly oxygenated, owing mainly to swelling and exudation, which hindered the diffusion of oxygen inwards to the blood. On raising the alveolar oxygen pressure when oxygen was given, the diffusion became much faster and the blood was properly oxygenated. The hyperpnoea remained, however, and was probably attributable to the fact that though much air was entering the lungs, a great deal of it RESPIRATION 331 only went into the emphysematous spaces where there was little or no circulation, leaving the rest of the lung imperfectly venti- lated, with an abnormal excess of CO 2 in the alveoli which were permeable to blood, and consequently an abnormal excess of breathing. Considering the depth of the cyanosis it was somewhat re- markable that consciousness was not more impaired; but the ex- cess of CO 2 which accompanied the cyanosis would of course facilitate the dissociation of oxyhaemoglobin in the tissue capil- laries, and thus diminish the real anoxaemia. The distention of superficial veins was an indication of the veno-pressor effect of excess of CO 2 combined with failure on the part of the heart to respond normally to the large amount of blood returning to it from the tissues. This failure was evidently due to the anoxaemic condition of the blood supplied to the heart. The failure was pre- sumably most marked in the left ventricle, which has far the most work to do, and the consequence would be a rise of blood pressure, not only in the veins, but also in the right side of the heart and the whole pulmonary circulation. The rise in pulmonary blood pressure would of course tend to aggravate greatly the oedema of the lungs, and would thus in itself be a very serious source of danger. The ease with which oedema of the lungs follows on in- creased venous blood pressure, even when there is no injury to the lungs, has been shown experimentally by Knowlton and Star- ling. 26 The cause of the greatly increased flow of blood was simply the fact that the arterial blood was in a venous condition, with both a lowered oxygen pressure and raised CO 2 pressure. The perfectly normal effect of this, as pointed out in Chapter X, is to cause dilation of capillaries and increased blood flow through the tissues. Owing, however, to the pressor reaction of the vasomotor center, the arterioles and probably also the venules in most parts of the body except the central nervous system were contracted, and in this way the blood pressure was maintained, so that the pulse was of good strength. It was first observed by Macaulay and Irvine of Johannesburg that in the treatment of cases of oedema of the lungs from poisoning by nitrous fumes in mines, great benefit is often ob- tained by free bleeding to the extent of about half a liter. From the foregoing account it is clear that bleeding will reduce the venous and pulmonary blood pressure, and thus also- reduce the M Knowlton and Starling, Journ. of Physiol., XLIV, p. 206. 332 RESPIRATION tendency to oedema of the lungs. The indication for bleeding is evidently the distention of superficial veins. Bleeding was fre- quently employed in the treatment of the chlorine cases, and with great success. It is evident, however, that if there is no venous distention, bleeding could not be expected to do anything but harm. A more radical treatment is the continuous administration of air enriched with oxygen. Unfortunately the problem of con- tinuous administration of oxygen had never been attacked before the war, and no suitable apparatus was available for the early chlorine cases. But in the later stages of the war many cases of lung oedema were successfully treated continuously with oxygen by means of a nasal tube or the apparatus described in Chapter VII. The next lung irritant gas used was phosgene (COC1 2 ). This produces dangerous effects in considerably lower concentration than chlorine, and its action is distinguished by the fact that it has relatively less effect on the air passages and eyes and in the end more on the alveolar walls. Thus a man exposed to a danger- ous concentration of phosgene may notice but little irritant effect at the time, or this effect may pass off rapidly, while the dangerous effects on the alveoli only show themselves some hours later. Phosgene was at first used as drift gas; but when drift gas was abandoned as more or less ineffective against the protective measures adopted, and also unmanageable owing to uncertain- ties of wind, etc., phosgene was largely used in shells or bombs. Various other substances with similar toxic properties were also employed. A change in the type of the symptoms accompanying lung oedema was now noticed. The deep plum-colored cyanosis and venous distention were usually absent, and bleeding was useless. The cyanosis was still very marked, but was of a pale or "gray" type. The breathing was also shallower, and the pulse feeble and rapid. Many slighter cases were also observed in which no defi- nite lung symptoms were observed, but only general malaise with cyanosis and fainting on any muscular exertion. In all these cases it seems evident that the rate of diffusion of oxygen through the alveolar walls was diminished, but without any marked interference with diffusion of CO 2 outwards, so that owing to the hyperpnoea from want of oxygen there would be a deficiency of CO 2 in the arterial blood. This is very intelligible in view of the fact that on account of its greater solubility CO a RESPIRATION 333 diffuses outwards from the blood much more readily than oxygen diffuses inwards (see Chapter VIII). The deficiency of CO 2 in the arterial blood would prevent or minimize the true hyperpnoea, and lessen the increase of circulation through the tissue capillaries and the pressor excitation of the vasomotor center. But it would increase the true tissue anoxaemia with a given degree of cyanosis. Anoxaemia in the coronary circulation would also lead to the enfeebled action of the heart, as shown by the very weak and feeble pulse. The symptoms generally were those of a pure anox- aemia with urgent danger of failure of the respiratory center in the manner already referred to in Chapter VI. In these cases bleeding was of course useless. On the other hand injection into the blood of saline solution or, still better, gum-saline, seemed likely to be of some use in view of the failing blood pressure. By far the most effective treatment, however, was the continuous administration of air enriched with oxygen, par- ticularly if this was begun early and before there was time for the dangerous effects which continued severe anoxaemia causes. By this means the oxygen pressure in the alveolar air was sufficiently raised to permit of a nearly normal aeration of the arterial blood ; and the administration could be continued till the lung inflamma- tion subsided. The chronic after effects on the respiratory center of irritant gases have already been referred to in former chapters. CHAPTER XII Effects of High Atmospheric Pressures. THE foundations of our scientific knowledge of the physiological effects of high and low atmospheric pressures were laid broad and firm b/ the investigations of Paul Bert, collected together in his book, already so often referred to, "La Pression Barome- trique," published in 1878. It will be convenient to consider first the effects of high atmospheric pressures. Very high atmospheric pressures are met with in deep diving and in engineering work under water or in water-logged strata. Apart from laboratory experiments on animals, the highest atmospheric pressures (up to ten atmospheres) have been met with in deep diving. To understand the conditions under which a diver is placed, it is necessary to understand the design of the ordinary diving dress, which was introduced early last century by Siebe, the founder of the well-known London firm of manu- facturers of diving apparatus. The dress consists of a copper helmet which screws on to a metal corselet, the latter being clamped water-tight to a stout waterproof dress covering the whole body except the hands, which project through elastic cuffs (Figures 75 and 76). Air is supplied to the diver through a non- return valve at the back of the helmet from a stout flexible pipe strengthened with steel wire and connected with an air pump at the surface. The air escapes through an adjustable spring valve at the side of the helmet (Figure 77). The arrangement is thus such that the pressure of air in the helmet is at least equal to, and can, by varying the resistance of the valve, be made greater than, the water pressure at the outlet valve. For every 34 feet of fresh water (or 33 feet or 10 meters of sea water) the pressure in- creases by one atmosphere, or nearly 15 pounds per square inch. At a depth of 33 feet of sea water the diver is therefore breathing air at an excess pressure of one atmosphere, or a total pressure of two atmospheres. It is absolutely necessary that he should breathe compressed air, otherwise his breathing would be stopped in- stantly by the pressure of the water upon the abdomen ; and at a greater depth blood would probably pour from his nose and mouth on account of the squeezing to which all parts of his body, except his head in the helmet, would be subjected. Figure 75. Diving dress, front view, with air pipe and life line, which are connected with the helmet behind. Figure 76. Diving dress, back view, showing attachment of air pipe and life