THE OF THE BRITISH ASSOCIATION ^ FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE ; CONTAINING THE MEAN RIGHT ASCENSIONS AND NORTH POLAR DISTANCES OF EIGHT THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED AND SEVENTY -SEVEN FIXED STARS, REDUCED TO JANUARY I, 1850: TOGETHER WITH THEIR ANNUAL PRECESSIONS, SECULAR VARIATIONS AND PROPER MOTIONS AS WELL AS THE LOGARITHMIC CONSTANTS FOR COMPUTING PRECESSION, ABERRATION AND NUTATION. UK: Vf* C A PREFACE EXPLANATORY OF THEIR CONSTRUCTION AND APPLICATION. BY THE LATE FRANCIS BAILY, ESQ., D.C.L. OXFORD AND DUBLIN; PRESIDENT OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY; VICE-PRESIDENT OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY ; HONORARY MEMBER OF THE ROYAL IRISH ACADEMY; FELLOW OF THE LINNEAN, GEOLOGICAL, AND ROYAL GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETIES ; CORRESPONDING MEMBER OF THE ROYAL INSTITUTE OF SCIENCES OF PARIS, OF THE ROYAL ACADEMIES OF BERLIN AND NAPLES, OF THE ACADEMY OF SCIENCE AND LITERATURE AT PALERMO, OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF ARTS AND SCIENCES, ETC. ETC. LONDON: PUBLISHED BY RICHARD AND JOHN E. TAYLOR, RED LION COURT, FLEET STREET. 1845. i/ a PRINTED BY RICHARD AND JOHN E. TAYLOR, RED LION COURT, FLEET STREET. ADVERTISEMENT. THE author of this Catalogue did not live to witness its completion : FRANCIS BAILY died on August 30, 1844, and the superintendence of the work was en- trusted by the British Association to a Committee, consisting of the Rev. Dr. ROBINSON, the Rev. JAMES CHALLIS and myself. At this period, the whole of the Preface, and the Catalogue to sheet (N), comprising 2340 stars, had been printed off, and the copy of the remainder prepared for the Printer. The only portion of the work left incomplete related to the Notes to about 650 Stars, which Mr. BAILY had evidently intended to furnish, he having affixed asterisks to the number of each of these Stars in the Catalogue. By the admirable plan adopted by Mr. BAILY for the prosecution of his labours, together with the able assistance of Mr. R. FARLEY, who had been intimately acquainted with all the details from the commencement, Notes, however imperfect, have been sup- plied with comparative facility, and are distinguished from those prepared by Mr. BAILY by the letter [S.] at the end of each. The Calculations for the Catalogue have been bound up in 50 Volumes, and are, together with some Copies of the Catalogues used in its construction, depo- sited for security and reference in the Kew Observatory. W. S. STRATFORD. NAUTICAL ALMANAC OFFICE, June 4, 1845. INDEX TO THE SECTIONS. Section Page I. Preliminary and Historical Remarks i II. Sir JOHN HERSCHEL'S opinion of the Astronomical Society's Catalogue . . 4 III. Selection of Stars for the present Catalogue 9 IV. List of Catalogues examined, or referred to 1 1 V. Mode of reducing the selected Stars to the epoch 1850 14 VI. Annual Precession 1 8 VII. Aberration 20 VIII. Nutation 23 IX. Construction of the Constants, a, b, c, d and a 1 , b 1 , c', d' 25 X. Construction of the Annual Quantities, A, B, C, D 27 XL Sidereal and mean Solar Time 34 XII. General use of the Constants and Annual Quantities 36 XIII. Secular Variation of the Annual Precession 38 XIV. Variation in the Constants 42 XV. Diurnal Aberration 43 XVI. Minute Quantities omitted in the Formulae 44 XVII. Proper Motion of the Stars 47 XVIII. Revision of the Constellations 52 XIX. BAYER'S mode of lettering the Stars 63 XX. Errors in FLAMSTEED'S Catalogue 72 XXI. Arrangement of the columns in the Catalogue 80 TABLE I. Correction of the fictitious year, from 1800 1900 84 II. Correction on account of difference of meridians 85 - III. Mean longitude of the Moon's node on Jan. i in every year 86 IV. Logarithms of A and B for every tenth day of the fictitious year 87 V. For computing C' and D' in any fictitious year 88 VI. For computing C" and D" in any fictitious year 89 VII. Antilogarithms 90 CATALOGUE I to 375 Tables of Positions and Constants for Stars near the Pole 374 to 377 Notes 379 to 444 ERRATA. Page 75, Preface, line 17, for 31 read 37 7 6 t Table at bottom, insert *iB Arietis after 80 Aquarii 2, Catalogue, column "No." for 35 read 35*, and in its proper place in the notes, insert The position of this star depends entirely on the observation of Lalande (Hist. Cel. p. 192); 8, No. 147*, for Ceti read 14 Ceti No. 159, column "Various," dele W 33 No. 160, column "Various," insert W 33 column " No." for 537 read 537* No. 720*, "Annual Preces." for 3,024 read +3,024 column " No." for 721 read 721* for 845 read 845* /or 891 read 891* No. 990*, "Annual Preces." for 5,146 read +5.146 column " No." for 1237 read 1237* 1 /or 1282 read 1282* /or 1300 read 1300* /or 1853 read 1853* /or 1980 read 1980* /or 2060 read 2060* /or 2068 read 2068* for 2232 read 2232* for 2245 read 2245* for 2294 read 2294* 104, _ f or 2316 rea d 2316* 104, for 2328 read 2328* 104, . f or 2332 reat j 2332* 132, No. 2956, " Sec. Var."/or 0,0013 ad -0,0013 156, No. 3495*, for Visas Majoris read Ursse Minoris . 160, column "No." for 3592 read 3592* 169, No. 3750, Log. a'. The sign - is wanting in some copies ' " 2 > ; column " No." for 4737 read 4737* 235. No. 5249, column " Various," for B. H. 867 read B. H. 687 270, next to No. 6046, for 647 read 6047 274, column "No." for 6137 read 6137* 276, f or 6l67 * read6j67 280, _ f or gjge read 6286* 320, TJNIVKiiSlTY C4! PREFACE. I. Preliminary and Historical Remarks. 1 . 1 HE Catalogue of stars, which is known by the name of the Astronomical So- ciety's Catalogue (from the circumstance of its having been suggested and con- structed by that Society, and printed at their expence) has long been in the hands of astronomers, and its utility has been frequently acknowledged and duly appre- ciated. It was constructed upon a method somewhat different from preceding catalogues, and was moreover accompanied by new tables for facilitating the com- putation of precession, aberration and nutation for every star inserted in the cata- logue : an arrangement that has been found to be of great assistance and conve- nience to the practical astronomer, and has led to a desire to see its principles more fully developed and extended. 2. At the meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, which was held at Liverpool in the month of September 1837, this subject was taken into consideration, and a sum of money was appropriated from the funds of that Insti- tution, for the purpose of extending the catalogue above alluded to, not only by the introduction of a greater number of stars than those originally contemplated and adopted, but also by the insertion of the proper motion of such stars as were so determinate, and, in all cases, by the addition of the secular variation of the annual precessions. 3, As the formation and arrangement of this new catalogue has (like the former one) fallen wholly under my superintendence and control, I shall at once proceed to describe the method which I have caused to be pursued in carrying on the several reductions and operations above mentioned, and to explain the principles on which these concise and novel rules (now so universally adopted) for determining the pre- cession, aberration and nutation are constructed. And, in this task, I shall have little more to do than to transcribe and enlarge the Introduction, which I prefixed B A. C. B 2 Preliminary and Historical Remarks. to the Astronomical Society's Catalogue, with such alterations as may be requisite in consequence of the extension and additions here introduced. 4. Ever since the important discoveries of the Aberration of light, and the Nu- tation of the earth's axis, the attention of mathematicians has been directed to the investigation of the best means of reducing the analytical expressions of those quantities to the most simple and concise terms ; in order that the effect of those phenomena on the positions of the stars may be readily determined without much trouble or loss of time. Several methods have been proposed, and many useful tables have been formed, from time to time, for that express purpose : the whole of which, however, are either founded on formula? that do not include several minute quantities, which, in the present state of astronomy, cannot be neglected ; or else are confined to a very limited number of stars. 5. Special tables, for computing the aberration and nutation of particular stars, have for a long time been used by astronomers. The first distinct publication of this kind was by M. MEZGER; who published at Manheim in 1778, his Tabulte Aber- rationis et Nutationis for 352 stars. There had, however, previously to that period, appeared in the volumes of the Connaissance des terns from 1760 to 1774, several tables of a similar kind, and containing many of the same stars ; which tables M. JEAURAT subsequently collected together, and published in the Con. des terns for 1781. They were afterwards revised by M. DELAMBRE, and published (252 in number) in the Con. des terns for 1789 1791. An addition of 116 stars was made in the Con. des terns for 1802; and a further addition of 142 stars, in the same work for 1806 : thus making the total number 510. In the Ephe'me'rides de Vienne for the years 1784 and 1785, M. PILGRAM published special tables for 500 stars : but they are said to contain so many errors that it is unsafe to use them. In the year 1807, two other sets of special tables appeared, comprising nearly the same stars as those already alluded to : one by M. CAGNOLI, containing 501 stars ; the other by Baron ZACH, containing 494 stars. The former is entitled Catalogue de 501 etoiles, suivi des tables relatives d' Aberration et de Nutation ; Modena, 1 807 : and the latter, Tabulce Speciales Aberrationis et Nutationis, &c. Gotha, 1807; 2 vols. octavo. In this last-mentioned work, the second volume only is devoted to the tables of aber- ration and nutation ; and each star occupies a whole page. The first volume con- tains much useful information connected with the same subject, and many other valuable tables. 6. Hitherto the attention of astronomers had been confined to about five hun- dred of the principal stars : and in this state the subject remained till the year 1812, when some new tables, differently constructed and of a more general kind, were published by Baron ZACH. These are the most comprehensive as well as the most Preliminary and Historical Remarks. 3 convenient set of tables, which had prior thereto been formed for such computa- tions. They are entitled Nouvelles tables d* Aberration et de Nutation pour 1440 etoiles ; and were published at Marseilles in 1812, in one volume octavo. But, in these tables, the solar nutation, as well as some other minute quantities, are wholly omitted : and although that celebrated author has given a rule (in page 26) whereby we may approximate to the value of the solar nutation, yet that rule is not strictly correct, and ought not to be resorted to in the present state of the science. 7. I would likewise observe, that when we wish to compute the aberration and nutation by the tables of Baron ZACH, here alluded to, it is necessary to form di- stinct arguments for the sines of the quantities employed ; the logarithms of which quantities must be sought for, and taken out of a book of logarithms. Moreover, for the purpose of forming the arguments, reference must be made to some ephe- meris j and certain proportional parts must be computed before a correct solution can be obtained. We have then to obtain the sums of four logarithms, and to find the natural numbers corresponding thereto. After this, we have to compute the precession and solar nutation for the given day, by a separate calculation of no little trouble, before we can deduce the total correction required. Those only, who are versed in such calculations, can fully appreciate the labour, the risk of error, and the loss of time concerned in these several operations. 8. By the method, however, which I shall subsequently explain, nearly the whole of this troublesome process may be saved. For, in most ordinary cases, it will not be necessary to form any argument, nor in any case need it be requisite to refer to any other work, except to an Ephemeris for the current year*. We have merely to add four logarithms found in the present catalogue, to four logarithms found in the Nautical Almanac, or in some other equivalent authority, and the natural numbers, corresponding to the sums of those logarithms, will give the whole cor- rection, either in right ascension or declination as may be required ; and with a degree of accuracy not previously attained nor even attempted. 9. The mode, by which this great saving of time and labour is obtained, has been, in some measure, already explained by me in the Philosophical Magazine for October 1822; and the plan, which was first published by Professor BESSEL in No. 4 of the Astronomische Nachrichten, has been partially acted on by Professor SCHUMACHER in his Astronomische Hulfstafeln for the same year. The stars in the tables of SCHUMACHER, however, do not exceed five hundred in number. It was therefore considered desirable by the Astronomical Society that a more extensive * Even a reference to a table of logarithms may be obviated by the use of the two pages of logarithms in Table VII : which have been here introduced for the convenience of computers, who may not have an immediate or ready access to a book of logarithms. B 2 A Preliminary and Historical Remarks. catalogue should be formed on a similar model. That work, the prototype of the present volume, was executed in the year 1827; and, although printed as an Ap- pendix to the second volume of the Memoirs of the Society, was also published separately under the title of New Tables for facilitating the computation of Preces- sion, Aberration andNutation of 2881 principal fixed Stars, together with a Catalogue of the same. The more immediate object and utility of that work will be best seen and appreciated by reading the following extract from the Address of Sir JOHN HERSCHEL (then President of the Society) on delivering the Medals on this occa- sion, on April nth, 1827. II. Sir JOHN HERSCHEL' s opinion of the A. S. Catalogue. 10. "A catalogue of stars may be considered in two very distinct lights, either as a mere list of objects placed on record to fix on them the attention of astro- nomers, and to afford them matter for observation, or as a collection of well- determined zero points, offering ready means of comparing their observations with those of others, and of detecting and allowing for instrumental errors. In this light only I shall now consider it as chiefly of importance to the practical astro- nomer. It is for his uses that an amount of pains, labour, and expense, both national and individual, has been bestowed on the perfection of such catalogues, which, on a superficial view, must appear in the last degree lavish, but which yet has been no more than the necessity of the case demands. If we ask to what end magnificent establishments are maintained by states and sovereigns, furnished with master-pieces of art, and placed under the direction of men of first-rate talent and high-minded enthusiasm, sought out for those qualities among the foremost in the ranks of science: if we demand cui bono? for what good a BRADLEY has toiled, or a MASKELYNE or a PIAZZI worn out his venerable age in watching? the answer is, not to settle mere speculative points in the doctrine of the universe ; not to cater for the pride of man, by refined inquiries into the remoter mysteries of nature, not to trace the path of our system through infinite space, or its history through past and future eternities. These indeed are noble ends, and which I am far from any thought of depreciating ; the mind swells in their contemplation, and attains in their pursuit, an expansion and a hardihood which fit it for the boldest enter- prise : but the direct practical utility of such labours is fully worthy of their specu- lative grandeur. The stars are the land-marks of the universe ; and, amidst the endless and complicated fluctuations of our system, seem placed by its Creator as guides and records, not merely to elevate our minds by the contemplation of what is vast, but to teach us to direct our actions by reference to what is immutable in Sir JOHN HERSCHEL'S opinion of the A. 8. Catalogue. 5 his works. It is indeed hardly possible to overappreciate their value in this point of view. Every well-determined star, from the moment its place is registered, becomes to the astronomer, the geographer, the navigator, the surveyor, a point of departure which can never deceive or fail him, the same for ever and in all places, of a delicacy so extreme as to be a test for every instrument invented by man, yet equally adapted for the most ordinary purposes ; as available for regulating a town clock, as for conducting a navy to the Indies ; as effective for mapping down the intricacies of a petty barony, as for adjusting the boundaries of transatlantic empires. When once its place has been thoroughly ascertained and carefully recorded, the brazen circle, with which that useful work was done, may moulder, the marble pillar totter on its base, and the astronomer himself survive only in the gratitude of his posterity : but the record remains, and transfuses all its own exactness into every determination which takes it for a groundwork, giving to inferior instruments, nay even to temporary contrivances and to the observa- tions of a few weeks or days, all the precision attained originally at the cost of so much time, labour, and expense. 11. "To avail ourselves of these records, however, we must first have the means of disentangling the observed places of the stars at any moment, from the regularly progressive effect of precession, and from a variety of minuter periodical inequali- ties arising from the nutation of the earth's axis, and from the aberration of light, of which the genius of theoretical, no less than the industry of practical astrono- mers has at length succeeded in developing the laws, and fixing the amount, so as to leave little probability of any material change being induced by future re- searches. 12. " The calculations, however, required for this purpose, if instituted for each particular star at the time it is wanted, are so numerous and troublesome as to become a very serious evil ; the effects of which have been severely felt in astro- nomy in the discouragement it has offered to the reduction of observations, owing to which the labour of many an industrious observer's life has been in great measure thrown away. Indeed a lamentable picture might be drawn of the waste of valu- able labour traceable to this cause. The want of tables, therefore, to facilitate the reduction of particular stars was early felt. I shall not, however, enter into any historical detail of the attempts hitherto made from time to time to supply this desideratum. A well-drawn up and concise account of them is given in Mr. BAILY'S Preface to the Catalogue, which renders superfluous all I could say on the subject. Indeed, useful as they have been, and considerable as has been the pains bestowed on them, they are all so far surpassed by this work of Mr. BAILY, that it ought rather to be considered as belonging to a new class, than to 6 Sir JOHN HERSCHEL'S opinion of the A. 8. Catalogue. be compared in any way with the preceding ones, which must eventually all be superseded by it*. 13. "It is time now to speak more particularly of the Catalogue itself. Its whole plan and arrangement, the selection of the stars, the preparation and revision of the formula, the choice of the coefficients, and the discussion of the terms to be retained or rejected, we owe to Mr. BAILY, who has stated every particular relating to it in a most elaborate Preface, which may indeed be regarded as a compendium of all that is known on the subject of the corrections, and is remarkable at once for its precision and perspicuity. 14. "A great portion of the computation has been gratuitously performed by Mr. STRATFORD, checked by a computer engaged for that purpose. From this very severe labour, however, he was unfortunately compelled to desist, I regret to say, by ill health, and his place supplied by a professional computer : but the hardly less laborious task of comparing and checking the computations of his assistants, and, what is as important in all such cases as accuracy of computation, the careful superintendence of the press, and repeated revision of the whole work, has entirely devolved on him ; and never, I must say, was task performed with more diligence and exactness. 15. " The selection of the stars has been made from the catalogues of FLAM- STEED, BRADLEY, LACAILLE, MAYER, PIAZZI, and ZACH, so as to include all stars \ down to the 5th magnitude, wheresoever situate in the heavens, all of the 6th magnitude, within 30 of the equator, and all the stars to the 7th magnitude in- clusive, within 10 of the ecliptic. Almost all of them, however, are to be found in the catalogues of BRADLEY or PIAZZI, from which they have been reduced to 1830 [the epoch adopted) by formula? given by BESSEL. Their number is so considerable that, in whatever part of the heavens we may be observing, one or more are sure be within a moderate distance ; so that no one provided with this Catalogue can ably be at a loss for a zero-point to check his observations, and ascertain the adjustment of his instrument. To its convenience and utility, in this ct, I can speak from individual experience. It is indeed become my sheet >r, and has infused into a series of observations wholly dependent on such aid > of exactness which, without it, I should hardly have expected to attain. > formula? employed for calculating the corrections are almost entirely BESSEL, who has laboured with such diligence and perseverance on this f astronomy, as to make the subject almost his own. In adopting 'From this sentence, however, must be excepted special tables for the daily reduction of a number of select stars, whose use is no way superseded by the general Catalogue, bein ^ dttined for tmual, as the latter is only for occasional, reference con- Sir JOHN HERSCHEL'S opinion of the A. 8. Catalogue. 7 them, however, Mr. BAILY has taken nothing for granted, even from such high authority. He has gone over the whole subject anew ; and the slight inaccuracies which he has detected and corrected in some of the results of this profound geo- meter, although almost insensible in a numerical point of view, are valuable, as proving at once the general accuracy of his investigations, and the minuteness of the scrutiny they have undergone. 17. " The most delicate part of the whole operation, however, was the choice of the several coefficients, which, if erroneously assumed, would render the whole sub- sequent work of no value. In making this assumption, Mr. BAILY has exercised a degree of judgment which I feel convinced will unite the suffrages of astronomers. Taking a comprehensive view of the results afforded by all former investigations, he has uniformly adhered to the principle, to steer clear of extreme quantities, and to adopt only such as not only rest on the greatest number of the best observa- tions, but agree in their values nearly with the average of all. Thus, in the case of the aberration, the value adopted is the mean of the almost miraculously coin- cident results of BRINKLEY and STRUVE, and agrees within two-hundredths of a second with that of the extreme values assigned by BRADLEY and BESSEL. I have much satisfaction in being enabled to state, that this value has been recently con- firmed within a very minute fraction of a second, by the praiseworthy zeal and in- dustry of Mr. RICHARDSON of the Royal Observatory at Greenwich, who has com- pared, for this purpose, upwards of 2000 observations, made with the two mural circles of JONES and TROUGH-TON ; so that this datum may be regarded as one of the best established in astronomy. In the same cautious manner has Mr. BAILY proceeded with the other coefficients. That of precession he has taken entirely from BESSEL'S elaborate investigations compared with those of LAPLACE, in which the only remaining source of uncertainty is that arising from our ignorance of the mass of Venus ; the influence of which cannot possibly produce an error, however, of a tenth of a second in the precession. The nutation he has taken as it results from Dr. BRINKLEY'S observations, which (like his aberration) justify this partiality by holding almost exactly an average value among all the different results of BRAD- LEY, MAYER, MASKELYNE, LAPLACE, and LINDENAU, and can hardly be considered as more than a tenth of a second in error. 1 8. " This judicious choice will secure the present tables from a possibility of ever sharing the fate of preceding labours of this sort. They can never be super- seded by others of greater accuracy, nor fall into disuse, or grow obsolete, till the apparent places of the stars shall have become so much altered by the effect of precession as to render the computations inexact, for which a very long series of years will be required. 8 Sir JOHN HERSCHEL'S opinion of the A. S. Catalogue. 19. " But the distinguishing characteristic of this work is the adoption through- out of Professor BESSEL'S capital improvement in the system of applying the cor- rections, by arranging the formulae in such a manner that all that is peculiar to each star, and permanent in magnitude, shall stand distinctly separated from all that is ephemeral, or varying from day to day ; and that, in such a manner that a short ephemeral table, capable of being compressed into a single page, shall serve, not only for these stars, but for every star in the heavens. The convenience of this method, the brevity it introduces into the computations, the distinctness it gives to all the process of reduction, requiring neither thought nor memory on the computer's part, give it an incalculable advantage over every other. To reduce any observation, no other book need be opened. The work occupies four lines, and is done in half that number of minutes. If we compare this with the tedious and puzzling operation required by former processes, we shall fully agree with Mr. BAILY, that ' those only who are versed in such calculations can appreciate the ' labour, the risk of error, and the loss of time incurred in their several operations ;' all which are saved by the present arrangement. 20. " These considerations will amply justify the award of your Council in your eyes and those of the world. They will justify a great deal more. At no time was the necessity of pressing on the attention of astronomers the utility, I may say, the duty, of uniformity in their systems of reduction more urgent than at present *, when hardly a nation in Europe is unprovided with a good observatory, and when rival astronomers in all quarters of the globe are contending for the palm of accu- racy and diligence. So long as they persist in continuing to reduce their observa- tions by different systems, their merits can never be fairly compared. Each may boast the perfection of his instruments, and vaunt himself in the security of his pre-eminence. Each may promulgate his standard Catalogue, which will be ad- hered to in his own nation, and rejected by all others ; thus dividing astronomers into sects and parties, a state of things which ought surely not to continue. The only remedy is to agree to speak one language, to adopt one system. It matters little in the present advanced state of science, whether that system be still open to infinitesimal corrections. Let astronomers only consent to use it as, like all human works, confessedly imperfect, and in process of time to be corrected : but not at the caprice of each individual who may think one coefficient a tenth of a second too small, or another as much too great ; but after full consideration, when the necessity and amount of correction shall have become certainly known and gene- rally agreed on. ' This applies with equal or greater force to the correction for refraction ; a common table for which ought to be agreed on and adhered to by all. Sir JOHN HERSCHEL'S opinion of the A. S. Catalogue. 9 21. " Meanwhile, a fair opportunity is offered to rival astronomers throughout the world, to try their strength, in an arena of ample extent, and where every part of the honourable contest will be brought distinctly into sight. In giving this Cata- logue to the world, we invite their examination to its errors (for such it must con- tain), and call on them to lend their aid to its perfection, by determining, with all the exactness their resources afford, the mean places of the stars it comprises. For this, its arrangement affords every facility, and those who observe, have no excuse for neglecting to reduce. Let us hope then, that instead of lavishing their strength in fruitless attempts to give superhuman precision to fifty or a hundred select ob- jects, the formation of a standard Catalogue of nearly 3000 will be deemed of suf- ficient importance to fix the attention of astronomers ; and that not only those to whom the direction of great national observatories is confided, but even private in- dividuals, if such there be who feel themselves in possession of the means required, may take a share in this glorious, but at the same time arduous undertaking." III. Selection of Stars for the present catalogue. 22. Such was Sir JOHN HERSCHEL'S opinion of the utility and advantage of the Astronomical Society's Catalogue : and the appeal which he has thus made to the practical astronomer has been nobly responded to by several distinguished opera- tors in this branch of science, who have applied themselves not only to the special melioration and rectification of that catalogue, but also to its further improvement and enlargement. As a proof indeed of the interest thus taken in the subject, I need only refer to the various publications inserted in the next section, which con- tains a list of the several catalogues that have been consulted in forming the present work ; nearly the whole of which have been published since the appearance of the Astronomical Society's catalogue, and chiefly for its improvement. The principal points, in which the present catalogue differs from that to which allusion has just been made, are in the great increase in the number of stars (being three times the amount of those in the former catalogue), and by the addition of the proper motion of the stars, and the secular variation of the annual precessions. In no other respect is there any material alteration either in the mode of arrangement, or in the elements and formulae employed in the reductions. 23. The stars, which form the contents of the present catalogue, consist of the following classes : First. All the 3222 stars, without exception, that are in BRADLEY'S catalogue, in BESSEL'S Fundamenta Astronomic ; and all the 1942 stars, without exception, that are in LACAILLE'S catalogue, in his Ccelum Australe Stelliferum. B. A. C. c j Selection of Stars for the present catalogue. Secondly. All the stars (with certain exceptions *) not included in either of these two works, that are to be found in the catalogues of HEVELIUS, FLAMSTEED, MAYER, POND, ARGELANDER, RUMKER, JOHNSON. Thirdly. All the stars, not included in either of the above catalogues, not less than the sixth magnitude wherever situate, nor less than the seventh magnitude if situate within 10 of the ecliptic, that are to be found in the catalogues of PIAZZI, ZACH, WOLLASTON, GROOMBRIDGE, BRISBANE, AIRY, TAYLOR, LACAILLE (new). Fourthly. All other stars, not comprised in either of the above classifications, wherever found, or of whatever magnitude, that present any peculiar circumstances of position, discordance, variation of magnitude, proper motion, or other remark- able quality ; or that may be suspected to come under any such description. 24. And, as different astronomers sometimes differ in their estimation of the magnitude of the same star (especially in the class of minor stars), I have in all cases of doubtful selection adopted that magnitude which is recorded as the great- est ; merely in order that no star of a doubtful magnitude should be omitted, but without intending to express any decided opinion as to the apparent magnitude. * These exceptions are the cases either where the stars are deficient in right ascension or declination, and therefore not capable of being accurately identified ; or where from some other ambiguity, doubt, or inaccuracy in the observation, computation, or records, the star is not now to be found or identified in more modern catalogues. This latter class (the lost or unidentifiable stars) belongs only to the cata- logues of HEVELIUS, FLAMSTEED and MAYER. Those of HEVELIUS are noted in my edition of his cata- logue, inserted in Vol. XIII. of the Memoirs of the Roy. Astron. Soc., and those of MAYER, in my edition of his catalogue, inserted in Vol. IV. of the same Memoirs. As the errors of FLAMSTEED however are of more importance, since they have led to much confusion in modern catalogues, I have given in Section XX. of this Preface, a list not only of his stars that are not now to be found, but also of those that have been erroneously admitted into his catalogue. Selection of Stars for the present catalogue. 1 1 The estimated magnitudes of the stars, and their probable variation, are subjects that would still afford ample employment to an industrious observer, notwithstand- ing what has been hitherto done by preceding astronomers. IV. List of Catalogues examined, or referred to. 25. As it may assist the reader, in his inquiries on this subject, I shall here subjoin the titles of the several catalogues that 1 have consulted in the selections, and in the computations to which I am about to allude. They are here arranged in alphabetical order, as follow : AIRY A Catalogue of 726 stars, deduced from the observations made at the Cambridge Observatory: reduced to 1830, and inserted in Vol. XL of the Memoirs of the Roy. Astron. Society. 1840. This catalogue is referred to as AIRY (c). A Catalogue of 1439 stars (reduced to 1840), deduced from the ob- servations made at the Royal Observatory at Greenwich, in the years 1836 1841, and inserted in the Greenwich Observations for 1842. This catalogue is referred to as AIRY (G). ARGELANDER . DLX Stellarum Jixarum Positiones medics; ineunte anno 1830. Quarto, Helsingforsise. 1835. . Uranometria Nova. Octavo. Berolini. 1843. Accompanied by a celestial Atlas. BESSEL Astronomische Beobachtungen fur 1818, page viii. Folio. Konigs- berg. 1820. The list of stars, inserted in that volume, contains the positions (reduced to 1815) of 67 stars in BRAD LEY'S Catalogue, which BESSEL could not find to have been observed by any modern astronomer. BRADLEY . . . Fundamenta Astronomic, pro anno 1755: by BESSEL. Folio. Regio- monti. 1818. BRISBANE ... A Catalogue of 7385 Stars, chiefly in the Southern Hemisphere (reduced to 1825). Quarto. London. 1835. CHALLIS . . . The list of computed positions of the observed stars, printed in the several annual volumes of the Astronomical Observations made at the Observatory at Cambridge, in the years 1836, &c. Quarto. Cambridge. 1837, &c. FALLOWS ... A Catalogue of nearly all the principal fixed stars between the ze- nith of the Cape of Good Hope, and the south pole ; reduced to 1824. Phil. Trans. 1824. c 2 12 List of Catalogues examined, or referred to. HEVELIUS FLAMSTEED . . The British Catalogue inserted in my Account of the Rev. JOHN FLAMSTEED. Quarto. London. 1835*. As this catalogue con- tains many hundred stars (revised, corrected and re-arranged) that are not inserted in FLAMSTEED'S original catalogue, I have adopted the Astronomer Royal's mode of referring to its numbers, by pre- fixing thereto the letters B. F. GROOMBRIDGE . A Catalogue of Circumpolar Stars. Reduced to 1810. Quarto. London. 1838. HENDERSON . On the Declinations of the principal fixed Stars (reduced to 1833). I n ~ serted in Vol. X. of the Memoirs of the Roy. Astron. Society. 1 837. - . The list of computed positions of the observed stars, printed in the several annual volumes of the Astronomical Observations made at the Royal Observatory at Edinburgh, in the years 1834, &c. Quarto. Edinburgh. 1838, &c. . The Catalogue inserted by me in Vol. XIII. of the Memoirs of the Roy. Astron. Society. 1842. The Catalogue, given by FLAMSTEED in the 3rd volume of his Historia Ccelestis Britannica, is in many points very inaccurate, and the numeration of the stars very dis- cordant : therefore I have always referred to the numbers in my edition, and in order to prevent any confusion as to which catalogue is intended, I have prefixed to such numbers the letters B. H. . A Catalogue of 606 principal fixed Stars in the Southern Hemi- sphere (reduced to 1830). Quarto. London. 1835. . The list of computed positions of the observed stars, printed in the volumes of the Astronomical Observations made at the Radcliffe Observatory, Oxford, in the years 1840 and 1841. Octavo. Ox- ford. 1842 and 1843. These volumes contain the first series of circumpolar observations, undertaken by this distinguished astro- nomer, and intended as a revision of GROOMBRIDGE'S Catalogue A Catalogue of 208 stars in the Ast. Soc. Catalogue ; inserted in Vol. XII. of the Memoirs of the Roy. Astron. Society. 1842 A new Catalogue of 9766 southern stars, reduced to 1750 This catalogue contains, besides the 1942 stars (revised and corrected) ready published in the Ccelum Australe Stelliferum, the whole of JOHNSON ROLLER . LACAILLE List of Catalogues examined, or referred to. 13 the remaining stars deduced from the rhomboidal observations in- serted in that work. The volume is now in the course of being printed, in octavo : but references have been made to it from the manuscript copy. LACAILLE ... A Catalogue of 398 principal Stars, for the year 1750 : inserted by me in Vol. V. of the Memoirs of the Roy. Astron. Society. 1833. This catalogue is a revised and corrected edition of that given by LACAILLE in his Astronomic Fundamenta. Such of the stars, as are in the southern hemisphere, are included in the preceding cata- logue. LALANDE ... A Catalogue of stars deduced from the observations recorded in the Histoire Celeste Francaise, reduced to 1800. This catalogue is now in the course of being printed, in octavo; and will contain the places of about 40,000 stars observed at the Ecole Militaire at Paris. MACLEAR . . The list of computed positions of the observed stars, printed in the volume of the astronomical observations made at the Royal Ob- servatory at the Cape of Good Hope, in the year 1834. Vol. I. Quarto. Cape G. H. 1840. MAYER .... A Catalogue of 998 stars, reduced to 1756 : inserted by me in Vol. IV. of the Memoirs of the Roy. Astron. Society. 1831. This catalogue is a revised and corrected edition of that published in the Opera Inedita, by LICHTENBERG. MONTOJO . . . Mean Position of certain Stars in the Ast. Soc. Catalogue, inserted in Vol. XII. of the Memoirs of the Roy. Astron. Society. 1842. PIAZZI .... Pr&cipuarum Stellarum Inerrantium Positiones Medics, ineunte Seculo XIX. Quarto. Panormi. 1814. POND A Catalogue of 1112 Stars. Folio. London. 1833. RUMKER ... Preliminary Catalogue of fixed stars in the Southern hemi- sphere. Quarto. Hamburgh. 1832. SANTINI ... A Catalogue of 1677 stars between o and 10 north declination ; in- serted in Vol. XII. of the Memoirs of the Roy. Astron. Society. 1842. TAYLOR .... Result of Astronomical Observations made at Madras. 5 vols. Quarto. Madras. 1832 1839. These volumes are (I believe) only to be obtained of the East India Company, who nevertheless distribute them very liberally and gratuitously to such scientific persons as apply for them. WOLL ASTON . Fasciculus Astronomicus, containing Observations of the Northern circumpolar Region. Quarto. London. 1800. I A List of Catalogues examined, or referred to. WROTTESLEY . A Catalogue of the right ascensions of 1318 stars contained in the Ast. Soc. Catalogue ; inserted in Vol. X. of the Memoirs of the Roy. Astron. Society. 1838. . A Supplemental Catalogue of the right ascensions of 55 stars, con- tained in the Ast. Soc. Catalogue, inserted in Vol. XII. of the Me- moirs of the Roy. Astron. Society. 1842. ZACH Stellarum Zodiacalium Catalogus Novns, ad initium Anni 1800. This catalogue is inserted in Vol. I. of his Tabula Speciales Aberrationis et Nutationis. 2 vols. Octavo. Gothae. 1806. V. Mode of reducing the selected Stars to the epoch 1 850. 26. The formulae for deducing the positions of the stars in the present catalogue are somewhat different from those pursued in constructing the catalogue of the Astronomical Society, inasmuch as the catalogues, there referred to, were princi- pally those of BRADLEY and PIAZZI : and the places of the stars (reduced to the year 1830) rested chiefly on their joint authority. In the present case however we are enabled, by the publication of several recent catalogues, to enlarge and im- prove the utility of this method very considerably. For, in order to determine more correctly the positions of the stars for the year 1850 (the epoch chosen for the present catalogue), and with the view of deducing their proper motion, or other inequality, we may now compare the united result of each star from several modern catalogues, with the position obtained from some one or other of those of a more distant epoch. The oldest catalogues, here made use of for this purpose, are those of BRADLEY, MAYER and LACAILLE (the catalogues of HEVELIUS and FLAMSTEED being omitted in this view of the subject) : the modern ones are principally those of AIRY (2), JOHNSON (2), ARGELANDER (2), POND, BESSEL, RUMKER, BRISBANE, TAYLOR (5), HENDERSON (2), WROTTESLEY (2). But, as these do not contain all the stars intended to form the present general catalogue, recourse has been occasionally had to the catalogues of GROOMBRIDGE, LALANDE, PIAZZI, WOLLASTON, ZACH, Mode of reducing the selected Stars to the epoch 1850. 15 which are of an intermediate epoch : and these serve either for the old or the modern authority, according to the circumstances of the case. 27. As the 5 catalogues of TAYLOR contain by far the greater portion of the stars that are here required, the method of deducing the mean modern result has been as follows. The volumes of TAYLOR have been interleaved ; and, opposite to each selected star, has been inserted, in collateral columns, on the blank leaves, the position of such star for 1835 (the mean epoch of TAYLOR*) deduced from as many modern catalogues as may contain such star. If the several results of each star, thus brought up by its annual variation, agree in right ascension within o s ,5O, and in north polar distance within 5",oo, the mean result of the several authorities thus combined is assumed as the correct basis (in 1835) for the subsequent com- putations ; except in the case of the principal stars, where greater accordance is always insisted upon, and, in fact, usually occurs f. 28. But, if in any instance the discordance exceeds these limits (which has sel- dom happened) a more minute examination of each of the several authorities is * The several epochs of TAYLOR'S catalogues are 1831, 1832, 1835, l8 3^' l8 4- f After the greater portion of these computations were actually completed, and nearly the whole of them in a state of considerable progress, I received a copy of the fifth volume of TAYLOR'S Observations at Madras, which contained the unexpected and provoking information that he had recently discovered that the divisions of the mural circle, with which he had made his observations of declination, were affected with a systematic error, coexistent with the time of its original construction ; and which he conceives had been caused by the employment of a tangent screw in setting off the divisions intermediate between every five degrees ; and from an improper allowance made for the difference between the length of the tangent and the arc. However this may be, it appears that all his declinations, hitherto made, are consequently affected with a corresponding error, which he has, in the above mentioned fifth volume, endeavoured to correct by means of a table, depending on the divisions of those parts of the circle that were employed on the several stars observed. The greatest error, however, in this table is only 5 ",5 8, and there are but two others that amount to so much as 5",o ; the major part of the errors being far below this quantity. Their effect likewise, on the results in the present catalogue, are still farther reduced by the combination of TAYLOR'S stars with the same stars observed by other astronomers. Nevertheless it was my wish to apply the requisite corrections (however minute) to all TAYLOR'S observations ; but the present work was too far advanced to admit of such a remedy. For, independent of the ambiguity of the table, both in its specification and in its application (for the stars, in some of TAYLOR'S volumes are denoted by their declination, and in others by their north polar distance), it was feared that more errors would be created by such an immense mass of corrections doubtfully applied, than would be obviated by such a dangerous and uncertain remedy. This, I believe, was likewise the opinion of Mr. TAYLOR himself: for, "on his arrival in this country, we had several consultations on the subject ; and, hi order that he himself might fairly judge of the propriety of attempting any alterations in the already computed places, I put him in communication with Mr. FARLEY, who had the superintendence of that portion of the work, But, it appears that no competent or safe plan could be devised for satisfactorily effecting the object ; and it was thought best to let the matter rest in its present state, with a notification of the facts as here stated. x6 Mode of reducing the selected Stars to the epoch 1850. undertaken; and, if they cannot be reconciled, or if one is preferred to another- on account of its more general agreement or the authority of the observer or the number of observations a note of the same is made and registered with the star. In some cases, however, it will be found that there is only one old and one modern authority to which a reference can be made, and the computations are con- sequently carried on under the presumption that they are both correct : future observations only can verify such results. In several instances indeed it has hap- pened that the position of a star has been deduced from the observations of one astronomer only, either old or modern : occurrences of this kind are sufficiently indicated by the solitary reference in the list of synonyms ; and it is hoped that this questionable class will engage the attention of future astronomers, with a view to their being placed on a more sure foundation. 29. This being premised, I shall now proceed to show how the positions of the several stars have been brought up to the epoch (1850) of the present cata- logue, from the joint comparisons of any one of the old catalogues with the more modern catalogues of various epochs. For such purposes, I have adopted a method similar to that given by BESSEL in page 136 of his Fund. Astron. where he has shown how the positions of BRADLEY'S stars, for 1755, may be brought up to any other epoch, by means of the annual precessions for 1755 and 1800 there given. In fact, it is precisely in this manner that I have reduced all the stars in BRADLEY'S catalogue that have been subsequently observed by TAYLOR, or any other astronomer whose observations have been reduced to the same epoch. 30. Now, let B denote the position (either in right ascension or declination) of BRADLEY'S star in 1755, and T the position of TAYLOR'S same star in 1835 ; further, let p denote the precession in 1800, and K the precession in 1755, as stated in BES- SEL'S catalogue; the position of the star in 1850, will then be expressed by the following formula : viz. and it is in this manner (since BESSEL has given the precession for the two epochs of 1755 an d 1800) that the positions of all BRADLEY'S stars have been reduced to the epoch (1850) of the present catalogue. 31. In the preceding case, the precessions for the two epochs are taken from the same catalogue : but a similar method is pursued when the precessions are taken from different catalogues. Thus, in order to deduce the positions of the stars for 1850, from the positions in LACAILLE'S new catalogue compared with those in the catalogue of BRISBANE or TAYLOR, the annual precessions must be taken Mode of reducing the selected Stars to the epoch 1850. 17 from their respective catalogues*. The formula will then be, if the star is com- puted from BRISBANE'S catalogue, And, if TAYLOR'S catalogue contains the star, the formula will be In like manner, the positions of the stars for 1850, deduced from the positions in the catalogues of PIAZZI and TAYLOR, are expressed by the following formula: viz. T+(T-P)xf +(^-Oxf 32. In these three several cases, it must be borne in mind that B', L, T, P de- note respectively the positions of the stars (in right ascension or declination) in the catalogues of BRISBANE, LACAILLE, TAYLOR, and PIAZZI ; and farther, that v denotes the annual precession of the oldest catalogue, and p the annual precession of the modern onef. It should be further noted that it is understood that the assumed annual precessions in the several catalogues are computed from the same elements ; which is the case with all the catalogues here cited, except that of PIAZZI, where there is a slight difference. A correction however has been made, in the reductions, for this discordance, by increasing his annual precession in right ascension by -^th part of its value. I would here also remark that the annual precessions in TAYLOR'S five catalogues are not always computed for the epoch of the catalogue in which they are inserted. The first two volumes are accordant in this respect; but in the next two volumes (epochs 1835 and 1836) the annual precessions are computed for 1840 ; and in the last volume (epoch 1840), they are computed for the year 1845. This anomalous mode of arrangement may mislead those who consult the volumes, without due attention to this circumstance. 33. When the position of a star has been required to be reduced to the epoch (1850) from the observations of one astronomer only, the position is first brought up to the middle epoch by applying the annual precession in the catalogue in which the star is found ; and with the annual precession obtained by means of these ele- ments, the total amount of precession is computed for the interval between 1850 * This is, in fact, merely a convenient mode of allowing for the secular variation of the precession ; as I shall more fully explain in the sequel. See Section XIII. I would likewise here remark that, in all these formulae, where TAYLOR'S catalogues i, 2, 4, 5 are involved, it is presumed that the place of the star in such catalogues is first reduced to 1835. f It is perhaps scarcely necessary here to repeat that, in the comparisons of the stars of BRADLEY and TAYLOR, above mentioned, p as well as it is taken from BEADLEY'S catalogue- B. A. C. D !g Mode of reducing the selected Stars to the epoch 1850. and the epoch of the selected catalogue. The principles, on which such compu- tations are made, are so well known and understood, that it is not necessary to enlarge farther on the subject in this place. But I shall insert, for the information of those who are interested in such investigations, the constants that in some of the cases have been thus employed for computing the total precession, where the epoch of the selected catalogue has been 1750, 1800, 1810 or 1825. In these formula a and & denote respectively the right ascension and declination of the star for the middle epoch. ( Free, in JR. = 100 (46", 04367 + 20 ,05957 sin a . tan fij ' \ Free, in Dec. = 100 (2o",o5957 cos a) [Free. in JR. = 50 (46",o5i38 + 2o",o57i4sin a .tan 8) ' Prec. in Dec. = 50 (2o",O57i4 cos a) f Free, in JR. = 40 (46",O5 193 + 2o",o5666 sin a . tan S) i8io.< [Free, in Dec. = 40 (20 ',05666 cos a) fPrec. in JR. = 25 (46",o5524 + 2o",o5593 sin a . tan S) *' \Prec. in Dec. = 25 (2o",O5593 cos a) 34. The mean positions of the stars, thus computed for 1850, have served as elements for the calculation of certain constant quantities, the logarithms of which are proposed to be used for determining the Precession, Aberration and Nutation, in the manner I am about to describe. I should, however, previously observe, that it is not my intention, neither indeed is it at all necessary, in this place to enter into an investigation of the principles from which the general formulae, in such cases, are deduced ; nor to examine the several methods which have been adopted for determining the co-efficients by which they are affected. These subjects have undergone successive improvements and refinements from the time of BRADLEY to the present day ; and it would be useless and presumptuous for me to attempt to add to the correctness or elegance of those formulae, which have been introduced by some of the most eminent mathematicians, for determining the quantities here alluded to. I shall therefore proceed at once to an explanation of the particular formulae employed in deducing the logarithms of the constants above mentioned. VI. Annual Precession. 35. The position of the equinoctial point is perpetually varying, on account of the combined action of the sun, moon, and planets on the spheroidical figure of the earth. The effect produced by this action is called the precession of the equinoxes. The action of the sun and moon (which is the most considerable) tends to increase Annual Precession. 19 the precession ; whilst that of the planets (which is very small) tends to retard it. The effect of the former along the ecliptic is called the luni-solar precession in lon- gitude ; and the difference between the two is called the general precession in lon- gitude. 36. But, the annual precession of the equinoxes (independent of the nutation, which I shall consider in a subsequent section) is not invariably the same; but differs, from year to year, according to laws that are now pretty well ascertained. It is therefore necessary to fix on some epoch, with which observations of this kind should be compared : and astronomers have generally agreed to refer such compa- risons to the year 1750. LAPLACE has given a formula (Mecanique Celeste, vol. iii. page 158) which, being reduced, makes the annual precession in longitude, for any year reckoned from that period, to be, luni-solar = 50", 28760 y x o",ooo243589o general = 5o",o99i5 + y x o", 0002442966 BESSEL, however, in his Fund. Astron. page 297, and afterwards more correctly in his Tab. Reg. pages v and vi, considers these values to be luni-solar = ^o",^7S7 2 V x o",ooo243589o general = 5o",2ii29 +y X ",0002442966 y being in each case the number of years from 1750; positive after, and negative before that period. In the formula of LAPLACE, the mass of Venus is assumed equal to ^ that of the sun ; whilst BESSEL assumes it equal to ^^ only : but, in the fifth edition of the Systtfme du monde (1824), page 208, LAPLACE appears to lean towards BURCKHARDT'S determination of the mass of Venus, and considers it as equal to T 8 ; which nearly corresponds with that of BESSEL. 37. But, whatever be the value of the annual precession in longitude, we may in all cases determine the annual precession of a star in right ascension and decli- nation, by means of the following general formula : viz. A a = m + n . sin a . tan $ A 8 = n . cos a m and n being quantities determinable from observations. BESSEL has shown, in his Fund. Astron. page 288, but more correctly in his Tab. Reg. page x, that (reckon- ing from 1750) we may assume m = 46",O2824 + y x n = 20^06442 y x o", 0000970204 and these are the elements adopted in my computations. D 2 Annual Precession. 38. If therefore we assume y = 100, we shall have, for the year 1850 (the epoch for which the tables are computed), the following values for the annual precession in right ascension and declination : p = 46' / ,o59io + 20^05472 sin a . tan $ -| p' = 2o",o5472 cos a J which are the quantities assumed in the construction of the tables subsequently mentioned. 39. The annual precession being thus found, we may readily determine its value for any fractional part of the year by multiplying it by -^j- ; d being the num- ber of days from and after January ist. But, for the sake of convenience, we shall make t 2 - = -00273785 x d 365-25 40. The annual precessions, given in the catalogue, are such as belong to each star in the year 1850 ; so that if we wish to determine very correctly the place of a star, at the end of any considerable number of years before or after that epoch, it will be necessary to attend to the change of the annual precession in the given period. For this purpose I have inserted, in a collateral column, the secular varia- tion of the precession ; or, the change that takes place in the annual precession in the course of a hundred years. But, in order that I may not interrupt the present discussions, I shall revert to this subject separately in Section XIII. VII. Aberration. 41. This phenomenon arises from the progressive motion of light, and the mo- tion of the earth in its orbit. Light is supposed to be 8 m I3 S ,3 in coming from the sun to the earth ; but, in this interval of time, the earth has moved in its orbit through a space equal to 20", 25 of a great circle : and this quantity is called the constant of aberration. This, however, is founded on the presumption that the earth (supposed to be at its mean distance from the sun) moves in a circle, and with an uniform motion : both of which are incorrect. A slight alteration, there- fore, must be made in the constant above mentioned, when we come to consider the earth as moving in an elliptical orbit, and with a variable motion. For the present, however, we shall disregard this hypothesis ; and refer the reader to Sec- tion XVI. where the subject will be more specially alluded to. 42. Dr. BRADLEY, to whom the public are indebted for the discovery of this phenomenon, considered the constant of aberration to be 2o",oo : but the investi- Aberration. 21 gations of DELAMBRE, relative to the velocity of light, as deduced from the eclipses of Jupiter's satellites, led him to consider it to be equal to 20", 255. Most of the present astronomers have still further increased this quantity. BESSEL, in his Fund. Astron. pages 112 123, makes it 2o",7o8 from a mean of 524 comparisons of different stars ; at the same time however expressing some doubt as to its accu- racy. LINDENAU, in BODE'S Jahrbuch for 1820, page 210, makes it 2o",4486 from a comparison of 810 observations of the right ascension of Polaris, as observed by BRADLEY, MASKELYNE, POND, and BESSEL. STRUVE, however, in the Observationes Astronomies made at Dorpat, vol. 3, page Ixiv, considers it only 20^349, from a series of 693 observations of certain circumpolar stars ; or, as 20", 361 if these obser- vations be combined according to their weight, with those investigated by BESSEL, as above mentioned. Dr. BRINKLEY, in the Philosophical Transactions for 1821, page 350, from the mean of 2633 comparisons of various stars, has deduced 2o",37 as the constant of aberration* : but, in the Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy, Vol. XIV. he has employed a greater number of observations : and Dr. ROBINSON, by a reconsideration of the whole (amounting to 3341) has obtained the constant equal to 20", 3508. See the Memoirs of the Royal Astronomical Society, Vol. XI. page 5. Mr. RICHARDSON, in Vol. IV. of the Memoirs of the same Society, deduces the value to be 20", 5030. Dr. BUSCH, from 1949 observations made by BRADLEY at Kew and Wanstead, makes it only 2o",2ii6f. Dr. PETERS, from the right ascensions of 603 stars observed at Dorpat, has deduced 20^4255 ; and Dr. LUN- DAHL, from the north polar distances of about 1200 stars, at the same place, makes it equal to 20", 5508 J. 43. These several determinations vary from 20", 2116 to 2o",7o8o ; and if we give each result a weight corresponding to the number of observations employed, the mean of the 13239 observations will be 2o",4i92. I have therefore adopted 20", 42 as the constant of aberration in the elements for the formation of the tables to which I shall subsequently allude. This is somewhat greater than the value * The following remark, by this distinguished astronomer and mathematician, is worthy of attention : " The investigation of the constant of aberration by direct observations of zenith distance, has not (that " I am aware of) been attempted since those of BRADLEY, by the zenith sector. A century has nearly " elapsed since his excellent observations were made. The results of M. DELAMBRE' s- investigations, " relative to the velocity of light, as deduced from the eclipses of Jupiter's satellites, appeared to con- " firm, in so strong a manner, the mean of BRADLEY'S results, that astronomers seem to have considered " the point quite settled : but, if I mistake not, one cause for this was the paucity of instruments ade- " quate to so delicate an inquiry." Page 331. t Reduction of the Observations made by BRADLEY, to determine the quantities of Aberration and Nuta- tion. By Dr. BUSCH. Oxford. Quarto. 1838. I Numerus Constans Nutationis. Auctore C. A. F. PETERS, Phil. Doc. Petropoli. Quarto. 1842. 22 Aberration. (20" 36) assumed in my Introduction to the Astronomical Society's Catalogue: but 'at the time of the publication of that work, the investigations of ROBINSON, RICHARDSON, BUSCH, PETERS and LUNDAHL, which have thrown a new light the subject, had not made their appearance. 44 The general formula, for determining the differences caused by the aberra- tion of a star in right ascension (A), and in declination (A&) , are well known to be as follow : viz. A a = A (sin a . sin + cos 01 .cos a,, cos O) sec o"9423 cos z $, + o",o939O cos 2 ]) ] x (i + z) + [">49333 i ".24520 2] cos 2 Q where 5 denotes the true longitude of the moon, & the mean longitude of the moon's node*, and z a correction (determinable from observations) to be applied to the co-efficient of the principal term in the above equation, so that we may have that co-efficient = 9";, 648 (i -f z). 48. The co- efficient here alluded to is the principal quantity to be determined ; and has been variously stated by different authors. BRADLEY deduced it from ob- servations, and assumed its value equal to 9",oo : theory, however, gives it some- what greater ; for MAYER, in such case, makes it ^',65 ; MASKELYNE 9", 55 ; whilst LAPLACE made it, at first, as much as io",O556 ; but subsequent investigations in- duced him to reduce the value, at various times ; and he lastly assumed it equal to 9",4of. LINDEN AU determined its value to be 8",989 from an investigation of observations extending over a period comprehending three revolutions of the * Lest it should be imagined that the true longitude, and not the mean longitude of the moon's node, ought to be adopted in the formula, it may be proper to state here that such a notion is incorrect. The adoption of the mean longitude is the result of an analysis which cannot well be explained in this place. t See Traite de Mecanique Celeste, livre xiii. February, 1824, page 159: and Exposition du Systtfme du monde, 5th edition, page 285. Also the Con. des terns for 1822, page 292, where LAPLACE has taken it as low as 9", 30 if deduced from observations of the pole star : and as low as 8",6 if deduced from the pendulum. LAPLACE, in another place, has said that it is 21400 to i that the true value is not below 9", 3 1 nor above 9",94- 24 Nutation. moon's nodes ; but he afterwards further reduced this value to 8",977. The Rev. Dr. BRINKLEY has, in the Phil. Trans, for 1821, page 347, determined the value of this co-efficient to be 9",25 from a comparison of 1618 observations of various stars. Dr. ROBINSON has deduced its value to be 9", 2391 3 ; Dr. BUSCH equal to ^',2320 ; Dr. PETERS equal to ^',22305 ; and lastly, M. LUNDAHL equal to 9", 2363 5. BESSEL has adopted the final value determined by LINDEN AU, as above mentioned ; and in which he has been followed by many of the German astrono- mers : but as Dr. BRINKLEY'S co-efficient does not materially differ from the mean result of the subsequent investigations, I have thought it better to retain the value (9",25) that was adopted in my Introduction to the Astronomical Society's Cata- logue, tKan to make a slight alteration, which after all may not be much nearer the truth. 49. This assumption will render the value of z = '041252; and consequently the nutation of the obliquity of the ecliptic will be, A ta = + 9",25oo cos ft o",0903 cos 2 ft + 0^0900 cos 2 j) + ",5447 cos 2 But, the nutation in longitude (A L) is deduced from the nutation of the obliquity of the ecliptic, by multiplying the first term of this equation by 2 cot 2 59 + 2o",o55 sin a . tan ) t (i5",872 + 6",888sina.tan)sinft 4- ( o", 19 1 4- o",o83 sin a . tan S) sin 2 ft ( i ", 1 5 1 4- o",5oo sin a . tan $) sin 2 9",25O cos a . tan $ . cos ft 4- o",O90 cos a . tan 5 . cos 2 ft o",545 cos a . tan 8 . cos 2 2o",42O sin . cos a . sin $ 1 8",732 cos (tan w . cos 8 sin a . sin 55 cos a . -f (9",25o cos ft o",ogo cos 2 ft) sin a (6",888 sin ft o",o83 sin 2 ft) cos a + "545 cos 2 si n a o",5oo sin 2 . cos a T> ^ /~f fj . ^tl . \^. 26 Construction of the Constants, a, b, c, d. 52. In order to render these formulae more convenient in the construction of the following tables, let us make 6-888 20-055 Whence we obtain = '34344 083 20-055 = "00413 coo 2 = -02402 20-055 46-05910 x -34344 = 15-8186 = 15-8716 - -0530 46-05910 x -00413 = 0-1903 = 0-1909 -0006 46-05910 x -02492 = 1-1476= 1-1515 -0039 And, by proper substitutions and reductions, we finally obtain A a ;= + (t 0-343 sin ft + 0-004 sin 2 ft 0-025 sin 2 0) x (46",O59 + 2o",O55 sin a . tan 8) (9",2$o cos ft o",090 cos 2 ft + o",545 cos 2 ) cos a . tan S 2o",42O sin . sin a . sec 8 i8",732 cos . cos a . sec $ o",o53O sin ft + o",ooo6 sin 2 ft o",oo39 s ^ n 2 O A 8 = + (t 0-343 si* 1 & + 0-004 sin 2 ft 0*025 sin 2 0) X 20", 05 5 cos a + (9^250 cos ft o",090 cos 2 ft + o",545 cos 2 ) sin a 2o",42o sin . cos a . sin 8 i8",732 cos (tan cv . cos $ sin a . sin #) 53. It is manifest that the three quantities in the last line in the expression for A a, are too minute to affect the result in any sensible manner : they may there- fore be wholly omitted. Whence, by making a = b- c = d- a' V c' d' i8",732 cos : 20", 420 sin t 0-025 sin 2 0-343 sin ft -f 0-004 i n 2 & o",545 cos 2 9",25o cos ft -f o",090 cos 2 ft + cos a . sec 8 4- sin a . sec 8 + 46",O59 + 2o",o55 sin a . tan 8 * + cos a . tan 8 -- + tan co . cos 8 sin a . sin 8 - + cos a . sin 8 : + 2O",055 COS a : sin a (D) * If the right ascensions of the stars are (as in the present catalogue) expressed in time, and not in arc, the value of c must be divided by 15, and it then becomes c = + 3 8 ,o7o6 + i s ,337o sin a . tan J. Construction of the Constants, a, b, c, d. 27 we have the total correction for aberration, precession, and nutation, equal to Correction in^R =A-fB + cC + rfD 1 Correction in N. P. D. = a' A + b'B + c'C + d'D / to which may be added the proportional part of the annual proper motion of the star, from the beginning of the year to the day of observation, provided the proper motion is well ascertained, and of sufficient magnitude to warrant its application. 54. It is evident, on inspection, that the quantities denoted by a, b, c, d, and by a', b', c', d', may, for all the purposes of our present inquiry, be considered as con- stant for each star. Whence, tables of those values for each star, once computed, will last for many years, without requiring any material correction ; particularly in the case of those stars which are not very near the pole. The logarithms of these values, for every star, are given in separate columns in the present catalogue; to the use and application of which I shall subsequently advert. 55. Throughout the whole of the formulae in the preceding pages I have con- stantly referred to the declination of the star ; and, in some of the subsequent formulae also, the position of the star, in regard to the equator, has been the arc considered. But, with respect to the stars in the present catalogue, I have had regard only to their north polar distance, as being, on the whole, the most conve- nient and the best adapted for daily practice ; more especially, since the precessions are sometimes combined with their secular variation, and with the proper motion of the star, which, on any other method of arrangement might lead to some con- fusion and ambiguity. And, in order to prevent any such confusion or ambiguity in the mode of notation, I shall designate the north polar distance by A, in con- tradistinction to &, which has always been used to denote the declination *. X. Construction of the Annual Quantities, A, B, C, D. 56. I shall now proceed to explain the peculiar contrivance by which the values of A and B may also be rendered equally constant for all the stars, and for any given day in any given year, notwithstanding the variation in the sun's longitude on such days : and likewise to the method by which certain auxiliary tables may be formed for computing the annual values of C and D, which depend not only on the sun's true longitude, but also on the mean longitude of the moon. For both * Piazzi considers the north and the south declinations as positive, and changes the sign of the preces- sion as the declination varies : other astronomers change the sign of the declination from north to south, and continue the sign of the precession uniformly through the semicircle. By the use of the north polar distance, this ambiguity is avoided. E 2 28 Construction of the Annual Quantities, A, B, C, D. these purposes, a fictitious year is assumed, commencing from that moment of time when the sun's mean longitude at Greenwich, at mean noon on January ist, is exactly 281: or (which is the same thing) when his mean right ascension at that time is exactly i8 h 44"' o s . 57. The sun's mean motion in longitude, in a mean solar day, is 59' 8^33 : whence, by continual addition, we may readily obtain his mean longitude at mean noon on every day throughout the year. These values having been found in the manner thus described, I have applied the equation of the centre on each day (assuming the place of the perigee on January ist to be equal to 280 20' 38"*), and thus obtained the approximate true longitude of the sun for each day of the fictitious- year above mentioned ; which will be sufficiently near for all the purposes here alluded to. But, since the mean longitude of the sun is not exactly the same at the commencement of each civil year, a correction is required, for reducing the values in the table to the true epoch, and which I shall now explain. 58. I have already observed that, in these tables, the year is supposed to com- mence on January ist, at that moment of time when the sun's mean longitude at mean noon at Greenwich is exactly 281. This I shall call the tabular date : but in order to adapt this date to the current date in any year, according to the usual mode of computing astronomical time from noon to noon, regard must be had to the actual mean longitude of the sun at mean noon at Greenwich, at the com- mencement of each year. This may be readily determined by means of the solar tables: and the values thus found, being deducted from 281, and reduced to the fractional part of a day, will show the excess of the tabular date above the civil date, reckoned from noon. Thus, the sun's mean longitude at mean noon at Greenwich on January i, 1800, was, according to the tables of DELAMBRE as edited by VINCE, equal to 280 53' 29^9: which, being deducted from 281, leaves 6' 30",!. This value, divided by 59' 8", 33 (or the sun's mean motion in a mean solar day) gives o d . 10994 for the excess of the tabular date above the civil date, estimated in decimal parts of a day. This correction I shall denote by x : and its value, being thus found for the year 1800, will serve to determine the correction for any other year (= 1800 + y} by means of the following formula : T 6 ' 3 "* 1 + (y 4 0) '4' 47".o8 27^,48 y 59' 8">33 = o d - 10994 + i (y - 4 0) - 0^0077446 y (F) ' This will be the correct place of the perigee for the beginning of the year 1 850 ; and its daily varia- tion (which is allowed for) amounts to only 62" at the end of the year : so that no perceptible error can arise from this assumption for many years either before or after that epoch. /&3Dr r*'- . &*/ Construction of the Annual Quantities, A, B, C, D. 29 where y denotes the number of years from 1800, positive after and negative before that epoch ; and (3 (which also changes its sign with the change in y} the num- ber of bissextile days between the year 1800 and the commencement of the year (1800 -f y}- It is in this manner that I have computed the values in Table I, the application of which will be evident from what has been here stated*. 59. But, a further correction will be required when the tables are used with reference to any other meridian than Greenwich ; the amount of which will of course depend on the longitude of the place (west or east) from that observatory. Let -f- m denote the difference of a meridian situate west from Greenwich, and ex- pressed in hours-^ : then will the correction (I), on account of the longitude, be ex- pressed by '=3= < G > 60. If therefore the tabular date be denoted by r, and the date, according to the usual mode of reckoning astronomical mean solar time, be denoted by T, we shall have If the longitude of the place be situate east from Greenwich, the sign of / will become changed in each of these equations ; but in the construction of Table II, this point has been noted, and must be carefully attended to in its appli- cation. 61. These equations serve to show the corresponding values of the civil date and of the tabular date on any given day at noon ; to which must be added the hour of observation (h) at Greenwich, converted into the decimal part of a day, in order to obtain correctly the total corresponding value of the table at that hour j. * When the value of a? extends beyond 24**, as in the years 1804, 1808, and 1812, the values of A, B, C, D, refer to the afternoon of the subsequent day : and where x is negative, as in the year 1 849, those values refer to the forenoon of the preceding day : always bearing in mind that the day is supposed to begin and end at noon, agreeably to the common mode of computing astronomical time. j- According as m is expressed in hours, minutes, or seconds, of time, we shall have / equal to the fol- lowing values : for hours / = m x "041666666 for minutes / = m x '000694444 for seconds I = m x '000011574 J If we wish to express the time of culmination of any given star, we must make h = S JR ; in- creasing S by 24 h if necessary : where S denotes the sidereal time required, and JR the right ascension of the sun at the preceding noon. ^o Construction of the Annual Quantities, A, B, C, D, Let h! be the hour of observation (mean solar time) under any other meridian ; then will h = h' I : and the argument for entering the annual tables, that exhibit the values of A, B, C, D, will be r + (h 1 - x - = f -r (h - *) But, (h 1 x I) or (h x) will generally be the fractional part of a day : and therefore, unless very great accuracy be required, we may use the tabular date without any correction, particularly if the star be not situate very near the pole ; since the daily variation is generally but a very small quantity. In fact, even in the pole star, the nearest hour, or o d< O4, may in all cases be taken, without the risk of causing an error of more than the hundredth part of a second in time, in right ascension. 62. The mean longitude of the moon's node on January ist, 1800 (the assumed mean longitude of the sun being 281), was, by the recent tables of M. DAMOI- SEAU, equal to 33 12' 38", or 3 3' 2 107. The mean motion of the longitude of the node during a mean tropical revolution of the sun is i52956 : which is so small, that we may in general take an interval of 100 days for determining the value of &, and com- pute the intermediate quantities, depending on that argument, by simple propor- tion, without the risk of any perceptible error. Assuming the mean longitude of the node on January ist, 1800, to be 33'2iO7, we shall have the mean longitude on January ist in any other mean year (= 1800 + y], equal to the year being considered, in all these cases, as commencing when the sun's assumed mean longitude is 281. It is in this manner that the values in Table III. have been computed*: and by subtracting 5. 295604 (the motion in 100 mean solar days) and its multiples, successively from the values on January ist so com- puted, we obtain the mean longitude of the node on April nth, July 2oth, &c., in any common year ; or on April loth, July 19th, &c., in any bissextile year. 63. With respect to the construction of the tables, showing the logarithms of the values of A, B, C, D, which are to be used in conjunction with the logarithms * In this table the degree is divided into decimal parts, for the convenience of computation ; a method which I hope to see more generally adopted in astronomical tables. Construction of the Annual Quantities, A, B, C, D. 31 of a, b, c, d, in the catalogue, I would here observe that Table IV. exhibits a spe- cimen of the results obtained for the values of the logarithms of A and B for every tenth day of the year ; where A= i8",732CosQ B = = 2o",42O sin as already shown in page 26 ; and where O is deduced agreeably to the principles laid down in page 28. The hour of the day at Greenwich to which this table cor- responds, in any given year, is shown by x, expressed in the fractional part of a day, in the column in Table I ; or by (x -\- I) under any other meridian : and, in most ordinary cases, will be sufficiently near without interpolation. But, if the value is required for any other hour, we must enter the table with the argument stated in page 29 ; and take the proportional part accordingly. The civil day is supposed to commence at mean noon, and to be continued, through the 24 hours, till mean noon on the following day. The year is continued to the fictitious date of December 37, for the convenience of computing the annual tables, to which 1 am about to allude : for, although it will readily be seen that this table of A and B will not vary much from one year to another, and that when once constructed, it will last for many years, without the necessity of any very material alteration, yet the case is somewhat different with respect to the values of C and D, which must necessarily be computed for every year for which they are required. 64. The best mode of constructing the tables of C and D is to separate the quan- tities, depending on 0, from those which depend on $,. Thus, let us make C' = t o'O25 sin 2 D' o",545 cos 2 and C" = -343 sin ft + -004 sin 2 ft D" = 9"-25o cos ft + "'ego cos 2 ft The results, exhibited in Table V, are the values of the first two quantities C' = t o'O25 sin 2 D' = o",545 cos 2 for every tenth day of the year ; which day is made the argument in the first column for entering the table. In these formula?, (which denotes the sun's true longitude) is determined in the manner already explained above. 65. In order to afford the means of computing the quantities depending on ft, reference must be made to Table III, which shows the mean longitude of the moon's Construction of the Annual Quantities, A, B, C, D. node on January 1st in every year, agreeably to the principles already laid down in page 30. And, by adding - f' 2 9S^ successively to the value set against any given year, we obtain the mean longitude of the node at the end of every interval of 100 days throughout that year. With these results, as arguments, we enter Table VI, which contains the values of the last two quantities C" = '343 sin ft + '004 sin 2 ft D"= 9",25o cos ft + o",090 cos 2 ft for every fifth degree of the circle ; and which will not only save much time and labour to future computers, but likewise prevent that confusion and liability to error which frequently occurs when calculating the value of quantities depending on the single and double arcs. Having obtained the proper values of C" and D" for every hundredth day, by means of this table, we must take one-tenth part of the differences of those values ; which being properly applied, will serve to deter- mine the value, sufficiently near, for every tenth day during the year, correspond- ing with Jan. I, n, 21, 31, &c. 66. The values being thus obtained by Table VI, and added to those set against the corresponding days in Table V, we have the following values for every tenth day throughout the year : C = C' + C" D = D' + D" For example : let it be required to find the values of C and D for every tenth day of the year 1850. The values of C' and D' are already given by Table V, it therefore remains only to find C" and D". Now by Table III. the mean longitude of the moon's node on Jan. i, 1850, is 146' 1 22 : and, by deducting 5^2956 successively from that value, we obtain the mean longitude of the node for every hundredth day in that year. With these values, as arguments, we obtain, by Table VI, the values of C" and D" as under : 1850. ft = Argument. C" D" Jan. i o 146-122 0-19522 + 7,70842 April 1 1 140-826 0*22099 + 7,18520 July 20 1 35'53* -0-24477 + 6,60030 Oct. 28 130-235 0-26635 +5.95886 Dec. 67 1 24-940 0-28556 + 5,26646 Construction of the Annual Quantities, A, B, C, D. 33 67. The values for the intermediate decades may be taken with sufficient accu- racy by means of the differences of the above values : whence we obtain the values of C and D, for every tenth day, as under : 1850. C = (C' + C") D = (D' + D") Jan. I 0-18587 + 8,21321 ii 0-15362 + 8,05800 21 -0-12347 + 7,85264 31 0-09609 + 7,61659 Feb. 10 -0-07179 + 7.373 02 20 0-05046 + 7,14566 &c. &c. &c. the logarithms of which, with their proper signs, will be the tabular values for the year 1850, as follow : viz. 1850. logC logD Jan. i 9*2692 + '9H5 ii 9-1864 + 0-9062 21 9*0916 + 0-8950 31 8-9827 + 0-8818 Feb. 10 -8-8561 + 0-8676 20 8-7029 + 0-8540 &C. &c. &c. And, in this manner we must proceed in order to determine the logarithms of C and D for every tenth day in any other year. 68. I have been thus explicit in order that the reader may fully understand the several steps of the process by which the great sacrifice of time, labour and atten- tion, formerly unavoidable in the computation of precession, aberration and nuta- tion, is now in a measure obviated, and reduced to a very simple arithmetical operation. In the Introduction to the Astronomical Society's Catalogue, I have given not only tables of the logarithms of the values of A and B for every day com- mon to every year, but also the logarithms of the values of C and D for every i oth day of the years 1826 1830 ; expressing at the same time a hope that the utility and convenience of such tables for other epochs would attract the attention of the superintendents of the several national ephemerides, and induce them to publish similar tables annually. This great boon to science has, in this country at least, B. A. C. F 24. Construction of the Annual Quantities, A, B, C, D. been at length bestowed most freely in all the Nautical Almanacs published since the reformation of that work in 1834: and we now have the logarithms of the values of A, B, C, D, for every day in the year, computed (not for a variable hour in each year, but) for mean midnight on all occasions, which is far more conve- nient. So that the elementary tables and the details, now and formerly given, are no farther necessary than as explanatory of the method originally pursued ; and they are here retained for that express purpose only. 69. In the Berlin ephemeris, the logarithms of similar values are also now annually given for every tenth day in the year : and, in the Tab. Reg. BESSEL has given similar logarithms for every tenth day, in all the years from the beginning of the year 1750 to the beginning of the year 1850. So that this system is now made available in all the observations of astronomers from the time of LACAILLE to the present day. In order however to prevent the recurrence of any error or mistake in the use of the tables inserted in the Berlin ephemeris and in the Tab. Reg. when in connection with the logarithms inserted in the present Catalogue, I would here renlark that the values which I designate by A and B, BESSEL desig- nates by C and D ; and vice versa. Consequently the columns, which in the two German works here mentioned, are headed A, B, and C, D, must be respectively transposed, and be thus applied to the logarithms of this catalogue*. I should more- over state that BESSEL has assumed the fictitious year to commence when the mean longitude of the sun, on January o, is 280; and that he computes his days as side- real, not as mean solar days : so that an attention to these particulars also is requi- site in using BESSEL'S A, B, C,D, in connection with the logarithms in this catalogue. I should likewise here mention that he always refers to the declination, and not to the north polar distance of a star. XL Sidereal and mean Solar time. 70. I have already remarked that the tables computed by BESSEL in his Tab. Reg. and since adopted by other German astronomers, are arranged and adapted to sidereal time : and the argument for entering those tables is the sidereal time of observation. This, undoubtedly, would be the most convenient arrangement, if the tables were used solely for the purpose of reducing observations. But, since * It may be proper here to state that, in the choice of characters to represent given quantities, I have thought it desirable that we should, as much as possible, make them serve the purpose of an artificial memory. It is on this account that I have made A, B, represent the quantity by which the ABerration is determined; C the quantity by which the preCession is determined ; and D the quantity by which the Deviation, or (as it is now more generally called) the nutation, is determined. Sidereal and mean Solar time. 35 they may be frequently used for determining the apparent places of stars, which have been observed not only at the moment of culmination, but also at a distance from the meridian, (which will, for the most part, be the case in comparing them with a comet, or planet, in taking altitudes for the time, in the computation of occultations, and in other branches of practical astronomy) I am induced to be- lieve that the use of the tables is rendered more general and convenient, by adapt- ing them to mean solar time. More especially as these tables may frequently be resorted to by persons travelling for the purposes of science, and by others who have not the advantage of fixed instruments, and to whom the arrangement of mean solar time will be more familiar and useful than that of sidereal time. The tables therefore that have been here adopted are computed for mean solar time, on the meridian of Greenwich. 71 . But, since it is not necessary to attend to the nearest minute of time, (and, in most cases, not even to the nearest hour) we may readily convert the one spe- cies of time into the other, when found necessary. For, if we denote the mean solar time at Greenwich by h, the corresponding sidereal time by S, and the mean right ascension of the sun at the preceding mean noon at Greenwich by $1, we shall have, in all cases, sufficiently near for our present purpose*, h =S-M S = A +M 72. In the same tables also of BESSEL, the fictitious year (alluded to in page 34) is supposed to commence from that moment of time when the sun's mean longi- tude at Paris, at mean noon on January o, is exactly 280 ; or when his mean right ascension at that time is i8 h 40'" ; and the year is supposed to consist of 3665 sidereal days. The sun's mean motion in longitude in a sidereal day is 58' 58",64 ; whence, by continual addition we obtain his mean longitude at 1 8 h 40 sidereal time on every day throughout the year : and, by applying the equation of the centre (as already explained) we obtain his true longitude for the respective sidereal days required. 73. By a similar method of proceeding, the mean longitude of the moon's node has been determined by him for January o, 1800, when the mean longitude of the sun was exactly 280. And by adding successively I9'342 (or the mean motion * The true values are h = S JR a, and S = h + .51 -+- A : where a denotes the acceleration of the fixed stars (expressed in mean solar time) for the time (S JK) ; and A the acceleration (expressed in sidereal time) for the time h. But a never exceeds 3 55 S ,9O9 : and A never exceeds 3 m 56 S ,555. Consequently the argument for entering the table, for the moment of culmination at Greenwich, will be r -f (S JR.) x : where S must be increased by 24** if necessary. F 2 .36 Sidereal and mean Solar time. of the longitude of the node in a sidereal year), we obtain the mean longitude of the node on January o, at i8 h 40 sidereal time, in every succeeding year. The mean motion in 100 sidereal days is - 5'28i : whence we obtain, as in page 30, the mean longitude of the node at i8 h 40 sidereal time on January o, April 10, July 19, &c. in any year. It is on these principles that BESSEL has computed his tables for the values of A, B, C, D ; which are adapted to sidereal time : and which must be carefully distinguished from the tables of those quantities, in the Nautical Almanac, which are adapted to mean solar time. These observations, however, do not extend to the Catalogue, containing the logarithms of the values of , b, c, d, and a', b', c', d' ; since these values are independent of the time employed, and may be used with either arrangement. XII. General use of the Constants and Annual Quantities. 74. I shall now proceed to show the use and application of this method in deter- mining the corrections of a star for precession, aberration and nutation. I have already explained how BESSEL deduced the values of A, B, C, D, from the assump- tion of a fictitious year, commencing when the mean longitude of the sun on January o, was at 280*; a method w T hich has been of great use to the practical astronomer not only at the present day, but also in enabling us (by tables given in his Tab. Reg.} to carry back our researches to the time of LACAILLE. A slight alte- ration however in this method has been introduced into the Nautical Almanac, by taking the true longitude of the sun on each day, and computing the values of A, B, C, D for midnight. By this arrangement, Table I, at the end of this preface, is no farther requisite than as explanatory of the original method proposed, and as illustrating the examples that I am now about to adduce. 75. The general rule, for finding the correction for precession, aberration and nutation of a star, according to the method here explained, is by page 27 expressed as follows : Correction in M. =A + 6B+cC + rfD Correction in N. P. D. = 'A -f &'B + c'C + d'D So that we have only to take out from the Catalogue, and opposite the given star, the logarithms of a, b, c, d, and a', b', c', d', with their proper signs ; and to write down under these respectively, from the Nautical Almanac (or some other similarly * The epoch, which I have assumed in this preface, is January ist, when the mean longitude of the sun was at 281. General use of the Constants and Annual Quantities. 37 constructed ephemeris), opposite the given day, the logarithms of A, B, C, D, with their proper signs. The whole of the subsequent process then will be, merely to add each pair together, and take out respectively the natural numbers correspond- ing to the sum of each pair of logarithms. But it should be particularly observed that the signs annexed to the logarithms affect only the natural numbers ; for, in all cases, the logarithms are to be added together : and with respect to the signs, it must be observed that the addition of two like signs produces a positive natural number, and the addition of two unlike signs produces a negative natural number. The sum of the four natural numbers thus produced (regard being had to their signs) will be the total correction required in right ascension or north polar distance on the given day, and for midnight at Greenwich. This correction, applied to the mean place of the star at the beginning of the year, will give the apparent place of the star at midnight on the day required. 76. If the hour of observation at Greenwich differs much from midnight, and if great accuracy is required, we must find the correct values of A and B in the Nautical Almanac by interpolation, and take the proportionate value correspond- ing thereto : but, in most ordinary cases, this will be unnecessary. The values of C and D will not require such correction. 77. In like manner, if the place of observation is far distant from Greenwich, and the Nautical Almanac be used, we must correct the values of A and B, for the difference of longitude, expressed in time, in Table II. 78. I shall now exhibit an example of the method of proceeding in the usual cases. Thus, let it be required to determine the correction for annual precession, aberration, and nutation, of y Tauri, both in right ascension and north polar distance, on Feb. 10, 1850. By Table IV, we find the logarithms of A and B ; arid in the short table in page 33 we find the logarithms of C and D*: therefore the operation will stand thus : In Right Ascension. abed By Cat. 7 Tauri = + 8-4993 + 87887 + 0-5309 + 7-9196 By Tables. Feb. 10. = 1-1672 + 1-1024 8-8561 + 0-8676 Sum = 9-6665 + 9-8911 9-3870 + 87872 Natural numbers by Tab. VII. = o s ,464 + o s ,778 o s ,244 + o s ,o6i = + o s ,i3l * When the Nautical Almanac for 1850 appears, these logarithms will be found at one opening of the book, for every day in each month : but the logarithms will probably slightly differ from those which are here stated, inasmuch as the assumed time in the Nautical Almanac is midnight. The difference how- ever will not be material. 3 8 General use of the Constants and Annual Quantities. In North Polar Distance. a' V c' d' By Cat. Y Tauri = ~ 9' 2662 9*0801 0*9620 + 9*9492 (as before) Feb. 10. = 1*1672 + 1*1024 8*8561 + 0*8676 Sum = + 0*4334 0*1825 + 9-8181 + 0*8168 Natural numbers by Tab. VII. = + 2",7i3 - i",52 3 + 0^658 + 6^559 = + 8", 4 O7 Whence it appears that the total correction in right ascension is -j- o s ,i3i, and, in north polar distance, = -f- 8",4O7. These quantities must be applied, with the proper signs, in the usual manner, to the mean place of the star at the beginning of the year, in order to obtain the apparent place on the given day : whence we deduce, for the apparent place of y Tauri on Feb. 10, 1850, M = 4 h u m i5 8 ,74 + o s .i3i = 4 h n m i5 s ,87i N. P. D. = 74 44' 2o",8 + 8",407 = 74 44' 2 9 ",207 79. The above result is obtained by using the values of A, B, C, D, which have here been deduced by the method of a fictitious year, as already explained in page 28 ; and therefore it is rigorously correct only if the star has been observed at 5 h 2i m mean solar time at Greenwich. But we might very readily find the true values for any other hour, and for any other meridian by taking the proper propor- tional parts, as already indicated in page 30. As this method of proceeding how- ever must be evident to every practical astronomer, I shall not farther advert to it in this place : and as the values of A, B, C, D, in the Nautical Almanac, are always computed for midnight, the value of x (in Table I.) becomes constant, or equal to 1 2 h ; and we need only attend to the variation of h, and to the difference of longi- tude, where great accuracy is required. XIII. Secular Variation of the Annual Precession. 80. The annual precession of a star is sufficiently correct for a few years only, more especially if the star is one of those that are called circumpolar stars ; so that it is always requisite, even in short periods, when great accuracy is desired, to take into account the second power of the time that intervenes*. In the present advanced state of astronomy it has therefore become desirable to know the exact increase or decrease which the annual precession of each star undergoes from year * This has been virtually accomplished in reducing the stars of the present catalogue to the given epoch (1850), by pursuing the method already explained in page 17. Secular Variation of the Annual Precession. 39 to year. But, as this annual change of the precession is generally small in amount, and constant for a very long period, it is commonly known by the name of the secular variation ; for, when inserted in tables (as in the present catalogue) it is usually multiplied by 100, for the sake of a convenient arrangement of the figures. The annual variation, or differential, of the precession is expressed by the following formulas, where p and p' denote respectively the annual precession in right ascension and declination, as in page 20 ; it being understood that p is here divided by 15, in order to reduce it to time, agreeably to what is stated in page 26. A/> = p . sin i".p'. tan -\ -- sin i". tan a . sec 2 $ . (p 1 )* A/>' = 15 n .sin i". sin a .p which, being multiplied by 100, will express the secular variations of the annual precessions of the several stars in the present catalogue*. 81. Assuming therefore the annual precession of a star in the catalogue to be denoted by p, the secular variation by s, and the annual proper motion by p, the change of position in the star (either in right ascension or north polar distance as the case may be) on January ist (1850 + 2/)> will be expressed by ~ where y, which denotes the number of years from 1850, must be assumed + after, and before, that epoch. And in this manner the mean place of a star in this catalogue should be brought up from the present epoch to the commencement of any other required year, before we apply the annual correction for precession, aber- ration and nutation. But, in most ordinary occasions, the proper motion may be omitted ; and, for very short periods, the secular variation also. Whence it will be requisite, in such cases, only to multiply the annual precession by the number of years elapsed ; and the formula then becomes merely p X y. 82. When a star however is near the pole and the interval of time great, it is sometimes requisite, more especially in computing the right ascension, to take into account not only the second, but also the third and higher powers of the time ; the formulae for which are more troublesome than those which I have just adduced, and could not be conveniently expressed in a tabular form, in the present cata- logue. But BESSEL has, in his Fund. Astron. page 300, and in his Tab. Reg. page viii, pointed out a method whereby the right ascension and declination of such stars, for any epoch different from that of the catalogue (exclusive of any proper motion that may belong to the star), may be obtained without any very great * See DELAMBRE'S Astronomic, vol. i. page 452 ; WOODHOUSE'S Treatise on Astronomy, vol. i. page 344. Secular Variation of the Annual Precession. trouble : and he has frequently made use of these formulae. As BESSEL'S investi- gation of this problem is too long to be here inserted, I shall refer the reader to his works above mentioned for an explanation of the method ; adopting the nota- tion which he has employed, in order to prevent confusion. Thus, let a and denote the right ascension and declination of the star, as given in the catalogue, and let a' and ' denote the required right ascension and declination of the same star for any other epoch ; the right ascension being expressed in arc. Now make and assume we shall then have A = a + (z + X) p = sin (tan S + tan \ 9 . cos A) A' = ' - (V - X') f . . . N p . sin A tan (A' A) = * i p . cos A and consequently (A' - A) + A + (2' - X') 83. These are BESSEL'S formulae ; and, agreeably to the principles that he has laid down, I have computed the numerical values of (z + X), (z 1 x'), and 6, for the years 1750 and 1755, and for every tenth year from 1800 to 1900 both inclusive. The values for any intermediate year may be readily deduced by proportion, the differences being constant. Year. (z + X) (2> - \') e o / // / // o 1 it 1750 o 38 24,7 -o 38 19,7 ~ 33 25,9 '755 o 36 29,7 o 36 24,5 -o 31 45,6 1800 -o 19 14,7 -o 19 7,9 o 16 42,9 1810 o 15 23,8 o 15 18,3 -o 13 22,3 1820 o ii 32,8 o ii 28,7 o 10 1,7 1830 -o 7 41,9 -o 7 39,2 o 6 41,1 1840 -o 3 S>9 -o 3 49,6 o 3 20,6 1850 o o o o o o 000 1860 + o 3 48,9 + o 3 51,8 + o 3 20,5 1870 + o 7 37,8 + o 7 43,6 + o 6 41,1 1880 + o u 26,7 + o ii 35,3 + o 10 1,6 1890 + o 15 15,6 + o 15 27,1 + O 13 22,2 1900 + o 19 4,4 + o 19 18,9 + o 1 6 42,7 Secular Variation of the Annual Precession. 41 84. By means of this table the position of any of the circumpolar stars in this catalogue may be determined with considerable accuracy for any epoch, before or after the year 1850 ; and in some cases even if the interval be as much as a hun- dred years. As an example, I shall take the case of Polaris ; and, from its position in the present catalogue, deduce, by the aid of this formula, its right ascension at the time of BRADLEY in 1755, a period of 95 years. Here we have o / // h m s a = 16 15 21,3 = i 5 1,42 S = 88 30 35,0 (z + A) = o 36 29,7 (z 1 X') = o 36 24,5 = 031 45,6 and I shall here assume p sin 0.tan & only ; because the omission of the quan- tity tan ^ 0.cos A (which may in general be neglected) will not make any material difference in the present case*. The computation will then stand as follows . O I H a. = 16 15 21,3 (z + A) = - 36 29,7 A = 15 38 51,6 (z' - A') = - 36 24,5 A + (z 1 A') = 15 2 27,1 cos A = + 9-9835986 p = -9-5503579 sin = 031 45,6 = 7-9656004 tan S = 88 30 35,0= + 1-5847575 P = ~ 9'553579 sin A = + 9-4309144 8-9812723 I p . cos A = 1-341945 = + 0-1277347 -341945 = -9-53395 6 5 tan(A'-A)=- 4 4 57o =- 8-8535376 A + (z' A') = 15 2 27,1 a' = 10 57 30,1 in 1755 The annual proper motion of this star in right ascension is, by the Nautical Almanac, + I "^35 which, in 95 years, will amount to 2' 8",3 ; and this being de- ducted from a', we have 10 55' 2i",8 for the correct right ascension of the star in 1755. BRADLEY'S right ascension of this star for the same epoch, in the Fund. Astron. is 10 55' 34",4 which would accord with the result here obtained by means of the formula, if we might assume the annual proper motion to be + i",22 in- stead of + i ",3 5 as adopted in the Nautical Almanac. But, on this subject, see the Tab. Reg. pages xiii and xliii. 85. As there are a few stars in the present catalogue, situate near the poles, * It would increase the present resulting quantity, tan (A' A), exactly one second of space. B. A. C. G 42 Secular Variation of the Annual Precession. whose positions in right ascension might not be considered to be determined with sufficient accuracy, if computed solely by the method explained in page 16, I have deduced the right ascension (for 1850) of such stars, by means of the formula here given. And, that I might not omit any star that may be presumed to require this degree of accuracy, I have extended the computation to all the stars whose annual precession (in right ascension) amounts to as much as 10 seconds in time : this being considered a sufficient limit for such an inquiry on the present occasion. 86. In order to give a graphical representation of this limit, I would remark that on a map of the circumpolar stars in either hemisphere, there is usually drawn a line through the poles of the equator and the ecliptic, called the solstitial colure: From the pole of the equator, and towards the pole of the ecliptic, set off on that line the distance of 3 of declination : then with one leg of a pair of com- passes in that point, describe with the other leg a circle through the pole of the equator. From the pole of the equator, and on the line on the side opposite to that just described, set off the distance of 5^ of declination : then with one leg of a pair of compasses in that point, describe in like manner with the other leg a circle through the pole of the equator. These four circles (the two at the north pole, and the two at the south pole) will comprise all the stars whose annual precession in right ascension amounts to as much as 10 seconds in time. In the present catalogue there are about 30 stars that are so situate, and whose right ascensions have consequently been subjected to the method of computation above alluded to : but the north polar distances of all the stars are computed in the usual manner. XIV. Variation in the Constants. 87. In the investigation of the equations which compose the formulae (D) in page 26, I have considered the values of a, b, c, d, and a', V, c', d", as constant for a number of years together. This however cannot be strictly true, since the values of a and S are gradually changing, from the effects of precession and other causes. These variations however, from year to year, are so very slight, that a long period may elapse before any considerable difference will arise in the arithmetical value of those quantities : and the tables may consequently be used, for several years to come, without the risk of any material error. In fact, since the quantities a, b, c, d, and a', b', c', d', depend on arcs which are expressed by the sine and cosine of the right ascension of the star, it consequently happens that the variations in their logarithms, caused by a variation in the right ascension, are the greatest when the arithmetical value of the corresponding num- ber is the least : and vice versd. So that a variation, which, under other circum- Variation in the Constants. 43 stances, might cause a sensible difference, is not, in this case, of so much import- ance. The only material variation will be in the values of a, b, c, d, which relate to the right ascension ; and in the case chiefly of those stars that have considerable declination ; since those values depend also on the tangent or secant of the decli- nation. But, these cases are of rare occurrence, as far as the present catalogue is concerned ; since the principal part of the stars, herein contained, are much nearer to the equator than to the poles : and if greater accuracy is required for such stars, at any distant period, an express computation must be made for that purpose. At the end of the present catalogue, however, the values are given, for every ten years to the end of the present century, for Polaris and a few other stars near the pole, that are inserted in the list of 100 principal stars in the Nautical Almanac. XV. Diurnal Aberration. 88. The diurnal motion of the earth on its axis produces an aberration, which it may be proper here to notice, if it be only for the purpose of showing that it is insensible, and may therefore be safely omitted in any reductions. The amount of this aberration is determined from the annual aberration, by comparing the equa- torial velocity of the earth on its axis, with the velocity of the earth in its orbit. If we assume the sun's parallax to be 8",6 at its mean distance, we shall find that the earth's orbital velocity will be to its rotatory velocity, as unity to ~ ^, or as i to '0152. And if we represent the annual aberration by 2o",42, the diurnal aberration will consequently be o",3iO4. But, this quantity depends not only on the geographical latitude (A) of the place, and on the declination (&) of the star, but also on the hour angle (7) of the star from the meridian : and the general expres- sion for its value will be A a = o",3 10 cos A . sec 8 . cos y A $ = o",3io cos A . sin 8 . sin y Whence it appears that, when a star is on the meridian, its diurnal aberration in right ascension is at its maximum : and that, at that moment, the diurnal aberra- tion in declination vanishes. On the contrary, when the star is situate six hours from the meridian (or when 7 = 90) the diurnal aberration in right ascension vanishes, and in declination arrives at its maximum. If we take the case of the pole-star at Greenwich in 1850, we shall find that its diurnal aberration in right ascension, when on the meridian, is equal to 7",423 : and that its diurnal aberration in declination, when distant 90 from the meridian, is o",i93. On the equator these values would be n",92o and o",3io. 89. As these quantities are constant for each particular star, at each observatory G 2 44 Diurnal Aberration. (according to the declination of the star and the latitude of the place) these formulae are of use only in comparing the observations made at one observatory with those made at another observatory. And as those observations are usually made on the meridian, we shall have the following convenient formula for such comparisons : viz A a = o",3io sec (cos X cos A') where X' denotes the geographical latitude of the place nearest to the equator. But, these are refinements which are not generally adopted in practice ; and may be safely omitted in our present view of the subject. XVI. Minute quantities omitted in the Formula. go. I have already stated that the formulae (B) in page 22, for determining the aberration of a star, are founded on the supposition that the earth moves in a circle, and with an uniform motion. Let us now see what difference will arise from the assumption that the earth moves in an ellipse, and with a variable motion. It has been shown by DELAMBRE in his Astronomic, vol. iii, chap, xxx, by BIOT in his Traite' d" Astronomic Physique, vol. iii, page 161, and by BESSEL in the Zeit- schrift fur Astronomic, vol. vi, page 222, that the formulae for determining the aberration of a star in right ascension and declination, will, in such case (instead of being exactly as they are stated in the above-mentioned formulae in page 22) be more correctly expressed by the following formulae : A a = A(I -f- e-~) x (sin a . sin Q + cos to . cos a . cos Q) sec A e x (sin a . sin w + cos to . cos a . cos w) sec $ > (E) A A ( i + 1 e 2 ) . [(cos a . sin Q cos ca . sin a . cos Q ) sin 8 sin w . cos . cos ) 2 cos ca . cos 2 a . sin 2 ] sec 2 8 4 A 8 = 4- X [cos 2 a . cos 2 (i + cos 2 cw) + 2 cos cu . sin 2 a . sin 2 sin2 w cos 2 ] tan S o 94. In like manner, in determining the nutation in page 25, regard has been had to the first powers only of AL and A*>: but, if the investigations be extended, so as to include the second powers also, we shall have the following additional quantities * : * See the excellent paper of BESSEL on this subject, in the Zeitschrift fur Astronomic, vol. vi. page 216 ; from which these formulae are taken. 46 Minute quantities omitted in the Formula. A a = + (1 s in 2 a + cot u . cos a . tan 5 + sin 2 a . tan* J) i (A L)- sin 2 to - ( cos 2 a - cot to . sin a . tan J + cos z a . tan' 2 S) A o> A L . sin ev - (| sin 2 a + sin 2 a . tan 2 *) i(Aw) 2 A 5 = - sin a (cot w + sin a . tan 5) (A L) 2 sin 2 w + cos a (cot w + sin a . tan S) A a; . A L . sin w - cos 2 a . tan 5 . i (A w) 2 If we restrict A u and A L to the first (or principal) term in the equations in page 25, and consequently assume A (a = + 9",250 cos ft = + x . cos & A L . sin tu = 6 ,888 sin ft = y . sin ft we shall have, according to BESSEL'S reductions, A a = I sin 2 a . tan + cot w . cos a ) tan . cos 2 ft V 4 4 / j^ ^^^ ^ ^ ^^^ j y^ cot w > s i n a \ j- an J . sin 2 ft \ 2 2 / A 5 = l"(* 2 cos 2 a y 2 sin 2 a) tan 5 y* cot w . sin a] cos 2 ft J- (x y sin 2 a . tan J + 2 a? y . cot cw . cos a) sin 2 ft 95. But, however formidable these quantities may appear, their value (except in stars very near the pole) is quite insensible : and SIR JOHN HERSCHEL has shown, in the Memoirs of the Astronomical Society (vol. I. page 430) that the error, arising from the omission of the whole of them, can never amount to the thousandth part of a second of time, in the right ascension of any star whose declination is less than 75 ; nor to the hundredth part of a second of space in the declination of any star whose declination is less than 86 27'. In the present catalogue there are only about forty stars, whose declinations exceed 85 ; amongst which may be reckoned Polaris : but as BESSEL has computed special tables for determining the apparent place of that star, we may consider the equations (A), (B), (C) as suffi- ciently accurate in most ordinary cases for all the other stars in the present cata- logue. 96. This remark will extend even to the omission of those quantities depending on 2 3) , already alluded to in page 24 : for, even in Polaris, the total value of the quantity, depending on this argument, never exceeds o s ,2O in right ascension, nor o",o8 in declination. 97. Besides the quantities here omitted, I ought to mention that BESSEL has, in the formula which he has given for the reduction of Polaris, introduced an equa- Minute quantities omitted in the Formula. 47 tion depending on the argument (O + ft); which, even in the case of this star, amounts only to o s ,o6 in right ascension ; and is quite insensible in declination. In all the other stars, in the present catalogue, not so near the pole, this quantity may be wholly rejected. A complete exposition of all the quantities involved in this investigation, in- cluding those omitted as well as those retained, will be found in the recent work by Dr. PETERS, entitled Numerus constans Nutationis, page 49 &c. XVII. Proper motion of the Stars. 98. The annual precession, given in the present catalogue, is that which is de- duced from the formula in page 20, without any reference to the proper motion of the star, either in right ascension or declination. And after a star has, from a number of observations, been reduced to its mean place at the beginning of any year, by a correction of all the errors by which those observations are known to be affected, and then compared with the mean place of the same star, similarly reduced to an epoch distant from the former by a given number of years, the diffe- rence between the two values ought to be equal to the amount of the precession of the equinoxes, in the interval between the two epochs. It seldom happens, how- ever, that this is exactly the case ; and, when any inequality of this kind arises, it is usually attributed to a proper motion in the star itself*. 99. But the difficulty of distinguishing this motion from that which arises from the precession of the equinoxes the slight differences which may sometimes occur from a small error in the assumed obliquity of the ecliptic the errors of observa- tion and computation, more especially in stars near the pole and the differences in the formulae employed in the reduction of the observations themselves supply too many sources of error to enable us to assert, with much confidence, that the * PIAZZI, on comparing the observations of the right ascension of Polaris (See his Catalogue, page 8) has deduced the following values of the supposed annual proper motion of this star : from HfiVELius = + 6", 8 2 FLAMSTEED = -f- 9 ,03 LA CAILLE = + 3 ,96 BRADLEY = + I ,62 He very properly, however, subjoins the following remark : " Quamvis autem postrema caeteris probabi- " lior sit, nee ipsi tamen plurimum fidendum. Etenim prsecessio, ingens nimis, nee eadem constans, " minime sinit, quominus annua ipsius variatio, et si geometrice investigata, a motu proprio nitide secer- " natur." It was reserved for BESSEL, to determine the law by which the annual variation of this star is governed. See his Fund. Astron. page 306, and his Tab. Reg. page xi. 48 Proper motion of the Stars. slight differences which appear in the comparison of observations, made even at distant periods, arise solely from a proper motion in the star. 100. Yet there are notoriously some stars whose motions cannot be reconciled to the effects of precession alone ; and where the evidence of a proper motion is too great to be doubted. A remarkable instance of this kind occurs in the double star6i Cygni*, whose annual proper motion appears to be -f- 5", 17 in right ascen- sion, and + 3"> 2 4 m declination. In most cases, however, the supposed proper motion is much less than this ; and frequently nothing more than what may be attributed to the errors of observation or computation. Nevertheless, BESSEL has stated (Fund. Astron. page 308) that out of 2959 stars in BRADLEY'S catalogue, compared with the same stars in PIAZZI'S catalogue, he found that 425 had an annual proper motion, in the arc of a great circle, of more than o",2. 101. The annual proper motion (^) of a star is found by comparing its mean places (denoted by M and M') as they exist in two catalogues, reduced from obser- vations made at a distance of y years from each other : for, in such case, we have _ M' - M y where II denotes the annual precession of the star, for the year which is equi- distant from the epochs of the two catalogues. In the comparison, therefore, of the catalogues of BRADLEY and TAYLOR, the formula will be, _ T-B , In comparing the catalogues of LACAILLE and BRISBANE, the formula will be f-i p ~" % ^-* *" ' In comparing the catalogues of LACAILLE and TAYLOR, the formula will be T-L In comparing the catalogues of PIAZZI and TAYLOR, the formula will be n And thus, in a similar manner, for other comparisons not included in these cases ; the letters B, B', L, T, P, *, p, denoting the same quantities as in page 17. * It is a singular circumstance that the greatest portion of those stars, which are supposed to have a proper motion, consists of double stars. BESSEL, in his Fund. Astron. page 3 1 1 , has given a list of several of them. Proper motion of the Stars. 49 1 02. It is evident, hereby, that the value of p will depend not only on the accu- racy of the observations and computations, and on the elements employed in their reduction, but also on the formula from which H is derived. This is more espe- cially the case in stars near the pole, where the precession (particularly in right ascension) involves not only the second power but also the third and sometimes higher powers of the time elapsed : a circumstance which is too frequently over- looked, but which must always be duly considered and taken into account, when we are desirous of determining the proper motion of such star with great accu- racy*. It is to these various sources of discordancy that we must principally attribute not only the appearance of any proper motion at all, but likewise the dis- cordance between different astronomers relative to this supposed motion. For, in many cases, some of the greatest names have differed even as to the direction of the motion of particular stars : one making it positive, whilst in the same star another considers it as negative. But these are cases where the proper motion is very small in amount, and where indeed its very existence may be doubted. For instance, let us take the case of 24 Andromeda 0, and compare its right ascension as observed by PIAZZI in 1800, with that deduced from the observations of BRADLEY, as reduced by BESSEL to the year 1755. Here we have P B p + v 1 40' o",3 i c' 3i",2 , f* = __ -_ 'J> --46',375 = -o',i95 But, if we compare it with BRADLEY'S observations as reduced by PILATI f , we shall i 40' 9 ", 3 - i c' ic",i ! = - 4-6.375 = + o ,i6oj 45 103. Again, the proper motion of 86 Herculis p in right ascension, if deduced from the observations of BRADLEY as reduced by PILATI, will be o",29 : but if deduced from the same observations as reduced by BESSEL, it will amount to o",,5i. But, it is needless to multiply cases of this kind; for, a mere inspec- tion of the column of proper motion in this catalogue, will lead to the suspicion that the major part of the values, there inserted, have arisen principally from some discordance in the observations or computations, and will not justify the con- clusion that there is any actual proper motion in a star subject to such slight differ- ences. * See the case of Polaris in page 41. t The value given by PILATI (in PIAZZI'S catalogue, page 179) is 1 6' i",4; because the reduction is made to the year 1756. I have, therefore, subtracted 46",3 in order to reduce it to 1755. J This is the value given by PIAZZI in his catalogue : but he has erroneously quoted MATER instead of BRADLEY. MAYER did not record any observations of this star. B. A. C. H r O Proper motion of the Stars. 104. The cases above quoted are such as evidently arise from some error or difference in the reductions : but they are by no means singular ; since they fre- quently occur. BESSEL has, in his Fund. Astron. page 316, &c. given a list of some of these differences which arise from a comparison of his own reductions of BRAD- LEY'S observations, with those made by PILATI : and also of the differences in the reduction of MAYER'S observations. These differences are in many cases very con- siderable ; and much greater than ought to arise from the difference of the ele- ments employed in the computation. Even the proper motions of what have been called the Greenwich stars (which have been so long, so repeatedly, and so minutely observed) were for a long time by no means satisfactorily ascertained : and the differences which were discovered, in various comparisons, may probably have arisen from one or more of the causes here alluded to*. 105. Under these circumstances, therefore, and considering the various sources of error with which this branch of astronomy is perplexed, I have thought it ad- visable, in the present catalogue, to register in a separate column the apparent proper motion of each star ; or in other words, the proper motion that has been deduced, in the manner above specified, from a comparison of the same star at the two epochs from which its position has been computed : leaving the value of such apparent proper motion (or, in some cases, its very existence) to be more correctly determined by subsequent observations, and the adoption (when considered to be determined with sufficient accuracy) to be applied to the annual precession, as occasion may require, when we wish to obtain the correct annual variation. No error of any consequence is likely to arise from the adoption of this method : for, the annual proper motion of a star will in most cases be so very small, that it can- not materially affect the value of c and c'; and by the arrangement here made, the quantities can always be kept separate and used in the computations, or not, as occasions may justify. 1 06. There are however notoriously several stars where proper motion evidently does exist to a considerable amount, although the precise quantity of that motion may still be a subject of some doubt and uncertainty. And, in order to place before the reader some of the most remarkable of such cases, I have subjoined the * Baron ZACH compared MASKELYNE'S observations of the right ascensions of these stars, as reduced to 1802, with those of BRADLEY reduced to 1760. The result of this examination is given in his Tabula Spetiales, page 67 : but, it differs in many respects from the deductions of MASKELYNE himself. To men- tion only a few cases ; the proper motions (in right ascension) of 7 Pegasi, a Ceti, Rigel, Sirius. Spica, 7 and /3 Aquila:, a. Cygni, a Aquarii, and a. Pegasi, are all positive according to Baron ZACH : but Dr. MASKELYNE (whilst he differs as to the amount of the proper motions in each of these respective stars) considers them as all negative. See also, passim, the Notes annexed to PIAZZI'S Catalogue of Stars. Proper motion of the Stars. 5 1 following list, which contains all those stars in the present catalogue visible in these latitudes* where the proper motion has been found to amount to about as much as o s ,ioo in right ascension, or as i",oo in north polar distance. No. Star. Proper motion in No. Star. Proper motion in 1 N.P.D. JR N.P.D. 64 88 1 60 218 221 240 273 3H 360 53 6 725 793 962 1044 1309 1879 2213 2320 2521 2522 3242 3495 35 2 8 s + 0,246 + >7'7 + 5103 + ''35 + >39 + ,116 - >i7' + ,388 + ,090 - ,117 + ,126 + ,n8 + ,129 + 5249 - >H4 + ,289 - >34 - >3 2 3 ,225 - >47 ,120 ,114 0,106 1 ,11 0,26 + 0,10 +0,48 + 1,18 + 0,02 0,02 + i55 0,02 -0,87 4010 4150 4165 4449 4729 4831 4832 4923 5284 5439 5808 5813 5863 6123 6302 6 735 6873 6922 7336 7337 7510 7656 8083 Ursae Majoris s + >344 + >3 2 5 - i?3 >o69 - ,078 - >47 - >4?o + ,068 + ,025 - >i53 ,032 ^36 + ,on + ,017 + ,117 + ,094 + ,189 + ,044 + 359 + '35 2 + ,119 + '457 +0,201 + 5*70 + 0,08 O,o6 + 1*03 + 1,96 -0,83 -0,83 + 1,68 + 1,24 + 1*13 + 1,14 + 1,15 + 1,00 + 1,09 + >35 + 1,83 + 1,07 + 1,68 -3>3 -3><>3 0,10 + 2,40 0,28 Hydri /3 Ursae Minoris .... Ursse Minoris .... 6 1 Virginis . . Ceti 24 Cassiopeae . , . . . . ij Piscium 1 6 Bootis . ... a Ursae Minoris Centauri a 1 Ursae Minoris Centauri a 2 30 Cassiopese jw. Librae .... i Ursae Minoris ... a C2 Ceti ... . .7* 41 Serpentis y Apodis y Persei 36 Ophiuchi A Ceti -i>3' 0,00 ->75 + 3>45 + 0,10 + 1,14 0,0 1 0,06 + 0,98 + 0,60 + 0,07 + 0,07 Ophiuchi Persei t 72 Herculis . . w Eridani 70 Ophiuchi 40 Eridani o- 4.4. Draconis . . v Ursae Minoris A* 6 1 Draconis tr 9 Canis Majoris ... a Ursae Minoris Pavonis S Sagittarii Camelopardi 6 1 Cvsmi . 10 Canis Minoris. . . a 25 Ursse Majoris ... 9 Ursae Minoris Cvemi , Cephei Indi s Draconis Cassiopeae When the proper motion is united with the annual precession, the joint effect is called the annual variation, and in all cases, where the proper motion has been well determined, should be thus included in the computation of the star's place for a distant epoch, as already shewn in Section XIII, page 39. When the cur- * Some few of the stars visible also in the southern hemisphere have been introduced, where there is good reason to suspect a considerable proper motion. But, in general the positions of the southern stars have not yet been decided with sufficient accuracy to determine such an important element ; so that no great dependence can at present be placed on the proper motion of many of such stars, inserted in the present catalogue. * II 2 ?2 Proper motion of the Stars. rent year is the subject of computation, we must take the proportional part of the annual proper motion, for the time elapsed (as explained in page 20) since the commencement of the year. XVIII. Revision of the Constellations*. 107. The advantage and importance of having the boundaries of the constella- tions of the stars distinctly and properly defined on our maps and globes, must be evident to every one that has occasion not only to refer to so useful and conve- nient an auxiliary to the practical astronomer, but also to consult a catalogue of stars. For unless due attention is paid to some clear and well-organized plan of arrangernent, and to some regular method of drawing the lines that constitute the limits of the constellations, much confusion and intricacy soon enters into the system ; and not only does the whole become an unintelligible mass of intersecting and undefinable boundaries, but the nomenclature of the catalogues also becomes sadly deranged. This is no ideal annoyance ; for the present state of all our modern maps and globes bears evident proofs of the existence of the evil to which I have here alluded ; and the catalogues likewise partake largely of this confusion. But the time has arrived when this inconvenience, now become so troublesome and perplexing, can be no longer tolerated. The extended state of the present catalogue (in which there are a number of additional stars selected from various works, differing very essentially in the nomenclature of the stars which they con- tain) requires that every star thus introduced should be located on maps in which the boundaries of the constellations are constructed and drawn upon some definite and systematic plan ; so that the name of the constellation to which the star may be thus found to belong, should be correctly affixed thereto, and thus show at once its true and accurate locality in the heavens. This however can only now be effectually done by a general revision of the whole system. 1 08. Ptolemy drew his figures on the globe in such a manner that the stars should occupy the positions that he has designated in the descriptions of them in his catalogue : and the boundary of each figure thus drawn was, in fact, the limit of the constellation intended to l)e represented. For, when he observed any stars that were beyond the outline of his figures, he denominated them apogpuroi, un- formed ; and this method was long followed by his successors. But, in the time of TYCHO BRAHE', this plan was in some measure departed from, and a more com- prehensive extension of the original limits adopted, by including the unformed * This section forms the substance of a Paper that was read at a meeting of the Royal Astronomical Society, on May 12, 1843. r Revision of the Constellations. C? / .^ .j N^- stars within the boundaries of one or other of the contiguous constellations : so that all the constellations abutted against one another, and the whole of the heavens was thus occupied by one portion or another of some known constellation, the figures remaining the same. Some confusion however soon crept into this arrange- ment : for it appears that one of PTOLEMY'S unformed stars in Libra (543 of my catalogue of PTOLEMY) was very justly placed by TYCHO within the boundary of the same constellation ; in which arrangement he has been followed by FLAM- STEED, who designates it 20 Libra. But, BAYER has unfortunately placed it in the constellation Scorpio, an arrangement which has been adopted by HEVELIUS, LA- CAILLE and others. Thus some confusion in this part of the boundaries of these two constellations has been introduced, and which continues to the present day. I have adopted TYCHO'S arrangement, and made the discordant catalogues agree therewith ; as it cannot be tolerated at the present day that this confusion should be perpetuated, or even now exist. When HEVELIUS formed his catalogue, he observed many stars, in the large spaces between PTOLEMY'S figures, that had not been previously noticed ; and in these spaces he introduced new figures, or con- stellations, many of which are still retained. But, the greatest innovator on this system was BODE, who although no great observer himself has, in his catalogue and in his maps, filled the heavens with a host of new figures and constellations that were by no means requisite, and that tend only to annoy and confuse, without presenting one single advantage. 109. In these remarks I have reference only to the constellations in the north- ern hemisphere ; or, at least, to those constellations only that are visible in the northern latitudes, which, of course, include many of the southern stars. When the southern ocean however was visited by European navigators in the sixteenth century, a map of the portion of the heavens, there visible and not hitherto described, became requisite and was soon formed : but it was not till the time of HALLEY that any catalogue or map of the southern constellations could be de- pended upon. The constellations that were adopted or introduced on this occa- sion were in some measure altered and increased in the last century by LACAILLE, who has, at the same time, encroached on the boundaries of the former constella- tions, which, although situate to the southward, had been tolerably well defined and agreed upon by the northern astronomers ; whereby he has created much con- fusion and ambiguity. For this reason, and in order to remove such confusion of terms and identity, it has been considered requisite to revise also the constellations and nomenclature introduced by LACAILLE. I shall however again advert to this subject when I have gone through the proposed revision of the northern constella- tions. rj. Revision of the Constellations. no. When HEVELIUS formed his catalogue of stars, he at the same time con- structed maps of the constellations, in which they were to be respectively placed. By this method he in some measure preserved an uniformity in his classifications and arrangements, and obviated any considerable distortion of the boundaries of the constellations, having himself defined the limits. But FLAMSTEED did not possess this advantage, since his maps were not constructed till long after his catalogue had been formed, and indeed not till many years after his decease : and as HEVELIUS'S maps were not published till after FLAMSTEED had commenced his observations with the mural quadrant, the Uranometria of BAYER was the only authority to which he could refer even for an approximate classification of any new stars that he might observe. This however appears to have been often done either without due consideration and attention, or from ignorance of the true limits ; and the name of a constellation was frequently written down, in the margin of the observation-book, as that which, at the time of observation, FLAMSTEED supposed to be the true constellation under review ; but which afterwards, when the observa- tions came to be reduced and arranged, have been found to be incorrect. An in- spection of FLAMSTEED'S manuscript books, at the Royal Observatory at Greenwich, and indeed the second volume of his Historia Coelestis, will fully confirm this re- mark. The consequence has been that several of the stars in his catalogue have been inadvertently arranged and classed under erroneous constellations : and our modern map-makers (instead of correcting these obvious errors in due time, and in a proper manner, or of laying down any general principle, on which the boun- daries might be constructed and drawn, in all cases of new discoveries) have suf- fered the evil not only to continue, but to increase to such a degree by subsequent innovations, that the celestial maps have at length become a system of derange- ment and confusion. For, a practice seems to have been adopted that whenever a modern astronomer has, in his catalogue, inadvertently introduced a star which he has designated by an erroneous constellation, the map-maker, or globe-maker (probably through ignorance), immediately extends the circuit of the constellation so as to embrace the star within its limits ; although in so doing he causes the most inconvenient and absurd distortion of the boundary lines, and, in some cases, actually includes thereby stars that ought not to have been disturbed ; which con- sequently renders the map, or the globe, a mass of confusion and intricacy, and totally unfit for accurate reference. An inspection of most of the modern celestial maps or globes will fully confirm this remark. in. Before a catalogue of any considerable extent, containing new stars, is finally arranged as to its nomenclature, a specimen map of the constellations, or at least their general outlines or boundaries, ought to be laid down upon some Revision of the Constellations. 55 uniform and acknowledged system, for the guidance of the astronomer. The plan which was pursued by PTOLEMY, and which with some slight alterations has been continued down to the present time, may serve as a basis for modern guidance and improvements. Its antiquity, and the numerous references which have always been, and still are, constantly made to it, render it now difficult (even if it were desirable) to make any considerable deviation from a system which is associated with so many scientific, historical, and mythological recollections. But whatever plan be adopted, it ought to be preserved with some degree of uniformity and regularity: so that if an author has inadvertently designated a star by a wrong constellation, the name in the catalogue should be amended, rather than the boun- dary of the constellation distorted. This however will occasionally admit of some laxity ; for, if such star should happen to be near the confines of a constellation, a slight variation in the curvature of the boundary may be justly allowed in the case of a well-recognised star, more especially as the precise limits are in some measure arbitrary. But where a star in any catalogue is designated by the name or title of a constellation, to which it manifestly does not belong, and has been inadvertently recorded and arranged as one of the stars in such constellation, the only proper mode of correcting the error is to alter its name and character in the catalogue, and thus restore it to its proper designation and position. 112. As an example of the confusion which is created by such misnomers, I need only adduce the case of two stars in FLAM STEED'S catalogue ; one of these is called 44 Lyncis, but whose position is in the middle of Ursa Major, and was so located by PTOLEMY; and the other is called 19 Ursa Majoris, which evidently belongs to Lynx. Now the map-maker, in order to comprise these stars within the limits of the constellations in which FLAMSTEED has thus inadvertently and erroneously located them, has extended the boundaries of each of these constella- tions in such a confused and intersecting manner that the limits are scarcely intel- ligible. The proper mode would have been to alter the nomenclature, at once, in the catalogue ; and thus prevent the perpetuity of the error. Another example (still more remarkable) occurs in the star 13 Argus in FLAMSTEED'S catalogue; a star that is in fact situate in the constellation Canis Minor, which lies to the north of the intermediate constellation Monoceros : and the map-maker, in order to in- clude this distant star within the limits of Argo, has in a similar manner traced a double line directly through the body of Monoceros, which thus appears like two distinct constellations. Many other similar examples of distortion might be adduced, but it is needless to multiply proofs of such evident absurdities, which need only be seen to be duly estimated and repudiated. 113. Cases of another kind occur where the constellation is improperly and r Revision of the Constellations. unnecessarily extended, although there may not be any intersection of the boun- dary lines : such as that which may be seen in FLAMSTEED'S catalogue of stars, in the constellation Crater, where many of the stars there introduced do not fall within the limits of the figure drawn by BAYER ; nor is FLAMSTEED'S extension of the boundaries warranted by PTOLEMY'S description of the position of the stars in that constellation*. 114. Much confusion has also arisen from inattention to a regular classification and arrangement of certain clusters of stars that lie near the adjoining confines of two contiguous constellations ; such as the cluster of stars about the head of Ser- pens, which are strangely intermixed with the stars that are considered to be in the arm of 'Hercules : and many similar cases may be seen in Monoceros and Hydra, Draco and Cepheus, Auriga and Camelopardus, Libra and Hydra, Hercules and Ophiuchus, Vulpecula and Cygnus, &c. 115. But the most striking proof of the inattention of map and globe-makers, to accuracy of arrangement, occurs in the cases where the author of the catalogue has placed the same star in two distinct constellations, and where unfortunately (in constructing the map) the erroneous one has been selected for its location. A singular case of this kind occurs with FLAMSTEED'S 25 and 27 Aquarii, which are the same stars as 6 and 1 1 Pegasi. The map-maker has correctly placed the stars in the head of Aquarius, as drawn on the map : but then, as if doubtful of such a step, or desirous of preserving the double interpretation, has extended the boun- dary line of Pegasus so as to embrace it within the limits of that constellation. 1 1 6. Cases of such double insertions in a catalogue are not to be wondered at in the early state of the science, where minute accuracy was not always attainable, nor the error always discoverable on account of the mode of classification ; and we accordingly meet with a few of such cases in the catalogues of PTOLEMY and others. But in more modern times the error has arisen principally, if not solely, from the method of arranging the stars, in a catalogue, under distinct and separate constellations, whereby the similarity of position is not readily discovered ; and this will account for the synonyms that occur in the catalogues of FLAM STEED and HEVELIUS : but when discovered they ought to be at once corrected, and not suf- fered to remain a perpetual blot in the catalogue. The modern mode, however, of arranging the whole of the stars in a catalogue, according to the order of their right ascension, without any regard to the order of the constellations in which they may be placed, prevents the occurrence of a similar inconvenience in future. * An exception, perhaps, might here be made to FLAMSTEED'S 1 1 Crateris, and which BAYER has desig- nated by the letter ft : a star which PTOLEMY places in Hydra, at the same time however describing it as a TT/JY B ^Lyncis belong to Ursa Major; 30, 31 Monocerotis belong to Hydra; 32, 33, 34 Ophiuchi belong to Hercules ; 47 Ophiuchi belongs to Serpens ; 23 Piscium belongs to Pegasus ; i Sagittte belongs to Vulpecula; 2 Sagittarii belongs to Ophiuchus; 24, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33 Scorpii belong to Ophiu- chus ; 48 Serpentis belongs to Hercules ; 10, 1 1 Sextantis belong to Leo ; 16 Trianguli belongs to Aries ; 10, 19 Ursa Majoris belong to Lynx; 46 Ursa Majoris belongs to Leo Minor; 101 Virginia belongs to Bootes. Revision of the Constellations. 61 assumed to belong ; and which will frequently be found to be discordant : still, that if any of these stars lie near to the boundaries so assumed, a slight detour be allowed in the drawing. 122. Such is the plan which I have pursued in the present arrangement of the stars in the northern constellations ; and which I propose also to adopt in the classification of the stars deduced from the observations recorded in the Histoire Celeste. I shall now proceed to state the several alterations that have been pro- posed by Sir JOHN HERSCHEL for amending the boundaries and nomenclature of the southern constellations. But, as I cannot add to the clearness and precision with which he has treated this subject, I shall here subjoin his statement in his own words. 123. " The idea, originally proposed of entirely re-modelling the southern con- stellations*, has (after very mature consideration and much discussion, and after consulting the opinions of some of the most eminent continental astronomers, which have been found very adverse to the idea of so decided a change) been laid aside ; at least in so far as regards the present undertaking. It is conceived how- ever that if the nomenclature of the constellations, generally, be ever destined to undergo a systematic change at all (and many reasons may be adduced for con- sidering such a change desirable) the first and most important step towards it will be found in the present work itself, and in the catalogues, now publishing simul- taneously with it on the same system of nomenclature, which clear the ground of all existing confusion f ; and by assembling into one distinct view, and under names and numbers at least definite and recognised, all the individuals of which the new groups must be composed, render it easy at any future time to pass, by a single table of synonyms and by one decided step, from one to the other system, when- ever the convenience and consent of astronomers may dictate the propriety of a change. Such views, if entertained, would render the nomenclature of the present catalogues so far provisional that a more rational and convenient system of groups (confined not to the southern hemisphere, but extending over both) may yet be contemplated by astronomers. Nevertheless, so long as the ancient system is at all retained, a general and scrupulous adherence to the nomenclature here adopted is most earnestly recommended to the astronomical world, as the only mode of * By Sir JOHN HERSCHEL himself, as stated in his Paper inserted in Vol. XII. of the Memoirs of the Roy. Astron. Society. F. B. t Sir JOHN HERSCHEL here alludes to LACAILLE'S new catalogue of 9766 southern stars, and to the catalogue of upwards of 40,000 stars, deduced from the Histoire Celeste, both of which are now printing at the expence of Government. F. B. 62 Revision of the Constellations. escape from a state of confusion at present quite intolerable. As regards the south- ern constellations, the following are the principles proposed : viz. " i. That all the constellations adopted by LACAILLE be retained, and his arrangement of the stars preserved ; subject however to certain alterations here- after specified. " 2. That all the stars, having a doubtful location, such as those which LA- CAILLE (after the manner of ,PTOLEMY) has considered as ap6tf>rot (unformed), be included within the boundaries of either one or other of the contiguous constella- tions, so as to preserve a regularity of outline and nomenclature. " 3. That all the rest of LACAILLE'S stars be placed within the boundaries laid down b"y him, with the following exceptions : first, a few stars which are located too far from the border of the constellations in which they are registered, to admit of an uniform contour of the lines ; secondly, such stars as have been previously observed by PTOLEMY or FLAM STEED, and by them located in other constellations, or which interlace and are confusedly mixed with such previously observed stars * : thirdly, the four stars that are placed by LACAILLE in the end of the spear of Indus, but which are now assumed to form part of the constellation Pavo, in order to render the contour of these two constellations less circuitous. " 4. That the letters, selected by LACAILLE, be adopted in preference to those introduced by BAYER in Argo, Centaurus, Am and Lupus. That the Greek letters (with a few exceptions) be retained only as far as stars of the 5th magnitude in- clusive. That no Roman letters be at present used, except in the subdivisions of Argo, subsequently mentioned. " 5. That Argo be divided into four separate constellations, as partly contem- plated by LACAILLE ; retaining his designations of Carina, Puppis and Vela ; and substituting the term Malus for Pixis Nautica, since it contains four of PTOLEMY'S stars that are placed by him in the mast of the ship. " 6. That the original constellation Argo, on account of its great magnitude and the subdivisions here proposed, be carefully revised in respect of lettering, in the following manner : first, in order to preserve the present nomenclature of the prin- cipal stars, all the stars in Argo (that is, in the general constellation, regarded " A single exception to this rule occurs in the case of the last star in the constellation Piscis Australis, in PTOLEMY'S catalogue, which BAYER has denoted by the letter x, and which is presumed to be the same as that which has been designated by LACAILLE as y Gruis. As there is some ambiguity however in the position of this star in BAYER'S map, it is here assumed (like some other stars already mentioned) as common to both constellations, in order to adjust this discordance ; and, in the present catalogue, LACAILLE'S designation of y Gruis is retained, on account of its forming the principal object in the head of that constellation." Revision of the Constellations. 63 as including the subdivisions above mentioned) indicated by Greek letters, by LACAILLE, to be retained, with their present lettering, under the general name Argo : secondly, all the remaining stars, to be designated by that portion of the ship in which they occur, such as Carina, Puppis, Vela, and Mains, and to be indi- cated by the Roman letters adopted by LACAILLE, as far as the 5th magnitude in- clusive. And no two star's, far distant from each other in the same subdivision, to be indicated by the same letter ; but, in cases of conflict, the greater magnitude is to be preferred ; and, when they are equal, the preceding star to be fixed upon. " 7. That the constellations, which LACAILLE has designated by two words, be expressed by only one of such words. Thus, it is proposed that the several con- stellations, indicated by LACAILLE as Apparatus Sculptoris, Mons Menses, C&lum Scalptorium, Equuleus Pictorius, Piscis Volans and Antlia Pneumatica, be called by the respective titles of Sculptor, Mensa, C&lum, Pictor, Volans, and Antlia ; con- tractions which have on some occasions been partially used by LACAILLE himself, and are very convenient in a registry of stars." 124. Such is the plan proposed by Sir JOHN HERSCHEL for a better arrange- ment of the stars in the southern hemisphere : and, agreeing fully in the principles here laid down, I have not hesitated in adopting them in the construction of the present catalogue, and in the classification of the stars inserted therein. XIX. BAYER'S mode of lettering the Stars. 125. It is proper here to make some remarks respecting BAYER'S letters, by which the principal stars in our catalogues are now designated. It is well known that such stars were, by the ancient astronomers, for the most part denoted and identified by a very verbose description, corresponding with their position in some fictitious or imaginary figure in the heavens : whilst some indeed were called by a specific and definite name. This plan was pursued by PTOLEMY, and has been adopted and continued, even down to the time of FLAMSTEED, by most of the inter- mediate astronomers. But, such a verbal description of the places of the stars (limited, even as they then were) was liable to great confusion, since the figure itself was not always well defined or understood : it therefore occurred to BAYER, that much of this inconvenience might be removed, if the stars in each constel- lation, visible to the naked eye (which were all that were then known), were de- noted by the letters of the alphabet, in the order of their magnitudes ; those which were of the greatest magnitude being denoted by the first letters, and so on suc- cessively to the end of the alphabet. 126. BAYER was a German lawyer and astronomer, who first published the work, 64 BAYER'S mode of lettering the Stars. here alluded to, under the title of Uranometria, in the year 1603. It contained several charts or maps of the constellations, in which the stars were denoted by the letters of the alphabet*. This was a great improvement on the former mode of designation, as it at once indicated the class to which any particular star in a given constellation might be assigned : and although there might be some uncer- tainty as to the precise magnitude indicated by any particular letter, and although the same letters would not always indicate the same magnitude, when used in dif- ferent constellations, yet, with respect to any given constellation, it gave a tolerably clear idea of the class to which any star belonged : and, by the help of maps, their positions were pretty well authenticated. The great convenience and utility of the method- led to its immediate and permanent adoption. 127. BAYER began with the Greek alphabet; and, if the known stars in the given constellation exceeded the number of letters in that alphabet, he then took up the Roman alphabet as far as was required. These two alphabets fully answered his purpose : for he did not meet with any constellation where it was necessary to extend the notation beyond the second alphabet f. FLAMSTEED proposed to follow BAYER, by affixing to the respective stars in each constellation, the corresponding letters in BAYER'S maps : at the same time however preserving also in many cases the verbose descriptions and the proper names of the principal stars, agreeably to the custom of his predecessors. On these latter points he was rather austere, as may be seen by the anathema pronounced by him (in his Prolegomena, page 161) on all such as should deviate from that practice. In comparing the stars in FLAM- STEED'S catalogue, with those in BAYER'S maps, I have met with several errors, which I have here corrected. These errors have arisen sometimes from the printer having mistaken FLAM STEED'S letters, which are frequently obscurely written : thus, 65 Piscium is i, not / ; 52 Andromeda is %, not X ; 67 Eridani is j3, not h ; 62 Ge- minorum is g>, not s ; 15 Scorpii is 4>, not % ; 45 Herculis is /, not e. In other cases FLAMSTEED appears to have taken the wrong letters from BAYER'S maps : thus, 49 Andromeda is not % ; 50 Andromeda is not v ; 43 Cassiopea is not c ; 56 Ceti is not v ; 55 Cassiopea is not / ; 6 Persei is not h ; 58 Tauri is not h ; 27 Orionis is not ; 57 Cancri is not / ; 5 Ophiuchi is not g; 106 Aquarii is not A. But, in whatever manner it may have happened that the true designations were misplaced, I have here restored them all to BAYER'S original stars, as far as the same could be iden- * DELAMBRE has justly remarked that no man ever acquired immortal fame at so little sacrifice, or with so little trouble, as BAYER. f BAYER never used any capital letters, except the letter A ; which he has invariably adopted, both in his letter-press and on his maps, whenever he entered on the second alphabet. I see no good reason for this practice, although I have here continued it. BUYER'S mode of lettering the Stars. 65 tified : conceiving this to be much better than that the error should be perpetuated. Much confusion and inconvenience have already arisen in many of these discordant cases : and if only a few corrections were made, others would necessarily arise, as one error will generally be found to involve another. 1 therefore considered it better to revise the whole, and to restore BAYER'S letters in every case to their proper stars or to such stars as most nearly approach the positions intended to be laid down by BAYER and thus to set the example of a reformation. 128. But, besides these letters of BAYER, FLAMSTEED has frequently introduced new ones (and in some cases, duplicates) of his own. This, however, I have reason to believe was only done, as a temporary measure for convenient reference : and had he lived to revise his catalogue himself, when it was finally published, I have no doubt but that he would have reconsidered and amended the subject ; or pro- bably have omitted such new letters altogether*. For, as it was BAYER'S object that the order of magnitudes should, as nearly as possible, follow the order of the letters, it is evident that the introduction of such new letters would, in most cases, be at variance with this great and advantageous principle. Thus, for the sake of an example, let us take the case of I, 6, and 12 Aquila, which FLAMSTEED has v ^ithout reference to BAYER) respectively designated by the letters m, /, and i : and which, according to BAYER'S system of notation, would be considered as only of the 6th magnitude ; since h is the last letter which he uses in that constella- tion. They are however all of the 5th magnitude ; and, if BAYER'S principle were followed, ought to have been inserted after the letter p. Again, 70 Ophiuchi is designated by the letter p, in the British Catalogue ; and therefore (according to BAYER'S principle) might be supposed to be a star of very small magnitude ; cer- tainly not greater than the 6th : but it is a star of nearly the 4th magnitude ; and * See the group of 6 stars, situate under the feet of Cassiopea, in FLAMSTEED'S maps, designated by the letters c, d, e, f, g, h : also the group of 6 stars between Aquila and Ophiuchus, designated by the letters i, k, I, m,n, o: also the two groups in Pegasus, one consisting of 3 stars, designated by the letters e,f, g, and the other consisting of 4. stars, designated by the letters I, m, n, p : also the group of 5 stars in Cygnus, designated by the letters h, i, k, I, m: also the group of 5 stars in Ophiuchus, designated by the letters n, o, p, q, r: also the group of 4 stars, near Medusa's head, in Perseus, designated by the letters p, q, r, s : also the group of 3 stars in Gemini, designated by the letters p, q, r: also the group of 3 stars near the tail of Cetus, designated by the letters f, g, h: also the group of stars forming the Pleiades, designated by the letters b, c, d, e, f, g, h, k, I, m, p, s. In all these, and some others of a like kind that might be adduced, I consider that FLAMSTEED had inserted the letters in his MS. maps, for a temporary purpose only, whilst he was in the course of verifying the positions of the stars (similar to the plan adopted by NEWTON in his Principia, for showing the path of the comet of 1680): and that such letters have been inadvertently and improperly retained by his editors. I have therefore, for the reasons stated in the text, in all cases rejected them, when they do not accord with BAYER. B. A. C. K 66 BAYER'S mode of lettering the Stars. therefore ought to class with X and /*. As the introduction of such new letters, therefore, vitiates the whole of BAYER'S principle of notation, I have in all cases rejected them ; and at present retain none but those adopted by BAYER himself, until the whole subject is revised and amended. 129. A more striking instance, however, of the perversion of BAYER'S principle of notation may be seen in the method which has been adopted by FLAMSTEED, in the British Catalogue, in designating the stars in the constellation Coma Berenices. This constellation is not inserted amongst BAYER'S maps : and therefore the whole of it was new ground to FLAMSTEED, who has paid no attention whatever to the leading feature of BAYER'S method. For, in the first place, he does not use any Greek tetters: and secondly, the letters which he does use, are not chosen or adapted with any regard to the magnitude of the stars ; and are applied only to a small cluster, in the middle of the constellation. They seem introduced (as I have before stated) for the sake of some temporary convenience : and as they are so completely at variance with the principles laid down by BAYER, I have rejected the whole of them ; being fully convinced that they never would have been sanc- tioned by FLAMSTEED, had he lived to see the final correction and publication of his catalogue. 130. Sometimes there is a doubt, as in the case of two near stars of equal (or nearly equal) magnitude, to which star BAYER'S letter should be applied. When such instances occur, FLAMSTEED has annexed the letter to each of them, and affixed the numerals I and 2, according to their order of right ascension. Thus, in the case of % Tauri, the two stars are designated as T and 2 ; although there is only one star denoted by that letter in BAYER'S map. This may be justifiable, since it cannot now be ascertained as to which of the two BAYER meant specially to affix that letter : and probably their joint effect might have produced the appear- ance of one star to his eye. Other cases of this kind occasionally occur ; and as no inconvenience or confusion can arise from this method, I have preserved FLAM STEED'S mode of designation. But, where the two stars differ much from each other in magnitude, and are clearly distinguishable, such a mode of nota- tion may lead to some confusion, as it evidently vitiates the leading principle of BAYER'S method. FLAMSTEED, however, has too frequently broken through the principle of BAYER'S method, by adding numerals (in the order of right ascension) to BAYER'S letters, without any regard to the magnitude of the stars in question : and sometimes even in defiance of BAYER'S express notation. Thus, let us take the case of 2, 4, and 6 Virginia: the former (which is of the 4^ magnitude) is called by BAYER f ; and the two latter (which are of the 6th magnitude), A 1 and A 2 . But FLAMSTEED, on account of the proximity of the first two stars, without BAYER'S mode of lettering the Stars. 67 any regard to their magnitudes, has called them i 1 and i 2 ; and denoted the latter only by A. These errors I have corrected in the present catalogue. In some instances an innovation appears to have been made without due consideration : thus | Geminorum is properly 31 Geminorum in the British Catalogue, and is so called by FLAMSTEED : but he has also designated 30 Geminorum (a star of smaller magnitude) by that letter, overlooking entirely 32 Geminorum, which is marked (although erroneously) as of equal magnitude, and is much nearer BAYER'S star. All such discordances are also corrected in the present catalogue. 131. There are four clusters of stars in BAYER'S maps, distinguished by a single letter only, which appear to have been partly overlooked by FLAMSTEED : these are r Serpentis consisting of 8 stars ; r Eridani consisting of 9 stars : v Eridani consisting of 7 stars ; and K Orionis consisting of 6 stars. In all these cases FLAMSTEED has supposed that BAYER intended to denote only two stars in each of those constellations*: which has probably arisen from his having only the maps of BAYER, without the letter-press printed at the back ; as in such case, the mistake might easily have occurred. Perhaps this circumstance may also have given rise to other deviations from BAYER'S method f. In all these instances I have restored BAYER'S letter, annexing the numerals in the usual manner j: but it may be proper to make a few additional remarks in the case of v Eridani. Only four of * The group of 10 stars, designated by BAYEK as fy Auriga, has been wholly overlooked by FLAM- STEED, as there is no star designated by that letter in the British Catalogue : probably from the difficulty of identifying the particular stars. In fact I have not been able to satisfy myself on this point, and I must leave the case as it is. The stars in question are the group lying between 90 100 right ascen- sion, and 38 50 north declination. Some of them may be identified; but unless the whole be satis- factorily made out, it would only introduce confusion to apply BAYER'S letters to a portion of them. Fortunately the stars are of small magnitude ; and whether the letter be applied or not, is a matter of no great moment. I would here also remark that some difference of opinion formerly existed as to the identity of the 8 stars forming the cluster r Serpentis : some astronomers conceiving that 3 3 Serpentis ought to be included, and 22 Serpentis omitted. But as the star, supposed to be 33 Serpentis, does not exist, there can now be no doubt on the subject. f The copy of BAYER'S maps, which belonged to the late Mr. A. SHARP, who had the final arrange- ment of FLAMSTEED'S maps, does not contain the letter-press at the back of the maps. There are many copies of this imperfect edition in existence : they bear the same date (1603), and appear to be printed from the same plates as the perfect edition. J The usual manner of annexing the numerals is according to the order of the right ascensions of the stars : but, in a few cases it would seem that BAYER intended a different arrangement. Thus the stars, forming the two series denoted by if Eridani, and ^ Aurigce, appear to be reckoned in the order of their north polar distances : whilst those denoted by v Eridani seem as if reckoned contrary to the order of their right ascensions. These few doubtful instances, however, ought not to invalidate the general rule adopted by astronomers. K 2 68 BUYER'S mode of lettering the Stars. the 7 stars, so designated by BAYER, were observed by FLAMSTEED, on account of their great southern declination ; and to only two of them has he annexed any letter, which are called by him y l and u 2 . But they are, in fact, V G and v 7 of BAYER ; and the other two stars are u 4 and t, 5 , and must be restored to their proper order : otherwise, since we are now about to join the stars in the southern hemisphere with those in the northern hemisphere, in one general catalogue (as is here the case) another source of discordance arises, which had better be obviated at once *. I am aware that some confusion may be suspected to arise, at first, from these various alterations ; but they have not been made without due reflection, nor without con- sulting those who are well versed in the subject : and I trust, if any such con- fusion is. experienced, that it will soon wear away, and that the alterations here adopted will eventually tend to the convenience of the practical astronomer. 132. It has been too much the practice, of late years, to increase the number of letters by which the stars are denoted : " a custom more honored in the breach than the observance ;" since much confusion has thereby been introduced, which otherwise would not have occurred. BODE was the first and greatest innovator in this respect, and has carried his innovation to a most inconvenient and even absurd length ; inasmuch as he has, in his great catalogue, exhausted two or three alphabets on some of the constellations, without the prospect of its leading to any advantage. Other astronomers have introduced a practice of designating stars, contiguous to any of BAYER'S known stars, by numerals, according to the order of their right ascension ; without any regard to their similarity of magnitude, which is the very essence of BAYER'S notation. Thus we meet with a 1 Librce, a' 2 Ceti, (3 1 Capricorni, and some others, which can have no pretensions to be classed with the stars designated by those letters in BAYER'S mapsf. Indeed it would have been much better had BAYER himself limited his notation to a few of the first * Some confusion of this kind has been already introduced by the inattention of LACAILLE to BAYER'S letters and method. Thus 41 Eridani (which is the fourth of the series of stars designated by the letter v in BAYER'S map) is called ; which letter is affixed by BAYER to a star situate in a very different part of the constellation : again, 43 Eridani (which is the fifth of the above series) is called d : whilst the first, second, and third of the above series, are respectively called h,f, and g. Numerous other cases may also be met with, and must now be corrected, otherwise the confusion will be increased, and perhaps soon be rendered perpetual and incorrigible. f As it is certainly very convenient to adopt some sort of nomenclature by which the proximity and order of right ascension of a small star, close to any one of FLAMSTEED'S stars, might be designated, we might adopt PIAZZI'S method of notation, by annexing the letters pr or sq (according as the small star is preceding or following) instead of figures ; which are too apt to mislead. Or the word comes might be adopted for the small star, whether it preceded or followed the great star, a method which has been pursued by some modern astronomers. BAYER'S mode of lettering the Stars. 69 letters of the Greek alphabet, or at least to have excluded all stars below the 5th magnitude, since the smaller stars were very likely, especially in his day, to be mistaken one for the other ; even as we now find to be the case when we attempt to identify not only some of his stars, but also those of modern astronomers who have followed in the footsteps of BODE. As a much more convenient and certain mode of designating the smaller stars, by means of a numerical arrangement in the order of their right ascension, is now universally adopted, astronomers ought to discountenance any further innovation on BAYER'S method ; and perhaps if they were to agree even to discard or disuse his notation altogether, in stars below the 5th magnitude, as above hinted at, it might tend to simplify and improve the sub- ject. This however is a matter in which each practical astronomer will at present use his own discretion, until some general reform is accomplished*. 133. It does not exactly appear, from BAYER'S work, how he obtained the posi- tions of the stars which he has inserted in his maps. TYCHO was the only author- ity in his day : and even the errors of TYCHO would thus be perpetuated, if BAYER did not survey the heavens himself, and lay down his maps from actual observation. That some mistakes, arising from this source, have been committed, is evident from an inspection of the position of the stars in the left leg f of Ophiu- chus : where a cluster of stars is placed on the north of the ecliptic, which, in fact, are situate to the south of that line. This error has arisen from BAYER having too implicitly followed the printed copy of TYCHO'S catalogue of the stars in the con- stellation Ophiuchus, all of which are therein stated to have north latitude, and are accordingly so printed likewise by FLAMSTEED in his Historia Ccelestis. But, I suspect that all the stars in Ophiuchus, from the 26th to the 32nd, both inclusive, in TYCHO'S catalogue, as edited by FLAMSTEED, have south latitude ; otherwise they will not agree with the actual state of the heavens ; nor indeed can they all be identified even on this supposition ; and I have consequently been obliged to leave most of them as I found them. Other discordances also, apparently arising from the imperfection of the catalogues used by BAYER, are evident on a close ex- amination ; more especially if we compare his maps with the state of the southern hemisphere. 134. Part of the confusion in the application of BAYER'S letters has arisen from a want of attention in drawing the outlines of the constellations on the maps ; whereby it has sometimes happened that the stars which are placed by BAYER in * The late Sir WM. HERSCHEL, in one of his papers inserted in the Phil. Trans. (1796, page 181) says that he discarded the letters entirely, and used only numbers ; in order to prevent confusion in his references. f In the right foot, according to FLAMSTEED. j Q BAYER'S mode of lettering the Stars. one constellation, are by FLAMSTEED retained in another. Thus, in BAYER'S map of Perseus, he has delineated the sword so as to include two stars, which he desig- nates as v and (p. But these two stars are distinctly stated by PTOLEMY to be in the foot of Andromeda, and are so placed by FLAMSTEED, being his 51 and 54 An- dromeda. FLAMSTEED however has been misled by BAYER in annexing his letters to these stars, and thus causing duplicates of such letters in the same constella- tion. Other instances of a similar kind may be met with : thus, 6 Cancri, which is called % by FLAMSTEED, is BAYER'S % Geminorum ; 15 Cancri, which is called $ by FLAMSTEED, is BAYER'S $ Geminorum ; and so likewise with some others. Some- times the stars are so incorrectly placed on the map by BAYER, that it is difficult to make out which stars are intended. Thus, the 3 stars designated as a Cancri may refer either to FLAMSTEED'S 46, 57, 61 Cancri, or to his 51, 59, 64 Cancri: I have adopted the former supposition. 135. All the constellations known to the ancients have been subjected to BAYER'S system of lettering ; but, the 9 new constellations adopted by HEVELIUS, and still referred to at the present day (see page 59) , have not yet been submitted to that mode of classification, if we except FLAMSTEED'S imperfect attempt at Coma Berenices already mentioned. As there is no good reason, however, why the prin- cipal stars in these new constellations also should not be designated in a similar manner, I shall here commence the attempt by affixing the Greek letters to such of the stars in these new constellations as are not below the 4^ magnitude ; this being the limit to which I shall at present confine the extension. It is needless for me, in this place, to enter into the general question of the propriety or expe- diency of now making a total revision and amendment of BAYER'S method of designating the principal stars, so as to include those of considerable magnitude which he has omitted, and to exclude such as are of inferior magnitude, and therefore liable to be confused one with another : or, in other words, whether it would be desirable to make a complete and radical reform of this system. Such a measure indeed seems to be called for at the present day ; and, if conducted with judgment and skill, would be attended with convenience and advantage to the practical astronomer. It requires only a bold and prudent hand to carry the operation into effect, and to secure its general adoption. That BAYER'S plan was imperfectly executed at first, is too notorious ; and that it should have been so much so is somewhat surprising at the present day, since several stars of the 4th and 5th, and some even of the 3rd magnitudes, are wholly omitted in his maps, whilst several even so low as the 6th magnitude are retained. Moreover, the southern hemisphere was not sufficiently well known at that period to warrant a special nomenclature ; and BAYER'S attempt at that region of the heavens has BUYER'S mode of lettering the Stars. 71 been a failure, arising in great measure from the imperfect information which he obtained from the early navigators in the southern ocean as to the true positions of those stars. When LACAILLE visited the Cape of Good Hope he adopted a more perfect arrangement ; but at the same time introduced inconveniences and ambi- guities of another kind, by extending the system of lettering to stars of small magnitude, which has been still further extended by BODE to the stars in the northern hemisphere, the very existence of some of which is yet doubtful. 136. BAYER'S original plan of designating the principal stars, and their order of magnitude, by means of the letters of the alphabet, was very convenient, and was therefore immediately adopted by astronomers : but this extravagant and absurd system of extension, in modern times, has vitiated the grand object which BAYER had in view, and in many cases introduced inexplicable confusion. I need only appeal to the above-mentioned catalogues of BODE and LACAILLE for the truth of this assertion : and, as the notation of these two astronomers sometimes interferes with each other, the identity of the required star, when it is of the 6th, or even of a greater magnitude, is not always manifest. In order to show the confusion caused by such a profusion of letters as that which is here alluded to, I would remark that LACAILLE has, in the constellation Argo alone, used (besides the Greek alphabet) the whole of the English alphabet, both in small and in capital letters, each of them more than three times : in fact, he has used nearly 180 letters in that constellation alone ; and upwards of 80 in Centaurus. Thus we have in Argo 3 stars marked a, and 7 marked A ; 6 marked d, and 5 marked D ; and so on with several others : and these stars are not always such as follow each other in regular sequence (which is, in some cases, pardonable) but are frequently situate in distant parts of the heavens. It is high time that this state of confusion and perplexity should be wholly abolished : and although I have myself freely adopted it, when employed on the nomenclature of the stars in the Astronomical Society's Catalogue, yet I have since had cause, in many cases, to regret the insertion of letters where they would have been much better omitted. In no case would I recommend the use of Greek letters, except for stars above the 5th magnitude ; and if letters should be considered requisite to designate any of the smaller stars, the Roman alphabet may be adopted for the sake of distinction : but, in general, the catalogue number of any such star will be sufficient to express its identity. The numbers of FLAMSTEED must, at present, by the general consent of all astrono- mers, be retained; and where they fail, the numbers in the catalogues of PIAZZI, TAYLOR and LACAILLE may be adopted. As these catalogues contain almost the whole of the principal stars in the heavens, no difficulty can arise in identifying such stars as are common to both : and whenever any anonymous stars occur in 72 BAYER'S mode of lettering the Stars. other catalogues (such as those of BRADLEY, BRISBANE, GROOMBRIDGE, and others) we shall find also that a reference to their numbers is always the most ready and convenient mode of designating them. Nevertheless a new classification and nume- ration of the stars in the several constellations is still a desideratum. 137. I have thought it proper here to enter fully into this subject, because the alterations in the lettering of the stars, which are here adopted, exhibit a difference from the system pursued in the Astronomical Society's Catalogue. This alteration however is warranted by the new light which has been thrown on the subject by a minute examination of LACAILLE'S catalogue, and also of FLAMSTEED'S manuscripts, as detailed and more fully explained in the Introduction and in the Notes to the British Catalogue, inserted in my Account of the Rev. JOHN FLAMSTEED ; from which work the substance of this section is principally taken, and to which I must refer the reader for further information on such points as may appear to require illustration. XX. Errors in FLAMSTEED'S Catalogue. 138. The British Catalogue of FLAMSTEED is one of the proudest productions of the Royal Observatory at Greenwich, considering the age in which it appeared : for, it should always be borne in mind that he commenced his labours under a variety of new circumstances, and under great and manifold disadvantages. And, if some errors and mistakes are discoverable in his works, they should not be wholly imputed to his own negligence or to that of his computers, but greatly to the various difficulties with which he had, all through life, to contend. He walked in an almost untrodden path, being one of the first who made use of the telescope in astronomical observations : and at the time when he commenced his astronomi- cal career, the only catalogue of stars in general use was that of TYCHO BRAKE, whose positions could not have been very accurate, since the observations were made with the naked eye, and with instruments coarsely divided. 139. Considering therefore that a new and a wide field was thus opened to the future astronomer by the introduction of the telescope, it becomes peculiarly necessary that the first recorded results obtained by its means should be placed upon a firm and trustworthy basis ; since those results may be appealed to, some centuries hence, for various astronomical purposes, or for the elucidation of points not hitherto dreamt of. And there can be no question about the propriety of in- vestigating the accuracy pf that new and splendid catalogue which FLAMSTEED has left us, and of placing it on a firmer footing, so that it may be appealed to with more confidence in after ages. Errors in FLAMSTEED'S Catalogue. 73 140. When we bear in mind the several circuitous and different modes which FLAM STEED was obliged to adopt in order to obtain his results, and the length of time during which the computations were carried on, which is in itself destructive of any system of uniformity, it is not at all surprising that we should meet with errors and anomalies, when the whole came to be collected and arranged in one general catalogue. It is indeed too true that astronomers have long lamented that the British Catalogue should contain such numerous discordances as have been pointed out by various authors : but whether these have arisen from errors of observation or mistakes of the pen, has been frequently a matter of doubt and dis- cussion, and has only recently been cleared up. Many stars have been supposed to be lost, because they cannot now be found in the places assigned by FLAM- STEED ; some have been mistaken for other and different stars by the modern astronomer*; whilst not a few have had a proper motion assigned to them which they do not possess : and thus great confusion and uncertainty have been inad- * Amongst the several mistakes of this kind that have been made, I shall enumerate the following ; which will be quite sufficient to show the confusion and uncertainty that has hitherto existed. Baron ZACH states (Monath. Corres. vol. ix.) that the star observed at Manheim by M. BARKY, whose position for 1800 is JR = i h 33 m , and D = + 22 5' 44", as given in his catalogue of zodiacal stars, page cxfv, is 1 08 Piscium; also that the star No. 846 in the same catalogue is 19 Virginis; moreover that the star in PIAZZI'S catalogue xix. 347 is 62 Draconis : yet none of these stars exist, and the public are only mis- led by FLAMSTEED'S numbers being annexed in such ambiguous cases. He has likewise supposed that No. 960 in his catalogue is 91 Virginis, although it differs upwards of 18 in declination from FLAM- STEED'S star. He also considers that the introduction of 101 Virginis into the British Catalogue has arisen from an error in computing its right ascension ; for that if 30' be added thereto it will agree with 20 Bootis: but the right ascension is correct, and the error has arisen from a mistake of i in the decli- nation. The right ascension and declination of the star which he calls 3 Arietis belong to two different stars. He has also supposed that 23 Sagittarii is the same as PIAZZI xvm. 81 : FLAMSTEED'S star how- ever is neither in PIAZZI'S nor in any other catalogue; but Mr. AIRY, when at Cambridge, was good enough to look out for it, at my request, and found that its position accords with that given in the present catalogue. Sir WM. HERSCHEL has considered that 12 Sagittarii is the same as PIAZZI xvn. 366: but this latter star is 1 1 Sagittarii, and PIAZZI did riot observe 1 2 Sagittarii. The following misnomers also occur in PIAZZI'S catalogue, some of which have been transferred likewise into BRADLEY'S catalogue: viz. 38 Persei is in. 123, not 85 ; 18 Auriga is v. 27, not 26 ; 7 Lyncis is vi. 115, not 123 ; 22 Crateris is xi. 115, not 117; 35 Draconis is xvn. 380, not 370; 18 Sagittarii is xvm. 52, not 33; 2^.Sagittarii is xvm. 105, not 99 ; 9 Lyncis is vi. 123 ; 29 Sextantis is x. 86, which both PIAZZI and BESSEL have supposed to be 28 Sextantis ; 56 Draconis is xix. 38 ; and comes 19 Cygni is xix. 304, which PIAZZI has supposed to be 19 Cygni itself. I would further remark that LALANDE applies 80 Aquarii to PIAZZI xxn. 254; whilst PIAZZI considers it to be xxn. 279 : neither of them however agreeing with the position as given in the present catalogue. These are not (neither have they ever been supposed to be) errors of the press, but the deliberate result of the attempts of the respective authors to reconcile the discordant cases in the British Catalogue : and are sufficient to show the inconvenience and impropriety of definitely annexing FLAMSTEED'S number to a star, whose identity is not well ascertained. B. A. C. L 74 Errors in FLAMSTEED'S Catalogue. vertently introduced into a science, which in other respects may justly boast of its extraordinary accuracy and precision. These discordances have too frequently, but very unjustly, been attributed to errors of observation ; arising either from the inexpertness of the observer, or the imperfection of his instruments. Whereas I have found that nearly the whole of those errors are the result of arithmetical mistakes in the calculations, which I have been enabled to rectify : and we have thus the means of restoring not only the British Catalogue to its originally intended accuracy, but also the character of FLAMSTEED to that high rank, to which he is, by his extraordinary labors, so justly entitled. His observations, although not equal in point of accuracy to those made in more modern times, possess an in- terest and importance from their very antiquity, which will always render them valuable to the practical and physical astronomer. The British Catalogue itself (imperfect as FLAMSTEED left it) has been made the foundation, and has probably been the cause, of all subsequent catalogues*; and its nomenclature is universally adopted by astronomers of all nations. But, FLAMSTEED was harassed and annoyed in the latter part of his life, and worn down by infirmities which had stuck to him from his infancy ; and therefore had not the spirit, nor indeed had he the adequate means, for revising his computations, or for reducing the whole of his observa- tions ; since there are nearly 500 stars now known to have been observed by him, that were not inserted in the British Catalogue. It is, however, rather a matter of astonishment that he accomplished so much, considering his slender means, his weak frame, and the vexations which he constantly experienced. 141. The number of stars in the British Catalogue, as published by FLAMSTEED, is 2935 : but as 22 of those are duplicates (or synonymous) this number should be reduced to 2913. Out of these, however, there are 61 that do not (nor ever did) exist ; it being now ascertained that the positions were erroneously computed : to which may be added 22 others, of which there are no records of their having ever been observed, or if observed have been erroneously computed and belong to other stars, and are no longer to be seen in the positions assigned to them. The inser- tion of any duplicate stars in the British Catalogue was evidently an oversight of * BRADLEY'S labors at the Royal Observatory, in this department of the science, consist almost wholly of a re-observation of the stars in FLAMSTEED'S catalogue. He caused those stars to be reduced to the year 1744, and arranged in the order of right ascension, as a sort of working catalogue for his own use; which book still exists in the library of the Royal Observatory. Very few ether stars have been observed by BRADLEY, except such as occasionally entered the field of his telescope whilst he was watching for those of FLAMSTEED. We are thus indebted to FLAMSTEED for the subsequent labors of BRADLEY : for had not FLAMSTEED led the way, there is much doubt whether BRADLEY (seeing that he merely followed FLAMSTEED'S steps) would have pursued a similar independent course. BRADLEY'S catalogue contains 3222 stars; whereas FLAMSTEED'S enlarged catalogue contains nearly 3300 stars. Errors in FLAMSTEED'S Catalogue. 75 the editors ; as FLAMSTEED endeavoured to guard against it as much as possible : it was however difficult wholly to avoid it, in the manner the catalogue was arranged. In some of the MS. catalogues (of which there are several, in various stages of their progress, amongst FLAMSTEED'S MSS. at the Royal Observatory) it may occasionally be seen that a star has been struck out of a certain constellation, with a note attached thereto that it belongs to some other. This star has some- times been omitted to be inserted in such new place ; and at other times both positions have been inadvertently retained : thus, in the one case, increasing the number of omitted stars, and in the other producing a synonym. The following is a list of the stars here mentioned : viz. FLAMSTEED'S synonymous Stars. 25 Aquarii 2*7 _ 38 Arietis 30 Aurigse 29 Comae Ber. 3 1 10 Draconis I Eridani 24 Herculis 28 43 58 Hydrae 10 Leonis <- u / 4 Librae 30 Lyncis 38 Ophiuchi 24 Piscis Aust. 69 Piscium 1 06 107 1 1 2 Tauri 6 Pegasi 88 Ceti 32 Camelopardi 36 Virginia 1 3 Canum Ven. 87 Ursae Maj. 90 Ceti 51 Serpentis 1 1 Ophiuchi 17 6 Librae 1 Sextantis 53 Leonis Min. 53 Hydrae 58 Camelopardi 31 Scorpii 79 Aquarii 40 Andromedae 51 Ceti 2 Arietis 23 Aurigae The left-hand column contains the names of the constellations retained in the present catalogue. 142. I have alluded above to certain stars, which have hitherto formed part of the British Catalogue, but which I have since ascertained, from FLAMSTEED'S own L 2 Errors in FLAMSTEED'S Catalogue. computations, never did exist; the total number of such stars is 6 1, as already mentioned : and they have consequently been wholly excluded (as they evidently should be) from the present catalogue. The following is a list of them, arranged alphabetically : FLAMSTEED'S Stars that never existed. 33 Aquilae 38 Cygni 56 Draconis i Librae 25 Leonis -r9 . 1 08 Piscium 8 Sagittarii 33 Serpentis -q 43 13 Camelopardi 26 Cancri _/: 7 31 Eridani 17 Geminorum 3 12 Leonis Min. 6 Ophiuchi Afi 5* 54 3 Tauri g 5 & 29 4 ,. Q , . . . 73 ' 5 4 *5 74 " 29 Cassiopeae 72 59 12 Orionis 4/5 34- ft-? .. , - 73 71 Herculis fin . 41 24 Ceti 74 19 Comae fir I-jQ . 8 Hydrae 16 . . S 19 Persei 50 Piscium cfi i 5 1 8 Virginis 19 - 34 5 Cygni 3 ~ 5 45 143. There is however another class of stars, which, although excluded from the present catalogue, appear to have been accurately recorded, but cannot now be found in the heavens : these amount to 1 1 in number, and are as follow : viz. FLAMSTEED'S Stars observed, but not existing. 80 Aquarii *28 Arietis 27 Camelopardi 3 Cassiopeae *2i Geminorum 55 Herculis 65 Ophiuchi *28 Sextantis 100 Tauri 7 Ursse Majoris *9i Virginis The existence of the stars, to which an asterisk is annexed, may be reconciled by supposing an error in recording the minute in the time of transit. Errors in FLAMSTEED'S Catalogue. 77 It cannot be supposed that so many stars have actually vanished from our system : and the only probable explanation, that can be offered, is either that there has been some error in the original observations, or some inaccuracy in recording them (but, of which we shall now perhaps ever remain ignorant), or that they may relate to some of the new planets, that accidentally entered the field of the tele- scope in the course of observation : or again, that they may be stars varying from time to time in magnitude, and perhaps occasionally disappearing. That stars, of this latter class, exist, there can be no question ; and that some of the stars in the British Catalogue may be of this kind, would appear probable from the circum- stance that Sir W. HERSCHEL states (in his fourth catalogue of the comparative brightness of stars, inserted in the Phil. Trans, for 1799, page 143) that he could not discover 9 Tauri; and that M. LALANDE could not find 14 Draconis: more- over, PIAZZI says that he could not find 3 Arietis. Yet all these stars are known to exist ; and in the places originally described. 144. But the most remarkable class of stars are those which, although inserted by FLAM STEED in the British Catalogue, neither exist, nor (as far as I can ascer- tain) have been observed by him : and the difficulty is to account for their inser- tion. These stars however are but few, amounting in this case also only to 1 1 in number, and are as follow : viz. FLAMSTEED'S Stars not observed, nor existing. 17 Argus 22 Virginis 12 Canis Minoris 23 22 Canum Venat. 24 76 Orionis 42 42 Serpentis 5 Z 1 1 Vulpeculre I have taken some pains to inquire into this singular circumstance ; but I am unable to throw much light on it. Some of them, I suspect, are introduced through errors of computation ; as I have remarked in the notes appended to them in my Account of the Rev. JOHNFLAMSTEED*. But, as to the rest, I cannot discover the least clue to the cause of their introduction ; nor any trace of the computations amongst the MS. books at the Royal Observatory at Greenwich. Many of those, which Miss HERSCHEL considered as lost stars, are ascertained to have been intro- * See also the Monthly Notice of the Roy. Astron. Society for June 9, 1837, where the erroneous introduction of 42 Virginis is accounted for. g Errors in FLAMSTEED'S Catalogue. duced into the British Catalogue, from such errors as those just mentioned: but these anomalous ones still remain unexplained. 145. I shall not here enter into a special statement or account of the several errors and discordances which I have discovered in the British Catalogue, nor into the various alterations that I have introduced ; as those will best appear from the various notes at the end of the catalogue, in my Account of the Rev. JOHN FLAMSTEED, where each particular case is separately and distinctly considered. But, I would here mention that I have in all cases preserved FLAMSTEED'S num- bers, for the several stars which he has inserted in the British Catalogue: for although that order is occasionally deranged by the correction of the errors which I have since discovered (and is, in fact, completely deranged by the additional stars observed by him and which ought to have formed part of his original cata- logue), yet I have not thought it right or proper in the present arrangement to disturb the nomenclature, so universally adopted. Thus, although the position of the very first star in the British Catalogue (i Arietis) is erroneously deduced, and ought to have been placed between 4 and 5 Arietis ; yet I have still continued to designate it by its well-known number. Again, Polaris is now the second star in Ursa Minor, instead of being the first : and again, the position of I Sagittarii is also erroneously deduced, and should have been placed between 1 1 and 1 2 Sagit- tarii : the rejection also of certain non- existing and duplicate stars would derange the notation. But, to alter all these numbers at the present day, on this account only, without a general reform, would lead to great confusion : and I have there- fore retained the original number of each star in his catalogue. Other cases of a like kind might be adduced, which would confirm the propriety of not making any partial alteration at present in this respect : in fact, we find that FLAMSTEED'S notation is already and will continue to be further deranged, by the mere pre- cession of the equinoxes. 146. But, considering that the numerous errors and omissions in FLAMSTEED'S original catalogue, together with the various misplacings of the stars (already alluded to in the note in page 60), and the vast mass of additional stars, more especially in the southern hemisphere, observed since his time, have rendered his classification and arrangement imperfect, and by no means adequate to the wants, the researches and the convenience of the practical astronomer of the present day bearing in mind also that many subsequent astronomers have not agreed upon or adopted an uniform system of nomenclature, but have sometimes placed the same stars in different constellations, without due consideration of the incon- venience thereby occasioned keeping in view likewise that LACAILLE has adopted a new system of notation in some of the constellations visible in these latitudes, Errors in FLAMSTEED'S Catalogue. 79 and has moreover extended their boundaries so far to the north as to interlace and interfere with the limits of some of the more ancient constellations, thereby causing much confusion and great difficulty of identification and seeing that these anomalies are increased by every new star that may be added to our cata- logues, from the impracticability of determining its legitimate and proper location, for want of some recognized boundary to the constellations considering all these circumstances, there can be no doubt that a better classification and more enlarged enumeration of the stars, than this of FLAMSTEED'S, might be proposed ; and I trust that many years will not be suffered to elapse before some plan of this kind is projected and adopted. I allude here to a more complete classification and numerical arrangement of all the known stars in the several constellations, to the sixth magnitude inclusive (which includes every star visible to the naked eye), so that every such star should have its appropriate number in the constellation to which it properly belongs. Now, as nearly every star, visible to the naked eye, in both hemispheres, is probably to be found in one or other of the various cata- logues that have appeared in modern times, and as they are all contained (as far as I have been able to collect them) in the present catalogue, a favorable oppor- tunity exists for the formation of such an arrangement and classification as that which I have here suggested. By limiting the stars to those of the sixth magni- tude (that is, to all such as are not below the sixth magnitude) we are enabled at once to lay down such boundaries and to apply such systems of numbering and lettering to the stars in the several constellations, as are not likely in future to be disturbed or deranged by subsequent discoveries : the immense mass of smaller stars being left to be located within the recognized boundaries, but without any numerical distinction. ARGELANDER appears to have contemplated, and even to have commenced, some plan of this kind, in the catalogue of stars that accom- panies his Uranometria Nova : but it has not been executed on so general or ex- tensive a scale as that which is here proposed ; and moreover it embraces only those stars that are visible in these latitudes. Should this distinguished astro- nomer resume the subject of classification, 1 trust that he will have regard to a reformation also in BAYER'S system of lettering the stars. 147. There will always be some doubt or uncertainty in the final arrangement of a system of this kind, arising from the difficulty of determining with precision the true magnitude of the stars which are to form the limit of selection ; since a star may be designated by one observer as of the 6th magnitude, and therefore admissible, whilst another observer may record the same star as of the 6^, or even of the 7th magnitude, and therefore liable to be rejected. Moreover, many stars are known to be variable, and others (although not so well ascertained) may still 80 Errors in FLAMSTEED'S Catalogue. be of this kind, consequently appearing sometimes proper to be admitted into the list, and at other times wholly exclusive ; thus rendering the system of a migratory character. This difficulty however is inherent in any arrangement of this kind, at whatever time it may be adopted, or to whatever class of stars it may be restricted : and perhaps there is no better opportunity than the present for the prosecution of such a plan, since it is probable that we now know all the stars that are truly of the 6th magnitude (or that have ever appeared to be such), and that the doubt exists only as to such stars as may be supposed to be somewhat below it. In such dubious and uncertain cases it will be best to err on the safe side, and to admit rather than reject ; which is, in fact, the plan that I have adopted in forming the present catalogue. For, when two observers differ in their determination of the magnitude of a star (one making it of the 6th and the other of the 6J or 7th magnitude) the presumption is that, at some one time or another, it has appeared of the 6th magnitude, and that it therefore comes within the limits of the system proposed ; the accidental diminution of the magnitude being caused either by a variability in the state of the atmosphere, or in the star itself. XXI. Arrangement of the columns in the Catalogue. 148. The present catalogue contains all the stars that have been selected agree- ably to the method previously explained in page 9. They are arranged in the order of their right ascension, and reduced to January ist, 1850. The left-hand page is confined to the right ascensions, and the right-hand page to the north polar distances and the synonyms. On the left-hand page, the first column denotes the numbers in the present catalogue, which are continued uninterruptedly from No. I to the end, for the sake of a convenient reference : and where an asterisk is affixed to any number it designates that there is a Note, relative to such star, at the end of the catalogue. The second column contains the stars arranged in the order of their right ascen- sion : the constellation, in which each star is placed, is always given ; and, if it is one of FLAMSTEED'S catalogued stars, the number in the constellation is annexed : BAYER'S letter also is subjoined to the northern stars, and LACAILLE'S to the south- ern ones. The third column denotes the magnitude of the stars*, as taken from * Some of the stars (even amongst those beyond the limit of 10 from the ecliptic) are here recorded as being below the 6th magnitude, and thus appearing to be in contravention to the rule which I had pro- posed for the selection. But, in most of such doubful cases it will be found that the star has been ob- served as high as the 6th magnitude by some one or other of the astronomers referred to, although a smaller magnitude may be recorded in this column, as the mean of the whole. Arrangement of the columns in the Catalogue. 81 approved catalogues. The fourth shews the right ascensions in time, for January i, 1850. The fifth, sixth and seventh columns contain respectively the annual precession, secular variation of the annual precession, and the annual proper motion of the star in right ascension, each being expressed in time. The four remaining columns contain the logarithms of the quantities a, b, c, d ; each of which has been previously divided by 15, in order to reduce them to time, agreeably to the note in page 26. On the right-hand page, the first column denotes the same numbers as the first column on the left side ; and is here inserted for the sake of a ready com- parison of the different stars. The second column denotes the north polar distances of the stars on January I, 1850. The next three columns contain respectively the annual precession, secular variation of the annual precession and the annual proper motion : and the next four columns contain the loga- rithms of the quantities a', b', c', d'. The last six columns denote the syno- nyms, and are inserted for the purpose of identifying the stars in the present catalogue with those in other catalogues. And in order to avoid any ambiguity on this subject, I shall here enter a little more into an explanation of these six columns. 149. The column headed "Bradley" refers to the numbers in BRADLEY'S catalogue in the Astronomic Fundament a ; and that which is headed " Piazzi " refers likewise to the numbers in PIAZZI'S catalogue, the hour (in which it is to be looked for) being indicated by the right ascension of the star on the opposite page. TAYLOR'S five catalogues are distinguished by the numeral letters prefixed to the ordinal numbers ; and, as TAYLOR has sometimes re- corded the same star in two different catalogues, I would here remark that I have, in such cases, always referred to the more recent volume, as being pre- sumed to be the best authority, where there is any doubt. The column headed " Lacaille " refers to the numbers in the new catalogue of 9766 southern stars, now in the press; and that which is headed "Brisbane" refers to his cata- logue of 7385 stars chiefly in the southern hemisphere. The column headed "Various" contains, for the most part, references which are not sufficiently extensive to warrant a separate classification, and which relate to the records of such stars as come within the following classes: viz. i, those which, although formerly observed by HEVELIUS, FLAMSTEED, MAYER, ZACH and others, have either from presumed errors or subsequent inattention, been in some measure lost sight of, till recognized and re-observed in more modern times : 2, those which, although of the 6th magnitude, have been either for the first time recorded B. A. C. M g 2 Arrangement of the columns in the Catalogue. by LALANDE*, GROOMBRIDGE, ARGELANDER, AIRY, BESSEL, JOHNSON, RUMKER and others ; or now re-observed by them : 3, those which, although in some cases below that magnitude, have, for some special reasons, been minutely and accurately observed by some one or more of those astronomers, and inserted in the present catalogue. The references to HEVELIUS and FLAMSTEED are indi- cated by the letters B.H. and B.F, as already mentioned in page 12 ; and the references to AIRY'S two catalogues are denoted by AIRY(C) and AIRY(G), as like- wise mentioned in page 1 1 ; the remainder of the above-mentioned astronomers are sufficiently designated by the initials of their names. I have seldom considered it necessary to annex any references in this column to the re-observations of FLAM- STEED'S well-known stars, as there is now but little doubt as to their identity, and they can be readily found in the respective catalogues that are in the hands of every practical astronomer : in most cases however I have retained the numbers of MAYER'S catalogue. When the position of a star depends wholly on LACAILLE, I have appended a note indicating the precise observation, with the rhomboidal micrometer, from which the place of the star has been deduced, in order that it may be more specially examined if required. 150. Before I close this Preface it may be proper to state (as an historical record of the method pursued in the progress of the work) that, after I had made the selection of the stars intended to form the present catalogue, I placed it in the hands of Mr. RICHARD FARLEY, the principal assistant in the Nautical Alma- nac Office (formerly engaged in completing the Astronomical Society's Catalogue), who examined the various catalogues mentioned in page 1 1 for the corresponding authorities and synonyms on the present occasion. As all the computations were to be executed in duplicate, Mr. FARLEY associated with himself in this undertaking Mr. EDWARD RUSSEL and Mr. ROBERT ALGER, two other assistants in the same office ; but it is to the labour, care and attention of Mr. FARLEY in par- ticular that the public are indebted for the accuracy of the present catalogue, seeing that not only the whole of the computations, but also the comparisons and revisions have been made and examined by him. The results of the two sets of calculations for the position of each star, brought up to 1850 by the method explained in page 1 6 (which were always made separately and independently of each 16 The figures, that are annexed to the letter L, denote the page of the Histoire Celeste, where the observation will be found : the printing of the reduced observations in that work not being yet sufficiently advanced, to enable me to quote the numbers in the catalogue. Arrangement of the columns in the Catalogue. 83 other), were in the first place carefully compared, till the list had been completed. The few or trifling errors that were thus discovered were then adjusted ; and the computations for the annual precessions, the secular variations and the logarithms of the constants were afterwards commenced, and carried on in like manner, sepa- rately and independently of each other, till the work was completed. The whole of these calculations were subsequently written out fairly for the press, and compared with each computer's MS. copy ; and in this perfect and corrected state they were delivered into my hands. I had then to examine the whole, in order to see that no proposed star had been omitted ; to locate each selected star in its proper constellation, agreeably to the plan already explained in pages 59 63 ; to affix the correct synonyms, or authorities from which the positions have been deduced ; and finally to annex the presumed magnitude of each star, which was frequently a work of no little doubt and difficulty, considering the great discordances that I found to exist between the different observers, especially in the smaller stars. The MS. was then delivered to the printer ; and during the progress of the work the present preface has been written and completed. Mr. RUSSEL has undertaken to correct the press, and to see that the catalogue is accurately printed : so that I trust no great number of errors will be detected on the appear- ance of the publication. But, in a work of so great an extent, involving such a mass of computations, and subjected to so many examinations and revisions, it can scarcely be expected to be faultless : yet, with all its probable imperfections, it will still be by far the most useful and valuable collection of the kind, that has ever yet been laid before the public, FRANCIS BAILY. April 30, 1844, M 2 TABLE I. Showing the correction to be applied to the dates in the proposed Tables, for each fictitious year, from 1800 1900. See page 28. (Adapted to mean solar time.) Year. X Correspom ing hour. Year. X Correspom ing hour. Year. X Corresponc ing hour. d h d h d h m C 1800 +0-110 + 2 38 1834 + 0-347 + 8 20 B 1868 + 0-583 + 14 o 1801 0-352 8 27 1835 589 14 9 1869 - ''74 - 4 ii 1802 0-594 13 16 B 1836 831 19 58 1870 + -068 + i 38 1803 0-837 20 5 1837 074 i 46 1871 + -310 + 7 26 B 1804 1-079 2 5 54 1838 316 7 35 B 1872 + -552 + '3 15 1805 0-321 7 43 1839 558 '3 2 4 1873 - * 2 5 - 4 56 1806 0-563 '3 3 2 B 1840 800 19 12 1874 + -037 + 53 1807 0-806 19 21 1841 43 I 2 1875 + -279 + 6 42 B 1808 1-048 25 10 1842 284 6 49 B 1876 + -521 + 12 31 1809 0-290 6 59 1843 527 12 39 1877 -236 - 5 40 1810 *533 12 48 B 1844 769 18 28 1878 + -006 + o 8 1811 0-775 18 36 1845 on o 16 1879 + -248 + 5 57 B 1812 1-017 24 24 1846 254 6 5 B 1880 + -490 + 11 46 1813 0-259 6 13 1847 496 ii 54 1881 - -267 - 6 25 1814 502 12 2 B 1848 + 738 + 7 43 1882 -025 o 36 1815 744 17 5 I 1849 -019 o 28 1883 + '217 + 5 12 B 1816 986 2 3 40 1850 + "223 + 5 21 B 1884 + -459 + 11 I 1817 228 5 2 9 1851 + -465 + 11 10 1885 -298 - 7 10 1818 471 ii 18 B 1852 + 707 + 16 58 1886 -056 I 21 1819 713 '7 7 1853 -050 I 12 1887 + -186 + 4 28 B 1820 '955 22 56 1854 + '192 + 4 36 B 1888 + -428 + 10 17 1821 197 4 45 1855 + '434 + 10 25 1889 - -329 - 7 54 1822 440 10 34 B 1856 + -676 + 16 13 1890 -087 -2 5 1823 682 l6 22 1857 -08 1 - i 57 1891 + -155 + 3 43 B 1824 924 22 II 1858 + -161 + 3 52 B 1892 + *397 + 9 32 1825 166 3 59 1859 + *43 + 9 40 1893 -360 ~ 8 39 1826 409 9 48 B 1860 + '646 + 15 30 1894 - -118 2 50 1827 651 '5 37 1861 -112 - 2 42 1895 + -124 + 2 59 B 1828 893 21 26 1862 + *!3 + 3 7 B 1896 + -366 + 8 48 1829 '35 3 15 1863 + -372 + 8 56 1897 - '39 1 - 9 23 1830 378 9 4 B 1864 + -614 + 14 44 1898 - -149 ~ 3 35 1831 620 H 53 1865 - -143 - 3 27 1899 + -093 - 2 14 B 1832 862 20 42 1866 + '099 - 2 22 C 1900 +'335 + 8 3 1833 -0-104 - 2 31 1867 +0-341 h 8 II TABLE II. Showing the correction for the date, on account of the difference of meridians, to be applied only when Greenwich mean solar time is used. See page 29. Observatories. / In time. Abo d 0*062 h m I 20 Altona -028 o 40 Berlin *O37 O C* Berne *O2I o 30 Cadiz + "Ol? o 24 "24.6 c C4 Cape of Good Hope . . Coimbra - -051 -f- 'O21 1 '3 o 33 Copenhagen *O3C O CO Dantzic *OC2 I 1C Dorpat "074. I 47 Dublin + oi 8 o 26 Geneva '017 o 24 Genoa . 'O2 C o 36 -028 o 40 Konisrsbersr . , -OC7 I 22 Lisbon + 'O2C o -16 Madras *223 ? 21 Madrid + *OIO O 14 Manheim -O24 O 7C Mexico + '276 jj 6 77 Milan '026 o 37 Palermo -037 O C7 Paramatta 'AIO IO ^ Paris -OO6 o o Petersburg '084 2 I Philadelphia 4- *2OQ c I Prasrue . '040 o 58 Stockholm 'OCO I 12 Turin 'O2I O 5O Vienna 'O4C I c Wilna O'O7O J I 41 86 TABLE III. Showing the mean longitude of the Moon's node, on January I in every year, from 1800 1900. See page 30. (Adapted to mean solar time.) Years. ft Years. ft Years. ft Years. ft 1800 33zn 1826 250^324 1852 107^438 1878 324W 1801 13-869 1827 230-983 1853 88-096 I8 79 305-210 1802 354*5 2 7 1828 211-641 1854 68-754 1880 285-868 1803 335-186 1829 192-299 1855 49*4 1 3 1881 266-527 1804 3 '5-844 1830 172-957 1856 30-071 1882 247-185 1805 296-502 1831 ' 153-616 1857 10-729 1883 227-843 1806 277-160 1832 134-274 1858 351*387 1884 208-501 1807 257-818 1833 114-932 1859 332-045 1885 189-160 1808 238-477 1834 95-590 i860 312-704 1886 169-818 1809 219-135 1835 76-248 1861 293-362 1887 150-476 1810 199-793 I8 3 6 56-907 1862 274-021 1888 131-134 1811 I 80*45 ! 1837 37-565 1863 254-679 1889 111-792 i8iz 161-109 1838 18-223 1864 2 35'337 1890 92-451 1813 141-768 1839 358-881 1865 215-995 1891 73-109 1814 122-426 1840 339*539 1866 196-653 1892 53-767 1815 103-084 1841 320-198 1867 177-312 1893 34'425 1816 83-742 1842 300-856 1868 157-970 1894 15-084 1817 64-400 1843 281-514 1869 138-628 1895 355742 1818 45-059 1844 262-172 1870 119-286 1896 336-400 1819 25-717 1845 242-831 1871 99*945 1897 317-058 1820 6 '375 1846 223-489 1872 80-603 1898 297-716 1821 347'033 1847 204-147 1873 61-261 1899 278-375 1822 327-692 1848 184-805 1874 41-919 1900 259*033 1823 308-350 1849 165-463 1875 22-577 1824 289-008 1850 146-122 1876 3-236 1825 269-666 1851 126-780 1877 343'894 8 7 TABLE IV. Containing the Logarithms of A and B, for every tenth day in the fictitious year. (Adapted to mean solar time.) See page 31. Argument. log A. logB. Jan. I -0*5541 + 1-3020 n 0-8311 1-2796 21 0*9894 1-2413 31 1-0943 1-1841 Feb. 10 1-1672 1-1024 20 1-2176 0-9849 Mar. 2* 1-2503 0-8042 12 1-2681 + 0-4636 22 1-2724 -9-7951 April i 1-2636 0*6146 ii 1-2414 ' 8 733 21 1-2046 1-0247 May i 1-1507 1*1265 ii 1-0750 1*1982 21 0*9684 1-2486 3 1 O'SlOI 1-2826 June 10 0*5373 1-3026 20 -9'5375 1-3100 3 + 0-4413 '353 July 10 07629 1-2882 20 0-9378 1-2578 3 1-0532 1-2118 Aug. 9 I ' I 34S 1-1463 '9 1-1927 1-0542 29 1-2332 0-9201 Sept. 8 1-2588 0-7041 18 1*2712 0-2139 28 1-2708 -+0-2679 Oct. 8 1-2574 0-7248 18 1-2299 0-9357 28 1-1862 1-0682 Nov. 7 I-I222 1-1594 '7 1-0306 1-2237 27 0-8958 1-2679 Dec. 7 0*6766 1-2956 17 -fO-l683 1-3087 27 0-2679 1-3079 37 0*7050 + 1-2935 * I I & a 13 -3 TABLE V. For computing the values of C' and D' in any fictitious year. See page 31 (Adapted to mean solar time.) Argument. C'= t '025 sin a O D'= - -545 COS 2 II Jan. i + 0-00935 +0-50479 ii 04418 40190 21 07691 24887 3 1 10686 + -06514 Feb. 10 13374 '12611 20 15764 30115 Mar. 2* 17903 43870 12 19867 52262 22 21751 54368 April i 23657 50041 ii 25683 -39895 21 27909 25196 May i 30389 -07696 ii 33iS + -10593 21 36184 27619 3 1 '3945 6 41512 June 10 42904 50777 20 46451 54432 3 50007 52107 July i o 53483 44064 20 56799 31174 30 '59947 4- -14831 Aug. 9 62718 - -03197 *9 65269 20926 29 67561 36378 Sept. 8 69642 47778 18 71582 53769 28 73472 '53573 Oct. 8 75410 47109 18 77491 35035 28 79797 18704 Nov. 7 82383 '00028 J 7 85273 + -18736 27 88451 35267 Dec. 7 91866 47478 ! 7 '95435 '53799 27 0-99054 53399 37 + I'O26lI + 0*463 10 o be .s 'O 3 a rt < * TABLE VI. For computing the values of C" and D" in any fictitious year. See page 32. B. A. C. Argu. ment ft C"= -'343 sin & +004 sin 2 > D"= -9"-25ocos& + 090 COS 2 Argu- ment ft o 0*00000 + 9*16000 360 5 02923 9*12617 355 10 05825 9^02490 35 J 5 08686 8'85687 345 20 11486 8-62321 34 25 14205 8-32549 335 30 16822 7-96573 330 35 19320 7'54637 325 40 21680 7*07028 320 45 23884 6-54074 3 J 5 5 25915 5-96141 310 55 27759 5-33 6 36 305 60 29400 4-67000 300 65 30825 3*96707 295 70 32024 3-23263 290 75 32984 2-47202 285 go 33698 1*69081 280 85 34'59 0-89482 275 90 34362 0-09000 270 95 34303 4-0-717564- 265 JOO 33982 1-52167 260 105 *3339 8 2-31613 255 no 32556 3-09474 250 115 31460 3* 8 5'37 245 120 30117 4*58000 240 125 28537 5*27480 235 130 26730 5*93016 230 J5 24712 6*54074 225 140 22495 7*10154 220 H5 20098 7*60794 215 150 '7539 8*05573 2IO *5s 14839 8*44120 205 1 60 12019 8-76110 2OO 165 09100 9*01276 95 170 06108 9*19404 190 J75 03067 9-30343 185 1 80 0'OOOOQ + +9-34000 + 1 80 N 9 TABLE VII. Proportional Parts. Log'. o i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 oo IOOO 1002 IOO5 1007 1009 IOI2 1014 1016 1019 1 02 1 I i i 2 2 2 01 1023 1026 1028 1030 1033 1035 1038 1040 1042 1045 o I i i 2 2 2 02 J 1047 1050 1052 1054 1057 1059 1062 1064 1067 1069 I I I 2 2 2 2 03 1072 1074 1076 1079 1081 1084 1086 1089 1091 1094 o I I I 2 2 2 2 04 1096 I0 99 I IO2 1 104 1107 I 109 I I 12 1114 1117 1119 o I I i 2 2 2 2 *S I 122 1125 1127 1130 1132 "35 1138 1140 "43 1146 o I I i 2 2 2 2 06 1148 II5I "53 1156 1159 IIOl I 164 1167 1169 1172 o I I i 2 2 2 2 07 1175 1178 1 1 80 1183 1186 1189 II9I "94, "97 "99 o I I i 2 2 2 2 08 I2O2 I2O5 1208 121 I 1213 1216 1219 1222 1225 1227 I I i i 2 2 2 3 09 1230 I2 33 1236 1239 1242 1245 1247 1250 1253 1256 o I I i i 2 2 2 3 10 1259 1262 1265 1268 1271 1274 1276 1279, 1282 1285 o I I i i 2 2 2 3 ii 1288 1291 1294 1297 1300 X 33 1306 1309 1312 J 3 ! 5 I I i 2 2 2 2 3 12 1318 1321 1324 1327 133 '334 1337 '34 '343 J 34^ I I i 2 2 2 2 3 13 X 349 1352 1355 1358 1361 1365 I 3 68 I 37 l '374 1377 o I I i 2 2 2 2 3 H 1380 1384 1387 1390 1393 1396 1400 H3 1406 1409 I I i 2 2 2 3 3 * ! 5 H ! 3 1416 1419 1422 1426 1429 H3 2 H35 H39 1442 I I i 2 2 2 3 3 16 H4S 1449 1452 HS5 H59 1462 1466 1469 1472 1476 o I I i 2 2 2 3 3 17 H79 H83 1486 1489 '493 1496 1500 I 53 1507 1510 I I i 2 2 2 3 3 18 1514 1517 1521 1524 1528 1531 1535 1538 1542 '545 o 1 I i 2 2 2 3 3 19 '549 1552 1556 1560 i5 6 3 1567 1570 1574 1578 1581 o I I i 2 2 3 3 3 20 1585 1588 1592 1596 1600 1603 1607 1611 1614 1618 I I i 2 2 3 3 3 21 1622 1626 1629 l6 33 1637 1641 1644 1648 1652 1656 I I 2 2 2 3 3 3 22 1660 1663 1667 1671 1675 1679 1683 1687 1690 1694 o I I 2 2 2 3 3 3 23 1698 1702 1706 1710 1714 1718 1722 1726 J 73 1734 I I 2 2 2 3 3 4 24 1738 1742 1746 1750 1758 1762 1766 1770 1774 o I I 2 2 2 3 3 4 25 1778 1782 1786 1791 '795 1799 1803 1807 1811 1815 I I 2 2 3 3 3 4 26 1820 1824 1828 1832 1837 1841 1845 1849 1854 1858 o I I 2 2 3 3 3 4 2 7 1862 1866 1671 1875 1879 1884 1888 1892 1897 1901 I I 2 2 3 3 3 4 28 1905 1910 1914 1919 1923 1928 1932 1936 1941 1945 I I 2 2 3 3 4 4 2 9 1950 "954 '959 1963 1968 1972 1977 1982 1986 1991 o I I 2 2 3 3 4 4 30 '995 2OOO 2004 2009 2014 2018 2023 2028 2032 2037 I I 2 2 3 3 4 4 '3 1 2042 2046 2051 2056 2061 2065 2070 2075 2080 2085 I I 2 2 3 3 4 4 32 2089 2094 2099 2104 2109 2113 2118 2123 2128 2133 I I 2 2 3 3 4 |4 *33 2138 2 H3 2148 2153 2158 2163 2168 2173 2178 2183 I 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 34 2188 2I 93 2198 2203 2208 2213 2218 2223 2228 2234 I 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 '35 2239 2244 2249 2254 2259 2265 2270 2275 2280 2286 I 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 36 2291 2296 2301 2307 2312 2317 2323 2328 2333 2339 I 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 37 2344 2350 2355 2360 2366 2371 2377 2382 2388 2393 I 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 38 2399 2404 2410 2415 2421 2427 2432 2438 2443 2449 I 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 39 2455 2460 2466 2472 2477 2483 2489 2495 2500 2506 I 2 2 3 3 4 5 5 40 2512 2518 2523 2529 2535 2541 2547 2553 2559 2564 I 2 2 3 3 4 5 5 41 2570 2576 2582 2588 2594 2600 2606 2612 2618 2624 I 2 2 3 4 4 5 5 H 2 2630 2636 2642 2649 2655 2661 2667 2673 2679 2685 I 2 2 3 4 4 5 6 *43 2692 2698 2704 2710 2716 2723 2729 2735 2742 2748 I 2 2 3 4 4 5 6 "44 2754 2761 2767 2773 2780 2786 2793 2799 2805 2812 I 2 3 3 4 4 5 6 '45 2818 2825 2831 2838 2844 2851 2858 2864 2871 2877 I 2 3 3 4 5 5 6 46 2884 2891 2897 2904 291 1 2917 2924 293 1 2938 2944 1 2 3 3 4 5 5 6 47 2951 2958 2965 2972 2979 2985 2992 2999 3006 3 OI 3 I 2 3 3 4 5 6 6 48 3020 3027 334 34 X 3048 355 3062 3069 3076 3083 I 2 3 4 4 5 6 6 49 3090 397 3^5 3112 3H9 3126 3i33 3H 3H8 3155 I 2 3 4 4 5 6 6 9 1 TABLE VII. continued. Proportional Parts. Log 5 . i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Q 50 3162 3170 3^77 3184 3192 3199 3206 32H 3221 3228 i I 2 3 4 4 5 6 7 '5 1 3 2 3 6 3H3 325 1 3258 3266 3273 3281 3289 3296 334 i 2 2 3 4 5 5 6 7 52 33i 33'9 3327 3334 334 Z 335 3357 33 6 5 3373 338i 2 2 3 4 5 5 6 7 '53 3388 339 6 344 34 12 3420 3428 3436 3443 345 l 3459 2 2 3 4 5 6 6 7 '54 34 6 7 3475 3483 349 l 3499 3508 35 l6 3524 3532 354 2 2 3 4 5 6 6 7 55 3548 355 6 35 6 5 3573 358i 3589 3597 3606 3 6l 4 3622 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 56 3 6 3' 3 6 39 3648 3656 3664 3673 3681 3690 3698 3707 2 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 "57 3715 37 2 4 3733 374 1 375 3758 3767 3776 3784 3793 2 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 58 3802 3811 3819 3828 3837 3846 3855 3864 3873 3882 2 3 4 4 5 6 7 8 *59 3890 3899 3908 39'7 3926 393 6 3945 3954 39 6 3 3972 2 3 4 5 5 6 7 8 60 398i 399 3999 4009 4018 4027 4036 4046 455 4064 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 8 6 1 4074 4083 493 4102 41 1 1 4121 4'3 4140 4150 4'59 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 62 4169 4178 4188 4198 4207 4217 4227 4236 4246 4256 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 63 4266 4276 4285 4295 435 43 J 5 4325 4335 4345 4355 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 64 43 6 5 4375 4385 4395 4406 4416 4426 443 6 4446 4457 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 65 4467 4477 4487 4498 4508 45*9 4529 4539 455 4560 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 66 457i 4581 4592 4603 4 6l 3 4624 4 6 34 4645 4656 4667 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 67 4677 4688 4699 4710 4721 4732 4742 4753 4764 4775 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 IO 68 4786 4797 4808 4819 4831 4842 4853 4864 4875 4887 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 69 4898 4909 4920 4932 4943 4955 4966 4977 4989 5000 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 IO 70 5012 5023 535 547 5058 5070 5082 593 5105 5117 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 II 71 5129 5140 5152 5164 5176 5188 5200 5212 5224 5236 2 4 5 6 7 8 IO II 72 5248 5260 5272 5284 5297 539 532-1 5333 5346 5358 2 4 5 6 7 9 IO II 73 537 5383 5395 5408 5420 5433 5445 5458 5470 5483 3 4 5 6 8 9 IO II 74 5495 5508 5521 5534 554 6 5559 5572 5585 5598 5610 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 12 75 5623 5636 5649 5662 5 6 75 5689 5702 5715 5728 574i 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 12 76 5754 5768 578i 5794 5808 5821 5834 5848 5861 5875 3 4 5 7 8 9 II 12 77 5888 5902 5916 5929 5943 5957 5970 5984 5998 6012 3 4 6 7 8 IO II 12 78 6026 6039 6053 6067 6081 6095 6109 6124 6138 6152 3 4 6 7 8 IO II 13 79 6166 6180 6194 6209 6223 6237 6252 6266 6281 6296 3 4 6 7 9 IO 12 ! 3 80 6310 6324 6 339 6 353 6368 6383 6397 6412 6427 6442 i 3 4 6 7 9 IO 12 '3 81 6 457 6471 6486 6501 6516 6 53J 6546 6561 6577 6592 2 3 5 6 8 9 II 12 H 82 6607 6622 6637 6653 6668 6683 6699 6714 6730 6 745 2 3 5 6 8 9 II 12 H 83 6761 6776 6792 6808 6823 6839 6855 6871 <6887 6902 2 3 5 6 8 9 II 13 H 84 6918 6 934 6950 6966 6982 6998 7015 703 * 7047 7063 2 3 5 6 8 10 II J 3 H 85 7079 7096 71 12 7129 7H5 7161 7178 7194 7211 7228 2 3 5 7 8 10 12 1 3 '5 86 7244 7261 7278 7295 73 11 7328 7345 7362 7379 739 6 2 3 5 7 8 IO 12 *4 5 87 74'3 743 7447 7464 7482 7499 7516 7534 755 1 7568 2 3 5 7 9 10 12 H 16 88 7586 7603 7621 7638 7656 7674 7691 7709 7727 7745 2 4 5 7 9 II 12 H 16 89 7762 7780 7798 7816 7834 7852 7870 7889 7907 7925 2 4 5 7 9 1 1 1 3 H 16 90 7943 7962 7980 7998 8017 8035 8054 8072 8091 8110 2 4 6 7 9 II '3 5 17 91 8128 8147 8166 8185 8203 8222 8241 8260 8279 8299 2 4 6 8 10 1 1 '3 5 17 92 8318 8337 8356 8375 8395 8414 8433 8453 8472 8492 2 4 6 8 IO 12 H M 7 93 8511 853i 8551 8570 8590 '8610 8630 8650 8670 8690 2 4 6 8 IO 12 H 16 18 '94 8710 8730 8750 8770 8790 8810 8831 8851 8872 8892 2 4 6 8 10 12 H 16 18 95 8913 8933 8954 8974 8995 9016 9036 9057 9078 9099 2 4 6 8 10 12 H i7 19 96 9120 9141 9162 9183 9204 9226 9247 9268 9290 93 11 2 4 6 9 1 1 J 3 15 i7 19 '97 9333 9354 9376 9397 9419 944 * 9462 9484 9506 9528 2 4 7 9 II 13 5 17 20 -98 955 9572 9594 9616 9638 9661 9683 9705 9727 975 2 4 7 9 II 13 16 18 20 '99 9772 9795 9817 9840 9863 9886 9908 993i 9954 9977 2 5 7 9 II 4 16 18 21 N 2 (Here follows the Catalogue.} fat /fc s J* fi^i^t-- '~fvis*''*s*. ' s "' 7-.< CATALOGUE OF STARS Reduced to Jan. i, 1850. For any other epoch (1850 +#) we have (see page 39) And for the apparent place of the star (see page 27) Correction in ^R. = A-|-&B + cC + c?D Correction in N.P.D. = ' A + V B + cf C + d 1 D exclusive of the proper motion = ^ X t. -7/ / /^^ jf^*~~ i ^y /^> t ( A ) No. Constellation. Mag. Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec.Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a b c d i 2 3 4 5 6 7 S 9* 10 ii 12 13 H , 5 * 16 i? 18* 19 20 21 22 2-3 24 2 5 * 26 2 7 * 28* 2 9 3 0* 3 1 32 33 34 35 36 37* 38 39* 40* 4i 42* 43 44 45 j_ Ceti 7 6 7 i 7 1\ i 6 6 6 4 7 6 6 6 5 6* 7 5 6 6 7 Si Si 6 2 6 6 7 6 6 6 5* 6 6 6 6 7 6 6 7 h m s o o 3,06 o 25,79 o 31,11 o 38.55 I 2,0 1 I 10,87 I 12,07 I 18,52 1 27,58 I 41,91 i .47,34 2 I4,IO 2 16,57 2 19,95 2 28,23 2 32,59 2 38,16 2 43,73 3 6,19 3 14,8* 3 37,63 3 4 I > 6 5 3 56,81 4 6,29 4 23-19 5 31-01 5 39,72 5 44-44 6 5-3 1 6 24-71 6 46,75 6 50,80 7 1,32 7 13.4 7 14-83 7 I5.4I 7 23,70 7 4L58 7 48,70 7 55-43 7 5 6 ,40 8 15,41 8 33,5i 8 51,84 o 8 52,96 s + 3,07i 3,069 3,070 3-073 3,070 3,106 3,082 3-073 3-059 3.o65 3,060 3,070 3,084 3-073 3,042 3,086 3,069 3.097 2,922 3,004 3,064 3,052 3.058 3.053 3.047 3.079 3.044 3.099 2,618 3,011 3,012 3.085 3,056 3,026 3.063 3.077 3,040 3.032 3.255 2,436 3,030 3.074 3.039 3.077 +2,851 0,00 1 8 0,0204 0,0017 -|-o,oi6i 0,0015 +o,i554 +0,0488 4-0,0095 0,0420 0,0163 0,0312 0,0017 +0,0309 + 0,0055 -0,0577 +0,0306 0,0030 +0,0504 0,2212 0,0998 0,0085 0,0256 0,0159 0,0211 0,0271 + 0,0080 0,0232 4-0,026l 0,2679 0,0452 0,0420 + 0,0109 0,0103 0,0305 0,0051 + 0,0046 O,O2O6 0,0247 +. I 357 -0,2399 0,0250 +0,0023 0,0 1 80 +0,0044 o,ic8o s -)- 0,002 +0,003 0,003 +0,013 -j-o,oo6 +0,057 +0,067 + 0,012 + O,OO4 + 0,013 + O,O29 O,OO9 +8.8247 8.9072 8.8246 8.8790 8.8245 9.5386 9.1036 8.8442 9.0636 8.8813 8.9867 8.8247 8.9787 8.8310 9.1690 8.9762 8.8263 9.1100 9.7416 9.3850 8.8417 8-9475 8.8805 8.9157 8-9597 8-8375 8.9312 8.9408 9.9306 9.0976 9.0751 8.8490 8.8501 8.9888 8.8309 8.8279 8.9143 8.9454 9-4435 9.9625 8-9477 8.8244 8.8965 8.8272 +9-4633 + 5- I 73 6.1805 6.1795 6.3273 6.4786 7.2508 6.8230 6.6009 6.8678 6 -75 I 3 6.8791 6.8139 6.9758 6.8386 7.2017 7.0214 6.8870 7.1858 7.8733 7.5363 7.0412 7-1549 7.1166 7.1689 7.2417 7.2192 7.3241 7-3397 8-3551 7-5445 7.5462 7-3 2 45 7-3365 7.4875 7.3310 7.3286 7-4232 7-47I5 7-9763 8.5015 7-4876 7.3812 7.4690 7.4149 + 8.0518 +0.4872 0.4870 0.4872 0-4875 0.4872 0.4922 0.4888 0.4876 0-4855 0.4864 0.4857 0.4871 0.4891 0.4876 0.4832 0.4893 0.4870 0.4909 0.4657 0.4777 0.4864 0.4845 0.4854 0.4848 0.4838 0.4884 0.4835 0.4912 0.4179 0.4787 0.4789 0.4892 0.4851 0.4808 0.4861 0.4881 0.4828 0.4817 0.5125 0.3867 0.4814 0.4876 0.4827 0.4882 +0-4549 -7-5955 -8.6589 -7-5824 +8-5544 -7-55I5 +9.5304 +9.0336 +8.3194 -8.9761 -8.5645 -8.8478 -7.5972 +8.8323 +8.0837 -9.1194 +8.8275 -7-8515 +9.0423 -9-7385 9.3680 -8.2896 -8.7662 8.5611 -8.6847 -8-7935 +8.2317 -8.7268 + 8.7508 -9.9293 9.0252 -8. 993 a +8.3698 -8-3792 -8.8520 -8.0875 +7-9708 -8.6807 -8.7617 +9.4306 -9.9614 -8.7671 +7.5998 8.6241 + 7.9376 -9.4516 5 Ceti 21 Andromedae. ... a Ceti 1 1 Cassiopese p Phoenicis Ceti + O,OO4 Tucaiia 1 22 Andromeda; + O,OO7 + 0,007 Ceti CassiopesB Octantis y^ 0,102 + 0,019 0,004 g Ceti . Phoenicis Sculptoris + O,OO I + 0,017 Sculptoris 9 Phoenicis 88 Pegasi y + 0,005 + O,OO7 O,OO8 Sculptoris 23 Andromedse Octantis Phoenicis + 0,002 + O,OO6 + 0,00 8 +0,005 +0,011 Phoenicis 80 Peeasi . . . . v 7 Ceti Phoenicis Ceti 3 5 Piscium +0,007 +0,030 0,004 Sculptoris Sculptoris Cephei Octantis Sculptoris O,OI2 Piscium Sculptoris 6 6J Si + 0,015 O,OOO -0,143 36 Piscium Octantis No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec.Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of i 3213 3214 3215 3217 3216 3218 Taylor. _ Bris- >ane. Various. of V 6 ii 7 13,2 31 40 38,4 72 37 15,8 144 50 22,3 118 49 17,2 136 34 24,7 93 2 3 44, 44 26 38,6 79 4 1 2 5.9 153 8 32,0 44 45 47,i 96 4 55,6 31 9 42,1 173 3 32,9 164 3 23,7 106 17 27,4 131 12 28,8 118 38 5,4 125 58 21,8 133 o 13,0 75 39 2 - 128 39 22,5 49 47 3i,7 175 3 57,3 147 50 16,6 145 54 12,7 7 37 39-5 109 45 53-7 136 51 59,3 100 24 8,6 82 o 45,3 125 44 12,1 130 55 26,4 13 53 3,6 175 50 5,8 131 16 58,0 86 34 55,5 122 l6 45,7 82 35 32,7 1 66 44 49,9 20,06 20,06 20,06 20,06 20,06 20,06 20,06 20,06 20,06 20,06 20,06 20,05 20,05 20,05 20,05 20,05 20,05 20,05 20,05 20,05 20,05 20,05 20,05 20,05 20,05 20,05 20,05 20,05 20,05 20,05 20,05 20,05 20,05 20,05 20,05 20,05 20,04 20,04 20,04 20,04 20,04 20,04 20,04 20,04 20,04 +0,000 0,001 0,00 1 0,00 1 0,002 0,002 O,OO2 0,003 O,OO3 O,OO3 O,OO4 0,004 O,OO5 0,005 O,OO5 O,OO5 0,005 O,OO5 0,006 O,OO6 O,OO7 0,007 O,OO8 0,008 0,009 O,0 1 1 O.OII O,0 1 1 0,010 0,012 0,013 0,013 O,OI4 0,014 0,014 0,014 0,014 0,015 0,0 1 6 O,OI2 0,015 0,0 1 6 0,017 0,017 +0,016 0,08 +0,16 0,06 +0,13 0,0 1 +0,08 +0,17 0,02 + O,2O 0,10 -j-0,02 + 0,09 -9.6367 9-5555 9.6369 9.5808 9.6370 8.8954 9-349 1 9.6154 9.4067 9.5841 9.4829 9.6373 9.4725 9.6286 9.3132 9.4738 9.6362 9.3312 8.8182 9.1232 9.6242 9.5278 9.5902 9.5584 9.5192 9.6174 9-5494 9.4986 8.7810 9.4060 9.4278 9.6015 9.6220 9.5047 9.6360 9.6288 9.5696 9-5439 8.8513 8.8195 9.5428 9.6346 9-5 8 75 9.6287 -9- I 374 +8.7709 +9.7516 +8-7577 -9.6753 + 8.7270 -9.9918 -9.9299 -9.4752 +9.9125 + 9.6831 +9.8611 +8.7725 -9.8536 9.2528 +9.9504 -9.8512 +9.0251 -9.9323 +9.9968 +9.9829 +9-4479 +9.8187 +9.6805 +9.7689 +9-8337 -9.3940 +9-7955 9.8098 +9.9985 +9.9275 +9.9179 9.5206 +9.5289 +9.8630 +9.2564 -9.1427 +9.7662 +9.8160 9.9869 +9.9986 +9.8191 -8.7751 +9-7 2 73 9.1100 +9.9880 1.3022 1.3022 1.3022 1.3022 1.3022 1.3022 1.3022 1.3022 1.3022 1.3022 1.3022 1.3022 1.3022 1.3022 1.3022 1.3022 1.3022 1.3022 1.3022 1.3022 1.3022 1.3022 1.3022 1.3022 1.3021 1.3021 1.3021 1.3021 1.3021 1.3021 1.3020 1.3020 1.3020 1.3020 1.3020 1.3020 1.3020 1.3020 1.3020 1.3020 1.3020 1.3019 1.3019 1.3019 -1.3019 + 6.3483 7.2733 7-3549 7.4483 7.6541 7.7121 7-7I94 7.7567 7.8042 7.8700 7.8924 7.9892 7-9971 8.0076 8.0327 8.0452 8.0607 8.0758 8.1316 8.1512 8.1994 8.2074 8.2360 8.2531 8.2819 8.3815 8.3928 8.3988 8.4243 8.4468 8.4709 8.4752 8.4862 8.4985 8-4999 8.5005 8.5087 8.5259 8-53^5 8.5387 8.5396 8.5565 8.5721 8.5874 + 8.5882 278 279 280 281 282 11.2879 v -3455 ii.288o ii.288i ii. i 9735 7383 7384 M 997 64241 Ri, Ji ^1998 G i B i J2.R2 R 3 R 4 RS B.F33io M2 R6 029 R7 B.F4 M3 283 284 11. 2 11. 3 V. I 11. 4 ii. 5 11. 6 9740 974i 9742 I 2 3 285 286 + 0,05 3219 287 11. 7 9749 0,00 + 0,02 + 0,03 +0,16 -0,48 +0,22 3220 3221 288 i ii. 8 iii. i ii. 10 9756 9755 9757 9758 9760 ( 6 8 9 ii 12 3222 5 6 7 11. ii 11. 12 v. 3 V. A. 0,05 -0,15 + 0,01 0,09 +0,08 i 2 9 ii 12 ii. 13 iv. 7 ill. 2 6 +0,24 +0,19 0,02 +0,08 0,2 1 v. 7 ii 13 16 H 15 16 3 4 H 15 ii. 14 ii. 15 +0,04 0,01 -,59 +0,05 +o,74 -0,31 5 16 20 11. 16 v. 8 18 10 17 6 23 20 18 + 0,02 O,O2 -f-0,24 7 23 24 iv. 14 ii. 17 22 "9 3 20 (A2) No. Constellation. Mag. Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec.Var. Proper Logarithms of Motion. a * c d 46 47 48* 49* 50 5' 52 53 54 55 56 57* 58 59* 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68* 69* 70 71* 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83* 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 6 7i 7 6 6 5 7* 6 7* 54 6* 5* 6 6* 6 4 6 5 6 54 Si 7 64 4* 6* 5 6 6 6 7 4 Si 5* 5* 6 6 6 6 Neb. 6 6 3 6 7 h m s o 8 56,23 8 58,03 9 2,03 9 9>7 9 14,20 9 15.08 9 16,17 9 4M3 9 47. 6 io 3.5 1 10 5,06 10 5,37 10 30,41 10 47,50 10 48,82 II 13,46 II 47,18 12 11,47 12 11,93 12 35.45 12 53,09 13 H.03 13 25.31 13 26,13 13 41,72 *3 47.83 13 58.54 14 40,39 14 59.83 15 10,41 15 20,67 15 41,69 16 7.45 16 11,86 16 33,39 16 49,73 16 52,61 17 0,60 17 18,63 17 19,22 17 38,71 17 42,94 *7 47,38 17 58,09 o 18 10,08 g +3.' 6 4 3.07 2 3,083 3,035 2,912 3>*29 3>"3 3,079 3, H 3,087 2,750 3.072 3>"5 3,023 3,129 3,007 3,059 3,090 2,913 3,203 3,080 3,129 3,255 3,005 +2,846 2,669 +3,024 3,090 2,650 3,050 2,903 3,014 3,160 3,188 3,245 3,065 3>94 3-J99 2,942 2,742 3,611 3,73 2,580 3-083 +2,949 s +0,0569 -|-O,OOIO +0,0075 0,0188 0,0781 +0,0338 +0,0243 +0,0048 +0,0385 + 0,0089 0,1281 +0,0010 +0,0228 0,0214 +0,0294 0,0271 0,0044 +0,0090 0,0587 +0,0592 +0,0046 +0,0242 +0,0794 0,0232 0,0709 + 5,8221 -0,0157 + 0,0076 0,1032 0,0060 0,0488 0,0170 +0,0307 +0,0407 +0,0608 0,0006 +0,0082 +0,0426 -0,0337 0,0752 +0,2124 +0,0016 0,0951 +0,0046 -0,0305 s +0,019 O,OII +O,005 0,007 0,044 +9.1339 8.8237 8.8350 8.9026 9.3160 8.9907 8.9261 8.8278 9.0209 8.8396 9-5 6 75 8.8235 8.9152 8.9231 8.9590 8.9670 8.8295 8.8392 9.2099 9- J 383 8.8268 8.9216 9.2311 8-9394 9.2988 0.6765 8.8848 8.8337 9.5144 8.8343 9.1495 8.8938 8.9618 9.0257 9,1372 8.8234 8.8349 9- 355 9.0320 9-3547 9-557 8.8227 9.5083 8.8257 + 9.0059 + 7.7251 7.4163 7.4309 7.5041 7.9215 7.5970 7-5333 7.4540 7.6515 7.4822 8.2113 7-4675 7.5768 7-59 6 3 7.6331 7.6573 7.5411 7-5655 7.9364 7.8786 7.5772 7.6836 7-9993 7.7079 8.0757 94567 7.6705 7.6406 8.3308 7.6558 7-9759 7.7301 7.8098 7-8757 7.9968 7.6900 7.7028 7.9068 7.9110 8.2339 8.4380 7.7117 8.3982 7.7209 + 7.9060 +0.5002 0.4874 0.4889 0.4822 0.4642 0-4954 0.4931 0.4884 0.4969 0.4895 0-4393 0.4874 0-4935 0.4804 0-4955 0.4782 0.4856 0.4900 0.4643 0.5056 0.4886 0.4954 0.5125 0.4778 + 0.4542 0.4263 +0.4806 0.4899 0.4233 0.4843 0.4629 0.4791 0.4996 -535 0.5112 0.4865 0.4906 0.5050 0.4687 0.4381 0.5576 0.4875 0.4116 0.4890 +0.4696 + 9.0745 +7.0723 + 8.1898 -8.6447 9.2922 + 8-8556 + 8-7140 + 7-9735 +8.9089 + 8.2664 -9.5604 + 6.9971 + 8.6840 8.7060 + 8.7924 8.8093 8.0542 + 8.2639 9.1698 +9.0803 + 7.9342 + 8.7025 +9.1951 -8.7481 -9.2730 0.6765 -8.5812 + 8.1741 -9.5052 -8.1878 -9.0949 -8.6164 + 8.7991 + 8.9174 +9.0790 -7-549 1 + 8.2026 + 8-9333 -8.9277 -9-335 1 +9.5430 + 7.1094 -94989 + 7.9030 -8.8840 24 Andromedae .... 9 O,OO2 + 0,005 +O,O2 1 0,O27 0,005 0,001 + 0,010 +0,005 + 0,001 +0,00 1 0,000 +0,246 25 Andromedae. . . . i Taylor. ^ Bris- % bane 3 Various. of V c f d' 46 47 48 49 5 Si 5* 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 6 5 66 67 68 69 70 7i 7 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 29 18 2,4 88 59 3,0 76 55 0,6 123 31 12,4 161 13 40,2 42 53 9,1 5 2 9 5. 1 81 57 37.3 39 2 4 3' 74 3 5> 6 169 36 48,7 89 8 44,1 54 2 47,9 127 20 36,5 47 * 3 2 , 134 4 9,6 99 39 22,7 74 34 57-1 155 45 26,9 28 57 12,7 82 38 33,2 52 51 42,8 23 o 31,8 130 4 17,5 160 27 31,9 179 ii 43,4 119 48 43,2 77 21 2,2 168 15 25,9 103 2 37,7 IS 1 5* 7.5 121 52 3,9 46 34 0,2 38 48 43,2 29 o 3,0 93 * 53.9 76 30 57,6 37 47 7.5 H 1 5 1 43.9 162 55 6,9 10 46 45,6 88 53 28,2 168 6 4,4 83 8 17,8 139 2 19,4 n 20,04 20,04 20,04 20,04 20,04 20,04 20,04 20,04 20,04 20,04 20,04 20,04 20,03 20,03 20,03 20,03 20,03 20,03 20,03 20,03 20,02 20,02 20,02 20,02 2O,O2 2O,O2 2O,O2 20,01 2O,O I 2O,O I 2O, OI 2O,O I 2O,O I 2O, OI 2O,OO 2O,OO 2O,OO 2O,OO 2O,CO 2O,OO 2O,OO 20,00 2O,OO 19.99 -!9>99 +0,018 0,0 1 8 0,0 1 8 0,0 1 8 0,017 0,0 1 8 0,0 1 8 0,019 0,020 0,020 0,0 1 8 0,020 0,021 0,021 0,022 0,022 0,023 0,024 0,023 0,026 0,025 0,026 0,028 0,026 +0,025 0,023 -(-0,027 0,029 0,025 0,029 0,028 0,030 0,032 0,033 0,034 0,033 0,033 >35 0,032 0,030 0,041 0,035 0,029 0,035 +0,034 + 0,01 +0,08 +0,04 +0,03 0,04 -9.2514 9.6367 9.6168 9.5841 9.2499 9.4244 9.5023 9.6272 9.3847 9.6091 9.0846 9.6367 9.5111 9.5724 9.4556 9.5390 9.6399 9.6066 9-3555 9.2098 9.6266 9.4929 9.0633 9.5680 9-3043 8.8215 9.6094 9.6122 9.1827 9.6412 9.4210 9.6071 9.4262 9-3365 9.1682 9.6408 9.6072 9.3166 9-5 I 5 I 9.3004 7.7482 9.6359 9.2180 9.6248 -9.5369 -9.9402 -8.2484 -9-3545 +9.7418 +9-9759 9.8646 -9-7875 -9-H53 -9.8876 9.4264 +9.9924 -8.1731 -9.7683 +9.7824 -9.8330 +9.8418 +9.2241 -9.4240 +9-9593 -9.9414 9.1067 9.7801 -9.9633 +9.8080 +9-9735 +9.9992 +9.6957 -9-3395 +9.9899 1-9.3526 +9-9444 +9.7216 -9.8362 9.8906 -9.9407 +8.7246 -9.3665 9.8966 +9.8945 +9.9792 -9.9910 -8.2854 +9-9893 -9-0759 +9.8767 1.3019 1.3019 1.3019 1.3019 1-5019 1.3019 1.3019 1.3018 1.3018 1.3018 1.3018 1.3018 1.3018 1.3017 1.3017 1.3017 1.3017 1.3016 1.3016 1.3016 1.3015 1.3015 1.3015 1.3015 1.3014 1.3014 1.3014 1.3013 1.3013 1.3013 1.3013 1.3012 1.3011 1.3011 1.3011 1.3011 1.3010 1.3010 1.3010 1.3010 1.3009 1.3009 1.3009 1.3009 1.3009 +8.59 9 8.5923 8.5956 8.6012 8.6052 8.6059 8.6068 8.6258 8.6302 8.6422 8.6433 8.6436 8.66n 8.6728 8.6736 8.6898 8.7110 8.7257 8.7259 8.7397 8.7497 8.7613 8.7674 8.7678 8.7761 8-7794 8.7849 8.8061 8.8155 8.8206 8.8254 8.8352 8.8469 8.8489 8.8584 8.8655 8.8667 8.8701 8.8777 8.8780 8.8860 8.8877 8.8886 8.8939 + 8.8987 2C iv. 15 G 3 i M4, A 4 G 33 G35 MS J3 J 4 648 M6 B2 R 9 J 5, R 12 Rio Rn G 57 658 B.Fi 7 G6i Airy(G) M8 J 6, R 13 R 14 8 26 2 7 iv. 1 6 iii. 4 v. 9 27 3 2 21 22 +0,0 1 O,II 9 10 28 30 ii. 18 iii. 5 0,00 +0,06 +0,01 +0,04 + O.II 0,02 + 0,03 +0,05 + 0,02 1,11 ii 3* iii. 6 33 *: 12 ,33 35 ii. 19 iii. 7 V. 10 iii. 8 iv. 23 ii. 20 ii. 22 ii. 21 34 38 24 25 I^ H i5 37 40 42 43 40 26 0,05 + 0,02 O,O2 0,04 + 0,14 +0.37 +0,10 0,04 0,14 O,IO + 0,01 0,00 16 7 18 45 46 ii. 23 iii. 9 V. II 5 53 27 29 32 31 33 '9 So 53 ii. 24 iii. 10 54 64 67 20 55 ii. 25 57 V. 12 65 34 0,01 + 0,10 0,02 +0,03 0,20 + 0,52 + 0,01 0,00 0,26 +0,05 21 22 23 58 60 61 iii. ii ii. 26 ii. 12 v. 13 75 80 35 38 24 2 5 64 ii. 28 ii. 27 ii. 29 74 40 26 65 No. Constellation. Mag. Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a b \ c d 91* 92 93 94 95 96 97 98* 99 100* 101 102 10 3 104 105* 106 107 108 109 no in 112 1,3* 114* "5 116 "7 118 119 1 20* 121 122 123 124 I2 S * 126 127 128 I2 9 130 131 132 '33* 134 i35 Piscium 7 7 4 2 6 7 1\ 7 6* 5* 6 6 5 6 6* 6 7 H 6 7* 6 6 7 6 6 7 5* 6 5i 6 5 7 7* 5 7 4 4 *i 6 5* 8 8 5 5* ll 111 S o 18 16,08 18 28,31 1 8 49,23 1 8 51,42 18 55,92 19 26,49 19 38,48 19 43-45 20 10,44 20 10,85 20 14,10 20 25,59 2O 29,10 21 2,37 21 22,58 21 26,97 21 49,60 22 1,94 22 I3,OO 22 14,03 22 15,77 22 23,10 22 25,90 22 50,87 22 52,31 23 0,05 *3 7.55 23 7,87 23 9,93 23 28,64 2 3 31.35 23 48,53 23 57,90 24 9,91 24 25,98 24 30,79 24 38,29 2 4 39. i 3 24 39,64 24 44,11 ^5 43,47 25 48,76 25 49,29 *5 '51.93 o 26 15,51 +3.i8 3,229 2,963 2,968 3,069 3-59 3,75 3,102 3,110 3,182 3,107 3,104 2,991 2,965 3.577 2,914 3,061 *.957 3,142 3,066 3.34 3,060 3,080 3,365 3,010 3,107 2,950 2,956 2,915 3.159 3. 2 57 3,108 3,256 2,905 3,4 6 5 3,34 2,779 2,779 3,086 3,122 3,406 3,067 3,124 2,764 + 2,981 8 +0,01 1 8 +0,0494 0,0261 0,0249 -|- 0,0006 0,0019 +0,002 1 +0,0094 +0,0115 +0,0315 +0,0104 +0,0096 -0,0177 0,0226 +0,1621 0,0322 0,00 10 0,0231 +0,0184 +0,0003 0,0068 0,0012 + 0,0034 + 0,0797 O,OII7 + 0,0096 O,O232 0,0221 0,0295 + 0,02l6 +0,0467 + 0,0096 + 0,0455 0,0298 + 0,1047 + 0,0673 -0,0475 -0,0475 +0,0046 + 0,0123 + 0,0823 + 0,0008 + 0,0124 0,0469 0,0149 8 +0,003 +8.8477 9.0728 8.9693 8.9592 8.8225 8.8246 8.8225 8.8378 8.8457 8.9621 8.8418 8.8385 8.9028 8.9426 9.4442 9.0266 8.8232 8.9474 8.8797 8.8221 8.8384 8-8234 8.8229 9.2072 8.8631 8.8372 8.9491 8.9396 9.0051 8.8968 9.0492 8.8370 9.0419 9.0101 9.2906 9.1513 9.1763 9.1763 8.8239 8.8470 9.2105 8.8213 8.8471 9.1771 + 8.8852 + 7.7501 7.9801 7.8847 7-8754 7-7405 7-7542 7.7566 7-7737 7-79I5 7.9080 7.7888 7.7897 7.8552 7.9067 8.4152 7.9991 7.8033 7.9316 7.8676 7.8103 7.8271 7.8145 7.8150 8.2073 7.8637 7.8402 7-9545 7-9451 8.0113 7.9088 8.0620 7.8551 8.0629 8.0348 8.3200 8.1822 8.1094 8.2097 7-8574 7.8818 8.2625 7.8748 7.9007 8.2315 +7.9462 +0.4925 0.5091 0.4717 0.4724 0.4870 0.4856 0.4878 0.4916 0.4928 0.5028 0.4923 0.4919 0.4758 0.4720 0-5535 0.4645 0.4859 0.4709 0.4972 0.4866 0.4821 0.4857 0.4885 0.5270 0-4785 0.4923 0.4699 0.4707 0.4647 0-4995 0.5128 0.4925 0.5126 0.4632 0-5397 0.5238 0-4439 0-4439 0.4894 0-4944 0.5322 0.4867 0.4947 0.4415 +0-4744 +8.3672 +8.9904 8.8151 -8-7939 7.0092 -7-8317 + 7-3618 + 8.2563 +8.3514 +8.8005 +8.3093 + 8.2685 -8.6485 -8-7573 +9-43 * 5 -8.9193 7.6981 -8.7686 +8.5643 -7.3526 -8.2705, -7-7448 +7.6699 +9.1669 8.4828 +8.2560 -8.7726 -8.7508 -8.8832 +8.6300 + 8-9555 +8.2554 +8.9442 8.8921 +9.2640 +9.0976 -9.1291 9.1292 + 7.8522 + 8.3698 +9.1710 - 7.2204 +8.3729 -9.1303 -8.5892 Phcenicis X +0,031 +0,015 +0,008 +0,007 0,0 1 1 +0,010 0,001 +0,003 + 0,011 +0,004 0,002 + 0,007 Phoenicis o. Ceti I'isciuii! 46 Piscium Andromeda? Sculptoris Phoenicis 0,004 +0,004 + 0,007 +0,003 +0,016 +0,018 +0,003 Ceti Sculptoris 28 Andromedas 1 1 Ceti Ceti 12 Ceti 1 3 Cassiopeae +0,037 0,005 0,002 0,00 1 +0,006 0,004 Ceti 49 Piscium Sculptoris Sculptoris Phoenicis Andromeda; 14 Cassiopeae .... X Piscium +0,006 + 0,002 Cassiopeae Phoenicis X + 0,001 CassiopeaG 1 5 Cassiopeae x +0,004 0,009 0,006 +0,003 + O.OI2 + 0,010 0,008 Tucanae fii Tucanae fii r* 5 1 Piscium 52 Piscium 16 Cassiopeae Ceti ' Piscium TucanaB 0,013 0,005 Sculptoris No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec.Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of i Taylor. Lacaille. Bris- bane. Various. of V 6 123 50 5,0 130 44 39,1 13 48 32,4 141 21 43,2 94 1 8 0,8 131 29 41,3 61 4 31,7 91 56 39,1 iS 4i 33.7 94 47 H.I 85 58 7,7 24 18 36,5 114 37 8,8 74 47 33,4 131 46 9,0 130 20 37,1 139 2 31,3 57 15 0,6 36 18 22,7 74 4 8 2 7,4 37 o 48,9 139 38 2,8 19 50 47,8 *7 53 47,9 153 47 9> 2 153 47 34,3 83 52 20,8 70 31 56,8 24 4 38,9 91 26 10,6 70 23 38,1 153 51 36,8 120 23 7,9 - J 999 *9>99 19,99 i999 *9>99 19,98 19,98 19,98 19,98 19,98 19,98 19,98 19,98 '9>97 19,97 19,97 19,96 19,96 i9,9 6 19,96 19,96 19,96 19,96 19,96 19,96 '9,95 9fS 19.95 19.95 T 9>95 '9-95 i9,95 J 9.95 19-94 19,94 *9>94 19.94 J 9>94 19,94 i9>94 i9>93 J 9.93 !9>93 J 9>93 -19,92 +0,036 0,038 0,035 0,036 0,037 0.038 0,038 0,039 0,040 0,041 0,040 0,040 0,039 0,040 0,049 0,040 0,043 0,041 0,044 0,043 0,043 0,044 0,044 0,049 0,044 0,045 0,043 0,043 0,043 0,047 0,049 0,047 0,050 0,045 0,054 0,052 0,044 0,044 0,048 0,049 0,056 0,050 0,051 0,045 +0,050 +0,09 0,04 +0,20 +0,30 0,00 +0,13 +0,06 0,09 0,0 1 +0,0 1 O,II 0,01 0,04 +0,04 +0,0 1 -0,15 +0,07 0,02 +0,03 +0,02 +0,01 + 0,01 -9-5834 9.2487 9- 5 6 47 9-57I7 9.6387 9.6438 9.6342 9.5980 9-5831 9.4047 9.5900 9-5954 9.6130 9.5895 8.1206 9.5366 9.6433 9.5895 9.5224 9.6405 9.6474 9.6440 9.6294 8-9445 9.6395 9-5938 9.5920 9-5977 9-557 2 9.4909 9.2416 9.5928 9.2502 9-5579 8.6739 9.0358 9-4594 9.4592 9.6233 9-57I9 8-8733 9.6401 9.5695 9.4658 -9.6357 -9.5181 9.9162 +9-8443 +-9.8333 +8.1853 +9.0056 -8-5377 -9.4169 -9.5040 9.8366 -9.4658 -9.4283 + 9.7440 +9.8129 -9.9854 +9.8908 +8.8730 +9.8192 9.6825 + 8.5285 +9.4301 + 8.9194 8.8449 -9-9575 +9.6175 9.4166 +9.8214 +9.8089 +9.8758 -9.7309 9.9040 9.4161 -9.8999 +9.8795 -9.9709 -9-9439 +9.9504 +9.9504 9.0258 -9.5203 -9-9577 +8.3963 -9.5230 +9.9504 +9.7011- 1.3008 1.3008 1.3008 1.3008 1.3007 1.3007 1.3006 1.3006 1.3005 1.3005 1.3005 1.3005 1.3005 1.3004 1.3003 1.3003 1.3003 1.3002 1.3002 1.3002 1.3002 1.3002 1.3001 1.3001 1.3001 1.3000 1.3000 1.3000 1.3000 1.2999 1.2999 1.2999 1.2998 1.2998 1.2998 1.2997 1.2997 1.2997 1.2997 1.2997 1.2995 1.2995 1.2995 1.2995 - 1.2994 +8.9010 8.9059 8.9140 8.9148 8.9165 8.9280 8.9325 8-9343 8.9441 8.9442 8.9454 8-9494 8.9507 8.9623 8.9691 8.9706 8.9782 8.9822 8.9858 8.9862 8.9867 8.9891 8.9900 8.9979 8.9984 9.0008 9.0032 9.0033 9.0039 9.0097 9.0105 9.0158 9.0186 9.0222 9.0270 9.0284 9.0306 9.0308 9.0310 9.0323 9.0493 9.0507 9.0509 9.0516 +9.0581 27 28 29 66 iv. 38 B.F20 Airy(G) J7 J8 M 9 Mio L 200 B.H 45 Airy(G) M ii B.F 3 o B.F 34 G So J9,R 15 G8i Jio, Ri6 Jn,Ri7 Ml2 Mi 3 84 Ji2,Ri8 68 69 70 72 73 ii. 30 ii. 31 ii. 32 iv. 40 IV. 41 89 87 43 44 30 3 1 32 33 34 75 74 76 77 79 81 iii. 14 lii. 13 ii. 33 ii. 34 v. 14 v. 15 94 99 45 46 v. 17 iv. 45 v. 19 ii- 35 iii. 17 ii. 36 ii. 37 IOI 104 49 5* 35 36 38 83 84 86 87 88 89 + 0,01 +0,06 0,00 0,10 0,30 +0,36 37 39 90 9 1 92 94 iii 18 ii. 38 iii. 19 iv. 49 V. 21 V. 22 1 06 109 108 no 55 56 0,02 +0,05 40 4i 95 97 ii. 39 iv. 51 0,00 0,02 0,02 + 0,07 + 0,05 0,07 +0,03 0,03 + 0,12 0,08 fo,43 +0,06 ii. 40 "5 57 42 43 99 ii. 41 ii. 44 ii. 45 ii. 42 ii. 43 iii. 20 iv. 57 119 1 20 58 59 44 45 46 47 IOI 102 105 107 ii. 46 v. 23 123 125 61 62 109 No. Constellation. Mag. Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a b c d 136* 137 138 139 140 141 142 H3 144* i4S 146 147* 148 149* 150 'Si 152 'S3 iS4 iS5 156 157* 158. 159 1 60 161 162 163 164 165 1 66 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176* i77* 178 179 1 80 6 7 7 8 5* 6 6* 5 6 6 Si H 6 6 Si 6 Si 4 6 44 6 6 6 6 6 7 6 6i 4 6 3 7 H 3 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 7 Si 6 Si h m s o 26 22,78 26 24,63 26 50,35 26 51,41 26 56,30 27 2 >33 27 9,07 27 19,48 27 20,44 27 31,66 27 49,05 27 50,82 27 57,77 *8 9,57 28 31,33 28 32,69 28 38,09 28 38,46 28 39,72 28 52,91 28 58,83 29 9,06 29 20,27 29 34,29 2 9 37,99 29 47,34 30 19,03 30 24,46 3 38,47 3 53-63 31 18,99 31 23,40 3i 33,99 32 1,66 32 2,24 32 42,46 32 48,97 33 1,03 33 4.02 33 9>87 33 21,60 33 ^7,45 33 39>87 33 42,61 33 43,37 a + 2,960 3,09 6 3>5 6 3,353 2,585 2,923 3,106 2,858 2,943 3,058 3,288 3,067 3>347 3,107 2,881 2,828 3,230 3,292 4,209 3> J 79 3>"4 2,770 3,188 2,530 2,988 3, 78 2,817 3,067 3,167 3, 2 74 3,176 3,078 3,139 3,344 3-H 1 2,876 2,407 3,224 3,053 3,49 2,731 3,100 3H57 2,898 + 3,302 s 0,0183 +0,0065 0,0013 +0,0649 0,0613 0,0237 +0,0083 0,0326 0,0204 0,0007 +0,0470 +0,0009 +0,0609 +0,0083 0,0281 -0,0349 +0,0328 +0,0468 +0,3536 +0,0221 +0,0094 0,0405 +0,0236 0,0586 0,0118 +0,0029 -0,0339 +0,0010 +0,0188 +0,0396 +0,0200 +0,0030 +0,0133 +0,0529 +0,0134 0,0246 0,0566 +0,0278 0,0008 +0,0837 0,0384 +0,0064 +0,0156 0,0212 +0,0419 g +0,010 +0,009 +0,004 +0,002 0,060 0,015 +0,003 +0,043 +0,004 +0,027 +0,006 +0,009 + 8.9120 8.8270 8.8228 9- I 359 9-3333 8.9586 8.8314 9.0434 8.9292 8.8221 9.0447 8.8208 9.1152 8.8309 9.0021 9.0690 8.9611 9.0418 9.6592 8.8963 8.8343 9.1288 8.9047 9-3389 8.8651 8.8206 9.0639 8.8202 8.8761 8.9989 8.8825 8.8202 / 8.8480 9.0689 8.8484 8-9747 9-3779 8.9267 8.8211 9.1987 9.1243 8.8241 8.8578 8.9438 +9.0083 +7.9750 7.8905 7.8934 8.2067 8.4055 8.0324 7.9070 8.1218 8.0079 7.9037 8.1310 7.9076 8.2038 7.9225 8.0993 8.1666 8.0601 8.1408 8.7586 7.9991 7.9385 8.2356 8.0144 8.4520 7.9792 7.9369 8.1880 7.9456 8.0048 8.1313 8.0208 7-9595 7.9898 8.2170 7.9967 8.1322 8.5368 8.0882 7-9834 8.3623 8.2904 7-99!5 8.0280 8.1145 +8.1792 +0.4713 0.4908 0.4851 0.5254 0.4125 0.4658 0.4922 0.4561 0.4687 0.4855 0.5169 0.4867 0.5247 0.4923 0.4595 0.4514 0.5092 o-S^S 0.6242 0.5023 Q-4933 0.4425 0.5036 0.4030 0-4754 0.4882 0.4497 0.4866 0.5007 0.5151 0.5019 0.4883 0.4968 0.5242 0.4970 0.4588 0.3815 0.5084 0.4848 0.5429 0.4363 0.4913 0.4993 0.4621 +0.5187 8.6792 + 8.0436 -7-7945 +9.0778 -9.3118 -8.7945 +8.1683 8.9469 -8.7265 -7.7089 +8.9490 -7.1867 +9.0505 +8.1624 -8.8787 -8.9858 + 8.8002 +8.9445 +9.6546 +8.6312 +8.2301 9.0687 +8.6587 9.3180 8.5006 +7.4262 -8.9784 -7.1856 +8-5547 +8.8736 +8.5820 +7.4229 +8.3911 +8.9860 +8.3950 8.8289 9.3607 +8.7221 -7.7764 +9-I57I 9.0631 +7-9957 +8.4638 -8.7638 +8.8906 Ceti 1 7 Ceti Ceti 0,013 0,002 0,003 +0,007 0,049 +0,004 +0,003 +0,050 +0,009 Androinediu 29 Andromedae it Andromedae Tucamc Ceti +0,103 +0,015 +0,025 0,004 0,013 Phcenicis 1 5 Ceti 30 Andromedae . . . . g Cassiopeae 3 1 Andromedae . . . . 8 Piscium +0,011 +0,059 0,032 +0,010 +0,004 0,022 0,003 +0,012 0,013 54 Piscium 1 8 Cassiopeae .... a 5 5 Piscium Phcenicis Xucanae 32 Andromedae ...... Ceti Tucanae +0,074 Piscium Andromedae +0,033 +0,007 +0,004 Seulptoris 1 9 Cassiopeae f No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1350. Annual Preces. Sec.Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of i I Taylor. i F| Bris- g bane. Various. cf V 6i 37 5!>23 37 56,62 38 5,39 38 20,69 38 42,29 38 42,71 39 12,24 39 l8 ,44 39 23,93 39 38,34 39 58,n 40 3,23 40 21,66 4 3 ,7i 40 30,87 40 54,27 41 6,21 4i 7,49 o 41 11,83 8 + 3,235 3.385 2,858 3,242 3,O26 2,611 2,876 2,754 3,284 2,992 3,54 2,902 2,694 3.805 2,595 2,999 3,296 3,301 2,727 3,028 3,3 6 9 2,895 2,979 3,068 3,050 3,838 2,862 3,017 2,760 2,808 3,129 2,818 3,116 3,148 3,170 3.095 S^S 6 3,429 3,35i 3. 97 3,089 3,099 3,140 3>!97 +4,987 s 4-0,0292 +0,0587 0,0253 4-0,0299 0,0045 0,0452 0,0229 0,0346 +0,0370 0,0087 0,0004 0,0195 0,0383 +0,1557 0,0444 0,0076 +0,0383 -{-0,0389 0,0350 0,0038 +0,0512 0,0193 0,0096 +0,0018 0,0007 +0,1564 0,0220 0,0048 0,0309 O,O266 +O.OIOI -0,0255 + O,OO82 + 0,0126 + 0,0158 + 0,0053 +0,0136 + 0,0581 + 0,0439 + 0,0057 + 0,0046 + 0,0058 + O,OII2 + O,OI9I + 0,5318 g 0,000 + 8.9341 9.0941 8.9845 8.9376 8.8296 9.2146 8.9616 9.0866 8.9786 8.8487 8.8202 8.9299 9.1340 9.3827 9.2145 8.8424 8.9850 8.9884 9.0977 8.8270 9-0533 8.9293 8.8536 8.8181 8.8200 9-3783 8-9574 8.8305 9-543 9.0067 8.8321 8-9954 8.8258 8.8412 8.8549 8.8197 8.8446 9.0814 9.0104 8.8199 8.8184 8.8200 8-8343 8.8706 +9.7243 +8.1070 8.2675 8.1620 8.1193 8.0126 8.3981 8.1463 8.2727 8.1683 8.0386 8.OJ22 8.12 3 3 8-33'3 8.5803 8.4138 8.0428 8.1863 8.1928 8.3046 8.0343 8.2624 8.1405 8.0691 8.0354 8.0409 8. 6001 8.1793 8.0534 8.2790 8.2343 8.0638 8.2272 8.0632 8.0798 8.0945 8.0620 8.0905 8-3283 8.2607 8.0718 8.0704 8.0762 8.0927 8.1292 + 8.9837 +0.5099 0.5296 0.4561 0.5108 0.4808 0.4169 0.4588 0.4400 0.5164 0.4760 0.4848 0.4627 0.4304 0.5803 0.4141 0.4770 0.5180 0.5187 0.4356 0.48 1 1 0.5275 0.4617 0.4741 0.4869 0.4843 0.5842 0.4567 0.4796 0.4409 0.4485 0.4955 0-4499 -4935 0.4980 0.5010 0.4906 0.4991 0.5351 0.5252 0.4910 0.4898 0.4912 0.4969 0.5047 +0.6979 + 8.7409 +9.0222 8.8480 +8.7496 8.1692 -9.1764 -8.8029 9.0118 + 8.8370 -8.4033 -7.7319 -8-7315 9.0761 +9.3659 9.1762 -8.3508 + 8.8494 + 8.8558 -9.0274 8.1240 +8.9634 -8.7305 8.4424 -6.8139 -7-7978 + 9.3612 -8.7951 8.2047 8.9652 -8.8887 + 8.2352 -8.8690 +8.1125 + 8.3485 +8.4547 +7.8332 + 8.3808 +9.0050 + 8.8956 +7.8725 +7-7I39 + 7.8914 +8.2781 + 8.5407 +9.7209 + O,OII Ceti + 0,00 1 +0,003 0,0 1 6 +0,005 +0,003 0,003 0,00 1 Ceti Ceti Sculptoris .... A 1 0,009 j6 Ceti 3 +0,017 0,003 + 0,002 0,014 +0,003 +0,018 +0,024 0,000 +0,0 1 1 +0,006 0,000 0,004 0,003 +0,014 0,025 0,000 0,015 +0,004 +0,007 0,00 1 +o,ooz +0,013 +o>!35 +0,008 +0,007 +0,039 +0,008 +0,001 1 7 Ceti (b * Sculptoris .... A 2 Ceti Ceti Ceti . Phoenicis x g Ceti 34 Andromedae .... Andromedaj Cephei + 0,046 JO No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1850. nnual Sec.Var. Preces. Proper Motion. Logarithms of I m s 1 Taylor. i hi Bris- bane. Various. of V 9 129 17 8,4 151 4 6,5 15 50 1,6 156 18 18,8 108 48 39,8 42 57 35.7 42 32 13,6 148 17 17,3 101 25 37,1 35 3 6 4. 129 14 56,6 112 49 51,3 90 34 2,6 95 27 11,4 15 58 *3.9 133 29 37,0 103 41 36,1 144 32 15,6 *39 39 3 2 .8 75 20 37.3 138 22 39,3 78 50 38,5 71 14 30,2 66 32 57,6 84 4 42,7 6 9 53 47-3 32 58 54,1 39 5 1 7-9 83 31 8,6 85 29 30,7 83 i3 54.4 73 5^ 8,5 62 5 56,8 7 6 32,6 a -19.84 19.84 19,83 19,83 19,83 19,83 19,82 19,82 19,82 19,82 19,82 19,82 19,81 19,81 19,81 19,81 19,81 19,80 19,80 19,80 19,80 19,80 19.79 19,79 19,78 19,78 19,78 19,78 19,78 19,78 19.77 19-77 19,76 19,76 19,76 19,76 19.75 '9.75 19-75 19,74 "9.74 *9,74 19,73 19-73 - 19,73 +0,070 0,073 0,062 0,071 0,067 0,057 0,063 0,06 1 0,073 0,067 0,069 0,065 0,06 1 0,086 0,059 0,069 0,076 0,076 0,063 0,070 0,079 0,068 0,070 0,073 0,073 0,092 0,069 0,073 0,067 0,068 0,077 0,069 0,077 0,078 0,079 0,078 0,080 0,087 0,086 0,079 0,079 0,080 0,082 0,083 + 0,130 " -9-3779 9.0228 9.6077 9.3668 9.6594 9.4950 9.6206 9-5587 9.2785 9.6628 9.6485 9.6371 -9.5392 + 8.4969 -9.5017 9.6640 9.2572 9.2477 9.5604 9.6598 9.0888 9.6412 9.6655 9.6390 9.6509 + 8.5866 -9.6314 9.6633 9.5872 9.6105 9.5767 9.6169 9-5943 9-55I5 9.5185 9.6169 9-54I5 8-9557 9.1572 9.6142 9.6220 9.6128 9.5650 9.4771 +9.0924 9.8021 -9.9233 +9.8586 9.8071 +9-3346 +9.9567 +9-8363 +9.9201 -9-8533 +9-5495 +8.9065 +9-7963 +9.9368 -9-9779 +9.9564 +9.5031 -9.8590 9.8619 +9.9242 + 9.2914 -9.9045 +9-7955 +9.5831 +7.9900 +8.9719 -9.9770 + 9.8318 +9.3683 +9.9049 + 9.8760 -9.3969 +9.8674 9.2803 -9.5009 -9-5934 9.0070 -9.5296 9.9170 -9.8784 -9.0458 -8.8886 9.0644 -9.4368 9.6632 9.9896 -1.2975 1.2975 1.2974 1.2973 1.2972 1.2972 1.2972 1.2972 1.2971 1.2971 1.2970 1.2970 1.2969 1.2969 1.2969 1.2968 1.2968 1.2967 1.2967 1.2967 1.2966 1.2966 1.2964 1.2964 1.2963 1.2963 1.2963 1.2962 1.2962 1.2961 1.2960 1.2960 1.2958 1.2958 1.2958 1.2957 1.2956 1.2956 1.2955 1.2954 1.2954 1.2953 1.2952 1.2952 1.2952 +9.1682 9.1687 9.1726 9.1768 9.1780 9.1785 9.1797 9.1811 9.1845 9.1848 9.1869 9.1882 9.1920 9.1923 9.1939 9.1950 9.1958 9.1989 9.2014 9.2017 9.2036 9.2056 9.2098 9.2115 9.2150 9.2158 9.2160 9.2170 9.2186 9.2215 9.2255 9.2256 9.2310 9.2322 9.2332 9.2358 9.2393 9.2402 9.2435 9.2451 9.2452 9.2493 9.2514 9.2516 +9.2524 6 4 63 G 124 B 5 R2I, J 13 B.F58 W 3 8 R22 R23 W 39 M 17 J 14 L305 Ji6, R24 Ji S Gi 34 W 4 o M 18 W 4 i Mi 9 M2I B.F 7S M22 B.FSi Airy (G) 0,0 1 0,20 ii. 63 177 84 0,06 152 ii. 64 + 0,22 0,14 + O,O I + O,OI + 0,15 O,O7 153 v- 35 i 7 s 180 86 87 67 154 155 157 158 ii. 65 ii. 66 iii. 33 lii. 34 183 186 188 89 + 0,07 66 156 iii. 35 0,05 70 68 69 159 ii. 67 0,03 -f 0,51 + 0,10 +0,08 0,08 0,08 + 0,16 +0,07 +0,03 +0,08 +0,19 +0,1 8 + 0,06 +0,04 +0,34 0,06 0,03 -+0,07 0,00 +0,06 +0,48 4-0,07 0,04 + 1,18 + 0,01 +0,16 1 60 iii. 36 ii. 69 ii. 68 190 92 7i 163 Tfi" 72 73 164 166 167 171 165 173 172 iii. 38 ii. 70 iv. 77 ii. 71 iii. 39 v. 37 ii. 72 v. 38 v- 39 ii. 73 v. 40 ii. 74 ii. 75 ii. 76 ii. 77 iii. 41 ii. 78 iii. 42 ii. 80 ii. 79 ii. Si ii. 82 192 193 93 200 20 1 202 207 96 97 99 IOO 75 178 76 77 78 So 81 79 83 84 85 86 179 180 182 '3 186 185 187 190 189 I 9 Z '93 + 0,02 74 (B 2 II No. Constellation. Mag. Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a b c d 226 227 228* 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 * 238 239* ; 240* 241 242 243 244* 245 246* 247 248 249 250 251* 252 253 254 255 256* 257 258 259* 260 261 262 263* 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 6 4 6 6 6 6i si 6 6i 5* 7* 5* S* 6 6 5 8 si 5 si 6 6i 6i 6 6 7 3 Si 6 6 6 7 4 6 6 S 6 S 6 Si 6 6* 6i 7 h m s o 41 14,12 41 33,68 41 40,28 41 50,27 4 1 53-75 41 59,20 42 23,95 42 36,89 43 !> 6 9 43 2,19 43 19,00 43 35.43 43 5!>25 44 9.45 44 32,41 45 '3,70 45 20,71 45 3 6 .44 4 6 7,53 46 35,01 46 38,88 4 6 39' T 3 46 43,61 46 51,40 46 56,66 47 21,83 47 33-10 47 4M9 47 46,10 47 47,04 47 55>5 48 7,80 48 17,16 48 26,80 48 30,23 49 3,98 49 7,9' 49 I0 >45 49 I2 >5 49 13,84 49 ",78 49 43>72 49 48,83 5 2,43 o 50 32,99 s +3,327 3,275 3-554 3-194 3,008 2,805 3-37 1 3,021 2,828 3,376 2,082 3,082 2,747 3>5!9 11,361 2,265 3,062 3,086 3-501 3,369 2.315 3,160 3. C 2S 2,893 3,185 2,516 3,100 3-547 3,520 3-541 3,208 3,031 3,136 3,287 3,011 3.695 6,644 3,211 3,189 2,678 2,271 3.225 1,986 3.137 + 3,102 s +0,0390 +0,0305 -(-0,0796 +0,0184 0,0049 0,0242 +0,0452 0,0033 0,0217 +0,0455 0,0387 +0,0037 0,0270 +0,0689 +6,0216 0,0403 +0,0015 +0,0042 +0,0628 +0,0412 0,0389 +0,0129 O,CO2I 0,0143 + 0,0158 -0,0351 + 0,0058 + 0,0686 + 0,0640 + 0,0675 + 0,0184 0,0014 + 0,0098 + 0,0284 0,0033 + 0,0929 + 1,2222 + 0,0184 + 0,0158 0,0272 0,0364 + 0,0199 0,0294 +0,0097 + 0,0059 s + 8.9826 8.9341 9.1661 8.8663 8.8304 8.9871 9.0147 8.8251 8.9609 9.0150 9.4246 8.8165 9.0247 9.1208 0.3225 9.3250 8.8156 8.8160 9.0928 8.9882 9.2874 8.8376 8.8209 8.8919 8.8501 9.1680 8.8169 9.1142 9.0947 9.1096 8.8622 8.8187 8.8257 8.9157 8.8238 9.1968 9.9143 8.8609 8.8485 9.0446 9.2868 8.8684 9.4040 8.8245 +8.8157 + 8.2424 8.1974 8.4306 8.1326 8.0973 8.2549 8.2868 8.0995 8.2396 8.2938 8.7063 8.1010 8.3119 8.4110 9.6166 8.6259 8.1177 8.1206 8.4025 8.3023 8.6021 8.1523 8.1364 8.2086 8.1677 8.4895 8.1402 8.4388 8.4200 8.4350 8.1889 8.1474 8.1559 8.2474 8.1560 8-534J 9.2523 8.1992 8.1872 8.3834 8.6270 8.2117 8.7481 8.1707 +8.1663 + 0.5220 0.5152 0.5507 0.5043 0.4783 0.4479 0.5278 0.4801 0.4515 0.5284 0.3185 0.4888 0.4389 0.5465 1.0554 0.3550 0.4860 0.4894 0.5442 0.5275 0.3646 0.4997 0.4807 0.4614 0.5031 0.4007 0.4913 0.5499 0.5465 0.5492 0.5063 0.4815 0.4964 0.5168 0.4786 0.5676 0.8224 0.5066 0.5037 0.4279 0.3561 0.5085 0.2979 0.4965 +0.4916 +8.8464 +8.7446 +9.1176 +8.5218 -8.2254 -8.8548 +8.9033 8.1230 -8.8043 + 8.9040 9.4110 +7.4683 8.9201 +9.0596 +0.3223 -9.3031 -7.3496 +7.5723 +9.0220 +8.8584 9.2613 +8.3362 8.0410 8.6297 +8.4387 9.1205 +7.8390 +9.0513 +9.0249 +9.0451 +8.5101 -7.9707 +8.1823 +8.7020 8.1446 +9.1560 +9.9130 +8.5056 +8.4334 -8.9526 9.2607 +8.5426 -9.3892 +8.1728 +7.8373 35 Andromedae . . . . v +0,004 +0,005 +0,017 +0,003 +0,018 0,013 +0,003 +0,007 0,024 0,000 + 0,005 0,007 +0,116 -0,095 + O,C02 0,009 0,011 Ceti 10 Ceti ane. Various. a 7 V << ff 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 43 3 13,0 49 44 2i.3 26 34 13,6 63 6 24,6 104 22 33,2 137 3i 5-3 39 18 39,2 101 27 10,3 134 12 49,0 39 J 4 46,3 l6 5 44 23,3 87 25 44,2 141 48 17,5 29 42 3,3 i 47 1,8 161 58 48,9 9 1 57 34.5 86 43 42,7 31 50 26,0 42 8 7,8 160 18 55,0 71 37 31,1 99 33 19.7 123 8 50,1 67 " 3.4 153 41 29,7 83 57 35>2 3 5 48.2 3i 37 48,4 30 27 2,3 63 36 12,3 98 9 29,8 76 51 42,2 52 18 53,9 102 4 47,9 24 27 36,4 4 33 3.4 63 48 42,9 67 23 32,1 144 o 14,0 160 20 18,8 6 1 49 10,2 165 7 12,0 77 6 57,8 83 58 2,1 -19.73 19.73 19,72 19,72 19.72 19,72 i9.7i 19-71 19,70 19,70 19,70 19,69 19,69 19,68 19,68 19,67 19,66 19,66 19,65 19,64 19,64 19,64 19,64 19,64 19,64 19,63 19,63 19,62 19,62 19,62 19,62 19,61 19,61 19,61 19,61 19,60 19,60 19,60 i9'59 19.59 19.59 19.59 19,58 19,58 - 19.57 +0,087 0,086 0,094 0,085 0,080 0,075 0,090 0,08 1 0,077 0,092 0,057 0,085 0,076 0,098 0,320 0,065 0,088 0,089 0,102 0,099 0,068 0,093 0,089 0,086 0,095 0,075 0,093 0,107 0,106 0,107 0,097 0,092 0,096 O,IOI 0,092 0,115 0,206 0,100 0,099 0,083 0,071 0,101 0,062 0,099 + 0,099 " -9.2188 9.3316 8.5106 9.4842 9.6679 9.6309 9.1225 9.6646 9.6446 9.1139 9.4609 9.6284 9.6210 -8.6875 +9.2541 9.5061 9.6439 9.6253 8.7716 9-i5 5 9.5270 9-54*7 9.6642 9.6761 9.5066 9-5754 9.6126 8.5900 8.7110 8.6181 9.4719 9.6620 9.5742 9.3326 9.6706 +8.1367 +9.2497 -9.4704 9.5034 9.6310 9.5407 9.4484 9.5049 9-5737 -9.6113 -9.8567 9.8032 -9-9443 9.6482 +9.3876 +9.8604 9.8811 +9.2903 +9-8357 9.8813 +9.9786 8.6440 +9-8874 -9.9307 -9.9915 +9.9697 + 8.5254 -8.7477 -9.9203 -9.8611 +9.9648 9.4896 +9.2110 +9.7287 -9-5794 +9.9432 9.0127 -9.9276 -9.9207 9.9260 -9.6384 +9.1424 -9.3469 -9.7765 +9.3109 -9.9491 -9.9886 -9.6347 -9-5747 +9.8979 +9.9638 9.6639 +9-9749 -9.3378 9.0109 -1.2952 1.2950 1.2950 1.2949 1.2949 1.2949 1.2948 1.2947 1.2945 1.2945 1.2944 1.2943 1.2942 1.2941 1.2940 1.2937 1.2937 1.2936 1.2934 1.2932 1.2932 1.2932 1.2931 1.2931 1.2930 1.2929 1.2928 1.2928 1.2927 1.2927 1.2927 1.2926 1.2925 1.2924 1.2924 1.2922 1.2922 1.2922 1.2921 1.2921 1.2921 1.2919 1.2919 1.2918 1.2916 +9.2527 9.2561 9-2573 9.2590 9.2596 9.2605 9.2647 9.2669 9.2710 9.2711 9.2739 9.2766 9.2792 9.2821 9.2858 9.2924 9-2935 9.2960 9.3008 9.3051 9.3057 9-3057 9.3064 9.3076 9.3084 9.3122 9.3139 9.3151 9-3*58 9.3160 9.3172 9.3190 9.3204 9.3218 9.3224 9.3273 9.3279 9.3282 9.3285 9.3287 9.3300 9.3330 9-3338 9-3357 +9.3400 G 151 Airy(G) /^ V* V c Gi 54 R2 5 Gi 55 R26 B.F84 R27 B.H 439 B.F 4 6 R8 M2 4 M5 G 171 R29 R3o Ma6 Gi8 4 W 54 M 27 G 192 B.H 4 86 B.F 9 2 R32 R 33 M28 M2 9 + 0,01 +0,03 0,03 + 0,10 +0,30 +0,08 +0,22 +0,02 -(-0,06 0,0 1 +0,07 0,22 0,05 + 0,02 + 1,40 O,OI +0,09 +0,09 87 82 88 194 ii. 83 '95 198 ii- 84 iv. 89 v. 42 iii. 44 ii. 85 v. 43 iii. 46 226 106 89 199 20 1 205 203 231 107 235 ic8 9i 207 iii. 47 v. 44 iii. 49 iii. 45 233 109 9 65 209 177 244 112 93 213 216 ii. 86 iv. 98 94 217 iii. 52 0,04 0,04 + O,I2 -0.43 +0,02 +0,49 +0,05 0,02 0,00 250 245 253 114 II? 118 96 98 221 222 ii. 87 iii. 53 v. 45 ii. 88 97 223 " 227 " 5 226 iii. 54 ii. 89 iii. 55 0,08 0,02 +0,04 0,07 0,00 IOO 101 103 228 230 231 232 235 ii. 90 ii. 92 ii- 93 ii. 94 ii. 95 + 0,01 92 22O ii. 91 0,01 +0,15 0,00 + 0,01 +0,04 +0,05 + O,I2 104 2 3 8 ii. 96 v. 46 259 262 267 121 122 123 105 241 ii. 97 243 246 ii. 98 iii. 57 i No. Constellation. Mag. Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a b c d 271 272 273 274* 275 276 277 278 279 280 281* 282 283 284 285 286 287* 288 289 290* 291 292 293 294 295 296* 297 298* 299* 300* 301 302 303 304* 305 36 307 308 39 310 311 312* 314* 6 5 6 6i 6 6 7 6* 6 6 6 6 5* 7 6 4 6 7 6 5* 8 6 6* H 6 74 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 si 6 6 7 8 6 Si 6 h m s o 51 13,17 51 22,59 5i 45.37 S 2 3-41 S 2 3-93 52 8,28 52 16,93 S 2 4 I >5 2 53 57,87 54 8,79 54 I9-H 54 24,82 54 29,57 54 34,43 54 36,59 54 41,64 55 7,72 55 9-99 55 16,63 55 27,43 55 27,45 55 40,87 56 0,37 56 2,20 56 6,05 5 6 7,52 56 10,83 5 6 15,52 56 15,61 5 6 37,75 56 56,64 5 6 57,i3 57 6,55 57 9,!5 57 10,68 57 26,80 57 39.*9 57 39.70 57 40,64 57 57,o8 58 3.97 58 6,09 58 6,13 58 19,48 o 58 33,68 s +3,007 2,898 7,756 3,101 2,348 2,5 I 5 2,723 2,577 4,132 3,110 3,621 3,340 2,815 3,260 3>"5 2,480 3,110 2,868 3-502 3>39 2,560 3,104 2,721 3-074 2,881 3.335 3.773 3,25 4,786 2,323 3,688 3.099 2,478 3.154 2,844 3,196 3,196 2,691 3,275 3,095 3,095 3,007 3,537 s 0,0033 0,0122 + 1,8480 +0,0058 0,0341 0,0313 0,0150 0,0228 0,0282 +0,1694 +0,0067 +0,0720 +0,0322 0,0167 +0,0226 +0,0071 0,0301 +0,0067 0,0130 +0,0530 +0,0003 0,0277 +0,0062 0,0211 +0,0034 0,0118 +0,0307 +0,0943 +0,0209 +-0,3246 0,0307 +0,0792 + 0,0056 0,0288 +0,0108 -0,0137 +0,0150 +0,0149 0,0217 +0,0231 +0,0053 +0,0053 0,002 1 +0.0553 0,0020 s 0,00 1 + 0,001 0,171 +0,003 +0,007 +0,045 0,008 +8.8229 8.8761 0.0082 8.8147 9-2275 9.1341 8.9016 8-9933 9.0844 9.3600 8.8150 9.1161 8.9307 8.9211 8.8784 8.8157 8.8145 8.8845 9-0357 8.8132 9.0845 8.8132 8-9787 8. 8108 8.8747 8.9214 9.1874 8.8683 9.2056 9.1382 8.8 1 18 9.1231 8.8236 8.8933 8.8389 8.8389 8.9909 8.8786 8.8109 8.8109 8.8175 9.0424 + 8.8171 + 8.1795 8.2341 9.3694 8.1786 8.5914 8.4986 8.2674 8.3626 8.4644 8.7416 8.1980 8-4999 8.3152 8.3062 8.2638 8.2018 8.5248 8.2045 8-2754 8.4280 8.2056 8.4786 8.2100 8.3758 8.2084 8.2725 8.3196 8.5863 8.2672 8-9399 8.6099 8.5426 8.2175 8.5291 8.2298 8.3016 8.2489 8.2489 8.4010 8.2908 8.2241 8.2244 8.2310 8.4576 +8.2342 +0.4781 0.4621 0.8897 0.4914 0.3707 0.4005 0-4557 0.4351 0.4110 0.6161 0.4928 0.5589 0.5237 0.4495 0-4935 0-3944 0.4928 0.4576 0-5443 0.4827 0.4082 0.4920 0-4347 0.4877 0-4595 0.5231 0.5767 0.5118 0.6800 0.3660 0.5668 0.4912 0.3941 0.4988 0.4539 0.5046 0.5046 0.4299 0.5152 0.4906 0.4906 0.4781 0.5486 +0.4782 -8.1475 -8-5773 +0.0073 + 7.8097 -9.1927 9.0780 -8.6651 8.8694 -9.0115 + 9-34I9 +7.9090 +9.0548 +8.7436 8.7202 + 8.5902 +7.9600 -9.0798 + 7.9054 -8.6130 + 8.9403 7.8056 9.0120 + 7.8294 -8.8443 +6.8017 -8-5779 + 8.7220 +9-H53 +8.5519 +9.5304 -9.1672 +9.0839 +7.7390 -9.0645 + 8.2115 8.6447 +8.3866 +8.3865 -8.8669 + 8.5951 +7.6661 +7.6662 8.0896 +8.9513 -8.0836 Sculptoris ft Ursae Minoris 0,024 + 0,002 O,OOO 0,003 0,002 + O,OO7 O.OIO + 0,004 + O,OI9 0,012 0,007 O.OIO O,CO3 O,OO6 + 0,010 -0,045 Pisciuro Tucanae 71 Pisciuro g Sculptoris 0. 25 Ceti Phcenicis w Pisciuro Phcenicis 26 Ceti Sculptoris Cassiopeae + 0,005 Tucanae + O,OO I Cassiopeae 73 Pisciuro + O,OO6 Tucanas 72 Pisciuro + 0,O04 + O,OO7 + O,OIO +0,007 Sculptoris 74 Piscium, pr \J/i 76 Pisciuro 0-^ +0,007 +0,004 +0,004 0,000 +0,388 +0,003 Pisciuro 27 Ceti 30 Cassiopeae u, 28 Ceti No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec.Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of >. 53 Z K 1 Taylor. $ Bris- bane. Various. a' V 4 124 20 23,9 69 19 51,9 69 20 20,2 138 44 40,9 58 37 19.7 85 53 3.5 85 53 26,4 100 46 58,2 35 49 4. 1 100 38 40,0 -19,56 19.55 19.55 J 9>54 J9.54 '9.54 19.54 '9.53 19,50 19,50 19,50 19.49 I9.49 19.49 J 9-49 19.49 19,48 19,48 19.47 J 9.47 19.47 i9'47 19,46 19,46 19,46 19,46 19,46 '9-45 r 9.45 19.45 19.44 19.44 19.44 J9.43 19.43 19.43 19,42 19,42 19,42 19,42 19,42 19,41 19,41 19,41 -19.4 4-0,097 0,094 0,253 0,102 0,077 0,083 0,094 0,091 0,088 0,141 0,107 0,124 0,115 0,097 O,II2 O,IO7 0,086 o, 1 08 ,0,100 O,I22 0,106 0,090 O,IIO 0,096 0,109 O,I02 0,118 0,134 0,115 0,171 0,083 0,132 O,III 0,089 0,114 0,103 0,116 0,116 0,098 0,120 0,113 0,113 0,110 0,130 + 0,111 4-0,01 +0,03 0,02 +0,04 -f-o,6o +0,44 +o.39 -9.6730 -9.6874 +9.2918 -9.6123 9-573 8 9.6077 9.6855 9.6604 -9.6324 + 9.0073 9.6036 8.0414 9.2472 9.6864 9.3986 9.5985 9.6187 9.6035 9.6942 8.8215 9.6585 9.6383 9.6091 9- 6 743 9.6350 9.6964 9.2627 +8.5821 -9.4196 +9.2014 9.6018 + 8.1173 -9.6144 9.6301 9.5569 9.6974 9.5026 9.5028 9.6752 9.3806 9.6178 9.6178 9.6750 8.6981 -9.6750 +9-3I37 +9.6902 9.9880 -8.9836 +9-9539 +9.9326 +9.7521 +9.8646 +9.9150 9.9696 9.0817 -9.9263 9.8005 +9.7866 -9.6994 -9.1318 +-9.9320 9.0782 + 9.7158 9.8918 + 8.9796 +9.9146 9.0031 +9.8525 -7.9778 +9.6901 -9.7874 -9.9446 -9.6704 -9-9789 +9.9481 -9.9322 -8.9135 +9.9277 -9.3742 +9.7376 9-5338 -9-5337 +9.8622 -9.7025 -8.8411 -8.8412 +9.2579 -9.8947 +9.2522 -1.2913 1.2912 1.2911 1.2909 1.2909 1.2909 1.2908 1.2906 1.2901 1.2900 1.2899 1.2899 1.2898 1.2898 1.2898 1.2897 1.2895 1.2895 1.2895 1.2894 1.2894 1.2893 1.2891 1.2891 1.2891 1.2891 1.2890 1.2890 1.2890 1.2888 1.2887 1.2887 1.2886 1.2886 1.2886 1.2884 1.2883 1.2883 1.2883 1.2882 1.2881 1.2881 1.2881 1.2880 1.2879 +9.3456 9.3469 9-35oi 9.3526 9.3526 9-353* 9-3544 9-3577 9.3679 9-3 6 93 9.3707 9-37H 9.3721 9.3727 9.3730 9,3736 9.3770 9-3773 9.3781 9-3795 9-3795 9.3812 9-3837 9.3840 9-3844 9.3846 9.3851 9.3856 9-3857 9.3884 9.3908 9.3909 9.3920 9.3923 9-39*5 9-3945 9.3961 9.3961 9.3962 9.3982 9.3991 9-3993 9-3994 9.4010 +9.4027 106 95 107 249 250 234 252 ii. 99 ii. 100 lii. 58 ii. 101 266 125 R34, J 18 G, 95 M 30 R 35 R36 R 37 R38 6215 6219 W6i R 39 M 3 i B 7 R 4 o M 3 2 0232 B8 B.F 103 6230 R4i 6234 M 33 R42 R 43 M 34 272 271 269 128 127 0,44 v. 47 279 130 -0,17 no 260 iii. 61 0,00 + O,II 0,00 +0,09 + 1.29 0,02 + 0,03 108 259 iii. 62 v. 48 iiL 63 ii. 102 280 I 3 2 in 261 262 285 134 113 112 "5 264 265 ii. 103 v. 49 282 133 + O,IO 0,19 +0,08 + 0,10 +0,07 -o.53 266 ii. 104 v. 50 iv. 117 288 136 269 289 287 137 138 116 270 ii. 105 v. 51 114 +0,08 +0,34 109 298 141 +0,02 120 *73 ii. 106 297 296 0,05 +0,24 +0,02 +0,03 II 9 121 122 274 275 276 ii. 107 ii. 108 iv. 120 0,0 1 + O,II +0,13 + 0,01 + 1,55 0,02 123 124 "5 126 118 128 278 280 281 284 277 286 iii. 68 iii. 69 iv. 121 iii. 70 iii. 67 iii. 73 No. Constellation. Mag Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a b c d ji6 3i7 3,8 319 320* 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 33 331 332 333 334 335* 336* 337 338 339 340 34i 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 35i 352 353 354 355 356 357* 353* 359* 360 75 Piscium 6i 3i 5 6 6 6 6 6 6* 7* 7 6 5 6i 5 5* 3* 5 2 64 6 6 5i 4i 5 6 6 6 6 5* 7i 6 5 6 6* 7 6 6 6 7 64 9 7 6* 2 }i m a o 58 40,51 59 23,1 59 2 5.3 59 25,35 59 30,39 59 44,35 59 54,93 i o 13,57 o 15,78 o 31,65 34,33 o 34,38 o 38,81 o 39,11 o 48,94 o 56,06 i 2,67 * 19-95 i 20,94 i 46,68 i 48,69 1 49,15 1 53-44 1 59,76 2 4,35 2 14,87 2 40,39 2 41,74 2 50,68 2 S',39 3 3,o8 3 7,21 3 24,08 3 2 4,85 3 2 7, 2 9 3 37,45 3 54,73 4 0,07 4 5,8 1 4 5,84 4 6,06 4 33> 6 9 4 44,59 4 49,35 i 5 1,42 + 3,144 2,697 3>39 2 2,817 4,816 3, 2 79 3,196 3,006 3,078 3,127 2,838 3-934 3,100 2,750 3,439 2 >75i 3,002 2,389 3,3i7 3,782 3,192 3,383 3,809 3,5 6 9 2 ,539 3,166 3,009 3>34 2 3,081 3,285 3> I2 7 2,502 3,205 3,276 4>97o 3,!3 2 3,433 2,470 2,488 2,831 3-05 1 3,296 3,280 3,082 t- 17,456 8 + O,OO97 O,O2O6 + 0,0360 O,OI46 + 0,3167 + 0,0231 + 0,0146 0,0019 + 0,0039 + 0,008 1 0,0130 4- 0,1146 + 0,0058 - 0,0177 + 0,0408 - 0,0175 0,0021 0,0276 4- 0,0265 + 0,0874 + 0,0139 4- 0,0337 + 0,0916 4- 0,0565 0,0246 4- 0,0115 0,0013 4- 0,0288 -j- 0,0042 4- 0,0228 |- 0,0080 0,0249 - 0,0150 - 0,0217 -f 0,3374 - 0,0084 - 0,0384 0,0250 0,0246 0,0123 - 0,0020 - 0,0235 - 0,0218 - 0,0043 f 11,4276 8 4-O,OO4 O,OO5 +0,018 +0,038 +0,034 +0,019 + 0,008 + 0,011 + 0,010 0,005 + 8.8194 8-9797 8.9460 8.9038 9.5236 8.8769 8.8358 8.8162 8.8088 8.8141 8.8880 9.2346 8.8101 8.9412 8.9702 8-9393 8.8163 9.1449 8.8939 9.1569 8.8319 8.9320 9.1695 9.0423 9.0608 8.8225 8.8137 8.9047 8.8076 8.8726 8.8124 9.0758 8.8348 8.8665 9.5308 8.8130 8.9538 9.0885 9.0784 8.8834 8.8073 8.8747 8.8657 8.8065 - 0.3911 + 8.2373 8.4030 8.3697 8.3274 8-9479 8.3030 8.2632 8.2460 8.2389 8.2461 8.3204 8.6670 8.2430 8.3742 8.4044 8.3744 8.2523 8.5829 8.3320 8.5983 8- 2 735 8-3737 8.6117 8.4852 8.5043 8.2673 8.2616 8.3528 8.2567 8.3219 8.2630 8.5269 8.2880 8.3198 8.9843 8.2678 8.4107 8.5460 8.5366 8.3416 8.2655 8.3361 8.3285 8.2698 + 9.8559 + 0-4974 0.4308 0.5304 0.4498 0.6827 0.5158 0.5046 0.4780 0.4883 0.4951 0-4531 0.5948 0.4914 o-4393 0-5365 0-4395 0-4775 0.3783 0.5207 0-5777 0.5041 0.5294 0.5808 0.5525 0.4047 0.5005 0.4784 0.5240 0.4887 0.5165 0.4951 0.3983 0.5059 0-5I53 0.6964 0.4958 0.5356 0.3926 0.3958 0.4519 0.4844 0.5180 0.5158 0.4888 + 1.2420 +8.1426 -8.8475 + 8.7810 -8.6778 +9-5 J 53 +8.5914 +8.3685 -8.0805 + 7.1327 +8.6134 -8.6313 + 9.2017 + 7-7376 -8.7713 +8.8303 -8.7673 8.0961 -9.0931 +8.6506 +9.1084 + 8.3414 +8.75H +9.1239 + 8.9522 -8.9796 + 8.2319 8.0405 +8.6834 + 7.2659 +8-5797 +7.9948 -9.0013 + 8-3737 + 8.5560 +9.5229 +8.0302 + 8.7998 -9.0193 9.0052 8.6200 -7-5330 -f 8.5900 +8-5549 +7.2731 +0.3909 Phoenicis R 79 Piscium .... \J/' 30 Ceti 29 Ceti 3 1 Cassioppre +0,008 0,017 +0,008 0,002 0,008 +0,017 0,032 +0,019 0,004 +0,009 0,007 0,050 +0,024 +0,016 + 0,0 1 8 0,002 -0,039 + 0,002 +0,004 +0,007 +0,002 +0,005 +0,008 0,014 0,009 + 0,020 + 0,001 0,030 80 Pisciuni e 42 Andromedae. . . .

