LIBRARY 01- THK UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. T OK Deceived o~ lc )? Accessions No. ^ y J ~ j . CA/ss TVo . 801 ; ' FIRST. LESSONS IN PHYSIOLOGY: FOR USE IN THE COMMON SCHOOLS. BY, C. L. HOTZE, * AUTHOR OF " FIRST LESSONS IN PHYSICS." SAINT LOUIS: THE CENTRAL PUBLISHING COMPANY LBE, SHEPARD & BILLINQHAM, New York. J. L. HAMMETT, Boston. / BIOLOGY LIBRARY G/ Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1874, by the CENTRAL PUBLISHING COMPANY, In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. 1 PREFACE. The propriety of teaching some of the sciences in our common schools is so well established as to require no further arguments. Nor does it seem necessary here to justify the claims of physiologi- cal science; educators, and the people generally, are agreed that a knowledge of " the machine which we run and which runs us " is of the utmost import- ance. The question now under discussion is, how much of Physiology can be taught in the upper grades of the common school without infringing upon the other studies ? To facilitate the solution of this problem, as well as to meet the wishes expressed on many sides to see the essentials of Elementary Physiology ar- ranged after the manner of the author's " First Lessons in Physics," the present volume has been prepared. It comprises thirty-nine lessons on the structure and functions of the human body, the subject-matter being treated with reference to the wants of the young people in the classes, alluded to. PREFACE. These lessons profess to present the amount of physiological science which should be taught in the common schools. They include the essentials of hygiene, which are treated in immediate connection with the function of the organ to which they refer. Many technical terms, and all " rules " of hygiene based on mere assumption or personal bias, to- gether with a host of trivialities frequently met with in works of the kind, have been excluded. For while the teacher under favorable circumstances can easily go beyond the limits of the text, it is an objectionable feature in a school book if, after its purchase, pupils are obliged to skim, or omit, any part of it. Portions of recently slain animals should be used for demonstration, and the young learner be con- stantly urged to observe for himself. I am indebted to the works of Bennett, Dalton, Flint, Huxley, Kirkes, and others ; and take great pleasure in thanking Dr. Weber of this city for his kindness in examining the manuscript of this book. WEST HIGH SCHOOL, Cleveland, Ohio, January ist, 1875. CONTENTS. LESSON I. PAGE. Organic and Inorganic Matter. Animal Structure - 9 LESSON II. The Skeleton 13 LESSON III. The Head. Cerebro- Spinal Axis. Teeth 17 LESSON IV. Review 22 LESSON V. The Trunk 24 LESSON VI. The Limbs. Ligaments 27 LESSON VII. Cartilages. The Larynx 30 LESSON VIII. Review 33 LESSON IX. Muscles. Fat 35 LESSON X. Muscles as Motor Agents. Walking 38 LESSON XL Muscles, continued. Work of Muscles 42 LESSON XII. Review , 48 LESSON XIII. The Skin. Hair and Nails. Excretion of Skin 51 LESSON XIV. The Blood 54 LESSON XV. Circulation of Blood I 58 LESSON XVI. Circulation of Blood II 62 LESSON XVII. Review 69 LESSON XVIII. The Lungs __ . 74 LESSON XIX.. Respiration 79 1 6 CONTENTS. LESSON XX. PAGE. Review 84 LESSON XXI. Air and its Relation to the Human Body. 1 87 LESSON XXII. Air and its Relation to the Human Body. II 92 LESSON XXIII. Review 98 LESSON XXIV. Food 101 LESSON XXV. Digestion. I 106 LESSON XXVI. Digestion. II. (Stomach) no LESSON XXVII. Digestion. Ill (Intestines) .' 113 LESSON XXVIII. Assimilation 119 LESSON XXIX. Review 126 LESSON XXX. Nervous System. I. Different Parts 130 LESSON XXXI. Nervous System. II. Functions of Different Parts .. 137 LESSON XXXII. Review 142 LESSON XXXIII. The Senses in General. Sense of Touch 144 LESSON XXXIV. Taste and Smell 148 LESSON XXXV. Sight. 1 150 LESSON XXXVI. Sight. II 154 LESSON XXXVII. Hearing 159 LESSON XXXVIII. Review 163 LESSON XXXIX. The Mind 166 QUESTIONS 173 GLOSSARY OF WORDS 183 INDEX 190 PHYSIOLOGY. LESSON I. ORGANIC AND INORGANIC MATTER ANIMAL STRUC- TURE. From time immemorial all things around us have been looked upon as either living or lifeless. Liv- ing objects are plants and animals; lifeless, such substances as mineral coal, iron, sand, rocks, water or air. Although at the present advanced state of sci- ence it is often difficult to draw the line, yet that dis- tinction is still maintained, because between things 10 FIRST LESSONS IN PHYSIOLOGY. like those last mentioned, and substances such as wood or flesh, the differences are very striking. All so-called lifeless substances are comprised un- der the head of inorganic matter, while the vegeta- ble and animal worlds form the organic matter. The distinction between these two great classes of materials is based upon form, coherence, growth, composition and derivation. Form. The sharp angles and straight lines of a crystal, the nearly regular features of most frag- ments of rock, are characteristic. On the other hand, notice the general absence of straight outlines in living structures, the curved shape of leaves and flowers, the rounded forms of the higher animals, and particularly those of the human body. Distin- guish between the fracture of a lump of mineral coal and that of charcoal. It will be your impres- sion that inorganic matter, generally speaking, as- sumes forms of a severer pattern. Coherence. Particles of sandstone cling together owing to cohesion, without having any other mutual relation. A fragment of sandstone truly represents the original rock of which it once formed a part, in- asmuch as it possesses all the properties of the rock. The particles of a tree cohere likewise, but they are closely dependent upon one another. A piece of wood does not strictly represent the tree from which it came, because in different parts of the same tree the wood may have different properties. Hence, the coherence of organized matter greatly differs from that of substances of the inorganic world. ORGANIC AND INORGANIC MATTER. 11 Growth. If the growth of a crystal, or of an or- dinary rock, could be plainly observed, it would be found to consist in a mere adding of particle after particle on the outside, without any interior devel- opment. Nor would it be found accompanied by decay, or repair, going on at the same time ; whereas, plants and animals, during their growth, always decay in part that is, while they are building up they also lose waste matter, only the building up is far greater in quantity than the waste. This is true, regardless of the manner in which a plant grows, whether, for example, like most of our trees, it grows by adding superficial layers or rings around the stem, or, like Indian corn, by developing from within. Animals grow by interior development; carbonic acid gas and water vapor are two products of animal waste. Plants and animals make up the organic world, or world of organisms, and all organ- isms differ in their manner of growth from objects belonging to the inorganic world. Inorganic substances present a mere building up without corresponding development of all parts, while an organism develops throughout, and thereby attains gradually to a higher organization. The grain of corn generates the plant ; the egg brings forth the bird; the infant develops into the full grown man. Nothing of the kind takes place in inorganic matter. Composition. Copper, gold and iron are ex- amples of elemental bodies ; however subdivided, they always remain the .same. Water is composed 12 FIRST LESSONS IN PHYSIOLOGY. of two elements ; quartz- crystal of three. Nearly all inorganic substances are of simple composition, and, therefore, more stable than organic substance, such as wood, or flesh, which are more complex in composition, and decompose more readily. Derivation. An organism is derived from a parent ; inorganic matter is not. This is one of the most peculiar characteristics of organisms. Organisms live, develop and die ; inorganic bodies are not said to live, develop or die. The structure of a higher animal required for the complete display of its capacities, may be repre- sented thus : 1. An apparatus to convert food into a fluid which will develop and maintain the body, and to remove waste materials. 2. A system of vessels to convey this fluid to all parts of the body. 3. A muscle or heart which, by contracting and relaxing, pumps the fluid into the vessels. 4 A mechanism for respiration, so as to purify the fluid by a fresh supply of oxygen. 5. Contractile cords or muscles to set the different parts of the body in motion. 6. A mass of nervous matter, with nervous fibres spreading over the body, to receive impressions from the outer world, and to convey manifestations of will, &c., to the various portions of the body. BONES. 13 LESSON II. BONES THE SKELETON. 1. EXPERIMENT. Expose a bone to the action of intense heat. Its shape will be preserved, but it will no longer be strong and tough ; it will not sup- port as much weight as before. It has now lost its animal substance. 2. EXPERIMENT. Soak a bone in dilute acid. Its shape will be retained, but its firmness is destroyed ; it may now be bent without breaking. It has lost its mineral substance. The composition of bones is a close union of ani- mal and mineral substances. In the normal bone both substances exist in definite proportions. A deficiency in the mineral ingredients (chiefly lime), as is the case with bones in early life, causes the bones readily to bend; while an excess of lime, always found in the bones of old people, renders the bones brittle. The structure of bones shows a net- work of small canals and layers of bone substance. Bones are less dense at their centres ; many of them contain a fatty substance, called the marrow. Bones grow and con- stantly renew their particles. 14 FIRST LESSONS IN PHYSIOLOGY. The growth of bones. Every bone of an adult was at one time a cartilage. It did not become har- dened uniformly throughout its mass, but the pro- cess of ossification that is, the deposition of min- eral matter in the cartilage took place first at particular points, called the centres of ossification. Thus the long bones of an infant contain at least three such centres or bony masses, one in the middle part of the bone (then as yet a cartilage), and one situated toward each end. In the adult these three osseous centres are united into one solid bone. When the edges or ends of bones in their growth come to touch each other, they either form joints or articulations, in order to enjoy motion upon each other ; or they grow firmly together, forming sutures. Sutures may be readily ascertained in the bones composing the skull. The skeleton consists of all the bones in the human body, the total number of which is about two hundred and ten, excluding the teeth. Besides, there is found a firm, elastic tissue called cartilage or gristle, such as the outer ear or the lower part of the nose. The skeleton forms the framework of the body. It is usually divided into three distinct portions : the head, the trunk, and the (upper and lower) limbs (Fig. 1). It contains three cavities ; the uppermost is a hollow box of bone, the skull or cranium ; this contains the brain, and has attached to it the jaws and the remaining bones of the head. Frontal Bone Upper Jaw Lower Jaw Collar Bone Chest Occipital Bone ertebrae of the Neck. \ Vertebral Column. ' - Shoulder Blade Ankle Arch. 16 FIRST LESSONS IN PHYSIOLOGY. Below this a bony case or basket is seen, called the chest or thorax; and further down a bony basin, the pelvis. The chest and the pelvis, together with the backbone, form the trunk of the body. The arms, or upper extremities, are attached to the upper part of the chest by means of the collar bone and the shoulder /blade. The legs, or lower extremi- ties, are fastened to the lower part of the trunk. Bones, like all organic structures, consist of cells that is, of cellular tissue ; the cells are more or less of a hexagonal form. Bones are renewed even more rapidly than any other portion of the body except the nails, the skin and the hair. The natural pro- cess by which broken bones are restored, is remark- able. The immediate -result of the injury is an effusion of blood around the broken parts. This is soon replaced by a watery fluid, which, after some time, thickens into a jelly-like mass. In a month or two this mass hardens, and slowly acquires the properties of bone ; months after this the bones, if carefully treated, unite perfectly. THE HEAD. 17 LESSON III. THE HEAD THE CEKEBRO-SPINAL AXIS THE TEETH. The head (Fig. 2) consists of the bones of 'the skull, face and ear. Its principal parts are : FIG. 2. 1. The frontal bone. 2. Two side bones, which form the uppermost part, and part of the right and left sides of the skull. 3. Two temporal bones, one on each side of the lower part of the frontal bone. 18 FIKST LESSONS IN PHYSIOLOGY. 4. The occipital bone, extending down to the neck. 5. The upper jaw. 6. Two cheek bones. 7. Nosebonr. 8. The lower jaw, easily separable from the re- maining parts of the head. 9. The sphenoid bone, forming the base of the skull (not visible in Fig. 2). The upper jaw contains the upper row of teeth, the lower jaw, the lower. The lower portion of the nose consists of cartilage, which remains soft during life. The roof of the mouth is a thin but hard bone, forming part of the upper jaw. The various bones of the head are firmly joined together, although they contain fissures and holes. According to the preceding lesson, the skeleton is composed of head, trunk and limbs; and the trunk separable into chest or thorax, and pelvis. The young student will do well to observe that the head contains two distinct cavities : the cavity of the skull and that of the face, which are entirely separated from each other. The former contains a mass of nervous substance which is called the brain. This -substance is continued down to the lower end of the pelvis, in the shape of a downward tapering cord, called the spinal cord. This cord together with the brain, pass under the name of cerebro-spinal axis. Thus, we discover that the skull together with the vertebral column (Fig. 3), form a tube very much expanded above and exceedingly narrow at its lower end ; and that this tube is completely insu- lated, in the first place, by the bones of the skull, and secondly, by the vertebral bones, or vertebra*. CEREBRO-SPINAL AXIS. 19 Pig. 3 __-CS AL CS The other cavity, that of the face, con- tains the mouth. The mouth is part of an- other tube, called the alimentary canal,which extends from the mouth through the vc entire length of the trunk in front of the vertebral column (Fig. 3). The cavity of the mouth may be consid- ered the expanded upper end of the ali- mentary canal, just as v c the cavity of the skull forms the upper ex- panded end of the tube containing the spinal cord. The cavity of the mouth contains two rows of teeth, one in the upper jaw, the other in the lower. Each tooth has a crown, neck and fang or fangs. The crown is the portion which projects beyond the gum. The neck is that portion immediately below the crown and on a level with the edges of the gum. The fang, or fangs if there be more than one, comprises all below the neck (Fig. 4). VERTICAL SECTION OF THE HUMAN BODY. A L. Alimentary canal. l r C. Vertebral column. C S. Cerebto-spinal axis. 20 FIRST LESSONS IN PHYSIOLOGY. The crown is covered with an exceedingly hard substance, called enamel; this is the hardest por- tion of a tooth, and the hardest substance in the human body. It forms a very thin layer, and serves as a protection to the principal constituent of all teeth, the dentine or ivory. This dentine is hollowed out into a cavity, which contains a very sensitive mass of nervous matter, the tooth-pulp (Fig. 4, a). Teeth are partially composed of bony matter ; they differ from bones in possessing enamel and dentine, which bones have not. Teeth have no growth. a I c d e f FIG. 4. There are thirty-two teeth in number, sixteen in each jaw. The four front teeth in each jaw are adapted for cutting purposes, and therefore named incisors (b). On each side of them is a tooth with one cusp that is, with a pointed crown (c). It is called the eye-tooth, or, because it resembles the long, tearing tusk of the dog, the canine. Next on either side is a tooth (d) with two cusps on the crown, lar- ger than the preceding teeth, and called licuspid. Adjacent to it are teeth with more than two cusps, TEETH. 21 the molars or grinders (e and/), the broadest and most powerful of all. The crowns of the molars in the lower jaw have four or five cusps, while those in the upper have one cusp less. In the early period of life, each jaw has ten tem- porary or milk teeth. At tho age of six or eight the upper portions of these teeth fall out, or are ' shed,' while the fangs are absorbed. Then appears the second or permanent set of teeth, thirty-two in number. Vlio following formula shows that the molars of tho child are replaced by the bicuspids of the adult : Formula of Arrangement and number of Teeth. Mo Ca In Ca Mo ^ Upper, 2 1 4 1 2 = 10) Temporary ( __<^Q Teeth Lower, 2 1 4 I 2 = 10 ) Mo Bi Ca In Ca Bi Mo Upper, 321412 316) Permanent ( = ^ Teeth Lowerj 331412 3=16) (Compare Lesson XXV.) Familiar Facts. Sudden changes of tempera- ture, owing to very cold or very hot food or drink, are dangerous to the teeth, as they may cause the enamel to crack. Acids and metal toothpicks should be avoided. Teeth require cleansing with water and a soft brush, especially after meals. Any injury to the enamel is irreparable, and, as it causes the den- tine beneath to decay, may involve the loss of the tooth. Bead "Toothache," by S. Parsons Shaw. Lippincott, Philadelphia. f FIKST LESSONS IN PHYSIOLOGY. LESSON I V. REVIEW. LESSON i. 1. Inorganic matter differs from organic mainly in form, coherence, growth, composition and deriva- tion. 2. An organism is an organized structure belong- ing either to the vegetable or animal kingdom. 3. Only organisms live, develop and die. The human body is the most perfect organism known. 4. The structure of a higher animal required for the complete display of its capacities may be repre- sented thus : 1. An apparatus to convert food into a fluid which will develop and maintain the body, and to remove waste materials. 2. A system of ves- sels to convey this fluid to all the parts of the body. 3. A muscle or heart, which, by contracting and relaxing, pumps the fluid into the vessels. 4. A mechanism for respiration, so as to purify the fluid by a fresh supply of oxygen. 5. Contractile cords or muscles, to set the different parts of the body in motion. 6. A mass of nervous matter, with nerv- ous fibres spreading over the body, to receive im- pressions from the outer world, and to convey mani- festations of will, &c., to the various parts of the body. REVIEW. 23 LESSON ii.- 5. Bones consist of animal and mineral material. The former renders them tough and elastic ; the latter gives them strength. 6. The animal substance in bones may be removed by heat ; the mineral, by the action of acids. 7. Bones grow and constantly renew their particles. S. The number of bones in the human body is about two hundred and ten 9. Cartilages are firm, elastic tissues. 10. The skeleton may be divided into head, trunk and limbs. 11. Bones, like all organic structures, consist of cellular tissue. LESSON in. 12. The head consists of the bones of the skull and those of the face and ear. 13. The principal parts of the head are : 1. The frontal bone. 2. The side bones. 3. The occipital bone. 4. The temporal bones. 5. The upper jaw. 6. The cheek bones. 7. The nose bone. 8. The lower jaw. 9. The sphenoid bone. 14. The cerebro spinal axis comprises the spinal cord and the brain. 15. A tooth is composed of a crown, a neck and one or more fangs. 16. The tooth-pulp is enclosed by dentine ; the dentine is capped by the enamel. 17. The number of milk-teeth is twenty. 18. Each jaw of an adult should contain sixteen teeth : four incisors, two canines, four bicuspids and six molars. 24 FIRST LESSONS IN PHYSIOLOGY. LESSON V. THE TKUNK. 3. EXPERIMENT. The carcass of a quadruped, if placed in a wooden box punctured on all sides, and buried in the ground close by an ant-hill, will after a few weeks be reduced to a skeleton, which may be used to advantage in studying the human skeleton. The skull is supported by an upright column, called the spinal column or back-bone. It consists of thirty- three articulated bones, which are so fastened to- gether that the entire number appears as an un- broken pillar, forming the central, most important, and, let us add, the most wonderful part of the skeleton. Nearly all the organs of the body seem to rely upon it for their support. It helps to form the back wall of the chest and abdomen, which are maintained by the pelvis or haunch bone. The vertebra and joints of the back-bone may be ascertained by the touch ; they begin with the back part of the neck and pass down to the pelvis. In a similar manner locate the ribs, which extend from the right and left of each vertebra in the thorax and encircle the chest. They are fastened in front to the breast bone or sternum. Find the two collar bones or clavicles, and observe their form. Next examine the VERTEBBJ3. 25 two shoulder-blades ; together with the clavicles they form the shoulder, and protect the lungs from above. The vertebrae are perforated, that is, they contain a nearly oval cavity about an inch wide, filled with the spinal cord (Fig. 5, d). This cord extends down to the lower end of the pelvis, The spinal column protects the spinal cord within ; it serves to bear the head aloft and to give the body its erect position. FIG. 5. d A VERTEBRA. HORIZONTAL SECTION. TWO VERTEBRAE. SIDE VIEW, Each vertebra presents the appearance of a hol- low cylinder, to the rear portion of which are at- tached seven superficial elongations or processes (Fig. 5, I and the feet separate from the ground and the body rises; gravity stops its up- ward motion and pulls it down again. Let us re- call the above example. The first motion, viz., the lifting of the body, is effected by muscular ac- tion. It has a limited range, perhaps no more than one-half foot. Hence, the entire work of the mus- cles=300-^J=600 footpounds, or twice the actual work required. The reason of it is this : The mus- cles have not only to lift 1 50 pounds 2 feet against gravity, which amounts to a work of 300, but they must also overcome the resistance or reaction of the body, which amounts likewise to 150x2=300 foot pounds; now, 300-1-300 = 600 footpounds, which is the entire work performed by the muscles. The re- maining space, 1 feet, is passed over in virtue of the elasticity of the contracted muscles. Briefly : when LEAPING. 