line with telephonic connection ; new pattern, with legs laced up to prevent diver from being capsized and accidentally blown up to surface, or hung in a helpless position. RESPIRATION 335 In order to enable the diver to sink and stand firmly on the bottom, the dress is weighted with 4O-pound leaden weights, back and forward, as shown, with 16 pounds of lead on each boot about 112 pounds of lead in all. Besides the air pipe, the diver is connected with the surface by a so-called life line, which usually contains a telephone wire. He goes down by a rope at- Figure 77. Helmet and section of outlet valve. tached to a heavy weight which has been lowered to the bottom previously, and on reaching the bottom he takes with him a line attached to this weight, so that he can always find the rope again. As a diver enters the water, the superfluous air in his dress is driven out through the outlet valve by the pressure of the water round his legs and body. The water seems to grip him all round. If the valve is freely open he feels his breathing somewhat 336 RESPIRATION labored by the time he gets first under water. The reason of this is that the pressure in his lungs is that of the water at the valve outlet, whereas the pressure on his chest and abdomen is greater by something like a foot of water. He is thus inspiring against pressure, and if he has to breathe deeply, as during exertion, the breathing is apt to become fatigued in the manner described in Chapter III. With another foot of adverse pressure the fatigue is very rapid. One of the first things which a diver has to learn is to avoid the adverse pressure by regulating the spring on the outlet valve, so that the breathing is always easy. The spring regulates at the same time the amount of air in the dress, and therefore the buoyancy of the diver. A practiced diver can thus slip easily, and without exertion, up or down the rope. A pres- sure gauge attached to the air pipe where it leaves the pump indicates the depth of the diver at any moment. The breathing is of course easiest when the dress is full of air down to the level of the diaphragm, but when this is so the diver is in danger of being "blown up" ; for if he is crawling on the ground, it may easily happen that the air gets into the legs of his dress. His head goes down so that the excess of air can- not escape readily. He is then blown helplessly to the surface, while his arms are fixed in an outstretched position (see Figure 78). His air pipe may be caught by a rope or other obstruction, so that he is hung up in a helpless position with his legs upwards, the excess of air being unable to escape at the valve since it is downwards. In very deep diving there is considerable risk of being blown up ; and to avoid this risk the arrangement for lacing up the legs, shown in Figure 76, was introduced (see also Fig- ure 79). In the Denayrouze apparatus, extensively used on the Conti- nent, the air is pumped into a steel reservoir on the diver's back. By means of a reducing valve his air is supplied from the reser- voir according to his requirements. The arrangement is a beauti- ful piece of mechanism, but an encumbrance which gives rise to various inconveniences and dangers, one being that the depth of the diver cannot be read off at the surface, and another that he cannot regulate the pressure in his helmet. For engineering work in preparing foundations, etc., on the sea bottom, a diving bell is sometimes employed. This is a heavy metal box, open below, and supplied with compressed air by a pipe (Figure 80). It is lowered to the bottom with the workmen sitting in it, and they can work dry on the bottom. The diving Figure 78. Diver in ordinary dress blown up. His head is down and his arms outstreched. Figure 79. Diver in laced-up dress purposely blown up. His head is up and his arms free. Figure 80. Diving bell in use at National Harbour Works, Dover. Each bell measures 17x10 feet by 6 YZ feet high, and weighs about 3 5 tons. Figure 81. Diagram showing use of caisson in making the foundations of a bridge. (After Foley.) RESPIRATION 337 bell in its crude original form was invented by Sturmius in the sixteenth century, and further developed by Halley two centuries later. The caisson introduced about 1840 by the French engineer Triger, for sinking colliery shafts through water-logged strata near the surface, is a further development of the diving bell. It is now largely used for carrying the foundations of the piers of bridges, etc., through soft ground on the bottom of a river or the sea. The caisson (see Figure 81) is the bottom section of the steel pier, and resembles a diving bell except for the fact that it communicates with surface through a tube occupying the center of the future pier and kept full of compressed air. This tube serves for access and for removal of excavated material. The men excavate the soft bottom so as to allow the caisson to sink down to a secure foundation, and the sections of the pier are added from above and filled with concrete as the caisson sinks. Access to the central tube is through an air lock on surface. The men enter the air lock, close the door, and then let the air pressure rise till they can open the door into the central tube ; and in coming out the reverse process is used. In tunneling operations in soft strata under water, the ad- vancing tunnel is kept full of compressed air, so as to hinder the penetration of water into the advancing end, as the steel rings forming the permanent walls of the tunnel are successively put in. The men thus work in an atmosphere of compressed air, to which access is gained through one or more air locks. The tubes and large tunnels under the Thames or deep in the water-logged London clay, and under the Hudson and East Rivers at New York, have been, or are being, constructed by this means. In the sinking of colliery shafts through water-logged strata the freez- ing or cementation processes are now generally used, as, except in strata fairly near the surface, the water pressures are too high for the compressed-air process. Various physiological disturbances are associated with ex- posure to compressed air, and these must now be considered one by one. As the pressure rises when a man goes below water, in a diver's suit, or as compressed air enters an air lock through which he is passing to a caisson or tunnel, the first trouble usually noticed is a sense of pressure and pain in the ears. This is due to un- balanced pressure on the membrana tympani, owing to the fact that the Eustachian duct does not open freely so as to equalize the air pressure in the middle ear with the atmospheric pressure 338 RESPIRATION outside. The passage is specially liable to be blocked if any catarrh of the air passages is present ; and if the warning pain is disregarded the membrane may burst, though this is not a very serious accident. In men accustomed to compressed air the Eus- tachian tubes open easily, so that no inconvenience is felt, and a diver goes quite easily within two minutes to a pressure of seven atmospheres or more, while one who is not accustomed to com- pressed air may have a long struggle with his Eustachian tubes before he can reach an extra pressure of half an atmosphere. It also happens occasionally that there is trouble with the frontal sinuses. The same difficulties with the middle ear may, of course, be met with by airmen during rapid descents, or even, to a minor extent, in descending a deep mine shaft. A man who has reached a pressure of six or seven atmospheres, and is breathing pure air, is perfectly comfortable if he has es- caped ear trouble. His voice is, however, altered by the com- pressed air, and this is so marked that it is often difficult to make out through the telephone what he is saying. At first sight it might seem that an increased mechanical pressure of several atmospheres would in itself be expected to have an appreciable effect on a man or animal. It was commonly supposed, for ex- ample, that the increased pressure on the skin must at first tend to drive blood into the internal organs, producing congestion of the brain, etc., with a converse effect on diminishing the atmospheric pressure. The pressure is, however, transmitted instantly through- out all the liquid and solid tissues of the body, so that this idea was totally fallacious, and indeed ridiculous. As will be seen below, many divers have lost their lives owing to well-meant in- junctions to descend and ascend slowly. As regards other possible effects of a few atmospheres of mechanical pressure, it should be remembered that the intrinsic pressure of water is calculated to be over 10,000 atmospheres. As the tissues are largely composed of water, the addition to this of a few atmospheres of mechanical pressure in the liquid or semi-liquid parts of the body cannot be of much account. As Paul Bert showed experimentally, the serious inconveni- ences and dangers to which workers in compressed air are ex- posed are due (apart from easily avoidable effects on the ears) not to the mechanical pressure, but to the increased partial pres- sures of the gases in the air breathed. If the air breathed is pure, the only gases which come into consideration in this connection are nitrogen and oxygen; but if the air is rendered impure by RESPIRATION 339 respiration, as is commonly the case in diving, carbon dioxide also comes into consideration. The case of this gas may be con- sidered first, though Paul Bert did not himself allude to it in connection with work in compressed air, as he was not practically familiar with diving. Owing to the difficulties frequently experienced by divers in attempts to work at depths over about 12 fathoms a Committee, including myself as the physiological member, was appointed by the British Admiralty to investigate the whole subject of the difficulties and dangers associated with deep diving. 