aue. Various. a' V (f df 316 31? 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 33 1 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 34i 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 35i 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 77 50 53,6 137 31 21,3 46 51 30,1 126 27 50,8 ii 7 37,7 58 47 20,1 7 3 37.4 100 35 21,1 88 47 32,5 80 53 41,5 123 37 0,4 22 I 16,9 85 8 42,7 132 32 47,0 43 33 32,8 132 17 29,2 100 58 42,5 152 34 36,9 55 I0 33.J 26 35 48,7 71 8 35,2 48 43 1,8 25 46 50,5 35 38 58,0 146 3 1,5 75 7 38,8 99 42 22,9 53 4 28,2 88 21 13,4 59 22 30,6 81 14 44,5 147 23 38,0 69 45 52,6 60 42 30,6 10 53 23,7 80 30 28,5 45 27 45> 6 148 29 22,7 147 39 31,8 123 2 58,7 93 2 5^8 58 43 23. 2 60 43 59.7 88 19 18,8 i 29 25,0 -19,40 19.39 *9.39 !9-39 19,38 19,38 '9.37 19.37 19.37 19,36 19,36 19,36 19,36 19,36 19-35 J9.35 19.35 J9.34 19.34 19.33 J9.33 19.33 '9.33 *9.33 19,32 19,32 '9.31 !9.3i i9.3i !9>3i 19,30 19,30 19,29 19,29 19,29 19,29 19,28 19,28 19,28 19,28 19,28 19,27 19,26 19,26 -19,25 +0,116 0,101 0,127 0,105 0,1 80 0,123 0,121 0,114 O,II7 O,II9 0,108 0,150 0,118 0,105 0,132 0,105 0,115 0,092 0,128 0,147 0,124 0,132 0,148 0,139 0,099 0,124 0,119 0,132 0,122 0,130 0,124 0,099 0,128 0,131 0,198 0,125 0,138 0,099 0,100 0,1 14 0,123 0,134 0,133 0,125 +0.713 it 0,0% +0,02 +0,04 + 0,10 +0,03 +0,01 +0,10 0,02 +0,46 +0,07 -9-5 6 93 9.6831 9.1501 9.7002 +9.2256 -9.3760 9.5049 9.6761 9.6319 9.5879 9.7042 +8.9004 9.6131 9.6960 9- 374 9.6971 9.6777 9.6381 -9.3122 +8.6415 -9.5114 -9.1770 +8.7118 -8-5539 9.6668 9-5447 9.6751 9.2662 9.6294 9.3718 9.5884 9.6655 9.4951 -9.3888 +9.2705 -9.5830 9.0652 9.6645 9.6678 9.7112 9.6514 9-3553 9.3844 9.6290 +9.4289 -9.3089 +9.8530 9.8202 +9-7593 -9.9770 9.6996 -9.5178 +9.2491 -8.3086 9.1840 +9.7279 -9.9518 8.9121 +9.8147 -9.8447 + 9.8124 +9.2642 + 9-9325 -9.7409 -9-9355 -9-4935 -9.8034 -9.9384 -9.8938 +9.9027 9-393 2 +9.2104 -9.7623 -8.4418 -9.6905 -9.1658 +9.9088 -9.5221 -9.6727 -9-9753 9.2003 9.8288 +9.9136 +9.9096 +9-7I95 + 8.7085 -9.6979 9.6716 8.4490 9.9821 -1.2878 1.2875 1.2875 1.2875 1.2874 1.2873 1.2872 1.2871 1.2870 1.2869 1.2869 1.2869 1.2868 1.2868 1.2868 1.2867 1.2866 1.2865 1.2865 1.2863 1.2862 1.2862 1.2862 1.2861 1.2861 1.2860 1.2858 1.2858 1.2857 1.2857 1.2856 1.2855 1.2854 1.2854 1.2854 1.2853 1.2851 1.2851 1.2850 1.2850 1.2850 1.2848 1.2847 1.2846 ^ 1.2845 +9-4035 9.4086 9.4089 9.4089 9.4095 9.4112 9.4124 9.4146 9.4149 9.4167 9.4170 9.4170 94*75 9.4176 9.4187 9.4196 9.4203 9.4223 9.4224 9.4254 9.4256 9.4257 9.4262 9.4269 9.4274 9.4286 9-43*5 9.4316 9.4326 9.4327 9.4340 9-4345 9.4364 9.4365 9.4367 9-4379 9.4398 9.4404 9.4410 9.4410 9.4410 9.4440 9.4452 9-4457 +9.4470 127 287 ii. in ii. 112 ii. 75 v. 53 ii. 74 lii. 76 ii. 113 ii. 114 lii. 78 iv. 125 308 305 H5 144 R44, J 19 B.H 472 M 35 45 M 3 6 R46 J2O R 47 P 3 2 B.Fn 9 J2i, R 4 8 B.F 129 M 37 R 49 Ga6i M 3 8 6264 R 5 i R50 B.F 1 36 6235 129 290 117 131 132 ^35 133 283 2 9 I 292 296 295 297 + 0,01 +0,19 +0,09 0,02 +0,16 + 0,12 -0,15 +0,07 130 136 2 93 299 lii. 79 ii. 116 v. 54 ii* 117 v- 55 ii. 118 311 312 149 153 134 141 298 303 300 316 155 152 140 138 144 '43 139 142 3OI ii. 119 0,00 +0,04 +0,0 1 0,00 +0,38 +0.17 +0,10 0,06 0,0 1 +0,03 -0,17 -0,25 + 0,01 +0,03 0,03 + O,II +0,05 +0,19 0,14 3 08 306 305 307 ii. 1 20 iii. 8 1 iii. 80 ii. 121 ii. 123 ii. 122 ii. 124 iii. 83 ii. 125 iii. 84 iv. 130 v. 56 ii. 127 ii. 126 iii. 85 ii. 128 iii. 86 v. 57 v. 58 318 I 5 6 H7 H5 148 146 3" 2 313 3 i 4 321 I 5 8 150 149 137 6 5 309 8 9 323 325 162 163 0,03 152 10 iii. 87 *l + O,I2 +0,14 0,02 153 154 102 ii 13 263 iv. 132 ii. 130 ii. 115 1 B.A.C. C No. Constellation. Mag. Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a b c d 361 362 363* 364 365 366 367 368 369* 370 371* 372 373* 374 375* 37 6* 377 378* 379* 380 381 38** 383 384 385* 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393* 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403* 404 405 7 6 6* 6 6 6 Si 6 7 *i 7 Si 61 6 8 7 6 7 7 4* 7 7 7 6 6 6 7 6 7 7* Si 5 6 *i Si 6 7i 5 6 6 6 6 7i *i 7 h m s i 5 15,09 5 18,42 5 3.5 6 5 35. 01 5 3 6 >7i 5 48,89 5 50,87 5 54,05 5 55,44 6 9-95 6 23,19 6 50,71 6 54,49 7 9>74 7 28,94 7 40,63 7 52,93 7 59,7 8 6,65 8 25,i5 8 30,32 8 37,3i 8 5>37 8 59,54 9 9-^2 9 18,34 9 57,04 10 3,97 10 10,51 10 28,09 10 40,70 10 41,92 10 45,65 II 10,05 II 13,79 ii 20, 1 6 " 38,57 " 50,37 12 5,65 12 8,33 12 5>37 12 53,35 12 54,50 13 31-85 1 H 53,53 s + 3,021 2,839 4,162 1,776 3,237 2,795 2,768 3,116 3,116 I.I73 3,014 3,012 3,112 3,059 2,955 4,274 3,424 4,734 3-994 2,659 1,881 3,837 2,475 3,048 2,793 3,49 4,619 3,9 * 3,011 3-704 3,706 97S 4,972 3>93 3,274 2,046 3,089 2,090 2,669 3,061 3,292 2,041 4,362 3,488 + 3-078 s 0,0002 0,0115 +0,1454 0,0118 +0,0175 0,0135 0,0148 +0,0071 +0,0071 +0,0119 0,0006 0,0006 +0,0067 +0,0027 0,0043 +0,1613 +0,0354 +0,2567 +0,1115 0,0182 0,0158 +0,0867 0,0226 +0,0021 0,0126 + 0,0022 +0,2240 +0,0051 0,0003 +0,0666 +0,0668 0,0182 +0,3017 +0,0932 + 0,0198 0,0199 +0,0050 0,0206 0,0165 +0,0032 + 0,0210 0,0191 + 0,1651 + 0,0396 + 0,0045 s +0,005 +0,020 +0,009 0,038 + 0,001 +0,017 +0,013 +0,013 + O,OI2 O,OOI + 8.8099 8.8757 9.2921 9-359 1 8.8444 8.8978 8.9131 8.8088 8.8087 8.8213 8.8101 8.8102 8.8077 8.8052 8.8233 9.3167 8-9345 9-445 * 9.2130 8.9651 9.3070 9-K43 6 9.0613 8.8047 8.8902 8.8044 9-4033 8.8038 8.8080 9.0719 9.0720 9.2622 9.4828 9.1588 8.8507 9.2332 8.8027 9.2138 8.9460 8.8021 8.8555 9.2262 9.3130 8-9497 + .8.8004 + 8.2762 8.3425 8.7603 8.8278 8.3133 8.3681 8.3837 8.2797 8.2798 8.2941 8.2844 8.2877 8.2856 8.2848 8.3051 8.7999 8.4190 8.9304 8.6991 8-4533 8-7957 8.6331 8-5523 8.2967 8.3833 8.2985 8.9017 8.3030 8.3078 8-5737 8.5752 8-7655 8.9865 8.6651 8-3575 8.7406 8.3122 8-7245 8.4584 8.3148 8-3727 8.7436 8.8306 8.4713 + 8.3305 +0.4801 0.4532 0.6193 0.2493 0.5101 0.4464 0.4421 0.4936 0.4936 0.5017 0.4792 0.4788 0.4931 0.4855 0.4705 0.6309 0-5345 0.6752 0.6014 0.4247 0.2744 0.5840 o-3935 0.4840 0.4461 0.4842 0.6645 0.4900 0.4787 0.5686 0.5689 0.2955 0.6965 0.5914 0.5151 0.3108 0.4898 0.3202 0.4264 0.4859 o.5i75 0.3098 0.6397 0.5426 + 0.4882 7.9301 -8-595 + 9.2677 -9.3414 + 8.4501 -8.6671 8.7087 + 7.8809 + 7.8811 + 8.2437 -7-975 6 -7.9914 + 7.8412 -7.2970 -8.2795 + 9.2952 + 8.7612 +9-4334 +9.1771 8.8245 -9.2844 +9.0925 8.9820 -7-5635 8.6481 -7.5326 +9.3892 +7.4963 -7.9752 + 8-9975 + 8.9978 -9.2342 +9-4731 +9.1119 + 8.4999 9.2010 +7.4424 9.1784 -8.7888 -7.1572 + 8.5264 -9.1930 +9.2913 + 8.7972 + 7.0161 fail + O,007 O,OO I 0,003 78 Ceti Poti + O,o66 0,098 0,005 O,OO3 + 0,017 O.OOI + 0,OO5 + 0,OO5 O,OO I + 0,114 + 0,015 + 0,038 + O,OO2 O,OI3 O,OOO + 0,027 + 0,019 + 0,004 + O,OO4 + 0,072 41 Ceti Cassiopeas Tucanas x Cassiopeas 3 5 Cassiope< 90 Pisciuni u Tucanas Pisciuni Tucanae Phcenicis 42 Ceti 9 1 Pisciuni / Tucanae Cassiopeae 46 Andromedae Ceti + 0,005 O,OO9 18 No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Logarithms of fe- rn d Taylor. j Bris- bane. Various. Motion. cf V cf d' 361 362 363 3 6 4 365 366 367 368 3 6 9 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 38i 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 39* 393 394 395 39 6 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 97 34 45.4 121 35 47,6 19 3 6,7 163 45 13,2 66 12 40,0 126 o 10,9 128 39 9,7 83 i3 9' 83 12 56,0 74 39 44- 6 98 24 58,5 98 43 45. 6 83 47 5 6 .4 91 46 41,1 106 36 41,1 17 54 48,1 47 5 1 i>9 13 13 29,3 22 58 33,8 136 19 59,4 161 41 7,3 27 14 16,4 146 25 37,9 93 "7 *3-9 124 56 31,4 93 3 57,i H 3* 59-3 87 10 36,0 98 27 5,3 32 34 56,8 32 33 30,2 159 40 29,8 12 3 44,9 26 7 49,8 63 31 29,9 158 13 26,9 87 30 0,5 157 ii 3L3 134 7 22,4 91 17 5 2 >3 62 2 48,1 157 54 6,1 17 5 6 *4.3 45 i5 34,4 89 3 29,6 -19,25 19,^5 19,24 19,24 19,24 19,23 19,23 19,23 19,23 19,23 19,22 19,21 19,21 19,20 19,19 19,19 19,18 19,18 19,18 I9, X 7 i9>!7 19,16 19,16 19,15 !9-i5 I9,i5 19-13 19-13 19,12 19,11 19,11 19,11 19,11 19,10 19,09 19,09 19,08 19,08 19,07 19,07 19,05 19,05 19,05 19,03 - 18,99 +0,124 0,116 0,171 0,073 0,133 0,116 0,114 0,129 0,129 0,132 0,126 0,126 0,131 0,129 0,125 0,181 0,146 0,202 0,171 0,114 0,08 1 0,165 0,107 0,132 0,121 0,132 O,2O2 0,136 0,132 0,164 0,164 0,087 0,220 0,174 0,146 0,091 0,139 0,094 O.I2I 0,138 0,150 0,093 0,199 0,1 60 + 0,144 0,04 +0,02 0,02 0,36 0,03 +0,07 + 0,01 +0,06 +0,02 +0,03 9.6696 -9-7I34 +9.0962 -9.5937 9.4521 9.7140 9.7126 9.5992 9.5992 9-5356 9.6731 9.6744 9.6024 9.6462 9.6980 +9.1566 9.1000 +9.2679 +9.0009 9.7096 9.6191 +8.8041 9.6871 -9.6534 9.7209 -9.6524 +9.2598 9.6218 -9.6754 + 8.3284 +8.3483 -9.6389 +9.3149 +8.9201 9.4018 9.6488 9.6235 9-6555 9.7217 9- 6 443 9-3744 9.6561 +9.2146 -8-9355 -9.6321 +9.1024 +9.7014 -9-9575 +9.9643 -9-5877 4-9-75" +9-7774 -9.0539 -9.0542 -9.4041 +9.1470 +9.1624 9.0147 +8.4728 +9-4371 -9.9592 -9.8074 9.9689 -9.9446 +9-8397 +9-9577 -9.9292 +9.9009 +8.7389 +9-7379 + 8.7081 -9-9653 -8.6718 +9.1465 9.9048 9.9048 + 9.9511 -9.9693 -9.9319 9.6278 + 9.9465 -8.6181 +9.9429 +9.8209 +8-333'* 9.6486 +9-9445 -9.9560 9.8248 8.1922 1.2844 1.2843 1.2842 1.2842 1.2842 1.2841 1.2840 1.2840 1.2840 1.2839 1.2837 1.2835 1.2834 1-2833 1.2831 1.2830 1.2829 1.2828 1.2828 1.2826 1.2825 1.2825 1.2823 1.2822 1.2821 1.2821 1.2817 1.2816 1.2815 1.2814 1.2812 1.2812 1.2812 1.2809 1.2809 1.2808 1.2807 1.2805 1.2804 1.2803 1.2799 1.2799 1.2799 1.2795 1.2786 +9.4485 9-4489 9.4502 9.4507 9.4509 9.4522 9.4524 9.4527 9.4529 9-4544 9.4558 9.4587 9.4591 9.4607 9.4627 9.4639 9.4652 9.4659 9.4666 9.4685 9.4691 9.4698 9.4711 9.4720 9.4730 9.4740 9-4779 9.4785 9.4792 9.4809 9.4822 9.4823 9.4827 9.4851 9.4855 9.4861 9.4879 9.4891 9.4905 9.4908 9-4949 9.4951 9-4953 9.4988 +9.5065 156 14 ii. 89 v. 59 ii. 88 326 166 6271 RS* M 39 B.F 143 B.F 145 M 4 i? B.F 149 B 9 6279 6276 B.F 141 R 5 3 B.H 438 ? R S4 0283 M 42 0287 R 5S 6286 M 43 R 56 M44 B 10 M 4 5 151 12 33* 3*7 3*8 169 167 168 *S7 158 '59 161 15 18 20 16 17 19 ii. 131 v. 60 v. 6 1 ii. 132 v - 134 ii. 133 ->33 0,00 0,21 164 162 165 24 23 25 lii. 91 ii. 135 ii. 136 - - O,O2 1 60 0,11 i55 0,36 + 1,27 v. 62 337 349 172 173 + 0,01 0,04 +0,09 +0,05 + 0,01 0,09 +0,03 0,02 + 0,01 167 3* ii. 137 v. 63 ii. 13? 339 174 168 163 171 172 169 33 36 38 35 37 ii. 139 iii. 96 iv. 140 iii. 97 356 178 166 170 173 +0,02 0,05 0,12 + 0,13 + 0,24 0,11 0,02 +0,05 -0,13 + 0,02 + 0,03 + 0,11 40 4i iii. 9$ ii. 140 359 179 44 iii. 99 361 358 180 181 v. 65 ii. 141 ii. 142 i75 176 47 48 366 182 174 177 5i 57 ii. 143 ii. 144 (C2) No. Constellation. Mag. Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a b c d 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 414 416 *7 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430* 43 1* 432 433* 434 435 436 437 438 439 44 441 442 443* 444* 445 446* 447 448 449* 45 43 Ceti 6* 7 6* 6 7 6 7* 6 6 3 6 6 6 3 6 5 6 6 6 5 5 6 5 7 5 5 6 6 6 7 5 7 7 5 7 6 7 6* 3 4* 6 6 h m s I 14 54,70 14 56,16 H 57, 6 3 15 6,80 15 6,89 15 20,09 15 24,24 15 47,47 15 47,59 15 53> r 7 1 6 2,74 1 6 24,90 16 25,99 16 29,82 16 31,70 16 32,25 16 47,59 I 7 ,33 17 13,59 17 30,38 18 2,32 18 10,60 18 10,67 1 8 14,70 18 16,97 18 36,06 1 8 42,31 1 8 46,91 19 25,82 19 27,47 19 51,78 19 52,85 20 9,01 20 20,58 20 31,17 21 7,73 21 13,69 21 31,85 21 36,71 21 45,6l 21 47,50 21 51,16 22 19,80 22 24,34 i 22 33,77 s + 3,061 2,627 3,100 3-394 3,121 2,735 4,106 3,204 2,646 2,739 3,809 2,316 2,865 3,002 2,800 2,026 2,677 2,788 3,480 2,665 3,219 2,6 1 8 2,948 3,227 3,221 3,515 3,061 2,256 2,959 2,085 3,107 4,295 3-205 3,129 3,554 3, I2 4 4,299 4,203 2,794 3,219 2,618 3>"5 2,877 + 3,988 s +0,0034 0,0168 +0,0060 +0,0297 +0,0073 0,0132 +0,1173 +0,0134 0,0 1 60 0,0129 +0,0748 0,0207 0,0075 0,0002 0,0002 0,0103 0,0174 0,0146 0,0107 +0,0369 0,0147 +0,0144 0,0 1 60 0,0030 +0,0149 +0,0144 +0,0399 +0,0035 0,0195 0,0023 -0,0175 +0,0065 +0,1390 + 0,0132 +0,0079 + 0,0426 +0,0076 +0,1372 +0,1224 0,0093 + 0,0140 0,0149 +0,0070 0,0058 + 0,0913 + 0,002 0,016 0,009 + 0,010 +0,001 + O,OII +0,013 +0,003 +0,022 +0,0 1 6 +0,044 0,041 0,003 +0,009 0,002 +0,003 +0,015 0,042 +0,017 +0,004 + 0,001 0,003 0,002 +0,004 +0,009 +0,004 +0,035 +0,004 + 8.8004 8.9579 8.8013 8.8974 8.8031 8.9025 9.2143 8.8192 8.9457 8.8995 9- 935 9.0991 8.8425 8.8044 8.8046 8.8695 9.2103 8.9261 8.8732 8.9322 8.9290 8.8209 8.9510 8.8139 8.8232 8.8208 8-9455 8.7978 9.1099 8.8101 9-1735 8.7984 9.2523 8.8145 8.8000 8.9562 8.7989 9.2464 9.2154 8.8612 8.8164 8-9393 8.7972 8.8293 + SM354 + 8.3306 8.4883 8.3318 8.4289 8.3346 8-4354 8.7476 8-3549 8.4814 8.4358 8-6307 8.6386 8.3822 8-3444 8.3448 8.4098 8.7521 8.4692 8.4177 8.4784 8.4784 8.3711 8.5012 8.3646 8.3740 8.3736 8.4989 8.3517 8.6676 8.3679 8.7338 8.3587 8.8142 8.3776 8.3641 8.5239 8.3671 8.8164 8-7859 8.4325 8.3880 8.5112 8.3718 8.4044 + 8.7114 +0.4859 0.4195 0.4914 0.5307 0.4942 0.4370 0.6134 0.5056 0.4225 0-4375 0.5808 0.3647 0.4572 0.4776 0.4773 0.4471 0.3067 0.4277 0-4453 0.4257 0.5078 0.4180 0.4695 0.5089 0.5080 0-5459 0.4859 0-3533 0.4711 0.3191 0.4924 0.6330 0.5058 0-4954 0.5508 0.4947 0-6334 0.6236 0.4462 0.5077 0.4179 0-4934 0.4589 + 0.6008 -7-1340 8.8143 + 7.6397 +8.6762 +7.8651 8.6903 +9.1794 +8.2860 -8.7905 -8.6828 +9.0286 9.0362 -8.4707 -7.9884 -7.9969 -8.5904 -9.1749 -8-7494 8.6045 + 8.7634 -8.7569 + 8.3199 8.8029 8.2376 + 8.3422 + 8.3214 + 8.7922 7.1112 -9.0511 -8.1888 + 7.7004 + 9.2238 + 8.2627 + 7.8970 + 8.8148 + 7.8540 + 9.2172 +9.1815 8.5689 +8.2965 -8.7818 + 7.7682 8.4104 +9.0846 46 Ceti 48 Andromedae .... a; Ceti Tucanae 47 Ceti +0,003 0,051 0,001 +0,029 +0,008 0,000 +0,002 + 0,001 +0,025 +0,032 f 38 Cassiopeae A Piscium Pisciuni 49 Andromedae .... A 96 Piscium Cassiopeae Cassiopeae Sculptoris 97 Piscium +0,005 +0,016 +0,022 +0,005 Phcenicis y 98 Pisciuni it 48 Ceti Cassiopeae No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of g> n i Taylor. Brig- bane. Various, a' V c' d' 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 4i3 414 4i5 416 417 i 4 l8 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 43 43i 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 91 14 6,9 '35 55 2 9> 6 86 2 51,1 53 4 8,8 83 22 35,4 127 50 8,8 22 39 18,5 72 57 51,0 134 23 26,4 127 22 46,5 30 32 47,2 149 54 23,2 115 8 20,9 98 47 14,7 9 8 57 3 . 1 121 43 43,0 157 10 19,1 131 44 14,2 122 35 29,7 47 19 18,1 132 16 26,8 7i 3 6 34.5 J 35 l8 39' 1 IO5 22 50,6 70 42 33,6 71 32 16,7 45 22 11,0 91 10 45,3 150 51 50,6 I0 3 5 J5-3 155 9 0,0 85 25 21,6 20 30 36,0 73 4 1 5 1 - 8 82 49 1,3 43 46 5.5 83 28 52,8 20 45 20,7 22 21 51,2 120 40 42,0 72 25 12,7 J 34 5 H>8 84 37 55. 112 24 21,8 27 10 52,5 a -18,99 18,99 18,99 18,99 18,99 18,98 18,98 18,97 18,97 18,97 18,96 18,95 18,95 18,95 18,95 18,95 18,94 18,93 18,93 18,92 18,90 18,90 18,90 18,90 18,90 18,89 18,88 18,88 18,86 18,86 18,85 18,85 18,84 18,84 18,83 18,81 18,81 18,80 18,80 18,79 18,79 18,79 18,78 18,77 -18,77 +0,143 0,123 0,145 0,159 0,147 0,129 0,194 0,152 0,125 0,130 0,181 0,111 0,137 0,144 0,144 0,134 0,097 0,129 0,134 0,168 0,130 0,157 0,128 0,144 0,158 0,158 0,173 0,151 O,II2 0,147 0,104 0,155 O,2I5 0,161 o,i57 0,180 0,158 0,218 0,214 0,142 0,164 0,134 0,1 60 0,148 +0,205 a 0,01 0,78 +0,04 0,02 -0,17 O,I2 0,03 O,OO + O,O2 0,32 + 0,04 -0-59 +0,10 0,05 +0,20 +0,23 +0,42 +0,18 0,08 +0,04 0,04 0,06 O,OI 0,01 + 0,01 +0,0 1 +0,10 -9.6442 9.7264 9.6136 9.1861 9-5955 -9.7330 +9.1173 -9.5049 9.7302 -9-734* +8-7774 -9.6997 9.7259 9.6803 9.6810 9-733 6 9.6735 9.7350 9-7354 8.9736 9.7370 9.4862 9-7348 9.7052 9-4755 9.4844 8.8591 9.6442 9.7059 9.7013 9.6921 9.6078 +9.2276 -9-5053 9.5884 8.6981 -9-5931 + 9.2353 +9.1967 -9-74I5 9.4888 9.7442 9.6012 9.7286 +9.0622 +8.3100 +9.8327 8.8147 -9-7550 9.0382 +9.7638 -9.9412 -9.4426 +9.8206 +9.7590 9.9108 +9.9125 +9.6036 +9.1594 +9.1677 +9.6962 +9-9397 +9-7983 +9.7062 9.8058 +9.8021 -9.4732 +9.3261 +9.3978 -9.4932 -9,4746 9.8205 +8.2872 +9.9146 +9.3521 +9-9309 -8.8751 -9-9444 9.4210 -9.0697 9.8308 9.0272 -9.9428 9-9379 +9.6795 -9.4518 +9.8142 -8.9424 +9.5524 -9.9204 1.2786 1.2786 1.2786 1.2785 1.2785 1.2783 1.2783 1.2780 1.2780 1.2780 1.2779 1.2776 1.2776 1.2776 1.2775 1.2775 1.2774 1.2772 1.2771 1.2769 1.2765 1.2765 1.2765 1.2764 1.2764 1.2762 1.2761 1.2760 1.2756 1.2756 1.2753 1-2753 1.2751 1.2750 1.2749 1.2744 1.2744 1.2741 1.2741 1.2740 1.2740 1.2739 1.2736 1-^735 -1.2734 +9.5066 9.5067 9.5069 9.5077 9.5077 9.5090 9.5094 9.5115 9-5"5 9.5120 9.5129 9.5149 9.5150 9-5 J 54 9-5I55 9-5 I 5 6 9.5170 9.5181 9-5*93 9.5209 9.5237 9.5244 9.5245 9.5248 9.5250 9.5267 9.5273 9.5277 9.53*1 9.5312 9-5333 9-5334 9-5348 9-535 8 9.5368 9-5399 9.5404 9.5419 9.5424 9-5431 9-5433 9.5436 9.5460 9.5464 +9.5472 181 58 ii. 145 R 58 M 4 6 M 47 J 22 R 59 G 309 J2 3 M 48 R6o J 24 M49 W 93 R6i M 50 W 97 6323 B.H442 R6 3 J 25, R 64 M 51 G 329 179 59 55 60 iii. 102 iii. 10^ iii. 105 v. 66 ii. 146 iii. 1 06 Y. 6 7 v. 68 ii. 147 37 1 373 378 376 389 381 186 188 190 193 178 182 S3 63 65 180 62 183 184 68 66 67 iii. 107 ii. 148 ii. 149 v. 69 384 391 388 386 187 196 i95 192 v. 70 v. 71 iii. 108 iii. 109 ii. 150 v. 72 ii. 152 iii. no ii. 153 iii. in ii. 154 185 190 187 189 186 191 69 76 72 78 75 73 77 74 39 2 199 395 20 1 203 205 0,0 1 0,06 +0,17 +0,08 +0,02 0,03 +0,03 +0,04 +0,02 +0,08 192 82 ii. 155 409 194 188 196 197 193 83 80 84 85 89 9 1 86 88 ii. 156 iii. 114 ii. 157 ii. 158 ii. 115 ii. 159 iv. ic6 iii. 116 0,06 +0,15 +0,18 0,0 1 198 199 200 92 94 95 96 ii. 1 60 ii. 161 ii. 162 ii. 163 419 209 423 21 No. Constellation. Mag. Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a b c d 451* 45 2 453 454 455* 456* 457* 458* 459* 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468* 469 470 47i 472* 473* 474* 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482* 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490* 491 492 493 494* 495 6 6 4 7 8 s* 6 7 6 4 6 6 7 6 Si St 5* 6 7 1\ 7i 7 6 rt 6 6 6 6 5 6* 6 6 6 6 6 3* 5 6 7i 6 6 6 6 7t h m s I 22 37,12 2 3 18,85 ^3 Z 7.95 23 47.3 ! 23 57,87 24 10,23 24 30,76 24 32,26 24 36,07 24 47,20 25 0,11 25 7,03 25 16,98 25 26,50 25 38,05 26 13,31 26 27,32 26 37,53 26 42,82 26 53,86 27 0,87 27 5,01 27 8,10 27 18,29 27 18,37 27 45,61 *7 48,31 27 59,82 28 0,15 28 0,79 28 12,20 2^8 at 28 27,47 28 33,34 28 40,07 28 47,63 28 48,67 29 9,21 29 12,29 29 42,55 30 8,01 30 22,64 30 39,48 30 42,89 i 31 10,79 +2,837 2,829 3, 1 94 3,'5 6 3,210 3,853 6,00 1 2,784 3> l6 5 2,780 2,496 2,478 2,561 3> '34 3,43i 2,692 2,473 4,614 3,228 3> J 74 3,136 3,072 5,255 3,622 2,924 3> '94 3,220 2,544 2,750 3-501 3,i3i 3,851 2,236 2,272 2,924 2,069 3,629 3>!73 2,770 3,173 2,979 3,560 2,466 10,801 + 3-218 s 0,0075 -0,0077 +0,0121 4-0,0096 4-0,0132 4-0,0729 4-0,4970 0,0091 4-0,0101 0,0092 0,0162 0,0165 0,0151 4-0,0082 4-0,0298 0,0117 0,0161 4-0,1785 4-0,0142 4-0,0107 4-0,0083 4-0,0046 4-0,3002 4-0,0462 0,0029 4-0,0119 +0,0136 0,0146 0,0095 +0,0349 4-0,0080 4-0,0692 0,0164 0,0164 0,0027 0,0145 +0,0462 +0,0104 0,0086 +0,0105 0,0001 +0,0393 0,0150 +2,4979 +0,0132 8 O,OO6 4-0,Ol8 4-O,Oo6 0,001 4-0,002 O,OOO 0,004 + 8.8429 8.8446 8.8087 8. 8010 8.8117 9- 754 9-5835 8.8595 8. 8018 8.8607 8.9840 8.9913 8.9541 8.7967 8.8875 8.8938 8.9887 9.3086 8.8131 8.8012 8.7956 8.7918 9.4464 8.9657 8.8097 8.8042 8.8099 8.9530 8.8658 8.9110 8.7941 9.0570 9.0777 9.0636 8. 808 1 9.1370 8.9638 8.7988 8.8556 8.7983 8.7963 8.9295 8.9771 9.9660 +8.8055 +8.4192 8.4249 8.3898 8.3840 8.3956 8.6605 9.1705 8.4467 8.3894 8.4493 8.5738 8.5818 8-5455 8.3889 8.4809 8.4904 8.5866 8.9074 8.4125 8.4015 8.3966 8.3932 9.0481 8.5683 8.4124 8.4093 8.4152 8-5594 8.4722 8.5175 8.4016 8.6654 8.6866 ,8.6731 8.4181 8-7477 8.5746 8.4115 8.4686 8.4139 8.4142 8.5488 8.5978 9.5869 + 8.4290 +0.4528 0.4516 0.5044 0.4991 0.5065 0.5858 0.7782 0.4446 0.5004 0.4440 0.3972 0.3942 0.4084 0.4961 0-5355 0.4301 0-3933 0.6641 0.5090 0.5016 0.4964 0.4875 0.7206 0.5589 0.4660 0.5044 0.5079 0.4054 0.4393 0.5442 0-4957 0.5856 0.3495 0.3563 0.4660 0.3158 0.5598 0.5014 0.4424 0.5014 0.4740 o.55i5 0.3920 1.0335 +0.5076 8.4908 8.5014 +8.2093 + 8.0455 +8.2569 +9.0059 + 9-5777 -8.5683 + 8.0867 -8-5732 -8.8673 8.8798 -8.8136 4-7.9088 + 8.6615 8.6796 -8.8761 +9.2874 + 8.2959 + 8.1115 +7-9"5. +6.3008 +9-4355 +8.8365 8.2617 + 8.1846 + 8.2674 -8.8133 -8-5979 +8.7249 +7-8723 +8.9816 9.0103 8.9909 -8.2529 9.0878 +8.8340 +8.0937 -8.5634 +8.0909 -8.0434 +8.7683 -8.8586 +9.9650 +8.2422 39 Cassiopese . . . . j 4-0,013 4-0,009 O,OO8 4-O,Oo6 4-O,Oo8 0,019 0,008 4-0,017 O,OOO O,OO8 Andromedae Sculptoris Oti 4-O,OO7 0,005 4-O,OO9 4-0,002 + O,OII 4-0,030 0,006 O,OI2 4-O,OOI 101 Piscium Piscium Phcenicis Sculptoris Piscium 0,662 0,046 + 0,003 0,148 + 0,010 0,002 0,001 +0,016 +0,026 +0,002 -0,043 4-0,068 +0,001 50 Ceti Hydri < i Andromedae 1 02 Piscium if Sculptoris Piscium Ceti 52 Andromedse . . % Ursae Minoris . . 22 No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of I 1 Taylor. Lacaille. Bris- bane. Various. a' *' 72 33 37,8o 33 39,13 33 S5.9 6 34 6,82 34 i7.*9 34 *i,83 34 ",42 34 25, 6 7 34 52,20 35 22,73 35 25,71 35 42,14 36 31,58 36 39,55 36 42,68 3 6 44,65 S 6 47,03 3 6 52,95 37 6,09 37 28,72 38 27,17 38 27,81 i 38 37,06 s +3.'95 2,207 4,310 4,486 3,216 3,548 3,55 2,674 2,819 2,515 2,571 2,234 3,906 3,973 3-542 3,145 0,291 2,339 3.367 3.979 3.435 3,148 3, "5 3,362 1,853 2,250 3,706 3,261 3,2H 3,888 2,637 2,719 2,654 2,406 2,241 2,060 2,303 3,263 2,381 4,152 2,905 3>!52 3-237 3,007 +3,638 a +0,01 18 0,0154 +0,1234 +0,1488 +0,0131 +0,0378 +0,0341 0,0108 0,0064 0,0140 0,0130 -0,0153 +0,0722 +0,0795 +0,0369 +0,0087 + 0,1221 O,OI52 + O,O23I + 0,0797 + O,O28l + 0,0089 + 0,0071 +0,0227 O,OO82 0,0148 + 0,0508 + 0,0157 + O,OI28 + 0,0688 O.OIIO 0,0089 0,0105 O,OI4I O,OI42 0,0123 O,OI42 + 0,0157 0,0140 + 0,0963 O,OO24 + O,OO9I + O,OI4O + O,OO2O + 0,0427 s +0,008 +0,010 +0,006 +0,022 +0,006 + 8.8008 9.0772 9.2017 9.2515 8.8047 8.9208 8.9027 8.8874 8.8337 8.9531 8.9287 9.0636 9.0618 9.0858 8.9154 8.7916 9-5I73 9.0200 8.8464 9.0853 8.8707 8.7913 8.7881 8.8437 9.1834 9.0496 8.9774 8.8118 8.8011 9-473 8.8944 8.8620 8.8862 8.9841 9.0437 9.1061 9.0200 8.8092 8.9902 9.1285 8.8025 8.7881 8.8012 8-7853 +8.9366 + 8.4245 8.7011 8.8259 8.8762 8.4304 8.5470 8.5292 8.5141 8.4605 8.5799 8.5571 8.6921 8.6917 8.7164 8.5468 8.4231 9.1495 8.6531 8.4805 8.7195 8.5059 8.4271 8.4245 8.4802 8.8214 8.6885 8.6172 8.4519 8.4413 8.6878 8-5372 8.5074 8.5318 8.6312 8.6950 8.7581 8.6722 8.4616 8.6428 8.7816 8.4567 8.4442 8.4621 8.4464 + 8.5984 +0.5045 0.3437 0.6344 0.6519 0.5074 0.5500 0.5447 0.4271 0.4501 0.4005 0.4101 0.3490 0.5917 0.5991 0.5492 0.4976 9.4632 0.3690 0.5273 0.5998 0-5359 0.4980 0.4934 0.5266 0.2678 0.3522 0.5689 o.5i33 0.5071 0.5897 0.42 1 1 0-4343 0.4240 0.3813 0.3504 0.3140 0.3623 0.5136 0.3767 0.6183 0.4632 0.4986 0.5102 0.4782 j +0.5608 + 8.1697 9.0104 +9.1666 +9.2241 + 8.2354 + 8.7508 +8.7091 8.6697 -8.4722 -8.8161 8.7680 8.9921 +8.9896 +9.0224 + 8-7397 + 7-9351 9.5096 8.9291 +8-5359 +9.0219 + 8.6237 + 7-95 I 3 + 7.7040 + 8.5258 -9.1454 -8.9730 + 8.8612 +8.3361 + 8.2147 +8.9698 8.6923 -8.5991 -8.6715 -8.8734 -8.9655 -9.0503 -8.9307 + 8.3291 8.8840 +9.0788 8.2617 +7.9527 +8.2586 -7-8382 +8.7897 53 Andromedse .... T + 0,011 0,004 +0,017 +0,040 0,019 +0,004 0,014 +0,028 +0,080 0,003 Hydri 0,023 +0,006 +0,027 0,005 +0,002 +0,005 +0,015 +0,025 + 0,010 0,0 1 8 Hydri 54 Andromedas 107 Pisciurn Piscium Cassiopeac * Phoenicis +0,005 +0,028 0,011 +0,009 Eridani Hvdri +0,033 + 0,012 0,003 Eridani a* Phcenicis Cassiopese + O,OO7 O,II7 + O,OIO + O,OO2 + 0,009 + 0,012 52 Ceti f 1 10 Piscium o 3 Arietis .... Ceti Andromedae No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec.Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of g> M 1 Taylor. Lacaille. Bris- jane. Various. a' V 3 41 21,14 41 22,61 4i S 1 ^ 1 42 5,3 42 10,07 42 13,23 42 38,71 42 54,75 43 16,74 43 20,41 43 39.33 44 3,54 44 18,52 44 18,82 44 25,44 44 3 2 -5 8 45 2,31 45 5>45 45 !8,44 45 18,46 45 47,67 45 52,95 46 6,71 46 21,82 46 55,98 47 3-n 47 15,70 47 29,61 47 37.92 47 57,67 48 0,91 i 48 8,43 a + 2,801 3,170 2,023 3,499 5,609 3,235 3,681 2,357 3,236 2,282 3,100 2,548 + 2,625 0,142 + 3,782 + 3,297 -2,177 + 3,876 2,954 3,762 3,176 3,783 2,596 4,214 2,956 3,564 2,405 4,523 3,395 1,564 2,341 3,270 3,270 3,096 3,570 3.5" 3,289 2,578 3,5i7 3.5*7 3,325 2,421 + 5,738 -4,33 ! +2,499 s 0,0059 +0,0101 0,0 no +0,0312 +0,3276 +0,0137 +0,0457 -0,0133 +0,0137 -0,0133 +0,0064 0,0113 0,0099 +0,1705 +0,0541 +0,0172 +0,5985 +0,0624 +0,0001 +0,0517 + 0,0104 +0,0532 0,0 100 +0,0968 +0,0002 +0,0348 0,0121 +0,1339 +0,0230 0,0102 0,0122 + 0,0153 + 0,0153 +0,0064 +0,0348 + 0,0305 + 0,0164 0,0096 + 0,0307 + 0,0307 + 0,0183 o.onz +0,3253 + 1,2446 0,0104 8 +0,018 + 0,001 +0,032 +0,010 +0,047 +0,006 + 8.8280 8.7887 9.1068 8.8802 9.4443 8.7988 8.9485 8.9875 8.7987 9.0145 8.7812 8.9128 8.8830 9.5360 8.9829 8.8109 9.7414 9.0143 8.7879 8.9712 8.7856 8.9769 8.8887 9.1198 8.7857 8.8929 8.9566 9.2026 8.8346 8.8961 8.9772 8.7995 8.7995 8-7763 8.8913 8.8698 8.8026 8.8864 8.8697 8.8694 8.8097 8.9407 9.4278 9.8613 \- 8.9112 +8.4898 8-4534 8.7731 8.5479 9.1128 8.4677 8.6179 8.6572 8.4686 8.6851 8-4531 8.5860 8.5578 9.2114 8.6583 8.4888 9.4203 8.6936 8.4675 8.6528 8.4686 8.6616 8-5737 8.3063 8.4742 8.5826 8.6463 8.8928 8.5254 8.5892 8.6706 8.4940 8.4940 8.4731 8.5885 8.5681 8.5020 8.5885 8.5725 8.5731 8.5I45 8.6461 9.1348 9.5686 + 8.6190 +0.4473 0.5011 0.3059 0.5439 0.7489 0.5099 0.5659 0.3724 0.5100 0.3583 0.4913 0.4062 +0.4192 -9.1511 +0-5777 +0.5182 -0.3378 +0.5884 0.4704 0-5754 0.5019 0.5778 0.4143 0.6247 0.4707 0-5519 0.38.11 0.6554 0.5308 0.4089 0.3694 0.5145 o.5H5 0.4908 0.5527 0-5454 0.5171 0.4112 0.5461 0.5462 0.5218 0.3840 +0.7588 0.6366 +0.3978 8.4668 + 8.0322 9.0518 +8.6617 +9.4338 + 8.2445 + 8.8137 8.8814 + 8.2462 8.9240 + 7.4904 8.7426 -8.6715 -9.5293 + 8.8746 + 8.3756 -9.7388 + 8.9244 8.0850 + 8.8557 + 8.0379 + 8.8657 -8.6891 +9.0694 8.0693 + 8.7009 -8.8314 +9.1696 + 8.5181 -8.7093 -8.8674 + 8.3023 + 8.3023 + 7.4063 +8.6991 + 8.6431 + 8.3381 -8.6884 + 8.6445 + 8.6439 + 8.3988 -8.8051 +9.4169 -9.8599 -8.7469 Hydri 0,024 +0,00 1 +0,005 +0,003 0,005 +0,007 +0,015 + 0,010 +0,009 +0,004 +0,004 0,008 +0,006 0,005 0,006 0,001 +0,007 +0,004 0,001 0,007 +0,001 +0,004 0,002 +0,005 +0,007 +0,009 +0,003 Hydri i Persei c i Ceti . . . V 54 Ceti <; < Ceti . . . Phoenicis 46 Cassiopeae Phcenicis Phoenicis 5 Arietis y' 5 Arietis y 2 1 1 Pisciuiii f Andromedae Andromedae + 0,002 +0,008 +0,030 +0,004 +0,016 0,000 0,009 6 Arietis B Phoenicis .... Andromeda; 56 Andromedae 7 Arietis Phoenicis Cassiopeae Octantis Phoenicis <2 0,008 26 No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec.Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of ? =3 2 B Taylor. V 1 Bris- >ane. Various. of V 7 138 33 48,2 22 3 17,9 61 9 13,8 130 34 46,6 140 56 55,2 71 26 37,5 71 26 28,7 87 33 18,4 50 2 6,7 53 3 6 39. 2 69 55 39,6 129 20 10,8 53 27 3 6 .7 53 29 10,3 67 9 35,0 137 2 17,7 12 48 56,1 175 18 40,8 133 14 1,8 18,23 18,21 18,19 18,18 18,18 18,17 18,17 18,17 18,17 18,16 18,15 18,14 18,13 18,13 18,13 18,11 18,10 18,10 18,09 18,08 18,07 18,05 18,05 18,04 18,02 1 8,0 1 18,01 18,01 18,01 '7.99 17,98 17,98 17.97 17,96 17.95 17,94 17,93 I7.9 1 i7,9 r 17,90 17,89 17,88 17.87 17,87 -17,86 +0,170 0,194 0,124 0,215 0,346 0,200 0,227 0,146 0,200 0,141 0,192 0,158 4-0,164 0,009 4-0,236 + 0,207 -0,137 4-0,244 0,186 0,238 0,201 0,240 0,165 0,269 0,189 0,229 0,154 0,290 0,218 0,165 0,151 0,212 0,212 O,2O I 0,232 O,229 O,2I5 0,169 0,231 0,231 O,2I9 0,160 +0,380 0,287 +0,1 66 n 0,0 1 +0,06 +0,57 0,0 1 4-o,oi 0,04 -9.7576 9.5488 9.7604 -8.9567 4-9.5026 -9.4752 +8.1818 -9.7792 9.4741 9.7766 9.6145 9-7839 9.7818 -9.6967 +8.7896 -9.3908 -9.6773 4-8.9912 -9.7083 4-8.7267 -9-5433 +8.7959 -9.7865 4-9.2824 -9.7077 8.6990 9.7901 +9.3888 -9.2243 9.7906 9.7904 9-43*9 9-43 J 7 9.6176 8.6656 8.9258 9.4048 9.7929 8.9063 8.9053 9.3510 -9.7972 +9-5393 -9.6883 -9-7977 +9-5973 9.2016 4-9.9027 -9.7390 9.9468 -9.4030 9.8223 +9.8510 -9.4045 +9.8664 8.6659 4-9.7862 +9-7446 +9-9493 -9.8477 -9-5203 +9.9528 -9.8655 +9.2523 -9-8395 9.2070 -9.8432 +9-7547 -9.9036 +9-2373 -9.7613 +9-8283 -9.9203 9.6366 4-9.7659 +9.8428 -9.4552 -9.4552 8.5820 -9-7597 -9.7249 -9.4870 +9.7529 -9-7256 -9-7251 -9.5394 +9.8146 -9.9390 +9.9484 +9-7854 1.2607 1.2602 1.2599 1.2597 1.2595 1.2595 1.2594 1.2593 1.2593 1.2592 1.2589 1.2587 1.2584 1.2583 !.2 5 8 3 1.2578 1.2576 1.2576 1.2575 I.257I 1.2569 1.2565 1.2565 1.2562 1.2558 1.2556 1.2556 1.2555 1-2554 1.2549 1.2549 1.2547 1.2547 1.2542 1.2541 1.2539 1.2537 I.253I 1.2530 1.2528 1.2526 1.2525 I.252I I.252I 1.2520 +9.6203 9.6227 9.6240 9.6252 9.6259 9.6262 9.6266 9.6268 9.6269 9.6275 9.6287 9.6297 9.6310 9.6314 9- 6 3!5 9.6335 9- 6 343 9- 6 347 9.6349 9.6365 9.6376 9.6390 9.6393 9.6405 9.6421 9.6430 9.6431 9.6435 9.6440 9.6459 9.6461 9.6469 9.6469 9.6488 9.6491 9.6500 9.6509 9.6531 9-6535 9-6543 9.6552 9-6557 9.6569 9.6571 +9.6576 168 169 ii. 191 iv. 175 511 J2 9 , P S3 M62 A 49 6383 A R73 R 74 R 75 6384, A 50 Wii6 J 30 M63 L 310 J 3 i R?6 R 77 M6s M 64, P 58 6401 M66 A S 5 6404 J 3 2, Ryg 516 252 230 235 170 165 172 ii. 147 ii. 146 ii. 192 0,04 0,09 +0,19 4-o,oi 0,09 0,11 -.59 +0,07 0,09 0,40 4-0,05 +0,09 +0,07 +0,07 V. 102 v. 177 v. 103 ii. 148 v. 104 v. 105 520 523 524 526 551 253 254 255 257 259 236 174 175 178 176 179 ii. 149 ii. 193 576 262 237 242 238 243 240 239 247 244 177 183 181 185 iii. 151 ii. 194 iii. 152 ii. 195 0,26 0,00 4-0,12 4-0,05 4-0,14 -J~O,O2 -f-O,2I + 0,05 0,17 4-0,09 4-0,09 4-0,05 4-0,03 4-0,05 4-0,11 0,06 0,0 1 0,04 ,3 +0,09 +0,03 188 184 192 190 v. 107 ii. 196 ii. 197 iii. 156 v. 108 iii. 155 ii. 198 iii. 157 v. no ii. 199 iv. 183 ii. 200 536 260 54* 543 547 263 265 266 241 245 186 193 198 248 249 251 250 252 253 255 257 197 196 20 1 200 202 206 203 204 205 iii. 1 60 ii. 20 1 iii. 162 iii. 161 iii. 163 ii. 202 v. 113 555 270 559 272 246 634 565 274 0,04 212 ii. 204 (D2) 27 No. Constellation. Mag. Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a b d 586 587 588* 589 59 59 1 592 593 594 595 596 597 598* 599* 600 601 602* 603 604* 605 606 607 608 609* 610 611 612 613* 614* 615 616 617 618 619 620* 621 622 623 624 625 626* 627 628 629 630 7 6 *i 5 6* 5i 6 5* 6 5 4 4 7 6 4 7 6 4i Si 6 6 6 Si 7 6 6 7 6 Si 6 7i 6 44 6 7 6 6 3 6 S* 7 6 3 7 64 ll 111 S I 48 8,67 48 37,21 48 37,7 J 48 45,68 49 3,18 49 8 '3 6 49 9,98 49 34.82 49 38,69 49 43, 6 3 50 6,71 50 16,35 50 22,17 50 25,50 50 43,81 50 47,23 5 55,47 5 1 7,99 51 13,48 51 16,21 5 1 l6 ,57 51 16,77 51 20,42 51 24,36 5 1 45.3 1 5i 57,44 52 7,24 52 11,71 52 20,61 52 21,41 52 28,46 52 42,85 52 56,22 53 II >4 6 53 26,26 53 27,48 53 44,59 54 2,62 54 i3>45 54 i7,5o 54 21,33 54 33,03 54 4 2 ,63 54 58,02 1 55 9>" s + 3,082 3,7" 4,3 l6 1,505 +3,762 0,762 +3>259 3>33 2,806 4-779 2,269 5> 6 59 3>4 I-95 1 4,948 2,265 1,920 1,498 2,375 6,828 2,257 3,302 5,465 3,198 4>3 6 5 4,338 3,129 2,507 3>9 2 9 3,097 5-248 2,821 2,818 2,511 4,395 2,483 0,014 1,855 3-479 3,093 8,172 2,690 3,640 3-187 +3-374 8 + 0,0058 + 0,0448 + 0,1035 + O,OO66 +0,0487 + 0,2536 + 0,0145 + O,Ol84 O,OO4I + O,l6o6 O,OIII +0,3028 +0,0040 0,0076 +0,1830 0,0110 0,0069 +0,0070 0,0108 +o,5536 0,0108 +0,0166 +0,2647 + 0,0112 +0,1059 +0,1026 +0,0079 0,0096 +0,0615 +0,0065 +0,2254 0,0033 0,0034 0,0093 +0,1075 0,0095 +0,1303 0,0050 +0,0267 +0,0064 + 0,9089 0,0062 +0,0374 +0,0106 +0,0202 s +0,005 +0,003 +8.7737 8-9343 9.1296 9.2125 8.9512 9-5743 8-7923 8.8078 8.8090 9.2417 8.9859 9.4052 8.7720 9.0863 9.2740 8.9852 9.0935 9.2045 8.9461 9-5563 8.9862 8.7985 9.3687 8.7794 9.1310 9.1228 8.7716 8.8979 8.9978 8.7699 9-3253 8.8006 8.8011 8.8939 H3*S 8.9025 9.4587 9.1005 8.8418 8.7678 9.6725 8.8329 8.8934 8-7739 +.8ioi + 8.4816 8.6443 8.8397 8.9232 8.6633 9.2868 8.5049 8.5223 8.5238 8.9570 8.7029 9.1229 8.4902 8.8047 8-9939 8.7054 8.8143 8.9262 8.6682 9.2786 8.7086 8.5209 9.0913 8.5023 8.8555 8.8483 8.4978 8.6245 8.7250 8.4972 9.0532 8.5295 8.5311 8.6250 8.8647 8.6348 9.1923 8.8354 8.5776 8.5039 9.4088 8.5702 8.6313 8.5130 +8.5500 +0.4889 0.5694 0.6350 0.1775 +0-5754 9.8821 +0.5131 0.5224 0.4481 0.6794 0-3559 0.7528 0.4829 0.2904 0.6944 0-3550 0.2834 0.1754 0-3757 0.8343 0-3536 0.5187 0.7376 0.5049 0.6400 0.6373 0.4954 0.3991 0.5943 0.4909 0.7200 0.4504 0.4499 0.3998 0.6430 0.3950 8.1430 0.2683 0.5414 0.4904 0.9123 0.4297 0.5612 0.5034 +0.5281 + 7.0584 +8.7938 + 9.0829 -9.1817 + 8.8255 9.5688 +8.2603 + 8.3972 -8.4055 + 9.2152 8.8845 +9-393 1 -7.4598 9.0283 +9.2515 -8.8839 -9.0378 -9.1728 8. 8180 + 9.5504 -8.8858 +8-3393 +9-3544 +8.0814 +9.0853 +9.0752 + 7-7375 8.7226 + 8.9044 + 7.3877 + 9-3079 -8-3657 -8.3711 ' -8.7147 +9.0875 -8-7343 -9-4494 -9.0476 + 8.5728 + 7.3187 + 9.6691 -8.5413 + 8.7155 + 8.0259 + 8.4394 Hydri T I -0,047 +0,003 0,154 +0,007 0,005 +0,005 0,00 1 +0,056 +0,027 + 0,005 Hydri eg Ceti TTvrlri 0,008 JTvHri Hydri 2 0,012 + O,O27 + 0,021 + 0,0!7 0,009 O.OOI 0,001 +0,004 +0,009 0,007 +0,004 + 0,023 0,016 + 0,002 + 0,009 + 0,012 57 Ceti 59 Ceti v Phoenicis O,OI3 0,163 + 0,034 + 0,009 -(-0,009 Hydri Hydri x Ursse Minoris Fornacis O,OO I + 0,004 + O,OO6 + 0,013 57 Andromedae . . . .y 28 No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec.Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of ! I Taylor. Lacaille. Bris- >ane. Various. a' V c f df 586 587 588 589 59 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 60 1 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 6l! 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 88 53 47,3 43 38 20,7 26 6 40,8 158 40 58,3 4 1 3 1 55, 1 170 54 54,2 72 54 58,6 67 8 I5, 1 "3 J 5 37-5 19 49 28,5 142 21 25,7 13 26 35,7 92 47 36,4 151 i 57,8 18 18 29,5 142 21 39,4 151 35 29,0 158 23 12,9 138 7 4>5 9 25 38,6 142 30 38,7 69 40 23,4 H 3 6 37,7 78 26 4,3 25 49 34,2 26 20 15,4 84 41 43,0 131 54 3,2 36 14 24,6 87 37 20,8 16 8 28,2 in 33 16,9 in 48 22,7 131 27 8,3 25 37 IS, 6 132 45 20,4 168 14 5,0 152 18 4,7 57 26 27,9 87 57 44,7 7 8 56,1 120 43 28,9 48 23 32,9 79 42 31,8 64 47 27,6 -17,86 17,84 17,84 17,84 17,83 17,82 17,82 17,81 17,80 17,80 17,78 17,77 17,76 17,76 17,75 17,74 17,74 17,74 17,74 17,74 17,74 17,73 17,72 17,70 17,70 17,69 17,69 17,69 17,68 17,67 17,66 17-65 17,65 17,64 17,62 17,62 17,61 17,61 17,60 17,60 17,58 - 17,58 +0,204 0,247' 0,287 0,100 +0,251 0,051 +0,218 0,224 0,188 0,321 0,382 0,205 0,132 o,335 . 0,154 0,130 0,102 0,162 0,465 0,225 0,372 0,218 0,298 0,297 0,214 0,172 0,270 0,213 0,361 0,194 0,194 0,174 0,305 0,172 0,00 1 0,129 0,243 0,216 0,570 0,188 0,224 + 0,237 O,I2 0,04 9.6285 + 8.4886 +9.3401 9.7660 +8.7419 9.7170 9-4473 -9.3446 -9.7638 + 9.4567 9.8000 +9-543I -9.6590 -9.7893 + 9.4840 9.8015 -9.7894 -9.7732 9.8041 +9.5903 9.8024 9.3888 +9-5344 -9.5205 + 9.3666 +9.3581 -9.5896 9.8041 +9.0906 -9.6171 + 9.5213 -9.7613 -9.7624 9.8056 + 9-3813 9.8069 -9.7441 -9-7954 -9- 354 9.6198 +9.6241 -9.7909 -7.7709 -9.5329 -9.2730 -8.2344 9.8088 -9.9025 +9.9184 -9.8231 +9-9433 9.4168 9.5378 +9.5448 -9.9217 +9.8465 -9.9356 +8.6354 +9.8895 9.9247 +9-8458 + 9.8913 +9.9151 +9.8186 9.9408 +9.8462 -94875 9.9323 9.2486 -9.9005 9.8984 -8.9117 +9.7704 -9.8522 -8-5634 9.9280 +9.5103 +9.5149 +9.7656 -9.8995 +9.7762 +9-9349 +9.8910 -9.6746 -8.4945 -9.9401 +9.6517 -9-7654 9.1949 -9.5720 1.2520 1.2515 1.2515 1.2514 1.2511 1.2510 1.2510 1.2506 1.2505 1.2504 1.2500 1.2499 1.2498 1.2497 1.2494 1.2494 1.2492 1.2490 1.2489 1.2489 1.2489 1.2489 1.2488 1.2488 1.2484 1.2482 1.2480 1.2480 1.2478 1.2478 1.2477 1.2474 1.2472 1.2470 i.-24 6 7 1.2467 1.2464 1.2461 1.2459 1.2458 1.2458 1.2456 1.2454 1.2451 -1.2449 +9.6576 9.6593 9.6593 9.6599 9.6609 9.6613 9.6614 9.6629 9.6631 9.6634 9.6648 9.6654 9.6658 9.6660 9.6671 9.6673 9.6678 9.6685 9.6688 9.6690 9.6690 9.6690 9.6693 9.6695 9.6707 9.6715 9.6720 9.6723 9.6728 9.6729 9.6733 9.6742 9-6749 9.6758 9.6767 9.6768 9-6778 9.6788 9.6795 9.6797 9.6799 9.6806 9.6811 9.6820 +9.6827 .... 209 207 ii. 203 iv. 185 Wii 9 0416 B.F 222 B.H44 J33 Bi 5 R 79 J34 6424 B.F 239 B.F 240 Wl2 3 B.H'1147? J35 G 440 J36, R8o M 70 Bi6 M69 Wi26 O,I2 O,OO 0,29 0,01 O,OO +0,01 + O,OI -0,31 + O,O2 0,o8 577 606 568 575 276 2 79 275 2 7 8 261 211 iii. 164 262 263 267 258 214 216 218 2IO ii. 205 ii. 207 iii. 168 iii. 1 66 v. 115 iii. 167 254 268 208 584 ... O,O2 260 215 iii. 169 59 594 585 283 281 O,O I 0,19 ii. 213 v. 116 0,16 +0,11 0,02 +0,07 + 0,02 O,02 + O, IO 0,03 0,OI +0,25 +0,04 0,04 0,02 0,60 +0,09 +0,09 + 1,21 O,OO 0,OO O,O I O,O2 + 0,08 +0,04 + 0,19 + 0,03 v. 117 ii. 2ii iii. 170 ii. 212 iii. 171 iii. 172 ii. 214 iii. 175 iii. 174 ii. 215 iii. 173 ii. 216 iii. 176 v. 118 588 282 259 265 266 269 271 264 272 273 222 217 223 219 221 225 229 224 226 22O 2 3 I 232 59. 284 597 285 270 235 iii. 177 599 621 605 286 289 287 ii. 219 iii. 178 iii. 179 275 277 256 276 278 233 2 3 8 241 236 240 242 iii. 1 80 ii. 220 ii. 221 iii. 181 602 288 2j0& I/a ZJffi 29 No. Constellation. Mag. Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Van Proper Motion. Logarithms of a b c d 631 632 633 634 635 636* 637* 638 639 64.0 641 642* 643 644 645* 646 647* 648 649 650 651* 652* 653* 654* 655 656 657 658 659* 660 661 662* 663 664 665 666 667 668* 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 7 6 6 5 5 6 7* si 6* 6* 7 6 5* 6 6 5* H 2 5* 7 6 6 6* 6 6 4 5* 6 6 4 6 7 H 6 6 7 7 6 8 6 6 6* Si 6 Si li m s i 55 i3.Si 55 29,63 55 30.37 55 4!>2i 55 43.87 55 45 55 5i.87 5 6 6.55 56 7,80 56 17,41 56 56,72 57 4. 6 3 57 45-93 58 10,95 58 13,05 58 14,70 58 19,64 58 43,58 59 27,4 59 32,33 59 38,63 i 59 51,67 2 O 5,62 o 20,71 o 20,98 o 38,05 o 53,69 I 4,67 I 17,20 I 34,16 I 47,80 I 48,83 I 5L46 I 59,46 2 I9,l6 * 38,13 2 39,85 2 46,77 * 58,63 3 9.49 3 H.J9 3 26,37 3 39-23 3 39.35 2 3 40,89 s + 3,100 3,275 3,064 2,414 1,562 2,885 +3.375 0,293 +3,59 4,94i 3.J5 1 2,174 2,691 3,336 3,38o 4,114 3.378 3.348 3,575 3,278 5,296 1,116 3,9 6 3 + 0,539 1,840 + 3,528 3,388 4,106 2,077 3.35 3,606 3,606 3,112 2,447 3,302 3,392 3,477 4.59 1 3,328 2,404 1,484 3,165 3,900 2,461 + 3,46i s +0,0067 +0,0148 +0,0052 0,0097 +0,0045 0,0011 +0,0202 +0,1667 +0,0050 +0,1722 +0,0089 0,0093 0,0058 +0,0179 +0,0202 +0,0746 +0,0201 +0,0185 +0,0316 +0,0148 +0,2171 +0,0263 +0,0601 +0,0690 +0,4217 +0,0285 +0,0203 +0,0720 0,0078 +0,0043 +0,0331 +0,0331 + 0,0073 0,0083 +0,0158 +0,0204 +0,0250 +0,1195 +0,0170 0,0084 +0,0077 +0,0095 +0,0534 0,0080 +0,0240 s + 8.7670 8.7869 8.7663 8.9199 9.1706 8-7833 8.8093 9.4883 8.7657 9.2494 8.7680 8.9945 8.8264 8.7960 8.8065 9.0356 8.8059 8.7980 8.8605 8.7821 9.3039 9.2521 8.9832 9-3529 9.6300 8.8436 8.8040 9.0234 9.0102 8.7603 8.8649 8.8649 8.7602 8.8923 8.7827 8.8021 8.8246 9.1460 8.7870 8.9027 9.1600 8.7617 8.9526 8.8834 +8.8181 +8.5073 8.5284 8.5078 8.6623 8.9131 8.5259 8.5524 9.2326 8.5100 8-9944 8.5160 8.7430 8.5780 8-5495 8.5601 8-7893 8.5600 8-5539 8.6196 8-54I5 9.0638 9.0129 8.7451 9.1159 9.3929 8.6078 8.5693 8.7895 8-7773 8.5286 8.6342 8.6342 8.5297 8.6624 8.5542 8.5749 8.5976 8.9195 8.5614 8.6778 8-9355 8.5381 8.7299 8.6607 + 8-5955 +0.4914 0.5152 0.4863 0.3828 0.1936 0.4601 +0.5283 -9.4675 +0.4855 0.6938 0.4985 0.3372 0.4299 0.5232 0.5289 0.6143 0.5287 0.5248 0-5533 0.5156 0.7239 0.0475 0.5980 +9-73I7 0.2648 +0.5476 0.5299 0.6134 0.3175 0.4821 0.5571 o.557i 0.4931 0.3886 0.5188 0.5304 0.5413 0.6619 0.5222 0.3810 0.1713 0.5004 0.5911 0.3912 +0.5392 +7.4281 +8.2658 -6.7847 -8-7727 -9-J339 8.2249 +8.4384 9.4804 -7-0335 +9.2246 +7.8548 8.9020 -8.5256 + 8.3683 + 8-4342 + 8.9626 +8.4316 +8.3854 +8.6414 +8.2557 +9.2852 9.2281 +8.8863 -9.3382 -9.6259 +8.5942 +8.4336 +8-9467 -8.9278 -7.4852 + 8.6574 +8.6575 +7-5483 8.7228 +8.2907 +8.4317 +8-5341 +9.1061 +8.3347 -8.7462 9.1229 +7-8979 +8.8392 -8.7054 +8.5117 +0,007 +0,008 0,012 + 0,008 Phoenicis y Hydri + 0,003 0,063 + 0,007 + 0,067 + O,OIO Hvdri 6 1 Ceti C e ti 0,000 + 0,005 + 0,002 0,001 O,OC2 + 0,016 +0,0 1 6 0,001 58 Andromedse Hvrlri Persei +0,005 -0,055 0,104 +0,017 +0,006 0,008 +0,009 0,00 1 0,00 1 + 0,001 +0,007 0,011 +0,008 0,024 +0,006 +0,003 +0,020 0,021 0,003 0,009 + 0,035 + 0,005 O,OO2 Hydri Octantis 4 Trianguli R 5 Persei h 62 Ceti 59 Andromeda? Ceti Phoenicis 1 5 Arietis 1 6 Arietis 5 Trianguli c 5 Cassiopeas Arietis Phosnicis Hydri 64 Ceti 6 Trianguli No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec.Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of > ffi Taylor. I hj Bris- bane. Various. a' V 86 28 49,0 132 35 44,6 71 12 33,2 64 46 25,8 59 10 59,2 24 10 57,3 69 19 56,2 '34 '3 34-7 156 39 42,1 82 8 4,6 39 38 3,o 131 34 38,8 60 24 9,3 n -17,57 17,56 17,56 17,55 17,55 17,55 i7,55 17,54 17,54 17,53 17-5 17,49 i7>47 '7,45 *7,45 17,44 17,44 i7>4 2 J 7,39 17,39 17,38 17-37 17,36 17,35 i7,35 17,34 17,33 17,32 I7.3 1 17,30 17,29 17,29 17,29 17,28 17,27 17,25 17,^5 17,25 17,24 17,23 17,23 17,22 17,21 17,21 17,21 n +0,218 0,231 0,216 0,170 0,110 0,204 +0,238 0,021 +0,217 0,350 0,225 o,i55 0,193 0,240 0,243 0,296 0,243 0,242 0,260 0,238 0,385 0,08 1 0,289 +0,039 -0,135 +0,259 0,249 0,302 > I 53 0,224 0,267 0,267 0,230 0,181 0,245 0,252 0,259 0,342 0,248 o, 180 o,ur 0,237 0,292 0,184 +0,259 " -9.6143 9.4286 9.6424 9.8123 9.7894 9.7410 9.2707 9-7471 -9.6463 +9.5005 -9.5694 9.8134 9.7936 9-3393 -9.2639 +9.2676 9.2669 9-3I95 8.6551 -9.4249 + 9-5479 -9-7875 +9.1458 -9-7750 9.7446 8.8791 -9.2507 + 9.2686 -9.8205 9.6630 8.4166 8.4150 9.6042 9.8215 9-3925 9.2438 9.0469 +9.4592 -9-3533 9.8248 9.8077 -9-5559 +9.0752 9.8232 -9.0917 8.6037 9.4212 +7.9608 +9-7949 + 9.9055 +9-3837 -9.5711 +9-9338 + 8.2095 9.9168 9.0276 +9.8482 + 9.6392 -9.5118 -9.5672 -9.8665 -9.5651 -9-5263 -9.7190 -9.4117 -9.9193 + 9.9137 -9.8405 + 9.9224 + 9-933I -9.6875 9.5662 -9.8596 +9- 8 537 + 8.6607 -9.7281 -9.7281 -8.7236 +9.7658 -9-4430 -9.5642 -9.6441 9.8946 -9.4819 + 9-7776 + 9.8969 9.0699 9.8200 +9-7554 9.6271 - 1.2449 1.2446 1.2446 1.2444 1.2443 1.2443 1.2442 1.2439 1.2439 1-2437 1.2430 1.2429 1.2422 1.2417 1.2417 1.2417 1.2416 1.2411 1.2403 1.2403 1.2401 1.2399 ' 1.2397 1.2394 1.2394 1.2391 1.2388 1.2386 1.2383 1.2380 1.2378 1.2378 1.2377 1.2376 1.2372 1.2368 1.2368 1.2367' 1.2364 1.2362 1.2362 1.2359 1.2357 1-2357 -1.2357 +9.6829 9.6838 9.6839 9.6845 9.6847 9.6847 9.6851 9.6859 9.6860 9.6866 9.6888 9.6892 9.6916 9.6930 9.6931 9.6932 9.6934 9.6948 9.6972 9-6975 9.6978 9.6985 9.6993 9.7001 9.7001 9.7011 9.7019 9.7025 9.7032 9.7041 9.7048 9.7049 9.7050 9.7054 9.7065 9.7075 9.7076 9.7080 9.7086 9.7092 9.7094 9.7101 9.7108 9.7108 +9.7108 B.F 249 W 127 J 37 A M 7 i Airy(G) M 72 M 73 6454 6463 Wi 3 i M 74 Airy (G) M 75 0,04 +0,02 0,24 +o,54 280 243 244 248 ii. 222 ii. 223 ii. 224 610 616 290 2 9 I 292 +0,17 +0,36 +0,06 +0,24 0,05 279 245 iv. 191 637 619 618 293 294 281 274 247 239 249 ii. 183 ii. 182 ii. 184 +0,09 0,04 285 284 283 286 287 288 282 251 250 lii. 185 ii. 225 ii. 226 0,00 +0,04 + 0,12 +0,03 + O,o6 O,O2 + 0,03 + O,O2 +o,44 + 0,01 + 0,02 + 0,08 0,07 + 0,21 O,O2 + O,O I 252 253 254 257 lii. 186 ii. 227 lii. 187 ill. 188 295 643 652 679 640 297 300 304 3 01 256 iii. 189 290 291 289 260 262 259 ii. 228 ii. 229 iii. 190 V. 122 iv. 196 iii. 191 295 293 294 296 298 297 292 265 263 + 0,04 + 0,17 0,00 + 0,02 O,OO O,O I + 0,04 + 0,07 +o,49 +0,10 +0,16 +0,1 6 +0,05 266 270 267 269 268 264 i 7 iii. 192 iii. 193 ii. 231 iii. 196 iii. 195 iii. 194 iv. 197 iii. 198 641 303 647 664 653 307 309 308 302 299 301 6 3 10 5 ii. 232 iii. 199 iii. 202 iii. 200 230 No. Constellation. Mag. Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a b c d 676 677 678 679 680 681* 682 683 684 685* 686* 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694* 695 696 697 698 699 700* 701* 702* 703 704 705 706 707 708 709* 710 711 712 7i3 7M- 715 716 717 718* 719* 720* 60 Andromedae .... b 63 Ceti 5* 6 6 6* 6 6 6 7 5 H 7* 7 5 7* 7 6 64 7 7* 6 6* si 5* 6 7 7* 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 H si 7 6 6 6 si 4 7 neb. var. h m s 2 3 50,29 3 59>i4 4 5.17 4 9.35 4 17.60 4 22.13 4 24,65 4 52,84 5 3.35 5 8.27 S 32,9 T 5 38,45 6 17,93 6 20,34 6 2 S'33 7 4.75 7 iM 6 7 12,64 7 17.5 7 25,67 7 34.28 7 55. 8 24,87 8 27,66 8 35." 8 44,23 8 45.4 9 10,03 9 30,26 9 37." 9 37.57 9 47.58 10 13,75 10 14,74 10 16,55 10 25,96 10 48,84 10 58,99 II 0,67 " 3.77 ii 6,96 " 9.34 ii 21,88 ii 38 2 II 4 6 >53 s +3.724 3,040 2,393 3.37 2,173 2,201 3.329 3.25 ! 3,170 3.033 3.39 3,123 2,643 4,122 4,123 3,522 3,400 3.389 4.499 4,166 WS* 3.540 3.535 2,434 4> '43 4,146 4,508 M99 2,981 3.874 3.831 3,321 3,084 0,346 +3.452 -0.135 +3-3J9 2,532 3,836 3,9*7 1,229 2,137 4,168 4,165 3,024 s -{-0,0404 -(-0,0047 0,0083 +0,0190 0,0080 0,0082 -(-0,0170 -(-0,0132 +0,0097 -J- 0,0044 +0,0159 +0,0078 0,0054 +0,0701 -(-0,0702 +0,0269 +0,0203 +0,0197 + 0,1050 +0,0733 +0,0719 +0,0277 +0,0273 0,0074 + 0,0706 +0,0707 +0,1046 -f-0,0111 +0,0029 + 0,0489 +0,0459 +0,0161 +0,0064 +0,0797 +0,0226 +0,1276 +0,0160 0,0062 +0,0457 +0,0514 +0,0186 0,0067 +0,0710 +0,0706 +0,0044 s -}-O,OOI +0,005 0,011 +0,009 +0,023 +0.153 + 0,012 + O,OO7 O,OO I + 0,036 + O,OO3 O,OI2 O,OO I + 0,011 + O,OI3 + 0,001 +O,OI4 O,OO5 O,OO I +0,008 + 0,005 + 0,096 + 0,009 0,009 +0,014 + 0,009 + 0,001 0,0 1 8 +0,007 0,006 0,002 +0,004 +0,017 0,029 +0,007 + 0,001 0,000 +0,036 +0,007 +0,003 0,018 +0,019 0,00 1 +8.8968 8-7574 8.9038 8.7943 8.9716 8.9629 8.7849 8.7702 8.7602 8.75 6 3 8.7793 8.7563 8.8232 9.0104 9.0106 8.8282 8.7963 8-7937 9.1071 9.0192 9.0146 8.8315 8.8290 8.8798 9.0091 9.0093 9.1041 9.1566 8-7539 8.9271 8.9141 8.7751 8-7497 9.3425 8.8035 9.4084 8-7733 8.8446 8.9118 8-9358 9.1853 8.9612 9.0070 9-0053 +8.7487 + 8.6749 8.5361 8.6830 8-5737 8.7517 8-7433 8.5655 8.5527 8-5435 8-5399 8.5647 8.5421 8.6118 8.7992 8.7997 8.6201 8.5887 8.5862 8.8999 8.8126 8.8086 8.6269 8.6265 8-6775 8.8073 8.8082 8.9030 8-9573 8.5560 8.7297 8.7167 8.5784 8.5549 9-H77 8.6088 9.2144 8.5809 8.6529 8-7203 8.7444 8.9942 8.7702 8.8169 8.8163 +8.5603 +0.5710 0.4829 0.3789 0.5276 0.3371 0.3426 0.5223 0.5120 0.5011 0.4819 0.5197 0.4946 0.422 1 0.6151 0.6153 0.5468 o.53i5 0.5301 0.6531 0.6197 0.6181 0.5490 0.5484 0.3863 0.6173 0.6176 0.6540 0.1459 0.4744 0.5881 -5833 0.5212 0.4891 9-539 1 +0.5381 -9.1294 +0.5211 0.4034 0.5839 0.5929 0.0896 0.3298 0.6200 0.6197 + 0.4806 + 8.7348 -7.4027 -8-7497 + 8-3943 8.8708 -8.8568 +8.3293 +8.1709 +7.9112 -7.4889 +8.2899 +7.6321 -8.5405 +8.9307 +8.9310 +8.5603 +8.4236 + 8.4088 +9.0598 +8.9438 +8-9373 +8.5738 +8.5669 8.7042 +8.9299 +8.9303 +9.0564 9.1202 -7.8469 +8.7999 +8.7760 +8.2922 +7.0112 -9.3279 +8.4743 -9-3977 +8.2859 8.6209 +8-7733 +8.8165 -9.1541 -8.8590 +8.9284 +8.9261 -7-5539 gr Ceti l 66 Ceti Ceti 8 Persei 8 Trianguli S 9 Trianguli y Persei Cassiopese Hydri 67 Ceti Andromeda: 62 Andromedae . . . . c 22 Arietis 6 Ceti Hydri 10 Trianguli Hydri 23 Arietis Fornacis Andromedaj 63 Andromedae Hydri if^ Eridani 4 33 38 41,8 57 20 27,6 64 55 2,4 65 39 16,8 26 1 6 24,0 32 47 59,0 33 10 55-5 56 27 54,0 56 50 57,2 131 51 57,8 33 33 38,5 33 3i 34.4 26 21 32,4 156 51 46,4 97 6 56,7 4i 44 35.7 43 18 54,3 70 47 41,7 88 57 14,1 165 12 20,9 62 3 9,7 167 19 53,7 71 o 3,9 126 40 54,5 43 22 52,7 40 32 25,0 158 32 3i.3 142 12 26,7 33 26 52,5 33 34 93 39 4i.8 17,20 J 7.i9 !7>i9 17,18 17,18 17.17 17.17 17.15 i7.H I7.H 17,12 17,12 17,09 17,08 17,08 17.05 17,05 17,04 17,04 17,03 17,03 17,01 16,99 16,99 16,98 16,97 16,97 16,95 16,94 16,93 16,93 16,92 16,90 16,90 16,90 16,89 16,88 *6,87 16,87 16,86 16,86 16,86 16,85 16,84 -16,83 +0,279 0,228 0,180 0,253 0,164 0,166 0,251 0,246 0,240 0,230 0,251 0,237 0,202 <*3S o,3i5 0,270 0,261 0,261 0,346 0,321 0,320 0,273 0,274 0,189 0,322 0,322 0,350 0,109 0,233 0,303 0,299 0,260 0,242 0,027 +0,271 0,011 +0,262 0,200 0,303 0,309 0,097 0,169 0,330 o,33 +0,240 +0,04 +0,04 +0,06 0,02 0,08 1,84 0,00 -)-O,O2 + O,O2 +0,04 O,O I +0,15 +0,08 +0,01 O,II +0,01 + O,I2 +0.07 + 8-5977 -9.6593 9.8266 9.2851 9.8285 9.8289 9-3533 9.4618 9.5516 9.6641 9-3 8 33 9-5949 9.8084 + 9.2907 +9.2920 8.9101 -9.2294 -9.2509 +9-4482 +9-3I93 + 9.3111 -8.8395 -8.8615 -9.8312 +9.3086 +9.3103 +9.4542 9.8207 -9.6963 +9- 453 +8.9647 -9.3679 9.6275 9.8002 9.1176 9-7931 9.3700 -9.8268 + 8.9782 + 9.1113 -9.8213 -9.8413 +9.3290 +9.3280 9.6701 9.7713 +8.5784 + 9.7788 -9-5329 +9.8319 +9.8265 -9.4770 -9.3328 9.0829 +8.6644 -9.4419 -8.8070 +9.6476 9.8506 -9.8507 9.6616 -9-55 6 7 -9-5445 9.8819 -9-8537 -9.8516 9.6708 -9.6658 +9.7523 -9.8485 -9.8485 -9.8799 +9.8906 +9.0196 -9-7993 -9.7884 -9-4434 -8.1872 + 9.9111 -9.5966 +9.9148 -9-4377 +9.7011 -9.7862 -9.8055 + 9.8935 +9.8224 -9-8457 -9.8448 + 8.7291 -*-2355 1.2353 1.2352 1.2351 1.2350 1.2349 1.2348 1-2343 1.2341 1.2340 I - 2 335 1.2334 1.2326 1.2326 1.2325 1.2317 1.2316 1.2316 1.2315 1.2313 1.2312 1.2307 1.2302 1.2301 1.2300 1,2298 1.2298 1.2293 1.2289 1.2287 1.2287 1.2285 1.2280 1,2280 1.2279 1.2277 1.2273 1.2271 1.2270 1.2270 1.2269 1.2269 1.2266 1.2263 1.2261 +9-7"3 9.7118 9.7121 9.7123 9.7128 9.7130 9.7131 9.7146 9.7152 9-7I54 9.7167 9.7170 9.7190 9.7191 9.7194 9.7214 9.7217 9.7218 9.7221 9.7225 9.7229 9.7240 9-7255 9.7256 9.7260 9.7264 9.7265 9.7277 9.7287 9.7291 9.7291 9.7296 9.7309 9,7310 9.7310 9-73I5 9.7326 9-733 1 9.7332 9-7334 9-7335 9-7336 9-7343 9.7350 +9-7355 300 34 4 9 H 8 iii. 201 ii. 234 iii. 204 iii. 203 v. 124 v. 125 ii. 235 ii. 236 ii. 237 ii. 206 ii. 207 ii. 208 iii. 209 v. 20 1 v. 203 ii. 210 iii. 211 ii. 212 659 662 661 3 IO 312 311 M 7 6 M 7 8 M77 G47S G 47 6 B 18 B.F 279 Airy(G) G 494 M 79 Wi 3 8 G 499 J38, R8i Airy (G) A J39 303 305 306 308 39 312 3H 3'5 37 310 3 11 3i7 3i8 316 3 J 3 ii 15 16 18 20 23 28 21 22 3 32 33 666 3'5 +O,O2 0,02 + 0,23 + 0,02 -0,13 0,02 0,O7 27 29 34 37 42 35 36 iii. 213 iii. 214 iii. 215 iii. 216 iii. 218 LV. 2O7 iii. 217 682 318 + 0,69 + 0,12 0,08 + O,O2 0,03 0,36 + 0,15 O,OO + 0,41 +0,09 +0,21 O,O2 + 0,05 O,I7 0,05 691 321 321 319 320 47 4i 43 49 S 2 ii. 238 ii. 219 iii. 220 ii. 239 ii. 240 704 709 688 326 328 325 322 5 1 iii. 222 327 54 ii. 223 v. 132 325 324 53 ii. 224 701 6 93 33 327 ii. 241 323 + 0,23 329 56 ii. 243 B.A.C. (E) 33 No. Constellation. Mag. Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a b c d 721 722 723* 724 725* 726 727* 728* 729 730 731 732 733 734 ^35 736 737 738* 739 740* 74i 742 743 744* 745 746 747 748 749* 75 75i 752 753 754 755* 756 757 758 759 760 76, 762* 763 764* 765 5 7 6 $4 8 6 6 6* 6 5* 6 6 6 6 5 6 54 8 Si 6 6* 6 6 4 ft 6 6 Si 64 7 6 64 6 5 6 4 6 7 64 4 6 54 4i 7 6 h m a 2 II 56,06 12 8,13 12 15,45 12 20,17 12 36,65 13 26,03 13 31,48 14 12,05 H !5>7 6 14 22,90 14 28,55 14 34," 14 42,29 15 3.58 15 38,87 15 39.37 15 40,87 16 8,18 16 18,44 16 25,39 16 29,83 16 41,05 16 41,93 1 6 46,55 16 46,97 16 56,01 17 23,83 17 38,17 17 49^45 18 8,07 18 31,43 1 8 34,65 18 41,78 1 8 42,42 18 43,24 19 5-79 19 23,17 19 25,14 20 1,34 20 11,41 20 39,45 20 43,30 21 28,98 21 35,08 2 21 40,82 s +4,1 16 3,006 2,704 1,223 4,184 2,396 3.704 3,203 +3. 6 7 0,148 + 3>93* 3,050 4,167 1,942 3.947 1,901 2,731 3,!97 2.35 7.79 3,190 2,627 2,677 4,8i7 3,202 2,4 7 8 3,025 2,111 3>9 6 9 3,204 2,398 3.53 i,877 2,895 3,203 1,048 3,494 3^99 3,500 3,176 3,682 1,682 2,200 3,192 +2,538 s -[-0,0664 +-0,0038 0,0037 +0,0188 +0,0715 0,0069 +0,0363 +0,0108 +0,0059 +0,1246 +0,0511 +0,0053 +0,0689 0,0039 +0,0517 0,0032 0,0027 +0,0106 0,0066 +0,6400 +0,0103 0,0044 0,0036 +0,1288 +0,0107 0,0059 +0,0046 0,0057 +0,0524 + 0,0108 0,0062 +0,0253 0,0025 +0,00 1 1 +0,0108 +0,0267 +0,0235 +0,0106 +0,0236 +0,0097 +0,0333 +0,0019 0,0057 +0,0103 0,0048 s 0,002 0,007 0,010 0,008 +0,126 0,007 +0,003 + 8.9907 8.7490 8.7960 9.1820 9.0071 8.8784 8.8660 8.7516 8-7447 9.3942 8.9303 8-7445 8.9957 9.0033 8.9312 9.0123 8.7839 8.7484 8.8843 9.5464 8-7473 8.8065 8-7944 9.1447 8.7480 8.8463 8.7415 8.9489 8.9311 8.7463 8.8649 8.8067 9.0087 8.7502 8-7455 9.1910 8.7963 8.7441 8.7965 8.7410 8.8426 9.0506 8.9130 8.7404 + 8.8190 + 8.8029 8.5621 8.6096 8.9959 8.8222 8.6968 8.6848 8.5732 8.5666 9.2166 8.7531 8.5676 8.8194 8.8285 8.7588 8.8399 8.6116 8.5780 8.7146 9.3771 8.5783 8.6383 8.6262 8.9769 8.5802 8.6791 8.5762 8.7846 8.7675 8.5840 8.7042 8.6461 8.8487 8.5902 8.5855 9.0326 8.6390 8.5870 8.6418 8.5870 8.6905 8.8987 8.7642 8.5920 + 8.6710 +0.6145 0.4780 0.4321 0.0874 0.6216 0-3795 0.5686 0.5056 +0.4867 -9.1694 +0.5946 0.4843 0.6198 0.2883 0.5963 0.2790 0.4363 0.5047 0.3711 0.8915 0.5038 0.4195 0.4276 0.6828 0.5054 0.3940 0.4807 0.3245 0.5987 0.5057 0.3798 0-5477 0.2734 0.4617 0.5056 0.0204 0-5433 0.5050 0.5441 0.5018 0.5661 0.2257 0.3423 0.5040 +0.4045 + 8.9049 7.6928 -8.4479 -9.1505 + 8.9292 8.7084 + 8.6804 + 7-9977 - 6 -4535 -9.3831 +8.8102 7.1821 +8.9139 8.9251 +8.8129 8.9382 8.4016 + 7.9701 -8.7252 +9.5410 + 7-9432 8.5126 8.4613 +9.1078 +7.9846 -8.6381 -7.5222 8.8441 +8.8147 +7.9846 -8.6864 + 8.5201 -8-9347 8.1013 + 7.9802 9.1621 + 8.4818 + 7.9630 + 8.4855 + 7.8728 + 8.6365 -8.9924 -8.7867 + 7.9297 -8.5720 c e ti 60 Ceti +0,003 0,125 +0,003 0,000 0,007 0,006 +0,006 +0,032 +0,025 0,008 0,001 0,002 + 0,001 0,048 0,007 0,005 +0,003 +0,02 1 +0,005 0,010 +0,003 + 0,007 +0,015 0,007 0,026 +0,002 +0,004 0,0 1 1 +0,001 0,0 1 6 0,002 +0,006 Hvdri 70 Ceti Cassiopese j 1 Ceti Arietis Fornacis 72 Ceti o Arietis 25 Arietis 11 Ceti . . . Persei +0,056 0,014 Eridani x Arietis + 0,001 34 No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var Proper Motion. Logarithms of & 5 58 59 Taylor Lacaille. Bris bane Various. a' b' c' d' 721 722 7*3 724 725 726 727 728 729 73 731 73 2 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 74i 742 743 744 745 746 747 748 749 750 75i 752 753 754 755 756 757 758 759 760 761 762 763 764 765 34 5 39-4 95 2 2 4.8 116 39 27,9 158 26 43,3 33 *8 5,2 132 32 27,8 49 *7 13.7 79 5 56,5 9 J 7 35.4 167 3 15,2 40 4 39.3 91 34 1 0,6 34 4 27.7 146 38 1,6 40 24 15,9 147 28 3,8 114 30 1,9 80 24 34,4 133 53 15.3 9 ! 33.8 80 58 2,8 120 32 45,5 117 40 28,2 23 16 34,1 80 4 18,7 128 15 27,3 93 27 38,0 J 4* 4 6 39.3 40 6 16,1 80 i 58,0 131 31 32,4 58 52 29,7 H7 29 3 6 -5 102 58 9,6 80 6 50,1 159 20 36,3 61 o 11,7 80 28 13,5 60 44 46,9 82 12 53,7 51 32 6,1 150 59 22,6 138 22 48,1 Si 6 19,0 124 29 14,0 -16^82 16,81 16,81 16,80 16,79 16,75 16,75 16,71 16,71 16,71 16,70 16,70 16,69 16,67 16,64 16,64 16,64 16,62 16,61 1 6,6 1 16,60 16,59 16,59 16,59 16,59 16,58 16,56 i6.55 16,54 16,52 16,50 16,50 16,49 16,49 16,49 16,47 16,46 16,46 16,43 16,42 16,40 16,39 i6.35 i6.35 -16,34 a +0,327 0,239 0,215 0,097 .334 0,192 0,297 0,258 + 0,247 0,012 + 0,318 0,247 0.337 o.i57 0,321 o.i55 0,222 0,261 0,192 0,637 0,261 0,215 0,219 o.395 0,263 0,203 0,249 0,174 0,328 0,265 0,199 0,293 0,156 0,240 0,266 0,087 0,291 0,267 0,293 0,266 0,309 0,141 0,186 0,270 +0,215 a 0,00 + 0,21 -o,37 + 0,38 + 9.2986 9.6814 9.8011 9.8242 +9.3401 -9.8398 + 8.4771 -9-5i83 9.6403 9.8038 +9.1367 -9.6523 +9-3349 9.8469 +9.1569 -9.8475 -9.7968 -9.5247 -9.8458 +9.6864 -9.5321 9.8190 -9.8097 +9-5376 -9.5193 -9-8383 9.6696 -9.8527 -9.1850 -9.5176 9.8461 8.8899 9-853I 9.7408 9-5 I 83 9.8368 9.0112 9.5230 8.9926 -9.5468 +8.2672 -9-8539 -9.8579 -9-5305 -9.8363 -9.8379 +8.8672 + 9-57S 2 +9.8917 -9-8449 +9.7518 -9.7361 9.1670 + 7.6296 +9.9095 9-8004 + 8.3580 -9.8384 + 9.8416 9.8007 + 9.8449 +9.5367 9.1401 +9-759 1 9.9126 -9.1138 +9.6238 +9-5846 9.8807 -9.1541 +9.7092 +8.6975 +9.8117 -9.7998 -9.1541 +9.7368 9.6287 +9.8411 +9.2662 -9.1498 +9.8857 -9-5997 -9.1331 9.6024 -9.0449 -9.7063 +9.8542 +9-7850 9.1005 [-9.6641 1.2259 1.2256 1.2255 1.2254 1.2251 1.2240 1.2239 1.2231 1.2230 1.2229 1.2227 1.2226 1.2224 1.2220 1. 2212 1. 2212 1.2212 1.2206 1.2204 1.2203 I.22O2 1.2199 1.2199 1.2198 1.2198 1.2196 1.2190 1.2187 1.2184 1.2180 1.2175 1.2175 1.2173 1.2173 1.2173 1.2168 1.2164 1.2164 1.2156 1.2153 1.2147 1.2146 1.2136 1.2135 -1.2133 + 9-7359 9-73 6 5 9.7369 9.7371 9-7379 9.7403 9.7405 9.7425 9.7426 9.7430 9-7433 9-7435 9-7439 9-7449 9.7466 9.7466 9.7467 9.7480 9.7484 9.7488 9.7490 9-7495 9-7495 9-7497 9.7498 9.7502 9-75I5 9.7521 9.7526 9-7535 9-7546 9-7547 9-7550 9-755 1 9-755 1 9.7561 9.7569 9.7570 9-7587 9-7591 9.7604 9.7605 9.7626 9.7629 +9.7631 32 ii. 24 iii. 22 v. 13 G 501 M 80 Airy(G) B.H44 B.F 298 L 41 B.H 473 W 142 B.H 413 MSi G5H J 40 B.F 304 J 41, R 82 M 82 G 518 J 42, R 83 B.F 310 69 706 33 332 328 +0,04 +0,09 703 334 61 * I 35 iii. 227 +0,07 0,0 1 +0,05 +0,03 0,02 0,23 + 0,06 0,91 + 0,08 333 69 ii. 24^ 734 717 722 712 338 337 340 33i 335 33 64 70 65 ii. 228 ii. 245 iii. 229 v. 138 iii. 231 v. 140 ii. 232 334 7i 336 73 + 0,03 0,O7 + 0,09 0,65 0,56 0,00 +0,05 0,09 0,06 0,25 +0,10 +0.35 -0,15 + 0,02 0,71 + O.O2 + 0,13 + 0,03 + 0,08 +0,21 0,05 O,OO 77 60 75 iii. 23; ii. 230 ii. 24$ v. 143 v. 142 721 34i 720 718 344 343 33^ 338 72 76 ii. 249 v. 144 ii. 250 v.. 145 iii. 234 v. 225 ui. 236 i- *35 v. 148 i. 252 ii. 251 i. 254 ii. 253 ii. 237 ii. 239 ii. 255 723 729 345 346 339 80 337 340 79 83 90 84 731 739 349 343 34i 87 85 747 35i 342 345 346 347 88 9 1 93 94 +0,77 +0,36 v. 150 v. 151 752 753 352 353 +0,17 99 i. 241 749 354 (E2) 35 No. Constellation. Mag. Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Logarithms of Motion. a b c d 766 767 768 769 770 771 772 773 774 775 77 6* 111* 77* 779 780 781 78* 783 784* 785 786* 787 788 789 79 791 792* 793 794 795 796* 797 798 799 800 801 802 803 804* 805 806 807 808 809* 810 i 6 6 64 6 6 54 6 6 6 6 54 54 6 64 5 6* 6 6 Si 6 6 6 H 6 6 7 H 4* 7 6 H 54 6 64 6 7 6 6 6 6 si 54 6 7 h m s 2 21 55,30 22 2,77 22 7,92 22 14,23 22 21,30 22 35,69 22 57,31 23 4,66 23 29,21 23 42,42 23 44,56 23 53.49 24 31,79 24 31,88 24 41,70 24 58,93 25 13,92 26 4,66 26 31,39 26 31,93 26 41,46 26 41,92 26 51,49 27 7,92 27 16,48 27 18,80 27 49,01 27 5L35 28 0,38 28 4,19 28 19,41 28 22,18 28 27,47 28 37,23 28 38,72 28 47,79 29 34,96 29 41,05 29 48,50 29 5^,52 29 57,22 30 8,58 30 18,56 30 44,65 2 30 59,91 s +3.425 0,303 2,589 3.34 1 1,222 3.39 3,627 2 .733 2,691 2,734 3.093 S.S'o 3.047 1,382 3-273 2,845 3.33 1 2,469 7.999 4,067 3,610 2,228 2,504 3,166 2,628 2,951 3,012 3.158 3,140 5.405 3.429 3.43 3.239 2,950 3.i7i 2,045 5,023 2,588 1.565 M57 4,118 3,013 3.389 2,494 + 3.215 s +0,0198 +0,0757 0,0042 +0,0161 +0,0179 +0,0147 +0,0297 0,0020 O,OO27 O,OOI9 + 0,0069 + O,2OO5 + 0,0055 + O,OII4 + 0,0132 + 0,0003 + 0,0155 0,0048 + 0,6294 + 0.0555 + 0,028l 0,0051 0,0044 + 0,0092 0,0032 + 0,0030 + 0,0046 + 0,0090 + 0,0084 + 0,1805 + 0,0193 + 0,0193 + 0,0117 + 0,0030 + 0,0094 0,0038 + 0,1358 0,0034 + 0,0054 + 0,0087 + 0,0576 + 0,0047 + 0,0174 0,0041 + 0,0109 s +0,013 0,028 0,000 + 0,006 +0,016 +0,005 0,000 +0,014 +0,006 +0,002 + 8-7759 9.3029 8.8050 8.7591 9-H53 8-7533 8.8225 8.7703 8-7784 8.7689 8.7324 9.2457 8.7313 9.1047 8.7447 8-7475 8.7525 8.8272 9.5248 8.9323 8.8097 8.8906 8.8162 8.7306 8.7850 8-7321 8.7277 8.7290 8.7279 9.2129 8.7650 8.7650 8.7349 8.7302 8.7287 8-9334 9.1396 8.7894 9.0468 9.0702 8.9356 8.7243 8-7537 8.8101 +8.7286 + 8.6289 9.1564 8.6588 8.6133 9.0000 8.6089 8.6796 8.6278 8.6376 8.6290 8.5926 9.1066 8.5947 8.9681 8.6087 8.6126 8.6187 8.6967 9.3961 8.8036 8.6817 8.7626 8.6888 8.6043 8.6593 8.6065 8.6041 8.6055 8.6050 9.0903 8.6434 8.6435 8.6138 8.6097 8.6083 8.8136 9.0229 8.6732 8.9310 8-9547 8.8204 8.6098 8.6399 8.6980 + 8.6175 +0-5347 9.4814 0.4132 0.5239 0.0871 0.5198 0.5596 0.4367 0.4299 0.4368 0.4903 0.7412 0.4839 0.1405 0.5149 0.4541 0.5226 0.3925 0.9030 0.6092 0-5575 0-3479 0-3987 0.5006 0.4198 0.4699 0.4788 0.4993 0.4969 0.7328 0.5352 0.5352 0.5104 0.4698 0.5012 0.3107 0.7009 0.4130 0.1945 0.1636 0.6147 0.4790 0.5300 0.3968 +0.5071 + 8.3948 9.2864 8.5264 + 8.2758 -9.1099 + 8.2202 + 8.5862 8.3684 8.4180 8.3646 + 7-I786 + 9-2243 -7.2035 9.0619 + 8.1394 -8.1853 + 8.2475 8.6076 + 9.5192 + 8.8247 + 8.5576 -8.7514 -8.5782 + 7.8050 8.4691 7.9026 -7.5926 + 7.7601 + 7.6625 + 9.1885 + 8.3742 + 8.3742 + 8.0454 7.8992 + 7.8192 8.8284 + 9.1050 -8.4975 8.9912 9.O2IO + 8.8330 -7.5729 + 8.3141 -8.5710 + 7-9677 Hydri X Hvdri 0,001 +0,004 0,064 0,000 0,00 1 +0,009 +0,040 +0,024 +0,016 + 0,006 +0,009 0,013 +0,002 0,005 +0,007 0,007 +0,118 0,005 0,010 +0,016 + 0,015 +0,020 0,000 +0,003 0,022 +0,051 0,005 75 Cetf 76 Ceti v Fornacis Fornacis Ceti 77 Ceti 79 Ceti Ceti 78 Ceti v Cassiopese 30 Arietis Arietis 31 Arietis 80 Ceti Ceti Horologii Cassiopeae Fornacis Horologii Horologii 0,06 1 +0,007 +0,006 +0,003 O,OII +0,027 Persei 8 1 Ceti 32 Arietis v Fornacis Arietis No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec.Var. ! PP er j Motion. Logarithms of ? M i s Taylor. Lacaille. Bris- >ane. Various. a' V c' df 766 767 768 769 770 771 772 773 774 775 776 777 778 779 780 781 782 783 784 785 786 787 788 789 79 791 792 793 794 795 796 797 798 799 800 801 802 803 804 805 806 807 808 809 810 65 25 56,7 164 19 31,9 121 46 36,6 70 48 47,8 157 10 20,9 72 57 41,1 54 3 1 J 9' 8 113 21 8,2 115 51 24,6 113 12 42,9 88 23 55,7 17 50 34,2 91 41 58,5 154 58 22,0 75 37 57,8 105 54 19,4 71 47 2,6 127 5 32,5 9 Ir 39- 1 38 41 48,9 55 58 12,6 136 32 3,0 125 l8 45'9 83 II 2,0 n8 53 35,4 98 30 56,6 94 12 5,5 83 50 0,2 85 3 52,1 19 i 34,6 66 o 29,4 66 o 29,2 78 12 18,6 98 29 10,0 82 55 30,0 141 45 6,6 22 35 2,7 I2O 42 8,5 151 37 46,6 153 H 39,7 37 5 45,5 94 2 5>3 68 41 26,6 125 13 8,2 80 o 48,1 -i 6 33 16,32 16,32 16,32 16,31 16,30 16,28 16,27 16,25 16,24 16,24 16,23 16,20 16,20 16,19 16,17 16,16 16,12 16,09 16,09 16,09 16,09 16,08 16,06 16,05 16,05 16,03 16,02 16,02 1 6,0 1 1 6,00 1 6,00 J 5.99 15,98 15,98 15,98 S93 i5,93 I 5>9 2 15,92 I 5,9 I 15,90 15,89 15,87 -15,86 +0,290 0,026 0,220 0,283 0,104 0,281 0,309 0,233 0,230 0,234 0,265 0,472 0,262 0,119 0,282 0,245 0,288 0,214 0,696 o,354 0,314 0,194 0,218 0,277 0,230 0,258 0,264 0,277 0,276 o,475 0,302 0,302 0,285 0,260 0,279 0,180 o>445 0,229 0,139 0,129 0,366 0,268 0,301 0,222 + 0,287 // +0,06 0,0 1 +0,43 +0,0 1 +o.39 +0,04 + 0,02 0,09 O,o6 + O,O I 9.1858 9.8303 9.8293 9.3401 9.8481 9.3876 8.1584 9.7994 9.8103 9.7994 9.6206 +9.6295 -9- 6 545 9.8561 -9-4376 9.7630 -9.3562 -9.8483 +9.7158 + 9.2887 8.4048 9.8645 9.8449 9.5561 9.8258 9-7*43 9.6783 9.5646 -9.5805 +9.6311 -9.1798 -9.1798 -9.4793 -9.7146 -9.5518 -9-87I3 +9-5955 -9-8347 9.8700 9.8684 +9.3310 -9-6775 9.2617 -9.8495 9.5068 -9.5296 +9.8942 +9.6320 -9.4271 +9.8748 -9.3768 -9.6731 +9-573 +9-5483 +9.5040 -8.3546 9.8867 + 8-3794 + 9.8644 9.3017 +9-3444 9.4012 +9-6855 9.8988 -9.7968 -9.6521 +9.7650 +9.6659 8.9780 +9-5875 +9.0738 + 8.7675 -8.9336 -8.8370 -9.8779 -9.5111 -9.5110 9.2122 +9.0705 -8.9919 +9-7963 -9.8654 +9.6080 +9.8442 +9.8505 9.7970 +8-7479 -9-4594 +9-6593 -9.1371 1.2130 1.2128 1.2127 1.2126 1.2124 I.2I2I 1.2116 I.2II4 I.2IO9 1.2106 I.2I05 I.2IO3 1.2095 1.2094 1.2092 1.2088 1.2085 1.2073 1.2067 1.2067 1.2064 1.2064 I.2O62 1.2058 1.2056 1.2056 1.2048 1.2048 1.2046 1.2045 I.204I I.2O4O 1.2039 1.2037 1.2036 1.2034 1.2023 I.2O2I 1.2020 I.2OI9 1. 2Ol8 I.20I5 I.2OI2 1. 2OO6 I.Z002 + 9.7638 9.7641 9.7643 9.7646 9.7649 9-7655 9-7665 9.7668 9.7679 9-7685 9.7686 9.7689 9.7706 9.7706 9.7710 9.7718 9.7724 9.7746 9-7757 9-7758 9.7762 9.7762 9.7766 9-7773 9.7776 9.7777 9.7790 9.7791 9-7795 9-7796 9-7803 9.7804 9.7806 9.7810 9.7811 9.7815 9-7834 9-7837 9.7840 9.7841 9-7843 9.7848 9.7852 9.7863 +9.7869 9 6 ii. 257 Wi 47 M8 3 B.H 524 B.H 433 J43 6527 G 53 i Wi S3 Wi S 6 M8 4 G 53 2 Wi6o G535 G 53 6 M85 B.F 328 774 75' 358 356 v. 153 ii. 258 349 9 8 769 757 7 6t 763 357 360 35i 35 IOI 1 02 104 106 107 ii. 259 lii. 242 ii. 244 ii. 246 ii. 260 O,O I + 0,03 + 0,20 0,03 + 0,07 0,04 + 0,14 348 354 97 no ii. 245 ii. 261 779 363 352 356 355 109 113 112 ii. 262 ii. 249 ii. 264 v. 155 776 364 344 357 0,08 + 0,04 0,09 + 0,05 + O,I2 O,OO + O,O2 + 0,42 >31 + 0,03 + 0,07 O,O3 0,02 + 0,05 + 0,04 O,O2 0,05 + O,OI +0,17 "5 116 iii. 250 iii. 251 v. 156 iii. 252 ii. 265 ii. 267 ii. 266 iii. 253 ii. 268 ii. 269 785 78i 367 366 359 3 6 3 362 353 360 361 3 6 4 365 120 118 122 121 124 I2 3 125 783 368 126 128 I2 9 131 130 ii. 270 ii. 271 ii. 272 ii. 274 ii. 273 v. 158 799 370 358 137 iii. 255 798 810 812 37* 373 -0,35 0,02 0,0 1 +0,03 +0,14 +0,21 v. 1 60 iii. 254 ii. 275 ii. 276 iii. 258 iii. 259 368 367 132 138 I 3 6 141 140 805 374 37 No. Constellation, Mag Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a b c d 811 812 813 814 .. 815 816 817 818 819 820 821* 822* 823 824* 825 826* 827 828 829 830* 831 832 833 834* 835 836* 8 3 7 838 839* 840 841 842 843 844 845 846 847 848* 849 850 85, 852 853 854 855* 82 Ceti $ 4 6 6 6 4* 6.} 7 6 6 $4 5* neb. 6 6 6 7 4 5 6 6 4 4 6 6* 6 8 3 7 5* 6 6 6| 6 5* 4 6 4 6 5 6 6 6| 6 6 6 h m s 2 31 48,13 3 1 S>47 3i 55.83 31 59,08 32 18,69 32 20,75 32 21,29 32 22,75 32 26,80 32 28,07 32 47,85 32 54 33 33,2 33 47,33 33 55,12 33 56,51 33 58,80 34 4.65 34 20, 1 1 34 24,72 34 39. 6 9 34 45,10 34 51,22 35 8,77 35 26,31 35 29.51 35 32,07 35 57-35 35 59,79 36 8,08 36 16,61 3 6 17,5 3 6 44,49 36 47,67 36 50.33 36 57.38 3 6 59.*3 36 59.84 37 17,66 37 24.37 37 27,50 37 29.46 37 30.49 37 34.44 a 38 2,99 + 3,o66 2,580 3.479 5,027 2,888 4,225 3> J 5o 2,411 4,161 1,968 3,754 3.817 3.051 0,003 3,363 3,216 4,014 2,279 3,866 3,219 3,497 +2,357 -L559 + 3.46i 1,000 5,256 3,109 3,33 1,860 2,388 1,269 3,291 2,160 3.247 3,212 1,018 2,852 1,102 0,874 0,563 4,007 3>!3i 2,329 2,654 +2,Si5 s +0,0062 0,0032 +0,02 1 1 +0,1334 +0,0017 +0,0640 +0,0087 0,0044 +0,0594 0,0025 +0,0343 +0,0378 +0,0058 +0,0924 +0,0161 +0,0108 +0,0491 0,0044 +0,0401 +0,0109 +0,0216 0,0043 +0,2663 +0,0199 +0,0264 +0,1530 +0,0075 +0,0148 0,0007 0,0041 +0,0149 +0,0133 0,0038 +0,0117 + 0,0105 +0,0253 +0,0012 +0,0216 +0,0322 +0,0496 0,0025 +0,0081 0,0040 0,0019 0,0032 s +0,008 +0,004 +0,009 0,004 + O,OII +0,007 +0,008 +0,032 + 8.7207 8.7869 8.7684 9- I 3 I 9 8.7304 8.9556 8.7219 8.8272 8.9391 8.9422 8.8322 8.8484 8.7183 9.3001 8.7429 8.7241 8.8970 8.8571 8.8575 8.7236 8.7668 8.8353 9.4664 8.7584 9.1407 9.1608 8.7156 8-7342 8.9579 8.8239 9.0869 8.7284 8.8808 8.7225 8.7191 9.1320 8.7269 9.1166 9.1564 9.2067 8.9175 8.7132 8.8354 8.7588 + 8.7884 + 8.6128 8.6791 8.6610 9.0246 8.6244 8.8497 8.6161 8.7215 8.8337 8.8369 8.7281 8.7447 8.6171 9.1999 8.6432 8.6244 8-7975 8.7580 8-7594 8.6258 8.6700 8.7388 9.3703 8.6635 9.0469 9.0672 8.6221 8.6424 8.8663 8.7328 8.9963 8-6379 8.7921 8.6339 8.6307 9.0441 8.6391 9.0288 9.0697 9.1205 8.8315 8.6274 8.7496 8.6733 + 8.7047 +0.4866 04115 0-54J5 0.7013 0.4605 0.6259 0.4982 0.3822 0.6192 0.2940 0-5744 0.5817 0.4845 7.53I5 0.5267 0.5073 0.6036 0.3578 0-5873 0.5078 0.5438 +0.3723 0.1929 +0.5392 9.9999 0.7207 0.4926 0.5224 0.2696 0.3781 0.1036 0.5174 0-3344 0.5115 0.5067 0.0079 0.4551 0.042 1 9-94I3 9.7507 0.3024 0.4957 0.3672 0.4239 + 0.4005 6.4704 8.4968 + 8.4167 + 9.0965 8.0662 + 8.8661 + 7.7005 8.6226 + 8.8408 -8.8457 + 8.6362 + 8.6743 7.0860 -9.2847 + 8.2636 + 7-9594 +8.7721 8.6952 + 8.6966 + 7.9675 +8.4249 8.6478 -9-4594 + 8.3843 -9.1077 + 9.1310 + 7.3724 + 8.2033 -8.8723 8.6230 -9.0439 + 8.1320 -8.7461 + 8.0336 +7-9357 -9.0979 -8.1255 -9.0798 9.1262 9.1832 8.8108 +7-5651 -8.6538 8.4029 8.5264 83 Ceti e Ceti + 0,024 0,000 84 Ceti +0,005 0,057 +0,005 +0,003 +0,037 0,003 0,000 0,001 +0,002 +0,02 1 0,064 Hvdri 1 3 Persei 9 Eridani Hydri u. Arietis Hydri 0,019 +0,002 0,007 +0,007 0,002 0,005 0,064 +0,003 +0,002 + 0,012 + 0,020 + O,OO6 0,001 Cassiopeaj g6 Ceti y 36 Arietis Horologii ? Fornacis Horologii 37 Arietis o Eridani 38 Arietis Arietis Hydri 80 Ceti . . .it Hydri Hydri f 0,013 + 0,042 + 0,025 + O,OI4 0,009 0,015 O.OOI Hydri Horologii Ceti Eridani Fornacis Fornacis 38 No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of j 3 3, H B 3 a Taylor. I Bris- jane. Varioui. a' V (/ d' 8n 812 813 814 815 816 817 818 819 820 821 822 $23 824 825 826 827 828 829 830 831 832 833 834 835 836 837 838 839 840 841 842 843 844 845 846 847 848 849 850 851 852 853 854 S5 90 19 18,5 120 50 35,4 63 35 6,8 22 49 3,6 102 30 41,0 35 3 2 '9.5 84 32 14,1 128 38 13,0 37 7 2,8 143 ii 35,8 50 26 36,7 47 57 91 20 11,2 164 50 6,3 70 37 48,5 80 6 3,1 41 24 35,2 133 32 15,1 46 20 40,7 79 54 6 .5 62 56 2,1 130 29 56,2 169 45 45,1 65 O IO,2 157 5 6 5 T >9 21 O 7,O 87 23 56,4 72 52 20,0 145 II 41,0 129 I 30,4 154 55 4.i 75 X 9 46 i37 9 4 2 >9 78 ii 17,5 80 31 19,7 157 36 12,6 104 29 49,1 156 44 58,5 158 54 42,9 161 19 8,0 141 26 55,7 85 55 2 3.4 131 10 6,3 116 8 24,5 123 9 38,5 a 15,81 15,81 15,81 15,80 J 5,79 15.79 15.78 15.78 15.78 15.78 i5.7 6 i5.7 6 I5.7 2 i5.7i 15.7 15.7 15.7 15,69 15,68 i5. 6 7 15,66 15.65 '5.65 i5. 6 3 15,62 15,61 15,61 '5.59 !5.59 15.58 15-57 '5,57 15.55 15.54 '5.54 J5.53 15.53 '5.53 '5.5 1 '5.5 1 iS.Si ^.S J 5.5 '5.5 -*5.47 a +0,275 0,231 0,312 0,451 0,260 0,380 0,283 0,217 0.375 0,177 o.339 0,344 0,276 0,000 0,305 0,292 0,364 0,207 0,352 0,293 0,319 +0,215 0,142 +0,316 0,092 0,481 0,285 0,306 0,171 0,219 0,117 0,303 0,199 0,299 0,296 0,094 0,263 0,102 0,0 8 1 0,052 0,1 86 0,290 0,216 0,246 +0,233 // +0,03 +0,17 0,01 +0,04 +0,23 +0,03 +0,04 0,03 9.6410 -9.8376 9.0603 + 9.6011 -9.7461 + 9.3976 -9.5721 -9.8599 + 9.3623 -9.8775 + 8.7723 + 8.9647 9.6516 -9-8535 -9.3075 -9.5058 +9.2548 -9.8713 + 9.0663 9.5022 9.0090 -9.8668 -9.8405 9.1092 9.8718 + 9-6339 -9.6075 9.3606 9.8833 9.8655 9.8778 9-4!53 9.8799 9.4704 9.5104 9.8751 9.7623 9.8766 9-8735 9,8691 9.8845 9.5886 9.8718 9.8256 -9.8521 +7.6465 +9.6066 -9-5449 9.8612 +9.2318 9.8065 8.8746 +9.6914 9.7976 +9-7993 -9.6994 9.7211 +8.2620 +9-8785 9.4144 9.1289 9.7686 +9-73'5 -9.7321 9.1368 -9.5506 +9.7049 +9.8853 -9.5177 +9.8584 9.8614 8.5481 -9-3597 + 9.8049 +9-6894 +9.8471 -9.2937 +9-7546 9.2004 9.1058 +9.8550 +9.2875 +9.8522 +9.8584 +9.8648 +9.7815 8.7401 +9.7066 +9-53 21 +9.6253 1.1990 1.1990 1.1989 1.1988 1.1983 1.1982 1.1982 1.1982 1.1981 1.1981 1.1976 1.1974 1.1964 1.1961 1.1959 1.1959 1.1958 1.1957 J -!953 1.1951 1.1948 1.1946 1.1945 1.1940 1.1936 ^PSS 1.1934 1.1928 1.1927 1.1925 1.1923 1.1923 1.1916 1.1915 1.1914 1.1913 1.1912 1.1912 1.1907 1.1906 1.1905 1.1904 1.1904 1.1903 1.1896 +9.7889 9.7890 9.7892 9-7893 9.7901 9.7902 9.7902 9.7903 9.7904 9.7905 9.7913 9-79*5 9.7931 9.7937 9.7940 9.7940 9.7941 9-7943 9.7950 9-7951 9-7957 9-7959 9.7962 9.7969 9.7976 9-7977 9.7978 9.7988 9.7989 9.7992 9-7995 9.7996 9.8006 9.8007 9.8008 9.8011 9.8012 9.8012 9.8019 9.8021 9.8023 9.8023 9.8024 9.8025 +9.8036 372 370 366 375 369 144 H7 43 ii. 278 iii. 260 ii. 277 M86 537 J45 W 163 6540 6542 A M8 7 B.F 33 8 J46 B.F 340 J 47, R 84 R8s B.F 339 Airy(G) M88 B.F 347 J 4 8 J49 B.F 353 811 376 149 142 148 ii. 280 iii. 261 ii. 279 v. 162 8i5 377 0,06 +0,16 v. 163 iii. 262 821 378 37i 146 4-0,12 378 152 ii. 281 856 385 +0.01 +0,23 +o, 10 4-0,04 +0,03 +0,06 0,02 0,0 1 0,00 377 379 374 376 38i 380 J 53 155 150 158 '54 156 57 '59 ii. 283 ii. 284 ii. 282 ii. 285 iii. 263 ii. 286 ii. 287 ii. 288 8z 7 383 831 883 384 39 0,13 0,00 +0,16 0,05 +0,31 0,09 4-0,03 +0,07 + 0,24 4-0,07 +0,05 +0.43 +0,02 854 386 373 383 384 161 162 ii. 289 ii. 290 v. 168 iii. 264 847 841 863 388 387 39' .... 168 38S 164 ii. 291 v. 170 ii. 292 ii. 293 848 392 386 387 166 167 867 396 388 170 ii. 294 866 871 877 859 398 400 397 +0,22 0,85 -0,34 +0,05 4-0,04 +0,94 4-o,o8 ii. 296 v. 172 iv. 2.41 iii. 265 v. 173 iii. 266 171 173 852 850 855 395 394 399 176 39 No. Constellation. Mag Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a b c d 856 857* 858* 859* 860 861 862 863 864 865 866 867 868 869 870 871 872 873 874 875 876 877 878 879 880* 881 882 883 884 885 886 887 888 889 890 891 892 893 894 895 896* 897 898 899 900 44 7 H 7 6 4 6 4 6 6 H 6 6 Si 5 4l 3 6 6 6 5* S 5* 5 Sk 6 5 6 6i 5 Si 44 H 6 si 8 7 6 6 7 6 6 7* 6 6 h m s 2 38 6,34 38 12,63 38 28,61 38 40,42 38 42,40 38 59,23 39 22,38 39 47.13 39 54.J7 39 54.28 4 3,24 40 8,03 40 11,63 4 49.58 40 55.79 4i 7.9 1 41 9,89 41 28,54 41 29,97 42 15,09 42 16,20 42 17,25 42 38,50 42 48,68 43 12,32 43 i3. 9 43 H.78 43 24,31 43 32,24 43 39. J 3 44 ",49 44 H,i5 44 15-48 44 32,49 44 3 6 ,85 44 44,26 44 5>99 44 59,33 45 35,3i 45 42,70 46 24,43 46 26,62 4 6 31,37 46 57,82 2 47 2,16 s +2,774 4,352 4.35 6 5,211 0,741 3-537 1,925 4,39 2,256 2,152 3,463 3,344 i,34i 1,002 3,332 3,739 3-54 2,437 0,717 4,i99 1,260 3,667 2,389 2,504 2,660 3,296 0,88 1 2,595 2,133 4> J 97 2,422 2,723 3.75 0,384 2,424 3,161 3,32i 2,316 2,530 1,302 7.56i 4,008 3.344 1 > 6 57 +2,269 s 0,0000 4-0,0699 +0,0701 +0,1444 +0,0389 +0,0227 0,0014 +0,0660 0,0037 0,0035 +0,0195 +0,0150 +0,0122 +0,0254 +0,0145 +0,0316 +0,0210 0,0034 +0,0394 +0,0574 +0,0149 +0,0280 0,0034 0,0029 0,0013 +0,0132 +0,0306 0,0021 0,0030 +0,0568 0,003 J 0,0004 +0,0316 +0,0579 0,0031 +0,0089 +0,0139 0,0033 0,0024 +0,0132 +0,4497 +0,0444 +0,0146 +0,0037 0,0031 s +0,026 + 8.7360 8.9680 8.9682 9.1416 9.1736 8.7664 8.9318 8.9528 8.8475 8.8739 8-7493 8.7289 9.0592 9.1213 8.7257 8.8080 8.7550 8.7988 9.1675 8.9189 9.0681 8.7882 8.8076 8.7802 8.7463 8.7170 9.1340 8.7590 8.8685 8.9143 8.7960 8.7330 8.8031 9.2079 8-7944 8.7027 8.7172 8.8194 8.7680 9.0483 9.4100 8.8602 8.7172 8.9702 +8.8256 + 8.6525 8.8849 8.8861 9.0603 9.0924 8.6863 8.8532 8.8758 8.7710 8-7973 8.6733 8.6532 8.9838 9.0483 8.6531 8.7362 8.6833 8-7283 9.0971 8.8514 9.0006 8.7208 8.7415 8.7149 8.6825 8.6531 9.0703 8.6959 8.3058 8.8522 8-7359 8.6731 8.7432 9.1491 8-7359 8.6447 8.6596 8.7623 8.7132 8.9940 9.3584 8.8087 8.6660 8.9207 + 8.7/64 +0.4431 0.6387 0.6391 0.7169 9.8699 0.5487 0.2845 0.6344 0-3534 0.3328 -5395 0.5243 0.1274 O.OOIO 0.5227 0.5727 0.5446 0.3869 9-8555 0.6231 0.1005 0.5643 0.3783 0.3986 0.4249 0.5180 9-9447 0.4141 0.3290 0.6230 0.3841 0.4350 o.574o 9.5844 0.3846 0.4998 0.5213 0.3648 0.4031 0.1145 0.8786 0.6029 0.5243 0.2192 +0.3558 -8.2533 + 8.8886 + 8.8890 + 9.1096 9.1462 + 8.4467 -8.8353 +8.8676 -8.6851 -8-7375 + 8.3680 + 8.2108 9.0112 9.0864 + 8.1876 + 8-5944 + 8.4067 -8.5699 -9.1399 + 8.8176 9.0230 + 8.5406 -8-5972 -8.5168 -8-3752 + 8.1144 9.1020 8.4386 -8.7324 + 8.8117 -8.5701 -8.2995 + 8.5897 -9-1*57 -8.5666 + 7-7115 + 8.1540 8.6324 -8.4853 8.9998 + 9.4017 + 8.7212 + 8.1862 -8.8977 8.6512 +0,002 +0,024 + 0,012 + 0,005 + 0,003 0,032 + O,O27 + O,OO8 + 0,005 -0,074 + O,O26 + 0,003 + 0,020 + O,OO6 0,009 + O,OO4 Hydri Hydri 41 Arietis Fornacis Hydri + 0,052 + O,OO6 0,005 + O,OO5 OjOOI + 0,003 0,007 + O,OO I 17 Persei Fornacis o Fornacis & Fornacis ..y 43 Arietis Taylor. 3 Bris- bane Various. of V c' d' 856 857 858 859 860 861 862 863 864 865 866 867 868 869 870 871 872 873 874 875 876 877 878 879 880 881 882 883 884 885 886 887 888 889 890 891 892 893 894 895 896 897 898 899 900 109 12 37,0 33 35 49>9 33 32 45-5 21 44 17,3 J 59 52 3 1 , 6 6 1 22 44,8 143 12 2I,O 34 43 53>2 J 33 2 8 5,9 136 55 H.3 65 26 29,4 72 20 32,5 153 33 26,4 *57 20 59,5 73 9 44,7 52 18 9,3 63 21 38,1 126 10 42,4 J 59 47 5.4 37 37 24,2 154 20 40,3 55 33 43,5 128 i 47,6 123 2 17,8 115 10 37,2 75 32 21,6 158 14 54,0 "8 33 55. 136 58 24,2 37 5i 19.3 126 28 2,9 in 37 28,9 52 16 38,5 161 52 19,9 126 17 43,2 84 8 37,6 74 7 53.9 13 33 !3>9 121 26 17,2 *53 25 48,3 ii 10 55,6 43 26 53,6 72 52 36,8 147 48 30,4 132 o 31,0 -15.47 15,46 15.45 J 5>44 J5.44 15.42 15,40 15,38 15,37 *5,37 i5,3 6 i5>3 6 i5>35 15,32 i5,3i i5,3o iS>3 15,28 15,28 15,24 15,24 15,23 15,21 15,20 15,18 15,18 15,18 i5,i7 15,16 15,16 15,12 15,12 15,12 15,11 15,10 15,09 15,09 15,08 15,04 15,04 15,00 H>99 *4>99 14,96 -14,96 +0,258 0,404 0,405 0,485 0,069 0,330 0,180 0,404 0,2 1 1 0,202 0,325 0,314 0,126 0,094 0,314 >353 o>3 3 ! 0,230 0,068 0,398 0,120 0,348 0,227 0,238 o,z54 0,314 0,084 0,248 0,204 0,401 0,232 0,261 0,359 0,037 0,233 0,304 0,319 0,223 0,244 0,126 o,73 2 0,388 0,324 0,161 +0,220 a 0,03 -9.7918 +9.4629 +9.4649 +9.6357 -9.8744 8.8727 9.8882 +9-4479 -9.8791 9.8841 9- I0 55 9-3393 9.8861 9.8825 -9-3585 +8.7160 8.9912 9.8649 -9.8796 +9.3983 -9.8888 +7.9956 -9.8711 9.8570 9.8265 9-4099 9-8853 9.8413 9.8891 +9-3993 -9.8688 9.8099 + 8.7679 9.8809 9.8688 9.5617 9-375 1 9-8799 9-8544 -9.8954 +9-7537 (- 9.2641 -9.3406 9.9002 -9.8854 +9.4045 -9-8077 -9-8075 -9.8543 +9-8589 9.5662 +9.7888 -9-7994 +9.7220 +9.7480 -9.5029 9.3660 +9.8360 +9.8481 -9-3447 -9.6688 -9.5340 +9.6530 +9-8543 -9-7794 +9-8355 -9.6330 +9.6696 +9.6163 +9-5079 -9.2765 +9.8469 +9-5583 +9.7425 9-7757 +9.6515 + 9-4439 9.6640 +9-8548 +9.6491 -8.8853 -9.3132 + 9.6892 +9.5925 +9.8265 -9-8655 -9-7346 -9.3426 + 9.8003 +9-6983 -1.1895 1.1893 1.1889 1.1886 1.1885 1.1881 1.1875 1.1868 1.1866 1.1866 1.1864 1.1863 1.1862 1.1852 1.1850 1.1847 1.1846 1.1841 1.1841 1.1829 1.1828 1.1828 1.1822 1.1820 1.1813 1.1813 1.1812 1.1810 1. 1808 1. 1806 1.1797 1.1796 1.1796 1.1791 1.1790 1.1788 1.1786 1.1784 1.1774 1.1772 1.1760 1.1759 i-i758 1.1751 -1.1749 +9.8038 9.8040 9.8046 9.8051 9.8051 9.8058 9.8067 9.8076 9.8079 9.8079 9.8082 9.8084 9.8085 9.8099 9.8102 9.8106 9.8107 9.8114 9.8114 9.8131 9.8131 9.8132 9.8140 9.8143 9.8152 9.8152 9-8i53 9.8156 9.8159 9.8162 9.8174 9-8i75 9.8175 9.8181 9.8183 9.8186 9.8188 9.8191 9.8204 9.8207 9.8221 9.8222 9.8224 9.8233 +9-8235 39 *75 ii. 297 B.F 341 B.F 343 Airy(G) B.F 351 M 90 6568 J 50 M 91 J5i, R86 J 52 B 19 Wi 74 R87 B.H 489 G 5 8 S 0,00 +0,26 + O,II +0,13 0,00 0,08 0,00 + 0,01 0,07 +0,8 1 +o,53 0,04 +0,08 + 0,10 +0,07 +0,03 382 880 874 875 876 401 43 406 405 389 178 ii. 29$ v. 174 ii. 299 v. 177 v. 17$ ii. 300 ii. 301 179 39i 393 181 182 885 893 407 408 397 394 395 185 183 186 189 ii. 302 ii. 303 ii. 304 iii. 267 879 898 409 411 +1,31 + 0,11 0,09 0,2 1 0,06 +0,03 +0,05 -0,17 896 887 888 890 414 413 415 417 398 400 188 194 *95 198 192 iii. 268 iii. 269 ii. 306 ii. 309 ii. 307 ii. 310 iii. 270 v. 1 80 ii. 308 iii. 274 ii. 311 iii. 272 97 892 897 420 418 421 399 404 401 200 190 204 202 I 99 + 0,01 0,02 +0,0 1 +0,07 + 1,04 +0,09 916 899 426 423 43 205 lii. 275 +0,07 0,02 0,06 203 207 208 ii. 312 iii. 276 lii. 278 902 93 424 427 0,02 392 I 9 I ii. 277 0,06 -0,44 +0,36 405 210 iii. 280 v. 183 v. 182 919 912 429 428 B.A.C. F) No. Constellation. Mag Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850 Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a b c d 901 902 903 904 905 906 907 908 909 910 911 912 913 914 9'5 916 917 918* 919 920* 921 922 923 924 925* 926 927 928 929 93 931* 932* 933* 934 935* 936* 937 938 939 940 941 942* 943 944* 945* 45 Arietis P 6 6 6 Si 6* .6 Si 7 6 3 6 5 6 5* Si 6 6 6 6 7 5 Si 6 6 6 54 6 5* Si 6 5 7i 7 6 6 7 3* Si 6 6 6 6 7 6 7 h m s 2 47 23,25 47 41.74 47 58,57 48 11,77 48 12,79 48 29,28 48 44,03 48 48,18 48 55,11 49 6,07 49 9,02 49 II > I 5 49 30,64 49 40,31 49 4 6 .9 * 49 59.23 5 >5 6 50 12,80 50 16,84 50 17,76 50 38.63 50 43,66 50 46,77 5 52,i7 51 16,28 5i 25,49 51 28,00 5 1 3.39 5* 41.03 51 41,72 5i 43.49 5 1 53.73 52 6,69 52 6,98 52 18,15 52 20,12 S^ 34,47 52 35,03 5 2 43.58 5 1 59.65 53 4,49 53 16,23 53 !7>57 53 26,9! 2 53 33,06 +3. 8 356 2,346 3-35 1 3,616 3,i93 1,219 0,833 +8,666 0,161 +2,920 1,265 3,8oi 3,400 4,025 3.693 3,840 2,332 4,218 i.33 3,418 3.4H 2,658 2,412 2 .537 1.075 2,662 + 1,116 -0,499 + 3,204 2.339 1,226 3.721 3,357 3,022 I.I57 3.637 2,278 2,278 2,553 2,626 3,5i5 1,730 3.oi5 2,472 +3.519 s +0,0149 0,0031 +0,0147 +0,0248 +0,0097 +0,0158 +0,0316 +0,6464 +0,0943 +0,0032 +0,0142 +0,0329 +0,0162 +0,0443 +0,0278 +0,0347 0,0029 +0,0552 +0,0227 +0,0168 +0,0166 0,0008 0,0026 0,0020 +0,0209 0,0007 +0,0193 +0,1202 +0,0099 0,0027 +0,0154 +0,0287 +0,0146 +0,0053 +0,0178 +0,0250 0,0026 0,0026 0,00 1 6 0,0010 +0,0201 +0,0024 +0,0052 0,0022 +O,O2OI s +0,002 0,001 +0,023 +0,004 +0,008 -0,034 0,015 0,042 -0,039 +0,008 +0,114 +0,005 +0,019 + 8.7171 8.8053 8.7154 8.7631 8.6986 9.0548 9.1228 9.4936 9.2654 8.6991 9.0437 8.8028 8.7196 8.8552 8.7763 8.8101 8.8026 8.8994 9.0829 8.7209 8.7195 8.7311 8.7821 8-7545 9.0719 8.7290 9.0637 9.2963 8.6932 8.7968 9.0424 8.7776 8.7082 8.6885 9-0534 8.7582 8.8086 8.8086 8.7471 8.7322 8.7320 8.9340 8.6865 8.7624 + 8.7317 +8.6692 8.7586 8.6698 8.7183 8.6539 9.0111 9.0800 9.4511 9.2233 8.6577 9.0026 8.7618 8.6798 8. 8160 8-7375 8.7721 8.7647 8.8623 9.0460 8.6841 8.6840 8.6960 8.7472 8.7199 9.0388 8.6965 9.0314 9.2640 8.6616 8.7653 9.0110 8.7469 8.6783 8.6586 9.0242 8.7291 8.7805 8.7805 8.7195 8.7056 8.7057 8.9084 8.66n 8.7376 + 8.7073 +0.5258 0.3703 0.5252 0.5582 0.5042 0.0860 9.9207 +0.9378 9.2058 +0.4654 O.IO2I 0-5799 0.5314 0.6048 0.5673 0.5844 0.3678 0.6251 0.0139 0-5338 0-5332 0.4246 0.3824 0.4043 0.0313 0.4252 +0.0477 -9.6978 + 0.5056 0.3690 0.0885 0.5797 0.5259 0.4803 0.0633 0.5608 0.3576 0.3576 0.4070 0.4193 0.5459 0.2381 0.4793 0.3931 +0.5464 +8.2006 8.6047 + 8.1917 +8.4790 +7.8299 9.0090 9.0903 +9.4881 -9.2492 7.9166 -8.9956 +8.6022 + 8.2549 + 8.7166 + 8.5303 +8.6220 8.6039 +8.7945 -9.0439 + 8.2756 + 8.2686 -8-3483 -8.5512 -8-4595 9.0310 8.3420 9.0212 9.2826 +7.8530 -8.5938 -8.9951 +8.5418 +8.1841 -7-4165 9.0089 +8.4801 8.6248 -8.6248 -8-4395 -8.3721 +8.3717 -8.8506 -7.4692 -8-4997 +8.3739 C e ti Hydri Hydri .... 0,00 1 Persei 0,006 +0,012 0,012 + O,OO7 + 0,004 + 0,008 O,OO6 0,003 Persei Horologii Arietis 48 Arietis Fornacis Fornacis Horologii 6 Eridani + 0,OO6 -0,075 0,023 + 0,009 0,000 Horologii Hydri v Horologii Persei +0,010 +0,007 +0,00 1 50 Arietis 5 Eridani Horologii Persei Eridani , 9 Eridani 0,009 0,010 +0,00 1 +0,004 0,000 +0,007 +0,002 0,00 1 +0,025 Fornacis . . Fornacis 49 Arietis Horologii 7 Eridani Fornacis 5 1 Arietis 42 No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec.Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of > PQ i I Taylor. Lacaille. Bris- bane. Various. of V e' d' 901 902 903 904 9S 906 907 908 99 910 911 912 913 914 9i5 916 917 918 919 920 921 922 923 924 925 926 927 928 929 930 93i 932 933 934 935 93 6 937 938 939 940 941 942 943 944 945 72 1 6 44,7 129 3 8,1 72 34 40,6 58 40 20,5 82 13 27,7 154 9 33.4 158 8 15.7 9 7 8,0 164 27 31,4 99 29 53. 153 3 58,9 50 56 29,0 69 56 14,9 43 23 4. 55 ^5 22,9 49 34 6 .5 129 15 39,5 38 H 55>2 156 4 2,8 68 59 6,1 69 15 46,6 114 28 3,5 125 59 8,1 120 27 45,5 *55 3 1 ".3 114 12 45,6 155 2 35. 6 165 42 5,0 81 4 1 35.3 128 47 43,9 153 43 28,3 54 28 56,9 7* 35 34-9 93 3 5 2 .3 154 29 31,0 58 ii 3.1 13 54 30,5 130 54 27,2 119 30 21,7 115 52 40,7 64 8 5,3 H5 37 4.7 93 z8 32,3 123 6 24,1 63 58 42,0 a - H.94 14,92 14,91 14,89 14,89 14,88 14,86 14,86 14,85 14,84 14,84 14,83 14,82 14,81 14,80 14.79 !4>79 H.77 H.77 14.77 H.75 H.74 14.74 H.73 i4.7i 14,70 14,70 14,70 14,69 14,69 14,68 14,67 14,66 14,66 14,65 14,65 14,63 14,63 14,62 14,61 14,60 '4,59 H.59 14,58 -H.57 n +0,327 0,229 0,327 Q.353 0,312 0,119 0,082 +0,849 0,0 1 6 +0,287 0,124 o.373 o,334 0,396 0,363 0,378 0,230 0,416 0,102 o,337 o.337 0,263 0,239 0,251 0,107 0,264 + 0,111 0,050 +0,318 0,232 0,122 0,370 0.334 0,301 0,115 0,362 0,227 0,227 0,255 0,262 0,351 o,i73 0,302 0,248 +0,353 0,0 1 O,II +0,17 0,02 +0,04 +o,47 O,I2 O,O2 -o,43 +0,22 -1,30 +0,03 +0,05 9.3228 9.8797 9.3300 8.3522 9-53 7 9.8992 9.8948 +9.7742 -9.8830 -9.7316 9.9008 +8-9395 -9.2465 +9.2835 + 8.4099 +9.0326 9.8829 +9.4190 9.9000 9.2109 9.2199 9.8298 9.8748 9.8561 9.9022 9.8292 9.9030 9.8845 9.5198 9.8836 9.9046 +8.6314 9.3222 9.6719 9.9049 7-9395 9.8898 9.8898 9.8541 9-8385 8.9614 9.9092 9.6765 9.8684 -8.9474 -9-3555 +9.6710 -9-3474 -9.5867 9.0020 +9.8245 +9.8374 9.8642 +9-8533 +9.0867 +9.8210 9.6685 -9.4038 -9.7296 9.6220 9.6796 +9.6689 -9.7623 +9.8281 9.4218 -9.4156 +9.4836 +9.6353 +9-57" +9.8245 +9.4781 +9.8225 +9-85I3 -9.0245 +9.6616 +9-8i73 9.6285 -9-3398 +8.5919 +9.8191 -9-5855 +9.6793 +9.6792 +9-5553 +9.5023 9.5020 +9-7785 +8.6445 +9.5989 -9.5036 -1.1743 1.1738 I-I733 1.1730 1.1729 1.1725 1.1720 1.1719 1.1717 1.1714 1.1713 1.1713 1.1707 1.1704 1.1702 1.1699 1.1698 1.1695 1.1694 1.1693 1.1687 1.1686 1.1685 1.1683 1.1676 1.1674 1.1673 1.1672 1.1669 1.1669 1. 1668 1.1665 1.1662 1.1661 1.1658 1.1658 1.1653 1.1653 1.1651 1.1646 1.1644 1.1641 1.1641 1.1638 1.1636 +9.8242 9.8249 9.8255 9.8259 9.8260 9.8265 9.8271 9.8272 9.8274 9.8278 9.8279 9.8280 9.8287 9.8290 9.8292 9.8297 9.8297 9.8301 9.8303 9.8303 9.8310 9.8312 9- 8 3 I 3 9-8315 9.8323 9.8326 9.8327 9.8328 9-833 1 9-8332 9.8332 9.8336 9.8340 9.8340 9-8344 9-8345 9.8350 9.8350 9'8353 9.8358 9.8360 9.8364 9.8364 9.8367 +9.8369 406 408 407 410 212 216 2I 3 214 215 iii. 281 iii. 282 ii. 314 iii. 283 ii- 3i5 M 92 M 93 B.F 369 6580 J53 G 59 o 6592 B.F 367 B.F 373 M 94 M 9 5 B.F 377 J 54, R 88 9i5 430 934 943 432 433 39 6 952 435 413 2I 9 ii. 316 937 434 411 412 217 218 iii. 284 ii. 317 +0,07 .... 221 iii. 285 +o,34 0,05 +0,08 v. 185 iii. 286 931 436 .... 220 948 439 414 4i5 418 224 225 ii. 318 ii. 319 ii. 320 v. 187 iii. 287 0,00 +0,07 +> I 3 +0,13 933 936 935 954 940 957 972 438 444 447 226 0,04 0,13 +0,56 0,01 0,06 421 229 ii. 321 419 228 232 ii. 322 iii. 288 945 956 961 443 +0,09 0,04 0,01 416 420 42.3 227 230 2 3 I iv. 254 iii. 289 ii. 323 0,00 0,04 +0,14 0,07 +0,01 + I 3 0,09 +0,03 +0,12 238 239 ii. 325 iv. 255 v. 191 ii. 327 ii. 326 v. 193 iii. 290 iv. 256 ii. 328 950 946 947 960 953 446 442 450 452 45i 424 241 233 426 425 240 243 235 (F2) 43 No. Constellation. Mag. Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Van Proper Motion. Logarithms of a \ b c d 946 947 948* 949 950 95' 952* 953 954* 955* 956 957 958 959 960* 961 9 6z* 963* 964 965* 966 9 6 7 968 969 970 971 972 973 974 975 97 6* 977* 978 979* 980* 981 982 983 984 985* 986 987 988* 989 990* 5* J* 5 ** H 6 5 4 4 s* 5 6i 6 5 6 6 4 * 6 8 6 5 6 6 6 6i Si 6 6* 7 7 7 6 Si H 5 5 6 6 8 4 6* 6| 6 7i h m s 2 53 47,83 53 57,87 54 18,16 54 2 6 ,58 54 S^S 2 55 9,4i 55 20,58 55 34,8 1 55 46,82 55 4 6 >94 55 55,87 5 6 39,47 5 6 49>5 S 6 54,63 57 39,97 57 46,86 58 15,76 58 25,55 58 3^,5^ 58 58,03 58 59>34 59 23,93 59 33,75 59 5 1 - 01 59 5',22 2 59 5i,45 3 o 4,03 o 27,28 o 36,01 37,15 o 44,49 i 3,27 i 26,50 i 27,67 1 33>3* 1 37,4i i 58,36 2 15-94 2 46,37 3 2,05 3 3,59 3 8,05 3 9,23 3 18,70 3 4 27,02 s +2,937 4,288 4,443 3,127 3-n 1 2,565 2,936 3,802 2,653 6,268 1,109 3>498 1,140 2,936 12,554 2,047 4> I 5 I 3,869 2,148 10,706 3,364 3,99 i,34i 2,016 1,865 3,382 1,411 W 3,585 3,202 3,4! 9 3,394 2,556 7,250 3,54i 3,843 0,048 3,9H 2,375 6,567 3,403 3,283 5,205 3,553 5,146 s +0,0036 +0,0579 +0,0675 -{-0,0078 4-0,0079 0,0014 -{-0,0036 +0,0315 0,0006 +0,2348 -(-0,0191 +0,0191 +0,0179 +0,0037 + 1,5579 0,0012 + 0,0482 +0,0340 0,00 1 8 + 1,0342 +0,0143 +0,0395 +0,0114 0,0009 + 0,0007 +0,0149 +0,0095 + 0,0116 +0,0218 +0,0096 +0,0160 +0,0152 O,OO I O +0,3495 +0,0201 +0,0321 +0,0708 +0,0356 0,00 1 8 +0,2557 +0,0153 +0,0117 +0,1173 + 0,0202 +0,1113 s +0,010 +0,008 0,003 +0,002 O,OO9 + O,OI7 + 0,001 + O,OI3 O.OIO 0,027 +8.6894 8.9042 8.9376 8.6845 8.6845 8.7392 8.6866 8.7866 8.7213 9.2361 9.0497 8.7212 9.0410 8.6836 9.6858 8.8484 8.8600 8.7945 8.8228 9-5878 8-6954 8.8197 8.9940 8.8494 8.8835 8.6960 8.9786 8.9929 8.7284 8.6764 8.6995 8.6952 8.7264 9.3243 8.7180 8.7800 9- I 9 I 3 8.7967 8.7601 9.2456 8.6923 8.6778 9.0549 8.7160 +9.0404 +8.6659 8.8813 8.9160 8.6634 8.6637 8.7208 8.6689 8.7698 8-7053 9.2201 9-0343 8.7085 9.0289 8.6719 9.6768 8.8400 8.8534 8.7885 8.8173 9-5839 8.6916 8.8174 8.9923 8.8489 8.8829 8.6955 8.9788 8.9946 8-7306 8.6787 8.7023 8.6992 8.7318 9.3299 8-7239 8.7862 9.1988 8.8053 8.7707 9.2571 8-7039 8.6896 9.0669 8.7285 +9-0573 +0.4679 0.6323 0.6477 0.4951 0-4957 0.4090 0.4678 0.5800 0.4238 0.7971 0.0450 0-5439 0.0571 0.4678 1.0988 0.3110 0.6182 0.5876 0.3320 1.0296 0.5268 0.6010 0.1274 0.3044 0.2708 0.5291 0.1496 0.1242 -5545 0-5054 o-5339 0.5307 0.4076 0.8604 0.5492 0.5846 8.6822 0.5938 0-3757 0.8174 0-53I9 ' 0.5162 0.7164 0.5506 + 0.7115 7.8466 +8.8061 +8.8568 +7.4699 + 7.5010 8.4202 -7.8449 +8-5784 -8.3342 +9.2185 9.0058 +8.3417 -8-9955 -7-8374 +9.6837 -8.7165 +8.7381 + 8.6059 -8.6684 +9-5846 +8.1686 + 8.6637 -8.9374 -8.7215 -8.7794 +8.1910 -8-9175 -8.9365 +8.4071 +7-8139 +8-2373 +8.2035 -8.4037 +9-3I34 +8.3647 +8-5793 -9.1707 +8.6205 -8.5294 + 9.2299 +8.2083 +8.0123 + 9.0150 +8.3683 +8.9980 02 Ceti Ot + O,OO2 + O,OO7 Ursae Minoris .... 0,0 1 8 +0,129 +0,002 0,004 Ursae Minoris .... 0,002 +0,019 +0,056 0,02 1 +0,003 0,082 54 Arietis Horologii Horologii +0,005 +0,006 +0,005 +0,007 +0,013 0,025 +0,004 + 0,002 0,056 Ceti Arietis Arietis Fornacis Cassiopeae Arietis 28 Persei co Hydri 9 Persei Fornacis 0,007 57 Arietis 8 +0,015 +0,001 Arietis Camelopardi +0,003 + 0,001 44 No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec.Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of 1 427 422 428 43 432 429 434 417 I Taylor. Lacaille. Bris- aane. Various. a' V c' d' 946 947 948 949 950 95i 952 953 954 955 956 957 958 959 960 961 962 963 964 965 966 967 968 969 970 971 972 973 974 975 976 977 978 979 980 981 982 983 984 985 986 987 988 989 99 1 II 98 15 24,3 37 5 7> 6 33 53 J 7,8 86 30 6,2 86 14 31,5 118 40 0,6 98 16 42,0 51 44 40,5 114 12 56,1 16 10 59,3 154 40 7,2 65 *9 57>7 154 13 20,9 98 ii 26,6 5 38 3.9 137 33 57.7 40 57 50,4 49 37 34. 6 134 29 14,1 7 i 3 6 .4 72 42 8,9 45 4* 53. 6 151 23 15,4 138 9 2,2 H 1 54 3 2 >9 71 47 4,0 150 19 17,5 151 ^5 39.4 6 1 29 54,9 82 6 40,7 69 49 4,1 71 ii 44,2 118 24 27,9 12 49 27,9 63 40 49,6 5 57 44.3 162 29 27,7 48 ii 41,4 126 o ii, i i5 19 J 3>5 70 50 40,0 77 3 1 2 6 .4 24 ii 2,3 63 18 41,7 24 54 19,3 n -14,56 H.55 H.53 14,52 14,52 14,48 H.47 H.45 14.44 H.44 H.43 H>39 14,38 H.37 H.33 14,32 14,29 14,28 14,27 14,25 14,24 14,22 14,21 14,19 14,19 14,19 14,18 14.15 14,14 14,14 14,14 14,12 14,09 14,09 14,09 14,08 14,06 14,04 14,01 J 3.99 '3,99 13.99 J 3.99 13,98 - 13.9 +0,295 0,430 0.447 0.315 0.3*5 0,259 0,297 0,384 0,269 0,634 O,II2 0,356 0,116 0,299 1,281 0,209 0,425 0,396 0,220 1,099 0,345 0,410 0,138 0,208 0,192 0,349 0,146 0,138 0,371 0,331 .354 0,352 0,265 0,752 0,368 o.399 0,005 0,409 0,248 0,686 0,356 o,343 0,544 0,372 +0.54 1 +0,07 0,00 0,08 + 0,10 0,00 +0,28 O,OI +0,08 +0,08 +0,07 -9.7229 +9-4583 +9.5188 -9.5923 9.5886 -9.8530 -9.7235 +8.9469 9.8328 +9.7369 -9.9103 -9.0154 9.9120 -9-7234 +9.8154 -9.9083 +9.3899 +9-0945 -9.9041 +9.8099 -9.3118 +9.2594 -9.9177 9.9116 -9.9159 -9.2817 9.9188 -9.9189 -8.6345 -9.5219 9.2111 -9.2596 -9- 8 575 +9.7764 -8.8657 +9.0469 9.9089 +9-I833 -9-8875 +9.7607 -9.2425 9.4296 +9.6777 8.8169 +9.6729 +9.0181 -9.7625 9.7792 8.6452 -8.6761 +9-5395 +9.0164 -9.6495 +9.4703 -9-8398 +9.8132 9.4762 +9.8099 +9.0090 9.8518 +9.7217 9.7308 9.6639 +9.6978 9.8482 -9.3246 9.6946 +9-7937 +9.7219 +9-7458 -9-3447 +9-7883 +9.7922 -9.5230 8.9858 -9-3859 -9-3558 +9.5241 -9-8357 -9.4933 -9.6456 +9.8251 9.6690 +9.6134 -9.8280 -9-3597 9.1780 -9-8035 -9-4955 -9.7985 1.1632 1.1629 1.1622 1.1620 1.1618 1.1607 1.1604 I - I 599 1.1596 1.1596 1.1593 1.1580 L'577 I - I 575 1.1562 1.1559 1.1550 1.1547 1.1545 1.1537 1.1536 1.1528 1.1525 1.1520 1.1520 1.1520 1.1516 1.1508 1.1506 1.1505 1.1503 1.1497 1.1490 1.1489 1.1487 1.1486 1.1479 1.1474 1.1464 1.1459 1.1458 1.1457 1.1457 'I453 -1.1431 +9-8374 9-8377 9-8384 9-8387 9.8389 9.8401 9.8405 9.8410 9.8413 9.8413 9.8416 9.8431 9-8434 9.8436 9.8450 9.8452 9.8462 9.8465 9.8467 9-8475 9.8476 9.8483 9.8487 9.8492 9.8492 9.8492 9.8496 9-8503 9.8506 9.8507 9.8509 9.8515 9.8522 9.8522 9.8524 9.8525 9.8532 9-8537 9.8547 9.8552 9.8552 9-8553 9.8554 9-8557 +9-8578 242 234 236 244 245 248 247 246 249 237 ii. 330 ii. 329 ii. 331 ii- 33* iii. 291 ii- 333 ii- 335 ii- 334 ii. 336 iii. 292 B.H 1154 M 9 6 J55 156 B.H 434 J57 G595 B.H 1131 M 97 B20 B.F 402 B.F405? B.H 490 J58 G62i B2I M 100 Wi 9 o G622 963 453 457 968 460 462 465 +0,03 433 250 ii- 338 0,00 + 0,12 + 0,20 O,OO O,O2 + 0,08 O,O I O,OO + 0,13 +o,55 435 402 252 ii- 339 974 466 436 409 439 438 2 53 254 258 ii. 340 ii. 341 iii. 294 976 469 257 256 ii. 342 ii- 343 v. 203 985 472 47i 473 476 477 0,27 +0,02 +0,04 v. 204 ii- 344 v. 206 v. 208 iii. 296 iii. 297 " 345 iii. 298 ii- 347 iii. 295 ii. 34 6 iii. 299 ii- 349 982 989 44 259 441 43i 444 443 260 262 261 264 267 255 265 0,02 + 0,04 + 0,25 + 0,04 0,13 + 0,04 984 479 IOOI 482 O,O2 +o,57 0,08 0,05 0,0 1 0,03 +0,06 0,0 1 +0,07 V. 211 993 481 437 446 442 447 445 2 4 ii- 348 ii. 350 3 i iii. 300 iv. 261 - - M'f 45 No. Constellation. Mag. Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec.Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a b e d 99 1 992 993 994 995 996 997 998 999 1000 100 J* 1002 1003 1004 IO05 I006 1007 IOCS 1009 IOIO* IOII* 1012 1013 1014* 1015 1016 1017 1018* 1019 1020 IO2I IO22 IO23 IO24 1025 IO26 1027 1028 IO29 1030 1031 1032 1033 1034 J 35 Ceti H 6 6 5^ 6 6 J* 6 5 6 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7i 5* 6 4 6 6 6 si 8 6 6 6 5i 6* 6 5* 6 6 5 7 6 Si 6* 6 5 6 h m s 3 4 29,21 4 54,62 5 o,S8 5 7,33 5 3.4 6 5 34,59 5 42, 2 5 5 45-99 6 17,32 6 41,04 6 50,17 6 53-99 7 8,65 7 9> J 3 7 22,37 7 43, 8 7 58,35 8 3,21 8 10,57 8 i4,5 J 8 28,53 8 32,93 8 33,02 8 45,29 8 46,31 9 20,05 9 22,01 9 49,76 10 0,60 10 1,95 10 39,95 10 42,15 10 58,93 iS.53 II 16,77 II 24,65 II 28,03 II 29,91 " 31,57 II 42,39 11 44,33 12 14,58 12 33,33 12 34,43 3 12 37,37 s +3,174 1,276 3,938 3,041 4,240 1,945 2,521 5,618 3,433 0,422 5,167 1,490 2,349 2,097 2,499 3,997 4,222 3>855 2,268 2,910 4,219 2,579 2,909 1,508 2,355 2,902 3,726 6,227 2,469 2,042 z,34 6 3,045 3,565 4,191 3,609 3,988 i,349 3>"9 3,536 5, I0 9 2,648 3,432 1,953 3,445 +4,203 s +0,0089 -(-0,0129 +0,0355 +0,0059 +0,0503 + 0,0001 0,0010 +0,1504 +0,0160 +0,0469 +0,1108 +0,0075 0,00 1 6 0,0009 0,0010 +0,0375 +0,0485 +0,0312 0,0015 +0,0035 +0,0481 0,0005 +0,0035 +0,0070 0,0015 +0,0034 +0,0258 +0,2042 0,0010 0,0005 0,0014 +0,0060 +0,0197 +0,0457 + 0,0212 + 0,0361 + O,OIO7 + 0,0075 + 0,0187 + O,IO22 + O,OOO3 + 0,0154 +O,OOO4 + 0,0158 + 0,0458 s +0,002 +8.6672 8.9884 8.7922 8.6637 8.8581 8.8483 8.7230 9.1113 8.6895 9.1229 9-0357 8.9403 8-7543 8.8098 8.7231 8-7975 8.8467 8.7654 8.7691 8.6630 8.8446 8.7054 8.6624 8.9305 8.7488 8.6612 8-7347 9.1798 8.7223 8.8136 8.7456 8.6523 8.6999 8.8300 8.7070 8.7850 8.9524 8.6510 8.6936 9.0089 8.6862 8.6758 8.8253 8.6769 +8.8283 +8.6842 9.0070 8.8112 8.6831 8.8789 8.8694 8.7446 9.1332 8.7134 9.1483 9.0616 8.9665 8.7814 8.8369 8.7510 8.8268 8.8769 8.7960 8.8001 8.6943 8.8767 8.7378 8.6949 8.9638 8.7821 8.6967 8.7702 9.2171 8.7603 8.8516 8.7861 8.6929 8.7416 8.8727 8.7499 8.8283 8.9960 8.6946 8-7373 9-0533 8.7307 8.7223 8.8730 8.7247 +8.8763 +0.5015 0.1058 0-5953 0.4830 0.6273 0.2889 0.4015 0.7496 0-5357 9.6251 0.7132 0.1731 0.3710 0.3215 0.3978 0.6017 0.6255 0.5860 0.3556 0.4639 0.6253 0.4114 0.4637 0.1784 0.3720 0.4628 0.5712 0-7943 0.3926 0.3100 0.3703 0.4836 0.5520 0.6224 0-5573 0.6008 0.1299 0.4941 0.5485 0.7084 0.4229 0-5355 0.2907 0.5372 +0.6236 + 7.6931 -8.9332 +8.6172 7.1512 +8-7447 8.7280 8.4164 +9.0820 +8.2335 -9.0955 +8-9933 8.8705 -8.5288 8.6592 8.4268 +8.635! + 8.7288 +8.5617 -8.5714 7.8728 +8.7259 -8-3573 -7.8746 8.8584 -8-5I93 -7.8885 +8.4785 +9.1597 -8.4389 8.6722 -8.5174 -7-0645 +8.3498 +8.7046 +8.3857 +8.6170 8.8903 +7-3423 + 8.3214 +8.9627 8.2792 +8.2091 8.6985 +8.2233 +8.7039 +0,011 + 0,017 0,039 + 0,029 c8 Arietis ? + O,OO I +0,009 0,015 0,o6o 0,007 0,038 0,003 +0,007 +0,008 Hydri Eridani + O,O05 + 0,004 0,013 + 0,001 0,025 +0,005 +0,015 +0,010 Eridani i 3 Eridani Fornacis Persei CassiopesE Eridani +0,003 0,019 0,005 +0,020 + 0,001 + 0,021 +0,023 0,004 0,046 +0,020 0,008 +0,007 +0,003 +0,008 0,014 +0,004 +0,017 Eridani Fornacis 95 Ceti 59 Arietis Persei Arietis 32 Persei / Horologii 96 Ceti Jt 1 60 Arietis Camelopardi i c Eridani Arietis Horologii Persei 46 No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec.Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of | K B Taylor. j Bris- bane Various. cf V 75 13,73 !3>73 13,72 13,70 13,68 13,67 13,67 13,66 !3> 6 5 13,64 13,64 13.63 13,63 13.59 13.59 !3>5 6 13,55 13.55 i3.5i 13,5 13,49 !3>47 *3,47 13,46 13.45 13.45 13.45 !3>44 !3>44 13,40 13.38 13.38 - 13,38 +0,334 0,134 0,415 0,321 0,448 0,205 0,266 o.594 0,364 0,045 0,549 0,158 0,250 0,223 0,266 0,426 0,450 0,411 0,242 0,311 0,451 0,276 0,311 0,161 0,252 0,311 0,400 0,669 0,266 0,220 0,253 0,328 0,385 o,453 0,390 0,431 0,146 0,337 0,383 0,553 0,287 0,372 0,212 o,374 +0.457 0,03 -9.5502 9.9251 +9.2041 -9.6590 +9.4484 9.9201 9.8664 +9.7185 9.1827 9.9204 +9.6790 9.9281 -9.8934 -9.9149 -9.8711 +9.2735 +9.4417 +9.0759 9.9029 9.7379 +9.4409 -9-8553 -9-7385 9.9304 -9.8938 9.7418 +8.6675 +9.7589 9.8777 -9.9205 9.8960 9.6560 8.7612 +9,4278 8.4440 +9.2674 -9-934I -9.5988 8.8921 +9.6790 -9.8389 9.1872 9.9268 -9.1587 +9-4358 -8.8668 +9-7848 9.6648 +8.3271 -9.7254 +9.7184 +9.5318 9.8089 -9.3813 +9.8090 -9.7938 +9.7662 +9.6100 +9.6849 +9-5388 -9.6719 9.7160 9.6300 +9.6357 +9.0431 9.7141 +9.4846 +9.0448 +9.7601 +9.6027 +9.0583 -9-5748 9.8099 +9.5463 +9.6882 +9.6001 +8.2404 9.4776 9.7017 -9-5057 9.6588 +9.7645 -8.5179 -9-4544 9.7800 +9.4191 -9-3583 +9.6975 9.3707 9.6998 1.1430 1.1422 1.1420 1.1418 1.1410 1.1409 1.1406 1.1405 I-I395 1.1387 1.1384 1.1382 I-I377 I -*377 I-I373 1.1366 1.1361 '1359 1.1356 t-WS 1.1350 1.1349 I - I 349 I -i345 I -i344 '-I333 1.1332 1.1323 1.1319 1.1318 1.1305 1.1305 1.1299 1.1293 1.1292 1.1290 1.1289 1.1288 1.1287 1.1284 1.1283 1.1272 1.1266 1.1265 1.1264 +9.8578 9.8586 9.8588 9.8590 9.8597 9.8598 9.8600 9.8601 9.8611 9.8618 9.8621 9.8622 9.8626 9.8626 9.8630 9.8636 9.8641 9.8642 9.8644 9.8646 9.8650 9.8651 9.8651 9.8655 9.8655 9.8665 9.8665 9.8673 9.8677 9.8677 9.8688 9.8689 9.8693 9.8698 9.8698 9.8701 9.8702 9.8702 9.8703 9.8706 9.8706 9.8715 9.8720 9.8721 +9.8721 450 6 5 8 iii. 301 v. 218 iii. 302 ii. 352 491 0630 G6 3 i J59 6628 M 101 B.H 274 6639 A 86 J6o Wl 9 2 B.Hii S5 G6 4 i A 87 G6 4 6 B.F4i6 A 88 6645 M 103 6649 0,02 +0,08 +0,07 0,64 V. 220 ii. 353 1006 1000 495 493 454 13 +0,06 +0,04 +0,04 +0,04 0,03 +0,24 +0,08 +0,04 +0,06 45i ii y - 354 IO 35 504 448 7 iii. 303 v. 224 iii. 305 iii. 306 v. 225 iii- 307 iii. 309 102^ 10 H 1016 1015 503 500 501 502 453 452 17 19 18 H 15 456 455 457 20 16 24 22 v. 229 iii. 311 iii. 310 iii. 312 ii- 355 v. 230 iii. 31; ii. 356 iii. 31^ 508 +0,09 +0,04 o>5 0,02 0,16 0,05 +0,10 +0,07 +0,09 +0,14 0,00 +0,05 +0,09 + 0,02 + 0,13 + 0,06 + 0,01 0,85 + 0,02 +0,13 +0,09 0,00 + 0,10 +0,20 +0,05 +0,06 IO2I 509 1040 1020 CI I 449 25 26 2 3 510 v. 234 v. 235 iii. 315 ii- 357 ii. 358 ii. 316 ii- 359 iii. 317 v. 238 ii. 360 iii. 319 iii. 318 ii. 361 ii. 320 v. 240 ii. 362 iii. 321 I0 34 1042 1045 5 J 5 5i6 518 461 460 458 35 3i 29 28 32 3 1057 521 463 462 466 36 34 27 39 38 1051 058 520 523 465 40 37 47 No. Constellation. Mag. Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a b c d 1036 1037 1038* 1039 1040 1041 1042 1043 1044* 1045 1046 1047 1048 1049 1050* 1051 1052 iS3 1054 1055* 1056 1057 1058* 1059* 1060 1061* 1062* 1063 1064 1065* 1066 1067* 1068 1069 1070 1071 1072 1073 1074 1075 1076 1077 1078 1079 1080* 6 3* 5 6 6 6 6 ** 4* 6 6 6 Si 6 8 si Si 6 6 7* 5 4i 4 6i 6 6 4 6 7 5 si 6 4 6i 5 S 6 6 6 6 7 6 6 7 7 ll 111 s 3 12 48,52 12 50,77 12 52,60 J3 2,84 13 12,21 13 16,25 13 24,03 13 38,34 13 55.05 14 7-9 1 14 19,47 14 21,27 14 29,14 14 50,50 14 51,84 H 55,25 IS 27,55 IS 47,54 15 49,69 IS 52,13 16 18,90 16 44,83 16 57,81 17 24,68 17 43,36 17 49,69 17 58,38 18 8,69 18 29,81 18 35,65 18 39,81 18 52,60 19 2,79 19 41,03 19 44,02 20 1,32 20 2,77 20 3,12 20 8,33 20 8,93 20 24,51 20 50,06 2O 59,65 21 14,53 3 21 29,38 3 +o,933 +2,662 -2,334 + 2,6l2 3-581 3> I2 5 2,357 4,234 2,116 3,439 2,5 6 3 2,556 1,089 2,620 6,045 1,092 3,523 3>443 2,576 3,468 0,635 3,222 4,784 4,219 2,405 18,209 4,720 4>254 3,406 4,522 4,242 6,372 3,236 + 3,49 1,716 +4,187 4,192 2,530 2,3 H i,778 3,268 2,140 4,186 3,370 +6,977 s +0,0232 -(-0,0004 -1-0,2783 0,0000 + 0,0 1 99 -(-0,0076 0,0011 +0,0470 0,0007 +0,0154 0,0002 0,0003 + 0,0178 + O,OOO2 + 0,1777 + 0,0176 + 0,0178 + 0,0154 0,0001 +0,0161 +0,0341 +0,0097 +0,0762 +0,0449 0,0008 + 3> I 47 +0,0717 +0,0463 +0,0142 +0,0599 +0,0456 +0,2032 +0,0099 +0,0165 +0,1967 +0,0425 +0,0428 0,000 1 0,0008 +0,0026 +0,0105 0,0005 +0,0421 + 0,0130 +0,2624 s 0,014 +0,003 +9.0218 8.6814 9.3889 8.6888 8.6972 8.6474 8.7360 8.8318 8.7859 8.6725 8.6940 8.6951 8.9893 8.6832 9.1381 8.9873 8.6819 8.6691 8.6880 8.6725 9.0569 8.6440 8.9321 8.8168 8.7147 9.8110 8.9166 8.8220 8.6577 8.8757 8.8179 9.1644 8.6398 8.6664 9-3123 8.8020 8.8029 8.6853 8.7262 8.8384 8.6389 8.7601 8.7988 8.6469 +9.2222 +9.0704 8.7302 9.4378 8.7383 8-7474 8.6978 8.7870 8.8837 8.8387 8.7262 8.7484 8.7497 9.0444 8.7396 9.1946 9.0441 8.7407 8.7291 8.7482 8.7328 9.1189 8.7077 8.9967 8.8830 8.7821 9.8789 8.9850 8.8911 8.7281 8.9465 8.8890 9.2363 8.7123 8.7414 9-3875 8.8783 8.8792 8.7617 8.8029 8.9151 8.7167 8.8395 8.8788 8.7278 +9.3041 +9.9698 +0.4251 -0.3681 +0.4170 0.5540 0.4949 0.3723 0.6268 0-3255 -53 6 5 0.4088 0.4076 0.0369 0.4182 0.7814 0.0380 0.5469 0.5369 0.4110 0.5401 9.8026 0.5081 0.6798 0.6252 0.3811 1.2603 0.6739 0.6288 0.5322 0.6553 0.6276 0.8043 0.5100 +0.5428 -0.2344 +0.6219 0.6224 0.4030 0.3643 0.2499 0.5142 0.3305 0.6218 0.5277 +0.8437 -8.9790 8.2607 -9.3817 -8.3093 +8-3553 + 7-3849 8.5005 +8.7117 -8.6248 +8.2107 -8.3486 -8-3544 -8.9398 -8.2955 +9.1146 -8-9375 + 8.2945 +8.2086 -8.33 J 9 +8.2367 9.0224 +7.8136 +8.8671 +8.6915 -8.4536 +9.8100 + 8.8467 +8.7019 +8.1530 +8.7887 + 8.6956 +9.1446 +7.8438 +8.2453 9.3026 +8.6695 +8.6711 -8-3547 8.5000 -8.7325 +7-9H3 -8.5870 +8.6653 +8.0936 +9.2076 +0,009 +0,004 +0,005 0,011 +0,OO7 +0,249 O,OO I +0,005 +O,O IO +0,127 0,010 07 Ceti x 2 Eridani Eridani ReticiUi ! Eridani Reticuli %* +0,123 + 0,002 + O,OOI 0,001 + O,OII +0,038 0,000 +0,005 +0,007 0,007 64 Arietis 65 Arietis Eridani Arietis Hydri i Tauri o Camelopardi Persei Eridani Ursae Minoris .... Camelopardi + 0,005 + 0,019 +0,003 + 0,001 +0,005 Persei Tauri t A Persei 2 Tauri ? +0,007 +0,004 0,078 +0,007 +0,009 +0,006 +0,009 0,023 0,011 + 0,005 +0,005 0,005 66 Arietis Hydri i 35 Persei o* Persei Eridani Fornacis */ ' Ai Horologii Tauri Eridani Persei Tauri 48 No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1350. Annual Preces. Sec.Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of n I Taylor. j Bris- bane. Various. tf V 774 + 3,512 -M93 +2,401 3,072 5,122 3,069 0,578 3,353 +2,727 -2,816 +4,872 2,036 3.377 2,345 2,448 2,274 3-876 2,956 +2,151 a -(-0,0424 0,0007 + 0,0390 +0,0105 0,0007 + 0,0001 + O,OII2 O,OOOO + 0,0421 + 0,0046 + O,O5l8 + 0,0096 O,OOO3 + 0,0497 + O,OI7I + 0,0134 + O,0225 + O,OOI3 + 0,0421 + O,0034 + 0,0221 + 0,0139 + O,O2OO + 0,0009 + 0,0333 + O,OO28 + 0,0l62 + 0,1717 O,OOO3 + 0,0063 + 0,0891 + 0,0063 + 0,0331 + 0,CI20 + O,OOl6 + 0,2930 + 0,0731 + 0,0005 + 0,0125 O,OOO2 O,OOOO 0,0002 + O,O27O + 0,0044 O,OOOO s +0,001 +0,010 0,003 +0,004 +0,001 0,007 +0,006 + 8.7988 8.7212 8.7819 8.6347 8.7206 8.7720 8.6363 8.7681 8-7955 8.6268 9.0932 8.6269 8.7488 9.0837 8.6582 8.6392 8.6881 8.7921 8.7903 8.6250 8.6851 8.6391 8.9662 8.6485 8.7431 8.8131 8.6479 9.2691 8.6853 8.6106 8.9493 8.6103. 9.0181 8.6248 8.6314 9.3607 8.9017 8.7512 8.6233 8.6888 8.6697 8.7013 8.7031 8.6068 + 8.7248 + 8.8810 8.8041 8.8661 8.7194 8.8061 8.8581 8.7225 8.8545 8.8823 8.7152 9.1827 8.7204 8.8439 9.1789 8-7559 8.7370 8.7863 8.8907 8.8891 8.7239 8-7857 8.7413 9.0687 8.7525 8.8498 8.9207 8-7557 9-3774 8.7946 8.7221 9.0611 8.7223 9- I 305 8-7374 8-7443 94746 9.0182 8.8691 8.7420 8.8077 8.7888 8.8218 8.8236 8.7282 + 8.8466 +0.6227 0.3648 0.6151 -5 H3 0-3635 -3 I 37 0.5183 0.3173 0.6229 0.4726 9.2962 0.5096 0.3296 9-3579 0.5484 0.5311 0.5695 0.2819 0.6253 0.4604 0.5687 0.5340 9.9863 0.4221 0.6044 0.2490 +0-5455 0.2023 +0.3804 0.4875 0.7095 0.4870 9.7617 0.5254 + Q-4357 0.4496 + 0.6877 0.3088 0.5285 0.3702 0.3888 0.3567 0.5884 0.4708 +0.3326 + 8.6665 -8.4925 + 8.6355 + 7.9081 -8-4937 -8.6167 + 7.9689 8.6090 + 8.6627 -7.6157 9.0666 + 7.8146 -8-5733 -9.0563 +8.2668 + 8.1134 + 8.4063 8.6624 +8.6592 -7-8634 +8.3991 +8.1383 8.9179 8.2247 +8.5693 8.7029 + 8.2346 -9-2583 8.4141 + 5.8251 +8.8981 -5.7446 8.9821 +8.0359 8.1206 -9-3538 +8.8369 -8-5947 + 8.0648 -8-4395 -8.3729 -8.4787 +8.4835 -7.6339 -8-5397 36 Persei 4 Tauri * 5 Tauri f Persei + 0,021 +0,004 +0,025 +0,005 +0,007 0,000 +0,003 0,021 + O,OO5 + 0,012 + O,OO8 0,o6 I O,OO6 + 0,013 + 0,077 0,000 Hydri 6 Tauri t Hydri 7 Tauri Tauri 37 Persei u/ Tauri Reticuli Horologii +0,018 0,000 0,106 + 0,001 +0,009 0,005 O,OII 0,036 +0,002 +0,001 o Tauri Hydri Eridani .......... Tauri Camelopardi 10 Tauri Reticuli Tauri 20 Eridani MenssE Camelopardi 0,006 0,008 +0,009 +0,046 0,027 +0,016 +0,025 0,004 0,004 Horologii Tauri Eridani Eridani Eridani No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec.Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of >. a Taylor. i j Bris- bane. Various. a' *' S d' 1081 1082 1083 1084 1085 1086 1087 1088 1089 1090 1091 1092 1093 1094 1095 1096 1097 1098 1099 1 100 I1OI 1 102 1103 1104 IIO5 1106 1107 1108 1109 IIIO IIII III2 III 3 III4 III5 1116 1117 ni8 1119 1 120 II2I 1 122 1123 1124 II2 5 1 II 42 29 32,8 126 12 17,0 44 27 23.4 79 10 56,6 126 22 30,6 134 22 49,3 77 34 S 1 - 1 133 52 48,7 42 33 45.7 95 35 36,6 1 60 9 6,4 81 8 13,3 131 52 42,3 159 5 1 4^.4 66 2 32,8 72 39 45.9 58 29 16,9 "37 53 25. 42 1 8 40,7 99 58 11,6 58 49 29,2 7i 35 58.9 153 28 10,7 112 8 20,3 47 54 5 6 >4 140 53 21,5 67 17 20,8 167 15 32,4 122 22 47,1 89 54 22,1 27 16 33,4 9 4 40,9 156 59 49. 8 75 4 3- 6 107 58 1,6 l6 9 47 43.i 30 31 15,6 J 34 J 2 57.9 73 57 18,7 124 17 0,8 I2O 19-21,9 126 47 20,6 52 54 27,3 96 6 37,8 130 46 10,0 -12,79 12,77 1^.75 12.74 12,73 12,72 12,72 12,71 12,71 12,68 12,66 12,59 12,56 12,56 12,51 12,51 12,51 12,50 12,49 12,49 12,46 12,43 12,43 12,41 12,36 12,34 12,34 '2,33 12,31 12,27 12,27 12,26 12,26 12,25 12,25 12,23 12,18 12,16 12,14 12,14 12,14 12,11 12,11 12, IO 12,09 +o,47i 0,260 0,464 0,368 0,260 0,232 0,372 0,234 0,474 0,336 0,022 0,367 0,243 0,026 0,403 0,387 0,423 0,218 0,481 0,329 0,423 0,391 O,IH 0,303 0,462 0,204 +0,404 0,183 4-0,277 0,354 0,591 o,354 0,067 0,387 +0,315 0,326 +0,565 0,236 0,392 0,272 0,284 0,264 0,451 o,344 +0,250 a 0,0 1 0,08 +0,08 +0,04 0,02 O,O2 O,OO +9-4393 9.9061 +9.3927 9.4492 -9.9073 -9.9299 9.4108 9.9289 +9.4415 -9.7054 -9.9429 9.4898 9.9261 -9.9452 -8.8993 9.2586 + 8.5866 -9.9401 + 9-45 6 8 -9.7504 + 8.5340 -9.2151 -9.9523 -9.8439 + 9-3I35 -9.9472 8.9818 -9.9370 -9.8972 9.6362 +9-7027 -9.6386 -9-9534 -9.3330 -9.8176 -9.9329 4-9.6664 -9-9373 -9-2947 9.9069 9.8901 -9.9164 f 9 .I28 7 -9.7130 -9.9293 9.6722 +9-5754 -9.6569 -9.0764 +9-5757 +9.6470 -9.1347 +9.6429 9.6690 +8.7897 +9.7736 -8.9855 +9.6213 +9.7693 -9.4038 -9.2693 -9.5131 +9.6649 -9.6634 +9.0328 -9-5075 9.2916 +9.7440 +9-3 6 75 -9.6159 +9.6789 -9-3757 + 9-7779 + 9.5168 7.0012 -9-7353 +6.9206 +9.7501 -9.1970 + 9.2750 +9-7783 -9.7187 +9.6261 9.2236 +9.5327 +9.4851 +9-5583 -9.5614 +8.8076 +9-595 1 1.1067 1.1063 1.1056 1.1052 1.1048 1.1044 1.1044 1.1043 1.1040 1.1030 1.1024 I.IOOO 1.0990 1.0989 1.0974 1.0973 1.0971 1.0968 1.0967 1.0967 1.0957 1.0946 1.0945 1.0936 1.0919 1.0913 1.0912 1.0909 1.0902 1.0889 1.0887 1.0886 1.0883 1.0882 1.0880 1.0874 1.0857 1.0849 1.0843 1.0842 1.0841 1.0832 1.0832 1.0827 1.0824 +9.8867 9.8870 9-8875 9.8877 9.8880 9.8883 9.8883 9.8884 9.8886 9.8892 9.8897 9.8913 9.8919 9.8919 9.8929 9.8929 9.8931 9-8933 9.8933 9-8934 9.8940 9.8946 9-8947 9-8953 9.8963 9.8967 9.8968 9.8969 9.8973 9.8982 9.8983 9.8983 9.8985 9.8986 9.8987 9.8990 9.9000 9.9005 9.9008 9.9009 9.9010 9.9015 9.9015 9.9018 +9.9019 483 484 485 486 68 76 7i 75 79 81 77 iii. 333 iii- 335 iii- 334 ii. 378 iii. 336 iii. 337 ii- 379 6694 M no M in G 7 02 J6 3 M 112 M 113 J6 4 L 311 Z 126 J6s 6713 Z 127 B.F444 6716 J66 M 114 6719 W2o6 J 67 1108 555 mi 1117 556 557 1116 O,OO +0,03 O,O I +0,05 4-0,24 0,11 4-0,03 +0,38 0,0 1 +0,32 4-0,04 +0,06 487 74 80 iv. 271 ii. 380 1132 559 489 83 88 ii. 381 ii. 382 1125 "39 561 564 491 49 86 87 85 ii. 383 iii. 339 iii. 340 v. 264 ii. 384 ii- 385 1130 565 488 493 492 84 89 0,03 0,07 +0,03 90 iv. 273 "43 566 495 95 ii. 386 0,16 4-0,04 -0,33 +0,25 4-0,20 0,08 +0,52 O,IO 4-0,12 + 0,01 v. 265 ii. 387 "44 1185 1138 567 57i 569 494 v. 267 iii- 343 iii. 342 ii. 388 496 497 98 94 100 1164 I2IO 572 498 99 101 iii. 344 ii. 389 + 0,11 4-0,04 +0,06 4-1,22 -0,75 4-0,22 0,07 +0,2 1 4-0,01 97 108 103 ii. 345 ii. 346 ii. 390 v. 268 v. 269 v. 270 ii. 347 ii. 391 ii. 350 "54 573 "53 1152 "55 1161 574 575 576 578 502 104 109 113 (G2) No. Constellation. Mag. Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Logarithms of Motion. a b c d 1126 1127 1128 1129 1130* 1131 1132* "33* "34 "35 1136 "37* 1138* "39 1140 1141 1142 "43 "44* "45 1146 "47 1148* "49* 1150 1151 1152 "53 "54 "55 1156 "57 1158 "59 1160 1161 1162 1163 1164* 1165 1 1 66 1167 1168 1169 1170 6 6 6 3 si Si 6 5 Si 6J 6 4* 4 4 7 6 6 7 5 6 5* 44 3i 7 5 5 6 H 5 7 7 7 H 5 6 5 6 7 7 7 3 6 5 6 7 h in s 3 31 49,29 3i 52.93 32 2,67 32 15,98 32 33,29 32 44,36 32 52,67 32 57.97 33 i3. 5 33 40,23 34 23. 6 3 34 34,89 34 55>" 35 1.24 35 7,3! 35 10,66 35 30,49 35 44,86 35 50.07 35 5o,7i 35 53,77 35 58,56 36 4,05 36 13,21 36 17,03 36 17,35 36 24,15 3 6 53,39 3 6 54,53 36 58,22 36 59,17 37 7,i9 37 16,02 37 17,05 37 21,13 37 25,87 37 42,59 38 4,i5 38 26,26 3 8 34,3 * 38 34,57 38 48,02 39 3,23 39 19.54 3 39 28,37 + 3 S ,565 5,552 3,"9 4,229 2,491 0,637 3,779 5,161 2,964 3,445 2,140 6,174 3,739 4.045 3,446 1,182 4,158 3,474 5>395 2,122 3,548 3,544 2,875 3,5 fil 2,383 3,553 2,861 3,040 3,55i 3,524 3,55 6 3,555 3, 5 6 2,229 1,928 3-543 3.177 3,557 3,548 3,552 3>548 2,118 2,827 2,176 +3,534 s +0,0173 +0,1156 +0,0072 +0,0404 +0,0002 +0,0301 +0,0235 +0,0886 +0,0046 +0,0140 +0,0002 +0,1602 +0,0219 +0,0323 +0,0138 +0,0133 +0,0365 +0,0144 + 0,1011 +0,0003 +0,0164 +0,0163 +0,0034 +0,0166 +0,0001 +0,0164 +0,0032 +0,0057 +0,0163 +0,0156 +0,0164 + 0,0164 +0,0060 +0,0001 +0,0015 +0,0160 +0,0080 +0,0164 +0,0160 +0,0161 +0,0160 +0,0004 +0,0029 +0,0002 +0,0156 s +0,003 +0,033 0,002 +0,006 0,004 +0,024 +0,002 0,000 +0,003 + 0,001 0,007 -0,035 0,006 +0,00 1 + 0,012 0,025 + 8.6460 9.0069 8.6037 8.7714 8.6578 8.9966 8.6800 8.9419 8.6024 8.6240 8.7185 9.0812 8.6666 8-7253 8.6202 8.8999 8.7465 8.6221 8.9685 8.7174 8.6320 8.6313 8. 6000 8.6331 8.6660 8.6316 8. 6001 8.5910 8.6297 8.6255 8.6301 8.6297 8.5899 8.6920 8.7513 8.6269 8.5907 8.6271 8.6248 8.6250 8.6244 8.7088 8.5956 8.6956 +8.6198 + 8.7682 9.1293 8.7268 8.8953 8.7829 9.1224 8.8063 9.0686 8.7301 8-7535 8.8508 9.2143 8.8011 8.8601 8-7555 9-0353 8-8833 8.7598 9.1066 8.8555 8.7704 8.7699 8.7390 8.7727 8.8059 8.7715 8.7404 8-7333 8.7720 8.7681 8.7728 8-7729 8-7337 8.8359 8.8954 8.7714 8.7363 8.7741 8-7733 8.7740 8-7734 8.8587 8.7466 8.8477 +8.7724 +0.5520 0.7445 0.4940 0.6262 0.3964 9.8041 0-5774 0.7127 0.4718 0.5372 0.3305 0.7906 0.5728 0.6069 0-5373 0.0725 0.6189 0.5408 0.7320 0.3268 0.5500 0-5495 0.4586 0.5516 0.3771 0-5505 0.4565 0.4828 0.5504 0.5470 0.5509 0.5509 0.4851 0.3480 0.2852 0-5493 0.5020 0.5510 0.5500 0.5505 0.5500 0.3259 0-45 i 3 0.3377 +0.5482 +8.2693 +8.9701 +7.2546 + 8.6377 -8.3356 8.9582 +8.4216 +8.8912 -7-5994 +8.1414 -8-5340 +9.0565 +8.3885 +8.5516 + 8.1370 -8.8386 +8.5975 +8.1654 + 8.9260 -8.5366 +8.2382 + 8.2343 -7-8513 +8.2485 -8-3953 +8.2408 -7.8793 7-0476 +8.2372 +8.2115 +8.2408 +8.2399 6.7198 -8.4793 8.6114 +8.2272 +7.5782 +8.2373 +8.2281 +8.2313 +8.2275 8.5269 -7-9335 8.4972 + 8.2108 Camelopardi . . . . y Tauri 0,002 0,003 O,OO I + O,OO6 + 0,004 0,004 + O.OOI 0,005 + 0,004 + O,CO3 O,OO I + 0,004 + 0,017 + 0,009 + O,OO2 O,OOO + 0,019 0,O08 + 0,006 + 0,005 + O,O25 O,OOO + 0,004 + 0,004 + O,OO6 + 0,003 0,003 + 0,001 Cainelopardi 16 Tauri 1 8 Tauri 20 Tauri Tauri 21 Tauri 22 Tauri 2 5 Eridani Eridani o ' 23 Tauri 29 Tauri w' Tauri 24 Tauri Tauri 25 Tauri it Eridani 26 Eridani if Eridani Tauri No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec.Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of & jj 1 Taylor. A iris- aiie. Various. a' V (/ df 1126 1127 1128 1129 1130 1131 1132 "33 "34 1135 1136 1137 1138 "39 1140 1141 1142 "43 "44 "45 1146 "47 1148 "49 1150 1151 1152 "53 "54 "55 1156 "57 1158 "59 1160 1 161 1162 1163 1164 1165 1166 1167 1168 1169 1170 65 9 39.3 23 16 29,4 87 26 3,9 42 41 49,4 118 26 6,2 156 15 28,9 5 6 3 1 '3-9 27 8 7,9 95 4i 57,2 70 47 2,2 130 50 25,1 19 8 14,5 58 ii 27,3 47 53 59,3 70 48 46,7 150 16 3,0 44 47 38,i 69 33 2 >3 24 56 42,6 13* '5 5,7 66 ii n, i 66 21 44,2 100 16 29,6 65 38 11,3 122 25 13,5 66 o 25,6 TOO 57 52,0 91 38 23,4 66 6 18,4 67 19 32,5 65 55 5.i 65 56 36,7 90 46 22,2 127 47 19,6 136 26 17,1 66 31 22,1 84 25 26,0 65 56 57,8 66 21 8,0 66 10 45,3 66 21 45,8 I3 1 7 44>7 102 34 32,2 129 17 34,1 67 2 38,4 a 12,08 12,08 12,07 12,05 12,03 12,02 12,01 1 2,OO 11,98 ">95 11,90 11,89 11,86 11,86 11,85 11,85 11,82 ii, 81 11,80 ii, 80 ii, 80 ",79 ",78 ",77 ",77 ",77 11,76 ">73 11,72 11,72 11,72 11,71 11,70 11,70 11,69 11,69 11,67 11,64 11,62 ii, 61 ii, 61 "-59 ".57 ",55 -".54 +0,415 0,646 0,363 >493 0,291 0,074 0,441 0,603 ,347 0,403 0,251 0,725 0,440 0,476 0,406 0,139 0,490 0,410 0,636 0,250 0,419 0,418 o,339 0,420 0,281 0,420 0,338 0,360 0,420 0,417 0,421 0,421 0,362 0,264 0,229 0,420 o,377 0,422 0,422 0,423 0,422 0,252 o,337 0,259 +0,422 // +0,05 0,0 1 0,0 1 +0,03 0,08 0,80 0,00 +0,07 +0,02 4-0,01 0,04 +0,03 0,03 0,00 + O.O2 -0,15 -8.7672 + 9-7497 9.5996 4-9.4672 9.8823 -9-9579 4-8.9020 4-9.7119 9.7088 9.1629 -9.9318 +9.7914 +8.7497 +9-3399 9.1608 -9.9619 4-9.4272 -9.0941 +9.7405 -9.9343 8.8476 8.8645 9.7569 8.7875 9.9033 8.8274 9-7635 9.6599 8.8338 8.9425 8.8136 8.8156 9.6483 9.9247 9.9484 8.8704 9-5477 8.8089 8.8482 8.8300 8.8488 9.9364 9.7791 9.9313 8.9063 -9.4032 -9.7429 -8.4303 -9.6451 4-9.4558 +9.7392 -9.5189 -9.7264 + 8-7734 9.2926 +9.5889 -9.7482 -9-4939 -9.5981 9.2882 +9.7101 9.6215 -9.3132 -9.7271 +9.5888 -9.3756 -9.3724 +9.0204 -9.3841 +9.4978 -9-3777 +9.0474 + 8.2235 -9-3744 -9.3527 -9-3773 -9.3766 + 7-8958 +9-5531 +9.6258 -9.3658 -8.7522 -9-3739 9.3661 -9.3687 -9-3655 +9-5799 +9.0991 +9.5620 -9-35" 1.0821 1.0820 1.0816 1.0810 1.0803 1.0798 1.0795 1.0792 1.0786 1.0775 1.0756 1.0751 1.0742 1.0740 1.0737 1.0736 1.0727 1.0721 1.0719 1.0718 1.0717 1.0715 1.0713 1.0709 1.0707 1.0707 1.0704 1.0691 1.0691 1.0689 1.0689 1.0685 1.0681 1.0681 1.0679 1.0677 1.0669 1.0660 1.0650 1.0647 1.0646 1.0640 1.0634 1.0626 1.0622 +9.9021 9.9022 9.9024 9.9027 9.9031 9.9034 9.9036 9.9037 9.9041 9.9047 9.9057 9.9060 9.9065 9.9066 9.9067 9.9068 9.9073 9.9076 9.9077 9.9077 9.9078 9.9079 9.9081 9.9083 9.9084 9.9084 9.9085 9.9092 9.9092 9.9093 9.9093 9.9095 9.9097 9.9097 9.9098 9.9099 9.9103 9.9108 9.9113 9.9115 9.9115 9.9118 9.9121 9.9125. +9.9127 500 503 499 107 102 110 106 "4 lii. 349 ii. 348 ii. 395 ii- 393 ii. 396 G 721 B.F449 B.H 277 B.H 284 B.H 1144 G 73 i B.H 275 Mu S Mn6 J68 M 117 J6 9 Mug Wai4 M 119 M I2O M 121 J 70 M 122 M 123 W2i6 M 124 J 7 i n6 3 1188 579 582 501 505 504 506 507 112 105 116 118 126 in 123 122 125 iii. 352 lii. 351 ii. 397 ii. 398 ui. 354 " 353 ii. 400 ii. 399 ii. 401 v. 275 1181 583 "97 586 + 0,12 +0,01 0,01 4-0,05 4-0,03 -0,73 4-o,ii +0,04 4-0,02 4-0,05 4-0,01 +0,04 4-o.n +0,03 0,00 +0,04 0,03 +0,07 +0,03 +0,04 +0,06 4-0,12 +0,05 +0,05 0,26 0,04 0,08 +0,05 508 509 5i5 510 5" 5'7 512 5i3 5H 518 128 121 140 129 130 134 131 142 132 138 '43 I 3 6 139 137 141 145 149 iii. 356 ui- 355 'ii- 357 ii. 402 ii. 40 '. ii. 406 ii. 404 iii. 358 ii. 405 ii. 407 iii. 361 ii. 409 iii. 359 iii. 360 iii. 362 iii. 36; ii. 411 v. 277 ii. 410 ii. 412 iii. 36; iii. 365 ii. 41; ii. 41. v. 27? ii. 415 v. 279 ii. 416 1190 587 1191 589 119! I20i 59i 592 5i6 5'9 520 521 144 146 H7 ISO 151 152 121. 594 526 154 1217 595 522 53 No. Constellation. Mag. Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. * Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a b c d 1171* 1172 "73* "74 "75 1176 "77 1178 "79 1180 1181 1182* "83 1184 1185 1186 1187* 1188 1189 1190 1191 1192 "93* "94* "95 1196 "97 1198 "99 1200* I2OI 1202 1203* 1204* 1205* I2O6 1207 1208* 1209* 12 IO* I2II* 1212 1213 1214 1215* Tauri 7 6 7 5 6 5 & 7 6 7 4* 7* 6 5* 6 7* 7 7 7 6 5 64 7 6 7 6 4 6 5 6 4 6 5 S* 7 7 3* 6 7 Si Si 6 6 si 5 b m s 3 39 34,54 39 38,77 40 2,52 40 2,99 4 4,57 40 15-03 40 16,30 40 18,54 40 20,67 40 21,73 40 23,78 40 25,95 40 28,67 40 36,69 4 44,71 40 50,02 4i >93 4i 3,85 41 6,38 41 10,99 41 12,65 41 18,61 41 42,11 41 52,23 4i 57,45 42 10,93 42 19,71 42 19,79 43 3-9 43 22,80 43 5>3 44 o>54 44 12,88 44 22,47 44 3 2 , 2 7 44 35>65 44 42,84 44 44,71 45 5,22 45 io,93 45 ",57 45 17,35 45 20,62 45 28,62 3 46 10,10 s + 3-555 4,146 3>545 3,277 3,772 3>549 3,55i 3>546 2,443 3,248 2,589 3-557 i>57 1,859 1,518 3-542 3-557 3,546 + 3,5 10 -2,511 +2,573 3,586 3-034 2,419 3,55 2,253 +0,675 2,506 +2,205 -2,945 +2,246 3,189 5,213 5-045 3,040 3,4o8 3-750 2,028 2,963 4,281 9,560 2,957 2,i55 +4,409 -o>445 s +0,0161 +0,0348 +0,0158 +0,0097 + 0,0221 + 0,0159 + 0,0l6o + 0,0157 + O,OOO3 + 0,0092 + 0,0010 +0,0161 +0,0066 +0,0021 +0,0064 +0,0156 +0,0160 +0,0157 +0,0149 +0,2336 +0,0009 +0,0167 +0,0055 +0,0003 +0,0157 +0,0002 +0,0266 +0,2306 +0,0004 +0,2720 +0,0003 +0,0079 +0,0832 +0,0738 +0,0055 +0,0122 +0,0207 +0,0010 +0,0046 +0,0382 +0,5112 +0,0045 +0,0005 +0,0433 +0,0729 s +0,004 + 8.6225 8.7303 8.6197 8.5900 8.6569 8.6197 8.6199 8.6190 8.6432 8.5871 8.6197 8.6203 8.8221 8-7539 8.8192 8.6170 8.6186 8.6169 8.6117 9.2932 8.6197 8.6221 8.5781 8.6426 8.6148 8.6718 8.9548 9.2882 8.6780 9-3I58 8.6676 8-5739 8.9083 8.8803 8.5701 8.5889 8.6384 8.7066 8.5704 8.7378 9.3404 8.5701 8.6799 8.7615 +9.0848 +8.7756 8.8836 8.7746 8.7449 8.8120 8-7755 8.7758 8.7750 8-7994 8.7434 8.7761 8.7768 8.9788 8.9111 8.9770 8.7752 8-7775 8-7759 8.7709 9.4528 8.7793 8.7822 8.7398 8.8050 8-7775 8.8354 9.1190 9.4524 8.8452 9.4843 8.8380 8.7450 9.0802 9.0528 8-7433 8.7624 8.8123 8.8806 8-7459 8.9137 9.5163 8.7464 8.8564 8.9386 +9-2647 +0.5508 0.6176 0.5496 o.5i55 0.5766 0.5501 0.5504 0.5497 0.3878 0.5116 0.4132 0.5511 0.1780 0.2694 0.1811 -5493 0.5511 0.5497 +0-5453 -0.3998 +0.4105 0.5546 0.4820 0.3836 0.5502 0.3527 +9.8292 -0.3989 +0-3433 0.4691 +0-35H 0.5036 0.7171 0.7029 0.4828 0.5324 0.5740 0.3071 0.4718 0.6316 0.9805 0.4709 0-3335 +0.6444 9.6488 + 8.2298 +8.5760 +8.2185 +7-8578 + 8.3886 + 8.222O + 8.2237 + 8.2184 -8.3396 + 7.79 00 8.2238 + 8.2282 -8-7353 8.6238 -8.7312 + 8.2134 + 8.2260 + 8.2156 + 8.1812 9.2850 8.2348 + 8.2500 -7.1019 -8.3496 + 8.2156 8.4469 8.9130 -9.2799 -8.4682 9.3086 -8.4436 + 7.5989 + 8.8567 + 8.8207 -7.0172 + 8.0518 + 8-3557 8.5418 -7.5527 + 8.6050 + 9-3341 -7.5756 8.4828 + 8.6474 -9.0639 26 Tauri + 0,001 +0,002 +0,002 +0,003 +0,004 +0,014 +0,002 +0,015 0,007 +0,005 28 Tauri Tauri Tauri Reticnli Horologii +0,006 0,011 + O,OII +0,005 +0,005 +0,003 JDoradus Tauri Tauri Tauri Tauri Hydri 28 Eridani 7*7 +0,004 +0,015 Tauri Eridani 0,007 0,001 0,004 +0,028 0,058 +0,015 Tauri Eridani Mensse Eridani Eridani v z 0,013 0,000 0,016 0,007 Camelopardi .... Camelopardi Tauri +0,008 +0,005 0,032 0,00 1 0,000 +0,005 +0,003 +0,007 +0,013 44 Persei Horologii 29 Eridani Persei Cassiopese 30 Eridani Eridani 43 Persei A Hydri 54 No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of n 1 Taylor. Lacaille. Bris- jane. Various. a' V c' d' 1171 1172 1173 1174 1175 1176 "77 1178 1179 1180 1181 1182 1183 1184 1185 1186 1187 1188 1189 1190 1191 1192 1193 1194 1195 1196 1197 1198 1199 1 200 1201 1202 1203 I2O4 I2O5 I2O6 1207 1208 1209 1210 I2II 1212 1213 1214 1215 / // 66 7 6,0 45 29 42,6 66 36 17,1 79 19 21,1 57 22 22,6 66 24 33,2 66 19 31,3 66 34 31,2 119 48 28,6 80 49 14,5 113 41 43,0 66 4 54,5 144 57 21,9 i37 49 44. 6 144 44 55-3 66 44 54,4 66 6 50,1 66 36 36,2 68 12 57,8 168 51 33,9 114 20 34,7 64 52 45,8 91 54 51,6 120 37 14,0 66 29 43,6 126 34 17,3 155 16 46,5 1 68 48 40,0 128 4 51,8 169 34 42,0 126 39 26,5 83 55 7.7 27 22 26,O 29 2O 13,1 91 36 15,2 73 7 24.9 58 33 57.6 133 ii 4,7 95 3 3L3 42 34 27,1 9 43 34. 95 4 8 46,7 129 26 16,5 39 44 42,8 162 23 54,8 -".53 ".53 11,50 11,50 11,50 11,49 11,48 11,48 11,48 11,48 11,48 ".47 ".47 11,46 ".45 11,44 ".43 ".43 11,42 11,42 11,42 11,41 11,38 ".37 11,36 ".35 ".34 ".34 11,28 11,26 11,23 11,21 II.2O 11,19 ii, 18 11,17 ii, 16 ii, 16 11,14 11,13 11,13 11,12 11,12 II,II 11,06 +0,424 .495 0,424 0,392 0,451 0,424 0,425 0,424 0,292 0,388 0,310 0,426 o, 180 0,223 0,182 0,424 0,426 0,425 +0,421 0,301 +0,309 0,430 0,364 0,291 0,427 0,271 +0,08 1 0,301 + 0,266 -0.355 +0,271 0,386 0,631 0,6 1 1 0,368 0,413 .454 0,246 o.359 0,519 1,160 o.359 0,262 +0.535 -0,054 +0,02 8.8169 +9.4218 -8.8633 -9.4387 +8.8825 8.8426 8.8338 8.8585 9.8944 9-473 6 9.8615 8.8069 9.9642 9.9540 9.9643 8.8722 8.8069 8.8573 8.9912 9.9496 9.8659 8.6415 9.6639 9.8993 8.8414 9.9242 9.9689 9.9511 9.9302 9.9506 9-9*57 -9.5362 +9.7301 +9.7083 9.6599 -9.2411 +8.7993 -9.9469 -9.7091 +9.5038 +9.8732 -9.7127 -9.9365 +9.5596 9.9668 -9.3670 -9.6053 -9-3574 9.0263 9.4901 9.3602 9.3616 -9-3571 +9.4541 8.9604 +9.3616 -9.3653 +9.6704 +9.6268 +9.6686 -9.3527 -9.3632 -9-3545 -9-3*5* +9-747I +9.3704 -9.3829 +8.2778 +9.4605 -9-354 +9.5278 +9.7105 +9-7439 +9.5403 +9.7421 +9.5240 -8.7726 -9.6954 9.6869 +8.1931 9.2088 9.4628 +9.5807 +8.7267 9.6113 -9.7379 +8.7495 +9.5467 -9.6293 +9.7206 1.0620 1.0618 1.0607 1.0607 i. 0606 i. 0601 1.0601 i. 0600 1.0599 1.0598 1.0597 1.0596 1.0595 1.0592 1.0588 1.0586 1.0581 1.0579 1.0578 1.0576 1.0575 1.0572 1.0562 1.0557 '0555 1.0549 1.0544 1.0544 1.0524 1.0515 1.0502 1.0498 1.0492 1.0487 1.0483 1.0481 1.0478 1.0477 1.0467 1.0464 1.0464 1.0461 1.0460 1.0456 -1.0436 +9.9128 9.9129 9.9134 9-9*34 9-9*35 9-9*37 9.9137 9.9138 9.9138 9.9138 9.9139 9.9139 9.9140 9.9142 9.9144 9.9145 9.9147 9.9148 9.9148 9.9149 9.9150 9.9151 9.9156 9.9158 9.9159 9.9162 9.9164 9.9164 9.9174 9.9178 9.9184 9.9186 9.9189 9.9191 9.9193 9-9*93 9-9*95 9-9*95 9.9200 9.9201 9.9201 9.9202 9.9203 9.9205 +9.9213 523 *53 lii. 366 6743 M 128 M 125 M 126 J 7 2 M 127 B.F 476 W220 J 73 B.H 1389 Bzz J74 J75 J 76 B.H 278 B.H 279 L 250 M 129 B.F 479 B.H 491 0,01 +0,05 +0,0 1 +0,05 +0,04 +0,04 +0,02 +0,09 +0,51 +0,09 5*5 5*9 524 5*7 528 530 156 '59 *55 *57 158 161 169 162 168 iii. 368 ii. 417 iii. 367 ii. 418 ii. 419 iii. 369 ii. 420 iii. 370 iii. 371 1224 1220 598 597 v. 283 v. 284 v. 285 iv. 286 iii. 372 iii. 373 ii. 422 1232 1237 605 60 1 602 +0,15 0,05 0,05 +0,29 0,06 +0,04 163 164 165 1 66 611 603 0,03 +0,25 0,02 +0,09 0,03 +0,14 0,13 +0,99 O,I2 -0,17 + 0,08 O,O2 0,05 0,06 + O,IO +0,06 + 0,02 O,OO + 0,07' O,OO 0,05 + O,O2 0,13 +0,16 S3* 53* *73 170 ii. 424 ii. 423 1226 176 172 180 iii- 377 iii. 376 iii. 378 ii. 425 1234 1238 1253 1296 1244 1307 1248 608 609 614 610 617 612 182 iv. 291 535 536 534 189 184 *77 178 ii. 428 ii. 427 iii. 380 iii. 381 187 185 iii. 382 ii. 430 v. 288 iii. 384 iii. 383 iv. 292 ii. 431 iii. 386 iii. 385 I2 55 615 537 538 533 190 186 160 *9* *93 188 1256 1298 616 55 No. Constellation. Mag. Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a b c d 1216 1217 1218 1219 1220 1221 1222 1223* 1224 1225 1226 1227* 1228 1229 I23O 1231 1232 1233 1234 I23S* 1236 1237 1238 1239 1240 1241 1242* 1243 1244 1245 1246 1247* 1248* 1249 1250 1251 1252 1253 1254 1255 1256 I2S7 1258 1259 I26o 5 5 6 3* 5 6 6 6 H 6 7 6 5 7 3 6 6 6 *4 6 6 si 7 7 6 4 7 5 7 5 ,6 6 6 6 6 5 6* 6* 44 6 6 5 6 5 6 h m s 3 46 45.82 47 20,24 47 45.5 47 48. 4 47 55.89 48 0,77 48 5,86 48 10,63 48 15,02 48 54.75 49 3.*5 49 8,13 49 H57 49 28,59 49 37.76 49 52.35 49 57.42 5 37,84 51 1,92 51 3,66 Si 7,77 51 58,81 52 2,72 S 2 3.29 S 2 10,44 52 22,49 52 23,02 53 3'.92 53 35,5i 53 5 6 ,i9 53 57,3i 54 1,38 54 7,62 54 26,48 54 41,59 55 10,90 55 15.73 55 23,72 55 25,61 55 30,84 55 47.92 55 50,05 56 18,50 S 6 23,41 3 56 27,84 s 4-3,004 +2,547 0,067 + 3,997 2,280 3.525 2,471 3.54 1 2,072 1,851 3,181 2,100 3,869 + 2,789 - 1,047 + 2,151 1,868 '.5 6 5 2,790 16,399 2,142 4.938 3.547 3.415 3.434 3.313 3,479 2,553 3,263 3,031 1,710 12,961 0,742 i,955 2,387 3,182 4,277 3.573 4,431 1,272 5.17J 3.526 1,311 0,929 +3.525 s +0,0050 +0,0010 +0,0535 +0,0275 +0,0004 +0,0145 +0,0006 +0,0148 +0,0009 +0,0023 +0,0076 +0,0008 +0,0233 +0,0026 +0,1047 +0,0006 +0,0022 +0,0055 +0,0026 + 1,8219 +0,0007 +0,0636 +0,0146 +0,0117 + 0,0121 + 0,0097 + 0,0130 + 0,0011 + 0,0088 +0,0053 +0,0036 + 1,0125 +0,0222 +0,0016 +0,0006 +0,0074 +0,0349 +0,0148 +0,0404 +0,0100 +0,0072 +0,0137 +0,0091 +0,0170 +0,0136 s +0,007 +0,009 +0,011 0,000 0,003 +0,006 0,00 1 +0,007 -0,045 0,000 +0,009 0,002 0,000 +0,003 +0,009 0,005 +0,005 0,005 +0,006 +0,057 +0,019 0,007 +0,00 1 +0,009 +0,007 +0,002 + 0,002 +0,002 +0,009 +0,003 0,024 +0,072 + 8.5644 8.6049 9-0339 8.6736 8.6478 8.5929 8.6143 8.5946 8.6860 8.7263 8.5590 8.6776 8.6449 8.5689 9.1338 8.6652 8.7193 8-774 1 8.5640 9.6237 8.6627 8.8330 8.5832 8.5671 8.5688 8.5567 8-5734 8.5842 8-5493 8.5425 8-7344 9.4830 8.8984 8.6862 8.6064 8.5404 8.7004 8-5759 8.7289 8.8074 8.5381 8.5681 8-7975 8.8604 + 8.5659 + 8.7467 8.7896 9.2204 8.8603 8.8350 8.7805 8.8022 8.7829 8.8745 8.9176 8.7509 8.8698 8.8376 8.7625 9.3280 8.8605 8.9150 8-9725 8.7642 9.8241 8.8633 9.0371 8.7876 8.7715 8.7738 8.7625 8.7792 8-7949 8.7603 8-7549 8.9469 9.6959 9.1116 8.9008 8.8220 8.7581 8.9184 8-7945 8.9477 9.0265 8.7584 8.7886 9.0200 9.0833 + 8.7891 +0.4777 +0.4061 -8.8228 +0.6017 0.3580 0.5471 0.3929 0.5491 0.3164 0.2674 0.5026 0.3221 0.5876 +0.4455 0.0197 +0.3327 0.2713 0.1944 0.4456 1.2148 0.3307 0.6935 0.5498 0-5333 o.5358 0.5203 0.5414 0.4071 0.5136 0.4816 0.2331 1.1127 9.8704 0.2912 0.3778 0.5027 0.6311 0.5530 0.6465 0.1045 0.5012 0.5472 0.1177 9.9679 + 0.5472 -7-3377 8.2318 -9.0079 + 8.4778 8.4083 + 8.1673 -8.2876 + 8.1818 8.5087 -8.5928 + 7.5486 8.4928 + 8.4073 -7.9536 9.1181 8.4660 8.5824 -8.6772 -7.9458 + 9.6221 -8.4653 + 8.7648 + 8.1711 + 8.0298 + 8-0533 + 7.8768 + 8.1027 8.2010 +7.7702 -7.0796 8.6190 +9.4801 -8.8517 -8.5307 -8.3172 +7.5274 +8.5610 +8.1799 +8.6128 -8.7336 + 7-4797 + 8-I354 8.7206 8.8057 +8.1319 Hydri Tauri Ursae Minoris .... Ciniieloi)5 129 23 59,3 31 1 6 4,2 67 13 30,2 73 7 47.3 7* 13 58,9 77 5 6 T 3.8 70 13 3*.5 114 26 42,0 80 25 40,9 9 1 58 *7.3 140 2 30,0 6 34 32,3 153 54 33.* 134 20 38,4 120 54 58,8 84 25 51,0 43 *9 !3,i 66 18 38,9 40 3 42,5 147 31 39,0 84 59 3.5 68 19 56,2 H 6 53 53. 1 I 5 I 49 34.7 68 23 58,3 10,97 10,94 10,94 10,93 10,92 10,92 10,91 10,90 10,86 10,85 10,84 10,83 10,81 10,80 10,79 10,78 10,73 10,70 10,69 10,69 10,63 10,62 10,62 10,62 10,60 10,60 10,51 10,51 10,48 10,48 10,48 10,47 10,45 10,43 10,39 10,38 10,37 10,37 10,37 10,34 10,34 10,31 10,30 10,29 +o," 3 66 +0,311 0,008 +0,489 0,279 0,431 0,302 0,433 0,254 0,227 0,390 0,258 0,475 +0,343 0,129 +0,265 0,230 0,193 o,344 2,023 0,264 0,6 1 1 o,439 0,422 0,425 0,410 0,431 0,317 0,405 0.377 0,213 i, 612 0,092 0,243 0,297 0,397 o.534 0,446 o.553 0,159 0,396 0,441 0,164 0,116 +0,441 0,00 +0,09 +0,04 +0,03 +0,05 +0,14 +0,35 +0,0 1 0,06 +0,03 +0,14 0,0 1 +0,04 0,03 0,07 0,0 1 0,08 +0,08 +0,10 0,05 +0,07 + 0,01 0,00 0,07 +0,03 0,0 1 +0,07 0,01 + 0,10 +0,05 0,08 0,02 -9.6838 -9.8737 -9.9709 +9.2999 9.9231 -8.9415 9.8910 -8.8802 -9.9456 9.9602 9.5438 -9.9436 +9.1242 9.7961 -9.9671 -9.9391 9.9600 -9.9714 -9.7958 -9.9064 -9.9407 -9.6986 -8.8561 9.2284 -9.1887 -9.3927 -9.0835 -9.8736 -9.4568 -9.6657 -9.9695 +9.9017 9.9809 -9-9577 9.9091 -9.5427 -9.5080 8.7292 +9-5748 9.9801 -9-553* 8.9390 9.9803 -9.9829 -8.9425 +8.5130 +9.3650 +9.7108 -9.5409 +9.4968 9.3104 +9.4091 -9.3227 +9.5581 +9-5999 8.7226 9.4949 +9.1166 +9.7156 +9-53I3 +9-5935 +9.6314 +9.1089 -9-7*54 +9-5*94 9.6561 -9.3119 9.1868 9.2082 -9.0432 -9.2524 +9-3363 8.9402 +8.2555 -9.6027 -9.7151 -9.6710 -9.5612 +9.4267 8.7014 -9.5748 -9.3177 -9-5975 +-9.6395 -8.6541 -9.2797 -9.6340 +-9.6558 9.2764 1.0419 1.040; 1.0391 1.0389 1.0385 1.0383 1.0380 1.0378 1.0376 i-0357 1.0352 1.0350 1 -347 1.0340 1.0328 1.0326 1.0306 1.0294 1.0291 1.0291 1.0265 1.0263 1.0263 1.0259 1.0253 1.0253 1.0218 i. 0216 1.0205 1.0204 I.O2O2 1.0199 1.0189 I.0l82 1.0166 1.0164 1.0160 1.0159 1.0156 1.0147 1.0146 1.0131 1.0128 1.0126 +9.922 9.9228 9-9*33 9-9*34 9-9*35 9.9236 9-9*37 9.9238 9-9*39 9-9*47 9-9*49 9.9250 9.9251 9-9*54 9.9256 9-9*59 9.9260 9.9268 9-9*73 9-9*74 9-9*74 9.9284 9.9285 9.9285 9.9286 9.9289 9.9289 9.9302 9.9303 9-9307 9.9307 9.9308 9.9309 9-93 J 3 9.9316 9.9321 9.9322 9-93*4 9.9324 9-93*5 9.9328 9.9329 9-9334 9-9335 -1-9-933 6 54 54 ii- 43 ii. 43 J 77 J 7 8 M 130 B.F 492 J 79, R 89 J8o IP ?42' B.H 280 W227 M 131 A 99 J 81 J82 fG 766, |P 146 G 77 6 M 132 J8 3 M 133 127 130 127 61 62 62 53 54 196 202 197 I 99 ii. 43 ii. 43 ii. 43 v. 290 ii. 436 v. 29 v. 292 iii. 388 iii. 389 ii. 438 iii. 390 ii- 439 iii. 391 v. 29 '. v. 294 ii. 440 127 128 128 62 622 624 54* 544 203 2O6 2O I 205 1286 1322 1293 297 304 625 629 626 627 628 209 546 2IO 545 548 547 55 1 216 208 2I 3 214 215 218 217 221 220 222 iii. 392 299 630 iii. 394 iii- 395 ii. 441 ii- 443 ii. 442 ii. 444 ii. 396 ii. 445 v. 296 1241 1242 1243 i*44 i*45 1246 i*47 1248 1249 1250 1251 1252 i*54 i*55 1256 i*57 1258 1259 1260 312 632 318 633 3*7 3*o 316 330 634 635 6 39 o,c8 +0,06 + 0,01 0,02 0,0 1 +0,06 0,27 +0,09 +0,06 0,14 +0,31 + 0,10 553 55* 549 230 22 9 228 223 227 22 4 v. 301 v. 297 ii. 446 iii. 399 iii. 401 iii. 400 v. 301 ii. 402 ii. 448 v. 303 v. 304 ii. 449 555 554 35 3* 335 338 641 642 556 36 B.A.C. (H) 57 No. Constellation. Mag. Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec.Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a t c d 1261 1262 1263 1264 1265 1266 1267* 1268 1269 1270 1271 1272 1273 1274 1275 1276 1277 1278 1279 1280 1281 1282 1283* 1284 1285 1286* 1287 1288 1289* 1290 1291 1292 1293* 1294 1295* 1296 1297 1298 1299 1300 1301* 1302 1303 1304 i35 6 6 6 7i 54 5 neb. H 5* 5 5 6 6 6 *t 6 6 6 6 6 7 6 5* 5i 6 6 4* 6 7 4* 5 6 6 6 7* 6 6 Si 5 6 5 6 5 5 6 h m s 3 56 46,81 57 24,91 57 30-9 1 57 35.31 57 44.78 57 47.4 6 58 4,69 58 21,35 58 37,58 58 44,36 58 54.05 59 24,34 3 59 26,53 4 o 26,02 39.45 I 12,11 I 24,04 I 35.81 I 42,42 I 46,33 2 30,39 2 37,09 2 37,54 3 3.7 6 3 21,39 3 4i,53 3 54>2 3 55-71 3 57,97 4 32,77 4 4i,49 4 44,76 5 1,86 5 ",34 5 2 3,27 5 28,72 5 45>2o 5 47,34 5 47,66 6 36,21 6 58,98 7 I5>55 7 15,73 7 23,51 4 7 45,65 8 -)-5,O2O 3,662 12,389 3-959 3,698 4,3i9 1,923 3,950 3,961 0,846 0,944 3,423 2,454 3,474 3,338 9.976 + 1,109 0,422 + 3,64 7,642 3,410 4,397 1,680 2,921 3> J 75 5,220 4>370 1,849 3,544 2,922 4,057 4,908 4,639 2,229 3,246 3,222 0,592 3.254 i,999 5567 4.470 3,387 2,849 3,247 +4,124 8 + 0,0646 + 0,0l65 + 0,8763 +0,0242 + 0,0174 +0,0355 + O,OOI9 + O,O238 + O,0240 + 0,Ol87 +O,Ol64 +0,OII3 +O,O008 + O,OI22 + 0,0096 + 0,4890 +O,OI25 +O,O62I + 0,0155 + 0,2359 + O,OI07 + 0,0365 + 0,0039 + 0,0038 + 0,0069 + 0,0696 + 0,0352 + O,OO24 + O,OI32 + 0,0039 + 0,0254 + 0,0551 + 0,0443 + 0,O008 + 0,0079 +0,0075 + O,O24O + O,O080 + O,OOI5 + 0,0844 + 0,0376 +0,OIOO +O,OO3I + 0,0077 + O,0265 s +8.8278 8.5821 9.4426 8.6323 8.5867 8.6988 8.6788 8.6278 8.6287 8.8637 8.8478 8.5441 8-579 8-5463 8.5320 9.2992 8.8m 9.0182 8-5639 9.1251 8.5323 8.6947 8.7064 8.5162 8.5134 8.8314 8.6845 8.6700 8.5425 8.5111 8.6235 8-7765 8.7288 8.5956 8.5095 8.5080 8.8718 8.5086 8.6349 8.8707 8.6903 8.5133 8-5057 8.5025 +8.6237 +9.0524 8.8094 9.6704 8.8603 8.8154 8.9277 8.9090 8.8592 8.8613 9.0968 9.0816 8.7800 8.8152 8.7868 8-7734 9.5430 9.0558 9.2638 8. 8100 9-37I5 8.7819 8-9447 8.9565 8.7683 8.7668 9.0863 8.9403 8.9260 8.7986 8.7698 8.8828 9.0361 8.9897 8.8572 8.7720 8.7708 9.1360 8.7728 8.8992 9.1387 8.9600 8.7842 8.7766 8.7740 + 8.8969 +0.7007 0.5637 1.0930 0.5976 0.5680 0.6353 0.2840 0.5966 0.5978 9.9274 9-9749 0-5344 0.3899 0.5409 0-5235 0.9989 +0.0448 9.6256 +0.5611 0.8832 0.5328 0.6432 0.2253 0-4655 0.5018 0.7177 0.6405 0.2669 0.5494 0.4657 0.6082 0.6909 0.6665 0.3481 0.5114 0.5081 9.7723 0.5124 0.3008 0.7456 0.6503 0.5298 0.4548 0.5115 +0.6154 +8.7631 +8.2420 +9-4394 +8.4184 + 8.2666 +8-5651 -8.5274 +8.4105 + 8.4146 -8.8120 -8.7917 +8.0084 -8.2516 +8.0635 +7.8840 +9.2931 -8.7458 -8-9954 + 8.2071 +9.1115 +7-9792 +8.5705 -8.5908 -7.6214 +7.4645 +8.7752 + 8-5557 -8.5289 +8.1165 7.6111 +8.4324 +8.7024 +8.6324 -8.3613 +7.6794 +7.6137 -8.8279 +7.6971 -8.4636 +8.8272 +8.5741 +7.9268 -7.7717 +7.6728 +8-4473 +0,006 Ursae Minoris +0,017 +0,00 1 +0,007 42 Tauri ^ 0,005 +0,019 0,015 +0,042 +0,005 +0,015 +0,010 +0,0: 1 Reticuli y Reticuli I Tauri 43 Tauri &>' Tauri , Hydri -0,037 +0,003 44 Tauri p Tauri +0,007 0,019 +0,003 +O,0 1 2 0,0 1 8 + 0,002 0,005 +0,002 0,000 +0,002 3 7 Eridani 45 Tauri Caroelopardi c i Persei tt> Tauri 38 Eridani O 1 Camelopardi 0,009 0,010 +0,007 + 0,001 +0,047 +0,003 +0,028 0,013 + 0,OII +0,010 +0,002 +0,003 Eridani Tauri Reticuli 47 Tauri Horologii 8 Camelopardi Persei H^ 48 Tauri Persei No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec.Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of 1 i ffi Taylor. Lacaille. Bris- bane. Various. a' V c' d' 1261 1262 1263 1264 1265 1266 1267 1268 1269 1270 1271 1272 1273 1274 1275 1276 1277 1278 1279 1280 1281 1282 1283 1284 1285 1286 1287 1288 1289 1290 1291 1292 1293 1294 1295 1296 1297 1298 1299 1300 1301 1302 1303 1304 1305 1 II 30 29 58,2 62 48 29,2 7 2 20,2 52 19 33,0 6 1 24 31,5 42 41 36,7 J 34 S 2 5 8 .4 52 40 15,9 52 21 29,4 152 34 42,5 151 30 3,7 73 3 54.9 118 3 54,0 70 47 30,7 77 o 11,0 9 3 2 5.9 149 21 53,9 161 35 28,8 63 54 5^.3 14 16 25,3 73 44 5 2 , 41 17 48,7 140 i 55,3 97 19 10,5 84 52 23,6 28 32 1,3 41 58 40,0 136 15 48,4 67 58 32,4 97 13 58,o 49 54 8,8 32 31 13,2 36 46 16,6 125 39 52,6 8 1 29 44,7 82 40 15,8 154 38 58,9 81 7 15.5 132 23 14,5 25 14 1,6 40 4 47,0 74 5 8 48,i 100 37 57,8 8 1 29 14,2 48 13 59.5 n 10,27 10,22 10,22 10,21 I O,2O 10,19 IO,I7 IO,I5 10,13 IO,I2 IO,II 10,07 IO,O7 I O,OO 9,98 9.94 9,92 9.9 1 9.9 9,89 9,84 9.83 9.83 9,80 9.77 9.75 9-73 9.73 9.73 9,68 9. 6 7 9. 6 7 9,64 9. 6 3 9,62 9,61 9.59 9.59 9.59 9.5* 9.49 9.47 9.47 9,46 - 9.43 +0,629 o.459 L555 o.497 0,464 0,542 0,242 o,497 0,499 0,107 0,119 0,432 0,310 0.439 0,422 1,264 +0,141 -0,054 +0,462 0,970 o,433 o.559 0,214 0,372 0,404 0,665 o,557 0,236 0,452 o,373 0,518 0,627 o,593 0,285 0,415 0,412 0,076 0,417 0,256 0,715 o.574 0,435 0,366 0,418 +o,53i " +9-7I59 +7.8573 +9.9036 +9.2613 +8.4928 +9.5298 -9.9617 +9.2502 +9.2636 -9.9851 -9.9850 -9.2127 -9.8975 -9-955 -9-3574 +9.8947 -9.9863 -9.9832 7.8692 +9.8669 -9.2373 +9.5664 -9.9763 -9-7337 -9-5493 +9.7486 +9.5561 -9.9693 8.8710 -9-7330 +9.3661 +9-7037 +9.6460 9.9365 -9.4763 -9.5030 -9.9910 9.4672 9.9603 +9.7861 +9.5962 9.2804 -9.7702 -9.4752 +9.4218 9.6447 -9.3672 -9.7037 -9.4930 9.3862 -9.5724 +9-5538 9.4871 -9.4893 +9- 6 5 I 3 +9.6465 9.1652 +9-3733 -9.2147 9.0488 9.6889 +9.6291 +9.6709 -9.3365 -9.6795 9.1376 9.5661 +9-5747 +8.7940 8.6389 -9.6304 -9-5571 +9-5447 -9.2597 +8.7837 9.4922 9.6089 -9-5857 +9.4472 8.8507 -8.7862 +9.6356 8.8679 +9.5081 -9.6330 -9.5590 9.0878 +8.9403 8.8441 9.4960 1.0116 1.0096 1.0092 1.0090 1.0085 1.0084 1.0074 1.0065 1.0057 1.0053 1.0048 1.0031 1:0030 0.9998 0.9990 0.9972 0.9966 0.9959 0-9955 -9953 0.9929 0.9925 0.9925 0.9910 0.9900 0.9888 0.9881 0.9880 0.9879 0.9859 0.9854 0.9852 0.9843 0.9837 0.9830 0.9827 0.9817 0.9816 0.9816 0.9788 0.9774 0.9765 0.9765 0.9760 -0.9747 +9.9340 9-9347 9'9348 9-9349 9-935 9-935 1 9-9354 9-9357 9.9360 9-936i 9.9363 9.9369 9.9369 9.9380 9-9383 9-9388 9-939 1 9-9393 9-9394 9-9395 9.9402 9.9404 9.9404 9.9408 9.9411 9.9415 9.9417 9.9417 9.9418 9.9424 9.9425 9.9426 9.9429 9.9431 9-9433 9-9434 9.9436 9-9437 9-9437 9-9445 9-9449 9.9452 9.9452 9-9453 +9-9457 G 77 8 G 774 A 101 Mi34 184 W232 W2 33 M 135 W2 35 G 779 M 136 6784 B.F 508 B.H 282 W238 J85 G 795 B.H 270 B.F 518 B.H 276 B.H 1137 J86 6804 + 0,02 558 243 ii. 451 +0,25 0,02 +0,05 559 557 242 245 240 iv. 307 ii. 453 ii. 452 J 339 1357 1355 653 654 +0,14 +0,20 O,I2 +0,1 6 + 0,01 0,14 +0,06 +0,04 560 561 247 248 iii. 405 iii. 406 ii. 455 v. 313 ii. 454 ii. 456 ii. 457 ii. 458 562 249 251 252 254 1344 649 v. 317 1380 658 660 + I,IO 0,00 563 256 ii. 459 0,06 261 iii. 411 0,02 +0,03 +0,05 +0,0 1 +0,06 +0,03 0,05 0,06 +0,07 v. 319 iii. 412 ii. 461 iii. 413 ii. 462 v. 322 ii. 463 ii. 464 iii. 414 1371 661 567 566 5 6 4 3 4 260 i 1376 663 568 565 6 ii 8 +0,06 0,00 +0,05 0,0 1 +0,13 +0,08 0,06 +0,03 +0,05 +0,05 +0,1 8 + 0,02 7 iii. 415 v. 324 iii. 417 ii. 465 1377 666 569 570 13 H 1392 1382 669 668 57i 57^ 574 573 17 20 10 18 21 26 23 ii. 466 iii. 419 iii. 418 ii. 467 ii. 468 ii. 470 ii. 469 (H 2) 59 No. Constellation. Mag. Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a b c d 1306 1307* 1308 1309* 1310 1311 1312 1313* i3H* 1315 1316 1317 1318* 1319* 1320 1321 1322 1323* 1324 i3 2 5 1326 1327 1328 1329* 1330 1331 1332 1333* 1334* 1335 1336 1337 1338 1339 1340 1341 1342 343 1344 1345* 1346 1347* 1348 1349 135 6 6* 6 4i 6i si 6 6 6* 5 7 6 6 6 6 6* 6 si 61 6 5 6 3i 7 5* 4 6 Si 6 6* 3i 7 7 H 6 Si 7 H 5 6 4 8 5 6 6 h in s 4 7 45.7 1 7 58,36 8 5.97 8 22,16 8 27,38 8 28,71 8 3i>98 8 47,05 8 50.59 9 2,23 9 30,97 9 33,58 9 41,08 9 43.12 9 53. 2 4 10 35,91 10 40,85 10 43,01 10 44,34 10 47,15 ii 8,15 ii 14,05 " 15-74 ii 20,02 ii 31,22 12 6,08 12 6,23 12 13,29 12 14,17 12 26,83 12 30,33 12 41,13 12 45,20 13 10,06 13 26,53 13 27,66 13 33.73 13 36,65 13 54.12 14 6,21 14 17.35 14 26,96 14 32,37 14 45,69 4 H 48,95 s +1,901 4,461 2,375 2,907 2,053 3,5 6 2,167 5,i50 4,5o8 1,980 3,53 1,822 +4,837 -3,046 +4>"7 3,52i 3.878 4.307 3.536 i.i39 3,676 2,099 3,395 3,4i5 3,360 1.553 3.384 2,262 2,557 3-357 o,745 3,52i 3,525 4,149 2,503 3,635 3,517 33 6 2 1,026 0,883 3,44i 3,605 1,888 3,872 + 3,424 s + 0,0021 -|-0,0369 -|-O,OOO9 + 0,0037 + 0,0014 + 0,OI2O -|-O,OOIO +0,0630 +0,0381 + 0,00 1 6 +0,0124 -(-0,0026 -(-0,0496 +0,2181 +0,0258 +0,0121 -(-0,0196 -(-0,0310 +0,0123 + 0,0 IIO +0,0150 +0,0012 +0,0098 +0,0101 +0,0092 +0,0051 +0,0095 +0,0009 +0,0013 +0,0090 +0,0188 +0,0118 +0,0119 +0,0259 +0,0012 +0,0139 +0,01 1 6 +0,0091 +0,0128 +0,0155 +0,0103 +0,0132 +0,0022 +0,0187 +0,0099 s +0,013 + 8.6450 8.6847 8.5598 8.4983 8.6144 8.5214 8.5936 8.7987 8.6895 8.6253 8.5205 8.6522 8-7435 9.2101 8.6139 8.5153 8.5683 8.6450 8.5167 8.7661 8.5342 8.5949 8.4993 8.5009 8.4952 8.6900 8.4951 8.5624 8-5171 8.4915 8.8198 8-5073 8.5075 8.6060 8.5197 8.5192 8.5034 8.4875 8.7705 8.7919 8.4922 8.5112 8.6191 8.5508 + 8.4884 +8.9183 8.9589 8.8346 8-7743 8.8908 8.7979 8.8704 9.0766 8.9676 8.9044 8. 8018 8-9337 9.0255 94923 8.8969. 8.8016 8.8550 8.9318 8.8036 9- 533 8.8230 8.8841 8.7887 8.7907 8.7858 8.9833 8.7884 8.8563 8.8m 8.7864 9.1150 8.8034 8.8039 8.9043 8.8193 8.8189 8.8036 8-7879 9.0723 9.0946 8.7958 8.8156 8.9239 8.8567 +8.7946 +0.2789 0.6495 0-3757 0.4634 0.3123 0.5448 0.3358 0.7118 0.6540 0.2967 0.5478 0.2605 +0.6846 -0.4837 +0.6146 0.5467 0.5886 0.6341 0.5486 0.0566 0.5654 0.3220 0.5309 0-5334 0.5263 0.1911 0.5294 0-3544 0.4077 0.5259 9.8721 0.5467 0.5471 0.6179 0.3985 0.5605 0.5461 0.5267 0.0113 9.9459 0.5367 0.5569 0.2760 0.5880 +0-5345 -8.4927 +8.5669 -8.2652 -7.6359 8.4291 + 8.0597 -8.3772 + 8-7378 + 8.5772 -8.4564 + 8.0790 8.5128 + 8.6628 9.2021 +8.4346 + 8.0652 + 8.3181 + 8.5029 + 8.0790 -8.6965 + 8.1911 -8.3961 + 7-9196 +7-9454 +7.8687 -8.5857 + 7.9004 -8.3119 8.1149 + 7-8597 -8.7691 +8.0553 +8.0584 +8.4321 -8.1519 +8.1495 +8.0469 +7.8625 -8.7065 -8-735 +7.9627 +8.1214 8.4658 +8.2959 +7.9398 0,042 -0,144 0,003 + 0,001 +0,029 + 0,012 + O,OI2 +0,0 1 6 0,002 +0,004 +0,002 + 0,002 + 0,005 + 0,007 0,003 0,001 + O,OI2 + 0,011 + O,OII +0,003 +0,010 +0,002 56 Tauri Doradus y eg Tauri Tauri .... +0,013 0,000 +0,020 +0,013 +0,002 +0,008 +0,005 +0,007 + 0,010 0,018 +0,007 +0,009 +0,010 +0,019 +0,003 +0,010 Reticuli o. Tauri Tauri Persei Eridani Tauri 60 Tauri Reticuli s Reticuli 61 Tauri $ Tauri Horologii 5 5 Persei 63 Tauri 60 No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Logarithms of >> & Taylor. s 1 Bris- >ane. Various. Motion. a' *' c' d' 1306 1307 1308 1309 1310 1311 1312 I3 r 3 1314 1315 1316 1317 1318 1319 1320 1321 1322 J 3 2 3 !3 2 4 1325 1326 1327 1328 1329 1330 1331 1332 1333 1334 1335 1336 1337 1338 J339 1340 1341 !34* 1343 1344 *345 1346 1347 1348 1349 I3SO 1 II 134 45 16,2 40 19 20,8 120 29 29,2 97 53 23-5 130 44 22,2 6 9 47 44.3 127 24 39,4 29 37 40,4 39 27 0,1 132 39 57,2 68 47 29,2 136 30 28,3 33 Si 38,5 169 2 4,0 48 33 33.4 69 13 29,2 55 48 4.3 43 5i 54,5 68 35 32,2 148 24 7,2 63 o 44,3 129 15 17,0 74 44 20,8 73 5o 34- 6 76 19 51,3 141 52 0,4 75 l6 9,7 124 10 3,6 113 19 55,6 76 29 54,2 152 51 4,2 69 19 16,9 69 10 25,1 47 55 43> 2 115 23 22,4 64 43 47,1 69 32 23,4 76 16 53,3 H9 39 53,9 151 19 7,6 72 48 49,7 65 56 56,1 134 37 48,9 56 13 19,8 73 34 35> 6 -9,43 9,42 9-4 1 9,39 9-38 9-38 9>37 9>3 6 9>35 9-34 9>3 9,29 9,29 9,28 9- 2 7 9,21 9,21 9,21 9,20 9,20 9> J 7 9,16 9,16 9,16 9-H 9,10 9,10 9,09 9,09 9>7 9,7 9>5 9>5 9,01 8-99 8,99 8,98 8,98 8,96 8,94 8,93 8,91 8,91 8,89 -8,88 +0,245 >575 0,306 ,375 0,265 0,452 0,279 0,664 0,582 0,256 0,456 0,235 -(-0,625 -0,394 +o,533 0,456 0,502 o,558 0,458 0,148 o,477 0,272 0,441 ,443 0,436 0,202 0,440 0,294 0,332 o,437 0,097 0,458 o,459 0,541 0,326 o,474 o,459 o,439 0,134 0,115 0,449 0,471 0,247 0,506 +0,448 // +0,10 -9.9683 +9-5936 -9.9149 -9-74I3 -9.9569 9.0086 9-9454 +9.7438 [-9.6100 -9-9 6 33 8.9248 9-9739 +9.6939 9-979 +9.4176 -8.9571 +9.1474 +9-53I* 8.9015 -9-9931 +8.2279 -9-9537 9.2662 9.2284 9.3251 9.9863 9.2858 9-9344 9.8760 9.3300 9.9964 8.9586 8.9460 +9.4417 9.8894 8.0334 8.9736 9.3212 9.9963 9.9972 9.1761 8.4942 -9.9723 +9.1389 9.2117 +9.5201 -9-5539 +9.3766 + 8.8079 +9.4846 9.2082 +9-4533 9.6080 -9-5563 +9-4989 9.2246 +9.5266 -9.5849 +9.6574 -9.4856 9.2121 -9.4117 -9-5I97 9.2240 +9.5918 -9.3171 +9.4611 9.0301 9.1040 9.0323 +9.5524 9.0620 +9.4057 +9- 2 539 9.0236 +9.6045 9.2024 9.2051 -9.4788 +9.2839 9.2819 -9.1947 9.0260 +9.5860 +9.5923 -9.1190 -9.2580 +9.4941 -9.3917 -9.0978 -0-9747 0.9739 -9735 0.9725 0.9722 0.9721 0.9719 0.9710 0.9708 0.9701 0.9684 0.9682 0.9678 0.9677 0.9670 0.9644 0.9641 0.9640 0.9639 0.9638 0.9625 0.9621 0.9620 0.9617 0.9611 0.9589 0.9589 0.9584 0.9584 0.9576 0-9574 0.9567 0.9565 0-9549 0-9539 0.9538 o-9534 0.9532 0.9521 0.9514 0.9507 0.9500 o-9497 0.9488 0.9486 +9-9457 9-9459 9.9460 9.9463 9-94 6 4 9.9464 9.9465 9.9467 9.9468 9.9470 9-9475 9-9475 9.9476 9-9477 9-9478 9.9485 9.9486 9.9486 9.9487 9.9487 9.9490 9.9491 9.9492 9.9492 9-9494 9.9500 9.9500 9.9501 9.9501 9-9503 9.9504 9.9505 9.9506 9.9510 9-95I3 9-95I3 9.9514 9.9514 9-95I7 9.9519 9.9521 9.9522 9-95^3 9.9525 +9.9526 30 ii. 422 1390 671 B.F 517 J 87 M 137 B.H28i B.F 521 J88 B.F 522 6814 M 138 M 139 M 140 J 90 M 141 J8 9 M 142 J 91 G 824 M 143 W2 47 M 144 J 92 M 145 Airy (G) M 146 0,84 + 3,45 ->43 + 0,06 V. 326 ii. 472 v. 327 ii. 471 v. 328 di. 423 1388 670 578 29 '394 672 575 27 22 673 +0,07 +0,15 0,00 +0,12 576 34 3 2 ii. 474 ii. 473 v. 329 398 402 674 675 4-0,51 0,04 + 0,02 + 0,04 + 0,05 + O,OI 0,04 +0,04 0,02 +0,02 +0,03 +0,01 0,24 +0,05 +0,02 444 679 580 579 577 581 3i 36 35 33 37 iii. 424 ii. 475 iii. 426 ii. 425 ii. 476 v. 330 ii. 477 v. 331 ii. 478 iii. 427 ii. 479 v. 333 ii. 480 ii. 482 Hi3 677 58* 38 140$ 678 583 584 585 39 40 4 1 1417 682 586 590 43 So 1411 1409 68 1 + 0,02 + 0,03 + 0,08 0,07 0,03 + O,O I + 0,04 + 0,15 + O,O I + 0, 3 8 + O, II +0,02 587 45 ii. 481 ii. 485 iii. 428 iii. 429 iii. AII H 2 3 683 588 585 47 48 46 56 5 1 53 54 iii. 432 ii. 48^ ii. 486 ii. 487 ii. 485 v. 334 ii. 488 1415 684 142? I 43 C 68 68 594 59 59 59< 57 +0,09 +0,05 0,0 1 65 58 62 iv. 322 iii. 434 ii. 49: 1424 68 61 No. Constellation. Mag. Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec.Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a b e d '35 1 * 1352 1353 J 354 1355 '3S 6 1357* 1358 1359 1360 1361* 1362 i3 6 3 J3 6 4 1365 1366 1367 1368 1369 1370 i37i 1372 1373 1374 i37S 1376 1377 1378 1379 1380* 1381* 1382 1383 1384 1385 1386 1387 1388 1389 1390 1391* 1392 393 1394* 1395 6* 6* 7 6 6 d si 5 6 6 6 Si 6* 6* 5 7 5 si si 5 6 4 7 6 6 3* 6 7 84 4i * 6 5 6 6 Si 6 7 6 6 si si 6 7 7 h m s 4 H 52,74 14 54,61 14 57,46 14 58,30 IS 17,77 15 27,20 IS 4 J ,59 1 6 0,90 16 5,67 16 12,91 16 13,11 16 25,87 16 29,25 16 33,83 1 6 49,03 17 3.9* 17 20,21 J 7 37.5 1 17 48,34 18 8,11 18 19,63 1 8 24,35 19 6,99 19 26,34 19 50,15 19 5!,74 19 52,15 19 53,89 19 5 9)1 8 20 0,48 20 6,19 20 10,31 20 16,91 20 26,26 2O 36,63 20 47,19 21 17,28 21 30,36 21 34.31 21 3565 21 58,79 22 5,94 22 10,95 22 12,23 4 22 36,69 s + 3.4 21 3,867 3,603 1,466 2,483 3.44 3.263 0,648 0,232 2,985 3.477 3.555 3.553 3.796 3.452 3.47 3.5 6 9 2,198 3,400 3,380 3.575 2,245 3,542 2,220 1,772 3.484 3.4i8 3.382 10,111 3,410 3,408 4.713 0,613 3,344 1,878 3,093 1,170 3.5 01 2,019 3.403 3,4i6 3>45 3,360 3,416 + 3,392 s +0,0099 +0,0185 +0,0131 +0,0060 + 0,0012 +O,OIOI +0,0075 +0,0203 +0,0314 +0,0042 +0,0107 +0,0120 +0,0119 +0,0167 +0,0102 +0,0095 + O,OI2I + O,OOIO +0,0093 +0,0090 + O,OI2I +0,0010 +0,0115 + 0,0011 +0,0029 + 0,0105 +0,0094 + 0,0089 + 0,4145 + 0,0093 + 0,0093 +0,0403 + O,O2O3 +0,0083 + O,OO22 + 0,0052 + 0,0096 + 0,OIO5 +0,0015 + 0,0091 + 0,0092 + 0,0091 + 0,0084 + 0,0092 + 0,0088 s +8.4878 8.5494 8.5089 8.6926 8.5151 8.4875 8.4725 8.8180 8.8744 8.4660 8.4884 8.4967 8.4962 8-5309 8.4833 8.4779 8.4948 8.5509 8.4743 8.4712 8.4915 8.5396 8.4841 8-5393 8.6167 8.4743 8.4676 8.4641 9.2204 8.4662 8.4656 8.6756 8.8029 8.4589 8.5942 8.4467 8-7134 8.4694 8.5648 8.4590 8.4586 8.4570 8.4529 8.4576 +8-4537 +8.7943 8.8560 8.8157 8.9994 8.8236 8.7967 8.7828 9.1299 9.1866 8.7789 8.8013 8. 8106 8.8104 8.8455 8.7991 8.7948 8.8131 8.8705 8.7948 8-7933 8.8146 8.8631 8.8m 8.8679 8.9472 8.8050 8-7983 8.7950 9.55I7 8.7976 8-7974 9.0078 9.1356 8.7924 8.9285 8.7820 9.0511 8.8082 8.9039 8.7983 8.7998 8.7988 8.7951 8-7999 +8.7981 +0.5341 0-5874 0.5567 0.1662 0.3950 0-5365 0.5136 9.8114 9.3662 0-4749 0.5413 0.5509 0.5506 0-5794 0.5381 0.5323 0.5526 0.3420 o.53i5 0.5289 0-5532 0.3511 0.5492 0.3464 0.2485 0.5421 0-5338 0.5291 1.0048 0.5327 0.5324 0.6733 9.7873 0.5243 0-2737 0.4903 0.068 1 0.5442 0.3051 -5^9 0-5336 0.5321 0.5264 0-5335 +o.53 5 + 7-9354 +8.2925 +8.1173 8.5962 -8.1583 +7-9557 +7.6719 8.7702 -8.8386 -7.3199 +7-9943 +8.0693 +8.0671 +8.2440 +7.9634 +7-9073 +8.0771 8.3190 +7.8949 +7.8659 +8.0771 -8.2913 +8.0440 8.2990 8.4807 +7-9835 +7-9085 + 7.8599 +9.2141 +7-8965 +7-8934 + 8.5812 -8.7556 + 7.8013 -8.4399 +6.7075 8.6390 +7.9931 -8.3806 +7.8805 + 7.8953 +7.8801 +7.8177 +7-893 2 +7.8603 +0,007 +0,004 0,003 +0,00 1 + 0,011 +0,003 +0,035 62 Tauri 64 Tauri ^ 66 Tauri f O,OOO 65 Tauri t 1 +0,004 + O,OIO +0,008 + 0,012 + 0,009 + O,OIO + O,OO2 + 0,010 0,000 +0,004 +0,009 +0,013 +0,065 +0,009 + 0,010 +0,003 + 0,012 O,O22 + 0,O03 + 0,012 +O,OO6 +O,OO6 +0,011 + O,OO5 +O,OO6 O,OO I + 0,005 0,009 +0,008 + 0,011 + O,OI3 + O,OIO +0,008 +0,005 67 Tauri )t~ Tauri 68 Tauri 8 s 69 Tauri u 1 7 3 Tauri u* 72 Tauri " 2 43 Eridani Tauri Cseli 74 Tauri c 7 < Tauri .... 76 Tauri Camelopardi .... 77 Tauri 6 1 78 Tauri &* i Cainelopardi Reticuli in 79 Tauri b Horologii 44 Eridani Doradus Tauri Czeli 80 Tauri Tauri 8 1 Tauri 83 Tauri Tauri 84 Tauri 62 No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec.Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of fr Is a i s Taylor. Lacaille. Bris- >ane. Various. a' V 8 74 22 30,8 74 27 59>2 36 25 18,9 J 53 44 34.4 77 17 21,1 134 30 26,8 88 57 19,8 H7 24 52,9 70 29 29,2 130 52 8,9 74 4i 42,9 74 8 11,8 74 38 21,6 76 36 21,9 74 10 38,1 75 *3 27,6 -8^88 8,88 8,87 8,87 8,85 8,83 8,82 8,79 8,78 8,77 8,77 8,76 8,75 8,75 8,73 8,71 8,69 8,66 8,65 8,62 8,61 8,60 8,55 8,52 8,49 8,49 8,49 8,48 8,48 8,48 8,47 8,46 8,45 8,44 8,43 8,41 8,37 8,36 8,35 8,35 8,32 8,31 8,30 8,30 -8,27 a +0,447 0,506 0,471 0,192 ,325 0,450 0,428 0,085 0,031 0,391 0,456 0,466 0,466 0,498 o,453 0,448 0,469 0,289 o,447 0,445 '0,471 0,296 0,467 0,293 0,234 0,460 0,452 0,447 1,336 0,451 0,451 0,623 0,08 1 0,442 0,249 0,409 o,i55 0,464 0,268 0,451 o,453 0,452 0,446 o,454 +0,451 " 9.2183 +9.1300 -8.5132 9.9904 9.8945 9.1787 9.4568 9.9991 9.9987 9.6964 9.0896 8.8215 8.8319 +8.9694 -9.1514 9.2453 8.7521 9.9446 9-2577 9.2929 8.7210 9.9386 8.8808 9.9423 9.9816 9.0723 9.2227 9.2898 +9.9136 9.2401 -9.2438 +9.6738 0.0223 9-3497 9-9757 9.6206 9-9997 9.0228 9.9653 9.2519 9.2271 9.2490 9.3249 9.2287 -9.2723 -9.0937 -9.3892 -9.2543 +9-5495 +9.2877 9.1122 8.8425 +9.5940 +9.6057 +8-4949 9.1468 -9.2127 9.2108 -9-3527 9.1187 9.0671 9.2189 +9.4036 -9- 554 9.0282 9.2183 +9.3841 -9.1894 +9-3879 +9.4907 -9- I 357 -9.0674 9.0221 -9.6197 9.0562 -9-0534 -9-5309 +9-5775 -8.9666 +9.4692 -7-8835 +9-5463 9-H35 +9-4353 9.0409 -9.0545 9.0404 8.9818 -9.0525 9.0218 0.9484 0.9483 0.9481 0.9480 0.9468 0.9462 -9453 0.9440 0-9437 0.9432 0.9432 0.9424 0.9422 0.9419 0.9409 0-9399 0.9388 0.9377 0.9370 -9357 0.9349 0.9346 0.9317 0.9304 0.9288 0.9287 . 0.9287 0.9286 0.9282 0.9281 0.9278 0-9275 0.9270 0.9264 0.9257 0.9250 0.9229 0.9220 0.9217 0.9216 0.9200 0.9195 0.9192 0.9191 -0.9174 +9.9526 9.9527 9.9527 9.9527 9-953 9-9532 9-9534 9-9537 9-9538 9-9539 9-9539 9.9541 9.9541 9-9542 9-9544 9.9546 9-9549 9-9552 9-9553 9.9556 9-9558 9-9559 9.9565 9.9568 9-9571 9-9572 9-9572 9-9572 9-9573 9-9573 9-9574 9-9574 9-9575 9-9577 9.9578 9.9580 9-9584 9.9586 9.9587 9.9587 9-959 9.9591 9-9592 9-9592 +9-9S9 6 M 153 ? M 147 J93 B.F 548 B.H 1 1 60 Mi 4 8 M 149 M 150 M 152 M 151 J94 M 154 Mi55 Mis6 Mi57 J 9 5 M 158 M 159 B.F 570 Mi6r B.F 573 +0,08 +0,01 +0,24 +0,14 0,00 +0,05 0,24 593 595 60 63 iii. 436 ii. 491 v. 338 ii. 493 ii. 492 ii. 494 ii. 500 1429 1422 691 690 597 598 68 64 66 1443 695 696 +0,04 602 72 ii. 495 +0,05 +0,02 -)-O,I2 O,O I +O,O2 + 0,03 + 0,01 +0,04 +0,03 0,0 1 + 0,01 0,04 +0,19 -|-O,I2 + O,2 0,04 +0,06 +0,09 + 0,01 + 0,01 +0,01 -0,34 +0,0 1 0,03 0,01 +0,51 +0,07 0,14 +0,03 + 0,01 +0,03 -f-0,02 O,I2 + 0,09 599 600 601 603 604 605 608 606 70 7 1 69 73 74 75 81 78 79 80 85 82 92 ii. 496 ii. 498 ii. 497 ii. 499 ii. 501 ii. 502 iii. 439 ii. 503 ii. 504 ii. 505 ii. 506 iv. 325 iii. 441 v. 342 ii. 507 ii. 508 ii. 509 iv. 324 ii. 510 ii. 511 iii. 442 ii. 514 ii. 512 iii. 443 ii- 5i3 v. 346 iii. 444 v - 347 ii. 515 iii. 445 ii. 517 ii. 518 iii. 447 ii. 519 I 43 8 697 1441 *447 H54 699 701 704 609 610 611 612 613 607 87 88 89 59 90 9 1 84 H73 1458 H75 707 706 713 614 615 93 98 94 .... 95 1464 712 617 619 620 621 622 97 99 IOO 103 102 105 No. Constellation. Mag. Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Logarithms of Motion. a b c d 1396 1397* 1398 1399 14.00 1401 1402 1403 1404 1405 1406* 1407 1408 1409 1410 1411 1412* HI3 1414 1415* 1416 1417 1418 1419 1420 1421 1422* 1423* 1424 '1425 1426 1427* 1428 1429 1430 1431 1432 H33 H34* H35 1436 *437 H38 '439 1440 Call 6 6* 6 8 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 6 7 5 7 6 6 5 5* 8 6 7 6 5 i 5 4i 6 Si 6 6 7 6 4 6 6 7 3* 5 Si 5i Si 3 6 6 h m s 4 22 4L53 22 52,38 22 52,45 22 55,55 23 1,63 23 14,64 23 17,91 24 12,35 24 3 .85 24 54.45 25 3.38 25 12,36 25 15.34 25 20,61 25 22,27 25 54-54 26 0,22 26 14,77 26 18,54 26 36,13 26 36,35 26 55,25 26 56,38 26 58,45 27 19,11 27 24,85 27 37.S 6 28 2,92 28 5.93 28 6,35 28 10,75 28 32,41 28 44,83 28 49,69 29 2,57 29 30.13 29 34,71 29 43,40 29 4 6 >75 30 3,41 30 35,68 30 42,03 30 45.8i 3i 1,71 4 3i 15,19 s + 1,752 4,196 4. 1 97 10,241 0,8 1 8 1,961 3.49 3,063 2,343 1,766 3.422 2,182 3.739 3,388 3,352 1,986 0,679 1,832 4,135 4,9 ! 3 2,919 3,507 2,916 2,886 3,428 3,284 2,358 2,395 4,7i4 +4,691 -4,334 +2,986 7,891 2,992 0,927 3,086 3.4i8 2,333 3,338 3,011 3,4i4 3,416 1,281 2,326 +2,334 s +0,0030 +0,0245 +0,0245 +0,4142 +0.0155 +0,0018 +0,0090 +0,0047 +0,0010 +0,0029 +0,0090 +0,00 1 1 +0,0142 +0,0085 +0,0080 +0,0017 +0,0177 +0,0024 +0,0222 +0,0438 +0,0034 +0,0101 + 0,0034 +0,0031 +0,0089 +0,0070 + 0,0011 +0,00 1 1 +0,0369 +0,0362 +0,2723 +0,0039 +0,1920 +0,0040 +0,0125 +0,0047 +0,0086 +0,00 1 1 +0,0075 +0,0041 +0,0084 +0,0084 +0,0073 + 0,0011 + 0,0011 s 0,00 1 +0,040 +0,004 0,030 +0,007 0,025 +0,007 0,000 +0,021 +0,023 +0,002 0,008 + 0,011 +0,014 +0.035 +0,004 + 8.6072 8.5718 8.5720 9.2135 8.7598 8.5674 8-4523 8.4324 8.4969 8-5943 8.4459 8.5200 8.4845 8.4416 8.4385 8.5505 8.7655 8.5762 8.5452 8.6781 8.4253 8.4464 8.4239 8.4252 8.4364 8.4248 8.4803 8.4728 8.6376 8.6336 9.2001 8.4144 9.0185 8.4130 8.7133 8.4091 8.4252 8-4744 8.4177 8.4070 8.4201 8.4199 8.6485 8.4691 + 8.4667 + 8.9520 8.9175 8.9177 9-5595 9.1063 8.9150 8.8002 8.7848 8.8510 8.9504 8.8027 8.8776 8.8424 8-7999 8.7970 8.9118 9.1272 8.9391 8.9085 9.0430 8.7901 8.8129 8.7905 8.7920 8.8050 8.7939 8.8504 8.8452 9.0103 9.0063 9-5732 8.7894 9-3946 8-7895 9.0909 8.7892 8.8058 8.8557 8-7993 8.7901 8.806 1 8.8064 9.0354 8.8574 +8.8562 +0.2434 0.6228 0.6229 1.0103 9.9128 0.2925 0.5327 0.4861 0.3697 0.2469 0.5342 0.3388 0.5728 0.5299 0-5253 0.2980 9.8316 0.2629 0.6165 0.6914 0.4652 0.5450 0.4649 0.4603 0.5350 0.5164 0.3726 0-3793 0.6734 +0.6713 0.6369 +0.4751 0.8971 0.4759 9.9673 0.4893 0.5338 0.3678 0-5235 0.4787 0.5332 0.5336 0.1074 0.3667 +0.3682 -8-4733 +8.4032 +8.4037 +9.2074 8.7040 -8-3954 +7.8799 6.2441 8.2059 -8.4573 +7.8863 8.2890 +8.1652 +7.8409 +7-7883 -8.3718 8.7148 -8.4277 + 8.3617 + 8.5984 -7-5 I 47 +7.9713 -7.5192 -7-5974 + 7.8821 + 7.6580 8.1802 -8.1551 + 8.5409 + 8.5346 -9.1942 -7.2496 +9.0047 7.2184 8.6512 +6.4899 + 7-8583 8.1846 +7-7428 -7.0923 +7.8470 +7-8499 -8.5638 8.1812 -8.1752 Cjeli 8 5 Tauri C ffi ii Tauri Tauri 86 Tauri f Tauri Call Ca?li $ +0,009 + 0,002 5 8 Persei e 46 Eridani + O,OO5 O,OO6 + O,OO2 + O,OO2 + O,OO8 +O,OO I O,007 0,009 + O,OO7 0,005 O,o62 0,009 + 0,051 + O,OO2 0,009 + 0,003 + 0,012 O,OOO + 0,012 +0,009 + 0,006 + O,OIO +0,008 O,OO4 + O,OO2 Tauri 47 Eridani 8 7 Tauri a 88 Tauri d 50 Eridani V 6 Eridani 3 Camelopardi Mensse o Eridani Camelopardi 48 Eridani V Reticuli 49 Eridani 89 Tauri 52 Eridani o 7 90 Tauri c* 5 1 Eridani . . c 91 Tauri ... (r' 92 Tauri (r^ Doradus ...... cc E ridani Eridani 64 No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec.Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of fe- rn i Taylor. 1 Bris bane Various. a? V 453 0,448 0,266 0,091 0,245 .551 0,658 0,391 0,470 0,391 0,387 0,460 0,440 0,316 0,322 0,633 +0,630 0,582 +0,401 1,061 0,402 0,125 0,415 0,460 0,314 0,450 0,406 0,460 0,461 0,173 0,314 + ,3i5 +o',66 + 0,04 0,00 + 0,12 0,08 + O.2I + 0,o6 + 0,07 + 0,05 0,16 +0,03 0,00 +0,09 +0,03 +0,10 +0,04 9.9840 +9.4763 +9.4770 + 9.9170 0.0036 -9.9708 9.2403 -9.6434 -9.9247 -9.9843 9.2170 -9.9490 + 8.7642 -9.2797 -9-3385 9.9697 0.0061 9.9811 +9-4371 + 9.7189 -9.7352 9.0052 -9.7364 -9.7526 -9.2047 -9-43*9 9.9224 -9.9156 +9.6783 +9.6727 -9.9910 -9.6954 +9.8952 9.6920 0.0068 9.6261 9.2240 9.9275 9-3597 9.6797 9.2330 9.2276 0.0034 9.9289 -9-9275 i +9.4809 -9-4455 -9-4457 -9.6077 +9-5577 +9.4405 -9.0399 +7.4201 +9.3161 +9.4685 -9.0452 +9.3732 9.2846 9.0029 - 8 -9533 + 9.4224 +9.5500 +9-4512 -9-4I59 9.5183 +8.6875 9.1216 +8.6919 +8.7686 9.0406 -8.8276 +9-2935 +9.2740 -9.4948 -9.4925 +9.5852 +8.4246 -9.5748 +8.3936 +9.5251 7.6660 9.0178 +9.2943 8.9090 +8.2679 9.0070 -9.0097 +9.4946 +9.2902 +9.2856 0.9171 0.9163 0.9163 0.9161 0.9157 0.9147 0.9145 0.9107 0.9093 0.9077 0.9070 0.9064 0.9062 0.9058 0.9057 0.9033 0.9029 0.9018 0.9016 0.9003 0.9003 0.8989 0.8988 0.8987 0.8971 0.8967 0.8958 0.8939 0.8937 0.8936 0.8933 0.8917 0.8908 0.8904 0.8894 0.8873 0.8870 0.8863 0.8861 0.8848 0.8823 0.8818 0.8816 0.8803 -0.8793; +9.9596 9.9598 9.9598 9.9598 9-9599 9.9601 9.9601 9.9609 9.9612 9.9615 9.9616 9.9617 9.9618 9.9619 9.9619 9.9623 9.9624 9.9626 9.9627 9.9629 9.9629 9.9632 9.9632 9.9632 9-9 6 35 9.9636 9.9637 9.9641 9.9641 9.9641 9.9642 9.9645 9.9646 9.9647 9.9649 9.9652 9-9 6 53 9.9654 9.9654 9.9657 9.9661 9.9662 9.9662 9.9664 +9.9666 v. 349 iii. 448 iii. 449 iv. 327 v. 351 v. 352 ii. 520 ii. 521 iii. 451 v - 354 iii. 452 iii. 454 ii. 522 ii. 523 *ii- 453 iii. 456 H79 714 G8 39 B.H 469 M 163 W 2 6 4 M 164 J 9 6 6847 M 166 J97 M 167 6848 J 9 8 M 168 J 99 M 169 M 170 J 100 616 618 IOI 104 77 1496 1484 1488 1498 718 717 720 722 623 624 108 no "5 625 627 "3 118 in 114 116 124 H95 723 1508 1523 1512 726 727 O,IO + 0,01 626 129 117 iii. 457 iii. 455 +0,04 +0,04 +0,06 0,00 +0,15 +0,05 +0,23 +0,01 +0,09 +0,03 0,08 631 633 634 630 632 636 628 629 121 1 2O 126 125 128 130 r 3 2 122 123 ii. 524 iii. 458 ii. 526 ii. 527 ii. 528 ii. 529 iii. 462 iii. 463 iii. 460 iii. 461 15*3 1516 1579 73 732 735 743 6 35 637 112 133 ii. 459 ii. 530 v- 358 ii. 532 ii. 531 ii- 534 ii- 533 ii- 535 ii. 536 ii. 537 v- 359 v. 335 iii. 468 + 0,10 0,00 0,22 + 0,02 0,00 +0,03 + 0,01 +0,04 +0,08 +0,01 0,00 +0,08 +0,10 '535 739 640 638 645 6 39 642 641 643 137 *35 144 138 140 143 HS 1529 740 '539 '533 1534 744 742 151 '53 /**. ^tr- Fi? B.A. C. (I) 65 No. Constellation. Mag. Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a b c d 1441 1442 1443* 1444 1445* 1446 1447 1448 1449 1450 1451 1452 H53 H54 1455 1456 H57 1458 1459* 1460 1461 1462 1463* 1464 1465 1466 1467 1468 1469 1470 1471 1472 H73 1474* H7 5 1476 H77 1478* H79 1480 1481 1482* 1483 1484 1485* 4 5 6* 6* 6 6 6 6 5 6 4 H 7 5* 6 5 6 4* 6* 6 6 7 7* 5 6 6 $i 6 5 5* 6 Si 5 4 Si 6 6 74 6 6 6 6 5* 6 6 h m s 4 31 18,87 31 42.57 3 1 54,29 3 1 5 6 .75 32 16,41 32 25,87 32 26,13 32 29,28 33 H. 8 3 33 52,59 33 53 01 34 6 >9 6 34 9. 2 4 34 i6.99 35 20,88 35 3I.5 1 35 4 2 .52 35 .43.95 35 49.77 36 7,29 3 6 23,55 36 26,83 3 6 39.39 36 45.55 3 6 53.33 37 9.85 37 21,53 37 3 J ,4i 38 0,43 38 4,10 38 13,36 38 48,49 38 55.97 39 10,52 39 37.17 39 49> l6 39 53.47 39 55.41 40 8,16 40 16,91 40 23,18 40 26,57 40 51,58 40 52,33 4 4 1 9.42 +2*748 3.332 2,798 3.739 4,230 2,746 J.947 10,841 3.589 2,497 2,619 3,866 + 3. 6l 9 -5.695 + I.477 4,954 6,142 1,941 4,875 3,310 2,871 3,746 3,610 2,114 2,877 0,651 2,318 3,488 2,993 5.555 2,409 1,967 i,535 5,899 3,86s 4.025 4,489 3.49 MS +2,214 7,495 +2,392 2,029 2,681 + 3,423 s 4-0,0023 +0,0073 +0,0025 +0,0131 +0,0228 +0,0022 +0,0018 +0,4268 +0,0106 +0,0013 +0,0016 +0,0150 + 0,0110 +0,3662 +0,0049 +0,0405 +0,0837 +0,0018 +0,0381 +0,0067 +0,0028 +0,0126 +0,0105 + 0,0012 + O,OO29 +0,0161 + 0,0010 +0,0088 +0,0037 +0,0585 +0,00 1 1 +0,0017 +0,0043 +0,0703 +0,0141 +0,0168 + 0,0264 +0,0085 +0,0051 + 0,0011 +0,5068 +0,00 1 1 +0,0015 +0,0018 +0,0076 s 0,002 +0,004 + 0,010 +0,007 +0,007 +0,009 0,003 + 8.4150 8.4083 8.4082 8.4531 8.5326 8.4098 8.5256 9- I 975 8.4265 8.4305 8.4155 8.4618 8.4258 9.2387 8.5918 8.6385 8.8041 8.5095 8.6241 8.3855 8.3818 8.4316 8.4121 8.4747 8.3790 8.7105 8.4386 8.3936 8.3690 8.7145 8.4206 8.4886 8.5624 8-7543 8.4330 8.4578 8.5371 8.3813 8-5732 8-4394 9.2837 8.4112 8.4669 8-3733 +8.3683 + 8.8048 8.8003 8.8013 8.8464 8.9277 8.8058 8.9216 9-5937 8.8269 8.8345 8.8194 8.8670 8.8313 9.6449 9.0039 9.0516 9.2183 8.9238 9.0389 8.8020 8.7998 8.8500 8.8316 8.8948 8.7998 9.1330 8.8622 8.8181 8-7963 9.1421 8.8492 8.9206 8.9951 9.1884 8.8697 8.8957 8-9754 8.8198 9.0130 8.8800 9.7247 8.8527 8.9109 8.8174 + 8.8141 +0.4390 0.5227 0.4468 0.5727 0.6264 0.4387 0.2893 1.0351 0.5550 0.3973 0.4181 0.5872 +0.5586 -0-7555 +0.1692 0.6949 0.7883 0.2881 0.6879 0.5199 0.4580 0-5735 0-5575 0.3250 0.4590 9.8134 0.3650 0.5426 0.4762 0.7447 0.3818 0.2938 o.i 860 0.7708 0.5872 0.6047 0.6522 0.5428 0.1554 +0.3451 0.8748 +0.3787 0.3072 0.4283 + 0-5344 -7.8165 +7.7226 -7.7409 +8.1292 + 8.3670 -7.8129 8.3526 +9.1920 +8.0123 8.0529 -7.9488 +8.1929 +8.0317 -9.2344 8.4881 +8-5595 + 8.7710 -8.3363 + 8.5392 +7.6607 -7.5798 +8.1086 + 8.0101 -8.2585 -7.5630 8.6591 8.1511 + 7.8941 -7.1588 + 8.6653 8.0902 8.3086 -8.4515 + 8.7153 + 8.1611 + 8.2395 + 8.4114 + 7.8818 -8.4730 8.1901 9.2806 8.0879 8.2716 -7-8445 + 7.7989 93 Tauri c 2 Tauri Cgeli +0,003 0,002 +0,004 +0,005 +0,004 0,203 0,054 +0,006 Cseli a 0,011 Tauri +0,013 +0,005 +0,013 + 0,002 + O,OO8 + 0,003 + O,OO9 + O,OOI +0,003 +0,008 0,00 1 0,010 +0,00 1 0,005 +0,007 +0,008 0,002 +0,003 +0,013 0,003 +0,009 0,228 +0,003 0,00 1 +0,014 +0,003 Tauri Tauri Caeli /S Reticuli Cseli Tauri ej Eridani u> Cadi Pictoris A 9 Camelopardi .... a Aurigae Persei Tauri Pictoris Caeli Eridani Ca3li 58 Eridani 66 No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec.Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of ! i Taylor. i Bris- bane. Various. fist sTT"""^ JogNM a' V c f d' 1441 1442 !443 1444 1445 1446 1447 1448 1449 1450 1451 1452 H54 H55 1456 H57 H59 1460 1461 1462 1463 1464 1465 1466 1467 1468 1469 1470 1471 1472 H73 H74 H75 1476 H77 1478 H79 1480 1481 1482 1484 1485 1 II 104 36 3,0 78 6 1,2 102 25 24,4 6 1 40 50,6 46 55 35,4 104 39 16,1 132 10 43,5 9 4 16,8 67 20 7,6 114 46 48,4 I0 9 57 48,3 57 25 !7,9 66 12 0,4 171 55 8,9 141 58 6,0 33 3o 56,4 22 6 17,3 132 9 9,0 34 40 17,3 79 8 15,7 99 4 42,1 61 37 11,2 66 39 10,3 127 26 25,3 98 47 12,8 152 40 n,o 121 2 49,8 71 32 29,2 93 32 0,3 26 45 3,4 117 51 20,6 131 20 48,5 HO 45 55- 1 23 55 13-8 57 40 49>7 52 46 54,o 41 31 26,1 71 32 42,1 142 32 35, 1 124 16 51,3 173 12 51,0 118 21 41,9 I2 9 37 49>3 107 12 45,7 74 21 47,2 -7,57 7,54 7,52 7,52 7,49 7-48 7,48 7,47 7,36 7,3 6 7,34 7,34 7,33 7,24 7,23 7,21 7,21 7,20 7,12 7,09 7,08 7,06 7,02 7,02 7,01 6,96 6,95 6,93 6,89 6,87 6,87 6,87 6,85 6,84 6,83 6,82 6,79 6,79 -6,76 +0,371 0,450 o,378 0,506 0,572 0,372 0,263 1,467 0,486 o,339 ,355 + 0,491 o,773 + 0,201 0,674 0,836 0,264 0,664 0,451 0,3 9 I 0,510 0,492 0,288 0,392 0,089 0,316 0,476 0,409 o,759 0,329 0,269 0,210 0,807 0,529 0,551 0,615 0,478 0,196 + 0,304 I,O28 + 0,328 0,278 0,368 + 0,470 +0,1 6 ,3 0,0 1 +0,04 +0,07 +0,15 + 0,01 9.8151 -9.3683 -9.7946 + 8.7619 +9.5004 -9.8159 -9-9753 +9.9284 8.6274 -9.8943 9.8606 +9.1316 8.3324 -9.9924 0.0009 +9.7309 + 9.8458 -9.9768 +9.7166 -9.3983 -9.7604 +8-7945 -8.4472 9.9604 -9.7572 0.0129 9.9317 9.0618 9.6909 +9.8069 -9.9146 -9-9756, 0.0005 +9.8337 +9.1316 +9-3475 +9.6188 -9.0577 0.0043 -9.9485 9.9934 -9.9183 -9.9705 -9.8407 -9.2154 +8.9783 -8.8892 +8.9067 9.2500 -9.4067 +8.9747 +9-3985 -9.5658 -9- I 535 +9.1870 +9-0979 9.2947 9.1692 +9.5584 +9-4539 -9-4777 9.5226 + 9.3824 -9.4703 -8.8289 + 8.7505 9.2291 -9.1491 +9-3344 +8-7339 +9.4971 +9.2600 -9.0473 +8.3341 -9.4948 +9.2128 +9.3602 +9.4286 -9.4993 9.2641 9.3166 9.4089 -9.0349 +9-43 3 ! +9.2833 +9.5291 +9.2085 +9-3343 +9.0007 -8.9586 0.8790 0.8772 0.8762 0.8761 0-8745 0.8738 0.8738 0-8735 0.8699 0.8669 0.8669 0.8657 0.8656 0.8649 0.8598 0.8589 0.8580 0.8579 0.8574 0.8560 0.8546 0.8543 -8533 0.8528 0.8521 0.8508 0.8498 0.8490 0.8465 0.8462 0.8454 0.8424 0.8418 0.8405 0.8383 0.8372 0.8368 0.8367 0.8356 0.8348 0.8344 0.8340 0.8318 0.8317 0.8302 +9.9666 9.9669 9.9671 9.9671 9.9674 9.9675 9.9675 9.9675 9.9681 9.9686 9.9686 9.9688 9.9688 9.9689 9.9697 9.9698 9.9699 9.9700 9.9700 9.9702 9.9704 9.9705 9.9706 9.9707 9.9708 9.9710 9.9711 9.9713 9.9716 9.9716 9.9717 9.9722 9.9722 9.9724 9.9727 9.9729 9.9729 9.9729 9-973 1 9.9732 9-9732 9-9733 9.9736 9-9736 +9-9738 647 646 644 650 150 149 "54 148 H7 157 1 60 ii- 539 ii. 540 iv. 337 iii. 469 iii. 470 ii. 542 iii. 472 J 101 B.H 935 B.F 602 6856 M 171 J 102 If! \J/ 7 0870 j 103 623 B.H 1390 L 196 J 104 M 172 J 105 6878 B.H 283 W2 75 S43 749 0,00 + O,II + O,II 0,00 0,00 +0,6 1 0,0 1 +0,14 648 6 53 652 J 59 167 166 161 162 ii- 543 ii. 546 ii. 545 iii. 473 ii. 544 544 752 1639 1558 764 756 v. 364 iii. 475 649 164 +0,05 +0,07 0,00 0,04 +0,07 651 655 654 656 .75 ii. 548 1556 757 169 172 168 ii- 547 iii. 478 iii. 477 0,19 0,03 -0,39 + 0,01 +0,10 0,0 1 +0,07 0,60 +0,02 0,11 0,02 0,00 0,06 0,00 +0,40 0,30 +0,05 +0,09 0,00 +0,13 0,19 +0,08 181 178 ii- 549 iii- 479 1559 1582 1564 762 765 763 657 182 179 183 170 iii. 481 550 ii. 551 iii. 480 v. 368 iii. 482 v. 369 ii. 552 iii. 484 iii. 486 iii. 485 iii. 487 v. 372 iii. 488 I56 9 I 57 8 1585 769 770 772 192 658 176 185 187 184 190 r 599 1587 1707 1586 J 594 777 775 795 776 779 196 664 660 197 202 198 '95 " 553 iii. 489 ii- 554 ii- 555 (I 2) 6 7 No. Constellation. Mag. Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a b c d 1486 14.87 1488 1489 1490* 1491* 1492 H93 1494 H95 1496 '497 1498 1499 1500 1501* 1502* J53 1504 1505 1506 1507 1508 1509 1510 1511 1512 1513 1514 1515 1516 1517 1518* 1519 1520* 1521* 1522* 15^3 1524* 1525 1526* 1527* 1528 1529 1530 4 6 6 Si 7 5 5* Si 6 4 6 7 6 6 5 6 6 ' 6 5 7* Si 5 6 6 6 6 7 6 44 6 si 7 6 6 4 Si 6i 6 6i 5 6 6i 6 6 5 h m s 4 41 42,15 41 47,68 41 58,56 42 4,44 42 18,20 42 26,61 42 35,87 42 36,19 42 48,16 43 13.3 43 21,13 43 25,33 43 26,15 43 56,85 44 3.5 44 27,80 44 34> 66 44 46,32 45 '6,57 45 23,26 45 2 3.47 45 3i- 6 9 45 33S8 45 34.79 45 47.95 46 2,96 46 17,97 46 23,18 46 26,51 46 28,05 46 38,49 46 42,13 47 7.72 47 8,15 47 I3.9 1 47 34, 5 i 47 40,35 47 49.33 47 5.iS 47 5 6 .5 6 48 42,71 48 42,93 48 58,85 49 i.i? 4 49 4.77 s +3.219 2,695 2,334 0,887 4,000 3,262 4,002 3.495 4,873 3,189 7.482 3,732 2,697 1,839 3,386 +4,9 J 7 0,649 +0,930 4,783 3,453 1.947 2,944 3,121 7.357 7,443 2,177 3,438 2,199 3, "9 3,321 3.292 3.444 3. 6 45 3. 75 3,893 i.339 6,008 1,445 4,753 3,37i 3,458 3,630 3.659 2,950 +4>53 8 -f-O,OO54 + O,OOI9 + 0,0011 +0,0114 +0,0158 +0,0058 +0,0158 +0,0083 +0,0347 +0,0051 +0,1366 +0,0113 +0,0019 +0,0021 +0,0069 +0,0351 +0,0443 +0,0104 +0,0313 +0,0075 +0,0016 +0,0031 +0,0043 +0,1261 +0,1300 +0,00 1 1 +0,0073 +0,00 1 1 +0,0043 +0,0060 +0,0058 +0,0073 +0,0097 +0,0039 +0,0132 +0,0055 +0,0662 +0,0045 +0,0294 +0,0064 +0,0072 +0,0092 +0,0096 +0,0030 +0,0153 8 + 0,039 + O,OO3 + 0,003 O.O2O +0,016 +0,010 0,000 +0,007 0,000 +0,005 0,025 +0,015 +0,006 0,005 + 0,002 O,OO3 O,O27 + 0,031 + O,OO2 + 0,007 O,O2 1 + 0,002 + O,OO4 O,OO3 0,027 + 0,045 0,003 + O,OO7 + 0,003 + O,OO4 + O,OO6 O,CO1 + 8.3520 8.3670 8.4113 8.6482 8.4400 8.3500 8.4387 8.3674 8.5845 8.3427 8.9005 8.3924 8-3579 8.4817 8.3494 8.5817 8.8255 8.6256 8.5551 8-3477 8-4549 8.3302 8.3282 8.8752 8. 8818 8.4126 8.3411 8.4072 8.3232 8.3311 8.3283 8-3394 8-3594 8-3189 8-3944 8.5442 8.7169 8-5254 8.5346 8.3260 8.3289 8.3480 8.3502 8.3098 + 8.4090 +8.8010 8.8166 8.8620 9.0995 8.8926 8.8035 8.8932 8.8219 9.0402 8.8010 9-3595 8.8518 8.8174 8-9444 8.8127 9.0476 9.2921 9.0934 9.0261 8.8194 8.9266 8.8027 8.8009 9.3480 9-356i 8.8884 8.8185 8.8851 8.8015 8.8095 8.8078 8.8193 8.8420 8.8016 8.8777 9.0297 9.2030 9.0125 9.0217 8.8138 8.8218 8.8409 8.8448 8.8047 + 8.9042 +0.5077 0.4306 0.3682 9-9477 0.6020 -Si35 0.6023 0-5434 0.6878 0.5036 0.8740 0.5720 0.4309 0.2647 0-5297 +0.6917 -9.8123 +9.9686 0.6797 0.5381 0.2893 0.4689 0.4942 0.8667 0.8718 0-3379 0-5363 0.3422 0.4940 0.5213 0.5175 0.5370 0.5617 0.4879 0.5903 0.1269 0-7787 0.1598 0.6769 0.5277 0.5388 0-5599 0.5634 0.4698 +0.6078 + 7.4186 -7.8229 8.1141 -8-5857 + 8.2132 + 7.5266 + 8.2125 + 7.8707 + 8.4979 + 7.3118 + 8.8834 + 8.0588 7.8107 -8.3254 + 7.7329 + 8.4981 8.8017 8.5605 + 8.4603 + 7.8081 8.2769 -7.3279 + 6.9234 + 8.8570 + 8.8643 -8.1730 + 7-7851 8.1602 + 6.9056 + 7.6185 + 7.5639 + 7-7895 + 7-9745 + 5.8999 + 8.1296 8.4506 + 8.6797 8.4218 + 8.4364 +7.6870 + 7-792? + 7-9523 + 7.9731 7.2846 + 8.1950 Cjeli Tauri Cgeli Tauri Caeli Camelopardi Cseli Tauri C?eli 8 Orionis v TT^ 6 Orionis o 7 Orionis TT* Tauri Tauri Orionis 0,009 + 0,002 0,002 + 0,017 0,024 O,OO3 0,001 + 0,004 + O,OO4 + 0,004 + O,OO4 + 0,005 Pictoris Camelopardi 8 Camelopardi Tauri 98 Tauri k 68 No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a 3 K Taylor. 1 1 Kris- bane. Various. a' V c' d' 1486 1487 1488 1489 1490 1491 1492 H93 1494 H9 5 1496 H97 1498 1499 1500 1501 1502 i53 1504 1505 1506 1507 1508 1509 1510 1511 1512 1513 1514 !5i5 1516 1517 1518 1519 1520 1521 1522 1523 1524 !5 2 5 1526 1527 1528 1529 '53 83 18 18,7 106 35 55,8 120 17 39,5 150 o 35,4 53 3 6 56,4 81 21 41,7 S3 33 !9> J 71 25 13,7 34 59 5. 8 84 39 22,8 15 58 27,3 62 21 31,0 106 28 53,3 134 H 43.5 76 o 13,4 34 25 26,1 161 12 50,9 149 24 9,8 36 29 41,4 73 "3 28 >7 13* 34 55- 1 95 42 28,7 8? 44 37,3 16 28 10,2 16 9 53,7 125 9 41,5 73 5 1 4M 124 29 37,0 87 48 32,4 78 49 22,4 80 5 35,2 73 37 26,2 6 5 39 J5, 1 89 46 54,2 57 4 36,5 H3 43 9> 8 23 23 46,1 141 58 39,9 37 4 55,8 76 43 37,i 73 5 9,7 66 17 25,7 65 ii 13,5 95 24 51,2 52 20 30,8 /; 6,72 6, 7 I 6,70 6,69 6,67 6,66 6,65 6,65 6,63 6,59 6,58 6,58 6,58 6,53 6,53 6,49 6,48 6,47 6,42 6,41 6,41 6,40 6,40 6,40 6,38 6,36 6,34 6,33 6,33 6,33 6,31 6,31 6,27 6,27 6,26 6,23 6,23 6,21 6,21 6,20 6,14 6,14 6,12 6,11 -6,n +0,442 0,370 0,321 0,122 0,550 0,449 o>55i 0,481 0,671 ,439 1,031 0,514 0,372 0,254 0,467 +0,678 0,090 +0,128 0,66 1 ,477 0,269 0,407 0,431 1,017 1,029 0,301 0,476 0,304 0,432 0,460 0,456 o,477 o,505 0,426 >539 0,1 86 0,833 0,200 0,659 0,468 0,480 0,504 0,508 0,410 + 0,563 +0,0 1 0,06 +0,03 + 0,01 0,11 +0,03 0,0 1 +0,04 +0,09 +0,03 +0,02 +0,06 0,08 +0,05 +0,06 +0,02 +1,15 0,05 0,00 0,0 1 0,09 0,0 1 +0,03 0,00 0,00 + O.II + 0,01 +0,02 0,00 0,04 +0,1 8 0,05 9.5068 -9.8358 9.9295 0.0143 +9.3222 -9-4583 +9-325 1 9.0442 +9-7 J 95 -9-53 6 7 +9.8969 + 8.7316 -9-835I -9.9870 9.2842 +9.7285 0.0152 0.0152 +9.7020 9.1523 -9-9793 9.7211 -9.5980 +9.8954 +9-8975 -9-9547 -9-J853 -9.9519 9.5991 -9.3833 9.4219 -9.1726 -7-5798 -9.6339 + 9.1818 0.0099 +9.8452 0.0070 +9.6963 -9.3098 -9.1405 8.1614 +7.7634 -9.7176 +9.3771 -8.5917 +8.9805 +9.2264 +9.4607 -9.2951 8.6978 -9.2941 -9.0235 9.4326 8.4860 -9.4991 -9.1823 +8.9686 +9.3566 -8.8959 -9.4265 +9-4857 +9-4433 9.4108 -8-9653 +9.3269 +8.5018 8.0991 -9.4857 -9.4851 +9.2615 -8.9438 +9.2523 8.0814 -8.7863 -8-7335 -8.9476 9.1102 7.0760 9.2296 +9-3989 -9.4546 +9.3874 -9.3928 -8.8513 8.9496 9.0901 9.1071 +8.4588 9.2696 0.8273 0.8268 0.8259 0.8253 0.8241 0.8233 0.8225 0.8225 0.8214 0.8191 0.8184 0.8180 0.8180 0.8152 0.8146 0.8123 0.8117 0.8106 0.8078 0.8072 0.8071 0.8064 0.8062 0.8061 0.8048 0.8034 0.8020 0.8015 0.8012 0.8010 0.8001 0-7997 0-7973 0.7972 0.7967 0.7947 0.7941 0.7932 0.7932 0.7925 0.7880 0.7880 0.7864 0.7862 -0.7859 +9.9742 9.9742 9-9743 9-9744 9.9746 9-9746 9.9748 9.9748 9-9749 9.9752 9-9753 9-9753 9-9753 9.9756 9-9757 9.9760 9.9761 9.9762 9.9765 9.9766 9.9766 9-9767 9.9767 9.9767 9.9768 9.9770 9.9772 9.9772 9.9772 9-9773 9-9774 9-9774 9.9777 9-9777 9-9777 9-9779 9.9780 9.9781 9.9781 9.9782 9.9786 9.9786 9.9788 9.9788 +9.9789 663 668 201 206 2IO ii. 556 ii- 557 iii. 491 1601 1614 783 784 Pl90 M 174 G886 W2 79 M 175 M 176 J 106 G 890 6891 M 177 M 178 B.F 625 A 114 M 180 M 179 66 1 667 662 666 659 670 6 73 672 665 2OO 209 203 208 I 99 2I 3 I 9 I 211 2I S 221 216 212 iii. 490 ii. 558 iii. 494 ii. 559 iii. 493 ii. 560 iii. 492 ii. 561 ii. 562 iii. 497 ii. 563 iii. 496 1616 79 * 1654 1632 801 797 v. 377 ii. 564 iii. 500 iii. 502 ii. 566 ii. 565 iii. 498 iii. 499 iii. 504 iii. 503 v. 380 ii. 568 ii. 567 ii. 569 iii. 505 669 676 675 217 222 230 227 226 204 207 237 228 1626 799 1628 802 1630 806 680 678 679 232 229 234 231 +0,07 +0,01 +0,06 +0,52 -0,23 +0,06 +0,04 +0,01 +0,03 +0,09 +0,08 +0,09 677 239 235 iii. 507 ii. 570 v. 381 1650 810 671 v. 384 iii. 508 ii. 571 ii. 573 ii. 572 ii- 575 ii. 576 ii. 574 1651 815 674 682 686 684 685 689 683 2 33 240 246 243 247 250 245 69 No. Constellation. Mag Eight Ascension, Jan. i, 1850 Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a b c d 'S3 1532 1533 534 IS3S 1536 1537 1538 J 539 1540 1541 1542 *543 J 544 J 545 1546 1547 1548 1549* 1550 '55i 1552 1553 iS54 55S 1556 1557 1558 1559 1560 1561* 1562 1563 1564* 1565* 1566 1567* 1568 ] 1569* 1570 i 1571 ] 1572* i iS73 *574 1575 Leporis . 6 h m 4 49 22,13 49 25,09 49 53.51 50 0,37 5 3.39 5 5.72 50 28,62 50 46,78 51 8,01 Si 12.87 52 0,17 52 3,60 52 26,35 5* 44,67 S^ 57,79 53 7.i8 53 10,16 53 15,4 53 29,69 53 30,33 54 8,10 54 10,09 54 55.41 54 5 6 ,4* 55 25,39 55 35,5 6 56 0,05 56 O,2I 56 3.9 56 25,27 56 34,81 56 36,56 56 41,90 5 6 42,55 57 55,03 58 2,50 58 2,64 58 35,47 58 53.58 58 56,01 58 57,53 58 58,49 59 0,80 59 4,78 4 59 6,82 s +2,45 2,267 +2,006 4,109 4, "9 5-299 3>39 6 3,104 3,429 4,287 4,176 3,393 0.959 2,834 2,781 5,181 5,186 0,065 7,4 6 4 8,315 3,572 2,904 2,597 4,678 +3,565 1,041 + 3,420 4,189 2,430 2,524 ',994 3,704 3,529 2,267 9,725 4,725 4,812 3,5oi 1,568 3,546 3,579 3> 6 47 2,144 2,136 +2,534 s +0,00 1 1 +0,0977 -(-0,0014 +0,0160 +0,0161 +0,0421 +0,0064 +0,0039 +0,0068 +0,0187 +0,0167 +0,0063 +0,0090 +0,0022 + 0,0020 +0,0372 +0,0372 +0,0229 +0,1167 +0,1580 +0,0080 +0,0026 +0,0014 +0,0250 +0,0077 +0,0480 +0,0062 +0,0159 +0,00 1 1 +0,00 1 1 +0,0014 +0,0090 +0,0071 +0,0009 +0,2235 +0,0247 +0,0264 +0,0067 +0,0031 +0,0071 +0,0074 +0,0082 + 0,0011 + 0,0010 + 0,0012 s 0,000 -0,055 0,001 +0,004 +0,003 +0,004 0,006 +0,007 + 0,010 +0,004 +0,005 +0,010 +0,031 +0,006 +0,006 +0,003 +0,004 0,076 0,018 -0,045 +0,009 + 0,002 + O,OII 0,000 0,003 -0,033 +0,004 +0,006 + 0,008 +0,009 +0,003 0,003 0,000 0,002 -0,054 + 8.352 8.939 8.417 8.412 8.413 8.605 8.312 8.297 8.3117 8.4348 8.4111 8.3029 8.5726 8.2925 8.2947 8-5679 8.5682 8.6886 8-8334 8.9051 8.3073 8.2798 8.2991 8.4760 8.2981 8.7924 8-2797 8.3866 8.3120 8.2975 8-3758 8.3074 8.2855 8-33" 8.9725 8.4621 8.4762 8.2696 8.4310 8.2720 8-2755 8.2836 8.3342 8-3350 + 8.2778 + 8.849 9-437 8.918 8.913 8.915 9.107 8.817 8.803 8.820 8.9442 8.9257 8.8179 9.090; 8.8123 8.8159 9.090; 9.0909 9.2119 9-3583 9.4300 8-8367 8.8094 8.8339 9.0110 8.8365 9.3320 8.8222 8.9292 8.8550 8.8430 8.9224 8.8542 8.8330 8.8787 9.5289 9.0194 9.0336 8.8310 8.9946 8.8359 8.8397 8.8478 8.8987 8.9000 -8.8430 +0.3892 -0-3555 +0.3023 0.6138 0.6148 0.7242 0.5310 0.4919 0-5352 0.6321 0.6208 0.5306 9.9818 0.4524 0.4442 0.7144 0.7148 8.8156 0.8730 0.9198 0-5530 0.4630 0.4144 0.6701 +0.5521 -0.0175 +0.5340 0.6221 0-3856 0.4022 0.2997 0.5687 0.5476 0-3555 0.9879 0.6744 0.6824 0.5441 0.1952 0-5497 0-5537 0.5619 0.3312 0.3296 -0.4038 -7-9935 -8.9277 -8.2245 +8.2129 +8.2166 +8.5438 +7-7058 +6.7096 + 7-743 6 + 8.2734 + 8.2267 + 7.6911 -8.5047 -7.5526 -7.6389 + 8-4999 + 8.5004 8.6524 + 8.8157 + 8.8925 + 7.8689 -7-3896 -7-8388 + 8.3689 + 7.8536 8.7722 + 7.6980 + 8.2038 -7.9614 7.8896 -8.1833 + 7.9526 + 7.8110 -8.0552 + 8.9645 + 8.3592 + 8.3814 + 7.7697 -8.3111 + 7.8105 + 7.8397 + 7.8940 8.1002 8.1033 7.8620 Mensae r Call . 6 . 6 6i 10 Camelopardi. . . . j 4i 6* 5* 7 4 4 7 6 5 6 5 6 6 6 6i 4* 5 Si 5 7 6 5 4 5 6 6 7 6* 6 5 6 rt s* si si 6 6 5 Si 4 7 Aurigae s 8 AurigaB Orionis Doradfts 63 Eridani 1 1 Camelopardi 12 Camelopardi Doradus Camelopardi Camelopardi 02 Tauri i 65 Eridani \J/ Leporis 9 Aurigae Tauri ... . Mensae 1 1 Orionis o Aurigae r Leporis i Leporis Cffili Tauri Tauri Cash' Camelopardi Camelopardi Camelopardi 04 Tauri m +0,045 0,023 +0,001 +0,003 +0,004 +0,009 0,005 +0,004 Pictoris * i 06 Tauri / 05 Tauri 03 Tauri Caeli iyi Caeli y2 2 Leporis g 70 No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec.Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of 5? H 1 Taylor. 1 1 Bris- bane. Various. a' V c f d? 1531 iSS^ 1533 1534 iS35 1536 1537 1538 1539 1540 1541 1542 1543 iS44 1545 1546 1547 1548 '549 1550 i55i 1552 ISS3 1554 1555 1556 1557 1558 i5S9 1560 1561 1562 i5 6 3 1564 !5 6 5 1566 1567 1568 1569 1570 1571 1572 iS73 iS74 IS75 115 58 27,1 166 34 29,9 129 52 17,3 50 50 19,4 5 34 43> 6 29 47 6,1 75 4 1 27,2 88 31 12,1 74 18 51,6 46 24 16,4 49 8 55.9 75 50 52,5 148 47 21,6 zoo 29 12,7 102 45 41,1 3 1 H 39.5 31 ii 40,6 J 5 6 55 4.5 16 15 27,9 '3 43 44-2 68 37 44,9 97 23 52,8 no 16 28,3 38 36 27,7 68 56 12,6 162 39 2,5 74 48 36,0 48 58 26,1 116 29 26,7 113 o 44,9 129 56 18,3 63 46 47,9 70 24 19,7 121 59 33,8 10 57 24,2 37 54 12.9 36 29 30,0 7i 33 40,5 139 22 6,7 69 47 6,0 68 29 51,9 6 5 5 6 H.3 125 41 29,3 125 55 5.9 112 34 32,6 6,08 6,08 6,04 6,03 6,03 6,02 5.99 5.97 5.94 5.93 5,86 5,86 5.83 5,80 5.78 5.77 5.77 5,76 5.74 5.74 5. 6 9 5,68 5,62 5,62 5,58 5,56 5.53 5.53 5.52 5.49 5.48 5.48 5.47 5.47 5.37 5.36 5.36 5-31 5,28 5,28 5,28 5,28 5.27 5.27 -5. 2 7 n +0,341 -0,315 +0,279 0,572 o,573 o,737- o,473 0,432 0,478 o.597 0,582 0.473 0,134 0,396 0,388 0,724 0,724 0,009 1,043 1,162 0,500 0,406 0,364 0,655 + 0,499 0,146 +o,479 0,587 0,341 0,354 0,280 0,520 o,495 0,318 1,367 0,664 0,676 0,492 0,221 o.499 0,504 o,5i3 0,302 0,301 +o,357 +o" 5 8 +0,19 0,06 0,00 +0,03 + 0,02 + 0,03 O,O I + 0,02 O,OO O,OO O,OI -0,25 + O,I2 + 0,03 + 0,01 + 0,03 + 0,29 + 0,03 0,04 + 0,04 0,01 +0,04 +0,15 +0,04 0,72 +0,04 +0,05 +0,08 0,06 0,03 0,04 +0,08 +0,06 0,05 -9.9071 0.0119 -9.9752 +9.4246 +9.4322 +9-7869 9.2662 9.6118 9.2030 +9-5371 +9.4731 9.2718 0.0184 -9.7788 9.8026 +9.7736 +9.7742 0.0217 +9.9022 +9.9179 -8.7372 -9-7434 9.8691 +9.6807 -8.7767 0.0197 -9.2225 +9.4823 -9.9123 -9.8895 -9.9778 +8-5527 -8.9350 -9-9434 +9.9363 +9.6936 +9.7132 9.0282 0.0063 -8.8686 8.7007 -7.4624 9.9616 9.9626 9.8871 +9.1234 +9.4696 +9.2857 -9.2785 9.2806 9.4160 -8.8682 -7.8855 8.9032 -9.3093 9.2816 -8.8538 +9-3953 +8.7214 +8.8041 -9.3909 -9.3908 +9.4218 -9.4388 -9.4439 9.0141 +8.5621 +8.9871 -9.3402 -8-9997 +9.4228 -8.8587 -9-2575 +9.0893 +9.0297 +9.2440 9.0815 8.9612 +9-I598 -9.4195 -9.3237 -9.3318 8.9229 +9.3009 -8.9590 8.9844 9.0306 +9.1859 +9.1878 +9.0034 0.7841 0.7839 0.7810 0.7803 0.7800 0.7798 0-7775 0.7757 0-7735 0.7730 0.7681 0.7678 0.7654 0.7635 0.7621 0.7612 0.7608 0.7603 0.7588 0-7587 0-7547 0-7545 0.7496 0.7495 0.7464 0.7452 0.7426 0.7425 0.7421 0.7398 0.7387 0-7385 0.7379 0-7379 0.7297 0.7288 0.7288 0.7251 0.7230 0.7227 0.7225 0.7224 0.7221 0.7217 0.7214 + 9.9790 9.9791 9-9794 9-9794 9-9795 9-9795 9-9797 9.9799 9.9801 9.9801 9.9806 9.9806 9.9809 9.9810 9.9812 9.9812 9.9813 9.9813 9.9815 9.9815 9.9818 9.9818 9.9823 9.9823 9.9825 9.9826 9.9828 9.9828 9.9829 9.9831 9.9832 9.9832 9.9832 9.9832 9-9839 9.9839 9.9839 9.9842 9-9844 9.9844 9.9844 9-9844 9.9844 9.9845 +9-9845 V. 386 1648 1702 1658 817 828 825 M 181 M 182 J 107 B.H 266 G 908 Mi83 J 108 B.F653 Mi84 M 185 Mi86 B.H 265 6929 B.F 649 M 187 Mi88 B.F655 J 1 10 J 109 687 688 681 695 694 690 %3 260 251 252 244 257 259 261 256 262 266 iii. 512 lii. 510 iii. 511 ii. 577 ii. 578 ii. 579 ii. 581 ii. 580 ii. 582 iii. 513 v. 391 ii. 583 ii. 584 iii. 517 iii. 518 1679 8 33 697 699 691 692 271 272 263 264 1701 837 698 701 696 254 253 274 280 285 273 282 iii. 516 iii. 514 ii. 585 ii. 586 iv. 366 iii. 521 ii. 587 1721 8 5 I 702 700 704 286 283 289 290 291 287 288 ii. 589 ii. 588 ii. 590 ii. 591 iii. 528 iii. 526 iii. 527 v. 399 iii. 525 1686 1691 1700 846 849 1695 848 269 0,03 +0,37 +0,05 0,04 o,5 +0,07 +0,10 +0,05 705 293 ii. 592 v. 402 593 ii. 595 ii. 594 ii. 598 iii. 531 ii. 597 1717 861 708 77 706 7i3 296 297 295 308 39 303 1712 !7 J 3 858 860 No. Constellation. Mag. Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Logarithms of Motion. a a c d 1576 1577 1578 1579 1580 1581 1582 1583* 1584 1585 1586 1587 1588 1589 1590 1591 1592* *593 1594 IS9S 1596 '597 1598 '599 1600 1 60 1 1602 1603* 1604 1605 1606 1607 1608 1609* 1610* 1611 1612 1613 1614 1615* 1616* 1617 1618* 1619 1620 Caeli 6 7 6 6 neb. 6i 6 6 6 6 7 4* 5 Si 6 5 7 6 6 7 6 6 5 61 5 6 7 6 si 6 4* 6 6 S 5 i 5 6 5 5 7 6 7 h m s 4 59 6,98 59 10,42 59 I0 '95 59 20,77 59 22,12 59 25-35 59 33>i7 59 34.55 59 43." 59 45.43 4 59 59,63 5 o 0,15 o 28,73 i 2,67 i 4. 6 7 i 7,04 i 9,56 i 17,70 i 43.46 i 5 2 .54 i 53,66 i 58,26 2 37,07 2 54,48 2 5 6 .53 3 5.5 3 10,09 3 4 J >54 4 23,11 4 34-07 4 48,66 5 10,09 5 18.17 5 21.15 5 21,58 5 27,16 5 35, '9 5 36,95 5 38,36 5 42,92 6 11,63 6 18,39 6 20,75 6 24,74 5 6 26,93 i + 1,911 3,759 M-3 1 2,961 i 549 3,282 4,444 5,55 3,259 7,316 +3,532 i, 806 +2,951 I >54 1 3,290 3,427 2,869 2,965 3,378 1,249 3,55i 2,867 9,298 2,132 1,023 3-439 4,094 1,927 2,794 + 1,204 0,816 + i>793 2,793 4,427 9,262 3>*3i 0,626 4,409 3,899 2,308 2,688 2,767 2,880 9,099 + 3,599 s +0,0016 + 0,0093 +0,0010 +0,0027 +0,0032 +0,0048 +0,0190 +0,042*3 +0,0045 +0,0993 +0,0069 +0,0668 +0,0026 + 0,0032 +0,0047 +0,0057 +0,0022 +0,0026 +0,0053 +0,0051 +0,0068 +0,0021 + 0,1829 +0,0010 +0,0070 +0,0056 +0,0127 +0,0015 +0,0018 +0,0053 +0,0356 +0,0018 +0,0017 +0,0168 +0,1720 + 0,0033 +0,0108 +0,0165 +0,0099 +0,0009 +0,0014 +0,0016 +0,0020 +0,1609 + 0,0067 s + 0,012 +0,011 + 0,007 + O,OO2 -0,045 + O,OO3 + O,OIO 0,004 +0,007 +8.3718 8.2971 8.2903 8.2431 8.4306 8.2467 8.4044 8-5755 8-2435 8.7748 8.2630 8.8287 8-2354 8.4195 8.2354 8.2448 8 -2339 8.2291 8.2364 8.4607 8.2513 8.2280 8.9091 8-3074 8.4875 8.2313 8.3191 8-3349 8.2143 8.4467 8.7005 8.3456 8.2072 8-3573 8.8846 8.1969 8-5238 8.3521 8.2690 8.2586 8.2086 8.2OI2 8.1940 8.8648 + 8.2217 +8-9371 8.8628 8.8561 8.8101 8.9978 8.8143 8.9730 9.1442 8.8133 9-3449 8.8349 9.4006 8.8110 8-9994 8.8156 8-8253 8.8147 8.8110 8.8216 9.0470 8.8379 8.81-52 9-5 OI 3 8.9019 9.0822 8.8272 8.9157 8-9357 8.8207 9.0545 9.3103 8.9584 8.8211 8.9716 9.4989 8.8120 9.1400 8.9685 8.8856 8-8759 8.8298 8.8234 8.8165 9.4879 +8.8451 +0.2812 0.5750 0.3858 0.4714 0.1899 0.5161 0.6477 0-7443 0.5131 0.8643 +0.5480 -0.2567 +0.4700 0.1879 0.5172 0-5349 0-4577 0.4721 0.5286 0.0964 0-5504 0.4574 0.9684 0.3288 0.0097 0.5364 0.6122 0.2848 0.4462 +0.0806 9.9116 +0.2535 0.4461 0.6461 0.9667 0.4957 9.7968 0.6443 0.5909 0.3632 0.4295 0.4421 -4594 0.9590 +0.5562 8.1970 +7-9697 -7.9377 -7.1712 -8.3130 + 7-4544 + 8.2669 + 8-5234 + 7.4028 + 8.7556 +7-7899 -8.8139 -7.1996 -8.3023 + 74588 + 7.6690 -7-4215 -7.1386 +7.6000 8.3720 +7.7932 7.4200 + 8.8999 8.0757 8.4144 + 7.6678 + 8.1114 -8.1555 -7-5336 -8.3610 -8.6775 -8.1915 -7.5270 +8.2160 + 8.8752 +6.8664 -8.4697 + 8.2079 +7-9993 -7.9629 -7.6590 -7-5573 -7-3549 +8-8549 +7-7973 Tauri +0,005 +0,273 0,003 0,030 +0,007 +0,003 +0,007 + 0,001 0,009 0,010 +0,013 +0,005 Pictoris ij Orionis Pictoris Tauri 69 Eridiini X +0,003 0,022 + O,OII 0,000 0,016 +0,004 0,011 +0,063 0,003 +0,005 + 0,010 +0,017 +0,004 O,II2 +0,013 0,000 0,032 0,000 +0,003 +0,004 +0,008 +0,003 Doradus Orionis 1 1 Aurigae u/ Leporis Mensse p Pictoris 3 Leporis t iz Aurigae Carnelopardi 17 Orionis p Doradus u. 1 3 Aurigae Q* 14 Aurigae Columbae 5 Leporis M- 4 Leporis x Orionis Camelopardi 108 Tauri 72 No North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1350. Annua Preces Sec.Var Proper Motion Logarithms of i Taylor pa i 171 171 172 Bris bane Various. 4? 6/>f 6/z bn of V cf ff 157 1579 1580 158 1582 1583 1584 1585 1586 1587 1588 1589 1590 1591 1592 '593 *594 T 595 1596 '597 1598 J 599 1600 1 60 1 1602 1603 1604 1605 1606 1607 1608 1609 1610 1611 1612 1613 1614 1615 1616 1617 1618 1619 1620 o ; // ^31 57 459 61 55 42,6 116 21 31,5 94 51 42,1 J 39 42 23,3 80 42 58,9 43 13 44,o 27 30 7,4 8 1 42 5,9 16 54 52,3 70 20 26,^ 165 10 3,1 95 i7 4,7 139 47 6,7 80 22 14,4 74 35 56,8 98 51 41,7 94 39 23,5 76 38 42,7 144 36 47,1 69 37 26,2 98 57 i,7 11 45 4,3 125 54 53,3 147 40 45,2 74 8 43,5 51 41 55,8 131 25 12,4 IO2 2 21,6 145 II 13,1 161 31 34,3 J34 3 1 49>9 102 3 12,7 43 45 4,9 II 51 2,2 87 19 18,7 152 o 9,7 44 9 34-5 57 29 29,2 120 24 30,8 -5-27 5,26 5,26 5,25 5-24 5-24 5,23 5,23 5,21 5,21 5,19 5,19 5,15 5,10 5,10 5,10 5>9 5,08 5,05 5,03 5,03 5,02 4,97 4,94 4.J94 4,93 4,92 4,88 4,82 4,80 4,78 4,75 4,74 4,74 4,74 4,73 4,72 4,7 J 4,71 4,67 4,66 4,65 4,65 -4,64 +0,269 0,529 0,342 0,417 0,218 0,462 0,626 0,782 o,459 1,030 +0,498 -0,254 +0,416 0,217 0,464 0,483 0,405 0,418 o,477 0,176 0,501 0,405 0,301 0,145 0,486 o,579 0,273 0,396 +0,171 0,116 +0,254 0,396 0,627 0,444 0,089 0,625 o,553 0,327 0,381 o,393 0,409 1,291 -1-0,511 0,14 0,06 + 0,12 +0,04 +0,29 +0,40 +0,10 0,00 +0,06 -9.9858 +8.8525 -9.9124 -9.7111 0.0072 -9-4355 +9.6087 +9.816*8 9.4624 +9.9018 8.9227 0.0190 9.7169 0.0080 9.4250 9.2082 9.7618 9.7084 9.2980 0.0172 8.8432 -9.7629 +9.9346 -9.9638 0.0216 9.1838 +9-4I53 -9.9855 -9.7972 0.0190 0.0247 -9.9959 -9-7975 -9.6038 +9-9355 -9.5889 0.0261 -9.5966 -9.1942 -9.9377 -9.8393 -9.8085 -9.7561 f 9.9 342 -8.5563 +9-2444 -9.0914 +9.066 + 8-3457 +9-2998 -8.6248 -9.2786 9-3639 -8-5743 -9-3955 -8-9399 +9-3983 +8-3739 +9.2884 -8.6287 -8.8292 +8.5924 + 8.3132 -8.7642 +9.3108 8.9412 +8.5908 -9.3849 + 9.1602 +9.3185 -8.8271 9.1822 +9.2066 + 8.7000 + 9-2937 +9-3545 +9.2206 +8.6934 -9.2319 -9.3639 8.0420 +9-3I74 -9.2270 9.1014 f 9.0747 +8.8171 +8.7219 +8.5264 -9-355 8.9403 0.721, 0.7210 0.7210 0.7198 0.7197 0.7193 0.7184 0.7182 0.7172 0.7169 0.7153 0.7152 0.7118 0.7078 0.7075 0.7072 0.7069 0.7060 0.7028 0.7017 0.7016 0.7010 0.6963 0.6941 0.6939 0.6928 0.6922 0.6882 0.6830 0.68 16 0.6797 0.6769 0.6759 o-6755 0.6754 0.6747 0.6737 0.6734 0.6733 0.6726 0.6689 0.6680 0.6677 0.6671 0.6669 +9-9845 9-9845 9.9845 9.9846 9.9846 9.9847 9-9847 9.9847 9.9848 9.9848 9.9849 9.9849 9-9852 9.9855 9.9855 9-9855 9-9855 9.9856 9.9858 9-9859 9-9859 9-9859 9.9862 9.9864 9.9864 9.9865 9.9865 9.9868 9.9871 9.9872 9.9873 9-9875 9.9875 9.9875 9-9875 9.9876 9.9876 9-9877 9.9877 9-9877 9-9879 9.9880 9.9880 9.9880 f 9.9880 71 310 298 307 302 iii- 53 ii. 59 ii. 60 ii. 59 v. 40 iii. 53 iii. 529 ii. 60 86 86 W2 94 G 932 6928 J in Mi8 9 J 112 G 93 i B.F 672 J 113 G 937 1 M 190 Jii4P2i8 J 115 P2I 9 M 191 70 70 71 300 294 292 34 + 0,01 +0,28 +0,08 +0,25 + 0,11 0,02 710 35 ii. 602 1752 872 715 312 ii. 60; 1728 870 716 7H 718 717 3H 3i3 316 318 ii. 605 ii. 604 ii. 606 iii. 536 v. 408 ii- 537 ii. 607 1732 874 +0,03 +0,07 + 0,22 + 0,03 + 0,02 720 319 323 + 0,01 0,16 +0,10 +0,06 0,38 0,09 +0,01 +0,89 0,09 +0,02 +0,03 0,06 +0,01 +0,68 +0,41 0,02 0,68 +0,0 1 +0,02 +0,04 + 0,02 0,03 v. 409 ii. 6 10 ii. 609 ii. 60 v. 410 ii. 542 v. 411 1731 1744 1737 751 77 8 749 876 878 881 885 889 887 719 i 324 724 7 727 721 725 ii 5 IO ii. 546 i. 613 ii. 543 v. 372 i- 545 766 747 891 883 882 722 723 6 9 ii. 6n i. 544 v. 413 a. 616 i. 618 v - 375 v. 373 i. 615 732 73 729 726 16 17 15 317 13 98 19 43,2 12 IO 29,0 67 53 27,4 B.A.C. (K) 73 No. Constellation. Mag. Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a b c d 1621 1622 1623 1624* 1625 1626* 1627 1628 1629 1630 1631 1632* 1633 1634 1635* 1636 1637 1638 1639 1640 1641 1642* 1643* 1644 1645 1646 1647 1648 1649 1650 1651 1652 1653 1654 1655 1656* 1657 1658 1659 1660 1661* 1662* 1663 1664* 1665* 6 6* i 6 7 7* 6 6 H 6 5 6* 6 6 8 6 si 4 7 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 H 5 N 6 4i 5* 6 6 6 7 5 Si 8 6 Si 6 5 h m s 5 6 27,12 6 3 1 >59 7 I9.9 7 44,28 7 58.37 8 12,31 8 20,01 8 22,06 8 26,88 8 27,23 8 35.53 9 7. 6 7 9 10,67 9 23,42 9 3.*7 10 7,88 10 16,11 10 19,58 10 22,46 10 24,17 10 24,19 10 37,40 10 46,88 i 53.95 ii 11,71 ii 21,83 ii 27,71 ii 34,46 ii 40,42 12 4.55 " S.i3 12 II, 60 12 40,03 13 1,69 I 3 25,2 7 13 33 13 52,84 13 53,01 J 3 53.59 H 6,57 14 11,38 14 26,81 14 27,81 14 40,06 5 H 57,15 s +0,452 5,148 2,879 3,328 3>5 01 4,176 +3,9*4 -3,335 +3,937 2,124 4,163 3,937 2,118 2,403 3,945 3,944 3,S9 6 2,910 3,545 1,387 2,i53 5,112 2,753 2,199 4,233 3,126 3-53 1 3,760 3,808 2,i53 3,538 1.375 2,760 2,781 2,388 3,261 3,058 + 3-79 1 0,070 + 3,058 3.H9 18,363 4,067 1,224 + 3,H8 s 4-0,0128 +0,0289 +0,0020 +0,0044 +0,0057 +0,0126 +0,0096 +0,1068 +0,0098 +0,0010 +0,0124 +0,0096 + 0,0010 +0,0009 +0,0096 +0,0095 +0,0062 + 0,0021 + 0,0058 + 0,0036 + O,OOO9 + 0,0259 + 0,0015 + 0,0009 + 0,0125 + 0,0030 + 0,0055 + 0,0074 + 0,0079 + O,OOO9 + 0,0056 + 0,0035 + O,OOI5 + 0,0015 + 0,0009 + 0,0035 + O,OO25 + 0,0073 + 0,0175 + 0,0024 + 0,0029 + 0,7563 + 0,0099 + 0,0042 + 0,0029 s +0,079 0,008 +0,005 +0,004 +0,015 0,000 +0,003 0,014 +0,008 +0,003 +0,047 0,002 +0,005 +0,002 0,002 +0,004 +0,006 +0,006 + 0,002 O,O24 + O,OO4 O,OO5 + 8.5403 8.4631 8.1*61 8.1864 8.1987 8.2920 8.2507 8.8733 8.2517 8.2643 8.2866 8.2460 8.2591 8.2150 8.2440 8.2385 8.1896 8.1597 8.1830 8.3684 8.2429 8.4224 8.1650 8.2314 8.2754 8.1478 8.1720 8.1988 8.2046 8.2280 8.1671 8-3541 8.1477 8.1429 8.1811 8.1323 8.1247 8.1820 8-539 1 8.1226 8.1226 9.1879 8.2183 8-3547 +8.1154 +9.1638 9.0871 8.8170 8.8208 8.8351 8.9304 8.8902 9.5131 8.8922 8.9049 8.9284 8.8924 8.9060 8.8638 8.8938 8.8939 8.8462 8.8169 8.8406 9.0263 8.9008 9.0822 8.8263 8.8938 8.9405 8.8145 8.8395 8.8674 8.8741 8.9012 8.8404 9.0285 8.8265 8.8251 8.8671 8.8195 8.8151 8.8724 9.2296 8.8152 8.8159 9.8839 8.9143 9.0528 + 8.8162 +9- 6 549 0.7116 0.4592 0.5221 0.5441 0.6207 +0.5937 -0.5231 +0.5951 0.3271 0.6194 0.5951 0-3259 0.3807 0.5960 0.5960 0-5559 0.4639 0.5496 o. 142 1 0.3330 0.7086 0.4398 0-3423 0.6266 0.4950 0.5480 0.5752 0.5807 0.3331 0.5487 0.1384 0.4410 0.4442 0.3781 o.5i34 0.4854 +0.5787 8.8420 +0.4855 0.4982 1.2640 0.6093 0.0877 +0.4981 -8.4925 + 8.3913 -7-3496 + 7-473 6 +7.6949 + 8.1027 + 7.9892 8.8645 + 7-9947 -8-0335 +8.0943 +7.9888 8.0299 -7.8738 + 7-9895 + 7-9838 +7.7620 7.2463 +7.7164 -8.2662 8.0026 + 8-3479 -7-5389 -7-9757 + 8.0980 + 6.7763 + 7-6937 + 7.8676 + 7.8958 -7.9871 + 7.6939 -8.2527 7.5106 -7-4773 -7.8459 + 7-2909 6.1229 + 7.8646 8.5042 6.0930 + 6.8982 + 9.1863 +8.0001 -8.2661 + 6.8879 Tauri Tauri Columbae + O,OO6 + 0,007 + 0,001 +0,003 + 0,001 +0,002 +0,009 + 0,004 0,0 1 2 + 0,004 + 0,005 + 0,015 Tauri Tauri AurigJE Columbae Tauri Pictoris 7 Leporis y Columbse Orionis Orionis + O,OO6 + 0,004 0,005 + O,Oo6 0,065 22 Aurigae Doradus 9 22 Orionis o Orionis Ursae Minoris 21 Auriga; o" + O,OO5 0,007 + 0,004 Pictoris 2 3 Orionis m 74 No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of fe- rn Taylor. Lacaille. Bris- bane. Various. . a' *' 7 32 3 8,2 98 22 45,0 78 49 54.5 7i 43 55> 49 4 2 13.* 56 47 25,8 168 29 58,3 5 6 2 3 59.7 126 o 1,6 5 2 25,5 56 25 4,1 126 9 6,1 117 6 55,7 56 10 44,2 56 12 17,1 68 3 47,5 97 39' 1 70 i 44,9 142 12 II,O 125 5 56,2 32 36 31,0 103 40 56,4 123 42 19,7 48 21 3,6 87 33 49'3 7 34 53> 6 62 12 1,6 60 35 20,6 125 2 46,1 70 20 36,9 142 20 56,4 103 20 8,2 IO2 28 22,1 117 31 30,6 81 43 90 34 13,6 6 1 12 42,2 157 21 15,8 9 3 2 7,4 86 34 47,4 4 53 55,i 5* 45 37,9 144 37 52,0 86 36 15,6 -4,64 4,64 4,57 4,53 4,5i 4,49 4,48 4,48 4,47 4,47 4,46 4,42 4,4i 4,39 4,38 4,33 4,32 4>3i 4,3 J 4,3J 4>3 * 4,29 4, 2 7 4,26 4,24 4,22 4,22 4,21 4,20 4,16 4,16 4,15 4,11 4,08 4-5 4,04 4,01 4,01 4,01 3,99 3,98 3>9 6 3>9 6 3>94 -3-9* a +0,064 0,731 0,409 ,473 o>497 ,594 0,558 o,474 0,560 0,302 0,592 0,560 0,301 0,342 0,561 0,562 0,512 0,415 0,505 0,198 0,307 0,728 0,392 0,313 0,603 0,446 0,504 0,536 o,543 0,307 o,505 0,196 o,394 o,397 0,341 0,466 o,437 +0,542 0,010 +0,437 0,450 2,626 0,581 o,i75 +0,450 0,14 +0,03 + 0,01 0,02 0,09 0.0271 +9.7740 -9.7568 -9.3748 9.0282 +9.4761 +9.2322 -0.0177 +9.2504 -9.9657 +9.4678 + 9.2507 9.9666 -9.9196 +9.2615 +9.2613 -8.5763 -9.7403 8.8710 0.0161 9.9622 + 9.7701 -9.8147 -9.9558 +9-5 I2 3 -9-5933 8.9258 +8.8579 +9.0095 -9.9624 8.9009 0.0169 -9.8116 9.8029 -9.9229 -9.4598 -9.6471 +8.9619 0.0300 -9.6465 -9-5737 + 9.9729 +9-3939 0.0215 -9.5742 +9.3167 9.2922 +8.5211 8.6413 8.8485 9.1611 -9.0879 +9.3403 -9.0914 +9.1176 -9.1549 9.0856 +9.1131 +8.9993 9.0851 -9-0795 -8.9054 +8.4191 -8.8656 +9.2296 +9.0915 -9-*555 +8.7025 +9.0718 -9-H75 7.9520 8.8444 8.9904 9.0119 +9.0763 -8.8440 +9.2147 +8.6749 +8.6430 +8.9698 8.4624 +7.2989 -8.9834 +9.2658 + 7.2691 8.0736 -9.2938 9.0772 +9.2048 -8.0632 -0.6668 0.6662 0.6597 0.6565 0.6545 0.6526 0.6516 0.6513 0.6506 0.6506 0.6494 0.6450 0.6445 0.6427 0.6418 0.6364 - 6 353 0.6348 0.6343 0.6341 0.6341 0.6322 0.6308 0.6298 0.6272 0.6257 0.6249 0.6239 0.6230 0.6194 0.6193 0.6184 0.6141 0.6108 0.6072 0.6061 0.6030 0.6030 0.6029 0.6009 0.600 1 0.5977 0-5975 0.5956 -0.5929 +9.9880 9.9881 9.9884 9.9886 9.9887 9.9888 9.9889 9.9889 9.9889 9.9889 9.9890 9.9892 9.9892 9.9893 9-9894 9.9896 9.9897 9.9897 9.9897 9.9898 9.9898 9.9898 9.9899 9.9900 9.9901 9.9902 9.9902 9.9902 9.9903 9.9904 9.9904 9.9905 9.9907 9.9908 9.9910 9.9910 9.9912 9.9912 9.9912 9.9912 9-99 * 3 9.9914 9.9914 9.9915 +9.9916 1772 894 G 95 o M 192 B.F68i B.F682 W 3 o 4 M 193 J 117 M 194 G 95 8 W 3 o6 Mi 95 M 197 W 3 o 9 Mi 9 6 J 118 A. B.F 698 M 198 6944 736 734 728 733 8 18 *9 20 21 iii. 547 ii. 619 ii. 620 iv. 376 iii. 548 1829 893 95 +0,15 -0,23 0,05 +0,05 +0,66 +0,06 0,05 +0,09 + 0,02 +0,01 0,05 + 0,03 + 0,11 0,09 +0,08 +0,05 0,02 +0,08 +0,03 +0,05 + O,II +0,06 + 0,12 + 0,50 + 0,07 0,30 + O,O2 0,04 0,05 73i 737 738 739 74i 742 23 30 22 26 36 35 27 32 34 40 37 iii. 549 iv. 379 ii. 621 iii. 550 iii. 551 ii. 622 iv. 381 iii. 552 ii. 623 ii. 625 ii. 624 v. 417 iii- 554 iii- 553 ii. 626 iii. 556 iii- 555 ii. 628 ii. 627 iii- 557 ii. 629 ii. 630 iii. 558 v. 423 ii. 631 ii. 632 ii. 633 1767 1773 1771 899 900 1791 1783 906 904 735 743 740 744 44 28 47 39 45 43 4i 42 5i 48 1786 907 1793 914 1802 916 748 749 52 54 59 1796 919 + 0,03 + 0,02 O,O6 + 0,02 0,O I 750 746 58 55 iii- 559 ii. 634 1828 922 75 1 60 61 ii. 635 iii. 560 0,00 O,II + 0,01 747 56 iii. 561 v. 427 ii. 639 1817 925 753 65 (K2) 75 No. Constellation. Mag. Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a b c d 1666 1667 1668 1669 1670* 1671 1672 1673 1674 1675 1676 1677* 1678* 1679 1680 1681 1682 1683* 1684 1685 1686 1687 '1688* 1689 1690 1691 1692 1693 1694 1695 1696* 1697 1698* 1699* 1700 1701 1702 1703* 1704 1705 1706 1707 1708 1709 1710 6 7 7 7 6 6 5 6 6 6 6 6 6* 6 s* 2 5* 6 +4 5* 6 2 6 6 5 6 5* 6 6 5 7* 6 6 8 5 6 6 7 5 6 5 7 6 H 6 h m s 5 H 57.41 14 58,11 14 58,63 H 58.77 15 36,60 15 40,41 15 41,42 15 5i.5 15 52,38 15 53. 6 4 1 6 0,69 1 6 4,00 16 12,89 16 38,37 16 43,67 16 48,79 16 51,56 16 53,04 16 56,22 16 57,93 17 3.59 i7 5.33 17 10,68 17 25,91 17 42,51 17 50,77 18 25,21 18 28,01 18 28,86 *8 37.74 18 39,41 18 41,60 18 49,85 18 52,70 18 58,87 19 8,65 19 19,39 19 30,61 19 36,52 19 43,30 19 45.79 20 2,62 2O 6,08 20 8,99 5 20 27,79 s +*.i57 3,460 3,861 3.859 2,461 3.478 1,464 2,169 + i,653 7,123 + 5.639 1,817 3.47 2,742 2,887 3,783 3.C47 3,965 3,012 3, no 1,779 3,214 2,406 3,46i 3,9 6 9 1,405 3,494 *.974 2,062 3.597 3,135 0,705 1,232 3,446 3. T 39 3,442 3,476 3,456 1,098 5,106 7,961 3,685 2,790 3,802 + 1,783 s +0,0008 +0,0047 -(-0,0078 -(-0,0078 -(-0,0009 -(-0,0047 +0,0028 +0,0008 +0,0020 +0,2526 +0,0323 +0,0014 +0,0023 +0,0013 +0,0017 +0,0068 +0,0023 +0,0084 +0,0022 +0,0026 +0,0015 +0,0030 +0,0008 +0,0044 + 0,0082 +0,0029 +0,0046 + 0,0010 +0,0009 +0,0052 +0,0026 +0,0075 +0,0038 +0,0042 +0,0026 +0,0041 +0,0043 +0,0041 +0,0045 +0,0210 +0,0833 +0,0056 +0,0013 +0,0065 +0,0014 s +0,019 0,000 +0,005 +0,00 1 0,005 +0,020 0,007 +0,002 + 0,022 0,298 + O,OO I 0,007 O,OIO O,OOO + 0,008 + O,OO8 + 0,005 +0,007 + O,CO2 + 0,003 + 0,011 + O,Oo6 0,002 + O,OO7 +0,005 O,O28 + O,OOI + 0,019 + O,OO I + 0,005 O,OIO -0,034 O,OI3 + 0,003 + O,OO4 + O,OO5 + 0,007 + 0,001 +0,004 +0,020 + 0,041 + 0,005 +0,035 + 0,002 + O,0 1 1 + 8.2004 8.1328 8.1816 8.1813 8.1508 8.1276 8.3065 8.1900 8.2736 8.9994 8.4464 8.2446 8.1025 8.1115 8.1015 8.1525 8.0961 8.1785 8.0957 8.0952 8.2410 8.0963 8.1424 8.1087 8.1707 8.2941 8.1016 8.1944 8.1800 8.1103 8.0783 8.3908 8.3112 8.0924 8.0750 8.0893 8.0905 8.0867 8.3234 8.3317 8.6512 8.1059 8.0721 8.1204 + 8.2043 +8.9013 8.8339 8.8828 8.8824 8.8582 8.8357 9.0147 8.8998 8.9837 9.7097 9.1578 8-9567 8.8160 8.8293 8.8203 8.8722 8.8162 8.8989 8.8166 8.8164 8.9632 8.8188 8.8658 8.8348 8.8997 9.0245 8.8381 8.9314 8.9172 8.8490 8-8173 9.1302 9.0521 8.8338 8.8175 8.8336 8.8367 8.8349 9.0727 9.0823 9.4023 8. 8601 8.8269 8.8758 + 8.9631 + 0-3339 c-539 1 0.5867 0.5864 0.3911 0.5413 0.1654 0.3362 +0.2184 0.8526 +0.7512 0.2594 0.4839 0.4380 0.4605 0.5778 0.4838 0.5982 0.4789 0.4927 0.2501 0.5070 0.3812 0-5393 0.5986 0.1476 0-5433 0.2954 0.3144 0-5559 0.4962 9.8481 0.0905 0-5373 0.4968 0.5368 0.5410 0.5386 0.0408 0.7081 0.9010 0.5665 0.4456 0.5801 + 0.2511 -7-9574 +7.5875 +7.8945 + 7.8931 -7-7755 +7-5995 -8.1956 -7-943 -8.1391 -8.9958 + 8.3960 8.0839 -6.3489 -7-4973 -7.2423 + 7-8308- -6.3550 + 7.9289 6.7422 + 6.5687 -8.0868 + 7.1304 -7.7972 + 7.5636 + 7-922I_ 8.1890 +7.5876 8.0008 -7.9642 +7.6802 +6.7673 -8.3323 8.2214 +7.5303 +6.7882 +7.5228 +7-559 1 +7-535 1 -8.2434 + 8.2558 +8.6360 +7.7322 -7.3911 +7.8068 8.0489 1 14 Tauri o Orionis Tauri 30 Orionis y* 117 Tauri Tauri Camelopardi 1 1 8 Tauri Auri^se 76 No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Pieces. Sec.Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of 0? 1 Taylor. j Bris- bane. Various. a' V 5 25 43,20 2 5 53.3 1 26 2,83 26 6,98 26 17,65 26 23,31 26 25,29 26 29,64 26 30,81 26 34,29 26 35,26 26 52,73 27 20,51 27 24,77 27 42,23 27 45,96 ^7 473 5 27 47,i8 s + 3.5 6z MS 6 2,407 3,612 2,568 3.49 3.43 2,229 1,921 i>75* 5,782 3' 20 5 3,898 2,063 3- r 44 3.5 ia 3,901 3.473 0,869 3,061 2,899 2,564 3.5 6 i 3.5" 5,058 4,518 3.405 1,643 2,125 1,643 2,643 3,658 3.155 5.5 * 1,862 3.7 6 i 5.543 3,289 3,300 1,698 5.989 2,929 M35 + 3.740 -0,332 s +0,0047 +0,0029 +0,0007 +0,0049 +0,0008 +0,0020 +0,0020 +0,0007 +0,0010 +0,0014 +0,0295 +0,0026 +0,0067 +0,0008 +0,0023 +0,0041 +0,0066 +0,0038 +0,0054 +0,0020 +0,0014 +0,0008 +0,0042 +0,0039 +0,0177 + 0,0116 +0,0034 +0,0015 +0,0007 +0,0016 + 0,0009 +0,0046 +0,0022 +0,0168 +0,0010 +0,0052 +0,0230 +0,0027 +0,0027 +0,0014 +0,0289 +0,0014 +0,0006 +0,0049 +0,0149 s + 0,00 1 +0,008 +0,015 +0,005 +0,004 0,001 +0,003 o,coo +0,007 0,026 0,007 +0,003 +0,007 + 0,011 +0,004 +0,004 +0,007 + 8.0772 8.2635 8.0974 8.0791 8.0731 8.0410- 8.0403 8.1126 8.1610 8.1838 8.3920 8.0351 8.1024 8.1286 8.0263 8.0481 8.0967 8.0429 8.3051 8.0141 8.0137 8.0395 8.0374 8.0321 8.2657 8.1781 8.0148 8.1649 8.0848 8.1608 8.0138 8.0289 7.9895 8.2437 8.1191 8.0394 8.3126 7.9919 7.9887 8.1348 8-3593 7-9739 8.0586 8.0198 +8.4109 +8.8459 9.0328 8.8667 8.8517 8.8474 8. 8180 8.8181 8.8922 8.9407 8.9686 9.1771 8.8204 8.8902 8.9180 8.8190 8.8413 8.8908 8.8377 9.1072 8.8186 8.8224 8.8485 8.8468 8.8416 9-0755 8.9900 8.8324 8.9868 8.9089 8.9869 8.8408 8.8582 8.8201 9.0747 8.9510 8.8716 9.1456 8.8251 8.8258 8.9780 9.2035 8.8221 8.9076 8.8691 +9.2601 +0.5516 0.1322 0.3815 0.5578 0.4095 0.4842 0.4832 0.3481 0.2835 0.2434 0.7620 0.5059 0.5903 0-3H5 0-4975 o-5455 0.5912 0.5407 9-939 1 0.4859 0.4622 0.4089 0.5516 0-5454 0.7040 0.6550 0.5321 0.2157 0.3273 0.2157 0.4220 0.5632 0.4990 0.7034 0.2700 0-5753 0.7438 0.5171 0.5185 0.2300 0-7774 0.4667 0.3294 +0.5729 9.5206 + 7.6200 8.1627 -7-75oi +7.6591 -7.6251 6.2487 6.3667 -7-8434 -7.9787 -8.0333 +8.3458 +7.0418 +7.8275 -7.9117 +6.7695 + 7-549 r +7.8231 +7-5074 -8.2383 -5.8740 -7.1246 7-5934 +7.5790 +7.5320 +8.1862 +8.0465 +7.4044 8.0304 -7.8496 8.0262 7.5022 +7.6371 +6.7946 +8.1636 -7.9481 +7.7046 +8.2579 +7.2042 +7.2210 7.9920 +8.3187 7.0007 7.8198 +7.6743 8.3803 Pictoris 9 Tauri Tauri +0,029 +0,005 +0,006 +0,003 0,003 +0,007 0,00 1 36 Orionis y 10 Leporis Tauri 1 20 Tauri 20 Camelopardi Auriga? 5 c Orionis +0,006 +0,024 +0,006 +0,037 +0,005 +0,005 +0,003 0,005 0,028 0,00 1 0,019 + 0,002 +0,002 0,008 Pictoris Columbaj e Pictoris 1 1 Leporis ot 121 Tauri 38 Orionis n Pictoris Tauri 2 1 Camelopardi 37 Orionis ff> 3 9 Orionis X Pictoris Camelopardi Orionis 0,008 + 0,022 + O,OII 0,032 Columbse Tauri Doradus No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec.Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of pq Taylor. 1863 1849 Bris- bane. Various. a' V c' d' 1711 1712 1713 1714 1715 1716 1717 1718 1719 1720 1721 1722 1723 1724 1725 1726 1727 1728 1729 1730 1731 1732 1734 1735 1736 1737 1738 1739 1740 1741 1742 1743 1744 1746 1747 1748 1749 1750 1751 *753 1754 1755 69 34 22,7 142 27 3,0 116 42 51,8 67 39 29,4 no 52 56,3 90 55 27,6 91 12 53,8 122 32 38,1 13 ! 4 34.3 134 59 33.9 25 57 4, 84 10 14,5 57 55 26,1 127 21 31,5 86 49 35.3 71 31 19,4 57 49 27.3 73 3 33.5 149 2 23,5 90 24 52,4 97 24 58,8 no 58 42,1 69 38 18,5 71 34 16,1 33 3 6 59.9 42 23 25,6 75 48 18,3 137 ii 32,3 125 35 2,4 137 ii 19,8 107 56 0,9 66 3 54,7 86 20 24,9 33 43 57.7 132 24 55,8 62 26 25,0 28 8 51,1 80 37 0,9 80 10 18,4 136 2 14,3 24 23 38,8 96 6 21,5 125 14 49,9 63 10 25,6 158 44 19,0 -3.37 3.3 6 3,3 6 3.34 3,33 3.3 1 3,3 3>29 3,25 3,24 3,23 3,22 3>IQ 3 ^9 3,18 3,i8 3,12 3. 