47 a person weighing 150 pounds jumps vertically 2 feet high, he must overcome gravity at every point of his upward course ; this requires a work of 150X 2=300 footpounds ; besides, he must overcome his own reaction at every point of his upward course ; this demands, also, a work of 150X2300 foot- pounds. In all, then, his muscular pressure amounts to 600 footpounds, or twice the product of his weight into the vertical height. This work is performed in a fraction of a second ; in using a stairway, however, it will consume much more time, because a greater space has to be passed over. The experience of a long period of years has shown, beyond doubt, that the mechanical power of the human body is used to best advantage by both employer and employee when the work is done regularly and continuously, not in separate, fitful exertions. Man's forces must not be exhausted further than rest and food can replace them day for day. In utilizing our physical forces, therefore, certain limits must be observed, a limit of exertion as well as a limit of time. Any deviation has always been followed by a deterioration in the value of the work done. Read The Wonders of the Human Body. Illustrated Library of Won- ders. Scribner & Armstrong, New York. 48 FIRST LESSONS IN PHYSIOLOGY. LESSON XII. REVIEW. LESSON ix. , wwrffi/ 1. A muscle is an aggregation of minute fibres, each of which is again composed of minute fibrils, held together by a delicate membrane. All the motions in the animal body are performed by mus- cles. Generally speaking, muscles are the organs of motion. 2. Muscular motion is exerted by means of the contractility of muscles. 3. Contractility and sensibility are characteristic properties of muscles. 4. Contractility implies the power of contract- ing and relaxing ; sensibility, their power of com- municating impressions directly to the mind. 5 Post-mortem rigidity is the general stiffness of the body after death. 6. Muscles are of two kinds : involuntary and voluntary ; these are distinguished by their struc- ture and mode of action. 7. Nearly all the muscles used for moving bones are voluntary muscles. REVIEW. 49 8. The trachea, bronchi and the digestive canal have involuntary muscles. 9. The chief uses of fat are : (1.) The fat, which is situated directly beneath the skin, prevents much of the heat of the body from escaping, because all fat is a bad conductor of heat or cold. (2.) Fat serves as an elastic packing material to wrap delicate structures, such as the palm of the hand and soles of the feet. (3.) It serves as a store of combustible matter that is, it may be burnt up in the system, and thus become a source of heat to the body. (4.) It serves to fill the cavities of the long bones ; it is then called marrow. LESSON x. 10. To sustain a five-pound weight in the hand, the arm being stretched out horizontally, a muscular effort of about one hundred pounds is required. This does not include the weight of the arm. 11. The human arm is a lever of the third class ; the fulcrum lies in the shoulder-joint, and the power between the fulcrum and the weight. 12. Muscles usually terminate in tendons. 13. Tendons connect bones with muscles ; liga- ments connect bones with bones. 4 60 FIRST LESSONS IN PHYSIOLOGY. 14. Walking consists (1) Of the advance of the legs ; (2) Of lifting the body ; (3) Of advancing the body ; (4) Of shifting the centre of gravity. LESSON xi. 15. The erect position of the body is the result of the combined action of the muscles. 16. Connective tissue is that tissue which invests nearly all the parts of the body. 17. The properties of connective tissue vary ac- cording to its uses. 18. The muscles of the eye roll the eye-ball, move it slightly forward and backward, and raise and lower the eye-lids. 19. The uses of the muscles are (1) To produce motion ; (2) To hold the limbs in position ; (3) To protect the skeleton. 20. Human labor should be performed with con- tinuance and regularity. The forces of man must not be exhausted further than rest and food can re- place them day by day. THE SKIN. 51 LESSON XIII. THE SKIN HAIR AND NAILS EXCRETION OF THE SKIN. 6. EXPERIMENT. A piece of fresh animal skin, put in water, will swell up without dissolving. If now the skin be boiled in the water for several hours, most of it will dissolve, and on allowing the liquid to cool, a gelatinous substance is obtained. When dried, this forms the well-known glue. Nearly all connective tissue yields the same result if treated in a like manner. The skin is the external covering of the body. It consists of two layers the outside skin or the epidermis, and the inner one or dermis. The epi- dermis contains coloring matter, which gives rise to shades of tint in the skin of both individuals and races. It is of different thickness on different por- tions of the body ; the more it is subjected to fric- tion and pressure, the more does it grow that is, the more does it become thick and horny. The epidermis serves to protect the sensitive lower skin or dermis, and to moderate the evaporation of fluid from the blood vessels. The dermis serves to invest the excretion glands ; on its surface are the sensitive touch- corpuscles. 52 FIRST LESSONS IN PHYSIOLOGY. The dermis is the deeper portion of the skin ; it is denser, more elastic and more tender than the epi- dermis. When cut it bleeds very freely ; the epi- dermis does not bleed at all. In sharpening a pencil the outer skin is frequently cut, and no notice taken of it unless the knife enters a shade deeper, causing pain and flow of blood. The general properties of the skin are toughness, flexibility and elasticity. Owing to the first, it serves as the protecting cover of the body ; in vir- tue of the second, it shields the inner parts from violence ; and, on account of the last, it yields readily to the movements of the body. But it serves yet another purpose not less important ; it is the principal organ of touch (Lesson XXXI). The hair and nails are peculiar forms of the epi- dermis. The former is composed of horny scales and cells, closely packed together. The root of a hair, together with the root-sheath in which it is imbedded, may be seen when a hair is pulled out Nails grow, like hair,* by the constant addition of cells from beneath and behind, which take the place of portions worn away or cut off. The secretion of the skin consists of two differ- ent fluids, one oily, the other watery. The oily one is secreted mostly in the scalp and the face, where the skin is largely supplied with hair. The other is called perspiration or sweat, the two terms being habitually taken synonymously, although there is this difference between them : perspiration SECRETION OF THE SKIN. 53 is an insensible excretion, which evaporates on the skin ; sweat is a sensible secretion, composed of the same fluid as the other, but appearing on the skin in the form of drops. The passage of these fluids is effected by a multitude of fine canals or pores (Fig. 11) in the skin. Per- fect health requires clean- liness, so that the activity of the pores shall not be impeded. The quantity of water lost by transpiration de- pends, like all evaporation in the open air, upon the temperature, the satura- tion and the stillness of the atmosphere. In hot weather the quantity of excretion from the skin is greater than in cold. When the atmosphere is fully saturated with watery vapor, perspiration does not evaporate ; and the consequence is an almost insufferable sensation of heat. The same holds true when, owing to the ab- sence of currents of air, the watery vapors of per- spiration remain around the person instead of being constantly displaced by fresh, that is, less satu- rated air. Epidermis. feg Dermis. Glands for the Hair. Perspiration Glands. Hair. FIG. n. Sectional View of the Human Skin, Highly Magnified. Read Hf nitrogen. 100 volumes contain about 50 volumes of these gases collectively. REVIEW. 71 19. The following are four uses of the blood : (1) It feeds the different parts of the body, which depend upon it for their mainten- ance. (2) It provides the entire body with warmth and moisture. (3) It carries oxygen to the tissues which need this gas. (4) It gathers refuse matter throughout the body, and conveys it where it may be discharged. LESSON xv. 20. Organisms of every kind need a fluid which circulates through the body and nourishes all the parts of the body. 21. The human heart is a small, hollow muscle, with involuntary action consisting of alternate con- traction and dilatation. 22. Arteries are vessels conveying the blood from the heart ; veins are vessels conveying the blood to the heart. , 23. The force which propels the blood through the body lies in the substance of the heart. Its assistants in this are : 1st, the elastic walls of the arteries ; 2d, the muscular pressure upon some of the veins ; 3d, the contraction and expansion of the chest in breathing. 72 FIRST LESSONS IN PHYSIOLOGY. 24. The right side of the heart is entirely separ- ated from the left side. Each is subdivided into an auricle and ventricle. The heart contains two auri- cles and two ventricles. 25. Each auricle communicates with its ventricle below by means of an aperture provided with a valve. 26. The circulation of the blood takes place in the following manner : The blood leaves the right auri- cle of the heart and enters the right ventricle ; thence it flows through an artery to the lungs ; from the lungs it passes through several veins to the left auricle, whence it is impelled into the left ventricle. It then rushes into the aorta, and is forced through every portion of the body ; it finally returns through veins to the right auricle, whence we supposed it to start. LESSON xvi. 27. A pulsation of the heart consists (1) Of a contraction of the auricles ; (2) Of a contraction of the ventricles ; (3) Of a pause. 28. The contraction of either auricle or ventricle is called its systole ; the pause during the dilatation of either is called the diastole of the heart. 29. During the auricular systole the blood rushes from the auricles into the ventricles. BE VIEW. 73 30. During the ventricular systole the blood is forced into the arterial systems of the body and lungs. 31. The contraction of the arteries has two effects in opposite directions : 1st, the closure of the auri- culo- ventricular valves; 2d, the propulsion of blood from the larger to the smaller arteries. 32. The general effect of the ventricular systole is the propulsion of blood through the arteries into the capillaries, and back through the veins to the heart. 33. The pulse is the expansion of the artery, caused by the passage of a wave of blood at every ventri- cular systole. 34. The sounds of the heart are two : a long sound and a short one ; they are succeeded by a rest. 35. The capillaries are pulseless. 36. The chief uses of arteries are : 1st, to convey the blood to the system ; 2d, to produce a uniform motion of the blood. 37. Whenever the flow in the veins of a limb is checked, the branch-vessels and the valves of the veins prevent the interruption of the circulation. 74 FIRST LESSONS IN PHYSIOLOGY LESSON XVIII. THE LUNGS. The blood nourishes' the different parts of the body (Lesson XIV), and at the same time removes effete matter that is, all such particles as have served their function in the body. This gives rise to two distinct kinds of blood, the arterial or nutri- ent, and the venous, the carrier of waste matter. The most important difference between the two is, that venous blood contains less oxygen and more car- bonic acid gas than arterial. The latter is of a scarlet color, but on passing through the capillaries of the body it is converted into venous blood, at the same time becoming darker. The venous blood passes from the heart to the lungs, where it is con- verted into arterial blood by the absorption of oxygen gas. This conversion is mainly effected by the peculiar structure of the lungs ; it is aided by the acts of inspiration and expiration, as well as by other processes. The conversion takes place during the passage of venous blood through the capilla- ries of the lungs (Fig. 21). The lungs occupy the greater portion of the chest ; they are situated on both sides of the heart (Fig. 18). They receive air through the trachea and the larynx ; these communicate with the external air by two channels, the mouth and the nasal tubes. The THE LUNGS. 75 mouth can be opened or closed at will ; the nasal passages are not subject to the will. The left lung consists of two separate portions, called lobes; the right lung has three lobes (See Fig. 18). Each lung is composed of a spongy^ elastic substance, and is often compared to a bag. Each is attached to one of the two bronchi (Fig. 19, c). These bron- chi, or bronchial tubes, after entering the lungs, Fig.18. vc' a' 6 ff vc' Lungs, Trachea and Heart, a Aorta. a y Arteries. b Trachea. vc Veins, entering 2. 2 Right Auricle. 3 Left Ventricle, with Left Auricle above. 4 Right Ventricle. Pulm. Art. and Pulm. Veins (pa and/z/, Fig. 15) visible. Trachea, Bronchial Tubes and Left Lung, a Larynx. b Trachea. c Right Bronchus. d Small Bronchial Tubes. e Minute Bronchial Tubes (4*0 in. diameter). 76 FIKST LESSONS IN PHYSIOLOGY. divide and subdivide into a great number of smaller and smaller tubes (d\ which penetrate to every part of the lungs. The trachea and bronchial tubes, owing to their cartilages, are unyielding, so as to remain permanently open ; the finer tubes (e\ about fa of an inch in diameter, have no cartilages ; there- fore, they may be closed by contraction. The minute portion of a lobe is called a lobule; a lobule is a little lung of itself. Each minute bronchial tube passes into a lobule. After entering the lobule, the small bronchial tube divides still further into smaller branches (Fig. 20), whose walls at length become exceedingly thin. Each such minute branch widens at its end into an air-cell. An air-cell therefore is a minute cavity of about ^ of an inch in diameter (Fig. 21). The air-cells are ar- ranged singly, or in groups so that a series of cells open into the same bronchial tube. The lungs are made Fig. 20. Bronchial Tubes, with up of air-cells. Each air- cell Air-Ceils (magnified 15 times). carrieg a network of Capil- laries that is, of minute blood vessels (of about nfo-G inch diameter) ; this network is so dense that its open spaces, or meshes, are even narrower than the capillaries themselves. Between the air in the cells, then, and the blood in the capillaries are but THE LUNGS. 77 two delicate membranes, that of the cells and that of the capillaries The purpose of this network of capillaries is to thor- oughly expose the blood to the action of the air. This is accomplished, 1st, by spreading the blood over a large surface; 2d, spreading it in thin Fia.21 300 Fig. 21. Air-Ceil, with Capillaries. streams ; 3d, protecting it by merely a very delicate cover. The renewal of the blood in these capillaries is a result of the circulation ; the renewal of the air in the cells is the result of respiration. The number of respirations is from fifteen to eighteen a minute, and varies slightly, according to the age of life. Venous Hood absorbs oxygen in the lungs through the membranes separating it from the air, while at the came time it parts with carbonic acid gas and water vapor. This influx of oxygen into, and efflux of car- bonic acid gas and water-vapor out of, the blood form the most important part of the respiratory process. 78 FIRST LESSONS IK PHYSIOLOGY. They purify the blood in changing it from venous into arterial, the means of purification being the peculiarly delicate membranes mentioned above. (See also page 80.) But the action of the mem- branes alone would suffice only for a short time, since the carbonic acid gas accumulates very rapidly, and in large quantity, and also because oxygen is needed all over the system at every in- stant of time. Hence, we need a rapid removal of the carbonic, acid gas from the lungs, and at the same time an incessant importation of fresh oxygen. We find that the clearing away of the one and the supply of the other, are accomplished incessantly by the act of inspiration and expiration. The most powerful aids in this process are the elasticity of the lungs, the mobility of the sides of the chest, and the mobility of the diaphragm. The diaphragm is a strong muscle separating the chest from the abdo- men, thus forming the floor of the chest. Its special business is to assist respiration. To avoid chilling the lungs, cold air should be inspired through the nasal passages, not through the mouth. Bead Consumption. Dr. C. Both. Lee & Shephard, New York. Bead Science Lectures. First Series. Heywood, Manchester. RESPIRATION. 79 LESSON XIX. RESPIRATION. The inspiration of air into the lungs is effected in this way : The lungs are in close contact with the inner side of the chest walls ; the lower portion of the lungs is in close contact with the diaphragm. It is evident that whenever the chest walls move the lungs must also move, and vice versa. So, when the chest expands the lungs expand ; or, more properly speaking, they are enlarged by a quantity of air which rushes through the larynx, trachea and bronchi, to fill the lungs (compare First Lessons in Physics, Lesson XIX, p. 71). In expiration the chest walls contract ; the lungs contract likewise that is, a quantity of air is ejected from the lungs and forced to pass through the bronchi, trachea and larynx, this being the only communication between the lungs and the external air. The act of expiration is followed by a short rest. The widening of the chest during inspiration is owing to the motion of the ribs ; the lengthening of the chest during inspiration, to the descent of the diaphragm. In ordinary inspiration both chest and lungs return to the state of rest by their elasticity. Ordinary inspiration is nearly exclusively effected 80 FIEST LESSONS IN PHYSIOLOGY. by the mobility of the diaphragm and the ribs. In very deep inspiration, the dimensions of the chest are increased still further by the ascent of the clavi- cle and the stretching of the vertebral column. The rhythm observable in the respiratory process is inspiration, expiration, pause ; that of the heart being, in a similar manner, auricular systole, ven- tricular systole, pause. Inspired and expired air differ from each other chiefly in the following points : (1.) Expired air has nearly the same temperature as the blood, whatever may be the temperature oi the external air. (2.) Expired air is always filled with water-vapor. (3.) Expired air always contains more carbonic acid gas and less oxygen than inspired air. One hundred parts of air breathed once have lost about five parts of oxygen, and gained a little less than five parts of carbonic acid. This is shown by the following statement : Oxygen. Nitrogen. Carb. Acid. loooo parts of atmosperic air contain 2080 7916 4 I oooo parts of expired air contain (nearly) 1600 7916 484 The absorption of oxygen by the venous blood in the lungs is accomplished by the red blood corpuscles. Although separated from the oxygen by the thin walls of the air-cells, they seize upon the oxygen, attach themselves to it, and make it accompany them on their journey through the system. The RESPIRATION. 81 activity of the oxygen is thus highly increased, and causes very important chemical changes in the body as it unites with the carbon particles in the blood, gradually changing them into carbonic acid. This gas remains dissolved in the blood, giving the latter its dark-red color ; but upon arriving in the lungs it is liberated, passes out as the oxygen passes in, and is removed by expiration. Ventilation. Since about four hundred cubic feet of air pass through the lungs of an adult in twenty- four hours, a constant supply of oxygen that is, of fresh air is one of the most essential require- ments of health. And since carbonic acid gas is unfit for respiration, it follows that every inhabited room should have an open space to admit fresh air, and an open space to convey away the waste pro- ducts of respiration ; both spaces must directly or indirectly communicate with the atmosphere. But the presence of a surplus of carbonic acid is less in- jurious than the absence of the normal amount of oxygen. A person living in badly ventilated apart- ments vitiates his blood, predisposes his system to disease, and thus virtually shortens his life. A total lack of air would result in speedy death. Coughing is a quick and forcible expiration or series of expirations; the glottis is closed, and a current of air is violently forced through it into the mouth. This causes the well-known sound accom- panying coughing. 6 82 FIRST LESSONS IN PHYSIOLOGY. Sneezing is the same process, but with the cavity of the mouth closed, the forcibly ejected air passing through the nose. Sighing consists of a slow, deep inspiration, fol- lowed by quick and short expiration. Laughing is a rapid succession of short and forci- ble expirations, each accompanied by a ringing sound. Sobbing is a series of abrupt, inspiratory acts, mostly produced by strong contractions of the dia- phragm, and accompanied by sounding vibrations of the vocal chords. Snoring results from the current of expired air striking against the soft palate, and causing it to vibrate. Respiration by means of the skin. Through the skin of the body oxygen of the air enters, and passes to the blood ; and carbonic acid gas and water- vapor emerge through the skin from the body. The quantity of water-vapor perspired in twenty- four hours amounts to about II pounds. (Compare page 69.) The proper supply of oxygen forms one of the three most important requirements for health. (For the remainig two see pp. 70 and 88.) RESPIRATION. 83 THE LUNGS AND THE HEART COMPARED Three points in common : 1. Both operate by expansion and contraction. 2. Both are involuntary organs ; that is, on ordi- nary occasion they act independently of the will. 3. Both are indispensable to the maintenance of life. Three points of difference : 1. The lungs contain air; the heart contains blood. 2. The lungs contain bronchial tubes, air-cells and blood-vessels ; the heart has two parts, called the right and the left side, each part being again divided into auricle and ventricle. 3. The lungs purify the blood ; the heart propels the blood through the body, Bead Cough and Colds. Kurd & Houghton, New York. Bead Ventilation. Popular Science Monthly, VoL I, p. 356. 84 FIEST LESSONS IN PHYSIOLOGY. LESSON XX. REVIEW. LESSON xviii. 1. There are two kinds of blood, the arterial and venous. The main difference between them is, that the latter contains less oxygen but more carbonic acid gas than the former. 2. Venous blood passes from the system to the heart, and from the heart to the lungs ; arterial, from the lungs to the heart, and from the heart to the system. 3. The lungs consist of (1) the left lung, and (2) the right lung. The former has two and the latter three lobes. 4. Each lung is attached to a bronchus, each of which is again subdivided into a great number of smaller branches, called bronchial tubes. 5. An air-cell is a cavity or the dilated end of a minute bronchial tube, and about 4^ of an inch in diameter. The lungs are made up of air-cells. 6. The capillaries in the lungs serve to expose the blood to the action of the air. This is done by (1) spreading it over a large surface, (2) spreading it in thin streams, (3) protecting it by merely a delicate cover. 7. The renewal of the blood in these capillaries is a result of the circulation ; the renewal of the air in the cells is the result of respiration. REVIEW. 85 8. The influx of oxygen into, and the efflux of carbonic acid gas and water- vapor out of, the blood form the most important part of respiration. 9 The act of inspiration supplies' the lungs with fresh oxygen ; that of -expiration removes carbonic acid gas and water vapor from thetaa. LESSON xix. 1 0. In inspiration a quantity of air rushes through the larynx, trachea and bronchi, and passes into the lungs, expanding and filling them. 11. In expiration a quantity of air is ejected from the lungs by means of compression, and passes through the bronchi, trachea and larynx into the external air. 12. The rhythm observable in the respiratory pro- cess is inspiration, expiration, pause. 13. Inspired and expired air compared : (1.) Expired air has nearly the same tempera- ture as the blood, whatever be the tempera- ture of the external air. (2.) Expired air is always filled with water- vapor. (3.) Expired air always contains more carbonic acid gas and less oxygen than inspired air. 14. Coughing is a quick and forcible expiration, or series of expirations. Sneezing is the same process with the mouth closed Sighing is a slow, deep inspiration followed by a quick and short expiration 86 FIRST LESSON'S IN PHYSIOLOGY. Laughing is a rapid succession of short and forcible expirations, each accompanied by " a ringing sound. Sobbing is a series of abrupt, inspiratory acts.s Snoring results from the current of expired air striking against the soft palate, causing it to vibrate. 15. The proper supply of oxygen forms one of the three most important requirements for health. (For the other two compare pp. 55, 88.) 16. The lungs and the heart compared. Three points in common : (1.) Both operate by expansion and contrac- tion. (2.) Both are involuntary organs ; that is, on ordinary occasion they act independently of the will. (3.) Both are indispensable to the mainten- ance of life. Three points of difference : (1.) The lungs contain air ; the heart contains blood. (2.) The lungs contain bronchial tubes, air- cells and blood-vessels ; the heart has two parts, called the right and left side, each part being again divided into auri- cle and ventricle. (3.) The lungs purify the blood; the heart propels the blood through the body. RELATION OF AIR 'TO THE BODY. 874 gf LESSON XXI. ( AIR, AND ITS RELATION TO THE HUMAN BODY. I. Wherever man sojourns, whether within doors or out, whether below, above, or at the surface of the earth, he requires, night and day, an incessant sup- ply of air, which he mainly uses for food, and as a means of cooling the body. (Our atmospheric air is a mixture of two gases nitrogen and oxygen ; only the latter is available for food ; nitrogen is not utilized for the purpose by the blood. Oxygen forms one-fifth of any given volume of the atmosphere ; nitrogen, the remaining four-fifths.) This Lesson treats of air as a means of cooling the body. The human body, in order to properly carry on the functions of life, requires a constant internal tem- perature, which, in summer and winter, must be the same. Experiments have shown this temperature to be between 98 and 100 F. ; and, as it does not vary under ordinary circumstances, this vital or ani- mal heat, as it is called, must be generated in and distributed through the interior of the body at every instant of time. In severe cold weather the temper- ature of the air may be so low that one's ears or finger-ends may be cooled a few degrees be- low 98, or even congeal ; but the temperature of 88 FIRST LESSONS IN PHYSIOLOGY. the interior organs and of the blood remains un- changed. Should the cold be very intense, however, and affect the body continuously, then the tempera- ture of the blood will be reduced, and the conse- quences be fatal. A decrease of five degrees below the normal standard of temperature will cause the vital processes to cease. An increase in the temperature of the blood is always associated with a diseased state of the body, and, if not overcome, in course of time will prove fatal. Such an increase occurs in typhoid fever, often to the extent of eight degrees F. A temperature not varying more than one degree from 99 F., whatever be the temperature of the surrounding air, is one of the three most important requirements for health. It is obvious that the maintenance of the standard temperature of the body must be one of our main cares. Heat may be lost I, by conduction; II, bj radiation; and III, by evaporation. I. LOSS OF HEAT BY CONDUCTION. 10. EXPERIMENT. The end of a wire held in a flame has a higher temperature than its nearest part out- side the flame, while the end of the wire which is held in the hand is comparatively cool. We say now that the wire is unequally hot ; and because of this inequality of temperature, the heat commences to pass from the hotter to the colder portions of the wire, so that, finally, the hand can no longer hold it. RELATION OF AIR TO THE BODY. 89 In the same manner the human body transfers heat to any substance in contact with it and colder than itself, such as air, water or clothing. The passage of heat from hotter to colder portions of a body, or from hotter to colder adjacent bodies, is called the conduction of heat. If, by way of experiment, we were to step from a heated room suddenly into an apartment whose temperature was 32 F., a great deal of heat would be conducted away from the body, and the loss would at once be seriously felt ; but were we, in a heated state, to plunge into ice-cold water, the loss of heat would be far greater that is, the water would take more heat from the body than the air, and we should be chilled instantaneously. This shows that water is a better conductor of heat than air (compare First Lessons in Physics, pp. 94, 95). It also explains why we take cold more easily in moist and cold weather than in dry and cold. II. LOSS OF HEAT BY RADIATION. Familiar Facts. On a bright and calm day in winter we feel the sun's rays to be quite warm, although the water on the ground be freezing, and the ice be dry and hard. The thermometer indicates a temperature below the freezing point, but when the direct rays of the sun fall on it, it rises at once, indicating a far higher temperature. This shows that the sun's rays pass through the air without heating it, but that they heat any object, such as a solid body, which stops them. This passage of heat-rays from one body to an- 90 FIRST LESSONS IN PHYSIOLOGY. other without affecting the air through which they pass is called the radiation of heat. It differs from conduction, inasmuch as the radiating body is not in contact with the body heated, while conduction means the passage of heat from hotter to colder parts of the same substance, or of adjacent bodies. On a cold day, if a person is seated by a window in a warm room, his loss of heat by radiation is only partial, and, therefore, more dangerous than- an equal radiation from all parts of his body, such as takes place when he is walking out of doors. A partial radiation may produce a cold, and, if continued, en- tail serious injuries upon the system. As the human body heats the air around it by conduction, and as warm air has less specific weight than cold air, currents of warmed air continuously ascend along the body. These currents are interfered with by the atmosphere, which constantly pene- trates to the body, becomes heated at its expense, and thus exerts a cooling influence upon it. Hence, we feel colder when windy weather sets in, although the thermometer shows no reduction of temperature, All bodies continually tend to equalize their tempera- tures by the diffusion of heat. This diffusion takes place Try conduction and radiation. III. LOSS OF HEAT BY EVAPORATION. Familiar Facts. A few drops of alcohol or ether, placed upon the bulb of a thermometer, will rapidly evaporate ; this causes an immediate reduc- tion of temperature, which is indicated by the ther- mometer. So, snow and ice, when melting on the RELATION OF AIR TO THE BODY. 91 ground and evaporating, reduce the temperature of the air. Any substance in passing from a denser to a rarer state absorbs heat; this Tieat is taken from the adja- cent body, which is thereby chilled. This explains the loss of heat by evaporation. The injurious effects of 'wet feet,' and of gar- ments moistened from rain, or from having been worn next to the skin too long, are due to the cold produced by evaporation, and also to the greater conductive power of water. The skin must be kept warm, and free from moisture ; garments worn next to the skin should be frequently changed. A per- son who, with his body heated from exertion or rapid motion, and perspiring copiously, should en- ter a colder atmosphere, or be exposed to a draught, would lose an enormous quantity of heat, both by conduction and radiation. Diseases resulting from 4 colds ' are among the most painful and dangerous. The process of ' cool- ing off' should at all times be carried on slowly and gradually. 92 FIRST LESSORS IN PHYSIOLOGY. LESSON XXII. AIR, AND ITS RELATION TO THE HUMAN BODY. II, The normal temperature of the body should be maintained at all times, whether the temperature of the atmosphere be low or not. This is effected (1) by clothing, (2) by the bed, (3) by buildings. 1 Clothing. Our garments act like so many arti- ficial skins, and thereby protect the skin from the injury which would result to it were it left exposed to the changing habits of our climate. They lose heat in place of the skin; they sustain intense cold or heat, rain and storm, in order that the deli- cate vessel of the skin may not be contracted by cold or expanded by heat, and its nerves not be shocked. But it is not desirable to shut out the .atmosphere altogether from the body, else we might wear a tight-fitting India-rubber suit, or one of kid-leather. In either of these the exhalation of the skin (Lesson XIII) would be impeded, which would be followed by dangerous consequences. Besides, close-fitting garments are productive of cold, because they do not envelop a sufficient quan- tity of air ; this may be well shown by wearing kid gloves in a cold atmosphere. India-rubber offers excellent shelter from storm and moisture, but it must not form an habitual garment, because it is RELATION OF AIR TO THE BODY. 93 impervious to air. Flannel permits a hundred times as much air to pass through its tissue as fine leather yet it is very much warmer than either leather or India-rubber. The body heats the air around it ; the air thus heated heats the garments, which should retain most of this heated air. The first purpose of cloth- ing, therefore, physiologically considered, must be to retard the outward diffusion of heat, by radiation and conduction, from the body. Kadiation, however, may be prevented by a single cover. This is the case with the earth. In clear nights the earth radiates its heat out into space ; this radiation produces a low temperature on its surface, which, under the tropics, becomes fatal to travelers sleeping out of doors. In cloudy nights, however, the clouds act as a screen ; the heat radi- ated from the earth is, in great part, reflected back to it. If in our latitudes we wore a single garment, though protecting us from the effects of radia- tion, it would be powerless against losses by con- duction. The outer, colder, air would constantly traverse it, cool the layer of heated air around the body, strike the skin and there warm itself at the expense of the delicate nerves and vessels of the skin. The second purpose of clothing, therefore, must be to retard the inward motion of currents of outer, colder air. 94 FIRST LESSONS IN PHYSIOLOGY. Prom the preceding it is obvious that a regular succession of garments is necessary ; that they, as well as the air which they contain within their meshes, grow colder as their distance from the body increases ; and that garments generally (more espe- cially the outside garments, as an overcoat,) carry on upon their surface the equalization of temperature between the outer, colder, air and the heated atmos- phere within, in order that it may not take place on the surface of the skin. As the garments worn next to the skin are con- stantly moistened by perspiration, their water- absorbing qualities should be consulted. And since moist fabrics are better conductors of heat than dry ones, such garments must be frequently changed. Linen is a rapid absorbent of moisture. As the moisture absorbed readily evaporates, and thereby produces cold, and as linen is also a good con- ductor of heat, it is a favorite article of clothing in summer ; but it should never be worn next to the skin. Cotton neither absorbs as much moisture, nor con- ducts heat as well, as linen. It is, therefore, warmer, although much cooler, than either wool or silk. Woollen is a great absorbent, which does not give up its moisture so readily as the preceding fabrics. This property makes it very valuable. It is a bad conductor on account of the great quantity of air contained within its meshes. It also possesses RELATION OF AIK TO THE BODY. 95 ft " *> the**jjroperty of condensing water- vapor within its tissu^, and thus produces warmth. This explains why fresh flannel, put on after great exertion, feels so warm. It should at all times be worn next to the skin. 2. The led. This is the sleeping apparel during nearly one-half of our life, and as important as cloth- ing. It is made of material similar to that of gar- ments, and serves the same purpose. But it must be made much warmer than our clothing, because (1) the body develops less heat during sleep, and must yet be maintained at its standard tempera- ture ; (2) the body, when not lying down, is heated by currents of heated air ascending from the feet to the neck, while when stretched out horizontally the body is not so heated, for these currents then ascend perpendicularly from the body. 3. Buildings. Dwelling houses serve the same purposes as clothing, which they also resemble in this, that, as a rule, they are built of badly conduct- ing material. Like clothing, the walls of buildings should always be permeable to air. As long as they are in good condition they are easily penetrated by atmospheric currents. This is evident, for we know that wood, brick and stone are more or less porous, and that they readily absorb water ; now, wherever water can penetrate, air, being so much lighter, can enter in hundredfold quantities ; the fact that we never feel air pass through walls means nothing, 06 FIRST LESSONS IN PHYSIOLOGY. since currents of air moving at a rate less than about 20 inches a second are not felt by the nerves. Moist walls are unhealthy for the same reasons as those applying to moist garments : (1) the stop- page of ventilation, the pores of the walls being taken up by water to the exclusion of air ; (2) the cold-producing effects, owing to increased radiation and conduction to heat the water ; (3) the cold gen- erated by the evaporation of the moisture. Large quantities of water are contained in the mortar of the walls in newly-erected buildings. Most of this water must be first removed before the dwelling is fit to be inhabited. It is removed best by giving it sufficient time to evaporate, and pro- moting the evaporation by means of artificial heat and by removing the vapor by ventilation. Pure air is essential to health. Atmospheric air depends for its purity on being washed by rain and dew. It is heated and dried by the sun ; fed with oxygen by plants, and by them also freed of carbonic acid gas. Impure air may result from (1) the want of sunlight ; (2) the want of cleanliness in the household : (3) the absence of efficient venti- lation ; (4) the presence of dust, smoke or decay- ing matter. It is very dangerous to the lungs, and although its pernicious effects upon the health are generally slow, they are nevertheless sure. Ventilation and draught may now be better un- derstood. Ventilation is the imperceptible efflux of air and the simultaneous imperceptible in- RELATION OF AIR TO THE BODY. 97 flux of atmospheric air. It depends (1) Upon the difference of temperature between in-doors and out. Thus, in severe cold weather, a room, to be well- ven- tilated, must be heated. (2) The quantity of motion of the atmospheric air. Strong currents of air, as winds or storms, greatly facilitate ventilation. (3) The size of the orifices through which the air is expected to pass. When No. (1) fails, as e. g., in summer, we use No. (3) mostly that is, we open doors and windows. Draught is a perceptible current of colder air striking, and consequently cooling, only a portion of the body. Bead The Bazar Book of Health (The Dwelling, &c). Harpers. Disease Germs. L. S. Beale. Lindsay & Blakiston, Phila. Thermic Fever, or Sunstroke. Lippincott, Phila. LESSON XXIII. RE VIE W. LESSON xxi. 1. The human body, in order to properly carry on the functions of life, requires a constant internal temperature. 2. A reduction or increase of the standard tem- perature may, if continued, prove fatal to life. 3. A constant temperature of very nearly 100 F., whatever be the temperature of the surrounding air, is one of the three most important requirements of health. (For the other two see Lessons XIY and XIX.) 4. This temperature is maintained by interior functions of the body. 5. All bodies continually tend to equalize their temperatures by the diffusion of heat. This diffu- sion takes place by conduction and radiation. 6. A substance passing from a denser to a rarer state absorbs heat ; this heat is taken from the ad- jacent body, which is thereby chilled. REVIEW. 99 7. The human body, as is seen from 5 and 6, loses heat in three ways : (1) byconduction, (2) by radia- tion, (3) by evaporation. LESSON xxii. 8. The heat of the body is retained by clothing, the bed and buildings. 9. Clothing protects the delicate vessels and nerves of the skin from the effects of intense cold or heat. They should include and contain air, be- cause air is a bad conductor of either heat or cold. 10. Clothing (1) retards the outward diffusion of heat (by radiation and conduction) from the body ; (2) it retards the inward motion of currents of outer colder air. 11. The bed must be warmer than one's garments, because (1) the body develops less heat during sleep, and must yet maintain its standard tempera- ture ; (2) the body, when in a horizontal position, is not heated by currents of heated air ascending along it. 12. The walls of buildings should be permeable to air, the same as clothing. 13. Moist walls are pernicious to health, because (1) of the stoppage of ventilation, the pores of the walls being taken up by water to the exclusion of air ; (2) of the cold-producing effects, owing to in- 100 FIRST LESSONS IN PHYSIOLOGY. creased radiation and conduction to heat the water ; (3) of the cold generated by the evaporation of the moisture. 14. The moisture in the walls of newly-erected buildings is best removed by giving it sufficient time to evaporate, by promoting its evaporation by means of artificial heat, and by removing the water-vapor by ventilation. 15. Pure air is essential to health. Our atmos- phere is washed by rain and dew. It is heated and dried by the. sun ; it is fed with oxygen by plants, and freed by them of carbonic acid gas. 16. Impure air may result (1) from the want of sunlight ; (2) the want of cleanliness in the house- hold; (3) the absence of efficient ventilation; (4) the presence of dust, smoke, or decaying matter. 17. Ventilation is the imperceptible efflux of im- pure air, and the simultaneous imperceptible influx of atmospheric air. 18. Draught is a perceptible current of colder air striking only a portion of the body. FOOD. 101 LESSON XXIV. FOOD. 11. EXPERIMENT. Hydrogen gas may be liberated from muriatic acid poured over a few small pieces of tin in a test-tube. The gas is recognized by its burning with a pale, bluish flame. By connecting the mouth of the test tube with a suitable tube, the gas may be conducted into a tumbler filled with and inverted over water. 12. EXPERIMENT. Oxygen gas may be liberated from an ounce of pul- verized potassium-chlorate mixed with a like quantity of manganese di-oxide, by placing the mixture in a test-tube and applying heat. It may be recog- nized by its rekindling a glowing taper ; like hydrogen, it is easily caught in an inverted tumbler. 13. EXPERIMENT. Nitrogen gas maybe obtained from common air by burning a short piece of candle, fastened on a fragment of board so as to float on water, and inverting a glass jar over the candle. The light will be extinguished, some water will rise into the jar, and nearly all the re- maining gas will be nitrogen. Carbon may be represented by a piece of coke or charcoal. Hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen three gases and carbon a solid are the principal elementary sub- stances which, when combined with each other, form the materials composing the human body. The functions of the human system cause a waste of tissues. This waste must be repaired or the in- dividual will die..' Since the human body is com posed of combinations of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen, it must be repaired by a supply of aliments containing these materials. When an or- 102 FIRST LESSONS IN PHYSIOLOGY. ganism is deprived of proper food it commences to feed upon itself. Waste of tissue arises from the incessant work which, the body performs, consisting of mechanical motion, as when a person is walking or a blacksmith strikes a piece of iron on the anvil ; or of vital func- tions, such as breathing and digesting ; or of men- tal processes, as when one is thinking or studying. All such work diminishes the weight of the organ- ism ; and if the labor were continued without food being taken to repair the waste, the result would be death. For a further illustration, suppose that a man who has been carefully weighed, be placed in a glass-house containing cold and dry atmospheric air, and told to walk up and down in it for an hour without interruption. At the end of that hour, if he be weighed again, he will be found to have lost in weight. This loss is balanced by the amount of work he has done, viz. : 1. The mechanical labor in lifting and moving the weight of his body at every step. 2. The rise in temperature, indicated by a ther- mometer hung up inside of the glass-house, which shows that he has heated the air around him. 3. The moisture on the inner sides of the glass, due to expiration. 4. Carbonic acid gas, also due to expiration, the presence of which is shown by a white film of carbonate of lime on the limewater in a vessel placed on the floor of the glass-house. Food, generally speaking, is any substance adapt- ed to supply the body .with material that re- news lost tissue or supports some process of life. FOOD. 103 It is divided into organic and inorganic materials. Organic food comprises (1) nitrogenous substances, such as meat, milk, or white of an egg ; (2) fats, such as butter or lard; (3) compounds of carbon and hydrogen, such as starch or sugar. The last two classes, when pure, contain no nitrogen. Inorganic food comprises water, the most important article of food, and alkalies, such as salt and phosphates. No single class is generally considered sufficient ; all of them are necessary to make food nutritive and convenient ; a man feeding entirely upon bread and sugar may ultimately be starved as surely as one whose diet is composed solely of meat, or of mineral water. Intuitively, we eat bread and meat, or bread and cheese, bacon and beans, stuffing and fowl. Persons who live largely on meat prefer it fat ; those who feed mostly on vegetables consume a great deal of milk, because milk contains the three classes of organic food, as well as inorganic materials. Oxygen is an article of food, as it serves to main- tain important vital functions. It is the only article of food which enters the system as a simple or elementary body ; all the others are compounds. Digestibility of Food. A substance may be highly nutritious, but if its consistency is so great that it is insoluble in the digestive fluids, it is use- less as nourishment. This is the case with bones and cartilages. Tasteless substances, such as com- mon oil, do not digest, because they fail to pro- duce secretion of saliva, an essential element in the preparation of food. Many articles of food are ren- 104 FIRST LESSONS IN PHYSIOLOGY. dered nutritious by condiments, which, without these, might not even have been palatable. Tea, coffee and juices must be regarded as great helpers to nutrition; so also a frequent change of, and variety in, our bill of fare. Irregularity in diet is a frequent cause of disease. Next to it, perhaps, stands the want of the proper preparation of food by cooking. The purpose of cooking is : (1) to soften the food ; (2) to give it an agreeable flavor. Beans, grains and many kinds of fruit can not be digested in a raw state. Hunger and Thirst. The man whom we sup- posed to take exercise in a glass-house would dwin- dle to nothing in due course of time unless he took food to repair his waste. The imperious sen- sations which remind us forcibly of the want of solid and liquid aliment are hunger and thirst. To satisfy the former, the body must be supplied with solid food ; to satisfy the latter, with water in some shape or other. Solid Food. Over the whole world beef is justly considered the most nutritious kind of flesh. Its flavor is fuller and more attractive than that of other meats, and, as it has a denser structure, the volume of beef re- quired for a meal need not be as large as that of other kinds of flesh. Veal is inferior to beef, as it is more difficult to digest. Mutton, although a lighter food than beef, is more suited to persons who take little exer- cise. Pork is less nourishing than either beef or mutton. It is commonly believed to be less digestible, and scientists have found that it requires more time for digestion. Ham is more nearly like beef, as it contains less fat than the other parts of the pig. Pork is known to be more frequently diseased than other meats. Its use is most extensive in new coun- tries on account of the facility in raising pigs, in preserving the meat, and also on account of the difficulty in having a sufficient demand in thinly- settled districts for a freshly-slaughtered ox or sheep. Fish should never FOOD. 105 take the place of beef permanently, but rather play the part of an agreeable companion to, or variety of, other animal food. The nutritive qualities of red-blood fish, as the salmon, are nearly as great as those of any other red- blood flesh, while white fish is less nutritive. Butter depends for its flavor very much upon the food of the animal from which it is derived. As lean meat serves principally to produce and maintain the structures of the body, the fats and they include butter mainly generate by their oxidation the heat required for the vital processes. Wheaten flour and bread are "the most important vegetable production of temperate climates that upon which the life of man in these regions mainly depends. Its importance rests upon several properties, by which it is acceptable and good food for all ages and classes of the people. It is produced abundantly and cheaply ; is easily ground and refined ; is readily and thoroughly cooked ; has a mild flavor which is universally agreeable, and contains nearly all the essential elements of nutrition. It is preferable to any of the other great vegetable products on which men chiefly live, since it is a far more agreeable food than maize, and a more nutritious food than rice. It is probable that the health and mental and bodily vigor of the inhabitants of temperate climes are more attributable to this food than to any other single cause. " Potatoes can not be used alone, as they lack mineral elements ; about three pounds of potatoes are equivalent to one poiind of bread as regards nutritive contents. Liquid Food. Water is, of all foods, whether liquid, solid or gaseous, the most important. It forms about 87 per cent, of the human body. Lean beef contains nearly 72 per cent, of water, veal 63, mutton 72, fat pork 40, poultry 73, fish 75, wheaten bread 37, coffee and tea nearly 100. To be good to the taste it must contain, as it nearly always does, a small quantity of atmospheric air. Mineral matters in water render it hard ; for domestic purposes it is rendered soft by boiling, or by treatment with lime, soda or ammonia. Organic matter in water is harmless when existing in very minute quantities ; if otherwise, it is very injurious to the system and a frequent source of disease. Turbid water from wells is impure, while the turpidity of water from streams simply arising from sand or the soil is quite harmless. Water infected with organic matter, or offensive to the smell or taste, must be rejected. Milk contains all the nutritive elements, and is readily digestible. Tea is an infusion of the leaves of the tea-plant, of scarcely any nutritive quality, but highly valued as a means of exciting vital processes and stimulating respiration as well as perspiration. Coffee is probably as little nutritious as tea; like this, it stimulates respira- tion, but, unlike tea, it tends to make the skin dry. 10(5 FIRST LESSONS IN PHYSIOLOGY. LESSON XXV. DIGESTION. I. [Before studying this Lesson review "Teeth," Lesson III.] The food of plants requires no modification pre- vious to its being absorbed by the vegetable organ- ism. Plants feed principally on water, carbonic acid, ammonia and saline substances, all of which they find ready for their absorption. Man and ani- mals, however, derive their food principally from organic substances. They prepare it within their bodies before it is absorbed by the blood; and man, in addition, cooks his food. The changes wrought upon the food in the body may be divided into three parts : 1. Digestion, or the proper preparation of food in the alimentary canal (Lesson III), so as to fit it for absorption. 2. Assimilation, or the conversion of food into blood and tissue 3. Excretion, or the decomposition of food and its removal from the body. With the ex- ception of the lungs, which absorb oxygen, the ali- mentary canal is (generally) the only channel by which food can pass into the blood. The quantity of food dry, solid and nutritious daily introduced into the mouth of a man of aver- age size and activity is about 35 ounces, to whioh must be added about a pound of oxygen gas ab- sorbed by the lungs, making in all a little over DIGESTION. 107 three pounds. To this should be added the oxygen which, during insalivation, mingles with the food. Digestion commences immediately upon the pass- age of food into the mouth before entering the Fiy.22 stomach. Solid food must first be crushed by the action of the teeth, jaws and tongue. This part of di- gestion is called Mastication. While the structure of teeth be- longs to Lesson III, it may be inter- esting here to refer to the adapta- tion of the teeth in different classes Jaws of a Fish. of animals to the food upon which the animal sub- sists. Thus, in fish, the food is swallowed entire ; hence, the teeth have, as a rule, the form of sharp, curved spines (Fig. 22). Such teeth merely serve the purpose of retaining or holding the prey. The Fig.23. Skull of a Horse. horse has incisors in both jaws (Fig. 23), while her- bivorous animals of the ruminating order have their 108 FIBST LESSONS IN PHYSIOLOGY. incisors only in the lower jaw. These incisors merely serve to cut off the grass or herbs upon which the animal feeds. The process of mastication is performed entirely by the molars, the canines being either wanting or only imperfectly developed. Car- nivorous animals, such as the bear or dog, have in- cisors for dividing the food, canine teeth for attack- ing and retaining the prey, and molars for grinding (Fig. 24). In man the teeth are so selected as to combine the features of those of the herbivorous and the carnivorous animals, which distinctly points to the fact that his food should be composed both of animal and vegetable substances. The tongue has the- function of holding back the portion of aliment which is about to pass down not yet wholly crushed by the teeth; and any particles of food which have been pushed outside of the teeth are thrust back again under the teeth by the compres- sion of the lips and cheeks. The tongue also crushes soft substances against the palate. It is, at the same time, an organ invested with special mobility and acute sensibility, so as to pass judgment upon the qualities, situation and degree of trituration of the aliment in the mouth. The combined action of the teeth, tongue, lips and cheeks results in the breaking down of the food. The purpose of this is, that the food shall present a large surface to the dissolving action of the various fluids acting upon it. If large masses were to pass down unbroken by the teeth, they would scarcely be altered in the stomach, and, consequently, supply nutrition imperfectly. For DIGESTION. 109 Fig.24*. this and other reasons, rapid eating should be stu- diously avoided ; it frequently causes indigestion. Insalivation, the second part of digestion, takes place in the mouth. It is here that the masticated food thoroughly mixes with the saliva of the mouth, abundantly secreted from a number of salivary glands, and, at the same time, min- gles with air, which is contained in the bub- bles of the saliva. This liquid contains over 990 parts of water in 1000 parts of its weight. It changes a large portion of the starch, which the food may contain, into sugar. Deglutition, or the act of swallowing the third part of digestion takes place after the aliment, by means of mastication and insalivation, has been reduced to a minute pulp, and, transferred from the mouth through the oesophagus or gullet, to the stomach. This downward passage is effected by a successive contraction of the muscular parts around the oesophagus above the food, while they are lax below. Hence it is that a man can drink standing on his head ; and a horse with its head lower than its stomach. Food, while in the mouth, is controll- ed by the will, but deglutition is not. Skull of a Polar Bear. 110 F1KST LESSONS IN PHYSIOLOGY. LESSON XXVI. DIGESTION. II. Digestion in the Stomach is the fourth part of digestion. The stomach (Fig. 25, p. 114) is the continu- ation of the gullet, but it is much wider, and of differ- ent forms in different animals. It is a sort of bag of about one and a quarter square feet internal sur- face, with a capacity of five pints, and a weight of seven ounces, in the adult man. It has two open- ings one (a) to admit food, called Cardia, and which is always open ; the other (&), called Pylorus, which, during stomach digestion, is firmly closed so as to allow only the finest pulp to pass. On the outside the bag consists of a thin membrane, next to which is a muscular coat, forming the centre ; and of a mucous layer, which forms the inner lining of the substanc of the bag. The muscular coat is made up of involuntary muscles ; it is these which per- form the mechanical labor of kneading and rolling about the pulp. The food is pushed on along the great curvature of the stomach (on the left side of the body) to the right, and thence to the left along the lesser curvature. The continual rolling motion, together with the continual addition of gastric juice, finally reduces the food to a fine pulp of a consis- DIGESTION. Ill tency somewhat like that of a thick soup, which is called chyme. The stomach is not capadle of great muscular effort; hence, it can not crush, e. g. an entire grape. The violence of abdominal motion in vomiting is not due to the motion of the stomach alone, but to the co-operation of abdominal muscles. Chief functions of the stomach : (1) to mix all food into a pulp; (2) to dissolve the nitrogenous portion of the food by means of the gastric juice (see next Lesson). The conversion of starch into sugar, which takes place in the mouth, is in the stomach discontinued temporarily, but not sus- pended, as will be seen further on. (Regarding absorption in the stomach, see the next Lesson.) Conditions favorable to stomach digestion. The following are among the most important: 1. A tem- perature of 100 F., nearly. Any reduction, such as results from overdoses of water or ice cream, may lead to serious results. When a substance, instead of being digested in the stomach, is digested in the intestines, the time required is vastly greater. 2. Continual motion of the walls of the stomach to permeate the food with gastric juice. 3. The removal of such portions of the food as are thoroughly digested. This brings the remainder into better contact with the gastric fluid. 4. Perfect mastication and insalivation of the ali- ment previous to its entrance into the stomach. 5. A moderate quantity of food. The stomach should not be distended. 6. Regular internals between any two consecutive 112 FIEST LESSONS IN PHYSIOLOGY. meals. They should be long enough for the food of one meal to have left the stomach before the next is introduced. 7. No severe physical or mental exertion either immediately before or after a meal. 8. A tranquil mind. 9. Bodily health. 10 Favorable weather. The processes which the food has undergone be- tween its first introduction into the mouth and its removal from the stomach through the pylorus are : (1) mastication, (2) insalivation, (3 ) deglutition, (4) digestion in the stomach. The changes wrought upon the food by these pro- cesses should now be carefully reviewed. What happens to the food in the stomach will be ex- plained in the next Lesson. "According to the experiments of Dr. Beaumont, liquid substances are, for the most part, absorbed by the vessels of the stomach at once, and any solid matter suspended in them, as in soup, are concentrated into a thicker material before the gastric juice operates upon them. Solid matters are affected so rapidly during health that a full meal, consisting of animal and vegetable substances, may be converted into chyme in about an hour, and the stomach left empty in two hours and a half. Dr. B. found that among the substances most quickly digested were rice and tripe, both of which were digested in an hour. Eggs, salmon, trout and venison were digested in an hour and a half; tapioca, barley, milk, liver and fish in two hours ; tur- key, lamb and pork in two hours and a half. Beef, mutton and fowls re- quired from three to three and a half hours, and these were more digesti- ble than veal. These facts were different from what was anticipated, and show that prevailing notions as to the digestibility of different kinds of food are very erroneous. It must be remembered, however, that easy digesti- bility does not imply high nutritive power. A substance may be nutritious, though so hard as not to be readily broken down ; and many soft, easily digested materials may contain a comparatively small amount of nutri- ment." J. H. Bennett. Physiology. Lippincott & Co., Phila. Bead Dyspepsia. By E. P. Miller. Miller, Haynes & Co., N. Y. DIGESTION. 113 LESSON XXVII. DIGESTION. III. Digestion in the intestines the fifth part of the process of digestion. The intestines (Fig. 25) are the continuation of the stomach. They form a long, narrow tube, which, like the stomach, is composed of membranous, muscular and mucous coats. The intestines are of different length in different orders of animals. They are divided into two parts, viz., the small intestine and the large intestine. The small intestine is subdivided into the duode- num, D, and the small intestine proper. Dp. The order in which they follow each other is, (1) the stomach, (2) the duodenum, (3) the small intestine proper, (4) the large intestine. The alimentary canal begins with the mouth and terminates with the rectum Its entire length is 400 inches, nearly, of which about 240 inch, belong to the small intestine. The -small intestine has many windings, is indirectly attached to the spinal col- umn, and fills the lower central portion of the ven- tral cavity. The small intestine possesses a regular motion in the direction of its own course ; this motion is called peristaltic, and consists of muscular contractions, such as take place in the gullet, the purpose of 8 114 FIRST LESSONS IN PHYSIOLOGY. FIG. 25. The Digestive Appara- tus (Henle, Anat). Front View Head and Neck turned toward the right. T Trachea, t Left Liver cut off. C Caecum. va Vermif. Appen. Co Colon. R Rectum. L Liver. I Gall Bladder. Z>/Sm. Intest. 2 Diaphragm, pro., laid aside, sp Spleen. g Gullet. a Cardia. S Stomach. b Pylorus. P Pancreas. D Duodenum. DIGESTION. 115 which is, to propel the food onward to the lower parts and into the large intestine. The large intestine, about five feet long, is shorter but wider than the small intestine. It has three subdivisions : the ccecum, C, the colon, Co, and the rectum, R. The caecum is the short portion below the junction of the small intestine, and distinguish- able by a vermiform appendix, v a, about three inches in length. The continuation of the caecum forms the colon, which rises on the right side of the abdomen up to the liver. This portion of it is the ascending colon. The colon then suddenly turns at a right angle and crosses over to the left side of the body ; this horizontal part of it is called the transverse colon; finally, it makes a sudden turn downward and backward along the left side of the body, where, accordingly, it is called the descend- ing colon, which is succeeded by the rectum, K. The large intestine is readily recognized by its width, its stretching capacity and its many folds and pouches. Its motions are far slower than those of the other intestine, and scarcely ever result in actual dis- placements of the parts with reference to each other, such as take place regularly in the small intestine. DIGESTIVE FLUIDS. 1. The Saliva, the action of which was explained on page 109. 2. The gastric juice. The interior coa't of the stomach contains a great number of glands which are open upon its surface. Some of these are in the 116 FIRST LESSONS IN PHYSIOLOGY. vicinity of the pylorus, and secrete a mucous sub- stance which covers the interior surface of the stomach, and serves to envelop undigested pieces of food so as to facilitate their passage through the intestines. The others, which form by far the greater number, secrete a clear acid liquid, the gastric juice. This fluid has an extraordinary solvent power on albuminous and other substances ; one part of it in 60000 parts of water will be sufficient to exert this power. It does not act upon fatty substances fur- ther than liquefying them. It is readily precipitated by alcohol ; this may explain the pernicious effect upon the stomach of alcoholic drinks taken in im- moderate quantities. The churning motion of the stomach, together with the solvent action of the gas- tric juice, reduces the food to cliyme, which passes through the pylorus into the duodenum, and is shortly afterward mixed with bile and pancreatic juice. The stomach is the part in which the food undergoes its most important change. 3. The Bile is a brownish-yellow, very bitter liquid secreted by the liver (L, Fig. 25). The liver is the largest gland in the body ; it weighs from 50 to 60 ounces, has a dark-red color, and lies on the right side of the body. Its upper part is connected with the diaphragm, its lower touches the intes- tines. The liver (1) secretes bile, and (2) modifies sugar for purp9ses which this has to serve, The bile accumulates in a reservoir, called the gall-blad- der, from which, whenever the duodenum is dis- tended by chyme coming from the stomach, it flows " DIGESTION. 117 into the duodenum, to mingle with the chyme. Bile contains waste materials which it has taken from the blood ; it must, therefore, be conducted out of the system. If prevented from entering the duode- num it congregates in the blood, producing jaundice and acting then as a poison. Should some of it hap- pen to be thrown into the stomach, digestion there would cease at once ; nausea, vomiting, the usual bilious symptoms, would occur. % It acts also as -a solvent of the fatty portions of food, and as a stimu- lant to the action of the intestines. Chyme after its union with bile, is usually called chyle. Chyme, as it leaves the stomach, is composed of (1) Albuminous matter, broken down, partly dis- solved, partly dissolving, and, it may be, partly un- dissolved. (2) Fatty matter, broken down, but not dissolved. (3) Starch, being slowly converted into sugar, and as fast as it becomes sugar dissolving in the fluids of the mixture. (4) Gastric juice, mixed with substances 1, 2, 3, and liquids, and such portions of aliment as are un- digestible. 4. The Pa/ricreatic Juice is a clear, colorless liquid, distinguished (1) by its great capacity for digesting fats after they have become fluid by the warmth of the stomach ; (2) by its dissolving albu- minous substances. It is secreted from a gland, P, about seven inches long, having the form of a bunch of grapes, and generally resembling the salivary glands of the mouth. This juice also enters the 118 FIRST LESSONS IN PHYSIOLOGY. duodenum. The salivary glands and the pancreas are readily influenced by the nervous system ; thus, the sight, or smell, or the mere thought of food may prompt the salivary glands to pour saliva into the mouth, or, in common language, cause " the mouth to water." 5. The Intestinal Juice, a thin fluid, is secreted from minute glands on the interior surface of the small intestine ; its business seems to be to digest albuminous matter which has escaped the action of the gastric juice. The main office of the small in- testine is to digest fat. Intestinal juice is also secreted from the colon. The quantity of these five liquids generated daily has been estimated at 22 pounds, nearly, of which that of the gastric juice amounts to about 14 pounds. It is plain that their office is to dissolve the food and act chemically upon it. Each of them seems to have its special function, and yet none is exclusively directed to one object. They all aid each other, and are in turn assisted by the peristaltic motion of the intestines, which thoroughly mixes the food with them, and propels the chyle from above down- ward through that portion of the alimentary tube which succeeds the stomach. The undigested masses collect in the rectum to be properly removed. Bead Constip. of Bowels. By S. B. Birch. Lindsay & Blakiston, Phila. ASSIMILATION. 119 LESSON XXYIII. ASSIMILATION. Chyme and chyle are merely digested food. Both are in the alimentary tube ; one is in the stomach, the other in the intestines. As yet they are stran- gers to the system that is to say, they do not form part of it. The oxygen of the air which enters the lungs rapidly burns up the particles of waste tissue which are thrown into the lungs by the venous blood. Now, this waste matter must be replaced by fresh particles, else the vital processes speedily cease. In other words, at every instant of life a quantity of animal tissue is dying, and must at the next instant be replaced. If no freshly-digested food is at hand, as during disease, the burnt up particles of the body are replaced, first, by the fat of the tissues, and hence the sunken appearance of the eyes and cheeks ; or next, by the flesh of the tis- sues themselves, which results in emaciation, and finally in death, unless cure can be effected. Thus, death and life are intimately associated and depen- dent upon each other in the living organism. The question now arises, How is the digested aliment converted into blood so as to be distributed in this form over the entire body, and to replace waste matter in fact, to furnish the material for the growth and maintenance of the body ? The an- 120 FIRST LESSONS IN PHYSIOLOGY. swer is: The chyle throughout the course of the alimentary canal is taken up by capillaries and special minute vessels called chyle-vessels or lac- teals, and conveyed into the circulation at large. With the aid of respiration, it is then made into nourishing blood. The process of taking up the chyle forms part of the process of absorption. Absorption. The object of this process is, (1) to supply the blood with fresh materials ; (2) to remove such particles as have accomplished their mission in the body. Absorption, then, has a twofold char- acter : it absorbs essentials from without the body and carries them to the blood; it absorbs waste materials from within the system and conveys them outside the body. Absorption is mainly carried on by two distinct sets of vessels, viz., blood vessels or capillaries, and lacteals or lymphatics, also called absorbents. The former are abundantly spread over the interior surface of the stomach, and both the small and large intestines; the latter only in the intestinal canal, but most numerously in the small intestine. Both sets of vessels form a perfect net- work, completely covering the interior surface of the intestinal canal ; in the small intestine this net- work is closer to the chyle than anywhere else. Absorption by Blood Vessels. The minute blood- vessels and capillaries in the mucous coat of the stomach and intestines (Fig. 26) absorb at b and c completely digested aliment ; this substance is so finely divided as to readily pass through the walls of the blood-vessels in the manner, roughly speak- ASSIMILATION. 121 ing, of water passing through (from without to the interior of) the walls of a hollow tube made of blotting-paper. The blood at A is arterial ; on its passage through the capillaries, 5 and c, it absorbs chyle (together with waste materials), which renders it venous; through a it descends into vein Y, to be ultimately conveyed to the lungs. The blood- vessels are not very particular in the choice of fluid particles ; they absorb nearly all kinds except the fatty portions. Water, and similar beverages, are believed to be absorbed by the blood-vessels of the stomach without passing into the duodenum. Transverse Section of Mucous Membrane of Colon. A Artery. V Vein, a a Descending Veins. b b Venous Net on Inner Surface, c Capillaries in Mucous Membrane. Absorption by the Lacteals is carried on in the same manner. It is rendered most effective in the small intestine, because the interior wall of this intes- tine presents a larger surface to the chyle as it passes 122 FIRST LESSONS IN PHYSIOLOGY. by. This greater extent of surface is owing to the fact that the mucous membrane which forms the interior surface, is folded into a great abundance of Ft a. 2 7. Transverse Section of the Duodenum of a Calf. I Villi. 2 Interior Chyle-Vessels. 3 Glands. 4 Exterior Chyle- Vessels or Lacteals. 5 6 Muscular Coat. * Valvular Chyle-Duct. 7 Skin. conical projections, called mill (Fig. 27, 1), some- what resembling the velvety projections of a Turk- ASSIMILATION. 123 ish towel. From the villi the absorbed materials pass through the interior chyle-vessels, 2, and through glands, 3, to the exterior chyle-vessels or lacteals, 4. These vessels gradually increase in size, and on leaving the intestine obtain the valvular structure of veins. This prevents any absorbed chyle from flowing back to the villi. The way in which each tillus imbibes the chyle is ex- plained thus : the villi have minute muscles which cause them alternately to contract and expand ; at every expansion each villus fills with chyle ; at every contraction it squeezes its contents into the lymphatic vessels beyond. The villi maybe com- pared to the delicate root-fibres of plants, which are spread in the ground for the purpose of absorbing food for the plant ; like the villi, these vegetable fibres are without openings, and yet, as is known from the fact that drooping leaves revive again after a shower on a hot day, they are capable of absorp- tion. The special function of the villi seems to be the absorption of the fatty portion of the chyle, although they absorb also other materials. The villi are found only in the small intestine. The lymphatic glands receive the chyle from the lymphatic or chyle-vessels (Fig. 27, *) mentioned above. The largest of these glands is the spleen (Fig. 25), situated on the left side of the abdomen. The lymphatic glands are widely distributed in the body. The chyle on passing through them under- goes some change, and on leaving them it flows into the thoracic duct. 124 FIRST LESSONS IN PHYSIOLOGY. The thoracic duct (Fig. 28) is a tube of the width of a goose-quill, nearly, which receives the chyle of the lymphatic vessels and glands, and empties it into a vein on the left side of the chest, near the Fiq.28 heart. A similar, smaller [tube likewise throws its contents into a vein on the right side of the chest, near the heart. Thus, the lymphatic vessels are the carriers of the chyle on its way to the blood ; they act like veins in this, that they contain valves to make their contents How in one direction only ; with one end they terminate in two ducts, which open into the large veins and finally into the heart ; at the other end they terminate in microscopic branches or lymph-capillaries, which are distributed throughout the tissues of the body. The villi form part of these lymph - capillaries. The lymphatic vessels of the intestinal canal pass by the name of lacteals, because their contents ^resemble milk in appearance ; there is no difference The Thoracic Duct. ASSIMILATION. 125 between lacteals and lymphatics. It should be borne in mind that there are blood-vessels and capillaries within each villus as well as around the villi, which, as before mentioned, carry on absorp- tion. From the preceding it is evident that man and the higher vertebrates have, in addition to the in- tricate system of arteries and veins, another system of vessels, called the lymphatic system. This con- tains a fluid called lymph, which is chyle altered by the lymphatic glands. As the blood-vessels have blood-capillaries, so the lymphatic-vessels have lymph-capillaries near the skin ; these widen into lymph-vessels toward the interior of the body. Bead Science Lectures. First Series. Heywood, Manchester 126 FIRST LESSONS IN PHYSIOLOGY. LESSON XXIX. REVIEW. LESSON xxiv. 1. The human body is composed largely of com- binations of carbon, nitrogen, hydrogen and oxy- gen ; hence, our food must contain these elements. 2. Waste of tissues is due to the incessant work performed by the body ; most of this work consists, during life, of (1) the mechanical labor in lifting and moving the body ; (2) the maintenance of the standard of temperature ; (3) secretion of moisture and carbonic acid. 3. Food may be called any substance adapted to supply the body with material that renews lost tissue or supports some process of life. 4. Food consists of organic and inorganic mate- rials. 5. Organic food comprises (1) nitrogenous sub- stances , (2) fats ; (3) compounds of carbon and hydrogen such as sugar or starch. 6. Inorganic food comprises water, and alkalies such as salt and phosphates. 7. Substances of too great consistency, or such as are tasteless, are indigestible. 8. The purposes of cooking food are to soften it and to give it an agreeable flavor. REVIEW. 127 LESSON xxv. 9. The changes wrought upon the food in the body are (1) digestion, or the proper preparation of food in the alimentary canal ; (2) assimilation, or the conversion of food into blood and tissues ; (3) excretion, or the decomposition of food. 10. Digestion comprises (1) mastication, (2) in- salivation, (3) deglutition, (4) stomach-digestion, (5) digestion in the intestines. 11. The chief functions of the stomach are (1) to mix the food into a pulp ; (2) to dissolve the nitro- genous portion of the food by means of the gastric juice. 12. The chief conditions favorable to stomach- digestion are (1) a temperature of 100 F., nearly ; (2) continual motion of the walls of the stomach ; (3) the removal of thoroughly digested portions of food from the stomach ; (4) previous perfect masti- cation and insalivation of the food ; (5) a moderate quantity of food; (6) regular intervals between meals ; (7) no severe physical or mental exertion immediately before or after a meal ; (8) a tranquil mind ; (9) bodily health ; (10) favorable weather. 13. The processes undergone by the food between its first introduction into the mouth and its removal from the stomach through the pylorus are (1) mas- tication, (2) insalivation, (3) deglutition, (4) diges- tion in the stomach. 128 FIRST LESSONS IN PHYSIOLOGY. LESSON xxvi. 14. The part of the alimentary canal succeeding the stomach is the intestines. They are divided into the small and the large intestine. 15. The small intestine comprises the duodenum, and the small intestine proper. 16. The large intestine comprises the caecum, colon and rectum. 17. The small intestine has peristaltic motion. 18. The digestive fluids are (1) the saliva, (2) the gastric juice, (3) the bile, (4) the pancreatic juice, (5) the intestinal juice. 19. Functions of the saliva : (1) Softening the food ; (2) Converting starch into sugar : (3) Mingling the food with air. Function of the gastric juice : Dissolving al- buminous and other substances. Functions of the bile : (1) Absorbing waste material from the blood ; (2) Dissolving fatty portions of the food ; (3) Stimulating the action of the intestines. Functions of the pancreatic juice : (1) Digesting fats ; (2) Dissolving albuminous substances. Function of the intestinal juice (probably): Digesting albuminous matter. 20. The food undergoes its most important change in the stomach. When leaving the stomach it is called chyme. BE VIEW. 129 21. Chyme is composed of (1) albuminous matter, (2) fatty matter, (3) starch, (4) gastric juice. 22. After its union with bile, chyme is usually called chyle. 23. The object of absorption is (1) to supply the blood with fresh materials ; (2) to remove waste particles. 24. Absorption is effected by blood-vessels (capil- laries) and by lacteals (or lymphatics). 25. Absorption by blood-vessels takes place chiefly in the stomach and the intestinal canal. The so ab- sorbed materials are conveyed to veins. 26. Absorption by lacteals takes place in the small intestine by minute vessels called villi ; these lead the absorbed chyle into the lacteals or lymph- atic vessels, whence it is conveyed through the lymphatic glands to the thoracic duct, and thence thrown into veins. 27. The lymphatic system of the body has its ramifications throughout the body similar to the system of blood-vessels, from which it differs in this, that its fluid is lymph, and flows in only one direc- tion. 28. By the aid of respiration, the chyle is finally made into blood. 29. The want either of proper food or of proper digestion destroys one of the three most essential requirements for health, viz., the proper composi- tion of the blood. 130 FIRST LESSONS IN PHYSIOLOGY. LESSON XXX. THE NERVOUS SYSTEM I. THE DIFFERENT PARTS. General Remarks. We have become acquainted with the various bones and tissues which compose the structure of the body ; with some of the mus- cles which move the body ; with the alimentary canal and its secretions which convert food into nutriment ; with the organs of circulation the heart, the blood-vessels, the lymphatics distribut- ing nutriment all over the body ; and with several organs serving to withdraw waste material from the body, such as the skin and the lungs. We must now gain an insight into a powerful organ, called the nervous system. It is distinct from all other systems in the body. The following are its functions : 1. It connects the different portions and organs of the body into an organic unit or whole. Thus, a violent shock to the nervous system, such as great anger or fear, may cause increased action of the heart, an accelerated pulse and immediate loss of consciousness. Here, then, the nervous sys- tem acts upon the blood-vessels; these act upon the muscles, and this combined action causes not only single portions of the body to succumb, but the entire body as a unit. THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. 131 2. It animates, or governs, all movements of the muscles, whether these be voluntary or not. Thus, when a person endeavors to resist a yawn, to repress laughter or tears, a distinct exertion of muscles is requisite for his effort. This is voluntary motion prompted by an act of his will; whereas, the churning motion of the stomach is an example of an involuntary movement governed by the proper nerves. 3. It regulates the temperature, nutrition and secretion of the body. Thus, sudden fear often pro- duces a chilling effect in lowering the temperature of the skin ; weakness of the nervous system nearly always impairs the digestive process ; intense an- guish frequently causes increased perspiration. 4. It controls the processes of nutrition. This may be proved by the fact that the injury of a nerve leading to a tissue is frequently followed by the waste or destruction of the tissue. 5. It receives impressions, which are communi- cated by its terminal branches. Lateral pressure against the eye-ball causes a luminous impression or image ; this is owing to the pressure exerted upon the delicate terminal branches of the optic nerve (Lesson XXXIV). 6. It conveys impressions to different portions of the body. In leaping, if a person alights upon the heel, he will feel shocking pains in the back part of the head ; the impression made at the foot is, by the nerves, conveyed to the head. 132 FIRST LESSONS IN PHYSIOLOGY. 7. It can generate influences which no other organ or system can produce, such as sight, smell, taste, etc., etc. In virtue of this function, it puts the body in direct communication with the outer world. This is evident, for a living being without the senses of sight, smell, taste, hearing, touch and sensibility, if existing at all, would be utterly unconscious of the world around him. The performance of all these functions is com- prised under the term Innervation. The nervous system, although a continuous sub- Stance, is conveniently subdivided into two sys- Ch Mo The Brain (side view). Cb Cerebrum. Cbl Cerebellum. Mo Medulla Oblongata. terns : 1, the cerebro- spinal system, and 2, the sym- pathetic system. The former comprises the cerebro- spinal axis, that is, the brain and the spinal cord, together with the cerebral and spinal nerves which emanate from this axis. The sympathetic system THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. 133 contains the chain of sympathetic ganglia and the nerves which they give off. The Brain (Fig. 29) is a very soft substance, forming in man the enlarged upper terminus of the spinal cord. It is encased in the cavity of the cra- nium, which it fills, and from which it is difficult to be extracted entire. The brain substance of man generally varies in weight from 40 to 60 ounces, and it is universally admitted that, as a rule, the quan- tity of brain substance corresponds to the intellec- tual powers of the individual, although it is be- Fig.30 400 i Two Nerve Cells and Nerve Fibres. From the Brain. (Magnified 400 times.) lieved that the quality of this substance also plays an important part. The brain consists of cells and fibres (Fig. 30), which are rendered visible only by a good microscope. The brain is divided into the large brain or cerebrum, the small brain or cerebel- lum only one-eighth as large as the former and the enlarged spinal cord or medulla oblongata. The cerebrum in man and apes entirely covers the cere- FIRST LESSONS IN PHYSIOLOGY. r.3l. bellum. The cerebrum and cerebel- lum consist each of two hemispheres, one on the right, the other on the left side. The surface of the cere- brum is covered with a great many foldings and windings or convolu- tions, irregular in form and direction ; these are separated from each other by deep furrows. The cerebellum also has convolutions, but they are of a more regular form and direction. The spinal cord (Fig. 31) is the downward continuation of the medulla oblongata. It is a soft sub- stance contained in a bony cavity, formed by the vertebral column or back-bone (Lesson II). It extends nearly to the sacrum ; it is furrowed like the brain into two lateral, sym- metric parts. Between these two parts that is, in the centre of the cord and through its entire length runs a fine canal, which originates in a point between the cerebellum and the medulla oblongata. The cerebro -spinal nerves originate in both the brain and the spinal cord, whence they ramify and spread all over the body (Fig. 32). They have the form of fibres and cells. A nervous fibre is often made up of minute tubes ; each tube contains a The Spinal Cord, front view, with the projecting necves cut off. THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. 135 peculiar transparent, semi-solid substance which contains a thick fluid. The nervous fibres terminate in the organs to which they lead, and there form terminal branches. The nervous tube's vary in size from one-thousandth of an inch to much smaller sizes ; in the spinal cord they are much smaller ; in the brain they are smallest. The sympathetic system consists, like the brain, of cells and fibres. It is situated in front and at the sides of the spinal column ; its ganglia or nerve- cells are con- nected with one an- other, and with the spinal nerves by nerve cords. The The Nervous System. nerves given off from these ganglia chiefly follow the course of the 136 FIKST LESSONS IN PHYSIOLOGY. blood vessels, and are copiously distributed over the heart and about the stomach. The nervous system appears to be composed of two distinct substances the gray and the white. In the cerebrum and cerebellum the white substance is contained within the gray ; in the medulla oblon- gata and spinal cord the gray substance is enclosed in the white. The nervous fibres and tubes are white ; the cells are gray. The central organ of the nervous system is the gray substance. This has been admitted by even those who used to think that the intellectual pow- ers had no connection whatever with the nervous system. All parties agree that the gray substance evolves ^nervous power, while the white mainly serves to conduct nervous power. If the white material of the nervous system be compared to a network of telegraph wires spread over a large extent of territory engaged in war, then the gray substance may be likened to the controlling power at headquarters that is, the commander-in-chief. From all parts telegrams will be sent and transmitted to him along the wires stating the condition of affairs, while he not only sends and transmits messages, but makes his own combinations and plans, and forwards his orders to distant points along the 4 wires. THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. 137 LESSON XXXI. THE NERVOUS SYSTEM II. FUNCTIONS OF THE DIF- FERENT PARTS. The Functions of the Brain. The thin layer of gray matter upon the hemispheres of the larger and smaller "brain is intimately associated with mental operations. The reason for the convolutions and fissures on the surface of the brain is evident: they cause the layer of gray matter to be more extensive, and, consequently, other things being equal, to increase in quantity with the increase of convolutions and fissures. There are strong reasons why the main function of the cerebral hemispheres, and more especially that of the gray matter, seems to be the manifestation of intellectual powers and of powers of the will, viz. : 1. In the animal kingdom, there is generally a correspondence between the quantity of gray mat- ter, depth of convolutions, and the sagacity of the animal. 2. The gray matter of the brain is much more smooth during the first period of the infant's life, and its increase corresponds with the development of intelligence. 3. In diseases which have been known to com- mence at the circumference of the brain, and to 138 FIRST LESSONS IN PHYSIOLOGY. pass toward the centre, medical observations have found that the faculties of the mind are affected first; while in those diseases which commence in the central parts of the brain, and thence pass toward the circumference, they are affected last. 4. Experiments upon animals show that when the brain is gradually sliced away, the animal grows more dull and stupid as the quantity of brain cut away increases. Mental Derangement may be caused by (I) im- perfect nutrition of the brain; (2) insufficient, or excessive flow of blood toward the brain ; (3) a per- verse condition of the blood ; (4) prolonged sleep- lessness; (5) deep affliction or despondency. The usual symptoms of progressing derangement are weakened attention and loss of memory, which should be promptly met by avoidance of physical or nervous excitement, and by proper attention to the body. Insanity, a more continuous state of men- tal derangement, often springs from like sources, but sometimes from hereditary predisposition. Insanity is characterized by lack of appreciation of the proper relations between the self and the external world. As persons can live though one of their lungs may be seriously injured, so life is not necessarily cut off in case one of the cerebral hemispheres has been damaged. The functions of the cerebellum, although not dis- tinctly known as yet, seem to be the regulation of muscular movements. THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. 139 The function of the medulla oblongata consists in generating and controlling the motions of respira- tion and deglutition. The brain, cerebellum and the spinal cord can be sliced away one after the other without immediately , destroying life; whereas, an interference with the medulla oblongata is followed by instantaneous death. Functions of the spinal cord. 1. To transmit sensitive impressions from its outer nerves to the brain. 2. To transmit the manifestations of the. will from the brain to the spinal-motor nerves, which result in muscular activity. 3. To originate nerve- force independently of the brain whenever a stimu- lus is applied. Thus, when a stimulus, such as a drop of acid, is applied to the upper leg of a decapitated frog, he brings the toes of the corre- sponding foot to the place to wipe off the acid, but he will not leap away. In this case an impression has been made upon a sensitive nerve leading to the spinal cord ; this sensitive or sensory nerve conveyed the impression to the spinal cord, the spinal cord made response to the impression through a motor nerve, and this response resulted in the re- flex action of the foot. So when, independent of any influence of the brain, a small piece of bread is passed into the gullet by voluntary motion, it will be urged onward to the stomach by involuntary motion that is, by the reflex action of the spinal cord. The bread here acts as an exciting stimulus upon the spinal marrow, which generates motor power ; this motor power is 'reflected' back and produces the invol- 140 FIRST LESSONS IN PHYSIOLOGY. untary movements or reflex action of the muscles whose sensitive fibres were stimulated. T he functions of the sympathetic system are not fully known as yet. It would appear, however, that while it is intimately connected with the other divi- sions of the nervous system, it presides over the actions of the alimentary canal, the glands, the blood-vessels and the heart. The heart may be removed from the body, and yet its rhythmical movements will continue for a number of minutes. This independent motor power on the part of the heart can only be explained by the existence of sympathetic ganglia or centres linked together by delicate nerve filaments, constituting of themselves a distinct nervous system. Functions of Nerves. If the nerve of a tooth be divided, the tooth has lost its sensibility. If the nerves leading to the biceps be severed, this muscle loses its motor power ; it will no longer move the forearm. If these nerves be exposed in their course and irritated, the biceps will be thrown into violent movements, and intense pains experienced as com - ing from the biceps. These facts show that the nerves, generally speaking, are endowed with motor and sensory properties. That is to say, the nerves ena- ble us to seize ordinary sensations and to execute acts of motion. There are nerves which are specially engaged in motion, and others, such as the optic nerve, which generate merely sensations. Either class may be injured without any damage to the other. Thus, a THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. 141 blind man rolling his eyes, shows that, though his optic nerve is blighted, the motor nerves are in full function. SD a limb may be paralyzed that is, deprived of all motion and yet be very sensitive. If a motor nerve be divided, and a galvanic current applied to the portion of the nerve connected with the muscle, the muscle contracts. This shows that motor nerves act like telegraphic wires. Cases have been known where soldiers com- plained of pain in their limb which had long before been amputated. This is evidence that sensory nerves act like insulated wires, and, besides, that we refer pain and all other sensations to the parts which are supplied with nerves ; we suppose the sensation to exist in the direction from which the nerves communicate it. The nerves leading from the brain to the eye, ear, etc., etc., are in pairs ; also those originating in the spinal cord. The latter are distributed nearly over the whole body, and are endowed with both motor and sensory properties. Bead Brain and Mind. Am. Instit. Lect. N. Y. Tribune, 1873. Bead Dynamics of Nerve and Muscle. C. B. Radcliffe. Macmillan & Co. 142 FIRST LESSONS IN PHYSIOLOGY. LESSON XXXII. RE VIE W. LESSON xxx. 1. Functions of the nervous system : (1) It connects the different parts and organs of the body into an organic unit or whole. (2) It animates or governs all movements of the muscles, whether voluntary or not. (3) It regulates the temperature, nutrition and secretion of the body. (4) It controls the processes of the organic life of the body. (5) It receives impressions which are generated by its terminal branches. (6) It conveys impressions to different portions of the body. (7) It can generate influences which no other organ or system can produce, such as sight, smell or taste. By means of this function, it puts the body in direct com- munication with the outer world. 2. The nervous system is subdivided into the cerebro- spinal system and the sympathetic. 3. The brain is divided into the cerebrum, tke cerebellum and the medulla oblongata. 4. The nervous system appears to be compqsed of two distinct substances, the gray and the white. REVIEW. 143 5. The gray substance is the central organ of the nervous system. LESSON xxxi. 6. The main functions of the cerebrum seems to be the manifestation of intellectual powers and of the will. 7. The functions of the cerebellum seem to consist in the regulation of muscular movements. 8. The function of the medulla oblongata is to generate and control the motions of respiration and deglutition. 9. The functions of the spinal cord are (1) to transmit sensitive impressions from its outer nerves to the brain ; (2) to transmit the manifestations of the will from the brain to the spinal- motor nerves ; (3) to originate nerve-force independently of the brain whenever a stimulus is applied. 10. The functions of the sympathetic system seem to be, to control the action of the alimentary canal> the glands, the blood-vessels and the heart. 11. Nerves are generally endowed with motor and sensory properties. There are some which have only motor properties, and others which serve the purpose of generating sensations. 144 FIRST LESSONS IN PHYSIOLOGY. LESSON XXXIII. THE SENSES IN GENERAL. THE SENSE OF TOUCH. The ideas, words and actions of a human being are largely dependent upon the soundness and the training of his sensory organs. Sensory organs are tools, or instruments, capable (1) of receiving impressions from the outer world, and (2) of making us conscious of those impressions. The means by which consciousness of impressions arises is sensation. Thus, the eye with its proper nerves is a sensory organ ; it is capable of receiv- ing the impression that a certain ribbon is blue ; there is no other organ which can obtain such an impression. The eye, besides being capable of re- ceiving that impression, is also capable of making us conscious of it, viz., the blue color. A man, after his eyes were removed, would be utterly incapable of recognizing the blue tint, although his mind were never so clear. Sensation, in the present example, is excited by the action of the blue rays upon the retina; so we speak of the sensation of cold, meaning by it the peculiar effect which cold has upon the nerves. Nearly all sensations come from without the body that is, from the outer world ; they may be THE SENSE OF TOUCH. 145 called objective sensations. The yellow color of a lemon, the blue color of a ribbon, are objective sensations. It sometimes happens that the nerves of a sensory organ are affected when there is no objective or outside cause whatever. In this case they make us believe things that have actually no existence. The eye, for example, if closed and pressed upon with a finger, develops a luminous image ; this sensation is drawn not from the exte- rior world, but solely from within the body, hence, is not objective, but subjective. The peculiar noise known as the ' humming of the ear ' is also a sub- jective sensation. The sensory organs are five in number, viz., that of sight, hearing, touch, taste and smell. They are merely the peculiarly shaped termination of a par- ticular nerve. Impressions acting upon this termin- ation, or anywhere upon the nerve, whether coming from within the body or from without, affect it in a way that is peculiar to it, and concerning which nothing positive is known. Thus, the eye-ball is so constructed as to collect a great number of rays of light which affect the optic nerve, and thereby produce the sensation of sight. What be- comes of this sensation that is, in what manner it produces the consciousness of sight, and in what manner it ultimately serves intellectual functions, we do not know, and probably never shall. The ear is utterly blind to the minute waves of light, but very sensitive to the aerial waves of sound. So each organ has a distinct structure, in virtue of 10 146 FIBST LESSONS IN PHYSIOLOGY. which it has its particular manifestations ; and the different senses may be compared to the various departments of government in a country, all of which together make up the government itself. THE SENSE OF TOUCH. Pressure, resistance, smoothness, roughness, hard- ness, softness, also cold and heat, are the most com- mon sensations excited by the sense of touch. The distinct structure of this sense consists in the nerves which are spread out under the epidermis (Lesson XIII) and within the dermis or cutis. It is a curious fact that the proper sensation is excited only on con- dition that the epidermis (which is known to contain no nerves) lie between the expanded nerves in the dermis and the exciting agent; that is to say, the stimulus or exciting agent must not be in direct contact with the dermis. If by accident, as by burn- ing, the epidermis has been destroyed, the sense of touch of the exposed nerve is reduced to a mere sense of pain. The termination of these nerves is not a flat surface, but consists of a great number of small conical projections, called papillce. Different portions of the body possess different degrees of sensibility ; compare the acuteness of the finger tips with the dullness of the neck. The amount of sensibility is greatly lessened when the skin is stretched. A person who takes hold of an exceedingly cold iron bar experiences a sensation nearly like that obtained by touching one overheated. The tooth- THE SENSE OF TOUCH. 147 ache caused by the contact of a tooth with ice- cream is the same as that resulting from severe heat applied to the tooth. These well-known facts show that an excess of cold or heat causes pain instead of impression of temperature ; the pain is the same by whichever it may be caused. Beyond the dermis the nerves are insensible to heat and cold ; so the optic nerve beyond its expan- sion the retina is no longer sensitive to light. The sense of touch is capable of great improve- ment. ' Professor Saunders, of Cambridge, who lost his sight when two years old, could distinguish by this sense genuine medals from imitation ones. Other blind men have, by their exquisite touch, been enabled to become sculptors, conchologists, botanists,' etc., etc. Bead 'The Seven Senses.' N. Y. Tribune, Lecture Extra No. 5. 1873. 148 FIRST LESSONS IN PHYSIOLOGY LESSON XXXIV. THE SENSES OF TASTE AND SMELL. TASTE. Sweetness, acidity and pungency are sensations most frequently excited by this sense. Its distinct structure consists of papillce spread over the tongue and portions of the cavity of the mouth. These papillae are the terminations of certain nerves coming from the brain. The sense of taste varies greatly in different per- sons ; it depends upon education, habits, and often upon imagination. It is diminished when the mucous surface of the tongue and mouth is affected, as in case of fever. It is a remarkable fact that, when one part of the tongue is injured or paralyzed, the other has its capacity for tasting unimpaired. The sensations of taste are largely connected with those of other senses, such as smell, touch, and even sight. Thus, when the nose is held tightly closed so as to obtain no smell, the taste of many a substance is rendered difficult to distinguish ; and it is very nearly the same if the sense of sight is interfered with. SMELL. Fragrance and fetor are the principal sensations excited Toy this sense. Its distinct struc- ture consists in olfactory nerves, which are spread THE SENSE OF SMELL. 149 over the interior surface of the nasal cavity, and protected by the latter. The olfactory nerves com- mence higher up in the nose ; the lower portion of the nose warms the cold air as it ascends, and thus protects the sensitive surface higher up. It also prevents the latter from becoming dry ; this is of the greatest importance, as the function of the olfactory nerve ceases when the nasal chambers are dry. Substances, in order to produce smell, must have the gaseous form. This does not mean that all gases are odoriferous, for oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen, and many other gases, when in the pure state, are odorless. The fragrance of a rose, for example, is caused by particles of the flower being diffused in the air and transmitted to the olfactory nerve by means of a current of air inhaled during the act of inspiration. Like taste, smell may be sharpened by education and habit. As a rule, we judge localities with strong odors to be unhealthy. The escape of illuminating gas is easily detected by its odor, and may be fatal to the inmates of a room. Many strong odors, however, are harmless, while, on the other hand, quite inodorous atmospheric air may contain the germs of the most dangerous- epidemics. Such is the case with the air of low grounds, marshes and swamps. The con- nection between bad odors and pernicious effects is not yet cleared up ; the production of smell is closely connected with that of chemical action. 150 FIRST LESSONS IN PHYSIOLOGY. LESSON XXXV SIGHT. I. Light, colors of all kinds, and vision generally, are the principal sensations derived from the or- gan of sight. Its structure comprises the eye-ball and its accesory organs. The eye-ball owes its bulb- like form, solid appearance, and resistance to pres- sure from without arid within, to a hard, fibrous membrane covering it entirely, and having in front a transparent, horny part. The eye-ball consists of (1) three distinct coats, and (2) an optical apparatus. I. The three coats of the eye (Fig. 33). a. The Sclerotic. This membrane is the outer coat of the eye f four-fifths of it is white, opaque, hard, very little elastic ; it forms the rear portions of the membrane, the remaining one-fifth being the front part, a sort of window, called the cor- nea. The sclerotic gives form to the eye, serves for the attachment of muscles, and envelops and protects the parts within. Both sclerotic and cornea are hard, but the cornea is colorless, transparent and elastic. b. The Ohoroid. It lines all the interior of the sclerotic with the exception of the optic nerve en- trance. It contains a capillary network of blood- vessels to feed and warm the eye. It is soft and THE SENSE OF SIGHT. 151 elastic, and lined within by a black tissue, or pigment, to absorb unnecessary rays of light. Where this pigment is wanting, as in albinos, a confusion of sight is caused in daylight, probably because the unnecessary rays of light are reflected instead of absorbed. The Iris, The bulb of the eye is divided into two unequal parts by a muscular membrane, the Cc Fig. 3 3 ** The Eye-Ball Horizontal Section. S Sclerotic Coat. C Cornea. Ch Choroid Coat. / Iris. Cc Ciliary Processes. R Retina. O Optic Nerve (blind spot). * Aqueous Humor (anterior chamber). ** Aqueous Humor (posterior chamber). L Crystalline Lens. Cv Vitreous Humor. Fc Yellow Spot (optic axis). iris, forming a sort of curtain, with a central opening, the pupil, to admit the rays of light. The iris is lined on its rear surface by the choroid ; in front it is provided with col- oring matter, which determines the color of the eye. The iris possesses only in- voluntary muscular fibres (ciliary pro- cesses), by the aid of which it con- tracts and thus en- larges the pupil when a greater amount of light is needed ; and it dilates thus diminishing the aper- turewhen light is abundant. Thus, the iris regu- 152 FIRST LESSONS IN PHYSIOLOGY. lates the supply of light required for distinct vision. c. Retina. Both sclerotic and horoid coats are pierced so as to admit the optic nerve. This nerve comes from the brain and enters the eye-ball from the rear. On reaching the interior surface of the choroid coat the optic nerve divides into minute branches, which are so densely interwoven among each other that they form a nerve membrane, very delicate in structure, and about -^ of an inch in thick- ness. The point where it enters the choroid is not in the main axis of the eye- ball a straight line drawn through the centre of the pupil and bisecting the eye-ball but is situated toward the inner cor- ner of the eye. This point is not sensitive to light, and, therefore, called the ' blind ' spot. It is ascer- tained by the following simple experiment : 14. EXPERIMENT. Close the left eye; with the right eye look steadily at the cross below, holding the page at a distance of about twelve inches. In this position both dot and cross will be seen distinctly. But if the book be slowly brought nearer to the face, the right eye being still fixed upon the cross, the dot will disappear during an instant, and, as the book approaches the face, become visible again. Now, during the instant that the dot van- ished out of sight the image of the dot was on the blind spot of the retina that is, on the region of the retina where the optic nerve enters the choroid. THE SENSE OF SIGHT. 153 II. The Optical Apparatus. This is transparent^ and refracts the Jight-rays to the retina. It consists of four lenses : a, the cornea, the network of the lenses ; b, the aqueous humor, the second lens from the front, a watery liquid containing a little salt ; c, the crystalline lens, the third lens, one of the most peculiar bodies in existence. It has the ap- pearance of a double-convex glass and is situated between the iris and the vitreous humor; d, the vitreous humor, the fourth lens. It is filled with a watery fluid, and forms by far the largest part of the eye-ball. Thus, the optical apparatus of the eye comprises two solid substances a horny and a glassy one and two liquids, all four serving the purpose of lenses. There is no artificial contrivance which approaches it in excellence. The eyebrows serve to guard the eye against ex- cess of light ; the eyelids, to keep the surface of the cornea moist ; the eyelashes, to retain dust floating in the atmosphere. The remarkable mobility of the eye-ball is effected by a number of muscles, which act upon it in various directions. Bead 'Our Eyes.' By H. W. Williams. J. Osgood & Co., Boston. Bead ' Diseases of the Eye. ' James Dixon. Lindsay & Blakiston, Phila. 154 FIRST LESSONS IN PHYSIOLOGY. LESSOIST XXXVI. SIGHT. ii. The accommodation of the eye. If a small box, blackened on the inside, be provided with a convex lens or a watch-glass, placed in one of its sides which is then the front side of the box we have a camera obscura. The lens collects rays of light from the objects before it ; an image of these objects is produced somewhere in the box. We can catch the image by inserting a piece of ground glass, and it will then be distinctly visible ; or if a sensitive photographic plate be taken in place of the glass, the image will be fixed on the plate. This is the principle of photography. If the image be exam- ined, we shall find that only those spots are pictured on it distinctly which are nearly at the same dis- tance from the lens ; the image of objects farther off is brought to a focus in front of the plate ; that of objects nearer to the lens, behind the plate. A little thinking will enable us to see that the eye may be compared to such a camera. The box corresponds to the sclerotic coat, the lens answers to the cornea and crystalline lens, the glass plate, or the back of the box, to the retina. Were we to fill the box with water, this fluid would indicate the fluids of the eye. It will here be observed that in THE SENSE OF SIGHT. 155 the camera we have nothing for the iris ; so we must imagine an opaque plate with a hole in the centre, suspended directly behind the watch-glass, whose purpose it should be to regulate the supply of light. But the camera has yet another defect, viz. : it has no means of adjusting the focus so as to view ob- jects at different distances. In order to obtain the im- ages of objects at a greater distance we might move the glass plate toward the lens ; and, on the other hand, to receive the images of objects situated nearer, the plate would have to be pushed farther back. We might also slide the lens forward and back- ward, as is done in the ordinary camera. Or we might effect the adjustment in still another way : take a very convex lens to obtain the image of nearer objects, and exchange it for a less convex one when the image of distant objects is to be thrown on the plate. But the simplest way of all would be, if one and the same lens could be made to alter its convexity so as to adjust itself of its own accord to distances. This actually occurs in the eye. 15. EXPERIMENT. Stick two pins upright into a straight piece of wood, not quite, but nearly, in a straight line with the eye applied to one end of the wood ; one pin to be about six inches from the eye, the other about twelve inches. If we look at the nearer pin first we shall see it very distinctly, while the other pin produces a blurred image. If now we look at the other pin the blurred image will at once become distinct, but we feel that somewhere in the 156 FIRST LESSONS IN PHYSIOLOGY. eye an effort had first to be made. We observe, also, that the nearer pin now yields a blurred image, and on repeated trials it appears evident that we utterly fail to see both pins distinctly at the same instant of time. This experiment, as well as a great many familiar facts of the kind, proves that the eye can see an ob- ject distinctly at different distances. Hence, it must be that the eye has the capacity of adjusting itself according to the dis- Fig.34 tance of objects. This accommodation on the part of the eye is brought about by a change in the form of the crystal- line lens ; the lens is flattened when a more-distant object is viewed (Fig. 34, A), and becomes more convex (B) when the object to be viewed is nearer. The distance of distinct vision is about ten inches. This means that, generally speaking, no object which is brought within less than ten inches of the eye can be rendered distinctly visible without * effort. There is a certain range within which alone the adjustment of the eye can take place. It is subject to personal variation, i Short-sightedness and long-sightedness arise often from a defect in the adjusting powers of the eye. In some persons the cornea is more convex than usual, or the refractive powers of the eye are greatly in creased. Such persons are short-sighted (or near THE SENSE OF SIGHT. 157 sighted) : they can see only near objects distinctly, because objects at ordinary distances have their rays come to a focus, not on the retina, but in front of the retina. The images of these objects are thereby rendered indistinct, for the rays, instead of blending into points, form minute circles upon the retina, which causes the blurred appearance of the images. Some people, especially such as are ad- vanced in years, have the cornea flattened that is, not sufficiently convex and for this reason the rays from objects at ordinary distances are not brought to a focus on the retina, but behind it. Either defect is amended by suitable glasses. Short- sighted persons require concave glasses ^ glasses thinnest in the centre which counteract the greater convexity of the eye. Long-sighted people wear convex glasses glasses thickest in the centre so as to render the eye apparently more convex. Visible Direction. From the observation of all images formed by rays of light after crossing each other through an aperture, it is evident that the images or external objects are inverted upon the retina. The probable reason why we do not see all objects inverted is our habit of supposing that the point from which a ray strikes us lies in the direc- tion from whence the ray comes. Thus, a point at the top of a steeple, although on the retina pic- tured below, is by the mind supposed to be situated above, because its ray strikes the retina from above. (See First Lessons in Physics, Lesson XXXIV.) 158 FIRST LESSONS IN PHYSIOLOGY. Duration of Impressions upon the Retina. When the retina has received an impression of light it retains the impression a little longer than during the actual time in which the light lasts. A lumin- ous impression, however short the time during which the light itself lasts, usually remains on the retina one-eighth of a second. Supposing that two lumin- ous points were to act successively upon the retina in a less interval than one- eighth of a second, then the two impressions would appear as one impres- sion. This explains why a lighted stick, if turned round very rapidly by the hand, appears as a lumin- ous circle ; or why a vibrating string may be visible as a sort of broad film. Color -blindness is probably a defect in the retina, or in the humors of the eye, of persons who are un- able to distinguish between certain colors, and sometimes even have no appreciation of any color. They are said to be color-blind. The sensitiveness of the retina is readily dimin- ished. If we look steadily at an intensely bright light, the part of the retina on which the rays fall is rapidly weakened, and even temporarily blinded. This may be ascertained by turning from the bright light to- ward a moderately lighted surface; the dark spot which then comes to view is the result of momentary blindness in that part. It is also injurious to strain the eye when the supply of light is insufficient, as when persons attempt to read during twilight. THE SENSE OP HEAEING. 159 LESSON XXXVII, HEAKING. Sound, noise and music are the principal sensa- tions derived from the sense of hearing. The organ of hearing is the ear. The eye has an optical apparatus to convey waves of light to the terminal branch of the optic nerve, the retina; so the ear has a complex apparatus for the transmission of waves of sound to the terminal branches of the auditory nerve. Fig.35. OE. E.T. THE EAR. Transverse Section through the Side Walls of the Skull. OE Outer Ear. M Hammer. ET External Tube / Anvil. 7> Tympanic Membrane. va, ha, -vpa Semicircular Canals. D Drum, or Tympanum. Coc Cochlea. Eu Eustachian Tube. AN Auditory Nerve. 160 FIRST LESSONS IN PHYSIOLOGY. The general" structure of the ear (Fig. 35) consists of (1) the outer ear; (2) the middle ear; (3) the labyrinth, a complicated system of canals, which is filled with a liquid resembling water. 1. The outer ear (Fig. 35, OE) is a cartilage shaped somewhat like a funnel, and provided with mus- cles. On account of its shape and elasticity it is peculiarly adapted to collect and transmit waves of sound. 2. The middle ear consists of (1) the external tube, E T, and '(2) the drum, or tympanum, D (scarcely visible in Fig. 35). The former may be con- sidered the tube of the funnel, formed by the outer ear. The outer wall is cartilaginous ; its inner, of bony tissue. Its rear end is closed by the tympanic membrane, Ty, a translucent, delicate membrane which is stretched across the tube in an oblique direction. Were it not for this membrane the exter- nal tube and the drum would form a single passage. The drum is a cavity filled with air, bordered at one end by the tympanic membrane, at the other by two openings one called the oval window (Fv, Fig. 37), the other the round window (Fc, Fig. 37). In the fresh state each of these openings is firmly closed by a membrane ; in the dry skull both are wide open, and lead into the labyrinth. The drum also communicates with the roof of the mouth by means of a long passage called the Eustachian tube, Eu. This canal serves the purpose of equalizing the temperature as well as the pressure of air on THE SENSE OF HEARING. 161 either side of the tympanic membrane, an important item for the healthy state of the ear. The drum contains three small bones (Fig. 36) ; the hammer, M, the handle of which (Mm) is fastened to the inner side of the tympanic membrane ; the anvil, I; and the stapes, S. The head of the ham- mer forms a joint with the anvil; the foot-plate of the stapes closes the oval Fig. 36 window. These small bones make connection between the tympanic membrane and the labyrinth or, more pro- perly, the oval window (Fv, Fig. 37) which leads to the labyrinth. They convey the vibrations of the tympanic membrane to the labyrinth. 3. The Inner Ear, or Labyrinth, consists of (1) the vestibule (not visible in Fig. 37), a chamber which is connected with the drum by means of the oval window. (2) Three hoop-like semi-circular canals, viz., two vertical ones, va, vpa, and one hori- zontal, ha. (3) The cochlea, c, a cavity having the form of a spiral shell, with two and a half windings. Thus, the entire labyrinth consists of chambers and canals which are hollowed out in the solid por- tion of the temporal bone (Lesson II). Each such cavity contains a fluid in which are floating minute branches of the auditory nerve (A N. Fig. 35). Mm The Small Bones of the Ear. 162 FIRST LESSONS IN PHYSIOLOGY. Fig. 37 The sensation of sound is excited in about this way : The outer ear collects waves of sound, and conveys them through the external tube to the tym- panic membrane, which is shaken by these waves, and causes the three small bones to vibrate. The last of these bones, the stapes, impinges upon the ves- tibule, to which it imparts its vibrations. These are at once taken up by the fluid in the vestibule and trans- mitted to .the remaining liquids in the various canals composing the labyrinth. The motion of the liquids causes the minute fibres and hair-like terminations of the auditory nerve, which are floating freely in the liquids, to vibrate ; and their vibrations are carried by the auditory nerve to the brain. Bead 'Deafness.' E. B. Lighthill. Carleton, New York. Bead 'Sight and Hearing.' J. H. Clarke. Scribner & Armstrong, N.JY. Bead 'Sound and Hearing.' N. Y. Tribune Lecture Extra 5, 1873. The Labyrinth (ext. view). REVIEW. 163 LESSON XXXVIII. REVIEW. LESSON xxxin. 1. Sensory organs are capable (1) of receiving impressions from the outer world, and (2) of making us conscious of these impressions. 2. The means by which the consciousness of im- pressions arises within us is called sensation, 3. The structure of the sense of touch consists in nerves which are spread out under the epidermis. LESSON xxxiv. 4. The structure of the sense of taste consists in papillce spread over the tongue and portions of the cavity of the mouth. Papillae are the terminations of certain nerves coming from the brain. 5. The structure of the sense of smell consists in olfactory nerves, which are spread over the interior surface of the nasal cavity LESSON xxxv. 6. The structure of the sense of sight consists in two eye-balls, each of which comprises (1) three distinct coats, and (2) an optical apparatus. 7. The three coats of the eye-ball are : (1) The sclerotic coat ; (2) The choroid coat ; (3) The retina. il 7] Oar 164 FIRST LESSONS IN PHYSIOLOGY. 8. The retina is the terminal expansion of the optic nerve. Both optic nerves unite into one optic nerve in the brain. 9. The optical apparatus is made up of (1) The cornea ; (2) The aqueous humor ; (3) The crystalline lens ; (4) The vitreous humor. LESSON xxxvi. 10. The eye is capable of adjusting itself accord- ing to the distances of objects. This power is called the accommodation of the eye. 11. The distance of distinct vision of the eye is about ten inches. 12. Short-sightedness and long-sightedness are remedied by concave and convex glasses, respec- tively. 13. The visible direction of the eye is our habit of supposing the point from which a ray'strikes it to lie in the direction from whence the ray comes. 14. The retina retains impressions a little longer than during the actual time in which the light lasts. 15. Color-blindness is a defect of persons in dis- tinguishing between certain colors, or the impossi- bility of detecting any color. 16. The sensitiveness of the retina is readily ex- hausted. LESSON xxxvii. 17. The structure of the sense of hearing consists of two ears, each of which comprises (1) the outer ear, (2) the middle ear, (3) the inner ear or labyrinth. REVIEW. 165 18. The outer ear is peculiarly adapted to collect and transmit waves of sound. 19. The middle ear consists of (1) the external tube and (2) the drum or tympanum. These are separated from each other by the tympanic mem- brane. The drum contains three small bones : the hammer, the anvil and the stapes. Its inner end contains the oval window and the round window. The three small bones connect the tympanum that is, the tympanic membrane with the oval window. 20. The labyrinth or inner ear consists of the vestibule, three semi circular canals, and the cochlea. 21. The labyrinth is filled with liquids, in which are floating the terminal fibres and filaments of the auditorv nerve. 166 FIRST LESSONS IN PHYSIOLOGY. LESSON XXXIX. THE MIND. We have now seen that man possesses a passive framework composed of bones, which form the levers by which he accomplishes his movements. These levers are acted upon by the muscles, which thereby become the proper organs of motion. These, in turn, are controlled to a greater or less extent by the nervous system. The bones, muscles, sensory organs and nervous system have very properly b&en called the 'Animal Apparatus of Life;' they are found in all the higher animals. Now, there is another function apparent in the human body, in virtue of which a constant building- up or repairing of these essentials of animal life is going on within the body, which is called for by the continuous wear and tear of bones, muscles and blood. This function is performed by organs which (1) make blood, such as the alimentary canal and the lymphatics ; (2) keep the blood in circula- tion, as the heart; and (3) maintain it in a pure state, as the lungs. These organs have been com prised under the head of 'Organic Apparatus of Life,' and are also influenced by the nervous sys- tem. The animal apparatus of life intimately connects THE MIND. 167 man with the highest animals ; the organic appara- tus of life, with the vegetable kingdom. Many of the higher species of animals have been greatly changed by domestication. Their ferocious habits have been modified, their instincts improved, their intelligence developed ; but, in spite of all this, domesticated races, when left to themselves, after a few generations return to their original wild- ness. And the superiority of training which an in- dividual animal may have received, never benefits his species or race. With the human being it is very different. Man is gifted not only with an unlimited capacity for men- tal accomplishment, but also with a never-ending desire to acquire new mental attainments. And in- dividuals of ability and talent seldom fail to benefit their race. From those gifts springs the eagerness of the human being for education. Educa- tion consists chiefly in repressing the lower habits of human nature, and in developing its nobler qualities. Beyond all this there exists yet something more elevated though more difficult to analyze, viz. : the faculty which enables us to conceive the idea of the infinite and our relations to the infinite, by which we possess aspirations after Truth, Goodness, Right and Beauty. If the capacity for, and desire after , mental ac- complishment, referred to above, be expressed by 168 FIRST LESSONS IN PHYSIOLOGY. the term Mind, we must recognize (a) that the mind is greatly dependent upon the condition and the state of health of the body, and (b) that the body, in turn, is easily affected by the mind. There are many familiar facts to testify to this, among which may be mentioned as proofs of a : (I) The necessity of proper food to nourish the brain : that is, of pure blood with an abundance of oxygen. Wherever this is wanting, mental activity decreases. (2) The effect of local affections of the brain, as when a per- son has received a severe blow on the head. (3) -The effect of intoxication, or (4) of poison, or (5) of fever or other bodily disorder. And among the numerous proofs of b we have : (1) The well-known effects of anxiety, fear, or joy on the body. (2) The inju- rious effect of mental depression on bodily func- tions. (3) The self -restraint exerted by the body in obedience to efforts of the will. Attention. Every individual has a certain capa- city of concentrating his faculties upon a task which he wishes to perform. Thus, he may wish to acquire knowledge, to repress his anger, to control his habits, or to observe strict honesty in his dealings with others ; but for any and all of these activities he needs a certain power of will. This power of will he must bring to bear upon his faculties in order to be successful. If all his faculties are di- rected upon any one activity at a time, as, for example, upon the acquisition of mathematics, he nearly excludes them from any other activity, and is then said to be attentive. Attention, therefore, is PERCEPTION. 169 the concentration by the power of will of all the fac- ulties upon some one activity to the exclusion of others. Thus, a young person who is bent over his slate, concentrating all his activities upon an arith- metical problem, is almost unaware of what is going on around him. His will deprives the sensory or- gans of nearly all their faculties, which are now spent in inward attention. On the other hand, a countryman visiting a large town for the first time does not follow any particular train of thought, but has his senses busily engaged by the novelties with which he is impressed at every step. His will does not direct his faculties to any special activity ; they are devoted to his sensory organs, and, conse- quently, his attention is wholly outward. Perception. A sleeping person may uncon- sciously start at a loud noise, and then resume his former state of sleep. His sensation was correct; he was conscious of it, but he had no distinct per- ception regarding the source or nature of the sound, because he bestowed no attention upon it. Or, if the young student referred to above had been les absorbed by his mathematical problem, he might have unconsciously heard cries outside of his room, and yet not have had a distinct perception of them ; and having finished his task, and hearing the cries again, this time with his full attention directed to- ward them, he may dimly remember to have heard them before. While, then, a sensation is an im- pression upon a conscious state of mind, a percep- tion is an impression upon a conscious state of mind 170 FIBST LESSONS IN PHYSIOLOGY. accompanied by attention ; or, perception = sensa- tion + attention. From the preceding it will be clear that a person having heard a loud report at a distance repeated several times, in speaking about it will, with perfect propriety, describe the sensation which the sound produced in himself, and which, as yet, he may attribute to the roaring of cannon or thunder, or to an explosion. Now, let him arrive on the spot from whence the noise proceeded. Sup- pose it to have been due to the practice of artillery. He will then perceive the source and the nature of the report, and thus obtain a distinct perception of the cannon, which he may afterwards describe. He has now learned something outside of himself, and his mind is no longer engrossed with its own sensa- tions. Ideas. After his return, the same person can accurately picture the cannon and represent to him- self its effect ; that is, he has retained a mental representation or idea of the object and its effect. This idea he can afterwards reproduce in audible or visible signs words ; or, if he is an artist, he can paint it. An idea is the mental representation of an object; it calls for a higher mental activity than perception. A succession of ideas gives rise to thought. The conscious mind is incessantly engaged in thought. "We might continue, and treat of the laws of thought, of emotion, habit, will, sleep and dreams, but the limits of the present volume have now been attained. DEFINITION OF PHYSIOLOGY. 171 For further information, the young student should, throughout the course, peruse the works of refer- ence indicated. Definition of Physiology. Physiology is the science of the functions of animals and vegetables. Human physiology is the science which treats of the functions of the human body and the manner in which they are brought about. Bead Mental Hygiene. D. A. Gorton. Lippincott, Phila. Expression of the Emotions. Darwin. Body and Mind. Maudsley. Macmillan & Co., New York. Diseases of Btain. By Forbes Winslow. Churchill & Son, Lond. Disorders of the Mind. By F. Winslow. Churchill & Son, Lon& Excellent Anatomical Models, not costly, natural size and magnified, or natural preparations, illustrating Hotze's First Lessons in Physiology, may be found at BERENDSOHN BROS., 23 John Street, New York. QUESTIONS. A. STRUCTURE. LESSON I. ORGANIC AND INOR- GANIC MATTER ANIMAL STRUCTURE. PAGE 9. 1. How are all objects around us divided ? PAGE 10. 2. Upon what is this division based? 3. How does inorganic matter dif- fer from organic as to form ? 4. How, in respect to coherence ? 5. How, as to growth ? 6. How, as to composition ? PAGE 12. 7. How, as to derivation ? 8. Give the structure of higher animals. 9. Define "Organisms;" "Func- tion." (In Physiology, the term Function means office, work, or action; the last is the preferable.) 10. State the functions of Organ- isms. LESSON II. THE SKELETON. PAGE 13. 11. What effect has intense heat on bones ? 12. How does dilute acid affect bones ? 13. Of what substances are bones composed ? 14. Give the structure of bones, PAGE 14 15 How do bones grow ? 1 6. How is the skeleton divided? What is its number of bones ? 17. Describe the three cavities of the skeleton. 1 8. What forms the trunk of the body? PAGE 1 6. 19. How are the arms attached? and how are the movable joints fastened together? 20. How are bones renewed ? LESSON III. THE HEAD; CERE- BRO-SPINAL Axis; TEETH. PAGE 17. 21. Give princ. parts of the head. PAGE 18. 22. What two cavities in the head ? 23. What is ea'ch a part of? PAGE 19. 24. What separate tubes do they help to form ? 25. Describe the parts of a tooth ? PAGE 21. 26. Give number and arrangement of temporary teeth in either jaw. 27. Give the same of permanent teeth in either jaw. 28. What sudden changes are in- jurious to the teeth ; and why ? 29. Mention two great functions of bones. (ist. Locomotion. 2d. Protection of softer parts, as e. g., the skull protect- ing the brain. ) 30 How do teeth differ from bones? 174 FIRST LESSONS IN PHYSIOLOGY. LESSON V. THE TRUNK. PAGE 24.- 31. Describe the spinal column. 32. What are vertebrae ? 33. How are the lungs protected from above, and by what are they encircled ? PAGE 25. 34. Describe a vertebra. PAGE 26. 35. Give three functions of the spinal column. 36. How many ribs are fastened to the sternum ; and why do the other ribs not reach it ? 37. What lies between each pair of vertebrae ? 38. What two offices have these cartilages ? 39. How is the variation in the length of the human body ex- plained ? 40. How is the pelvis formed ? LESSON VI. THE LIMBS. PAGE 27. 41. What similarity in the bones of the upper and lower limbs ? 42. Describe the hand. PAGE 28. 43. Describe the foot. 44. What supports the body when erect ? 45. State the purpose of the ball- and-socket joint. 46. Where is this joint found? 47. What is the hinge-joint ? 48. How many bones in the foot ? 49. Give the object of the arch of the foot ? 50. State the chief advantages of the human hand. LESSON VII. CARTILAGES THE LARYNX. PAGE 30. 51. Give three samples of cartilage? 52. How does cartilage differ from bone ? 53. Give four uses of cartilage ? PAGE 31. 54. What, and where, is the glottis? 55. What is the epiglottis ? 56. Bound the larynx. Describe the trachea. 58. Describe the bronchi and bron- chial tubes. 59. Describe contents of the larynx. 60. How is sound produced in the larynx ? LESSON IX. MUSCLES; FAT. PAGE 35. 61. What happens when the fore- arm is bent up ? 62. Describe a muscle. 63. Why are muscles generally called the organs of motion ? PAGE 36. 64. What is the first property of muscles ? 65. What the second ? 66. Explain rigor mortis. 67. How are voluntary muscles dis- tinguished from involuntary? 68. Give two instances of each class. 69. Which class is uncontrolled by the will ? PAGE 37. 70. What are the chief uses of fat ? LESSON X. MUSCLES MOTOR AGENTS WALKING. PAGE 38. 71. Show why the arm is consider- ed a lever. 72. To what does the arm owe its variety of motions ? 73. By what are those motions ex- erted ? PAGE 39. 74. Explain why 100 pounds of effort is required to balance 5 pounds at the free end of the arm stretched out horizontally. PAGE 40. 75. In what three forms do we re- gain much of the muscular force which is apparently lost? QUESTIONS. 175 76. How do muscles generally ter- minate ? 77. Decide the first step in the act of walking. 78. Describe the second step. 79. Describe the third step. 80. Describe the fourth step. LESSON XI. MUSCLES (CON- TINUED) WORK OF MUSCLES LEAPING. PAGE 42. 81. Explain the fatigue in standing erect long. 82. What are the functions ot con- nective tissue ? PAGE 44. 83. Why are the muscles of the head and trunk less substan- tial? 84. Where is the helmet ? 85. Give the number of external muscles. 86. What two motions constitute a leap ? PAGE 46. 87. Plow is it that a person in leap- ing exerts a musculai force of twice his weight into the ver- tical height ? PAGE 47. 88. In what way is the mechanical power of the body used to best advantage ? 89. How far may we exhaust our forces ? 90. What limits should be observed? LESSON XIIL SKIN HAIR AND NAILS EXCRETION OF SKIN. PAGE 51. 91. How is glue produced from skin? 92. Describe the parts of the skin. 93. Describe the epidermis. 94. What are its main functions ? 95. What are the main functions of the dermis ? PAGE 52. 96. Describe the dermis. 97. State the general properties of the skin, and give their uses. 98. Describe the hair and nails. 99. Describe the two excretions of the skin. PAGE 53. 100. What does the quantity of water lost by transpiration depend upon ? B. NUTRITION. """LESSON XIV. THE BLOOD. PAGE 54. 101. Describe the clot. 1 02. What is the name and the color of the liquid ? 103. What is the composition of blood? PAGE 55. 104. Give the temperature and spe- cific gravity of the blood. 105. What is the quantity of blood in the body ? 1 06. What does the health of the blood depend upon ? 107. Describe the red corpuscles. PAGE 56. 108. Describe the white corpuscles. 109. What gases does the blood con- tain? PAGE 57. . no. Give the uses of the blood. __ rr ^ LESSON XV. THE CIRCULA- TION, i. PAGE 58. in. How large is the heart ? 112. How is it that the blood leaves the heart and returns to the heart again? PAGE 59. 113. Describe the divisions of the heart. 114. Describe the communication between auricle and ventricle? PAGE 60. 115. Give the course of the blood from the heart, and back again to its starting place. 176 FIRST LESSONS IN PHYSIOLOGY. 1 1 6. Which artery carries venous blood ? With what part of the heart is it connected? 117. Where is the blood rendered impure, and to which division of the heart does the impure blood flow ? PAGE 6l. 118. Mention several helpers which assist the action of the heart. 1 19. State the functions of each sub- division of the heart. 1 20. Compare these functions with one another. LESSON XVI. THE CIRCULA- TION, ii. PAGE 62. 121. How may the movements of the heart be examined ? 122. What movements form a pulsa- tion? 123. Define systole and diastole. What is their ratio of time ? PAGE 63. 124. What is it that prevents the blood, as it leaves the heart, from returning at once into the veins? 125. Describe the auricular systole. 126. Explain the ventricular systole. PAGE 64. 127. What is the course of the blood on leaving the ventricles? PAGE 65. 128. What two effects has the pres- sure of the three ounces of blood passing into the arteries after ea^h ventricular systole ? PAGE 66. 129. What is the pulse ? Where may it be felt ? Why are the capil- laries pulseless ? PAGE 67, 68. 130. Give the use of the arteries ? And state two reasons why compression of veins does not check the circulation. LESSON XVIIL THE LUNGS. PAGE 74- 131. Define arterial and venous blood. How do they differ from each other ? 132. How, and where, is venous blood converted into arterial ? PAGE 75. 133. Locate and describe the lungs. 1 34. Give the structure of the trachea, bronchial tubes and the finer tubes. 135. How many lobes in each lung? What is a lobule ? 136. What becomes of the finer bronchial tubes? 137. Describe the air-cells and their contents. PAGE 77. 138. What is the purpose of the capil- laries of the lungs, and how is' it accomplished? 139. What does venous blood gain and lose in the lungs? By what means is its purification effected ? PAGE 7g. 140. What is accomplished by inspir- ation and expiration ? What are the most powerful aids in this process. LESSON XIX. RESPIRATION. PAGE 79- 141. Describe the process of inspira- tion. 142. Describe expiration. 143. Explain the widening and lengthening of the chest dur- ing ordinary inspiration. What are the helps in very deep in- spiration ? PAGE 81. 144. What rhythm is observable in inspiration, and to what is it similar ? 145. Give the points in which inspir- ed air differs from expired. 146. Explain the absorption of oxy- gen by venous blood. QUESTIONS. 177 147. "What does the oxygen combine with, and what becomes of this combination finally ? PAGE 8 1. 148. Why is fresh air necessary, and why ventilation ? How does a lack of either shorten life ? PAGE 82. 149. Explain coughing, sneezing and sighing; also, laughing, sobbing and snoring. 150. Compare the lungs with the heart, giving three points in common and three points of difference. LESSON XXI. AIR AND ITS RELATION TO THE BODY. i. PAGE 87. 151. Explain the requirement of the body in regard to vital heat. 152. What penalty attaches to the decrease of the normal tem- perature? What to the in- crease of the normal tempe- rature ? PAGE 88. 3. In what ways do we experience lo of heat ? 154. Define conduction of heat. PAGE 89. 155. Show that water conducts heat better than air. PAGE 90. 156. Define radiation of heat. State how a person may expose him- self to partial radiation, and what the effects may be. 157. Explain the feeling of cold in windy weather. 158. In what way are bodies affected by conduction and radiation of heat ? PAGE 91. 159. What explains the loss of heat by evaporation ? 160. To what are the injurious effects of wet feet ascribed? How should we guard against cold? 12 LESSON XXII. AIR AND ITS RELATION TO THE BODY. n. PAGE 92. 161. Describe the functions of our garments. 162. Why is flannel a healthier ma- terial than india-rubber? PAGE 93. 163. What is the first object of cloth- ing? What the second? 1 64. Give the characteristics of linen. Why is it to be avoided next to the skin ? PAGE 94. 165. How does cotton differ from linen ? 1 66. Give the characteristics of wool- lens. What makes woollen goods valuable as clothing material ? PAGE 95. 167. Explain why the bed should be warmer than the clothing. PAGE 96. 1 68. State why moist walls are un- healthy. How is their moisture removed best ? 169. What does the purity of air depend on ? What causes the impurity of air ? PAGE 97. 170. Distinguish between ventilation and draught. What does ven- tilation depend on ? LESSON XXIV. FOOD. PAGE IOI. 1 71. What are the principal elements composing the human body? PAGE 102. 1 72. What are the sources of loss to the body ? 173. Illustrate this by a man in a glass house. PAGE 103. 174. Define food. 175. How are the materials which constitute food divided ? 1 76. What mixture of these divisions is essential to our well-being ? 178 FIRST LESSONS IN PHYSIOLOGY. PAGE 104, 177. Mention two substances that are nutritious but not digest- ible. 178. Why are many tasteless sub- stances not nutritious ? How may they be rendered nutri- tious. 179. State the purpose of cooking our food. 1 80. What sensations remind us of the necessity of taking food ? What is meant by oxygen- starvation ? SOLID AND LIQUID FOOD (181. Fine Print State the advan- tages of beef. 182. How does veal compare with beef? 1 83. How does mutton compare with beef? 184. What are the advantages and disadvantages of pork ? 185. What part should fish play in meals ? 186. Give the object of eating butter. PAGE 105. 187. State the excellencies of wheat. 188. How does the potato compare with bread? 189. Which is, after all, the most important of all foods, and why ? What constitutes im- pure water? 190. What is remarkable about milk? Why are coffee and tea highly valued ?) LESSON XXV. DIGESTION, i. PAGE 1 06. 191. Whence do plants derive their food? 192. What do animals generally feed on? What great distinction between animals and plants respecting their food? 193. Describe the changes wrought upon the food in the body. PAGE IO7. 194. Through what channel does food pass into the blood ? 195. What is the daily quantity of solid food of a man ? 196. What two important additions should be made to this ? 197. When does digestion commence? 198. In what consists the first part of digestion ? 199. What purpose do the teeth in fishes subserve ? PAGE 1 08. 200. Describe the characteristic teeth of the herbivores. 201. Describe teeth of carnivores. 202. What significant arrangement in the human teeth ? 203. What is the function of the tongue in digestion ? 204. What organs combine to break down the food ? 205. Why is it broken down ? 206. Why is rapid eating injurious? PAGE 109. 207. Describe the second part of the digestive process. 208. State the function of the saliva ? 209. When does deglutition take place, and how is it effected ? 210. Why may a starving sheep be rightly said to be carnivorous . (See pages 102 and 119.) LESSON XXVI. DIGESTION, n. PAGE 1 10. 211. Describe the stomach. What name is given to its two open- ings, and where are they sit- uated ? PAGE III. 212. In what way is the food in the stomach reduced to chyme, and what fluid assists in this operation ? 213. Which kind of muscles perform mechanical labor in the stom - ach? 214. Why cannot the stomach crush an entire grape? QUESTIONS. 179 215. State the chief functions of the stomach. 2 1 6. What action is temporarily suspended in the stomach ? 217. Give the conditions favorable to stomach-digestion. 218. Why may ice-water taken dur- ing a meal prove injurious ? 219. Give the desirable length of the interval between two consecu- tive meals. .1 20. State the process undergone by the food between the mouth and the pylorus. LESSON XXVIL-DiGESTiON. m. PAGE 113. 221. Describe the intestines. 222. How are they divided? 223. State the length of the small intestine, and of the entire alim. canal. 224. Where does the peristaltic mo- tion take place, and what does it consist in ? PAGE 115. 225. How is the large intestine divided ? 226. Describe the position of each part. 227. How is the large intestine readily recognized ? 228. How does the motion of the large intestine differ from that of the small ? 229. Mention all the digestive fluids. PAGE 1 1 6. 230. What is the purpose of the mu- cous substance secreted by the stomach ? 231. Describe the other liquid se- creted by the stomach. 232. What action has this liquid upon fatty substances ? 233. Explain the pernicious effect upon the stomach of immode- rate quantities of alcohol. 234. What two actions convert the food into chyme ? 235. What becomes of the chyme after leaving the stomach? 236. Where does the food undergo its most important change ? 237. Describe the liver. 238. What are the functions of the liver ? 239. Where does the bile accumulate, and whither does it flow ? PAGE 117. 240. Why must the bile be con- ducted out of the system ? 241. What does bile produce when in the blood ? 242. What does bile produce when thrown into the stomach ? 243. What name has the chyme after its union with bile ? 244. Give the remaining two actions of the bile. 245. State the composition of the chyme when leaving the stom- PAGE 1 1 8. 246. What distinguishes the pan- creatic juice? 247. Describe the pancreas, and the peculiarity it has in common with the salivary glands of the mouth. 248. What is the office of the intes- tinal juice? Where is it se- creted ? 249. What is the estimated quantity of the five digestive liquids a day? What of the gastric juice alone? 250. Describe the combined action of thos five liquids. LESSON XXVIII-AssiMiLATiON. PAGE 119. 251. Explain the interdependency of life and death in the organism. PAGE 120.- 252. How is digested aliment con- verted into blood so as to be distributed over the entire body ? 253. Describe the twofold object of absorption. 180 FIRST LESSONS IN PHYSIOLOGY. PAGE 122. 254. Describe blood-vessels or capil-, laries (Fig. 26). Describe the lacteals (Fig. 27). 255. Describe the absorption of the chyle by blood-vessels. 256. Describe the absorption by the lacteals. 257. Explain the absorption of chyle by a villus. PAGE 123. 258. Describe the lymphatic glands. PAGE 124. 259. Describe the position aud action of the thoracic duct. 260. Trace the further progress of the chyle. C. INNERVATION. LESSON XXX. THE NERVOUS SYSTEM, i. PAGE 130. 261. Give the first two functions of the nervous system, demon- strating each. PAGE 131. 262. Give the third, fourth and fifth functions, demonstrating each; 263. Give sixth and seventh func- tions, and demonstrate each. PAGE 132. 264. How is the nervous system div- ided and subdivided ? PAGE 133. 265. Describe the brain. PAGE 134. 266. Describe the cerebrum and cerebellum. 267. Describe the spinal cord. 268. Where do the cerebro-spinal nerves originate? What is their form ? 269. Describe nervous fibres. Where do they originate ? 270. What do nervous fibres form at their termination? 271. What is the size of those nerv- ous fibres, and where are they smallest ? PAGE 135. 272. What does the sympathetic sys- tem consist of? 273. Where is it situated, and how is it connected ? 274. What course is pursued by its nerves ? PAGE 136. 275. Mention the two substances composing the nervous sys- tem. 276. Where is the white substance within the gray, and where the gray within the white? 277. Of which substance are the nerv- ous fibres and tubes ? Of which the cells ? 278. Which substance forms the cen- tral organ of the nervous sys- tem ? 279. What function has the gray substance ? What function the white ? 280. To what may both materials be compared ? LESSON XXXI. THE NERVOUS SYSTEM, u. PAGE 137. 281. Explain the reason for the con- volutions in the brain. PAGE 138. 282. What seems to be the function of the cerebral hemispheres ? and what are the reasons for believing this ? PAGE 139. 283. State the function of the medul- la oblongata. 284. In what respect is the medulla obi. specially distinct from the brain and the spinal cord? 285. Give the functions of the spinal cord. PAGE 140. 286. Describe the functions of the sympathetic system. 287. Explain the two special func- tions of the nerves. QUESTIONS. 181 288. Demonstrate the existence of motor nerves. PAGE 141. 289. Demonstrate the existence of sensory nerves. 290. What are the nerves of the spinal cord endowed with ? LESSON XXXIII. THE SENSES. PAGE 144. 291. Define sensory organs. 292. What is sensation? Show by an example. PAGE 145. 293. Distinguish between objective and subjective sensations. 294. Explain in what manner the sense of sight is produced. 295. How are sensations generally produced, and what becomes of them ? TOUCH. PAGE 146. 296. Give the common sensations excited by the sense of touch. 297. In what does its distinct struc- ture exist ? 298. Show by facts that an excess of heat or cold produces like impressions. PAGE 147. 299. How far do the nerves retain their sensibility to touch ? 300. State why this sense seems cap- able of great improvement. LESSON XXXIV. TASTE. PAGE 148. 301. Give the most frequent sensa- tions excited by the sense of taste. 302. In what does the distinct struc- ture of this sense consist ? 303. What tends greatly to modify the sense of taste ? And what is remarkable about the ton- gue? 304. How can it be proved that this sense is largely connected with other senses ? SMELU PAGE 149. 305. Give the principal sensations produced by the sense of smell. 306. Describe its structure. 307. How are the nasal chambers protected from dryness ? 308. What form must all matter have in order to impress itself, upon the olfactory nerves ? 309. How does a dog obtain the scent of an object? 310. State what connection there is, if any, between bad odors and their supposed effects ? LESSON XXXV. SIGHT, i. PAGE 150. 311. State the principal sensations excited by the sense of sight. 312. Describe the structure of this sense. .313. What does the eye-ball owe to the membrane which covers it, and of what does the eye- ball consist ? 314. Describe the choroid. PAGE 151. 315. Describe the iris, PAGE 152. 316. Desc-ibe the retina. 317. How may the blind spot in the eye be readily detected ? 318. What do we experience when the retina is in a state of utter rest? PAGE 153- 319. Describe the optical apparatus of the eye. 320. What functions have the eye- brows and eye-lids ? And how is the mobility of the eye-ball effected? LESSON XXXVI. SIGHT, "n. PAGE 154. 321. Describe a camera obscura, and the principle of photography. 182 FIRST LESSONS IN PHYSIOLOGY. 322. Show that the eye may be com- pared to a camera obscura. PAGE 155. 323. What is the experiment that proves that the eye can adjust itself to different distances ? PAGE 156. 324. Describe the distance of distinct vision. 325. Explain short-sightedness and long-sightedness, and tell how each may be neutralized. PAGE 157. 326. Explain visible direction. PAGE 158. 327. What is known regarding the duration of impressions on the retina? 328. What is color-blindness ? 329. How may the sensitiveness of the retina be ascertained ? 330. Mention two frequent sources of injury to the eye. LESSON XXXVII. HEARING. PAGE 159. 331. What are the principal sensa- tions derived from the sense of hearing? PAGE 1 60. 332. Give the general structure of this sense. 333. Describe the outer ear. 334. Describe the external tube and the drum of the middle ear. 335. Describe the contents of the drum. 336. What seems to be the function of the eustachian tube ? PAGE 161. 337. Describe the labyrinth. PAGE 162. 338. State how the sensation of sound is produced 339. Compare the ear with the eye, giving three points in common, (i. Outer ear and ext. tube op*, apparatus. 2. Tympanum retina. , 3. Auditory nerve optic nerve. ) 340. Find three points of difference. LESSON XXXIX. THE MIND. PAGE 1 66. 341. Describe the two apparatus of life. PAGE 167. State the difference between the higher animals and man, as regards domestication, educa- tion and the consciousness of the infinite. 343. What specially characterizes the human species, at least the higher types of man ? PAGE 1 68. 344. Give proofs of the dependence of the mind on the body. 345. Give proofs of the dependence of the body on the mind. 346. When is a person said to be attentive ? PAGE 169. 347. Demonstrate, by examples, that there is an inward and an out- ward attention. 348. Define sensation and percep- tion. PAGE 170. 349. Define idea. PAGE 171. 350. Define physiology. GLOSSARY: CONTAINING THE ANATOMICAL AND PHYSIOLOGICAL MEANING OF CERTAIN TERMS. Ab-do'men. The largest cavity of the body ; below the dia- phragm and above the pelvis, containing the stomach, in- testines, liver, spleen, etc. ASid. A substance generally sour to the taste, which changes vegetable blue colors to red, and combines with bases to form salts. Adipose*. Fat, or fatty. Al-bu'men. A substance like the white of an egg, coagulating by heat. AVi-ment. Nourishment; food. Al-i-menfa-ry Ca-naL A tube passing through the body, be- ginning with the mouth, piercing the diaphragm, and ter- minating with the rectum, by which nourishment is taken into the body, digested, and indigestibles excreted. Aor'ta. The great artery arising from the upper and the back part of the left ventricle of the heart ; the common trunk of the arteries of the body. Apparatus (Physiol.) A system of organs concerned in some special function of the animal body. * Artery. Any branch of the aorta conveying blood in the direction from the heart to all parts of the body. - 184 FIRST LESSONS IN PHYSIOLOGJ. As-sim-i-la' tion. The conversion of food into the substance of organized beings. Au'ricle. The external ear. Hence one of the two venous chambers of the heart, resembling the external ear. Bi'ceps. Two-headed. A muscle attached, on the one hand, to the shoulder-bone, and, on the other, to one of the bones of the fore-arm. Bicuspid. A molar tooth having two points. Branch' us. The windpipe, or trachea. The bronchi, or bron- chia, now mean the two tubes which arise from the bifur- cation of the trachea, and carry air into the lungs. Cam'era-obscu'ra. An instrument used in a darkened room to throw images of external objects upon a surface. Ca-nine'. Applied to teeth, it means the pointed, often long, tooth next to the incisor. Cap'-il-la-rics. A network of minute blood-vessels, connect- ing the termination of the arteries with the termination of the veins. Car'di-ac. From the Greek kardia, the heart. Carniv'orous. Flesh-eating. Carnivore, a carnivorous animal. Car'ti-lage, or gristle. A dense, firm substance of less hard tissue than bones. Cell. A small, distinct, spheroidal mass of protoplasm or living material. Ccr-e-bel' lum. The little brain, beneath the cerebrum. Ccr'e-brum. The brain proper, occupying the entire upper portion of the skull. Cho'roid. A coat containing a great many blood-vessels, lin- ing the interior surface of the sclerotic coat of the eye. Chyle. A milky fluid formed in the process of digestion by the action of the pancreatic juice and the bile on the chyme in the duodenum. GLOSSAET. 185 Chyme. A pulp formed by the action of the stomach on the food. Cil'i-ary Processes. The minute radiating ridges formed around the iris by the anterior portion of the choroid. Clav'i-cle. The collar bone. Coch'lea. A cavity of the ear resembling a spiral shell. Coherence. The act or state of cohering. Co'lon. That portion of the large intestine extending from the caecum to the rectum. Connective tissue. The connecting medium by which the dif- ferent parts of the body are held together. It passes from the dermis between all the other organs, ensheathing the muscles, coating the bones and cartilages, and ulti- mately entering into the mucous membranes. Contrac'tile. Having the power of contraction. Corpus 'cle. Minute body or particle of matter. Cu'ti-cle. The superficial layer of the skin. The same as epidermis. Cutis. The deeper portion of the skin. The same as dermis. Degluti'tion. The act, or power, of swallowing food. Dentine. The principal constituent of a tooth. Derivation. Transmission of anything from its source. Dermis. The same as cutis. (See this.) Diaphragm. The muscular partition separating the chest from the abdomen, and assisting respiration. Dias'tole. A dilatation of the heart and arteries ; opposed to systole. Digestibility. The quality of being digestible. Dilatation. Expansion. Duode'num. The first of the small intestines; so called from being equal in length to the breadth of twelve fingers. Enam'el. The hard exterior surface of the teeth. Epidermis. The same as cuticle. (See this.) 186 FIRST LESSONS IN PHYSIOLOGY. Epiglottis. A cover on the aperture of the windpipe. Eu-sta' chi-an Tube. A tube extending from the inner side of the tympanum and opening at the back of the nostrils. Fetor. A strong, offensive smell. Fi' brine we fibrin. A white, tough, fibrous substance, obtained from coagulated blood. Function. Performance, office, work, action. (See Ques. 9.) Gan'gli-on, pi. ganglia. A mass of nerve-cells, forming a centre from which nervous fibres radiate. Gas 1 trie. Belonging to the stomach. Gloftis. Aperture at the top of the larynx. Hem'or-rhage The loss of blood, bleeding. Herbivorous. Feeding on plants. Herbivore, an herb-animal. Hy'gi-ene. The knowledge of the preservation of health. IFeo-jeju'num. The part of the small intestine immediately succeeding the duodenum. In-cis'or. The four front teeth of both jaws. Innervation. The function of the nervous system. Inorgan'ic. Destitute of organs or animation. In-sal-i-va'tion. The mixing of food with saliva. I'ris. A membrane with an aperture in the centre, stretched vertically across the eye, and separating the anterior from the posterior chamber. The iris gives the eye its color. LaVy-rinth. The internal ear. La^ .