1 It appeared that men who attempted to make any serious exertion when at depths of over about 12 fathoms often became unconscious or greatly exhausted. The symptoms pointed to excess of CO 2 , and, on taking samples from the divers' helmets at about this depth, we frequently found 2 or 3 per cent of CO 2 . This occurred in spite of an apparently abundant supply of air from the pumps, which were working at a much faster rate than was sufficient to keep the diver comfortable at a lesser depth. As explained in Chapter II, the physiological effects of 3 per cent of CO 2 at 1 1 fathoms, or a total pressure of three atmospheres, is equal to that of 3 x 3 = 9 per cent at normal atmospheric pressure; so no wonder the divers became unconscious. The pumps were often found to be leaking badly through the piston rings, as many of them were old, and no tests were then employed to detect this leakage. Apart from this cause, however, the air supply was often insufficient. It is evident that in order to keep down the pressure of CO 2 in the air of the helmet to a proper limit, the amount of air as measured at surface by the strokes of the pump must be increased in proportion to the increase in the total atmospheric pressure in the helmet. The diver at 3 atmospheres pressure, requires, there- fore, three times as much air, and so on in proportion to the pressure. When this was attended to, and the piston rings kept tight, no discomfort whatsoever was experienced at a depth of even 35 fathoms. With a full air supply, hard exertion is actually easier to a diver at some depth than near surface, on account of the higher oxygen pressure, as explained in Chapter IX. By far the most serious danger to divers and other workers in compressed air is of a quite different character. From the earliest days of diving and work in compressed air it had been observed that soon after returning to atmospheric pressure the men fre- 1 Re-port of the Admiralty Committee on Deep Water Diving, Parl. Paper, C. N., 1549, 1907. 340 RESPIRATION quently became ill, and sometimes died or became paralyzed. The risk of these attacks increased with the pressure and the duration of exposure to it, but they never occurred except on return to atmospheric pressure. Divers are exposed to the highest pressures, and in divers the attacks were of the most dangerous character. In the worst cases the diver began to feel faint a few minutes after return to surface ; soon he became unconscious and his pulse disappeared; and in a few minutes he was dead. In other cases his legs became paralyzed, and cases of "diver's paralysis" used to be not uncommon in British hospitals. In the slighter cases, very common among workers in caissons and tun- nels under construction, there is severe pain, known to the work- men as "bends," in one or other of the limbs, or in the body. Another of the common slight symptoms is itching of the skin. Various other nervous symptoms are also met with, the whole complex being designated as "caisson disease" a somewhat mis- leading name. Paul Bert investigated on animals the nature of compressed air illness or "caisson disease," and found that it is due to libera- tion in the blood and tissues of bubbles of gas consisting almost entirely of nitrogen. In the rapidly fatal cases the heart becomes filled with a mass of bubbles which stop the whole circulation. In the cases of paralysis bubbles have obstructed the circulation and so caused necrosis of parts of the spinal cord ; and it is evi- dent that the bubbles may produce the most varied symptoms according to the positions in which they are formed. The cause of the bubble formation was evident. At the high pressure the blood in the lungs is exposed to greatly increased partial pressures of nitrogen and oxygen, although, as shown in Chapter II, there is no increased pressure of CO 2 . As, in ac- cordance with Henry's law, liquids take up in simple solution a mass of any gas proportional to its partial pressure, the blood in the lungs takes up in the compressed air an extra amount of nitro- gen and oxygen proportional to the increased pressure. The extra oxygen disappears at once when the blood reaches the tissues, but the extra nitrogen does not disappear, and gradually saturates the whole of the tissues till they are charged with nitrogen at the partial pressure existing in the air breathed. When the external atmosphere is reduced to normal, the internal partial pressure of nitrogen is of course far above the atmospheric pressure. The blood and tissues are therefore supersaturated with nitrogen and bubbles begin to form. These bubbles consist primarily of nitro- Figure 82. Portion of goat's mesentery showing bubbles in blood vessels caused by rapid decompression in 1^2 minutes from 100 Ibs. pressure, after ij^ hours exposure at this pressure. RESPIRATION 341 gen, but of course take up a little oxygen and CO 2 from the sur- rounding blood and tissue liquids. If they are formed in the blood they tend to block the circulation on account of the great resist- ance which they cause. Figure 82 is from a photograph of blood vessels in the mesentery of a goat killed by rapid decompression, and shows abundant bubbles in the veins. The bubbles are formed, not merely in the blood, but also in the tissues outside it. We found that fat in particular is apt to be very full of bubbles and thus become spongy. It had been found by Vernon in connection with another investigation that gases are much more soluble in oils than in water. In connection with our investigations he determined the solubility of nitrogen in body fats at blood temperature, and found that it is about six times as great as in water. 2 The tendency of fatty substances to act as a special reservoir of dissolved nitrogen is thus intelligible ; and Boycott and Damant 3 afterwards showed that fat animals, other conditions being the same, are considerably more liable to symptoms of caisson disease than spare animals. Not only ordi- nary fat, but the myelin sheaths of nerve fibers, will form reser- voirs of dissolved nitrogen; and for this reason bubbles will tend to be liberated in the white matter of the brain and spinal cord, and inside the sheaths of large nerves. The "bends" and certain other associated symptoms from which workers in compressed air so frequently suffer are probably due to liberation of bubbles from the gas dissolved in the myelin sheaths. It is difficult to un- derstand otherwise the severe pain of "bends." Figure 83 shows the positions of a large number of bubbles found in the white matter at different parts of the spinal cord. The increased amount of nitrogen dissolved in the blood at high atmospheric pressures was demonstrated by Paul Bert by blood-gas analyses ; and Hill and Greenwood 4 not only confirmed this, but showed that there is the same excess in the urine. Hill and Macleod also observed directly the sudden appearance of gas bubbles in the capillaries of the frog's web when the animal was decompressed from a high atmospheric pressure. 5 As a preventive of the occurrence of caisson disease Paul Bert recommended slow and gradual decompression; but his experi- ments in this direction were not very successful, as he had not 2 Vernon, Proc. Roy. Soc., LXXIX, B, p. 366, 1907. 3 Boycott and Damant, Journ. of Hygiene, VIII, p. 445, 1908. *Hill and Greenwood, Proc. Roy. Soc., LXXIX, B, p. 21, 1907. 'Hill and Macleod, Journ. of Hygiene, III, p. 436, 1903. 342 RESPIRATION 2nd cervical. 3rd dorsal. Figure 83. Shows the distribution of extravascular bubbles in five regions of the spinal cord of goat 3 (series IV). The animal died of oxygen poisoning during de- compression after 3 hours' exposure at 81 Ibs. in an atmosphere containing 36 per cent oxygen. The bubbles are practically confined to the white matter and are there especially concentrated in the boundary zone where the circula- tion is least good. Each diagram is a composite drawing showing all the bubbles in 0.4 mm. length of cord. (After Boycott, Damant, and Haldane.) RESPIRATION 343 completely realized the conditions. Slow and uniform decompres- sion was, and still is, also enjoined by various government regu- lations, etc., in different countries, but with only very moderate success; and deaths or paralyses from caisson disease remained common if the extra pressure used was above about 1.5 atmos- pheres. Workers in compressed air had soon discovered that the pain of "bends" can be relieved at once by returning into the com- pressed air; and this became quite intelligible from Paul Bert's experiment. He made some experiments on the curative effects of recompression, but here again he was not very successful, as he applied the remedy only in extreme cases. Medical recompres- sion chambers for the treatment of compressed air illness were first introduced by Sir Ernest Moir in connection with the con- struction of the first East River tunnel at New York, and the Blackwall