CLINICAL USE OF PRISMS ;■:':. y.,,'A:r-A GENEVA OPTICAL CO. CHICAGO THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES OPHTHALMOLOGICAL PRISMS. THE CLINICAL USE OF PRISMS; AND THE Decentering of Lenses. BY ERNEST E. MADDOX, M.D. Formerly Syme Surgical Fellozu, Edinburgh. SECOND EDITION. REVISED AND ENLARGED. Bristol : JOHN WRIGHT AND CO. Xotfton : SIMPKIN, MARSHALL. HAMILTON. KENT AND CO., Limited. HIRSCHFELD BROS., 82, HIGH HOLBORN. 1893- JOHN WRIGHT AND CO., PRINTERS AND PUBLISHERS, BRISTOL. 1213 PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION. A considerable amount of new material has been added to this edition, consisting partly of a fuller study of convergence, and partly of a number of optical problems and practical points worked out since the first edition. The number of diagrams, too, has been considerably increased. It has been endeavoured to maintain the utmost sim- plicity in the optics of the subject, and while giving enough to afford interest and precision, preference has been given to graphic or mechanical demonstrations, so that no unmathematical reader will, it is hoped, experience any difficulty, unless per- haps with two or three formulae, which can be neglected without loss. My thanks are due to Mr. Berry for being so kind as to vi PREFACE. read the proof sheets, and for valued com- ments thereon. Though the undoubted value of strong prisms is confined to a rather limited sphere, a knowledge of the principles of convergence, and the decentering of lenses is advantageous to all students of refraction. 20, Alva Street, Edinburgh, July, ifyj. EXTRACT FROM PREFACE TO FIRST EDITION. The title of this little work indicates its chief features, but does not cover its ground com- pletely. Its first object was to communicate a series of aids to precision in the use of prisms, worked out during several years, which it is hoped will be of some service in this difficult by-way of ophthalmic practice. They have, however, been introduced by a sketch of the simplest properties of prisms, and supplemented by a brief account of their chief clinical uses It will not be supposed that the precision aimed at in these pages is necessary in the majority of refraction cases. It is chiefly anomalies of convergence, faulty tendencies of the ocular muscles, and the needs of the increasing neu- rasthenic class of patients that are kept in viii PREFACE. view. In these last cases, spectacles cause discomfort, however perfectly refraction may be corrected, unless the lenses are also suit- ably placed in respect of convergence, and sometimes even then, for a time. Part of the manuscript was kindly read over by my friend, Dr. Poulett Wells, to whom I am indebted for one or two valuable corrections, and, indeed, for suggesting the need of a book on prisms. July, 1 8 89. CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. Geometrical Properties of Prisms - Pages 1—9 Rectangular Prisms — Circular Prisms — Apex and Base. CHAPTER II. Simplest Optical Properties of Prisms Pages 10 — 28 Refraction— Deviation— Relation between Deviating and Refracting Angles— Construction for Deviation — Rules and Tables — Dispersion. CHAPTER III. Prismetrv ... - Pages 29—35 Numeration of Prisms — Degrees — Centrads — Prism- Dioptres. CHAPTER IV. Testing the Apex of Prisms - Pages 36—39 Marking the Apex. CHAPTER V. Prismatic Aberration - - Pages 40—46 Apparent Distortion of Objects by Prisms. CHAPTER VI. Rotating Prisms - - - Pages 47—5° Herschell's— Cretes'— Risley's— Binocular. CHAPTER VII. Images by Internal Reflection - Pages 51—55 Guides to the Apex. x CONTENTS. CHAPTER VIII. Clinical Properties of Prisms - Pages 56—65 Angle of False Projection — Displacement of the Visual Axis — Overcoming of Prisms — Production of Diplopia — Adducting and Abducting Prisms. CHAPTER IX. Adjustment of Prisms in the Trial-Frame Pages 66 — >o Resultant Prisms —Clinical Strength of Prisms. CHAPTER X. Decentering of Lenses - - Pages 71 — 82 Combinations of Prisms with Lenses — Manufacture of Prismatic Lenses — Virtual Prisms. CHAPTER XI. The Study of Convergence - Pages 83—106 Grades of Convergence — Tests for Convergence — Effect of Lenses, Prisms, and Tenotomy — Adaptability of Convergence to Accommodation — Latent Deviations. CHAPTER XII. Effect on the Fixation Lines of Displaced or Decentred Lenses - - Pages 107— 115 Rules and Tables. CHAPTER XIII. The Clinical Application of Prisms in Diagnosis Pages 116 — 137 Estimation of Punctum Remotum and Punctum Proximum of Convergence — Relative Convergence — Dissociation of Convergence and Accommodation — Hyperphoria — Tests for Binocular Vision. CHAPTER XIV. The Use of Prisms in Treatment Pages 138—145 Corrections of Latent Deviations in Distant and Near Vision — Hyperphoria — Prisms for Diplopia— Cosmetic Prisms. COXTEXTS. xi CHAPTER XV. Analysis of Spectacles - - Pages 146—152 The Prism-Measure — The Analyser. CHAPTER XVI. Localising the Eyes - - Pages 153— J 57 Trial-Frame for Temporary Prisms — Maxims for Prescrib- ing" Prisms. Appendix - Pages 158—163 Resultant Prisms — Sines, Arcs, and Tangents — Table of Sines and Tangents — Formulae for Refraction through Prisms. PRISMS. Chapter I, GEOMETRICAL PROPERTIES OF PRISMS. OPHTHALMOLOGICAL Prisms are simply wedges of transparent material, contained between two plane faces, which are inclined to one another at a moderate angle. The " strength " of a prism depends on the size of this angle, which varies therefore in different prisms, and also on the refractive properties of the material from which the prism is made. Since the terminology of prisms in optics, and especially in ophthalmology, is so different from that of prisms in geometry and physics, it will be well to notice in some detail the terms employed. Refracting Surfaces. — By " refraction " is meant the deflection, or sudden bending from its former course, of a ray of light as it enters (other than perpendicularly) the surface of a rarer or denser medium. The body of a prism does not refract light, since rays travel through its sub- stance in straight lines. It is only as they enter or leave the prism, and thus pass from one medium to another that they undergo refraction. It is for I PRISMS. this reason that the two plane polished faces are called the " refracting surfaces." In Fig. I they are represented by the faces acfb and a deb. Angle of Refraction. — We have seen that the two plane faces of a prism are made to slope towards each other so as to contain between them a mode- rate angle. This angle is called the "angle of refraction," because the total effect of the prism on the direction of a ray of light depends on the size of this angle, as well as on the refracting power of the material from which the prism is made. Until recently, clinical prisms have had the number of this angle in degrees scratched upon them, so that prisms marked, e.g., with i° or 2° were known to have their refracting surfaces inclined to each other by i° or 2° respectively. Trial cases used generally to be provided with a series of prisms, THEIR GEOMETRICAL PROPERTIES. marked in this way, from i° or 2 3 up to 12° or 24 . The angle of refraction is the one item the optician needs to know in order to grind a prism. He first sets a pair of compasses so that their legs shall enclose the prescribed angle, and then cuts and grinds the piece of glass to the shape of a wedge that will just fit in between the two legs. To measure the refracting angle of a prism, or, as we J AT ...M Fig. 2. — Prism Measure : the index points to the required angle when the teeth at its foot are pressed upon the prism. may simply call it, " the angle " of a prism, we may resort to the same manoeuvre, and after grasp- ing the prism between a pair of compasses, measure 4 PRISMS. the angle they include on a protractor.* But if the prism be mounted in a metal ring, this method is impracticable, and the " prism measure " of the Geneva Optical Company will be found useful (Fig. 2). What, however, is of interest to the surgeon, is the optical power of a prism, and not its mere physical conformation, and it is undoubtedly better for trial prisms to be marked by their deviating power over a beam of light, as described later on. Principal Section. — Any section made through a prism at right angles to its refracting surfaces is called a " principal section."! Such a section is shown in Fig. 3. The two refracting surfaces are 37- — To shew that the clinical strength of a vertical prism is greater in near than in distant vision. For practical purposes, since the position of the prism, and the direction of vision, are so incon- stant, it will be better to make a simple approximate rule than to give useless formulae, and the following one will be found quite sufficient if any be needed. Divide the deviating angle of the prism by the distance in inches of the object from the centre of the eye to find the reduction in the effect of the prism in near vision. Thus, with vision for five inches, the elevation of the visual axis by a prism is one-fifth less than in distant vision, so that a prism of 5 d would have an effect of 4 on the visual axis. With vision for ten inches, the eleva- tion of the visual axis would be one-tenth less, and so on. It is well to know the fact thus treated of, because, if a patient fitted with vertical prisms says they suit him best in near vision, it may mean they are too strong, whereas, if they suit him as well in distant vision, they are probably not. 71 Chapter X. DECEXTERIXG OF LENSES; AND COMBINATIONS OF PRISMS WITH LENSES. INSTEAD of imparting sphericity to the surfaces of a prism, and thus combining a prism and a lens, where it is wished to obtain the effect of both, it is possible to get the same result more accurately by simply decentering the lens, a pro- cess which, though already well known, may be simply explained. The "optical centre" of a lens is that point traversed by all rays which, after entering the lens, emerge from it in a direction parallel to their former course.* All rays which do not traverse the optical centre are bent from their former course to a degree which depends on the distance from this point, at which they pass through the lens — the greater the distance the greater the deflection. In other words, a lens, in every part other than the optical centre, has the effect of a prism upon any * This one "property" is all that is necessary for our present purpose, hence it is mentioned, instead of giving a correct definition. It is that point in the principal axis of a lens, which divides the line joining the two centres of curvature in the ratio of the radii of curvature. 7 2 PRISMS. single ray of light, — the effect of a weak prism near the optical centre, and of a stronger and yet stronger one with every further removal from it, and this equally with concave and with convex lenses. It is evident, therefore, that by shifting a lens so as to bring a more peripheral part into use, a prismatic effect can be obtained just as much as if a prism had been combined with the lens in its former unshifted position. We can alter the position of the optical centre in one of two ways, the prismatic QO> Fig. 38. A decentred lens. equivalent of which is identical, but each of which possesses an advantage of its own. First, the lens may simply be displaced as it is, rim and all, by lengthening or shortening the spectacle-frame; or, secondly, the frame remaining unchanged, the lens can be decentred in its rim, as shewn in Fig. 38, The focal length of this lens is exactly the same as of that shewn in Fig. 39, inasmuch as its surfaces have the same radius of curvature, but it is as though it were cut peripherally, as shewn in Fig. DECENTERING OF LENSES. 73 40, a b from a larger lens cd, so that its optical (0) £T>a Fig. 39. A lens normally centred, and geometrical (G) centres do not coincide as in an ordinary lens. A brief study of Fig. 38, which Fig. 40. Peripheric lenses cut out of a larger one. gives the lens a b, of Fig. 40 in section, will show that the effect of cutting it eccentrically out of a larger lens is exactly the same as if a smaller lens of the same strength had been split to admit a prism between its two halves. Without altering its focal length then, a prism has been virtually introduced. The geometrical centre of a lens is the point midway between all edges, as G in Figs. 38, 39, and 40. The optical centre, on the other 74 PRISMS. hand, lies in the thickest part of a convex lens and the thinnest part of a concave one. For determin- ing its position in any particular lens, methods will be described further on. A lens is said to be truly centred when the optical and geometrical centres coincide as in Fig. 39 ; but to be decentred when, as in Fig. 38, the optical centre (0) and the geometrical centre (G) are apart, the amount of decentration depending on their distance apart The two points may be so far removed from each other that the optical centre may come to lie out- side the lens altogether. Such would evidently be the case with the small lens ef'm Fig. 40, since the optical centre is at O. Fig. 41 shews this small Fig. 41. A lens with its optical centre 0, far outside itself. lens in section, and it is evident at a glance that opposite surfaces have nowhere parallel tangents, and that one or both of the surfaces would need to be prolonged considerably before any point could be found in the one having a tangent parallel to that of a point in the other; were this done a line uniting the points would pass through the optical centre O. We have seen that the effect of decentering a biconvex lens is equivalent to splitting it into two halves, and inserting a prism between them DECENTERING OF LENSES. 75 (b a cm Fig. 38). The strength of this (virtually interpolated) prism depends on, first, the amount of decentration, and, second, the focal length of the lens. A strong lens needs decentering to a less extent than a weak one to produce the same effect Table V. (p. 76) not only illustrates this but enables us to find the exact prismatic equivalent of decentering any lens. All that is required is to fix on the number of millimetres (in the highest horizontal row of figures) by which a lens is known to be decentred, and the prismatic equivalent is found in the column beneath, opposite the dioptric strength of the lens. Conversely, should it be required to know how much to decentre a given lens in order to combine with it a certain prism, the eye runs along the horizontal line of angles opposite the known strength of lens till that angle is found nearest to the strength of prism required, when the number of mm. at the head of the column will indicate the decentering necessary. The word " decentering " is generally applied to making the optical centre no longer coincide with the geometrical centre of the lens, but we have already said that the prismatic effect is the same if the whole lens, rim and all, be simply displaced, as by lengthening or shortening the spectacle frame ; in other words, it makes no prismatic difference, so long as the optical centre is moved, whether the geometrical one remains in statu quo, or whether CI o — o , d us -* -w "s ° ° 2- %. — cm CO us ■>*■*< eo cm o o o o OS CM US CO '--. 