11 3,08 3,08 3,7 3.7 3-7 3,06 3,2 2,99 2,96 2,94 2,92 2,92 2,92 2,91 2,89 2,85 2,84 2,82 2,81 2,8 I 2,81 +0,512 0,195 0,346 0,520 0,369 o,439 0,438 0,321 0,276 0,252 0,832 0,461 0,561 0,297 o,453 0,506 0,562 0,500 0,125 0,441 0,418 0,370 0,513 0,506 0,729 0,651 0,491 0,237 0,306 0,237 0,381 0,528 0,455 0,729 0,269 o,543 0,800 o,475 0,476 0,245 0,865 0,423 0,308 +0,540 0,048 + 0,08 + 0,20 +0,34 0,08 +0,08 +0,06 +0,04 +0,28 0,04 +0,29 +0,04 +0,02 0,04 +0,01 0,0 1 +0,05 -8.7966 0.0196 -8.4249 9.8791 -9.6530 -9.6578 -9.9526 -9.9891 0.0020 + 9-8435 -9.5205 + 9.1942 -9-9749 -9.5782 -8-9943 +9.2000 9.1052 0.0295 9.6446 -9.7465 9.8802 -8-7993 -8.9970 +9.7654 +9.6409 9.2512 0.0087 -9.9677 0.0088 -9.8558 + 7.6721 9.5681 +9.7647 -9.9946 +8.8633 +9.8246 -9.4264 9.4128 0.0060 +9.8588 9.7298 -9.9665 +8-7745 -0.0335 -8.7679 +9.1237 +8.8772 8.8013 +8.7716 +7-4248 +7-5427 + 8-9453 +9.0320 9.1630 -8.2157 8.9316 + 8.9881 -7.9450 8.7022 8.9267 8.6642 + 9.1257 + 7.0501 + 8.2970 + 8.7397 8.7270 8.6852 -9- I0 55 8.5670 +9.0387 + 8.9360 +9.0346 + 8.6566 -8.7742 -7.9698 -9.0843 +8.9924 8.8284 9- I 7'7 -8-3745 8.3906 + 9.0095 9.1108 + 8.1744 + 8.9080 8.8009 + 9.1158 -0.5273 0.5267 0.5267 0.5235 0.5219 0.5192 0.5185 0.5168 0.5166 0.5117 0.5114 0.5111 0.5087 0.5072 0.5040 -534 0.5026 0.5019 0.4947 0.4924 0.4884 0.4880 0.4877 0.4876 0.4872 0.4852 0.4797 0-4755 -4733 0.4713 0.4704 0.4682 0.4670 0.4666 0.4656 0.4654 0.4646 0.4644 0.4606 0.4546 0.4536 0.4498 0.4489 0.4487 0.4486 +9-9938 9.9938 9-9938 9-9939 9-994 9.9940 9.9940 9.9941 9.9941 9.9942 9.9942 9.9942 9-9943 9-9944 9-9944 9-9944 9-9945 9-9945 9-9947 9-9947 9.9948 9-9948 9.9948 9.9948 9-9949 9-9949 9-9950 9.9951 9.9952 9.9952 9.9952 9-9953 9-9953 9-9953 9-9953 9-9954 9-9954 9-9954 9-9955 9.9956 9.9956 9-9957 9-9957 9-9957 +9-9957 106 iii. 576 962 959 M 204 Jl2I,P234 M 203 B.F 727 M 206 J 123 M 205 G 9 8 7 M 207 Ji24,P239 M2o8 6989 W 33 o G 9 88 Wol. V. 12 W 33 2 V. 444 iii. 577 ii. 659 iv. 401 iii. 579 v. 446 iii. 580 v. 447 iii. 578 ii. 662 ii. 66 1 v. 448 iii. 584 iii. 582 iii. 581 781 778 779 107 113 in 112 1855 1862 1872 963 965 122 770 780 776 784 783 I0 3 116 114 124 123 119 118 1868 966 0,06 +0,04 +0,0 1 +0,03 +0,10 0,06 + 0,02 1885 969 968 787 789 791 786 777 126 130 '33 125 127 120 ii. 665 ii. 668 ii. 669 ii. 666 ii. 667 iii. 585 + 0,03 0,09 + 0,12 + 0,38 O,O I + O,O2 + 0,03 + 0,12 O,OO + 0,06 0,03 +O,O2 + 0,04 788 132 ii. 670 v. 449 ii. 672 v. 451 ii. 673 ii. 671 ii. 675 iii. 587 v- 453 ii. 674 iii. 588 ii. 676 ii. 677 v. 454 1886 1883 1888 972 970 973 140 796 79 793 785 '35 137 129 1889 976 782 792 794 136 128 138 141 157 1896 978 801 158 J 45 iii. 591 ii. 678 1890 979 + 0,17 0,05 0,18 1920 983 79 No. Constellation. Mag. Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Pieces. Sec. Van Proper Motion. Logarithms of a b c d I75 6* '757 1758 I7S9 1760 1761* 1762 1763 1764 1765 1766* 1767 1768* 1769* 1770 1771* 1772* 1773* 1774* 1775* 1776* 1777 1778 1779 1780 1781 1782 1783 1784* 1785* 1786* 1787 1788 1789 1790 1791 1792 1793 1794 1795 1796* 1797* 1798 1799 1800* 5 6 6 5 6 6 3* 6* 6 *i 4i 3* 5 6 Si 6 6 6 61 6 6 6 6 6 4 6 6 6 H 5 6 6 6 6 6 4 Si 7 2 6 8 Si 6 7* 64 h m s 5 27 47.53 27 51,67 27 54,47 27 59,34 28 0,93 28 5.59 28 5,91 28 15,71 2g 21,68 28 36,22 28 39,99 28 40,99 29 0,15 29 10,74 29 20,82 29 44,27 29 46,19 29 57,46 30 8,36 30 18,23 3 '8,53 30 20,55 30 26,62 30 46,41 31 13,08 3 1 '5,24 31 16,21 31 21,23 31 34,64 3 1 37.75 31 47,61 3' 53.27 31 58,96 32 2,89 32 8,29 3^ J 9,75 32 37,69 3* 59,9* 33 11-57 33 i95 33 39,4 6 33 5!>78 33 54,74 34 4,77 5 34 7.6 s +31,013 2,164 2,943 2,956 2-943 2,308 2,931 2,956 3,474 3,041 3,^5 3,580 3,848 4,856 0,350 2,204 3,809 2,198 3,640 2,342 5.73 5.502 3,712 1,176 3,008 2,136 3,164 2,366 4-95 2,901 2,344 2,342 1,627 2,986 0,310 0,511 3>46j 3,623 3,024 0,648 3,526 5>43 1,924 3,526 +5.i5 s -)-o,ooo8 +0,0006 +0,0014 -(-0,0015 -{-0,0014 -j-o,ooo6 +0,0014 +0,0015 +0,0033 -(-0,0017 -(-0,0025 + 0,0038 +0,0053 +0,0134 +0,0081 +0,0006 +0,0049 +0,0006 +0,0040 +0,0006 +0,0151 +0,0200 +0,0042 +0,0029 +0,0014 +0,0006 +0,0019 +0,0006 +0,0132 +0,0012 +0,0006 +0,0006 +0,0013 +0,0014 +0,0075 +0,0061 +0,0029 +0,0035 +0,0014 + 0,0052 +0,0030 +0,0130 +0,0008 + 0,0029 +0,0135 s + 8.0775 8.0529 7.9707 7.9692 7.9693 8.0285 7.9685 7-9655 7.9818 7-9594 7.9640 7.9881 8.0180 8.1761 8.3076 8.0207 8.0016 8.0185 7-9743 7.9926 8.1932 8.2545 7.9788 8.1698 7.9222 8.0086 7.9220 7-9736 8.1554 7.5190 7.9700 7.9688 8.0796 7.9100 8.2709 8.2416 7.9182 7-9287 7.8913 8.2070 7.9075 8.1330 8.0001 7.9005 +8.1380 +8.9268 8.9032 8.8216 8.8213 8.8217 8.8820 8.8221 8.8214 8.8390 8.8199 8.8255 8.8498 8.8841 9.0448 9.1787 8.8974 8.8788 8.8984 8.8569 8.8776 9.0783 9.1401 8.8659 9.0618 8.8210 8.9080 8.8216 8.8744 9.0597 8.8241 8.8776 8.8779 8.9902 8.8216 9.1839 9.1576 8.8390 8.8555 8.8212 9- I 39 I 8.8451 9.0740 8.9420 8.8452 + 9.0833 +0.3038 0.3352 0.4688 0.4707 0.4688 0.3632 0.4670 0.4707 0.5408 0.4830 0.5166 -5539 0.5852 0.6863 9-5435 0.3432 0.5808 0.3419 0.5611 0.3695 0.7053 0-7405 0.5696 0.0706 0.4783 0.3297 0.5003 0.3741 0.6946 0.4625 0.3699 0.3695 0.2114 0.4751 9.4915 9.7086 -5394 0-559 0.4805 9.8117 0.5472 0.7027 0.2843 0.5472 +0.7080 -7.8728 7.8050 -6.9517 -6.9045 -6.9524 7.7269 -6.9887 6.9023 + 7.4464 - 6 -3i59 +7.1680 +7-5434 + 7.7221 + 8.0808 8.2614 -7-7589 +7.6889 -7-7589 +7-5703 -7- 6 755 + 8.1143 +8.1980 +7.6177 8.0832 -6.5938 -7.7689 +6.7690 -7.6446 +8.0676 -7.0231 7.6516 -7-6514 -7.9466 -6.7141 8.2258 8.1899 +7-3703 + 7-5 I 3 I 6.4398 -8.1499 + 7.4181 + 8.0518 -7.8153 +7.4110 + 8.0609 +0,013 +0,004 +0,002 +0,002 +0,005 +0,004 +0,008 +0,003 +0,008 +0,005 0,002 + 0,O07 0,018 0,009 0,008 +0,003 0,000 +0,003 0,008 +0,006 +0,007 + 0,002 0,024 +0,006 + O,OII +0,005 +0,00 1 faun ColutnbsB 0,003 +0,005 +0,005 0,032 0,005 +0,005 0,009 +0,006 Pictoris Orionis Doradus Doradus 8 126 Tauri Tauri Doradus Tauri +0,007 +0,00 1 +0,003 +0,007 + 0,007 Columbse 28 Canielopardi So No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of 1 Taylor. j Bris- iane. Various. of b' (/ # 1756 1757 1758 1759 1760 1761 1762 1763 1764 1765 1766 1767 1768 1769 1770 1771 1772 1773 J774 '775 1776 1777 1778 1779 1780 1781 1782 1783 1784 1785 1786 1787 1788 1789 1790 1791 1792 1793 1794 J795 1796 1797 1798 1799 1800 128 37 21,5 124 24 43,2 95 29 35.3 94 56 30,2 95 31 ii, i 119 57 18,2 96 o 45,2 94 57 33.9 73 3 24,0 91 18 6,5 80 47 43,9 63 57 13.3 59 36 9,2 36 34 50,2 154 2 12,2 123 10 58,9 60 52 35,4 123 22 20,7 66 46 5,4 118 48 19,5 33 30 16,0 28 36 20,6 64 ii 31,9 145 o 15,7 92 41 28,2 125 9 30,8 85 58 6,7 117 57 41,2 35 12 52,6 97 18 3,4 118 42 57,9 118 46 59,4 137 24 31,2 93 39 7,0 *54 *9 27,3 152 35 20,0 73 3^ 52,9 67 25 10,7 92 * 35-4 151 16 6,9 71 5 30,7 33 57 i3-i 130 47 40,5 71 5 50,6 33 8 44,5 -2,'8l 2,80 2,80 2,79 2,79 2,78 2,78 2,77 2,76 2,74 2,73 2,73 2,70 2,69 2,67 2,64 2,64 2,62 2,61 2,59 2-59 2,59 2,58 2,55 2,5 J 2,51 2,51 2,50 2,48 2,48 2,46 2,45 2,45 2,44 2,43 2,42 2,39 2,36 2,34 2,33 2,30 2,28 2,28 2,26 -2,26 // +0,291 0,313 0,425 0,427 0,425 >333 0,423 0,427 0,502 ,439 o,475 0,517 0,556 0,702 0,051 0,319 o,55i 0,318 0,526 0,339 o,734 0,796 0,537 0,170 0,435 0,309 0,458 0,342 0,716 0,420 o,339 o,339 0,236 0,432 0,045 0,074 0,501 0,525 0,438 0,094 0,511 0,731 0,279 0,511 +0,740 a 9.9809 -9.9627 -9.7217 9.7140 9.7221 -9.9398 -9.7286 -9-7H3 9.1018 -9.6594 -9.4312 8.6920 + 9.1042 + 9.7301 0.0338 -9.9570 + 9.0145 9.9580 -7.8865 -9-9335 +9.7689 +9.8214 +8.6128 0.0259 9.6813 -9.9667 9.5600 9.9287 +9.7486 -9-7455 -9.9332 -9.9336 0.0105 -9.6957 -0.0345 -0.0339 -9.1303 -8.2878 9.6710 0.0332 -8.9474 +9.7647 -9.9902 -8.9479 +9.7742 +8.9417 + 8.8976 + 8.1258 +8.0789 +8.1265 +8.8407 +8.1624 +8.0768 8.6032 +7.4919 -8-3385 8.6895 8.8340 9.0321 +9.0788 +8.8577 8.8063 +8.8567 -8.7097 +8.7942 -9.0323 9.0542 8.7481 +9.0178 +7.7695 + 8.8576 -7.9440 + 8.7668 9.0046 + 8.1957 + 8.7707 +8.7702 +8.9532 + 7-8893 +9.0386 +9.0291 8.5282 -8.6545 + 7.6156 +9.0079 +8.5701 -8.9749 + 8.8705 8.5630 -8.9748 0.4486 0.4476 0.4470 0-4459 0.4456 0-4445 0.4444 0.4422 0.4409 0.4376 0.4367 0.4365 0.4320 0.4296 0.4272 0.4217 0.4212 0.4185 0.4159 0.4135 0.4135 0.4130 0.4115 0.4066 0.4000 0.3995 0.3992 0.3980 0.3946 0.3938 0.3913 0.3898 0.3884 0.3874 0.3860 0.3830 0.3783 0.3724 0.3693 0.3672 0.3617 0.3584 0-3575 0.3548 -o-354r +9-9957 9-9957 9-9957 9-9958 9-9958 9-9958 9.9958 9.9958 9-9959 9-9959 9-9959 9-9959 9.9960 9.9961 9.9961 9.9962 9.9962 9.9963 9.9963 9.9963 9.9964 9.9964 9.9964 9.9965 9.9966 9.9966 9.9966 9.9966 9.9967 9.9967 9.9967 9.9967 9.9968 9.9968 9.9968 9.9968 9.9969 9.9970 9.9970 9.9971 9.9971 9.9972 9.9972 9.9972 +9.9972 1895 1892 980 J 126 B.F 759 J 127 M 2IO A 127 M 209 G 995 B.F 747 W 33 6 G 1003 M 211 M 212 G 1005 J 130 B.F 769 W 339 Ji3i M 213 G 1013 G 1015 +0,08 0,02 +0,01 + 0,01 802 803 804 *59 *47 149 150 ii. 592 ii. 679 ii. 680 ii. 68 1 + 0,01 +0,04 0,00 +0,0 1 +0,31 +0,02 +0,0 1 0,00 -0,55 -0,15 806 807 798 809 805 800 799 !5! 154 148 1 60 156 152 155 146 ii. 682 ii. 593 ii. 683 ii. 686 ii. 685 ii. 684 ii. 687 iv. 407 1922 1902 988 986 v- 457 0,30 +0,03 +0,02 0,00 0,03 +0,01 +0,0 1 +0,0 1 0,06 0,01 +0,03 0,01 +0,06 v. 458 iii. 599 v. 459 iii. 598 iii. 597 ii. 688 v. 461 ii. 690 v. 462 iii. 602 iii. 60^ iii. 60 1 ii. 60 7 1904 1905 987 99 797 795 810 164 169 161 153 165 192; 994 814 172 191. 1911 995 996 813 808 816 171 177 166 176 181 183 v. 46; ii. 695 v. 464 ii. 694 1915 1930 997 998 999 0,05 +0,16 0,02 0,29 0,03 0,02 0,00 + 0,01 178 1949 1948 1 002 1001 ii. 697 ii. 696 iii. 6o<: ii. 698 v. 466 iv. 416 iii. 606 iii. 611 iii. 609 iii. 607 817 819 818 811 820 812 180 184 188 189 179 '95 191 182 1006 +0,17 +0,03 +0,04 +0,02 +0,03 1941 1007 B.A.C, 81 No. Constellation. Mag. Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a b c d 1801 1802* 1803 1804 1805* 1806 1807 1808* 1809 1810 1811 1812 1813* 1814 1815 1816 1817* 1818* 1819 1820 1821 1822* 1823 1824* 1825* 1826* 1827 1828 1829 1830 1831 1832 1833 1834 1835* 1836 i837 1838* 1839 1840 1841 1842 1843 1844 1845 Tauri 7 2 6 5* 7 6 6 7* 6 6 7 6 6 6 6 7 6 5* 54 7 6 7 4 6* 6 6 6 6 7 5 6 6 6 6 6* 6 5 neb. 6 41 5* 6 3 Si 5 h m s 5 34 i3. 9 34 13,21 34 17,26 34 I7 8 3 34 27,37 34 43.3 6 35 55,33 35 57,04 35 58,26 36 14,79 36 23,20 36 28,79 36 48,40 36 52,91 36 53,53 37 7>oo 37 46,17 37 46,19 37 49,43 38 2,05 38 8,11 38 11,52 38 12,71 38 26,07 38 33,37 38 37 38 40,61 38 4 I ,5 I 3 8 43,37 38 46,97 38 51." 39 0,6 1 39 4,03 39 12,61 39 2 5,39 39 26,14 39 48,80 39 51,82 39 56,86 40 9,70 40 25,57 40 27,61 40 38,64 40 48,72 5 4i 5,72 + 3*638 2,169 2,217 4,640 3,404 3, I0 3 2,521 3>427 2,191 3,452 3,5i9 2,284 6,433 +2,148 0,010 + 3,162 2,190 + 5> I0 9 -2,450 + 3,56i 3,446 2,520 2,519 4,167 J 974 3,293 3,4i3 3,495 3,68i 4, J 53 3,096 4,742 5,279 3,399 3,577 1,696 + 3,678 0,427 + 3,220 2,717 2,226 i>977 2,842 4,084 +4,i53 s +0,0034 +0,0005 +0,0004 +0,0095 +0,0024 +0,0015 +0,0005 +0,0024 +0,0004 +0,0024 +0,0027 +0,0005 +0,0257 +0,0004 +0,0083 +0,0015 +0,0004 +0,0116 +0,0323 +0,0026 +0,0022 +0,0004 +0,0004 +0,0051 +0,0005 +0,0017 +0,0021 +0,0023 +0,0030 +0,0050 +0,0013 +0,0084 + 0,0122 + 0,COI9 + O,OO25 + 0,0009 + O,OO28 + 0,0100 +0,0014 +0,0006 +0,0003 +0,0005 +0,0007 +0,0042 +0,0045 s +0,002 +0,008 +0,004 +0,010 0,000 +0,00 1 0,000 + 0,OII + 0,022 + 0,003 O,OO I + 0,003 + 7.9105 7-9563 7.9480 8.0625 7.8834 7-8657 7.8788 7-859 1 7.9225 7-8559 7-8595 7.8996 8.2627 7.9122 8.2286 7-8236 7.8889 8.0723 8.4391 7.8324 7.8195 7.8360 7.8357 7.9093 7.9068 7.7991 7.8059 7.8126 7-8324 7.9000 7-7885 7.9906 8.0710 7-7938 7.8058 7-9338 7.8093 8.2159 7.768! 7-7755 7.8282 7.8660 7.7563 7.8454 + 7.8499 + 8.8575 8.9034 8.8962 9.0109 8.8345 8.8214 8.8557 8.8366 8.9003 8.8388 8.8450 8.8868 9.2560 8.9070 9.2236 8.8228 8.9008 9.0842 9.4520 8.8495 8.8386 8.8562 8.8563 8-9344 8-9345 8.8280 8.8360 8.8430 8.8635 8.9323 8.8221 9.0276 9.1092 8.8349 8.8515 8-9797 8.8632 9.2709 8.8250 8.8371 8.8957 8.9342 8.8287 8.9215 + 8.9325 +0.5609 0.3363 0.3458 0.6665 0.5320 0.4918 0.4016 -5349 0.3407 0.5381 0.5464 0.3586 0.8084 +0.3320 8.0000 +0.5000 0.3404 +0.7083 0.3891 +0.55*5 0-5373 0.4014 0.4013 0.6198 0.2954 0.5175 0.5332 0-5434 0.5660 0.6184 0.4909 0.6760 0.7225 o.53'3 0-5535 0.2295 +0.5656 9.6301 +0.5079 0.4340 0.3476 0.2961 0-4537 0.6111 +0.6184 + 7-5047 -7.7056 7.6807 + 7.9452 + 7.2701 + 6.2531 7.4607 + 7.2719 7.6641 + 7.2967 + 7.3640 7.6065 + 8.2311 7.6681 -8.1915 + 6.6606 7.6307 + 7-9952 8.4268 + 7.3710 + 7-2534 -7.4183 -7-4185 + 7.7126 7.7101 +7.0152 + 7.2023 + 7-2948 + 7-4523 + 7.7001 + 6.0765 + 7.8839 + 8.0037 + 7.1726 + 7-3564 -7.7900 + 7.4272 8.1864 + 6.8150 -7.1852 -7.5568 -7.6683 6.9841 + 7.6274 + 7.6497 Tauri Tauri 128 Tauri T aur i + 0,015 0,087 + 0,OO7 + 0,015 0,009 0,016 0,003 +0,005 0,007 0,019 +0,003 +0,009 Colurubae Mensse 5 I 7 0,500 0,366 0,366 0,605 0,287 0,478 0,496 0,508 >535 0,603 0,450 0,689 0,767 0,494 0,520 0,246 +0,534 0,062 +0,468 0,395 0,324 0,287 0,413 0,594 +0,604 a 0,00 0,00 0,04 +0,08 -7-9445 9.9624 -9-9553 +9.6795 -9.2524 9.6123 9.8926 9.2093 -9-9593 9.1541 -8.9704 -9.9445 +9.8840 -9-9 6 55 0.0356 -9.5617 -9.9596 +9-7754 0.0291 8.8007 9.1682 9.8929 -9.8932 +9.4742 -9.9859 9.4219 9.2360 9.0465 + 8.3096 +9.4648 9.6176 +9.7063 +9.7984 9.2629 -8-7I35 0.0075 + 8.2672 0.0356 -9.5056 -9.8295 -9.9542 -9.9857 -9-7753 + 9.4115 + 9.4649 8.6444 + 8-7995 +8.7818 8-9316 -8.4329 7.4290 + 8.6026 -8.4329 + 8.7614 -8.4556 -8.5167 + 8.7174 -8.9729 + 8.7589 +8.9657 -7.8357 + 8.7279 8.9090 + 8.9727 -8.5194 8.4128 + 8.5601 + 8.5602 -8.7762 + 8.7738 8.1854 -8.3645 8.4499 -8.5870 -8.7659 -7.2525 -8.8545 8.8927 -8-3359 8.5032 +8.8086 -8.5623 +8.9138 -7.9884 +8.3464 +8.6596 + 8.7326 + 8-1539 8.7044 -8.7157 -0.3524 0.3524 0.35*3 0.3511 0.3484 0.3439 0.3229 0.3223 0.3220 0.3170 0.3144 0.3127 0.3067 0.3053 0.3051 0.3008 0.2883 0.2883 0.2872 0.2831 0.2811 0.2800 0.2796 0.2752 0.2727 0.2715 0.2703 0.2700 0.2693 0.2681 0.2667 0.2634 0.2623 o- 2 593 0.2548 0.2546 0.2465 0.2455 0.2437 0.2390 0.2332 0.2324 0.2283 0.2246 0.218 1 +9-9973 9-9973 9-9973 9-9973 9-9973 9-9974 9.9976 9.9976 9.9976 9-9977 9.9977 9.9977 9.9978 9.9978 9.9978 9.9978 9.9980 9.9980 9.9980 9.9980 9.9980 9.9980 9.9980 9.9981 9.9981 9.9981 9.9981 9.9981 9.9981 9.9981 9.9982 9.9982 9.9982 9.9982 9.9983 9.9983 9.9983 9-9983 9.9983 9.9984 9.9984 9.9984 9-9985 9.9985 +9.9985 815 823 822 828 824 826 192 196 i 97 186 194 204 iii. 6 ro ii. 699 iii. 612 iii. 6oS ii. 701 ii. 700 ii. 702 B.F 765 B.F776 B.F 775 A 128 M 214 Wol. iv. 9 B.F 788 G IO20 M 215 A 129 M 220 G 1023 A M 217 M2i6,Ai3i G 1024 B.F 782 M 219 J 135 Ji36,P258 M 222 i 1938 1936 IOIO IOII +0,01 0,0 1 +0,05 0,04 0,08 +0,03 0,04 205 201 202 207 iii. 614 ii. 703 iii. 615 iii. 616 '955 1015 1962 1017 +0,03 +0,10 +0,04 0,00 0,00 +0,04 + O,II 0,02 211 iii. 618 1964 1985 1968 1019 IO2] 1022 821 2O6 217 203 iii. 617 iii. 621 Iii. 619 2027 1032 8 3 o 836 8 37 827 2IO 212 iii. 620 ii. 704 +0,35 0,07 + 0,02 219 209 224 ii. 705 iii. 622 iii. 626 '973 1026 + 0,09 O,OO 0,28 + O,o6 + 0,09 833 8 3 2 829 216 2I 5 2I 4 213 22O ii. 707 ii. 706 iii. 625 iii. 623 iii. 627 0,05 + O,O I + O,II +0,28 + 0,01 -3,31 +0,06 + 0,01 +0,04 +0,03 +0,03 +0,03 0,03 825 834 835 208 221 222 231 223 .ii. 624 ii. 708 iii. 628 v. 474 ii. 709 1981 2007 IO29 1027 1038 841 8 43 227 230 238 ii. 710 ii. 711 ii. 631 v. 478 ii. 713 ii. 630 ii. 714 1982 1986 1035 1036 844 8 39 840 234 228 229 (L2) No. Constellation. Mag. Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a b c d 1846 1847 1848 1849 1850 1851 1852 1853 1854* 1855 1856 1857 1858 1859* 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864* 1865 1866 1867* 1868 1869 1870* 1871 1872* 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877* 1878 1879* 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885* 1886 1887* 1888* 1889 1890 i ?* Tauri si 6 7 5 6* 6 6 7 5 5 7 6 6 6 6 4* 6 44 6 6 6 7* 44 Si Si s 7 6 6 61 5 8 3 6 6 6 H i 44 34 6 6 6 6 5 h m s 5 4 1 7,59 41 27,68 41 31,14 4 1 3'.95 41 39,58 41 47,02 41 56,98 42 i6,34 42 16,53 42 19,03 42 20,29 42 44,44 42 46,77 42 50,99 43 37,82 43 43,82 43 S 1 '*! 43 549 44 7,63 44 "i7 44 i9.*5 44 24,31 44 3.So 44 39.46 44 50.23 44 52,20 45 6 .59 45 .3S 45 T 4>io 45 H.8i 45 30," 45 35> 6 9 45 40.39 45 56,60 46 4,05 46 44,99 47 2.07 47 3-i6 47 6,37 47 10,63 47 13.05 47 15.^5 47 25.18 47 26,87 5 47 29,53 + 3-368 2,092 3.777 5.365 3,906 3,301 3.409 3.4*3 5,022 1,658 3,403 3,966 1,885 2,189 2,504 ***7 3,406 3.767 2,894 2,280 4.764 3.563 0,103 + 3>"3 -3-722 +2,561 5,021 1,740 6,212 3.894 3.563 5,040 2,107 26,626 3.549 6,197 3,808 3-243 1,076 4,926 1,312 4,999 4.944 2,040 + '.353 s -{-0,0017 + 0,0004 +0,0029 +0,0113 -(-0,0033 +0,0015 +0,0018 +0,0018 +0,0086 +0,0008 +0,0017 +0,0033 +0,0005 +0,0003 +0,0004 +0,00 1 1 +0,0016 +0,0025 +0,0006 +0,0003 +0,0063 +0,0019 +0,0050 +0,0010 +0,0353 +0,0004 +0,0072 +0,0006 +0,0147 +0,0027 +0,0017 +0,0071 +0,0003 +0,5266 +0,0017 +0,0131 +0,0022 +0,0009 +0,0015 +0,0058 +0,00 1 1 +0,0061 +0,0058 +0,0003 + 0,0010 8 + 0,004 0,007 + O,OO5 O,OOO + O,O25 + O,OO7 + 0,004 + O,OO9 0,003 + 0,009 + 0,005 + 0,O03 + O,OO5 0,0 1 6 +0,007 0,00 1 +0,004 +0,004 +0,003 -0,037 + 7-7497 7.8250 7.7837 8.0287 7.7986 7.7302 -7-7333 7-7258 7.9606 7-8743 7-7234 7.7811 7-8259 7-7763 7-7I35 7-8770 7.6848 7-7225 7.6678 7-7278 7.8672 7.6841 8.0407 7.6495 8-3593 7.6728 7.8846 7-7835 8.0406 7.7024 7.6524 7.8731 7.7107 8.8571. 7-6337 7.9917 7- 6 34 J 7-5793 7.8286 7.8050 7-7887 7.8136 7-7995 7.6637 + 7.7728 +8.8330 8.9161 8.8762 9.1215 8.8945 8.8290 8.8362 8.8365 9.0713 8.9860 8.8357 8.9035 8.9492 8.9015 8.8588 9.0251 8.8362 8.8752 8.8267 8.8883 9-3 I 3 8.8506 9.2101 8.8232 9.5381 8.8525 9.0712 8.9729 9.2310 8-8931 8.8507 9.0742 8.9142 0.0706 8.8493 9.2292 8. 8810 8.8268 9.0780 9.0568 9.0418 9.0679 9.0596 8.9248 +9-0353 +0.5274 0.3206 0.5771 0-7295 0.5917 0.5187 0.5327 0-5331 0.7009 0.2197 0.5319 0.5983 0.2753 0.3403 0.3986 0.1512 0.5323 0.5760 0.4614 o-3579 0.6780 0.5518 9.0145 +0.4932 0.5708 +0.4085 0.7008 0.2406 0-7933 0.5904 0.5518 0.7024 0.3237 1.4253 0.5501 0.7922 0.5807 0.5110 0.0319 0.6925 0.1178 0.6989 0.6941 0.3097 +0.1313 +7.0884 -7.5972 + 7-4541 + 7.9656 + 7.5237 + 6.9619 + 7.1247 + 7-1213 + 7-8774 -7-7359 + 7.1077 + 7-5272 -7.6484 -7-5 x 79 -7-3057 -7.7683 + 7.0723 + 7.3880 6.7871 -7-4354 + 7.7624 + 7.2235 8.0007 + 6.1500 -8.3511 -7-2251 +7.8012 -7.6324 + 8.0046 +7.4226 +7-1915 + 7.7911 -7.4781 +8.8564 +7.1618 +7-9553 +7-3185 + 6.6877 -7.7482 +7-7I45 -7.6899 +7-7285 +7.7103 -7.4498 -7.6702 j Tauri Tauri Tauri Pictoris 3 136 Tauri Aurigae +0,008 0,026 +0,007 Doradus o 56 Orionis i c Leporis o +0,017 +0,007 -0,035 0,031 0,002 0,0 1 1 Aurigae Pictoris Camelopardi Aurigae CA Orionis . . . . V ' Aurigae Colunibae p +0,002 +0,289 +0,005 0,021 0,001 +0,006 0,003 +0,0 1 1 +0,073 +0,00 1 Ursae Minoris .... <7 Orionis. . . . V 2 A* Canielopardi Aurigae 58 Orionis ot. Pictoris y 33 Aurigae $ Pictoris Aurigae Aurigae Columbae +0,021 0,015 Pictoris 84 No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec.Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of f I Taylor. j Bris- bane. Various. cf V tf df 1846 1847 1848 1849 1850 1851 1852 1853 1854 1855 1856 1857 1858 1859 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1 II 77 24 1,3 126 17 24,4 62 5 0,1 30 9 14,4 57 55 23,9 80 10 54,6 75 44 3 6 ,7 75 36 20, i 34 20 9,1 136 39 17,7 76 o 3,4 5 6 7 4'. 3 131 38 38,2 123 28 16,9 113 I 11,2 141 7 22,3 75 S 2 17,7 62 25 44,0 97 33 43, 1 120 39 56,9 38 13 5,7 69 44 31,1 155 47 35>3 88 ii 8,6 1 68 53 20,4 "o 53 43>3 34 22 34,1 134 55 25,4 23 o 32,0 58 19 33,2 69 45 24,7 34 7 8,0 125 49 43,8 3 H 33,2 70 17 5- 1 23 7 io.7 61 5 15,0 82 37 33,1 146 12 21,3 35 44 i>9 142 48 10,2 34 4 1 53-8 35 28 28,4 127 39 57,0 142 8 41,1 -i,'6 5 1,62 1,62 1,61 i, 60 1,58 i,54 1,50 1,42 1,41 1,41 i,39 1,38 i>37 1,36 1,36 i,34 i-33 1,32 1,30 1,29 1,29 1,29 1,27 1,26 1,23 1,22 1,16 M3 1,12 1,12 1,12 1,10 1,10 1,09 +0,490 0,304 o,549 0,780 0,568 0,480 0,496 0,496 0,730 0,241 o,495 0,577 0,274 0,318 0,364 0,206 0,496 0,548 0,421 0,693 0,518 0,015 + o,453 0,542 +o,373 0,731 0,904 0,567 0,519 o,734 0,307 3,876 0,517 0,902 o,555 0,472 o,i57 0,717 0,191 0,728 0,720 0,297 +0,197 0,02 + 0,02 + 0,05 +0,04 0,04 + 0,19 +0,04 + 0,09 +0,03 + 0,08 O,OO + 0,04 + 0,07 0,72 0,14 0,12 + O,O2 + O,o6 O,O I 0,65 -9.3141 -9.9730 + 8.9201 + 9.8088 +9.2087 9.4110 -9-2433 -9.2365 +9.7623 0.0099 -9.2550 +9.2912 -9-9943 9.9600 -9.8974 0.0207 -9.2487 + 8.8865 -9-7494 -9-9455 +9.7120 8.7903 0.0366 -9.6043 0.0264 9.8816 +9.7624 0.0052 +9.8744 +9.1895 8.7917 +9-7655 -9.9713 +9-9877 -8.8561 +9-8737 +9.0120 -9.4803 0.0298 +9-7459 0.0244 +9.7588 +9-7493 -9-9794 0.0231 -8.2539 + 8.6797 -8.5765 8.8426 8.6279 8.1316 -8.2873 -8.2835 8.8048 + 8.7486 8.2701 8.6225 + 8.6979 +8.6152 +8-4457 +8.7421 -8.2351 -8.5117 +7-9594 +8.5461 8.7300 -8.3718 +8.7896 -7-3259 +8.8121 +8.3716 8.7291 +8.6585 -8-7727 -8.5286 -8-3399 8.7160 + 8.5631 8.7850 -8.3117 8.7254 8.4368 7.8601 + 8.6696 8.6570 +8.6474 -8.6599 8.6501 +8.5244 +8.6342 0.2174 0.2097 0.2083 0.2080 0.2050 0.2021 0.1981 0.1903 0.1902 0.1891 0.1887 0.1786 0.1777 0.1759 0.1557 0.1531 0.1497 0.1485 0.1424 0.1407 0.1371 0.1347 0.1318 0.1276 0.1225 0.1216 o. 1 146 0.1118 O.I 1 10 0.1106 0.1031 0.1003 0.0979 0.0880 0.0858 0.0640 0.0546 0.0540 0.0522 0.0498 0.0484 0.0472 0.0415 0.0405 0.0390 +9.9985 9.9986 9.9986 9.9986 9.9986 9.9986 9.9987 9.9987 9.9987 9.9987 9-9987 9.9988 9.9988 9.9988 9.9989 9.9989 9.9989 9.9989 9.9990 9.9990 9.9990 9.9990 9.9990 9.9990 9.9991 9.9991 9.9991 9.9991 9.9991 9.9991 9.9991 9.9991 9.9992 9.9992 9.9992 9-9993 9-9993 9-9993 9-9993 9-9993 9-9993 9-9993 9-9994 9-9994 +9-9994 842 235 ii. 716 1992 1040 W 349 A 133 A 134 W 3 54 W 3 55 G 1034 M 223 Ji 39 B.F 790 G 1032 W 35 6 M 224 B.F 792 B.F 815 G 1004 M 225 G 1038 M226 B.F 797 B.F 799 831 845 846 838 236 Z26 237 239 240 242 233 ii. 717 ii. 715 iii. 632 ii. 634 ii. 719 ii. 720 ii. 718 v. 480 ii. 721 iii. 635 v. 484 v. 482 ii. 724 v. 487 ii. 723 ii. 722 iii. 637 v. 489 2003 1043 847 244 243 250 2005 1998 2OO2 2O2I 1048 1044 1051 252 849 848 853 249 247 254 201 1 .053 + O,o6 + 0,29 O,O I -o,75 +0,66 +0,12 +0,1 8 0,05 +0,09 + 0,10 850 251 iii. 638 ii. 730 ii. 726 2045 2097 IO60 1068 855 257 858 261 248 ii. 728 iii. 640 v. 493 iii. 639 ii. 727 ii. 729 2034 1061 856 246 256 259 0,28 + 0,10 0,0 1 +0,04 +0,01 0,00 +0,07 +0,11 +0,06 +0,08 0,06 + 0,01 267 ii. 732 2029 1063 857 860 265 253 266 268 ii. 731 iii. 641 iii. 643 ii. 734 v. 496 ii. 733 v. 497 iii. 642 2053 2051 1064 1071 1072 852 262 851 854 264 274 iii. 644 v. 498 2041 2052 1069 1074 85 No. Constellation. Mag. Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Van Proper Motion. Logarithms of a b c d 1891* 1892* 1893* 1894* 1895* 1896 1897 1898* 1899* 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907* 1908 1909* 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916* 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921* 1922 1923 1924* 1925 1926 1927 1928* 1929 1930* 1931* 1932* 1933* 1934* *935 5 6 7 6 2 5* 5 S* 64 4 4 6 5* 6 5 s 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 8 6 7 *i 5* H 4 6 6 6 si 6 5 6 6| 6 7* 5 5 6* b m 5 47 39.73 47 46,47 48 13,54 48 26,37 48 31.54 48 4L35 48 48,11 49 2,79 49 20,90 49 2 9. 6 3 49 34.S 6 49 35.75 49 49.39 50 0,13 50 2,41 50 20,37 5 32.05 5 37.05 50 38,27 50 4*. 6 3 50 52,49 50 56,06 51 7,01 5i 8.93 51 13,68 51 22,88 51 32,27 5 1 34.98 5i 53.21 5i 57.i8 S^ 2,85 52 13,20 52 29,22 52 35,'8 52 38,26 S^ 57.98 53 33,27 54 7,97 54 10,95 54 12,54 54 16,11 54 19,05 54 33,31 54 34,74 5 54 45,i2 s +2,176 2,006 3,294 2,325 4.403 3.720 +4.450 -4.976 +4,387 4,084 2,733 4,548 0,999 + 1,95 0,067 +2,059 3.374 3."3 0,324 +2,255 1,230 + 1,498 3,083 4,657 2,236 3. 6 35 i.3i9 3.768 2,849 2,845 4.333 2,124 4.3 i 3 4,755 3,621 0,432 0,268 3,298 L778 3.496 4,316 4,137 1,832 3,549 +4-114 s +0,0002 +0,0003 +0,0010 +0,0003 +0,0034 +0,0017 +0,0035 +0,0370 +0,0032 +0,0023 +0,0003 +0,0035 +0,0013 +0,0003 +0,0038 +0,0003 +0,0009 +0,0005 +0,0025 +0,0002 +0,0074 +0,0005 +0,0005 +0,0033 + 0,0002 +0,0012 +0,0007 +0,0013 +0,0003 +0,0003 +0,0023 +0,0002 + 0,0021 + 0,0030 + O,OOIO + 0,OOI7 + 0,00l8 + O,OOO4 + 0,0002 + O,OOO7 + 0,00l6 + O,OOI3 + 0,0002 + 0,0007 + 0,0012 s 0,009 +0,00 1 + 7-6353 7.6576 7-5405 7-5854 7.6732 7.5631 7.6703 8.2890 7-6383 7.5838 7-4951 7- 6 543 7.7372 7.5792 7.8689 7-5471 7-4507 7.4361 7-794 1 7.5004 7.9516 7.6098 7.4122 7.6016 7-4783 7-4347 7.6084 7.4411 7-3787 7-3753 7.5026 7.4429 7-4747 7.5402 7.3647 7-6558 7.6391 7.2383 7.3719 7.2474 7-3577 7.3251 7-3343 7.2243 + 7.2869 + 8.9039 8.9301 8.8293 8.8823 8-9733 8.8695 8.9810 9.6093 8.9708 8.9222 8.8369 8.9970 9.0895 8.9392 9.2305 8.9220 8.8345 8.8238 9.1827 8.8924 9-35 J 3 9.0124 8.8236 9.0146 8.8952 8.8592 9.0409 8.8759 8.8295 8.8297 8.9622 8.9119 8.9589 9.0302 8.8577 9.1687 9.1899 8.8300 8.9672 8.8447 8.9596 8.9307 8.9584 8.8500 + 8.9270 +0.3376 0.3024 0.5177 0.3664 0.6437 0-5705 +0.6483 0.6968 +0.6421 0.6111 0.4366 0.6578 9-9997 +0.2901 8.8248 +0.3136 0.5281 0.4932 9.5107 +0.3532 0.0900 +0.1755 0.4890 0.668 1 0-3494 0.5605 O.I2OI 0.5761 0.4548 0.4541 0.6368 0.3272 0.6348 0.6771 0.5588 9-6359 9.4277 0.5182 0.2499 0.5436 0.6351 0.6167 0.2629 0.5501 + 0.6142 -7.3811 7.4523 +6-7573 -7-2735 +7.5221 +7.2039 + 7.5266 8.2831 +7.4845 +7.3653 -6.8848 +7.5246 7.6617 -7-3871 -7.8327 7.3280 +6.7958 + 5-9373 -7.7480 -7.2174 7.9316 -7.4919 + 5-38I5 +7.4853 7.2025 + 7.0246 7.5088 +7.1064 -6.5917 -6.5963 + 7-3394 -7.2047 + 7.3078 + 7.4342 + 6.9456 7.6062 -7.5946 + 6.4623 7.2140 + 6.7294 + 7.1914 + 7.1200 7.1666 + 6.7518 + 7.0759 +0,001 +0,005 + 0,002 O,OO3 + 0,008 + O,OO2 + 0,001 0,014 +0,007 -0.053 +0,003 Columbse +0,003 Columbae (T +0,007 +0,005 0,019 +0,005 0,005 +0,014 +0,010 0,003 +0,005 +0,003 +0,008 +0,007 +0,003 +0,015 +0,003 +0,002 +0,041 +0,024 +0,004 +0,009 Mensae Pictoris Aurigae Columbse io Tauri Pictoris Tauri i Monocerotis 2 Monocerotis .... Aurigae Columbae y 38 Aurigae Aurigae 141 Tauri Doradus Doradus 6 1 Orionis . i/. r* Puppis 39 Aurigae .... +0,002 Aurigae Puppis +0,001 +0,010 0,003 64 Orionis y3 Aurigae 86 No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preccs. Sec.Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of fe- rn S Taylor. V Bris- bane. Various. a' V (f df 1891 1892 i893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 !9 J 3 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 J 934 *935 < II 123 50 11,8 128 33 35,6 80 31 3,1 119 10 47,5 45 4 2 8,2 64 4 12,1 44 4 59. 6 170 34 34,3 45 25 3>4 52 48 12,4 104 ii 56,2 42 6 52,8 147 ii 4,2 129 59 13,5 156 56 16,1 127 8 49,6 77 12 40,6 88 10 58,9 154 3 42,6 121 24 23,9 162 44 38,6 139 39 15,0 89 27 58,2 40 6 6,0 122 O 2,8 6 7 6 53,7 142 40 14,0 62 26 23,8 99 23 57.9 99 34 2 4,! 46 37 45.3 125 18 12,9 47 5 23,2 38 25 47,4 67 36 28,6 153 8 9.4 154 30 27,0 80 21 28,0 134 2 57,2 72 20 19,9 47 o 46,3 51 25 30,5 132 49 32,2 70 18 46,1 52 2 12,4 1,08 1,07 1,03 I,OI I,OO 0,99 0,98 0,96 .93 0,92 0,91 0,91 0,89 0,88 0,87 0,85 0,83 0,82 0,82 0,8 1 0,80 .79 0,78 o,77 o,77 0,75 o,74 o,74 0,71 0,70 0,70 0,68 0,66 0,65 0,64 0,62 0,56 0,51 0,51 0,51 0,50 0,50 0,48 o,47 -0,46 +0,317 0,292 0,480 o,339 0,641 0,542 +0,648 0,725 +0,639 o.595 0,398 0,663 0,146 +0,284 0,010 +0,300 0,492 0.454 0,047 +0,329 -0,179 + 0,218 0,449 0,679 0,326 0,530 0,192 0,549 0,4*5 0,415 0,632 0,310 0,629 0,693 0,528 0,063 0,039 0,481 0,259 0,510 0,629 0,603 0,267 0,517 +0,600 0,09 O,II 9.9621 -9.9830 9.4208 9.9374 +9-5999 +8.6665 +9.6187 0.0239 +9-5933 +9.4120 9.8233 +9.6532 0.0313 9.9888 0.0371 -9.9774 -9.3054 9.6042 0.0368 -9.9499 0.0346 0.0181 9.6280 +9-6857 -9.9530 8.0492 0.0244 +8.8904 -9.7718 -9.7739 +9.5691 -9.9693 +9.5596 +9.7104 8.3096 0.0366 0.0371 -9.4156 0.0030 9.0422 +9-5 6 i3 +9-4533 -9.9991 -8.8561 +9-436o , +8.4766 +8.5216 -7.9274 + 8.3906 -8.5483 - 8 -3339 -8.5451 +8.6733 -8.5133 8.4426 +8.0474 -8.5272 + 8.5718 +8-4475 +8.6018 + 8.4056 -7.9609 -7.1132 +8.5650 +8.3246 + 8.5800 +8.4791 -6.5576 8.4703 +8.3070 -8.1650 + 8.4677 8.2301 +7.7620 +7.7663 -8.3770 +8.2926 -8.3486 -8.4037 8.0876 + 8.4373 +8.4045 -7.6322 +8.2467 -7-8845 -8.2317 -8.1892 +8.2081 -7.9017 8.1487 -0.0331 0.0291 0.0128 0.0048 0.0016 9.9954 9.9910 9.9814 9.9693 9-9634 9-9599 9.9591 9-9495 9.9418 9.9402 9.9269 9.9181 9.9142 9-9J33 9,9099 9.9022 9.8993 9.8905 9.8889 9.8850 9.8774 9.8694 9.8671 9.8512 9.8476 9.8424 9.8329 9.8178 9.8120 9.8090 9.7891 9.7512 9.7104 9.7068 9.7048 9.7002 9.6965 9.6780 9.6764 9.6620 +9-9994 9-9994 9-9994 9-9995 9-9995 9-9995 9-9995 9-9995 9-9995 9-9995 9.9996 9-9996 9.9996 9-9996 9.9996 9.9996 9.9996 9-9996 9.9996 9.9996 9.9997 9-9997 9.9997 9-9997 9-9997 9.9997 9-9997 9-9997 9-9997 9-9997 9-9997 9.9998 9-9998 9-9998 9.9998 9.9998 9-9998 9-9999 9-9999 9-9999 9-9999 9-9999 9-9999 9-9999 +9-9999 276 278 iii. 645 iii. 646 2044 2046 1073 1075 B.F 820 B.F8i 3 M 227 B.F 808 J 141 61056 J 142 B.F 817 G 1060 M228 W 3S9 G 1065 Ji43,P274 B.F8i 4 M 229 P2 75 M 231 B.F 828 J 144 M 230 B.F 830 +0,16 +0,03 0,00 + 0,02 0,91 + 0,04 + O,II -0,15 +0,05 -0,13 +0,02 0,2 1 +0,18 2047 1076 859 862 269 *73 zyi ii. 735 iii. 648 ii. 736 2138 1096 863 866 861 277 281 275 ii. 738 ii. 739 iii. 649 v. 506 iii. 650 ii. 741 iii. 652 2080 2067 2093 2069 1088 1085 1091 1089 286 290 +0,04 0,83 +0,03 +0,25 0,00 +0,04 O,IO +0,49 +0,03 0,17 0,05 + 0,01 +0,07 869 283 ii. 740 2091 2070 21 1 I 2082 1094 1090 109$ 1091 292 iii. 654 v. 508 ii. 742 iii. 65^ v. 509 iii. 655 v. 510 ii. 743 iii. 656 ii. 744 870 289 280 2075 1092 867 285 2087 1095 872 874 865 868 864 871 287 294 295 +0,07 +0,15 +0,04 0,00 -0,74 0,12 + O,OI + 0,15 297 293 291 296 ii. 746 iii. 657 iii. 658 ii. 745 2084 1097 2IO6 2II 3 1 102 1104 877 302 3i3 ii. 747 iii. 662 2098 1105 + 0,07 873 298 ii. 660 O,O2 + 0,04 + 0,08 878 3i5 304 301 ii. 664 ii. 748 iii. 66 1 2099 1107 No. Constellation. Mag. Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a b c d 1936* 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942* 1943* 1944 I94S 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950* 1951 1952* 1953* i9S4 I95S 1956 1957 1958 *959 1960* 1961* 1962* 1963* 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969* 1970 1971* 1972* 1973 1974* 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979* 1980 si 7 5 5 6 6 6 5 H 6 Si 6i 6 7 H 6i 5i 7 6 Si H 7 4i 4i 6 7 neb. 6 Si 6 6 6 6 6 6i 6 6 6 6 7 6 6 Si 5 5 h m s 5 54 47,07 54 5 6 >5 55 0.27 55 o.77 55 3,8o 55 50.42 56 14,45 56 44,67 56 58,21 57 2.87 57 i3. 2 7 57 13.55 57 18.48 57 36,45 57 39. 6 5 57 40,00 57 44,97 58 5.i3 58 16,09 S 8 17,77 58 21,95 58 4i.73 59 0,53 59 22,12 59 22,16 59 5. 6 7 5 59 57 6 o 7,27 o 10,05 o 16,60 o 17,15 o 19,04 2I,8l o 25,36 o 29,68 o 37.51 o 53,92 i 10,16 i 23,76 i 23,97 1 39.77 1 56,77 2 3,68 2 11,65 6 2 18,37 s +2,820 3.707 3.645 3.5 6 ' 1,406 2,172 4,i34 5,291 3,198 3,168 2,410 4,119 1,407 5.3 12 5.43i 3,656 6,037 3,443 0,922 2,675 2,829 3,630 3,423 +2,714 11,731 +2,807 3>673 4,594 1,732 2,500 0,746 2,307 + i,73o 4,060 + 3,617 3,642 1,562 2,606 2,808 3,639 2,i59 1,696 1.855 5,389 +6,620 8 + O,OOO2 + O,OOO8 + O,OOO6 + O,OOO6 + O,COO4 o,ooco +0,0009 + 0,0019 +0,0002 + 0,OC02 + 0,0001 +0,0007 + O,COO2 + 0,0014 + O,COI4 + O,COO4 + O,CC2I + 0,0002 + O,CCO3 0,0000 + O,OCOI + O,OOO2 + O,OOOI O,COOO + 0,0079 OjOCOO o,ocoo o,ooco o,ocoo 0,0000 0,0001 0,0000 0,0000 0,00 1 1 0,0000 0,0000 0,0000 0,0001 0,0001 O,OCO2 o,ccoo 0,000 1 0,0001 0,0014 0,0028 s O.OOI +0,014 + 0,003 + 0,004 O,OO2 + 0,014 + O,COI +0,007 0,005 +0,001 +0,014 + 0,004 0,001 0,003 + 7.1885 7.2126 7.1991 7.1889 7.3189 7.1638 7.1452 7.2638 6.9471 6.9350 6.9550 7.0109 7.0971 7.1330 7.1400 6.8698 7.2022 6.7620 6-9794 6.7132 6.6841 6.6142 6.4745 6.2787 7.3098 5.6639 + 5.2028 -5.7277 S-8393 5.9420 6.2217 6.0272 6.1752 6.8238 6.1913 6.2964 6-5957 6.5562 6.6167 6.6459 6.7677 6.9097 6.9087 7.1065 -7.2796 + 8.8313 8.8681 8.8607 8.8512 9.0271 8.9048 8-9303 9.1114 8.8258 8.8250 8.8713 8.9279 9.0271 9.1144 9.1312 8.8620 9.2102 8.8401 9.1010 8.8421 8.8309 8.8590 8.8385 8.8388 9.8699 8.8322 8.8640 9.0047 8-9747 8.8602 9.1262 8.8853 8.9750 9-5584 8.8574 8.8603 9.0022 8.8486 8.8321 8.8599 8.9069 8.9806 8.9548 9.1254 +9.2768 +0.4503 0.5690 0.5617 0.5515 0.1480 0.3368 0.6163 0.7235 0.5048 0.5008 0.3821 0.6147 0.1481 0.7253 0-7349 0.5630 0.7808 0.5369 9.9649 0.4273 0.4517 0.5600 0-5345 +0.4336 1.0693 +0.4482 0.5650 0.6622 0.2385 0.3980 9.8728 0.3630 +0.2380 0.6086 +0-5583 0.5613 0.1937 0.4160 0.4483 0.5609 0.3342 0.2294 0.2683 o.73i5 +0.8209 -6-4534 + 6.8457 + 6.7957 + 6.7258 7.2109 6.9104 + 6.9392 + 7.1967 + 5.9226 + 5-7959 6.6013 +6.8011 6.9889 + 7.0669 + 7.0796 +6.4730 +7.1620 + 6.1904 6.9083 6.1660 -5.9338 + 6.20II +5.8812 5.6896 7.3080 -4-9507 +4.8164 -5.6037 +5.6891 +5.5356 +6.1596 +5.7228 +6.0253 +6.8163 -5.7688 5.8906 +6.4698 +6.0722 +5.9023 6.2381 +6.5185 +6.7651 +6.7366 7.0442 -7.2508 + O,CO2 0,OII +0,006 0,025 +0,007 0,003 0,009 +0,005 +0,004 Geminorum 67 Orionis V Mensae Monocerotis +0,006 41 Aurigae + 0,012 + 0,007 O,CO5 + O,OO7 0,010 + 0,O08 Puppis Leporis Pictoris Columbae Puppis Mensae Geroinorum O,CO7 + O,OO6 0,003 + O,OO3 3 Geminorum 19 Leporis 4 Monocerotis 4 Geminorum + 0,004 + 0,009 + 0,013 + O,O22 + O,CO4 + 0,003 Columbas Puppis Columbae TT' Camelopardi No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec.Var Proper Motion. Logarithms of fe- 1 5 3 a Taylor. Lacaille. Bris- bane. Various. a' V 6o 6 9 44,81 + 3*678 2,055 1,730 1,677 6,668 3.552 3.636 1,861 3-458 3,410 1.747 5.538 i,7 6 5 2,918 2,386 2,142 2,406 1,936 4,048 .S43 3,828 3,626 0,066 3.536 3.4S 6 1,722 5,300 4.477 3.459 4.475 3,666 3,369 1,167 4,013 2,925 3,660 3,362 1,158 5,565 5,332 4,oi5 3,306 3-759 +4,877 -0,375 s 0,0004 0,0000 0,000 1 0,0001 0,0036 0,0004 0,0004 0,0001 0,0003 0,0003 0,0001 0,0028 0,0002 0,0002 0,0001 0,000 1 0,0001 0,0001 O,OO 1 2 0,OOI3 0,0009 0,0008 0,OO2 1 O,OOO7 0,OOO7 O,OOO2 0,0038 O,OO2 1 O,OOO7 0,O022 O.OOIO 0,OO06 O,OOO8 0,OOI5 0,0003 O,OO I O 0,O007. 0,0008 0,0057 0,0052 0,OOI9 O,OOO7 O,OOI3 0,0042 0,0046 s +0,004 +0,014 +0,006 -6.8735 6.9411 7-0435 7-0745 7.3920 6.9873 7.0076 7.1026 7-oi34 7.0102 7.1451 7.3960 7.2287 7.1245 7-1781 7.2631 7.2289 7.3081 7.3005 7-5493 7.2892 7.2632 7.6327 7.2683 7.2647 7.4203 7-5579 7-43 4 7.3120 7-4758 7-3573 7.3390 7.5728 7.4259 7-3437 7-3958 7.3780 7.6139 7.7050 7.6988 7-4984 7.4171 7.4663 7.6706 -7-8944 +8.8647 8.9229 8-975 8.9836 9.2818 8.8504 8.8596 8-9537 8.8414 8.8374 8.9722 9.1460 8.9694 8.8266 8.8744 8.9093 8.8718 8.9417 8.9169 9.1540 8.8843 8-8583 9.2148 8.8486 8.8411 8.9762 9.1126 8.9857 8.8413 8.9852 8.8630 8.8343 9.0644 8.9114 8.8263 8.8622 8.8337 9.0657 9.1495 9.1172 8.9116 8.8302 8.8747 9.0493 +9.2655 +0.5657 0.3127 0.2381 0.2246 0.8240 o-SSOS 0.5607 0.2698 0.5388 0.5327 0.2423 0-7434 0.2466 0.4651 0.3776 0.3308 0.3812 0.2869 0.6073 9-7350 0.5830 0-5594 8.8176 0-5485 0-5385 0.2361 0.7243 0.6510 0.5389 0.6508 0.5642 o-5 2 75 0.0669 0.6035 0.4661 0-5634 0.5266 0.0639 0-7454 0.7269 0.6037 0.5193 0.5751 +0.6881 -9-5744 6.4904 +6.7229 +6.8935 +6.9328 -7.3639 -6-5175 -6.5984 +6.9292 6.4580 6.4010 +6.9924 -7-3401 +7.0730 +6.1797 +6.8370 + 7.0194 +6.8778 +7.1191 -7.0717 +7-4957 -6.9822 6.8469 + 7-5935 -6.7854 6.7070 + 7.2717 -7.4912 -7.2917 -6.7572 -7-3357 -6.9668 -6.6775 +7.4858 -7.1866 +6-3794 7.0014 6.7068 +7.5276 7.6502 -7.6338 -7.2598 6.6563 -7.1273 -7-5758 + 7.8640 0,007 +0,008 +0,002 + 0,012 +0,003 +0,005 +0.005 0,000 0,000 Columb5 54 44 24.9 80 o 35,0 62 44 12,5 36 29 13,6 158 48 42,1 +0,21 0,21 0,24 0,25 0,26 0,28 0,28 0,28 0,30 0,30 0,30 0,36 0,36 0,40 0,40 o,45 0,46 o,47 o,49 0,50 0,51 0,51 o,53 o,53 o,53 0,56 0,56 0,56 o,59 0,62 0,63 0,64 0,65 0,66 0,66 0,69 0,70 0,71 0,72 o,77 o,77 o,77 0,78 0,84 +0,85 +0,536 0,300 0,252 0,245 0,972 0,518 o,53o 0,271 0,504 o,497 0,808 0,257 0,426 0,348 0,312 0,282 0,590 0,079 o,558 0,529 0,010 0,516 0,504 0,251 0,773 > 6 53 0,504 0,652 o>534 0,491 0,170 0,585 0,426 o,533 0,490 0,169 0,8 1 1 o,777 0,585 0,482 o,548 +o,7" -0,055 + 0,08 0,00 +0,05 + 8.2742 -9.9780 0.0063 0.0094 +9.8955 8.8407 8.0000 9.9968 -9.1415 9.2423 0.0051 + 9.8276 0.0039 -9.7362 -9.9253 9.9670 -9.9211 -9.9903 + 9.3800 0.0361 + 9.0626 8.2430 -0.0374 8.9085 9.1468 0.0067 + 9.8022 +9.6292 -9.1405 + 9.6282 + 8.0170 -9.3130 0.0283 +9-3454 -9.7323 +7.7782 -9.3241 0.0285 +9.8300 +9.8060 +9-3473 9.4048 +8.8567 +9.7366 0.0368 +7.6257 7.8000 -7.9185 -7.9492 + 8.0820 +7.6671 +7.7387 -7-9755 +7.6165 +7-5635 8.02OI +8.1941 8.1036 -7.3530 -7.9625 8.1100 8.0058 8.1774 +8.1547 8.3416 +8.0978 +7-9885 -8.3786 +7-9366 +7.8657 -8.2953 +8.3784 +8.3059 +7-9*57 +8.3503 + 8.1036 +7.8430 8.4212 +8.2750 -7.5529 +8.1390 +7.8728 8.4616 +8.5005 +8.5163 + 8-3479 +7.8258 +8.2522 +8.5262 8.5981 +9.3110 9.3204 9.3707 9-395 1 9.4123 9-439 1 9.4502 9.4511 9.4742 9-4749 9-475 * 9.5522 9.5615 9.6000 9.6058 9.6559 9.6592 9.6685 9.6858 9.6974 9.7070 9.7070 9.7200 9.7217 9.7257 9.7461 9-7473 9.7478 9.7727 9.7926 9.7963 9.8067 9.8104 9.8166 9.8194 9-8355 9.8462 9.8502 9-8575 9.8835 9.8887 9.8888 9-8935 9.9231 +9.9308 + o.oooo 0.0000 0.0000 o.oooo o.oooo o.cooo o.oooo o.oooo o.oooo o.oooo o.oooo 9-9999 9-9999 9-9999 9-9999 9-9999 9-9999 9-9999 9-9999 9-9999 9-9999 9-9999 9-9999 9-9999 9-9999 9.9998 9.9998 9.9998 9.9998 9.9998 9.9998 9.9998 9.9998 9.9998 9.9998 9.9998 9-9997 9-9997 9-9997 9.9997 9-9997 9-9997 9-9997 9.9996 +9.9996 8 9 6 900 8 99 901 903 893 350 9 ii 337. 2 3 12 7 8 15 20 lii. 682 ii. 767 lii. 685 v. 546 iii. 68 1 ii. 768 ii. 769 iii. 686 ii. 771 ii. 772 iii. 687 ii. 770 iii. 688 M238 J 146 P282 M 240 M 239 B.F 864 M 241 M 242 M 243 L 3 i5 Ji47, P288 M 244 G 1129 G 1132 L 3 i 5 W 37 8 G 1134 2153 2160 "45 "49 1151 +0,08 +0,06 + 0,02 0,02 +0,04 + 0,12 + O,O I 0,01 2164 2167 2174 "47 "53 1156 1158 +0,04 +0,28 +0,20 +0,14 +0,06 17 ii. 773 v - 555 v- 554 iii. 689 2168 2178 2173 2182 1167 "63 1172 1166 "74 904 28 +0,29 + 0,01 +0,23 +0,26 0,14 +0,35 0,00 +0,03 0,05 + 0,11 + 0,01 0,00 +0,34 0,02 + 0,13 0,02 0,19 97 909 18 22 ii. 774 ii. 775 2203 9" 902 95 908 914 916 23 24 34 16 '9 29 3 32 ii. 777 iv. 449 iii. 692 ii. 776 iii. 691 ii. 778 iii. 693 ii. 779 ii. 780 v. 561 2191 "73 2201 "77 912 920 917 919 35 33 37 ii. 781 ii. 782 ii. 783 2205 + O,I2 + 0,02 + 0,09 +0,16 +0,07 0,00 906 910 918 921 27 iii. 695 iii. 697 45 43 40 ii. 785 ii. 784 iii. 699 2227 1187 (M 2) No. Constellation. Mag. Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec.Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a b c d 2026 2027 2028 2029* 2030 2031 2032* 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041* 2042 2043* 2044 2045* 2046* 2047 2048 2049 2050 2051 2052 2053 2054 2055 2056 2057 2058 2059 2060 2061 2062 2063 2064 2065* 2066* 2067 2068 2069 2070* 7* 6 7 7 H 5* 6 6 4* 6 6 6 7 7 6 7 8 7 5 5* 7 3 6 6 Si *i 6 6 6 6 5* 6 7 si 8 ** 6 7 7 6 4 7 6 6 neb. h in s 6 9 46,03 10 10,94 10 11,42 10 15,73 10 32,37 10 56,64 10 59,56 *n 6,72 ii 12,95 ii 38,63 " 54.97 12 1,60 12 16,23 12 23,60 12 29,34 12 30,97 12 40,l8 12 49,81 13 20,42 13 42,33 13 46,06 13 S3. 12 14 12,08 H H37 14 16,60 H 33.41 H 33.S 6 14 41,24 14 5!>53 15 6,88 15 10,64 15 24,15 15 29,21 IS 49> 2 5 15 49,68 16 5.74 1 6 9,74 1 6 24,98 16 25,81 1 6 36,02 16 38,09 16 42,62 16 49,20 17 6,98 6 17 17 + 3*656 2,307 3.652 3. 6 47 2,819 0,133 0,6 1 8 1,024 2,132 1,981 2,039 2,057 3,588 3.59 2,889 5>249 3,660 5,264 4,626 5,248 5,076 3,626 0,839 o.837 2,159 2,300 + 1,321 i, 806 + I.974 1,464 2,168 3,160 3,696 3.179 3,180 2,640 1.554 3.651 + 3.648 0,004 +2,193 3,602 i,752 9,39 8 +3,337 8 0,0014 O,OOO2 O,OOI4 O,OOI4 O,OOO4 0,0035 O,OO22 O,OOI4 0,0003 O,OOO3 0,0003 O,OOO3 O,OOI5 0,0015 O,OOO5 O,OO7I 0,00 1 8 0,0074 0,0048 0,0078 0,0070 0,00 1 8 0,0022 O,OO23 O,OOO3 O,OOO3 O.OOII O,0 1 60 O,OOO4 0,0010 O,OOO4 0,0010 0,0022 0,0011 0,00 1 1 0,0004 0,0009 0,0022 0,0022 0,0059 O,OOO3 O,OO2 1 O,OOO7 -0,0551 O,OOI5 s -)-O,OC2 O,OO3 -+-O,OO4 -{-0,008 -(-0,004 0,009 0,030 0,012 +0,00 1 -j- 0,009 0,002 +0,015 0,002 0,005 +-0,004 0,015 +0,008 0,004 +0,003 0,009 -7-49*5 7.5328 7.5094 7.5120 7.4940 7.8860 7.8250 7.7718 7.6005 7.6404 7-6413 7.6425 7.5828 7-5873 7.5640 7.8429 7.6050 7.8558 7-7748 7.8822 7.8588 7.6407 7.9054 7.9069 7.7012 7.6890 7.8438 8.2089 7-7475 7.8375 7.7265 7.6520 7-6965 7.6641 7.6642 7.6916 7.8520 7.7163 7.7163 8.0836 7.7626 7-7i83 7.8373 8.3825 -7.7094 + 8.8616 8.8848 8.8612 8.8605 8.8310 9.2066 9.1438 9.0858 8.9105 8.9342 8.9250 8-9221 8.8537 8.8539 8.8273 9.1052 8.8619 9.1073 9.0094 9.1050 9.0796 8.8578 9.1127 9.1130 8.9062 8-8855 9.0403 9.4016 8-9351 9.0176 8.9048 8.8239 8.8661 8.8243 8.8243 8.8444 9.0030 8.8605 8. 8601 9.2230 8.9010 8.8548 8.9709 9.5084 +8.8312 +0.5630 0.3631 0.5625 0.5619 0.4501 9.1222 9.7909 0.0104 0.3289 0.2969 0.3094 o-3i33 0-5549 o-555i 0.4607 0.7201 o-5 6 35 0.7213 0.6652 0.7200 0.7055 0-5594 9-9239 9.9228 0.3343 0.3618 +0.1208 -0.2567 + 0.2953 0.1655 0.3361 0.4997 0.5677 0.5024 0.5024 0.42 1 6 0.1916 0.5624 +0.5620 -7-5563 + 0.3410 o.55 6 5 0.2434 0.9730 +0.5233 -7.0949 + 7.2283 7.1106 -7.1097 + 6.7617 + 7-8452 + 7.7687 + 7.6947 + 7.3601 + 7-4413 + 7.4276 + 7.4239 -7.1410 7.1468 +6.6947 -7-7737 -7.2113 -7-7874 -7-6550 -7.8129 -7.7792 -7.2251 + 7.8391 + 7.8407 + 7-4525 + 7.3880 + 7-7443 + 8.1932 + 7-55 3 + 7-7236 + 7-4749 6-4773 -7-3244 -6.5742 -6.5746 +7-1789 + 7.7276 -7-3J74 -7.3I53 + 8.0462 +7.5029 7.2867 + 7.6844 -8.3730 7.0009 Canis Majoris .... Columbae x 13 Geminorum . . - -^ -j-O,OIO +0,002 + O,OO I + 0,004 0,009 +O,OO8 0,002 0,018 +0,003 +0,003 + 0,001 +0,004 +0,004 +0,003 +0,030 +0,010 +0,005 i Canis Majoris . . Mensae y. Monocerotis Geminorum 8 Monocerotis . . Monocerotis 2 Canis Majoris . . ft Puppis Geminorum Geminorum Doradus r? 3 Canis Majoris .... 14 Geminorum +0,004 +0,002 +0,015 Puppis Camelopardi Monocerotis 92 No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of fe 1 M 5 | S Taylor. Lacaille. Bris- bane. Various. a' V 7 129 12 45,O 127 41 14,0 127 II 56,8 68 48 21,4 68 44 14,1 97 45 49. 1 31 30 1,8 66 10 30,0 31 19 36,1 4 3 8 34.5 31 30 30,8 33 38 33-7 67 24 51,7 149 7 10,0 149 8 36,2 124 20 7,0 120 1,6 142 40 23,6 164 41 50,3 129 25 24,9 140 17 58,1 124 4 47,9 86 9 52,8 6 4 5 2 44.9 85 20 11,9 85 20 0,4 107 53 7,o 138 39 50,5 66 28 48,9 66 35 42,0 156 33 0,6 123 21 48,6 68 16 36,2 134 41, 18,6 " 53*57,8 78 43 +0*85 0,89 0,89 0,90 0,92 0,96 0,96 o,97 0,98 i, 02 1,04 1,05 1,07 i, 08 1,09 I,IO i, ii 1,12 1,17 1,20 1,20 1,21 1,24 1,25 1,25 1,27 1,27 1,28 1,30 1,32 i,33 *>35 i,35 1,38 1,38 1,41 1,41 L44 i.44 i.4S J.45 1,46 i,47 1,50 + I.5 1 n +o,533 0,336 o>53* 0.53 1 0,411 0,019 0,090 0,149 0,311 0,289 0,297 0,300 0,523 0,523 0,421 0,764 0,533 0,767 0,673 0,764 o,739 0,528 0,122 0,122 0,314 ,335 +0,192 0,263 +0,287 0,213 0,316 0,460 0,538 0,463 0,463 0,384 0,226 0.53 1 +o,53i 0,00 1 +0,319 0,524 > 2 55 1,367 +0,485 0,00 0,05 0,02 0,04 0,02 +0,05 0,10 + 0,10 +0,03 +0,11 0,19 0,02 + O,o6 + 0,07 O,O2 + 0,07 + 0,10 0,04 +0,06 +0,03 +7-53I5 -9.9407 +6.9031 7.4624 -9.7864 0.0370 -0.0353 0.0309 --9.9682 -9.9857 -9-9795 -9-9775 -8.6395 -8.6263 -9.7520 + 9-7957 +7-7993 +9-7975 +9.6765 +9-7953 +9.7713 8.2406 0.0331 0.0332 -9.9644 -9.9419 0.0240 0.0323 -9.9863 0.0191 -9.9631 -9.5638 +8.4871 -9.5458 -9-5457 -9.8570 0.0152 + 6.0000 -7.3222 0.0365 -9-9595 -8.5315 0.0043 +9.9476 -9.3627 +8.2329 -8-3431 + 8.2490 +8.2488 -7.9302 -8.6381 8.6244 8.6084 8.4491 8.5066 8.5021 8.5012 +8.2866 +8.2923 -7.8667 +8.6679 +8.3487 +8.6794 +8.6449 +8.7072 +8.6988 +8.3665 -8.7255 8.7268 -8-5455 8.5016 -8.7031 8.7908 8.6143 8.7050 8.5692 + 7.6524 +8-4574 +7.7488 +7-7493 -8-3335 -8.7235 +8.4558 + 8.4541 -8.8221 8.6008 + 8.4308 -8.7124 + 8.8634 +8.1685 +9-93I7 9.9497 9.9501 9-9533 9.9647 9.9811 9.9830 9.9877 9.9917 0.0079 0.0180 O.O22O 0.0307 0.0350 0.0384 0.0393 0.0446 0.0500 0.0670 0.0787 O.o8o6 0.0843 0.0941 0.0953 0.0964 0.1048 0.1049 0.1087 0.1137 O.I2II O.I229 0.1293 0.1317 0.1409 0.1411 0.1484 O.I5O2 0.1570 0-1573 0.1618 0.1627 0.1646 0.1675 0.1751 +0.1793 +9.9996 9.9996 9.9996 9.9996 9-9995 9-9995 9-9995 9-9995 9-9995 9-9994 9-9994 9-9994 9.9994 9-9994 9-9994 9-9994 9-9993 9-9993 9-9993 9.9992 9.9992 9.9992 9.9992 9.9992 9.9992 9.9991 9.9991 9.9991 9.9991 9.9991 9.9991 9.9990 9.9990 9.9990 9.9990 9-9989 9.9989 9.9989 9.9989 9.9989 9.9989 9.9988 9.9988 9.9988 + 9.9988 922 51 iii. 701 v. 567 ii. 786 iii. 702 iii. 703 M2 4 5 M246 M 247 Ji48,P289 M248 M 249 B.F 872 M 250 B.F8 73 G 1146 B.F 879 M 251 J 149 W 3 8 3 W 3 8a J 150 W 3 8 4 W 3 8 5 J 151 M 252 G 1151 A 2206 1183 9 2 3 924 927 S 2 53 56 2230 2224 2222 2213 2214 22iy 22l8 "95 1200 1193 1191 1194 1196 "97 v. 573 v. 574 ii. 787 iii. 706 iii. 709 iii. 711 iii. 708 iii. 710 ii. 788 iii. 707 iii. 713 iii. 712 ii. 789 iii. 716 928 926 925 65 68 70 7i 62 64 69 55 67 57 66 63 +0,13 -0,68 929 74 ii. 790 2242 2228 2229 2238 2283 2233 2241 2234 1202 I2II 1212 1205 1207 1213 1218 I2IS 1214 933 79 81 v. 580 iii. 717 ii. 791 v. 581 + 0,10 +0,03 0,04 +0,04 0,02 +0,06 0,0 1 +0,06 +0.10 + 0,02 86 iii. 719 v. 582 iii. 720 ii. 793 ii. 792 ii. 794 iv. 462 ii. 797 v- 583 ii. 795 ii. 796 93i 932 936 88 82 78 84 5 92 2247 1217 1219 0,00 +0,51 0,05 0,00 0,22 + 0,0 9 + O,O I -0,14 8? 89 2275 2244 1223 1221 939 934 95 9 1 ii. 798 iiL 722 v. 584 2253 1222 93 No. Constellation. Mag. Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a b c d 2071 2072 2073 2074* 2075 2076 2077* 2078 2079 2080* 2081* 2082* 2083* 2084 2085* 2086 2087 2088 2089 2090 2091 2092 2093 2094 2095* 2096 2097 2098 2099* 2IOO 2101* 2102* 2IO3 2104 2105 2106 2IO7 2108 2109 2110 2III 2112 2113* 2114* 2115 6 6 6 6 6 8 6 6 5* 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6i 6 6 4 7 6 6 6 5* i ** 6 7 6 7* 6 6 6 H 5* 6 6 a 6 H 6 7 6* 8 h m s 6 17 32,33 17 33,80 17 38,00 17 44.63 18 26,87 18 29,68 1 8 35,00 18 43.38 1 8 49,01 18 50,14 1 8 50,47 18 55.53 18 57.77 19 1,41 19 21,69 19 31.65 19 35,00 *9 35.73 19 52,79 20 3,37 20 13,58 20 13,93 20 14,73 20 33,28 20 35.15 20 37,46 2O 54,06 *o 58,75 21 8,21 21 9,14 21 18,39 21 23,77 21 25,93 21 31,85 21 33,11 21 47,82 22 4,08 22 22,24 22 36,75 22 39,85 22 59,83 23 4,63 23 II.OI 23 21,91 6 23 32,39 s -0,949 +2,274 2,247 + 5,226 -1,174 + 3,989 2,069 0,368 2,080 3.579 4^88 3,858 7,657 + 3-571 -15,550 + 3,080 2,971 3,066 *,945 3.563 3.579 1,360 1,074 2,962 10,406 1,328 3,788 1,918 3>59 2,428 3,626 317 1,891 0,902 2,909 1,588 5,004 o,747 2,223 3,920 3.452 2,230 5,218 5,080 + 3,500 s O,0 12 1 0,0003 0,0004 O,O I OO 0,0145 O,OO37 O,OOO4 0,0048 0,0005 O,OO23 O,OO6 1 0,0032 0,0350 O,OO23 -0,3923 O.OOII 0,0009 O,OO 1 1 O,OOO5 0,O024 O,OO25 0,OOI5 O,OO23 0,OO 10 0,0864 0,0017 0,0033 0,0006 O,OO 1 2 O,OOO4 0,0028 O,OOI7 O,OOO7 0,0031 O,OOO9 O,OOI2 O,OIO7 0,0039 O,OOO4 0,0042 O,OO24 O,OOO4 0,0130 0,0119 O,OO26 s 0,014 0,029 0,000 +0,00 1 8.2093 7.7740 7.7799 7.9914 8.2527 7.8147 7.8297 8.0900 7-8333 7.7677 7.9027 7.8053 8.2956 7.7712 8.8960 7-7539 7.7563 7-7554 7.8786 7-7933 7.7986 7.9809 8.0252 7-7775 8.5248 7.9942 7.8386 7.9064 7.7882 7-8339 7.8264 8.0119 7.9200 8.0776 7-7998 7.9767 8.0532 8.1164 7-8913 7.8926 7.8419 7.8991 8.1067 8.0896 -7.8563 +9.3246 8.8890 8.8929 9.1016 9.3460 8.9069 8.9198 9.1768 8.9180 8.8519 8.9868 8.8875 9.3769 8.8511 9.9689 8.8223 8.8235 8.8223 8-9393 8.8501 8.8517 9.0339 9.0779 8.8236 9-5703 9.0389 8.8774 8.9436 8.8221 8.8675 8.8569 9.0405 8-9479 9.1034 8.8252 8.9972 9.0683 9-1^55 8.8957 8.8960 8.8389 8.8946 9.1002 9.0797 + 8.8431 -9-9773 +0.3568 0.3516 +0.7182 0.0695 +o 6009 0.3157 9-5657 0.3180 0-5537 0.6521 0.5864 0.8841 +0.5528 -1.1917 +0.4885 0.4729 0.4866 0.2889 0.5519 -5537 0.1335 0.0312 0.4716 1.0173 0.1232 0.5784 0.2828 0.4856 0-3853 0-5594 0.1197 0.2766 9-9551 0.4637 0.2008 0.6993 9-8735 0.3470 0-5933 0.5381 0.3484 0.7175 0.7059 +0.5440 + 8.1867 + 7.4841 +7.5006 -7.9211 + 8.2323 -7.5687 +7.6085 + 8.0428 +7.6091 -7.3196 -7-7653 -7.5118 -8.2780 -7.3171 + 8.8949 -5-5796 + 6.6283 + 5.2810 + 7.6885 -7.3336 -7-3504 + 7.8780 +7-9453 +6.6887 -8.5178 +7.8943 -7-5H5 +7.7224 + 5-7I35 +7.4720 -7-4118 +7-9 J 3* +7-74I7 +8.0082 +6.8820 +7.8484 7.9690 +8.0548 +7.6214 -7.6235 -7.2823 +7.6266 8.0362 8.0107 -7-3434 Canis Majoris .... Canis Majoris .... 0,013 +0,010 +0,055 0,001 0,000 +0,004 + 0,002 Canis Majoris Canis Majoris .... + 0,001 +0,280 +0,004 +0,002 +0,010 +0,010 +0,003 78 Orionis . Columbse 18 Geminorum v Puppis 0,014 0,023 +0,006 +0,041 +0,002 +0,002 +0,013 +0,009 O,OI2 Pictoris 10 Monocerotis Cainclopardi Argus a. Auriga; Columbae Orionis Canis Majoris .... Geroinorum Colunibae 0,000 + O,OI2 + 0,OO4 + 0,028 + 0,019 0,019 + 0,001 +0,005 +0,003 +0,007 Pictoris 1 1 Monocerotis Puppis G 7 Lyncis Pictoris Canis Majoris .... AurigeC 19 Geminorum Canis Majoris Lyncis o Lyncis 0,014 0,002 94 No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec.Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of i Taylor. i i hi Bris- iiuic. Various. a' V 3 55 *5 i5.o 126 56 20,4 153 45 !7>4 126 37 56,0 69 7 24,2 43 13 33. 6 59 25 13,1 16 ii 58,4 69 25 10,0 175 54 28,3 89 36 58,8 94 1 6 14,4 90 ii 31,7 130 12 IO,7 69 41 54,4 69 7 34.9 142 6 3,8 146 17 25,5 94 40 3. 3 10 17 18,9 142 36 56,4 6 1 41 40,5 130 53 25,1 90 28 57,1 "5 45 33, 2 67 21 38,0 142 47 42,4 131 32 55,6 148 27 41,0 96 56 26,2 138 5 29,1 34 32 40,6 150 ii 54,0 122 29 18,4 57 26 35. 73 59 45.3 122 l6 40,7 31 46 28,5 33 3 9. 8 72 7 12,7 + M3 i.54 i.54 i.55 1,61 1,62 1,62 1,64 1,65 1.65 1,65 1,65 1,66 1,66 1,69 i.7i i.7i i.7i i.74 i.75 i.77 i,77 i,77 i, 80 i, 80 i, 80 1,83 1,83 1,85 1,85 1,86 1,87 1,87 1,88 1,88 1,90 '.93 1,96 1,98 1,98 2,0 1 2,02 2,03 2,04 + 2,06 // 0,138 +0.331 0,327 +0,760 0,171 +0.580 0,301 0,054 0,302 0,520 0,652 0,561 1,113 +0,519 2,260 +0,448 0,432 0,446 0,283 0,518 0,520 0,198 0,156 0,430 1,512 0,193 0,550 0,279 0,444 0,353 0,527 0,191 0,275 0,131 0,422 0,231 0,726 0,109 0,323 0,569 0,501 0,324 0,757 0,737 +0,508 +0,72 0,78 +0,21 +0,36 0.0346 -9.9465 -9.9511 +9.7922 0.0338 +9.3189 -9-9759 0.0358 -9-9745 8.7016 +9.6325 +9.1252 +9.9222 8.7482 0.0107 -9.6307 -9.7050 9.6408 9.9888 8.7882 8.7042 0.0223 0.0291 9.7107 +9-9555 0.0232 +8.9547 -9.9912 -9.6457 -9.9157 -8.2355 0.0234 -9-9935 0.0316 9.7412 0.0132 +9.7588 -0.0331 -9-9545 +9.2297 -9- x 547 -9-9534 +9.7905 +9.7709 9.0318 -8.8607 -8-5939 8.6065 + 8.8181 8.8849 + 8.6604 -8.6873 -8.8645 8.6896 + 8.4662 + 8.7770 + 8.6229 + 8.8997 + 8.4646 -8.9245 + 6 -7557 7.8031 6.4571 -8.7476 +8.4818 +8.4970 8.8424 -8.8656 -7.8633 +8.9458 -8.8537 + 8-6353 8.7770 6.8896 8.6026 +8-553I 8.8707 8.7919 8.9028 -8.0549 -8.8493 +8.8987 -8.9272 -8.7235 +8-7*53 + 8.4412 8.7298 + 8.9337 + 8.9287 +8.4980 +0.1856 0.1860 0.1879 0.1907 0.2075 0.2086 0.2107 0.2139 0.216 1 0.2165 0.2167 0.2186 0.2195 0.2208 0.2278 0.2322 0.2334 0.2337 0.2399 0.2437 0.2474 0.2475 0.2478 0.2544 0.2550 0.2558 0.2616 0.2632 0.2665 0.2668 0.2699 0.2718 0.2725 0.2745 0.2749 0.2798 0.2851 0.2910 0.2957 0.2967 0.3030 0.3045 0.3065 0.3099 +0.3131 +9.9987 9.9987 9.9987 9.9987 9.9986 9.9986 9.9986 9.9986 9.9985 9.9985 9.9985 9.9985 9-9985 9-9985 9.9985 9.9984 9.9984 9-9984 9.9984 9.9983 9-9983 9.9983 9.9983 9.9983 9.9983 9.9982 9.9982 9.9982 9.9982 9.9982 9.9981 9.9981 9.9981 9.9981 9.9981 9.9980 9.9980 9-9979 9-9979 9.9979 9-9978 9-9978 9.9978 9-9977 +9-9977 2298 2252 2255 1228 1224 1225 1236 L 209 M 253 G 1166 .Airy(C) Wol. iii. 1 6 M254 M 255 Z 410 B.H 263 J i52,R 92 B.F 907 G 1172 Ji53.P2 97 B.F 897 G 1179 M256 V- 585 lii. 724 930 9 o + 0,01 +0,17 -0,32 + 0,01 +0,04 +0,03 +0,04 937 v. 587 2263 2286 2265 1227 1234 1229 940 935 938 no IOO 96 98 iii. 728 ii. 799 iii. 725 ii. 800 +0,04 I, II +0,05 0,00 +0,08 -|-o,oi +0,03 941 IOI ii. 80 1 2512 2276 1269 1237 1235 943 945 944 942 107 III 108 117 109 ii. 802 iii. 730 ii. 803 iii. 732 ii. 804 +0,05 +0,02 +0,05 +0,6 1 0,00 + 0,10 +0,0 1 +0,09 + 0,11 v. 590 2285 2292 1238 1240 948 116 75 ii. 806 iii. 726 ii. 807 iii- 733 iii. 736 iii- 734 v. 592 2291 2284 2279 1241 1242 950 114 124 118 2299 2290 2303 2297 1*43 1246 "45 O,I2 0,14 0,05 +0,18 +0,03 O,II 0,08 0,02 O,OI 0,04 .... 128 iii. 740 v. 594 iii. 738 952 122 "5 iii. 737 v - 595 ii. 8 10 iii. 741 ii. 809 iii. 743 2311 2295 2300 1248 1247 1249 953 I 3 6 126 130 I 3 8 +0,05 O,OO 947 955 123 134 iii. 742 iv. 474 95 No. Constellation. Mag. Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a b c d 2116* 2117 2118* 2119 2 1 2O* 2121 2122 2123 2124 2125* 2126 2127 2128* 2129 2I3O 2131 2132 2133 2134 2135 2136 2137 2138 2139 2140 2141 2142 2143* 2144* 2145 2146 2147 2148 2149* 2150 2151 2152 2153 2154 2155 2156 2157* 2158 2159 2l6o 7 6 7 Si 6 6 6 6 6 N 5 6 6 6i 64 6 5 6 7i 6 6 5 6 6 7 6 6 H 6 Si Si si 6 H 6 6 6 6 6i Si Si 5 5 5 S H ni s 6 23 33,08 23 54,69 23 57,07 23 57.57 23 57,83 24 5.3 24 14,36 24 21,51 24 42,19 24 47,55 24 47,56 24 49-73 24 52,84 25 5.13 25 19,43 25 19,43 25 36,53 25 45,07 25 48,20 25 49,16 25 52,48 26 6,46 26 11,51 26 13,80 26 14,51 26 23,49 26 26,46 26 37,67 26 39,01 26 44,17 26 52,75 27 2,81 27 13.33 27 20,94 27 48,06 27 48,09 27 53.44 28 7,82 28 15,44 28 15,51 28 21,73 28 33,38 28 33,65 2g 36,89 6 28 46,49 S + 3,5 1,916 + 3,188 ->5 6 3 + 5-53 1 0,376 1,944 3,186 0,951 5,5*8 3,244 2,374 5>"5 3>49 3,886 2,640 2,498 3,78i 3,542 1,942 2,i35 1,480 1,924 4,129 3,460 2,076 0,567 S>573 + 3,25 0,501 + i,45 2,243 2,049 3-474 1,389 1,734 0,819 2,015 3,68 1 4,165 4,185 3,7S 2,102 4,291 + 2,512 s 0,0026 0,0007 0,0017 0,0130 0,0164 0,006 1 0,0006 0,0017 0,0033 0,0169 0,00 1 8 0,0005 0,0130 0,0024 0,0046 0,0007 0,0005 0,0041 0,0030 0,0007 0,0006 0,00 1 6 0,0008 0,006 1 0,0027 0,0006 0,0056 0,0186 0,0020 0,0139 0,0032 0,0005 0,0006 0,0029 0,0020 0,00 1 o 0,0045 0,0007 0,0039 0,0068 0,0069 - 1>47 6 5 0,0006 0,0078 0,0006 s 0,004 +0,016 -7.8565 7.9636 7.8440 8.3063 8.1653 8.1989 7.9649 7.8512 8.1303 8.1799 7.8609 7.9106 8.1223 7-8759 7-9358 7.8881 7.9082 7.9282 7.9003 7.9927 7.9632 8.0727 8.0019 7.9884 7.8996 7-98io 8.2142 8.2171 7.8924 8-3477 8.1531 7.9661 7-9987 7.9189 8.1147 8.0587 8.2025 8.0183 7-9555 8.0265 8.0313 9.2387 S.oui 8.0524 -7-9571 + 8.8431 8.9436 8.8232 9.2854 9.1444 9.1756 8.9390 8.8231 9.0960 9.1440 8.8250 8.8741 9.0849 8.8349 8.8907 8.8429 8.8582 8.8758 8.8469 8.9391 8.9086 9.0143 8.9421 8.9279 8.8389 8.9178 9.1501 9.1500 8.8249 9.2788 9.0819 8.8921 8.9219 8.8400 9.0287 8.9727 9.1150 8.9272 8.8623 8-9333 8.9365 o. 1404 8-9 J 33 8-9537 + 8.8560 +0.5440 0.2823 +0.5035 9.7507 +0.7428 9-575 0.2887 0.5032 9.9783 0.7426 0.5111 0-3754 0.7089 0.5326 0.5895 0.4216 0.3976 0.5776 0-5493 0.2883 0.3294 0.1702 0.2841 0.6159 0.5390 0.3172 9-7539 0.7461 +0.5119 9.6998 +0.0192 0.3509 0.3115 0.5409 0.1426 0.2392 9.9132 0.3042 0.5660 0.6196 0.6217 1.4879 0.3227 0.6326 +0.4000 -7-3438 + 7.7804 -6.7881 +8.2790 8.1096 + 8.1515 + 7-7755 -6.7877 + 8.0583 8.1242 -6.9730 + 7-5774 -8.0457 -7.2675 -7.6545 + 7.3770 +7-55 6 7.6017 -7.4246 +7.8039 +7-7235 + 7-9579 + 7.8173 -7.7831 -7-3483 + 7.7588 + 8.1603 8.1632 -7.0185 + 8.3195 + 8.0755 + 7.6893 + 7.7839 -7.3827 +8.0096 + 7.9097 + 8.1377 +7.8126 -7.5766 7.8302 -7.8396 9.2382 + 7.7816 7.8830 + 7-54 6 3 0,070 -o,035 +0,095 -0,043 0,000 0,014 0,029 +0,003 0,013 +0,004 +0,005 0,000 0,002 +0,003 + 0,003 + O,OO2 0,006 O,O26 0,048 + 0,009 Canis Majoris .... Canis Majoris 4 Canis Majoris . . ' Canis Majoris .... Puppis Z Geininoruin 0,007 +0,OO5 + 0,037 0,018 +0,005 -0,035 +0,0 10 + 0,021 +> OI 3 +0,004 0,015 -0,734 +0,047 + 0,001 + O,OII 0,002 0,004 0,027 0,009 +0,003 +0,010 Canis Majoris .... Pictoris Doradus it^ Canis Majoris .... Canis Majoris .... 23 Geminorum Puppis Puppis Pictoris Puppis 52 Aurigse Ursae Minoris Canis Majoris . . . . CQ Aurigae 5 Canis Majoris . . 96 No North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1350 Annual Preces Sec.Var Proper Motion Logarithms of V ffl 135 H5 Taylor. j Brig bane Various. of V ^ d f 211 2117 2118 2119 2I2O / // 72 6 55,2 130 58 47,4 84 57 21, i59 54 5-9 28 23 38,2 153 44 18,4 130 16 32,- 85 2 35,8 147 54 1 8, i 28 24 19,5 82 33 41,6 117 40 3,1 33 i 44. 6 75 44 8,1 58 27 16,; 107 57 24,0 113 18 48,6 61 51 58,6 70 27 41,3 130 20 55,7 125 9 28,0 140 8 13,9 130 48 46,4 51 26 21,5 73 40 53. 1 126 50 17,4 152 3 4,2 27 57 19.7 82 18 57,1 159 36 17,1 H 6 45 4.5 121 55 23,0 127 35 4.4 73 5 8,8 141 43 20,1 *35 I* 43.1 149 29 7,2 128 30 44,4 65 17 28,0 50 28 59,2 49 58 32,3 2 44 38,4 126 7 23,3 47 23 5,6 112 50 55-7 +2,06 2,09 2,09 2,09 2,09 2,10 2,12 2,13 2,16 2,I 7 2,17 2,17 2,17 2,19 2,21 2,21 2,24 2,25 2,25 2,26 2,26 2,28 2,2 9 2,29 2,29 2,30 2, 3 I 2.33 *.33 2,33 2,35 2,36 2,38 2 .39 2 .43 2.43 2,44 2,46 2,47 2,47 2,48 2,50 2,49 2,50 +2,51 a +0,508 0,278 +0,462 0,082 +0,802 0,055 0,282 0,462 0,138 0,802 0,470 .344 0,742 0,494 0,563 0,383 0,362 0,548 o,5i3 0,281 0,309 0,214 0,279 0,598 0,501 0,301 0,082 0,807 +0,471 -0,073 +0,151 0,325 0,297 0,503 0,201 0,251 0,119 0,292 0,533 0,603 0,606 4,45 0,304 0,621 +0,363 a 0,02 0,06 -9.0314 -9.991 -9-5377 -0.0347 J-O 82,0 + 8.4983 8.8344 +7.9625 -8.9912 +8.9629 -8-9735 -8.8341 +7.9622 -8.9597 +8.9776 +8.1454 -8.7008 +8.9583 +8.4300 +8.7611 -8.5314 -8.6447 +8.7232 +8.5749 8.8620 -8.8121 8.9408 8.8724 + 8.8524 + 8.5065 -8.8381 -9.0073 +9.0103 +8.1907 -9.0378 -8-996 8.7942 8.8590 +8-5395 -8-9777 -8.9338 -9.0195 8.8822 -8.7110 +8.8935 +8.8997 +9.0944 -8.8650 +8.9259 -8.6869 +0.3133 0.3199 0.3206 0.3207 0.3208 0.3231 0.3257 0.3279 0.3340 0-3355 -3355 0.3361 0.3371 0.3406 0-3447 0-3447 0-3495 0-3519 0.3528 0-3531 0.3540 0-3579 0-3593 -3599 0.3601 0.3625 0.3634 0.3664 0.3668 0.3682 0.3705 0-373 1 0-3759 0.3780 0.3850 0.3850 0.3864 0.3901 0.3921 0.3921 0-3937 0.3971 0.3967 o-3975 fo-3999 ' + 9-9977 9.9976 9.9976 9-9976 9-9976 9.9976 9.9976 9-9975 9-9975 9-9975 9-9975 9-9975 9-9974 9-9974 9-9973 9-9973 9-9973 9-9973 9.9972 9-9972 9.9972 9-9972 9.9972 9-9972 9.9972 9.9971 9.9971 9.9971 9.9971 9.9970 9.9970 9.9970 9.9969 9.9969 9.9968 9.9968 9.9968 9.9967 9.9967 9.9967 9.9967 9.9966 9.9966 9.9966 f9-99 6 6 95 iii. 74* iii. 74* M257 B.F 9 i4 Gu8o 61182 W 39 8 G 1184 W 397 W 399 G 1190 M258 p *99 B.H 470 Ji54 2307 125 + 0,01 + 0,22 0,29 0,17 +0,09 -0,47 0,0 1 +0,02 0,05 0,0 1 +0,18 0,04 O,IO 0,0 1 + 0,02 + 0,04 + 0,64 + 0,46 + 0,22 + O,c6 234C "5 94 125 iii. 745 -0.0350 9.9886 -9-5396 0.0305 +9.8248 -9-4794 -9.9273 + 9.7760 -9.2448 + 9.1767 9.8569 9.8986 + 8.9340 -8.8848 9.9886 -9.9671 -0.0173 9.9902 +9.4472 -9.1380 -9-9745 0.0338 +9.8286 -9.4732 -0.0343 0.0288 -9.9511 -9-9775 9.1014 0.0204 0.0044 0.0316 9.9812 + 8.3139 +9.4723 -9.4856 -9.9869 -9.9710 -I-9-5470 -9.8949 2325 2310 2328 125 125 126 2122 212' 212; 2125 2126 2127 212$ 2129 2130 2131 2132 2133 2134 "35 2136 2137 2138 2139 2140 214.1 2142 2143 2144 2145 2146 2147 2148 2149 2150 2151 2152 2153 2154 2155 2156 2157 2158 2159 2160 95 140 v. 595 ii. 812 v. 601 iii. 747 ii. 813 ii. 81 iii. 74 ii. 814 94 95 95 962 959 960 132 J 43 148 133 144 142 IS' '55 146 H7 230 iii- 75 ii. Si ii. 81 ii. 8 1 iii. 752 v. 602 v. 60; 231 2320 2319 2333 2326 126 1264 1267 126 159 iii. 756 O,O2 0,03 O,IO O,O I + 0,03 0,23 O,O2 + 0,11 O,OO 0,02 O,2O -1,32 + 0,05 O,OI +0,10 + 0,11 +0,05 +0,08 0,08 +0,05 0,06 954 961 152 160 141 156 iii. 75 iii. 757 iii. 754 ii. 819 232^ 2348 2368 2343 2330 2334 126! 1271 1275 1273 1270 1272 v. 605 ii. 759 ii. 760 iii. 758 v. 606 v. 608 v. 609 v. 6 10 tii. 763 i. 761 i. 762 i. 739 i. 766 i. 764 ii. 821 966 164 166 158 2349 2344 2356 *338 1276 1284. I27O 2 7 8 963 964 965 972 165 161 62 21 72 6 3 70 34i 28l B.A.C. (N) 97 No. Constellation. Mag. Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a 6 c d 2161 2162 2163 2164. 2165 2166 2167 2168 2169 2170 2171 2172 2173 2174 2175* 2176 2177 2178 2179 2180 2181 2182 2183 2184* 2185* 2186 2187* 2188 2189 2190 2191* 2192* 2193 2194 2195 2196* 2197 2198* 2199 22OO 22OI 22O2* 2203 2204 2205 ci AurisraE . . 6| S* a* 6 6 6 Si H 6 6 5 6 7 Si 7 5 6 7 6 5* 6 5 6 7 6 6 Si 3 6 6 5i Si 5 3 6 6 6 5 si 6 Si 6 6 6 6 ll 111 s 6 28 52,10 29 2,25 29 2,70 29 16,77 29 28,78 29 41,02 29 45,06 29 48,91 30 2,40 3 5.44 3 8,5! 30 1 1, 60 31 10,33 31 17,69 3 1 34,44 31 40,11 3 1 5M-9 3i 53.55 3 1 5 6 S 6 32 2,26 32 6,25 32 9,60 32 10,81 32 42,43 3* 43.4 32 44,21 32 57.53 33 10 >35 33 22,49 33 32.57 33 40,22 34 2.19 34 38,54 34 42,16 34 5 , 6 3 35 3.9i 35 15,09 35 16,87 35 31,91 35 55,29 36 13,31 36 21,21 36 23,18 36 42,98 6 3 6 45,49 + 3,809 2,222 3>4 6 4 2, 1 80 1,878 0,60 1 0,895 2,626 1,361 3,787 2,6 1 1 2,084 3,547 2,637 5,327 1,323 1,483 3,784 2,035 2,078 1,902 4,379 2,237 3>4 6 3 3,305 1,482 5,325 1,834 3,085 2,043 3,495 5>!32 1,598 3,695 2,037 1,330 3,807 6,296 3,385 4.334 4,586 i,955 0,649 1,631 + 1,628 s 0,0047 0,0006 0,0031 0,0006 0,0009 0,0060 0,0044 0,0008 0,0023 0,0048 0,0007 0,0006 0,0037 0,0008 0,0190 0,0026 0,0019 0,0051 0,0007 0,0007 0,0009 0,0095 0,0006 0,0034 0,0027 0,0020 0,0198 0,0011 0,0019 0,0007 0,0037 0,0 1 80 0,0017 0,0050 0,0008 0,0028 0,0058 0,0366 0,0033 0,0101 0,0128 O,OO I O 0,0071 0,00 1 7 0,0017 s 0,000 +0,023 +0,005 +0,017 +0,010 0,024 +0,027 +0,002 0,028 +0,00 1 +0,006 +0,00 1 0,002 + 0,004 0,011 0,009 -0,037 +0,003 +0,014 +0,009 +0,019 0,002 +0,017 7.9816 8.0000 7.9440 8.0100 8.0609 8.2601 8.2197 7.9601 8.1529 7.9966 7.9663 8.0381 7.9826 7-9799 8.2573 8.1821 8.1591 8.0214 8.0703 8.0649 8.0940 8.1176 8.0425 7.9952 7.9837 8.1711 8.2758 8.1193 7-9856 8.0903 8.0107 8.2617 8.1769 8.0461 8.1078 8.2254 8.0679 8.4309 8.0246 8.1583 8.2034 8.1395 8.3428 8.1969 -8.1979 +8.8791 8.8949 8.8387 8.9013 8.9491 9.1454 9.1039 8.8434 9.0329 8.8758 8.8448 8.9159 8.8463 8.8419 9.1154 9.0388 9.0132 8.8751 8.9233 8.9165 8-9447 8.9676 8.8922 8.8378 8.8262 9.0133 9.1150 8-9557 8.8193 8.9218 8.8405 9.0867 8.9942 8.8626 8.9225 9.0373 8-8774 9.2401 8.8306 8.9596 9.0010 8-9355 9.1384 8.9885 + 8.9889 +0.5808 0.3468 0.5396 0.3384 0.2736 9.7790 9.9519 0.4193 0.1338 0-5783 0.4168 0.3189 o-5499 0.4212 0.7265 0.1214 0.1711 0.5780 0.3086 0.3176 0.2792 0.6414 0.3496 0-5395 0.5191 0.1708 0.7263 0.2634 0.4893 0.3103 -5434 0.7103 0.2036 0.5676 0.3090 0.1238 0.5805 0.7991 0.5295 0.6368 0.6615 0.2911 9.8123 0.2125 +0.2118 -7.6687 +7.7314 -7-3979 +7-7564 + 7.8862 +8.2051 +8.1511 +7.4625 + 8.0507 -7.6737 +7-4818 +7.8142 7.5122 +7-4725 -8.i 93I +8.0836 +8.0444 -7.6977 +7-8599 +7.8430 + 7-9H7 -7-9645 +7.7693 -7-4494 -7.2246 +8.0566 -8.2115 + 7-9536 6.0269 + 7.8782 -7-4957 -8.1869 +8.0486 -7.6765 +7.8974 +8.1266 -7-755 -8.3972 -7.3888 -7.9979 8.0808 +7-9495 + 8.2863 +8.0644 +8.0658 Cams Majoris . . . 24 Geminorum . . . . y Canis Majoris . . - Puppis Pictoris u, 6 Canis Majoris . . y Puppis 54 Aurigae 7 Canis Majoris . . x 2 Canis Majoris 8 Canis Majoris . . y 3 Lyncis Carinae Puppis 25 Geminorum Canis Majoris .... Canis Majoris .... Puppis 5 5 Aurigse Canis Majoris .... Geminorum 1 5 Monocerotis +0,005 0,025 0,022 O,OOO O,OO7 Puppis 12 Lyncis Arsrus . . v Monocerotis Canis Majoris .... 26 Geminorum + 0,004 +O,O27 +0,0 1 8 +0,005 +0,013 0,006 +0,003 +0,006 + 0,006 +0,003 +0,003 +0,015 0,044 1 3 Lyncis .... Puppis . . . . V 27 Geminorum . . . . g Puppis . . Carinae 28 Geminorum 42 Camelopardi 30 Geminorum 56 Aurigse 57 Aurigae Puppis . . Pictoris Puppis Puppis . . + 0,020 9 8 No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec.Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of & 1 W 967 969 Taylor. 4J Bris- bane. Various. cf V 3 3,4 3,06 3,7 3,08 3,10 3,!3 3,16 3,17 3,!7 3,20 +3,20 // +o,55i 0,322 0,501 .3i5 0,272 0,087 0,130 0,380 0,197 0,548 0,378 0,301 0,513 0,381 0,770 0,191 0,214 o,547 0,294 0,300 0,275 0,632 0,323 0,500 o,477 0,214 0,769 0,265 o,445 0,295 0,504 0,740 0,230 o.533 0,294 0,192 o,549 0,907 0,488 0,624 0,661 0,282 0,094 0,235 +0,234 + 0,04 +0,07 +0,02 0,06 -o,37 0,03 0,22 0,05 0,20 +0,04 +0,03 0,03 +0,20 0,04 +0,01 +0,02 0,08 + 0,02 O,IO 0,09 + 0,11 + 0,03 0,09 +9.0145 -9-9543 9.1268 9.9606 -9.9938 0.0330 0.0304 9.8614 0.0209 +8.9523 9.8662 -9.9731 -8.8627 -9.8576 +9.8024 0.0218 0.0164 +8.9445 -9.9786 -9-9737 -9.9915 +9.5881 -9-95I9 9.1281 9.4064 0.0163 +9.8020 9.9968 9.6263 9.9776 -9.0453 +9.7768 O.OIIO +8.4728 -9.9781 O.O2IO + 9.0078 + 9.8751 9.2869 + 9.5671 + 9.6624 -9.9863 0.0313 0.0090 O.OOgi + 8.7861 8.8330 +8-5557 -8.8516 -8-9335 9.0561 -9.0435 8.6154 9.0141 +8.7941 -8-6333 -8.8945 +8.6619 -8.6265 +9.0735 9.0406 9.0270 + 8.8184 -8.9323 8.9222 -8.9657 +8.9926 -8.8728 +8.6072 + 8.3940 -9.0389 +9.0920 -8.9934 +7.2029 -8.9517 +8.6505 +9.0953 -9.0495 + 8.8089 8.9698 9.0842 +8.8725 +9.1520 +8.5529 +9.0330 +9.0744 9.0085 9.1424 -9.0703 -9.0713 +0.4013 0.4038 0.4040 0.4074 0.4104 0.4133 0.4143 0.4153 0.4185 0.4192 0.4200 0.4207 0-4345 0.4362 0.4400 0.4413 0.4439 0.4443 0.4450 0.4463 0.4472 0.4479 0.4482 0.4552 0-4554 0.4556 0.4585 0.4613 0.4639 0.4661 0.4677 0.4724 0.4800 0.4807 0.4825 0.4852 0.4875 0.4879 0.4909 0.4956 0.4992 0.5008 0.5012 0.5050 +0.5056 + 9.9966 9.9965 9.9965 9.9965 9.9964 9.9964 9.9963 9.9963 9.9963 9.9963 9.9962 9.9962 9.9960 9-9959 9-9959 9.9958 9.9958 9.9958 9.9958 9-9957 9-9957 9-9957 9-9957 9.9956 9.9956 9.9956 9-9955 9-9954 9-9954 9-9953 9-9953 9-9952 9.9950 9.9950 9.9950 9-9949 9.9948 9.9948 9.9948 9.9946 9.9946 9-9945 9-9945 9-9944 +9.9944 167 175 169 177 iii. 765 iii. 768 ii. 820 iii. 769 v. 612 v. 615 v. 616 iii. 770 v. 617 ii. 822 ii. 823 iii. 771 iii. 773 ii. 824 iii. 772 v. 621 v. 622 ii. 825 iii. 776 iii. 777 iii. 779 ii. 826 iii. 778 2347 2350 2353 2377 2373 2369 1283 1280 1285 1288 1293 1292 1294 M25 9 Ji55 M26o B.F 922 M26i W 4 o 4 G 1208 1156 M262 G 1212 M 263 G 1215 M 264 975 179 970 978 979 968 173 1 80 182 181 189 J 74 2359 1291 2383 2382 2375 2376 2379 2374 1302 1305 1303 1304 977 973 186 J 95 197 199 183 198 +0,09 + 0,13 + 0,03 O,o6 + 0,07 981 193 ii. 827 v. 624 iii. 780 ii. 829 iii. 781 2390 1309 971 185 205 203 2386 1310 i3'4 + 0,07 + 0,06 + 0,07 + 0,02 + O,o6 -0,13 + 0,03 O,O I + 0,02 0,14 + 0,04 0,05 0,18 982 976 202 192 ii. 828 iii. 782 v. 633 ii. 831 iii. 785 v. 636 ii. 832 ii. 830 833 iii. 787 iii. 789 v. 638 v. 641 v. 642 v. 643 2402 2397 2409 1321 1316 1322 1326 9 8 3 204 213 986 974 987 985 984 207 194 211 209 2IO 219 2411 2432 2421 1328 1333 i33i 1332 +0,52 (N2) 99 No. Constellation. Mag Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a b c d 2206 2207 2208 2209 2210* 221 1 2212 2213 2214 2215 22l6* 2217 22l8 2219 2 2 2O* 2221 2222* 2223* 2224* 2225 2226 2227 2228 2229 2230 2231 2232 2233 2234* 2235* 2236 2237 2238* 2239* 2240 2241* 2242 2243 2244 2245 2246 2247 2248 2249* 225O 3 1 Geminorum . . . . j; 4 6 ft 5 5 6 6 i 5* 6 5 neb. 6 6 A 6 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 6 6 6 6 6 5 6 6 6 6 6 7* 6 6 4 6 5 *i 6 h m s 6 36 52,29 37 12,08 37 28,83 37 30,11 38 6,23 38 21,57 38 22,71 38 32,47 S 8 46,37 39 6,16 39 11,22 39 31.78 39 46,65 39 48,45 39 5.9 4 0,53 40 2,48 4 9. J 7 . 4 35.99 4i 3.7i 41 4,82 41 6,99 41 11,71 41 23,60 4i 57.49 42 13,24 42 27,63 42 33,58 42 39,92 42 42,02 42 46,79 42 53.87 42 54,07 42 56,29 43 3 2 .7o 43 40,17 43 45.35 43 52.15 44 6,73 44 10,17 44 H.42 44 15.97 44 16,33 44 23,10 6 44 23,40 s + 3.377 2,030 3.37i 6,5'7 8,854 3.273 2,001 2,680 2,281 1,483 3,260 2,575 2,260 2,286 5.317 2,736 3,130 4,254 2.569 2,057 1,991 1,221 +3,457 2,884 +3,388 2,052 M73 3,600 1,629 +4.136 0,131 + 3,961 3,649 4,120 1,656 4,122 1,819 3,696 2,397 1,820 2,240 6,881 5,221 5.150 + 1,170 s 0,0034 0,0009 0,0034 -0,0434 0,1054 0,0030 0,0009 0,0010 0,0007 0,0024 0,0030 0,0009 0,0008 0,0007 0,0240 O,OO 1 2 O,OO24 O,OIO5 O,OOO9 O,OOO9 OjOOIO 0,0038 0,0043 O,O266 0,0039 0,0009 0,0031 0,0053 O,OO2O 0,0099 O,OI7I 0,0084 0,0057 0,0099 0,0019 0,0101 0,0014 0,0063 0,0008 0,0015 0,0008 0,0604 0,0250 0,0239 0,0044 s 0,003 +0,013 +0,005 + 0,010 +0,014 + 0,002 O,OO4 -0,034 + O,OI2 0,026 + 0,010 + O,O23 + 0,001 + 0,015 0,001 + 0,002 + 0,007 0,005 + O,OO2 + 0,005 O,COO 0,026 + O,OO2 0,020 + O,OO6 O,OO3 0,043 + O,OO7 0,028 + O,OII 0,018 +0,002 -8.0399 8.1374 8.0466 8.4826 8.6957 8.0507 8.1556 8.0659 8.1168 8.2485 8.0592 8.0873 8.1310 8.1275 8-3579 8.0773 8.0645 8.1938 8.0994 8.1761 8.1869 8.3123 8.0942 8-7445 8.0964 8.1889 8.3023 8.1229 8.2628 8.2014 8.5131 8.1757 8.1322 8.2OI2 8.2674 8.2088 8.2425 8.1477 8.1564 8.2466 8.1800 8-5945 8.3905 8.3810 -8.3538 +8.8296 8.9231 8.8291 9.2648 9.4709 8.8229 8.9276 8.8360 8.8842 9.0123 8.8220 8.8462 8.8872 8.8833 9.1134 8.8309 8.8177 8.9458 8.8465 8.9181 8.9288 9.0538 8.8348 9.4830 8.8289 8.9186 9.0295 8.8490 8.9879 8.9261 9.2370 8.8984 8.8548 8.9234 8-9833 8-9235 8.9564 8.8604 8.8666 8.9562 8.8890 9.3031 9.0991 9.0884 + 9.0612 +0.5285 0.3076 0.5278 0.8140 0.9471 0.5150 0.3013 0.4281 0.3582 0.1712 o-5i33 0.4108 0.3540 0.3590 0.7257 0.4371 0-4955 0.6288 0.4098 0.3132 0.2990 0.0867 +0.5387 0.4601 +0.5300 0.3122 0.1378 0-5563 O.2I2O + 0.6l66 9.1186 + 0.5978 0.5622 0.6149 0.2191 0.6151 0.2598 0.5678 0-3797 0.2600 0.3502 0.8377 0.7178 0.7118 +0.0683 -7.3938 +7.9292 -7.3936 -8.4529 8.6847 7.2324 +7.9548 + 7.5196 +7.8276 +8.1347 -7.2131 +7.6340 +7.8506 +7.8368 -8.2937 + 7-4691 -6.7165 8.0189 + 7.6509 + 7.9617 +7.9893 +8.2234 -7.5442 +8.7342 -7-4672 + 7.9760 + 8.2003 7.6952 +8.1314 8.0007 + 8-4793 -7.9248 7.7376 -7.9965 + 8.1324 8.0047 + 8.0814 -7.7815 +7-8158 + 8.0854 +7.9083 -8.5701 -8.3217 8.3083 +8.2692 9 Canis Majoris a 10 Canis Majoris .... Canis Majoris .... Canis Majoris Canis Majoris .... ii Canis Majoris .... 58 Aurigae 12 Canis Majoris .... Puppis Carinae Mensae 35 Geminorum Puppis x Carinae 36 Geminorum .... d Puppis Co AuriorsB . . Volantis 34 Geminorum .... 9 Geminorum 60 Aurigae +0,016 + 0,001 +0,009 0,011 o,oco + 0,022 0,014 + O,OO2 Puppis 6 1 Auriga; Puppis Geminorum Canis Majoris .... Puppis 13 Canis Majoris . . x Camelopardi 1 5 Lyncis + O,OO6 + O,OO6 0,014 Lvncis Carinae 100 No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1850 Annual Preces. Sec. Var Proper Motion Logarithms of fe 1 M B Taylor. J Bris bane Various. of b' c' d' 2206 2207 2208 2209 2210 2211 2212 2213 2214 2215 22l6 2217 22l8 2219 2220 2221 2222 2223 2224 2225 2226 2227 2228 2229 2230 2231 2232 2233 2234 2235 2236 2237 2238 2239 2240 2241 2242 2243 2244 2245 2246 2247 2248 2249 2250 76 56 47,4 128 15 16,1 77 9 l8 ' 6 20 56 48,6 12 50 39,7 81 15 32,3 129 2 37,2 106 30 50,8 120 55 12,1 140 1 8 14,4 81 48 18,7 no 37 15,5 121 37 29,6 120 47 43,4 30 22 52,3 104 16 8,5 87 25 40,3 48 2 51,5 no 51 26,0 127 37 1,1 129 22 59,2 144 34 40,0 73 37 49,9 167 32 43,0 76 25 9,3 I2 7 45 572 142 15 2,6 68 4 0,4 137 38 41,7 5 57 3> 157 41 30,1 55 Si 49- 1 66 13 33,6 51 22 47,6 137 8 1,5 51 19 1,1 133 38 2,0 64 30 46,0 117 9 46,4 133 38 1,8 122 20 19,5 '8 59 59.7 3 1 ^3 *7,5 32 15 13,8 H5 " 37,9 +3," 3,24 3,27 3> 2 7 3,32 3-34 3,34 3,36 3,38 3,4i 3,4i 3-44 3,46 3,47 3,47 3,48 3>49 3,5 3,53 3-57 3,58 3-58 3,59 3,60 3,6-5 3,67 3,69 3,70 3,7i 3,72 3,72 3-73 3,73 3,74 3-79 3,8o 3,8i 3,82 3,84 3,84 3,85 3,85 3,85 3,86 +3,86 it +0,486 0,292 0,485 0,938 1,273 0,471 0,288 0,385 0,328 0,213 0,469 0,370 0,325 0,328 0,764 0,393 0,450 0,6 1 1 0,369 0,295 0,286 0,175 +0,496 -0,414 +0,486 0,294 0,197 0,516 0,234 +o,593 0,019 +0,568 0,523 0,590 0,237 0,590 0,261 0,529 o,343 0,260 0,321 0,985 o,747 0,737 +0,168 // +0,17 +0,0 1 0,02 0,00 +0,03 +0,02 0,08 + i,H 0,00 0,2 1 0,00 +0,03 +0,24 +0,05 +0,04 0,0 1 +0,03 + O,II + 0,02 O,OO +0,15 + 0,21 0,06 -0,51 O,OO O,IO +0,54 + 0,02 + 0,40 + O,O2 + 0,12 + 0,05 9.300$ -9.9786 9.3092 +9.8844 +9.9370 -9.4458 -9.9814 -9.8429 -9.9439 0.0152 9.4609 -9.8769 9.9474 -9.9431 +9-7995 -9.8217 -9.5903 +9.5258 -9.8785 -9-975 1 9.9821 0.0226 -9-H33 0.0229 9.2808 -9-9755 0.0182 -8.5502 0.0080 +9.4501 0.0309 +9.2838 7.0000 +9-4379 0.0065 +9.4392 -9.9963 + 8.4871 -9.9213 -9.9963 -9.9502 +9-8958 -9.7866 +9.7769 0.0229 +8.5585 9.0001 +8.5586 +9.1822 +9.2078 +8.4034 9.0212 -8.6774 -8.9371 9.1161 +8.3848 8.7814 -8.9569 8.9469 +9.1737 -8.6316 +7.8922 +9.0664 -8.7976 -9.0365 9.0536 9.1626 +8.7023 9.2440 + 8.6309 9.0500 -9.1633 + 8.8386 9.1360 +9.0670 -9- 2 347 +9.0188 +8.8752 +9.0654 -9.1412 +9-0733 9.1171 +8.9131 8.9412 9.1211 9.0112 +9.2589 +9.2145 ^9.2116 -9.1997 +0.5069 0.5107 0.5139 0.5142 0.5210 0.5239 0:5241 0.5259 0.5285 0.5321 0.5331 0.5368 -5395 0.5398 0.5401 0.5420 0.5423 -5435 0.5483 -5532 0-5533 o-5537 0.5546 0.5566 0.5624 0.5651 0.5675 0.5685 0.5696 0.5700 0.5708 0.5719 0.5720 0.5723 0.5784 0.5796 0.5804 0.5815 0.5839 0.5845 0.5852 0.5854 0-5855 0.5866 ^0.5866 +9-9944 9-9943 9.9942 9.9942 9.9940 9-9939 9-9939 9-9938 9.9938 9-9937 9.9936 9-9935 9-9934 9-9934 9-9934 9-9934 9-9933 9-9933 9.9932 9.9930 9.9930 9.9930 9.9930 9.9929 9.9927 9.9926 9.9925 9.9925 9.9924 9.9924 9.9924 9.9924 9.9924 9.9923 9.9921 9.9921 9.9920 9.9920 9.9919 9.9919 9.9919 9.9919 9.9919 9.9918 +9.9918 989 99 c 9 8c 99 994 217 223 218 208 201 224 230 227 231 ii. 836 iii. 793 iii. 792 ii. 835 ii. 834 jii. 837 iii. 795 ii. 838 iii. 796 v. 647 ii. 839 iv. 490 iii. 799 iii. 800 iii. 797 ii. 841 ii. 840 iii. 798 iii. 802 iii. 803 v. 652 v. 656 ii. 842 2418 1327 J 335 M26 5 B.H 264 M266 P 3 i 3 G 1222 P 3 I 4 G 1224 M26 7 ? M 268 G 1229 B.F 963 G 1230 G 1234 1158 61228 B.H 961 2430 2429 2444 !33 8 1337 1340 228 233 239 2 3 8 222 2 37 234 22 9 241 245 988 996 995 992 IOOI 2437 2438 1341 2447 2449 2459 2527 1345 1346 1352 136^ 997 240 1 002 2 43 253 ii. 843 ii. 845 v. 660 ii. 84/1 v. 66 1 iv. 495 2 455 2471 1359 1360 247 2469 1361 999 244 2495 1367 003 248 ii. 846 + 0,15 O,22 + O,0 1 -o,33 + 0,22 O,2O + 0,07 + 0,01 ooo 246 iii. 804 v. 664 iii. 805 v. 666 ii. 806 v. 667 v. 668 ii. 848 2476 1366 005 252 2 475 2470 2481 2474 1368 1369 1372 1371 254 008 259 +0,18 0,0 1 +o,43 998 250 251 ii. 847 ii. 807 v. 669 2490 1376 101 No. Constellation. Mag. Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a b c d 2251 2252* 2253* 2254 2255 2256 2257 2258 2259 2260 2261 2262 2263 2264 2265 2266 2267* 2268 2269 2270 2271 2272 2273 2274 2275 2276 2277 2278 2279 2280 2281 2282 2283 2284* 2285 2286 2287 2288 2289* 2290 2291 2292* 2293 2294 2295 Canis Majoris .... Canis Majoris .... $4 5 5* 6 5* 4 6 5* 5 4 6 6 5i 5 7 6 4 6t 6 *i 7 Si 5t *i 6* 6 6 6* 6 7 6 6 8 6 H 6 7 6 6 5i 6 6 *i 6 5 h m s 6 44 43,18 45 25. 2 4 45 40,81 46 5,09 46 10,77 46 12,94 46 22,82 46 25,15 46 35,07 46 39,00 46 39,78 46 46,58 47 3>7i 47 I3.4I 47 32,86 47 36,06 47 54.73 47 57,54 48 34,18 48 49,19 48 58,47 49 7,45 49 H.4i 49 26,89 49 32,52 49 35,93 49 43,21 50 12,03 50 19,46 51 13,61 51 22,59 51 22,69 51 35,00 5i 35,41 5i 38,51 51 39,20 51 42,49 5i 55,47 52 16,91 52 26,54 52 27,13 52 41,10 52 43,86 52 45,52 6 52 55,64 s +2,266 2, 1 80 1,692 3, 6 97 3,382 1,485 1,890 2,117 1,304 0,631 +4>393 1,196 +2,593 2,796 3,494 2,365 2,488 1,880 2,589 4,101 3,49 8 2,596 2,749 2,675 3,7i5 1,280 1,888 3,710 1,492 3448 2,478 2,i53 3, 6 4i 2,469 + 3.45 1 -0,472 + 3,806 2,148 + 1,597 -4,837 +2,457 3,320 2,356 5,327 +2,196 s 0,0008 0,0009 0,0019 0,0065 0,0043 0,0028 0,0013 0,0009 0,0037 0,0092 0,0139 -0,0377 0,0010 0,0015 0,0052 0,0008 0,0010 0,0013 0,0010 0,0110 0,0054 O,OO 1 2 0,0015 0,0013 0,0072 0,0042 0,0014 0,0072 0,0030 0,0052 0,00 10 0,0009 0,0069 0,0009 0,0053 0,0266 0,0084 0,0010 0,0025 0,1736 0,0009 0,0044 0,0009 0,0321 0,0009 s + O,OO2 +0,007 O,O2 1 0,001 + 0,005 + 0,005 + 0,009 O,OO I 0,025 0,020 O,OO2 +0,180 + 0,001 0,005 0,005 +0,035 +0,004 0,030 +0,003 0,001 0,005 + 0,010 +0,005 +0,00 1 0,009 0,003 0,00 1 +0,00 1 0,024 +0,007 +0,004 +0,002 +0,005 8.1809 8.2006 8.2824 8.1691 8.1372 8.3215 8.2562 8.2198 8.3541 8.4549 8.2824 8.6633 8.1605 8.1442 8.1594 8-1937 8.1803 8.2726 8.1745 8.2540 8.1724 8.1786 8.1655 8.1736 8.2027 8.3856 8.2870 8.2077 8-3579 8.1871 8.2116 8.2583 8.2106 8.2146 8.1908 8.6350 8.2336 8.2637 8-3573 8.9688 8.2232 8.1894 8.2392 8-4834 8.2645 + 8.8850 8.8978 8.9771 8.8598 8.8270 9.0109 8.9440 8.9073 9.0400 9.1401 8.9675 9-3474 8.8418 8.8240 8.8361 8.8699 8.8536 8-9455 8.8417 8.9190 8.8360 8.8407 8.8266 8.8328 8. 8610 9- 435 8.9438 8.8602 9.0092 8.8304 8.8537 8.9003 8.8509 8.8548 8.8306 9.2746 8.8727 8.9010 8.9915 9.6017 8.8559 8.8202 8.8695 9- JI 35 +8.8932 +0-3552 0.3384 0.2283 0.5679 0.5292 0.1717 0.2766 0.3258 0.1154 9-7997 +0.6428 0.0776 +0.4138 0.4465 0-5433 0.3739 0-3959 0.2741 0.4132 0.6129 0.5438 0.4144 0.4391 0.4273 0.5700 0.1071 0.2759 0.5694 0.1736 0.5376 0.3941 0.3330 0.5612 0.3925 +0.5380 -9.6737 +0.5804 0.3320 +0.2034 0.6846 +0.3905 0.5211 0.3721 0.7265 +0.3416 + 7-8994 +7.9503 + 8.1427 7.8040 7.5010 + 8.2085 + 8.0819 + 7.9895 + 8.2589 +8-3999 8.1340 + 8.6438 +7-6954 + 7.4569 -7.6476 + 7.8700 +7-7896 + 8.1008 +7.7130 8.0458 7.6646 + 7-7" 6 + 7-5447 + 7.6361 -7.8487 + 8.2930 +8.1140 -7.8513 + 8.2449 -7.6311 + 7.8284 + 8.0185 -7.8138 +7.8371 -7.6386 +8.6074 7.9248 + 8.0257 + 8.2319 + 8.9630 + 7.8526 -7.4634 + 7.9216 8.4210 +8.0IU 38 Geminorum . . e Pictoris & 15 Canis* Majoris .... 14 Canis Majoris . . Canis Majoris .... 1 6 Canis Majoris . . o 1 17 Canis Majoris .... 19 Canis Majoris .... 1 8 Canis Majoris . .ju, 20 Canis Majoris . . j 39 Geminorum % Carinae Puppis Puppis Geminorum Canis Majoris .... Puppis Canis Majoris .... 41 Geminorum +0,002 0,017 + 0,002 0,027 +0,014 +0,019 +0,003 Volantis Geminorum Puppis Puppis Mensae Canis Majoris .... 21 Canis Majoris . . = Lyncis +0,004 +0,008 0,001 102 No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec.Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of ? K Taylor. J_ 2479 2486 1492 iris- >arie. Various. of V 6 159 48 6,2 60 34 44,3 125 18 45,8 138 3 1 33.4 170 38 58,4 115 13 0,0 79 10 8,3 118 46 17,7 29 59 3. 8 123 54 40,5 + 3",89 3.95 3.97 4,01 4,01 4,02 4.3 4. 3 4.5 4.5 4,06 4>7 4,09 4,10 4.13 4.H 4,16 4.i7 4,22 4.H 4.25 4.^7 4,28 4,29 4.30 4.31 4.3 2 4.36 4.37 4.45 4,46 4,46 4,48 4,48 4,48 4,48 4.49 4.5i 4.54 4,55 4,55 4.57 4.57 4.58 +4.59 a +0,324 0,312 0,242 0,528 0,483 0,212 0,270 0,303 0,186 0,090 +0,628 0,171 +0,370 0,399 o,499 o,338 o,355 0,268 0,369 0,585 0,499 0,370 0,392 0,381 0,529 0,182 0,269 0,528 0,212 0,490 0,352 0,306 0,518 0,351 +0,491 0,067 +o,54 J 0,305 +0,227 0,687 +0.349 0,471 Q.335 0,756 +0,312 a 0,02 +0,13 0,17 0,0 1 +0,06 + O,II -1,38 +0,07 +0,08 0,26 + 0,02 -i>77 + 0,02 + 0,04 +o,n +o,33 0,0 1 +0,24 +0,05 +0,10 +0,02 + 0,02 O,OO 0,01 O,IO O,O I + 0,08 0,01 -0,35 +0,04 +0,07 +0,29 +0,07 9.9460 -9.9590 0.0041 + 8.4942 9.2916 0.0136 -9.9904 -9.9673 0.0192 0.0287 +9.59*7 0.0267 -9.8711 -9.7964 9.0481 -9.9276 9.9000 -9.9910 9.8722 +9.4221 -9.0374 9.8700 9.8164 -9.8443 +8.6355 0.0191 9.9900 +8.6010 0.0123 9.1638 -9.9023 -9.9619 -7.8195 9.9046 -9.1563 0.0272 +9.0035 9.9626 0.0075 -0.0135 -9.9071 9.3860 9.9289 +9.7969 -9.9558 9.0061 9.0440 -9.1569 +8-9353 + 8.6652 9.1887 9.1289 -9.0733 9.2100 -9.2507 +9-'574 -9.2873 8.8444 -8.6236 +8.8021 -8.9907 8.9264 -9-H57 -8.8615 +9.1169 +8.8187 -8.8608 8.7080 -8.7931 +8-9775 -9.2393 9.1600 +8.9806 -9.2251 +8.7898 -8.9637 -9.1071 +8.9519 -8.9712 +8.7969 -9.3217 +9.0410 -9-"34 9.2290 -9.3499 -8.9852 +8.6316 -9.0405 +9.2959 9.1062 +0.5898 0.5965 0.5989 0.6027 0.6036 0.6039 0.6054 0.6058 0.6073 0.6079 0.6080 0.6091 0.6117 0.6131 0.6161 0.6165 0.6193 0.6197 0.6252 0.6274 0.6287 0.6300 0.6310 0.6328 0.6336 0.6341 0.6352 0.6393 0.6403 0.6479 0.6492 0.6492 0.6509 0.6509 0.6514 0.6515 0.6519 0.6537 0.6566 0.6579 0.6580 0.6599 0.6603 0.6605 +0.6619 +9.9917 9.9914 9.9913 9.9912 9.9911 9.9911 9.9911 9.9910 9.9910 9.9909 9.9909 9.9909 9.9908 9.9907 9.9906 9.9906 9.9904 9.9904 9.9902 9.9901 9.9900 9.9900 9.9899 9.9898 9.9898 9.9898 9.9897 9.9895 9.9894 9.9891 9.9890 9.9890 9.9889 9.9889 9.9889 9.9889 9.9889 9.9888 9.9886 9.9885 9.9885 9.9884 9.9884 9.9884 +9.9883 ... 261 267 ii. 809 ii. 849 v. 671 ii. 850 ii. 851 ii. 852 v. 674 ii. 811 v. 677 v. 678 ii. 8 10 1375 I 37 8 1379 P 318 M 269 Ji5 9 Ji6i Ji6o,P3i9 M 270 Jl62,P320 M 271 Ji63,P32i M 272 M 273 W 4 i6 W 4 i8 M 274 M 275 W 4 i 9 B.F 984 J 164 B.F 97 1 1 007 009 264 266 *55 z 49 8 H93 1511 1525 2547 1181 1303 1384 1382 T4K8 271 1389 1396 OO6 263 IOI2 IOII IOI4 275 274 270 278 279 ii. 853 ii. 854 ii. 855 lii. 813 ii. 857 v. 681 ii. 858 lii. 816 ii. 859 ii. 860 ii. 862 ii. 863 ii. 86 1 v. 685 iii. 818 ii. 864 v. 688 ii. 865 ii. 867 v. 691 iii. 821 2501 2506 2518 1390 1393 *395 1016 1010 101$ 1017 1019 ioi; 282 276 281 287 286 289 183 *537 2530 1401 1400 1015 291 288 2541 1406 294 300 ^535 2539 1410 296 1411 2538 0,04 0,07 0,00 +0,07 +0,13 +0,11 +0,17 1020 297 ii. 866 2586 2546 *557 2648 1420 1412 1418 H35 1416 295 iii. 822 v. 696 33 ii. 868 0,0 1 + 0,02 O,O I IO2^ 304 293 306 ii. 869 iii. 823 iii. 825 2550 1419 ^554 1421 r6 103 No. Constellation. Mag. Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a b c d 2296 2297 2298 2299 2300 2301 2302 2303* 2304 2305 2306* 2307 2308 2309 2310 2311* 2312 2313 2314 *3'5 2316 2317 2318 2319 2320* 2321 2322 2323 2324 2325* 2326* 2327 2328 2329* 2330 2331 1332 2333 2 3 34* 2335 2336 2337 2338 2339* 2340 6 si 8 6 6 H 6 6 6 4 6 si 6 l\ 6 var. 6 H 6 6 6 6 4 4 6 6 6 7* 6 6 44 5 5* 7 6 7 Si 6 6 6i 6 6* S Si 5 h m s 6 52 56,38 53 6,80 53 ".75 53 I6 ' X 7 53 43.68 53 58,06 54 20,08 54 59. 2 3 55 6 .33 55 12,62 55 19.37 55 28,02 55 44. 6 4 55 44.79 55 47,78 56 0,42 56 10,23 56 16,38 56 17,59 56 24,00 56 26,07 S 6 37.^4 56 45,80 56 58,36 57 3.i7 57 i3,55 57 26,23 57 34,42 57 37,i5 58 45-93 59 !2,4o 59 '7.78 59 21,47 59 37,8o 59 45,74 59 46,04 6 59 59,34 7 o 4,29 o 27,97 o 52,96 o 56,76 I 11,87 I 19,91 I 29,58 7 i 35,29 + 1^832 0,66 1 +2,357 3>66i 4,795 3,809 1,745 2,443 3,284 3,5 6 3 3,327 2,979 1,181 2,389 *33 2,979 5,4i3 3,617 3,968 2,151 i,583 11,760 2,504 2,713 80,198 1,460 3,285 3,49 1 i,855 0,941 I3,i37 1,902 1,848 3,435 3,445 3,828 + 1,566 0,080 +4,610 2,057 0,928 1,905 4.136 1,121 + 3,82 9 s 0,00 1 6 0,0310 0,0009 0,0072 0,0225 0,0088 0,0020 0,0010 0,0044 0,0065 0,0046 0,0025 0,0055 0,0010 0,0058 0,0026 0,0361 0,0072 0,0110 0,0010 0,0028 0,3290 0,0011 0,0015 22,4350 0,0035 0,0045 0,0062 0,0017 0,0080 0,4520 0,0015 0,0017 0,0059 0,0060 0,0100 0,0031 0,0231 0,02 1 8 O,OO 1 2 0,0085 0,0016 0,0144 0,0065 0,0103 s 0,029 0,017 +0,015 +0,003 +0,004 +0,014 +0,007 0,138 +0,019 +0,004 -8.3237 8.6675 8.2429 8.2270 8.4102 8.2525 8.3496 8.2455 8.2065 8.2308 8.2107 8.2046 8.4527 8.2586 8.4606 8.2087 8.5236 8.2452 8.2948 8.2990 8-3933 9-433 8.2513 8.2308 9.9903 8.4197 8.2242 8.2411 8-3569 8.5129 9.1262 8.3616 8-37" 8.2509 8.2527 8.2994 8.4231 8.6584 8.4324 8-3475 8.5311 8-3749 8.3592 8.5057 8.3126 + 8.9523 9.2946 8.8693 8.8528 9.0322 8.8724 8.9664 8.8569 8.8170 8.8404 8.8194 8.8121 9.0580 8.8639 9.0655 8.8119 9.1255 8.8462 8.8957 8.8990 8.9930 9.6415 8.8485 8.8263 0.5851 9.0131 8. 8160 8.8318 8.9472 9.0942 9.7042 8.9390 8.9479 8.8257 8.8265 8.8731 8.9951 9.2299 9.0008 8.9128 9.0960 8-9379 8.9211 9.0665 +8.8726 +0.2629 9.8201 +0.3723 0.5637 0.6808 0.5808 0.2419 0.3879 0.5165 0.5519 0.5220 0.4741 0.0723 0.3781 0.0543 0.4740 -7334 0.5584 0.5986 0.3327 0.1995 1.0704 0.3986 -4335 1.9042 0.1643 0.5166 0.5429 0.2684 9.9736 1.1185 0.2792 0.2668 0.5360 0.5372 0.5830 +0.1947 8.9015 +0.6637 0.3133 9-9673 0.2799 0.6166 0.0497 +0.5831 + 8.1622 + 8.6426 + 7.9251 -7-8435 -8.3125 7.9460 + 8.2033 + 7-8843 -7.4173 7.7808 -7.4978 + 7-0509 + 8.3688 + 7.9263 + 8.3801 +7.0577 -8-4655 -7.8345 8.0501 + 8.0612 + 8.2705 -9.0385 + 7.8541 + 7.6554 9.9902 + 8.3114 -7.4376 -7.7303 + 8.1922 + 8-4447 9.1227 + 8.1882 + 8.2081 7.6850 -7-6975 8.0033 + 8.3033 + 8.6247 -8.3168 + 8.1383 + 8.4640 + 8.2013 -8.1632 + 8.4269 8.0179 Canis Majoris .... 42 Geminorum .... to Canis Majoris .... 43 Geminorum . . . - +0,003 0,006 +0,002 22 Canis Majoris Monocerotis +0,013 +0,003 +0,003 0,0 1 6 0,030 0,018 0,088 +0,003 +0,005 -0,323 +0,00 1 +0,008 0,001 +0,008 +0,02 1 +0,009 +0,009 0,010 +0,006 +0,002 +0,019 0,031 0,027 Camelopardi 24 Canis Majoris . . O 9 23 Canis Majoris . . y Ursae Minoris .... 1 Cannae S Canis Minoris .... Geminorirm Puppis Carinau Camelopardi Puppis C Puppis Geminorum 45 Geminorum Geminorum .... Puppis H Volantis . . Lyncis Puppis O,OII +0,002 0,001 +0,009 +0,00 1 +0,002 Carinae Puppis 63 Aurigae Carinae 46 Geminorum . . . . f 104 No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. : Sec. Var Proper Motion. Logarithms of >> 1 Taylor. 1 Bris- bane Various. a' V c' d' 2296 2297 2298 2299 2300 2301 2302 2303 2304 *35 2306 2307 2308 2309 2310 2311 2312 2313 *3H 2 3'5 2316 2317 2318 2319 2320 2321 2322 2323 2324 2325 2326 2327 2328 2329 2330 2331 2332 2 333 2 334 2335 2336 2337 2338 2 339 2340 / // 133 35 16,0 160 46 30,9 118 45 26,8 6 5 34 33.8 37 i 25,9 60 24 57,6 135 33 49,9 "5 4 8 2 3.3 80 38 58,3 69 12 52,6 78 49 59,6 94 i 31,9 H5 3i iSS 117 43 23,2 146 ii 13,3 94 3 > 6 28 58 44,5 67 8 35,5 55 l8 17,6 125 20 1,4 138 55 25>7 8 29 9,2 113 37 1,4 105 24 56,7 57 44.9 141 ii 23,7 80 35 33,7 72 i 57,9 133 ii 16,3 148 43 47,0 7 19 2,0 132 7 8,6 133 24 16,6 74 14 13, 1 73 5 *> 59 37 H>7 139 22 4,2 157 42 37,6 39 5 8 i 6 ,7 128 9 11,3 148 57 16,0 132 6 5,9 50 26 27,0 146 31 21,7 59 3 5^,6 a +4,59 4,6 1 4,61 4,62 4,66 4,68 4,71 4,77 4.78 4,79 4,79 4,8 1 4,83 4,83 4,83 4,85 4,87 4,88 4,88 4,89 4,89 4,90 4,92 4.93 4,94 4,96 4,97 4,99 4,99 5>9 5,12 5,i3 5.H 5,i6 5,i7 5,17 5>i9 5,20 5,23 5,27 5> 2 7 5> 2 9 5,30 5,3* + 5,33 +0,260 0,094 +o,335 0,520 0,680 0,540 0,247 0,346 0,465 0,505 0,471 0,422 0,167 0,338 0,160 0,422 0,766 0,512 0,561 0,304 0,224 1,663 o,354 0,384 11,336 0,206 0,464 o,493 0,262 0,133 1,852 0,268 0,261 0,484 0,485 o,539 +0,221 0,011 +0,649 0,290 0,131 0,268 0,582 0,158 +0,538 0,06 0,03 0,20 +0,0 1 +0,02 +0,72 +0,04 -9.9937 0.0261 -9.9287 +7.8633 +9.7121 +9.0116 -9.9991 -9.9104 -9-4320 -8.7860 -9.3760 -9.6999 0.0195 9.9220 0.0203 9.7002 +9.8052 -8.3636 +9.2907 -9.9614 0.0070 +9.9518 -9.8954 9.8300 + 9.9830 0.0116 -9.4310 -9.0569 -9.9909 0.0221 + 9.9560 9.9869 9.9910 9.1906 -9.1697 + 9.0577 O.OO68 0.0246 + 9.6638 -9.9719 O.O2I4 9.9862 + 9.4465 0.0186 +9.0611 9.1982 -9.3362 9.0440 + 8.9788 +9.2682 +9.0614 -9.2245 -9.0147 +8.5876 +8.9277 +8.6656 8.2260 -9.2978 -9.0494 9.3017 -8.2327 +9.3269 +8.9751 +9.1412 -9.1489 9.2642 +9.3836 8.9922 8.8156 +9-39*5 9.2846 +8.6078 + 8.8847 -9.2311 9.3360 +9.4038 -9-2345 -9^455 +8.8444 +8.8560 +9- JI 53 -9.2931 -9.3798 +9.3007 9.2100 -9-35 2 5 -9.2478 +9.2264 -9.3446 +9.1294 +0.6620 0.6634 0.6640 0.6646 0.6683 0.6702 0.6730 0.6781 0.6790 0.6799 0.6807 0.6818 0.6840 0.6840 0.6844 0.6860 0.6872 0.6880 0.6881 0.6889 0.6892 0.6906 0.6917 0.6932 0.6938 0.6951 0.6967 0.6977 0.6980 0.7064 0.7096 0.7102 0.7107 0.7126 o.7i35 0.7136 0.7151 0.7157 0.7185 0.7214 0.7219 0.7236 0.7245 0.7256 +0.7263 +9.9883 9.9832 9.9882 9.9882 9.9880 9.9879 9.9877 9.9874 9.9873 9.9873 9.9872 9.9872 9.9870 9.9870 9.9870 9.9869 9.9868 9.9868 9.9868 9.9867 9.9867 9.9866 9.9865 9.9864 9.9864 9.9863 9.9862 9.9862 9.9861 9.9856 9-9853 9-9853 9-9853 9.9851 9.9851 9.9851 9.9850 9.9849 9.9847 9.9845 9.9845 9.9843 9.9843 9.9842 +9.9841 V. 697 2561 2597 1422 1428 R 94 B.F 989 M 276 W 4 2I M 277 B.F 987 J 165 M2 7 8 J 166 Ji6 7 G 1119 M 279 B.H26i M 280 R 9S B.F 994? M28i 1021 307 3O2 301 35 3M- iv. 505 ii. 870 iii. 826 ii. 871 iii. 828 2576 2573 H30 1432 1431 +0,10 + 0,01 1024 313 312 iii. 829 ii. 872 0,03 +0,33 +0,0 1 1026 3 J 5 ii. 873 v. 705 ii. 875 v. 706 iii. 832 iii. 830 ii. 876 iii. 833 2594 2581 H39 J437 1440 IO27 1022 1025 320 319 308 317 316 +0,04 + 0,02 + 0,17 0,17 +0,16 +0,0 1 0,0 1 +0,03 0,0 1 0,2 1 + 0,12 + O.O2 +0,10 0,23 +0,02 0,02 0,13 2589 2 595 2588 I444 1446 *445 v. 709 iii. 827 ii. 877 ii. 878 1029 1028 285 3*3 325 2601 1451 3*4 322 327 iii. 834 iii. 835 iii. 837 v. 717 ii. 874 iii. 840 iii. 841 iii. 838 ii. 879 iii. 839 v. 721 2600 2621 H53 1461 292 335 336 33* 333 330 2607 2608 1462 1464 + 0,07 + 0,19 + 0,03 C,22 2624 2646 1467 1472 0,23 -0,17 + 0,23 O,OO O,2 1 + 0,o6 v. 724 v. 726 ii. 843 ii. 880 v. 727 ii. 88 1 2625 2640 2631 2642 1470 H75 H73 H77 3 2 344 338 33 34i B.A.C. (O 105 No. Constellation. Mag. Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a * c d 2,341 2342* 2343 2344 234S 2346* 2347* 2348 2 349 2350 2351 2352 2353 2354 2355 2356 2357 2358 2359* 2360 2361 2362 2363* 2364 2365* 2366 2367* 2368 2369* 2370 2371* 2372 2373 2374 2375* 2376* 2377 2378 2379* 2380* 2381 2382 2383 2384 2385 Si *i 6 5* 3* 7* 7 si 5 6 tf 74 6 6 5 6 6 4* 7 6 6 5 7* 6 6 7 6 6 6| 5* 6 6* 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 6* 7 6 6 h m s 7 i 40,61 i 43,01 2 4,69 2 12,49 2 17,67 2 21,12 2 42,81 2 46,73 2 47,3* 3 19.38 3 32,26 3 35.49 3 379 8 3 43.72 3 43,85 3 5 ',29 3 54.66 4 ".27 4 i5,!7 4 28,77 4 4,93 4 45,28 5 T 5,4o 5 3!>25 5 37.5 1 5 38,27 5 46,21 6 3,97 6 IO,I2 6 16,29 6 16,58 6 17,05 6 28,28 6 34,83 6 45,11 6 5,37 7 1,85 7 6,27 7 6,75 7 17,85 7 35-9 1 7 39,0! 7 45,20 7 49.67 7 8 1,01 s +4,701 1,853 3,730 1,964 2,438 5,33 3.429 2,980 5.29 1 3.653 2,471 3,698 1,441 3,069 2,014 3,203 1,427 3,065 3,425 1,782 4,472 3,449 3,668 3,673 5,220 3,070 4,735 2,454 + 5,237 -3.65 1 +2,3H 2,038 3,146 3,756 1,613 5,246 ",327 2,130 4,581 1,987 4,188 3>073 + 3-721 -0,193 +2,308 s 0,0241 0,0018 0,0092 0,0014 0,00 1 1 -0,0375 0,006 1 0,0029 0,0375 0,0085 0,0011 0,0090 0,0040 0,0034 0,0014 0,0044 0,0042 0,0035 0,0062 0,0022 0,0208 0,0066 0,0090 0,0090 -0,0374 0,0035 0,0264 0,00 1 1 0,0382 -0,1544 0,0010 0,0013 0,0041 0,0102 0,0031 0,0388 -o,3577 0,00 1 1 0,0238 0,0015 0,0167 0,0036 0,0100 0,0286 0,0010 a -8.4561 8.3875 8.3018 8.3722 8.2998 8-5545 8.2719 8.2572 8.5558 8.3003 8-3039 8-3079 8.4699 8.2625 8.3751 8.2656 8.4740 8.2656 8.2819 8.4186 8.4391 8.2873 8.3151 8.3174 8.5653 8.2749 8.4903 8.3229 8.5714 9.0065 8.3440 8.3877 8.2810 8.3356 8.4623 8-5773 9.0985 8-3779 8.4738 8.4028 8.4105 8.2877 8.3383 8.7266 -8.3561 + 9.0155 8.9466 8.8583 8-9277 8.8546 9.1090 8.8237 8.8085 9.1071 8.8477 8.8497 8.8533 9.0150 8.8069 8.9189 8.8092 9.0172 8.8066 8.8225 8-9577 8.9767 8.8244 8.8487 8.8491 9.0963 8.8059 9.0203 8.8508 9.0986 9-533 8.8705 8.9141 8. 8061 8.8600 8.9857 9.0999 9.6197 8.8987 8-9945 8.9222 8.9279 8.8047 8.8546 9.2425 +8.8707 + 0.6722 0.2678 0.5717 0.2932 0.3870 0.7245 0.5352 0-4743 0-7235 0.5627 0.3929 0-5679 0.1585 0.4870 0.3041 0.5056 0.1545 0.4864 0-5347 0.2509 0.6505 0-5377 0.5644 0.5650 0.7177 0.4872 0.6753 0.3898 +0.7191 0.5625 +0.3643 0.3092 0.4978 0-5747 0.2076 0.7198 1.0541 0.3285 0.6610 0.2983 0.6220 0.4875 + 0.5707 9.2849 +0.3632 -8.3507 + 8.2243 7.9604 + 8.1862 + 7.9440 8.4922 7.7008 + 7.1015 8.4929 -7-9'59 + 7.9297 -7-9496 + 8.3649 + 5.2845 +8.1779 -7-2775 + 8.3704 + 5.9040 -7.7067 +8.2688 8.3067 -7.7383 -7.9404 -7.9456 -8.4991 +4.5838 -8.3891 + 7.9600 8.5062 + 8.9988 +8.0504 + 8.1852 -7.0495 8.0094 + 8.3381 -8.5127 -9.0933 + 8.1502 -8.3563 + 8.2131 8.2287 -5.4996 -7-9947 + 8.6956 + 8.0658 + 0,007 +O,OO2 + O.OO I +0,003 O,OIO + 0,007 +0,005 0,014 + 0,004 O,OOO O,OOO 0,012 + O,OO3 0,007 + O,OO3 0,022 + 0,004 + O,OIO 0,051 25 Canis Majoris . . $ 20 Monocerotis . . . . -~ Canis Majoris .... Canis Minoris .... Geminorum Puppis ci Geminorum + O,OO5 0,019 + O,OO6 0,009 + O,OO5 Geminorum 52 Geminorum A A flamelnparHi 23 Monocerotis 26 Canis Majoris .... 45 Camelopardi + 0,002 + O,OII + 0,152 0,032 O,OOO + O,OO3 + 0,002 Canis Majoris .... Canis Minoris .... 53 Geminorum Puppis 46 Camelopardi O,OO3 -0,093 0,O02 Camelopardi Puppis Lyncis Puppis E O,OO I + 0,003 + 0,005 O,O22 24 Monocerotis Geminorum Volantis Canis Majoris .... + O,OO3 106 No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec.Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of M G Taylor. Lacaille. Bris bane Various. cf V 6 120 49 47,6 // + 5-33 5.34 5.37 5.38 5.38 5.39 5,43 5-43 5.47 5-49 5.49 5,50 5.52 5.52 5.55 5.55 5-57 5-59 5-59 5,63 5,66 5- 6 7 5,67 5,68 5>7o 5,71 5.72 5.72 5.74 5.75 5.76 5.77 5,78 5-79 5.79 5,8i 5,83 5,83 5.84 5,85 , + 5.87 +0,661 0,260 0,524 0,276 o,343 o.745 0,482 0,419 0.743 0,347 0,519 0,202 0,430 0,282 0,449 0,200 0,430 0,480 0,250 0,626 0,483 o>5 H 0,730 0,430 0,662 0,343 +0,732 0,510 +0,323 0,285 0,440 0,525 0,225 o,733 1,582 0,298 0,640 0,277 0,585 0,429 +0,519 0,027 +0,322 " + 9.6876 -9.9901 +8.7210 9.9809 -9.9107 +9.7907 9.2028 -9.6991 +9.7890 + 7.2553 9.9029 + 8.4969 0.0103 -9.6385 -9.9758 -9.5223 0.0106 -9.6417 -9.2114 -9.9942 + 9.6179 9.1614 + 8.0645 + 8.1673 +9.7792 -9.6377 h9- 6 94 6 -9.9067 +9.7810 0.0098 -9-935 1 -9.9728 -9.5763 -8.8420 0.0026 -9.7820 +9.3193 9.261$ +9.0859 -9.2423 9.0732 +9.3669 +8.8607 -8.2765 +9-3 6 93 +9.0515 9.0631 +9.0794 -9.3329 6.4606 -9.2419 +8.4513 9.3361 7.0801 +8.8668 -9.2937 +9.3125 + 8.8963 +9.0739 +9.0785 +9.3848 +9.3507 9.0909 +9-3892 -9-4473 -9.1615 -9.2527 + 8.2249 +9.1308 -9-3337 +9.3941 +9-4547 9.2326 +9.3429 9.2719 +9.2816 +6.6757 +9.1208 -9-4339 -9.1757 +0.7269 0.7272 0.7297 0.7305 0.7311 0.7315 0.7340 0-7344 0-7345 0.7381 0-7395 0.7399 0.7401 0.7408 0.7413 0.7416 0.7420 0-7439 0.7442 0.7457 0.7470 0-7475 0.7508 0-7525 0.7532 0.7532 0.7541 0.7560 0.7566 0-7573 0-7573 0-7574 0.7586 0-7593 0.7602 0.7609 0.7621 0.7626 0.7626 0.7638 0.7657 0.7660 0.7666 0.7671 +0.7683 +9.9841 9.9841 9.9839 9.9838 9.9838 9-9837 9-9835 9-9835 9-9835 9.9832 9.9831 9.9831 9.9830 9.9830 9.9829 9.9829 9.9829 9.9827 9.9827 9.9826 9.9825 9.9824 9.9822 9.9820 9.9820 9.9819 9.9819 9.9817 9.9816 9.9816 9.9816 9.9816 9.9815 9.9814 9.9813 9.9813 9.9812 9.9811 9.9811 9.9810 9.9808 9.9808 9.9807 9.9807 G 1272 J 168 M282 J 169 J 170 61281 M283 M284 61283 B.F 1004 61285 61286 6 1278 B.H 9 6 3 M285 +0,17 + 0,02 + 0,01 0,02 + 0,07 + 0,13 0,23 +0.33 +0,19 O,OI 0,29 +0,07 +0,05 0,00 0,41 + 0,01 +0,02 0,00 V. 728 ii. 882 iii. 846 ii. 883 iii. 844 iii. 847 ii. 884 iii. 845 ii. 885 ii. 886 iii. 848 v. 735 ii. 849 iii. 851 ii. 850 v. 737 ii. 887 ii. 852 2636 2638 2633 1476 1479 1478 1034 1042 1036 1041 1031 I0 3 8 1039 343 6 2 339 346 4 340 3 13 5 2641 2651 2649 2652 1484 1488 1486 1492 45 7 18 8 047 44 ii 2653 H93 O,OI 046 048 49 37 17 ii. 888 +0,16 +0,07 + 0,11 21 10 24 ii. 889 iii. 855 ii. 857 +0,02 +0,09 +0,79 -0,48 0,24 0,0 1 0,00 53 040 31 16 ii. 890 ii. 856 2656 2758 2660 2665 2673 '5*3 1498 1499 v. 742 v. 743 ii. 861 i. 860 2372 2373 2374 2375 2376 2377 2378 2379 2380 2381 2382 2383 2384 385 050 29 25 +0,09 0,03 +0,07 043 22 334 Ji. 859 i. 854 v. 747 + 9-9443 9.9621 +9.6532 -9-9775 -9.4812 -9- 6 359 +8.6703 0.0207 -9-9359 2668 1502 0,00 0,0 1 +0,08 + 0,12 052 055 32 38 35 i i. 863 i. 892 i. 865 ii. 864 2672 1504 2704 2676 1515 + 0,05 44 i ii. 866 Asc- *,. (02) I0 7 No. Constellation. Mag. Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a b c d 2386 2387 2388 23851 2390* 2391 2392 2393* 2394. 2395* 2396 2397* 2398 2399 2400 2401 2402 2403* 2404* 2405 2406* " 247 2408 2409* 2410 2411 2412 2413 2414 2415 2416 2417 2418 2419 2420 2421 2422 2423* 2424* 2425 2426* 2427 2428 2429 2430 Canis Majoris .... 6 7 4i S H 6 5 6* 6 5* 6 6 *i 6 5 6 6 6 6 6 7* 5 6 7 3 6 6 6 3 6 5 6 S 6 6 6 Si Si 6 si- si 5 6 5 6 h m a 7 8 7,41 8 8,01 8 8,47 8 16,64 8 25.85 8 43,42 8 44.3 8 48,19 8 49,68 8 57,35 8 58,23 9 6,90 9 28,24 9 32,86 10 0,28 10 4,04 10 17,22 10 27,49 10 30,71 10 34,31 10 35,5* 10 36,41 jo 36,51 10 46,47 ii 9,66 ii 9,72 ii 20,89 ii 29,12 ii 51,05 11 55,99 12 0,87 12 25,62 12 29,41 12 32,08 12 44,84 12 57,73 12 58,69 '3 5,63 13 ",85 13 18,47 13 26,17 13 26,54 13 38,57 13 44,69 7 i3 55,34 s +2,33 3,447 2,444 1,723 7>34 6 2,433 i,797 2,426 2,321 1,820 1,184 5>297 3,45 6 + 2,321 0,482 + i,95 6 i,354 1,724 i,655 2,404 4,929 4,928 0,578 4,612 + 3,59* -0,034 + 2,074 2,i35 2,118 1,730 4,030 2,497 2,487 6,010 2,322 1,017 2,132 3-551 1,722 2,132 1,857 2,045 2,233 4,172 +2,088 s O,OOII 0,0069 O,OOII 0,0025 0,1149 O,OOII 0,0022 0,0011 0,0010 0,002 1 0,0067 0,0416 0,0070 0,0010 0,0366 0,00 1 6 0,0051 0,0025 0,0030 0,00 1 1 0,0329 0,0329 0,0148 0,0258 0,0088 0,0265 0,0013 O,OOII O,OO 12 0,0026 0,0151 O,OO 1 2 0,OOI2 0,0665 0,00 10 0,0090 0,0012 0,0085 0,0026 O,OOI2 0,0020 O,OOI3 O.OOII 0,0179 O,OOI3 s 0,013 0,003 +0,002 0,047 0,015 0,00 1 + 0,011 +0,008 -8.3535 8.3087 8-3374 8-4539 8.8356 8.3426 8.4444 8.3441 8-3S9 2 8.4417 8-5472 8.6000 8.3178 8-3637 8-7734 8.4258 8.5285 8-4677 8.4797 8-3580 8-SS3I 8-5532 8.6476 8.5025 8.3426 8.7299 8.4139 8.4047 8.4097 8.4758 8.4119 8.3566 8-3584 8.7184 8.3830 8.5986 8.4142 8-3493 8.4849 8.4161 8.4632 8-4313 8.4020 8.4459 8.4270 + 8.8673 8.8225 8.8511 8.9666 9-3473 8.8524 8.9540 8.8533 8.8683 8.9500 9-0553 9.1072 8.8226 8.8679 9.2746 8.9266 9.0279 8.9660 8.9776 8.8555 9.0505 9.0505 9.1449 8.9987 8.8363 9.2236 8.9063 8.8963 8.8989 8.9644 8.9000 8.8421 8.8434 9.2032 8.8664 9.0807 8.8961 8-8305 8.9654 8.8960 8.9422 8.9103 8.8797 8.9230 +8.9030 +0.3674 0-5374 0.3882 0.2363 0.8661 0.3862 0.2545 0.3849 0.3657 0.2601 0.0735 0.7241 0.5386 +0.3657 9.6829 +0.2913 0.1315 0.2364 0.2188 0.3809 0.6927 0.6927 9.7616 0.6639 +0.5553 -8-5353 +0.3169 0.3294 0.3260 0.2381 0.6053 0-3974 0-3956 0.7788 0.3658 0.0072 0.3288 0-5503 0.2360 0.3289 0,2689 0.3108 0.3488 0.6203 + 0.3198 + 8.0535 -7.7597 +7.9808 + 8-3H5 8.8170 + 7.9923 + 8.2933 + 7.9978 + 8.0634 + 8.2866 + 8.4653 -8-5383 -7.7790 + 8.0682 + 8.7471 +8.2442 + 8.4331 + 8.3289 + 8.3509 +8.0242 -8-4695 -8.4695 + 8.5972 -8.3894 -7.9209 + 8.6962 + 8.2037 + 8.1774 + 8.1875 + 8.3364 -8.1917 + 7.9708 + 7.9792 -8.6812 +8.0888 +8.5283 + 8.1882 7.8981 +8-3471 + 8.1902 + 8.3027 + 8.2296 + 8.1434 -8.2624 +8.2141 27 Canis Majoris .... 28 Canis Majoris . Canis Majoris Canis Majoris .... + 0,003 0,009 0,014 + 0,002 -0,037 + 0,010 +0,017 0,023 0,030 54 Geminqrum .... X Canis Majoris .... Volantis *y Canis Majoris .... + 0,001 + 0,001 0,002 0,026 Carinse 55 Geminorum .... 5 Volantis +0,005 +0,007 +0,003 +0,023 0,018 0,002 + 0,001 +0,004 Puppis 65 Aurigse 29 Canis Majoris .... 30 Canis Majoris .... Canis Majoris . . . . Carinae -0,039 0,013 + 0,011 +0,002 0,018 +0,008 +0,017 c,ooo O,OI2 + 0,003 Puppis 56 Geminorum Puppis Puppis Puppis M Puppis F Puppis 66 Aurigae Puppis 108 No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec.Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of K 1 Taylor. I Bris- ane. Various. a' V c' d' 2386 2387 2388 2389 2390 2391 2392 2393 2394 2395 2396 2397 2398 2399 2400 2401 2402 2403 2404 2405 2406 2407 2408 2409 2410 2411 2412 2413 2414 2415 2416 2417 2418 2419 2420 2421 2422 2423 2424 2425 2426 2427 2428 2429 2430 / // I2O 5 2,1 73 35 37. 6 116 5 49,5 136 30 46,0 16 38 25,8 116 30 55,0 134 55 32,0 116 46 36,9 I2O 24 O,8 134 23 59,0 145 54 11,6 29 49 40,4 73 " 34.1 120 25 36,5 160 15 17,0 131 10 0,4 143 24 36,7 136 35 24,0 138 o 41,9 117 37 7,4 34 26 23,4 34 26 33,8 152 55 5.7 39 34 32,7 67 44 47,0 157 42 20,7 128 3 9,2 126 19 41,3 126 49 51,4 136 30 40,1 S 2 57 44.4 114 17 17,7 114 41 4,5 23 22 51,9 I2O 31 32,8 148 16 29,3 126 27 50,9 69 16 39,7 J 36 43 59.5 126 28 17,2 133 42 51,4 128 56 19,9 123 27 5,5 49 2 39,6 I2 7 45 54.4 +5*87 5,88 5,88 5.89 5.9 5-93 5,93 * 5.93 5.94 5-95 5-9 6 5,99 * 5.99 6,03 6,04 6,06 6,07 6,07 6,08 6,08 * 6,08 6,08 6, 10 6,13 6,13 6,14 6,15 6,19 6,19 6,20 6,23 6,24 6,24 * 6,26 6,28 6,28 " 6,29 6,30 6,31 6,32 6,32 6,33 6,34 + 6,36 +0,325 0,481 0,341 0,240 1,024 0,339 0,250 0,338 0,37.3 0,254 0,165 0,481 +0,323 0,067 +0,272 0,188 0,240 0,230 o,334 0,685 0,685 0,080 0,641 +0,499 0,005 +0,288 0,296 0,294 0,240 o,559 0,346 o,345 0,833 0,322 0,141 0,295 0,492 0,238 0,295 0,257 0,283 0,309 o,577 +0,289 0,10 0,04 0,03 +0,31 9.9319 9.1650 -9.9087 9.9966 +9.8984 -9.9111 -9.9921 -9.9127 -9-9333 -9.9905 0.0146 +9.7871 -9.1443 -9-9332 0.0188 9.9797 0.0104 -9-9959 -9.9994 -9.9171 +9.7328 +9.7328 0.0195 +9.6607 -8.6128 0.0194 -9.9678 9.9607 9.9626 -9.9951 +9-355 1 -9.8956 -9-8983 +9.8452 -9.9326 0.0154 -9.9607 -8.8445 -9-9951 9.9606 -9.9866 -9.9704 -9.9470 +9.4685 -9.9656 9.1668 +8.9177 9.1102 -9-3283 +9.4500 9.1202 -9.3194 9.1246 -9.1752 -9.3167 9.3900 +9.4111 +8.9361 -9.1799 -9.4519 9.2969 -9.3845 -9.3421 -9-H77 +9.3980 +9.3981 -9-43H +9.3697 +9.0634 -9-45I3 9.2760 -9.2596 9.2669 -9.3502 +9.2699 9.1066 9.1136 +9-4559 9.2001 -9.4253 -9.2697 +9.0451 -9-3591 9.2716 -9-3378 9.2966 9.2408 +9.3166 -9.2881 +0.7689 0.7690 0.7690 0.7699 0.7708 0.7726 0.7727 0.7731 0.7733 0.7740 0.7741 0.7750 0.7772 0.7776 0.7804 0.7808 0.7821 0.7831 0.7834 0.7838 0.7839 0.7840 0.7840 0.7850 0.7873 0.7873 0.7884 0.7892 0.7913 0.7918 0.7923 0-7947 0.7951 0-7953 0.7965 0.7978 0.7979 0.7985 0.7991 0.7998 0.8005 0.8005 0.8017 0.8023 +0.8033 +9.9805 9.9805 9.9805 9.9804 9.9804 9.9802 9.9802 9.9801 9.9801 9.9800 9.9800 9-9799 9-9797 9-9797 9-9794 9-9794 9.9793 9.9792 9.9791 9.9791 9.9791 9.9791 9.9791 9.9790 9.9787 9-9787 9.9786 9.9785 9.9782 9-9779 9-9779 9-9779 9-9777 9.9776 9-9776 9-9775 9-9775 9-9774 9-9773 9-9773 9.9772 9-9771 +9.9770 1677 1509 M286 J 171 J 172 Airy (G) J, 73 B 26\ >^5 95 4^ 5>* 136 56 38,4 21 14 11,9 62 4 38,3 40 29 51,0 61 54 32,1 122 l8 24,6 78 2 26,1 142 2 13,9 i2i 45 40,1 J 57 4 57,3 142 2 13,5 121 38 16,4 146 o 54,8 80 26 0,8 121 54 53,3 120 9 35,6 105 54 38,5 68 10 6,2 119 55 41,2 69 26 51,1 119 o 49,8 40 i 27,6 68 15 7,7 121 30 59,3 81 24 45,3 62 8 53,3 57 55 20,6 82 45 23,5 121 26 38,6 61 34 38,6 80 46 33,5 6 1 46 45,2 101 15 24,1 123 50 28,9 61 46 41,8 77 41 14,1 148 12 4,6 118 51 9,1 +6*39 6,39 6,39 6,40 6,40 6,44 6,45 6,46 6,46 6,47 6,48 6,56 6,57 6,58 6,59 6,60 6,60 6,61 6,64 6,65 6,65 6,68 6,68 6,69 6,69 6,70 6,70 6,71 6,74 6,76 6,78 6,78 6,8 1 6,81 6,86 6,86 6,86 6,86 6,90 6,93 6,95 6,97 6,98 6,99 +7,03 +0,507 0,483 0,426 0,500 0,249 0,340 0,407 0,237 0,874 0,517 0,628 0,516 0,460 0,200 +0,315 0,001 + 0,200 0,316 0,165 0,452 0,314 0,322 0,373 0,492 0,322 0,487 0,326 0,628 0,491 0,316 0,448 0,512 0,529 o,443 0,316 0,514 0,449 0,386 0,305 0,512 o,457 0,143 +0,325 +0,02 +0,13 +0,14 +0,05 0,62 +0,06 +0,09 0,00 +0,07 0,02 + 0,09 + 0,09 + 0, 7 8 O,O2 0,04 0,04 O,OO + 8.1271 9.0406 9.6299 -8.3979 -9.9899 -9.9035 9.7209 -9.9948 + 9.8604 + 8-7774 +9.6414 +8.7938 9.9404 -9-3595 0.0050 -9-9375 0.0163 0.0049 -9.9368 0.0107 -9-43 3 * -9-938o -9.9289 9.8298 -8.7177 -9.9276 -8.8774 -9.9225 +9.6456 -8.7348 -9-9355 -9-4603 +8.7466 +9.1199 -9.4942 -9-9347 + 8.8169 -9-4437 + 8.7896 -9.7845 -9-9459 +8-7853 -9.3504 0.0109 9.9202 +9- J 347 +9.0063 +7.4042 +9.1000 -9-3539 -9.1424 8.5046 -9.3718 +9.4778 +9.1788 +9-3903 +9.1878 -9.2431 +8.8325 -9-4I35 -9.2387 -9-4837 -9.4149 -9.2394 9.4389 +8.7411 ~9- 2 457 -9.2237 8.9609 +9.0938 9.2218 +9.0694 9.2101 +9.4104 +9.0967 -9.2471 +8.7030 +9.2001 +9.2564 +8.6346 -9.2513 +9.2116 +8.7390 +9.2113 -8.8288 -9.2857 +9.2157 +8.8704 -9-47I5 9.2280 +0.8055 0.8057 0.8058 0.8062 0.8065 0.8088 0.8097 0.8102 0.8105 0.8105 0.8115 0.8171 0.8174 0.8183 0.8189 0.8197 0.8197 0.8204 0.8219 0.8225 0.8228 0.8247 0.8248 0.8252 0.8256 0.8260 0.8262 0.8266 0.8285 0.8301 0.8310 0.8311 0.8328 0.8334 0.8361 0.8361 0.8362 0.8362 0.8388 0.8405 0.8422 0.8431 0.8437 0.8444 +0.8467 +9.9768 9-9767 9.9767 9.9767 9.9766 9.9764 9-9763 9.9762 9.9762 9.9762 9.9761 9-9754 9-9754 9-9753 9.9752 9-9751 9-9751 9.9750 9.9748 9.9748 9-9747 9-9745 9-9745 9-9744 9-9744 9-9743 9-9743 9.9742 9.9740 9.9738 9-9737 9-9737 9-9734 9-9734 9.9730 9-9730 9.9730 9.9730 9.9727 9.9724 9.9722 9.9721 9.9720 9.9719 +9.9716 1068 1070 75 77 81 76 ii. 907 ii. 886 ii. 887 ii. 908 v. 774 ii. 910 iii. 892 v. 777 iii. 888 ii. 891 ii. 890 ii. 911 v. 781 ii. 912 v. 788 iii. 894 ii. 914 v. 783 iii. 896 v. 792 ii. 913 iii. 900 v. 794 iii. 899 iii. 897 v. 795 iii. 898 ii. 915 iii. 902 ii. 916 iii. 903 ii. 917 M 290 M 292 W 437 B.H 1497 M 291 M 293 Ji76, R 97 M 294 Ji 77 G 1320 M 295 ' B.F 1043 M 296 M 297 M298 2754 2749 2761 J 557 1561 1564 88 86 1071 1066 1072 67 83 79 90 2763 2779 2766 2809 2769 2798 2773 2771 1570 1578 1575 1586 1574 1581 1588 1585 1584 1074 9 1 96 99 0,O I 0,16 +0,07 +0,03 -o>39 +0,03 +0,01 0,19 +0,02 + 0,01 +0,08 0,05 +0,05 1075 94 102 IOO 97 2774 2777 1590 1591 1076 1081 1073 1077 1079 98 104 95 101 108 106 2793 1598 0,20 + 0,04 + 0,04 + 0,04 + 0,02 + O,OI + 0,o6 0,03 0,28 O,OO 0,30 0,05 1078 1084 1080 1083 1082 1085 105 no "3 107 109 in 116 119 114 117 ii. 918 ii. 920 iii. 904 ii. 919 ii. 921 ii. 922 iii. 905 iii. 907 iii. 906 ii. 923 v. 807 ii. 924 2802 1596 1601 2810 2827 2817 1609 1616 1614 122 III No. Constellation. Mag. Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Sec. Var. Proper Logarithms of Preces. Motion. a b c d 2476 2477 2478 2479 2480 2481 2482 2483* 2484 2485* 2486 2487 2488* 2489 2490 2491 2492 2493 2494 2495 2496 2497 2498 2499 2500 2501* 1502 2503 2504 2505 2506 2507 2508 2509* 2510 2511* 2512 2513 2514 2515 2516 2517* 2518* 2519 2520* 6 6 5 6 6 6 4 7 5 5 51 6 7 61 6 6 5 6 6 4l 6 7 5 6 6 7 6 1 7 6 51 51 6 neb. 6 6 6 51 7 9 6 6 h m s 7 22 31,25 23 5.67 23 17,73 23 54." 24 18,31 24 25,69 24 28,71 24 5 J ,39 24 52,56 25 i>49 25 2,71 25 19,88 25 3 6 25 36,51 26 21,72 26 23,52 26 33,40 26 40,57 26 53,5i 27 2,69 27 8,38 27 58,35 27 59,14 28 16,15 28 18,20 28 23,86 28 25,71 28 35,69 28 42,11 28 46,17 29 9,29 29 14,72 29 21,57 29 22,03 29 30,79 29 44 29 45,73 29 49,14 30 7,77 30 9,53 30 17,33 30 18,07 30 29,99 30 48,72 7 3 55>67 s +1,541 2,303 2,077 0,421 +1,908 3.427 2,332 3,856 3,43 * 3.H9 4,382 3,827 1,460 I'tS 1 i,574 3,710 2,507 5,212 2,54! 2,541 3,534 2,472 5,009 2,170 3-95 3,503 3-639 2,412 3-934 1,584 2,759 4,842 2,989 3,635 1,879 3.853 3,188 3.472 + 1,029 s 0,0042 0,00 10 0,00 1 1 0,0013 0,0048 0,0427 0,0020 0,008 1 0,0010 0,0147 0,0083 0,0051 0,0257 0,0142 0,005 1 0,0052 0,0041 0,0125 0,0013 0,0502 0,0062 0,0013 0,0013 0,0100 O,OO 1 2 0,0443 O,OOII 0,0059 0,0171 0,0096 0,0117 0,0057 O,COI2 0,0170 O,0023 0,0398 0,0039 0,01 18 0,002 1 0,0493 0,0156 0,0058 0,0093 0,0109 s 0,006 +0,005 +0,002 +0,005 +0,00 1 +0,085 +0,013 +0,007 O,OII 0,008 +0,002 + 0,004 -8.5694 8.4432 8.4424 8.4842 8.3801 8-8535 8.5165 8.3995 8-4479 8.4558 8.4009 8.3856 8.5483 8-4543 8.6037 8.3908 8.5853 8.4422 8.4329 8.6926 8.6251 8.4338 8-4339 8.4271 8-4445 8.6632 8.4916 8.4028 84894 8.4261 8-4445 8.6262 8.4580 8.4901 8.5988 8.4189 8.6482 8.4069 8.4485 8-5503 8.6969 8.4814 8.4110 8.4323 fin-TC + 8.9936 8,8641 8.8622 8.9006 8.7942 9.2669 8.9296 8.8105 8.8588 8.8659 8. 8108 8-7939 8.9551 8.8611 9.0063 8-7932 8.9868 8.8431 8.8325 9.0915 9.0234 8.8276 8.8276 8.8193 8.8364 9.0596 8.8829 8.7932 8.8792 8.8155 8.8318 9.0130 8.8443 8.8762 8.9842 8.8031 9.0323 8.7906 8.8306 8.9322 9.0782 8.8625 8.7911 8.8107 + 9.0753 -0.1878 0.3624 0.3646 0.3175 9.6240 [-0.2805 0-5349 0.3677 0.5861 0-5355 0.4982 0.6417 0.5829 0.1643 0.4984 0.1970 0.5694 0.3992 0.7170 0.1324 0.4049 0.4049 0.5482 0.3930 0.6998 0.3365 0.5058 0.5966 0-5444 0.5610 0.1509 0.3824 0.5948 0.1996 0.4408 0.6851 0-4755 0.5605 0.2740 0.7101 0.5858 0-5035 0.5405 +0.0123 -8.4581 -8.1618 -8.1561 +8.2784 6.9700 + 8.8274 + 8-3503 -7.8387 + 8.1553 -8.1826 -7.8450 7.1842 8.4088 8.1697 +8.5022 7.1997 +8.4714 8.1026 +8.0488 8.6297 +8-5335 + 8.0284 + 8.0284 -7.9712 +8.0831 -8.5938 +8.2610 -7.4356 8.2521 8.0654 +8.5298 + 8.1302 -8.2478 +8.4847 +7.8071 -8.5621 +7.2257 8.0672 +8.3918 8.6302 8.209! -7.3855 7.9225 +8.6300 7 Canis Minoris . . #' 66 Geminorum .... a 8 Canis Minoris . . 2 + 0,001 0,008 0,001 +0,02 1 +0,004 9 Canis Minoris . . 5 3 69 Geminorum . . . . o +0,005 +0,007 0,00 1 0,007 +0,008 +0,003 +0,015 +0,007 0,003 + 0,010 0,000 0,001 0,022 0,003 0,000 +0,022 Canis Minoris .... 7 1 Geminorum . . . . o 25 Monocerotis 0,005 0,003 Geminorum Puppis 0,004 Geminorum Canis Minoris . . . 74 Geminorum . . . . J 0,000 +0,005 8.0975 112 No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec.Var Proper Motion. Logarithms of 1 Taylor. Lacaille. 1 Bris bane Various. /fa. <4lk v-7 X V S df 2476 2477 247 2479 2480 2481 2482 2483 2484 2485 2486 2487 2488 2489 2490 2491 2492 2493 2494 2495 2496 2497 2498 2499 2500 2501 2502 2503 2504 2505 2506 2507 2508 2509 2510 2511 2512 2513 2514 2515 2516 2517 2518 2519 2520 / // 140 43 3,1 121 32 31,5 121 9 1,0 128 30 17,2 87 46 14,1 1 60 2O 26,4 133 2,2 74 2 34,8 1 20 39 4,6 57 47 l6 ,! 73 5 1 !5>4 86 23 39,6 43 3 58 43 4,8 142 20 22,7 86 18 25,5 140 17 42,2 62 46 30,6 114 23 29,0 30 6 20,6 144 5 5.9 113 9 3,9 113 8 58,1 69 30 36,1 "5 47 33.7 32 34 53. 6 126 o 55,7 83 48 31,6 54 37 18,6 70 44 55,4 65 18 31,8 143 13 56,1 Il8 2 22,4 55 4 44.i 140 15 36,5 104 9 34 53 42,3 93 46 42,1 65 26 35,0 i33 58 5,7 30 56 42,6 57 39 4.3 84 35 21,0 71 59 18,3 148 52 14,7 + 7,07 7," -7,i3 7,21 7,22 7,23 7,26 7,26 7,27 7,27 7,3 7,32 7,32 7,38 7,38 7,4 7,42 7,44 7,44 7,5 J 7,53 7,54 7,55 7,55 7,56 7,57 7,58 7,6i 7,61 7,62 7,62 7, 6 4 7,65 7,66 7,66 7,69 7> 6 9 7,70 7,70 7,72 7,74 +7,75 +0,210 0,314 0,316 0,283 +0,425 0,057 0,466 0,317 0,524 0,466 0,428 o,595 0,520 0,198 0,427 0,213 0,503 o,34o 0,706 0,184 0,344 o,344 0478 o,334 0,677 0,293 o,433 o,533 o,473 0,491 0,191 0,325 o>53i 0,214 0,372 0,653 0,403 0,490 0,691 0,519 0,429 0,467 +0,138 0,23 +0,02 +0,05 0,05 0,05 0,00 0,12 0,03 + 0,12 + 0,07 0,04 0,02 9.9997 -9.9339 -9.9319 -9.9642 9.5991 0.0105 -9-9794 9.2066 9.9287 + 9.1126 -9.1976 -9-5735 +9.5760 +9.0512 0.0005 -9.5719 9.9966 +8.5944 9.8914 +9.7678 0.0029 9.8829 -9.8828 -8.9143 9.8998 +9-738o -9.9522 -9.5205 +9.2610 9.0187 7.8921 0.0004 -9.9127 +9-2398 -9.9949 -9.8108 + 9.7074 9.6936 -8.0334 -9-9793 +9-7550 +9.1055 -9-5378 -9.1055 0.0060 9-4357 9.2684 9.2646 -9.3480 +8.1458 -9-5304 -9-39 5 +8-9977 9.2660 + 9.2861 + 9.0036 +8-3594 +9-4227 +9.2776 9.4643 +8.3749 -9.4529 +9.2277 -9.1843 +9.5061 9.4780 9.1680 9.1681 +9.1190 -9.2136 +9.5011 -9-345 + 8.6092 +9-3395 +9.0953 +9.1998 -9.4830 -9.2521 +9-3377 -9.4665 8.9698 +9-4957 8.4009 +9.2021 -9.4251 +9-5*75 +9.3126 +8.5596 +9.0768 -9-5I95 +0.8492 0.8521 0.8531 0.8561 0.8581 0.8587 0.8589 0.8608 0.8609 0.8616 0.8617 0.8631 0.8644 0.8644 0.8680 0.8682 0.8690 0.8695 0.8706 0.8713 0.8717 0.8757 0.8757 0.8771 0.8772 0.8777 0.8778 0.8786 0.8791 0.8794 0.8812 0.8816 0.8821 0.8822 0.8828 0.8838 0.8840 0.8842 0.8857 0.8858 0.8864 0.8864 0.8873 0.8888 +0.8893 + 9.9712 9.9708 9.9707 9.9702 9.9699 9.9698 9.9698 9.9695 9.9695 9.9694 9.9694 9.9692 9.9690 9.9690 9.9684 9.9684 9.9683 9.9682 9.9680 9.9679 9.9678 9.9672 9.9672 9.9670 9.9669 9.9669 9.9668 9.9667 9.9666 9.9666 9.9663 9.9662 9.9661 9.9661 9.9660 9.9658 9.9658 9.9658 9-9 6 55 9.9655 9.9654 9.9654 9.9652 9.9650 +9.9649 V. 809 iii. 911 iii. 912 iii. 913 ii. 925 2829 282 2823 2832 2862 2837 1619 1622 162^ 1628 1636 1631 J 178 W444 M 299 M 300 A M 301 W447 61341 B.F 1064 M 302 M 303 A G 1348 M 304 Airy (C) A 157 M 305 1088 124 125 130 126 1089 1087 1091 1092 135 129 137 127 128 131 ii. 928 iii. 914 iii. 915 "- 538 ii. 929 ii. 930 2834 163^ 1630 O,O I -0,17 O,OO 0,17 + 0,08 090 ii. 931 v. 819 ii. 932 v. 820 ii. 933 v. 821 iii. 916 v. 824 " 935 ii. 936 ii- 934 iii. 919 ii. 918 ii. 921 v - 543 ii. 920 ii. 922 ii. 923 v. 829 ii. 937 ii. 924 v. 831 2851 2850 1640 1643 095 139 94 138 2844 2861 2849 1642 1647 1648 + 0,02 + 0,02 + 0,10 0,09 +0,16 +0,18 +0,03 + 0,02 0,14 +0,03 +0,12 0,0 1 +0,08 0,02 +0,30 O,I2 086 * 93 097 H7 149 144 140 150 H5 146 153 2854 1650 2860 1653 2881 2867 2880 1659 1660 99 163 152 0,09 + 0,07 102 096 101 105 I0 3 162 161 ii. 938 ii. 928 v. 834 ii. 927 u- 939 663 + 0,07 + 0,04 0,09 O,OI 166 ii. 940 v. 836 667 B.A.C. (P) No. Constellation. Mag. Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a b c d 2521* 2522 2523 2524 2525 2526* 2527* 2528 2529* 2530* 2531* 2532* 2533 2534 2535* 2536 2537 2538* 2539 2540 2541 2542 2 543* 2544 2545* 2546* 2547 2548 2549 2550* 2551 2552 2553 2554 2555 ^55 6 2557* 2558 2559 2560* 2561 2562* 2563 2564 2565* 6 i 6 6 6 7 6 6 6 4* 5 Si Si 6 6 6 i 6 Si 5 6 44 si 7 Si 6 6 i 6 6 4 6 6 6 2 7 6 6 6 Si 6 5 Si 6 6 h m s 7 31 11,95 31 26,81 31 48,97 3i 57,19 32 3,52 32 8,85 32 16,71 32 28,84 3 2 3 2 ,73 32 40,95 32 41,31 3 2 4i59 32 50,21 32 50,44 33 17,68 33 18,21 33 2 7.33 33 31,83 33 49. 2 5 33 55.8 34 4,35 34 4,89 34 10,37 34 25,70 34 25.9 2 34 3.79 34 3 6 >9 34 55. 80 34 57.% 35 5.55 35 23,19 35 24,50 35 28,91 35 59.53 36 7,88 36 20,84 36 36,52 37 26,16 37 26,89 37 29,18 37 43.19 37 47,3 37 49>43 38 0,61 7 38 15,47 8 + 10,539 3,192 2,220 1,484 2,496 S,^ 1 5,809 2,121 1,681 2,459 2,459 4,577 5,502 1,279 2,096 2,174 3,373 +2,744 -3> "4 + 3,757 1,697 2,872 2,114 3.584 2,121 2,H7 2,140 10,185 3,671 1,677 3,634 MS 2 1,266 2,110 3-730 3,531 2,476 3,487 1,372 2,422 2,196 2,407 3,885 3,310 + 2,521 8 -0,4157 O,OO59 O,OO I I 0,0051 O,OOI3 O,OO59 -0,0772 O,OO 1 2 0,0034 O,OOI2 0,0012 -0,0333 0,0648 0,0076 O,OOI3 O.OOI2 O,OO82 O,OO23 0,l862 0,0143 0,0033 0,0031 O,OOI3 0,0115 O,OOI2 O,OOI3 0,0012 -0,3983 0,0130 0,0035 0,0124 0,0056 0,0079 0,0012 0,0142 0,0 108 0,0012 O,OIO3 0,0067 0,0011 0,0011 0,00 1 1 0,0176 0,0077 0,0013 8 O,225 0,047 O,OO I O,OJ2 + 0,010 O,OO I + O,OO8 + 0,043 + 0,023 + O,OO I 9.2004 8.4154 8-4997 8.6282 8.4589 8.4185 8.8044 8.5195 8.5969 8.4669 8.4669 8.6180 8.7652 8.6670 8.5276 8.5145 8.4350 8-4375 9.1348 8-4835 8. 6016 8.4306 8.5286 8.4616 8.5288 8.5298 8.5263 9.1994 8.4756 8.6099 8.4725 8.6505 8.6822 8.5378 8.4894 8.4636 8.4821 8.4633 8.6739 8.4938 8-5309 8-4973 8.5212 8-4499 8.4831 + 9.5768 8.7905 8.8728 9.0006 8.8307 8.7899 9.1751 8.8891 8.9662 8-8355 8.8355 8.9865 9^330 9.0347 8.8930 8.8798 8-7995 8. 8016 9-4974 8.8456 8.9629 8.7919 8.8894 8.8211 8.8882 8.8889 8.8848 9-5563 8.8324 8.9659 8.8270 9.0050 9.0362 8.8892 8.8402 8.8133 8.8305 8.8074 9.0179 8.8377 8.8736 8.8396 8.8634 8.7912 + 8.8231 + 1.0228 0.5040 0.3464 0.1714 0.3972 0.5039 0.7641 0.3266 0.2256 0.3907 0.3907 0.6606 0-7405 0.1069 0.3215 0.3372 0.5280 +0.4383 -0-4933 +0.5749 0.2296 0.4582 0.3251 0-5544 0.3264 0.3256 0.3304 1.0080 0.5648 0.2246 0.5604 0.1620 0.1023 0.3243 0.5718 0-5479 0-3937 0.5424 o.i374 0.3841 0.3416 0.3815 0.5894 0.5198 +0.4016 -9.1946 -7.4052 + 8.2543 + 8.5259 + 8.0853 -7.4058 -8.7645 + 8.3057 + 8.4713 + 8.1159 + 8.1159 -8.5071 -8.7158 + 8.5833 + 8.3211 + 8.2853 -7-8134 + 7.8482 +9.1264 -8.1724 + 8-4745 + 7.6346 + 8.3176 8.0490 + 8.3161 + 8.3184 + 8.3081 -9.1930 -8.1196 + 8.4857 8.0944 + 8.5525 + 8.6002 + 8.3289 -8.1665 8.0114 + 8.1240 -7.9731 + 8.5838 + 8.1662 + 8.2969 + 8.1773 -8.2663 -7-73S 6 + 8.0977 10 Canis Minoris .a Puppis f Carinae Q Canis Minoris Puppis k^ + O,OO2 O,OO5 0,009 O,OOO + 0,017 + 0,007 Puppis Puppis e Geminorum Puppis Mensae g + 0,053 + 0,007 + 0,006 0,004 + 0,001 0,003 +0,003 + 0,020 O,OO3 0,003 + O,OO4 + 0,023 O,OOO + 0,O07 0,OOI 0,005 0,048 + 0,002 + 0,003 0,002 0,009 + 0,006 + 0,021 + O,OO2 + O,OO2 + 0,OO I 75 Geminorum .... a- Puppis Y 2 26 Monocerotis . . ..y Puppis d* Geminorum Puppis d? Puppis d^ Puppis d* Camelopardi 76 Geminorum . . . . c 77 Geminorum . . . . x Carinae .... Carinae Puppis 78 Geminorum . . . . |S 79 Geminorum Puppis . . 8 1 Geminorum . . . . g Carinae i Puppis . . Puppis 3 Puppis 80 Geminorum . . . . it 1 1 Canis Minoris .... Puppis 114 No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1850 Annual Preces. Sec.Var. Proper Motion Logarithms of 1 Taylor. 1 i -j Bris- bane Various. of V 9 6 7,98 7,99 8,00 8,00 8,01 8,03 8,03 8,04 8,05 8,07 8,07 8,08 8,11 8,11 8,12 8,16 8,17 8,19 8,21 8,27 8,27 8,28 8,29 8,30 8,30 8,32 +8,34 + 1 >4i7 0,429 0,298 0,199 >335 0,428 o,779 0,285 0,226 0,330 o,33 0,614 0,738 0,171 0,281 0,291 0,452 + 0,367 - 0,417 + 0,503 0,227 0,384 0,283 0,479 0,283 0,283 0,286 1,360 0,490 0,224 0,485 0,194 0,169 0,281 o,497 0,470 0,329 0,463 0,182 0,322 0,292 0,320 0,516 o,439 +0.334 0,06 +0,98 +0,03 0,26 + o,n +0,04 0,05 -0,13 +0,04 0,04 O,I2 +0,04 + 0,06 +o,34 0,64 0,04 +0,07 +9.9237 -9-5339 -9-9447 -9.9971 -9-8935 -9-5347 + 9.8205 -9.9569 9.9896 9.9021 9.9021 + 9.6414 +9-7955 0.0015 -9.9594 -9.9505 -9-3054 -9.8166 -9.9931 +8.8407 9.9882 -9-7597 -9.9572 -8.6618 -9.9564 -9.9568 -9.9541 +9.9183 +8-1335 9.9886 -8.0453 -9.9963 O.OOO2 -9.9571 + 8.7193 -8.9227 9.8977 9.0641 -9.9970 9.9092 -9.9463 9.9121 -9.1626 -9.3981 -9.8865 +9.5824 + 8.5792 -9-3457 -9.4894 9.2186 + 8.5798 +9-5532 -9.3802 9.4687 -9.2439 -9.2439 +9.4841 +9.5462 -9.5119 -9.3911 9.3685 +8.9767 9.0094 -9-59 I 5 +9.2893 9.4739 8.8051 -9.3905 +9.1899 -9.3899 -9-39 I 5 -9.3852 +9-5984 +9.2488 -9.4813 +9.2286 -9.5087 -9.5251 9.4004 +9.2869 +9.1586 -9-2537 +9.1252 -9-5253 9.2880 9.3826 9.2969 +9.3621 +8.9034 -9.2335 +0.890 0.8916 0.8933 0.8939 0.8941 0.8948 0.8953 0.8962 0.8965 0.8971 0.8972 0.8972 0.8978 0.8978 0.8998 0.8999 0.9005 0.9009 0.9021 0.9026 0.9032 0.9033 0.9037 0.9048 0.9048 0.9052 0.9056 0.9070 0.9071 0.9077 0.9089 0.9090 0.9093 0.9115 0.9121 0.9130 0.9141 0.9176 0.9176 0.9178 0.9188 0.9191 0.9192 0.9200 -0.9210 +9-9 6 4 9.964 9.9642 9.964 9.9640 9.9639 9.9638 9.9636 9.9636 , 9-9 6 35 9-9 6 35 9-9 6 35 9.9634 9.9634 9.9630 9.9630 9.9628 9.9628 9.9626 9.9625 9.9623 9.9623 9.9623 9.9620 9.9620 9.9620 9.9619 9.9616 9.9616 9.9615 9.9613 9.9612 9.9612 9.9607 9.9606 9.9604 9.9602 9-9595 9-9595 9-9595 9-9593 9.9592 9.9592 9.9590 f9-9588 no( 132 168 172 iii. 92 ii. 941 iii. 93C v. 835 ii. 942 iii. 931 iii. 929 B.H 260 > M 306 B.F 1070 B.H 1015 B.F 1065 B.F 1075 M 3 o8 J 179 M 309 Gl 355 M 310 M 311 M 312 M 313 Ji8o,P355 B.F 1089 28gc 2902 288$ l66f > i67c 1674 1671 1107 109$ 173 170 164 2900 2904 2896 1677 1681 1675 1680 v. 843 iii. 934 iv. 548 iii. 933 iii. 932 v. 845 v. 850 iii. 938 iii. 937 IIOA '75 177 169 167 1 100 2911 2906 2903 1684 1688 1687 .... 1 80 176 +o,73 +0,24 0,22 + 0,02 + 0,01 0,07 O,I7 + O,O2 0,10 +0,02 + 0,01 + O,2I +0,05 0,l6 + .5 + O,O6 -{-O,O6 + 0,01 +0,08 +0,04 + 0,10 0,08 +0,08 0,03 +0,02 O,OI 2993 170? 1108 178 943 v- 853 ii. 944 iii. 939 ii. 945 v. 854 iii. 941 iii. 942 iii. 936 ii. 946 v. 857 ii. 947 v. 858 v. 859 ii. 943 ii. 948 ii. 949 v. 860 ii. 951 v. 864 ii. 952 ii. 946 ii. 954 ii. 945 ii. 953 2918 169^ IIIO 109 181 185 179 186 iSS 190 "55 183 2909 1692 2912 2913 2914 1696 1697 1698 2920 1702 in 184 2926 2930 2924 1923 1705 1706 1709 1704 1710 112 113 116 "5 i93 191 192 '95 194 1946 1932 1939 '938 1719 1715 1718 1717 118 1 20 114 117 200 203 20 1 196 198 (P2) No. Constellation. Mag. Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a b c d 2566 2567 2568 2569 2570 2571* 2572 ^573 2574 2575* 2576 2577 2578 2579 2580 2581 2582 2583 2584 2585* 2586* 2587* 2588 2589* 2590 2591 2592 2593 2594 2595 2596 2597 2598 2599* 2600 2601 2602* 2603* 2604* 2605 2606 2607* 2608 2609 2610 Puppis T S* 6 6 7 4* 6 6 Si 6 6 6 6 7 6 5 6 6 6 6 6 7 6 6i 6 Si 6* 7* 6 5 6 si 6 6 6i H Si 3i Si 6 7 6i S 6 Si 6 h m s 7 38 19.47 38 24,11 38 24,76 38 35,21 38 35-45 38 38,54 38 41,10 39 2,46 39 "2,45 39 H. 66 39 'S, 21 39 24>35 39 35.15 39 35.89 39 54,63 39 59,15 4 3.9 J 40 11,76 40 11,97 40 23,17 40 39,12 40 45,68 40 50,28 4 55,33 4 56,71 41 12,41 4i 23,53 41 23,68 41 51,22 42 6,62 42 7,67 42 22,58 42 27,23 42 44,07 42 51,08 42 54,73 42 59.35 42 59,73 43 0,97 43 12,80 43 33,63 43 38,25 43 39,72 43 46,05 7 43 49.'5 + 1,864 1,152 +2,126 2,760 2,030 1,272 2,197 2,763 1,285 2,137 4,772 1,109 3,598 1,106 2,137 2,257 1,141 1,622 1,788 15,582 3.73 2,578 2,140 2,817 9>844 2,146 3,874 2,068 2,493 2,123 7,365 i,743 1,259 2,521 2,340 2,706 2,522 1,813 2,050 3,502 +4>39 6 -0,687 + 2,233 4,403 +0,407 s 0,0023 0,0805 O,OOI2 O,OO23 0,0015 O,OO8 I O.OOII O,OO25 O,OO8O O.OOI2 0,042O 0,0106 0,0123 0,0107 0,0011 0,0010 O,OIOI 0,0041 0,0028 I,2O2I 0,0149 0,00 1 5 0,0012 0,0028 -0,3909 O,OO 1 2 0,0180 0,0014 O,OO 12 0,OO 1 2 0,1790 0,0031 0,0085 0,0013 O,OO I O 0,0021 O,OOI2 0,C026 O,OOI4 O,O I IO 0,0319 0,0641 0,0010 0,0322 0,0264 s +0,015 0,007 +0,018 +0,002 +0,009 +0,001 +0,005 +0,002 0,007 +0,025 0,004 -0,055 +0,002 O,OI2 O,OO5 -0,045 -8.5919 9.0014 8-5459 8.4578 8.5635 8.6963 8-5349 8-4594 8.6967 8.5478 8.6828 8.7265 8.4858 8.7278 8.5506 8.5306 8.7245 8.6435 8.6140 9-4677 8.5089 8.4862 8.5542 8.4629 9.2087 8-5547 8-5349 8.5693 8.5021 8.5627 9.0263 8.6317 8.7162 8.5019 8.5293 8.4806 8.5027 8.6220 8-5795 8.4889 8.6366 8.9803 8.5504 8.6389 -8.8508 +8.9316 9-3407 8.8851 8.7962 8.9018 9.0344 8.8728 8-7955 9.0320 8.8829 9.0178 9.0608 8.8192 9.0611 8.8824 8.8620 9-553 8-9739 8.9444 9.7971 8.8370 8.8138 8.8814 8.7897 9-5354 8. 8801 8.8594 8.8938 8.8243 8.8836 9-3472 8.9514 9. 3S5 8.8198 8.8467 8.7976 8.8194 8.9386 8.8960 8.8045 8-9505 9.2939 8.8638 8.9518 + 9.1635 +0.2703 0.0615 +0.3276 0.4409 0.3075 0.1045 0.3419 0.4414 0.1090 0.3297 0.6787 0.0448 0.5561 0.0438 0.3298 0-3535 0.0574 0.2100 0.2523 1.1926 0.5717 0.4113 0.3304 0.4498 0.9932 0.3317 0.5881 0.3155 0.3967 0.3270 0.8672 0.2414 0.0999 0.40 1 5 0.3692 0.4323 0.4018 0.2584 0.3118 0.5443 +0.6430 -9.8368 +0.3488 0.6438 +9.6098 +8-4399 +8.9841 +8-3337 + 7-8514 +8.3767 +8.6147 +8.3011 +7-8492 + 8.6142 +8-3331 -8-5935 +8.6562 8.0867 +8.6577 + 8.3361 +8.2768 + 8.6523 + 8.5284 + 8-4757 -9.4657 -8.1885 + 8.0627 + 8.3393 + 7.7746 9.2019 + 8.3382 -8.2780 + 8-3746 +8.1371 +8-3534 9.0098 + 8.5011 + 8.6366 +8.1203 + 8.2442 + 7.9428 + 8.I2O2 + 8.4806 + 8.3900 8.0167 -8.5061 + 8.9591 + 8.3076 8.5096 + 8.8105 Puppis W Cannae Puppis 0,006 0,0 1 6 Ursae Minoris .... Puppis +0,015 0,004 0,025 +0,003 +0,005 +0,008 +0,009 +0,009 Cainelopardi Puppis Geroinorum Puppis Puppis o Puppis Camelopardi Puppis S O,OII +0,034 Carinse Puppis Puppis . . +0,007 +0,009 +0,005 +0,004 +0,013 O,OII 0,000 +0,0 1 8 +0,004 0,005 6 Puppis Arirus . Puppis Puppis Geminorum ...... 25 Lyncis Volantis .... Puppis Volantis 116 No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec.Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of " M 211 Taylor. j Bris- bane. Various. a' V c f df 2566 2567 2568 2569 2570 2571 2572 2573 2574 2575 257 6 2577 2578 2579 2580 2581 2582 2583 2584 2585 2586 2587 2588 2589 2590 2591 2592 2593 2594 *595 2596 2 597 2598 2599 2600 2601 2602 2603 2604 2605 2606 2607 2608 2609 2610 134 47 39,7 163 56 21,5 127 50 43,0 104 19 46,8 !3 34 I3.S H5 57 37,4 125 42 31,7 104 12 IO,I 145 47 25,8 I2 7 34 59-7 35 3 l6 >3 148 16 9,5 66 29 28,3 148 1 8 40,9 127 36 23,7 123 52 40,8 147 52 18,5 140 6 14,0 136 38 50,6 5 3i 39> 6 61 25 48,1 112 9 8,1 127 34 9,7 101 49 41,0 10 7 24,3 127 24 19,1 56 23 35,2 129 41 35,9 "5 34 5>7 128 8 34,5 15 41 26,2 137 44 42,6 146 21 39,1 114 32 16,4 121 14 40,4 106 50 59,4 114 29 12,2 136 14 22,5 130 16 49,9 70 17 46,7 4* T 3 54,7 162 15 8,4 I3 4 5 2 X 7,3 42 3 8,4 155 42 27,6 + 8,34 8,35 8,35 8,36 8,36 8,37 8,37 8,40 8,41 8,42 8,42 8,43 8,44 8,44 8,47 8,47 8,48 8,49 8,49 8, 5 i 8,53 8,54 8,54 8,55 8,55 8,57 8,59 8,59 8,62 8,64 8,64 8,66 8,67 8,69 8,70 8,71 8,71 8,71 8,71 8,73 8,76 8,76 8,77 8,77 + 8,78 +0,247 -0,153 +0,282 0,366 0,269 0,169 0,291 0,366 0,170 0,283 0,632 0,147 0,476 0,146 0,283 0,298 0,151 0,214 0,236 2,058 0,492 0,340 0,282 0,372 1,299 0,283 0,511 0,273 0,328 0,279 0,969 0,229 0,166 o,33i 0,308 0,356 0-33 1 0,238 0,269 0,460 + o,577 0,090 +0,293 0,578 +0,053 a +0,52 +0,81 0,06 0,00 +0,32 0,16 0,04 + 0,01 0,07 +0,13 +0,09 -1,29 0,05 -o,35 0,07 1,70 0,36 0,00 0,07 -9.9771 -9.9973 -9-9545 9.8099 -9.9641 -9.9983 -9.9459 -9.8086 -9.9977 -9-953 +9-6874 o.oooo -8-5575 -9.9999 -9.9528 -9-9373 -9.9992 -9-9883 9.9808 +9-9343 + 8.7H3 9.8711 -9.9522 -9-7855 +9.9107 -9-95 J 3 +9.1424 -9.9596 9.8928 -9-953 6 +9-8758 9.9820 -9.9961 -9.8860 -9.9234 9.8302 -9.8855 -9.9780 9.9607 9.0216 +9-5733 -9.9952 -9.9396 +9.5763 -9.9991 9.4670 9.6021 -9.4073 -9.0137 -9.4334 -9-5388 -9-3867 9.0118 -9.5402 9.4081 +9-5336 -9-553^ +9.2251 -9.5542 -9.4111 9.3721 -9-5541 -9.5117 9.4884 +9.6255 +9.3082 -9.2055 -9.4145 -8.9414 +9.6230 -9.4143 +9-3747 -9.4369 9.2685 -9.4252 +9.6180 -9.5048 -9.5562 -9.2552 -9.3523 9.0998 -9.2554 9.4966 9.4486 +9.1666 +9.5096 -9.6193 -9.3977 + 9-5 JI 7 9.6009 +0.9213 0.9216 0.9217 0.9224 0.9224 0.9226 0.9228 0.9243 0.9249 0.9251 0.9251 0.9257 0.9265 0.9265 0.9278 0.9281 0.9285 0.9290 0.9290 0.9297 0.9308 0.9313 0.9316 0.9319 0.9320 0.9330 0.9338 0-933 8 0.9356 0.9366 0.9367 0-9377 0.9380 0.9391 0.9396 0.9398 0.9401 0.9401 0.9402 0.9410 0.9424 0.9427 0.9428 0.9432 + 0.9434 +9.9587 9.9587 9.9587 9-9585 9-9585 9.9585 9.9584 9.9581 9.9580 9-9579 9-9579 9.9578 9.9576 9.9576 9-9574 9-9573 9.9572 9-9571 9-9571 9.9569 9.9567 9.9566 9.9565 9.9565 9.9564 9.9562 9.9560 . 9-956o 9.9556 9-9554 9-9554 9.9552 9-9551 9.9548 9-9547 9-9547 9.9546 9.9546 9-9546 9-9544 9.9541 9-9540 9.9540 9-9539 +9-9538 iii. 947 2950 3010 2943 2945 2963 2944 2970 2954 1722 1731 1721 1723 1724 1728 1726 G 1372 J 181 61359 B.F 1083 ? B.F 1094 01368 B.F 1084 B.F 1099 G 1374 828 J 182 M 3 14 R 9 8 II2I 208 2O5 213 iii. 948 iv - 555 iii. 950 v. 866 iii. 951 ii. 955 v. 870 v. 869 iii. 949 v. 871 ii. 956 v. 874 ii. 957 v. 875 v. 877 v. 879 v. 878 1122 212 2IO I 99 2979 2982 2958 2957 2986 2976 2 973 1732 1737 1735 1736 1742 1740 1739 III9 207 214 0,02 O,OI + 0,10 +0,17 0,0 1 0,04 +0,07 +0,07 1124 218 217 I8 7 v. 882 iii- 953 iv. 556 v. 883 iv - 559 v. 886 ii. 958 iii. 956 2972 *744 2978 1745 215 2984 2981 2991 1748 1750 1755 22O 225 +0,16 + I > 1 0,28 0,13 + 0,12 O,OI +0,16 +0,20 +0,08 +0,04 +o>95 +0,17 +0,04 v. 892 v. 893 v. 894 iii. 958 ii. 959 ii. 961 iii. 960 v. 895 ii. 960 iii. 959 2999 3011 2990 2995 2994 3003 3001 1759 1762 1760 1763 1765 1764 1130 1129 1132 231 22 9 230 235 1125 224 221 3056 3002 1779 1769 1777 1126 2 37 222 iii. 963 iii. 961 117 No. Constellation. Mag. Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a b c d 2611 2612 2613 2614 2615* 2616 2617 2618 2619 2620 2621 2622 2623 2624 2625* 2626 2627 2628 2629 2630 2631* 2632 2633 2634 2635 2636* 2637 2638 2639 2640 2641 2642 2643* 2644 2645* 2646 2647 2648* 2649* 2650 2651 2652 2653 2654 * 6 55 si Si 6^ 6 6 Si 5 6 H 4* 6 5 6 6 neb. $* 6 6 5 6 6 6* 6 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 6 4 6 6 1\ 6 7 6 6 5i 6 7 6 h m s 7 43 52,07 43 SS>*9 44 6 >38 44 6,8 1 44 H.S9 44 15.77 44 l8 >72 44 3 8 -4 44 39> 88 44 4. I 9 44 41.12 44 49.57 45 7,93 45 24,7 45 34, 66 45 54,21 45 5 6 ,92 46 19,25 46 40,65 46 44,29 46 44,66 46 54,29 47 .76 47 3> 6 7 47 20,4 i 47 22,23 47 32,87 47 43,^9 48 28,29 4 8 37,53 48 38,91 48 49,76 48 51,31 4 8 53,3i 4 8 54.74 49 i.95 49 7,53 49 l6 >43 49 57,79 50 20,55 5 24,34 50 24,86 5 33,95 S 1 12,39 7 S 1 4M9 8 + 1,795 3,116 3,574 2,051 1,106 4,912 + 3,686 0,131 +2,806 1,828 1,807 2,783 1,287 2,762 2,127 1,294 1,907 1,639 2,255 1,009 i,797 + 3.5^ 2,560 +2,062 2,122 3,265 2,2O5 4-237 3,4l6 2,222 0,422 1,692 5,192 1,763 1,436 2,255 3,260 5,249 3,43 i 4,944 2,390 2,580 3,i25 3,35 8 +2,390 S 0,0028 0,0056 0,0124 0,0014 O,OII2 0,0494 0,0146 -0,0433 O,OO27 0,0026 O,OO27 O,OO25 0,0084 0,0024 O,OO 1 2 0,0083 O,OO2 1 0,0042 0,0009 O,OI32 O,OO27 0,0116 -0,1744 0,0014 0,0011 0,0077 0,0010 0,0286 O,OIOI 0,0010 0,0273 0,0037 0,0633 0,0031 0,0065 0,0009 0,0077 0,066 1 0,0105 -0,0539 0,0009 0,0015 0,0060 0,0094 0,0009 S 0,016 +0,001 +0,004 +0,013 8.6290 8.4657 8.5012 8.5840 8.7492 8.7294 8.5177 8.9230 8.4786 8.6266 8.6305 8.4811 8.7236 8.4852 8.5767 8.7259 8.6178 8.6678 s-559* 8.7761 8.6411 8.5046 9.1604 8.5944 8.5848 8.4843 8.5712 8.6257 8.5003 8-5725 8.8709 8.6691 8.7949 8.6563 8.7149 8.5685 8.4906 8.8056 8.5074 8. 7 6i 5 8.5518 8.5242 8.4908 8.5051 -8.5566 + 8.9415 8.7779 8.8126 8.8953 9.0601 9.0400 8.8280 9.2317 8 -7 8 73 8.9352 8.9390 8.7890 9.0300 8.7903 8.8810 9.0286 8.9203 8.9685 8.8582 9.0749 8.9399 8.8026 9-4579 8.8917 8.8807 8.7801 8.8662 8.9199 8.7909 8.8624 9.1607 8.9580 9.0837 8.9450 9.0035 8.8565 8.7781 9.0925 8.7911 9-435 8 - 8 334 8.8058 8.7717 8.7831 +8.8323 +0.2541 0.4935 0-553 1 0.3119 0.0436 0.6913 +0.5666 -9.1179 +0.4481 0.2620 0.2569 0.4444 0.1096 0.4412 0.3278 O.II2O 0.2803 0.2146 -353' 0.0039 0.2546 +0-5455 0.4083 +0.3143 0.3268 o-5i39 -3434 0.6270 0-5335 0.3468 9.6251 0.2284 0.7153 0.2464 0.1570 0.3532 0.5132 0.7201 0-5355 0.6941 0.3783 0.4117 0.4948 0.5260 +o-37 8 5 +8.4911 7.0392 8.0880 + 8.3950 +8.6802 -8.6525 -8.1769 + 8.8944 +7.8119 + 8.4835 +8.4909 +7.8494 + 8.6427 +7.8828 + 8.3683 + 8.6446 + 8.46:1 +8.5528 + 8.3104 + 8.7132 +8.5041 8.0444 + 9.1509 +8.4042 + 8.3787 7.6907 + 8.3402 8.4704 -7-9455 + 8.3364 + 8.8310 + 8.5483 - 8 -7355 +8.5254 +8.6228 + 8.3212 -7.6867 -8.7490 -7-97I4 -8.6884 +8.2493 + 8.1067 -7.1509 -7.8779 + 8.2547 1 3 Canis Minoris +0,005 +0,002 0,007 +0,001 0,002 0,024 O,003 + O,OO4 + O,OO2 83 Geminorum . . . . + 0,008 0,012 + O,OO I +0,008 +0,015 0,008 +0,00 1 0,086 +0,00 1 +0,010 0,002 + 0,001 Canute Chameleontis .... Puppis a Canis Minoris .... Puppis i Cancri +0,004 +0,005 0,032 0,014 0,000 0,026 0,001 +0,010 +0,004 0,004 +0,005 Puppis Volantis 5 3 Canielopardi Puppis R CarinsE Puppis Canis Minoris .... Camelopardi Cancri 54 Camelopardi . Puppis 0,010 +0,003 0,007 +0,004 +0,017 14 Canis Minoris .... Cancri Puppis 118 No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Van Proper Motion. Logarithms of =3 Z - I Taylor. '1 4 Bris- >ane. Various. of V c 7 d' 2611 26l2 2613 2614 2615 2616 2617 2618 2619 2620 2621 2622 2623 2624. 2625 2626 2627 2628 2629 2630 2631 2632 2633 2634 2635 2636 2637 2638 2639 2640 2641 2642 2643 2644 2645 2646 2647 2648 2649 2650 2651 2652 2653 2654 2655 / /' 136 42 6,3 87 51 14,0 67 16 56,9 13 J 9 37.3 '48 33 39,6 33 6 25,8 62 51 1,8 159 27 14,4 IO2 26 20,3 135 59 53.8 136 28 58,0 103 30 10,8 146 5 46,6 104 27 54,2 128 13 57,8 146 i 58,2 134 12 6,7 140 7 42,4 124 19 58,0 H9 54 3 8 .9 136 50 1,1 69 43 28,5 1 68 i 46,4 130 ii 32,2 128 28 38,4 80 44 36,8 125 58 40,2 45 37 39.5 73 48 44.3 125 29 17,5 155 48 56,8 139 13 31,2 29 16 19,4 137 42 45,1 143 58 50,8 124 27 13,4 80 57 43,6 28 36 I2,O 73 4 48,5 32 19 0,0 119 53 23,0 112 28 58,2 87 " 45.9 76 21 14,4 119 56 8,0 + 8,' 7 8 8,79 8,80 8,80 8,81 8,81 8,82 8,84 8,84 8,84 8,85 8,86 8,88 8,90 8,92 8,94 8,94 8,97 9,00 9,01 9,01 9,02 9.3 9.3 9.5 9,06 9.7 9,08 JM4 9.i5 9,16 9. J 7 9.'7 9.'7 9,18 9.'9 9^9 9,20 9,26 9,29 9,29 9,29 9,3 9.35 +9.39 +0,235 0,409 0,468 0,269 0,145 0,644 +0,483 0,017 +0,367 0,239 0,237 0,364 0,168 0,361 0,278 0,169 0,249 0,214 0,294 0,132 0,234 + o,457 -o,333 +0,269 0,276 0,425 0,287 o.55i o,443 0,288 0,055 0,219 0,673 0,229 0,186 0,292 0,423 0,680 o,444 0,639 0,309 0,334 0,404 o.433 + 0,308 a +0,14 + 0,01 0,07 0,03 -9.9786 9.6021 -8.7267 9.9601 -9.9969 +9.7122 +8.3766 -9.9969 -9.7904 -9.9764 -9-9775 9.8004 -9.9940 9.8089 -9.9520 -9-9934 -9.9709 -9.9844 -9-9357 -9.9959 -9.9771 -8.9895 -9.9839 -9-9579 -9.9518 -9-4545 9.9421 +9.4960 -9.2271 -9.9394 -9.9954 9.9809 +9.7510 -9.9776 -9.9887 -9-9349 9.4609 +9.7576 -9.1959 +9-7I35 -9.9127 9.8692 -9.5944 -9.3284 9.9122 -9-5 33 + 8.2150 + 9.2291 -9-4533 -9-S73 6 +9.5659 +9.3023 9.6158 -8-9777 -9.5014 -9.5049 9.0133 -9.5653 -9.0449 -9-4395 -9.5679 -9.4927 -9-5358 9.4034 -9.5895 -9-5153 +9.1927 -9.6438 -9.4633 -9.4485 +8.8611 -9.4244 +9.5007 +9.1041 9.4232 9.6196 -9-5394 +9.6009 -9.5294 -9.5683 -9-4 T 35 + 8.8574 +9.6052 +9.1282 +9.5926 -9.3634 -9.2484 +8.3266 +9.0415 9.3686 +0.9436 0.9438 0-9445 0-9445 0.9448 0.9451 0.9453 0.9465 0.9466 0.9467 0.9467 0.9473 0.9484 0.9495 0.9501 0.9514 0.9516 0.9530 0.9543 0-9545 0.9546 0.9552 0.9556 0-9558 0.9568 0.9569 0.9576 0.9582 0.9610 0.9616 0.9617 0.9623 0.9624 0.9626 0.9626 0.9631 0.9634 0.9640 0.9665 0.9679 0.9681 0.9681 0.9687 0.9710 +0.9727 +9.9538 9-9537 9.9536 9.9536 9-9535 9-9534 9-9534 9-953 1 9-953 9-9530 9.9530 9.9529 9.9526 9.9523 9.9522 9.9519 9.9518 9-95I5 9.9512 9.9511 9.9511 9.9509 9.9508 9.9508 9-9505 9.9505 9.9503 9.9502 9-9494 9-9493 9-9493 9.9491 9.9491 9.9490 9.9490 9.9489 9.9488 9.9486 9.9480 9.9476 9-9475 9-9475 9.9474 9.9467 ,+9-9462 V. 899 ii. 962 ii. 964 v. 900 3017 3 oi 5| l30 1772 1773 M 3 , 5 J 184 J 183 M 316 J 185 J 186 B.H 352 G 1384 J 187 B.F i i 10 B.H 1500 B.F. i ii i G 1392 W 4 66 W468 131 127 234 232 +0,02 +0,03 -0,13 0,00 +0,06 +0,04 +o,33 0,04 +0,05 123 128 223 *33 Ii. 962 ii. 963 357 3022 3024 1785 1778 1780 "33 239 244 iii. 965 v. 901 v. 902 ii. 964 v. 904 ii. 966 "34 240 3036 3026 3046 333 343 3035 3060 3047 1784 1788 1787 1796 1797 1800 1798 1136 243 0,11 + 0,10 +0,24 0,09 -0,35 0,20 +0,04 +0,23 +0,09 +0,07 + 0,12 + O,II v. 906 v. 905 v. 912 iii. 967 v. 914 v. 91; ii. 967 250 1137 246 3107 3044 349 1810 1799 1801 253 254 249 256 iii. 96$ ii. 969 ii. 968 iii. 969 3052 1802 O,OO + O,I2 + 0,29 + 0,18 +0,03 -0,31 +0,06 0,02 +0,06 0,0 1 0,09 1138 *55 259 ii. 970 iii. 973 3059 3083 3069 3068 3074 3063 1805 1815 1813 1812 1814 1811 v. 919 iii. 970 v. 921 v. 922 iii. 975 iv. 567 iii. 972 ii. 972 "35 248 262 258 251 261 +0,50 0,03 0,0 1 +0,04 +0,11 v. 926 ii. 974 ii. 973 ii. 975 ii. 977 3072 1819 1141 "39 266 265 267 277 3081 1825 119 No. Constellation. Mag. Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Van Proper Motion. Logarithms of a b c d 2656 2657 2658* 2659* 2660 2661 2662 2663* 2664 2665 2666* 2667 2668 2669 2670* 2671 2672 2673* 2674 2675 2676 2677 2678* 2679 2680 2681* 2682* 2683* 2684* 2685 2686 2687 2688* 2689* 2690 2691* 2692* 2693 2694 2695* 2696 2697 2698 2699 2700 6 6 7 6 61 6 6 6* 6 4 5 6 Si 6 5 6 Si 5 6* 4 61 6 6 6* 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 6 6 *i 6* 6 6 6 5* 5 6* 6 6 h m s 7 51 46,90 Si 5>95 52 2,39 52 11,30 52 14,26 52 26,96 S 2 39.77 52 40,57 52 57,02 S 2 57.65 53 8.56 53 I0 >53 53 35.55 53 4 6 >9 53 5 6 .7i 54 11,29 54 17.95 54 17,69 54 4 1 . 10 54 55.95 54 58,81 55 o,49 55 0,80 55 2.55 55 17,5^ 55 28,01 55 54,37 56 4,85 56 5,68 56 8,66 S 6 19,77 56 20,52 56 25,26 S 6 3 6 ,i4 5 6 42,93 5 6 45.41 56 56,16 57 i,39 57 3,36 57 3,47 57 8,20 57 9>7 57 10,29 57 13,32 7 57 24,79 + 1*258 3,642 3,469 3,448 3>3 i,943 2,573 3,633 3,428 1,531 2,688 1,886 3.05 1 1,024 1,726 2,123 3,700 3,127 6,319 2,524 3.5S 6 12,433 1,048 3,285 0,782 5,7" i,745 3,479 I.75 1 2,194 1,011 1,013 3,691 2,202 3,352 4,186 !>937 1,067 1,036 1,043 1,481 4,560 3,36o 2,341 + 3,567 s 0,0093 0,0146 0,0113 0,0109 0,0046 0,00 1 8 0,0014 0,0146 0,0107 0,0055 0,0020 0,0022 0,0052 0,0136 0,0034 0,0010 0,0162 0,0062 0,1290 0,0012 0,0133 0,8197 0,0133 0,0085 0,0192 0,0940 0,0033 0,0119 O,OO32 0,0008 0,0143 0,0143 0,0164 O,OOO8 0,0097 0,0296 0,0019 0,0132 0,0138 -0,0137 0,0063 0,0423 0,0099 O,OOO7 0,0138 s 4-0,010 +0,004 +0,013 +0,001 0,005 0,003 +0,00 1 +0,005 + 0,002 0,013 -8.7576 8.5406 8.5191 8.5173 8.4971 8.6381 8-5336 8.5424 8.5180 8.7153 8.5213 8.6515 8.5012 8.8045 8.6840 8.6120 8.5585 8.5047 8.9739 8.5485 8.5403 9.4119 8.8059 8.5133 8.8484 8.8999 8.6886 8.5348 8.6882 8.6069 8.8174 8.8172 8.5648 8.6071 8.5242 8.6528 8.6571 8.8113 8.8164 8.8153 8.7414 8-7234 8.5264 8.5854 -8.5505 + 9.0329 8.8156 8.7932 8.7908 8.7703 8.9104 8.8049 8.8137 8.7880 8.9852 8.7905 8.9205 8.7683 9.0707 8-9495 8.8764 8.8224 8.7678 9.2361 8.8096 8.8012 9.6726 9.0665 8-7739 9.1078 9.1585 8.9452 8.7907 8.9440 8.8625 9.0722 9.0719 8.8192 8.8607 8.7772 8.9057 8.9091 9.0630 9.0680 9.0669 8.9926 8-9745 8-7775 8.8362 + 8.8004 +0.0998 0.5613 0.5402 0-5375 0.4776 0.2885 0.4104 0.5602 0-535 0.1850 0.4295 0.2755 0.4844 0.0103 0.2371 0.3270 0.5683 0.4951 0.8007 0.4021 0.5510 1.0946 0.0205 0.5165 9.8934 0.7567 0.2418 0.5415 0.2433 0.3412 0.0048 0.0055 0.5671 0.3429 0-5253 0.6218 0.2871 0.0281 0.0154 0.0182 0.1706 0.6589 0.5263 0.3694 + 0.5523 +8.6807 -8.1793 8.0240 8.0006 + 7-2538 +8-4775 +8.1237 8.1764 7.9806 +8.6152 + 8.0UI + 8.5024 + 6.7342 + 8.7425 + 8.5608 + 8.4098 -8.2331 7.1846 -8.9473 + 8.1745 8.1230 -9.4085 + 8.7430 -7.768: + 8.7979 8.8609 + 8.5636 -8.0532 + 8.5624 + 8.3850 + 8.7568 + 8.7565 -8-2357 + 8.3829 -7-8937 8.4921 +8.5003 + 8.7480 + 8-7547 +8-7533 +8.6479 8.6195 -7.9079 + 8.3102 -8.1434 + 0,031 + O,OO8 0,008 + 0,029 + O,O23 + O,OO2 +0,002 Puppis 6 Cancri Canis Minoris .... Puppis 0,006 O,O02 7 Cancri Camelopardi Cannae + 0,085 + 0,OO5 Cancri Carinae Camelopardi + O,OI2 + 0,047 Carinae Cancri Carinae 0,069 O,OO8 Puppis Carinae Carinae 0,007 Puppis + O,OO6 + 0,001 0,000 -0,073 +0,028 0,007 8 Cancri .... 28 Lyncis Puppis Carinae Carinae Carinae Carinse 0,020 0,004 0,003 +0,013 +0,00 1 27 Lyncis Cancri Puppis 9 Cancri n, i 120 No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1550. Annual Preces. Sec.Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of & % Z 3 E Taylor. tu Bris- bane. Various. of V c f ff 2656 2657 2658 2659 2660 2661 2662 2663 2664 2665 2666 2667 2668 2669 2670 2671 2672 2673 2674 2675 2676 2677 2678 2679 2680 2681 2682 2683 2684 2685 2686 2687 2688 2689 2690 2691 2692 2693 2694 2695 2696 2697 2698 2699 2700 / // H 6 54 3M 64 12 3,2 71 2O 51,3 72 17 4,1 93 16 25,7 133 42 31,8 112 54 18,6 64 30 10,3 73 8 3,9 142 34 54,4 107 59 25,7 i35 I0 39>3 9 58 4-7.1 iS 7 3.4 138 50 20,2 128 53 13,4 61 47 23,3 8? 15 25,9 19 51 19,0 115 o 8,6 67 30 43,3 7 8 8,8 149 54 10,3 79 S 8 354 J 5 2 S3 3 J >4 23 54 39.7 138 34 44. 6 70 44 T 5,3 138 27 29,6 126 52 5,9 150 26 1,1 150 24 51,4 62 2 49,4 126 38 4,8 76 27 29,9 46 1 8 51,0 "34 i S3. 6 H9 47 44.9 J 5 I0 34.7 150 5 36,1 H3 44 i3. 2 38 3 59.2 7 6 4 24.5 122 2 47,4 66 56 25,4 n +9.4 9,40 9.42 9.43 9.43 9.45 9.47 9-47 9.49 9.49 9.5 9.5i 9.54 9.55 9.57 9.58 9.59 9,61 9,62 9,64 9.65 9' 6 5 9. 6 5 9. 6 5 9. 6 7 9,68 9.72 9.73 9.73 9.73 9.75 9.75 9,76 9.77 9.78 9.78 9.79 9,80 9,80 9,80 9,81 9,81 9,81 9^82 +9.83 +0,162 0,469 0.447 0,444 0,387 0,250 0,331 0,467 0,440 0,197 345 0,242 0,39! 0,131 0,221 O,272 0.474 0,400 0,809 0,323 0,455 1,590 0,134 0,420 0,100 0,73 0,223 0,444 0,223 0,280 0,129 0,129 0,470 0,281 0,427 0,533 0,247 0,136 0,132 0,133 0,188 0,580 0,427 0,298 +o,453 // +0,04 0,0 1 0,0 1 +0,04 0,03 +0,08 0,04 -j-O,OI 0,04 +0,0 1 -9-9899 -9.7993 9.1099 9.1608 9.6846 -9.9653 9.8709 8.0864 -9.2033 -9.9838 -9-8355 -9.9687 9.6522 -9.9907 -9.9765 -9.9491 +8.5146 -9-5927 + 9.8311 9.8830 -8.8169 +9.9117 -9.9895 9.4302 8.9902 +9-7957 -9.9746 -9.0835 -9.9742 -9.9404 -9.9887 -9.9887 +8.4200 -9.9392 -9-3375 +9.4612 -9-9 6 35 -9.9878 -9.9879 -9.9879 -9.9823 +9.6223 -9.3249 -9-9'93 -8.7627 -9.5940 +9.3098 +9.1767 + 9.1556 8.4292 -9.5127 9.2642 +9.3080 +9.1376 -9-5750 -9.1654 9.5266 7.9102 -9.6159 -9-5552 -9-4771 +9-3543 +8.3602 +9.6544 -9.3079 +9.2647 +9.6788 -9.6193 +8.9370 9.6326 +9.6448 9.5602 +9.2042 9.5601 9.4642 9.6261 9.6261 +9.3580 -9.4634 +9- 575 +9.5274 -9-53I9 -9.6257 -9.6275 9.6271 -9-5959 +9.5856 +9.0710 -9.4145 +9.2833 +0.9731 0.9733 0.9740 0.9745 0.9747 0-9754 0.9762 0.9762 0.9772 0.9772 Q-9779 0.9780 0.9795 0.9801 0.9807 0.9815 0.9819 0.9825 0.9833 0.9841 0.9843 0.9844 0.9844 0.9845 0.9854 0.9860 0.9875 0.9881 0.9881 0.9883 0.9889 0.9890 0.9892 0.9898 0.9902 0.9904 0.9910 0.9913 0.9914 0.9914 0.9917 0.9917 0.9918 0.9919 +0.9926 +9.9462 9.9461 9.9459 9-9457 9-9457 9-9455 9-9453 9-9453 9.9450 9.9450 9-9448 9-9447 9-9443 9.9441 9.9440 9-9437 9.9436 9.9434 9.9432 9.9429 9.9429 9.9429 9.9429 9.9428 9.9426 9.9424 9.9419 9.9417 9.9417 9.9417 9.9415 9.9415 9.9414 9.9412 9.9411 9.9410 9.9408 9.9407 9.9407 9.9407 9.9406 9.9406 9.9406 9.9405 +9.9403 3097 1829 M 3 i 7 P36o W 4 6 9 Ji88, R99 B.Fii29 M 3 i8 B.Fii25 G 1400 G 1391 B.H 1499 B.Fii28 B.Fii26 M 319 M 320 1140 1142 1143 1145 1150 "44 1146 270 273 275 278 283 281 276 279 ii. 976 iii. 978 ii. 978 iii. 979 iii. 982 ii. 980 ii. 979 ii. 981 v- 935 3089 1831 3102 1835 +0,17 +0,10 0,06 0,09 0,00 +0,07 O,I2 1151 288 284 iii. 983 ii. 983 v. 937 v - 939 iii. 984 ii. 984 ii. 985 3099 3"3 3105 3103 1836 1842 1839 1841 "49 "53 292 285 289 o, 1 3 0,04 v. 942 iii. 986 3104 1844 1152 290 0,18 +0,16 v. 949 iii. 987 3122 1852 1855 291 +0,07 + 1,65 282 iii. 985 v. 956 3120 1858 0,40 0,20 v. 959 v. 957 3123 3118 1860 1859 1862 1863 0,16 v. 958 3J34 0,20 + 0,05 +0,06 0,70 0,05 +0,05 v. 960 ii. 986 iii. 988 v. 961 v. 963 v. 964 v. 966 v. 965 ii. 987 ii. 990 iii. 991 ii. 989 3121 1861 1156 "55 296 293 3^5 3138 3Ho 3135 1865 1868 1869 1871 1870 .... +0,06 + 0,01 +0,04 +0,09 + 0,01 "54 "57 294 297 301 298 3124 1866 B.A.C. (Q) 121 No. Constellation. Mag Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850 Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a b j e d 2701 2702 2703 2704 2705 2706* 2707* 2708 2709 2710 2711 2712 2713 2714 2715* 2716 2717 2718 2719* 2720 2721 2722* 2723* 2724 2725 2726 2727 2728* 2729 2730 2731 2732 2733 2734 2735 2736 2737* 2738 2739* 2740* 2741 2742 2743 2744 2745 6 6 7 6 6 64 5 6* 6 i 6 6 6 5 6 6 6 7 6 6 6 6 6 6 5* 6 6i 31 6 4 *i 5* 6 6* 6 5 7 6 6 H 6 6 6 Si 7* h ill s 7 57 35.53 57 36,84 57 42,21 57 43,H 57 44.42 57 46,52 57 48,59 58 1,96 58 3,16 58 18,98 58 22,96 58 25,70 58 26,16 58 55,89 59 3,7 6 59 10,54 59 l6 ,95 59 3 8 .7o 7 59 57.86 8 o 19,17 o 32,11 o 32,83 o 40,78 o 43.5 i 3,24 i 4,69 i 8,68 1 947 i 10,28 i 24,66 i 26,97 i 50,91 i 52,04 2 !3>97 s 2 19,89 2 19,91 2 3 2 .93 2 33,89 2 37,01 3 5.55 3 9>!9 3 16,48 3 30,66 3 36,28 8 3 36,53 s +2,062 1,936 3,562 4,985 1,462 2,709 6,089 2,663 1,407 2,109 1,456 *,337 o,774 3,540 t- 4> H8 i,732 2 ,3i3 3,685 2,315 3,361 1,684 7,780 2,647 1,850 + 3.019 0,665 + 3,641 2,560 !556 3,632 3,433 4,838 1,925 3,8 1 6. 2,271 2,679 3,38o 0,870 2 ,745 3,279 5,128 1,769 2,267 3,446 + 3,445 s O,OO 12 0,0018 0,0138 -0,0597 0,0065 0,0021 0,1185 0,00 1 8 0,0074 O,00 10 0,0067 0,0007 O,O2OI 0,0134 0,0290 0,0034 0,0007 0,0167 0,0007 0,0 IO I 0,0039 0,2540 0,0017 0,0024 0,0050 -0,0754 0,0158 0,0012 0,0054 -0,0157 0,0115 0,0556 0,0019 0,0203 0,0006 0,0019 0,0106 0,0184 0,0024 0,0089 0,0698 0,0031 0,0006 0,0119 0,0119 8 8.6364 8.6599 8.5509 8-7995 8.7472 8-5355 8.9595 8.5415 8.7583 8.6304 8.7509 8.5905 8.8629 8.5522 8.6547 8-7039 8.5978 8-5754 8-5999 8.5372 8.7181 9-H73 8.5525 8.6878 8.5268 9.0561 8-5740 8.5655 8.7440 8-5737 8.5481 8.7916 8.6782 8.6062 8.6159 8-5543 8-5463 8.8654 8.5481 8-5399 8.8452 8.7128 8.6209 8.5565 -8-5565 +8.8856 8.9089 8-7995 9.0481 8-9957 8.7838 9.2077 8.7887 9.0054 8.8764 8.9966 8.8359 9.1084 8-7955 8.8974 8.9461 8.8395 8.8155 8.8386 8-7743 8.9544 9-3835 8.7881 8-9233 8.7607 9.2900 8.8076 8.7990 8-9775 8. 8061 8.7803 9.0221 8.9087 8.8350 8.8443 8.7827 8.7738 9.0928 8-7753 8.7650 9.0700 8-9372 8.8443 8-7795 + 8-7794 +0.3143 0.2869 0-5517 0.6976 0.1650 0.4328 0.7846 0.4254 0.1481 0.3241 0.1630 0.3687 9.8889 0.5490 0.6178 0.2386 0.3641 0.5664 0.3645 0.5264 0.2264 0.8910 0.4228 0.2673 +0-4799 9.8230 +0.5612 0.4082 0.1921 0.5602 0-5357 0.6847 0.2844 0.5816 0-3563 0.4279 0.5290 9-9393 0.4385 o-5i57 0.7100 0.2478 0-3554 0-5373 +0.5372 +8.4524 + 8.5036 8.1406 -8.7311 + 8.6557 + 8.0075 8.9294 + 8.0608 + 8.6718 +84347 + 8.6603 + 8.3177 + 8.8134 8.1261 -8.4874 + 8.5822 + 8.3358 8.2458 + 8.3376 7.9230 + 8.6035 -9.1346 + 8.0891 + 8.5488 +7.1750 + 9.0363 8.2202 + 8.1727 + 8.6445 8.2149 8.0251 -8.7147 + 8.5265 -8.3414 + 8.3721 + 8.0627 -7.9613 + 8.8130 + 7.9834 7.7906 -8.7863 + 8.5878 + 8-3797 8.0488 8.0486 Puppis O,OI2 O,OI2 0,017 + 0,007 + 0,004 + O,OO2 + 0,005 + 0,043 + 0,015 + O,O04 + O,OO5 0,002 O,OI5 0,005 + O,OO2 + 0,002 + O,OO2 + 0,113 + O,O2O 12 Cancri OjOO5 +0,00 1 0,066 0,000 0,002 +0,001 0,002 0,000 0,005 0,003 0,025 +0,007 +0,003 29 Monocerotis Volantis 13 Cancri w' Argus c Cannae 14 Cancri u/^ Cancri Lvncis Puppis Cancri Puppis - . 1 6 Puppis ... Cancri Carinae D 2 +0,013 Puppis Cancri 0,003 0,003 5 6 Camelopardi .... Velorum Puppis . . +0,017 +0,009 +0,005 1 6 Cancri Cancri 122 No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1850 Annual Preces. Sec. Var Proper Motion. Logarithms of M I Taylor. Lacaille. Bris- bane. Various. a' b' c f d' 2701 2702 2703 2704 2705 2706 2707 2708 2709 2710 2711 2712 2713 2714 2715 2716 2717 2718 2719 2720 2721 2722 2723 2724 2725 2726 2727 2728 2729 2730 2731 2732 2733 2734 *735 2736 2737 2738 2739 2740 2741 2742 2 743 2744 *745 / II 130 53 33.o *34 H 57.9 67 7 0,4 31 19 4,4 144 5 55.3 107 14 43,1 21 5 30,9 109 18 20,7 145 2 21,9 129 35 0,9 144 15 2,1 122 15 10,8 153 9 7.8 6 7 59 7.9 47 8 3,6 '39 4 35.5 123 10 0,3 62 5 15,7 123 8 34,4 75 55 37.8 140 10 25,1 13 47 4M no 7 24,8 136 33 6,8 92 32 59,0 162 49 27,3 63 43 6,0 "3 52 3 J ,4 142 40 43,6 64 2 28,9 72 32 50,1 33 6 I2 >4 '34 5 13.1 57 4 35.5 124 46 40,6 108 48 30,7 74 55 5i.4 152 24 25,4 105 48 40,1 79 44 20,6 29 10 18,9 138 34 29,4 125 I 11,2 7i 54 H.5 7i 54 3 2 .2 + 9*84 9.85 9.85 9.85 9,86 9,86 9,86 9,88 9,88 9,90 9-9 1 9.9 l 9.9 1 9.95 9,96 9.97 9.97 1 0,00 10,03 10,05 10,07 10,07 10,08 10,08 IO, II IO,II 10,11 IO,I2 10,12 IO,I3 ' IO,I4 10,17 IO,I7 10,20 IO,2O 10,20 IO,22 10,22 10,23 10,26 10,27 10,28 10,29 10,30 + 10,30 +0,262 0,246 o.453 0,633 0,1 86 o.344 o,773 o,338 0,179 0,268 0,185 0,296 0,098 0,448 0,525 0,219 0,293 0,466 0,292 0,424 0,212 0,981 0.334 0,233 +0,380 0,084 +0,459 0,322 0,196 0,457 0,432 0,608 0,242 o,479 0,285 0,336 0,424 0,109 o,344 0,411 0,643 0,222 0,284 0,431 +0,43 * a -9-9535 -9.9632 -8.7860 +9.7148 -9.9823 -9.8278 +9.8170 -9.8434 -9.9831 -9.9487 -9.9819 -9.9196 -9.9875 8.8854 +9.4352 -9.9731 -9.9232 +8.3483 -9.9227 -9.3233 -9.9741 +9.8671 9.8481 9.9666 -9.6739 -9-9793 7.8261 -9.8729 -9.9776 8.0969 -9.1909 +9.6858 9.9616 +9.0158 9.9281 -9.8378 -9.2907 -9.9839 9.8142 -9.4378 +9.7313 9.9690 -9.9283 -9.1644 -9.1647 -9.5070 -9.5348 +9.2811 +9.6230 9.6000 9.1636 +9.6616 9.2118 9.6061 -9-4977 9.6030 9.4210 -9.6443 +9.2693 +9.5286 -9-5745 -9-4347 +9.3682 -9.4366 +9.0859 9.5861 +9.6881 -9.2378 -9.5623 -8.3506 -9.6827 +9-3489 -9.3099 -9.6033 +9.3448 +9.1807 +9.6281 -9-5533 +9.4414 -9.4627 9.2150 +9.1222 -9.6548 9.1428 +8-9597 +9.6503 -9.5845 -9.4691 +9.2028 +9.2027 +0.9932 -9933 0.9936 0.9936 0.9937 0.9938 -9939 0-9947 0.9947 0.9956 0.9958 0.9960 0.9960 0.9977 0.9981 0.9985 0.9988 I.OOOO LOOT I I.OO22 I.OO29 1.0030 1.0034 1.0035 1.0046 1.0047 1.0049 I.OO5O 1.0050 1.0058 1.0059 I.OO72 1.0073 1.0084 1.0088 1.0088 1.0095 1.0095 1.0097 I.OII2 I.OII4 i.ouS 1.0125 1.0128 + 1.0128 +9.9401 9.9401 9.9400 9.9400 9.9400 9-9399 9-9399 9-9397 9.9396 9-9394 9-9393 9.9392 9.9392 9-9387 9.9386 9-9384 9-9383 9.9379 9.9376 9.9372 9.9369 9.9369 9.9368 9.9367 9.9364 9.9364 9.9363 9.9363 9.9362 9.9360 9-9359 9-9355 9-9355 9-9351 9-935 9-935 9-9347 9-9347 9.9346 9-934 1 9.9340 9.9339 9.9336 9-9335 +9-9335 .... V. 967 V. 968 iii. 992 3130 1872 1873 G 1407 B.Fii 3 6 P 3 6 3 J 189 M 321 G 1411 G 1408 B.Fii43 M 322 J 190 M 323 M 324 B.Fii32 A 167 Ai68 B.F 1146 B.F 1154 B.F 1149 M326 M 3 2 7 0,07 +0,08 1158 299 0,16 v. 969 3^39 1875 114$ 1163 ii. 988 0,05 +0,33 +0,06 + 1,08 0,00 0,07 +0,02 303 iii. 994 3H4 3136 3H5 3131 3i54 1877 1876 1881 1878 1883 306 ii. 990 v. 972 iii. 995 305 1161 "59 304 ii. 991 0,24 + 0,03 + 0,04 + 0,15 +0,05 + I, 9 6 v. 975 v. 976 iii. 996 v. 978 ii- 993 v. 979 3148 3 Hi 3146 3156 1885 1884 1887 1888 1162 307 1165 310 1147 O,o6 0,04 0,20 +0,03 0,08 0,1 8 +,34 +0,06 0,02 +0,16 +0,67 + 0,12 0,03 v. 981 ii. 994 3*59 3188 1890 1900 1168 316 1166 312 320 iii. 998 ii. 995 v. 985 lii.iooo ii.iooi ii.ioo2 v. 987 ii.ioo3 v. 988 ii. 996 1170 3'53 3162 1892 1896 167 3H 317 311 3163 1898 321 3161 1901 174 i 0,08 3178 1906 + O,IO 0,00 164 3 3i9 iii.ioo5 11.1004 v. 990 v. 991 ii. 998 v. 581 3169 1008 +0,10 + O,II +0,33 1902 175 5 6 (Q2) 123 No. Constellation. Mag. Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Logarithms of Motion. a I c d 2746 2747 2748* 2749* 2750 2751* 2752 2753 2754 ^755 2756* 2757 2758 2759* 2760* 2761* 2762 2763* 2764 2765 2766* 2767 2768 2769 2770 2771* 2772 2773 2774 2775 2776 2777 2778 2779 2780 2781 2782 2783 2784* 2785 2786 2787* 2788 2789 2790 6 6 7 6 6 64 6 6 5 2 6 5* Si 7 6 7 5* 6 Si 6 neb. Si 6 5 si 6 6 5 5 6 5 6 4 6 6 6 H 6 6 6 6 6 64 6 6 h m s 8 3 42,65 3 5.4S 3 58,i9 4 !,7i 4 14,05 4 3*j66 4 40,96 4 43, 4 5* 10 4 54,5 5 9.84 5 2 .43 5 2 9.43 5 3545 5 55.74 6 0,32 6 0,52 6 1,60 6 3,56 6 11,35 6 18 6 22,51 6 25,46 6 26,41 6 30,39 6 39.74 6 S3,5i 7 25,99 7 50,06 8 15,58 8 I7.H 8 20,22 8 22,72 8 43.65 8 43,65 9 2,00 9 *3.94 9 35." 10 4,81 10 30,46 10 56,76 II 22,65 35.85 II 36,55 8 ii 52,34 +2^798 - 3.735 3.366 6,787 2,817 5> 02 5 1,789 2,033 1,849 1,849 1,824 5. 5i 2,215 3.444 1,768 3,344 2,142 1,772 i,43 5.33 2,964 2,026 0,802 2,758 1,030 1,806 2,228 0,235 2,263 2,371 4,898 2,252 3,263 1,530 2,125 1.895 3.256 1,927 5,113 2,752 3,66i 17,565 3,506 3,582 +2,435 s 0,0028 0,0185 0,0104 0,1764 0,0029 0,0656 0,0029 0,0012 O,OO23 0,0023 O,OO25 0,0674 O,OOO6 O,OI2I 0,0030 0,0 1 02 O,OOO7 0,0030 0,0078 0,08 10 0,0044 O,00 1 2 O,O2O7 0,0023 0,0151 O,OO28 O,OOO6 0,0392 O,OOO5 0,0005 0,0619 0,OOO5 0,0089 0,0059 O,OOO8 O,0020 0,0088 0,0017 0,0736 O,OO23 0,0176 -2,1875 0,0140 0,0158 O,OOO5 s 0,013 4-0,004 8.5468 8.5982 8.5496 9.0666 8.5469 8.8338 8-7*45 8.6683 8.7039 8.7040 8.7097 8.8413 8.6372 8.5628 8.7231 8.5542 8.6526 8.7227 8.7907 8.8850 8.5448 8.6758 8.8915 8.5591 8.8559 8.7187 8.6398 8.9762 8.6367 8.6190 8.8273 8.6405 8-5555 8.7780 8.6654 8.7105 8.5581 8.7063 8.8702 8.5724 8.6098 9.6702 8.5893 8.5998 8.6201 4-8.7692 8.8201 8.7710 9.2877 8.7671 9.0527 8.9328 8.8865 8.9214 8.9213 8.9259 9.0568 8.8521 8-7773 8.9360 8.7668 8.8652 8-9353 9.0031 9.0969 8.7562 8.8869 9.1024 8.7699 9.0664 8.9285 8.8487 9.1828 8.8416 8.8221 9.0303 8.8433 8.7581 8-979 1 8.8665 8.9103 8.7564 8.9039 9.0656 8.7661 8.8017 9.8603 8.7785 8.7889 4-8.8o8i 4-0.4469 0.5723 0.5271 0.8317 0.4498 0.7011 0.2527 0.3082 0.2668 0.2669 0.2610 0.7033 -3454 0.5371 0.2476 0.5243 0.3308 0.2485 0.1471 0.7246 0.4719 0.3066 9.9041 0.4406 0.0127 0.2567 0.3479 9.3705 0-3547 0.3750 0.6900 0-3525 0.5136 0.1848 0.3273 0.2775 0.5127 0.2848 0.7087 0.4396 0.5636 1.2447 0.5449 0.5541 4-0.3865 4-7.9105 8.2985 -7-9467 9.0468 4-7-8817 -8.7697 +8.5872 4-8.4955 +8.5674 4-8.5674 +8-5773 -8.7789 +8.4152 -8.0557 +8-5995 - 7.9224 +8.4531 +8.5986 4-8.7074 -8.8347 +7-5I3 1 4-8.5058 4-8.8427 +7.9816 4-8.7971 4-8.5898 4-8.4146 +8-9439 4-8.4001 +8-3394 -8.7567 4-8.4083 -7-7795 4-8.6842 +8.4725 4-8.5683 -7.7677 4-8.5586 8.8124 4-8.0081 8.2771 9.6689 -8.1479 -8.2174 4-8.3130 4-0,002 0,000 4-0,003 4-0,002 4-o,oii Aro-iis ...V 0,009 4-0,005 4-0,002 4-0,009 0,005 4-0,020 4-0,015 O,OO8 4-0,005 Monocerotis .... 4-O,O2O 0,070 4-0,003 -0,035 O,OII 0,00 1 4-0,016 4-0,005 4-o,oii 4-0,009 0,011 0,000 0,030 4-0,015 1 7 Canci'i 0,005 4-0,004 0,007 4-0,002 4-0,005 Ursse Majoris . . . 1 8 Cancri V Ursae Minoris . . . 4-0,017 0,000 124 No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec.Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of 5* 3 Taylor. v Bris- bane. Various. a' V 53 10,55 io,59 10,62 10,65 10,65 10,65 10,66 10.68 10,68 10,70 10,73 I0 >75 10,78 10,81 10,85 10,88 10,89 10,89 + 10,91 n +0,350 0,467 0,421 0,848 o,35 2 0,627 0,223 0,254 0,231 0,231 0,227 0,629 0,276 0,429 0,220 0,416 0,266 0,220 0,174 0,659 0,368 0,252 0,100 0,343 0,128 0,224 0,276 0,029 0,280 0,293 0,605 0,278 0,403 0,189 0,262 0,234 0,401 0,237 0,629 o,338 >449 2,152 0,429 o,439 +0,298 0,11 +0,06 -9.7927 +8.7380 -9-3 H5 +9.8396 -9.7846 +9-7I54 9.9672 -9.9524 9.9643 -9.9642 -9-9 6 53 +9.7186 -9.9341 9.1670 -9.9673 -9-3483 -9.9420 -9.9671 -9.9771 +9.7496 -9.7087 -9.9521 9.9804 9.8088 9.9800 -9.9652 -9.9321 9.9776 -9.9272 -9.9109 +9.6916 -9.9285 -9.4562 -9.9727 -9.9424 -9.9592 -9.4643 -9-9570 +9.7230 9.8110 +7.83*5 +9-9053 9.0026 8.6703 9.8982 -9.0747 +9.4116 +9.1088 +9.6922 -9.0474 +9.6495 -9.5867 -9-54*3 -9.5780 -9.5781 -9-5831 +9.6537 -9-4945 +9.2097 -9-5943 +9.0863 9.5186 -9.5941 -9-6350 +9.6684 -8.6873 -9-5493 9.6706 -9.1419 9.6608 -9-59*3 -9.4956 9.6902 -9.4871 -9-4454 +9.6545 -9-4931 +8.9494 -9.6327 -9-5335 -9.5852 +8.9380 -9-58i3 +9.6727 9.1674 +9.4003 +9.7330 +9.2935 +9-35*5 9.4286 + 1.0132 1.0136 1.0140 1.0142 1.0148 1.0157 1.0162 1.0163 1.0168 . 1.0169 1.0177 1.0183 1.0187 1.0190 1. 020 1 I.O2O3 1.0203 I.O2O4 1.0205 I.O2O9 I.02I2 I.O2I5 1.0216 I.02I7 I.O2I9 1.0224 I.O23I 1.0247 1.0259 1.0272 1.0273 1.0275 1.0276 1.0286 I.O286 1.0296 1.0306 1.0312 1.0327 1.0339 1.0352 1.0365 1.0372 1.0372 + 1.0380 +9-9334 9-9333 9.9331 9.9330 9.9328 9.9325 9-93*3 9.9323 9.9321 9.9320 9.9317 9-93I5 9.9314 9.9312 9-9309 9.9308 9.9308 9.9307 9.9307 9.9306 9-9304 9.9303 9.9303 9.9303 9.9302 9.9300 9.9297 9.9291 9.9286 9.9281 9.9281 9.9280 9.9280 9.9276 9.9276 9.9272 9.9268 9.9265 9.9259 9.9254 9.9249 9.9244 9.9241 9.9241 +9.9238 1176 1173 9 4 ii.iooo ii. 999 A 169 M 325 B.Fii52 G 1419 B.Fii39 J igi.Rioo J 192,11101 B.Fii57 B.Fn6i A Ji 9 3 Ji94 G 1426 M 330 M33i B.F 1159 M 33 2 G 1418 B.F 1 1 66 M333 1160 1177 1169 0,01 + 0,01 +0,16 +0,04 ii ii.iooi v. 994 iii.ioo7 U.IOO2 v. 997 V.IOOO iii.ioo6 iii.ioio ii.ioo4 V.IOO3 3181 3179 3185 3187 3183 1913 1914 1916 1917 1920 1922 .... 16 +0,06 +0,22 +0,06 +0,05 +0,02 +0,20 1171 7 17 14 3195 1926 +0,08 .... 21 iii.ion v.i 004 .1005 iii.'ioog 3*9* 3208 1925 1927 1928 +0,40 0,00 1172 IO 0,07 -i>53 +0,03 +0,13 +0,14 0,24 +0,03 +0,09 0,06 0,02 +0,09 +0,06 +0,12 +0,16 .... 22 ii.ioo6 3197 3224 1929 1935 "79 18 ii.ioo5 v.1007 v.iooS v.i 009 ii.ioo9 V.IOI2 iii.ioi5 iii.ioi4 v.ioi3 ii.ioo8 v.ioi5 iii.ioi6 v.ioi6 iii.ioi7 iii.ioig iii.ioiS iv. 592 ii.ioii 3222 3205 3199 3242 3212 3217 1934 1931 '933 1940 1938 1939 1178 3i 3* 19 3219 1941 1180 28 3*33 3223 1944 *943 1945 1184 1181 35 33 38 30 39 37 +0,08 0,01 0,00 0,0 1 +0,37 3*37 1948 - . 0,02 +0,04 1182 42 4 1 ii.ioi3 ii.ioi2 V.I028 1962 125 No. Constellation. Mag. Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a 6 c d 2791 2792 2793 2794 2795 2796 2797 2798 2799 2800* 2801 2802 2803 2804 2805 2806 2807 2808 2809 2810* 2811 2812 2813* 2814 2815 2816 2817 2818 2819 2820 2821 2822 2823 2824* 2825 2826 2827 2828* 2829* 2830 2831 2832 2833 2834 2835 6 5 5 6 5 5* 6 6 6 6 8i 5 6 6 6 7 6 6 6 7 6 6 6 6 6* 6 6 7 4 6 6 6 5 6 5i 64 6 6 6* 6 6 2 H 6 6 h m i 8 ii 56,71 12 25,06 12 32,99 12 33,25 12 56,69 13 0,12 14 28,88 14 32,24 14 46,21 14 51,58 . 15 18,68 15 29,23 *5 335 IS 33.40 15 41,14 15 42.75 15 43,82 15 46,66 15 59,40 16 13,15 16 29,55 16 37,93 1 6 50,70 17 6,40 17 19,77 17 20,09 17 42,11 17 44,7 17 45,60 17 45,9 6 17 51.65 17 51,81 17 55,20 17 57,8i 18 10,06 18 26,00 18 35,62 18 38,48 1 8 43,42 18 45,78 18 57,41 19 25,89 19 42,74 19 46,45 8 20 12,30 s +3,157 4,595 4,i39 2,292 2,252 0,927 1,846 4,090 3,45 1,242 3,635 2,361 5,788 2,007 2,264 3,^9 2,823 1,678 2,168 3,4 Z 3 2,534 0,683 1,668 3,008 3,667 3,420 3>643 3,585 5,078 2,215 M4I 3,227 1,846 6,068 3,005 3,328 2,59! 2,591 1,681 11,719 3,003 1,243 3,573 +2,074 0,114 s 0,0073 0,0502 0,0324 0,0003 0,0004 0,0184 0,0023 0,0312 0,0130 O,OII2 0,0176 0,OOO3 0,1189 0,0011 O,OOO3 0,0098 0,0029 0,0041 O,OOO4 O,OI25 O,OOO8 0,0262 O,OO42 O,OO52 0,0187 0,0126 0,0181 0,0166 0,0770 0,0003 0,0094 0,0087 0,0023 0,1419 0,0051 0,0107 0,0010 0,0010 0,0040 0,8928 0,0051 0,0115 0,0165 0,0007 0,0598 s +0,009 0,003 +0,002 8.5612 8.7889 8.7023 8.6473 8.6559 8.8978 8-7394 8.6996 8.5918 8.8526 8.6194 8.6444 8.9926 8.7117 8.6627 8.5789 8.5813 8.7764 8.6819 8-5931 8.6187 8.9496 8.7821 8-5753 8.6308 8-5959 8.6280 8.6191 8.8938 8.6787 8.8464 8.5810 8.7514 9.0391 8-5783 8.5898 8.6165 8.6166 8.7862 9.4785 8.5805 8.8695 8.6232 8.7128 9.0712 + 8.7489 8.9746 8.8875 8.8325 8.8395 9.0812 8.9166 8.8766 8-7679 9.0283 8-7933 8.8175 9- l6 55 8.8845 8.8350 8.7511 8-7534 8.9484 8.8529 8-7632 8-7877 9.1180 8-9497 8.7418 8.7964 8.7614 8.7921 8.7830 9.0576 8.8425 9.0098 8-7444 8.9146 9.2021 8-7405 8.7509 8.7769 8.7769 8.9462 9.6382 8-7395 9.0265 8.7791 8.8684 +9.2251 +0.4993 0.6623 0.6169 0.3602 0.3526 9.9671 0.2662 0.6117 0.5378 0.0940 0.5605 o.373i 0.7625 0.3026 0-3549 0.5170 0.4507 0.2247 0.3361 0-5345 0.4038 9.8344 O.2222 0.4782 0.5643 0.5340 0.5614 Q-5545 0.7057 0-3454 0.1274 0.5087 0.2663 0.7831 0-4778 0.5221 0.4135 0.4135 0.2257 1.0689 0.4776 0.0944 0-5531 + 0.3168 -9.0584 - 7-447 5 8.6952 -8.5414 + 8.4039 +8.4272 +8.8456 +8.6086 8.5291 8.1003 +8.7843 -8.2757 +8.3756 -8.9591 +8.55I7 +8.4320 -7.8638 +7.9191 +8.6698 +8.4821 -8.0752 +8.2586 +8.9073 +8.6772 +7.3312 -8.3079 -8.0749 8.2912 -8.2454 -8-8365 + 8.4662 +8.7724 -7.7272 +8.6226 9.0116 +7-3539 -7.9466 +8.2183 +8.2184 +8.6806 -9-475 +7-3658 +8.8027 8.2432 + 8.5406 +9.0470 0,008 +0,029 +0,003 CariiiJC C 0,000 +0,003 +0,016 +0,003 -0,034 0,002 +0,002 O,OOO 0,004 + O,O26 + 0,007 O,OO I +0,0 1 6 +0,008 0,008 0,001 0,011 0,002 0,000 0,012 + 0,022 0,010 O,OO2 0,008 0,OI3 + O,OO I + O.OO2 + 0,019 + 0,003 + O,OO6 Ursae ^lajoris .... 22 Puppis Velorum Cancri Puppis Volantis Veloruin i Hydra; 25 Cancri d^ 23 Cancri ffi 24 Cancri o i i Ursae Majoris . . o Puppis Cancri Velorum B Ursae Majoris .... Hvdrae 27 Cancri Puppis . . Puppis Velorum Camelopardi 2 Hydras 0,002 O,OO2 O,OOO + 0,003 + 0,022 Argus . . . s 28 Cancri y 2 Puppis Volantis 126 No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec.Var. Proper Logarithms of PQ s 3 ffi Taylor. Lacaille. ris- ane. Various. Motion. a' V c' d' 2791 2792 4793 2794 2795 2796 2797 2798 2799 2800 2801 2802 2803 2804 2805 2806 2807 2808 2809 2810 2811 2812 2813 2814 2815 2816 2817 2818 2819 2820 2821 2822 2823 2824 2g25 2826 2827 2828 2829 2830 2831 2832 ^33 2834 2835 85 35 6,3 36 18 6,8 46 20 6,7 124 49 10,4 126 ii 51,3 152 27 10,4 J 37 43 4 2 >3 47 31 0,2 71 II 22,5 148 41 47,3 63 3 18,2 122 34 50,1 22 12 57,4 J 33 46 5>5 126 o 33,3 78 53 J 4>9 102 34 29,0 141 28 17,9 129 8 53,9 72 19 56,2 "5 5* J 7,9 155 8 21,8 141 45 13,4 93 l6 5.4 61 3 6 57.5 72 27 47,0 62 34 45,2 64 58 42,5 28 47 9,0 127 48 25,1 147 29 38,0 81 57 3.5 138 o 40,5 20 ii 0,4 93 *5 9.5 76 51 15.8 113 33 42,6 "3 33 43.4 Hi 38 34.3 7 H 37,9 93 2 9 5. 6 149 i 40,3 65 21 41,9 132 16 59,3 161 2 5,7 a + 10,92 10,95 10,96 10,96 10,99 II,OO II, IO II, I J 11,13 11,13 11,17 ii, 18 ii, 18 n, 18 11,19 11,19 ii, 20 II,2O 11,21 11,23 11,25 11,26 11,28 II,3O H,3I 1 1,3 1 ",34 ".34 ".34 ".34 ",35 ",35 ",35 11,36 ",37 ",39 11,40 11,41 11,41 11,41 ",43 11,46 11,48 11,49 + 11,52 +0,386 0,561 0,506 0,280 0,275 0,113 0,224 o,497 0,419 0,151 0,440 0,286 0,701 0,243 0,274 0,398 0,34* 0,203 0,262 0,414 0,306 0,082 0,201 0,362 0,442 0,412 o,438 0,431 0,611 0,266 0,161 0,388 0,222 0,730 0,361 o,399 0,311 0,311 0,202 1,405 0,360 0,149 0,427 +0,248 0,014 a +0,09 +0,04 +0,10 9.5660 +9.6214 +9.4219 -9.9214 -9.9265 -9.9741 -9.9581 +9.3844 -9.1538 -9.9714 8.0170 9.9100 +9.7813 -9.9483 -9.9237 -9.4247 -9.7812 -9.9635 9-9345 9.2098 9.8760 -9.9700 9.9629 9.6816 +8.0334 -9.2175 -7-7243 8.6464 +9.7108 9.9286 -9.9678 -9-4973 -9-9557 +9-7951 -9.6833 -9.3718 9.8614 9.8613 9.9610 +9.8814 9.6842 9.9670 8.7210 9.9408 -9.9615 +8.6223 +9.6436 +9-5768 -9.4944 -9.5101 -9.6868 9.6125 +9-573 +9.2525 9.6760 +9.4019 -9.4773 +9.7128 -9.5864 9.5160 +9.0317 -9.0847 -9.6403 -9-5478 +9.2303 9.3888 -9.7071 -9.6450 -8.5066 +9.4283 +9.2303 +9.4156 +9-3787 +9.6952 -9.5399 -9.6787 + 8.8990 9.6241 +9-7*55 -8.5292 +9.1112 -9-3565 -9.3567 -9.6495 +9.7518 -8.5411 9.6902 +9-3778 -9.5859 -9-7349 + 1.0382 1.0396 1.0399 1.0399 1.0411 1.0412 1.0455 I -457 1.0463 1.0466 1.0478 1.0483 1.0485 1.0485 1.0489 1.0490 1.0490 1.0492 1.0498 1.0504 1.0512 1.0516 1.0522 1.0529 *-51S i-o535 I -545 1.0546 1.0547 1.0547 1.0550 1.055 1.0551 *-553 1.0558 1.0565 1.0570 1.0571 1-0573 1.0575 1.0580 I -593 1.0600 1.0602 + 1.0614 +9-9 2 37 9.9231 9.9229 9.9229 9.9224 9.9224 9.9205 9.9204 9.9201 9.9200 9.9195 9.9192 9.9192 9.9191 9.9190 9.9189 9.9189 9.9189 9.9186 9.9183 9.9179 9.9178 9-9*75 9.9172 9.9169 9.9169 9.9164 9.9163 9.9163 9.9163. 9.9162 9.9162 9.9161 9.9160 9.9158 9.9154 9.9152 9.9152 9.9151 9.9150 9.9147 9.9141 9.9138 9.9137 +9.9131 183 44 40 43 47 i.IO2l 1.IO22 i.1014 V.I032 11.1015 G 1429 Ji 9 5 K 102 61433 M 334 A 172 61432 W 4 8 9 R 103 M335 M336 M337 M 33 8 B.H 309 61435 B.F 1180 W 497 61431 Ji96,Rio; M 339 3259 3275 3276 966 968 971 977 0,00 0,14 +0,04 v.i 040 0,00 0,10 I8 5 5o ii.ioi6 v.iO4i 3289 978 +0,08 0,04 0,19 0,06 0,00 0,0 1 + 0,02 + 0,70 + 0,15 +0,10 0,44 +0,03 +0,03 + 0,10 +0,14 + 0,01 +0,18 + 0,12 +0,16 0,29 +0,04 0,05 ... 56 46 01.1025 i 1.1024 v.i 044 ^1045 ii.ioi7 ii.ioi8 v.i 047 v.i 048 ii.io26 ii.ioi9 3277 979 3284 3281 3291 3287 3*83 33i3 3301 1082 iq8? I8 7 189 53 55 1985 1984 1988 1998 1994 188 54 60 v.ioss ii.io2i ii.I022 ii.iO23 ii.io24 iv. 596 ii.1020 "94 1190 1192 1191 "93 1 1 86 63 59 62 64 65 66 3300 33*5 2 OO2 2005 V.I062 ii.1026 67 3308 200^ "97 1196 5^ 69 68 72 74 Hi. 1027 ii.io27 ii.io28 11.1029 iv. 598 v.io6y 0,02 + 0,12 O,o6 + 0,03 O,I2 3304 33i 201 + 0,04 O,II +0,08 O,2I -0,40 "99 73 ii.io3c 11.1032 11.1031 v.io68 33* 2OI2 1198 76 33i 335 2O I 2OI 127 No. Constellation. Mag. Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a b c d 2836* 2837 2838 2839 2840* 2841 2842 2843 2844 2845 2846 2847* 2848 2849* 2850 2851* 2852 2853 2854 2855 2856 2857 2858* 2859 2860* 2861 2862 2863 2864 2865 2866 2867* 2868 2869 2870 2871 2872 2873 2874* 2875* 2876* 2877* 2878* 2879 2880 29 Cancri 6 6 6 6 7 7 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 4* 6 6 6 5* 6* 6 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 7 6 6 i 6 6 5 H 6* 6 6 6 6 6 7 6 6* h m s 8 20 14,87 20 24,62 20 37,36 20 39,73 20 45,77 20 48,68 2 1 6,2O 2i 12,74 21 16,18 21 22,6l 21 31,93 22 3,66 22 17,34 22 18,70 22 3793 22 49,51 22 53,62 23 2,29 23 4,55 23 9,39 23 22,60 23 3i,8S 23 35,63 23 38,68 23 43,68 24 1,09 24 i,74 24 5,4i 24 7,59 24 20,40 24 24,05 24 29,95 24 46,77 24 52,37 25 2,81 25 5>7 25 26,15 25 29,38 25 35.37 25 43, 6 9 25 48,7i 25 5 2 ,72 26 24,01 26 24,29 8 26 41,75 + 3^358 O,III +2,098 2,472 3,576 3,620 5,482 2,410 4>55i i,5H 2 ,547 1,818 + 1,663 -i,439 +3,568 1,671 6,893 3>436 3,455 +3,934 -0,456 + i,655 i,55i 2,093 3,885 2,039 3,485 0,683 3,565 1,894 2,019 3,272 2,698 + 1,960 -1,598 +3>88i 3,334 1,605 2,023 MS 2 5,434 +2,214 -35,870 + i,95 +3,463 s 0,0114 0,0596 0,0005 0,0004 0,0167 0,0179 0,1041 0,0002 0,0521 0,0064 0,0006 0,0025 0,0043 0,1458 0,0167 0,0042 0,2204 -0,0135 0,0138 0,0279 -0,0799 0,0044 0,0059 0,0004 0,0264 0,0007 0,0147 0,0277 0,0168 0,0017 0,0008 0,0099 0,0015 0,0012 0,1623 0,0265 0,0113 0,0051 0,0007 0,0059 0,1052 0,0000 -15,7402 0,00 1 6 0,0145 s +0,002 +0,058 + 0,012 0,008 O,OOO 0,003 O,Oo6 0,047 + 0,002 O,O29 + 0,OO I + 0,015 -8.5976 9.0715 8.7108 8.6413 8.6267 8.6336 8.9703 8.6535 8.8128 8.8275 8.6316 8.7712 8.8024 9.2188 8.6308 8.8028 9^538 8.6139 8.6163 8.6976 9- I2 35 8.8083 8.8283 8.7217 8.6897 8.7338 8.6229 8.9779 8.6348 8.7638 8-7389 8.6019 8.6197 8-7523 9-2437 8.6932 8.6095 8.8248 8.7420 8.8357 8.9806 8.7048 0.1592 8.7685 8.6274 + 8.7514 9.2246 8.8631 8-7934 8-7784 8.7851 9.1206 8.8034 8.9624 8-9767 8.7802 8.9176 8.9479 9.3642 8.7750 8.9462 9.2970 8.7565 8.7588 8.8397 9.2647 8.9489 8.9687 8.8619 8.8296 8.8724 8.7615 9.1163 8.7730 8.9011 8.8760 8.7386 8-7553 8.8876 9-3783 8.8276 8.7425 8.9576 8.8744 8.9675 9.1122 8.8361 0.2884 8.8977 +8-7554 +0.5260 -9.0434 +0.3218 0.3930 -5535 0.5587 0.7390 0.3821 0.6581 0.1801 0.406 1 0.2597 +0.2208 0.1582 +0.5524 0.2229 0.8384 0.5360 0.5384 +0-5949 9.6586 +0.2187 0.1907 0.3207 0.5894 0.3093 0.5422 9.8342 0.5521 0.2775 0.3052 0.5148 0.4310 +0.2923 0.2037 +0.5889 0.5230 0.2053 0.3060 0.1909 o.735i +o.345i -1-5547 +0.2799 +0-5395 8.0021 +9.0472 +8.5335 +8.3231 8.2500 8.2860 8.9298 +8.3676 -8.7186 +8.7408 +8.2678 + 8.6490 +8.7008 +9.2065 8.2499 +8.7005 -9.1370 8.1176 8.1396 8.4920 +9.1039 +8.7082 +8.7391 +8.5480 -8.4686 +8.5728 -8.1762 +8.9374 8.2540 +8.6309 +8.5824 -7.8654 +8.1340 +8.6080 +9.2324 8.4720 7.9860 +8.7311 +8.5855 +8-7474 -8.9398 +8-4995 +0.1590 + 8.6351 -8.1635 Volantis Velorum Puppis Cancri 2 Ursae Majoris . A Chamaeleontis . . a + 0,013 O,OO3 Ursae Majoris .... 0,001 0,002 Cancri Lyncis Volantis fi 0,024 +0,069 + O,OI2 + O,OIO 0,004 -0,033 + 0,OO I O,O2 1 0,004 + 0,0 1 1 0,OI3 + O,OO4 + 0,015 + 0,015 0,064 + 0,001 0,005 0,020 0,018 0,038 0,004 0,013 Velornm F Carinae Velorum 32 Lyncis 3 3 Cancri it Volantis R 32 Cancri Veloruni A Veloruni 34 Cancri Monocerotis Veloruni Chamaeleontis . . 9 33 Lyncis Cancri Veloruni G Veloruni Carinae 3 Ursae Majoris .... Puppis Octantis Velorum -0,045 0,000 128 No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var Proper Motion. Logarithms of a? 1 Taylor. 1 Bris- bane Various. a' V cf d' 2836 2837 2838 2839 2840 2841 2842 2843 2844 2845 2846 2847 2848 2849 2850 2851 2852 2853 2854 2855 2856 2857 2858 2859 2860 2861 2862 2863 2864 2865 2866 2867 2868 2869 2870 2871 2872 2873 2874 2875 2876 2877 2878 2879 2880 75 17 52,0 161 i 28,0 !3' 39 49.3 118 43 31,1 65 9 41,2 63 18 39,0 24 20 59,0 121 IO 38,0 36 22 53,8 144 59 9,1 115 38 18,1 139 o 26,0 142 18 55,1 166 26 38,7 65 25 4,8 142 12 34,1 i<; 51 10,0 71 24 7,4 70 30 39,2 51 28 17,8 162 54 53,2 142 34 58,2 i44 3i 5.* 132 5 20,7 53 3 33.7 *33 39 2 7>o 69 3 8,7 155 38 13,6 6 5 2 4 33.8 137 25 51,2 134 13 28,8 79 25 46,7 109 4 26,9 J 35 49 54.4 166 59 53)I 53 4 9.* 76 13 58,6 143 42 38,6 134 13 27,9 144 41 24,0 24 28 3,3 128 33 37,2 178 25 15,8 137 21 27,7 69 53 58,8 // + 11,52 ".53 ".55 ".55 11,56 11,56 11,58 ".59 ".59 1 1, 60 n, 61 11,65 11,67 11,67 11,69 11,71 11,71 11,72 11,72 ".73 ".74 11,76 11,76 11,76 ",77 ",79 ",79 ",79 1 1, 80 n, 81 11,82 11,82 11,84 11,85 11,86 11,87 11,89 11,89 11,90 11,91 11,92 11,92 11,96 11,96 + ",98 +0,401 0,013 -(-0,250 0,295 0,426 0,431 0,653 0,287 0,542 0,1 80 0,303 0,216 +0,197 0,171 +0,423 0,198 0,8 1 6 0,407 0,409 +0,465 0,054 +0,196 0,183 0,247 0,459 0,241 0,411 0,08 1 0,421 0,223 0,238 0,386 0,318 +0,231 0,188 +0,456 0,392 0,188 0,238 0,182 0,637 +0,260 4,200 +0,223 +0,405 a +0,07 0,56 0,10 +0,16 +0,14 0,02 + 0,08 0,48 0,00 +0,26 O,II +0,44 -9.3263 -9.9613 -9.9384 -9.8885 -8.7033 8.3160 +9.7520 -9.8997 +9.6015 -9.9624 9.8716 -9-9538 -9.9586 -9.9506 -8.7528 -9.9579 P9-82I2 -9.1833 -9.1411 -9.2196 -9-9554 -9-9577 -9.9598 -9.9370 -9.1452 9.9408 9.0648 9.9618 -8.7642 9.9488 -9.9418 -9.4447 -9.8285 -9.9450 -9.9461 +9-*383 -9.3615 -9.9570 -9-9407 -9.9578 +9-74 2 3 -9.9246 -9.9109 -9.9467 -9.1202 +9.1637 -9-7354 -9.5829 -9.4422 +9.3840 +9.4132 +9.7211 -9-4759 +9.6679 -9.6756 -9.3989 9.6420 9.6631 -9.7525 +9-3847 -9.6639 +9-7495 +9.2704 +9.2901 +9.5614 -9.7480 -9.6679 -9.6789 -9.5946 +9-5474 9.6083 [-9.3226 -9.7290 +9.3888 -9.6373 9.6138 [-9.0340 -9.2855 9.6272 -9.7607 +9.5508 +9.1495 -9.6794 9.6169 -9.6854 +9-733 1 -9.5688 -9-7753 9.6421 +9.3123 + 1.0615 1.0619 1.0625 1.0626 1.0629 1.0630 1.0638 1.0641 1.0642 1.0645 1.0649 1.0663 1.0669 1.0670 1.0679 1.0684 1.0685 1.0689 1.0690 1.0692 1.0698 1.0702 1.0704 1.0705 1.0707 1.0715 1.0715 1.0717 1.0718 1.0723 1.0725 1.0727 1.0735 1.0737 1.0742 1 -Q743 1.0752 1-0753 1.0756 1-0759 1.0761 1.0763 1.0776 1.0776 -1.0784 +9.9130 9.9128 9.9125 9.9125 9.9124 9.9123 9.9119 9.9118 9.9117 9.9115 9-9"3 9.9106 9.9103 9.9103 9.9098 9.9096 9-9095 9.9093 9.9092 9.9091 9.9088 9.9086 9.9085 9.9085 9.9083 9.9079 9.9079 9.9078 9.9078 9.9075 9.9074 9.9073 9.9069 9.9068 9.9065 9.9065 9.9060 9.9059 9.9058 9.9056 9.9054 9.9054 9.9046 9.9046 +9.9042 1200 77 11.1033 3357 33*3 3315 2O22 2017 20l6 B.Fn83 M 340 G 1445 ^197, Rio5 M 342 G 1446 M 343 M 344 G 1450 J 198 M 34 6 Ji 99 M 345 W53 200, Rio6 M 347 M 34 8 82 111.103- v.i 070 iii.io3i iii.io32 iii.1030 "95 79 80 75 33 2 5 2019 78 iii.io34 v.1075 v.1073 V.I080 .1082 11.1036 [1.1034 v.io86 3343 3326 3345 3400 2027 2024 2031 2034 2048 0,08 +0,10 20 1 84 2039 +0,05 +0,04 203 85 86 11.1035 11.1036 +0,06 1,62 0,02 0,23 + 0,01 0,90 +0,03 + 0,21 + 0,07 + 0,22 0,03 + 0,03 + 0,04 + 0,05 0,05 +O,O I O,O I + 0,03 -o,45 +0,30 0,05 0,03 11.1039 339 6 3359 3362 3353 * 33 6 o 2055 2047 2049 2046 2051 v.i 094 v.io93 111.1037 v.io96 11.1037 11.1040 11.1038 v.io98 v.io99 11.1038 11.1041 11.1040 11.1043 ill. 1039 111.1042 v.no6 v.i 104 v.i 107 11.1041 v.noS 204 87 207 88 33H 2057 205 89 33 6 7 3366 2056 2054 209 9 1 95 99 3368 3435 2058 2073 208 92 98 338o 3376 3387 3375 2065 2063 2067 2O66 2298 2072 202 9 1,02 + 0,07 V.IIIZ 11.1044 339 1 210 IOI B.A.C. R) 129 No. Constellation. Mag. Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a b c d 2881 2882* 2883* 2884 2885 2886 2887 2888 2889 2890* 2891 2892 2893 2894* 2895 2896 2897 2898 2899* 2900 2901 2902 2903 2904* 2905 2906 2907 2908 2909 2910 2911 2912 2913* 2914* 2915 2916 2917 2918 2919* 2920* 2921* 2922* 2923 2924* 2925* 6 7 6 5 6 7* si 7 6 6 6| 6 H 7 7 *i 6 6 7 6 4 7 6 5* 7 1\ 8 7* 6 6 5 7 7 7 5^ 6 6 6 7 6 6 6* 6 6* 6* h in s 8 26 54,67 26 54,98 26 59,67 27 2,78 27 6,00 27 6,92 27 8.59 27 42,69 27 52,45 28 4,67 28 6,19 28 8,93 28 9,12 28 15,04 28 15,52 28 56,29 28 57,41 29 6,85 29 10,09 29 42,01 29 42,77 29 57.57 30 1,68 30 8,49 30 10,49 30 29,27 30 32,31 3 34.4-7 30 37,37 30 40,33 3 55.7 30 59.83 3 1 5,'9 31 13,89 31 23,25 31 27,79 31 28,42 3i 33.5 1 3 1 45.37 31 46,32 3 1 47.3 6 3i 5.33 31 51,20 32 6,17 8 32 19,80 s -(-0,190 4,961 2,426 5.35* a.345 3,466 4,54 3.374 3,204 2,226 1,922 4.499 2,931 3,658 0,60 1 3.77 3,262 2,544 3.453 2,197 3,186 3,260 1,780 1,832 3,760 3,460 3.458 3.765 4,180 2.557 3,142 3.743 3,462 3.457 1,792 2,562 3,466 3,4 6 5 3.459 1,402 1,416 3.45 6 2,067 3.459 + 3.456 8 0,0483 0,0765 O,OOOO 0,1008 -j-O,OOO2 0,0146 -0,0543 0,0123 0,0086 -j- 0,000 1 0,0014 0,0528 0,0041 0,0199 -0,0315 0,0236 0,0099 0,0004 0,0144 +0,0002 0,0084 0,0099 0,0028 0,002 1 0,0234 0,0147 0,0146 0,0237 0,0392 0,0004 0,0076 0,0230 0,0148 0,0146 0,0025 0,0004 0,0149 0,0149 0,0148 -0,0088 0,0085 0,0147 O,OCO2 0,0148 0,0148 s +0,019 9.0582 8.9078 8.6679 8.9725 8.6831 8.6289 8.8312 8.6194 8.6064 8.7091 8.7706 8.8266 8.6075 8.6614 9.0057 8.6837 8.6127 8.6537 8.6327 8.7199 8.6102 8.6150 8.8056 8-7955 8.6854 8.6371 8.6370 8.6874 8.7709 8.6560 8.6116 8.6846 8.6389 8.6386 8.8078 8.6573 8.6405 8.6406 8.6402 8.8849 8.8824 8.6401 8.7530 8.6412 8.6414 +9.1854 9.0349 8.7947 9.0992 8.8096 8-7553 8-9574 8-7435 8.7298 8.8316 8.8931 8.9489 8.7298 8.7833 9.1275 8.8029 8.7318 8.7722 8.7510 8.8361 8.7264 8.7302 8.9206 8.9100 8-7997 8.7502 8.7499 8.8002 8.8835 8.7683 8.7230 8-7957 8.7496 8.7488 8.9174 8.7666 8.7497 8.7495 8.7484 8.9930 8.9904 8-7479 8.8608 8.7480 +8-7473 +9.2794 0.6956 0.3849 0.7285 0.3701 0.5399 0.6571 0.5281 0.5058 0.3476 0.2838 0.6531 0.4670 0.5632 9.7790 0.5764 0-5I34 0.4055 0.5382 0.3418 0.5033 0.5132 0.2505 0.2630 0.5752 0.5391 0.5389 c-5757 0.6212 0.4077 0.4972 0-5733 0-5393 0.5386 0.2534 0.4086 0.5398 0.5397 0.5389 0.1469 0.1511 0.5386 o-3!53 0.5390 +0.5386 +9.0300 -8.8473 + 8.3800 -8.9293 + 8.4321 8.1689 -8.7387 -8.0552 7.7010 + 8.5017 + 8.6354 -8.7303 + 7.7214 -8.3444 + 8.9685 8.4236 -7.8597 + 8.3007 8.1623 + 8.5230 -7.6453 -7.8587 + 8.6935 + 8.6761 8.4220 -8.1753 -8-1735 8.4265 -8.6305 + 8.2962 -7.4403 -8.4145 8.1792 8.1741 + 8.6949 + 8.2950 -8.1855 8.1848 -8.1783 + 8.8120 + 8.8084 -8.1756 + 8.5916 8.1803 -8.1776 Ursae Majoris .... Mali O,IIO + 0,006 0,056 O,OOI 4 Ursse Majoris V Mali + O,OO I + 0,003 0,014 +0,016 0,006 +0,005 Hydra 0,014 +0,004 0,003 +0,001 0,008 0,004 0,002 0,000 0,019 0,014 +0,002 +0,015 +0,013 +0,003 + 0,002 +0,005 +0,005 +0,003 0,00 1 0,005 0,0 1 1 +0,003 0,003 0,001 +0,004 0,017 +0,003 0,002 36 Cancri c* Mali A Hydrse o Velorum Velorum C Lyncis Cancri Cancri Lyncis Mali 5 Hydrse s Puppis . . 42 Cancri +0,008 0,001 Cancri 130 No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec.Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of fe" | Taylor. Lacaille. Bris- bane. Various. of V if ff 2881 2882 2883 2884 2885 2886 2887 2888 2889 2890 2891 2892 2893 2894 2895 2896 2897 2898 2899 2900 2901 2902 2903 2904 2905 2906 2907 2908 2909 2910 2911 2912 2913 2914 2915 2916 2917 2918 2919 2920 2921 2922 2923 2924 2925 i59 35 35,9 29 32 28,0 121 I 24,4 25 9 16,3 124 7 12,6 69 42 59,5 36 4 51,8 74 10 16,2 82 51 32,3 128 20 l8,2 137 5 43.9 36 46 3,6 97 28 7,8 6 1 II I2,O 156 38 3.8 56 40 43,6 79 49 32,9 116 19 56,3 70 12 52,3 I2 9 2 7 19,5 83 4 6 33>7 79 54 22,5 140 34 43,2 i39 25 44,3 56 57 41,0 69 48 3,3 6 9 53 5,5 56 44 52,4 43 38 40,2 "5 53 39>9 86 8 6,9 57 3* 52,5 69 41 51,4 69 55 41,8 140 27 3,4 "5 43 58,8 69 28 1,0 69 30 11,7 69 48 16,2 147 42 17,8 147 29 29,5 69 55 46,5 133 35 34,6 69 45 IS.S 69 53 35>i + ",99 11,99 12,00 12,00 12,01 I2,OI 12,01 I2,O5 1 2,06 12,08 12,08 12,08 12,08 12,09 12,09 12,14 12,14 12,15 12,15 12,19 12,19 12,21 12,21 12,22 12,22 12,24 12,25 12,25 12,25 12,26 12,27 12,28 12,28 12,29 12,31 12,31 12,31 12,32 12,33 12,33 12,34 12,35 + 12,37 +0,022 0,580 0,284 0,625 0,274 0,405 0,530 o,393 o,373 0,259 0,224 0,524 0,341 0,426 0,070 0,438 o,379 0,295 0,401 0,254 0,369 0,377 0,206 0,212 o,435 0,400 o,399 o,435 0,483 0.295 0,362 o,432 o-399 0,398 0,206 0,295 o,399 o,399 0,398 0,161 0,163 o,397 0,238 o,397 +0,397 -o,35 -9-9555 +9.6842 9.8948 +9-7330 -9.9077 -9.1119 +9.5930 -9.2999 9.5202 9.9221 -9.9446 + 9-5794 -9.7276 + 7-6435 -9.9565 + 8.8739 -9-4571 -9.8704 -9.1430 -9.9242 -9.5382 -9-4597 9.9486 -9.9467 +8-8357 9.1265 -9.1310 +8.8531 +9.4368 -9.8669 -9-5794 +8.7664 -9.1229 -9.1348 -9.9470 -9.8655 -9.1123 9.1146 -9.1303 -9-9535 -9-9534 -9.1367 -9-9334 -9.1287 -9.1364 -9.7486 +9.7163 -9.4891 +9-7338 -9.5261 +9.3171 +9.6848 +9.2145 +8.8737 -9.5723 -9.6445 +9-6835 8.8938 +9.4631 -9.7430 +9.5216 +9.0290 9.4292 +9-3"9 9.5868 +8.8188 +9.0280 -9.6724 9.6654 +9.5214 +9.3238 +9-3222 +9.5249 +9.6455 9.4263 +8.6 I54 +9.5168 +9.3274 +9.3230 -9.6750 -9.4257 +9.3331 +9-3325 +9.3269 -9.7158 -9.7148 +9-3245 -9.6275 +9.3287 +9-3264 + 1.0789 1.0790 1.0791 1.0793 1.0794 1.0795 1.0795 i. 0810 1.0814 1.0819 1.0819 1.0821 1.0821 1.0823 1.0823 1.0840 1.0841 1.0845 1.0846 1.0859 1.0860 1.0866 1.0867 1.0870 1.0871 1.0879 1.0880 1.0881 1.0882 1.0883 1.0889 1.0891 1.0893 1.0897 1.0901 1.0903 1.0903 1.0905 1.0910 1.0910 1.0911 1.0912 1.0912 1.0918 + 1.0924 +9.9039 9.9039 9.9038 9-9037 9.9036 9.9036 9.9036 9.9028 9.9025 9.9022 9.9022 9.9021 9.9021 9.9020 9.9020 9.9010 9.9010 9.9008 9.9007 9.8999 9.8999 9-8995 9-8994 9.8993 9.8992 9.8988 9.8987 9.8986 9.8986 9.8985 9.8981 9.8980 9-8979 9.8977 9.8974 9-8973 9-8973 9.8972 9.8969 9.8969 9.8968 9.8968 9.8968 9.8964 +9.8960 3424 2078 B.F 1190 B.F i 196 W S o 4 B.F 1197 R 107 B.F 1 200 M 3S 2 B.F 1205 ? M353 Rio8 B.F 1204 A 176 A 177 B.F 1206 61465 B.F 1209 M354 B.FI2I2? R 109 M 356 M 35 8 B.F 1216 B.F 1219 -o>95 O,OI -1,16 +0,06 V.I 1 14 v. 1 1 1 5 111.1047 11.1044 v.niS V.II2O lU.IO5O 3386 3389 2076 2077 1206 96 104 106 108 +0,06 +0,09 +0,02 0,07 0,0 1 0,03 3398 3407 2o8l 2084 1212 105 109 0,05 + 0,02 O,OO + 0,48 O,OO -o,45 0,02 +0,06 0,05 +0,05 +0,05 +0,08 +0,07 +0,07 0,06 0,05 +0,02 + 0,01 +0,06 0,20 -0,15 +0,06 +0,02 0,02 +0,07 0,2 1 +0,02 +0,04 3432 2088 121 J 1213 no in 11.1045 346 2090 112 ui.I052 V.II28 11.1046 111.1053 v.i 1 30 v. 1 1 3 1 ill. 1054 3418 2094 1217 1218 114 116 3427 3428 2097 2099 1215 1216 1214 1221 1219 1220 "3 118 119 117 "5 125 123 120 122 124 iv. 604 iv. 606 v. 605 iii.1055 iv. 607 11.1047 iv. 608 11.1056 11.1049 v.ii35 11.1053 11.1050 11.1051 .... 3423 2IOO 3443 343i 2IO6 2IO5 1222 1223 1224 133 126 127 I2 9 v.i 1 39 v. 1 140 11. IO *JA V 1 1 7 7 3452 345 1 2113 2112 1225 I 3 2108 +0,05 +0,05 1226 1227 132 111.1058 111.1059 (R2) No. Constellation. Mag. Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a b c d 2926 2927 2928 2929 2930 2931* 2932 2933 2934 2935 2936 2937 2938* 2939 2940* 2941 2942 2943 2944 2945 2946 2947 4948 2949 2950 2951 2952 2953 2954 295S 2956 2957 2958 2959 2960* 2961 2962 2963 2964 2965 2966 2967 2968* 2969* 2970 5 8 Si Si 6 7 si 6 6 5 neb. 4* 7i 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 6 5 6 6 4 6 6 44 6 6 6 6 6* Si 6 7 5 neb. 4i 5 6 6 6 si 6 h m s 8 32 22,28 32 35.77 32 5146 32 55,26 33 10,01 33 12 >7i 33 29,05 33 37,8* 33 37,98 34 H.23 34 28,90 34 35,95 34 36,32 34 39, 34 45,79 34 49,95 34 S 6 , 02 35 9> 6 9 35 10,96 35 23,02 35 28,41 35 39>7 35 40,95 35 47,23 35 59,8o 36 0,18 36 8,70 36 9,28 36 18,03 36 18,60 36 20,14 36 26,73 3 6 3 6 ,3o 36 51,5 37 4>!3 37 4,49 37 18,24 37 25,59 37 34,03 37 36,76 37 5>4o 38 1,16 38 7,60 38 30,20 8 38 42,42 s +2,108 + 3,474 -3,H9 +2,848 9,39 6 3>4 6 * 2,489 +2,307 0,323 +2,345 1,706 3,493 3,424 1,080 2,783 2,203 3,316 5>55 6 1,692 3>H2 2,042 1,989 I >7H 1,089 1,722 i,7i7 3,701 3,422 2,949 1,966 1,902 2,053 3,265 2,039 1,476 3,183 i,334 1,940 2,409 3,6s 1 1,991 1,723 1,723 0,264 + 3,302 a 0,0000 0,0152 -0,3399 0,0030 -0*5772 0,0150 0,0000 +0,0005 0,0790 +0,0005 0,0037 0,0160 0,0141 0,0169 0,0021 +0,0004 0,0114 0,1232 0,0039 0,0077 0,0003 0,0006 0,0035 0,0167 0,0034 0,0034 0,0224 0,0142 0,0043 0,0008 - 0,0013 0,000 1 0,0104 0,0002 0,0075 0,0085 0,0105 0,0009 +0,0005 0,02 1 1 0,0004 0,0034 0,0034 -0,0493 0,0113 s 0,001 +0,005 -0,154 0,002 -8.7463 8.6446 9-3938 8.6250 9.402 1 8.6443 8.6751 8.7097 9.1474 8.7041 8.8354 8.6523 8.6430 8.9527 8.6358 8.7341 8.6319 9-0335 8.8405 8.6224 8.7695 8.7811 8.8378 8-9552 8.8373 8.8382 8.6911 8.6467 8.6265 8.7880 8.8014 8.7703 8.6317 8.7744 8.8893 8.6279 8.9169 8.7969 8.7011 8.6860 8.7874 8.8436 8.8440 9.0914 -8.6397 + 8.8520 8.7494 9.4976 8.7286 9.5047 8.7468 8-7765 8.8105 9.2482 8.8026 8.9329 8.7494 8.7401 9.0496 8.7322 8-8303 8.7277 9.1284 8-9353 8.7164 8.8632 8.8741 8.9307 9.0477 8.9289 8.9298 8.7822 8.7377 8.7169 8.8784 8.8917 8.8602 8.7210 8.8627 8.9768 8.7153 9.0034 8.8831 8.7867 8.7714 8.8719 8.9275 8.9274 9- J 734 + 8.7209 +0.3238 +0.5409 0.4981 +0.4546 0.9729 0-5392 0.3960 +0.3631 9.5088 +0.3701 0.2320 0.5432 0-5345 0.0333 0-4445 0-3431 0.5206 0.7448 0.2285 0.4972 0.3100 0.2986 0.2340 0.0369 0.2360 0.2349 0.5683 0-5343 0.4696 0.2936 0.2792 0.3123 0.5139 0.3095 0.1691 0.5029 0.1251 0.2878 0.3818 0.5624 0.2992 0.2363 0.2363 9.4216 +0.5187 + 8-5757 8.1990 +9-3877 +7.9410 9.3962 -8.1867 + 8.3611 +8.4798 +9.1276 + 8.4603 + 8.7352 8.2260 8.1486 + 8.8999 + 8.0602 +8.5398 -7.9910 -8.9983 +8.7423 -7-4587 +8.6164 +8.6389 + 8-7374 + 8.9024 + 8.7361 + 8.7376 8.4060 -8.1527 + 7.6932 +8.6506 + 8.6751 + 8.6156 -7.8973 + 8.6229 +8.8130 7.6628 +8.8509 + 8.6650 + 8.4331 -8-3757 + 8.6464 + 8-7435 + 8.7440 + 9.0640 -7.9804 Chamaeleontis .... 6 Hydra O,OO I + 0,004 O,O2O Mali / Mali Mali b +0,018 0,019 0,005 0,001 +0,009 +0,006 +0,039 +0,001 0,001 0,004 +0,001 0,012 0,000 0,008 +0,02 1 0,005 0,013 +0,002 +0,003 0,002 +0,02 1 +0,006 0,008 + 0,001 +0,017 +0,025 +0,003 +0,010 +0,02 1 + 0,001 +0,003 + 0,012 0,009 0,009 0,019 0,004 Ursse Majoris .... Velorum Velorum b Carinae Velorum 47 Cancri $ Hydra Velorum Velorum Velorum Carinae 10 Hydrse Mali a 48 Cancri i Velorum Velorum Volantis .... Q 50 Cancri A^ 132 No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of ig pq 5 1 Taylor. 5 147 o 42,4 83 46 42,1 149 13 35,1 J 37 33 45.5 122 38 50,3 60 41 44,0 136 16 20,6 H 2 33 43.5 142 34 37.5 159 51 3,3 77 20 33,9 + 12,37 12,39 12,41 12,41 12,43 12,43 12,45 12,46 12,46 12,50 12,52 12,53 '2,53 12,53 12,54 12,54 12,56 12,58 I2 ,59 12,60 12, 60 12, 6l 12,62 12,62 12,63 12,63 12,64 12,64 12,64 12,65 12,66 12,68 12,69 12,69 12,71 12,72 12,73 12,73 12,75 12,76 12,77 12,79 + 12,80 +0,242 +>399 0,361 +0,326 1,076 0,396 0,285 +0,264 -0,037 +0,267 0,194 0,39 s 0,390 0,123 0,317 0,251 o,377 0,632 0,192 0,357 0,232 0,226 0,195 0,124 0,195 0,195 0,419 0,388 o,334 0,223 0,215 0,232 0,369 0,230 0,167 o,359 0,151 0,219 0,272 0,411 0,224 0,194 0,194 0,030 +0,371 H 0,02 0,08 0,88 +0,03 -9.9302 9.0906 -9.9279 9.7688 +9.8471 -9.1242 9.8808 -9.9097 -9.9429 -9.9045 9.9466 9.0402 9.2066 -9.9509 -9.7964 -9.9204 -9.3878 +9.7412 -9.9462 -9-5792 -9.9325 -9-9353 -9.9452 -9-9495 -9-9447 -9-9448 +8.5011 -9.2093 9.7173 -9.9360 -9.9388 -9.9311 -9.4527 -9.9316 9-9473 -9.5410 -9-9477 -9.9363 -9.8934 6.3010 -9-9334 9-9427 -9.9426 9.9408 9.4062 9.6196 +9-3453 -9-7853 9.1076 +9.7863 +9-3347 9.4789 -9-7735 -9.5509 -9.6951 +9.3692 + 9.3012 -9.7429 9.2203 9.6018 +9.7617 9.6988 +8.6338 -9.6445 -9.6558 -9.6977 -9.7456 -9.6977 -9.6983 +9.5140 +9.3053 -8.8663 9.6622 -9.6734 -9.6453 +9.0658 -9.6494 -9.7250 +8.8363 -9.7360 -9.6703 -9-5345 +9.4923 9.6621 -9-7034 -9.7037 -9-7772 +9.1458 + 1.0925 1.0930 1.0936 1.0938 1.0944 1.0945 1.0951 1-0955 1.0955 1.0969 1.0975 1.0978 1.0978 1.0979 1.0982 1.0983 1.0986 1.0991 1.0992 1.0996 1.0999 1.1003 1.1004 1. 1006 I.IOII I.IOII 1.1014 1.1015 1.1018 1.1018 1.1019 I.IO2I 1.1025 1.1031 1.1036 1.1036 1.1041 1.1044 1.1047 1.1048 1.1054 1.1058 1. 1060 1.1069 + 1.1074 + 9.8960 9.8957 9.8952 9.8948 9.8947 9.8943 9.8941 9.8941 9.8932 9.8928 9.8926 9.8926 9.8926 9.8924 9.8923 9.8921 9.8918 9.8918 9.8915 9.8913 9.8910 9.8910 9.8908 9.8905 9.8905 9.8903 9.8903 9.8900 9.8900 9.8900 9.8898 9.8896 9.8892 9.8889 9.8889 9.8885 9.8883 9.8881 9.8880 9.8877 9.8874 9.8872 9.8866 + 9.8863 139 '35 ii.lO56 iv. 6n 344 6 3537 2114 2136 G 1463 M 363 W 5 i 4 J20I R in M 3 6 4 R 112 W 5 i6 M 3 6 S B.F 12 10 J 202 j2O3,Riiij M 366 B.F. 1233 R 115 M 367 R 116 J 205 J 204 M 368 R 118 R 119 M 369 1229 138 t;; +0,08 + 0,10 +0,24 1228 136 140 11.1058 11.1059 v. 1 146 3450 345 6 2122 2123 2129 2127 2130 +0,10 0,23 0,03 + 0,01 0,02 +0,08 +0,07 0,0 1 0,02 0,21 +0,01 +0,07 +0,07 0,19 +0,15 +0,07 -0,13 0,02 +0,24 0,0 1 +0,1 6 +0,06 -0,13 +0,03 + 0,10 0,14 0,03 0,16 +0,07 0,09 +0,07 0,08 0,1 8 O,I2 O,26 + O,o6 .45 v.i 148 ii.io6o iii. 1 06 1 3462 3467 1230 1231 142 H3 3475 2135 1234 1232 146 148 144 137 iii. 1064 ii.io62 iii. 1062 v.i 15 1 ii. 1064 v.ii54 ii.io65 v.ii56 3463 2132 3472 3468 3470 3476 349 * 3482 3484 2138 2140 2141 2H3 2150 2148 2149 1235 H7 155 v.ii59 v.n6o 111.1065 ii.io66 iii. 1 06 6 v.n65 v.n66 v.n68 ii.io68 V.I 1 69 v.i 1 70 iv. 614 v.i 17 1 v.i 172 11.1070 11.1069 v.ii78 v.ii79 1233 1236 1238 149 150 152 3478 3483 3480 2154 2155 2157 1237 154 3486 3497 354 3492 3487 2158 2159 2163 2l6l 2l6o 1240 '57 1239 162 158 3496 3505 357 3536 2165 2l68 2169 2184 1242 163 ii. I07 2 133 No. Constellation. Mag. Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a b e d 2971 2972 2973 2974 2975 2976* 2977 2978 2979 2980 2981 2982 2983 2984 2985 2986 2987 2988* 2989 2990 2991 2992 2993 2994 2995 2996 2997 2998 2999* 3000 3001* 3002 3003* 3004* 3005 3006 3007 3008 3009* 3010 3011* 3012 3013* 3014 3 OI 5 i j Hydrae 4 6 6 6 6 6 7* 5 3 6 5 si neb. H 6 6 Si 7i Si 7 7 6 6 6 6i 6 7 5 6 6i H 6 Si 7 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6i 6 5i 7 h in s 8 38 49,94 38 58,46 39 !'9 39 S.S^ 39 J 7,43 39 3 8 .42 4 24>75 40 29,11 40 33,66 40 51,93 4 5 6 .75 4 57.75 4i 9.3* 4 1 i3 7 41 25,04 4 1 32,5! 4 1 49.45 41 50,99 41 51,65 42 10,20 42 12,36 42 13,81 42 25,54 42 26,09 42 39,91 42 45,09 42 46,72 42 49,93 43 18,21 43 25.70 43 35,8i 43 39>*7 43 42.27 43 44.94 43 45.34 43 46,04 44 0,56 44 1,30 44 4,29 44 9.99 44 12,08 44 12,81 44 28,99 44 36,69 8 44 44,27 s +3.!9 6 1,876 2,142 2,307 2,834 3,046 3.39 3.^5 1,656 2,380 2,032 5.033 2,152 3.754 2,039 1,430 3,019 4.55 1 4,063 3,412 3,428 2,033 0,866 0,600 3.36 2,161 3.372 1.556 3,728 3,627 1,763 3,628 5.254 5.349 2,5*3 2,434 2,533 1,121 2,231 2,553 2,954 2,266 3.J7S 2,073 + 3.39 6 s 0,0089 0,0014 +0,0004 + 0,0008 0,0026 0,0060 0,0116 0,0087 0,0043 +0,0008 0,0000 0,0909 +0,0006 0,0251 0,0000 0,0086 0,0054 0,06 1 8 -0,0375 0,0143 0,0148 0,0000 0,0248 -0,0353 0,0130 +0,0007 0,0134 0,0060 0,0246 0,0211 O,OO27 O,O2 12 0,1088 o, 1 1 6 1 +0,0004 +0,0008 +0,0003 0,0167 +0,0009 +0,0003 0,0043 +0,0010 0,0086 +0,0003 0,0141 s 0,007 0,0 1 6 0,009 +0,026 +0,005 0,009 0,002 +0,001 0,004 0,011 + 0,002 O,OO I 0,072 + 0,005 -8.6325 8.8152 8-7595 8.7254 8.6417 8.6313 8.6444 8.6358 8.8657 8.7157 8.7884 8.9700 8.7636 8.7153 8.7885 8.9134 8.6366 8.8830 8.7813 8.6600 8.6623 8.7921 9.0161 9.0577 8.6549 8.7664 8.6566 8.8932 8.7159 8.6970 8.8535 8.6979 9.0171 9.0326 8.6981 8.7130 8.6952 8.9785 8-7553 8.6920 8.6442 8.7483 8.6442 8.7908 -8.6641 +8.7132 8.8953 8.8394 8.8050 8.7206 8.7089 8.7190 8.7101 8-9397 8.7886 8.8610 9.0425 8.8353 8.7868 8.8592 8.9836 8.7058 8.9521 8.8503 8.7279 8.7300 8.8597 9.0829 9.1245 8.7208 8.8321 8.7221 8.9585 8.7794 8.7600 8.9159 8.7600 9.0790 9.0944 8-7599 8-7747 8.7560 9.0393 8.8158 8.7522 8.7043 8.8083 8.7032 8.8493 +8.7221 +0.5047 0.2733 0.3307 0.3631 0.4523 0.4838 0.5196 0.5031 0.2189 0.3766 0.3080 0.7018 0.3328 0-5745 0.3093 0.1552 0.4799 0.6581 0.6088 0.533 o.535i 0.3082 9-9373 9-7779 0.5263 0.3346 0.5279 0.1919 0.5715 0-5595 0.2463 0-5597 0.7205 0.7283 0.4002 0.3863 0.4036 0.0496 0.3485 0.4071 0.4704 0-3553 0.5017 0.3165 +0.5310 -7.7163 + 8.6948 + 8.5859 + 8.5009 +7-9938 + 7.0035 -7.9996 -7.6822 + 8-7745 + 8.4641 + 8.6416 8.9180 + 8.5892 8.4611 + 8.6407 +8.8426 + 7.3390 -8.7990 8.6252 -8.1628 -8-1833 + 8.6462 +8-9743 +9.0238 8.0927 + 8.5912 8.1114 +8.8129 -8.4524 -8.3801 + 8.7518 8.3821 -8.9750 -8.9936 + 8.3824 + 8 -4399 +8.3676 +8.9270 +8.5612 + 8-3513 +7.7058 + 8-5433 7.6562 +8.6384 -8.1525 Mali Mali 5 Ursae Majoris . . b Carinae + O,005 O,OO I Ursae Majoris .... + 0,004 + O,OOI 0,002 Cancri Cancri Volantis + 0,025 0,038 0,007 + O,O22 0,000 +0,006 +0,008 0,011 0,028 0,036 +0,003 Carinic f c i Cancri 5 3 Cancri p ' Veloruni 55 Cancri P 2 6 Ursse Majoris .... Ursae Majoris .... Mali +0,015 + 0,001 0,008 +0,054 +0,007 0,008 0,002 0,017 Mali Mali Carinae Veloruni fa Mali c j c Hydrae Veloruni Hydrae Veloruni a +0,005 0,006 Cancri '34 No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec.Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of g. 164 Taylor. Lacaille. Bris- >ane. Various. of V c' d* 2971 2972 2973 2974 2975 2976 2977 2978 2979 2980 2981 2982 2983 2984 2985 2986 2987 2988 2989 2990 2991 2992 2993 2994 2995 2996 2997 2998 2999 3000 3001 3002 3003 3004 3005 3006 3007 3008 3009 3010 3011 3012 3013 3014 3 OI 5 83 2 2,7 139 16 55,1 132 6 31,0 126 36 34,0 103 o 3,3 91 20 59,9 76 54 13,2 83 36 39,5 144 9 38,6 124 4 28,6 135 29 43,6 27 28 52,6 132 o 40,4 56 9 30,2 135 21 54,8 148 10 37,0 9* 53 '9,5 34 29 58,6 45 43 11,0 71 26 32,5 70 36 44,7 135 36 20,8 155 16 56,0 iS7 4 4.3 74 5 48,2 131 54 40,8 73 z6 37.5 146 13 9,1 56 58 3,9 6 1 10 54,9 142 17 49,2 61 5 59,4 24 49 40,9 23 54 3 . 1 118 54 18,0 122 13 2O,9 118 3 27,3 152 38 19,6 129 45 47,2 117 9 23,7 96 37 5,0 128 35 8,5 84 5 58,4 134 45 8,6 72 4 6,8 + 12,81 12,82 12,83 12,83 12,84 12,87 12,92 12,92 12,93 12,95 12,95 12,96 12,97 12,97 12,99 12,99 13,01 13,02 13,02 13,04 13,04 13,04 ^S ^.QS 13,07 13,08 13,08 13,08 13,11 13,12 I3.I3 3>*3 i3>H I3.H I3.H 13. H 13,16 13,16 13,16 I3*7 I3, 1 ? 13.17 3!9 13,20 + 13,21 H +Q.359 0,210 0,240 0,259 0,317 0,341 0,369 o,355 0,185 0,265 0,226 0,560 0,239 0,418 0,227 0,159 o,335 0,505 0,451 o,378 0,380 0,225 0,096 0,066 0,372 0,239 o,373 0,172 0,412 0,400 0,194 0,400 o,579 0,589 0,277 0,268 0,279 0,123 0,246 0,281 0,325 0,249 0.349 0,228 +o,373 // +0,03 +0,05 +0,03 + 1,08 0,04 0,03 0,03 +0,03 +0,13 -0,13 +0,04 -0,17 1,62 +0,09 -9.5283 -9.9375 9.9229 -9.9067 -9.7750 -9.6550 -9.3969 -9.5393 -9.9414 9.8961 -9.9287 +9.6784 9.9206 +8.8082 9.9280 -9.9425 -9.6738 +9.5812 +9-3434 -9.2292 -9.1965 -9.9276 -9.9401 -9.9381 -9.3214 9.9188 9.3008 9.9402 +8.6875 -8.1931 9.9362 -8.1673 +9.7020 +9.7116 9.8722 -9.8864 9.8681 -9.9393 9.9118 9.8636 -9-7H3 9.9082 -9-5494 -9.9234 -9.2582 +8.8892 9.6854 -9.6323 -9.5815 9.1586 -8.1794 +9.1642 +8.8556 9.7182 -9-5584 -9.6634 +9.7582 -9.6363 +9.5566 -9.6635 -9.7408 8.5146 +9.7282 +9.6562 +9-3I57 +9-3341 9.6671 -9.7718 -9-7797 +9.2518 -9.6390 +9.2691 -9.7341 +9-55I9 +9.4988 -9-7H3 + 9.5004 +9.7742 +9-7774 -9.5007 -9-5433 -9.4894 -9-7655 9.6230 -9.4767 8.8790 9.6124 +8.8300 -9.6659 +9.3069 + 1.1076 1.1080 1.1081 1.1082 1.1087 1.1095 I. II 12 I.III4 i.in6 I.II22 I.II24 I.II25 I.II29 I.II3O i-"35 1.1138 1.1144 1.1144 1.1145 1.1151 1.1152 Jt-uSS 1.1157 1.1157 1.1162 1.1164 1.1165 1.1166 1.1176 1.1179 1.1183 1.1184 1.1185 1.1186 1.1186 1.1187 1.1192 1.1192 1.1193 1.1195 1.1196 1.1196 1. 1202 I.I2O5 + I.I208 +9.8861 9.8859 9.8858 9.8857 9.8854 9.8848 9.8836 9.8835 9.8834 9.8829 9.8827 9.8827 9.8824 9.8823 9.8820 9.8818 9.8813 9.8813 9.8813 9.8808 9.8807 9.8807 9.8804 9.8803 9.8800 9.8798 9.8798 9.8797 9.8789 9.8787 9.8784 9.8784 9.8783 9.8782 9.8782 9.8782 9.8778 9.8777 9-8777 9-8775 9-8775 9.8774 9.8770 9.8768 + 9.8766 12 43 ii.IO73 v.n86 11.1067 v.n88 11.1074 11.1075 iii.io68 11.1076 11.1077 V.U96 .1198 11.1069 V.H99 111.1070 V.I 2O2 V.I2O3 11.1079 35 J 4 3508 3506 2180 "79 2I 7 8 B.F 1241 M 37 o J206,RI20 J 207 G 1472 B.F 1242 R 121 B.F 1220 M37i M 372 M 373 B.F 1236 W S 2 5 W526 B.F 1253 M 374 168 1244 1248 166 167 170 172 3532 35* 1 3526 2194 2193 2198 1241 176 165 3528 2199 1245 i?3 3545 2200 2206 0,14 0,00 1249 177 0,02 +0,05 +0,04 1247 175 179 1 80 111.1071 11.1080 11.1081 V.I 208 354* 3562 3568 3554 3560 2212 22l6 2218 2221 221^ 2217 222^ 222< -o,35 +0,18 0,07 0,02 0,10 -0,25 0,02 + 0,02 -0,27 + 0,25 + 0,13 1250 1251 182 187 183 11.1082 V.I2IO iii.io72 V.I2I2 111.1073 Hi. 1075 V.I2I5 ii.ioSi iii.io74 1252 1^53 184 185 1254 1246 186 178 -0,15 + 0,03 0,24 + 0,30 O,IO + 0,01 0,00 0,21 188 190 iv. 624 iv. 625 3548 3549 355i 3573 3556 3553 3557 2222 2221 2226 2232 2228 2227 2230 1256 194 193 189 iv. 626 ii.io85 111.1076 V.I2I7 + 0,08 + O,IO 198 191 111.1077 11. 1086 3565 2234 135 No. Constellation. Mag. Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a b c d 3016 3017 3018 3019 3020 3021* 3022* 3023 3024 3025 3026 3027 3028 3029 3030 3031 3032 3033 334 335 3036 337 3038 339 3040' 3041* 3042 343 3044 345 3046 347 3048 3049* 3050 3051 3052 3053* 3S4 355 3056 357 3058 359* 3060 5* 7* 7* H 6 7 7i 5 6 6 6 6 6 7 64 7l 4 5* 6 6 6 7 6 7* 5* 7i 6 6 7 6 6 6 3* 5 6 6 6 6 6 4 Si 6 7 4 6 h m s 8 45 4,84 45 20,12 45 22,61 45 24,38 45 2 .99 45 3^,77 46 8,60 46 17,84 46 23,36 46 39,09 46 39,92 46 45,49 46 49,46 4 6 55.47 47 4,78 47 20,79 47 27,90 47 4>57 47 43,05 47 43.82 47 47,09 48 8,49 48 8,82 48 8,97 48 11,83 48 17,59 48 24,41 48 32,36 48 41,93 48 49.55 48 5i>H 48 52,66 48 54,59 48 56,30 49 4,55 49 5,79 49 ",25 49 3 6 >33 5o 3,34 50 16,77 50 19,26 50 22,90 50 41,87 5 53> 01 8 50 57,63 + 3^78 3,447 3,399 3,339 2,033 5,386 +3,335 1,808 +2,219 4,112 3,6i3 3,932 M43 3.39 1 2,287 3.333 3,184 3.729 i,974 3,286 i,535 2,942 1,819 +2,942 1,817 + 3,394 9,646 0,819 3,387 2,010 3,66l 3,353 4,!95 5.547 J.599 2,564 3-357 3,244 2,103 3,288 3,710 1,381 3,404 3,967 + 3,843 s 0,0231 0,0157 0,0142 0,0126 +0,0002 0,1207 0,0126 0,2169 +0,00 1 1 0,0412 0,0211 0,0332 0,0l62 0,0141 -j- 0,00 1 1 0,0126 0,0089 0,O253 O,OOO2 O,OII4 0,0065 0,0041 0,00 1 8 0,0041 0,2213 0,0144 -0,7073 0,0277 0,0142 -{-0,000 1 0,0231 0,0132 -0,0459 0,1376 0,0052 -{-0,0004 0,0134 0,0105 -{-0,0009 0,01 16 0,0251 0,0 100 0,0148 0,0358 0,0304 s +0,004 + 0,001 +0,001 0,004 +0,033 8.7108 8.6723 8.6659 8.6589 8.8021 9.0448 8.6602 9-343 8.7645 8.8064 8.7027 8.7675 8.9843 8.6685 8.7519 8.6626 8.6511 8.7276 8.8216 8.6588 8.9137 8.6534 8.8562 8.6534 9.3508 8.6720 9.4766 9- 453 8.6720 8.8170 8.7173 8.6682 8.8312 9.0817 8.9051 8.7023 8.6694 8.6594 8.8003 8.6645 8.7307 8.9526 8.6786 8.7869 8.7601 + 8.7675 8.7280 8.7215 8.7144 8.8572 9-0997 8.7128 9-3951 8.8162 8.8571 8-7533 8.8178 9.0343 8.7181 8. 8010 8.7106 8.6987 8-7743 8.8682 8.7054 8.9601 8.6984 8.9012 8.6984 9-3956 8.7164 9.5206 9.0888 8.7149 8.8594 8.7596 8.7104 8.8732 9.1237 8.9465 8.7436 8.7104 8.6988 8.8380 8.7014 8.7674 8.9891 8.7139 8.8215 + 8.7944 +0.5656 0-5374 0.5313 0.5236 0.3081 o.73i3 +0.5231 -0.2573 +0.3461 0.6141 0-5579 0.5946 0.0582 0-5303 0-3593 0.5228 0.5030 0.5716 0.2953 0.5166 0.1862 0.4686 0.2599 +0.4686 -0.2593 +0.5307 0.9843 9.9132 0.5298 0.3033 0.5636 0.5254 0.6227 0.7440 0.2039 0.4090 0.5260 0.5111 0.3229 0.5169 0.5694 0.1401 0-5319 0.5984 +0.5847 -8.4245 8.2172 8.1584 8.0711 +8.6588 9.0074 8.0677 +9-3341 +8.5763 8.6648 -8.3813 -8.5825 + 8.9327 -8.1537 + 8.5428 -8.0684 -7.7059 -8.4693 +8.6913 -7-9836 + 8.8376 +7-7633 +8.7501 + 7.7633 +9.3421 8.1632 -9.4717 +9.0068 -8.1553 +8.6808 8.4267 -8.1057 8.7065 -9.0495 + 8.8241 +8.3609 -8.1139 -7.8974 +8.6457 -7.9976 8.4667 +8.8892 8.1849 -8.6155 -8.5513 Ursse Majoris .... +0,013 0,008 +0,028 0,0 1 8 0,00 1 Chainaeleontis ij 0,00 1 +0,016 +0,027 0,000 0,00 1 +0,006 +0,002 +0,013 0,000 +0,012 +0,017 0,029 Velorum 1 6 Hydrae Carinse 17 Hydrse Hvdrae Chamaeleontis .... Cancri Draconis Volantis + 0,012 0,003 + 0,015 + 0,007 + O,OO6 0,070 + O,OO6 0,004 + 0,02O + 0,005 Cancri Velorum 6 1 Cancri o*-' 62 Cancri o' 9 Ursaj Majoris . . j 8 Ursae Majoris . . p Cannae Mali d 63 Cancri g2 Cancri Velorum 0,012 + 0,005 O,OOO + 0,013 O,OO7 0,036 65 Cancri y. 64 Cancri Carinse .... Cancri Lyncis Lyncis 136 No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec.Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of I Taylor. 1 Bris- bane Various. a' V t/ d' 3016 3017 3018 3019 3020 3021 3022 3023 3024 3025 3026 3027 3028 3029 3030 3031 3032 333 334 3035 3036 337 3038 339 3040 3041 3042 343 3044 345 3046 347 3048 3049 3050 305 1 3052 353 354 355 3056 3057 3058 3059 3060 o / ;/ 58 51 19,8 69 28 9,4 71 53 26,8 75 * 44.5 135 58 15,2 23 25 35,9 75 " 35. 168 24 53,5 130 25 25,0 43 47 4 6 .8 61 30 12,3 49 !3 37-7 152 37 15,6 72 12 6,O 128 9 34,1 75 '5 2 .5 83 29 11,2 56 30 57,2 137 47 38,4 77 4 8 12.7 147 4 12,5 97 24 0,9 HI 33 5 1 . 97 23 5 8 . 6 168 31 2,0 71 56 45,8 8 34 47,4 156 14 8,3 72 16 58,4 136 57 7,9 59 " 3 6 >4 74 6 i7,7 41 22 21,5 21 47 29,9 146 5 0,2 117 6 22,1 73 50 43,3 80 2 2O,9 134 28 15,3 77 33 5i,7 57 o 10,5 149 47 0,8 7i 17 4,7 47 37 37,4 5i 48 57,5 // + i3> 2 3 13,25 *&*S 13,25 13,26 13,26 13,30 I 3>3 1 13,3! 13,33 S>33 !3>34 13,34 *3,35 13,36 i3,38 13,38 v 13-40 13,40 13,40 *3.4i !3>43 J 3>43 '3,43 i3,4^ !3>44 J 3>45 J 3>45 !3>47 J 3>47 13,48 13,48 13,48 13,48 1349 '3,49 *3>5 13,52 i3,55 !3,57 i3,57 J 3>57 3S9 13,61 + 13,61 // 4-0,403 o,377 0,372 0,366 0,223 0,589 +0,364 0,197 +0,242 0,448 o,394 0,428 0,125 0,369 0,249 0,362 0,346 0,405 0,214 0-357 0,167 0,319 0,197 +0,319 0,197 +0,367 1,044 0,089 0,366 0,217 0,396 0,362 o,453 o,599 0,173 0,277 0,362 ,349 0,226 o,353 0,398 0,148 o,3 6 5 0,425 +0,412 o,co +0,04 + 0,03 +0,13 + 0,11 + 8.2381 -9- J 55 6 -9-253I -9.3528 -9.9249 +9.7126 -9-3583 -9.9138 -9.9113 +9.3782 -8-3979 +9.2017 -9.9358 -9.2674 9.9042 -9.3617 9.5400 + 8.6866 -9.9256 -9.4265 -9.9346 9.7211 9.9302 -9.7211 -9.9107 9.2615 +9.8254 -9-93I3 -9.2739 -9.9230 + 7.8195 -9.3316 +9.4296 +9.7213 -9.9326 -9.8594 -9-3243 -9.4767 -9.9170 -9.4236 +8.5682 9-93*7 -9- 2 433 h9-24i8 +9.0527 + 9-5330 +9.3648 +9.3125 +9.2322 9.6769 +9.7829 +9.2291 -9.8130 -9.6340 +9.6811 +9.5013 +9.6378 9-77I4 +9.3085 -9.6145 + 9.2300 + 8.8791 +9.5665 9.6946 +9.1498 9.7490 -8-9357 -9.7198 -8-9357 9.8172 + 9-3J74 +9.8215 9.7882 + 9.3103 9.6910 +9.5367 + 9.2649 +9.7027 +9-7953 9.7468 9.4864 +9.2724 +9.0669 -9.6752 +9.1634 +9.5664 9.7671 +9-3374 + 9.6601 +9.6228 + 1.1215 I.I22I 1. 1222 1. 1222 I.I224 I.I225 1.1238 I.I24I I.I243 1.1249 1.1249 1.1251 I.I252 1.1255 1.1258 1.1264 I.I266 I.I27I 1.1272 I.I272 I.I273 I.I28O I.I280 I.I28I I.I282 1.1284 I.I286 1.1289 1.1292 1.1295 1.1295 1.1296 1.1297 1.1297 I.I3OO I.I3CO 1.1303 I.I3II I.I32O 1.1325 1.1326 1.1327 *-n33 1-1337 + I - I 339 + 9.8760 9.8756 9-8755 9-8755 9- 8 753 9-8752 9.8742 9.8740 9.8738 9.8734 9-8733 9.8732 9.8731 9.8729 9.8726 9.8722 9.8720 9.8716 9.8716 9.8715 9.8714 9.8708 9.8708 9.8708 9.8707 9.8706 9.8704 9.8702 9.8699 9.8697 9.8696 9.8696 9.8695 9.8695 9.8692 9.8692 9.8690 9.8683 9.8675 9.8671 9.8671 9.8670 9.8664 9.8661 + 9.8660 1255 192 *95 196 197 205 iii.ioyS iv. 627 iv. 628 iv. 629 Hi. 1079 M 37 5 M 376 M 377 B.F 1237 M 37 8 J 208 61486 G 1487 M38o M 3 8i Ri24 M 382 Ri25 J 209 M 3 85 61480 R 127 M 383 R 126 M 384' Ri28 W 53 2 M 386 B.F 1267 M 3 8 7 M 388 B.F 1264 G 1496 3572 2241 +0,16 -o,49 0,21 O,04 + 0,04 203 iii.io8o ii.iogi v. 1225 iii.io82 ii. 1087 3623 3577 2254 224/ 1258 202 204 2251 + 0,04 0,19 + O,2O O,OO + 0,07 + O.O2 c,oo 0,09 +0,04 +0,05 +0,08 -0,44 0,02 206 ii.io88 V.I229 iii.io83 ii.io89 iii.icS^ V.I23C ii.ic^o V.I232 iii.io85 V.I231 iv. 632 11.1096 iv. 633 358o 2249 1261 1259 208 2IO 209 3584 2252 1262 211 3594 3593 3644 2256 2259 2270 126^ 2I 4 215 2I 3 + 0,10 +0,08 +0,08 0,03 0,04 +0,28 + 0,01 0,20 +0,05 0,06 3609 2264 ... 217 iii.io87 v.i235 iii.io88 ii.i093 15.1092 ill. 1086 v.1237 11.1095} 11.1094 3596 2262 1263 1265 1260 1257 216 218 212 207 3603 3589 V 2265 2263 1266 220 2I 9 + O,I2 + 0,03 + 0,06 O,o6 + 0,08 + 0,28 ^1239 11.1097 ii.io89 V.I24I ii.icgS ii.icgc 3604 3613 2272 1268 1274 1269 1267 222 221 1268 224 223 B.A.C. No. Constellation. Mag. Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a b c d 3061 3062 3063 3064 3065 3066 3067 3068 3069 3070 3071 3072 373 3074 3075 3076 377 3078 379 3080 3081 3082 3083* 3084 3085 3086* 3087 3088 3089 3090 3091* 3092 3093* 3094 3095 3096* 3097 3098 3099 3100 3101 3102* 3103* 3104* 3!5 6 7 6 Si 6 6 7 6 7 6 6 6 4 7 4 6* 6 8 6 7 6 6 4 6 6 6 5 6 l - b m s 8 51 6,34 51 11,65 Si J 7,78 5 1 39>5 51 41,81 5 1 47.3 6 52 0,72 52 11,30 52 51,63 52 53,80 52 57,46 52 58,51 53 18,01 53 18,20 53 .11,76 53 36,35 53 47.52 53 54,4i 53 57,59 54 ^1,69 54 29, 6 3 54 40,84 54 43>95 54 54>97 55 M2 55 3 55 8,97 55 ^-99 55 43." 55 47,i7 55 54>i6 55 56,01 56 4,94 56 21,65 5 6 27,59 56 35,02 56 58,52 57 6,15 57 7,15 57 14,29 57 18,87 57 19,99 57 50,85 58 1,95 8 58 4,50 s + 1,520 + 3.39 -1,950 + i,37 2,79 8 1,811 1,763 3,701 3,599 2,548 1,989 4,455 i,474 3,38o 4,141 3>!77 2,042 3> J 77 3,524 2,006 2,239 2,597 4,283 2,183 4,186 4,74 5,397 3,594 i,499 2,226 4,226 1,884 3,523 2,298 3,265 2,625 3,848 1,863 5.409 3,842 1,389 3,38i 3,375 3>34 2 + 3,166 8 O,OO68 O,0 1 22 0,2423 O,OIO2 O,OO 1 8 0,0018 0,0025 0,0251 0,0214 +0,0007 +0,0002 0,0618 0,0079 0,0143 0,0448 0,0089 +0,0007 0,0089 0,0189 +0,0005 +0,0016 +0,0005 0,0527 +0,0015 -0,0477 0,08 10 -0,1317 0,0215 0,0073 +0,0017 0,0501 0,0007 0,0191 +0,0018 0,0113 +0,0004 0,0320 0,0008 -0,1350 0,0317 0,0100 0,0147 0,0145 -0,0135 0,0087 8 0,018 0,006 0,023 +0,022 +0,030 0,013 +0,019 0,002 0,004 0,003 0,006 8.9276 8.6685 9.3736 8.9590 8.6733 8.8694 8.8805 8.7337 8.7155 8-7H5 8.8341 8.8997 8.9441 8.6813 8.8328 8.6635 8.8248 8.6641 8.7045 8.8345 8.7828 8.7097 8.8683 8.7965 8.8479 8.9642 9.0806 8.7202 8.9472 8-7893 8.8593 8.8664 8.7093 8.7748 8.6753 8.7092 8-7774 8.8746 9.0894 8.7768 8.9743 8.6900 8.6904 8.6865 8.6719 + 8.9614 8.7019 9.4066 8.9907 8.7048 8.9005 8.9108 8-7633 8.7426 8.7414 8.8608 8.9263 8.9695 8.7067 8.8580 8.6878 8.8483 8.6872 8.7274 8.8559 8.8037 8.7299 8.8882 8.8158 8.8668 8.9830 9.0990 8.7383 8.9634 8.8053 8.8748 8.8818 8.7241 8.7885 8.6887 8.7222 8.7888 8.8856 9.1003 8.7S73 8.9844 8.7002 8.6985 8.6940 +8.6792 +0.1819 +0.5197 0.2899 +0.1366 0.4468 0.2580 0.2462 0.5683 0.5562 0.4061 0.2986 0.6488 0.1685 0.5290 0.6171 0.5020 0.3101 0.5020 0.5470 0.3024 0.3500 0.4145 0.6317 0.3390 0.6218 0.6758 0.7322 0.5556 o.i757 0-3475 0.6259 0.2751 0.5469 0.3614 0.5139 0.4191 0.5852 0.2702 0.7331 0.5846 0.1426 0.5291 0.5283 0.5240 + 0.5005 + 8.8545 8.0415 + 9-3 6 55 + 8.8968 + 8.1020 +8.7668 +8.7841 -8.4679 -8.3940 +8.3893 +8.7051 8.8124 +8.8756 -8.1634 8.7021 7.6988 +8.6864 7.7002 -8.3311 +8.7035 +8.5969 +8.3527 -8.7613 +8.6270 8.7265 8.9015 9.0462 -8.3987 +8.8780 +8.6087 -8.7448 +8.7567 -8.3385 +8.5719 -7.9729 +8.3338 -8.5767 +8.7688 -9.0558 -8-5745 +8.9134 -8.1797 8.1736 -8.1235 7.6680 Chamscleontis .... Mali Ursae Majoris .... 0,0 1 6 0,000 0,00 1 +0,013 +0,008 +0,019 +0,00 1 +0,018 0,009 0,015 68 Cancri 12 Ursae Majoris . . x Hydras Mali Ursae Majoris .... 0,007 Ursae Majoris .... Ursae Majoris .... ii Ursae Majoris . . cr 1 + 0,002 + 0,004 0,038 O,O IO 4 6 7 6* 8 &i 7 6 5 6 5 6 6 7i 7i 7i 6 Velorum Ursa; Majoris .... O,OOO Cancri Velorum 0,014 0,003 + O,OO8 + O,OO7 + 0,019 O,OO2 Cancri Mali Velorum 1 3 Ursae Majoris . . cr 2 Lvncis O,OIO 0,003 +0,004 +0,005 +0,003 71 Cancri Cancri 1 8 Hydrae ty 138 No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1350. Annual Preces. Sec.Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of , 1 Taylor. 3 Bris- bane. Various. of V 2 22 15 43,2 5 1 7 28,5 150 22 36,3 72 o 54,8 72 17 19,4 74 7 39, 6 84 1 8 42,1 + 13*62 13,63 13,63 13,66 13,66 13,66 13,68 13,69 J 3>73 J3.74 13,74 13,74 13,76 13,76 13,77 13-78 13-79 13,80 13,80 13,83 13,84 13,85 13,85 13,86 13,87 " 13,87 13,88 13,88 J3.9 1 13,92 *3,93 13,93 J 3,94 *3,95 13,96 *3,97 J 3.99 14,00 14,00 14,01 14,01 14,02 14,05 14,06 4- 14,06 +0,163 +0,354 0,209 +0,146 0,299 0,193 0,188 .395 0,383 0,271 0,2 1 1 0.473 0,156 o,359 o,439 o,337 0,216 0,336 o,373 0,212 0,236 0,274 0,452 0,230 0,441 o,499 0,568 o,378 0,157 0,234 o,444 0,198 0,370 0,241 o,342 0,275 0,402 0,195 0,565 0,401 0,145 o>353 0,351 0,348 +0,329 0,29 + 0,15 -0,17 +0,08 0,07 0,16 0,36 0,0 1 +0,08 O, IO +0,23 -9.9306 -9.3953 9.9048 9.9300 -9.7885 -9.9265 -9.9271 +8.4997 -8.5289 9.8615 9.9200 +9.5392 -9.9279 -9.2849 +9.3918 -9-5473 -9.9169 -9.5472 - 8 -9355 -9.9179 -9.9036 9.8499 +9.4694 9.9077 +9.4185 +9.6105 +9.6994 -8.5705 -9.9247 -9.9037 +9-4395 -9.9203 -8.9370 -9.8967 -9.4516 9.8426 +9.0581 -9.9194 +9.6974 +9.0465 -9.9224 -9.2831 -9.2929 - 9-347 * -9.5576 -9.7588 +9.2051 9.8242 -9.7709 9.2618 -9.7308 -9-7374 +9.5683 + 9.5140 -9.5104 9.7068 +9.7484 9.7679 + 9-3185 + 9-7059 + 8.8723 -9.6991 + 8.8737 +9-4 6 43 9.7076 -9.6529 9.4822 +9-7323 9.6701 +9.7184 + 9.7772 +9.8056 + 9.5187 -9.7720 9.6607 + 9.7271 -9.7320 + 9.4711 -9.6396 + 9.1402 -9.4675 + 9.6430 -9-738i +9.8103 +9.6419 -9-7835 +9-334 +9.3286 +9.2827 +8.8420 + 1.1342 I-I344 1.1346 1.1353 I-I354 1.1356 1.1360 1.1364 1.1377 1.1378 I - I 379 1.1380 1.1386 1.1386 1.1388 1.1392 1.1396 I - 1 399 1.1400 1.1408 1.1410 1.1414 1.1415 1.1419 1.1421 1.1421 1.1423 1.1425 i- H34 1.1436 1.1438 1.1439 1.1442 1.1447 1.1449 1.1451 1.1459 1.1461 1.1462 1.1464 1.1466 1.1466 1.1476 1.1479 + 1.1480 +9.8657 9.8656 9.8654 9.8647 9.8647 9.8645 9.8641 9.8638 9.8626 9.8625 9.8624 9.8624 9.8618 9.8618 9.8617 9.8613 9.8609 9.8607 9.8606 9.8599 9.8597 9- 8 593 9.8592 9.8589 9.8587 9.8587 9.8585 9.8584 9-8575 9-8573 9-857I 9.8571 9.8568 9.8563 9.8561 9.8559 9.8551 9.8549 .9.8549 9.8547 9- 8 545 9.8545 9-8535 9.8532 + 9.8531 .1243 iii.iogi 3618 2279 R 129 M 3 8 9 R 132 R 130 R 131 G 1501 j2io,Ri33 B.F 1277 B.F 1278 M 390 Ri 34 B.F 1273 61508 A j2ii,Ri35 B 30 Ri 3 6 B.F 1280 M 391 B.H 1465 61514 A 187 225 3669 3626 3620 3622 3619 3628 2290 2281 2280 2284 2289 2291 v.i 245 iii.i092 .1246 227 1270 1273 226 229 111.1093 iii.i094 .1250 V.I25I -0,13 0,00 + O,II +0,01 +0,14 0,03 +0,07 0,26 +0,16 -0-33 V.I252 iii.io95 11.1099 iii.iO96 v.i255 iv. 636 ii.noo v.1256 111.1098 3639 2293 1274 1272 231 230 233 3635 2296 1275 236 234 3641 3638 3636 2299 2300 2301 242 -0,18 v.i2 59 3646 2305 +0,04 0,0 1 -0,51 +0,17 +0,05 +0,09 1271 1278 232 239 111.1097 iv. 640 v.i263 V.I262 3661 3 6 5 J 2311 2309 1277 v.i264 3658 2312 0,1 8 +0,07 +0,22 +0,06 0,04 + 0,11 v.i266 iii.iO99 v. 1267 11.1103 V.I27I Hi. 1 1 co 3655 23 J 4 244 3652 23 J 5 245 3667 2320 1276 241 +0,03 +0,05 V.I272 iii.noi iii.iiO3 11.1104 3^73 2322 1281 1282 1283 1284 248 250 251 O,I2 + 0,o6 (82) J 39 No. Constellation. Mag. Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a b c d 3106* 3107 3108* 3109 3110 3111 3112 3113 3"4 3115 3116* 3117 3118* 3 "9 3120 3121 3122 3123 3 I2 4 3 I2 5 3126 3127 3128 3129 3130 3131 3132 3i33* 3134* 3J35 3136 3137 3138 3 J 39 3140 3141 3142 3M-3 3 r 44 3145* 3H 6 3147 3H S r 49 3 KO 1 5 Ursse Majoris f 5 7 5 6 5 5 6 64 4* 7 6 54 8 6 6 5* 64 6 6 5 3 7 6 64 54 54 ^ 6 5* 5 "2 S 6 6 6 5 6 54 6 6 6 44 6 6 5 6 h m a 8 58 15,49 58 26,11 58 29,38 58 59,11 58 59-47 59 37." 59 38,12 59 57.13 9 o 4,02 o 37,39 o 41,30 o 43,65 o 46,43 o 49,47 i 21,90 i 27,79 i 36,87 i 43.49 2 15.54 2 26,25 2 29,05 3 11,27 3 i3. 6 9 3 3>9 3 35> 12 3 58,4 2 4 4,8 1 4 22,72 4 22,85 4 4> 6 3 4 43> 2 8 5 J .49 5 2 .78 5 11,85 5 21,69 5 3i,8i 5 38,25 5 50,60 5 59.9 1 6 i5,79 6 33.53 6 56,63 6 57,65 7 1,17 9 7 25,5 s +4> 2 99 3,34 5,032 3,624 2,070 3>259 3,72i 3,558 0,968 3,378 6,265 3,4 6 4 +4,864 -0,173 +2,939 2,628 3,273 3,461 2,936 4,832 2,204 2,632 1,168 3,385 2,539 3,962 3.33 3.H3 0,532 4,516 O.22I 2,965 3,44* 1,903 4-37 1 0,671 2,172 2,334 3-721 2,120 3,118 3,326 2,216 1,584 -(-4,066 s -0,0551 -0,0135 0,1049 0,0232 -|-O,OOI2 0,0113 0,0271 O,O2O8 0,0239 0,0148 0,2276 0,0176 -0,0939 0,0876 0,0037 + O,OOO7 O,OII7 0,0176 0,0037 0,0928 + 0,0021 + O,OOO7 0,0170 0,0152 + 0,0015 0,0391 0,0135 O,OO82 0,0450 0,0718 0,0632 0,0042 0,0172 O,OOOO 0,0627 0,0381 + O,OO22 + O,OO26 0,0282 + O,OO2I 0,0076 0,0136 + O,OO25 0,0054 0,0456 s O,OI2 + O,OO8 + O,OI2 + 0,004 + O,OI4 + 0,003 O,OOI O,CO9 0,006 O,COI 1 -8.8827 8.6872 9.0305 8.7350 8.8337 8.6811 8.7566 8.7244 9.0608 8.6966 9.2229 8.7096 9.0073 9.2295 8.6802 8.7198 8.6863 8.7114 8.6821 9.0069 8.8127 8.7228 9.0360 8.7034 8.7415 8.8227 8.6973 8.6829 9.1462 8.9502 9.1922 8.6855 8.7153 8.8902 8.9208 9.1287 8.8288 8.7915 8.7724 8.8430 8.6860 8.7024 8.8221 8.9664 -8.8568 + 8.8893 8.6931 9.0362 8.7389 8.8375 8.6826 8.7580 8.7246 9.0605 8.6942 9.2203 8.7069 9.0044 9.2263 8.6750 8.7142 8.6802 8.7048 8.6735 8.9976 8.8033 8.7107 9.0238 8.6901 8.7279 8.8076 8.6818 8.6663 9.1296 8.9325 9- I 743 8.6665 8.6962 8.8705 8.9005 9.1078 8.8074 8.7694 8.7497 8.8192 8.6612 8.6760 8-7957 8.9398 + 8.8287 +0.6334 0.5238 0.7017 0.5592 0.3160 0.5131 0.5707 0.5512 9.9857 0.5287 0.7969 0.5396 +0.6870 -9.2370 +0.4682 0.4196 0.5150 0.5392 0.4678 0.6842 0.3432 0.4203 0.0676 0.5296 0.4046 0.5980 0.5224 0.4974 9.7259 0.6548 9.3448 0.4721 0.5368 0.2795 0.6406 9.8270 0.3369 0.3681 0.5707 0.3263 0.4939 0.5219 0-3456 0.1998 +0.6092 8.7805 8.1226 8.9846 -8-4373 + 8.6943 -7.9721 8.5096 -8.3851 +9.0208 -8.1883 9.2048 -8.2952 -8.9544 + 9.2119 + 7.8230 + 8-3499 8.0103 8.2961 + 7.8352 -8.9530 + 8.6451 + 8.3519 + 8.9893 8.2084 + 8-4373 -8.6631 8.1269 -7-5754 +9.1190 -8.8755 +9.1704 + 7.7392 8.2870 + 8.7846 -8.8322 +9.0988 + 8.6726 -1-8.5871 -8-5337 +8.6997 -7.39 6 7 8.1309 + 8.6558 +8.8965 8.7240 14 Ursse Majoris . . f Volantis cc Ursse Majoris .... +0,002 Ursae Majoris +0,053 +0,002 +0,007 0,002 +0,007 0,000 + 0,012 0,002 +0,018 + 0,005 0,005 +0,002 +0,003 0,033 Mali 1 6 Ursse Majoris . . e Mali Mali 6 8 1 Cancri Tt l Carinse E 0,030 +0,00 1 0,021 0,001 +0,005 17 Ursae Majoris .... 21 Hydrse Velorum 1 8 Ursse Majoris . . e Carinse +0,011 +0,003 0,019 0,015 +0,039 +0,013 0,00 1 0,009 0,022 0,008 Lyncis 22 Hvdrse 9 Velorum Ursae Majoris 140 No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec.Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of 8? 1 Taylor. Bris- lane. Various. of V a* df 3106 3107 3108 3109 3110 3111 3112 3113 3114 3115 3116 3117 3118 3119 3120 3121 3122 3123 3 J 24 3 I2 5 3126 3127 3128 3129 3 r 3 S^ 1 3132 3J33 3134 3!35 3136 3137 3138 3i39 3140 3141 3142 3H3 3*44 3H5 3146 3H7 3148 3H9 315 37 47 37,9 74 ii 4,6 25 52 52,7 59 44 5> 6 136 30 11,6 78 43 49,4 55 3 47>o 62 45 11,9 155 47 54.3 7i 55 3 J >4 16 26 19,2 67 21 2,8 27 42 57,6 163 48 12,7 97 59 6,3 115 15 20,6 77 49 38,8 67 23 52,5 98 10 48,7 27 57 47,9 132 49 45,7 115 ii 51,5 i53 53 5,5 71 20 38,7 119 45 23,6 46 IO 2,2 74 2 4 8,5 85 31 18,0 159 56 ii, i 3 2 38 27,1 162 o 6,6 96 29 52,7 68 6 3,4 141 38 31,2 35 2I 48.9 158 58 18,2 i34 15 *3.5 128 38 45,4 54 45 9>5 135 58 16,6 87 3 19,9 74 26 20,9 i3 2 59 52,9 148 21 19,5 42 33 40,2 a + H.07 14,08 14,09 14,12 14,12 14,16 14,16 14,18 14,19 14,22 14,22 14,23 14,23 14,23 14,27 14,27 14,28 14,29 14,32 H,33 H-33 14,38 14,38 14,40 14^.0 H,43 H>43 H,45 H.45 H-47 14,47 H,49 H>49 14,50 H.5 1 r 4,5 2 H-53 H,54 H,55 14,56 14,58 *- 14,60 14,61 14,61 + H- 6 3 a +o,447 o,347 0,522 o,375 0,214 o,337 0,384 0,367 0,100 o,347 0,644 0,356 +0,500 0,018 4-0,301 0,269 o,335 o>354 0,300 o,493 0,225 0,268 0,119 o,344 0,258 0,402 o,337 0,318 0,054 0,456 0,022 0,299 o,347 0,192 0,440 0,068 0,218 0,235 o,374 0,213 0,312 o,33* 0,222 0,158 +0,406 +0,05 + 0,10 +0,09 +0,05 +0,08 0,03 +0,24 +>39 +0,12 O,O I +9.4729 -9-3493 +9.6542 8.2330 9.9106 -9.4582 + 8.6365 -8.7924 -9.9152 -9.2871 +9-7430 9.1109 +9.6254 9.9018 -9.7221 -9.8403 -9.4412 9.1169 -9.7236 +9.6174 -9.8997 -9.8385 -9.9122 -9- 2 753 9.8586 +9.2256 -9.3642 -9.5781 -9.9033 +9.5430 -9.8991 9.7071 9.1605 -9.9091 +9-4939 -9.9029 -9.8987 9.8860 +8.6325 9.9009 9.6000 -9.3696 9.8948 9.9090 +9.3226 +9-7439 +9.2819 +9.8007 +9-5498 9.7082 +9.1398 +9.6018 +9.5101 -9.8097 +9.3424 +9.8327 +9.4364 +9.7980 -9-8335 8.9948 -9.4823 +9.1765 +9-4374 9.0069 +9.8001 9.6865 9.4846 9.8088 + 9.3610 -9-55I9 + 9.6973 + 9.2866 + 8.7502 -9.8304 + 9-7835 -9.8365 -8.9125 + 9-4305 -9-7535 + 9-7708 9.8298 -9.7037 -9-6558 +9.6218 9.7178 + 8.5723 + 9.2908 9.6961 -9.7925 + 9.7303 + 1.1484 1.1487 1.1488 1.1498 1.1498 1.1510 1.1510 1.1516 1.1518 1.1529 1.1530 1-1531 1.1532 I - I 533 i-i543 I - I 545 1.1547 1.1550 i-'ssg 1.1563 1.1564 1.1577 1.1577 1.1583 1.1584 1.1591 I - I 593 1.1599 1.1599 1.1604 1.1605 1.1610 1.1611 1.1613 1.1616 1.1619 1.1621 1.1625 1.1628 1.1633 1.1638 1.1645 1.1645 1.1646 + 1-1653 +9.8528 9.8524 9.8523 9.8514 9.8514 9.8502 9.8502 9.8496 9.8494 9.8483 9.8482 9.8481 9.8480 9.8479 9.8469 9.8467 9.8464 9.8462 9.8452 9.8448 9.8447 9.8434 9-8433 9.8427 9.8426 9.8418 9.8416 9.8410 9.8410 9.8404 9.8404 9.8398 9-8397 9.8394 9.8391 9.8388 9-8385 9.8381 9.8378 9.8373 9.8367 9-8359 9-8359 9.8358 +9.8350 1280 1279 1285 249 252 247 253 iii.no2 iii.no5 ii 1.1104 ii.no6 v.i274 ii.no6 ii.nc7 11.1107 ii.ncS 61516 61515 J 212^137 M 392 1213^138 B.F 1283 M3 9 3 B.F 1284 M 39 5 M 394 J 214^139 W540 M 396 B.F 1301 R 140 J 2i5,Ri4i W 54 2 B.F 1302 M397 J zi6,Ri42 G 1528 3677 2326 1287 1286 *55 254 256 3696 2 334 1290 258 0,02 1289 259 11.1109 0,72 O,OI + 0,01 +0,13 +0,01 0,04 -j-o,o6 +0,08 + O, 11 0,18 0,00 +o,n +0,05 0,28 3709 3685 234 1 2338 1292 1291 1294 1288 264 265 263 262 267 261 i 5 lii. 1108 ii.inz ii.no9 ii. 1 1 1 1 ii. 1 1 1 3 lii. 1 1 10 ii.iii4 iv. 647 3699 3698 3712 3702 2346 2 357 2352 2356 1296 1295 1298 3 7 2 6 iii. 1 1 1 1 ii.ni5 iii.ni2 ii.u 16 +0,01 +0,07 +0,52 0,0 1 + 0,01 3730 3736 3722 2369 2374 2371 2379 2376 2378 1293 4 iii. 1113 ii.ii2c ii.i 119 11.1117 1301 1299 ii 0,02 1297 8 ii.iiiS +0,15 + 0,01 +0,03 0,07 +0,32 0,02 0,04 +0,36 0,03 17 iii.m6 v.i 300 iii. 1115 V.I3OI ii.ii2i ii.ii22 7.1306 11.1123 iii. 1 1 17 3723 3721 1300 H 3727 37*9 3738 2380 2384 2387 2388 1303 1304 18 2C ^9 141 No. Constellation. Mag. Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a 6 c d 3151 3152* 3i53 3*54 3i55 3*56 3iS7* 3158* 3iS9* 3160 3161 3162 3 l6 3 3164* 3 l6 5 3166 3167 3168 3169* 3170* 3 1 ?! 3172* 3i73 3 J 74 3175 3176 3*77 3178 3179 3180 3181 3182* 3183* 3184 3185* 3186 3187 3188 3189 3190 3191* 3192* 3J93 3*94* 3195 6 5 6 7 6 6 7 6 6 6 6 4 5 7 5* 6 6 7 6 6| 6 6 6 6 6 7 r 4 54 6 7* 6 7 Si 7 2 5 5* 6 6 6 6 6 7* 5 h m s 9 7 39>6 7 52,21 8 19-35 8 28,83 8 37,34 8 49,21 8 57,86 8 58,55 8 59-9 1 9 H.7I 9 20,22 9 29,81 9 4 2 ,55 9 42,93 9 45,38 9 49>37 9 50,98 10 16,03 10 17,27 10 28,34 10 36,15 10 40,27 10 51,03 1 1 4,64 II 10,97 II 26,33 II 32,18 II 54,29 II 58,31 12 7 12 11,13 12 16,87 12 26,41 12 33,12 13 i,99 13 4,63 13 6,71 *3 9,75 13 29,35 13 35,49 13 40,24 14 23,49 14 28,21 H 5,5i 9 '4 5i,55 s +2,258 1,376 2,104 1,924 2,207 2,235 4,669 2,387 1,572 2,980 2,941 3,764 2,365 3,265 2,394 2,169 1,782. 2,890 4,221 3,527 3,3 6 9 4,475 2,213 2,349 1,646 3>23 6 0,723 3,698 1,697 2,675 3.39 1 4,142 3,502 2,892 2,930 1,610 i,994 2,931 i,3i7 +2,484 >497 +2,537 2,406 3,49 s +2,653 s +0,0027 0,0107 +0,0021 4-0,0005 +0,0026 +0,0027 0,0853 +0,0026 0,0056 0,0044 0,0036 0,0309 4-0,0028 0,0118 +0,0027 +0,0026 0,0014 0,0025 0,0556 0,0209 0,0152 -0,0724 +0,0028 +0,0030 0,0039 0,0110 0,0372 0,0283 0,0029 +0,0009 0,0161 0,0517 0,0203 0,0025 0,0032 0,0047 +0,0016 0,0033 0,0127 +0,0026 -0,1254 +0,0024 +0,0031 0,0204 +0,0013 s +0,002 0,022 +0,015 8.8140 9.0120 8.8526 8.8954 8.8288 8.8226 8.9962 8-7873 8-9754 8.6924 8.6948 8.7908 8.7942 8.7009 8.7876 8.8412 8.9322 8.7006 8.9016 8.7420 8.7152 8.9605 8.8335 8.8015 8.9665 8.7012 9.1419 8.7816 8.9578 8.7340 8.7216 8.8890 8.7413 8.7045 8.7021 8.9806 8.8927 8.7023 9.0426 8.7764 9-3*52 8.7665 8.7965 8-7455 -8.7437 +8.7850 8.9821 8.8210 8.8632 8.7960 8.7891 8.9622 8-7533 8.9412 8.6573 8.6594 8.7548 8-7573 8.6640 8.7506 8.8040 8.8948 8.6616 8.8626 8.7023 8.6750 8.9200 8.7923 8-7595 8.9241 8.6578 9.0981 8.7364 8.9124 8.6879 8-6753 8.8424 8.6941 8.6568 8.6526 8.9309 8.8429 8.6523 8.9914 8.7248 9.2632 8.7118 8.7415 8.6890 +8.6872 +0.3537 0.1386 0.3230 0.2843 -3438 -3493 0.6692 0-3779 0.1965 0.4742 0.4685 0.5756 0.3739 0.5139 0.3792 0.3362 0.2509 0.4609 0.6254 o-5475 0.5275 0.6508 0-3449 0.3708 0.2165 0.5099 9.8588 0.5680 0.2298 0.4274 0.5303 0.6172 -5443 0.46 1 1 0.4669 0.2068 0.2998 0.4670 0.1194 +0.3951 9.6967 +0.4043 0.3813 0.5438 +0.4238 +8.6367 + 8.9567 + 8.7147 +8.7893 + 8.6668 + 8.6532 -8-9355 + 8.5666 + 8.9075 + 7.6917 + 7-8448 -8.5746 + 8.5830 8.0232 +8.5649 +8.6902 +8.8453 +7.9940 -8-7975 -8.3973 8.2130 -8.8857 + 8.6724 + 8.5982 +8.8938 -7.9585 + 9.1123 -8.5404 +8.8810 +8.3407 8.2498 -8.7744 8.3801 +7.9983 +7.8953 +8.9120 +8.7796 +7.8928 + 8.9931 +8.5180 +9.3021 + 8.4800 + 8-5754 -8-3845 +8-375 4-0,008 +0,007 +0,015 +0,004 4-0,002 0,001 0,003 0,00 1 +0,006 +0,009 + O,OII +0,001 0,039 0,001 +0,00 1 0,003 0,008 20 Ursae Majoris .... Ursae Majoris .... 83 Cancri Ursae Majoris Velorum + 0,010 +0,003 0,017 0,004 0,033 0,016 +0,013 Velorum Carinse Leonis Argus o 40 Lvncis y. Carinse g Mali 0,00 1 +0,009 0,022 +0,003 +0,004 0,008 +0,012 + 0,002 Ursae Majoris .... Leonis 2,6 Hydrae Hvdr33 Argus ( Velorum ... . K 27 Hvdrae Carinas Mali + 0,002 Carinas F Mali O,OOI O,OI4 O,OO6 + 0,010 Velorum Leonis Mali h 142 No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec.Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of f 1 Taylor. 1 *a?e. Various. of V c? d' 3i5t 3152 3*54 3155 3157 3158 3160 3161 3162 3163 3164 3165 3166 3167 3168 3169 3170 3171 3172 3173 3'74 3 J 75 3176 3177 3178 3!79 3.180 3181 3182 3i8 3 3185 3186 3187 3188 3189 3190 3191 3192 3193 3*94 131 39 28,2 151 42 9,9 136 43 15,9 H 1 33 54.5 133 3i 33.4 132 36 28,9 29.35 3.4 126 58 52,6 148 47 43,9 95 43 49. 1 9 8 7 13,3 S 2 33 55- 6 127 56 44,4 77 52 21,8 126 47 21,8 134 56 0,2 144 57 8,1 101 20 4,3 38 6 40,6 63 7 8,3 7 1 39 42,5 32 40 9,6 133 38 28,8 128 46 17,0 147 45 46,6 79 34 53-8 159 6 0,6 54 5 s 37,2 146 54 50,0 113 51 70 16 43,3 39 49 17,6 64 ii 51,7 101 20 39,0 98 58 32,1 148 38 49,6 140 25 23,2 9 8 55 17,0 !53 8 43,5 123 28 11,3 166 2 2,8 121 7 35,1 126 56 43,9 64 10 42,3 115 19 44,2 14,66 14,69 14,70 14,70 14,72 14,73 H.75 14,76 H>77 14,77 14,78 14,78 14,80 14,80 14,81 14,82 14,83 14,84 14,85 14,86 14,87 14,88 14,90 14,90 14,91 14,91 14,92 H.93 H.94 14,96 H-97 H,97 14,97 H.99 15,00 15,00 15,04 15,05 + 15.07 +0,225 0,137 0,209 0,191 0,219 0,222 0,462 0,236 0,156 0,295 0,291 0,372 0,233 0,322 0,236 0,214 0,176 0,284 0,415 o,347 0,331 0,440 0,217 0,230 0,161 0,317 0,071 0,361 0,166 0,261 0,331 0,404 0,341 0,281 0,285 0,156 0,194 0,284 0,128 +0,241 0,048 +0,245 0,232 0,337 +0,255 0, 12 0,03 + 0,20 9.8911 -9.9067 9.8994 9.9046 -9.8938 -9.8917 + 9-5753 9.8780 9.9060 -9.6985 -9.7204 + 8.8261 -9.8798 -9.4506 -9.8766 9.8948 9.9046 -9.7467 +9.4200 -8.9154 9.3010 + 9.5219 9.8912 9.8804 -9.9029 -9.4850 -9.8928 +8-4594 9.9018 -9.8243 9.2622 +9.3716 9.0004 -9-7457 -9.7264 9.9000 -9-8974 -9.7258 9.8969 -9.8623 -9.8744 -9-8533 -9.8716 -9.0137 9.8290 9.6861 9.8086 -9.7269 9.7589 -9.7032 9.6962 +9.8051 -9.6451 -9.7980 -8.8657 9.0165 +9.6506 +9.1895 9.6446 -9.7163 -9.7805 +9.7640 +9.3665 +9.7940 9.7080 9.6662 -9.7970 +9.1274 9.8407 +9.6298 9.7942 -9.4780 +9.3996 +9.7569 +9.5106 -9.1658 9.0660 9.8044 -9-7599 9.0636 9.8240 -9.6153 9.8609 -9.5885 -9.6542 +9.5149 -9.5071 + 1.1658 1.1661 1.1669 1.1672 1.1674 1.1678 1. 1680 1.1681 1.1681 1.1685 1.1687 1.1690 1.1693 1.1694 1.1694 1.1695 1.1696 1.1703 1.1704 1.1707 1.1709 1.1710 1.1713 1.1717 1.1719 1.1723 1.1725 1.1731 I - I 733 1.1736 1.1738 1.1740 1.1742 1.1751 1.1751 1.1752 I - I 753 1.1758 1.1760 1.1761 1.1773 1.1775 1.1781 + 1.1781 +9.8345 9.8341 9-833 1 9.8328 9-8325 9.8321 9.8318 9.8318 9- 8 3!7 9.8312 9.8311 9.8307 9.8303 9.8303 9.8302 9.8301 9.8300 9.8291 9.8291 9.8287 9.8284 9.8283 9.8279 9.8274 9.8272 9.8267 9.8265 9-8257 9.8256 9-8253 9.8251 9.8249 9.8246 9.8244 9-8233 9.8232 9.8232 9.8231 9.8224 9.8221 9.8220 9.8204 9.8203 9.8195 +9.8194 V.I 308 V.I 3 09 V.I 3 10 3732 3753 3743 1390 1394 2396 1397 2400 2401 2404 2407 R 144 B.F 1310 B.F 1308 M 399 B.F 1307 M 400 A M40I B.F 1311 B.F 1319 J 219 B.F 1322 P39&, J220 O,OO +0,01 + 0,14 + 0,04 0,16 +0,01 0,05 +0,04 0,20 + 0,03 0,05 0,14 +o,39 +0,06 O,IO +0,04 +0,1 6 V.I3I2 U.II2O iii. 1 12 1 v.i3i4 ii.II2 9 ii.ii23 v.i 318 v.i3i 9 iii. 1 125 ii.ii3o 3744 3749 3748 3760 3756 302 33 23 34 1307 1308 1305 3 32 29 40 35 4 1 3755 3758 3762 2408 2409 2410 1311 1306 1309 43 38 42 +0,10 0,56 0,30 +0,05 0,09 + 0,02 0,1 8 v.i 320 V.I32I V.I322 iii. 1 128 ii.ii33 ii. 1 1 3 1 v.i326 3764 3765 3776 2416 2417 2418 46 3791 2425 1312 48 3782 2424 + 0,11 + 0,04 1310 1111 50 47 iii. 1 1 30 ii.ii32 iv. 664 V.I 3 2 9 0,02 0,02 0,07 +0,06 +0,01 131^ 1316 53 56 3792 3786 2429 2428 2432 2430 2433 2434 1317 57 -0,13 v.i33o 3784 3817 3790 3795 +0,06 +0,01 0,03 0,11 61 iii. 1 1 32 v.i 33 2 iii. 1 1 34 1318 60 63 3793 2436 // y 143 No. Constellation. Mag. Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a b c d 3196 3 r 97 3198 3199* 3200 3201* 3202 3203 3204 3205* 3206 3207 3208 3209 3210 3211 3212 3213 3214* 3215 3216 3217 3218 3219 3220* 3221* 3222 3223 3224 3225 3226 3227 3228* 3229 3230* 3231* 3232* 3233* 3^34 3235 3236 3 2 37 3238* 3239 3240 2 1 Ursse Majoris .... Velorum 7 6 6 5 6 6i- 6* 7 5 6 7 5* 6 7 6 si 5* 3 6 5* 6 6 5 a * 6 7 4 61 2 6 6 5 6 6* 6* 6 6 5 6 61 ei 6 51 6 6 64 h ra s 9 H 58,35 14 58,36 15 10,48 15 15,21 15 17,72 i5 2 3.35 15 3.59 15 46,88 15 54, 6 o 16 5,69 16 18,37 16 43,33 16 56,01 17 13,52 17 16,51 17 19,64 17 20,65 17 28,39 17 36,31 17 38,08 17 54,09 18 7,34 18 48,72 18 58,50 19 2,63 J 9 38,75 J9 S4,3 20 12,97 2O 13,06 20 17,60 20 2O,77 2O 25,30 2O 29,73 20 34,24 20 34,31 20 36,72 21 8,02 21 21,55 21 22,78 21 25,38 21 25,54 21 32,28 21 38,66 21 42,76 9 21 48,47 s +4.314 1,832 0,884 9,321 1,054 3.51 3,200 3,161 3.5*4 2,293 3,397 2,602 2,185 3.341 + 1,831 7,000 + 1,448 1,856 +0,014 0,0 1 8 + 3,003 2,119 3.974 2,000 4>37 4,814 2,941 2,950 2,612 1 .5 2 3 2,989 3,217 . 3.204 1,899 2,355 5.849 5.48i 2,990 2,035 2,488 1,950 3.39 3,652 L5I5 + 3.048 s 0,0638 0,0004 0,0300 -0,8153 0,0226 O,O2 IO O,OIOO 0,0089 0,0211 + 0,0034 0,0166 +0,0020 +0,0033 0,0146 0,0002 1,4614 -0,0088 + 0,0002 0,0853 0,0879 0,0048 + 0,0031 0,0442 + O.OO2I 0,0697 0,1052 0,0032 0,0034 + 0,0022 0,0067 0,0044 O,OIO7 O,OIO3 + 0,0011 +0,0038 0,2153 0,1730 0,0043 +0,0027 +0,0033 + 0,0018 0,0056 0,0281 0,0070 0,0058 s +0,005 +0,003 0,013 0,063 +0,013 0,003 +0,004 +0,015 0,000 + O,OII 0,008 +0,003 +0,015 +0,005 0,030 0,184 0,013 0,005 0,008 0,029 +0,002 +0,005 +0,003 O,OII -8-9377 8.9366 9.1278 9-5559 9.0984 8.7491 8.7055 8.7036 8.7510 8.8278 8.7304 8-7577 8.8569 8.7236 8-9439 9.7684 9.0290 8.9388 9.2669 9.2712 8.7061 8.8767 8.8665 8.9085 8.9636 9.0613 8.7129 8.7128 8.7631 9.0231 8.7107 8.7151 8.7141 8.9380 8.8239 9.2399 9.1861 8.7123 8.9071 8-7937 8.9283 8.7109 8.7938 9.0295 8.7112 + 8.8808 8.8797 9.0701 9-4979 9.0403 8.6906 8.6466 8.6436 8.6905 8.7666 8.6684 8.6941 8.7925 8.6581 8.8782 9.7024 8.9630 8.8723 9.1999 9.2041 8.6380 8.8077 8.7949 8.8363 8.8911 8.9865 8.6371 8.6358 8.6861 8.9458 8.633* 8.6373 8.6361 8.8596 8-7455 9.1614 9.1056 8.6308 8.8256 8.7120 8.8466 8.6288 8.7113 8.9467 +8.6280 +0.6349 0.2630 9.9466 0.9695 0.0229 0.5454 0.5051 0.4998 -5459 0.3605 0.5311 0.4153 -3395 0.5239 +0.2628 0.8451 +0.1608 0.2685 +8.1492 -8-2553 +0-4775 0.3261 0.5992 0.3011 0.6405 0.6825 0.4685 0.4698 0.4169 0.1826 0.4756 0.5075 0-5057 0.2786 0.3721 0.7671 0-7389 0.4756 0.3085 0.3958 0.2900 0.4827 0.5625 0.1803 + 0.4839 8.8492 +8.8476 + 9.0952 -9-55 1 ? +9.0605 -8.3996 -7.8678 -7.7127 -8.4054 + 8.6495 -8.2733 + 8.4321 +8.7094 -8.1952 + 8.8566 +9.7667 + 8.9740 +8.8488 +9.2500 +9.2546 + 7.5982 + 8-7453 -8-7253 + 8.7996 8.8842 -9.0139 + 7.8864 + 7.8569 + 8.4367 + 8.9649 + 7.6858 -7.9420 -7.9007 + 8.8449 + 8.6306 9.2202 9.1604 + 7.6866 + 8.7946 + 8.5452 + 8.8291 + 7.2782 -8.5448 + 8.9726 + 7.1440 Carinae Mali 28 Hvdrae A Velorum Ursae Majoris .... 23 Ursae Majoris . . h 29 Hydrae +0,019 +0,00 1 + 0,001 0,000 O,OI2 30 Hydrae CL Mali Hydrae 2 Leonis w +0,006 0,005 0,024 0,005 + 0,012 +0,00 1 3 Leonis Velorum Velorum 22 Ursae Majoris .... 24 Ursae Majoris . . d Hydras Veloruro +0,016 0,001 0,003 +0,013 +0,007 -0,035 +0,007 Antliae Velorum I 3 1 Hvdrse T 1 7 Leonis Minoris . . Hydrae 144 No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var Proper Motion. Logarithms of fe- rn i Taylor. | Bris- bane Various. of V c* d' 3196 3198 3199 3200 3201 3202 3203 3204 3205 3206 3207 3208 3209 3210 3211 3212 3213 3214 3215 3216 3217 3218 3219 3220 3221 3222 3223 3224 3225 3226 3227 3228 3229 3230 3231 3232 3233 3234 3235 3236 3237 3238 3239 3240 / // 35 20 35,6 144 33 12,8 IS 8 3 24,5 8 i 6,5 156 25 5,0 63 26 23,8 8 1 38 45,4 84 8 22,6 63 10 28,2 131 33 19,1 69 34 8,7 118 ii 40,2 135 24 38,0 72 46 11,5 144 52 52,9 175 3 l8 ,4 151 46 0,4 144 22 2O,2 164 6 38,7 164 16 10,6 94 28 25,0 137 38 41,0 43 44 38,2 141 5 39,0 33 36 8,1 26 17 11,4 98 34 28,2 98 o 40,5 118 8 17,2 151 o 2,7 95 25 7.7 So 17 35,5 81 9 37.6 143 49 1,0 129 51 14,1 17 8 0,7 19 30 56,1 95 24 31,2 140 31 31,2 124 21 22,3 142 43 46,0 92 6 58,1 55 41 21,0 151 18 17,1 9 1 33 7,9 + I 5 "o8 15,08 15,09 *" ^.09 15,10 15,10 15,11 15,12 VJ5.I3 i5>H 15,18 15,21 15,21 15,21 15,21 15,22 15,23 15,24 15,26 15.30 15.34 15.36 15.38 15.38 15.38 15.38 15,40 15,40 15,40 *5.43 + 15.44 '5.44 '5.45 15,46 15,46 + 15,47 +0,415 0,176 0,085 0,895 0,101 o,337 0,307 0,303 0,336 0,219 0,325 0,248 0,208 0,318 +0,174 0,665 +0,138 0,176 +0,00 1 0,002 + 0,285 O,2O I o,375 0,189 0,412 0,452 0,276 0,276 0,245 0,143 0,280 0,301 0,300 0,178 0,220 o,547 0,511 0,278 0,189 0,232 0,181 0,283 o.339 0,141 +0,283 +0,07 +0,08 0,17 +0,04 -0,15 + 0,02 + 0,10 0,04 + 0,03 + 0,o6 + O,2O O,O2 + 0,H o.oo +0,39 + 0,01 0,06 +0,07 + 1,08 +o,95 +0,03 +0,13 +0,04 +9-4577 9.8970 9.8884 +9-7720 9.8904 -8.9731 9.5618 -8.9595 9.8806 -9.2504 -9-8397 9.8863 -9-3452 -9.8937 -9.8367 -9.8918 -9.8933 9.8720 -9-8715 9.6842 9.8876 +9.2230 -9.8895 +9-4739 +9-5857 9.7202 -9-7I53 9.8360 -9.6925 -9.5047 -9.5189 9.8885 -9.8715 +9.6853 +9.6602 9.6921 9.8856 -9.8564 -9.8868 9.6601 +6.8451 9.8849 -9.6542 +9-7876 9.7871 -9.8438 +9.8723 9.8388 +9-5272 +9.0392 +8.8865 +9.5321 -9.6997 +9.4212 -9-5533 -9.7319 +9-35H 9.7926 -9.8783 9.8250 9.7902 -9-8635 -9.8639 -8.7730 9-7499 +9.7412 -9-7737 +9-8033 + 9-8363 -9.0576 9.0287 9.8265 -8.8599 +9.1118 + 9.0716 9.7921 -9.6919 +9.8655 +9.8604 8.8607 -9.7740 9.6380 -8.4540 +9.6379 9.8301 -8.3199 + 1.1783 1.1783 1.1786 1.1788 1.1788 1.1790 1.1792 1.1796 1.1799 1. 1802 1.1805 1. 1812 1.1815 1.1820 1.1821 1.1822 1.1822 1.1824 1.1826 1.1827 1.1831 1.1835 1.1846 1.1848 1.1850 1.1859 1.1863 1.1868 1.1868 1.1869 1.1870 1.1871 1.1873* 1.1874 1.1874 1.1874 1.1883 1.1886 1.1887 1.1887 1.1887 1.1889 1.1891 1.1892 + 1.1893 +9.8192 9.8192 9.8187 9.8186 9.8185 9.8183 9.8180 9.8174 9.8171 9.8167 9.8163 9.8154 9.8149 9.8143 9.8142 9.8140 9.8140 9.8137 9.8134 9.8134 9.8128 9.8123 9.8107 9.8104 9.8102 9.8089 9.8083 9.8076 9.8076 9.8074 9-8073 9.8071 9.8070 9.8068 9.8068 9.8067 9.8050 9.8049 9.8048 9.8048 9.8046 9.8043 9.8042 +9.8040 1315 58 iii.H33 3800 38n 2440 2444 B.H685 M402 M 404 W S5 o M 403 W 55 i W 5S 2 Ri 47 Ri49 Ri 4 8 B.F 1326 M 406 A 196 M 405 B.F 1335 B.F 1339 37 "...35 3809 2445 1319 62 66 iii.ii35 1320 6 9 67 ii.ii39 ii. 1 140 ^1337 11.1141 ii. 1 142 v.1339 v.i 341 3803 3804 3808 2446 2451 2454 1321 75 74 38i3 3953 3823 3816 3845 3846 3820 3830 2457 2 49 I 2461 2459 2469 2470 2464 2474 v.i 342 ii.H44 1326 77 v.i 345 1325 78 0,04 0,01 0,03 0,19 0,05 1323 1327 1330 82 87 89 V - J 354 ^1357 3833 3847 2478 2479 2485 +0,04 +0,04 +0,2 1 O,OI +0,10 0,02 1328 329 88 90 ii. 1150 111.1144 11.1148 3842 3836 2487 2482 322 324 93 83 86 O,I2 +0,07 0,09 +0,04 + O,II +0,01 0,00 v.i 3 6 4 v.i 3 6 5 11.1151 Lii.ii45 ^1367 ii. 1 146 3851 3841 3854 3866 2494 H93 2495 2498 334 94 92 96 B.A.C. (T) No. Constellation. Mag. Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a b c d 3241 3242 3*43 3244* 3245* 3246 3247* 3248 3249 3250 3251 3252 3*53 3*54 3255 3256 3257 3258 3259 3260 3261 3262 3263 3264 3265* 3266 3267. 3268 3269 3270 3271 3272 3273* 3274 3275 3276* 3277 3278* 3279 3280 3281 3282 3*83 3284 3*85 8 Leonis Minoris 25 Ursae Majoris . . Mali 6 3 61 5i 8 4* neb. 6 5 5 6 6 6 6 H Si 4 7* 6 6 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 7 6 H 6i 7 6 5* 6 H si si 6 7 Si 6 6 h m s 9 22 23,90 22 47,65 23 2,38 23 3,65 23 7.3 1 23 9,30 23 14,61 23 J 5,53 23 29,12 ^3 SMS ^3 54.95 24 17,06 24 20,11 24 20, 8 1 24 30,63 24 31,02 24 48,15 24 56,21 24 58,21 25 0,44 25 1,27 25 7.1 2 5 34.9 25 37,01 25 41,26 26 21,23 26 22,23 26 38,89 26 40,23 26 50,57 27 3,61 27 40,68 27 47,9* 28 0,46 28 14,92 28 22,13 28 31,66 28 45,62 28 54,15 28 57,25 28 58,85 29 0,50 29 0,95 29 13,46 9 29 H.33 +3^682 4,169 2,659 2,472 5,793 3>44 1,802 2,660 1,319 3,249 3,225 3,707 3,063 2,561 3,53 6 4l?3 2,372 3,108 2,042 1,522 3>703 2,564 J , T 93 0,655 3,777 0,640 2 >374 3,684 1,824 3,267 2 >995 3,292 3,582 i, 612 7,227 2,147 1,222 +3,323 -1,639 +2,074 3,780 2,235 5,736 7,623 +3,458 s 0,0296 0,0578 +0,0018 +0,0036 0,2129 0,0189 0,0003 +0,0018 0,0131 0,0118 O,OIII 0,0312 0,0062 +0,0031 0,0232 0,0588 +0,0042 0,0074 +0,0031 0,0067 0,0312 +0,0031 0,0180 0,0451 0,0352 0,0462 +0,0044 0,0306 +0,0003 0,0126 0,0043 0,0136 -0,0257 0,0042 0,4477 +0,0042 0,0171 0,0148 0,2868 +0,0038 0,0362 +0,0047 0,2166 -0,5279 0,0203 s 0,002 0,120 +0,003 +0,001 0,019 + 0,001 8.8027 8.9267 8.7590 8.8012 9.2409 8.7511 8.9695 8.7594 9.0762 8.7237 8.7214 8-8134 8.7150 8.7829 8-7735 8.9329 8.8302 8.7163 8.9157 9.0390 8.8140 8.7840 9.1083 9.2032 8.8345 9.2083 8.8337 8.8132 8.9751 8.7306 8.7209 8-7351 8.7909 9.0291 9.4330 8.8984 9.1129 8.7412 9.4879 8.9192 8.8435 8.8769 9.2543 9-4749 -8.7662 + 8.7172 8.8397 8.6711 8.7132 9.1527 8.6628 8.8808 8.6706 8.9865 8.6326 8.6301 8.7206 8.6220 8.6900 8.6799 8.8393 8-7355 8.6210 8.8203 8-9434 8.7184 8.6881 9.0105 9- J o53 8.7364 9.1075 8.7328 8.7113 8.8731 8.6279 8.6174 8.6292 8.6845 8.9218 9.3248 8-7897 9.0036 8.6311 9.3772 8.8083 8.7325 8.7658 9.1431 9.3629 + 8.6542 +0.5661 0.6200 0.4248 0.3930 0.7629 0.5366 0.2558 0.4249 0.1202 0.5118 0.5085 0.5690 0.4861 0.4085 0.5486 0.6204 0.3752 0.4924 O.3IOI 0.1823 0.5685 0.4089 0.0766 9.8162 0.5772 9.8061 0-3755 0.5663 0.2610 0.5141 0.4763 0.5175 0.5542 0.2073 0.8590 0-3319 0.0872 +0.5215 -0.2145 +0.3169 0-5775 0-3493 0.7586 0.8821 +0.5388 -8.5694 -8.8253 +8-3999 +8.5630 9.2209 -8.3540 +8.8897 +8.4002 +9.0309 8.0403 7.9769 -8-5943 +6.6784 +8-4977 -8-4595 -8.8336 +8.6366 -7.3605 +8.8054 + 8.9834 -8-5940 + 8.4986 +9.0692 +9.1787 8.6452 +9.1843 +8.6416 -8-5874 +8.8956 8.0930 +7.6823 -8.1494 -8.5131 + 8.9691 -9-4H7 +8.7718 +9.0738 8.2098 +9.4815 + 8.8071 -8.6597 +8.7308 -9-2347 9.4680 -8-3977 Ursae Majoris Mali +0,003 0,001 0,004 +0,003 +0,004 +0,005 +0,005 0,008 0,003 0,005 + O,OII 0,014 -0,037 +0,004 0,018 0,015 +0,010 0,005 +0,009 0,003 0,056 +0,001 0,003 +0,002 0,000 0,004 0,040 +0,016 +0,006 0,021 0,000 o, 1 3 1 + 0,012 + O,OO3 6 Leonis h 9 Leonis Minoris . . 32 Hydi^e T^ Antlias ' Leonis 26 Ursae Majoris .... Arsrus . . U/ Hydras Velorum Carinse 10 Leonis Minoris Antliae ^ Carinse Lyncis Cannae Velorum 1 1 Leonis Minoris . . Velorum N Leonis 33 Hydrae 7 Leonis Leonis Carinae Draconis Velomm Carinae 8 Leonis Chamaeleontis . . / Velorum L 42 Lvncis Velorum 27 Ursae Majoris .... Draconis 0,009 0,005 146 No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec.Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of >-. n 1 Taylor. Lacaille. Bris- bane Various. a' b' c' d' 3241 3242 3243 3 2 44 3245 3246 3 2 47 3248 3249 3250 325 1 3252 3253 3254 3255 3256 3257 3258 3259 3260 3261 3262 3263 3264 3265 3266 3267 3268 3269 3270 3271 3272 3 2 73 3274 3275 3276 3277 3278 3279 3280 3281 3282 3283 3284 3285 - 54 14 11,8 37 38 33.4 115 56 19,9 125 17 59,7 17 IS 9.7 66 22 24,1 146 20 0,4 115 56 9,5 154 16 51,9 78 2 15,8 79 37 34.3 52 Si 4,3 90 31 36,3 121 13 49,7 60 58 12,1 37 i7 5.9 129 48 43,9 87 28 25,9 140 51 34,0 151 37 n, i 52 56 20,7 121 12 46,8 156 2 46,0 160 57 3,5 49 4 2 57.9 161 7 55,5 129 59 19,4 53 3 5,4 146 22 25,4 76 40 46,5 95 14 58,0 74 57 I7, 1 58 10 5,9 i5 34 13, II II 12,8 138 20 27,2 156 3 20,7 72 53 26,8 170 8 3,9 140 35 24,1 49 5 21,7 i35 35 8,1 17 4 14,4 10 10 53,4 6 4 39 32,5 + 15.5 '5.5* *5,53 15,53 i5,54 15.54 15.54 15.55 15.56 i5,58 15,58 15,60 15,60 15,61 15,61 15,61 !5> 6 3 15,64 15,64 15,64 15,64 i5, 6 5 i5> 6 7 15,67 15,6? i5.7i 15.72 15,73 15.73 15.74 '5,75 5J9 !5>79 15,80 15,82 15,82 15,83 15,84 15,85 15,86 15,86 15,86 15,86 15,87 + 15,87 n +0,341 0,385 0,245 O,22g ,534 0,317 0,1 66 0,245 O,I2I 0,298 0,296 0,340 O,28l 0,235 0,324 0,382 0,217 0,284 0,l87 0,139 0,338 0,234 0,109 O,o6o o,344 0,058 0,215 o,333 0,165 0,295 0,270 0,296 0,322 0,145 0,648 0,192 0,109 +0,297 0,146 +0,185 0,338 0,200 0,512 0,680 +0,308 -)-O,IO +0,60 +0,09 + 0,27 + ,I2 + 0,04 +8.2765 +9-374 9.8241 9.8572 +9.6769 9.1590 -9.8845 -9.8239 -9.8790 9.4684 9.4962 +8.5263 -9.6432 -9.8431 -8.8739 + 9-3737 9.8660 9.6084 9.8805 -9.8791 + 8.4900 9.8422 -9.8730 9.8641 + 8.8585 9.8623 -9.8643 + 8.3010 -9.8789 -9.4464 9.6890 -9-4I33 -8.6395 -9.8747 +9-7I5I -9.8736 -9.8675 9.3700 -9.8312 -9-8743 + 8.8633 9.8698 + 9.6607 +9.7202 -9.1156 + 9.6548 +9-7873 -9.5299 -9.6509 + 9.8692 +9.4921 9.8096 -9.5302 -9-8444 +9.2068 +9.1458 +9- 6 7i9 -7.8544 9.6058 +9-5773 +9.7920 9.6981 + 8.5361 9.7816 -9.8364 +9.6721 9.6067 -9.8538 -9.8685 +9-7037 9.8701 9.7021 +9.6688 9.8150 +9-2573 -8.8565 +9.3103 +9.6184 -9.8365 +9.8886 -9.7705 -9.8582 +9-3663 -9.8914 -9.7859 + 9.7141 -9.7519 +9.8785 +9.8915 + 9.5298 + 1.1903 1.1909 1.1912 1.1913 1.1914 1.1914 1.1916 1.1916 1.1919 1.1925 1.1926 1.1932 1.1932 1.1933 *-i93S "93S 1.1940 1.1942 1.1942 I - 1 943 1.1943 1.1944 1.1951 1.1952 1.1953 1.1963 1.1963 1.1967 1.1968 1.1970 1.1974 1.1983 1-198,5 1.1988 1.1991 !-i993 I - I 995 1.1999 i. 200 1 I.2OO2 I.2OO2 I.20O2 I.2OO3 1. 2006 + I.2OO6 + 9.8026 9.8017 9.8011 9.8011 9.8009 9.8008 9.8006 9.8006 9.8001 9.7992 9.7991 9.7982 9.7981 9.7981 9-7977 9-7977 9.7970 9.7967 9.7966 9.7965 9-7965 9.7962 9-7951 9-7951 9-7949 9-7933 9-7933 9.7926 9.7926 9.7921 9.7916 9.7901 9.7898 9-7893 9.7887 9.7885 9.7881 9-7875 9.7871 9-7870 9.7870 9.7869 9.7869 9.7864 +9-7863 *333 1332 "335 97 98 IOI 103 9 1 100 iii.II47 ii.II52 111.1150 ill. 1 1 5 1 ill. 1 148 ii.ii53 3859 3861 2504 M 407 J223, Rl52 M 408 M 409 ^224, Ri53 B.F 1349 Ri 5 4 Ri 55 B.H 903 Ri56 J 225 M 410 B.H 896 Ri 57 G 1561 Ri58 Ri 59 M 411 Ri6i Ri6o G 1562 3881 3860 3890 2506 2513 + 0,15 + 0,02 + O,o6 +0,05 +0,04 + 0,08 O,IO 0,00 +0,04 0,09 + 0,01 0,20 +0,31 0,00 +0,04 0,26 0,0 1 +0,05 +0,16 + 0,11 -(-0,26 -0,15 +0,06 +0,15 +0,07 +0,02 0,29 0,07 0,09 -0,13 0,07 -0,49 0,06 0,00 105 111.1152 11.1156 11.1154 ii.n55 11.1153 11.1157 11.1155 v. 676 ii.ii54 11.1159 v. 677 v.i 37 8 v.i379 11.1158 11.1156 1338 r 339 1337 1341 1336 106 108 107 no "3 109 104 116 114 3880 3885 2515 2519 3894 3901 3884 399 3914 2523 2524 * 2521 2529 2531 J340 in 117 "5 ill. 1 1 57 3922 3900 3910 2537 2532 2535 1343 122 118 ill. 1 1 59 111.1158 v.1386 ill. 1 1 60 ii. 1 1 6 1 ii. 1 1 62 iv. 679 iii.n6i r 344 *345 I2O 123 125 124 112 3924 3917 394 2546 2554 *347 I2 7 11.1163 3981 3925 2568 2555 v -'395 11.1163 !34 6 126 +0,06 1342 121 ill. 1 1 62 +0,06 1348 128 11.1164 (T2) 147 No. Constellation. Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of Mag. a b c d 3286* 3287* 3288 3289 3290 3291 3292 3293 3294* 3295 3296 3297 3298* 3299* 3300 3301* 3302 333 334 3305 3306 3307 3308 339 3310* 33" 33 12 33i3* 33H 3315 3316 3317 3318 3319* 3320 3321 3322 3323 3324* 3325* 3326 3327 3328 3329 3330 5ft 6 7 5 7 Si H 64 6i Si 6 7 6 7 4 6 Si 5 6 7 7 6* 6 6 7 5 4 6 1\ 5 H 6* 7 H 5 6 7 6 6 6 6 7 6 6 6i h m s 9 29 17,41 29 19,36 29 49,81 30 5.38 30 23,45 30 28,11 30 29,37 30 30,28 30 35,06 30 37,72 30 42,61 3 53. 26 30 59,64 3i 8,34 31 27,89 31 29,49 3^ 9.S9 3* ".75 32 11,91 32 28,02 32 37,06 32 41,47 32 42,27 33 0,04 33 . 8 3 33 7.^6 33 8 .49 33 39.55 33 55.63 34 19-28 34 42,00 34 44,96 34 58.33 35 I0 .45 35 ".S 6 35 33.49 35 34.5i 35 49.76 35 51.^7 3 6 3.5i S 6 5.70 3 6 43.73 3 6 49>72 36 52,68 9 37 5,22 + 3^78 5.35 3,289 1,740 3.659 0,508 ' 3.382 2,946 3.467 3,146 2,574 3,659 2,169 3.272 2,152 1,392 2,334 3,064 2,004 2,931 2,423 3,754 ' 4,217 3>47 * 2,928 2,876 3,220 3,645 3,545 4,723 1,466 3,540 3.372 1,465 :,666 3.277 1,286 L574 4,320 4.677 1,847 3,422 L583 i,973 + 3,874 s 0,0096 0,1650 -0,0135 0,0011 0,0301 0,0564 0,0172 0,0029 0,0209 0,0086 +0,0036 0,0302 +0,0047 0,0129 +0,0047 0,0109 +0,0051 0,0060 +0,0035 0,0024 +0,0049 -0,0357 0,0660 0,0213 0,0023 O,OOI2 O,OIII 0,0300 0,0249 0,1100 0,0084 0,0248 0,0172 0,0084 0,0026 0,0134 0,0151 0,0051 0,0758 0,1072 +0,0014 0,0195 0,0047 +0,0035 0,0442 s 0,002 8.7261 9.1866 8.7382 9.0062 8.8155 9.2441 8-7539 8.7292 8.7707 8.7262 8.7937 8.8168 8.9000 8.7381 8.9058 9.0888 8.8590 8.7266 8.9470 8-7334 8.8362 8.8458 8.9692 8.7763 8-7345 8.7403 8-7353 8.8194 8.7950 9.0930 9.0840 8-7955 8-7599 9.0860 9.0404 8-7457 9.1251 9.0638 9.0052 9.0892 8-9995 8-7727 9.0652 8.9695 8.8901 + 8.6138 9-743 8.6239 8.8908 8.6990 9.1272 8.6369 8.6122 8.6534 8.6087 8.6759 8.6983 8.7811 8.6186 8.7850 8.9679 8-7355 8.6029 8.8234 8.6087 8.7109 8.7202 8.8435 8.6494 8.6076 8.6130 8.6079 8.6900 8.6645 8.9610 8.9504 8.6618 8.6253 8.9505 8.9049 8.6087 8.9881 8.9258 8.8670 8.9502 8.8603 8.6310 8.9232 8.8272 +8.7470 + 0.5022 0.7247 0.5171 0.2405 0.5633 9.7060 0.5291 0.4692 0.5400 0.4978 0.4106 0.5634 0.3363 0.5148 0.3329 0.1436 0.3680 0.4863 0.3020 0.4670 0.3843 0-5745 0.6250 0.5405 0.4666 0.4589 0.5078 0.5617 0.5496 0.6742 0.1662 0.5490 0-5279 0.1658 0.2217 o.5i55 0.1091 0.1971 0.6355 0.6700 0.2665 0.5342 0.1996 0.2952 +0.5881 -7.8421 -9.1594 -8.1519 + 8.9372 -8.5839 + 9-2233 8.3076 +7-9 IX 5 -8.4132 -7.6937 +8.5118 -8.5861 +8.7716 -8.1213 +8.7815 +9.0437 +8.6888 +6.6356 + 8.8493 +7.9686 + 8-6345 -8.6578 -8.8828 8.4272 +7.9781 +8.1133 -7.9989 -8.5863 8.5042 -9.0479 +9.0366 -8.5031 -8.3118 +9.0389 +8.9808 -8.1503 +9.0865 +9.0108 -8.9327 9.0426 + 8.9245 -8.3847 +9.0122 +8.8803 -8.7456 Ursae Majoris .... 0,004 0,030 +0,009 0,002. +0,006 0,004 +0,014 0,008 0,000 +0,006 0,007 0,003 +0,005 Leonis Minoris .... Leonis Minoris 0,017 +0,008 0,005 0,000 O,OI2 O,OO2 Ursae Majoris .... O,OOO 0,008 + O,OO5 + 0,008 + O,OO8 O,OO4 + O,OO2 O,O25 + 0,001 +0,015 +0,00 1 0,015 +0,003 28 Hydrae >c 1 3 Leonis Minoris . . 28 Ursae Majoris .... Carinae Carinae m 1 6 Leonis \J/ Carinae Carinse +0,002 0,003 0,009 +0,003 0,000 Ursae Majoris . . . Ursae Majoris . . . Carinae Leonis Carinae Velorum +0,044 +0,003 14 Leonis Minoris. . . 148 No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of B i Taylor. o Bris- bane. Various. f V e' d' 3286 3287 3288 3289 3290 3291 3292 3293 3294 3295 3296 3297 3298 3299 3300 3301 3302 3303 334 3305 3306 3307 3308 3309 3310 3311 3312 3313 33 J 4 33i5 3316 3317 3318 33 r 9 3320 3321 3322 33 2 3 3324 33*5 3326 33 2 7 3328 3329 333 1 II 82 29 37,7 20 4 59,9 74 5 8 4i.4 148 33 43,2 54 5 o.7 162 25 19,0 69 i 40,4 98 45 8,4 6 3 57 34.i 84 40 34,0 121 30 2O, I 53 59 2 3.2 138 4 49,2 76 o 50,2 138 41 4,2 154 19 34,2 132 30 56,9 90 27 52,9 142 59 39,1 99 53 42.9 128 56 6,3 49 33 4 J 3 34 57 l6 .2 63 24 21,3 100 5 32,3 103 39 13,0 79 2 5 4> 6 54 13 26,5 59 12 25,4 2 5 39 37.7 *53 43 34. 1 59 20 18,5 69 7 21,3 153 48 42,2 150 39 2,7 75 J 7 43. 1 156 10 59,4 152 15 58,2 32 ii 13,0 26 3 30,8 147 18 10,6 65 50 19,1 152 15 56,1 144 32 0,3 44 ii 28,8 *5**7 15-87 15,90 '5.9* 15.93 '5.94 '5-94 J 5.94 *5.94 15.94 15.95 15,96 15,96 15.97 15.99 !5>99 16,03 16,03 16,03 16,04 16,05 16,05 16,05 16,07 16,07 1 6,08 16,08 16,10 16,12 16,14 16,16 16,16 16,17 16,18 16,18 16,20 16,20 16,22 16,22 16,23 16,23 16,26 16,27 16,27 + 16,28' +0,283 .473 0,292 0,154 0,324 0,045 0,299 0,261 0,307 0,278 0,228 0,^23 0,192 0,289 0,190 0,123 0,205 0,269 0,176 0,257 0,212 0,328 0,369 0,303 0,256 0,251 0,281 0,317 0,308 0,409 0,127 0,306 0,291 0,126 0,144 0,282 0,111 O.J35 0,371 0,401 0,158 0,292 o.!35 0,168 +0,330 0,02 -9.5446 +9.6284 -9.4170 -9.8724 +7.6812 9.8512 -9.2739 -9.7171 -9.0917 -9.5750 -9.8368] + 7.7076 9.8694 -9.4392 9.8692 -9.8645 -9.8611 -9.6424 9.8699 -9.7248 -9.8540 + 8.7672 +9.3849 -9.0795 9.7260 -9.7504 -9.5009 -7.5682 -8.8338 +9.5406 -9- 8 593 -8.8531 -9.2894 -9.8583 9.8618 -9.4317 -9-8539 -9.8590 + 9.4260 +9.5280 9.8626 -9.1942 -9.8572 9.8621 +9.0652 +9.0145 +9.8712 +9.3128 -9.8307 +9.6684 -9.8794 +9.4540 9.0825 +9.5428 +8.8679 9.6187 +9.6701 9.7725 +9.2844 -9.7773 -9.8565 -9.7324 -7.8117 9.8050 9.1382 -9.7015 +9-7I53 +9.8170 +9-5547 -9.1474 -9.2770 +9.1675 +9.6716 +9.6143 +9.8605 9.8588 +9.6138 +9.4584 -9.8598 -9.8472 +9.3119 9.8687 -9-8547 +9-8353 +9.8615 -9.8332 +9.5210 9.8561 9.8200 + 9.7650 + 1.2007 1.2007 1.2014 i. 2018 1.2023 1.2024 1.2024 1.2024 1.2025 1.2026 1.2027 1.2030 1.2031 1.2033 1.2038 1.2038 1.2048 1.2049 1.2049 1.2052 1.2055 1.2056 1.2056 1.2060 1.2060 1.2062 1.2062 1.2069 1.2073 1.2079 1.2084 1.2085 1.2088 1.2090 1.2091 1.2096 1.2096 1.2099 I.2IOO I.2IO3 I.2IO3 I.2II2 I.2II3 I.2II4 + I.2II7 + 9.7862 9.7861 9-7849 9.7842 9-7835 9-7833 9.7832 9.7832 9.7830 9.7829 9.7827 9.7823 9.7820 9.7816 9.7808 9.7807 9.7791 9.7790 9.7790 9-7783 9-7779 9-7777 9.7777 9.7769 9.7769 9.7766 9.7766 9-7753 9.7746 9.7736 9.7726 9.7725 9.7719 9-77H 9.7713 9.7704 9.7703 9.7697 9.7696 9.7691 9.7690 9.7673 9.7671 9.7669 +9.7664 J 349 130 ii.Il65 .... 2553 M 412 B.F 1343 J226 B.F 1356 A 2OI B.F. 1359 B.F 1363 R 162 J 227 R 163 G 1572 B.F 1374 J228 M 414 B.F 1371 R 164 W 5 6 3 R 166 R 165 M4i5 R 167 B.F i 3 70 B.F 1 366 R 168 +0,09 0,01 +0,12 +o,74 0,02 0,01 0,04 +0,07 0,04 +0,04 +0,27 +0,07 +0,09 1350 132 ii.n66 V.I402 iii.u65 3949 2565 133 3968 2573 1353 1351 1352 135 140 i 3 6 *39 142 137 iii.n66 iii.n68 11.1167 ii.ii68 11.1170 111.1169 v.1405 111.1171 v.i4o8 3939 2566 395 2570 .... 141 3952 3965 395 6 2577 2579 +0,07 + O,II 0,04 +0,04 0,14 + 0,06 i35 6 149 144 iii.ii72 11.1169 v.1409 iii.ii74 v.i4io 111.1175 3961 3959 2581 2583 1358 H7 '354 H3 +0,01 + 0,0 1 0,0 1 +0,05 +0,07 0,06 + 0,01 +0,09 + 0,11 0,06 -0,37 +0,07 +0,04 1357 1361 1362 1360 1359 1355 148 152 154 151 153 '55 150 11.1170 111.1176 11.1172 ii.ii7i iii. 1 1 77 iv. 684 iii.ii78 2586 3986 2602 1365 r 57 158 iii. 1 1 80 11.1173 V.I 4 21 v.i 420 U.II74 3989 3937 2608 2607 1366 1364 1363 159 +0,22 0,00 3993 2611 iii.nSi 0,0 1 +0,13 ^1423 iii. 1 1 82 3990 2615 2626 2625 163 +0,46 +0,14 v.i428 iii.n83 3994 1367 162 149 No. Constellation. Mag. Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a b c d 3331 3332 3333 3334 3335* 3336* 3337 3338 3339 3340 334i 1 34 2 3343 3344 3345* 334 6 * 3347 3348 3349 335 335 1 3352 3353 3354 3355 335 6 3357 3358 3359 3360 3361 3362 3363 3364. 3365 3366 3367 3368 3369 3370 337i 3372 3373 3374 3375* 3 5* 7 5* 6 Si 6 6 6| 6 6 7 7 7 6 4 H 6 7 7 6 6 5 6 7 7l 7 5 6 7* 7* 64 7 7 3 54 6 6 6 6 3 5 7 7 64 h ni s 9 37 i9 8 37 ^> 1 5 37 49-70 38 6,09 3 8 7,99 38 15,18 38 18,18 38 37,15 38 39,23 38 47,08 38 53,47 38 55>59 39 18,07 39 21,85 39 29,33 40 16,82 40 23,51 40 39,87 40 45,66 40 46,25 40 54,23 40 59,96 4i 7.5 1 41 20,21 41 25,82 41 49,31 41 50,81 41 51,98 42 41,67 42 44,87 42 55,91 43 ">78 43 13,89 43 15,21 43 21,18 43 57 43 30,94 43 40,52 43 44,92 44 7,75 44 I3.4 1 44 15,88 44 27,05 44 27,85 9 44 39> 6 3 s +3,425 2,672 +3,372 -M-5 1 +2,128 3, J 7i 3,242 2,037 3,104 2,633 3,891 1,280 3>37 J 3-238 3>23 6 4,383 2,300 2,332 2,983 0,789 1,919 3,7i8 1,649 1,849 3>376 3,229 J >359 4.J44 3> T 37 3,238 3,255 2,375 2,983 3,671 M05 3,422 2,534 3,024 1,972 2,323 3,446 2,883 1,383 3,112 + 3,605 s 0,0197 -(-0,0030 0,0174 0,2818 +0,0053 0,0095 O,OI2I + 0,0045 0,0072 + 0,0037 0,0458 -0,0155 0,0175 O.OI2O 0,0119 0,0839 + 0,0062 + 0,0062 0,0035 0,0417 -f-0,0031 -0,0357 0,0027 + O,OO2O 0,0179 O,OII7 0,0124 0,0652 0,0083 0,0122 0,0128 + 0,0065 0,0033 -0,0335 0,0071 O,O2O3 + 0,0055 0,0046 + 0,0043 +0,0067 O,O2I5 O,0005 O,OII5 0,0074 0,0300 s 0,000 +0,002 +0,015 0,076 +0,009 -8-7745 8.7844 8.7647 9.5065 8-93 J 7 8.7386 8-7454 8.9580 8-7359 8.7960 8.8997 9- I 383 8.7671 8.7465 8.7464 9- 353 8.8900 8.8817 8.7411 9.2369 8.9964 8.8564 9.0646 9.0161 8.7716 8.7490 9.1323 8.9786 8.7425 8.7514 8.7538 8.8758 8.7445 8.8487 9.1057 8.7847 8.8316 8.7429 8.9914 8.8934 8.7918 8.7562 9- I 3 6 5 8-7437 -8.8337 + 8.6305 8.6396 8.6187 9-3594 8.7844 8.5908 8-5975 8.8088 8.5865 8.6461 8-7494 8.9878 8.6151 8.5942 8-5937 8.8794 8-7337 8.7242 8-5833 9.0790 8.8380 8.6976 8.9052 8.8559 8.6111 8.5868 8.9701 8.8163 8.5768 8.5855 8.5871 8.7081 8.5766 8.6807 8-9374 8.6163 8.6625 8-5732 8.8214 8.7219 8.6199 8.5841 8-9637 8.5708 +8.6600 +0-5347 0.4269 +0.5279 0.1617 +0.3280 0.5012 0.5109 0.3089 0.4919 0.4205 0.5900 0.1072 0.5278 0.5103 0.5100 0.6418 0.3616 0.3676 0.4746 9.8972 0.2831 0.5703 0.2173 0.2669 0.5284 0.5091 0.1332 0.6174 0.4965 0.5103 0.5126 0.3757 0.4746 0.5648 0.1776 -5343 0.4038 0.4806 0.2949 0.3660 0-5374 0.4598 0.1410 0.493 + 0.5570 8.3916 +8.4427 8.3226 +9.5002 + 8.8194 -7.8484 8.0807 + 8.8616 7.3716 + 8.4885 8.7619 +9.1012 8.3272 -8-0735 8.0686 -8.9717 +8.7412 + 8.7240 + 7.7984 +9.2138 + 8.9175 8.6674 +9.0098 +8.9450 -8.3429 -8.0599 +9.0934 8.8907 -7.6865 8.0881 8.1302 +8.7079 +7.8103 -8.6439 +9.0608 8.4124 + 8.5963 +7-5337 +8.9086 +8.7432 -8-4445 + 8.1442 +9.0978 -7.4839 -8.5996 Charaseleontis . . +0,001 0,006 +0,001 + O,OI2 + 0,030 15 Leonis Minoris. . . . + 0,009 O,OO3 + 0,002 0,030 29 Ursae 'Majoris . . v O,OOO O,OO2 + 0,062 + O,OO5 O,OI2 O,O27 0,002 + O,OO7 + O,OO4 + O,Oo6 0,005 + O,OO I +0,018 0,017 +0,009 0,003 0,003 +0,006 0,010 +0,003 0,010 0,005 0,018 +0,002 1 6 Leonis Minoris. . . . Carinae / Carinae Leonis Carinae 30 Ursae Majoris . .

ane. Various. a' V J df 333i 333* 3333 3334 3335 333 6 3337 3338 3339 334 334i 3342 3343 3344 3345 334 6 3347 3348 3349 335 335 1 335* 3353 3354 3355 335 6 3357 3358 3359 3360 3361 3362 3363 3364 33 6 5 3366 33 6 7 3368 3369 337 337i 3372 3373 3374 3375 65 32 15,7 "7 5 5.i 68 49 16,2 170 15 47,2 140 32 41,8 82 36 3,9 77 3 3.3 143 12 17,5 87 31 21,7 119 30 50,2 43 16 57.9 156 40 40,7 68 42 8,2 77 44 22,8 77 5 2 4 1 . 2 3 *5 33.7 135 *3 37. 6 134 3 47.8 96 33 6,1 161 30 10,5 146 29 15,7 49 40 22,2 151 49 4,4 148 6 15,2 68 7 22,9 78 ii 39. 1 156 6 48,1 35 H l8 ,9 84 57 25.5 77 27 32,1 76 14 6,8 132 47 11,6 96 40 55,3 51 23 2,0 154 22 38,1 64 53 5L4 125 34 16,0 93 3 2 3>4 145 42 59,6 135 2 7> 6 63 17 20,0 104 8 41,1 156 9 48,0 86 50 54,2 54 1 8 47,0 + 16,29 16,30 16,32 i6,33 16,33 16,34 16,34 16,36 16,36 16,37 16,37 16,37 16,39 16,40 16,40 16,44 16,45 16,46 1 6,47 16,47 16,47 16,48 16,48 16,50 16,50 16,52 16,52 16,52 16,56 i6,57 i6,57 16,59 16,59 16,59 16,59 16,60 16,60 16,61 16,61 16,63 16,64 16,64 16,65 16,65 + 16,66 n +0,291 0,227 +0,286 0,123 +0,180 0,268 0,274 0,172 0,262 0,222 0,328 0,108 0,283 0,272 0,272 0,366 0,192 0,194 0,248 0,066 0,1 60 0,309 0,137 0,153 0,280 0,267 0, 112 o,343 0,258 0,266 0,267 0,195 0,244 0,301 0,123 0,280 0,207 0,247 0,161 0,189 0,281 0,235 0,113 0,253 +0,293 +0,04 +0,02 0,05 -o,34 +0,19 9.1864 9.8140 9.2894 9.8098 -9.8596 -9.5511 -9-4747 -9.8593 -9.6113 9.8211 +9.0896 -9.8463 -9.2903 -9-4797 9.4822 +9.4408 -9.8524 -9.8507 -9.6957 -9.8319 -9.8544 +8.5809 -9.8494 9.8526 9.2808 -9.4897 -9.8414 +9.3276 -9.5829 -9.4789 -9.4586 -9-8453 -9.6958 + 8.0645 -9.8414 9.1898 -9.8321 9.6700 -9.8495 -9-8463 -9.1358 -9.7460 -9-8359 9.6049 -8.4425 +9.5269 -9.5683 +9.4683 -9.9045 -9.7986 +9.0209 +9.2464 9.8150 +8-5473 -9.6043 +9.7740 -9.8749 +9.4726 +9.2396 +9.2349 +9.8501 -9.7651 -9-75 6 5 -8.9717 -9.8913 -9.8356 +9.7257 9.8601 9.8440 +9.4865 +9.2267 -9.8769 +9.8279 +8.8609 +9.2537 +9.2937 9.7496 -8.9834 +9.7129 -9.8728 +9-5454 -9.6827 8.7090 -9.8354 -9.7685 +9.5716 9.3070 9.8804 1+8.6594 +9.6854 + I.2I20 I.2I23 I.2I27 I.2I30 I.2I3I I.2I33 I.2I33 I.2I37 1.2138 1.2140 I.2I4I I.2I42 I.2I47 I.2I47 1.2149 1. 2l6o 1.2161 1.2165 1.2166 1.2166 1.2168 1.2169 1.2171 1.2174 1.2175 1.2180 1.2180 i. 2180 1.1291 1.2192 1.2194 1.2198 1.2198 1.2198 1.2200 1.2200 I.22O2 1.2204 I.22O5 I.22IO 1. 221 1 I.22II I.22I4 I.22I4 + I.22I6 +9.7657 9.7652 9.7644 9.7637 9.7636 9-7633 9.7632 9.7623 9.7622 9.7619 9.7616 9.7615 9.7605 9.7603 9.7600 9-7578 9-7575 9.7568 9-7565 9-75 6 5 9.7561 9-7559 9-7555 9-755 9-7547 9-7536 9-7536 9-7535 9.7512 9.7511 9.7506 9-7498 9-7497 9-7497 9.7494 9.7494 9.7489 9.7485 9.7483 9.7472 9.7469 9.7468 9.7463 9.7463 +9-7457 164 166 165 ""75 ii.H76 v. 686 2620 2628 2648 2633 M 4 i6 B.Fi 3 8 3 M 4 i 7 R 169 v.1430 0,07 0,22 +0,04 -0,15 + 0,10 . 1370 168 ii.H77 v.1432 v. 689 ^1433 11.1184 43 3997 2637 2636 171 1369 169 0,19 0,03 +0,17 +0,19 1372 '373 1371 173 175 176 174 11.1185 iii.n86 11.1187 ii.ii79 v.1440 ili.iigo iii.ii88 M 419 M 420 P4ii Ri7i Ri7o J229,Rl72 Ri 73 M42i M422 1230, Ri7i J2 3 I Ri 75 B.Fi396 4014 4022 2655 2659 2663 2660 266^ 2665 +0,03 + 0,02 1376 182 178 1,07 0,01 +0,09 0,16 +0,01 +0,09 -0,52 +0,05 +0,08 0,02 + 0,05 + O,II +0,08 0,00 0,01 + 0,20 + 0,08 O,O I + 0,23 + 0,15 + 0,06 + O,O2 4028 4033 4032 4043 1374 177 111.1189 il.n82 v.1443 ii.iiSo iv. 693 ii.uSi 11.1183 111.1191 111.1192 v.1445 iii.ii94 Ui.ii92 ii.ii86 11.1184 v.1446 11.1185 v.i447 111.1197 11.1187 ii.n88 1377 1375 1380 1379 1381 181 184 179 186 185 188 437 4051 4039 4049 4047 2679 2682 2681 1378 191 1382 190 1385 193 2686 2688 1384 1388 198 194 196 O,II 1386 197 11.1189 151 No. Constellation. Mag. Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Logarithms of Motion. a b c d 3376 3377 3378 3379 3380* 333i 3382 3383 3384 3385 3386 3387 3388 3389 339 339 1 3392 3393 3394 3395 339 6 3397* 3398 3399 3400 3401 3402* 3403 344 345 3406 3407 3408 3409 341 3411 3412 34*3 34H 34iS 3416 3417 3418* 34i9 3420* Ursae Majoris H 64 6 64 6 6 6 7* 5i 6 7 6 6 6 6 6 7 8 64 6 6 6 6 Si 6 7 6 6 7 6 $4 6 6 6 4 6 64 7 64 44 6 6 8 6 7 h m s 9 44 5>2 44 57.73 45 4.99 45 3 J .9 6 45 5> 20 45 53- 6 9 45 54,24 46 10,01 46 14,68 46 15,66 46 16,11 46 22,85 46 31,66 4 6 41.95 46 43,62 47 2 4.89 47 42,82 47 48,76 47 53,^9 48 20,86 48 23.74 48 27,61 48 28,64 48 28,75 49 16,92 49 26,37 49 29,72 49 37.88 50 2,09 50 3,28 50 9,01 5 I0 .57 50 50,80 5 57,17 51 36,23 5 1 45. 6 2 51 56,08 51 56,27 Si 58,36 52 17,07 52 21,11 52 26,38 53 3,64 53 6,78 9 53 21,03 s + 5,595 2,295 2.974 2,318 3.!57 3,967 2,310 3.185 0,099 2,701 3.J44 .335 i, 860 1,687 4,252 2,726 3.54 6 5,885 2,043 2,191 2,355 3,826 3, '94 3.719 2,224 2,368 4,203 2,648 3,276 2,609 3,238 3,185 2,200 3,489 2,098 2,165 3,121 1,273 2,292 3,180 3,524 2,573 + 3> I 9 I -0,666 + 3.5I3 -0,2288 -|-o,oo68 0,0030 +0,0069 0,0091 0,0538 -[-0,0070 O,OIOI 0,1000 +0,0035 0,0085 0,0784 +-0,0027 0,0014 0,0770 +0,0032 0,0273 0,2796 +0,0057 +0,0071 +0,0072 0,0448 0,0105 0,0378 +0,0073 +0,0074 0,0746 +0,0048 0,0141 +0,0054 0,0124 0,0102 +0,0074 0,0247 +0,0069 +0,0074 0,0077 0,0 1 68 +0,0079 0,0100 0,0268 +0,0063 0,0105 -0,1994 0,0264 s 0,032 +0,025 0,000 +0,015 -9.2925 8.9038 8-7475 8.8987 8.7478 8.9416 8.9019 8.7504 9.3640 8.7941 8-7475 9.3309 9.0303 9.0749 9.0233 8.7903 8.8240 9-3479 8.9852 8-9439 8.8953 8-9073 8-7543 8.8754 8.9368 8.8941 9.0194 8.8136 8.7670 8.8250 8.7617 8.7556 8.9486 8.8151 8.9811 8.9620 8-7534 9.1878 8.9243 8.7578 8.8275 8.8404 8.7598 9.4868 -8.8267 +9.1181 8.7289 8.5720 8.7214 8.5692 8.7628 8.7231 8.5705 9.1838 8.6138 8.5671 9.1501 8.8489 8.8928 8.8411 8.6053 8.6377 9.1612 8.7982 8-7549 8.7062 8.7179 8.5648 8.6860 8.7440 8.7006 8.8257 8.6194 8.5710 8.6289 8.5652 8.5590 8.7492 8.6153 8.7786 8.7588 8-5494 8.9838 8.7202 8-5524 8.6218 8.6344 8.5511 9.2778 +8.6168 +0.7478 0.3607 0.4734 0.3650 0.4993 0-5985 0.3636 0.5030 8.9943 0.4316 0.4974 9.5244 0.2696 0.2270 0.6286 0.4356 0.5498 0.7697 0.3102 0.3407 0.3720 0.5827 0.5043 0.5704 0.3472 -3745 0.6236 0.4230 0.5153 0.4165 0.5103 0.5031 0.3425 0.5427 0.3218 0-3354 0.4944 0.1049 0.3602 0.5024 0.5470 0.4104 +0.5039 9.8236 +0-5457 -9.2744 + 8.7625 + 7-8574 + 8.7519 -7.8123 -8.8292 + 8-7577 -7-9340 + 9-35io + 8.4456 -7.7406 + 9-3I57 + 8.9621 +9.0210 -8.9523 + 8.4200 -8.5612 -9-3338 + 8.8968 + 8.8309 + 8.7416 -8.7652 -7.9782 8.6990 + 8.8181 + 8-7377 -8.9456 + 8.5176 8.2056 + 8-5577 -".1189 -7.9512 + 8.8368 -8.5188 + 8.8883 + 8.8581 -7.6075 +9.1564 + 8-7933 -7.9406 -8.5596 + 8.6009 -7.9851 + 9.4792 -8.5540 31 Ursae Majoris +0,00 1 +0,026 0,007 +0,027 0,014 0,000 Chamaeleontis . . v Chamaeleontis .... +0,002 0,025 +0,00 1 0,014 0,000 0,011 + O,OII + 0,011 +0,014 Ursae Majoris .... Hydra 1 8 Leonis Minoris . Ursse Majoris .... 0,002 0,007 0,015 19 Leonis Minoris . . Ursae Majoris .... Antlias + OjOI2 0,002 +0,013 +0,002 +0,002 0,002 +0,016 0,006 +0,014 0,000 -0,075 +0,023 +0,002 -0,039 0,009 Antliae 27 Leonis V Leonis Velorum Leonis Arorus . > m I K 1 Taylor. 1 Bris- bane. Various. of V * ff 3376 3377 3378 3379 3380 3381 3382 3383 33H 3385 3386 3387 3388 3389 339 339 1 3392 3393 3394 3395 339 6 3397 3398 3399 3400 3401 3402 3403 3404 34 5 3406 3407 3408 3409 34io 34 11 34^ 3413 34H 34i5 3416 3417 3418 34i9 3420 I II 16 24 40,1 136 14 9,1 97 24 J .8 135 29 37,0 83 20 14,5 39 28 30,4 135 50 44,8 81 13 10,8 166 4 36,3 "6 37 57,3 84 21 1,7 164 56 35,4 148 43 12,2 152 2 36,7 3 I 52 14,4 115 13 48,2 56 54 27,0 14 31 30,9 144 40 10,4 140 26 26,1 134 34 34. 43 S 2 21,9 80 21 33,3 48 13 54.9 139 32 8,8 134 H 9.5 32 28 23,4 I2O 22 55,7 74 3 55. 2 122 42 30,2 76 50 29,9 80 58 21,7 140 37 22,2 59 38 ",5 143 51 I 9 ,0 Hi 55 3 1 , 85 54 4.7 158 28 41,1 137 4 1 58,3 81 14 16,9 57 20 28,2 125 10 31,6 80 19 40,4 169 20 44,9 57 44 53.i + 16,67 16,67 16,68 16,70 16,72 16,72 16,72 16,73 16,74 16,74 16,74 16,74 i fi ,75 16,76 16,76 16,79 16,81 16,81 16,81 16,84 16,84 16,84 16,84 16,84 16,88 16,89 16,89 16,90 16,92 16,92 16,92 16,92 16,95 16,96 16,99 17,00 17,00 17,01 17,01 17,02 17,02 17,03 17,06 17,06 + 17,07 + ,454 0,186 0,241 0,187 0,254 0,320 0,186 0,256 0,008 0,217 o,253 0,027 0,149 0,135 o,34i 0,217 0,282 0,468 0,162 0,174 0,187 0,303 o>253 0,294 o.i75 0,186 o.33 J 0,208 0,257 0,204 0,254 0,249 0,171 0,272 0,163 0,1 68 0,241 0,098 0,177 0,245 0,272 0,198 + 0,245 0,051 +0,269 +0,01 +0,19 +0,04 -0,17 + 9.6137 9.8460 9.7006 -9.8445 -9.5646 + 9.1773 9.8442 -9-5374 -9.8057 9.8027 -9.5772 9.8092 9.8422 9.8380 +9-3755 -9.7964 -8.8176 +9.6223 -9.8424 9.8422 -9.8390 +8.9571 -9-5275 +8.5786 9.8404 -9.8371 +9.3462 9.8108 9.4310 9.8165 -9-4777 -9-5371 -9-8377 -9.0195 -9.8358 9.8360 -9.5966 -9.8145 -9-835I -9.5420 8.9036 9.8189 -9.5307 -9-7759 -8.9390 +9.9016 -9-7785 9.0299 -9-7737 + 8.9855 + 9.8085 -9.7768 + 9.1050 -9.9085 -9.5730 + 8.9146 9.9064 -9.8536 9.8681 +9.8510 -9-5525 +9.6604 + 9.9093 -9.8351 9.8111 -9.7703 +9.7820 + 9.1481 +9-7477 9.8064 -9.7690 +9.8516 -9.6295 +9.3647 9.6588 +9.2835 +9.1219 9.8152 +9.6308 -9-835I 9.8242 +8.7825 -9.8970 -9-7974 +9.1115 +9.6609 -9.6894 +9.1550 9.9222 +9.6573 + 1.2219 1.2220 1.2222 1.2227 I.223I 1.2232 1.2232 1.2235 1.2236 1.2237 1.2237 1.2238 1.2240 1.2242 1.2242 I.225I 1.2255 1.2256 1.2257 1.2262 1.2263 1.2264 1.2264 1.2264 1.2274 1.2276 1.2276 1.2278 1.2283 1.2283 1.2284 1.2285 1.2293 1.2294 1.2302 1.2304 1.2306 1.2306 1.2306 I.23IO 1.2311 I.23I2 1.2319 I.232O + 1.2322 + 9.7452 9-7449 9-7445 9.7432 9.7424 9.7422 9.7422 9.7414 9.7412 9.7411 9.7411 9.7408 9.7404 9-7399 9-7398 9-7378 9-7369 9.7367 9.7364 9-7351 9-735 9-7348 9-7347 9-7347 9-7323 9.7319 9.7317 9-73*3 9.7301 9.7301 9.7298 9.7297 9.7277 9-7274 9-7254 9.7249 9.7244 9.7244 9.7243 9.7234 9.7231 9.7229 9.7210 9.7208 +9.7201 187 iii.II96 v.1454 11.1190 v.i 45 6 Gi S 86 B.F 1402 M 4 2 3 G 1590 Airy (G) Ri 77 II 176 B.F 1404 B.F 1408 Ri 79 B.F 1405 M 4 25 B.F 141 i Ri8o B.F 1412 j232,Ri8i W 577 Ri82 M 427 B.F 1418 B.F 1417 4053 4055 2696 2702 1389 200 0,00 0,14 +0,02 +0,04 +0,16 0,00 1387 199 ni.i 19$ v.1458 iii.ii99 457 2704 202 4081 4056 2711 2705 Z7I3 2709 2710 ^1459 11.1191 1390 205 0,23 + 0,21 + 0,04 + 0,23 + 0,03 + 0,04 + 0,17 0,02 0,03 v.i 4 6 3 v.i464 111.1200 v.i46 7 iii. 1 20 1 4061 4066 20 1 4059 2715 1391 1383 207 v.1472 ^1473 111.1203 4067 4070 4068 2722 2724 2723 213 O,OO O,OO 0,03 1393 1392 212 209 11.1192 iii. 1 202 v.i478 4075 2732 +0,14 +0,01 +0,01 + 0,01 +0,07 0,32 +0,13 0,04 0,10 +0,09 0,05 0,00 +0,03 +0,46 +0,08 v.i48o 111.1205 .1483 11.1193 11.1194 .1489 iii. 1207 .1494 v.i496 ii.ii95 4072 4077 2733 2738 '394 215 "395 1396 216 2lS 4085 2745 .... 221 4093 4094 2752 2754 22 3 4102 4092 4095 2760 2758 2757 2759 v.i498 11.1197 iii.i2o8 .11.1209 1398 1397 225 224 227 I,OI 4139 2772 B:A.C. (U) 153 No. Constellation. Mag Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a b c d 3421 3422* 3423* 3424* 3425 3426 3427* 3428 3429 3430* 3431* 3432 3433 3434 3435 3436 3437 3438* 3439* 3440 3441 3442 3443* 3444 3445 3446 3447* 3448 3449 345 345i 345* 3453 3454 3455 345 6 3457 3458* 3459 3460 3461* 3462 34 6 3 5464 34 6 5* Ursae Majoris . . . Carinae 6 6* 6* 7 6 7 7 6 6 8 7 8 6 7 6 7 6 6i 7 7* 6 H 7 si 64 5 6 6 6 6 H 6* 3* 6 6 6 5 5 i 7i 6 7 6 7* 6* h m s 9 53 30,06 5! 4 6 .45 54 26,53 54 3>57 54 3 6 .75 54 46,25 55 J3-5 1 55 17,05 55 J 9>3 T 55 20,38 55 30,88 55 34>52 56 0,38 56 6,25 56 14,06 56 22,03 56 52,94 5 6 57,29 5 6 57,47 57 8,59 57 H,47 57 25,57 57 32,22 57 49,46 58 10,93 58 34,23 58 49,61 58 53-47 58 56,61 58 56,66 58 59,84 59 3-25 59 9-5 59 15,73 59 22,89 59 35>33 9 59 56,47 10 o 15,59 o 22,95 o 53,49 o 59,87 i 10,65 i 23,15 i 34,24 i 35,59 s +3,931 1,305 3,362 1,783 4,050 1,729 3,527 2,916 2,253 3,180 3,522 3,200 2,073 3,221 2,I7O 3,Il8 2,032 3, J 39 3,563 3,175 1,903 2,367 3,272 2,922 1,922 3,56i 1,927 2,613 3,146 1,847 2,476 2,679 3,283 2,755 2,253 3-495 3,i97 3,075 3,221 3>303 2,362 2,271 3>*S* S,^ 1 +2,231 s -0,0545 0,0154 0,0185 +0,0019 0,0645 +0,0004 0,0276 0,0006 +0,0083 O,OIOI 0,0274 0,0110 +0,0072 0,0119 +0,0081 0,0076 +0,0069 0,0084 0,0301 0,0099 +0,0048 +0,0086 0,0143 0,0006 +0,0053 0,0304 +0,0055 +0,0066 0,0086 +0,0039 +0,0083 +0,0055 0,0149 +0,0040 +0,0091 0,0265 0,0109 0,0058 O,OI2O 0,0 1 60 +0,0093 +0,0094 0,0089 0,0107 +0,0094 s -8-9537 9.1882 8.7901 9.0780 8.9926 9.0930 8.8343 8.7667 8.9460 8.7615 8.8337 8.7640 9.0025 8.7673 8.9742 8.7584 9.0176 8.7602 8.8486 8.7633 9-0555 8.9161 8.7769 8.7692 9.0534 8.8518 9.0543 8.8424 8.7630 9.0769 8-8855 8.8236 8.7811 8.8039 8.9581 8.8342 8.7690 8.7617 8.7726 8.7875 8.9280 8.9578 8.7661 8.7702 8.9719 + 8.7431 8-9765 8.5756 8.8632 8-7774 8.8771 8.6164 8.5485 8.7276 8-5431 8.6146 8.5446 8.7812 8.5456 8.7520 8.5356 8.7926 8-5349 8.6233 8-5372 8.8289 8.6888 8.5491 8.5401 8.8227 8.6194 8.8209 8.6087 8.5290 8.8429 8.6513 8.5892 8.5462 8.5686 8.7222 8.5974 8.5307 8.5220 8.5324 8-545 8.6850 8.7141 8.5215 8.5248 + 8.7264 +0.5945 0.1155 0.5265 0.2512 0.6074 0.2377 0-5474 0.4648 0.3527 0.5024 0.5468 0.5052 0.3167 0.5080 0.3365 0-4939 0.3079 0.4968 0.5518 0.5018 0.2794 0.3742 0.5148 0.4657 0.2838 0.5516 0.2849 0.4172 0.4977 0.2665 0.3937 0.4280 0.5162 0.4401 0.3528 0-5435 0.5048 0.4878 0.5080 0.5189 0.3732 0.3563 0.4984 0.5039 +0.3485 8.8431 +9.1565 -8.3761 +9.0223 -8.9039 +9.0415 -8.5748 + 8.1046 +8.8287 -7.9536 -8.5719 8.0296 ' +8.9178 -8.0975 + 8.8745 -7-5943 +8-9394 -7-7595 8.6150 -7-9438 +8.9917 +8.7724 8.2299 + 8.0990 + 8.9885 8.6207 +8.9895 +8.5917 7.8062 +9.0194 +8.7063 +8.5247 8.2590 + 8.4325 +8.8460 -8.5625 8.0390 -6.5592 -8.1147 8.3060 +8.7914 +8.8443 7.8461 -8.0237 + 8.8673 +0,009 + 0,001 0,008 +0,009 + 0,030 Ursae Majoris . . . Carinae Leonis Minoris . Hydrae 0,002 O,OIO Leonis Minoris . O,OOO + 0,003 0,017 O,OO5 O,OO8 13 Sextantis Velorum Sextantis Leonis Minoris . . Leonis 0,005 + 0,023 + 0,036 0,003 + O,OO4 + 0,013 + 0,010 + 0,001 0,010 0,002 0,014 +0,005 0,000 +0,002 Carinas Velorum Leonis 40 Hydras o 2 Carinae 21 Leonis Minoris . . Carinae Antlise 14 Sextantis Velorum Antliae 30 Leonis ij Hydras Velorum 0,016 +0,00 1 0,003 +0,002 0,015 0,001 Leonis Minoris . . 3 1 Leonis A 15 Sextantis 32 Leonis ot. Velorum Velorum 0,000 + 0,002 + 0,002 1 6 Sextantis Leonis Velorum 154 No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec.Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of >. 1 I Taylor. 1 Bris- aane. Various. a' V 33 I 7>34 !7>34 17,35 17,37 17,38 17,39 i7,4i 17,41 17,42 17,43 T 7,44 + 17,44 +0,301 0,100 0,255 >*3S 0,307 0,131 0,266 0,220 0,170 0,240 0,266 0,241 0,156 0,242 0,163 0,234 0,152 0,234 0,266 0,237 0,142 0,176 0,243 0,217 0,142 0,263 0,142 0,192 0,231 0,136 0,182 0,197 0,241 0,202 0,165 0,256 0,233 0,224 0,234 0,239 0,171 0,164 0,227 0,230 +0,161 << + 9.1219 9.8104 9.3002 9.8224 + 9-2375 9.8201 8.8893 -9-7294 9.8296 -9.5418 -8.9047 9.5202 9.8263 -9.4967 -9.8274 -9.5996 -9.8235 9.5806 8.7292 -9.5461 -9.8194 9.8248 -9-4339 9.7263 9.8176 -8.7348 9.8162 -9.8077 9-5747 -9.8135 9.8187 -9.7981 9.4193 9.7829 9.8219 -8.9930 -9.5228 -9.6344 -9.4967 -9.3904 9.8188 9.8185 -9.5697 -9-5 2 93 9.8172 +9.8197 9.8988 +9.5172 -9.8757 +9.8428 9.8801 +9.6726 9.2701 9.8150 +9.1244 +9.6707 +9.1982 9.8484 +9.2634 -9.8336 +8.7693 -9.8558 +8-9334 +9.7005 +9.1149 9.8707 -9.7910 +9.3878 9.2649 9.8706 +9.7049 -9.8714 -9.6856 + 8.9796 -9.8789 -9-7572 9.6376 +9.4146 -9-5653 9.8248 +9.6654 +9.2075 +7-7353 +9.2800 +9.4570 9.8021 -9.8253 +9.0190 +9.1927 -9.8346 + 1.2324 1.2327 1-2335 1.2336 1.2337 I -*339 1.2344 1.2345 1-2345 1.2345 1.2347 1.2348 1-2353 1-2354 1.2356 1-2357 1.2363 1.2364 1.2364 1.2366 1.2367 1.2369 1.2370 1.2373 1.2377 1.2382 1.2385 1.2385 1.2386 1.2386 1.2387 1.2387 1.2388 1.2389 1.2391 1.2393 1.2397 1.2400 1.2402 1.2407 1.2408 1.2410 1.2413 1.2415 + 1.2415 +9.7196 9.7188 9.7167 9.7165 9.7162 9-7I57 9-7I43 9.7141 9.7140 9.7139 9-7I34 9.7132 9.7118 9.7115 9.7111 9.7107 9.7090 9.7088 9.7088 9.7082 9.7079 9.7073 9.7070 9.7060 9.7049 9.7036 9.7028 9.7026 9.7024 9.7024 9.7022 9.7021 9.7017 9.7014 9.7010 9.7003 9.6992 9.6981 9.6977 9.6960 9.6957 9.6951 9.6944 9.6938 +9.6937 61598 Ri83 B.H 892 B.F 1414 Ri84 B.F 1420 W S 79 B.F 1422 B.F 1421 M 4 z8 1^429 B.F 1425 B.F 1423 M 430 Ri85 B.F 1426 11x86 Ri88 R 189 R 187 M432 R 190 B.F 1429 M 433 P420 M 434 L 222 R 192 M 43 5 0,07 +0,01 +0,22 +0,04 +0,18 4113 2770 230 11.1198 .1507 il. 121! 4112 2776 229 4117 2778 0,06 0,04 232 iv. 705 v.i 509 4114 2783 0,00 234 iv. 706 v.i5i3 ii. 1200 v.i5i6 ii.izoi V.I522 4129 2789 + 0,01 O,I2 + 0,11 +0,51 237 4^3 4133 2790 2801 1400 238 +0,07 +0,06 +0,07 O,IO 0,08 0,08 0,00 0,22 + 0,02 0,03 0,05 0,14 + 0,31 O,OI 239 iii.i2i4 ^1525 v.i 526 11.1202 11.1203 v.i 53 i 11.1204 v.i537 111.1215 11.1205 v.i 542 v.i 540 v.i 541 Ii.i2o6 4138 4131 4H5 4151 4141 4153 4144 4H3 2799 2806 2805 2803 2815 2827 2821 2831 2825 2823 1402 240 241 1401 242 1404 247 244 1403 245 2830 2834 0,21 + 0,07 + 0,05 + O,O I O,OO 0,06 v.i 544 iii.i2i6 11.1207 11. 1208 ii.i209 4152 1405 1407 1406 1408 246 248 250 251 .... 2836 2838 4158 4161 2844 0,11 O,OI +0,06 v.i 548 ii.i2io Iii.i2i8 v.1550 1409 253 ^55 2847 (U2) 155 1 No. Constellation. Mag Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a b c d 3466 3467 3468* 3469 3470 3471* 3472 3473 3474 3475* 3476* 3477 3478* 3479 3480 3481 3482* 3483 3484* 3485 3486* 3487 3488 3489 3490* 349 * 3492 3493 3494 3495* 349 6 3497 3498 3499 3500 35oi 3502 3503 354 355 3506 357 3508 359 35 10 Leonis Minoris . . . 6 6* 7 6 6 5* 44 6 6 6 6 7 7 5* 6 6 7 7 7 7 6 6 6 6 6 Si 6 Si 5 6 6 5* 5i 6 6 7 7 Si 6 6 4i 4 6 h m s 10 i 55,17 2 15.34 2 18,75 2 36,17 2 40,43 ^ 47,35 3 !5, 6 5 3 16,75 3 28,39 3 34.04 3 48,41 3 59,66 4 13,87 4 2 7,39 4 31,3 4 3 2 ,7i 4 5 2 >9 2 4 59, Sl 5 32.3 1 6 13,87 6 17,15 6 23,57 6 25,38 6 25,79 6 27,99 6 34,16 6 39,96 6 46,28 6 47,57 6 56,83 7 4,6o 7 23,31 7 33,33 7 3 6 ,3 7 42,43 7 43, 6 3 7 57,26 7 57,64 7 59,47 8 i, .94 3 5.54 8 i3,5i 8 20,43 8 27,11 10 8 37,37 + 3*651 1,910 3,586 3,264 2,982 2,931 2,263 2,937 2,983 3.234 2,996 1,215 1,964 + 1,700 1,242 + 1,681 1,698 3, 1 3 I 3,473 3,327 2,997 3,264 2,050 2,757 3,47i 2,081 +2,990 -0,855 +2,670 10,321 4,481 2,549 2,550 2,307 3,435 2,293 2,018 3,425 2,145 3.670 3,280 3,353 3-351 2,520 + 3.232 s 0,0371 +0,0057 0,0329 0,0142 0,0023 0,0005 +0,0098 0,0007 0,0022 0,0128 0,0027 0,02 1 1 +0,0070 +0,0004 -0,3215 O,COO2 + 0,0005 0,0080 0,0262 -0,0177 O,OO25 0,0144 + 0,0087 + 0,0048 0,0263 + 0,0092 O,OO22 -0,2588 + O,OO68 1,7282 0,1 180 + 0,0090 +0,0090 +0,0107 0,0243 +0,0107 +0,0085 0,0237 + 0,0100 0,0404 0,0154 0,0195 0,0194 +0,0096 0,0129 i 0,005 -8.8884 9.0713 8.8682 8.7824 8.7682 8.7742 8.9668 8.7740 8.7691 8.7785 8.7684 9.2475 9.0628 9.1366 9-5959 9.1417 9^387 8.7687 8.8397 8.8006 8.7710 8.7873 9.0451 8.8157 8.8409 9.0361 8.7720 9.5660 8.8416 9.8292 9.1571 8.8825 8.8824 8.9659 8.8323 8.9708 9.0602 8.8298 9.0205 8.9105 8.7930 8.8102 8. 8100 8.8951 -8.7845 + 8.6414 8.8228 8.6195 8.5324 8.5179 8.5233 8.7139 8.5209 8.5152 8.5242 8.5130 8.9913 8.8056 8.8783 9-3374 8.8830 8.8785 8.5080 8.5766 8-5343 8-5045 8-5203 8.7780 8.5485 8-5735 8.7682 8.5037 9-2973 8.5728 9.5598 8.8870 8.6109 8.6101 8.6933 8-5593 8.6978 8.7861 8-5557 8-7463 8.6360 8.5182 8.5348 8.5341 8.6187 +8.5073 +0.5625 0.2811 0-5547 0.5138 0.4746 0.4670 0-3547 0.4678 0.4746 0.5097 0.4765 0.0845 0.2932 +0.2304 0.0942 +0.2257 0.2299 0-4957 0.5407 0.5220 0.4766 o.5i37 0.3117 0.4404 0.5405 0.3182 +0-4757 -9.9320 +0.4265 1.0137 0.6514 0.4063 0.4065 0.3630 0-5359 0.3605 0.3050 0.5346 o-33!5 0.5646 0.5159 0.5254 0.5252 0.4013 + 0.5094 8.7088 + 9.0109 8.6589 -8.2343 + 7.8938 + 8.0947 + 8.8578 + 8.0779 + 7.8949 8.1650 + 7-8275 + 9.2225 + 8.9990 + 9.0930 + 9.5911 + 9.0993 + 9.0956 -7.7386 -8.5659 -8.3726 + 7.8344 -8.2503 + 8.9740 + 8.4619 -8.5676 +8.9612 + 7.8731 + 9.5604 + 8.5693 -9.8275 -9.1174 + 8.6870 + 8.6866 + 8.8532 -8-5319 + 8.8614 +8.9941 8.5212 +8.9383 -8.7496 8.2941 -8.4237 8.4221 +8.7153 8.1823 Leonis Minoris . . . +0,005 + 0,002 0,003 O,OIO + O,OO2 + O,OO8 + O,OII 0,050 Carinae +0,009 + 0,001 Chamseleontis . . ^ Cannae Carinae +0,798 0,004 0,003 0,013 O,OII +0,003 -0,033 0,012 O,007 + 0,022 + 0,002 0,050 0,040 0,114 0,013 0,021 O,OOO + 0,005 O,OO2 0,OO5 O,OO I + 0,003 0,015 O,OII + O,OO5 0,014 + 0,004 O,OO7 + 0,003 19 Sextantis Leonis Minoris .... Leonis 20 Sextantis Leonis Cannae Hydrae 22 Leonis Minoris .... Carinae 21 Sextantis Chamaeleontis . . p. z Antliae Ursae Majoris .... 32 Ursae Majoris .... Antlias Antliaj Velorum R 23 Leonis Minoris .... Veloruro Carinae . 24 Leonis Minoris .... Velorutn 3 3 Ursae Majoris . . A Leonis 3 5 Leonis 36 Leonis 37 Leonis 156 No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec.Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of i m I Taylor. n Bris- >ane. Various. a' V (/ df 3466 3467 3468 3469 347 347i 3472 3473 3474 3475 3476 3477 3478 3479 348o 3482 3483 3484 3485 3486 3487 3488 3489 349 349 * 3492 3493 3494 3495 349 6 3497 3498 3499 3500 35 01 3502 353 3504 3505 3506 357 359 3510 1 II 48 36 10,1 150 28 58,2 5 1 5 1 39,2 73 33 22,3 97 4 21,4 102 4 31,0 141 4 37,3 101 36 51,8 97 40 36,5 75 54 24,9 9 6 34 44,4 1 60 44 46,1 149 40 50,1 154 46 12,5 171 29 15,1 155 4 58,2 154 52 40,9 84 38 47,2 57 49 56,9 68 5 11,2 96 S 8 37,7 73 7 5- 1 148 5 24,8 116 17 14,7 57 47 20,7 H7 19 J 5>7 97 15 4,i 170 49 33,3 122 17 34,8 4 59 3,4 24 8 44,9 129 36 15,4 129 34 6,1 140 29 28,9 59 5 6 44- 1 141 o 52,2 149 10 32,7 60 34 10,7 H5 5 43,3 46 20 19,1 71 30 52,9 65 45 13,2 65 5 J 3>6 131 22 52,7 75 3 1 33>2 + 17,45 17,47 17,48 17,48 17,49 I7.5 1 17,52 17,52 17,53 J 7>54 17,55 1 7. 'Jo I 7j CO 17,56 17,58 17,58 17,61 17,63 17,64 17,64 17,64 17,64 17,64 17,65 17,65 17,66 17,66 17,66 17,67 17,68 17,69 17,69 17,70 17,70 I7-7 1 17,72 17,72 i7,73 + 17,73 +0,262 0,257 0,233 0,213 0,209 0,161 0,209 0,212 0,229 0,212 0,086 0,139 +0,120 0,088 +0,118 0,119 0,220 0,243 0,231 0,208 0,226 0,142 0,191 0,241 0,144 +0,207 0,059 +0,185 0,713 0,309 0,175 o,i75 0,159 0,236 0,157 0,138 0,235 0,147 0,251 0,224 0,229 0,229 0,172 +0,220 0,03 +6.4771 9.8072 8.5786 -9-4433 -9.6950 9.7217 -9.8143 9.7188 -9.6947 9.4806 -9.6873 9.7787 9.8040 -9.7938 -9-7338 9.7928 -9.7925 -9.5879 -9.0504 -9.6867 9.4428 9.8015 -9-7779 9.0561 9.8022 9.6906 -9.7302 -9-7925 + 9-6375 + 9.4050 9.8028 9.8025 9.8058 -9.1458 -9.8053 -9.7964 -9.1679 9.8008 + 8.0043 -9.4198 9.3081 -9.3103 9.8026 9.4822 +9.7600 -9.8796 +9.7307 +9.3922 -9.0659 9.2611 9.8320 -9-245 9.0670 +9-3279 9.0007 9.9168 9.8782 9.8988 9.9376 9.9000 9.8996 +8.9128 +9.6697 +9.5161 -9.0075 +9.4073 -9.8732 -9.5906 +9.6711 9.8696 -9.0457 -9.9391 -9.6725 + 9.9432 +9.9052 9.7498 -9.7496 -9.8329 +9-6453 -9.8363 -9.8798 +9.6373 -9-8637 +9.7851 +9.4472 +9-S59 6 +9.5584 9.7666 + 9-3444 + 1.2418 1.2422 1.2423 1.2426 1.2426 1.2428 J-2433 1.2435 1.2436 1.2438 1.2440 1.2443 1.2445 1.2446 1.2446 1.2450 1.2451 1.2456 1.2464 1.2464 1.2465 1.2466 1.2466 1.2466 1.2467 1.2468 1.2469 1.2469 1.2471 1.2472 1.2475 1.2477 1.2478 1.2479 1.2479 1.2481 1.2481 1.2482 1.2482 1.2483 1.2484 1.2485 1.2486 + 1.2488 + 9.6926 9.6915 9.6913 9.6903 9.6901 9.6897 9.6881 9.6880 9.6874 9.6871 9.6862 9.6856 9.6848 9.6840 9.6838 9.6837 9.6825 9.6822 9.6803 9.6779 9.6777 9.6773 9.6772 9.6772 9.6770 9.6767 9.6763 9.6760 9.6759 9.6754 9.6749 9-6738 9.6732 9.6730 9.6727 9.6726 9.6718 9.6718 9.6716 9.6715 9.6713 9.6708 9.6704 9,6700 +9-6694 254 lil.1219 G 1617 Ri 93 B.F 1445 B.F 1439 J2 33 M 43 6 B.F 1443 Ri 95 Ri 9 6 L 150 M437 M 43 8 B.H 259 M 439 J234, Ri9 M 440 +0,01 0,04 1410 256 i lil.I22O 0,08 +0,09 0,09 + 0,11 0,00 +0,27 v.1557 11.1213 11.1214 11.1215 4172 2860 1412 1413 1411 1414 2 5 3 6 4194 2869 2867 2880 2871 2870 VI 62 -0,17 0,07 4191 4232 +0,15 +0,03 4184 1417 1416 1419 7 ii.,,,6 +0,07 0,03 0,0 1 0,0 1 -0,43 0,00 + 0,01 +0,02 1,21 O,O2 + 0,07 + 0,04 0,07 + 0,03 O,O I + 0,11 0,07 0,04 +0,14 +0,22 +0,06 0,00 + 0,01 0,02 +0,18 +0,04 10 16 11.1217 iii.i225 111.1226 4200 4193 4201 4246 4196 2884 2881 2887 2901 2888 v.i 570 111.1227 v-1573 1418 12 1420 17 1399 1415 18 252 9 ^1574 iii.1228 v.i577 v.i S7 8 v.1579 111.1230 v.i 580 ^1582 ii.i2i9 11.1220 111.1232 11.1223 li.1222 42O2 4204 4206 4208 4217 4215 2892 2894 2895 2896 2899 2900 1422 '9 1423 21 1421 1424 1425 1426 2O 23 2 4 25 29 27 4212 2904 ! 157 No. Constellation. Mag. Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a b c d 35" 3512 3Si3 35H* 35J5 3516 35i7 35i8 35i9 3520 3521 3522 3523 3SH SS^S 3526 3527 35*8* 3529* 353* 353i* 3532 3533 3534 3535 353 6 3537 3538* 3539 354 354i 354* 3543 3544 3545 3546 3547 3548 3549 355 355i 3552 3553* 3554 3555 6 6 5* 6 6 4 6 ft 6 6 6 6 2 6 6 5 Bi 5* 6 6 5 6 3 6 6 5 6* 6* H 7 6 6* 6 6 7 5 neb. 6* 6 6* 6* 5 6 6 7^ h m s 10 8 58,93 9 14,67 9 J 7,92 9 3J.9 1 9 42,82 IO IO,II 10 10,69 10 22,93 10 46,93 10 56,17 ii 15,50 ii 33.89 ii 41.75 ii 57.ii 12 3.57 12 4,94 12 5.97 12 15.65 12 41,15 13 H.57 13 15,20 13 17,21 13 22,61 13 459 6 13 57.26 13 59.5 14 10,67 14 19,40 H 23,71 14 23,89 14 26,27 H 27,42 15 6,19 15 9.23 15 ii, 81 15 20,25 15 26,18 15 30.34 15 43.76 i5 47,93 15 51,68 i5 54,7 15 5 6 .89 16 21,28 10 16 22,17 s +3,346 2,504 1,700 4,728 3,685 1,440 2,991 3.217 3,945 2,045 2,743 3,295 +3,299 2,138 +3,629 1,995 2,545 8,238 3,147 3,611 4,440 3>i3 3,616 3,239 1,851 2,241 2,433 3,i73 3,502 3,o7i 1,856 3,482 1,838 3,146 3,4i7 2,219 2,343 3,475 L725 3,069 3.037 2,563 3,041 2,74i + 3,188 s 0,0191 4- 0,0099 -(-0,0009 -0,1524 0,0422 0,0096 0,0021 0,0122 0,0647 + 0,0095 -(-0,0059 0,0165 0,0167 -0,5510 0,0386 + 0,0089 + 0,0099 0,9968 0,0087 0,0376 0,1203 O,OO66 0,0380 -0,0135 + O,Co6o + 0,0119 +0,0116 0,0100 0,0300 0,0052 +0,0062 0,0286 +0,0058 0,0087 0,0244 + 0,OI2I +0,0122 0,0284 +0,0025 0,0050 0,0036 +0,0104 0,0038 +0,0068 0,0109 s 0,029 +0,009 +0,046 0,015 +0,009 0,014 0,008 0,015 8.8096 8.9025 9.1556 9.2270 8.9206 9.2235 8.7756 8.7842 9.0137 9.0629 8.8281 8. 8010 8.8022 9.7100 8.9069 9.0827 8.8956 9.7081 8-7779 8.9038 9.1712 8.7756 8.9058 8.7921 9.1327 9.0094 8.9417 8.7823 8.8680 8.7761 9.1331 8.8610 9.1409 8.7803 8.8409 9.0215 8.9781 8. 8610 9.1751 8-7774 8.7782 8.8990 8.7781 8.8378 -8.7865 + 8.5308 8.6225 8.8753 8.9457 8.6384 8.9392 8.4912 8.4989 8.7265 8-775 8.5388 8.5102 8.5108 9.4174 8.6138 8.7894 8.6023 9.4140 8.4818 8.6052 8.8725 8.4767 8.6065 8.4909 8.8306 8.7072 8.6385 8-4785 8.5638 8.4719 8.8288 8.5566 8.8334 8.4726 8.5330 8.7129 8.6690 8.5515 8.8646 8.4665 8.4670 8.5877 8.4665 8.5243 + 8.4729 +0.5245 0.3986 0.2304 0.6747 0.5665 0.1582 0-4759 0.5074 0.5961 0.3107 0.4382 0.5179 +0.5184 0.3300 +Q-5597 0.2999 0.4057 0.9158 0.4979 o.5576 0.6474 0.4917 0.5582 0.5104 0.2674 0.3504 0.3862 0.5014 0-5443 0.4872 0.2686 0.5418 0.2644 0.4978 o-. 533 6 0.3462 0.3699 0.5409 0.2368 0.4870 0.4824 0.4087 0.4830 0.4380 +0.5035 8.4165 + 8.73" + 9.1151 9.1986 -8.7686 +9- I 945 +7.8809 -8.1483 8.9269 + 8.9967 + 8.5032 -8.3398 -8-3485 +9-7071 -8.7374 +9.0227 +8.7118 -9.7051 -7.8750 8-7293 -9.1330 -7.5005 -8-7334 8.2252 +9.0860 +8.9189 + 8.8054 8.0096 8.6369 4.1606 +9.0865 8.6159 +9.0960 -7-8845 -8-5447 + 8.9364 + 8.8685 -8.6138 +9.1372 + 6.1823 +7.5405 + 8.7151 +7.4800 +8.5289 8.0804 Ursae Majoris .... Ursae Majoris .... Ursae Majoris +0,003 + 0,006 0,014 +0,023 0,382 +0,004 0,009 + 0,021 0,106 Ursae Majoris .... Ursse Majoris Ursae Majoris .... 0,006 +0,005 +0,003 0,00 1 O,CO2 34 Ursae Majoris . . u Veloruni V 0,002 +0,015 0,007 +0,00 1 + O,OI2 0,013 + 0,004 + O,OIO 0,000 +0,00 1 0,023 0,028 0,001 0,020 +0,009 O,COI 0,005 Leonis z6 Leonis Minoris .... Carinae zy Leonis Minoris. . . . Carinae Leonis Minoris .... Velorum T Velorum 28 Leonis Minoris .... Carinsc 2.4. Sextantis Velorurn T Antlise +0,009 0,009 I5 8 No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec.Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of >, 427 1 Taylor. j iris- jane. Various. a' V c' d' 3511 3512 35i3 35H 3Si5 3516 35'7 35i8 35*9 3520 352i 3522 35^3 3524 3525 3526 3527 3528 3529 353 353 1 3532 3533 3534 3535 353 6 3537 3538 3539 3540 354i 3542 3543 3544 3545 354 6 3547 3548 3549 355 3551 355* 3553 3554 3555 66 8 3s", 5 132 21 58,1 155 37 50,5 20 30 4,7 45 " 33.8 159 *7 38,0 97 *9 i75 76 37 44,2 35 i 5 6 .4 149 9 20,9 118 14 35,6 69 46 12,0 69 24 5,8 173 20 59,9 47 23 56,2 150 35 2,2 130 55 8,4 6 41 2,7 82 48 58,9 48 o 33,7 23 40 38,4 86 57 28,2 47 44 5 2 > 6 74 16 10,3 i53 55 29,8 144 16 39,4 136 56 46,9 80 16 57,0 54 * 35, 1 89 59 55,0 i53 55 3 6 >4 55 20 i5.7 i54 23 i,i 82 41 50,3 59 37 4 2 . 145 17 27,3 140 59 19,6 55 3 1 32,2 156 24 41,6 90 8 44,2 93 l8 59.7 r 3 53 535 21 51,65 21 54.45 22 0,76 22 11,95 22 22,58 22 23,41 22 33,81 22 37.5 1 22 41,38 22 41,77 10 22 45,95 + 1*852 2,629 2,750 3.495 3.47 3,168 3,168 3,007 1,776 3.593 3,014 3.74 2 2,906 2,562 3,068 4.373 3.57 3.035 2,169 3.!7 6 3,069 6,739 2,741 3,222 3>924 2,297 3,042 3.178 3.534 i, 216 1,885 1,229 M39 2,220 3,052 2,440 3>o93 5,373 2,187 2,238 2,766 3,072 2,755 i,893 + 3,099 s +0,0065 +0,0095 +0,0067 0,0302 0,0284 0,0099 0,0099 0,0022 +0,0045 0,0380 0,0025 0,0506 + 0,0020 + 0,0111 0,0049 0,1192 0,0317 0,0033 ' +0,0127 0,0104 0,0049 0,6022 +0,0074 0,0130 0,0693 +0,0136 0,0036 0,0105 0,0342 0,0238 +0,0082 0,0229 -0,0157 +0,0137 0,0040 +0,0133 0,0060 0,2875 +0,0136 +0,0139 +0,0071 0,0050 +0,0075 +0,0087 0,0063 s O,OII 0,007 +0,006 0,008 0,000 0,007 +0,007 0,002 0,003 0,009 O,OII 9.1432 8.8775 8.8363 8.8716 8.8631 8.7849 8.7852 8.7823 9.1730 8.9114 8.7822 8.9684 8-7975 8.9071 8.7803 9.1779 8.8809 8.7814 9.0544 8.7883 8.7811 9-5999 8.8453 8.7972 9.0430 9.0141 8.7828 8.7902 8.8962 9.3232 9-*547 9.3220 9.2977 9.0452 8.7831 8.9628 8-7833 9.4144 9.0587 9.0406 8.8412 8-7835 8.8453 9.1566 -8.7842 +8.8282 8.5612 8.5194 8.5546 8.5450 8.4666 8.4652 8.4595 8.8489 8.5871 8.4570 8.6431 8.4719 8.5814 8.4541 8.8506 8-5535 8-4539 8.7252 8.4583 8.4501 9.2674 8.5125 8.4619 8.7068 8.6776 8.4458 8.4527 8.5582 8.9849 8.8150 8.9820 8.9576 8.7047 8.4425 8.6220 8.4419 9.0721 8.7155 8.6974 8.4970 8.4390 8.5005 8.8118 + 8.4390 + 0.2677 0.4197 0.4394 o-5435 0.5403 0.5008 0.5007 0.4782 0.2493 -5555 0.4791 0.5731 0.4633 0.4085 0.4869 0.6408 0-5449 0.4821 0.3363 0.5019 0.4869 0.8286 0-4379 0.5081 0.5938 0.3612 0.4831 0.5022 0.5482 0.0849 0.2752 0.0894 0.1267 0.3463 0.4845 0.3874 0.4903 0.7302 0-3399 0-3499 0.4419 0.4874 0.4401 0.2771 +0.4912 +9.0984 + 8.6595 + 8.5203 -8.6428 8.6169 8.0044 8.0043 + 7.8230 + 9.1342 -8.7399 + 7.7766 8.8500 + 8.2397 + 8.7301 + 6.3807 -9.1399 8.6650 + 7-5823 + 8.9819 8.0500 + 6.3294 -9.5948 + 8.5482 8.2132 -8.9654 + 8.9227 + 7.4981 -8.0678 8.7014 + 9.3044 +9.1116 + 9.3031 + 9.2764 + 8.9682 + 7.3199 + 8.8382 -7.3801 9.4022 + 8.9870 + 8.9614 + 8.5254 -6.1393 + 8.5422 + 9.1137 7.4910 29 Leonis Minoris . . - 30 Leonis Minoris . . Ursae Majoris - . . Ursae Majoris O,OO6 +0,015 0,00 1 0,007 0,005 0,000 0,024 +0,003 +0,009 0,004 0,005 0,001 0,013 35 Ursae Majoris .... 3 1 Leonis Minoris . . P 27 Sextantis AC Leonis Sextantis Antliae a Leonis 36 Ursse Majoris .... Sextantis 0,009 0,009 +0,003 0,004 32 Leonis Minoris. . . . Carinae I Carinae 0,019 Carinae Velorum P +0,007 +0,00 1 +0,014 Velorum Sextantis Draconis +0,004 0,026 O,OI2 + 0,003 O,OCO + O,OO I O,OIO +0,005 Carinse Antliae 30 Sextantis Antliae o Carinae 160 No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1550. Annual Preces. Sec.Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of i n i Taylor. i Bris- bane. Various. cf V 8 55 26 31,1 80 27 21,7 80 27 55,0 96 18 18,7 156 8 34,7 47 37 S 8 ,! 95 39 S3- 1 40 24 24,0 106 4 19,4 131 42 15,8 90 13 42,0 23 36 28,9 52 31 33,1 93 37 3 1 . 6 147 48 54,8 79 28 28,4 90 12 8,9 8 44 9,6 I2O l8 2I,O 74 53 33.i 33 '5 M 144 6 52,4 92 58 32,8 79 4 39. 50 18 34,0 163 16 7,0 154 52 38,1 163 12 32,7 162 12 39,4 146 52 24,0 91 58 22,1 138 38 22,5 87 44 5,6 13 3 59.4 '47 58 25.3 146 25 58,7 "8 53 53,5 89 52 11,7 119 50 29,6 154 5 6 3 . 1 87 4 53,o + 18,05 18,06 18,07 18,07 18,08 1 8,08 18,09 18,11 18,12 18,12 18,13 18,13 18,13 18,13 18,14 18,15 18,15 18,15 18,16 18,17 18,17 18,19 18,19 1 8,2 1 18,21 18,21 18,22 18,22 18,23 18,23 18,24 18,24 18,24 18,24 18,24 18,25 18,25 18,26 18,26 18,26 18,27 18,27 18,27 18,27 + 18,28 +0,118 0,167 0,174 0,221 0,219 0,200 0,199 0,188 0,111 0,224 0,1 88 0,233 0,181 0,160 0,191 0,272 0,218 0,188 0,134 0,196 0,189 0,414 0,169 0,197 0,240 0,140 0,186 0,194 0,215 0,074 0,114 0,075 0,08 1 0,135 0,185 0,148 0,187 0,324 0,132 o. J 35 o, 1 66 0,185 0,166 0,114 +0,186 " -9.7638 -9.7843 -9.7706 -8.9727 -9.0477 -9-55*7 -9.5521 -9.6799 -9.7538 -8.5052 -9.6758 +8.6454 9.7286 -9.7841 -9.6392 +9-3353 8.9310 -9.6628 -9.7710 -9.5432 9.6390 +9.5452 -9.7689 -9.4909 +9.0500 -9-7734 9.6581 -9.5403 -8.8287 9.7196 -9.7488 9.7188 -9.7229 -9.7672 -9.6513 9.7769 9.6203 +9.4786 -9.7637 9.7665 9.7628 9.6366 -9.7645 -9-7459 -9.6153 -9-9095 -9-7365 -9.6387 +9-7258 +9.7086 +9- T 745 +9.1744 8.9964 -9.9172 +9.7846 -8.9505 +9-8378 -9.3985 -9-7793 -7.5568 +9.9186 +9.7408 -8-7575, 9.8844 +9.2187 -7-5055 +9.9524 9.6605 +9-374 +9.8805 -9.8668 -8.6736 + 9.2359 +9.7637 -9.9397 -9.9156 -9-9399 -9-9375 9.8819 -8.4958 -9.8343 + 8-5559 +9-9470 -9.8877 9.8801 -9.6437 + 7-3 '54 -9.6565 -9.9167 +8.6666 + 1.2565 1.2567 1.2568 1.2569 1.2571 1.2571 1.2574 1.2579 1.2582 1.2582 1.2584 1.2584 1.2585 1.2585 1.2586 1.2588 1.2588 1.2588 1.2591 1-2593 1.2594 1.2597 1.2598 1.2602 1.2604 1.2604 1.2605 1.2606 1.2607 1.2607 1.2610 1.2610 1.2610 1.2611 1.2611 1.2612 1.2613 1.2614 1.2616 1.2616 1.2617 1.2618 1.2618 1.2618 + 1.2619 + 9.6393 9.6382 9.6378 9.6376 9.6367 9.6366 9.6352 9.6330 9.6318 9.6317 9.6310 9.6309 9.6306 9.6305 9.6302 9.6293 9.6292 9.6292 9.6277 9.6271 9.6262 9.6250 9.6248 9.6227 9.6219 9.6217 9.6213 9.6208 9.6205 9.6202 9.6190 9.6188 9.6187 9.6184 9.6183 9.6181 9.6177 9.6169 9.6162 9.6161 9.6154 9.6151 9.6149 9.6148 + 9.6145 1444 H45 1447 66 65 62 63 64 67 7i iii.i254 iii.i255 iii.i253 11.1236 ii.1237 10.1256 iii.i257 4285 4278 4277 4296 2980 2981 2984 2999 R204 M 447 R205 G 1644 G 1646 J2 39 W6oi G 1645 Rao6? M 448 G 1643 P43O, J24O B.F 1488 B.F 1490 B.F 1489 J24i,R207 R 209 R2o8 B.F 1492 B.H 688 R2II R2IO +0,08 0,13 +0,09 +0,10 + 0,12 + 0,20 0,11 0,14 0,06 0,09 1449 70 iii.i258 + O.I2 -o,33 +0,06 +0,02 + O, II 0,03 0,02 + 0,01 + 0,28 O,OO + 0,05 + 0,04 0,02 1451 74 11.1238 v.i633 11.1239 111.1259 11.1240 11.1241 .1638 ii.i242 iii.i26o 4289 3000 1450 1448 1452 73 69 72 75 4300 3007 H53 H39 H54 1456 H55 76 77 82 83 80 85 84 11.1243 111.1262 11.1244 v.i 644 11.1245 111.1264 111.1263 11.1247 4298 3011 3017 + 0,03 + O.O2 + O,OI 4319 3025 3024 3028 3027 3023 3022 0,17 4322 0,32 +0,04 +0,34 v.i 649 11.1246 v.i 6 50 4310 4305 H57 86 0,0 1 0,03 0,1 8 +0,05 +0,06 +0,09 +0,08 +0,05 1446 78 111.1265 V.I&52 11. 1 249 11.1248 11.1251 43 H 43 J 3 4306 439 4321 3031 3030 3032 3034 H59 90 87 9 1 1460 89 ii.i25o B.A.C. (X) 161 No. Constellation. Mag. Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a b c d 3601* 3602 3603 3604* 3605 3606 3607* 3608* 3609 3610 3611 3612 3613 36H* 3 6l 5 3616 3617 3618* 3619 3620 3621 3622 3623* 3624 3625 3626 3627* 3628 3629* 3630 3631 3632* 3 6 33 3634* 3 6 3S 3636 3637* 3638 3639 3640 3641 3642 3 6 43 3644 3645* 6 si 6i 6* 6 6 5 7 4 5 7 5 6 6 6 6 Si 6 4 6 5* 6 6 6 si 6 6| 7 6 6 6 6 6 7 Si neb. 6 6 6 4i si Si 6i 5 6 h m s 10 23 9,97 23 19,81 23 28,32 24 5,41 24 9,64 24 11,11 24 27,94 24 30,86 24 54,65 24 55,62 25 23,97 25 27,73 25 3L83 25 32,76 25 33.81 26 7,98 26 31,58 26 37,50 26 42,13 26 53,17 26 58,53 27 9,97 27 10,79 27 28,90 27 44,13 27 45.95 27 48,09 28 15,07 28 23,81 28 33,40 28 46,44 28 57,39 29 21,19 29 43.39 29 51,20 30 6,69 30 8,33 3. ".75 3 15.49 30 16,07 30 31,81 3 44.H 30 S',49 30 59,76 10 31 3,85 a + 2,243 3.428 3.5 2,317 1.937 3,215 3.544 3,122 3,166 3,459 2,915 3.924 2,548 2,361 2,548 1,598 1,511 2,518 2,119 2,847 3,142 3.158 2,504 1,409 3467 2,251 2,855 3,142 6.434 2,653 2,165 2,927 3,429 3,238 2,288 2,270 2,956 2,815 3.785 3,399 3,478 2,233 3,225 2,519 +4,404 s +0,0141 0,0268 0,0017 +0,0145 +0,0100 0,0128 0,0361 0,0075 0,0099 0,0295 +0,0023 0,0725 +0,0129 +0,0148 +0,0129 0,0017 0,0060 +0,0136 +0,0140 +0,0052 0,0086 0,0095 +0,0139 0,0118 0,0309 +0,0153 +0,0050 0,0087 -o,57i9 +0,0114 +0,0150 +0,0023 0,0283 0,0146 +0,0161 + 0,0161 +0,00 1 1 + 0,0070 0,0612 0,0262 0,0326 +0,0161 0,0138 +0,0147 0,1407 s 0,005 +0,005 0,001 0,00 1 0,002 + 0,002 -9.0417 8.8612 8.7873 9.0177 9.1494 8-7997 8.9085 8.7870 8.7922 8.8761 8.8034 9.0599 8.9312 9.0060 8.9312 9.2549 9.2790 8.9469 9.1001 8.8229 8.7911 8.7932 8.9542 9.3084 8.8860 9.0565 8.8218 8.7922 9.6039 8.8966 9.0924 8.8049 8.8749 8.8112 9.0508 9.0588 8.8002 8.8384 9.0253 8.8649 8.8976 9.0756 8.8094 8.9602 -9.2405 +8-6945 8.5132 8.4386 8.6658 8.7972 8-4473 8-5547 8.4330 8.4361 8.5200 8.4448 8.7010 8.5719 8.6467 8.5718 8.8925 8.9146 8.5819 8.7348 8.4566 8.4243 8.4254 8.5864 8.9390 8.5152 8.6856 8.4507 8.4187 9.2297 8.5215 8.7162 8.4277 8.4956 8.4300 8.6688 8.6755 8.4167 8.4546 8.6411 8.4807 8.5119 8.6888 8.4220 8.5721 +8.8520 +0.3509 '0.535 1 0.4778 0,3649 0.2871 0.5072 0-5495 0.4944 0.5006 0.5389 0.4646 0-5937 0.4062 0.3731 0.4062 0.2036 0.1792 0.4010 0.3261 -4543 0.4972 0.4994 0.3986 0.1489 0.5399 0.3524 0.4556 0.4972 0.8085 0.4238 0-3355 0.4664 0.5352 0.5103 0-3595 0.3560 0.4708 0.4494 0.5780 -51i3 0.5413 0.3489 0.5085 0.4013 +0.6439 +8.9626 -8.5990- +7-8651 +8.9268 +9.1046 8.2099 -8.7272 -7.7617 -8.0351 8.6428 +8.2486 8.9876 + 8-7753 + 8.9081 + 8-7753 + 9.2282 + 9-2553 +8.8055 +9.0416 + 8.4143 -7.9195 8.0073 +8.8189 + 9.2877 -8.6665 + 8.9822 + 8.4027 -7.9256 -9.5988 + 8.6935 + 9.0309 + 8.2337 8.6319 -8.3025 + 8-9733 +8.9846 +8.1392 + 8.4900 -8.9357 8.5982 -8.6935 +9.0076 -8.2730 +8.8274 -9.2113 3 3 Leonis Minoris Ursae Majoris . . O,OOO + 0,005 O,OOO + 0,009 + 0,015 0,029 -0,047 0,006 34 Leonis Minoris - 43 Hydra; ^ ' 37 Ursae Majoris .... 0,044 0,005 O,OO8 + O,OO2 O,OO I 0,000 0,105 +0,006 0,00 1 0,027 +0,0 1 8 +0,042 0,021 0,016 0,00 1 + 0,002 0,001 + 0,011 0,026 35 Leonis Minoris . . Hydrse Antliie Hydras @^ 36 Leonis Minoris . Cannae r Hydras 0,001 Ursae Majoris 37 Leonis Minoris . . 38 Leonis Minoris . . Cannae t +0,004 0,020 0,019 +0,005 0,083 Vplorum p Ursae Majoris 162 No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of 'i Taylor. j Bris- >ane. Various. a' V d' 3601 3602 3603 3604 3605 3606 3607 3608 3609 3610 3611 3612 3 6l 3 3614 3615 3616 3617 3618 3619 3620 3621 3622 3623 3624 3625 3626 3627 3628 3629 3630 3631 3632 3633 3 6 34 3635 3636 3 6 37 3638 3 6 39 3640 3641 3642 3 6 43 3644 146 28 0,9 56 51 8,0 96 52 11,4 144 12 41,5 154 24 41,6 75 5 44,4 48 48 15,3 84 35 12,4 79 55 24,8 54 H 25,5 106 n 6,9 32 8 49,7 134 18 0,5 142 57 15,5 134 17 47,8 160 7 14,8 161 13 20,3 136 13 53,9 150 54 52,4 112 58 21,9 82 16 33,4 80 34 36,6 137 5 9,6 162 27 31,8 5* 53 4 6 ,3 147 24 58,4 112 23 4I,O 82 II 9,4 8 47 3 6 ,7 128 47 16,2 150 12 48,4 105 34 9,8 55 8 47,5 7i 56 35>7 146 46 53,0 147 27 5,2 IO2 36 22,9 116 38 11,8 35 3* 58,8 57 14 46,3 51 18 35,0 148 47 4,7 73 5 3 2 , 6 137 26 48,3 20 46 29,3 + 18,29 18,30 18,30 18,32 18,33 18,33 18,34 18,34 i8,35 18,37 18,37 18,38 18,38 18,38 18,40 18,41 18,41 18,42 18,42 18,43 18,43 18,43 18,44 18,45 18,45 18,45 18,47 18,47 18,48 18,49 18,49 18,51 18,5* 18,52 18,53 '8,53 18,54 18,54 18,54 18,55 i8,55 18,56 18,56 + 18,56 n +0,134 0,205 0,179 0,137 0,115 0,190 0,209 0,184 0,1 86 0,203 0,171 0,229 0,149 0,138 0,149 0,093 0,087 0,146 0,122 0,164 0,181 0,182 0,144 0,08 1 0,198 0,129 0,163 0,179 0,365 0,150 0,122 0,165 0,193 0,181 0,128 0,127 0,165 0,2 1 1 0,189 0,193 0,124 0,178 0,139 -0,243 0,0 1 0,0 1 +0,02 +0,24 0,02 +0,04 -9.7646 -9.1443 9.6810 9.7660 -9-7433 -9.4983 -8.7767 -9-5953 -9.5524 9.0671 -9.7231 +9.0354 -9.7712 -9.7643 -9.7711 -9.7178 9.7120 -9.7681 -9-7459 -9-7433 -9.5762 9.5606 -9.7665 -9.7036 9.0402 -9.7511 -9.7407 -9.5762 +9.5028 -9.7647 -9.7419 -9-7I75 -9.1332 -9.4678 -9.7469 -9.7448 -9.7049 -9-7475 +8.7649 9.2000 -9.0035 -9.7401 -9.4842 -9-7577 + 9.3008 9.8810 +9.6980 9.0381 9.8699 9.9160 +9.3712 +9-7798 +8-9359 +9.2044 +9.7282 -9.4071 +9.8897 9.8061 9.8641 9.8061 -9-9358 -9.9391 -9.8215 -9.9044 -9-5545 +9.0916 +9- T 775 9.8281 -9.9429 +9-7443 -9.8895 -9.5448 +9.0976 +9.9592 -9.7614 -9.9031 -9.3936 +9.7221 +9.4567 9.8880 -9.8915 -9-3047 -9.6174 +9.8762 +9.6991 +9.7620 -9.8983 +9.4299 -9.8337 +9-9373 + 1.2622 1.2624 1.2625 1.2630 1.2631 1.2631 1.2633 1.2634 1.2637 1.2637 1.2641 1.2642 1.2642 1.2642 1.2643 1.2647 1.2651 1.2651 1.2652 1.2653 1.2654 1.2656 1.2656 1.2658 1.2660 1.2661 1.2661 1.2665 1.2666 1.2667 1.2669 1.2670 1.2673 1.2676 1.2677 1.2679 1.2679 1.2680 1.2680 1.2681 1.2683 1.2684 1.2685 1.2686 + 1.2687 +9.6128 9.6122 9.6116 9.6089 9.6086 9.6085 9.6073 9.6071 9.6054 9.6054 9.6033 9.6030 9.6027 9.6027 9.6026 9.6001 9.5984 9.5980 9.5968 9.5964 9-S95 6 9-5955 9.5942 9-593 1 9.5929 9.5928 9.5908 9.5901 9-5894 9.5884 9.5876 9.5858 9.5841 9-5835 9.5823 9.5822 9.5819 9.5817 9.5816 9.5804 9-5795 +9-5779 7.1654 11.1266 11.1267 7.1659 4.320 43*5 3035 3043 3044 R2I2 B.Hi 5 i 7 M452 G 1660 1461 1462 93 94 1463 97 11.1252 O,OO + 0,04 + O,O2 + 0,22 + O,O2 + 0,14 0,14 +0,10 1466 1467 1465 1464 98 102 99 104 IOI 106 11.1253 11.1254 111.1269 111.1271 111.1272 7.1668 17. 724 3053 3046 4334 4336 3058 3062 3068 374 3069 3072 .... 107 +0,03 0,01 0,04 0,03 0,03 +0,05 4357 4344 4348 .... 113 iii.i274 11.1258 11.1257 11.1256 11.1259 1471 1468 1469 in no 112 M453 M 454 B.F 1509 61662 B.F 1513 B.H 841 61668 M456 J243.R2I4 B.F 1506 3077 3083 3078 +0,84 + 0,02 -o,33 -o>35 + 0,21 + O,O2 0,14 0,08 +O,O I + 0,06 + 0,05 0,08 + 0,84 4367 4356 1470 114 111.1276 7.1680 1472 1458 116 111.1277 v.i68 3 7.1685 11.1260 iii.i275 111.1279 4358 4366 3085 3089 H74 H73 118 117 "9 4373 4375 399 3107 7.169- +0,04 .... 123 11.1262 4370 3102 0,00 +0,05 0,09 + 0,02 0,18 H75 H77 121 122 11.1261 iii.i28o 7.1698 11.126; 11.126; 4380 3 II2 1478 125 4378 3114 (X2 No. Constellation. Mag. Right Ascension, Jan. I, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a b c d 3646* 3647 3648 3649 3650 3651 3652* 3 6 53 3 6 54 3655* 3656 3 6 S7 3658* 3659 3660 3661 3662* 3663 3664 3665* 3666 3667 3668 3669 3670 3671 3672 3 6 73 3 6 74 3 6 75 3676 3677 3678* 3679 3680 3681 3682 3683 3684* 3685 3686 3687 3688 3689 3690 Hydrae s 5 5 6 7* 6* 6 5 6 5* 5 6} 6 5* 6 5 64 1\ 6 sl 6 Si 6 6 6 7* Si 6i 6 7i 6 6 6 6* 6 6 & 6 6 6 4l 3 7 Si neb. 6 h m 8 IO 31 16,67 3* 39>J9 3 1 45> 12 31 50,16 32 2,63 32 13,24 32 15,07 32 32,79 32 38,56 33 2,82 33 i 76 33 16,85 33 20 . 6 9 . 33 33.20 33 39.04 33 45-99 33 46,4* 33 46,44 34 ^,99 34 42.59 34 47. H 34 52,71 34 59.59 35 3,13 35 10,85 35 iS. 1 ? 35 33.52 35 34." 35 41,55 35 4'>97 35 45,33 35 46,01 3 6 33,75 3 6 53>H 3 6 53.35 3 6 55. 6 5 36 56,49 37 1,15 37 25,57 37 30,86 37 37,19 37 43,77 37 5,53 38 7,65 38 17,05 s +2,925 4,227 2,268 3'i5 6 3,34 2,316 +4,432 0,125 + i,i43 2,266 2,045 2,279 2,370 2,074 0,790 3,383 3I71 3,062 3,852 3,592 3,3J9 3,108 2,063 2,321 3,589 3,286 3>"7 2,273 2,869 1,351 1,426 2,771 3,824 2,296 2,299 2,112 3,834 2,300 3,098 3-359 2,123 3> J 39 2,265 2,282 + 3,i 2 9 s +0,0027 0,1161 +0,0166 0,0095 0,0220 +0,0167 0,1470 0,1969 0,0319 +0,0170 +0,0146 +0,0171 +0,0170 +0,0153 0,0670 0,0257 0,0104 0,0039 -0,0715 0,0444 0,0210 0,0065 +0,0155 +0,0177 -0,0443 0,0184 0,0071 +0,0178 +0,0058 0,0163 0,0111 +0,0097 0,0702 + 0,0183 +0,0183 +0,0169 0,0716 + 0,0183 0,0059 0,0246 +0,0172 0,0086 +0,0185 +0,0187 0,0079 s 0,005 0,013 0,010 0,009 +0,006 0,022 +0,003 0,026 0,009 0,022 + 0,015 0,OI9 0,037 O,o8o 0,058 + O,OO I 8.8079 9.1901 9.0661 8.7971 8.8464 9.0491 9-2543 9.6042 9-3939 9.0726 9.1542 9.0683 9.0316 9.1460 9.4684 8.8663 8.8013 8.7925 9.0684 8-9593 8.8437 8-7945 9- I 5 6 S 9.0590 8.9596 8.8327 8.7958 9.0806 8.8291 9.3636 9.3460 8.8652 9.0667 9.0768 9.0758 9.1480 9.0724 9.0759 8.7958 8.8643 9.1474 8.7999 9.0936 9.0880 -8.7991 +8.4182 8.7984 8.6739 8.4044 8.4526 8.6543 8.8593 9.2076 8.9968 8.6733 8.7541 8.6677 8.6307 8-7439 9.0658 8.4630 8-3979 8.3891 8.6626 8.55 7 8-4347 8.3850 8-7463 8.6486 8.5484 8.4211 8.3824 8.6672 8.4150 8.9495 8.9315 8.4507 8.6477 8.6559 8.6549 8.7269 8.6513 8.6542 8.3718 8.4398 8.7223 8.3742 8.6672 8.6600 + 8.3702 + 0.4661 0.6260 0-3557 0.4991 0.5238 0.3648 +0.6466 9.0980 +0.0580 0-3552 0.3107 o.3578 0-3748 0.3167 9.8975 0.5293 0.5012 0.4861 0.5857 0-5553 0.5211 0.4924 o-3H5 0.3656 0.5550 0.5166 0.4938 0-3565 0-4577 0.1308 0.1542 0.4427 0.5825 0.3610 0.3615 0.3247 0.5836 0.3617 0.4910 0.5262 0.3269 0.4968 o.35Si 0.3584 +0.4954 + 8.2508 -9.1525 +8-9943 8.0202 -8.5224 + 8.9701 9.2269 + 9.5990 + 9.3800 + 9.0029 + 9.1088 + 8.9969 + 8.9441 + 9.0986 + 9-4586 -8.5963 8.1017 + 7.0142 -8.9967 -8.8233 8.5024 -7.6759 + 9.III3 + 8.9834 -8.8237 -8.4415 7.7800 + 9.0132 + 8.4168 +9-3473 +9.3282 +8.5885 -8.9937 +9.0076 +9.0062 + 9.1005 9.0016 +9.0063 -7.5528 8.5820 +9.0996 -7-9594 +9.0301 +9.0225 -7.8949 38 Ursae Majoris .... 39 Leonis Minoris. . . . Ursae Majoris Chamacleontis Chamaeleontis .... Chamaeleontis . . y Leonis Minoris .... O,OO5 + 0,006 O,O25 0,006 O,OO3 0,029 39 Ursae Majoris .... Ursae Majoris .... 40 Leonis Minoris . . Ursae Majoris .... O,O25 O,005 + 0,OO2 O.OI2 + 0,008 O,OIO +0,010 0,008 +0,005 Hydrae Clianudeontis .... Chamaeleontis .... 40 Ursae Majoris .... Canute Carinae 0,009 Carinae 41 Ursae Majoris .... Carinae + 0,002 36 Sextantis O,OO2 + 0,002 0,005 O,OO2 + 0,QI5 0,014 + 0,003 42 Leouis Minoris. . . . Argils fl Carinae 37 Sextantis 164 No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of 5? i Taylor. 1 Bris- bane. Various. at b' c f df 3646 3647 3648 3649 3650 3651 3652 3653 3654 3655 3656 3657 3658 3659 3660 3661 3662 3663 3664 3665 3666 3667 3668 3669 3670 3671 3672 3 6 73 3674 3675 3676 3677 3678 3679 3680 3681 3682 3683 3684 3685 3686 3687 3688 3689 3690 1 II 106 5 56,5 23 29 56,7 H7 57 13.8 80 22 42,2 6 1 41 40,0 146 28 35,0 20 8 29,9 171 8 43,4 165 31 59,3 148 24 12,3 "54 15 35.4 148 2 11,0 J 44 49 34.5 153 42 53.9 167 49 48,3 57 3i 8,1 78 28 43,6 90 57 16,5 32 o 52,8 43 o 28,8 62 53 15,8 85 38 6,1 154 19 6,4 147 9 8,4 43 o 18,8 66 i 39,9 84 28 0,3 H8 53 36,3 112 46 0,1 164 22 40,2 163 42 40,6 121 55 53-5 32 I 7 36,4 148 30 50,1 148 25 46,5 153 40 54,0 3i 5 38,7 148 25 49,1 86 43 26,3 58 31 42,0 *53 3 6 33.5 8 1 41 54,8 149 46 52,3 H9 J 9 55.2 82 50 14,9 18,58 18,59 18,59 18,60 18,60 18,60 18,61 18,62 18,63 18,63 18,64 18,64 18,65 18,65 18,65 18,65 18,65 18,67 18,68 18,68 18,69 18,69 18,69 18,70 18,70 18,71 18,71 18,71 18,71 18,72 18,72 18,74 i8,75 18.75 i*,75 18,76 18,77 18,77 18,77 18,78 18,78 18,79 + 18,79 +0,161 0,232 0,124 0,173 0,182 0,126 +0,242 0,007 +0,062 0,122 0,110 O,I23 0,128 O.III 0,042 0,181 0,170 0,164 0,205 0,191 0,176 0,165 0,109 0,123 0,189 0,173 0,164 0,119 0,151 0,071 0,075 o,H5 0,199 0,119 0,119 0,109 0,198 0,119 0,159 0,173 0,109 0,161 0,116 0,116 +0,159 0,04 +0,08 0,23 +0,05 0,00 -0,15 +0,05 0,26 +0,17 +0,04 0,46 0,14 +0,51 0,32 0,09 0,02 -9-7I73 +9.2350 -9-7393 -9.5625 -9.3109 -9.7414 +9.3038 -9-6383 9.6708 -9-7347 -9.7173 -9-7349 -9.7418 9.7180 -9-6544 -9.2274 -9.5463 -9.6435 +8.9026 -8.4786 -9.3438 9.6076 -9.7116 - 9-73" -8.4983 -9-3974 -9.5990 -9.7263 -9.7318 -9.6658 9.6689 -9.7469 +8.8401 -9.7236 -9.7238 -9.7077 +8.8585 9.6161 9.2700 -9.7059 -9-7I73 -9.7178 -9.5878 9.4096 +9.9293 -9.8952 + 9.1901 +9.6431 9.8883 +9.9400 -9.9624 9.9537 -9.8983 9.9227 -9.8967 9.8806 9.9209 -9.9586 +9.6985 +9.2690 8.1902 +9.8972 +9.8333 +9.6280 +8.8508 -9.9242 -9.8938 +9.8336 +9-5785 + 8.9540 9.9024 -9-5576 -9.9536 -9.9522 -9.6934 +9.8976 9.9016 9.9012 -9.9233 +9.9000 -9.9013 +8.7282 +9.6890 -9.9235 +9.1309 9.9081 -9.9063 + 9.0676 + 1.2688 1.2691 1.2692 1.2693 1.2694 1.2696 1.2696 1.2698 1.2699 1.2702 1.2703 1.2704 1.2704 1.2706 1.2706 1.2707 1.2707 1.2707 1.2711 1.2714 1.2715 1.2716 1.2716 1.2717 1.2718 1.2718 1.2721 1.2721 1.2722 1.2722 1.2722 1.2722 1.2728 1.2730 1.2730 1.2730 1.2731 1.2731 1.2734 1.2735 1-2735 1.2736 1.2737 1.2739 + 1.2740 +9.5770 9-5752 9-5747 9-5744 9-5734 9-5725 9.5724 9.5710 9.5706 9.5686 9.5680 9-5675 9.5672 9.5662 9.5658 9.5652 9.5652 9.5652 9.5630 9.5606 9.5603 9-5598 9-5593 9.5590 9.5584 9.5580 9.5565 9.5565 9-5559 9-5558 9-5555 9-5555 9-55I5 9-5499 9-5499 9-5497 9-5497 9-5493 9.5472 9.5468 9.5463 9-5457 9-5451 9-5437 + 9.5429 H79 1476 127 124 11.1265 V - I 73 ii. 1282 11.1283 v.i 705 ii.i266 1 M 457 B.H 1520 B.F 1519 B.H 1518 G 1679 B.F 1524 11 216 L 286 G-i68i J 246 W6i 9 J247.R2I7 M 459 M 460 4388 3121 1480 128 129 439 3123 126 4430 44" 4396 4405 4401 4398 4409 4428 3137 3130 3127 3132 3133 3 J 35 3138 3H 6 v.1709 V.I7I2 .1713 11.1268 .,. + 0,14 +0,07 0,03 +0,06 + 0,0 1 0,0 1 1482 1481 1483 1484 133 135 i 3 6 138 11.1267 111.1285 111.1286 11.1269 11.1270 4418 3156 1485 1487 137 139 141 v.i 722 111.1287 11.1271 11.1272 0,0 1 + 0,01 +0,06 + 0,01 +0,13 +0,23 0,02 + O,O2 0,OO 4422 3162 1489 444! 4439 44*5 3166 3170 3161 1486 H3 142 iii.i288 111.1289 ^1731 v.i 73 2 4435 3*74 3i75 3176 3177 0,26 + 0,07 1488 1491 1490 144 H7 H5 111.1290 v.1733 11.1275 11.1274 11.1276 111.1291 ^1739 .1741 11.1277 0,OO + O,O2 O,O I +0,09 0,03 + 0,20 + 0,05 4447 3184 148 4446 4448 3185 3187 '493 150 165 No. Constellation. Mag Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850 Annua Preces Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a b c d 3691 3692 5 1 1 ,c( in is w 6 neb 6 6 2 7 6 6 6 6 6 3 6 6 5* 6 6 6 7i 6 6 6 6 5* 4 6 6 6 6 7 6* 7 Si s 5* 6 H 4* 5 6* 6 6 Si 6 7 h m s IO 38 19,42 38 25,43 38 28,34 38 48,30 39 T 5,44 39 3,95 39 3'35 39 35,74 39 45,1 39 57,i8 40 15,29 40 19,80 40 32,32 40 40,33 40 55,40 41 1,65 41 2,69 41 22,12 41 26,86 41 38,40 41 41,05 41 50,39 41 54,40 4 1 55> 6 4* 13,55 42 H,33 42 23,94 42 46,71 42 58,87 43 '2,31 43 28,57 43 45.9 1 43 47,33 44 19,32 44 27,41 44 3 J >22 44 35,83 44 54,49 45 19,61 45 41,00 45 45>42 4 6 5,73 46 9,40 46 23,18 o 46 32,68 8 + 3,237 2,3Oi 3>*95 2,i53 2,306 3,12$ 2 ,934 2,854 1,806 2,65^ 0,727 2,554 2,290 3,335 2,401 2,166 2,169 3,161 3,005 3>3i7 3,045 1,940 3,769 3,848 2,948 2,168 2,181 3,008 2,781 3>!04 2,355 2,933 0,674 0,673 3,698 3,084 3,307 3,372 3,484 2,428 2,477 3,061 2,922 2,434 + 3,279 s 0,0154 +0,0189 0,0123 +0,0180 +0,0191 0,0079 +0,0033 +0,0072 +0,0095 +0,0144 0,0802 +0,0170 +0,0196 0,0234 +0,0193 +0,0190 +0,0190 O,OIOI 0,0002 O,O22O 0,OO25 +0,0146 O,o68 I 0,0779 +0,0030 + 0,0194 + 0,0197 0,0002 +0,0110 0,0063 +0,0205 +0,0041 0,0909 0,0917 0,06 1 6 0,0049 0,0218 0,0277 0,0386 +0,0209 +0,0203 0,0032 +0,0051 + 0,0212 0,0198 8 + O,OII 8.8219 9.080^ 8.8109 9.1417 9.0832 8-7999 8.8149 8.8403 +8.3927 8.6507 8.3809 8.7097 8.6487 8.3639 8-3787 8.4037 8.8266 8.4899 9.0758 8.5361 8.6538 8.4178 8.6052 8.7026 8.7013 8-3593 8-3549 8.4065 8.3498 8.7826 8.6162 8.6503 8.3621 8.7004 8-6953 8.3476 8.4198 8.3422 8.6217 8.3585 9.0844 9.0845 8.5796 8-3339 8.3900 8.4183 8.4722 8.5850 8.5611 8.3250 8-3497 8.5807 + 8.3697 +0.5102 0.3624 0.5045 0.3331 0.362$ 0-4953 0.4675 0-4554 0.2567 0.4237 9.8613 0.407 1 0.3598 0.5231 0.3804 0.3356 0.3363 0.4998 0.4778 0.5207 0.4836 0.2879 0.5762 0.5852 0.4695 0.3361 0.3386 0.4782 0-4443 0.4920 0.3719 0.4673 9.8288 9.8283 0.5679 0.4892 0.5194 0.5279 0.5420 0.3852 0.3940 0.4858 0.4657 0.3864 +0-5I57 -8.3492 +9.0122 -8.2234 +9.0922 +9.0158 7.8942 + 8.2684 +8.4704 + 9.2373 +8-7574 +9.5082 +8.8523 +9.0326 -8.5624 +8.9680 +9-0994 +9.0978 8.1000 + 7.9623 -8.5376 + 7-5497 +9.2009 -8.9919 9.0388 + 8.2388 + 9.1055 +9.1003 + 7-9522 + 8.6158 -7.6835 +9.0124 + 8.2992 + 9-539 1 +9.5425 8.9608 -7.3026 -8.5376 -8.6457 -8.7851 + 8-9795 +8-9449 -7.1676 -8.3460 +8-9794 8.4949 0,007 +0,042 O,OOI O,OO3 0,000 3694 3695 3696 3697 3698 3 6 99 3700 3701 3702 373 3704 3705 3706 3707 3708 3709 3710 37" 3712 3713 37H 3715 3716 3717 3718 3719 3720 3721 3722 3723 3724 3725 3726* 3727 3728 3729 373 373i 3732* 3733 3734 3735 O,I2I + 0,001 9.2641 8.9286 9.5162 8.9770 9.0959 8.8607 9.0496 9-H77 9.1464 8.8064 8.8025 8.8552 8.7987 9.2325 9.0665 9.1008 8.8143 9.1527 9.1486 8.8031 8.8766 8.8003 9.0815 8.8201 9.5462 9-5495 9.0454 8. 8001 8.8567 8.8869 8-9434 9.0585 9-035 1 8.8011 8.8262 9.0586 -8.8486 Chamseleontis . . . +0,006 +0,002 0,003 0,008 -0,034 43 Leonis Minoris . Carinse +0,002 +0,007 0,001 0,000 0,039 0,005 + 0,001 +0,006 0,003 0,025 + 0,002 0,005 + 0,015 0,018 0,000 0,023 0,042 0,004 44 Leonis Minoris . . 40 Sextantis 43 Ursae Majoris .... 42 Ursae Majoris .... Hydrae v Carinse Carinae 41 Sextantis Antliae Sextantis Carinae Hydrse J 2 Chamaeleontis . . 8 1 Chamaeleontis . . J 2 44 Ursse Majoris Leonis .5 Leonis Minoris . . .6 Leonis Minoris . . .5 Ursae Majoris . .(a Carinae +0,015 +0,007 +0,007 0,012 0,006 Leonis + 0,007 0,007 O,OO6 .8 Leonis Minoris . . 1 66 No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec.Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of g> i Taylor. I Bru- >ane. Various. of V 8 153 28 20,8 98 6 12,4 1*3 15 55>4 85 37 1,8 148 31 46,2 107 32 16,8 169 40 42,2 i 6 9 44 57,9 34 37 9,5 88 10 40,5 61 20 31,3 54 58 40,0 46 o 44,6 146 28 35,6 144 20 35,4 9 1 J 9 57,3 109 19 52,6 146 26 37,2 63 42 40,2 + 18,80 18,80 18,80 18,81 18,82 18,83 18,83 18,83 18,84 18,84 18,85 18,86 18,86 18,87 18,87 18,88 18,88 18,89 18,89 18,89 18,90 18,90 18,90 18,90 18,91 18,91 18,92 18,93 18,93 18,94 18,95 18,96 18,96 18,97 18,98 18,98 18,98 18,99 19,00 19,01 19,01 19,02 19,02 19,03 + 19,03 +0,165 0,117 0,162 0,109 o, 116 0,157 0,147 0,143 0,090 0,132 0,036 0,127 0,114 0,165 0,118 0,107 0,107 o,i55 0,147 0,162 0,149 0,095 0,184 0,1 88 0,143 0,105 0,106 o,H5 o,i34 0,149 0,113 0,140 0,032 0,032 o,i75 0,145 0,156 0,158 0,163 0,113 0,115 0,142 o,i35 O,II2 + 0,151 H + 0,08 9.4640 9.7186 -9-5I73 -9.7036 -9.7158 -9.5887 9.7108 -9.7318 9.6725 -9.7414 9.6207 -9-7343 9.7092 -9.3103 -9.7187 -9.6955 -9.6958 -9-5556 9.6794 -9.3406 -9- 6 553 -9.6727 +8.6767 +8.8663 -9.7049 9.6906 9.6911 9.6778 -9-7354 9.6102 -9.7042 -9.7094 9.6010 -9.5980 +8.2989 9.6268 -9-3537 9.2322 -8.9538 9.7036 -9.7089 9.6446 -9.7112 9.7016 -9.3972 +9.4992 -9.9037 +9.3845 -9.9227 -9.9051 +9.0669 9.4262 9.6029 9.9460 9.8018 -9.9651 -9.8485 9.9101 +9.6751 9.8920 -9.9254 -9.9251 +9.2675 -9.1338 +9.6564 -8.7251 -9.9427 +9.8997 +9.9123 -9.3989 9.9273 -9.9263 9.1240 9.7142 +8.8584 9.9062 9.4546 9.9684 9.9689 +9.8913 +8.4784 +9.6569 +9-735I +9.8182 -9.8978 -9.8866 -8-3435 -9.4969 -9.8980 +9.6236 + 1.2740 1.2741 1.2741 1.2744 1.2747 1.2749 1.2749 1.2749 1.2750 1.2752 1.2754 1.2754 1.2756 i- 2 757 1.2758 1-2759 1.2759 1.2761 1.2762 1.2763 1.2764 1.2765 1.2765 1.2765 1.2767 1.2767 1.2768 1.2771 1.2772 1.2774 1.2776 1.2777 1.2778 1.2781 1.2782 1.2782 1.2783 1.2785 1.2788 1.2790 1.2790 1.2792 1.2793 1.2794 + 1.2795 +9.5427 9.5422 9.5419 9.5402 9-5379 9.5366 9-53 6 5 9.5362 9-5353 9-5343 9.5327 9-5323 9-53 12 9-5305 9.5292 9.5287 9.5286 9.5269 9.5264 9.5254 9.5252 9.5244 9.5240 9-5*39 9.5223 9.5222 9.5214 9-5 J 93 9.5182 9.5170 9*SiSS 9-5!39 9.5138 9.5109 9.5101 9.5098 9-5093 9.5076 9-5053 9-5033 9.5029 9.5009 9.5006 9-4993 +9.4984 492 149 11.1278 H49 M 4 6i J248,R2i8 M 4 62 B.F 1537 J 249^219 R220 M46 3 B.F 1542 B.F 1547 R22I J 25I,R222 B.F 1549 R223 B.H 893 B.Fi S53 R224 + 0,10 + O.ZI 0,09 +0,03 O,OI 494 152 ii.1279 H55 H57 3195 3198 U.l28l ii.l28o 11.1282 v.i 747 495 496 154 155 H67 4459 4489 4461 44 6 4 4468 4473 200 203 2O I 212 2o6 208 211 3215 3 2l6 0,56 + 0, 12 0,42 + 0,06 + 0,15 + 0,08 + 0,41 0,09 ... i 5 8 11.1293 11.1283 ^1752 111.1296 V.J754 497 160 O,O I + 0,02 0,03 0,04 0,12 + O,O2 + 0,0 9 -0,17 0,72 0,1 6 +0,02 0,03 + 0,12 O,IO 0,04 + O,2 I O,OO + 0,04 162 i6 5 164 166 11.1284 111.1297 11.1285 11.1286 1500 1502 1501 1503 4486 3226 1499 1498 1504 163 161 167 111.1299 111.129$ 11.1287 4485 4487 4483 4493 3230 3232 3237 3239 1505 169 173 172 ii.1288 111.1300 111.1301 v.i76 7 111.1305 1507 176 459 4.SI2 7ZJ.7 11.1290 111.1306 3247 1506 177 + 0,10 +0,26 +0,03 0,06 +0,06 1509 1510 180 181 182 111.1307 11.1289 11.1291 v.i77i v.1773 450 4500 3253 3255 + 0,10 O,IO 0,02 151 183 11.1292 v.i 77 S iii.i3oS 450 326 1512 185 167 No. Constellation. Mag. Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a b c d 3736 3737 3738* 3739 3740 3741* 374* 3743 3744 3745 3746 3747 3748 3749 3750 375 1 * 3752* 3753 3754 3755 3756* 3757 3758 3759 3760 3761 3762* 3763 3764 3765 3766 3767 3768 3769 3770 3771 3772 3773 3774 3775 3776 3777 3778 3779 3780* 47 Leonis Minoris 7 7* 6* 6 5 6 *4 7 H 6 6 6* 7* 6 7 6 7 6 6 5* Si Si 6 8 6 7 6 6 7 6 4 2 5 5* 6 6 6 7 6 5-1 5 i 6 7 74 h m s 10 46 37,27 46 58,65 47 H.85 47 lg .39 47 24,97 47 25. 2 5 47 29,24 47 33. 6 9 47 39.92 47 42,13 47 4^.35 47 4 6 .70 47 57." 47 59.43 48 14,07 48 25,59 48 28,93 48 47,82 49 18,96 49 44,06 49 58,07 51 2,87 5i 36,35 5 1 42,93 51 49,46 51 50,96 52 4 I 3 52 9. J 7 52 14.25 52 25,29 52 28,25 52 45.41 52 48,81 52 58,37 53 !o,9i 53 12,74 53 17,12 53 23,57 53 34.44 54 10,84 54 19,05 54 25,93 55 9> l6 55 34.23 'o 55 53.3i a + 3.363 3."9 2,561 2,401 2,403 3.355 3.270 3,510 3.455 2,747 i,5i3 5,121 3,2i3 3,082 3,121 3.274 3.079 1,952 2,376 2.774 1,047 3,418 3,482 3.H5 3.445 3.158 2,093 2,818 4,662 3.397 2,948 3,670 3.101 3."7 2,712 2,391 2,732 3,076 2,841 3,060 3,216 3.797 2,888 3,071 + 3,125 s 0,0274 0,0073 +0,0193 +0,0218 +0,0219 0,0267 0,0191 0,0424 0,0367 +0,0136 0,0054 -0,3318 0,0145 0,0046 0,0074 0,0197 0,0044 +0,0173 +0,0229 +0,0131 -0,0493 -0,0343 0,0416 0,0093 0,0376 0,0103 +0,0224 +0,0119 -0,2413 0,0327 +0,0046 0,0653 0,0058 0,0071 +0,0169 +0,0246 +0,0 1 6 1 0,0040 +0,0 no 0,0027 -0,0155 0,0848 +0,0089 0,0035 0,0078 s 0,000 0,006 0,018 8.8870 8.8044 9.0000 9.0787 9.0783 8.8848 8.8465 8.9646 8.9365 8.9051 9.3914 9.5050 8.8263 8.8023 8.8055 8.8498 8.8025 9.2670 9.1003 8.8971 9-5*34 8.9277 8.9651 8.8120 8-9454 8.8149 9.2354 8.8807 9.4286 8.9206 8.8254 9.0710 8.8063 8.8082 8.9411 9.1131 8.9303 8.8054 8.8725 8.8059 8.8356 9.1424 8.8527 8.8065 8.8114 + 8.4076 8.3227 8.5166 8.5949 8.5938 8.4003 8.3616 8.4792 8.4504 8.4188 8.9051 9.0182 8-3384 8.3141 8.3158 8.3589 8.3112 8-7735 8.6036 8-3975 9.0123 8.4195 8-4531 8.2993 8.4320 8.3012 8.7203 8.3650 8.9123 8.4031 8.3075 8.5512 8.2861 8.2869 8.4183 8.5902 8.4068 8.2812 8.3471 8.2763 8.3050 8.6110 8.3162 8.2671 +8.2697 +0.5268 0.4941 0.4084 0.3803 0.3807 0.5257 0.5145 0-5453 0.5385 0.4389 0.1799 0.7093 0.5069 0.4888 0.4943 0.5150 0.4885 0.2906 0.3758 0.4431 0.0199 0-5337 0.5419 0.4976 0.5372 0-4993 0.3207 0-4499 0.6686 0.5311 0.4696 0.5647 0.4914 0.4938 0-4333 0.3786 0.4365 0.4880 0-4534 0.4857 0.5073 o-5795 0.4607 0.4873 +0.4949 8.6438 -7.8679 + 8.8887 + 9.0075 +9.0069 -8.6357 8.4813 -8.8257 -8.7687 + 8.6941 +9-3765 -9.4963 -8-3379 -7.2305 -7.8905 -8.4963 -7-I354 +9.2397 +9.0366 +8.6697 +9.5050 -8.7467 8.8244 8.0821 -8.7850 8.1504 +9.2033 + 8.6160 -9.4159 8.7288 + 8-3035 -8-9955 -7.6933 -7.8883 +8-7749 +9.0529 +8.7509 -6-9773 + 8.5849 +7.2724 -8.3896 -9.0905 +8-4949 -5.8017 -7-9754 0,007 0,007 +0,005 0,005 +0,005 Leonis Minoris .... Ursae Majoris Ursae Majoris .... Chamaeleontis .... 0,047 0,019 +0,009 + 0,011 +0,002 0,000 +0,007 0,017 + O,OII 0,005 0,029 0,028 49 Leonis Minoris 50 Leonis Minoris Antliae Chamaeleontis .... 47 Ursae Majoris .... Ursae Majoris .... Leonis +0,006 Ursae Majoris .... Leonis 0,006 0,00 1 +0,003 0,022 0,002 0,029 +0,015 +0,003 + 0,002 0,0 1 8 0,019 +0,010 +0,023 +0,007 +0,007 +0,003 0,013 +0,007 + 0,001 Antliae 49 Ursae Majoris .... 7 Crateris & 48 Ursae Majoris . . /3 58 Leonis d 59 Leonis c Centauri Carinae Centauri Leonis Hydrae 6 1 Leonis i 60 Leonis b 50 Ursae Majoris . . a Hydra Leonis 168 No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of ! i Taylor. Lacaille. Bris- >ane. Various. a' V c' &' 3736 3737 3738 3739 374 3741 374 2 3743 3744 3745 374 6 3747 3748 3749 3750 375 1 375 2 3753 3754 3755 375 6 3757 3758 3759 3760 3761 3762 3763 3764 3765 3766 3767 3768 3769 3770 3771 3772 3773 3774 3775 3776 3777 3778 3779 3780 1 II 55 I0 2 .4 83 21 15,2 140 42 6,5 148 5 47,4 148 3 26,9 55 4i 39.8 64 2 7 4.4 43 2 5 5 2 . 47 ii 18,3 127 57 22,3 165 5 9,9 ii 25 41,0 7 1 2 53.4 88 27 50,0 83 o 53,5 63 41 56,5 88 46 0,3 "59 55 2 .7 149 43 1 8, 3 126 19 57,2 168 45 29,8 48 46 10,0 43 40 15.3 79 J 5 59.8 46 16 41,5 77 2 9 35.o 158 14 7,5 122 55 53,1 13 45 9,2 49 59 o. 8 107 30 1,8 3 2 48 53- i 85 34 42,7 83 5 37.i 133 o 12,8 150 31 4,4 131 25 18,3 89 8 55,1 121 2 24,3 91 40 38,6 69 o 56,9 27 26 25,1 116 i 11,8 89 56 35.8 81 36 36,6 n + 19,04 19,05 19,05 19,06 19,06 19,06 19,06 19,06 19,06 19,07 19,07 19,07 19,07 19,07 19,08 19,09 19,09 19,10 19,11 19,12 10, 1 3 IO, I C 1017 lev 1 7 I Q I 7 19,18 19,18 19,18 19,19 I9 ,I 9 19,19 19,20 19,20 19,20 19,21 19,21 19,21 19,21 19,22 19,23 19,24 19,24 19,26 19,27 +19,28 +0,154 0,143 0,117 0,109 0,109 0,152 0,148 0,159 0,156 0,124 0,069 0,232 0,145 0,139 0,140 0,147 0,138 0,087 0,105 0,122 0,046 0,148 0,149 0,147 0,089 0,120 0,198 0,144 0,125 o.^S 0,131 0,131 0,114 0,100 0,114 0,129 0,118 0,126 0,156 0,118 0,124 +0,126 +0.13 0,02 0,05 -9.2465 -9.5963 -9.7131 -9.6938 9.6936 9.2625 9.4104 8.8609 9.0306 9.7267 9.6144 -9.4914 9.6289 -9.5946 -9.4030 9.6307 -9.6396 9.6821 -9.7230 -9-5794 -9.1176 -8-9395 -9.5702 -9.0453 -9-5565 -9.6357 -9.7183 +9.2548 9.1629 9.7000 + 7-8976 9.6132 -9.5978 -9.7105 9.6662 -9.7121 -9.6331 -9-7I53 -9.6455 9.4829 + 8.7033 -9.7097 9.6372 -9.5900 +9-7341 +9.0410 -9.8664 -9.9067 -9.9065 +9.7288 +9.6127 +9.8390 +9.8103 9.7669 -9.9631 +9-9694 +9.4898 + 8.4065 +9.0633 +9.6250 +8.3114 -9-95I5 -9-9'53 -9-75I9 -9.9710 +9-799 +9.8397 +9.2505 +9.8201 +9.3161 -9.9485 9.7160 +9.9681 +9.7891 -9.4590 +9.9055 +8.8681 +9.0612 -9.8151 9.9211 9.8019 + 8.1534 -9.6938 -8.4483 +9-5359 +9.9301 -9.6245 +6.9778 +9.1469 + 1.2796 1.2798 1.2800 1.2800 1.2801 1.2801 1.2801 1.2802 1.2802 1.2802 1.2802 1.2803 1.2804 1.2804 1.2806 1.2807 1.2807 1.2809 1.2812 1.2815 1.2816 1.2823 1.2826 1.2827 1.2827 1.2827 1.2829 1.2829 1.2830 1.2831 1.2831 1.2833 1.2833 1.2834 1.2835 1.2835 1.2836 1.2836 1.2837 1.2841 1.2841 1.2842 1.2846 1.2848 + 1.2850 +9-4979 9-4959 9-4944 9.4940 9-4934 9-4933 9.4930 9.4925 9.4919 9.4917 9.4917 9-49 * 3 9.4903 9.4900 9.4886 9.4875 9.4872 9.4853 9.4822 9-4797 94783 9.4718 9.4684 9.4677 9.4670 9.4669 9.4650 9.4645 94633 9.4630 9.4612 9.4609 9-4599 9.4584 9-4579 9.4572 9.4561 9.4522 94513 9.4506 9-4459 9.4432 +9.4411 1511 184 186 111. 1 7OO 111, 1 7 I O M 464 R225 J252, R226 B.H 1508 G 1711 R227 G 1706 B-FI555 W627 R228 G 1722 G 1723 R229 G 1720 J253 M 4 66 R23i R23O W630 4511 3271 3272 3274 + 0,03 + O,IO + 0,01 0,0 1 +0,02 11.1294 111.1312 11.1293 111.1313 iv. 738 45'5 1514 1515 187 190 188 191 3278 3280 + 0,01 +0,04 0,04 0,00 0,01 + 0,01 0,03 0,05 + 0,01 +0,20 -0,34 0,06 4528 1508 1516 1517 1519 1518 1520 192 193 196 197 198 111.1314 11.1295 11.1296 11.1297 11.1298 453 1 453 45 2 7 4544 3288 3291 3^93 3298 ^1795 11.1299 199 1522 202 111.1317 +0,06 204 iv. 741 +0,01 0,04 0,03 0,0 1 +0,02 0,14 0,03 +0,05 +0,04 0,02 0,02 +0,04 +0,05 0,0 1 +0,03 0,04 +0,09 +0,10 +0,30 205 111.1319 4548 4540 33H 3312 1521 1524 1525 1526 1527 208 iii.i32o 206 209 207 210 211 111.1321 ii. 1 300 11.1301 11.1302 11.1303 v.i8n V.l8l2 111.1322 111.1323 111.1324 11.1304 11.1306 11.1305 11.1307 11.1308 .... 33, 4549 4556 455o 4552 4565 3321 3324 33*3 3328 334 153 1529 1528 1531 215 212 216 218 219 217 222 225 B.A.C. (Y 169 No. Constellation. Mag. Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Logarithms of Motion. a b c d 3781 3782 3783 3784 3785 3786 3787* 3788 3789 379* 3791 3792 3793 3794 3795 3796 3797 3798 3799 3800 3801 3802 3803 3804 3805 3806 3807 3808 3809 3810 3811 3812 3813 3814 3815 3816* 3817* 3818 3819 3820 3821* 3822 3823* 3824 3825 Ursae Majoris .... 62 Leonis p^ 7 6 6 6 7 7 7 4* 6 ** 6 6 5 5 7 6 7 54 6 6 6* neb. 6 6 6 6 7 7 6 6 6 3i 6 6 5 7 6 54 6 6 6 5 6 7 6 h m s 10 55 55> 6 5 55 5 6 .3 56 7,86 56 10,07 56 15,00 5 6 39'35 57 H,62 57 l6 ,77 57 32,27 57 40.81 57 47.37 57 So. 1 * 58 6,98 S 8 4!>7i 58 53.38 58 57,98 59 o.7i 59 i5. 7 59 25,37 59 25,91 10 59 37,61 ii o 7,90 o 11,36 o 20,73 o 26,20 o 28,04 o 37,7 J o 45.36 o 45.76 o 47,87 i 3,68 i 12,70 * 13.54 i 24,26 i 29,16 1 34.29 1 35.48 2 I2,OO 2 14,28 2 20,51 2 32 2 40,85 2 45,OO 3 51.49 ii 3 58,76 s + 3.377 3,076 4,848 3.3 6 9 3,099 3,068 3,247 3,122 2,586 *,5!5 2,688 2,820 2,893 2,895 3,087 2,698 3,245 3,088 2,886 2,648 3,227 +2,521 0,098 +2,763 2,435 2,366 3,064 3,182 3, 2 33 2,694 3,328 3,4H 3,398 2,138 2,897 3,068 2,645 2,533 2,572 2,467 3,939 2,867 2,888 3, J 59 + 3.545 8 O,O32O 0,0038 + 0,0114 0,0312 0,0058 O,OO32 0,0190 0,0077 + O,O23I + 0,0251 + 0,0197 + 0,0135 + 0,0093 + 0,0094 0,0047 + 0,0198 O,OI92 0,0047 + O,OIOI +0,0219 -0,0175 +0,0262 0,2852 +0,0174 +O,O2gO + 0,0288 O,OO27 0,0133 0,0184 + O,0209 0,0287 0,0390 -0,0371 +0,0281 +O,OIOI 0,0029 +0,0232 +0,0271 +0,0260 +0,0287 0,1218 +0,0123 +0,0110 0,0114 0,0586 s 8.9204 8.8068 8.8745 8.9166 8.8082 8.8071 8.8538 8.8118 9.0321 9.0733 8.9729 8.8944 8.8560 8.8563 8.8088 8.9716 8.8560 8.8090 8.8623 9.0041 8.8484 -9.0831 9.7746 8.9368 9.1320 9.1677 8.8093 8.8311 8.8536 8.9823 8.9077 8.9624 8.9527 9.2770 8.8608 8.8097 9.0164 9.0877 9.0653 9.1263 9.2578 8.8797 8.8683 8.8262 9.0600 +8.3784 8.2647 8.3310 8.3729 8.2639 8.2599 8.3023 8.2601 8.4784 8.5186 8.4174 8.3385 8.2982 8.2942 8.2452 8.4074 8.2915 8.2427 8.2947 8.4365 8.2793 8.5101 9.2013 8.3622 8.5567 8.5922 8.2325 8.2534 8.2759 8.4043 8.3277 8.3811 8.3714 8.6943 8.2774 8.2257 8.4322 8.4988 8.4761 8-5363 8.6662 8.2870 8.2751 8.2242 + 8.4569 +0.5285 0.4880 0.4546 0.5275 0.4912 0.4868 0.5115 0.4945 0.4127 0.4005 0.4294 0.4502 0.4613 0.4616 0.4896 0.4311 0.5112 0.4896 0.4602 0.4230 0.5087 +0.4016 -8.9930 +0.4413 0.3865 0.3739 0.4863 0.5027 0.5097 0.4303 0.5222 0.5332 0.5313 0.3300 0.4619 0.4868 0.4225 0.4037 0.4102 0.3921 0-5954 0-4575 0.4605 0.4995 + 0.5496 -8.7255 -6.9550 + 8.5882 8.7160 -7.6975 + 6.7229 -8-4959 -7.9632 + 8.9366 +8.9976 +8.8361 +8.6529 +8.5053 + 8-5055 -7.4803 +8.8331 8.5032 -7-493 + 8-5327 +8.8909 8.4600 + 9.0108 + 9.7721 + 8.7609 + 9.0764 +9.1215 + 7.0893 -8.3215 8.4871 + 8.8522 -8.6884 8.8142 -8.7946 +9.2502 + 8.5218 + 6.7692 +8.9105 +9.0169 + 8.9851 +9.0687 9.2282 +8.5984 + 8.5536 -8.2452 -8.9771 0,001 0,009 0,003 0,005 +0,015 0,028 0,019 + 0,002 + O,OI9 0,016 +0,0 1 1 0,009 +0,005 +0,014 0,06 1 0,002 O,O25 O,OO2 + O,OO5 + 0,002 0,027 0,086 O,OIO +0,008 0,009 + 0,011 +0,0 to +0,003 +0,002 +0,009 0,003 0,005 -0,053 0,000 +0,004 +0,048 0,011 +0,006 0,008 51 Ursae Majoris 51 Leonis Minoris .... Hvdras . ..V 1 Hvdra? . . V 2 52 Leonis Minoris. . . . Hydras Carinae Centauri Carinae Leonis Leonis Centauri Ursae Majoris .... 52 Ursae Majoris . .\J/ Ursae Majoris .... Carinae Hydrae 66 Leonis * Centauri Carinae x Carinae Carinae z^ Hydrae 0,011 Leonis 0,003 Ursae Majoris .... 170 No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec.Var. Proper Logarithms of >, m K Taylor. 1 i H) Bris- >ane. Various. Motion. a' V 5 140 24 4,1 65 5i 59,7 H7 5 1 49>3 173 47 H, 1 131 49 48,6 151 36 46,8 J 54 * 53,5 9 1 5 3i,3 7i S 8 5>9 64 31 50,9 J 37 49 45> 52 52 38,6 44 41 20,0 45 58 46,8 160 4 12,9 117 16 5,4 90 31 19,3 141 35 35>9 148 9 46,4 146 15 13,4 151 8 5,7 20 54 121 33 16,3 118 58 54,3 74 47 "> 6 34 17 28,4 + 19,28 19,28 19,28 19,28 19,28 19,29 *9<3* 19,31 19,32 19,32 19,32 19,32 *933 *9,34 '9,35 19,35 i9>35 19,35 19,36 19,36 19,36 19,38 19,38 19,38 19,38 19,38 19,39 !9>39 !9>39 J 9>39 19,40 19,40 19,40 19,40 19,41 19,41 19,41 19,42 19,42 19,42 J 9>43 19,43 i9>43 19,46 + 19,46 // +0,136 0,124 0,114 0,135 0,124 0,122 0,128 0,123 0,102 0,099 O,IO5 O.IIO 0,113 O,II2 0,119 0,104 0,124 0,118 O,IIO 0,IOI 0,123 +0,095 0,004 +0,104 0,091 0,089 0,115 0,119 0,121 O,IOO 0,123 0,126 0,126 0,079 0,107 0,113 0,097 0,092 0,094 0,090 0,143 0,104 0,104 O,II2 + 0,125 9.1981 9- 6 335 9.7107 9.2143 9.6143 9.6397 9.4336 9.5925 9.6766 9.6637 9.6923 9.7069 9.7054 9-7043 9.6244 9.6896 9.4349 9.6241 9.7040 9.6793 9.4617 9.6527 9.4822 9.6946 9.6359 9.6242 9.6423 9.5232 9.4501 9.6818 9.2844 9.0962 9.1329 9.5863 9.7002 9.6397 9.6695 9.6443 9.6518 9.6309 + 8.8865 9.6984 -9.6985 -9-555 8.6484 +9.7879 + 8.1311 9.6967 +9.7823 +8.8723 -7.8990 +9.6256 +9- 1 349 -9.8882 9.9081 9.8470 9.7424 -9.6333 -9.6335 +8.6559 -9.8459 +9.6317 +8.6685 -9.6551 -9.8714 +9.5963 9.9128 -9.9825 9.8092 -9.9295 -9.9390 8.2653 +9.4758 +9.6188 -9- 8 553 +9.7662 +9.8374 +9.8275 -9.9588 9.6467 7.9452 -9.8799 -9.9152 -9.9059 -9.9285 +9.9566 -9.7050 9.6716 +9.4058 +9.9040 + 1.2850 1.2850 1.2851 1.2852 1.2852 1.2854 1.2857 1.2858 1.2859 1.2860 1.2860 1.2860 1.2862 1.2865 1.2866 1.2866 1.2867 1.2868 1.2869 1.2869 1.2870 1.2872 1.2873 1.2873 1.2874 1.2874 1.2875 1.2875 1.2876 1.2876 1.2877 1.2878 1.2878 1.2879 1.2879 1.2880 1.2880 1.2883 1.2883 1.2883 1.2884 1.2885 1.2885 1.2891 + 1.2891 +9.4408 9.4408 9-4395 9.4392 9.4387 9.4360 9.4320 9.4318 9.4300 9.4291 9.4283 9.4280 9.4261 9.4221 9.4208 9.4202 9.4199 9.4183 9.4171 9.4170 9.4156 9.4121 9.4117 9.4106 9.4099 9.4097 9.4085 9.4076 9.4076 9.4073 9.4054 9.4043 9.4042 9.4029 9.4024 9.4017 9.4016 9-3971 9.3969 9.3961 9-3947 9.3936 9.3931 9.3848 +9.3838 Gl 73 2 B.H 1505? M 4 6 7 A 241 M468 B.F 1576 R232 G 1742 B.Fi582 W6 33 A G 1746 +0,03 0,22 +0,06 +0,08 +0,14 +0,03 +0,08 0,24 -0,15 +0,30 +0,05 +0,03 +0,03 +0,13 O,II 0,04 +0,10 +0,03 +0,20 + 0,02 0,27 + 0,o6 + 0,04 0,16 +0,02 +0,05 + O,II + 0,01 0,19 +0,02 +0,09 0,04 + 0,11 +0,02 +0,05 0,67 0,0 1 0,00 0,07 533 227 ii.i328 v.i826 ii.i329 iii.1330 iii.i33i "'333 11.1310 v.i836 v.i838 .1839 .1840 ii.i3ii 11.1312 11.1336 v.i 844 iii.i337 11.1313 .1845 4-57 1 3350 53* 534 535 226 229 232 234 236 458i 4585 4584 4580 4583 4587 459i 4593 4598 4604 4643 4603 4611 4613 4610 3368 3370 3371 3372 3376 3382 3387 3389 339 3399 3409 3400 3402 344 3407 536 538 237 240 241 1537 1539 242 243 1540 245 111.1338 .1850 248 iii.1339 .1852 1541 250 251 249 iv. 751 iv. 752 ill. 1 340 .1854 111.1342 11.1315 111.1343 1542 252 253 254 4625 4615 J 544 J 543 256 *55 11.1316 11.1317 .1857 .1858 v.i859 v.i86o 4619 4627 4626 4629 3412 3416 34 ] 7 3419 + 0,12 2 4 ill. 1 346 .1862 11. 1 3 1 S 462; 343 C 342 + 0,15 (Y2) 171 No. Constellation. Mag. Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a b c d 3826 3827* 3828* 3829 3830* 3831* 3832 3833 3834 3835 3836* 3837 3838 3839 3840 3841 3842 3843 3844 3845 3846* 3847 3848 3849 3850 3851 3852 3853* 3854 3855 3856 3857 3858 3859 3860 3861 3862 3863 3864* 3865 3866 3867* 3868 3869* 3870 4 6 6 6 6 7 si 6 *i 6 6 6i 3 6 6 6 5 5* 7 6 6 6 S 6 si 4 4 H 7 7 5 6 6 3t 6 7 4 7 6 6 4 6 5* 6 6 h m s ii 4 17,27 4 27,35 4 39.44 5 16,20 5 43,88 5 47,9 : 6 5.73 6 6,20 6 7.35 6 10,74 6 11,04 6 14,05 6 2.1,99 6 32,84 6 55,66 7 2,29 7 I3,* 6 8 0,89 8 6,21 8 7,46 8 13,54 9 1,65 9 2,28 9 30,07 9 34.37 10 10,46 10 22,05 10 26,10 10 31,70 10 36,71 10 56,68 II 13,27 II 14,91 II 50,72 13 2,16 13 15.54 13 24,05 13 44,05 J 3 53.9 1 14 10,47 14 10,55 14 12,38 14 34,69 14 38,08 ii 15 18,48 8 + 2,941 2,601 2,915 2,749 2,719 3-J9 1 3,75 2,713 3,192 2,542 3,087 3,"9 3,161 2,455 2,672 2,565 3,206 3,H 6 3,142 3> J 44 3,43 * 2,280 3,056 2,778 3,085 3.*53 3,264 2,878 3,136 3,049 3,3oi 3,083 2,406 3,001 2,519 3,098 3,103 3,106 . 3,647 1,724 2,710 2,125 3.328 3>*57 +2,822 8 +0,0077 + O,O264 + O,OO97 + O,O2O3 +0,0221 0,0149 0,0033 + O,O226 0,0152 + 0,0294 0,OO45 0,0076 0,0119 + 0,0318 + 0,0251 + 0,0293 0,0170 O,OIO5 0,0101 O,OIO2 0,0462 + 0,0350 O,OOI4 + O,O2o8 0,0042 0,0234 0,0248 + 0,0144 0,0097 O,OOO6 0,0299 0,0040 + 0,0363 + 0,0043 + 0,0353 0,0055 O,OO62 0,0065 0,0894 + 0,0157 + 0,0279 + 0,0376 -0,0359 O,OI27 + 0,0211 s +0,006 8.8438 9.0594 8.8574 8.9654 8.9886 8.8414 8.8118 8.9942 8.8427 9.1064 8.8125 8.8171 8.8296 9.1603 9.0269 9.0979 8.8513 8.8260 8.8247 8.8252 9.0073 9.2695 8.8136 8.9643 8.8138 8.8869 8.8946 8.8947 8.8247 8.8149 8.9234 8.8144 9.2222 8.8273 9.1692 8.8170 8.8180 8.8187 9.1916 9.5285 9.0425 9-3835 8.9606 8.8378 -8.9574 +8.2383 8.4525 8.2489 8.3518 8.3711 8.2234 8.1914 8.3736 8.2220 8.4852 8.1913 8.1955 8.2069 8.5360 8-3995 8.4695 8.2213 8.1892 8.1872 8.1875 8.3687 8.6239 8.1679 8.3145 8.1634 8.2311 8.2371 8.2365 8.1656 8.1552 8.2606 8.1491 8.5566 8.1562 8.4870 8.1326 8.1322 8.1297 8.5010 8.8353 8.3493 8.6900 8.2635 8.1401 +8.2530 +0.4684 0.4152 0.4646 0.4392 0-4344 0.5039 0.4878 0-4335 0.5041 0.4053 0.4896 0.4941 0.4998 0.3900 0.4268 0.409 1 0.5060 0.4978 0.4973 0.4974 0-5355 0.3580 0.4852 0.4437 0.4893 0.5123 0.5137 0-45 9 * 0.4963 0.4842 0.5186 0.4889 0.3812 0.4773 0.4012 0.4910 0.4918 0.4922 0.5620 0.2365 0.4329 0.3273 0.5221 0.4993 +0.4506 + 8.4175 +8.9761 +8.4992 +8.8183 +8.8616 -8-3947 6.9258 +8.8714 8.4037 +9.0417 -7.5412 8.0057 8.2765 +9-i"5 +8.9259 +9.0300 -8-459I 8.2134 8.1907 -8.1986 -8.8934 +9.2412 +7.5075 +8.8143 -7.5081 -8.6156 -8.6412 + 8.6413 -8.1703 +7.6840 -8.7224 -7.4493 +9.1863 + 8.2100 +9.1220 7.8142 -7.8946 -7.9319 9.1494 +9.5203 +8.9487 +9.3671 8.8048 -8.3338 +8.7977. 0,007 0,003 0,010 0,025 + 0,011 0,003 +0,017 +0,004 68 Leonis o +0,008 0,000 -0,045 0,023 0,015 +0,00 1 +0,003 0,001 +0,001 +0,006 -0,053 0,003 0,023 +0,008 0,030 +0,004 +0,003 +0,013 +0,053 + 0,001 +0,004 +0,063 0,004 0,046 +0,010 0,004 0,019 0,003 0,013 0,048 -0,045 +0,003 Ursae Majoris 5 3 Ursae Majoris . . 54 Ursae Majoris . . v Leonis 55 Ursae Majoris .... 12 Crateris o Carinae Leonis Ursae Majoris .... Chamaeleontis .... Centauri if Chamseleontis 56 Ursae Majoris .... +0,013 172 No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec.Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of PQ 6 Taylor. Lacaille. Bris- bane. Various. a' V c' d' 3826 3827 3828 3829 3830 3831 3832 3833 3834 3835 3836 3837 3838 3839 3840 3841 3842 3843 3844 3845 3846 3847 3848 3849 3850 3851 3852 3853 3854 3855 3856 3857 3858 3859 3860 3861 3862 3863 3864 3865 3866 3867 3868 3869 3870 1 II 112 O 26,4 145 38 12,7 115 59 36,7 135 27 7,8 138 17 16,6 69 3 1,1 89 15 17,7 138 55 12,1 68 39 18,1 H9 3 7.4 86 55 49.4 81 7 8,9 73 45 .7 153 21 19,9 142 25 4,2 148 48 5,9 66 5 15,4 75 52 31,1 76 34 8,4 76 20 3,2 39 42 22,2 159 32 13,4 92 49 56,6 135 3 52,4 87 9 55.3 57 37 36,4 56 5 16,2 123 55 4,1 77 ii 44,0 94 H 3.5 5 59 31,2 87 3 1 39.5 157 o 16,1 I0 3 S 8 5.3 153 45 47.6 84 17 51,1 83 8 56,7 82 32 36,5 24 5 1 2,4 168 50 39,0 143 40 14 ,5 164 19 32,2 45 4i 43.5 71 44 22,4 133 49 J 5.3 a + J9.47 '9.47 r 9.47 19,50 19,50 19,50 19,50 19,50 19,50 '9.5' I9.5 1 I O. C I I o c i 19,52 19,52 19.53 J 9.54 19.54 '9.54 19.55 19,56 19,56 19.57 19,58 '9.59 "9.59 19.59 19,60 19,60 19,60 19,61 19,64 19,64 19,64 19,65 19,65 19,66 19,66 19,66 19,66 19,66 + 19,68 +0,103 0,091 0,102 0,095 0,093 0,109 0,105 0,092 0,108 0,086 0,105 0,106 0,107 0,083 0,089 0,086 0,107 0,103 0,103 0,103 0,112 0,073 0,098 0,089 0,098 O,IO2 O,IO2 0,090 0,098 0,095 O,IO2 0,095 0,074 0,091 0,075 0,092 0,091 0,091 0,106 0,050 0,079 0,062 0,096 0,091 +0,080 +0,10 -9.6924 9.6464 9.6945 9-6749 9.6663 9.5072 9-6344 9.6635 9-5043 9.6240 9.6241 9-5943 9.5462 9.6034 9.6499 9.6240 9.4832 9.5634 9.5682 9.5667 9.0208 9-5544 9.6477 9.6639 9.6259 9-3997 9.3806 9.6811 9.5748 9.6519 9.3086 9.6279 9.5609 9-6734 9-5732 9.6146 9.6094 9.6067 7.0414 9-4455 9.6202 9.4890 9.2383 9-5447 9.6506 9.5608 -9.9038 9.6290 9.8404 9.8607 +9.5411 +8.1019 9.8651 +9.5490 -9.9232 +8.7167 +9.1765 +9-4349 -9.9393 9.8872 -9.9205 +9.5962 +9.3762 +9-3548 +9.3622 +9.8749 9.9609 8.6830 -9.8393 + 8.6836 +9.7184 +9.7363 9.7364 +9-3354 -8.8589 +9.7889 +8.6250 -9.9541 -9-373 -9.9436 +8.9881 +9.0676 +9.1043 +9.9490 -9.9830 -9.8974 -9.9748 +9-8356 +9.4875 -9.8321 + 1.2893 1.2893 1.2894 1.2897 1.2899 1.2900 1.2901 1.2901 1.2901 1.2901 1.2901 1.2902 1.2902 1.2903 1.2905 1.2905 1.2906 1.2910 1.2910 1.2910 1.2910 1.2914 1.2914 1.2916 1.2916 1.2919 1.2920 1.2920 1.2920 1.2921 1.2922 1.2923 1.2923 1.2926 1.2930 1.2931 1.2932 1.2934 1-2935 1-2935 1.2935 1.2936 1.2937 + 1.2939 +9.3815 9.3802 9-3739 9.3703 9.3698 9-3674 9.3674 9.3672 9.3668 9.3667 9.3663 9-3653 9.3638 9.3608 9-3599 9.3520 9-35" 9.3502 9-3435 9.3396 9-339 9.3322 9.3316 9-33o8 9.3301 9-3272 9.3248 9-3 J 93 9.3085 9.3065 9.3052 9.3021 9.3006 9.2980 9.2980 9.2977 9.2942 9.2937 +9-2873 .5*5 11.1319 3436 3439 3435 3445 3452 J256 ^K V. B.F 1584 M470 B.F 1589 B.F 1587 M 471 R 233 W6 3 6 B.F 1592 M473, J257 R2 34 1258 M 474 B.F 1599 1259, R237 R238 B.F 1603 +0,02 0,16 +0,17 + 0,11 +0,05 +0,06 +0,14 + 0,02 v.i8 7 o v.i876 v.i8 79 111.1349 ii.1321 v.i 88 1 v.i884 4639 4644 4649 1547 9 ii 4650 3456 3457 1546 10 4652 3462 + O,I2 + 0,03 + O,IO +0,06 0,32 + 0,01 +0,04 0,00 +0,01 0,63 +0,05 0,22 +0,18 +0.57 0,04 -0,15 +0.15 +0,13 +0,08 +0,07 +0,06 -0,17 -0,13 + 0,06 +0,02 +0,02 +0,06 0,25 +0,32 +0,67 +0,07 1548 12 11.1323 4657 4656 4661 3461 3467 347 3473 v.i886 v.i888 11.1324 iii-1353 11.1326 ill. 1 3 54 1549 1550 18 20 21 22 4684 3497 .55- 23 11.1327 v. 1904 11.1328 11.1329 11.1330 v.i 909 iv. 757 11.1331 11.1332 4678 4688 4701 35 01 354 351 3516 1552 1553 J 554 24 28 29 '555 1556 33 36 1557 38 ii-333 4712 353 1558 42 44 43 1^.1362 ii-1334 11.1363 11.1364 4729 4717 4724 3548 3544 3547 11.1335 559 46 111.1365 0,16 v.i928 4723 355 173 No. Constellation. Mag. Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a b c d 3871 3872 3873 3874 3875 3876 3877 3878 3879 3880 3881 3882 3883 3884 3885 3886* 3887 3888 3889 3890 3891 3892 3893 3894* 3895 3896 3897 3898 3899 3900 3901 3902 3903 3904* 395 3906 3907 3908 3909 3910 39" 3912 39 T 3 39'4 39'5 7 6 7 6 $* neb. 4 6 & 6 5 61 4 7* 5 6 7 7 6 6 6 7 6 7 6 6 6 6 6 4 7 7 7 6 6 6 6 6 7 6 7 6 6 3i 5* h m s II 15 29,63 15 3L77 15 37,12 i5 55.99 15 58,13 16 1,82 1 6 6,21 16 20,10 16 20,65 16 53,72 17 2,28 17 12,04 17 23,56 17 27,35 17 27,73 17 46,97 17 5 6 .65 1 8 7,44 l8 12,02 1 8 14,05 1 8 18,05 18 32,25 18 34,99 19 9,68 19 15,09 19 22,32 19 36,33 19 48,89 19 52,04 20 13,50 20 13,95 20 13,98 2O 23,19 2O 27,65 * 58,73 21 5.31 21 22,6o 21 42,25 21 44,28 21 52,92 21 55,21 22 9,80 22 24,34 22 26,44 II 22 39,15 8 + 3, I0 4 2,662 3.075 2,988 2,890 2,671 3,122 2,696 3,o8l 2 ,555 3,027 3-i*5 2,996 3,99 3.446 3. H7 3,088 3,09! 2,348 2,899 2,889 3,111 2,830 3,087 2,604 2,308 3,023 2,768 2,662 3,086 3,067 3,1*3 3,070 3>5'3 3,262 4,668 2,870 2,724 3,071 3,i35 3,103 2,408 3,281 3>675 + 3.H6 s 0,0064 +0,0316 0,0030 +0,0065 +0,0159 +0,0316 0,0085 +0,0304 0,0035 +0,0378 +0,0026 0,0090 + 0,0061 0,0058 -0,0579 O,OI2O 0,0044 0,0047 + 0,0440 +0,0161 +0,0172 0,0074 +0,0225 0,0043 +0,0381 +0,0455 +0,0036 +0,0283 +0,0356 0,0041 0,00 1 8 0,0091 0,0022 -0,0753 0,0301 0,4268 +0,0207 +0,0334 0,0021 0,0111 0,0066 +0,0483 0,0344 -0,1159 0,0128 s 0,003 8.8193 9.0884 8.8158 8.8375 8.9043 9.0855 8.8245 9.0680 8.8163 9.1764 8.8229 8.8263 8.8354 8.8192 9.0765 8.8366 8.8177 8.8181 9.3138 8.9046 8.9139 8.8227 8.9677 8.8180 9.1621 9-3465 8.8260 9.0311 9.1221 8.8182 8.8174 8.8283 8.8174 9.1544 8.9344 9.6715 8.9456 9.0854 8.8178 8.8356 8.8226 9.3200 8.9611 9.2873 8.8431 +8.1131 8.3818 8.1083 8.1268 8.1933 8-3739 8.II2I 8-353* 8.1015 8-4559 8.1010 8.1026 8.1098 8.0929 8.3501 8.1068 8.0862 8.0847 8.5796 8.1701 8.1787 8.0850 8.2295 8-0735 8.4167 8.5998 8.0767 8.2795 8.3699 8.0621 8.0611 8.0720 8.0594 8-3955 8.1697 8.9056 8.1764 8.3125 8.0445 8.0606 8.0471 8.5417 8.1799 8.5057 + 8.0590 +0.4920 0.4252 0.4878 -4754 0.4608 0.4266 0-4944 0.4307 0.4886 0.4074 0.4809 0.4948 0.4765 0.4912 0-5373 0-4979 0.4897 0.4900 0.3708 0.4623 0.4607 0.4929 0.4518 0.4895 0.4156 0.3633 0.4804 0.4422 0.4253 0.4893 0.4867 0.4946 0.4872 0-5457 0-5135 0.6692 0.4578 0.4352 0.4872 0.4963 0.4918 0.3817 0.5161 0.5653 +0.4978 -7.9298 + 9.0156 -7-0376 + 8.3265 +8.6666 +9.0115 -8.1187 + 8.9863 -7.4065 +9.1305 +8.0642 -8.153* +8.2979 -7.8773 -8.9985 -8.3094 -7.6747 -7.7301 +9.2906 +8.6658 + 8.6926 8.0396 +8.8176 -7.6427 +9.1126 +9-3*67 + 8.1269 +8.9296 +9.0609 -7-6*59 +7.0013 -8.1737 + 5.9262 9.1026 -8.7439 9.6672 +8.7699 +9.0106 + 5-4479 8.2823 -7.9886 +9.2973 8.8028 9.2607 8.3609 +0,00 1 0,0 1 8 +0,015 0,152 +0,015 0,017 +0,004 0,012 + 0,001 + O,OO I 0,006 + O,OO7 0,007 O,OO5 + 0,006 O,OO4 0,083 O,OOO O,OO6 + O,OI2 0,008 0,051 0,076 O,O27 0,007 0,014 O,O27 + O,O05 + O,OO I 0,011 + 0,007 0,017 0,OOI Ursae Majoris .... 8 1 Leonis 80 Leonis Chamseleontis .... Hydras Centauri Leonis Centauri Chamaeleontis .... 1 6 Crateris x Centauri 84 Leonis f Leonis Leonis Ursae Majoris .... 57 Ursa3 Majoris .... Centauri + 0,003 Centauri Leonis + O,OO2 +0,003 + 0,004 0,078 + 0,011 0,004 0,00 1 85 Leonis Leonis Chamaeleontis .... 58 Ursae Majoris .... i Draconis X 86 Leonis 174 No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec.Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of i S K Taylor. _ 1 Bris- bane. Various. cf V 77 19.77 19.77 19,78 19,78 19,78 19,78 19,78 19.79 J 9.79 + 19,79 +0,087 0,075 0,086 0,083 0,08 1 0,074 0,087 0.075 0,085 0,070 0,082 0,085 0,08 1 0,083 0,093 0,084 0,082 0,082 0,062 0,077 0,076 0,082 0,074 0,080 0,067 0,059 0,077 0,070 0,068 0,078 0,077 0,079 0,077 0,088 0,08 1 0,115 0,070 0,066 0,074 0,076 0,075 0,058 0,078 0,087 +0,074 0,06 -9.6079 9.5963 9.6342 9.6737 9.6670 9-5956 9.5888 9.6018 9.6296 9-5533 9.6626 9-5851 9.6711 9.6128 8.9253 9-5563 9.6229 9.6209 9.4914 9.6618 9.6586 9.6003 9.6373 9.6245 9.5488 9.4723 9.6630 9.6056 9.5640 9.6253 9.6400 9-5855 9.6377 8.6758 -9.3469 +9.0274 -9.6387 9-573* 9.6376 9.5686 9.6076 9.4663 9.2984 +7.7924 -9-5517 +9.1022 -9.9190 +8.2137 9.4809 -9.7542 -9.9179 +9.2862 -9.9104 + 8.5823 -9.9464 -9.2336 +9.3192 -9-4549 +9.0505 +9.9145 +9.4654 + 8.8497 +8.9047 9.9695 -9-7539 -9.7715 +9.2097 9.8428 +8.8178 -9-9435 -9-9733 -9.2941 9.8918 9.9321 + 8.8011 -8.1773 +9-3388 -7.1023 +9.9418 +9.8032 +9.9894 9.8180 -9.9191 6.6240 +9.4407 +9.1599 -9.9714 +9.8359 +9.9676 +9.5120 + 1.2940 1.2940 1.2940 1.2941 1.2942 1.2942 1.2942 1.2943 1.2943 1.2945 1.2945 1.2946 1.2947 1.2947 1.2947 1.2948 1.2949 1.2949 1.2950 1.2950 1.2950 1.2951 1.2951 1-2953 "953 1.2954 1.2954 1.2955 1.2955 1.2957 1.2957 1.2957 1.2957 1.2957 1.2959 1.2959 1.2960 1.2961 1.2961 1.2962 1.2962 1.2963 1.2964 1.2964 + 1.2964 +9.2855 9.2852 9.2843 9.2813 9.2809 9.2803 9.2796 9.2773 9.2772 9.2718 9.2704 9.2687 9.2668 9.2662 9.2661 9.2628 9.2612 9.2594 9.2586 9.2582 9- 2 575 9.2551 9.2546 9.2486 9.2476 9.2464 9.2439 9.2417 9.2411 9.2372 9.2372 9.2372 9-2355 9-2347 9.2290 9.2278 9.2246 9.2209 9.2206 9.2189 9.2z85 9.2158 9.2130 9.2126 +9.2102 1561 48 5o 53 55 iii.i366 v.1929 ii.i 33 6 ii.i337 111.1368 v.i93i ii.i338 v.i 9 32 ii.i339 .... 355* W6 37 M 475 R2 39 M 47 6 R 240 J 260 W6 39 J26l Gi 77 6 W6 4 o R 241 B.Fi6i2 M 477 M 47 8 fW644, t Airy (C.) B.H 1521 61782 R242 R2 43 +0,05 + 0,02 + O,2 1 0,72 + O,o6 + 0,41 + 0,03 O,o6 O,O I + 0,03 0,04 + 0,04 0,04 O,OO + 0,07 + 0,11 +0,71 + 0,11 +0,13 +0,16 O,I2 0,16 +0,04 +0,39 0,02 0,19 +0,24 +0,03 +0,05 + O,II +0,19 -0,13 + 0,01 4728 4733 3554 3555 1560 54 4734 3557 1562 56 4737 3562 1563 1564 1565 1566 1567 58 60 62 61 59 64 65 67 11. 1 340 11.1341 ii. 1 342 iii.i370 11.1369 "1343 11.1344 "1345 4744 4739 4740 3575 3571 3573 68 11.1372 v.i 940 iii.i373 v.i 9 4i iii.i374 69 4743 3576 1568 70 4747 475* 4748 475i 3579 3581 358* 3584 1569 72 11.1346 v.i 945 v.i 946 ii-1347 11.1348 iii.i377 iii.1379 11.1378 ii.i38i 76 77 75 78 74 80 1570 1571 +0,13 1573 Si 82 83 85 v.i 9 55 v.i 9 57 01.1383 11.1349 111.1385 4754 47 6 5 3595 3597 3602 +0,06 +0,03 +0,07 +0,72 0,04 +0,08 0,01 1574 1572 1575 87 86 88 111.1386 11.1350 11.1351 175 No. Constellation. Mag. Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a | b c d 3916 3917 3918* 39'9 3920 3921 3922* 3923 3924 3925* 3926 3927 3928 3929 393 3931 393* 3933* 3934* 3935 3936 3937 3938 3939 394 394i 3942 3943 3944 3945* 3946 3947 3948 3949 3950* 395i 3952 3953* 3954 3955 3956 3957* 3958 3959* 3960 4* 7 6 6 7 H 5 6 6 7 Si 6 4 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 4 6 4 neb. 6 4i 7 6 6 6 6 6 6 6i 7 Si 6 6 H 6 h m s II 22 39,16 23 41,26 23 48,49 24 0,09 24 18,61 24 50,57 24 50,91 24 51,68 24 52,22 25 10,17 25 30,01 25 30,19 25 38,^5 26 18,93 26 41,34 26 47,11 26 53,77 27 11,38 27 12,49 27 39.74 28 0,36 28 23,57 28 40,53 28 45,48 28 52,27 28 53,66 28 57,69 29 4,66 29 7,79 29 9,43 29 16,19 29 34,78 29 35,27 29 44,66 3 5>7i 30 19,43 30 2O,II 30 29,27 30 43.38 3 44,48 31 3,27 3i 5,!5 31 8,51 32 13,01 " 3* 34.45 s + 3,062 3,085 3.465 3> 12 7 3,050 2,960 2,960 2,735 2,736 3,046 2.954 2,905 2,951 2,908 3,084 3.353 3,132 3,599 2,951 2,817 2,874 3. *7i 2,877 2,750 3,93 2,728 3,4 2 5 3,042 2,750 2,955 3, 7i 3,093 2,959 3,292 2,764 2,886 3,240 3.259 3,098 3,066 3.034 2,440 2,768 3,338 +2.735 s 0,0010 0,0040 0,0714 0,0104 +0,0009 +0,0129 +0,0129 +0,0359 +0,0359 + 0,0016 +0,0140 +0,0199 +0,0145 +0,0201 0,0039 0,0529 0,0116 0,1119 +0,0152 +0,0315 +0,0254 0,0190 +0,0258 +0,0395 0,0054 + 0,0418 -0,0733 +0,0028 +0,0401 +0,0159 0,0017 0,0054 +0,0155 0,0442 +0,0401 +0,0262 0,0340 0,0382 0,0064 0,0008 +0,0047 + 0,0638 +0,0413 0,0590 + 0,0472 s +0,004 +0,019 8.8184 8.8194 9.1456 8.8340 8.8207 8.8746 8.8746 9.1032 9.1021 8.8221 8.8826 8.9323 8.8861 8-9334 8.8203 9.0675 8.8402 9.2887 8.8912 9.0445 8.9822 8.8763 8.9845 9.1270 8.8231 9.1510 9.1632 8.8253 9.1308 8.8951 8.8200 8.8234 8.8924 9.0255 9.1272 8.9858 8.9667 8.9920 8.8257 8.8205 8.8307 9.4094 9.1348 9.1064 9.1878 +8.0344 8.0230 8-3477 8.0337 8.0166 8.0639 8.0638 8.2922 8.2910 8.0073 8-0635 8.1132 8.0652 8.1038 7.9858 8.2317 8.0030 8-4475 8.0498 8.1969 8.1299 8.0187 8.1229 8.2642 7.9588 8.2863 8.2976 7.9580 8.2628 8.0267 7.9500 7.9490 8.0178 8.1486 8.2453 8.1005 8.0812 8.1042 7-9344 7.9290 7-9344 8.5126 8.2372 8.1921 +8.2679 +0.4861 0.4893 0-5397 0.4952 0.4843 0.4713 -47 i 3 0.4369 0.4371 0.4837 0.4704 0.4631 0.4699 0.4636 0.4891 0.5254 0.4958 0.5562 0.4700 0.4498 0.4585 0.5012 0.4589 0-4393 0.4903 0.4358 0-5347 0.4832 0.4394 0.4706 0.4872 0.4903 0.4712 0.5174 0.4415 0.4603 0.5105 0.5131 0.4910 0.4865 0.4820 0-3873 0.4421 0-5234 + 0.4370 +7-3979 7.6508 9.0912 8.2526 +7.8132 +8.5525 +8-5525 +9.0349 +9-0333 +7.9080 + 8.5850 +8.7368 +8-5983 +8-7393 -7.6521 8.9841 -8.3214 9.2621 + 8.6159 +8-9493 +8.8431 -8.5565 +8.8473 +9.0665 -7.9054 +9-0977 -9.1132 +8.0183 +9.0715 + 8.6281 -4.6517 -7.9I55 +8.6185 8.9187 +9.0667 + 8.8493 8.8120 -8.8608 -8.0183 + 7.2681 +8.1617 +9-3945 +9.0767 -9.0385 +9.1436 Ursae Majoris .... 88 Leonis 0,0 1 8 0,017 0,000 +0,004 0,087 +0,069 0,008 +0,008 0,018 0,010 0,015 0,008 Ursae Majoris +0,001 +0,023 -0,055 0,020 O,OO2 0,001 Hydrae Ursae Majoris .... Centauri O,OO8 + O,OIO 0,004 Centauri X Ursae Majoris .... 2 1 Crateris 9 + 0,001 -0,054 +0,015 +0,003 +0,004 0,004 Hydrae Hydrae Ursae Majoris .... Centauri 0,050 0,0 1 1 0,0 1 1 +0,00 1 0,000 +0,008 +0,009 0,089 Centauri 59 Ursae Majoris .... 60 Ursae Majoris .... i Virginis CO Leonis 24 Crateris i Chamaeleontis . . # l Centauri Ursae Majoris .... Centauri +0,007 176 No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec.Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of 1 H i Taylor. Lacaille. Bris- bane. Various. of *' c f d' 3916 39 X 7 3918 39*9 3920 3921 3922 3923 3924 39*5 3926 3927 3928 3929 393 ''393 1 3932 3933 3934 3935 393 6 3937 3938 3939 3940 394i 3942 3943 3944 3945 3946 3947 3948 3949 395 395i 3952 3953 3954 3955 395 6 3957 3958 3959 3960 92 10 35,4 86 6 41,9 28 5 11,2 74 48 2,1 95 38 22,8 118 26 26,0 118 26 23,4 148 41 59,6 148 36 30,9 96 59 58,1 120 15 37,7 129 36 40,2 121 I 39,2 I2 9 45 37,3 86 6 25,5 34 23 10,2 72 22 27,7 19 5 33.4 122 2 13,0 143 26 2,8 136 32 34,0 61 23 23,7 136 48 35,2 150 27 26,7 83 3 29,0 152 ii 24,0 26 58 29,1 98 58 21,5 150 44 7,6 122 44 17,5 8 9 59 4 6 ,5 82 53 58,9 122 9 17,2 38 33 i, 150 27 11,7 136 55 0,0 45 32 3 6 . 1 42 20 4,3 8 i 2 9,9 91 36 22,3 IO2 22 35,2 165 4 6,6 150 59 48,0 31 ii 58,6 J 54 33 53>i /; + 19.79 19,80 I9,8l I9,8l I9,8l 19,82 19,82 19,82 19,82 19,82 19,83 19,83 19,83 19.84 19,84 19,85 I 9 ,85 19,85 19,85 19,86 19,86 19,87 19,87 19,87 I 9 ,8 7 19,87 19,87 19,87 19,87 19,87 19,88 19,88 19,88 19,88 19,88 19,89 19,89 19,89 19.89 19.89 19,90 19,90 19,90 19,91 + I9.9 1 4-0,073 0,071 0,080 0,071 0,069 0,066 0,066 0,06 1 0,06 1 0,067 0,065 0,064 0,064 0,062 0,065 0,071 0,066 0,075 0,06 1 0,058 0,058 0,064 0,057 0,055 0,06 1 0,054 0,068 0,060 0,054 0,058 0,060 0,060 0,057 0,063 0,052 0,054 0,06 1 0,06 1 0,058 0,057 0,056 0,045 0,051 0,059 +0,048 // +0,05 + 0,11 9.6434 9.6256 8.8169 9-5773 9.6504 9.6574 9.6574 9-55*5 9.5518 9.6523 9.6536 9- 6 334 9.6522 9.6307 9.6266 9.1000 9.5682 8.1173 9.6469 9.5700 9.6015 9.4986 9.5980 9.5214 9.6174 9.5081 8.8837 9.6529 9-5*75 9.6411 9- 6 375 9.6172 9.6413 9.2240 9.5148 9.5918 9.3412 9.2954 9.6115 9.6409 9.6541 9.3681 9-5054 9.0842 9.4686 -8-5737 + 8.8258 +9.9402 +9.4132 8.9871 -9.6727 -9.6727 9.9266 9.9262 9.0808 -9.6974 -9.7996 -9.7073 9.8012 + 8.8272 +9.9120 +9.4766 +9.9690 9.7202 -9.9005 9.8566 +9.6761 -9.8587 -9-9355 + 9.0783 -9.9427 +9.9460 9.1891 -9.9368 -9.7291 + 5.8278 +9.0882 9.7223 +9.8894 -9-9358 -9.8599 +9.8417 +9.8652 +9.1891 -8.4441 -9.3276 9.9816 -9-9384 +9.9290 9.9526 + 1.2964 1.296? 1.296$ 1.2968 1.2969 1.2971 1.2971 1.2971 1.2971 1.2972 I - 2 973 1.2973 1.2973 1.2975 1.2976 1.2976 1.2977 1.2978 1.2978 1.2979 1.2980 1.2981 1.2982 1.2982 1.2982 1.2982 1.2982 1.2983 1.2983 1.2983 1.2983 1.2984 1.2984 1.2984 1.2985 1.2986 1.2986 1.2986 1.2987 1.2987 1.2988 1.2988 1.2988 1.2990 + 1.2991 +9.2102 9.1981 9.1966 9.1943 9.1906 9.1841 9.1841 9.1839 9.1838 9.1801 9.1760 9.1760 9-1743 9.1657 9.1609 9.1596 9.1582 9-1543 9.1541 9.1481 9-H35 9.1382 9- '344 9-'332 9.1316 9.1313 9.1304 9.1288 9.1280 9.1277 9.1261 9.1217 9.1216 9.1194 9-"43 9.1110 9.1108 9.1086 9.1052 9.1049 9.1002 9.0998 9.0989 9.0825 [-9.0769 *57 8 9 92 ii.l 35 2 iii.i388 M479.J262 B.F 1620 M48o,A257 B.F 1624 R 245 R244 M 4 8i B.F 1626 B.F 1627 G 1800 G 1802 B.F 1630 B.H 900 1264, R246 G 1804 J 2 6 5 B.F 1633 M482 B.F 1635 G 1807 R2 47 M 4 83 W653 R248 B.F 1640 R249 +0,20 +0,14 +0,16 -0,15 + 1,66 -1,30 0,00 +0,05 0,03 +0,03 +0,08 +0.13 J 577 1578 93 94 95 96 111.1389 ii.i35 3 iv. 767 11.1354 4770 4775 4774 3628 3633 3631 v.i 9 73 ii^lSS iii.i39o iii.i39i 11.1356 iii.i394 11.1357 '579 1580 1582 98 99 101 103 105 106 4776 4778 4779 4785 3638 3640 3641 3649 O,OI + 0,12 0,82 0,30 -0,13 + 0,05 1583 1581 1584 109 107 no 11.1358 ill. 1 396 v.i983 v.i 9 85 ii - I 359 v.1988 v.i99o 111.1397 11.1360 4788 4794 4796 3652 3657 3660 III 4801 4804 3663 3665 3669 0,16 +0,04 0,00 113 0,0 1 1,84 + 0,01 0,0 1 0,07 +0,07 1585 114 ii. 1 3 6 1 4809 4800 3672 3670 587 586 "5 116 119 120 111.1398 11.1362 11. 140 1 ill. 1402 4808 3676 +0,14 -0,13 +0,08 +0,05 +0,05 +0,04 O,IO +0,08 v.i999 V.2C02 11.1404 11.1406 11.1363 11.1364 11.1365 4816 ^815 3681 3684 588 589 590 59 1 122 123 125 126 128 31 3691 5689 V.2007 0,18 1-843 5703 E.A.C. 177 No. Constellation. Mag. 6 7 ** 5* 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 5i 6 6 N 6 6 4 5 H 4 4* 6 4* Si 54 6 6 Si 4 6 H 6 6 i 6 6 6 6 6 6 3* 6 6 6 Eight Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Logarithms of Motion. a b c d 3961 3962 3963 39 6 4 39 6 5 3966* 3967 3968 3969* 397 3971 3972* 3973 3974 3975 3976 3977 3978 3979 3980* 3981 3982 3983 39 8 4 3985* 3986 3987 3988 3989 399 399 1 3992* 3993 3994 3995 3996* 3997* 3998 3999* 4000 4001 4.002 4003 4004 4005* h m s II 32 38,27 32 42,88 32 45,88 32 58,67 33 8,46 33 45>*3 33 49.47 34 3.34 34 I5.5 6 34 18,88 34 27,16 35 38,9* 35 39.48 35 59.87 3 6 J 5,47 36 23,26 3 6 37.98 37 10,04 37 33.03 37 50,82 38 6,77 38 9,00 38 20,18 38 34.44 38 5 2 ,07 39 16,66 39 17,06 39 21,98 40 12,71 40 14,66 4 34.93 4 55.J7 4 1 4.37 41 11,23 41 24,33 4 1 25,51 41 29,42 4 1 53.50 42 0,92 42 24,08 42 48,41 42 52,98 43 3.38 43 8,50 "43 15 +2,883 3,076 2,964 3. J 35 3,180 3,168 2,793 3,437 2,978 3,106 3,085 2,563 3,201 2,968 3,056 2,816 2,403 3,029 3,092 2,926 3. 2I 5 3,087 2,945 2,792 3,256 2,859 2,867 2,971 3.089 3."5 2,806 3,101 2,823 3,017 3,101 3,082 3,104 3.147 2,965 2,870 2,804 3,075 3,022 2,887 + 3.093 a + 0,0290 0,0024 +0,0170 0,0141 0,0238 0,0217 + 0,0428 0,0904 + 0,0158 0,0085 0,0044 +0,0698 0,0309 +0,0190 + 0,0016 + 0,0446 +0,0810 + 0,0078 0,006 1 +0,0289 0,0381 0,0052" + 0,0260 + 0,0532 -0,0515 + 0,0438 + 0,0424 +0,0219 0,0059 0,0129 + 0,0565 0,0093 +0,0549 + 0,0129 0,0094 0,0043 0,0103 0,0236 +0,0270 + 0,0497 + 0,0645 0,0024 + 0,0134 + 0,0479 0,0080 s 0,013 +0,008 0,008 0,002 +0,004 0,024 0,015 0,006 +0,0 1 1 +0,009 0,025 -0,035 + 0,001 0,002 +0,003 0,017 + 0,022 + 0,004 + O,OO5 0,011 0,006 +0,006 +0,015 0,000 9.0097 8.8210 8.9018 8.8543 8.9078 8.8954 9- I 39 I 9.2397 8.8912 8.8327 8.8233 9.3918 8.9542 8.9155 8.8238 9.1451 9.5210 8.8424 8.8273 8.9984 9.0016 8.8255 8.9714 9.2110 9.0797 ' 9- I2 77 9.1152 8-9359 8.8278 8.8523 9.2280 8.8377 9.2128 8.8685 8.8384 8.8249 8.8421 8-9 J 33 8.9749 9.1650 9.2762 8.8232 8.8707 9.1485 -8.8342 + 8.0887 7.8988 7.9788 7.9279 7.9787 7.9562 8.1987 8.2954 7-9434 7.8840 7.8722 8.4197 7.9820 7.9372 7.8407 8.1596 8-5309 7.8422 7.8197 7.9850 7.9829 7.8061 7.9483 8.1830 8-04.57 8.0852 8.0725 7.8915 7.7651 7.7889 8.1571 7-759 1 8.1307 7-7837 7-7485 7.734 6 7-7503 7.8119 7.8705 8.0512 8.1522 7.6972 7.7403 8.0159 +7.6988 +0-4599 0.4879 0.4719 0.4962 0.5025 0.5008 0.4460 0.5361 0.4740 0.4921 0.4893 0.4087 0-5053 0.4724 0.4852 0.4496 0.3808 0.4812 0.4902 0.4663 0.5072 0.4896 0.4691 0-4459 0.5127 0.4562 0-4574 0.4729 0.4898 0-4935 0.4481 0.4914 0.4507 0.4796 0.4914 0.4888 0.4919 0.4978 0.4720 0.4578 0.4478 0.4879 0.4802 0.4605 + 0.4904 + 8.8917 -7.3141 +8.6484 -8.4314 -8.6669 -8.6265 +9.0820 -9.2055 +8.6113 -8.1888 7.8109 + 9-3755 -8.7844 +8.6885 +7-8317 +9.0897 + 9.5122 +8.3209 8.0260 +8.8711 -8.8768 -7-9337 + 8.8198 + 9.1713 9.0007 + 9.0667 + 9.0501 + 8.7411 -8.0258 -8.4077 + 9.1916 8.2540 +9-'735 +8.5090 -8.2628 -7.8461 8.3100 -8.6801 + 8.8261 + 9.1147 +9-2475 7.4816 +8.5194 +9.0937 8.1901 Hydrse 6 1 Ursae Majoris 62 Ursae Majoris Chamaeleontis TT~ Ursffi Majoris Chamaeleontis .... 27 Crateris C 63 Ursae Majoris . . J Muscse Ursae Majoris .... Centauri 0,028 -0,144 +0,003 0,008 +0,045 0,009 +0,013 +0,009 -0,035 4 Virginis A^ MuSCJC Muscse Hydras Virginis Ursae Majoris .... Centauri 0,005 Centauri 0,038 0,016 + 0,053 0,004 0,001 Muscae c Viririnis . . D Hydras Centauri Leonis 178 No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1350. Annual Preces. Sec.Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of 5? J Taylor. 1 j 4841 4839 Bris- bane. 3702 3705 Various. cf V 8 151 15 29,0 22 25 30,9 121 39 54,6 76 52 39.5 84 25 21,0 164 23 52,1 47 26 41,4 126 21 23,1 95 50 38,6 151 39 18,9 168 28 25,1 107 30 58,5 80 54 30,1 138 14 12,7 41 23 19,7 82 37 475 134 5 1 *7.8 i55 53 5*,i 33 32 14,2 150 20 38,6 149 23 19,3 129 41 5,1 80 55 17,6 68 56 49,3 156 51 42,4 74 53 2 .7 155 58 54.2 115 55 0,8 74 35 21 .8 83 58 21,1 72 55 !5-9 54 J 4 5.3 135 14 8,2 152 57 41,2 159 23 29,1 87 23 23,0 116 26 34,8 151 48 54,4 76 53 // + I9.9 1 19,91 19,91 19,92 19,92 19,92 19,92 '9-93 19.93 19.93 19.93 19.94 19.94 '9.95 J 9.95 J 9.95 19.95 19,96 19,96 19,96 19,96 19,96 J 9.97 '9.97 19.97 19.97 J 9.97 '9.97 19,98 19.98 19,98 X 9.99 19.99 *9.99 i999 *9.99 '9.99 J 9.99 T 9.99 20,00 20,00 2O.OO 2O,OO 20,00 + 20,00 // +0,050 0,053 0,051 0,054 0,054 0,053 0,046 0,057 0,049 0,051 0,050 0,040 0,050 0,045 0,046 0,042 0,036 0,044 0,044 0,041 0,045 0,043 0,041 0,038 0,044 0,038 0,038 0,039 0,039 0,039 0,035 0,038 0,034 0,036 0,037 0,036 0,037 0,036 0,034 0,032 0,031 0,034 0,033 0,031 +0,033 +0,09 +0,07 0,02 0,01 + 0,46 0,03 0,00 0,05 0,0 1 +0,10 0,0 1 +0,25 0,00 0,0 1 +>i5 0,42 0,06 +0,01 +0,04 0,07 0,02 + 0,20 + O.IO + O,o6 -9.5702 9.6336 9.6297 9-5532 9-4595 9.4832 9.4894 ' 8.7860 9.6317 9.5990 9.6244 9.3401 9-3945 9.6144 9.6456 9.4720 9.2705 9.6471 9.6160 9-5575 9-3333 9.6214 9-573 1 9.4190 9.2125 9.4672 9.4752 9.5926 9.6179 9.5730 9-395 9.5991 9.4012 9.6295 9.5987 9.6264 9-59*3 9.4857 9-5579 9.4242 9.3481 9.6336 9.6248 9.4310 -9.6085 -9.8790 + 8.4900 -9-7435 +9-574 1 +9.7561 +9.7283 -9.9401 +9.9631 -9.7174 +9-3534 +8.9849 9.9812 +9.8277 9.7705 -9.0055 9.9422 -9.9889 9.4764 +9.1966 -9.8707 +9.8732 +9.1062 9.8465 -9.9585 +9.9191 -9.9373 -9.9330 -9.8034 +9.1964 + 9-5538 9.9620 +9.4148 -9.9592 -9.6391 +9.4230 +9.0198 +9.4665 +9-7654 -9.8499 -9.9485 -9.9701 +8.6572 -9- 6 475 -9.9440 +9-3547 + 1.2991 1.2991 1.2992 1.2992 1.2992 1.2994 1.2994 1.2994 1.2995 1.2995 1.2995 1.2998 1.2998 1.2998 1.2999 1.2999 1.3000 1.3001 1.3001 1.3002 1.3002 1.3002 1.3003 1.3003 1.3004 1.3004 1.3004 1.3005 1.3006 1.3006 1.3007 1.3007 1.3007 1.3008 1.3008 1.3008 1.3008 1.3009 1.3009 1.3009 1.3010 1.3010 1.3010 1.3010 + 1.3011 +9.0759 9.0747 9.0739 9.0705 9.0679 9.0579 9.0568 9.0529 9.0495 9.0486 9.0463 9.0255 9.0254 9.0193 9.0146 9.0122 9.0077 8.9977 8.9903 8.9846 8-9793 8.9786 8.9749 8.9701 8.9642 8-9557 8-9555 8.9538 8-9357 8.9350 8.9275 8.9199 8.9164 8.9138 8.9087 8.9083 8.9068 8.8972 8.8943 8.8849 8.8748 8.8728 8.8684 8.8662 + 8.8634 V.20IC iii.i4io iii.i4ii 11.1366 111.1412 111.1414 V.20I8 iii.i 4 i5 111.1416 iii.i4i7 11.1418 B.F 1643 A 260 R25i B.F 1646 ^1484 R252 G 1821 W6 54 R2 53 J266 M 4 85 M 4 86 R2 S 4 B.F 1652 R2 5S M487 B.F 1655 R256 W6 SS M 4 88 B.F 1656 B.F 1658 B.H 1515 M489 A J 594 1592 J 593 1596 132 133 134 '35 138 4856 4857 4866 3715 3721 3733 J 595 '597 139 141 140 144 146 11.1420 V.2O24 11.1367 V.2027 4863 3734 148 4868 4874 3739 374 1 1598 J 599 150 '5 1 11.1368 11.1369 V.2032 11.1370 11.1371 lii.I423 4876 3748 1600 1 60 1 152 *53 154 4878 4883 375 375 6 O,I3 .203? .2039 .2041 11.1372 ii.i373 4885 4887 3763 3764 3766 -.35 + 0,02 0,00 +0,19 +0,1 6 + 0,20 + O,I2 + 0,10 1602 1603 158 159 4896 3775 1604 1 60 11.1426 4899 4898 3778 3779 3780 1605 151 163 ii.i374 ii-i375 + 0,03 164 . . / . 11.1428 v.2049 493 4907 4905 4908 3785 3787 3792 3791 3793 3794 + 0,92 O,II +0,28 0,19 +0,02 606 166 11.1376 v.2053 v.2054 (Z2) 179 No. Constellation. Mag. Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a b c | d 4006 4007 4008 4009* 4010* 4011 4012* 4013 4014 4015 4016 4017 4018* 4019 4020 4021 4022 4023 4024 4025 4026 4027 4028* 4029 4030 403 1 4032 433 4034 43S 4036 4037 4038 4039 4040* 4041* 4042 4043 4044 4045 4046* 4047 4048 4049 4050 6 5* 6 6 6} 6 8 5* 7 4 5* 2 7 7 7 7 6 6 6 7 7 6 7 8 7 H 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 6 6 6 H 6 6* 6 6 5 si 6 h m s II 43 22,37 43 40,16 43 43,68 44 7.35 44 18,96 44 3 2 .7i 44 4 6 .54 44 4 6 .93 45 2 .76 45 20,77 45 53.i8 45 54.97 46 1,99 46 10,27 46 12,76 46 23,30 46 43,72 4 6 55.54 47 5. 01 47 10,05 47 16,68 47 21,26 47 22,31 47 43.5 6 47 46,69 47 57.H 48 3,16 48 6,41 48 18,88 48 22,63 49 I >44 49 26,65 49 31,30 50 32,64 50 41,04 5 1 '5.44 51 16,41 51 22,83 5i 35.5i 51 49,61 Si 54.17 51 58,05 S 2 H.93 52 16,05 ii 52 20,94 s +3,063 2,978 2,982 - 3> OI 7 3.H4 2,883 3.97 2,938 3,096 3, QI 5 3. 01 5 3,186 3.H3 3.73 3,067 3>79 2,953 3,013 3,036 3,070 3- I 5 I 3.083 3. '5 3,73 3,065 3,091 3.034 3. J 79 3,016 3, 5i 3.*93 3-03 1 2,994 3-075 2,992 2,968 3. 47 3,072 3,010 2,999 3,038 3,022 2,869 3.074 + 3,376 s + 0,0014 +0,0264 +0,0254 +0,0157 0,0260 +0,0536 0,0099 +0,0397 0,0097 +0,0179 +0,0187 0,0458 0,0286 0,0015 +0,0007 0,0038 +0,0409 +0,0208 +0,0128 0,0004 0,0348 0,0056 0,0348 0,0017 + 0,0015 0,0096 +0,0145 0,0506 +0,0225 + 0,0080 0,0622 +0,0180 +0,0348 0,0028 +0,0407 +0,0554 +0,0133 O,OOI2 + 0,0347 + 0,0422 + 0,0196 + 0,0293 + 0,1154 0,0027 -0,2454 a + 0,011 +0,00 1 +0,003 +0,006 +0.344 0,024 + 0,010 0,002 +0,019 0,00 1 0,027 +0,016 8.8241 8.9684 8.9594 8.8853 8.9311 9.1869 8.8416 9.0771 8.8407 8.8998 8.9057 9.0594 8.9503 8.8233 8.8237 8.8253 9.0822 8.9204 8.8655 8.8233 8.9920 8.8290 8.9920 8.8235 8.8245 8.8415 8.8759 9.0923 8.9320 8.8412 9-J574 8.8974 9.0270 8.8248 9.0702 9.1741 8.8666 8.8237 9.0235 9.0798 8.9075 8.9803 9.4845 8.8250 9.6637 + 7.6855 7.8219 7.8114 7.7266 7.7671 8.0164 7.6646 7.8999 2- 6 559 7.7061 7-6957 7.8484 7.7358 7.6044 7.6035 7-5995 7.8454 7.6771 7.6170 7.5718 7.7368 7.5712 7-7335 7.5528 7-55 I 9 7.5627 7-5934 7.8078 7.6398 7-5467 7.8379 7.5610 7.6874 7.4405 7.6795 7.7558 7-4475 7-3993 7.5882 7.6322 7-4558 7.5251 8.0138 7-3533 + 8.1874 +0.4862 0-4739 0-4745 0.4796 -4975 0.4598 0.4910 0.4681 0.4908 0.4793 0.4792 0.5032 0.4974 0.4875 0.4866 0.4883 0.4703 0.4790 0.4823 0.4871 0.4985 0.4889 0.4984 0.4876 0.4865 0.4902 0.4820 0.5023 0-4794 0.4844 0.5042 0.4817 0.4763 0.4878 0.4759 0.4725 0.4838 0.4874 0.4786 0.4770 0.4826 0.4804 0.4577 0.4877 + 0.5284 + 7-7187 + 8.8128 +8.7940 + 8.5841 -8.7281 + 9.1419 -8.2997 + 8.9965 -8.2883 + 8.6368 + 8.6558 -8.9703 -8-7737 -7.2071 + 7-5337 -7.8233 +9.0037 + 8.6990 + 8.4896 + 6.8475 -8.8583 8.0364 -8.8582 -7-35 16 + 7.6994 -8.2944 + 8.5424 9.0180 + 8.7294 + 8.2898 9.1048 + 8.6274 + 8.9191 -7.7014 + 8.9862 + 9.1259 + 8.4938 7.2008 + 8.9131 + 9.0001 + 8.6604 + 8.8357 + 9-4739 -7.7187 -9.6592 Ursae Majoris .... Hydra 64 Ursse Majoris . . y Ursae Majgris .... + 0,012 +0,0 1 8 +0,017 0,000 0,016 +0,007 +0,013 +0,006 0,002 +0,002 0,009 +0,007 0,000 +0,006 +0,003 0,010 0,001 65 Ursae Majoris .... Ursae Majoris .... Virginis 66 Ursae Majoris . . 70 Crateris T Ursae Majoris .... Ilydvse 0,052 +0,072 +0,004 -0,035 Centauri Hydras 0,000 0,017 0,007 0,00 1 Virginis Centauri Centauri Hydrae Centauri +0,010 -0,039 +0,004 Chamaeleontis . . g 7 Virginis b Ursae Minoris 180 ; No. North Polar Distance, : Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of & jj Taylor. H a Bris- bane. ef b f c' d' 4006 4007 4008 4009 4010 4011 4012 4013 4014 4015 4016 4017 4018 4019 4020 4021 4022 4023 4024 4025 4026 4027 4028 4029 4030 4032 4033 434 4035 4036 4037 4038 439 4040 4041 4042 443 4044 4045 4046 4047 4048 4049 4" r 1 II 94 29 59,0 134 20 18,9 133 5 58,5 119 59 21,4 51 12 17,0 154 22 11,0 73 18 50,6 146 9 16,6 73 43 32,4 123 4 24,9 124 13 49,7 35 28 16,9 48 H 57.5 88 36 47,7 92 5 6 23,3 84 17 15,1 146 34 31,9 126 55 0,9 114 53 3,6 90 36 21,1 42 41 17,9 80 43 20,9 42 41 42,4 88 4 0,3 94* ^7 5^)^ 73 3i 2,4 117 38 23,2 32 33-59.4 128 51 11,0 106 1 8 54,3 27 36 50,2 122 29 14,6 141 15 39,2 85 41 1,2 145 28 58,9 153 30 16,1 115 4 31,0 88 38 5,2 140 51 41,9 146 19 55,1 124 28 29,1 135 47 Si. 6 167 23 13,0 85 3 34.5 8 18 35,4 + 20,00 20,00 20,00 20,01 20,01 20,01 20,01 20,01 20,0V 2O,O I 2O,O2 2O,O2 20,02 2O.O2 2O,O2 2O,O2 20,02 20,02 2O,O2 20,02 2O.O2 20,03 2O,O3 2O,O3 20,03 2O,O3 20,03 20,03 20,03 20,03 2O,O3 20,03 2O,O3 20,04 20,04 20,04 20,04 2O,O4 20,04 20,04 20,04 20,04 2O,O4 20,04 + 20,04 +0,032 0,031 0,031 0,031 0,031 0,028 0,030 0,028 0,029 0,028 0,027 0,029 0,028 0,027 0,027 0,027 0,025 0,025 0,025 0,025 0,026 0,025 0,025 0,024 0,024 0,024 0,023 0,024 0,022 O,O23 0,022 0,020 O,O2O 0,019 0,0 1 8 0,017 0,017 0,017 0,0 1 6 0,016 0,0 1 6 0,015 0,014 0,015 + 0,016 + 0,10 + 0,10 +.34 +0,44 + 5.7 0,21 +0,07 0,00 + 0,02 + 0,03 + 0,02 + 0,02 9.6418 9-55 6 5 9.5628 9.6133 9.4704 9-3953 9.5984 9.4725 9.6002 9.6005 9.5948 9-3049 9.4521 9.6358 9.6400 9.6293 9.4583 9.5812 9.6206 9.6380 9.4038 9.6226 9.4045 9.6354 9.6402 9.6034 9.6113 9.2785 9.5681 9.6342 9.2006 9.5920 9.4876 9.6331 9.4462 9-3574 9.6119 9.6364 9.4804 9.4319 9-5773 9-5I55 9.1065 9- 6 335 -8.4728 -8.8935 -9.8433 -9.6978 +9-7959 -9.9540 +9-4571 -9.9184 +9.4466 -9.7361 -9-7493 +9.9100 +9.8226 + 8.3830 8.7092 + 8.9972 9.9208 -9-7779 -9.6234 8.0235 + 9-8657 + 9.2068 +9.8656 + 8.5275 8.8742 +9.4523 -9.6658 +9.9251 -9.7969 9.4480 +9.9470 -9.7296 -9.8917 + 8.8762 9.9156 -9-95 I 5 9.6269 +8.3768 9.8894 9.9200 -9.7526 -9.8552 -9.9891 +8.8935 -4-9.9952 + 1.3011 1.3011 1.3011 1.3012 1.3012 1.3012 1.3013 1.3013 1.3013 1.3013 1.3014 1.3014 1.3014 1.3014 1.3014 1.3015 1.3015 1.3015 1.3015 1.3015 1.3016 1.3016 1.3016 1.3016 1.3016 1.3016 1.3016 ' 1.3016 1.3017 1.3017 1.3017 1.3018 1.3018 1.3019 1.3019 1.3019 1.3019 1.3019 1.3019 1.3019 1.3020 1.3020 1.3020 1.3020 + 1.3020 + 8.8603 8.8525 8.8509 8.8403 8.8350 8.8285 8.8220 8.8219 8.8143 8.8055 8.7892 8.7882 8.7846 8.7803 8.7791 8-7735 8.7625 8.7560 8.7507 8.7479 8.7442 8.7415 8.7409 8.7286 8.7268 8.7205 8.7169 8.7149 8.7073 8.7050 8.6801 8.6631 8.6599 8.6154 8.6089 8.5813 8.5806 8.5752 8.5644 8.5521 8.5480 8.5446 8.5291 8.5280 +8.5235 i 167 168 ii.1377 111.1429 v.2056 v.2058 4910 49" 49*3 379 6 3799 3802 4920 3804 169 iv. 778 V.2062 111.1430 11.1378 111.1432 11.1379 4922 3807 1607 1608 170 172 '75 174 4923 4926 3811 3813 + O,o6 + 0,06 + 0,08 0,04 O,o6 + 0,36 +o,47 + 0,02 + 0,02 0,05 O,OO + 0,01 O,o6 O,O2 + O,O2 0,01 0,02 178 179 180 111.1434 111.1435 iv. 781 v.2o65 v.2o67 iv. 782 iv. 783 11.1380 111.1437 iv. 785 111.1438 111.1439 11.1381 ill. 1440 V.2070 11.1382 4932 4933 3819 3820 3822 1609 1611 1610 1613 1614 1612 182 183 185 184 187 188 189 191 190 4940 4941 3832 3834 1615 + I.74 0,84 +0,07 + 0,36 V.2O73 v.2074 11.1383 v.2o8o 4945 4944 3839 3840 1616 203 4959 4963 4961 3849 3854 3853 +0,44 0,06 +0,06 0,03 v.2o83 iii. 1449 v.2o84 v.2o86 207 4966 4969 3856 3859 3860 3862 3865 +0,03 +0,06 +0,04 v.soSg 11.1384 11.1385 497i 4974 1617 208 Various. W6 5 6 R2 57 G 1830 R258 Z 7 8 9 Z 790 B.F 1660 B.F 1662 R26o 61833 M 490 G 1834 M 491 B.F 1667 G 1838 M 492 R26i R262 M493, A267 R 263 J268.R264 M 494 G 1845 181 No. Constellation. Mag. Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a b c d 4051 4052 4053 4054 4055 4056 457 4058* 4059 4060 4061* 4062 4063 4064 4065 4066 4067 4068 4069 4070 4071 4072 4073 4074 4075 4076 4077 4078 4079 4080 4081 4082 4083 4084 4085 4086 4087 4088 4089 4090 4091 4092 4093* 4094 4095 Chamaeleontis .... 8 Virgiuis it 7 5 51 7 7 6 5* 6 7 6 S* si 7 7 7 6 Si 6 7 6 5i 4i 6 6 6 6 7 4i 7 7 7 6 7 6i 6 6 3 6i 6 4i 6 6 6 6 6 h m s II 52 38,67 53 ".24 53 ".38 53 2I 33 53 30,22 54 2,96 54 28,83 54 41,24 54 52,27 55 .98 55 27,26 55 55.05 55 S5. 6 9 5 6 4.79 56 21,65 56 35,46 5 6 39.3 56 57,76 57 2,61 57 6,66 57 8.3 57 34.17 57 40.28 58 3.25 58 9.52 5 8 i7.9 58 19,15 59 5.65 59 3L35 59 34.87 ii 59 56,46 12 0,50 o 19,81 o 20,05 o 20,34 o 30,05 o 36,54 o 36,71 o 37,90 o 4 J ,27 I 9,28 i 10,47 i 59,68 2 O,II 12 2 18,65 +2^879 3,076 3.57 3,070 3>74 3,085 3,102 2,725 3. 99 2,997 3,020 3, So 3,069 3,073 2,976 3.079 3>33 3,028 3,072 3.340 3.005 3.073 3,045 3,094 3,048 3.057 3.070 3,060 3,071 3,070 3,07i 3,07i 3,071 3.073 3.073 3.074 3.075 3.073 3.077 3,072 3,077 3,076 3,085 3,070 + 3,o8o s +0,1160 0,0043 +0,0097 + 0,0001 0,0027 0,0131 0,0296 +0,2578 0,0296 +0,0713 +0,0551 +0,0259 +0,0022 0,0036 +0,1250 0,0125 +0,0553 +0,0698 0,0025 0,5606 +0,1118 0,0051 +0,0554 0,0617 +0,0621 + 0,0398 +0,00 1 1 +0,0601 0,0055 + 0,0031 0,0076 +0,1079 0,0008 +0,0355 + 0,0354 +0,0331 +0,0356 +0,02.01 +0,0519 +0,0132 +0,0285 +0,0256 +0,0372 0,0013 +0,0203 s 0,098 +0,003 +0,00 1 +0,005 +0,015 0,002 0,028 0,216 0,017 +0,010 +0,017 +0,041 +0,007 0,019 -9-4833 8.8274 8.8476 8.8238 8.8251 8.8595 8.9660 9.8732 8.9664 9.2570 9- I 59 I 8.9500 8.8253 8.8266 9.4846 8.8576 9.1570 9.2409 8.8252 0.0281 9.4308 8.8300 9- '543 9.1785 9^933 9.0487 8.8243 9.1786 8.8312 8.8262 8.8377 9.3978 8.8241 9.0152 9.0143 8.9972 9.0148 8.9045 9.1251 8.8628 8.9633 8.9422 9.0246 8.8244 -8.9047 +7-9899 7.3006 7.3207 7.2862 7.2777 7.2740 7-3477 8.2383 7-3163 7-5944 7.4566 7.2008 7.0750 7-0597 7-6855 7.0301 7.3212 7-3633 6.9358 8.1287 7.5271 6.8554 7.1613 7.1074 7.0982 6.9230 6.6897 6-7754 6.1503 6.0882 + 5-2475 -4.9865 5.9824 6.1793 6.1842 6.3369 6.4392 6.3312 6.5658 6.3401 6.6655 6.6518 6.9642 6.7657 6.9083 +0-4593 0.4880 0.4853 0.4871 0.4876 0.4893 0.4916 -4353 0.4913 0.4767 0.4800 0.4842 0.4870 0.4876 0-4736 0.4884 0.4819 0.4811 0.4874 0.5237 0-4779 0.4876 0.4836 0.4905 0.4840 0.4853 0.4872 0.4857 0.4873 0.4872 0.4872 0.4873 0.4872 0.4876 0.4876 0.4877 0.4878 0.4876 0.4881 0.4875 0.4881 0.4881 0.4892 0.4871 +0.4885 +9.4726 -7-9403 + 8-3563 +7.0334 -7-7165 8.4502 8.8068 +9.8714 8.8077 +9.2252 +9.1069 +8.7721 +7.7336 -7.8735 +9.4740 -8.4367 +9.1043 +9.2065 -7.7109 0.0273 + 9.4171 8.0506 +9.1008 -9- J 3i3 +9.1495 + 8-9535 +7.4270 +9- I 3i5 8.0918 +7.8405 8.2319 +9.3818 7.2296 + 8.8990 + 8.8974 + 8.8673 + 8.8984 + 8.6503 +9.0627 +8.4703 + 8.8010 + 8.7538 +8.9147 -7.5039 + 8.6507 67 Ursae Majoris .... Ursae Majoris .... Chamseleontis .... +0,007 +0,024 0,031 + 0,011 Ursae Minoris . . Chamaeleontis . . x 0,030 0,009 0,027 Crucis Ursae Majoris .... Muscae +0,019 0,020 + 0,001 0,019 +0,008 +0,019 +0,013 0,040 0,008 0,010 0,005 0,001 0,005 0,009 Centauri Crucis ij Virginis Chamaeleontis . . X Centauri Centauri Centauri Centauri o Hydrae Crucis i Corvi a +0,010 0,007 +0,010 Centauri Centauri 10 Virginis +0,004 0,003 Hydrae 182 No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of & M a Taylor. 1 4975 Bris- bane. Various. a' , V c' d' 4051 4052 4S3 4054 4055 4056 457 4058 4059 4060 4061 4062 4063 4064 4065 4066 4067 4068 4069 4070 4071 4072 4073 4074 475 4076 4077 4078 4079 4080 4081 4082 4083 4084 4085 4086 4087 4088 4089 4090 4091 4092 4093 4094 4095 167 21 5,1 8z 32 56,6 108 49 23,5 9 55 4L5 85 3i 59.7 67 4 10,2 46 7 21,2 174 52 45,8 46 3 36,5 158 21 22,3 152 28 41,3 J3 1 35 33.7 94 38 40,2 83 36 10,5 167 23 8,6 67 42 16,2 152 19 49,6 157 29 27,6 85 35 28,9 3 34 57.3 165 41 7,1 80 26 2,4 152 8 23,9 *6 '3.39.5 154 42 33. 1 H3 *5 2 5.5 92 17 45,2 153 46 38,6 79 3 5-9 95 55 53.5 75 38 53.2 164 31 49,0 88 32 31,8 i39 55 43> 6 139 49 34.4 i37 5 1 22 .3 139 53 H,i 123 50 20,8 150 o 45,9 113 53 28,0 133 29 20,4 130 23 47,3 140 56 58,7 87 15 35.5 123 52 7,5 +20,05 i 20,05 20,05 20,05 20,05 20,05 20,05 20,05 20,05 20,05 20,05 20,05 20,05 20,05 20,05 20,05 20,05 20,05 20,05 20,05 20,05 j.. 20,05 20,05 20,05 20,06 20,06 20,06 20,06 20,06 20,06 20,06 20,06 20,06 20,06 20,06 20,06 20,06 20,06 20,06 20,06 20,06 20,06 20,05 20,05 + 20,05 +0,014 0,013 0,013 0,013 0,013 0,012 O,OII 0,009 0,010 0,010 0,009 0,008 0,008 0,008 0,007 0,007 0,007 0,006 0,006 0,006 0,006 0,005 0,005 0,004 0,004 0,003 0,003 0,002 " 0,00 1 +0,00 1 0,000 0,000 0,001 0,001 0,00 1 0,001 0,00 1 0,001 0,001 0,00 1 0,002 0,002 0,004 0,004 0,005 -o",86 +0,05 0,04 0,13 + 0,22 + O,O2 0,02 + 0,24 + 0,58 + O,O2 + 0,05 + 0,07 + 0,12 + 0,09 9.1014 9.6298 9.6237 9.6379 9.6339 9.5906 9.4714 8.7910 9.4728 9.2560 9.3387 9.5269 9- 6 374 9.6329 9.0426 9.5976 9.3312 9.2512 9.6352 8.1614 9.0770 9.6295 9.3259 9.2653 9.2849 9.4226 9.6374 9.2905 9.6297 9.6353 9.6236 9.0637 9.6373 9-4445 9-4455 9.4618 9-4434 9-555 9-33H 9-5973 9.4932 9.5148 9.4259 9.6374 -9.5499 -9.9891 +9.1127 -9.5085 8.2094 + 8.8913 +9-595 +9.8407 -9.9981 +9.8412 9.9682 -9.9478 9.8220 8.9083 +9.0469 -9.9893 +9.5790 -9.9472 -9.9656 +8.8857 +9.9991 -9.9863 +9.2206 -9.9465 +9.9528 -9.9562 -9.9047 8.6027 -9.9528 +9.2606 -9.0143 +9.3942 9.9840 +8.4055 -9.8838 9.8831 9.8701 -9.8835 -9-7457 -9.9376 -9.6075 -9.8377 -9.8116 9.8902 +8.6795 -9.7461 + 1.3020 1.3020 1.3020 1.3020 1.3021 1.3021 1.3021 1.3021 1.3021 1.3021 1.3021 1.3022 1.3022 1.3022 1.3022 1.3022 1.3022 1.3022 1.3022 1.3022 1.3022 1.3022 1.3022 1.3022 1.3022 1.3022 1.3022 1.3022 1.3022 1.3022 1.3022 1.3022 1.3022 1.3022 1.3022 1.3022 1.3022 1.3022 1.3022 1.3022 1.3022 1.3022 1.3022 1.3022 + 1.3022 + 8.5064 8.4730 8.4729 8.4622 8.4525 8.4144 8.3816 8.3651 8.3498 8-3373 8.2974 8.2507 8.2496 8.2331 8.zoo8 8.1724 8.1641 8.1224 8.1106 8.1005 8.0963 8.0254 8.0070 7.9289 7.9049 7.8742 7.8654 7.5967 7.3190 7.2619 + 6.4099 -5-5887 7.1583 7.1641 7.1699 7-3398 7.4244 7.4267 7.4407 7-4773 7.7022 7-7097 7.9396 7-94I3 8.0036 3871 R265 M 495 M 496 R 2 66 R 2 6 7 M497, A270 R268 R269 61850 M498 61853 M 499 1269, R270 R27i M 500 R 272 J 270 J 271 M 501 ? 1618 1619 1620 1621 211 212 213 214 216 217 ii.1386 ii.1387 ii.1388 iii.i45i ii.i38 9 iii.i452 4991 4985 4990 4992 3884 3886 3892 3894 .... 218 iii.i453 .... 22O 221 222 iii.i455 111.1456 11.1390 O,O I + 0,08 0,22 + 0,14 1622 224 11.1391 4999 5000 3901 3902 227 iii.i459 0,04 O,OO 0,05 5004 3907 1623 228 11.1392 5009 3912 O,22 + O.22 + 0,08 +0,18 +0,02 +0,08 +0,07 O,I2 + 0,07 + 0,09 O,OO 0,07 + 0,09 0,07 5012 5014 39'5 3916 V.2III ii.i3 9 3 ii.i394 111.1465 111.1466 1^.1467 230 5023 5028 39 2 3 3927 236 237 238 2 39 11.1468 V.2Il6 .2117 V.2II8 V.2I20 iv. 795 V.2I2I 11.1396 V.2I22 V.2I23 V.2I24 ii.1397 11.1472 5030 5029 5031 5033 534 535 5036 537 3928 393 393* 3934 3935 3937 3938 3939 3942 1624 240 241 243 + 0,04 + O,2 1 + 0,03 625 246 247 + 0,23 + 0,03 543 3943 183 No. Constellation. Mag. Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a It c d 4096 4097 4098 4099 4100 4101* , 4102 4103 4104 4105 4106 4107 4108 4109 4110 4111* 4112* 4113 4114 4115 4116 4117 4118 4119 4120* 4121* 4122* 4123* 4124 4125 4126 4127 4128 4129 4130 1 4131 4132 4133 4'34 4 T 35 4136 4 r 37 4138 4139 4140* 6 4 6 6 H 6 6 4 6* 6 6 6 6 6 6 7i 5 6 6 Si 7 7 7 7 3 6 6 3 3 5 5 5 5 54 8i 5 H s 7 7 7 6 6 7* H h m s 12 2 24,72 2 25,25 2 48,08 2 52,95 3 8.95 3 20,79 3 39.*4 3 S .^ 3 59- 6 4 3. 6 * 4 9. 6 3 4 14,20 4 14,66 4 18,89 4 3!>*5 4 4 J >93 S 6 -3S 5 38,39 5 47,58 6 13,35 6 16,32 6 16,63 6 25,69 6 34,35 7 12,68 7 i5,97 7 56,87 7 5 8 ,79 8 5-97 8 22,93 8 36,01 8 44,96 8 57,48 9 33,28 9 37,82 9 40,27 10 14,68 10 20,59 10 27,81 10 28,03 10 49,92 10 59,00 II 1,02 II 28,32 12 ii 37,33 s +3,069 3,076 3,083 3,065 3,061 3,79 3,091 3,99 3,069 3,118 2,885 3,058 3,031 3,"9 3,060 *>939 2,925 3,096 3, 6 4 3,107 3,069 3> T 5 2 3> '54 3-74 3,138 3,012 2,936 *>997 3,085 3,57 3,026 3>47 3,036 3,203 2,718 3>347 3,146 3,190 3,074 3>74 3,080 3,071 3,160 3,037 + 3,o8o s 0,0034 -|-O,OI22 + 0,0228 0,0093 0,0157 + O,OI28 + 0,0289 + 0,0385 O,OO24 + 0,0625 O,2OO3 0,0147 0,046 1 + 0,0597 0,0114 0,1311 0,1319 + 0,0241 0,0055 +0,0308 O,OO 1 2 +O,O7OO + O,O7OI + 0,0030 +0,0500 -0,0395 0,0787 0,0448 + 0,0095 0,0079 O,O25I 0,0131 0,0191 + 0,0773 0,1438 + 0,1732 + 0,0399 + 0,0642 + O.0022 + O,0022 + 0,0048 + O,OOO6 + 0,0445 0,0141 + 0,0049 s 0,008 +0,00 1 +0,006 +0,005 +0,015 0,003 8.8268 8.8561 8.9217 8.8448 8.8784 8.8591 8.9629 9.0300 8.8254 9.1770 9.7107 8.8728 9.0983 9.1612 8.8548 9-5I59 9.5223 8.9278 8.8320 8-9734 8.8244 9.2096 9.2093 8.8253 9.0984 9- 573 9.3118 9.0978 8.8424 8.8402 8.9491 8.8655 8.9045 9.2339 9.6273 9-5*3i 9.0291 9.1690 8.8241 8.8241 8.8277 8.8234 9-0574 8.8729 -8.8277 6.8491 6.8799 7.0089 6.9444 7.0164 7.0236 7.1656 7.2537 7.0666 7-4*53 7.9698 7.1397 7.3660 7.4360 7.1499 7.8278 7.8702 7.3190 7.2348 7-4073 7.2617 7- 6 473 7-6573 7.2830 7.5964 7-5586 7.8520 7.6398 7.3909 7.4036 7.5236 7-4475 7.4967 7.8542 8.2510 8.1482 7.6797 7.8238 7.4839 7.4841 7.5026 7-5043 7.7396 7-57*7 -7-533* +0.4870 0.4880 0.4890 0.4865 0.4858 0.4884 0.4901 0.4912 0.4869 0.4939 0.4602 0.4855 0.4816 0.4941 0.4858 0.4681 0.4661 0.4909 0.4863 0.4923 0.4869 0.4985 0.4988 0.4877 0.4966 0.4788 0.4677 0.4766 0.4892 0.4853 0.4809 0.4839 0.4822 0.5055 0.4342 0.5247 0.4977 0.5038 0.4877 0.4877 0.4885 0.4872 0.4997 0.4824 +0.4886 7.8900 + 8.4256 + 8.7015 -8.3264 -8.5517 + 8.4468 + 8.8003 + 8.9*38 -7.7560 + 9.1294 -9.7070 -8-5*55 9.0262 +9.1096 8.4165 -9.5067 -9-5 J 34 +8.7181 -8.1164 +8.8221 -7.5568 +9.1694 +9.1690 +7-7558 +9.0264 8.9667 -9.2876 9.0256 +8.3010 -8.2735 -8.7704 -8.4879 8.6509 +9.1983 9.6219 +9.5142 +8.9225 +9.1195 +7.5600 + 7-559 1 +7-9749 -5-7369 + 8.9672 8.5276 + 7-9754 0,009 0,005 0,044 Ursae Minoris 0,001 0,001 68 Ursae Maoris +0,002 +0,025 + 0,011 + O,OI2 0,004 O,0 1 1 O,OO2 Draconis Centauri + 0,019 0,0 1 8 0,010 + 0,002 Crucis J i Canum Ven 69 Ursae Majoris . . +0,019 0,008 0,003 +0,008 +0,003 +0,005 +0,037 +0,016 -0,043 +0,006 -0,037 +0,005 0,002 +0,009 +0,004 0,02 1 +0,013 +0,005 6 Comae 2 Canum Ven 7 Comae Canum Ven Muscae g Ursae Minoris .... Chamaeleontis . . 18 Centauri Crucis Virginis Virginis Virginis 1 3 Virginis Centauri Coma? 14 Virginis 184 No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec.Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of M 1 Taylor. a Bris- bane. Various. a' V c' d! 4096 4097 4098 4099 4100 4101 4102 4103 4104 4105 4106 4107 4108 4109 4110 4111 4112 4113 4114 4115 4116 4117 4118 4119 4120 4121 4122 4123 4124 4125 4126 4127 4128 4129 4 I 3 4131 4132 4133 4134 4135 4136 4138 4139 4140 83 21 29,3 in 47 4,5 127 2 2,5 72 21 19,5 61 52 57,0 fiz 45 58,7 133 26 42,2 141 31 57,2 85 6 40,9 153 40 22,9 7 27 19.4 63 17 32,0 32 6 38,7 152 37 6,8 68 37 14,3 ii 43 26,9 ii 33 0,0 1*8 5 37,3 78 54 6,5 134 53 22,0 86 54 16,1 155 4* 5L3 155 41 40,5 94 53 l6 .! H7 54 49.3 35 43 5.4 18 57 53.3 32 8 1,8 106 42 30,4 74 '5 53.2 48 3 J 3-9 65 13 14,1 56 6 2,8 157 7 3 T .9 9 2 22,5 168 28 46,3 141 28 20,0 153 10 20,8 93 7 i*.5 93 6 5> 2 98 3 59>9 89 57 ii.S 144 18 29,9 63 9 23,9 9 8 4 4*>3 +20,05 20,05 20,05 20,05 20,05 20,05 20,05 20,05 20,05 20,05 20,05 20,05 20,05 20,05 20,05 20,05 20,05 20,05 20,05 20,05 20,05 20,05 20,05 20,05 20,05 20,05 20,04 20,04 20,04 20,04 20,04 20,04 20,04 20,04 20,04 20,04 20,04 20,04 20,03 20,03 20,03 20,03 20,03 20,03 +20,03 0,005 0,005 0,006 0,006 0,006 0,007 0,007 0,008 0,008 0,008 0,008 0,008 0,008 0,009 0,009 0,009 0,010 0,011 0,011 0,012 0,012 0,013 0,013 0,013 0,014 0,014 0,015 0,015 0,0 1 6 0,0 1 6 0,017 0,017 0,017 0,020 0,017 0,021 0,021 O,O2 1 O,O2 1 O,O2 1 O,O2 1 O,O22 0,022 O,O22 0,023 n 0,02 0,02 +0,06 0,0 1 +0,02 +0,03 -9.6358 9.6011 9.5302 9.6205 9.5902 9-5959 9.4830 9-498 9.6374 9.2470 8.8710 9-5977 9.3916 9.2622 9.6142 9.0346 9.0362 9.5136 9.6342 9-4597 9.6383 9.1861 9.1847 9- 6 335 9.3092 9.4458 9.2401 9-4I55 9.6079 9.6310 9-5439 9.6128 9.5821 9.1149 9.0402 8.6571 9.3716 9.1920 9.6343 9- 6 343 9.6264 9.6375 9.3308 9.6126 -9.6259 +9.0632 -9.5695 -9.7798 +9.4816 +9.6732 -9.5876 -9-8373 +8.9305 -9.9524 +9.9962 +9.6526 +9.9278 -9.9483 +9.5617 +9.9908 +9.9910 -9.7901 +9.2843 -9.8485 +8.7322 -9.9596 -9-9595 -8.9303 -9.9278 +9.9092 +9-9755 +9.9275 -9.4584 +9.4330 +9.8209 +9.6220 +9.7461 -9.9641 +9.9942 9.9908 -9.8930 -9.9501 -8-7354 -8-7345 -9.1467 +6.9130 9.9092 +9.6542 9.1472 + 1.3022 1.3022 1.3022 1.3022 1.3022 1.3022 1.3022 1.3022 1.3022 1.3022 1.3022 1.3022 1.3022 1.3021 1.3021 1.3021 1.3021 1.3021 1.3021 1.3021 1.3021 1.3021 1.3021 1.3020 1.3020 1.3020 1.3020 1.3020 1.3020 1.3019 1.3019 1.3019 1.3019 1.3018 1.3018 1.3018 1.3018 1.3018 1.3018 1.3018 1.3017 1.3017 1.3017 1.3017 + 1.3017 8.O222 8.0238 8.0871 8.0995 8.1380 8.1644 8.2O26 8.2236 8.24II 8.2483 8.2590 8.2668 8.2676 8.2747 8.2950 8.3118 8.3478 8.3911 8.4027 8-4337 8.4372 8-4375 8.4478 8-4575 8.4978 8.5011 8.5400 8.5417 8.5482 8.5631 8.5742 8.5817 8.5919 8.6199 8.6233 8.6247 8.6502 8.6543 8.6593 8.6595 8.6744 8.6804 8.6817 8.6993 -8.7049 1627 1626 249 248 11.1399 11.1398 V.2I25 H.I4OO V.2I30 ii.I4OI 111.1477 M 502 B.Fi68i W668 G 1858 R275 632 B.H 262 R276 B.F 1688 R2 77 R279 M 503 B.F 1693 A272, J275 B.F 357 B 34 J276.R282 R283 B.F 1703 M 504 R284 B.F 1697 W672 545 3945 1628 1629 2 3 4 555 5056 3951 3953 3954 0,02 +0,14 0,22 6 0,01 +0,06 1630 1631 7 8 ii. 1402 111.1473 0,02 1632 1633 1634 9 11.1403 0,02 +0,09 0,00 +0,03 +0,06 10 11.1404 ^2135 11.1405 ill. 148 1 111.1482 5065 5069 39 6 3 39 6 7 1635 13 15 16 3968 3972 +0,68 0,07 0,05 +0,05 5072 17 iv. 798 11.1406 111.1484 575 3975 1636 '9 +0,06 0,02 + 0,01 +0,03 +0,03 +0,18 0,00 0,03 + 0,01 0,05 +0,42 0,07 O,I2 + 0,07 + O,o6 + 0,08 0,03 0,03 1637 1638 1639 1640 1641 22 24 26 27 28 2 9 0.1407 ii. 1408 111.1488 111.1489 ill. 1490 ill. 149 1 ^^ .. 5084 3985 1642 11.1411 v.2i48 5085 5089 5090 3986 399 Z 3994 1643 33 35 38 iv. 80 1 111.1493 ill. 1495 11.1412 v.2i49 111.1497 111.1499 5092 3995 1644 39 4 1 B.A.C. ( 2 A ) 185 No. Constellation. Mag. Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a b c d 414.1 4142 4H3* 4144 4H5 4146 4147* 4148 4149* 4150* 4151 4152 4153* 4*54 4*55 4156* 4*57 4158 4 I 59 4160* 4161 4162 4163 4164 4165* 4166 4167 4168 4169 4170 4171 4172 4i73 4i74 4i7S 4176 4i77 4178 4179 4180 4181 4182 4183 4184 4185* 8 Comae 6 61- si 6 3* 6 6 Si 6* 6 5 6* 6 Si 6 5 6 4 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 6 7 7 54 6 6i 6 6 7 7 si 5 6 6 6 6 h m s 12 II 44,42 II 58,56 12 5.35 12 7,29 12 13,89 12 16,94 12 17,85 12 24,47 12 25,33 12 25,98 12 44,02 12 45,99 12 47,02 12 47,82 12 58,12 13 8,13 13 11,42 13 18,27 13 33.74 13 48,95 *3 SM 2 13 52,05 *3 57> 61 14 6,59 14 32,29 14 38,17 14 43,98 H 54.43 14 57,61 15 21,29 15 27,38 15 33,01 15 33,36 15 42,23 15 51.07 1 6 22,22 16 23,47 16 31,58 16 37,73 16 43.15 16 46,83 17 iS.S 6 17 29,51 17 42.43 12 17 51,76 a + 3,040 3. 32 2,788 3,222 3,070 3,224 3,030 2,985 3.99 *S5 J 3,065 3.33 3.032 3,100 S.^ 1 3.45 3,088 3,203 2,941 3,164 3,265 3.258 4,184 +4.074 -0,235 +2,230 3,202 3,061 3,027 3,280 3,o8l 3,077 3,111 3,i34 3>H3 W 1 2,980 3,022 3,087 2,944 3,021 3,160 3,140 3,023 +2,907 s 0,0123 0,0154 0,0968 4-0,0709 4- 0,0006 +0,0711 0,0156 0,0326 +0,0126 0,0055 0,0015 0,0140 0,0144 +0,0126 +0,0340 0,0092 +0,0076 +0,0558 0,0441 +0,0373 +0,0817 +0,0784 +0,7043 +0,6019 + M403 -0,1319 +0,0504 0,0023 -0,0137 +0,0799 + 0,0043 +0,0031 +0,0145 +0,0223 +0,0253 +0,0345 0,0255 -0,0135 +0,0061 0,0346 0,0137 +0,0290 +0,0223 0,0123 0,0409 s +0,002 O,OI2 + O,O22 -8.8622 8.8815 9-4395 9-'975 8.8233 9-J975 8.8827 9.0136 8.8541 0-1453 8.8244 8.8727 8.8751 8.8542 8.9864 8.8466 8.8340 9.1186 9.1076 9.0072 9.2398 9.2257 9.9604 9.9109 0.4142 9.8190 9.0851 8.8255 8.8719 9.2277 8.8257 8.8240 8.8622 8.9073 8.9268 8.9853 8.9613 8.8717 8.8290 9.0373 8.8726 8.9494 8.9059 8.8645 -9.0937 -7.5720 7.6000 8.1621 7.9213 7-5510 7.9270 7.6128 7-7475 7.5886 8.8801 7.5696 7.6191 7.6221 7.6016 7.7396 7.6053 7-5945 7.8829 7.8802 7-7879 8.0217 8.0081 8-7457 8.7008 9.2171 8.6248 7.8938 7.6393 7.6872 8.0544 7.6553 7.6563 7.6946 7-7438 7-7674 7.8399 7.8165 7-735 7.6904 7.9011 7.7380 7.8263 7.7894 7-7533 -7.9863 +0.4829 0.4817 0-4453 0.5082 0.4872 0.5084 0.48 1 5 0.4749 0.4912 0.1905 0.4865 0.4819 0.4817 0.4913 0.4984 0.4836 0.4897 0.5055 0.4684 0.5002 0.5139 0.5130 0.6216 +0.6100 -9.3703 +0.3482 0.5054 0.4859 0.4810 0.5158 0.4887 0.4882 0.4929 0.4961 0.4973 0.5012 -4743 0.4803 0.4896 0.4690 0.4801 0.4997 0.4970 0.4804 +0.4634 8.4692 8.5670 -9.4264 + 9.1548 -6.2885 +9-I548 -8.5723 -8.8966 + 8.4151 0.1448 -7.6838 -8.5273 -8.5390 + 8.4160 + 8.8478 8.3508 +8.1772 +9.0543 -9.0392 +8.8858 + 9.2053 + 9.1888 +9-9593 +9.9094 0.4141 9.8168 +9.0079 -7-8547 -8.5241 +9.1911 +7.8773 + 7.6825 + 8.4716 + 8.6613 + 8.7169 +8.8462 -8.7981 8.5240 + 8.0531 8.9361 8.5286 +8.7723 + 8.6574 -8.4865 9.0202 9 Comae O,OO3 +0,016 +0,013 +0,006 0,004 +0,325 0,0 1 6 0,001 Ursae Minoris 0,008 0,020 0,009 + O,OO4 0,026 + O,OIO +0,015 0,040 +0,052 Crucis s 70 Ursae Majoris .... Centauri Muscae ?' Muscae t- Octantis Octantis 0,025 ->i73 Ursae Minoris .... Ursae Minoris .... +0,003 0,010 + 0,002 O,OO6 + 0,011 0,001 +0,004 0,017 0,001 +0,005 0,006 +0,009 0,005 + 0,002 + 0,001 0,015 +0,025 +0,017 +0,00 1 1 7 Virginis 12 Comae Virginis Virginis 6 Corvi Centauri >{i Centauri Centauri 4 Canum Ven Comae Virginis 5 Canum Ven 13 Comae Centauri Centauri x- Comae 7 1 Ursae Majoris .... 186 No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec.Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of & & 1 Taylor. Bris- bane. Various. cf V (f d f 4141 4142 4H3 4144 4H5 4146 4H7 4148 4149 4150 4151 4152 4i53 4i54 4155 4156 4157 4158 4i59 4160 4161 4162 4i 6 3 4164 4165 4166 4167 4168 4169 4170 4171 4172 4173 4174 4^75 4176 4177 4178 4179 4180 4181 4182 4183 4184 4185 / // 66 7 51,8 61 o 17,2 14 o 21,1 155 o 34,8 89 49 58,3 155 o 25,0 60 42 8,7 40 ii 1,2 III 20 22,8 2 43 5.3 85 5i 5. 63 9 52,7 62 32 23,0 III 22 51,1 J 3 6 37 17.7 71 22 39,8 102 43 56,9 149 34 19,6 3i 17 59. 1 139 7 2,3 157 28 19,1 156 41 23,8 J 75 49 ".7 !75 J 8 49'3 i 28 7,7 5 47 35.2 146 50 32,2 8 3 5i 34.3 63 19 13,3 156 48 41,1 96 28 0,7 94 8 23.7 114 o 23,9 124 34 50,5 128 4 38,2 136 32 26,9 4 6 37 33.i 63 18 56,5 99 38 41. 37 36 22,5 63 4 5,6 131 40 51,9 124 21 14,2 65 14 28,8 32 23 24,1 // -(-20,03 20,03 20,03 20,03 20,03 20,03 20,03 20,03 20,03 20,03 20,02 2O.O2 20,02 2O,O2 20,02 20,02 2O.O2 20,02 2O,O2 20,02 20,02 2O,O2 20,02 2O,O2 20,02 2O,O I 20,01 2O.OI 20,01 2O,O I 2O,OI 20,01 2O,O I 20,01 2O,OI 20,00 2O,OO 2O,OO 20,00 2O,OO 2O,OO 20,00 2O,OO 20,00 + '9.99 a 0,023 0,023 0,021 0,025 0,024 0,025 0,024 0,024 O,O25 O,0 1 2 O,O25 0,025 O,O25 0,025 O,O26 O,O25 0,026 O,O27 0,025 0,028 O,O29 0,029 0,037 -0,037 + 0,002 0,O2 1 0,030 0,029 0,029 0,032 0,030 0,030 0,031 0,031 0,032 0.033 0,031 0,032 0,033 0,031 0,032 0,035 0,035 0,034 -0,033 + 0,01 +0,21 0,02 9.6207 9.6074 9.1937 9.1316 9.6377 9.1297 9.6071 9.5069 9.5849 8.8745 9.6403 9.6152 9.6136 9.5840 9.4099 9.6330 9.6134 9.2299 9.4409 9-3775 9.0434 9.0652 + 8.4639 + 8.4116 8.8722 9.0306 9.2639 9.6420 9.6202 9.0390 9.6270 9.6313 9.5668 9.5030 9-4757 9.3922 9.5617 9.6234 9.6188 9.5085 9.6233 9.4381 9.4987 9.6298 -9-4745 +9.6065 +9.6849 +9.9863 -9.9567 +7.4646 -9.9567 +9.6890 +9.8824 -9.5603 +9.9989 +8.8587 +9.6539 +9.6632 -9.5611 9.8607 +9-5035 -9-3425 -9-9349 +9.9309 -9.8778 -9.9647 9.9622 9.9980 -9-9977 +9.9990 +9.9969 -9.9219 +9.0283 +9- 6 5i3 9.9624 9.0507 -8.8575 9.6084 -9-7530 -9.7891 + 1.3017 1.3016 1.3016 1.3016 1.3016 1.3016 1.3016 1.3016 1.3016 1.3016 1.3016 1.3016 1.3015 1.3015 1.3015 1.3015 1.3015 1.3015 1.3015 1.3014 1.3014 1.3014 1.3014 1.3014 1.3014 1.3013 1.3013 1.3013 1.3013 1.3012 1.3012 1.3012 1.3012 1.3012 1.3012 1.3011 1.3011 1.3011 1.3011 1.3011 1.3011 1.3010 1.3010 1.3009 + 1.3009 8.7093 8.7179 8.7220 8.7232 8.7271 8.7289 8.7294 8.7333 8.7338 8.7342 8-7445 8-7457 8.7462 8.7467 8.7525 8.7580 8.7598 8.7636 8.7719 8-7799 8.7812 8.7816 8.7844 8.7891 8.8020 8.8050 8.8078 8.8129 8.8144 8.8257 8.8286 8.8312 8.8314 8.8355 8.8395 8.8535 8.8541 8.8576 8.8603 8.8626 8.8642 8.8756 8.8822 8.8876 8.8913 1645 1646 1650 42 43 45 ii.I4l4 iii.i5oo iii.i5oi B.H 690 M S o5 W6 74 61871 M 506 B.F 1709 B.Fi7ii P5oo,A276 B.F 1707 J277.R285 A 278 61879 M 507 MsoS B.F 1715 M 509 G 1887 4002 +0,04 0,19 + 0,08 +0,06 0,05 +0,08 +0,07 0,09 1647 44 11.1415 5100 4004 1648 1651 1649 1656 1652 46 48 47 111.1502 ill. 1 504 111.1505 So 52 11.1417 111.1506 +0,03 +0,04 0,07 0,02 0,14 +0,07 +0,27 0,05 + 0,17 1653 5i 11.1418 v.2i 5 3 11.1419 ii. 1420 11.1421 111.1508 v.2157 5106 4009 1654 53 54 5110 5114 5"3 5112 4014 4016 4019 4017 4015 4018 1655 56 0,6 1 0,06 5107 1672 0,07 +0,07 0,0 1 0,12 +0,03 -j-O,OI + 0,01 +0,17 0,14 +0,08 +0,0 1 0,04 0,14 + 0,02 + O.O2 + 0,04 + 0,02 + 0,14 + 0,04 v.2i59 11.1422 11.1423 5120 4023 1657 1658 5 59 5123 4027 1659 63 65 64 66 111.1512 111.1513 11. 1424 ill. 1 5 14 v.2i64 v.2i66 111.1515 111.1516 111.1517 Iii.i5i8 11.1425 .2169 111.1519 111.1520 111.1521 5127 5129 5*3 5135 4035 4036 439 0595 +9-8357 + 9.6512 9.2230 + 9.8977 +9.6549 9.8216 9.7502 +9.6207 +9.9252 1660 1662 1661 67 68 69 7i 70 5141 5142 445 4046 1663 74 75 76 (2 A2) 18 7 No. Constellation. Mag. Right Ascension, fan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a b c d 4186* 4187* 4188 4189 4190 4191 4192 4J93 4194* 4 J 95 4196 4197 4198 4199* 4200 4201 4202 4203 4204 4205* 4206* 4207 4208 4209 4210 4211 4212 4213 4214 4215 4216 4217* 4218* 4219* 4220 4221 4222* 4223 4224 4225 4226 4227 4228 4229 4230 44 i 5* 6 6 5 6 6 7 4* 5 4* 6 7 6J 6* 5 6 7 6 6i 5* 7 6 6 3 6i 64 6 2 6 6 6 6 7 6 S* 5i 4 6i 4* 6i 6 7 si h m s 12 18 13,18 s +3,273 3.273 2,981 3,202 3,193 3,012 3,140 1,964 2,904 3,008 3,0 1 1 3,206 3,104 3,012 3,078 3,087 3,164 2,891 3,060 3,008 3,008 3,008 3,74 3,011 3>i8i 3,107 3,019 3,100 3,126 3,270 2,846 2,897 3,046 2,842 3,078 3, 2 93 2,694 3,006 3,477 3,081 3,110 3,198 3,042 3,048 + 3.94 s +0,0652 4-0,0651 0,0223 +0,0404 -(-0,0369 0,0142 4-0,0205 0,0815 0,0382 0,0148 0,0139 4-0,0389 4-0,0097 -0,0133 4-0,0031 4-0,0053 4-0,0260 0,0386 0,0015 0,0134 0,0132 0,0132 4-0,0020 0,0121 4-0,0239 4-0,0097 0,0102 4-0,0080 4-0,0143 4-0,0516 0,0414 0,0329 0,0042 0,0418 4-0,0030 4-0,0570 0,0603 0,0122 4-0,1123 4-0,0036 4-0,0098 4-0,0290 0,0043 0,0029 4-O,Oo6o s 4-0,010 0,022 0,003 0,002 0,080 4-0,003 4-0,002 -9-iS5i 9- x 547 8-9373 9.0201 8.9976 8.8769 8.8940 9.8224 9.0747 8. 8810 8.8750 9.0088 8.8390 8.8714 8.8232 8.8263 8.9269 9.0808 8.8240 8.8724 8.8711 8.8712 8.8222 8.8644 8-9435 8.8384 8.8539 8.8324 8.8574 9.0773 9.1128 9.0360 8.8291 9.1175 8.8224 9.1047 9.2883 8.8658 9-3J57 8.8227 8.8373 8.9407 8.8295 8.8259 8.8260 8.0564 8.0578 7.8441 7.9270 7-9*47 7-794 1 7.8129 8.7441 8.0023 7.8109 7.8056 7-9497 7.7819 7.8156 7-7687 7-7733 7-8778 8.0318 7.7802 7.8386 7-8396 7.8430 7-795* 7.8469 7.9263 7.8242 7.8412 7.8229 7.8499 8.0780 8.1145 8.0378 7.8310 8.1209 7.8282 8.1139 8.3007 7.8785 8.3297 7.8431 7.8652 7.9879 7.8768 7.8818 -7.8834 4-0.5149 0.5150 0.4743 0.5054 0.5042 0.4788 0.4969 0.2931 0.4629 0.4782 0.4787 0.5060 0.4919 0.4788 0.4883 0.4895 0.5003 0.4610 0.4857 0.4782 0.4783 0.4782 0.4877 0.4787 0.5026 0.4923 0.4799 0.4913 0.4950 0.5146 -4543 0.4620 0.4837 0.4536 0.4883 0.5176 0.4304 0.4779 0.5411 0.4887 0.4927 0.5048 0.4831 0.4840 4-0.4905 4-9.1022 4-9.1018- 8.7440 4-8.9082 4-8.8692 -8-5499 4-8.6182 9.8202 -8.9932 -8.5679 -8.5417 4-8.8892 4-8.2740 8.5246 4-7.6427 4-7.9614 +8.7183 9.0021 -7-7835 -8.5303 -8.5242 -8.5244 + 7.2675 -8.4893 +8.7596 +8.2701 8.4223 + 8.1697 + 8.4468 +8.9972 9.0469 -8.9346 8.0917 -9.0533 +7-5732 4-9.0359 9.2611 -8.4981 +9.2922 +7-6899 +8.2604 +8.7541 8.1149 -7-9959 +8.0019 18 18,00 1 8 27,05 18 27,49 18 53.74 18 53.77 18 58,30 19 5- 6 7 19 21,11 19 27,45 19 29,08 I 9 57,03 2O 2,76 20 6,18 20 9,71 20 14,05 20 24,87 2O 25,06 20 39,77 21 8,44 21 15,05 21 25,05 21 28,31 21 56,54 21 57,56 22 6,8 1 22 11,41 22 21,09 22 27,44 22 52,84 22 55,89 22 56,33 22 56,39 23 1,07 23 8.78 23 19,64 23 1,I9 2 3 30,99 2 3 35>5 23 55.93 24 20,93 25 26,38 25 27,27 25 57,05 12 26 2,59 Ur$cE Minoris 72 Ursse Majoris .... + 0,020 0,004 4-O,OO7 O,O2 1 4-O,OO4 0,02 1 0,016 0,009 0,009 0,007 73 Ursae Majoris 0,00 1 4-0,004 0,000 4-0,001 4-0,023 0,001 4-0,016 . 0,023 4-0,014 4-0,005 0,002 0,013 Crucis V 74 Ursse Majoris .... 7 Canum Veil 75 Ursse Majoris Virginis 0,011 0,020 4-0,001 4-0,005 0,017 O,OI2 0,027 4-0,011 0,002 4-0,007 0,003 Crucis A Draconis 21 Comse Muscae V Virginis 8 Corvi T Ccntauri Virginis ....... 21 Virginis G No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec.Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of ! I Taylor. Lacaille. Bris- bane. Various. a' V tf cf 4186 4187 4188 4189 4190 4191 4192 4194 4195 4196 4197 4198 4199 4200 4201 4202 4203 4204 4205 4206 4207 4208 4209 4210 4211 4212 4213 4214 4215 4216 4217 4218 4219 4220 4221 4222 4223 4224 4225 4226 4227 4228 4229 4230 152 17 23,6 !5 2 15 59.7 50 8 57,4 140 37 8,6 138 4 42,2 61 53 59. 6 121 59 50,8 5 44 22,8 34 o 36,1 60 53 49,1 62 20 33,2 139 23 55.8 105 48 5,4 63 15 17,8 93 47 2,9 97 50 41,9 128 12 37,2 33 27 22,4 84 46 22,6 62 56 26,8 63 16 5,8 63 15 19,9 91 35 51,6 65 3 46,6 13 54 17.3 105 40 46,5 68 16 16,7 102 33 36,3 112 51 56,2 146 16 17,7 30 46 7,0 37 38 7.6 79 27 8,2 30 24 5,4 93 13 48,1 H8 35 36,9 19 58 3,2 64 36 12,9 161 18 13,2 94 ^3 27*2 105 21 52,4 130 35 8,7 78 52 28,2 81 29 41,1 98 37 22,2 + 19.99 19.99 '9>99 I Q.QO I Q.QO '9-99 19,98 19,98 19.98 19,98 19,98 19.98 19,98 19,98 19,98 19,98 19.97 *9.97 J 9.97 *9&r 19,96 19,96 19,96 19,96 19,96 19,96 19,96 19,96 19,96 19,96 19*95 19.95 19.95 '9>95 '9.95. 19.94 '9.93 J 9.93 0,038 0,038 0,035 0,038 0,038 0,036 0,038 0,024 0,036 0,037 0,037 0,041 0,040 0,039 0,039 0,040 0,041 0,038 0,040 0,040 0,041 0,041 0,042 0,042 0,044 0,044 0,043 0,044 0,045 0,048 0,042 0,042 0,044 0,042 0,045 0,049 0,040 0,045 0,052 0,047 0,048 0,052 0,049 0,050 0,051 +0,02 0,05 +0,09 +0.13 +0,17 + 0,02 + 0,06 9.1189 9.1183 9.5851 9.3286 9-3591 9.6249 9.5108 9.1011 9.4950 9.6238 9.6272 9-3353 9-5953 9.6303 9.6306 9.6211 9.4564 9.4961 9.6439 9.6319 9.6327 9.6330 9.6347 9.6373 9.4239 9-5931 9.6424 9.6047 9-5586 9.1989 9.4883 9-5367 9.6483 9.4859 9.6310 9- J 443 9.3881 9.6394 8.6212 9.6285 9-59 H 9.4108 9.6505 9.6492 9.6150 -9-9457 -9.9456 +9.8053 9.8867 9.8701 +9.6716 -9.7227 +9.9963 +9.9170 +9.6854 +9.6651 -9-8787 -9-4334 +9.6516 8.8179 -9- I 334 9.7896 +9.9196 +8.9578 +9.6561 +9.6512 +9.6513 -8-4434 +9.6229 9.8141 -9.4298 +9.5664 -9-3353 9.5874 9.9178 +9.9319 +9.8965 +9.2604 +9-9336 8.7486 -9.9290 +9.9708 +9.6300 -9.9742 -8.8649 9.4207 9.8106 +9.2828 +9.1672 -9.1731 + 1.3009 1.3008 1.3008 1.3008 1.3007 1.3007 1.3007 1.3007 1.3007 1.3007 1.3007 1.3006 1.3006 1.3006 1.3005 1.3005 1.3005 1.3005 1.3005 1.3004 1.3004 1.3003 1.3003 1.3002 1.3002 1.3002 1.3002 1.3002 1.3001 1.3001 1.3000 1.3000 1.3000 1.3000 1.3000 1.3000 1.2999 1.2999 1.2999 1.2999 1.2998 1.2995 1.2995 1.2994 + 1.2994 8.8999 8.9016 8.9054 8.9055 8.9157 8.9157 8.9174 8.9202 8.9260 8.9284 8.9290 8.9392 8.9413 8.9425 8.9438 8-9453 8.9492 8-9493 8-9544 8.9643 8.9666 8.9700 8.9711 8.9804 8.9808 8.9838 8.9853 8.9884 8.9905 8.9986 8-9995 8-9997 8-9997 9.0012 9.0036 9.0069 9.0102 9.0104 9.0117 9.0180 9.0255 9.0444 9.0447 9.0530 -9.0546 11.1427 lii.1522 V.2I7O V.2I72 11.1428 lii.I524 5H7 5148 5150 5153 5154 4049 4050 4052 4055 4056 J2 7 8 J279.R286 G 1892 L6 4 M 510 M 511 B.F 1726 B.F 1727 J28l M 512 G 1898 Z846 B.F 1733 M 5 , 3 G 1901 J283.R288 M 514 J284 1664 79 1665 81 80 + 0,O2 O,OO 0,07 + 0,04 1668 1666 1667 83 84 85 lii.I525 11.1429 li.1430 v.2i76 11.1526 5162 4062 1669 87 + 0,03 9 1 11.1432 4066 4068 + 0,25 +0,05 + O,O I 1670 92 93 95 "-I433 11.1529 11.1434 5164 0,06 + O,OI 0,07 +0,08 + 0,01 +0,1 6 0,00 +0,05 + 0,01 +0,17 0,06 + 0,01 1671 1673 1674 96 97 98 IOO v. 811 "H35 11.1530 11.1436 v.2i86 11.1437 111.1532 11.1438 iv. 812 11.1439 111.1534 11.1440 5173 4077 1675 1676 101 IO2 104 105 5180 4080 1678 1677 107 1 06 0,04 0,05 + 0,12 + 0,05 + 0,03 O,O2 + 0,07 + 0,12 O,O I + 0,03 0,03 108 111.1536 V.2I90 111.1537 11.1442 11.1441 11.1443 11.1444 V.22OO 11.1445 111.1539 11. 1446 5185 4083 1680 1679 no 109 5184 4085 1681 in "5 5200 4099 1682 1683 116 118 119 189 No. Constellation. Mag. Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a \ b c d 4231* 4232 4233 4234 4235 4236 4237 4238 4239 4240 4241* 4242 4243 4244* 4245 4246* 4247 4248 4249 4250* 4251 4252* 4253 4254 4*55 4256 4^57 4258 4259 4260 4261 4262 4263 4264 4265* 4266 4267 4268* 4269 4270 4271 4272 4273* 4274 4275* 7 6 6* i 4 6 7 7 rt 4* 7 Si 6 neb. 4 5^ 6 6 6 7 5 6 5i 7 6* 6 5 6* 6 6 7 5 6 3 6 6 6 4 6 64 5 Si 6 6 6 h in > 12 26 3,41 26 5,38 26 14,30 26 3I,OO 26 36,45 26 37,40 26 42,31 26 53,63 27 2,98 27 22,75 27 34.95 27 36,05 27 42,92 27 53 28 18,20 28 21,80 29 4,06 29 26,90 29 30,62 29 31,03 29 31,49 29 44,04 29 45.53 3 43.55 31 0,73 3i 5.87 3 1 3.74 3 1 32,47 3i 38.53 3 1 39.39 3i 46,55 31 46,59 33 9.38 33 16,31 33 21,33 33 39.94 34 0,82 34 3>7 6 34 12,59 34 12,59 34 I7.4 1 34 18,73 34 20.19 34 21,11 12 34 39,30 s +2,999 2.999 2,967 3.135 2,930 3,219 3,072 3.47 2,623 3,002 3.0*5 3.oi5 3,207 2,947 3.485 2,595 3.085 3.oi5 1.977 3.042 3,260 3.319 3.I5 6 3,062 3,082 3. J 73 3.094 2,907 3.094 a.997 3,o88 3,221 3,266 3,286 3.392 3.339 3,031 3.073 3.94 3.34 1 3.032 3,292 3.357 3.044 +3.362 s 0,0119 0,0118 0,0172 +0,0143 0,0229 +0,0327 +0,0018 0,0029 0,0582 0,0108 0,0084 0,0084 +0,0289 0,0191 +0,0961 -0,0573 +0,0042 0,0076 0,0526 0,0033 +0,0383 +0,0510 +0,0171 +0,0003 +0,0035 +0,0197 +0,0055 0,0218 +0,0056 0,0095 +0,0045 +0,0283 +0,0356 +0,0395 +0,0610 +0,0495 0,0038 +0,0022 +0,0054 +0,0493 0,0037 +0,0394 +0,0522 0,0019 +0,0528 s -8.8648 8.8642 8.9029 8.8556 8.9511 8.9628 8.8210 8.8258 9.2999 8.8583 8.8456 8.8456 8-9377 8.9196 9.2528 9.3046 8.8221 8.8419 9.6297 8.8265 8.9924 9.0628 8.8677 8.8205 8.8208 8.8806 8.8232 8.9467 8.8232 8.8523 8.8216 8.9302 8.9723 8.9950 9- I0 57 9.0493 8.8275 8.8191 8.8220 9.0469 8.8272 8.9934 9.0618 8.8229 9.0642 -7.9224 7.9224 7.9636 7.9209 8.0179 8.0299 7.8894 7.8973 8-3739 7-9376 7.9282 7.9285 8.0224 8.0069 8.3467 8.3994 7.9276 7.9532 8.7419 7.9388 8.1048 8.1783 7.9836 7.9504 7.9548 8.0158 7-9643 8.0881 7.9661 7-9953 7.9663 8.0749 8.1358 8.1599 8.2718 8.2195 8.0022 7-9944 7.9992 8.2241 8.0054 8.1719 8.2406 8.0019 8.2471 +0.4770 0.4770 0.4724 0.4962 0.4669 0.5078 0.4875 0.4839 0.4188 0-4773 0-4793 0.4792 0.5061 0.4694 0.5422 0.4142 0.4893 0.4793 0.2960 0.4831 0.5132 0.5210 0.4992 0.4860 0.4888 0.5015 0.4905 0.4635 0.4905 0.4766 0.4896 0.5080 0.5140 0.5167 0.5304 0.5237 0.48 1 6 0.4875 0.4905 0.5239 0.4817 o.5i75 0.5259 0.4834 +0.5266 -8.4953 8.4920 -8.6513 + 8.4396 -8.7781 + 8.8033 + 6.8269 -7.9988 -9.2745 8.4582 -8.3627 8.3627 + 8-7475 8.7012 +9.2209 -9.2799 + 7.7629 -8.3299 -9.6244 8.0496 +8.8615 + 8.9767 + 8.5:43 -7.4905 + 7.6122 + 8.5742 + 7.9194 -8.7697 + 7.9216 -8.4238 + 7-785I + 8.7306 + 8.8243 + 8.8669 +9.0382 +8.9570 -8.1178 + 6.8577 + 7.8873 +8-9533 8.1103 +8.8644 +8-9758 7.9460 + 8.9794 0,00 1 0,013 0,004 0,065 +0,026 0,009 +0,0 1 6 0,013 +0,013 +0,009 + 0,002 + O,OO8 8 Canum Ven /3 O,OO4 + O,OI9 O,OOO O,OOO Ursse Minoris .... O,OII 0,019 0,026 + O,OO4 O,OO2 O,OO4 + O,OO5 O,OOO +0,004 + 0,009 0,002 0,001 O,OOI O,OI9 0,020 O,OO2 0,023 0,008 -0,033 + O,OO5 0,036 + 0,005 0,018 0,046 0,003 O,OII o Canuni Ven Centauri *y Centauri 190 No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec.Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of >. 1 K | Taylor. j 3ris- }ane. Various. a' V 6 96 40 25,7 H3 42 53.i 78 56 9,4 137 59 12,9 145 7 28,6 82 22 9,8 145 21 14,9 + 19.93 J 9.93 19,92 19.92 19,92 19,92 19,92 19.9* 19,92 19,91 19,91 19,91 19,91 19,91 19,90 ; 19.9 19,89 19,89 19,89 19,89 19,89 19,89 19.89 19,88 19,87 19,87 19,87 19,87 19,86 19,86 19,86 19,86 19,85 19,84 19,84 19,84 19,84 19,83 19,83 19,83 19,83 19,83 19,83 19,83 + i9.3 a 0,050 0,050 0,049 0,053 0,050 0,054 0,052 0,052 0,045 0,052 0.053 0,053 0,056 0,052 0,063 0,047 0,057 0,056 0,037 0,057 0,06 1 0,063 0,060 0,060 0,06 1 0,063 0,062 0,058 0,062 0,060 0,062 0,065 0,069 0,069 0,072 0,071 0,065 0,066 0,067 0,073 0,066 0,072 0,073 0,066 -0,074 a 9.6442 9.6445 9.6268 9-55 J 9 9.6014 9.3668 9.6362 9.6498 9.4067 9.6489 9.6525 9.6525 9.4042 9.6222 8.6618 9-4*33 9.6246 9.6554 9.2883 9.6526 9.2945 9.1529 9.5206 9-6433 9.6282 9.4921 9.6165 9.6184 9.6162 9.6571 9.6226 9.3966 9.3066 9.2598 9.0013 9- J 374 9-6575 9.6358 9.6167 9.1364 9- 6 575 9.2543 9.0990 9.6531 9.0892 +9.6276 +9.6249 +9.7456 -9.5811 +9.8240 -9.8375 8.0030 +9.1700 +9.9716 +9.5968 +9-5I39 +9-5I39 9.8066 +9.7784 9.9648 +9.9720 -8.9373 +9.4844 +9.9911 +9.2195 -9.8655 -9.9103 -9.6429 +8.6661 -8.7875 9.6896 9.0921 +9.8189 -9-0943 +9-5 6 73 -8.9594 -9.7962 -9.8474 -9.8674 -9.9278 9.9029 +9.2855 -8.0337 9.0604 -9.9015 +9.2782 9.8661 -9.9091 +9.1183 -9.9103 + 1.2994 1.2994 1.2994 1.2993 1.2993 1.2993 1.2993 I.2 99 Z 1.2992 1.2991 1.2991 1.2991 1.2990 1.2990 1.2989 1.2989 1.2987 1.2986 1.2986 1.2986 1.2986 1.2986 1.2986 1.2983 1.2982 1.2982 1.2981 1.2981 1.2981 1.2981 1.2980 1.2980 1.2977 1.2976 1.2976 1.2975 1.2974 1.2974 1.2974 1.2974 1.2973 1.2973 1.2973 1.2973 + 1.2972 -9.0548 9.0554 9.0578 9.0624 9.0639 9.0641 9.0654 9.0685 9.0710 9.0762 9-0794 9-0797 9.0815 9.0841 9.0906 9- 9I5 9-IO2I 9.1077 9.1086 9.1087 9.1088 9 .III9 9-II22 9.1260 9.1300 9.I3I2 9.1369 9-'373 9- J 3 8 7 9.1389 9.1405 9.1405 9.1589 9.1604 9.1615 9.1654 9.1699 9.1705 9.1724 9.1724 9- I 734 9.1736 9.1740 9.1741 -9.1779 B.F 1740 B.H 358 1285 M 516 P 511 A J286, R289 G 1908 Msiy G 1909 1287^290 W687 W688 M5i8 MSIC, J288.R29I R 292 M52O.J289 R293 R 294 + 0,06 +0,07 +0,07 0,28 +0,17 +0,04 +0,05 +0,04 0,00 +0,11 0,00 +0,06 684 1685 1686 1 2O 122 123 126 ii.i447 lii. 1 541 11.1448 ii.1449 V.22O2 lii.I542 lii. 1 543 ii.i45o 0.1451 iv. 817 11.1452 lii. 1 545 5207 4105 1689 1687 1688 125 127 IZ 9 130 132 133 131 5211 4110 0,00 +0,02 +0,09 4-0,04 11.1453 lii. 1 546 ii.i454 11.1455 5213 4113 35 I 3 6 137 1692 +>io 0,05 +0,21 + 0,11 + 0,09 0,04 4-0,02 +0,04 4-0,03 +0,15 0,0 1 +0,09 4- 0,0 6 +0,05 +0,05 +0,02 4-0,24 +0,03 + 0,02 + O,O2 + 0,17 + 0,09 0,16 +0,31 +0,04 +Q.37 1693 139 lii. 1 547 ii.i456 V.22II U.I457 ii.i458 0.1459 V.22I4 ii.I46o iii.i55i iv. 820 ii. 146 1 "i-1553 0.1462 01.1554 0.1463 V.22l8 V.2220 11.146*1 0.1466 0.1467 V.2223 0.1468 V.2224 V.2225 0.1469 V.2226 5222 5223 5225 4120 4122 4^3 140 142 H3 5229 4133 1694 1696 1695 146 150 H7 151 152 149 153 5231 5242 5243 5241 5246 5248 525 C 5249 5251 4*35 4146 4H7 4148 4*53 4i59 4158 4161 4160 4163 1697 1698 1699 1700 156 *57 158 '59 1701 160 1702 i6x 191 No. Constellation. Mag. Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a b c ^d 4276 4277* 4278 4279 4280 4281 4282 4283 4284 4285* 4286 4287 4288 4289 4290 4291 4292 4293 4294 4295 4296 4297 4298 4299 4300 4301 4302* 4303* 4304 4305* 4306 4307 4308 4309 4310 4311* 4312 43*3 43 H 43 J 5 4316 43 J 7 43i8 4319 4320 76 Ursae Majoris 6 6 6 s* 4 6 6 64 6 6 6i 6 6 2 5 6 6 5 *i 6 6 6 6 6i 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 6 6 6 7 6 Si 5* 6 si 6 5* 7 7 neb. h m s 12 34 59,47 35 55.41 36 1,61 36 52,02 37 8,73 37 i3> 01 37 21,52 37 35,i8 37 47,57 37 52,93 38 2,61 S 8 3,99 38 45,32 3 8 59>94 39 9>7 39 2 5,48 39 40,48 39 45,57 39 48,38 40 7,99 40 13,22 40 27,11 40 35,9 i 4 43,43 40 53,16 41 23,16 41 26,09 4i 47,37 4i 58,53 42 6,04 42 2 1, 8 1 42 25,86 42 27,25 42 33,95 42 44,05 43 2,71 43 34,8 1 43 42,33 43 58,92 44 23,39 44 25,64 44 39,42 44 44,59 44 55," 12 44 56,42 s +2,662 3,73 3,180 3-444 3,586 0,839 2,854 3,369 3>39 2 2,885 3,038 2,840 3,029 3-445 2,999 3,043 3,018 5,384 3,93 3,754 3,053 3,189 J >55 3,010 2,593 3,007 2,487 2,789 2-939 2,628 3,100 3,385 3,489 3> 2 32 3,040 2,873 3>"3 3-275 3>53 2,932 3,427 3>359 2,987 2,986 + 3,5i4 s 0,0416 +0,0024 +0,0185 +0,0659 +0,0961 +0,1400 0,0231 +0,0501 +0,0542 0,0197 0,0022 0,0241 0,0031 +0,0628 0,0066 0,0013 0,0043 +0,7414 +0,0050 +0,1268 0,0000 +0,0182 +0,0062 0,0050 0,0385 0,0052 0,0419 0,0256 0,0122 0,0356 +0,0059 +0,0476 +0,0657 +0,0236 O,OO 1 2 0,0178 + 0,0075 +0,0292 +0,0004 0,0119 + 0,0524 + 0,0412 0,0065 0,0065 +0,0667 s 0,005 -9.1699 8.8186 8.8706 9.1214 9.2314 9.8340 8.9681 9.0466 9.0667 8-9343 8.8227 8.9782 8.8248 9.1041 8.8379 8.8205 8.8283 9.8206 8-8193 9.3083 8.8185 8.8664 9.6445 8.8308 9.1690 8.8317 9.2360 9.0022 8.8722 9.1329 8.8195 9.0268 9.1111 8-8937 8.8196 8.9217 8.8220 8.9246 8.8169 8.8712 9.0479 8.9912 8.8371 8.8371 9.1109 -8-357 8.0174 8.0706 8.3316 8.4450 9.0484 8.1841 8.2654 8.2879 8.1565 8.0468 8.2026 8.0572 8-3392 8.0747 8.0604 8.0710 9.0643 8.0635 8.5561 8.0672 8.1177 8.8975 8.0851 8.4250 8.0932 8.4979 8.2679 8.1399 8.4019 8.0913 8.2993 8.3839 8.1676 8.0953 8.2006 8.1064 8.2103 8.1053 8.1638 8.3409 8.2864 8.1332 8.1350 8.4089 +0.4252 0.4876 0.5024 0.5371 0.5546 9.9238 0-4555 0-5275 o.5305 0.4602 0.4825 0-4533 0.4814 0.5372 0.4770 0.4834 0.4798 0.7311 0.4904 0-5744 0.4847 0.5037 0.1774 0.4786 0.4137 0.4781 0.3957 0.4454 0.4682 0.4196 0.4914 0.5296 0-5427 0.5095 0.4829 0.4584 0.4932 0.5152 0.4848 0.4671 0-5349 0.5263 0.4752 0.4752 +0.5458 9.1218 +6.9347 + 8-5350 +9.0596 +9.1964 9.8320 8.8170 + 8.9534 + 8.9836 -8.7432 -7.9921 8.8370 8.0805 + 9.0365 8.3136 7.8922 -8.1730 +9.8185 + 7-7993 +9.2844 -7.7026 + 8.5201 -9.6397 -8.2257 9.1211 -8.2431 9.2019 -8.8819 -8.5490 -9.0753 +7-8938 + 8.9231 + 9.0465 + 8.6319 7.9083 8.7142 + 8.0406 + 8.7222 -7.6465 -8.5479 + 8.9566 + 8.8631 8.3246 -8.3254 + 9.0465 +0,003 +0,028 0,009 Crucis ' Muscae p Ursae Minoris 0,0 1 1 0,031 0,029 0,002 +0,022 0,002 +0,004 + 0,011 + O,OO5 + 0,012 O,OO5 + O,OI4 + O.CO2 0,007 Crucis /3 Virginis Octantis i Virginis Muscae i c Vinrinis Hydras Ursae Minoris .... 28 Comae 0,002 Ursae Majoris .... 29 Comae + 0,005 + 0,041 + 0,017 0,007 7 Draconis ... 1 1 Canum Ven 30 Comae Ursae Majoris Virginis O,OI7 + 0,026 0,OOO + 0,001 +0,003 Centauri . . . Crucis Centauri . . . Virginis Canum Ven Virginis 0,007 O,OII +0,002 +0,003 0,009 0,007 +0,00 1 + 0,011 +0,126 Centauri . . . 37 Virginis 31 Comae Centauri .... Centauri .... 33 Comae Crucis K 192 No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec.Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of i '& Taylor. Lacaille. Bris- bane. Various. a' b' c' d' 4276 4*77 4278 4279 4280 4281 4282 4283 4284 4285 4286 4287 4288 4289 4290 4291 4292 4293 4294 4295 4296 4297 4298 4299 4300 4301 4302 433 4304 435 4306 4307 4308 4309 4310 4311 4312 4313 43 H 43 J 5 4316 43 1 ? 4318 4319 4320 1 II 26 27 45,5 90 44 54,8 117 29 55,2 150 9 21,6 157 17 8,2 5 3i 57.8 45 4 3, 8 143 47 25,6 H5 40 5.3 49 54 20,5 8 1 30 20,2 43 44 20,8 79 37 15. 1 148 52 0,4 72 36 4,7 8 3 *3 3 2 >9 77 13 l6 .5 174 18 14,1 95 28 47,9 161 9 59,9 85 36 28,0 116 46 31,0 8 33 20,8 75 37 34. 6 26 23 56,3 75 3 29,2 22 23 22,9 40 42 55,4 6 1 37 44.4 28 51 40,4 96 48 51,4 141 58 5,4 149 30 41,4 123 10 47,8 82 57 13,6 5i 39 59.4 99 3 1 !5>4 128 51 50,2 86 7 35,4 61 38 27,5 144 8 4,4 J 38 7 34.2 72 6 30,7 72 4 23,9 H9 33 5. // + 19,82 19,81 19,81 19,80 19,79 J 9,79 !9>79 19.79 19,78 19,78 19,78 19,78 I 9>77 *9<77 19,76 19,76 19,76 J 9>75 '9.75 J9.75 J 9.75 19.74 19,74 19-74 i9,74. 19,73 19,73 19,72 19,72 19,72 i9,7i 19.71 19-71 i9.7i 1971 19,70 19,69 19,69 19,69 19,68 19,68 19,68 19,67 19,67 + i9, 6 7 -0,059 0,070 0,073 0,080 0,084 0,020 0,068 0,080 0,08 1 0,069 0,073 0,069 0,074 0,085 0,074 0,076 0,076 0,136 0,078 0,095 0,078 0,082 0,039 0,078 0,067 0,079 0,065 0,074 0,078 0,070 0,083 0,091 0,094 0,087 0,082 0,078 0,086 0,091 0,085 0,082 0,096 0,095 0,085 0,085 0,100 +0,05 9.5180 9- 6 354 9.4950 8.8871 8.2718 9.3069 9.6252 9.0959 9.0382 9.6415 9.6567 9.6227 9.6601 8.8998 9.6674 9.6543 9.6640 +9.1096 -9.6186 + 8.3945 -9.6494 9.4890 9.3782 9.6668 9-5463 9.6680 9.5206 9.6238 9.6705 9.5676 9.6118 9.0878 8.7889 9.4185 9.6565 9.6592 9.5985 9.3404 9.6492 9.6751 8.9917 9.1629 9.6745 9.6747 -8.7143 +9.9469 8.1108 -9.6590 -9.9326 -9.9592 +9.9922 +9.8431 9.9009 -9.9109 +9.8030 +9.1634 +9.8528 +9.2494 9.9261 +9.4693 +9.0653 +9.3382 -9.9913 -8.9734 -9.9694 +8.8774 9.6469 +9.9883 +9.3880 +9.9452 +9.4042 +9.9588 +9.8724 +9.6695 +9-9350 9.0668 9.8889 -9.9279 -9.7307 +9.0811 +9.7849 9.2107 -9.7896 +8.8216 +9.6685 -9.9005 9.8636 +9.4791 +9-4799 -9.9272 + 1.2971 1.2969 1.2968 1.2966 1.2965 1.2965 1.2964 1.2964 1.2963 1.2963 1.2962 1.2962 1.2960 1.2959 1.2959 1.2958 1.2957 1.2957 1.2956 1.2955 1.2955 1.2954 1.2954 !-2953 1.2953 1.2951 1.2951 1.2950 1.2949 1.2949 1.2948 1.2947 1.2947 1.2947 1.2946 1.2945 1.2943 1.2943 1.2942 1.2940 1.2940 1.2939 1.2939 1.2938 + 1.2938 9.1821 9-*934 9.1947 9.2046 9.2078 9.2086 9.2103 9.2129 9- 2 i53 9.2163 9.2181 9.2184 9.2261 9.2288 9.2305 9- 2 334 9.2362 9.2371 9.2376 9.2411 9.2420 9.2445 9.2461 9.2474 9.2491 9-2543 9.2548 9.2585 9.2604 9.2617 9.2643 9.2650 9.2653 9.2664 9.2681 9.2712 9.2765 9-2777 9.2804 9.2844 9.2848 9.2870 9.2878 9.2895 -9.2897 1703 "i-1557 B.F 1762 W6 93 R 295 1290, R2g6 G 1923 G 1919 G 1922 1291^297 W6 9S R2 9 8 M 522 G 1927 G 1926 G 1928 G 1929 B.F 1774 M 523 R2 99 B.H 359 M 524 R3oi +0,04 0,08 4-o,oi 168 ii.i47o V.2235 ii.i47i 5263 5265 5267 4172 4178 4179 4-o,ii +0,36 0,12 + 0,04 V.2236 V.2237 ii.i56o tii.i56i 5272 5273 4180 4182 1705 1704 171 172 4-0,50 O,o6 O,O I +0,01 +0,06 -.33 0,00 +0,0 1 +0,05 +0,13 1706 i?3 ii.i472 ii.i473 ii.i474 111.1565 ii.i475 5277 4189 1707 177 180 182 5268 4187 183 11.1476 5279 5285 4195 4198 1708 184 11.1477 V.2242 4-0,05 1709 186 iii.I568 +0,06 0,0 1 4-0,05 0,05 1710 1713 1712 1711 189 190 191 192 11.1478 111.1571 111.1572 11.1479 4-0,04 0,03 +o, 10 4-0,05 +0,07 193 111.1573 V.225I V.225O 111.1574 111.1575 5294 5293 5296 4210 4209 4212 194 '95 +0,07 +0,50 0,02 0,00 0,26 4-0,24 + O,O2 +0,06 + 1.03 .... 196 li.I48o V.2253 11.1481 11.1482 V.2256 V.2259 111.1579 111.1580 V.226l 53fc 53S 5308 5306 4217 4222 4225 4227 1714 1715 199 200 1716 1717 204 206 B.A.C. (2B) '93 No. Constellation. Mag. Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a b c d 432i 43" 4323 4324 4325* 4326 4327 4328* 4329* 4330 433i 4332 4333 4334 4335 4336 4337 4338 4339* 434 434 1 434** 4343 4344* 4345* 4346 4347* 4348* 4349* 435 435i 435* 4353 4354 4355 4356 4357 4358 4359 4360* 4361 4362 4363 4364* 4365 5 7 6 6 5 7 6 5 6 5 6 6 Si 6 3 7 7 6* Si 3 6 5* 6 6 7 * 6 6 neb. 6 4i 6 4 7 6 7 6 6* 7 5 7 6 7 6 6 h m s 12 45 8,75 45 18,22 45 3. 6 4 45 4 6 ,44 45 4929 45 49.75 45 5 .87 45 54.38 46 17,95 46 33,60 46 38,67 46 58,62 47 9. 6 47 H.48 47 24,92 47 35.58 47 4. 3 9 47 56,61 47 57.21 48 3,06 48 4,68 48 4.7i 48 26,51 48 28,23 48 58,83 49 .37 49 29,29 49 4^,23 49 49.9 J 50 16,16 51 30,25 51 56,16 52 2,64 52 10,25 52 20,99 52 29,09 52 50.19 52 52.75 52 58,39 53 5.57 53 39.32 53 44,32 53 5i,6 9 54 13.49 12 54 13,70 + 3^285 3,137 3.083 3.5i 3.470 3,109 3.470 2,963 3,008 3,112 3,326 3.3 J 7 3.47 6 3,716 2,651 3,028 3,088 3,7 2 9 0,321 3,050 2,761 0,316 3.205 3,410 2,840 2,840 2,420 2,661 3,864 2,759 2,973 3,086 3,932 3,834 3,265 3.593 3,268 3,084 3.944 2,882 3,606 2,970 3,058 2,944 +2,317 s +0,0299 -J-O,OIO2 + 0,0039 +0,0633 + 0,0579 + 0,0069 + 0,0579 0,0084 0,0040 + O,OO7I + 0,0348 + 0,0332 +0,0574 + 0,1005 0,0298 O,OOI7 + 0,0045 +0,1016 +0,2314 +0,0006 -0,0233 +0,2321 +0,0179 +0,0458 0,0174 -0,0175 -,354 0,0277 +0,1245 0,0222 0,0062 +0,0044 +0,1328 +0,1129 +0,0238 +0,0700 +0,0240 +0,0042 +0,1329 0,0128 +0,0706 0,0059 +0,0017 0,0079 0,0325 s +0,002 +0,015 0,011 0,026 +0,003 +0,008 8.9272 8.8288 8.8158 9.0950 9.0717 8.8197 9.0716 8.8482 8.8267 8.8199 8.9531 8-9443 9.0673 9.2232 9.0758 8.8195 8.8154 9.2251 9.8123 8.8155 8.9889 9.8119 8.8592 9.0096 8.9242 8.9242 9.2087 9.0541 9.2801 8-9795 8-8352 8.8133 9.2942 9.2469 8.8874 9.1116 8.8878 8.8127 9.2923 8.8818 9.1121 8.8335 8.8122 8.8447 9.2271 8.2273 8.1304 8.1195 8.4013 8.3784 8.1265 8.3786 8.1557 8.1380 8.1338 8.2677 8.2622 8.3869 8-5435 8.3978 8.1432 8.1398 8.5520 9-1393 8.1434 8.3171 9.1401 8.1908 8.3414 8.2607 8.2610 8-5499 8-3972 8.6244 8.3277 8.1943 8.1761 8.6580 8.6118 8.2538 8.4791 8.2583 8.1836 8.6640 8.2546 8.4896 8.2II7 8.1914 8.2269 8.6094 +0.5166 0.4965 0.4890 0.5441 0.5403 0.4926 0.5403 0.4717 0.4782 0.4930 0.5219 0.5207 0.5411 0.5701 0.4235 0.4812 0.4897 0.5716 9.5061 0.4843 0.4411 9-4994 0.5059 0.5327 0-4533 0-4533 0.3837 0.4251 0.5871 0.4407 0.4731 0.4895 0.5946 0.5336 0.5139 0-5555 0.5142 0.4892 0-5959 0-4597 0.5571 0.4728 0.4854 0.4689 +0.3650 + 8.7294 + 8.2170 + 7-4947 +9.0250 + 8.9921 + 7.9763 +8.9920 8.4229 8.1864 + 8.0008 +8.7895 + 8.7707 + 8.9860 +9.1873 -8.9983 -7.9992 + 7.6240 +9.1895 9.8101 -7.6816 8.8600 -9.8097 + 8.4955 + 8.8963 -8.7242 -8.7243 9.1703 8.9670 + 9.2532 -8.8436 -8-3303 + 7.5321 + 9.2692 + 9.2154 + 8.6199 + 9- 485 + 8.6217 + 7.4627 + 9.2671 8.6011 + 9.0493 8.3219 7.4212 -8.4193 -9.1924 Virginis 0,003 +0,008 +0,004 0,012 +0,003 0,002 77 Ursae Majoris . . +0,017 Virginis +0,005 0,000 0,017 0,027 Muscae Ursae Minoris .... 43 Virginis Ursae Minoris .... Hydras 0,028 0,008 +0,003 0,019 0,017 +0,014 0,015 Centauri Canum Ven 12 Canum Ven y. 8 Draconis Ursae Majoris .... Muscse Canura Ven 36 Comae +0,00 1 +0,002 +0,063 4/1 VirHnig ... . . k Muscae 8 Centauri 0,000 +0,060 0,00 1 + 0,001 0,024 +0,003 Centauri Centauri .... 46 Virginis Muscae 37 Comae Centauri 38 Comae +0,00 1 + 0,020 Virginis Comae 9 Draconis O,C2O 194 No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1850, Annual Preces. Sec.Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of & a 1 Taylor. | Bris- bane. Various. a' V (/ d' 4321 4322 4323 4324 43 2 5 4326 4327 4328 4329 433 433 1 4332 4333 4334 4335 4336 4337 4338 4339 434 434i 4342 4343 4344 4345 4346 4347 4348 4349 435 435i 43 5 2 4353 4354 4355 4356 4357 4358 4359 4360 4361 4362 43 6 3 4364 43 6 5 1 II 129 21 42,1 104 8 59,4 92 44 12,0 148 19 52,7 146 21 40,3 98 14 46,1 146 21 9,0 67 56 16,3 76 45 54.7 98 43 20,0 133 J 9 37.3 132 6 0,6 146 i 1 6,6 157 i 26,6 33 13 30,2 81 18 0,7 93 41 26,2 157 8 38,6 5 45 59. 8 85 47 11,0 41 59 19,6 5 4 6 i7,5 115 38 42,7 140 23 8,1 50 52 28,3 50 52 14,2 23 44 4 6 >7 35 5 15.4 1 60 i 42,6 43 29,4 71 46 48,7 93 o i>9 160 44 16,9 158 25 11,3 122 41 26,9 149 51 22,7 122 48 44,3 92 ; 33 35-6 160 40 5,6 58 24 13,4 149 56 5,6 7^ 3 58,i 87 40 13,2 67 55 u, i 22 35 32,6 + i9' 6 7 19,67 19,66 19,66 19,66 19,66 19,66 19,65 19,65 19,64 19,64 19,64 19,63 19,63 19,63 19,62 19,62 19,62 19,62 19,62 19,62 19,62 19,61 19,61 19,60 19,60 "9.59 !9.59 19,58 19,58 19.55 '9.54 *9>54 J 9.54 *9.53 J 9.53 19,52 19,52 19,52 19,52 '9.51 95 19,50 19,50 + 19.5 0,094 0,090 0,089 O,IOI O,IOI 0,090 O,IOI 0,086 0,088 0,092 0,098 0,098 0,104 O,III 0,079 0,091 0,093 0,113 0,010 0,093 0,084 0,0 10 0,098 0,104 0,088 0,088 0,076 0,084 O,I22 0,088 0,097 O.IOI 0,129 0,126 0,108 0,119 0,109 0,103 0,132 0,097 0,122 O,IOI O,IO4 0,101 -0,079 + 0,10 0,04 +0,03 +0,16 0,09 + 0,08 -9-3^51 -9-57I5 -9.6275 -8.7701 -8.8756 9.6031 -8.8751 -9.6784 -9.6705 9.6002 9.2480 -9.2683 -8.8639 + 8.2788 9.6124 9.6629 9.6230 +8-3579 -9-3985 -9.6514 -9.6485 -9-3993 -9-4777 9.0607 9.6726 9.6726 -9-5 6 93 9.6290 +8.7372 -9.6581 9.6830 9.6249 +8.8407 +8.7016 -9-3854 -8-3345 9.3818 9.6267 + 8.8603 9.6901 8.22OI -9.6852 -9.6465 9.6904 -9-5833 -9.7938 -9.3797 8.6703 -9.9213 -9.9117 -9.1479 9.9116 +9.5660 +9-3508 -9.1718 -9.8274 -9.8172 -9.9094 -9-9548 +9-9 I 3 I +9.1703 -8.7992 -9-9549 +9.9882 +8.8565 +9.8615 +9.9882 9.6265 -9.8769 +9.7901 +9.7901 +9.9514 +9.9026 -9.9627 +9-8535 +9.4840 8.7076 -9.9637 -9.9571 -9.7211 -9.9254 -9.7223 -8.6383 -9.9631 +9.7075 -9.9252 +9.4764 + 8.5970 +9.5628 +9-9531 + 1.2937 1.2937 1.2936 1-2935 1.2935 1.2935 1-2935 1-2935 1.2933 1.2932 1.2932 1.2930 1.2930 1.2929 1.2929 1.2928 1.2928 1.2927 1.2926 1.2926 1.2926 1.2926 1.2925 1.2924 1.2922 1.2922 1.2920 1.2919 1.2919 1.2917 1.2912 1.2910 1.2909 1.2909 1.2908 1.2907 1.2906 1.2906 1.2905 1.2905 1.2902 1.2902 1.2901 1.2900 + 1.2900 9.2916 9.2931 9.2951 9.2976 9.2980 9.2981 9.2982 9.2988 9.3024 9.3048 9.3056 9.3087 9.3103 9.3111 9.3126 9.3142 9.3150 9-3I74 9-3I75 9-3183 9.3186 9.3186 9.3218 9.3221 9.3265 9.3268 9.3309 9.3328 9.3339 9.3376 9.3480 9.3516 9-3525 9-3535 9-355 9.3561 9-3589 9-3592 9.3600 9.3610 9-3655 9.3661 9.3671 9.3700 -9.3700 1718 205 207 208 11.1483 iii.i58i ii. 1484 5312 4232 1292, R3O2 M525 R 304 J2 93 P 5 i6 W 7 o 4 M 5 26 R 3 o 5 Z886 R3o6 B.H 257 M 527 G 1933 B.H 257 R307 Gi 939 61941 A29o G 1942 M 5 28 J294, R3o8 R 309 R3io R3ii P 5 2 4 R3i2 B.Fi 795 53i 6 53"7 4236 4237 4238 V.2267 111.1583 V.2268 11.1486 11.1487 11.1488 V.2269 111.1586 V.227O 1719 1720 1721 2IO 212 213 214 +0,04 +0,05 + 0,02 + 0.3I + 0,04 +0,18 53i9 5322 5321 4240 4242 4244 4243 4247 218 +0,06 1722 220 219 11.1489 11.1490 iii.i587 5323 0,14 0,30 +0,0 1 +0,09 1730 1723 230 223 iii.i588 11.1491 0,02 0,14 + 0,11 I73 1 232 111.1589 V.2275 V.2274 11.1492 111.1591 5332 533i 4255 4254 1724 1725 1727 1726 226 228 0,04 +0,06 +0,02 5335 0,06 0,03 +0,01 1728 1729 236 237 ii.i493 11.1495 ii.1494 5349 4280 + 0,02 -o.73 0,07 0,07 +0,07 0,02 2 3 8 iii.1597 5357 5354 5360 5356 4285 4284 4286 1732 239 241 111.1598 11.1496 1733 "734 242 245 246 11.1497 V.229C 11.1498 iv. 836 4291 + 0,02 +0,06 +0,03 1737 2 5 ill. 1 60 3 (2B2) Xo. Constellation. Mag. Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a b c d 4366* 4367 4368* 4369 4370 437i 4372* 4373 4374* 4375 4376 4377 4378* 4379 4380 4381 4382 4383 4384 43S5 4386* 4387 4388 4389 439 439 1 4392 4393 4394* 4395 4396 4397 4398 4399 4400 4401 4402 4403 4404 4405 4406 4407* 4408 4409 4410* 78 Ursae Majoris .... 5 3 5* 6 6* 6 7 6 6 6 6 Si 6 5 6 5* H 6 5 6 6* 5 6 6 4 5 6 6 a 4* 6 6 6 7 6 4* 6 H 6 6 4* 6 5i 5 7 h m s 12 54 16,93 54 4 2 .83 54 54.9* 55 3 1 -3 55 35. 55 54. 6 5 56 0,85 56 10,83 56 22,63 5 6 25,95 56 30,14 57 3 6 .98 58 7.3 58 11,03 58 12,43 58 29,62 S 8 32,49 58 34,76 58 43.41 58 45.63 58 59,20 59 2,53 59 4.35 59 6,59 12 59 58,74 13 o 2,73 o 26,97 o 42,47 o 43.47 59.3 1 i 45,46 i 54,61 i 58,77 2 3,11 2 4,85 2 11,34 2 I9,OO 2 25,53 2 28,56 2 37,69 2 41,49 2 43,49 2 47,3 s 2 50,02 13 2 50,76 +2,584 3,005 3,432 3,282 3,7i8 2,396 3,623. 3,087 3,348 4,558 3,412 3,436 3,3 6 o 3,458 3,631 3.778 3.^6 3,308 2,819 3,5i5 3,567 2,933 2,923 2,717 2,883 3>'3i 2,391 2,882 3,121 3,215 3>7 3.J3I 4,701 3.509 3,525 3,100 3,761 2,956 3,606 3,389 2.95 1 2,786 2,774 3,403 + 3,6ii s 0,0278 0,0028 +0,0438 +0,0248 +0,0862 0,0309 +0,0702 +0,0046 +0,0322 +0,2631 +0,0401 +0,0424 +0,0328 +0,0450 +0,0690 +0,0916 +0,0109 +0,0265 0,0148 +0,0520 +0,0590 0,0074 0,0081 0,0198 0,0105 +0,0086 0,0281 0,0104 +0,0076 + 0,0163 +0,0120 +0,0083 +0,2741 +0,0486 +0,0506 + 0,0058 + 0,0835 0,0051 + 0,06 1 1 +0,0340 0,0053 0,0150 0,0156 + 0,0355 +0,0613 s +0,017 O,0 1 2 + O,OI2 + 0,015 o,o'i6 0,011 9.0776 8.8206 8.9920 8.8897 9.1635 9- J 75 6 9.1071 8.8113 8.9289 9.4800 8-97I3 8.9817 8.9306 8-9937 9.0986 9- J 757 8.8229 8.8965 8.9049 9.0266 9.0571 8.8421 8.8467 8.9681 8.8647 8.8154 9.1493 8.8640 8.8129 8.8422 8.8245 8.8139 9-4774 9.0067 9.0162 8.8092 9.1433 8.8285 9.0613 8.9326 8.