Tunnel under the Thames, about 1890. They proved strikingly successful when applied to the cases which occurred with the comparatively slow decompression in the air lock. Pa- ralyses and "bends" were relieved at once, even when they had occurred a considerable time after leaving the tunnel. The pro- vision of medical recompression chambers has now become a necessary adjunct of all considerable engineering undertakings at pressures of over about 1.5 atmospheres, and in extensive deep diving operations. Figures 84 and 85 show one of the recompres- sion chambers used in the British Navy. The trouble, however, about the use of recompression chambers is that it is often very difficult to get the patient out without the symptoms recurring. The decompression may require many hours, or even days in bad cases. Paul Bert also tried another method of treatment that of administering pure oxygen to his animals. This must hasten the diffusion outwards of nitrogen, while the oxygen itself is ab- sorbed by the tissues. At first sight it might seem as if this plan ought to be very successful, either in treatment or in the pre- vention of bubble formation during decompression. The results, however, were disappointing and from causes which will be made evident below. There seems, however, to be some scope for oxy- gen administration where there is great difficulty in getting a patient out of a medical air lock, and where there is no fear of oxygen poisoning a condition which will be discussed presently. When the Admiralty Committee had dealt with the troubles traced to CO 2 , it was faced by the dangers of caisson disease, which of course became much more important after it had been 344 RESPIRATION rendered possible for divers to work at great depths without in- convenience. The existing precautions against "caisson disease" were evidently quite insufficient. The divers were officially en- joined to descend and come up at a slow and even rate of about 5 feet per minute, but many serious or fatal cases were occurring in spite of this. The problem was to find a safe and reasonably short method. Very slow methods are impractible on account of changes of tides and weather. The whole physiological side of compressed-air illness had therefore to be reconsidered. The formation of bubbles depends, evidently, on the existence of a state of supersaturation of the body fluids with nitrogen. Nevertheless there was abundant evidence that when the excess of atmospheric pressure does not exceed about i% atmospheres there is complete immunity from symptoms due to bubbles, how- ever long the exposure to the compressed air may have been, and however rapid the decompression. Thus bubbles of nitrogen are not liberated within the body unless the supersaturation corre- sponds to more than a decompression from a total pressure of 2/4 atmospheres. Now the volume of nitrogen which would tend to be liberated is the same when the total pressure is halved, whether that pressure be high or low. Hence it seemed to me probable that it would be just as safe to diminish the pressure rapidly from 4 atmospheres to 2, or 6 atmospheres to 3, as from 2 atmospheres to i. If this were the case, a system of stage decompression would be possible, and would enable the diver to get rid of the excess of nitrogen through his lungs far more rapidly than if he came up at an even rate. The duration of ex- posure to a high pressure could also be shortened very consid- erably, without shortening the period available for work on the bottom. The whole matter was put to the test in a long series of experi- ments carried out on goats by Professor Boycott, Commander Damant, and myself 6 at the Lister Institute, London, in a large steel chamber which was given for the purpose by the late Dr. Ludwig Mond (see Figures 86 and 87). We found that after very long exposure of a number of the animals at a total pressure of 6 atmospheres sudden decompression to 2.6 atmospheres pro- duced not the slightest ill effect. This decompression is in the proportion of 2.3 to I, and the drop of pressure was 3.4 atmos- pheres. In a corresponding series where the drop of pressure was a Boycott, Damant, and Haldane, Journ. of Hygiene, VIII, p. 242, 1908. The Report of the Admiralty Committee contains a short abstract of the work. Figure 84. Outside of naval recompression chamber, showing man- hole for access, and air lock for food. Figure 85. Inside of recompression chamber, showing bed for patient. O +3 IH ** H ^3 rl > c u T3 c w .1 | 2i Jr s M .... K e || cJ bfl O ^ S H ^2 o t3 Us RESPIRATION 345 the same, but from 4.4 to I atmosphere, or in the proportion of 4.4 to i, only 20 per cent of the animals escaped symptoms, while 20 per cent died, 30 per cent had severe symptoms, and 30 per cent had "bends," quite easily recognized in the animals by their behavior and the manner in which they held the affected limb (Figure 88). It seemed evident, therefore, that it is quite safe to halve the absolute pressure rapidly. Before venturing on such extensive rapid decompressions of divers under water we re- peated the goat experiments on men in the steel chamber, Com- mander Damant and Lieutenant Catto being the subjects. There were no ill effects in a number of experiments, nor in subsequent trials by them under water at sea; and rapid decompression to half the absolute pressure is now the routine practice of divers, and is not known to have ever resulted in harm. We were still, however, only at the beginning of the inquiry. It was evident that the whole danger lay in the last stages of the decompression. "On ne paie qu'en sortant," as was remarked by Pol and Watelle, who were the first to give a medical account of the symptoms of caisson disease. 7 The problem was to get divers completely clear of the compressed air without paying. This problem had resolved itself into that of avoiding the critical supersaturation with nitrogen in any part of the body at or before the last stage of decompression. Let us consider the process of saturation and desaturation more closely. The blood passing through the lungs of a man breathing compressed air will, in accordance with what has been explained in Chapter IX as to the permeability of the lung epithelium to gas, become instantly saturated to the full extent with nitrogen at the existing partial pressure in the air. When this blood reaches the systemic capillaries, most of the excess of nitrogen will diffuse out and the blood will return for a fresh charge, this process being repeated until at length the tissues are fully charged with nitrogen at the same partial pressure as in the air. But the blood supply to different parts of the body varies greatly, as we have seen. The capacity of different parts of the body for dis- solving nitrogen varies also. Thus the white matter of the central nervous system has but a small blood supply and at the same time a high capacity for storing nitrogen ; and the same remark applies to fat. The gray matter, on the other hand, has an enormous blood supply and no extra capacity for storing nitrogen. Other tissues, such as muscles, may or may not have a great blood supply, ac- T Pol et Watelle, Ann. d,' hygiene -pubUqiie, (2), p. 241, 1854. 346 RESPIRATION cording to the amount of work a man is doing. We can easily see, therefore, that the time taken for different parts of the body to become saturated with nitrogen will vary greatly. Taking into consideration the amount of fatty material in the body, we estimated that the whole body of a man weighing 70 kilos will take up about I liter of nitrogen for each atmosphere of excess pressure about 70 per cent more nitrogen than an equal weight of blood would take up. Now the weight of blood in a man is about 6.5 per cent of the body weight; hence the amount of nitrogen held in solution in the body, when it is completely saturated with nitrogen, will be about or 26 times as great as the amount held in the blood alone. If, therefore, the composi- tion of the body were the same at all parts, and the blood dis- tributed itself evenly to all parts, the body would have received at one complete round of the blood after sudden exposure to a high pressure of air one twenty-sixth of the excess of nitrogen cor- responding to complete saturation. The second round would add one twenty-sixth of the remaining deficit in circulation, i.e., 1/26 x 25/26 of the total excess. The third round would add 1/26 x (25/26 x 25/26), and so on. On following out this calcu- lation, it will be seen that the body would be half saturated in less than 20 rounds of the circulation, or about ten minutes, and that saturation would be practically complete in an hour. The progress of the saturation would follow the logarithmic curve shown in Figure 89. Actually the rate of saturation will vary widely in different parts of the body ; but for any particular part the rate of saturation will follow a curve of this form, assuming that the circulation rate is constant. There is abundant evidence, both from human experience and from experiments on animals, that liability to compressed-air illness increases with duration of exposure. We found that in goats the liability increased up to about 3 hours' exposure, but did not increase further even with far longer exposure. In man, on the other hand, limitation of exposure to 3 hours has been found to diminish the liability distinctly, and we calculated from the