2, O r-l OS US r* s> & t-l O ■■»< & ?, S H % Ss °o cm US CO US U3 US •* CO CM -ri o o o o o o c» o a to CM 3b CO o i-H O CO o 8, o 06 CO to CO o CO © US o o ua CO 1-1 - rH . *"■- *"* ■J"? — CM US »4 V a 8«S re 2 c> CM CJ tr- CM US eo us •-H CO o O s, fc %> %, co '0 S: & & CM a a s 5> OS us OS c* ob CO 5 O CO CM O co CM Ss Ss CO c— So Ss O rH r- c 3 e- to CM CO CI I--. O ?* s. CM O 0O O s, us s, ?, O V uC co "i 2 7 ' 39 * O %, & 00 CO us co c x Ss O O t © us "- OS ^x en CN1 -g 5 ^ 5! to CM g, & s» ^ Ss CO s, as CM cs -1 Ti. f_ a 03 OS ^ 3 00 CM CO CO "« CO CM CJ %, ca CO Ss ■a -1 i t "Z# OS ?s j^ o CM US co c 03 iH CM □ CM c 8. on CM as C) a D us Ss "i US CM CO OS UC OS 5 CO CI M9 0O L2 O CM O ?< CM O 11 g, us CM C) eo US us *a s O 9) cl kll US 1-1 00 OS rH •i T US CO St rt S3 O "' ,JI '' ° 8° T 6\f 4' f f 1\ f Z'S' 4° 5°6'7'S*3°1Q 10' 0' 8' 7° 6' 5°4'J°Z° V T Z°J'4° ST GT 7° 8° 9' 10" Fig. 43. — A tangent scale reduplicated by a vertical prism. test, the results of which agree with the blind spot method. It consists of a lithographed scale, gradu- ated in tangents of degrees to right and left of a central zero, from which rises a vertical arrow. The * " On a new method of determining the relation between Convergence and Accommodation of the Eyes.'' Trans. Oph. Soc, Vol. III., p. 290. 86 PRISMS. scale is held -25m. before the eyes, and is redupli- cated by a square prism of 12 , held vertically before one eye. The lower arrow then points upwards to that number which measures the devia- tion of the eye. We call this a " latent deviation," because it does not exist in ordinary vision, being overcome by a subtle visual-reflex action which protects us from seeing double. This action is discontinued when the false image produced by a prism is so far removed from the true one as to make it hopeless to attempt their union by over- coming the prism (cf. p. 63). The latent deviation revealed by this test shews that the association of convergence with accommodation is not complete centrally, so that a supplementary action is needed to supply the deficiency, and since the involuntary motive for this action is afforded by the desire to fuse two images into one, the proportion of con- vergence thus kept up may be called the " fusion supplement," or, better still, the "reflex con- vergence." In ordinary binocular vision there is perfect concert between accommodation and convergence, so that the two visual axes meet exactly at whatever point is accommodated for, and the visual-reflex is maintained in activity by the fact, of which some cerebral centre is every moment kept sensible, that were the effort abated, the united mental images would immediately resolve them- THE STUDY OF CONVERGENCE. 87 selves into two. To keep them from doing so, the joint sensations in the brain must all the while be bearing between them the message of continually impending (yet as quickly averted) double vision, by threats of double images, so slight and frequent, that they produce the required effect without our being conscious of their existence. It is difficult to conceive the exquisite mechanism at work when we remember that, if double images are produced artificially, or by disease, it is usually impossible for the mind to tell to which eye each image belongs — whether, therefore, the visual axes are crossed or not, and whether convergence needs to be increased or relaxed to bring the images together. I have purposely dwelt at length upon this reflex, because an action so complex must necessarily be more tiring than the mere overflow of one impulse into another. If, therefore, there be an undue pro- portion of reflex convergence, there is a waste of co-ordinating nervous energy. In many cases this waste is of no consequence, but in others it may give rise to the so-called " muscular asthenopia " of V. Graefe, which, however, is really in many instances a central astlienopia, though there may sometimes be a muscular element as well. It is just, I believe, as as in " writer's cramp," and the various " trade pains," where it is not so much the muscles that get tired, as the co-ordinating apparatus. Asthenopia from this cause can be relieved by prisms with their 88 PRISMS. edges out, which lessen the convergence necessary for single vision. It is of course desirable to only relieve a sufficient portion of the reflex convergence, and not the whole of it. Take the example of an asthenopic myope, with a latent deviation of io° at reading distance ; this shews that the fusion supplement for each eye is 5 , for since either eye deviates outwards on exclusion, the deviation must be equally divided between them. The normal fusion supplement is nearly 2° for each eye, so that we have to deal with 3 of excess. Should we correct the whole of the excess with prisms ? I think not, for we may assume that a myope has, by long habitude, acquired a toleration for a larger amount of reflex convergence. Prisms to relieve half the excess would probably meet the case. It is taken for granted that the test for deviation is made with the reading lenses on, otherwise the deviation would be greater still. We may of course lessen the deviation by increasing the strength of the reading lenses if these are not full strength, but this throws the strain on accommodation instead, and, in people who are not young, is not always well borne. It is, in any case, too, only practicable within the limits of full correction. Endless variations are met with, so that it is better to study the principles of convergence than to make rules of too arbitrary a nature. High latent deviations may occur in other conditions of refrac- THE STUDY OF CONVERGENCE. 89 tion than myopia, but in every case in which prisms are ordered to correct divergence in near vision, care should be taken that they are not also used for distant vision, unless indeed the distant diver- gence be great enough to indicate the same prisms for itself. Sometimes, though much more rarely, there is, even in near vision, a tendency to excess of convergence, instead of deficiency. In this case convergence has to be lessened (inhibited ?) in order to see single. Now, therefore, the reflex convergence is negative instead of positive. In some of these cases it is convex lenses that are indicated more than prisms. When the latter are ordered, their edges should be inwards. Latent convergence at reading distance is naturally much rarer than latent convergence in distant vision. Spasm of con- vergence occurs independently of hypermetropia, but its causes, supposed sometimes to be hysterical or reflex, are little understood. The influence of helminthiasis in this direction, however, is un- doubted. Initial Convergence. — Of the three elements of convergence this is the first, and is shewn under the name of " tonic . convergence " in Fig. 42. We must first ask " What is the starting point of convergence ? " We do not exactly know what position the eyes would take in the absence of any converging innervation, though the divergence which follows monocular amblyopia seems to shew it 90 PRISMS. would be one of considerable divergence. Were all the innervations to cease, the anatomical position of rest of the eyes would undoubtedly be one of considerable divergence, as Hansen Grut ably main- tained in his Bowman* lecture. Le Contef shewed that during sleep, and even, in his case, during drowsiness, the eyes diverge, as they also do in drunkenness, under chloroform, and at death. In ophthalmoplegia externa, divergence also occurs. The ocular muscles no doubt possess a physiological tone, similar to that of the other skeletal muscles, but what influence it has on the position of the eyes it is difficult to decide. In addition to this common muscular tone there is a persistent activity of the converging innervation, which disappears when deeply under chloroform, but which in ordinary conditions prevents the eyes from assuming their position of anatomical divergence. Mr. Berry views it as " the tendency to persistence of a constantly called for state of innervation," and Hansen Grut aptly compares it to the tonic element in the accommodation of a hypermetrope. By this tonic convergence, the visual axes are brought to practical parallelism, so that on viewing a distant object, and occluding one eye, it either remains undeviated, or only aberrates slightly, more * Trans. Oph. Soc, Vol. X., p. i. f Le Conte on "Sight," p. 254. THE STUDY OF CONVERGENCE. 91 often in the direction of divergence than conver- gence in emmetropia, and more often in the direc- tion of convergence than divergence in ametropia. In the first edition of this book, slight convergence of the visual axes was mentioned as the prevalent latent condition in distant vision, that having been found in the comparatively few cases examined by a difficult and slow method. The conclusions in the text are from an investigation among the students attending Mr. Berry's clinic, by the glass rod test, which enables a large number to be tested with rapidity and accuracy, and they are recorded by Mr. Berry in the " Trans. Oph. Soc," vol. xi., p. 160. If we accept, as I now believe we must, divergence instead of parallelism, to be the anatomi- cal position of the eyes, the diagram in which I once represented three grades of convergence,* must be modified accordingly into the form shewn in Fig. 44. The strong lines (R, R) indicate the supposed position of the visual axes were all nervous impulse abolished. The lines z, i indicate the initial convergence during waking hours, due partly to muscular tone, and partly to involuntary tonic action of the converging innervation. It is this position of the visual axes [i z), to which they are brought by tonic convergence, that is noticed when we use V. Graefe's " distant equilibrium test," or * Oph. Rev., Vol. V., p. 345. 92 PRISMS. any of its successors, such as the double prism or glass rod. Latent divergence in distant vision indicates a deficiency, and latent convergence Fig. 44. — The three grades of convergence. an excess, of tonic convergence. In either case the aberration is corrected, when both eyes are in use by reflex convergence, positive or negative, as the case may be. Excess of tonic convergence is sometimes apt to occur temporarily after prolonged use of the eyes in near work, also more permanently in a certain proportion of those myopes, who hold their work near their eyes, and yet retain binocular fixation. It occurs, too, in most hypermetropes if uncorrected by lenses, and in a few even when corrected. The so-called spasm of convergence, from reflex and hysterical causes, already referred to, is probably a simple excess of tonic convergence. THE STUDY OF CONVERGENCE. 93 If found to be persistent, and suspected to give rise to asthenopia, excess of tonic convergence may be relieved by prisms with their edges in, of a strength that will only partially correct the anomaly. Deficiency of Tonic Convergence, evidenced by latent divergence in distant vision, is rather com- mon, and appears to be sometimes due to reflexes through the fifth nerve, especially from carious teeth; also to want of nervous tone in the system generally. It is, however, found besides in many who are free from either of these conditions, and in a class of myopes, especially those who read with one eye. It may, if persistent, and if there be any indication for treatment, be relieved by prisms with their edges out, to correct a portion — say a half — of the defect. I think it would be a useful nomenclature for prisms to designate those with edge in as plies, and those with edge out as minus, just as we speak of plus and minus lenses. Thus — 3°d. would mean a prism, deviating 3 , edge out, and -f 5° P. would mean a prism with physical angle of 5 , edge in. It is so easy to remember that plus conditions of convergence are relieved by plus prisms, and minus conditions of convergence by minus prisms. In normal eyes, plus prisms increase the convergence, and minus prisms lessen it ; this,, too, is easy to remember. Accommodative Convergence. — In distant 94 PRISMS. vision, as we have just seen, there are only two grade? of convergence, the tonic and the reflex, shewn in Fig. 45. In near vision there is an intermediate 9=J^B Fig. 45. — The two grades of convergence in distant vision. Tonic C is Ri, and Reflex C is io. grade — the accommodative. If one eye be oc- cluded by the hand while vision is directed, first to a distant object, and then to a near one, the occluded eye deviates inwards under the hand from an impulse to convergence, which is due chiefly to sympathy with accommodation, but also to the habit of converging when attention is directed to a near object (Grut's " Nahebewusstein "). The second grade of con- vergence is therefore added on to the first or tonic grade, and its amount depends, of course, on the amount of accommodation in exercise. As a rule, THE STUDY OF CONVERGENCE. 95 each dioptre of accommodation is accompanied by about three-quarters of a metre-angle of associated convergence, so that in a typical emmetrope, the 4 D of accommodation in exercise for vision at a quarter of a metre, are accompanied by 3 m.a. of convergence, leaving a deficit of 1 m.a. to be made up reflexly, as shewn in Fig. 42. To investigate the accommodative convergence at different distances, I have made scales, similar to that of Fig. 43, for use at im., -5m., -33m., and '25m., but for practical purposes we need only use the last. Now we may notice some of the conditions which affect the amount of accommodative convergence. Whatever paralyses the ciliary muscle locally, such as, eg., weak atropine drops, renders the ciliary muscle less responsive to its motor impulses, thereby increasing the effort of accommodation, and with it the associated convergence. If, even without such paralysis, the object fixed be approached to the " punctum proximum " of accommodation, the accommodative effort becomes so much greater than the effect produced in the lens, that the associated convergence exceeds all proportion, and produces a latent convergence. In hyper- metropia, the accommodative convergence, without correction of refraction, is, of course, greater as a rule than in emmetropia. What conditions lessen the accommodative con- vergence ? Any which make accommodation easier. 