-S30I 8.9122 8.9190 8.9402 9.0616 8.4603 8.2069 8-3799 8.2826 8.5569 8.5716 8.5040 8.2095 8.3287 8.8803 8.3721 8.3913 8.3442 8.4078 8.5129 8.5922 8.2398 8.3137 8.3232 8.4451 8.4774 8.2628 8.2676 8.3894 8.2926 8.2438 8.5808 8.2974 8.2464 8.2776 8.2657 8.2562 8.9202 8.4501 8.4598 8.2536 8.5886 8.2747 8-5077 8.3802 8.2781 8.3605 8.3677 8-3893 8.5108 +0.4123 0-4778 0.5356 0.5162 0.5704 0-3795 0.5591 0.4895 0.5247 0.6587 0-533 0.5360 0.5263 0.5389 0.5600 0-5773 0.4991 0.5195 0.4501 o-5459 0.5523 0.4673 0.4658 0.4340 0.4599 0.4957 0.3786 0.4596 0.4943 0.5072 0.5012 0.4956 0.6722 0.5451 0.5471 0.4914 0-5753 0.4707 0.5571 0.5301 0.4700 0.4450 0.4431 o-53 J 9 + 0.5576 9.0020 8.1301 + 8.8679 +8.6309 +9-1158 9.1308 +9.0430 +7.5085 + 8.7405 +9.4698 + 8.8305 +8.8504 + 8-7456 + 8.8722 +9.0319 +9.1312 + 8.2IOO +8.6557 8.6803 + 8.9269 +8.9736 -8.4149 8.4460 -8.8256 -8.5424 + 8.0524 9.0986 -8.5407 +7.9661 +8.4216 +8.2572 +8.0328 +9.4672 +8.8958 +8.9113 +7.7261 +9.0912 -8.3103 +8.9804 +8-7533 -8.3275 -8.7037 -8.7209 + 8.7705 +8.9810 0,002 +0,003 0,09 1 -0,039 0,003 +0,023 +0,006 0,001 +0,005 0,000 + 0,021 + O,OO6 0,011 0,008 0,00 1 +0,004 Charaaeleontis .... Muscse Q Virginis Centauri 14 Canum Ven Centauri 39 Comse +0,005 +0,006 +0,024 0,007 Ursae Majoris .... Comae AC Hydras \I/ +0,004 +0,004 0,028 Chamaeleontis .... Centauri Centauri +0,014 +0,001 5 1 Virginis Coni33 +0,003 0,006 0,017 0,027 Centauri Centauri Canum Ven 15 Canum Ven +0,002 0,005 -0,079 Centauri 196 No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of B 1 Taylor. Lacaille. Bris- bane. Various. of V c' d! 4366 4367 4368 4369 4370 437i 4372 4373 4374 4375 4376 4377 4378 4379 4380 4382 4383 4384 4385 4386 4387 4388 4389 439 439 1 4392 4393 4394 4395 4396 4397 4398 4399 4400 4401 4402 44 3 4404 4405 4406 4407 4408 4409 4410 i - 32 49 24,0 78 13 58,3 138 43 12,1 123 26 34,5 '53 37 54.9 25 34 59,0 149 38 4,8 9* 5i 15.3 130 23 23,6 167 38 14,9 136 18 46,8 137 39 23,3 130 46 54,7 139 6 5,4 149 3 19,1 154 30 9,0 104 6 41,9 125 3 18,2 53 2 3 48,3 142 39 1 8,0 H5 34 53.9 68 2 22,6 66 34 34,1 43 55 42.8 61 34 6,9 99 56 i3,7 27 9 9,9 61 38 20,4 98 10 48,4 112 18 50,9 105 42 51,5 99 3i 4 J . 2 167 38 31,2 140 45 45,5 141 45 55,8 94 44 12,7 152 30 n,6 72 21 1,4 146 6 32,3 131 *5 55. 6 71 40 31,9 51 46 36,2 50 39 57.5 132 34 4,1 146 9 39,8 + 19,5 J 9>49 19,48 19.47 19,46 19,46 19,46 19.45 19.45 J 9>43 19,41 19,41 19,41 19,41 19,40 19,40 19,40 19,40 J 9.39 '9.39 '9.39 19.37 19.37 19,36 19,36 19,36 19,32 19,32 19,32 19,32 19,32 I O."2 I I Qj 1 ? I *9>3 * 19,3 1 IQ. "1 1 1 Q "i I 0,088 0,104 0,119 0,115 0,130 0,084 0,128 0,109 0,119 0,162 0,121 O,I27 0,133 0,139 0,116 0,122 O,IO4 0,130 0,132 0,109 0,109 O.IOI 0,109 0,118 0,091 o, no 0,119 0,123 0,123 0,122 0,183 0,137 0,138 O,I2I 0,147 0,116 0,142 0,116 o,no O,IIO 0,134 -0,143 0,02 0,03 +0,32 0,00 0,19 0,02 -9.6359 -9.6749 -9.0330 -9.3615 +8.3522 9.6078 -8.0253 9.6246 -9.2373 +9.1620 9.0906 -9.0350 9.2167 -8-9745 7.8808 +8.6138 -9-5555 -9.3222 -9.6985 8.7896 -8.5478 9.6971 -9.6985 9.6856 -9.7031 -9.5830 -9.6335 -9.7044 -9-593 6 -9.4794 -9.5386 -9.5841 +9.2256 8.8280 -8.7664 9.6132 +8-5775 9.6947 8.2672 9.1667 -9.6963 9.7060 9.7052 -9.1351 -8.2253 + 9.9122 +9.2970 -9.8633 -9.7284 -9-9394 +9.9421 9.9228 8.6840 -9.7983 -9.9765 -9.8459 -9.8548 9.8009 -9.8643 -9.9192 9.9412 -9.3727 -9-7449 +9.7610 -9.8859 9.9019 +9-5583 +9-5848 +9.8429 +9.6627 9.2219 +9.9340 +9.6613 -9.1377 -9.5639 9.4168 9.2028 -9-9737 -9.8729 9.8790 8.9007 -9.9317 + 9.4654 9.9028 -9.8043 +9.4810 +9.7750 + 9-7855 -9.8137 9.9029 + 1.2899 1.2897 1.2896 1.2894 1.2893 1.2892 1.2891 1.2890 1.2890 1.2889 1.2889 1.2884 1.2881 1.2881 1.2881 1.2879 1.2879 1.2879 1.2878 1.2878 1.2877 1.2877 1.2876 1.2876 1.2872 1.2871 1.2869 1.2868 1.2868 1.2867 1.2863 1.2862 1.2861 1.2861 1.2861 1.2860 1.2860 1.2859 1.2859 1.2858 1.2858 1.2858 1.2857 1.2857 + 1.2857 -9.3704 9-3738 9-3754 9.3800 9.3805 9.3830 9.3838 9.3850 9.3865 9.3870 9.3958 9-3995 9.4000 9.4001 9.4022 9.4026 9.4028 9.4039 9.4041 9.4058 9.4062 9.4064 9.4067 9.4129 9-4I33 9.4162 9.4180 9.4181 9.4199 9.4252 9.4263 9.4268 9.4273 9.4275 9.4282 9.4291 9.4298 9.4301 9.4312 9.4316 9.4318 9.4323 9.4326 -9.4326 1736 '735 248 249 iii. 1 602 11.1499 V.2294 111.1604 G 1948 M 529 R 313 G 1950 M 530 R 3 i S 1295^317 R 3 i8 R 3 i 9 G 1956 M 531 G 1959 B.F 1807 B.F. 1 805 B.F. 1 806 R 320 R 321 1^532,1297 R 322 B.F 1810 R 323 B.F 1812 R 3 2 5 5370 5376 5372 4299 4302 4301 251 >5S iii. 1606 435 + 0,02 + 0,09 0,30 + I,OO +0,03 0,02 + 0,21 0,08 + 0,07 O,OO + O,I4 O,O I + 0,09 + O,I2 + 0,03 O,O2 1738 254 11.1500 V.2298 538o 5369 5383 539 5397 5396 539 2 5394 5400 5398 5402 4310 4306 43" 4316 4320 4321 43*9 4323 43^4 43*5 4329 V.2299 V.2302 V.23O4 v.23o 3 262 11.1502 v.2305 11.1503 .2307 11.1504 11.1505 1739 266 1740 1741 267 269 + 0,09 + 0,03 + 0,03 1742 *745 273 272 2 7 8 11.1507 ii.i5o6 iii. 1 6 1 1 4334 + O,o6 1744 1746 2 7 6 280 11.1509 .2311 11.1510 5406 4343 4340 + 0,05 -0,73 +0,0 1 +0,05 v.2313 11.1511 111.1613 v-2315 11.1513 54 J 3 434 6 1747 28l 283 54" +0,10 + 0,02 + O,I2 0,14 54'5 5420 4350 435 1 1748 2 + O,O2 + 0,07 !! 49 4 i iii. 1 6 14 11.1512 5422 4353 197 No. Constellation. Mag. Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a b c d 4411 4412 44 J 3 4414 44i5 4416 4417 4418 4419* 4420 4421 4422 4423 4424 4425 4426 4427 4428 4429 443 443 i 4432 4433* 4434 4435 4436 4437 4438 4439 444 4441 4442 4443 /j/1,1/] 4445* 4446 4447* 4448 4449 445 445 * 4452 4453 4454 4455 6 5* 7 7 6 6 5* 5 6 7 4* 5* 6 8 6 5 6* H 6 6 7 7 5 6 5* 7 5* 7 7 6 6 6 H 6 rt 6 . 7 8 4* 4 5 6 6 6 7 h m s 13 2 58,18 2 58,93 2 597i 3 7>44 3 9.4^ 3 23,24 3 4 2 .79 4 5>3 4 31,18 4 38.52 4 52,20 5 >9 5 5. 6 5 5.07 5 5.29 5 9.35 5 23,59 5 27,49 5 55.76 6 9.93 6 18,89 6 53,27 6 54,32 7 ",38 7 52,59 7 55,79 8 34,33 8 47,45 9 i.33 9 i9> 8 7 9 34,33 9 35,99 9 3 6 .33 9 5.59 9 53.88 10 1,88 10 5,20 jo 13,99 10 34,11 10 46,68 10 48,49 ii 8,45 ii 30,73 11 33,32 13 ii 50,80 + 3^864 3. 6 77 3,130 2,771 2,773 2,495 3,347 3,172 MM 2,740 2,867 3.676 2,989 3,957 4,041 3.958 34H 3> J 93 3.494 3.203 3,056 3,i36 2,737 3,938 3,206 3,44 3,305 2,719 3.670 2999 3,176 3.139 3,556 2,967 3,127 3,027 4."3 2,966 3,198 3,238 2,713 0,413 2,784 3,595 + 3> I 5 s +0,0987. +0,0704 +0,0083 -0,0157 -0,0155 0,0249 +0,0290 +0,0119 +0,0473 0,0165 O,OIOI +0,0682 0,0024 +0,1104 +0,1245 +0,1105 +0,0354 +0,0136 +0,0443 +0,0144 +0^0025 +0,0086 0,0158 +0,1040 +0,0145 +0,0017 +0,0232 0,0159 +0,0636 O,OO 12 +0,0118 +0,0088 +0,0492 0,0031 +0,0078 +0,0007 +0,1275 0,0031 +0,0134 +0,0168 0,0154 +0,1391 0,0124 +0,0525 +0,0096 s +0,041 +0,003 0,006 0,007 0,005 0,00 1 0,025 +0,009 0,057 0,010 0,056 0,039 0,001 9.1884 9.0970 8.8130 8.9200 8.9185 9.0784 8.9046 8.8226 8.9975 8.9326 8.8630 9.0856 8.8163 9.2158 9.2495 9.2160 8-9373 8.8278 8.9815 8.8303 8.8058 8.8112 8.9270 9- '95 5 8.8293 8.8055 8.8698 8.9306 9.0621 8.8107 8.8181 8.8099 9.0000 8.8174 8.8076 8.8059 9.2467 8.8174 8.8235 8.8369 8.9275 9.6212 8.8885 9.0126 -8.8101 -8.6385 8.5472 8.2633 8.3712 8.3700 8.5315 8.3600 8.2807 8.4587 8.3946 8.3266 8.5502 8.2815 8.6809 8.7147 8.6817 8.4047 8.2956 8.4526 8.3030 8.2796 8.2890 8.4049 8.6753 8.3138 8.2904 8.3590 8.4213 8-5543 8.3049 8.3140 8.3060 8.4961 8.3151 8.3056 8.3048 8.7460 8.3176 8.3260 8.3407 8-43 J 5 9.1274 8-3971 8.5215 8.3209 +0.5870 0-5655 0.4955 0.4426 0.4429 0.3970 0.5247 0.5014 -5455 0.4378 0.4574 0.5654 0-4755 0.5973 0.6064 0-5975 0-5332 0.5042 0-5434 0.5055 0.4851 0.4963 0.4372 0-5953 0.5060 0.4835 0.5191 0.4344 0.5647 0.4770 0.5019 0.4968 0.5509 0.4723 0.4951 0.4809 0.6142 0.4722 0.5049 0.5103 -4334 9.6154 0.4447 0.5558 +0.4983 +9.1472 +9.0306 +8.0216 -8.7237 8.7202 9.0051 + 8.6841 +8.2464 +8.8811 -8.7546 -8.5436 +9.0155 8.1467 +9.1800 +9.2193 +9.1803 +8.7657 + 8.3184 +8.8536 +8.3460 7.4009 +8.0321 -8-7435 +9.1562 + 8.3451 7.6320 +8.5780 -8.7531 +8.9832 8.0592 +8.2241 +8.0389 +8.8873 8.2150 + 7.9478 -7.8437 +9.2165 -8.2175 +8.3010 +8.4175 -8.7476 9.6161 -8.6458 +8.9089 +8.0861 Ursae Majoris .... -0,079 0,015 0,018 + 0,012 0,019 0,003 0,015 0,005 0,003 +0,002 +0,024 + 0,001 +0,015 0,001 + 0,022 0,020 MuSCae 1j CA Virginis e e Virtrinis Virginis Canum Ven Muscse Centauri 19 Canum Ven Centauri 59 Virginis e Virginis 58 Virginis 0,003 +0,008 +0,006 Centauri Virginis Virginis 60 Virginis 8 157 4 54.7 158 52 50,9 157 5 45.4 132 20 37,6 108 i 37,8 138 9 25,0 109 8 26,9 87 44 39. 99 34 20,9 49 3 S.o 155 59 19,6 109 8 35,4 86 9 19,1 120 42 35,4 48 21 3,0 146 30 22,1 79 47 27,3 104 45 1 1, i 99 45 X 9.2 140 29 31,8 75 32 4.8 97 56 16,2 83 44 12,8 158 53 5,0 75 26 45,5 107 28 28,6 112 22 39,5 48 38 8,9 8 44 4,0 55 6 45,7 Hi 57 i9,5 100 52 55,3 + 19.3 19,30 19,30 19,30 19,30 19,29 19.29 19,28 19,27 19,26 19,26 19.25 19,25 19,25 19,25 19,25 19,24 19,24 19,23 19,23 19,22 19,21 19,21 19,20 19,18 19,18 19,16 19,16 19,14 19,14 19,14 19,14 IQ. 1 7 J (V I ^ I Q i ? 9 J 3 19,12 19,11 19,11 19,11 19,10 19,09 19,09 + 19,08 -0,153 0,146 0,124 0,110 O,IIO 0,099 0,134 0,128 0,142 0,111 0,117 0,150 O,I22 0,l62 0,165 0,l62 0,140 0,131 0,145 0,133 O,I27 0,132 0,166 o,i37 0,130 0,142 0,117 0,159 0,130 0,138 0,137 0,130 0,137 0,181 0,130 0,141 0,144 0,120 0,0 1 8 0,125 0,161 0,142 n +0,06 +0,04 0,10 0,0 1 0,04 0,09 0,07 +0,29 I,2O + 0,03 0,91 + 0,14 + 0,04 + 8.8209 + 8.0086 -9.5848 9.7057 9.7060 -9-6655 9.2586 -9.5381 -8.8261 -9.7071 -9.7116 + 8.0043 -9.6848 +8-9499 +9.0212 +8.9518 9.1176 9.5126 -8.8927 -9.5005 9.6482 -9.5798 -9.7130 +8.9415 -9.4973 -9.6557 -9-3475 -9.7167 +7-8976 9.6812 -8.6571 9.6948 -9.5892 9.6667 +9.0955 -9-6953 -9.5091 -9-455.8 -9.7215 -9.5656 9.7256 8.4065 -9-5659 -9.9422 -9.9170 9.1920 +9.7870 +9.7849 +9.9098 -9.7625 9.4066 9.8662 +9.8045 +9.6630 -9.9121 +9.3126 -9.9465 9.9521 -9.9465 9.8105 -9.4727 -9-4974 +8.5766 9.2021 +9-7977 -9.9418 -9.4965 +8.8071 -9.6884 +9.8027 9.9011 +9.2284 9.2087 9.8670 +9-377I 9.1197 +9.0172 -9.9492 +9-3795 -9.4566 -9.5596 +9.7990 +9-9737 +9-7359 -9.8748 -9.2543 + 1.2856 1.2856 1.2856 1.2855 1.2855 1.2854 1.2852 1.2850 1.2848 1.2847 1.2846 1.2845 1.2845 1.2845 1.2845 1.2844 1.2843 1.2843 1.2840 1.2839 1.2838 1.2835 1.2835 1.2833 1.2829 1.2829 1.2825 1.2824 1.2822 1.2820 1.2819 1.2819 1.2819 1.2817 1.2817 1.2816 1.2816 1.2815 1.2813 1.2812 1.2812 1.2810 1.2807 1.2807 + 1.2805 -9-4335 9.4336 9-4336 9-4345 9-4347 9.4363 9.4384 9.4409 9-4438 9-4446 9.4461 9.4469 9-4474 9-4474 9-4475 9-4479 9-4494 9-4499 9.4529 9-4544 9-4554 9.4590 9-4591 9.4609 9.4652 9-4655 9.4695 9.4708 9.4722 9.4741 9-4756 9-4757 9.4758 9.4772 9-4775 9.4783 9.4787 9-4795 9.4816 9.4828 9.4830 9.4849 9.4871 9.4874 9.4891 54164352 54184354 R 3 2 4 R326 A 294 M533.J298 R 3 2 7 R 3 2 9 R 328 R 330 M 534 B.H 363 B.F 1825 R 33 i R 33 2 B.F 1830 B.F 1829 R333 B.F 1834 B.F 1833 61977 R 335 V.2 3 I 7 Ui.i6i9 11.1514 V.232] Ui.l622 V.2326 11.1516 1750 1751 1752 3 5 6 8 7 9 5429 5435 5437 4361 4362 4363 4370 4367 4366 4369 4373 4374 1753 1755 13 15 .... 16 O,02 0,16 +0,15 0,02 +0,24 0,17 0,00 +0,05 +0,06 +0,04 + 0,11 + 0,10 0,00 0,02 -0,23 0,16 5432 5433 5443 5448 V.2328 V.2329 11.1518 111.1627 111.1628 1754 17 1756 1757 20 21 23 27 545i 5466 5465 4380 4386 4388 4396 4394 1758 759 29 30 31 35 11.1519 iii.i63o 111.1632 v.2 33 6 11.1520 760 37 +0,04 0,12 761 38 11.1521 v.2339 111.1635 5472 4i 0,o6 0,29 + 0,13 O,OO 0,03 762 42 bi. 5470 4398 A3 iv. 860 763 764 765 44 45 48 11.1523 11.1524 11.1525 + 0,17 0,11 + 0,05 5' 111.1636 v.2346 11.1637 5484 44H 52 199 No. Constellation. Mag. Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a b c d 4456 4457* 445 8 4459 4460 4461* 4462* 4463 4464 4465* 4466 4467 4468* 4469 4470* 4471 4472 4473 4474 4475 4476 4477 4478 4479 4480 4481 4482 4483 4484 4485 4486 4487 4488 4489 4490* 4491 4492 4493 4494 4495 4496 4497* 4498 4499 4500 5 $ 3 7 7 6 7 6 6 6 6 6* 6 6 6 7 6 7 6 6 6 6 6 6 i 6 6 5 3 neb- 6 64 6* 6 6 7 5 5 si si 7 6 6 5* 7 h m s 13 ii 51,25 12 9,89 12 11,09 12 27,70 12 49,58 12 58,42 12 59,23 12 59,92 13 11,46 I 3 25,23 13 26,69 13 35.5 13 57,88 13 59,20 14 4,76 14 13,07 14 36,07 14 44,17 H 59,54 15 1 6,06 15 30,96 15 32,72 16 44,98 17 5,37 17 17,84 17 19,23 17 26,93 17 38,76 *7 52,59 17 53,21 *7 53,94 17 55,7 1 8 4,27 18 13,98 18 18,93 18 41,86 18 48,23 19 12,49 19 27,71 20 15,85 20 35,24 2O 53,OI 2O 57,26 21 5,65 13 21 22,29 s +2,571 2,771 3,371 3,148 7,888 3,8oi 3,029 3,802 3>59 6 4,549 3,213 2,705 2,958 3>93i ^ 3,049 3,i59 3,026 3,111 3,202 3,943 4-57 3,102 3,104 2,728 3,15* 3,562 3,429 8,162 2,417 3,544 2,417 4,222 3*99 3>45 6 3,579 3,812 3,166 2,405 3,i94 3,625 3,o7i + 2,122 -2,857 + 2,950 + 3,221 s 0,0194 0,0128 4-0,0284 +0,0094 +1,3570 +0,0769 +0,0011 +0,0770 +0,0516 +0,1992 +0,0143 0,0148 0,0031 +0,0935 +0,0025 +0,0102 +0,001 1 +0,0067 +0,0133 +0,0936 +0,1975 + 0,0061 +0,0063 0,0129 +0,0095 +0,0454 +0,0321 +1,3966 0,0196 +0,0432 0,0196 +0,1314 +0,0129 +0,0343 +0,0466 +0,0728 +0,0104 0,0192 +0,0124 +0,0503 +0,0042 -0,0177 + 1,0312 0,0025 +0,0142 s 0,000 8.9984 8.8936 8.8936 8.8092 9.8651 9.1049 8.8036 9.1052 9.0062 9.3635 8.8248 8.9229 8.8158 9.1552 8.8014 8. 8100 8.8028 8.8023 8.8195 9- I 53 6 9-3571 8. 8010 8.8004 8.9013 8.8059 8.9731 8.9079 8.8593 9.0475 8.9621 9.0475 9.2408 8.8155 8.9185 8-9777 9.0828 8.8072 9.0473 8.8127 8.9922 8.7965 9.1549 9-9053 8.8104 -8.8176 8.5093 8.4065 8.4066 8-3239 9.3822 8.6229 8.3217 8.6234 8.5256 8.8844 8.3458 8.4449 8.3401 8.6796 8.3264 8-3359 8.3311 8.3315 8.3502 8.6860 8.8911 8-3352 8.3419 8-4449 8.3508 8.5181 8.4538 9.4063 8.5960 8.5106 8.5960 8.7895 8.3651 8.4690 8.5287 8.6361 8.3612 8.6037 8.3706 8.5548 8.3610 8.7212 9.4720 8.3778 -8.3867 +0.4101 0.4426 0.5277 0.4980 0.8970 0-5799 0.4814 0.5800 0-5559 0.6579 0.5069 0.4321 0.4709 o-5945 0,4842 0.4996 0.4809 0.4929 0.5054 0.5958 0.6599 0.4916 0.4920 0-4359 0.4985 o-5S7 0.5352 0.9118 0.3833 0-5494 0-3833 0.6256 0.5051 0.5386 0-5538 0.5812 0.5005 0.3811 0.5043 0-5593 0.4873 +0.3267 -0-4559 +0.4698 +0.5080 -8.8857 8.6620 + 8.6620 +8.0704 +9-8635 + 9.0432 -7.7941 +9.0436 +8.8991 +9.3466 +8.3308 -8.7394 8.2271 +9.1079 -7.5021 +8.1204 7.8180 +7.7769 +8.2842 +9.1061 +9-3397 + 7.6593 +7-6831 -8.6888 +8.0615 +8.8440 +8.7065 +9.8576 8.9646 +8.8240 8.9646 + 9.2105 +8.2579 +8.7329 +8.8528 +9.0147 +8.1224 -8.9647 +8.2312 +8.8789 + 5.6969 9.1087 9.9040 8.2113 +8.3064 0,023 0,005 0,047 +0,071 +0,019 + O,OI2 0,046 0,003 + O,OOI O,0 1 1 0,003 0,001 +0,003 0,001 0,027 O,OI2 o,cco + 0,012 Muscae fi 0,000 O,OOO + 0,011 0,087 + 0,020 Centauri Octantis x 79 Ursae Majoris . . Ursae Majoris .... MuSCae + 0,023 0,106 + 0,002 + O,OI2 + 0,037 -0,073 0,005 + 0,019 0,004 + O,OI4 + 0,017 O,OI5 Centauri Centauri Centauri 68 Virginis i 80 Ursae Majoris . . g Centauri Virginis Draconis Ursae Minoris .... O,OI4 0,021 Virginis 2CO No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of i 1767 1 Taylor. 7 106 56 52,8 153 4i 59>2 163 54 20,8 94 8 14,9 94 22 40,1 52 10 53,8 100 22 36,5 137 58 58,9 128 58 8,7 175 59.7 34 17 23,5 136 41 41,7 34 17 35-7 158 50 22,7 106 4 39,9 130 42 58,9 138 36 13,4 148 44 53,3 ioi 55 3.5 34 J 3 45. 105 ii 43,0 140 23 14,2 90 2 44,2 25 58 12,1 4 ^7 4 r >8 75 2 5 7,i 107 57 0,5 + 19,08 19,07 19,07 19,06 19,05 19,05 19,05 19,05 19,04 19,03 19,03 19,03 19,02 19,02 19,02 19,01 19,00 19,00 18,99 18,98 18,98 18,98 18,94 18,93 18,93 18,92 18,92 18,92 18,91 18,91 18,91 18,91 18,90 18,90 18,90 18,88 18,88 18,87 18,86 18,84 18,83 18,82 18,82 18,81 + 18,80 0,116 0,125 0,152 0,143 >359 0,174 0,138 0,174 0,165 0,209 0,148 0,125 0,137 0,182 0,141 o>i47 0,141 0,145 0,150 0,186 0,216 0,146 0,149 0,131 0,152 0,172 0,166 0,396 0,118 0,172 0,118 0,205 0,156 0,169 o,i75 0,187 0,156 0,119 0,158 0,181 0,154 0,107 +0,144 -0,149 0,163 +0,03 -9.7111 9.7268 -9.2297 9.5682 +9-4374 + 8.7466 9.6651 + 8.7490 -8.4065 + 9.2648 -9.4915 9.7280 -9.6999 + 8.9666 -9.6525 -9.5561 9.6672 9.6040 -9.5071 + 8.9863 + 9.2801 9.6122 9.6102 -9.7366 -9.5650 -8.6493 -9.1103 + 9.4675 -9-7*59 -8.7404 -9-7I59 49.1884 9.5112 -9.0434 -8.5515 ^8.7973 -9.5501 -9-7I95 -9.5181 -8.0934 9.6372 9,6996 -9-5783 -9.7052 -9-4853 +9-8655 +9.7465 -9.7465 9.2392 -9.9761 -9.9159 +8.9681 9.9160 -9.8704 9.9604 -9.4833 +9.7936 +9-3883 -9.9297 +8.6776 -9.2872 + 8.9917 -8.9511 -9.4410 -9.9287 -9.9586 8.8342 -8.8579 +9.7625 -9.2304 -9.8458 -9-7733 -9.9729 +9.8915 -9.8364 +9.8915 -9.9441 -9.4167 -9-7887 -9.8493 -9.9058 9.2890 +9-8909 -9.3918 -9.8595 6.8730 +9.9261 +9.9710 +9-3732 9.4609 + 1.2805 1.2803 1.2803 1.2801 1.2799 1.2798 1.2798 1.2798 1.2797 1.2795 1.2795 1.2794 1.2792 1.2792 1.2791 1.2790 1.2788 1.2787 1.2785 1.2784 1.2782 1.2782 1.2774 1.2772 1.2770 1.2770 1.2769 1.2768 1.2767 1.2766 1.2766 1.2766 1.2765 1.2764 1.2764 1.2761 1.2760 1.2758 1.2756 1.2750 1.2748 1.2746 1.2745 1.2745 + 1.2743 -9.4891 9.4909 9.4911 9.4927 9.4948 9.4956 9-4957 9.4958 9.4969 9.4982 9.4983 9.4992 9.5013 9.5014 9.5019 9.5027 9.5049 9.5056 9.5071 9.5086 9.5100 9.5101 9.5168 9.5186 9-5I97 9.5199 9.5205 9.5216 9.5228 9.5229 9.5230 9.5231 9.5239 9-5^47 9.5252 9.5272 9.5278 9.5299 9.5312 9-5354 9-5371 9.5386 9.5390 9-5397 -9.5411 54 ii.1526 B.H 361 1301, R336 R 334 L 33 6 ^337 B.F 1843 B.F 1841 M 537 M 53 8 R 339 G 1986 M539 R340 G 1988 R 34 i R 34 2 M540, J303 M5 4 i G 1993 G 2007 +0,14 +0,05 0,08 0,80 +0,12 0,00 0,1 6 +,75 0,05 + 0,01 1766 53 55 ii.I52 7 ii.i528 549 * 5452 549 4417 4410 4420 v.235o 1768 V.2352 ^2353 5492 5498 5486 4421 4425 4423 1769 59 61 iv. 866 01.1640 0,07 55o 4428 + 0,02 + 0,05 + 0,32 + 0,06 + O,O2 -o,35 +0,02 + 0,02 1770 1771 62 66 67 68 111.1641 11.1529 iv. 870 ii.i53o 5509 5504 4437 4438 1772 1773 70 73 ii.i53i ii.i532 + 0,05 -0,52 + 0,03 + 0,62 + 0,04 1774 75 ii.'533 V.2372 111.1646 553 553i 5482 5533 4457 4455 4458 4445 74 1776 78 ii.i534 + 0,o6 0,64 0,07 + 0,10 +0,90 0,16 +0,04 +0,05 +0,05 +0,1 8 + ,5 2 1777 79 76 iv. 871 111.1648 v.238o v.238i ii.i535 ii.i537 ii.i536 v.2386 iv. 875 111.1651 5529 5543 5537 5540 4467 4468 1775 1779 1778 8c 85 82 5552 4476 89 96 +0,58 +0,03 1780 90 93 ii.i538 111.1653 4492 B.A.C. (2C) 201 No. Constellation. Mag. Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a b c d 4501 45** 453* 4504 45S 4506 457 4508 4509 4510* 45" 4512 4513* 45 H 45i5 4516 45*7 4518 45i9 4520* 4521 4522 45*3 4524 4525* 4526* 45 2 7 4528 4529 453 453i 453* 4533 4534 4535 45 3 6 * 4537 4538 4539 4540* 454 1 4542* 4543 4544* 4545 var. 7 7 6 7 6 44 7 var. 6 7 6 6 6 7 6 6 7 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 ** 6 7 6 1 6 4 6 6 6 Si 6 5 6 5* 6 6 8 neb. 6 h ra s 13 21 31,82 21 32,93 21 37,89 21 47,15 21 54,09 22 18,52 22 21,97 22 36,52 22 46,35 22 56,59 23 7,56 23 12,68 23 44.3 i 23 58,03 24 5,24 24 10,37 24 12,29 24 18,49 24 45.3i 24 51,19 25 4,41 25 4,62 25 13,89 *5 !5.33 25 34,80 25 40,63 25 44,07 26 30,78 26 31,92 26 37,93 26 42,84 27 3,32 27 6,32 27 30,65 2 7 43.33 28 5,89 28 10,39 28 19,19 28 20,88 28 21,05 28 29,53 28 33,90 28 36,61 28 39,41 13 28 50,56 8 + 3> 26 4 3.75 3.033 *,975 3, 2 37 L5I7 3,44 6 3,"8 2,900 2,226 3,089 4,082 2,848 3,226 3,084 3. "7 3-335 3,4 6 3 2,622 3.'97 S.'S 1 3,466 3,085 4,084 3,129 2,842 o,455 4,899 3,032 3,067 3,180 3,069 3,962 4,416 3,111 2,680 3,545 2,476 3,585 2,322 3,3i3 4,457 2,689 3.351 +2,566 8 + 0,0173 + O,OO45 + O,OO2I O,OO 1 2 + 0,0153 + 0,0053 + 0,0321 + O,OO7I 0,0046 0,0 1 8 1 +0,0054 +0,1030 0,0068 +0,0143 +0,0052 +0,0071 +0,0223 +0,0329 0,0139 +0,0122 +0,0092 +0,0329 +0,0052 +0,1008 +0,0079 0,0067 +0,1090 +0,2301 +0,0024 +0,0043 +0,0110 +0,0044 +0,0833 +0,1449 +0,0068 9,0115 +0,0388 -0,0155 +0,0424 0,0166 +0,0200 +0,1493 0,0112 + O,O227 0,0140 8 + 0,002 0,017 8.8302 8.7958 8.7972 8.8046 8.8213 9.3336 8.9025 8.7972 8.8215 9.1055 8.7950 9.1664 8.8370 8.8158 8.7942 8.7959 8.8512 8.9046 8.9285 8.8077 8.7991 8.9038 8-7933 9- J 574 8.7960 8.8360 9.5289 9.3768 8-7935 8.7921 8.8024 8.7918 9.1051 9.2507 8.7927 8.8942 8.9295 8.9808 8.9464 9.0446 8.8360 9.2570 8.8891 8.8492 -8.9407 8.4003 8.3660 8.3678 8.3761 8-3935 8.9081 8-4773 8-3734 8.3987 8.6836 8.3742 8.7461 8.4197 8.3998 8.3788 8.3811 8.4366 8.4905 8.5169 8.3967 8.3894 8.4941 8.3845 8.7486 8.3891 8.4296 9.1228 8.9750 8.3918 8.3910 8.4017 8.3930 8.7066 8.8544 8.3976 8.5011 8.5368 8.5890 8-5547 8.6529 8.4451 8-. 8 66 5 8.4989 8.4591 -8.5517 +0.5137 0.4879 0.4818 0-4735 0.5101 0.1810 0-5374 0.4938 0.4624 0.3476 0.4899 0.6109 0-4545 0.5086 0.4891 0.4937 0.5230 0.5394 0.4186 0.5047 0.4984 0.5398 0.4892 0.6111 0-4954 0.4536 9.6582 0.6901 0.4818 0.4867 0.5024 0.4870 0.5980 0.6450 0.4929 0.4281 0.5496 0.3938 o-5545 0.3658 0.5203 0.6490 0.4295 0.5252 +0.4092 + 8.4131 + 6.8034 7.7061 8.1079 + 8.3456 -9.3146 + 8.6979 + 7.7938 -8.3520 9.0461 +7-3939 +9.1232 8.4632 +8.3047 +7.2275 +7-7759 +8-5339 +8.7053 8.7612 +8.2089 +8.0118 + 8.7043 +7.2528 +9.1124 +7.8725 8.4641 -9.5214 +9.3616 -7.6815 6.6915 +8.1358 6.2719 + 9.0465 +9.2228 +7.6998 -8.6831 +8.7663 -8.8637 +8.8008 -8.9638 +8.4736 +9.2300 8.6702 + 8.5361 -8.7899 O,OOI O,OI2 + 0,004 0,001 + 0,007 + O,OO8 4- O,OO I + 0,007 + 0,011 Ursae Minoris .... Ursse Majoris .... O,OO4 -0,047 O,OO I 0,007 0,001 0,000 0,014 0,004 0,050 +0,003 Ursae Minoris .... 0,029 0,023 0,002 0,005 +0,002 0,014 +0,018 0,002 +0,003 + 0,011 +0,007 0,010 0,007 + 0,004 0,018 -0,054 +0,014 Virginis 80 Virginis Canum Ven 24 Canum Ven 8 1 Ursae Majoris Hydrse Canum Ven Hydras Canum Ven 202 No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec.Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of >. M a 3 '& Taylor. Lacaille. Bris- bane. Various. a' V 6 I0 4 35 24,5 99 23 2 5. 129 10 22,3 9 1 39 M 154 23 12,5 96 50 59,5 64 52 11,0 10 34 51,6 164 54 53,1 85 34 8,3 89 32 44,0 102 26 36,1 89 49 37,4 15 55 4,3 159 40 30,1 94 37 5,i 52 2 52,9 133 22 32,0 40 12 57,6 *35 39 3 1 , 6 33 5 2 5^,7 "5 43 4>7 160 i 10,1 52 50 44,6 119 5 50,8 45 2 7,5 + 18^80 1 8, 80 18,80 18,79 18,79 18,78 i8,77 '8.77 18,76 18,76 18,75 i8,75 18,73 18,72 18,72 18,72 18,72 18,71 18,70 18,70 18,69 18,69 18,68 18,68 18,67 18,67 18,67 18,64 18,64 18,64 18,64 18,63 18,62 18,61 18,60 18,59 18,59 18,58 18,58 18,58 18,58 18,58 18,58 '8,57 + 18,57 0,166 0,156 0,154 0,152 0,165 0,078 0,177 0,1 60 0,150 0,115 0,160 0,211 0,148 0,169 o, 161 0,163 o,i75 0,182 0,138 0,169 0,167 0,183 0,164 0,217 0,167 0,151 0,024 0,263 0,163 0,165 0,171 0,1 66 0,214 0,240 0,170 0,147 0,194 0,136 0,197 0,127 0,182 0,245 0,148 0,184 0,142 0,0 1 +0,04 -9.4275 9.6339 -9.6635 9.6949 -9.4654 9.6646 -9.0770 -9.5986 9.7227 9.7168 9.6227 +9.1370 9.7359 9.4806 -9.6275 -9.5996 9.3166 -9.0374 -9.7512 -9.5169 -9.5669 9.0306 9.6267 + 9.1468 9.5882 -9.7388 -9.6424 + 9.3856 9.6639 9.6404 -9-5368 9.6386 +9.0542 + 9.2982 9.6046 9.7580 8.7604 -9-7537 8.5366 -9.7436 -9.3568 + 9.3137 -9.7586 9.2916 -9-759 -9-5548 -7-9795 + 8.8807 +9.2750 -9-4959 +9.9524 9.7667 -8.9677 +9.5016 +9.9116 8.5696 -9.9275 +9.5965 -9.4591 8.4034 8.9500 -9.6527 9.7706 +9.8024 -9.3708 9.1820 -9.7698 8.4287 -9.9243 -9.0455 +9.5970 +9.9614 -9-953 1 +8.8562 + 7.8676 -9-3 OI 5 +7-4479 -9.9093 -9.9396 -8.8744 +9.7560 9.8039 +9.8498 -9.8213 +9.8861 9.6044 -9.9398 +9-7477 -9.6536 +9.8157 + 1.2741 1.2741 1.2741 1.2740 1.2739 1.2736 1.2736 1.2734 1.2733 1.2731 1.2730 1.2729 1.2726 1.2724 1.2723 1.2723 1.2722 1.2722 1.2718 1.2718 1.2716 1.2716 1.2715 1.2715 1.2712 1.2711 1.2711 1.2705 1.2705 1.2704 1.2704 1.2701 1.2701 1.2698 1.2696 1.2693 1.2693 1.2691 1.2691 1.2691 1.2690 1.2690 1.2689 1.2689 + 1.2687 9.5419 9.5420 9.5425 9-5432 9-5438 9-5459 9.5462 9-5474 9.5482 9.5491 9.5500 9.5504 9-5530 9-5542 9-5548 9-5552 9-5553 9-5559 9.5580 9-5585 9.5596 9-5S9 6 9.5604 9.5605 9.5621 9.5625 9.5628 9.5665 9.5666 9.5671 9-5 6 75 9.5691 9.5694 9-57I3 9-5723 9.5740 9-5744 9-575J 9-5752 9-5752 9-5759 9.5762 9.5764 9.5766 -9-5775 94 95 ii - I 539 11.1540 B.H838 M 542 B.Fi852 G 2001 J 304, R 343 M543 B.H 1495 R 344 B.Fi857 M544 R 345 G2oo8 M 545 R 347 R 34 6 W 73 2 B.F 1862 G 2012 R 34 8 M 546 M 547 B.F 1866 62016 R 349 B.H 368 ? G 2017 +0,04 +0,07 +0,03 +0,05 0,02 + 0,05 + 0,02 + 0,01 + 0,03 1781 1782 98 97 109 99 101 102 no 106 11.1541 iv. 878 iv. 879 11.1542 111.1655 111.1657 111.1659 111.1658 55 6 9 4496 5566 4506 O,OO O,22 + 0,05 + 0,03 1783 1784 III 114 "5 112 11.1543 Ui.i66o 11.1545 11.1544 V.24IO 5578 45*9 4520 + O,IO +0,04 0,07 +0,03 +0,96 0,0 1 1785 1786 117 118 11.1546 11.1547 v.24i6 iii.i66i 5583 5579 4529 4528 119 1787 121 11.1548 0,02 O,II +0,04 +0,14 +0,06 0,06 +0,13 0,04 0,05 +0,09 +o,3 1 +0,02 0,17 +0,02 +0,04 O,II 0,04 133 iv. 886 5577 4534 4542 1788 1789 I2 5 127 126 128 11.1549 iii.i666 111.1667 11.1550 V.2425 5589 5587 4544 4546 1790 I 3 136 11.1551 [11.1670 V.2429 111.1672 V.2432 iii.i673 11.1552 5598 5600 4550 4554 1791 I 3 8 1792 141 J 35 5608 5595 4556 4552 140 111.1674 5610 (2C2) 203 o. No. Constellation. Mag. Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Van Proper Motion. Logarithms of a b c d 4546* 4547 4548 4549 4550* 4552* 4553 4554 4555* 4556 4557 4558 4559* 4560 4561 4562 4563 4564* 4565 4566 4567 4568* 4569 457 457* 4573 4574 4575* 4576 4577 4578 4579 4580* 4581 4582 4583 4584 4585 4586* 4587* 4588 4589 459 8 1 Virginis 7 7 6 3 6 5 7* 7 6 6 54 6 7 6 6 7* 6 Si 6 6 5 7 6 7 7 6 6 7 7 5 5 6 6 7 7 6 6 85 7 6 h m s 13 29 44,09 30 1,83 30 17,07 30 25,18 3 44.77 30 46,50 30 46,67 3 55.67 31 20,47 31 22,19 31 41,99 32 6,77 32 10,38 32 10,95 33 0,71 33 10,51 33 30,39 33 3!,09 33 41.83 33 44.76 33 56,43 34 44,81 35 2,73 35 6,17 35 3M 1 35 44.26 36 6,07 36 14,60 36 24,75 3 6 3974 3 6 43>3 36 49,14 37 5,43 37 n, ii 37 ",59 37 i5.!8 37 3o,95 37 38,60 37 55,52 37 57>i8 38 12,43 38 49," 38 59,46 39 3,03 13 39 16,36 3 + 3> X 34 3>93 3.353 3,745 2,375 3,668 2,681 2,848 3.175 2,373 2,416 3,908 3,786 2,964 3.183 3,855 2,870 2,869 2,348 3>H5 2,842 3-543 2,289 4,078 3,030 3,104 3,116 4,102 3,221 2,833 3,2O2 1,863 3,137 3,418 3,742 3,332 3,^4 3, J 73 3,185 3,467 2,582 4,040 3,258 + 3,243 s +0,0082 +0,0058 + 0,0225 +0,0567 0,0157 +0,0489 0,0109 0,0055 +0,0105 -0,0155 0,0152 +0,0727 +0,0597 0,0005 + 0,0110 + 0,0662 0,0043 0,0043 0,0150 + 0,0087 0,0053 +0,0362 0,0147 +0,0894 +0,0028 +0,0065 +0,0072 +0,0911 +0,0131 0,0051 +0,0119 0,0080 +0,0083 +0,0259 +0,0526 +0,0200 +0,0128 +0,0109 +0,0103 +0,0109 +0,0293 0,0112 + 0,o8l6 + 0,0151 + 0,0142 8 + O,OO3 O,COI 0,011 0,010 -8.7931 8.7899 8.8466 9.0067 9.0141 8.9736 8.8869 8.8257 8.7970 9.0127 8.9938 9.0639 9.0164 8.7966 8.7968 9-0395 8.8157 8.8159 9.0140 8.7907 8.8232 8.9100 9.0317 9.1118 8.7863 8.7857 8.7860 9.1150 8.8002 8.8216 8.7961 9.1676 8.7869 8.8566 8.9818 8.8276 8.7984 8.7923 8.7903 8.7921 8.8721 8.9056 9.0831 8.8051 8.8015 8.4089 8.4073 8.4654 8.6262 8.6353 8.5950 8.5083 8.4479 8.4214 8.6372 8.6201 8.6924 8.6452 8.4254 8.4299 8.6735 8-45 J 5 8.4517 8.6508 8.4277 8.4612 8.5521 8.6754 8-7557 8.4324 8.4329 8.4351 8.7648 8.4509 8-4735 8.4484 8.8203 8.4410 8.5112 8.6364 8.4825 8.4547 8.4492 8.4486 8.4505 8.5318 8.5684 8.7468 8.4690 -8.4665 +0.4961 0.4903 0.5254 o-5735 0.3756 0.5644 0.4283 0.4546 0.5017 0.3752 0.3832 0.5920 0.5781 0.4719 0.5028 0.5860 0-4579 0.4578 0.3706 0.4976 0.4536 0-5493 0-359 6 0.6105 0.4814 0.4919 0.4936 0.6130 0.5080 0.4523 0.5054 0.2703 0.4965 0-5338 0.5226 0.5077 0.5030 0.5015 0.5031 0.5399 0.4119 0.6064 0.5130 +0.5110 + 7.8855 + 7.4241 + 8.5293 + 8.9074 8.9191 + 8.8526 -8.6670 8.4229 + 8.0901 -8.9171 -8.8873 +8.9925 + 8.9233 8.0966 + 8.1154 + 8.9581 -8.3644 -8.3658 8.9202 + 7.9312 8.4196 + 8.7296 -8.9474 + 9.0571 7.6611 + 7.5732 + 7-7033 + 9.0615 + 8.2250 -8.4215 + 8.1631 9.1269 + 7-8653 + 8.5842 + 8.8703 + 8.4594 + 8.2118 + 8.0967 i + 8.0497 + 8.0981 + 8.6360 8.7241 + 9.0207 + 8.3066 +8.2701 Virginis Hydrae Centauri s Ursae Majoris +0,018 25 Canum Ven Bootis +0,001 +0,015 Virginis Ursae Majoris Ursae Majoris .... + 0,005 0,016 0,024 Virginis +0,003 + 0,002 0,003 +0,002 0,011 0,004 0,000 0,008 +0,005 i Bootis Bootis 82 Ursae Majoris .... 2 Bootis Centauri 83 Ursae Majoris .... Centauri 84 Virginis . . . . o 0,018 +0,001 0,011 +0,084 +0,004 Virginis Virginis Centauri Bootis Virginis +0,001 0,001 + 0,001 0,029 +0,003 0,007 0,000 +0,013 0,005 + 0,001 0,009 Draconis Virginis i Centauri ... . i Centauri Hydrae 85 Virginis Virginis Virginis 86 Virginis Centauri Canum Ven Centauri V'rginis +0,006 +0,005 87 Virginis 204 /i . _X- No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec.Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of fr X fl Taylor. J Rris- i:ui'.-. Various. a' V c' d' 454.6 4547 4548 4S49 455 4SS 1 455* 4553 4554 4555 455 6 4557 4558 4559 4560 4561 4562 4563 45 6 4 45 6 5 4566 45 6 7 4568 4569 4570 457i 457* 4573 4574 4575 4576 4577 4578 4579 4580 4581 458* 4583 4584 4585 4586 4587 4588 4589 459 1 II 97 6 21.5 92 28 7,2 118 47 28,5 142 42 3,5 36 32 35,6 139 ii 13,0 52 56 24,2 66 42 9,7 101 19 29,4 36 38 12,2 38 3 1 ", 3 148 i 25,0 143 47 38,0 78 29 2 5.4 102 I 12,7 146 o 30,0 69 17 2,4 69 13 30,7 36 19 9,6 97 56 38,2 66 44 27,8 131 18 34,0 34 33 *9.9 151 51 24,6 85 42 4,0 93 3 54.7 94 44 28,8 152 8 54,8 105 25 24,3 66 32 27,7 103 27 37,2 24 25 12,2 96 52 46,5 122 l6 57,1 140 40 36,7 115 21 39,2 105 o 48,1 ioi 37 48,4 100 28 15,4 ioi 40 21,8 125 29 52,4 48 49 24,1 150 o 7,1 108 30 6,6 107 6 25,7 + is"s4 i*,53 18,52 18,51 18,50 18,50 18,50 18,50 18,48 18,48 18,47 18,46 18,46 18,45 18,43 18,42 18,41 18,41 18,40 18,40 18,39 18,37 18,36 18,35 18,34 i8,33 18,32 18,31 18,31 18,30 18,30 18,29 18,28 18,28 18,28 18,28 18,27 18,26 18,25 18,25 18,24 18,22 18,21 18,21 + 18,20 a -0,174 0,173 0,188 0,210 0,134 O,2O6 O,I5I 0,161 0,1 80 0,134 0,137 0,223 0,216 0,169 0,183 0,222 0,166 o, 1 66 0,136 0,182 0,165 0,208 oSS 0,240 0,179 0,184 0,185 0,244 0,192 0,169 0,191 O,III o,j88 0,205 0,225 0,200 0,194 0,192 0,192 0,193 0,210 o.i57 0,247 0,199 -0,199 +0,14 +0,08 -)-O,O2 +0,08 +0,0 1 +0,18 -9.5837 9.6202 9.2909 + 8.6314 -9.7546 + 7.9243 -9.7625 -9-74I5 -9.5432 -9.7563 -9.7597 +9.0086 + 8-7745 9.7018 -9-5343 +8.9310 -9-7374 -9-7375 -9.7614 -9.5738 -9.7452 -8.7839 -9.7619 +9.1784 -9.6657 9.6109 9.6008 +9.1981 -9.4909 -9.7490 -9.5142 -9.7425 -9.5816 9.1676 +8.6365' -9-3339 -9.4946 -9-S33 6 -9-5458 -9.5329 9.0492 -9-7795 + 9.1629 -9-445 -9.4643 9.0582 -8.5998 9.6481 -9.8659 +9.8700 9.8440 +9-7451 +9.5620 -9.2576 +9.8689 +9-8577 9.8925 9.8707 +9.2639 9.2818 -9.8817 +9-5"5 +9.5126 +9.8688 -9.1031 +9.5589 9.7814 +9.8772 9.9068 + 8.8360 -8.7485 -8.8779 9.9071 -9.3852 +9.5602 -9.3271 +9.9193 9.0382 -9.6873 9.8482 -9.5914 -9.3728 9.2638 -9.2185 9.2651 -9.7228 +9.7768 -9-8957 -9.4596 -9.4265 + 1.2680 1.2678 1.2676 1.2675 1.2673 1.2672 1.2672 1.2671 1.2668 1.2668 1.2665 1.2662 1.2661 1.2661 1.2654 1.2653 1.2650 1.2650 1.2649 1.2648 1.2647 1.2640 1.2638 1.2637 1.2634 1.2632 1.2629 1.2627 1.2626 1.2624 1.2623 1.2623 1.2620 1.2619 1.2619 1.2619 1.2617 1.2616 1.2613 1.2613 1.2611 1.2605 1.2604 1.2603 + 1.2601 9.5816 9.5830 9.5841 9.5848 9.5862 9.5864 9.5864 9.5871 9.5889 9.5891 9.5905 9.5924 9.5927 9.5927 9.5964 9-5971 9.5985 9.5986 9-5994 9.5996 9.6004 9.6039 9.6052 9.6055 9.6073 9.6082 9.6097 9.6104 9.6111 9.6121 9.6124 9.6128 9.6139 9.6143 9.6144 9.6146 9.6157 9.6162 9.6174 9.6175 9.6186 9.6211 9.6218 9.6221 9.6230 1793 142 H5 146 iii.i675 iii.i677 ii.i553 11.1554 5623 5618 4571 4570 J 35. R 35 B 36 B.Fi87i B.F 1870 B 37 G 2024 B.H 254 B.F 1875 Ms 4 8 R 3S i M549 B.F 1883 M 550 G 2034 W 74 2 J 306 R 35 2 M 551 R 353 B.H 371 ? R354 W 74 6 M 552 1794 v.2446 5622 4574 +0,02 0,00 -0,13 0,07 -0,13 -o,34 1795 150 152 111.1678 iii.i68o 156 iii. 1682 5627 5632 4580 4582 0,00 +0,17 0,00 0,05 + 0,01 O,OI 0,0 1 +0,15 +0,05 158 iii.i685 v.2458 11.1555 iv. 895 iii.i688 ii.i556 11.1557 v.2466 111.1690 5640 459 r 1797 1799 1796 1798 1 60 161 165 162 164 5654 4602 1802 170 +0,08 + 0,01 +0,06 0,8 1 +0,06 1800 169 171 i74 11.1558 iv. 898 ii-1559 5659 4611 4616 1801 176 11.1560 +0,13 +0,27 + 0,10 +0,19 0,16 +0,04 + O.II 0,02 0,04 0,00 + 0,03 1803 177 184 179 178 111.1693 iv. 900 ii.i56i ii.i562 v.2476 11.1563 ii.i564 iv. 902 111.1694 11.1565 111.1696 5668 5664 5670 4619 4618 4620 4623 1804 1805 180 181 183 185 rS6 187 5676 4627 0,04 + 0,07 1806 190 191 11.1566 11.1567 4 6 35 205 No. Constellation. Mag. Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a b c d 4S9i* 4592 4593 4594 4595* 4596 4597 4598 4599 4600* 4601 4602 4603 4604 4605* 4606* 4607 4608 4609 4610* 4611 4612 4613 4614* 4615 4616 4617 4618 4619 4620* 4621* 4622 4623 4624 4625 4626 4627* 4628* 4629 4630* 4631* 4632* 4633 4634 4635 H 7 7 6 ft 6 5 6* 7 6* Ji 3* 5 6* 6 7 *i si 6 6 7 7 6 4 54 6 6 7 6 6 7 4i 6 6 7 6 5 6* 6 6 6 7* 6 h m s 13 39 18,03 39 28,91 39 35.77 39 45.2 2 39 49.3 39 5*.33 40 8,23 40 1 1, 80 40 27,49 4 3M7 40 31,88 40 36,11 4 4 6 .49 4 54.54 40 59,50 41 34,68 41 37,30 41 43,82 41 44,61 41 52,25 41 54,89 4 1 56,43 42 0,25 42 4.97 42 14,59 42 27,11 42 30.93 42 37,21 42 40,41 42 50,70 42 56,69 42 58,27 43 11,26 43 25,61 44 1,22 44 16,93 44 27,02 44 3 1 . 1 ? 44 35.57 44 39.27 44 47.55 45 io.3 6 45 H,98 45 20,18 J 3 45 34.35 s +3.159 2,724 3,129 2,790 2,610 2,565 2,885 4.5 J 9 3.J3 1 2,606 3-563 3.577 3.45 3,091 2,251 2,710 2,385 3,250 2.539 2,712 4,181 4,183 3,282 o.i57 2,899 3,812 3.673 2,837 3,140 3.487 2,866 3,142 3.438 3.4'9 3,838 4-"3 2,651 2,652 3.4*7 3,689 3.483 2,653 5,8^3 2,884 + 3,8i6 s +0,0095 0,0080 +0,0079 0,0060 0,0105 0,OII2 O,CO29 + 0,1394 + O,OO8O O,OIO5 + 0,0360 + 0,0371 +0,0274 + O,Oo6o 0,0131 0,008O O,OI28 + 0,0144 O,OII2 0,0078 + 0,0947 + 0,0949 + 0,0163 + 0,1273 O,002 1 + 0,0563 + 0,0441 0,0042 + 0,0084 + 0,0296 0,0031 + O,OO86 + O,O26l + 0,0248 + 0,0578 + 0,0850 0,0087 0,0088 + 0,0251 + 0,0446 + 0,0289 O,OO86 + 0,3523 O,OO22 + 0,0550 s -8.7871 8.8516 8.7839 8.8295 8.8924 8.9092 8.8034 9.2199 8.7832 8.8920 8.9025 8.9077 8.8604 8.7807 9.0237 8.8521 8.9723 8.8000 8.9141 8.8508 9.1167 9.1172 8.8068 9.4916 8-7975 8.9903 8.9384 8.8117 8.7819 8.8689 8.8039 8.7818 8.8511 8.8445 8.9944 9.0863 8.8666 8.8659 8.8448 8.9382 8.8631 8.8642 9.4532 8.7969 8.9812 -8.4523 8.5177 8.4506 8.4969 8.5602 8.5771 8.4727 8.8895 8.4542 8-5633 8.5738 8.5794 8.5329 8.4538 8-6973 8.5285 8.6489 8.4771 8.5913 8.5287 8.7948 8-7954 8.4853 9.1705 8.4772 8.6710 8.6194 8.4932 8.4637 8.5515 8.4870 8.4650 8-5353 8.5299 8.6827 8.7758 8-5569 8.5566 8.5358 8.6296 8.5550 8.5580 9-H73 8.4914 8.6769 +0.4996 0.4352 0.4955 0.4456 0.4166 0.4091 0.4601 0.6550 0-4957 0.4160 0.5518 0.5536 0.5378 0.4902 0.3523 0.4330 0.3776 0.5119 0.4046 0-4333 0.6213 0.6215 0.5161 9.1967 0.4623 0.5812 0.5650 0.4528 0.4970 0.5425 0-4573 0-4973 0-5363 0.5339 0.5841 0.6142 0.4234 0.4236 0.5349 0.5670 0.5419 0.4237 0.7651 0.4600 +0.5816 + 7-9793 -8.5716 + 7-7998 -8.4783 -8.6937 -8-7334 8.2981 +9.1890 +7.8087 -8.6937 +8.7189 +8.7309 +8.6046 +7.3428 8.9380 -8.5781 8.8569 +8.2753 8.7462 -8.5742 +9.0650 +9.0658 + 8-3434 -9.4833 8.2520 +8.8872 + 8.7964 -8.3856 + 7.8584 +8.6348 -8.3247 +7-8699 + 8.5783 +8-5547 + 8.8946 +9.0264 8.6307 8.6290 +8.5590 +8.7980 +8.6208 8.6249 + 9-4433 -8.2745 +8.8743 i 0,007 +0,006 0,000 4 Bootis 7* 0,029 0,050 0,001 88 Virginis n 0,001 0,007 +0,002 + 0,011 +0,019 84 Ursse Majoris .... Canum Ven 8 5 Ursae Majoris . - ij -0,033 0,004 Canum Ven Canum Ven 0,00 1 0,013 0,004 0,018 0,009 +0,006 +0,002 0,058 Ursse Minoris .... Centauri 6 Bootis s Centauri +0,004 +0,005 +0,008 0,008 Centauri Centauri Centauri Canum Ven Canum Ven 4 Centauri h +0,004 +0,020 0,019 Centauri Centauri Canum Ven Apodis 0,056 +0,012 + O,OII Bootis Centauri 206 No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec.Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of w Taylor. Lacaille. Bris- bane. Va ">. of V tf df 4592 4593 4594 4595 4596 4597 4598 4599 4600 4601 4602 4603 4604 4605 4606 4607 4608 4609 4610 4611 4612 4613 4614 4615 4616 4617 4618 4619 4620 4621 4622 4623 4624 4625 4626 4627 4628 4629 4630 4631 4632 4633 4634 4635 1 II 98 57 15,2 S 8 20 43,5 95 57 ">9 63 32 30,8 50 44 37,7 48 9 24,0 7i 47 35.7 158 39 7.7 96 5 n, i 50 42 1 8,2 130 56 15,5 131 43 26,6 123 41 58,3 92 5 26,8 34 49 3,2 57 5 57,7 39 56 11,0 107 23 5,4 47 12 2,7 58 3 46,9 152 36 35,9 152 38 59- 1 no 7 24,8 II II 2,6 73 27 20,4 142 3 54,3 136 9 9,6 67 59 7,0 96 50 56,5 125 40 42,7 70 37 23,4 97 2 10,8 122 14 54,4 I2O 52 26,9 142 37 42,5 !5 35 45,2 54 28 55,9 54 35 ">9 121 II 3,9 136 23 10,8 124 55 16,8 54 48 7,6 167 50 53,4 72 31 23,0 141 25 10,8 + 18,20 18,20 18,19 18,19 18,18 18,18 18,17 18,17 18,16 18,16 18,16 18,15 18,15 18,14 18,14 18,12 18,12 18,11 18,11 18,11 18,11 18,10 18,10 18,10 18,09 18,08 18,08 18,08 18,08 18,07 18,07 18,07 1 8,06 18,05 18,02 18,02 18,01 18,01 1 8,00 18,00 1 8,00 17,98 17,98 17,97 + i7>9 6 0,167 0,192 0,172 0,161 0,158 0,178 0,279 0,194 o, 161 0,221 0,222 0,214 0,192 0,140 0,170 0,149 0,204 0,159 0,170 0,262 0,263 0,206 0,0 1 o 0,182 0,240 0,232 0,179 0,198 0,221 0,182 0,199 0,218 0,218 0,245 0,264 0,170 0,170 0,220 0,237 O,224 O,I7I 0,376 0,187 -0,247 " -9.5604 9.7709 -9-5887 -9.7607 -9.7803 -9.7816 -9-7359 +9-3735 -9.5872 9.7816 8.6946 -8.6128 9.0962 9.6213 -9.7767 -9.7750 -9.7836 9.4561 -9-7751 +9.2608 +9.2620 -9.4140 9.7049 -9-73*5 + 8.8704 +8.0531 -9-75I7 -9.5789 -8.9978 -9.7431 -9.5769 -9.1297 -9.1723 +8.9294 +9.2299 -9.7846 -9.7846 -9- J 55 6 +8.2989 -9.0133 -9-7853 +9-5339 -9.7381 +8.8859 9.1500 +9.6777 -8-9735 +9.6064 +9-7587 +9.7816 +9.4519 9.9262 8.9823 +9-7584 -9-7732 -9-7799 9.7008 -8.5186 +9.8707 +9.6819 +9.8405 -9-43 11 +9.7879 +9.6790 -9.9039 -9.9041 -9.4921 +9.9471 +9.4098 9.8520 -9.8131 +9.5288 -9.0314 9.7206 +9-4755 9.0428 9.6816 -9.6644 -9-8539 -9.8935 +9-7I74 +9.7162 9.6673 9.8128 -9.7107 +9-7I33 -9.9427 +9.4300 -9.8453 + 1.2601 1.2600 1.2599 1.2597 1.2597 1.2596 1.2594 1.2593 1.2591 1.2590 1.2590 1.2590 1.2588 1.2587 1.2586 1.2581 1.2581 1.2580 1.2579 1.2578 1.2578 1.2578 1.2577 1.2576 '2575 1.2573 1.2572 1.2572 1.2571 1.2569 1.2569 1.2568 1.2566 1.2564 1.2559 1.2556 1.2555 1.2554 1-2553 1.2553 1.2551 1.2548 1-2547 1.2546 + 1.2544 9.6231 9.6238 9.6243 9.6249 9.6252 9.6254 9.6265 9.6268 9.6278 9.6281 9.6281 9.6284 9.6291 9.6296 9.6300 9.6323 9.6325 9.6329 9.6330 9- 6 335 9.6336 9.6338 9.6340 9- 6 343 9.6350 9.6358 9.6360 9.6364 9.6367 9.6373 9.6377 9.6378 9.6387 9.6396 9.6419 9.6429 9.6436 9.6439 9.6441 9.6444 9.6449 9.6464 9.6467 9.6470 -9.6479 B.F 1886 B.F 1890 B.F 1892 G 2044 B.F 1894 J 3 o8,R 3 57 P548, J3O9 G 2049 B.F 1896 M 554 Ms53 G 2051 B.F 1898 R 3S 8 R359 G 2053 B.F 1901 . J 310 B.F 1904 B.F 1905 J 311 R 3 6i B-F 1907 B.F 1906 +0,04 +0,05 + 0,01 1808 192 196 11.1699 iv. 903 11.1568 0,05 O,IO +0,04 1810 199 11.1569 5678 4637 1809 20 1 11.1571 +0,09 + O, IO +0,15 +0,04 1807 1812 197 198 202 203 205 11.1570 11.1572 11.1573 111.1702 5683 5684 5688 4644 4645 4647 +0,03 +0,05 1815 1811 209 204 11.1574 .... 4653 4649 +0,16 0,07 0,05 +0,21 +0,14 0,16 0,00 0,96 206 11.1576 1813 2IO 11.1577 .2496 ^2497 11.1578 01.1707 7.2499 5700 5702 5706 4656 4 6 57 4659 1816 207 215 213 0,06 + O,II +o,37 0,08 1814 218 216 111.1708 iv. 906 V.2502 .2503 5708 5712 5711 4662 4663 4665 +0,06 0,02 +0,07 1817 221 11.1580 v.2505 111.1709 5725 5719 5726 4669 4668 4671 222 -0,73 0,25 + 0,01 5694 4666 228 "'2507 5727 4677 207 No. Constellation. Mag. Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a b c d 4636 4637 4638 4639* 4640 4641 4642 4643 4644 4645 4646* 4647* 4648 4649* 4650* 4651 4652* 4 6 S3 4654 4655 4656 4657 4658 4659 4660 4661 4662 4663 4664 4665 4666 4667 4668 4669 4670 4671 4672 4673 4674 4675 4676 4677* 4678* 4679 4680* 6 6 3 7 6* 6 6 6 6 6 4* 7 3 6 6 6* 7 4* 5 H 5 6 7 6 5 6 6 &i 7 7 6 5 i 6 5* 4* 7 6 6 7 6 7 6* 7 h m s 13 45 48,08 46 2,79 46 12,67 46 12,73 46 22,25 46 31,40 46 41,80 46 51,38 46 52,23 47 0,35 47 2,98 47 6,59 47 3^.58 48 19,77 48 24,36 48 49,48 49 2,04 49 io53 49 26,29 49 42,i8 49 43. 1 5 50 6,81 50 25,15 50 37,29 5 54,43 5i 7,49 Si 25,73 Si 3M5 5 1 37,i5 52 3-15 52 10,44 52 16,89 52 23,67 53 i7,4i 53 20,50 53 5i,8i 54 1,07 54 17,26 54 20,47 54 22,21 54 43,i7 55 4i,45 55 54,96 56 20,29 13 S 6 25,08 + 3385 2,869 3,702 3>247 2,734 3,877 + 3,895 2,208 +4,248 3>79 i,752 3,H8 2,861 2,218 3,38o 3,052 2,676 3,611 3,665 4,170 2,740 3,349 + 3,i95 -o,356 + 5,579 6,020 2,899 3,353 2,812 3,102 3,153 3,589 3,698 4,i54 3,994 3-39 1 3,045 3,292 3,454 2,729 2,665 3,959 2,660 3,236 + 3,i68 s +0,0222 0,0026 +0,0450 +0,0140 0,0065 +0,0601 +0,0616 +0,5763 +0,0974 +0,0056 0,0030 +0,0088 0,0027 0,0 113 +0,0215 +0,0045 0,0074 +0,0369 +0,0409 +0,0866 0,0059 +0,0194 +0,0111 + 0,1853 + 0,2860 +0,3705 0,0011 +0,0195 0,0037 +0,0067 +0,0090 +0,0345 +0,0424 +0,0820 +0,0666 +0,0214 +0,0045 +0,0158 +0,0251 0,0055 0,0067 + 0,0622 0,0066 +0,0129 +0,0096 s 0,0 1 1 0,000 0,009 8.8293 8.7992 8.9381 8.7936 8.8352 8-9997 9.0054 9.7213 9.1170 8.7748 9.1564 8.7782 8.7990 9.0092 8.8232 8.7732 8.8481 8.8973 8.9160 9.0831 8.8271 8.8118 8.7800 9.5204 9.3894 9-4553 8.7863 8.8104 8.8044 8.7703 8-7733 8.8821 8.9190 9.0650 9.0152 8.8169 8.7681 8.7921 8.8342 8.8220 8.8400 8.9963 8.8392 8-7789 -8.7701 8.5260 8.4971 8.6368 8.4924 8-5347 8.6999 8.7064 9.4231 8.8189 8-4773 8.8591 8.4812 8.5040 8.7179 8.5323 8.4842 8.5600 8. 6100 8.6298 8.7982 8.5423 8.5288 8.4984 9.2397 9.1101 9.1770 8-5093 8-5343 8.5283 8.4962 8.4998 8.6091 8.6465 8.7965 8.7470 8.5511 8.5030 8.5281 8.5705 8.5584 8.5780 8.7386 8.5826 8.5242 -8.5158 +0.5296 -4577 0.5684 0.5115 0.4367 0.5885 +0.5906 0.3440 +0.6281 0.4884 0.2435 0.4980 0.4565 0.3460 0.5289 0.4845 0.4276 0.5576 0.5641 0.6202 0-4377 0.5249 +0.5044 -9-55I9 +0.7465 0.7796 0.4622 0.5254 0.4491 0.4916 0.4987 0.5550 0.5679 0.6184 0.6014 0.5304 0.4836 0.5174 0.5384 0.4360 0.4257 0.5976 0.4249 0.5100 +0.5008 +8.4984 8.3046 +8.7990 + 8.2454 -8.5260 +8.9043 + 8.9131 -9.7185 +9.0667 + 6.8991 9-"53 +7-8833 -8.3149 -8.9197 + 8.4792 7.2672 8.5814 +8.7174 +8-7583 + 9.0239 8.5020 + 8.4251 + 8.0728 -9.5I34 +9.3765 +9-4458 8.2100 +8.4244 8.3860 +7.4616 +7.8849 +8.6856 +8.7676 +9.0009 +8.9311 +8.4695 -7.3665 +8.3065 +8.5456 8.4952 -8.5678 +8.9039 -8.5681 +8.1701 +7.9416 7 Bootis Centauri +0,005 0,025 0,014 0,023 +0,026 +0,003 +0,003 0,006 +0,00 1 + 0,012 0,008 0,008 Ursae Minoris Virginis 8 Bootis ij 86 Ursae Majoris .... Hydra 92 Virginis Canum Ven Centauri 0,003 0,011 -0,047 +0,006 0,002 +0,029 Centauri y' Centauri 9 Bootis 47 Hvdra Virginis Ursae Minoris .... Apodis 5 0,052 Apodis Bootis +0,003 0,012 +0,003 0,002 0,011 O,OI2 0,003 0,009 O,O26 O,OOI + 0,005 + 0,005 0,001 0,005 48 Hydra 10 Bootis Virginis .... Virginis Centauri Centauri y? Centauri fi Centauri Hydra 07 Viririnis . . . 9 6 17,95 i7,94 17.94 "7,93 17,93 17,92 I7-9 1 17,9* I7-9 1 I7.9 1 17,90 17,89 17,86 17,85 17,84 17,83 17,82 17,81 17,80 17,80 17,78 17,77 17,76 17,75 17,74 17,73 17,72 17,72 i7,7i 17,70 17,70 17,69 i7, 6 5 17,65 17,63 17,62 17,61 17,61 17,61 !7,59 17,55 *7>54 17,53 + 17,52 0,220 0,187 0,241 O,2 12 0,178 0,254 -0,255 + 0,145 -0,279 O,2O2 0,115 0,207 0,189 0,147 0,225 0,204 0,179 0,242 0,246 O,28o 0,184 O,226 0,216 +0,024 -0,379 0,409 0,198 0,229 0,192 0,212 0,216 0,246 0,254 0,287 0,276 0,236 0,212 0,230 0,241 0,191 0,187 0,279 0,188 0,229 0,225 // 0,01 + 0,01 + 0,11 -9-H53 -9-7435 + 8.4150 9.4620 9.7766 +9.0043 +9.0322 -9.6953 + 9-3075 -9.6313 -9.7707 -9.5717 -9.7469 -9.7943 -9.2567 9.6514 -9.7873 -8.3560 +7.8921 +9.2783 -9.7783 -9.3139 -9.5244 -9.7275 +9.5405 + 9.5638 -9-7343 -9-3079 -9.7632 -9.6131 -9.5676 -8.5515 + 8-3945 + 9.2790 +9.1620 -9.2393 -9.6556 -9.4043 9.1004 -9.7841 -9.7946 +9.1323 -9.7966 -9.4786 -9-55*7 9.6211 +9.4572 -9.8125 -9.4034 +9.6423 -9.8559 -9.8589 +9.9482 9.9006 -8.0751 +9.9097 -9.0558 +9.4663 +9.8601 -9.6054 + 8.4431 +9.6823 -9.7689 -9.7908 9.8890 +9.6231 -9.5611 -9.2404 +9.9403 -9.9341 -9-9373 +9.3702 -9.5603 +9.5279 8.6372 -9.0573 -9.7491 -9.7941 9.8806 9.8605 -9.5967 +8.5423 -9.4581 -9.6549 +9.6168 +9.6709 9.8498 +9.6707 -9.3326 9.1128 + 1.2542 1.2540 1.2538 1.2538 1-2537 1-^535 1.2534 1.2532 1.2532 i-253i 1.2530 1.2530 1.2525 1.2518 1.2517 1.2513 1.2511 1.2510 1.2507 1.2504 1.2504 1.2500 1.2497 1.2495 1.2493 1.2490 1.2487 1.2485 1.2485 1.2481 1.2480 1.2479 1.2478 1.2469 1.2468 1.2463 1.2461 1.2458 1.2458 1.2457 1.2454 1.2444 1.2441 1.2437 + 1.2436 9.6488 9.6497 . 9.6503 9.6503 9.6509 9.6515 9.6522 9.6528 9.6528 9- 6 533 9- 6 535 9.6537 9.6554 9.6583 9.6586 9.6601 9.6609 9.6614 9.6624 9.6633 9.6634 9.6648 9.6659 9.6667 9.6677 9.6685 9.6696 9.6702 9.6703 9.6718 9.6722 9.6726 9.6730 9.6762 9.6764 9.6782 9.6787 9.6797 9.6799 9.6800 9.6812 9.6845 9.6853 9.6867 9.6870 1818 230 234 231 ii.I58i 11.1583 ii.1582 5742 5737 4681 4683 1312,11362 Z 9 6o B.F 1911 62063 M 555 Airy (C) G 2062 B.F 1917 J 3i3 J 314 R 3 6 3 B.F 1914 62066 R 3 6 4 B.F 1919 M 55 6 1315,1*365 B.F 1924 B.F 1927 B.H 1427 ? + 0,12 O,II 0,00 +0,09 0,05 +0,04 +0,06 +0,03 +0,35 +o,n +0,15 0,03 *35 iii.l7l6 V.25II v.25i3 iv. 915 574i 5744 4685 4689 263 5733 4687 1819 1823 1820 1821 1824 237 243 238 240 250 11.1584 11.1586 11.1585 11.1587 111.1719 V.252I 111.1721 5764 4702 1822 248 +0,19 +0,25 0,08 +0,07 +0,04 -(-0,20 .... 246 249 11.1588 11.1589 5768 5770 5766 5777 4704 4707 4708 1826 1825 254 253 256 11.1590 11.1591 iv. 918 +0,30 5757 4712 +0,19 +0,09 + 0,02 +0,05 + 0,05 0,14 + 0,12 + 0,07 +0,23 + 0, 12 + 0,07 + 0,05 -0,13 O,02 1827 1828 264 262 266 269 270 111.1728 111.1729 111.1730 11.1593 11.1594 V.2532 "1595 11.1596 v-2535 11.1597 11.1598 iii.i735 ^2539 11.1599 578o 5783 5782 5784 5786 5788 579 1 4728 4729 4733 4735 4738 474i 267 829 274 275 276 830 282 O,O2 .2541 5797 *74 6 + 0,03 O,OI 286 287 11. 1 600 11. 1 60 1 B.A.C. 209 No. Constellation. Mag. Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Logarithms of Motion. a b c d 4.681 4682* 4683 4684* 4685 4686 4687 4688 4689 4690 4691* 4692 4693 4694* 4695 4696 4697 4698 4699* 4700* 4701* 4702 4703 4704 4705 4706 4707 4708 4709 4710 4711* 4712* 4713* 47H 47iS 4716 4717 4718* 47i9 4720* 4721 4722 4723* 4724 47^5 Centauri l6 5 1,312 I,*! 1 3.254 6,972 3.889 2,661 3.949 1,627 3,202 3.185 2,403 3,261 2,253 3,207 4,538 3.978 8,637 2,739 3,136 3.415 4,110 3.183 3,407 6,770 3,033 2,621 4,619 3,188 3,102 0,411 3.452 3. J 35 2,900 3.293 2,667 2,936 +2,147 + 0,0358 +0,0137 +0,0128 0,0095 +0,0209 +0,0299 +0,0481 +0,0095 +0,0156 +0,0097 +0,0136 +o,54i3 +0,0543 0,0061 + 0,0590 +0,0023 + 0,0112 +0,0103 0,0086 +0,0137 0,0087 + O,OII2 +0,1133 +0,0598 +0,9674 0,0040 +0,0083 +0,0214 +0,0702 +0,0102, +0,0209 +0,4714 + 0,0044 0,0060 +0,1203 +0,0104 +0,0070 +0,0769 +0,0231 +0,0083 + 0,0004 +0,0150 0,0049 +0,0014 0,0073 s +0,009 -8.8835 8.7810 8.7779 8.9719 8. 8 100 8.8538 8-9379 8.7677 9.2167 8.7677 8-7785 9-5349 8.9609 8.8312 8.9792 9.1367 8.7692 8.7665 8.9066 8.7748 8.9519 8.7664 9.1320 8.9780 9.6700 8.8031 8.7589 8.8052 9.0131 8.7619 8.8022 9.4918 8.7568 8.8326 9-H47 8.7620 8-7563 9.3506 8.8107 8-7559 8.7661 8-7739 8.8148 8.7607 -8-9677 -8.6313 8-5294 8.5266 8.7220 8.5619 8.6059 8.6909 8.5219 8.9718 8-5238 8-5359 9-2953 8.7213 8.5918 8-7405 8.8995 8.5326 8-5324 8.6764 8.5478 8.7250 8.5413 8.9070 8-7534 9.4466 8.5800 8.5378 8-5847 8.7942 8-5432 8.5838 9-2734 8.5385 8.6144 8.9273 8-5447 8-5394 9.1371 8-5995 8-5455 8-5572 8.5661 8.6075 8-5544 -8-7639 +0.5596 0.5123 0.5099 0-3504 0-5303 0-5493 0.5800 0.5004 0.1178 0.5012 0.5125 0.8434 0.5898 0.4250 0.5965 0.2115 o-5055 0.5031 0.3807 o.5i33 0.3528 0.5060 0.6568 0.5996 0.9363 0-4375 0.4964 0-5334 0.6139 0.5028 0.5323 0.8306 0.4819 0.4185 0.6646 0-5035 0.4917 9.6133 0.5381 0.4962 0.4624 -5 '75 0.4260 0.4677 +0.3318 + 8.6956 + 8.2109 + 8.1656 -8.8667 + 8.4511 + 8.6191 +8.8088 + 7.9204 9.1880 + 7.9422 + 8.2047 + 9.5287 + 8.8501 -8.5502 + 8.8799 -9.0943 + 8.0542 + 7-9895 -8.7528 + 8.2042 -8.8372 + 8.0563 + 9.0893 +8.8801 + 9.6668 -8.4419 + 7-7341 + 8-4555 + 8.9336 + 7-9653 + 8.4426 + 9.4843 -7.4924 -8.5687 + 9.1050 + 7.9830 + 7.4128 -9.3362 +8.49 4 + 7.7172 -8.1395 + 8.2520 -8.5113 8.0338 -8.8671 A< 0,007 +0,015 +0,007 -0,037 0,011 +O,OO2 +0,019 0,007 0,005 0,058 0,014 0,024 0,009 O,OO2 + 0,003 + 0,007 0,005 0,008 0,003 +0,036 0,001 0,113 +0,003 +0,017 +0,002 +0,003 +0,007 1 1 Draconis o, Bootis Centauri Octantis 12 Bootis d Centauri Hydras Apodis g +0,059 0,001 +0,007 +0,045 + 0,007 0,005 Virginis Circini 98 Virginis x Virginis 3 Ursae Minoris .... Hydrae 0,017 0,015 0,013 +0,008 Virginis 14 Bootis Virginis Bootis 15 Bootis + 0,004 +0,026 Bootis 2IO No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1550. Annual Preces. Sec.Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of f I Taylor. "g Bris- g bane. Various. of V cf d? 4681 4682 4683 4684 4685 4686 4687 4688 4689 4690 4691 4692 4693 4694 4695 4696 4697 4698 4699 4700 4701 4702 473 4704 4705 4706 4707 4708 4709 4710 4711 4712 4713 47H 4716 4717 47i8 4719 4720 4721 4722 4723 4724 4725 130 27 31,9 105 36 47,7 104 7 59,8 38 18 20,3 "5 57 23,9 125 37 46,9 137 59 5> 6 98 10 20,6 20 35 55,3 9 8 35 4 1 . 6 105 28 27,6 170 17 43,0 140 47 26,3 58 25 44,1 142 43 12,1 24 54 22,9 10 1 6 50,0 99 37 i7,3 45 2 5 52,3 105 35 28,6 39 49 57,8 101 14 27,2 154 59 52,6 142 57 21,2 172 58 23,8 64 II 42,5 95 25 12,7 "6 33 7,3 146 22 46,0 99 ii 30,1 115 54 21,6 169 24 20,9 86 52 53,6 56 59 48,8 155 53 9.4 99 34 24,6 92 35 57,2 14 41 42,0 118 34 30,9 95 14 54,2 76 20 4,5 IO7 29 52,2 60 II 28,6 79 " 25,5 37 30 26,1 17,5 T 7,49 17,48 17,46 17,46 17,45 17.44 17.43 17,42 17,38 17,38 17,38 J 7,37 735 J 7,35 17,32 17,28 17,25 17,25 17,23 17,23 17,23 17,21 17,21 17.19 17,18 17,16 17,16 17,16 17,16 17,16 17,15 17,11 17,08 17,08 17,06 17,05 17,04 17,03 + 17,00 0,258 0,232 0,231 o, 1 60 0,243 0,254 0,273 0,228 0,095 0,229 0,236 0,508 0,283 0,194 0,288 0,119 0,234 0,234 0,178 0,243 0,168 0,239 o,339 0,297 0,646 0,205 0,236 0,257 0,310 0,240 0,257 0,511 0,229 0,198 0,349 0,241 0,031 0,264 0,240 0,222 0,253 0,226 0,166 +0,20 -8.1239 -9.4568 -9.4791 -9.8154 9.2428 8.8202 + 8.8785 -9-5S5 6 -9.7893 -9.5504 -9-4559 +9.6219 +9.0508 9.8001 +9.1300 9.8044 -9.5362 9.8230 9.4486 -9.8259 -9.5131 +9.4478 +9.1685 +9.6592 -9-7883 -9.1978 +9.2794 -9.5388 -9.2156 +9.6324 9.6642 9.8102 +9.4711 -9-S33 6 9.6128 -9.7887 -9.1159 -9.5846 -9-7371 -9.4074 -9-8053 -9.7204 -9.8356 9.7530 9.3707 -9.3284 +9.8350 9.5810 9.7052 9.8106 9.0921 +9.9104 9.1133 -9-3 6 47 -9-93*5 9.8270 +9.6567 -9.8383 +9.8948 9.2221 -9-1595 +9.7816 -9.3640 +9.8199 9.2240 -9.8913 9.8361 -9.9304 + 9.5724 -8.9083 -9.5832 -9.8529 -9-I358 -9.5727 9.9248 +8.6679 +9.6684 -9.8924 9.1530 -8.5885 +9.9166 9.6101 8.8914 +9.3031 -9-4075 +9.6257 +9.2021 +9.8277 + 1.2431 1.2429 1.2429 1.2425 1.2421 1.2421 1.2418 1.2415 1.2413 1.2411 1.2408 1.2400 1.2400 1.2400 1.2398 1.2394 1.2393 1.2386 1.2376 1.2368 1.2368 1.2363 1.2363 1.2362 *-2359 1.2358 I - 2 353 1.2351 1.2347 1.2346 1.2345 *-2345 1-2345 1-2345 1-2343 1-2343 1.2341 1.2332 1.2326 1.2324 1.2320 1.2317 1.2315 1.2312 + 1.2305 -9.6887 9.6891 9.6894 9.6904 9.6918 9.6919 9.6927 9- 6 935 9.6942 9.6950 9.6959 9.6982 9.6982 9.6983 9.6989 9.7001 9.7005 9.7023 9-7053 9.7076 9.7076 9.7089 9.7090 9.7094 9.7102 9.7104 9.7119 9.7124 9.7136 9.7136 9-7*39 9-7I39 9.7140 9.7141 9-7 H7 9-7 H7 9.7150 9-7*75 9.7192 9.7198 9.7208 9.7216 9.7220 9-7227 -9-7245 288 ii.i6o2 5810 4757 J 316 B.F 1925 B.F 1928 M 55 8 M559 G 2075 M 560 B.F 193 i B.F 1934 B.H 1451 62080 B.F 1935 R 3 6 7 B.H 1449 B.F 1944 ^563^321 62085 B.F 1943 B.H 1452 B.F 1948 . +0,03 +0,09 +0,14 +0,63 +0,12 0,02 + 0,04 O,O2 + 0,27 0,25 +0,16 1832 1831 290 296 295 iii.i743 11.1603 ii. 1 604 7.2550 ii.i6o5 ii.i6o6 iv. 927 5821 5820 5818 4765 4766 4768 1833 1834 297 306 299 300 5792 5825 4772 4778 v.2557 0,00 +0,02 +0,06 0,00 + O,I2 +0,06 +0,03 + 0,08 + 0,29 0,23 + 0,03 + 0,06 +0,18 +0,04 -0,15 + 0,02 + 0,12 -o,54 +0,04 0,02 +0,22 C,OI +0,29 0,07 -0,49 0,02 +0,06 +0,01 V.2 5S 8 11.1607 11.1750 ii.i6o8 iii.1752 11.1756 5827 4779 1836 1835 1838 312 308 311 316 317 6 2 4797 5836 5840 5802 5856 5850 5858 5828 4795 4798 479 4809 4810 4812 4799 v.2567 11.1609 iii.i759 ii.i6i2 v.2574 11.1613 v.2575 1839 1837 8 10 9 1841 1840 ii 12 16 11.1614 111.1760 5846 4811 1842 4 27 ii. 1 6 1 5 11.1762 01.1763 7.2582 111.1764 11.1617 5869 4824 1843 1844 19 23 22 +0,17 0,04 1845 *5 3 iv. 938 (2 D 2 ) 211 No. Constellation. Mag Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a b c d 4726 4727 4728 4729 4730 473 * 4732* 4733* 4734 4735 4736* 4737 4738* 4739 4740 4742 4743 4744 4745 4746 4747* 4748 4749 475 475 1 4752* 4753 4754 4755 4756* 4757 4758 4759 4760 4761 4762 4763* 4764 4765 4766* 4767 4768 4769 4770 17 Bootis x 5 4 6 i 6 6 5 var. 4* 6 6 H 7 6 4 4 4 6 5 74 6 6 6 7 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 6 6* 6 6 7* 6 6 6 5 7 5 h m s 14 8 6,41 8 9,41 8 20,31 8 49,30 8 53,06 O I, O2 9 I 9 I S Q 30,80 9 49.72 9 52,63 10 1,25 10 17,97 10 18,26 10 20,41 10 31,12 10 40,69 10 51,08 II 0,15 II 9,89 II 27,41 11 33.05 II 39,02 II 49,05 " 55.97 12 0,67 12 0,69 12 1,17 12 39,31 12 44,26 12 52,11 13 15,71 13 21,13 13 38,03 13 48,86 "3 52,74 13 56,85 H 14,95 14 28,09 14 42,84 J 5 21,75 16 0,37 16 15,84 1 6 32,09 16 33,20 14 16 33,81 s +2,147 3,136 2,426 2,8l2 4,334 2,816 + 1,091 0,372 + 3,797 4> I3 3 2,109 2,865 2,457 3,305 3.409 2,303 2,144 3,233 3,782 3,621 4,698 2,539 3,091 4,225 2,893 2,138 2,847 4,838 3,874 2,106 3,568 2,464 3,664 3,724 6,040 3,087 3.449 3,163 3,216 2,950 3,406 3,809 2,985 8 0,0073 {"O.OOo "7 *^OjOO7A 0,00 1 8 +0,0875 0,0017 +0,0261 + 0,1565 +0,0435 +0,0681 0,0067 0,0003 0,0070 +0,0153 +0,0203 0,0075 0,0069 +0,0121 +0,0420 +0,0317 +0,1217 0,006 1 +0,0066 +0,0756 +0,0087 +0,0005 0,0066 0,0006 +0,1358 +0,0476 0,0062 + 0,0283 0,0065 + 0,0338 + 0,0375 +0,3000 +0,0066 +0,0219 +0,0093 +0,0113 + 0,0024 +0,0195 +0,0421 +0,0034 +0,0424 s + O,OI2 + O,OO6 -8-9677 8.7540 8.8824 8.7783 9.0599 8.7771 9.2196 9.4417 8.9034 8.9991 8.9728 8.7667 8.8682 8.7714 8-7925 8.9136 8.9602 8.7594 8.8952 8.8469 9.1380 8.8411 8-7479 9.0206 8-7499 8.7600 8.9582 8.7661 9.1639 8.9178 8.9637 8.8278 8.8580 8.8537 8.8711 9.3629 8.7448 8.7948 8.7474 8.7514 8.7480 8.7818 8.8889 8.7446 8.8900 -8.7639 8.5504 8.6796 8-5775 8.8594 8.5772 9.0209 9.2439 8.7069 8.8028 8.7771 8.5721 8.6736 8-5770 8.5989 8.7206 8.7679 8.5678 8.7043 8.6572 8.9486 8.6522 8-5597 8.8328 8.5625 8.5726 8.7708 8.5813 8-9795 8-7340 8.7815 8.6459 8.6773 8.6737 8.6914 9.1834 8.5666 8.6175 8.5712 8.5778 8-5770 8.6119 8.7200 8.5758 -8.7213 + 0-33J8 0.4964 0.3849 0.4490 0.6369 0.4497 +0.0379 -9.5707 +0-5795 0.6152 0.3241 0.4571 0.3904 0.5191 0.5326 0.3622 0.3312 0.5097 0-5777 0.5589 0.6719 0.4046 0.4900 0.6258 0.4980 0.4614 0.3301 0-4544 0.6847 0.5881 0.3234 0.5524 0.3917 0.5639 0.5711 0.7810 0.4896 0-5377 0.5000 0.5073 0.4699 0.5322 0.5808 0.4750 +0.5813 -8.8671 +7-7i8i 8.7098 8.3116 +8-9999 8.3030 -9.1930 -9-4325 +8-7557 +8.9161 -8.8765 8.2059 8.6802 +8.2618 +8.4207 -8.7761 -8.8571 + 8.1008 + 8.7408 +8.6283 +9.0985 8.6124 + 7-1855 + 8-9479 + 7-7729 -8.1345 -8.8547 8.2320 +9.1295 + 8.7864 8.8645 + 8.5764 8.6614 +8.6509 + 8.6929 +9-3499 + 7.1004 + 8.4528 +7.8380 + 8.0330 -7.9486 + 8.3932 +8.7348 -7.7986 + 8.7372 99 Virginis i 1 6 Bootis o. 0,078 0,044 + 0,004 + 0,019 O,OI5 + O,OO9 0,0 1 8 Centauri Ursae Minoris 4 Ursae Minoris Lupi t Centauri Bootis Librae Hydrae 0,028 0,015 0,014 +0,004 +0,003 0,002 19 Bootis A ico Virginis A Centauri Centauri y Bootis A O,CO7 0,004 0,OO4 O,OI3 + O,OIO + O.OO2 0,008 -0,035 O,OIO 102 Virginis u' Centauri Virginis 1 8 Bootis Bootis 20 Bootis Lupi Bootis Ceutauri 0,012 Bootis Centauri 0,005 O,o62 0,046 0,003 O.OII 0,007 + O,OO I + 0,005 + 0,001 +0,003 +0,019 +0,009 Centauri 103 Virginis v" 5 1 Hydrae Virginis 2 Librae Bootis Librae Lupi T 1 Virginis Lupi T* 212 No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec.Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of | i 3i 28 Taylor. Lacaille. Bris- bane. Various. ** /&* a' V (/ t? 4726 4727 4728 4729 473 473 1 4732 4733 4734 4735 4736 4737 4738 4739 474 474i 4742 4743 4744 4745 4746 4747 4748 4749 475 475i 475 Z 4753 4754 4755 475 6 4757 4758 4759 4760 4761 4762 4763 4764 4765 4766 4767 4768 4769 4770 37 3 23-9 95 16 55,3 47 4 6 25.4 70 2 3,7 150 34 21,6 70 23 16,5 19 5 1 44.3 ii 44 52,8 135 21 48,9 H5 4i 33. 1 3 6 45 52.8 74 2 23,4 49 33 28,1 108 i 5,4 115 8 6,6 43 13 l6 .2 37 56 21,0 IO2 40 39,8 134 29 30,9 127 ii 33.9 155 57 16,0 53 47 45.3 9 1 34 9.7 H7 4 6 9.9 96 3 10,3 76 17 5 6 .5 37 59 47.8 73 o 9,2 157 30 28,0 137 37 5M- 37 16 25.5 124 5 50,9 5 3 53.3 128 49 21,3 131 33 33,0 166 2 53,3 91 17 58,2 117 3 40,8 97 4 32,2 101 i 34,3 80 52 6,8 114 7 18,8 134 32 24,0 83 29 5i.5 134 4i 53.5 + 17,00 17,00 16,99 16,97 16,97 16,96 <^6, 95 ' 16,94 16,92 16,92 16,91 16,90 16,90 16,90 16,89 16,88 16,87 16,87 16,86 16,85 16,84 16,84 v 16,83 16,82 16,82 16,82 16,82 16,79 16,78 16,78 16,76 16,76 t 16,74 16,73 16,73 i6,73 16,71 16,70 16,69 16,66 16,63 16,61 16,60 ^ 1 6, 60 + 16,60 0,166 0,243 0,1 88 0,219 .337 0,219 0,085 +0,029 -0,297 0,323 0,165 0,225 0,193 0,260 0,268 0,181 0,169 0,255 0,299 0,287 0,372 0,201 0,245 0,335 0,250 0,230 0,170 0,227 0,386 0,310 0,169 0,286 0,198 0,295 0,300 0,486 0,249 0,279 0,256 0,261 0,241 0,278 0,312 0,244 0,312 n +0,03 +0,41 -9.8356 -9-5835 -9.8314 -9.7708 +9.4000 -9.7693 -9.8132 -9.7873 + 8.8865 +9.2984 -9.8390 -9.7522 -9.8323 -9.3911 9.2146 -9.8392 -9.8407 -9.4839 + 8.8445 8.2480 +9.5039 9.8268 9.6221 + 9.3600 -9-5730 9.7408 -9.8429 -9.7596 +9-53" +9.0504 -9.8450 8.7101 -9-8357 +7-8751 +8.6149 +9.6344 9.6247 9.1287 -9.5592 -9-5045 -9.7137 9.2232 +8.9258 -9.6944 + 8.9360 +9.8277 8.8923 +9-7554 +9.4608 -9.8674 +9-4531 +9.9002 +9.9174 -9-7785 -9.8432 +9.8297 +9.3650 +9-7377 9.4160 -9-5535 +9-7878 +9.8219 9.2662 -9.7702 -9.7057 -9.8847 +9.6954 8.3614 9.8510 8.9466 +9.2981 +9.8201 +9-3887 -9.8883 -9.7911 +9.8228 9.6706 +9.7250 9.7186 -9.7430 9.9082 -8.2764 -9.5785 9.0107 9.2010 +9-1191 -9.5296 -9.7639 +8.9719 9.7650 + 1.2305 1.2305 1.2302 1.2297 1.2296 1.2294 1.2291 1.2288 1.2285 1.2284 1.2282 1.2279 1.2279 1.2278 1.2276 1.2274 1.2272 1.2270 1.2268 1.2265 1.2264 1.2262 1.2260 1.2259 1.2258 1.2258 1.2258 1.2250 1.2249 1.2247 1.2243 1.2241 1.2238 1.2236 1.2235 1.2234 1.2230 1.2227 1.2224 I.22l6 1. 22O8 1.2205 I.220I I.22OI + I.220I -9.7245 9.7247 9.7252 9.7267 9.7269 9.7273 9.7282 9.7288 9.7297 9.7299 9.7303 9.73II 9.7311 9.7312 9-73I8 9.7322 9.7327 9-7332 9-7337 9-7345 9.7348 9-7351 9-7356 9-7359 9.7361 9.7361 9.7362 9.7380 9.7383 9.7386 9.7398 9.7400 9.7408 9.7414 9-74I5 9-74I7 9.7426 9-7432 9-7439 9-7458 9-7476 9.7483 9-7491 9.7491 -9.7491 1849 1846 iii.i76S ii.i6i9 62088 ^565,1322 62089 566 R368 B.F 1949 B.H 1535 1323, R370 R 3 6 9 B.F 1962 B.F 1953 B.F 1955 (f ' M S 6 7 R 37 i B.H 256 R372 Ms68 B.F 1965 R373 B.F 1967 G 2100 R 37S R 37 4 B.F 1961 M 569 M 570 B.H 234 B.F 1969 R376 + 1,96 + 0,12 + 0,06 + 0,06 + O,O I + O.2O + 0,26 1847 1848 3* ii.i620 11.1621 5875 4840 1859 49 33 iii.i77o 11.1622 v.2594 5881 5879 4848 4847 4852 4855 0,19 -0,13 0,07 0,03 +0,1 8 +0,08 5892 1852 1854 1850 4i 42 37 36 40 11.1623 11.1625 11.1624 V.260I ill. 1 77 3 5891 5895 4859 4863 0,00 +0,09 0,10 +0,09 0,07 0,07 O,IO 0,06 4-0,03 1851 45 43 iii.i775 ii.i626 v.26o6 111.1776 11.1627 111.1777 11.1628 5893 4864 i853 1856 44 46 5 5i 1855 5890 5901 4869 4873 V.26ll 0,0 1 53 111.1780 5907 4879 0,00 -i>35 +0,26 -1 0,03 + 0,12 + 0,12 +0,09 + O,o6 + O,O2 + 0,18 + 0,27 + O.II 55 111.1782 v.26i5 59" 5912 5885 5917 4883 4884 4874 4887 858 857 860 59 58 62 64 69 68 66 7i 67 11.1629 11.1630 111.1785 11.1631 11.1632 111.1787 11.1634 111.1788 11.1635 5929 5928 4902 5927 4903 213 No. Constellation. Mag. Right i Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. ! Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a b c d 47?i 477** 4773* 4774 4775 4776* Mil 4778* 4779 4780 4781 4782 4783* 4784 4785 4786 4787 4788* 4789 4790* 479 1 4792 4793 4794 4795 4796* 4797* 4798 4799 4800* 4801 4802 4803 4804 4805 4806 4807 4808 4809* 4810 4811 4812 4813 4814 4815 7 7* S* 6& 7 6 7 7* 6 7 8 6 6* 5* 6 6J 1\ 64 4 H 6 5 6 7 6 6 6 64 6* 7 5 7 7 6 6 neb. ** 4 6 6 3 3* 6 7 6 h 111 s H l6 37,39 16 37.54 16 43,61 1 6 49,54 16 56,05 17 10,34 17 10,41 17 16,28 i7 34.34 17 49>52 '7 59.71 18 49,91 19 21,79 19 24,43 19 29,05 19 32,29 19 38,25 19 43,06 20 5,49 20 15,77 20 23,41 .20 28,88 20 29,79 20 31,67 20 47,38 21 22,32 22 . 3,24 22 11,93 22 12,21 22 23,99 22 32,78 22 42,21 23 24,13 23 24,74 23 41,44 2 4 31,34 24 38,72 25 21,93 25 41,10 25 43,45 26 0,24 26 2,41 26 3,47 26 24,64 14 26 31,95 s +2,953 3,216 2,985 3.739 z.955 3.44 1 3,240 2,484 3,838 4,306 3,443 4,868 2,450 3,49 * 2,794 3,H3 3- 2 43 4,861 2,069 20,732 3,95 3,092 3.830 J*97 3,i55 4,888 2,488 3,050 3, "9 3,428 3,992 3>"7 2,573 . . 2,120 2,352 4,235 3>7 6 7 2,594 2,660 2,735 3,774 2,427 3,759 3,357 + 3,885 s +0,0025 +0,0113 +0,0034 +0,0375 +0,0025 + 0,0211 + 0,0123 0,0058 + 0,0436 + 0,0786 + O,O2 1 1 + 0,1318 0,0058 + 0,0232 ; 0,0012 + O,0086 + 0,0122 + 0,1301 0,0050 + 7,3 H + 0,0501 + O,OO68 + 0,0422 + 0,0105 + 0,0089 + 0,1311 0,0052 + 0,0056 + 0,0077 + 0,0198 + 0,0521 + 0,0077 0,0042 0,0050 0,0056 + 0,0688 + 0,0371 0,0037 O,OO29 0,OOI7 + 0,0372 0,0050 + 0,0363 + 0,0164 + 0,0436 s +0,003 0,008 0,006 0,019 +0,004 8.7470 8-7497 8.7444 ; 8.8679 8.7464 8.7880 8.7517 8.8437 8.8944 9.0223 8.7869 9- J 477 8.8481 8-7955 8.7647 8-7399 8.7485 9.1431 8.9532 0.0989 8.9185 8.7368 8.8845 8.7424 8.7388 9.1426 8.8314 8-7345 8.7352 8-7755 8.9239 8-7344 8.8065 8.9293 8.8645 8.9824 8.8561 8.7971 8.7810 8.7652 8.8546 8.8383 8.8503 8-7549 8.8834 -8.5785 8. 5 8 I3 8-5763 8.7002 8.5792 8.6217 8.5855 8.6778 8.7298 8.8587 8.6240 8.9882 8.6907 8.6383 8.6079 8.5832 8.5922 8.9872 8.7987 9.9452 8.7653 8.5840 8.7317 8.5897 8.5872 8-9933 8.6849 8.5886 8-5893 8.6304 8-7794 8.5905 8.6654 8.7882 8-7245 8.8458 8.7199 8.6638 8.6490 8.6333 8.7238 8.7077 8.7197 8.6258 -8-7547 +0.4702 0.5074 0.4749 0.5727 | 0.4705 0.5367 i 0.5106 0.3952 0.5841 0.6341 0.5369 0.6873 0.3892 0.5429 0.4462 0.4974 0.5109 0.6867 0.3158 1.3167 0.5966 0.4902 0.5832 0.5047 0.4989 0.6891 0-3959 0.4843 0.4940 0-535 0.6012 0.4937 0.4104 0.3263 e*7S 0.6268 0.5760 0.4140 0.4249 0.4369 0.5768 0.3851 0-575 0.5260 +0.5894 -7-9379 + 8.0297 -7-7985 + 8.6903 -7.9297 + 8.4324 + 8.0928 -8.6319 + 8-7473 + 8-9531 + 8.4312 + 9.1118 -8.6476 + 8.4785 ; 8.2967 : + 7-7I68 + 8.0899 + 9.IO66 -8.8529 + 0.0985 + 8.7952 + 7.I697 + 8.7313 + 7.9521 + 7-7739 +9.1064 8.6096 -7.1526 + 7.5299 + 8-3957 +8.8068 +7.5067 8.5362 -8. 8168 8.6940 + 8.9005 + 8.6768 -8.5093 -8.4431 -8-3557 + 8.6758 8.6369 + 8.6660 + 8.2843 + 8.7372 Bootis O,OI2 0,006 + 0,009 + O,OO7 + 0,003 + 0,001 0,002 O,OO4 O,O24 + 0,011 O,OO2 O,OOO O,OO8 + O,OOI +0,020 Circini Virginis +0,003 0,000 Virginis laibras Lupi y 0,005 +0,009 + 0,002 0,030 Virginis Bootis 24 Bootis a Bootis Centanri +0.33 1 +0,006 0,004 Centauri 25 Bootis c Bootis 26 Bootis 0,008 0,004 +0,002 + 0,001 0,003 +0,006 Centauri f 27 Bootis 3 27 49-93 27 54,20 28 8,83 28 17,57 28 30,85 28 35,91 28 37,12 ^9 MS 29 22,34 29 24,95 29 26,46 29 28,00 29 29,31 30 26,23 30 27,77 30 43,12 30 56,89 30 57,01 31 58,96 32 14,51 32 34,61 3^ 39.59 33 !5>27 33 27,47 33 3.3 33 32,09 33 4.S5 33 58,56 33 59-23 34 l6 >99 34 *4>*o 34 30-02 34 3i-53 34 34,o6 35 9>7o 35 4>4 6 35 40,75 35 48,03 36 3,28 14 36 28,51 s +2,453 1-439 3-733 3,887 2,545 + 3,988 -0,244 + 2,598 3,198 2,456 i,977 2,191 3,238 3,908 2,103 4,488 4,488 7,024 i,234 4,768 3,441 3,214 3>47i 3-945 3.428 2,265 3,697 2,240 4> 6 47 1,900 2,861 2,816 3. 2 4i 2,857 2,942 4,260 3>645 2,888 3-449 3-H4 4-344 3.43 6 3.649 9,561 +4- 1 34 s 0,0048 +0,0093 +0,0345 +0,0434 0,0040 +0,0498 +0,1202 0,0034 +0,0103 0,0046 0,0031 0,0048 +0,0117 +0,0441 0,0042 +0,0860 +0,0860 +0,4195 +0,0167 +0,1099 +0,0196 + 0,0108 +0,0209 +0,0455 +0,0189 0,0046 +0,0313 0,0044 +0,0964 0,0015 + 0,0012 + 0,0003 + O,OII7 + 0,0011 + 0,0030 + 0,0654 + 0,0283 + 0,COl8 + 0,0195 + 0,0085 + 0,0708 + 0,0189 + 0,0284 + 0,9415 + 0,0558 a 8.8287 9.0832 8.8401 8.8811 8.8039 8.9076 9-3539 8.7903 8.7312 8.8248 8.9516 8.8952 8-7339 8.8819 8.9164 9.0281 9.0280 9.4208 9.1143 9.0858 8.7629 8.7285 8.7686 8.8846 8-7574 8.8648 8.8180 8.8695 9.0500 8.9561 8.7316 8-7375 8.7264 8.7313 8.7222 8-9579 8.8008 8.7268 8.7571 8.7174 8.9741 8.7525 8.7990 9.6051 8.9202 8.7026 8-9573 8.7146 8-7563 8.6803 8.7840 9.2306 8.6680 8.6094 8.7040 8.8311 8.7748 8.6150 8.7644 8.7991 8.9108 8.9109 9.3038 9.0010 8.9726 8.6507 8.6172 8.6573 8-7773 8.6512 8-7599 8.7133 8.7672 8.9485 8.8547 8.6304 8.6368 8.6270 8.6318 8.6239 8.8600 8.7034 8.6294 8.6599 8.6225 8.8813 8.6596 8.7066 9-S I 37 8.8304 +0.3898 0.1581 0.5720 0.5896 0.4056 +0.6007 -9.3876 +0.4147 0.5048 0.3903 0.2960 0.3407 0.5102 0.5920 0.3229 0.6521 0.6521 0.8466 0.0912 0.6783 0.5367 0.5070 0.5405 0.5961 0.5350 0-3551 0.5678 o.35 3 0.6671 0.2786 0.4565 0.4496 0.5107 0.4560 0.4686 0.6294 0.5617 0.4607 0.5376 0.4975 0.6379 0.5360 0.5622 0.9805 + 0.6163 -8.6143 -9.0363 + 8.6441 + 8.7342 -8.5423 +8.7838 -9.34I5 -8-4945 +7.9232 8.6072 -8.8571 -8.7625 + 8.0396 + 8-7383 8.8008 + 8.9665 +8.9664 + 9.4118 -9.0752 + 9.0406 + 8-3785 + 7-964 1 + 8.4116 + 8.7469 + 8.356S -8.7088 + 8.5989 -8.7194 + 8.9968 -8.8677 8.1207 8.2050 + 8.0295 8.1262 -7.9071 +8.8710 +8.5542 8.0556 + 8.3724 + 7.6579 + 8.8957 + 8.3532 + 8.5527 +9.6015 +8.8142 0,009 0,030 + O,OIO O,OOO + 0,017 +0,003 + 0,011 O.OOI 5 Ursae Minoris .... 28 Bootis o" O,o6o 0,025 Centauri &' 0,470 0,470 0,015 Centauri ct'~ Apodis oi Draconis Circini a. 0,029 +0,007 0,009 O,OO2 0,004 3 Librae Librae Hydrae Lupi fit Librae . . . Centauri 0,000 0,005 +0,017 +0,017 +0,004 0,000 +0,038 +0,004 +0,005 0,027 0,008 0,003 + O,CO2 + 0,011 3 3 Bootis Centauri Bootis Bootis 29 Bootis if Librae 30 Bootis 3 1 Bootis Centauri Centauri 32 Bootis 4 Librae 1 07 Virginis it Centauri Librae Centauri 0,003 Octantis Luiii . . -0,194 No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of ! 1 Taylor. Lacaille. Bris- bane. Various. tf V c 7 d' 4816 4817 4818 4819 4820 4821 4822 4823 4824 4825 4826 4827 4828 4829 4830 4831 4832 4833 4834 4835 4836 4837 4838 4839 4840 4841 4842 4843 4844 4845 4846 4847 4848 4849 4850 4851 4852 4853 4854 4855 4856 4857 4858 4859 4860 52 22 32,9 26 8 59,5 129 33 7,1 135 28 36,2 56 48 17,8 138 46 7,9 13 38 14,1 59 36 3.7 9 8 57 ".I 52 42 43,6 36 26 28,0 42 33 15,6 101 39 52,4 135 55 22,0 39 58 36,9 150 12 53,8 150 12 37,4 168 24 1,9 23 56 56,0 154 19 0,9 114 22 31,2 99 54 i5.5 116 4 20,3 136 44 26,2 113 24 38,7 45 42 3 2 9 127 8 45,7 44 56 48,2 152 13 51,7 35 '9 38,2 75 49 8,6 72 5 6 7.i 101 35 24,5 75 37 3M 81 ii 36,9 H4 57 45.3 124 31 26,3 77 41 21,8 114 21 I 7 ,I 95 o 10,6 146 35 51,0 113 30 4,3 124 33 15,2 172 36 39,9 141 34 8,1 16,06 16,05 16,04 16,03 16,03 16,02 1 6,0 1 1 6,00 '5.99 15,98 15,96 J 5.94 15.94 15.94 J 5>94 15.94 15,89 15,89 15.87 15,86 15,86 15,80 '5.79 15.77 15.77 15-74 15.73 15.72 15,72 15-70 15,70 15,68 15.67 15,66 15.63 15,60 15,60 15,60 15.58 + 15.56 0,214 0,126 0,326 0,340 0,223 -0,350 + 0,021 0,228 0,28l 0,2 1 6 0,174 0,286 0,346 0,186 o.397 0,397 0,622 0,IIO 0,424 0,307 0,287 0,310 0,354 0,308 0,204 0,333 0,203 0,421 0,172 0,259 0,294 0,259 0,268 0,388 0,332 0,263 0,287 0,398 0,335 0,878 -0,380 " -9.8509 9.8628 +8.6739 +9.0920 9.8402 +9.2206 -9.8368 -9.8319 -9.5249 -9.8519 -9.8713 9.8683 9.4809 +9.1268 -9.8714 +9.4929 +9.4929 +9.7053 9.8656 +9-5587 -9- I 553 9.5081 9.0821 +9.1787 -9.1855 9.8704 +8.4346 9.8724 +9.5403 -9.8793 -9.7580 9.7762 -9.4771 -9-7596 9.7196 +9.4178 -7.5682 -9-7459 -9- I 393 -9.5772 + 9.4556 9.1688 6.9031 +9-7547 +9.3512 + 9.6892 + 9.8566 -9.7073 -9.7561 +9.6410 -9.7788 +9.8901 + 9.6063 9.0940 + 9.6840 +9.8070 +9.7687 9.2066 -9-7568 +9.7847 -9.8387 -9.8387 -9.8913 +9.8597 -9.8536 -9.5141 -9.1336 -9.5410 -9.7589 -9-4953 +9-7397 -9.6765 +9.7446 9.8412 +9-8059 + 9.2834 +9.3616 9.1966 +9.2885 +9.0781 9.8061 9.6462 +9.2216 9.5080 -9.8323 9.8126 -9.4917 -9.6445 -9.8868 -9.7837 + 1.2057 1.2057 1.2055 1.2053 1.2049 1.2048 1.2047 1.2044 1.2042 1.2038 1.2037 1.2037 1.2031 1.2026 1.2025 1.2025 1.2025 1.2024 I.20II 1. 2010 1. 20O6 I.2OO3 1.2003 1.1988 1.1984 I.I979 I.I978 1.1969 1.1966 1.1965 1.1965 1.1963 1.1958 I.I958 I.I953 I.I952 I.I950 I.I950 I.I949 I.I940 I.I932 I.I932 I.I930 1.1926 + I.I920 -9-7775 9-7775 9.7778 9-779 9-779 9.7792 9-7798 9.7802 9.7808 9.7810 9.7810 9.7820 9.7829 9.7830 9.7831 9.7831 9-7832 9.7856 9.7862 9.7868 9.7868 9.7893 9.7899 9.7907 9.7909 9.7924 9.7929 9.7930 9.7930 9-7934 9.7941 9.7941 9-7948 9-7951 9-7953 9-7954 9-7955 9.7969 9.7981 9.7981 9.7984 9.7990 9.8000 B.F 1992 G 2123 B.F 1991 J333 B.F 1993 A 330 G 2127 M 576 B.F 1996 J335 J 33 6,R 3 85 62132 B.F 1995 B.F 200 1 J 33 8 R386 62138 M 57 8 P57M339 W 7 8 9 R 3 8 7 R 3 8 9 0,05 +0,14 V.2667 iii.i8i5 6002 6001 4981 4974 118 +0,22 +0,03 O,I2 + 0,04 + 0,05 0,30 + 0,04 -o,34 +o,34 11.1648 11.1652 11.1650 iv. 956 111.1819 ili.i82o 6003 497 6 1873 1872 136 124 121 128 127 125 11.1651 ili.i82i 6018 4987 0,83 0,83 0,05 11.1653 ii.i654 11.1649 6014 6017 598o 4990 4991 4980 +0,26 +0,02 +0,06 +0,13 +0,08 11.1655 11.1656 iii.i826 111.1825 v.268o 6012 6031 4995 .... 137 '35 6033 6034 6049 5007 +0,06 + 0,10 +0,13 +0,06 +0,17 0,02 +0,04 0,00 + 0,02 + 0,28 + 0,26 + 0,07 + 0,01 +0.33 1878 141 149 iii.i83o 111.1832 6048 6039 5011 5015 1875 1876 1877 I 5 6 *47 146 152 J55 10.1833 11.1658 11.1659 iv. 962 ii.i66o ii.i662 v.2688 11. 1 06 1 11. 1 664 v.269o 11.1665 6057 6063 5024 5029 1879 1874 1880 150 157 154 158 6065 5031 6075 6071 5039 5022 +0,19 159 111.1836 +0,0 1 .... 6074 B.A.C. (2E) 217 No. Constellation. Mag. Rigbt Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a b c a 4861 4862 4863* 4864 4865 4866* 4867 4868 4869* 4870* 4871* 4872 4873 4874 4875 4876 4877 4878 4879 4880* 4881 4882* 4883 4884* 4885* 4886 4887 4888* 4889 4890 4891 4892 4893 4894 4895 . 4896* 4897* 4898 4899 4900 4901 4902* 4903 4904 4905 6 6 6 44 ri 1* 7 6 6* 6 6* 6 4* 6 6 3 Si 4 7 5 7 5 6 7 7 7\ 6 6* 6 5 5 5 6 6 3 6 6 2 l 6 6 7 6 6 6 6 3* h m s 14 36 28,56 36 34,97 36 35,70 36 49,91 37 19,83 37 20,53 37 4.99 37 4^,03 37 S*>5 37 55,26 38 4,23 38 u, 16 38 14,67 38 18,29 38 21,99 38 26,20 38 40,03 38 40,24 38 42,39 39 0,00 39 >25 39 ",5i 39 '5,96 39 48,27 39 5o. 4 39 5. 6 S 40 14,74 40 39,66 40 58,86 41 6,38 41 29,64 41 52,47 42 6,56 42 23,92 4^ 35.37 43 ",93 43 i4 4 43 14,46 43 16,90 43 26,89 43 ^7,7 43 3 ^ 43 57>9 6 44 4>co 14 44 28,28 s + 3-969 4,141 2,425 2,637 3,4 6 2 9,74 3>389 3,295 3,051 2,329 9,3i8 4,334 2,800 i,475 5,785 2,623 3,468 3,033 3,393 3,478 2,191 3,488 9,510 3,468 2,270 3,031 4,202 3,448 6,547 3,278 3,5i8 3,878 4,966 3,310 3-3" 3-34 2,377 3,096 4,664 3,350 3>734 2,581 2,139 4,560 +2,755 s +0,0455 +0,0562 0,0039 0,0022 + 0,0197 + 0,9776 + 0,0l68 + 0,0134 + 0,0058 0,0040 + 0,8636 + 0,0686 +O,OOO3 + 0,0o8l + 0,2093 0,0022 + 0,0199 + 0,0054 + 0,0169 + 0,0202 0,0037 + O,O2O6 + O,9O22 + 0,0198 0,0038 + 0,0053 + 0,0586 + 0,0l88 + 0,3059 + O,OI26 + 0,02l6 + 0,0387 + 0,1171 + 0,0136 + 0,0136 +0,0146 0,0034 + O,OO7I + 0,0904 + 0,0150 + 0,0309 O,OO22 0,0030 + 0,o8l8 + O,OOOI 8 0,013 + 0,007 -8.8783 8.9217 8.8134 8.7639 8.7544 9.6118 8.7403 8.7265 8.7117 8.8343 9.5811 8.9638 8.7318 9.0379 9.2343 8.7635 8.7530 8.7107 8.7392 8.7541 8.8666 8.7558 9.5894 8.7507 8.8444 8.7089 8.9257 8.7452 9.3244 8.7186 8-7572 8.8407 9.0849 8.7201 8.7199 8.7228 8.8090 8.7031 9.0208 8.7237 8.8013 8.7617 8.8659 8.9960 -8.7272 -8.7885 8.8323 8.7241 8.6755 8.6679 9.5254 8.6552 8.6414 8.6272 8.7501 9-4975 8.8806 8.6488 8.9551 9.1518 8.6813 8.6717 8.6294 8.6580 8.6741 8.7866 8.6765 9.5104 8.6738 8.7676 8.6321 8.8505 8.6715 9.2520 8.6467 8.6867 8.7717 9.0168 8.6532 8.6537 8.6589 8.7452 8.6394 8-9572 8.6608 8.7384 8.6990 8.8049 8-9354 -8.6681 +0.5987 0.6171 0.3848 0.42 1 1 0.5394 0.9886 0.5300 0.5179 0.4844 0.3672 0.9693 0.6369 0.4472 0.1688 0.7623 0.4188 0.5401 0.4819 0.5306 0.5413 0.3406 0.5426 0.9782 0.5401 0-3559 0.48 1 5 0.6235 0.5376 0.8161 0.5157 0.5463 0.5887 0.6960 0.5198 0.5199 0.5238 0.3761 0.4908 0.6688 0.5251 0.5722 0.4118 0.3301 0.6589 +0.4402 + 8-74" + 8.8167 -8.5969 -8.4234 + 8.3771 + 9.6083 + 8.2854 + 8.1345 -7.0854 8.6521 +9-577' +8.8825 8.2124 -8.9834 + 9.2139 8.4310 + 8.3788 -7-3553 + 8.2874 +8-3874 8.7222 +8.3979 +9-5856 + 8.3744 -8.6783 -7.3770 +8.8266 +8.3481 +9.3114 +8.0874 +8.4191 +8.6741 +9-435 +8-1435 +8.1445 + 8.1927 8.6025 + 7.1679 +8.9637 + 8.2075 +8.5826 -8.4505 8.7282 + 8.9313 -8-2555 + O,OO5 0,013 0,009 + O,OO2 O,OI3 O,OO6 O,OOO O,O2O O,OO I + 0,002 O,OO4 0,009 O,OCO + 0,046 0,005 + 0,003 + 0,009 0,009 -0,039 + O,OO I O,OI5 + O,007 + 0,071 0,003 O,OO2 O,OO5 eg Hydras Circini 8 Librae Librae .... Bootis + 0,004 O,O2O 0,001 0,003 +0,013 +0,003 0,005 + 0,012 Circini Bootis 38 Bootis h 37 Bootis fc 218 No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec.Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of 1 Taylor. Lacaille. Bris- bane. Various. of V cf df 4861 4862 4863 4864 4865 4866 4867 4868 4869 4870 4871 4872 4873 4874 4875 4876 4877 4878 4879 4880 4881 4882 4883 4884 4885 4886 4887 4888 4889 4890 4891 4892 4893 4894 4895 4896 4897 4898 4899 4900 4901 4902 493 4904 495 136 48 14,7 141 44 36,0 52 36 4,8 62 49 53,6 114 48 7,5 172 45 31,4 no 32 13,7 104 49 28,7 88 38 42,2 4 8 54 15.7 172 14 41,6 146 i 49,8 72 23 49,6 28 5 48,7 162 34 13,9 62 17 26,6 "4 59 3!,7 87 28 17,4 no 41 34,2 115 27 23,3 44 10 40,2 116 o 53,9 172 25 35,2 114 51 48,4 4 6 59 12 ,7 87 19 50,6 142 44 31,7 "3 37 54.o 166 2 51,6 103 31 12,5 117 19 54,6 132 57 3.2 155 22 17,0 105 22 11,8 105 24 54,4 107 9 46,2 5 1 34 ".3 91 40 14,6 151 15 16,2 107 43 59,4 127 10 54,8 60 45 37,3 43 J 5 22,6 149 29 32,5 70 1 6 28,4 + 15*56 '5,55 15.55 15.54 r 5.49 15.49 15,48 15,48 15.47 15.47 15,46 15,46 "5.45 '5.45 15.44 I 5,44 J5.44 15,42 15,42 '5-4 1 15,40 J 5.37 15.37 15.37 15.35 15.33 15,28 15,26 15,24 15-23 15,22 15,18 15,18 15,18 15,18 15,16 i5,H + 15," -0,365 0,381 0,223 0,243 0,320 0,900 0,314 0,305 0,283 0,216 0,865 0,403 0,260 0,137 0,538 0,244 0,323 0,282 0,316 0,324 0,204 0,326 0,888 0,325 0,213 0,284 o,394 0,324 0,617 0,309 0,332 0,367 0,471 0,314 0,315 0,318 0,227 0,295 0,445 0,320 o,356 0,246 0,205 0,436 0,264 +0,03 0,02 + 9.2122 + 9.3560 9.8623 9.8291 9.1072 +9.7590 -9.2639 9.4099 9.6521 9.8721 + 9-7573 +9.4556 9.7826 -9.8845 +9.6795 -9.8330 9.0920 9.6644 9.2562 9.0682 9.8814 9.0382 +9.7616 -9.0924 9.8782 9.6660 +9-3972 9.1430 +9.7180 9.4327 - 8.9450 +9.0955 +9.6127 -9-3908 -9.3897 -9.3460 -9.8728 9.6177 +9.5616 -9-3304 + 8.6955 -9.8441 -9.8894 +9-5379 -9.7997 -9-7525 -9.7846 +9.6730 +9-5488 -9.5112 9.8850 -9.4330 -9.2959 +8.2614 +9.7053 -9-8833 -9.8059 +9.8325 9.8664 +9.5542 -9.5122 + 8.5310 -9-4345 -9.5191 +9-74'5 -9.5276 9.8816 -9.5083 +9.7184 +8.5526 9-7847 9.4862 -9.8697 -9.2513 -9-5438 -9.7146 -9-8395 -9.3037 -9.3047 -9.3490 +9.6725 -8.3438 9.8218 9.3624 9.6600 +9.5674 +9.7402 9.8130 +9-4053 + 1.1920 1.1918 1.1918 1.1914 1.1907 1.1907 1.1901 1.1901 1.1899 1.1898 1.1895 1.1893 1.1892 1.1892 1.1891 1.1889 1.1886 1.1886 1.1885 1.1881 1.1881 1.1878 1.1876 1.1868 1.1867 1.1867 1.1861 1.1854 1.1849 1.1847 1.1841 1.1835 1.1831 1.1826 1.1823 1.1813 1.1813 1.1813 1.1812 1.1809 1.1809 1. 1808 1.1801 1.1799 + 1.1792 9.8000 9.8002 9.8003 9.8008 9.8020 9.8020 9.8028 9.8028 9.8032 9.8033 9.8037 9.8039 9.8041 9.8042 9.8044 9.8045 9.8050 9.8051 9.8051 9.8058 9.8058 9.8062 9.8064 9.8076 9.8077 9.8077 9.8086 9.8096 9.8103 9.8106 9.8114 9.8123 9.8128 9.8134 9.8139 9.8152 9.8153 9.8153 9.8154 9.8158 9.8159 9.8169 9.8171 9.8180 V.2693 v.2694 6073 6070 5045 544 R388 B.F 2013 B.F 2005 B.F 2017 R 392 62146 B.F 2008 B.F 2010 B.F 202 1 B.F 2012 R 39 ! B.F 2024 B.F 20 i 8 R 393 M582 B.F 20 1 9 J34* ^394 M S 8 3 M584.J343 W 794 B.F 2028 R 395 B.H 239 O,O I + 0,08 1883 1881 165 163 11. 1 666 111.1838 6087 6009 + O,2O + 0,03 0,05 1882 1884 166 167 168 11. 1 668 11.1669 11.1839 .... 5055 6019 6082 5057 0,08 + O,O2 v.2698 11.1670 1888 172 +0,61 0,00 +0,08 +0,02 +0,12 +0,09 +0,05 +0,07 6066 6097 55 1890 1885 1889 1886 1887 175 169 174 171 173 179 176 11.1672 11.1671 15.1674 11.1673 11.1675 111.1842 11.1676 6102 5060 6104 5061 5046 6107 0,00 +0,03 +0,10 182 180 111.1844 111.1843 6103 6111 6077 6116 6114 6106 5068 5067 5077 5080 5081 5079 5084 +0,40 + 0,01 +0,04 +0,15 +0,14 +0,07 +0,07 +0,17 1891 1892 183 184 185 11.1677 11.1678 11.1679 1893 1894 1895 186 187 188 ii.i68o 11. 1 68 1 ii.i682 +0,14 0,03 0,04 + 0,01 +0,02 +0,09 0,02 +0,14 1897 191 ii.i683 6115 6124 5086 5090 1896 190 11.1684 V.27IO 11.1685 iii.i848 V.27I2 ii.i686 1900 193 198 6119 5092 1898 197 (2 E2) 2I 9 No. Constellation. Mag. Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a b c d 4906* 4907 4908* 4909* 4910* 4911 49 iz 4913 4914 49*5 4916* 4917* 4918 4919 4920* 49* i 4922 4923 4924 4925 4926 4927 4928 4929 4930 493 i 493^ 4933 4934* 4935 493 6 4937 4938 4939 4940 4941 i 4942* 4943* 4944 4945 4946 4947 4948 4949* 4950* 6 5* 6 7 7 6 6 6 6 6 N 7 S* 6 7 6 5 6 3 7 6 5* 3 6 6 6 7 6 6* 64 3 6 6 4* 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 5 5 3i h m s 14 44 34,99 44 35> 61 44 42,13 45 4-54 45 J 4> 6 7 45 29,18 45 29,26 45 38,02 45 38.67 46 14,60 46 32,75 46 45,66 47 37.45 47 55>9 48 1 1, 20 48 33.37 48 38,22 48 42,76 48 43,91 48 46,02 49 8,53 49 21,53 49 25,53 49 38,59 49 47.5 49 5 J ,99 50 6,01 50 11,98 50 20,35 5 47,37 51 12,13 51 24,91 52 18,65 5^ 57,97 53 io>78 53 3M3 53 4M5 53 5i>76 54 8,35 54 9.84 54 3>93 54 4Mi 54 55>8i 55 12.83 14 55 18,31 +2,386 2,046 4.738 0,258 3,452 3,535 3,638 3,465 4,211 3,248 3,653 2,114 1,53 5.217 3.5oi 4.97 3,242 3,410 3,894 3,486 2,829 3,129 3,868 3,898 3.53i 3,064 3.239 2,794 2,263 + 3,239 0,266 + L978 4,897 3,198 3,547 3.105 1,293 2,303 3,063 3,183 3,i88 3,354 4,43 0,939 +3,496 s 0,0033 0,0022 +0,0952 +0,0660 +0,0185 +0,0218 +0,0261 +0,0190 +0,0568 +0,0114 +0,0266 0,0026 +0,0066 +0,1342 + 0,0201 + O,lo6o + 0,0112 +0,0167 + 0,0376 + 0,0195 + O,OOI4 +O,Oo8o +0,0361 + 0,0376 + O,O2 1 1 + 0,0063 + 0,OIIO +0,0010 0,0029 + 0,0110 +0,1009 0,0011 + 0,1020 +0,0098 +0,0213 +0,0073 0,0026 0,0026 +0,0063 + 0,0093 +0,0095 +0,0143 +0,0436 +0,0257 +0,0192 s 8.8035 8.8867 9.0313 9.2240 8.7368 8.7522 8.7742 8.7383 8.9115 8.7064 8.7751 8.8641 8.9954 9.1100 8.7398 9.0517 8.7017 8.7228 8.8263 8.7358 8.7082 8.6936 8.8181 8.8249 8.7422 8.6918 8.6988 8.7106 8.8181 8.6976 9.2699 8.8832 9.0370 8.6905 8.7379 8.6856 8.8023 8.7996 8.6842 8.6874 8.6870 8.7027 8.8447 9.0821 -8-7237 -8-7449 8.8282 8.9731 9.1673 8.6807 8.6971 8.7190 8.6837 8.8570 8.6542 8.7240 8.8138 8.9484 9.0642 8.6949 9.0083 8.6585 8.6800 8.7835 8.6932 8.6670 8.6532 8.7779 8.7856 8-7035 8.6533 8.6612 8.6734 8.7815 8.6626 9.2366 8.8507 9.0078 8.6638 8.7120 8.6611 8.7784 8.7763 8.6620 8.6653 8.6662 8.6826 8.8254 9.0640 -8-7059 +0.3777 0.3110 0.6756 9.4115 0.5381 0.5484 0.5609 0.5397 0.6244 0.5116 0.5626 0.3251 0.1846 0.7174 0.5442 0.6908 0.5108 0.5328 0.5904 0.5424 0.4516 0-4955 0.5874 0.5909 0.5480 0.4863 0.5104 0.4463 0-3547 +0.5105 -9.4242 +0.2961 0.6899 0.5049 0.5499 0.492 1 0.3604 0.3622 0.4862 0.5029 0.5035 0.5255 0.6067 9.9727 +0.5436 8.5918 -8.7667 +8-9779 9.2036 + 8-3351 + 8.4200 + 8.5068 +8.3481 +8.8092 +7.9980 +8.5140 -8.7289 -8.9325 +9.0753 +8-3765 +9.0052 + 7-9744 +8.2719 + 8.6562 + 8.3591 8.1227 + 7.5070 +8.6393 + 8.6550 + 8.4000 -6.5768 + 7.9614 8.1764 8.6415 +7-9597 -9.2544 8.7690 + 8.9885 +7-8297 +8.4017 +7.2614 -8.6126 8.6064 -6-5854 +7.7721 + 7-7878 +8.1696 +8.7049 9.0446 +8.3446 39 Bootis 0,003 +0,003 0,031 Circini $ 6 Ursae Minoris .... Hydrse + 0,030 +0,005 + 0,002 0,030 0,003 0,004 BoOtiS Draconis 0,022 0,041 Trianguli Aust, . . 0,020 + O,OO3 + 0,068 0,003 + O,OO I + 0,002 O,OOO 0,003 + O,OO7 +O,OO I + O,OO8 0,OO I + 0,003 15 Libra a Cent uuri x Bootis O,OOO 0,007 +0,034 0,013 O,OO I + 0,009 + 0,OII 7 Ursae Minoris . . ft Bootis Circini T 60 Hydras Librae Bootis 0,003 +0,006 + 0,00 1 0,005 +0,011 0,004 0,004 0,000 2 Serpentis Librae ......... Librae ] >U 1 )'l . . . IT Draconis 22O 1 No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec.Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of i a 9 Taylor. Laraille. Bris- bane. Variou*. tf V if df 4906 4907 4908 4909 4910 4911 4912 49'3 4914 49'5 4916 49 J 7 4918 4919 4920 4921 4922 4923 4924 4925 4926 4927 4928 4929 4930 493i 4932 4933 4934 4935 4936 4937 4938 4939 494 4941 4942 4943 4944 4945 4946 4947 4948 4949 495 1 II 52 6 40,6 40 39 41,1 152 9 52,9 17 24 29,5 113 21 52,3 117 44 3,6 122 42 9,9 114 I 27,8 142 ii 49,5 101 17 0,5 123 14 33,2 42 54 13,1 30 5 46,1 157 22 38,5 115 40 11,6 153 58 5.4 100 48 3,9 no 44 3,1 132 31 32,0 114 50 5,7 74 56 45,2 93 43 5.9 131 29 52,6 132 33 10,0 117 3 1,6 89 33 37.5 100 32 58,9 73 o 12,3 48 15 24,5 100 32 15,1 15 T 3 53.3 39 45 2 4>5 153 26 9,7 97 55 ".4 117 27*42,7 92 9 28,1 49 45 23. 6 50 8 16,5 89 32 36,6 96 58 51,6 97 H 45.3 107 2 15,3 136 27 36,4 23 28 9,4 114 41 18,4 + 15,10 15,10 15,10 i5. 7 15,06 15.05 15.05 15,04 15,04 15,01 H-99 14,98 H.93 14,91 14,89 14,87 H,87 14,86 14,86 14,86 14,84 14,82 14,82 14,81 14,80 H.79 14,78 14,77 14.77 14,74 H>72 14,70 14,65 14,61 14,60 H>57 H>57 14,56 i4>54 H.54 H-5 2 H-5 1 H.49 H>47 + 14,47 a 0,229 0,196 .455 0,025 0,332 0,341 0,351 0,334 0,406 0,314 0,354 0,205 0,149 0,509 0,342 0,480 0,317 0,334 0,381 0,342 0,278 0,307 0,380 0,383 0,348 0,302 0,319 0,276 0,223 0,320 +0,026 0,196 0,488 0,320 o,355 0,311 0,230 0,231 0,308 0,320 0,321 0,338 0,408 0,095 -0,353 a -9.8731 -9.8932 + 9-5793 9.8804 -9-1355 -8.8837 -7.9085 9.1042 +9.4093 -9.4710 + 7.1139 -9-8935 9.9006 +9.6537 -9.0043 +9.6153 -9.4778 9.2258 +9.1274 9.0481 -9.7737 -9.5902 +9.0842 +9.1348 8.9009 -9.6427 9.4812 -9.7873 9.8889 9.4809 9.8863 -9.9033 + 9.6199 -9.5256 -8.8382 9.6105 -9.8895 -9.8887 -9.6430 -9-5403 -9-5359 -9.3276 +9.3058 -9-9073 9.0216 +9.6651 +9.7568 -9.8232 +9.8556 -9.4741 -9-5431 9.6079 9.4848 9.7728 9.1656 -9.6125 +9.7380 +9.8088 -9.8364 -9.5074 -9.8237 -9.1428 -9.4189 -9.6997 -9.4930 +9.2836 -8.6821 9.6899 9.6984 -9.5258 +7.7529 9.1301 +9-333 1 +9.6904 9.1284 +9.8500 +9.7510 -9.8151 9.0016 -9.5259 -8.4372 +9.6714 + 9.6676 +7.7615 -8.9450 8.9604 9.3262 -9.7192 +9.8209 -9.4791 + 1.1790 1.1790 1.1788 1.1782 1.1779 1.1775 1.1775 1.1773 I-I773 1.1763 1.1758 1.1754 1.1739 1.1734 1.1730 1.1723 1.1722 1.1721 1.1720 1.1720 1.1713 1.1710 1.1709 1.1705 1.1702 1.1701 1.1697 1.1695 1.1693 1.1685 1.1678 1.1674 1.1658 1.1646 1.1643 1.1636 1.1634 1.1630 1.1625 1.1625 1.1619 1.1615 1.1611 1. 1606 + 1.1604 9.8182 9.8182 9.8185 9.8193 9.8196 9.8202 9.8202 9.8205 9.8205 9.8218 9.8224 9.8229 9.8247 9.8254 9.8259 9.8267 9.8269 9.8270 9.8271 9.8271 9.8279 9.8284 9.8285 9.8289 9.8293 9.8294 9.8299 9.8301 9.8304 9-8313 9.8322 9.8326 9-8344 9-8357 9.8362 9.8369 9.8372 9-8375 9.8381 9.8381 9.8388 9.8392 9.8397 9.8402 9.8404 1902 B.H 237 R 39 6 62161 R 397 M 5 8 5 B.F 2036 ? 62164 R 39 8 R 399 M586.J345 W8oo J344,R4co W8oi 1346,11401 B.F 2038 M58 7 B.F 2044 M 588 B.F 2049 R402 M 5 8 9 ,J347 B.F 2043 B.F 205 1 02173 W8o7 W8o8 J 34 8 B.H 692 ^1590,1349 0,02 0,08 +0,03 200 11.1849 6122 5096 1906 2IO "i-1853 6139 6140 6137 6143 6132 5105 5104 5103 +o,73 +o,57 +0,03 +0,17 +0,05 +0,04 . v.27i 7 1899 I 99 ii.i687 .2718 ii.i688 111.1855 1901 206 204 6146 5"5 0,07 + 0,01 217 ii.i858 6161 6147 0,06 +0,03 + 1,68 + 0,12 + 0,14 + 0,14 + O,IO 0,0 1 0,07 +0,01 +0,04 +0,05 0,05 1903 1905 1904 1908 1907 2I 4 212 211 ZI3 221 220 216 218 222 224 225 226 ii.i69i 11.1690 ii.i689 11.169 a ii.i86o 11.1694 11.1693 ii.i86i 11.1695 ^1696 11.1697 11.1698 6160 6168 6170 6173 6179 5129 5133 5135 5137 + O,I2 + 0,06 + 0,27 O,II + 0,01 +0,02 +> I 3 1909 1917 228 240 ^35 11.1699 11.1700 11.1865 6181 5*49 1911 1910 2 3 8 237 2 39 11.1701 11.1869 11.1870 6195 5157 0,03 +0,02 + 0,20 + 0,08 + 0,09 + 0,14 0,05 + 0,03 1914 1912 1913 248 243 241 245 246 242 260 251 11.1871 11.1872 11.1702 11.1703 v. 975 11.1704 ii.i877 11.1705 6201 5166 6212 5169 221 No. Constellation. Mag. Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a b c d 495 * i 4952* ; 4953 4954 4955 4956 4957 4958 4959* 4960 4961* 4962* 4963 4964 4965* 4966 4967 4968 4969 4970 4972* 4973 4974 4975 4976* 4977* 4978 4979* 4980* 4981 4982 4983* 4984 4985* 4986 4987 4988 4989 499 499 i 4992* 4993 4994 4995 5 6 tt 6 6 6 3 7 6 7 7 5i 7 6 7 5 5 6* 7 5 5 6 6 5* 6 7 6 5 5 7 6 64 5 4 6 6 7 6 54 6 5* h in s H 55 '9,57 55 3i,68 55 32,20 55 35,74 55 40,61 55 48,37 5 6 15,03 5 6 I7.9 1 S 6 58,99 57 1,21 57 7,o8 57 21,93 57 26,55 57 3- ! 5 57 49,44 57 56,53 57 57,6i 57 58,58 58 1,19 58 16,19 58 27,15 58 3 ',42 58 45,79 58 50,68 14 59 36,84 15 o 4,81 o 6,75 o 17,78 o 19,59 o 27,49 o 42,75 o 44,05 i 6,89 i 7,21 I 28,30 I 31,97 I 32,30 I 33.81 I 41-34 I 52,98 1 55,29 2 I 2 3-47 2 46,61 15 3 40,86 s +3,027 2,046 2,626 3,862 4,111 4,978 5,209 2,263 3>5 10 4,125 2,398 2,581 3,478 3,462 +2,127 + ',394 4-9 H 2,582 3,334 3,338 3,481 4,001 2,017 5,003 5,601 4,410 0,095 3-533 1,991 +2,619 -4,797 + 3,477 3-482 3-53 4,268 4-134 0,880 4,774 2,587 1,702 2,612 3>992 + 3,405 s +0,0055 0,0008 +0,0343 +0,0470 +0,1055 +0,1246 0,0023 +0,0194 +0,0473 0,0021 0,00 ii +0,0182 +0,0177 0,00 1 8 +0,1184 +0,0100 +0,0988 0,00 10 +0,0135 +0,0136 +0,0182 +0,0403 0,0009 +0,1042 +0,1560 +0,0624 +0,0686 +0,0198 0,0007 0,0005 +0,7265 +0,0179 + 0,0180 +0,0196 +0,0461 + 0-0535 +0,0461 +0,0271 + 0,0855 0,0007 +0,0032 0,0006 +0,0386 +0,0153 s 0,000 -8.6826 8.8551 8.7266 8.8004 8.8584 9.0402 9.0797 8.8024 8.7225 8.8577 8.7697 8.7311 8.7159 8.7132 8.8298 9.2786 8.9889 9.0210 8-7293 8.6931 8.6933 8.7142 8.8240 8.8521 9.0317 9.1290 8.9121 9.1911 8.7192 8.8533 8.7164 9-5940 8.7077 8.7086 8.7160 8.8463 8.8765 8.8463 9.0695 8.9811 8.7194 8.9124 8.7147 8.8 106 8.6912 -8.6648 8.8382 8-7097 8.7837 8.8420 9.0243 9.0655 8.7884 8.7111 8.8464 8.7588 8.7211 8.7062 8.7037 8.8215 9.2708 8.9811 9.0134 8.7218 8.6865 8.6874 8.7086 8.8193 8.8477 9.0303 9.1293 8.9125 9.1923 8.7204 8.8550 8.7191 9.5968 8.7120 8.7128 8.7216 8.8521 8.8824 8.8523 9.0759 8.9883 8.7267 8.9200 8.7225 8.8211 -8.7052 +0.4810 0.3109 0.4194 0.5868 0.6140 0.6970 0.7168 0.3546 0-5453 0.6155 0.3798 0.4117 0.5413 0.5394 +0.3277 -9.7415 +0.1444 0.6915 0.4120 0.5229 0-5235 0.5417 0.6022 0-3047 0.6992 0.7483 0.6444 8.9786 0.5481 0.2991 +0.4182 0.6810 +0.5412 0.5418 0-5477 0.6163 0.6302 0.6164 9.9445 0.6789 0.4129 0.2309 0.4169 0.6012 +0.5322 -7-3530 -8.7253 -8.3622 + 8.6128 + 8.7315 + 8.9941 + 9.0421 8.6192 + 8.3517 + 8.7322 -8.5368 8.3980 + 8.3173 + 8.3003 8.68.10 -9.2645 8.9298 + 8.9712 -8.3942 + 8.1247 + 8.1309 + 8.3169 + 8.6712 8.7248 +8.9853 +9.1006 +8.8243 9.1702 +8.3614 -8.7293 -8.3497 -9.5909 + 8.3023 +8.3077 + 8.3541 +8.7185 + 8.7702 +8.7185 -9.0319 + 8.9220 -8.3746 -8.8265 -8.3516 + 8.6518 +8.2087 41 Bootis ........ cw +0,001 +0,013 0,000 Trianguli Aust. . . +0,048 +0,001 + 0,008 +0,008 0,003 +0,00 1 +0,005 8 Ursae Minoris .... 0,001 43 Bootis v 0,010 +0,00 1 0,003 22 Librae v'' 0,005 0,039 Trianguli Aust Lupi +0,020 0,029 0,063 9 Ursae Minoris .... 47 Bootis k 0,010 +0,013 Ursae Minoris .... Librae Librae +0,006 Lupi x 0,019 0,018 Draconis Circini 0,023 +0,003 46 Bootis b Bootis +0,005 0,001 + 0,002 24 Librae I ' 222 No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of j? | Taylor. 1 Bris- bane. Various. a' V 113 36 54,2 *34 4i 57.5 4 1 45 34.9 153 57 5,8 159 30 21,4 144 46 12,1 J 7 38 54,4 116 i 13,0 41 16 3,1 64 32 36,0 6 52 24,6 113 8 57,4 113 24 27,5 "5 45 3.o 138 944,8 141 31 27,9 138 10 6,2 23 29 48,2 150 46 20,7 63 7 11,8 34 5 2 64 18 51,2 T 33 55 4 6 7 109 13 10,4 + H.47 14,46 4,45 H.45 H.45 H.44 14,41 14,41 H.37 14,36 14,36 H.34 H.34 '4.33 H.32 H>3 J i4>3i 14. 3 ' 14,30 14,29 14,28 14,27 14,26 14,25 14,21 14,18 H,i7 14,16 14,16 u 14,15 14,14 14,14 14,11 14,11 14,09 14,09 14,09 14,08 14,08 14,06 14,06 14,06 14,05 14,01 +13.95 a 0,306 0,207 0,266 0,391 0,416 0,504 0,528 0,230 .357 0,420 0,244 0,263 ,355 o.353 0,217 +0,056 -0,143 0,502 0,264 0,341 0,342 0.357 0,410 0,207 0.5*5 0,578 o,455 0,010 0,365 0,206 0,271 +0,496 0,360 0,361 0,366 0,429 o.443 0,429 0,091 0,496 0,269 0,177 0,272 0,417 -0,357 0,0 1 -9.6683 -9.9059 -9.8394 + 9.0792 + 9.3602 + 9.6377 +9.6673 -9.8942 8.9805 + 9-37I4 9.8810 9.8506 -9.0741 -9.1136 9.9046 9.8960 -9.9156 + 9.6317 9.8506 -9-3583 -9.3522 9.0652 +9.2700 -9.9105 + 9.6472 +9.7082 +9-5I53 -9.9065 -8.8998 -9.9132 -9.8431 9.8786 9.0781 9.0641 8.9112 4-9.3817 + 9.4583 +9.3822 -9.9171 + 9.6130 9.8510 -9.9209 -9.8453 + 9.2648 -9.2388 + 8.5286 +9.7280 +9-4934 9.6700 -9.7306 9.8112 9.8189 +9.6732 -9.4843 -9.7296 +9.6220 +9.5213 -9-4557 -9-44I3 +9.7048 +9.8393 +9-7943 -9.8034 +9.5181 -9.2843 9.2901 -9.4550 9.6990 +9.7244 -9.8037 9.8209 -9.7614 +9.8280 -9.4910 +9.7246 +9.4814 +9.8450 -9.4419 -9.4464 -9.4847 -9.7187 -9.7402 9.7187 +9.8087 -9.7868 +9.5011 +9-7597 +9.4825 -9.6854 -9.3598 + 1.1604 1. 1 600 1. 1600 1.1599 1.1597 I - 1 595 1.1587 1.1586 1.1574 1.1573 1.1571 1.1566 1.1565 1.1564 1.1558 1.1556 *'*5S5 i-'SSS 1.1554 1.1550 1.1546 1.1545 1.1540 I -i539 1.1524 1.1516 1.1515 1.1511 1.1511 1.1508 1.1504 1.1503 1.1496 1.1496 1.1489 1.1488 1.1488 1.1487 1.1485 1.1481 1.1480 1.1479 1.1478 1.1464 + 1.1446 -9.8405 9.8408 9.8409 9.8410 9.8411 9.8414 9.8423 9.8424 9- 8 437 9.8438 9.8440 9.8444 9.8446 9.8447 9-8453 9.8456 9.8456 9.8456 9-8457 9.8462 9.8465 9.8467 9.8471 9.8473 9.8488 9.8496 9.8497 9.8501 9.8501 9.8504 9.8508 9.8509 9.8516 9.8516 9.8523 9.8524 9.8524 9.8524 9.8527 9.8530 9.8531 9- 8 533 9.8534 9-8547 -9.8564 1915 253 11.1706 B.F2056 R 404 R 4 05 B.H2 3 8 W8o 9 B.F2o6o 62182 R4o6 M 59 i M 592 J 3 5o R407 R4o8 R 409 02188 G 2196 J 35 2 1351, R4io G 2192 R4ii A W8i2 M 593 +0,06 +0,1 6 + 0,01 1916 *55 250 ii.1707 Hi. 1 876 v.2740 6209 6205 5171 5170 +0,25 +0,05 1918 259 11.1708 6197 6224 6217 5 J 79 +0,06 0,00 -0,17 +0,07 +0,04 v.2747 ii.i88o ii.iSSz ii.i88i 11.1709 1921 263 265 261 262 6228 + 0,02 283 11.1885 O,OO + 0,03 + O,OI 1922 919 920 270 267 269 11.1710 11.1711 11.1712 6235 6232 5185 +0,22 0,03 9*3 266 *75 11.1713 11.1714 +0,05 + ,I -0,13 6222 6236 6244 5189 5193 v.2755 11.1890 2 925 924 +0,16 284 11.1715 6250 6253 6246 6245 5205 5204 5207 +0,04 282 ii.i7i6 + 0,10 +0,22 11.1718 11.1717 v.276o +0,13 0,02 v.276i 11.1719 6241 5209 926 290 O,O2 +0,1 8 + 0,02 927 2 9 I 288 3 11.1720 11.1894 11.1721 6257 5219 223 f ZO No. Constellation. Mag. Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a * c d 499 6 4997* 4998* 4999 5000* 5001* 5002 5003 5004 5005* 5006 5007 5008 5009 5010* 5011 5012 5 OI 3 5014 5 01 5 5016 5017 5018* 5019 5020* 5021 5022 5024 5025 5026 5027* 5028 5029 5030 5031 5032 533 5034 5035 5036 537* 5038* 539* 5040 Lupi 6 7 7 n 6* 7 H 6 3 6 6 6J 6 6 5 6 7 7 6 6 7 8 7 7 6 6 6 7 6 7 5 7 6 5 4i 6 6 3i 6 7 7 neb. h m s 15 3 41.33 3 4L55 4 31,98 4 32,93 4 33,6i 4 34,85 4 43.46 4 47." 4 52,48 4 59,47 5 0,92 5 '.98 5 6,45 5 26,93 5 29,09 5 48,85 5 53,49 "5 58,84 6 0,09 6 6,35 6 10,69 6 13,29 6 16,94 6 34,82 6 42,19 6 49,01 7 20,11 7 41,81 7 44,22 7 45,49 7 52,83 8 2,01 8 7,65 8 9,66 8 11,01 8 12,96 8 43,21 8 44,78 8 56,49 9 7,57 9 27,33 9 31,21 9 48,40 jo 22,55 15 10 43,46 3,393 3,489 4,763 2,429 2,518 3,5*5 3,404 4.77 5.475 3,534 4-971 3.249 3-65 1 4> I2 7 4,636 +4,128 0,418 + 3.383 3.371 3.973 3,912 3.572 1,942 3.567 +4>75 3 -7,112 + 3.462 2,977 4,130 2,284 3,495 4,132 3,055 2,512 3,628 2,165 3,223 3,902 2,410 12,354 3,504 +4,691 s +0,0279 +0,0149 +0,0179 +0,0829 0,0015 0,00 1 1 +0,0188 +0,0152 +0,0831 +0,1385 +0,0194 +0,0973 +0,0107 +0,0235 +0,0444 +0,0735 +0,0443 +0,1006 +0,0145 +0,0141 +0,0368 +0,0341 +0,0205 + 0,0002 + O,O2O3 + O,o8o6 + 1,2076 + 0,0167 + 0,0046 + 0,0438 0,0015 +0,0178 + 0,0438 + 0,0438 + 0,0062 0,0009 + 0,0222 0,0012 + 0,0099 +0,0329 0,0013 + 1,3495 +0,0183 +0,0178 +0,0742 s 0,007 -8-7557 8.6894 8.7021 8.9701 8.7442 8.7261 8.7061 8.6887 8.9702 9.0924 8.7087 9.0073 8.6708 8.7296 8.8332 8.9407 8.8321 9.2339 8.6832 8.6814 8.7967 8.7830 8.7124 8.8459 8.7106 8.9603 9.6798 8.6907 8.6602 8.8270 8.7664 8.6951 8.8263 8.8262 8.6574 8.7185 8.7169 8.7902 8.6609 8.7726 8-7355 9.6314 8.6947 8.6911 -8-9355 -8.7697 8.7034 8.7193 8.9874 8.7615 8-7435 8.7240 8.7068 8.9887 9.1113 8.7277 9.0264 8.6901 8.7502 8.8540 8.9628 8.8544 9.2566 8.7059 8.7045 8.8201 8.8066 8.7362 8.8709 8.7360 8.9862 9-7076 8.7199 8.6896 8.8564 8.7963 8.7256 8.8571 8.8572 8.6884 8-7497 8.7500 8.8233 8.6949 8-8073 8.7714 9.6679 8.7319 8-7305 8.9762 +0.5748 0-5305 0-5427 0.6779 0.3854 0.4012 0-5459 0.5320 0.6785 0-7384 0.5483 0.6964 0.5117 0.5624 0.6157 0.6661 +0.6157 9.6214 +0.5293 0.5278 0.5991 0.5924 0-5529 0.2883 0.5523 +0.6769 0.8520 +0-5393 0.4737 0.6159 0-3587 0.5434 0.6161 0.6161 0.4850 0.4000 0.5596 0-3354 0.5083 -59 I 3 0.3821 1.0918 0-5463 0.5446 +0.6713 +8.5199 + 8.1917 +8.3019 +8.9092 8.4878 -8.4225 +8.3278 +8.2030 +8.9095 + 9.0599 +8.3446 + 8.9574 + 7.9289 +8.4408 +8.7009 + 8.8703 +8.6995 -9.2178 +8.1699 +8.1524 +8.6299 + 8-5994 +8.3738 -8.7254 +8.3681 +8.8976 -9.6778 + 8.2612 7.6418 +8.6933 -8.5637 + 8.2950 + 8.6926 + 8.6926 -6.8681 8.4138 +8.4105 -8.6218 + 7.8468 + 8.5828 -8.4817 + 9.6290 + 8.3113 + 8.2956 + 8.8668 Circini 0,015 23 Librae 0,022 0,000 0,006 0,019 0,010 0,0 1 6 +0,008 +0,002 0,005 0,023 +0,037 +0,014 0,003 0,000 0,005 +0,003 25 Librae <- Trianguli Aust. . . y Circini p 10 Ursae Minoris .... Librae 26 Librae Lupi Lupi +0,038 Ursae Minoris .... Librae 0,009 +0,003 3 Serpentis 0,005 4 Serpentis 0,003 0,004 +0,003 48 Bootis *y f\f 2 Lupi Bootis 27 Librae fi 0,003 +0,003 + 0,011 +0,071 Lupi 49 Bootis S Octantis o Librae Librae Circini -0,033 224 No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec.Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of i m -G Taylor. V Bris- bane. Various. a' V c' d' 4996 4997 4998 4999 5000 5001 5002 5003 5004 5005 5006 5007 5008 5009 5010 5011 5012 5013 5H 5 OI 5 5016 5 OI 7 5018 Si9 5020 5021 5022 5023 5024 S 2.5 5026 5027 5028 5029 5030 5031 5032 5033 534 535 5036 5037 5038 5039 5040 125 31 20,4 108 32 4,5 "3 26 54.3 150 20 28,0 56 20 57,3 60 ii 53,6 114 44 26,6 109 4 30,2 150 23 45,0 158 7 9>5 115 37 36,0 J 53 3 i,* 100 26 22,0 120 57 16,8 '37 3 4^,5 148 14 4,8 i37 *8 39,3 15 3* i.S 107 51 44,7 IO7 12 17,2 132 55 25,1 '3 55 45- 1 "7 17 3M 40 44 22,6 117 2 1,7 149 56 2I,O 5 28 13,6 III 50 26,0 84 30 2,1 137 18 59,8 51 10 15,9 113 27 14,4 137 19 6,9 137 19 20,6 89 4 8,8 60 16 35,8 "9 35 35, 47 16 2,4 9 8 49 33> 130 14 3,0 56 7 20,7 *73 5 6 53> 114 25 48,7 113 43 2,0 148 37 9,2 + 13,95 13,95 13,90 13,90 13,90 13,90 13,89 13,88 13,88 13,87 13,87 13,87 13,86 13,84 13,84 13,82 13,81 13,81 13,81 13,80 13,79 '3-79 !3>79 13,77 13,76 13,75 13,72 13,70 13,69 13,69 13,69 13,68 13,67 13,67 13,67 13,66 13,63 i3, 6 3 13,62 13,61 n-58 13-57 13,56 J 3,53 + 13,5 -0,394 0,356 0,367 0,501 0,255 0,265 0,370 o,358 0,502 0,577 0,372 0,524 0,342 0,385 0,436 0,490 -o,437 +0,044 -0,358 o,357 0,421 0,414 0,378 0,206 0,378 -0,504 +o,757 -0,369 0,317 0,440 0,244 o,373 0,441 0,441 0,326 0,268 0,388 0,232 o,345 0,418 0,259 1,326 0,378 o,377 0,506 +0,08 4-8.8075 9.2627 9.0461 4-9.6147 9.8812 9.8663 8.9643 -9.2411 4-9.6163 + 9.7064 -8.8971 + 9.6506 -9.4711 +6.0000 + 9.3815 + 9.5886 + 9.3822 -9.9112 -9.2799 9.3006 + 9.2470 + 9.1694 -8.7218 9.9212 -8.7466 +9.6154 9.8851 -9.1176 -9.7007 +9-3854 9.9011 -9.0294 + 9.3869 +9.3870 -9.6491 9.8691 -8.1818 9.9120 9.5000 + 9-1559 9.8867 +9-8365 8.9562 9.0013 +9.6077 9.6066 -9.3446 -9.4405 -9-7797 + 9.5843 + 9.5370 9.4621 -9-3545 -9-7793 -9.8074 -9-4758 -9.7898 9.0977 -9.5502 9.7066 -9.7677 -9-7055 +9.8217 -9.3246 9.3086 9.6706 -9.6537 9.4986 +9.7161 -9.4940 -9-7734 +9.8332 -9.4050 + 8.8159 9.7006 + 9.6313 -9-4336 -9.6999 9.6999 + 8.0441 +9.5287 -9.5259 + 9.6639 9.0178 -9.6417 +9.5770 9.8280 -9.4467 -9-4334 -9-7595 + 1.1446 1.1446 1.1429 1.1429 1.1429 1.1429 1.1426 1.1424 1.1423 1.1420 1.1420 1.1420 1.1418 1.1411 1.1411 1.1404 1.1403 1.1401 1.1400 1.1398 1.1397 1.1396 1 - I 395 1.1389 1.1386 1.1384 I - I 374 1.1366 1.1365 1.1365 1.1362 I - I 359 I - 1 357 1 - I 357 1.1356 1.1356 1-^345 I - I 345 1.1341 i-!337 1.1330 1.1327 1.1323 1.1311 + 1.1304 -9.8564 9.8564 9.8579 9.8579 9.8580 9.8580 9.8583 9.8584 9.8585 9.8587 9.8588 9.8588 9.8590 9.8596 9.8596 9.8602 9.8604 9.8605 9.8606 9.8608 9.8609 9.8610 9.8611 9.8616 9.8618 9.8620 9.8630 9.8636 9-8637 9-8637 9.8639 9.8642 9.8644 9.8644 9.8645 9.8645 9.8654 9.8654 9.8658 9.8661 9.8667 9.8670 9.8673 9.8683 9.8689 V.2 7 6 5 6263 5221 B.F2065 B.F 2072 B.F2073 M 594 J353,R4i2 R4'3 J354 G 2198 R4i4 G 2213 M 595 R 4 i S G 220 1 1355,11416 R 4 i 7 J356 G 2206 M 59 6 ,J3S7 6271 6259 5"5 +0,05 \.-zj66 +0,19 0,10 +0,07 +0,05 0,16 + 0,01 +0,10 +0,02 4-0,38 4-0,03 1,04 0,09 0,03 +0,02 +0,17 4-0,04 1928 5 6 iv. 989 ii.1723 v.276 9 ii.1722 v.2770 6273 6262 6255 6275 6260 6277 6270 6266 6274 6278 6280 6287 5229 5227 5233 5231 S 2 37 5^35 5236 5238 5242 5243 1929 9 10 iii.i895 iii.i896 V.2772 11.1724 v.2773 iii.igoo 1111898 11.1725 v.2774 111.1899 1930 27 '4 16 ii 0,02 6291 6272 5249 O,OI V.2 77 8 +0,09 +0,04 1932 19 20 11.1726 11.1727 5^59 6301 6296 6304 5260 5261 5266 4-0,18 11.1728 .2784 11.1729 11.1730 11.1731 1933 1935 1931 21 *5 22 O,OI O,OI +0,06 0,00 +0,09 4-0,09 -0,25 *934 936 26 23 2 9 11.1732 111.1903 11.1733 6303 6216 6316 6317 6307 5270 5268 5240 5*77 +0,18 B.A.C. (2F) 225 No. Constellation. Mag Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. I Sec.Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a b c d 5041* 5042 5043 544 5045* 5046 547 5048* 5049* 5050* 5051* 5052 553 5054 555 5056* 557 5058* 559 5060 5061 5062* 5063 5064 5065 5066 5067 5068 5069 5070 5071* 5072 573 574 S75 5076 577 5078 5079* 5080* 5081 5082* 5083 5084 5085 7 6* 7 6 7 4 5i 6 5 6 7 6 7 5 6 44 H 5* 5 6 7 6 1\ 6 7 6 6 6 6 6 51 7 5* 51 6 .71 7 5 61 6 6 4 5i h m s 15 I0 53.15 II 3,14 II 17,13 II 28,27 II 30,67 II 32,50 II 39,16 II 41,13 II 42,44 II 42,71 II 48,84 12 11,39 12 15,78 12 18,66 12 23,87 12 30,65 12 38,71 12 54,27 13 24,03 3 35,42 13 56,35 14 40,25 14 48,16 14 58,39 15 3,38 15 18,85 J 5 37,65 15 38,78 15 42 *5 47,95 1 6 0,03 i g 4,53 17 0,53 17 4,45 17 6,90 17 9>5 i? 15,75 17 30,76 17 41,71 17 42,64 17 58,27 18 49,51 15 18 50,25 a + 3>55 4.793 3,220 4,706 3.592 3,906 3.030 2,687 4,H9 4,164 3,543 5,504 4.I5 1 3,786 3,387 4,037 3,338 0,612 3,049 3,806 2,489 3,562 3.332 1,841 3,890 3,578 2,836 6,335 3,864 3,282 '.759 2,404 3.079 3.245 2,466 2,217 + 1,732 0,004 0,119 +4,327 4,685 4.829 2,277 +2,779 s +0,0178 +0,0806 +0,0098 +0,0747 +0,0206 +0,0325 +0,0057 +0,0006 +0,0435 +0,0442 +0,0189 +0,1327 +0,0434 +0,0275 +0,0141 +0,0379 +0,0127 +0,0359 +0,0061 +0,0280 0,0007 +0,0193 +0,0125 +0,0016 +0,0310 +0,0197 +0,0026 +0,2057 +0,0298 + 0,0111 + O,OO27 O,OOo8 + 0,0066 + O.OIO2 O,OOO6 0,0009 +0,0032 + 0,0657 +0,0724 + 0,0502 + 0,0697 + 0,0276 + 0,0783 0,0009 + 0,0019 s 8.6901 8-9539 8.6558 8-9359 8.7034 .8.7668 8.6505 8.6803 8.8193 8.8225 8.6941 9.0712 8.8181 8.7392 8.6694 8-7925 8.6631 9.0725 8.6466 8.7398 8.7085 8.6920 8.6580 8.8423 8.7536 8.6921 8.6539 9.1731 8.7463 8.6509 8.8567 8.7201 8.6409 8.6471 8.7048 8.7550 8.8578 9.1427 9.1568 8.8393 8.9108 8.7304 8.9371 8-7375 -8.6517 -8-73I4 8.9959 8.6987 8-9794 8.7471 8.8106 8.6948 8.7247 8.8638 8.8670 8.7389 9.1174 8.8646 8.7860 8.7165 8.8400 8.7111 9.1215 8.6975 8.7915 8.7615 8-7453 8.7137 8.8986 8.8105 8-7494 8.7120 9.2313 8.8057 8.7104 8.9164 8.7801 8.7017 8.7082 8-7695 8.8200 8.9229 9.2079 9.2225 8.9059 8.9781 8.7978 9.0055 8.8092 -8.7234 +0-5447 0.6806 0.5079 0.6727 0-5553 0.5917 0.4815 0.4293 0.6179 0.6195 0-5493 0.7406 0.6181 0.5782 0.5298 0.606 1 9.7870 0.4841 0.5804 0.3960 0.5517 0.5227 0.2650 0.5899 0.5536 0.4528 0.8017 0.5870 0.5161 0.2452 0.3809 0.4884 0.5112 0.3920 0.3458 +0.2385 -7.5798 9.0770 +0.6362 0.6707 0.5815 0.6839 0-3573 +0-4439 +8.2946 +8.8920 +7.8302 +8.8679 +8.3712 + 8-5758 7.2609 -8.2371 +8.6861 + 8.6919 +8.3270 +9.0376 +8.6848 + 8.5054 +8.1502 + 8.6354 +8.0762 -9.0394 -6.9905 +8.5123 8.4096 + 8.3362 +8.0594 -8.7313 +8.5541 +8-3457 8.0095 +9- I 533 +8.5376 +7.9627 8.7560 -8.4616 +6.5682 + 7-8772 -8.4145 8.5642 -8-7595 9.1203 -9- I 359 + 8.7302 +8.8383 +8.5021 +8.8745 8.5260 8.0910 0,032 0,005 0,005 0,008 + 0,010 +0,003 0,0 1 1 0,142 Librae Trianguli Aust +0,017 +0,005 +0,003 0,009 +0,005 29 Librae o ' Ursae Minoris .... 0,002 O,OO4 O,OO7 Librae 30 Librae o - + 0,001 +0,0 1 8 0,004 0,00 1 +0,003 0,002 0,010 0,003 Lupi v 7 Serpentis Librae CQ Bootis 0,002 +0,009 0,002 +0,013 8 Serpentis 3 1 Librae g 2 Coronse Bor ?, Bootis 12 Ursae Minoris .... 1 1 Ursae Minoris .... Lupi +0,033 0,049 0,028 0,005 Norrnae Circini 5 1 Bootis u> 0,010 + 0,001 9 Serpentis T I 226 No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec.Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of i i Taylor. ! Bris- bane. Various. of V (/ ce 5041 5 42 543 5044 545 5046 547 5048 5049 505 5051 552 S53 SS4 555 5056 557 5058 559 5060 5061 5062 5063 5064 5065 5066 5067 5068 5069 5070 5071 5072 573 574 5075 5076 5077 5078 5079 5080 5081 5082 5083 5084 5085 1 II 113 43 12,8 150 6 49,7 98 35 36,2 148 46 28,6 "7 43 53-7 130 6 4, i 87 39 4 6 >7 68 52 25,6 137 22 36,1 137 45 37.Q 115 26 2,0 157 46 12,1 137 21 51,7 125 42 44,9 107 36 34,9 134 8 44,4 105 o 10,7 22 4 43,0 88 44 5,8 126 18 58,8 59 5 13.7 116 8 53,4 104 35 41,6 39 J 4 3.4 129 10 16,7 116 45 56,4 76 53 31,0 162 51 51,7 128 ii 52,3 101 49 49,5 37 32 5 6 3i 35.i 90 29 5,2 99 46 49,3 59 I0 i.9 49 5^ 49.3 37 7 o.i 18 14 38,6 *7 1 37 54.4 141 4 8,8 H7 49 13,5 126 14 8,8 H9 57 57,3 52 5 40,2 74 * 22,4 + J3.49 13,48 J 3.47 13.45 13.45 '3.45 13,44 13,44 J 3-44 13.44 13.43 J3.4 1 13,40 13,40 13,39 13.39 13.38 13,36 13,33 i3,3 2 13,29 13,29 13,25 13,24 13,23 13,22 13,20 13,20 13,18 13,18 13,18 I3,i7 13,16 I3-I5 13,09 13,09 13,08 13,08 13,07 13,06 13,05 13,04 13,03 12,97 + 12,97 -0,378 0,518 0,348 0,509 0,389 0,423 0,328 0,291 0,449 0,451 0,384 0,597 0,450 0,411 0,368 0,438 0,363 0,067 0,332 0,415 0,272 0,389 0,365 0,202 0,426 0,392 0,311 0,695 0,425 0,361 0,193 0,264 o,339 0,357 0,273 0,245 0,191 0,000 +0,013 -o,479 0,519 0,423 0,536 0,253 0,309 " -8.9987 +9.6291 -9.5030 + 9.6119 -8.5911 +9.164! 9.6664 9.8276 +9.4019 +9.4115 -8.8633 +9-7I95 +9.4038 + 8.9133 -9.2751 +9.3164 -9-3547 9.9316 -9.6536 +8.9694 -9.8759 -8.7738 -9.3632 -9.9327 +9.1411 -8.6884 -9-7734 + 9.7719 + 9.0969 -9.4319 -9.9356 9.8910 -9.6309 -9.4764 -9.8813 -9.9139 -9-9377 -9.9324 -9.9315 +9.5020 +9.6147 + 8.9956 +9.6444 9.9090 -9.7972 -9.4324 -9.7655 9.0014 -9-7587 -9.4943 ~9- 6 355 +8.4366 +9.3830 -9.6929 -9.6956 -9.4588 -9.7916 9.6917 -9.5911 -9-3054 -9.6673 9.2372 +9.7905 +8.1665 -9.5946 +9.5225 -9.4654 9.2212 +9.7086 9.6196 -9.4725 +9.1741 -9.7987 9.6090 -9.1295 +9.7169 +9-559 -7-7443 9.0469 +9.5245 +9.6237 +9.7162 +9.7920 + 9-7933 -9.7046 -9.7408 -9.5849 -9.7500 +9.5991 +9.2500 + 1.1301 1.1297 1.1292 1.1288 1.1288 1.1287 1.1285 1.1284 1.1284 1.1283 1.1281 1.1273 1.1272 1.1271 1.1269 1.1267 1.1264 1.1258 1.1248 1.1244 1.1236 1.1235 1. 1220 I.I2I8 I.I2I4 I.I2I2 I.I207 I.I2O7 I.I20O I.II99 1.1198 1.1196 I.II92 I.II90 I.II70 1.1168 1.1167 1.1166 1.1164 1.1158 1.1154 1.1154 1.1148 1.1129 + 1.1129 9.8692 9.8695 9.8699 9.8702 9.8702 9.8703 9-8705 9.8705 9.8706 9.8706 9.8708 9.8714 9.8715 9.8716 9.8718 9.8719 9.8722 9.8726 9-8735 9.8738 9.8744 9-8745 9.8756 9.8758 9.8761 9.8762 9.8766 9.8767 9.8772 9.8772 9-8773 9-8775 9.8778 9-8779 9.8794 9-8795 9.8796 9.8797 9.8799 9.8803 9.8806 9.8806 9.8810 9.8824 9.8824 6325 6309 5280 R4l8 M 597 R 4 i 9 J358 B.H255 J359,R42i R420 R422 B.F 2 o8i M5 9 8 J 361 M59 9 B.H 1537 B.F 2084 G 2217 R 4 2 3 M 600 A M6oi G 2221 G2223 G2225 R 4 2 S R426 R 4 2 7 +0,40 +0,04 + 0,01 32 iii.i904 v.2793 6312 6330 6326 5283 5285 +0,20 +0,52 0,09 +0,23 0,04 1937 31 33 36 "-I734 ii.i736 ii.i737 ii-i735 v.2794 6322 6324 6334 6308 5286 5288 5284 5291 5293 +0,06 +0,06 +0,07 +0,18 0,07 1938 1939 34 37 35 4i "1738 ii.i740 ii.i739 11.1741 6335 6333 5294 +0,08 +0,07 +0,06 1940 1942 44 42 49 ii.i743 11.1742 111.1906 6349 6 355 5299 0,0 1 +0,07 + O, II +0,30 + 0,01 +0,37 +0,12 +0,09 1941 50 56 47 11.1744 111.1909 111.1908 v.28o3 11.1745 6356 6360 6323 6361 5308 5309 532 5313 1943 55 5 2 54 iii.i9io ii. 1 746 0,02 + 0,05 + 0,19 +0,18 1946 '945 1944 1947 59 58 57 67 111.1911 111.1912 11.1747 [11.1914 0,0 1 +0,06 0,24 +0,06 1954 78 111.1916 6373 6370 6376 5331 5333 5334 64 111.1915 0,08 0,08 1950 1948 73 69 11.1749 ii.i748 (2F2) 227 J tl'oj No. Constellation. Mag. Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a \ b c d 5086 5087 5088 5089 5090 5091* 5o 9 z 5093 5094* S9S 5096 5097* 5098 5099 5100 5101 5102 5io3 5104 5105* 5106* 5107 5108* 5109 5110* 5111* 5112 5"3 5114 5"5 5116 5117* 5118 5119 5120 5jzi* 5122 5123 5124 5125 5126 5127* 5128* 5129* 5130 6 7 6 4 7 6 7 6 3* 5* 7 3 4 7 6 7 7 5 7 7 H 6 6 H 7 7 6 6 7 6 6 7 3 6 6* 6 5* Si *i 4 6* 7 7 Si Si h m s 15 18 59,60 19 39.39 19 40,18 19 48,27 '9 53,05 20 10 20 16,21 20 26,18 21 0,44 21 4, 1 1 21 6,31 21 36,10 21 38,99 21 42,67 22 13,21 22 39,57 22 44,45 23 3,22 23 6,60 23 25,23 23 39,39 23 39,80 *3 4945 24 0,07 24 11,99 24 17,37 24 27,29 24 36,70 24 42,67 2 4 53>!7 24 57,75 2 5 i,33 25 9,82 25 14,67 *5 '5.I3 25 32,30 2 5 3*,37 2 5 34,76 25 56,50 25 59,09 26 9,95 26 13,04 26 19,93 26 21,05 15 26 24,73 s +4,135 4,421 7,648 3,368 3,623 0,980 1,948 +5,658 0,164 +3,028 3,383 1,322 2,485 3,381 3,368 +4,637 -0,537 + 5,376 3,440 3>5i9 4,663 7,108 6,456 3>43* 3,56* 3,533 3,376 1,905 4,650 1,176 1,043 3>5So 3,967 3,083 2,760 3,6iS 2,151 4,096 4, 77" 3, a 47 2,760 3,640 3,564 3,230 +2,146 s +0,0405 +0,0541 +0,3488 +0,0130 +0,0205 +0,0205 +0,0008 +0,1361 +0,0729 +0,0056 +0,0134 +0,0109 0,0004 +0,0133 +0,0129 +0,0643 +0,0954 +0,1115 +0,0148 +0,0169 +0,0652 +0,2721 +0,2028 +0,0144 +0,0181 +0,0172 +0,0129 +0,0013 +0,0639 +0,0143 +0,0181 +0,0176 + 0,0317 +0,0065 +0,0019 +0,0195 0,0002 +0,0368 +0,0359 +0,0098 +0,0019 + 0,0202 + 0,0178 +0,0095 O.OOOI s +0,024 0,018 -8.7941 8.8518 9.2940 8.6500 8.6877 8.9880 8.8024 9.0645 9.1484 8.6299 8.6487 8.9228 8.6891 8.6469 8.6443 8.8847 9.1854 9.0124 8.6509 8.6613 8.8864 9.2274 9-1559 8.6475 8. 6661 8.6613 8.6396 8.7978 8.8803 8.9377 8.9604 8.6620 8.7400 8.6199 8.6383 8.6714 8-7437 8-7655 8.7605 8.6242 8.6360 8.6739 8.6608 8.6222 8.7420 -8.8664 8.9267 9.3690 8.7254 8.7634 9.0648 8.8797 9.1423 9.2285 8.7102 8.7291 9.0051 8.7716 8.7296 8.7290 8.9712 9.2722 9.1004 8.7391 8.7507 8.9767 9.3177 9.2469 8.7392 8.7585 8.7540 8.7330 8.8918 8.9747 9.0328 9.0558 8.7576 8.8362 8.7163 f 8-7348 8.7690 8.8413 8.8632 8.8596 8.7235 8.7360 8.7741 8.7615 8.7230 8.8430 +0.6165 0.6455 0.8835 0.5273 0.5590 9.9913 0.2896 +0.7527 -9.2138 +0.4812 0.5294 0.1213 0-3953 0.5290 0.5274 +0.6662 -9.7303 +0.7304 0.5366 0.5464 0.6687 0.8517 0.8099 0-5355 0.5517 0.5482 0.5284 0.2798 0.6675 0.0702 0.0181 0.5502 0.5984 0.4890 0.4409 0.5582 0.3327 0.6123 0.6103 0.5114 0.4409 0.5612 0.5520 0.5093 +0.3317 +8.6526 + 8 -7533 + 9.2835 + 8.0953 + 8.3641 8.9412 8.6707 + 9.0328 -9.1275 -7.2459 + 8.1126 -8.8581 -8.3831 + 8.1062 + 8.0870 + 8.8061 -9.1683 + 8.9725 + 8.1776 + 8.2597 + 8.8096 + 9.2135 + 9.1364 + 8.1636 + 8.2967 + 8.2702 + 8.0888 8.6704 +8.8019 8.8803 -8.9095 + 8.2828 + 8.5540 + 6.6905 -8.0934 + 8.3363 -8.5636 + 8.6108 + 8.6013 + 7-8439 -8.0899 + 8.3532 + 8.2905 + 7.8006 -8.5625 Normae +0,006 0,009 Trianguli Aust. . . 13 Ursse Minoris . .y +0,018 0,000 0,001 + 0,010 0,005 3 Coronse Bor, . . p +0,004 0,002 14 Ursae Minoris .... Trianguli Aust. . . e Librae 0,020 0,000 Librae N or i na' 0,010 0,036 -0,037 0,009 Apodis Apodis K^ Librae Librae 3 5 Librae * +0,004 Normae Draconis Draconis -0,054 +0,002 0,004 +0,004 +0,003 0,000 + 0,001 +0,005 -0,034 + 0,021 +0,004 Libras Lupi y 1 1 Serpentis 12 Serpentis T 36 Librae 52 Bootis v ' Lupi 37 Librae Serpentis Librae Librae 5 3 Bootis v q 0,003 228 / 1 '*>,' No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. ! Sec.Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of . 1 tt 3 Taylor. =1 Bris- bane. Various. of V tf d' 5086 5087 5088 5089 5090 5091 5092 593 5094 5095 5096 5097 5098 599 5100 5101 5102 5103 5104 5 I0 5 5106 5107 5108 5109 5110 5111 5112 5114 5"5 5116 5117 5118 5119 5120 5121 5122 5123 5124 5125 5126 5127 5128 5129 136 12 29,9 142 50 59,4 167 24 6,3 106 ii 20,8 118 20 18,7 26 7 42 24 30,8 158 22 21.0 '7 37 55.7 87 37 58,3 106 55 7,5 3 3 25*3 60 22 27,9 106 44 9,4 106 5 28,5 146 33 42,6 15 59 5>7 155 48 22,5 109 38 53,7 113 22 10,1 146 54 30,6 165 34 59,2 162 56 47,7 109 9 16,5 115 17 26,6 113 58 40,4 106 20 21,5 41 46 9,8 146 35 49-3 28 48 38,9 27 12 19,1 114 41 7,0 130 39 29,7 90 40 27,0 73 25 51,8 117 32 14,7 48 39 9, 134 27 6,4 i33 53 18,3 99 32 46,0 73 28 35,0 "8 33 5,9 115 13 46,7 98 40 24,9 48 35 18,6 + 12,96 12,91 12,91 12,90 12,90 12,88 1^,87 12,86 12,82 12,82 12,82 12,78 12,78 12,78 12,74 12,71 12,71 12,69 12,68 12,66 12,64 12,64 12,63 12,62 12,61 12,60 12,59 12,58 12,56 12,56 12,55 12,54 12,54 12,54 12,52 12,52 12,51 12,49 12,49 12,47 12,47 12,46 12,46 + 12,46 0,460 o,493 0,853 0,376 0,405 o,no 0,218 -0,633 +0,0 1 8 -0,340 0,380 0,149 0,279 0,380 o,379 -0,523 +0,061 0,607 0.389 0,398 0,528 0,805 0,731 0,389 0,404 0,401 0,383 0,216 0,528 0,134 0,119 0,404 0,451 0.35 1 0,314 0,412 0,245 0,467 0,465 0,371 0,416 0,407 0,369 -0,245 +0,12 0,12 f 9-399 +9.5412 +9.8143 -9.3084 8.2672 -9.9441 -9-9339 +9.7430 -9.9366 9.6678 9.2819 9.9466 -9.8798 9.2869 -9-3075 +9.6089 -9.9362 +9.7232 -9.1709 8.9581 + 9.6164 +9.8088 +9.7890 9.1901 -8.7796 -8.9053 -9.2954 -9-9395 +9.6144 -9-9505 -9.9503 -8.8363 +9.2533 9.6281 9.8052 -8.3729 -9-9253 +9-3757 +9.3610 -9-4745 -9.8053 -7.8389 -8.7679 -9.4925 -9.9263 -9.6688 -9.7103 -9.7982 -9.2538 -9.4847 +9.7609 +9.6757 -9-7754 +9.7849 + 8.4216 -9.2695 +9-7397 +9.4983 -9.2635 -9.2458 -9.7234 +9.7847 -9.7612 -9.3276 -9.3986 9.7228 -9.7858 -9.7798 -9.3149 -9.4290 -9.4071 9.2470 +9.6701 9.7188 +9-7394 + 9-7457 -9-4I73 9.6101 7.8666 +9.2510 9.4602 +9.6152 -9.6404 -9.6352 -9.0139 +9.2477 -9-473 -9.4230 -8.9717 +9.6137 ; + i.H26 I. mi I.IIIO 1.1107 1.1106 1.1099 1.1097 1.1093 1.1080 1.1079 1.1078 1.1066 1.1065 1.1064 1.1052 1.1042 1.1040 1.1033 1.1032 1.1024 1.1019 1.1019 1.1015 i. ion 1. 1006 1.1004 1. 1000 1.0997 1.0994 1.0990 1.0988 1.0987 1.0984 1.0982 1.0982 1.0975 1.0975 1.0974 1.0965 1.0964 1.0960 1.0959 1.0956 1.0955 + 1.0954 9.8827 9.8837 9-8837 9.8839 9.8841 9.8845 9.8847 9.8850 9.8859 9.8860 9.8860 9.8868 9.8869 9.8870 9.8878 9.8884 9.8886 9.8890 9.8891 9.8896 9.8900 9.8900 9.8902 9.8905 9.8908 9.8910 9.8912 9.8914 9.8916 9.8919 9.8920 9.8921 9.8923 9.8924 9.8924 9.8929 9.8929 9.8929 9-8935 9.8938 9.8939 9.8940 9.8941 -9.8942 v.28i6 7.2817 r O 0300 5344 6 383 5345 6348 5336 R428 M6oz A G 2230 R429 P6l2 M 603 Z 1060 M 604 R430 62238 J362, R43i B.H 954 K433 R 43 2 B.H 955 M 607 G 2239 R 4 34 G 2241 G 2243 M6o8 J 364 B.H 952 + 0,04 1949 75 11.1750 7.2819 6 395 5349 + 0,03 0,05 + 0,04 0,03 O,O2 0,07 1962 1952 IOC I 95 82 80 86 84 ii.i754 11.1756 11.1753 11.1752 '957 '955 1953 + 0,03 + 0,20 6400 537i + 0,24 + 0,09 11.1757 11.1923 6398 5372 9* 6414 6407 6381 6390 5375 5368 5373 +0,04 + 0,48 +0,42 + 0,08 96 11.1758 6419 6420 0,01 956 97 11.1759 +0,13 +0,32 +0,17 +0,09 0,05 +0,05 0,01 +0,13 0,09 +0,23 0,04 no 111.1928 7.2830 11.1760 11.1761 iii.i 9 2 7 11.1762 [1.1929 11.1926 7.2831 11.1763 11.1930 6425 6422 6430 6424 6427 5382 5380 5385 5384 5388 959 961 958 965 98 104 105 102 108 99 960 963 106 109 6433 6436 0,0 1 967 112 11.1931 229 No. Constellation. Mag. Rigbt Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Logarithms of Motion. a b c d 5131* 5'32 5133* 5*34 Si35 5!3 6 5*37 5i38 5139 5140* 5141 5142* 5H3 5H4 5H5 5,46* SH7 5148 5H9 5150 SiSi 5'5 2 5153* 5154 S'55 5156 5iS7 5158 SiS9 5160* 5161 5162 S l6 3 5164 5165 5166 5167 5168 5i 6 9 5170 5171 5172 5*73* 5174 5175* 4 Coronae Bor. . . 6 4* 7 7 4i 3 6 6 4 5 6 7 7 ai 7 7 6 6 6 7 6 4i 6 6 7 5 6 6 7 6i 5* 6 6 7 7 S si 7 S* 7 7 Si 7 Si 6 7 h m s 15 26 52,95 27 2,29 27 5>29 27 8,47 27 38,64 27 41,61 27 43,67 27 55.83 27 58,18 27 58,42 27 59-37 28 8,46 28 20,20 28 25,42 28 29,09 28 44,79 28 50,81 28 52,12 29 9,15 29 J 7>53 29 27,39 29 31,30 29 34,67 29 38,97 29 44,61 29 58,74 3 1,50 3 7.94 30 13,62 3 15.34 30 16,97 30 25,18 3 3MI 30 44,81 3 53.87 3i 25.33 32 22,72 32 26,33 32 27,18 3* 32,43 32 54,09 3* 55.59 33 8,51 33 H.77 15 33 17,61 +2,418 a.737 3,641 3.338 2,865 4,412 4,85i 3,622 +4,022 - 2 4.3 * 5 + 5,112 3.585 2,528 4,660 3,580 2,724 0,834 3,072 3,626 2,874 3,664 2,775 2,754 3,335 2,197 5>4S 6 2,058 3.336 4.474 3,785 3>432 4.524 3,616 1,794 4,104 3-53 3, 6 59 2,146 3,656 4,39 s 3,876 4,4i3 3,800 4,336 +2,032 s 0,0003 +0,0018 + 0,0201 +0,0118 +0,0032 +0,0502 +0,0736 +0,0194 +0,0331 +8,0516 +0,0893 +0,0183 + 0,0002 +0,0625 +0,0181 +0,0017 +0,0240 +0,0063 +0,0193 +0,0033 +0,0205 +0,0022 +0,0019 +0,01 16 0,000 1 +0,1107 +0,0004 +0,0116 +0,0522 +0,0241 +0,0139 +0,0545 +0,0188 +0,0026 +>357 +0,0163 +0,0199 +0,0001 +0,0198 +0,0477 +0,0268 +0,0482 +0,0241 +0,0446 +0,0007 8 O,OO3 + O,OO3 -8.6869 8.6365 8.6716 8.6290 8.6222 8.8234 8.9072 8.6660 8.7427 0.0285 8.9518 8.6592 8.6634 8.8694 8.6576 8.6336 8.9806 8.6m 8.6633 8.6175 8.6691 8.6258 8.6279 8.6224 8.7217 8.9996 8.7489 8.6212 8.8273 8.6887 8.6315 8.8364 8.6578 8.8002 8.7505 8.6419 8.6598 8-7235 8.6591 8.8045 8.6984 8.8061 8.6831 8.7898 -8.7439 -8.7897 8.7400 8.7752 8.7328 8.7280 8.9294 9.0133 8.7729 8.8498 0.1356 9.0590 8.7670 8.7719 8.9782 8.7667 8-7437 9.0911 8.7217 8.7750 8.7297 8.7820 8.7390 8.7413 8.7360 8.8357 9.1146 8.8641 8.7367 8.9432 8.8048 8.7476 8-9531 8-7749 8.9182 8.8688 8.7625 8.7842 8.8481 8-7838 8.9295 8.8248 8.9327 8.8105 8.9176 8.8719 +0.3835 0.4372 0.5612 0.5235 0.4572 0.6446 0.6858 0.5590 +0.6044 -1.3859 +0.7086 0.5544 0.4028 0.6684 -5539 0.4352 9.9212 0.4874 0.5594 0.4585 0.5640 -4433 0.4400 0.5232 0.3418 0.7369 -3 J 35 0.5232 0.6507 0.5780 0.5356 0.6555 0.5582 0.2539 0.6132 0.5478 0.5633 0.3317 0.5630 0.6433 0.5884 0.6448 0.5798 0.6371 +0.3078 -8.4095 8.1182 + 8.3502 + 8.0212 7.9046 +8.7192 +8.8421 +8.3324 +8.5688 0.0282 + 8.9005 +8.3010 -8.3238 +8.7901 +8.2960 -8.1273 -8.9369 + 5-639 1 + 8.3307 -7.8787 +8-3584 -8.0555 8.0843 +8.0070 -8.5253 +8.9605 -8.5881 +8.0053 +8.7291 + 8.4354 +8.1397 + 8-7435 + 8.3171 -8.6858 + 8-5935 +8.2395 + 8.3429 -8.5391 +8.3405 +8.6959 +8.4772 +8.6992 +8.4331 +8.6723 8.5864 3 8 Librae y + 0,006 + 0,001 0,058 0,003 + O,CO2 O,OO4 Ursae Minoris Trianguli Aust. . 5 Coronae Bor a + O,OII 0,005 0,004 0,005 + 0,020 + 0,001 O.OOO + 0,012 O,OO2 + 0,001 +O,O IO + O,009 + O,OO3 17 Serpentis 7* 6 Coronae Bor. . . p Trianguli Aust. . . Librae O,OO8 + 0,002 + O.OO2 +O,0 1 1 Normae Librae O,O28 0,014 + 0,001 + 0,047 + 0,007 42 Librae . . . Librae 54 Bootis (j Librae Noriuas 0,026 0,015 0,040 0,003 0,018 Lupi Nortnse A. Luoi . . , . ifi'i Normae Bootis 230 No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of 5? w 1 Taylor. Lacaillc. Bris- bane. Various. cf V 8 45 54 16,3 + 12,42 12,41 12,41 12,41 12,37 12,37 12,37 I2 ,35 IMS 12,35 I2 .35 12,34 12,32 12,32 12,31 12,30 12,29 12,29 12,27 12,26 12,25 12,24 12,24 12,23 12,23 12,21 12,21 I2,2O 12,19 12,19 12,19 12,18 12,17 12,16 12,15 12,11 12,04 12,04 12,04 I2,O3 12,01 1 2,OO 11,99 11,98 + 11,98 // -0,277 0,313 0,417 0,383 0,329 0,507 .557 0,416 0,462 + 2,794 -0,587 0,412 0,291 0,536 0,412 0,314 0,096 o.354 0,418 0,332 0,423 0,321 0,318 0,386 0,254 0,631 0,238 0,386 0,518 0,438 0,398 0,524 0,419 0,208 0,476 0,410 0,427 0,250 0,427 o.5 J 3 o.453 0,516 0,444 0,507 0,238 a +0,02 +0,06 -9.8938 9.8140 -7.8195 9-3553 9.7610 +9-5457 +9.6597 8.2810 +9.3137 -9.9053 +9.7000 8.6484 -9.8732 +9.6206 -8.6767 9.8186 -9.9542 -9.6367 8.2148 -9.7567 +7-9445 9.8000 9.8078 -9-3597 -9.9238 +9-7393 -9-9354 -9-3595 + 9.5700 +8.9191 9.1901 + 9.5858 8.3692 9.9488 +9.3856 -8.9186 +7.7160 -9.9301 + 7-53I5 +9-5449 +9.1287 + 9-55" +8.9643 +9.5204 -9.9394 +9-5*47 +9.2733 -9.4702 -9.1837 +9.0725 -9.6859 9.7249 -9-4559 -9.6155 +9.7891 9.7381 -9.4308 +9.4489 -9.7090 9.4266 +9.2812 +9-7435 6.8152 -9-4539 +9.0474 9.4752 +9.2153 +9.2419 -9.1699 +9-5887 -9-7453 +9.6235 9.1683 -9.6857 -9-5305 9.2920 -9.6905 -9-4425 +9.6681 -9.6254 -9.3786 9.4616 +9-5939 -9-4597 -9.6695 -9.5560 9.6702 -9.5267 -9.6589 +9.6187 + 1.0943 1.0939 1.0938 1.0936 1.0924 1.0923 1.0922 1.0917 1.0916 1.0916 1.0916 1.0912 1.0907 1.0905 1.0904 1.0897 1.0895 1.0895 1.0888 1.0884 1.0880 1.0878 1.0877 1.0875 1.0873 1.0867 1.0866 1.0863 1.0861 1.0860 i. 0860 1.0856 1.0854 1.0848 1.0846 1.0831 1.0807 i. 0806 1.0805 1.0803 1.0794 1.0793 1.0788 1.0785 + 1.0784 -9.8949 9.8951 9.8952 9.8953 9.8960 9.8961 9.8961 9.8964 9.8965 9.8965 9.8965 9.8967 9.8970 9.8972 9-8973 9.8976 9.8978 9.8978 9.8982 9.8984 9.8987 9.8988 9.8989 9.8990 9.8991 9.8994 9.8995 9.8997 9.8998 9.8998 9.8999 9.9001 9.9002 9.9006 9.9007 9.9015 9.9029 9.9030 9.9030 9.9031 9.9036 9.9037 9.9040 9.9041 9.9042 1968 "5 114 ii.l 7 6 5 iii.i932 B.F2U7 M6o9,J365 1*437 R 43 6 M6io,J366 62283 R 43 8 R 439 M6u G 2250 P62I.W834 J 3 6 7 M 612 R 440 G 2253 M 614 R44i M 613 R442 G 2254 M 615 R443 R 444 G 2258 6442 0,02 0,05 + 0,26 + 0,24 0,03 + 0,14 1964 1969 in 117 ^.1764 11.1767 .2836 6437 6431 6445 6443 539 6 5394 5400 5399 1966 116 113 ii.1768 ii.1766 6446 6440 6450 5401 5404 + 0,07 + 0, 12 + 0,14 0,04 O,O I + 0,08 + O,O2 + 0,17 + 0,04 O,o6 + 0,01 0,0 1 0,00 1973 121 11.1770 v.2838 11.1769 11.1771 111.1934 11.1772 11.1773 11.1775 ii.i774 111.1936 11.1776 111.1935 11.1777 '974 1971 1970 1976 1977 1979 118 124 136 122 120 126 123 130 131 125 135 6454 6 455 5406 +0,09 + 0,22 +0,06 +0,03 I 3 2 111.1937 v.2839 111.1938 11.1778 6451 6463 5408 5410 1972 *975 128 133 + I.53 0,04 +o.34 0,00 + 1,13 0,07 v.284i 6469 54H 1978 134 I 3 8 11.1779 11.1780 v.2846 111.1941 v.2848 6464 6479 6485 6476 6486 6480 6489 6483 5416 5423 543 * 5432 5428 5437 5434 544 5439 1982 H7 +0,08 +0,08 +0,62 +0,09 +0,17 0,03 141 111.1942 v.2850 iii.1944 1980 H3 231 No. Constellation. Mag. Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a b c d 5176 5*77* 5178 SI79 5180 5181 5182* 5183 5184 5i85 5186 5187 5188* 5189 5190 5191* 5192 5'93* 5194 Si9S 5196 5!97 5,98* 5199* 5200* 5201 5202 5203 5204 5*05 5206 5207 5208 5209 5210* 5211* 5212* 5213 5214 5215 5216 5217 5218 5219 5220* 43 Librae x 5 6 5 6 6 6 6 6 7 sl 6 5 7 6 4i 5 5 6 6 7 *i 6 7 6 7 7 6 6 6 6 6 6 8 6 6 7 7 6 44 7 3* 6 6 7* L m s 15 33 18,82 33 28,19 33 44.9 34 2,05 34 5.46 34 ".48 34 16,92 34 18,30 34 20,25 34 44.3 34 4 6 >93 34 51,89 35 0,70 35 9.87 35 38,69 35 58,56 36 26,63 36 27,83 36 29,59 36 31,81 36 SM 3 3 6 53,63 37 6 , 6 4 37 10,11 37 18,24 37 25.03 37 44,73 37 53,42 38 4,77 38 8,35 38 20,55 38 20,78 38 38,62 38 46,06 38 46,15 38 56,12 39 5,57 39 7,62 39 10,27 39 ",78 39 15,99 39 21,69 39 28,64 39 30,05 15 39 34,75 s + 3,444 1,908 2,258 4.366 2,752 i,747 5,374 4,748 3-370 2,815 4,771 2,675 3,35i 2,700 + 3,364 1,952 +2,524 4,939 3,014 3,685 2,939 3,559 3,638 3,809 4,5 6 i 4,563 3,903 2,723 +2,364 3,759 + 3,096 3,764 + 3>'39 4>505 1,631 3,592 3-574 4,303 2,920 3,659 2,759 5,38i 4,609 2,757 + 3,543 s +0,0140 +0,0015 0,0001 +0,0456 +0,0021 +0,0032 + 0,1011 +0,0640 +0,0121 +0,0028 +0,0651 +0,0014 +0,0116 +0,0016 +0,0118 +0,1913 +0,0004 +0,0731 +0,0053 +0,0201 +0,0043 +0,0165 + 0,0186 +0,0237 + 0,0533 +o,o533 +0,0267 + 0,0019 + 0,0000 +0,3807 +0,0065 +0,3807 +0,0073 +0,0500 +0,0047 +0,0171 +0,0166 +0,0411 +0,0039 +0,0190 + 0,0022 +0,0972 +0,0545 +0,0022 + 0,0159 s +0,001 + O,OII +0,013 +0,008 +0,003 8.6249 8.7683 8.6974 8.7929 8.6164 8.7981 8.9711 8.8653 8.6136 8.6083 8.8678 8.6235 8.6099 8.6195 8.6095 9.2699 8.6412 8.8916 8.5924 8.6523 8.5940 8.6309 8.6426 8.6725 8.8197 8.8195 8.6887 8.6093 8.6640 9.3903 8.5871 9.3898 8.5870 8.8038 8.8047 8.6300 8.6268 8.7632 8.5888 8.6400 8.6014 8.9531 8.8210 8. 6010 8.6208 -8.7529 8.8970 8.8271 8.9239 8-7475 8.9297 9.1030 8-9973 8-7457 8.7420 9.0017 8.7578 8-7447 8-7549 8.7468 9.4085 8.7817 9.0322 8.7332 8.7932 8.7362 8.7732 8.7858 8.8159 8-9637 8.9639 8.8344 8.7556 8.8m 9.5376 8.7352 9.5380 8.7363 8.9536 8-9545 8.7804 8-7779 8.9144 8.7402 8.7916 8-7532 9- 10 53 8.9736 8.7538 -8.7739 +0.5370 0.2806 0-3537 0.6400 0-439 6 0.2422 0.7303 0.6765 0.5276 0-4495 0.6787 0.4273 0.5251 0.4314 +0.5269 0.2904 +0.4021 0.6937 0.4791 0.5665 0.4683 o.55i3 0.5608 0.5808 0.6591 0.6592 0.5914 0.4350 +0.3736 0-575 +0.4908 -0-5757 +0.4968 0.6537 0.2125 0-5553 0.5531 0.6338 0.4654 0.5634 0.4408 0.7308 0.6636 0.4405 +0.5494 + 8.1416 -8.6345 -8.4781 +8.6791 8.0700 -8.6881 + 8.9282 +8.7905 + 8.0413 -7.9711 + 8-7945 8.1608 + 8.0IOI 8.1309 + 8.0278 9.2600 -8.2949 + 8.8287 -7.3112 + 8.3456 -7.6737 + 8.2443 + 8.3082 + 8.4224 + 8.7272 + 8.7271 + 8.4725 8.0932 8.4000 -9.3849 + 6.9528 -9.3844 + 7.3834 + 8.7047 8.7061 + 8.2642 + 8.2485 + 8.6373 -7.7229 + 8.3161 8.0390 + 8.9092 + 8.7322 -8.0413 + 8.2193 Bootis 7 Coronae Bor. . . Norms 19 Serpentis f Trianguli Aust. . . +0,035 0,050 0,017 +0,007 -0,034 0,005 0,007 +0,007 0,024 0,005 +0,016 0,000 +0,003 +0,014 15 Ursae Minoris . . 9 8 Coronas Bor y 23 Serpentis Y 24 Serpentis & +0,00 1 Lupi 0,044 0,000 0,006 26 Serpentis f^ 9 Coronas Bor. . . it Ursas Minoris .... 25 Serpentis A^ + 0,004 Ursas Minoris .... NormaB 0,007 0,004 Scorpii Scorpii Normaj 0,001 0,008 0,018 +0,008 + 0,075 -0,039 + o,coi 27 Serpentis A Scorpii 28 Serpentis jS Trianguli Aust. . . Normas 232 No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1350. Annual Preces. Sec.Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of 1 a Taylor. i j Bris- >ane. Various. tf V J ff 5176 W7 5178 5'79 5180 5181 5182 5^3 5184 5i85 5186 5187 5188 5189 5190 5191 5192 5*93 5i94 5i95 5196 5i97 5198 5i99 5200 5201 5202 5203 5204 5205 5206 5207 5208 5209 5210 5211 5212 5 2I 3 5214 5215 5216 5217 5218 5219 5220 1 II 109 II 15,9 42 42 18,0 52 52 28,2 140 1 8 20,3 73 29 12,7 39 5 68 iS4 57 5*>9 147 19 42,0 105 31 45,6 76 40 2,4 147 38 41,5 69 50 34,8 104 33 27,0 71 3 16,0 105 ii 25,3 12 9 11,8 63 13 31,5 H9 54 i7 87 o 0,7 119 33 58,3 83 5 57.i 114 14 27,4 117 34 51,1 124 12 2O,8 143 55 28,0 143 56 12,0 127 26 11,8 72 15 37,8 57 o 28,5 9 3 34.7 91 19 47,6 9 3 *9. 93 35 H.9 142 44 36,8 37 9 S*>7 "5 3 1 3.5 114 44 35,8 138 26 52,5 82 10 22,8 118 19 4,3 74 6 1 6,2 154 40 42,7 144 35 4. 6 74 o 8,5 113 22 13,6 + 11,98 ",97 "95 ".93 11,92 11,92 11,91 11,91 11,91 11,88 11,87 11,87 11,86 11,85 11,81 ".79 11,76 11,76 ",75 ".75 ".73 ",73 11,71 11,71 11,79 11,69 11,66 11,65 11,64 11,64 11,62 11,62 ii, 60 ".59 ",59 11,58 ",57 ".57 11,56 11,56 11,56 ",55 ".54 ".54 + ".53 0,403 0,223 0,265 0,512 0,323 0,205 0,631 o.557 0,396 0,331 0,561 ,3 * 5 o,394 0,318 -o,397 +0,230 0,298 0,584 0,356 0,436 0,348 0,421 o.43 i 0,451 0,540 0,541 0,463 0,323 0,281 +0,447 0,368 + o,447 -0,373 0,536 0,194 0,428 0,426 o,5i3 0,348 0,436 0,329 0,642 0,550 0,329 -0,423 +0,08 +0,13 +o, 10 +o.35 0,06 9.1652 -9.9465 9-9*95 +9-5333 9.8094 -9-9533 +9.7367 +9.6464 9.3066 9.7840 +9.6519 -9.8358 -9-3371 -9.8277 -9.3162 -9.9456 -9.8765 +9.6843 -9.6774 +8.3503 9.7229 8.7966 -7-9395 +8.9895 +9- 6 33 +9.6036 +9.1758 9.8204 -9.9071 9.9408 -9.6179 -9.9411 -9.5822 +9-5875 9.9602 8. 6010 -8.7177 +9.5100 -9-7334 + 7.7482 9.8071 +9.7430 +9.6183 -9.8079 -8.8686 -9.2929 +9.6419 +9-5558 9.6605 +9.2278 +9.6639 9.7308 9.6988 9.2012 +9-'354 -9.6991 +9-3095 -9.1721 +9.2828 9.1885 +9-7594 +9.4217 -9.7051 +8.4867 9.4611 +8.8467 -9.3803 -9-43*9 9.5160 -9.6733 9.6731 -9.5485 +9.2481 +9.4998 +9.7581 8.1287 +9-7S7 6 -8.5586 9.6628 +9.6633 -9-3957 9.3828 ~9- 6 35 I +8.8950 -9.4369 +9.1981 -9.7165 9.6712 +9.2002 -9.3582 + 1.0784 1.0780 1.0773 1.0765 1.0764 1.0761 1.0759 1.0758 1.0757 1.0747 1.0746 1.0744 i .0740 1.0736 1.0724 1.0715 1.0703 1.0702 1.0702 1.0701 1.0691 1.0691 1.0685 1.0684 1.0680 1.0677 1.0669 1.0665 i. 0660 1.0658 1.0653 1.0653 1.0645 1.0641 1.0641 1.0637 1.0633 1.0632 1.0631 1.0630 1.0628 1.0625 1.0622 1.0622 + 1.0620 -9.9042 9-9044 9.9048 9.9052 9.9053 9-9055 9.9056 9.9056 9.9057 9.9062 9.9063 9.9064 9.9066 9.9068 9.9075 9.9079 9.9086 9.9086 9.9086 9.9087 9.9092 9.9092 9.9095 9.9096 9.9097 9.9099 9.9103 9.9105 9.9108 9.9109 9.9112 9.9112 9.9116 9.9117 9.9117 9.9120 9.9122 9.9122 9.9123 9.9123 9.9124 9.9125 9.9127 9.9117 9.9128 981 "45 53 152 ii.l78l 11.1946 ii.I782 M6i6,J 3 6S B.F2I43? P626 G 2262 R 445 M6i 7 R446 W840 M6i8,J36o G2268 R447 M6i 9 R448 R 449 62275 62276 A 363 R450 G 2270 R 45 i 6488 5445 983 151 ii.I783 0,0 1 0,67 +0,16 0,00 0,11 +0,02 +0,14 0,09 +0,05 0,00 -0,08 +0,05 +0,15 + 0,21 O,o6 6477 6487 6490 5442 5446 545 1984 150 154 iii.i947 11.1784 1986 1987 1988 1985 2008 1991 155 158 157 172 162 11.1785 11.1788 11.1786 11.1787 11.1792 11.1790 6497 6509 5458 5462 5473 5464 5468 5465 1989 1 60 11.1789 1990 163 11.1791 6516 6514 0,09 161 111.1949 v.2856 + 0,38 O,3 O,OO 6521 5478 1993 1994 164 167 11.1793 111.1951 + 0,05 1992 166 11.1794 + 0,27 6520 5484 6530 6 S3 2 6525 6531 6507 6524 6 537 5485 5488 5486 + 0,08 + 0,04 0,38 0,OO 0,41 +o,37 0,05 *995 169 11.1795 v.286i 11.1796 1996 170 1997 171 iv.io3o B.A.C. (2G) No. Constellation. Mag. Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a b c d 5221* 5222 5223 5224 5225 5226 5227* 5228* 5229 5230 5231 5232 5233 5234 5*35 5236 5237 5238 5239 5240 5241 5242 5243* 5244 5*45 5246 5247 5248* 5249* 5250 5^51 5252 5253* 5254 5*55 5256 5*57 5258* 5*59 5260* 5261 5262 5263 5264 5265* 7 6 6^ 5 6 <* 4 7 6 3* 6 5 3 4 6i 6 6 6 6 6 7 6 7 4i 3 5* 6 5i Si 5 4 4i 6 6 6 6 +i 7 5 6 6 7 6 7 6 h m s 15 39 38,06 39 46,85 40 19.53 40 46,23 4 54,59 41 5> 6 7 41 26,30 41 35,62 4 1 43,34 4 1 47,94 41 48,04 41 58,08 41 59,10 4i 59.54 42 12,74 42 24,27 4* 3 6 >53 4* 43.59 42 46,36 42 58,21 43 >2i 43 0,22 43 1,87 43 J 8,29 43 20,57 43 27,12 43 3M5 44 2 44 24,07 44 37,01 44 38.13 44 40,80 44 56,84 45 0,90 45 ",19 45 l6 ,25 45 i7, 6 i 45 23,33 45 34.78 45 39. 86 46 6,92 46 13,10 46 1 6,06 46 20,71 15 46 26,76 + 3^77 4,163 2,785 5,808 4,232 3,'35 3,79 3,604 4,165 3,128 4.39 1 3-59 1 5,229 2,700 5,003 +2,469 -5,6i3 +3, OI 9 4,543 3,694 4.987 4.964 3,611 2,518 2,975 3,122 4,990 1,437 0,887 3,586 3,469 2,635 3,567 3,555 3,588 5.413 3.396 3,635 2,258 3,585 3,73i *,799 4,298 3,454 + 3.6n 8 + 0,0194 + 0,0354 + O,OO25 + 0,1244 + 0,0377 + O,OO7I + O,O224 + O,OI7I + 0,0349 + O,OO7O + 0,0438 + 0,0l67 + 0,0858 + 0,OOl8 + 0,0729 + O,OOO5 + O,623O + 0,0053 + O,O5OO + 0,0194 + 0,0715 + 0,0703 + O,OI72 + 0,0006 + O,O047 + 0,0069 + 0,0714 + O,OO76 + O,OI98 + O,Ol63 + 0,0135 + 0,0013 + O,OI58 + 0,0155 + 0,0l63 + O,O94O +0,0118 +0,0174 +0,0003 +0,0162 +0,0200 +0,0027 +0,0385 +0,0130 +0,0167 8 8.6417 8.7331 8.5958 9.0096 8.7430 8.5803 8.6558 8.6239 8.7270 8.5782 8.7710 8.6209 8.9194 8.6004 8.8813 8.6325 9.4746 8-5755 8-7967 8.6343 8.8757 8.8717 8.6208 8.6218 8-5749 8-5735 8.8742 8.8219 8.9143 8.6120 8-5959 8.6007 8.6083 8.6063 8.6107 8-9354 8.5856 8.6172 8-6597 8.6088 8.6308 8-5777 8-7371 8.5890 8.6102 -8.7950 8.8870 8.7519 9.1675 8.9015 8-7395 8.8164 8.7852 8.8887 8.7402 8.9330 8.7836 9.0823 8.7632 9.0451 8.7970 9.6400 8.7413 8.9627 8.8012 9.0427 9.0386 8.7878 8.7899 8-7433 8.7423 9.0433 8.9931 9.0869 8.7856 8-7695 8-7745 8.7832 8.7815 8.7866 9.1116 8.7619 8-7939 8.8372 8.7866 8.8105 8.7578 8.9175 8.7696 -8-7913 +0.5655 0.6194 0.4449 0.7640 0.6266 0.4962 0.5786 -55 6 7 0.6196 04952 0.6425 0-555* 0.7185 0-4313 0.6992 +0.3925 -0.7492 +0.4799 0-6573 0.5675 0.6979 0.6958 0-5577 0.4011 -473 5 0-4944 0.6981 0.1576 9-9477 0.5546 0.5401 0.4207 0.5524 0.5508 0-5549 0-7334 0.5309 0.5605 0-3537 0-5545 0-5719 0.4470 0.6332 0-5383 +0.5576 + 8.3274 + 8.5821 7-9968 +8.9772 + 8.6043 + 7-3474 + 8.3939 + 8.2634 + 8.5752 + 7.2921 + 8.6563 + 8.2515 + 8.8692 8.1043 + 8.8201 -8.3129 9.4711 -7.2418 + 8.6998 + 8.3257 + 8.8134 + 8.8080 + 8.2636 8.2718 -7-5093 + 7-2355 + 8.8119 -8-7397 8.8644 + 8.2359 + 8.1240 -8.1635 + 8.2190 + 8.2074 + 8.2360 + 8.8912 + 8.0334 + 8.2727 -8.4303 + 8.2314 + 8.3380 -7.9512 + 8.6063 + 8.1002 +8.2492 0,014 +0,003 +0,028 0,014 + 0,001 0,00 1 3 1 Serpentis V Trianguli Aust. X Lupi -0,033 0,000 +0,005 +0,00 1 0,024 0,000 0,025 +0,017 Trianguli Aust. /S Trianguli Aust. . . Coronae Bor Ursae Minoris .... 34 Serpentis w 0,000 0,002 +0,00 1 Norms; Scorpii Trianguli Aust. . . Trianguli Aust. . . +0,0 11 10 Coronae Bor. . . 8 37 Serpentis c 0,006 + 0,014 0,004 +0,033 36 Serpentis b Trianguli Aust. . . Draconis +0,030 +0,00 1 +0,002 0,000 +0,002 +0,00 1 2 Scorpii A 45 Libras A 38 Serpentis p Scorpii Scorpii Scorpii Trianguli Aust. A 46 Libras fl +0,019 +0,014 1 1 Coronas Bor. . . x 3 Scorpii 0,002 +0,003 0,013 0,007 0,002 + O,OO I + 0,001 Scorpii 39 Serpentis Normae 47 Libras 4 Scorpii 234 /~u, ~ 4 ;' 3 l * */~ ( /^ A / M. &~ "** "-/-*- No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of i Taylor. 1 6 535 6529 6518 6539 6548 6 553 6547 Bria- >ane. Various. a' V 99 49 27,08 49 3*, 6 7 49 31,80 49 35,89 49 38,03 49 39,83 49 47, 3 i 49 47,7i 5 5,76 50 11,69 50 19,70 50 19,78 50 20,00 50 20,47 50 21,49 5 27,75 50 29,45 51 0,62 Si 21,59 51 22,83 Si 28,35 5" 55>7 52 12,85 52 42,28 5^ 55,5i 53 21,94 53 24,65 *5 53 25,50 + 3^623 3.75' 3,812 3,812 2,893 2,031 3,686 +2,646 -3,594 + 3, 6 47 3,104 4,592 3-503 1.387 3.550 3.492 4,060 4,629 +2,744 -2,345 +3,582 J.999 5,198 3,612 3,348 3-331 3,95i 2,771 3, 6 35 2,177 3,7i3 3,701 2,018 3.742 5,035 4,837 2,486 3-532 3,398 4,367 3,230 i.i53 3, 6 94 2,974 + 2,211 s +0,0170 +0,0204 +0,0220 + 0,0220 + 0,0037 + 0,O011 + 0,0184 + 0,0015 + 0,3287 +0,0174 + 0,0064 + 0,0497 + 0,0139 + 0,0083 +0,0150 + 0,0136 +0,0292 + 0,0508 + 0,0022 + 0,2015 + 0,0156 + O,OOI2 + 0,0783 + 0,0164 + O,O1O6 +O,OI02 + 0,0256 + 0,OO25 + 0,0169 +0,0006 + 0,0l88 + 0,0185 + O,OOI2 + 0,0196 + 0,0690 + 0,0592 + 0,0008 + 0,0143 + 0,0114 + 0,0392 + 0,O082 + 0,0124 + 0,0178 + O,OO45 +O,OOo6 8 8.6114 8.6320 8.6410 8.6410 8.5671 8.6965 8.6183 8.5893 9.3400 8.6107 8.5598 8.7855 8.5887 8.8132 8.5936 8.5849 8.6805 8.7880 8.5730 9.2468 8.5960 8.6952 8.8849 8.5999 8.5675 8.5651 8.6568 8.5679 8. 6016 8.6589 8.6140 8.6120 8.6887 8.6184 8.8531 8. 8180 8.6013 8.5831 8-5657 8.7288 8.5502 8-8379 8.6009 8.5454 8.6418 -8.7932 8.8145 8.8257 8.8257 8.7522 8.8819 8.8043 8.7766 9.5276 8.7985 8-7479 8-9744 8.7780 9.0040 8.7849 8-7775 8.8734 8.9816 8.7669 9.4406 8.7901 8.8895 9.0793 8.7948 8.7625 8.7613 8.8534 8.7651 8.7988 8.8561 8.8113 8.8093 8.8864 8.8163 9.0531 9.0195 8.8029 8.7851 8.7696 8.9340 8-7574 9.0460 8.8109 8.7556 8.8521 +0.5590 0.5742 0.5811 0.5811 0.46 1 3 0.3077 0.5665 +0.4225 -0.5556 +0.5619 0.4920 0.6620 0.5444 0.1422 0.5502 0.5431 0.6085 0.6654 +0.4384 0.3701 +0.5541 0.3008 0.7159 0.5578 0.5248 0.5226 0.5967 0.4427 0.5605 0-3378 0.5697 0-5683 0.3048 0.5731 0.7020 0.6846 -3955 0.5481 0.5312 0.6402 0.5092 0.0617 0-5675 0-4733 +0-3445 i +8.2578 +8.3481 +8.3831 +8.3831 -7.7627 8.5292 +8.3007 -8-1387 -9.3339 +8.2706 +7.0368 +8.6912 + 8.1439 -8.7331 +8.1870 +8.1301 +8.5001 +8.6968 8.0175 -9.2376 + 8.2I2I -8.5336 + 8.8313 + 8.2367 + 7.9464 + 7-9*74 + 8.4458 -7.9765 + 8.2523 -8.4519 + 8.3083 + 8.3002 -8.5225 + 8.3269 + 8.7909 +8-7433 8.2631 +8.1603 + 8.0084 +8.6053 +7-6928 -8.7725 +8.2825 -7-4725 8.4220 +0,001 +0,005 0,023 +0,005 +0,040 +0,003 0,007 1 8 Ursse Minoris . . - - 0,0 11 +0,010 +0,014 + O,OI2 Scorpii 0,023 O,OOO + 0,025 + O,O29 1 6 Ursse Minoris . . + 0,011 Trianguli Aust. . 6 Scorpii if +0,003 + 0,001 48 Librae Lupi YI 0,005 +0,005 Serpentis 95 10,93 10,92 10,92 10,91 10,90 10,89 10,86 10,86 10,83 10,83 10,82 10,8 1 10,8 1 10,8 1 10,80 10,80 10,79 i.79 10,77 10,76 I0 >75 io.75 10,75 10,75 10,75 10,74 10,74 10,70 10,68 10,67 10,67 10,63 10,61 10,58 10,56 '0.53 10,52 + 10,52 n -0,441 o.457 0,465 0,465 o.353 0,248 0,450 -0,324 4-0,440 0,446 0,380 0,562 0,429 0,170 o.435 0,429 0,498 0,568 -o,337 4-0,288 0,440 0,246 0,639 0,444 0,412 0,410 0,486 0,341 0,448 0,268 o.457 0,456 0,249 0,461 0,621 o.597 0,307 0,436 0,420 0,540 0,400 0,143 o.459 0,369 -0,275 -8.2788 4-8.8069 4-9.0022 4-9.0017 -9.7482 -9.9483 +8-3579 -9.8470 -9.9538 -7.4150 9.6113 +9.6211 -9.0149 9.9732 8.8420 -9.0457 4-9-3612 4-9.6318 -9.8137 -9.9605 8.6730 -9.9519 +9-7337 -8.4133 -9.3418 9.3674 4-9.2480 -9.8033 8.0212 -9.9367 4-8.6064 + 8.5159 -9.95II + 8.7679 + 9.7131 + 9.6801 -9.8888 8.9138 9.2603 +9-5474 -9-4939 -9-979 -8.4518 9.7028 -9.9342 -9.3865 -9-4557 9.4802 9.4802 + 8.9333 +9-5703 -9.4196 +9-^857 +9.7300 -9-3958 8.2127 9.6408 9.2900 +9-6537 9.3269 -> 9.2777 -9-55I9 9.6406 +9.1761 +9.7224 -9-3475 +9.5697 -9.6776 -9.3676 9.1097 9.0822 9.5186 +9.1379 -9.3799 +9.5223 -9.4235 -9.4173 +9.5627 9-4372- 9.6650 9.6514 +9.3878 -9.3029 -9.1671 9.6001 8.8647 +9.6560 9.4016 + 8.6470 +9.5001 + 1.0423 1.0418 1.0403 1.0403 1.0400 1.0398 1.0394 1.0384 1.0382 1.0381 1.0379 1.0374 1.0371 1.0360 1.0357 1.0347 1.0345 1.0341 1.0338 1-0338 1.0336 J-OSSS 1.0334 1-033* 1.0330 1.0322 1.0319 1.0315 1.0315 1.0314 1.0314 1.0314 1.0311 1.0310 1.0294 1.0284 1.0283 1.0280 1.0267 1.0258 1.0243 1.0236 1.0223 I.022I + 1.022 1 -9.9219 9.9221 9.9228 9.9228 9.9229 9.9230 9.9231 9.9236 9.9236 9.9237 9.9238 9.9240 9.9241 9.9246 9.9247 9.9251 9.9252 9.9254 9.9255 9.9255 9.9255 9.9256 9.9256 9.9258 9.9258 9.9261 9.9263 9.9264 9.9264 9.9264 9.9264 9.9265 9.9266 9.9266 9.9272 9.9277 9.9277 9.9278 9.9283 9.9287 9.9293 9.9295 9.9300 9.9301 -9.9301 6588 6587 6592 6601 5533 5535 5538 M626, J377 8^2177 G 2292 A 372 G 2288 B.F2I73 G 2289 M627.J378 M628.J379 B.F2I78 1 J 3 8o B.F2i83 G 2291 R 459 M629,J38i G 2295 B.F2I90 j 4-0,04 4-0,01 0,02 4-0,02 0,58 4-0,02 0,00 2019 202 1 2017 i 99 204 205 208 211 2O7 212 111.1963 iii.I965 iv.i032 111.1966 111.1967 U.i8i6 11.1817 6605 0,03 4-o,oi v.2876 111.1968 6589 554^ 210 0,07 213 111.1969 4-0,32 0,0 1 4-1,24 0,00 7.2877 v.2878 11.1819 11.1824 6609 6602 6621 5548 5547 2023 2041 219 2 3 8 0,06 2025 221 111.1973 6593 6622 +0,06 0,0 1 2O2O 2O22 216 218 U.i8i8 il.i820 4-o,ii +0,05 217 222 ii.i82i 11.1822 6619 6631 6627 6629 5554 0,09 2O27 224 111.1974 0,00 0,14 -0,28 4-0,22 4-0,03 4-o,oi 4-0,36 4-0,04 +0,0 1 028 226 111.1975 v.288i 6630 6612 6615 6632 SSS 6 5557 5559 556o 5564 029 024 026 229 225 228 11.1825 11.1823 11.1826 030 231 11.1827 0,22 0,04 0,02 6647 557^ 031 234 2 39 11.1828 ii.igSi 237 No. Constellation. Mag. Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec.Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a b c d 53" 5312* 5313 S3H S3i5 S3i 6 S3I7* 5318 S3I9* 5320 5321* 5322 5323 53*4 53^5 5326* 53*7* 5328 5329 533 533i 533* 5333 5334 5335* 5336 ' 5337 5338 5339 534 5341 534* 5343* 5344* 5345* 5346 5347 5348* 5349* 535 535i 535* 5353 5354* 5355 Jjupi Si 7 Si 6 Si 6 7 7 5* 6 6 4* 5 4* 6 7 6 6 2 Si 44 Si 7 6 6| 6 4* 5 $i 6 Si 4* 7 rt 7 7 5 3 6 7 6 6 7 6t 6 h m s 15 53 26,46 54 9.97 54 H93 54 17.35 54 3o. 5 54 49.7 54 54. 6 3 55 '4,63 55 18.69 55 25,03 55 26,16 55 SO.H 55 54.2* 56 7.56 56 20,91 56 22,03 56 28,36 5 6 39.29 56 43,29 5 6 43.73 5 6 45-39 57 o.7i 57 *,io 57 6.44 57 10,11 57 4 8 .76 58 2,51 58 7.48 58 8,43 58 14.41 58 16,03 58 36.95 58 39.69 58 4*>77 58 52,58 58 55.82 58 59.55 59 5.25 59 7.93 59 l6 ,49 59 !7,5 59 21,23 59 34.79 59 46,97 15 59 59, 6 9 s +3,966 3.634 1,43 * 3,613 2,695 1,694 3.587 3,692 2,306 4.753 2,403 *,579 4,207 3,293 2,962 3,56* 4,345 5,282 3,475 3.475 3.9*7 4,876 3,47* 5,280 3,563 Z,20I 3,49 6 1,858 8,638 8,626 1,522 + 3,501 -1.559 +2,860 3.586 3.667 3,632 1,151 5,200 5,202 + 3,323 6,909 + 5.56 3,569 + 3.8oi s +0,0253 +0,0163 +0,0073 +0,0158 +0,0019 +0,0038 +0,0151 +0,0176 +0,0005 +0,0533 +0,0006 +0,0013 +0,0323 +0,0092 +0,0044 +0,0144 +0,0369 +0,0776 +0,0125 +0,0125 +0,0232 +0,0579 +0,0124 +0,0772 +0,0144 +0,0007 4-0,0129 +0,0024 +0,3440 +0,3424 +0,0058 +0,0129 +0,1276 +0,0033 +0,0146 +0,0165 +0,0156 +0,0119 +0,0718 +0,0718 +0,0095 +0,7179 +0,0871 +0,0142 +0,0196 8 O,OOI 8.6483 8.5889 8.7845 8.5854 8.5628 8.7342 8-5795 8-5943 8.6181 8,7875 8.6012 8-573 8.6848 8-5433 8.5366 8.5712 8.7088 8.8701 8.5588 8.5588 8.6276 8.8026 8-5575 8.8681 8.5687 8.6279 8.5570 8.6908 9.2221 9.2208 8.7524 8-5557 9-H37 8.5342 8.5660 8-5777 8.5722 8.8136 8.8473 8.8470 8-5354 9.4640 8.8918 8.5605 -8-5957 -8.8586 8.8023 8.9983 8-7993 8.7776 8.9504 8.7961 8.8123 8.8364 9.0063 8.8200 8-7935 8.9056 8.7651 8-7593 8.7940 8.9321 9.0942 8.7832 8.7832 8.8520 9.0282 8.7832 9.0941 8-7949 8.8570 8.7870 8.9212 9.4525 94517 8.9835 8.7882 9-3764 8.7672 8.7997 8.8116 8.8064 9.0482 9.0821 9.0824 8.7708 9.6998 9.1285 8.7981 8.8342 +0.5983 0.5604 0.1556 0-5579 0.4305 0.2289 0-5547 0.5672 0.3629 0.6770 0.3807 0.4115 0.6240 o.5i75 0.47 1 6 0.5517 0.6380 0.7228 0.5409 0.5409 0.5929 0.6881 0.5406 0.7227 0.5518 0-34*7 0.5436 0.2691 0.9364 0.9358 0.1824 +0.5442 0.1928 +0.4564 0.5546 0.5643 0.5601 0.0609 0.7160 0.7162 +0.5216 0.8394 +0.7408 0.5525 +0.5799 +8-4393 + 8.2350 -8.6988 + 8.2185 8.0583 8.6204 + 8.1940 +8.2731 8.3630 + 8.7050 -8.3037 -8.1688 + 8.5324 + 7.8222 7.5105 + 8.1668 + 8.5800 +8.8183 +8.0800 + 8.0799 +8.4008 + 8.7287 + 8.0760 + 8.8161 + 8.1641 8.4079 +8.0964 -8.5511 + 9.2130 +9.2116 -8.6567 + 8.0992 9.1306 -7.7885 + 8.1763 + 8.2396 +8.2128 -8.7465 + 8.7913 +8.7910 + 7.8651 9.4611 + 8.8476 + 8.1575 + 8.3228 0,006 0,002 c Herculis r 0,007 0,013 O,OI2 + 0,002 + O,OO2 0,009 O,OO2 0,000 15 Coronae Bor. . . f 14 Coronae Bor. . . * 43 Serpentis O,OO5 + 0,012 + O,OO3 0,005 + 0,004 O,O2O O,OO4 Trianguli Aust. . . 8 Scorpii p Lupi 8 Scorpii Trianguli Aust. . . Scorpii Coronae Bor + 0,012 + O,OO6 + 0,003 O,OO5 + 0,067 6 Herculis v Apodis $ Draconis 10 Scorpii ui + 0,007 + 0,019 + 0,001 17 Ursae Minoris Serpentis Scorpii + 0,017 +0,010 0,027 Scorpii 1 3 Draconis 6 Trianguli Aust. . . Trianguli Aust. . . 1 1 Scorpii +0,002 TJrsae Minoris .... Trianguli Aust. . . +0,072 Scorpii + 0,005 238 No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec.Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of m I Taylor. jj 8ris- }ane. Various. tf V S 8 115 26 34,7 71 45 48,4 39 41 20,9 114 18 33,1 118 30 31,8 56 14 27,5 145 46 40,4 59 43 38,6 66 46 31,7 134 45 4i.i 100 57 18,0 84 35 47.9 113 12 25,6 138 o 33,8 152 33 32,7 109 23 25,3 109 23 13,6 126 23 20,5 147 31 22,9 109 16 2,4 152 31 7,4 113 n 52,6 5* 57 5.* no 15 27,2 43 3* 39' 6 168 18 19,7 168 16 40,5 36 39 54.9 no 27 28,9 13 59 48,9 79 39 I 74 "4 3 *!.5 117 19 22,2 "5 55 13.3 31 1 58,7 151 31 2,1 151 31 41,9 IO2 2O 12,8 6 36 28,4 154 35 34,6 113 17 19,1 122 14 42,4 + 10,52 10,47 10,46 10,46 10,44 10,42 10,41 10,39 10,38 10,37 10,37 10,34 10,34 10,32 10,30 10,30 10,29 10,28 10,28 10,27 10,27 10,25 10,25 10,25 10,24 10,19 10,18 10,17 10,17 10,16 10,16 10,13 10,13 10,13 IO,IO 10,10 10,09 1 0,08 10,08 10,08 10,06 10,04 + 10,03 H -0,492 0,45* 0,178 0,450 0,336 0,211 0,447 0,461 0,288 0,593 0,300 0,322 0,526 0,412 0,371 0,446 o,544 0,66 1 o,435 0,435 0,491 o,6n 0,435 0,662 o,447 0,277 o,439 0,234 1,086 1,085 0,191 0,441 +0,196 0,360 o,45* 0,462 0,458 0,655 0,656 -0,419 +0,871 -0,695 0,451 0,480 + 0,01 +9.2674 8.0569 -9.9769 8.4031 -9.8321 -9-9707 -8.6395 +8.4314 -9.9224 +9.6661 -9.9065 -9.8673 +9.4703 -9.4203 9.7100 -8.7839 +9.5411 +9-7497 -9.0941 -9.0945 +9.2047 + 9.6920 9.1007 + 9.7500 -8.7796 -9-937* 9.0362 -9.9655 +9.8786 +9.8785 -9.9780 9.0212 -9-9743 -9.7649 8.6464 +8.0334 8.1038 -9.9841 +9-74*3 +9-74*7 -9.3788 -9.9585 + 9-7747 -8.7513 + 8.9782 -9.5109 -9.3637 +9.6316 -9-3503 +9.2120 + 9.6018 -9.3298 -9.3930 + 9.4588 -9.6311 + 9.4161 + 9.3082 -9.5598 -8.9903 + 8.6846 9.3062 -9.5815 -9.6579 -9.2307 9.2306 -9.4827 -9.6348 9.2270 -9.6563 -9-3035 +9.4860 -9.2447 +9-5653 -9.6959 -9.6956 +9.6089 -9.2470 +9.6903 +8.9574 -9.3129 -9.3643 -9-34*9 + 9.6349 -9.6458 -9.6454 9.0310 +9.6982 9.6562 9.2967 9.4262 + I.O22O 1.0198 1.0195 1.0194 I.OI88 1.0178 I.OI75 1.0164 I.0l62 1.0159 1.0158 1.0146 1.0144 I.OI37 I.OI30 I.OI29 I.OI26 I.OI2O I.OIlS 1.0118 1.0117 1.0109 1.0108 1.0106 1.0104 1.0083 1.0076 1.0073 1.0072 1.0069 i. 0068 1.0057 1.0056 1.0054 1.0049 1.0047 1.0045 1.0042 1.0040 1.0036 1.0035 1.0033 1.0026 1.0019 + I.OOI2 -9.9301 9.9310 9.9311 9.9311 9.9314 9-93*7 9.9318 9.9322 9-93*3 9-93*4 9-93*4 9-93*9 9.9330 9.9332 9-9335 9-9335 9.9336 9.9338 9-9339 9-9339 9-9339 9.9342 9-934* 9-9343 9-9344 9-9351 9-9354 9-9355 9-9355 9-9356 9.9356 9.9360 9.9361 9.9361 9-9363 9.9364 9.9364 9.9365 9.9366 9.9367 9.9367 9.9368 9.9371 9-9373 -9-9375 232 til. 1 979 6644 6656 5571 G 2296 M 630 G 2297 A 377 J32 M6 3 2,J38 S P 653, 1384 1 1 M&34, 1386 G 2302 M635.J387 62308 62315 +0,13 0,17 2032 237 241 ii.i829 11.1830 6659 6663 6666 5579 0,87 +0,76 + 0,12 + 0,07 0,08 +0,15 + O,O2 O,OO v.2891 ^.1982 v.2890 11.1983 11.1832 11.1831 11.1833 11.1834 2037 246 6650 3664 5577 5581 2036 2038 2035 247 250 242 245 6680 6667 6652 5585 5583 O,2I + 0,24 + 0,02 + 0,09 + 0,08 O,O I + 0,14 v.2893 2034 251 252 248 111.1984 v.2895 v.2896 111.1985 6678 6665 5596 559 1 559 5589 254 6689 + 0,03 O,O I +0,07 0,09 0,04 2039 2044 266 259 270 111.1989 11.1837 11.1839 6623 6628 5584 5586 + O,O2 + 0,02 + 0,03 2040 2063 2043 263 288 267 11.1838 ill. 1 99 3 111.1992 6700 6702 6683 5605 0,00 +0,07 0,32 2053 264 265 277 111.1991 11.1840 11.1842 + 0,02 2042 268 11.1841 +0,8 1 6679 6710 6706 56; 56,3 +0,14 v.2904 239 No. Constellation. Mag. Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a b c d 5356* 5357 5358 5359 5360 S3 6 * 5362 53 6 3 5364* 5365* 5366 5367 5368* 53 6 9* 5370 537i* 537* 5373 5374 5375 5376 5377 5378* 5379 5380* 538i* 538a 5383 5384* 5385 5386 5387 5388* 5389* 539 5391* 539* 5393* 5394* 5395 539 6 5397 5398 5399 5400* 7 6 6 6 6 6 7 6k 7 7 6 s* 7 7 5* 6 6 s* 6 44 6* 6 7 7 6 5 4 7 6 5* 5 6 5 7 5i 7 6 N 7 6 7 6 6 6 6 h in s 1 6 o 2,46 o 2,69 o 16,48 o 28,25 o 42,85 o 56,93 i 2,31 i 543 i 7.37 i 9,37 i H-47 i 18,35 i 18,68 i 23,25 i 27,50 i 28,18 i 32,05 i 42,25 i 43,48 i 49,66 2 0,92 2 10,11 2 23,49 2 42,23 3 .44 3 4,63 3 J 7.i5 3 i7,i5 3 28,12 3 29,24 3 48,35 3 59,77 4 2.15 4 !9>45 4 23,26 4 26,55 4 41,33 4 43-97 4 44,80 4 5L94 4 53.32 4 59." 5 o.37 5 H.9 6 1 6 5 32,46 s + 3,757 4,033 3.827 2,860 4,228 2,856 6,368 4,070 3,65 3,592 2,888 2,705 2,705 2,886 4.739 4.897 4,629 4,685 3,716 5.383 2,701 5,888 3,658 3,232 3,69! 3 6 79 3,474 3,474 4,905 2,195 3,270 3,238 1,888 3,708 4,325 3,737 2,711 3,782 3,593 3,52i 6,573 4.H5 4,651 2,551 + 1,928 s -+-0,0184 +0,0258 +0,0201 +0,0033 +0,0316 +0,0032 +0,1380 +0,0266 +0,0158 +0,0145 +0,0035 +0,0020 +0,0020 + 0,0035 + 0,0498 + 0,0564 + 0,0454 + 0.0475 + O,OI72 + 0,0789 + O,OO2O + 0,1063 + 0,0158 + 0,0078 + 0,0164 +0,0161 +0,0119 +0,0119 +0,0557 +0,0008 +0,0083 +0,0078 +0,0021 +0,0166 +0,0336 +0,0173 +0,0021 +0,0183 +0,0141 +0,0126 +0,1464 +0,0279 +0,0448 +0,0012 +0,0019 s -8.5881 8.6368 8.5991 8.5284 8.6705 8.5271 8.9982 8.6396 8.5674 8.5589 8.5241 8.5390 8.5390 8.5237 8.7611 8.7881 8.7412 8-7505 8-5754 8.8642 8-5370 8.9338 8.5641 8.5180 8.5670 8.5648 8-5364 8.5364 8.7814 8.6082 8.5164 8.5139 8.6624 8.5647 8.6742 8.5689 8.5267 8.5751 8.5463 8.5364 9.0050 8.6386 8.7309 8.5441 8.6489 8.8268 8.8755 8.8389 8.7690 8.9122 8.7698 9.2413 8.8830 8.8109 8.8026 8.7681 8-7833 8.7834 8.7684 9.0060 9.0331 8.9865 8.9966 8.8216 9.1108 8.7845 9.1819 8.8132 8.7685 8.8188 8.8170 8-7895 8.7895 9.0352 8.8621 8.7718 8.7701 8.9188 8.8224 8.9322 8.8272 8.7860 8.8346 8.8059 8-7965 9.2652 8.8992 8.9917 8.8059 8.9120 +0.5748 0.6056 0.5829 0.4564 0.6261 0-4557 0,8040 0.6096 0.5622 0-5553 0.4606 0.4322 0.4322 0.4603 0.6757 0.6899 0.6655 0.6707 0.5700 0.7310 0.4316 0.7700 0.5632 0.5095 0.5672 0-5657 0.5408 0.5408 0.6907 0-3413 0.5145 0.5103 0.2759 0.5691 0.6360 0.5725 0.4332 0.5777 0-5555 0.5466 0.8178 0.6175 0.6675 0.4067 +0.2852 +8.2954 + 8.4423 +8.3369 7.7806 +8.5195 -7.7871 + 8.9728 +8.4541 +8.2169 +8.1712 -7-7I54 8.0160 8.0162 -7.7188 +8.6752 +8.7142 +8.6451 +8.6598 + 8.2612 +8.8152 8.0178 + 8.8996 +8.2174 +7.6563 +8.2389 + 8.2297 +8.0505 +8.0503 +8.7075 8.3864 +7.74I7 + 7.6657 -8.5144 +8.2443 +8-5383 + 8.2633 -7.9941 + 8.2902 +8.1562 + 8.0910 +8.9819 + 8.4684 +8.6357 8.1514 8.4924 Lupi 0,001 +0,002 +0,002 +0,0 IO 0,003 Scorpii Trianguli Aust 0,000 +0,006 0,005 0,006 +0,00 1 0,027 7 Herculis x Normsc 0,076 + 0,021 0,009 0,019 0,001 -0,037 Normse x Scorpii Trianguli Aust. . . 8 g Herculis a Trianguli Aust Scorpii +0,006 +0,001 +0,010 +0,004 +0,008 0,006 0,003 +0,00 1 +0,001 0,019 12 Scorpii c* 13 Scorpii (? 14 Scorpii y Norrnae 1 6 Coronae Bor r 1 5 Scorpii \|/ 1 6 Scorpii 1 1 Herculis 3 116 29 59,5 114 10 33,9 8 1 3 47,2 72 32 57,2 72 32 29,0 80 59 3,0 145 8 43,0 H7 3 1 2 5>4 143 16 41,0 144 14 9,6 119 o 50,5 153 i? 4i.7 72 23 32,0 157 33 5-8 116 44 56,5 97 54 7. 118 i 17,1 "7 3i 53.5 109 3 54,1 109 3 21,4 H7 3 1 2 4.5 53 7 29,0 99 40 1 6, 8 98 9 17,2 44 40 10,8 118 33 49,1 *3 6 59 4.7 119 39 4,9 72 56 28,6 121 15 45,0 114 i 58,2 III O 46,6 161 30 0,2 132 30 52,5 143 25 38,2 66 6 49,0 45 46 40,7 n + 10,03 10,02 10,01 9.99 9.97 9,96 9.95 9.95 9.94 9.94 9.93 9>93 9.93 9,92 9,92 9,92 9.9 1 9,90 9,90 9,89 9.87 9,86 .9.85 9,82 9,80 9.79 9.78 9.78 9.7 6 9.7 6 9.74 9-7^ 9.72 9.7 9,69 9,69 9. 6 7 9> 6 7 9> 6 7 9,66 9,66 9. 6 5 9. 6 5 9' 6 3 + 9,61 // -0,475 0,509 0,484 0,362 0.535 0,362 0,806 o.S'S 0,462 0,455 0,366 0.343 o,343 0,366 0,601 0,621 0,587 o,594 0,471 0,683 o,343 0,748 0,465 0,411 0,470 0,468 0,442 0,442 0,625 0,280 0,417 0,413 0,241 0.473 0,552 o,477 0,346 0,483 0,459 0,450 0,840 0.53 o,595 0,326 -0,247 // + 8.8332 +9.3420 +9.0430 -9.7649 + 9.4852 9.7669 + 9.8292 +9-3759 6.9542 8.6042 -9-75" 9.8291 9.8291 -9-75I9 +9.6677 +9.6992 +9.6408 +9.6552 +8.6274 +9.7651 -9.8305 +9.8056 +7.6628 -9.4912 +8.4281 +8.2695 9.0969 -9.0973 +9.7023 -9.9402 9.4486 -9.4850 -9.9672 +8.5729 +9.5367 +8.7490 -9.8273 +8.9232 -8.5966 8.9581 +9.8411 +9-4355 +9.6489 9.8762 -9.9653 9.4062 -9.5044 -9-4358 +8.9496 -9-545 6 +8.9558 9.6702 -9.5098 -9.3448 -9.3075 +8.8862 +9.1716 +9.1718 + 8.8895 9.6083 9.6203 -9.5978 9.6026 9.3790 -9.6439 +9.1730 -9.6576 -9-3443 -8.8282 -9.3609 9.3536 9.2021 9.2019 9.6135 +9.4655 -8.9115 -8-8374 + 9-5374 -9.3640 -9.5483 -9.3784 + 9.1506 -9.3982 9.2929 9.2372 -9- 6 595 9.5120 -9.5869 +9.2886 +9.5238 + I.OOII I.OOIO 1.0003 0.9996 0.9988 0.9981 0.9978 0.9976 0-9975 0.9974 0.9971 0.9969 0.9969 0.9966 0.9964 0.9963 0.9961 0.9956 0-9955 0.9951 0-9945 0.9940 o-9933 0.9922 0.9912 0.9909 0.9902 0.9902 0.9896 0.9895 0.9885 0.9878 0.9877 0.9867 0.9865 0.9863 0.9854 0.9853 0.9852 0.9848 0.9847 0.9844 0.9843 0.9835 +0.9825 -9.9376 9.9376 9.9378 9.9380 9-9383 9.9386 9-9387 9.9387 9.9388 9.9388 9-9389 9.9390 9.9390 9.9390 9-939 1 9.9391 9.9392 9-9394 9-9394 9-9395 9-9397 9-9399 9.9401 9.9405 9.9408 9.9408 9.9411 9.9411 9.9413 9.9413 9.9416 9.9418 9.9419 9.9422 9.9422 9.9423 9.9425 9.9426 9.9426 9.9427 9.9428 9.9429 9.9429 9.9431 -9-9434 6709 6703 6711 6707 6682 6715 6719 6720 5612 5614 5617 5621 R462 A 380 B.F 2208 W86 4 1389^463 M6 3 6 M637.J390 M6 39, J 39 I M6 3 8 J3 9 2 B.F 2218 W86 7 R464 + 0,11 + 0,06 +0,06 +0,20 +0,05 .2905 V.2907 ii.l843 111.1995 11.1844 v.2909 2045 2046 271 276 272 279 274 +0,13 +0,03 0,00 +0,07 +0,08 +0,14 2047 2049 2050 2048 282 284 285 283 11.1846 11.1847 iv.io47 111.1998 6705 6713 6712 6725 6701 6698 6728 6729 6730 5623 5622 5625 5627 5629 5624 5628 5636 .... V.29 1 1 +0,17 +0,05 +0,05 0,0 r 0,0 1 +0,20 .2913 111.1999 11.1845 iii.20oo 280 2054 286 + 0,01 +0,04 +0,01 0,03 + O,II +0,15 0,36 +0,04 0,02 0,02 2051 2052 2055 i 287 2 4 3 111.2001 11.1849 11.1850 11.1851 111.2002 v.29i6 111.2003 11.1852 11.1853 111.2004 6722 5 6 34 2058 2056 2057 2061 9 6 8 J 3 6740 6 734 6741 5637 +0,33 .2917 0,06 2060 12 11.1855 6747 6751 +0,05 +0,61 +0,04 0,11 + 0,02 +0,35 10 11.1854 V.292I V.292O U'.l856 111.2007 6714 6739 6 735 5646 5 6 43 2064 2068 18 22 B.A.C. (2H) 241 No. Constellation. Mag. Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a b c d 5401 5402 543 544 5405 5406 5407 5408* 5409* 5410 54" 5412* 54H 5415* 5416* 5417 54*9 5420 5421* 5422 5423 5424* 5425 5426 5427 5428 5429 5430* 5431* 5432 5433* 5434* 5435 543 6 5437 5438 5439 544 5441* 5442 5443 5444 5445 6 6 7 5i 6 5 7 7 7 6 64 7 3 6 7 6 7 7 5 7 7 7 6 5 7 S* 7 6 6 7 6 6 7 3 6 5 6 7 6 7 6* Si h m s 16 5 33,5i 5 44-37 5 48,57 5 5 O >4 J 5 56^5 5 58,25 6 0,40 6 9,02 6 19,11 6 19,37 6 19,67 6 24,59 6 29,38 6 32 6 37,69 6 49,75 7 26,14 7 26,65 7 28,31 7 29,45 7 57,05 8 13,37 8 27,08 8 38,46 8 49,95 8 55,96 9 o,37 9 1,12 9 2,14 9 3,69 9 51,20 9 53,05 10 3,95 10 21,09 10 23,33 10 26,33 10 36,26 10 44,35 ii 11,26 ii 16,33 ii 26,73 ii 29,63 16 ii 37,11 s 4,612 3,621 4,455 2,959 o,i33 4,952 3,456 3,665 2,779 2,190 20,124 5,5" 1,172 3,75 6 1,982 3,593 2,900 3,236 3,734 2,822 3,494 4,744 4,469 2,659 4,147 2,823 3,706 3,691 3-M-5 2,265 3,699 2,555 3-770 3,499 3,160 4,381 8,935 2,398 3-734 4,449 4,993 2,541 + 3,59 6 s +0,0088 +0,0431 +0,0146 +0,0374 +0,0042 +0,0381 +0,0562 +0,0113 +0,0154 +0,0026 +0,0009 +2,5011 +0,0817 +0,0063 +0,0109 +0,0174 +0,0017 +0,0138 +0,0036 +0,0076 +0,0167 +0,0029 +0,0118 +0,0466 +0,0369 +0,0018 +0,0269 +0,0029 +0,0159 +0,0156 +0,0063 +0,0008 +0,0156 +0,0013 +0,0172 +0,0117 +0,0064 +0,0334 +0,3318 +0,0009 +0,0162 +0,0353 +0,0548 +0,0013 +0,0133 8 +0,004 0,019 0,000 0,005 +0,008 0,006 8.5128 8.7211 8-5463 8.6924 8.5051 8-9331 8.7786 8.5247 8.5515 8.5144 8.5980 9.6641 8.8635 8.5016 8.7791 8.5639 8-6339 8.5365 8.5020 8.5016 8.5570 8.5051 8.5210 8.7328 8.6832 8.5174 8.6234 8.5015 8.5469 8.5446 8.4927 8-5744 8.5426 8.5263 8-5529 8.5136 8.4881 8.6597 9.1884 8.5460 8.5427 8.6685 8.7617 8.5220 8.5210 -8.7761 8.9851 8.8107 8.9568 8.7696 9.1981 9.0437 8.7900 8.8174 8.7811 8.8647 9.9306 9.1306 8.7690 9.0468 8.8320 8.9029 8.8082 8.7738 8-7735 8.8290 8.7792 8.7963 9.0092 8.9605 8-7955 8.9017 8.7801 8.8259 8.8236 8.7717 8.8536 8.8254 8.8093 8.8368 8.7988 8-7735 8-9453 9-4747 8.8330 8.8318 8.9580 9.0520 8.8125 8.8120 +0.5196 0.6639 0.5588 0.6488 0.4712 9.1222 0.6947 0.5640 0-4439 0.3405 1.3037 0.7412 0.4967 0.0689 0.5748 0.2971 0-5555 0.4624 0.5100 0.5722 0.4506 0.5434 0.6761 0.6502 0.4247 0.6177 0.4508 0.5689 0.5671 0.4976 0.3551 0.5681 0.4074 0.5764 0.5439 0.4997 0.6416 0.9511 0.3798 0.5721 0.6483 0.6983 0.4051 +0.5558 + 7.8106 + 8.6217 + 8-I737 + 8.5746 -7-4793 8.9009 + 8.7071 + 8.0180 + 8.2057 7.8960 -8.3756 + 9.6631 + 8.8182 + 7.2622 -8.7086 + 8.2659 -8-4657 +8.1442 -7.6584 + 7.6434 + 8.2474 -7.8185 + 8.0493 + 8.6450 + 8.5661 8.0342 + 8.4515 7.8122 +8.2219 + 8.2114 + 7.2878 -8.3247 +8.2130 8.1270 + 8.2589 + 8.0445 + 7-3653 + 8.5295 + 9.1797 -8.2387 + 8.2302 +8-5477 +8.6913 8.1309 +8.1269 Scorpii +0,014 +0,015 TrianguliAust 0,001 0,00 1 +0,014 0,000 0,009 0,032 0,014 0,002 0,013 0,005 0,003 Normae y 1 6 Herculis Nonnae A. 17 Coronae Bor. . . . 2 70 48 37,7 132 18 4,8 78 ii 52,9 1 1 8 14 8,4 117 39 49,6 93 34 3 6 >9 55 45 3,2 117 54 56,2 66 30 1,4 120 32 19,3 I0 9 5 54.7 94 19 20,9 137 49 H.I 168 33 7,8 60 28 34,5 119 8 29,7 139 12 30,3 148 14 29,2 66 i 23,3 113 48 6,0 a + 9,60 9.59 9.58 9.58 9.58 9.57 9-57 9.57 9.5 6 9.55 9.54 9.54 9.54 9.53 9.53 9,52 9.5i 9,46 9.4 6 9,46 9,46 9,42 9,40 9.38 9.37 9.35 9-35 9.34 9.34 9.34 9.34 9-33 9.*7 9. 2 7 9,26 9.23 9. 2 3 9.23 9,21 9,20 9.'7 9,16 9.15 9>H + 9, J 3 // -0,424 0,591 0,464 0,571 0,379 0,017 0,635 0.443 0,470 0,356 0,281 2,581 0,707 0,403 0,150 0,482 o,255 0,462 o,373 0,416 0,480 0,363 0,450 0,612 0,576 0,343 0,535 0,364 0,478 0,476 0,406 0,292 0,478 0,330 0,488 o.453 0,409 0,567 i,i57 0,311 0,484 o,577 0,648 0,330 0,467 // 0,01 +0,18 +0,13 +0,24 +0,03 0,07 -9.3997 +9.6392 8.3118 +9.5901 -9.7116 -9.9899 +9-7i 9.1421 +7.9685 9.8013 -9.9417 +9.9281 +9.7811 -9.5826 -9.9897 4-8.8344 9.9621 -8-5955 -9.7450 9.4880 +8.7332 9.7828 9.0426 +9- 6 737 + 9.5966 -9.8455 4-9.4384 -9.7823 + 8.5611 + 8.4233 -9-5774 -9.9328 +8.4997 9.8760 4-8.8865 9.0286 -9.5632 +9.5642 +9.8945 -9.9114 + 8.7332 4-9-59" 4-9.7229 -9.8798 -8-5775 8.9780 9.5802 9.3068 9.5616 +8.6535 +9.6467 9.6072 9.1720 -9-3324 +9-0591 +9-4551 9.6766 -9.6319 -8.4376 4-9.6062 -9-3785 +9.5076 -9.2813 +8.8300 -8.8153 -9-3638 +8.9852 -9.1992 -9.5821 -9.5522 +9.1854 9.4966 + 8.9790 -9.3430 -9-3347 8.4630 +9.4181 -9-3353 4-9.2655 -9.3701 -9.1940 8.5402 -9.5326 -9.6535 +9-3544 -9.3476 -9-5389 -9.5887 4-9.2678 9.2644 +0.9824 0.9818 0.9816 0.9816 0.9814 0.9811 0.9810 0.9809 0.9804 0.9798 0.9798 0.9797 0.9795 0.9792 0.9790 0.9787 0.9780 0.9758 0.9758 0-9757 0.9756 0.9740 0.9730 0.9722 0.9715 0.9709 0.9707 0.9705 0.9702 0.9702 0.9701 0.9700 0.9672 0.9671 0.9664 0.9654 0.9652 0.9650 0.9644 0.9639 0.9623 0.9620 0.9613 0.9611 [-0.9607 -9-9434 9.9436 9-9437 9-9437 9-9437 9.9438 9-9439 9-9439 9-9441 9.9442 9-9442 9-9442 9-9443 9-9444 9-9445 9-9445 9.9448 9-9454 9-9454 9-9454 9.9454 9-9459 9.9462 9.9464 9.9466 9.9468 9.9468 9.9469 9.9469 9.9470 9.9470 9.9470 9.9478 9.9478 9.9480 9-9483 9.9483 9.9484 9.9485 9.9487 9.9491 9.9492 9-9493 9-9494 -9-9495 259 15 ii.i857 6738 6755 6746 5652 5655 M 640 J 395 62320^664 R 4 6 5 B.F22I7 J 388 R466 ^393 A 02318 J 394 R 4 6 7 J3 9 6 B.F 2227 W8 73 W8 75 W8 74 W8 7 6 J 39 8 J397,R468 R4&9 M6 4 2 i H iii.20o6 2062 "9 11.1858 5654 6756 5607 +0,40 +0,03 2066 23 25 iii.2oc8 ii.2009 +0,11 2065 21 11.1859 6758 6767 0,02 +0,50 2069 2067 27 26 ii.2oio ii.i86o 6766 6761 6764 6772 6777 6778 6786 5673 5675 5680 5681 +0,11 4-0,16 4-O,22 + 0,15 4-0,09 + 0,13 O,O7 + 0,19 30 28 iii.20ii ii.i86i ii.i862 111.2014 iii.201^ iii.2oi5 v.2931 2072 2071 34 29 32 3 1 0,04 4-0,04 2070 2074 38 11.1865 iii.2oi6 O,O2 + 0,09 4-0,12 0,04 ,7 + 1,13 + 0,05 2075 073 42 36 39 4 1 11.1867 ii.i866 ii.i868 11.1869 v.2934 11.1863 11.1870 6788 5685 6783 6727 6794 6790 5687 5678 5692 078 47 + 0,17 v.2935 0,07 + O,O2 079 076 5i 46 ii.20i9 11.1871 798 (2 H 2 243 No. Constellation. Mag. Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Logarithms of Motion. a b c d 5446 5447 5448 5449* 545* 545 * 5452* 5453 5454* 5455* 545 6 5457 5458 5459 5460 5461 5462* 5463* 5464 5465 5466 5467 5468* 5469 547 547i* '547* 5473* 5474 5475* 5476* 5477 5478 5479 5480 5481 5482 5483 5484 5485 5486 5487 5488 5489 5490* 6 4 7 7 6 6 6 7 5* neb. 5 H Si 5 6 6 5 4 6 7 3* 5 *i 6 neb. 7 5* 5 7- 6 7 5 7 5 5 fi 1 h m s 16 ii 56,34 12 4,78 12 10,80 12 20,47 12 23,17 13 9.77 13 33.51 13 45.51 14 6,29 14 26,79 14 28,83 14 32,08 14 38,32 14 45,27 H 47,35 H 59,97 15 8,19 15 14,05 15 iS.'S 15 18,10 15 18,29 15 19,94 15 34,59 J 5 37.9 1 15 5o>76 16 9,34 16 12,13 16 15,27 1 6 15,47 16 21,25 l6 22,01 16 35,90 16 35,92 1 6 42,79 16 50,37 16 52,58 16 57,!3 17 3,90 17 10,93 17 15,61 17 30,28 18 8,65 18 14,80 18 20,23 16 18 29,44 s +4,203 3.63* 2,483 3,585 6,300 3.973 2,600 0,287 5,493 3, 6 59 3,042 3,980 4>97i 0,983 2,062 + 1,672 1,832 + I.799 3,745 3, 6 77 2,646 3,500 3,794 5,011 4,090 3,803 4,369 2,341 + 3,738 i, 606 + 3,753 3,584 3,583 2,254 2,257 2,916 +4,953 1,064 +2,298 4,95 6 5,272 3,738 3,975 3,466 +2,761 s +0,0276 +0,0139 +0,00 1 1 +0,0130 +0,1188 +0,0213 +0,0015 +0,0305 +0,0746 +0,0142 +0,0049 +0,0212 +0,0522 +0,0134 +0,0013 +0,0038 +0,1234 +0,0027 +0,0158 +0,0145 +0,0018 +0,0112 +0,0168 +0,0531 +0,0236 +0,0169 +0,0312 + 0,0010 +0,0155 +0,1089 +0,0158 +0,0125 +0,0125 +0,0009 +0,0009 +0,0036 +0,0502 +0,0804 + 0,0010 +0,0503 +0,0625 +0,0152 +0,0203 +0,0103 +0,0024 s +0,020 +0,002 +0,002 8.6210 8.5242 8.5276 8.5168 8.9401 8.5746 8.5064 8.8780 8.8267 8.5187 8.4717 8.57 3 8.7440 8-7734 8.5866 8.6562 9.0932 8.6323 8.5283 8.5178 8.4941 8.4945 8-5347 8.7460 8.5842 8-5337 8.6329 8.5328 8.5231 9.0681 8.5249 8.4997 8.4996 8.5452 8.5442 8.4659 8.7306 9.0150 8-5360 8.7296 8-7783 8.5153 8.5536 8.4786 8.4698 -8.9135 8.8174 8.8213 8. 8112 9- 2 347 8.8729 8.8066 9.1792 9.1295 8.8231 8.7763 8.8751 9.0493 9.0792 8.8926 8.9632 9.4009 8.9404 8.8365 8.8263 8.8026 8.8031 8.8445 9.0561 8.8953 8.8462 8-9457 8.8459 8.8362 9-3817 8.8385 8.8144 8.8143 8.8605 8. 8601 8.7819 9.0470 9.3319 8.8535 9.0475 9.0974 8-8375 8.8763 8. 8018 -8.7937 +0.6235 0.5602 0.3949 -5545 0.7994 0.5991 0.4149 9-4579 0.7398 0.5634 0.4831 0.5999 0.6964 9.9927 0.3144 +0.2231 0.2630 +0.2550 0-5735 0-5655 0.4225 0.5440 0-579 1 0.6999 0.6118 0.5801 0.6404 0.3694 +0.5727 0.2059 +0-5744 0-5543 0.5542 0.3530 0-3535 0.4649 +0.6949 0.0270 +0.3613 0.6951 0.7220 0.5727 0-5993 0.5398 +0.4410 + 8.4592 +8.1538 -8.1736 + 8.1148 +8.9123 + 8-3547 8.0705 -8.8413 + 8.7793 + 8.1630 -6.8555 + 8.3518 + 8.6713 -8.7115 -8-3953 -8.5366 9.0806 -8.4941 +8.2186 +8.1718 8.0178 +8.0218 +8.2475 + 8.6756 +8.3952 +8.2498 +8.4985 -8.2477 +8.2094 -9.0542 +8.2182 + 8.0933 + 8.0924 -8.2945 8.2924 -7-5699 +8.6561 -8-9973 8.2684 +8.6552 +8.7214 + 8.2000 +8.3315 +7.9712 -7.8649 20 Scorpii 0" Trianguli Aust. . . 0,004 0,015 +0,041 0,010 Trianguli Aust. . . < 0,007 0,011 19 Ursae Minoris .... 22 Herculis f 0,031 0,000 +0,008 +0,019 0,00 1 +0,00 1 Scorpii 0,009 +0,458 Normae Scorpii +0,001 0,001 19 Coronae Bor. . . Scorpii 20 Ursae Minoris .... Scorpii 0,013 c Ophiuchi ft +0,002 0,003 +0,007 + O,OI2 +0,001 Ophiuchi 20 Coronae Bor v' 21 Coronae Bor v^ Arae 6 6 6 6* 6 7 6 5 5 Ursae Minoris . . . . 23 Herculis +0,004 0,044 0,030 + 0,021 0,015 +0,002 0,009 Arse Arae Scorpii Scorpii 7 Ophiuchi V 24 Herculis w 244 No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of >. 1 K 1 Taylor. Lacaille. Bris- bane. Various. cf V J d' 5446 5447 5448 5449 5450 545i 5452 5453 5454 5455 545 6 5457 5458 5459 5460 5461 5462 5463 5464 5465 5466 5467 5468 5469 5470 5471 5472 5473 5474 5475 547 6 5477 5478 5479 5480 5481 5482 5483 5484 5485 5486 5487 5488 5489 5490 1 II 133 32 54.8 115 13 40,8 63 44 0,6 113 20 49,3 159 44 17,0 127 3 49,0 68 30 1,5 23 H 59-3 153 42 33,2 116 9 45,9 88 36 49,4 127 12 37,0 147 46 6,6 29 51 49,3 49 55 48,2 40 36 4,1 13 44 48,6 43 *9 37.i 119 20 53,7 116 47 43,2 70 29 28,4 109 40 52,8 121 4 32,9 148 15 2,5 130 19 33,0 121 20 39,5 137 12 28,9 58 45 22 .3 119 2 51,8 14 25 I2,O "9 34 3.5 113 5 44,8 113 3 14,2 55 5 4 J .9 55 5 6 4>8 82 42 0,7 147 23 52,4 1 6 14 24,6 57 18 51,2 147 24 48,4 151 17 35,8 118 56 31,3 126 50 13,1 108 6 37,8 75 37 2,5 + 9> IX 9,10 9,09 9,08 9,08 9,01 8,98 8.97 8,94 8,91 8,91 8,91 8,90 8,89 8,89 8,87 " 8,86 8,85 8,85 8,85 8,85 8,84 8,83 8,82 8,80 8,78 8,78 8,77 8,77 8,76 8,76 8,74 8,74 8,74 8,73 8,72 8,72 8,71 8,70 8,69 8,67 8,62 8,61 8,61 + 8,60 a -0,546 0,472 0,323 0,466 0,819 0,518 .339 0,037 0,717 0,478 ,397 0,520 0,650 0,129 0,270 0,219 +0,240 -0,235 0,490 0,481 0,346 0,458 o,497 0,656 0,536 o,499 o,573 0,307 0,490 +0,21 1 -0,492 0,470 0,470 0,296 0,296 0,383 0,651 +0,140 0,302 0,651 0,693 0,492 0,524 0,457 -0,364 // 0,09 0,00 0,06 +9.4761 8.1072 9.8942 8.6532 + 9.8365 +9.2835 9.8642 9.9970 + 9.7?55 + 7.7404 -9.6585 +9.2927 +9.7216 -9.9972 -9.9587 -9.9838 9.9888 9.9780 + 8.7889 + 8-2355 -9.8505 9.0265 + 8.9628 + 9-7287 +9-399 + 8.9872 + 9.5623 -9.9229 + 8-7574 -9.9909 + 8.8222 -8.6646 8.6712 -9.9368 9.9364 -9.7363 +9.7201 -9.9940 -9.9303 + 9.7207 +9.7652 + 8.7566 + 92880 9.1196 9.8094 -9-4955 9.2864 +9.3023 -9.2538 -9.6279 -9.4328 +9.2153 +9.6137 9.6017 9.2922 + 8.0314 -9.4291 -9-5744 +9.5848 +9.4552 +9.5261 + 9.6326 + 9.5066 -9-335 -9.2985 +9.1682 -9.1718 -9.3563 -9.5729 -9-4534 -9-3574 9.5067 +9-3558 -9.3271 +9.6266 -9-3337 -9.2331 -9.2324 +9-3884 +9.3867 +8.7424 -9.5 6 37 +9.6200 +9.3696 -9.5625 -9.5790 -9.3182 9.4108 -9.1252 +9.0272 +0.9595 0.9590 0.9586 0.9580 0.9578 0-9549 0-9534 0.9527 0.9514 0.9501 0-9499 0-9497 0-9493 0.9489 0.9487 0.9479 0.9474 0.9470 0.9470 0.9468 0.9468 0.9467 0.9457 0.9455 0.9447 0.9435 0-9433 0.9431 0.9431 0.9427 0.9426 0.9417 0.9417 0.9413 0.9408 0.9406 0.9403 0-9399 0.9394 0.9391 0.9382 0.9356 0.9352 0-9349 +0-9343 -9-9498 9.9500 9.9501 9.9502 9.9503 9.9510 9.9514 9.9516 9.9519 9.9522 9.9522 9.9523 9.9524 9-9525 9-9525 9-9527 9.9529 9.9530 9-9530 9.9530 9-9530 9-953 9-9533 9-9533 9-9535 9.9538 9-9539 9-9539 9-9539 9.9540 9.9540 9.9542 9.9542 9-9543 9.9544 9-9545 9-9545 9.9546 9-9548 9.9548 9.9550 9.955 6 9-9557 9.9558 -9-9559 .2937 11.1872 iii.2O2o 6793 6799 6801 6771 6803 5 6 99 5703 5695 5705 M643.J399 R 47 o B.F 2244 B.H6 9 i R 47 i? 62332 62328 G 2330 M 644 M645,J4oo R472 P6 74 G 2336 ^[646,1401 W8 7 8 62337 R 473 M647.J402 P6 79 2077 2O8O 50 54 +0,06 +0,20 v.2940 0,06 0,01 69 iii.2O23 6795 6820 6816 5709 5718 5715 0,07 0,02 2081 59 11.1873 7.2943 V.2942 O,OO 0,02 + 0,17 0,03 0,05 +0,06 20 9 6 2086 2084 2082 82 73 60 61 66 64 iii.2O26 11.1876 [11.2024 111.2025 11.1875 11.1874 6826 6829 6830 6812 6819 6834 6825 5720 5721 5723 0,01 + 1,02 v.2944 +o,37 0,14 v.2947 11.1879<-7 111.2029 2087 2099 74 67 86 6836 0,00 6837 0,02 + 0,02 + 0,08 + 0,02 0,04 2083 2085 7i 72 77 78 75 11.1877 11.1878 ii.i88o ii.iSSi 111.2027 5726 + 0,03 -0,17 O,II +0,01 +0,08 O,OI + 0,02 2089 79 iii.2O28 v.2949 6827 6824 6843 6842 5728 5729 5735 5736 V.2 95 I ii.i882 11.1883 2088 2090 80 81 245 No. Constellation. Mag. Right Ascension, an. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a b c d 5491* 549 a 5493* 5494* 5495 5496 5497* 5498 5499 5500 5501 5502 553 554* 555 5506 5507* 5508 559 5510 55"* 5512* 55*3 55H 55i5 5516 55i7 5518* 55*9 5520 5521* 5522* 5523 5524* 55 2 5 5526* 55*7* 55*8 5529* 553* 553i 5532 5533 5534 5535 7 6* 6 5 5 5 7 i 6 7 6 5 7 7 Si tt 7 4 6 5 5 3 7 Si 7* 4* 7 7 5 4 5* 7 5 7 *i 6 Si 7 7 6 Si 4i 6 7i 6i h m s 16 18 38 15 8 + 3> 6 43 4,318 3,014 3,225 3,242 2,133 i,857 3,664 1,482 3,705 3,631 1,300 t53 2,729 5> 6 97 3,890 2,727 3,902 0,780 +8,420 -1,844 +o,797 + 3,670 0,177 +2,279 3,426 4,949 3,738 3,542 3,021 4,237 3,811 1,963 3,812 2,582 5,567 2,606 3,413 2,816 2,563 2,945 2,814 4,196 2,249 + 1,646 s +0,0134 +0,0289 +0,0044 +0,0068 +0,0070 +0,0012 +0,0024 +0,0136 +0,0055 +0,0142 +0,0128 +0,0077 +0,0052 + 0,0022 + 0,0780 + 0,0178 + O,OO22 +O,Ol8o + 0,0164 + 0,2495 + 0,1151 +0,0161 +0,0134 +0,0417 + 0,0010 +0,0093 +0,0470 +0,0145 + O,OIII +0,0044 +0,0254 +0,0158 +0,0017 +0,0158 +0,0015 +0,0702 +0,0016 +0,0090 +0,0027 +0,0014 +0,0036 +0,0027 +0,0238 +0,0010 +0,0038 s -8.4993 8.6120 8-4533 8.4548 8-4554 8.5515 8.6000 8-4957 8.6638 8.4983 8.4873 8.6926 8.6562 8.4613 8.8212 8.5255 8.4601 8.5267 8.7714 9.0966 9.0611 8.7681 8.4880 8.8957 8.5171 8.4571 8.7028 8-4943 8.4667 8.4363 8.5767 8.5033 8.5648 8.5024 8.4665 8-79 I 3 8.4625 8.4493 8-4393 8.4643 8.4303 8-4357 8-5579 8.5057 8.6103 -8.8239 8-9377 8.7810 8.7843 8.7852 8.8832 8-9321 8.8281 8.9987 8.8344 8.8241 9.0296 8-9935 8.7988 9.1592 8.8639 8.7992 8.8659 9.1117 9.4370 9.4022 9.1092 8.8302 9.2379 8.8598 8.8012 9.0478 8.8408 8.8143 8.7845 8.9252 8.8522 8.9148 8.8525 8.8167 9.1417 8.8140 8. Son 8-7945 8.8198 8.7879 8-7953 8.9189 8.8668 8.9719 +0.5615 0.6353 0.4791 0.5085 0.5108 0.3289 0.2688 0.5640 0.1707 0.5688 0.5601 0.1140 0.1797 0.4361 0.7556 0.5900 0.4357 -59 I 3 9.8919 +0.9253 0.2658 +9.9012 +0.5646 9.2480 +0-3577 0.5348 0.6945 0.5727 0-5493 0.4802 0.6271 0.5810 0.2929 0.5811 0.4119 0.7456 0.4160 o-533i 0-4497 0.4088 0.4691 0-4494 0.6228 0.3520 +0.2164 +8.1309 +8.4683 7.1250 +7-5557 +7.6006 -8-3383 8.4498 + 8.1390 8.5640 + 8.1639 +8.1097 -8.6088 -8-553 -7-8933 + 8.7791 +8.2731 -7-8943 + 8.2784 -8.7175 +9.0857 9.0482 -8.7134 + 8.1330 -8.8671 -8.2537 + 7.9048 +8.6265 +8.1759 + 8.0237 -7.0429 +8.4163 +8.2181 8.3921 +8.2174 8.0367 +8.7447 8.0130 +7.8805 -7.7482 -8.0475 -7-4382 -7.7469 +8.3880 -8.2514 8.4900 18 50,78 19 16,82 19 37,94 19 41,96 20 3,57 20 8,91 2O 13,12 20 42,97 20 58,29 21 6,19 21 8,48 21 12,35 21 I4,8l 21 20,60 21 24,65 21 34,19 21 35,5* 21 48,38 21 49,41 21 57.43 21 58,30 22 10,77 22 10,80 22 15,80 22 33,65 22 43,57 23 2,OI 23 15,06 23 21,34 23 25,93 23 30,38 23 42,94 23 44,87 23 46,43 23 47,9 J 24 1,09 24 5,35 24 43,88 24 47,96 25 i3.!5 25 35,4i 25 5i,57 25 53,32 16 25 59,02 + O,OII + 0,012 + O,OO I + 0,004 + 0,004 + 0,004 * TrianguliAust... + 0,004 0,009 0,003 0,107 + O,OO5 + 0,023 O,OO7 2 1 Ursae Minoris . . ij 14. Draconis T Draconis + O,OO I + O,OO4 8 Ophiuchi 5 114 46 49,1 34 27 8,6 37 56 29,7 74 18 41,4 155 10 14,4 124 o 0,4 74 13 52,o 124 22 2O,7 27 57 41,6 167 ii 26,5 13 54 9,0 28 8 42,7 116 12 16,8 2.0 32 38,0 5 6 57 47.7 106 16 50,6 H7 * 34,3 118 42 32,9 in 8 23,5 87 41 0,2 133 43 18,3 121 14 4,6 47 47 5.8 izi 15 12,7 68 10 45,9 153 56 1 8,4 69 ii 20,3 105 39 27,8 78 15 0,8 67 28 39,9 84 9 18,7 78 ii 6,6 132 32 39,3 56 9 42,8 40 42 38,3 +8*58 8,57 - 8,53 8,51 8,50 8,47 8,46 8,46 8,42 8,40 8,39 8,39 8,38 8,38 8,37 8,36 8,35 8,35 8,33 8,33 8,32 8,32 8,30 8,30 8,30 8,27 8,26 8,23 8,22 8,21 8,20 8,20 8,18 8,18 8,18 8,17 8,16 8,15 8,10 8,09 8,06 8,03 8,01 8,01 ' +8,00 a 0,480 0,569 0,398 0,426 0,428 0,282 0,246 0,485 0,196 0,491 0,481 0,172 O,2CO 0,362 >755 0,516 0,362 .5 r 7 0,103 1,117 +0,245 0,106 0,487 +0,024 -0,303 o,455 0,658 o,497 0,471 0,402 0,564 0,507 0,261 0,508 o,344 0,741 o,347 o,455 0,376 0,342 0,393 0,376 0,561 0,301 0,220 n 7.7160 +9.5408 9.6776 9.5000 -9.4817 -9.9533 -9.9769 +7.9590 -9.9934 +8-5551 -8.1239 -9.9976 -9.9927 9.8218 +9.8079 +9.1714 9.8226 +9.1906 0.0030 +9.8981 -9.9945 0.0030 +8.1004 O.OO2O -9.9346 -9.2074 + 9.7229 + 8.7589 -8.8797 9.6726 + 9.5012 + 9.0095 9.9708 + 9.0116 9.8706 + 9.7991 -9.8634 -9.2338 9.7862 -9.8759 9.7202 -9.7870 +9-4774 -9.9401 9.9904 9.2631 9.4869 +8.3006 8.7284 -8.7724 +9.4125 +9-475 * 9.2684 +9-5^33 9.2876 -9.2438 +9-5375 +9-5I79 +9.0529 -9-5783 -9.3677 +9-537 -9.3711 +9.5646 -9.6075 +9.6050 +9.5632 9.2620 +9-5884 +9-3532 9.0631 -9-5384 -9.2950 9.1696 +8.2187 9-45 J 3 9.3262 +9.4378 -9-3254 +9.1805 -9.5636 +9.1598 9.040 1 +8.9151 +9.1892 +8.6120 +8.9137 -9.4314 +9.3469 +9.4805 +0.9337 0.9328 0.9311 0.9297 0.9294 0.9279 0.9276 0.9273 0.9252 0.9242 0.9237 0.9235 0.9232 0.9231 0.9227 0.9224 0.9217 0.9216 0.9208 0.9207 0.9201 0.9201 0.9192 0.9192 0.9189 0.9176 0.9169 0.9156 0.9147 0.9143 0.9139 0.9136 0.9127 0.9126 0.9125 0.9124 0.9115 0.9112 0.9084 0.9081 0.9063 0.9047 0.9035 0.9034 +0.9030 -9.9561 9.9563 9.9566 9.9570 9.9570 9-9573 9-9574 9-9575 9-9579 9.9581 9.9582 9-9583 9-9583 9.9584 9-9585 9-9585 9.9587 9.9587 9.9589 9-9589 9.9590 9.9590 9.9592 9.9592 9-9593 9-9595 9-9597 9-9599 9.9601 9.9602 9.9603 9.9603 9.9605 9.9605 9.9605 9.9606 9.9608 9.9608 9.9613 9.9614 9.9618 9.9621 9.9623 9.9623 9.9624 6849 6841 5738 B.F2258 B.F2255 J43 62339 M 648, 1404 G 2340 62343 G 2342 B.F226i R 475 B.F2263 P68 3 ,J405 62345 R 474 M 649 62347 M65o,J4o6 R 47 6 M65i,J4O7 B.F 2269 B.F 2270 B.F 2272 R 47 8 62353 +0,29 V.2953 0,00 0,00 ,5 +0,03 2093 83 9" ii.i884 11.1887 2091 84 ii.i885 6853 5743 6856 6858 +0,01 2092 89 ii.i888 +0,35 0,00 6844 6857 5744 9 111.2031 + 0,08 92 11.1889 6859 5747 +0,30 0,20 0,08 0,03 ii.i886 ii.i895 11.1892 iii.2032 6817 6866 5742 2III 2IO4 114 102 93 0,09 +0,03 2098 2094 97 94 iii.2033 11.1891 6872 0,08 +0,06 +0,14 2095 2097 96 IOO 95 11.1893 11.1894 111.2034 6867 6875 6878 6855 5752 0,09 2IO2 105 11.1897 0,01 2100 103 11.1896 +0,22 IOI 111.2036 +0,04 +0,05 +0,23 0,00 +0,07 2IOI 2105 2IO6 2107 108 112 106 116 118 11.1898 11.1899 111.2040 111.2041 111.2043 6885 5761 247 No. Constellation. Mag. Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a b c d SS36 5537* 5538 5539 5540 554 1 * 5542* 5543 5544 5545* 554 6 5547 5548 5549 5550* 555i 5552 5553 5554 5555 5556* 5557* 5558 5559 5560 556i* 5562* 55 6 3 5564* 55 6 5 5566 55 6 7 5568 5569* 5570* 557i* 5572* 5573 5574 5575 5576* 5577 5578 5579 5580* Trianguli Aust. . . Tfj ' 5 6 5 3* 6 6 6 6 5* 4i 6 5 3* 6 6 6 4 6 4 1\ 1 7 6 6 6 6* 7 7 7 6 6 7 6 7 6 7 7 7* 5i 6 7 6 2 5 7 h m s 16 26 3,79 26 27,04 26 30,81 26 33,29 27 34,88 27 38,58 27 5.55 28 7,71 28 15,40 28 18,07 28 27,90 28 28,89 28 54,27 28 59,30 29 4.57 29 9,86 29 16,15 29 34,58 29 41,91 29 46,97 29 47,86 29 50,39 30 8,49 30 19,31 30 19,69 30 20,39 30 47,25 3 S3. 26 3 57,74 31 30,27 3i 38,53 3 1 43>95 31 48,81 32 18,81 32 24,17 32 31,01 32 34,38 32 3 6 ,57 32 38,83 32 41,23 32 44,25 3^ 49,85 3* 5>il 1* 54,i9 16 33 4,63 s +6,104 2,839 3,928 3,720 5,2i3 2 ,337 4,222 5,084 +5,99 -o,i53 +2,094 3>"4 3>294 i,577 5,339 4,604 1,930 2,910 5,263 3>47 3>773 3,788 4,465 i>457 0,828 4,510 3.746 2,762 3,668 6,108 5,9 6 4 3,524 J >745 3,716 5,342 3,628 3,794 3,468 1,411 1,410 3,753 4,710 6,262 3,46i + 3-5H s +0,0923 +0,0028 +0,0176 +0,0137 +0,0535 +0,00 1 1 +0,0238 +0,0488 +0,0847 +0,0381 +0,0013 +0,0051 +0,0070 +0,0042 +0,0572 +0,0333 +0,0019 +0,0033 +0,0541 +0,0093 +0,0141 +0,0144 +0,0291 +0,0053 +0,0141 +0,0303 +0,0134 +0,0023 +0,0121 + 0,0867 + 0,0801 + 0,0098 + O,OO29 + 0,0127 + 0,0551 + 0,OII3 + 0,0140 + 0,0090 + 0,0057 + 0,0057 + 0,0133 + 0,0348 + 0,0922 + 0,0088 + 0,0095 g +0,06 1 8.8506 8.4303 8.5087 8.4759 8.7205 8-4835 8-5530 8.6979 8.8251 8.8619 8.5196 8.4139 8.4187 8.6075 8.7319 8.6134 8-5442 8.4123 8.7174 8.4293 8.4685 8.4706 8.5845 8.6213 8.7216 8.5914 8.4598 8.4158 8.4479 8.8228 8.8041 8.4261 8.5639 8.4481 8.7150 8.4349 8.4583 8.4158 8.6170 8.6171 8.4514 8.6127 8.8342 8.4137 8.4184 9.2126 8-7943 8.8731 8.8404 9.0905 8.8538 8.9243 9.0707 9.1986 9.2357 8.8942 8.7886 8-7957 8.9849 9.1098 8.9917 8.9231 8.7928 9.0986 8.8109 8.8502 8.8525 8.9680 9.0058 9.1061 8.9760 8.8468 8.8033 8-8358 9.2137 9- x 957 8.8182 8.9565 8.8434 9.1108 8.8313 8.8550 8.8128 9.0142 9.0144 8.8490 9.0109 9.2324 8.8122 8.8179 +0.7856 0.4532 0.5942 0.5706 0.7171 0.3686 0.6255 0.7062 +0.7774 9.1841 +0.3210 -4933 0.5177 0.1978 0.7275 0.6631 0.2856 0.4639 0.7213 0.5403 0.5766 0.5784 0.6499 0.1634 9.9180 0.6542 0.5736 0.4413 0.5645 0.7859 0-7755 o-547i 0.2419 0.5701 0.7277 0.5596 0-579 1 0.5401 0.1497 0.1492 0.5744 0.6730 0.7967 0.5392 +0.5458 +8.8177 7.6986 + 8.2667 + 8.1460 +8.6586 8.1930 +8.3875 +8.6290 +8.7895 8.8324 8.3128 +6-9567 +7.6694 8.4946 +8.6757 +8.5050 -8-3759 -7.5232 +8.6576 + 7.9173 +8.1624 + 8.1716 +8.4587 8.5211 -8.6640 +8.4715 +8.1404 -7.7993 +8.0864 + 8.7894 +8.7675 +7.9624 -8.4275 +8.1126 +8.6583 + 8.0473 + 8.1603 + 7.9002 -8.5205 8.5207 +8.1342 +8.5143 +8.8036 +7.8905 +7.9448 +0,004 +0,005 0,072 0,004 +0,003 O,OII +0,012 +0,005 +0,014 +0,030 +0,005 TrianguliAust 0,017 +0,002 0,001 0,006 +0,028 +0,019 0,006 0,002 Trianguli Aust. . .ij 2 + 0,010 +0,014 0,007 Ophiuchi Scorpii Scorpii 0,007 0,001 0,005 Scorpii Arse +0,005 + 0,001 0,000 0,004 Trianguli Aust. . . a 248 No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec.Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of >. 1 1 Taylor. S3 Bris- >:inr. Various. of V cf d' 5536 5537 5538 5539 554 554-1 554^ 5543 5544 5545 5546 5547 5548 5549 555 555i 5552 5553 5554 5555 555 6 5557 5558 5559 5560 5561 5562 5563 5564 55 6 5 5566 5567 5568 55 6 9 557 557i 5572 5573 5574 5575 5576 5577 5578 5579 S58o 157 59 26,4 79 18 31,5 124 56 29,5 "7 53 5 6 . 150 8 17,8 59 10 58,6 133 5 T 7,8 148 33 47.o 157 7 46,9 20 54 27,8 51 35 50,8 9 1 59 59- 1 100 15 30,8 39 32 24,8 151 28 19,9 141 10 51,2 47 15 3.7 82 34 59,8 150 37 16,4 107 54 47,7 119 37 3,6 120 9 11,9 138 27 44,7 37 26 59,2 28 51 38,2 139 21 13,4 118 38 28,0 76 o 20,4 "5 47 7.i 157 48 58,6 i5 6 49 7,5 no 6 40,3 43 4 51,4 117 30 20,5 151 21 34,2 114 10 40,7 120 13 53,4 107 45 40,6 36 47 47,9 36 46 20,2 118 48 4,3 142 51 43,7 158 44 34,6 107 26 46,7 109 38 1,6 a + 7,99 ' 7,9 6 7,9 6 7,95 7,87 ' 7,87 7,85 7,83 7,8^ ' 7,8i " 7,8o 7,8o 7,76 7>76 7,75 7,74 7,73 7,7i 7-7 7- 6 9 7> 6 9 7, 6 9 7,66 7,65 7,6? 7> 6 5 7,6i 7,60 7,60 7,55 7,54 7,53 7,53 7.49 7,48 7,47 7,47 7-4 6 7,4 6 7,46 7,45 7,45 7,45 7,44 + 7,43 // 0,817 0,380 0,526 0,498 0,699 0,314 0,567 0,683 0,805 +0,021 0,28l 0,418 -443 0,212 0,718 0,619 0,26o 0,392 0,709 0,467 0,508 0,510 O,6O2 0,196 0,112 0,608 0,506 0,373 o,495 0,825 0,806 0,476 0,236 0,503 0,723 0,491 0,514 0,470 0,191 0,191 0,508 0,638 0,848 0,469 -0,476. // +0,26 + 9.8374 -9.7758 +9.2307 +8.6637 +9.7646 -9.9263 +9-4937 +9-7476 +9.8324 0.0066 9.9602 -9.6037 -9.4196 -9.9945 +9.7803 +9.6500 -9-9754 9.7400 +9.7721 -9.1099 + 8.8982 +8.9484 +9.6063 -9-999 0.0082 + 9.6219 + 8.7966 -9.8095 +8.0719 +9.8413 +9.8332 8.9484 -9-9883 + 8.6395 +9.7827 8.1987 + 8.9657 9.1146 0.0014 0.0015 + 8.8261 + 9.6796 +9.8501 -9.1323 -8.9850 -9.5676 +8.8671 -9-35 6 4 9.2684 9.5319 +9.3030 -9.4271 -9.5224 -9-5552 +9.5610 +9.3830 -8.1325 -8.8385 +9.4746 -9.5308 -9.4783 +9.4179 +8.6956 -9.5244 9.0718 -9.2777 9.2846 -9.4564 +9.4811 +9-5*37 -9.4614 -9.2599 + 8.9623 9.2169 -9.5425 -9-538? 9.1112 +9.4380 9.2366 -9.5150 -9- l8 35 -9.2729 -9.0551 +9.4740 +9.4740 -9.2529 -9.4712 -9-539 9.0462 9.0948 +0.9026 0.9010 0.9007 0.9005 0.8960 0-8957 0.8948 0.8935 0.8930 0.8928 0.8920 0.8919 0.8900 0.8897 0.8893 0.8889 0.8884 0.8870 0.8864 0.8861 0.8860 0.8858 0.8844 0.8836 0.8836 0.8835 0.8814 0.88 10 0.8806 0.8781 0.8775 0.8771 0.8767 0.8743 0.8739 0.8734 0.8731 0.8729 0.8727 0.8726 0.8723 0.8719 0.8718 0.8715 +0.8707 -9.9625 9.9628 9.9628 9.9629 9.9637 9-9637 9.9639 9.9641 9.9642 9.9643 9.9644 9.9644 9.9648 9.9648 9.9649 9.9650 9.9650 9-9 6 53 9.9654 9-9 6 55 9-9655 9-9655 9.9657 9.9659 9-9659 9.9659 9.9662 9.9663 9.9664 9.9668 9.9669 9.9670 9.9670 9.9674 9.9675 9.9676 9.9676 9.9676 9.9677 9.9677 9.9677 9.9678 9.9678 9-9679 9.9680 6865 5756 1*477 B.F2275 J 408 M652, 1409 B.F2285 J 410 J 411 62357 M6 53 02360 G 2361 B.F2286 M654 G 6223 M6 55 J4i2. R479 1^656,1413 B.F2288 +0,13 0,01 +0,20 +0,04 +0,11 +0,05 0,05 0,02 +0,13 +0,32 0,03 2103 III 113 7.2963 ii.1900 6890 6897 6886 6899 6889 6881 5767 5768 5773 5777 5776 5775 2110 1 2O 117 iii.2046 iii.2O45 2118 2108 2IO9 135 127 121 123 11.1903 111.2048 ii.i90i 11.1902 6896 6903 5782 5784 0,06 0,04 0,05 7.2968 11.1905 11.1904 2II 3 2112 I 3 2 129 +0,03 128 111.2051 6919 6920 6912 5792 0,00 7.2972 0,04 +0,36 140 111.2055 7.2973 6913 6925 5794 +0,13 I 3 6 111.2056 6926 6900 6906 5797 5798 + O,I2 O,26 + 0,04 137 111.2058 6 935 6921 6940 6937 O,QO O,O2 O,OO 2122 2124 142 152 153 iii.2o6o iii.2o62 111.2063 6942 6927 6911 5808 5804 + 0,17 -fo,o8 0,03 0,06 7.2978 11.1906 11.1907 iii.2o6i 2114 2115 H3 H5 B.A.C. 249 No. Constellation. Mag. Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a b c d 5581 5582 5583 5584 5585 5586* 5587 5588* 5589* 559 559 1 5 5 92* 5593 5594 5595* 559 6 * 5597* 5598 5599 5600* 5601 5602 5603 5604 5605* 5606* 5607 5608* 5609 5610 5611* 5612* 5613 5614* 5615* 5616* 5617 5618 5619 5620* 5621 5622* 5623 5624* 5625* 36 Herculis in\ H *l 6i ft 6* 7* N 6^ 7 7 7 6 6 6 7 5 6 7 6 7 6 6 6* 3 7 " 7 7 7 +1 6 6 7 6 6 6 6* 3 6 6 6 5 *i 7 7 74 h m s 16 33 8,55 33 12,25 33 22,36 33 30.83 33 35.52 33 39.73 33 5^.75 34 1,00 34 1,96 34 5.93 34 6,94 34 11,94 34 *9>%1 34 34. 6 3 34 3 6 . 6 9 34 40,64 34 47,85 34 49. J 4 34 58,88 34 59,9 35 24,78 35 32.^5 35 37,69 35 38,07 35 46,56 36 7,89 36 10,56 36 34,50 36 51,64 36 58,97 37 11,17 37 21,67 37 22,25 37 40,77 37 4 1 37 4 J >78 37 45,31 37 52,73 38 19,82 38 34,7i 38 38,05 38 49,93 39 6,95 39 7,14 16 39 20,50 s +2,973 2,973 4.144 4,144 5,077 3,037 2,791 3,842 3,8i7 2,958 + 3,039 -3.5 01 +4> I 3 6 5,068 3,692 1,627 2,486 3-595 1,202 3,710 0,583 2,429 3.740 2,295 3,806 3.598 3,75 3,690 5.132 + 6,076 -2,684 + 3.829 5.767 3,661 2,134 2,931 2,049 3,042 2,215 2,711 2,875 3,822 3,636 2,386 + 3,016 s +0,0037 +0,0037 +0,0206 +0,0206 +0,0453 +0,0041 +0,0025 +0,0146 +0,0142 +0,0035 +0,0041 +0,1935 +0,0203 +0,0446 +0,0120 +0,0036 + 0,0013 +0,0105 +0,0079 +0,0122 +0,0177 +0,00 1 1 +0,0126 + 0,0011 +0,0137 +0,0104 +0,0127 +0,0117 +0,0452 +0,0795 +0,1377 +0,0139 +0,0668 + 0,0111 +0,0012 +0,0032 +0,0014 +0,0041 + 0,0011 +0,0020 +0,0028 +0,0134 +0,0106 +0,00 1 1 +0,0038 s +0,004 +0,005 0,00 1 + 0,020 + O,OO4 O,OO5 + 0,O03 -8.3934 8.3931 8.5121 8.5114 8.6684 8.3898 8-3993 8.4586 8-4545 8.3893 8.3876 9.1174 8.5057 8.6617 8-4333 8-5697 8.4274 8.4195 8.6392 8.4340 8-7297 8.4314 8-4351 8.4510 8.4442 8.4132 8-4337 8.4231 8.6592 8.7889 9.0452 8-4393 8.7472 8.4135 8-4663 8.3725 8.4803 8.3690 8.4496 8.3825 8.3702 8.4306 8.4027 8.4192 -8.3618 -8-7933 8-7933 8.9132 8.9133 9.0707 8.7925 8.8032 8.8633 8.8593 8-7944 8.7928 9-523 1 8.9121 9-o695 8.8413 8.9781 8.8365 8.8287 9.0493 8.8441 9.1422 8.8447 8.8488 8.8648 8.8587 8.8298 8.8505 8.8422 9- 799 9.2103 9.4678 8.8629 9.1708 8.8389 8.8918 8.7980 8.9061 8-7955 8.8788 8.8131 8.8012 8.8627 8.8364 8.8529 8.7969 +0.4732 0.4731 0.6175 0.6174 0.7056 0.4825 0-4457 0.5846 0.5817 0.4710 +0.4827 -0.5442 +0.6165 0.7048 0-5673 0.2113 0-3955 0-5557 0.0798 0.5694 9.7657 0.3855 0.5729 0.3607 0.5805 0.5561 o-574l 0.5670 0.7103 +0.7836 0.4288 +0.5830 0.7609 0.5636 0.3292 0.4670 0.3116 0.4832 0-3454 0.4331 0.4587 0.5823 0.5606 0.3776 +0.4794 -7-2885 -7.2893 +8-3275 + 8.3267 +8.5978 6.8195 -7.7411 +8.1805 +8.1657 7-3436 -6-7975 9.1098 + 8.3187 + 8.5904 +8.0831 8.4490 -8.0558 +8.0085 -8-5593 +8.0934 8.6810 8.0916 +8.1099 -8.1738 +8.1500 + 8.0033 + 8.1132 +8.0705 + 8.5912 + 8-7543 -9.0352 + 8.1538 + 8.7049 + 8.0435 -8.2438 -7.4184 8.2811 6.7252 8.2007 7.8236 -7.5578 + 8.1415 + 8.0163 8.0997 7.0042 "ii Herculis wi^ + 0,007 0,005 0,019 O,003 0,004 Ursae Minoris .... Arae + O,OO2 Herculis + 0,007 Draconis Scorpii 39 Herculis + 0,006 O,Oo6 0,030 40 Herculis + 0,002 + O,OO8 Scorpii Arae "n + 0,003 0,042 + 0,017 Trianguli Aust Ursae Minoris .... Arse 0,000 + O,OO6 25 Scorpii Herculis 0,015 + O,OO5 + 0,008 + 0,001 44 Herculis 7? 1 6 Ophiuchi Herculis . . . Herculis 43 Herculis i +0,001 Scorpii OphiucM 0,003 +0,00 1 46 Herculis 250 No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1350. Annual Preces. Sec.Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of i 1 Taylor. 1 Bris- bane. Various. cf V (f ff 5581 5582 5583 5584 5585 5586 5587 5588 5589 559 559 1 5592 5593 5594 5595 559 6 5597 5598 5599 5600 5601 5602 5603 5604 5605 5606 5607 5608 5609 5610 5611 5612 5613 5614 5615 5616 5617 5618 5619 5620 5621 5622 5623 5624 5625 1 II 85 29 45,7 85 29 4,9 130 49 41,3 130 49 13,3 148 12 57,9 88 27 31,1 77 18 35,3 121 48 32,6 120 56 58,8 84 50 5,9 88 31 38,7 10 43 19,9 130 33 4,6 148 3 28,0 116 31 6,6 40 46 35,6 64 50 49,6 112 50 22,2 33 41 26,4 117 9 44,8 26 37 26,4 62 47 23,8 118 13 28,7 58 7 20,9 120 31 36,5 112 53 52,4 118 33 30,6 116 21 41,3 148 45 55,8 157 24 45,4 12 15 42,5 121 12 28,3 155 6 25,4 115 15 7,8 53 J 2 83 37 7.4 50 47 21,7 88 41 54,8 55 4 57.4 73 58 17.9 8 1 8 22,9 120 55 42,8 114 15 9,7 61 21 53,1 87 29 3,9 + 7,42 7,42 7,40 7,39 7,38 7,38 7,3 6 7,35 7,35 7,34 7,34 7,33 7,32 7,3 7,3 7.3 7,29 7,28 7,27 7,27 7,24 7,23 7.22 7,22 7,21 7,i8 7,17 7,12 7." 7,9 7,08 7,08 7,05 7.05 7,05 7,04 7,03 7,00 6,98 6,97 6,96 6.93 6,93 +6,91 -0,403 0,403 0,562 0,562 0,688 0,412 0,379 0,521 0,518 0,402 0,412 o,475 0,562 0,688 0,502 0,221 0,338 0,489 0,163 0,504 0,079 o,33 J 0,509 0,312 0,518 0,490 0,511 0,503 0,700 0,829 +0,366 0,522 0,787 0,500 0,291 0,400 0,280 0,416 0,303 0,371 0.393 0,523 0,498 0,327 -0,413 0,01 +0,03 +0,28 0,56 0,14 0,00 +0,06 -9.7038 9.7040 +9-4459 +9.4461 +9-7495 9.6616 9.7978 +9.0849 +9.0265 9.7127 9.6606 -9-9979 +9.4401 +9.7487 + 8.4409 -9.9951 -9.8970 8.5821 0.0070 +8-5955 O.OI2I 9.9098 + 8.7694 -9-9351 + 9.0009 8.5623 + 8.8143 + 8.4166 + 9.7592 + 9.8431 O.OO27 + 9.0554 + 9.8235 + 7.8389 -9.9582 -9.7287 -9.9676 9.6582 -9.9478 9.8300 + 9.0406 8.0128 -9.9194 -9.6764 + 8.4632 +8.4640 -9.3825 9.3818 -9-4955 +7-9954 + 8-9065 -9.2859 -9.2751 +8.5180 +7-9734 +9-5555 -9-3755 9.4900 9.2109 +9.4401 +9.1886 9.1491 +9-4795 9.2188 +9.5085 +9.2168 9.2310 +9.2789 9.2613 -9.1437 -9.2329 -9.1989 9.4820 -9.5148 +9-5384 9.2620 -9.5052 9.1760 +9-3234 +8.5918 +9.3464 +7.9012 +9.2938 +8.9825 +8.7287 9.2510 9.1522 +9.2192 +8.1798 +0.8704 0.8701 0.8693 0.8686 0.8683 0.8679 0.8669 0.8662 0.8661 0.8658 0.8657 0.8653 0.8647 0.8635 0.8633 0.8630 0.8624 0.8623 0.8616 0.8615 0.8594 0.8588 0.8584 0.8584 0.8577 0-8559 0-8557 0.8537 0.8523 0.8517 0.8507 0.8498 0.8497 0.8482 0.8481 0.8481 0.8478 0.8472 0.8449 0.8436 0.8433 0.8423 0.8409 0.8408 +0.8397 9.9680 9.9681 9.9682 9.9683 9.9684 9.9684 9.9686 9.9687 9.9687 9.9688 9.9688 9.9688 9.9689 9.9691 9.9691 9.9692 9.9693 9-9693 9.9694 9.9694 9.9697 9.9698 9.9699 9.9699 9.9700 9.9703 9.9703 9.9706 9.9708 9.9709 9.9710 9.9711 9.9711 9.9714 9.9714 9.9714 9.9714 9-97I5 9.9718 9.9720 9.9720 9.9722 9.9724 9.9724 -9.9725 2116 2117 J 47 149 V.2979 v.298o 111.2067 iii.2o6S 6941 6943 6928 5812 5813 5811 B.F 2294 62372 B.F 2299 G 2369 G 2370 M6 5 8 J4i4 62373 W88 3 A A 393 B.F 23 10 Airy (G) 2119 154 6950 6951 + 0,01 0,04 2121 2I2O 156 155 182 150 111.2070 111.2076 11.2069 V.2982 +0,02 + 0,01 +0,27 +0,0 1 6949 6936 6957 5817 5815 5819 2128 163 11.2074 +0,01 .57 11.2072 6958 .... +0,02 0,00 -0,43 2I2 S 2127 164 i59 165 iii.2075 11.1908 11.1909 6966 6967 6972 6975 6956 6947 5827 5828 5826 O,IO +0,35 2123 162 111.2077 v.2 9 8 S + 0,01 +0,50 v.2986 i95 iii.2o82 6977 6954 6981 5830 +0,31 +0,24 2126 168 11.1911 +0,16 +0,07 0,07 +0,01 2130 2133 2I2 9 169 173 170 177 iii.2079 11.1913 11.1912 iii.2o8i 0,04 2131 .75 11.1914 6984 6991 +0,04 0,00 2136 2134 174 181 11.2083 111.2084 ! (2l2) 251 No. Constellation. Mag. Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a b c d 5626 56*7 5628 5629 5630* 5631 5632 5633 5634* S 6 35 5636 5 6 37 5638 5639 5640* 5641* 5642 S 6 43 5644 5645* 5646 5647* 5648 5649 5650* 5651* 5652 5 6 53* 5654 56SS 5656 5657 5658 5 6 59 5660 5661 5662* 5663 5664 5665* 5666 5667* 5668 S 65 9 * 5670* 6 6 5 5* 6i h m s 16 39 33,48 39 3 6 .5 39 53.49 39 54,29 39 57.43 40 23,49 4 27,67 40 36,81 4 1 3,24 41 6,78 41 28,19 4i 3 2 .39 4i 43>!5 42 3.7i 42 11,07 42 12,99 42 18,43 42 26,93 42 31,87 42 37.94 42 38,82 42 39,23 43 2 .45 43 4.44 43 4.93 43 25.40 43 25.4 1 43 27.9 8 43 29,90 43 3.93 43 41,06^ 43 43.32 43 47.69 43 4 8 72 43 5!. 6 9 44 2,33 44 H.79 44 34,11 44 35.09 44 37>6i 44 47.8 1 44 50,62 44 55. 9 44 58,22 16 44 59,13 s +5,532 3,019 0,392 1,211 3.837 2,949 3>9 J 9 3,640 2,817 4,163 5,543 3,304 4.47 4,146 4.047 3> 6 47 3>439 1,125 1,9*4 5,382 4,926 2,767 2,904 4,239 3.669 4,212 2,335 3,848 6,365 4,190 4,192 5,775 1,220 3,038 4,2 1 8 4,213 3,810 3>535 4,6oi 3,816 2,338 1,749 4,254 3,860 + 5,4 s 4-0,0565 +0,0038 +0,0204 +0,0074 + 0,0135 +0,0033 +0,0148 +0,0104 +0,0024 +0,0191 +0,0556 +0,0063 +0,0168 +0,0186 +0,0167 +0,0103 +0,0076 +0,0082 +0,0018 +0,0495 +0,0362 +0,0022 +0,0029 +0,0202 +0,0105 +0,0194 +0,00 1 1 +0,0132 +0,0843 +0,0190 +0,0190 +0,0617 +0,0069 +0,0038 +0,0194 +0,0193 +0,0124 +0,0086 +0,0273 +0,0125 +0,00 1 1 +0,0026 +0,0198 +0,0130 +0,048 5 s 8.7028 8.3604 8.7305 8.6105 8.4269 8-3579 8.4371 8-3953 8.3611 8.4741 8.6933 8-3572 8.4511 8.4658 8.4485 8-3875 8-3635 8.6095 8.4770 8.6636 8.5940 8.3561 8-3455 8.4760 8-3855 8.4694 8.4032 8.4093 8.7854 8.4651 8.4644 8.7114 8.5865 8-3377 8.4678 8.4659 8.3991 8.3609 8.5291 8.3978 8-3949 8.4921 8.4678 8.4024 8.6522 -9- I 39 I 8.7970 9.1688 9.0489 8.8656 8.7992 8.8787 8.8379 8.8063 8.9197 9.1410 8.8053 8.9003 8.9170 8.9004 8.8396 8.8162 9.0631 8.9310 9.1183 9.0488 8.8109 8.8027 8-9334 8.8429 8.9289 8.8627 8.8690 9.2453 8.9252 8-9255 9.1727 9.0483 8.7996 8.9300 8.9292 8.8636 8.8274 8.9958 8.8647 8.8629 8.9603 8.9365 8.8715 -9.1213 +0.7428 0.4799 9-5935 0.0830 0.5840 0.4697 0.5932 0.5611 0.4498 0.6195 0.7438 0.5191 0.6072 0.6176 0.6071 0.5619 0.5364 0.0510 0.2820 0.7309 0.6925 0.4420 0.4630 0.6273 0.5645 0.6245 0.3683 0-5853 0.8038 0.6222 0.6224 0.7616 0.0862 0.4826 0.6251 0.6246 0.5809 0.5484 0.6629 0.5816 0.3688 0.2427 0.6288 0.5865 +0.7324 + 8.6526 -6.9713 8.6874 8.5289 + 8.1436 -7-34io + 8.1848 + 8.0109 7.6570 + 8.2908 + 8.6433 + 7.6184 + 8.2384 + 8.2780 + 8-2354 + 8.0064 + 7-8113 -8-5333 8.3067 +8.6070 + 8-5"5 -7.7252 -7.4619 + 8.3081 +8.0170 +8.2958 8.1051 +8.1288 + 8.7556 + 8.2868 +8.2865 + 8.6685 -8.5034 6.7488 + 8.2952 +8.2923 + 8.I02I +7.8983 +8.4161 +8.1034 -8.0947 -8.3508 +8.3021 +8.1258 +8.5960 +0,004 + 0,001 5* 3 6 7 6 6 5 3 6 4 H 7* 5 6 6 6* 6 5 6 7 4i 64 7 5* H var. 6 6 6 5* 3 7 6i 6 6* 5 S 6 7 6 0,000 0,044 0,00 1 0,005 0,008 +0,008 0,000 + O,OII 0,003 0,000 0,008 4.7 Herculis k +0,005 0,003 Ophiuchi O,0 10 0,00 1 Trianguli Aust -0,043 0,007 +0,023 +0,004 +0,035 +0,004 0,009 0,016 Scorpii Draconis Scorpii Scorpii - Scorpii Ophiuchi 0,009 -0,059 Scorpii co Herculis 0,000 0,004 0,014 Scorpii Arse 252 No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec.Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of | I Taylor. j Jrig- >ane. Various. Of V 3 34 2 i,i 121 23 8,2 84 28 50,2 124 o 54,6 114 22 11,5 78 35 56,4 130 57 56,9 153 o 38,6 100 30 45,8 127 47 4,1 130 27 42,3 127 45 22,0 114 34 12,3 106 16 56,3 32 56 57.5 47 2 9 2 7>9 151 22 29,3 145 47 24,7 76 28 19,8 82 29 19,7 i3 2 47 37.9 115 20 34,9 132 6 24,8 59 4 6 33.4 121 37 9,4 159 i 10,3 i3 r 33 3.4 131 35 28,8 154 57 22,8 34 19 21,9 88 31 24,6 132 13 29,5 13* 5 5 6 .3 120 18 55,8 no 9 41,1 140 25 30,1 120 30 26,2 59 5 6 4.4 43 45 9> 8 J 33 3 54.* 121 55 57,1 151 28 50,1 a +6,90 6,89 6,87 6,87 6,86 6,83 6,82 6,8 1 6,77 6,77 6,74 6,73 6,72 6,69 6,68 6,68 6,67 6,66 6,65 6,64 6,64 6,64 6,6 1 6,6 1 6,6 1 6,58 6,58 6,57 6,57 6,57 6,56 6,55 6.55 6.55 6,54 6,53 6,51 6,48 6,48 6,48 6,46 6,46 6,45 6,45 +6,45 -0^758 0,414 0,054 0,166 0,526 0,404 0,538 0,499 0,387 0,572 0,761 o>454 0,556 0,570 0,557 0,502 o,473 o^SS 0,263 0,74* 0,678 0,381 0,400 0,584 0,505 0,580 0,322 0,530 0,877 o,577 0,578 0,796 0,168 0,419 0,582 0,581 0,526 0,488 ,635 0,527 0,323 0,241 0,587 o,533 0,746 " -9.8057 -9.6739 0.0149 0.0092 4-9.0752 9.7180 -9.2212 -7-8573 9.7864 +9.4615 -9.8078 9.4062 +9.3698 +9.4496 +9.3698 7.4150 9.1824 0.0118 9.9811 +9.7926 +9.7294 9.8079 -9.7432 + 9.5092 + 8.0792 +9-4933 9.9297 +9.0997 +9.8614 +9-4799 +9.4812 +9.8278 0.0109 9.6611 +9.4968 +9.4940 +9.0120 8.9096 +9.6560 +9.0274 -9.9294 -9.9930 +9-5I79 +9.1222 +9-7957 9.4861 +8.1471 +9.4915 +9.4530 -9.2509 +8.5151 -9.2794 9.1464 +8.8245 -9-3449 9.4762 -8.7871 9.3122 9-3354 -9-395 -9.1412 8.9696 +9-4449 +9.3504 94635 -9-4375 + 8.8890 +8.6342 -9.3498 -9.1491 9.3422 +9.2177 -9.2351 -9.4856 -9.3370 -9-33 6 4 -9-47I3 +9.4307 +7.9247 -9.3408 -9.3388 -9.2144 9.0469 9.3964 9.2147 +9.2081 +9.3667 -9.3419 -9.2307 9.4510 +0.8386 0.8383 0.8368 0.8368 0.8365 0.8342 0.8339 0.8331 0.8307 0.8304 0.8285 0.8282 0.8272 0.8254 0.8247 0.8246 0.8241 0.8233 0.8229 0.8223 0.8222 0.8222 0.8201 0.8199 0.8199 0.8180 0.8180 0.8178 0.8176 0.8175 0.8 166 0.8164 0.8 160 0.8159 0.8156 0.8147 0.8135 0.8117 0.8116 0.8114 0.8105 0.8102 0.809$ 0.8095 +0.809^ -9.9727 9.9727 9.9729 9.9729 9.9730 9.9733 9-9733 9-9734 9-9737 9.9738 9.9740 9.9740 9.9742 9-9744 9-9745 9-9745 9.9746 9-9747 9-9747 9.9748 9.9748 9.9748 9.9750 9-975 1 9-975 1 9-9753 9-9753 9-9753 9-9753 9-9754 9-9755 9-9755 9-9755 9-9756 9.9756 9-9757 9.9758 9.9760 9.9761 R48o 62374 M&59, 1415 M66o B.F23i6 R48i 1417 J 4 i6 J 418 M66i,A395 62377 G 2376 B.F23i8 i M662 0,00 +0,05 135 141 1 80 197 ii.2086 ii.igiS 993 996 004 5851 +0,06 +0,30 + 0,02 137 132 187 184 185 ['1.1916 11.1915 11.1917 O,O2 0,14 + 0,08 + 0,13 +0,10 +o,n ... 186 v.2994 ooo 983 5857 5853 138 191 189 190 193 11.1920 11.1919 v.2998 11.1921 006 007 009 015 5860 5863 5864 + 0,01 196 111.2091 6995 5866 O,II V.3OOO 0,02 +0,31 2139 207 11.1922 v.3oo; 7014 7022 7016 7026 6989 7017 6998 7019 7025 7033 5871 5873 5868 5876 5872 5879 5881 + 0,H 0,04 2142 198 212 iii.2O9; 111.2099 -0,34 +0,13 -0,13 +0,40 +0,03 0,0 1 + 0,14 +0,37 2OO 203 111.209: 111.209 2140 2I 9 210 205 2O6 U1.2IO 11.192^ 111.209$ 1U.2IO +0,15 +0,07 214 11.192,* v.300 7024 7037 7031 704C 7 O1 - 5882 588; 0,00 +0,07 +0,14 9.9762 9.9762 9.9763 9.976 9-976 214 214 221 224 11.192 11.192 v.3oo 253 No. Constellation. Mag Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a I c d 5671 5672 5673 5674 5675 5676* 5677 5678* 5679* 5680* 5681 5682 5683 5684* 5685* 5686* 5687* 5688* 5689 5690* 5691 5692 5693 5694* 5695 5696 5697 5698* 5699 5700 5701 5702* 5703 5704* 5705 5706 5707 5708 5709* 5710* 57" 5712 5713 57 14 5715 Scorpii 7 7 7 6 neh 7 si H 7 H 6 H I* H H 8 7 5 6 7 7 4 5 7 6 6 4 *i 6 H 6 Si 6 7 6 6 6 4 6 7i 6 7 5 64 6 h m s 1 6 45 2,42 45 4.99 45 15,18 45 15,37 45 19,58 45 30,64 45 32,11 45 333 45 45.39 45 47,^8 45 50,55 46 10,47 46 13,56 46 15,49 46 17,01 4 6 33,17 46 33.73 4 6 34.93 46 43,66 46 46,61 4 6 5*,59 46 54,83 47 16,83 47 17,07 47 22,63 47 24,88 47 38,81 47 45,68 47 58,84 48 15,32 48 36,34 48 46,64 48 53,i8 49 6,29 49 49,37 50 1,10 50 7,20 5 34>36 50 46,88 5 47,45 50 58,60 51 0,82 51 10,97 51 21,64 1 6 51 38,47 + 3,812 3,825 3,676 2,726 4,106 3,79 2,482 3.837 3,870 3,6i5 4,i56 3,902 4,933 3,839 3,828 2,715 3,670 3,202 4,605 3,836 5,i9 J 2,837 2,278 3,867 3,448 3,896 4,752 3,608 4,844 3,5i6 4,980 2,640 2,450 +3,688 2,809 + 1,713 4,621 2,855 3,662 3,433 3,659 3,486 4,766 2,459 + 5,076 s +0,0123 +0,0125 +0,0103 +0,0019 +0,0170 +0,0119 + 0,0012 + O,OI26 +O,OI30 + 0,0094 + 0,0178 +0,0135 + 0,0346 + 0,0125 + O,OI23 + 0,0019 +0,0101 +0,0049 +0,0265 +0,0124 +0,0411 +0,0024 + 0,0011 +0,0128 +0,0073 +0,0132 +0,0296 +0,0091 +0,0316 +0,0080 +0,0346 +0,0015 + 0,0012 + 0,0100 + O,I2I2 + 0,0026 + 0,0256 + 0,0024 + 0,0094 + 0,O068 + 0,0094 + 0,0074 + 0,0283 + O.OO 1 1 + 0,0354 s +0,007 -8-3947 8.3965 8-3743 8-3451 8.4403 8.3889 8-3704 8.3956 8-3995 8.3634 8-4457 8.4021 8-5737 8.3919 8.3900 8-3387 8.3660 8.3244 8.5168 8.3883 8.6097 8.3274 8.3894 8.3900 8-3359 8.3938 8-5357 8.3510 8-5485 8-3375 8.5664 8.3328 8-3549 8-3532 8.9770 8.4664 8.4984 8-3047 8-3395 8.3141 8.3380 8.3177 8.5155 8-3386 -8.5617 8.8642 8.8663 8.8451 8.8159 8.9115 8.8613 8.8430 8.8682 8-8735 8.8376 8.9202 8.8787 9.0506 8.8690 8.8673 8.8177 8.8450 8.8036 8.9969 8.8687 9.0907 8.8087 8.8730 8.8737 8.8201 8.8782 9.0217 8.8376 9.0366 8.8274 9.0586 8.8261 8.8489 8.8486 9-4771 8.9678 9.0005 8.8098 8.8460 8.8206 8.8458 8.8257 9.0246 8.8490 -9.0739 +0.5811 0.5826 0.5654 0-4355 0.6134 0.5787 0.3948 0.5839 0.5878 0.5582 0.6187 -59 I 3 0.6931 0.5843 0.5830 0.4338 0.5647 0.5054 0.6632 0.5839 0.7152 0.4529 0.3576 0.5874 0.5376 0.5906 0.6769 0.5572 0.6852 0.5461 0.6973 0.4217 0.3892 +0.5668 -0.4485 +0.2339 0.6648 o-4555 0.5637 0-535 6 0.5634 0.5423 0.6781 0.3907 +0.7055 + 8.0981 + 8.1057 + 8.0089 -7-7645 +8.2415 + 8.0825 -7-9949 +8.1093 +8.1268 +7-9599 +8.2590 +8.1412 + 8.4910 +8.1066 + 8.0999 -7.7699 + 7.9967 + 7.3367 +8.4036 +8.1014 +8.5432 -7.5846 -8.1131 +8.1153 +7.7908 +8.1301 + 8.4376 +7.9412 +8.4584 +7.8567 +8.4866 -7.8383 -7.9964 +7.9928 8.9670 8.3290 +8.3862 -7-5274 +7.9632 + 7-7499 + 7.9600 + 7.8079 + 8.4178 -7.9740 + 8.4877 +0,005 0,012 Scorpii 0,001 22 Ophiuchi +0,002 Scorpii Scorpii 0,000 0,008 Arae . . . . Scorpii Herculis Ophiuchi 23 Ophiuchi +0,00 1 -0,057 Arae Scorpii 0,^)04 0,00 1 0,009 53 Herculis +0,009 0,0 1 1 0,000 +0,003 +0,040 o,co6 0,006 0,008 0,005 27 Scorpii Arae g ' 24 Ophiuchi Arae Ophiuchi Arae 54 Herculis 56 Herculis Ophiuchi Ursae Minoris .... Herculis +0,016 Arae 27 Ophiuchi x 0,017 0,000 + 0,010 + 0,001 +0,009 0,001 +0,004 0,028 Ophiuchi Ophiuchi 26 Ophiuchi Ophiuchi Arae g 57 Herculis Arae 254 No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec.Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of fe 1 ! Z 1 & Taylor. 1 I jj ins- ane. Various. of V 5 140 23 52,1 121 5 40,1 149 5 9,0 79 35 i 2 58 2 47,2 122 5 7,6 1 06 33 41,5 123 55.7 H 2 55 2 3>3 112 54 24,1 144 21 19,8 109 17 50,7 146 19 15,7 71 19 21,5 64 I 25,5 "5 5i 15-7 12 14 0,6 43 12 56,9 14 33 53> 6 80 23 16,1 "4 5 I .39. 105 49 43- 6 "4 45 23. 108 o 31,2 143 o 14,9 64 24 45,0 147 29 16,0 n +6,44 6,44 6,43 6 ,43 6,42 6,40 6,40 6,40 6,38 6,38 6,38 6,35 6,35 6,34 6,34 6,32 6,32 6,32 6,30 6,30 6,29 6,29 6,26 6,26 6,25 6,25 6,23 6,22 6,2O 6,18 6,15 6,13 6,12 6,11 6,05 6,03 6,02 5,98 5,97 "97 5.95 5-95 5,93 5>9 2 + 5,89 n 0,526 0,528 0,508 o,377 0,567 0,524 ,343 o,53 o,535 0,500 o,575 0,540 0,683 o,53i o,53 0,376 0,508 o,443 0,638 o,53i 0,719 o,393 0,316 0,536 0,478 0,540 0,659 0,500 0,672 0,488 0,691 0,367 0,340 0,512 +Q.39 1 0,238 0,643 o,397 0,510 0,478 0,510 0,486 0,664 o,343 0,708 // +0,04 -9.0162 -9.0492 -8.2305 -9.8245 -9.4208 +8.9576 9.8992 4-9.0752 +9.1427 -8.3856 +9.4580 4-9.1967 +9.7322 4-9.0818 4-9.0565 9.8287 4-8.1173 -9-5*39 +9.6579 +9.0745 +9.7721 -9.7771 9.9400 4-9.1367 9.1617 4-9.1872 4-9.6962 8.4713 +9-7I59 8.9786 +9.7416 -9.8549 9.9070 +8.3962 O.OIO2 9.9966 + 9.6637 -9.7689 + 7.8865 9.1962 + 7-7634 9.0697 + 9.7005 -9-9 53 + 9 .7580 9.2102 9.2158 -9.1403 +-8.9251 -9.3065 -9.1979 + 9.1286 9.2178 9.2301 9.0992 -9.3156 -9.2396 -9-4I75 9.2147 9.2098 + 8.9296 9.1290 8.5104 -9.3841 9.2IOI -94300 + 8-7535 + 9.2178 9.2194 8.9485 -9.2297 -9.3940 9.0816 9.4000 9.0076 9.4066 + 8.9909 + 9.126^ -0.8091 0.8089 0.8079 0.8079 0.8075 0.8065 0.8063 0.8o62 0.8051 0.8049 0.8046 0.8027 0.8024 0.8023 0.8021 0.8006 0.8005 0.8004 0.7996 0.7993 0.7988 0.7985 0.7964 0.7964 0.7958 0.7956 0.7943 0.7936 0.7923 0.7907 0.7887 0.7876 0.7870 0.7857 0.7814 0.780; 0.7796 0.7769 0.7756 0.7756 0.774 0.7742 -9.9763 9.9764 9-9765 9.9765 9-9765 9.9767 9.9767 9.9767 9.9768 9.9768 9.9769 9.9771 9.9771 9.9771 9.9771 9-9773 9-9773 9-9773 9-9774 9-9775 9-9775 9-9775 9.9778 9.9778 9.9778 9.9778 9.9780 215 i.2I02 041 043 038 046 044 047 051 5889 5890 5892 ^v t> -. c 1419 B.F2330 P 708, J420 ( R482 P 7 o 9 P7io W8 9 i M663 J42i,R483 M66 4 M 665 G 2391 P7ii M666,A397 M667 W8 9 6 R 4 8 4 R 4 8 5 +0,02 +0,04 144 223 216 11.1927 1.2103 0,0 1 H7 225 ii.i930 +0,05 H3 220 11.1928 O,I2 + O,o6 222 v.i 09 6 11.1929 049 034 053 054 059 + 0,09 + 0,13 146 227 11.1931 v.3010 045 058 7036 5897 5895 +o,33 +0,04 0,00 .301 il. IQ72 2150 215 233 2 3 8 ii.i 9 3 7060 O,IO +0,03 +0,05 +0,07 0,19 +0,03 +0,32 0,05 0,00 232 228 ii. IQ7A iii.2io ii.i93 ii.i93 75 590 59 214 234 9.9782 9.9784 9.9786 9.9787 9.9788 9.9789 9-9793 9-9794 9-979 9-9798 9-9799 9-9799 9.9800 9.980 9.980 9.980 9.980, 7052 59 236 ii.i 9 3 v.3oi^ ii.i 9 3 iii.2io 7057 7070 590 215 215 242 243 + 9.4692 + 9.3406 -9.3652 + 8.6974 -9.097 8.9092 -9.0942 8.9622 -9.3733 + 9.1053 -9-3941 +0,03 253 iii.2 1 1 59 1 0,02 +0,16 +0,14 4-0,08 +0,06 0,0 1 +0,03 215 215 215 252 248 250 249 251 ii.i 9 4 ii.i 93 iii.2i i ii.194 ii.i 94 v.3oi |iii.2ii 7082 708. 707 707: 592 592 0.772 +0.7704 215 257 255 No. Constellation. Mag. Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Animal Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a I c d 5716* 57*7 5718 5719 5720 5721 5722 5723 57*4 5725* 5726* 57*7 5728 5729 573 * 573i 5732* 5733 5734 5735 5736 5737* 573** 5739* 5740 574i* 574** 5743* 5744* 5745* 5746* 5747 5748 5749 5750* 575 1 575* 5753 5754 5755 5756* 5757* 5758 5759 5760 6* 5* 6 6 7 7 6 6 6 7 6 6 6 6 7 3 6 7 6 5 6* 7 7 7 5 7 7 7 7 6 7 5 6 5* 7 Si 5* H 7 7i 7 6 6 7 6 h m s 16 5* 5.75 5i 59>*7 52 11,08 5* 34.37 52 42,94 5* 45.43 52 46,54 53 4.9 8 53 9. 1 9 53 9-49 53 io.5 53 ii, 60 53 18,85 53 46,16 54 22,90 54 33.'7 54 43,66 54 47.3* 54 5 1 .* 54 57,6 55 .o6 55 .75 55 6 . 6 7 55 8,63 55 x *.55 55 13.48 55 19.48 55 *3.i* 55 3o.5i 55 40,66 55 5*,H 5 6 4.15 56 14,93 56 15,81 56 24,35 56 28,60 56 36,84 56 45,61 5 6 45.84 56 47,72 56 56,06 57 3.86 57 H,76 57 35,70 16 57 48,53 8 + 2,712 0,801 3,867 5,880 3.374 3.871 4,964 3.503 3,160 3.859 2,917 6,343 0,627 4,059 3,64* 2,295 2,723 3,682 o,595 3,933 4.35 3.763 3,686 3.847 0,271 3>677 3.643 3,620 3,68i 0,282 3,545 2,211 3,318 *,743 3,77* 5,437 1,097 *>754 4,534 3,7o8 3,812 *>755 3,574 3.707 + 3,086 s +0,0017 +0,0111 +0,0118 +0,0574 +0,0060 +0,0118 +0,0321 +0,0073 +0,0042 +0,0115 +0,0026 +0,0722 +0,0133 +0,0144 +0,0087 +0,0010 +0,0018 +0,0091 +0,0134 +0,0123 +0,0180 +0,0100 +0,0091 +O,OIII +0,0184 +0,0090 +0,0086 +0,0083 +0,0090 +0,0181 +0,0074 +0,0010 +0,0053 +0,0018 +0,0099 +0,0416 +0,0070 +0,0018 +0,0215 +0,0091 +0,0103 +0,0018 +0,0076 +0,0090 +0,0035 s -8.3073 8.5990 8.3599 8.6688 8.2972 8.3569 8.5368 8.3065 8.2837 8-35*3 8.2856 8.7208 8.6149 8.3800 8.3142 8.3413 8.2880 8.3166 8.6088 8.3520 8.4131 8.3262 8.3150 8.3375 8.6495 8.3131 8.3081 8.3048 8.3117 8.6448 8.2929 8.3441 8.2705 8.2762 8.3182 8.5821 8.5230 8.2720 8.4394 8.3067 8.3202 8.2699 8.2868 8.3010 8.2521 8.8209 9.1136 8.8758 9.1874 8.8168 8.8767 9.0567 8.8286 8.8062 8.8749 8.8083 9.2436 9- I 3*5 8.9068 8.8452 8.8736 8.8215 8.8505 9.1432 8.8871 8.9485 8.8617 8.8512 8.8739 9.1863 8.8501 8.8457 8.8430 8.8507 9.1850 8.8345 8.8871 8.8148 8.8206 8.8636 9.1280 9.0700 8.8199 8.9874 8.8549 8.8695 8.8200 8.8383 8.8551 8.8078 +0.4332 9.9037 0-5874 0.7694 0.5281 0.5879 0.6958 0.5444 0-4997 0.5864 0.4650 0.8023 9.7972 0.6084 0.5614 0.3608 0.4350 0.5661 9.7742 0.5948 0.6340 -575 6 0.5666 0.5851 9.4330 0-5655 0.5615 0.5588 0.5660 9.4498 0.5497 0.3445 0.5208 0.4382 0.5766 0-7353 0.0401 0.4400 0.6564 0.5692 0.5811 0.4401 o.553i 0.5690 +0.4894 -7.7391 -8-539 1 +8.0831 +8.6279 +7.6599 + 8.0815 + 8.4551 +7.8116 + 7.1265 +8.0718 -7.3603 +8.6899 -8.5622 + 8.1657 + 7-9*39 8.0551 -7.7059 +7-9503 -8-557* +8.0985 +8.2540 +8.0029 +7.9508 +8.0513 8.6080 +7-9437 +7-9178 + 7.8998 +7-9446 8.6030 +7.8327 8.0893 +7.5461 7.6692 + 7.9986 +8-5*59 8.4462 7.6502 + 8.3150 +7.9542 +8.0184 7.6470 +7.8480 + 7.9476 +6.3281 0,00 1 0,204 0,02 1 0,000 0,001 0,002 Trianguli Aust 0,017 0,000 0,001 +0,00 1 +0,014 0,007 0,017 Draconis Scorpii Ophiuchi j n Draconis h^ +0,032 Ophiuchi Ophiuchi +0,008 0,007 0,013 0,000 0,002 +0,005 20 Draconis h? 59 Herculis d Ophiuchi Herculis Scorpii Arae +0,084 +0,015 0,005 +0,016 0,007 Draconis Herculis Arae , Ophiuchi , Scorpii Herculis 0,000 +0,00 1 0,003 + 0,004 Ophiuchi Ophiuchi Ophiuchi 256 No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of i M S Taylor. 1 Jris- ane. Various. a' V 3 155 3 54,9 103 19 33-9 122 i 55,4 H5 5 6 25,6 108 39 32,0 93 59 3 2 .9 121 36 28,7 83 10 40,6 158 37 43- 1 27 39 38,4 127 37 3M 114 i 25,4 58 5 55-8 74 49 35. 1 115 28 45,5 27 23 56,3 123 54 23,0 133 53 2 4,9 118 21 26,5 US 3 6 54,7 121 9 15,5 24 38 10,6 115 17 21,1 114 i 32,6 113 10 24,4 115 25 37,8 24 43 5 6 -8 no 16 48,9 56 12 40,5 ioo 52 25,3 75 41 18,5 118 37 28,4 151 28 26,6 33 5 l6 - 76 10 39,9 138 40 31,1 Il6 22 11,2 119 56 22,3 76 12 47,7 III 21 2,4 116 18 16,1 90 40 57,4 + 5 ",88 5.87 5,85 5,82 5,8o 5,80 5,80 5,77 5.77 5.77 5.77 5.76 5-75 5.72 5,66 5.65 5. 6 4 5.63 5,62 5,62 5,6' 5.6i 5,60 5,60 5,59 5-59 5.59 5,58 5.57 5,56 5.54 S.S 2 5.5i 5.5i 5.49 5.49 5.48 5.4 6 5.4 6 5.4 6 5,45 5.44 5.42 5.39 + 5.38 -0,378 0,112 0,540 0,821 0,471 0.54' 0,693 0,489 0,441 o.539 0,408 0,886 0,088 0,567 0,510 0,321 0,381 0,515 0,083 0.55 1 0,603 0,527 0,516 0.539 0,038 o,5 1 5 0,510 0,507 0,516 0,040 o,497 0,310 0,465 0,385 0,529 0,763 0,154 0,387 0,636 0,520 o,535 0,387 0,502 0,521 -o,434 a 9.8301 0.0196 +9.1377 +9-8395 -9.3047 + 9-H55 +9.7404 9.0204 -9-5 6 37 +9.1219 9.7362 +9.8656 0.0212 + 9.3829 -7.7709 -9.9384 -9.8261 + 8.3243 O.O22O + 9.2438 +9-5477 +8.8698 +8.3766 +9.0983 0.0228 +8.2504 -7.7324 8.3222 + 8.3I39 0.0230 8.8692 -9.9520 9.3888 -9.8184 +8.9020 +9.8048 0.0182 -9.8138 +9.6395 +8.5866 +9.0179 -9.8135 8.7300 + 8-5775 -9.6257 +8.8987 +9.4062 9.1880 -9-42I5 8.8241 9.1858 -9-3794 8.9642 -8.3015 -9.1781 +8-5333 -9.4275 +9.4050 -9.2405 9.0606 +9.1635 + 8.8665 9.0819 +9.3962 -9.1937 9.2878 -9.1235 9.0820 -9-'597 +9.4041 9.0761 -9.0545 9.0393 -9.0764 +9.4007 -8.9810 +9.1851 -8.7143 +8.8316 9.1181 9.3810 +9-3594 +8.8135 -9.3109 9.0826 -9.1323 +8.8104 -8.9932 9.0762 7.5042 +0.7691 0.7682 0.7670 0.7646 0.7637 0.7634 0.7633 0.7614 0.7609 0.7609 0.7608 0.7607 0-7599 0.7570 0.7531 0.7520 0.7509 0-7505 0.7501 0.7494 0.7491 0.7490 0.7484 0.7482 0.7478 0-7477 0.7470 0.7466 0.7458 0.7447 0.7434 0.7421 0.7409 0.7408 0.7399 0-7394 0-7385 0-7375 0.7375 0-7373 0.7363 0-7355 0.7342 0.7319 +0.7304 -9.9805 9.9806 9.9807 9.9809 9.9810 9.9810 9.9810 9.9812 9.9813 9-98i3 9.9813 9.9813 9.9814 9.9816 9.9820 9.9821 9.9821 9.9822 9.9822 9.9823 9.9823 9.9823 9.9824 9.9824 9.9824 9.9824 9.9825 9.9825 9.9826 9.9827 9.9828 9.9829 9.9830 9.9830 9.9831 9.9831 9.9832 9-9833 9-9833 9.9833 9.9834 9.9834 9-9835 9.9837 -9.9838 B.F 2341 62390 M668 B.F 2343 02393 B.F2345 M66 9 62395 P7I2.J422 M6 7 o M 671 , W 9 oi B.F 2348 62399 ^400 B.F 2349 R 4 86 B.F 2350 M 672 M6 73 +0,13 2,02 +0,33 +0,05 255 ii.I943 7089 7079 7092 5933 5930 593 6 5935 260 259 iii.2ii7 iv.iio5 0,01 +0,05 2158 2159 261 263 ii.i944 11.1945 7096 -0,53 7069 5932 +0,32 111.3025 7101 7108 5942 i 0,07 2161 272 11.1948 +0,08 + 0,01 +0,05 0,22 269 282 268 11.1946 111.212* 11.1947 v.3029 7109 7106 71 11 5950 5949 7"4 7110 7Il6 7119 712 O,O I 2169 286 11.1950 + 0,19 0,O3 + 0,09 0,03 + 0,13 + 0,05 2160 2170 2165 2163 271 290 273 280 277 279 111.2123 iii.2i25 11.1949 11.1952 11.1951 11.1953 7128 7102 595 +o,47 -o,37 -j-0,02 + 0,26 +0,05 2164 291 283 111.2128 111.2127 71l8 278 iii.2i26 7112 + 0,15 + 0,08 + O,o6 + 0,14 2166 2162 285 281 284 289 ii.i9SS 11.1954 111.2129 11.1956 713 B.A.C. (2K) No. Constellation. Mag. Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a b c d 5761 5762* 5763* 5764 5765 5766* 5767* 5768* 5769 577 5772 5773* 5774 5775 5776* 5777* 5778* 5779 578o 5781 5782 5783 5784 5785* 5786 5787* 5788 5789 579 579 1 * 5792* 5793* 5794 5795 5796* 5797 5798* 5799* 5800* 5801 5802 5803 5804 5805 Si 7 7 7 5 6 7 6 6 Si 6 6 6 6 7* 3* 7 4 6 6 7 4 rt 6 5 7* 5* 7 7 6* 6 6 7 6 7 6 6* 6 5 5f 6 6 h m s 16 57 59,03 S 8 7.39 58 7.55 58 17,06 58 25,43 58 25,71 58 43,21 59 12,63 59 J 7,55 59 19,97 59 32,46 16 59 50,36 17 o 18,37 o 29,55 o 31,09 o 50,42 i 18,79 i 24,62 1 2 5,45 i 29,87 i 46,80 * 54,83 2 7,8 1 2 10,47 2 13,87 2 21,57 2 36,13 2 42,98 2 5L57 2 53.36 3 0,89 3 2,40 3 13,65 3 3i,74 4 36,54 4 38,95 4 44.95 4 5 J ,23 4 5M9 4. 53.93 4 54,77 5 23,65 5 25,22 5 28,66 17 5 36,79 + 6*106 3,841 2,147 2,774 5,655 3,666 + 3,821 - 1,245 +4.332 3,475 4,333 5,558 3,090 1,822 1,583 2,147 4,278 +3,522 -6,467 +3,43 4.I3 1 6,085 3.554 1,244 2,475 2,837 2,125 3,727 1,956 3,677 3,747 3,889 10,990 1,466 3,75 0,955 2,481 5,587 3.727 1,148 2,823 6,632 3,926 +4,247 8 + 0,0593 + O,OIO5 + 0,0011 +0,0328 +0,0019 +0,0460 +0,0084 +0,0101 s -0,034 8.6590 8.3163 8.3400 8-5225 8.2591 8.5982 8.2879 8.3058 8.7848 8.3873 8.2605 8.3838 8.5711 8.2335 8.3764 8.4141 8.3170 8.3629 8.2517 9.0976 8.2403 8.3346 8.6254 8.2495 8.4587 8.2615 8.2251 8.3100 8.2657 8-3363 8.2580 8.2672 8.2862 9.0028 8.4044 8.2551 8-4833 8.2418 8-5395 8.2501 8.4526 8.2046 8.6617 8.2744 8.3252 -9.2159 8-8743 8.8979 9.0816 8.8192 9.1584 8.8502 8.8718 9-35H 8.9542 8.8290 8-9545 9-H53 8.8092 8-9523 8.9924 8.8990 8-9457 8.8345 9.6812 8.8259 8.9212 9.2137 8.8382 9.0478 8.8516 8.8171 8.9030 8.8598 8.9306 8.8533 8.8627 8.8832 9.6022 9.0126 8.8636 9.0927 8.8519 9.1498 8.8606 9.0632 8.8192 9.2765 8.8898 8.9416 +0.7857 0.5844 0-3318 0.7092 0.4431 0.7524 0.5642 +0.5822 0.0951 +0.6367 0.5410 0.6368 0.7449 0.4900 0.2605 0.1995 0.3318 0.6313 +0.5468 0.8107 +0-5353 0.6160 0.7843 0.5507 0.0949 0.3937 0.4528 0.3273 0.5713 0.2913 0.5655 0.5737 0.5898 1.0410 0.1660 0.5740 9-9799 0.3946 0.7471 0.5713 0.060 1 0.4508 0.8216 0.5940 +0.6281 +8.6230 + 8.0266 -8.1053 + 8.4501 7.6096 + 8.5500 +7.9104 + 8.0072 8.7662 + 8.2318 + 7.7364 +8.2283 + 8.5192 +6.4187 8.2184 8.2919 8.0812 + 8.1970 + 7.7696 -9.0937 + 7.6681 +8.1364 + 8.5886 +7.7930 -8.3702 -7.8823 -7-475 -8.0806 +7.9205 -8.1507 +7.8850 +7.9326 +8.0134 +8.9970 -8.2951 + 7.9212 8.4140 -7.8582 + 8.4882 +7.9041 -8.3709 -7.4762 +8.6345 + 8.0148 +8.1520 6 1 Herculis c +0,015 0,026 +0,007 Ursae Minoris .... +0,0172 +0,0064 +0,0171 +0,0420 +0,0033 +0,0018 +0,0030 +0,0010 +0,0158 +0,0066 +0,2928 +0,0057 +0,0135 +0,0546 +0,0068 +0,0051 +0,0010 +0,0020 +0,0011 +0,0084 +0,0014 +0,0079 +0,0086 +0,0101 +0,2770 +0,0034 +0,0084 +0,0074 +0,0010 +0,0394 +0,0082 +0,0057 +0,0019 +0,0671 +0,0102 +0,0142 0,003 0,015 +0,006 +0,010 0,007 +0,00 1 -0,055 +0,005 0,013 +0,003 + 0,002 0,008 + O,OO I 22 Ursse Minoris . . s 3 5 Ophiuchi it Scorpii Ophiuchi 21 Draconis if* 62 Herculis Ophiuchi Herculis O,002 O,OOO Ophiuchi Herculis Ophiuchi Ophiuchi Apodis O,O2 1 + O,OO7 Draconis Ophiuchi Draconis + 0,019 + 0,026 63 Herculis Ans Ophiuchi 0,002 0,003 + O,OO2 + 0,006 0,001 -0,037 Draconis 3 7 Ophiuchi Apodis i Scorpii Scorpii 2 5 8 No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec.Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of | i Taylor. B Bris- bane. Various. a' V 8 54 28 1 6,8 133 2 4,8 109 14 27,4 7 43 27.9 105 32 1,9 129 18 47,2 156 45 22,3 no 27 23,8 35 i9 53.i 65 18 55,7 79 45 26,2 53 S^ 0,0 116 50 55,0 49 *7 6,5 "5 3 59. 1 117 34 10,9 122 15 6,3 170 42 4,9 38 57 53.9 117 36 47,8 3i 3* 3, 1 65 34 30,6 152 42 4,4 116 47 57,0 34 2 25,4 79 13 43.2 159 57 18,6 123 22 8,6 132 9 37.9 +5'.36 5.35 5.35 5-34 5.32 5.32 5.30 5,26 5.25 5.25 5.23 5,20 5.i7 5.i5 5.i5 5.12 5,08 5-7 5.07 5,06 5.4 5.03 5,01 5,01 5,00 4.99 4.97 4,96 4-95 4,95 4,94 4.93 4.92 4,89 4,80 4,8o 4.79 4,78 4,78 4,78 4.77 4,73 4-73 4,73 +4.72 a -0,858 0,540 0,302 0,720 0,390 o,795 0,516 -o,538 +o,i75 0,610 0,489 0,6 10 0,783 0,436 0,257 0,223 0,303 0,604 -0,497 +>9 I 3 0,484 0,583 0,859 0,502 0,176 o,35 0,401 0,300 0,527 0,276 0,520 0,530 0,550 M54 0,208 0.53 1 o,i35 o,35i 0,791 0,528 0,163 0,400 0,940 0,557 0,602 a +0,19 +9-8558 +9.0867 9.9610 +9.7670 -9-8055 +9-8255 + 8.O2I2 + 9.0422 0.0208 + 9.5617 9.0980 + 9.5622 + 9.8179 9.6223 -9.9929 0.0063 9.9616 +9-5354 -8.9586 0.0074 9.2011 +9-4433 +9.8564 -8.8338 -0.0175 -9.9024 -9.7776 -9.9647 +8.7033 9.9828 +8.2430 +8.8055 +9.1773 + 9-9479 0.0119 +8.8169 0.0231 -9.9013 + 9.8222 + 8.7042 0.0202 -9.7838 + 9.8832 + 9.2358 + 9.5194 -9.3910 -9.1363 +9.1914 -9-3525 +8-7745 -9-3757 -9.0445 9.1200 +9-3994 9.2622 -8.8921 -9.2587 -9-3589 -7.5948 +9.2512 +9.2849 +9.1679 -9.2370 8.9207 +9.3982 8.8280 9.2010 9.3609 -8.9408 +9.3085 +9.0167 + 8.6441 +9.1639 -9.0470 +9.2065 9.0181 -9.0563 -9.1168 -9.3815 +9.2697 9.0448 +9.3086 +8.9936 -9.3258 9.0308 +9.2950 +8.6445 -9-345 6 -9.1127 9.1981 +0.7292 0.7283 0.7283 0.7272 0.7262 0.7262 0.7242 0.7208 0.7202 0.7199 0.7185 0.7164 0.7130 0.7117 0.7115 0.7092 0.7058 0.7051 0.7050 0.7044 0.7024 0.7015 0.6999 0.6995 0.6991 0.6982 0.6964 0.6955 0.6945 0.6943 0.6933 0.6931 0.6917 0.6895 0.6812 0.6809 0.6802 0.6794 0.6793 0.6790 0.6789 0.6752 0.6750 0.6745 +0.6735 -9.9839 9.9840 9.9840 9.9841 9.9841 9.9841 9.9843 9.9845 9.9846 9.9846 9.9847 9.9849 9.9851 9.9852 9.9852 9-9854 9.9856 9.9857 9.9857 9-9857 9.9858 9.9859 9.9860 9.9860 9.9861 9.9861 9.9862 9.9863 9.9864 9.9864 9.9864 9.9865 9.9865 9.9867 9.9872 9.9872 9-9873 9-9873 9.9873 9-9873 9-9873 9.9876 9.9876 9.9876 -9.9877 7107 7139 7124 7115 7H5 7150 5962 5965 R 4 8 7 G 2411 B.F2352 W 9 o6 62408 L2 93 1424 M675, J425 B.F2359 P 7 i 9 B.F2356 62415 6^2365 B.F 2360 +0,05 0,26 0,02 2168 295 iii.2I32 2167 293 11.1957 5971 + 0,15 +0,23 297 294 11.1958 v. 3 o3 9 7H7 7134 5975 + O,I2 +0,04 +0,19 0,07 +0,33 +0,06 0,00 0,12 +0,16 -0,95 +0,19 0,03 +0,08 2172 22OI 2171 303 307 310 11.1959 111.2138 111.2139 302 305 36 306 11.1960 111.2140 11.1964 11.1961 v.30 4 6 7155 5987 7159 7142 599 5986 2175 2173 309 4 2 111.2141 11.1962 iii.2143 +0,02 +0,08 3 311 11.1963 iv. 1 1 14 7l65 7169 7167 7l66 7088 7175 5982 0,16 0,04 .... *9 ii.z 146 + 0,10 0,08 2177 20 ii iii.2149 v. 1 1 1 7 7l6l 7178 7156 7179 7177 5999 6008 6009 + 0,12 + 0,03 + O,OI 0,06 -f-o,o6 +0,05 2174 2I 7 8 6 22 16 11.1965 01.2150 11.1966 ... 9 111.2148 (2*2) 259 No. Constellation. Mag. Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a b c d 5806 5807 5808 5809* 5810 5811 5812 5813* 5814* 5815* 5816* 58i7 5818* 5819* 5820* 5821 5822 S*3 5824* 58*5 5826* 5827 5828 5829 583 5831* 583* 5833* 5834 5835* 5836 5837 5838* 5839 5840 5841 5842 5843 5844 5845 5846 5847 5848* 5849* 5850 6 64 4* 64 4 6 7 7 6 7* 7 5* 7 6 7 3* *i 3 * 6 7 Si 4 7 4* 6 6 64 3* 6 6 6 7 64 si 6 4 6 44 44 7 4* 7 7 3 h m s 17 5 57." 5 59. 6 9 6 7,91 6 16,48 6 22,89 6 25.35 6 46,68 7 >36 7 4.48 7 13.38 7 H.68 7 18,51 7 i9> 21 7 39.32 7 45.58 7 48,55 8 20,60 8 21,95 8 34.95 8 44.24 8 49,81 8 52.27 8 52,29 8 52,33 8 55.17 8 57,71 9 0,65 9 36,85 9 49.5 1 9 57,74 10 0,41 10 48,35 10 56,29 II 9,63 II 15,17 ii 33,97 ii 47,24 12 0,94 12 1,09 12 23,66 12 29,99 12 30,03 12 32,37 12 40,74 17 12 46,98 s +5,280 3,933 3,7i5 3,822 +6,227 1,960 +4.623 3,7i5 5-672 3,681 3,681 3,900 3,827 4.449 3,822 2,732 3.719 o^S? 3,897 3,977 3,814 3.654 2,462 3.654 3,077 3.649 5.938 3,86i 2,088 5,600 5,148 S.38i 3,801 3.485 0,501 2,816 2,213 4.489 3.571 3.365 3,674 2,068 3,837 3,819 +5,028 s +0,0319 +0,0101 +0,0079 +0,0089 +0,0543 +0,0638 +0,0194 +0,0077 +0,0397 +0,0073 +0,0074 +0,0096 +0,0088 +0,0165 +0,0086 +0,0015 +0,0075 +0,0162 +0,0093 +0,0102 +0,0084 +0,0069 +0,0009 +0,0069 +0,0028 +0,0069 +0,0443 +0,0088 + 0,0010 +0,0360 +0,0269 +0,0309 +0,0079 +0,0053 +0,01 1 1 +0,0017 +0,0009 +0,0156 +0,0058 +0,0043 +0,0066 + 0,0010 +0,0080 +0,0079 +0,0234 s 0,002 +0,009 0,032 -8.4873 8.2713 8.2388 8.2525 8.6082 8.7902 8.3781 8.2316 8.5327 8.2255 8.2254 8.2555 8.2448 8.3421 8.2404 8.1917 8.2212 8.5620 8.2446 8.2556 8.2303 8.2085 8.2116 8.2084 8.1684 8.2070 8.5506 8.2304 8.2583 8.4982 8.4332 8.4602 8.2102 8.1700 8.4920 8.1537 8.2214 8.3104 8.I 7 I3 8.1490 8.1792 8.2376 8.2010 8.1972 8.3898 9.1066 8.8909 8.8595 8.8744 9.2310 9.4134 9.0043 8.8597 9.1614 8.8555 8.8555 8.8862 8.8756 8-9757 8.8749 8.8267 8.8608 9.2018 8.8863 8.8986 8.8742 8.8527 8.8558 8.8527 8.8130 8.8520 9.1961 8.8812 8.9110 9.1521 9-0875 9.1218 8.8729 8.8348 9.1576 8.8222 8.8920 8.9831 8.8440 8.8252 8.8564 8.9148 8.8785 8.8761 -9.0697 +0.7226 0.5947 0.5700 0.5823 +0-7943 0.2922 +0.6649 0.5699 0-7537 0.5660 0.5660 0.5910 0.5829 0.6483 0.5823 0.4365 0.5704 9.1967 0.5908 0.5996 0.5814 0.5628 0.3913 0.5628 0.4881 0.5621 0.7736 0.5867 0.3197 0.7482 0.7116 0.7309 -5799 0.5422 9.6996 0.4496 0.3450 0.6521 0.5528 0.5270 0.5651 0.3156 0.5840 0.5820 +0.7014 +8.4227 +8.0139 +7.8864 +7.9518 +8.5741 -8.7762 + 8.2626 +7-8785 +8.4842 +7-8536 +7.8535 +7.9856 +7.9460 +8.2036 +7.9391 -7.5923 +7-8701 -8.5224 +7-9734 + 8.0122 + 7.9252 + 7.8198 -7.8378 + 7.8197 + 5.8439 + 7.8146 + 8.5098 +7-9447 8.0376 + 8.4469 +8.3609 +8.4000 +7-8985 +7.6504 8.4421 -7-4355 7.9606 +8.1768 +7.7246 +7.4908 +7.8010 8.0215 +7.9044 +7.8931 +8.3095 3 6 Ophiuchi A +0,031 Ursae Minoris 0,058 0,036 0,011 0,005 +0,025 +0,002 0,00 1 + 0,002 + O,OII +0,107 22 Draconis Scorpii 39 Ophiuchi 0,000 0,003 +0,003 +0,005 +0,008 0,063 65 Herculis 8 Ophiuchi 41 Ophiuchi Ophiuchi Arse Scorpii 67 Herculis it 0,000 Arse Arsj 0,009 0,015 Ane Ophiuchi +0,00 1 +0,007 +0,002 0,001 + 0,001 + O,O2I + 0,006 O,OO2 0,001 Draconis Ophiuchi 68 Herculis u Arae i 40 Ophiuchi C 53 Serpentis y Ophiuchi 69 Herculis ... . e Scorpii Ophiuchi Arse y 0,001 260 No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec.Var Proper Motion. Logarithms of K Taylor. Lacaille. Bris- bane Various. a' *' (/ d' 5806 5807 5808 5809 5810 5811 5812 58i3 5814 58iS 5816 5817 5818 5819 5820 5821 5822 5823 5824 5825 5826 5827 5828 5829 5830 5831 5832 5833 534 5835 5836 5837 5838 1 II 149 31 25,6 123 33 28,5 116 22 36,9 120 I 29,0 iS7 3 6 19.4 14 29 49,1 140 i 51,5 116 19 28,1 J S3 *5 i3 115 7 48,5 115 8 12,3 122 29 5,1 I2O IO 2O,2 136 37 48,8 "9 59 4-4 75 26 5,5 116 27 28,4 24 6 1,6 122 22 59,5 124 49 2,3 "9 4i 43.7 114 7 3,2 64 58 49,8 114 6 54,5 90 16 16,5 113 54 4,2 *55 32 39> 6 121 II 49,2 53 i 5.5 152 42 27,3 147 51 8,0 150 31 11,7 119 12 7,2 i7 35 38,3 26 57 15,6 78 58 8,6 5 6 44 S.i 137 18 54,2 no 56 45,9 102 41 20,4 114 45 1,6 52 32 52,1 120 20 46,8 119 46 2O,O 146 13 43,8 a +4.69 4,68 4.67 4,66 4.65 4.65 4,62 4,60 4.59 4,58 4.58 4.57 4.57 4.54 4.53 4.53 4.48 4.48 4,46 4.45 4.44 4.44 4.44 4.44 4.43 4.43 4.43 4.37 4.3 6 4.34 4-34 4. 2 7 4,26 4,24 4> 2 3 4,21 4>!9 4.i7 4.17 4.H 4.i3 43 4,12 4,11 +4,10 ;; -0.749 0,558 0,527 0,542 0,883 +0,278 0,656 0,527 0,805 0,523 0,523 o,554 0,544 0,632 0,543 0,388 0,529 0,022 >554 0,566 0.543 0,520 0,350 0,520 0,438 0,519 0,845 0,550 0,297 o,797 o,733 0,767 0,542 o>497 0,071 0,402 0,316 0,640 0,510 0,480 0,524 0,295 0,548 o,545 -0,718 a +0,23 0,07 + 1,14 +9.7909 +9-*453 +8.6365 +9.0453 +9.8658 0.0214 +9.6693 +8.6304 +9.8302 +8.3139 +8.3160 +9.1954 +9.0577 +9.6129 +9.0449 9.8228 + 8.6609 0.0282 +9.1923 +9.3019 +9.0257 +7.3802 9.9061 +7.3617 -9.6329 -7.1761 -9.8502 -9.1281 -9.9703 -9.8252 +9.7750 -9.8041 -8.9908 -9.0730 0.0286 -9.7875 -9-9539 -9.6282 -8.7451 -9.3191 +8.1931 -9.9729 -9.0788 -9.0386 +9-7578 -9.3040 9.1108 9.0148 -9.0653 -9.3311 +9.3508 -9.2465 9.0070 -9.3111 8.9865 8.9864 -9.0878 -9,0589 9.2164 9.0528 +8.7542 8.9981 +9.3095 9.0761 9.1026 9.0402 -8.9562 +8-97" -8.9561 -7.0199 -8.9517 -9.3029 -9.0529 +9.1161 -9.2844 9.2630 9.2682 9.0156 8.8057 +9.2745 +8.6035 +9.0590 9.1841 8.8710 -8.6561 -8-9353 +9.0974 9.0165 9.0078 9.2306 +0.6708 0.6705 0.6694 0.6682 0.6674 0.6671 0.6642 0.6624 0.6618 0.6606 0.6605 0.6599 0.6599 0.6571 0.6563 0.6559 0.6515 0.6513 0.6495 0.6482 0.6474 0.6471 0.6471 0.6471 0.6467 0.6463 0.6459 0.6408 0.6391 0.6379 0.6375 0.6306 0.6295 0.6275 0.6267 0.6239 0.6220 0.6200 0.6199 0.6166 0.6156 0.6156 0.6153 0.6140 +0.6131 -9.9878 9.9878 9.9879 9.9880 9.9880 9.9880 9.9882 9.9883 9.9883 9.9884 9.9884 9.9884 9.9884 9.9886 9.9886 9.9886 9.9889 9.9889 9.9890 9.9890 9.9891 9.9891 9.9891 9.9891 9.9891 9.9891 9.9892 9.9894 9.9895 9.9896 9.9896 9.9899 9.9900 9.9901 9.9901 9.9902 9.9903 9.9904 9.9904 9.9906 9.9906 9.9906 9.9906 9.9907 -9.9907 7170 7187 7192 7191 7162 6006 6007 R488 M676.J426 G 2427 R48 9 B.F2363 M6 7 8 J427 M679 W 9 ii G 2430 B.F2377 M68o,J428 J43i B.F2373 1429,11490 2I 7 6 IO J 7 ii.1967 +0,04 0,89 + 1,15 2179 21 111.2153 7183 7203 7173 720? 7202 7206 7195 7212 7220 7216 7215 7222 7224 6022 6026 6027 2180 0,10 23 11.1969 0,05 +0,09 0,0 1 2183 2193 2 9 27 42 28 11.1970 ii.i97i ii.i977 ii.i972 +0,38 0,00 +0,15 +0,04 +0,06 + O,I2 + 0,03 181 185 184 182 32 35 3i 34 33 ii.i 9 73 ii.i976 IV.II23 11.1975 ii.i974 7225 7185 7227 7199 7213 7214 7238 6024 6035 6038 0,04 187 39 ii.i978 +O,II + 0,01 .3050 v-3052 5839 5840 5841 5842 5843 5844 5845 5846 5847 5848 5849 5850 +0,03 +0,03 +0,09 0,02 +0,2 1 +0,19 0,03 + 0,10 O,II 191 194 43 61 50 56 ii.1979 iii.2i6i ii.igSo ii.igSz v.3053 ii.igSi 11.1985 .11.2162 11.1987 7236 6046 186 190 188 195 47 52 5 1 59 7250 7246 7248 7233 6048 0,00 11.1981 261 No. Constellation. Masr. Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a b c d 5851 5852 5853 S8S4* 5855 5856 S8S7 5858 S8S9 5860 5861* 5862 5863 5864 5865 5866 5867 5868 5869* 5870 5871 5872 S873 5874 5875 5876 5877 5878* 5879* 5880 5881* 5882* 5883* 5884 5885 5886 5887 5888 5889 5890* 5891 5892* 5893 5894* 5895* 4.2 Ophiuchi 3* 3 6 neh. 6 6 6 7 5 5* 7 7 6 6 5* 6 6 7 7 6 6 6 7 6 7 5 4 7 7 7 4 7 6 *i 6^ 4 6 6 7 Si 6* 7 4* 6 Si fa m f 17 12 48,15 12 50,58 13 0,24 13 6 13 2I >35 13 42.59 13 55.54 13 58.3 1 14 18,14 14 43.59 14 54,12 14 55,84 J S 2 >95 IS 3,25 IS 3!.H IS 43.78 15 48,12 IS 56,39 IS 5 6 . 6 3 16 i, 60 16 6,80 1 6 14,45 1 6 42,73 16 48,19 1 6 48,74 17 12,86 17 34.51 17 39,42 17 42,31 17 43.95 17 46,77 17 47,97 17 5,3i 1 8 4,07 18 10,58 18 30,68 18 33-53 18 37,23 18 39,23 1 8 40,63 18 47,38 19 1,04 J 9 4,47 J 9 4.47 17 19 H.5i s + 3,677 4.966 i>S*9 1,845 4,33 6 2,640 3,767 3,680 4,660 2,469 3,783 3,646 2,230 4,738 4,662 3,582 4.415 3.658 3.8i4 4,760 1,693 4.948 3.753 1,964 3.777 3,656 5,398 3,706 3.715 3.584 3,821 3,788 2,510 3,8i7 3,423 +2,069 0,964 + 3,359 5,080 3.185 4,049 .3,869 2,972 2,892 +2,076 s +0,0066 +0,0224 +0,0026 -[-0,0015 +0,0132 +0,00 1 1 +0,0072 +0,0064 +0,0171 +0,0008 +0,0071 +0,0060 +0,0008 +0,0179 +0,0167 +0,0054 +0,0134 +0,0059 +0,0072 +0,0179 +0,0,018 +0,0205 +0,0066 + 0,0011 +0,0068 +0,0057 +0,0268 +0,0061 +0,0062 +0,0052 +0,0070 +0,0067 +0,0009 +0,0069 +0,0041 +0,0008 +0,0291 +0,0037 +0,0212 +0,0028 +0,0088 +0,0072 +0,0019 +0,0016 +0,0009 s + 0,003 0,000 + 0,026 -8.1768 8.3798 8.3233 8.2686 8.2727 8.1486 8.1783 8.1664 8.3171 8.1582 8.1712 8.1531 8.1885 8.3224 8.3056 8.1379 8.2623 8.1447 8.1655 8.3164 8.2647 8-3439 8.1494 8.2132 8.1517 8.1319 8.3972 8.1337 8.1343 8.1181 8.1481 8.1432 8.1225 8.1446 8.0978 8.1786 8.5876 8.0884 8-3393 8.0792 8.1720 8.1421 8.0746 8.0774 8.1698 -8.8568 9.0602 9.0053 8-95I5 8.9580 8.8373 8.8691 8.8576 9.0116 8.8569 8.8716 8.8537 8.8903 9.0243 9.0121 8.8465 8.9717 8.8554 8.8763 9.0281 8.9772 9.0577 8.8680 8.9327 8.8713 8.8557 9.1248 8.8621 8-8633 8.8473 8.8778 8.8731 8.8528 8.8773 8.8317 8.9161 9.3256 8.8270 9.0783 8.8184 8.9125 8.8850 8.8182 8.8209 8.9152 +0.5655 0.6960 0.1815 0.2660 0.6371 0.4215 0.5760 0.5659 0.6684 0.3925 0.5778 0.5618 0.3483 0.6756 0.6685 0.5541 0.6450 0.5632 0.5814 0.6776 0.2286 0.6944 0.5744 0.2931 0.5772 0.5631 0.7322 0.5689 0.5700 0.5544 0.5822 0.5784 0.3996 0.5817 0.5344 +0.3158 -9.9843 +0.5262 0.7059 0.5030 0.6074 0.5876 0.4731 0.4612 +0.3172 +7.8002 +8.2951 8.2067 -8.1033 +8.1145 -7.6436 +7.8498 +7-79 I 5 + 8.2045 -7-7785 + 7.8499 +7.7572 7.9206 +8.2178 +8.1929 +7.6980 +8.1171 + 7-7557 +7.8581 + 8.2139 8.1245 + 8.2575 + 7.8132 8.0224 + 7.8272 + 7-74*7 + 8-337I + 7.7725 + 7.7781 + 7.6789 +7-8434 + 7.8236 -7.7162 + 7.8381 + 7.5106 -7.9609 -8.5656 + 7.4194 + 8.2619 + 7.0151 +7-9479 +7.8570 -6.9470 7.2062 -7.9502 Arse fi +0,006 + 0,013 +0,003 + 0,033 0,046 + 0,00 1 + 0,006 + O,OII -0,033 0,042 O,OII +0,006 +0,004 0,021 O,OO5 0,015 + 0,024 0,002 + 0,004 0,008 Ar je J Ophiuchi + 0,005 O,OO2 45 Ophiuchi d 7 ? Herculis + O.OI2 + O,OO4 0,003 + O,004 Serpentis jc Herculis p Serpentis + 0,007 + 0,020 + O,OO I 0,014 Arae Ophiuchi Scorpii Scorpii 49 Ophiuchi & + 0,005 Ophiuchi Herculis 0,010 262 No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Logarithms of i 1189 1 Taylor. Lacaille. Jris- >ane. 6050 Various. Motion. of V J d' 5851 5852 5853 5854 5855 5856 5857 5858 5859 5860 5861 5862 5863 5864 5865 5866 5867 5868 5869 5870 5871 5872 5873 5874 5875 5876 5877 5878 5879 5880 5881 5882 5883 5884 5885 5886 5887 5888 5889 5890 5891 5892 5893 5894 5895 114 50 41,6 145 22 50,8 40 8 54,4 46 S3 *34 o 43.4 7i 47 3>9 117 59 26,4 114 56 56,5 140 29 25,9 65 20 52,8 118 30 19,7 113 41 44,9 57 20 8,0 141 48 24,0 140 29 26,1 in 17 46,1 i3S 42 9.5 114 6 0,8 "9 3 1 3',5 142 9 25,5 43 36 35.o 145 2 5,0 117 27 25,1 49 52 27,1 118 16 23,0 114 i 51,0 150 33 0,2 115 48 33,0 116 7 23,2 in 19 50,3 n 9 43 32,9 118 37 36,9 66 53 47.4 "9 35 33.3 104 59 40,0 52 42 45,7 18 3 12,1 IO2 22 30,5 146 47 44,0 94 56 58,4 126 38 50,9 121 14 52,0 85 43 3.i 82 16 7,7 52 54 39,0 // +4,10 4,10 4,08 4,08 4.05 4,02 4,01 4,00 3.97 3.94 3.9 2 3>9 2 3.9 1 3.9 1 3,87 3.85 3.84 3,83 3.83 3,82 3,82 3,8i 3.77 3.76 3.76. 3.7^ 3. 6 9 3,68 3,68 3,68 3,67 3. 6 7 3,67 3,65 3> 6 4 3,61 3.6i 3,60 3,60 3,60 3.59 3.57 3.56 3.5 6 + 3.55 a -0,525 0,709 0,217 0,264 0,619 0.377 0,538 0,526 0,666 0.353 0,541 0,522 0,319 0,678 0,667 o,5i3 0,632 0,524 0,546 0,682 0,242 0,709 0,538 0,281 0,541 0,524 o,774 0.53 1 0,533 0,514 0,548 0,543 0,360 o,547 0,491 -0,297 +0,138 0,482 0,729 o.457 0,581 o,555 0,427 0,415 0,298 a +0,05 +0,09 + 0,21 +8.2430 +9-7475 O.OI2I -9-9939 + 9.5663 -9.8564 + 8.8848 +8.2967 +9.6813 9.9049 +8-9375 -7-5185 -9.9517 +9.7012 +9.6821 8.6803 +9.6014 + 7.6721 +9.0257 +9.7067 0.0044 +9.7450 +8.8312 -9.9845 +8.9196 +7-5798 +9.8079 +8.57I7 + 8-6355 -8.6684 +9.0438 +8-9547 -9.8949 +9.0342 9.2170 -9-9737 0.0293 9.3286 +9.7675 -9.5408 +9-3786 + 9.1446 -9.7043 -9-75oi -9.9730 -8.9341 -9.2257 +9.1921 + 9.1427 -9-H75 +8-7973 8.9718 8.9250 9.1842 +8.9131 8.9699 8.8950 +9.0219 -9.1851 9.1726 -8.8434 -9.1373 8.8922 -8.9738 -9.1778 +9.1393 9.1918 -8.9374 +9.0819 8.9481 8.8784 -9.2049 8.9030 -8.9074 8.8242 -8.9582 -8.9431 +8.8560 -8-9535 -8.6717 +9-377 +9.2330 -8.5853 -9.1765 8.1895 9.0284 -8.9651 +8.1219 + 8.3783 +9.0281 +0.6129 0.6125 0.6111 0.6102 0.6078 0.6046 0.6026 0.6021 0.5991 0.5951 0-5934 0.5931 0.5920 0.5919 0.5875 0.5854 0.5847 0.5834 0.5834 0.5826 0.5817 0.5805 0.5758 0.5749 0.5748 0.5708 0.5672 0.5664 0.5659 0.5656 0.5651 0.5649 0.5645 0.5622 0.5610 0.5576 0.5571 0.5565 0.5561 0-5559 0-5547 0-55*3 0.5517 0.5517 +0.5500 -9-9907 9.9907 9.9908 9.9909 9.9909 9.9911 9.9912 9.9912 9-99*3 9-99*5 9.9915 9.9916 9.9916 9.9916 9.9918 9.9919 9.9919 9.9919 9.9919 9.9920 9.9920 9.9920 9.9922 9.9922 9.9922 9.9924 9.9925 9.9926 9.9926 9.9926 9.9926 9.9926 9.9926 9.9927 9.9927 9.9928 9.9929 9.9929 9.9929 9.9929 9.9929 9.9930 9.9930 9.9930 -9-993 1 53 li.I986 11.1984 .1131 7^54 7237 M682,J432 1430, R49 1 A M 683 M684 B.F 2380 G*435 M686 J 434 U35 W 9 i S 62437 B.F 2387 R 492 B.H 1291 B.F 2390 ... 69 + 0,15 + 0,05 O,OO +0,16 +0,07 + 0,01 ZI 9 2 54 68 60 62 ii.2l63 ii.2i67 11.1988 v.ii34 7247 7260 7261 7253 7270 7274 7256 7262 6051 6059 6060 6063 6067 2197 75 [1.1989 +0,01 + 1,00 0,04 +0,08 +0,08 +0,16 0,03 2199 70 80 7.1138 '11.2169 .3057 .3058 11.1990 111.2171 0.1991 2196 76 73 77 7267 7279 7278 7265 7263 7283 6072 6074 6075 +0,07 0,02 +0,30 0,03 2203 87 111.2172 82 v.i 140 0,32 +0,08 + 0,11 7284 7289 7271 7294 7296 7293 7295 6080 6081 2198 83 11.1993 11.1992 0,00 +0,20 22OO 88 86 111.2174 ii.1994 +0,03 +0,36 +0,15 0,02 220^ 2207 97 9 9 1 105 11.1996 11.1995 11.217! 11.1999 +0,06 + 0,22 + O,II + 0,29 2202 98 11.1997 728! 99 11.1998 7.3062 7299 7302 6088 O,O2 2206 103 ii.2ooo 22oi 263 No. Constellation. Mag. Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a b c d 5896 5897 5898* 5899 5900 5901 5902 593 594 595 5906 5907 5908 5909 5910* 5911 5912 59 H* 5915* 5916* 5917* 5918 59'9 5920 5921 5922 5923 5924 5925 5926 5927 5928 5929 5930 593 1 5932 5933 5934* 5935 5936* 5937 5938 5939* 5940* 7 7 7 3 6 3i 6 6 7 7 6 5 7 6* 6 54 6 6 7 3 7 6 6 6 7 si 44 64 7 54 6 6 6 6 54 7 6 3 6 7 6 6 h m s 17 19 23,85 19 3M9 19 37,37 20 15,42 20 20,73 20 34,31 20 46,94 21 I0,8o 21 4 1 >5 I 21 52,45 22 13,75 22 16,18 22 18,37 22 25,71 22 39 22 45,63 22 52,69 23 12,84 23 16,55 23 25,90 23 38,47 23 44 23 49,80 23 So.JS 24 15,49 24 29,65 24 40,60 24 53.39 24 54.23 24 54,53 24 58,51 25 H.94 25 23,74 25 39,66 25 47,32 25 56,19 26 13,69 26 17,25 26 1-9,57 26 32,80 26 32,91 27 2,88 27 11,33 27 27,68 17 27 29,63 s +3.695 3.873 3,862 4,626 2,586 4,069 1,030 3,060 3,650 3,437 5.33 1 3.653 3,886 3,092 L585 4,558 4,837 3,926 4,065 0,768 0,892 3,005 3,484 4,458 2,420 3,910 3,889 3,912 6,301 2,268 5,163 2,000 4.9 i 7 2,352 4,123 3,603 7,176 4,300 1.352 3,898 2,759 +2,845 s +0,0058 +0,0071 +0,0071 +0,0145 +0,0009 +0,0086 +0,0048 + 0,0022 + O,OO5I + 0,0038 + 0,0229 + 0,0051 + 0,0067 + 0,0055 +O,OO22 + O,OOI9 + 0,0128 + 0,0158 + 0,0068 + 0,0079 + O,Oo6o + O,Oo6l + 0,0053 + O,00l8 + 0,0038 + 0,0112 + 0,OOO7 + 0,0065 + 0,0063 + 0,0065 +0,0364 + O,OOO7 + 0,0l88 + 0,0008 + 0,0155 + 0,0007 + 0,0078 + 0,0043 + 0,0517 + 0,0091 +2,3071 + 0,0026 + O,Co6o + 0,OOIO + O,OOI2 s + 0,011 0,000 8.1141 8.1373 8.1346 8.2505 8.0875 8.1560 8.3207 8.0507 8.0833 8.0591 8.3365 8.0772 8.1082 8.0835 8.0342 8.2106 8.2095 8.2505 8.1029 8.1226 8.0827 8.3247 8-3057 8.0207 8-0355 8.1737 8.0573 8.08 1 1 8.0778 8.08 1 1 8.4282 8.0712 8.2736 8.1074 8.2312 8.0506 8-0973 8.0226 8.5028 8.1218 9.3716 8.1948 8.0500 7.9864 -7.9805 -8.8611 8.8858 8.8842 9.0070 8.8450 8.9161 9.0832 8.8177 8.8561 8.8340 9.1155 8.8567 8.8882 8.8649 8.8182 8-9959 8.9962 9.0413 8.8944 8.9159 8.8786 9.1217 9.1039 8.8190 8.8389 8.9800 8.8659 8.8924 8.8893 8.8926 9.2406 8.8871 9.0913 8.9285 9.0540 8.8753 8.9258 8.8518 9.3326 8-9544 0.2045 9.0341 8.8912 8.83:3 8.8258 +0.5676 0.5881 0.5868 0.6652 0.4126 0.6095 0.0129 0.4857 0.5623 0.5361 0.7268 0.5627 0-5895 0.5703 0.4903 O.2OOI 0.6587 0.6846 0-5939 0.6091 0.5817 9.8856 9.9505 0-4779 0.5421 0.6491 0.3838 0.5922 0.5898 0.5924 0.7994 0.3556 0.7129 0.3011 0.6917 0-3715 0.6153 0.5567 0.8559 0.6334 1.5460 0.1308 0.5909 0.4407 + 0.4540 +7.7462 +7.8540 + 7.8467 + 8.1332 -7.6259 + 7-9372 -8.2451 -5-95" +7.6878 +7.4863 +8.2728 +7.6838 +7.8289 +7.7277 +6.2460 8.0843 +8.0833 +8.1542 +7.8384 +7.9019 +7.7746 8.2629 -8.2377 -6.7158 +7.5108 + 8-0335 7.7026 + 7.8104 + 7.7991 +7.8109 +8.3946 -7.7865 +8.2007 7.9062 +8.1413 7.7295 +7.8917 +7-595 +8.4814 +7-9547 +9.3712 8.0938 + 7-7745 -7.3472 7.2067 0,001 +0,007 + 0,002 + 0,003 O,OOO 0,003 + 0,007 + O,OI9 + O,OO7 O,OO I O,OO3 + 0,010 0,002 +0,007 +0,005 0,000 0,005 0,013 +0,00 1 76 Herculis A 0,010 +0,059 +0,016 Arae Herculis 0,020 +0,003 +0,005 0,000 78 Herculis + 0,001 Octantis + 0,001 0,0 1 6 0,000 + 0,002 264 No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of to, I Taylor. 7307 7305 7306 7301 Bris- >ane. 6090 6094 Various. a' V c' d' 5896 5897 5898 5899 59 5901 592 5903 5904 595 5906 5907 598 5909 5910 5911 5912 59 X 3 59H 5916 59 J 7 5918 59'9 5920 5921 5922 5923 5924 5925 5926 59 2 7 5928 5929 5930 5932 5933 5934 5935 5936 5937 5938 5939 594 115 22 49,0 121 22 53,7 121 I 11,8 139 45 o>5 69 47 19,4 127 10 12,9 32 51 1,0 89 32 40,0 113 43 0,8 105 30 46,8 H9 43 59.7 113 50 25,5 121 42 29,3 116 8 58,0 90 56 41 36 42,6 138 24 51,9 143 14 23,2 122 56 30,8 126 59 16,1 119 28 5,4 29 5 31 13 16,7 87 9 34,0 IO7 22 56,2 136 23 44,8 63 46 18,9 122 25 28,8 121 45 52,5 122 28 17,1 157 45 10,0 58 43 33.o 147 43 2,1 51 o 9,6 144 23 35,1 61 28 48,5 128 31 21,1 in 56 15,2 162 8 37,4 132 53 45- 6 177 38 21,1 37 35 8,2 122 I 36,7 7 6 43 55,o 80 18 28,7 + 3.53 3,52 3.52 3,46 3.45 3.43 3.42 3,38 3.34 3,29 3.29 3,28 3,27 3,25 3.24 3.23 3>2I 3,20 3.19 3,16 3,12 3,10 3,08 3,06 3,06 3,06 3>5 3,3 3,02 2,99 2,98 2,97 2,95 2,94 2,94 2,92 2,92 2,87 2,86 2,84 +2,84 -0,530 o,555 0,665 0,372 0,585 0,148 0,440 0,525 0,494 0,767 0,526 o,559 o,535 o,445 0,228 0,656 0,696 0,565 0,585 0,111 0,129 o,433 0,502 0,642 o,349 0,564 0,561 0,564 0,908 0,327 o,744 0,288 0,709 0,339 0,595 0,520 1,035 0,620 5,073 0,195 o,5 6 3 0,398 0,411 +0,15 0,91 +8.4742 +9.1526 +9.1319 +9.6734 -9.8736 +9.3971 0.0266 -9.6452 6.8451 -9.1887 +9.8016 +7-2553 +9.1741 +8.6561 9.6210 O.OII2 + 9.6534 + 9.7252 + 9.2370 +9-3934 +9-0334 0.0304 0.0291 -9.6833 -9.0756 +9.6193 -9.9170 +9.2138 +9.1798 +9.2162 +9-8754 -9.9465 +9.7810 9.9820 +9.7414 -9.9312 +9.4419 -8.5172 +9.9077 +9.5508 +9-9870 0.0208 +9.1959 9.8127 -9.7742 -8.8782 8.9614 -8.9558 9.1196 + 8.7744 -9.0147 + 9- I 555 + 7.1272 -8.8255 8.6463 -9.1514 8.8211 -8.9348 8.8569 -7.4221 +9.0826 9.0814 -9.1073 -8.9383 8.9804 8.8905 +9-I358 + 9.1284 +7.8914 -8.6665 9.0482 + 8.8315 8.9129 -8.9047 8.9132 -9.1489 + 8.8944 -9.1044 + 8.9728 9.0825 + 8.8494 8.9612 -8.7384 -9.1441 -8.9957 9.1621 +9-0552 8.8789 +8.5116 + 8.3765 +0.5483 0.5470 0-5459 0-539 1 0.5382 0-5357 0-5334 0.5290 0-5233 0.5213 0.5172 0.5168 0.5163 0.5149 0.5124 0.5111 0.5098 0.5059 0.5051 0.5033 0.5008 0-4997 0.4986 0.4985 -4935 0.4906 0.4884 0.4858 0.4856 0.4855 0.4847 0.48 1 3 0-4795 0.4762 0.4746 0.4727 0.4690 0.4683 0.4678 0.4649 0.4647 0.4584 0.4566 0.4530 +0.4525 -9-9932 9.9932 9.9932 9-9934 9-9935 9-9935 9.9936 9-9937 9-9939 9-994 9.9941 9.9941 9.9941 9.9941 9.9942 9.9942 9-9943 9-9944 9-9944 9-9945 9-9945 9-9945 9.9946 9.9946 9-9947 9.9948 9-9948 9-9949 9-9949 9-9949 9-9949 9-995 9.9950 9.9951 9.9951 9-9952 9-9953 9-9953 9-9953 9-9954 9-9954 9-9955 9-9955 9.9956 -9.9956 100 11.2179 J 43 6 , R 493 Airy (G) J437 W 9 i 9 M687.J438 A A W 9 2I M 689 B.F 2401 R 494 G 2442 M 690 J440 J 433 M6 94 Afry(G) +0,10 +0,13 +0,08 0,06 + 0,12 0,08 +0,17 +0,05 U.2OOI ii.2003 ii.2002 ii.2i8i H.2CO4 ii.2i82 7.1152 7.3065 2205 109 106 1 20 112 "3 114 7313 6098 7309 7333 5io5 6108 2209 "5 + 0,09 "7 ii.2oo6 7334 +0,03 O,O2 O,I4 22 1 1 130 11.2183 7.3067 7.3068 7323 7321 7337 7336 6m 6114 6116 -0,05 22IO 121 ii.2007 O,O4 + 0,03 +0,16 0,07 2213 139 127 128 125 I3 6 iii.2i86 ii.2oo8 iii.2i85 7.3070 ii.2009 734 7345 7347 6121 6126 6125 6119 +0,38 0,20 0,03 7316 .... H3 17.1163 +0,42 0,06 +0,24 +0,07 7.3072 7.3073 ii.2on 7342 735 6127 6133 2214 2212 146 i37 140 7317 735 1 6134 6058 +0,14 138 ii.20I2 0,01 +0,27 +0,03 +0,02 2221 '55 ii.2Oi6 7358 6139 22l6 2215 '5 1 150 i 1.2014 U.2OI5 B.A.C. (2L) 265 No. Constellation. Mag. Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a b c d S94i 5942* 5943* S944 S945* 5946* 5947 5948 5949* 595 595i 595** 5953 5954 5955* 5956* 5957 5958 5959 5960 5961* 5962 59 6 3 5964* 59 6 5 5966* 5967 5968 59 6 9 5970 5971 5972 5973* 5974 5975 5976 5977* 5978 5979 5980 5981 5982 5983* 5984 5985 2 6 7 6 neb. 7 6 H 5 5 5 7 5 6 7 7 7 6 6 neb. 7 6 4* 7 6 7 6 7 7 3 5i 5 neb. 6 5* 4i 7 6 6 7 7 6* 7 7 6* h m s 17 27 58,31 28 7,87 28 17,06 28 22,01 28 27,96 28 47,02 28 49,16 28 59,71 29 0,05 2 9 13,50 29 18,87 2 9 34,56 29 41,67 29 44,27 29 46,21 29 49,83 29 50,65 30 2,17 30 4,09 30 15,03 30 53.03 30 54,09 3 I 1,52 31 11,42 31 12,71 31 17,62 31 20,45 31 51,48 32 0,23 32 7,07 32 14,21 32 34,49 3^ 35,35 32 40,21 32 42,19 32 59,25 33 *3>7 33 26,43 33 4> 6 9 33 45,97 33 5!,47 33 SM* 33 57,73 34 3,68 *7 34 J3.27 s +2,773 2,759 3,785 1,905 4,867 3,774 4,612 3,437 3,433 1,158 M59 3,785 3,257 3,6oi 3,819 3,832 3,906 4,484 107,504 3- 9 3 3,801 2,278 5,870 3,94 5,821 3,77 2,469 3,901 5,i5i 4,H3 +4,754 -0,253 +4,52i 4,066 1,561 3,372 3,93i -574 5,364 3,920 3,77i 4,294 3,839 3,439 +2,922 s + 0,0011 + 0,0010 +0,0050 +0,0009 +0,0138 +0,0048 + O,OII2 + O,OO3I + 0,0031 + O,OO3I + 0,0031 +0,0048 + O,OO23 + 0,0038 + 0,0050 +O,O050 + 0,0055 + 0,0097 + 21,1441 + 0,0054 + 0,0047 + O,OOO5 + 0,0241 + 0,0053 + 0,0233 + 0,0045 +0,0005 + O,005I + 0,0150 + O,0066 + O,OII2 + O,OII9 + 0,0091 + 0,0059 + 0,0014 + O,OO25 + 0,0050 + 0,0056 + 0,0l62 + 0,0049 + 0,0041 + O,OO7I + 0,0044 + O,OO26 + 0,0011 s +0,008 +0,005 -7-9785 7-9774 8.0191 8.0871 8.1878 8.0107 8.1421 7.9699 7.9694 8.1952 8.1938 8.0011 7.9483 7-9757 8.0029 8.0039 8.0145 8.1039 9.8351 8.0081 7.9842 7.9928 8.2929 7-9943 8.2839 7-9739 7.9605 7-9837 8.1791 8.0172 8.1144 8.3316 8.0712 7.9962 8.0791 7.9052 7.9667 8.2153 8.1831 7.9560 7-9334 8.OI2I 7.9411 7.8928 -7.8768 8.8304 8.8314 8.8752 8-9443 9.0465 8.8738 9.0057 8.8360 8.8356 9.0645 9.0644 8.8755 8.8244 8.8524 8.8802 8.8820 8.8928 8.9851 0.7167 8.8923 8.8779 8.8868 9.1888 8.8927 9.1825 8.8738 8.8611 8.8923 9.0901 8.9299 9.0289 9.2516 8.9914 8.9177 9.0011 8.8318 8.8971 9.1493 9.1210 8.8955 8.8744 8-9545 8.8838 8.8372 -8.8239 +0.4429 0.4408 0.5781 0.2799 0.6873 0.5768 0.6639 0.5362 -5357 0.0637 0.0640 0.5781 0.5129 0.5564 0.5819 0.5834 0.59*8 0.6517 2.0314 0.5914 -5799 0-3575 0.7686 0.5915 0.7650 0.5764 0.3925 0.5911 0.7119 0.6173 +0.6771 -9.4036 +0.6552 0.6092 0.1934 0-5279 0-5945 9.7588 0.7295 0-5933 0.5765 0.6329 0-5843 0.5364 +0.4656 -7.3198 -7-3373 + 7.6956 -7.9071 + 8.0936 + 7.6816 + 8.0220 + 7.396: + 7.3908 8.1 ioo 8.1086 +7.6773 +7.0930 +7-5458 + 7.6944 +7.7012 +7-74I5 +7-9669 +9.8351 +7.7336 +7.6674 -7.7032 + 8.2489 +7.7201 + 8.2384 +7.6428 -7.5766 +7.7083 +8.1050 +7-8155 +8.0094 -8.2995 +7.9391 +7-7743 -7-9547 + 7.2503 +7.7022 -8.1612 +8.1203 + 7.6873 + 7.6022 + 7.8430 + 7.6409 + 7.3192 6.9236 0,002 0,009 0,000 +0,02 1 +0,020 +0,002 + 0,002 0,005 0,OI2 Octantis 0" + 0,009 + 0,003 O,OO7 O,O23 O,O29 + O.OOI 0,017 O,OI7 + 0,003 0,032 0,003 Scorpii Scorpii x 27 Draconis f O,OO5 + 0,002 O,OO3 c6 Serpentis Scorpii 26 Draconis + 0,037 0,041 O,OI2 + 0,011 O,OOO Scorpii Ophiuchi Scorpii Serpentis O,OO5 O,OO3 266 No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1350. Annual Preces. Sec.Var Proper Motion. Logarithms of >-. m I Taylor. Lacaille. Bris- bane. Various. of V e' df 5941 5942 5943 5944 5945 5946 5947 5948 5949 595 595 1 595* 5953 5954 5955 595 6 5957 5958 5959 5960 5961 5962 59 6 3 5964 59 6 5 5966 5967 5968 59 6 9 5970 597i 5972 5973 5974 5975 5976 5977 5978 5979 598o 5981 5982 5983 5984 5985 77 19 34.J 76 45 3 6 -5 118 20 50,0 48 38 48,6 143 36 22,2 117 57 18,1 139 18 59,7 105 28 29,2 105 17 56,2 34 42 42.7 34 43 25,1 118 19 32,8 98 i 18,9 in 49 3,5 119 26 9,4 119 52 7,0 122 13 42,0 136 49 56,9 179 16 21,9 122 6 37,3 118 49 48,6 59 7 7,8 154 38 40,0 122 7 40,4 154 15 2,6 117 48 41,9 65 35 50,6 122 i 39,7 H7 27 5 8 ,5 128 56 47,4 H 1 44 47,7 21 46 12,5 137 32 2,1 126 51 40,6 41 19 31,2 IO2 47 22,1 122 56 50,3 28 o 28,2 149 55 16,9 122 35 18,0 117 48 18,3 132 39 15,1 120 3 35,2 105 28 52,5 83 36 19,1 +2,79 2,78 2,77 2,76 2,75 2,72 2,72 2,71 2,70 2,69 2,68 2,66 2,64 2,64 2,64 2,63 2,63 2,62 2,61 2,60 2,54 2,54 2,53 2,51 2,51 2,51 2,50 2,46 2,44 2,43 2,42 2,39 2,39 2,39 2,38 2,36 2,34 2,32 2,30 2,29 2,28 2,28 2,27 2,27 +2,25 0,401 >399 0,547 o,275 0,703 o,545 0,666 o,497 0,496 0,167 0,168 o,547 0,471 0,521 o,552 o,554 0,565 0,648 15,545 0,564 0,550 0,330 0,849 0,565 0,842 0,546 0,357 0,565 0,746 0,600 -0,688 +0,037 -0,655 0,589 0,226 0,488 0,569 0,083 o,777 0,568 0,546 0,622 0,556 0,498 -0,423 +0,19 +0,13 9.8067 9.8124 +8.9465 -9.9913 +9.7323 +8.9090 +9.6706 9.1870 -9.1965 0.0260 0.0260 +8.9460 -9.4645 -8.5378 +9.0386 +9.0697 +9.2084 +9.6296 +9.9938 +9.2028 + 8.9917 -9.9452 +9.8517 +9.2044 +9.8483 +8.8982 -9.9059 +9.1998 +9.7806 +9-4571 +9.7083 0.0346 +9.6429 +9.3952 0.0138 -9.3084 +9.2455 -0.0337 +9.8076 +9.2292 +8.9004 +9.5490 +9.0867 -9.1847 -9.7340 +8.4852 +8.5017 -8.8162 +8.9586 -9.0430 8.8038 9.0122 -8.5561 -8.5512 +9.0416 +9.0403 8.7980 8.2648 -8.6896 8.8105 8.8154 -8.8449 8.9781 -9.1147 -8.8376 -8.7860 +8.8129 -9.0567 -8.8240 -9.0525 -8.7656 +8.7120 8.8126 -9.0117 8.8824 -8.9773 +9.0448 8.9446 -8.8535 +8.9505 -8.4155 8.8022 +9.0090 8.9964 8.7890 -8.7250 -8.8857 -8.7542 -8.4792 + 8.0970 +0.4461 0.4440 0.4419 0.4408 o-4395 o.435i 0.4346 0.4321 0.4321 0.4289 0.4277 0.4240 0.4223 0.4217 0.4212 0.4203 0.4202 0.4174 0.4169 0.4143 0.4050 0.4048 0.4029 0.4004 0.4001 0.3989 0.3982 0.3903 0.3881 0.3863 0.3845 0.3792 0.3789 0.3777 0.3771 0.3726 0.3689 0.3653 0.3614 0-3599 0.3584 0.3569 0.3567 0-3551 +0.3524 -9-9958 9.9958 9.9958 9-9959 9-9959 9.9960 9.9960 9.9960 9.9960 9.9961 9.9961 9.9962 9.9962 9.9962 9.9962 9.9962 9.9962 9.9963 9.9963 9.9963 9.9965 9.9965 9.9965 9.9966 9.9966 9.9966 9.9966 9.9967 9.9968 9.9968 9.9968 9.9969 9.9969 9.9969 9.9969 9.9970 9.9970 9.9971 9.9971 9.9972 9.9972 9-9972 9-9972 9.9972 -9-9973 2218 '53 154 ii.2017 111.219; 7367 6145 M6 9 2 62444 B.F 2406 M693,J44i J442 B.F 2408 1423 J443, R 495 R4 9 6 J444 J 44S M6 95 7356 7371 7363 6146 +0,42 +0,07 +0,05 0,03 0,0 1 v-3074 i 1.201!: 11.2019 ii.2022 ii.202; 2217 2222 2224 156 157 168 169 7378 0,0 1 0,08 2220 2219 161 1 60 H.202I 11.2O2O 7379 738o 7374 6154 6153 5912 6156 6155 6163 6157 6169 6166 6174 +0,07 0,08 159 111.2196 v. 3 o75 +0,06 162 11.202: 7382 7386 7364 7366 7389 7381 7393 7385 7390 7397 0,0 1 +0,18 +0,07 +0,52 .... 176 111.219] U.2O25 111.2197 167 0,0 1 +0,14 0,03 +0,08 +0,29 O,II 2223 178 172 *74 11.2026 111.2199 11.2027 v.3077 11.2030 2234 198 0,12 0,03 + O,O2 2227 2225 179 190 184 111.2203 111.2205 11.2028 7402 7387 7409 7412 7404 74" 6175 6179 5i8c + 0, 3 6 0,10 + 0,43 0,00 0,08 20 1 iii.22o6 v.3079 186 11.2029 v.3o8o +0,13 0,02 ... 188 193 11.2031 11.2207 (2L2) 267 No. Constellation. Mag. Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a b c d 5986 5987 5988* 5989* 599* 599 1 599* 5993 5994 5995 599 6 5997 5998 5999* 6000 6001* 6002 6003 6004 6005 6006 6007 6008 6009* 6010 60 1 1* 6012 6013 6014 6015 6016 6017* 6018* 6019 6020 6021 6022 6023* 6024 6025 6026 6027* 6028 6029 6030 Herculis 6 5 *i 7 4 6 7 6 var. 6 3 6 6 6 7 7 6* 7* 3* 5* 4 6 5 6 6 7 neb. 6 6 7 5^ 7 4 Si 4 4 6 7 6* 6 7 7* 6 6 6 h m s 17 34 17,62 34 26,72 34 55.95 35 8.47 35 H.35 35 H.87 35 2i.35 35 3L3 35 33>8i 36 2,39 36 3,9% 36 4,87 36 7,62 36 19,49 36 32,13 36 50,29 37 2.48 37 3.39 37 6,05 37 12.39 37 5.4 38 6,07 38 7.19 38 17,07 38 21,27 38 35,07 38 36,31 38 38,89 39 3.83 39 5.i6 39 25,80 39 37.4i 39 39,09 39 41.87 40 22,39 40 35,46 40 39,12 4 47. 6 9 40 58,34 41 16,76 4i 33.55 42 2,OI 42 jo, 10 42 13,72 17 42 17,43 + 2,^63 3,597 2,462 3, 6 5! 1,690 2,689 3,611 5,826 2,461 5,535 2,963 1,807 4994 2,461 + 5,559 -1,667 +3.009 3,009 4,189 +2,467 -0,365 + 5.386 3.77i 4,873 5,983 3,9 2 4 2,936 L778 4,842 3.74 6 3,891 3,856 4.74 4,190 3,006 2,368 4,429 3,668 3,75o 6,0 1 8 3,856 3,633 4,268 3-995 -(-2,604 s +0,0005 +0,0032 +0,0005 +0,0034 +0,00 1 1 +0,0007 +0,0031 +0,0198 +0,0005 +0,0164 +0,0012 +0,0009 +0,0115 +0,0005 +0,0162 +0,0237 + 0,0012 + O,OOI2 + 0,0056 + O,OOO4 + O,OIO5 + 0,0137 + 0,0034 + 0,0096 + 0,0191 + O,0040 + 0,0009 + O,OOO7 + 0,0090 + 0,0032 + O,OO37 + 0,0036 + 0,0044 +0,0050 + O,OOIO + O,OOO4 + 0,0059 + O,0026 + O,OO29 + 0,0l68 + O,OO32 + 0,0024 + 0,0047 + 0,0036 + O,OOO4 s +0,002 0,003 +0,005 -7.9411 7.9019 7.9033 7.8963 8.0156 7.8737 7.8878 8.2137 7.8925 8.1659 7.8434 7.9815 8.0860 7.8787 8.1600 8-3959 7.8244 7.8241 7-939 7.8614 8.2510 8.1059 7.8562 8.0260 8.1796 7.8685 7.7956 7.9367 8.0053 7.8334 7.8463 7.8371 7.8693 7.8867 7.7566 7.8045 7.9046 7-7865 7.7928 8.1207 7.7938 7-7533 7.8430 7.7983 -7.7366 8.8894 8.8528 8.8626 8.8593 8.9803 8.8386 8.8546 9.1834 8.8629 9.1450 8.8230 8.9613 9.0666 8.8631 9.1482 9.3898 8.8222 8.8222 8-9379 8.8624 9.2641 9.1244 8.8751 9.0482 9.2032 8.8967 8.8242 8.9662 9.0434 8.8719 8.8921 8.8870 8.9198 8.9382 8.8228 8.8757 8.9771 8.8622 8.8726 9.2076 8.8872 8.8581 8.9511 8.9079 8.8478 +0.3547 0-5559 0.3914 0.5625 0.2279 0.4296 0.5576 0.7654 0.3910 0.7432 0.4717 0.2569 0.6984 0.3910 +0.7450 0.222O + 0.4784 0.4784 O.6222 + 0.3922 -9.5623 + 0.7313 0.5765 0.6878 0.7769 0-5937 0.4678 0.2500 0.6850 0.5736 0.5901 0.5862 0.6100 0.6222 0.4780 0.3743 0.6463 0.5645 0.5740 0-7794 0.5861 0.5603 0.6303 0.6016 +0.4156 -7-6565 + 7.4680 -7.5225 +7.4987 -7.8732 -7-3H7 +7.4637 +8.1682 -7.5127 +8.1105 6.7508 7.8196 + 8.00 1 1 -7-4988 +8.1054 -8.3794 6.4892 -6.4887 + 7.7476 -7-4775 8.2206 + 8.0439 + 7-5245 +7.93I5 + 8.1384 +7.6005 -6-7974 -7.7797 +7.9081 +7.4892 +7.5662 + 7-5431 + 7-6487 +7.6951 -6.4405 -7-4734 + 7.7582 + 7.3984 + 7-4499 + 8.0803 + 7-4993 + 7-3429 + 7.6680 + 7-5542 7.2560 c8 Ophiuchi +0,023 +0,005 +0,00 1 0,029 +0,007 +0,057 +0,00 1 0,024 0,002 +0,049 0,010 +0,006 0,004 + 0,011 0,006 +0,003 + 0,025 0,004 +0,006 + 0,018 28 Draconis m Telescopii 7 Sagittarii Ara? y ' Ophiuchi +0,005 Herculis Arse y 2 0,00*3 0,000 0,004 0,001 +0,009 0,005 0,002 0,024 0,010 Saittarii Sagittarii Sagittarii Scorpii j2 86 Herculis u. Arae Ophiuchi Sagittarii +0,00 1 0,036 +0,005 +0,003 +0,02 1 0,004 +0,017 Pavonis Ophiuchi Scorpii Scorpii 268 No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec.Var. Proper Motion. // +0,01 0,07 0,07 Logarithms of fe- rn i Taylor. 6 112 7 2.1,5 154 14 42,5 65 20 53,8 I5 1 39 *7.4 85 21 56,8 46 27 13,7 145 20 21,2 65 21 22,0 151 52 18,8 15 40 58,1 87 21 5,2 87 21 8,5 13 3 47.3 65 36 10,4 21 IO 25,5 150 6 28,1 117 46 2,3 H3 33 2I >7 155 26 3,6 122 39 3,1 84 14 13,2 45 5 53.* 143 4 26,4 116 54 56,6 121 38 44,7 I2O 32 15,5 126 59 22,3 130 2 9,0 87 13 53.8 62 ii 16,4 J 35 33 .3 114 9 27,5 117 o 25,9 155 40 7.5 I2O 30 29,0 112 52 11,4 131 56 33,0 124 45 8,4 70 41 35,0 +2,25 2,23 2,19 2,17 2,16 2,16 M5 2,14 2,13 2,09 2,09 2,09 2,09 2,07 2,05 2,02 2,O I 2,00 2,OO i,99 i.94 1,91 1,91 1,90 i, 80 1,87 1,87 1,87 1,83 1,83 i, 80 1,78 1,78 i.77 1,72 1,70 1,69 1,68 1,66 1,64 1,61 J.57 1,56 MS + i,55 a 0,328 0,521 0,357 0,529 0,245 0,390 0,524 0,845 .357 0,803 0,430 0,262 0,724 0,357 0,806 +0,242 -o,437 o,437 0,608 -o,358 +0,053 0,782 0,548 0,708 0,869 0,570 0,426 0,258 0,703 0.544 0,565 0,560 0,592 0,609 0,437 0,344 0,644 ,533 0,545 0,875 0,561 0,528 0,621 0,581 -o,379 -9.9479 -8.5752 -9.9076 +6.4771 0.0074 -9.8399 8.4409 + 9.8494 9.9080 +9.8256 9.7100 -9.9999 +9.7569 9.9081 +9.8278 0.0315 9.6808 9.6808 +9.4890 9.9064 -0.0354 +9.8107 +8.9020 + 9.7348 +9.8603 +9.2350 -9.7258 O.OO2I + 9.7287 + 8.8048 + 9.1853 + 9.I2I6 + 9.4026 + 9.4891 9.6827 9.9288 + 9.6100 + 8.0719 + 8.8189 + 9.8629 + 9.1209 -8.0934 + 9-536I + 9.3257 -9.8688 + 8.7644 8.6125 + 8.6573 8.6369 + 8.8903 + 8.4736 -8.6066 8.9823 + 8.6473 8.9630 + 7.9254 + 8.8560 8.9321 + 8.6335 -8.9549 + 8.9874 + 7.6648 + 7.6644 8.8076 + 8.6129 + 8.9545 8.9176 -8.6475 8.8814 -8-9333 8.7019 +7.9713 +8.8116 8.8629 -8.6155 8.6724 -8.6543 -8.7272 -8.7552 + 7.6161 + 8.5962 -8-7795 -8-5347 -8-5759 -8.8713 -8.6107 -8.4834 -8.7156 8.6450 +8.4069 +0.3512 0.3486 0.3403 0.3367 0-335 0.3348 0.3329 0.3300 0.3293 0.3207 0.3203 0.3200 0.3192 0.3156 0.3117 0.3061 0.3023 0.3020 0.3011 0.2991 0.2870 0.2818 0.2814 0.2782 0.2768 0.2721 0.2717 0.2709 0.2623 0.2619 0.2547 0.2506 0.2500 0.2490 0.2344 0.2295 0.2282 0.2250 0.2209 0.2139 0.2074 0.1961 0.1928 0.1913 +0.1898 -9-9973 9-9973 9-9974 9-9974 9-9975 9-9975 9-9975 9-9975 9-9975 9.9976 9.9976 9.9976 9.9976 9-9977 9-9977 9-9978 9-9978 9.9978 9-9978 9-9979 9.9980 9.9980 9.9980 9.9981 9.9981 9.9981 9.9981 9.9981 9.9982 9.9982 9.9983 9.9983 9.9983 9.9983 9.9984 9.9984 9.9985 9.9985 9.9985 9.9986 9.9986 9-9987 9.9987 9.9987 -9.9987 2226 2228 196 192 200 lii.22o8 11.2032 ii.zzii M696.J446 W 9 32 62457 A 4 i 3 R 497 G 2460 J447 R498 11697,1448 62459 M 698 W 934 P 755.J449 W 935 M 699 1 74*7 0,0 1 0,07 +0,13 +0,30 + 0,01 +0,54 -0,17 2233 211 203 '95 ii.2035 ii.2034 ii.2033 739 6 74 3 6188 6190 207 iii.22i3 v.3o8i 11.2036 2229 209 0,01 0,05 +0,60 0,02 0,00 +0,10 +0,14 O,II -0,28 -0,15 0,00 O,I2 +0,06 v.3o82 iv.n85 7413 6193 2232 213 7408 6194 2240 2231 2235 2238 242 215 216 2IO 218 2 4 I iii.22i7 iii.22i6 iv.ii88 ii.2O37 11.2038 ii.204i v.3o83 ii.2039 v.3o84 74*5 7419 7440 7426 7416 7441 6198 62OO 6204 6201 2230 217 0,19 226 iii.2221 0,30 +0,13 +0,07 v. 3 o8 5 0.2040 0.2042 11.2044 11.2043 111.2223 11.2045 11.2046 v. 3 o87 7428 745 745i 7453 7449 7447 7454 7460 7461 743* 7465 6208 6214 6213 622O 6219 2236 2237 223 22 7 2 3 I 22 9 228 239 244 +0,07 +0,06 +0,07 +0,72 +0,03 +0,03 +0,32 +0,11 +0,17 +0,15 +0,03 +0,01 2 3 8 iii.2225 243 247 11.2047 111.2228 v-3088 111.2229 111.2231 7463 6227 6228 245 *55 269 No. Constellation. Mag. Right Ascension, Jan. r, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a b c d 6031 6032* 6033 6034 6035* 6036 6037 6038* 6039* 6040 6041 6042* 6043 6044* 6045 6046 647* 6048* 6049 6050 6051 6052 6053* 6054 6055 6056 6057* 6058* 6059* 6060 6061 6062* 6063* 6064* 6065 6066* 6067 6068 6069 6070* 6071 6072* 6073 6074 6075 Scorpii 6 7 6 7 7 6 6 7 7 7 6 6 7 6 6 4i 6 6 6 6 si H 6 6 6 7 7 7 6* 5* Si 64 7 6 7 6 Si 6 6 6 6i si 5 7 h m s 17 42 21,57 42 40,99 42 44,25 42 56,81 43 3, J 5 43 6 >S3 43 18,96 43 23,05 43 26,38 43 26,61 43 29,44 43 47,63 43 54,73 44 10 >7i 44 22,97 44 28,90 44 36,63 44 38,58 44 43,54 44 54-54 44 59,2i 45 29,35 45 40,33 45 4 6 >39 45 50,20 46 7,88 46 28,27 47 0,39 47 3>7i 47 5>7i 47 8,67 47 i2,H 47 H,? 6 47 19,73 47 4i,34 47 57,67 48 I3.3 1 48 24,35 48 40,19 48 44,54 48 52,79 49 7,89 49 22,62 49 27,42 T 7 49 4 2 >55 + 3^2 3,879 2,430 3>542 2,838 1,607 3>994 3,999 3,903 5>407 3.532 3,996 3>995 3,757 3,999 + 3,985 1,090 1,092 + 3-327 5>"4 4,056 J >434 3,689 3,337 4,373 1,566 3>9 J 9 3.926 3.743 3>524 4,260 1,950 3,782 3,608 3,448 3,663 6,145 J >949 3,54 4,071 3,165 3,803 2,417 3,849 + 3,822 s +0,0035 +0,0030 +0,0003 +0,0020 + 0,0006 +0,0008 +0,0034 +0,0034 +0,0030 +0,0105 +0,0019 +0,0033 +0,0032 +0,0024 +0,0031 +0,0031 +0,0115 + 0,0115 +0,0013 +0,0079 +0,0032 + 0,0010 + 0,0020 +0,0012 +0,0042 +0,0008 + 0,0025 +0,0024 +0,0019 +0,0015 +0,0034 +0,0003 + O,CC20 + O,OOl6 + 0,0013 + O,OOl6 + 0,0113 + O,CCO3 + O,OOO6 + 0,O025 + O,OOO7 + O,OOl8 + O,OOO2 + O,OOl8 + 0,0017 s 0,02 1 -7.7931 7.7698 7-745 6 7.7207 7.6990 7.8627 7.7707 7.7697 7-7539 7.9872 7.7056 7-7584 7-755 7.7137 7.7428 7-7379 8.1659 8.1651 7.6552 7.9044 7-7344 7.8246 7.6618 7.6251 7.7600 7-7837 7.6684 7.6519 7.6245 7.5980 7.6994 7.6865 7.6234 7.5989 7-5705 7.5831 7-9343 7.6438 7.5178 7.6117 7.5108 7.5568 7-5365 7.5500 -7-5357 8.9060 8.8907 8.8679 8.8483 8.8292 8-9944 8.9078 8.9086 8.8943 9.1276 8.8473 8.9081 8.9080 8.8739 8.9087 8.9066 9.3381 9-3384 8.8308 9-o853 8.9175 9.0225 8.8653 8.8316 8.9684 9.0013 8.8968 8.8979 8.8723 8.8470 8.9500 8.9391 8.8775 8.8559 8.8400 8.8623 9.2230 8-9393 8.8234 8.9201 8.8245 8.8805 8.8701 8.8869 -8.8831 +0.6001 0.5888 0-3855 0.5493 0.4530 0.2060 0.6014 0.6020 0.5914 0.7330 0.5480 0.6016 0.6015 0.5749 0.6020 +0.6004 -0.0373 0.0381 +0.5220 0.7088 0.608 1 0.1564 0.5669 0.5234 0.6408 0.1947 0-5932 0.5940 0.5732 0-5471 0.6294 0.2900 0.5777 0-5573 0.5376 0.5638 0.7885 0.2897 0.4849 0.6097 0.5004 0.5801 0.3833 0-5853 +0.5823 + 7-5448 + 7.4847 -7.3825 + 7-2437 -6-9343 7-73*5 '+7-5258 +7-5267 + 7-4779 + 7.9260 + 7.2199 + 7.5142 + 7.5105 +7-3743 +7.4996 +7.4902 8.1446 -8.1439 +6.9303 +7-8273 + 7.5082 -7.7140 +7.2854 +6.9172 +7.6042 -7.6577 + 7-3979 +7.3840 +7.2776 +7-1055 + 7.5223 -7-4947 +7-2955 + 7.1712 +7.0050 +7.1909 + 7.8967 -7.4522 -5.6032 +7-3895 +6.3603 +7.2387 -7-1795 +7.2520 + 7.2261 0,000 +0,009 + 0,002 + O,OO3 0,OO4 0,006 O,CO2 0,003 +0,005 0,0 1 1 0,005 +0,004 0,005 0,020 +0,00 1 Telescopii ?o Draconis 63 Ophiuchi Scorpii 88 Herculis z Sagittarii Serpentis 0,006 +0,004 +0,009 Scorpii Herculis Sagittarii Ophiuchi 0,007 0,006 +0,00 1 +0,02 1 0,004 +0,007 +0,004 +0,007 Serpentis Serpentis Pavonis 90 Herculis .f Ophiuchi Scorpii Serpentis Sagittarii 89 Herculis +0,008 +0,003 Sagittarii 270 No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec.Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of -s Taylor. 1 Bris- i bane. J Various. ef V c' 2 118 43 57,8 6 3 55 J 9.3 120 13 55,8 119 21 10,6 + '.54 S MI i.49 1,48 1,48 1,46 i.45 J.45 *5 J.44 1,42 1,41 1,38 J.37 1,36 i.35 1.34 i.34 1,32 i.3i 1,27 1,25 1,24 1,24 1,21 1,18 1,14 3 1.13 1,12 1,12 1,12 I, II 1, 08 1,05 1,03 1,01 0,99 0,99 o.97 .95 o,93 0,92 +0,90 n -0,579 0,564 o,353 0,5 ! 5 0,413 0,234 0,581 0,582 0,568 0,787 o,5H 0,581 0,581 o,547 0,582 0,580 +o,i59 +0,159 0,484 o,744 0,590 0,209 o,537 0,486 0,637 0,228 o,57i o,572 o,545 o,5 J 3 0,620 0,284 o,55i 0,525 0,502 0,533 0,895 0,284 0,445 o,593 0,461 0,554 >35 2 0,561 -o,557 + O,O2 + 9-3 111 +9.1650 -9.9156 8.8842 -9-7774 0.0126 +9.3239 +9.3302 +9.2047 +9.8137 8.9248 +9.3261 +9-3251 + 8.8500 +9.3300 +9-3H3 -0.0345 0.0344 -9.3769 +9.7769 +9.3867 0.0203 +8.4099 -9.3617 +9.5874 0.0149 +9.2287 +9.2388 +8.7896 -8-9523 +9-53H -9.9887 +8.9360 8.4728 -9.1644 + 7.9085 +9.8711 9.9889 9.6494 +9.4005 -9-559 1 +8.9987 -9.9185 +9.1076 +9.0469 -8.6376 -8.5928 +8.5134 -8.3942 +8.1039 +8-7359 8.6169 8.6169 -8.5825 -8.7972 -8.37*5 8.6050 8.6014 -8.4993 -8.5899 -8.5827 +8.8055 +8.8046 8.0985 -8.7411 8.5898 +8.6906 -8.4193 8.0848 -8.6349 +8.6556 8.5003 -8.4853 8.4046 8.2579 -8.5716 +8.5550 -8.4174 -8.3147 8.1644 8.3280 -8.6732 +8.5123 +6.7793 8.4689 -7-5353 -8-3577 +8.3090 8.3646 -8.3425 +0.1881 0.1801 0.1787 o.i735 0.1708 0.1693 0.1640 0.1622 0.1607 0.1606 0.1594 0.1514 0.1482 0.1409 0.1353 0.1325 0.1290 0.1280 0.1257 0.1204 0.1182 0.1035 0.0979 0.0949 0.0929 0.0838 0.0731 o-o555 0.0537 0.0526 0.0509 0.0490 0.0475 0.0446 0.0321 0.0224 0.0129 0.006 1 9.9961 9-9933 9.9880 9.9781 9.9681 9.9649 +9-9544 -9.9987 9.9988 9.9988 9.9988 9.9988 9.9988 9.9989 9.9989 9.9989 9.9989 9.9989 9.9989 9.9989 9.9990 9.9990 9.9990 9.9990 9.9990 9.9990 9.9991 9.9991 9.9991 9.9992 9.9992 9.9992 9.9992 9.9992 9-9993 9-9993 9-9993 9-9993 9-9993 9-9993 9-9993 9-9994 9-9994 9-9994 9-9994 9-9995 9-9995 9-9995 9-9995 9-9995 9-9995 -9.9996 248 iv.ii96 74 6 7| 7469 5230 B.F 2429 B.F 2433 R 499 M 700 B.F 2459 M 701 M 702 M 703 62479 M 704 M 705 62484 B.F 2434 P 7 6o 0,2 1 +0,19 2239 259 253 ii.2048 11.2233 6236 6238 6232 +0,06 254 v.309i 7477 +0,09 257 256 258 111.2235 11.2236 7478 7480 6240 6241 6243 6246 +0,13 2251 2252 286 287 265 .3092 v-3093 111.2240 iv.i203 111.2233 v -394 v -395 111.2242 11.2049 111.2241 +0,25 +0,26 +0,18 0,16 +0,26 0,19 +0,17 +0,09 +0,05 0,0 1 7471 7483 749 * 6245 6249 2242 2241 278 267 270 7485 7494 7502 7506 7497 75o8 7481 6253 6258 6260 2244 282 111.2246 +0,02 +0,09 0,02 2245 277 272 289 111.2248 iv.i2O7 111.2251 +0,44 +0,19 +0,04 0,24 0,04 +0,03 0,05 +0,07 2242 279 281 283 111.2250 11.2050 111.2253 2248 295 291 111.2255 111.2254 V-3I02 11.2051 7513 6265 293 75*9 7521 6272 0,04 +0,08 2249 298 294 11.2053 11.2052 271 No. Constellation. Mag. Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Pieces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a b c d 6076* 6077 6078 6079 6080* 6081 6082 6083 6084* 6085 6086 6087 6088 6089* 6090 6091 6092 6093 6094 6095 6096* 6097* 6098 6099 6100 6101 6102 6103 6104 6105 6106 6107 6108* 6109 6110 6m 6112 6113* 6114* 6115 6116 6117 6118* 6119* 6120 7 5 4 3* 7 6* 4 6 4 5 7 5 6 5 6 2 4 6 5 6 6 6 6 7 5 5* 6* 6 5 4 si 4 7 6 5 7 6 7 5 4 6 6 6 6 fc h m s 17 50 3,32 50 38,12 50 46,27 50 56,25 51 O,O I 51 4,84 51 6,67 51 40,04 51 56,24 52 33.77 52 40,16 52 45,96 52 49,08 52 5o.3i 53 6,62 53 7.5i 53 8.35 53 20,13 53 22,63 53 *5.37 53 34.05 53 39. 6 7' 53 40,36 53 56,77 54 7,20 54 8.65 54 4 .65 54 44,59 54 55. 01 54 57,59 55 8.29 55 26,54 55 33.75 55 39.37 55 58,44 55 58,69 55 59.15 56 7,16 56 9,90 5 6 10,57 56 13,91 56 15,83 56 29,82 56 35,85 17 57 17.17 s + 3.95 1 3,660 3,300 1,022 3, 5 73 3.5 6 5 2,054 4,054 2,322 S.^ 6 3.483 2,293 3,632 2,968 5.879 1,390 3,002 5.258 2,668 1,805 2,924 3,673 3,577 3,63 5.771 3,040 3,676 4,038 3,263 4,669 2,541 3,8^9 3,712 1,710 2,562 3,677 4.336 + 3,820 2,710 + 3,856 2,505 4.43 5,588 6,888 + 3.793 s +0,0019 +0,0012 +0,0007 +0,00 1 1 +0,0012 + 0,0011 +0,0002 +0,0018 +0,0002 +0,0005 +0,0008 + 0,0001 +0,0010 +0,0003 +0,0057 +0,0005 +0,0004 +0,0038 + 0,0002 +0,0002 +0,0003 +0,0008 +0,0008 +0,0008 +0,0046 +0,0003 +0,0008 + O,COI2 + 0,0004 + 0,0019 + O,OOOI + O,OOO7 + O,OOO6 + O,OOO2 + O,OOOI + O,OOO6 + 0,0011 +0,0007 +0,0062 +0,0007 + 0,0001 +0,0008 +0,0025 +0,0046 +0,0004 s -7-5395 7-4737 7-43 5 * 7.6836 7.4580 7.4419 7.5117 7-4785 7.4294 7-3359 7.3486 7-3864 7-3552 7.3199 7-6687 7.5068 7.3006 7.5702 7-3035 7.4206 7-2746 7-3059 7.2940 7.2807 7.5860 7.2314 7.2303 7.2759 7- J 743 7-3589 7.1822 7.1831 7.1558 7-2559 7.0979 7.1088 7.2062 7.1120 7.6946 7.1105 7-0755 7.1283 7.3370 7-4763 6.9528 8.9018 8.8621 8.8299 9.0863 8.8638 8.8515 8.9228 8 .-9!77 8.8830 8.8246 8.8434 8.8871 8.8589 8.8250 9.1906 9.0296 8.8243 9.1065 8.8426 8.9627 8.8264 8.8640 8.8528 8.8588 9.1768 8.8239 8.8643 8.9153 8.8282 9.0166 8.8554 8.8845 8.8688 8.9783 8.8532 8.8645 8.9627 8.8832 9.4711 8.8882 8.8596 8.9160 9.1526 9-3047 -8.8794 +0.5967 0.5634 0.5185 0.0092 0.5650 0.552: 0,3126 0.6079 0.3658 0.4992 0.5419 0.3603 0.5601 0.4725 0.7693 0.1430 0.4774 0.7208 0.4262 0.2566 0.4659 0.5651 0-5535 0.5599 0.7612 0.4829 0-5653 0.6062 0.5136 0.6692 0.4051 0.5831 0.5696 0.2330 0.4086 0.5655 0.6371 +0.5821 -0.4330 +0.5861 0.3988 0.6067 0.7472 0.8381 +0.5789 + 7.2801 + 7.0795 + 6.6639 7.6066 + 7.0719 + 6.9826 -7.2939 +7-25J5 7.1186 +6.1428 +6.8181 7.0881 + 6.9429 6.2031 +7.6244 -7.4004 6.OII2 +7.5013 6.7636 -7.2579 -6.3135 +6.9199 +6.8430 +6.8674 +7.5385 -5.5920 +6.8456 +7.0441 +6.3271 +7.2438 6.7482 +6.8765 +6.7918 -7.1093 6.6490 +6.7249 +7.0434 +6.8012 -7.6833 +6.8149 -6.6661 +6.8978 +7.2830 +7.4512 +6.6296 +0,00 1 +0,004 +0,014 +0,010 O,COI +0,00 1 0,010 +0,010 +0,013 0,00 1 +0,003 0,004 +0,003 0,009 +0,004 +0,008 0,019 0,00 1 32 Draconis % +0,0 1 1 0,00 1 0,003 0,002 0,056 + 0,002 0,000 0,015 +0,006 +0,009 + 0,001 + 0,0 1 1 68 Ophiuchi Sagittarii V 1 + O,OII + 0,002 + O,OIO 0,013 Coronae Aust Sagittarii +0,008 +0,002 0,003 0,002 10 Sagittarii V^ Sagittarii Pavonis Pavonis + 0,015 272 No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec.Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of i K i Taylor. 7524 7526 Bris- bane. Various. of V S d' 6076 6077 6078 6079 6080 6081 6082 6083 6084 6085 6086 6087 6088 6089 6090 6091 6092 6093 6094 6095 6096 6097 6098 6099 6100 6101 6102 6103 6104 6105 6106 6107 6108 6109 6 no 6m 6112 6113 6114 6115 6116 6117 6118 6119 6120 123 23 25,3 "3 47 45.3 99 45 0,6 33 6 8,8 "4 15 57.7 no 19 25,6 5 2 43 33.7 126 21 54,7 60 43 56,6 93 40 31.0 107 8 45,7 59 47 4 2 .9 112 46 17,0 8 5 37 4,i '54 33 ">7 38 29 28,9 87 3 24,5 H8 34 13.5 73 H 8,7 46 34 3,8 83 43 20,1 114 16 32,8 1 10 43 54,4 112 42 45,1 153 39 52,2 88 41 7,5 114 21 28,6 125 54 1,4 98 10 27,9 140 5 41,2 68 23 57,0 "9 34 53, "5 37 3,4 44 ^9 22 >7 69 9 44,0 114 24 1,8 133 25 31,4 119 16 11^3 J 3 ! 15.9 I2O 25 12,4 67 4 24,4 126 I 36,7 152 I 31,6 1 60 42 2,0 Il8 22 8,2 // +0,87 0,82 0,8 1 o,79 o,79 0,78 0,78 o,73 0,71 0,65 0,64 0,63 0,63 0,63 0,60 0,60 0,60 0,58 0,58 0,58 0,56 0,56 o,55 -53 0,51 0,51 o,47 0,46 o,45 0,44 o,43 0,40 o>39 0,38 o,35 o>35 o,35 o,34 0,34 o,34 o,33 o,33 0,31 0,30 +0,24 a -0,576 o,533 0,481 0,149 o,535 0,520 0,299 0.59 1 0,338 0,460 0,508 0,334 0,529 o,433 0,857 0,203 0,438 0,766 0,389 0,263 0,426 0,536 0,521 0,529 0,841 o,443 0,536 0,589 0,476 0,68 1 0,371 0,558 0,541 0,249 o,374 o,536 0,632 -o,557 +o,395 0,562 o,3 6 5 0,590 0,815 1,004 -,553 // + 9.2730 +7.7782 -9.4125 0.0310 4-8.1790 -8.7767 -9.9780 +9.3858 -9.9381 -9.5670 -9.0792 -9-9434 -8.1206 9.7068 +9.8550 O.O222 -9.6855 + 9.7970 -9.8475 O.OOIO -9.7330 +8.1875 8.7160 -8-1553 +9.8472 -9.6597 +8.2305 +9.3705 -9-4585 +9.6889 -9.8874 +9.0652 +8.6138 0.0075 9.8816 +8.2504 + 9.5707 +9.0426 0.0302 + 9.1209 9.8972 +9-3749 + 9.8322 +9.9033 + 8.9699 -8.3779 8.2170 7.8337 +8.5200 8.2078 8.1308 +8.3708 -8-3335 +8.2354 -7.3180 -7-9745 +8.2008 -8.0838 + 7-3779 -8.4337 +8.3706 + 7.1867 -8.3946 +7.9208 +8.2950 + 7.4869 8.0558 -7.9900 8.0085 -8.3616 + 6.7680 7.9812 8.1287 -7.4988 8.2271 + 7.8926 -7.9920 -7.9229 +8.1309 + 7-7957 7.8603 -8.0806 7.9180 + 8.2122 7.9267 + 7.8065 -7.9817 -8.1303 8.1464 -7.7501 +9-9395 9.9134 9.9071 9.8992 9.8962 9.8922 9.8908 9.8627 9.8484 9-8i33 9.8071 9.8014 9.7982 9.7970 9.7802 9.7792 9.7784 9-7657 9.7630 9.7600 9-7503 9.7440 9-7432 9.7240 9.7114 9.7096 9.6681 9.6627 9.6482 9.6444 9.6288 9.6008 9.5892 9.5798 9.5468 9.5465 9-5456 9.5310 9-5257 9.5245 9.5181 9.5144 9.4865 9.4738 +9-3755 -9.9996 9.9996 9-9997 9-9997 9-9997 9-9997 9-9997 9-9997 9-9997 9.9998 9-9998 9-9998 9.9998 9.9998 9.9998 9-9998 9-9998 9-9998 9-9998 9.9998 9.9998 9.9998 9.9998 9-9999 9-9999 9.9999 9-9999 9.9999 9-9999 9-9999 9-9999 9-9999 9-9999 9-9999 9-9999 9-9999 9-9999 9.9999 9-9999 9.9999 9-9999 9-9999 o.cooo o.cooo o.ocoo M7o6, J451 J452 M 707 M7o8 P 7 6 5 J453 B.F2444 M7i4 02493 Airy(G) M 710 M 711 R 500 M 712 J455 J454 P 773> J 45 6 G 2496 \\~948 B.H 1216 + 0,01 + 0,10 0,06 +0,04 +0,14 0,05 +0,17 + 0,02 + 0,03 O,OO O,OO + 0,08 O,OI +0,44 +0,03 4-0,03 +0,07 0,07 2246 2250 2263 2247 2256 299 303 316 302 304 309 H.2O54 ii.2O55 ii.2O59 11.2056 ii.2057 11.2058 v.3104 ii.2o6o ii.2o6i 11.2062 11.2065 11.2063 11.2064 7530 7531 6281 2258 2254 2253 2261 2257 314 313 311 324 312 318 7523 7528 6286 6294 6288 2267 2259 335 322 11.2071 ii.2o66 v. 3 io 5 il.2c68 2262 329 +0,13 + 0,02 +0,15 -|-o,o6 +0,06 0,05 + 0,01 +0,31 0,02 + 0,08 O,o6 + 0,08 "55 328 321 323 326 11.2070 11.2067 11.2069 iii.2262 7538 7527 7547 7542 6291 6297 2264 2260 331 332 11.2072 11.2074 ^.3106 11.2075 11.2073 11.2077 11.2076 2265 337 7535 7552 7554 6296 2268 344 339 -(-0,06 0,05 4-o,c6 +o,n 2269 353 349 342 34 1 11.2267 ii.2c8o 11.2078 iii.2266 7550 7556 7557 7555 7532 7570 6302 6306 6303 0,26 +0,23 0,02 +o,33 2287 2266 2270 380 343 352 11.2084 11.2079 ii.2o8i V.3IH v-3109 0,06 35 1 IV. 1 22 8 B.A.C. (2M) 273 No. Constellation. Mag. Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a b c d 6121 6122* 6123 6124 6125 6126 6127 6128 6129 6130* 6131* 6132* 6133 6134 6i35 6136 6137 6138 6139* 6140 6141 6142 6143 6144* 6145 6146 6147 6148 6149 6150 6151 6152* 6153 6154 6155 6156 6157 6158* 6159 6160* 6161* 6162 6163* 6164 6165* 6 6 4* 6 7 4i 5 6 5 7 7 7 7 s* 6 5* 7* 7 7 7 6 4 7 6 6 5* 5 6 4 61 7 6 6 6 7 6 7 6 6 7 Si 7 h m s 17 57 24,00 57 46," 57 52,50 57 57,9* S 8 n,43 58 20,86 58 34,97 58 47,17 59 13.55 59 17,67 59 19,70 59 39- 11 59 39, J 7 59 43-13 59 44,88 59 48,12 59 48,36 17 59 56,36 18 o 5,57 o 5,90 o 7,55 o 8,03 o 14,32 O l6,22 o 25,57 i 11,81 i 19,99 i 23,31 i 27,59 i 41,67 i 46,85 i 47,33 i 47,94 i 51,12 2 6,57 2 9,82 2 20,84 2 21,42 2 24,82 2 25,86 2 34," 2 57,59 3 10,61 3 20,99 18 3 26,70 s +4-444 1,049 + 3,011 3,266 3,596 5,539 3>796 4,406 1,562 3,843 3,879 3,7o8 3,596 2,525 5,777 3,726 3,93 4.454 3,666 2,866 2,846 3.9" 3,866 4,697 2,282 5,704 10, I 60 2,337 2,416 2,416 3,717 6,424 2,978 10,878 2,563 3,554 2,583 3,809 3,658 1,804 3,79 8,094 s +0,0008 +0,0016 +0,0001 +0,0001 +0,0002 +O,00 1 1 + O.OOO2 + O,OOO3 O,OOOO + 0,0002 + O,OOO2 O,OOOO O,OOOO O.OOOO + O,OOOI + O,OOO2 O,OOOO O,OOOO O,OOOO 0,OOOO O,OOOO O,OOOO O,OOOO 0,OOOO O,OOOO 0,0005 O.OOOO 0,0011 0,0057 O,OOOO O,OOOO 0,0000 0,0002 0,002 1 0,0001 0,0101 0,000 1 0,0003 0,000 1 0,0004 0,0004 0,0001 0,0005 0,0072 0,0004 s +0,019 0,013 +0,017 +0,017 0,009 7.0352 7.3227 6.7914 6.7768 6.7526 7.0040 6.6710 6.6979 6.5311 6.3748 6.3582 6.0495 6.0349 5.9461 6.0361 6.1136 5.2966 + 5-5088 5.6169 5.6019 5-5973 5.8480 5.9674 6.1596 6.7390 6.6535 6.9506 7.3601 6-7499 6.7610 6.7629 6.7643 7.1628 6.7890 7-57I5 6.8636 6.8627 6.8734 6.9074 6.9118 7.0741 7.0209 7-5785 + 7.0374 8.9804 9-3343 8.8243 8.8285 8.8551 9.1461 8.8799 8.9741 9.0023 8.8864 8.8916 8.8684 8.8551 ^8.8574 8-9945 9.1776 8.8243 8.8707 8.8989 8.9819 8.8632 8.8290 8.8300 8.8962 8.8897 9.0212 8.8888 9.1681 9.5560 8.8810 8.8705 8.8705 8.8695 9-2553 8.8249 9.5966 8.8531 8.8505 8.8510 8.8817 8.8622 8.9629 8.8791 9-4 J 37 8.8603 +0.6478 0.0206 +0.4788 0.5141 0-5558 0-7434 0-5793 0.6440 0.1936 0.5846 0.5887 0.5692 0-5559 0.4022 0.6562 0.7617 0.4790 0-5943 0.6487 0.5642 0.4572 0.4542 0-5923 0-5873 0.6719 0-3583 0.7562 1.0069 0.3687 0.3831 0.3831 0.5702 0.8078 0-4739 1.0366 0.4087 0.5507 0.4122 0.5808 0.5633 0.2563 0.5786 0.9082 +0.5614 +6.8905 7.3009 -5-4379 +6.3158 +6.9481 + 6.3492 + 6.5471 -6.4053 + 6.0738 + 6.0720 + 5-6834 + 5-5983 -5-5236 + 5.9039 + 6.0662 -4-3867 +4.9403 5.2416 -5-4736 5.2112 +4.7780 + 5.0677 -5-6935 -5.8683 6.6269 + 6.3596 6.9008 -7-3526 +6.4319 + 6.4041 + 6.4060 6.4028 -7.1308 + 5.6296 -7-5652 + 6.4139 -6-3939 + 6.4080 -6.5919 6.5164 +6.9114 6.6964 -7-5637 6.6319 0,001 0,006 Coronae Aust +0,004 +0,003 0,014 0,094 Pavonis 0,003 Telescopii + 0,002 +0,001 + 0,002 0,002 Sagittarii +0,00 1 + 0,001 0,005 0,065 -0,135 +0,004 +0,002 +0,018 +0,013 0,115 +0,006 0,132 +0,00 1 Telescopii 99 Herculis b Pavonis Octantis 103 Herculis Herculis Pavonis Octantis 102 Herculis 101 Herculis 0,00 1 Sagittarii Sagittarii 0,000 Herculis Sagittarii Octantis 0,085 274 No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of j? A s Taylor. 5 Bris- jane. Various. a' V c' d r 6121 6122 6123 6124 6125 6126 6127 6128 6129 6130 6131 6132 6133 6i34 6i35 6136 6137 6138 6139 6140 6141 6142 6143 6144 6145 6146 6147 6148 6149 6150 6151 6152 fi i53 6154 6155 6156 6157 6158 6159 6160 6161 6162 6163 6164 6165 1 II 135 46 42,0 17 58 53,8 87 27 36,7 98 19 48,0 in 27 13,0 Jfi 33 34,9 118 28 2,9 134 57 46,0 41 32 25,8 I2O O 14,2 121 9 26,7 115 29 28,6 III 27 50,9 67 47 23,7 137 3i 55,7 153 42 36,2 87 32 1,6 116 7 8,3 122 43 4,9 135 58 24,7 114 o 17,2 81 16 50,5 80 27 IT, 8 122 9 l6,2 120 44 51,7 14 35 4,5 59 27 22,6 J 53 5 6,9 169 19 ii, i 61 15 15,9 6 3 55 i3,9 63 55 17,6 115 47 14,0 158 15 48,0 86 i 38,8 170 16 58,8 69 12 18,0 109 51 51,1 69 58 31,0 118 55 19,0 "3 43 3M 4 6 33 !5>9 118 16 33,8 165 5 52,2 113 8 52,4 a +0,23 0,20 0,19 0,18 0,16 0,15 O,I2 O,II 0,07 0,06 O,o6 0,03 0,03 0,03 0,02 O,O2 0,02 -(-O,OI 0,01 0,0 1 0,0 1 0,0 1 0,02 0,02 0,04 O,II O,I2 0,12 0,13 0,I 5 0,16 0,16 0,16 0,16 0,19 0,19 0,2 1 0,21 0,21 O,2 1 0,23 0,26 0,28 0,29 0,30 0,648 +o,i53 -,439 0,476 0,524 0,808 o,554 0,643 0,228 0,560 0,566 0,541 0,525 0,368 0,661 0,843 o,439 o,543 o,573 0,650 o,535 0,418 0,415 0,570 0,564 0,685 o,333 0,832 1,482 0,341 0,352 0,352 0,542 o,937 o,434 1,586 o,374 0,518 o,377 0,556 o,534 0,263 o,553 1,180 -0.53 1 n +0,15 0,00 + 1,09 0,02 +0,04 +9.6169 -0.0355 -9.6793 -9-4541 8.5821 +9.8278 +8.9786 +9.6015 -0.0155 +9.0945 +9.1644 + 8.5877 -8.5798 9.8920 + 9.6481 + 9.8478 9.6782 + 8.7042 +9.2440 +9.6206 +8.0170 -9.7638 -9-7737 +9.2170 + 9.1408 +9.6964 -9-9455 +9.8422 +9-9554 -9.9352 9.9188 9.9188 +8.6464 +9.8855 9.7009 +9.9602 9.8812 -8.8344 -9.8751 +9.0162 +7.6990 O.OOI2 + 8.9614 + 9.9318 -7.7709 -7.9101 +7.9666 +6.6136 -7.1093 -7.4607 7.8020 7.4693 7.5730 +7.4030 -7.1874 7.1804 6.8150 -6.7431 +6.6662 -6.9095 -6.8886 + 5.5624 6.0696 + 6.3427 +6.4917 + 6.3480 -5.9491 6.2377 +6.7973 +6.9786 +7.6057 -7.4708 +7-73 2 7 +7.7966 -7.5509 -7-5336 -7-5355 +7-5333 + 7-8755 6.8047 +7.9687 -7.5607 +7-5433 -7-5570 +7.7101 +7.6542 -7-9485 + 7.8173 + 8.1500 +7.7716 +9-3570 9.2906 9.2693 9.2505 9.1997 9.1601 9-0933 9.0260 8.8310 8.7906 8.7688 8.4833 8.4820 8.3909 8.3438 8.2382 8.2308 +7.7282 -7.9121 7.9372 8.0409 8.0706 8.3202 8-3734 8.5721 9.0200 9.0670 9.0847 9.1064 9.1711 9.1927 9.1946 9.1970 9.2097 9.2663 9.2772 9.3127 9-3H3 9-3*47 9.3278 9.3518 9-4I33 9.4440 9.4671 -9-4793 o.oooo o.oooo o.oooo o.oooo o.oooo o.oooo o.oooo o.oooo o.oooo 0.0000 o.cooo o.oooo o.oooo o.oooo o.oooo o.oooo o.oooo o.oooo o.oooo o.oooo o.oooo o.oooo o.oooo o.oooo o.oooo o.oooo o.oooo o.oooo o.oooo o.oooo 0.0000 o.oooo o.oooo o.oooo o.oooo o.ooco o.oooo o.oooo 0.0000 o.ooco o.oooo o.oooo o.cooo o.oooo o.oooo 2285 2271 348 382 358 357 356 11.2270 iii.2273 ii.2o82 iii.227i 11.2083 7558 6310 M 7 , 5 M 7 16,1458 62502 R 501 L 94 J459 M7i7 B.F247I M 7 i8 62517 6^2473 7553 7579 7575 6315 +0,11 +0,30 .... 359 354 11.2085 111.2272 7583 7582 7587 7578 7561 6325 6320 0,00 0,04 + 0,20 0,30 + 0,03 + 0,27 2274 364 372 lv.1232 11.2087 7.3115 2272 365 iv.i233 7588 7581 7589 7590 7585 7577 7529 7603 7574 75^5 6326 6334 6329 6319 6332 6324 + 0,05 O,O2 0,04 0,08 2273 2275 361 366 373 374 ii.2o86 111.2276 11.2089 11.2090 + 0,13 + 0,85 0,o8 + 0,01 0,22 0,02 0,07 + O,I2 + 0,11 0,26 0,00 -0,71 +0,01 .... 367 ii.2o88 v.3ii6 iii.2282 2278 385 2281 2279 2280 388 389 39 383 11.2091 iv.i238 111.2283 iv.i237 2277 387 11.2092 2282 I 11.2094 +0,04 2283 2 11.2095 7609 7613 +0,07 2276 386 11.2093 7616 7559 6337 +0,44 ( 2 M 2) 275 No. Constellation. Mag. Right Ascension, 'an. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a b c d 6166* 6167* 6168* 6169 6170 6171 6172 6173* 6174* 6175* 6176 6177* 6178 6179 6180 6181* 6182* 6183 6184 6185 6186* 6187* 6188* 6189 6190* 6191 6192* 6193 6194 6195 6196* 6197* 6198 6199* 6200 6201* 6202* 6203 6204* 6205 6206 6207 6208* 6209 6210* 7 6 3* 6* 6 6 6 7 *i 7 7 7i 5 6 6 7 7 7 6 Si 4 7 7 7 6* 6* 7 6 Si 7 7i 6i 6 7 6 neb. 7 6 7 6 5 6 S 3i 6 h 111 s 18 3 51,63 4 29,08 4 47,62 4 57,9 5 6>5 5 12,29 5 J 5>33 5 36,95 5 4 I >5 5 48,87 5 49. 5 55>33 6 15,65 6 16,16 6 i7, 6 3 6 29,78 6 35,77 6 59,21 7 21,30 7 26,43 7 28,60 7 32,45 7 35,3i 7 39.27 7 5 2 >87 7 53-63 7 59.4i 8 4,67 8 39,99 8 40,77 9 1,07 9 9>5 9 25,i3 9 2 5-78 9 26,41 9 47 10 46,33 10 58,99 ii 4,27 ii 14,13 iii 5,40 ii 16,24 ii 21,57 ii 23,47 18 ii 30,76 s +3,906 5-57 3-586 4-373 5,802 4,728 3,604 3,836 4,064 3,918 3,943 0,306 2,256 3-577 3,568 3,880 3,885 4.J23 1,072 1,215 4,070 3,774 3,884 3,573 3,802 3.79 1 3,953 i,999 3,754 3,5i8 3.H 2 3,301 5,537 3,712 5,462 3,522 3-885 1,863 3>95i + 12,467 -4,483 + 5.7i -4.485 + 3,838 + 3,45i s 0,0007 0,0022 0,0006 0,0014 0,0041 0,0020 0,0006 0,0009 O,OO 12 O,OO 1 1 0,0011 0,0016 0,000 1 0,0008 0,0008 0,0011 0,0012 0,00 1 6 0,0008 0,0007 0,0017 0,0011 0,0014 0,0009 0,0013 0,0013 0,00 1 6 0,0003 0,0013 0,0009 0,0006 0,0007 0,0066 0,0014 0,006 1 0,00 1 1 0,0019 0,0003 0,0021 -0,0739 0,0331 0,0085 -0,0334 O,OO2O O,OOI2 s + 7.1219 7.3686 7.1746 7.3033 7.5290 7.3822 7.2164 7.2747 7.3144 7.3016 7-354 7-5974 7.3290 7.2900 7.2908 7.3442 7-35 l6 7.4127 7-5854 7-5685 7-4339 7.3942 7.4123 7.3762 7.4171 7.4163 7-4448 7-4/88 7.4520 7.4252 7-4I93 7-43I5 7-7597 7.4832 7.7504 7.4776 7.5646 7.6340 7.5861 8.3659 8.2742 7-8597 8.2783 7-5821 + 7.5416 -8.8954 9.0770 8.8539 8.9687 9.1808 9.0259 8.8559 8.8854 8.9192 8.8971 8.9008 9.1850 8.8924 8.8529 8.8520 8.8916 8.8923 8.9285 9.0788 9.0570 8.9202 8.8768 8.8922 8.8523 8.8806 8.8791 8.9023 8-9315 8.8741 8.8467 8.8242 8.8300 9-H57 8.8686 9- J 354 8.8470 8.8921 8.9531 8.9017 9.6751 9.5826 9.1676 9.5827 8.8854 8.8403 +0.5917 0.7039" 0.5546 0.6407 0.7636 0.6746 0.5568 0.5839 0.6089 Q-593 1 0.5958 9.4859 -3533 0-553 6 0-5525 0.5888 0.5894 0.6152 0.0302 0.0846 0.6096 0.5768 0.5893 0-553 0.5800 0.5787 0.5970 0.3008 0-5745 0.5463 0.4971 0.5187 0.7433 0.5696 0-7373 0.5468 0.5894 0.2703 0.5967 + 1.0958 -0.6515 +0-7559 0.6515 +0.5841 +0-5379 6.8460 -7.2874 6.7307 -7.1470 7.4824 -7-2734 -6.7852 -6.9709 -7.0899 -7.0303 -7.0430 + 7.55I8 + 7-0455 -6.8397 -6.8336 -7.0586 7.0679 7.2042 + 7-505 1 +7-4778 -7.2113 7.0623 --7.1284 6.9223 -7.0985 7.0926 7.1861 +7.2752 -7.1104 6.9269 6.1436 -6.6626 -7.7039 -7.1195 -7.6914 6.9828 7.2812 +7.4604 -7.3266 -8.3615 + 8.2675 -7.8099 +8.2716 7.2796 -6.9790 0,007 +0,00 1 + 0,022 O,O7O + O.OOI + 0,004 Coronae Aust 0,005 + 0,008 + 0,005 + 0,001 +0,006 0,003 Sagittarii in 0,014 +0,002 + 0,014 Sagittarii +0,005 + 0,005 Serpentis + 0,003 +0,064 Pavonis Sagittarii -0,034 Sagittarii ........ Lyrae Octantis 0,118 +0,024 -0,045 + 0,019 +0,004 +0,007 A o Draconis 41 Draconis 276 No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec.Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of 1 B i Taylor. Lacaille. Bris- lane. 6 347 Various. a' V c f d' 6166 6167 6168 6169 6170 6171 6172 6173 6174 6175 6176 6177 6178 6179 6180 6181 6182 6183 6184 6185 6186 6187 6188 6189 6190 6191 6192 6193 6194 6195 6196 6197 6198 6199 6200 6201 6202 6203 6204 6205 6206 6207 6208 6209 62IO < 1 II 121 59 46,2 146 3 43,8 "i 5 34,5 134 14 43,0 153 55 22,8 141 6 31,2 in 44 52,0 119 47 42,3 126 36 41,4 122 22 34,2 123 7 48,2 25 48 7,5 58 37 40,3 no 46 0,3 no 25 38,7 121 12 15,9 121 21 38,1 128 13 l6,8 33 45 57.7 35 45 33.7 126 48 1,0 117 45 21,5 121 2O 24,9 no 35 19,2 118 41 44,8 118 19 43,0 123 26 45,9 51 15 56,8 117 5 29,8 108 30 37,2 93 * 17.5 99 48 9.7 "5 1 33 ".5 "5 38 59.5 150 48 29,8 108 40 121 22 56,1 47 53 21,2 123 22 58,4 171 54 42,0 10 i 33,4 153 4 57.7 10 I 21,7 119 53 12,8 I0 5 53 J 7>7 a -0,34 .39 0,42 .43 o.45 0,46 0,46 0,49 0,50 0,51 0,51 0,52 0,55 0,55 o,55 0,57 0,58 0,61 0,64 0,65 0,65 0,66 0,66 0,67 0,69, 0,69 0,70 0,71 0,76 0,76 o,79 0,80 0,82 0,83 0,83 0,86 0,94 0,96 0,97 0,98 0,99 0,99 0,99 I,OO 1,01 -0,570 0,737 o,5 z 3 0,638 0,846 0,689 0,526 o,559 0,593 o,57i 0.575 0,045 0,329 0,522 0,520 0,566 0,566 0,601 0,156 0,177 0,593 0,550 0,566 0,521 0,554 o,553 0,576 0,291 o,547 o,5i3 0,458 0,481 0,807 0,541 0,796 o,5i3 0,566 0,272 0,576 -1,816 +0,653 0,830 +o> 6 53 -o,559 -0,503 +9.2090 +9.7688 -8.6542 +9.5874 +9.8495 +9.7038 8.5146 +9.0799 +9-3943 +9.2274 +9.2625 0.0370 -9.9498 8.7110 -8.7619 +9.1664 +9.1749 +9-4433 0.0302 0.0272 +9.4000 +8.9106 +9.1738 8.7380 +8.9965 +8.9647 +9.2758 9.9840 +8.8370 -8.9741 -9.5802 9.4108 +9.8272 +8.6160 +9.8199 8.9605 +9.1752 -9.9964 +9.2723 +9.9675 0.0250 +9.8414 0.0249 +9.0846 -9.1584 + 7-955 + 8.2104 +7.8767 +8.1782 +8.3015 +8.2473 +7.9292 +8.0854 +8.1706 +8.1330 +8.1421 -8.3666 -8.1529 +7.9866 +7.9815 +8.1669 +8.1754 +8.2755 8.4261 -8.4206 + 8.2909 +8.1853 +8.2360 +8.0698 +8.2177 +8.2133 +8.2836 -8-3434 + 8.2360 +8.0799 +7.3191 + 7.8323 +8.5578 +8.2506 +8-5557 +8.1354 +8.3886 8.5068 + 8.4244 +8.6859 8.6844 +8.6418 -8.6883 + 8-3937 + 8.1382 9.5286 9-5937 9.6227 9.6367 9.6503 9.6584 9.6626 9.6914 9.6973 9.7065 9.7067 9-7I45 9.7386 9.7392 9.7409 9-7547 9.7613 9.7862 9.8086 9- 8l 35 9.8157 9.8194 9.8221 9.8259 9.8385 9.8392 9-8445 9.8492 9.8798 9.8805 9.8970 9.9034 9.9159 9.9164 9.9169 9.9324 9.9742 9.9826 9.9861 9.9925 9-9933 9.9938 9.9972 9.9984 0.0030 -9-9999 9-9999 9-9999 9-9999 9-9999 9-9999 9-9999 9-9999 9-9999 9-9999 9-9999 9-9999 9.9998 9-9998 9.9998 9.9998 9-9998 9-9998 9.9998 9.9998 9.9998 9.9998 9.9998 9.9998 9-9997 9-9997 9-9997 9-9997 9-9997 9-9997 9-9997 9-9997 9.9996 9.9996 9.9996 9.9996 9-9995 9-9995 9-9995 9-9995 9-9995 9-9995 9-9995 9-9995 -9.9995 7619 7608 M7 1 9, 1460 M 720 / B 38 M 721 M 722 62528 G 2527 P 7 84, 146 1 62530 L 9 8 L 296 R502 A 62533 i M723.J462 0,00 0,0 1 +0,02 +0,51 0,02 +0,04 v.3ii8 11.2096 iii.2286 2284 7 5 7621 7601 7618 6348 6350 .3119 11.2097 2286 8 7634 7630 7635 7632 6 355 0,09 V.3I20 +0,05 +0,0 1 0,07 0,04 +0,03 2295 2291 2288 2289 9 iv.i243 18 H 15 11.2100 11.2098 ii.2099 7637 7639 7640 + 0,01 16 111.2289 +0,23 17 11.2101 7643 7650 7647 7653 7654 7 6 5 J 6360 + 0,05 2290 20 11.2102 +0,19 21 111.2290 +0,06 0,00 +0,08 2293 2292 24 2 5 11.2103 11.2104 7659 +o,54 V.3I2I 7638 7660 7641 6366 6368 +0,03 V-3I22 7668 7669 7562 7656 7670 6362 6373 6377 +0,92 0,05 0,08 0,06 +0,06 2318 62 iii.23oi 2321 2294 2296 63 32 111.2302 11.2105 11.2 106 277 No. Constellation. Mag. Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a b c d 6211 6212* 6213* 6214* 6215 6216 6217* 6218 6219 6220* 6221 6222* 6223 6224 6225 6226 6227 6228 6229 6230 6231 6232* 6233 6234 6235 6236* 6237 6238 6239 6240* 6241* 6242 6243 6244* 6245* 6246 6247 6248 6249* 6250 6251 6252 6253 6254 6 255 7 7 6 7 6 6 6* 5 6 61 6 7 5 5 7 6 6 6 4 6 Si 6* 3 7 41 7 6 6 6 4 Si 5* 6 7 6 5* 6 6 61 4* 51 6 5 7 5 h m s 18 IT 35,60 II 40,67 " 53 ii 54,29 ii 57-99 12 2,83 12 l8,I5 12 21,92 12 27,65 12 30,54 12 43,99 12 58,28 13 0,46 13 i.93 13 9,27 13 20,91 13 22,85 13 23,03 13 32,97 13 36,90 13 57.39 H 4.75 14 13,04 14 35,09 H 36,45 14 48,11 IS 9.39 i5 9.99 IS 23.15 15 5 ,92 '5 53.45 15 5 8 .43 16 8,76 16 8,91 16 10 16 24,88 16 25,08 16 59,25 17 3,27 17 15,01 17 18,50 17 21,57 17 21,98 17 3M3 18 17 42,34 + 3^73 3,9*4 2,902 3,726 4,141 1,051 3,693 i.9 x 5 5. 1 39 3.795 4,067 3,637 2,466 0,291 3,463 4,051 2,993 4,368 3,i39 7,739 2,534 2,312 3,986 2,333 2,IOI 3>9*4 2,307 2,337 3,867 4,454 2,499 +7,142 -0,350 + 3,899 2,644 1,407 3,572 5,i72 3,855 4,612 2,54 1,501 5,6i7 3.953 + i,535 s 0,0020 0,002 1 0,0005 0,0017 0,0028 0,0014 0,0017 0,0003 0,0066 0,0020 0,0027 0,0017 0,0003 0,0036 0,0014 0,0029 0,0007 0,0039 0,0009 0,0258 0,0003 0,0003 0,0028 0,0003 0,0004 0,0028 0,0003 0,0003 0,0027 0,0050 0,0004 0,0241 0,0075 0,0030 0,0004 O,OOI2 0,OO20 0,0092 0,0029 0,0062 O,OOO4 0,OOIO O,OI25 0,0034 OjOOIO s 0,00 1 + 7-5947 7.6037 7-54I9 7.5861 7.6493 7.8029 7.5962 7.6772 7.8249 7.6168 7.6646 7.6124 7.6183 7-9421 7.6006 7.6827 7.5907 7-7344 7.5960 8.1584 7.6408 7.6728 7.7000 7.6852 7.7201 7.7067 7.7056 7.7017 7.7167 7.8220 7.7012 8.1736 8.III2 7.7423 7.6932 7.8824 7-7074 7.9645 7-7597 7.8844 7-7335 7.8917 8.0367 7.7888 +7.8949 8.8903 8.8962 8.8268 8.8702 8.9311 9.0819 8.8659 8-9447 9.0891 8.8793 8.9194 8.8591 8.8638 9.1868 8.8412 8.9169 8.8239 8.9675 8.8237 9.3840 8.8556 8.8838 8.9068 8.8809 8.9151 8.8960 8.8845 8.8803 8.8891 8.9815 8.8595 9.3296 9.2626 8.8936 8.8440 9.0266 8.8515 9.0937 8.8873 9.0070 8.8546 9.0115 9-1563 8.9015 9.0061 +0.5880 0.5926 0.4628 0.5712 0.6171 0.0214 0.5673 0.2822 0.7109 -5793 0.6093 0.5607 0.3919 9.4642 0-5395 0.6076 0.4762 0.6402 0.4968 0.8887 0.4038 0.3641 0.6005 0.3680 0.3225 0.5926 0.3630 0.3687 0.5873 0.6488 0-3977 +0.8538 -9-5444 +0.5909 0.4222 0.1483 o-553 0.7136 0.5860 0.6639 0.4048 0.1764 0-7495 0.5969 +0.1860 -7-3065 -7.3311 +6.6390 -7.2301 -7-4455 +7.7242 7.2218 +7-493I -7.7492 -7-2954 7-4414 -7.2041 +7-2341 +7.8970 -7.0511 -7-4551 +6.3528 -7.5776 6.3050 -8.1413 +7.2125 +7-3665 -7.4526 +7-3697 + 7.4893 -7-4344 + 7.4018 + 7-3845 -7.4263 7.6792 + 7.2969 -8.1514 + 8.0805 -7.4644 + 7.1773 + 7.7746 -7.2541 7.8910 - 7.4648 -7.7632 + 7-3 OI 5 + 7-7737 -7.9841 -7-5306 + 7.7730 Coronae Aust 0,002 +0,015 +0,005 +0,054 + 0,002 + O,OO I + 0,002 O,OO5 -0,037 + O,OO2 -j- O,OO6 + 0,009 + O,OOI -j-0,002 + 0,OO2 74 Ophiuchi Coronae Aust Octantis 1 06 Herculis '. Herculis 20 Sagittarii g Herculis I Lyr33 X 108 Herculis 0,010 + O,OO2 0,004 0,003 Sagittarii Telescopii Herculis Pavonis 0,036 0,003 17 Draconis Sagittarii 2 1 Sagittarii + O,OO2 -0,138 Telescopii Telescopii Y 0,015 + 0,017 109 Herculis + 0,027 O,OO6 Sagittarii 278 No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of 6 1 Taylor. 1 Bris- bane. Various. of V c 7 d f 6211 6212 6213 6214 6215 6216 6217 6218 6219 6220 6221 6222 6223 6224 6225 6226 6227 6228 6229 6230 6231 6232 6233 6234 6235 6236 6237 6238 6239 6240 6241 6242 6243 6244 6245 6246 6247 6248 6249 6250 6251 6252 6253 6254 6255 / II 120 59 58,8 122 15 44,3 82 49 116 8 28,0 128 43 5,2 33 27 44.3 114 58 48,8 49 7 15.3 H7 9 4 J >4 118 29 43,7 126 44 2,5 112 59 16,0 65 36 46,1 25 39 12,2 106 23 20,5 126 18 19,2 86 41 7,3 134 10 42,9 92 55 57.8 164 2 43,7 68 5 50,4 60 23 46,8 124 26 56,5 61 4 47,1 53 59 59.5 122 17 13,5 60 12 33,5 61 ii 51,9 120 49 39,8 136 2 42,3 66 47 12,9 161 51 39,0 21 17 55,7 121 49 50,2 72 !5 38 42 58,7 no 37 0,2 H7 35 59.5 I2O 28 16,9 139 8 42,5 68 17 38,7 40 20 46,1 152 21 55,6 123 29 31,8 40 57 11,1 a I,OI 1,02 I,O4 1,04 I,0 5 1,05 1,08 1,08 1,09 1,09 i, ii i.i3 1,14 1,14 i.i5 i.i7 i.i7 i.i7 1,19 1,19 1,22 I,2 3 1,24 1,28 1,28 I,2 9 J3 i>33 i.35 L39 i,39 1,40 1,41 1,41 1,41 M4 i.44 i.49 L49 LSI i.5* L5* 1,52 M4 -1.55 -0,564 0,570 0,423 0.543 0,603 O .i53 0,538 0,279 0,748 0.553 0,592 0,530 0.359 0,042 0,504 0,590 0,436 0,636 o.457 1,127 0,369 0,337 0,580 0,340 0,306 0,570 0,336 0,340 0,563 0,648 0,364 -1,039 +0,051 -0,567 0,385 0,205 0,520 0,752 0,561 0,671 0,369 0,218 0,817 0,575 0,223 a 0,05 +9- I 535 4-9.2204 9-7447 4-8.7024 49-45 6 4 0.0304 4-8.4518 -9.9919 +9.7808 4-8.9777 4-9.3969 7.9823 -9.9071 0.0366 9.1291 4-9-3827 9.6910 +9.5849 -9.5824 +9-9H5 -9.8893 -9.9397 +9-3 J 53 -9.9357 9.9721 +9.2204 -9.9407 -9.9350 + 9.1418 +9.6201 -9.8987 +9.9100 0.0362 +9.1970 -9-8558 O.O2II 8.7404 + 9.7850 + 9.1196 + 9.6724 9.8876 0.0174 + 9-8339 + 9.2749 0.0160 + 8.4157 + 8.4344 7.8116 + 8.3594 + 8.5138 8.6418 +S-3552 -8-5477 + 8.6595 4-8.4154 +8.5213 +8.3442 8.3696 -8.7095 + 8.2092 + 8-5374 -7.5281 + 8.6093 +7.4805 +8.7565 -8.3561 -8.4818 + 8.5449 -8.4879 -8-5733 +8-5375 -8.5163 -8.5033 +8.5363 + 8.6967 -8.4363 + 8.8208 -8.8168 + 8.5698 8.3322 -8.7469 +8.4014 + 8.7961 + 8.5764 +8-7549 -8.4457 8.7610 + 8.8265 + 8.6279 -8.7656 0.006 1 0.0092 0.0168 0.0176 0.0198 0.0227 0.0318 0.0340 0.0374 0.0390 0.0468 0.0548 0.0560 0.0568 0.0609 0.0672 0.0683 0.0684 0.0737 0.0758 0.0866 0.0903 0.0946 0.1056 0.1063 O.II2I 0.1223 0.1226 0.1288 0.1417 0.1428 0.1451 0.1497 0.1498 0.1503 0.1569 0.1570 0.1718 0.1735 0.1784 0.1799 0.1812 0.1813 0.1883 -0.1897 -9.9994 9-9994 9-9994 9-9994 9.9994 9-9994 9-9994 9-9994 9-9994 9-9994 9-9993 9-9993 9-9993 9-9993 9-9993 9-9993 9-9993 9-9993 9.9992 9.9992 9.9992 9.9992 9.9992 9.9991 9.9991 9.9991 9.9991 9.9991 9.9990 9.9990 9.9990 9.9989 9.9989 9.9989 9.9989 9.9989 9.9989 9.9988 9.9988 9.9988 9.9988 9.9988 9.9988 9.9987 -9.9987 33 iii.2294 7672 7673 A 62539 62538 J 4 6 3 B.H 1218 W 9 6 2 1465^503 A 62549 M 7 25 62553 J 4 66 62555 7676 7671 6379 -f-o,io 34 iii.2295 7681 7663 7682 7677 7686 7684 7680 6383 6382 6386 +0,12 37 v.3125 0,00 0,00 +0,13 +0,05 0,01 +0,14 +0,65 0,08 +0,01 4-0,04 4-o,o8 0,02 0,03 2300 2309 2299 2298 47 54 43 42 45 39 48 11.2107 ii.2 in 111.2298 iii.23OO ii.2io8 111.2299 ii.2 1 09 7642 7689 7693 7698 7694 7666 7703 6380 6391 6397 6395 2301 2302 2297 2304 2305 49 5 1 46 53 55 ii.2 1 12 iii.2303 11.2 I 1C iii.2304 11.2113 0,04 O,o6 4-0,15 +0,24 0,o8 O,OO 4-o,o6 2307 2306 2308 57 56 52 50 111.2305 ^11.2 1 1 6 11.2114 11.2115 11.2117 2316 67 111.2306 4- 0,02 -1,78 2303 58 11.21 18 v-3128 7696 7709 7702 6399 6403 +0,44 4-0,24 11.2120 11.2121 2311 64 +0,17 0,03 11.2119 lU.2307 7691 7710 6401 60 279 No. Constellation. Mag. Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Logarithms of Motion. a * c d 6256* 6257 6258 6259 6260* 6261* 6262 6263 6264* 6265 6266* 6267 6268 6269 6270* 6271* 6272 6273 6274 6275 6276 6277 6278 6279* 6280* 6281 6282 6283* 6284* 6285 6286 6287 6288* 6289 6290 6291 6292 6293 6294 6295* 6296 6297 6298 6299 6300 7 6 6 6 61 7 6 4 7 6 7 6 5* Si 7 7 6 7 neb. 7 6 6 5 5 6 3 5 7 6* si 7 6 7 5 6 6 6 6* 6 7 5 5 6 7 6 h m s 18 17 48,21 17 5.93 17 56,90 1 8 5,04 18 13,44 1 8 22,77 18 38,58 18 42,88 18 44,83 18 59,13 19 1.19 19 11,25 19 17,13 19 32,27 19 37,^3 19 38,10 19 59,5 6 20 6,82 20 9,39 20 10,90 20 20,36 2O 23,09 20 38,47 20 38,87 2O 41 20 43,59 20 56,19 20 59,88 21 13,50 21 14,52 21 20,46 21 22,63 21 25,39 21 43,19 21 52,85 22 27,58 22 31,03 22 37,06 22 38,82 22 40,47 22 47,97 22 54,25 23 i,37 2 3 3,*7 18 23 22,81 +3*9 -0,345 + 1,411 4>'53 3,837 3,74i 4,515 3,706 3,745 6,117 3> 6 39 3-501 *97S 3,068 3,74 + 3,8^9 0,123 + 3,702 3,955 3-94 5,270 4,270 4,45 3,419 +2,919 -19,323 +4,442 3,805 3,4*9 3,938 3> 6 45 +3,524 -0,895 +0,880 3-"9 4,836 3,5^9 3>5i 2 3,5i6 3,8i7 +4,286 0,850 +4-HI 3,535 +2,485 s 0,0032 0,0083 0,0013 0,0043 0,0031 0,0028 0,0062 0,0027 0,0028 0,0 1 80 0,0026 0,0021 0,0005 0,0011 0,0030 0,0033 0,0079 0,0029 0,0038 0,0038 0,0118 0,0054 0,0064 0,0020 0,0009 -0,6157 0,0065 0,0034 0,0021 0,0040 0,0028 0,0024 0,0143 0,0032 0,0013 0,0096 0,0026 0,0025 0,0025 0,0038 0,0062 0,0149 0,0053 0,0027 0,0005 s +7.7836 8.1544 7.9206 7.8306 7-7859 7.7766 7.9025 7.7799 7-7857 8.1388 7.7787 7.7678 7.8606 7-754 1 7.8048 7.8159 8.1787 7.8106 7.8469 7.8452 8.0572 7.9014 7.9362 7.7924 7.7816 9.0062 7.9411 7.8430 7.8044 7.8671 7.8294 7.8169 8.2912 8.0845 7.8034 8.0349 7.8399 7.8402 7.8411 7.8779 7.9527 8.3160 7-933 6 7.8507 +7.8703 8.8924 9.2620 9.0259 8.9325 8.8845 8.8715 8.9912 8.8670 8.8720 9.2195 8.8587 8-8439 8-9345 8.8223 8.8712 8.8819 9.2369 8.8662 8.9016 8.8993 9.1079 8.9512 8.9804 8.8365 8.8249 0.0487 8.9792 8.8798 8.8365 8.8989 8.8591 8.8459 9-3I93 9.1065 8.8222 9.0423 8.8461 8.8445 8.8448 8,8812 8-9535 9.3148 8.9302 8.8466 8.8602 +0.5901 -9-5379 +0.1495 0.6184 0.5840 0.5730 0.6547 0.5689 0-5734 0.7865 0.5609 0.5441 0.2956 0.4869 0.5728 +0.5820 .9.0906 +0.5684 0.5972 -5955 0.7218 0.6304 0.6484 0-5339 +0.4653 1.2861 +0.6476 0.5804 0-5339 0-5953 0.5617 +0.5471 -9-95 I 7 +9.9446 0.4940 0.6845 0.5476 0.5456 0.5460 0.5817 +0.6321 -9.9293 +0.6171 0.5483 +0-3953 -7.5032 + 8.1236 + 7.8125 -7.6302 -7-4835 -7-4294 -7.7688 -7-4*39 -7.4403 8.1008 -7.3722 -7.2551 +7.6634 + 5-0374 -7.4569 7.5060 +8.1439 7.4422 -7.5898 -7.5829 -7.9893 -7.7270 -7.7932 -7-1955 +6.8343 +9.0054 -7.7970 -7.5270 7.2081 7.6042 -7.4274 -7-3255 + 8.2680 + 8.0163 6.3629 -7.9372 -7-3525 -7.3385 -7.3426 -7-5674 -7.7817 +8.2923 -7-73 8 -7.3682 + 7-4757 0,013 Coronse Aust +0,013 -0,034 +0,001 0,009 0,003 +0,004 + 0,021 0,003 + 0,012 O,OII + O,OO6 O,OO5 Coronae Aust Telescopii o ' Sagittarii 23 Ursse Minoris . . $ Telescopii 5^ + 0,030 O,OO4 Sagittarii Sagittarii 0,002 23 Sagittarii Sagittarii 0,005 O,OI3 0,004 + 0,O06 0,005 0,016 +0,017 0,007 39 Draconis b 60 Serpentis c Telescopii Sagittarii Sagittarii Sagittarii Sagittarii Coronae Aust. . . 6 43 Draconis ff> +0,015 +0,002 0,023 + 0,00 1 +0,015 Coronae Aust. . . y. Sagittarii Herculis 280 No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec.Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of ? M 1 Taylor. Lacaille. Bris- Darie. Various. a' V cf d f 6256 6257 6258 6259 6260 6261 6262 6263 6264 6265 6266 6267 6268 6269 6270 6271 6272 6273 6274 6275 6276 6277 6278 6279 6280 6281 6282 6283 6284 6285 6286 6287 6288 6289 6290 6291 6292 6293 6294 6295 6296 6297 6298 6299 6300 121 37 23,6 21 19 4,5 38 46 11,3 129 4 46,5 "9 53 3 6 >i 116 42 50,5 137 18 27,5 115 29 58,2 116 50 16,8 156 22 29,4 113 5 18,2 107 53 12,4 5 34 18,7 89 53 24,2 116 40 14,2 119 20 13,1 22 38 l6,5 115 2O 52,3 i*3 35 7.8 123 8 13,2 148 48 9,4 132 O 22,5 136 o 34,3 104 39 23,1 83 3i 3 2 4 9.9 J35 5 1 J 3>5 118 52 58,6 104 40 31,9 I2 3 4 54.7 113 20 40,2 108 49 3,9 18 33 25,0 31 17 6,8 92 4 42,3 H2 59 34.9 108 59 54,0 108 21 37,1 108 30 1,5 119 16 58,6 132 24 52,2 18 44 36,9 128 49 35,7 109 13 33,0 66 13 47,2 -1,56 1,56 L57 i, 5 l L59 1,61 1,63 1,64 1,64 1,66 1,66 1,68 1,69 i.7i 1,72 1,72 *.7S 1,76 1,76 1,76 1.78 1,78 i, 80 1,80 1,81 1,81 1,83 1,84 1,86 1,86 1,86 1,87 1,87 1,90 1,91 1,96 1-97 1,98 1,98 1,98 L99 2,00 2,01 2,OI 2,04 0,566 -1-0,050 0,205 0,604 0,558 .544 0,656 .539 o,544 0,889 0,529 0,509 0,287 0,446 0.543 -0,555 -fo,o 1 8 -o,538 0,575 0,572 0,766 0,620 0,646 o,497 -0,424 + 2,807 -0,645 o,553 o,497 0,572 0,529 0,512 +0,130 0,128 o,453 0,702 0,512 0,510 0,510 o,554 0,622 +0,123 0,601 o,5 1 3 -0,361 // +9-1855 0.0361 0.0208 +9.4646 +9.0814 +8.7818 +9.6418 +8.5729 +8.7980 +9.8687 7.9243 9.0290 -9.9859 -9.6394 +8.7738 +9.0406 0.0360 +8-5353 +9.2778 +9.2579 +9-7974 +9.5367 +9.6182 9.2248 -9-7354 0.0086 +9.6152 +9.0043 9.2240 +9.2550 -7.5911 -8.9523 0.0342 0.0319 -9-5995 +9.7271 8.9360 -8.9930 8.9809 +9.0342 +9-545I 0.0341 +9-4559 -8.9149 9.9021 +8.6095 -8.8602 -8.7853 +8.6963 + 8.5976 +8-5565 +8.7762 + 8-5455 +8.5669 +8.8797 +8.5120 +8.4097 -8.7274 6.2134 +8.5841 +8.6225 -8.9053 +8-5743 + 8.6866 +8.6819 +8.8797 +8.7741 + 8.8110 + 8-3573 8.0076 -8.9550 + 8.8160 +8.6454 +8.3698 +8.7035 +8.5664 +8.4778 8.9469 8.9078 + 7.5387 +8.8928 +8.5043 +8.4919 +8.4956 +8.6841 +8.8260 -8.9753 +8.7985 +8.5194 -8.6133 0.1921 0.1932 0.1956 0.1989 0.2022 0.2059 O.2I2I 0.2137 0.2145 O.22OO 0.2208 0.2246 O.2268 0.2324 0.2342 0.2346 0.2424 0.2450 0.2459 0.2464 0.2498 0.2508 0.2562 0.2563 0.2571 0.2580 0.2623 0.2636 0.2683 0.2686 0.2706 0.2714 0.2723 0.2783 0.2815 0.2928 0.2939 0.2958 0.2963 0.2969 0.2993 O.3OI2 0.3035 0.3040 0.3IOI -9.9987 9.9987 9.9987 9.9987 9.9986 9.9986 9.9986 9.9986 9.9986 9.9985 9.9985 9.9985 9.9985 9.9984 9.9984 9-9984 9.9984 9.9983 9.9983 9.9983 9-9983 9.9983 9.9982 9.9982 9.9982 9.9982 9.9982 9.9982 9.9981 9.9981 9.9981 9.9981 9.9981 9.9981 9.9980 9-9979 9-9979 9-9979 9.9979 9-9979 9-9979 9.9978 9-9978 9.9978 "-9-9977 77H 62556 M726, 1467 Z 1220 M 727 1468 P794.J470 A J 469 W 9 66 B.F250I M 7 28 A 427 M729 M 730 J47i W97i +0,08 2322 80 iii.23o8 +0,06 v-3129 7712 7717 7722 7713 7725 7724 7697 7727 6406 6411 6409 0,25 +0,23 v.3i 3 o ii.2I22 2310 66 0,06 v.3i3i ii.2i23 111.2309 11.2124 0,00 +0,05 23^5 2312 78 74 7732 773 7738 7733 7735 7716 773 1 7729 6416 6418 6419 0,04 +0,14 0,0 1 .... 93 75 7i 72 111.2315 111.2310 iv.i26o 111.2311 v.3133 111.2312 111.2313 11.2125 +0,30 +0,14 +0,16 +0,0 1 2313 70 73 0,02 +0,10 2395 178 76 11.2148 111.2314 7734 7745 7746 6420 0,04 + O,I2 2 3H 79 11.2127 11.2126 + 0,09 0,08 0,O4 + O,o6 O,IO +0,27 +0,02 +0,09 2331 2328 2317 82 11.2128 98 86 11.2131 11.2129 ^3135 11.2130 111.2317 11.2132 7743 6424 88 9 1 92 7759 7756 7758 6427 6429 +0,13 0,0 1 +0,04 +0,13 0,00 2334 85 "3 89 94 ICO 111.2316 111.2321 111.2318 11.2133 11.2134 B.A.C. ( 2N) 281 No. Constellation. Mag. Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec.Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a b c d 6301 6302 6303* 6304* 6305 6306* 6307 6308 6309 6310* 6311 6312 6313* 6314* 6315 6316 6317 6318 6319* 6320* 6321* 6322 6323 6324* 6325 6326* 6327* 6328 6329 6330 6331* 6332 6333 6334* 6 335 6336* 6337 6338* 6339* 6340 6341 6342* 6 343 6344* 6345* 7 44 74 7 54 64 6 7 7 6* 6 6 *4 7 4 6 64 6 7 6 7 6 7 6 54 neb. 7 6 7 6* 7 7 7 7 6 64 6 7 7 7 6 7 6 7 7 h m s 18 23 39,43 *3 45-53 23 47,91 24 3-93 24 7,20 24 9,32 24 12,45 24 14,98 24 22,78 24 37,12 24*37,91 24 43.74 25 4.74 25 22,32 25 29,29 25 33,19 25 36,61 25 37.99 26 7,43 26 12,97 26 24,67 26 31,73 26 32,65 26 42,19 27 2,69 27 15,73 27 33.9 1 27 42,84 27 44,25 27 53,40 27 54.54 27 59,42 28 16,67 28 31,12 28 45.33 28 55,50 28 59.71 29 2,42 29 5.95 29 8,65 29 15,88 29 17,69 29 23,22 29 40,16 18 29 46,38 s + 3.53 1,190 + 3.434 3,669 3.938 3,426 3,096 3.937 3.515 3.869 0,804 3,666 3,426 3. 6 7i 7,052 0,159 3.934 0,820 + 3.839 22,053 + 3.831 2,493 3.538 3.33 1 3.265 3,662 3.795 5,888 3,824 4.54 6 3.7" 3,485 3.536 3,9*6 1.373 3,594 5,874 3,704 3,841 3,485 2,494 3,856 3,651 3,936 +3,784 s 0,0027 0,0189 0,0023 0,0033 0,0045 0,0024 0,0015 0,0045 0,0027 0,0043 0,0040 0,0034 0,0025 0,0035 0,0371 0,0079 0,0048 0,0041 0,0045 0,9904 0,0045 0,0006 0,0031 0,0023 0,002 1 0,0037 0,0044 0,0233 0,0047 0,0095 0,0040 0,0030 0,0033 0,0054 0,0022 0,0036 0,0241 0,0042 0,0049 0,0031 0,0007 0,0050 0,0040 0,0056 0,0048 s 0,009 +0,117 0,008 0,019 0,000 0,001 -(-0,007 + 0,001 0,00 1 + 7.8614 8.3647 7.8551 7.8843 7.9223 7.8609 . 7.8470 7.9244 7.8729 7.9210 8.1504 7-8958 7.8772 7.9076 8.3687 8.2521 7.9476 8.1655 7-9425 9.1582 7.9462 7.9241 7.9121 7.8975 7.8994 7.9376 7-9596 8.2757 7.9664 8.0829 7-9539 7.9298 7-9393 7.9932 8.1320 7-9552 8.2939 7.9702 7.9896 7-9473 7.9665 7-9947 7-9687 8.0119 + 7.9916 8.8461 9-3475 8.8372 8.8615 8.8985 8.8365 8.8216 8.8983 8.8444 8.8883 9.1174 8.8611 8.8363 8.8616 9.3208 9.2030 8.8976 9.1151 8.8838 0.0985 8.8826 8.8586 8.8463 8.8292 8.8255 8.8602 8.8773 9.1911 8.8814 8.9954 8.8662 8.8408 8.8458 8.8960 9.0312 8.8518 9.1894 8.8650 8.8835 8.8406 8.8579 8.8857 8.8584 8.8973 -8.8755 +0.5478 -0.0757 +0.5358 0.5645 0-5953 0.5348 0.4908 0-5951 0-5459 0.5876 9.9052 0.5642 0.5348 0.5648 0.8483 9.2017 0.5948 9.9136 +0.5842 -'3435 +0.5834 0.3967 0.5487 0.5226 0.5139 0.5638 0.5792 0.7699 0.5826 0.6576 0.5695 0.5421 0.5485 0-5939 o.i375 0-5555 0.7690 0.5687 0.5844 0.5422 0.3970 0.5862 0.5624 0.5950 +0.5780 -7-3757 + 8-3445 -7.2760 -7-4973 -7-6599 -7.2731 -6.1323 7.6614 -7-3738 -7.6327 +8.0862 -7-5075 -7-2891 -7.5225 -8.3458 +8.21:0 -7.6838 + 8.1006 -7.6422 +9.1576 7.6426 +7-525 -7-433 7.1816 7.0611 -7-5474 -7.6399 8.2322 7.6600 -7.9542 7-5922 -7.4037 - 7-459 * 7.7269 + 8.0286 -7.5196 8.2500 7.6046 -7.6905 -7.4219 + 7.5669 7.7020 -7.5716 -7-7494 -7.6674 +0,002 0,000 +0,013 0,007 +0,016 0,003 24 Ursse Minoris .... +0,005 0,005 +0,003 0,000 Aouilae Pavonis 0,002 0,008 +0,013 Telescopii Sagittarii Sagittarii +0,004 0,009 Sagittarii Sagittarii Draconis Sagittarii 0,00 1 +0,014 Pavonis Sagittarii Sagittarii Sagittarii 0,009 +0,009 Herculis Sagittarii Sagittarii +0,003 Sagittarii 282 No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of i H 1 Taylor. i Bris- bane. Various. a' *' c' d' 6301 6302 6303 6304 6305 6306 6307 6308 6309 6310 6311 6312 6313 6314 6315 6316 6317 6318 6319 6320 6321 6322 6323 6324 6325 6326 6327 6328 6329 6330 633 1 6332 6 333 6334 6 335 6336 6337 6338 6339 6340 6341 6342 6343 6344 6345 / II 109 4 26,3 17 19 59,1 105 16 51,4 114 12 49,7 123 7 21,0 104 58 13,1 91 6 19,3 123 4 29,4 108 28 21,0 120 59 17,5 30 23 16,1 114 8 17,0 104 57 40,1 114 19 51,6 161 32 44,6 24 31 46,0 123 o 2,8 3 32 59-9 120 3 2,2 3 J 34. 6 119 48 18,1 66 29 29,1 109 22 52,0 101 5 21,0 98 20 36,3 114 I 31,0 118 37 0,8 154 46 21,1 119 35 29,1 rj8 i 54,1 115 46 16,2 107 19 24,7 109 19 40,1 122 47 47,0 37 59 44.4 in 31 0,7 154 41 1,5 "5 3 1 42,3 120 8 57,8 107 21 11,5 66 30 45,1 120 38 40,2 "3 37 33.5 123 7 30,5 118 17 51,0 2,07 2,08 2,08 2,IO 2,1 1 2,11 2,11 2,12 2,I 3 2,15 2,15 2,16 2,19 2,22 2,23 2,23 2,24 2,24 2,28 2,29 2,31 2,32 2,32 2,33 2,36 2,38 2,41 2,42 2,42 2,44 2,44 2,44 2,47 2,49 2,51 2,52 2-53 2,53 2,54 2,54 2,55 2,56 2,56 2,59 2,60 a 0,512 +0,173 0,498 o,532 0,571 o,497 0,449 o,57i 0,510 0,561 0,117 0,532 o,497 0,532 1,022 0,023 0,570 0,119 -0,556 + 3,195 -o,555 0,361 0,513 0,483 o,473 0,53 o,549 0,852 o,554 0,658 o,537 0,504 0,512 0,568 0,199 0,520 0,850 o,536 0,556 0,504 0,361 0,558 0,528 0,569 -0,547 a +0,03 +o,35 -8.9294 0.0329 -9.1945 +8.0828 + 9.2550 9.2103 -9.6177 +9-253 1 -8.9845 +9-H57 0.0323 +8.0253 -9.2114 +8.1492 +9.9060 0.0352 +9.2487 0.0320 +9.0860 0.0065 +9.0689 -9.8999 8.9020 -9.3709 -9-4553 + 7.8976 +8.9754 +9-853I +9-0523 +9.6511 +8.6107 -9-0745 8.9085 +9.2373 0.0208 -8.5999 +9.8519 +8-5551 +9.0896 -9.0730 -9.8994 +9.1209 6.0000 +9.2516 + 8.9440 +8.5273 -8.9947 +8.4365 +8.6334 + 8.7589 + 8.4342 + 7.3083 + 8.7607 + 8.5269 +8.7419 -8.9663 +8.6438 + 8.4502 + 8.6582 +9.0223 -9.0053 +8.7834 -8.9828 +8.7556 -9.0563 + 8.7570 -8.6634 + 8.5838 + 8.3495 + 8.2326 +8.6841 +8.7594 +9.0379 + 8-7754 + 8-9555 +8.7228 + 8.5596 + 8.6100 + 8.8276 8.9940 +8.6644 +9.0571 + 8.7361 +8.8035 +8.5778 -8.7055 +8.8127 + 8.7097 + 8.8485 +8.7882 -0.3152 0.3171 0.3178 0.3226 0.3236 0.3243 0.3252 0.3259 0.3283 0-3325 0.3327 0-3344 0.3405 0-3455 0-3475 0.3486 0-3495 0.3499 0.3581 0.3591 0.3629 0.3648 0.3650 0.3676 0.3731 0.3766 0.3814 0.3837 0.3841 0.3864 0.3867 0.3880 0.3924 0.3961 0.3996 0.4022 0.4032 0.4039 0.4048 0.4054 0.4072 0.4076 0.4090 0.4131 0.4146 -9-9977 9.9977 9-9977 9.9976 9.9976 9.9976 9.9976 9.9976 9-9975 9-9975 9-9975 9-9975 9-9974 9-9973 9-9973 9-9973 9-9973 9-9973 9.9972 9.9972 9.9971 9.9971 9.9971 9.9971 9.9970 9.9969 9.9969 9.9968 9.9968 9.9968 9.9968 9.9968 9.9967 9.9966 9.9966 9-9965 9.9965 9.9965 9.9965 9.9965 9.9965 9.9964 9.9964 9.9964 -9.9963 2337 2320 2319 2323 2325 95 119 iii.23i9 ii.2143 M 731 1,298 W 973 M 732 M 733 62584 M 734 M7 3 6 M 73 5 J 4 72 G 2590 My37 W 9 8o M 738 62601 M739 51741 W 986 B.F25I2 +0,08 +0,13 +0,05 +0,03 +0,64 + 0,10 99 96 101 104 97 102 11.2136 ii.2i35 11.2137 11.2139 iv.i267 11.2140 7761 7762 7767 0,00 +0,06 0,02 +0,1 6 +0,06 0,07 2324 2327 2326 105 107 108 11.2141 11.2142 111.2323 11.2138 111.2325 111.2324 7769 7774 773 6 7772 6436 2336 124 109 7777 7778 0,0 1 2417 227 111.2334 0,00 +0,09 + 0,02 + 0,29 2329 2330 116 112 114 "5 11.2146 11.2144 11.2145 11.2147 7786 7787 7766 7788 778o 7791 6446 6448 +o,55 +0,04 0,08 .... 118 iv.i27i V.SHI 0,0 1 +0,03 120 121 111.2326 111.2329 7794 +0,14 +0,40 2332 125 11.2150 7773 7804 7801 6451 +0,05 +0,05 128 132 11.2151 11.2153 7803 7806 7805 7808 0,03 2333 I2 9 11.2152 ( 2 N 2 ) 283 Jfc. 2.^. 7 No. Constellation. Mag. Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a b c d 6346* 6347* 6 34 8* 6349* 6350* 6351* 6352* 6353 6354* 6355 6356 6357 6358 6359 6360* 6361 6362 6363 6364 6365 6366* 6367 6368* 6369 6370 6371 6372 6373 6374* 6375 6376 6 377 * 6378 6379 6380 6381 6382* 6383 6384 6385 6386* 6387 6388 6389* 6390 . 7 H 5* 7 5 7 5 6 6 i 6 6 7 54 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 5* 6 6 ^ 4i 6 6 7 5* 7 7 6 Si 6 6 7 5 7 6 7^ 5 5* 7 5 h m s 18 29 56,17 29 56,83 29 59,32 30 19,61 30 32,05 3 37.48 3 43.39 31 12,20 3 1 24,35 3i 5M3 32 42,75 33 8,96 33 9-95 33 29.55 33 SM 2 34 3. 6 9 34 16,10 34 3M7 34 4 2 .79 35 7.15 35 20,60 35 21,04 35 34.78 35 3 6 .34 35 5Mi 36 17,15 36 26,23 3 6 34.73 3 6 37.43 36 56,63 37 9.43 37 13.78 37 15.47 37 i5.8i 37 17.93 38 0,66 38 9.77 38 19,00 38 43.76 38 47,28 38 58,54 39 J2.47 39 12,89 39 l6 ,os 18 39 22,25 s +3.642 3,584 1,035 2,006 1,360 3,707 5>9 12 7,445 5,482 2,012 3.659 ',979 3,418 4,121 5,936 3,285 4,024 4,i73 1,930 2,030 4,659 3,266 1,176 3,691 4,632 3,747 i,378 o,7 3 * + 3,76i 2,846 +3,545 3,826 4,200 3,027 3,6i8 4,337 3,785 5,587 3,096 4,325 3,562 2,581 3,184 3,922 + 1,984 s 0,0040 0,0037 0,0036 0,0007 0,0023 0,0044 0,0261 -0,0532 0,0209 0,0007 0,0044 0,0008 0,0033 0,0077 0,0292 0,0028 0,0071 0,0084 0,0010 0,0008 0,0132 0,0027 0,0036 0,0050 0,0131 0,0055 0,0027 0,0064 0,0056 0,0634 -0,0043 0,0062 0,0093 0,0019 0,0048 0,0108 0,0060 0,0272 0,0023 0,0 108 0,0047 0,0009 0,0027 0,0073 0,0010 s +7-9757 7.9692 8.2026 8.0524 8.1602 7-9935 8.3240 8-4944 8.2769 8.0729 8.0161 8.0955 7-9974 8.0933 8.3696 8.0000 8.0879 8.1149 8.1235 8.1124 8.2044 8.0151 8.2558 8.0568 8.2065 8-0723 8.2346 8-3337 8.0782 8.6915 8.0582 8.0942 8.1524 8.0333 8.0680 8.1835 8.0992 8.3785 8.0498 8.1905 8.0806 8.0831 8.0566 8.1314 + 8.1695 -8.8572 8.8506 9.0833 8.9282 9.0330 8.8650 9.1941 9-3577 9- J 373 8.9270 8.8586 8.9322 8.8338 8-9255 9.1969 8.8247 8.9099 8.9336 8.9398 8.9236 9.0128 8.8234 9.0613 8.8619 9.0085 8.8691 9.0296 9.1270 8.8709 9.4804 8.8445 8.8797 8-9375 8.8184 8.8527 8.9598 8.8737 9.1512 8.8178 8.9578 8.8458 8.8457 8.8191 8-8933 8.9302 +0.5613 0-5544 0.0148 0.3023 0.1335 0.5690 0.7718 0.8718 0.7389 0.3036 0.5634 0.2963 0-5337 0.6150 0-7735 0.5165 0.6046 0.6205 0.2855 0.3074 0.6683 0.5140 0.0706 0.5671 0.6658 0.5737 0.1391 9.8637 + 0-5754 0.4542 +0.5496 0.5827 0.6232 0.4809 0.5585 0.6372 0.5780 0.7472 0.4908 0.6360 0.5516 0.4117 0.5029 0-5935 +0.2976 -7-5730 -7.5269 + 8.1258 + 7.8492 + 8.0581 -7.6297 -8.2813 -8-4754 8.2196 +7.8685 -7.6249 + 7.8994 7.4018 -7.8871 8.3276 -7.2034 -7.8548 -7.9214 + 7.9387 + 7.9040 8.0902 7.1806 + 8.1697 -7-6853 8.0894 -7-73H + 8.1315 + 8.2737 -7-7444 + 8.6810 -7.5872 -7-7903 -7.9655 + 6.5568 -7.6517 8.0240 -7.7770 -8-3259 -6-339 8.0290 7.6236 +7.6256 6.9887 -7.8659 + 7.9731 Sagittarii +0,004 +0,007 0,006 +0,025 -0,033 +0,020 +0,007 +0,00 1 +0,006 +0,003 0,048 +0,004 0,006 0,025 Coronae Aust. . . X Coronae Aust +0,015 0,050 +0,004 +0,005 + 0,002 + O,OII + 0,015 Telescopii Draconis O,OO8 Sagittarii Coronae Aust 4 Aouilae + O,0 1 1 + 0,005 + O,OO6 O,OOO 28 Sagittarii Coronae Aust. . . r i Sagittarii Pavonis \ + 0,033 + O,OO3 O,OO4 + 0,007 + 0,004 + 0,003 e Aouilae Coronae Aust. . . 9 Sagittarii no Herculis 6 Aouilae 4 Lyrae g ' + 0,002 284 No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec.Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of >. 1 M K Taylor. 1 3 Bris- jane. Various. of V J df 6346 6347 6348 6 349 6350 6351 6352 6353 6354 6355 6356 6 357 6358 6359 6360 6361 6362 6363 6364 6365 6366 6367 6368 6369 6370 6371 6372 6373 6 374 6 375 6376 6377 6378 6379 6380 6381 6382 6383 6384 6385 6386 6387 6388 6389 6390 113 1 8 24,6 in 10 15,5 33 4 3>3 51 13 28,6 37 45 5 1 ' 115 38 14,6 155 o 9,9 163 9 3,1 151 13 20,7 51 21 13,6 113 58 2,7 50 27 44,9 104 42 7,8 128 27 40,3 155 i3 3L3 99 TI 27,5 125 47 3>5 129 49 54,6 49 " 59>4 51 46 11,9 140 14 28,8 98 25 2,9 34 53 24,5 115 9 29,8 139 46 55,2 117 8 22,3 37 5 6 35. 6 29 25 41,1 117 37 27,9 12 34 28,2 109 45 30,9 119 46 46,1 130 33 37,1 88 5 13,8 112 32 35,4 133 50 12,4 118 26 7,3 152 21 1,9 91 6 54,8 133 35 37,o no 25 58,0 6 9 35 3 6 >3 94 54 19,1 122 52 0,2 50 29 2,8 a 2,61 2,6 1 2,62 2,65 2,66 2,67 2,68 2,72 2,74 2,78 2,85 2,89 2,89 2,92 2,95 2,97 2,99 3,01 3>3 3,06 3,08 3,08 3,10 3,10 3> J 3 3,16 3,18 3,i9 3,i9 3,22 3,24 3,24 3,25 3-25 3,25 3>3I 3,32 3,34 3,37 3,38 3,39 3,4i 3'42 3,42 -3,43 // -0,527 0,518 0,150 0,290 0,197 0,536 0,855 1,076 0,792 0,291 0,528 0,286 o,493 o,595 0,856 o,474 0,580 0,602 0,278 0,293 0,671 0,471 0,170 0,532 0,667 0,540 0,198 0,105 -0,542 +0,410 0,510 0.55 1 0,605 0,436 0,521 0,624 ,544 0,804 o,445 0,622 0,512 0,371 0,458 0,564 0,285 " -7.7924 -8.6684 0.0285 -9.9819 0.0209 1-8.5752 +9.8542 +9.9151 + 9.8192 9.9811 + 7-7482 9.9844 -9.2271 +9.4403 +9.8550 -9.4320 +9-3545 +9.4771 9.9888 -9.9789 +9.6831 -9.4544 0.0247 + 8.4346 +9.6759 + 8.8082 0.0193 0.0306 +8.8651 0.0245 -8.8739 +9.0546 +9.4942 -9.6689 8.3522 +9.5683 + 8.9445 +9.8274 -9.6177 +9.5628 -8.7966 -9.8752 -9-54I7 +9.2310 -9-9830 +8.7121 +8.6726 9.0388 -8.9171 9.0212 +8.7608 +9.0833 +9.1136 +9.0782 -8-9372 +8.7618 8.9626 + 8.5635 +8.9570 +9.1260 +8.3739 + 8.9401 +8.9828 -8.9939 -8-9752 +9.0722 +8.3520 9.1032 +8.8181 + 9-0755 + 8.8569 9.0964 -9.1412 +8.8679 -9.1949 + 8.7370 + 8.9049 +9.0222 -7.7326 + 8.7932 +9.0582 + 8.8972 +9.1685 +7.51.50 + 9.0650 + 8.77I5 -8-7735 +8.1632 + 8.9663 -9.0365 0.4170 0.4172 0.4178 0.4226 0.4255 0.4268 0.4282 0.4349 0-4377 0.4439 -4553 0.4610 0.4612 0.4654 0.4701 0.4727 0-4753 0.4785 0.4809 0.4859 0.4886 0.4887 0.4915 0.4918 0.4948 0.5000 0.5017 0.5034 0.5040 0.5077 0.5102 0.5110 0.5113 0.5114 0.5118 0.5200 0.5217 0.5234 0.5280 0.5287 0-5307 0-5333 0-5334 0.5340 -0.5351 -9.9963 9.9963 9.9963 9.9962 9.9961 9.9961 9.9961 9.9960 9-9959 9.9958 9.9956 9-9954 9-9954 9-9954 9.9952 9.9952 9.9951 9.9951 9.9950 9-9949 9-9948 9.9948 9.9948 9-9947 9-9947 9-9945 9-9945 9-9944 9-9944 9-9943 9-9943 9-9942 9.9942 9.9942 9.9942 9.9940 9-994 9-9939 9.9938 9-9938 9-9937 9.9936 9.9936 9.9936 -9.9936 7811 M 742 G 2607 Ga6ia J 473 M 743 G 2623 J 474 G 2627 G 2629 62634 W9 9 o M 744^475 62638 G 2642 62655 M 745 J 47 6 M 746 +o,34 + 0,02 + 0,07 335 34 339 131 139 137 11.2154 tii.233i li.2'572 7818 7785 777J 7797 7825 6458 6456 6466 O,O2 +M3 11.2155 0,28 +0,0 1 +0,09 +0,22 +0,09 +0,15 0,00 +0,23 +0,20 2341 2338 H3 141 *53 144 142 11.2156 ii-2335 ^.2338 ii.2i59 ii.2336 15.2158 ii.2i6o iii.2339 11.2340 7827 7813 6468 6467 2342 149 146 '47 7830 7829 +0,06 0,10 0,06 0,28 +0,28 +0,24 +0,03 0,03 1 60 11.2342 v-3H5 ii.2i6i 7833 6474 2343 2348 157 155 11.2162 v.3i 4 8 11.2163 iii.2344 7842 7835 7844 6477 6482 2344 159 170 7849 +0,06 162 111.2346 7853 7846 7852 7863 7841 785S 6491 6485 649: +0,14 0,02 O,OI + O,2O 2346 2345 161 167 164 166 iii.2345 11.2165 11.2164 111.2348 + O,OI +0,05 +0,19 +0,15 +0,35 +0,08 11.2 1 66 111.2352 111.2350 111.2353 ii.2i68 11.2167 2349 2347 2351 2350 176 169 *75 181 177 7866 0,07 2355 183 ii.2i6g 285 No. Constellation. Mag Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a b c d 6391 6392 6393 6 394 6395 6396* 6397 6398* 6 399 6400* 6401 6402 6403* 6404 6405 6406* 6407 6408* 6409 6410* 6411 6412 6413* 6414* 6415 6416* 6417 6418* 6419 6420 6421 6422* 6423* 6424* 6425 6426 6427 6428 6429 6430 643 1* 6432 6 433 6434 6 435* 5 Lvrae g 5 5 6 5* 5 7 si 5* 6 7 7 6 7 6 5 6 6 7 6 6 6 6 7 6* 6 7 6 H 5 6* 6 7 6 7 6 6 6 Si 3 6 7 6 6 5 6 h m s 18 39 24,60 39 3^35 39 37. zo 39 38,29 39 43.5 1 40 15,69 40 24,07 4 45,47 40 45,99 4 1 9.93 4i 17,55 41 19,62 41 19,65 41 25,19 41 28,09 4i 35,88 41 49,48 42 7,24 42 15,24 42 31,81 42 44,39 42 58,47 43 4,68 43 5,87 43 7,6i 43 9> X 9 43 10,68 43 13.23 43 21,55 43 29,68 43 37,i2 43 44,62 43 48,25 43 56,39 44 1,09 44 10,58 44 16,66 44 18,38 44 32,55 44 5i,45 44 5^72 45 2,21 45 5>92 45 6,77 18 45 13,12 + 1,986 2,062 0,53 2,062 1,162 3,75 2,642 4>772 3.5 6 2 3,630 3,739 4,760 3,865 1,916 6,232 4,250 3,611 3,75 7,H3 0,711 6,8 n 4, 6 39 3,8i5 3>857 3,604 + 3.735 8,021 +3,149 M39 3,i5i 1,546 + 3,767 -7>705 +3,896 5,784 2,230 2,239 1.583 2,213 +6,137 0,660 + 3.588 4,588 3,625 +4,079 s 0,0010 0,0009 0,0087 0,0009 0,0040 0,006 1 0,0010 0,0166 0,0049 0,0054 0,0062 0,0168 0,0072 0,0012 0,0418 0,0109 0,0053 0,0064 0,0643 0,0077 0,0566 0,0158 0,0071 0,0074 0,0055 0,0064 0,2963 0,0027 0,0034 0,0028 0,0024 0,0068 0,2826 0,0079 0,0350 0,0007 0,0007 0,0022 0,0008 0,0431 0,0262 0,0056 0,0159 0,0058 0,0100 s +0,002 +0,002 + 8.1695 8.1596 8.3965 8.1599 8.3063 8.1176 8.0897 8.2850 8.1001 8.II2O 8.1271 8.2893 8.1451 8.2027 8-4947 8.2085 8.1166 8.1372 8.5998 8.4029 8.5717 8.2868 8.1559 8.1621 8.1290 8.1456 9.0261 8.0976 8.3170 8.1004 8.2862 8.1558 9.0201 8.1763 8.4658 8.1809 8.1806 8.2871 8.1871 8.5181 8.5922 8.1459 8.2997 8.1510 +8.2172 8.9298 8.9177 9-1545 8.9176 9.0630 8.8684 8.8390 9.0303 8.8454 8.8529 8.8667 9.0285 8.8843 8.9409 9.2324 8.9448 8.8505 8.8680 9.3292 9.1293 9.2960 9.0087 8.8767 8.8827 8.8493 8.8656 9.7458 8.8169 9.0349 8.8168 9.0014 8.8698 9-7334 8.8882 9.1769 8.8905 8.8892 8-9953 8.8930 9.2209 9.2949 8.8469 9.0000 8.8512 8.9163 +0.2981 0.3142 9.7240 0-3H3 0.0654 0.5740 0.4220 0.6787 0.5517 -5599 0.5728 0.6777 0.5871 0.2824 0.7947 0.6284 0.5576 0.5740 0.8539 9.8518 0.8332 0.6664 0.5815 0.5862 0.5567 +0.5722 0.9042 +0.4982 0.1268 0.4984 0.1892 +0.5760 -0.8868 +0.5906 0.7622 0.3483 0.3500 0.1994 0.3449 +0.7880 -9.8197 +0.5549 0.6617 0-5593 +0.6106 + 7-9727 + 7.9436 + 8-3449 + 7.9438 + 8.2217 7.7790 +7-5801 8.1831 -7.6443 -7.7042 -7.7832 8.1864 -7-8585 + 8.0221 8.4600 8.0330 7.6963 7.7992 -8.5783 + 8.3442 -8.5464 -8.1714 -7.8489 -7.8728 -7.7043 -7-7999 +9.0230 -6.8743 + 8.2183 6.8844 + 8.1657 -7.8265 +9.0169 -7.9024 8.4201 + 7.9128 + 7.9094 + 8.1622 + 7.9255 8.4816 + 8.5669 7.7107 -8.1786 -7-74*5 8.0023 6 Lyra 7 Lvrae +0,003 0,002 in Herculis + 0,010 +0,006 +0,003 Telescopii x Sagittarii Saittarii +0,006 0,013 Telescopii Sagittarii . ., Lyrae Pavonis x +0,027 0,003 + 0,001 Coronae Aust 30 Sagittarii Sagittarii Pavonis 0,008 Draconis Pavonis +0,124 0,018 Telescopii Sagittarii Sagittarii +0,005 Sagittarii Ursae Minoris .... 7 Aquilae 0,002 Draconis 8 Aquilae +0,006 Draconis Sagittarii Ursae Minoris .... Sagittarii 0,000 Pavonis *y -0,043 0,003 0,002 A 8 Lyrae y 1 o Lvrae. . . 2 Draconis 10 Lvrae Q + 0,002 +0,052 Pavonis Draconis 7 ? Satrittarii . . +0,006 0,013 + 0,002 + 0,019 Telescopii 32 Sagittarii .... y' Coronae Aust 286 No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1350. Annual Preces. Sec.Var Proper Motion. Logarithms of <" i TJ Taylor u Brig, bane Various. tf V c f d? 6391 6392 6393 6394 6 395 6396 6397 6398 6 399 6400 6401 6402 6403 6404 6405 6406 6407 6408 6409 6410 6411 6412 6413 6414 6415 6416 6417 6418 6419 6420 6421 6422 6423 6424 6425 6426 6427 6428 6429 6430 6431 6432 6433 6434 6 435. 50 32 30,1 52 32 52,4 27 23 58,8 52 33 27.9 34 36 40,6 117 17 29,4 7i 58 53.6 142 1 6 24,3 no 29 26,4 113 i 9,2 116 56 10,7 142 6 12,4 121 7 21,5 48 43 M 157 24 48,9 131 52 39.7 112 19 42,7 117 2O 9,3 162 6 51,3 29 6 38,7 160 38 45,0 140 3 20,6 119 32 49,0 120 54 20,7 112 5 31,3 116 49 2,8 6 45 11,4 93 25 42,1 37 10 29,9 93 29 13,7 46 43 58,1 117 56 14,0 6 56 42,7 122 9 34,2 *54 " J 3.3 57 21 22,9 57 37 6,8 41 24 11,0 56 48 29,7 iS 6 5 35.o 19 22 3,6 III 32 14,0 139 10 29,5 112 55 23,8 127 34 3,0 n -3.43 3.45 3-45 3.45 3.46 3.5i 3-5* 3.55 3.55 3-58 3.59 3,60 3,60 3,6i 3.6i 3,62 3.64 3.67 3,68 3.7 3.72 3.74 3.75 3.75 3.75. 3.75 3,76 3.76 3.77 3.78 3.79 3,8i 3,81 3,82 3,83 3.84 3.85 3.85 3,87 3.9 3.9 3.92 3,92 3.9 2 -3.93 0,285 0,296 0,076 0,296 0,167 .539 o,379 0,685 0,511 0,521 0,537 0,683 0,555 0,275 0,894 0,6 10 0,518 o,538 1,024 0,102 0,976 0,665 o,547 o.553 0,516 -o,535 + 1,149 -0,451 0,192 0-451 0,221 -o,539 + 1,103 -0,558 0,828 0,319 0,320 0,227 0,317 0,878 +0,094 -0,513 0,656 0,519 -0,583 0,08 0,07 9.9829 -9.9747 0.0311 -9.9747 0.0242 +8.8182 -9.8556 +9.7101 -8.7924 8.1644 +8.7694 +9.7073 +9.1367 -9.9891 +9.8701 +9.5231 8.4440 +8.8195 +9.9043 0.0293 +9.8939 +9.6763 +9.0294 +9.1212 -8.5132 +8.7474 0.0114 -9-5735 0.0190 -9-5723 0.0117 +8.8842 0.0116 + 9.1906 +9.8418 -9.9517 -9.9504 0.0099 -9-9544 -9.8640 0.0291 8.6405 -9.6612 -8.2480 +9.4047 9.0364 9.0194 -9.1839 9.0196 -9.1521 +8.9038 -8-7344 +9.1459 +8.7920 +8.8442 +8.9094 +9.1508 +8.9671 9.0741 +9.2205 +9.0810 +8.8385 +8.9239 +9.2417 -9.2074 +9.2429 +9-i55i +8.9645 +8.9823 +8.8473 +8.9266 -9.2695 +8.0496 -9-1757 +8.0597 -9.1564 +8.9488 -9-2755 +9.0062 +9.2351 9.0142 9.0121 -9- I 5 8 7 9.0242 +9.2524 9.2636 +8.8554 +9.1701 +8.8818 +9.0774 -0-5355 0.5376 0.5378 0.5380 0.5389 0-5447 0.5462 0.5500 0.5501 0.5542 0.5556 0-5559 0-5559 0.5569 0-5574 0-5587 0.5611 0.5641 0-5655 0.5682 0.5704 0.5727 0-5737 0-5739 0.5742 0-5745 0.5747 0.5751 0.5765 0-5779 0.5791 0.5803 0.5809 0.5822 0.5830 0.5845 0-5855 0.5858 0.5881 0.5911 0.5911 0.5928 0-5934 0-5935 -0-5945 -9.9936 9-9935 9-9935 9-9935 9-9934 9-9933 9.9932 9.9931 9.9931 9.9930 9.9929 9.9929 9.9929 9.9929 9.9929 9.9928 9.9927 9.9926 9.9926 9.9925 9.9924 9.9923 9.9923 9.9923 9.9923 9.9923 9.9923 9.9922 9.9922 9.9921 9.9921 9.9920 9.9920 9.9920 9.9919 9.9919 9.9918 9.9918 9.9918 9.9916 9.9916 9.9916 9.9915 9.9915 -9.9915 235 2 35 184 I8 7 H.2I7C ii.2i7 62658 M747 62664 M 74 8 62670 i M749 62708 02671 02672 G 2712 02677 640 M 750 M7SI.J477 0,09 0,00 2358 2360 189 195 iii.2355 ii.2i72 7875 7867 6502 O,I2 + 0,29 '0,OO 2354 192 ii.2i73 V-3H9 11.2 1 7^ 2352 I8 S 7887 7886 7870 7885 6506 + O,I2 + 0,21 I 9 I V.I29^ v.3151 + 0,08 + 0,26 + 0,03 7856 7881 6503 6 S II ^3153 u.2175 2353 196 7893 7848 6505 + 0,01 +0,03 0,1 1 +0,24 2370 7857 7888 7899 7898 6510 6516 v-3'54 +0,02 359 202 11.2176 7900 +0,03 361 205 iii.2358 0,03 362 206 iii.2359 7903 412 7902 7879 6518 +0,50 0,02 0,0 1 367 368 213 214 111.2361 111.2362 + 0,02 + 0,25 + 0,09 0,04 + 0,13 O,OI 0,06 369 215 ii.2i7 7 880 6520 382 363 210 11.2178 V.3I5& 11.2179 v.3157 9046523 7912.... 7908 6524 364 211 287 No. Constellation. Mag. Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a b c d 6436 6437* 6438 6439 6440 6441 6442 6443 6444 6445* 6446* 6447* 6448 6449* 6450 6451 6452 6453 6454 6455* 6456 6457 6458 6459* 6460 6461 6462* 6463* 6464 6465* 6466 6467 6468* 6469 6470 6471 6472 6473 6474 6475* 6476 6477 6478* 6479* 6480* Pavonis cw & 7 Si 7 3 5 6 6 6 7 7 6 6 6 7 6 5 5 6 7 Si 6 51 <4 44 4 5 5 5* 7 5 7 6 5 6 6 6 6 7 5 6 6 5 7 5i h m s 18 45 15,29 45 18,09 45 52,00 45 54. * 7 45 57.88 46 2,90 46 24,41 46 27,23 46 29,76 4 6 35.71 46 45,09 46 55 46 55,82 47 28,13 47 29.79 48 8,79 48 13,02 48 25. 2 4 48 25.59 48 29,07 48 29,22 48 36,12 48 36,24 48 43.63 48 45.78 48 46,61 48 47,15 48 58,99 49 1,82 49 8,93 49 J 5. 6 3 49 l6 ,53 49 22,87 49 28,82 49 3.4i 49 43,94 49 47,58 5 3,75 5 35.25 50 46,11 5 49.72 5 1 9.44 51 10,70 5 1 12,74 18 51 23,15 s + 5.377 3-74 1 2,561 3,809 3,723 3,623 4,340 4,817 4.077 3,816 3,885 3.46o 3.636 6,471 3,635 2,923 1,349 2,530 3,568 3,857 2,093 4,065 4,066 3,863 2,979 3,58o 2,979 0,878 3,209 3,682 2,097 3,562 +2,197 - I >457 + 1,485 3,017 5,747 1,919 3,772 1,822 i,587 + 1,040 -1,883 + 3,683 +2,233 s 0,0282 0,0068 0,0010 0,0075 0,0068 0,0060 0,0132 0,0197 0,0 1 02 0,0077 0,0084 0,0048 0,0062 -0,0539 0,0062 0,0020 0,0037 0,0010 0,0059 0,0083 0,0010 0,0105 0,0105 0,0085 0,0023 0,0060 0,0023 0,0073 0,0034 0,0069 0,0010 0,0059 0,0008 -0,0459 0,0029 0,0024 0,0389 0,0013 0,0079 0,00 1 6 0,0025 0,006 1 0,0587 0,0071 0,0009 s 0,048 +8.4227 8.1674 8.1529 8.1825 8.1714 8.1595 8.2712 8.3496 8.2289 8.1901 8.2015 8.1504 8.1693 8.5818 8.1743 8.1458 8.3621 8.1798 8.1750 8.2131 8.2426 8.2463 8.2465 8.2162 8.1496 8.1794 8.1498 8.4412 8.1533 8.1949 8.2489 8.1818 8.2342 8.7121 8.3517 8-1573 8.5155 8.2847 8.2193 8.3070 8.3465 8.4364 8.7634 8.2127 + 8.2459 9.1216 8.8657 8.8457 8.8750 8.8632 8.8506 8.9588 9.0368 8.9156 8.8759 8.8858 8.8331 8.8519 9.2593 8.8516 8.8170 9.0326 8.8484 8.8436 8.8811 8.9106 8.9132 8.9134 8.8820 8.8151 8.8447 8.8151 9.1047 8.8163 8.8568 8.9098 8.8426 8.8941 9.3710 9.0104 8.8140 9.1716 8.9384 8.8683 8-9544 8-9934 9.0804 9.4072 8.8562 8.8879 +0.7306 0.5729 0.4084 0.5808 0.5709 0.5590 0.6375 0.6827 0.6103 0.5816 0.5894 0.5390 0.5606 0.8110 0.5605 0.4659 0.1301 0.4032 0-5525 0.5862 0.3208 0.6091 0.6092 0.5869 0.4741 0-5539 0.4741 9.9436 0.5063 0.5661 0.3215 0.5517 +0.3418 -0.1635 +0.1717 0.4796 0-7594 0.2832 0.5765 0.2605 0.2007 +0.0170 -0.2747 +0.5662 +0.3490 8.3620 -7.8254 + 7.7121 -7.8735 -7-8205 -7.7488 -8.1138 -8.2527 8.0136 -7-8845 7-9242 7.6050 -7.7675 -8.5519 -7.7721 + 7.1952 + 8.2632 + 7.7619 7.7263 -7.9251 + 8.0199 8.0284 8.0289 -7-9309 + 6.9946 -7.7396 +6-9947 +8-3752 -7.1751 7.8220 +8.0254 -7-7285 +7-9793 +8.6947 +8.2393 +6.7689 8.4692 + 8.1053 -7.8945 +8.1468 + 8.2221 + 8.3615 + 8.7489 -7.8411 + 7.9787 +0,00 1 +0,006 +0,009 0,000 0,005 +0,004 Coronas Aust Coronse Aust +0,007 +0,013 +0,005 62 Serpentis 117 Herculis +0,005 +0,00 1 1 1 Lyrac J' +0,002 Coronae Aust Coronse Aust. . . g Sagittarii 0,010 63 Serpentis ...... fl +0,003 +0,003 +0,003 +0,008 + 0,010 37 Sagittarii 5f^ Serpentis 47 Draconis o Sagittarii 1 1 Lyras 8^ +0,002 0,014 Draconis +0,008 64 Serpentis +0,003 0,031 Lyrae Sagittarii +0,015 +0,003 0,00 1 Draconis co Draconis 0,018 Sagittarii Lyrae 288 No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1850 Annual Preces. Sec.Var Proper Motion Logarithms of fe- rn I Taylor. Bris- bane Various. tf V cf df 6436 6437 6438 6439 6440 6441 6442 6443 6444 6445 6446 6447 6448 6449 6450 6451 6452 6 453 6454 6 455 6456 6457 6458 6459 6460 6461 6462 6463 6464 6465 6466 6467 6468 6469 6470 6471 6472 6 473 6474 6475 6476 6477 6478 6479 6480 150 23 22,4 "7 3 579 68 45 0,5 119 23 50,2 116 28 38,9 112 51 8,9 134 6 13,0 H3 7 38,4 127 31 43 ,6 119 39 18,8 121 52 27,9 106 33 113 21 29,0 158 57 22,8 113 19 58,0 8 3 34 1,3 37 13 ",i 67 32 25,5 no 50 48,9 121 48,8 53 *2 44-4 127 15 49,4 127 17 5>7 121 13 47,3 85 59 12,9 in 17 53,2 85 59 16,8 3 47 38,3 96 2 IO,O 115 4 23,9 53 17 18,3 "o 37 5,4 56 13 9,1 16 5 22,1 39 28 35-2 87 39 2 4>3 J 53 59 3 J ,5 4 8 35 13-1 118 14 54,5 46 14 59,3 41 19 33,0 32 42 9-7 H 44 49,7 "5 9 5-2 57 17 10,2 a -3,93 3.94 3-99 3,99 4,00 4,00 4,03 4,04 4,04 4.05 4,06 4,08 4,08 4,12 4,13 4,18 4, J 9 4,21 4,21 4,21 4,21 4,22 4,22 4,23 4,24 4,24 4,24 4,25 4,26 4>27 4,28 4,28 4,29 4,3 4,3 4,32 | 4,32 4,35 4,39 4.4 1 4,41 4.44 4,44 4>44 -4,46 0,769 ,535 0,366 o,544 0,532 0,518 0,620 0,688 0,582 o,545 o,555 0,494 0,519 0,924 0,519 0,417 0,192 0,361 0,509 0,550 0,299 0,580 0,580 0,551 0,425 0,510 0,425 0,125 o,457 0,525 0,299 0,508 -0,313 + 0,208 0,212 0,430 0,8 1 8 0,273 o,537 0,259 0,226 0,148 +0,268 -0,524 0,318 0,18 + 9.8049 + 8.7767 9.8806 + 9.0124 + 8.6857 8.2878 + 9.5683 + 9.7187 +9.4023 +9.0314 +9.1720 9.1370 8.0086 +9.8794 -8.0374 -9.7330 0.0176 -9.8890 8.7604 + 9.1202 -9.9699 +9.3918 +9.3931 h9-i326 9.7001 8.6929 9.7001 0.0260 -9.5169 -8.3222 -9.9694 -8.7938 -9.9561 0.0248 0.0128 -9.6753 +9.8372 -9.9874 8.9004 -9.9948 0.0083 +9.231 + 8.951 -8.8576 +8.9897 +8.9485 +8.8893 +9.1460 +9.2069 +9.0890 + 8.9996 +9.0293 +8.7627 +8.9065 +9.2831 +8.9111 -8.3686 9.2209 -8.9037 +8.8730 +9.0342 -9.0995 +9.1053 +9.1057 +9.0390 8.1696 +8.8849 8.1697 9.2606 +8.3488 +8-9551 -9.1055 + 8.8758 -9.0751 -9-3*35 -9.2187 -7.9446 +9.2872 -9.1564 +9.0155 9.1817 -9.2130 9.2702 -9.3307 f8-974o 9.0798 -0-5949 0-5953 0.6006 0.6010 0.6015 0.602; 0.6057 0.606 1 0.6065 0.607^ 0.6088 O.6lO': 0.6105 0.6153 0.6156 0.6214 0.6220 0.6238 0.6239 0.6244 0.6244 0.6254 0.6255 0.6265 0.6269 0.6270 0.6270 0.6288 0.6292 0.6302 0.6312 0.6313 0.6322 0.6331 0.6333 0.6353 0-6358 0.6381 0.6426 0.6441 0.6446 0.6473 0.6475 0.6478 0.6492 -9.991 9.991 9.991 9.991 9.9912 9.9912 9.9910 9.9910 9.9910 9.9910 9.9909 9.9908 9.9908 9.9906 9.9906 9.9904 9.9903 9.9902 9.9902 9.9902 9.9902 9.9902 9.9902 9.9901 9.9901 9.9901 9.9901 9.9900 9.9900 9.9899 9.9899 9.9899 9.9898 9.9898 9.9898 9.9897 9.9897 9.9896 9.9893 9.9893 9.9892 9.9891 9.9891 9.9891 -9.9890 V. 3I5 < 7895 7911 79 J 5 7918 7920 79*4 79 1C 7916 7923 7925 7927 7897 6522 6525 6 53c 6528 6532 \5?/ M752,J 47 8 M 753.J479 A B.F 2544 G 2699 M 754 M755, 1480 P8i6 M 756 L 19 B.F 2577 G 2709 G 2711 Airy (G) 62718 G 2720 62726 L 19 0,07 237 236 2366 224 217 218 219 11.2 1 8: iv.i3o( ii.2i8c ii.2i8i v. 3 i 5 8 v -3'59 v.3i6c +0,08 0,02 + O,2I 0,29 + 0,13 222 0,03 225 11.2183 + 0,13 + O,o6 2374 228 2 3 2 111.2366 11.2184 O,o6 O,OO 2378 2372 2 39 231 11.2x86 11.2185 7936 793i 794i 6543 6542 0,02 2380 243 230 111.2368 v. 3 i6 5 .3164 + O,2 1 O,IO 0,00 0,12 O,OO + 0,02 2376 373 377 386 375 2 3 6 233 237 249 240 ii.2i88 11.2187 11.2189 11.2192 11.2190 7943 0,04 + 0,05 O,O I 0,13 383 38i 247 238 11.2191 111.2369 O,O I + 0,42 379 245 11.2193 7924 5546 0,08 o,co + 0,12 389 246 1 252 i 254 i V.I3I2 11.2371 11.2372 7948 C,O2 0.0226 f 8.3365 - 9.9504 404 279 i 11.2376 7956 + O,IO 388 B.A.C. ( 2 O ) 289 No. Constellation. Mag. Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a b c d 6481 6482 6483 6484 6485 6486 6487 6488 6489 6490 6491 6492 6493 6494 6495 6496* 6497 6498 6499 6500 6501 6502* 6503 6504* 6505* 6506 6507 6508 6509* 6510 6511 6512* 6513 6514 6 5i5 6516 6517* 6518 6519* 6520 6521 6522 6523 6524 6525 6 6 6 6 6^ 6 3* 7 ii 6* 3 5* 6 5* 6 5 6 6 6 6 6 7 6 8 7 6 4* 5^ 6 5 5 7 7 7i 7 6 6 6 Si 4 6 5 6i 7 h m s 18 51 40,88 5 1 53.72 52 TI -35 52 29,40 5* 34>97 52 43.45 52 49,01 52 59,19 53 4.H 53 l6 >73 53 20,01 53 40,29 53 5L9 53 56,64 54 9,29 54 12,66 54 21,15 54 27,^9 54 46,89 54 59>84 55 0,53 55 ",5 55 19,95 55 21,75 55 34,i5 55 37,43 55 4'>47 55 45,73 55 57,25 56 13,12 56 16,72 56 16,89 5 6 27,47 56 42,49 5 6 58,4* 57 >32 57 i,39 57 2,55 57 6 57 12,15 57 34,45 57 45> 10 57 53,97 57 56,72 18 58 3,96 + 5^738 2,753 2,760 4,256 3,621 7,023 2,725 3,43 ! 3,825 3,679 2,242 3,206 1,961 6,396 2,018 1,021 2,26l 4,767 3,859 0,9 9 I 3> J 59 3,625 4,648 3,588 3,689 4,539 3,594 0,6 10 + 8,287 0,717 +4,058 3,798 + 3,672 1,416 + 3,745 1,640 3> l6 7 3,167 3,439 1,695 3>756 1,191 4,185 3,613 +3,784 s 0,0402 0,0015 0,0016 0,0138 0,0068 0,0768 0,0015 0,0052 0,0088 0,0075 0,0009 0,0038 0,0013 -0,0593 0,0012 O,OO66 0,0009 O,O223 0,0095 0,0070 O,OO35 0,0072 O,O2O6 0,0068 0,0078 0,0189 0,0069 O,OII3 0,1306 0,0341 0,0121 0,0090 O,OO77 0,0518 O,OO86 0,0026 0,0037 0,0037 0,0057 0,O023 0,0088 0,0056 0,0143 0,0074 0,0092 s 0,031 0,000 +0,003 +0,016 0,009 0,027 0,002 +0,007 +0,003 0,00 1 + 0,002 +0,001 + 8.5309 8.1877 8.1896 8.3110 8.2164 8.6866 8.1974 8.2001 8.2475 8.2293 8.2607 8.1918 8.3098 8.6304 8.3029 8.4649 8.2662 8.4118 8.2663 8-4759 8.2010 8.2377 8-3994 8.2348 8.2487 8.3836 8.2379 8-5370 8.8245 8.6987 8.3089 8.2692 8.2534 8.7696 8.2670 8.3882 8.2165 8.2166 8.2328 8.3806 8.2730 8.4670 8.3422 8.2572 +8.2806 9.1703 8.8252 8.8246 8-9434 8.8480 9.3170 8.8271 8.8283 8.8750 8.8550 8.8860 8.8142 8.9306 9.2505 8.9212 9.0828 8.8829 9.0276 .8.8795 9.0873 8.8123 8.8476 9.0080 8.8432 8.8554 8.9899 8.8437 9.1421 9.4282 9.3002 8.9099 8.8701 8.8530 9.3672 8.8625 8.9834 8.8115 8.8115 8.8272 8.9742 8.8637 9.0562 8.9303 8.8450 8.8674 +0.7587 0.4398 0.4409 0.6290 0.5588 0.8465 0-4354 0-5355 0.5826 0.5657 0.3507 0.5060 0.2925 0.8059 0.3048 0.0091 0.3542 0.6783 0.5865 9-9959 0.4996 0-5593 0.6673 0-5549 0.5669 0.6569 0-5555 9.7854 +0.9184 -9-8553 +0.6083 0.5796 +0.5650 0.1512 +0-5735 0.2149 0.5007 0.5006 0.5365 0.2291 0-5747 0.0758 0.6217 o-5578 +0.5780 8.4844 + 7-5624 + 7-5555 8.1390 7.8065 8.6642 +7.6067 7.6267 -7-9477 7.8560 + 7.9908 -7.2071 + 8.1222 -8-5995 + 8.1019 +8-3915 +7-9896 -8.3115 -7.9815 + 8.4044 -7.0348 -7.8317 8.2870 -7-8035 7.8820 -8.2582 -7.8107 + 8-4837 8.8115 +8.6746 8.0911 -7.9588 -7.8777 +8.7522 -7.9316 + 8.2580 -7.0873 7.0864 7.6700 + 8.2428 7.9429 +8.3827 -8.1567 -7.8441 -7-9643 Coronse Aust. . . +0,003 A g Draconis 0,003 + 0,002 +0,017 0,002 + O,OO3 + O,OO5 Telescopii 0,026 Sagittarii + O,O25 + 0,006 39 Sagittarii o Draconis Octantis 52 Draconis .... v + 0,009 + O,OI4 Coronse Aust. . .y Sagittarii Sagittarii + 0,015 + 0,008 Lvrae . . Aquilae + 0,003 + 0,005 15 Aquilae h 1 6 Lyras + 0,017 0,001 0,002 0,00 1 0,007 0,002 40 Sagittarii ... . T 49 Draconis Coronas Aust. . . $ Sagittarii Sagittarii 290 No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec.Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of 5? w 1 Taylor. 1 Bris- bane. Various. f V c f df 6481 6482 6483 6484 6485 6486 6487 6488 6489 6490 6491 6492 6 493 6494 6495 6496 6497 6498 6499 6500 6501 6502 6503 6504 6 505 6506 6507 6508 6509 6510 6511 6512 6 5'3 65H 6515 6516 6517 6518 6519 6520 652.1 6522 6523 6524 6525 !_ 1 II 153 57 3 6 .3 76 17 27,5 76 34 19,2 132 18 9,2 112 54 0,8 161 46 12,5 75 7 54.5 IO5 29 22,6 I2O 5 21,2 115 a 59,4 57 3 45.3 95 S 6 43.9 49 3i 27,5 158 38 34,9 50 59 15,1 32 22 57.3 58 3 38,8 J 4* 33 16,9 121 15 41,7 3i 58 5.3 93 54 39.4 "3 6 59-7 140 32 30,8 in 44 32,0 115 27 31,5 138 31 11,2 in 57 19,8 27 48 19,5 166 2 8,1 18 54 15,8 127 16 22,1 II 9 J 7 53.7 "4 53 44.8 1 6 6 49,4 117 30 30,1 42 10 34,2 94 '5 33.i 94 14 58,1 I0 5 53 43 l6 3.3 117 53 0,1 34 33 2 o.9 130 43 23,8 112 43 21,1 118 51 49,7 -4,48 4.5 4.53 4.55 4.5 6 4.57 4.58 4,60 4>6o 4,62 4. 6 3 4. 6 5 4> 6 7 4,68 4.7 4.7 4.7 J 4.7^ 4-75 4.77 4.77 4.78 4,8o 4.8o 4,82 4,82 4.83 4,83 4,85 4,87 4,88 4,88 4,89 4,9* 4,93 4.94 4,94 4-94 4,95 4,95 4,99 5,00 5,01 5,02 -5-3 a 0,8 16 0,391 0,392 0,604 0,514 .997 0,387 0,487 0,543 0,522 0,318 0,455 0,278 0,907 0,286 0,145 0,321 0,676 o,547 0,140 0,448 o,5i3 0,658 0,508 0,522 0,643 0,509 0,086 -1,173 +0,101 -o,574 0.537 -0,519 +0,200 -0,529 0,232 0,448 0,448 0,486 0,240 o,53i 0,1 68 0,591 0,510 -o,534 +o,57 +0,04 +0,05 +0,25 0,0 1 O,II +0,10 +0,06 +0,03 +0,30 0,02 +0,04 + 9.8358 9.8146 9.8118 + 9.5244 8.3202 + 9.8971 9.8256 -9.1992 + 9.0512 + 8.2765 9.9488 -9.5196 -9.9829 + 9.8737 -9-9774 0.0226 -9-9457 +9.7056 +9.1245 0.0227 -9-5643 8.2504 +9.6757 -8.6375 +8.4065 +9.6433 -8-5977 0.0257 +9.9227 0.0246 +9.3840 +8.9832 +8.1673 O.O22O + 8.7980 O.OO42 -9-5573 -9-5575 -9.1824 0.0013 +8.8414 0.0186 + 9.4812 8.4200 + 8.9405 +9.3030 -8.7260 -8.7196 +9.1841 +8.9469 +9-33S 6 8.7680 +8.7867 +9.0609 +8.9892 9.0930 +8.3809 -9.1795 +9-3369 9.1684 -9.2965 -9.0944 +9-2715 +9-0894 -9.3045 +8.2099 +8.9714 +9.2662 +8.9475 +9.0137 +9.2554 +8.954I 9.3286 +9-3703 -9-3613 +9.1680 +9.0754 +9.0114 -9.3716 + 9-555 9.2611 +8.2622 + 8.2613 + 8.8292 -9.2549 +9.0654 -9-3 I2 5 +9.2124 +8.9851 +9.0828 0.6517 0.6535 0.6559 0.6583 0.6591 0.6602 0.6610 0.6623 0.6630 0.6647 0.6651 0.6678 0.6693 0.6700 0.6716 0.6721 0.6732 0.6740 0.6765 0.6782 0.6783 0.6797 0.6808 0.6810 0.6826 0.6830 0.6835 0.6841 0.6855 0.6876 0.6880 0.6880 0.6894 0.6912 0.6932 0.6935 0.6936 0.6937 0.6942 0.6949 0.6977 0.6990 0.7001 0.7004 -0.7013 9.9889 9.9888 9.9886 9.9885 9.9885 9.9884 9.9884 9.9883 9.9883 9.9882 9.9881 9.9880 9.9879 9.9879 9.9878 9.9877 9.9877 9.9876 9.9875 9.9874 9.9874 9-9873 9.9872 9.9872 9.9871 9.9871 9.9871 9.9870 9.9869 9.9868 9.9868 9.9868 9.9867 9.9866 9.9864 9.9864 9.9864 9.9864 9.9864 9.9863 9.9862 9.9861 9.9860 9.9860 -9.9859 7938 7958 7965 7928 6 557 6561 6 5S 8 M 7 57 W 1000 M7 5 8, 148 1 M 7 5 9 G 2727 62728 62738 B.F 2564 M76o,J482 2742 J 4 8 3 G 2752 62745 Airy (G) A B.H 992 M76i,J484 J 4 8 S M 763 M762 2385 2387 256 258 250 255 11.2194 iii.2375 iii.2373 iii.2377 2390 2384 2392 2391 262 260 257 261 266 265 11.2198 ii.2i97 ii.2 196 ii.2i99 H.22OO ii.220I 7966 79 68 0,19 7944 6563 +0,07 O,OI +0,37 + 0,11 +0,06 0,06 2400 2396 281 276 ii.2203 iii.2382 v. 3 i 73 H.2202 111.2385 11.2204 7963 7976 6567 2394 267 287 272 7983 7970 6568 +0,01 ^.3174 7987 7973 6569 6570 +0,24 +0,03 v.3*75 ^.3176 2393 278 7935 7988 7989 6574 0,05 +0,38 2411 308 280 11.2209 ii.22o6 +0,07 282 111.2386 +0,07 286 iv. 1 323 7991 2398 2399 0,02 289 11.2207 +0,06 +0,23 +0,06 +0,14 +0,04 +0,2 1 2397 2408 "\ 299 292 37 291 294 293 11.2389 ii.22o8 111.2390 11.22 IO 11.2211 11.2212 7994 7992 7996 6578 6580 Asc. (202) 291 No. Constellation. Mag. Right Ascension, fan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a b e d 6526 6527* 6528 6529* 6530 6531* 6532* 6533 6534* 6535 6536* 6537* 6538* 6539* 6540* 6541 6542* 6543 6544* 6545 6546 6547 6548 6549* 6550 6551 6552 6553 6554* 6555 6556 6557 6558 6 559 6560 6561 6562 6563* 6564 6565* 6566 6567* 6568* 6569* 6570 1 6 Aquilefi A 3 8 3 7 6 7 7 7 6 4* 7 7 6 7 5 64 Si 7 Si 7 6 4i 6i 7 Si 6 6 6 Si 6 6 6 7 6 6 5 7 7 8 7 7 6 h m s 18 58 17,35 58 18,41 58 30,99 58 33,86 58 35,53 58 41,26 58 49,67 59 4-4 1 59 '4,65 59 15,91 59 27,87 59 32,81 59 35,99 59 38,68 59 40-5 1 59 42,46 59 49,37 59 55.J8 18 59 57,03 19 o 20,42 o 24,33 o 40,81 o 50,47 o 53,77 o 57,10 i 32,81 i 39,29 i 45,23 i 48,66 i 49,65 i 56,97 i 57,58 i 59.25 2 22,96 3 23,11 3 29,95 3 59.H 4 11,66 4 32,63 4 39,3 4 43,23 5 1,82 5 3> T 9 19 5 26,09 s + 3,186 2,627 +2,757 + 1,412 3,699 3,73i 3,670 2,278 4,085 3,529 3,843 3,682 3,572 3,630 4,138 2,495 2,823 3,520 6,512 3,738 2,373 3,573 3,823 3-54 1 2,939 2,257 3,806 0,660 2,139 6,093 5,894 3,4" 3,588 + 3,702 2,422 + 3.255 3,728 1,534 2,287 3,796 +4,386 s 0,0039 0,0013 0,00 1 8 0,0701 0,0039 0,0083 0,0087 0,008 1 0,0009 0,0132 0,0067 0,0101 0,0084 0,0072 0,0077 0,0140 0,0011 0,0020 0,0067 0,0704 0,0090 0,0009 0,0073 0,0101 0,0070 0,0047 0,0026 0,0010 0,0100 0,0118 O,OOII -0,0337 0,0589 -0,0533 0,006 1 0,0078 0,0092 0,0944 0,0048 0,0096 0,0035 0,0010 0,0107 0,0105 0,0195 s +0,00 1 + 8.2263 8.2489 8.2387 8.8305 8-4379 8.2736 8.2789 8.2726 8.3009 8-3359 8.2588 8.3000 8.2779 8.2649 8.2720 8-3479 8.2750 8.2442 8.2614 8.6937 8.2912 8.2974 8-2734 8.3067 8.2707 8.4699 8.2507 8.3220 8.3108 8.5762 8.3418 8.5293 8.6573 8.6353 8.2749 8.2935 8.3111 8.9081 8.2723 8.3191 8.4621 8.3398 8-3339 8.3323 +8.4297 8.8114 8.8338 8.8220 9-4I34 9.0207 8.8556 8.8,598 8.8517 8.8786 8.9I3S 8.8348 8-8754 8.8529 8.8395 8.8464 8.9221 8.8483 8.8167 8.8337 9.2631 8.8601 8.8642 8.8390 8.8719 8.8355 9.0303 8.8103 8.8808 8.8692 9-1344 8.8992 9.0866 9.2144 9.1895 8.8218 8.8396 8-8537 9-4492 8.8109 8.8570 8-9994 8.8749 8.8689 8.8664 8.9620 +0.5033 0.4195 +0.4404 0.2926 +0.1499 0.5681 0.5719 0.5647 0-3575 0.6112 0.5476 0.5847 0.5661 0.5529 0.5599 0.6168 0.3970 0.4507 0.5465 0.8137 0.5727 0-3753 0.5530 0.5824 0.5491 0.1302 0.4682 0-3535 0.5805 9.8198 0.3302 0.7120 0.7848 0.7704 0.5329 0.5548 +0.5684 0.3842 +0.5126 0.5715 0.1857 0-3593 0.5813 0-5794 +0.6421 -7-1755 + 7-7597 + 7.6114 + 8.8166 + 8-3347 -7.9142 -7.9369 -7.8967 + 8.0193 -8.1266 -7.7827 8.0102 -7.9089 -7.8235 -7.8712 8.1521 +7.8848 +7.5187 -7.7780 -8.6651 -7-9534 + 7.9746 -7.8328 8.0088 -7.8055 + 8.3732 + 7.2584 + 8.0495 8.0062 + 8.5216 + 8.1096 -8.4589 -8.6210 -8.5943 7.6830 -7.8652 -7-9553 +8.8965 -7.4257 -7-9779 + 8.3471 + 8.0566 -8.0337 8.0245 -8.2846 0,002 0,006 Coronae Aust. . . a +0,013 +0,006 Coronse Aust. . . p +0,005 +0,003 Pavonis f +0,014 +0,008 + 0,020 + O.OO2 Saoittarii O,OO6 0,001 +O,OO2 + O,OIO 5 1 Draconis 1 7 Lyrae Draconis ........ 18 Lyras t + 0,004 0,008 0,062 0,029 +0,003 0,007 0,008 0,017 +0,005 Pavonis Pavonis Sagittarii Sa^ittarii Sagittarii Draconis 20 Aquilse Sagittarii Cvcni Lyrse Sagittarii Sagittarii Sagittarii +0,005 292 No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec.Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of K K Taylor. j Bris- )ane. Various, of *' c' &' 6526 6527 6528 6529 6530 6 53i 6532 6533 6534 6 535 6536 6 537 6538 6539 6540 6541 6542 6543 6544 6 54S 6546 6 S47 6548 6 549 6550 6551 6552 6553 6 S54 6 555 6556 6 557 6558 6559 6560 6561 6562 6563 6564 6565 6566 6567 6568 6569 6570 95 6 10,8 71 4 50,2 76 21 19,3 14 25 0,6 37 57 17.7 "5 55 *5.6 117 3 41,1 114 53 12,8 58 28 25,2 128 7 54,4 109 31 12,6 120 52 9,3 115 18 49,2 in 13 4,7 113 25 8,2 129 34 23,6 65 58 23,4 79 9 J 9>9 109 10 58,2 159 26 10,8 117 20 47,7 61 36 15,7 III 15 22,6 120 14 21,7 110 2 15,8 3 6 49 55-9 84 9 28,5 57 43 5M 119 43 36,3 28 7 51,6 54 7 52,8 148 14 34,8 156 54 45,9 155 28 40,5 104 49 44,7 in 54 5,1 116 9 13,1 13 9 55.5 98 ii 6,3 117 6 55,2 39 5^ 3M 58 36 13,0 1 20 3 46,0 119 29 22,3 135 43 i7>3 a -5.05 5.5 5.07 . 5,07 5.07 5,08 5>9 5>" 5,i3 5,i3 5,i5 5,i5 5>i6 5,16 5,16 5,i7 5,18 5,18 5,i9 5,22 5,23 5-25 5,26 5,^7 5. 2 7 5-32 5,33 5>34 5,34 5>35 5,36 5,36 5,36 5,39 5,48 5,49 5,53 5,54 5,57 5,58 5,59 5,6* 5,62 5-63 -5,65 0,450 0,371 -0,389 +0,277 -0,199 0,522 0,526 0,518 0,321 0,576 o,497 0,542 0,519 o,503 0,512 0,583 o,352 0,398 0,496 0,917 0,526 o,334 0,503 o,538 0,498 0,190 0,413 >3i7 o,535 0,093 0,301 0,724 0,856 0,828 o,479 0,503 -0,519 +0,340 -0,456 0,522 0,215 0,320 o>534 o,53i 0,614 +0,07 +0,09 +0,06 +0,02 -9.5392 -9.8599 9.8129 0.0191 0.0128 +8.5132 + 8.7292 +8.1206 9.9422 +9.4074 -8.9345 + 9.0913 + 8.3202 -8.7388 8.1492 + 9.4489 -9.8975 -9.7839 -8.9661 +9.8760 +8.7634 -9.9247 -8.7372 + 9-453 -8.8871 0.0136 -9.7241 -9.9452 +9.0043 0.0231 9.9621 +9.7716 +9.8551 +9.8427 -9.2388 8.6415 + 8.5340 0.0148 9.4664 + 8.7118 0.0066 -9.9398 +9.0224 + 8.9768 + 9.5843 +8.3498 -8.9117 -8.7751 9.3888 -9.2997 +9.0443 +9.0626 +9.0305 9.1260 +9.1984 +8.9331 +9.1200 +9.0412 +8.9691 +9.0100 +9.2151 9.0215 8.6869 +8.9293 +9.3868 +9.0780 -9.0950 + 8.9783 +9.1214 +8.9545 -9.3271 8.4322 -9.1527 +9.1210 -9.3711 -9.1944 +9.3562 +9.3906 + 9.3885 +8.8444 +9.0087 +9.0845 9.4301 +8-5973 +9.1034 -9.3301 -9.1639 +9.1470 +9.1403 +9.3046 0.7029 0.7031 0.7046 0.7049 0.7051 0.7058 0.7068 0.7086 0.7098 0.7100 0.7114 0.7120 0.7124 0.7127 0,7129 0.7131 0.7140 0.7147 0.7149 0.7176 0.7181 0.7200 0.7211 0.7215 0.7219 0.7260 0.7268 0.7274 0.7278 0.7279 0.7288 0.7289 0.7290 0.7317 0.7385 0.7392 0.7425 0.7438 0.7461 0.7469 0-7473 0.7493 0.7495 0-7503 -0.7519 -9.9858 9.9858 9.9857 9.9857 9.9857 9.9856 9.9855 9.9854 9.9853 9-9853 9.9852 9.9852 9.9852 9.9851 9.9851 9.9851 9.9850 9.9850 9.9850 9.9848 9.9847 9.9846 9.9845 9-9845 9.9845 9.9842 9.9841 9.9840 9.9840 9.9840 9.9839 9.9839 9.9839 9.9837 9.9832 9.9831 9.9829 9.9827 9.9825 9.9825 9.9825 9.9823 9.9823 9.9822 9.9821 2401 2403 2405 2421 298 ii.22I3 J486 841 62763 62753 M 7 6 4 B.F 2580 J 4 8 7 W 1007 B.F 2573? 1488 L 101 B.F 2573 ? ^1765,1489 M 7 66 62771 M 7 68 M 767 M 769 62784 J 490 62777 L 20 303 11.2214 8003 8005 8009 +0,13 301 ii.22i5 +0,1 6 2402 300 v-3'79 11.2217 8002 6585 8010 8013 8014 8007 6587 +0,15 0,22 +0,02 2409 2407 305 11.22 1 8 312 11.2219 0,06 0,04 +0,05 0,0 1 7986 8017 8019 6586 6 594 2406 310 318 3'5 ^.1332 111.2393 li.2220 + 0,23 0,00 +0,04 0,06 2416 2410 2 4!3 316 3 321 327 11.2221 111.2399 11.2222 iii.2398 8024 0,04 +0,40 + O,II 0,00 +0,07 +0,04 +0,16 0,01 0,02 2414 2 ili.2400 v.3i8i Son 7997 8004 6596 6595 6597 2440 2415 5 4 7 38 16 11.2223 11.2224 11.2225 10.2406 11.2226 8033 .... 8039 0,11 -0,15 2420 8040 8043 8037 6607 +0,05 15 v.3i82 12Y 293 No. Constellation. Mag. Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a b c d 6571 6572 6573 6574* 6575 6576 6577* 6578* 6579 6580 6581 6582 6583 6584 6585 6586 6587 6588 6589 6590 6591* 6592* 6593 6594* 6595 6596 6597 6598 6599 6600* 6601 6602* 6603 6604 6605 6606 6607 6608 6609* 6610 6611* 6612 6613* 6614 6615 6 6 8 6 5 6 7 7 6 6 5 6 5 5 6 6 8 neb. 5 6 8 6 6 7 S 7 6 6* 5 6 5 5i 6 7 *i H 6 3* 7 4 7 3 7 6 6 h m s 19 6 0,90 6 8,99 6 9,76 6 9,88 6 20,44 6 24,61 6 39.93 7 o.iS 8 12,29 8 22,89 8 39,21 8 49,47 8 49,99 8 5!>47 9 5>7i 9 I:I >55 9 24,65 9 32,5 6 9 46,18 10 26,65 10 34,12 10 44,03 10 44,64 10 46,56 10 46,70 10 51,29 io 54.55 10 58,64 ii 9,71 ii 10,43 ii 14,51 ii 22,94 ii 24,28 ii 34,46 11 34.53 ii 36,41 ii 38,49 " 50,53 12 7,78 12 21,92 12 29,35 12 30,49 12 32,09 12 32,39 '9 i* 39.35 s +2,299 3.025 3.477 2,571 3,682 3. 6 53 3,832 3> 6 93 i,57o 6,338 2,040 2,581 I.I33 3.5i6 2,969 0,240 M X 3 6,936 2,578 3,43i 3,440 4,869 1,998 3,869 2,815 3,067 3,052 4,672 2,081 3,069 1,077 2 ,537 1,564 3,650 4,836 1,716 3,602 4,331 3,801 4.345 3,702 0,019 3.798 3>!97 +2,798 s 0,0010 0,0033 0,0070 0,0013 0,0093 0,0089 O,OIII 0,0094 0,0034 0,0738 0,0013 0,0014 0,0072 0,0076 0,0030 0,0203 0,0076 0,0987 0,0014 0,0069 0,0070 0,0316 0,0014 0,0124 0,0022 0,0038 0,0037 0,0271 0,0013 0,0038 0,008 1 0,0013 0,0036 0,0096 0,0312 0,0026 0,0090 0,0205 0,0117 0,0209 0,0104 0,0259 0,0117 0,0049 0,0022 s +0,001 +0,004 +0,004 + 8.3445 8.2785 8.2991 8.3090 8.3240 8.3206 8-3471 8.3296 8.4792 8.7308 8.4027 8.3247 8-5543 8.3200 8.2980 8.6833 8.3232 8.8031 8.3309 8.3214 8.3230 8.5446 8.4229 8.3787 8.3153 8.3072 8-3075 8.5138 8.4117 8.3090 8.5786 8-3455 8.5006 8-35 2 3 8-5445 8.4762 8-3467 8.4615 8.3766 8.4671 8.3647 8.7321 8.3786 8.3192 +8-3275 -8.8728 8.8058 8.8264 8.8363 8.8500 8.8462 8.8709 8.8511 8.9925 9.2429 8.9130 8.8338 9.0633 8.8289 8.8053 9.1899 8.8283 9-3075 8.8337 8.8198 8.8205 9.0410 8.9193 8.8749 8.8114 8.8028 8.8028 9.0087 8.9053 8.8026 9.0718 8-8377 8.9927 8.8433 9.0355 8.9670 8.8373 8-9507 8.8640 8.9530 8.8498 9.2171 8.8634 8.8039 8.8115 +0.3616 04807 0.5412 0.4101 0.5661 0.5626 0.5834 0.5673 0.1960 0.8020 0.3097 0.4118 0.0543 0.5460 0.4725 9-3799 0-5457 0.8411 0.4112 0-5354 0.5366 0.6875 0.3006 0.5876 0-4495 0.4867 0.4846 0.6695 0.3182 0.4870 0.0321 0.4043 0.1943 0.5623 0.6845 0.2345 0.5566 0.6366 0.5799 0.6380 0.5685 8.2672 0.5796 0.5048 +0.4469 +8.0568 +6.8307 7.7796 +7.8694 -7.9581 -7.9372 -8.0554 -7.9702 +8.3607 8.6999 + 8.2006 +7-8785 + 8-4759 -7.8374 + 7-1997 + 8.6431 -7.8386 -8.7807 + 7.8878 -7.7563 7.7680 -8-4563 + 8.2319 8.1040 + 7.6085 +5-7339 +6.4613 -8.4074 + 8.1998 + 5.4308 +8.5044 + 7-933 + 8.3836 -7.9697 -8-4537 +8.3389 -7.9328 8.3090 -8.0739 -8.3172 8.0132 + 8.6974 8.0748 -7.3156 + 7.6490 +0,005 +0,002 0,048 +0,002 +0,003 +0,003 +0,003 +0,005 + 0,001 0,007 0,043 +0,003 0,014 +0,005 0,005 55 Draconis Siigittarii Telescopii Sagittarii 2 c Aquilse ui + 0,003 +0,004 +0,00 1 0,023 0,00 1 +0,00 1 +0,002 Aquila; 23 Aquila? Telescopii 2 1 Lyrae CA Draconis Cvsrni . Sagittarii 0,00 1 O,O2I Telescopii Cveni Sagittarii 0,008 O,OO3 Sagittarii fi i Sagittarii Sagittarii fit 0,014 Sagittarii cj Draconis $ + 0,022 Sagittarii 26 Aquilae f + 0,010 + O,OO I 28 Aquilae A 294 No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of | 1 S Taylor. 1 iris- bane. Various. a' | V 9 106 10 32,8 144 41 44,7 49 54 >7 122 5 16,8 78 40 13,1 89 50 48,7 89 ii 0,6 141 30 21,5 52 7 50,4 89 55 27,2 32 33 7,1 67 14 26,3 40 ii 31,8 114 28 43,1 144 13 27,4 43 12 4,2 112 40 38,5 134 44 8,0 119 52 30,5 135 4 36,4 116 26 0,6 22 36 8,8 119 47 24,6 95 4 1 3*,4 77 53 5 J -5.7 5.71 5.71 5-71 5.73 5.73 5.75 5.78 5,88 5.90 5.92 5.93 5-93 5.94 5.96 5-9 6 5.98 5.99 6,0 1 6,07 6,08 6,09 6,09 6,10 6,10 6,10 6,11 6,11 6,13 6,13 6,13 6,15 6,15 6,16 6,16 6,17 6,17 6,18 6,21 6,23 6,24 6,24 6,24 6,24 -6,25 0,322 0,423 0,486 Q.359 Q.SJS 0,511 0.535 0,516 0,219 0,884 0,284 0,360 0,158 0,490 0,413 0,033 0,489 0,965 o.359 0.477 0,478 0,677 0,278 0,538 0,391 0,426 0,424 0,649 0,289 0,426 0,150 0,352 0,217 0,507 0,671 0,238 0,500 0,601 0,527 0,602 o,S*3 0,003 0,526 0,443 0,388 // 0,06 0,06 0,00 -9.9376 9.6702 -9.0927 9.8766 + 8.3222 + 7.1139 +9.0652 +8.4503 0.0039 +9.8645 -9.9721 -9-8734 -0.0155 -8.9796 9.7066 0.0207 -8.9877 + 9.8866 -9.8743 -9.1992 9.1798 +9.7216 -9.9757 + 9.1411 -9-7873 9.6400 -9.6503 + 9.6770 -9.9671 9.6388 0.0154 9.8856 0.0031 -6.8451 + 9-7I47 9.9960 8.5250 + 9-5578 +8.9886 + 9.5643 + 8.5378 0.0188 + 8.9805 -9.5283 -9.7948 9.1658 8.0065 +8.9349 -9.0147 +9.0897 + 9.0725 + 9.1658 +9.1002 -9.3487 +9-4374 -9.2678 9.0248 -9.3927 + 8.9886 -8-3744 -9-43 3 i + 8.9900 +9.4529 -9.0337 +8.9157 +8.9265 +9-3943 9.2916 +9.2081 -8.7761 6.9100 -7.6373 +9-3776 -9.2731 6.6069 -9.4113 -9.0739 -9-3 6 95 +9.1049 +9.3967 -9-3504 +9-074 +9.3365 +9.1881 +9.3422 +9.1413 -9.4582 +9.1893 +8.4896 -8.8153 -0-7557 0.7565 0.7566 0.7566 0.7577 0.7582 0.7598 0.7619 0.7694 0.7705 0.7722 0.7732 0.7733 0-7734 0-7749 0-7755 0.7768 0.7776 0.7790 0.7830 0.7838 0.7848 0.7848 0.7850 0.7850 0.7855 0.7858 0.7862 0.7873 0.7874 0.7878 0.7886 0.7887 0.7897 0.7897 0.7899 0.7901 0.7913 0.7930 0.7943 0.7950 0.7952 0-7953 0-7953 0.7960 -9.9817 9.9817 9.9817 9.9816 9.9816 9.9815 9.9814 9.9812 9.9805 9.9804 9.9802 9.9801 9.9801 9.9801 9.9800 9-9799 9-9798 9-9797 9.9796 9.9792 9.9791 9.9790 9-979 9.9790 9.9790 9.9789 9-9789 9.9788 9.9787 9.9787 9.9787 9.9786 9.9786 9.9785 9.9785 9-9785 9-9784 9.9783 9.9781 9.9780 9-9779 9-9779 9-9779 9-9779 -9.9778 422 419 L 20 M 772 B.F259I M 770 M 77 i 02789 B.F2595 M 7 73, J4 9 i M774 M 77 5 G 2800 B.F 2606 62802 62803 M 776 1492 24 20 ii.2228 111.2408 0,01 +0,23 418 21 22 ii.2227 ii.2229 8052 8054 8053 8055 -0,53 0,05 0,04 0,05 0,04 -)-O,O2 + 0,02 + 0,09 -I,6 S O,o6 +0,44 8034 6617 427 425 H33 2423 2424 2443 45 42 5^ 35 4 63 39 ii.2232 ii.z23i 11.2234 11.2230 11.2233 11.2413 11.2412 8036 6621 2428 2426 5 1 5 11.2235 11.2236 v -3 l8 5 8062 6629 +0,30 8072 8068 6632 0,06 +0,03 +0,04 +0,07 0,00 0,20 +0,07 2432 2429 2430 57 55 56 11.2237 [11.2415 11.2238 v.3i86 11.2242 11.2239 11.2243 2438 2431 2444 65 60 74 + 0,26 +0,19 59 ^.1363 v.3i87 8080 8069 6639 +0,07 +0,19 61 54 v.3i88 11.2240 8075 8081 8079 8085 8084 6642 + 0,20 62 11.2244 0,07 2449 90 11.2253 O,3 0,07 2 435 244 66 73 11.2245 11.2247 295 No. Constellation. Mag. Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850 Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a b c d 6616 6617 6618 6619 6620 6621 6622 6623 6624 6625 6626 6627* 6628 6629 6630 6631* 6632 6633 6634 6635 6636 6637 6638* 6639 6640 6641 6642 6643 6644 6645 6646 6647 6648 6649 6650 6651* 6652* 6653 6654 6655* 6656 6657 6658 6659 6660 7 7 6 5 > Si 5i 4 4 6 54 6 7 6 6i r 6* 6 5i H Si 6 6 6 6 6 7 6 6 5 7 3* 6| Si 4 4i 7 7 Si 6 6 6 Si 6 6* 6 h m s 19 12 49,50 12 49,75 12 51,19 12 58,34 13 5,77 13 8 .39 13 29,33 13 37,99 13 57,i7 14 36,69 14 37,67 15 1,40 15 8,99 15 24,55 15 30,82 15 36,69 J 5 44,49 16 8,55 16 15,33 16 17,23 1 6 24,71 1 6 42,40 17 22,25 17 27,33 17 3>73 17 33,47 17 38,01 i7 38,65 17 49,18 i? 53>9 i7 55,9* 1 8 0,74 18 12,85 18 23,67 18 24,87 18 42,73 1 8 49,44 18 50,95 18 53,61 19 2,16 19 11,81 J 9 J 3,39 19 21,51 19 27,97 19 19 32,89 s + 3>52i 2,818 3,97 3,486 3,497 3,44 4,169 1,382 + 2,003 2,129 + 1,598 3,834 3,748 >594 6,320 3,789 4,851 3, 6 55 3,652 *f3*5 3,64 2 ,455 3,582 3,8oo I,IOI 3,568 2,694 3,417 2,8 1 1 3,405 3,009 2,693 2,363 +4,897 1,068 +2,151 2,613 3,070 2,625 5>3i 1,894 2,494 3,495 i,573 +6,415 s 0,008 1 0,0023 0,0041 0,0078 0,0079 0,0073 0,0179 0,0052 0,0015 0,0975 0,0035 0,0126 0,0114 -0,0155 0,0813 0,0121 -,335 0,0103 0,0102 0,0059 0,0100 O,OO 1 2 0,0094 0,0125 0,0085 0,0092 0,0018 0,0074 0,0024 0,0073 0,0036 0,0019 O,OOII -0,0359 0,0600 O,OO 1 2 0,00 1 6 0,0041 0,0015 0,0480 0,0020 0,0012 0,0085 0,0038 0,0900 s + 0,001 +0,002 +0,002 +0,003 + 0,011 +0,006 + C,OIO +0,007 +8-3444 8.3271 8.3189 8.3416 8-3435 8.3382 8.4440 8.5448 8.4414 8.9546 8.5146 8.3984 8.3865 8.6753 8.7742 8-3951 8.5724 8-3793 8.3796 8.5699 8.3789 8.3867 8-3771 8.4071 8.6129 8-3765 8.3640 8.3613 8-3555 8.3616 8.3476 8.3661 8.4081 8.5954 8.8855 8.4441 8.3788 8.3519 8.3778 8.6616 8.4903 8-3954 8.3781 8.5469 + 8.8092 -8.8273 8.8101 8.8017 8.8236 8.8247 8.8191 8.9227 9.0226 8.9172 9.4263 8.9861 8.8675 8.8548 9.1420 9.2402 8.8605 9.0371 8.8415 8.8411 9.0312 8.8394 8.8454 8.8317 8.8613 9.0667 8.8300 8.8171 8.8143 8.8074 8.8131 8.7988 8.8169 8.8577 9.0439 9-3339 8.8907 8.8247 8-7977 8.8233 9.1062 8.9340 8.8389 8.8208 8.9890 9.2508 +0.5466 0.4499 0.4909 0.5424 0-5438 0.5366 0.6201 o. 1404 +0.3018 0.3282 +0.2037 0.5836 0.5738 9.7740 0.8007 0.5785 0.6859 0.5628 0.5625 0.1223 0.5611 0.3901 0.5542 0.5798 0.0419 0-5525 0.4303 0.5336 0.4489 0.5321 0.4784 0.4303 0.3734 +0.6900 0.0287 +0.3326 i 0.4171 0.4871 0.4191 0.7244 0.2773 0.3968 0-5435 0.1968 +0.8072 -7.8681 +7-6178 6.6279 -7-8345 7.8468 -7.7846 8.2600 +8.4477 + 8.2503 +8.9421 + 8-3943 8.1113 8.0603 + 8.6249 -8-7435 -8.0886 -8.4838 8.0019 8.0007 + 8.4784 -7.9925 +8.0282 -7.9520 -8.1066 + 8.5383 -7.9413 + 7.8212 -7.7840 +7.6599 -7.7702 + 7-0395 + 7.8238 +8.0982 8.5110 +8.8663 +8.2150 + 7.9124 + 5.2250 + 7.9015 8. 6016 +8.3249 + 8.0155 -7.8831 +8.4310 -8.7805 0,00 1 +0,005 +0,014 -0,045 0,011 +0,004 + 0,002 48 Saittarii V 2 Cj gni AQ Sasrittarii . . . . V* + C,C02 + 0,002 + 0,005 + 0,004 3 Vulpeculse 50 Sagittarii Sagittarii + 0,004 + 0,001 O,CO3 + 0,054 + 0,009 +0,018 +0,003 +0,005 +0,004 0,028 0,000 0,010 +0,005 +0,005 0,023 2 Sagitt JE Sagittarii 3 1 Aquilae b Sagittarii 30 Aquilsp 9 3 Sagittae 2 CvErni Telescopii u, 60 Draconis .... f Cycmi . . . Vulpeculae 32 Aquilae v 4 Vulpeculae Pavonis Cveni . Vulpeculse O,OI2 CveTii + O,0 1 1 + 0,077 Pavonis 296 No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec.Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of 5? i 1 K Taylor. Lacaille. Bris- bane. Various. cf b' \ c 1 d' 6616 6617 6618 6619 6620 6621 6622 6623 6624 6625 6626 6627 6628 6629 6630 6631 6632 6633 6634 6635 6636 6637 6638 6639 6640 6641 6642 6643 6644 6645 6646 6647 6648 6649 6650 6651 6652 6653 6654 6655 6656 6657 6658 6659 6660 1 II 109 30 37,7 78 44 21,7 91 10 1,6 108 7 26,8 108 34 51,1 106 13 55,7 '3 53 34.4 3 6 54 25,5 49 54 49.5 13 41 30,4 40 42 25,9 i2i 4 39,1 118 8 59,7 27 3 53.4 158 43 36,9 "9 35 7.9 144 37 9.9 114 47 43,9 114 42 6,3 35 54 4. 6 114 15 2,8 64 i 17,8 112 4 21,3 I2O 2 8,O 32 38 15,7 III 32 13,3 73 21 1,6 105 20 46,8 78 22 18,3 104 5 39.7 87 10 49,6 73 19 52,0 60 40 7,5 145 24 42,2 16 55 30.9 53 50 28,0 70 i 12,9 89 57 26,5 70 29 29,4 150 34 23,2 46 54 6,1 65 21 17,6 108 39 26,4 40 i 17,6 159 23 49,0 6,27 6,27 6,27 6,28 6,29 6,29 6,32 6,33 6,36 6,41 6,42 6,45 6,46 6,48 6,49 6,50 6,51 6-54 6,55 6,55 6,56 6,59 6,64 6,65 6,65 6,66 6,66 6,67 6,68 6,69 6,69 6,70 6,71 6,73 6,73 6,75 6,76 6,76 6,77 6,78 6,79 6,80 6,8 1 6,82 -6,82 0,488 0,390 0,429 0,483 0,484 0,476 o,577 0,191 -0,277 +0,294 0,221 0,529 O,o82 0,872 0,523 0,669 0,504 0,503 0,183 O,5O2 0,338 0.493 0,523 0,152 0,491 0,371 0,470 0,387 0,468 0,414 0,370 0,325 0,673 +0,147 -0,295 0,359 0,422 0,360 0,728 0,260 0,342 0,480 0,216 0,880 0,02 8.9624 -9.7861 -9.6175 9.0682 9.0362 -9.1798 + 9.4672 0.0083 -9-9744 O.OIOO 0.0005 +9.0686 +8.8062 0.0171 +9.8599 +8.9528 +9-7159 + 7-3979 +6.9031 0.0086 -7.8808 -9.9052 -8.6776 + 8.9845 O.OI22 -8.7589 -9.8363 -9.2276 -9.7890 -9.2504 9.6811 -9.8364 -9.9242 + 9.7236 O.OIlS -9-9571 9.8630 9.6382 9.8594 + 9.7828 9.9822 -9.8958 9.0426 -9-9997 +9.8618 +9.0185 -8.7854 +7.8039 -1-8.9885 +8.9996 +8.9430 +9.3146 9.4023 -9.3101 -9.4924 +9.2201 +9-1817 -9.4590 +9-4793 +9.2040 +9.4225 +9.1360 +9- I 35 I -9.4227 +9.1285 9.1580 +9.0951 + 9.2200 -9.4462 +9.0859 -8-9787 +8-9443 8.8269 +8.9315 8.2151 8.9812 -9.2147 +9.4411 9.5065 9.2982 9.0615 6.4011 -9.0519 +9.4690 -9.3644 -9.1501 +9-357 -9.4154 +9.5030 -0.7970 0.7970 0.7972 0.7978 0.7986 0.7988 0.8008 0.8016 0.8034 0.8071 0.8072 0.8095 0.8102 0.8116 0.8122 0.8127 0.8134 0.8156 0.8163 0.8164 0.8171 0.8187 0.8223 0.8228 0.8231 0.8233 0.8238 0.8238 0.8248 0.8252 0.8254 0.8258 0.8269 0.8278 0.8279 0.8295 0.8301 0.8302 0.8305 0.8312 0.8321 0.8322 0.8329 0.8335 -0.8339 9.9777 9-9777 9-9777 9.9776 9-9775 9-9775 9-9773 9.9772 9.9770 9.9766 9.9766 9.9763 9.9762 9.9761 9.9760 9-9759 9.9758 9.9756 9-9755 9-9755 9-9754 9.9752 9.9748 9-9747 9-9747 9.9746 9.9746 9.9746 9-9745 9-9744 9-9744 9-9743 9.9742 9.9741 9.9741 9-9739 9.9738 9-9738 9-9737 9-9737 9-9735 9-9735 9-9734 9-9734 -9-9733 2442 2439 2434 2436 2437 2447 67 ii.2246 Airy (6) M 77 8 J494 62812 62815 62821 62822 M 7 82 62827 M 7 8 3 W 1034 62832 B.F 2629 Z 1294 62836 + 0,01 0,06 +0,03 +0,04 +0,26 0,09 72 69 70 68 9 1 ii.2249 11.2248 11.2250 11.2252 ii.22 54 8087 6650 + 0,12 2466 119 HUM,, 8095 8097 O,OI + 0,08 -0,51 84 108 11.2255 111.2422 8078 8098 8091 8lOO 6653 6656 + 0,36 + 0,08 +0,16 7.3192 11.2256 11.2257 2445 93 94 0,04 O,OI +0,15 +0,19 2446 2450 2448 96 105 103 IO2 11.2258 11.2259 11.2260 11.2261 8103 8107 6664 +0,01 0,04 +o,n 0,69 +0,08 0,11 0,09 0,05 +0,20 0,08 0,08 2453 2452 2451 2454 2456 IO4 112 107 114 no "3 "5 117 111.2423 11.2263 11.2262 11.2265 11.2264 11.2266 111.2424 11.2267 v.3i 9 3 11.2272 ^.1384 11.2268 11.2269 v-3'94 8101 8102 6666 6669 2472 2460 2457 2455 2458 141 121 118 120 +0,02 +0,03 O,I2 + 0,64 2459 123 11.2271 11.2270 111.2427 + 0,10 + 0,21 8096 6668 B.A.C. (2P) 297 No. Constellation. Mag. Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a b c d 6661 6662* 6663 6664 6665* 6666 6667 6668 6669 6670 6671 6672* 6673* 6674 6675 6676* 6677* 6678 6679 6680* 6681 6682* 6683 6684* 6685* 6686 6687 6688 6689 6690 6691 6692 6693* 6694 6695 6696 6697 6698 6699 6700 6701 6702 6703 6704 6705 H 4 6* 7 7 6 6 7* 6i 6 6 7 6i 4 6 Si 7 7 6 7 64 7 7 7 7 6 6 6 6 3 7 6 7 7 6 6 5 6 62 7 4i 6 5 6 6 h m s 19 19 40,23 19 53.3 19 54.94 20 3,39 20 8,27 20 34,99 20 45,01 21 0,57 21 2,70 21 26,01 21 59,45 22 5,29 22 17,65 22 27,88 22 32,11 22 41,43 22 42,07 22 48,16 22 49,23 22 55.53 23 3,80 23 18,99 23 21,29 23 33,65 23 41,45 23 42,76 23 45.33 23 5!>37 24 4,96 24 40,40 24 42,65 ^4 59,32 25 29,48 25 30,11 25 3M4 25 47,52 ^5 55.45 26 11,83 26 37,41 26 42,87 26 45,71 26 47,29 *6 5i.35 26 54.93 19 27 1,05 s +2,618 0,323 2,623 3,4 T 7 3,828 3,7i8 2,158 3,422 4.765 3>35 3.5 6 7 3,682 2,373 2,504 4>348 2,502 3.75 2,616 3.138 3,827 1,091 3.743 3.571 3,812 3,689 6,488 i,47i 5,906 4,477 2,418 2,417 6,009 3,846 3,630 2,602 5,086 1,512 2,228 3,614 3.55 +2,917 2,010 +3,309 3, 6 5i + 5,884 s 0,00 1 6 0,0218 0,0016 0,0076 0,0134 0,0117 0,0011 0,0078 0,0336 0,0039 0,0097 0,0114 0,0011 0,0013 0,0240 0,0012 0,0126 0,00 1 6 0,0049 0,0139 0,0091 0,0126 0,0099 -0,0137 0,0117 0,0985 0,0050 -0,0734 0,0275 0,0012 0,0012 0,0787 0,0146 0,0111 0,0015 -0,0453 0,0047 O,OOII O,OIIO O,O I OO 0,0032 0,1088 0,0069 0,0115 -0,0755 s + 0,002 +0,009 0,002 0,005 + 8.3827 8.7384 8.3834 8.3742 8.4260 8.4122 8.4540 8.3796 8.5889 8.3655 8.3999 8.4151 8.4285 8.4111 8.5259 8.4126 8.4280 8.3992 8.3730 8.4407 8.6461 8.4301 8.4074 8.4415 8.4243 8.8413 8.5879 8.7723 8.5567 8.4342 8-4344 8.7915 8.4568 8.4255 8.4144 8.6665 8.5926 8.4711 8.4290 8.4216 8-3949 9.0161 8.4000 8.4352 + 8.7867 8.8236 9.1780 8.8229 8.8128 8.8641 8.8477 8.8885 8.8126 9.0217 8.7961 8.8272 8.8419 8.8541 8.8357 8.9501 8.8359 8.8512 8.8219 8-7955 8.8626 9.0672 8.8498 8.8268 8.8598 8.8418 9.2587 9.0051 9.1889 8.9720 8.8462 8.8462 9.2017 8.8642 8.8328 8.8217 9.0723 8-9977 8.8746 8.8302 8.8222 8-7953 9.4163 8.7998 8.8348 -9- I 857 +0.4180 9.5088 0.4189 0.5336 0.5830 0.5703 o-334i -5343 0.6781 0.4821 0.5523 0.5661 0.3752 0.3986 0.6383 0.3982 0.5741 0.4176 0.4967 0.5829 0.0379 0-5733 0.5528 0.5811 0.5669 0.8121 0,1677 0.7713 0.6510 0.3834 0.3833 0.7788 0.5851 0-5599 0.4154 0.7064 0.1794 0.3478 0.5580 0.5502 +0.4649 -0.3033 +0.5198 0.5624 +0.7697 +7.9126 +8.6972 +7.9090 -7.7984 8.1389 -8.0735 + 8.2235 7.8110 -8.4941 +6.8246 7.9662 -8.0575 + 8.1161 + 8.0266 -8.3798 + 8.0297 8.1069 + 7.9327 -7.1055 -8.1548 + 8.5732 8.1060 -7.9777 8.1492 8.0712 8.8141 + 8.4845 -8.7338 -8-4305 +8.1008 + 8.IOU -8.7556 -8.1801 8.0378 +7.9610 -8.5964 + 8.4856 + 8.2202 8.0320 -7.9778 + 7.4849 + 9.0035 7.6760 8.0619 -8.7481 0,006 +0,001 0,009 + 0,020 + O,OO2 0,009 O,OO I 0,009 0,003 + 0,001 6 Vulpeculse ot. 8 Vulpeculae 7 Vulpeculae + O,OO I + 0,007 + O,OO3 + O,O25 + 0,141 O,OO6 0,005 + O,O22 + O,OO2 + O,CO3 O,OO5 6 Cvirni . . . 3 Cvirni Pavonis Sagittarii Sagittarii O,OII + 0,002 0,018 +0,004 +0,002 0,003 0,002 +0,017 Vulpeculse Pavonis TO Cvsrni . . . <^ 8 Cveni . Sagittarii Sagittarii 38 Aquilse u> Draconis 37 Aquilse k +0,004 +0,004 ->35 Pavonis 298 No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of I 1 Taylor. Lacaille. Bris- bane. Various. a' V c' d' 6661 6662 6663 6664 6665 6666 6667 6668 6669 6670 6671 6672 6673 6674 6675 6676 6677 6678 6679 6680 6681 6682 6683 6684 6685 6686 6687 6688 6689 6690 6691 6692 6693 6694 6695 6696 6697 6698 6699 6700 6701 6702 6703 6704 6705 1 II 70 II 50,3 *4 34 *7,4 70 24 13,5 105 24 15,8 121 5 2,6 117 17 16,9 53 58 45.5 105 39 48,7 H3 *9 37.3 88 21 2,9 in 37 8,3 116 i 52,0 60 51 9,0 65 38 7,0 135 35 1.8 65 32 16,3 118 31 11,4 7 i 35.5 93 5 4 6 . 121 IO 5O,I 32 16 27,5 118 17 51,8 in 49 44,3 120 40 30,3 116 19 37,8 i59 55 43,5 37 58 58,* 156 14 11,3 138 24 56,1 62 21 6,3 62 2O 46,2 157 o 54,7 121 55 34,2 114 10 42,5 69 23 11,3 148 1 8 21,6 38 35 l6 .9 55 5 1 45.5 "3 37 54,i in 5 56,6 82 56 4,4 13 44 20,6 100 52 59,9 115 2 36,3 156 ii 9,4 -M3 6,85 6,85 6,86 6,87 6,91 6,92 6,94 6 .95 6,98 7,02 7.03 7.05 7,06 7.07 7,08 7,08 7,09 7,09 7,10 7,13 7,19 7.25 7.27 7.3 ! 7,31 7.33 7.34 7.37 7.4 7,41 7,41 7.4* 7.43 -7,43 n -0,359 0,044 0,360 0,468 0.5*5 0,509 0,295 0,468 0,652 0,487 0,503 0,324 0,342 o.593 0,341 0,512 o,357 0,428 0,522 0,149 0,510 0,487 0,519 0,503 0,884 0,200 0,804 0,6 10 0,329 0,329 0,817 0,522 o,493 o,353 0,690 0,205 0,302 0,490 0,481 -0,395 +0,272 0,448 o,495 -o,797 +0,03 0,02 +0,06 +0,13 9.8614 0.0150 -9-8597 -9.2274 +9.0550 +8.6503 -9-9557 9.2162 +9.6954 -9.6635 -8.7657 +8.3243 -9.9217 -9.8929 + 9.5621 -9.8934 +8.8156 9.8618 -9.5830 +9.0527 0.0096 +8.7853 -8.7427 +9.0145 +8.4048 +9.8624 0.0014 +9.8323 +9.6130 -9.9123 -9.9123 +9.8379 +9.0941 8.1614 -9.8657 +9.7512 -9.9992 -9.9451 -S-3979 8.8476 -9-73 6 4 0.0025 -9-3993 + 6.0000 +9.8290 9.0623 -9.4922 -9.0592 +8.9586 +9.2477 +9.1984 -9.3074 +8.9706 +9.4446 8.0005 +9.1106 +9.1871 -9,2334 9.1621 +9.4009 -9.1649 +9.2268 9.0819 +8.2809 +9.2631 -9.4768 +9.2268 +9.1215 +9.2599 +9.1997 +9-5*57 -9.4498 +9.4286 9.2242 -9.2245 +9-5*33 +9.2849 +9.1740 9.1084 +9.4929 9.4567 -9-3H 1 +9.1701 +9.1238 -8.6576 -9-555* +8.8442 +9.1951 +9.5303 0.8346 0.8357 0.8358 0.8366 0.8370 0.8393 0.8402 0.8415 0.8417 0.8437 0.8465 0.8470 0.8480 0.8489 0.8493 0.8500 0.8501 0.8506 0.8507 0.8512 0.8519 0.8532 o-8534 0.8544 0.8550 0.8551 0-8553 0.8558 0.8570 0.8599 0.8600 0.8614 0.8638 0.8639 0.8640 0.8653 0.8659 0.8672 0.8693 0.8697 0.8699 0.8701 0.8704 0.8707 0.8712 9.9732 9.9731 9.9730 9.9730 9-97*9 9.9726 9.9725 9-97*3 9-97*3 9.9720 9.9716 9-97I5 9.9714 9-97I3 9.9712 9.9711 9.9711 9.9710 9.9710 9-9709 9.9708 9.9707 9.9706 9.9705 9.9704 9.9704 9.9703 9.9703 9.9701 9.9697 9.9696 9.9694 9.9691 9.9691 9.9690 9.9688 9.9687 9.9685 9.9682 9.9681 9.9681 9.9681 9.9680 9.9680 -9.9679 2461 2471 2462 125 142 128 124 111.2426 11.2274 ^.1387 111.2428 B.F 2637 M 7 8 S B.F 2622 M 7 8 7 M 7 88 62852 Z 1299 B.F 2642 M 790 W 1044 R S o 5 W 1045 W 1046 Wol. ii. 46 J 49 5 M 791 8117 8123 +0,13 0,05 +0,12 0,27 0,02 + 0,10 2464 126 137 132 11.2273 iii.243o 111.2429 .3196 11.2275 11.2276 8115 6672 2463 135 138 8132 8129 8135 8136 +0,07 + 0,09 + O.IO 2468 2467 2470 146 148 136 150 iii.2434 11.2277 111.2432 ii.2279 0,00 0,06 2469 2465 151 111.2436 11.2278 +0,08 T-fl ii.228o 111.2437 8139 8140 8144 8113 8119 8137 6683 6685 6689 +0,06 . +0,04 +0,04 0,24 0,03 0,02 0,04 2476 1 60 111.2439 v.3i 9 7 11.2281 *473 2474 161 162 8127 8152 8154 8142 6690 6696 +0,08 +0,07 O,I2 -0,13 0,04 O,O I + 0,23 + 0,09 163 11.2282 11.2283 11.2284 111.2442 iii.2443 11.2286 11.2289 2481 2480 2479 175 173 165 1 66 171 + O.OI + O,O2 0,04 2477 *475 170 168 11.2288 11.2287 8162 8141 6699 2 P2) 299 No. Constellation. Mag. Eight Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a b c d 6706 6707 6708 6709 6710 6711 6712 6713 6 7H * 6715 6716* 6717 6718* 6719 6720 6721 6722 6723 6724 6725* 6726* 6727 6728 6729* 6730* 6731 6732 6733 6734 6735 6736 6737 6738* 6739 6740 6741 6742 6 743 6744 6745 6746 6747 6748 6749 6750* 52 Sagittarii h 4i 7 6 5i 7 6 6 4 5* 5 7 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 neb. 7 6i 5* 5 7 6 6 si 4 5 6 si 7 4 4 si 5 6 5 Si 6 7 5 6 7 h m s 19 *7 34.SS 27 41,31 27 53,11 27 59,61 28 20,78 28 22,66 28 40,34 28 49,24 28 53,69 28 57,70 29 33,29 29 33,69 29 47,84 29 49,89 29 59.31 3 23,93 3 24.93 30 27,01 30 29,95 30 31,71 3 48,45 3i 5,9 3 1 45.9 3i 47,55 3i 54.33 3 1 59.49 32 2,12 32 7,63 32 25,07 32 38,25 32 59.74 33 9.4i 33 16,77 33 23,61 33 27,16 33 47, 16 33 56,26 34 17,80 34 18,82 34 33.53 34 59.79 35 I0 . 8 4 35 '8,15 35 3o.7i 19 35 38,75 + 3^55 3>52 11,585 2,633 3,487 2,087 1,067 3,23 2,381 3,106 3.754 1,652 L955 3.178 1,894 1,707 2,i53 MS 1 2,714 3,820 3,614 3. 6l 3 1,907 2,962 1,609 1,867 7,062 3.438 + 1,612 0,201 + 3.09 1 0,650 3, 6 49 2,680 2,367 1,663 3.433 6,383 2,693 i,949 3,4*7 2,814 1,348 2,822 +2,671 s 0,0117 0,0094 0,5066 0,0017 0,0093 0,0013 0,0101 0,006 1 0,00 1 1 0,0049 -0,0137 0,0036 0,0017 0,0056 0,002 1 0,0032 O,OOI2 0,0045 0,002 1 0,0150 0,0115 0,0115 0,0020 0,0037 0,0040 0,0022 0,1410 0,0090 0,0040 0,0400 0,0049 0,0182 0,0124 0,0019 0,0011 0,0036 0,0091 0,1067 0,0020 0,0018 0,0090 0,0027 0,0068 0,0027 0,0019 a +0,008 +0,006 -0,159 + 0,001 0,007 + 8.4390 8.4208 9.2383 8.4230 8.4223 8.5053 8.6799 8.4049 8.4604 8.4021 8.4626 8.5873 8-5353 8.4076 8.5470 8.5817 8.5041 8.6092 8.4265 8.4774 8.4489 8.4502 8-5533 8.4166 8.6064 8-5615 8.9467 8-4349 8.6085 8.8724 8.4203 8.7654 8.4649 8.4430 8.4839 8.6062 8.4425 8.8856 8.4457 8.5592 8-4457 8.4391 8.6676 8.4399 +8.4538 -8.8349 8.8161 9.6325 8.8166 8.8140 8.8969 9.0699 8.7940 8.8491 8.7905 8.8478 8.9724 8.9192 8.7913 8.9298 8.9624 8.8847 8.9895 8.8066 8.8574 8.8274 8.8271 8.9266 8.7898 8.9791 8-9337 9.3187 8.8064 8.9784 9.2412 8.7872 9- I 3 I 5 8.8304 8.8078 8.8484 8.9690 8.8046 9.2458 8.8058 8.9180 8.8022 8.7947 9.0226 8.7938 8.8070 +0.5628 -5443 1.0639 0.4204 0.5424 0.3196 0,0281 0-5093 0.3767 0.4921 0-5745 0.2179 0.2911 0.5022 0.2773 0.2323 0.3331 0.1906 0.4336 0.5821 0-5579 0-5579 0.2804 0.4715 0.2065 0.2711 0.8490 .53 6 3 +0.2072 -9.3023 + 0.4901 9.8128 0.5621 0.4281 0-3743 0.2208 0-5357 0.8050 0.4302 0.2899 o-5337 0-4493 0.1297 0.4506 +0.4266 8.0683 -7.9374 -9.2337 + 7-9454 -7.9251 + 8.2989 + 8.6097 7.5123 + 8.1478 6.8521 -8.1473 +8.4646 + 8.3616 -7-346i + 8.3857 +8.4517 + 8.2797 + 8.4992 + 7.8702 8.1928 8.0541 -8.0555 + 8.3901 + 7.3620 + 8.4901 +8.4061 8.9270 7.8916 + 8.4919 + 8.8437 6.6464 + 8.7157 8.0942 + 7.9252 + 8.1803 + 8-4835 -7.8951 -8.8578 + 7.9149 + 8.3887 7.8811 + 7-75H + 8.5790 + 7.7388 + 7.9465 Sagittarii Octantis 9 Vulpeculae Sagittarii 39 Aquilae x +0,003 +0,007 +0,005 42 Aquilae +0,010 i i Cygni +0,003 +0,017 +0,004 Cverni Sagittarii 53 Sagittarii +0,005 +0,005 Sagittarii Cveni . AA Aqiiil?p , p. +0,003 0,004 Cvsrni Cvmii Pavonis 0,004 +0,007 0,001 +0,094 +0,004 54 Sagittarii e^ ii Cvarii . . fl 6 1 Draconis & AC Aquilae Draconis Sagittarii 5 Sagittae ^ +0,005 +0,00 1 +0,025 +0,007 +0,017 +0,004 +0,005 +0,003 +0,004 Cvo*ni 55 Sagittarii t? Pavonis 6 Sagittae fi Sagittarii 46 Aquilae Cvffni .... 47 Aquilae y +0,004 + 0,012 Sagittae 300 No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1350. Annual Preces. Sec.Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of i 2 H Taylor. | ;Bris- bane. 4 Various. of V 6 4 7> 6 4 7,66 7,66 7,6? 7,71 7.7i 7,71 7,72 7.72 7.74 7,7 6 7,82 7,82 7,83 7,84 7,84 7,85 7,87 7,89 7,9* 7-93 7,94 7,95 7,95 7,98 7,99 8,02 8,02 8,04 8,08 8,09 8,10 8,12 -8,13 n -0,495 o,474 i,5 6 7 o,35 6 0,471 0,282 0,144 0,436 0,321 0,419 0,506 0,223 0,264 0,428 0,255 0,230 0,290 0,209 0,365 0,514 0,486 0,486 0,256 0,398 0,216 0,251 0,948 0,461 0,216 +0,027 -0,414 0,087 0,489 o,359 0,317 0,223 0,459 0,853 0,360 0,260 0,456 0,376 0,180 0,376 -o,356 0,00 +0,12 +0,56 0,03 4-0,02 +7-4!5o 9.0216 4-9.9321 9.8561 9.0663 -9.9619 0.0069 -9.4940 -9.9190 9.6103 4-8.8300 9.9922 -9.9738 -9.5467 -9.9784 -9.9893 -9-9537 -9.9957 9.8282 +9.0350 8.4065 8.4082 -9.9768 -9.7105 -9.9929 -9-9795 4-9.8761 9.1830 -9.9926 0.0058 9.6216 0.0066 7.1761 9.8402 9.9206 9.9898 -9.1937 4-9.8507 -9-8355 -9.9725 9.2256 9.7871 -9.9987 -9-7834 -9.8431 +9.2009 4-9.0887 4-9.5685 9.0960 4-9.0780 -9.3689 -9.5065 4-8.6848 -9.2652 +8.0280 +9.2655 -9.4582 9.4081 4-8.5206 -9.4215 9.4546 -9.3603 -9.4749 9.0289 +9.3007 +9.1918 +9.1931 9.4276 -8-5364 -9-4751 -9.4365 4-9.5723 4-9.0491 -9.4772 9.5660 +7.8224 -9-5473 4-9.2268 9.0803 -9.2948 9-477I 4-9.0530 +9-574 1 -9.0713 -9.4326 4-9.0404 8.9182 -9-5 I 77 8.9061 9.1005 0.8738 0.8743 0-8753 0.8758 0.8774 0.8776 0.8789 0.8796 0.8800 0.8803 0.8830 0.8831 0.8841 0.8843 0.8850 0.8869 0.8870 0.8871 0.8873 0.8875 0.8887 0.8901 0.8931 0.8932 0.8937 0.8941 0.8943 0.8947 0.8960 0.8969 0.8985 0.8992 0.8998 0.9003 0.9005 0.9020 0.9027 0.9042 0.9043 0.9054 0.9072 0.9080 0.9086 0.9095 0.9100 -9.9675 9.9674 9.9673 9.9672 9.9669 9.9669 9.9667 9.9665 9.9665 9.9664 9.9660 9.9660 9.9658 9.9658 9.9656 9.9653 9.9653 9-9 6 53 9.9652 9.9652 9.9650 9.9648 9.9642 9.9642 9.9641 9.9640 9.9640 9.9639 9.9637 9.9635 9.9632 9.9631 9.9630 9.9629 9.9629 9.9626 9.9625 9.9622 9.9621 9.9619 9.9616 9.9614 9.9613 9.9611 9.9610 2478 *74 176 ii.2290 ii.2291 8i66 ! M7 9 2,J497 B.F 2643 B.F 2645 62870 62875 J 498 J499 02876 B.F 2664 62878 62880 62881 M795 B.F 2656 62891 f G 2894 I. A 446 62893 M 797 G 2899 G 2897 M798,J5oo B.F 2667 6 2907 '94 6694 2483 184 180 11.2292 11.2293 0,02 4-0,05 0,01 2482 2487 2484 187 192 188 ii.2294 11.2296 ii.2295 8175 4-0,09 2485 196 ii.2297 0,04 4-0,10 0,06 2491 2489 206 211 203 iii.2449 v. 1416 11.2298 8178 8182 8183 O,II 0,09 2486 2488 I 99 2O I 11.2299 11.2300 0,01 0,02 2492 2496 215 22O 11.2301 111.2450 4-0,80 0,00 0,21 +1,83 0,02 8156 6714 2490 2498 2505 2493 214 223 236 219 11.2302 11.230; 11.2306 11.230^ 8198 0,03 0,06 +0,13 0,04 -0,15 0,02 0,07 4-0,27 0,07 2495 2497 2494 224 226 2 33 222 11.2305 11.2307 111.2453 111.2452 8177 6721 2499 2503 2500 229 240 230 238 11.2309 111.24 5' 11.2310 111.2455 0,07 0,03 2501 2502 242 244 11.2311 111.2458 301 No. Constellation. Mag. Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a b c d 675 1 6752 6753 6754 6 755 6756 6757 6758 6759 6760 6761* 6 7 6z* 6763 6764 6765 6766 6767 6768* 6769 6770* 6771 6772 6 773 6774 6775* 6776 6777 6778 6779 6780 6781 6782* 6783 6784 6785* 6786* 6787 6788 6789 6790 6791* 6792* 6793* 6794 6795* 5* 6 6* 6 5i Si 6 6 6* Si 7 6 6 6* 6 6 it 7 6 7 5 3 7 H 7 6* 6 7 3* 5 7 6 4 S 6 7 6 7 6 6 74 7 6 5 7 h m s 19 35 45>29 35 53.7* 35 53.79 36 12,01 36 26,65 3 6 35.58 37 iM5 37 28,74 37 35.59 37 36,53 37 3 6 ,93 37 47,39 37 49,77 37 52,61 37 53,8i 37 59-34 38 22,19 38 29,84 38 44,55 38 46,34 38 52,09 39 7,68 39 9,'7 39 16,53 39 2 9,46 39 37,07 40 16,07 40 16,92 40 17,11 40 17,99 40 29,02 4 39>98 40 42,16 40 44,09 40 45,82 41 9,83 41 34,01 4i 35-42 41 37,96 41 38,47 4 1 49,*3 4i 55.17 42 0,99 42 19,25 19 42 26,95 s +4,932 -0,533 + 3,812 1,842 3,841 5,806 5,308 2,492 2,791 3,517 2,792 2,456 1,611 i, 612 2,109 S.H 1 2,916 3,759 !,999 3,736 2,156 2,851 3,544 4,4i5 3.75 1 3,375 2,234 4,170 1,869 1,158 3,343 4,821 2,674 2,273 3,3" 3,689 5,300 3,3o8 2,826 4,093 2,829 3,708 44,076 2,661 +3,697 s 0,0456 0,0530 -0,0157 0,0024 0,0164 0,08 1 1 0,0603 O,OO 1 2 0,0025 0,0107 0,0025 O,OOII 0,0042 0,0042 O,OOI3 -0,0544 0,0035 0,0151 0,00 1 6 0,0147 0,0011 0,0030 0,0113 0,0310 0,0151 0,0088 O,OO I O 0,0065 0,0023 0,0099 0,0084 -0,0443 0,0019 0,0010 0,0079 0,0141 0,0630 0,0079 0,0028 0,0231 0,0028 0,0147 12,1105 0,00 1 8 0,0145 s +0,016 +8.6928 8.9262 8.5009 8.5859 8.5080 8.8258 8.7587 8.4837 8.4511 8.4673 8.4511 8.4900 8.6345 8.6346 8.5466 8.7369 8.4467 8.5041 8.5697 8.5018 8.5429 8-4533 8.4772 8.6208 8.5072 8.4615 8-5357 8.5815 8.5998 8.7228 8.4626 8.6977 8.4749 8.5311 8.4614 8.5050 8.7782 8-4645 8.4652 8.5738 8-4657 8.5111 9-9895 8.4829 +8.5116 -9.0454 9.2781 8.8528 8.9363 8.8571 9.1742 9.1040 8.8276 8.7945 8.8 106 8.7943 8.8324 8.9766 8.9765 8.8884 9.0783 8.7861 8.8429 8.9073 8.8392 8.8798 8.7890 8.8127 8-9557 8.8410 8-7947 8.8657 8.9114 8.9297 9.0526 8.7915 9.0258 8.8028 8.8588 8.7889 8.8306 9.1019 8.7880 8.7885 8.8971 8.7881 8.8329 0.3108 8.8028 8.8309 +0.6930 -9.7267 +0.5812 0.2654 0.5844 0.7639 0.7250 0.3965 0.4457 0.5461 0.4460 0.3903 0.2071 0.2072 0.3241 0.7111 0.4648 0.5751 0.3008 0.5724 0.3336 0.4550 0-5495 0.6449 0.5742 0.5282 0.3490 0.6201 0.2717 0.0637 0.5242 0.6832 0.4271 0.3567 0.5200 0.5669 0.7243 -5!95 0.4512 0.6120 0.4517 0.5692 1.6442 0.4250 +0.5679 8.6150 + 8.9025 8.2160 + 8.4367 -8.2354 8.7864 8.7023 +8.1163 + 7.8015 8.0038 + 7.7990 + 8.1438 + 8.5199 + 8.5200 +8.3390 -8.6725 + 7.5480 8.1967 + 8.3902 8.1834 + 8.3223 + 7.7036 8.0378 -8.4913 8.1967 -7.8473 + 8.2905 8.4089 + 8.4475 + 8.6496 7.8042 8.6129 +7.9688 + 8.2717 -7.7512 -8.1635 8.7223 7-7489 + 7.7629 -8.3341 + 7.7584 8.1805 -9.9893 +7.9905 -8.1754 0,005 0,003 0,020 +0,047 + 0,002 +0,004 0,009 +0,007 +0,002 0,015 0,010 t^ygm .... 0,012 + O,OO6 + O,OIO +0,006 0,009 +0,018 Sagittarii Sagittarii 0,003 + 0,012 0,007 +0,007 Cviyni Sagittarii ^J6 UI Sagittarii 0,0 10 0,000 + 0,010 +0,002 +0,010 Telescopii 7 Sagittae S 17 Cvtrni . . . *V Aquila? Sagittarii + 0,056 +0,00 1 + 0,002 0,015 +0,007 Aquilae 52 Aquilse if Sagittarii Octantis 8 Sairittse +0,007 302 No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec.Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of 0? 1 Taylor. Lacaille. Bris- >ane. Various. cf V \ 86 43 50.47 44 8,97 44 28,92 44 29,90 44 31,81 44 36,64 44 49>86 44 54,98 45 H.94 45 18,92 45 26,75 45 27,87 45 28,23 45 34.66 45 40,51 45 43.78 45 59. 8 4 46 30,12 46 38,71 4 6 51.77 46 58,78 47 S. 6 ^ 47 5> 2 3 47 12,33 47 23,10 47 42,08 47 43.72 47 44,24 47 56,64 48 2,91 48 9,26 48 39,3i 49 4,89 49 8,08 49 I2 ,55 19 49 26,35 + 3^8 6,302 7,386 1.755 2,287 7,082 2,891 3.495 6,231 2,858 2,121 + 5,092 0,052 +5, OI 5 2,580 3,058 4,160 2,123 3,612 3,H4 3,861 2,058 1,074 2,675 5,938 3,259 3,252 3,671 1,508 2,901 3,73 2,547 5,930 3,78l6 1,768 3,588 3,693 2,945 0,937 +2,542 -0,177 + 5,111 2,839 2,725 + 3,49 s 0,0080 0,1128 0,1817 0,0031 0,0009 0,1614 0,0034 0,0109 0,1099 0,0031 O,OOII 0,0564 0,0405 -0,0534 0,0015 0,0051 0,0256 0,0012 O,OI32 O,Co6o 0,0184 O,OOI4 0,0119 O,OOI9 0,0965 0,0075 0,0074 0,0146 0,0056 0,0035 0,OO52 O,OOI3 0,0976 0,0171 0,0030 0,0131 0,0152 0,0039 0,0147 0,0013 0,0468 O,o6oO O.OOJO 0,0022 O,O I OO s 0,001 0,227 0,005 + 8.4682 8-9J73 9.0312 8.6327 8-5391 9.0039 8.4684 8.4892 8.9130 8.4718 8.5718 8-7595 8.9128 8-7474 8.5017 8.4690 8.6000 8.5761 8.5111 8.4721 8.5500 8.5886 8.7605 8-4947 8.8866 8.4788 8.4803 8.5248 8.6933 8.4815 8.4774 8.5158 8.8923 8-5454 8.6505 8.5174 8-5323 8.4832 8.7932 8.5206 8.9470 8.7831 8-4933 8.5031 +8.5032 8.7872 9.2354 9.3491 8.9491 8.8551 9.3198 8.7828 8.8035 9.2269 8.7844 8.8829 9.0690 9.2222 9.0567 8.8106 8.7768 8.9074 8.8819 8.8166 8.7770 8.8548 8.8934 9.0648 8.7985 9.1902 8.7810 8.7802 8.8240 8.9915 8.7791 8-7747 8.8129 9.1889 8.8412 8.9448 8.8115 8.8264 8-7763 9.0858 8.8127 9.2367 9.0709 8.7808 8.7903 -8.7893 +0.5196 0-7995 0.8684 0.2442 0.3592 0.8502 0.46 1 1 0-5434 0.7946 0.4560 0.3265 +0.7069 -8-7135 +0.7003 0.4116 0.4854 0.6191 0.3269 0-5577 Q-4975 0.5867 o-3i34 0.0311 0.4273 0.7736 0.5131 0.5121 0.5648 0.1784 0.4626 0.4876 0.4060 0.7730 0.5782 0.2474 0.5548 0.5673 0.4690 9.9718 +0.4052 -9.2487 +0.7085 0.4532 0-4353 +0.5326 -7-7543 8.8890 -9.0149 +8.5006 +8.2759 8.9852 +7.6369 8. ono -8.8836 +7-7134 +8.3644 -8.6938 +8.8828 -8.6773 +8.0796 +6.5064 -8.4277 +8.3687 -8.1254 -7.2574 8.2911 + 8.3986 +8.6938 +7.9914 -8.8517 -7.6711 -7.6557 -8.1773 +8-5934 +7.6292 -5-7852 + 8.1198 -8.8574 8.2568 +8.5185 8.1171 8.1976 + 7-5050 +8.7342 +8.1287 +8.9196 -8.7197 + 7-775 +7.9498 -7.9405 Cygni +0,005 + O,OI2 + 0,034 + 0,003 + 0,183 + 0,017 + 0,003 + O,OII 0,017 +0,005 +0,002 +0,019 +0,00 1 19 VJW" 0,005 +0,004 +0,005 + 0,002 O,OOO +0,0 1 8 0,004 +o,on +0,003 +0,005 +0,005 20 Cygni d 58 Aquilaj 1 3 Vulpeculje Pavonis u,^ Cverni +0,003 +0,007 60 Aquilse Q Draconis VulpeculcC +0,008 + 0,012 O,O2O + 0,006 + O,OO2 + O,002 63 Draconis c Pavonis 10 Sagittir 34 No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec.Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of !>> 1 1 Taylor. Lacaille. Bris- bane. Various. a' V (f ff 6796 6797 6798 6799 6800 6801 6802 6803 6804 6805 6806 6807 6808 6809 6810 6811 6812 6813 6814 6815 6816 6817 6818 6819 6820 6821 6822 6823 6824 6825 6826 6827 6828 6829 6830 6831 6832 6833 6834 6835 6836 6837 6838 6839 6840 101 8 23,5 159 32 54.4 164 23 56,9 42 27 41,0 56 56 7,9 163 17 48,4 81 31 30,7 109 25 17,6 159 9 47.i 79 57 2 3>2 5i 39 55.8 149 17 20,6 21 I 46,8 148 1 8 42,5 6 7 45 59.5 89 22 31,6 132 15 26,6 51 39 40,6 114 17 32,5 93 29 47. 6 123 25 55,2 49 4 6 45.2 3 57 34.5 71 42 33,0 157 20 16,1 98 57 3M- 98 36 46,3 116 41 32,4 37 23 24,9 81 55 21,4 90 6 58,6 66 18 28,5 157 20 34,2 120 57 51,3 42 27 13,3 113 26 44,3 "7 33 43.7 83 57 SW 29 10 36,8 66 4 12,6 20 6 52,8 149 46 44,7 78 58 12,4 73 45 28,7 i5 53 4.4 -8,68 8,69 8,69 8,72 8,72 8,72 8.75 8.75 8,76 8,78 8,80 8,83 8,83 8,83 8,84 8,86 8,86 8,89 8,90 8,91 8,91 8,91 8,92 8,92 8,93 8,95 8,99 9,00 9,02 9.3 9.03 9.3 9,04 9,06 9,08 9,08 9,08 9,10 9,11 9,12 9,16 9.*9 9.19 9,20 9,22 a -Q.435 0,828 0,971 0,231 0,300 0,930 0,379 o.459 0,8 18 0.375 0,278 0,667 +0,007 0,657 0,338 0,400 0,544 0,278 0,472 0,411 0,505 0,269 0,140 0.349 0,776 0,425 0,424 o,479 0,197 0,378 0,400 0,332 0,772 0.493 0,230 0,467 0,480 0,383 0,122 0,330 4-0,023 0,663 0,368 0,353 -0,442 0,04 0,08 0,50 9.4007 +9.8407 + 9.8758 9.9811 -9.9320 +9.8679 -9.7496 9.0418 + 9.8366 -9.7665 -9.9531 + 9.7407 -9-9973 + 9.7291 9.8700 -9.6471 + 9.4503 -9.9526 8.4281 -9.5782 +9.1186 -9.9590 9.9962 9.8408 + 9.8190 9.4614 9.4701 + 8.1367 9.9882 -9.7445 -9- 6 357 -9.8786 +9.8172 +8-9395 -9.9780 -8.6375 +8.4440 9.7204 -9-9954 9.8797 -9-9933 +9.7401 -9.7752 9.8229 -9.2413 + 8.9221 +9.6085 +9.6207 9.5061 -9.3753 +9.6198 -8.8082 +9.1616 +9.6108 -8.8828 -9.4350 + 9.5781 9.6138 +9-5738 9.2221 -7.6824 +9-47 3 * - 9-4393 +9.2612 +8.4327 +9.3886 -9.4576 -9.5812 -9.1450 +9.6136 +8.8419 +8.8268 +9.3044 -9.5529 8.8009 +6.9613 -9.2577 +9.6192 +9.3661 -9.5239 +9.2558 +9.3214 - 8.6787 -9-5983 -9.2657 9.6322 +9.5976 -8.9430 9.1082 +9.0996 -0.9383 0.9390 0.9392 0.9404 0.9406 0.9407 0.9420 0.9420 0.9424 0.9434 0.9446 0.9459 0.9460 0.9461 0.9464 -9473 0.9476 0.9489 0.9491 0.9496 0.9497 0.9497 0.9501 0.9505 0.9507 0.9517 0-9537 0.9542 0.9550 0-9555 0.9558 o-9559 0.9563 0.9570 0.9582 o-9583 0.9583 0.9591 0-9595 0.9598 0.9617 0.9633 0.9635 0.9637 0.9646 -9.9550 9-9549 9.9548 9-9545 9-9545 9-9545 9.9542 9.9541 9.9541 9-9538 9-9535 9-9532 9-9532 9-9532 9-9531 9.9529 9.9528 9-95 2 5 9.9524 9.9523 9-95*3 9.9523 9.9522 9.9521 9.9521 9.9518 9-95 J 3 9.9512 9.9510 9.9509 9.9508 9.9508 9.9506 9-9505 9.9502 9.9501 9.9501 9-9499 9-9498 9-9497 9-9493 9.9488 9.9488 9.9487 -9.9485 2519 286 ii.2326 8224 8213 675 ! 6750 G 2941 J 501 M 804 G 2943 G 2952 J5C2.R507 62949 B.F 2695 G 2950 G 2953 B.H 1230 G 2962 B.H 1231 62968 B.F 2708 M8o8 +0,06 + 0,08 0,38 +0,06 +2,15 +0,1 6 +0,12 +0,07 295 111.2474 11.2325 11.2329 11.2328 8219 8229 6752 6 75 8 6756 2524 2522 294 291 2525 2529 298 304 11.2330 iii.2477 v.32o8 8245 6759 +0,16 .5 +0,04 +0,04 0,12 .3209 ii.2332 11.2333 11.2331 8247 8255 6760 2527 2526 2534 305 33 297 8262 0,07 302 111.2479 8260 0,05 +o,33 0,0 1 0,04 O,IO +0,05 +0,06 +0,10 0,08 +0,23 2532 3IO 111.2481 8244 8268 8251 8274 6764 6767 2530 2 53J 2528 2542 2536 2535 2537 39 3i3 3" 325 3i9 3i8 323 ii.2334 111.2482 11.2335 111.2484 11.2336 11.2337 11.2338 8279 8277 6774 0,0 1 + 0,54 2533 2538 322 324 11.2339 11.2340 0,0 1 + 0,01 0,00 0,05 0,07 +0,05 2541 2554 327 343 iv.i465 111.2485 V-32IC 11.2341 11.2342 11.2343 8269 6775 2543 2544. 2540 332 334 329 B.A.C. (2Q) 35 No. Constellation. Mag. Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Logarithms of Motion. a b c d 6841* 6842 6843 6844 6845 6846 6847 6848 6849 6850 6851 6852* 6853 6854* 6855* 6856 6857 6858 6859 6860 6861 6862 6863 6864 6865 6866 6867 6868 6869* 6870 6871 6872 6873 6874 6875 6876 6877 6878 6879 6880 6881 6882 6883 6884 6885 6i si si 6* si 6 si 6 5 7 5 Si 6 7 7i Si S 4i 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 Si 6 7i 4i 6 6 4 6 Si 6 5 6i 5 7i 6 5 6 6 6 h m s 19 49 29,39 49 48,54 49 58,H 50 0,02 50 6,51 50 10,03 50 12,35 50 25,76 50 30,19 50 40,62 50 41,10 So 55 50 56,87 51 17,08 51 24,94 51 45,09 52 1,19 52 5,22 5* 5.79 52 6,89 52 15,61 52 19,16 52 23,11 52 28,63 52 38,75 52 44,48 53 3>7i 53 16,85 53 18,28 53 25,70 53 34>" 53 34,95 53 5 6 >99 53 59,88 54 21,48 54 37,4^ 54 48,74 54 5,47 54 5S.48 55 3> 6 55 16,75 55 23,47 55 39, 6 3 55 44,70 19 55 52>76 + 3^8* 3,665 3,922 4>!94 3-94 4,278 1,236 5,960 2,142 3,564 2,251 1,076 2,723 3,726 2,730 i,557 2,081 2,662 13,855 2,147 0,992 1,009 1,194 3,575 1,641 2,578 i,iS3 2,708 0,623 3,699 3,365 4,001 5,780 5,809 2,198 1,882 3>8i7 3,569 2,464 3,43 1,590 2,540 2,537 4,769 +4,640 s 0,0173 0,0149 0,0207 0,0279 0,0203 0,0305 0,0095 0,1026 0,0010 0,0130 0,0009 0,0124 0,0022 0,0164 0,0022 0,0051 O,OO 1 2 0,00 1 8 1,0338 0,0010 0,0142 0,0138 0,0104 0,0134 0,0043 0,0014 O,OII2 0,0021 0,0229 0,0161 0,0097 0,0234 0,0962 -0,0979 0,0009 0,0022 0,0190 0,0136 O,OOO9 O,OIO4 0,0049 0,0012 O,OO 1 2 -0,0497 0,0447 S + 8.553I 8.5362 8.5785 8.6274 8-5759 8.6434 8-7545 8.9108 8.5942 8.5255 8.5758 8.7838 8.5098 8.5511 8.5108 8.7057 8.6m 8.5204 9.4593 8.5997 8.8031 8.8006 8.7709 8-5337 8.6943 8.5332 8.7805 8.5197 8.8634 8-5551 8.5143 8.6067 8.9027 8.9067 8-5994 8.6580 8.5792 8.5415 8-5572 8.5230 8.7143 8.5480 8-5494 8.7548 +8.7327 8.8390 8.8206 8.8622 8.9109 8.8589 8.9262 9.0371 9.1923 8.8754 8.8059 8.8561 9.0631 8.7889 8.8287 8.7878 8.9812 8.8854 8-7943 9.7332 8.8735 9.0763 9.0734 9.0435 8.8058 8.9657 8.8041 9.0500 8.7882 9.1317 8.8230 8.7814 8.8738 9.1681 9.1720 8.8630 8.9205 8.8408 8.8030 8.8183 8.7835 8-9737 8.8070 8.8071 9.0122 -8.9895 +0.5777 0.5640 -5935 0.6226 0.5915 0.6312 0.0921 0-7753 0.3308 0.5519 0.3524 0.0319 0.4350 0.5712 0.4361 0.1922 0.3183 0.4252 1.1416 0.3318 9.9963 0.0041 0.0769 0.5532 0.2150 0.4112 0.06 1 8 0.4327 9.7942 0.5681 0.5270 0.6022 0.7620 0.7641 0.3420 0.2747 0.5817 o-55 2 5 0.3917 o-53i9 0.2015 0.4048 0.4043 0.6785 +0.6665 8.2641 8.1872 -8-3443 8.4648 -8-3355 8.4968 + 8.6787 -8.8771 + 8.3844 8.1104 + 8.3310 + 8.7183 + 7.9603 8.2363 + 7.9S36 + 8.6025 +8.4189 + 8.0350 -9.4567 + 8.3896 + 8.7425 + 8.7390 + 8.6987 -8.1281 + 8.5817 + 8.1196 + 8.7111 + 7.9884 + 8.8182 8.2285 -7.8994 -8.3994 -8.8652 8.8700 + 8.3752 + 8.5103 8.3091 8.1336 +8.2193 -7.9588 + 8.6087 + 8.1638 + 8.1675 8.6705 -8.6367 + 0,002 +0,005 +0,007 +0,003 +0,002 +0,118 +0,002 +0,002 +0,003 SagittiB +0,010 0,000 +0,007 -0,137 +b,oio +0,003 0,002 +0,017 +0,002 62 Sagittarii c +0,006 +0,003 + O,OII +0,189 63 Sagittarii Pavonis $ 2C Cvsrni 0,036 Cvcrui Sagittarii +0,023 0,0 1 1 +0,005 0,002 +0,006 +0,003 +0,008 0,016 +0,009 Sagittarii 15 Vulpeculae Sagittarii Cverni Vulpeculse 1 6 Vulpeculse Pavonis Pavonis 306 No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of f B 13 Taylor. Lacaille. Bris- bane. Various. a' V c' d' 6841 6842 6843 6844 6845 6846 6847 6848 6849 6850 6851 6852 6853 6854 6855 6856 6857 6858 6859 6860 6861 6862 6863 6864 6865 6866 6867 6868 6869 6870 6871 6872 6873 6874 6875 6876 6877 6878 6879 6880 6881 6882 6883 6884 6885 120 56 5,8 116 35 47,1 125 40 38,7 133 26 46,3 125 5 54,2 135 31 2,9 32 S 2 5, 157 42 18,3 5 1 54 32,9 112 36 46,1 55 18 47,0 30 41 73 36 34.8 118 58 44,4 73 54 24,5 37 57 25,4 5 * 58,3 7 54 4 1 . 173 45 15,7 5 5 6 36,3 29 34 25,2 29 4 6 56,5 32 8 38.9 113 8 40,3 39 29 57.3 67 18 16,4 31 33 13,1 72 53 20,4 25 4 36,6 118 7 17,3 104 2 5l,O 128 20 57,3 156 33 18,1 156 46 33,8 53 21 53.9 44 38 5.7 122 28 22,3 113 o 40,3 62 39 26,0 105 49 45,1 38 21 13,6 65 3 6 44.2 65 28 43,5 145 26 24,0 143 1 8 11,4 9,22 9,25 9,26 9,26 9,27 9,27 9,28 9,29 9,30 9-33 9.33 9,36 9.37 9,40 9,42 9,42 9,42 9,42 9,44 9-44 9,45 9-45 9,47 9,47 9-50 9-5 1 9,52 9,53 9,54 9-54 9,57 9>57 9,60 9,62 9,63 9,63 9,64 9, 6 5 9, 6 7 9,68 9,70 9,7 9,71 0,490 o,474 0,507 0,543 o.55 o,553 o, 1 60 0,770 0,277 0,460 0,291 . I 39 0,351 0,481 0,352 0,201 0,268 0.343 1,784 0,276 0,128 0,130 0,154 0,460 0,2 1 1 0,331 0,148 0,348 0,080 o,475 0,432 0,741 o.745 0,281 0,241 0,488 0,457 o>3 ! 5 o,435 0,203 0,324 0,324 0,609 -0,592 " + 8.9258 +7.9685 +9.2172 + 9.4697 + 9.1898 +9.5165 -9.9913 +9.8164 -9.9485 -8.7789 -9-9349 9.9924 -9.8235 +8.6893 9.8209 -9.9839 -9.9541 -9.8444 +9.9192 -9-9473 9.9920 -9.9919 -9.9903 -8.7185 9.9806 -9.8695 9.9902 9.8285 -9.9918 +8.5065 -9.3170 +9.3128 +9.8019 +9.8038 9.9406 9.9682 +9.0204 -8.7521 -9.8967 -9.2514 9.9806 -9.8790 -9.8797 +9.6762 +9.6456 +9.3736 +9-3 H7 +9.4301 +9.5018 +9.4245 + 9.5184 -9-5894 +9.6322 -9.4565 +9.2518 9.4221 9.6022 9.1184 +9-3543 -9.1123 -9-4795 9.1865 +9.6694 9.4619 9.6119 9.6112 9.6007 +9.2678 -9.5613 9.2606 -9.6059 -9.1448 9.6311 +9-3500 +9.0623 +9.4699 +9.6411 +9.6420 -9-4557 -9-5331 +9.4114 +9.2737 -9.3440 +9.1181 -9-5775 -9.2993 9.3025 +9.6004 +9.5892 0.9648 0.9659 0.9665 0.9666 0.9670 0.9672 0.9674 0.9682 0.9685 0.9691 0.9691 0.9700 0.9701 0.9713 0.9717 0.9729 0.9739 0.9741 0.9742 0.9742 0.9748 0.9750 0.9752 0-9755 0.9761 0.9765 0.9776 0.9784 0.9785 0.9789 0.9794 0.9794 0.9807 0.9809 0.9821 0.9831 0.9837 0.9838 0.9841 0.9846 0.9853 0.9857 0.9866 0.9869 -0.9874 -9.9484 9.9481 9.9480 9-9479 9.9478 9.9478 9-9477 9-9475 9-9474 9-9473 9-9473 9.9470 9.9470 9-9467 9.9465 9.9462 9-9459 9-9459 9.9458 9.9458 9-9457 9.9456 9.9456 9-9455 9-9453 9.9452 9-9449 9-9446 9.9446 9-9445 9-9443 9-9443 9.9440 9-9439 9-9435 9-9433 9-943 ' 9-943 9-9429 9.9428 9.9426 9.9425 9.9422 9.9421 -9.9420 8288 8294 8291 8286 8292 8285 8267 6777 M8o 7 R 508 Zi 3 24 A Li 7 6 62984 G 2992 62993 G 2991 G 2990 B.H 468 B 43 VI 809, 1505 M8io J54 6 3001 . M8u M 812 6 3004 P885 0,04 +0,14 2539 2552 333 328 349 11.2344 111.2487 111.2489 lii.2488 11.2490 +0,28 +0,15 0,00 +0,87 0,00 2547 342 11.2346 ii-2345 iii.249 1 +0,04 2548 344 -' 2545 34 11.2347 8304 2546 2556 0,02 35 6 111.2492 0,08 0,17 +0,05 2550 352 11.2348 8202 6771 .... 354 111.2493 +0,06 351 11.2349 8308 + 0,02 + O,O2 0,06 0,05 0,07 + 0,08 + 1,07 2553 2555 2566 2549 2551 358 36: 11.2350 11.2497 11.2353 355 360 353 11.2352 11.2354 iii.2494 11.2351 8315 .... 8310 8295 6787 6788 0,08 2557 373 .11.2499 + 0,09 + 0,01 0,08 +0,05 0,04 0,09 0,21 o, 1 6 2558 2559 2561 366 369 375 372 380 378 ii-2355 11.2356 11.2357 111.2500 [11.2501 11.2358 11.2359 v.3213 v.32i4 8322 8325 8320 8321 6793 6794 (2 Q2 ) 307 No. Constellation. Mag. Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a b c d 6886 6887* 6888* 6889 6890 6891 6892 6893 6894 6895 6896* 6897 6898* 6899* 6900 6901 6902 6903 6904 6905 6906* 6907 6908* 6909 6910 6911 6912 6913 6914* 6915 6916* 6917* 6918 6919 6920* 6921 6922 6923 6924 6925 6926 6927* 6928 6929* 6930 6 7 7 6 6 6 6 Si 6 6 64 6 6 7 6 6 6 7 7 5 7 7 7 6 6 7 5* 7 7i 6 6} 6 6 6 7 6 6 7 6 H 4 8 S* 6 6 h m s 19 55 57.89 55 59. 86 5 6 2,75 56 8,19 56 38,31 5 6 39-47 56 48,34 56 48,77 57 5. 6 9 57 6 .93 57 10,83 57 21,89 57 35.55 58 4,25 58 13,50 5 8 3,33 58 54,98 59 32,66 59 39,3* 59 52,41 *9 59 57,87 20 o 1,06 o 2,74 o 12,37 o 17,07 o 18,95 o 26,50 o 39,24 o 47,21 o 47,37 o 5,34 o 50,43 i 2,15 i 3,87 i 4,04 i 18,37 i 20,18 i 43,40 i 56,67 * 4,39 2 7,46 2 n,33 2 15,60 z 42,73 2O 2 50,59 + 3^4* 3,732 3,672 3-537 2,744 3>94 539 2,930 3,342 1,696 2,721 2,722 5> X 99 3,747 9> 6 97 2,658 4>925 3>475 4,203 0,653 3,652 3.39 1 3.79 9,264 3>93 3,^85 2,575 0,678 3,5i5 2,245 4,190 5,43i 1,623 5.424 3,627 9,299 3.924 3,486 1,368 4,i53 0,298 2,612 i,558 5>95 +0,769 s 0,0198 0,0172 0,0159 0,0131 0,0024 0,0058 0,0092 0,0039 0,0095 0,0038 0,002 1 0,0022 0,0694 0,0179 0,4516 0,00 1 8 0,0578 0,0122 0,0309 0,0235 O,OI59 O,OIO7 0,0172 0,4084 0,0059 0,0088 0,0013 O,O229 0,0131 O,0007 0,0309 0,0835 0,0045 -0,0834 0,0156 -0,4171 0,0230 O,OI26 O,OO8 I 0,0300 -0,0352 0,0015 0,0054 0,1126 0,0210 s +0,013 + 8.5879 8.5697 8.5607 8.5420 8.5280 8.5118 8.5219 8.5154 8.5246 8.7024 8.5322 8.5328 8.8335 8.5796 9.2793 8.5438 8.7946 8.5463 8.6672 8.8869 8.5715 8.5389 8.5806 9.2595 8-5239 8.5312 8.5609 8.8865 8-5554 8.6151 8.6694 8.8825 8.7313 8.8823 8.5716 9.2666 8.6219 8.5550 8.7806 8.6670 8.9460 8.5620 8.7480 8.9565 +8.8819 -8.8443 8.8260 8.8167 8.7976 8.7814 8.7651 8-7745 8.7680 8.7760 8-9537 8.7832 8.7829 9.0826 8.8267 9.5256 8.7889 9.0379 8.7869 8.9073 9.1260 8.8103 8-7774 8.8190 9.4972 8.7612 8.7684 8-7975 9.1222 8.7905 8.8502 8.9043 9.1174 8.9653 9.1163 8.8055 9-4995 8.8546 8.7861 9.0107 8.8965 9- I 753 8.7910 8.9767 9.1833 9 1081 +0.5846 0.5719 0.5650 0.5486 0.4384 0.4905 0.5210 0.4669 0.5240 0.2295 -4347 0.4348 0.7159 0.5736 0.9866 0.4245 0.6924 0.5410 0.6235 9.8149 0.5625 0.5303 0.5692 0.9668 0.4904 0.5165 0.4108 9.8314 0.5459 0.3511 0.6222 0.7349 0.2104 0.7343 -5595 0.9684 0-5937 0.5423 0.1362 0.6183 9.4738 0.4170 0.1927 0.7712 +9.8861 8.3288 8.2619 8.2212 8.II05 + 7.9580 6.8042 7.8404 + 7-5925 -7-8795 + 8.5847 + 7.9907 + 7.9904 -8.7766 8.2806 -9.2727 + 8.0686 8.7228 8.0641 -8.5115 + 8.8421 -8.2233 -7.9647 8.2643 9.2521 6.8095 7.7916 + 8.1561 + 8.8409 8.I1O2 +8.3797 8.5120 -8.8359 +8.6243 -8.8355 8.2089 -9.2593 8.3960 8.0852 +8.6987 -8.5025 +8.9114 +8.1303 +8.6487 -8.9234 +8.8336 +0,005 +0,003 +0,00 1 +0,004 +0,007 0,000 +0,005 0,00 1 0,028 0,109 +0,004 +0,001 0,005 0,002 0,00 1 0,082 + 0,011 0,007 +0,002 + 0,001 0,003 0,019 0,006 Pavonis Pavonis Sagittarii 0,127 +0,044 0,009 Sagittarii Capricorni 67 Draconis +0,002 0,004 Vulpeculje ..... 308 No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1850, Annual Preces. Sec.Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of >. a Taylor. 1 3 Brig- bane. Various. a' V c' d' 6886 6887 6888 6889 6890 6891 6892 6893 6894 6895 6896 6897 6898 6899 6900 6901 6902 6903 6904 6905 6906 6907 6908 6909 6910 6911 6912 6913 6914 6915 6916 6917 6918 6919 6920 6921 6922 6923 6924 6925 6926 6927 6928 6929 6930 123 25 7,9 119 29 12,9 117 14 8,2 in 43 57,6 74 23 9,3 91 7 24,2 IO2 I IO,2 83 8 26,9 103 $ 1,9 40 18 41,6 73 17 57,5 73 19 54,8 151 18 11,5 1 20 9 14,0 170 2 40,5 70 26 8,8 147 57 20,0 109 14 3,1 134 19 34.3 25 35 54.4 116 38 51,9 105 27 30,8 118 51 37,2 169 24 58,4 91 6 21,5 100 29 36,5 66 48 52,3 25 47 22,7 in i 29,5 54 26 18,0 134 6 1,0 i53 55 ",i 38 35 24,0 i53 5 1 34.2 115 42 33,4 169 30 11,5 126 28 26,2 109 48 58,6 34 5 3L 133 12 53,0 22 33 J 4.5 68 16 39,4 37 i 6 44.2 157 54 54.8 26 32 30,4 -9,72 9.72 9-73 9.73 9.77 9.77 9.78 9.79 9,81 9,81 9,81 9.83 9,84 9,88 9,89 9.9 1 9.95 9.99 1 0,00 10,02 10,03 10,03 IO,O3 10,04 10,05 IO,05 10,06 10,08 10,09 10,09 10,09 10,09 10,11 10,11 IO,II 10,13 10,13 10,16 10,17 10,18 10,19 10,19 10,20 10,23 10,24 0,490 0,476 0,468 0,451 0,350 o.394 0,423 o.373 0,425 0,216 0,346 0,346 0,661 0,476 1,230 0,337 0,624 0,439 o,53i 0,083 0,461 0,428 0,468 1,170 0,390 0,415 0,325 0,086 0,443 0,283 0,528 0,685 0,205 0,683 0,457 1,171 o,494 0,438 0,172 0,522 0,037 0,328 0,196 0,74* -0,097 // +0,02 4-9.0774 4-8.7226 + 8.1553 -8.8993 -9.8149 -9.6199 -9.3849 9.7284 -9.3526 -9.9759 -9.8237 -9.8233 +9-7449 4-8.7917 4-9.8931 -9.8451 4-9.7040 -9.0938 4-9-4703 9.9862 + 6.7782 9.2730 4-8.5786 4-9-8871 9.6203 -9.4299 -9.8689 -9.9856 -8.9777 -9.9323 4-9.4621 4-9.7675 -9.9758 4-9.7666 8.2122 4-9.8863 4-9.2I5I -9.0645 -9.9808 4-9.4371 -9.9831 -9.8584 -9.9768 4-9.8020 -9.9837 4-9.4264 +9-3777 4-9.3463 4-9.2546 -9.1178 4-7.9802 4-9.0069 -8.7655 4-9.0441 -9.5716 9.1480 -9.1478 4-9.6341 +9-393 6 4-9.6865 9.2189 4-9.6236 4-9.2152 4-9.5422 -9.6537 4-9.3506 4-9.1248 4-9.3828 4-9-6922 4-7.9856 4-8.9604 -9.2956 -9- 6 555 4-9.2564 9.4662 +9-5443 4-9.6551 -9-5954 4-9.6556 + 9.3398 4-9.6959 +9-4775 4-9.2348 -9.6234 4-9.5412 -9.6713 9.2744 9.6071 4-9.6747 -9.6598 -0.9877 0.9878 0.9880 0.9883 0.9900 0.9900 0.9905 0.9906 0.9915 0.9916 0.9918 0.9924 0.9932 0.9948 -9953 0.9963 0.9976 0-9997 I.OOOI 1.0008 I.OOII 1.0013 1.0013 1.0019 I.OO2I 1.0022 I.OO26 1.0033 1.0038 1.0038 1.0039 1.0039 1.0046 1.0047 1.0047 1.0055 1.0056 1.0068 1.0075 1.0079 1.0081 1.0083 1.0085 1. 0100 1.0104 -9.9419 9.9418 9.9418 9.9417 9.9412 9.9411 9.9410 9.9410 9.9407 9.9406 9.9406 9.9404 9.9401 9.9396 9-9395 9.9392 9-9387 9.9380 9-9379 9-9377 9.9376 9-9375 9-9375 9.9373 9.9372 9.9372 9-9371 9.9368 9.9367 9.9367 9.9366 9.9366 9.9364 9.9364 9.9364 9.9361 9.9361 9-935 6 9-9354 9.9352 9.9352 9-9351 9-935 9-9345 -9-9344 374 111.2502 8330 8333 8334 M8i 3 . M8i4 M8is M8i6 R5o 9 M8i7 M8i8 M8i9 RSIO G 3036 M 820 G 3041 R 511 644 G 3042 G 3051 +0,05 0,04 + 0,09 0,00 0,06 0,03 -}-o,o i 4-0,19 4-0,32 2565 2562 2560 2564 2563 2570 2567 2568 377 385 383 382 386 384 397 392 393 111.2504 ii.2362 11.2360 11.2361 11.2363 11.2364 111.2506 ^.1485 11.2365 8324 8346 8281 8337 6796 6803 0,28 0,10 0,07 4-0,09 2569 400 11.2366 v.32i6 111.2508 402 4-0,02 2578 421 iii.25io 8359 4-0,27 404 iii.2509 8358 8301 6802 4-o,6i 4-0,07 4-0,12 O,O2 4-0,08 4-0,28 4-0,41 4-0,29 2571 2572 2580 2573 408 406 412 3 410 418 405 11.2369 11.2368 11.2370 iii.25i7 111.2512 111.2514 [11.2511 8357 8345 6811 6809 6804 8364 8306 8362 0,31 4-i,68 4-0,20 411 417 111.2515 111.2519 2587 2574 416 21 111.2520 11.2371 8366 .... 0,04 S353 A- 2.3/1 3 y 39 No. Constellation. Mag. Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a b c d 6931 6932 6933 6934 6935 6936 6 937 6938 6939* 6940 6941* 6942 6943 6944 6945 6946* 6947 6948* 6949 .6950 6951* 6952 6953 6954 6955* 6956 6957* 6958 6959 6960 6961 6962* 6963 6964 6965 6966* 6967 6968 6969* 6970 6971 6972 6973 6974 6975 Pavonis 6 5 6* 3* 6 6 5 6 6* 6 7 6* 6 6 6 6 6 7 7* 6 6 5 7 7 6 * 5* 6* 5 6 6 Si 6 6* 4 5 5* S* rf 6 6 4 4* 3 6 h in s 20 2 55,39 3 9- I 3 3 19,68 3 33.93 3 39,00 3 44.42 3 5i.6i 4 4.29 4 I3.3 4 17.93 4 26,93 5 29,41 5 3L83 5 43.37 5 44.7 5 4 6 >47 5 55.42 6 31,37 6 33.99 7 5.4 6 7 18,88 7 20,25 7 32,09 7 57,33 7 S7 6 i 8 4,37 8 4>95 8 9,91 8 21,19 8 29,52 8 29,64 8 35,23 8 39,79 8 50,56 8 54,56 8 54,68 8 55,05 9 1,61 9 3>7 9 7,27 9 12,34 9 19-84 9 33>3 6 9 43,64 20 9 44,37 s +4,59 0,950 2,642 3,096 + 3,332 -1,55. +2,225 3,336 0,292 2,501 2,638 3,100 2,505 2,513 5,377 5,249 3,664 3,740 3,299 5.852 5-775 2,772 3,412 4,140 10,623 3,328 2,462 4.337 1,671 4,203 4,33 1,883 2,018 4.7*7 1,888 2,540 2,238 2,589 2,240 0,978 3,533 3-33 1 2,486 3,33i +2,634 s 0,0458 0,0165 0,00 1 6 0,0060 0,0098 0,1300 0,0007 0,0099 -0,0359 0,0010 0,00 1 6 0,0062 0,0009 0,0010 0,0845 0,0777 0,0171 0,0190 0,0094 0,1140 0,1093 0,0025 0,0117 0,0311 0,6293 0,0100 0,0007 0,0381 0,0041 ->334 0,0380 0,0021 O,OOI2 -0,0539 O,OO2 1 O.OOIO O,OOO5 O.OOI2 0,0005 0,0166 0,0144 0,0102 0,0008 0,0102 0,0015 s 0,004 4-0,014 +0,008 +0,007 + 0,001 0,013 +0,003 +0,016 + 8.7517 8.8553 8.5620 8-5345 8.5456 9.1531 8.6296 8-5473 8-9554 8.5848 8.5661 8.5406 8.5882 8.5876 8.8945 8.8748 8-5937 8.608 1 8.5523 8-9675 8.9580 8.5607 8.5655 8.6861 9.3763 8-5593 8.6034 8-7245 8.7505 8.7000 8.7244 8.7110 8.6855 8.7977 8.7114 8.5941 8.6449 8.5874 8.6450 8.8746 8.5854 8-5634 8.6043 8.5646 +8.5836 -8.9776 9.0801 8.7861 8.7576 8.7684 9-3755 8.8514 8.7683 9.1756 8.8047 8-7854 8-7554 8.8029 8.8015 9.1083 9.0885 8.8067 8.8186 8.7626 9-*755 9.1652 8-7677 8.7717 8.8905 9.5807 8.7632 8.8073 8.9281 8-9532 8.9022 8.9265 8.9128 8.8869 8.9983 8.9118 8-7945 8.8452 8-7873 8.8448 9.0741 8.7846 8.7620 8.8020 8.7616 8.7805 +0.6618 9.9776 0.4219 0.4908 +0.5227 0.1903 +0-3474 0-5233 9.4660 0.3980 0.4213 0.4913 0.3988 0.4002 0.7306 0.7200 0.5639 0.5729 0.5184 0.7673 0.7616 0.4428 0-533 0.6170 1.0262 0.5222 0.3912 0.6372 0.2230 0.6235 0.6365 0.2749 0.3049 0.6737 0.2759 0.4048 0.3499 0.4132 0.3503 9.9903 0.5482 0.5225 0-3956 0.5226 +0.4207 -8.6534 + 8-7994 + 8.1057 -6.8775 -7.8922 + 9.1401 + 8.4030 7.9011 + 8.9213 + 8.2337 + 8.H44 -6.9452 + 8-2357 + 8.2300 -8.8470 8.8222 -8.2578 -8.3130 7.8460 -8-9339 8.9228 + 7.9663 8.0252 8.5224 -9-37I5 -7.9044 + 8.2785 -8.5968 + 8.6410 -8.5494 -8-5957 + 8.5706 +8.5187 -8.7137 + 8.5704 +8.2223 +8.4177 +8.1802 + 8.4173 + 8.8190 8.1640 -7.9144 +8.2666 -7.9169 +8.1407 66 Draconis 17 Sagittse fl i Capricorni 1 28 Cygni V 2 2 Capricorni .... 2 +0,003 0,001 +0,009 +0,003 +0,002 0,06 1 Pavonis +0,093 0,004 0,046 0,004 +0,007 +0,014 0,002 Pavonis 67 Aquilss o +0,004 +0,004 +0,023 21 Vulpeculae Indi Sagittarii +0,010 + 0,027 +0,006 Indi Pavonis ...'....... 0,018 + 0,002 1 1 Cvorni . . . A^ Vulpeculse 20 Cvffni . . . h +o,co6 0,000 + 0,001 +0,02 1 +0,006 +0,003 0,001 +0,008 +0,002 22 Vulpeculae Cveni 68 Draconis 4 Capricorni .... 5 Capricorni . . . . a 23 Vulpeculss 6 Capricorni .... a 1 8 Sagittal 310 No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec.Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of >, | Taylor. fa Bris- >ane. Various. a' *' c' d' 6931 6932 6933 6934 6935 6936 6937 6938 6939 6940 6941 6942 6943 6944 6945 6946 6947 6948 6949 6950 6951 6952 6 953 6954 6 955 6956 6957 6958 6959 6960 6961 6962 6963 6964 6965 6966 6967 6968 6969 6970 6971 6972 6 973 6974 6975 H2 53 *3.1 28 26 20,4 69 31 41,6 9 1 '5 43.9 102 49 57,7 13 56 20,7 53 35 53.4 i3 3 5.7 22 24 19,3 63 32 9,6 69 18 20,5 91 27 17,3 63 38 2,2 63 57 55.1 153 41 10,8 152 21 27,4 117 28 28,8 120 27 28,3 101 20 29,1 157 4 6 9.5 i57 12 58,5 75 *5 2L9 106 44 52,8 133 18 50,7 171 27 39,9 102 47 27,8 61 45 23,7 138 10 11,4 38 59 10,0 134 59 20,9 138 i 58,0 43 38 8,1 47 4 24.8 H5 3 39.9 43 42 39. 8 64 51 43,2 53 39 I >7 66 56 45,6 53 42 5-1 28 22 28,6 112 l6 6,9 IO2 58 2,7 62 38 32,4 103 O 21,2 68 51 27,6 a 10,25 10,27 10,28 10,30 10,30 10,31 10,32 10,33 io,35 10,35 10,36 10,44 10,44 10,46 10,46 10,46 10,47 10,52 10,52 10,56 10,58 10,58 10,59 10,62 10,63 10,63 10,63 10,64 10,65 10,66 10,66 10,67 10,68 10,69 10,70 10,70 10,70 10,70 10,71 10,71 10,72 10,73 10,74 10,76 10,76 -0,575 0,119 0,331 0,388 0,417 +0,194 0,278 0,417 0,037 0,312 0,329 0,386 0,312 o.3 * 3 0,669 0,653 0,456 0,464 0,410 0,726 0,716 o,343 0,423 0,512 J.SH 0,412 0,304 0,536 0,207 0,519 0,535 0,233 0,249 0,582 0,233 0,313 0,276 0,319 0,276 0,121 0,436 0,410 0,306 0,410 -0,324 a 0,16 0,05 0,09 0,02 0,00 +0,08 0,11 +0,15 +0,07 0,09 -0,17 + 0,01 0,05 0,02 +0,37 +9.6271 -9.9832 -9.8494 9.6181 -9.3664 -9.9717 -9.9336 -9.3604 9.9811 -9.8866 -9.8504 9.6150 -9.8853 -9.8833 +9-7577 +9-7439 +7.9294 +8.7597 -9.4118 +9-7944 +9.7890 -9.8034 -9.2327 +9.4249 +9.8889 9.3720 9.8940 +9-5343 9.9692 +9.4651 +9.5308 9.9601 -9-95I5 +9.6549 ^9-9597 -9.8764 -9.9299 9.8636 -9.9296 -9.9778 8.9101 9.3679 9.8885 -9.3672 9.8508 +9.6101 -9- 6 533 -9-2535 + 8.0535 +9.0573 9.6980 9.4848 +9.0658 -9.6785 -9.3618 9.2615 + 8.I2II -9.3641 -9.3596 +9.6698 +9.6648 +9.3819 +9.4246 +9.0135 +9.6879 +9.6868 -9.1279 +9.1824 +9.5604 +9-7I93 +9.0696 -9-3995 +9.5969 -9.6159 +9-575I +9.5970 -9.5856 -9-5594 +9.6428 9.5860 -9-3552 -9.4998 -9.3202 -9.4997 9.6720 +9.3064 +9.0792 -9.3912 +9.0817 -9.2866 1.0107 1.0114 1.0119 1.0127 1.0130 1.0132 1.0136 1.0143 1.0148 1.0150 1.0155 1.0187 1.0189 1.0195 1.0195 1.0196 1. 020 1 I.O2I9 I.O22I 1.0237 1.0243 1.0244 1.0250 1.0263 1.0263 1.0267 1.0267 1.0269 1.0275 1.0279 1.0279 I.O282 1.0284 I.O29O 1.0292 1.0292 1.0292 1.0295 1.0296 1.0298 I.O3OI 1.0304 I.03II I.03l6 -I.03I7 -9-9343 9.9340 9-9338 9.9336 9-9335 9-9334 9.9332 9.9330 9.9328 9.9327 9.9326 9.9314 9.9313 9-93" 9.9311 9.9310 9-9309 9.9302 9.9301 9.9295 9.9292 9.9292 9.9290 9.9285 9.9285 9.9283 9.9283 9.9282 9.9280 9.9278 9.9278 9.9277 9.9276 9.9274 9-9273 9.9273 9.9273 9.9272 9.9272 9.9271 9.9270 9.9268 9.9266 9.9264 -9.9263 V.32I7 11.2374 01.2523 11.2372 11.2373 111.2526 11.2376 11.2375 8367 6814 R5I2 J 507 M82i M822 G 3059 L 93 R5i3 R 5 i 4 M823 63087 R5'5 G 3088 B.II 1548 M824,J5o8 M825.J509 2586 2579 2576 2575 2604 2582 2577 2592 2583 2581 2584 2585 2588 25 4 10 7 47 22 16 24 11.2377 31 34 37 111.2529 11.2379 11.2380 8368 8370 8381 8386 8371 8374 8 39 I 8331 6819 6822 6823 +0,16 29 11.2378 +0,08 1,01 +0,43 0,08 + 0,11 + O,II 40 111.2531 2590 48 45 11.2381 1^1525 0,06 +0,08 +0,07 2589 2594 49 5 2 11.2382 11.2383 v.3219 8 3 88 6825 +o,5 6 +0,14 O,OI 8395 8393 6828 2601 59 111.2533 0,28 0,05 V.3222 11.2387 8389 6829 2603 62 0,12 O,O2 0,09 0,06 + 0,05 0,02 O,o6 0,03 0,00 2598 2596 2599 2610 2591 2593 2602 2595 2600 60 57 61 7i 53 54 64 58 65 iii.2534 11.2385 iv.i53o 111.2535 11.2384 11.2386 11.2389 11.2388 11.2390 No. Constellation. Mag. Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a b c d 6976* 6977* 6978* 6979 6980* 6981 6982* 6983 6984* 6985 6986* 6987 6988 6989 6990 6991 6992* 6993 6994 6995 6996 6997 6998 6999* 7000 7001 7002 7003 7004 7005* 7006* 7007* 7008 7009 7010 7011* 70 1 2* 7013 7014* 7015 70l6 7017 7018* 7019* 7O2O* 4* 7 7 5 6 5i 7 4i 7 6 si 7 8 6 Si 5 6* Si 7 3* Si Si Si 5 7i 6 6 6 2 4i 7 6 7i 6 7 7 6 6 6i 7i 6 6i 7 6i h m s 20 9 54.47 10 7,15 10 13,56 10 22,11 10 42,41 10 44,17 10 47,59 jo 50,05 ii 7,11 ii 21,29 " 35. 2 4 " 47,53 12 9,21 12 15,25 12 !5,53 12 20,49 12 20,6l 12 21, 02 12 21,63 12 34,78 12 48,19 12 51,51 12 53,44 13 1,03 13 6,85 13 30,00 13 40,69 13 41,63 *3 45,3 13 50,60 H 9,93 14 12,60 14 48,83 15 3,08 15 21,71 15 29,26 J S 35,39 IS 36,57 15 44,86 IS 45,87 IS 51,67 IS 57,7i 16 14,78 1 6 24,60 20 16 32,77 s + I >39 2 3,724 2,489 2,564 1,107 3,47i 3,612 i,853 3,7" i>743 2,132 3,482 3, 92 4,098 2,209 3,334 3>376 10,831 ,743 3,376 2,123 2,242 +2,301 -53,H2 1,920 +2,181 4,108 4,079 +4,802 -1,862 +2,241 1,788 2,172 3-363 6,050 3,700 3,619 2,577 2,976 4,044 3,359 0,537 3,688 + 3>472 + 133,427 s 0,008 1 0,0192 0,0008 0,001 1 0,0138 0,0132 0,0164 0,0023 0,0189 0,0033 0,0007 0,0134 0,0062 0,0308 0,0005 0,0105 0,0113 0,6896 0,0234 0,0113 0,0006 0,0004 0,0004 29,3200 -0,1705 0,0005 -0,0315 0,0306 0,0603 0,1670 0,0003 0,0029 0,0004 O,OII2 0,1372 0,0193 0,0172 O,OOIO 0,0047 0,0300 O.OII2 0,0308 0,0191 0,0137 -169,5370 s + 0,009 + 8.8075 8.6174 8.6062 8.5952 8.8597 8.5822 8.6017 8.7249 8.6186 8.7480 8.6739 8.5867 8.5606 8.6933 8.6617 8.5727 8.5766 9.4061 8.9240 8-5773 8.6798 8.6575 8.6467 0.2644 9.2237 8.6710 8.7000 8.6946 8.8314 9.2218 8.6620 8.7497 8.6772 8-5833 9.0265 8.6305 8.6178 8.6095 8.5723 8.6948 8.5853 8.9684 8.6309 8-5994 +0.6441 -9.0037 8.8127 8. 8010 8-7895 9.0525 8-7749 8.7942 8.9172 8.8097 8.9382 8.8631 8.7751 8-7474 8.8797 8.8481 8.7588 8.7627 9.5921 9.1100 8.7624 8.8640 8.8415 8.8305 0.4477 9.4066 8.8523 8.8806 8-8750 9.0117 9.4017 8.8406 8.9281 8.8531 8.7582 9.2001 8.8036 8.7905 8.7822 8-7444 8.8668 8-7569 9.1396 8.8009 8.7688 0.8129 +o- I 435 0.5710 0-3959 0.4089 0.0442 0.5404 0-5577 0.2680 0.5695 0.2412 0.3288 0.5418 o.49 3 0.6126 0.3441 0.5230 0.5284 1.0347 9.8708 0.5284 0.3269 0.3506 + 0.3620 -1.7254 -0.2833 + 0.3387 0.6136 0.6106 +0.6815 0.2699 + 0.3505 0.2523 0.3369 0.5267 0.7817 0.5682 0.5586 0.4111 Q-4737 0.6068 0.5263 9.7301 0.5668 0.5405 +2.1252 + 8.7267 -8.3176 + 8.2679 + 8.2081 + 8.7980 8.1074 -8.2385 + 8.5908 -8.3134 + 8.6308 + 8.4811 -8.1231 -6.8488 -8.5231 + 8.4468 -7.9322 -7.9967 9.4016 + 8.8788 -7.9973 + 8.4903 + 8.4323 + 8.4000 +0.2643 + 9.2131 + 8.4655 -8.5330 8.5209 -8.7561 + 9.2110 + 8.4381 + 8.6277 +8-4754 -7.9887 8.9982 -8.3235 -8.2643 +8.2184 +7.5010 -8.5142 -7.9867 + 8.9303 -8.3184 -8.1317 0.6441 0,00 1 +0,005 +0,029 +0,006 7 Capricorn! .... ff + 0,00 1 r^ ' + 0,015 +0,008 Sagittarii + O,COI + 0,00 1 +0,003 +0,003 0,165 0,013 +0,004 +0,004 + 0,009 +0,003 0,042 +0,109 8 Capricorn! . . . . v Capricorn! Draconis 9 Capricorn! ... .(3 id Cvtrni Ursae Minoris .... Cephei +0,003 Pavonis fit +0,005 0,000 0,015 +0,006 i Cephei x Cvtrni Capricorn! +0,013 -0,033 Pavonis Capricorn! Capricorn! 25 Vulpeculse +0,002 Sagittarii 0,018 0,000 Capricorn! Capricorn! +0,00 1 312 No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec.Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of fe- rn 5 Taylor. Lacaille. Bris- bane. Various. ef V c f df 6976 6977 6978 6979 6980 6981 6982 6983 6984 6985 6986 6987 6988 6989 6990 6991 6992 6993 6994 6995 6996 6997 6998 6999 7000 7001 7002 7003 7004 7005 7006 7007 7008 7009 7010 7011 7012 7013 7014 7015 7016 7017 7018 7019 7020 1 II 33 53 24,2 120 5 35,8 62 40 56,4 65 47 14,0 29 49 5.5 I0 9 34 55> 6 115 40 55,1 42 44 38,3 119 41 12,8 40 13 39,4 50 5 49,1 no 6 45,7 91 6 45,9 132 31 1,1 52 25 49,7 103 J 3 3 6 >7 105 15 10,7 171 47 9,9 25 41 46,9 i5 15 3.3 49 43 5 8 .9 53 28 .7 55 2 9 !>9 i 8 21,9 12 37 27,6 51 27 48,1 132 53 54.8 132 6 13,5 H7 12 35,3 12 44 33,8 53 20 14,8 40 58 11,7 5i 4 3.2 104 44 4,7 159 33 i9. 6 119 32 47,5 116 18 11,3 66 i 43,7 85 7 57,3 131 16 25,3 i4 35 35,7 23 37 53.6 119 8 25,4 109 55 3.3 179 3 49.4 -10,77 10,78 10,79 10,80 10,83 10,83 10,83 10,84 10,86 10,88 10,89 10,91 10,93 10,94 10,94 10,95 10,95 10,95 10,95 10,97 10,98 10,99 10,99 11,00 II,OO 11,03 11,05 11,05 11,05 1 1, 06 11,08 1 1, 08 11,13 11,15 11,17 11, 18 11,19 11,19 1 1, 20 11,20 11,20 11,21 H,23 11,24 11,25 a 0,171 o,458 0,306 o.3!5 0,136 0,426 0,443 0,227 o.455 0,214 0,261 0,426 0,378 0,501 0,270 0,407 >4- I 3 1,323 0,091 0,412 0,259 0,274 0,281 + 6,481 +0,234 0,266 0,500 o,497 -0,585 +0,227 0,272 0,217 0,264 0,408 o,733 0,448 0,438 0,312 0,360 0,489 0,406 0,065 0,446 0,419 -16,106 0,04 -9.9742 +8.6749 9.8878 9.8700 -9-9759 -9.1031 -8.4216 9.9602 +8-5955 9.9646 -9.9403 -9.0752 9.6208 +9.3918 -9.9320 -9.3631 -9.2973 +9.8849 9.9746 -9.2978 -9.9405 9.9277 -9.9199 -9.9267 -9-9593 -9-9344 +9.3985 +9-3759 +9.6689 -9.9588 -9.9273 9.9608 -9-9347 -9.3187 +9.7971 + 8.5038 8.3263 -9.8655 -9.7014 +9.3446 -9-3243 -9.9702 +8.3874 9.1000 +9.9159 -9.6491 +9.4308 -9.3926 -9.3442 9.6706 +9.2577 +9.3694 -9.5986 +9.4284 9.6170 -9.5421 +9.2719 +8.0248 +9.5667 9.5220 +9.0966 +9.1572 +9.7327 -9.6919 +9.1578 -9.5489 -9-5I33 -9.4920 -9.7390 -9.7287 -9-535 +9-5739 +9.5674 +9.6658 -9.7306 -9.5184 9.6205 -9.5425 +9- I 53 +9-7I75 +9.4391 + 9.3929 -9-3553 -8.6755 + 9.5662 +9.1485 -9.7094 +9-4357 +9.2810 +9.7491 1.0322 1.0328 1.0331 ^oSSS I -345 1.0346 1.0348 1.0349 1.0358 1.0364 1.0371 1.0377 1.0388 1.0391 1.0391 1.0393 1.0393 1.0394 1.0394 1.0400 1.0407 1.0408 1.0409 1.0413 1.0416 1.0427 1.0432 1.0432 1.0434 1.0437 1.0446 1.0447 1.0464 1.0471 1.0480 1.0483 1.0486 1.0487 1.0491 1.0491 1.0494 1.0497 1.0505 1.0509 -1.0513 9.9261 9.9259 9.9258 9.9256 9.9252 9.9251 9.9251 9.9250 9.9247 9-9244 9.9241 9.9239 9.9234 9.9233 9-9233 9.9232 9.9232 9.9232 9.9232 9.9229 9.9226 9.9225 9.9225 9.9223 9.9222 9.9217 9.9215 9.9215 9.9214 9.9213 9.9209 9.9208 9.9201 9.9198 9.9194 9.9192 9.9191 9.9191 9.9189 9.9189 9.9188 9.9186 9.9183 9.9181 -9.9179 2611 74 11.2391 8401 G 3111 M826 G 3 n 4 G 3113 A 465 M828,J5io 8^2762 M829, J5n 63125 B.H 492 B.F 2790 63132 J5i2,R5i6 Li6 B 4S G 3140 M830 B.H 133 M83i 63150 M8 33 J 496 0,03 0,02 0,01 0,03 2605 2606 2615 2597 69 70 82 67 iii.2536 ii.2392 17.1534 11.2393 8407 8409 0,03 2612 78 11.2394 2611 +0,14 76 111.2538 +0,18 0,03 +0,01 + 0,01 +0,48 +0,04 0,04 0,03 0,05 0,02 o;o2 +0,02 2614 2608 2607 75 89 81 79 111.2539 111.2541 11.2396 11.2395 8415 6844 8360 6834 2620 2609 2618 2617 2616 2795 99 83 11.2542 112397 93 92 424 119 ii.2543 111.2544 111.2575 11.2546 +0,04 87 111.2545 8417 8419 8416 6848 6846 +0,03 0,0 1 11.2398 11.2399 2632 2619 2621 126 +0,12 +0,04 IO2 111.2547 8412 8427 8430 6849 0,04 2622 108 ii.24OO +0,07 +0,09 V.3228 11.2549 8426 6851 ... 107 8433 +0,18 109 111.2550 6644 B.A.C. No. Constellation. Mag. Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec.Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a b c d 7021* 7022 7023 7024 7025 7026* 7027 7028 7029 7030* 7031 7032* 7033* 7034* 7035 7036 7037* 7038 7039* 7040* 7041 7042 743 7044* 74S 7046 7047 7048 7049 7050 7051* 7052 7053* 7054 7S5 7056* 7057* 7058 7059 7060 7061 7062 7063* 7064 7065 ft 7 3 7* 61 6 7 5 H 5 7 5 7 7 7 6 6 6 6 7 7 6 5 N 7 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 6 7 6 6 6 4 5 6 6 6 5* 6 6 6 li 111 S 20 16 45,41 16 50,80 16 52,65 17 5.95 17 9, J 5 17 19,94 17 25,78 17 34,08 17 5 2 ,*5 18 17,12 18 43.85 18 45,03 18 5*.35 19 1,13 19 8,23 19 8,49 19 23,81 19 32,39 19 34,89 19 50,66 20 12,20 20 18,03 20 26,24 2O 26,51 20 33,50 20 33,58 20 38,95 2O 39,65 20 42,83 , * 54.85 20 56,85 21 0,45 21 16,38 21 17,67 21 38,83 21 40,03 21 44,25 21 48,62 21 56,44 21 58,02 22 0,76 22 27,21 22 42 " 45.73 20 23 7,14 s +3.635 2,150 3.309 I,OI2 3.93 3. 6 97 2,126 4,926 2,390 3,688 3.443 3.674 3,701 3,609 J.549 3.87i 0,300 6,387 3.574 3.569 2,081 3.433 3.4*4 3.434 6,391 + 3> J 44 -7.730 + 2,156 3>53 2 ' 6,090 I.03S 6, 34 8 3.448 3.448 1,560 5,287 3,689 3,135 6,055 1,251 2,222 1,825 3.373 1,452 +2,872 s 0,0177 0,0004 O,OIO2 0,0168 0,0264 0,0195 0,0005 0,0687 0,0003 0,0194 0,0132 0,0190 0,0199 -0,0173 0,0059 0,0249 0,0408 0,1693 0,0165 0,0165 0,0006 0,0131 0,0130 0,0132 0,1712 0,0073 -1,0313 0,0003 0,0156 -o,i473 0,0166 -0,1682 0,0136 0,0136 0,0057 0,0921 0,0199 0,0072 0,1460 0,0115 0,0001 0,0024 0,0119 0,0075 0,0034 s + 8.6239 8.6882 8.5838 8.8998 8.6775 8.6357 8.6947 8.8674 8.6469 8.6373 8.6026 8.6362 8.6413 8.6265 8.8129 8.6727 9.0149 9.0843 8.6223 8.6230 8.7128 8.6059 8-6053 8.6064 9.0888 8.5850 9.5813 8.6995 8.6200 9.0532 8.9104 9.0854 8.6105 8.6105 8.8197 8.9423 8.6479 8.5881 9.0528 8.8773 8.6911 8.7712 8.6059 8.8440 + 8.5980 8.7918 8-8558 8.7513 9.0664 8.8438 8.8013 8.8599 9.0320 8.8103 8.7990 8.7625 8.7960 8.8006 8.7852 8.9712 8.8309 9.1721 9.2410 8.7793 8.7784 8.8667 8-7594 8.7583 8-7594 9.2413 8-7375 9-7334 8.8516 8.7719 9.2043 9.0614 9.2361 8.7601 8.7601 8.9679 9.0904 8-7957 8.7356 9.1998 9.0242 8.8378 8.9161 8.7498 8.9876 -8.7403 +0.5605 0.3325 0.5198 0.0050 0.5944 0.5678 0.3276 0.6925 0.3783 0.5668 0.5369 0.5651 0.5684 Q-5573 0.1899 0.5878 9.4764 0.8053 0-553 1 0.5526 0.3183 0.5356 0.5346 0-5358 0.8056 +0-4975 0.8882 +0-3337 0.5480 0.7846 0.0150 0.8026 0.5376 0-5375 0.1932 0.7232 0.5670 0.4962 0.7821 0.0972 0.3467 0.2613 0.5280 0.1619 +0.4581 8.2815 +8-4943 -7.9083 + 8.8449 -8.4657 -8.3287 +8.5077 8.8016 + 8.3676 8.3269 8.1086 -8.3183 -8.3384 -8.2697 + 8.7219 8.4428 +8.9832 9.0618 8.2429 8.2402- + 8-5393 8.1029 -8.0935 8.1048 9.0665 7.4118 +9-579 1 + 8.5068 8.2098 9.0265 + 8-8555 9.0625 8.1248 8.1248 +8.7288 -8.8953 8.34:6 -7-3587 -9.0257 +8.8109 +8-4799 +8.6482 8.0342 +8-7633 +7.8544 +0,003 0,003 0,00 1 0,028 0,058 +0,005 10 Capricorn! . . . . TT +0,003 0,00 1 +0,116 1 1 Capricorni . . . . f 0,000 0,003 +0,005 +0,071 +0,007 68 Aquilse Ursae Minoris .... Cvirni 0,00 1 + 0,022 0,002 0,102 + O,OO4 + 0,002 Pavonis 72 Draconis Pavonis Capricorni 12 Capricorni .... CvErni Pavonis 0,030 Capricorni 69 Aouilss + O,OIO + 0,OO6 Pavonis Cephei AO Cvcni . 0,001 + O,OO8 Cephei i Delphini + 0,004 No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Pieces. Sec.Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of f I Taylor. i Brie- bane. Various. el V * ef 7021 7022 7023 7024 7025 7026 7027 7028 7029 73 7031 7032 7033 7034 7035 7036 7037 7038 7039 7040 7041 7042 7043 7044 7045 7046 7047 7048 7049 7050 705 1 7052 753 7054 755 7056 7057 7058 7059 7060 7061 7062 7063 7064 7065 / II 117 2 24,8 5 *3 15.7 102 H 12,7 28 13 3,5 127 53 0,3 "9 33 .o 49 27 4,6 *49 *5 53.3 58 17 26,5 "9 *7 5,5 108 41 55,2 118 44 48,0 119 51 26,3 116 5 21,7 35 48 33-5 126 5 10,2 21 36 1,7 161 41 58,4 "4 38 32,9 114 28 13,5 47 53 3.3 108 18 17,7 107 55 32,0 108 21 46,7 161 46 30,4 93 5 54,3 5 4 6 43,9 50 5 1 6,0 112 53 2,9 160 6 40,3 28 12 53,4 161 34 20,7 109 4 39,1 109 4 30,0 35 48 19,6 153 49 9.3 119 36 0,1 93 22 49,1 159 57 30,0 30 53 21,8 52 3 2,4 41 6 45,4 105 33 33 5 1 i7.i 79 36 13,3 11,27 11,28 11,28 11,29 11,30 11,31 11,32 ".33 ",35 11,38 11,41 11,41 11,42 ",43 11,44 11,44 11,46 ",47 ",47 11,49 11,52 11,52 ".53 ",54 ",54 ",54 ",55 ".55 ".55 ",57 ",57 11,58 ",59 1 1, 60 11,62 11,62 11,63 11,63 11,64 11,64 11,65 11,68 11,70 11,70 -".73 -0,439 0,259 o.399 0,122 o,474 o,445 0,256 o,593 0,287 o,443 0,413 0,441 0,444 0,432 0,186 0,464 0,036 0,764 0,428 0,427 0,249 0,410 0,409 0,410 0,762 -o,375 +0,922 -0,257 0,421 0,726 0,123 0,756 0,410 0,410 0,185 0,628 0,438 0,372 0,719 0,149 0,264 0,216 0,400 0,172 -0,340 " 8.0170 -9.3972 -9.9700 +9.2170 +8.4742 -9-9377 +9.6880 -9.9045 +8.3874 9.1688 +8.1761 +8-5*59 -8-4533 -9.9638 +9.1239 -9.9651 +9.8079 -8.7193 -8-7443 9.9400 -9.1903 9.2071 9.1881 +9.8069 -9.5776 -9.9330 -9.9332 -8.9138 +9.7927 9.9661 +9.8046 9.1566 -9.1569 -9.9614 + 9.7322 + 8.4014 -9-5857 +9-7898 -9.9645 -9.9257 -9-9532 -9.3017 9.9620 -9-7583 +9.4073 -9.5560 +9.0745 -9.6957 +9.5390 +9-4443 -9-5 6 45 +9.6862 -9-4734 +9-4435 +9.2611 +9-4373 +9.4526 +9.3992 -9.6653 +9.5264 -9.7253 +9-7348 +9.3776 +9-3754 -9.5856 +9.2564 +9.2480 +9.2582 +9.7378 +8.5869 -9.7581 -9.5677 +9-3503 + 9-7344 9.7062 +9-7385 +9.2764 +9.2764 9.6720 +9.7161 +9.4569 + 8.5340 + 9.7367 9.6974 -9.5528 9.6422 +9.1941 -9.6853 -9.0233 -1.0519 1.0522 1.0522 1.0529 1.0530 1-0535 1.0538 1.0542 1.0550 1.0561 1.0574 1-0574 1.0577 1.0581 1.0585 1.0585 1.0592 1.0596 1.0597 1.0604 1.0614 1.0616 1.0620 1.0620 1.0623 1.0623 1.0626 1.0626 1.0627 1.0633 1.0634 1.0635 1.0642 1.0643 1.0652 1.0653 1.0655 1.0657 1.0660 1.0661 1.0662 1.0674 1.0680 1.0682 1.0691 9.9176 9-9*75 9-9*75 9.9172 9-9*7* 9.9169 9.9167 9.9166 9.9162 9.9156 9.9150 9.9150 9-9*49 9-9*47 9-9*45 9.9145 9.9142 9.9140 9-9*39 9.9136 9-9*3* 9.9130 9.9128 9.9128 9.9126 9.9126 9.9125 9.9125 9.9124 9.9122 9.9121 9.9120 9.9117 9.9116 9.9112 9.9111 9.9110 9.9109 9.9108 9-9* 7 9.9107 9.9101 9.9097 9.9097 -9.9092 1 8440 *, M832 G 3*54 M834.J5I3 63167 G 3173 63172 M8 3 / B.Fz^So 6 3212 G 3174 R 5 i 7 Airy (6) M8 3 8 M839 63181 R 5 i 9 J 5*5 63184 A 6319^ 0,02 + 0,02 0,02 + 0,18 2624 2628 104 **4 *35 in \ 11.2401 11.2551 lli.2553 111.2552 8438 8442 + 0,64 0,05 V.3229 11.2402 8428 8447 6855 2625 132 0,05 2623 131 11.2403 8451 8452 8457 + 0,09 + 0,03 + 1,36 2636 *33 111.2554 8453 8424 8458 8459 6857 0,03 O,OO + 0,13 + i47 0,05 2626 2627 142 *45 *44 11.2404 11.2405 111.2555 8431 6862 2629 .47 111.2556 +0,04 0,18 -o.45 -0,53 146 11.2406 8463 8437 6864 l62 111.2557 8436 6865 2630 2631 *53 *54 11.2407 11.2408 +0,02 +0,61 8 45 6 8466 6869 0,02 +0,12 2633 *57 11.2409 8445 6867 +0,04 0,03 2634 2639 164 169 111.2559 111.2560 0,00 2635 168 11.2410 (2R2) No. Constellation. Mag. Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a b c d 7066 7067 7068 7069 7070 7071* 7072 7073 7074* 7075* 7076* 7077 7078 7079* 7080 7081 7082 7083 7084 7085 7086* 7087* 7088 7089* 7090* 7091* 7092 7093* 7094 7095 7096 7097 7098 7099 7100 7101 7102 7103 7104 7105 7106 7107 7108* 7109 7110 Pavonis ' 5i 4* 5i rt 8 7 5* 6 6 6 7 6 7 7* 6 7 6 6 6 5 6 7 4 6 7 5 6 7 6 6i 3 6 S 5i 6 6 7i 6 6 6 5 5 6i r h m s 20 23 9,09 23 15,99 23 21,28 23 26,43 23 28,85 23 32,45 23 35,29 23 37,40 23 39,24 23 40,07 23 52,86 ^3 55.77 24 1,23 ' 24 1.52 24 10,77 24 44,51 24 58,00 25 1,29 25 17.85 25 24,79 ^5 43 25 50,43 26 2,83 26 6,98 26 27,23 26 40,95 26 46,15 26 50,51 26 51,37 26 58,25 26 59,94 27 2,47 27 3,38 27 36,10 27 39,01 27 39,31 27 4539 28 4,39 28 6,01 28 6,66 28 7,79 28 17,79 28 54,92 28 55,05 20 28 56,19 s + 5-34 2,448 7.655 3>5*3 3>523 3. 6 74 4.154 2,285 5.255 7.369 1,851 3.585 3.44 2,865 3,268 3.5*3 5,102 1,977 2,275 1,856 1,502 3.343 2,866 6,087 0,378 1,849 5,090 3,624 2,833 5,212 4,252 3.399 1,014 5,003 2,085 2,143 3.483 2,330 4,139 1,472 5,620 2,802 3.58i 3,128 + 3.3 6 9 s 0,0782 0,0002 0,3009 0,0156 0,0156 0,0198 0,0361 + O,OOOI 0,0918 0,2704 O,OO2 1 -0,0173 0,0128 0,0033 0,0098 0,0158 0,0835 O,OOII + O,OOOI O,OO2O O,OO68 0,0115 0,0032 -0,1541 -0,0399 O,OO2 1 0,0840 0,0188 0,0028 0,0917 0,0411 0,0129 0,0179 -0,0794 0,0004 0,0000 0,0151 +0,0002 0,0368 0,0074 0,1205 0,0026 0,0178 0,0073 0,0124 s +0,075 +0,002 + 0,019 +0,009 +0,019 + 8.9065 8.6531 9.2296 8.6266 8.6267 8.6505 8.7427 8.6840 8-9447 9.2044 8.7709 8.6373 8.6129 8.6009 8.6007 8.6302 8.9247 8-7495 8.6909 8.7751 8.8452 8.6114 8.6062 9.0729 9.0310 8.7806 8.9292 8.6517 8.6109 8.9501 8.7737 8.6204 8.9365 8.9174 8.7361 8.7245 8.6329 8.6888 8-7544 8.8592 9.0169 8.6175 8.6506 8.6063 +8.6222 9.0486 8.7948 9.3709 8-7675 8-7675 8.7911 8.8831 8.8242 9.0848 9-3445 8.9101 8.7763 8.7515 8-7395 8.7388 8.7660 9.0595 8.8842 8.8245 8.9082 8.9771 8.7429 8.7368 9.2032 9.1600 8.9087 9.0569 8.7792 8-7383 9.0771 8.9006 8.7471 9.0631 9.0419 8.8604 8.8487 8.7568 8.8114 8.8769 8.9816 9.1393 8.7392 8.7699 8.7256 8.7414 +0.7019 0.3888 0.8840 0.5469 0.5469 0.5651 0.6185 0.3589 0.7206 0.8674 0.2674 -5545 0-53J9 0.4571 -5 J 43 0.5469 0.7078 0.2959 0-3571 0.2685 0.1765 0.5242 0.4572 0.7844 9-5775 0.2670 0.7067 0.5591 0.4522 0.7170 0.6286 o.53i3 0.0060 0.6992 0.3191 0.3309 0.5419 0.3674 0.6169 0.1679 0.7497 0.4474 0.5540 0.4952 +0.5275 -8.8486 +8.3504 -9.2178 8.2123 8.2125 -8.3374 -8.5924 +8-4527 -8.8970 -9.1911 + 8.6448 8.2704 -8.0816 + 7.8720 -7.8557 -8.2173 8.8708 +8.6021 + 8.4647 + 8.6492 + 8.7615 8.OO2I +7.8788 -9.0470 +8.9990 +8.6565 -8.8753 8.3130 +7.9469 8.9016 -8.6435 8.0873 +8.8843 -8.8594 +8.5673 +8.5411 8.1892 +8.4446 8.6042 +8.7791 8.9819 + 8.0060 -8.2866 -7-3344 -8-0535 Octantis it' 0,011 +0,005 0,044 + 0,001 0,0 1 1 0,004 -.35 +0,00 1 0,019 +0,021 Capricorn! ^ . Pavonis p +0,006 + 0,002 + 0,003 + O,OO2 Draconis + 0,022 + O,CO2 Pavonis 7 Delphini r + 0,007 0,014 + 0,012 0,002 + O,OO6 + 0,IO9 Indi & 2. Cephei 9 Pavonis