goat experiments, taking into account the greater rate of circulation in the goat on account of its much smaller weight (see Chapter X), that in man the liability would increase up to about 5 hours' exposure. We had therefore to allow for parts of the body which would only become half saturated in about 1^4 hours, but for nothing slower than this. Figure 88. "Bends" of foreleg in a goat. RESPIRATION 347 The longer any part of the body takes to saturate, the longer will it also take to desaturate to the point at which it is safe to reduce the pressure to normal. But if we know the pressure and duration of exposure, we can now calculate a safe rate of further decompression after the initial reduction of total pressure to half IUU . ^ ^^ / ' 60 50 / / / 30 10 n 1 1 / Multiples of the time required to produce half -saturation. Figure 89. Curve showing the progress of saturation of any part of the body with nitrogen after any given rise of pressure. The percentage saturation can be read off on the curve, provided the duration of exposure to the pressure, and the time required to produce half satu- ration of the part in question, are both known. Thus a part which half saturates in one hour would, as shown on the curve, be 30 per cent saturated in half an hour, or 94 per cent saturated in 4 hours. has been carried out : for we can calculate the rate at which nitro- gen is being carried away from parts which saturate and de- saturate quickly, or from those which do so slowly. We can thus regulate the rate of decompression so that no part of the body is at any time supersaturated to such an extent as to cause risk of bubble formation. In this way tables were calculated for regu- lating the rate of decompression of divers and other workers in compressed air. For the sake of convenience the decompression 348 RESPIRATION rate was calculated in stages, each of which represents a reduc- tion in depth of 10 feet, so that a diver is stopped by signal at every ten feet of ascent. Figure 90 represents what is happening during a dive to 28 fathoms, with the stay on the bottom limited to 14 minutes, and Figure 90. Diving to 168 feet by new method: Diver 14 minutes on the bottom and 46 minutes under water. The curves from above downward represent, respectively, the variations in saturation of parts of the body which half saturate in 5, 10, 20, 40, and 75 minutes; the thick line representing the air pressure. the new method carried out of rapid descent and ascent by stages. It will be seen that when the diver reaches surface, the maximum condition of supersatu ration with nitrogen in any part of the body corresponds to only 17/4 pounds per square inch (or 1.17 atmos- pheres) of air pressure. This leaves a margin of safety. Figure 91 shows what happened by the old method, with the same time on RESPIRATION 349 the bottom. It will be seen ( I ) that the dive took twice as long a time, and (2) that when he reached surface the maximum super- saturation was 36 Ibs. (2.4 atmospheres), so that he would run a 15 10 IS 20 25 30 JS 40 45 SO SS 6O 6S Time in minutes. 75 8O Figure 91. Diving to 168 feet by old method: Diver 14 minutes on the bottom and 84 minutes under water. The curves from above downward represent, respectively, the variations in saturation of parts of the body which half saturate in 5, 10, 20, 40, and 75 minutes; the thick line representing the air pressure. most dangerous risk. It is evident from the figure that the slow descent and most of the slow ascent were simply adding to the s f^r- _____ xji 198 165 132 99 ^Sk **: : . ~~~-_, *._,^ rcssure in atmosp Co * 0> C ^ \x ""v; "V-. ***** ---^^ .^ X N^X ^^.^ IT****-. ~~-~.^ "L- ^C Xj.% ^^^ * ^^ "^- ~___ ^ ^ ^.^ ** % _ | _^ "*-**,, 33 Absolute p ^o * ' "1 1 T ...._., 3 ^* *-* fc- ? / : ' (. 4 i t? 7 5 1Q" V Time iu hours. Figure 92. Theoretical ascents of a diver after a prolonged stay at 213 feet of sea water. Stage decompression in 309 minutes compared with uniform decom- pressions in 309 minutes and in 10 hours. Continuous lines = stage decompres- sion : interrupted lines = uniform decompression. Thick lines = air pressure : thin lines = saturation with atmospheric nitrogen in parts of the body which half saturate in 75 minutes. 350 RESPIRATION danger. These figures show also in a clear way, the advantages of cutting down the duration of stay on the bottom. It appears from Figure 90 that with the short stay on the bottom the more slowly saturating parts of the body have not time to reach a dangerous degree of saturation, though they might do so if similar dives were repeated after short intervals on one day. With a long exposure to a high air pressure the time required for safe decompression, even by the stage method, becomes much too long for ordinary diving work. Figure 92 shows, for instance, that it would take nearly five hours by the stage method, and ten hours with uniform decompression, for completely safe decom- pression after a stay of some hours under a pressure of 35^2 fathoms of water, or an excess pressure of 6J^ atmospheres. In the ordinary diving table, therefore, the stay on the bottom is so limited that the diver can be decompressed safely in half an hour. Nevertheless, it may happen that it is justifiable to stay longer, or that a diver's air pipe is fouled by something on a wreck and even that he cannot be liberated till the tide slackens or turns. To meet such cases a supplementary table was drawn up. These two tables are reproduced below. Since the introduction into the British Navy twelve years ago of the method of decompression embodied in the tables, with the corresponding regulations as to air supply and testing of the pumps, deep diving has been conducted with comfort and safety to the divers, so that compressed-air illness has now practically disappeared except in isolated cases where from one cause or another the regulations have not been carried out. When a medi- cal compressed-air chamber is available, it is justifiable to cut down the time for the last wearisome stages of the decompression, and so extend the time on the bottom. This has been cautiously tried under Commander Damant's supervision, but the result was that the divers began to suffer from "bends." These could easily be relieved in the chamber, but much loss of time and incon- venience resulted, and the "bends" were apt to recur. It seemed better to keep the chamber as a precaution against emergencies or unforeseen accidents. I calculated the tables with great care on the theoretical lines borne out by the experiments and in the light of all the available evidence from human experience ; and it appears that the times cannot be cut down without risk of trouble, unless the divers are placed in the chamber as a matter of routine after each dive. If a diver develops serious symptoms of compressed-air illness, to co co Ix co vo 00 O 01 M 03 co w co w CO -" CO HI co -. ro CO CO 1 tx o 10 tx to io d 10 03 10 O o o h-1 o M c CO to O IO O 1 O O 10 o o tx 10 tX K tx 1 03 IO IO 01 IO CO LO CO 10 CO tO co to to to rt 1 1 I 1 ! 01 03 03 CO 03 CO CO CO a Mil 1 .2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 " 1 " 03 03 0) 5 III! 1 1 1 1 03 S Mil 1 1 1 1 1 ' c CO co CO co co co CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO 1 2 en en en en en C/5 CO j C C G C C en c a w saa aa s lO'S * 2 tO '3 Ol M H B i-i C -. o 10 o o o o -> 03 CO +> co -t-> a a ' a S 2 S 28 03 4-> M 1 a g* s 'a CO 'a 03 u d) (L) rv 1 1 G, rv o 1 o 1 o * H . ,. ^r 1 10 10 ,r 10 nT 1 P HH 03 P M p ^S^iH^ 5^ D * 1 CO ON T ^ \ g s ? \fi ^~ ^ ^ -~ ^^ "~^~~ ^ x-~" ~\ ^__ - II JULY HA LOAN E 4 & 12 16 20 24 28 / 59 AUGUST SEPTEMBER. Figure 97. Pressure of COz and oxygen in alveolar air of three members of the Pike's Peak Expedition at about sea level (Oxford and New Haven), at Colorado Springs (6,000 feet), and on Pike's Peak (14,100 feet). Thick line = alveolar COz pressure, and thin line = alveolar oxygen pressure. Interrupted lines = normal alveolar COz and oxygen pressures at sea level. RESPIRATION 369 of CO 2 . It is during this condition that mountain sickness is pro- duced. In the course of a day or two, or of several days, the mountain sickness passes off if the altitude is not too great ; but the breathing is only slightly increased further, as we found on Pike's Peak (Figure 97) by analyses of the alveolar air. Further light on acclimatization was afterwards thrown by Hasselbalch and Lind- hard 7 in a series of observations during which they remained for a number of days in a steel chamber at reduced pressure. They found by direct measurement that after acclimatization the hydro- gen ion concentration of the blood is approximately normal, thus confirming Barcroft's conclusions from observations of the dis- sociation curve of the oxyhaemoglobin of the blood. They also found that the excretion of ammonia in the urine is distinctly diminished; and this led them to the conclusion that the very slight acidosis which presumably causes the increased breathing is due to diminished formation of ammonia in the body. In a still more recent investigation 8 by Kellas, Kennaway, and myself, we found that on exposure to a considerable diminution of atmospheric pressure there is at once a very marked decrease in the excretion of both acid and ammonia by the kidneys. The urine may become actually alkaline to litmus. These observations threw r a new and quite clear light on the increased breathing at high altitudes. It became evident that the increased breathing is primarily due simply to the stimulus of anoxaemia. This increased breathing not only raises the alveolar oxygen pressure, but also washes out an abnormal proportion of CO 2 and thus produces a condition of slight alkalosis, to which the perfectly normal re- sponse is a diminution of ammonia formation and in the acidity of the urine, as explained in Chapter VIII. This response tends to continue until the normal reaction of the blood is restored, owing to reduction in the "available alkali" in the body. There is no acidosis at any stage of the process ; the supposed acidosis is only the compensation of an alkalosis. Nevertheless the process of compensation is never quite complete. If it were so the excretion of ammonia would return to its normal value on acclimatization, whereas actually there is still, as shown by Hasselbalch and Lindhard's observations, a slight but distinct diminution in am- monia excretion. Moreover if the compensation were complete 7 Hasselbalch and Lindhard, Biochem. Zeitschr., 68, pp. 265 and 295, 1915; and 74, pp. i and 48, 1916. 8 Haldane, Kellas, and Kennaway, Journ. of Physwl., LIU, p. 181, 1919. 370 RESPIRATION there would be no extra breathing caused by the immediate effect of the anoxaemia. Actually there is still a slight amount of extra breathing from this cause, since on raising the alveolar oxygen pressure there is an immediate, though comparatively slight, rise in the alveolar CO 2 pressure, as we found on Pike's Peak when a mixture rich in oxygen was breathed in place of ordinary air. The evident reason why the compensation does not become more complete is that if it were made more complete the normal com- position of the blood would be very seriously altered; and such alterations tend to be resisted. The compensation thus represents a compromise. A similar interpretation of the apparent slight acidosis of high altitudes was reached on independent grounds by Yandell Hender- son, and published shortly before our paper appeared. 9 As already mentioned in Chapter VIII, he and Haggard made the very important discovery that with prolonged and very excessive ventilation of the lungs (thus producing great alkalosis) the available alkali or "alkaline reserve" of the blood diminishes greatly. A similar diminution occurs at high altitudes, and Hen- derson attributed it to the increased breathing produced by the anoxaemia, and was thus the first to identify its true nature as a compensatory response to the alkalosis produced by the increased breathing. It is evident that the compensatory change in the available alkali of the blood and whole body tends to make increased breath- ing possible with a minimum stimulus from actual anoxaemia. The anoxaemia tends, therefore, to be relieved. In other words a process tending to acclimatization has occurred. It will be noted that the phenomena have been interpreted on what is usually called a teleological basis, though no conscious adaptation of means to end is implied, but only a tendency of the living body to maintain its normal standards. The justification for this mode of interpretation, and the demonstration that it constitutes the neces- sary scientific basis of physiology, will be postponed to the next chapter. In connection with the Pike's Peak expedition Miss FitzGerald carried out a large series of investigations of the alveolar air of persons living permanently, and therefore fully acclimatized, in towns and villages at different altitudes in or near the Rocky Mountains. At a later date further observations were made at 9 Yandell Henderson, Science, May 8, 1919; and Haggard and Henderson, Journ. BioL Chem., XLIII, p. 15, 1920. RESPIRATION 371 lower altitudes in South Carolina. 10 The average results are shown in Figure 98. The results for men and women are given separately, as men have a higher average alveolar CO 2 pressure than women, as mentioned in Chapter II. It will be seen that within the limits of atmospheric pressure investigated, the aver- Cas pressure Altitude mm. of 800 75O 70O 65O 60O 550 SOO 45O 4QO 350 ZOO 2 SO 20O >n Ft /so 1 30JDOO 29.000 28OOO 27.000 26DOO 25000 24,000. 7-5,000 22,000 21,000 20,000 19.OOO 18,000 17.000 16,000 15.000 14,000 13,000 12,000 11,000 10,000 9,000 6,000 5,000 4,000 3.000 2,000 o 140 / - J30 120 //O too 90 80 70 60 50 40 . 30 20 IO O / - /< I - / " - A/veo/ar L / pressure *^ & t // - ^X. ^N ^K * X \0 7 5 /^ f / \ x At veoJa r* / ? x - N X /n re/at/on to o o D*- 4 N : \> Off P nospfn -essu) >r/c "e , r o "^ >^s X N / --- ^?i / 3OO ISO 700 650 600 S5O 5OO 4SO 4OO 3SO SOO 2SO 20O Atmospheric pressure in mm. of mercury. Figure 98. Alveolar gas pressures in relation to barometric pressure or altitude. age alveolar CO 2 and oxygen pressures fall proportionally to the atmospheric pressure. To judge from these results the al- veolar oxygen pressure at the height of 24,600 feet reached by the 10 FitzGerald, Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc., B, 203, p. 351 ', and Proc. Roy. Soc., B, 88, p. 248. 372 RESPIRATION Duke of Abbruzzi's expedition would only be about 31 mm., and the CO 2 pressure about 2 1 mm. The figures, according to a form- ula of Henderson, 11 would be oxygen 38 mm., and CO 2 15 mm. Acclimatization would be a very incomplete process if it de- pended solely on the increased breathing observed at high alti- tudes. In spite of increased breathing and coincident increased saturation of the arterial blood owing to the alkalosis produced, there is at first very distinct cyanosis when persons first go to a high altitude. On Pike's Peak this was very striking, though in different persons the degree of cyanosis varied greatly. The fact that there was so much cyanosis although the mean alveolar oxy- gen pressure was about 50 mm. sufficient in presence of the lowered alveolar CO 2 pressure to saturate the haemoglobin of average human blood to 85 per cent or more is now explicable by the fact that, as explained in Chapter VII, the oxygen pressure of the mixed arterial blood is very appreciably below that of the mixed alveolar air, and particularly at lowered atmospheric pressure. The cyanosis disappears, however, after a day or two, or sometimes longer, of mountain sickness; and in persons who have reached the high altitude by gradual stages, as in the Him- alayas, there may, apparently, be little or no cyanosis, and certainly no mountain sickness. Among the party of four Europeans with the Duke of the Abbruzzi, who gradually reached a height of 24,600 feet in the Himalayas, there were no signs of mountain sickness or undue exhaustion at any stage. In the account of the expedition the conclusion was even drawn that "rarefaction of the air, under ordinary conditions of high mountains, to the limits reached by man at the present day (a barometric pressure of 12.28 inches or 312 mm.) does not produce mountain sick- ness." 12 Mountain sickness, and its accompaniments were con- sidered to be "in reality phenomena of fatigue." The writer of this account was not aware of the fact that mountain sickness is easily produced in unacclimatized persons without any fatigue, and occurs quite readily in persons sitting in a steel chamber or going by train to a high altitude. We may contrast the experience of the Duke of Abbruzzi's party with that of Hasselbalch and Lindhard in their steel chamber. 13 They started altogether unacclimatized, from the sea- level air pressure of Copenhagen, and only reduced the pressure n Y. Henderson, Journ. BioL Chem., XLIII, p. 29, 1920. 12 Filipo de Filippi, Karakouram and, Western Himalaya, London, 1912. 18 Hasselbalch and Lindhard, Biochem. Zeitschr., 8, p. 295, 1915- RESPIRATION 373 to 520 mm., corresponding to a height of 11,000 feet; but after a few hours they became so seriously affected by mountain sickness, with alarming cyanosis, intolerable headache, and feelings of asphyxia during the night, that they had to raise the pressure to 584 mm. (about 7,000 feet). Those ascending Pike's Peak started from a height of about 6,000 feet and were thus partially acclima- tized; otherwise their symptoms would doubtless have been more marked than they actually were. In Chapter IX the quantitative evidence has already been given that at high altitudes after acclimatization the lungs actively secrete oxygen inwards even during rest, and that were it not so the immunity from symptoms of mountain sickness among ac- climatized persons would be totally unintelligible. It only remains to discuss here some special points with regard to oxygen secre- tion. The fact that some time is needed before oxygen secretion is effectively established at a high altitude, accords exactly with the fact that it takes a man some time to get his lungs and other parts of his body into good physiological training for heavy muscular exertion. As was pointed out in Chapter IX there is now very clear evidence that in persons who are in good training oxygen secretion by the lungs plays a very important part, whereas in persons not in training any secretion evoked by muscular work is so feeble as to be quite ineffective. Both at high altitudes and in training for muscular exertion the power of secretion develops with use; and development occurs in exactly the same manner with the exercise of all other physiological functions. At high altitudes the stimulus to secretion originates in