9 6 PRISMS. so that work is done with less effort. Myopia, for instance, renders accommodation unnecessary in vision beyond the far point. Figs. 46 and 47 Fig. 46. — The conditions in a myope who has latent convergence in distant vision. shew how the diminution of accommodative con- vergence (id) in myopia is made up by greater reflex (and perhaps also voluntary) convergence (ao) y the amount of which is influenced by the condition of the tonic convergence (R i) which is excessive in Fig. 46, and deficient in Fig. 47. To observe the effect of eserine, which, in weak solution, renders the ciliary muscle more excitable to stimulation without producing spasm or myopia, I placed gr. 4^00 within each lower lid. This allowed me to retain full distant vision, but increased my fusion supple- ment at 10 inches, from one to two metre angles. THE STUDY OF CONVERGENCE. 97 The effect on tonic convergence, as shewn by the distant equilibrium, was practically nil. This experiment shews how truly convergence is affected, not by accommodation, but by accommodative f r Fig. 47. — The conditions of a myope who has latent divergence in distant vision. effort, for accommodation was the same both with and without the eserine, but with it, the effort was less, and the impression on convergence reduced in consequence. Reflex Convergence. — This, the third grade of convergence, has already been noticed in part. It is the element most affected by ocular fatigue, as is well seen in cases of " periodic squint," as they are called. On rising in the morning, there is perhaps no squint, but as the day wears on, and the eyes get tired, the squint appears, its mani- 7 98 PRISMS. festation being partly* due to the diminishing vigour of the visual-reflex, the amplitude of which varies with the nervous vigour of the moment. As soon as the amplitude of the visual reflex becomes less than the squint, the latter is no longer overcome.^ Fig. 48 represents a case of true periodic squint Fig. 48. — A periodic squint in its latent phase. in the early morning. The first two grades of convergence, each excessive if the patient be a * I say " partly," because I believe that the converging centre may perhaps become more excitable by the constant stimulus of accommodation in these cases. t These cases must not be confused with other groups — such as " accommodative squints," in which the hyperme- tropia may be absolute, or accommodation is partially sur- rendered, except on paying close attention to an object, or cases in which the squint appears only in near vision, because accommodation there reaches the limits in which effort becomes disproportionate to work. THE STUDY OF CONVERGENCE. 99 hypermetrope, would bring the visual axes to a & but they are brought back to o by negative reflex convergence (shaded area). As the day wears on the effort is abandoned, though in distant vision the squint may perhaps still be overcome. By cor- recting the hypermetropia we lessen the accommo- dative convergence, and the tonic convergence will thus gradually tend to get less, the excitability of the converging centre being no longer kept up by stimulation from inordinate accommodation. It is thus that squints are sometimes cured by spectacles in the course of years. The effect of tenotomy on the same case is shewn in Fig. 49. By increasing ■L ^ I Fig, 4 g. — The same case as in Fig. 48, but relieved by tenotomy which displaces the anatomical position outwards. the anatomical divergence it allows more room for the excessive tonic and accommodative conver- gences. The amplitude of the visual reflex can often be increased by nerve tonics, such as Fellows' ioo PRISMS. Syrup, rest, and change of air. To measure how great the amplitude of visual-reflex is, we may R 7, cc Fig. 50. — Higli fusion supplement (ao) from deficient tonic convergence (Ri). use the tests described on p. 120. Since the third grade of convergence is complementary to the Fig. 51. — Same case as Fig. 50, relieved by prisms. other two, its amount can be altered by altering them. In Fig. 50, for instance, the tonic conver- THE STUDY OF CONVERGENCE. :oi gence is deficient, the accommodative convergence normal, and the reflex convergence, therefore, excessive. The relief of this by prisms is shewn in Fig. 51, and by tenotomy in Fig. 52. The prisms do not alter the anatomical position of the eyes Fig. 52. — Same case as Fig. 51, relieved by tenotomy. (R, R), or alter the accommodative convergence, but they alter the " initial position " (z, i) which the eyes assume in consequence of tonic conver- gence. We can alter The anatomical position (R, R) by tenotomy \ The initial position (z, z) by prisms, The accommodative convergence by lenses, The reflex convergence by any of the three. Effect of Training. — This is a very important subject, and needs working out more thoroughly. By wearing prisms we can alter the position of equilibrium of the eyes for some little time after- 102 PRISMS. wards. Thus, if I wear adducting prisms, amount- ing together to n°d, for ten minutes, the rod test reveals, on their removal, $V of latent con- vergence as the position of equilibrium for distance instead of my usual convergence of only 1°. In other words, the tonic convergence has been temporarily increased by 5 , and takes a good many minutes to recover its usual dimen- sions. In near vision, under the same conditions, the accommodative convergence is shewn to have been augmented by 7 . The experiment causes slight headache, not so much during the wearing of the prisms as afterwards, and especially when engaged in near vision, on account of the fact that the customary reflex adduction is replaced by the unwonted requirement of reflex abduction. Again, if I wear convex lenses for near vision for a few hours, the latent divergence at reading distance is, after their removal, less than before.* This is because of the training which the converg- ing innervation has undergone in the increased relative demand made upon its energies. It explains why spectacles, causing discomfort at first, become tolerated after a while. There are, however, limits to the effect of training, otherwise prisms would never be needed, except for pareses of ocular muscles. If there were no limits to training, there would never * Syme Essay, 18S4. THE STUDY OF CONVERGENCE. 103 be a concomitant squint, for the training of the whole life, before the squint appears, is in the direction of overcoming it. The complex process of co-ordination of course requires definite cells and groups of cells (centres) for its seat, but the mutual adaptation and correlation of these, quanti- tatively, seems largely left to be perfected by edtication. As I have said elsewhere, " Circum- stances cannot create a faculty, however much they may develop or retard its exercise, but we can conceive that faculties were created with a view to circumstances, and even capable, within limits, of being modified by them."* The human body is thus made capable, within limits, of adapting itself to its circumstances, and in no part of it is this more beautifully seen than in the relation between convergence and accommodation of the eyes. In neurasthenics the limits of adaptability may be more quickly reached, or adaptation may be only attained at the cost of much discomfort, while even in healthy individuals unusual conditions may make it better to not trust to it altogether, but to meet the case with prisms. Cases which require prisms are generally those in which power of adaptation has already signally failed. It is under the heading of " training " that I should mention Dr. Dyer's so-called " invigorant * Journ. Anat. and Phys., Vol. XXI., p. 21. 104 PRISMS. plan " of treating latent deviations, for it does not, if my belief be correct, invigorate the muscles, but simply trains the efforts of accommodation and convergence to assume broader relations to each other in their work. It consists in giving the patient four squared prisms, of about 2j°, 5 , io° and 1 5 respectively. Twice a day for ten minutes he is to fix a flame, or door knob, at 20 feet, and exercise abduction and adduction, beginning with the weakest prism, and mounting the ladder to the strongest. If these exercises strengthen any- thing, it is the visual reflex, the amplitude of which they increase, and by so doing increase the relative range of convergence. Though I have not yet tried this, I can quite believe a case might now and then be found suitable for its trial. I would, how- ever, believe Dr. Dyer's plan to promise greater success in a modified form, when instead of being used to enlarge the powers of the visual-reflex, it might tend to induce a new relationship between the efforts of convergence and accommodation. If, for instance, in a case of latent divergence, weak plus prisms {i.e. adducting) were worn for half an hour twice a day, say after breakfast and after dinner, or whenever the nervous conditions are strongest, would not the latent squint gradually disappear in some cases? I believe it might, though I cannot speak from experience. Since this plan would be better with vision for all dis- THE STUDY OF CONVERGENCE. 105 tances, ordinary occupations could be pursued while the training prisms are worn. It cannot be denied that prisms given to relieve a defect tend to stamp permanency upon that defect, therefore they should never be given without ample reason. The great majority of latent deviations call for no treatment at all. Some cause trouble, and should be treated. Constitutional treatment may suffice for some cases. If training is feasible it may be tried. If training cannot be borne without headaches or much discomfort, relieving prisms may be ordered, but such as to under-correct the anomaly. Tenotomy, or advancement, should only be resorted to in a small number of cases, where the deviation causes undoubted trouble, and is too great to be relieved by prisms. It is rarely justifiable, in my opinion, for a latent deviation of less than 6° in distant vision, and often unnecessary even then : all depends on the history and symptoms. It remains to be found out what proportion, and what class of cases can be cured by training. It may be that some cases of hyperphoria which we now relieve by correcting prisms could be "trained away," so to speak, by periodic use of adverse* prisms, but my impression is that many would not tolerate the training process, and it is * By adverse prisms, I mean prisms set with the apex in the opposite direction from relieving prisms. 106 PRISMS. certainly a great pleasure to afford relief sometimes to the symptoms of years by "relieving prisms," even though we know the defect is not really cured. Note. — Strictly speaking, there are four elements of convergence, though the first and third are perhaps closely related. The four are : (i,) Tonic ; (2,) Accom- modative ; (3,) Convergence due to "knowledge of nearness," or in other words, " Voluntary convergence," for we cannot, without special practice, converge the eyes voluntarily, under ordinary conditions, without doing so by thinking of a near object ; (4,) Fusion convergence. Of these four elements I have included the second and third under the one name of " accommodative converg- ence," to simplify practical work. On looking at a near object, the voluntary and accommodative elements of convergence bear very different proportions to each other in different individuals. It is possible that when some persons direct their vision to a near object the voluntary impulse passes chiefly into the channel of convergence, accommodation being more secondary, while in others it passes chiefly into the channel of accommodation, con- vergence being more secondary. In the former class we should expect the latent position of the eyes to be less influenced by changes in accommodation than in the latter class. ic; Chapter XII. THE EFFECT ON THE FIXATION LINES OF DISPLACED OR DECENTRED LENSES. THIS study will cause embarrassment if allowed in any way to be confused with those of previous pages. It must be clearly borne in mind that the prismatic equivalent of decentering a lens, and the effect of that decentred lens on convergence, are two distinct things, though at first sight they appear the same. Suppose we decentre a lens, or, what is the same thing, suppose we place a normally centred lens precisely before one eye and associate a prism with it. It has hitherto been supposed that the angle of deviation of this prism would exactly express the effect on convergence. But it is not so. Fig. 53, B, represents a decentred lens, the action of which is precisely similar to a prism and lens, for, as said before, it is as if the lens were split in two, and the prism shewn in dotted outline were inserted between the two halves. Now it will be evident at a glance, that the angle cdf is the deviating angle of the virtual prism, while the greater angle, dee, is that which ioS PRISMS. represents the effect on convergence. It makes no difference to the effect on convergence whether a Fig. 53. — A. The right eye is looking at a distant object through a lens displaced inwards, rim and all, by a distance od; d c e is the effect on convergence. B is the same eye looking through a lens of the same focal length, but decentred in its rim by the same distance d. The dotted lines indicate the prism that would be equivalent to the decentering, and the effect on convergence is the same as with A. lens is decentred in its frame, as in Fig. B, or dis- placed, frame and all, to the same amount, as in Fig. A. There is one exception to the discrepancy between the prismatic equivalent and the effect on convergence, and that is when the lenses are co?ivex and the object of fixation is at their focal length, and immediately in front of the eye. Within that distance the effect on convergence is less, and beyond it more, than the prismatic equivalent. But with concave lenses it is always less. In the first edition I went no further than to point out these THE EFFECT OF DISPLACED LENSES. 109 facts, though in a former essay* I had given formulae for the effect of decentering on the visual axis in distant vision, and a series of simple rules for both near and distant vision, which may now be reproduced in a slightly altered form. If a line (not represented in the figures) be dropped from c (the centre of rotation of the eye), perpendicularly upon the principal axis ( of) of the lens, the length of this perpendicular equals the decentration of the lens {0 d). It also cuts off from the line of which measures the focal length of the lens, a portion equal to dc. Therefore - r od Tan. ofe = of — dc But ofe is equal to the angle dee which expresses the effect of the decentred lens on the visual axis, and which we may represent by x. Let d stand for the decentering {od), and f for the focal length of the lens in mm. (fo), and let the distance of the lens from the centre of rotation of the eye be 25 mm. Then, with a convex lens d Tan. x = /-25 and with a concave lens, Tan. x = /+2 5 In these formulae,-)- the distance of 25 mm. for * Journ. Anat. and Phys., Vol. XXI., p. 36. t Journ. Anat. and Phys., Vol. XXL, p. 35. no PRISMS. the distance of the lens from the centre of the eye was chosen because it allowed some simple rules to be made for forming an approximate estimate of the effect of lenses on the visual axes without the use of tables, or tangents, as follows. They are for distant vision only as they stand, but when modified, as explained further on, they suffice also for near vision. I. — To find the effect on the visual axis of combin- ing a lens and a prism, or of decentering a lens. (a.) With a + lens. Ride: Divide the deviating angle of the prism (in the case of decentering the virtual prism can be found from Table V.) by the number of indies in the focal length of the lens LESS ONE. This, added to the deviating angle of the prism, gives the effect on the axis of fixation. Example: Given a $° d prism and a + IOD lens, required the effect on the visual axis. A -+- IOD lens has a focal length of four inches. This, less one, is three inches. - = i°. Add this to 3 = 4°. 3 The effect on the visual axis, therefore, is 4 . (b.) With a — lens. Rule: Divide the deviating angle of the prism (or of the virtual prism from Table V. in the case of decentering) by the num- ber of inches in the focal length of tlie lens PLUS ONE. This, deducted from the deviating angle of the prism, leaves the effect on the axis of fixation. THE EFFECT OF DISPLACED LENSES, in Example: Given a $° d prism, and a — iod lens, required the effect on the fixation line. The focal length of a — iod lens is four inches, which plus one is five inches. The deviating angle must therefore be divided by 5, thus: J = 36' ; 3° - 36' = 2° 24'. The effect on the visual axis is, therefore, 2° 24'. II. — To find wliat prism we must combine with a lens, in order to produce any required effect on the axis of fixation. {a.) With a + lens. Rule: Divide the required effect on tJte fixation line by the number of i?iches in the focal length of the lens. This, deducted from the effect required gives the prism that will produce it. Example: Required with a + iod lens to deflect a fixation line by 4 . What prism is needed? The focal length of the lens is four inches, 4 -=- 4 = I 3 . Deduct this from 4 = 3 . The prism required is 3° d. Or the decentering required is (from Table V.) a trifle more than 5 mm., since a lens of iod decentred to that amount has a prismatic equivalent of 3 d. (b.) With a — lens. Rule : Divide, as before, the required deflection of the axis by the number oj inches i?i tJie focal length of the lens. This, added to the deflection required, gives the prism that will produce it. Example : Required with a — i.od lens to deflect a visual axis by 4 . What prism is needed? U2 PRISMS. The focal length is four inches. 4 -f- 4 = 1°. Add this to 4 = 5°. The prism required is 5 d. From Table V. it is seen that a lens of IOD must be decentred nearly 9 mm. to have the effect of a prism of 5 . These rules may prove of value in the correction of hyperphoria, where considerable exactness is required. The examples given illustrate well how much less deflection is imparted to the line of fixation by decentering a concave lens than a convex one. Thus, we have seen that to produce a deflection of 4°, a convex IOD lens needs a decentering of 5 mm., and a corresponding concave lens 9 mm. For near vision the rules require a little modifica- tion. Instead of reading the " focal length " of the lens we should read the "conjugate focus." They then apply in near vision with quite sufficient accuracy for practical purposes, for though it is true that they suppose the object of fixation to be in front of each eye, when it is really in the median plane, this only introduces a trifling error, and it must be remembered that no fixed rules or tables are quite accurate clinically, since the interocular distance, and the distance of the lenses from the eyes, vary so greatly in different patients. To find the conjugate focus of a lens we subtract from the reciprocal of its focal length, the reciprocal of the distance of the object from the lens. Thus, THE EFFECT OF DISPLACED LENSES. 113 with the object at 12 in., a -f 10D lens (whose focal length is therefore 4 inches) has a conjugate focus of (\ — iV = 1) 6 inches. Since a concave lens has a virtual focus, it is prefixed by the negative sign, and therefore we add the reciprocals; thus, with a — iod lens under the same conditions as before, the conjugate focus is ( — 4 — t^=— 3)3 inches. Some may perhaps find a difficulty in using these rules, and fortunately the subject has recently been followed up by Dr. Percival, who is an able mathe- matician, and has drawn up a series of tables from a formula which assumes reading distance to be \ metre, the distance between the ocular centres to be 64 mm., and the distance of the lenses from the centres of rotation of the eyes to be 27*4751 mm. This distance is chosen since it is that at which lenses should theoretically be placed in order that the size of images formed on the retina may be the same as in emmetropia: it is, in short, the distance of the anterior principal focal plane of the eye from the centre of rotation. They are made for distant vision from the formula, similar to my own, d f-k Where ^ = deflection of visual axis. f = focal length of lens. k = distance of lens from centre of rotation. 8 Tan. X = ii4 PRISMS. For near vision I had made no formula, and Dr. Percival has supplied the deficiency by the following : dp-fm Tan. y = This is for a convex lens; for a concave one the signs must be reversed, being plus instead of minus, since a negative value must be given to f. It will be noticed that in the near vision table the prismatic equivalents differ from those of the distant vision table by a constant quantity, viz., 5' for each degree, and io' for each metre angle. I give Dr. Percival's own examples to illustrate their use. EXAMPLES ILLUSTRATING THE USE OF THE TABLES. TABLE VI. — A hypermetrope of +8D and eso- phoria I ma. at 6 metres will have this convergence defect corrected by decentering the 8d lens 3*1 — mm. outwards, or, what comes to the same thing, by associating it with a prism of i° 26' d (not i° 50'). TABLE VII. — A patient requiring +12D glasses for reading, who can only maintain convergence for a distance of \ metre (2 ma.), must have his glasses decentred 4*6 mm. inwards. TABLE VIII. — A myope requiring — 6d for read- ing, who can only maintain 2 ma. of convergence, must have his glasses decentred 4 mm. outwards, or LENSES. ) D 12 D 14 D l6 D 18 D 20 D •3 iff 4 54 5-6 4V 4-5 40' 3-6 3*V 2.9 3'iS' ■- > y. z •9 59' .6 40' 5-3 3 41' 3.6 •V 4-2 3°23' 2.8 2° 1 5' 3-3 35' 2.2 23' 2.7 247' 1.8 i"5'' 2.1 2°2g' I.4 i°39' 321 1.787 11V I.4O6 i c 8' 1. 121 .898 55' .721 50' 266 +3' •975 4 y .767 37' .611 33' .490 30' •393 27' 225 16' 1-934 I C 2o' I.726 ^23' 1-570 I°26' I.449 i°3°' 1-352 i c 33' 079 2. J 3-546 2°26' 3165 232' 2.879 2^8' 2.657 2 44' 2.479 2 c 5«j' > < - c .1 40' 7- 1 4 52' 6.3 5 C 4 5-7 5 = i6' 5-3 5=28' 4-9 5°36' L. 2.2 59 10.6 7 c i6' 9-5 7 24' 8.6 7° 4 2' 7-9 8 = io' 7-4 8°27' 5 "3 '16' 14.2 &°39' 12.6 io c s' "•5 IO"26' 10.6 10" 50' 9.9 11 12' the patient. valent to that of the decentration of the lenses. DR. PERCIVAL'S TABLE FOR DISTANT LENSES. 11 1 1, 8 I ■» 2„ 3» ♦ » 5 ■= 6 D 7 D 80 | 9, | ,\n ■4. 16 D 18 D 20,, ' 4 ma. 7-. 7 - 3 ma. 5'29' j ma. 3 40 1 ma. 1 50' 124.5 933 31 12 16.975 60.5 453 - : [9.6 '-;■;- 5 139 - 21 3 3.884 3.011 178 S.o 147 3.692 "J 9-3 6.2 1.702 S 5-3, 2.676 1.460 6 5 3 '."8- •7^7 4 3 3 6 808 ,90 29 •393 c 1 1 !■ it ii 1 ma. iV 3 ma. 5-29' 4 ma. 7-17' 17-935 65.75 98.6 Vi' 5 9-2°7 16.879 33-7 'T5 4.6 2 , 879 17.7 355 7.270 29.1 8,7' 3-38? 6.212 124 '?■? 24.8 2973 5-,45° 21 8 2 661 4 ,87,9 9 i.l 6 8"s> 4- 135 8.8 ■7 7 4.079 « J I 934 3-54,6 «V 10.6 M ; I 726 6;3, 9-5, 126 2 ,- 8 j? 5 ; 7 8.6 1 1 -5. ! 1 5 4 -i«' The object observ The figure n large The figures in smaller ition is presumed to be at a distance of mc r tvpe indicate the amount of decentration type represent tlie deviating power of the pri 1 of tllC I. HSCb. VISION. -3 16.8 Il°2o' I4.8 IO4' 12.8 8=43' IO.7 7 = 2l' 14 D 13-9 11V 12.3 9°47' IO.7 B°3i' g.I 7°i5' 16 D ; 18 D I 20 D 11. 7 io°4/ IO.4 9°2 9 ' 91 8=17' 7-8 7°9' IO. O IO'2l' 9.0 9Il' 7-9 8=7' 6. 9 7 C 3' 8.7 9°5i' 6.9 7°56' 6.1 6°57' 8.7186 I 7.4731 6.5389 5.8124 5.2312 5=58' 6.7 4°36' 4.6 3°I2' 2.6 1=49' .61 5 ; 58' 5-3 4°4i' 4.2 3° 2 4' 2.6 27' I.02 49' 5°58' 5°58' 5-2 4-7 447' i 4°53' 3-9 3°36' 2.6 2°25' i-3 3-7 3 : 4^' 2.6 2 45 I.58 i°37' 4-3 4°59' 3-5 4° 2.6 3°i' i-77 2° 2' IS 2 2.027O I.6119 I.3CO4 I.O5S2 .8645 ; i°24' i = i8' 112' i°6' 59' Xp7 1 I - I °57 -8792 . 7-°93 -5772 -47* 46' 42' 39' 36' 32' valent to that of the decentration of the l£es inwards. [P.T.O. DR. PERCIVAL'S TABLES FOR NEAR VISION. TABLE VII.— (Convex.) „ 20 3D 40 5» 6d 70 8d 9, J - I 4 D 16 D IS 4 ma. 7-17' 35? I-y # 3J 453 3 ?- 2 313 3S 23.6 16.8 13.9 "•7 35 8-7 Sj 3 ma. 5 . 29 . 206.6 '"■? <7 I 497 S? 32.2 27-2 23 5 20.6 18.J 14 s 12.3 s? 90 Z£ q 2 ma. 3-40' 172.6 9V 5. 6 ? 9>' s? W 23.1 sV I ?;. 6 a*$ 12.8 »v s?.;- 7 ;5 6.9, ■ ma. IV 138.6 68.8 4 - 5 i? 7-« ? 27.0 2 . 2 ' 3 I9.0 fV 14.6 13 3 10.7 91 7-8 ,". ! 6.1 o io 4 62 3 r, 52.3118 34 K 74i 26 1 350 20.9247 174372 14.9462 13.0779 11.6248 10.4623 7 1731 6.5389 5.2312 5'SS 5 58' 5-5* S*58' 5-58' 5'53' sV s-sa - 5S- .. 38' 5-- 5"3S' 5'58' I ma. I-5C 70.6 35 7 *' *? s? ♦''i? 10.8 9.6 4-=3' 7.8 4 - »3 6.7 4 - 3«' 5, S , 5 " s 1 2 ma. 3' 4 0' 36.6 19.2 1.3-4 =V f.7 7.6 6.7 6.1 ? 6 ' 5f 3 3 4 J 3-9 3 7, 3 ; 5 O 3 ma. 5-29 2.6 9' * 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2_6 2.6 2.6 2.6 ■V : 6 a 6 2.6 2.6 4 6 4 ma. 7-17' — 3I.3 — J3;9 (■V) — 5- 2 toi 4 73" 13> 4 -.84 —.36 03 '3 ^ H r ;5 8 y7 Di ference for 1 ma. 33905 16.558 10.743 7-839 60957 4 ,3 3 ««■ " 1 :■■'' 29957 2.6082 ■33° '£« ,0582 .SO,, Difference for i° 18.54 903; 5.861 4.276 3.325 2.691 2.2 f 1 8983 ,634: ,4227 .8792 7.093 -5772 II' 1 The object of observation is presumed to be J metre from the centre of rotation of the globe. The figures in larger type give the amount of decentration in millimetres. — ve sign indicates decentration outwards; +" sign decentration inwards. The figures in smaller type represent the deviating power of the prisms whose action is equivalent to that of 1 lenses. When enclosed in brackets the prisms are adducting in function, and should be placed edges inwards. DR. PERCIVAL'S TABLES FOR NEAR VISION. TABLE VIII —(Concave.) 4 ma. 7 - i7' -,d -2 -30 -40 - 5 D — 6D -70 _., -9D ,00 -.20 -40 — 16 D -.8 — —247.6 —I25.6 —84.9 T 4 - 4 s' 5 -5.y IS? ~ 3 v 4 ■iV 7& e —27.9 ■s'36' 7 2 ?? ~TJ — 1S.8 — 17.1 ^ I 3 ma. 529' —211. 9 -\v -g$ —54-9 —445 7 3 # -3 2 9 .5 — 28.8 ~3 ? 7 ? T 3 -.V ■JW S& SP —-4 3 — I3.I 5 2 ma. 3 V -176.1 —889 —59? —45-3 io-i;' —36.6 —30.8 ~°V IS? ■jsg —19.2 -16.3 T.-.V 7" 7 6 — 1».4 T-y ^ 4 S 4 —70.6 8V "S? 4 —357 — 28 ; 8 "ft 1 7>v 8 -*• — ;6.,4 S-.6' "»> —10.8 8- 3 8' —9.6 8"«' 7s! ;6 7// o -104.6236 -26.155.3 -209247-17.4372 -14 c^r,2 -13 n 77 , -11 6248 -IO.4623 -8.7186l-7.4731 -6 Si-. -5.8124 -5 23" s'58' 5 - 58' s'sf 5V j"a* S-S8' 5*58 S-J8' 5 - S»' 5-58' 5 - 5B' S - 58' s'ss' 1 ma. I> -»• ? s r 7v 4 7# 5 Iv 1 ~ IO ;7 IF T?; 8 -6.g —6.1 —4-9 7. 4 / ~ 3 ,5 —3,0 —2.6 I 2 ma. 3-4- ~, 3 ?' —157 —98 — 6.g ,•36' T 5 . 2 73° —3; 2 —2.6 ~3 ?I — 1-7 "7™ "Is 73 —.42 — 18 To" \ 3 ma. jW w 26 <.E) 2.6 (.7') 4-2.6 (3«'l 2-6 (45") 2.6 m 2,6 (...) 2.6 <■•*■') (>3.) 2.6 2.6 2.6 WW 26 26 (3 .) 4 ma. 7-17' 3S.4. 20.9 H i. '-Y' '^ (3 - "') 8-5 (aV) 7-9 7.4 7-0 U") 6 -« 4 ' 6.0 (4%8'J &> 5-4 (i'36') 5 <*-> Difference for i ma. 35754 'Va' 6 1 I2 =' 5 ° 4 Vij 8 7 3 - 8 , 5 ' 4 6.6916 5 ;:- 52385 .•14' ♦j/; 1 *& 3 '' S | 4 3 37^2 3-OS88 2 8167 2.622, Difference for i g ic 502 10.088 1 5 £¥ 4.284 . 3.65O 3.1971 2-8574 2.5932 8.3819 2.0648 1 1.8383 j 1.6685 I.5364 1 I4307 The object of observation is presumed to be 1 metre from the centre of rotation of the globe. The figures in larger type give the amount of decentration in millimetres. — "sign indicates decentration outwards; + v * sign decentration inwards. The figures in smaller type represent the deviating power of the prisms whose action is equivale lenses. When enclosed in brackets the prisms are abducting in function, and should be placed edge EAR VISION. - 9 D 10 D — 12 D — 14 D 16 D —18 D 20 D -30.6 1525' —27.9 i5°36' -23.8 I 5°59' 20.9 l6°2l' —18.8 i6°43' — 17.I i7 c 5' —15-7 1727' -259 13 V —235 I3°i6' — 20.I i/33' — 17.6 *3°5°' —15-7 14V —14-3 14*24' —13- } I4°4l' -21. 1 io°46' — 19.2 IO°52' -16.3 11 v —14.2 Il0 i5' 12.6 II°27' — II.4 «°39' — IO.5 n°5o' -16.4 8°23' —14.8 8°26' —12.5 8°32' —I0.8 8° 3 8' —9.6 8° 44 ' —8.6 8°5o' -7.8 8°56' I.6248 --IO.4623 --8. 7186 -7-4731 "6.539 -5.8124 -5.2312 5°58 -6.9 3*V 2.6 (l°2l') 7-4 (3 D 48') 5-58' 5°58' —6.1 3°29' —4.9 3°23' — 1.7 — I.I 59' 47 2.6 (131') 2.6 (i°49') 7.0 (4°) 6.4 (4°24') 5 C 58' —4.I 3° 1 7' -3-5 3 u -•73 2.0 (2°7') 6.0 ( 4 ° 4 8' .42 2.6 (2°2 5 ') 5-7 (5°i2') 5°58' -3;0 3 3 18 ',.6 5°58' -2.6 :9' -.OI d') 2.6 (2°43') j (3°0 5-4 ' 5-2 (5 C 36') ; ( °) f-754i 2°2j' 43667 2°3o' 37854 2° 3 6' 3-3702 2,2' 3.O588 2°48' 2.8l67 2°54 2.6229 3° J-5932 I°2o' 2.3819 I°22' 2.0648 I°2 5 ' 1.8383 I°28' I.6685 I° 3 2' I-5364 i°35' I 4307 i'oS' the globe. on is equivalent to that of the decentration of the 3 placed edges inwards. THE EFFECT OF DISPLACED LEXSES. 115 combined with a prism of i° 24'^, which is prac- tically the same thing. Table VII. and Table VIII. are useful also in estimating the relative range of convergence for reading distance. A myope using — 5D for reading can obtain binocular vision with a 3 prism held edge inwards before each eye, as well as with a \2 32' prism held edge outwards. His relative range is not, however, represented by 1 5 32', but by 12' 46', or 7 ma. n6 Chapter XIII. THE CLINICAL APPLICATIONS OF PRISMS IN DIAGNOSIS. i. — To measure the functional * minimum of con- vergence (r c ). This is generally a negative quantity, so that the minimum of convergence of the visual axes is synonymous with their maximum of diverg- ence. It is, in other words, the maximum binocular abduction of the visual axes in distant vision. Its measure is therefore taken by finding the strongest prisms with their edge outwards compatible with single vision of some distant object, as shewn in Fig. 54. The deviating angle of each prism ex- Fig. 54. — The functional minimum of convergence. presses the " functional minimum of convergence " * The word " functional " is used in contrast with the " absolute " minimum, which is the anatomical position of the eyes. CLINICAL APPLICATIONS IN DIAGNOSIS. 117 for each eye. The figure also makes clear that the visual axes meet behind the head during the experiment, and their point of intersection is " the far point of convergence." If a single prism be used, since its effect is distributed between the two eyes, its angle of deviation must be mentally halved for each. Remoteness of the point of fixation during the experiment is an important considera- tion if it is desired to reach the real minimum, for the knowledge of the object being at a great distance favours the relaxation of convergence. In ametropia, if lenses of sufficient strength are placed in a trial-frame, the experiment can be made by separating them if concave, or approximating them if convex, till double vision occurs, and then the prismatic effect can be calculated from rule I, p. 1 10, or the Tables by Dr. Percival. Thus, if the distance between the optical centres of lenses of — 4D be increased till it is 16 mm. greater than the distance between the centres of motion of the eyes, we divide the 16 mm. between the two eyes, for clearly each lens is displaced 8 mm., and therefore there is, for each eye, i° 40' of divergence. It is expressed by saying that the functional minimum of convergence is — 1° 40'. Dr. Risley's Rotary Prism, p. 48, or the apparatus in Fig. 25, affords the easiest and best means of making this test. With vision for six metres, the normal power of n8 PRISMS. abduction is 2° for each eye, and is therefore measured by a single prism of 8°. The average abduction is greater in myopia and less in emme- tropia, according to Schuurman. In testing the power of abduction with M., refraction should first be corrected, and the effect of the lenses on the direction of the visual lines be allowed for. In H., the test should be made both with and without lenses. 2. — To measure the absolute maximum of conver- gence (fl c ). Find the strongest adducting prisms, as in Fig. 55, compatible with single vision of a Fig. 55- — The absolute maximum of convergence. test type or printed page held as close to the eyes as accommodation will permit. A strong prism can be placed in a trial frame before one eye, and Dr. Risley's Rotary Prism before the other, or the " prismatic trial frame" of Fig. 25 can be used, which possesses the advantage of dividing equally between the eyes the prismatic astigmatism and chromatic aberration. This test, though described for completeness, is not easily enough made with ordinary prisms to CLINICAL APPLICATIONS IN DIAGNOSIS. 119 be much used, or to replace in practice the old established custom of advancing a ringer towards the root of the nose till one eye deviates outwards, or the use of Dr. Landolt's Dynamometer in which the finger is replaced by a line of light. The two last tests, however, it may be suggested, do not give the "absolute maximum of convergence," for as soon as the point of fixation passes within the binocular near point of accommodation, diffusion circles appear on the retinas, and increase rapidly in size with every approach till the eyes resign the impossible task of accommodation — then the ciliary muscle relaxes, and with it the con- vergence. These tests depend largely, I believe, on the point of the resignation of accommodative effort. Even were the accommodative efforts to persist, it is scarcely to be expected that two pictures on their respective retinae, each composed of a mass of diffusion circles, should excite the desire for fusion in its full strength, as clearly defined pictures would. At first sight the highest ad ducting prisms compatible with single vision of a test type held at the absolute near point of accommodation would seem to give the true " absolute maximum " of convergence; but here there is a new difficulty, for the chromatic dispersion of the prisms spoils the definition of the pictures on the retinae, though truly it might be avoided by using a monochromatic 120 PRISMS. light* By adding the maximum convergence to the already ascertained " minimum convergence," we get the "absolute range (amplitude) of conver- gence" (V), of which, according to Dr. Landolt, not more than one third or one fourth can be continuously in exercise for comfortable vision. I have never, however, worked by this rule, as Dr. Landolt does. 3. — To measure the "relative range of conver- gence" (af). For this, perhaps more valuable Fig. 5C. — The relative range of convergence. experiment, we find the strongest pair of abducting prisms, as shewn in dotted outline in Fig. 56, and * Such light may be obtained of a pure yellow by placing common salt, or of a pure red by placing some salt of strontium upon the wick of a spirit lamp, of which the flame is kept steady by incombustible gauze, but the illumination is far too feeble to be of any use, and I do not in practice recommend the test at all. CLIXICAL APPLICAT10XS IX DIAGNOSIS. 121 then the strongest pair of adducting prisms, as shewn in continuous outline, compatible with single distinct vision of an object or type at some chosen distance. The distance most suitable is that at which the patient's daily work is done (occupation distance), and for which spectacles are most required. The abducting prisms measure the negative part of the range (rj), and the adducting prisms its positive part (p\). This test, though beset with practical difficulties in its application, would be the most scientific of any, if the best ratio between the negative and positive parts were well worked out for different distances of vision. The following table shews the relative conver- gence in a man of 32, with conditions otherwise TABLE IX. A. Single Prism. D. Deflection of each axis. R. Relative Range. 6 m. + \6°: - 3 + 4^r° _ 3 ° $r 1 m. + 1S : - 8° + 5° - 2° 7° *m. r20°: - 12° + 5 1 ? - 3.1° £"0 °47 £m. + 24 : - 16 + er - 4^° "1° 1 m. + 30 : - 18" + 9° .0 5 14° normal. The first column A gives the refracting angle of the highest + and — prism he can overcome at the various distances. The second column D shews the deviation of each eye produced by the 122 PRISMS. aforesaid prisms ; it is found by calculating the deviating angle of each prism, and dividing it between the two eyes. Thus the deviating angle of a prism of i6° is g°d, and half this is 4J , so that at 6 m. each eye can converge 4J without losing the distinctness of an object. The third column R gives the relative range for each eye, calculated from the figures in column D. It will be noticed that both the positive and negative parts of the range increase as vision becomes nearer; also that the positive part exceeds the negative, though less so as vision becomes nearer. The case cannot be taken as expressing the normal amounts, but the features just men- tioned will, I think, be found to prevail. The table agrees more closely with Nagel's chart than with Donders'. The results obtained vary not only according to the peculiarities of the individual, but according to the method pursued. Thus, if we test the negative side of the range first, the positive side will be smaller than if we began with it first. As a rule, the limit of the negative part shews itself by the appearance of diplopia, and of the positive part by indistinctness from commencing excess of accommodation. The impairment of distinctness by strong prisms is apt to be con- founded with this latter, so it is not easy to get exact results. On the whole, though I once attached considerable importance to the relative CLIXICAL APPLICATIONS IN DIAGNOSIS. 123 range, and, indeed, it is theoretically important, I do not now commend it in practice except for a few rare cases requiring more careful investigation than we are generally able to give. The best apparatus for testing would be that of Fig. 25. 4. — To dissociate convergence and accommo- dation. Yon Graefe was the first to suggest the use of prisms for this purpose. By placing a vertical prism before one eye, strong enough to create vertical diplopia, the reflex stimulus to fusion is suppressed, and the eyes assume what V. Graefe called their "position of equi- librium." In distant vision this position is, in the case of an emmetrope, that of the tonic convergence, but in near vision there is the accommodative con- vergence as well. A prism of four degrees (2°d) is generally strong enough to create vertical diplopia which cannot be overcome in distant vision, but for near vision a stronger prism must be used (cf. p. 69). V. Graefe used one of 15 . The distant object which he employed was a candle flame, the false image of which lay in the same vertical line when the equilibrium was perfect, while homonymous or heteronymous diplopia indicated respectively relative convergence or divergence. His object for near vision was a dot on a piece of card with a vertical line through it, so that the prism reduplicated the dot, but only lengthened the line. The disadvantage of this device was that i2 4 PRISMS. the overlapping portions of the line were sufficient to maintain the exercise of fusion, and thus mask any tendency to latent deviation that might exist. It was only considerable insufficiencies that mani- fested themselves by this test. The degree of deviation was measured by finding what additional horizontal prism was required to bring the candle flames of the distant test into one vertical line, and to unite the dots and lines of the near test; or, without using a second prism, the first prism may be rotated till the images are vertical, and then from the strength of the prism, and the amount of rotation, a calculation can be made of the deviation of the eyes.* Since V. Graefe's near and distant tests both require a simple vertical prism, they give a false result unless the prism is held exactly vertical, and the head held perfectly steady. The slightest obliq- uity of the prism introduces a lateral displacement of the false image, which we may easily mistake for a * The formula is as follows, where d is the deviating angle of the prism, r its angle of rotation, and H the angle by which the eye deviates, and by which, therefore, the false image is misplaced, Tan. H = Tan. d Sin. r. In words, the tangent of the horizontal angle we wish to measure, through which the false image is misplaced, is the multiple of the sine of the angle through which the prism has been rotated, and the tangent of the angle by which it deflects rays of light. CLINICAL APPLICATIONS IN DIAGNOSIS. 125. latent deviation where none such exists. To remedy this I made use, several years ago, of a double prism, which is shewn in Fig. 57. It is com- posed of two prisms, each of 2° or 3 united by their Fig. 57. — A double prism. bases. The patient, shutting the left eye, holds this prism before the right one and looks through it at a flame, two images of which are seen, one above and one below the real position of the flame. Nothing is easier than to place the prism so that the two images appear vertical. On opening the left eye the flame is seen mid-way between its two images, and in the same vertical line if there be no latent deviation * The double prism makes the test more delicate than a single one, but it is now replaced by the still better plan of a glass rod, suggested by a faint streak of light seen uniting the * When I devised the double prism, I was not aware that a similar one, called a bi-prism, had been used by Fresnel to demonstrate the phenomena of " interference." 126 PRISMS. two false images, clue to the fact, proved by Mr. Berry, that the edge of the obtuse prism is not a mathematical line, but from imperfect manufacture, a rounded ridge. It was easy to deduce from this that a glass rod would produce a better streak of light, by acting as a strong cylindrical lens.* The first form of this little instrument was that shewn in Fig. 58, consistin g of a short glass rod, Fig. 5S. — The first form of the glass rod test. mounted in a metal disc. A convenient modifi- cation consists of a series of glass rods, placed parallel and in apposition, and united at their endsf by sealing wax. This form anyone can make for himself by breaking up a thin glass rod into several pieces an inch long, laying them together on a *"Oph. Review," May, 1890. + For a figure of this form, suggested by Mr. Berry's proposal to use corrugated glass, the reader is referred to Mr. Berry's " Diseases of the Eye," second edition, Fig. 166 B. CLINICAL AP PLICA TIONS IN DIA GNOSIS. 1 2 7 smooth level surface, and sealing their ends together. On looking at a distant flame with this before one eye, it appears converted into a long streak of light, which there is no desire to regard as a false image of the flame, from its dissimilarity, especially if red glass be used. If the streak pass through the flame, equilibrium is perfect, but if otherwise, its distance indicates the amount of latent deviation. The prism that is able to bring the line and the flame together is the measure of it. A very con- venient way, in the absence of a tangent scale {Fig. 59), is to place the rod test in one side of a trial frame, and Risley's " rotary prism " in the other, and turn the latter till the line crosses the flame. Scales graduated in degrees, as in Fig. 59, 6-M 1 m 1 7S54s32l 1234-5 l2H0987S5g32 2 3) 10 ■56789K3I2I4-- 16/ (40-4£ Fig. 59. — Tangent scale for use with the glass rod test. afford the best means, however, since the patient can read at any moment the figure crossed by the line of light, and thus variations can be followed. The full extent of a latent deviation does not occur at once, but the line gradually moves farther 128 PRISMS. from the flame. Such a scale, graduated for use at 5 metres, and with directions for use, can be obtained from Messrs. Curry and Paxton : it is also furnished with smaller figures for the objective measurement of squint, but that does not belong to the subject before us. For near vision, a tangent scale is published, graduated in degrees and metre-angles, for % metre, with a vertical arrow running up from zero, such that when reduplicated, as in Fig. 43, by a square vertical prism held before one eye, the lower arrow points to that figure on the upper scale which measures the deviation. It is best to use a prism of 12° (6° d), permanently mounted in an ordinary strong cataract frame, which can be placed on the patient in a moment, and needs no hand to hold it. A thread, }£ metre long, should be permanently fixed to the card to adjust its distance from the patient correctly. This scale can also be obtained from Messrs. Curry and Paxton, provided with a printed sentence, as well as the figures, to ensure full accommodation — an improvement suggested by Mr. Berry. The rod test can be used instead of a prism if the arrow be replaced by a small polished metal button to reflect the light from a window or a flame. The illumination, however, is rather too feeble to be of much use clinically. The best device for economising the light, by admitting the maxi- mum amount into the pupil, is a convex cylindrical CLINICAL APPLICATIONS IN DIAGNOSIS. 129 lens, with a radius of curvature of about 20 mm. By holding the scale vertically, instead of horizon- tally, we can, by this method, measure latent vertical deviations, for the estimation of which, in near vision, we possess no other very satisfactory method. Tangent scales can be made for any intermediate distance, but though I have used them for physio- logical investigation, they are not necessary in practice. If graduated in degrees or metre angles, a different scale is of course needed for each dis- tance ; while if marked in centimetres, and provided with an arrow capable of being lengthened or shortened, one is sufficient, but then a calculation is necessary. What is the due significance to attach to the near vision test ? It clearly does not decide the strength of one rectus, for convergence is a single function affecting both eyes equally. It is true that each rectus is a link in the chain of convergence, and may be the weak link, but that would shew itself best in testing the lateral move- ments of the eyes. Neither does it afford a pure test of the strength of convergence, for the ampli- tude of convergence may be quite normal, and yet an " insufficiency " (as it used to be called) appears in the test for latent equilibrium, from one of its stimuli being wanting, as in myopia, where accom- modation is slight, or absent. The section on 9 130 PRISMS. " The study of convergence," contains an account of the conditions that need consideration. 5. — To detect vertical latent deviations (hyper- phoria). These are of two kinds, paretic and con- comitant. The name " simple hyperphoria " should be confined to the latter. If the deviation be of the same amount on looking upwards or down- wards, it is concomitant ; if otherwise, paretic. The old way of disclosing such deviations was by placing before one eye a prism, with its edge outwards, and slightly stronger than can be over- come — say one of 6° d. In this test especially, precision in the setting of the prism is essential, since imperfect setting, or an inclination of the patient's head, cause apparent hyperphoria, when such does not exist, as shewn in Fig. 19. Slight vertical deviations are less frequent and more im- portant than slight horizontal ones, since in all normal individuals the vertical equilibrium is per- fect. The glass rod is a delicate test for it, free from the sources of error referred to in the use of a prism, since slight rotations of the rod, or of the head, do not appreciably affect the distance of the line of light from the flame. The object should be a gas-jet turned down to about a quarter of an inch irr height, at the distance of 5 or 6 metres, while a piece of blue glass held before the other eye greatly improves the test, by subduing the illumination of the flame, which otherwise is apt to eclipse the line CLINICAL APPLICATIONS IN DIAGNOSIS. 13] by its superior brightness. Care should be taken that direct light from no other source, such as a window or a fire, falls on the glass rod, and this can be obtained by standing so as to place it in one's own shadow : a dark room is not necessary. The measure of the hyperphoria can be taken by finding what prism brings the flame and line together, or how much rotation must be given to Risley's " rotary prism." A scale of degrees, as shewn in Fig. 60, is, however, what I have generally used. Fig. 60.— A tangent scale to measure hyperphoria with a glass rod. For near vision it is not so easy to measure hyperphoria, nor is it often required. The plan mentioned on page 1 29 can be used, or a stereoscope, marked before one eye with a vertical line gradu- ated in degrees up and down from a central zero 1 3 2 PRISMS. point, and before the other eye with a horizontal line exactly level with the zero point just men- tioned. On looking into the instrument, the hori- zontal line appears to be across the zero of the vertical one if equilibrium is perfect, but if not, the figure crossed by the horizontal line measures the hyperphoria. Stevens* suggests the desirability of finding the highest prism, edge up, and the highest, edge down, compatible with single vision. Instances of hyperphoria are not so rare as they are thought to be. It is well, when opportunity offers, to test them again after a considerable interval to see if the amount is stationary : often their per- sistency is remarkable, and the same case will show year after year, exactly the same measurement Even slight hyperphorias sometimes cause great inconvenience, and even headache and asthenopia. On the other hand, hyperphoria may be very con- siderable without causing a single symptom, or seeming to be of any consequence. I have recorded elsewheref the case of a young man, 1 8 years of age, who had right hyperphoria of nearly io°, without any headache or discomfort from it. His right eye was noticed by his mother to occasionally " roll up," and since his grandmother was said to exhibit the same phenomenon, it is more than likely that * "Archives d' Ophthalmologic " XVI. ; 6 ; p. 544. t "Ophth. Review," Vol. XII., p. 44- CLINICAL APPLICATIONS IN DIAGNOSIS. 133 there was hereditary transmission of the defect, and its toleration would thus be accounted for. This case called for no treatment, since the anomaly caused no discomfort ; tenotomy of the right superior rectus, or advancement of the left inferior, would have been indicated had distressing symp- toms been present. In true hyperphoria one eye turns up when it is covered, as much as the other turns down when it is covered. Mr. Berry has noticed some rare aberrant forms of hyperphoria, in which one eye turns up without the other turning down, or in which either eye turns up when covered. In paretic hyperphoria the latent deviation is greater in some directions than in others, and by using the rod test, with the patient's head in different positions, it is easy to discover which eye is at fault, and which muscle is affected.* For the correction of hyperphoria, see page 140. 6. — Prisms are sometimes used to measure stra- bismus, or the degree of any existing diplopia, by finding what prism is able to unite the two images, but this plan is fallacious since prisms of different strengths will be found equally to succeed. The weakest prism which enables the two images to be united, though it does not measure the diplopia, yet gives us the useful information of how much * " Ophthalmic Review," Vol. IX., p. 287. 134 PRISMS. the diplopia needs to be lessened in order to allow the remainder to be corrected by the desire for single vision. The deviating angle of the prism tells us the proportion of diplopia which is beyond the control of fusion. It is sometimes recommended to prescribe prisms of this kind, so as to exercise the neuro-motor mechanism till the strength is regained. Since homonymous diplopia is due to excessive convergence, we use plus prisms {i.e. edge in), and since heteronymous diplopia is due to excessive divergence, we use for it minus prisms {i.e. edge out). In simpler language, " place the apex of the prism in the same direction as the eye deviates " (Juler). 7. — To decide the presence or absence of binocular vision. The fact that a prism before an eye deflects the line of fixation was turned to account by Von Graefe, in cases of suspected malingering, to see whether an eye has such a thing 2^ a line of fixation, or in other words whether it is a seeing eye. The following is perhaps the fullest plan. After fixing the patient's attention, we may first place a strong prism, say of 30° (edge in or out), before the sound eye. If, while doing this, the other betray no associated movement, vision is almost certainly binocular, for nothing but fixation could preserve it from accompanying the deflection of its fellow, CLINICAL APPLICATIONS IN DIAGNOSIS. 135 except in paralytic cases. Should it move, how- ever, nothing is proved beyond the fact that its fixation power is less perfect than that of the other. The same prism is now similarly placed before the doubtful eye ; if while doing so the other dis- play an associated movement, vision is not only binocular, but the impugned eye is the better of the two, at least for the distance of vision employed at the time : but if there be no associated movement nothing is proved. Lastly, on placing a plus prism of about io c before the doubtful eye, and quickly withdrawing the prism, we closely watch the eye from which it is taken ; for a corrective movement, if detected, at once tells us that its line of fixation has been deflected by the prism, and that it has therefore a line of fixation and is a seeing eye. The subjective test, in which the patient's state- ments have to be relied on, is, for obvious reasons, often unsatisfactory, though it possesses the pecu- liar advantage of convincing a by-stander from the patient's own mouth, and of thus relieving the surgeon from the sole responsibility. It consists in placing a prism first before the unsound eye, and asking whether any object, preferably a flame, appears double. The reply is almost certainly negative. The prism is next placed before the sound eye, and the question repeated, " Do you 136 PRISMS. now?" If incautious, the patient may admit that though he sees nothing with the bad eye, he sees double when the prism is held before the good one. To confuse the patient in a case suspected to be one of simulated unilateral blindness, Alfred Graefe suggested to show him, first of all, that diplopia is obtainable with one eye. This is best done by making him look at a distant flame with the im- pugned eye covered, while a square prism, the base of which is held uppermost and has sharp angles, is moved upwards till it reaches almost to the lower margin of the pupil. Double images of the flame are thus produced. On repeating the experiment, but this time without covering the impugned eye, the prism is held higher up so as to cover the whole pupil. If, under these conditions, diplopia results, it must be because both eyes see. It is much more difficult to produce monocular diplopia by placing the apex of a prism opposite the pupil, than by placing the base opposite its lower margin. Mr. Adams Frost has pointed out a possible source of fallacy in making this test, namely, that the image by double internal reflection, explained on page 51, may be noticed by the patient, who may thus say that he sees double, though the other eye be blind. The image spoken of is extremely faint, but though with a strong prism it is too far removed from the true image to attract attention, it micrht be noticed with a weak one. CLINICAL APPLICATIONS IN DIAGNOSIS. 137 8. — To elicit diplopia in cases of suppression of the false image. After a squint has lasted a sufficient length of time, the mind has so learned to ignore the false image that it is impossible to produce diplopia by looking at a flame. The false image is then said to be " mentally suppressed." If the suppression be not deep, attention can be called to the false image by placing a piece of green or red glass in front of the fixing eye, or, if this fail, by placing a vertical prism before either eye to throw the picture of the flame on to a different part of the retina. There are cases of even alter- nating squint in which the false image is suppressed, whichever eye fixes. The suppression is sometimes so deep, in long-standing cases, that nothing can overcome it. In a few cases the glass rod has elicited diplopia when prisms have failed to do so : it should be combined with a coloured glass before the other eye. i 3 8 Chapter XIV. THE USE OF PRISMS IN TREATMENT. Prisms may be used, — I. — To relieve excess of tonic convergence. We need first to exclude causes which can be relieved by constitutional treatment — reflex, hysterical, cerebral, etc. Hypermetropia needs correction. If the latent convergence does not exist for all distances of vision, care must be taken that the prisms ordered should only be worn for distant vision. If there be excess of convergence in near vision also, they can be worn for all purposes. In myopia it is not uncommon to find considerable latent convergence in distant vision giving rise to occasional diplopia, which can be remedied by displacing the lenses nearer together till the excess of convergence, shewn by the rod-test, is reduced almost to nil. It is well not to correct more than two-thirds of the latent deviation.* Slight excesses can be left alone. * Noyes recommends its full correction, on his supposition that it is due to insufficiency of the externi. This is not a supposition I feel able to endorse. USE IN TREATMENT. 139 2. — To relieve deficiency of tonic convergence. This is a much commoner condition than the last, and can generally be left alone. It occasionally, however, gives rise to diplopia, or to asthenopia and headache. It may then be relieved by prisms which annul half the latent condition. Convex lenses can be displaced inwards, and concave lenses outwards. Latent divergence in distant vision is nearly always accompanied by still greater latent divergence in near vision, so that the same prisms can be worn for near work as for distant. In some neurasthenic individuals great variability occurs in the equilibrium of the eyes. These are not the cases for prisms. 3. — To relieve excess of accommodative conver- gence. It is extremely rarely that this occurs in other than hypermetropes, where correction of the refraction is all that is indicated. I have not met with an emmetropic case. 4. — To relieve deficient accommodative convergence. In myopia, since accommodation is less than in emmetropia, the accommodative convergence is less. This is rectified by wearing the full cor- rection for the myopia, but sometimes the full correction cannot be borne, and it is advisable to prescribe weaker lenses either displaced or decen- tred outwards, or combined with prisms, edge out. What frequently happens is that both the tonic and accommodative convergences are deficient, and RV = A : LV = 5%. tangent scale, 5 m. In 140 PIUS MS. then the correction of the former generally suffices if the same spectacles are used for all purposes. A high amount of latent divergence at reading distance is often tolerated without discomfort. It occurs too in cases other than myopic. Illustrative case. — Mrs. L., 38 years of age, has had extensive corneal nebulas from childhood. Equilibrium by rod test, and -12° She is obliged to hold her sewing, or small print, near her eyes, to obtain sufficient visual acuity, yet this causes headache and asthenopia. As shewn above, she has slight latent divergence for distance, namely, i°, which is V for each eye, and can be neglected. At J metre she has 12° of latent diver- gence, which is 6° for each eye. She was ordered, for fine work, spectacles of +3*5D, with prisms of 6 V, base in. With these she can hold her work near, and get good acuity without discomfort; the nebulae making her less observant of the prismatic aberrations. She could not tolerate them at the first trial, but in a day or two said, " I would not be without them," and writes after a few months : 11 spectacles very useful to me in reading." 5. — To relieve hyperphoria. This is one of the most useful of the services rendered by prisms. Well marked cases of persistent hyperphoria, with dis- USE IN TREATMENT. 141 comfort from threatened diplopia, and eye strain, are immensely relieved by prisms, which should correct about two-thirds of the defect I think. It will be remembered that prisms set vertically have less effect over hyperphoria in near than in distant vision, p. 69, so that full correction for distance is under-correction for near. The prisms should be equally divided between the two eyes, the edge of each being in the same direction as the axis of the eye, that is edge up before the higher eye, and edge down before the lower. Illustrative case. — Miss Mary T , age about 45, with # 5D of hypermetropia in each eye and V = f§, complains that she has had a tendency to double vision for the last two years, and that when she does see double the objects appear superposed; thus she thought she saw two rows of cows, one above the other, discovering afterwards there was only one row. A similar difficulty, encountered in reading, she had learned to overcome by tilting her reading spectacles to make one lens higher than the other (an unconscious use of prisms). The rod test shews at 5 m. right hyperphoria {i.e. the right eye highest) of i°. She also complains of headaches and asthenopia, such that, though highly intellec- tual, she has almost ceased to read or use her eyes for close work for the last year or two. She remembers that, when a child, she could not see properly through a stereoscope from the two images 142 PRISMS. appearing superposed. Treatment. — Prisms of f ° before each eye, edge up before right, edge down before left, with lenses of +o*5D. Similar prisms to be combined with her reading spectacles. Result. — The headaches greatly relieved; asthenopia gone; says glasses have taken her back several years in the use of her eyes, so that she can sew and read again as of old, but if she takes them off for a moment the diplopia is more troublesome than before. This last fact illustrates a great disadvantage in the use of prisms prescribed for relief rather than cure. The prisms, being less than the hyperphoria, cannot really have created an increase, but have probably allowed more of what was latent to become manifest. This, however, is more than compensated for by the relief they have given. 6. — To correct diplopia from oculo-motor paresis. In recent cases we, of course, wait for cure of the condition, but if it seems to come to a standstill, we may afford relief by ordering prisms such that the images can be united in at least the most useful direction of vision. At first, the diplopia occurs only in a certain area of the field of fixation, but after a while through what is called " contrac- ture of the antagonist " there is often latent diplopia over the whole field. This latent element should be corrected, and a little of the manifest as well. Prisms should have their edges placed in the direc- tion in which the axis of the affected eye deviates, USE IN TREATMENT. 143 remembering, if we wish to divide the prism between the two eyes, that the one before the sound eye should have its apex in exactly the opposite direction. If for instance the right eye deviate down and out, its prism should be apex "down and out," and the prism for the left eye be apex " up and out" In old paralysis of the superior oblique, prisms are very valuable, since on looking down at the work the diplopia is troublesome. The most thorough way to examine a case is to combine the vertical and horizontal scales of Figs. 59 and 60 with a flame at their centre, and then test the equilibrium of the eyes with the glass rod in each of the nine positions of the field of fixation ; this is done by placing the patient's head in different positions. From a chart thus made, it is easy to reason out what prisms it is best to order. But a quicker way is just to place the patient's head so that on looking at the flame his axes of fixation are in the position mostly required at his work; the vertical and horizontal deviations can then be measured, and prisms be prescribed to correct a certain proportion of each. Thus, if the right eye deviate upwards 5 we may order a prism of 2°d, edge up, before the right eye, and the same, edge down, before the left. If the same eye also con- verges 3 , we may combine with each of the above a plus prism of i°d, on the principle of "resultant prisms." A man with paralysis of the right 144 PRISMS. superior oblique, who could only look down at his work comfortably by shutting one eye to avoid diplopia, greatly valued resultant prisms of 3 (iJV) each which were ordered him. 7. — To assist in the cure of paralytic diplopia (diphtheritic, rheumatic, etc.). Donders wrote, "We may further, in paresis of a muscle, so far meet the disease by means of a prism, that in order to make the double images which have been brought near one another run together, the muscles will become powerfully tense, which, for the alleviation of the paresis, appears to be no matter of in- difference."* In recent cases, without secondary contraction of the antagonist, this plan is not very feasible. In older cases, where the defect is slight, it might possibly serve a purpose, but I doubt if it would really have a curative effect since the good it is supposed to do in one part of the field would be undone in another part, unless the field of diplopia were very extensive. 8. — To disguise a squint in an amblyopic eye. The cosmetic use of prisms was brought to my notice by a case in the practice of Mr. Berry, who suc- ceeded in concealing, to a considerable degree, a vertical squint in a young woman, by prescribing a vertical prism to be worn before it, in conjunction with a lens equal to that needed before the seeing eye. Since prisms cause apparent displacement of * Anomalies, &c., p. 134. USE JN TREATMENT. 145 objects towards their edges, the edge of a cosmetic prism should be in the opposite direction to the squint. Thus if the eye squint up, the edge of the prism should be down ; if the eye squint out, the edge should be in. This procedure is chiefly applicable to slight vertical squints, which are more disfiguring than slight horizontal ones. 10 146 Chapter XV. ANALYSIS OF SPECTACLES. HITHERTO we have dealt with the synthetical part of our subject, how to prescribe prisms and com- bine them with lenses. The analytical part needs but brief consideration. When a patient comes to us with a pair of spectacles already in use, but which cause discomfort, in spite of having the correct focal length, how are we to investigate their prismatic effect, and find how the glasses are centred ? Clinically, nothing is easier than to test the positions of equilibrium by the glass rod, etc., with and without the spectacles. We then see what effect they have on the visual axes, and by what distance lenses of similar focus, when placed in a trial-frame, need to be separated to produce a desirable equilibrium. We can reach the same result in another way, by measuring the distance between the centres of the eyes and between the optical centres of the lenses. If these two distances are equal, and the spectacles be for distant vision, they have practically no effect on convergence. If, with reading spectacles, the distance between the ANALYSIS OF SPECTACLES. ^47 optical centres be 5 or 6 mm. less than the inter- ocular distance, the effect on convergence is also practically nil. In Fig. 61 is represented a rough so Ji iTTiTf . HiUontcrcs Fig. 61.— A simple way of telling the distance between the optical centres of a pair of spectacles. but ready method of telling the distance between the optical centres. The spectacles are held hori- zontally, and some inches above a card marked to one side with a vertical line jr, and towards the other side with parallel lines y t at different mea- sured distances from the single one. The observer, holding his left eye about a foot above, and as nearly vertically over the left lens as he can judge, closes the right eye, and moves the spectacle frame from side to side till the line x appears unbroken by the left lens. Now, without moving the head, the right eye is opened and the left closed, and that line which appears to be least displaced by the right lens is the line nearest its optical centre, so that the number above it furnishes a rough estimate of the required distance between the two optical centres. To ascertain whether each optical centre is 148 PRISMS. midway between the upper and lower border of its rim, each lens must be held lengthwise over the left hand line till it appears to run continuously. If we wish to measure the distance of each optical centre from the middle of the bridge, it is easily done by marking each lens with an ink dot where a single line (x in Fig. 61) appears unbroken, so as to measure the distance of each dot from the centre of the bridge. If the optical centre lie outside the lens altogether, then the " analyser " in Fig. 63, which was described in the first edition of this work, can be used, though it has since been made unnecessary by the introduction of the " prism measure " of the Geneva Optical Company. The analyser, however, though more difficult to use, possessed the advantage of giving a dioptric mea- surement true for media of any index of refraction, while the " prism measure " only gives the phy- sical inclination of the surfaces. The latter instru- ment, shown in Fig. 62, is very simple in its use. If a lens be placed within it, and be moved about in the horizontal plane till the index points to zero, the tooth in the centre of the foot of the index points to the optical centre. If, on the other hand, the geometrical centre be placed just below this tooth, the index points to the number which mea- sures the physical angle of the virtual prism with which the lens is combined. This does not in itself, however, give us much information about the ANALYSIS OF SPECTACLES. 149 effect of the spectacles on the visual axes, for the geometrical centre may not be directly in front of the eye. If we measure from the centre of the bridge a distance equal to the distance of the centre of the eye from the median plane, and .f Fig. 62. — The " prism measure," used to discover the optical centre of a lens. mark this distance by an ink dot on the glass, then we can place the said ink dot under the tooth and read off what prism is virtually combined with the lens at this point, directly in front of the eye. In this way we discover the prismatic effect of the ISO PRISMS. spectacles without any calculation. This appli- cation of the instrument, though not mentioned by its inventor, makes it as useful to the surgeon as it is to the optician, and renders any description of the analyser almost unnecessary, except for a few who may have had it constructed, or who wish great exactness with pebble lenses, as well as with glass ones. The "analyser," which is shown in Fig. 63, ha? a plate of glass, c d, which is movable from side to side. The letters a b indicate a narrower plate of glass, also k, \f Fig. G3. — The Analyser. movable, marked exactly across the middle with a transverse line x. On either side of the slides is ANALYSIS OF SPECTACLES. 151 a millimetre scale with the zero in the centre. The broad slide has a long line w right across it opposite the zero of its scale. The card r s has only one line upon it, exactly beneath the central lines of the glass strips, and it can be placed either in the bottom of the apparatus, as in the figure, or in the grooves higher up, for lenses whose focal length is shorter than the height of the glass plates above the lowest grooves. The card is generally used in its lowest position, because distance of the line upon it from the lenses, as we have already seen with prisms, magnifies the phenomenon, and makes the experiment more delicate. The height of the upper surface of the glass plates from the card in the lowest grooves is about 4^ inches. To analyse a pair of spectacles, lay the centre of the bridge on the line w, and place the observing eye so that the lines x and n p appear to coincide. Now move the broad slide bearing the spectacles till the line n p appears undeviating through one lens ; then w points to the distance between the optical centre of that lens and the centre of the bridge. Repeat in the same way for the other lens. Lastly, by laying the geometrical centre of a lens opposite the zero of the scale k 4540 •5095 6° •10452 •IO5I 28 3 4695 •5317 7° 12187 •1228 2 9 4848 •5543 8° •13917 •I405 3° : 5 •5773 9° •15643 •I584 3i° 5150 "6009 IO° •17364 •I763 32° 5299 •6249 ii° •19081 •1944 33' 5446 •6494 12° •2079 •2125 34° 5592 '6745 13° •2249 •2309 35 J 5736 7002 14° •2419 •2493 3& 5878 7265 T -° •25S8 •2679 37° 6018 7535 1 6° •2756 •2867 3S> 6157 7S13 i 7 ° •2924 •3057 39° 6293 •8098 1 8° •3090 •3249 40° 642S •8390 19° •3256 •3443 4i° 6560 •8693 20° •3420 •3640 42 ° 6691 •9OO4 21° •3534 •3339 43° 6820 •9325 22° •3746 •404O 44° 6946 •9657 1 1 1 62 APPENDIX. [Moreover, since 11 and n' are normals to the refracting surfaces, (2) A = r + i\ But w = i — r. and v = r — 1. so that by substitution, (3) d=i+r' -A. If the ray pass in the direction of minimum deviation , so that i = r, then from (3) (4) d= 2i - A. A t*S ■ d + A - and (5) 1 = 2 This last formula tells us that if we wish to pass a ray through a prism in the direction of minimum deviation, we must allow an angle of incidence equal to half the sum of the deviating and refract- ing angles. Moreover, under the same conditions, _. d 2 and since, by the law of sines, if we let /x stand for the index of refraction, sin. i = p sin. r. (6) i = sin. -1 ( 11 sin. — — A. \ 2 / Substituting this value for i in formula 4 we get (7) d = 2 sin. ~ T fx sin. — j — A. This formula enables us to find the deviating APPENDIX. 163 angle of any prism, given its refracting angle (A) and its index of refraction (/x). If we treat angles and their sines as equivalents, which we may do without serious error in the case of very weak prisms, then (8) d = A (p - 1 ). This useful formula has been utilised on p. 19. Lastly, if we wish to find the index of refraction •of any transparent material, we can do so as follows. By the law of sines, - / n sin - * (9) P — . ' sin. r And since . . d+A y s) t= - . and r = —> 2 sin. (10) fM= A Sill — 2 From this formula, after finding the refracting angle {A) of any prismatic piece of glass, and the deviating angle (d) by the methods described on pp. 3 and 30, we can readily discover the index of refraction. 1 64 INDEX. Aberrant Hyperphoria, 133 Aberration, Chromatic, 27 — Prismatic, 40 Abducting Prisms, 64, 81, 88 Abduction, Maximum Binoc- ular, 116, 118 Accommodative Convergence, 93 Excess of, 139 Adaptability, the faculty of, 103 Adducting Prisms, 64 Adjustment of Prisms in Trial- frame, 61 — by viewing straight lines, 61 double internal reflection, 53 Advancement for Latent Devi- ation, 105 Adverse Prisms, 104 iEther, 11 Analyser, 150 Analysis of Spectacles, 146 Anatomical Position of the Eyes, 90 Angle, Deviating, 163 — of Deviation, 17 Measurement of, 29 with variations of in- cidence, 25, 26 False Projection, 59 Refraction, 2 Measurement of, 3 — Visual, Effect of Prism -on, 43 Antagonist, Contracture of, 142 Apex of a Prism, 7 Testing for, 36 Apparent Curvature of a straight line seen through a Prism, 43 Apparent Displacement of objects by Prisms, 8, 56 Lines by Prisms, 57 — Hyperphoria, 130 Deficiency of, 139 — Size of objects through a Prism, 43 Associated Convergence, 95 Asthenopia, Muscular, 87 — Central, 87 Asymmetry of the Eyes, 155 Atropine, effect on Conver- gence, 95 Axis of a Prism, 24 Bar of Prisms, 6 Base, 4 — of a Rectangular Prism, 3 — of a Circular Prism, 7 Base-apex Line, 7 Berry, Mr., 90, 91, 126, 133, 144 Binocular Distortion by Prisms, 45 Wadsworth's Ex- planation of, 45 — Vision, 86 Bi-Prism, 125 Bowman Lecture, Hansen Grut's, 90 Card Test, 85, 128 Centrads, 34 Central Asthenopia, 87 Centre (Geometrical) of a Lens, 73 — (Optical) of a Lens, 71, 73 Centres, Optical, mode of test- ing distance between, 147 Chloroform, Divergence of Eyes under, 90 Chromatic Aberration, 27 INDEX. 165 Ciliary Muscle, Paresis of, 95 Circular Prism, base of, 7 Relation to a rectangular one, 7 — Prisms, 5, 6 Clinical Properties of Prisms.56 — Strength of Prisms, 69 Coloured Glass in using rod test, 130 to elicit Diplopia, 137 Concomitancy in Hyperphoria, ' 130 Conjugate Innervations, 83 Construction for Deviation, 26 Resultant Prisms, 158 Contracture of Antagonist, 142 Convergence, 138 — Accommodative, 93, 139 — and Accommodation, 85 Dissociation of, 123 — Associated, 95 — Effect of Lenses on, 81 Prisms on, 69, 81 — Far Point of, 117 — Finger tests for, 119 — Functional, minimum of, 116 — Graefe's tests for, 123 — in Myopia, 96, 138, 139 — Innervation of, 83 — Initial, 89 — Insufficiency of, 129 — Landolt's rule for, 120 — Latent, in near vision, 89 — Maximum of, 118 — Near Point of, 119 Vision test for, 128 — Reflex, 86, 97 — Relative Range of, 120 — Spasm of, 89, 92 — Starting Point of, 89 — Study of, 83 — Three Grades of, 84, 91 — Tonic, 89, 92 — Voluntary Element in, 106 Co-ordinating Centres, Educa- tion of, 103 — Energy. 87 Cosmetic' Prisms, 144 Cramp, Writers', S7 Cretes' Prism, 47 Crown Glass, 10 Dispersive power of, 28 Refractive Index of, 19, 20 Curry & Paxton, Messrs., 128 Cylindrical Lens for testing deviations, 128 Dark, Behaviour of an Eye in the, 85 Decentred Lens, Manufacture of and Prescriptions for, 78 Decentering, Rule for, 82 — of Lenses, 71, 74 Degrees, as Units of Prismetry, 33 Dennett's Unit for Prisms, 34 Density of Media, 10 Deviating Angle, 163 Deviation, Angle of, 17 with variations of in- cidence, 25, 26 — Construction for, 19, 26 — Minimum, 162 — of Light by Prisms, 16 Ray refracted at one surface only of a Prism, 27 — Protractor, 22, 23 Deviations, Latent, 86 — ■ — Vertical, 130 Diagnosis, Use of Prisms in, 116 Diplopia, Eliciting by Prisms, 137 — Prisms for, 142 — Produced by Prisms, 62 Dispersion, 27 Displacement (Apparent) of Objects by Prisms, 8, 56, 57 — of Lenses, 72, 77 the Visual Axis by Prisms, 60 Dissociation of Convergence and Accommodation, 123 Distortion (Binocular) by Prisms, 45 1 66 INDEX. Divergence, Latent, 88 — under Chloroform, 90 Donders, 122, 144 Double Prism, 125 Dyer's, Dr., Exercises, 103 Dynamometer, Landolt's, 119 Edge of a Prism, 8 Education of co-ordinating centres, 103 Effect of Prismatic Lenses on Fixation Lines, 107 Formula for, 109, 113 Rules for, no Eliciting Diplopia by Prisms, 137 Emergence of Light, 16 Equilibrium in near vision, j author's tangent scale for, 85, 108 — Position of, 123 — Test, Graefe's, ne'.r, 85, 123 distant, 91, 123 Eserine, effect on Convergence, 95 Externi, insufficiency of, 138 Eye, Behaviour of in the dark, 85 Eyes, asymmetry of, 155 — Localising, 153 False Image, 61 Suppression of, 137 — Projection, Angle of, 59 Far Point of Convergence, 117 Finger Test for Convergence, 119 First Method of Prismetry, 30 Fixation Lines, Effect of Pris- matic Lenses on, 107 Flint Glass, 28 Focal Plane, Anterior princi- pal, 113 Formula for Rotation of Prism, 124 Formulae for Refraction through Prisms, 160 Formulae for Resultant Prisms. 68 Fresnel, 125 Frost, Mr. Adams, 136 Functional Convergence, Mini- mum of, 116 Fusion, 87 — Supplement, 86 Division of between two- eyes, 88 Geneva Optical Company, 148 Geometrical Centre of a Lens, 73 — — — Best position for, 81 — Properties of Prisms, 1 Glass Rod Test, 126, 130 Goniometry, 29 Graefe, Alfred, 136 Graefe's Near Equilibrium Test, 85, 123 — Distant Equilibrium Test, 91, 123 — Prism Tests for Malinger- ing, 134 — Tests for Convergence, 123 Grinding a Prism, 3 Hansen Grut, 90 " Nahebewusstein," 94 Helminthiasis, 89 Heredity of Hyperphoria, 133 Hering's Theory, 64, 83 Herschell's Prisms, 47 Homocentric Light, 40 Homogeneous Media, 10 Horizontal Prisms, 67 Huygens, law of, 12 Hyperphoria, 130 — Different effect of Prisms on in near and distant vision, 69 Rule for find ing, 70 — Measurement of, 131, 132 — Prisms for, 140 — Test for in Near Vision, 119 IXDEX. 167 Illusion by Prisms, 56 Images by Internal Reflection, 5 1 ■ Formula for, 54 Inaccuracy in the Apex of a Prism, 36 Incidence of Light, 16 Index of Refraction, 163 Initial Convergence, 89 — Position of the Eyes, 101 Innervations, Conjugate, 83 Insufficiency, Muscular, 85 — of Convergence, 129 Externi, 13S Internal Reflection by Prisms, Isotropic Media, 10 Jackson's Proposition, 20 Juler, Mr., 134 Landolt's Dynamometer, 119 — Prism, 47 — Rule for Convergence, 120 Latent Convergence in Near Vision, 89 — Deviation, advancement for, 105 — Deviations, 86 Harmlessness of most, 104 Treatment of, 104 Tenotomy for, 105 — Divergence, 88 — Vertical Deviations, 130 Law of Sines, 162 Le Conte, 90 Lens Measure of Geneva Optical Company, 80 — Rotation of, 58 Lenses, Decentering of, 71, 74 — Displacement of, 72, 77 — Effect on Convergence of, 81 Light, Deviation of by Prisms, 16 — Emergence of, 16 — Homocentric, 40 — Incidence of, 16 — Monochromatic, 120 ! Light, Oblique Incidence of, 13 — Perpendicular Incidence of, 13 — Refraction of, illustrated, 14 I — Undulatory, theory of, 11 — Velocity of in different media, 10, 13 — Wave front of, 1 1 — Waves, and water, 11 Lines viewed through a Prism, Localiser, The Author's, 154 Localising the Eyes, 153 Malingering, Graefe's Prism Test for, 134 Manufacture of Decentred Lens, 78 Maxims for prescribing Prisms, T-57 Maximum of Convergence, 118 Measurement of Angle of Devi- ation, 29 Refraction, 3 Hyperphoria, 131 Prisms bv reflection, 53 Table for, 55 Prisms, unit of, 33 Media, homogeneous, 10 Metre-angle, 36 Minimum Deviation, 24, 162 — of Convergence, Functional, 116 Minus Prisms, 93 Monochromatic Light, 120 Motion of Light, 11 Geometrical demon- stration of, 26 Physical demonstra- tion of, 24 Mounted Prism, 128 Muscular Asthenopia, 87 — Insufficiency, 85 Myopia, Convergence in, 96, 138, 139 — Density of, 10 — Isotropic, 10 — Velocity of light indifferent, 10, 13 1 68 INDEX. NAGEL, 122 "Nahebewusstein," Hansen Grut's, 94 Near Point of Convergence, 119 — Vision, Latent Convergence in, 89 Test for Convergence, 128 Significance of, 129 Neurasthenic Variability, 139 Normals, 16 Noyes, 138 Noyes' Series of Prisms, 6 Numeration of Prisms by devi- ating angles, 20 Duane's objection to, 23 Oblique Incidence of Light, 13 — Paralysis of the Superior, 143 — Vision, effect of Prisms on Convergence in, 69 Ocular Paralysis, Prisms to aid cure, 144 Ophthalmoplegia Externa, 90 Optical Centres, Mode of test- ing distance between, 147 of a Lens, 71, 73 — Properties (simplest) of Prisms, 10 Orthoscopic Spectacles, 81 Overcoming of Prisms, 61, 63 Paresis of Ciliary Muscle, 95 Paretic Hyperphoria, 130, 133 Percival, Dr., 79 Percival's, Dr., Formula, 114 Tables, 115 Periodic Squint, 97 Perpendicular Incidence of Light, 13 Persistency of Hyperphoria, 132 Plus Prisms, 93 Position of Rest of the Eyes, 90 Prentice's Unit for Prisms, 34 — Prismometer, 35 Prescribing Prisms, Maxims for, 157 Prescription for Decentred Lens, 78 Principal Section, 4 Prismatic Aberration, 40 Variation in, on tilting a Prism, 42 Diagram of, 41 — Equivalent of decentering, 75 Table for, 76 — Lenses, 72, 78, 79 Effect on fixation lines, 107 — Trial Frame, Rotary, 49 Prism-dioptres, 34 Prismeters, 30, 32 Prismetry, 29 — First method of, 30 — Second ,, ,, 32 — Unit of, 33 Prism, Grinding, 3 — Measure, 148 of Geneva Optical Com- pany, 3, 79 Prismometer, Prentice's, 27, 35 Prismosphere, 79 Prisms, effect of Convergence on, 81 Projection, Line of, 61, 63 Proportion between Refracting and Deviating Angles, 18 Calculation for, 21 Protractor for Deviation, 22 23 Radian, 34 Rectangular Prism, base of, 5 Rectangular Prisms, 4, 156 Reflex Convergence, 86, 97 Refracting and Deviating An- gles, Diagram of, 18 Protractor for, 22 Table of, 20 Refracting Surfaces 1 1XDEX. 169 Refraction, Angle of, 1 — Index of, 163 — Measurement of Angle of, 3 — by Prisms, 10 — of light, 1 Illustrated, 14 — through Prisms, Formulae for, 160 Refractive Index of Crown Glass, 19, 20 Relation between Convergence and Accommodation, 85 — of a Circular to a Rectan- gular Prism, 7 Relative Range of Convergence, 120 Table for, 121 .Rest of the Eyes, position of, 90 Resultant Prisms, 67, 143, 158 Construction for, 158 Formulas for, 68 Risley's Rotary Prism, 48 Rock Crystal, 10 Rod Test, 126, 130 Coloured glass in using, 130 .Rotary Prismatic Trial-frame, 49 — Prism, Risley's, 48 Rotating a Prism, Effect of, 49 — Prisms, 47 Table for, 50 Rotation of a Lens, 58 Prism, 57, 124 Formula for, 124 Scale, Author's Tangent, for Equilibrium in Near Vision, 85, 128 — for Hyperphoria, 131 — for Measuring strength of Prisms, 31 Scales for Associated Conver- gence, 95 Schemer, Dr., 81 Second Method of Prismetry , 32 Series of Prisms (Xoyes'), 6 Setting a Prism, by reflected images, 53 Shape of a Prism, 5 Objects seen through Prisms, 42 Simple Hyperphoria, 130 Simplest Optical Properties of Prisms, 10 Sines, 159 — Law of, 162 — Table of, 161 Snellen's Frame, 153 Solar Spectrum, 27 Spasm of Convergence, 89, 92 Spectacles, acquired toleration of, 102 — Analysis of, 146 — a cause of Squints, 99 — Orthoscopic, 81 Square Prisms, 5 Squint, Periodic, 97 Squints cured by Spectacles, 99 Starting Point of Convergence, 89 Stereoscope for measuring Hyperphoria, 131 Stevens, 132 Strabismus, Prisms to measure, 133 Strength of Prisms in Spec- tacles, 28 Scale for Measure- ment, 31 Superior Oblique, Paralysis of, 143 Suppression of False Image, 137 Symmetrical passage of light through a Prism, 24 Symptoms of Hyperphoria, 132 Table for measuring strength of Prisms, 32 — of Deviation, 20 Tangent Scale, the principle of, 159 tor Hyperphoria, 131 for Near Vision, 128 — Scales for all distances, 129 170 INDEX. Tangent Scales for Rod Test, 127, 131 Tangents, 159 — Table of, 161 Teeth, Effect of on Conver- gence, 93 Temporary Prisms, 156 Tenotomy, 99, 101-105 Test for Hyperphoria in near vision, 119 Vertical Deviations in near vision, 119 Testing the Apex of Prisms, 36 Toleration of Spectacles ac- quired, 102 Tone, Physiological, 90 Tonic Convergence, 89, 92 Deficiency of, 93, 139 Excess of, 92, 138 Trade Pains, 87 Training by Prisms and Lenses, 101, 102 Treatment, use of Prisms in, 138 Trial-frame, Adjustment in, 61 — for Prisms, 156 Under-correction by Prisms, 157 Undulatory Theory of Light, 11 I Unit of Measurement for Prisms, 33 j Use of Prisms in Diagnosis, 1 16- in Treatment, 138 , Velocity of Light in different media, 10, 13 Vertical Deviations, Test for in Near Vision, 119 — Latent Deviations, 130 — Prisms, 67, 124 Virtual Prisms, 75 Vision, Binocular, 86 Visual Angle, effect of a Prism on, 43 — Axis, Displacement by Prisms, 60 Visual-reflex, 86 — Scales for, 95 Voluntary Element in Conver- gence, 106 Ward Holden's Rule for De- centering, 82 I Wave-front of Light, 11 Waves of Light and Water, 1 1 Writer's Cramp, 87 Wrongly set Prisms, effect 0L. 37 Formula for, 37 J. 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