, M S3 Taylor. Lacaille. Bris- bane. Various. a' b' c' d' 7066 7067 7068 7069 7070 7071 7072 7073 7074. 7075 7076 7077 7078 7079 7080 7081 7082 7083 7084 7085 7086 7087 7088 7089 7090 7091 7092 7093 7094 7095 7096 7097 7098 7099 7100 7101 7102 7103 7104 7105 7106 7107 7108 7109 7110 / // IS 1 4 57,i 60 7 46,2 166 41 53,5 112 39 25,1 112 39 50,6 119 5 50,0 135 * ">9 54 * 34,4 '53 37 4 6 > l6 5 5i 44>3 41 34 42,2 115 26 49,0 107 6 45,5 79 14 29,7 IOO 21 43,1 112 44 5,4 152 2 34,6 44 34 52,3 53 33 5 6 -3 4i 33 2,5 34 26 104 13 58,5 79 12 10,3 160 23 45,9 21 43 5>5 4i 17 M 152 2 15,4 117 17 23,2 77 28 58,3 153 25 30,0 137 48 34> 107 2 14,0 27 30 32,1 151 2 44,2 47 19 4,7 49 2 15,8 in 5 58,8 55 15 40,7 135 2 17,7 33 43 39> 8 157 17 0,3 75 50 22,8 115 37 26,8 93 3 52,7 105 39 46,2 // -11,73 ">74 ",74 ",75 ",75 11,76 11,76 11,76 11,76 11,76 11,78 11,78 ">79 11,79 11,80 11,84 11,86 11,86 11,88 11,89 11,91 11,92 ">93 11,94 11,96 11,98 11,98 11,99 11,99 12,00 12,00 12,00 I2,OO 12,04 12,05 I2,O5 12,05 12,07 12,08 12,08 12,08 . 12,09 12,13 12,13 12,14 n -0,596 0,290 0,905 0,416 0,416 o,434 0,491 0,270 0,621 0,870 0,219 0,423 0,402 0,338 0,385 0,415 0,600 0,233 0,267 0,218 0,176 0,392 o,33 6 0,713 0,044 0,216 -595 0,424 0,331 0,609 o,497 o,397 0,118 0,584 0,243 0,250 0,406 0,271 0,482 0,171 0,654 0,326 0,416 0,363 -0,391 +0,40 0,0 1 +0,42 0,00 0,00 +9.6992 9.8922 +9.8383 8.9460 -8.9455 +8.1703 +9.4254 -9.9175 +9.7266 +9.8321 -9.9511 -8.6454 -9.2472 9.7614 -9.4495 8.9460 +9.7067 -9.9440 -9.9178 -9.9496 -9.9586 -9.3481 -9.7611 +9.7863 -9-9573 -9.9489 +9.7031 -8.2577 -9.7762 +9.7182 +9.4804 -9.2558 -9-9595 +9.6898 -9.9350 -9.9303 9.0689 -9.9093 +9.4120 -9.9567 +9-755 -9.7896 8.6721 -9.5918 -9-3075 +9.7092 9.4646 +9-7557 +9-3535 +9-3537 +9-4549 +9.6178 -9.5370 +9.7206 +9-755 9.6428 +9.4022 +9.2380 9.0404 +9.0246 +9-3583 +9.7178 -9.6245 -9.5463 -9.6470 9.6900 +9.1647 -9.0471 +9-7488 -9-7435 9.6520 + 9.7224 +9-4379 -9.1125 +9.7284 +9.6467 +9.2439 -9.7250 + 9.7205 9.6098 -9.5952 +9-335 1 -9-5354 +9.6295 -9.6997 + 9-7447 9.1687 +9.4177 + 8.5098 +9.2131 1.0692 1.0695 1.0698 1.0700 1.0701 1.0702 1.0704 1.0705 1.0705 1.0706 1.0711 1.0713 1.0715 1.0715 1.0719 1.0734 1.0740 1.0741 1.0748 1.0751 1.0759 1.0762 1.0767 1.0769 1.0778 1.0784 1.0786 1.0788 1.0788 1.0791 1.0792 1.0793 1.0793 1.0807 1.0808 1.0808 1.0811 1.0819 1.0819 1.0820 1.0820 1.0824 1.0840 1.0840 1.0840 -9.9091 9.9090 9.9088 9.9087 9.9087 9.9086 9.9085 9.9085 9.9084 9.9084 9.9081 9.9081 9.9079 9.9079 9-9077 9.9069 9.9066 9.9066 9.9062 9.9060 9.9056 9-9054 9.9051 9.9050 9-9045 9.9042 9.9041 9.9040 9.9040 9.9038 9.9038 9.9037 9.9037 9.9029 9.9029 9.9028 9.9027 9.9022 9.9022 9.9022 9.9022 9.9019 9.9010 9.9010 9.9010 .3230 11.241 1 8461 435 8479 8478 8472 8464 8443 8480 6873 6870 6876 6874 6878 R52i R520 M 840 M 841 B.F2786 G 3196 A M8 43 G 3210 R 522 J 5 i6 M844 G 3217 63216 M8 45 R 5 2 3 G 3221 J 517 M846 2637 173 166 167 iv.i 5 8 7 17.1588 +0,02 0,03 +0,40 2640 163 179 10.2562 1^.2563 +0,07 +0,12 +0,04 0,00 0,02 +0,07 +0,39 2641 2638 183 170 172 178 '74 1 80 17.1592 11.2412 111.2564 iv.i59i ii.2 4 i3 111.2568 8489 8470 6880 0,07 0,02 2643 2645 188 192 111.2571 11.2415 O,OO O,OO 2642 187 191 11.2414 11.2416 8467 0,07 + 0,03 2655 2647 208 203 17.1599 11.2420 8482 8496 8484 8494 8490 6885 6888 6886 -0,08 +0,49 0,06 + 0,12 +0,01 + 0,92 2644 196 11.2419 11.2417 11.2418 11.2422 V. 3 2 3 I 2651 194 211 + O,o6 + 0,05 + O,o6 0,03 + 0,12 0,04 2650 200 2IO 217 iii.2573 111.2574 Iv.i6o6 11.2421 11.2423 8499 8488 8504 6889 2648 20 7 0,08 O,0 1 2649 2646 212 209 11.2425 11.2424 3'7 No. Constellation. Mag. Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a b c d 7111* 7112 7113* 7114 7"5 7116 7117 7118 7119 7120 7121 7122 7123 7124* 7125 7126 7127 7128* 7129 7130* 7131* 7132* 7133* 7i34 7*35* 7136* 7137 7138 7139* 7140 7141 7142 7H3 7144 7 H5 7146 7147* 7148* 7H9 7150* 7151 7152 7153 7154 7ISS 7 6 7 6 74 7 7 7 6 7 4 5 7 5i 5* 5* 6 7 3 7 6* H 7 5 7 6i 4* Si 7 Si si 6 si 6 6j 7 6i 7 3i 7 7 6 6 Si 6i h m s 20 28 56,95 28 59,84 29 11,35 29 11,41 29 18,97 29 42,89 29 43,14 29 53.43 29 56,68 30 28,41 30 30,89 3 35.44 30 3 6 .3i 30 37,06 30 38,56 30 40,82 30 52,84 31 11,68 31 22,68 31 24,97 31 25,87 31 27,10 31 27,61 31 30,39 31 31,72 31 35.18 31 39,29 3i 43.59 3i 45.4i 31 49,70 31 50,70 31 59,64 3* 59.97 32 4,89 32 6,39 32 7,39 32 26,30 32 27,80 32 40,31 32 41,76 32 48,63 32 49,27 S^ 57.15 33 0,66 20 33 3.35 s +3.521 1,962 3.561 2, 1 60 3.409 3,489 2,567 4,222 2,136 J.747 2,805 3,ioi +3,396 0,192 +2,868 2,556 3.363 3.548 5.526 3,!25 2,435 2,436 3,554 3,427 3,634 3,612 2,831 3,071 3,657 2,673 2,893 4,140 2,6 1 1 0,174 3,386 2,782 3,596 3,642 2,781 2,872 3,410 2,469 ^705 4,437 +3,954 s 0,0162 0,00 1 1 -0,0173 0,0000 -0,0133 -0,0153 0,0005 0,0408 0,0000 0,0031 0,0025 0,0068 0,0131 0,0695 0,0032 0,0004 0,0123 0,0172 0,1171 0,0073 +0,0001 +0,0001 -0,0173 0,0139 0,0197 0,0191 0,0028 0,0063 0,0205 0,0012 0,0036 -0,0379 0,0007 0,0511 0,0130 0,0022 0,0187 0,0201 O,OO22 O,OO32 0,0136 + 0,0001 0,0037 -0,0517 0,0308 s +8.6416 8-7655 8.6482 8.7258 8.6276 8.6390 8.6517 8.7771 8.7329 8.8138 8.6229 8. 6100 8.6294 9.1204 8.6178 8.6562 8.6266 8.6517 9.0152 8.6124 8.6790 8.6789 8.6534 8.6355 8.6666 8.6630 8.6233 8.6126 8.6711 8.6418 8.6190 8.7669 8.6512 9.0798 8.6321 8.6293 8.6626 8.6705 8.6307 8.6226 8.6368 8.6769 8.8306 8.8308 +8.7321 8.7607 8.8845 8.7664 8.8440 8-7453 8.7552 8.7678 8.8926 8.8482 8.9270 8-7359 8.7227 8.7421 9.2330 8.7303 8.7685 8.7381 8.7620 9.1248 8.7219 8.7885 8.7882 8.7627 8.7446 8.7756 8.7719 8.7319 8.7209 8-7793 8.7496 8.7268 8.8741 8.7584 9.1866 8.7389 8.7360 8.7681 8-7759 8-7353 8.7271 8.7408 8.7809 8.9341 8.9340 8.8352 +0.5467 0.2926 0.5515 0-3344 0.5326 0.5427 0.4095 0.6256 0.3296 0.2423 0.4480 0.4914 +0.5310 9.2822 +0-4575 0.4075 0.5268 0.5500 0.7424 0.4948 0.3865 0.3867 0.5508 0-5349 0.5604 0-5578 0.4520 0.4873 0.5631 0.4270 0.4614 0.6170 0.4167 9.2408 0.5296 0-4444 0-5558 0.5613 0-4443 0.4581 0.5328 0-3925 0.2316 0.6470 +0.5971 -8.2326 + 8.6238 8.2700 +8-S39I 8.1091 8.2033 + 8.2835 -8.6437 + 8-5531 + 8.7064 + 8.0089 7.0627 -8.0974 +9.0987 + 7.8928 + 8.2971 8.0529 8.2664 -8.9784 -7.3219 + 8.3915 + 8.3907 -8.2731 8.1406 -8.3398 8.3226 + 7.9686 -5-4349 -8-3577 +8.1897 +7.8393 8.6196 +8-2535 +9.0528 8.0894 +8.0510 -8.3125 -8-3493 +8-0545 +7.8920 8.1246 + 8-3734 +8.7298 -8.7299 8.5410 Cygni 0,00 1 + 0,001 + 0,010 0,011 j n ^i + 0,011 +0,008 +0,003 6 Delphini (3 7 1 Aquilse +0,007 +0,005 +0,005 +0,002 c Delphini / 14 Capricorni . . . . r 2 Pavonis o 0,002 +0,003 0,005 0,004 A8 Cveni Cveni 15 Capricorni . . . . v 0,001 Capricorn! 8 Delphini 9 +0,002 + O,OI2 i Aquarii Capricorni +0,008 +0,025 +0,031 +0,003 +0,015 0,007 + 0,002 7 Delphini x Indi 28 Vulpeculae Draconis Capricorni Delphini Capricorni Capricorni 9 Delphini ot. +0,0 10 +0,023 0,006 +0,008 Delphini Capricorni Cvfrni Cveni Indi f\ +0,051 + 0,020 Microscopii 318 No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec.Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of 1 i K Taylor. 1 Bris- bane. Various. ef V 2 116 31 16,2 118 30 23,8 74 3 6 5.9 79 16 55,1 107 54 20,6 60 ii 22,0 37 32 5 6 .9 142 27 4,0 130 5 25,6 a 12,14 12,14 12,15 12,15 12,16 12,19 12,19 12,20 12,21 12,24 12,24 12,25 12,25 12,25 12,25 12,26 12,27 12,29 12,30 12,31 12,31 I2.3I 12,31 12,31 12,31 12,32 12,32 12,33 12,33 12,34 12,34 12.35 !2,35 12.35 !2,35 12,36 12,38 12,38 12,39 12,40 12,40 12,40 12,41 12,42 12,42 0,409 0,228 0,413 0,251 .395 0,404 0,297 0,489 0,247 0,202 0,324 0,358 -0,392 -|-O,O22 -0,331 0,295 0,388 0,409 0,637 0,360 O,28o 0,28l 0,409 .395 0,418 0,416 0,326 o,353 0,421 0,307 o,333 0,476 0,300 0,020 0,389 O,32O 0,413 0,418 0,319 0,329 0,391 0,283 0,195 0,508 -o,453 a -8.9499 -9.9419 8.7860 -9.9279 -9.2370 9.0512 -9.8647 49^4620 -9.9295 -9.9492 -9.7878 9.6142 9.2608 -9.9479 -9-7599 9.8672 9.3162 -8.8445 49.7436 -9-5944 -9.8915 -9.8913 8.8169 9.2000 -8.0374 8.4099 -9.7766 -9.6370 +7-59 11 -9-8353 -9-7473 49.4094 -9.8532 9.9488 -9.2788 -9.7970 -8.5682 -7-7 6 34 -9-7973 -9-7579 -9-2338 9.8849 9.9480 +9-554 49.2396 +9.3729 9.6402 4-9.4042 -9-5957 +9.2643 49-348i -9.4156 49-6508 -9.6045 9.6782 -9.1717 +8.2387 4-9-2539 -9.7642 9.0610 -9.4271 49.2129 49-4022 +9-75 10 +8-4974 9.5004 -9-4999 49.4078 +9-2933 4-9.4613 +9-4479 -9-*337 +6.6110 +9-4753 -9-3368 -9.0093 49-6420 -9.3917 9.7626 4-9.2469 -9.2114 +9-4403 4-9.4692 -9.2147 9.0605 +9.2791 -9.4878 9.6908 +9.6910 +9.6008 1.0841 1.0842 1.0847 1.0847 1.0850 i. 0860 i. 0860 1.0864 1.0865 1.0878 1.0879 1.0881 1.0882 1.0882 1.0883 1.0883 1.0888 1.0896 1.0901 1.0901 1.0902 1.0902 1.0903 1.0904 1.0904 1.0906 1.0907 1.0909 1.0910 1.0912 1.0912 1.0916 1.0916 1.0918 1.0918 1.0919 1.0926 1.0927 1.0932 1.0932 *-935 1.0936 1.0939 1.0940 1.0941 9.9010 9.9009 9.9006 9.9006 9.9005 9.8999 9.8999 9.8996 9.8996 9.8988 9.8987 9.8986 9.8986 9.8986 9.8985 9.8985 9.8982 9.8977 9.8975 9.8974 9-8974 9-8973 9- 8 973 9.8973 9.8972 9.8971 9.8970 9.8969 9.8969 9.8968 9.8968 9.8965 9.8965 9.8964 9.8964 9.8964 9.8959 9.8958 9-8955 9.8955 9.8953 9-8953 9.8951 9.8950 -9.8950 8505 63226 G 3228 M847 63236 63239 1519 G 3241 M 848 J5i8,R524 A 470 B.F28i8 M849,J52o R 5 2 S 63246 B.F28io P 9 i 9 L 109 63245 8506 +0,08 + 0,12 +0,0 1 0,01 2653 ais 215 220 11.2576 ii.2577 "2578 7.3232 8503 6894 0,03 +0,0 1 0,02 2656 2654 236 227 224 iv. 1 6 14 11.2428 11.2427 6898 +0,04 +0,01 0,02 +0,03 2673 2658 2660 2652 257 228 232 225 111.2583 11.2429 11.243 1 11.2430 8522 8500 6897 +0,01 0,00 4-0,08 4o,oi 11.2426 111.2582 111.2584 iii.2585 2659 2665 2666 234 241 243 8525 0,05 2657 233 11.2432 8523 8526 8527 8520 0,04 4-0,03 2662 2661 239 237 11.2434 11.2433 0,0 1 0,02 4-0,14 0,0 1 4-0,09 0,00 0,02 2664 2663 2668 2667 245 242 248 265 240 247 11.2436 11.2435 11.2438 iv.i625 11.2437 iv.i62i 8532 8530 0,02 2670 2669 254 11.2439 0,03 +0, 1 6 250 258 111.2586 11.2440 40,05 0,0 1 v-3233 .3234 8524 853i 6904 6905 No. Constellation. Mag. Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec.Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a b e d 7156* 7157* 7158 7 J 59 7160 7161* 7162* 7163 7164 7165 7166 7167 7168* 7169* 7170* 7171* 7172 7173 7i74 7175* 7176 7177 7178* 7179 7180* 7181* 7182 7183* 7184* 7185* 7186 7187* 7188 7189 7190* 7191 7192 7193 7194 7195 7196 7197 7198 7199 7200 5i 8 6 7 6 7 7 7 6 4* 6 6 7 7 6| i 7 4 6 6 6 4* Si 6 7 7 6 7 5 6 Si 7 6 7i H 6 6 6 54 7 4i 6 6 7 4 h m s 20 33 26,32 33 35.75 34 3.85 34 7.53 34 i4>9 ! 34 i9>52 34 4i. 2 9 34 5>74 34 58,55 35 o.S 1 35 6,92 35 2 3,43 35 29.87 3 6 4.79 36 12,59 36 19,17 36 20,38 36 27,52 36 31,25 36 32,81 37 6 .34 37 ",49 37 25,05 37 27,89 37 28,05 37 28,25 37 35.4 1 37 47.07 37 47,97 37 54,77 38 17,67 38 22,14 38 23,15 38 33.19 38 36,26 39 3,21 39 8,72 39 27,05 39 28,51 39 31.25 39 33.37 39 36,09 39 38,91 39 4M 2 20 39 42,05 s 0,694 + 2,788 2,191 3,423 2,809 2,020 3>5!4 4,862 2,425 5,832 1,555 2,241 + 3, 6 4i -3.43 +3,618 2,042 3.i5i 2,802 2,163 3>933 1,281 + 3.57I -3,387 + 3,489 3.539 3,607 1,848 + 3.502 -41,226 -3,i38 +4,084 3,595 2,596 1,494 4,083 5,086 4,164 1,289 2,474 3-5H 3,252 3-5 12 1,980 2,785 +2,785 s 0,1029 0,0023 +0,0004 0,0141 s 0,00 1 + 9.1882 8.6324 8-7343 8.6418 8.6319 8.7704 8.6556 8.9182 8.6909 9.0724 8.8673 8.7281 8.6787 9.4249 8.6765 8.7721 8.6249 8.6380 8-7474 8.7382 8.9259 8.6712 9.4272 8.6592 8.6667 8.6779 8.8166 8.6619 0.2599 9.4124 8.7751 8.6782 8.6701 8.8908 8.7758 8.9725 8.7944 8.9326 8.6940 8.6681 8.6377 8.6680 8-7954 8.6475 +8.6476 9.2898 8-7334 8.8334 8.7407 8.7303 8.8685 8-7524 9.0143 8.7865 9.1679 8.9624 8.8221 8-7723 9.5162 8.7673 8.8625 8.7152 8.7278 8-8370 8.8277 9.0132 8.7582 9-5 I 34 8.7452 8.7526 8.7639 8.9021 8.7466 0-3443 9.4967 8.8579 8.7607 8-7525 8.9726 8.8574 9.0523 8.8739 9.0109 8.7722 8.7462 8.7156 8-7457 8.8730 8.7249 -8.7249 9.8416 +0.4452 0.3407 0-5345 0.4485 0.3054 0-5457 0.6868. 0.3846 0.7659 0.1918 0.3504 +0.5613 -0-5353 +0.5585 0.3100 0.4985 0-4474 0-335 1 0.5947 0.1075 +0.5528 -0.5299 +0.5428 0.5488 0.5571 0.2667 +0.5444 1.6152 0.4966 +0.6111 0-5557 0.4143 0.1744 0.6110 0.7064 0.6195 O.IIOI 0-3934 0.5459 0.5122 0-5455 0.2967 0.4448 +0.4448 +9.1720 +8.0487 + 8.5428 8.1464 +8.0171 +8.6209 -8.2473 8.8548 +8.4124 -9- 435 + 8.7832 + 8.5227 8.3606 + 9.4194 -8-3452 + 8.6197 -7.5148 +8.0378 + 8.5659 -8.5438 + 8.8633 8.3100 +9.4218 -8.2338 8.2821 8.3410 +8.6996 -8.2482 +0.2598 + 9.4065 8.6210 -8-3347 + 8.2918 + 8.8137 8.6217 8.9223 -8.6570 + 8.8704 + 8-3953 8.2670 -7.8791 8.2648 + 8.6578 + 8.0768 + 8.0769 0,0024 0,0004 0,0166 -0,0757 +0,0003 -o,H49 0,0060 +0,0005 0,0205 0,3868 0,0198 0,0002 0,0079 0,0023 +0,0004 0,0309 0,01 18 0,0185 0,3856 0,0161 0,0176 0,0196 0,0018 0,0165 22,6920 -,3539 -0,0375 0,0193 0,0003 0,0072 -0,0375 0,0930 0,0412 0,0118 0,0004 0,0171 0,0102 0,0170 0,0005 0,0021 0,0021 +0,003 0,00 1 Tndi +0,006 0,009 49 '-vs 111 +0,020 + 0,002 +0,002 +0,008 1 6 Capricorni . -\|/ 0,001 +0,005 +0,006 Capricorni + 0,010 Ursse Minoris .... +0,021 +0,005 Microscopii . . . . t 30 Vulpeculse 0,000 +0,007 Cephei 0,040 0,015 Indi Cephei 2. Cvsrni +0,005 0,003 +0,007 +0,00 1 2 Aquarii g Capricorni Cvfrni +0,001 0,000 12 Delphini "Y 320 No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1350. Annual Preces. Sec.Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of j? B i Taylor. Lacaille. Bris- bane. Various. tf V if d! 7156 7158 7159 7160 7161 7162 7163 7164 7165 7166 7167 7168 7169 7170 7171 7172 7*73 7174 7176 7177 7178 7179 7180 7181 7182 7183 7184 7185 7186 7187 7188 7189 7190 7191 7192 7193 7195 7196 7197 7198 7199 7200 15 33 38,i 74 S 2 58,2 49 56 54,8 108 38 30,7 75 56 50,2 44 51 40,5 112 59 25,7 149 46 45,4 58 13 22,2 34 31 18,6 5 1 26 59,3 118 44 10,8 9 4 44.4 117 47 38,8 45 15 12.0 94 27 5,2 75 27 3 6 .8 48 49 5,9 129 44 18,0 30 2 16,3 115 48 21,5 9 5 41,2 112 3 19,0 114 21 38,7 117 24 39,1 40 ii 51,4 112 41 25,8 i 20 4,6 9 26 17,0 *34 3 1 5 1 , 6 116 57 29,4 65 15 48,2 33 9 9>3 134 3 * 55,4 152 58 47,6 136 46 33,2 29 5 6 15,4 59 49 35,i 113 23 34,6 100 2 29,8 113 16 49,9 43 14 44,6 74 24 49,3 74 24 44,9 - I2 -45 12,46 12,49 12,49 12,50 12,51 ".S3 12,54 ",55 "-55 12,56 12,58 ".59 12,63 12,64 12,64 12,64 12,65 12,66 12,66 12,70 12,70 12,72 12,72 12,72 12,72 12,73 12,74 12-75 ".75 12,78 12,78 12,78 12,79 12,80 12,83 12,83 12,85 12,86 12,86 12,86 12,86 12,87 12,87 12,87 +0,079 -0,319 0,250 0,391 0,320 0,230 0,400 o,553 0,276 0,663 0,177 0,255 -0,413 +0,389 0,410 0,231 o,357 0,317 0,245 o,445 0,145 -0,403 +0,382 -o,393 o-399 0,407 0,208 -o,394 +4,641 +0,353 -o,459 0,404 0,292 0,1 68 o.459 0,570 0,467 0,144 0,277 o,393 0,364 o,393 0,222 0,312 0,311 +0,03 0,26 -9.9404 -9.7947 9.9221 9.2071 9.7860 -9.9346 -8.9759 + 9.6589 -9.8919 +9.7607 -9.9485 -9.9164 -9.9221 -8.3385 -9.9318 -9.5711 9.7888 -9.9229 + 9.2101 -9.9481 8.7308 9.9202 -9.0488 -8.8831 -8.4669 -9-9397 9.0107 -9.8931 9.9204 + 9.3640 8.5740 -9-8552 -9-9455 +9.3629 + 9.6882 +9.4196 -9-9454 -9.8814 -8.9713 -9.4676 -8.9796 -9-7953 -9-7953 9.7766 -9.2095 9.6028 +9.2991 9.1800 -9- 6 455 +9-3875 +9.7327 9.5180 +9.7676 -9.7127 -9.5921 +9.4796 -9.7936 +9.4680 -9.6472 +8.6896 9.1997 9.6186 +9.6058 -9.7388 +9.4405 -9.7967 +9-3769 +9-4I77 +9.4654 9.6856 +9.3893 9.8031 9.7974 +9.6501 +9.4608 9.4260 -9.7276 +9.6508 +9-7557 +9.6687 -9.7446 9.5081 +9.4058 +9.0485 +9.4040 -9.6697 9.2366 9.2367 1.0950 1.0954 1.0965 1.0967 1.0970 1.0971 1.0980 1.0984 1.0987 1.0988 1.0990 1.0997 1.0999 1.1013 1.1016 1.1018 1.1019 1. 1022 I.I023 I.IO24 1.1037 1.1039 1.1044 1.1045 I.I045 1.1045 1.1048 I.I052 I.I055 I.I055 1.1064 I. ic66 1. 1066 I.IO7O I.I07I 1.1081 1.1084 1.1090 1.1091 1.1092 1.1093 1.1094 1.1095 1.1096 1.1096 -9.8944 9.8942 9.8935 9.8934 9.8932 9.8931 9.8925 9.8923 9.8921 9.8920 9.8919 9.8914 9.8913 9.8904 9.8902 9.8900 9.8900 9.8898 9.8897 9.8897 9.8888 9.8886 9.8883 9.8882 9.8882 9.8882 9.8881 9.8877 9.8876 9.8875 9.8870 9.8868 9.8868 9.8865 9.8865 9.8858 9.8856 9.8851 9.8851 9.8850 9.8850 9.8849 9.8848 9.8848 -9.8847 2682 2671 279 iii.2588 63251 L 94 63248 Z 1370 Li R526 G 3253 6 3252 G 3268 M852 Z 1435 63258 G 3263 G 3276 . G 3402 G 3277 R 5 2 7 63274 W 1 1 14 M8 53 ,J 5 22 Wins G 3269 .. 0,03 0,01 2672 2674 264 ii.2442 8542 o,3 0,08 2675 273 ui.,5,, 8521 6908 8543 0,06 2701 316 111.2596 8548 6913 0,00 2679 285 11.2444 + 0,02 2678 281 11.2443 + 0,02 274 ii.2594 8545 6911 + 0,15 o,co 0,00 2676 2704 2677 282 284 11.2445 ii.26oi 11.2446 8553 8556 8555 8561 +0,04 2683 293 111.2597 0,20 + 0,22 2705 333 289 0.2598 8554 8566 8550 8564 6914 6916 6917 6919 + 0,17 + 0,02 2680 294 302 11.2447 ii.26oo v.3236 + 0,09 -0,I 5 v.3237 O,O I 0,00 + 0,02 +0,18 2687 268l 306 296 299 298 11.2604 11.2448 11.2450 11.2449 8572 + 0,20 + 0,15 2685 2 686 ( 33 304 11.2605 11.2452 B.A.C. 2 S 3 21 No. Constellation. Mag. Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a b c d 7201 7202* 7203* 7204 7205 7206 7207 7208 7209 7210* 7211 7212 7213 7214* 7215* 7216* 7217* 7218 7219 7220 7221 7222 7223 7224* 7225 7226 7227 7228 7229 7230 7231 7232 7233 7*34 7235 7236 7237 7238 7239 7240 7241 7242 7243 7244* 7245* 4 6 7 3 6 si 4* 5* H 7* 6 6 5 6* 5 7 7 6 6 3i 6* 6| 64 7 6^ 6 5* 4 6 6 H 7 5* 6 6 6 6 7* 4i 7 si 6 6 7 7 h m s 20 39 49,22 39 53,23 40 6,65 40 8,55 40 22,71 40 22,77 4 35.59 40 38,51 40 49,52 4* 5.34 41 17,27 41 22,04 41 34,06 4i 34.97 41 37,66 41 39,81 4i 45.55 42 0,43 42 ",75 42 13,69 42 25,53 42 27,75 42 28,87 42 33,31 42 34,61 42 39,02 42 51,65 43 2,8 1 43 28,32 43 40.75 43 4 6 .47 43 48,44 43 49. 8 3 43 53,% 43 58,88 44 12,69 44 12,85 44 14,28 44 33.71 44 34.39 44 45.33 44 52,94 44 53,34 45 13,00 20 45 38,15 a + 3,171 3,418 3,613 2,395 3,577 2,973 3-769 4,386 3.4H 3,611 0,769 3,880 2,332 3,608 1,500 + 3,557 2,114 + i,748 2,054 1,219 3,37 2,940 2,855 3-623 3,606 3,748 3,598 4-757 + 3.i8o -5,269 + 5-700 3,285 2,041 3,929 5,800 3,178 3,527 3,3i8 3-240 4,803 2,116 3,287 1,863 3,536 +4.078 8 0,0084 0,0143 O,O2O2 + O,OOO7 O,OI9I O,OO47 -0,0255 0,0524 O,OI43 O,O2O2 O,O282 O,O299 -|-O,OOO9 O,O2O2 O,OO71 0,0186 0,2409 0,0029 +0,0001 -0,0137 0,0117 0,0041 0,0029 0,0208 0,0202 0,0252 0,0201 0,0746 0,0087 0,7219 -0,1447 0,0111 0,0002 0,0324 -0,1536 0,0087 0,0 1 80 0,0120 O,OIOI 0,0784 +0,0007 O,OII2 O,OOI4 0,0183 -0,0394 a +0,002 + 8.6336 8.6554 8.6860 8.7108 8.6804 8.6348 8.7164 8.8457 8.6571 8.6882 9.0275 8.7413 8.7272 8.6888 8.9000 8.6803 9-35 J 3 8.8516 8.7876 8.9549 8.6489 8.6410 8.6471 8.6940 8.6910 8.7180 8.6903 8.9271 8.6422 9.5600 9.0858 8.6500 8-7953 8.7587 9.1008 8.6438 8.6818 8.6540 8.6481 8.9411 8.7819 8.6526 8.8368 8.6857 +8.7960 -8.7105 8.7320 8.7618 8.7864 8-7551 8.7095 8.7903 8.9194 8.7301 8.7602 9.0987 8.8122 8.7974 8-7589 8.9700 8.7501 9.4207 8.9200 8.8554 9.0226 8.7157 8.7078 8.7138 8.7604 8-7573 8.7840 8-7555 8.9916 8.7051 9.6221 9-H75 8.7116 8.8568 8.8200 9.1617 8.7038 8.7418 8.7140 8.7068 8.9997 8.8399 8.7101 8.8942 8.7419 8.8506 +0.5011 0.5338 0-5579 0.3794 0-5535 0.4732 0.5762 0.6421 0-5333 0.5576 9.8859 0.5889 0.3678 0.5572 0.1762 +0.5510 0.3251 +0.2425 0.3125 0.0858 0.5194 0.4684 0.4556 0.5590 0.5570 0.5738 0.5560 0.6773 +0.5025 0.7218 +0-7559 0.5166 0.3098 0.5943 0.7635 0.5021 0-5474 0.5208 0.5105 0.6816 0.3255 0.5168 0.2701 0.5485 +0.6105 7.6210 ! 8.1624 -8.3566 +8.4516 i -8.3274 + 7.6132 -8.4677 -8.7431 8.1605 -8.3586 + 8.9886 -8.5351 + 8.4958 -8.3576 + 8.8238 -8-3147 + 9.3431 + 8.7508 + 8.6374 + 8.8978 8.0041 +7-7457 + 7.9647 -8-3734 -8-3597 8.4625 -8-3544 8.8603 -7.6746 + 9.5569 9.0560 -7.9678 + 8.6490 -8.5701 -9.0730 -7.6677 -8.2968 8.0304 -7.8677 -8.8779 + 8.6197 -7-9753 + 8.7225 8.3092 8.6465 +0,031 0,004 +0,007 +0,021 +0,019 0,003 + 0,00 1 0,002 0,005 + 0,001 Microscopii .... a 0,005 0,010 7 Cephei in +0,013 +0,015 +0,006 +0,006 0,003 +0,007 +0,002 0,000 +0,007 Microscopii .... ^3 1 8 Capricorni -ta Indi |3 4 Aquarii Draconis Pavonis +0,015 +0,004 + O,OI2 + 0,012 + 0,002 + O,OII +0,00 1 +0,006 c c Cvirni Microscopii Pavonis 5 Aquarii Capricorni Aquarii 6 Aquarii /, Indi c6 Cvfirni + 0,015 0,001 Aquarii Capricorni Microscopii 322 1 No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of jj. M i Taylor. V Bris- bane. Various. a' V (/ d' 7201 7202 7203 : 7204 7205 7206 7207 7208 7209 7210 7211 7212 7213 7214 7215 7216 7217 1 7218 7219 I 7220 7221 7222 7223 7224 7225 7226 7227 7228 7229 7230 7231 7232 7233 7234 7235 7236 7237 7238 7239 7240 7241 ; 7242 7243 7244 7245 / // 95 34 2 4.8 108 44 51,2 "7 55 3 6 - 1 56 35 20,4 116 19 52,1 84 32 25,0 124 19 53,2 142 9 40,9 108 35 6,3 "7 55 5. 2 23 53 15,1 128 27 55,2 54 3 2 7,9 117 48 11,2 32 57 22,6 "5 3* 33.3 ii 6 14,1 37 32 5>2 44 58 10,0 28 44 32,9 103 5 46,6 82 41 22,0 78 o 26,8 118 32 59,2 117 47 56,5 123 44 5,0 117 28 33,2 149 o 54,8 96 ii 2,7 6 54 25,2 158 59 25,6 101 59 53,0 44 26 25,2 130 22 4,1 159 42 44,8 9 6 3 57,5 114 20 28,8 103 45 44,1 99 S 2 34.7 149 50 27,3 46 30 13,6 102 8 14,3 39 46 23,6 114 50 56,0 135 8 28,6 -ii,*S 12,89 12,90 12,90 12,92 12,92 12,93 12,93 12,95 12,96 12,98 12,98 13,00 13,00 13,00 13,00 13,01 13,03 13,04 13,04 3H 13.15 i3i5 13,16 3.7 13-17 13. 17 13,20 13,20 13,21 13,22 13,22 i3. 2 4 -13.27 // -0,355 0,382 0,404 0,268 .399 0,332 0,420 9,489 0,380 0,402 0,086 0,431 0,259 0,401 0,167 -0,395 +0,235 -0,194 0,228 O.J35 0,366 0,326 0,316 0,401 0.399 0,415 0,398 0,526 -0,3 5 * +0,581 0,628 0,362 0,225 0,433 0,639 0,350 0,388 0,365 0,356 0,528 0,232 0,361 0,204 0,387 -0,446 a +0,03 -9.5532 9.2164 -8.3945 9.8942 -8.6955 -9.7031 +8.8615 + 9.5281 -9.2251 8.4200 9.9409 + 9.1281 9.9022 -8.4579 -9.9420 -8.8028 -9.9193 -9.9382 -9.9265 -9.9420 -9.3992 -9.7218 -9.7651 8.2672 -8.4771 + 8.7810 -8.5478 + 9.6294 -9-5439 -9.9044 +9.7400 -9.4273 -9.9258 +9.1998 +9.7462 -9.5463 -8.9274 -9.3840 9.4816 +9.6366 -9.9205 -9.4252 -9.9323 -8.8927 +9-3532 +8.7950 +9-3 H9 +9.4789 -9-5493 +9-4559 -8.7873 +9.5607 +9.7070 +9-3I33 + 9.4810 -9.7721 +9.6050 9.5802 +9.4804 -9-7355 +9.4462 9.8038 -9.7118 9.6627 9.7560 +9.1687 8.9182 -9.1312 +9.4931 +9.4826 +9.5586 +9.4785 +9.7480 +8.8481 -9.8131 +9.7866 +9- '343 -9.6703 + 9.6281 +9.7891 +8.8414 +9.4325 +9.1938 +9.0377 +9-7550 -9.6564 +9.1416 -9.7046 +9.4431 +9.6710 1.1099 I.IIOO 1.1105 1.1106 i.iiii i.i i ii i.i 1 16 1.1117 I.II22 I.II27 I.II32 I.II34 I.II38 1.1138 I.II39 I.II40 I.II42 1.1148 I.II52 I.II53 I.II57 I.II58 I.II58 1.1160 1.1160 1.1162 1.1167 1.1171 1.1180 1.1185 1.1187 1.1187 1.1188 1.1189 1.1191 1.1196 1.1196 1.1197 1.1204 1.1204 1. 1208 I.I2II I.I2II I.I2l8 I.I227 -9.8845 9.8844 9.8841 9.8840 9.8837 9.8837 9.8833 9.8832 9.8829 9.8825 9.8822 9.8821 9.8817 9.8817 9.8817 9.8816 9.8814 9.8810 9.8807 9.8807 9.8804 9.8803 9.8803 9.8801 9.8801 9.8800 9.8797 9-8793 9.8787 9.8783 9.8782 9.8781 9.8781 9.8780 9.8778 9.8774 9.8774 9.8774 9.8769 9.8768 9.8765 9.8763 9.8763 9-8758 -9.8751 2684 301 ii.245i J52 3 B.F2827 Wm6 P928.J524 M854 B.H47 S Airy(G) 63285 63284 Wiu8 Win 9 M8 S5 J 525 WoL i. 41 WlI2I WII22 M8s6 M857, J526 R 5 2 9 M8s8 G 3303 R 53 o 8575 8581 8579 8567 6922 6921 -o.33 + O.I2 + O,O I +0,15 0,05 + 0,09 + 0,05 + O,O I I 0,14 O,o6 2689 2688 313 305 309 307 ii.2455 ii.2453 11.2456 11.2454 V. 3 2 3 8 11.2457 111.2607 111.2609 v. 3 2 3 9 11.2458 2697 310 312 335 8582 8589 6924 2692 323 + 0,19 332 11.2459 8590 2711 0,82 + 0,09 O,5 0,30 2698 2691 2693 338 325 329 33 11.2465 11.2461 iii.26n iii.26i2 8597 + 0,03 + 0,02 O,O I 0,00 O,OO 2690 322 320 328 11.2462 iii.26io 11.2464 11.2463 11.2466 8593 8601 8584 6930 6929 2694 336 8578 6931 + 0,12 0,01 + O.2I 0,09 O,O2 + 0,11 0,04 + 0,03 2699 337 35o 334 11.2467 111.2614 111.2613 8606 8577 8612 6934 6932 2695 2696 342 339 34 * 345 iii.26i6 11.2468 111.2615 11.2470 .... 6939 0,13 + O,O2 2702 357 35i iii.26i8 11.2471 8617 6940 (282) 323 No. Constellation. Mag. Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a b e d 7246 7247* 7248* 7249 7250* 7251 7252 7253 7254 7^55 7256 7257 7258 7259* 7260 7261 7262* 7263 7264 7265 7266 7267 7268* 7269 7270 7271 7272 7273 7274* 7275 7276 7277 7278 7279 7280 7281* 7282 7283* 7284 7285* 7286 7287 7288 7289* 7290* ? i Vulpeculse 6 6* 7* 6 4l 6 6 5 6 6 4* 6 6 7* 6 6 7 7 7 H 6i 6 6* 6 6 6 6 6 7 si 5^ 4 6 6 Si 5 6 61 6 7 6i 6 6 H h m s 20 45 42,56 45 58,09 46 13,33 46 19,05 46 23,07 47 4.5 47 51.88 47 5 6 .53 48 3,69 48 10,09 48 10,22 48 29,28 48 30,68 48 35,11 48 46,17 48 47,35 49 M4 49 l6 >37 49 38,12 49 39.47 49 43,^4 49 59>92 50 4,16 5 i7,95 5 1 4,49 Si 12,55 51 15,29 51 17,40 51 30,73 5 1 34,29 5 1 34> 6 3 5i 34,95 5i 39, 2 8 5i 39>9 6 52 5,01 52 16,29 52 24,89 52 37,59 52 39.77' 52 40,83 52 49,16 52 50,67 52 5L93 52 52,69 20 52 57,78 s +2,570 3,202 3,422 3,405 7,614 5,633 3,574 2,117 2,091 3,002 2,554 2,860 2,839 2,119 2,235 3,250 1,712 3,365 4,283 4,327 4,445 4,009 2,019 3,008 3,420 2,893 7,252 2,112 1,958 2,680 3,007 2,231 1,897 3,308 3,702 1,605 3,39 3-174 3,161 2,952 3,863 3>577 3,316 4,726 +2,134 s +0,0002 0,0093 0,0150 0,0145 0,3630 0,1436 0,0199 4-0,0008 +0,0006 0,0051 +0,0005 0,0028 0,0025 +0,0009 +0,0012 0,0105 0,0033 0,0136 0,0507 -0,0531 0,0596 -0,0374 +0,0004 0,0052 -0,0153 0,0032 0,3286 +0,0009 0,000 1 0,0004 0,0052 +0,0015 0,0007 O,OI22 0,0251 0,0051 0,0146 0,0088 0,0085 0,0042 0,0317 O,O2O6 0,0125 0,0787 + 0,0012 s 0,004 + 8.6929 8.6488 8.6709 8.6689 9-3 J 37 9.0901 8.6987 8.7911 8.7972 8.6508 8.7018 8.6600 8.6620 8.7924 8.7676 8.6581 8.8817 8.6706 8.8525 8.8621 8.8871 8.7937 8.8187 8.6551 8.6818 8.6631 9.2976 8.8019 8.8365 8.6889 8.6578 8-7764 8.8503 8.6694 8-7335 8.9142 8.6806 8.6614 8.6609 8.6623 8-7695 8.7113 8.6728 8.9543 +8.8019 -8.7472 8.7021 8-7233 8.7208 9.3654 9.1370 8.7448 8.8368 8.8425 8.6957 8-7467 8.7037 8.7057 8.8357 8.8103 8.7007 8.9234 8.7113 8.8919 8.9013 8.9261 8.8317 8.8564 8.6919 8.7156 8.6964 9.3307 8.8349 8.8687 8.7209 8.6897 8.8083 8.8820 8.7010 8.7635 8-9435 8.7094 8.6894 8.6887 8.6900 8-7967 8-7385 8.6998 8.9813 8.8286 +0.4099 0.5054 -5343 0.5321 0.8816 0.7508 0.5532 0.3257 0.3203 0.4774 0.4072 0.4563 0.4532 0.3262 0.3494 0.5119 0.2334 0.5270 0.6318 0.6362 0.6479 0.6031 0.3052 0.4783 0.5341 0.4614 0.8605 0.3247 0.2919 0.428 1 0.4781 0.3486 0.2781 0.5196 0.5684 0.2056 0.5302 0.5016 0.4999 0.4701 0.5869 -5535 0.5206 0.6745 +0.3291 + 8.3430 7.7617 8.1914 8.1700 -9.3034 -9.0597 -8.3538 + 8.6314 + 8.6437 + 7.4903 + 8.3661 + 7-9779 +8.0191 + 8.6327 +8.5769 7.9092 +8.7894 -8.1266 -8.7421 -8-7577 -8.7968 -8.6323 +8.6818 +7-4554 -8.2077 + 7.9139 -9.2859 + 8.6464 +8.7118 +8.2578 +7.4700 +8.5898 + 8.7356 8.0417 -8.4677 + 8.8344 -8.1732 7.6848 7.6271 +7-7441 -8.5694 -8.3752 8.0598 8.8897 + 8.6428 0,000 -0,035 0,002 + 0,003 + O,OI4 +0,003 +0,008 +0,005 +0,006 i>j gui . +0,00 1 +0,019 0,000 Indi Indi 0,012 Indi 0,009 Cvsrni Equulei + 0,007 + O,Oo6 O,OO2 0,070 Octantis ........ Cvffiii Cvarni 33 Vulpeculae + O,OO8 O,OO6 + O,OO3 i Equulei 58 Cvgni v Cvorni 8 Aquarii O,OOI + 0,003 i Piscis Aust Cephei 21 Capricorni O,OOO + 0,015 + 0,005 jo Aquarii Aquarii Microscopii + O,0 1 1 + O,OI2 + O.OO2 0,051 + 0,016 Capricorni 9 Aquarii Indi Cvirni 3 2 4 // /" ' oto / n,- tr f~- i, / ^ / No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec.Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of | I Taylor. Lacaille. Bris- bane. V uno us. a' V cf cf 7246 7247 7248 7249 7250 7251 7252 7253 7^54 7255 7256 7257 7258 7259 7260 7261 7262 7263 7264 7265 7266 7267 7268 7269 7270 7271 7272 7273 7274 7275 7276 7277 7278 7279 7280 7281 7282 7283 7284 7285 7286 7287 7288 7289 7290 63 27 38,7 97 27 9,2 109 21 36,4 108 29 13,4 167 35 17,5 158 47 0,5 116 51 52,4 46 10 43,5 45 23 5' 1 86 2 13,9 62 30 34,4 78 o 4,6 76 50 50,5 46 10 54,3 49 5 1 5 6 ,5 100 16 11,6 3 6 3 32,4 106 36 20,2 140 50 50,5 H 1 50 55.3 J44 18 57,9 J 33 35 34,8 43 9 4. 1 86 22 47,7 109 36 50,7 79 44 15.3 166 47 59,0 45 39 0,9 41 22 41,2 68 14 59,5 86 16 43,0 49 24 28,7 39 50 46,2 103 37 48,0 122 50 23,4 33 4i 18,7 108 6 42,6 9 6 3 3 1 ' 1 95 18 26,6 83 3 52,9 129 6 29,1 117 27 47,9 104 6 44,2 149 31 13,7 46 6 42,0 13,27 13,29 13,30 '3,31 I3.3I 13,40 i3.4i 13.42 I3.4 2 13.43 13.43 13.45 *3.45 13,46 J 3.47 13.47 J 3.49 '3.5 13-53 13.53 J 3>53 13.55 13.55 '3.57 13,62 13,63 13,63 13.63 13,65 i3. 6 5 13.65 13.65 13,66 13,66 13,68 13,70 13,70 13,72 13,72 13,72 13.73 13.73 13.73 13.73 -13.74 u 0,281 0,350 o.374 0,372 0,830 0,6 1 1 0,388 0,230 0,227 0,325 0,277 0,309 0,307 0,229 0,242 0.35* 0,185 0,363 0,461 0,466 0,479 0,431 0,217 0,323 0,366 0,310 0,776 0,226 0,209 0,286 0,321 0,238 0,203 0,353 o,395 0,171 0,361 0,338 0:336 o,3H 0,411 0,380 o,352 0,502 0,227 u + 0,01 +0,09 -9.8593 -9.5226 9.2076 9.2416 +9.8042 +9.7297 8.7084 -9.9179 -9.9194 9.6850 9.8620 -9.7625 -9.7719 -9.9172 9.9082 -9.4697 -9.9313 9.3109 +9-47 5 * +9.4949 + 9.5396 +9.2880 -9.9214 9.6809 9.2106 9.7464 +9.7890 -9.9154 9.9226 9.8291 -9.6818 9.9064 -9.9245 -9.3964 + 8.5038 -9.9287 9.2683 -9.5496 9.5618 -9.7151 +9.0903 8.6902 9.3860 +9.6106 -9.9127 -9.4708 +8.9342 +9.3422 +9.3231 +9.8118 +9-7943 +9.4803 9.6658 9.6722 8.6654 -9.4901 -9.1444 -9.1837 9.6671 -9.6364 + 9.0783 -9-7353 +9.2842 +9.7185 +9.7246 +9.7388 +9.6682 -9.6929 8.6306 +9-3578 9.0830 +9.8206 9.6768 9.7081 9.4018 -8.6452 -9-6463 -9-7183 +9-2054 +9.5682 -9-7545. +9-3272 +8.8585 +8.8013 8.9170 +9-6353 +9.4994 +9.2226 +9.7710 9.6766 1.1229 1.1234 1.1240 1.1242 1.1243 1.1270 1.1275 1.1276 1.1279 1.1281 1.1281 1.1288 1.1288 1.1290 1.1294 1.1294 1.1299 1.1304 1.1312 1.1312 1-1313 1.1319 1.1321 1.1325 1.1341 I - I 344 1.1345 1.1346 1.1350 i-^Si i-i35i 1.1352 i-i353 I - I 353 1.1362 1.1366 1.1368 1.1373 1.1374 I-I374 1.1377 1.1377 1.1378 1.1378 1.1380 -9.8749 9.8745 9.8741 9-8739 9.8738 9.8716 9.8713 9.8712 9.8710 9.8708 9.8708 9.8702 9.8702 9.8701 9.8698 9.8697 9.8693 9.8689 9.8683 9.8682 9.8681 9.8676 9.8675 9.8671 9.8658 9.8655 9.8654 9.8654 9.8650 9.8649 9.8649 9.8649 9.8647 9.8647 9.8640 9.8637 9.8634 9.8630 9.8630 9.8629 9.8627 9.8626 9.8626 9.8626 9.8624 2703 365 360 ii.2473 iv.i669 B.F 2844 M 859 M86o G 3319 \V 1127 G3323 G 33 2 4 B.H 619 M86i R53' R S3 2 L 241 W 1132 M862 63337 G 3341 G3346 M86 3 B.F 2867 M864 L i 0,04 + 0,58 0,41 +0,16 0,01 2700 362 ii.2474 ii.2472 8570 8611 8621 6944 2710 370 383 ii.2475 ii.2477 +0,06 0,04 0,05 0,04 2709 2707 2708 2712 376 379 38i 382 111.2621 11.2478 ii.2479 11.2480 + 0,01 2706 380 39i 386 11.248 1 111.2623 11.2482 +0,05 .... 6951 0,08 v.324i V-3242 v. 3 243 8624 8628 6949 6950 6953 .... + O,2I 0,22 + 0,05 + 0,05 + 0,10 0,36 2720 2713 2716 393 395 399 11.2483 11.2484 11.2485 8615 6952 0,04 0,08 +0,14 0,03 2725 2719 2717 2724 406 404 410 11.2488 11.2486 11.2489 0,07 0,0 1 +0,03 0,03 O,OI +0,17 2715 2714 2727 2718 2721 2723 402 403 409 4i3 414 11.2487 111.2627 11.2493 11.2490 111.2630 11.2491 8639 6957 +0,28 +0,06 0,06 0,03 v.3246 11.2492 11.2494 v-3245 8644 8652 6961 2722 411 4i5 8634 6960 2726 325 No. Constellation. Mag. Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a b c d 7291 7292 7293* 7294 7295 7296 7297 7298 7299* 7300 7301 7302 733 7304 735 7306 7307 7308* 739 7310* 73"* 7312 73x3 73H 7315 7316 73'7 7318 7319 7320* 7321* 7322 73 2 3 7324* 7325* 7326 7327* 7328 7329 733 733i 7332 7333 7334 7335 5 5i 6 6 7 7 6 si 5 7 5i 6 7 6 5 6 6 6 Si 61 6 7i 6 si 7 6 6 6 Si 64 6 Si 6 6 7 6 7 si 6 7 si 6 4 7 si h m s 20 53 7,27 53 21,24 53 23,09 53 41,62 53 45.88 53 48,6i 54 I0 >5 6 54 10,64 54 13.55 54 29.57 54 43.27 54 48,84 54 53,28 55 37,76 55 51,79 55 56,87 55 57,93 S 6 6,37 56 8,71 56 23,31 56 25,62 56 26,23 S 6 35,97 56 38,72 S 6 53,43 S 6 57,47 57 2,51 57 6,60 57 H, 01 57 15,83 57 3 .46 57 30,69 57 39.75 58 0,63 58 8,83 58 15,38 58 18,47 58 21,01 58 46,04 58 59.57 59 10,12 59 I2 ,3 59 28,61 59 46,86 20 59 57,67 -3^830 + 3.864 6,403 1,918 4,170 3,282 2,267 +4,471 -2,417 + 3.S3 6 2,036 2,959 3,386 4,779 3,429 2,089 5,090 6,241 3>!79 + 1,482 0,600 + 3-378 2,296 3.934 4.429 3,64 2,139 2,988 3,690 2,321 4,191 3.378 4.059 2,981 3,432 2,241 3.49 3,527 4,7i7 3,410 5,785 1,826 2,177 3.'73 + 3,449 s 0,5136 0,0318 0,2292 0,0004 0,0464 0,0116 + 0,00 1 6 0,0633 0,3064 0,0194 +0,0007 0,0043 0,0146 0,0841 0,0 1 60 +0,00 1 1 0,1072 0,2163 0,0090 0,0077 0,1170 0,0145 4-0,0019 0,0358 0,0622 -0,0235 +0,0015 0,0048 0,0254 +0,0018 0,0488 0,0146 0,0421 0,0047 0,0163 +0,0019 0,0183 0,0195 0,0819 -0,0157 -0,1731 0,0013 +0,0018 0,0090 0,0170 s 0,002 0,013 +9.5149 8. 771 2 9.2132 8.8520 8.8403 8.6714 8-7757 8.9069 9.4219 8.7078 8.8289 8.6662 8.6854 8.9738 8.6937 8.8204 9.0321 9.2033 8.6687 8.9528 9.2634 8.6877 8-7759 8-7957 8.9068 8.7332 8.8123 8.6695 8.7442 8.7720 8.8564 8.6900 8.8270 8.6715 8.6991 8.7925 8.7086 8.7151 8.9722 8.6976 9-1533 8.8893 8. 8106 8.6755 + 8.7055 -9.5410 8.7964 9-2383 8.8759 8.8640 8.6949 8.7978 8.9290 9.4438 8.7287 8.8489 8.6859 8.7048 8.9903 8.7094 8.8358 9.0474 9.2181 8-6833 8.9664 9.2769 8.7012 8.7888 8.8084 8.9186 8-7447 8.8235 8.6804 8-7547 8.7824 8.8659 8.6994 8.8358 8.6790 8.7061 8.7992 8.7150 8.7214 8.9768 8.7015 9.1564 8.8923 8.8126 8.6763 8.7057 -0.5832 +0.5871 0.8064 0.2829 0.6201 0.5161 0-3555 +0.6504 -0.3833 +0.5485 0.3088 0.4711 0.5296 0.6794 0-5352 0.3200 0.7067 0-7953 0.5022 +0.1708 -9.7784 +0.5287 0.3610 0.5948 0.6464 0.5611 0.3303 0-4754 0.5671 0-3658 0.6223 0.5287 0.6084 0-4744 o.SSS 6 -355 0.5428 0-5474 0.6737 0.5328 0.7623 0.2615 0.3378 0.5015 +0.5376 + 9.5106 -8.5721 -9.1954 +8-7355 -8.7151 -7.9991 +8.5807 8.8220 +9-4I53 -8-3444 + 8.6926 + 7.7263 -8.1767 8.9138 8.2369 + 8.6742 -8.9877 9.1842 -7.7167 + 8.8851 + 9.2490 -8.1719 + 8.5740 8.6211 8.8192 -8.4415 + 8.6556 + 7.6018 -8.4795 + 8.5620 8.7377 -8.1759 -8.6837 + 7.6425 8.2490 + 8.6098 -8.3135 -8.3507 -8.9097 8.2251 9.1283 + 8.7899 + 8.6471 7.7072 -8.2752 Microscopii . . . . % +0,001 0,019 0,002 Indi +0,003 0,005 +0,017 0,004 + 0,002 O,OO8 -0,047 + O,OO I + O,OO2 -0,034 Capricorn! * Indi 22 Capricorn! ij 60 Cygni Pavonis + O,CO6 *-v & ul Capricorn! + O,OO6 O,OO3 O,OI4 O,Oo6 + 0,009 Microscopii . . . . -n Indi Microscopii . . . . 8 + O,Oo6 + O,OO5 O,OOO + 0,006 + 0,009 0,OI3 O,OO8 + 0,004 + 0,009 CvcTii Indi Microscopii 4 Equulei Capricorn! Microscopii 24 Capricorn! .... A Indi + O,OO2 + 0,025 0,009 O,O24 Capricorni Pavonis n + O,OO3 + O,O24 + O,OO4 25 Capricorni "Y 326 * No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec.Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of i 754 1 Taylor. i Bris- jane. Various. of I' 79 13.79 *3.79 13,82 13,82 13,82 13,84 13.85 13,86 13,86 I3.9 1 13,92 " 13.93 '3.93 13.94 !3,94 13,96 13,96 13,96 J 3.97 13,97 J 3>99 '3-99 14,00 14,00 14,01 14,01 14,03 14,03 14,04 14,06 14,07 14,07 14,08 14,08 14,11 14,12 H.i3 H.i3 14,15 H.I7 -14,18 // +0,407 0,410 0,679 0,203 0,442 0,348 0,240 -0,473 +0,256 -0,373 0,215 0,312 Q.357 0,502 0,360 0,219 .534 0,654 0,333 -o,i55 +0,063 -,354 0,240 0,412 0,463 0,380 0,224 0,312 0,385 0,242 0,437 0,352 0,423 0,310 0,357 0,233 0,363 0,366 0,489 0,353 o.599 0,189 0,225 0,328 -0,356 0,03 +0,19 9.8929 +9.0920 +9.7608 -9.9217 +9.4098 -9.4307 -9.9014 +9.5430 -9.8972 8.8904 -9.9163 -9.7111 -9.2755 +9.6175 -9.1909 -9.9125 +9.6655 + 9-7499 -9-5452 -9.9238 -9.9055 9.2887 9.8968 + 9.1965 + 9.5258 -7.8513 -9.9087 -9- 6 935 + 8.3962 -9.8937 +9.4186 9.2885 +9-3* 6 3 -9.6979 9.1841 9.9004 -9.0430 8.9227 +9.6008 9.2289 +9.7216 -9.9177 -9.9042 -9.5506 -9.1471 -9.8318 +9.6374 +9.8188 -9.7207 +9.7121 +9.1652 -9.6432 +9.7532 9.8316 +9-4754 9.7029 -8.8995 +9.3309 +9.7811 +9.3847 -9.6954 +9-7973 +9.8229 +8.8901 -9-7749 9.8282 + 9.3268 9.6411 + 9.6684 +9-7559 +9-55I9 9.6872 -8.7763 +9-5795 -9.6342 +9.7260 +9.3306 +9.7018 -8.8167 +9-3959 -9.6634 +9.4512 +9.4819 +9-7847 +9.3750 +9.8229 -9.7485 9.6850 +8.8808 +9.4191 -1.1383 1.1387 1.1388 1.1394 1.1396 1.1397 1.1404 1.1404 1.1405 1.1410 1.1415 1.1417 1.1418 1.1433 1.1437 1.1439 I-H39 1.1442 1.1443 1.1448 1.1448 1.1449 1.1452 1.1453 1.1457 1.1459 1.1460 1.1462 1.1464 1.1465 1.1469 1.1469 1.1472 1.1479 1.1482 1.1484 1.1485 1.1486 1.1494 1.1498 1.1501 1.1502 1.1507 1.1513 1.1516 9.8621 9.8617 9.8617 9.8611 9.8610 9.8609 9.8603 9.8602 9.8602 9.8597 9.8593 9.8591 9.8590 9.8576 9.8572 9.8570 9.8570 9.8567 9.8567 9.8562 9.8562 9.8561 9.8558 9.8558 9-8553 9.8552 9.8550 9.8549 9.8547 9.8546 9.8542 9.8542 9-8539 9-853* 9.8530 9.8528 9.8527 9.8526 9.8518 9.8514 9.8511 9.8510 9.8505 9.8499 -9.8496 463 418 1.2496 11.2631 8653 8625 6962 G 335 2 R 533 M865 G 3357 P94i,A48o /^ M866,J 5 2 7 B 47 63377 63367 R S3 4 G 3371 63372 M86 7 W 1 142 G 337 6 M 868 R535 G3383 M86 9 + 0,10 0,20 + 0,04 429 423 11.2633 111.2632 8650 .... +0,18 v.3247 li.2d.QQ 8648 8661 8656 6964 6965 749 2732 2728 425 437 43i 428 +0,13 0,00 0,03 +0,05 0,25 + 0,02 +0,03 + 0,40 .1701 111.2635 ^.2495 11.2634 v. 3 2 4 8 11.2497 11.2639 2729 2735 43 6 446 8654 8637 6967 0,03 + 0,05 0,04 0,07 + 0,04 + 0,07 +o,44 4-0,15 2730 2738 2748 441 11.2498 443 452 439 11.2640 v.i 70? 11.2641 v.3249 11.2642 8675 8670 8683 6970 6971 444 +0,05 0,05 + 0,02 + 0,I 9 + 0,03 0,14 + 0,14 +0,11 +0,04 2734 2731 2740 449 445 455 11.2 500 ii.2644 8685 6975 v.3250 11.2501 .3252 11.2503 11.2502 111.2645 8678 6973 6976 6974 2733 45i 8682 2739 2736 458 454 465 8690 8689 868c 8668 6978 6977 +0,02 -0,80 +0,10 0,05 2737 456 11.2504 v.3253 iv.i7i7 462 0,02 -0,13 0,02 2746 2741 472 470 469 11.2505 iv.i72c 11.2506 i , 3 2 7 No. Constellation. Mag. Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a b c d 7336 7337* 7338* 7339 7340* 734 1 7342 7343 7344 7345 734 6 7347* 7348 7349 7350 735 1 7352 7353* 7354* 7355 7356* 7357 7358 7359* 7360 736i* 7362 7363 7364 7365 7366* 7367 7368 7369* 7370 7371 7372 7373 7374 7375 7376 7377 7378 7379 738o 5* 6 6* H 7 7 1\ 6 5 5 6 7 i* H 5 6* 7 6 8 64 8 6 6 H 8 7i Si 6 6 7 7 3 6 7 6 44 6 5 6 6 5 7* 7 4ft h m s 21 o 10,71 o 12,29 o 17,31 o 21,82 o 28,87 o 40,10 o 42,89 o 58,07 I 25,13 I 26,02 I 56,17 2 1,65 2 34,28 2 34,92 3 2,89 3 H> 01 3 2 3.87 3 26,03 3 45-73 3 46,57 3 4 6 ,82 4 22,97 4 23,36 4 33>65 5 ,93 5 ",59 5 24,17 5 28,29 5 32,43 5 37,64 5 57,33 6 27,03 6 33,27 6 37,87 6 56,21 7 5-28 7 io,57 7 25,49 7 26,45 7 38,27 7 58,34 7 59," 8 8,87 8 14,66 21 8 19,57 s +2,332 2,332 3,982 4.53 1 3>495 4,3 *9 3,429 3,435 3,270 2,062 6,818 34 6 9 4>436 3,879 2,914 2,916 3,322 3,853 2,698 4,652 2,698 3,568 4,569 3,512 4,338 2,689 3,459 0,417 5,076 1,849 3>53o 3,45 2,549 4,792 J.195 3,427 2,919 2,406 3,329 4, 1 34 7,070 i,53i 3>4 T 7 3,229 + 2,997 s +0,0020 +0,0020 0,0391 0,0704 0,0186 -0,0573 0,0164 0,0167 0,0116 +0,0013 -0,2994 0,0179 0,0654 -0,0347 0,0033 0,0033 0,0132 -0,0337 +0,0001 0,0806 +0,0001 0,0218 0,0752 0,0197 0,0604 +0,0002 0,0178 0,0518 0,1149 0,0007 0,0205 -0,0177 +0,0016 0,0928 0,0097 0,0170 0,0033 +0,0025 -0,0137 -0,0495 0,3516 0,0066 0,0 1 66 0,0107 0,0048 s +0,359 +0,352 +0,019 0,023 +8-7773 8-7773 8.8169 8.9394 8.7144 8.8946 8.7040 8.7055 8.6856 8.8427 9.2920 8.7132 8.9262 8.7996 8.6851 8.6854 8.6950 8.7958 8.7128 8-9755 8.7128 8.73 6 5 8.9603 8.7262 8.9122 8.7173 8.7188 9.1672 9.0626 8.9039 8.7327 8.7195 8.7463 9.0131 8.6901 8-7171 8.6925 8.7792 8.7038 8.8734 9.3410 8.9809 8.7176 8.6949 +8.6900 -8.7766 8.7766 8.8158 8.9380 8.7125 8.8920 8.7013 8.7019 8.6803 8.8373 9.2847 8.7055 8.9165 8.7898 8.6736 8.6731 8.6821 8.7827 8.6985 8.9612 8.6985 8.7199 8-9437 8.7089 8.8932 8.6976 8.6983 9.1465 9.0416 8.8825 8.7101 8.6950 8.7214 8.9879 8.6638 8.6902 8.6652 8.7510 8.6755 8.8445 9.3108 8.9506 8.6866 8.6636 8.6584 +0.3678 0.3678 0.6001 0.6562 0-5435 0.6354 0.5351 0-5359 0-5145 0.3142 0.8337 0.5401 0.6470 0.5888 0.4645 0.4648 0.5214 0.5858 0.4310 0.6676 0.4310 0.5525 0.6598 0-5455 0.6372 0.4295 0.5390 9.6196 0-7055 0.2670 0.5478 0.5378 0.4063 0.6805 0.5044 0-5349 0.4652 0-3813 0.5223 0.6164 0.8494 0.1848 0.5336 0.5090 +0.4767 + 8.5668 + 8.5668 -8.6586 -8.8636 -8.3276 8.7966 -8.2543 8.2629 8.0026 + 8.7072 -9.2789 -8.3052 -8.8427 8.6154 + 7.9041 + 7.9002 8.1103 8.6041 + 8.2835 8.9110 + 8.2835 8.4114 8.8899 -8-3595 -8.8195 + 8.2996 -8.3076 +9.1424 9.0210 +8.8059 8.3825 8.3011 + 8.4401 -8.9587 7.8174 -8.2767 + 7.9056 + 8.5486 -8.1386 -8-7534 9.3300 + 8.9156 -8.2678 -7.9275 + 7-5970 Indi Indi 0,010 4- 0,00 8 + 0,012 +0,006 +0,00 1 +0,401 Indi * +0,004 +0,001 +0,009 +0,002 0,005 + 0,010 0,000 -0,047 + 0,002 + 0,009 0,024 Indi Indi Indi 0,032 + O,OO4 0,004 Vulpeculse O,O24 + 0,012 + O,OO5 + O.OOI Indi + O,OO7 + O,OO I + 0,008 + O.OI2 + 0,005 O,OOO -0,077 + 0,011 0,015 +0,004 +0,008 28 Capricorn! . . . .

45 14,46 H.49 14,50 H.5 1 14,52 14,52 M-,53 H.5 5 14.57 14,58 H.59 14,60 14,61 14,62 14,63 14,63 14,65 14,67 14,67 14,68 14,68 -14,69 // 0,240 0,240 0,410 0,467 0,360 0,444 Q.353 .353 0.335 0,211 0,697 0.355 0,452 0,396 0,297 0,296 0,337 0,391 0,274 0,472 0,274 0,361 0,462 0,355 0,437 0,271 0,348 0,042 0,511 0,186 0,354 0,346 0,255 0,480 0,319 0,342 0,291 0,240 0,332 0,412 0,703 0,152 0,340 0,321 0,298 // -3,30 -3.3 + 0,22 0,24 9.8904 9.8904 +9.2512 +9-5530 -9.0257 +9.4787 -9.1915 -9.1778 -9.4451 -9.9085 +9-7595 9.0986 +9.5208 +9- JII 3 9.7352 -9-7343 -9.3760 +9.0630 9.8206 +9-579 1 9.8205 -8.7356 +9-5578 -8.9731 +9.4812 9.8229 9.1212 9.9000 +9.6488 -9.9095 8.9080 -9.1430 -9-8553 +9.6036 -9.5291 -9.1929 -9-7323 -9.8769 -9.3646 +9.3718 +9-7547 -9.9074 -9.2141 -9.4930 9.6880 -9.6393 -9.6393 +9.6917 +9-7744 +9.4636 +9-7528 +9.4011 +9.4087 +9.1692 9.7166 +9-8399 +9-4453 +9.7708 +9.6701 9.0742 9.0704 +9.2712 +9.6642 -9-4273 +9.7920 -9.4272 +9-5325 +9.7872 + 9-49*3 +9.7661 -9.4414 +9.4483 -9.8348 +9.8181 9.7620 + 9.5103 +9.4430 -9-5554 +9.8074 +8.9895 +9.4221 -9.0758 -9.6325 +9.2979 +9-7435 +9-853I -9.7988 +9.4146 +9.0972 -8.7717 1.1520 1.1521 1.1523 1.1524 1.1526 1.1530 i-i53i 1 -*535 1.1544 1.1544 '-1553 i-iSSS 1.1565 1.1565 1.1574 1.1578 1.1581 1.1581 1.1587 1.1588 / 1.1588 1.1599 1.1599 1. 1 602 1.1610 1.1613 1.1617 1.1618 1.1620 1.1621 1.1627 1.1636 1.1638 1.1639 1.1645 1.1647 i . 1 649 1.1653 1.1654 1.1657 1.1663 1.1662 1.1666 1.1668 1.1669 -9.8492 9.8491 9.8489 9.8488 9.8486 9.8482 9.8481 9.8476 9.8468 9.8468 9.8458 9.8456 9.8446 9.8445 9.8436 9.8433 9.8430 9.8429 9.8422 9.8422 9.8422 9.8410 9.8410 9.8407 9-8398 9-8394 9.8390 9.8389 9.8387 9.8386 9-8379 9.8369 9.8367 9.8366 9.8359 9.8356 9- 8 355 9.8350 9.8349 9-8345 9.8338 9-8338 9-8335 9.8333 -9-833 1 2744 2745 475 476 iii.2647 iii.2648 v -3 2 56 v-3255 P946.A482 R 53 6 M870 M87i,J528 R537 M872 B 4 8 B 49 M8 73 63409 G 3408 M874 J 5 2 9 G34I5 8700 8692 8704 8698 6982 6981 0,46 0,02 +0,09 O,O I O,O I O,6o 2742 2743 2747 2750 474 478 485 491 111.2651 11.2507 11.2508 11.2509 8671 8716 8709 8715 6983 6986 +0,29 + 0,22 +0,17 + O,O2 +0,13 +O,IO .... v.3257 11.2510 iii.2655 111.2656 111.2654 2751 2752 2755 6 10 7 2 8719 6987 +0,02 v. 3 2 59 8714 6990 2756 2753 + 0,07 + O,o6 12 11.2511 .3258 8 73 I 8718 8734 8727 8740 6989 6992 + 0,25 + O,O I + 0,05 v.326o 1^1747 111.2659 2757 25 18 0,03 + O,o6 V-3262 ^.1750 8721 6994 32 8741 8733 %^ + O,o6 + 0,o6 2760 27 35 ^.1753 11.2512 O,O I 0,07 + 0,28 0,02 0,03 + 0,29 0,48 + 0,04 + 0,19 + 0,08 + 0,08 2758 2 7 6l 2759 34 33 38 43 37 111.2664 11.2514 11.2515 111.2665 11.2516 v.236 3 8743 8713 6999 6997 2763 2764 51 4 1 44 47 iv.i759 iv.i757 iii.2666 11.2517 Asc- B.A.C. (2T) 3 2 9 No. Constellation. Mag. Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec.Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a b c d 7381* 7382 7383 7384 7385 7386 7387 7388 7389 739 739 1 7392 7393 7394 7395 7396 7397 7398* 7399 7400 7401 7402* 7403 7404 7405 7406 7407 7408* 7409* 7410* 7411 7412 74H 7416 7417* 7418 74*9 7420 7421 7422 7423 7424 7425 j'j Draconis Si 7 7 6 5 5 6 Si 6 7 6 6i 6 7 Si 4i 4i 7i Si 6 6 6 6 6 5 7 3 Si 6 6 6 6 3 6 4 7 6 Si 7i 5 7 6 h m s 21 8 22,65 8 26,67 8 33,99 8 39,57 8 48,27 8 $0,13 8 58,39 9 8,30 9 '5,50 9 32,20 9 S 1 ,? 1 9 55.35 10 16,23 10 18,47 10 47,91 10 54,61 ii 9,11 ii 31,69 ii 45,12 12 31,52 12 45,33 12 51,63 13 2,94 13 I2 >35 13 39-54 13 40,96 13 53,46 13 55,39 13 58,74 14 17,37 14 18,94 14 21,08 14 24,21 14 50,11 14 53,69 14 59,60 15 5 15 9,08 15 12,48 J 5 17,94 15 26,93 IS 31-39 15 31,42 15 32,41 21 15 38,76 s 1,041 +3,228 2,293 10,841 2,376 3,656 4,322 4,066 3,375 3,366 + 3,4 J 7 0,2 1 1 + 3,152 3>34 2 3,864 2,350 2,460 3,42i 1,790 2,231 8,497 2,966 4,485 3.350 3,226 5,065 2,691 2,058 4,027 3.45 2 3,855 3,225 1,416 i, 660 2,764 3.497. 5.509 2,976 3,503 3,45 1 s 0,1722 0,0107 +0,0028 -1,1407 +0,0027 0,0260 0,0066 0,0614 0,0462 0,0153 0,0151 0,0 1 68 0,0976 0,0085 -0,2055 0,0144 0,0361 +0,0030 +0,0026 0,0172 0,0012 + 0,0030 0,6223 0,0086 0,0040 0,0748 0,0148 0,0108 0,1221 +0,0008 +0,0023 0,0458 0,0184 0,0365 - 0,0107 0,0097 0,0035 0,0002 0,0204 0,1676 0,0041 0,0206 0,0658 0,0185 0,0173 s 0,005 + O,OI2 + 0,019 -0,137 + 0,015 + 0,009 +0,018 0,020 +0,007 + 0,002 + 0,005 O,OIO +9-3539 8.6952 8.8082 9.6240 8.7895 8.7649 8.9840 8.9216 8.8621 8.7141 8.7133 8.7211 9.2687 8.6938 9.2134 8.7121 8.8187 8.8023 8-7774 8.7271 8.9395 8.8346 9.4876 8.6988 8.7008 8.9723 8.7187 8.7048 9.0897 8.7356 8.8809 8.8672 8.7360 8.8263 8.7065 9.0277 8.9760 8.7251 8.7461 9.1696 8.7033 8.7480 8.9456 8.738* +8.7324 -9.3222 8.6632 8-7757 9.5912 8.7561 8.7314 8.9500 8.8869 8.8269 8.6779 8.6759 8.6835 9.2297 8.6547 9.1724 8.6707 8.7764 8.7585 8.7328 8.6795 8.8911 8.7857 9.4381 8.6487 8.6489 8.9203 8.6659 8.6519 9.0366 8.6813 8.8265 8.8127 8.6813 8.7699 8.6498 8.9707 8.9186 8.6675 8.6883 9.1114 8.6446 8.6890 8.8866 8.6791 8.6729 0.0173 +0.5089 0.3604 1.0351 0.3758 0.5630 0.1850 0.6357 0.6092 0.5283 0.5271 +0.5336 -9.3241 +0.4986 0.7719 0.5240 0.5870 0.3711 0.3910 0.5342 0.2528 0.3484 0.9293 0.4985 0.4722 0.6517 0.5250 0.5087 0.7045 0.4299 0.3133 0.6050 0.5380 0.5860 0.5086 o. 1 5 1 1 O.22O2 0.4416 0.5437 0.74II 0.4736 0-5445 0.6376 0.5379 + 0.5336 + 9-3435 -7.9254 +8.6209 9.6211 + 8.5730 8.4986 + 8.9193 8.8300 -8.7309 -8.2180 -8.2053 8-2747 + 9.2528 -7.6467 9.1926 -8.1732 -8.6394 + 8.5990 + 8.5280 8.2902 + 8.8538 + 8.6709 -9.4819 -7.6557 + 7.7692 8.9002 8.1961 -7.9429 9.0506 + 8.3315 + 8-7579 -8.7331 -8-3333 -8.6488 -7.9443 + 8-9735 + 8.9044 + 8.2413 -8.3855 -9.1430 +7-7349 -8.3929 -8.8606 -8.3369 8.2962 Octantis /\ 0,001 0,100 0,003 +0,016 +0,003 +0,002 +0,016 +0,009 0,001 0,102 0,000 +0,004 0,016 +0,007 +0,00 1 +0,016 Microscopii . . . . 1 66 Cygni Capricorni Cephei 68 Cygni A Octantis 1 6 Aquarii Indi 32 Capricorni . . . . < Aquarii Pavonis y 34 Vulpeculaj Gruis 0,003 +0,009 +0,007 0,003 +0,023 Capricorni Microscopii .... 9- 1 7 Aquarii 5 Cephei 3, i Pegasi + 0,012 +0,00 1 +0,068 +0,008 +0,00 1 0,004 0,008 0,001 Capricorni 10 Equulci 8 Capricorni Indi y 3 3 Capricorni 330 3 H.A. io. No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec.Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of !>> ^3 a It a Taylor. 3 Bris- bane. Various. tf b' cf df 738i 7382 7383 73H 7385 7386 7387 7388 73 8 9 739 7391 7392 7393 7394 7395 7396 7397 7398 7399 7400 7401 7402 7403 7404 7405 7406 7407 7408 7409 7410 7411 7412 7413 74H 74*5 7416 74 J 7 7418 7419 7420 7421 7422 74 2 3 7424 74 2 5 1 II 12 28 59,6 99 46 54,9 49 28 26,1 '73 '9 38,3 5* 35 30,8 iza 47 46,1 30 31 12,7 144 4 25,0 137 40 42,4 108 36 32,0 108 5 12,9 no 57 38,7 15 22 15,9 95 8 51,4 162 26 28,4 106 48 24,5 131 26 26,0 5i 13 54,3 55 43 49>3 III 27 2,1 34 49 55, i 46 40 59,7 170 41 5,5 95 " 4^,5 83 16 40,4 147 53 28,5 107 28 10,2 99 57 44,o 156 2 27,5 66 46 14,1 41 7 21,5 137 15 9,8 113 18 19,2 131 38 45-5 99 57 23,5 28 2 55,2 32 o 70 50 4,3 115 50 28,1 160 8 56,3 83 49 3 6 > 116 u 59,5 145 18 18,9 113 23 7,9 in 29 7,2 - 14,69 14,69 14,70 14-71 14,72 14,72 H,73 H>74 14,74 14,76 14,78 14,78 14,80 14,80 14,83 14,84 14,85 14,88 14,89 H>93 !4,95 H,95 H-97 14,97 15,00 15,00 15,01 15,02 15,02 15,04 15,04 15,04 15,04 i5> 7 15,07 15,08 15,08 15,09 15,09 15,10 15,10 15,11 15,11 15,11 15,12 // +0,103 0,320 0,228 1 >75 >235 0,362 0,152 0,428 0,402 o,333 0,332 -0,337 + 0,021 0,310 0,581 0,328 o,379 0,230 0,240 o,333 0,174 0,217 0,825 0,306 0,287 o,434 0,324 0,312 0,490 0,260 0,199 0,389 o,333 0,371 0,310 0,136 0,1 60 0,266 o,33 6 0,529 0,286 0,3 3 6 0,416 o,33i -0,328 // 0,03 + 0,22 O,O I + 0,30 -0,51 + 0,06 +0,03 + 0,25 + 0,11 0,07 0,08 + 0,IO 9.8800 -9.4943 9.8876 +9.7958 -9.8793 +7.5052 -9.9059 + 9.4694 +9.3204 -9.2905 9.3066 -9.2133 9.8840 -9.5702 + 9.7083 -9.3442 +9.0770 -9.8798 -9.8668 9.2036 9.9004 9.8881 +9.7684 -9-5705 -9.7065 +9.5205 -9.3322 -9.4951 +9.6329 -9.8194 -9.8942 +9.2815 9.1367 +9.0577 9.4960 -9.8954 -9.8970 -9.7967 9.0149 +9.6738 9.7009 8.9961 +9.4679 -9.1377 -9.2125 -9.8544 +9.0951 -9.6779 +9.8623 -9.6491 +9-5993 9.8011 +9-7745 +9-735* +9.3708 +9-3594 +9.4211 -9-8523 +8.8211 +9-8483 +9-3303 +9.6904 9.6670 9.6212 +9-43 5 * 9.7866 -9.7089 +9.8671 +8.8300 -8.9423 +9.8018 +9-35I7 +9.1124 +9-8353 -9-4709 -9.7520 +9.7410 +9.4724 +9.6984 +9.1138 9.8219 -9.8047 9.3927 +9.5158 +9.8500 8.9084 +9.5219 +9.7920 +9-4757 +9.4410 1.1670 1.1671 1.1674 1.1675 1.1678 1.1678 1.1681 1.1684 1.1686 1.1690 1.1696 1.1697 1.1703 1.1704 1.1712 1.1714 1.1718 1.1725 1.1729 1.1742 1.1746 1.1748 1.1751 1.1753 1.1761 1.1761 1.1765 1.1766 1.1766 1.1772 1.1772 I-I773 1.1774 1.1781 1.1782 1.1783 1.1785 1.1786 1.1787 1.1788 1.1791 1.1792 1.1792 1.1792 -1.1794 -9.8330 9.8329 9.8326 9.8324 9.8321 9.8321 9.8318 9- 8 3 I 5 9.8312 9.8306 9.8300 9.8298 9.8291 9.8291 9.8280 9.8278 9.8273 9.8265 9.8260 9.8244 9.8239 9.8237 9.8233 9.8230 9.8220 9.8219 9.8215 9.8214 9.8213 9.8206 9.8206 9.8205 9.8204 9.8195 9.8193 9.8191 9.8189 9.8188 9.8187 9.8185 9.8181 9.8180 9.8180 9.8179 9.8177 2777 72 45 So iii.2669 111.2667 111.2668 G 34'9 A 485 J53Q G 3416 R 53 8 M8 75 M876 G 3426 B.F290I G 3423 M878.A487 G 3428 63427 M879.J532 Wii52 J 531 8^2912 63432 Wii 53 A Wuss J533 M 8 So M88i 8672 8761 6996 7002 2767 2762 54 46 61 11.2519 11.2518 ^.1763 v.3264 v. 3 26 S 11.2520 11.2521 111.2671 8753 8759 7003 7004 2765 2766 5 2 56 57 +0,01 +0,90 + 0,10 +0,10 + 0,01 0,02 +0,13 +O,II 2768 60 111.2672 8744 7006 2769 2770 2775 66 64 74 76 75 86 11.2522 [11.2673 11.2523 11.2524 111.2676 iv.i778 8773 7010 0,28 +0,03 0,0 1 -0,33 0,06 8732 8784 7009 7013 2771 2774 81 85 11.2525 11.2527 v-3266 11.2528 11.2529 11.2526 2772 2773 84 0,71 8778 7014 +0,01 0,0 1 +0,11 +0,05 0,0 1 ^3267 11.2530 111.2678 11.2531 11.2536 8788 8794 8793 7015 2776 2 7 86 87 89 92 105 0,09 +0,14 O,OI 0,05 +0,04 +0,1 6 +0,05 +0,07 2780 IOO 93 11.2534 11.2532 8800 8782 8801 8792 8802 7016 7017 2779 IO2 9 6 ii-*535 ^.1785 ii-2533 111.2679 11.2537 2 77 8 97 99 (2T2) 33 1 No. Constellation. Mag. llight Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a b c d 7426 7427 7428 7429 7430* 743 * 7432 7433 7434 7435 7436* 7437 7438* 7439 744 744 1 7442' 7443* 7444 7445 7446 7447 7448 7449 7450* 7452* 7453 74J4 7455* 7456 7457 7458* 7459 7460 7461 7462 7463 7464 7465 7466 7467* 7468 7469 7470 7 6 5 6 6 6 6* 64 74 6 7 6 6 6 6 6 74 64 6 4 6 6 6 7 7 7 6 7 neb. 6 74 54 6 54 7 7 64 7 7 7 h m s 21 15 40,51 IS 59.53 16 15,07 16 41,75 16 43 16 47,63 16 59,94 17 2,69 17 6,09 17 9,12 17 10,31 17 J 3.44 17 15.77 17 23,65 17 27,47 17 27,56 17 28,16 17 43,28 17 54.34 18 5,75 1 8 24,02 1 8 44,25 18 56,18 19 13,70 19 28,67 19 30,93 19 38,81 19 39.49 19 42,83 19 48,13 19 56,57 19 59,92 20 5,51 20 6,34 20 9,89 21 4,07 21 14,71 21 33,97 21 43,04 21 43,99 21 45,72 21 46,22 21 49,27 22 0,14 21 22 26,96 s 3,282 1,256 3.998 2,075 3.764 3,132 3.494 3,230 3.467 +2,689 -0,527 + 3,888 3,135 6,220 3,479 4,222 2,656 3.44 4,279 3.417 2,003 J.334 2,778 3.259 4,204 2,445 8,002 2,178 3,262 4,421 3,605 3.257 3,426 2,636 2,440 3.378 4.567 2,547 3.483 3.483 2,197 + 3,297 s 0,0197 0,0126 0,0150 0,0449 0,006 1 +0,0026 0,0325 0,008 1 0,0204 O,OIIO 0,0194 +0,0010 0,1319 0,0390 0,0082 0,2565 0,0198 0,0590 +0,0015 0,0184 0,0631 0,0176 +0,0022 0,0125 0,0001 0,0 1 20 0,0587 +0,0034 -0.5579 +0,0035 O,OI2I 0,0740 0,0256 O,0 1 2O 0,0181 +0,0020 +0,0036 0,0163 0,0862 +0,0029 0,0205 0,0205 +0,0021 +0,0038 0,0134 S +0,030 +0,009 +0,003 0,024 +8.7441 8.7139 9.0640 8.8667 9.0057 8.8839 8.8096 8.7045 8.7494 8.7108 8-7445 8.7417 8.8412 8-7053 9.2784 8-7473 8.9245 8.7494 8.7413 8.9401 8.7385 8.9077 9.0587 8.7310 8.7175 8.9259 8.7998 9.4724 8.8666 8.7186 8.9784 8-7794 8.7183 8.7427 8.7598 8.8048 8.7371 9.0166 8.7805 8.7567 8.7567 8.9241 8.8677 +8.7270 8.6845 8.6531 9.0022 8.8032 8.9421 8.8200 8.7450 8.6396 8.6843 8.6455 8.6791 8.6762 9.2661 8.7750 8.6388 9.2120 8.6808 8.8571 8.6813 8.6724 8.8701 8.6672 8-8356 8.9855 8.6568 8.6432 8.851: 8.7249 9-3973 8.7912 8.6427 8.9022 8.7028 8.64:7 8.6659 8.6795 8.7238 8.6549 8.9338 8.6976 8.6737 8.6737 8.8409 8.7838 8.64:3 +0.54:8 0.5:6: 0.0988 0.60:9 0^899 0.3:69 0-5757 0-4959 0-5433 0.5093 0.5400 +0.4296 -9.72:5 +0.5898 0.4962 0.7938 0.54:5 0.6256 0.4242 0.5366 0.63:3 0-5337 0.30:7 o.:25o 0.4438 0.5:30 0.6237 0.3882 0.9032 0.3380 0.6456 0.5569 0.5:28 0-5347 0.4209 0.3873 0.5286 0.6596 0.406: 0.5420 0.54:9 0.2948 0.34:9 +0.5:81 -8.37:: 8.0826 +9.0:85 -8.7287 + 8.9438 +8.7600 8.6035 -7.552: -8.3894 7.9666 -8.36:6 +8.3448 + 9.3194 -8.6766 -7-5696 9.2624 -8-3753 -8.8266 + 8.3839 -8.3342 8.8500 8.309: + 8.7983 +9.0:08 + 8.2376 8.0464 8.8270 +8.5692 -9.4659 + 8.7240 -8.0566 8.9046 8.5022 -8.0438 -8.3247 + 8.4:62 + 8.5788 8.2670 -8-9557 + 8.4994 8.3962 8.3960 +8.822: + 8.7229 8.:384 +0,018 +0,004 +0,020 +0,001 +0,015 +0,063 +0,014 +0,00 1 +0,051 +0,005 +0,004 0,005 +0,003 0,014 +0,002 34 Capricorni Indi 3 c Capricorni Cephei + 0,007 + 0,OII Indi + O,OO I 0,070 + 0,001 0,008 0,096 + 0,006 O.OOI + 0,013 + 0,012 + 0,009 0,004 0,046 +0,016 +0,006 Octantis Aquarii Indi 5 Piscis Aust 36 Capricorni . . . . b 3 5 Vulpeculse 70 Cvcrni Capricorni Indi Cvcrni . Capricorni Capricorni Cveni . . . +0,042 +0,005 0,006 Cvirni Capricorni 332 No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of n 1 98 104 117 Taylor. Lacaille. Bris- bane. Various. a' V c' d' 7426 7427 7428 7429 743 743 * 7432 7433 7434 7435 7436 7437 7438 7439 744 744i 7442 7443 7444 7445 7446 7447 7448 7449 745 745 ! 7452 7453 7454 7455 7456 7457 7458 7459 7460 7461 7462 74 6 3 7464 7465 7466 7467 7468 7469 747_ 115 3 46,2 103 31 3,1 *5 45 47,3 136 42 19,4 29 52 41 15 11,8 128 28 20,4 94 2 1 6,2 US S 2 53.3 100 23 3,6 114 27 52,5 66 22 2,O 13 37 10,8 133 " 37,3 94 " 47,o 164 32 44,0 115 7 44,2 142 56 58,7 64 28 10,2 113 3 26,6 144 21 11,4 III 50 28,7 38 59 10,3 26 24 58,3 71 16 i5>3 102 18 43,4 142 46 43,2 53 58 40,8 170 6 2,0 43 56 2,7 102 34 36,8 147 32 3- 8 121 53 19,2 102 12 57,5 112 27 22,2 63 2 30,0 53 3i 58,2 109 48 3,5 I5O 21 17,5 58 25 41,9 115 50 48,8 115 50 5,8 37 45 5> 6 44 14 6,9 104 56 45,5 15,12 !5>i4 i5,i5 15,18 15,18 15,18 15,19 15,20 15,20 15,20 15,20 15,21 15,21 15,22 15,22 15,22 15,22 15,23 15,24 15,26 i5> 2 7 15,29 15,30 15,32 15,33 i5>34 15,34 15,34 15,35 15-35 15,36 i5,3 6 15-37 15,37 i5,37 15,42 i5,43 i5,45 15,46 15,46 15,46 15,46 15.47 15,48 -iSSo a -0,334 0,314 0,120 0,381 0,148 0,198 0,358 0,298 0,332 0,307 0,330 0,256 +0,050 0,369 0,298 0,591 0,330 0,401 0,252 0,326 0,404 0,322 0,189 0,126 0,261 0,306 o,395 0,230 o,75i 0,204 0,306 0,415 o,338 0,305 0,321 0,246 0,227 0,314 0,424 0,237 0,324 0,324 0,183 0,204 -0,305 a +0,15 0,06 0,00 0,07 -9.0596 9.4289 -9.8914 +9.2509 -9.8938 9.8906 + 8.8215 -9.5876 9.0237 -9.4904 9.0966 -9.8189 -9.8667 +9.1123 -9.5856 + 9.7094 9.0660 + 9.4110 -9.8271 -9.1617 +9-4374 9.2098 -9.8895 9.8871 -9.7910 -9-4573 +9-3985 9.8631 +9-7479 7-9.8834 -9.4526 +9.4905 -8.4639 -9-4597 9.1926 -9.8303 9.8625 9.2840 + 9.5301 -9.8471 -9.0523 -9.0535 9.8860 -9.8799 -9.4076 +9.5042 +9-2465 -9.8327 +9.7410 -9.8171 -9.7552 +9.6733 +8.7272 +9.5196 +9.1356 + 9.4968 9.4828 -9,8675 +9-7I54 + 8.7445 + 9.8642 +9.5082 +9-7827 -9'5i54 +9.4741 + 9.7916 +9.4528 -9-7732 -9-835I -9.3901 +9-2123 +9.7848 -9.6532 +9.8773 -9.7414 +9.2221 +9.8105 +9.6073 + 9.2099 +9.4666 -9.5424 9.6603 +9.4166 +9.8260 9.6060 +9.5265 + 9.5263 -9.7851 -9.7426 + 9-2996 -1.1795 1.1800 1.1804 1.1811 1. 1812 1.1813 1.1816 1.1817 1.1818 1.1819 1.1819 1.1820 1.1821 1.1823 1.1824 1.1824 1.1824 1.1828 1.1831 1.1834 1.1839 1.1845 1.1848 1.1852 1.1856 1-1857 1.1859 1.1859 1. 1860 1.1862 1.1864 1.1865 1.1866 1.1866 1.1867 1.1882 1.1884 1.1890 1.1892 1.1892 1.1893 1.1893 1.1894 1.1896 -1.1903 -9.8177 9.8170 9.8164 9.8154 9.8154 9.8152 9.8148 9.8147 9.8145 9.8144 9.8144 9.8143 9.8142 9.8139 9.8137 9.8137 9.8137 9.8132 9.8128 9.8123 9.8117 9.8109 9.8105 9.8098 9.8092 9.8092 9.8089 9.8088 9.8087 9.8085 9.8082 9.8081 9.8079 9.8078 9.8077 9.8056 9.8052 9.8045 9.8042 9.8041 9.8041 9.8040 9.8039 9.8035 9.8025 2781 2788 iv.i786 "2538 "2539 v.3268 8803 M 882 A 63441 G 345 2 Wn6i M883.J534 G 3453 B.F2925 R 539 G 3459 M885 M 884 M886 R5 4 o Wii6 4 63467 M887 8805 7019 0,07 0,00 +0,02 +0,17 v.3269 iii.268o 17.1789 11.2540 8808 8812 8813 7020 2783 2782 109 108 no --0,06 0,02 + O,o6 + 0,01 +o,54 +0,16 +0,29 +o,n 0,05 0,00 0,0 1 2796 2784 114 137 107 113 ii.254i iv-1794 iii.268i ii.2542 8809 8786 8814 8807 7021 701? 7022 III iv.i792 .3270 ii.2544 ii.2543 .3271 11.2545 2785 I2O 118 8815 8811 7024 2787 122 -0,13 142 iii.2686 +0,08 2791 126 I 3 6 iii.2685 iii.2687 8819 8783 7023 O,OI 0,19 0,05 +0,08 0,74 +0,07 + 0,13 0,04 0,07 + 0,02 +0,19 0,36 0,09 +0,07 2792 140 130 iv.i8o2 iv.iSoo 8820 8825 7028 7030 2789 2790 2793 129 !34 132 149 150 H5 11.2689 111.2690 11.2546 11.2691 11.2692 11.2547 111.3274 v.iSii 11.2548 8826 7031 '53 148 8832 + 0,01 +0,05 +0,14 156 157 154 V.l8l2 11.2693 11.2549 333 No. Constellation. Mag. Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a b c d 747 1 7472 7473 7474 7475 7476 7477 7478 7479 7480 7481* 7482 7483 7484 7485 7486 7487 7488 7489 749 7491* 749* 7493 7494 7495 7496* 7497* 7498 7499 7500 7501* 7502* 753 7504* 7505 7506 7507 7508 7509 7510 75" 7512 75*3 ^7514 75i5* Microscopii 5i 6* ri 5* 6 6 6 3 6 5 6 s* 6 7 7 6 6* 6 6 7 7 7 3 6* 5 neb. 7i Si 61 Si 7 6 4i 6 5i 5 7 6 5* Si H 6 6 5 *i h m s 21 22 34,50 22 51,99 22 59,69 23 9.43 23 9,77 23 17,30 23 34,9 ^3 39.53 23 54.37 23 54.95 24 30,76 24 51,65 25 20,27 25 21,98 25 22,71 25 59,90 26 5,62 26 13,13 26 25,00 26 25,33 26 28,49 26 40,65 26 42,34 26 42,77 26 52,03 26 54 27 4,51 27 12,67 27 28,03 27 28,74 27 40,91 27 47.5 1 28 20,55 28 28,58 28 39,10 28 40,58 28 58,84 29 i.57 29 3,13 29 6,18 29 15,80 29 17,47 2 9 43.49 29 45.75 21 29 51,54 + 3^830 4,210 3,377 2,712 3,654 1,659 2,265 3> l6 3 3,468 2,203 7,033 1,176 + 1,990 -4,39 6 + 3,324 4,896 3,280 2,024 2,009 3.385 3,388 3,442 0,805 1,704 1,647 2,158 3,54 10,215 3,138 3,488 2,241 3,621 + 2,251 10,001 + 2,433 3,37i 3,354 +0,802 0,150 -1,508 +4,384 2,060 4>!54 3,193 +3,o86 s -0,0373 0,0606 0,0164 +0,0012 0,0284 0,0032 +0,0041 0,0090 0,0202 +O,OO4I -0,3994 0,0186 +0,0025 0,8115 0,0145 0,1185 0,0130 +0,0030 +0,0029 0,0170 0,0172 0,0194 0,0368 0,0021 0,OO34 + 0,0042 0,0058 1,1526 0,0084 O,O2I4 +0,0046 0,0276 +0,0046 -2,8256 + 0,0044 0,0166 0,0159 -0,0375 0,1082 0,2683 0,0767 +0,0037 -0,0599 O,OIOI 0,0067 S 0,022 + 0,019 O,OO3 + 0,006 + 0,009 + 0,015 + 8.8400 8.9372 8.7396 8.7490 8.7977 9.0027 8.8545 8.7165 8-7579 8.8716 9.3989 9.1091 8.9300 9.6705 8.7356 9.0996 8.7310 8.9239 8.9283 8.7472 8.7478 8.7581 9.1824 9.0036 9.0172 8.8915 8.7192 9.6588 8.7211 8.7692 8.8719 8.8001 8.8709 9.9240 8.8241 8.7488 8-7465 9.1913 9.3306 9.4768 8-9995 8.9238 8.9438 8.7279 +8.7232 -8-7539 8.8500 8.6519 8.6607 8.7093 8.9138 8.7646 8.6262 8.6666 8.7803 9-353 9.0141 8.8332 9-5736 8.6386 9.0002 8.6312 8.8237 8.8273 8.6462 8.6465 8.6561 9.0803 8.9015 8.9144 8.7886 8.6156 9-5547 8.6160 8.6640 8.7660 8-6937 8.7624 9.8150 8-7H3 8.6390 8.6355 9.0801 9.2193 9-3653 8.8873 8.8115 8.8299 8.6138 8.6088 +0.5832 0.6243 0.5285 0.4333 0.5627 0.2200 .355i 0.5000 0.5400 0.3429 0.8471 0.0703 +0.2988 0.6431 +0.5216 0.6899 0.5159 0.3063 0.3030 0,5296 0.5299 0.5368 9-957 0.2315 0.2168 0.3340 0.4848 1.0092 0.4966 0.5426 0.3504 0.5588 +0.3524 1. 0000 +0.3861 0.5278 0.5256 +9.9043 -9.1758 0.1784 +0.6419 -3 1 39 0.6184 0.5042 +0.4894 8.6641 -8.8418 -8.2715 +8.3406 -8.5519 +8.9362 +8.6938 -7.75i8 -8-3879 +8.7276 -9.3894 +9.0703 +8.8283 +9.6678 8.1980 9.0586 8.1191 +8.8177 +8.8246 8.2966 8.3004 -8.3695 +9.1552 +8.9356 +8-9538 +8.7611 +7.0278 -9-6559 7.6300 -8.4238 +8.7229 -8.5445 +8.7199 +9.9232 +8.6121 -8.2857 8.2615 +9.1647 +9.3170 +9.4700 8.9284 + 8.8145 8.8464 -7.8988 6.9907 Indi Capricorni 2 Pegasi . . 6 Piscis Aust Cephei 22 Aquarii R + O,OO5 +0,0 1 2 + 0,003 0,041 O,OO3 Octantis y 7 Cephei Cvffni . ...'.. Draconis 0,005 O,OO2 -0,034 + O,OII Capricorni Indi Capricorni Cvfrni . Cvs'ni 37 Capricorni + 0,002 + O,OO8 + O,OO5 + 0,002 + 0,028 38 Capricorni .... Capricorni 8 Cephei A Cephei Cephei Octantis X -0,054 + 0,013 + O.OI I O,OOO + O,OO4 0,001 Aquarii 8 Piscis Aust Cverii 7 Piscis Aust 11 CvQTli . . . n Ursse Minoris .... 72 Cvsni . +0,013 +0,004 0,005 39 Capricorni . . . . g Capricorni Cephei Draconis +0,00 1 +0,119 0,004 Cephei Indi Cyerni Indi 0,000 +0,009 23 Aquarii 334 No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec.Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of i m 2798 2794 2797 2799 1 1 Taylor. _ Jris- >ane. Various. of V S a? 747i 7472 7473 7474 7475 7476 7477 7478 7479 7480 7481 748* 7483 7484 7485 7486 7487 7488 7489 749 749 1 7492 7493 7494 7495 7496 7497 7498 7499 7500 7501 7502 7503 754 7505 7506 7507 7508 7509 75io 75" 7512 75i3 75H 7515 131 50 8,9 143 23 46,0 109 53 42,8 67 o 57,7 124 36 IO,2 30 54 6,4 46 18 59,6 96 13 42,2 115 15 2,9 44 7 9- 1 168 2 36,9 ^3 5 39-5 37 4* !> 6 6 22 56,7 106 51 32,0 155 29 24,7 104 8 47,7 38 28 3,6 38 2 26,6 no 44 59,6 no 54 51,6 114 7 6,0 20 5 49,9 3i H 35.0 30 12 3,9 42 13 88 50 1,7 173 2 3 58,3 94 39 !>2 116 50 16,0 44 48 37,3 123 42 53,8 45 4 8,0 3 35 3 6 .9 52 8 n, i 1 10 8 4,8 109 6 21,5 19 5O 22,4 14 15 22,6 10 7 48,8 148 6 45,1 38 58 7,0 143 i 56,1 98 31 26,8 9i 3 39,3 a -i5,5i i5>5* 15,53 15,54 '5>54 15-55 15,56 i5,57 i5,58 i5,58 15,61 15,63 15,66 15,66 15,66 15-70 15,70 i5,7i i5>7 2 15,72 15,72 i5,73 i5,73 15-73 i5>74- 15-74 15,75 15,76 15-78 15,78 !5>79 15,79 15,82 15,83 15,84 15,84 15,86 15,86 15,86 15,86 15-87 15,87 15,90 15,90 -15,90 -o,354 0,389 0,312 0,250 o,337 o,i53 0,208 0,291 0,318 0,202 0,644 0,107 0,181 +0,400 -0,303 o,445 0,298 0,184 0,182 0,307 0,307 0,311 0,073 0,154 0,149 0,195 0,276 0,921 0,283 o,3H 0,202 0,326 0,202 +0,896 0,218 0,302 0,300 0,072 +0,013 +0,135 -0,391 0,184 0,369 0,284 -0,274 // 0,03 +0,24 + 0,21 0,02 +0,04 + 0,01 +8.9987 +9.3971 -9.2851 9.8104 +7-^553 -9.8837 -9.8748 -9-5599 -9.0931 -9.8774 +9.7194 -9.8741 9.8806 -9.8254 -9-3694 +9.5870 -9.4293 -9.8790 -9.8789 9.2691 -9.2644 -9.1544 9.8642 9.8781 -9.8773 -9-8753 9.6498 +9.7516 -9.5825 -9.0350 -9.8712 8.2765 9.8699 9.8062 -9.8568 -9.2929 9.3216 -9.8592 -9.8452 9.8316 +9.4623 -9.8740 +9-3543 -9.5299 -9.6259 +9.7124 +9-7933 +9.4208 9.4808 +9.6435 9.8229 -9.7291 +8.9253 +9.5204 -9.7464 +9.8818 -9.8531 -9.7908 9.8899 +9-3550 +9.8525 +9.2818 -9.7876 -9.7905 +9-4435 +9.4469 +9.5059 -9.8673 9.8266 -9.8315 -9-7645 8.2038 +9.8925 +8.8046 +9.5504 -9.7470 +9.6406 9.7460 9.8964 -9.6855 +9-4344 +9.4130 -9.8715 -9.8845 -9.8913 +9.8273 -9.7891 +9.8016 +9.0701 +8.1668 -1.1905 1.1910 1.1912 1.1914 1.1914 1.1916 1.1921 1.1922 1.1926 1.1926 I-I935 1.1940 1.1948 1.1948 1.1948 1.1958 1.1959 1.1961 1.1964 1.1964 1.1965 1.1968 1.1968 1.1968 1.1971 1.1971 1.1974 1.1976 1.1980 1.1980 1.1983 1.1984 1.1993 1.1995 1.1997 1.1998 I.2OO2 I.20O3 1.2003 I.2O04 1. 2OO6 I.20O7 I.20I3 I.2OI3 I.2OI5 9.8022 9.8015 9.8012 9.8008 9.8008 9.8005 9-7999 9.7997 9.7991 9.7991 9-7977 9.7969 9-7957 9-7957 9-7956 9.7942 9-7939 9-7936 9.7932 9-7931 9.7930 9.7925 9.7925 9.7924 9.7921 9.7920 9.7916 9-79I3 9.7906 9.7906 9.7901 9.7899 9.7885 9.7882 9.7878 9-7877 9.7870 9.7868 9.7868 9.7867 9.7863 9.7862 9.7851 9.7850 -9.7848 152 158 1 60 '55 166 0.2694 11.2696 ii.2550 111.2697 01.2698 8833 8830 7036 R 54 i M888 G 347i G 3470 M889, 1535 G 3480 G 3501 M 890 R 54 2 63485 63487 M89i M 892 Wii7o 63489 A L 190 Li G3548 M893.J536 G 353 63508^972 G35", p 974 G 3500 R543 M894.J537 B.F 2941 8837 7038 0,03 +0,15 O,II + 0,12 + 0,03 162 161 168 11.2551 11.2552 11.2553 8843 8817 8818 7040 7037 2805 185 ii.270i + 0,29 +0,32 0,11 0,03 2832 171 ii.27oo 8842 7043 .... 177 11.2554 0,04 +0,03 0,00 +0,04 O,IO 2800 2801 2811 180 181 184 198 194 11.2555 11.2556 "2557 11.2559 111.2702 8851 0,06 +0,01 +0,13 +0,04 2804 8798 8853 7042 7047 2802 2807 2803 2810 190 188 111.2701 11.2558 0,0 1 +0,05 189 202 111.2704 11.2561 8855 7048 0,12 0,02 + 0,08 2809 2806 203 197 I 99 111.2708 11.2560 iv.i833 + 0,03 O,IO +0,19 v.3277 8856 7049 +0,06 +0,01 7.3280 11.2562 8859 7052 7055 2808 209 335 No. Constellation. Mag. Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Pieces. Sec.Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a b c d 7516 75i7 7518 75 J 9 7520 7521 7522 7523* 7524 7525 7526 7527 7528* 7529 7530 753i 7532 7533* 7534 7535 7536 7537 7538* 7539 754 7541* 7542 7543 7544 7545 754 6 7547 7548 7549* 755 755i 7552* 7553* 7554 7555 7556* 7557* 7558* 7559 7560 Indi 6 7 8 6 Si 6 5 7 6* 4 6 Si 5* 6 6 6 61 6 6 6 7 6 6 5 6 6 5 5 6 6 6 5* 6 7 6 6 6 64 6 6 6 +i 8 6 +i h m s 21 29 56,59 30 0,49 30 15,20 3 i5,3 a 3 44.5 i 30 56,44 31 1,09 31 22,55 3 1 43.74 31 46,58 3i 47,74 3 1 5 6 ,73 32 1,27 32 3,77 32 39,09 3* 47,*5 33 0,71 33 ", i* 33 17-33 33 18,88 33 22,22 33 23,23 33 27,52 33 27,80 33 29,20 33 46,67 33 53,47 34 16,59 34 18,02 34 18,66 34 31,21 34 45>29 34 46,34 34 47-9 34 49,53 34 53," 34'53>" 35 13,70 35 32,5 35 45> 12 35 49,3 36 o,u 36 4,10 36 21,21 21 36 46,35 8 + 4,297 3,298 2,986 2,986 2,797 2,398 2,998 3,449 2,426 3,322 3,081 3,49 2,784 5,5oi i993 4,629 t 4,353 i,59 J 4,349 4,347 3>3 6 9 3,280 3,846 3,425 4,218 4,258 1,611 3,353 2,341 1,857 3,062 3,001 2,160 3,437 3,3 6 3 3,284 4,639 2,929 2,406 1,980 3,288 3,595 3,3o6 . 2,403 4-2,122 s 0,0704 0,0139 0,0039 0,0039 +0,0003 +0,0048 0,0042 0,020 1 -{-0,0049 0,0149 0,0066 0,0057 -{-0,0007 0,1924 -(-0,0034 0,0999 0,0766 0,0046 0,0765 0,0763 0,0169 0,0134 0,0413 0,0194 0,0664 0,0696 0,0041 0,0163 +0,0053 +0,0015 0,0059 0,0042 +0,0051 0,0200 0,0169 0,0136 0,1027 0,0023 +0,0053 +0,0035 0,0138 0,0278 0,0145 +0,0054 +0,0050 s +0,008 +0,009 +0,018 +0,007 + O,OII +0,00 1 +0,006 + 8.9804 8-7397 8.7261 8.7261 8.7479 8.8389 8.7266 8.7685 8.8332 8.7461 8.7260 8.7263 8.7522 9.2292 8.9515 9.0673 9.0041 9.0510 9.0039 9.0035 8.7566 8.7427 8.8727 8-7674 8.9718 8.9830 9.0490 8-7553 8.8625 8.9912 8.7298 8.7318 8 -9 I 33 8.7723 8.7581 8.7456 9.0767 8.7376 8.847.8 8.9643 8.7476 8.8118 8.7506 8.8506 +8.9295 -8.8656 8.6246 8.6101 8.6101 8.6299 8.7201 8.6076 8.6481 8.7114 8.6241 8.6039 8.6037 8.6292 9.1060 8.8260 8.9413 8.8772 8.9234 8.8759 8.8754 8.6283 8.6143 8.7440 8.6387 8.8430 8.8530 8.9186 8.6234 8.7306 8.8592 8.5970 8.5980 8-7794 8.6384 8.6240 8.6113 8.9424 8.6020 8.7109 8.8266 8.6095 8.6731 8.6116 8.7105 -8.7877 +0.6331 0.5182 0.4751 0.4751 0.4467 0.3798 0.4769 0-5377 0.3849 0.5214 0.4887 0.4841 0.4447 0.7405 0.2994 0.6655 0.6388 0.2018 0.6384 0.6381 0-5275 0.5159 0.5850 0.5346 0.6251 0.6292 0.2070 0.5254 0.3694 0.2688 0.4860 0.4773 0-3344 0.5362 0.5268 0.5164 0.6664 0.4668 0.3814 0.2966 0.5169 0-5557 o.5i93 0.3808 +0.3267 8.9011 8.1688 +7.7422 +7-7415 + 8.2527 +8.6446 +7.6752 8.3966 +8.6287 8.2203 6.8302 +7.1648 + 8.2774 9.2066 +8.8559 9.0164 -8.9327 +8-9954 -8.9324 -8.9317 8.3006 -8.1475 -8.7158 -8.3756 -8.8861 8.9023 +8.9925 8.2798 +8.6930 +8.9139 +6.753I +7.6719 +8.7911 -8.3956 -8.2984 8.1609 -9.0275 +7-9833 +8.6570 +8.8733 -8.1727 -8.5561 8.2078 +8.6622 +8.8169 Pegasi SPprrasi . SPfffasi . +0,016 +0,019 +0,016 +0,002 40 Capricorn! . . . . y 2,e Aquarii d Indi 0,030 Indi 0,062 0,0 1 8 +0,024 0,023 0,027 +0,003 0,007 +0,038 +0,010 0,007 + 0,012 0,002 + O,OII +0,007 + 0,002 + O,OO6 + 0,006 Indi Cephei Indi Indi Capricorni Gruis 41 Capricorni Indi Indi o Cephei 43 Capricorni . . . . x 7C Cvani Cephei 26 Aquarii 7 Ppurasi . Cvsrni Capricorni Capricorni 0,004 + 0,003 0,064 + O,OIO +0,001 44 Capricorni Indi Pegasi 76 Cvtrni Cephei 45 Capricorni 0,001 +0,005 9 Piscis Aust j Capricorni 77 Cvffni +0,004 0,000 go Cvgni if 33 6 / No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1850 Annua Preces. Sec.Var Proper Motion Logarithms of >, a 1 Taylor. Lacaille. Brig- bane. Various. of V 6 71 21 10,2 5 iS 3i,4 84 54 10,9 115 7 42,6 51 21 24,9 IO7 2O 11,9 9 43 4i> 6 88 25 38,0 70 25 3,0 161 41 21,4 3 6 37 53-3 152 47 35.9 148 2 45,1 28 22 35,1 148 o 12,4 H7 57 4^.5 no 29 8,2 104 42 47,3 134 IO 22,8 113 56 16,3 145 10 52,1 146 9 14,3 28 35 35.9 109 32 48,5 47 H !8,3 33 " 17,4 89 2 3 43.9 85 o 7.7 40 59 47.3 114 49 57,8 no 18 14,5 105 4 59,8 i53 i3 47,5 79 5i 3i,4 49 S 2 2 7,3 35 48 30,4 105 26 7,8 123 42 26,0 106 39 13,1 49 3 6 2 3.9 39 29 37,1 n -I5.9 1 I5.9 1 15,92 15,92 15-95 15,96 15.97 15,98 1 6,00 16,01 16,01 1 6,0 1 16,02 16,02 16,05 16,06 16,07 16,08 16,08 16,09 16,09 16,09 16,09 16,09 16,09 16,11 16,12 16,14 16,14 16,14 16,15 16,16 16,16 16,16 16,16 16,1.7 16,17 16,19 16,20 16,21 16,22 16,23 16,23 16,24 -16,26 0,382 0,293 0,265 0,265 0,247 0,212 0,265 0,304 0,213 0,292 0,271 0,268 0,244 0,483 0,174 0,404 0,380 0,139 0,379 o,379 0,293 0,286 o.335 0,298 0,367 0,370 0,140 0,290 0,203 0,161 0,265 0,259 0,187 0,297 0,290 0,283 0,400 0,252 0,207 0,170 0,282 0,308 0,283 0,206 0,181 + 0,20 + 0,01 + O.II 0,02 0,09 0,01 0,02 +9.426$ -9.4057 -9.6943 9.6943 -9.7818 -9.8578 -9.6866 -9.1348 -9.8545 -9.3705 9.6296 -9- 6 535 -9-7858 +9.6383 9.8692 +9.5243 +9-4439 -9.8646 +9.4420 +9.4411 -9.2958 -9.4283 +9.0191 9.1889 +9-3838 +9.4031 -9.8635 -9.3228 9.8582 -9.8659 -9.6437 9.6848 -9.8643 9.1620 -9-3045 -9-4233 +9.5222 -9-7253 -9.8523 9.8641 9.4178 -8.5416 -9-3934 9.8516 -9.8618 +9.8201 +9.3286 8.9160 -8.9153 -9.4053 9.7066 8.8496 +9.5295 -9.6975 +9.3762 +8.0063 8.3408 -9.4276 +9-8799 -9-8077 +9.8526 +9.8324 9.8484 +9.8326 +9-8325 +9.4483 +9.3091 +9.7476 +9.5127 +9.8188 +9.8242 -9.8485 +9.4301 9.7361 9.8283 -7.9291 8.8463 -9.7841 +9.5295 +9.4467 +9.3218 +9.8572 9.1526 -9.7165 -9.8166 +9-3328 -9.6522 f9-3 6 53 9.7200 -9.7965 1.2016 1.2017 1.202 1 1.202 1 I.2O28 I.203I 1.2032 1.2037 1.2042 1.2042 1.2043 1.2045 1.2046 1.2047 1.2055 1.2057 1.2060 1.2063 1.2064 1.2064 1.2065 1.2065 1. 2066 1.2066 1.2067 1.2071 1.2073 1.2078 1.2078 1.2078 i. 2081 1.2085 1.2085 1.2085 1.2086 1.2086 1.2086 1.2091 1.2096 1.2098 1.2099 I.2IO2 I.2I03 I.2I07 I.2II2 -9.7846 9.7844 9.7838 9.7838 9.7826 9.7821 9.7819 9.7810 9.7801 9.7800 9.7800 9.7796 9-7794 9-7793 9.7778 9-7775 9.7769 9-7765 9.7762 9.7761 9.7760 9.7760 9-7758 9-7758 9-7757 9.7750 9-7747 9-7737 9.7736 9.7736 9.7731 9-7725 9.7724 9.7723 9.7723 9.7721 9.7721 9.7712 9.7704 9.7699 9.7697 9.7692 9.7690 9.7683 -9.7672 V. 3 282 iii.271] iv.i8 3 8 11.2563 11.2564 111.2716 11.2565 8858 8875 7054 G 3S I2 M895.J538 B.F2953 R 544 G3523 R545 63528 R S4 6 R547 M8 9 6 J539 M897, J540 B.H 464 G 3537 MSgS R 54 8 6 3544 1541 B 50 281 2814 281 281 212 216 Sly 2I 9 222 220 +0,14 0,01 +0,05 +0,02 281 2816 2817 228 223 224 225 i v.i 842 11.2566 111.2717 11.2567 0,07 8860 7057 0,11 -0,15 8872 8876 7060 7061 v.3285 iii.2720 v.3286 v.3287 111.2719 112568 .3289 11.2569 V-329O .3291 11.2571 11.2570 111.2721 lii.2722 11.2572 ii.2574 241 0,05 +0,02 +0,05 +0,26 0,00 +0,05 +0,09 +>34 0,02 0,02 -0,03 + 0,01 + 0,02 +0,05 8877 8878 7064 7065 2820 233 235 8886 8893 8881 8884 7068 7067 7069 2819 234 830 821 826 822 824 247 2 3 8 2 4 6 2 4 8 242 245 8898 8888 7070 + 0,15 0,03 O,3O + 0,04 + 0,04 823 243 244 11.2573 11.2575 827 831 249 252 11.2723 11.2724 +0,18 +0,09 0,04 + 0,02 + O,O I 828 825 529 836 845 251 5 11.2576 11.2577 8901 7074 7559 7560 259 263 0.2726 11.2580 B.A.C. (2U) 337 No. Constellation. Mag. Right Ascension, Fan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a b c d 7561 7562* 7563 7564* 75 6 5 7566* 7567 7568 7569* 757 7571* 7572 7573 7574 7575 7576 7577 7578 7579 7580 7581* 7582 7583 7584* 7585 7586* 7587 7588 7589 7590* 759 1 7592* 7593 7594 7595* 7596 7597 7598 7599 7600 7601- 7602 7603 7604 7605 8 Pegasi c 4 7* 6 7 6 6 44 5 8 4 5* H 6 6 7 - Si 6 7 3* 6 6 5 7 6 7 s4 44 6 7* H 64 6 64 4* 7 5 5 7 6 7 6 6 6 6 h m s 21 36 49,12 3 6 55. 2 7 37 0,25 37 3.2i 37 4.43 37 !3>66 37 M.73 37 26,07 37 26,37 37 40.27 37 5 T .26 38 0,92 38 15.89 38 17,76 38 24.5 6 38 25,03 38 27.5 38 29,80 38 35.9 1 38 45-39 38 48,52 38 54.93 38 55.4i 39 9.4 39 10,54 39 34,3 * 39 37.55 39 42,19 39 55.73 39 56,94 40 4,95 40 17,25 40 19,35 40 55,07 4i 7,47 41 10,31 41 12,87 41 15,46 4i 34>!9 41 35,68 41 57,48 42 6,08 42 41,88 42 50,54 21 42 59,89 s +2,944 3,205 3,205 0,849 2,404 2,470 2,837 2,655 2,655 2,655 2,709 5,241 3,207 4.764 4,261 4.358 3,236 3,93 3,240 3,304 3,943 1,831 3,545 2,713 2,755 2,714 3,044 0,886 2,103 2,843 3,901 3,933 2,373 4>55i 1,729 3.J52 o,778 2,207 3.252 4,169 3.3io 2,474 5,238 5,23 + 1,767 a 0,0025 0,0106 0,0107 0,0369 +0,0055 +0,0052 0,0000 +0,0033 +0,0033 +0,0033 +0,0025 o, 1 702 0,0108 0,1178 0,0725 0,0805 0,0119 0,0483 0,0120 0,0146 0,0492 + O,OOI4 -0,0257 + O,OO26 + O,OOl8 + 0,OO27 O,OO53 -0,0354 + 0,0053 + O,OOOI 0,0470 0,0492 + 0,0060 0,0996 O,OOO6 0,0089 0,0426 + O,Oo6l O,OI26 0,0671 O,OI5I + 0,0058 -0,1770 0,1762 + 0,0004 s +0,007 +o,on +0,003 + 0,020 O,OO7 + 0,004 + 0,007 +0,018 +8.7386 8-7394 8.7396 9.2127 8.8521 8.8347 8.7524 8.7882 8.7882 8.7886 8.7770 9.2073 8.7416 9.1157 8.9986 9.0229 8-7449 8.9096 8.7456 8.7546 8.9142 9.0128 8.8055 8.7785 8.7698 8.7790 8-7370 9.2160 8.9438 8-7555 8.9061 8.9157 8.8692 9.0776 9.0455 8.7413 9.2404 8.9187 8.7514 8.9846 8.7605 8.8451 9.2241 9.2233 +9.0422 -8.5966 8.5970 8.5968 9.0697 8.7091 8.6910 8.6081 8.6437 8.6437 8-6432 8.6308 9.0605 8.5938 8.9677 8.8502 8.8745 8.5963 8.7609 8.5965 8.6048 8.7642 8.8624 8.6551 8.6271 8.6184 8.6259 8.5838 9.0624 8.7893 8.6009 8.7510 8.7598 8.7131 8.9192 8.8862 8.5818 9.0808 8.7588 8.5902 8.8234 8.5978 8.6818 9.0584 9.0570 -8.8753 + 0.4690 0.5058 0.5058 9.9289 0.3810 0.3927 0.4529 0.4241 0.4241 0.4241 0.4328 0.7194 0.5061 0.6779 0.6295 0.6393 0.5100 0.5944 0.5106 0.5190 0.5958 0.2626 0.5497 0.4334 0.4401 0.4336 0.4834 9.9476 0.3229 0.4538 0.5912 0.5948 0-3752 0.6581 0.2377 0.4986 9.8912 0.3438 0.5121 0.6200 0.5198 0-3934 0.7191 0.7185 +0.2473 + 7-9419 -7.9671 -7.9692 + 9.1874 + 8.6644 + 8.6201 + 8.2100 +8.4607 +8.4607 +8.4616 + 8.4022 9.1812 -7-9797 -9.0744 8.9219 -8.9558 8.0647 -8.7806 8.0769 8.2156 8.7884 + 8.9416 -8.5247 + 8.4027 + 8.3483 + 8.4028 + 8.2789 + 9.1907 + 8.8378 + 8.2089 -8.7723 8.7896 + 8.6978 9.0265 + 8.9849 7.7674 +9.2177 + 8-7939 8.1170 8.8998 -8.2397 + 8.6369 -9.1993 -9.1984 +8.9797 Capricorn! 46 Capricorn! .... c 1 Cvirni 70 Cvcrni 9 Pegasi 78 Cverni . . . IL +0,006 +0,003 + 0,021 + O,OO2 -0,034 + 0,057 Indi 5 47 Capricorn! . . . . c 2 Indi Indi Indi 48 Capricorni .... A Gruis + O,OO4 + 0,038 O,OO5 + O,OI9 0,017 + O.OOI + O.OO2 + 0,005 + O,OO6 + 0,015 + O,OO4 + O,O22 50 Capricorni 49 Capricorni . . . . Gruis Cephei 10 Piscis Aust 9 Pegasi Pegasi 1 1 Cephei Pesrasi . +0,012 O,OO5 0,017 Gruis Gruis Cvfi'iii Indi -0,059 + 0,002 + 0,003 0,0 1 6 +0,003 0,011 +0,023 0,007 10 Cephei y Aquarii 78 Draconis 8 1 Cygni TT L Capricorni Indi Capricorni Cvgni Indi Indi +0,025 0,001 12 Cephei 338 No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1350. Annual Preces. Sec.Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of 1 M 3 M Taylor. if Bris- \ ibane. J Various. of V 33 16,34 16,34 16,35 i6.35 i6.35 16,35 16,36 16,37 16,37 16,37 16,37 16,39 16,39 16,41 16,41 16,41 16,42 16,43 16,43 16,44 16,44 16,47 16,48 16,49 16,49 16,49 16,51 16,51 16,53 16,53 16,56 16,57 -16,58 a 0,251 0,273 0,273 0,072 0,205 0,210 0,241 0,226 0,226 0,225 0,230 0,444 0,271 0,403 0,360 0,368 0,273 0,332 0,273 0,279 0,332 0,154 0,299 0,228 0,232 0,228 0,255 0,074 0,176 0,238 0,326 0,328 0,198 o,379 0,144 0,262 0,065 0,183 0,269 0.345 0,274 0,204 o,43 i 0,430 -0,145 // 0,02 +0,17 0,01 0,06 0,02 -9-7I75 -9.5172 -9.5167 -9.8419 9.8508 -9.8450 -9.7655 9.8176 9.8176 -9.8175 9.8052 +9.6027 -9.5147 +9-5397 +9.3962 +9-4355 9.4822 +9.1449 -9.4768 -9.3950 +9.1611 -9.8571 8.8274 -9.8037 -9.7924 9.8032 9.6568 -9.8364 -9.8569 9.7628 + 9.1038 +9.1471 9.8491 +9.4890 9.8510 -9.5694 -9.8305 -9.8536 -9.4629 +9-343 2 -9.3856 -9.8396 +9.5911 +9.5901 -9.8478 -9.1124 +9.1369 +9.1390 9.8841 9.7217 -9.6951 9.3674 -9.5825 -9.5825 -9.5832 -9-5358 +9.8846 +9.1492 +9.8698 +9.8346 +9.8442 +9.2311 +9.7823 +9.2427 +9.3728 +9.7860 9.8408 +9.6311 -9-5364 -9.4907 -9.5366 -8.4547 -9.8876 -9.8073 9.3668 +9-7797 + 9.7877 -9.7424 +9.8635 9.8542 +8.9411 -9.8923 -9.7903 +9.2810 +9.8307 +9-395 1 9.7080 +9.8921 +9.8922 -9.8548 1.2113 1.2114 1.2116 i. 2116 1.2117 1.2119 I.2I2I I.2I2I 1. 2122 I.2I25 I.2I27 I.2I29 I.2I33 I.2I33 I.2I35 I.2I35 I.2I35 I.2I36 J.2I37 I.2I39 I.2I40 I.2I4I I.2I42 I.2I45 I.2I45 I.2I50 I.2I5I I.2I52 I.2I55 I.2I55 I.2I57 1.2160 1. 2160 1. 2168 1.2171 1.2171 1.2172 1.2172 1.2177 1.2177 I.2l8z 1.2184 1.2191 1.2193 -1.2195 -9.7671 9.7668 9.7666 9.7665 9.7664 9.7660 9-7655 9-7655 9.7654 9.7648 9.7643 9.7639 9-7633 9.7632 9.7629 9.7629 9.7627 9.7626 9.7624 9.7619 9.7618 9.7615 9.7615 9.7609 9.7608 9-7598 9.7596 9-7594 9.7588 9-7587 9.7584 9-7578 9-7577 9.7561 9-7555 9-7554 9-7553 9-755 2 9-7543 9.7542 9-7532 9.7529 9.7512 9-758 -9.7504 *8 3 5 2833 z8 34 z8 S4 2841 2843 2837 2839 2840 2848 260 257 2 S 8 11.2578 lii.2727 11.2579 M899 63558 B.F 2976 Airy(G) A 498 P 9 8 5 R549 R 55 o M 900 ^1901,1542 A J543 63564 L 3 6 63565 R 55 i Wu8o B.F 2980 M 903 03571 265 1 lii.2728 0,06 + 0,22 264 266 267 269 ii.258l 11.2582 v.i856 11.2583 + O,IO 0,03 0,38 0,00 O,I2 -I,8 7 8899 8903 8908 7077 7078 7079 2838 268 11.2584 v.3293 O,O2 4-0,19 + 0,08 + 0,25 -)-O,I2 O,O I O,O2 + O,II 0,05 +0,10 0,08 0,06 2844 270 11.2585 v.3294 111.2730 11.2586 V. 3 2 9 5 111.2732 11.2587 iv.i86o 11.2588 iv.i862 11.2589 11.2590 8912 7080 2846 2847 2 7 I 276 8914 8917 7081 7082 2842 2851 2850 2852 2849 2856 28 5 275 Z79 2 7 8 284 282 292 2853 0,00 + 0,11 .3296 v.3297 8921 8922 7083 7084 -.34 +0,02 +0,06 + 0,02 +0.01 0,00 + 0.33 +0,08 8920 7085 2857 2861 2855 297 290 302 2 95 291 11.2594 ii.2591 11.2595 11.2593 ii.2592 v. 3 2 9 8 111.2736 8928 708 294 7088 7089 +0,06 +0,03 8925 2862 306 iii.2739 (2U2) 339 No. Constellation. Mag. Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a b c d 7606 7607 7608 7609 7610* 7611 7612 7613* 7614 7615* 7616 7617* 7618 7619* 7620* 7621 7622 7623 7624 7625 7626 7627 7628 7629 7630 7631* 7632 7633 7634 7635* 7636* 7637* 7638 7639 7640 7641 7642* 7643* 7644* 7645 7646 7647 7648 7649 7650* 1 3 Pegasi 6 5 7 6 5 6 6 3 6 7 7 7 5 6 6 6 5* 6 f 6 6 Si 61 7 74 7 6 5 5 6 6 7 6 7* 7* 6 6 5* 7 6 6 6 7 6* 6* h m s 21 43 0,53 43 12,63 43 21,79 44 2,68 44 21,77 44 27,75 44 43,53 44 49-99 44 52,69 44 55.6i 44 55.6i 44 58,76 45 6,81 45 io.S 1 45 35.00 45 38,62 45 40.36 45 48,28 45 52,81 45 56,26 46 1,95 46 14,59 46 20,05 46 28,55 4 6 49.47 47 6,31 47 20,63 47 40,33 47 51,53 47 58,89 48 4,18 48 4,33 48 6,14 48 30,21 49 37,46 49 37,65 49 40,34 49 50,82 5 7,29 50 8,46 5 13,33 5 H.79 5 18,97 - 50 21,21 21 50 21,49 s +2,846 2,646 3,334 1,080 1,510 2,118 3.653 2,472 i.753 3,219 3.259 5.254 3,215 1,402 4,282 2,676 4,492 6,658 4,056 2,724 3,135 2,991 3,281 2,021 3,641 4.HI 4,319 3,649 2,OI2 2,094 6,181 3.315 3.275 2,926 2,107 2,008 0,890 4.159 2,135 3,654 3,241 3,359 s + 0,0002 + 0,0040 O,Ol62 0,0985 0,0256 0,0069 + O,Oo6o 0,0328 + 0,0062 + O,OOO2 0,008 I O,OII4 0,0131 0,1831 0,0109 0,0789 + 0,0039 0,0983 0,4096 0,0605 + 0,0031 0,O082 0,0034 O,OI4I + 0,0054 0,0327 O,o682 0,0837 -0,0333 + 0,0054 + 0,0063 0,3299 -0,0157 0,0140 O,OOI3 +0,0066 + 0,0055 0,0380 0,0711 +O,OO7O 0,0342 O,OI25 0,0179 0,0088 s +0,009 + 0,002 + 0,004 0,042 +0,016 + 8-7597 8.8017 8.7668 9.0794 9.1977 9.1087 8.9541 8.8474 8.8521 9.0523 8.7451 8.7522 8-7575 9.2365 8.7526 9.1369 9.0278 8.7992 9.0812 9.4406 8-9673 8.7888 8.7471 8.7481 8.7631 8.9888 8.8499 8.9962 9.0448 8.8537 8-9945 8.9711 9.3901 8.7714 8.7663 8.7581 8.9723 9.0011 9- 2 55 I 9.0093 8.9661 8.8604 8.7623 8.7829 +8-7529 -8.5927 8.6339 8.5984 8.9082 9.0252 8.9358 8.7801 8.6730 8.6775 8-8775 8-5703 8-5772 8.5819 9.0607 8-5751 8.9591 8.8500 8.6208 8.9025 9.2616 8.7880 8.6086 8.5665 8.5669 8.5805 8.8050 8.6652 8.8101 8.8579 8.6663 8.8067 8-7833 9.2022 8.5819 8.5721 8.5638 8.7779 8.8059 9.0588 8.8129 8.7694 8.6636 8-5651 8-5856 -8.5556 +0.4543 0.4226 0.5229 0.6543 0.0335 0.1789 0.3260 0.5627 0-393 1 0.2438 0.4958 0.5077 0.5131 0.7205 0.5071 0.1467 0.6317 0.4275 0.6525 0.8234 0.608 1 0.4352 0.4962 0-4759 0.5159 0-3055 0.5612 0.6171 0.6354 0.5622 0.3035 0.3211 0.7911 0.5205 0.5152 0.4662 0.3237 0.3029 9.9492 0.6190 0.3293 0.5627 0.5107 0.5262 +0.4980 +8.2154 +8-4937 -8.2865 9.0277 +9.1692 +9.0640 +8.8506 -8.6374 +8.6494 +8.9923 -7.6583 8.0429 -8.1488 9.2128 -8.0337 +9.0979 -8.9591 + 8.4722 -9.0293 -9.4316 -8.8706 +8.4184 -7.6856 +7-7786 8.2025 +8.9027 -8.6389 -8.9133 8.9811 -8.6474 + 8.9105 +8.8751 -9-3785 -8-2753 8.2022 + 8.0528 + 8.8759 + 8.9192 + 9.2328 -8.9309 + 8.8658 8.6603 -8.1266 -8-3545 -7. 7 8l6 Indi Gruis V +0,019 0,000 +0,008 5 1 Capricorn! ....'/. Indi +0,026 +0,005 0,003 0,032 0,036 +0,015 +0,006 + 0,001 +0,008 0,009 15 Pegasi Indi Octantis Indi 1 6 Pegasi Aquarii Cephei Gruis +0,005 0,012 0,030 +0,028 +0,003 Indi 8 Indi x 1 Gruis Cephei Cephei Octantis 0,126 0,002 O,OO3 + 0,003 + 0,037 0,001 +0,001 0,000 Capricorn! Capricorn! 17 Pegasi Cephei 1 3 Cephei u* Cephei Indi Cephei Gruis +0,042 0,001 0,009 +0,002 Aquarii Aquarii */ No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of jj H i K Taylor. 1 Bris- bane. Various. ' V 73 24 30,1 60 31 19,9 109 19 11,7 152 35 12,1 20 32 37,7 25 3i 38,5 38 o 6,0 128 4 3,9 51 9 52,2 29 2 5 33.3 94 4 1 4 6 .9 101 15 44,9 104 15 17,8 161 14 3,8 101 o 52,4 2 3 54 H.7 148 36 22,6 6 1 54 22,5 152 32 55.5 168 22 20,6 143 10 6,5 64 46 46,0 94 58 46,1 83 50 31,2 I0 5 57 47.4 34 54 2 9> 127 57 40,4 145 42 8,6 149 43 26,4 128 27 27,2 34 29 46,9 36 42 29,6 166 50 0,3 108 36 20,6 105 50 1,0 78 37 57,5 36 46 39,2 34 5 53, 18 13 1,2 146 35 49,2 37 28 2,2 129 6 34,2 103 22 46,3 in 53 44,9 96 8 0,0 16,58 16,59 1 6,60 16,63 16,64 16,65 16,66 16,67 16,67 16,67 16,67 16,67 16,68 16,68 16,70 16,71 16,71 16,71 16,72 16,72 16,73 16,74 16,74 16,75 16,76, 16,78 16,79 16,80 16,81 16,82 16,82 16,82 16,82 16,84 16,90 16,90 16,90 16,91 16,92 16,92 16,93 16,93 16,93 16,93 -16,93 n -0,234 0,217 0,273 0,368 0,088 0,123 0,172 0,296 0,201 0,142 0,254 0,261 0,264 0,425 0,260 0,113 0,346 0,216 0,362 0,536 0,326 0,219 0,252 0,240 0,263 0,162 0,291 0.330 0.343 0,290 0,160 0,166 0,491 0,262 0,257 0,230 0,166 0,158 0,070 0,326 0,167 0,286 0,253 0,263 0,246 a +0,0 1 + 0,0 1 +0,17 +0,08 0,01 -9.7609 9.8158 -9-3497 +9.4720 9.8291 -9-8389 -9.8487 + 7.0792 -9.8368 -9.8434 -9.5877 -9.5012 -9.4532 + 9.5864 -9.5056 -9-8335 +9-39" 9.8083 + 9.4626 +9.6564 +9.2591 -9-7975 -9.5849 9.6906 9.4252 -9.8436 -7.7482 +9.3147 + 9.4014 7.0000 9.8417 -9.8425 +9- 6 347 -9.3768 -9.4322 -9.7257 -9.8395 -9.8380 9.8100 + 9.3206 -9.8387 + 7.2305 -9-4744 -9.3071 -9-573 1 -9.3730 9.6096 +9-4374 +9.8669 -9.8905 -9.8746 9.8160 +9.7096 -9.7170 -9.8598 +8.8329 +9.2105 +9.3113 +9.8964 +9.2017 -9.8817 +9.8520 -9-5938 +9.8691 +9.9120 +9.8245 -9.5509 +8.8600 8.9522 +9.3615 -9.8363 +9.7117 +9.8402 +9-8597 +9-7 I 73i -9.8397 -9.8277 +9.9122 +9.4281 +9.3615 9.2203 9.8292 -9.8439 -9.9039 +9.8478 9.8260 +9.7262 +9.2908 +9.4981 +8.9552 -1.2195 1.2198 1.2200 1.2209 I.22I3 I.22I4 I.22I7 I.22I9 I.22I9 I.222O 1.2220 I.222O 1.2222 1.2223 1.2228 1.2229 1.2229 1.2231 1.2232 1.2233 1.2234 1.2236 1.2238 1.2239 1.2244 1.2247 1.2250 1.2254 1.22^6 1.2258 1.2259 1.2259 1.2259 1.2264 1.2278 1.2278 1.2279 I.228I 1.2284 1.2284 1.2285 1.2286 1.2286 1.2287 1.2287 -9-7503 9.7498 9-7494 9-7474 9.7465 9.7463 9-7455 9.7452 9-745 * 9.7450 9.7450 9-7448 9-7444 9.7442 9-7431 9.7429 9.7428 9.7425 9.7422 9.7421 9.7418 9.7412 9.7409 9.7405 9-7395 9-7387 9.7380 9.7371 9.7365 9.7362 9-7359 9-7359 9-7358 9.7346 9-73 J 3 9-73 J 3 9.7312 9.7307 9.7299 9.7298 9.7296 9.7295 9.7293 9.7292 9.7292 2858 2859 304 305 303 ii.2596 ii.2597 111.2738 M 904 63590 63588 G 3586 J 544.R55 2 G3584 Wu83 B.F 2986 M 9 o5,P 9 95 B.F 2988 G 359 1 Wu85 B.F 2990 M 906 G 3599 1546^553 G 3606 G 3605 M 907 M9o8 G 3611 652 G 3 6i 7 M 910 M 909 Wu88 8939 7091 + 0,12 308 11.2598 8951 7094 + 0,09 + 0,13 2865 318 3H iv.i876 11.2599 0,04 2860 3i5 11.2600 8936 + 0,12 + 0,04 0,36 0,20 + 0,12 + O,O2 + 0,29 + 0,14 + 0,09 + 0,06 + 0,01 0,0 1 -0,17 +0,1 6 +0,23 + 0,02 +o,44 + 0,01 +0,02 0,04 0,07 +0,05 v.33oo 11.2601 8950 8949 8927 8953 7095 7096 7093 7097 2863 319 v.3301 11.2603 11.2602 111.2741 111.2742 2864 2866 321 320 322 323 324 111.2743 11.2604 .3302 .3303 111.2747 iv.i885 8964 8962 8959 8966 7099 7100 7101 7103 2868 2867 326 336 335 8946 7098 2869 2871 2872 2876 332 338 34i 34 6 347 iii.2748 111.2749 11.2605 111.2750 iv.i889 0,05 v. 33 o5 8973 7106 +0,13 0,05 + 0,02 +0,13 2870 340 344 343 345 111.2751 111.2752 ii.26o6 11.2607 8976 7108 341 No. Constellation. Mag Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850 Annual Preces. Sec.Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a b c d 7651 7652* 7653* 7654 7655 7656* 7657 7658 7659 7660 7661 7662 7663 7664 7665 7666 7667 7668 7669 7670 7671 7672 7673 7674 7675* 7676 7677* 7678 7679 7680* 7681 7682 7683 7684 7685 7686 7687 7688 7689 7690* 7691 7692 7693 7694 7695 6 7 6 6 6 5* 5 si 6 6 6 6 6* Si 7 6 7 6* Si Si 6 5 H si 6 6i 'H 6 6 8 6 6 6 5 Si 5 6 3 5 7 4i 2 6 7 6 h m s 21 50 51,13 50 51,21 50 58,19 5 1 0,02 51 36,18 51 51,08 52 12,57 52 25,73 52 3 8 .3i 53 24,41 53 26,34 53 42,5 6 S3 43-5 1 53 47.^7 53 56,21 54 i3. 6 4 54 21,07 54 22,23 55 l6 >7 55 22,98 55 29,04 55 33.3i 55 45.oo 55 57.6o S 6 4.25 56 21,92 56 22,79 56 28,59 56 34.87 56 45.30 S 6 53.49 56 55.83 57 2,25 57 3.47 57 4.57 57 5.2i 57 31.81 58 4,66 58 6,89 58 12,79 58 19.93 S 8 45.9 58 47.13 58 53.30 21 58 59,68 s + I.79 1 3,382 3.4S 6 0,738 4,041 4>*79 3,466 1,690 2,996 3,072 4,138 +2,978 -o,477 +2,917 3.3 o6 3.293 4.144 2,000 4,287 3.IS9 5.079 3.105 3,479 2,941 3,43 2,187 +0,631 -0,666 +2,451 3, J 37 2,412 5.J3 2,007 3. 6 49 3,090 0,908 5.984 3.083 3.0J9 3.H3 3,247 3,812 2,708 3,356 +2,361 s +0,0017 0,0191 0,0229 -0,0488 0,0623 0,0740 -0,0237 0,0008 0,0033 0,0059 0,0714 0,0026 0,1748 0,0008 -0,0157 0,0151 0,0725 +0,0060 0,0862 0,0091 0,1772 0,0071 0,0250 0,0013 0,0222 + 0,0083 -0,0593 0,2058 + O,Oo8l 0,0084 + 0,0084 0,1866 +0,0066 0,0356 0,0064 0,0389 -0,3243 0,0062 0,0038 0,0085 0,0132 0,0476 +0,0049 0,0186 +0,0090 s + 9.0631 8.7889 8.8066 9.2850 8.9804 9.0207 8.8115 9.0945 8-7555 8.7540 9.0143 8.7581 9.4675 8.7647 8.7780 8.7760 9.0191 9.0183 9.0619 8.7598 9.2440 8-7570 8.8220 8.7645 8.8093 8.9696 9-3245 9.5007 8.8872 8-7599 8.9005 9.2596 9.0253 8.8756 8.7584 9-2793 9.4016 8-7594 8.7606 8.7619 8-7739 8.9319 8.8151 8.7961 +8.9226 -8.8637 8-5895 8.6067 9.0850 8.7779 8.8171 8.6064 8.8885 8.5486 8.5438 8.8040 8.5467 9.2560 8.5529 8-5655 8.5623 8.8050 8.8041 8.8438 8.5412 9.0250 8-5377 8.6019 8-5435 8.5878 8.7468 9.1016 9.2775 8-6635 8-5354 8.6755 9.0343 8.7996 8.6498 8-5325 9-0534 9.1738 8.5292 8.5303 853" 8.5426 8.6988 8-5819 8.5624 -8.6884 +0.2531 0.5292 0-5385 9.8682 0.6065 0.6211 0.5398 0.2278 0.4766 0.4874 0.6168 +0-4739 -9.6787 +0.4649 0.5193 0.5176 0.6174 0.3011 0.6322 0-4995 0.7058 0.4921 0.5415 0.4685 0-5352 0-3398 +9.8002 -9.8234 +0.3894 0.4966 0.3823 0.7102 0.3026 0.5622 0.4900 9.9582 0.7770 0.4890 0-4799 0-4973 0.5115 0.5811 0.4327 0.5259 +0.3730 +9.0042 -8.3911 -8.4831 +9.2656 -8.8872 8.9462 8.4994 +9.0440 + 7.7748 -6-555 -8.9364 +7.8760 +9-4593 +8.0968 8.2821 -8.2585 8.9428 + 8.9416 9.0010 -7.8605 -9.2197 -7-4577 -8.5293 + 8.0318 8-4744 + 8.8671 +9.3079 + 9-4935 + 8.7135 -7-7465 + 8.7417 9.2368 + 8.9503 -8.6861 7.2122 +9.2586 -9.3900 7.0209 + 7-6383 -7.7871 -8.1752 -8.8008 + 8.4901 -8.3874 + 8.7832 J 1 . +0,008 0,027 +0.457 +0,003 +0,013 +0,003 + 0,002 0,084 + O,OO I 0,009 + O,OI I 0,000 +0,002 0,060 +0,019 0,020 +0,008 0,002 +0,005 +0,009 +0,004 0,006 +0,019 Indi Inane. Various. of V i3 21 59 56,51 22 O 1,84 o 27,12 o 31,89 o 41,68 o 44,33 o 45,07 o 47,78 i 10,83 i 20,96 i 26,99 i 30,85 i 34,80 2 7,03 2 3 J >38 2 33,03 2 35,i5 2 36,21 2 38,01 2 42,60 2 43,52 2 44,25 2 44,99 2 53-1 2 56,72 3 2,62 3 '9-77 3 22,28 3 25,01 3 28,98 3 2 9-4 6 3 32,01 3 3 2 ,99 3 54,35 4 7,62 22 4 17,21 8 + 1,946 3,203 1,946 1,786 1,701 3,5^ 3,536 3,198 3,148 2,4l8 2,764 I,8l5 1,842 3,237 4,063 3,303 2,816 14,642 3,505 3,438 3>!74 3,167 2,014 3,205 3,124 2,654 3,214 3,008 3,335 7,287 3,128 2,364 4,065 3>4!7 6,211 +2,656 1,652 +2,831 +3,840 - 1.647 +2,007 2,476 2,028 3,412 + 3,206 s +0,0059 O,OII2 + 0,0059 + O,0024 O,OOOO O,O28o 0,0290 0,0109 0,0087 + 0,0089 + 0,0039 + 0,O032 + O,OO4O 0,0128 0,0693 0,0 1 60 +0,0027 -3,8719 0,0274 0,0234 0,0099 0,0096 +0,0075 0,0114 0,0077 +0,0065 0,0117 0,0032 0,0179 -0,6337 0,0079 +0,0096 0,0708 0,0224 0,3869 +0,0065 -0,3979 +0,0026 0,0519 0,3974 +0,0076 +0,0090 +0,0079 0,0223 0,0114 s -j-o,oi6 + 9.0496 8.7690 9.0506 9.0948 9.1174 8.8410 8.8464 8.7690 8.7641 8.9066 8.8028 9.0911 9.0841 8-7754 9.0168 8.7873 8.7921 0.0056 8.8407 8.8213 8.7684 8-7677 9.0409 8.7731 8.7656 8.8379 8-7743 8.7663 8.7971 9-5785 8.7661 8.9323 9.0247 8.8182 9-4559 8.8387 9.6295 8.7928 8.9552 9.6296 9.0479 8-8973 9.0429 8.8192 +8-7753 8.8154 8-5334 8.8150 8.8589 8.8813 8.6041 8.6093 8-53H 8.5263 8.6682 8.5641 8.8506 8.8432 8-5338 8.7750 8-5454 8.5500 9.7619 8.5962 8-5764 8.5232 8.5222 8.7930 8.5234 8.5158 8.5880 8.5243 8.5161 8.5466 9.3279 8.5154 8.6816 8-7735 8.5667 9.2039 8.5855 9.3760 8.5392 8.7013 9.3756 8.7937 8.6431 8.7870 8.5624 -8.5178 +0.2891 0.5056 0.2892 0.2520 0.2306 0.5463 0.5485 0.5049 0.4980 0-3835 0.4416 0.2588 0.2652 0.5101 0.6089 0.5189 0.4496 1.1656 0.5447 0.5363 0.5017 0.5006 0.3040 0.5058 0.4947 0.4239 0.5070 0.4783 0.5231 0.8626 0-4953 0.3736 0.6091 0.5336 0.7931 +0.4243 0.2180 +0.4519 +0.5844 0.2167 +0.3024 -3937 0.3070 o.533i +0.5059 +8.9831 8.0564 +8.9843 +9.0423 +9.0707 -8.5854 8.6022 8.0420 7.8219 +8.7506 +8.4225 +9.0373 +9.0282 8.1600 -8.9364 -8-3054 +8.3459 0.0049 -8.5801 -8.5072 -7-9589 -7-925 1 + 8.9698 8.0748 -7-6725 +8.5674 -8.1028 +7.7448 -8.3701 -9-5733 -7.7067 +8.7978 -8.9467 -8.4882 -9.4467 + 8.5683 +9.6254 +8.3319 -8.8381 +9- 6 255 +8.9789 +8.7266 + 8.9718 8.4883 8.0861 0,003 0,016 +0,037 +0,014 0,006 1 8 Cephei 14 Piscis Aust j, +0,004 0,021 +0,024 0,003 +0,027 Tucanse 7 si 6 6 5* 6 7 7* 64 6 7 5 6 4 7 5* 6* 6 6 6J 6 4 6 6 6J 6 6 7 H H 7 0,005 + 0,00 1 +0,002 25 Pegasi i c Piscis Aust +0,041 +0,019 +0,008 +0,009 +0,014 +0,003 +0,007 +0,00 1 +0,008 +0,025 +0,012 0,052 +0,00 1 Cephei Aquarii 27 Peerasi . . .iri 26 Pegasi fl Aquarii Octantis g Lacertae Tucanse 0,020 + 0,004 - 0,158 + O,OO2 Piscis Aust Octantis 20 Peurasi . . . ir^ Cephei 28 Pegasi + 0,001 0,029 +0,017 +0,017 + 0,002 +0,018 +0,003 + 0,021 Gruis Cephei Cephei Lacertse Cephei Piscis Aust 344 No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec.Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of jj> 399 Taylor. Bris- jane. Various. a' V 52 17,5* 17,52 i7>5 2 17,54 17,55 -17,55 a -O.H3 0,235 0,143 0,131 0,125 0,257 0,259 0,234 0,230 0,176 0,202 0,132 0,134 0,235 0,295 0,240 0,204 1,058 0,253 0,248 0,229 O,228 0,145 0,229 0,223 0,190 0,230 0,215 0,238 0,520 O,223 0,169 0,290 0,244 0,442 0,189 + 0,117 O,2OI -0,273 + 0,117 0,142 0,176 0,144 0,241 0,226 0,00 9.8163 -9.5163 9.8156 9.8104 -9.8074 -8.9175 -8.8507 -9.5217 -9.5728 -9.8195 9.7801 9.8086 -9.8093 -9.4777 + 9-2345 -9.3906 -9.7657 + 9.6719 8.9600 9.1449 -9-5465 -9-5545 -9.8109 -9.5144 -9-5943 -9.7988 -9.5046 9.6800 -9.3410 +9.6205 -9.5906 9.8156 +9.2312 -9.1903 +9.5908 -9.7978 -9-7339 9.7602 +8.9614 9.7336 9.8072 9.8120 9.8070 9.1981 -9-5i3i 9.8699 +9.2242 -9.8705 -9.8843 9.8902 +9.6815 +9.6930 +9.2103 +8.9952 -9-78i5 -9.5572 -9.8842 9.8822 +9.3229 +9.8579 +9.4565 -9.4922 +9.9381 +9.6784 +9.6250 +9.1297 +9.0967 -9.8688 +9.2420 +8.8471 9.6698 +9.2688 -8.9189 +9-5I34 +9-9353 + 8.8812 9.8060 +9.8627 +9.6107 +9.9316 9.6707 -9.9371 9.4803 +9.8242 -9.9372 -9.8724 -9.7706 -9.8707 + 9.6110 +9-2529 1.2387 1.2390 1.2390 1.2391 1.2392 1.2393 1.2394 1.2395 1.2396 1.2397 1.2398 1.2402 1.2403 1.2405 1.2406 1.2406 1.2406 1.2410 1.2412 1.2413 1.2414 1.2415 1.2420 1.2425 1.2425 1.2425 1.2426 1.2426 1.2427 1.2427 1.2427 1.2427 1.2429 1.2429 1.2430 1.2433 1.2434 1.2434 1-2435 1.2435 * 1.2436 1.2436 1.2439 1.2442 -1.2443 9.7022 9.7012 9.7012 9.7010 9.7008 9.7002 9.7001 9.6997 9.6995 9.6992 9.6989 9.6975 9.6972 9.6967 9.6965 9.6965 9.6963 9.6951 9.6945 9.6942 9.6940 9.6937 9.6919 9.6906 9.6905 9.6904 9.6903 9.6902 9.6900 9.6899 9.6899 9.6898 9.6894 9.6892 9.6888 9.6879 9-6877 9.6876 9.6873 9.6873 9.6872 9.6871 9.6859 9.6851 9.6846 2902 ii.2766 B.F 3014 63674 G 3676 B.F 3015 G 3679 G 3686 B.F 3020 R557 J549 W 1198 B.F 3023 G 3691 M 9 is W 1200 M 9 i6 W I2C2 W 1203 G 3692 G 3707 R 55 8 G 3709 G 3694 B.H 465 W 1205 +0,06 2906 2907 2893 401 01.2768 0,08 0,0 1 0,63 408 397 11.2625 11.2767 v. 33 i3 9029 9030 7131 7132 2896 2899 2911 2910 405 402 4^5 416 11.2769 ii.2626 ii.2772 111.2771 +0,10 0,05 0,04 + 0,02 + I.H 0,02 + 0,01 V-33H 11.2627 11.2628 9031 8924 9037 9040 7133 7119 7135 7136 2898 2903 407 4i3 O,OI 0,29 + 0,02 2901 410 111.2773 v-3315 11.2629 2905 2904 2908 2912 2915 2909 2914 414 + 0,04 0,05 + 0,20 + 0,03 0,04 0,05 + 0,07 0,83 + 0,21 4 418 421 3 420 i 419 Iv.i9i8 11.2630 11.2631 11.2636 11.2632 11.2634 11.2633 9010 7134 2913 2 11.2635 -o,33 +0,04 0,30 0,03 v.33i6 ^3317 944 9050 9022 7139 7HC 7137 2917 6 11.2637 0,00 -0,28 +0,03 0,01 + 0,01 0,08 0,02 2916 2935 5 11.2638 9048 ii 8 16 111.2774 ^.1919 111.2775 v. 33 i8 11.2639 9056 7141 2918 B.A.C. 2 X) 345 No. Constellation. Mag. Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a b c d 774i 7742 7743 7744* 7745 7746 7747 7748* 7749 7750 77S 1 7752* 7753 7754* 7755 775 6 7757 7758 7759* 7760 7761* 7762 77 6 3 7764 7765 7766 7767 7768 7769* 777 7771 7772 7773 7774* 7775* 7776 7777 777* 7779* 7780* 7781 7782 7783 7784 7785 39 Aquarii 7 6 6 7 6 5 7 6 4 6 6 7 6 6 5i 5 6 5 6 5* 6 7* $4 6 5 6 3 6 6 6 6 7 * 6 6J 6 5 4* 7i 6 6 6* Si 54 6 h 111 s 22 4 20,19 4 3 6 .73 4 49'73 4 SS, 12 5 18,45 5 i9 6 5 5 24,9* 5 28,27 5 39. 2 9 5 48," 6 0,61 6 2,84 6 10,28 6 23,99 6 25,61 6 33-93 6 46,91 6 54,77 7 4 7 13,66 7 18,61 7 21,87 7 24,32 7 24,99 7 26,87 7 42,7 6 8 10,83 8 n,49 8 19,05 8 26,29 8 45,73 8 50,04 8 54,9 6 8 57,22 9 6,89 9 l6 ,49 9 26,24 9 3,93 10 8,91 10 35,39 10 57,56 ii 2,50 " 34,83 12 l8,22 22 12 39,57 s +3,243 2,894 2,485 3,*32 3,382 2,304 3,215 3,649 2,068 3,418 3,326 3,129 2,643 2,125 2,026 3,644 2,735 1,167 i,974 i>39 J 1,198 3-H 1 3,646 3-974 2,561 1,859 4,202 3,385 3-943 2,503 3,221 3,096 3,164 3-178 1, 880 3,137 2,603 2,141 1,108 4,064 3,224 2,i47 5,061 3,162 +545 s -0,0133 " +0,0008 +0,0093 0,00 8 1 0,0208 +0,0102 0,0119 0,0380 +0,0088 0,0230 -0,0177 0,0079 +0,0073 +0,0095 +0,0084 0,0381 +0,0055 0,0244 +0,0076 0,0120 0,0225 0,0085 0,0384 0,0653 +0,0089 +0,0053 0,0880 0,0213 0,0630 +0,0097 0,0124 0,0065 0,0096 0,0102 +0,0060 0,0083 +0,0085 +0,0104 0,0288 -0,0759 0,0126 +0,0107 0,2046 0,0095 0,2732 S 0,000 +0,006 + 8.7810 8.7821 8.8975 8.7687 8.8132 8.9598 8.7779 8.8968 9.0368 8.8237 8. 8001 8-7697 8.8487 9.0217 9.0523 8.8979 8.8221 9.2696 9.0702 9.2226 9.2648 8.7719 8.9007 9.0114 8.8786 9.1059 9.0845 8.8t88 9.0044 8.9007 8.7829 8.7710 8.7756 8.7772 9.1054 8.7736 8.8690 9.0272 9.2954 9.0513 8.7860 9.0307 9.3070 8.7790 +9-3838 -8.5233 8.5231 8-6376 8-5083 8.5510 8.6976 8.5153 8.6339 8.7731 8.5594 8.5348 8.5042 8.5827 8-7547 8.7852 8.6301 8-5534 9.0002 8. 8001 8.9518 8.9937 8.5004 8.6291 8-7397 8.6068 8.8329 8.8094 8.5436 8.7286 8.6243 8.5051 8.4929 8.4971 8.4985 8.8260 8-4934 8.5880 8-7459 9.0112 8.7651 8.4980 8.7423 9.0161 8-4847 9.0879 +0.5110 0.46 1 5 -3953 0.4958 0.5292 0.3625 0.5071 0.5622 o-3i55 o-5337 0.5219 0.4954 0.422 1 0.3273 0.3066 0.5616 0.4370 0.0669 0.2954 0.1433 0.0784 0.4970 0.5618 0.5992 0.4083 0.2694 0.6234 0.5296 0.5958 0.3985 0.5080 0.4908 0.5002 0.5022 0.2742 0.4966 o.4i55 0.3307 0.0444 0.6089 0.5084 0.3318 0.7042 0.5000 +0.7364 8.1921 +8-2035 + 8.7255 - 7-7470 -8.4538 + 8.8446 -8.1188 8.7230 +8.9626 8.5024 8.3702 -7.7263 + 8.5948 +8.9408 +8.9839 -8.7242 +8.4918 +9.2468 +9.0078 + 9.1939 +9.2415 -7.8141 -8.7293 -8.9251 +8.6772 +9.0540 9.0264 -8.4705 8.9141 +8.7279 -8.1535 -7.3823 -7.9467 8.0075 +9-0530 7.8024 + 8.6485 + 8.9472 +9.2749 -8.9810 -8.1713 +8.9516 -9.2875 -7.9523 -9.3703 Pegasi Aquarii 0,00 1 . +0,017 +0,002 +0,072 +0,003 +0,007 +0,005 + O,OII +0,017 +0,025 +0,011 +0,023 +0,0 1 6 +0,003 Gruis 2 1 Cephei 1 6 Piscis Aust X Cephei Pegasi Cephei +0,038 +0,025 +0,0 1 1 +0,003 0,002 +0,013 0,006 0,008 +0,0 1 1 Cephei Gruis it Gruis Lacertjc Tucanae # Piscis Aust Gruis Lacertae 42 Aquarii 0,000 +0,003 +0,011 0,003 0,005 0,000 +0,002 +0,056 +0,008 Aquarii Aouarii fl Aquarii Cephei A.A Aouarii . . i Lacertse ... 27 Cephei . . . . c Cephei .... . . Tucanae 45 Aquarii +0,009 +0,027 +0,239 +0,003 0,003 Cephei Indi y 46 Aquarii o Octantis 346 No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec.Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of i Taylor. Lacaille. Bris- bane. Various. ef V c 7 - d' 774i 7742 7743 7744 7745 7746 7747 7748 7749 775 775i 7752 7753 7754 7755 7756 7757 7758 7759 7760 7761 7762 7763 7764 7765 7766 7767 7768 7769 7770 7771 7772 7773 7774 7775 7776 7777 7778 7779 7780 7781 7782 7783 7784 7785 i4 55 54,7 74 4i 5!>7 47 42 21,5 95 27 33,8 115 55 22,5 39 55 > 6 102 39 52,6 132 5 11,4 3^ 32 *3>3 118 30 14,9 in 49 3,9 95 " 33,3 56 8 1,7 33 54 2i,7 31 19 28,2 132 5 29,4 62 8 1,5 18 23 50,5 29 59 20 36 26,5 J 8 37 34,5 96 19 42,0 132 22 15,0 *45 3 53,9 5 1 * 43,4 27 26 54,9 151 o 14,5 116 38 38,5 144 19 37,2 47 47 I9- 1 103 34 35,1 92 20 29,1 98 31 40,8 99 47 9- 1 27 34 4S,3 96 8 3,2 5^ 59 47,4 33 42 10,9 17 26 13,4 148 15 24,1 104 3 10,4 33 3 1 3 6 >8 162 58 50,9 9 8 34 16,9 165 46 9,3 -*7>56 17,57 17,58 J7.58 17,60 17,60 17,60 17,60 17,61 17,62 17,63 17,63 i7, 6 3 17,64 17,64 17,65 17,66 17,66 17,67 17,68 17,68 17,68 17,68 17,68 17,69 17,70 17,72 17,72 17,72 17,73 17,74 17,74 17,75 17,75 17,75 17,76 17,77 i7,77 17,80 17,81 17,83 17,83 17,85 17,88 -17,90 0,229 0,204 o,i75 0,220 0,237 o, 161 0,225 0,255 0,144 0,238 0,231 0,218 0,184 0,147 0,141 0,252 0,189 0,08 1 0,136 0,096 0,083 0,216 0,251 0,273 0,176 0,128 0,287 0,231 0,269 0,171 0,219 0,211 O,2I5 0,2 1 6 0,128 0,213 0,176 0,145 0,075 0,272 0,215 0,143 0,336 0,209 -o,359 a +0,08 +0,11 -9.4694 -9.7371 9.8096 9.5868 -9.2565 9.8105' 9.5028 -6.9542 9.8040 -9-1855 -9-3533 -9.5900 9.7964 9.8040 9.8006 -7-55 6 3 -9.7819 -9.7683 -9.7971 9-7744 -9.7679 -9.5790 -7-43I4 +9.1405 9.8021 -9.7907 -(-9.3002 -9.2497 4-9.1048 -9.8033 -9.4946 9.6176 -9-5564 -9.5421 -9.7876 9.5820 -9.7964 -9.7969 -9-7559 +9.2106 -9.4911 -9-7933 +9.4895 -9.5582 +9-5I97 + 9.3532 -9.3639 -9-7707 + 8.9212 +9-5838 9.8280 + 9.2842 + 9.7696 9.8694 + 9.6224 +9.5141 +8.9006 9.6901 -9.8634 -9-8759 + 9.7708 -9.6144 9.9221 9.8826 -9.9164 -9.9219 + 8.9876 + 9-7739 +9.8591 -9.7440 -9.8938 +9.8880 +9-5978 +9.8560 -9-7737 +9.3173 + 8.5580 + 9.1180 +9.1773 -9.8947 + 8.9760 9.7269 -9-8675 -9.9277 +9.8781 + 9.3342 9.8699 +9.9300 +9.1235 +9-937 -1.2444 1.2447 1.2449 1.2450 1.2454 1.2454 1-2455 1.2456 1.2458 1.2459 1.2461 1.2462 1.2463 1.2465 1.2466 1.2467 1.2469 1.2471 1.2472 1.2474 1.2475 1-2475 1.2476 1.2476 1.2476 1.2479 1.2483 1.2484 1.2485 1.2486 1.2489 1.2490 1.2491 1.2491 1.2493 1.2494 1.2496 1.2497 1.2503 1.2507 1.2511 1.2512 1.2517 1.2524 -1.2527 -9.6844 9.6835 9.6827 9.6824 9.6811 9.6810 9.6807 9.6805 9.6799 9.6794 9.6786 9-6785 9.6781 9.6773 9.6772 9.6767 9.6759 9- 6 755 9.6749 9.6744 9.6741 9.6739 9-6737 9.6737 9.6736 9.6726 9.6710 9.6709 9.6705 9.6701 9.6689 9.6686 9.6683 9.6682 9.6676 9.6670 9.6665 9.6662 9.6639 9.6623 9.6609 9.6606 9.6586 9- 6 559 -9.6546 2919 9 15 11.2640 11.2641 . . . . W 1207 G 3700 63703 M 9 i 7 J 553 ? W I2II G 3712 J 554 A fG 3719, \P 1010 63723 A 510 B.H 843 A J555, R 559 W J2I2 63725 W 1214 M9i8,J556 M 919 B 54 G373I {M 920, P 1014 +0,15 4-0,12 2920 7 '9 iii.2779 7.3319 9063 7142 0,04 +0,42 4-o,oi 0,82 0,09 2921 2925 2922 2923 2924 2926 2927 2932 20 18 26 21 22 2 9 11.2643 lv.1922 11.2646 11.2644 11.2645 11.2647 17.1924 9061 9065 7144 7H5 +0,10 0,14 +0,04 +0,11 4-o,io 4-o,oi 34 23 32 40 111.2782 11.2648 111.2783 111.2785 9069 7146 0,08 4- 0,0 1 +0,08 +0,08 -0,17 +0,16 0,04 0,00 4-0,19 2934 45 35 3i iii.2786 ^.1927 11.2649 v.3321 11.2650 ^.1929 11.2651 11.2652 9075 9071 7148 7H7 36 42 9074 9080 9076 7H9 7150 37 0,04 4-0,04 0,00 + O.O2 0,07 0,05 0,02 0,04 2928 2929 2930 2938 2931 2933 2937 2942 4 1 43 44 46 53 48 49 54 11.2653 11.2654 11.2655 11.2656 iv.i93i 11.2657 11.2658 11.2659 7151 9092 -- 0,05 0,00 4-0,78 0,05 -0,44 2936 56 61 111.2790 111.2792 9082 7153 2939 63 ii.266i 9090 7154 /45C 2X2 347 No. Constellation. Mag. Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a " * c d 7786 7787 7788 7789 779 7791 7792 7793 7794 7795 7796 7797 7798 7799 7800 7801 7801 7803 7804 7805 7806 7807* 7808 7809 7810 7811 7812 7813 7814 7815 7816 7817 7818* 7819 7820 7821 7822* 7823 7824 7825 7826* 7827 7828 7829 7830 6 6 5 6 5 6 6* 7 6 3 *4 6^ 5* 6 5 6 6 6 7 6 6 H 5 7 6 6^ 5* 6 5 4i 6 6 ^ 64 S 7* 6 5* 64 6 6 5* 4 6 S h ra s 22 12 47,23 12 50,33 12 54,79 13 19,29 I 3 19,93 13 20,82 13 32,51 13 32,77 13 53,68 13 54.5* 14 8,29 14 11,50 14 24,10 14 36,64 14 50,20 H 56,55 15 8,85 15 38,55 15 40,03 1 6 17,94 16 24,63 16 26,60 16 35,73 16 51,32 17 16,51 17 27,01 17 28,30 17 29,65 17 37,05 17 39,88 17 42,40 17 52,31 18 25,06 18 25,62 1 8 26,49 J8 43.73 18 47,18 18 59,20 19 3,64 19 21,97 19 50,95 20 16,14 20 17,06 20 46,05 22 2O 46,75 s + 1,755 2,302 3,018 *,939 3>3!7 4,832 3,706 3>H4 3>704 3,93 2,950 3.719 2,760 2,185 2,462 4,038 3.353 2,523 3> I 53 3,128 3,219 2,857 4,3 6 4 3,090 1,772 4,024 2,196 2,239 3,064 2,345 4,518 3-333 3.25 1 3.25 1 2,418 3,192 4,094 3,034 2,379 2,402 3.544 3,032 3,620 1,990 -(-3,622 s -(-0,0031 +0,0118 0,0030 -J-o,oo8i 0,0180 -0,1733 -0,0453 0,0087 0,0452 0,0062 0,0002 0,0465 +0,0060 +0,0117 +0,0115 0,0764 0,0203 +0,0109 0,0090 0,0079 0,0126 + 0,0033 0,1149 0,0060 +0,0042 0,0771 +0,0124 +0,0126 0,0048 +0,0127 -0,1363 0,0194 0,0145 0,0145 +0,0126 0,0113 0,0855 0,0033 +0,0130 +0,0130 0,0346 0,0032 0,0408 +0,0105 0,0411 s +9.1548 8.9843 8.7764 9.1042 8.8090 9.2666 8.9391 8.7785 8.9392 8-7759 8.7846 8.9456 8.8285 9.0306 8.9330 9.0590 8.8214 8.9131 8.7815 8-7799 8.7916 8.8053 9.1642 8.7786 9.1686 9.0641 9.0373 9.0226 8.7791 8.9847 9.2106 8.8201 8.8004 8.8004 8.9604 8.7896 9.0920 8.7812 8.9768 8.9693 8.8961 8.7825 8.9264 9.1184 +8.9288 8.8583 8.6876 8.4792 8.8052 8.5099 8.9674 8.6390 8.4784 8-6375 8.4741 8.4816 8.6424 8.5243 8.7254 8.6268 8.7522 8.5136 8.6030 8.4712 8.4667 8.4778 8.4913 8.8495 8.4627 8.8506 8.7452 8. 7I 8 4 8.7035 8.4594 8.6649 8.8905 8.4992 8.4768 8.4768 8.6367 8.4646 8.7666 8.4548 8.6501 8.6411 8-5655 8.4498 8-5937 8-7833 -8.5936 +0.2443 0.3621 0.4797 0.2877 0.5208 0.6841 0.5689 0.4975 0.5687 0.4904 0.4698 0.5704 0.4409 0-3395 0.3913 0.606 1 0-5254 0.4018 0.4987 -4953 0.5078 0-4559 0.6398 0.4900 0.2485 0.6047 0.3416 0.3500 0.4864 0.3702 0.6550 0.5228 0.5121" 0.5121 0-3834 0.5041 0.6121 0.4821 0.3765 0.3805 0-5494 0.4817 0-5587 0.2988 +0.5590 + 9.1134 + 8.8803 + 7-7199 + 9.0504 8.3890 -9.2427 8. Sou 7.8642 -8.8011 -7.3484 + 8.0824 8.8127 + 8.4940 + 8.9500 + 8.7884 8.9899 -8-4557 + 8.7468 -7.9223 -7.7689 8.1839 + 8.3412 9.1240 -7.3098 + 9.1291 8.9961 + 8.9586 + 8.9370 +6.8120 + 8.8782 9.1786 -8.4369 -8.2785 -8.2786 + 8.8363 8.1071 -9.0330 + 7.5827 + 8.8642 + 8.S 513 -8.7032 + 7.6201 8.7702 + 9.0666 -8.7745 +0,007 + 0,001 + 0,002 + O,OO4 0,0 1 6 +0,003 +0,00 1 +0,013 +0,005 0,001 +0,003 +0,009 +0,003 +0,022 + 0,011 Indi Gruis 7T 2 Lacertaj LacertcE +0,010 +0,002 +0,004 +0,027 0,016 0,000 Tucanae S Aquarii Cephei + O,OII Cephei Cephei + 0,002 +0,004 0,002 +0,310 0,007 + 0,020 +0,016 0,002 +0,009 52 Aquarii TT 3 Lacert< 3 Indi Aquarii 5 3 Aquarii 4 Lacertse 54 Aquarii Tucanre 34. Peffasi . + 0,021 +0,006 c,ooo +0,014 +0,009 +0,004 + 0,001 + 0,010 Lacertse Lacertse Gruis 5 c Pcizasi . Gruis Cephei Gruis J 2 348 No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec.Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of 1 I Taylor. Lacaille. Bris- bane. Various. of V cf $ 7786 7787 7788 7789 779 7791 7792 7793 7794 7795 7796 7797 7798 7799 7800 7801 7802 7803 7804 7805 7806 7807 7808 7809 7810 7811 7812 7813 7814 7815 7816 7817 7818 7819 7820 7821 7822 7823 7824 7825 7826 7827 7828 7829 7830 24 37 15.4 38 5 40,1 84 57 46,5 27 56 47,1 112 2O 49,7 161 ii 8,6 136 42 0,5 9 6 59 45.4 136 40 51,3 92 8 28,6 78 32 52,7 137 25 25,6 62 25 21,5 33 50 6,2 44 13 i.7 148 32 18,1 115 31 11,0 47 o 32,6 97 57 i.i 95 35 40,2 104 17 15,6 69 54 30,8 155 43 4L9 91 56 49,0 24 3 2,9 148 45 42,2 33 28 22,4 34 47 43,4 89 22 54,7 38 3i 13.9 158 16 0,7 114 26 37,5 107 30 4,3 107 30 9,2 4i i 6 57,9 101 59 18,9 15 48 35.5 86 22 9,9 39 30 22,7 40 21 35,4 129 53 22,0 86 3 16,0 i34 i5 35.5 27 26 1,7 134 3 5 6 - 6 17,90 17,90 I7.9 1 17,92 17,92 17,92 17.93 17,93 17.94 J 7.95 17,95 17,96 17,96 17,97 17,98 17,98 17.99 18,01 1 8,0 1 18,04 18,04 18,04 18,05 18,06 18,07 18,08 18,08 18,08 18,09 18,09 18,09 18,10 18,12 18,12 18,12 18,13 18,13 18,14 18,14 18,15 18,17 18,19 18,19 18,20 -18,21 n 0,115 0,198 0,242 0,241 0,201 0,192 0,242 0,179 0,142 0,159 0,261 0,216 0,162 0,202 0,199 0,205 0,182 0,278 0,196 0,112 0,254 0,139 0,141 0,193 0,148 0,285 O,2 IO O,2O3 O,2O3 0,151 0,199 0,255 0,189 0,148 0,149 0,219 0,1 86 0,223 0,122 0,222 " -9.7714 -9.7941 -9.6739 9.7781 -9.3632 + 9-4545 + 8-4533 -9-5753 + 8.4346 9.6201 9.7108 + 8.5366 -9.7712 -9.7924 + 9.1790 -9-3038 -9.7905 -9.5670 -9.5903 -9.4951 -9-7463 + 9.3406 9.6221 -9-7579 + 9.1611 9.7802 9.6421 -9.7841 +9.3808 -9-3359 -9-4547 -9-4547 9.5260 +9.2082 9.6629 -9.7818 -8.7896 9.6646 8.2201 -9.7576 8.1847 -9.9092 -9.8467 -8.8943 -9.8973 +9.5312 +9.9273 +9.8134 +9.0370 +9.8136 +8.5242 -9.2498 +9.8191 -9.6177 9.8718 -9.8079 +9.8836 +9.5872 -9.7870 +9.0942 +8.9429 +9.3464 9.4900 +9.9140 + 8.4856 -9.9154 +9.8870 -9.8763 -9.8695 7.9880 -9.8486 +9.9232 +9.5722 +9.4340 +9.4341 -9.8318 +9.2736 +9.8972 -9-7579 -9.8387 +9-7642 -8.7952 + 9.8013 -9.9061 + 9.8037 -1.2529 1.2529 1.2530 1-2534 1.2534 1-2534 1.2536 1.2536 1-2539 1-2539 1.2541 1.2542 1.2544 1.2546 1.2548 1.2549 1.2551 1.2556 1.2556 1.2562 1.2563 1.2563 1.2564 1.2567 1.2571 1.2572 1.2572 1.2573 1.2574 1.2574 1.2574 1.2576 1.2581 1.2581 1.2581 1.2584 1.2584 1.2586 1.2587 1.2589 1.2594 1.2597 1.2598 1.2602 1.2602 -9.6541 9-6539 9.6536 9.6521 9.6521 9.6520 9.6513 9-6513 9.6499 9.6499 9.6490 9.6488 9.6480 9.6472 9.6463 9.6459 9.6451 9.6432 9.6431 9.6407 9.6403 9.6401 9-6395 9-6385 9.6369 9.6362 9.6361 9.6360 9.6355 9-6353 9.6352 9-6345 9.6323 9.6323 9.6322 9.6311 9.6309 9.6300 9.6297 9.6285 9.6266 9.6249 9.6248 9.6228 9.6228 G 3739 63738 J557 R562 R 5 6 3 63746 R 5 6 4 63751 B.F 3059 M 922 J 559 M 923 G 3760 G 3758 63757 W 1223 A 515 A 516 M 924 63767 63769 J 5 6o G 3777 +0,03 0,00 +0,03 +0,13 0,08 + 0,01 +0,16 0,04 0,04 +0,05 0,04 0,0 1 0,02 +0,22 + 0,01 2941 2947 2940 66 75 6 7 ii.2662 lii.2795 11.2663 9099 9107 9108 9110 7157 7158 7159 7160 V. 33 2 3 ^.1940 v. 33 24 11.2664 11.2665 11.2666 111.2798 11.2667 v.3325 ii.2668 68 2943 2944 2946 2948 72 74 77 80 79 9112 9116 7161 7162 2945 78 0,03 + 0,02 0,04 + O,O2 +0,18 +0,04 2950 2949 2951 81 85 86 88 11.2669 11.2671 11.2672 iii.28oo 11.2670 11.2673 9114 7163 89 +0,16 v-3326 9125 7165 +0,09 0,0 1 +0,17 + 2,77 +0,12 0,05 0,04 +0,02 0,03 2952 2956 92 90 95 iii.28o2 11.2674 11.2676 9"7 9132 7164 7167 2953 2954 2958 2955 93 94 99 98 11.2675 11.2677 11.2678 11.2679 9129 0,05 +0,06 +0,07 +0,32 +0,29 +0,04 0,04 +0,18 2957 2959 100 ii.268o 103 iii.28o6 105 111.2807 102 111.2808 107 11.2682 104 ii.268l 115 ^.1948 108 11.2683 9136 9138 7171 7172 91407173 349 No. Constellation. Mag. Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a b c d 7831 7832* 7833 7834 7835* 7836 7837* 7838 7839* 7840* 7841 7842 7843 7844 7845 7846 7847* 7848 7849 7850 7851* 7852* 7853 7854 7855 7856 7857 7858 7859 7860 7861 7862 7863 7864 7865 7866* 7867 7868 7869 7870 7871 7872 7873 7874 7875 Octantis 6 4 6* 7 H 6 6 6 6 5 5 4 6 6 5 6 7 4i 6 Si 5i 6 6 7 4 6 Si 6 6 6 7 6 6i 5 7 Si 6i 4 6 6i 6 6 6 6 6 h m s 22 20 49,81 21 6,43 21 39,25 21 43,13 21 59,98 22 14,68 22 16,23 22 23,00 22 32,95 22 42,37 22 47,98 22 58,06 23 10,67 23 16,64 23 18,85 23 29,97 23 35.57 23 36,61 23 43.99 24 1,31 2 4 33.45 24 43,11 24 49,07 25 3.5 ^S 7.H v 25 20,79 25 31,26 25 48,65 26 4,01 26 8,04 26 12,32 26 15,59 26 18,99 26 28,91 26 55-S 6 27 20,50 27 32,25 27 38,91 27 43,38 27 43,89 " 27 5!> S 5 28 8,27 28 15,27 28 30,03 22 28 30,89 s +6,107 3,078 2,989 3,624 3,206 3.223 1,918 3.035 3.350 3,182 4>!39 3.429 2,731 3,600 2,485 2,333 2,209 2,209 3,i8 3 +2,575 -3,577 +4.704 + 3,843 3,713 +2,441 2,881 0,546 2,638 0,069 3.945 3,168 3,761 3,092 3,279 3,072 3>3!3 3,676 3>79 3-532 3,243 2,299 3,402 3,529 0,614 + 2,133 s 0,4420 0,0053 0,00 1 1 0,0417 0,0121 0,0131 + 0,0092 0,0032 0,0211 O,0 1 08 -0,0945 0,0267 + 0,0083 0,0403 + 0,0132 + 0,0143 + 0,0140 + 0,0141 0,0 108 +0,0121 1,1224 -o,i754 0,0636 -1,1826 +0,0141 +0,0037 0,0879 + 0,0111 0,1520 -0,0753 0,0101 0,0562 0,0058 0,0170 0,0048 0,0194 0,0488 0,0051 0,0361 0,0148 +0,0154 0,0260 0,0361 0,0827 +0,0147 s O,IO2 + O,OI4 + 0,010 +0,014 + 0,011 +0,004 0,003 0,00 1 0,000 +0,002 0,02 1 +0,008 +0,008 +0,016 +0,0 1 8 +9.5229 8.7822 8.7873 8.9322 8.7954 8.7989 9.1471 8.7842 8.8329 8.7923 9.1229 8.8607 8.8546 8.9273 8.9498 9.0096 9-0557 9.0559 8-7935 8.9160 9.8762 9.2885 9.0275 9.8875 8.9731 8.8113 9.4688 8.8957 9-5439 9.0703 8-7937 9.0009 8.7869 8.8179 8.7871 8.8293 8.9713 8.7877 8.9123 8.8101 9.0386 8.8617 8.9128 9.4724 +9.1028 -9.1874 8-4454 8-4477 8.5923 8.4541 8.4564 8.8044 8.4409 8.4889 8.4474 8.7776 8.5146 8.5074 8.5796 8.6019 8.6608 8.7064 8.7064 8-4434 8.5645 9.5219 8-9334 8.6719 9.5306 8.6160 8.4530 9.1096 8-5350 9.1818 8.7079 8.4309 8.6378 8.4236 8-4537 8.4206 8.4606 8. 6016 8.4174 8.5416 8-4394 8.6672 8.4889 8-5393 9.0976 8.7280 +0.7858 ' 0.4883 0-4755 0.5592 0.5059 0.5082 0.2829 0.4822 0.5250 0.5027 0.6169 0-5352 0.4363 0-5563 0-3953 0.3678 0.3442 0.3442 0.5029 +0.4108 -0-5535 +0.6725 +0.5847 0.5698 +0-3875 0.4595 9.7370 0.4213 8.8407 0.5960 0.5008 0-5752 0.4903 0.5158 0.4875 0.5203 0.5654 0.4884 0.5480 0.5110 0.3616 0.5317 -5477 9.7882 +0.3290 -9-5I56 6.9192 + 7.9501 8.7806 -8.1693 8.2217 + 9.1021 +7.5906 -8.4875 -8.0898 9.0718 -8.5982 + 8.5765 -8.7693 +8.8135 + 8.9147 + 8.9824 +8.9826 -8.0995 + 8-7445 +9-8747 9.2660 8.9412 +9.8861 + 8.8543 + 8-3339 + 9-4592 + 8.6947 +9-53/1 9.0018 8.0494 8.8996 -7-3987 -8.3815 6.2761 -8.4514 -8.8496 -6.9785 -8.7323 -8-3055 + 8.9564 -8.5912 -8.7329 +9.4629 +9.0447 5 5 Aquarii 3 6 Pegasi Piscis Aust 17 Piscis Aust (3 Cephei +0,008 +0,004 +0,006 0,000 +0,076 Ursse Minoris .... Indi 0,002 +0,031 +0,016 +0,015 0,009 Ursse Minoris .... 28 Cephei Tucanae + 0,010 +0,002 0,004 +0,005 +0,017 +0,003 Aquarii Gruis 59 Aquarii u Aquarii Aquarii Gruis . . 0,022 +0,008 +0,015 0,00 1 +0,005 0,005 + 0,060 0,002 62 Aquarii yt Gruis o"' 6 1 Aquarii Cephei Gruis v" Cephei 350 No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of fe- rn a Taylor. j BrU- jane. V'ariou*. a' V *33S 0,6890 0,0512 +0,0156 0,0728 o,o^jbi 0,0227 0,0116 +0,0038 +0,0139 0,0248 0,0097 0,0098 0,0217 0,0082 + 0,0040 +0,0118 +0,0157 0,0462 0,0456 0,0412 +0,0140 0,0204 +0,0002 0,0235 0,0845 0,1029 +0,0018 +0,0143 +0,0081 +0,0125 0,0368 +0,0130 0,0100 0,0091 0,0085 s +0,025 0,025 +0,030 O,CO I 0,002 +0,030 + 9.2369 8.9590 9.2465 8.8975 8.8975 9-3893 8.9749 9.0147 8.7912 9.2249 9-6552 8.9856 8.9895 9.0687 8.7984 8.8492 8.8027 8.8145 8.9370 8.8600 9.3219 8.7981 8.8447 8-7949 8.8156 8.8966 9.1322 8.9666 8.9641 8-9433 8.9320 9.3682 8-7993 8.8557 9.1111 9.1628 8.8056 8.9378 8.8493 8.9054 8.9234 8.9139 8.8013 8.7990 + 8-7979 -8.86n 8.5814 8.8688 8.5191 8.5190 9.0085 8.5939 8.6328 8.4085 8.8413 9.2706 8-5975 8. 6001 8.6794 8.4082 8.4590 8.4115 8.4229 8.5445 8.4664 8.9280 8.4033 8.4492 8-3992 8.4191 8.5001 8.7312 8.5641 8.5612 8-5393 8-5277 8-9637 8.3948 8.4510 8.7039 8.7556 8.3980 8-5297 8.4407 8.4965 8.5144 8.5043 8.3904 8.3877 -8.3856 + 0.2329 0.5604 0.2256 0.4240 0.4240 0.0379 0-3934 0-5755 0-4935 0.6400 0.8309 0.5661 0.3895 0.5894 0.5006 0.5252 0.5038 0.4624 0.4115 0.5285 0.1605 -4997 0.5230 0.4962 0.4624 0.4278 0.3243 0-5583 0.5576 0.5517 0.4159 o. 1 1 1 3 0.4748 0-5257 0-5977 0.6132 0.4701 0.4145 0.4482 0.4267 0-5454 0.4236 0.5002 0.4980 +0.4967 + 9.2075 -8.8265 +9.2184 +8.6950 + 8.6951 + 9-3752 + 8.8546 -8.9197 -7-73I5 -9.1935 9.6512 8.8722 + 8.8786 8.9981 8.0713 -8.5361 8.1673 + 8.3215 + 8.7819 -8.5772 + 9.3022 -8.0438 -2.5138 -7.8997 + 8.3260 + 8.6885 + 9.0813 -8.8376 -8.8328 -8.7930 + 8.7697 + 9-3523 + 8.0411 -8.5566 -9.0541 9.1192 + 8.1811 + 8.7813 + 8.5284 + 8.7084 8.7506 + 8.7288 -8.0775 -7-9979 -7.9413 Gruis Cephei Lacertae ........ 8 Lacert;c Cephei +0,015 0,001 Indi Octantis jS 0,087 +0,009 +0,004 +0,007 +0,001 0,001 Piscis Aust 40 Pegasi 0,000 0,005 0,003 +0,039 +0,005 +0,004 0,005 +0,003 0,00 1 +0,004 0,020 +0,0 1 6 +0,030 +0,010 Leicert ic Piscis Aust 3 1 Cephei Aquarii 1 8 Piscis Aust g Aquarii 41 Pegasi 10 Lacertse Gruis Gruis /3 Gruis Cephei 4.2 Pe^asi . . . +0,006 +0,003 1 9 Piscis Aust Tucan3) 0,072 0,005 +0,00 1 +0,003 + 0,001 +0,005 Lacertae d.7 Pesrasi . . . n 12 Lacertae .... Gruis o Lacertae 6 c Aquarii +0,002 0,007 +0,007 Aquarii Aquarii 352 No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1850 Annual Preces. Sec.Var Proper Motion Logarithms of Bradley. 1 Taylor. Lacaille. Brii- bane Various. f G 3826 I P 1032 R 5 6 9 f G 3827 I P 1033 / G 3834 1 P 1035 G 3829 M 929 R 57 i J 567^570 A 522 63841 M 930 1568 M 931 J56 9 ,R 5 72 63857 B.F 3 io3 G3855 63856 63858 M932 B.F3io6 M934 a' V c' d' 7876 7877 7878 7879 7880 7881 7882 7883 7884 7885 7886 7887 7888 7889 7890 7891 7892 7893 7894 7895 7896 7897 7898 7899 7900 7901 7902 793 7904 7905 7906 7907 7908 7909 7910 7911 7912 79i3 79 '4 79'5 7916 7917 7918 7919 7920 20 51 40,; J 37 29 9,3 20 23 59,0 Si 8 53,4 51 8 27,9 14 32 44,1 40 42 18,7 143 28 11,2 95 o 0,6 158 27 50,5 172 9 53,6 140 22 25,2 39 13 40,5 148 12 7,2 IOO 48 22,4 119 5 59,0 103 23 10,7 71 15 8,2 45 35 45-8 121 25 50,1 17 8 4,4 100 8 32,9 117 49 27,9 97 18 47,2 7i 5 52.5 51 43 44,6 27 ii 39,3 137 58 46,2 137 40 1,8 135 2 3. 46 30 19,9 15 24 30,9 79 57 o,7 120 8 37,5 151 16 19,9 154 44 28,4 76 15 53>8 45 46 28,5 61 28 25,0 50 33 27,0 132 ii 40,0 49 14 12,6 ico 53 11,3 99 5 43.6 97 59 52,8 // -18,49 18,50 18,50 18,50 18,50 18,52 18,52 18,52 i8,53 i8,53 18,54 18,56 18,57 18,57 18,57 18,57 18,58 18,58 18,59 18,59 18,60 18,60 18,61 18,61 18,61 18,61 18,64 18,65 18,65 18,66 18,66 18,66 18,66 18,66 18,67 18,68 18,68 18,68 18,68 18,68 18,68 18,69 18,70 18,70 18,70 // 0,097 0,205 0,095 0,149 0,149 0,06 1 0,139 0,210 0,174 0,243 0,377 0,203 0,135 0,214 0,174 0,184 o.^S 0,159 0,141 0,185 0,079 0,172 0,182 0,171 0,158 0,146 0,114 0,194 0,194 0,191 0,139 0,069 o, 1 60 0,179 0,211 0,2 1 8 0,157 0,138 0,149 0,142 0,186 0,140 0,167 0,166 0,165 -0,23 4-0,18 0,11 +0,27 + 0,02 0,11 -9-7I35 -7.9191 9.7106 -9.7635 -9.7634 9.6820 -9.7590 4-8.6964 9.6009 +9.2925 4-9.5031 4-8.1732 -9-7536 4-8.9657 -9-55io 9.2918 -9.5252 -9.7258 -9.7579 9.2428 -9.6863 -9.5580 -9.3214 -9-5831 -9.7253 -9.7569 -9.7216 -8.2330 -8.3075 8.6730 -9-7537 9.6709 -9.6914 -9.2817 -9.0461 4-9.1599 9.7060 -9.7520 -9.7442 -9.7528 -8.8893 -9.7525 -9-5536 -9.5697 -9.5792 -9-935 4-9.8324 -9.9367 -9.7625 9.7625 -9.9512 1.2668 1.2671 1.2671 1.2672 1.2672 1.2676 1.2676 1.2677 1.2678 1.2680 1.2681 1.2686 1.2688 1.2688 1.2689 1.2689 1.2691 1.2691 1.2692 1.2694 1.2694 1.2696 1.2697 1.2697 1.2698 1.2698 1.2704 1.2706 1.2707 1.2708 1.2709 1.2709 1.2709 1.2709 1.2712 1.2713 1.2713 1.2714 1.2714 1.2715 1.2715 1.2716 1.2717 1.2718 -1.2719 -9.588 9.587 9.587 9.5866 9.5865 9.5845 9-5844 9.5836 9.5829 9.5822 9.5812 9CT8-) 9i8( 298 298 l6 3 I6 4 iv.i96- iii.283; ! + 0,19 + 0,09 +9-8705 +8.9059 +9-9343 +9.9618 +9.8530 -9-8557 j+9-8959 +9.2397 +9.6536 +9-33H -9-4739 -9.8119 +9.6844 -9-9475 +9.2131 +9.6365 + 9.0723 -9.4780 -9-7595 -9.9173 +9-8393 +9.8372 +9.8183 9.8064 -9.9528 9.2105 +9.6695 +9.9120 +9.9254 -9-3446 9.8127 9.6482 -9.7722 +9.7964 -9.7842 +9.2457 +9.1684 +9.1132 v. 3 3 3 6 11.2701 9185 718; 2 9 8 166 +0,01 O,II 4-0,08 4-0,08 0,02 0,62 11.2700 v.3337 111.2835 v.3338 11.2702 v.3339 9165 920C 9198 9204 7186 7188 7189 7190 5/ 8 3 9.5772 9.5772 9-5765 9-5765 9-5756 9-5753 9-5745 9.5736 9-5733 9.5726 9-57I9 9-57i8 9.5711 9.5711 9.5672 9.5658 9.5656 9.5646 9.5643 9.5642 9.5642 9.5640 9.5619 9.5618 9.5615 9.5611 9.5606 9.5604 9.5603 9-5597 9.5586 9-5583 -9-5574 2987 173 2984 170 4-0,07 4-0,07 4-0,23 0,06 +0,11 + O,O2 4-o,o8 0,04 0,02 4-0,02 +0,33 4-0,05 +0,05 0,02 2985 2994 2986 989 990 996 !74 177 172 185 176 *75 178 180 181 190 11.2703 111.2837 11.2836 11.2707 11.2704 11.2705 11.2838 11.2706 11.2840 1.2709 7.3341 1.2708 v.3342 111.2843 9205 7192 9206 7193 9210 9211 9215 7195 7194 7196 995 192 O,O2 + 0,09 992 991 189 187 11.2710 11.2842 9213 9212 7197 7198 4-0,24 4- 0,0 1 4-0,04 -fo.oi 4-o,oi +0,17 999 C02 95 ] 97 ] 96 99 i 93 i 11.2844 11.2846 11.2711 11.2847 11.2845 ?2lS 7199 0,05 4-o,ii 4- 0,0 1 998 98 oo 01 i 11.2712 11.2713 11.2848 B.A.C. 2 Y 353 No. Constellation. Mag. Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec.Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a b c d 7921 7922 7923 7924. 7925 7926 7927 7928 7929 7930 7931 7932 7933 7934* 7935 7936 7937 7938 7939 794 o* 7941 7942 7943 7944 7945 7946 7947 7948 7949 795 795i 7952 7953* 7954 7955 7956 7957* 7958 7959 7960* 7961 7962 79 6 3 7964 7965 6 H 3 6 5 6 6^ 6 6 6 6 6 6 H 7* 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 6 4i 4 6 Si 6 6* 7* 6 6 Si 6 6 6 4 7 6 5 6 6 H Si h m s 22 35 24,07 35 3> 6 3 35 58,67 36 0,05 36 23,50 36 48,08 3 6 49'57 37 i,49 37 5-58 37 18,20 37 19," 37 24,61 37 24,98 37 26,11 37 27,87 37 49, 6 4 38 10,59 38 35,o8 38 36,21 38 40,33 38 58,32 38 5946 39 12,02 39 H 8 4 39 18,66 39 28,04 39 29,37 39 30,81 39 44,65 39 48,25 40 6,15 4 36,43 41 25,83 4 1 38,75 42 16,79 42 22,65 42 29,27 42 46,05 4 2 56,95 43 4>5 43 34,66 43 36,44 43 53-93 43 56,04 22 44 7,14 s +1,136 3,242 2,800 6,066 3,734 3,586 4,394 5,268 3,63 3,301 2,693 2,660 4,H7 3,642 3,157 3,587 2,914 4,435 3,963 4,474 0,272 4,041 2,978 3,444 2,877 3,662 3,242 2,630 3,192 2,605 3,111 3,162 2,360 3,186 3,862 3,981 3,442 2,876 3-133 3,328 2,443 2,688 2,004 2,969 +4,324 s 0,0084 0,0154 +0,0086 0,5184 -0,0599 0,0448 0,1491 -0,3193 -0,0493 0,0200 + O,O126 + 0,0136 0,1129 0,0507 0,0097 -0,0453 + 0,0042 -> I 595 0,0892 0,1661 -> I 435 O,IOOI + 0,0011 0,0325 +0,0061 0,0540 0,0158 +0,0150 O,OI22 + 0,0157 0,0067 0,0101 +0,0198 0,0119 0,0800 - 0,0960 -0,0333 +0,0068 0,0082 -0,0233 +0,0199 +0,0145 +0,0171 +0,0022 0,1518 s 0,000 +0,00 1 +0,005 0,087 0,003 0,018 + 0,012 +0,005 0,007 +0,004 + 8.7976 8.8197 8.8541 9-5955 9.0282 8.9636 9.2661 9.4712 8.9847 8.8414 8.9026 8.9175 9.1918 8.9912 8.8024 8.9676 8.8189 9.2873 9.1312 9.2987 9-5835 9.1624 8.8050 8.9059 8.8317 9.0082 8.8247 8-9379 8.8115 8.9505 8.7986 8.8059 9.0700 8.8119 9.1085 9.1564 8.9140 8.8374 8.8033 8.8629 9.0419 8.9226 9.2217 8.8111 +9.2842 -8.3852 8.4066 8.4384 9.1797 8.6101 8.5432 8.8456 9.0496 8.5626 8.4182 8.4792 8-4937 8.7679 8.5672 8.3782 8-54I3 8.3906 8.8567 8.7005 8.8675 9.1506 8.7293 8.3708 8.4714 8.3968 8.5724 8.3887 8.5018 8.3740 8.5128 8.3591 8-3634 8.6225 8.3631 8.6559 8.7033 8.4602 8.3819 8.3467 8.4056 . 8.5814 8.4620 8-7593 8.3485 8.8204 +0.4964 0.5109 0.4472 0.7829 0.5722 0.5546 0.6428 0.7217 o-5599 0.5187 0.4302 0.4249 0.6178 0.5613 0.4993 >5547 0.4644 0.6469 0.5980 0.6507 9-43 5 i 0.6065 0.4739 0-537 1 0.4589 0.5637 0.5108 0.4200 0.5041 0.4159 0,4928 0.4999 0.3729 0.5032 0.5869 0.6000 0.5368 0.4587 0.4960 0.5222 0.3879 0.4295 0.3019 0.4726 1+0.6359 7.9272 -8.3456 + 8.5456 -9.5900 -8-9377 8.8301 -9.2398 -9.4613 -8.8674 8.4836 +8.6984 + 8.7348 -9- I 537 -8.8784 8.0602 -8.8368 + 8.3221 -9.2635 -9.0791 9.2761 +9.5776 -9.1179 +8.1011 -8.7049 +8.4196 -8.9054 -8.3668 +8.7777 8.2201 + 8.8032 -7-7395 8.0998 +8.9969 8.2070 9.0489 9.1100 8.7216 + 8.4435 -7.9524 -8.5662 + 8.9558 +8.7409 +9.1882 + 8.1687 -9-2595 Octantis Grills fi Indi +0,00 1 0,007 +0,008 0,00 1 0,008 +0,00 1 +0,039 Tucanse * Indi j n ,li 0,022 +0,015 0,015 +0,006 +0,004 0,006 46 Peprasi z? 47 Pe rr asi A, Lacertae 69 Aquarii 7"' +0,002 +0,019 0,009 +0,006 Lacertae Cephei 7 1 Aquarii f + 0,001 +0,071 -0,0 1 6 +0,018 +0,012 0,009 +0,001 Tucanae TucansB Gruis 48 Pegasi u> 72 Aquarii 2 1 Piscis Aust Cephei 14 Lacertae +0,003 Pegasi Indi f 0,049 354 No. North Polar Distance, Fan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec.Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of i M Taylor. u 1 ] i i iris- >ane. Various. of ^ (/ df 7921 7922 79 2 3 7924 79 2 5 7926 7927 7928 7929 793 793 1 7932 7933 7934 7935 793 6 7937 7938 7939 794 7941 7942 7943 7944 7945 7946 7947 7948 7949 7950 795 ! 7952 7953 7954 7955 7956 7957 7958 7959 7960 7961 7962 7963 7964 7965 97 44 45,2 109 36 50,6 60 33 42,5 i7 54 39. 144 17 18,3 137 19 59,8 160 15 45,8 167 50 17,8 139 45 5.3 116 i 24,2 51 19 9,2 48 58 0,8 156 21 8,5 140 27 37,3 100 25 52,1 137 43 3 6 >7 71 25 21,1 161 u 2,9 152 28 43,5 161 41 2,6 9 *3 33.7 154 30 31,?. 78 35 3U 129 o 29,4 67 13 19,4 142 6 14,5 no 23 39,2 46 14 38,8 104 50 44,7 44 34 *3.9 95 o 23.9 101 20 45,7 32 18 25,0 104 22 57,2 150 40 37,5 *53 5 8 59.9 129 56 59,2 66 ii 19,7 98 6 12,9 120 19 48,0 34 53 3 J >3 48 50 22,9 11 13 34.9 76 49 55.5 160 52 17,3 18,70 18,71 18,72 18,72 18,74 i8,75 18,75 18,76 18,76 18,76 18,76 '8,77 18,77 18,77 18,77 18,78 18,79 18,80 18,80 18,81 18,81 18,82 18,82 18,82 18,83 18,83 18,83 18,83 18,84 18,84 18,85 18,86 18,89 18,89 18,91 18,92 18,92 18,93 18,93 18,94 18,95 18,95 18,96 18,96 -18,97 0,165 0,170 0,146 0,317 0,194 0,186 0,228 0,272 0,187 0,170 0,139 0,137 0,213 0,187 0,162 0,184 0,149 0,225 0,201 0,227 0,014 0,204 0,150 0,173 0,145 0,184 0,163 0,132 0,1 60 0,130 o,i55 0,157 o, 116 0,156 0,187 0,193 0,167 0,139 0,151 0,160 0,117 0,128 0,095 0,141 0,205 // 0,05 +0,05 + 0,O I 0,19 +0,26 +0,05 0,24 0,19 O,II 0,IO -9.5814 -9-459 1 -9.7436 +9-4553 +8.5611 -8.5185 +9.2730 -9.4062 8.0043 -9-37I3 -9-7477 -9-7473 [-9.1729 -7-6435 -9-5599 -8.5079 -9.7183 +9.2769 +9.0330 +9.2867 -9.6153 +9-993 -9.6935 -9.0792 -9.7272 +7.6990 -9-4677 -9.7414 9.5206 -9-7394 9.6048 -9-5547 -9.7127 -9.5278 +8.8893 + 9.0346 -9.0777 -9.7247 -9-5833 -9-3!87 -9.7132 -9.7340 9.6684 9.6962 +9.2172 +9.0993 +9-4957 9.6617 +9.9647 +9.8800 +9.8372 +9-9445 +9.9610 + 9-8537 +9.6133 9.7670 -9.7884 +9-933 1 +9.8584 + 9.2290 +9.8407 9.4749 +9.9482 +9.9199 +9-9495 9.9664 +9.9278 9.2686 +9.7714 -9.5604 +9.8698 +9.5148 -9.8125 +9.3814 9.8256 +8.9139 +9.2673 9.9009 +9-3 6 93 +9.9150 +9.9282 +9.782-5 9.5809 + 9.1241 +9.6783 9.8893 -9-7938 -9.9421 -9.3332 +9.9511 -1.2719 1.2720 1.2724 1.2724 1.2727 1.2730 1.2730 1.2731 1.2732 1.2733 1.2733 1.2734 1.2734 1.2734 1-^734 1.2737 1.2739 1.2742 1.2742 1.2743 1.2745 1.2745 1.2747 1.2747 1.2747 1.2748 1.2749 1.2749 1.2750 1.2751 1-2753 1.2756 1.2762 1.2761 1.2768 1.276? 1.2769 1.2771 1.2772 1.2773 1.2776 1.2776 1.2778 1.2779 1.2780 -9-5573 9-5567 9-5544 9-5543 9.5524 9.5504 9.5502 9.5492 9.5489 9.5478 9-5478 9-5473 9-5473 9.5472 9.5470 9.5452 9-5434 9.5414 9-54I3 9-5409 9-5394 9-5393 9.5382 9.5380 9-5376 9.5368 9-5367 9.5366 9-5354 9-5351 9-5335 9-5309 9.5265 9.5254 9.5220 9.5215 9.5209 9.5194 9.5184 9-5I77 9-5J5 9.5148 001 ooo 3! 202 203 205 ii.27i4 i-27i5 11.2716 M 935 J 570 R 57 4 R 573 G 3869 R575 M 936 R S7 6 G 3887 R577 J 571 63882 M 937 63884 A 527 G 3892 M 93 8 M 9 39 G 3900 G 3904 A 528 J2O2 J223 J229 922O 9216 9231 236 7201 7203 7204 7202 7205 7206 v.3343 v -3344 . . . v-3345 1.2718 004 207 0,02 +0,64 +0,18 0,04 -(-0,02 O,IO + 1,55 005 211 111.2851 v-334 6 111.2850 v -3347 11.2719 9233 7207 209 9237 9230 9238 9232 7208 7209 006 212 0,02 +0,43 -)-O,O2 O,O2 O,OO -|-O,2O 9240 9251 9249 7210 721 721 ;oo8 215 11.2720 v-3348 11.2722 11.2721 11.2723 3010 3007 217 zi6 O,O I + 0,07 + 0,30 0,04 0,07 0,01 +0,50 +0,41 0,00 + 0,02 + 0,02 0,03 3009 301 3012 3014 301 218 222 2I 9 22^ ii.272< iv.i 9 77 iii.2852 0.2725 225 11.2726 v.3349 9267 926* 9 27< ! ^928] 721 721 721 721 301 301 227 231 230 229 111.285 11.272: iii.285< 111.2854 O,OO 301 233 111.285! ! 5 1 3 i 9-5 I 3 -9.5120 0,25 9 Z 7< 572I (2Y2) 355 No. Constellation. Mag. Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a b c d 7966 7967 7968 7969 7970 797* 7972 7973* 7974 7975 7976 7977* 7978 7979 7980 7981 7982 7983 7984 7985 7986 7987 7988 7989 7990 7991* 7992 7993 7994 7995* 7996* 7997 7998 7999* 8000 8001 8002 8003 8004 8005 8006* 8007 8008 8009 8010 22 Piscis Aust y 5 4 6 6 4 5* 5t 5 6 6 7 7* 6 6 3 6 6 6 6 6 7 5* 5* 6 si 6 i 7i 6 6* 6 6 H 6 61 7 6 6 7 6i 6 6 5 6 7 h m s 22 44 10,71 44 21,20 44 30,65 44 43,81 44 47.i 6 44 48,24 45 16,89 45 3M3 45 34, 6 7 45 39.46 46 12,52 46 12,77 46 20,46 46 30,33 46 41,11 46 45,46 46 48,95 46 58,11 47 14,24 47 19,07 47 24,17 47 37,74 47 40,80 47 51,02 47 55.55 48 5,56 49 20,77 49 31,06 49 33,16 49 52,01 49 54.05 50 6,04 50 13,19 50 27,12 50 36,59 50 59,06 51 23,67 51 41,64 51 42,15 51 46,27 51 48,30 5i 58.48 52 0,19 52 17,08 22 52 29,72 8 + 3,360 2,124 3.518 3.574 3> J 34 3,002 2,678 2,304 3- l6 5 2,948 3,168 3,063 2,724 3.5 60 3,196 3.13 3,200 2,667 2,726 3,069 3>"3 3.344 3,012 +3.738 O,OI2 + 3.541 3.39 3,iio 2,721 2,608 3>49 2,925 3,365 2,629 3.483 3,011 3,3oi 2,995 3,168 3,070 3,729 3,261 3,600 3,565 + 3 I 37 s 0,0264 +0,0197 0,0416 0,0478 0,0083 +0,0003 +0,0153 +0,0215 0,0105 +0,0035 0,0 108 0,0034 +0,0141 0,0472 0,0130 0,008 1 -0,0133 +0,0162 + 0,0143 0,0038 0,0068 0,0258 o,ocoo 0,0695 0,2170 0,0462 0,0231 0,0066 +0,0153 +0,0191 0,0022 +0,0057 0,0286 +0,0188 0,0412 +0,0004 0,0228 +0,0016 0,0112 O,OO35 0,0721 0,0193 0,0556 -0,0515 0,0087 s +0,001 0,010 0,011 0,0 1 1 0,001 +0,041 + 0,015 + 8.8794 9.1806 8-9577 8.9865 8.8048 8.8055 8.9329 9.1136 8.8109 8.8179 8.8123 8.8011 8.9129 8.9866 8.8198 8.8056 8.8209 8.9442 8.9147 8.8017 8.8040 8.8800 8.8062 9.0802 9.6783 8.9831 8.8672 8.8051 8.9240 8.9857 8.8039 8.8303 8.8973 8.9771 8.9618 8.8088 8.8678 8.8123 8.8172 8.8044 9.0956 8.8507 9.0307 9.0130 + 8.8110 -8.4153 8.7154 8.4915 8.5190 8.3369 8-3375 8.4619 8.6411 8-3380 8.3446 8-3355 8.3242 8.4352 8.5079 8.3400 8-3253 8.3403 8.4626 8.4314 8.3179 8.3196 8.3941 8.3200 8.5929 9.1905 8.4943 8.3702 8.3070 8.4257 8.4853 8.3033 8.3284 8-3945 8.4728 8-4565 8.3010 8.3572 8.2997 8.3045 8.2913 8.5822 8.3362 8.5160 8.4964 8.2930 +0.5263 0.3271 0.5462 .553i 0.4961 0.4774 0.4278 0.3624 0.5003 0.4695 0.5008 0.4861 0.4352 0.55I5 0.5046 0-4955 0.5051 0.4260 0-4355 0.4870 0.4932 0.5242 0.4789 +0.5727 8.0682 +0.5492 0.5197 0.4928 0.4348 0.4164 0.4842 0.4661 0.5270 0.4197 0.5420 0.4787 0.5186 0.4764 0.5007 0.4871 0.5716 0.5 T 34 0.5563 0.5520 +0.4965 | 8.6233 + 9.1394 8.8142 8.8669 7.9681 + 8.0017 + 8.7627 + 9.0550 8.1432 + 8.2595 -8.1638 + 7.0632 + 8.7152 -8.8661 8.2762 -7.9491 -8.2885 + 8.7856 + 8.7189 + 6.4682 -7.8075 8.6200 + 7.9507 9.0096 + 9.6744 -8.8593 -8.5716 -7-7953 +8.7392 +8.8631 +7.5240 +8.3636 -8.6698 +8.8474 -8.8187 + 7.9816 -8.5702 +8.0901 8.1970 + 6.2556 9.0297 8.4920 8.9362 8.9080 8.0369 Gruis T 1 +0,004 0,00 1 +0,008 Gruis 7* 1 ' -0,059 0,00 1 0,000 0,017 +0,007 + 0,006 +0,004 +0,008 23 Piscis Aust 8 Cephei +0,006 24 Piscis Aust a Aquarii +0,026 0,003 0,001 1 6 Lacertae Lacerta; Pisciuro 5 1 Pegasi +0,019 +0,002 Piscis Aust Lacertse Gruis 0,004 Pegasi Aquarii +0,019 +0,004 +0,018 +0,008 0,023 +0,013 + 0,010 0,009 0,004 52 Pegasi Aquarii 2 Piscium Tucanaj Aquarii Gruis Gruis Aquarii 356 No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec.Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of Bradley. | Taylor. Lacaille. Bris- bane. Various. a' V c f d' 7966 7967 7968 7969 7970 7971 7972 7973 7974 7975 7976 7977 7978 7979 7980 7981 7982 7983 7984 7985 7986 7987 7988 7989 799 7991 7992 7993 7994 7995 7996 7997 7998 7999 8000 8001 8002 8003 8004 8005 8006 8007 8008 8009 8010 / II 123 40 7,9 24 35 15,1 135 56 24,1 139 23 29,0 98 22 34,2 80 57 39,8 47 29 2,0 29 5 59.3 102 24 43,7 73 57 ",2 102 59 2,8 88 57 7,9 5 37 43,3 106 37 1,0 97 59 58,0 107 3 57,7 46 2 51,0 50 25 21,4 89 44 3,5 95 47 8,1 123 2O 21,2 81 58 58,3 148 II 46,7 7 38 32,0 138 45 35- 1 120 24 55,8 95 3 6 38,6 49 JI 45-5 41 3 58,1 86 59 28,5 70 2 4,3 126 19 9,2 42 6 58,2 !35 59 21,9 8 1 26 20,7 120 16 0,2 79 4 i7,i 103 52 21,3 89 50 17,2 149 14 21,1 "5 57 49,8 143 33 22,8 141 45 11,6 99 41 2,5 -18*97 18,97 18,98 18,98 18,99 18,99 19,00 19,01 19,01 19,01 19,02 19,02 i9, 3 19,03 19,04 19,04 19,04 19,05 19,05 19,06 19,06 19,06 19,07 19,07 19,07 19,08 19,11 19,11 19,12 19,12 19,12 19,14 19,14 19,16 I Q I *J 1 0. 1 7 I o 1 7 19,18 19,18 19,19 -19,19 -0-159 0,100 0,166 0,168 0,147 0,141 0,125 0,107 0,137 0,146 0,141 0,126 0,164 0,147 0,143 0,147 0,122 O,I24 0,140 O,I4I 0,151 0,136 0,169 + O,OOI -0,159 0,146 0,137 0,120 0,115 0,134 0,128 0,147 0,115 0,152 0,130 0,142 0,128 0,136 0,131 0,159 0,139 0,154 0,151 -0,133 a 0,05 + 0,12 -o,34 +0,41 0,06 0,06 O,OI 0,07 0,03 + 0,01 0,03 -9.2579 9.6770 8.8414 -8.5752 9.5824 9.6805 -9.7294 9.6902 -9-5505 -9.7035 -9.5463 -9.6432 -9.7291 -8.6474 -9-5 I 3 I -9.5866 9.5089 -9.7241 -9.7271 -9.6389 -9.6025 -9.2829 -9.6749 + 8.5378 -9.5615 -8.7324 -9.3436 9.6046 -9.7212 9.7094 -9.6524 -9.7079 -9.2358 -9.7099 8.9400 -9.6751 -9-3545 9.6829 -9.5452 -9.6383 + 8-4757 9.4186 -8-3541 8. 6010 -9.5786 + 9.7196 -9.9346 +9.8325 + 9.8565 +9.1396 -9.1724 9.8063 9.9181 +9.3090 -9.4183 + 9.3287 8.2392 -9.7795 +9.8568 +9-4337 +9.1210 +9.4450 9.8190 9.7820 -7.6443 + 8.9813 +9.7180 -9.1225 +9.9075 -9-9743 +9-8545 +9.6834 +8.9693 9-7944 -9.8567 8.6994 9.5128 + 9.7521 9.8500 + 9.8366 -9.1528 +9.6827 9.2582 +9.3602 ~7-43 I 7 +9.9146 +9.6219 + 9.8861 + 9-8758 + 9.2068 1.2780 1.2781 1.2782 1.2784 1.2784 1.2784 1.2787 1.2789 1.2789 1.2790 1.2793 1-2793 1.2794 1.2795 1.2796 1.2797 1.2797 1.2798 1.2800 1.2800 1.2801 1.2802 1.2802 1.2803 1.2804 1.2805 1.2813 1.2814 1.2814 1.2816 1.2816 1.2817 1.2818 1.2819 1.2820 1.2822 1.2825 1.2826 1.2826 1.2827 1.2827* 1.2828 1.2828 1.2830 1.2831 -9.5117 9.5107 9.5098 9.5086 9.5083 9.5082 9-5055 9.5042 9-5039 9-5034 9.5003 9.5003 9-4995 9.4986 9.4976 9.4972 9.4968 9.4960 9-4944 9-4939 9-4935 9.4921 9.4918 9.4909 9.4904 9.4894 9.4820 9.4810 9.4808 9.4789 9-4787 9-4775 9.4768 9-4754 9-4745 9.4722 9.4697 9.4678 9.4678 9.4674 1 9.4671 9.4661 9.4659 9.4642 9.4629 3017 3022 234 238" ii.2728 11.2729 v -335o 11.2730 11.2731 iii.286o 11.2734 11.2732 11.2733 ili.2862 9287 9288 9289 7218 7219 J 572 R 57 8 fG 39 io, \ P 1050 63914 G 3918 63919 Wl252 R 579 B.H 488 B.F 3 146 B.F 3 i 43 B.F 3 147 A 533 J 57 6 3019 3020 3023 3028 3021 3024 236 240 239 241 2 43 0,09 0,02 0,02 +0,07 .3351 11.2735 11.2736 11.2737 9295 7220 3025 3027 3026 245 246 247 +0,03 +0,02 O,IO 0,05 3030 3029 3031 249 250 251 2 5 2 11.2738 11.2739 111.2863 11.2740 9304 7224 0,07 3038 258 111.2864 9305 93H 7225 +0,15 + 0,01 0,00 3032 333 334 2 53 254 255 11.2741 111.2865 111.2866 0,07 +0,10 3035 257 256 11.2742 v-3354 9316 7226 -0,31 93'7 +0,14 + 0,01 0,02 + 0,12 0,1 8 +0,08 0,09 0,11 +0,14 337 3036 262 265 264 266 111.2869 11.2743 111.2870 11.2744 v-335 6 111.2871 11.2745 v.3358 111.2873 9321 9320 9329 9322 9328 7227 7228 7229 7231 267 272 357 No. Constellation. Mag. Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a b c d Sou 8012 8013 8014 8015 8016 8017 8018 8019* 8020 8021 8022 8023 8024* 8025* 8026 8027 8028 8029* 8030 8031 8032 8033 8034 835 8036 8037 8038 8039* 8040* 8041 8042 8043 8044 ?45 8046 8047 8048 8049 8050* 8051 8052 8053 8054 8055* Tucanse 6 6 6 7 6 6 71 7 7 6 6 6 4 *i Si si i 5* 6 6 5 2 7 2 6 Si 6* 7 5 6 7 6 5 6 6 6 Si 7 6 ri 5 4i 6 6 6 h m s 22 52 43,51 52 56,37 53 >9 2 S3 4.49 53 6,91 53 35.85 53 45.73 53 5^.53 54 5.21 54 45, 1 5 54 54.75 54 59.7 55 1,82 55 10 >94 55 ".17 55 25. 7 55 32,22 55 42,63 55 45.45 55 49.78 5 6 H.77 5 6 30,38 57 12,07 57 17.5 57 20,49 57 28,13 57 28,31 57 30,43 57 50.89 58 1,83 58 4.21 58 23,27 S 8 24,79 58 29,32 58 3I.3 1 58 33.i8 58 36,96 58 39,9i 59 8,90 59 24,11 59 27,03 22 59 48,85 23 o 13,81 17.55 23 o 18,89 s +3.904 3.075 2,429 3.5 6 1,863 3.123 3,107 3,466 3.053 3."9 4,080 3,636 2,740 2,511 +3.337 0,215 + 3,408 2,738 3,594 5,229 3.051 2,882 2,453 2,978 3>*25 2,653 2,763 3.125 2,251 4,349 3,126 3.795 3-4*7 3.499 3>365 3.5i6 3,232 1,071 5.484 3.!23 3,018 2,911 3,267 2,506 + 3,955 s 0,0986 0,0039 +0,0242 0,0025 +0,0156 0,0076 0,0064 0,0410 0,002 1 0,0074 -0,1315 0,0628 +0,0164 +0,0239 0,0276 0,2923 -0,0353 +0,0167 -0,0579 0,4068 0,0019 +0,0096 +0,0259 +0,0036 0,0079 +0,0209 +0,0163 0,0078 +0,0274 0,1921 0,0079 0,0898 0,0378 -0,0479 0,0318 0,0500 0,0178 0,0526 -0,5131 0,0078 +0,0009 +0,0087 0,02 1 8 +0,0267 0,1201 s +0,027 +0,005 +9.1807 8.8051 9.0934 8.8054 9.3230 8.8095 8.8075 8.9646 8.8062 8.8097 9.2645 9.0643 8.9319 9.0621 8.8959 9-7555 8-9374 8-9352 9.0455 9-5795 8.8075 8.8582 9.1037 8.8213 8.8123 8.9927 8.9263 8.8124 9.2053 9.3780 8.8129 9.1645 8-9535 9.0038 8.9220 9.0139 8.8493 9.5673 9-6505 8.8134 8.8135 8.8503 8.8699 9.0923 +9-2494 -8.6611 8.2840 8.5718 8.2835 8.8007 8.2839 8.2808 8-4371 8.2772 8.2760 8.7297 8.5290 8.3963 8.5254 8-3592 9.2171 8.3982 8.3948 8.5047 9.0382 8.2632 8.3121 8.5526 8.2695 8.2601 8.4396 8-3731 8.2590 8.6494 8.8208 8-2554 8.6046 8-3935 8.4432 8.3611 8.4528 8.2877 9.0054 9.0850 8.2459 8-2457 8.2798 8.2962 8.5181 -8.6751 +0.5915 0.4878 0-3855 0.4851 0.2702 0.4946 0.4924 0.5398 0.4847 0.4941 0.6106 0.5606 0-4377 0.3999 +0.5234 -9.3316 +0-5325 0.4374 0.5556 0.7184 0.4845 0.4597 0.3897 0.4739 0.4948 0.4237 0.4414 0.4948 0.3523 0.6384 0.4949 0.5792 0-5337 0.5440 0.5270 0.5460 0.5095 0.0298 0.7391 0.4945 0.4797 0.4641 0.5141 0.3990 +0.5972 -9.1384 6.8384 +9.0265 + 7.3920 + 9.3020 -7-9457 -7.7905 -8.8224 + 7.4839 -7.9183 -9.2365 -8.9854 +8-7534 +8.9822 8.6605 +9-7527 -8-7653 +8.7603 -8.9575 -9-5732 +7-5283, + 8.5193 +9.0397 + 8.2170 7.9821 + 8.8720 + 8.7385 -7-9853 +9.1674 -9.3617 7-9949 9.1177 -8.7979 8.8907 -8-7273 -8.9074 -8.4679 +9.5607 9.6460 -7.9831 +7-9883 +8.4707 8.5640 + 9.0235 9.2188 3 Piscium Piscium +0,010 + 0,002 +0,003 0,006 + 0,001 +0,051 0,021 + 0,005 Indi Tucause i Andromedse 8 Piscis Aust + O,OO6 + 0,069 O,OO I + 0,005 Cephei Gruis Octantis -0,053 + O,OO6 +0,016 4 Piscium p CA Peirasi . . . Ct, +0,007 +0,013 +0,023 +0,007 +0,008 8 3 Aquarii A 1 3 Andromedsc Andromedse 84 Aquarii h? 8 5 Aquarii h 3 +0,004 Tucanae Gruis 6 0,003 +0,001 0,017 0,024 +0,007 +0,031 0,191 +0,010 +0,003 +0,005 +0,007 +0,009 Gruis Gruis Gruis 8 6 Aquarii ....... c' Cephei Octantis 8 7 Aquarii h* c c Peirasi . 56 Pegasi Aquarii i Cassiopcfc Indi 358 No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Pieces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of i 1 Taylor. 1 Bris- iane. Various. a' V 34 i9'34 19.34 19-34 r 9.34 19.35 19,36 19,36 19.37 19.38 19,38 -19,38 0,165 0,129 0,102 0,128 0,078 0,130 0,129 0,144 0,126 0,128 0,167 0,148 O,II2 O,IO2 0,136 + 0,009 0,138 O,III 0,145 0,211 O,I22 O,II5 0,097 O,II7 0,123 O,IO4 0,109 0,123 0,088 0,169 0,122 0,147 0,132 0.135 0,130 0,136 0,125 0,041 O,2IO 0,119 O,II5 0,110 0,123 0,094 -0,149 +0*66 0,02 +8.9020 -9.6343 -9.6725 9.6481 9.6083 -9.5920 9.6070 -8.9818 -9.6503 -9-5958 +9.0477 -7.7853 -9.7078 -9.6749 9.2804 -9.5120 9.1278 -9.7057 -8-3874 +9.2993 -9.6511 -9.7084 -9.6559 9.6880 -9-59 3 -9.6879 -9.7033 -9.5900 9.6224 +9-H77 -9.5892 +8.6767 9.0966 -8.8579 9.2164 -8.7987 -9.4544 -9.5263 +9.2951 -9-59x7 -9.6704 -9.7013 -9-3974 -9.6492 +8.9170 +9.9387 +8.0144 -9.9143 -8.5678 9.9603 +9.1177 +8.9646 +9.8394 -8.6595 +9.0907 +9.9542 +9.9034 9.8038 -9.9025 +9.7470 -9.9798 +9.8105 9.8078 +9-8948 +9.9765 -8.7037 9.6442 -9.9194 -9.3792 +9- J 534 9.8630 -9-7959 +9.1565 -9-9459 +9.9676 +9.1659 +9-9374 +9.8285 +9.8711 +9.7896 +9.8777 +9.6028 -9.9776 +9.9800 +9.1544 -9.1594 9.6052 +9.6792 -9.9164 +9-9545 1.2832 1.2834 1.2834 1.2834 1.2835 1.2837 1.2838 1.2839 1.2840 1.2844 1.2845 1.2845 1.2845 1.2846 1.2846 1.2847 1.2848 1.2849 1.2849 1.2850 1.2852 1.2853 1.2857 1.2858 1.2858 1.2859 1.2859 1.2859 1.2861 1.2862 1.2862 1.2863 1.2864 1.2864 1.2864 1.2864 1.2865 1.2865 1.2867 1.2869 1.2869 1.2871 1.2873 1.2873 -1.2873 9.4614 9.4601 9.4596 9.4592 9.4590 9-4559 9-4549 9.4541 9.4528 9-4485 9-4475 9.4469 9.4467 9-4457 9-4457 9.4442 9-4434 9.4423 9.4419 9.4415 9.4387 9.4370 9-4323 9-43 J 7 9-43 H 9-4305 9.4305 9-4303 9.4279 9.4267 9.4264 9.4242 9.4241 9-4235 9.4233 9.4231 9.4227 9.4223 9.4190 9.4172 9.4169 9.4143 9.4114 9.4109 9.4108 9325 7232 G 3945 Wi257 G 3946 M 944 R58i W 1259 R582 B55 B.H487 M 945 M 946 G 3971 M 9 4 9 M 947 M 948 G 3975 M 950 J 577 G 3980 M 9 5i 39 274 ^.2746 + 0,07 275 ii.2747 O,o6 + 0,08 -0,35 0,0 1 0,0 1 0,09 -0,39 0,03 0,02 0,04 0,05 0,04 O,O2 040 041 042 278 279 281 11.2748 11.2874 11.2749 11.2750 9339 9337 9345 7234 7235 v-3359 11.2751 343 344 3058 284 282 295 7.3360 111.2878 7.3361 111.2877 9350 7237 9354 9353 9332 7238 7236 345 286 0,24 O,OO -0,I 7 3046 3047 287 288 11.2752 O,O I O,o6 O,I2 -{-0,06 0,07 0,03 -o.43 0,04 35 3048 3052 3049 3054 290 289 293 292 291 11.2755 11.2754 iii.288i iii.288o 111.2879 11.2757 .... 7239 9358 7240 3051 294 11.2756 7242 7244 7245 7246 +0,06 O,I2 +0,1 6 0,05 +0,01 +0,06 +0,51 0,04 O,OI 0,00 +0,10 + 0,01 296 11.2758 7.3362 iii.2883 7.3363 11.2759 9366 9365 9369 9367 9371 298 353 3067 299 9355 724 3055 3056 3057 3061 302 303 304 305 308 111.2884 ii.276c 11.2761 111.2885 iii.2887 937 6 9374 359 . No. Constellation. Mag. Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a b c d 8056* 8057* 8058 8059 8060 8061 8062 8063* 8064 8065* 8066 8067 8068 8069 8070 8071 8072* 8073 8074 8075 8076 8077 8078 8079 8080 8081 8082 8083* 8084 8085 8086* 8087 8088 8089 8090 8091* 8092* 8093 8094* 8095 8096 8097 8098 8099 8100 Andromedas 6i 6 5i 6 54 6 4* 6 6 74 6 5 6 5 54 6 6 7 5 7 6 54 6 6 6 5 6 7 5 7 6 6 7 6 7 6 5 6 54 6 6 4 64 6 h m s 23 O 26,26 o 33,43 o 48,69 o 57,42 o 59,97 i 21,53 i 26,57 i 36,97 i 38,52 i 42,67 i 47,67 i 50,78 i 52,93 ' 53,85 1 57.3 1 2 28,56 2 42,81 2 53,14 3 8,25 3 20,56 4 0,86 4 9.97 4 3 z >7 r 4 43,52 4 48,10 5 41,29 6 3,63 6 23,99 6 33,25 6 34,45 6 36,19 6 38,81 7 23,32 7 37,25 7 38,67 7 42,64 7 47,32 7 50,77 8 i, 79 8 18,06 8 27,15 8 38,54 8 44,82 23 8 59,57 s +2,724 3,906 2,722 2,686 3,063 3,691 3,207 3-392 3>257 3,063 3,367 2,400 3,215 3,024 3,o 1 8 14,249 3,110 1,881 2,536 2,769 2,330 3,026 2,914 3,457 3,710 2,715 2,602 3,089 3,108 3,617 3,555 3,348 3,847 4,841 2,915 3,525 3,658 3.093 3,373 2,916 3,566 2,917 + 3,812 8 + 0,0193 + 0,0195 + O.O2I2 O,OO25 -0,0775 0,0366 0,02 1 O,OO25 -0,0335 0,0400 + 0,0293 0,0167 + O,OOO7 + O,OOI3 8,0991 0,0067 +O,O2O4 +0,0278 + 0,0184 + 0,0313 + O,COO9 + 0,0097 0,0469 0,0854 + 0,0223 + 0,0274 0,0047 0,0065 0,0726 0,0629 -0,0337 -0,1145 0,3689 + O,OIO6 -0,0594 0,08 1 1 0,0051 0,00 8 1 0,0380 +0,0107 0,0671 +0,0107 0,1112 S 0,004 + 8.9616 9.2294 8.9642 8.9879 8.8095 9.1292 8.8424 8.9504 8.8674 8.8098 8.9346 8.9685 9.1589 8.8466 8.8139 8.8155 0-3393 8.8133 9-3856 9.0927 8.9446 9.2089 8.8150 8.8576 9.0071 9.1617 8.9911 9.0681 8.8127 8.8151 9-11.99 9.0819 8.9404 9.2502 9-5855 8.8636 9.0689 8.8138 8.8192 8.9656 8.8646 9.1018 8.8647 +9.2449 -8.3863 8.6533 8.3861 8.4087 8.2299 8.5469 8.2594 8.3660 8.2829 8.2247 8.3489 8.3823 8.5725 8.2601 8.2269 8.2244 9-7463 8.2190 8-7893 8-4947 8.3452 8.6055 8.2105 8.2499 8.3980 8.5519 8.3740 8.4479 8.1897 8.1908 8-4955 8.4572 8.3153 8.6188 8.9522 8.2300 8-4347 8.5177 8.1785 8.1823 8.3263 8.2241 8.4596 8.2215 -8.5996 + 0.4352 0.5917 0.4349 0.4291 0.4861 0.5671 0.5061 0.5305 0.5128 0.4861 0.5272 0-5339 0.3803 0.5072 0.4806 0-4797 I-I538 0.4927 0.2743 0.4042 0.4424 0.3673 0.4808 0.4645 0.5387 0.5694 0-4337 0.4154 0.4899 0.4925 0-5583 0.5509 0.5247 0.5851 0.6850 0.4646 0.5471 0.5633 0.4904 0.4946 0.5280 0.4648 0.5522 0.4649 +0.5811 + 8.8130 -9.1956 + 8.8180 + 8.8622 +7.1696 9.0726 -8.4157 -8.7895 -8.5517 + 7.1763 -8.7551 -8.8258 + 9.1104 -8.4433 + 7.9501 + 8.0103 -0.3391 7.8850 + 9.3697 + 9.0235 + 8.7763 + 9.1710 + 7-9535 +8.5000 8.8942 -9-"35 +8.8661 +8.9884 -7.5920 -7.8921 -9.0597 9.0079 -8.7652 -9.2191 -9-5793 + 8.5245 8.9892 9.1016 -7.6899 -8.0547 8.8174 + 8.5280 -9.0351 + 8.5278 9.2129 Indi 4 Andromedae +0,005 +0,018 + O,OII +0,064 +0,005 0,023 +0,018 0,001 +0,002 0,000 5 Andromedae 5 Piscium A Tucanae 88 Aquarii c~ Gruis Piscis Aust Gruis j Cephei t 89 Aquarii cP +0,004 + 0,002 + 0,003 58 Pegasi Aquarii 0,024 +0,001 + 0,011 0,018 1 1 Cpnhpi . . . . ir 2 Cassiopeae 6 Andromedae Cephei co Pefrasi . +0,003 0,013 +0,140 +0,035 +0,009 + O,2OI +0,013 +0,006 60 Pegasi Gruis Tucanae 7 Audromedae Cassiopeae Piscium 90 Aquarii Q Tucanae Tucanae 0,010 +0,020 Gruis Tucanae Octantis 0,029 0,00 1 +0,025 -0,235 Pegasi Gruis Tucanae 9 1 Aquarii if/ 1 +0,028 + 0,029 +0,003 0,012 +0,006 0,029 Gruis 6 1 Pegasi Tucanae .... y Pegasi Tucanae 360 No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec.Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of m 1 Taylor. 1 Bris- >ane. Various. a' V * 2 3 34 i9.4 82 5 37,0 6 3 57 4.3 140 26 37,0 *53 3 6 >3 41 24 46,6 33 39 3 2 -7 93 * 6 5 6 >9 96 51 22,7 150 31 11,5 147 30 21,4 131 55 2.4 !5 8 35 4 6 ,9 170 17 29,8 62 44 33,5 146 20 46,6 i5 2 47 5!>9 94 18 42,3 99 54 H-9 135 18 8,2 62 34 5,6 149 3 28,2 62 35 26,4 158 17 10,6 -19,38 19,38 '9.39 J 9.39 J 9.39 19,40 19,40 19,41 19,41 19,41 19,41 19,41 19,41 19,41 19,42 !9-43 19.43 19.44 19.44 *9>45 *9'45 19,46 19,46 19.47 19.47 19,48 19,50 19,50 J9.5 1 i9.5i i9.5i 19'S 1 I9.5 1 J 9.53 J 9>53 19.53 J 9.54 X 9.54 I 9.54 *9.54 19.55 19.55 19.55 19,56 -19,56 a 0,102 0,146 o,ior 0,100 0,114 0,136 0,118 0,125 0,120 O,II2 O,I23 0,125 0,088 0,118 0,111 0,109 0,514 0,112 0,067 0,091 0,099 0,082 0,106 0,102 O,I20 0,129 0,093 0,089 0,104 O,IO5 O.I22 O,I2O O,II3 0,128 0,1 60 0,096 0,116 O,I2I O,IO2 O,IO2 O,IIO 0,095 0,116 0,094 0,123 " 9.6884 +8.8591 9.6867 9.6799 9.6432 + 8.1553 -9.4883 -9.1458 9.4120 -9.6432 9.2022 9.0810 9.6217 -9.4765 9.6667 9.6698 +9.3701 9.6040 -9.5467 -9.6388 9.6850 -9.5968 9.6656 -9.6947 -8.9647 +8.2989 9.6658 9.6381 9.6225 9.6056 8.0969 -8.5843 -9.2274 + 8.7284 + 9.1764 9.6898 -8.7177 + 7-3979 9.6188 -9.5897 9.1650 9.6883 -8.5119 9.6878 + 8.6493 -9.8366 +9.9514 -9.8392 -9.8598 -8.3456 +9.9290 +9.5590 +9.8249 +9.6700 -8-35*3 +9.8063 +9.8432 -9-9373 + 9.5825 9.1221 9.1810 + 9.9861 + 9.0580 -9.9706 -9.9175 9.8183 -9.9491 -9- I2 55 9.6296 +9- 8 743 +9.9391 9.8627 9.9082 +8.7673 +9.0650 +9.9279 +9.9142 +9.8129 + 9-9574 + 9.9823 -9.6494 +9.9089 + 9-9377 + 8.8648 + 9.2243 +9.8406 -9.6523 +9.9223 9.6521 +9.9572 -1.2874 1.2875 1.2876 1.2877 1.2877 1.2879 1.2879 1.2880 1.2880 1.2880 1.2881 1.2881 1.2881 1.2881 1.2881 1.2884 1.2885 1.2886 1.2887 1.2888 1.2889 1.2891 1.2892 1.2894 1.2895 1.2895 1.2899 1.2901 1.2902 1.2903 1.2903 1.2903 1.2903 1.2907 1.2908 1.2908 1.2908 1.2909 1.2909 1.2910 1.2911 1.2911 1.2912 1.2913 -1.2914 -9.4099 9.4090 9.4072 9.4062 9.4059 9.4033 9.4027 9.4014 9.4012 9.4007 9.4001 9-3997 9-3995 9-3994 9.3989 9-3951 9-3933 9.3921 9.3902 9.3886 9.3872 9.3836 9.3824 9-3795 9-378i 9-3775 9.3706 9.3677 9.3650 9.3638 9.3636 9-3 6 34 9.3631 9-3571 9-355* 9-355 9-3545 9-3538 9-3533 9-35 l8 9.3496 9.3484 9.3468 9-3459 -9-3439 3060 G3985 R S 8 4 M 952 R 5 8 5 J579 M 9 53 J58o, Rs86 G 3994 J58i J578.R583 B.F3i82 G 4005 656, A540 M955, J582 R 5 8 7 R 588 L 123 R 5 8 9 B.F 3 i83 M 9 s6 R 59 o J583,R S9 i i 0,32 +0,03 0,13 -0,15 +Q.73 0,08 +0,24 0,00 0,02 +0,06 0,29 9375 7247 3063 3064 359 311 312 310 iii.2888 iii.2889 ii.276 3 9377 7248 3062 313 3H 11.2764 v -33 6 4 v-33 6 5 111.2891 v.3366 11.2765 938i 9383 7249 7250 3066 316 315 9384 9382 7251 7252 0,05 0,0 1 0,04 +o,34 + 0,02 + 0,05 O,OO + 0,14 3065 3068 3069 317 3i8 320 11.2766 11.2767 111.2895 9386 9225 / 7241 3074 3071 3070 2 8 6 7 111.2896 11.2768 111.2898 111.2899 O,O I + 0,08 +2,5 +0,89 0,08 0,28 +0,03 +0,16 3072 373 9 ii 11.2769 11.2770 v.3370 9397 9396 7*57 7258 3075 377 3076 4 11.2771 17 *9 01.2900 11.2772 v.3372 v.3373 945 9406 9407 7261 7262 0,08 +0,17 18 O,II 9399 7263 379 +0,26 -2,85 v-3374 9410 9412 7264 7266 0,00 0,41 0,05 0,00 +0,08 0,70 3078 3080 22 26 ii.2773 ii.2775 7.3376 111.2904 9419 9420 9418 7267 7268 28 B.A.C. (2Z) 361 No. Constellation. Mag. Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a b c d 8101 8102 8103 8104* 8105 8106* 8107* 8108 8109 8110 8m 8112* 8113 8114 8115 8116 8117 8118 8119 8120 8121 8122 8123* 8124* 8125 8126* 8127 8128 8129 8130 8131 8132 8i33 8134* 8135* 8136 8137* 8138* 8139* 8140 8141 8142 8i43 8144 8145 6 5* 6 6 4i 6 6 6 5 6 6 6 5 5 6 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 Si 6 6 6 6 7 7 5 6 61 6i 6 6 7 7 7i 6 6 6 6 5 6 h m s 23 9 2,93 9 4.33 9 ",25 9 16,76 9 23,39 9 5^4 9 52,62 9 52,79 10 6,54 10 13,81 10 16,64 10 21,39 10 43,01 10 48,16 10 54,27 ii 9,41 ii 13,03 ii 17,16 ii 37,31 ii 58,64 12 22,9*1 12 27,80 12 28,15 12 28,97 12 3M5 12 39,82 12 42,09 12 44,73 12 56,91 J 3 9 X S 13 13,16 13 1.5.53 13 29,37 13 37,5 8 13 38,33 13 39,77 13 42,70 14 2,88 H 5,38 14 11,26 14 36,01 14 47,21 14 49,21 15 5,29 23 15 6,10 s +3,621 3>"5 3,598 2,085 3,058 2,270 2,694 3,329 3,122 2,789 4,265 3,393 3.258 2,752 2,790 3,^3 3.H3 2,826 3,100 2,799 3,4!3 2,177 3,93 2,413 2,767 2,771 3-049 2,831 3>i3 3,349 2,956 3,213 2,918 3,096 2,818 2,866 2,584 2,582 2,865 3>547 2,913 3.H5 3,464 3,170 + 3,39 s 0,0765 0,0073 0,0731 -[-0,0322 0,0016 +0,0357 +0,0258 0,0330 0,0080 +0,0206 0,2179 0,0423 0,0243 +0,0231 +0,0209 0,0083 0,0105 +0,0186 0,0058 +0,0208 0,0470 +0,0370 0,0050 +0,0373 +0,0232 +0,0231 0,0003 +0,0190 0,0061 0,0380 +0,0089 0,0194 +0,0124 0,0054 +0,0205 +0,0168 +0,0337 +0,0340 +0,0170 0,0714 +0,0133 O,OII2 0,0578 0,0144 -0,0334 s + 9.1387 8.8180 9.1259 9.3576 8.8136 9.2808 9.0281 8-9399 8.8202 8.9592 9.4440 8.9903 8.8919 8.9900 8.9619 8.8212 8.8276 8.9360 8.8165 8.9597 9.0168 9-3454 8.8160 9.2279 8.9874 8.9854 8.8160 8.9385 8.8177 8.9708 8.8505 8.8681 8.8756 8.8170 8.9529 8.9147 9.1315 9- I 35 8.9172 9.1280 8.8822 8.8323 9.0721 8.8451 +8.9474 8.4929 8.1720 8.4789 8.7098 8.1648 8.6279 8-3749 8.2867 8.1650 8.3029 8.7873 8.3328 8.2312 8.3285 8.2995 8.1565 8.1623 8.2700 8.1475 8.2874 8.3407 8.6685 8.1391 8.5508 8.3099 8.3066 8.1369 8.2590 8.1362 8.2874 8.1665 8.1837 8.1890 8.1290 8.2649 8.2264 8.4427 8.4430 8.2248 8-4347 8.1848 8.1330 8.3726 8.1429 8.2450 +0.5588 0-4935 0.5561 0.3192 0.4854 0.3561 0.4304 0.5223 0.4944 0-4455 0.6299 0-5305 0.5130 0.4397 0.4455 0-4945 0-4973 0.4511 0.4913 0.4470 0.5331 0.3379 0.4904 0.3825 0.4421 0.4426 0.4841 0.4519 0.4917 0.5249 0.4707 0.5070 0.4650 0.4909 0-4499 0.4572 0.4123 0.4120 0.4571 0.5499 0.4643 0.4976 0.5396 0.5011 +0.5196 9.0838 -7.9898 9.0672 + 9.3392 + 7-4471 +9.2540 + 8.9270 8.7624 -8.0599 + 8.8037 -9.4318 -8.8631 -8.6321 +8.8624 + 8.8089 8.0790 8.2196 + 8.7525 -7-8316 +8.8040 8.9080 + 9.3256 -7.7324 + 9.1928 + 8.8571 + 8.8534 + 7.7166 + 8-7577 -7.8863 -8.8257 + 8.4410 -8.5369 +8.5693 -7-7979 + 8.7891 + 8.6978 + 9.0739 + 9.0784 + 8.7042 9.0694 + 8.5940 8.2689 8.9926 -8.3978 -8.7764 0,000 + 0,052 +0,002 +0,025 +0,006 Octantis 0,160 0,023 +0,002 +0,004 8 Andromeda? +0,005 +0,021 +0,003 +0,0 1 6 94 Aquarii 9 Andromedse 96 Aquarii 0,014 Piscium +0,0 1 6 +0,003 +0,019 +0,006 +0,009 1 1 Andronicdii' 7 Piscium b Phcenicis 62 Pegasi f +0,005 0,002 +0,007 Aquarii 63 Pegasi Aquarii Androniedae 12 Andromedse +0,015 Cephei Andromedae Tucanae. . . +0,065 +0,002 +0,009 +0,002 0,007 0,006 64 Pegasi 97 Aquarii Gruis 98 Aquarii b^ Gruis 362 No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec.Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of fe- rn 1 Taylor. I Brig- jane. Various. a? V 73 19,73 973 i9>74 i9,74 r 9>75 19,75 19,75 19.75 19,76 19,76 19,76 19,76 19,76 19.77 19.77 19.77 19,78 19,78 19,78 '9.79 19,80 19,80 19,80 19,80 n 0,084 0,084 0,097 0,085 0,093 0,095 0,086 0,074 0,087 0,088 0,080 0,095 0,073 0,079 0,079 0,084 0,069 0,090 0,092 0,094 0,091 0,083 0,088 0,079 0,079 0,073 0,082 0,062 0,075 0,079 0,089 0,077 0,082 0,084 0,06 1 0,083 0,074 0,075 o.75 0,074 0,078 0,054 0,064 0,077 0,094 // 0,00 9.6760 9.6758 8.9704 9.6662 9.2519 9.0430 9.6356 9.5867 9-5993 9-5I55 9.6707 8.8663 9-5944 9.6687 9.6728 9.5283 9-5 6 43 9.0488 8.8195 8.4997 8.8274 9.5210 9.1281 9.6388 9.6384 9.6423 9-39I5 9.4949 9.6689 9.5881 8-5539 9.6519 9.2651 9.0302 9.4921 9.0867 9.6619 9.6293 9.6197 9.6318 9.3172 9-4330 9.5648 -9.2769 +8.8228 -9.5258 9.5202 +9.9031 9.2912 +9.8331 +9.8926 +7.9601 -9.9264 +9.1996 +9.5766 9.7127 +9.9191 -9.9146 -9.7114 -9.5769 +9.5561 -9.9365 +9.8982 +9.9272 +9.9448 +9-9*73 +9.5769 +9.8833 -7-8735 -7.7098 9.8196 +9.7664 -9.9659 9.6086 +9.3210 +9.9469 -8-9794 +9.8456 +9.9088 -9.9654 +9.8989 -9.3094 +8.6533 +8.9635 + 8.5055 +9.8264 -9.9781 -9.9215 +9.8489 +9.9852 -1.2939 1.2939 1.2939 1.2940 1.2940 1.2941 1.2941 1.2941 1.2942 1.2942 1.2943 1.2944 1.2947 1.2947 1.2949 1.2949 1.2950 1.2950 1.2950 1.2950 1.2951 1.2951 1.2952 i- 2 953 1.2954 1.2955 1.2956 1.2956 1.2957 1.2957 1.2957 1.2957 1.2958 1.2959 1.2959 1.2959 1.2961 1.2961 1.2962 1.2962 1.2964 1.2966 1.2966 1.2966 1.2967 9.2882 9.2875 9.2867 9.2853 9.2853 9.2826 9.2822 9.2819 9.2808 9.2790 9.2764 9.2734 9.2675 9.2655 9.2617 9.2590 9.2587 9.2586 9.2576 9.2565 9.2539 9.2536 9.2523 9.2477 9.2444 9.2407 9.2402 9.2399 9.2372 9.2366 9.2365 9.2358 9.2307 9.2300 9.2293 9.2282 9.2224 9.2204 9.2201 9.2197 9.2123 9.2047 9.2047 9.2029 -9.1998 3106 3107 65 ^.2790 L 33 R S97 B.F 3209 G 4050 M 963 Wl2 73 A 547 64054 1588 R S9 8 R 599 R6oo Wi2 74 M 965 M 9 66 64068 M 9 67 R6oi 64071 R6o2 M 970 M 9 68 M 969 64080 B.H 435 +0,39 0,03 +0,02 +0,14 + 0,08 O,OI +0,09 +0,03 +0,03 0,0 1 + 0,02 0,05 0,O7 + 0,02 O,O2. 0,09 M385 ii.2791 v. 33 86 v. 33 8 7 11.2792 9455 9456 9457 7280 7282 7283 3108 67 66 3110 3109 68 69 70 7i ii.292i 11.2793 111.2922 v.338 9 9463 7285 3112 3111 3114 3113 3"5 75 77 78 81 iii.2924 ii.2794 ii.2795 ii.2796 v.33 9 o 9470 9472 947i 9474 9478 9476 7287 7288 7289 7291 .... +.43 0,22 0,09 -0,58 + 0,10 +0,05 0,05 0,11 +0,04 +0,04 + 0,02 4-0,23 +0,03 +0,37 +0,07 0,00 +0,25 0,06 0,01 +0.34 + 0,01 +0,05 0,04 0,02 -0,18 v.33 9 i ii.2797 v.3393 ii.2798 ii.2799 iii.2929 iii.2928 82 3116 3117 3118 3121 3119 83 84 89 87 9485 9 1 90 ii.28oo iii.293o 9483 7293 3120 92 ii.aSoi v.3395 v. 339 6 ii.28o2 11.2803 11.2804 11.2805 ii.28o6 v.3397 949 9488 949 * 7294 7295 3 I2 5 3122 3123 3124 3131 94 95 96 97 99 9495 7296 IOI 11.2807 .3398 9502 9494 7297 365 No. Constellation. Mag. Eight Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a b c d 8191 8192 8193 8194 8195 8196* 8197 8198 8199 8200 8201 8202 8203 8204* 8205 8206 8207* 8208 8209* 8210 8211 8212 8213 8214 8215 8216 8217* 8218 8219 8220* 8221 8222 8223 8224 8225 8226 8227 8228 8229 8230 8231 8232 8233 8234 8235 6 6 7 6 6 7* rt 7 7 6J 5 5 Si 7 6* Si 6 6 7 5 6 si Si H 6* 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 6 44 7 6 6 6 4 Si 6 5 4i 6i 6 h m s 23 23 36,25 23 45,83 23 46,08 23 50,03 23 55,46 23 56,86 24 3.79 24 15,85 24 25,65 24 37,23 24 54,82 ^S 25.38 ^S S7.83 26 9,27 26 26,21 26 31,05 26 36,01 26 42,92 26 45,19 26 59,21 27 13,53 27 18,03 27 46,45 27 47,62 27 48,60 28 16,45 28 29,69 28 44,09 28 54,93 29 45,87 29 52,91 3 4.23 30 12,78 30 14,22 30 14,89 30 16,06 30 22,70 30 38,60 30 47,62 31 23,52 3i 53,17 32 0,13 32 13,96 32 16,75 23 32 40,21 8 + 3,434 3,264 3,089 3,i56 2,904 3.i5 6 3,118 3,078 3,116 3,8i6 3.234 3.I5 1 2,992 2.494 3,078 2,956 3,497 3.376 3.254 3,252 2,948 2,914 0,025 3,098 3,069 3,168 2,544 3,067 3,900 3,255 3, "4 3,021 2,906 2,894 3,120 3,421 3,016 3,648 2,915 3,252 2,878 3,"4 3-57 3,046 + 3,3i8 8 0,0647 O,O325 O,OO45 O,OI48 + 0,0188 O,OI46 O.OOSg O,OO3O O,OO87 0,1608 0,0280 0,0143 +0,0092 +0,0521 0,0030 +0,0143 0,0848 0,0578 -0,0332 0,0331 +0,0156 +0,0200 -0,4747 0,006 1 0,00 1 6 0,0183 +0,0541 0,00 1 1 0,2107 0,0365 0,0092 +0,0065 +0,0235 +0,0251 0,0104 -0,0753 +0,0074 -0,1394 +0,0227 -0,0377 +0,0289 0,0098 +0,0009 +0,0030 0,0550 s + 9.1172 8.9514 8.8201 8.8519 8.9244 8.8516 8.8294 8.8189 8.8289 9-3939 8.9262 8.8510 8.8509 9.3104 8.8195 8.8839 9.2019 9.0909 8.9589 8.9584 8.8942 8-93I5 0.0315 8.8242 8.8196 8.8726 9.3031 8.8200 9.4915 8.9809 8.8330 8.8374 8.9604 8-9757 8.8372 9.1741 8.8410 9.3676 8.9523 8.9906 9.0093 8.8358 8.8223 8.8259 +9.0875 8.3218 8.1540 8.0226 8-0537 8.1251 8.0519 8.0284 8.0153 8.0233 8.5859 8.1145 8.0329 8.0259 8.4829 7.9883 8.0517 8.3685 8.2560 8.1235 8.I2OO 8.0526 8.0888 9.1823 7.9748 7.9700 8.0166 8.4440 7.9576 8.6265 8.1038 7.9542 7-9557 8.0767 8.0917 7-953 8.2896 7-9549 8-4775 8.0600 8.0892 8.1003 7.9249 7.9077 7.9107 -8.1661 +0.5358 0.5138 0.4898 0.4992 0.4631 0.4991 0-4939 0.4882 0.4936 0.5816 0.5097 0.4984 0.4760 0.3968 0.4882 0.4707 0-5437 8.5284 0.5124 0.5122 0.4696 0.4646 8.3892 0.49 1 1 0.4870 0.5007 0.4055 0.4867 0.5910 0.5125 -4933 0.4801 0.4632 0.4614 0.4942 0.5341 0.4794 0.5621 0.4647 0.5122 0.4591 0.4934 0.4853 0.4837 +0.5209 -9.0540 -8.7817 -7.7523 8.4292 + 8.7178 -8.4266 -8.1741 -7.3426 -8.1598 -9.3779 -8.7217 -8.4197 + 8.4183 + 9.2865 -7-3784 + 8.5894 9.1610 -9.0177 8.7968 -8.7958 + 8.6264 + 8.7342 +0.0306 -7-9833 + 6.7465 8.5400 + 9.2782 + 7.1660 -9.4814 -8.8402 8.2134 + 8.2776 + 8.7990 + 8.8300 -8.2755 -9.1267 + 8.3209 -9-3494 + 8.7815 -8.8580 +8.8913 8.2503 + 7.7461 +8.0129 9.0123 Gruis +0,005 0,001 +0,006 +0,026 0,002 0,005 +0,003 0,005 +0,073 +0,004 +0,00 1 +0,007 Piscium 100 Aquarii b^ 14 Androniedic Aquarii Aquarii Tucanae Sculptoris /3 101 Aquarii b* 71 Pegasi Cephei 14 Piscium +0,007 +0,003 -0,035 0,021 + O,OO2 0,005 +0,001 +0,002 +0,048 0,0 10 0,001 0,002 72 Pegasi Tucanae Tucanae Phoenicis Phoenicia i 11 Peffasi . i r Andromedae Ursae Minoris .... Aquarii 1 5 Pisciuro Aquarii Cephei 1 6 Pisciuro 0,003 0,029 +0,006 +0,010 + O,OII Octantis Phoenicis Aquarii 74. Petrasi . Andromedae 1 6 Andromedae ... -A Aquarii +0,018 0,004 -0,037 +0,007 0,022 +0,003 0,0 1 1 +0,001 +0,005 +0,055 +0,015 +0,040 Tucanae Tucanae 17 Andromedae . . . . i Phcenicis 1 8 Andromedae 1 02 Aquarii iu ' 17 Piscium j Pegasi Phoenicis 366 No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of ? m 1 Taylor. ! 8ris- jane. Various. a' V c' d' 8191 8192 8193 8194 8195 8196 8197 8198 8199 8200 8201 8202 8203 8204 8205 8206 8207 8208 8209 8210 8211 8212 8213 8214 8215 8216 8217 8218 8219 8220 8221 8222 8223 8224 8225 8226 8227 8228 8229 8230 8231 8232 8233 8234 8235 o / /; 149 49 50,5 132 34 48,0 94 54 29,7 112 ii 45,5 51 35 13,2 "2 4 35,3 102 46 28,0 91 54 49,8 IO2 22 15,1 164 34 28,9 128 38 50,6 i" 44 33.5 68 19 39,4 1 8 49 34,4 92 4 31,4 59 3 i.5 155 31 8,0 H7 39 9> i33 30 44.o 133 26 38,6 57 19 54.7 5 35 2 5. 6 3 31 12,2 98 17 38,1 89 30 56,6 117 42 19,7 19 II 13,6 88 43 43,8 167 41 59,9 136 19 15,6 103 53 26,7 74 o 14,4 46 24 1,5 44 21 *3.7 105 55 16,6 i53 43 7. 1 72 25 44,6 163 31 26,6 47 33 4L4 137 28 17,7 40 21 33,3 105 3 4,1 85 ii 11,8 8 1 9 n,o 147 14 31,0 // 19,80 19,81 19,81 19,81 19,81 19,81 19,81 19,81 19,81 19,82 19,82 19.83 19,83 19,84 19,84 19,84 19,84 19,84 19,84 19,85 19,85 19,85 19,86 19,86 19,86 19,86 19,87 19,87 19,87 19,88 19,88 19,88 19,89 19-89 19,89 19,89 19.89 19,89 19-89 19,90 19,90 19,91 19,91 19,91 -19,91 n 0,079 0,075 0,071 0,072 0,066 0,072 0,071 0,070 0,070 0,086 0,072 0,069 0,065 0,054 0,066 0,063 0,074 0,071 0,069 0,068 0,06 1 0,060 0,001 0,063 0,063 0,064 0,051 0,06 1 0,077 0,062 0,060 0,057 0,055 0,055 0,059 0,065 0,057 0,068 0,054 0,059 0,051 0,055 0,054 0,054 0,058 8.9106 9.3284 9.6221 9-5345 9.6409 9-5356 9.5896 9.6320 -9.5920 +8.5159 -9.3869 9.5408 9.6608 9.4461 9.6319 9.6511 8.6776 9.0410 9.3328 9-3353 9.6456 9.6290 9.2214 9.6119 9.6386 9.5052 9.4346 9.6404 +8.5988 -9.3109 9.5908 9.6562 9.6061 9-5977 9.5818 8.8820 9- 6 557 6.7782 9.6086 9.3043 9-573 1 9.5883 9.6459 9.6507 -9.1297 +9.9313 + 9.8249 +8.9268 + 9.5718 -9-7879 +9.5696 +9-3393 +8.5184 +9-3257 +9.9789 +9.7904 +9--563S 9.5626 -9.9714 +8.5542 9.7008 +9-9545 +9.9222 +9.8333 +9.8329 -9.7278 -9.7982 -9.9949 +9.1548 7.9226 +9.6632 -9.9711 8.3420 +9.9859 +9-8555 +9.3766 -9.4365 -9.8349 -9-8507 +9.4346 +9.9490 9.4762 +9.9782 9.8256 +9.8640 -9.8787 +9.4112 8.9207 9.1838 +9.9217 - 1.2967 1.2968 1.2968 1.2968 1.2968 1.2968 1.2969 1.2969 1.2970 1.2970 1.2971 1.2973 1.2974 1.2975 1.2976 1.2976 1.2976 1.2976 1.2976 1.2977 1.2978 1.2978 1.2979 1.2979 1.2979 1.2981 1.2981 1.2982 1.2982 1.2984 1.2985 1.2985 1.2985 1.2986 1.2986 1.2986 1.2986 1.2987 1.2987 1.2988 1.2989 1.2990 1.2990 1.2990 -1.2991 -9.1990 9.1971 9.1971 9.1963 9.1952 9.1950 9.1936 9.1912 9.1892 9.1868 9- l8 33 9.1770 9.1702 9.1677 9.1641 9.1631 9.1620 9.1605 9.1600 9.1570 9- J 539 9.1529 9.1466 9.1463 9.1461 9.1398 9.1368 9-*335 9.1310 9.1191 9.1174 9.1147 9.1126 9.1123 9.1121 9.1118 9.1102 9.1063 9.1041 9.0952 9.0876 9.0859 9.0822 9.0816 -9.0754 R6o3 M97i M 972 Wi28i J 5 8 9 J 59 o B6o M 9 73 R 604 R 605 R6o6 J59i,R6o7 B.H 4 85 M 9 74 M 9 75 Wi28s 64100 M 976 Wi287 G 4105 Z 1611 R6o8 J 59 2 J593 M977 B.F 3241 R6o9 +0,06 +Q.33 0,04 +0,05 +0,09 0,07 0,03 + 0,01 + 1,66 + 0,10 0,04 0,02 +0,03 0,0 1 +0,02 -0,18 0,14 + 0,10 +0,15 0,06 +0,03 0,02 + 0,04 + 0,05 + 0,13 O,O I 0,10 +0,14 0,26 0,02 O,O2 126 128 3127 3129 102 103 IO4 107 105 106 108 109 V.3399 iii.2933 01.2934 iii.2936 ui.2935 iii.2937 ii.28o8 11.2809 9507 7298 9505 9513 7299 7300 3130 3132 3i35 3i33 3*34 in 114 "5 v.3400 ii.28io ii.28n 116 118 ii.28i2 111.2940 9518 9520 9522 9523 7301 7302 73: 7304 v.3401 v.3402 ii.28i; 111.294; 111.2945 111.2947 11.2814 11.2815 ii.28i6 3136 3137 3H7 3138 3140 3*39 117 I2O 124 "5 135 126 127 130 9529 7306 132 11.2817 9525 9535 7307 739 v. 34 o5 ii.28i8 111.294! 3141 133 134 +o,39 + O.2I +o,47 0,07 + i,n 0,05 +o,44 + 0,02 + O,O2 +0,44 +0,03 -1,18 3H3 I 3 8 137 11.2819 iv.203; 9538 9537 9543 731 7312 731 3142 I 39 11.2820 3*44 142 111.2949 11.2821 111.2951 11.2822 11.2823 111.2957 3146 3H5 3H8 144 *43 H5 146 9549 ... 3 6 7 No. Constellation. Mag. Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a b c d 8236 8237 8238 8239 8.240 8241 8242 8243 8244 8245 8246* 8247* 8248 8249 8250 8251 8252* 8253* 8*54* 8255 8256 8257 8258 8259 8260 8261 8262 8263 8264 8265 8266 8267 8268 8e6 9 * 8270* 8271 8272* 8273* 8274 8275 8276 8277 8278 8279 8280* Sculptoris . . . . u, 19 Andromedae . . . . x 3 5 Cephei 44 34 23,84 34 24.69 34 52,3i 34 5 6 .52 34 56,71 35 7.23 35 27,69 35 44,51 35 46,98 35 48,4 35 52,41 35 56,69 36 25,17 S 6 27,33 37 9>6i 38 5,77 38 13,19 38 18,61 38 37,07 38 43,87 39 3.8o 39 17,10 39 26,41 39 32,20 39 42,80 39 44>67 4 5.1 4 8,55 40 13,85 40 32,75 40 46,33 40 49,63 4i 6,43 41 8,63 41 24,68 41 32,12 4 1 33,69 23 4i 33,73 s + 3>'73 2,922 2,407 3,io5 3,123 3,212 3,122 3,068 3.317 2,929 3,111 3,024 3,030 3.852 3.047 3,488 2,888 3,375 3,215 3,"8 2,996 3,056 3,182 3,116 3,186 2,944 3>o65 3,392 3,220 3-34 1 3,098 3,355 2,883 3,064 3,064 3,078 3,056 2,807 3,085 3>!32 3,068 2,848 3,288 2,874 4-2,891 s 0,0220 +0,0239 4-0,0703 0,0083 0,0119 -0,0317 0,0118 0,0009 0,0583 4-0,0248 0,0098 +0,0078 +0,0066 0,2464 +0,0035 o, 1 1 3 1 +0,0326 0,0785 -0,0349 0,0120 +0,0141 +0,0020 0,0290 0,0121 0,0303 + O,O266 + O.O002 0,0960 0,0416 0,0800 O,OO8O 0,0859 + 0,0404 + O,OOO7 + O,OOO6 O,OO3O + O,0028 + 0,0569 0,0049 O,0l82 O,OOO4 + 0,0512 0,0697 + 0,0465 + 0,0429 s 0,011 +0,005 0,016 +0,009 0,000 0,041 +0,004 0,004 + 8.8968 8.9604 9.4622 8.8314 8.8450 8-9577 8.8445 8.8213 9.1067 8.9655 8.8371 8.8427 8.8375 9.5665 8.8275 9.3161 9-0353 9.1995 8.9791 8.8462 8.8778 8.8244 8.9442 8.8476 8-9535 8.9770 8.8225 9.2723 9.0238 9.2141 8.8330 9.2377 9.0958 8.8230 8.8230 8.8232 8.8260 9.2300 8.8258 8.8804 8.8226 9.1813 9.1756 9.1422 +9.1125 -7-9739 8-0331 8.5316 7.8983 7.9051 8.0150 7.9016 7.8712 8.1564 8.0073 7.8776 7.8831 7-8748 8.5978 7-8538 8.3417 8.0604 8.2234 8.0018 7.8601 7.8911 7.8244 7-9259 7.8268 7-9309 7.9482 7.7913 8.2342 7.9811 8.1682 7.7850 8.1859 8.0433 7.7631 7.7619 7.7600 7-7559 8.1548 7-7494 7-7975 7.7388 8.0913 8.0827 8.0487 8.0190 +0.5015 0.4656 0.3814 0.4921 0-4945 0.5068 0.4944 0.4869 0.5207 0.4667 0.4929 0.4805 0.4815 0-5857 0.4839 0.5426 0.4606 0.5283 0.5072 0.4939 0.4766 0.4851 0.5026 0.4935 0.5032 0.4689 0.4864 0.5305 0.5079 0.5238 0.4910 0.5257 0-4599 0.4863 0.4863 0.4882 0.4851 0.4482 0.4892 0.4958 0.4869 0.4546 0.5169 0.4585 +0.4610 -8.6317 +8.7982 +9-455 8.1671 -8-3545 8.7922 -8.3493 +7-0434 9.0388 + 8.8086 -8.2605 + 8.3289 + 8.2644 -9-5593 +8.0450 9.2926 +8-9337 -9.1576 -8.8355 -8.3613 + 8.5569 +7.8689 -8.7613 -8.3714 8.7822 +8.8309 +7-4884 -9.2431 -8.9147 -9.1751 8.1764 9.2030 +9.0233 +7-5957 + 7.5889 7.6204 + 7.9367 +9.1940 -7.9247 -8.5655 +7.2053 +9- I 35i 9.1281 + 9.0856 +9.0462 Aquarii 103 Aquarii A' + 0,010 +0,005 +0,008 +0,132 + 0,002 + 0,040 76 Pegasi .*. Cassiopeae Tucanae -0,034 Pho2nicis + O,OO5 + 0,OIO 0,008 + O,OII +0,008 0,146 +0,004 +0,002 +0,009 0,033 Phoenicis 20 Andromedae . . . . rj/ Tucanae Pho3nicis o" Tucanae Aquarii 0,015 0,065 +0,008 Tucanse 5 Cassiopeae . . . . r Piscium Piscium 20 Piscium +0,007 Piscium Cephei +0,006 0,015 +0,009 0,010 Aquarii Sculptoris Cassiopeae Tucanae 0,091 + 0,002 6 Cassiopeae Cassiopeae 368 No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec.Var. Proper Motion. 0,02 0,02 -0,17 0,04 +0,05 +0,04 0,07 +0,13 Logarithms of ? f 148 151 155 153 154 Taylor. j Bris- bane. 7316 Various. cf b' c 7 df 8236 8237 8238 8239 8240 8241 8242 8243 8244 8245 8246 8247 8248 8249 8250 8251 8252 8*53 8254 8255 8256 8257 8258 8259 8260 8261 8262 8263 8264 8265 8266 8267 8268 8269 8270 8271 8272 8273 8274 8275 8276 8277 8278 8279 8280 122 54 4,8 46 29 45,1 13 12 18,3 IO2 30 40,2 108 51 18,8 J 33 5 5M- 108 38 50,5 89 2 39,8 148 47 26,5 45 50 21,1 105 22 l8,I 72 9 48,6 74 29 49,4 169 38 16,1 80 30 5,4 161 19 35,7 37 40 45.3 155 14 17,8 35 55 l6 >7 109 6 31,3 61 28 5,6 83 38 21,3 131 o 48,5 109 30 46,8 132 22 52,8 44 ^4 44,7 87 20 39,7 *59 *3 33.9 141 3 27,8 J 5 6 4 33. 1 102 44 21,7 157 24 31,6 32 n 1,0 86 36 10,7 86 39 21,7 93 35 4i.8 82 35 8,1 23 J 34,8 97 12 46,6 118 57 33,2 88 37 0,5 25 57 23,2 153 40 29,6 28 37 5,6 3 5 1 17,4 // -19,91 19,92 19,92 19,92 19,92 *9,93 *9,93 J 9>93 '9,93 J 9.93 '9.94 '9>94 19.94 19.94 '9.94 *9.94 *9.94 X 9>94 *9>94 '9.95 '9-95 19,96 19,96 19,97 '9.97 J 9>97 J 9.97 *9>97 I9'97 19,97 19,98 19,98 19,98 19,98 19,98 19,98 19,98 19,98 J 9>99 !9-99 '9.99 19.99 J9.99 J 9,99 -'9-99 -0,055 0,050 0,041 0,053 0,052 0.053 0,052 0,050 0,054 0,047 0,050 0,048 0,048 0,060 0,047 0,054 0,044 0,052 0,049 0,047 0,045 0,044 0,044 0,043 0,044 0,040 0,041 0,045 0,042 0,044 0,040 0,043 0,037 0,039 0,039 0,039 0,038 0,034 0,038 0,038 0,037 0,034 0,039 0,034 -0,034 -9.4771 9-5973 9.3274 9.6005 9.5726 9.3791 9-5740 9.6393 9.1126 9.5883 9.5905 9.6498 -9.6505 +8.4314 9.6488 8.5911 9.5425 8.9365 9-3553 9-5758 9-6338 9.6457 94229 9-57 6 7 9.4098 9.5686 9.6413 8.8363 9.3066 8.9736 9.6060 8.9299 9.4854 9.6418 9.6417 9.6311 9.6446 9.3924 9.6233 9.5312 9/6393 9.4195 9.0803 9.4448 9.4648 +9.7319 -9-8348 -9.9854 +9-33*8 +9.5066 +9.8318 +9.5020 8.2194 +9.9294 9.8404 +9.4208 -94836 94244 +9.9904 -9.2151 +9.9741 9.8960 +9-9557 +9.8540 +9.5127 9.6768 -9.0423 +9.8151 +9.5218 +9.8268 9.8520 -8.6640 +9.9690 +9.8891 +9.9592 +9-34I7 +9.9636 9.9259 -8.7711 -8.7643 +8-7957 9.1092 -9.9624 +9.0973 +9.6835 -8.3813 -9.9524 +9.9510 -9.9420 -9.9323 1.2991 1.2992 1.2993 1.2993 1.2994 1.2994 1.2994 1.2995 1.2995 1.2996 1.2996 1.2996 1.2997 1.2997 1.2998 1.2998 1.2998 1.2998 1.2998 1.2999 1.2999 1.3001 1.3002 1.3003 1.3003 1.3003 1.3004 1.3004 1.3004 1.3005 1.3005 1.3005 1.3005 1.3006 1.3006 1.3006 1.3007 1.3007 1.3007 1.3007 1.3008 1.3008 1.3008 1.3008 1.3008 9.0740 9.0697 9.0664 9.0640 9.0573 9-545 9.0543 9.0472 9.0470 9.0391 9.0379 9-0378 9.0348 9.0288 9.0239 9.0231 9.0227 9.0215 9.0202 9.0116 9.0109 8.9978 8-9797 8.9772 8-9754 8.9692 8.9669 8.9601 8-9555 8.9523 8.9502 8.9465 8.9458 8.9384 8.9372 8-9353 8.9283 8.9232 8.9220 8.9156 8.9148 8.9086 8.9057 8.9051 8.9051 3H9 315* 315 v.34io ii.2824 ii.2826 11.2825 11.2827 v.34i2 11.2828 11.2829 9552 W 1289 J 594 R6io J 595 M 97 8 R6u 64128 L 3 4 B6i R6i2 J 59 6 M 979 R6i3 R 614 64137 M98o R6i5 M 981 B.F 3256 B.F 3 2 57 M 982 B.F 3261 B.H 483 M 9 83 P 1103 B.F 3258 64144 662 9561 7318 3151 3i53 156 158 0,04 3i54 3i55 3156 i59 11.2830 0,0 1 + L99 0,00 +0,04 0,00 0,16 162 11.2831 9560 9566 7319 7320 3i57 163 11.2832 3158 957i 9574 7321 0,03 0,0 1 +0,04 + O,II 0,03 + 1,10 +0,0 1 0,02 +0,05 O,00 3 J 59 3160 3161 3163 3162 j6 5 1 66 170 176 177 181 182 11.2833 11.2834 11.2835 v.3414 11.2836 11.2837 11.2838 9582 9585 7324 9588 959i 73*5 7326 7327 v-34'5 + 0,09 + 0,91 O,o6 185 11.2839 9592 7328 3164 187 11.2840 0,02 3165 188 11.2841 0,01 + 0,08 +0,10 + 0,02 3166 191 190 192 193 11.2843 11.2842 v.34i6 11.2965 9603 7330 +0,48 0,04 0,02 9604 7331 3169 3168 '95 11.2966 B.A.C. (3-A) 369 No. Constellation. Mag. Right Ascension, Fan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a b c d 8281 8282* 8283 8284 8285 8286 8287* 8288 8289 8290 8291 8292 8293 8294 8295 8296 8297 8298* 8299 8300 8301 8302 8303 8304 8305 8306 8307 8308 8309 8310 8311 8312 8313 8314 8315* 8316 8317 8318* 8319 8320 8321 8322 8323* 8324 8325* 6 6 7 6 6 6 7 6 6 5 7 6 7 6 6 6 6 7 6 6 7 N 6* 6 6 7 H 6* H 5^ 64 6 H 5 7 H ** 6* 5 6 7 6 5 Si 7 h m s 23 41 46,76 41 50,52 4 1 54.25 4* 4.33 42 30,15 42 42,34 4* 48,33 42 49,04 42 54,13 43 5,7 43 26,42 43 3 6 .3 43 4*.* 43 S 1 ^ 1 44 J7.3 44 4 6 .95 44 47.44 44 48,48 44 5*>7 44 58,35 45 3>25 45 13.32 45 23.81 45 35.24 45 39.3 45 46,13 46 3,69 46 36,40 46 46,29 46 54,26 47 5.85 47 27.5 6 47 3i.i3 47 35.9 47 57,68 47 59.95 48 4,21 48 51,34 49 8,23 49 24,35 49 29,31 49 36,50 49 39,75 5 7,5 23 50 30,18 8 + 3,070 2,9OO 3,269 3> OI 5 3,090 3,183 3,109 3,098 2,949 3.856 3,068 3.io5 S.oS 6 3. '54 3,067 3-037 3,095 2,694 3,041 3.055 3.037 3.077 3,069 3,110 3,266 3,170 2,971 3,112 3.138 2,955 3.072 3,063 3>"7 2,825 3,062 2,981 2,965 3.175 3.587 3>!9 6 2,614 2,985 3,201 3.045 + 3.183 s 0,0009 +0,0415 0,0641 -{-0,0142 0,0067 0,0367 0,0127 0,0092 +0,0326 -0.3599 0,0002 0,0118 + 0,0035 0,0288 +0,0002 + 0,0102 0,0090 + 0,0948 + 0,0089 + 0,0044 + O,OIO3 0,0029 O,OOO I O,OI5I 0,0791 0,0390 + 0,0332 0,0161 0,0279 +0,0411 0,00 n +0,0025 0,0204 +0,0843 +0,0032 +0,0351 +0,0414 -0,0515 -0,3254 0,0662 +> I 555 +0,0394 0,0704 +0,0127 0,0657 s +0,003 + 8.8225 9.0999 9.1505 8.8767 8.8304 8.9990 8.8527 8.8382 9.0219 9.7278 8.8229 8.8491 8.8276 8-9494 8.8232 8.8523 8.8382 9.4634 8.8455 8.8298 8.8526 8.8241 8.8231 8.8660 9.2274 9.0174 9.0213 8.8767 8.9463 9.0832 8.8233 8.8258 8.8985 9.3719 8.8269 9.0330 9.0823 9.0990 9.7378 9.1784 9.6995 9.0635 9.1997 8.8638 +9.1791 -7.7239 7.9997 8.0488 7.7709 7.7141 7.8775 7.7288 7.7139 7.8954 8-5965 7.6825 7.7044 7.6802 7.7980 7.6599 7.6751 7.6607 8.2854 7.6660 7.6471 7.6675 7.6341 7.6280 7.6651 8.0246 7.8110 7.8059 7- 6 439 7.7081 7.8406 7-5742 7.5644 7.6350 8.1056 7-5477 7-7524 7.7992 7.7862 8.4139 7.8436 8-3613 7-7203 7.8542 7.4984 -7.7967 +0.4872 0.4625 0.5144 0-4793 0.4900 0.5029 0.4927 0.49 1 1 0.4696 0.5862 0.4869 0.4921 0.4852 0.4989 0.4867 0.4824 0.4906 0.4304 0.4831 0.4850 0.4825 0.4881 0.4870 0.4928 0.5140 0.5011 0.4730 0.4930 0.4967 0.4705 0.4874 0.4861 0.4938 0.4511 0.4859 0-4744 0.4721 0.5017 0-5547 0.5046 Q-4J73 0-4749 0.5053 0.4835 +0.5029 + 6.4486 + 9.0290 9.0964 + 8.5484 8.1036 -8.8715 8.4084 -8.2578 + 8.9111 -9.7245 + 7.2123 -8.3778 + 7.9964 -8.7720 + 7.3867 + 8.4034 -8.2536 +9-45 x 7 + 8.3421 + 8.0742 +8.4051 7.6663 +7.1644 8.4930 -9.1907 -8.9034 +8.9099 8.5466 -8.7644 +9.0051 -6.9255 + 7.8619 -8.6317 +9-3538 +7.9362 + 8.9289 +9.0038 -9.0274 -9-7346 -9-J3I3 +9.6956 +8.9762 -9- T 574 +8.4784 -9.1321 +0,007 + 0,002 + O,OII + 0,014 + 0,028 0,141 + 0,005 + O,OO2 + O,OO2 0,051 + O,OO4 + O.002 O,OO3 O.OOO + O,OO I O.OOI + 0,009 + 0,001 + 0,007 C e ti +0,005 +0,013 +0,009 +0,043 0,006 0,014 +0,005 +0,007 +0,027 Ceti Sculptoris Cepliei PisciunL Cassiopeae +0,001 +0,003 -0,074 0,113 0,024 + 0,010 + 0,002 0,031 + 0,002 0,036 Cassiopese Phoenicis Tucanae Cepliei 370 No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec.Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of ? q t pq a I Taylor. A I Jris- JUIIC. Various. a' V c' d' 8281 8282 8283 8284 8285 8286 8287 8288 8289 8290 8291 8292 8293 8294. 8295 8296 8297 8298 8299 8300 8301 8302 8303 8304 8305 8306 8307 8308 8309 8310 8311 8312 8313 83H 8315 8316 8317 8318 8319 8320 8321 8322 8323 8324 8325 89 45 28,0 31 52 11,4 151 58 15,6 61 59 31,8 100 48 45,3 138 12 43,1 in 3 54,6 105 14 9,0 39 12 42,5 172 51 9,9 88 35 44,2 109 44 39,6 81 3 1 3.5 131 39 27,2 8? 54 9. 2 69 9 45,1 105 5 13,2 13 13 52,0 ?i 4 2 43.3 79 53 l8 ,2 69 5 25,8 93 59 i4. 6 88 44 33,7 115 3 52,3 156 47 10,4 140 15 58,8 39 18 46,2 117 52 38,2 131 8 10,1 33 2 5.9 90 43 30,2 83 45 44.5 122 45 22,4 16 25 24,9 82 36 37,2 38 5 59. 2 33 2 5 17.3 147 59 6,2 173 o 18,4 J 53 47 39.8 7 38 4^.3 35 7 4 6 .5 155 7 5.5 65 41 31,2 i53 49 53.9 n -19.99 *9.99 19.99 19.99 20,00 2O.OO 2O,OO 2O.OO 20,00 2.O,OO 2O,OO 2O,OO 2O,OO 2O,O I 2O, OI 20,01 20,0 1 20,0 1 20,0 1 20,0 1 20,0 1 20,01 2O.OI 2O,O2 20,02 2O,O2 20,02 2O,O2 20,02 2O.O2 2O.O2 20,03 2O,O3 20,03 2O,O3 20,03 2O,O3 20,03 2O,O3 20,03 2O,O3 20,03 2O,O4 20,04 2O,O4 0,036 0,034 0,038 0,034 0,034 0,035 0,034 0,034 0,032 0,041 0,032 0,032 0,032 0,032 0,031 0,029 0,030 0,026 0,029 0,029 0,029 0,029 0,029 0,029 0,030 0,029 0,026 0,027 0,026 0,025 0,025 0,024 0,025 0,022 0,023 0,023 0,023 0,023 0,025 0,022 0,0 1 8 0,020 0,021 0,019 0,019 +0,08 -(-0,02 -9.6378 9-47^7 9.1281 9.6230 9.6149 9-3 6 74 9.5776 9.6010 -9-5 2I 3 +8.2810 -9.6391 9.5847 9.6432 9.4431 9.6397 9.6327 9.6039 9.2143 9.6362 9.6422 9.6322 9.6319 9.6388 9.5641 9.0554 9.3612 9.5077 9.5518 9.4606 9.4567 9.6367 9.6408 9.5258 9.2420 9.6407 9.4900 9.4509 9.2762 7.7709 9.1764 9.0133 9.4576 9.1511 9.6162 9.1881 -7.6247 -9.9277 +9-9445 -9.6704 +9.2720 +9.8713 +9-5544 +9.4184 -9.8880 +9-9954 -8.3882 +9.5276 9.1677 +9.8215 8.5625 -9.5502 +9.4145 -9.9874 -9-4957 -9- 2 435 -9.5516 +8.8413 -8.3404 + 9.6261 +9.9625 +9.8851 9.8878 +9.6691 +9.8174 -9.9212 +8.1015 -9-354 +9.7326 -9.9813 9.1087 -9-8953 -9.9209 +9.9278 +9-99 6 3 +9.9524 -9-9957 9.9122 + 9-9573 9.6141 +9.9527 1.3009 1.3009 1.3009 1.3009 1.3010 1.3010 1.3010 1.3010 1.3010 1.3010 1.3011 1.3011 1.3011 1.3011 1.3012 1.3013 1.3013 1.3013 1.3013 i-3 OI 3 i-3 OI 3 1.3013 1.3013 1.3014 1.3014 1.3014 1.3014 1.3015 1.3015 1.3015 1.3015 1.3016 1.3016 1.3016 1.3016 1.3016 1.3016 1.3017 1.3017 1.3018 1.3018 1.3018 1.3018 1.3018 -1.3019 8.8999 8.8984 8.8969 8.8929 8.8824 8-8773 8.8748 8.8745 8.8724 8.8674 8.8585 8.8541 8.8516 8.8475 8.8357 8.8219 8.8216 8.8211 8.8196 8.8164 8.8140 8.8091 8.8040 8.7983 8.7964 8.7928 8.7838 8.7665 8.7611 8-7567 8.7503 8.7379 8-7359 8-7331 8.7202 8.7188 8.7163 8.6867 8.6756 8.6647 8.6613 8.6563 8.6541 8.6342 -8.6173 167 I JO 197 11.2845 M 9 8s 64146 R6i6 M 9 86 Z 1624 Wi2 9 8 04148 J5 9 8,R6i 7 R6i8 B.F 3268 W 1302 Airy (G) M 9 87 11619 R620 64157 M 9 88 M 989 f 64163 \P 1104 B.F 3276 4164 J 599^621 R622 04174 04173 J 600 R6?. 3 0,05 +0,15 +0,07 171 198 200 ^.2846 11.2847 v.34i8 9613 7333 + 0,20 + 0,04 + O,O2 O,OO + 0,03 + 0,04 -|-o,o6 0,02 0,02 +0,14 + 0,10 0,0 1 +0,04 + 0,0 1 0,02 O,O2 + 0,11 203 204 11.2848 111.2968 11.2849 111.2970 11.2850 11.2851 11.2852 11.2854 11.2853 9607 9623 7334 3172 3173 3 '74 3175 3181 3176 3177 3178 3J79 3180 206 207 208 209 ZII 2IO 212 213 214 215 219 222 11.2855 11.2856 111.2971 11.2857 11.2858 111.2973 9633 734* 0,1 8 + 0,02 +0,04 + 0,01 0,0 1 +0,06 0,02 0,07 0,11 223 111.2974 v.3423 .3424 111.2976 11.2859 ii.286o v-34^5 9634 9 6 39 9640 734* 7343 3182 3183 225 226 227 228 9643 7344 0,05 0,05 +0,77 +0,24 +o,33 +0,04 +0,05 0,07 +0,0 1 3 J 84 231 232 111.2978 111.2979 v-3429 ii.286i 9656 9651 9658 7348 735 C 3187 3185 237 111.2981 11.2862 ii.2863 9661 9668 7352 3186 239 (3A2) No. Constellation. Mag. Right ^ Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a b c d 8326 8327 8328* 8329 8330 8331 8332 8333 8334* 8335 8336* 8337* 8338* 8339 8340 8341 8342 8343 8344* 8345 8346 8347 8348 8349 835 8351* 835* 8353 8354 8355* 8356* 8357 8358 8359 8360* 8361 8362* 8363 8364* 8365 8366 8367 8368 8369 8370 6 7 5 s* Si 4i 6 7 5 7 6* 7 7 5* fi| 6 5-1 6 5 6 5 6 6 4* 6 7* Si 6 6 6 6i 4 6 6 6 6 7 6i 5 7 S 6 6 h m s 23 5 3 2 35 50 38,45 5 S9. 6 3 51 9,11 51 25,62 51 36,73 5 1 45.3 6 51 59,29 S 2 4,39 52 7,49 52 34,03 52 43,98 53 7,3i 53 20,79 53 32,49 53 36,25 53 47,62 53 58,77 53 59,41 54 4,i9 54 8,23 54 ",84 54 H,i3 '54 16,11 54 20,72 54 20,99 54 37,9 54 43,37 54 49,95 54 57,35 55 9>53 55 45,5 5 6 3> J 9 56 32,21 56 38,34 56 49,32 5 6 55>72 57 2,17 57 12,36 57 22,47 57 22,65 57 30,5 57 39,54 57 42,17 23 58 0,23 s +3,006 3,087 3,075 3>Hi 2,999 3,065 3,099 3,076 3>!77 3,062 2,470 3,050 2,997 3,116 3> I0 5 3>"7 3,239 3,101 3,009 3,040 3,073 3,102 3,097 3,075 3>o54 3,073 3,089 3,066 3,067 3,007 2,866 3,089 3-078 3,034 3>077 3>74 3,132 3,125 3-045 3,071 3,44 3,090 3-072 3,092 + 3,068 s +0,0330 0,0096 0,0028 0,0428 +0,0400 +0,0026 0,0182 0,0040 0,0735 +0,0050 +0,2512 +0,0140 +0,0516 0,0365 0,0282 0,0385 0,1548 0,0268 +0,0501 +0,0256 0,0023 0,0282 0,0241 0,0039 +0,0143 0,0022 0,0181 +0,0040 +0,0037 +0,0618 +0,1871 0,0231 0,0100 +.0,0533 0,0096 0,0062 0,1066 0,0969 +0,0462 0,0008 +0,0517 0,0402 0,0035 0,0482 +0,0065 S 0,005 +0,013 0,003 +0,034 +0,004 +0,015 +0,015 +0,023 +0,002 +0,007 0,009 +0,003 + 0,011 0,031 0,023 0,027 -0,053 +0,007 +9.0119 8.8422 8.8249 9.0501 9.0641 8.8260 8.8875 8.8266 9.2214 8.8309 9.9664 8.8704 9.1429 9.0125 8.9549 9.0265 9.5021 8.9459 9.1299 8.9495 8.8248 8.9558 8.9276 8.8269 8.8712 8.8246 8.8887 8.8282 8.8277 9.2022 9.6878 8.9220 8.8461 9.1445 8.8441 8.8324 9.3766 9.3404 9.0960 8.8240 9- 1 3 1 3 9.0442 8.8267 9.0971 +8.8344 -7.6279 7-4535 7.4194 7.6369 7-6373 7-3897 7-4437 7.3704 7.7605 7.3672 8-4775 7-37I7 7.6203 7-4755 7.4050 7.4723 7-9349 7-3654 7-5487 7.3625 7.2327 7-3593 7.3283 7.2250 7.2635 7.2166 7.2584 7.1904 7.1809 7-5449 8.0126 7.1893 7.0822 7.3239 7.0104 6-9744 7.5038 7.4520 7.1822 6.8831 7.1898 7.0805 6.8360 7.0972 -6.7745 +0.4780 0.4895 04878 0.4970 0.4770 0.4865 0.4912 0.4880 0.5020 0.4860 0.3927 0.4843 0.4767 0.4936 0.4921 0-4937 0.5105 0.4915 0.4784 0.4829 0.4876 0.4916 0.4909 0.4878 0.4849 0.4875 0.4898 0.4866 0.4866 0.4781 0-4573 0.4899 0.4883 0.4820 0.4881 0.4878 0.4958 0.4948 0.4836 0.4873 0.4834 0.4899 0.4875 0.4902 +0.4869 +8.8936 8.3002 7.7086 -8-9557 +8.9771 +7.8477 -8-5907 -7-8953 -9-1835 + 8.0890 +9.9652 +8-5I35 +9.0861 8.8944 -8.7831 8.9181 -9.4923 -8.7627 + 9.0691 +8.7711 -7-6532 -8.7850 -8.7176 -7.9033 + 8.5175 7.6226 -8-5949 +7.9783 + 7.9521 + 9.1604 +9.6837 8.7023 8.3400 +9.0882 8.3189 -8.1262 -9-3589 -9.3193 +9.0230 -7.1917 +9.0709 -8.9465 -7.8837 -9.0245 +8.1719 ! Ceti 28 Piscium w Ursae Minoris .... Octantis 6 +0,002 0,005 +0,025 +0,007 +0,067 0,000 +0,001 0,001 0,002 Sculptor is ? Cephei 0,006 +0,047 +0,004 +0,00 1 Sculptoris z Ceti 9 Cassiopeae Ceti 3 Ceti +0,00 1 Tucanae Cassiopeae Piscium +0,005 Cassiopeae Phdenicis 33 Piscium +0,004 0,036 +0,005 Phoenicis 86 Pegasi ......... 37 2 No North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1350. Annual Preces. Sec.Var Prope Motion Logarithms of g> c Taylor 1 Brig bane Various. of V c f ff H 832 832 832 832 33 833 833 833 833 833 833 833 833 8339 8340 834i 8342 8343 8 344 8345 8346 8347 8348 8349 835 8351 8352 8353 8354 8355 8356 8357 8358 8359 8360 8361 8362 8363 8364 8365 8366 8367 8368 8369 8370 4 *3 58,4 106 40 54,4 94 23 18,2 H3 34 57.3 35 4 5.7 83 57 59.7 120 19 15,1 9 6 43 33.7 156 24 43,1 79 33 4 6 .4 4 7 43.7 63 54 51,1 28 39 26,6 '39 38 37.7 132 19 14,4 141 10 25,0 l6 7 53 35.8 130 59 0,2 2 9 3 6 45.3 48 28 3,7 93 5 1 43-9 132 26 56,4 128 3 46,1 9 6 50 5L7 63 42 40,3 93 36 1,3 120 33 24,9 81 52 41,3 82 20 50,8 24 44 8,2 7 5i 43.4 127 5160 20,04 20,04 20,04 20,04 20,04 20,04 20,04 20,04 20,04 20,04 20,04 20,05 20,05 20,05 20,05 20,05 20,05 20,05 20,05 20,05 20,05 20,05 20,05 20,05 20,05 20,05 20,05 20,05 20,05 20,05 20,05 20,05 20,05 20,05 20,05 20,05 20,05 20,05 20,05 20,05 20,05 20,05 20,05 20,05 20,05 a 0,018 0,0 1 8 0,0 1 8 0,0 1 8 0,0 1 6 0,0 1 6 0,016 0,0 1 6 0,0 1 6 0,015 0,012 0,014 0,013 0,013 0,013 0,013 0,013 0,012 0,012 0,012 0,012 -0,012 O,0 1 1 O,0 1 1 O,0 1 1 O,OII 0,011 O,O I O 0,010 O,OIO 0,009 0,008 O,OO8 0,007 O,OO7 O,OO6 O,OO6 0,006 0,005 0,005 0,005 0,005 0,005 0,005 0,004 a 0,05 0,04 +0,12 -0,13 + 0,02 + 0,08 + 0,09 + 0,09 + 0,10 +0,09 -9.4951 9.6064 9.6332 9-3551 9.4472 9.6389 9-55I9 9.6303 9- I 5*3 9.6365 8.8028 9.6061 9.3701 9.4131 9-4799 9.3986 8.8096 9.4919 9-3751 9.5342 9.6348 9.4816 9-5*35 9- 6 3!3 9.6021 9.6351 : 9-5585 9.6364 9.6366 9.3045 8.9047 9.5250 9.6095 9-3438 9.6126 9.6261 9.0358 9.0785 9.3842 9.6370 - 9.3499 9.4024 - 9- 6 334 - 9-3479 - 9.6289 - 9.881 4-9-457 +8.883 +9.905 9.912 9.021 +9.702 +9.0684 +9.9619 -9.257 -9.9986 -9.6430 -9-943 +9.8818 +9.8280 +9.8914 +9-99 01 +9.8167 -9.9391 9.8214 +8.8283 +9.8291 +9.7898 +9.0763 9.6462 +8.7978 +9.7061 9.1500 9.1243 -9.9581 -9.9958 +9.7803 +9-4939 -9.9437 +9.4748 4-9.2938 -(-9.9822 f9-9788 9.9270 +8.3677 -9.9396 1-9.9022 f 9.0570 1-9.9274 -9-3374 1.301 1.301 1.301 1.301 1.301 1.301 1.301 1.3020 1.3020 1.3020 1.3020 1.3020 1.3020 1.3020 1.3021 I.7O2I -8.6l S 8.610 8-594 8.586 8.572 8.563 8-555 8-543 8-538 8.5360 8.5109 8.501 8.4772 318! 3185 242 243 244 iii.298 iii.298/ 11.286.: v -343: ill.298 ii.286< v -343 ii.286 ii.286 111.298 64177 ^1990, J6oi ; R62 4 M 991 1 B.F 3282 > J6o2, R625 64193 B.F 3283 B6 3 R6 2 6 64198 64199 M992,J6o R627 M993,J6oi B.F 3287 M 995 664 Airy (6) J6o5 B.F 3291 B66 Wi 3 , S G 4222 R 62? M996, J6c6 R 629 \ ! 967 735 3 i 9 c 319] 245 246 248 249 967. 9 6 7$ 735i 73 6c 3194 3192 3193 250 0,00 251 iv.2o6- 0,29 0,03 + 0,01 0,0 1 +0,08 +0,01 8.4628 8-4499 8.4456 8.4326 8.4194 8.4186 8.4128 8.4078 8.4034 8.4005 8.3980 8.3922 8.3918 8.3696 8.3621 8-3531 8.3426 8.3247 8.2673 8.2360 8-1793 8.1663 8.1419 8.1271 8.1116 8.0861 8.0590 8-0585 8.0362 8.0092 8.0001 7.9401 v-343 9689 9692 9694 9691 969 736 736 736 736 v.344o I.302I I.302I I.302I I.302I I.302I I.302I I.302I I.3O2I I.302I I.302I I.3O2I I.302I I.302I 1.3021 I.302I 1.3022 1.3022 1.3022 1.3022 1.3022 1.3022 1.3022 I.3O22 1.3022 1.3022 1.3022 I.3O22 1.3022 I.3O22 '95 254 v -344 11.2868 0,02 +0,28 0,12 + 0,02 +Q.95 +0,03 +0,09 + 0,01 +0,03 0,0 1 + 0,02 + 0,23 0,02 O,O2 196 2 55 11.2869 v.3442 11.2870 11.2992 111.2993 v -3443 11.2872 1.2873 9698 9697 7369 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 256 257 258 259 260 261 9700 7370 344 6 .2874 11.2997 703 7373 108 10 14,8 28 32 50,6 107 21 42,8 01 20 37,9 63 44 11,6 62 16 33,0 32 18 10,9 91 20 9,7 29 31 1 8,4 42 58 49,1 96 32 48,5 47 47 2i.4 77 26 16,9 204 205 264 265 0,02 06 266 11.2875 708 710 7374 + 0,58 + 0,03 +0,08 7 270 ii.2876 08 272 v.3449 11.2877 v-345 11.2878 377 0,05 0,25 0,04 716 378 9 274 373 -f- No. Constellation. Mag. Right Ascension, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a b c d 8371 Si?** 8373 8374* 8375 8376 8377 Phcenicis 7 6* 6 6* 6 7 7 h m s 23 58 10,35 58 25,36 58 41,01 58 50,26 59 J 5.33 59 43.5 1 23 59 45,81 s +3,080 3.5 6 3.055 3,067 374- 3.07* + 3.073 s 0,0277 +0,0465 +0,0588 +0,0159 0,0249 0,0262 0,0472 8 0,028 + 8.9569 9.0949 9.1723 8.8788 8.9379 8.9482 + 9.0957 -6.8587 6.9327 6.9316 6.5839 6.4495 6.0264 6.1097 +0.4886 0.4852 0.4851 0.4867 0.4877 0.4874 +0.4875 -8.7873 +9.0214 + 9- I2 35 + 8.5531 -8-7433 -8.7678 9.0226 + O,OO5 + 0,035 + 0,013 Pegasi Sculptoris O,OO9 x//. (HERE ENDS THE CATALOGUE.) Tables of the Right Ascension, &c. of certain Stars, in the previous Catalogue, near the Pole, for each loth year from 1850 to 1900. a Ursse Minoris, Year. Right Ascension, Jan. i. Annual Precession. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a b c d 1850 h m s i 5 1,42 s + I7.45 6 8 + 11,4276 8 +0,090 +0.3911 +9.8559 + 1.2420 +0.3909 1860 i 8 2,77 18,664 I2,7OII 0,090 0.4052 9.8909 1.2710 0.4051 1870 i ii 16,89 20,011 I4,l647 0,090 0.4197 9.9268 1.3013 0.4196 1880 i 14 45,09 21,514 15,8487 0,090 0.4345 9.9638 1.3327 0.4344 1890 i 18 29,23 2 3.195 17,7869 0,090 0.4495 0.0016 1.3654 0.4494 1900 I 22 31,05 + 25,089 + 2O,O4O8 +0,090 +0.4650 +0.0407 + 1-3995 +0.4649 Ursse Minoris, Year. Right Ascension, Jan. i. Annual Precession. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a b c d h m s s s s 1850 6 28 33,38 +30,750 - i>47 6 5 0,027 -9.2387 +0.1404 + 1.4879 -9.2382 1860 6 33 39.77 35 8 9 1,7222 0,027 9.3080 0.1379 1.4856 9-3075 1870 6 38 44,58 30,401 1,9604 0,027 9.3671 0.1349 1.4829 9.3666 1880 6 43 47,29 30,193 2,1889 0,027 9.4181 0.1316 1.4799 9.4176 1890 6 48 47,96 29,961 2,4063 0,027 9.4628 0.1279 1.4766 9.4622 1900 6 53 46,08 +29,707 2,6113 0,027 9.5022 +0.1238 + 1.4729 -9.5017 374 No. North Polar Distance, Jan. i, 1850. Annual Preces. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of 5? M 1 Taylor. J_ 9720 Bris- bane. Varioui. a' V (f d' 8371 8372 8373 8374 8375 8376 8377 '32 35 2 5.5 32 24 3,1 26 38 21,0 6 1 48 22,0 129 42 49,5 131 18 24,8 147 40 6,5 20,06 20,06 20,06 20,06 20,06 20,06 20,06 0,004 0,003 0,003 0,002 0,002 0,001 0,00 1 +0,90 0,01 0,0 1 +0,17 +0,08 -9.4971 9.3771 9.3004 9.5854 9.5208 9.5122 -9.3640 +9.8304 -9.9265 -9.9513 -9.6744 +9.8055 +9.8196 +9.9268 1.3022 1.3022 1.3022 1.3022 1.3022 1.3022 1.3022 -7.9017 7.8379 7-7593 7.7051 7.5117 7.0783 7.0140 3210 3211 3212 R6 3 o B6 7 A 559 R6 3 i R6 3 z 275 276 iii.3ooo 111.3001 v.345i 9725 7379 -.54 v-3453 9730 7381 (HERE ENDS THE CATALOGUE.) Tables of the North Polar Distance, &c. of certain Stars, in the previous Catalogue, near the Pole, for each loth year from 1850 to 1900. No. 360. Year. North Polar Distance, Jan. i. Annual Precession. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a' V c' d' 1850 i 29 25,0 -19,25 +o, 7 'i3 0,02 +9.4289 9.9821 -1.2845 +9.4470 1860 i 26 12,7 19,18 0,796 0,02 9.4496 9.9804 1.2828 9.4662 1870 i 23 1,0 19,09 0,893 0,02 9.4704 9.9785 1.2809 9.4858 1880 I 19 50,4 19,00 1,005 0,02 9.4916 9-9764 1.2787 9-5057 1890 i 1 6 40,7 18,89 1,136 0,02 9-5*32 9.9739 1.2762 9.5261 1900 i 13 32,2 -18,77 + 1,289 O,O2 +9-5352 -9.9711 -1.2734 +9.5469 No. 2157. Year. North Polar Distance, Jan. i. Annual Precession. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a' *' c' d' / II a 1850 2 44 38,4 + 2,5 +4.45 +0,08 +9.9869 +9.0944 +0.3971 +9.9966 1860 2 45 6,3 2,94 4.413 i 0,08 \ 9.9856 9.1649 0.4676 9-9953 1870 2 45 38,7 3.37 4.370 0,08 9.9839 9.2254 0.5282 9.9938 1880 2 46 15,4 3,8i 4.323 0,08 9.9821 9.2780 0.5807 9.9920 1890 2 46 56,5 4,24 4,271 0,08 9.9801 9.3244 0.6272 9.9901 1900 2 47 41,8 +4-66 +4,214 + 0,08 +9-9779 + 9.3658 +0.6686 +9.9879 375 Tables of the Eight Ascension, &c. of certain Stars, in the previous Catalogue, near the Pole, for each loth year from 1850 to 1900 (continued}. 4 -0.55 -2,14 -3,68 -s. // -15.545 15.874 15,922 i5. 6 73 15,161 -14,425 " +9.9938 9.9970 9.9974 9.9951 9.9900 +9.9825 -9.1147 -8.7143 +8.4411 +9.0272 +9.2636 +9.4104 +0.4169 +0.0165 -9-7433 -0.3295 -0.5658 -0.7127 -9.9963 9-9994 9.9998 9-9975 9.9926 -9.9851 No. 6281, Year. North Polar Distance, Jan. i. Annual Precession. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of of V 7 0,40 +2,845 O,O2 0.0 10 1 -8.2975 9.6004 -9-9999 No. 6999. Year. North Polar Distance, Jan. i. Annual Precession. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Logarithms of a' V c' d' 1850 O 1 II i 8 21,9 11,00 +6,481 // 0,02 9.9267 -9-739 -1.0413 -9.9223 1860 i 6 35,1 10,32 7,016 O,O2 9-9373 9.7115 1.0138 9.9332 1870 i 4 55.2 9.59 7.5 6 9 O,O2 9-9475 9.6796 0.9819 9.9436 1880 i 3 23,0 8,8 1 8,133 O,O2 9-9573 9.6426 0.9448 9-9535 1890 i i 58,9 7.97 8,697 O,02 9.9663 9.5989 0.9012 9.9627 J900 i o 43.5 - 7,07 +9. 2 49 0,02 -9-9747 9.5470 -0.8493 -9.9712 B.A.C. (3B 377 NOTES TO THE CATALOGUE OF 8377 STARS OF THE BRITISH ASSOCIATION. No. 9. Taylor's N.P.D. was corrected for the error of 10 before the comparison was made. 1 5 . The position of this star has been deduced from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 1 8 . Bradley has no jR, and it here depends solely on Bessel. 25. Taylor's N.P.D. is adopted in the computation. It differs 10" from that of Brisbane. 27. Piazzi considers this star to be only of the 7^ magnitude, and Taylor as low as 8. 28. Groombridge's N.P.D. (which differs 7" from Taylor's) is adopted for the modern comparison. 30. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Taylor (although differing more than 12") is taken for the modern comparison. Taylor considers it of the 8th magnitude only. 37. Brisbane's N.P.D. (which differs nearly 7" from Taylor's) is adopted for the modern comparison. 39. Bradley has no JR, and it here depends solely on Groombridge. 40. The JR of this star is brought up by precession from Lacaille's catalogue, as there is no modern observation of it in JR. 42. The position of this star was observed by Flamsteed (B.F 4), and Argelander says (in Ast. Nach. 226) that two observations of it at Abo, gave its position for 1830 ^l = o b 7 I3 S >95, anc D = + 3 1 8' 23",6, from which the present position is deduced. 48. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. 49. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Taylor (although differing more than 9") is taken for the modern comparison. 57. Taylor's N.P.D. is erroneous 8", it is therefore rejected, and Airy (C) adopted for the modern com- parison. 59. Brisbane's N.P.D. is assumed to be 10' in error. 68. Bradley has no JR, and it here depends solely on Bessel. 69. The magnitude of this star by different observers varies from 5! to 7^. 7 1 . Brisbane's ^R of this star appears to be 2 m too little, and as Lacaille's determination of the JR of a star so near the pole cannot be depended upon, the -51 is here determined from Rumker and Maclear. 83. Bradley has no JR, and it here depends solely on Groombridge. ( 3 B 2 ) 379 NOTES TO THE CATALOGUE OF STARS 91 . Bradley has no N.P.D., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. 98. The position of this star is deduced from a comparison of Bradley's observation with that in the Hist. CeL, page 200. 100. This star was observed by Flamsteed (B.F 22) and by Groombridge (65). 105. Bradley has no JR of this star, and it here depends wholly on Airy (G), who has also been adopted as the modern comparison for the N.P.D. 113. The position of this star, which was observed by Flamsteed (B.F 30), is deduced wholly from the Hist. CeL, page 1 1 8. 114. Bradley has no v5l, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. 1 20. The position of this star, which was observed by Flamsteed (B.F 34), is deduced from the Hist. CeL, pages 349 and 389. 125. Bradley has no JR, and it here depends solely on Bessel. 133. Bradley has no JR, and it here depends solely on Bessel. The declination in the Fund. Astron. should be +19 4' 4"3> as ma y be seen by comparing the observation made by Bradley on October 31, 1753, with other stars. 136. Brisbane's N.P.D. (which differs about 8" from Taylor's) is adopted for the modern comparison. 144. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Taylor (although differing nearly 8") is taken for the modern comparison. 147. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Mayer with modern observations. 149. The position of this star, which was observed by Flamsteed (B.F 40), is deduced from the Hist. CeL, page 39. 157. Brisbane's observation for N.P.D. has been assumed, but it differs 2' from Lacaille. 176. Brisbane's N.P.D. (which differs nearly 10" from Rumker's) is adopted for the modern comparison. 177. The position of this star, which was observed by Flamsteed (B.F 57), is deduced from the Hist. CM., page 127. 1 8 1. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it here depends wholly on Groombridge (124) and Bessel (6). 182. Bradley has no JR, and it here depends solely on Bessel. 1 84. The position of this star, which was not observed by Bradley or Piazzi, is deduced from the Hist. CM., page 477. 193. The position of this star has been deduced from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 195. This star was observed by Lacaille on August 6, 1751, at o h 30 28*. It is not to be found in any modern catalogue, and its position is therefore brought up by precession alone. 197. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it here depends solely on the Hist. CeL, page 305. 224. The position of this star, which was observed by Flamsteed (B.F 81), is deduced from the Hist. CeL, Page 573- 228. Bradley has no JR of this star, which has been deduced wholly from Airy (G), who has also furnished the modern comparison for N.P.D. 237, Bradley has no JR, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Mayer (23) with modern observations. 239. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. 240. The JR of this star has been reduced from Bradley to Taylor by Bessel's formula, and the proper motion thence obtained. With Taylor's JR and this proper motion, the present JR has been deduced. 244. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. 246. This is a double star, and the mean of Brisbane's observations has been taken. 251. Brisbane has three, and Rumker two observations of this star, yet they differ nearly 10" in N.P.D. The mean of the two is adopted for the modern comparison. 380 OF THE BRITISH ASSOCIATION. 256. Bradley has no JR, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. Flamsteed says that it has a companion to the south, which is probably 263 of this catalogue. 259. Argelander thinks that the JR of this star in the Fund. Astron., page 142, should be 10 48' 31", 7. If so, the M in the present catalogue should be o h 48 m 26 S ,93. 263. The position of this star is deduced from the Hist. Cel., page 27. It is probably the star mentioned by Flamsteed in his observation of 67 Piscium, on December 21, 1689, at 5 h 50 49 s . See the note to 256 of this catalogue. 274. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Mayer (30) with modern observations. 28 1 . Bradley has no N.P.D., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. 287. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Rumker (although they differ 6") is taken for the modern com- parison. 290. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it here depends solely on Bessel. 296. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Taylor (although differing above 7") is taken for the modern comparison. 298. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it here depends solely on Bessel. 299. The position of this star is deduced from the observation in the Hist. CM., page 573. 300. Bradley has no JR, and it here depends solely on Groombridge. 304. The position of this star has been deduced from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 312. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. 314. Bessel has compared the position of this star with an observation made by Tycho Brahe" in 1573, and finds a confirmation of its great proper motion. It is Groombridge 237 and Argelander 23. 320. This star is placed by Hevelius in Cepheus. It is Groombridge 242. 335. Bradley has no N.P.D. of this star, which is therefore deduced from Airy (G), who has also supplied the comparison in JR. 336. Bradley has no JR, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. 357. This star was observed by Flamsteed (B.F 136), and the position is here deduced from the Hist. CM., page 350. 358. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. 359. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. 363. Bradley has no JR, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. 369. This is the companion to the preceding star, and was observed also by Mayer (40). 371. The position of this star is here deduced from the Hist. Cel., page 247. 373. Mayer 41 will agree with this star, if we suppose an error in his observations (see B.M 41). 375. The position of this star is here deduced from the Hist. Cel., page 250. 376. Bradley has no JR, and it here depends solely on Bessel. 378. Bradley has no JR, and it here depends solely on Groombridge. 379. The position of this star has been deduced from Argelander (34) by precession alone. [S.] 382. The position of this star has been deduced from Groombridge (280) by precession alone. [S.] 385. Brisbane's N.P.D. is assumed to be i' in error. 393. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it here depends solely on Groombridge. 403. Bradley has no JR, and it here depends solely on Bessel. 430. Bradley has no JR, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modem observations. 431. Bradley's Declination in the Fund. Astron. should be +17 57' 43">7- 433. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it here depends solely on Taylor. 443. Bradley has no JR, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. NOTES TO THE CATALOGUE OF STARS 444. This star was observed also by Groombridge (325). 446. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. 449. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. 45 1 . Bradley has no JR, and it here depends wholly on modern observations, that is, Bessel is considered as the old, and the mean of Airy, Wrottesley and Taylor, as the modern authority. 455. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it here depends solely on the Hist. Cel., page 192. 456. Airy (G) is here adopted for the modern comparison in JR. 457. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it here depends solely on Bessel. 458. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Taylor is here assumed ; to the exclusion of Rumker. 459. The position of this star, which was observed by Flamsteed (B.F 182), is deduced from the Hist. Cel., page 204. 468. The mean N.P.D. of Groombridge and Taylor (which differ 7") is here adopted for the comparison with Bradley. , ' 472. The position of this star is here deduced wholly from Argelander (41). 473. Bradley has no JR, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. 474. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. 482. The approximate position of this star is deduced from Argelander's Uranometria Nova. 490. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Mayer with modern observations. 494. The JR of this star has been first reduced from Groombridge, by Bessel's formula, to Pond, and the proper motion thence deduced. With Pond's JR and this proper motion, the present JR has been obtained by Bessel's formula. 510. This star was also observed by Flamsteed (B.F 199), by Groombridge (364), and by Argelander (44). 512. The JR of this star is brought up by precession from Lacaille's catalogue, as there is no modern observation of it in JR. 514. The modern comparison of this star is from the Hist. Cel., page 124. It is the star which Bradley took for Flamsteed's I Trianguli, but which was not observed by Piazzi. 515. Bradley has no JR, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. 516. This star is in the Hist. Cel., page 133, but the position is here deduced from Argelander (45). 524. This star is to be found in the Hist. Cel., page 192, which has been compared with Zach for the present position. Zach designates it as 3 Arietis, but the position given by him is deduced from two different stars. See the note in page 73. 525. Bradley has no ^R, and it here depends solely on Bessel. 526. Taylor, in vol. v., designates this star as 7^- magnitude. 534. Rumker's annual precession in Declination is erroneous, and corresponds with a star 10 more to the south. 535. This star was observed by Flamsteed (B.F 203) and by Groombridge (376). Taylor's JR is erroneous one year's precession. 537. Hevelius observed this star (B.H 1188), but he has stated the latitude to be north instead of south. When this is corrected the JR=2i 54' 35" and the Dec. =+7 28' 33", and thestar (B.H 1187) will be Flamsteed's 102 Piscium it. 538. Piazzi says that this star is lost, but it has been seen by Bradley, Lalande, Bessel, Argelander, and Airy. It is probably a variable star. The star which Zach calls 3 Arietis is not the star so designated by Flamsteed. The declination corresponds with it, but the JR is that which belongs to the star observed by Lalande in Hist. Cel., page 192, at i h 3i m 3". It would there- fore appear that the star observed by Zach, at Seeberg, for the ^R, was not the same star as that observed at Manheim for the declination. See the note in page 73, and also to No. 524 of this catalogue. 382 OF THE BRITISH ASSOCIATION. 545. Bradley has no JR, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. 547. The approximate position of this star was taken from Argelander's Uranometria Nova. 549. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern ob- servations. 562. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it here depends solely on the star in Hist. Cel., page 310. The preces- sion in JR for 1755 in the Fund. Astron. should be SS">99' 566. This is a nebulous star, and two stars of the 8th magnitude precede it to the south. 570. Taylor's N.P.D. (which differs nearly 7" from Brisbane's) is adopted for the modem comparison. They each made four observations of the ^tar. 573 . Bessel states that thirty observations of these two stars by Christian Mayer, reduced to 1 778, show that the southern star preceded the other 3", and that the difference of declination was 1 1",8. Bradley has no JR, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Mayer with modern observations. It is 58 in Pond's catalogue. 575. Bradley has no JR, and it here depends solely on Groombridge. 579. Bessel says that the two observations of Bradley, in JR, differ I4",7, and Argelander thinks that i s ,o ought to be deducted from one of them. Bradley's JR is therefore assumed = 25 22' 35",o. Bradley's observations will be found under the dates of January 25 and December 18, 1754. 583. Bradley has no JR, and it here depends solely on Groombridge. 584. The position of this star has been deduced from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modem observation. [S.] 588. The position of this star is deduced wholly from Airy (G). 598. Piazzi says that he could not find this star. It is probably variable. Bradley has no JR, and it here depends wholly on modern observations, that is, Bessel is taken as the old and Airy (G) as the modern authority. 599. The position of this star has been deduced from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 602. The position of this star has been deduced from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 604. Taylor considers this to be a variable star. 609. This star was also observed by Mayer (68). 613. Taylor's N.P.D. (which differs upwards of 7" from Brisbane's) is adopted for the modern comparison. 614. Either this star or Piazzi 256 was the star observed by Hevelius. 620. Bradley has no JR, and it here depends solely on Bessel. 626. Bradley has no M, and it here depends solely on Bessel. 636. The approximate position of this star is deduced from Argelander's Uranometria Nova. 637. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. 642. This star was observed by Lacaille on October 21, 1751, at i h 49 58 s . It is not to be found in any modern catalogue, and its position is therefore brought up by precession alone. 645. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it here depends solely on Taylor. 647. Bessel says that if we exclude the last of Bradley's three observations in M, which is discordant with the two others, the JR in his catalogue would be 28 14' 56" ',6. Were this adopted, the value in the present catalogue would be altered. 651. Bradley has no M, and it here depends solely on Groombridge. 652. Brisbane has no observation of this star in JR, it is therefore brought up by precession from Lacaille. t 653. Piazzi considers this to be the star observed by Hevelius (B.H 1 147), but I have assumed that star to be No. 614 of this catalogue. 3*3 NOTES TO THE CATALOGUE OF STARS 654. This star is said to be in Nubecula Minor by Lacaille, but it is a long way from the cluster of stars usually designated by that appellation. 659. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Taylor (although differing about 6") is taken for the modern comparison. 662. Bradley has no N.P.D. , and it here depends solely on Groombridge. It is the companion of the preceding star. 668. Airy (G) is here adopted for the modern comparison. It was also observed by Groombridge (464). 68 1. Brisbane has four and Taylor three observations of this star, yet their N.P.D. differ nearly 6". The mean of the two is taken for the modern comparison. 685. Bessel remarks that Bradley's two observations differ $",6 from each other. And Argelander (65) says that if the latter of them be increased I s . o (= I5".o) the results would agree much better with modern observations. In this case Bradley's JR would be 30 4' 25", and the JR. in the present catalogue somewhat different. It is a double star, and the 2nd of the two is the one here noted. 686. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. 694. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it here depends solely on Bessel (18). 700. Bradley has no JR, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. It is Groombridge 488, and is probably the star which Flamsteed designates as 61 Andromeda. 701. This star was probably also observed by Flamsteed (B.F 279). See my note to this star in the British catalogue. 702. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it is here deduced wholly from Airy (G). 709. This is another of the stars stated to be in Nubecula Minor by Lacaille, although it is still further than 654 of this catalogue from the cluster of stars usually designated by that name. 718. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it is here deduced wholly from Airy (G). 719. The approximate position of this nebulous star is deduced from Argelander's Uranometria Nova, who designates it as j Persei, which I have applied to 7 Persei (696 of this catalogue). 720. Fabricius first observed this star in 1596, it varies from o to 4th magnitude. In the same parallel, and following it about 5 s , there is another star scarcely visible, but very conspicuous when the preceding one cannot be seen. 721. The N.P.D. of Pond (73) is here adopted for the modern comparison. 723. Taylor's N.P.D. (which differs nearly 10" from Brisbane's) is adopted for the modern comparison. 725. Bradley has no N.P.D. of this star, and it is wholly deduced from Airy (G). 727. This star was also observed by Groombridge (503). [S.] 728. The position of this star is deduced from the star in the Hist. Ctf/., page 41. 738. Bradley has no N.P.D., it here depends solely on the star in the Hist. CM., page 41. 740. Piazzi considers this star to be of the 8th magnitude only; it was observed by Groombridge (506), who says it is of the 6th magnitude : it was observed likewise by Pond (74). 744. This star was observed also by Flamsteed (B.F 292), by Pond (75), and by Groombridge (51 1). 749. Groombridge's N.P.D. (which differs 8" from Taylor's) is here adopted for the modern comparison. 755. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. 762. Brisbane's N.P.D. (which differs above 6" from Taylor's) is adopted for the modern comparison. 764. The position of this star is deduced from the star in Hist. Cel., page 41. 776. The position of this star is here wholly deduced from the star in the Hist. Cel., page 47. 777. This star was also observed by Flamsteed (B.F 306), by Groombridge (524), and by Pond (78). The mean JR of Pond and Taylor (which differ o s ,54) is adopted for the modern comparison. 784. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it here depends solely on Groombridge. 786. Argelander has considered this star to be of the 5th magnitude, whilst Bradley and Piazzi reckon it as of the 8th. 384 OF THE BRITISH ASSOCIATION. 792. Bradley's two observations in M differ j",j. 796. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observa- tion. It is double, and the next following star is its companion. 804. The position of this star has been deduced from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 809. Brisbane's N.P.D. (which differs nearly 10" from Taylor's) is adopted for the modern comparison. 821. Groombridge's N.P.D. (which differs above 6" from Taylor's) is here adopted for the modern com- parison. 822. The approximate position of this star is taken from Argelander's Uranometria Nova. 824. The N.P.D. is here brought up by precession alone from Laeaille, as Brisbane differs 10' therefrom. 826. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. 830. This is Flamsteed's 85 Ceti. 834. The position of this star, which was observed by Flamsteed (B.F 339), is deduced from the star in Hist. CM., page 30. 836. The modern comparison is taken from Airy (G). 839. The mean N.P.D. of Taylor and Brisbane (although differing nearly 6") is adopted for the modern comparison. 845. This is Flamsteed's 87 Ceti /*. See Preface, page 60. 848. This star was observed by Lacaille on Aug. 6, 1751, at 2 h 32 17". It is not in any modern catalogue. 855. Taylor's N.P.D. (which differs nearly 7" from Brisbane's) is adopted for the modern comparison. 857. The position of this star is deduced wholly from Groombridge (554). 858. The position of this star is deduced wholly from Groombridge (556). 859. The modern comparison is taken from Airy (G). 880. Brisbane's N.P.D. (which differs 8" from Taylor's) is adopted for the modern comparison. 891. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it here depends solely on Bessel (19). 896. This star was observed also by Groombridge (577). - 918. This star was observed also by Groombridge (591). 920. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it here depends solely on Taylor. 925. There is no modern observation of this star, and its position is therefore brought up by precession alone from Lacaille's catalogue. It was observed by him on Aug. 16, 1751. 931. This star was observed by Lacaille on Aug. 16, 1751, at 2 h 47" 34". It is not in any modern catalogue, and its position is therefore brought up by precession alone, 932. This star is not 24 Pcrsei, as supposed by Piazzi and Bessel. See Baily's ' Flamsteed,' page 523. 933. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. 935. This star was observed by Lacaille on Aug. 16, 1751, at 2 h 44 34". It is not in any modern catalogue, and its position is therefore brought up by precession alone. 936. This star is the double star 336 in Struve's great catalogue. Argelander, in Ast. Nach. 226, says that two observations of it at Abo give its position for 1 830 M= 2 h 5 i m 7 s , 43, Dec. = + 3 1 44' 3 ",2, from which the present position is deduced. 942. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Taylor (although differing 6") is taken for the modern comparison. 944. Taylor's N.P.D. (which differs 9" from Brisbane's) is adopted for the modern comparison. 945. Bradley has no JR, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. 948. This star was observed also by Flamsteed (B.F 378), by Groombridge (601), and by Pond (99). 952. Bradley's precession in JR for 1800, in the Fund. Astron., should be 43",967. 954. This star, as given in Lacaille's old catalogue of 1942 stars, does not exist. It was observed by him on Dec. i, 1751, at 2 h 48 39 s , and it is stated to have entered In parte superior}; but if we sup- B.A.C. ( 3 C ) 385 NOTES TO THE CATALOGUE OF STARS pose it to have entered In parte inferiori, it will agree with Piazzi (249) and Brisbane (460), which, with the other observers, are the authorities for the position here given. 955. This star was observed also by Flamsteed (B.F 370), and by Groombridge (602) ; Bradley has no JR, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. 960. The JR of this star has been first reduced from Bradley to Groombridge (595) by Bessel's formula, and afterwards carried on from Groombridge to the present epoch by the same formula. 962. This star was observed also by Flamsteed (B.F 391), by Groombridge (631), by Pond (105), and by Argelander (81). It is the correct / of Bayer. See the note to 101 1 of this catalogue. 963. Piazzi says that the magnitude of this star varies from 2 to 3 in the period of 2 days and 20 hours. It is Groombridge (615) and Pond (106). 965. Bradley has no JR, and it here depends solely on Bessel (20). 976. This star was observed by Mayer (98). 977. There may be some doubt whether this is B.F 405. It was observed by Mayer (99) and by Arge- lander (83). ' 979. Bradley has no JR, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. The mean of Pond (108), Groombridge (616), and Taylor has been here adopted. 980. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it here depends solely on Taylor. Bradley's JR should be 43 59' 26",3- It was observed by him on Dec. 31, 1753. 985. Bradley has no JR, and it here depends solely on Bessel (21). 988. Bradley has no JR, and it here depends solely on Groombridge. 990. Bradley has no JR., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. 1001. Bradley has no JR, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. The mean JR of Groombridge (634) and Taylor (which corresponds with Piazzi) is here adopted. Airy's JR in the Greenwich observations for 1836 exceeds this by i s ,o. 1010. The two observations in JR by Bradley differ 14", 7, and Argelander thinks that the latter ought to be increased by that quantity. Bradley's JR is therefore assumed = 45 54' 31 ",z. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with Argelander (86), and other modern observers. Bradley's two observations were made on January 13 and 22, 1755. ion. In the note to this star in the British catalogue (B.F 410), I have erroneously designated this star as Bayer's t, which properly belongs to 962 of the present catalogue. 1014. The mean N.P.D. of Taylor and Brisbane (although differing nearly 7'') is taken for the modern comparison. 1018. Bradley has no JR, and it here depends solely on Groombridge (641), who makes the magnitude 7, whereas Bradley states it to be 9. 1038. This star was observed by Lacaille on September 24, 1751, at 3 h 12 42 s . It is not in any modern catalogue, and its position is therefore brought up by precession alone. 1044. The position of this star is deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with Johnson (62) and Taylor. 1050. Bradley has no JR, and it here depends solely on Groombridge (651), who calls it of the 7th magni- tude, although Bradley states it to be of the gth. 1055. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it here depends solely on the observation in Hist. CeL, page 36. 1058. This star was observed also by Groombridge (662) and Pond (i 16). 1059. Bradley has no JR, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with Groombridge (668) and Taylor. 1 06 1 . The JR of this star is brought up by Bessel's formula. 1062. This star was observed also by Groombridge (671) and Pond (i 18). 1065. This star was observed also by Groombridge (678). 1067. Bradley has no JR, and it here depends solely on Groombridge (669). OF THE BRITISH ASSOCIATION. 1080. Bradley has no M, and it here depends solely on Groombridge (684). 1 08 1. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with Groombridge (694) and Taylor. 1088. This star was observed by Lacaille on November 7, 1751, with the rhomboidal micrometer, at 3 h 19 40 s . It is not in any modern catalogue, and its position is therefore brought 'up by pre- cession alone. 1097. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with Taylor. It is not Flamsteed's 38 Persei. See Baily's ' Flam steed,' page 526. 1 101. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it here depends solely on the observation in Hist. CM., page 312. 1 1 10. Bradley's two observations in JR differ 2o",o. Argelander (91) thinks that the first ought to be in- creased I 9 ,o = (i5*,o), which would make the M in Bradley's catalogue = 51 3' 32", 2, and the u^l in the present catalogue somewhat different. 1116. This star was observed by Lacaille on September 24, 1751, with the rhomboidal micrometer, at 3 h 1 2 m 42 s . It is not in any modern catalogue, and its position is therefore brought up by pre- cession alone. 1 1 30. Taylor's N.P.D. (which differs nearly 7" from Brisbane's) is adopted for the modern comparison. 1132. See my note to this star in the British catalogue (B.F 449). It was probably observed by Heve- lius (B.H 1151). 1 133. This star was observed also by Groombridge (723) and Airy (G). 1137. This star was observed also by Groombridge (724). Argelander, in his Uranometria Nova, consi- ders it to be of the 4^ magnitude, and I have therefore affixed the letter y to it. 1138. See my note to this star in the British catalogue (B.F 454). It was also observed by Pond (129). 1144. This star was also observed by Groombridge (726). 1 148. The mean N.P.D. of Pond (133), Argelander (95), Airy (C), Taylor, and Johnson (68) is adopted for the modern comparison. The proper motion in Dec. has in the Astronomical Society's cata- logue been inadvertently applied with a wrong sign. 1 149. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with Taylor. 1 164. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Mayer with modern observations. 1171. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with Taylor. 1173. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with Taylor. 1 182. This star is compared withBessel's observation in Ast. Nach., vol. xviii. page 355. 1 187. Taylor has no N.P.D., it is therefore deduced from a comparison of Piazzi and Bessel in Ast. Nach., N. 387. 1 193. Bradley has no JR, and it here depends solely on Bessel (22). 1 194. Brisbane's N.P.D. (which differs nearly 7" from Taylor's) is adopted for the modern comparison. 1 200. Brisbane has no JR, and it is therefore here brought up by precession alone from Lacaille. 1203. This star was observed also by Groombridge (753). 1204. This star was observed also by Groombridge (754). 1205. Bradley has no ^R, and it here depends solely on the observation in Hist. Cel., page 250. 1208. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Taylor (although differing nearly 8") is taken for the modern comparison. 1 209. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with Taylor. 1210. This star was observed also by Groombridge (759). 1211. This star was observed also by Groombridge (746), and by Taylor (iii. 379). 1215. This star was observed by Lacaille on September 14, 1751, with the rhomboidal micrometer at 3 h 44 m 26 s . It is not in any modern catalogue, and its position is therefore brought up by pre- cession alone. (3d) NOTES TO THE CATALOGUE OF STARS 1 223. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. 1227. The mean N.P.D. of Taylor and Brisbane is taken for the modern comparison, although they differ nearly 8". 1235. The JR of this star has been first reduced from Groombridge (750) to Pond (142) by Bessel's for- mula, and the proper motion thence deduced. With Pond's JR and this proper motion the present JR has been obtained by Bessel's formula. 1237. This star was observed also by Groombridge (772). 1242. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with Argelander (99) and Taylor. Bradley and Piazzi call this star 34 Tauri, but the star so designated by Flamsteed was the planet Uranus. 1247. The JR. of this star has been first reduced from Groombridge (766) to Pond (146) by Bessel's for- mula, and the proper motion thence deduced. With Pond's JR and this proper motion the pre- sent JR has been obtained by Bessel's formula. 1248. This star was obs'erved by Lacaille on December 9, 1751, with the rhomboidal micrometer at 3 h 50 34 s . It is not in any modern catalogue, and its position is therefore brought up by pre- cession alone. 1267. This star was observed by Lacaille on November 14, 1751, with the rhomboidal micrometer at 3 h 56 o 8 , and is here called by him " Medium e densissimo stellularum fascicule. " It is not in any modern catalogue, and its position is therefore brought up by precession alone. 1282. The position of this star is deduced from Argelander's observations in Ast. Nach. t N. 226. 1283. The mean N.P.D. of Taylor and Brisbane is adopted for the modern comparison, although differing nearly 7". 1286. This star was observed also by Groombridge (789). 1289. Taylor's declination is erroneous i'. 1293. This star was observed also by Flamsteed (B.F 512) and by Groombridge (797). 1295. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with Taylor. 1300. This star was observed also by Groombridge (800). 1301. This star was observed also by Flamsteed (B.F 515), by Groombridge (802), and by Pond (157). It is noted by Bayer. 1307. The position of this star is here deduced wholly from Groombridge (803). It is not in any other modern catalogue. 1309. This star was observed by Pond (160) and by Argelander (103). In my notes to the British cata- logue I have considered this star (in common with Flamsteed and the more modern astrono- mers) as that which is denoted by d in Bayer's map. But it is one of the two stars there de- signated by the Greek letter o, and the contiguous star which he has marked with the letter d does not appear in any catalogue. 1313. This star was observed also by Groombridge (808). 1314. This star was observed also by Groombridge (809), from which the present position is wholly deduced. 1318. The position of this star is here deduced wholly from Airy (G). 1319. The JR of this star is brought up by precession from Lacaille's catalogue, as there is no modern ob- servation in JR. 1323. The N.P.D. in Groombridge (817) should be 43 58' 6",g. i 329. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with Taylor. 1333. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. Bessel says that the two observations of Bradley in JR differ 8", 8. 1334. The position of this star has been deduced from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. 388 OF THE BRITISH ASSOCIATION. 1345. The mean N.P.D. of Taylor and Brisbane is adopted for the modern comparison, although differing above 7". 1 347. The modern comparison for this star is taken from Airy (G). Bradley has no N.P.D. 1351. The position of this star is here wholly deduced from the observation in Hist. CM., page 193. 1357. Bradley's precession in M for 1800 in the Fund. Astron. should be 48",84i. 1361. The position of this star is here deduced wholly from Argelander (105). 1380. This star has been also observed by Argelander (106), Airy (C), and Pond (174). Argelander states that he has recomputed the eleven observations of Bradley in M, and that the position for i 7 5 5 is6 3 39' 9 ' / ,8. 1381. This star has been also observed by Argelander (107), Airy (C), and Pond (175). Argelander states that he has recomputed the eleven observations of Bradley, and that the position for 1755 is 63 40' 34",o. 1391. Bradley has no JR, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Mayer (160) with modern observa- tions. It was also observed by Pond (99) and Airy (C), as well as by Taylor (ii. 516). 1394. This star is Mayer (162). 1397. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi and Groombridge (839) with Taylor. 1406. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Mayer with modern ob- servations. 1412. This star was observed by Lacaille on December 16, 1751, with the rhomboidal micrometer at 4 h 2O m 29 s . It is not in any modern catalogue, and its position is therefore brought up by pre- cession alone. 1415. This star was not observed by Hevelius, as erroneously stated in Groombridge's catalogue. The mistake has arisen from an error in Flamsteed's edition of Hevelius. See my note to B.H 269. 1422. The mean N.P.D. of Taylor and Brisbane is adopted for the modern comparison, although they differ 10". 1423. Taylor's N.P.'D. (which differs above 7" from Brisbane) is adopted for the modern comparison. 1427. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it here depends solely on the observation in Hist. CeL, page 574. 1434. Bradley's four observations of this star in JR. do not well accord. 1443. This star was also observed by Flamsteed (B.F6oo). 1445. Bradley's four observations of this star in declination do not well accord. They were all made sub polo. 1459. Bradley has no JR, audit here depends solely on Bessel (23). Bradley's declination should be + 55 ?' SS">9- He observed it below the pole on July 7, 1753. 1463. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it here depends solely on the star in Hist. CeL, page 196. 1474. This star was observed also by Groombridge (880), by Pond (188), and by Airy (G). I have con- sidered it as Flamsteed's 9 Camelopardi. See my note to that star in the British catalogue (B.F 596). I have here designated it by the letter a,. 1478. This star was observed also by Argelander (no). 1482. Taylor's N.P.D. (which differs 9" from Brisbane's) has been adopted for the modern comparison. 1485. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with Taylor. 1490. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with Taylor. 1491. Bradley's five observations in JR, do not accord. Bessel has added 5* to the second of them, but it is then erroneous i m of time. 1501. Bradley's two observations in JR. differ 7", 6. 1502. This star is designated by Lacaille as being in Nubecula Major, but it is not situate within the cluster that goes under that name. 389 NOTES TO THE CATALOGUE OF STARS 1518. The position of this star is deduced wholly from Argelander (115). 1520. Bradley's M should be 70 16' 12",!. His three observations were made on Jan. 3, 1754, Jan. 24, 1755, and Feb. 11, 1758. 1521. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Taylor (although differing 10") has been adopted for the modern comparison. 1522. Bradley has no N.P.D. , and it here depends wholly on modern observations. 1524. Bradley has no JR, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with Groombridge (901) and other modern observations. 1 526. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Mayer with modern observations. 1 527. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Mayer with modern observations. I have assumed it to be Flamsteed's 99 Tauri. See my note to that star in the British catalogue (B.F6 3 2). 1531. Taylor's N.P.D. is presumed to be 9' in error. 1533. Brisbane's N.P.D. (which differs 9" from Taylor's) has been adopted for the modern comparison. 1549. This star was also observed by Groombridge (911). 1561. Brisbane's N.P.D. (which differs above 6" from Taylor's) has been adopted for the modern compa- rison. 1564. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Taylor (although differing above 6") is taken for the modern com- parison. 1565. This star was observed also by Groombridge (919). 1567. The position of this star is here deduced wholly from Groombridge (927). 1 569. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Taylor (although differing 8") is taken for the modern comparison. 1572. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. See my note to this star in the British catalogue. 1583. Bradley's decimation should be +62 21' i",2. 1592. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it here depends solely on the observation in Hist. CM., page 465. 1603. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Taylor (although differing 7") is taken for the modern comparison. 1609. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with Taylor. Bradley's three observations in JR do not well accord, but if we exclude them altogether and deduce the JR from a comparison of Piazzi, it would be 5 h 5 m 2i s ,O3. 1610. There is a difference of i s ,o in JR in Taylor's two catalogues, vol. iii. 541 , and vol. iv. 372. The latter is assumed as the correct one. 1615. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Taylor (although differing nearly 6") is taken for the modern comparison. 1616. Taylor's JR is adopted for the modern comparison. Pond's JR exceeds it by i s ,26. 1618. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. Pond and Taylor have marked this star of the 4th magnitude. 1624. Bradley has no JR, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with Taylor and Wrottesley. 1626. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it here depends solely on the star in Hist. Ce'l., page 138. 1632. Bradley has no JR., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with Taylor. This star is erroneously called 18 Auriga by Piazzi, which in fact belongs to No. 1633 of this catalogue. 1635. Bradley has no JR., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with Taylor. 1642. Bradley has no JR, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. 1643. Bradley has no JR, and it here depends wholly on Airy (C), Taylor and Wrottesley. 1656. The approximate position of this star is here deduced from Argelander's Uranometria Nova. 1 66 1. Taylor considers the magnitude of this star to be variable. 1662. > The JR of this star is here brought up by Bessel's formula. 39 OF THE BRITISH ASSOCIATION. 1664. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Taylor (although differing nearly 6") is taken for the modern comparison. 1665. Bradley's precession in ^Rfor 1800 in the Fund. Astron. should be 47", 156. 1670. Wrottesley's M (which differs o 3 .$$ from Taylor's) is adopted for the modern comparison. 1677. The N.P.D. for the modern comparison is deduced from Brisbane alone, as it agrees better with Lacaille's observation, whereas Taylor differs above i'. 1678. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it here depends solely on the observation in Hist. Cel., page 49. 1683. Bradley has no N.P.D. , and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with Taylor. Bradley's two observations in JR differ 14", 3. 1688. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Taylor (although differing above 10") is taken for the modern comparison. 1696. Bradley lias no N.P.D., and it here depends solely on the observation in Hist. Cel., page 256. 1698. Taylor's N.P.D. is presumed to be 2 in error. 1699. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with Taylor. 1703. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it here depends solely on Taylor. 1713. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Taylor (although differing above 8") is taken for the modern comparison. 1716. The observations of Piazzi and Taylor show that the suspicion of an error of 5 s ,o in the JR of this star in Bradley's observations, as alluded to by Bessel, is well founded, and that the M in the Fund. Astron. should be 79 18' 29",4, which is the value here assumed. The observation was made on Feb. 4, 1754. 1721. Bradley has no JR, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with Taylor. 1727. Taylor considers this star to be variable. 1728. The position of this star is deduced from Bessel's observations in his Zones, No. 330, 338, and 340. 1735. Bradley has no JR, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with Taylor. 1 744. Bradley has no JR, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. 1747. Bradley has no JR, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. 1751. The position of this star is deduced from Wollaston (12) in his 5th zone. 1752. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it here depends solely on the observation in Hist. Ctl., page 264. 1756. This star was observed by Lacaille on Nov. 19, 1751, with the rhomboidal micrometer at 5 h 25"* 58". It is not in any modern catalogue, and its position is therefore brought up by precession alone. 1761. The position of this star in M depends upon Airy (G) 1839, and in N.P.D. upon Airy (G) 1838. [S.] 1766. Taylor's N.P.D. is adopted for the modern comparison. The N.P.D. of Pond (246) differs from it nearly 13". By comparing p 1 and