consequence of the imperfectly saturated condition of the arterial blood; and al- though after acclimatization is established the saturation of the arterial blood with oxygen becomes less incomplete, yet part of the incompleteness must remain; otherwise there would be no stimulus to oxygen secretion. In this connection it should be noted that the arterial oxygen pressure given by the carbon monoxide method is the average oxygen pressure of the blood leaving the alveoli, and not the oxygen pressure of the mixed arterial blood. The latter value is undoubtedly a good deal lower for the reason already explained. It has for long been well known to mountaineers that persons who are in good physical training for hard work are far less susceptible to mountain sickness and the other characteristic effects of high altitudes than those who are not in training. This fact is 374 RESPIRATION the origin of the common and quite erroneous opinion that mountain sickness is due simply to exhaustion and has nothing to do with barometric pressure. It now seems probable that in so far as acclimatization is due simply to increased power of oxygen secretion good physical training in heavy exertion will do as much as continued exposure to the high altitude. As we have already seen, however, acclimatization consists not merely in increased power of oxygen secretion, but also in increased haemo- globin percentage and diminution in the available alkali in the blood and tissues so as to permit of increased breathing without the development of alkalosis. It takes time to bring about these changes, and they are not brought about by training for muscular work. The increased haemoglobin, though it was the first acclima- tization change to be discovered, is probably of relatively minor importance, inasmuch as recovery from mountain sickness and related conditions commonly occur before there is any noticeable change in the haemoglobin percentage. The diminution in avail- able alkali seems to be much more important, but the process is evidently a rather slow one. This is readily intelligible when one considers the amount of alkali that has, apparently, to be got rid of, partly by excretion through the kidneys, and partly through suspension of formation of ammonia inside the body. Possibly this part of acclimatization might be greatly hastened by the administration of ammonium chloride, the striking effects of which on the blood reaction were described in Chapter VIII. The question of acclimatization has assumed new interest, owing to the recent great extension of the use of aeroplanes at high altitudes. The great advantage of good physical training seems evident in this connection. At the same time it also seems evident that only a limited amount of acclimatization can be produced either by physical training or by intermittent exposures in aero- planes to low atmospheric pressure. The limitation was distinctly evident in the experiments, mentioned in Chapter IX, on the degree of acclimatization produced by intermittent exposures at low pressures. We must now discuss the symptoms of balloonists and other airmen at very great altitudes, and the means of averting these symptoms. Enormous heights can easily be reached by balloons; and quite recently, in consequence of the great improvements during the war in the construction of aeroplanes and their engines, a height nearly as great as those reached in balloons has been reached in aeroplanes. The limitation in the heights to which men RESPIRATION 375 have hitherto been able to go is due entirely to the physiological effects of the reduced oxygen pressure and the quite evident im- perfections of the apparatus used for overcoming these effects. Hot-air balloons were devised by the brothers Montgolfier, and first used at Paris in 1783. Shortly afterwards the well-known French physicist Charles invented the hydrogen balloon and made the first ascent in 1785, reaching a height of 13,000 feet. Higher ascents were soon after made, and in 1804 another Frenchman, Robertson, reached about 26,000 feet and was greatly affected. In the same year Gay-Lussac went to about 23,000 feet, but only noticed slight effects. It seemed pretty evident that the limit of safety was about 25,000 feet, but until 1875 no balloonist seems to have been actually killed by asphyxiation due to the rarefied air. In 1862 the well-known meteorologist Glaisher and the bal- loonist Coxwell made a famous very high ascent from Wolver- hampton; and Glaisher's account of the symptoms observed was very full and valuable. 14 In 48 minutes they had reached a height at which the barometer stood at 10.8 inches (274 mm.). Glaisher found that after this he could no longer read his thermometer or even his watch. His last reading of the barometer was 9.75 inches (248 mm.), which he estimated as corresponding to 29,000 feet. 15 He then found that his arms and legs were paralyzed, and then his neck also, so that he could not hold up his head. He could still vaguely see Coxwell, who had climbed up to free the rope of the valve, this having got tangled, owing to rotation of the balloon. He tried to speak, but could not, and then suddenly he became blind. He says, "I was still completely conscious, and my brain was as active as in writing these lines." Then suddenly he lost all consciousness and appears to have been unconscious for about seven minutes, during which Coxwell had fortunately succeeded in stopping the ascent of the balloon and bringing it down again for a considerable distance. During Glaisher's return to consciousness he first heard the words "temperature" and "observation," but without seeing anything. Then he began to see his instruments vaguely, and then other objects, and finally was able to take up his pencil and continue his observations. The barometer was then ii T /2 inches (292 mm.). Coxwell had never lost consciousness. He climbed down with great difficulty. Seeing Glaisher's condition he tried to pull the valve rope, but found that his own arms were now paralyzed. He then, with great presence of mind, got hold 14 Glaisher, Travels in the Air, London, 1871. 15 It is somewhat doubtful whether the aneroid barometer was correct. 376 RESPIRATION of the rope with his teeth, and so succeeded in opening the valve and turning the balloon downwards. By his presence of mind and determination he saved both Glaisher's life and his own. The next very high ascent was made by the three French sci- entists Croce-Spinelli, Sivel, and Tissandier in 1875, and re- sulted in the death of the two former. This tragic occurrence revealed in a very clear manner the insidiousness of the onset of dangerous anoxaemia, and the absolute necessity for taking the most efficient means of guarding against it at very high altitudes. Croce-Spinelli and Sivel had tried the effects of oxygen in Paul Bert's steel chamber, as well as during a previous ascent to about 25,000 feet. They were thus familiar with its effects. The balloon was therefore provided with bags of oxygen. Paul Bert, who was away from Paris at the time, had, however, written to them that the bags provided were too small to last for more than a short period. There was not time, however, to get larger ones, and for this reason they decided not to begin using the oxygen till they felt themselves really in need of it. They reached a height of about 24,600 feet with the barometer at 300 mm. and the balloon no longer rising. At this point Sivel asked both his companions whether they would go higher, and on receiving their assent cut the strings of three bags of sand used as ballast. Figure 99 repre- sents the appearance of the car of the balloon at this point. In Tissandier's notebook there was the entry "1.25, T = 10, B = 300. Sivel throws ballast. Sivel throws ballast." The writing was scarcely legible, and the repetition of the words was charac- teristic of the symptoms of anoxaemia. The balloon then rose rapidly. Tissandier relates that he tried to take up the mouthpiece of the oxygen tube, but his arms would not move. Nevertheless he had no sense of the danger, but felt happy that they were rising. He saw the barometer passing 290 and then 280 and wished to call out that they were at 8,000 meters, but his voice was paralyzed, and immediately afterwards he lost consciousness and did not wake up till about forty minutes later. The balloon was then descending rapidly and he noted that the barometer was at 315. His companions were still unconscious. He let go some ballast, and shortly afterwards Croce-Spinelli woke up and let go more, including the aspirator. He then became unconscious again. The balloon must have gone up, and he did not wake up again till an hour and a quarter later. The balloon was then at about 20,000 feet and falling very rapidly. Both Sivel and Croce-Spinelli were dead. Tissandier had great difficulty in Figure 99. Sivel, Tissandier, and Croce-Spinelli in the car of the Zenith. Sivel preparing to cut the strings of the ballast bags at 300 mm. barometric pressure. Croce- Spinelli with the bubbling arrangement for breathing oxygen in his hand. Tissandier reading the barometer. The oxygen bags are seen above the car, and the re- versible aspirator fixed to the basket work. RESPIRATION 377 letting go the anchor and landing safely, but succeeded. Figure 100 indicates diagrammatically the course of the balloon. The maximum height was given by an automatic recorder. 9000 3000 2000 MMW/////,'. y////////////^^^^ L0ire ri.-.! ' C.) 33-7 (33-9 (J.S.H.) 20.3 20.9 (34.0 (C.G.D.) 33-9 32.1 50.8 49.2 (76.0 (J. S. H.) 67.7 68.1 75-8 (76.8 (C.G.D.) (75.2 (J.S.H.) (4) Found (2) Calculated, Found (/. S. H.*) Calculated (C.G.D.-) (J. S.H.) 25.4 26.8 1 1.2 10.3 11.4 33-9 338 25.2 26.0 27.1 50.8 52.3 50.5 5L9 52.5 677 68.3 80.8 79-9 81.4 E. Determination of Blood Volume in Man during Life by CO Since CO is not oxidized or otherwise destroyed in the living body, and since it forms a relatively very stable molecular compound with haemoglobin, but with no other substance in the body, it is evident that if we administer to an animal a known amount of CO, and then de- termine the percentage saturation of the haemoglobin with CO and the total CO capacity of a given volume of blood, we can determine the CO capacity of the total blood in the body, and hence deduce also the blood volume. The blood volume during life was first determined in this way by Grehant and Quinquaud, 18 who used dogs for the purpose and em- ployed the blood pump for the blood-gas analyses. In 1900 Lorrain Smith and I introduced a much simpler method, easily applicable to man; 19 and this method has been extensively used for physiological, clinical, and pathological work, as mentioned in Chapter X. The apparatus required for administering the CO to a man is shown diagramatically in Figure 104. The subject breathes through a glass mouthpiece A, the nose being clipped or held. The mouthpiece communi- cates by ^-inch rubber tubing with a bladder or india-rubber bag B of 18 Grehant and Quinquaud, Journ. de I'anat. et de la -physwl., p. 564, 1882. M Haldane and Lorrain Smith, Journ. of Physwl., XXV, p. 331, 1900. RESPIRATION 425 at least 2 liters capacity. Between the bag and mouthpiece there is inter- posed a cylindrical metal vessel containing moist granulated soda lime or other suitable absorbent to absorb CO 2 . The end of this vessel may be made to screw on and off, with an air-tight rubber washer; or may be made in two pieces, the outer of which slides over the inner, as shown in the figure, the junction being made air tight with plasticine. The soda Figure 104. Apparatus for determining blood volume in man. lime is kept in position by two circular pieces of wire gauze, one of which is pushed into the end of the inner vessel, and the other into the end of the outer vessel. Good soda lime can be made by stirring fresh slaked lime in powder with a strong solution of caustic soda till the mixture granulates, and then sifting off the fine powder and coarse lumps by means of two sieves. Granulated caustic soda will also answer. There should be no appreciable resistance to breathing, and one tin of soda lime should last for several experiments. When the soda lime is spent it ceases to heat, and the breathing begins to become increased, owing to unabsorbed CO 2 . The narrow graduated cylinder D is filled under water with CO, of which a stock, prepared from formic and pure sulphuric acids, can be kept in a large bottle. Just before the experiment, some of the CO is, by turning the water tap E, driven out through the test tube and 3-way tap F to the outside. In this way all the air is expelled up to the 3-way tap. The water tap is then closed, and afterwards the 3-way tap. Oxygen from a steel cylinder is now turned on through the tube C to displace CO 426 RESPIRATION from the tubing, which is then connected with the bag as shown in the figure, and the bag filled pretty full with oxygen. Meanwhile the height of the water in the cylinder is accurately read off, and the temperature of the cylinder and barometric pressure noted. The subject of the experiment now begins to breathe from the bag, oxygen being supplied as required. The water tap is now slightly opened, and the tap F turned so as to let CO as well as oxygen pass. The required volume of CO is in this way very gradually driven in from the measuring cylinder, about 20 cc. being passed in per minute. After the CO has been passed in, the water tap is turned off, and the 3-way tap turned so as to shut off the CO. The CO is absorbed from the bag very rapidly and completely. The oxygen supply is continued for at least ten minutes, after which the subject is allowed to absorb most of the oxygen in the bag. About 1 5 minutes after the last of the CO has been given, a drop or two of blood is taken and diluted for analysis by the carmine method described above. At the same time the oxygen capacity of the blood is determined in the ordinary way by the Gowers-Haldane haemo- globinometer. For further certainty it is well to make both determina- tions in duplicate. As a little air always gets mixed with the CO, a sample of the CO in the cylinder should be taken for analysis. It is usually sufficient to determine the CO 2 (of which none should be present) and oxygen. From the latter the proportion of air can be deduced. Let us suppose that 150 cc. of CO were given, the temperature 12, and the barometer 765 mm. ; also that there was 0.82 per cent of oxygen in the CO, corresponding to 3.9 per cent of air. 150 cc. of gas saturated with moisture would correspond to 142.5 cc. of dry gas at o and 760 mm. But as 3.9 per cent of this was air, only 137 cc. of CO were administered. Let us also suppose that the percentage oxygen capacity of the subject's blood was 18.1 (98 per cent by the haemoglobinometer), and the per- centage saturation with CO was 19.5. The total oxygen capacity or CO capacity must have been 137 x =703 cc. ; the blood volume 703 x i9-5 IOO =3880 cc. If the subject's weight was 60 kilos this corresponds to 18.1 6.5 liters of blood to 100 kilos of body weight; and this result is usually expressed as a blood volume of 6.5 per cent of the body weight. In the original description of our method, we directed that the blood sample should be taken within two or three minutes of the cessation of administration of CO, as we assumed that by that time the CO would be evenly distributed in the blood all over the body. The results from samples taken three minutes after the first sample confirmed this as- RESPIRATION 427 sumption. When, however, Douglas and Boycott made a number of de- terminations with a much larger bag which necessitated continuation of the breathing for a considerable time after the CO had been given, they obtained higher average results for the blood volume in man than Lorrain Smith and I had got. Douglas and I therefore reinvestigated the question as to how long the CO requires to distribute itself equally, and found that when the samples were taken only two or three minutes after cessation of the administration of CO the percentage saturations of the blood were from 10 to 25 per cent higher than 15 minutes later. After 10 to 15 minutes, however, the saturation remained constant if the subject continued to breathe from the bag. Our original experiments gave, therefore, results for the blood volume which were too low probably by about 25 per cent. The average blood volume in man by the CO method is about 6.5 to 7 per cent of the body weight, and the total oxygen capacity of the haemoglobin about i.i to 1.3 liters per 100 kilos of body weight. It is probable that, as regards most of the circulating blood, mixture with any added substance such as CO takes place very rapidly. In some parts of the body, however, the circulation is so slow that a considerable time is required for mixture. Douglas, 20 and also Boycott and Douglas 21 applied the above de- scribed CO method to animals, and took the opportunity of comparing the results with those obtained by the older colorimetric method of Welcker, which can only be applied after death. The series by Douglas showed an average difference of 3 per cent, and that of Boycott and Douglas of +5-5 per cent with the CO method as compared with the Welcker method. It is evident, therefore, that no substance except haemoglobin combines with CO. It must be remembered, however, that many of the muscles contain some haemoglobin, and that by both methods this small fraction of the total haemoglobin is estimated as if it belonged to the blood. In using the CO method for human experiments it is necessary to adjust the volume of CO administered to the patient's weight and prob- able oxygen capacity, so that the percentage saturation of his haemo- globin is not likely to rise above about 20; otherwise slight headache may result. For persons of ordinary weight about 1 50 cc. of CO would be suitable ; but in cases of pernicious anaemia or anaemia from loss of blood, and in children or persons of low weight, far less CO should be given. On the other hand in cases of polycythaema it may be necessary to give 300 cc. or more in order to obtain a percentage saturation suffi- cient for a satisfactory titration of the blood. As CO only leaves the blood slowly when the percentage saturation is low, it is hardly neces- sary, except in very exact experiments, to keep the patient breathing from the bag after all the CO has been absorbed. 20 C. G. Douglas, Journ. Physiol., XXXIII, p. 493, 1906, and XL, p. 472, 1910. n A. E. Boycott and C. G. Douglas, Journ. Path, and Bact., XIII, p. 256, 1909, and A. E. Boycott, same Journal, XVI, p. 485, 1911. THE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SANTA CRUZ SCIENCE LIBRARY This book is due on the last DATE stamped below. 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