Mil I in II III Hi ii ill! lii! 11 in MABEL BARNE5-GR.VNDY Hazel of Heatherland Hazel of Heatherland By Mabel Barnes -Grundy New York The Baker & Taylor Co. 33-37 East Seventeenth Street Union Square North COPYRIGHT, 1906, BT THE BAKER & TAYLOR CO. PUBLISHED, MARCH, 1906 Pvblisherf Printing Company, New York in Heatherland 2229127 CONTENTS CHAPTER PAGE /. Sammy Imparts Some News 9 71. On How I Became Acquainted with Mr. Inderwick . 23 777. Sammy and Rose Gossip on an Unimportant Matter . 31 IV. I Receive a Snub from Mr. Inderwick, which Renders Me Angry 40 V. An Encounter with Mr. Inderwick 66 VI. I Go on a Visit to Aunt Menelophe 65 F77. 7 Receive a Letter from Mother and Some Good Advice on Dress from Aunt Menelophe 81 '''777. A Dinner Party, Followed by my Seeing the Ghost . 93 IX. I Return Home, and Exchange Sentiments with Jerry on Autumn 106 X. An AU-Hattowf E'en Party 116 XI. We Go to Tea with Mr. Inderwick, and I Describe the Dusting of Parian Jugs 132 Z77. On Wash-Days 145 XIII. Mr. Inderwick Accompanies me to Gayton to Buy Butter 153 XIV. I Tamper Successfully with a Keyhole and Lunch at Piper's Well 170 XV. On the Repairing of a Lock and my Drive with Mr. Inderwick 105 XVI. lama Little Poorly, and Mr. Inderwick Cattt . . . 213 17] CONTENTS CHAPTER PAGE XVII. I Unfortunately Knock off a Piece of Angela's Hair, and She is Extremely Annoyed 225 XVIII. Mr. Inderwick Asks a Direct Question, and I Reply 237 XIX. I Desire to be a Lotus-Eater, and Sammy Brings me Rudely to Earth 255 XX. I Start on a Second Visit to Aunt Menelophe, and Robert Inderwick Sees me Off 265 XXI. Aunt Menelophe Holds Forth on the Subject of Mar- riage 279 X.XII. I Am Confronted with Another Perplexing Situation 294 XXIII. I Make My Decision, And Am Not Altogether Happy 302 XXIV. I Have Some Little Differences with Eustace . . . 313 XXV. A Walk in the Rain, and Eustace Talks Ruskin . . 326 XXVI. Eustace Annoys me, and I Retire to my Room to Sew 830 XXVII. I Receive Some Letters of Congratulation, and Eustace Again Annoys me 841 XXVIII. I Take Decisive Steps 358 XXIX. Aunt Menelophe Scolds and Afterward Comforts me . 371 XXX. I Find Happiness 877 XXXI. The Eve of my Wedding-day 885 [8] Hazel of Heatherland HAZEL OF HEATHERLAND CHAPTER I Sammy Imparts Some News WHEN I was a little girl of, say, eight years of age, Sammy gave me a hedgehog. From that day to this he and I have been close friends. I remember the occasion well. I was huddled up on the floor in our small school-room endeavoring to write out the future tense of parler, to speak. My eyes smarted with unshed tears, my throat was swollen with suppressed sobs for outside a summer day reigned su- preme, and it was full of sunshine and flowers and the scent of hay when I heard the familiar sound of Sammy's corduroys beneath the window. "It's a little 'edge'og, Miss Hazelt, I have brought you. I found it asleep under the 'edge in the croft," he handed it in as he spoke, a round, prickly ball, " and I have just seen the mistress and Miss Timmins and Miss Angela go out, and " his voice dropped to a cautious whisper. HAZEL OF HEATHERLAND "Thank you, Sammy, you needn't help me," was all I said, as I crept through the window and jumped lightly to the ground. Sammy tempted me in those days, and I fell; he tempts me now, and I still fall. This afternoon he brought me some strawberries on a shiny rhubarb leaf; they were of a large size and beautiful color. "But Miss Angela is making jam to-morrow," I protested weakly.