Lr< at '^^1 'jn ^B 1 1 1 -3 • Jai Ci 4^ r-i^v MECHANISM OSSICLES OF THE EAR MEMBRANA TYMPANI. H. HELMHOLTZ, PROFESSOR OF PHTSIOLOGY IN THE rKIVEKSITY OP BERLTN, PRrSSIA. TRANSLATED FROM THE GERMAN, WITH THE AUTHOR'S PERMISSION, BY ALBERT H. BUCK AiND NORMAXD SMITH, OF NEW-YORK. AVITH T-WELVE ILLUSTRATIONS. NEW-YORK : WILLIAM WOOD & CO., 27 GREAT JONES STREET. 1873. 3 NOTICE Prof. Helmholtz's essay on The Mechanism of the Ossicles of THE Ear and Membrana Tympani, originally published in the 1st volume of PJluger''s Archiv fiXr Fhysiologie, Bonn, 1809, is the only treatise in any language which enters fully into the anatomical, physio- logical, and mathematical aspects of the question, and will undoubtedly remain for many years to come the authoritative treatise on this subject. In view of the great importance of this essay to those interested in the department of otology, the undersigned have attempted to translate it into English. The style of writing of the distinguished physiologist is so exceedingly condensed that some allowance will be made, we trust, for the evident lack of smoothness in the English version. A. IT. P.. and N. S. •^06816 CONTENTS. PAOB § 1. Results due to the small Dimensions of the Audiioiy Apparatus 9 ^ 2. Anatomy of the Membrana Tympani 16 ^ 3. Attachments of the Hammer 23 § 4. Attachments of the Anvil 32 (Translated by Albert H. Buck.) § 5. The Movements of the Stirrup 41 § 6. The Concerted Action of the Bones of the Ear 45 § 7. Mechanism of the Membrana Tympani 53 § 8. Mathematical Appendix, having particular Reference to the Mechanism of Curved Membranes 03 (Translated by Normand Smith.) MECHANISM OSSICLES OF THE EAR. Fkom a notice found among the papers of the late B. Rie- mann, and recently pnl)lis]ied in tlie Zeitung fur rationelle Medhin^ we learn what views this man of unusual penetra- tion — alas ! too soon lost to science — took, during the last months of his life, regarding the problems of physiological acoustics, and why so few of them had thus far met with a solu- tion. And here, too, we find that he had discovered the true source of all difficnlty, and the one toward which all scientific efforts must henceforth be directed. lie proposes, as the chief task of aural mechanics, to explain how the apparatus of the middle ear can transmit from the air to the fluid of the laby- rinth sucli extraordinarily fine shades of vibration — as we know it actually does. He proves, by calculatioii, that the excursions of the stirrup, in the fainter (though yet clearly to be distin- guished) tones, must be so small as to escape detection, even witli the highest powers of our modern microscopes. To transmit regularly and accurately vibrations of such delicacy, he holds that there must be a corresponding accuracy and precision in the vibrations of the transmitting a})paratus. At the same time, he says he will be obliged to oppose in many particulars the theory of the mechanism of hearing as developed by me in the Lehre der Tonempjindunyen. In this connection, I must remark that I myself at the time consid- 8 MECHANISM OF THE OSSICLES OF THE EAR. ered the descrijHion of the vibrations of the apparatus of the middle ear, as given in cliapter 1, section 6, of the work in question, to be simply ])reliminary, and gathered from for- eign sources. It was impossible for me at the time to make aiiv investigations of my own into this question, although I fully recognized the necessity for new investigations. In the description which I gave in the same work I adopted, in its most essential features, the theory of Edward "Weber,* which, compared with former theories, is a decided advance. It is, in the main, correct, although wanting in certain details which are indispensable to its completeness. It struck me that the chief difiiculty in this theory lay in the existence of a joint between the hammer and anvil. According to Weber's description, the hannner and anvil constitute an innnovable angular lever, whose axis of rotation is drawn through the pro- cessus Folianus of the hammer and the end of the processus brevis of the anvil. But how was the existence of a joint, surrounded by a weak and loose capsular membrane, allowing motion in all directions, possible in the midst of a lever whose vil)rationsmust needs be of the greatest fineness and accuracy? As soon as the completion of my work on physiological optics afforded me time for other investigations, I took the above ques- tion into consideration and had obtained nearly all of the fol- lowing residts before seeing Riemann's Notizen.f The solution of the ditticulties was obtained by a closer investigation into the mechanics of the joints and attachments of the bones of the ear, and proved, in fact, to be entirely different from the one proposed by the celebrated mathematician. Besides, I must oppose his statement " that it is the task of the ap- paratus of the middle ear to transmit to the fluid of the lal)yrinth the changes in atmospheric pressure at every moment of tiTue, with perfect accuracy and constant relative strength," because I consider this in nowise proven by the facts of the case. Accuracy in perception requires only that every tone of a * Bericlite liber die Verhandluiifjen der Konigl. Sachs. Ges. d. Wi.sscni- scliaften zu Leipzig. Math. Phys. Klasse. 1851, Mai 18, S. 29-31. f Sliort notice of them iu the lleidelber^er Jahrbiiclier. Jul^- ^Gth and Au- ;fU8t 9tli, 1807. MECHANISM OF THE OSSICLES OF THE EAR, 9 given pitch should cause the same sensation, both in kind and intensity, every time tliat it is reproduced. It is a well-known fact that tones of a certain pitch produce an uncommonly strong impression upon the ear. AYe shall mention further on other new examples ofj abnormities. §1. Results due to the small Dimensions of the Auditory Apparatus. . The most important step in advance made by Edward Weber in the theory of the transmission of sound in the ear — a step which has recei\'ed much less consideration than it deserves — seems to me to be the view that, in the transmission of sound- vibrations, the bones of the ear and the petrous portion of the temporal bone are to be considered as solid, incompressible bodies, and the fluid of the labyrinth as an incompressible fluid. He rightly declares that in the case of these bodies and fluids there can be no question as to the transmission of waves of condensation and rarefaction, but that the bones of the ear must be considered as solid levers, and the fluid of the laby- rinth as a mass only to be moved as a whole. I shall take the liberty of going more minutely into this special topic, inasmuch as it forms the basis of the subsequent investigations. If in an elastic medium, be it a solid, fluid, or gas, whose three dimensions are inflnitely extended, there be produced plane waves answering to a simple tone, these will })ass througli tlie elastic mass with the rajiidity which belongs to that giveii tone, and produce at different points of the mass either displacement of the ultimate ])articles, or even condensation, Avhere it is caused by longitudinal vibrations. If at a given point of the mass tliere are particles in a state of extreme displacement up- ward, at the same moment of time, there will be, at a distance of half a wave's length, particles in a state of extreme displace- ment downward ; and the same is true of all other directions of displacement. Between these upper and lower limits of extreme displacement — which must be at least half a wave's length apart, as we have seen — we shall find in a continuous- 10 MECHANISM OF THE OSSICLES OF THE EAR. line of transition tlie lesser degrees of displacement upward, the zero point of this displacement, and the lesser degrees of displacement downward, so that the difference in displacement of two oscillating jparticlcs^ whose distance from, one another is infinitely small compared with the wave-length, is itself infinitely small compared with the entire amplitude of displace- ment. If we limit ourselves in such a case to the consideration of a small portion of the vibrating mass, all of whose dimen- sions shall be infinitely small compared with tlie wave-length, then all the relative displacements of the individual points of this mass, among themselves, will be infinitely small compared with the amplitude of the entire vibrations, Avhich in their turn must be considered as infinitely small compared with the wave- length, where sound vibrations are regularly produced. These relative displacements of the individual particles of the small mass (which we imagine to be taken out from the whole) among themselves are, therefore, infinitely small magnitudes of second order compared with the wave-length, and infinitely •Bmall magnitudes of first order compared with the amj^litudes of vibration, and with the linear dimensions of the small mass to which they belong : that is to say, the small mass acts in the present instance just as an absolutely immovable body would. The conditions remain the same when a large number of plane waves, belonging to the same simple tone, pass tlirough the elastic mass ; and also when spherical waves spread them- selves through it, taking their start from any centre whatsoever of excitement within the mass, excepting, however, in the im- mediate neighborhood of punctiform or linear centres of ex- •citement, whose appearance, however, is more a mathematical fiction than a practical reality. The same law applies also to solid elastic bodies, provided their substance is not infinitely extended in all directions, but has limits against which the Avaves of sound may strike and be thrown back toward the centre of the mass. It is here, however, presupposed that either no linear dimension of the vibrating mass shall be very small, compared with the wave-length, or that this should be the case with all the dimensions of the vibrating anass at the same time, so that no one of them should be very MECHANISM OF THE OSSICLES OF THE EAR. 11 small compared with the others, as is the case, for instance, in disks, membranes, rods, and strings. The proof of these laws is easily deduced from the well-known laws respecting the form and mode of vibration of plane waves — so long, of course, as there is only question of plane waves of simple tones in masses of infinite extent. On the other hand, the influence of boundary-planes (Grenzfliichen) and of the last- named conditions has been elucidated by Kirclioff, in his trea- tise on the equilibrium and vibration of an infinitely thin elas- tic rod.* In this treatise, it is true, only the equilibrium of such elastic masses is taken into consideration, and it is there proven that forces, wliich are infinitely small compared with the constant of elasticity of the body, and which are brought to bear partly on the central and partly on the superficial por- tion of the elastic mass, cause only infinitely small relative dis- placements of such particles as lie within finite distance of each other, so that the diflferential quotients of the displacements, as taken from the co ordinates, also remain finite. On this last point the question chiefly hinges. For, if these differential quotients are finite magnitudes, then, in masses of infinitely small linear dimensions, the relative displacements of the indi- vidual particles are infinitely small, compared with the total absolute displacements which such masses experience. The above-mentioned law, wliich Kirehoft* has demonstrated for the condition of equilibrium, the forces involved being infi- nitely small, may also, by means of d'Alembert's rule, be ap- plied to the condition of motion, provided the accelerations which the particles of the mass experience during motion are considered as the forces which disturb the elastic body. These now, when they belong to vibrations whose amplitude, com- pared with the length of tlie wave, is infinitely small, are them- selves infinitely small, and answer, therefore, to Kirchoff's ac- ceptation of infinitely small f disturbing forces. * Borcliardt's Journal fiir reine und angewandte Matliematik LVI., in g 1 of tlie treatise in question. f If A be the amplitude of vibration, n the number of vibrations of a sim- ple tone, t the time, and c a constant determining the phasis, then has s, the variable departure from the position of equilibrium, the following value : S = A sin I 2 TTut -t- c [ 12 MECHANISM OF THE OSSICLES OF THE EAR. The law demonstrated by Kjrcliofi', and applied to the pres- ent case, might be thus expressed : In immovahU elastic bodies, all of whose linear dimensions are not infinitely small compared with the wave-length, or at least none of which are infinitely small compared with the res,t, vibrations of a simple ^o;ie, whose amplitude is infinitely small compared with the wave-length of the same kind of vibra- tions in masses of infinite \\\a\X.%, -produce upon two poi7its of the elastic body, whose distance from one another is infinitely small compared with the same wave-length, relative displacements, which are themselves infinitely small compared with the entire amplitude of the vibrations. Tiiat is to say, then, that, under the restrictions mentioned, masses whose linear dimensions are all small compared with the wave-length act exactly like absolutely solid bodies ; or, that the changes in form which they undergo can be disregarded when compared with the entire amplitude of their vibrations. If we now take into account that in air the wave-lengths of the tones constituting our musical scale — that is, from C, witli 33 vibrations to c ^ with 4224 vibrations — vary from 8 to 1000 cm. ; that in water the same waves are more than 4 times, in brass about 11 times, in copper 12 times, in steel and glass more than 15 times greater than in air; that, on the other hand, tbe dimensions of the bones of the ear and of the laby- rinth are only small fractions of a centimetre, the important If // re])resent tlu; volunu' (if the small part, tlien k, the power used to ac- celerate the same, is equal to k = li I'i = — 4 tt' n* A sin \ 2 -nt + c \ If now A be the wave-lenjrth, and a the rate of progress for this kind of vibra tioos in masses of unlimited extent, then __« and for the maximum of k, which appears as often as the sinus of the for- mula given for it equals ± 1 : k , , , A a // k is therefore infinitely small compared with a', provided A is infinitely small compared with X; and «' multiplied by the density is equal to the constant of the elastic resistance, which in this kind of comparison assumes a value. MECHANISM OF THE OSSICLES OF THE EAR. 13 conclusion follows' that the dimensions of the elastic solid and flnid masses, constituting the organ of hearing are all at best only very small fractions of the wave-lengths of those tones which we commonly hear, and which our ear can readily appreciate. We are, moreover, to conclude from what has already been said that, in the vibrations of the auditory apparatus, of the bones of the ear and of the petrous bone, caused by the tones ordi- narily appreciable by the ear, the particles of each of these small masses undergo displacements among one another, which are infinitely small compared with the amplitude of the sound- vibrations producing tliem ; that is to say, that they act very nearly like absolutely solid bodies. The final reason for this peculiarity of motion is to be found in the very great rapidity with which the influence of every shock, communicated to one of these small solid masses, is trans- mitted through it. This rapidity is so great that the time required for transn)ission of the shock may, as a rule, be con- sidered as infinitely small wlien compared with the duration of the individual sound-vibrations, and its action as instantane- ously conveyed throughout the entire mass. An incomj)ressib]e fluid, inclosed within solid w^alls, differs from one that is compressible in the fact that here, too, every shock communicated to one part of its superficies is instantlj'' transmitted through the entire fluid, and sets every portion of it instantaneously in motion ; while in a compressible fluid one wave starts from its point of origin, runs its course with a cer- tain speed, and sets alternately the different portions of the fluid in motion. If, therefore, in the case of the fluid of the labyrinth, the dimensions of the whole mass are infinitely small compared with the wave-length, and the walls of the petrous bone inclos- ing the fluid are strong enough to be considered as absolutely immovable beneath the small pressure exerted in this instance against tlieni, then the transmission of tlie shock throughout the entire mass is practically instantaneous, and the fluid of the labyrinth may be said to act under the influence of vibra- tions of sound precisely as a fluid absolutely incompressible, and therefore incapable of transmitting the vibrations of sound, would do under the same circumstances. 14 MECHANISM OF THE OSSICLES OF THE EAE. Finally, it is necessary, at least for the deeper and middle tones of tlie scale, that there shonld be an equality of pressure between the air contained in the middle ear and that of the ex- ternal auditory canal. In tlie case of very high tones, those corresponding to the highest octave of the piano, the length of the auditory canal is very nearly equal to a quarter of a wave's length, to which circumstance is due the occurrence of those phenomena of resonance described by me in the Lelire von den To7iemj[>Jiiulunyen.^ At all events, the diameter of the exter- nal auditory canal is too small to permit of difterent phases of pressure or of speed at difterent points of the membrana tym- pani at the same moment, and we can, therefore, without liesita- tion consider the pressure as equal at all times over all parts of the membrane. This circumstance is likewise of great impor- tance in the mechanism of the ear, for it excludes all possibility of one part of the membrana tympani being excited, while the rest is not ; the part excited being dependent on the locality of the sound-giving body. Hence we have no otlier means of localizing sound except by noting the diflierent degrees of intensity obtained by changing the position of the head and comparing the impressions made upon both eai^s. The above-mentioned rule applies, as already stated, to bodies none of whose linear dimensions are infinitely small compared ■viath the rest, consequently not to strings, membranes, rods, and disks. It is also liable to exceptions, as where the middle por- tion of the body in question is contracted and very narrow. Among the component parts of the auditory apparatus, the mem- brana tympani is the only one which falls under the head of exceptions. In point of fact, those bodies which are very thin at one spot, or in one direction, are capable of performing com- paratively slow vibrations ; for, owing to their slight tliickness, they ofter but a feeble elastic resistance, return slowly to a state of equilibrium, and vibrate at a much slower rate than is the case with oscillations in thick masses of the same nature. That the bones of the ear do not come under the head of ex- ceptions, is easily shown by comparing them with the metallic rods or tongues which are used in the i)rodu(;tion of high tones. * Pages 175, 176. MECHANISM OF THE OSSICLES OF THE EAR. 15 The tongues eni ployed to produce the highest tones of the musi- cal scale in a harmonium are relatively very long and thin when compared with the dimensions of the hones of the ear, and no one, who has any experience in the tones which belong to, or can be produced by such solid bodies, could for a moment doubt that, were it possible to put into regular vibration such small masses as the bones of the ear, including the relatively slender stirrup, these would give forth tones of such enormous height that to our ear they would probably no longer be perceptible — tones lying far beyond the limits of our musical scale. The relation sustained by the bones of the ear to the vibra- tions of sound is practically the same as in an iron rod, when hung up and caused to vibrate as a pendulum. Such a rod is elastic and yielding, and is capable of several kinds of vibration ; but these vibrations take place at tlie rate of several hundred per second, while as a pendulum it swings perhaps only once in a second. If sueli a pendulum is caused to vibrate by a force exercised periodically, the periods amounting to one or more seconds, or to larger fractions of a second, each blow communicated by this power to one point of the rod can traverse the same hither and thither several hundred times before the blow belonging to the next period is given, and thus the effect of the blow can be transmitted tlioroughly to every part of the mass before even a small fraction of the period of a vibration has passed. Under these circumstances the pendulum vibrates practically as an absolutely solid body, that is, its real motion is not to be distinguished from the motion of such a body, not even by means of the most delicate methods of observation. Entirely different is the action of the pendulum when we cause it to vibrate by means of a tone whose pitch approximates that of the rod. Then it vibrates, no longer according to the laws of a pendulum, but as a vibrating elastic rod. The same is true of the bones of the ear. As long as the periods of vibration of the tones Avhich these must transmit are very great compared with those of the bones themselves, 60 long will the latter act, practically, as absolutely solid bodies. 16 MECHANISM OF THE OSSICLES OF THE EAR. §2. Anatomy of the Membrana Tympani. Before passinj^ on to the discussion of the mechanism of the apparatus of the middle ear. I must make one or two anatomi- cal remarks, not with tlie view of bringing forward any thing materially new, but simply to give prominence to a number of small points, which as a rule are merely noticed and then pass- ed over by the anatomist, but which gain importance in a more thorough investigation of their physiological bearings. The opening in which the membrana tympani is set is formed from the squamous portion of tlie temporal bone and from what was once the annulus tympanicus, both of which in adults are firmly connected by a bony union ; not so firmly, however, but that in chiseling out a preparation of the ear, a l^reak is likely to occur at this very spot of union — a circumstance which I found very annoying in exposing to view the connections of the upper part ot the membrana tympani. Even on the dried adult bone this line of separation is still pretty clearly marked by two prominent bony spurs, which rise up, before and behind, on the boundary between both parts ; these separate a lower part, which is nearly oval in form and contains a rim for the attachment of the membrana tympani, from an upper part, whicli is irregular in outline and more strongly con- cave. The former belongs to the OS tympanicum, the latter to the OS squamosum. Fig. 1 re- presents the upper and anterior wall of the bony portion of the external auditory canal. The line of section was drawn parallel to this wall, ah \'S, the surface of section of the anterior wall, which separates the auditory canal from the joint of the jaw; C6?is the line of section through the posterior wall ; h d is the outer opening of the auditory canal ; a slight furrow li /, which in the Fig. 1. MECHANISM OF THE OSSICLES OF THE EAE. 17 engraving is more strongly marked than is actually the case in nature, represents the line of attachment of the membrana tympani. Traces of the fissure, which in the foetus divides the anterior upper border of the annulus tympanicus from the squamous portion, may still be seen running from the point/' in the direction of g. Between a and h the same fissure (fissura Glaseri) is recognizable. The projecting point at /", which, plays an important part in the attachment of the hammer, is called by Henle the spina tympanica posterior, in contradistinc- tion to another more distinctly marked point in the foetus, on the anterior end of the annulus, at its outer anterior angle,, which he calls the spina tympanica anterior, and which, on the much broader os tympanicum of the adult, answers to the point g. The latter, however, lies flat upon the corresponding surface of the squamous bone and no longer stands out as a spur. On the posterior end of the above-mentioned recess, and corre- sponding to a point in Fig. 1 between c and ^, there can be seen a blunt and less prominent projection of the rim, in wliicli the. membrana tympani is inserted, which we shall frequently have occasion to speak of in describing its attachments. In order to- avoid errors which might arise through my giving Ilenle's name of spina tympanica posterior to the anterior point/", I shall take the liberty of applying to it the name of spina tympanica major, and to the posterior point at i that of spina tympanica minor .. The neck of the hammer fits into the recess lying between/" and c in such a manner that the point at / almost touches it.. The line of attachment of the membrana tympani also shows a slight and ill-defined depression where it passes near the j)oints /and i. And just here, moreover, the line is less sharply defined than lower down on tlie part formed from the os tynq)anicum ; and here, too, slight pressure with a blunt instrument will loosen the membrana tympani from its attachments. In fact, it is more • truly attached to the cutis than to the bone. This recess in the upper border we shall call the Rivinian re- cess, as it includes the opening described by Rivini, an opening which represents the last trace of the original visceral cleft, but which in the majority of normal adults does not exist. Although normally no opening exists there, still the Rivinian. 2 18 MECHANISM OF THE OSSICLES OF THE EAR. I'ecess is filled with a loose part of tlie drum-head, which, as it iippears beneath the thin cutis, is seen to consist of bundles of loosely interwoven connective tissue, which give passage to ves- sels and nerves and are easily separated. (Membrana flaccida ^hrapnell.) For this reason, abscesses are wont to perforate at this point, and here too, in making preparations of the cutis layer, artificial openings are readily made. The diiference in tension and consistency between this upper part of the drum- head and the rest of the membrane can easily be felt by pass- ing the blunt end of a sewing-needle over the surface of the membrane, in a preparation where the attachments of the bones and of the membrana tympani are still undisturbed. It is then readily perceived that between the spina tympanica major and minor there is a pretty tense cord of fibres, into which the processus brevis of the hammer is inserted in a direction toward the anterior border. This cord forms the upper border of the lower and firmer part of the membrane. As soon as the explor- ing needle passes beyond it, it sinks suddenly into the Rivinian recess, while pressing before it the loose cutis and mass of con- nective tissue. And if, moreover, we examine carefully the vaulting of the outer side of the membrana tympani, in a suit- able preparation and with oblique light, we can generally make out this cord running from the processus brevis mallei toward the spina tympanica minor. As far as I could ascertain, this cord is formed from the peculiar tendinous fibres of the mem- brana tympani. "We shall call it the upper cord of attachment of the membrana tympani. It forms the boundary for that part of the membrane which has to be taken into consideration in vibrations of sound. On the inner side, the membrana flaccida is continued on from its line of insertion into the tissue of the fold of mucous mem- brane which forms what has been described by Troltsch as the posterior pocket of the membrana tympani, and in whose lower free border lies the chorda tympani. The line of insertion of the membrana tympani unites with that of the above-mentioned fold at the bottom of the Itivinian recess ; here their attachment to one another is stronger than to the bone ; posteriorly, how- t€ver, the line of insertion of the fold of mucous membrane does MECHANISM OF THE OSSICLES OF THE EAR. 19 not run parallel with that of the merabrana tympani, but pur- sues its course along the sharp border of the wedge-shaped bony process represented by c in Fig. 1. The outer surface of this process lies parallel with the membrana tympani and a sliort distance to the inside of it, and can even be seen from the out- side as a whitish object shining through the semi-transparent membrane. Lower down on tlie border of this process is the opening wliich gives egress to the chorda tympani. The smaller recess, which can be seen behind the sharp border near c in Fig. 1, represents a section of the funnel-shaped projection of the ca- nal of the chorda. The fold of mucous membrane forming the posterior pocket of the membrana tympani reaches down as far as the exit of the nerve, which itself fnrms the border of the pocket. The line where the fold of mucous membrane comes in con- tact with the membrana tympani runs from the highest point of the Rivinian recess forward toward the processus brevis of the hammer. This portion of the fold separates the smaller anterior from the larger posterior pocket. Its line of attachment on the hammer we shall describe hereafter. Tlie Rivinian recess lies above and a little in front of the membrana tympani. Its greatest diameter extends in a nearly perpendicular line downward from the posterior end of the re- cess, above the spina tympanica minor. I have measured its length in a number of specimens, and find it agrees with that given by Troltsch — 9 to 10 mm. The smallest diameter is in a nearly horizontal direction, and begins somewhat under the spina tympanica major. Its length I found to be from 7^ to 9 mm. These measurements are, as a general thing, the same in infan- tile skulls as in those of adxilts. As is well known, the inner end of the external auditory canal is pointed inward and a little downward ; and, besides, the plane that passes through the groove in which the membrana tympani is inserted is inclined at an angle of 55° to the axis of the external auditory canal, while the membranes of l)oth sides form with each other an obtuse angle, opened upward, of 130° to 135°. The membrana tympani is not stretched out flat in the ring 20 MECHANISM OF THE OSSICLES OF THE EAR. to whicli it is attaclied, but its centre or Jiavel is strongly drawn inward by tlie liandle of the hammer, with -which it is united; for this reason the membrane has the shape of a funnel whose point or end corresponds to the tip of the handle of the hammer, and whose meridian lines are convexed toward the hollow of the funnel. In order to represent this form of the membrana tympani, a point of great importance in tlie mechanics of the conduction of sound, I took a cast with stearin of the upper wall of the external auditory canal and of the outer surface of the membrane, after having first removed the lower wall of the canal, without, however, disturbing any of the connections of the membrana tympani. Its outlines are represented inFig. 2, just as I copied them in the camera clara ; ab is Fig. 2. '^^''''^^^ the upper wall of the external au- ditory canal, b c the vertical outline of the membrana tympani. From the figure it is very clear that the radii drawm on the surface of the membrana tympani are convexed outward toward the external auditory canal. At the same time, it can be seen that, as a result of this drawing in of the navel, the upper half of the membrane is made to lie in almost the same direction as the upper wall of the canal, while the lower half stands almost at a right angle with the axis of this canal. This last circumstance is of importance in the examination of the ear with the reflector, inasmuch as this perpendicular portion of the membrana tympani, which is situated, as a rule, just below the tip of the manubrium, reflects back through the external audi- tory passage the light that is thrown in upon it, and thus gives rise to the triangular " bright spot." The outer surface of tlie membrana tympani, which is cov- ered with an epithelial layer, the continuation of the horny epi- dermis of the skin of the external auditory passage, owes its pro- perty of reflecting light to the fat which it contains. In a very fresh specimen of the ear, drops of water can be seen running off from this fatty surface as from oiled paj^er. The convexity of the meridians of the membrana tympani is least at that meridian in which the handle of the hammer lies. MECHANISM OF THE OSSICLES OF THE EAR. 21 The outline of the stearin cast answering to this part is repre- sented in Fig. 3, the position of the hammer being marked by dotted Knes. At the same time, it can be seen in this drawing that the navel lies somewhat nnderthe true centre of "^gTs. the membrane. The meridian in which the handle of the hammer lies extends upward and forward from the navel toward the anterior limit of the Rivinian recess, so that the processus brevis of the ham- mer, which forms the upper limit of the handle, comes to lie nearly back of the &p\iv which is situated on the outer side of the line of attachment of the membrana tympani, and Mdiich answers to the inwardly pointing spina tympanica major. To this the hammer is attached partly by means of a compact ligament (ligamentum mallei anterius,) and partly by its so- called long process, (processus Folianus.) The latter, so long as it exists, lies in a furrow on the inner border of the process. While, on the one hand, the tip of the manubrium draws the navel of the membrana tympani inward, on the other, the pro- cessus brevis at the base of the manubrium tends somewhat to press it outward. The membrana tympani consists essentially of a peculiar tendinous membrane, which, although only one-twentieth of a millimetre thick, is yet comparatively very strong. Externally it is clothed with a thin continuation of the skin of the external auditory canal, internally by a thin continuation of the mucous membrane of the middle ear. Taken together, these layers have a thickness of 0.1 mm. The outer skin layer consists principally of a continuation of the epidermis, supported by a thin layer of loosely-woven bundles of connective tissue. It can be removed entire from the greater portion of the surface of the membrane, excepting at the Rivinian recess and along the handle of the hammer,* where it is more closely united with the thickened and cartilage-like tissue of the membrane. From the lii vinian recess along the upper wall of the external auditory canal there runs * Gruber's obliquely descending fibres of the membrana tympani unite at tluB point with the fibres of the cutis, forming in a mechanical sense — although perhaps they must be separated histologically — the deepest layer of the same. 22 MECHANISM OF THE OSSICLES OF THE EAR. a line, along wliicli the skin is more strongly attached to the bone. The fibres of the cutis dip down here into the fissura Glaseri, Avhich at an earlier period was a cleft dividing the squamous portion from the os tympanicum, (Fig. 1, fg^ The middle and stronger layer of the membrana tympani is fibrous, and consists ])artly of radiating, partly of circular fibres. The radiating fibres lie on the outer side, the circular on the inner side of the layer. In the anterior half of the membrane the radiating fibres proceed from the tip of the manubrium mallei as a centre. On the posterior half, however, they run nearly parallel to each other from the entire length of the manubrium. Their thickness is least along the border of the membrane and grows gradually thicker on approaching the end of the manubrium, where they are packed more closely together. In the centre of the membrane the circular fibres form a very thin layer which gradually increases in thickness toward the peri- phery ; at the extreme periphery, however, they disappear alto- gether (according to Gerlach), or at least (according to J. Gruber) form a very much thinner layer than in the centre. In tlieHivinian recess the circular fibres are strongly developed and of a satin- like appearance ; they form here a cord-like boundary for the upper side of the firmer part of the membrana tympani and i ntersect at a very small acute angle the radiating fibres, which at this point radiate, not from the navel, but from the processus brevis of the hammer. Here, too, they are intermingled with straggling fibres of the cutis. Tlie tendinous fibres of these layers are very dense and un- yielding, they lie close to one another, and offer very great resistance to any distending force. Through their great power of elastic resistance they differ materially from the very much more yielding yellow elastic tissue. The substance of the membrana tympani swells in acetic acid and solutions of potash, as is the case with tendinous tissue, but not with the elastic tissue. I found that, like tendinous tissue, it would soon dis- solve completely in a boiling potash solution, leaving behind mere traces of elastic tissue, consisting partly of vessels, and partly of a very thin continuous membrane — probably the base- MECHANISM OF THE OSSICLES OF THE EAR. 23 ment membrane of tlie mucous layer on the inner side of tlie merabrana tympani. This peculiarity of construction of the membrana tympani is a very important element in the mechanical working of this membrane, as we shall see further on. It is not to be considered as an elastic, yielding membrane, but as an almost inextensible one.. Its want of capacity for yielding can be appreciated when one tries to tear it with needles, either after it has been removed and spread out upon a glass slide, or while it still remains attach- ed in its natural position. It cannot be drawn out like a piece of rubber, or a softened animal bladder, but offers very power- ful resistance to tension, and forms folds about the spot that is being stretched, as in a collodion membrane. §3. Attachments of the Hammer. The manner in which the hammer is attached to the mem- brana tympani has been thoroughly described by J. Gruber in a monograph published recently by him. The part of the membrana tympani corresponding to the attachment of the hammer is thickened, partly by strong fibres of the cutis layer extending from the Rivinian recess along the manubrium, partly by an accumulation of fibro-cartilaginous tissue. The perios- teum of the hammer, along both surfaces of the manubrium, is continuous with the fibro-cartilaginous layer, whose borders are thus closely united to the hammer. Near the lower end of the manubrium the union between the bone and the thickened tissue of the membrana tympani is very close; near the pro- cessus brevis, however, a looser layer intervenes between the bone and the membrane, or there may even be a kind of incom- plete joint-space, which is limited on both sides by the closer union between the periosteum of the hammer and the borders of the cartilao-inous laver, tog-ether with the fibrous tissue of the membrana tympani. Tlie hammer by means of its handle draws the navel of the membrana tympani inward ; to maintain a close union between these two parts the connection between them should be strongest at this point. At the processus brevis the hanmier simply presses 24 MECHANISM OF THE OSSICLES OF THE EAR, against tlie membrana tjmpani; consequently here a less intimate union suffices, while at the same time it aiFords a possibility for slight motions of the hammer upon the mem- brane, a necessity whose conditions we shall investigate more thoroughly further on. The second and relatively strongest attachment of the ham- mer is to the spina tympanica major. The end of this spur extends close up to the neck of the hammer, into the hollow at its line of attachment to the temporal bone. The tympa- num in this preparation was opened from above, and its upper and outer wall suificiently chiseled away to permit of a free view between this wall and the surface of the bones facing it. m is the head of the hammer, i the body of the anvil, hi the end of its short process, and Tu the entrance to the tube. Deep down a jjart of the stirrup St can be seen, and the tendon of its muscle^ and further on the tendon of the tensor tympani with the funnel-shaped osseous canal from which it issues. Gh.Th the chorda tympani, whicli marks the free border of the folds of mucous membrane limiting the ])ockets ; at / are the upper fibres of the ligamentum mallei anterius, which arise above the spina tympanica major SjJ.t. The prominent crest on the neck of the hammer, from which the fibres of the liga- mentum externum radiate, is here distinctly visible. The stronofest and most tense bundle of fibres of this last- named ligament is the posterior one, which is inserted at g. The line of the direction which it follows, when continued, passes through the end of the spina. It is also this bundle which represents chiefiy the axis of rotation of the hammer. I prefer, therefore, to call this posterior group of fibres of the 28 MKCHANISM OF THE OSSICLES OF THE EAR. ligamentum exteniutn by the special name of ligamentum mallei postieiim, because in a mechanical sense it has indeed a special importance. In a specimen where all the attachments of the ossicles remain undisturbed, the great tension of these posterior fibres can be distinctly felt by pressing upon them with the point of a needle ; at the same time the border of the fold of mucous membrane, in which the chorda tympani lies, will always be found in a relaxed condition ; and moreover tlie an- terior bundle of fibres of the ligamentum externum (at e in Fig. 5) is never very tense unless the tensor tympani is in a state of contraction, or the membrana tympani is being forced outward. By pressing harder with the needle upon the chord of the ligamentum posticum, the hammer can be made to in- cline appreciably. In forcing the membrana tympani inward or outward, it is this very group of fibres of the ligamentum externum which moves the least of all the attachments of the hammer. The I'eason for this slight displacement will appear further on. If we suppose the line of direction of the ligamentum posti- cum continued on through tlie liammer, it will be found to meet and run in the same direction with the middle and strongest fibres of the ligamentum anterius which take tlieir origin from the spina tympanica major. These two sets of fibres, which, al- though separated by the intervening body of the hammer, are still in a mechanical sense one band, we may call the axis-band of the hammer. This band alone is sufficient to hold the ham- mer in its natural position, even after the anvil has been care- fully separated from it ; but if the tendon of the tensor tym- pani be still tense, this position will then be really quite firm. In Fig. 4, the approximate position of the axis of the hammer is marked by a dotted line a a. The cords forming the anterior portion of the ligamentum externum (Fig. 5, e) are made up of shorter fibres which are di- rected outward toward the edge of tlie membrana tympani, where it is attached at the bottom of the Ilivinian recess. As they lie above the axis of the hammer, they oppose any move- ment of the manubrium mallei or of the membrana tympani outward toward the external auditory canal. Hence their es- I MECHANISM OF THE OSSICLES OF THE EAR. 29 sential office is to restrain the rotation of the manubrium out- ward. In a suitable preparation, like that of Fig. 5, this fact can be readily verified. When the membrana tympani is press- ed inward, or the head of the hammer outward, these fibres become relaxed. They allow only a slight rotation of the ma- nubrium outward, even after the tendon of the tensor tym- pani, the stapedo-incudal joint, and the ligamentum superius mallei have been divided. By pressing upon these same fibres from above with the blunt end of a needle, and thereby putting them on the stretch, the inclination of the membrana tympani inward will be increased. Finally, it must be remarked that, whenever the tensor tympani is strongly stretched, the manu- brium mallei is prevented from being drawn further inward by the tense condition of the membrana tympani, while the axis-band of the hammer is prevented from being pulled inward beyond a certain limit by the above-mentioned set of fibres of the ligamentum externum ; when these become tense the limit has been reached. At ,this point, the traction of the tensor tympani will be transferred to these fibres, and can no longer affect the axis-band. While the ligamentum externum, on the one hand, protects the axis-band of the hammer from being pulled too strongly inward, the upper and lower fibres of the ligamentum anterius, on the other hand, prevent it from being drawn too strongly up- ward or downward. If the hammer were to rotate about its attachment to the spina as a centre, with its head backward and the end of the manubrium forward, the upper fibres of the ligamentum anterius would be put upon the stretch ; and if in the opposite direction, the lower fibres. Hence it happens that, even after the anvil has been removed, the ligaments hitherto described remain unaffected, the hammer is still able to resist any such inclinations, and remains jjretty steady in its natu- ral position. The uppermost fibres of the ligamentum anterius usually approach the head of the hammer in an inward direc- tion, (as can be seen in Fig. 5 at/",) and hence, like the liga- menta superius and externum, they become tense when the membrana tympani is pushed outward. The tension of these ligaments, in the natural state of things, ki i 30 MECHANISM OF THE OSSICIiES OF THE EAR. is increased by tlie elastic force of the comparatively strong miisculus tensor tympani, whose tendon is attached to the ham- mer on the anterior half of its inner side facing the tube, at the commencement of the manubrium, and a little lower down than where the processus brevis projects from the side. In Fig. 9, the line of insertion of this tendon is shown extending from above obliquely downward and backward. The muscle, as'is well known, lies in a special bony canal whose course runs pa rallel with and above the Eustachian tube, by means of which the cavity of the tympanum communicates with the pharynx. The further end of the muscle arises outside of this canal, from the under surface of the pyramidal portion of the petrous bone and from the cartilaginous portion of the Eustachian tube. It then proceeds through its appropriate canal, whose open end, toward the cavity of the tympanum, terminates in a spoon-like process ; around this the tendon of the muscle passes, and then finally crosses the cavity of the tympanum obliquely {Tt^ Fig. 5) toward its point of insertion on the hammer. The direction followed by the tendon is nearly perpendicular to the plane drawn through the border of the membrana tympani, so that its line of traction varies only a little downward and forward from such a perpendicular. On the other hand, it forms a mo- derately acute angle with the lower portion of the handle of the hammer and with the anterior portion of its axis of rotation. The tensor tympani is a penniform muscle; it originates from the periosteum of the upper wall of the canal in which it lies ; its tendon lies next to the under surface of the canal, and presents a free, smooth surface to tlie smooth periosteum. The muscular fibres are rather short, and hence the tendon extends back to the very end of the canal. The periosteal tube which sheathes the muscle is continued orer the tendon in its course through the cavity of the tympanum ; its outer surface is there covered with the mucous membrane of that cavity. Toynbee calls this free part of the sheath the tensor ligament of the membrana tympani. The separation of the tendon from its sheath — if we compare the descriptions of difterent observers — seems to be more or less complete ; in an anatomical collection of this city I have seen a specimen where the perfectly smooth MECHANISM OF THE OSSICLES OF THE EAR. 31 tendon was surrounded by a perfectly free sheatli, just as Toynbee describes it ; in microscopic sections, however, Ilenle has seen the two united by pretty strong bands of connective tissue. As the hammer, however, requires exceedingly little space for its excursions, there is no need whatever that the ten- don should have much room for motion. The tensor tympani draws the handle of the hammer, and with it the membrana tympani, inward, thereby putting the latter on the stretch. This action can be readily seen on a spe- cimen where the canal of the muscle and the cavity of the tym- panum have been opened from above. By pulling upon the tendinous fibres of the muscle within the canal, the membrana tympani becomes tense. As the point of insertion of the muscle lies but a trifle lower down than the axis-band of the hammer, the band itself will also at the same time be stretched inward, and especially the posterior portion of it, the ligamen- tum mallei posticum, which lies very nearly in the same line with the line of traction of the tensor tympani. The position of the hammer is thus made quite firm, even though the tendon be but moderately tense. We must remember here that a slight traction, when made at right angles to the length upon an inextensible cord which is already tense, can very materially increase its tension ; and also that during life a muscle in a state of rest must be considered as a very yielding, though al- ways slightly tense elastic band, whose tension can be very con- siderably increased by active contraction. Aside from the fact that the tensor tympani, on account of its penniform construc- tion, is, mechanically speaking, equivalent to a muscle of much greater diameter and shorter length of fibre, we can consider its simple elastic traction, without the occurrence of any ac- tive contraction whatever, as a pretty important power. In this way it is clear that the hammer, so long as it retains its natural attachments — although these be but yielding bands — and even after the division of the stapedo-incudal joint, is capable of only a limited motion in the direction of rotation about the above-mentioned axis; and that any attempts to move it in a different direction meet with very strong resis- tance. Anteriorly its axis is held securely by the ligamentum 32 MECHA^■ISM OF THE OSSICLES OF THE EAR. antcrius, and the processus Foliaiius, which is embedded in its meshes ; posteriorly by the posterior fibres of the ligamentum externum : the two togetlier we liave called the axis-band of the hammer. Tliis is always pretty tense, even after the tendon of the tensor tympani has been divided ; but if the latter draws upon the axis-band at a right angle, its tension then be- comes very great. The hammer thus fastened, possesses, besides the tendon of the tensor tympani, the following bands, capable of restraining any rotation of the handle outward : 1. the middle and ante- rior fibres of the ligamentum externum, 2. the ligamentum superius, 3. the upper fibres of the ligamentum anterius. The inembrana tympani itself acts as a band of restraint against too strong rotation of the handle of the hammer inward. As far as the slight yielding capacity of the axis-band and of the upper (relatively lower) fibres of the ligamentum anterius will allow, the head of the liammer can incline forward and backward, or rotate about a vertical axis. Nevertheless, when the hammer is connected with the anvil these motions are thereby still further limited. Still, we shall see that the motion of the hammer and anvil together requires a certain amount of yielding capacity on the part of the axis- band. Attachments of the Anvil. The body of the anvil is united to the hammer through the medium of a joint. Its long process extends downward, and has at the end (which is bent somewhat inward) a small articu- lar surface for the stirrup. The short process extends back- ward, and its extremity, on whose lower aspect there is a small incomplete articular surface, lies in an appropriate hollow cut out of the bony wall of the tympanum, at a point where the cavity of the latter merges into that of the cells of the mastoid process. The capsule of this joint, on it supper surface at least, is composed of strong tendinous fibres which extend in- ward, backward, and outward from the short process (see Fig, 5, hi). In the same figure, i represents the body of the anvil, and * the capsular ligament of the malleo-incudal joint. MECHANISM OF THE OSSICLES OF THE EAR. 83 The shape of the hist-nanied articiihar surface is usually de- scribed as resembling a saddle ; it must be remarked, however, that, unlike the saddle, not only the convex sides come together to form a ridge that is almost sharp, but also the concave ; and the union of the two forms a continuous and almost flat surface on either side of the ridge. In order to gain a clear idea of the mechanism of this joint, it is better, I believe, to make use of a different comparison than that of the surface of a saddle. It is, in fact, like the joint used in certain watch-keys, where the handle cannot be turned in one direction without carrying the steel shell with it, while in the opposite direction it meets with only slight resistance. As in the watch-key, so here the joint between hammer and anvil admits of a slight rotation about an axis drawn transversely through the head of the hammer toward the end of the short process of the anvil ; a pair of co^s oppose the rotation of the manubrium inward, but it can be driven outward without carrying the anvil with it. If such a joint had to be constructed of metal, we should make use of screw-surfaces. A hollow cylinder, cut as A is represented in Fig. 0, and upon which the y-;!.-^-^'""'^--''::;-^.. piece B (marked in dotted lines) fits, would ( \. B ) ] represent the normal shape of such a joint. | f ""-■■ ^-■■""^ "- "f I It is clear that A and B, revolving in the \"\ I \ direction of tlieir res})ective arrows, must I i \ \ necessarily strike against each other with their cogs a and h ,' hence, in this direction tlieir rotation is limited. In the opposite direction, however, their rotation is free, and is accompanied by a slowly increasing sepa- ration of the two cylinders. The mechanic, in making such a joint, usually employs a hollow cylinder, because in the neighbor- hood of the axis, were the cylinder solid, the screw surface would incline uj)ward at a pretty steep angle, like the inner border of a winding staircase, and hence would be difficult to execute. The articular ends of the bones, which are covered with a layer of elastic yielding cartilage, filling out all the irregularities of 3 FJK 0. 34 MECHANISM OF THE OSSICLES OF THE EAR. surface, show, as a (general rule, only a modified form of the above geometrical outlines," one where the margins are rounded oif, etc. The periphery of the m all eo-in cud al joint is not a regularly form- ed screw outline. If we imagine it rolled out upon a plane from the cylindrical circumference of the joint, it would have more or less the form represented in Fig. 7, where the ends «„ «, are naturally continuous. Near the axis of the joint the surface assumes, not exactly the shape of a screw as in a winding stair- case, but rather more that of a cone. If we suppose straight lines to be drawn from a point in the axis of the cylinder to all points of the line of circumference «„ «,, we shall obtain an ap- proximate idea of the shape of the joint in question. In the case of the hammer, we would have to place the apex of the cone thus formed somewhat lower down than the straight part of the line J„ «„ a^ &„ so that this portion of the surface of the cone would be concave on the hammer, while on the anvil the cor- responding part is convex. Such a joint may therefore be said to consist of four nearly plane surfaces, which come together at its centre, and along its l^order show the following margins : 1. ^0 c„ 2. c„ J„, 3. c. h„ 4. \ a, a, i„ while the upward-turned surface of the joint, like a saddle, shows two salient borders c„ and J„ and two reentering Z»„ and c,. In Fig. 8, the hammer is rep- resented as it appears from above and inside. The letters aJ„ c„ J, c, have the same meaning as in Flo;. 7. The fiat portion of the arti- cular surface is seen foreshortened. P.F. is the stump of the processus Folianus ; Cr., the commencement of tlie bony crest from which the ligamentum mallei posticum arises ; T.t.h the I Fiff. 8. MECHANISM OF THE OSSICLES OF THE EAR. 35 tendon of the tensor tympani. As can be seen, the part a «, lies on the upper side of the malleo-inciidal joint, while the line of junction of the two cogs c„c, lies lower down between the handle of the hammer and the .long process of the anvil ; the cog oint, 3.8 mm. removed from the point of the needle which was lixcd in the ligainentum obturatorium, served as the centre of motion for the lever-like movements. The free portion of the needle, M'liich was horizontal, formed the second longer arm of the lever, (length, 23 mm.). The point of this longer arm moved backward and forward 0.20 mm., when the stirrup was pressed inward and outward by means of a needle applied to its base ; and .15 mm., when the pressure was made by alternately condensing and rarefying the air in th€ external meatus, whereby the movement of the membrana tympani was transmitted through the other bones of the car to the stir- rup. Now, since the movements of the stirrup seemed magnified, at the free end of the needle, /f , therefore the displacements of the stirrup itself amount in these cases only to 0.033 and 0.025 mm. After frequent repetition of the experiment, by which the ligaments were thoroughly stretched, the amplitude of displacement increased to 0.050 mm. In another preparation only the superior semi-circular canal of the labyrinth was open- ed, according to Politzer's plan, from the upper side of the tem- I MECHANISM OF THE OSSICLES OF THE EAR. 43 poral bone. Into the opening tlins made Avas inserted a slen- der glass tnbe, whose transverse section was found, by calibration with quicksilver, to be 0.228 of a square millimetre. The vesti- bule and a portion of the tube were filled with water.* The movements of the bones of the ear produced by forcing air into the external meatus caused the fluid in the tube to rise 0.9 mm. Now, since the diameters of the fenestra ovalis were found equal to 1.2, and 3 mm., therefore the surf ace of the fe- nestra ovalis is nearly 12.4 times as large as the transverse section of the glass tube. The mean amplitude of the excursion of the base of the stirrup must then be j-j^ of that of the fluid in the tube, which is 0.0726 mm. According to the highest calcula- tion, the excursions of the stirrup amount to y\ and j\ mm. The relation of the stirrup to the anvil is such that if the handle of the hammer be drawn inward, the long process of the anvil presses firmly against the knob of the stirrup ; the same takes place if the capsular ligament between both be cut through. If the manubrium be moved outward as far as the ligaments of the hammer will allow, then, in case the capsular ligament be cut, the long process of the anvil will recede from ^ to ^ mm. from the stirrup. "With this position of the hammer, if the han- dle of the anvil be pressed back against the stirrup, it will re- main in this position without springing back ; at the same time the cogs of the joint of the hammer and anvil become separated entirely, and there is no force present sufficiently powerful to draw the anvil back. In the normal condition of the arti- culation of the anvil and stirrup, the })oint of the handle of the anvil remains always attached to the stirrup; but it follows, from the already-mentioned facts, that the anvil exercises no strain upon the stirrup when the handle of the hammer is driven * In order to render it air-tight, I first dried the bone as much as possible witli blottino-paper ; then I applied a red-hot iron wire to the margin of the opening in the semi-circular canal, and upon this spot I placed immediately a drop of hot cement made of wax and resin ; in this the glass tube was fastened. Finally, the preparation was set in a bowl of water of sufficient depth to cover the free end of the glass tube, and then the whole was placed under the air-])ump. On exhausting the air in the chamber, the air iu the vestibule escaped through the tube, and then water took its place. 44 MECHAJ^ISM OF THE OSSICLES OF THE EAR. outward, since tlie handle of the anvil, even when the articu- lation is severed, can remain in contact with the stirrup with- out being drawn outward with the handle of the hammer. This arrangement has this important result, namely, that by means of an increase of pressure in the cavity of the drum or diminution of pressure in the meatus, the membrana tympani and the hammer can be perceptibly driven outward without the stirrup incurring the danger of being torn from the fenestra ovalis. Tlie membrana tympani serves as a very powerful re- straint to the reverse movement of the hammer. Since the point of the long process of the anvil, seen from the axis-band, is inclined still further backward than the point of the handle of the hammei', therefore the former rises wlien press- ed inward more than the latter, and the elevation is not entire- ly compensated for by the slight depression of the hammer al- ready mentioned ; in short, the driving of the membrana tym- pani inward causes the point of the head of the hammer to be driven outward and at the same time slightly elevated. This agrees witli the corresponding movement of the tirrup, whose knob-like head rises slightly when the stirrup is pressed inward in consequence of its unequal attachment to the upper and lower border of the fenestra ovalis. This lever-like move- ment has already been observed and described by Ilenke,* Lucae,t and Politzer.ij: In reply to the first, I will only remark that the lever-like movement of the stirrup is by no means its only one ; that " perhaps" one border of the plate of the stirrup is not moved inward while the other moves outward. Look- ing at the base of the stirrup from the vestibule, we can much more easily recognize the fact that both borders are driven out- ward and inward simultaneously ; the superior, however, more than the inferior. The apparent discrepancies between the observations of Lucae and Politzer, in respect to the effect which an increased pressure of air in the cavity of the tympanum has upon the * Der Meclianisinus der GehOrkiiuchelclien, in der Zeitschrift fur rationelle Medicin. 1868. f .\rcUiv fiir OhrenUeilkunde. Vol. iv. pp. 36, 37. } Woclienblatt der K. K. Gesellscliaft der Aerzte. Wien, 1868. MECHANISM OF THE OSSICLES OF THE EAE. 45 stirrup and the water of tlie labyrintli, are to be explained by supposing that Lucae observed the lever-like movement of the stirrup, and Politzer the oscillation which takes place in the wa- ter of the labyrinth when tlie stirrup is pressed inward. Neither is it always necessarily in the same degree ; at least not in this case, because the pressure of the air through the fenestra rotunda can also cause increased pressure in the labyrinth. §.6. The Concerted Action of the Bones of the Ear. If we suppose the hammer and anvil so united that their cogs press against one another and both move like one com- pact body, exerting a pressure upon tlie point of the handle of the hammer, which is continued inward and transmitted from the anvil upon the stirrup, then the system of the two ossicles can be considered as a one-armed lever whose fulcrum lies where the point of tlie short process of the anvil presses outward against the wall of the cavity of the tympanum. The tip of the handle of the hammer represents the point of i^ressure, and the point of the handle of the anvil the other point which resists this pressure. These three points lie in fact very nearly in a straight line, so that the point of the anvil and stirrup recedes only very slightly inward from the straight line of union between the tip of the han- dle of the hammer and the outer side of the articula- ^'S- 9- tion of the anvil with the tympanum. This can easily be seen in preparations where the natural union of the bones is still pre- served. Fig. y. represents both bones in tlie position where their cogs are attached to one another ; a « is the straight line which passes through the three points mentioned above ; 46 MECHANISM OF THE OSSICLES OF THE EAR. P . F., the stmnp of the processus Foliaims; T.t. the tendon of the tensor tympani ; and at h we have the cog of the anvil. In this ])reparation I found the entire length of the lever to be 9^ mm., the shorter arm between the two points of the anvil 6J mm., so that the latter is f of the length of the longer arm. Hence, when the hanniier and anvil lie close together, the excur- sion of the tip of the handle of the anvil will amount only to f of that of the handle of the hammer, but the amount of the pressure wliicli tlie former exerts upon the stirrup will be 1^ times as great as the force wliich is exerted against the handle of the hammer. Since the three points of the lever lie in a straight line, there- fore the pressure is quite independent of the position of the remaining parts of the ossicles — presupposing only that tlie latter maintain a position in which the articular surfaces press firmly against each other. This result will be obtained in the following manner: While the membrana tympani is being driven inward, the hammer will rotate about an axis which is inclined obliquely (30°) to- ward the plane of insertion of the memln'ana tympani. and its head will recede from the tympano-incudal joint, thus putting the malleo-incudal capsular ligament on the stretch. Now, since every attempt to rotate the ossicles in such a manner that the cogs will press against each other, produces instantly a conside- rable separation of the articular surfaces, therefore the already tense fibres of the capsular ligament serve to resist any force capable of producing this result. On the other hand, if the membrana tympani be driven outward, the capsular ligament becomes relaxed and yields to such an extent as to allow of a slight separation of the articular surfaces, like that which happens when the cogs are separated. The remaining displace- ments, which the malleo-incudal joint admits of, do not cause the above-mentioned three points of the lever to depart from the straight line. One of the axes of rotation of this saddle- shaped joint passes through the tip of the handle of the ham- mer ; the other is perpendicular to the plane which passes through the three points and tlie articuhition, and consequently sepa- rates the long process of the anvil from the handle of the hammer. MECHANISM OF THE OSSICLES OF THE EAE. 47 In tlie above-mentioned experiments, Avliere, as a general thing the stirrup has been set in motion by exerting pressure upon the hammer or upon tlie membrana tympani, we have seen that tlie amplitude of the excursion becomes sliglitlj diminished, that is, to about f of its magnitude. In order to determine the firm ness of the mechanism I tried the reverse experiment and endeavored to measure the extent of the excursion of the liammer by pressing the base of the stirrup outward and thus setting the liammer in motion. In this case, of course, the onl}' movements of the hammer to be taken into consideration are those which cause it and the anvil to remain in close con- tiguity at the point of contact. (The preparation used in this experiment has been already described as having a tube inserted into the vestibule.) Having cemented a glass thread 59 mm. long to the head of the hammer, I endeavored to find how mnch motion could be produced in the hammer by alternately forcing fluid through the glass tube and then withdrawing it from the same. The excursion at the tip of the glass thread amounted only to about ^ mm. If 4 mm. be the distance from the axis of rotation to the point where the glass thread is fastened to the head of the hammer, then the length of the lever is 63 mm. and the above-mentioned excnrsion of ^ mm. corresponds to a rotation of about half a degree. For the tip of the handle of the liammer, whose distance from the axis-band amounts to 4|- mm., this gives, on the other hand, an excursion of only 2V mm,, an amount which is about the same as the mean value of the excursion of the base of the stirrup. Tlieo- retically we should expect a somewhat greater value for the excursion of the handle of the hammer. Taking into consider- ation the diminished tension of animal tissue after death, and the want of elasticity, namely, of the tensor tympani, we cannot well expect in the nnited action of the bones of the ear the same precision which we find in the living subject. In this way the transmission of the light movements of the anvil to the hammer may be impaired. * * I will remark in this connection tliat the transmission of the movements of the membrana tympani to tlie water of the vestibule was also perceptibly im- paired at the time when I made the above described experiment. I obtained 48 MECHANISM OF THE OSSICLES OF THE EAR. Tliese different attempts at'measurement coincide tlius far in showing tliat the disph^cenients of the stirrup and hannner, as long as tlie two remain tirmly connected, are limited to ampli- tudes each of which is smaller than a tenth part of a millimetre. On tlie other hand, if we put the hammer in motion by forcing air into the external meatus and then withdrawing it? the glass thread attached to the ossicle indicates much greater excursions ; its point moves backward and forward 5 mm., while before (as already mentioned) it experienced, in a direction from the stirrup outward, only a displacement of ^ mm. The excursion which the hammer can make without the an- vil is nearly nine times as great as that which the two together can accomplish. This kind of movement is not transmitted to the water of the lal)yrinth, excepting of course the slight changes in pressure which the changed tension of the articular liga- ments, or the rubbing of the articular surfaces of the malleo- incudal joint upon one another, are perhaps sufficient to pro- duce in the water of the labyrinth when the cogs of the articu- lation are no longer in contact. If you force air into the ca- vity of the tympanum of your own ear, you will hear feeble tones issuing from the middle and upper portions of the scala, almost if not quite as distinctly as usual ; on the other hand, it is very apparent that we hear the same tones, when they are given forcibly, much more distinctly when the pressure in the cavity of the tympanum is uniform than when it is increased. This, I think, shows that the articular surfaces of the hammer and anvil can adhere together and be firmly united by means of motion on one another, similar to that which takes place in anatomical preparations when the joint of the anvil and stirrup lias been cut through aiid the rarefaction of the air in the mea- tus auditorius has caused the liammer to be drawn outward. The anvil then is also drawn outward ; but if we turn it by means of a needle, so that its long process again touches the stirrup, it M'ill, as mentioned above, still remain fixed in this only 0.4 mm. ele\ation in the manometer, whereas, on the day before, when I had filled the vestibule with water under the air-pump, the elevation amount- ed to 0.9 mm. It is to be hoped that some anatomist, who has an abundance of suitable preparations at his command, will repeat these experiments. Of course the specimens should be as fresh as possible. MECHANISM OF THE OSSICLES OF THE EAR. 49 position. Friction will also cause tlie anvil to adhere iirnily to the hammer in the position already given, in opposition to the tension of the ligaments or any other mild forces, and that too when the vibrations of sonnds are feeble. More powerful forces or concussions will of necessity cause the two bones to slide upon one another, and strong vibrations of sound in such a posi- tion of the bones will be very percejjtible. I have used in these experiments a watch and a tuning-fork ; striking the latter lightly, I held it so far from the ear that the beats, which the rotation of the fork upon its long axis produced, were still perceptible. We hear them just as distinctly when the membrana tympani is distended, provided they belong to the upper octaves of the scale, and very nearly as distinctly in the middle octaves. The deeper tones are, of course, considerably weaker. On the other hand, a tun- ing-fork of a higher pitch, when struck forcibly and held be- fore the ear while the membrana tympani was distended, showed a very perceptible crescendo, just as we restored the equilibrium of the air by the motion of swallowing. I wish to call attention, in this connection, to another pheno- menon whose explanation, I think, can be deduced from the mechanism already described. If we take a tuning-fork which consists of a single piece of steel, and which therefore has noth- ing about it which can give a rattling sound, and, after having struck it forcibly, hold it near the ear so that the sound can be heard very distinctly, the character of the tone becomes sharp, and we hear distinctly jarring sounds similar to what is heard in musical instruments when something is loose, or from a tun- ing-fork when pressed rather lightly upon a sounding board. These iarrino; sonnds result from the slight shocks which a vi- brating body makes upon a body at rest or vibrating in a diffe- rent manner. These blows are repeated regularly and produce sound ; but inasmuch as they correspond to an interrupted pe- riodical movement, the sound possesses very many overtones and is harsh in character. Such tones occur, as is well known, in the ear itself as the result ot very loud sounds. We can hear also from a B tuning-fork of 116 vibrations a jarring sound so distinctly that it resembles a buzzing in the ear. This jarring 4 50 MECHANISM OF THE OSSICI,ES OF THE EAR. tone is very distinct and strong when the pressure of the air in the cavity of the tympanum is equal to or less than that of the atmosphere, and when the cogs of the hammer and anvil are closely united; but it disappears when the air is driven into the cavity of the tympanum and the cogs are consequently sepa- rated. I think, therefore, that we are justified in concluding that this jarring tone is caused by the cogs. When tlie excursions of the membrana tympani are very great, and during the outward phase of the vibration, the anvil is not driven outward with any considerable force, and cannot therefore follow perfectly the excursions of the hammer ; the result of wliich is that they are separated, and that during the next vibration inward the anvil receives a blow from the re- turning hammer. This mechanism is also well adapted to the production of combination tones,* and the peculiar sensation of buzzing in the ear resulting from tlie combination tones of two strong soprano voices, when thirds are sung, can, I think, be re- ferred to this jarring which takes place between the hammer and anvil. This phenomenon is also of great importance in its relation to the sensation which liarmony produces in the ear, since strong tones whieli take place outside of the ear, and without over- tones, must of necessity develop liarmonious overtones in the ear. In this way sounds with harmonious overtones, which correspond to a regular periodical movement of the air, acquire a natural preference over those with unliarmonious overtones, especially as the whole doctrine of conferences becomes, through this circumstance, independent of the overtones connected with external sound. The jarring tones can be much deeper than the exciting tone, if the vibrating body falls back only after the expiration of the vibrations, and hence receives another blow. To this class, I believe, belong also certain deep, harsh sounds which we liear when the shrill high notes of the upper octave (a^ — g^) are sounded very distinctly. It is probable that an unusually strong vibration is produced at the same time in the surface of the membrana tympani, judging from a certain buz- zing, tickling sensation which is felt in the deep parts of the * VideLebre von den Tonempfindungen, pages 233-236. MECHANISM OF THE OSSICLES OF THE EAR. 51 ear. The apparatus described further on (Fig. 11) is particularly adapted to the production of such tones, I will mention here that I have made an enlarged model of the apparatus of the cavity of the drum, in order to prove the comi3leteness and correctness of the explanation just given. The bones of the ear are made of wood, the membrana tym- pani of glove-leather, cut in such a way that a seam shall run along the handle of the hammer where the leather is attached to that ossicle. By this means we can give to it its conical form. An opening of suitable form, cut in a board, and having beveled edges to which the edges of the artificial membrana tympani are fastened, represents the inner end of the external meatus. On the outside of the board a tin ring is fastened,, which surrounds the already mentioned opening. To this,, finally, a tin cover having a gutta-percha edge is fitted, like the covers of hermetically sealed fruit-jars. Now, if we place this cover so that a portion of the gutta-percha rim remains be- tween it and the tin ring, condensation of the air may be pro- duced on the outer side of the artificial membrana tympani, which will act upon the bones of the ear. On the inside, near the upper and anterior edge of the open- ing, a thin piece of wood with a projecting point is fastened, which latter represents the spina tympanica major. A hemp string, which is attached to the latter, penetrates the hammer and passes around it, then passes through the board at the pos- terior superior edge of the opening. This string, which is intend- ed to represent the axis-band, can be rendered tense by an ordina- ry screw-eye. The tendons of the ligamentum externum and the ligamentum anterius mallei, which pass from the spina upward,, can be represented by other strings, which of course must be ac curately applied and provided with screw-eyes to vary their tension. Finally, the tendon of the tensor tympani can be re- presented by a silk thread which passes through an iron ring made fast to a small wooden pillar, and then is connected with a tense gatta-percha band. I first spread warm sealing-wax upon the articular surf ace of the hammer, and endeavored as far as possiI)le to give to the former, before it had grown cold, the corresponding form ; then I laid soft, hot sealing-wax upon the 52 MECHANISM OF THE OSSICLES OF THE EAR. articular surface of the anvil, and, after having covered the articu- lar surfiice of the hammer with tin-foil, I pressed the two to- gether, Tlie tin-foil then adheres to the anvil. Now, before the sealing-wax had become quite cold, I made a twisting movement witli the anvil, similar totliat which occurs between these bones in the ear, in order to render these surfaces capable of sliding upon one another. After the articular surface of the anvil had become cold, it served as a form upon which to mould the sur- face of the hammer (which must be heated and covered with tin-loil) and render it capable of gliding over the articular sur- face of the anvil. This experiment was repeated alternately with one and the other articular surfece until the two moved sufficiently easily upon one another. It was, of course, neces- sary not to make any sliding movements strong enough to dis- turb the cogs. In this way I succeeded finally in obtaining a good articulation. The capsular ligament was constructed of loops of thin elastic India-rubber cord, which were fastened to the anvil and could be drawn over and attached to the hammer by means of small hooks made of pins, thus holding the two hones together by a very slight elastic pressure. The articular ligament of the short process of the anvil was represented by a loop of silk threads which passed through a hole in the anvil. This band can be loose, but it is of impor- tance that the point of support of this part of the anvil upon the outer wall of the cavity of the drum should be represented in the model. Simple contact is sufficient to represent the union between the long process of the anvil and the stirrup, or a loop of silk threads can be employed. The former is quite sufficient for giving direction to the blows above described. The fenestra ovalis was cut in a thin piece of board, which was held parallel to the larger board by means of small wood- en pillars. This hoard consisted of two plates screwed together, between which was a thin layer of gutta-percha, representing the membrane of the fenestra ovalis. The foot-plate of the artificial stirrup was likewise double and had an interposed layer of India-rubber, and the whole was fastened together by screws. MECHANISM OF THE OSSICLES OF THE EAR. 63 Such a model is very useful, partly in demonstrations and partly to show clearly what part the individual ligaments and also the articulations play in connection with the attachment of the bones of the ear ; for all these different parts can be se- parated, and each ligament can be made tighter or looser. Moreover, this model transmits with great facility to the stirrup the small blows which are directed on the outside, immediately upon tlie manubrium or upon the already mentioned air-tight cover ; this can be felt when the linger is placed over the base of the stirrup and over the plate in wdiich it rests, and is also recognizable in the bounding up of light bodies which have been laid upon it. The diameters of the artificial membrana tympani are 80 and 120 mm. The remaining parts are constructed according to this measurement. All the statements contained in the foregoing description, in regard to the mobility and mode of attachment of the parts, I have tested and found confirmed in this model. Mechanism of the Menibrana Tympani. The membrana tympani is to be considered as a tense mem- brane, which, however, ditiers essentially from those which have been hitherto studied in acoustics, in the fact that it is curved. Its tension is modified by the handle of the liammer which draws it inward, and which is itself retained in tliis position by means of ligaments of attachment, and by the elas- ticity of the tensor tympani. If the radial fibres of the mem- brana tympani were not united by transverse ones, they would be stretched in a straight line. In point of fact, however, tliey maintain a curved shape with the convexity looking toward the meatus ; hence we conclude that the radial fibres are drawn toward one another by circular fibres, and that the latter are also made tense at the same time. There is, in fact, in the mem- brana tympani at rest no other force capable of holding the radial fibres in a curved position, except tlie tension of tlie circular fibres. In the concussions which sound produces, the pressure of the air acts sometimes upon the convex, sometimes upon the con- 54 MECHANISM OF THE OSSICLES OF THE EAE. cave siirfiice of tlie inerabrana tympani, according as tliis pres- sure is alternately greater or less in the meatus thaii in the cavity of the tympani ; in every case the pressure of the air acts perpendicularly upon the membrane, also perpendicularly upon the curve formed by the radial fibres, which curve it at one time increases and at another diminishes. Since the curves formed by the radial fibres of the membrana tympani are only slight, therefore, as will bo shown afterward, the mechanical operation is the same as if the pressure of the air were exerted at the end of a very long lever-arm, while the tip of the manubrium represents the end of a very short lever-arm. A relatively great displacement of the surface of the mem- brana tympani in the same direction as the pressure of the air necessitates a comparatively small displacement of the point of the hammer, and vice versa. Hence, in accordance Avith the well-known law of virtual velocities, a relatively sniall amount of pressure of the air wnll counterbalance a comparatively strons: force actini>; at the handle of the hammer — in other words, it will supply an equivalent force. In order to understand this, we can limit ourselves to the examination of a single curved radial fibre, which we can su])- pose changed by the pressure of the air into circular arcs of constant lengths but of differing curves, and hence having differing radii. If, then, I represents the length of the fibre, r the radius of the circle to wliich the arc belongs, and A the 1 /L chord which belongs to the arc I, then is -^j- -^ the sine of half of the angle at the centre, which belongs to the curve I ; there- fore, Z = 2 r. Arc. sinf n".) or and the difference between the chord and the curve '-^=^Hi - ^^"Qf Now, if the curve is very slight — that is, r xery large compar- ed with I — then we can suppose the sine of this formula devel- MECHANISM OF THE OSSICLES OF THE EAR. 55 oped according to the involution of its arc, and limit onrselves to tlie first of the two divisions of this development, since the divisions become small ru])idl)\ ^'" K2r) = 27- - 6 • (sT-) . This gives 1 P i l-^= ~ -, 1. 24 r- ) The degree of curvature of the are, or the distance s of its centre from the centre of the chord, is given by the equation r - s fl\ — cos ( — ) or If we make here the progressive evolution for the cosine, we have '=^^ ■■•■h or, eliminating ?' from 1 and 2, i - A _ - _ !Now, the difference Z —A represents the shortening of the chord which is caused by the increase in the curve of the arc, or the extent to which the two ends of the fibre are drawn to- gether. On the other hand, s is the displacement of the middle of the fibre. If, now, s be infinitely small in comparison Avith I, the length of the fibre, therefore the magnitude l — X in the last formula is an infinitely small magnitude of the second order in comparison with s. The reverse is clear, namely, if we may be permitted to consider the fibre as inextensible, the very small lengtliening of the fibre to the amount Z —A cannot happen in any other way except that the fibre becomes straightened and its centre experiences the relatively much greater displace- ment 8. On the other hand, in respect to the estimation of the rela- tion of forces, there is a well-known formula in mechanics, that 56 MECHANISM OF THE OSSICLES OF THE EAR. the tension t of the fibres, if p represents the pressure upon its unit of length, is represented by the following equation : t — ip r. The correctness of this formula can be most easily understood when we suj^pose each fibre everywhere (from end to end) equally curved and perfectly parallel to its similarly curved neighbors, and in this way lengthened to a half circle. Then the forces which draw upon the two ends of the fibre — that is, 2 t — must counterbalance the pressure which acts upon the whole diameter of the semi-circle throughout a width equal to that of the fibre — that is, the amount 2 /'. j9 ; and hence the cor- responding equation 3 i = 2 7- p. Therefore the greater r is, tliat is to say, the less the curve is under the operation of the pressure of the air, the greater will be the change in the tension produced in the fibre by the pres- sure of the air. These changes in the amount of tension of the radial fibres of the membrana tyrapani are the very ones, however, which the concussions of sound transmit to the handle of the hammer. The amount of tension can increase very considerably under the influence of comparatively slight changes in the pressure of the air, even when the radial fibres of the membrane are stretch- ed out in a very flat curve. It is self-evident that in propor- tion as the action of this force increases, so the excursions of the handle of the hammer, which can be caused by this force, grow smaller, similarly to that which happens when the inten- sity of a force is increased by means of a lever. On the other hand, it is to be remarked that the changes in tension wdiich the pressure of the air induces, can always ap- pear as the increase or diminution of the tension which is maintained by means of the elastic attachments of the mem- brana tyrnpani and the elasticity of its own radial fibres. A considerable increase in tension, through the pressure of the air from within outward, can only produce a slight eflect upon the stirrup, because the articulation of the hammer and anvil yields. Again, on the other hand, the pressure of the air from without can, at the most, only force the handle of the hammer MECHANISM OF THE OSSICLES OF THE EAR. 57 inward until tlie radial fibres of the menibrana tynipani be- come straight; should the pressure be still greater, tlien it would curve them again, shorten their chord, and draw tlie manubrium again outward, provided the circular fibres of the membrana tymi^ani could actually yield so much without breaking, which latter I consider very improbable. The labyrinth is likewise protected from extremes of pressure, while at the same time the effect of slight variations in pressure can be rendered extremely powerful through the peculiarities of the mechanism already described. By introducing a manometer into the external meatus, ac- cording to the plan proposed by Politzer, it may be shown that the excursion of the parts of the membrana tympani situated in the middle, between the handle of the hammer and the bord- er of attachment, is considerably greater than that of the ma- nubrium itself. In the ordinary anatomical preparations I found it better to fill the meatus entirely with water than to shut up the air contained in the meatus by means of a drop of water in the tube of the manometer. A drop of water so plac- ed resists small displacing forces, since it adheres to the glass tube and does not move when most desirable. If we, however, fill the entire meatus with water, and then introduce the mano- meter-tube (after having attached to it a suitable plug of seal- ing-wax) in such a manner that at the same time a certain amoimt of water will enter it, then the surface of the fluid in the tube will indicate very accurately the displacements of the membrana tympani. As already mentioned, a tube was intro- duced into the vestibule of the labyrinth in the same prepara- tion, and thus, by forcing in the fluid or withdrawing it, the stirrup and the hammer could be moved. It has already been stated that in tliis experiment the excur- sion of the tip of the handle of the hammer was only ^\- mm. The height of the fluid, however, in the manometer varied 1 mm. By calibration with quicksilver, the inside diameter of the tube was found to be 1.37 mm. ; the diameters of the membrana tympani were 7^ and 9 mm. From this we can calculate a mean displacement of the membrana tympani of somewhat more than ^ mm. ; that is, 3 times as great as the synchronous 58 MECHANISM OF THE OSSICLES OF THE EAR. iriovement of tlie tip of inanubriuni. Now since the outside border of the ineinbrana tympani is firm, it follows that the middle free parts of the membrane must have experienced a relatively much greater displacement than the amount of the mean displacement given above and therefore more than three times stronger than the tip of the handle of the hammer. In the foregoing elementary examination of this mechanism we have not taken into consideration the following facts, viz. : that the respective meridional curves of the membrana tympani are closely united ; that their distance from one another increases in the direction of the firm border of the membrane ; that they are bound together by circular fibres, and that they cannot move without stretching these ; in fact, that the natural- ly curved form of the membrana tympani cannot exist without its circular fibres being extended and made tense by every force which draws the handle of the hammer inward. The form of the membrana tympani being so irregular, a perfect analysis of the mechanical action of the parts cannot be given. It would be necessary first to know the tension and the measure of the elasti(;ity of the circular fibres. We can, how- ever, make a nuithcmatical representation which would better correspond to the actual relation of the parts, if, instead of the real membrana tympani, we imagine an ideal one, which is conical in the centre, but toward the periphery is curved and symmetrical, and represents therefore a surface of ro- tation. The radial fibres, which follow the direction of the meridians of such a surface, can be considered as incapable of extension ; the circular fibres, however, must possess a certain degree of elasticity in order to remain always tense. In the appendix, I have developed the theoretical question regarding the mechanical workings of such a membrane, and the most advantageous form to give it. It will be sufficient here to remark that the pressure of the air will produce the strongest effect upon a slightly curved membrane, when it has, by means of its own elasticity, taken the form which the pressure of the air tends to give it. This form is one where with unchanged length of the radial fibres and unchanged position of its centre, the volume of its concave side, that is, the volume of the cavity of the MECHANISM OF THE OSSICLES OF THE EAR. 59 drum becomes a maxiinum, and tliat on its convex side is re- duced to a minimum. If the membrane had not originally possessed such a form, still the pressure of the air would have produced such a result by changing the tension of the circular fibres, before it could have excited its entire force upon the centre. The form here required of a circular membrane, can be calcu- lated — the transverse section of such an one, in some degree cor- responding to the relation of the membrana tympani, is given in Fiii'. 10. This form will be seen to coincide well with the relatively free lower portion of the membrana tympani. Let a represent the angle which the tangent of the membraTie drawn through its apex (umbo) in the meridian-plane makes av ith the axis; /3, that which the corresponding tangent of a point in the periphery of the membrane makes with the axis ; B^ the ra- dius of the circle at the periphery ; /, the pressure of the air ; then will k be the force which must be applied at the centre of the membrane to counterbalance the pressure of the air : — _ P"^ ^' ^^^ ® cos a — cos (3 ' In this equation we see once more that the smaller the differ- ence between the two angles a and /3, that is, the shallower tlio curve made by the the tense radial fibres of the membrane, tho 60 MECHANISM OF THE OSSICLES OF THE EAR. stronger will be the force. Further, the force increases as tlie cos a, if the angles a and jQ become smaller, while the difference cos a — cos 13 remains the same, that is, if the apex of the mem- brane be drawn in more strongly. Thus far the acoustic action of such curved membranes has not yet been practically studied. It may be proper to state here, that in the Tunis Cafe at the Paris industrial exhibition, I saw a curved piece of leather employed as a sounding board in an Arabian stringed instrument. A membrane similar to the membrana tympani can be made by stretching a wet piece of a pig's bladder over the upper end of a glass cylinder : the cylinder should be placed in an upright position, then place a rod loaded with metal perpendicularly to the centre of the membrane, so that its lower end presses the centre of the blad- der downward. In this position the bladder must be allowed to dry. It will then retain permanently a form similar to that of the membrana tympani, with its retracted navel and its curved meridian lines whose convexity looks outward. In order to test the acoustic action of such a membrane under relations similar to those in which the membrana tympani is placed, I fastened the cylinder, whose inside diauieter amounts to 44 mm., to a strong wooden board (A, Fig. 11.) (In the figure the cylinder is situated between e and/", and has been Jj jt iJ A a 0? c J. H — ^

V 1 — x^sin^ udu X — sitv — 2 A ( ) -2~^2 Eu — Fo)'r + Const. = 2 A / -^ .xcos u \' At the same time we easily lind the length of the arc of the radial iibres — 1/"^^" By means of Legendre's tables, which give the values of E(^ and i^w for all values of |- and w, which correspond to whole degrees, we can construct the form of this curve in the easiest possible manner. For arbitrary values of a and w the values oi E (ji and F w can be computed according to well-known methods. Fig. 12 shows a perfect curve of this kind, drawn from one axis- point to the other, in which the value 180° — 40° = 140° is given to the angle a, corresponding to the form of the membrana tympani. The axis-point may represent the centre of the mem- brane. Each point of the arms of the curve extending from a could correspond to the circumference of the membrane, as far MECHANISM OF THE OSSICLES OF THE EAR, 69 Fig. 12. as that point wliere the curve, descending in the direction of h, meets and crosses itself again. The membrana tympani itself corresponds only to a small part of this curve. For the present, I shall defer the special description and dis- cussion of my experiments (referred to in foot-note of page 8) on " resonance-tones " in the living ear, because I hope to obtain better means of producing deep and simple tones than I have had thus far, and in order that the experiments may be better performed.