5 Piazzi 1 800=10 20,0 Pond 1 800= 10 50,2 Taylor 1832=10 33,0 1768. The ^R of Pond (248) is adopted for the modern comparison. Taylor's JR is less by o s ,7i . 1769. Taylor's N.P.D. is rejected, as it appears to be erroneous about 16". 1771. The N.P.D. for the modern comparison is deduced solely from Taylor, as Brisbane appears to be 10' in error. 1772. This star is to be found in Hist. Ctil., page 143, but the position is here taken from the observations of Argelander in Ast. Nach., N. 226. 1773. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Taylor (although differing more than 13") is taken for the mo- dern comparison. 39 * NOTES TO THE CATALOGUE OF STARS 1774. This star is designated as 124 Tauri by Piazzi, but no such star exists. 1775. The N.P.D. of Taylor and Brisbane differs nearly 10" ; the mean of the two is taken. 1776. Bradley has no JR, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. 1784. Bradley has no M, and it here depends on a comparison of Piazzi with Taylor. Groombridge's N.P.D. (which differs nearly 9" from Taylor's) is adopted for the modern comparison. 1785. The mean N.P.D. of Taylor and Johnson is taken for the modern comparison because they nearly agree, but Pond (251) differs 12" from the mean of them. 1786. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Taylor is taken, although they differ above 7". 1796. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with Taylor. 1797. Bradley has no JR, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. 1800. Bradley has no JR, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. 1802. This star has also been observed by Airy, Henderson, Johnson (133), Pond (253), and Rumker (90). 1805. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it here depends wholly on modern observations. Bradley's JR should be 82 1 6' 5",!.' This star and Bradley 824 were observed by him on Jan. 14, 1754, and are to be found in the Hist. Cel., pages 262 and 313; the present star was also observed by Bessel (zone 146), and by Henderson in 1837 ; all of which observations show that Bradley has made an error of i m in the time of transit. 1808. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it here depends wholly on Bessel (25) and Argelander (128). 1813. The position of this star is deduced from Wollaston (9) in his 4th zone. 1817. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Taylor (although differing 7") is adopted for the modern com- parison. 1818. Bradley has no JR, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. 1822. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it here depends solely on Argelander (129). The star is alluded to by Piazzi in his note to 1 3 Leporis. 1824. Groombridge's N.P.D. (which differs nearly 9" from Taylor's) is taken for the modern comparison. 1825. Taylor's N.P.D. (which differs more than 13" from Brisbane's) is taken for the modern comparison. 1826. The approximate position of this star is here deduced from Argelander's Uranometria Nova. 183^. This star was observed also by Mayer (218). 1838. This star is designated as a nebula by Lacaille and by Brisbane ; it is in fact in the middle of the Nubecula Major. 1853. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Argelander (133) with Piazzi and Taylor. It was observed also by Wrottesley (351). 1854. Bradley has no JR, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with the mean of Pond and Taylor. 1859. Taylor's N.P.D. is here assumed for the modern comparison. It differs 29" from Brisbane's, which is presumed to be erroneous. 1864. Taylor's N.P.D. in his vol. iii. is taken for the modern comparison. The N.P.D. in vol. ii. (725) is erroneous above 32". 1 867. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Mayer with modern observations. 1870. The JR of this star has been brought up by precession from Lacaille, as there is no modern observa- tion of it in JR. 1872. This star is Flamsteed's 33 Camelopardi, but which cannot well be located in this constellation, and I have therefore placed it in Auriga. 1877. -The position of this star is here deduced wholly from Groomb ridge (1036). 1 879. The JR of this star is first reduced from Groombridge (1004) to Pond (254) by Bessel's formula, and the proper motion thence obtained. With Pond's JR and this proper motion the present JR is deduced by Bessel's formula. 39 2 OF THE BRITISH ASSOCIATION. 1885. Bradley's M should be 84 50' 33",7. He made two observations of this star, one on Feb. 17, and the other on Feb. 22, 1756. It was observed by Groombridge (1040) and Pond (268). 1887. Bradley has no JR, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with Groombridge (1041) and Taylor, but Groombridge's N.P.D. (which differs 9" from Taylor's) is taken for the modern comparison. It is Flamsteed's ^^Camelopardi, but as it cannot well be located in that constella- tion I have inserted it in Auriga. 1888. Bradley has no JR, and it here depends solely on Groombridge (1043). 1891. Taylor's N.P.D. (which differs above 8" from Brisbane's) is taken for the modern comparison. 1892. Taylor's N.P.D. (which differs above 6" from Brisbane's) is taken for the modern comparison. 1893. The position of this star is deduced wholly from the observation in Hist. CM., page 206. 1894. Brisbane has no observation of this star in JR, it is therefore brought up by precession from Lacaille. 1895. Bradley has no JR, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. 1898. The JR of this star is brought up by precession from Lacaille, as there is no modern observation of it in JR.. 1899. This star was observed also by Groombridge (1055) and Argelander (139). 1907. The position of this star is here deduced from Bessel's zones, Nos. 56 and 146. 1909. The JR of this star has been brought up by precession from Lacaille, as there is no modern observa- tion of it in JR. 1916. Bradley has no JR, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Mayer with modern observations. 1921. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it here depends solely on Groombridge. 1924. This is Flamsteed's 35 Camelopardi, but as it cannot well be located in that constellation I have inserted it in Auriga. 1928. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. 1930. The position of this star is here deduced from the observation in Hist. C(tl., page 254. 1931. Bradley's two observations in declination differ i6",6. 1932. The position of this star is here deduced from the observation in Hist. CtL, page 208. 1933. This star is designated by Lacaille as ij Columba, but it is one of Ptolemy's stars, and is placed by him in Argo. 1934. Bradley has no JR, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Mayer with modern observations. 1936. Bradley's JR in the Fund. Astron. should probably be 87 34' 48",4, which would increase the value in the present catalogue by o s .O5- 1942. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it here depends solely on Groombridge. 1943. Bradley has no JR, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. 1950. Bradley has no JR, and it here depends solely on Groombridge. 1952. Bradley has no JR, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modem observations. 1953. Taylor's declination is erroneous i'. 1960. The M of this star is brought up by precession from Lacaille, as there is no modern observation of it in M. 1961. Bradley has no JR, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with Taylor. 1962. The approximate position of this star is deduced from Argelander's Uranometria Nova. 1963. Bradley has no M, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. 1969. The M of this star is brought up by precession from Lacaille, as there is no modern observation of it in M. 1971. Taylor's N.P.D. (which differs above 8" from Brisbane's) is taken for the modern comparison. Bradley's precession in JR for 1800 in the Fund. Astron. should be 54",575- 1972. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Taylor (although differing above 8") is taken for the modern comparison. ".~ (3D) 393 NOTES TO THE CATALOGUE OF STARS 1974. Bradley has no JR, and it here depends wholly on Airy (C), Wrottesley and Taylor. 1979. Bradley has no JR, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. The mean of Pond (281), and Groombridge (i 102), is taken for the modern comparison in N.P.D. 1980. This star was also observed by Flamsteed (B.F 834), by Groombridge (i 100) and Pond (280). 1994. The position of this star depends wholly on the observation in Hist. Cel., page 264. 2004. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with Airy (C) and Taylor. 2015. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observa- tions. 2018. The position of this star has been deduced from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 2019. Bradley has no JR, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. 2020. Bradley has no JR, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. 2022. The mean jR of Taylor and Wrottesley (who differ o s .63) is taken for the modern comparison. 2024. Bradley has no ^R,'and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. 2025. The JR of this star is brought up by precession from Lacaille, as there is no modern observation of it in JR. 2029. Bradley has no JR, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Mayer with modern observations. 2032. Brisbane's ^R is assumed to be i m in error. His N.P.D. differs above 1 1" from Taylor's ; the mean is taken for the modern comparison. 2041. This star is Groombridge 1 143. 2043. This star is Groombridge 1144. 2045. Bradley has no JR, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. 2046. The position of this star is deduced from Groombridge (i 149). 2060. This is the companion to the preceding star. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it is here deduced from a comparison of the difference of Piazzi and Lalande, page 257, from 8 Monocerotis. There appears to be an error of more than 2' in Taylor's observation. 2065. The JR of this star is brought up by precession from Lacaille, as there is no modern observation of it in JR. 2066. This star is called $ Columba by Lacaille, but it is the star that Ptolemy has placed in Canis Major. 2068. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Taylor (although differing 8") is taken for the modern comparison. 2070. The approximate position of this star is deduced from Argelander's Uranometria Nova. 2074. Groombridge's ( 1 1 63) N.P.D. differs 10" from the mean of Argelander ( 1 45) and Taylor, and is there- fore rejected. 2077. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Taylor (although differing above 7") is taken for the modern comparison. 2080. Another star of the 8th magnitude (Piazzi 99) precedes this about i second of time and about 23" to the south. 2081. Bradley has no JR, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. 2082. Bradley has no JR, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with Airy (C) and Wrottesley. 2083. This star was observed by Wollaston, and is 16 in his 3rd zone. 2085. The JR of this star has been first reduced from Lacaille to Brisbane by Bessel's formula, and the proper motion thence deduced. With Brisbane's ^R and this proper motion the present JR has been deduced. 2095. %This star was also observed by Groombridge (i 159). 2099 . Bradley has no JR, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with Taylor. 2 1 01. The position of this star is wholly deduced from the observation in Hist. CL, page 272. 2102. This star was observed by Lacaille on October 24, 1751, with the rhomboidal micrometer, at 394 OF THE BRITISH ASSOCIATION. 6 h i9 m 5O S . It is not in any modern catalogue, and its position is therefore brought up by pre- cession alone. 2113. The position of this star is deduced wholly from Groombridge (i 178). 2114. Bradley has no JR, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. 2116. This star is usually called 21 Geminorum, but Flamsteed's star so designated does not exist. 2118. The position of this star is deduced from Bessel's zone 61. Flamsteed states it to be of the 4th magnitude, whilst Bessel considers it only of the 8th. 2 1 20. Bradley has no JR, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with Argelander (146) and other modern observations. 2125. Bradley has no JR, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. 2128. Bradley has no JR, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. fc Groombridge's N.P.D. is erroneous 10. 2143. Bradley has no JR, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. 2144. Bradley has no JR, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. 2149. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. 2157. This star is located by Hevelius in Cepheus, and by Taylor in Camelopardus, but it evidently belongs to Ursa Minor. 2175. Bradley has no JR, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with Groombridge (1204} and other modern observations. 2184. The observation in Hist. Cel., page 262, has been adopted for the modern comparison with Mayer. 2185. Bradley's precession in JR for 1800 in the Fund. Astron. should be 49",54O. 2187. Bradley has no JR, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. 2191 . Bradley's two observations in N.P.D. differ 1 3",2. It was observed also by Pond (305) and Airy (C). 2192. Bradley has no JR, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. 2196. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Taylor (although differing nearly 6") is taken for the modern comparison. 2198. Bradley has no JR, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. 2202. Brisbane's N.P.D. (which differs 10" from Taylor's) is taken for the modern comparison. 2210. This star was observed also by Groombridge (1217) and Pond (309). 2216. Bradley has no JR, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. 2220. Groombridge's N.P.D. (which differs above 6" from Taylor's) is taken for the modern comparison. 2222. Bradley has no JR, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. 2223. Bradley has no ^R, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. 2224. Argelander's JR (which differs 2 s ,7i from Taylor's) is taken for the modern comparison. 2232. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Taylor (although differing nearly 12") is taken for the modern comparison. 2234. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Taylor (although differing above 7") is taken for the modern comparison. 2235. Bradley has no JR, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. 2238. The position of this star is here deduced wholly from the observation in Hist. Cel., page 316. 2239. Bradley has no JR, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. Groombridge's N.P.D. (which differs nearly 7" from Taylor's) is taken for the modern com- parison. 2241. Bradley has no JR, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. 2245. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Taylor (although differing above 6") is taken for the modern comparison. 2249. This star was observed also by Groombridge (1235). ( 3 D 2 ) 395 NOTES TO THE CATALOGUE OF STARS 2252. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Pond (which differs 7'' from Taylor's) is taken for the modern comparison. 2253. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Taylor (although differing upwards of 10") is taken for the modern comparison. 2267. Bradley's precession in Declination for 1800 in the Fund. Astron. should be ^"^Sz. 2284. This star was observed by Lacaille on December i, 1751, with the rhomboidal micrometer, at 6 h 44 m 54 s . It is not in any modern catalogue, and its position is therefore brought up by pre- cession alone. 2289. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Taylor (although differing nearly 6") is adopted for the modern comparison. 2292. The position of this star is deduced from the observation in Hist. Cel., page 210. 2294. This star was observed also by Groombridge (1256). , 2303. Brisbane has no observation of this star in N.P.D., it is therefore brought up by precession from Lacaille. 2306. The position of this star is deduced from Bessel's zone 148. 2311. Taylor's declination is erroneous about 90". The N.P.D. therefore here depends solely on Piazzi, who considers the star to be of the 8th magnitude. 2316. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Taylor (although differing nearly 8'') is taken for the modern comparison. 2320. The yR of this star has been first reduced from Groombridge to Pond (303), by Bessel's formula, and the proper motion thence obtained. With Pond's ^l and this proper motion, the present JR has been deduced by Bessel's formula. This star was also observed by Wollaston (14) in his ist zone. 2325. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Taylor (although differing nearly n'') is taken for the modern comparison. 2326. This star was observed also by Groombridge (1259) and Pond (324). 2328. Brisbane's N.P.D. (which differs above 8" from Taylor's) is taken for the modern comparison. 2329. Taylor's declination appears to be erroneous about 10". The N.P.D. therefore here depends solely on Piazzi. 2332. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Taylor (although differing nearly 8") is taken for the modern comparison. 2334. The position of this star is deduced from Argelander's observations in Ast. Nach., N. 226. 2339. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Taylor (although differing nearly 6") is taken for the modern comparison. 2342. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Taylor (although differing above 8") is taken for the modern comparison. 2346. This star was observed also by Groombridge (1274). 2347. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with Taylor. 2359. Bradley has no JR, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with Taylor. It is called 50 Geminorum by Bradley and Piazzi, but Flamsteed's star so designated does not exist. 2363. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it here depends solely on the observation in Hist. Cel., page 145. 2365. Bradley has no ./R, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. 2367. This star was observed by Groombridge (1284). 2369. Bradley has no JR, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. 2371. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Taylor (although differing above 7") is taken for the modern comparison. 2375. This star was observed by Lacaille on February 15, 1752, with the rhomboidal micrometer, at 396 OF THE BRITISH ASSOCIATION. 7 h i m 58 s . It is not in any modern catalogue, and its position is therefore brought up by pre- cession alone. 2376. Bradley has no JR, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. 2379. The position of this star is deduced from the observation in Hist. CeL, page 383. 2380. Brisbane's N.P.D. (which differs nearly 7" from Taylor's) is taken for the modern comparison. 2390. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it therefore here depends wholly on Airy (G). 2393. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it here depends wholly on Bessel. 2395. Brisbane's N.P.D. (which differs above 7" from Taylor's) is adopted for the modern comparison. 2397. Bradley has no JR, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. Groombridge's N.P.D. (which differs nearly 7^" from Taylor's) is adopted for the modern com- parison. 2403. , The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Taylor (although differing nearly 6") is taken for the modern comparison. 2404. This star was observed by Lacaille on November 3, 1751, with the rhomboidal micrometer, at 6 h 59 m 53 s . It is not in any modern catalogue, and its position is therefore brought up by pre- cession alone. 2406. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern obser- vations. 2409. Bradley has no JR ; it is a double star, each nearly of the same magnitude. Bradley and Argelander (154) observed the following of the two, but Piazzi and Taylor appear to have observed the preceding one ; I have adopted Argelander's position, which refers to the second of the two stars. Consequently the JR is deduced from Argelander alone, and the N.P.D. from a comparison of Bradley with Argelander. These stars were observed by Groombridge (1297 and 1298). 2423. The mean N.P.D. of Taylor and Pond (339) (which differs 7^" from Brisbane) is taken for the modern comparison. 2424. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Taylor (although differing nearly 12") is adopted for the modern comparison. 2426. Taylor's N.P.D. (which differs about 6" from Brisbane's) is taken for the modern comparison. 2438. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Taylor (although differing above 6") is taken for the modern comparison. 2439. This star was observed also by Groombridge (1308) and Pond (340). It is located by Hevelius in Ursa Major. 2443. Brisbane's N.P.D. is presumed to be i' in error. 2448. The position of this star is deduced from Taylor's observations in his vol. v. page clviii. N. 1574. The JR appears to differ several seconds from Brisbane's. 2453. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Taylor (although differing above 8") is taken for the modern comparison. 2459. Bradley has no JR, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. 2463. The position of this star is deduced from the observation in Hist. CeL, page 144. 2468. Bradley has no M, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. 2483. Bradley has no JR, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. 2485. This is a double star, the middle of which was observed by Argelander (i 56). Taylor observed the first of the two, but Piazzi observed them both. 2488. The approximate position of this star is deduced from Argelander's Uranometria Nova. 2501 . Bradley has no M, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. . 2509. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modem observations. 2511. The approximate position of this nebula is deduced from Argelander's Uranometria Nova. 397 NOTES TO THE CATALOGUE OF STARS 2517. Bradley has no JR, and it here depends wholly on modern observations. 2518. It would appear from the observations of Bessel (27) and Argelander (157), that Bradley's M is i s ,o too great ; and as he has no N.P.D., the position of the star is deduced wholly from Bessel and Argelander. It was observed by Bradley on March 2, 1757. 2520. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Taylor is here adopted, although they differ nearly 6". 2521. This star was observed also by Groombridge (1339). 2526. This star was observed also by Mayer (307). 2527. Bradley's two observations in M differ j",$, and his two observations in N.P.D. above the pole, differ 6",4 from the two observations below the pole. 2529. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Taylor (although differing above 6") is taken for the modern comparison. 2530. This star was observed also by Flamsteed (B.F 1074), and is the star marked x in Bayer's map ; but as I have not disturbed Lacaille's mode of lettering this constellation, I have not here inserted it. 2531. Neither Brisbane nor Taylor has any observation of this star in ./R, it is therefore here deduced solely from Piazzi. 2532. This is Flamsteed's 50 Camelopardi, erroneously placed by him in that constellation. 2535. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Taylor (although differing above 8") is taken for the modern com- parison. 2538. The position of this star has been deduced from the observations in Hist. CM., pages 278 and 280. [S.] 2543. Taylor's N.P.D. (which differs upwards of 9" from Brisbane's) is taken for the modern comparison. 2545. Taylor's N.P.D. (which differs 10" from Brisbane's) is adopted for the modern comparison. 2546. Taylor's N.P.D. (which differs upwards of 9" from Brisbane's) is taken for the modern comparison. 2550. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Taylor (although differing above 7") is taken for the modern comparison. 2557. Bradley has no JR, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. Piazzi and Bessel designate this star as I Navis, which belongs to N. 2555 of this catalogue. See Baily's ' Flamsteed,' page 553. Brisbane's N.P.D. appears to be in error i. It was observed also by Wrottesley (456). 2560. This star is Flamsteed's i Navis, and the first in his catalogue that belongs to the constellation Argo, which is here subdivided agreeably to what has been stated in the preface, page 62. The subdivision Puppis contains the whole of the stars located by Flamsteed in Navis. The present star is that which is marked by Bayer as R, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with Taylor. Piazzi and Bessel designate this star as 73 Cancri, but the star so called by Flamsteed does not exist. Bradley's two observations in N.P.D. differ io",5 ; the observation of March 19, 1754, appears to be the most correct. 3106. Groombridge's N.P.D. (which differs upwards of 16" from Taylor's) is taken for the modern compa- rison. 3108. Bradley's five observations in JR do not well accord; the extreme difference is 19", o. 3116. The position of this star has been deduced from Groombridge (1517). [S.] 3118. The position of this star has been deduced from Groombridge (1518.). [S.] 3133. The position of this star has been deduced from the observation in Hist. Cel., page 324. [S.] 3134. Brisbane's N.P.D. (which differs nearly 10" from Rumker's) is adopted for the modern compa- rison. 3145. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Taylor (although differing above 6") is taken for the modern comparison. 3152. Johnson's JR is adopted for the modern comparison, to the exclusion of Brisbane, Rumker and Taylor. 3157. Bessel considers that there is but little confidence to be placed in the position of this star as deduced from Bradley's observations. The proper motion therefore is doubtful. 3158. Taylor's N.P.D. (which differs 16" from Brisbane's) is assumed for the modern comparison. 3 1 59. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Taylor (although they differ 7") is taken for the modern comparison. 3164. The declination of this star was also observed by Mayer (398). The JR has been deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with Taylor, and the N.P.D. from a comparison of Mayer with Taylor. [S.] 3169. This star is erroneously placed by Flamsteed in the constellation Lynx. 3170. This is probably Mayer 399, as the JR agrees very well, but there is a difference of nearly 7' in the declination. The N.P.D. is therefore deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with Taylor. 3172. The position of this star has been deduced from Groombridge (1534). [S.] 3182. Bradley has no JR,, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. > The mean N.P.D. of Groombridge and Taylor (although they differ nearly 7") is taken for the I modern comparison. This star is called 39 Lyncis by Flamsteed. 402 OF THE BRITISH ASSOCIATION. 3183. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it here depends wholly on modern observations; the approximate decli- nation given in Bradley's catalogue should be 26 12'. It was observed by him on March 23, 1755. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it here depends on a comparison of Piazzi with Taylor. This star was observed by Lacaille on January 13, 1752, with the rhomboidal micrometer, at 9 h 1 2 m 49 s . It is not to be found in any modern catalogue, and its position is therefore brought up by precession alone. 3192. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Taylor (although they differ 7") is taken for the modern compa- rison. 3194. This star is Flamsteed's 6 Leonis Minoris. [S.] 3199, This star was also observed by Groombridge (1537). [S.] 3201. This star was also observed by Argelander (193). [S.] 3205. Taylor's N.P.D. is erroneous 17, and it is here corrected. 3214. Brisbane's N.P.D. (which differs 8" from Rumker's) is assumed for the modern comparison. 3220. The position of this star has been deduced from Groombridge (1545). [S.] 3221. Bradley's five observations in JR do not well accord ; the extreme difference is 2i",i. 3228. The annual precessions in JR annexed to this star in the Fund. Astron. should be transposed. 3230. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Taylor (although differing 7") is adopted for the modern com- parison. 3231. Bradley has no JR, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with Taylor. 3232. Pond's JR (which differs nearly i s ,o from Taylor's) is taken for the modern comparison. 3233. The position of this star has been deduced from the observation in Hist. CeL, page 321. [S.] 3238. Bradley has no JR, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with Taylor. 3244. Brisbane's N.P.D. (which differs 12" from Taylor's) is assumed for the modern comparison. 3245. Taylor considers the magnitude of this star to be variable. [S.] 3247. This nebula is not to be found in any modern catalogue, and its position is therefore brought up by precession alone from Lacaille's observation. 3265. This star was also observed by Flamsteed (B.F 1347) and by Groombridge (1560). 3273. This star was observed also by Airy (C). 3276. Brisbane's N.P.D. (which differs 6" from Rumker's) is adopted for the modern comparison. 3278. The mean N.P.D. of Airy (C) and Taylor (who, however, differ above 7") is adopted for the modern comparison. 3286. Bradley's two observations in JR differ 9",3 ; Bessel thinks that the second is the most correct, which would alter the M in the present catalogue. This star is Argelander 200 and Pond 406. 3287. The position of this star has been deduced from Groombridge (1564). [S.] 3294. Bessel thinks it probable that a mistake of i' has been made in Bradley's observation of the JR of this star, but modern observations confirm the position given in the Fund. Astron. 3298. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Taylor (although differing 7") is adopted for the modern compa- rison. 3299. This star was also observed by Mayer (413). 3301. This star was observed by Lacaille on April 26, 1752, with the rhomboidal micrometer, at 9 h 28 m 47 s . It is not in any modern catalogue, and the position is therefore deduced from Lacaille by precession alone. 3310. Bradley's two observations in JR differ 12", 7 ; and it appears from the note to N. 203 of Arge- lander's catalogue, that the JR of this star as observed at different periods does not well accord. 3313. Bradley has no JR, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with Taylor. 3319. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Rumker is here taken for the modern comparison, to the exclu- sion of Taylor, who differs nearly 7". ( 3 E 2 ) 403 NOTES TO THE CATALOGUE OF STARS 3324. This star is Flamsteed's 44 Lyncis. [S.] 3325. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it here depends solely on Bessel (31). 3335. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Taylor (although differing nearly 10" ) is taken for the modern comparison. 3336. The position of this star has been deduced from Argelander (205). [S.] 3345. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Mayer with Taylor. Argelander considers the magnitude to be variable. 3346. Bradley's five observations in ^R, do not well accord; the extreme difference is i8",i. 3375. The position of this star has been deduced from the observation in Hist. Ce'L, page 323. [S.] 3380. The position of this star has been deduced from the observation in Hist. CM., page 226. [S.] 3397. The position of this star depends wholly on Groombridge (1591). [S.] 3402. The position of this star depends wholly on Groombridge (1594). [S.] 3418. The position of this star depends on the observation in Hist. Ce'L, page 324. [S.] 3420. The position of this star depends wholly on the observation in Hist. Cel., page 150. [S.] 3422. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Rumker (although differing nearly 7") is taken for the modern comparison. 3423. This star was also observed by Flamsteed (B.F 1419). 3424. Brisbane's N.P.D. differs nearly 8" from that of Taylor, and has been therefore rejected. [S.] 3425. This star is Groombridge 1 60 1. [S.] 3427. The position of this star has been derived from the observation at page 210 of Hist. Cel. [S.] 3430. The position of this star has been deduced from the observation at page 324 of Hist. Cel. [S.] 3431. The position of this star depends on the observation at page 210 of Hist. Cel. [S.] 3438. The position of this star depends on the observation at page 327 of Hist. Cel. [S.] 3439. The position of this star depends on the observation at page 60 of Hist. Cel. [S.] 3443. This star is also Mayer 431 and Wrottesley 582. [S.] 3447. The JR of Taylor is taken, and the mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Taylor (although they differ nearly 8''), for the modern comparisons. 3458. Bradley has no JR, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. 3461 . The position of this star has been deduced from Lacaille alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 3465. The N.P.D. is deduced solely from Taylor, as there appears to be an error of 5' in Brisbane's cata- logue. 3468. The position of this star depends wholly on Groombridge (1619). [S.] 3471. The position of this star depends wholly on the observation at page 328 of Hist. Cel. [S.] 3475. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Mayer with modern observations. 3476. Bradley has no JR, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. It was observed by Wrottesley (588) and Airy (C). 3478. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Taylor is adopted, to the exclusion of Rumker, who differs 10". 3482. Rumker has been taken as the modern authority for JR, and Brisbane for N.P.D. [S.] 3484. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it here depends solely on Lalande. (Hist. Cel., page 150.) 3486. The mean JR of Argelander and Taylor (although they differ o s ,9) is taken for the modern com- parison. There is a strange discordance in the JR of this star. Bessel considers that Flamsteed's observations confirm the proper motion indicated by a comparison with Piazzi, whereas Argelander thinks that there is an error of one second of time in Piazzi's catalogue, as compared with his own and Bessel's observations. Then comes Taylor's result, which throws the whole again into con- fusion. 3490. Taylor's JR, which differs o s ,55 from Airy (C), is adopted for the modern comparison. 3495. The JR of this star has been brought up by Bessel's formula successively from Bradley, Piazzi, Groom- 404 OF THE BRITISH ASSOCIATION. bridge and Taylor. The mean N.P.D. of Groombridge and Taylor (who however differ above 7") is adopted for the modern comparison. 3514. This star is also Groombridge 1632. [S.] , 3528. The mean of Taylor and Groombridge (1633) in N.P.D. (although they differ 7",z) is here adopted for the modern comparison. 3529. The position of this star is derived from Bessel's zone 69. [S.] 3530. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. It was observed by Groombridge (1641). 3531. Bradley has no JR, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. It was observed by Groombridge (1640). It was not observed by Hevelius. 3538. Mayer (445) has been adopted as the old authority for this star. [S.] 3553. The position of this star has been derived from the observation at page 277 of Hist. Cel. [S.] 3556. The N.P.D. of this star is brought up by precession alone from Lacaille, as Rumker has no obser- vation of it in N.P.D. 3566. The position of this star has been derived from a comparison of Bradley with the observation at page 552 of Hist. C^l. [S.] 3570. Wrottesley's JR (which differs o a ,$2 from Taylor's) is adopted for the modern comparison. 3577. Observed also by Argelander (225). 3579. This star was also observed by Mayer (449), who has been adopted as the old authority. [S.] 3582. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it here depends solely on Taylor. It was observed also by Wrottesley (604). 3583. This star was also observed by Mayer (450), who has been adopted as the old authority. [S.] 3585. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane, Johnson and Taylor (to the exclusion of Rumker) is adopted for the modern comparison. 3590. Wrottesley's M (which differs o s ,7O from Taylor) is adopted for the modern comparison. 3592. The position of this star depends on the observation at page 275 of Hist. Cel. [S.] | 3593. This star is also Pond 432, and Groombridge 1650. [S.] I 3601. The mean N.P.D. of Taylor and Rumker, who nearly accord, is here taken for the modern com- parison. Brisbane's differs 15" therefrom. 3604. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Taylor (although differing above 6") is taken for the modern comparison. 3607. This star was observed also by Flamsteed (B.F 1497) and by Groombridge (1658). 3608. Brisbane's 3053 is probably this star, with an error of i m in M. 3614. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Taylor (although differing more than 6") is adopted for the mo- dern comparison. 3618. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Taylor (although differing nearly 7") is taken for the modern comparison. 3623. The position of this star is deduced solely from Taylor, as it does not satisfactorily agree with Brisbane's N. 3077. 3627. The position of this star has been derived from a comparison of Bradley with the observation a page 286 of Hist. Cel. [S.] 3629. Bradley's Dec. in the Fund. Astron. should be +81 41' 20". 2. The three observations were made on Nov. 21 and 28, 1750, and they all show that an error of i' has been made in the reduction. This star was also observed by Argelander (228). 3632 Flamsteed has designated this star as i Hydra et Crateris. 3634. The N.P.D. is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi and Taylor, as Mayer's declination appe* to be i' in error. 405 NOTES TO THE CATALOGUE OF STARS 3637. The position of this star depends wholly on the observation at page 329 of Hist. Cel. [S.] 3645. The position of this star depends wholly on Groombridge (1669). [S.] 3646. Flamsteed has designated this star as 2 Hydra et Crateris. 3652. The mean of Taylor and Pond (438) in JR (although they differ o s .5) is here adopted for the modern comparison. This star was also observed by Flamsteed (B.F 1510) and by Groombridge (1673). 3655. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Taylor (although differing nearly 7") is taken for the modern comparison. 3658. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Taylor (although differing 7") is taken for the modern comparison. 3662. This star was observed by Lalande (Hist. Cel., page 225). 3665. This star is also Groombridge 1678. [S.] 3678. Bradley has no JR., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. 3684. Wrottesley's JR (which differs o s ,5i from Taylor's) is taken for the modern comparison. 3692. The position of this nebula has been derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S/] 3701 . The JR of this star was not observed by Brisbane ; it has therefore been deduced by precession alone from Lacaille. 3726. The position of this star depends entirely on the observation at page 275 of Hist. Cel. [S.] 3732. The position of this star depends entirely on the observation at page 227 of Hist. Cel. [S.] 3738. Brisbane's N.P.D. is assumed to be 10' in error ; after this correction the mean is taken with Taylor for the modern comparison. 3741. Bradley has no JR, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with Taylor. 3751. Bradley's two observations in JR differ 9". 3. 3752. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with Taylor. 3756. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Rumker (although differing 8") is taken for the modern com- parison. 3762. The N.P.D. for the modern comparison is taken from Brisbane, as Rumker appears to be i' in error. 3780. The position of this star depends entirely on the observation at page 226 of Hist. Cel. [S.] 3787. Bradley's two observations in jR differ 7",$ ; he has no N.P.D., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. 3790. Taylor's N.P.D. is assumed to be 2 in error; after this correction the mean is taken with Brisbane for the modern comparison. 3816. Bradley has no JR, and it is here derived from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. 3817. The N.P.D. is taken from Brisbane alone for the modern comparison, as Taylor appears to be about i' in error. 3821. The approximate position of this star has been derived from Argelander's Uranometria Nova. [S.] 3823. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Taylor is adopted (although they differ 8"). 3827. Taylor's N.P.D. is assumed to be correct, but Brisbane's differs 2 from it. 3828. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Taylor (although differing above 6") is taken for the modern comparison. 3830. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Taylor (although differing 6") is taken for the modern com- parison. 3831. This star was also observed by Mayer (469). 3836. The position of this star depends entirely on the observation at page 325 of Hist. Ce*l. [S.] 3846. This star is also Groombridge 1757. [S.] 3853. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Taylor (although differing above 6") is taken for the modern comparison. 406 OF THE BRITISH ASSOCIATION. 3864. This star is also Groombridge 1771. [S.] 3867. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Rumker (although differing 9") is taken for the modern com- parison. 3869. The position of this star is deduced from the observation in Hist. CM., page 332. Position in 1800 JR=u* i2 m o s ,8, Prec. + 3M628. Dec.= + i8 31' 59",;, Prec.-i 9 ",62i. 3886. Bradley has no JR, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modem observa- tions. 3894. There is another star following this, which is Piazzi 71. 3904. This star was also observed by Groombridge (1783). [S.] 3918. The position of this star depends wholly on Groombridge (1797). [S.] 3922. This star is 17 Hydra et Crateris in Flamsteed's catalogue. The mean of Brisbane and Taylor's N.P.D. (although they differ above 7") is taken for the modern comparison. It forms, with the preceding star, a double star, and Bessel has taken the mean of the two in Piazzi's catalogue for his comparison. Piazzi says that the smaller star precedes and is south of the larger one. Bris- bane states the contrary. 3925. Taylor's M, differs o s ,54 from Wrottesley's (648) ; the mean is taken for the modern comparison. 3933. Groombridge's N.P.D. (which differs above 8" from Taylor's) is here taken for the modern com- parison. [S.] 3934- Bradley has no M, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. In taking the mean N.P.D. of the modern observations, the proper motion of the star has been applied before the comparison has been made. It is Flamsteed's 20 Hydra et Crateris, and was also observed by Airy (G). 3945. Bradley has no M, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. It is Flamsteed's 22 Hydra et Crateris, which Piazzi has applied to his 117. 3950. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Taylor (although they differ above 1 1") is taken for the modern comparison. 3953. Bradley's two observations in JR differ 8",6. 3957. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Rumker (although differing 1 1") is taken for the modern compa- rison. 3959. The position of this star depends on Groombridge (1816) alone. [S.] 3966. Argelander's JR (which differs i s ,25 from Taylor's) is taken for the modern comparison. 3969. Bradley has no JR, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with Taylor. 3972. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Rumker (although differing 12") is taken for the modern compa- rison. 3980. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Taylor (although they differ 8") is taken for the modern compa- rison. 3985. The position of this star depends solely on Groombridge (1825). [S.] 3992. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with Taylor. 3996. The position of this star depends solely on the observation at page 229 of Hist. Cel. [S.] 3997. The position of this star depends wholly on the Greenwich observations for 1839. C^O 3999. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Taylor is adopted, although they differ above 7". 4005. The approximate position of this star has been derived from Argelander's Uranometria Nova. [S.] 4009. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Taylor (although they differ nearly 7") is taken for the modern comparison. 4010. The position of this star is deduced from its position in 1840, as given by Argelander in Astron. Nach., N. 475, and using the annual variations there stated, its proper motion appears to be greater than that of 61 Cygni, it being 7",o6 in the arc of a great circle : 407 NOTES TO THE CATALOGUE OF STARS According to Argelander, Ann. Free. +3,144! Ann. Free. 20,01 "j Sec. Var. 0,028 an JR. Sec. Var. 0,029, in Dec. Pro. Mot. +0,344] Pro - Mot - ~ 5>7 J 4012. This is not the star mentioned by Zach in his catalogue of right ascensions, unless we suppose some error in the declination, and that it is the same declination as the star in page xcvi of his cata- logue. 4018. The position of this star depends wholly on Groombridge (1832). [S.] 4028. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observa- tions. It is the companion of 65 Ursce Majoris. 4040. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane, Rumker and Taylor is taken for the modern comparison (although differing several seconds from each other). 4041. This star was observed by Brisbane and by Rumker, but there is a difference of 10' in the N.P.D., and only one observation by each. Rumker's observation is here adopted. 4046. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Taylor is here adopted, although they differ above 10". 4058. Brisbane's N.P.D. is supposed to be correct ; it differs 4' from Lacaille. 4061. Brisbane's N.P.D. is adopted for the modern comparison. It differs upwards of 16" from Rumker, but Brisbane has nine observations and Rumker only two. 4093. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Taylor is here adopted, although they differ nearly 7". 4101. Wrottesley's JR (which differs o s ,54 from Taylor's) is taken for the modern comparison. 41 1 1. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it here depends solely on Bessel. 41 12. The mean of Taylor, Pond and Groombridge (1859) is here adopted for the modern comparison in JR, although their extreme difference is I s , 87. 4120. The mean JR of Brisbane, Rumker, Taylor and Johnson is adopted for the modern comparison ; but they are discordant. 4121. Bradley has no JR, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. 4122. The position of this star depends solely on Groombridge (1863). [S.] 4123. Bradley's seven observations in ^R do not well accord; the extreme difference is 20", 7. This star was observed also by Airy (C) and (G), Groombridge (1862), and Pond (493). 4140. Bradley has no JR, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. 4143. This star was also observed by Groombridge (1868). [S.] 4147. Bradley has no JR, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. 4149. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with Taylor. 4150. This star, which is Bradley's N. 1656, is the same star as Groombridge's 1871, and Arge- lander's 275. The present position is deduced wholly from Greenwich observations of 1838 and 1839, compared with the observations of these two latter astronomers, as there appears to be some doubt about Bradley's results. 4153. The position of this star depends entirely on the observation at page 64 of Hist, Cel. [S.] 4156. Bradley's three observations in JR do not well accord; the extreme difference is 12", 9. 4160. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Taylor (although they differ more than 5") is taken for the modern comparison. 4165. Bradley's four observations in JR do not well accord ; the extreme difference is 247", 9. See Arge lander's note to N. 278 of his catalogue. There is a fifth observation by Bradley on Oct. 5, 1753. It was observed by Wollaston (i. 29). 4185. Bradley has no JR, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. 4186. This is the star which Mr. Fallows calls a 1 Crucis; but as this designation has led to some mistakes, 408 OF THE BRITISH ASSOCIATION. it is better to omit the Greek letter altogether. Its magnitude seems to be variable, for Lacaille considered it of the 7th, Brisbane of the 6th, Johnson of the 5th, and Taylor of the 4th. As Johnson says that it is not under the 5th, I have considered it to be 4^ magnitude. 4187. This is the first of the two large stars forming the double star a Cruets. The second star differs from it about +o s ,85 in JR., and about +$",0 in N.P.D. If the distinction of a 1 and a. - Crutis is to be retained, it should be restricted to these two stars, the first of which only is here inserted, the position of the second being deduced from the differences above stated. 4194. Bradley has no JR, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with Taylor. 4199. Bradley has no N.P.D. , and it here depends wholly onLalande (Hist. Ce'L, page 64). 4205. The position of this star depends entirely on the observation at page 64 of Hist. Cel. [S.] 4206. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with Taylor. 4217. Bradley has no JR., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. 4218. This star is Zach" 846, and he calls it 19 Virginis, but no such star exists. The star which he observed is to be found in Hist. Ce"L, page 331, at I2 h 2o m 57 s . It was observed also by Wrot- tesley (68 1). 4219. The position of this star depends entirely on Groombridge (1900). [S.] 4222. Bradley has no JR, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. 4231. The position of this star depends entirely on the observation at page 65 of Hist. Cel. [S.] 4241. Bradley has no declination; the N.P.D. is therefore here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with Taylor. 4244. The approximate position of this nebula is derived from Argelander's Uranometria Nova. [S.] 4246. Bradley has no JR., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. 4250. Bradley has no declination ; the N.P.D. is therefore here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with Taylor. This star is designated as 23 Virginis by Piazzi and Bessel; but the star so called by Flamsteed does not exist. 4252. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Taylor (although they differ more than 11") is taken for the modern comparison. 4265. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Rumker is taken for the modern comparison. Taylor differs from Rumker nearly 10". 4268. This is a double star, each of the same magnitude, and Bessel has taken the mean of the two ; which consequently is adopted in the comparisons. 4273. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Taylor is adopted for the modern comparison. Rumker differs from Taylor upwards of 1 2". 4275. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Taylor (although differing upwards of 6") is taken for the modern comparison. 4277. The position of this star depends solely on the observation at page 333 of Hist. Cel. [S.] 4285. Bessel thinks that Piazzi has made an error of i' in the JR of this star, but his results agree with modern observations. It was observed also by Argelander (285), by Airy (G), and by Groom- bridge (1921). 4302. Bradley has no JR, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. 4"0>3. Bradley has no JR, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. 4305. The position of this star depends solely on Groombridge (1930). [S.] 431 1. The position of this star depends solely on Groombridge (1931). [S.] 4325. The mean ^l of Taylor and Johnson (although discordant) is adopted for the modern comparison. It is a double star. 4328. Bradley has no JR., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. 4329. Bradley has no JR,, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. B.A.C. ( 3 F ) 409 NOTES TO THE CATALOGUE OF STARS 4339. The mean of Taylor, Groombridge (1937), and Pond (520), is here adopted for the modern compa- rison in M, although their extreme difference is 2 S ,45- This star is the companion of N. 4342 of this catalogue. 4342. The mean of Taylor, Groombridge (1940), and Pond (521), is here adopted for the modern compa- rison in M, although their extreme difference is 3 s ,2i. This star is the companion of N. 4339 of this catalogue. 4344. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Taylor is adopted for the modern comparison. Rumker differs upwards of 12" from Taylor. 4345. Bradley has no N.P.D. , and it is here deduced from Airy (G). It is the companion to N. 4346 of this catalogue. 4347. Bradley has no yR, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. 4348. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it here depends wholly on Groombridge (1941), Argelander (290), and Bessel (35). 4349. The position of this star has been deduced by precession from Lacaille only ; it is probably the same as Brisbane's N. 4260, or one of the stars there alluded to. 4360. Taylor's N.P.D. should be 58 18' 20", 92. 4364. The position of this star depends solely on the observation at page 68 of Hist. Cel. [S.] 4366. Bradley's two observations in yR differ 15", 9, and Taylor differs from Groombridge (1948). Bradley has no N.P.D., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. 4368. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Taylor (although differing upwards of 7") is taken for the modern comparison. 4372. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Rumker is here adopted, although they differ above 12". 4374. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Taylor (although they differ more than 6") is taken for the mo- dern comparison. 4378. The mean N.P.D. of Taylor and Brisbane (although they differ more than 9") is taken for the modern comparison. 4386. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Taylor (although they differ nearly 6") is taken for the modern comparison. Rumker's N.P.D. appears to be erroneous about two years' precession. 4394. The position of this star depends wholly on Argelander (292). [S.] 4407. The position of this star depends entirely on Groombridge (1961). [S.] 4410. The N.P.D. of this star is brought up from Lacaille by precession alone, as Rumker has no observa- tion of it in N.P.D. 4419. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Taylor is adopted for the modern comparison. Rumker differs from Taylor nearly 9". 4433. This star was observed also by Flamsteed (B.F 1824), and by Groombridge (1968). 4445. The position of this star depends entirely on the observation at page 154 of Hist. Cel. [S.] 4447. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Rumker (although differing 16") is taken for the modern comparison. 4457. The position of this star depends entirely on the observation at page 61 of Hist. Cel. [S.] 4461. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Taylor (although differing above n") is taken for the modern comparison. 4462. Bradley has no /R, and it here depends solely on the observation at page 336 of Hist. Cel. 4465. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Rumker (although they differ 7") is taken for the modern compa- rison. The position of this star depends entirely on the observation at page 73 of Hist. Cel. [S.] The position of this star is wholly deduced from Bessel's zone 77. [S.] The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Taylor (although differing nearly 9") is taken for the modern com- parison. 410 OF THE BRITISH ASSOCIATION. 4497. Taylor's declination differs 6" from Piazzi and Groombridge ; it is therefore rejected, and the N.P.D. is here the mean of Piazzi and Groombridge. 4502. Taylor's declination is erroneous at least 2' ; it is therefore rejected, and the N.P.D. is here deduced from a comparison of Mayer and Piazzi. 4503. The position of this star depends entirely on the observation at page 336 of Hist. Cel. [S.] 4510. This star was observed also by Flamsteed (B.F 1860) and Groombridge (2002). [S.] 45 1 3. The position of this star depends entirely on the observation at page 471 of Hist. Cel. [S.] 4520. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with Taylor. 4525. Bradley has no JR, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. 4526. The position of this star depends entirely on the observation at page 471 of Hist. Cel. [S.] 4536. This star was also observed by Groombridge (2014). It is B.H 367. 4540. Bradley's N.P.D. is compared with Taylor's only, as there appears to be some error in Groombridge's reductions. 4542. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Rumker (although differing 6") is taken for the modern comparison. 4544. The position of this nebula has been deduced from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 4546. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with Taylor. 4550. Bradley has no M, and it here depends solely on Bessel (36). 4552. The position of this star depends entirely on the observation at page 164 of Hist. Cel. [S.] 4555. Bradley has no JR, and it here depends solely on Bessel (37). 4559. This star was observed also by Flamsteed (B.F 1872), and its position is here wholly deduced from the observation at page 469 of Hist. Ce"l. [S.] 4564. Bradley's two observations in JR differ 9",2. His N.P.D. is compared with Taylor only, as there appears to be some error in Groombridge's reductions. 4568. Bradley's N.P.D. is compared with Taylor's only, as there appears to be some error in Groombridge's reductions. 4575. The position of this star depends entirely on Argelander (310). [S.] 4580. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Taylor is adopted for the modern comparison. Rumker differs 9" from Taylor. 4586. Brisbane's N.P,D. (which differs 6" from Taylor's) is adopted for the modern comparison. 4587. The position of this star depends wholly on Groombridge (2039). [S.] 4591. The position of this star depends entirely on the observation at page 154 of Hist. Cel. [S.] 4595. The position of this star depends wholly on Groombridge (2043). [S.] 4600. The position of this star depends wholly on Groombridge (2047). [S.] 4605. Bradley has no JR, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. His N.P.D. is compared with Taylor's only, as there appears to be some error in Groombridge's reductions. 4606. The position of this star depends entirely on the observation in Bessel's zone 413. [S.] 4610. The position of this star depends entirely on the observation in Bessel's zone 413. [S.] 4614. This star was observed also by Pond (551). [S.] 4620. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Taylor (although differing nearly 6") is taken for the modern comparison. 4621. The position of this star depends entirely on the observation at page 71 of Hist. Cel. [S.] 4627. The position of this star depends entirely on the observation at page 61 of Hist. Cel. 4628. The position of this star depends entirely on the observation at page 61 of Hist. Cel. [S.] 4630. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane, Taylor and Rumker is taken for the modern comparison. Taylor differs about 6" from the mean of the other two. ( 3 F2) NOTES TO THE CATALOGUE OF STARS 4631. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Taylor (although differing 6") is taken for the modern com- parison. 4632. The position of this star depends entirely on the observation at page 61 of Hist. Cel. [S.] 4639. The position of this star is here wholly deduced from Zach, but it was also observed by Lalande. See Hist. Cel., page 233. 4646. Bradley 's two observations in JR differ 7", 2. 4647. Bradley has no N.P.D. , and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. 4649. Bradley has no M, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. His N.P.D. is compared with Taylor's only, as there appears to be some error in Groombridge's reductions. 4650. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Taylor (although differing nearly 8") is taken for the modern comparison. 4652. The position of this star depends entirely on the observation at page 162 of Hist. Cel. [S.] 4677. The position of this star depends entirely on the observation at page 69 of Hist. Ce"l. [S.] 4678. The position of this star depends entirely on the observation at page 69 of Hist. Cel. [S.] 4680. This star was also observed by Mayer (557), who has been taken as the old authority. [S.] 4682. The position of this star depends entirely on the observation at page 160 of Hist. Cl. [S.] 4684. This star was also observed by Groombridge (2073). [S.] 4691. This star was also observed by Mayer (561). [S.] 4694. The position of this star depends entirely on the observation at page 69 of Hist. Cel. [S.] 4699. This star was also observed by Flamsteed (B.F 1936). 4700. Brisbane's N.P.D. differs nearly 16" from Taylor's, it is therefore rejected. This star was also ob- served by Mayer (562), who has been taken as the old authority. 4701. Bradley's N.P.D. is compared with Taylor's only, as there appears to be some error in Groom- bridge's reductions. 47 1 1 . Bradley has no observation in JR., and its position is here deduced from the Greenwich observations for 1839, which also furnish the modern comparison for the N.P.D. 47 1 2. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Rumker (although differing 6") is taken for the modern comparison. 4713. This star was also observed by Flamsteed (B.F 1941). [S.] 4718. Taylor's JR is evidently erroneous ; the JR is therefore here the mean of Piazzi and Groombridge reduced to 1850. 4720. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Mayer with modern observa- tions. 4723. The position of this star depends entirely on the observation at page 165 of Hist. CL [S.] 4732. This star was observed by Groombridge (2091) and Pond (564). [S.] 4733. Bradley's four observations in JR do not well accord : the extreme difference is 24",9. 4736. The position of this star is wholly deduced from the Greenwich observations for 1839. [$] 4737. The position of this star is deduced from the observation in Hist. Cel., page 74. 4738. The position of this star depends entirely on the observation at page 129 of Hist. Ce'l. [S.] 4747. This star was also observed by Flamsteed (B.F 1959). [S.] 4752. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. This star was also observed by Groombridge (2096). 4756. The position of this star depends wholly on the Greenwich observations for 1839. [] 4763. Brisbane's N.P.D. (which differs 10'' from Taylor's) is here taken for the modern comparison. 4766. This star was also observed by Flamsteed (B.F 1968). [S.] 4772. Bradley has no JR, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Mayer with modern observations. 4773. This star was also observed by Flamsteed (B.F 1971). [S.] 412 OF THE BRITISH ASSOCIATION. 4776. The position of this star has been derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 4778. The position of this star depends wholly on Groombridge (2104). [S.] 4783. The position of this star depends wholly on Groombridge (2109). [S.] 4788. The position of this star has been derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 4790. The JR of this star is brought up from Johnson alone by Bessel's formula. 4796. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Rumker (although differing above 7") is taken for the modern comparison. 4797. The position of this star depends entirely on the observation at page 164 of Hist. Cel. [S.] 4800. The position of this star has been derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 4809. The position of this star depends entirely on the observation at page 335 of Hist. Cel. [S.] 4816. The position of this star depends wholly on Groombridge (2121). [S.] 4820. The position of this star depends entirely on the observation at page 162 of Hist. Cel. [S.] 4828. This star was observed also by Airy (C), Wrottesley (785), and Argelander (331). Argelander's declination is erroneous i. 4830. The position of this star depends wholly on Argelander (333). [S.] 4831. The position of this star is deduced from the following one, assuming the difference between them to be as indicated by Johnson in the notes to his catalogue. [S.] 4840. The position of this star has been derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 4841. The position of this star depends wholly on Groombridge (2135). [S.] 485 1. The, mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Taylor (although differing 6") is taken for the modern comparison. 4853. Bradley has no JR, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. 4857. The position of this star has been derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 4863. The position of this star depends entirely on the observation at page 164 of Hist. Cel. [S.] 4866. The position of this star has been derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 4869. Bradley has no JR, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with Taylor. 4870. The position of this star depends wholly on Groombridge (2145). [S-] 4871. The position of this star has been derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 4880. Taylor's N.P.D. (which differs about 20" from Brisbane's) is here taken for the modern comparison. 4882. Bradley has no JR, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. This star was observed by Wrottesley (793), but Brisbane's is the only modern observation that has the N.P.D. 4884. The position of this star has been derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 4885. This star is also Groombridge 2149. [S.] 4888. The position of this star has been derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 4896. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observa- tions. 4897. The position of this star depends wholly on Groombridge (2152). [S.] 4902. This star was also observed by Flamsteed (B.F 2030). [S.] 413 NOTES TO THE CATALOGUE OF STARS 4906. This star was also observed by Flamsteed (B.F 2033) and by Groombridge (2154) ; the position is wholly deduced from the latter. [S.] 4908. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Taylor (although differing 9") is taken for the modern comparison. 4909. Bradley has no JR., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. 4910. The position of this star has been derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 4916. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Taylor (although differing 8") is taken for the modern com- parison. 4917. The position of this star depends wholly on Groombridge (2162). [S.] 4920. The position of this star has been derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 4934. The position of this star is deduced from Argelander's Notes, Ast. Nach., N. 226. [S.] 4942. The position of this star depends entirely on the observation at page 9 of Hist. Cel. [S.] 4943. Bradley has no .^1,'and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. 4949. Piazzi's declination appears to be erroneous 2'; it has been here assumed +66 43' 52", 6. The star was observed also by Groombridge (2177) and Pond (596). 4950. This star is B.F 2048, also Pond 594. [S.] 4952. The position of this star depends wholly on Groombridge (2176). [S.] 4959. The position of this star has been derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 4961. This star was also observed by Flamsteed (B.F 2058). [S.] 4962. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. 4965. The position of this star depends entirely on the observation at page 353 of Hist. Cel. [S.] 4972. The position of this star has been derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 4976. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Rumker (although differing 7") is taken for the modern com- parison. 4977. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane, Taylor and Rumker is taken for the modern comparison, although Taylor and Rumker differ 1 1 ". 4979. The position of this star has been derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 4980. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it here depends solely on Groombridge (2188). 4983. The position of this star has been derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 4985. The position of this star has been derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 4992. The approximate position of this star has been derived from Argelander's Uranometria Nova. [S.] 4997. The position of this star depends entirely on the observation at page 342 of Hist. Cel. [S.] 4998. The position of this star has been derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 5000. The position of this star depends entirely on the observation at page 162 of Hist. Ct7. [S.] 5001. The position of this star depends entirely on the observation at page 166 of Hist. Cel. [S.] 5005. The mean JR of Johnson, Rumker and Taylor is taken for the modern comparison ; but Taylor differs nearly i s ,o from the others. 5010. The N.P.D. of Taylor is here taken for the modern comparison. Brisbane differs therefrom above 30". 5018. The position of this star has been derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 414 OF THE BRITISH ASSOCIATION. 5020. The position of this star has been derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 5027. The position of this star has been derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 5037. The JR of this star is first reduced from Lacaille to Brisbane by Bessel's formula ; then with Bris- bane's JR., and the proper motion thus deduced, the JR is here obtained. 5038. The position of this star has been derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 5039. The position of this star has been derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 5041. The position of this star has been derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 5045. The position of this star has been derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 5048. This star was also observed by Flamsteed (B.F 2087) and Wrottesley (818). [S.] 5049. The mean JR of Taylor, Johnson and Rumker is taken for the modern comparison ; but they are not accordant. 5050. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Taylor (although differing 7") is taken for the modern comparison. 505 1 . The position of this star has been derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 5056. The mean JR. of Taylor and Johnson (although differing more than o s ,5) is taken for the modern comparison. 5058. This star was also observed by Groombridge (2214), on whom its position entirely depends. [S.] 5062. The position of this star has been derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 5071. The approximate position of this star has been derived from Argelander's Uranometria Nova. [S.] 5079. Bradley has no JR, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modem observations. This star was also observed by Groombridge (2228) and Pond (609). 5080. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Rumker (although differing above 8") is taken for the modern comparison. 5082. Brisbane's declination appears to be erroneous about 10"; the N.P.D. is therefore here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi and Taylor. 5091 . The approximate position of this star has been derived from Argelander's Uranometria Nova. [S.] 5094. Bradley has no M, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. 5097. Bradley has no M, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modem observations. This star was observed also by Groombridge (2235) and Pond (613). 5 105. The position of this star has been derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 5106. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Rumker (although differing above 13") is taken for the modern comparison. 5108. Brisbane's N.P.D. is taken for the modern comparison, Rumker's differing 5'. 5110. The position of this star has been derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 5111. The position of this star has been derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 5117. The N.P.D. for the modern comparison is deduced from Brisbane alone, as Taylor appears to be 5' in error. 415 NOTES TO THE CATALOGUE OF STARS 5121. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Airy (which differs upwards of 14" from Taylor's) is here taken for the modern comparison. 5127. The position of this star has been derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 5128. The position of this star has been derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 5129. This star was also observed by Flamsteed (B.F 2110) and by Lalande. Its position depends on the observation at page 288 of Hist. Cel. [S.] 5131. Bradley has no N.P.D. , and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observa- tions. 5133. The position of this star has been derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 5140. The JR of this star is brought up from Groombridge (2283) by Bessel's formula. 5142. The position of this 'star has been derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 5 1 46. Bradley's three observations in JR do not well accord ; the extreme difference is i j",^. 5153. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. 5160. Bradley has no JR, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. This is one of Flamsteed's stars (B.F. 2119), and is called by him y Lupi. 5173. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Taylor (who, however, differ about 8") is here taken for the modern comparison. 5175. This star was also observed by Airy (G. obs. 1836), who is adopted for the modern comparison in N.P.D., but the JR depends wholly on Groombridge (2258). [S.] 5177. This star was also observed by Groombridge (2259). [S.] 5182. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Rumker (although differing above 6") is taken for the modern comparison. 5188. Bradley has no JR., and it here depends wholly on modern observations. 5191. Bradley has no JR, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. The star was also observed by Pond (630). 5193. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Rumker (although differing 6") is taken for the modern com- parison. 5198. The position of this star has been derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 5199. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Taylor (although differing 6") is taken for the modern com- parison ; the error of i ' in Brisbane's catalogue being first corrected. 5200. The N.P.D. is deduced from Brisbane and Taylor (although they differ about 1 1"), to the exclusion of Rumker, who appears to be i' in error. 5210. This star was also observed by Airy (G. obs. 1837), who has been adopted for the modern compari- son in JR, but the N.P.D. depends wholly on Groombridge (2270). ; 5211. The position of this star has been derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.j 5212. The position of this star has been derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 5220. The position of this star has been derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 5221. The position of this star has been derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 416 OF THE BRITISH ASSOCIATION. 5227. Bradley has no JR, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. It is one of Flamsteed's stars (B.F 2149), who designates it as A Lupi. 5228. The position of this star has been derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modem observation. [S.] 5243. The position of this star has been derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 5248. The approximate position of this star has been derived from Argelander's Uranometria Nova. [S.] 5249. This star was also observed by Groombridge (2280). [S.] 5253. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. 5258. The position of this star has been derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 5260. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Mayer with modern observa- tions. 5265. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with Taylor. 5266. The position of this star has been derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 5275. The position of this star has been derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 5281. The position of this star depends entirely on the observation at page 343 of Hist. Cel. [S.] 5283. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Taylor (although differing above 7") is taken for the modern com- parison. 5285. Bradley has no JR., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. It was also observed by Groombridge (2294), Argelander (374), and Pond (649). 5286. The position of this star has been derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 5287. Bradley has no JR, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. 5288. The position of this star has been derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 5291. The position of this star has been derived from the observations in Bessel's zones 246 and 249. [S.] 5294. The position of this star has been derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 5296. The position of this star has been derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 5297. The position of this star has been derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 5298. Bradley has no JR, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. 5304. Bradley's two observations in N.P.D. differ i8",2. If we compare them with modern observations, it will be seen that the second (made on June 20, 1754) was the correct one ; and that the first is probably erroneous by one division of the nonius, or I3",2, which being added to the first ob- servation, will make the mean declination equal to 15 47' 3 1 ",o ; and which is the value here assumed in the computations. 5312. The position of this star has been derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 5317. The position of this star has been derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 5319. Bradley has no JR, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. 5321 . Bradley has no JR, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with Taylor. ~J&ZcT (3G) 417 NOTES TO THE CATALOGUE OF STARS 5326. The position of this star has been derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.J 5327. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Taylor (although differing nearly 6") is taken for the modern comparison. 5335. The position of this star has been derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 5343. Bradley has no JR, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. 5344. Bradley has no JR, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. 5345. The position of this star has been derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 5348. Bradley has no JR, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. It was observed also by Groombridge (2304), Argelander (378), and Pond (659). 5349. The position of this star has been derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 5354. The position of this star has been derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 5356. The position of this star has been derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 5364. The position of this star has been derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 5365. The position of this star has been derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 5368. Bradley has no N.P.D. , and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. 5369. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with Taylor. 5371. Taylor says that he looked for this star once but could not find it; and he thinks that Brisbane has made a mistake of z m , and that it ought to be N. 5384 in this catalogue. 5378. The position of this star has been derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 5380. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Taylor (which however differ above 6") is taken for the modern comparison. See the note to N. 5381. 5381. Bradley's difference in JR between this star and N. 5380 of this catalogue, is not confirmed by Mayer or by Piazzi. It is to be regretted that no modern astronomer has observed both these stars so as to throw some light on this discordance. 5384. Taylor thinks that this is the true star observed by Brisbane (5622), and that he has made an error of 2 m in JR. See the note to N. 5371 of this catalogue. 5388. Bradley has no JR, and it is here deduced fronl a comparison of Piazzi with Taylor. 5389. The position of this star has been derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 5391. The position of this star has been derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 5393. The position of this star has been derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 5394. The position of this star has been derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 5400. Bradley has no JR, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. It was also observed by Groombridge (2316) and Argelander (382). 5408. The position of this star depends entirely on the observation at page 342 of Hist. Cel. [S.] OF THE BRITISH ASSOCIATION. 5409- The position of this star has been derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 5412. The M of this star is brought up by Bessel's formula from Johnson alone. Brisbane's N.P D i also rejected, as it differs above 10" from Johnson's. 541 5. The approximate position of this star has been derived from Argelander's Uranometria Nova [S ] 5416. The position of this star has been derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 5418. The position of this star has been derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 5421 . The position of this star has been derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 5424. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Rumker (although differing above 9") is taken for the modern comparison. 5430. The position of this star has been derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 5431. Bradley has no M, and it here depends wholly on modern observations. It was observed also by Airy (C). 5433- The position of this star has been derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 5434. Bradley has no JR., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. 5441. The position of this star has been derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 5449. The position of this star has been derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 5450. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Rumker (although differing above 8") is taken for the modern comparison. 5452. The position of this star depends entirely on the observation at page 468 of Hist. Cel. [S.] 5454. There is some confusion in Rumker's catalogue relative to this star; his annual precession in JR does not correspond either with 63 or 69 declination. 5455. This star was observed by Lacaille with the rhomboidal micrometer on April 13, 1752, at i6 h 7 m 41" ; it is not to be found in any modern catalogue, and the position has been deduced by precession alone. 5462. Bradley has no JR, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations : there is great discordance in the JR of this star ; Wollaston differs 3 s ,o from Piazzi, and Pond (675) differs as much from the mean of Groombridge (2334) and Taylor. It was observed also by Airy (G). 5463. Bradley has no ^R, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. It was also observed by Groombridge (2331), Pond (672), and Airy (G). 5468. The position of this star has been derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 47 1 . The position of this star has been derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 473. Bradley has no JR, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. 475. Bradley has no JR, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. 5476. The. position of this star has been derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 490. Bradley has no JR, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. It is the same star as 5 1 Serpentis. ( 3 G 2 ) 419 NOTES TO THE CATALOGUE OF STARS 5491. The position of this star has been derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 5493. The position of this star depends entirely on the observation at page 291 of Hist. Cel. [S.] 5494. The position of this star depends entirely on the observation at page 290 of Hist. Cel. [S.] 5497. This star was also observed by Airy (G), who has been taken for the modern comparison. [S.] 5504. The position of this star depends entirely on the observation at page 81 of Hist. Ce"l. [S.] 5507. The position of this star depends entirely on the observation at page 81 of Hist. Cel. [S.] 5511. Bradley has no JR, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. 5512. Bradley has no JR., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. 5518. The position of this star has been derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 5521. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Taylor (although differing above 6") is taken for the modern comparison. 5522. The position of this star has been derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 5524. The position of this star has been derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 5526. The position of this star has been derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 5527. The position of this star depends entirely on the observation at page 468 of Hist. Cel. [S.] 5529. The position of this star depends entirely on the observation at page 84 of Hist. CM. [S.] 5530. The position of this star depends entirely on the observations at pages 348 and 469 of Hist. Cel. [S.] 5535. Bradley has no JR., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. 5537. The position of this star depends entirely on the observation at page 84 of Hist. Cel. [S.] 5541. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with Taylor. 5542. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Taylor (although differing 7") is taken for the modern com- parison, 5545. Bradley has no JR, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. It was also observed by Groombridge (2359), Pond (695), and Airy (G). 5550. The position of this star has been derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 5556. The position of this star has been derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 5557. The position of this star has'been derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 5561. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Taylor (although differing nearly 6") is taken for the modern comparison. 5562. The position of this star has been derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S ] 5564. The position of this star has been derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 5569. The position of this star has been derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 5570. The position of this star is derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 5571. The position of this star is derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observa- tion. [S.] 420 OF THE BRITISH ASSOCIATION. 5572. The position of this star is derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observa- tion. [S.] 5576. The position of this star is derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observa- tion. [S.] 5580. Bradley has no M, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Mayer with modern observations. 5586. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with Taylor. 5588. The position of this star is derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observa- tion. [S.] 5589. The position of this star is derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observa- tion. [S.] 5592. Taylor's N.P.D. differs above 8" from Groombridge's, it is therefore rejected. The N.P.D. is here deduced from a comparison of Groombridge with Piazzi. 5595. The JR of this star is brought up by precession alone from Lacaille, as Brisbane has no observation of it in JR. 5596. Bradley has no JR, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. It was also observed by Groombridge (2368) and Airy (G). 5597. The position of this star depends entirely on the observation at page 169 of Hist. Cel. [S.] 5600. The position of this star is derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observa- tion. [S.] 5605. The position of this star is derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observa- tion. [S.] 5606. Bradley has no JR, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with Taylor. 5608. The position of this star is derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observa- tion. [S.] 5611. Taylor's N.P.D. differs 8" from Groombridge's, it is therefore rejected, and the N.P.D. is here deduced from a comparison of Groombridge with Piazzi. 5612, The position of this star is derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observa- tion. [S.] 5614. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with Taylor. 5615. The approximate position of this star has been derived from Argelander's Uranometria Nova. [S.] 5616. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. 5620. The position of this star depends entirely on the observation at page 81 of Hist. Cel. [S.] 5622. The position of this star is derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 5624. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with Taylor. 5625. All that we know of the first introduction of this star is, that its right ascension was observed by Bradley on April 25, 1750, when 19 Ophiuchi was in the field of view; which star it preceded 14 seconds of time. It does not appear that any observation of its zenith distance was noted by Bradley ; consequently our only guide for its position is the interval of time between its transit and that of 19 Ophiuchi above mentioned. Bessel has, in his Fund. Astron., referred to Lalande's Histoire Celeste, page 291, for an observation of this star, where he has quoted 16* 16- 34 s . ^stead of i6 36 34-. which is the correct reading. It should be noted, however, that in the Histoire Celeste the times of the transit of this star and of 19 Ophiuchi should be transposed, the zenith distances remaining the same as they are there printed. Bessel seems to have been aware of this error. Piazzi, in his note to 1 9 Ophiuchi (xvi. 1 80) , says that three stars accompany it ; that the first of these contiguous stars precedes 19 Ophiuchi 30* and 15' to the north, that the next precedes it 15 and 10' to the north, 421 NOTES TO THE CATALOGUE OF STARS and that the last follows it 14" and 4' to the north. All these stars are recorded in the Histoire Celeste, page 29 1 , and with the correction of the error above alluded to their positions for 1 800 will be respectively as follows, viz. h m s o i ii 16 36 33,3 + 2 41 32 B 2134 = 16 36 49,8 2 36 47 19 Oph.= 16 37 4,5 2 26 14 16 37 19,6 2 31 52 It is evident that the second star here given is the only one that will correspond with Bradley 's observations, and I have therefore nominated it as such. The & was observed by Airy (G), but was not adopted for the modern comparison. The position depends entirely on Bradley. 5630. The position of this star has been derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 5634. The position of this "star depends entirely on the observation at page 84 of Hist. Cel. [S.] 5640. This star is not the correct p? of Bayer, which belongs to N. 5651 in this catalogue ; but as it has been so designated by Lacaille, and is now generally adopted, I have here retained the designation. 5641. The position of this star has been derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 5645. The position of this star has been derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation . [ S . ] 5647. The position of this star depends entirely on the observation at page 83 of Hist. Cel. [S.] 5650. The position of this star has been derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 565 1. This star is the correct ju, 2 of Bayer. See note to N. 5640. 5653. The position of this star has been derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 5662. The position of this star has been derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 5665. The position of this star has been derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 5667. Bradley 's two observations in JR, differ 8",9 ; yet modern observations confirm the mean taken by Bessel. 5669. The position of this star has been derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 5670. The position of this star has been derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 5672. The position of this star has been derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 5673. The position of this star has been derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation . [ S . ] 5676. The position of this star has been derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 5678. The position of this star has been derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 5679. The position of this star has been derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 5680. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with Taylor. 422 OF THE BRITISH ASSOCIATION. 5684. The position of this star has been derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 5685. The position of this star has been derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 5686. The position of this star wholly depends on Airy (G). [S.] 5687. The position of this star has been derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 5688. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observa- tions. It was also observed by Airy (G). [S.] 5690. The position of this star has been derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 5694. The position of this star has been derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 5698. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Mayer with modern observations. 5702. Bradley's declination in Fund. Astron. is erroneous 10 : evidently a typographical error. 5704. The position of this star has been derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 5709. Bradley has no N.P.D., and the M also appears to be I 8 ,o too small, both as compared with Mayer and with modern observations. The position of the star is therefore deduced from a comparison of Mayer instead of Bradley. It was observed by Bradley on June 3, 1758. 5710. Taylor has no declination of this star ; its N.P.D. therefore here depends solely on Piazzi. 5716. The position of this star depends entirely on the observation at page 81 of Hist. Cel. [S.] 5725. The position of this star has been derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 5726. The position of this star depends entirely on the observation at page 89 of Hist. Cel. [S.] 5730. The position of this star has been derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 5732. The position of this star depends entirely on the observation at page 81 of Hist. Cel. [S.] 5737. The position of this star has been derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 5738. The position of this star has been derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 5739. The position of this star has been derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 5741! The position of this star has been derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 5742. The position of this star has been derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 5743. The position of this star has been derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 5744. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Mayer with modern observations. 5745. Bradley has no ^R, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. 5746. Taylor's ^l differs I s , 2 2 from Wrottesley (900), it is therefore rejected. 5750. The position of this star has been derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 5756. The position of this star has been derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 423 NOTES TO THE CATALOGUE OF STARS 5757- Wrottesley's JR (which differs o s ,6z from Taylor's) is here taken for the modern comparison. 5762. The position of this star has been derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 5763. Bradley has no JR, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with Taylor. 5766. The position of this star has been derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 5767. The position of this star has been derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 5768. The position of this star has been derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 5773. The position of this star has been derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 5776. Taylor has no JR of this star, and it here depends solely on Piazzi. 5777. Bradley has no JR; and it here depends solely on the observation in page 293 of Hist. Cel., which has also furnished the modern comparison for N.P.D. [S.] 5778. The mean JR of Taylor and Johnson (although differing above o s ,6) is taken for the modern com- parison. 5785. Bradley's two observations in JR differ 8",4- It was observed also by Groombridge (2214) and Pond (718). [S.] 5787. The position of this star depends entirely on the observation at page 86 of Hist. Cel. [S.] 5791. The position of this star has been derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 5792. The position of this star has been derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 5793. The position of this star has been derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 5796. The position of this star has been derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 5798. This sjar is considered as anonymous by Piazzi and Bessel, but it is the star intended to be desig- nated by Flamsteed as 63 Herculis. See Baily's ' Flamsteed,' page 612. Bradley has no JR, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. 5799. The position of this star has been derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 5800. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. It was observed also by Airy (G). It is called 29 Ophiuchi by Flamsteed. [S.] 5809. The position of this star has been derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 5813. Bradley has no JR, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Mayer with modern observations. It is designated 30 Scorpii by Bradley. [S.] 5814. The position of this star has been derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 5815. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it here depends solely on the observation at page 566 of Hist. Cel., which has also furnished the modern comparison for JR. [S.] 5816. The position of this star has been derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 5818. The position of this star has been derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 424 OF THE BRITISH ASSOCIATION. 5819. The N.P.D. is brought up by precession from Lacaille alone, as Brisbane appears to have erroneously annexed the S.P.D. of his N. 6020 to N. 6022. 5820. The position of this star has been derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 5824. The N.P.D. of this star is brought up by precession alone from Piazzi, as Taylor has no observation of it in declination. 5826. The position of this star has been derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 5831. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Mayer with modern observations. 5 8 33- Tne position of this star has been derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 5835. The position of this star has been derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 5838. The position of this star has been derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 5848. The position of this star has been derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 5849. The position of this star has been derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 5854. The approximate position of this star has been derived from Argelander's Uranometria Nova. [S.] 5861. The position of this star has been derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 5869. The position of this star has been derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 5878. The position of this star has been derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 5879. The position of this star has been derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 5881. Bradley has no JR, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. 5882. The position of this star has been derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 5883. Bradley has no yR, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. 5890. This star was also observed by Flamsteed (B.F 2389). [S.] 5892. The position of this star has been derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 5894. The position of this star depends entirely on the observation at page 88 of Hist. Cel. [S.] 5895. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it here depends solely upon the observation at page 79 of Hist. Cel., which has also furnished the modern comparison for JR. [S.] 5898. The position of this star has been derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 5910. The approximate position of this star has been derived from Argelander's Uranometria Nova. [S.] 5914. The position of this star has been derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 5915. Bradley's five observations in N.P.D. do not well accord; the extreme difference is 5i",2. 5916. The position of this star has been derived from Lacaille by precession alone, there being no modern observation. [S.] 5917. The approximate position of this star has been derived from Argelander's Unanomelria Nova. [S.] -Zc. ( 3 H ) 425 NOTES TO THE CATALOGUE OF STARS 5934. This star was observed by Lacaille, with the rhomboidal micrometer, on August 23, 1751, at I7 h i z m 33 s . It is not to be found in any modern catalogue, and its position is therefore deduced from precession alone. 5936. The ^R of this star has been brought up, by Bessel's formula, from Johnson alone. 5939. Argelander thinks that Piazzi's JR of this star is about o s ,5 too small. 5940. Bradley has no yR, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. 5942. Taylor's declination in his vol. iii. is right, and does not require the correction pointed out at the end of his vol. iv. 5943. The position of this star depends entirely on Lacaille. [S.] 5945. The position of this star depends entirely on Lacaille. [S.] 5946. The position of this star depends entirely on Lacaille. [S.] 5949. The mean N.P.D. of Pond (744), Johnson and Taylor, is taken for the modern comparison, although they do not well accord. It was also observed by Airy (C) and (G) [S.] 5952. The position of this star depends entirely on Lacaille. [S.] 5955. The position of this star depends entirely on Lacaille. [S.] 5956. The position of this star depends entirely on Lacaille. [S.] 5961. The position of this star depends entirely on Lacaille. [S.] 5964. Taylor has no observation of this star in jR, the modern comparison is therefore here made with Brisbane. 5966. The position of this star depends entirely on Lacaille. [S.] 5973. The position of this star depends entirely on Lacaille. [S.] 5977. The position of this star depends entirely on Lacaille. [S.] 5983. The position of this star depends entirely on Lacaille. [S.] 5988. Bradley has no JR, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with Taylor. 5989. The position of this star depends entirely on Lacaille. [S.] 5990. Bradley has no JR, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. It was also observed by Groombridge (2455) and Pond (751). [S.] 5999. Argelander says that Bessel has applied the correction of 13", 2, in declination, to the wrong ob- servation of Bradley ; and that if this were corrected, the declination in the Fund. Astron. would be +24 42' i8",9, which would agree better with modern observations. 6001. Bradley has no JR, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observa- tions. 6009. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Taylor (although differing above 8") is taken for the modern comparison. 60 1 1. The position of this star depends entirely on Lacaille. [S.] 6017. The N.P.D. of this star is brought up by precession alone from Piazzi, as Taylor has no observa- tion of it in declination. 6018. This star was also observed by Pond (755). [S.] 6023. The position of this star depends entirely on Lacaille. [S.] 6027. Taylor has no N.P.D., Piazzi therefore is here compared with Mayer. 6032. The position of this star depends entirely on Lacaille. [S.] 6035. The position of this star depends entirely on the observation at page 86 of Hist. C61. [S.] 6038. Taylor's declination appears to be erroneous about 10" ; it is therefore rejected, but the result in his fifth vol. (3091) confirms the one in his third (2234). 6039. The position of this star depends entirely on Lacaille. [S.] 6042. This is assumed to be Piazzi's star, although he has located it in Hercules. 6044. The position of this star depends entirely on Lacaille. [S.] 426 OF THE BRITISH ASSOCIATION. 6047. Pond's JR is not included in the modern comparisons. It was also observed by Groombridge (2475) and Argelander (417). [S.] 6048. Pond's JR, is not included in the modern comparisons. This is the companion of the preceding star. 6053. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with Taylor. [S.] 6057. The position of this star depends entirely on Lacaille. [S.] 6058. The position of this star depends entirely on Lacaille. [S.] 6059. The position of this star depends entirely on Lacaille. [S.] 6062. Bradley has no JR, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. 6063. The position of this star depends entirely on Lacaille. [S.] 6064. Taylor has no N.P.D. Piazzi therefore is here compared with Mayer. 6066. Bradley has no N.P.D. , and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with Taylor. 6070. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Taylor (although differing above 6") is taken for the modern comparison. 6072. The position of this star depends entirely on Lacaille. [S.] 6076. The position of this star depends entirely on Lacaille. [S.] 6080. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. 6084. Bradley has no JR, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. 6089. Bradley's declination in the Fund, Astron. should be + 4 24' I4",2. His three observations were made on July 14, 15, and August i, 1754. 6096. The N.P.D. is deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with Airy (G). 6097. Bradley's three observations in JR do not well accord (the extreme difference is I3",9); but the mean agrees very well with the mean of the two observations by Mayer. 6108. The position of this star depends entirely on Lacaille. [S.] 6113. The position of this star depends entirely on Lacaille. [S.] 6 1 14. The mean of Taylor, Airy, Argelander, Groombridge and Pond, is adopted for the modern compa- rison in M, although their extreme difference is I s , 09. Piazzi says that Flamsteed did not observe this star ; but it is the star designated by him as 35 Draconis. See Baily's ' Flamsteed,' page 619. 6 1 1 8. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Taylor is adopted (although they differ above 7"). 6119. This star was observed by Lacaille, with the rhomboidal micrometer, on August 23, 1751, at j ^h 3 6m 33 s . It is not to be found in any modern catalogue, and its position is therefore brought up by precession alone. 6122. Bradley's three observations in M do not well accord : the extreme difference is 36",2. 6130. The position of this star depends entirely on Lacaille. [S.] 6131. The position of this star depends entirely on Lacaille. [S.] 6132. The position of this star depends entirely on Lacaille. [S.] 6137. Bradley has no M, and it here depends solely on the observation at page 94 of Hist. CM. 6139. The position of this star depends on Lacaille alone. [S.] 6144. The position of this star depends on Lacaille alone. [S.] 6152. Bradley has no M, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observatic This is the companion to N. 6151. 6158. The position of this star depends entirely on the observation at page 172 of Hist. Cl. 6160. The position of this star depends entirely on Lacaille. [S.] 6 1 6 1 . Bradley has no N.P.D., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Mayer with modern ol 6163. The position of this star depends entirely on Lacaille. [S.] 6165. The position of this star depends entirely on the observation at page 173 of Hist. Cel. 6166. The position of this star depends entirely on Lacaille. [S.] 6168. This star is also Pond 781. [S.] (3 H 2) 427 NOTES TO THE CATALOGUE OF STARS 6173. The position of this star depends entirely on Lacaille. [S.] 6174. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Taylor (although differing above 7") is taken for the modern comparison. 6175. The position of this star depends entirely on Lacaille. [S.] 6177. Bradley has no M, and it here depends solely on Bessel (38). 6181. The position of this star depends entirely on Lacaille. [S.] 6182. The position of this star depends entirely on Lacaille. [S.] 6186. This star is called /3 Telescopii by Lacaille. 6187. The position of this star depends wholly on Lacaille. [S.] 6188. The position of this star depends wholly on Lacaille. [S.] 6190. The position of this star depends wholly on Lacaille. [S.] 6192. The position of this star depends wholly on Lacaille. [S.] 6196. Bradley has no M, and it here depends solely on Lalande (Hist. CeL, page 98). 6197. Bradley has no JR,, and it here depends solely on Lalande (Hist. CM., page 296). 6199. The position of this star depends wholly on Lacaille. [S.] 6201. The approximate position of this nebula has been derived from Argelander's Uranometria Nova. [S.] 6202. The position of this star depends wholly on Lacaille. [S.] 6204. The position of this star depends wholly on Lacaille. [S.] 6208. Bradley has no N.P.D. , and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. It was observed by Groombridge (2547) and Pond (63). [S.] 6210. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it is here deduced from Taylor. 6212. The position of this star depends wholly on Lacaille. [S.] 6213. The approximate position of this star has been derived from Argelander's Uranometria Nova. [S.] 6214. The position of this star depends wholly on Lacaille. [S.] 6217. The position of this star depends wholly on Lacaille. [S.] 6220. The position of this star depends wholly on Lacaille. [S.] 6222. The position of this star depends wholly on Lacaille. [S.] 6232. Bradley has no JR, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with Taylor. 6236. The position of this star depends wholly on Lacaille. [S.] 6240. This star was observed by Ptolemy, and located by him in the constellation Corona Australis (B.P 998), but at the same time he designates it as en-op, and as it is now better known by Lacaille's designation, I have in this case deviated from the general rule. 6241. Bradley has no JR., and it here depends wholly on modern observations. It was observed by Airy (C) and (G). [S.] 6244. The position of this star depends wholly on Lacaille. [S.] 6245. The approximate position of this star has been derived from Argelander's Uranometria Nova. [S.] 6249. The position of this star depends wholly on Lacaille. [S.] 6256. The position of this star depends wholly on Lacaille. [S.] 6260. The position of this star depends wholly on Lacaille. [S.] 6261. The position of this star depends wholly on Lacaille. [S.] 6264. The position of this star depends wholly on Lacaille. [S.] 6266. The position of this star depends wholly on Lacaille. [S.] 6270. The position of this star depends wholly on Lacaille. [S.] 6271. The position of this star depends wholly on Lacaille. [S.] 6279. Bradley has no JR., and it here depends wholly on modern observations. 6280. The approximate position of this star has been derived from Argelander's Uranometria Nova. [S.] 6283. The position of this star depends wholly on Lacaille. [S. J 428 OF THE BRITISH ASSOCIATION. 6284. Bradley has no JR., and it here depends wholly on modern observations. 6286. The position of this star is deduced from Airy (C), N. 547. 6288. Argelander has stated (page 77) that the declination of this star in Bessel's Fund. Astron. ought to be +71 23' 24",!, which is the value here assumed. Itwas observed by Bradley on Jan. 4, 1752. 6295. The position of this star depends wholly on Lacaille. [S.] 6303. Bradley's M in the Fund. Astron. should be 274 35' 39",6, which has been here assumed ; it is the star observed by him on August 9, 1755, at i8 h i8 m 15". He has no N.P.D., and it here depends solely on Lalande (Hist. Cel., page 298). 6304. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. Piazzi calls this star 24 Sagittarii, but this designation belongs to Piazzi (xviii. 105). See Baily's ' Flamsteed,' page 620. 6306. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Mayer with modern observa- tions. It was also observed by Airy (G). [S.] 6310. The position of this star depends wholly on Lacaille. [S.] 6313. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Mayer with modern observa- tions. 6314. Bradley has only one observation in JR. which does not well accord with Mayer's single observation. Bradley's observation was made on August 14, 1754, and Mayer's on August 14, 1757. Mayer is probably the most accurate, which would make the ^R in the present catalogue different. 6319. The position of this star depends wholly on Lacaille. [S.] 6320. Airy's JR (which is less than Taylor's by 2 s ) is here taken for the modern comparison, and the re- ductions are made by Bessel's formula. 6321. The position of this star depends wholly on Lacaille. [S.] 6324. Bradley has no JR., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. 6326. This nebula or nebulous star has not been observed by any modern astronomer, its position is therefore brought up by precession from Lacaille. 6327. The position of this star depends wholly on Lacaille. [S.] 6331. The position of this star depends wholly on Lacaille. [S.] 6334. The position of this star depends wholly on Lacaille. [S.] 6336. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Mayer with modern observations. It was also observed by Airy (G) . 6338. The position of this star depends wholly on Lacaille. [S.] 6339. The position of this star depends wholly on Lacaille. [S.] 6342. The position of this star depends wholly on Lacaille. [S.] 6344. The position of this star depends wholly on Lacaille. [S.] 6345. The position of this star depends wholly on Lacaille. [S.] 6346. The position of this star depends wholly on Lacaille. [S.] 6347. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Mayer with modern observa- tions. 6348. Bradley has no JR, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modem observations. 6349. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. 6350. This is one of the stars by means of which (together with and y Draconis) Mayer determined the position of his quadrant when he reversed it in July and August 1756. It has since been observed by Airy (G). 6351. The position of this star wholly depends on Lacaille. [S.] 6352. The mean M of Taylor and Johnson (which differs o s ,6^. from Maclear) is taken for the modern comparison. 429 NOTES TO THE CATALOGUE OF STARS 6354. The position of this star wholly depends on Lacaille. [S.] 6360. The N.P.D. of Brisbane only (which differs upwards of 12" from Taylor) is adopted for the modern comparison. 6366. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Taylor (although differing above 8") is adopted for the modern comparison. 6368. Bradley has no ^fl, and it here depends solely on Groombridge. 6374. The position of this star depends wholly on Lacaille. [S.] 6377. The position of this star depends wholly on Lacaille. [S.] 6382. The position of this star depends wholly on Lacaille. [S.] 6386. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Mayer with modern observa- tions. 6389. The position of this star depends wholly on Lacaille. [S.] 6396. The position of this star depends wholly on Lacaille. [S.] 6398. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Taylor (although differing 6") is taken for the modern compa- rison. 6400. The position of this star depends wholly on Lacaille. [S.] 6403. The position of this star depends wholly on Lacaille. [S.] 6406. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Taylor (although differing above 6") is taken for the modern com- parison. 6408. The position of this star depends wholly on Lacaille. [S.] 6410. Bradley has no JR,, and it here depends solely on Groombridge. 6413. The position of this star depends wholly on Lacaille. [S.] 6414. The position of this star depends wholly on Lacaille. [S.] 6416. The position of this star depends wholly on Lacaille. [S.] 6418. Bradley's four observations in JR, do not well accord ; the extreme difference is 23' ',7 '. 6422. The position of this star depends wholly on Lacaille. [S.] 6423. Bradley's M in the Fund. Astron. should be 283 56' 50", 7, and the annual precessions no",98 and ii3",4i. It was observed by him on Sept. 5, 1753. He has no N.P.D., and it here de- pends solely on Groombridge. 6424. The position of this star depends wholly on Lacaille. [S.] 643 1 . Bradley has no JR, and it here depends solely on Bessel (40) . 6435. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Taylor (although differing above 6") is adopted for the modern comparison. 6437. The position of this star depends wholly on Lacaille. [S.] 6445. The position of this star depends wholly on Lacaille. [S.] 6446. The position of this star depends wholly on Lacaille. [S.] 6447. The approximate position of this star has been derived from Argelander's Uranometria Nova. [S.] 6449. The position of this star is here deduced from the observation made by Lacaille with the rhomboidal micrometer, on Aug. 6, 1751. Mr. Henderson says that if 8 m be added to the time of egress the star will agree with Brisbane 6554. 6455. The position of this star depends wholly on Lacaille. [S.] 6459. The position of this star depends wholly on Lacaille. [S.] 6462. In Bradley's observations the preceding star (N. 641 7) is said to be the most northernly. See Bessel's note to this star in Fund. Astron. 6463. The mean M of Pond, Taylor and Groombridge, is taken for the modern comparison, although the latter accords best with Bradley and Piazzi. 6465. The position of this star depends wholly on Lacaille. [S.] 43 OF THE BRITISH ASSOCIATION. 6468. Bradley has no M, and it here depends solely on Lalande (Hist. Cel., page 19). 6475. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. It was observed also by Groombridge (2717). [S.] 647 8 . Bradley 's two observations in JR differ 12",!. The mean of Pond, Groombridge and Taylor, is taken for the modern comparison. 6479. The position of this star depends wholly on Lacaille. [S.] 6480. Bradley has no M, and it here depends solely on Lalande (Hist. CM., page 19). 6496. The mean JR of Taylor, Pond and Groombridge, is adopted for the modern comparison, although their extreme difference is o s ,52. 6502. The position of this star depends wholly on Lacaille. [S.] 6504. The position of this star depends wholly on the observation at page 173 of Hist. Cel. [S.] 6505. The position of this star depends wholly on Lacaille. [S.] 6509. This star has not been observed by any modern astronomer, and its position has therefore been brought up by precession alone from Lacaille. 65 12. The position of this star depends wholly on Lacaille. [S.] 6517. Bradley has no N.P.D, of this star, and it is therefore here deduced from Airy (Greenwich observa- tions for 1838), who also furnishes the modern comparison in JR. 65 19. The approximate position of this star has been derived from Argelander's Uranometria Nova. [S.] 6527. Bradley has no ^R, and it here depends solely on Bessel (41). 6529. Bradley has no JR, and it here depends solely on Groombridge. 6531. The position of this star depends wholly on Lacaille. [S.] 6532. The position of this star depends wholly on Lacaille. [S.] 6534. The position of this star depends wholly on the observation at page 20 of Hist. Cel. [S.] 6536. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it here depends solely on modern observations. 6537. The position of this star depends wholly on Lacaille. [S.] 6538. The position of this star depends wholly on Lacaille. [S.] 6539. The position of this star depends wholly on the observation at page 173 of Hist. Cel. [S.] 6540. The position of this star depends wholly on Lacaille. [S.] 6542. Bradley has no M, and it here depends solely on Lalande (Hist. C6L, page 101). 6544. The position of this star has been derived from the observation at page 171 of Hist. Cel. [S.] 6549. The position of this star depends entirely on Lacaille. [S.] 6554. The position of this star depends entirely on Lacaille. [S.] 6563. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observation. This star is designated as 56 Druconis by Piazzi ; but the star so called by Flamsteed does not exist. See Baily's ' Flamsteed,' page 625. 6565. The position of this star depends entirely on Lacaille. [S.] 6567. Bradley has no M, and it here depends solely on the observation at page 20 of Hist. Cel. [S.] 6568. The position of this star depends entirely on Lacaille. [S.] 6569. The position of this star depends entirely on Lacaille. [S.] 6574. The position of this star depends entirely on the observation at page 105 of Hist. Cel. [S.] 6577. The position of this star depends entirely on Lacaille. [S.] 6578. The position of this star depends entirely on Lacaille. [S.] 6591. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it here depends solely on the observation at page 116 of Hist which has also furnished the modern comparison for JR. 6592. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Taylor (although differing n") is taken for the parison. 6594. The position of this star depends entirely on Lacaille. [S.] 431 NOTES TO THE CATALOGUE OF STARS 6600. Bradley's three observations in JR do not well accord : the extreme difference is 28",!. 6602. The position of this star depends entirely on the observation at page 28 of Hist. Cel. [S.] 6609. The position of this star depends entirely on Lacaille. [S.] 66 1 1 . The position of this star depends entirely on Lacaille. [S.] 6613. The position of this star depends entirely on Lacaille. [S.] 6617. Bradley has no N.P.D. of this star, and it is therefore deduced from Airy (G), who also furnishes the modern comparison for the JR. 6627. The position of this star depends entirely on Lacaille. [S.] 6631. The position of this star depends entirely on Lacaille. [S.] 6638. Brisbane's N.P.D. (which differs upwards of 12" from Taylor's) is here taken for the modern com- parison, as it accords best with Piazzi. 6651. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with Taylor. [S.] 6652. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it here depends solely on Lalande (Hist. Cel., page 93). 6655. The mean N.P.D. of* Brisbane and Taylor (although differing nearly 8") is taken for the modern comparison. 6662. Bradley has no JR, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. It was also observed by Groombridge (2842), Argelander (444), and Pond (847). 6665. The position of this star depends entirely on Lacaille. [S.] 6672. The position of this star depends entirely on Lacaille. [S.] 6673. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with Taylor. Bradley and Piazzi call this star 5 Cygni; but the star so denominated by Flamsteed does not exist. See Baily's ' Flamsteed,' page 624. 6676. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. 6677. The position of this star depends entirely on Lacaille. [S.] 6680. The position of this star depends entirely on Lacaille. [S.] 6682. This is probably the same star as that observed by Lacaille, with the rhomboidal micrometer, on June 1 8, 1752. 6684. The position of this star depends entirely on Lacaille. [S.] 6685. The position of this star depends entirely on Lacaille. [S.] 6693. The position of this star depends entirely on Lacaille. [S.] 6714. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observa- tion. 6716. The position of this star depends entirely on Lacaille. [S.] 6718. The position of this star depends entirely on Groombridge (2877). [S.] 6725. This star was observed by Lacaille, with the rhomboidal micrometer, on June 16, 1752, at I9 h 23 m lo s . It is not to be found in any modern catalogue ; its position is therefore deduced by precession alone. 6726. Bradley's two observations in N.P.D. differ 9" ',6. 6729. The mean N.P.D. of Pond and Taylor (although they differ 7") is here taken for the modern comparison. 6730. The mean JR of Argelander and Taylor (although they differ o s ,6) is here taken for the modern comparison. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. 6738. The position of this star depends entirely on Lacaille. [S.] 6750. Bradley has no JR, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with Taylor. 6761. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observa- tions. 432 OF THE BRITISH ASSOCIATION. 6762. The mean M of Taylor and Wrottesley (although they differ o-, 5 ) is here taken for the modern comparison. 6768. The position of this star depends entirely on Lacaille. [S.] 6770. The position of this star depends entirely on Lacaille. [S.] 6775. The position of this star depends entirely on Lacaille. [S.] 6782. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Taylor (although differing 6") is taken for the modern com- parison. 6785. Bradley has no M, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. 6786. The position of this star depends entirely on Lacaille. [S.] 6791. Bradley has no M, and it here depends solely on Bessel (42). 6792. The position of this star depends entirely on Lacaille. [S.] 6793. The M of this star is brought up from Brisbane by Bessel's formula. 6795. The position of this star depends entirely on Lacaille. [S.] 6806. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observa- tions. Piazzi designates this star as 19 Cygni; but the star so called by Flamsteed is No. 6813 of this catalogue. See Baily's ' Flamsteed/ page 627. 6814. The position of this star depends entirely on Lacaille. [S.] 6815. The position of this star depends entirely on the observation at page 109 of Hist. Cel. [S.] 6829. The position of this star depends entirely on Lacaille. [S.] 6831. The position of this star depends entirely on Lacaille. [S.] 6841. The position of this star depends entirely on Lacaille. [S.] 6852. The approximate position of this star has been derived from Argelander's Uranometria Nova. [S.] 6854. The position of this star depends entirely on Lacaille. [S.] 6855. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it here depends solely on Lalande (Hist. CM., page 176). 6869. Bradley has no JR, and it here depends solely on Bessel (43). 6887. The position of this star depends entirely on Lacaille. [S.] 6888. The position of this star depends entirely on Lacaille. [S.] 6896. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observa- tions. 6898. The position of this star depends entirely on Lacaille. [S.] 6899. The position of this star depends entirely on Lacaille. [S.] 6906. The position of this star depends entirely on Lacaille. [S.] 6908. The position of this star depends wholly on Lacaille. [S.] 6914. Airy and Taylor differ o s ,64 in JR ; the mean however is taken for the modern comparison. 6916. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Taylor is taken for the modern comparison. Rumker differs there- from about two years' precession. 6917. This star will correspond with Brisbane 6808 if we suppose an error of i in the N.P.D. 6920. The position of this star depends wholly on Lacaille. [S.] 6927. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it here depends solely on Bessel (44). 6929. This star was observed by Lacaille with the rhomboidal micrometer, on Aug. 6th, 1 75 1 , at I9 h 45 m 5 1 8 . It is not to be found in any modern catalogue, and its position is therefore brought up by preces- sion alone. 6939. Bradley has no M, and it here depends solely on Groombridge. 6941 . The position of this star has been derived from a comparison of Bradley with the observation at p. 93 of Hist. Cfl., there being no modern observation. [S.] 6946. The position of this star depends wholly on Lacaille. [S.] 6948. The position of this star depends wholly on Lacaille. [S.] B.A.C. ( 3 I ) 433 NOTES TO THE CATALOGUE OF STARS 6951. The N.P.D. of Brisbane is taken for the modern comparison. It differs 12" from Rumker, who has only one observation. 6955. This star was observed by Lacaille with the rhomboidal micrometer, on Sept. 26, 175 1. at ig 11 39 i6 s . It is not to be found in any modern catalogue, and its position is therefore brought up by preces- sion alone. 6957. Bradley's two observations in N.P.D. differ 14", 4. 6962. The mean N.P.D. of Groombridge and Taylor (although they differ 6") is taken for the modern comparison. 6966. This star was also observed by Flamsteed (B.F. 2758). Its position here depends wholly on the ob- servation at page 26 of Hist. Cel, [S.] 6969. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with Taylor. 6976. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observa- tions. It was also observed by Groombridge (3102) and Pond (895). [S.] 6977. The position of thie" star depends wholly on Lacaille. [S.] 6978. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with Taylor. Bradley and Piazzi have this star of the 7^ magnitude, and Taylor of the 6th. [S.] 6980. Bradley has no JR, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. 6982. The position of this star depends wholly on Lacaille. [S.] 6984. The position of this star depends wholly on Lacaille. [S.] 6986. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it here depends solely on Groombridge. 6992. Bradley has only one observation in N.P.D., and on this account Argelander prefers Mayer's deter- mination, which is founded on eight observations, and which has been here adopted. 6999. Bradley's three observations in JR, do not well accord; the extreme difference is 98", 4. See Arge- lander 's note to this star in his catalogue. 7005. Bessel is of opinion that the JR of this star in Piazzi's first catalogue is more correct than in the second catalogue. The difference is 46", 3, and has probably arisen from an error of 3". 7006. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it here depends solely on Lalande (Hist. Cel., page 16). 7007. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it here depends solely on Bessel (45). 7011. The position of this star depends wholly on Lacaille. [S.] 7012. The position of this star depends wholly on Lacaille. [S.] 7014. This star was also observed by Flamsteed (B.F 2775). Its position here depends wholly on the ob- servation in page 190 of Hist. C^l. [S.] 7018. The position of this star depends wholly on Lacaille. [S.] 7019. Notwithstanding the correction of i m in JR in Mayer's catalogue, it still differs about i' from Piazzi and Taylor. The JR is therefore deduced from these last authorities. 7020. The JR of this star is brought up from Johnson alone, by means of Bessel's formula. 7021. The position of this star depends wholly on Lacaille. [S.] 7026. The position of this star depends wholly on Lacaille. [S.] 7030. The position of this star depends wholly on Lacaille. [S.] 7032. The position of this star depends wholly on Lacaille. [S.] 7033. The position of this star depends wholly on Lacaille. [S.] 7034. The position of this star depends wholly on Lacaille. [S.] 7037. Bradley has no JR., and it here depends solely on Groombridge. 7039. The position of this star depends wholly on Lacaille. [S.] 7040. The position of this star depends wholly on Lacaille. [S.] 7044. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Mayer with modern observations. 705 1 . Airy's N.P.D. (in Greenwich observations for 1 836) is here adopted : Taylor's differs therefrom about 8". 434 OF THE BRITISH ASSOCIATION. 7053. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it is here deduced by assuming it to be 9'',! south of its companion 1 2 Capricorni, which is the mean difference of Taylor and Piazzi. 7056. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Rumker (although differing 13") is taken for the modern compa- rison. 7057. The position of this star depends wholly on Lacaille. [S.] 7063. The approximate position of this star has been derived from Argelander's Uranometria Nova. [S.] 7071. The position of this star depends wholly on Lacaille. [S.] 7074. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Rumker (although differing 7") is taken for the modern compa- rison. 7075. This star was observed by Lacaille with the rhomboidal micrometer, on September 20, 1751, at 2o h 4 m 58*; it is not to be found in any modern catalogue, and its position is therefore brought up by precession alone. 7076. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with Taylor. 7079. Bradley has no JR., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi (178) with Taylor (iii. 2565). 7086. The approximate position of this star has been derived from Argelander's Uranometria Nova. [S.] 7087. Mayer's declination in his catalogue should be 14 32' 21", 3, which is the value here adopted for comparison with Taylor. 7089. This star was observed by Lacaille with the rhomboidal micrometer, on August 23, 175 1, at 2O h j m 4". It is not to be found in any modern catalogue, and its position is therefore brought up by preces- sion alone. 7090. Bradley has no JR, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with Taylor. [S.] 709 1 . The mean M of Pond and Groombridge (which differs o s ,6^ from Taylor's) is here taken for the modern comparison. 7093. The position of this star depends wholly on Lacaille. [S.] 7108. The position of this star depends wholly on Lacaille. [S.] 7111. The position of this star depends wholly on Lacaille. [S.] 7113. The position of this star depends wholly on Lacaille. [S.] 7124. Bradley has no M, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modem observations. 7128. The position of this star depends wholly on Lacaille. [S.] 7130. Bradley has no M, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. 7131. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. 7132. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with Taylor. 7133. The position of this star depends wholly on Lacaille. [S.] 7135. The position of this star depends wholly on Lacaille. [S.] 7136. The position of this star depends wholly on Lacaille. [S.] 7139. The position of this star depends wholly on Lacaille. [S.] 7147. The position of this star depends wholly on Lacaille. [S.] 7148. The position of this star depends wholly on Lacaille. [S.] 7150. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it here depends wholly on Lalande (Hist. CeL, page 109). 7156. The mean M of Pond, Groombridge and Taylor, is taken for the modern comparison, although there is a difference of o s ,86 between the extremes. 7157. Bradley has no JR, and it here depends solely on Lalande (Hist. CeL, page 94). 7161. The position of this star is here derived from a comparison of Bradley with the observation at page i of Hist. CeL, there being no modern observation. [S.] 7162. The position of this star depends wholly on Lacaille. [S.] 7168. The position of this star depends wholly on Lacaille. [S.] 7 1 69. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern o ( 3 I ^ ) 435 NOTES TO THE CATALOGUE OF STARS 7170. The position of this star depends wholly on Lacaille. [S.] 7171. This star is Argelander 474, Groombridge 3257 (who has it of the 2nd magnitude), and Pond 923. [S.] 7172." The position of this star has been derived from the observation at page 183 of Hist. CM. [S.] 7175. The N.P.D. of Brisbane is adopted for the modern comparison. It differs 6" from Taylor's. 7178. Bradley's three observations in ^R do not well accord ; the extreme difference is 31 ",4. 7180. The position of this star depends wholly on Lacaille. [S.] 7181. The position of this star depends wholly on Lacaille. [S.] 7183. The position of this star depends wholly on Lacaille. [S.] 7 1 84. The JR of this star is brought up by Bessel's formula. 7185. Bradley's two observations in JR differ io",8. 7187. The position of this star depends wholly on Lacaille. [S.] 7190. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Taylor is adopted, although they differ above 8". 7202. The position of this star has been derived from the observation at page 177 of Hist. Cel. [S.] 7203. The position of this* star depends wholly on Lacaille. [S.] 7210. This star was observed by Lacaille (page 131) on June 24, 1751. [S.] 7214. The position of this star depends wholly on Lacaille. [S.] 7215. This star was also observed by Flamsteed (B.F 2846), Groombridge (3281), and Pond (931). [S.] 7216. The position of this star depends wholly on Lacaille. [S.] 7217. The modern comparison of this star is taken from the Greenwich observations for 1840, [S.] 7224. The position of this star depends wholly on Lacaille. [S.] 7244. The position of this star depends wholly on Lacaille. [S.] 7245. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Rumker is adopted, although they differ above 6". 7247. Taylor has no JR, and it here depends solely on Piazzi. 7248. The position of this star depends wholly on the observation at page 178 of Hist. Cel. [S.] 7250. The JR of this star is brought up by precession alone from Lacaille, but the N.P.D. is compared with Maclear. 7259. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it here depends wholly on modern observations. This star is also Bessel 46. [S.] 7262. Taylor's declination appears to be erroneous about 9". The N.P.D. is therefore here deduced from Piazzi and Groombridge (3329). 7268. Bradley has no JR, and it here depends solely on Lalande (Hist. CM., page 241). 7274. Bradley has no JR, and it here depends solely on Lalande. 7281. Bradley has no JR, and it here depends wholly on modern observations. It was observed also by Pond (938), and Airy (C) and (G). [S.] 7283. Bradley's two observations in JR differ 1 1",3- 7285. The position of this star depends wholly on the observation at page 188 of Hist. Cel. [S.] 7289. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Taylor (although differing above 9") is taken for the modern comparison. 7290. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it here depends solely on Lalande (Hist. Cel., page i). 7293. This star was observed by Lacaille with the rhomboidal micrometer, on September 14, 1751, at 2O h 39 m io s . It is not to be found in any modern catalogue, and its position is therefore brought up by precession alone. 7299. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it here depends wholly on modern observations. The annual precessions in JR in the Fund. Astron. should be 3 2", 120 and 34",oo3- 7308. This star was observed by Lacaille with the rhomboidal micrometer, on September 14, 1751, at 2O h 4O m 26 s . It is not to be found in any modern catalogue, and its position is therefore brought up by precession alone. 43 6 OF THE BRITISH ASSOCIATION. 7310. Bradley has no M, and it here depends solely on Bessel (47). 7311. Bradley has no JR, and it here depends solely on Groombridge. The declination of this star in the Fund. Astron. should be +74 58' 26", 7, and the annual precessions in JR. 7", 3 22 and 8", 153. It was observed by Bradley on September 16, 1750. 7320. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observa- tions. 7321. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Taylor (although differing nearly 6") is taken for the modern comparison. 7324. Bradley's two observations in JR, differ n",5. 7325. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with Taylor. 7327. The position of this star depends wholly on Lacaille. [S.] 7337. All the catalogues except Taylor's and Argelander's make this star north of its companion. Argelander states that Pond's JR is erroneous. See Bessel's Fund. Astron., page 312. 7338. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Taylor (although differing nearly 7") is taken for the modern comparison. 7340. The position of this star depends entirely on Lacaille. [S.] 7347. The position of this star depends entirely on Lacaille. [S.] 7353. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Taylor (although differing 9") is taken for the modern com- parison. 7354. The N.P.D. of this star is only approximate. Bradley and Bessel have both only an approximate declination. 7356. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it here depends solely on Bessel (49). 7359. The position of this star depends entirely on Lacaille. [S.] 7361. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with Taylor. 7366. The position of this star depends entirely on Lacaille. [S.] 7369. The position of this star depends entirely on Lacaille. [S.] 7381 . The mean of Taylor, Groombridge and Pond, is adopted for the modern comparison in ^R, although their extreme difference is i a ,$6. 7398. Taylor's N.P.D. is erroneous i'. 7402. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it here depends solely on Groombridge. 7408. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it here depends solely on Taylor. 7409. The mean M of Johnson and Taylor (although differing nearly i s ,o) is taken for the modern com- parison. 7410. The position of this star depends entirely on the observation at page 29 of Hist. Cel. [S.] 741 7. The approximate position of this star has been derived from Argelander's Uranometria Nova. 7430. The approximate position of this star has been derived from Argelander's Uranometria Nova. [S.] 7436. The position of this star depends entirely on Lacaille. [S.] 7438. Bradley has no M, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. 7443. Taylor's N.P.D. is presumed to be i in error : after this correction the mean with Brisbane is taken for the modern comparison. 7450. The position of this star depends entirely on the observation at page 188 of Hist. Cel. [S.] 7452. The N.P.D. of this star is brought up from Lacaille by precession alone, as Rumker has no observa- tion of it in N.P.D. 7455. Groombridge's position of this star is taken for the modern comparison, as Taylor has no c in M, and his N.P.D. appears to be erroneous about one year's precession. 7458. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with Taylor, who differs nearly 15" from Brisbane. 437 NOTES TO THE CATALOGUE OF STARS 7467. The position of this star depends entirely on Lacaille ; it is probably the same star as the preceding (N. 7466). [S.] 7481. Brisbane does not notice this as a double star, although he made ten observations of it. Lacaille gives the positions of both stars, and the mean is taken for the comparison. 7491. Bradley's two observations in JR, differ io",2. 7496. The approximate position of this star has been derived from Argelander's Uranometria Nova. [S.] 7497. Bradley has no JR, and it here depends solely on Lalande (Hist. Ce'L, page 190). 7501. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it here depends solely on Lalande (Hist. CM., page i). [S.] 7502. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with Taylor, who differs 7" from Brisbane. 7504. The JR of this star is brought up by Bessel's formula. 7515. The position of this star has been derived from the observations in Bessel's zones 16 and 18. [S.] 7523. The position of this star depends entirely on Lacaille. [S.] 7528. The position of this star depends entirely on the observation at page 32 of Hist. Ce'L [S.] 7533' Taylor's declination appears to be erroneous about 10" ; the N.P.D. is therefore here deduced from a comparison with the mean of Piazzi and Groombridge. 7538. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Taylor (although differing above 8") is taken for the modern com- parison. 7541. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Taylor (although differing above 10") is taken for the modern comparison. 7549. The position of this star depends entirely on Lacaille. [S.] 7552. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Rumker (although they differ 9") is taken for the modern com- parison. 7553. Bradley has no JR, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. 7556. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. 7557. Bradley's two observations in N.P.D. differ io",3. 7558. Bradley has no JR, and it here depends solely on Bessel (50). 7562. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observa- tions. 7564. Argelander, Bessel and Groombridge indicate an error of about 5 s in Bradley's ^R, it is there- fore here deduced from Argelander and Bessel only. It was observed by Bradley on Septem- ber 26, 1753, at 2i h 37 m 4i s , which Argelander thinks should be 2i h 37"* 9^. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it here depends wholly on modern observations. 7566. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it here depends solely on Airy (G). This is a double star, and Airy has made distinct observations of them both. It is the preceding one of the two that has here been taken, and which is the same as was observed by Bradley. 7569. This is the star mentioned by Piazzi in the note to xxi. 266, as following 78 Cygni p, o s ,3, and in the same parallel, which is here adopted. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it is here deduced from the Greenwich observations for 1838. 7571. Bradley has no JR, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. 7581. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Taylor (although differing above 6") is taken for the modern com- parison. 7584. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. 7586. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with Taylor. 7590. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it here depends solely on Lalande (Hist. Cel., page 36). 7592. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Taylor (although differing nearly 7") is taken for the modern comparison. 438 OF THE BRITISH ASSOCIATION. 7595. Bradley's two observations in JR differ I4",8. 7610. This star was also observed by Pond (994). [S.] 7613. See the note in page 62 of the Preface. 7615. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with Taylor. 7617. The position of this star depends entirely on the observation at page 571 of Hist. Cel. [S.l 7619. This star was observed by Lacaille, with the rhomboidal micrometer, on August 23, 1751, at 2i h 32 m i 8 . It is not to be found in any modern catalogue, and its position is therefore brought up by preces- sion alone. 7620. The position of this star depends entirely on the observation at page 571 of Hist. Cel. [S.] 7631. Bradley has no JR, and it here depends solely on Groombridge. 7635. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Taylor (although differing above 7") is taken for the modern comparison. 7636. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with Groombridge and Taylor, although they differ 8". 7637. Bradley has no JR, and it is here deduced from Piazzi and Groombridge ; that is, from the mean of the two reduced to 1850. 7642. Bradley has no JR, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. 7643. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with Taylor. 7644. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it here depends solely on Bessel (52). 7650. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. 7652. The position of this star depends entirely on Lacaille. [S.] 7653. The position of this star depends entirely on the Greenwich observations for 1838. [S.] 7656. There appears to be some doubt respecting the identity of this star. [S.] 7675. The N.P.D. of Taylor is taken for the modern comparison. It differs nearly 10" from Brisbane's, who has only one observation. 7677. Bradley has no JR, and it here depends solely on Groombridge. The precessions in declination in the Fund. Astron. should be transposed. 7680. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it here depends solely on Bessel. 7690. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it is evident from modern observations, that some error has been com- mitted in the JR. On this account the JR of the star is here taken from the mean of Taylor and Wrottesley, and the N.P.D. from Taylor alone. It was observed by Bradley on November 1 3,1759. 7697. The position of this star depends entirely on the observation at page 571 of Hist. Cel. [S.] 7699. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it here depends solely on Groombridge. 7700. Bradley has no JR, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. 7702. The N.P.D. for the modern comparison is deduced from Brisbane alone, as Taylor appears to be about i' in error. 7703. The position of this star depends entirely on the observation at page 572 of Hist. Cel. [S.] 7704. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it here depends solely on Lalande (Hist. Cel., page 100). 7708. The mean JR of Taylor and Airy (although they differ about o s ,6o) is here adopted for the modern comparison. 7709. The position of this star depends entirely on the observation at page 181 of Hist. Cel. [S.] 7713. The JR of this star is brought up from Johnson and Maclear by Bessel's formula. Lacaille's decli- nation appears to be about 5' in error, and it is consequently omitted. 7714. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Taylor (although they differ above 1 1") is here taken for the mo- dern comparison. 7715. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Taylor (although differing nearly 8") is taken for the modern comparison. 439 NOTES TO THE CATALOGUE OF STARS 7716. Bradley has only one observation of this star, which was made on September 24, 1756. But this has not been reduced by Bessel, and consequently not inserted in the Fund. Astron. See the note to N. 7717 in this catalogue, which is the star that Bradley mistook for 36 Aquarii. Its po- sition has here been deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. 7717. Bessel has quoted only one observation of this star by Bradley; but the fact is that the five obser- vations which are recorded by Bradley as belonging to 36 Aquarii, really belong also to this star, as will be evident from a comparison of the differences between the times of transit of the star in question and any of the neighbouring stars observed on the same days. The six observations here alluded to were made on November 20 and December 3, 1753, and on September 27, November 20, 21 and 28, 1754, all of which are called by Bradley 36 Aquarii, except that of November 20, 1754, and indicate one and the same star, and that its yR in Bradley's catalogue should be 329 8' I5",o, which is the quantity here assumed. The JR against 36 Aquarii should therefore be erased. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it here depends solely on Argelander. The observation made on November 20, 1754. has the N.P.D. 98 42' marked against it, which denotes that it was not 36 , Aquarii. 7720. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observa- tions. 7726. Bradley has no N.P.D. , and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. 7740. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it here depends solely on Taylor. 7744. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. 7748. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Taylor (although differing 14") is taken for the modern com- parison. 7752. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it here depends solely on Taylor. 7754. From the observations of Airy and Groombridge it appears that Bradley's declination should be + 55 37' 36",6, which is the value here assumed. Bessel says that the two observations of Bradley (one above and the other below the pole) agree within o",8. These observations were made on November 18, 1750, and November 26, 1752; but there is i' difference in the results, which is the error here alluded to. 7759. The approximate position of this star has been derived from Argelander's Uranometria Nova. [S.] 7761. Bradley has no JR, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. 7769. This star was observed by Lacaille with the rhomboidal micrometer, on October 21, 1751, at 2i h 59 4i s . It is not to be found in any modern catalogue, and its position is therefore brought up by precession alone. 7774. Bradley has no JR, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Mayer with modern observations. 7775. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with Taylor. 7779. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it here depends solely on Bessel. 7780. This star was observed by Lacaille, with the rhomboidal micrometer, on August 31, 1751, at 22 h o m 37 s . It is not to be found in any modern catalogue, and its position is therefore brought up by precession alone. 7807. Bradley's three observations in JR do not well accord ; the extreme difference is I4",7- Argelander considers that i s ,o should be added to the first observation: if so, the value in this catalogue should be 22 h i6 m 26 S >54. 7818. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. This is probably the companion of the following star. 7822. The position of this star depends entirely on Lacaille. [S.] 7826. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Taylor (although differing nearly 10") is taken for the modern comparison. 440 OF THE BRITISH ASSOCIATION. 7832. This is a double star ; its companion (Pond 1024) is 3", 2 further south. Piazzi mentions the com- panion star in his note. 7835. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it here depends solely on Taylor. 7837. Bradley 's two observations in ^R differ i6",2. 7839. This star is supposed to be Ptolemy's Piscis Aust. 7840. Bradley's three observations in N.P.D. do not well accord ; the extreme difference is io",i. 7847. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observa- tions. It is the companion of the following star. 7851. Bradley's two observations in JR differ 4o",7- 7852. This star was observed by Lacaille with the rhomboidal micrometer, on September 14, 1751, at 22 h i6 m 2 s . It is not to be found in any modern catalogue, and therefore its position is brought up by precession alone. 7866. The position of this star depends entirely on the observation at page 570 of Hist. CM. [S.] 7879. Bradley has no N.P.D. , and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. There is no modern observation of this star in ^R,, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Bradley and Piazzi. 7887. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Taylor (although differing nearly 8") is taken for the modern comparison. 7896. The mean Jl of Taylor, Pond and Groombridge (although their extreme difference is o s ,84) is adopted for the modern comparison. 7898. The N.P.D. of Airy and Johnson agree best with that of Bradley and Piazzi, and the mean of the two is therefore taken for the modern comparison. Pond and Taylor are about 6" less, and Brisbane about the same quantity more than that mean. 7909. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. Bradley's precession in JR for 1800 should be 50", 45 5. 7915. Bradley has no JR, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. 7934. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Taylor (although differing above 14") is taken for the modern comparison. 7940. This star was observed by Lacaille with the rhomboidal micrometer, on September 14, 1751, at 22 h 30 24 s . It is not to be found in any modern catalogue, and its position therefore is brought up by precession alone. 7953. Bradley has no JR, and it here depends solely on Groombridge. 7957. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Taylor (although differing nearly 8") is taken for the modern comparison. 7960. Taylor's JR is erroneous i m . 7973. Bradley has no JR, and it here depends wholly on modern observations. 7977. The position of this star depends entirely on the observation at page 1 18 of Hist. CM. [S.] 7991. This star was observed by Lacaille with the rhomboidal micrometer, on November 3, 1751, at 22 h 40 50 s . It is not to be found in any modern catalogue, and its position is therefore brought up by precession alone. 7995. The position of this star depends entirely on Groombridge (3930). [S.] 7996. The position of this star depends entirely on the observation at page 1 10 of Hist. Cel. [S.] 7999. The position of this star depends entirely on Groombridge (3933). [S.] 8006. Brisbane's declination is not included, as it differs 7" from Taylor's. 8019. Bradley has no JR, and it here depends wholly on modern observations. It was also observed by Airy (C). 8024. Bradley has no JR, and it here depends solely on Bessel (55). B,A.C. (3K) 44i NOTES TO THE CATALOGUE OF STARS 8025. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Taylor (although differing nearly 7") is taken for the modern comparison. 8029. The position of this star depends entirely on Lacaille. [S.] 8039. Bradley has no JR, and it here depends wholly on modern observations. It was also observed by Airy (C). [S.] 8040. The JR of this star is brought up by precession alone from Lacaille, as Brisbane has no observation of it in JR. 8050. Taylor's N.P.D. is erroneous i'. 8055. This star was observed by Lacaille with the rhomboidal micrometer, on Aug. 6, 1751, at 22 h 52* 22 s . It is not to be found in any modern catalogue, and its position is therefore brought up by preces- sion alone. 8056. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it here depends solely on Groombridge. 8057. The JR of this star is brought up by precession alone, as Brisbane has no observation of it in JR. 8063. The mean N.P.D. of "Brisbane and Taylor (although differing above 6") is taken for the modern com- parison. 8065. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it here depends solely on Taylor. 8072. The JR of this star is reduced from Rumker and Johnson by Bessel's formula. 8083. Bradley has no ^R, and it here depends wholly on modern observations. From the note of Arge- lander to this star in his catalogue, it would appear to be affected with a considerable proper mo- tion, which upon that authority is inserted in the present catalogue. 8086. The N.P.D. of this star was brought up by precession alone from Lacaille, as Rumker has no obser- vation of it in N.P.D. 8091. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it here depends solely on Lalande (Hist. CM., page 123). 8092. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Taylor (although differing nearly 10") is taken for the modern comparison. 8094. The position of this star depends entirely on the observation at page 187 of Hist. Cel. [S.] 8104. Bradley has no JR, and it here depends solely on Groombridge. 8106. Bradley has no JR, and it here depends solely on Groombridge. 8107. Bradley has no JR, and it here depends wholly on modern observations. From the remarks of Arge- lander, in the note to this star in his catalogue, it would appear that it has a considerable proper motion in N.P.D., which on that authority is introduced into the present catalogue. It was also observed by Bessel (57). [S.] 8112. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Taylor (although differing above n") is taken for the modern comparison. 8123. The position of this star depends entirely on the observation at page 187 of Hist. Cel. [S.] 8124. The mean JR of Taylor, Airy and Groombridge, although their extreme difference is o s ,9O, is adopted for the modern comparison. 8126. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it here depends on a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. 8134. The position of this star is derived from Argelander's notes, Ast. Nach., N. 226. [S.] 8135. The position of this star depends entirely on the observation at page 3 of Hist. CM. [S.] 8137. Bradley has no JR, and it here depends solely on Bessel (58). 8138. Bradley has no JR, and it here depends solely on Bessel (59). 8139. Bradley has no JR, and it here depends solely on Lalande (Hist. Cel., page 476). 8147. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it here depends solely on Lalande (Hist. Cel., page 33). 8148. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Taylor (although differing above 10") is taken for the modern comparison. 8153. Bradley has no JR, and it here depends solely on Groombridge. 442 OF THE BRITISH ASSOCIATION. 8156. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modem observa- tions. Argelander in the note to this star in his catalogue, thinks that i s ,o ought to be added to Bradley's JR, and modern observations confirm this suspicion. If this be done, the JR in the pre- sent catalogue should be 23** i6 m 25 8 ,69. 8157. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Taylor (although differing above 10") is taken for the modern comparison. 8158. Bradley has no JR, and it here depends solely on Groombridge. 8164. The N.P.D. of this star is brought up from Lacaille by precession alone, as Rumker has no observa- tion of it in N.P.D. 8173. Bradley has no JR, and it here depends solely on Groombridge. 8 1 80. Bradley has no JR, and it here depends wholly on modern observations. It was also observed by Airy (C) and (G). [S.] 8187. Bradley has no JR, and it here depends solely on Groombridge. 8188. This star was also observed by Flamsteed (B.F 3224) and Pond (1086). [S.] 8190. This star has not been observed by any modern astronomer; its position is therefore brought up by precession alone from Lacaille. 8196. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. 8204. Bradley has no JR, and it here depends solely on Bessel (60). 8207. The N.P.D. of Brisbane is taken for the modern comparison. Rumker, who has only one observa- tion, differs above n". 8209. The mean JR of Rumker and Taylor, fifth catalogue, is here taken for the modern comparison ; the JR in his third catalogue, and also Brisbane's JR being rejected. 8217. Bradley has no JR, and it here depends solely on Groombridge. 8220. The mean N.P.D. of Brisbane and Taylor (although differing nearly 8") is taken for the modern comparison. 8246. Argelander's N.P.D. (which differs upwards of 7" from Taylor's) is here taken for the modern compa- rison. 8247. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it here depends solely on Lalande (Hist. CM., page 34). 8252. Bradley has no JR, and it here depends solely on Bessel (61). 8253. The N.P.D. of Brisbane is taken for the modern comparison. It differs nearly 9" from Rumker, who has only one observation of it. 8254. This star was observed by Lacaille with the rhomboidal micrometer, on Nov. 14, 1751, at 23* 30 23" It is not to be found in any modern catalogue, and its position is therefore brought up by preces- sion alone. 8269. The position of this star has been derived from Bessel's zone 25. [S.] 8270. The position of this star has been derived from Bessel's zone 25. [S.] 8272. The position of this star depends entirely on the observation at page 127 of Hist. Cel. [S.] 8273. Bradley has no JR, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. 8280. Bradley has no JR, and it here depends solely on Bessel (62). 8282. Bradley has no JR, and it here depends solely on Groombridge. 8287! This star was observed also by Zach. Its position here depends entirely on the observation at page 349 of Hist. CM. [S.] 8298. The modern comparison of this star in declination is taken from the Greenwicl 1840, on which alone the JR depends. 8315 The position of this star depends entirely on the observation at page 1 27 of Hist. Wl. 8318. Brisbane's position of this star is rejected, as it appears from Taylor's note, page there is some confusion in his observations. ~ 443 NOTES TO THE CATALOGUE OF STARS OF THE BRITISH ASSOCIATION. 8323. The mean JR of Johnson and Taylor (although differing more than o s ,5) is taken for the modern comparison. Brisbane's JR is rejected. 8325. The N.P.D. of this star is brought up by precession alone from Lacaille, as Rumker has no observa- tion of it in N.P.D. 8328. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Mayer with modern observa- tions. 8334. The M of Taylor and Rumker nearly agree, but Johnson differs about o s ,7 ; the mean of the three is taken for the modern comparison. Brisbane's JR is rejected. 8336. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it here depends solely on Groombridge. 8337. Bradley has no JR, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with Taylor. 8338. Bradley has no N.P.D., and it here depends solely on Bessel (63). 8344. Bradley has no JR, and it here depends wholly on modern observations. This star was also observed by Airy (C) and Pond (i 107). [S.] 8351. Bradley has no N.P!D., and it is here deduced from a comparison of Mayer with modern observa- tions. 8355. Bradley has no JR, and it here depends solely on Bessel (64). 8356. Bradley's position of this star is compared with the Greenwich observations for 1838 and 1839. 8360. The position of this star has been derived from Argelander's notes, Ast. Nach., N. 226. [S.] 8362. This star was observed by Lacaille with the rhomboidal micrometer, on Sept. 14, 175 1, at 23** 48 48 s . It is not to be found in any modern catalogue, and its position is therefore brought up by preces- sion alone. 8364. Bradley has no JR, and it here depends solely on Bessel (66). 8372. Bradley has no JR, and it here depends solely on Bessel (67). 8374. Bradley has no JR, and it is here deduced from a comparison of Piazzi with modern observations. Argelander, however, is of opinion that this star was observed by Bradley in JR, and that it is N. 48 in the list given in Fund. Astron., page 283. THE END. PRINTED BY RICHARD AND JOHN E. TAYLOR, BED LION COURT, FLEET STREET. 444 , A. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY BERKELEY Return to desk from which borrowed. This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. ASTRONOMY LIEIRARY FEB LD 21-100*w-ll,'49(B7146sl6)476 144 THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY