University of California Berkeley Old Fashioned Black Fo'ks POEMS BY ELLIOTT ELAINE HENDERSON AUTHOR OF "Plantation Echoes" "Soliloquy of Satan" "Dis, Dat and Tutter" "Jes Plain Black Fo'ks' "Uneducated Fo'ks" Columbus, Ohio Published by the Author 1913 DEDICATION This book is respectfully dedicated to the following named persons who were among the very first to encourage my efforts. I therefore take this opportunity of manifesting my deep ap- preciation. E. B. H. Mr. William J. Joyce Dr. E. J. Wilson Mr. F. P. Copper Mr. B. K. Black Dr. C. L. Spohr M. E. L. Pease Mr. Robert Candy Dr. S. Andre Crotti Mr. W. K. Williams Postmaster H. W. Krumm Mr. Theodore Lindenberg Mr. W. F. Hoffman Dr. W. H. Syfert Mr. J.G. Lykes Judge Samuel G. Osborn Judge E. B. Dillon Dr. Sherman Leach Col. J. G. Battelle Mr. E. G. Burkam Mr. S. P. Bush Mr. Butler Sheldon Mr. JohnF. Wilson Mr. G. K. Mitchell E. A. Hamilton, M. D. Mr. W. J. Nonnenmacher Mr. S. E. Strode Rev. Dr. Carl Patton Washington Gladden, D. D. H. W. Whitaker, M. D. W. U. Cole, M. D. Mr. Claud Meeker Mr. Henry C. Werner Mr. Robert E. Sheldon Mr. Thomas H. Sheldon Mr. J. M. Henry Mr. E. E. Fisher Mr. Philipp Schneider Dr. A. A. Peasly Mr. Ollie Wood Mr. William Newton Mr. J. T. Daniels Mr. K. E. Casparis Mr. Fred Berry Mr. C. G. Henderson Mr. Hugh Huntington Dr. A. W. Newell Mr. J. O. Dye Mr. J. A. Hedges Dr. A. W. Kiler Dr. Earl Euans Hon. Stacy B Rankin Hon. W. G. Bowland Mr. Cecil Fanning Gen. Thos. E. Powell Prof. J. A. Schawan Mr. F. L. Packard Mr. E. F. Babbitt Dr. J. H. J. Upham Dr. F. L. Stillman Dr. W. D. Hamilton Dr. Albert C. Cooper Mr. T. M. McGovern Mr. Jacob Scowden Mr. J. W. Banning Mr. J. C. Eaton Rev. J. C. Schaer Hon. Geo. R. Young Mr. L. W. Cargill Dr. J. P. Merchant Dr. Geo. Stockton Mr. E. B. Merrell Mr. J. T. McGrath Col. James Kilbourne Mr. Herman Hoster Mr. Edward Born Mr. Clifford Coffman Dr. E. E. Smith Dr. G. C. Schaeffer Mr. C. M. Kinnard Mr. S. F. L. Dean Mr. C. O. Tracy Mr. L,ouis N. Reif Mr. Henry Goldsmith Mr. Wm. Mumm Dr. R. W. Deyo Mr. Edmund F. Arras Prof. Alfred Barrington Mr. Carl J. Hoster Mr. Roger Stafford Ohio State Journal Dr. Bruce E. Lindsey Mr. Kinnard Mgr. Crystal Ice Co. Mr. E. J. Butterworth Mr. Wm. M. Jones Mr. Karl D. McMahon Mr. J. H. Tilton Mr. John Wiley Steube Mr. E. M. Poston Mr. Tw. H. Bogardus Mr. I. A. Morrissett Mr. Ore E. Kendell Rev. Dr. Tim. Lehmann Mr. J. C. Nailor Mr. B. W. Gearhart Mr. John Stoddard, Jr. Mr. D. H. Peoples Mr. Emmett H Slay Mr. Clyde C. Phillipps P. W. Pheneger, M. D. Mr. H. M. Burringten Mr. Evan Walters Dr. A. Ross Read Mr. Sara Kinuear Mr. Herman Hoster Hon. H. J. Booth Hon. Clifford B. Dye Mr. Herman Hubbard Hon. I. Brubacher Mr. O. P. Gothlin Mr. Bryson Mr. L. M. White Mr. James O'Kane Mr. J. C. Campbell Mr. Willis Robinson Dr. W. H. Miller Mr. H. J. Westerman Dr. Chas. F. Hatton J. M. Lisle, M. D. Mr. N. C. Court Hon. C. E. Belcher Dr. E. F. McCampbell Mr. L. A. Holmes Mr. R. M. Small Hon. J. T. Holmes Mr. Geo. J. Baumgartner Mr. Lawrence Taft Mr. E. J. Butterworth Mr. Fred Richter Mr. Albert Joyce Prof. Kinkead, Ass't Supt. Rev. Dr. Britan Columbus Public Schools Mr. E. F. Berry Hon. C. A. McCleary Mr. Robert Young Mr. C. C. Jaynes Mr. H. L. Kirkling Mr. Guy V. Hollar Mr. Fred D. Connelly Capt. C. N. McDonnell Mr. L. M. White Mr. Geo. C. Ruth I some times think That in this old world of strife That the Negro, alone, Gets real sweetness out of life, For the simple good reason, That with just a little bit, He's always in good spirits And a bustin' out with wit! Why, he'll dance and sing If he hasn't got a cent To pay for his "britches," Or to pay for the rent. While the white man's a-worrying Because he's got no more, The Negro is rejoicing singing "All's Honkeedore!" He's happy-go-lucky If it rains or it shines; If otherwise in spirit Why he doesn't show no sign. If compelled to feast on "middlins" Instead of eating chicken He licks his chops contented, Goes on eating without kicking. The lightning can flash, And the thunder can roar, 10 SOME NEGRO CHARACTERISTICS And the winds raise the mischief, Threaten to break in the door; But he'll just cross his legs And sit back 'side the wall As though he isn't bothered As to what come at all! That the Negro's constituted Peculiarly, why, there's no doubt Under the most discouraging features He will sing, rejoice and shout! It seems he has the knack To make trouble tuck his tail and run, And look on in a jolly mood And seem to e'joy the fun. When he gets muddled, Or when he gets blue, He don't fetch his troubles roun, To pester me and you, But he totes right along, With a whistle or a song. As though things are right, And nothing's gone wrong. If he's got the rheumatism, If he's got the chronic gout, Don't matter how they pester In church meeting, he can shout ! Just fling his legs like sixty, Throw his crutch and cane away, And shout 'long with the fastest From midnight plum till day. SOME NEGRO CHARACTERISTICS 11 If his burden gets so heavy, That it bends him nigh mos' double, He jogs along o' singing "Umph, it's trouble, trouble, trouble!" De good Lawd's gwine to fotch us out All right bye and bye ! Keep er inchin' erlong, keep er inchin' erlong, Dont' weep, don't moan, ner sigh! It isn't because the Negro Doesn't have ups and downs, That he doesn't seem to worry And seldom seems to frown. For the Negro has had A pretty hard row of stumps, To get up 'bove the level Of the knocks and the bumps ! He's had a lot of ups and downs Too numerous for to mention, But he has plodded right along, A trying to Void contention. In spite of all the crooks and turns, Of all the rough and tumble Through devious ways he has been raised From depths most grim and humble ! But there are times some things are done Which go against his grain, That rile him up and make him sore, Because strikes deep the pain; But soon it passes as the storm 12 SOME NEGRO CHARACTERISTICS And he forgets the sting, With heart and soul he tugs away, And pats his foot and sings. He has sung a song, For decades in this clime, "You may have all the world Gimme Jesus all the time." Some people take it As a pretty good joke! Say he's got all of Jesus, All the "world," the white folk ! But he's waking up, He's opened his eyes ! He's getting broad, He's getting wise ! And long since learned That money gotten right, To take along with Jesus For to help him out his plight ! So as a final To this scribble I will add Just one more ripple ! In true language I will say, Now understand, I don't gainsay, I am a Negro Plum to the core! My Gracious Master SOME NEGRO CHARACTERISTICS 13 I adore, That He has made me What I am A true born son Of the race of Ham! Deys nuffin' dat am beddah Fo' to dribe erway de muddles, To git you out de mire An' to fotch you out de puddles, Den to caper to de music Ob an' ol' banjo, When de music's quick an' ticklish An' it 'taint er bit slo' ! How it's plinkertee, plink! An' it's plunkertee, plunk! Gits you hoppin' an' o' bobbin' Till you feel hunkeedunk ! When de day drags slo', An' de hours solemn lak An' de shaddahs dawk an' gloomy, Settle roiin' erbout yo' shack, An' de rain drizzles down Wid it's pitter, pitter pattar Ef you den can hyah de banjo How you lonesum f eelin' scattahs ! 14 BANJO DITTY Kaze it's plinkertee, plink! An' it's plunkertee, plunk! Gits you hoppin' an' o' bobbin' Till you feel hunkeedunk ! When de banjo plays de ditty, "Uncle Kech, Sally Brown" An' de uddah, "Stan 5 Back Young Foks" Slute de oP fo'ks come to town, !" An' evahbody's drappin' in Er hoppin' 'bout with ease, An' you hyah de call er comin', "Slute yoh poddnahs ef you please!" How it's plinkertee, plink! An' it's plunkertee, plunk! Gits you hoppin' an' o' bobbin* Till you feel hunkeedunk! A Regrettable Speakin' bout boghead Puts me in de mine, Ob de time ah's mawlin' rails, B'low de Mason-Dixon line. One day ah fotchd er hoghead, home, When Mandy says to me, Let's hab er hoghead supper, An' vite obber, Eldah Lee! Ahsaidumph! Dat's jimdandy! Ah's got no jeckshens tall! A REGRETTABLE INVITATION 15 Ah tinks ahd lak to hab de Eldah Drap in fo' er call ! Ah bleeb it's time dat we should show Our good will toward de brudder, An' 'sten an' inbertayshun, now, Widdout er waitin' f udder ! So Mandy hopped an' jumped erbout Er singin' an' er smilin', An' put de pots and skillets on, An' soon had tings er bilein' ! She's dabblin' hyah, she's dabblin' dare, Er tarnin' dis way an' tudder, While de hoghead bilein' in de pot Kep' sayin', "spudder! spudder!" We sent ah HT Rastus out To tell de Eldah Lee, To fotch his wife an' family, obber, To ah shack f o' tea ! We barely got tings fixed up right, When long comes Eldah Lee, An' hopps into ah shanty, says, "We am done come, vou see ! Ah hopes you all will skewze us, Ef wees HT head ob time. Ah spoze it makes no diffunce, An' you bidders it no crime! When Rastus said er hoghead feas' Was waitin' fo' us all, Ah made mah mind up ahd be hyah, Ef fo'ks, ah had to crawl! 16 A REGRETTABLE INVITATION Ah 'seeved yoh immitation Jes' befo' de clock struck fow ! An' ah tole mah wife an' fambly Dat ah 'spec' weed beddah go. Ah knows yoh latch string, brudder's Allus danglin' out fo' me! An' it makes me feel ez tickled An' ez happy ez can be! You all since ah's been preechin' hyah, Hab treated me so nice, Dat ahd lak to be yoh preechah Twice ez long ez Eldah Fice ! It seems to me mah bruddah, Dat ah's been hyah all mah life! An' longs you feed us diss erway We sho' won't hab no strife ! You know ah is yoh shepherd An' you all am some mah flock ! So keep er plenty hoghead, chickens, All sich stuff in stock! You kno' de scripshure pintly says, 'Gawd's lams mus' all be fed!' So you am carryin' out dem sweet words In 'vitein' us to dis spread!" At las' ah said "sot down you fo'ks Dey haint no use ob waitin' !" De eldah said, "You're right mah fren, 'Bout date we'll hab no d'batein! Jes' sot me near dat hoghead, Ef you hab no superstishen ! A REGRETTABLE INVITATION 17 It seems in diss oT world, mah fren, Dat eatin's mah special mission!" Umph ! When he opened up his mouf, Commenced to ax de bressins, 'Twas den ah felt down in mah heart Er feein' mos' distressin' ! He said, "Oh Lawd, sich stuff ez diss, Am mannah f um on high ! 'Recpt mah tanks fo' sich good luck, Dat hab not passed me by! "Ah loves to kno' dat hyah below, Wees got some milk an' honey! An' dat it tain't all up erbove, Whah de streets am gold an' sunny! We want some good tings 'fo' we leave Diss hyah ol' worP ob trouble! Tote some mo' hoghead, chickens 'roun', An' make ah pohshen doubble!" He litt into dat hoghead An' jes' toh it all to pieces He put de mos' erpon his plate, Said, mah fren' ah now beseeches, You do de waitin' on de res', Dat am mo' to yoh lackin', Ah'll he'p mahse'f an' eat right on, An' keep some jokes er crackin' ! Diss hoghead goes right to de spot! Ah kain't leeb off er secun! Ef you don't stop me, dog mah skins, 18 A REGRETTABLE INVITATION Ah'll eat it all, ah reckun! Kose you don't mine dat ah presumes, Beings it's mah choices' meat! Ah knows it does you pow'ful good To see yoh Pawson eat ! He fotched all ob his chillun 'long, 'Bout sixteen pickahninnies ! Umph ! Mussy me ! how dey did eat ! Dey stuffed lak ducks and guineas ! Dey licked dey chops, dey Licked de plates, dey licked dey fingers, too ! De Eldah cried, keep eatin' fo'ks Lawd knows we's jes' ha'f thru! Well when dey rizz up fo' to go, Ah sho' gawd felt lak shoutin' ! De way dey eat, dey made me mad, Ah's swelled up an' er poutin'. In fac' ah's mad ernuff to fight ! An' ef day'd kep' on eatin', Ahd smacked dem chillun 'way fum dare, An' gibb de paws'n er beatin' ! Dey eat much ez er dozen dogs, Six hogs two mules besides. Ah wandered how dey ebber put. All dat stuff in dey hides. Ah swo' dat preechah and his fo'ks, Done eat dey las' wid me. An' when dey filed out, said good bye, Ah cried, thank God we're free! A REGRETTABLE INVITATION 19 Well whut dey lef ' Dey wouldn't been, Ernuff to grease er nickel! De only ting, dey didn't tech, Was jes' one poh small pickle! De nex' time dat ah has hoghead, You bet yoh coon skin jacket, Ah'll 'vite no body but mahse'f, Ah don't care who don't lack it ! Fiddle-de ! Fiddle-dee ! Fiddle-dee, fy! Now am de possum An' de coon time nigh ! Come on wid de dogs, An' we'll hab er juberlee, We'll run de coon an' possum Up de sickermire tree ! Let loose de dogs, boys ! Dat's de way to do ! You kno' Uncle Joe's Lots older den you ! He's chased coons an' possums Long fo' youse thought erbout! He knows jes' whut to do To fotch de coon an' possum out! De air, am, kam, An' de moon shines bright ! 20 A 'POSSUM, COON CHASE Ah Boys, Ah tells you Dis sho' am de night, To git Mistah Coon, Mistah Possum on de run! Go long ez Ah tells you,, An' we'll hab barrels ob fun ! Ha! Ha! Dey's struck sumpin, Sho' ez you born ! Whut's dat dey's treein' Down yondah in de corn? Be dogs ! It's er coon ! Ah'll bet mah coon skin jacket! Good Lawd! Jes' lissen At de fuss an' de rackett ! Dah he goes, boys! Come on f oiler me ! Kech him fo' he gits To dat sickermire tree ! Sick 'im, Towser! Sick 'im! Git ! boys, git ! Ah's mos' forgot Ah's ol', Ah's got to res' er bit ! Jes' run right erlong, An' don't mind me ! But fo' Gawd sake fotch dat coon, Out dat sickermire tree ! 21 'Siidhi aura MeMim" m Msife SMiraP Sich er itchin' in mah shins Sich er ticklin' in mah feet ! Kaze de music ob de ragtime Is so poody an' so sweet ! Dey hain't nuffin' dat am sweetah Fo' to make you hop and jump Den de music ob de ragtime When it's comin' thumppee-te-thump ! Sich er bobbin' up an' dcwn ! Sich er swingin' to an' fro' Cullahd fo'ks is mighty happy When dey's makin' sich er sho' ! Dey's 'bout ez nigh heaven Ez dey ebbah wants to be. Den it's "Go day, God send Sunday, Ebbah day is juberlee!" Dat's de cullahd fo'kses music! White fo'ks go way, leeb it lone! You hain't got er bit ob business Techin' not er single tone. You jes' go 'long wid yoh music Dat you calls de "klassahkal," While we bundles up ah "rag time" An' goes "Gittin' Over Sal !" Why dat music, go way honey, Makes you feel jes' lack you flyin' ! 22 "SIGH AN ITCHIN' IN MAH SHIN!" Lack you bobbin' up to glory Wid er feelin' satisfyin'! An' you doesn't care er particle Wheddah you ebbah stop er tall ! Jes' so longs you keeps er gwine, An' you doesn't slip er fall ! Why de music ob de rag time's Got er happy-go-lucky snap ! Dat jes' drags you out yoh dozes, An' jes' pulls you out yoh nap! An' de wise jes' lack de foolish Bofe will kick an' squerm 'eroun,' When er riddle, band er banjo Monkeys wid its raggitty soun'. Kose you sometimes may ax scanlous, Give yoh feelins sich er slack Dat de folks er lookin' at you, Tink yoh mind is jumped de track ! But ez long ez you is tickled You don't mine it you don't kyeer, Kaze it he'ps you 'long wid trouble Fills yoh heart plum full ob cheer! Dat's de reason dat de ragtime Puts fo'ks in er jolly vain, Kaze its got de snap an' ginger Dat is simple sweet an', plain ! It tain't stuck up lack dat music Wid er highkerflootin' tone, But it keeps down wid de plain fo'ks So dey understan' it's moan. 23 A Emprise Visit Who am diss dat calls me Uncle? Joshua Johnson? Who am he? You de son ob Hockfoot Johnson, Go 'way chile! Dat's miff fo' me! Why de Lawd be praised diss mawnin' ! Dat deez ol' eyes, still can see. When you fus' said, "Howdy Uncle!" Thought youse play in' some joke on me. Come in hyah ! Don't be er standin' Out dah lak youse puttin' on! Wees ol' fashion' ez de dickens, You'll find out befo' youse gone. Whah's yoh trunk? Yoh kyarpet satchel? Fotch 'em in hyah wid you, too ! You can stay long ez you mind to, We won't take er cent fum you! Kaze we fo'ksez down in Guinea, Bleebs in hosspetallitee ! We delights in sich pertainin', Fo' to commerdate f o'ks free ! Kose we don't libb in no mansion, We hain't rich fo'ks not er tall. But wees allus got er plenty Fo' to gibb fo'ks when dey call. Sick ez possum, chittlins, Pertayters, chicken, spahribbs, ducks er so! 24 A SURPRISE VISIT See yoh mouf begin to wattah ! 'Speck ahd beddah say no mo'. Gawd knows ef youse lak yoh daddy, You am pow'ful on de eat. He can eat fow big fat chickens, An' den poke down six hog feet! Hoi' on. Dinah, look hyah honey ! Am dat possum in de pot? Frow in lots ob den drap dumplins! Git 'em sizzlin', f rizzlin' hot ! Put on three mo' big fat chickens, Six ham bones fowteen hog feet, Kaze wees got some kin fo' dinner, Dat Ahm sho' does lubb to eat! Kyah ! Kyah ! Boy, Ah speck youse tinkin', Dat yoh uncle beats King Rastus ! But wees gwine to hab some eatin', An' we won't let none git passed us. Dinah, Dinah ! Come hyah honey ! Lemmee dewce you to mah r'lation ! Now look hyah don't go to primpin', Kaze you'll try diss ol' man's patience. Diss am Jushua Johnson, Dinnah, He's de son ob ol' Hockfoot, Uster peddle hoodoo powder, Cunjah charms an' ol' snake root. "What? De lawd be praised in Zion! Ol' man hain't you jokin', me? Come hyah, tell me Howdy, sonny. Joshua? Can dis truly be! A SURPRISE VISIT 25 He's de spit ob his ol' daddy, Hockf oot Johnson, up an' down ! One ting sho' he won't be dead, Ez long ez you is totein' roun. Youse knockneed, slewfoot jes' lak him, Got de same bowlegged walk, Dey's no spewtin' fac's an' figgers, You am true born Hockfoot stock. Chile ah's gwine back to de kitchen Dress dat possum up so fine, Smuddah dat chicken, pester dem chittlins, Till you'll nebbah'll feel lak gwine! Ol' man, git up put yoh boots on, Frow some mo' wood on de fire ! Hopp eroun', frow 'way yoh roomticks, Hyah me? Fo' you raise mah ire!" Alright Dinnah ! Kyah ! Kyah ! Sonny ! Mah ol' woman am er sight! Ump ! She makes me hopp lak sixty, Bofe fum mawnin' plurp till night. But ah lubbs dat ol' brae' woman, Yess ah does ! Indeed ah does ! She hain't poordy, she hain't handsome, But she's de bes' dat ebbah was. Why wees been togeddah, sonny, Fo' deez sixty yahs er so! An' ef Dinah was to drapp off, Right erway ahd want to go. Well, ah guess ahd beddah git up, Son, fo' Dinah totes back in, 26 A SURPRISE VISIT Kaze she's liable fo' to hit me Wid dat big ol' rollin' pin. Kaze when she gits mad an' ruffled, She am lak er yallah jacket! An' she's quicker den er buzz saw, An' can raise er barrel ob racket ! Now jes' make yo'se'f at home, son, We'll hab dinner after while. Ump! Ah's jes' done reckerflected, Dat Ah's got some wood to pile. Ah's got pow'ful lots to ax you, When we sot down to de table. An' Ah wants you son to stuff An' eat, jes' long ez you is able. WinCim Sismmali's Come Wintah's gone! Summah's come! Feel's lack waltzin', Dancin', some ! White fo'ks, black fo'ks, Ol' an' glum, Is tickled lack de mischief When Summah's come! Blue bird singin' Lack de cullahd fo'ks ! Jay bird talkin' Lack he's tellin' jokes! WHEN SUMMAH'S COME 27 Woodpeckah drummin' Lack er deacon wid his cane, Dat's er rappin' fo' de liniment To rub erway his pain. Whut's dat de bull frog's Sayin' in de swamp? Cullahd fo'ks it's time Fo' to play, an' to romp! De goose hang's high An' de melon's 'bout due! Whut's de use o' workin' When you don't ha'f to ! Fox an' de groun' hog, Tip toein' 'roun', Lack dey's HT bit skyeerd Dey'll meet mistah hound. Dey hain't no tellin' Whut de hound might do, Ef dey meet him ah's er tinkin' T'would be cockle-doodle-doo ! De day's so fine An' de season's done come, Ah tinks it's 'bout time To do er li'l fishin' some! When de sun shines on Bofe sides ob de street, Bass an' suckahs Am bitein' poordy sweet ! 28 WHEN SUMMAH'S COME Wintah's gone! Summah's come! Feels lack waltzin', Dancin', some! White fo'ks, black fo'ks, Ol', an' glum, Is tickled lack de mischief When summah's come ! When ah hyahs de drum 1 beat, When ah hyahs de fife toot ! Dat's de time dat dis ol' man Mos' hops plum out his boots ! Kase dey hain't no use ob talkin', Dat puts ginger in mah heels! An' ah's boun' to do some marchin', Ef ah lose er 'possum meal. Now dat's er whole lots, hain't it? Fo' er cullahd man to say! When he says he'd go off marchin' When dey's possum on his tray. But honey, hyah's one darky When he hyah's de fife an' drum, Am ready in er jiffy To do er li'l marchin', some! STRIKE UP DE FIFE AN* DRUM 29 Why who can keep fum marchin', When dey hyah de fife an' drum ! An' sot still lack er deacon, Wid de gout, an' feelin' glum. Why dog-gone mah skins, folks ! An' oF man lack me, Could march plum down to Zeenee To dat toot ! toot-tee toot ! toot-tee ! Ah feels lack doin' some marchin' now Strike up de fife an' drum! Les hab er li'l juberlee An' make creation hum! Ahd lack to be er sojer once mo' Lack ah uster be! When Linkum needed jiners An' he sot we niggahs free ! Such marchin' dat we niggahs done, When Linkum sot us free! Er steppin' to de fife an' drum In sixty-two an' three ! You nebbah seed sich times, young fo'ks Ah hopes you nebbah will ! Good Lawd, strike up de fife an' drum, An' let me do some drill ! Look at me, ol' an' feeble, now ! But let de fife go toot ! You'll tink diss ol' man's strong ernuf, To lift three barrel's ob "jute"! Dees legs will straighten out quick as er wink, 30 STRIKE UP DE FIFE AN' DRUM An' soople up quick ez er secon' ! Ah spec' fo' downright marchin', boys, Ah'll beat you all ah reckon. Toot-tee toot ! Toot-tee toot ! Toot-tee toot, tee! Toot-tee toot ! Toot-tee toot ! Toot-tee toot ! . Strike up dat toot, jes' er secon', boys, An' watch yoh Uncle Lute ! You see diss button 'pon mah coat? Dat tells you who ah am ! Dat tells you dat ah's one de boys Dat fit f o' Uncle Sam ! Ah's whah de bullets all eround Was drappin' thick ez rain; Strike up de fife an' drum some mo' ! An' let mie drill again ! Er braver man dey nebbah was, Den diss ol' man, you see. Ah nebbah budged, ah nebbah flinched, When bullets flew at me! Er yallah streak you'll nebbah'll find Up diss ol' niggah's back ! Strike up de fife an' drum 'ergin While ah marches down de track ! Toot-tee toot! Toot-tee toot! Toot-tee toot, tee! Toot-tee toot ! Dont let er slack ! Keek up dat toot jes' er secon', boys ! De ol' man's marchin' back ! 31 You talk erbout yoh runnin' An' er gitten' out de way, You oddah seed Ol' Rufus Dat got scared de uddah day. He hadn't walked, dey tell me Since Abe Linkum sot him free ! An' de ol' man seemed ez hep'less An' ez feeble ez could be. Well, de uddah day it seems He got er notion in his mind, Dat he'd lack to come to town, To look eroun' an' do some buyin'; So de boys hitched up Ol' Susan An' drove up to dey shack An' laid him in de wagon On er padded coffee sack. Now mind you ! Uncle Rufus Who was eighty-fo' las' fall, Couldn't even hop wid crutches, Ner use er cane ertall. He had gout an' roommaticks An claimed fokses cunjured him; Dat's why he'd done been he'pless Forty yeahs in bofe his limbs. "Now, boys," said Uncle Rufus, "Let de mare go li'l sl'o'; 32 UNCLE RUFUS' ROOMMATIC CURE Kase ah's got er pow'ful jumpin' In mah hips an' in mah toe. Yoh Daddy's poody feeble, An' you mus' be mighty careful, De only reason ah's still hyah Am, kaze ahm pow'ful prayerful!" Well, dey jogged erlong, an' jogged erlong, Till 'bout three miles f um town ; De ol' man axd whut time it was, An' skimmed his eyes eroun'. Dey's nine miles fum his shanty An' de road was rough an' tumble Twas all Ol' Susan she could do, To keep her foots fum stumblin.' Jes' ez dey's 'bout to make er tarn Dat headed dem to town, De ol' man heard er li'l noise, An' tarned his head eround; "Good Lawd ! Look at dat wile cat, boys ! Good Lawd! Whut shall ah do?" But de boys dey tarned Ol' Susan loose, An' straight back home dey flew ! But when dey got back to dey shack, Jes' 'magine, dey surprise, Er dancin' an' er praisin' God, Stood Rufus 'fo' dey eyes ! Dey cried, "Why Foddah, how'd you git back?" Er miracle diss am sho' ! "Ahm hyah, boys ! Ah beat Ol' Susan back, Go. 'long, dat's all ah kno' !" 33 Bey HaJirrt No Seimse m Gtaib' Gknm Dey haint no sense In gitten' glum, An' sotin down When trouble come ! Er feelin' mad An' feelin' blue, Kase tings haint tarned Up right fo' you. Why dat's de time To sing an' shout ! When trouble comes Er broozin' bout. Jes' pat yoh foots An' carry on An' sing till Ol' Man's Trouble's gone. De wise fo'ks Am de kind can sing, When trouble comes Er pestering. Dey lafs an' smiles, You wouldn't kno Dat trouble's hangin' Round dey doah! So when you find Yo'se'f in doubt, 34 DEY HAIN'T NO SENSE IN GITTIN' GLUM 'Bout how yoh trouble's Comin' out, Jes' pat yoh foot An' sing some mo' An' trouble'll run Plum out yoh doah. 1 S You may tink me poordy rowdy, But fo'ks to sabe may soul, Ah kain't keep mah seat, When music comes so bol' ! It strikes me in de ankles, An' it gits down in mah toes, Till ah kain't keep fum jumpin' up An cuttin' dy-ah-doze! Fiddledee, fiddledee fiddle! Squeakertee, squeakertee, squawk! Sounds jes' lack dat tings er tryin' Mighty hard to tawk ! How it's music makes you, Bust yo'se'f plum loose! Hop 'round' lack er gander Bobb 'roun' lack er goose! Ez long's de fiddle squawks, An' es Ion's de fiddle whine, You pays no bit o' tenshun Which erway you all is gwine! FIDDLE SONG 35 Fiddledee, fiddledee fiddle! Squeakertee, squeakertee squawk! Sounds jes' lack dat tings er tryin' Mighty hard to tawk ! You oddah seed me when ah's spawkin' Sixty yeahs ergo! When befo me an' miss Molly Went er bobbin' down de flo' ! You nebbah seed sich cuttin' up, An' monkeyin' carryin' on, Since po' ol' Nebbahneezer Wid de oxes ate de corn! Fiddledee, fiddledee fiddle! Squeakertee, squeakertee squawk! Sounds jes' lack dat tings er tryin' Mighty hard to tawk ! Dey's times diss ol' man's troubles Gits thick ez meddah grass, And cares sprout up lack mushroons, Gits thick ez sassahfrass. But jes' tickle de fiddle strings An' lemmee hyah it speak, Fo'ks when it comes to jump in', Ah beats er lightnin' streak. Fiddledee, fiddledee fiddle! Squeakertee, squeakertee squawk! Sounds jes' lack dat tings er tryin' Mighty hard to tawk ! 36 FIDDLE SONG Dey's times diss ol' man's spirits Gits on de mountain top ! When de music keeps er comin' Fum de fiddle flippeeteflopp ! You can hab mah robe an' manshon, An' can take mah starry crown, Jes' keep de fiddle whinein' When diss ol' man's loafin' 'roun' ! Fiddledee, fiddledee fiddle! Squeakertee, squeakertee squawk! Sounds jes' lack dat tings er tryin' Mighty hard to tawk ! Ye sons of Adam's mighty race, Unfettered by God's munificent grace, Have ye forgot that noble sire, Who filled with patriotic fire, Struck first the blow for freedom's cause To abbrogate the tyrant's laws ? If such there be let him be shunned, By every loyal patriot son! He is not fit for freedmen's clan, Who forgets the deeds of such a man! Heaven hath decreed through Adam's fall, Each race for a spell must bear the thrall. Through blood and tears it must be freed, By brave magnanimous, generous deeds. CRISPUS ATTUCKS 37 Hear ye ! the cry from thralldom's plain, ''Arise ye slaves, shake off thy chains !" While tryants tremble, cringe and groan, Dismayed they totter on their thrones ! Against tyranny, that great revolt, Rushed like the mighty thunder bolts, And like a Vesuvius in eruptive state, It left the foe most desolate ! Liberty, the invigorating elixir sweet ! Descended from heav'n's mercy seat, The boon for which all mankind thrives, Bought by the blood of countless lives, Inspired that act which broke the spell, For which brave Crispus Attucks, fell. Well didst he strike ! This martyr brave, Couldst he but rise up from his grave Behold his country disenthralled, In majesty and sweet content 'Mid scenes most glorious, eloquent, Filled with an unctuous holy joy To sweeter dreams he could lie down, Through evening shades pass to yon shore Receive the well earned martyr's crown. Who was this man whose deeds we trace? He was of Ethiopia's race, Whose sons have suffered, bled and died, To help make this land unified! Ye sons of Ethiopia's race, Arise with dignity and grace! 38 CRISPUS ATTUCKS Since from beneath the chastening rod Ye have been raised by mighty God, Heaven expects thee to help rear, The mighty structure building here! His body sleeps beneath the sod, O'er which no tyrants cohorts trod. Though dead, yet he is more alive Than when on earth he did here strive. The blow he struck for freedom's band, Still goes resounding through the land. To those unborn it shall proclaim "Liberty for all" in Heaven's name. His deeds shall shine like that great light Which bursts from Pisga's lofty height. The encircling gloom cannot obscure It's light that shines for ever more. So let His deeds your souls inspire! Filled with a patriotic fire, First, last and always, ever be, A negro ! Proud of your ancestry ! Liberty enthroned the great jubilate Is sung by the Angels as they congregate, Around the portals of the Lord And strike their harps with one accord ! Write with a vigor, with a fire, The name of this redoubtable sire! Upon the page ascribed to those, Who died to lift a nation's woes ! 39 Doff your hats and bow your heads The Old Veterans are passing by! Battled scarred, their days far spent, Life's eventide fast draweth nigh. Warriors bold, gallant and brave, They faltered not, they knew no fear, Where e'er their captain led the way, They sallied forward, with a cheer. Decrepit, haltingly they go, Like tottering children, step, by step! Within their eyes still is the glow of patriotism, That has not slept. The world has heard their belching guns, The rattle of their musketry, Beheld their dashing, cavalcades, Fight ! That a nation might be free ! Their deeds are mighty as the sea, And shine bedazzling as the sun ! An inspiration to all men Who've struggled, since the world begun. They fought for that approved by God ! Truth and right, justice for all! And heav'n and earth rejoiced as one When burst the nation's bond and thrall ! 40 THE OLD VETERANS Christ shed his blood on Calvary, That man might be redeemed from sin. The deeds of those who nobly died With that great deed are truly kin. Through rivers of blood through rivers of tears, These conquering heroes, marched and slayed, Like Caesar's men, faced hell's fierce fires, But not for once were they dismayed. Yes, they are passing! One, by one. The great creator, Lord of all, Angels and men drop tears and pause, When these true patriot, heroes fall. Salute these veterans one and all! Who await their summons, await their call. Tribute and praise to those who fought, To make supreme our National Law. Ees' S&ate in de Lara' Ah comes from ol' Virginnee, De bes' state in de Ian' ! Whah fo'ks hain't skyahd to meet you, Hain't erfraid to shake yo' han'. Dey's jes' plain an' ol' fashion, Dey don't put on no airs, Wid fo'k's dat do, you bet yo' life Dey's got no time to spare. DE BES' STATE IN DE LAN* 41 Why down in ol' Virginnee, Why, it's "come in ! howdee-you-doo !" Hab er bite ob sumpun, fo' yo' journey you pursue! Jes' stay long ez you mine to, You neen't pay er cent ! Jes' make yo'se'f one ob us An' we all, will feel content! An' feed yo' ? lawd er massy chile ! Dey don't know when to stop! It's hab some mo, dat hog head, brudder, Hab er nudder chop ! Den fus'ting yo'll hyah ol' uncle, say, Chile, is you skyahd to eat? Ef you don't eat up all ah pass, You'll i'sult ol' Uncle Pete! Den nex' hyah conies ol' granny Wid some egg pone jes' lak gol' ! Some mustard greens wid bacon An' some good ol' fat hog jowl ! An* by de time she's fotchd yo' Plenty chicken, plenty gobbler, Bejinks yo' hain' got room ernuf To stuff down apple cobbler. Poordy soon yo'll see ol* granny, Sof'ly steal out in de kitchen, Tain't long fo' she's totein' back, Jes' er rahin' back jes' er switchin'. Den ol' uncle ejacerlates, "Sho' ez ah's born to die" ! 42 DE BES' STATE IN DE LAN' Sookeeryah, Looey Jane, Whah am mah Rock an' Rye?" Den granny kinder teasin' lak Pokes out er dimmejohn. An' uncle clahs his tho'at dat sounds Bout lak er cracked fox horn. An' says, "dis takes all de kinks Out de back ! So pass yo goards An' hab jes' er smack"! It's good fo' de rich, It's good fo' de po'! Go back in de kitchen Lizea Fetch us all some mo'. Dat's de way dem fo'kses treat yo', Dey want to see yo' joy yo'se'f ! Eat an' drink jes' all yo' mine to Long ez anyting is lef. Yo' bet dey's allus got er barrel ob Grub eroun' de shanty! Summer, winter, spring er fall, You nebber find it scanty You go to church, to Sunday meetin', Ebbry body wants to meet yo'! Dey don't wait fo' yo' to speak fus' But dey tote right up an' greet yo' ! Dey don't stan' off er lookin' lak Yo' was some alligator, Erfraid to git up close to yo', Lak yo's er spile pertater. DE BES' STATE IN DE LAN' 43 Yo'll find dem zackly lak ah tells yo' Ez ol' fashion ez de dickens ! Don't kyah ef yo's poh ez snakes, Er rich ez Peter Diggens ! It hain't yo' clothes de's lookin' at, Ner at yo' eddeerkayshen. But good hoss sense an' propah ways Whut wins dey admiration ! Ahs been up hyah in dis hyah state, Ahspec' poord nah fow years er so. Deez fo'kses to git quainted wid, Dey sho' Gawd knows am mos' powful slo' Ah kaint git use to dem at tall, Dey ac's too ristercrattic fo' me. Ahd rudder be bodderd wid yaller jackets Er stung in de ankle Wid er bumble bee ! . Dat's why yo' dadd an' me's sich pallies. Kaze de fus' time dat ah struck diss town, Er stranger, he walked up to me, Says' howd doo brudder which way's yo's bound ? Why he jes' made me feel right dah We'd bofe been 'quainted forty yeahs. It did mah ol' heart so much good, Ah mus' hab drapped some joyful tears! Ah knowed right dah, yo' daddy's Some de ol' Virginnee stock! When he frowed his mouf wide open, An' he den commenced to talk. 44 DE BES' STATE IN DE LAN' Zackly lak dem fo'ks down yonder, It was, "come go home wid me ! We'll fill up de pots an' skillets Fill yo' up till yo' kain't see ! Ef dey all was lak yo' daddy, Wid er smile an' frenly han,' Dog mah cats, an' string terbaccer ! Ah don't bleeb ahd leeb diss Ian'. Kaze he's jes' de sort o' pusson Dat can make yo' feel at home, Till you' feel jes lak er settlin' down, Wid feelin's not to roam! Sing dat song once mo', Miss Mandy, Jes' once mo', jes' ef yo' please ! Sounds ez sweet ez angel whispers, An' de song birds 'mong de trees, It kyahs ma back! way back yonder, Way down Souf ! Whah we tromped thoo' de cotton fields, An' when ah hearts was sad, We sing'd dat chune Fo' to make ah souls glad, Way down Souf ! Yo' know nuffin' 'bout dem days, Miss, Mandy, Dat was befo' yo' time! 'WAY DOWN SOUF 45 'Sides yo's been r'ared In er diffun' clime ! Yo' nebbah had to wock fum de fus' horn bio' Lake we uster had to wock Till de sun sink'd low, Way down Souf ! But we had good times, Miss Mandy, Sum good ol* times fo' sho' ! But ol' Missy an' ol' Massa, We diden' let 'em know. Yo' bet we's mighty kyahful When we had ah dance an' feas', Dat al' Missy an' ol' Massa Didn't git an inklin' in de leas' ! When Ah hyah dat chune, Miss Mandy, Ah wants to step erbout, An' do jes' lak de ol' fo'ks, Ez dey uster sing an' shout, Way down Souf ! I kin see dem now ! Ez dey raised dey voice to sing, An' sot de ol' big cabin In one great big ring ! Way down Souf ! But dem days done gone, Miss Mandy! Dey's gone lak er dream. An' de or fo'ks, Done crossed de stream ! But doh dey's gone, 46 'WAY DOWN SOUF An' ah's lef erlone, An' ol' age creeped In mah ebbry bone, Dey's a hankerin' f eelin' ! Keeps er dribein' me back, Way down Souf ' When er dahky is ol' An' his step comes slo', An' he totters lak er reed, When de sof winds blow, An' all his ties ob erf am dead, An' fo'ks all strange Whah ebber he tread, It's de ol' time chune, Wid er clah, keen knack ! Dat makes yo' feel new. Teahs yo' youth come back, Way down Souf ! Wfcieifii d Fnalh am Kmdliiir/ Hod When de sno' it am er fallin,' Winds er whizzin' down de lanes, An' de fros' it am er freezin' Fo' yo' eyes erpun de panes, Whut am beddah den er neslin' 'Roun' er fiah dat's roas'in' hot? Fo' er pickahninny dahky Hain't er mo' enchantin' spot. WHEN DE FIAH AM KINDLIN' HOT 47 When de breezes am er moanin' An' de sun am sinkin' lo', An' de gloomy clouds an' shaddahs Geddah 'roun' erbout yo' do'; When yo' hyeah de co'n er poppin', See de cidah all er foam, In yo' soul de joy an' gladness Seems eroun' erbout to roam. An' yo granny am er hummin', Cat er purrin' on de rug, An' yo' git er sniff de burbun Dat am steamin' fum de jug Umph! de berry 'maggahnayshun Makes er puson think it's real. It am glory! Hesh yo' mouf, sah, Doan' yo' ax me how yo' feel. All yo' troubles an' yo' burdens Seems to take de swif'es flight! 'Pears yo' berry soul am lif'ed To de blissful mountain heights! Whah de lan's erflo' wid honey, Streets an' alleys paved wid gol', An' de simphonnies o' heaben's Got er sweetnes' kaint be tol'. Yo' kin sing de song o' Moses, Shout yo'se'f clah to de sky ! Pickahninny's den in cloveah, No time den to weep an' sigh. Let de sno' keep on er fallin', Let de breezes whizz an' moan, Longs er pickahninny's neslin' 'Roun' er hot fiah ub his own. Ksize de SOTH Am Smkiiini' Droopy, droopy, am de flow'rs, Petals closed an' shrinkin' Gone er sleepin' an' er doze Kaze de sun am sinkin' ! All de day er lookin' gran' An* er 'fumein' up de Ian', Baskin' now in slumbah's stran'- Kaze de sun am sinkin' ! Droopy, droopy, am de flow'rs, Petals closed an' shrinkin' Peepahs shet an' fas' ersleep, Kaze de sun am sinkin' ! Crystal brooklet glidin' 'long Chants to dem er cradle song, Res' an' slumbah, weary throng- Kaze de sun am sinkin' ! Droopy, droopy, am de flow'rs, Petals closed an' shrinkin' Lull'd ersleep in fairy realm, Kaze de sun am sinkin' ! All dey tinsels tints an' hue Dat attracts de bees an* woo, Closed dey now am all to view- Kaze de sun am sinkin' ! KAZE DE SUN AM SINKIN' 49 Droopy, droopy, am de flow'rs, Petals closed an' shrinkin' Soon will wake wid birds an' bees, When de sun's dun sinkin' ! When de sunlight mounts to view, At de tech o' mornin's dew Once mo' wil dey ope to view When de sun's dun sinkin' ! Little Rastus feelin' blue Po' HT Rastus! Out o' sorts an' gloomy, too ! Po' liT Rastus! Broke his little hobby hoss Makes de little fellah cross. Doan' cry, honey, 'tain' much loss. Po' HT Rastus! He jes' wo' out, rompin' 'roun', Po' liT Rastus! Git up, honey, fum de groun'. Po' HT Rastus! Look ee dah, dun spiled yo' dress, An' it am yo' Sunday bes', Now hain't yo' er poody mess I Po' liT Rastus! Whut dat stickin' on yo' han'? Po' liT Rastus! 50 PO' LTL* RASTUS Yo' bin in de 'lasses can. Po' HT Rastus! Whut dat whut de Bible say 'Bout de chile dat steal dat 'way? He'll go whah de bad men stay! Po' HT Rastus! Dat ol' bad man am er sight. Po' HT Rastus! Cum er sneakin' 'roun' at night. Po' HT Rastus! Cum an' koch yo' when yo' sleep, Den he take er great big leap ! Down er hoi' dat's way down deep ! Po' HT Rastus ! Cum hyah, little wooly head. Po' HT Rastus! Gwine to tuck yo' way to bed. Po' HT Rastus ! Look ee dah, de day dun gone ! Shaddahs streamin' th'ew de co'n, Sleep until de sunlight dawn ! Po' HT Rastus! Jingahling ! j ingahling ! When er sotin' lone, Yo' kin call yo' honey Go to courtin' o' de phone. Drives erway de shaddahs, COURTIN' O'R DE PHONE 51 Makes yo' quit yo' fret an' stew, Fills yo' soul wid sunshine, Opens up yo' hea't ernew. Jingahling ! j ingahling ! Dis yo', Liza Jane? "Yes, dis am yo' honey," Cums de sweet an' sof'en 'frain. Den yo' go to pohin' In her ear de words o' love : Tickles her to def, An' makes her think she am er dove. Jingahling! Jingahling! When yo' hyeah her say: "Honey, when yo' gone it's Allus night an' nebbah day," Tears dat while dey's fallin' In yo' ear, dat lovin' tone, Yo' kin see yo' honey Standin' dah befo' de phone. Jingahling! Jingahling! Sweetah grows de tone, Makes er niggah neerly Ram his head clah th'ew de phone. Kaze dem sugah wurds Dey sho'ly make yo' hea't inspah 'Lecktrifies yo' spirit, Sots yo' whol' soul all er nah ! Jingahling ! j ingahling ! When de day is dun, 52 COURTIN' O'R DE PHONE You no mo' kin see de Blazin', dazzlin', sinkin' sun, How yo' lub to 'membah 'Bout yo' courtin' o' de phone, Ez yo' muse an' pondah In yo' cabin all er lone! When de shadows ub de e'ebnin's Gently, sof'ly fallin' 'roun', 'Cross de lonely field an' meadows, Cums de cattle's lowin' soun'; An' de vespah bells am ringin' An' dey blen' in tuneful lay, It's a knell dat's sad an' mournful To de dying summah day. An* yo' weary fum de labah Ub de tillin' ub de soil, Fum sun up 'till time ub sinkin' Wifout res' mus' toil an' toil; How yo' welcum on de hours, Blissful seezuns all ub res' When a neslin' 'neef de kibbahs, Yo' kin soff'en pillahs press. When de HT lights ub hebun Fum behine day kibbah peep, All er blinkin' an' er twinklin' REMINISCENCE 53 Ez dey 'cross de hebuns creep; Dah's a sadden feelin' takes yo', Ez yo' lonely sot an' sigh, Ez yohr mem'ry goze to 'fleck'in Ub de olen days gone by. How yohr ole home cums befo' yo' Wif de fiah-place all erf'ame, Ez it kindled an' enliven'd Yo' into a joyful frame; An' de scene at night when gaddahd All eroun' yohr mammy sot, Ez she tole yo' little stohries, Allus chahms de little tot. Seemz yo' hyeah de old fo'ks singin', An' dey voices ringin' clah, Ez at night all knelt togeddah Fo' to ax de mahstah's kyah, To puzzurb dem fum de ebil Spirits lurkin' far an' neer; Keep dey minds all free fum feelin's Soopahstishun an' fum feer. How yo' long yo's wif de dahkies Once mo' geddahd in de field, When at night all in de moonlight, Danced de ole Virginny reel ; To de plumpin' ub de banjos An' de fiddle's sawin' choon, An' de songs dat wuz trumphun' To de ole plantayshun coon. 54 REMINISCENCE How yo' wish'd to 'gain libb obah Dem days at yo' ole home spot, Wif yo' frens dat's cross'd de ribbah, Wuz again yo' happy lot; But dem days hab gone fohebbah, Nebah mo' will dey return, When yo' sot an' 'fleck erbout 'em, How yo' ole heart fo' dem yern. 04