THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES %i\s\itst\)tcn Hontrtnensifl: A CLASSIFIED INDEX LITERATURE OF GREAT BRITAIN DURINc; THIRTY YEARS. ARRANGED FROM AND SERVING AS A KEY TO THE LONDON CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. 1814-46, WHICH CONTAINS THE TITLE, SIZE, PRICE, AND PUBLISHERS NAME f)F EACH WORK. LONDON : THOMAS HODGSON, 13, PATERNOSTER ROW: AND SOLU BY LONGMAN AND CO.; RIVINGTONS ; WHITTAKER AND CO.) SIMPKIN AND CO. HAMILTON AND CO.; SHERWOOD AND CO.; GROOMBRIDGE AND SONS: AND BY ALL BOOKSELLERS. MDCCCXLVIII, GEORGE AV n n F A EI, AND SO N, ANOKL ooirrsT, skinn'f.i! street. z L&4- ) Aa-Q PREFACE. All the Works included in the Bihliotiieca Londinensis will be found in tlie '• Loudon Catalogue of Books published in Great Britain during the Years 18il — 40, arranged in One Alphabet, containing their Sizes, Prices, and Publishers' Names." It is hardly necessary, in a preface, to say much of a work of this kind, as it in a great measure speaks for itself. The want of some work that would give a complete list of the hooks 'puhUshed on ptarticular subjects,, ivithout wading through a general catalogue, has been long complained of; and at the repeated solicitations of those who were daily experiencing the inconvenience, the present volume was undertaken. The labour and research necessary to bring this book through the press can only be kuowai to those who are accustomed to pursuits connected with bibliography. Errors it is wholly impossible to avoid. The classification of thirty-six thousand books, ranging over a period of thirty years, cannot pos- sibly be accomplished without immense care. However, although it is not expected that any catalogue can be complete, it may be permitted here to state that the delay in publishing the Bibijotheca Londinensis has been solely occasioned by the desire to make it as perfect as possible in repeatedly examining the different divisions of classification. This book contains a great amount of information ; and, however imper- fectly the task of compiling it is accomplished, there is no doubt that, to every one connected with literature, it will save much valuable time in searching after all the works written by different authors on the same subjects ; whilst to those who buy books, it shows them at one glance the selection they can make, without being subject, from an imperfect memory, to purchase what is subsequently found useless. The design of this work is new, and was suggested in consequence of many persons referring to the " London Catalogue" being unable to find out the books required. They knew perhaps the title of the book, but not the name iv I'REFACE. of the iuillior; Imt tliis diHiculty is now in a j^'ivat measure removed, and it is presumed iliai the liiiiLiuiHKcv LoNDiNi'.xsis will be found at least a valu- able assistant, if not a rade viecuni, to those whose pleasure or business it may be to I'tmsult its [jaj^es. Ill adiiitimi to the Classiricatiou of Divisidns, a copious table of reference to the leadiujf subjects will be found at the end : and facing page I is a notice which explains the plan of the work. THOMAS HODGSON. Ai.Di.NK L'li.i.MHEns, Paternoster Row,. July, 1848. DIVISIONS OF CLASSIFICATION. PAGE Antiquities 1 — 2 Architecture, Ornaments .......... 2 — 5 Arts and Sciences 267 Bibliography, Language, Literature, Philology ...... 99 — 100 Biography, Correspondence .......... 6 — 17 Dialects, Glossaries 181 DiYiNiTY, Ecclesiastical History 17 — 72 Domestic Economy 72 — 74 Drama, Poetry 76 — 97 Drawing, Engraving, Painting 125 — 127 Education, Learning 97 — 99 Educational Works. See School and College 256 — 262 Fiction, Novels, Romances, Tales 100 — 124 Fine Arts 125—129 Games and Sports 74 — 75 Genealogy, Heraldry, Peerages ......... 5 — 6 Geography, History, Voyages, Travels 130 — 161 Illustrated Works, Costume, Annuals 127 — 129 Juvenile Works, Moral Tales 161 — 177 Languages, Ancient and Modern 181 — 199 Anglo-Saxon, Gaelic, Irish, Scotch, Welsh .... 181 Chaldee, Egyptian, Hebrew 181 — 182 French, Educational 182 — 186 Miscellaneous 186 — 187 German, Educational and Miscellaneous 187 — 189 Greek, Educational and Miscellaneous 189 — 192 Italian, Educational and Miscellaneous 192 — 193 Latin, Educational and Miscellaneous 193 — 198 Oriental, Various 198 Spanish, Educational and Miscellaneous 198 — 199 Danish, Dutch, Icelandic, Portuguese, Russian, and Swedish , 199 Law, Jurisprudence 199 — 211 Logic, Moral Philosophy, Ethics 211 — 213 Mathematical Sciences . 213 — 217 Medical Sciences — Veterinary 217 — 232 Morals, Etiquette, etc. 177 — 181 Music, Dancing, etc 76 Natural Sciences 239 — 248 — AND Experimental Philosophy 233 — 239 Naval and Military 248 — 250 Penmanship, Shorthand, Typography 129 Political Economy, Parliamentary, Statistics 250 — 255 School and College Works — Educational English 256 — 262 Trade and Commerce 263 — 266 Miscellaneous 267 — 275 Omissions in Classification 275 — 276 General Table op Reference 277 — 283 Bagster's Bibles, etc., in Various Languages, at the End of the Volume. b ABBREVIATIONS. A Idiiie Bib. Cab. . Bogues Lib. Bohn's Lib. BHdgewater Brit. Mios. Pub. Burns' F. Lib. Camb. Coll. Chambers' Ed. Co. Chapman's Ser. Christ. F. Lib. Const. Mis. Corner's Lib. De la Voye's CI- Edin, Acad. Cab. Lib. Ency. Brit. Met. Eng. Hist. Soc. Engl. Lib. Eton Coll. Fam. CI. Lib. Lib. . For. Lib. . Fr. Class. . Hamilt. Syst. Harrow Sch. Home Treas. Juv. Eng. Lib. Knight's W, Vo Lard. Cab, Lib Cyclo}). Lib. A. C. Th. Ent. Knovil Fath. Med. Rom. U. K. Lit. Lib. . Locke's Syst. Bead Aldine British Poets. „ Biblical Cabinet. ,, Bogue's European Library. „ Bohn's Standard Library. „ Bridgewater Treatises. „ British Museum Publications. „ Burns' Fireside Library. „ Caraberwell Collegiate School Books. „ Chambers' Educational Course. „ Chapman and Hall's Monthly Series. „ Christian's Family Library. „ Constable's Miscellany. „ Corner's Historical Library. „ De la Voye's French School Classics. „ Edinburgh Academy Class Books. „ — Cabinet Library. „ Encyclopaedia Britannica. „ Metropolitana. „ English Historical Society's Publications. ,, Englishman's Library. „ Eton College School Books. „ Family Classical Library. „ Library. „ Foreign Library. „ French Classics. „ Hamilton and Jacotot Systems. „ Harrow School Books. „ Home Treasury. „ Juvenile Englishman's Library. ., Knight's "Weekly Volume. „ Lardner's Cabinet Library. „ Cyclopaedia. „ Library of Anglo- Catholic Theology. „ Entertaining Knowledge. ,) Fathers. „ Medicine. „ Original Romance. „ Useful Knowledge. „ Little Library. „ Locke's System of Classical Instruction. ABBREVIATIONS. Martins Col. Lib Min. CI. Lib. Mod. Trav. Monk. Hist Murray's Lib. Murray s . Or. Soc. Pub. — Tr. Fund. Regent Class. Roscoe's Nov. Li Sac. Class. Set. Ch. A uth. Small Books Smith's St. Lib. Standard Nov. Surtees Soc. Tegg's Lib. Theol. Lib. Walker's Class. Ward's Lib, Westm. Sch. Whittaker's Lib. Winch. Sch, Read Martin's Colonial Library. „ Miniature Classical Library. „ Modern Traveller. „ Monkish Historians of Great Britain. „ Murray's Home and Colonial Library. „ Hand Books for Travellers. „ Oriental (Text) Societj^'s Publications. „ Translation Fund. „ Regent Latin Classics. „ Roscoe's Novelist's Library. „ Sacred Classics. „ Select Christian Authors. „ Small Books on Great Subjects. „ Smith's Standard Library. „ Standard Novelists {Colburn). „ Novels {Bentley). „ Surtees Society Publications. „ Tegg's Standard Library. „ Theological Library. „ Walker's British Classics. „ Ward's Library of Standard Divinity. „ Westminster School Books. „ Whittaker's Popular Library. „ Winchester School Books. NOTICE. The words in Italic indicate the first word of the line in the London Catalogue of Books. When there is no Italic in the line, the first word in the Bibliotheca Londinensis is the same as in the London Catalogue. The cross references in the work, when printed in small CAPITALS, point to a different division of classification ; but when printed in the usual manner, they apply to another part of the same division or alphabet. The General Table of Reference is placed at the end of the book. CLASSIFIED INDEX TO THE LONDON CATALOGUE OF BOOKS, 1814—46. ^nti(tuitics— Architecture. arrtiacologs— iffencalogg— fljeralDrg— llumtsmatirs— ^^ctTagcs, &c. Slntiqutttes. See also Arcuitecture, Fine Arts, HlSTORT, &c. Affghanistan, Antiq. &c. {Wilson H.H.) Alphabets, Ancient. {Book of.) Middle Ages, {skatv H.) and Hieroglyphics. {Ancient.) American Antiquities. {Bradford A.) {Delafield J.) An. Monuments. {Catherwood F.) Ancient Marbles. {British Museum Pub.) Terra- Cottas. {British Museum Pub.) Unedited Monum. {MilUngen Dr. J.) Antiquarian Itinerary. and Architectural Year-Book. and Historical Notes. {Jenovay.) Antique Vases, Altars, y Prior. Wisdom, and Genius. Burn (And.) Memoirs. Burney (Dr. Cha.) Memoirs, \)y D'Arblay. Burns (Rob.) Life, by Lockhart. {Const. Mis.) and Works, by Currie. and Clarinda, Correspondence. Burr (A.) Private Journal. Butler (Bp.) Life and Writings. Biograph. and Philolog. Works. (Chas.) Reminiscences. Byron (Ld.) Conversations. {BlessingtonLady.) {Medwin Capt.) Last Days of. {Parry Wm.) Letters. {Brydges Sir E.) Life, by Gait. and Correspondence, by Moore. Writings, Memoirs of. Opinions, &c. Memoirs, by Clinton. Recollections. {Dallas R.C.) and his Contemporaries. {Hunt L.) Cabinet of Portraits, with Memoirs. Portrait Gallery. {Knight's W. Vol.) Cabot (Sebastian) Memoir. Cassars (Twelve) Lives. {Rogers E.) Calamy (Edm.) Life and Times. Calvin (John) Life, by Simes. Memoirs, by Mackenzie. BioouAPHY, kc, continued. (Jamocns, Jleinoirs, by Adamson. Campan (Mad.) Private Journal, &c. Campbell (A.) Remains and Memoirs. (Isab.) Memoirs. (J.) Life, Mission, &c. (Sir J.) Memoirs. Canning (Geo.) Life. Memoirs. Political Life. Canova, Memoirs. Cappe (Cath.) Memoirs. Carey (W.) Memoir. Cargill (Mrs.) Memoirs. Caroline (Queen) Memoirs. Carpenter (L.) Memoirs and Correspondence. Carter (Eliz.) Memoirs and Poems. and Talbot (C.) Correspondence. Cartwright (E.) Life and Writings. (Major) Life and Correspondence. — — (T.)" Memoirs. Carvasso (Wm.) Memoir. Caspar Hauser, {Stanhope Earl.) Account of. Castillo (B. D. del) Memoirs. Cathcart (R.) Memoir and Correspondence. Caulincourt (Duke of) Recollections. Cavendish, Drake, &c.. Lives. {Ed. Cab. Lib.) Caxton (Wm.) {Knight's W. Vol.) Cecil (Rd.) Life and Remains. Celebrated Men, Posth. Letters. {Colman G.) Travellers, Lives. {St. John J. A.) — — Women. {Memoirs.) Cellini (Benv.) Memoirs. Cervantes, Life. {Fam. Lib.) Chalkely (Tho.) Life and Travels. Chamberlain (John) Life, by Cox. {Yates.) Chambers (Wm.) Memoirs. Chancellors, England, Lives. {Campbell Lord.) Chapone (Mrs.) Memoirs. Charlotte Elizabeth, Personal Recollections. Chateaubriand, Memoirs of his Time. Chatham (Lord) Correspondence. Life. Chatterton (Thos.) Life. Chaucer (Geof.) Life and Poems. {Todd H.J.) Cheke (Sir J.) Life. Chesterfield (Lord) Diary and Correspondence. Chisholm (The) Memoir. {Anderson J.S.) Christian Females, Memoirs. {Gardner J.) Christians, Lives of. {Hone R.B.) Christie (A. M'D.) Memoir. Cibber (C.) Apology for his Life. Cicero, Life, by Middleton. — • {Fam. Lib.) Clarendon (Earl) Character. {Dover Lord.) (Lord) Correspondence with Rochester. Life. &c., by Lister. Clarke (Adam) Memoirs. Life and Memoirs. Labours. Pourtrayed, by Everett. (E. D.) Life and Remains. (J.) Memoirs. Clarkson (T.) Biographical Sketch. CATALOGUE.] CLASSIFIED INDEX. 9 Biography, &c., continued. Claude (J.) Life, and Defence of Brcformation. Clay (H.) Life and Speeches. Clayton (Mrs. G.) Life. Clinton (Do Witt) Memoirs. Clive (Lord) Memoirs. Clough (Mrs.) Memoirs. Clowes (John) Memoir. Cobbett (\Vm.) Life. Cobbold (Eliza) Memoir and Poems. Cobham (Lord) Life and Times. Coke (Sir E.) Life. ■ (Tho.) Life. Coleridge (S. T.) Recollections. {Cottle.) Life, by Gillman. Colet (Dr. J.) Life. Collier (A.) Memoirs. Collingwood (Lord) Correspondence. Colman Family, Memoirs. Columbus, Companions, by Irving. {Fani.Lih.) Life, &c. {Irving W.) by Irving. {Fam. Lib.) Memorials and Documents. Commanders, Brit. Milit. {Lardners Cjjclop.) (Great) Memoirs. (James G.P.R.) (Naval) Southey. {Lardners C'y.) Conde, Life. {Murray's Col. Lib.) Constable (John) Memoirs, by Leslie. Constantine (Emp.) Life. Cook (Jas.) Life, Voyages, &c. Cooke (G. F.) Memoirs. (John) Memoir and Remains. Cooper (Sir A.) Life. (Marg.) Memoirs. Cornelius (Elias) Memoir. Cornwall, Biographical Sketches. {PoMtele It.) Cornwallis (Lady) Private Correspondence. Correggio and Parmegiano, Lives. {Si-etches.) Correspondence, Woman of Fashion. {Private.) Cortes (Hernan) Life. {Const. Misc.) Costello (Col.) Memoirs. Courtenay's Autobiography and Letters. Coverdale (Bp.) Memorials. Cowper (W.) Early Life, Letters and Life, by Hayley. to his Friends. Life, by Taylor. {Chr.Fam.Lih.) Private Correspondence. Newton, and Heber, Lives. {Fssays.) Crabbe (Geo.) Life, by his Son. Cradock (Jos.) Memoirs, Literary, &c. (Sir M.) Notices of, by Traheme. Craig (Sir T.) Life and Writings. Cranfield (Tho.) Memoir. Cranmer (Abp.) Life. Memorials. Crichton (Jas.) Life. Crockett (David) Life. Croke Family, History. {Croke Sir A.) Crosby (Brass) Memoir. Crow (Capt.) Memoirs. Cudworth (R.) Life and Intellectual Sj-stem. Cullen (W.) Life, Lectures, &c. Curran (J. P.) Life. Memoirs. Recollections. {Phillij)s C.) BiooRAPHT, &c., continued. Currie (Dr. J.) Memoir. Curtis (W.) Life and Lectures on Botany. Curwen (Sam.) Journal and Letters. Cuvier (Baron) Memoirs, by Mrs. Lee. (Clem.) Memoir. D'Aguesseau (Chanc.) Life. Dampier, Drake, &c.. Lives. {Ed. Cab. Lib.) Daracot (Risdon) Memoirs. D'Arblay (Mad.) Diary and Letters. Daschkaw (Princess) Memoirs. Davalos Family, History of, as to Poetry, &c. Davidson (Lucretia) Memoirs and Remains. (Marg.) Life and Remains. Da Vinci (L.) Life. Davis (R.) Memoir. Davison (Wm.) Secretary to Q. Elizabeth, Life. Davy (Sir H.) Life. Memoirs. Dawson (Mrs.) Memoirs. (W.) Correspondence. Memoirs. De Castro (Comedian) Memoirs. De Chantal (St. J. F.) Life. De Colligny (Admiral) Memoirs. D'Ewes (S.) Autobiog. and Correspondence. Deffand's Correspondence with D'Alembert. Defoe (Dan.) Life and Times. Dehon (Bp.) Essay on his Life. (Gadsden.) De Sales (St. F.) Life. Dela Salle (R.) Life. Dibdin (Chas.) Memoir and Sea Songs. (Thos.) Reminiscences. Digby (Sir K.) Private Memoirs. Distinguished Men. {Lib. Ent. Know.) Writers. {Rouxlen F.) Doddington's Diary, 1749-61. Doddridge (P.) Life and Misc. Works. Writings. Private Life and Correspond. Donne (J.) Life, Devotions, &c. Wotton, &c., Lives. ( Walton Isaac.) Dowsing (W.) Journal, 1643-4. Drake (Sir F.) Life. {Murray s Lib.) Cavendish, &c., Lives. {Ed. Cab. Lib.) Drew (Sam.) Life. Drummond (of Hawthomden) Life. Dryden (John) Life and Works. Drysdale (John) Life and Sermons. Dugdale (Wm.) Life, Diary, &c. Dumas (Gen.) Life. Duncan (Mrs. M. L.) Memoirs. Dunton (John) Life and Errors. Dwight (Mr.) Letters to. {Downing Major.) Earle, Gilbert. {Life.) Early Blossoms, Biography. {Styles J.) East (Mrs.) Memoirs of. {East J.) Eccentric Biography. Eddy (Tho.) Life. Edgeworth (Abbe) Memoirs. Letters and Memoirs. (R. L.) Memoirs. Edinburgh Characters, Sketches of. {Kay J.) Clergy. (S/:etclies.) Edwards (Jon.) Life and Sermons. C 10 CLASSIFIED INDEX. [LONDON BiooRAi'iiY, &c., continued. Edwards (Jon.) Memoirs. Elizabc^th, Romantic Bioffrapliy. (TuiilorW.C.) Eldon (Lord) Life, by Twiss. Elias (John) Memoir. Ellis (Mrs.) Memoirs. {Ellis W.) (John) Correspondence, 1686-88. EUiston (11. W.) Memoirs. Ely (M. A.) Memoirs. Eminent English Women, Memoirs. (Costello.) Men, Lives by Davenport. {Fam. Lib.) Persons, Lives. {Lib. U. Knowledge.) Englishmen, Lives. {Burns' F. Lib.) Epistolary Curiosities. ( Warner R.) Erasmus Life, by C. Butler. Ernest the Pious, Memorials. {Lathburij T.) Erskine (Eben.) Life and Diary. (John) Account, by Wellwood. (Ralph) Life and Diary. Eugene (Prince) Memoirs. Aram, Life. {Trial.) Evans (John) Life and Discourses. (Wm.) Memoirs. Evanson's (Edw.) Life and Sermons. Evelyn (J.) Memoirs. Everett (T. C.) Memoir. Evill (Mary) Memoir. Ewing (Barb.) Memoirs. (Geo.) Memoir. Exmouth (Visct.) Life. Fanshawe (Lady) Memoirs. Fawcett (John) Life and Writings. Feary (Coxe) Memoirs. Fenelon (Abp.) Life, by C. Butler. Fenn (John) Original Letters. Paston Letters. Ferrar (N.) Memoirs. Ferrier (Dr.) Memoir and Sermons. Findlater (R.) Memoirs. Fisher (Alex.) Memoir and Remains. Fishwick (Mary) Memorials. Fisk (Pliny) Memoirs. Fitzgerald (Lord Edward) Life, by Moore. Fletcher (John) Life, by Benson. (J. W.) Life, by Cox. (Mrs.) Life, by Jabez Burns. Gill. Moore. Flood (Hon. H.) Memoirs. Follen (Chas.) Life. {Fallen Mrs.) Forbes (D.) Life and Works. Fordyce (Mrs. H.) Memoirs. Foreigners, Distinguished. {Lives.) Forster (L.) Life and Sermons. Fothergill (S.) Memoirs. Fouche (M.) Correspondence. Memoirs. Public Life, &c. and Wellington Correspondence. Fox (C. J.) Character. {Parr.) Correspondence. {Walefield G.) (George) Life. {.Journal.) Francis (Bp. of Geneva) Memoirs. Franke (A. H.) Life. {Christ. Fam. Lib.) Franklin (Benj.) Correspondence. Life and Essays. Erasers, History of the. {Ande7-son.) Biography, &c., continued. French Characters, Living. {Sketches.) Froissart (Sir J.) Memoirs. and his Times. Fuller (And.) Life and Works. Memoirs, by Morris. Ryland. (T.) Life and Works. Fuseli (Hen.) Life and Writings. Gait (John) Autobiography. Literary Life and Miscellanies. Gardening, Authors on. {Feltun S.) Gardiner (Col.) Life. Garrick (Dav.) Life and Correspondence. Gathercoal (R.) Letters. {Posthumous.) Gauntlett (Hen.) Memoir. Gellert (C. V.) Life and Moral Tales. Genlis (Mad. de) Memoirs. Gent (Tho.) Life. Geste (Bp.) Life and Character. Gibbon (E.) Life. Gibson (Mrs.) Memoirs and Correspondence. Gill (John) Life .ind Writings. Gillespie (Major) Memoir. Gilpin (Bern.) Life. {Sel. Christ. Auth.) (M. A.) Memoirs. Giovanni Finati, Life and Adventures. Glenorchy (Lady) Life. Godoy (Don Manuel) Memoirs. Goethe, Characteristics. {Austin S.) Conversations. {Eckerman.) Life, by Browning. Memoirs, by Himself. Goldoni (Chas.) Memoirs. Goldsmith (0.) Life. Good (J. M.) Memoirs. Goode' (W.) Memoirs. Goodwin (John) lafe. Gordon (John) Memoirs. (Pryce) Personal Memoirs. Gower and Chaucer, Lives. {Todd H.J.) Graham (Isab.) Life. (Miss) Memoir. {Christ. Fam. Lib.) Grammont (Count) Memoirs. Grane (Miss) Memoirs. Grant (Mrs.) Memoir and Correspondence. Grattan (Hen.) Life and Times. Graves (R.) Life and Works. Gray (Tho.) Correspondence with Nichols. Great Britain, Lit. & Sc. Men. {Lardner's Cy.) Green (Amos.) Memoir. Greene (General) Life. (Rt.) Life and Works. Gresham (Sir T.) Life and Times. — Life. {Knights W. Vol.) Griffin (John) Memoirs and Remains. (J. Junr.) Memoirs. Griffith (J.) Life. {Journal.) Grimaldi (Jos.) Life, by Dickens. Grimm (Baron de) Memoirs and Correspond, Grimshaw (Wm.) Memoirs. Grindal (Abp.) Life. Grotius (Hugo) Life. Gryll (T.) Life and Sermons. Guy (Earl of Warwick) History. Hafiz Rehmut Khan, Life. {Orient. Trs. Fd.) Hiiggart, David. {Life.) CATALOGUE.] CLASSIFIED INDEX. 11 Biography, &c., continued. Hale (Sir M.) Life. and Rochester, Lives. {Burnet Bji.) Hall (Bp.) Life and Times. (Gor.) Memoir. (Robt.) Life, Essays, &c. Memoir. Recollections. Reminiscences. Halley (J.) Memoirs. Halyburton (T.) Memoirs. {Sel. Cli. Auth.) Hamilton (Eliz.) Memoirs. (Lady) Memoirs. (Wm.) Life iind Remains. Hampden (.John) Memorials. Hanmer (Sir T.) Correspondence. Hardy (Thos.) Memoir. Harris (John) Life. Harrison (Gen.) Life. {Jones G.) Hastings (Warren) Memoirs. Hatch (Rd.) Memoirs. Hawker (Dr.) Life and Works. Memoirs. Hawkes (Mrs.) Memoirs. Haydn and Mozart. (Lives) Hayley (W.) Memoirs. Hayward (S. D.) Life and Advent. {Er/an P.) Heber (Bp.) Life. by Bonner. Life and Writings, by Taylor. ■ Last Days. {Rohinson T.) Newton, and Cowper, Lives. {Essays.) Hemans (Mrs.) Life and Works. Memoir, by her Sister. Memorials, by Chorley. Henderson (Alex.) Life and Times. Henry (Matthew) Memoirs, by Williams. "(Ph.) Life. of Monmouth, Recollections. {Historical.) Herbert (Lord) Life. Heriot (G.) Memoirs. Hervey (Jas.) Memoirs. (Lady) Memoir and Letters. Hessel (J.) Memoirs. Hey (Wm.) Life. Heywood (Oliv.) Life. (Pet.) Memoir. Highwaymen, History. {Johnston Ca^d.) Lives. {Whitehead C.) Hildesley (Bp. of Man) Memoirs. HUl (Geo.) Life. (Lord) Life. (Rowland) Memoir. Life. {Christ. Fam. Lib.) (Sir Rowland) Life. Hinderwill (T.) Memoir. Hinton (Rev. J.) Biog. Portrait, {Hinton.) Hobart (Bp.) Life. Hofer (Tyrolese) Life. {Hall B.) Hogg (Jas.) Life, &c. Holcroft (Rd.) Memoirs. Holt (Jos.) Memoirs. Home (John) Life, Correspondence, &c. Hooker (Rd.) Life and Works. Hope (Dr. J.) Memoirs. Hopkins (Bp.) Memoir and Works. Home (Bp.) Memoirs and Works. Biography, &c., continual. Horner (Fra.) Memoirs and Correspondence. Hoste (Sir W.) Memoirs. Housman (Robt.) Life and Remains. Howard (John) Memoirs. (Rach.) Life and Death. Howe (Earl) Life. (John) Life and Character. Howels (W.) Memoir and Sennons. Hughes (Jos.) Memoir. Humayyun (Emp.) Memoirs. {Orient. Trs. Fd.) Hume (Dav.) Private Correspondence. Hunter (John) Memoirs. Huntingdon (Countess) Life and Times. (Mrs.) Memoirs. Hurd (Bp.) Life and Works. Hum (W.) Brief Memorials. Hutchinson (Col.) Memoirs. (Jon.) Life and Letters. Hutton (Dr. M.) Correspond. {Surtees Soc.) (Wm.) Life. Illustrious Men, Lives. {Dyer C.G.) Personages. {Lodge.) ■ Persons, Lives. {Birch.) Inchbald (Mrs.) Memoirs and Correspondence. Innes (Mrs.) Memoirs. Irenseus, Life and Writings. Irving (Edw.) Biographical Sketch. Isaac (Dan.) Memoirs. Italian Painters, Early. {KnigMs W. Vol.) Poets, Lives. {Stehhing H.) School, Engravers. (Cumberland G.) Italy, Liter, and Scien. Men. {Lardners Cy.) Itinerant, or Mem. of an Actor. {Ryley S. W.) Ivimey (Jos.) Memoirs. Jackson (President) Life. Jaffray (Alex.) Diary. Jahangueir (Emp.) Memoirs. {Orient. Trs. Fd.) James (Bp.) Memoirs. (Mrs.) Memoirs. {James J. A.) Jarvis (Gen.) Life and Adventures. Jeanne D'Arc, Memoirs. Jebb (Bp.) Life. Jefferies (Lord Ch.) Memoirs. Jefferson (President) Life. Memoirs and Correspondence. Jenner (Dr.) Life and Correspondence. Jenour (Ann) Memoir. Jesuits, Eng., Irish, Scotch, Lives. {Oliver G.) Joanna (Queen of Naples) Life. Jcenicke (J. D.) Memoir. Johnson (Sam.) Life. (S., New York) Life. Johnsoniana, by J. W. Croker. Jolly (Bp.) Memoir and Sunday Services, Jones (J. C.) Memorials of the Life, (Wm.) Memoirs. (Sir W.) Life. Jonson (Ben.) Life and Works. Jordan (Mrs.) Memoirs. Judson (Ann) Memoirs, (Jane) Memoirs. Justin MartjT, Life. {Bib. Cab.) Kames (Lord) Memoii's. Kean (Edm.) Life. Kemble (J. P.) Memoirs. Kempis and Bouthillier, Lives. {Butler C.) C 2 12 CLASSIFIED INDEX. [LONDON BiOGUAPiiY, kc, continued. Ken (Bp.) Life. Letters, &c. Kendal (.Jolin) Memoirs. Keppel (Admiral) Life. Kiffen (W.) Memoirs. Kilham (Alex.) Life. (Han.) Memoir. Kilpin (Sam.) Memoirs. King (Lord) Memoirs, Speeches, &c. (Wm.) Anecdotes of his own Times. Kingsbury (Wra.) Memoirs. Kir wan (\V. B.) Life and Sermons. Kit-Cat-Olub. (Memoirs.) Kitto (J.) Memoir, Essays, &c. Klopstock (F. and M.) Memoirs. and his Friends, Letters. Knighton (Sir W.) Memoirs. Knox (Alex.) Correspondence with, {./ehh Bjh) Life and Keuiains, by J ebb. (John) Life. Koellner (Wm.) Life. Kolli (Baron de) Memoirs, Korner (C. T.) Life. Kostka (St. S.) Life. Kotzebue (Aug.) Sketch of Life. Krummacher (F. A.) Life. Ladies, Royal, &c.. Letters. ( Wood 3fiss.) Lafayette (Gen.) Private Life. Memoirs and Correspondence. and Others, Memoirs. (Mdlle.) Memoirs. (Genlis Mad.) Laflfarge (Mad.) Memoirs. Lamb (Chas.) Life and Letters. Landon (L. E.) Life and Literary Remains. Lardner (Nath.) Life and Works. Lamed (S.) Life and Eloquence. Larochejaquelein (March.) Memoir. by Scott. (Const, Misc.) Las Casas (Count) Memoirs. Lascelles (Edw.) Life. (Scenes.) Latude (H. M. de) Memoirs. Laud (Abp.) Autobiography. Life. (T/ieol. Lib.) — — — and Times. Laurence (Dr. P.) Correspondence. (Burke E.) Lavalette (Ct.) Memoirs. Lavater (J. C.) Memoirs. Lavers (W.) Life and Correspondence. Law (John) Life. (Robt.) Memorials. Lawrence (Sir T.) Life and Correspondence. Lawyers, Eminent, by Roscoe. (Lardner s €>/.) Sketches of. (Law.) Laymen, Eminent, by Teale. (Englishm. Lib.) Learned and Eminent Men. (Lives.) Ledyard (John) Memoirs and Travels. Lee (Wm.) Memoirs. Leighton (Abp.) Life and Remains. Memoirs and Sermons. Leith (Sir Jas.) Memoirs. Leo X., Life, by Roscoe. Lessey (T.) Memorials. Letters from Abroad. (Sedfftvick Miss.) from the Mountains. (Grant Mrs.) — — to Rev. J. Crompton. (C'hedworth Lord.) to Duke of Shrewsbury. (Vernon J.) BiOGRAPnY, &c., continued. Letters to Mrs. F. Hamilton. (Delany Mrs.) to Bishop Llandaff. (Dudley Earl) Earl of Hertford. (Walpole H.) Lorenzo. (Ortis.) Sir H. Mann. ( Walpole H.) (J. Montagu. (Walpole IL) Mrs. Montagu. (Carter E.) Polwhelu and others. (Scott Sir W.) and from Lady Suffolk. his Kinsfolk. (Simeon South.) Lcttsom (J. C.) Memoirs. Lewis (M. G.) Life and Correspondence, Leyden (John) Life and Remains. L'Hopital (Chanc.) Life. Life of a Travelling Physician. (Lefevre Sir O.) Lilly (Wm.) Life and Times. Linacre (Dr. T.) Life. Lincolne (Mary N.) Life. (Ritchie E.) Lindsey (Theoph.) Memoirs. Linnajus, Correspondence. (Smith J.E.) Lister (J.) Autoljiography. Literary Characters. (Cliffe L.) Recollections. (Warner R.) Liverpool (Earl) Memoirs. Lloyd (Tho.) Memoir. Lock, Sydney, &c.. Letters. (Original.) Locke (John) Life and Correspondence. Longmire (J. F.) Life. Lope de Vega, &c.. Life. (Holland Lord) Lorenzo de Medici, Life, by Roscoe. by Roscoe. (Eogue's Lib.) Lowrie (L. A.) Memoirs. (W.) Memoir. Luther (Martin) Autobiography. Life. and Times. and his Times. (Riddle J.E.) Lyttleton (Lord) Memoirs Jind Correspondence. MacAll (R. S.) Life and Discourses. MacCheyne (R. M.) Memoirs and Remains. MacCrie (Tho.) Life. MacDonald (J. and G.) Memoirs. Maceroni (Col.) Life and Adventures. MacEwen (W.) Life and Essays. MacGregor (J. J.) Memoir. Mackay (Gen.) Life. Mackcoull (Jas.) Life and Trial. Mackenzie (Hen.) Life and Works, (J, M.) Memoir and Remains. (M. J.) Private Life. Mackintosh (Sir J.) Memoirs. MacNicoU (Dd.) Life and Works. Madame Royale, Memoirs. (Private.) Madison (Jas.) Correspondence. Maintenon, Correspondence, &c. Malayan Family, Memoirs. (Orient. Trs. Fd.) Malibran (Mad.) Memoirs. Malmesbury (Earl) Diaries, &c. Maltravers (Sir R.) Life, &c. (Dilloii Lord.) Manson (Mad.) Memoirs. Marks (H.) Narrative of his Life. Marlborough (Duch.) Correspondence. Memoirs. (Thomson Mrs.) (Duke) Letters, Despatches, &c. Life. (Fam. Lib.) Memoirs, by Coxe. CATALOGUE.] CLASSIFIED INDEX. 13 Biography, &c., continued. Marriott (W. H.) Memoir and Sermons. Marshall (Thos.) Memoir and Sermons. Martin (Jas.) Memoir and SeiTnons. MartjTi (H.) Journals and Letters. Letters. {Christ. Fam. Lib.) ■ Life. {Christ. Fam. Lib.) (J and T.) Memoirs. Martyrs, English Protestant. {Smith T.) Letters of the {Coverdale Bp.) of Science. {Brewster Sir D.) Marvell (And.) Life, by Dove. Mathews (Chas.) Life. Mathias (B. W.) Brief Memorials. Maxwell (Lady) Life. Medical Portniit Grallery. {Pettigreiv T.J.) Melancthon (Philip) Life. Melville (And.) Historical Memoirs. . Life. (Philip). {Memoirs.) Memoir of a Prisoner of State. {Andnjane.) Memoirs by a Literary Character. during Half-a-Century. {Thoniason E.) of Foreign Courts {Prirate). Literary Ladies. {Eiu-ood Mrs.) Memorials, Personal and Literary. {Best H.) Mendelssohn (Moses) Memoirs. Men of Letters, Geo. IIL {Brougltani Lord) Menzicoff (Prince) Memoirs. Merry (J.) Memoirs. Methodist Preachers. {Lives.) Metropolitan Pulpit. {Grant J.) Middleton (Bp.) Life. Miller (Gen.) Memoirs. (W. E.) Memoir. Milles (Isaac) Life. Mills (Sir J.) Memoirs. Milne (W.) Life and Opinions. Milner (Dean) Life. - — — — {Christ. Fam. Lib.) Milton (John) Life, Various. See Catalogue. Mina (Gen.) Extract from Life. Ministerial Characters. {Wesleyan.) Mirabeau, Memoirs. Recollections. {Dumont E.) Monk (Duke of Albemarle) Life, by Guizot. Monmouth (Duke) Life and Progress. Montagu (Eliz.) Letters. (M. W.) Life and Works. Montpensier (Duke) Memoirs. Montrose (Marq.) Life and Times, by Napier. Memoir, by Wishart. Moore (H.) Life. (Dr. J.) Life and Works. (Sir J.) Life. More (Han.) Life by Corner. Roberts. Thompson. Memoirs, Roberts. {Ch.Fam.Lib.) More (Sir T.) Life, by Mackintosh. More. Roper. Walton. and Letters, by Taj'lor. Morell (Step.) Memoir, by Binney. Morning Exercises, Authors of. {Dunn S.) Morrison (Robt.) Memoirs. Biography, &c., continued. Mortimer (Mrs.) Memoirs. Mowes (Hen.) Memoir. Mozart, Life. {Chapmcms Series.) and Haydn. {Lives.) Muir (M.) Memoirs and Letters. (Thos.) Life. Mullinger (iVIiss) Memoirs. Munden (J. S.) Memoirs. Mundy (Mrs. J.) Memoirs. Munro (Sir T.) Life. Murat (Joachim) Account. Murray (Lindley) Memoirs. Musical Biography, European Composers. Memoirs. {Parke W.T.) Myers (Jas.) Remains. Mytton (John) Life. {Ajij^erley C.) Napier (J.) Life. {Xapier M.) Nasmyth (D.) Memoirs. National Portrait Gallery. Naturalists, Eminent. {Lives.) Neale (Corn.) Memoirs and Remains. (S. and M.) Lives. Necker, Memoirs. {Stael Mad.) Necromancers, Lives. {Godn-in W.) Neele (H.) Literary Remains. Neff (Felix) Biography and Letters. Life. Memoir. Memorial. Neild (J.) Memoirs. {Lettsom J.C.) Nelson (Lord) Letters, &c., by Nicolas. Life, hj Clarke. South ey. {Fam. Lib.) Nelsonian Reminiscences. {Parsons Lt.) Nevin (W.) Memoirs. Newell (Harr.) Memoirs. Newman (W.) Memoirs. Newnham (Mrs.) Memoirs. Newton (Sir I.) Life. {Fam. Lib.) (John) Memoirs. {Chnst. Fam. Lib.) Heber, and Cowper, Lives. {Essays.) Pocock, Pearce, &c. {Lives.) Ney (Marshal) Memoirs. Nicholson (J.) Life and Poems. Nicol (J.) Life and Adventures. Niebuhr (G. B.) Reminiscences. {Lieber F.) Noble British Families. {Brummond H.) Nollekens (Jos.) and his Times. North (Chanc.) Life. Francis, Dudley, and John. {North R.) Northcote (Jas.) Conversations. {Hazlitt W.) Northington (Chanc.) Memoir. Nunn (R. W.) Memoirs. Oberlin (J. F.) Memoirs. and De Stael, Memorials. {Sims.) Oceola Nikkanochee. {Narrative.) Oifa (Kingof Mercia) Life, &c. {Machenzie If.) O'Keefe (John) Recollections of his Life. Oldcastle (Sir J.) Life and Times. Olympia Morata, Times, Life, and Writings. O'Neill (Miss) Memoirs. Oswald (Hon. J.) Memorials. Oudnej' (Dr. W.) Memoirs. {Biographical) Clapperton, and Laing. {Nelson T.) 14 CLASSIFIED INDEX. [LONDON Biography, &c., continued. Our Actresses, (Glances at. ( Wilson Mrs. C.) Overberi,' (H.) Memoir. Owen ((;J. I).) Recollections. {Foster J.K.) (John) Memoirs. Paine (Tlio.) Life. Painters (British) Lives. (Fam. Lib.) Characteristics. {Reeve 11.) Dictionary of. {liryan M.) Extraordinary. (IkcL-ford W.) Old, Sketches. {Historical.) Dutch and Flem. ( Van Worrell.) ■ Review of Lives, &c. {Nieuwenhuy.) Spanish, Dictionary of. {O'Neill A.) Paley (W.) Life and Works. ^ Memoirs, by Medley. Palliser (Sir H.) Life. Pahner (Mrs. and Miss) Memorials. Parliamcnt.ary Portraits. Park (J. A.) Memoirs. {Stevens W.) (Mungo) Life and Travels. Parker (Abp.) Life. (Sir P.) Memoir. Parmegiano and Correggio, Lives. {Sketches.) Parr (Sam.) Memoirs. Notices of. (Parriana.) Parsons (G. B.) Memoirs. - — — (L.) Memoir. Paterson (C. J.) Memoirs and Remains. (Mrs.) Memoirs. Patrick (Bp.) Autobiography. Paul Jones. {Life.) {Memoirs.) Payne, American Roscius, Memoirs. Payson (Rev. E.) Memoir. {Ward's Lib.) {Christ. Fam, Lib.) Pearce (Nat.) Life and Adventures. (Sam.) Memoirs. Pocock, Newton, &c. {Lives.) Pearson (Bp.) Life and Minor Works. (Ed.) Life, Writings, &c. Pecock (Bp.) Life. Peddie (M. D.) Memorial Sketches. Peel (Sir R.) Memoir. Pemberton (C. R.) Life and Lit. Remains. (John) Life and Travels. Penn (W.) Life. (Sir W.) Memorials. Pepys (Sam.) Diary and Correspondence. Life and Correspondence. Perceval (Spen.) Life and Administration. Pestalozzi, Life and Writings. Peter's Letters to his Kinsfolk. Petrarch, Life. Phelan (W.) Memoir and Remains. Phillips (E and J.) Lives. {Godwin W.) (Rich.) Memoirs and Life. Philosophers, Alchemistical. {Barrett F.) Grecian. {Students.) Physicians (British) Lives. {Fam. Lib.) Celebrated. {Biographical.) and Surgeons. {Memoirs.) Pickering (Rev. R.) Memoirs. Picton (Sir T.) Memoirs. Pierce (S. E.) Life. Pinkerton (J.) Literary Correspondence* Pious Women, Memoirs. {Bwrder S.) BiooitAPnY, &c., continued. Pious Women, Sketches. {Sharp J.) Piozzi (Mrs.) Recollections. {Piozr.iana.) Pipe (J. W.) Memoir. Pitt (W.) Life. Memoirs. Players, Lives. {Gait J.) Plutarch, British. {Wranghavi F.) Cambrian. {Parry ./. H.) Lives. {Lanfjhorne J.) Pocock, Pearce, Newton, &c. {Lives.) Podmore (Mary) Memoir. Poets, English, Lives. {Johnson S.) Sacred, Lives. {Willmotl R.A..) Scottish. {Lives.) Uneducated {Southey It.) and Poetesses, Living. {Micliell N.) Political Portraits. {Playfair W.) Reformers, Portraits, &c. {Saunders.) Pollio, Varro, and Gallus, Lives. {Berwick E.) Pollok (K.) Life. Pombal (Marq. de) Memoirs. Pope (Sir T.) Life. Porson (Prof.) Lit. Character. {Vindication.) Porteus (Bp.) Life. Poussin (N.) Life. Presgrave (Mrs.) Correspondence, &c. Prevost (Sir G.) Life, Price (R.) Life. Priestley (Jos.) Life and Correspondence. Prior, Baxter, &c.. Letters from. ( Warner R.) Public Characters, 1828. Portraits. {Grant J.) of all Nations. RatFael, Life, by Duppa. Raffles (T. S.) Life, &c. Raleigh (SirW.) Life, by Ty tier. {Ed.Cab.Lib.) Memoirs. Ramsey (M. L.) Memoirs. Random Recollections. {Grant J.) Rapp (Gen.) Memoirs. Rauschenbusch (H. E.) Memoir. Rawdon Papers, Letters. Red Jacket, Life and Times. {Stone W.) Reed (W.) Life and Remains. Reformers, Lives. {Gilpin W.) of the 16th Century. {Tagart E.) Reform Ministers, Sketches. {Jones W.) Reid (Rev. J.) Memoirs. Remarkable Youth. {Lives.) and Eccentric Persons. {Memoirs.) Reminiscences. {Kelly M.) Renwick (Jas.) Life. Reresby (Sir J.) Memoirs and Travels. Reuchlin (John) Life and Times. Reynolds (Fred.) Life and Times. (Sir J.) Life. Memoirs. (Thos.) Life. Rhenius (C.) Memoirs. Richardson (Sam.) Life and Works. Richmond (L.) Life. {Christ. Fam. Lib.) Family Portraiture. {Christ. Fam. Lib.) Richter (J. P.) Memoirs. Riego (Gen.) Memoirs. {Narrative.) Rienzi, Life and Times. CATALOOUE.] CLASSIFIED INDEX. 15 Biography, &c., continued. Ritson (Jos.) Memoir and Letters. Robertson (\Vm.) Life and Works. Robinson (Thos.) Account. Rob Roy, Memoirs. Rochester (Earl) Life. Correspondence with. (Clarendon.) and Hcale, Lives. {BurnH Bp.) Rock (Capt.) Memoirs. {Moore.) Rodney (Lord) Life. and Correspondence. Roe (P.) Memoirs and Correspondence. Rogers (John) Life and Sermons. • (Thos.) Memoir. Romilly (Sir S.) Memoirs. Romney ((leo.) Memoirs. Roscoe (Wm.) Life. Ross (A.) Memoir and Remains. Rovigo (Duke) Memoirs. Rowan (A. H.) Autobiography. Rowland (D.) Memoirs. Rowton (Mrs.) Memoir of, {Priscilla.) Royston (Lord) Remains. Rudyerd (Sir B.) Memoirs. Ranjeet Singh, Political Life. Russell (House of) Ancestry. {Wiffen J.H.) Memoirs. ( Wiffen J.H.) (Lady R.) Letters. Life and Correspondence. (Lord Wm.) Life. [Russell Lord J.) Ryland (Rev. J.) Reminiscences. {Newman W.) Sadler (M. T.) Memoirs. Sages of Antiquity, Lives. {Fenelon Ah^).) St. Paul's Cathedral, Biog. Illus. (W/dtt.Lib.) ■ ■ — {Monuments.) Saints, Lives of. See Divinity. St. Albans (Duchess) Memoirs. St. Stephen's, or Pencillings of Politicians. St. Vincent (Earl) Memoirs. Salt (Henry) Life and Correspondence. Salvator Rosa, Life & Times. {Morgan Lady.) Sancroft (Abp.) Life. Sancta Bega {Life and Miracles.) Sanderson (Thos.) Literary Remains. Sandt (C. L.) Memoir. Sartor Resartus {Carlyle.) Saumarez (Admiral) Memoirs. Savage and Hulton, Memoirs. {WilliamsJ.B.) Savery (W.) Journal. Savonarola, Life and Times. Scattergood (T.) Journal. Schiller (Fred.) Life. Scientific Men of 17th Cent. {Correspondence.) Scipio the Elder, Life. de Ricci, Memoirs. Scoresby (F. R. H.) Memorials. Scotsmen, Illustrious Lives. {Chambers Itt.) Scott (Dr.) Life. (Job) Life and Travels. (John) Life and Works. (Thos.) Letters and Papers. Memoir. {Christ. Fam, Lib.) (Sir W.) Life. Recollections. Scottish Writers, by Irving. {Ency. Brit.) Scriptores Renim Germ. Biog. Essay. {Asher.) Seaward (Sir E.) Narrative. Biography, &c., continued. Segur (Ct.) Memoirs and Recollections. Selden (John) Life and Times. and Usher, Lives, {^lihn John.) Selkirk (Alex.) Life and Adventures. Selwyn (Geo.) and his Contemporaries. Sevigne (Mad.) and her Contemporaries. Shaftesbury (First Earl) Life. Shakespeare, Biography, by Knight. Life by Skottowe. Facts, &c. {Collier J. P.) and his Times. {Drake N.) Scott. {Parallel of.) Sharp (Abp. Jas.) Life and Times. — (Abp. John) Life. Sharpe (Gran.) Memoirs. Sherburne (Edw.) Life and Poems. Sheridan (Mrs. F.) Memoirs. (R. B.) Life. {Moore T.) Memoirs and Speeches. Sheriffs of Shropshire. {Blakeu-ay.) Shipp (John) Memoirs. Shrewsbury (Duke) Correspondence. Sibbes (R.) Life and Works. Siddons (Mrs.) Life. — — Memoirs. Sidney (Col. A.) Life. (Sir P.) Correspondence with Languet. Memoirs. Simon Episcopius, Memoirs. {Calder P.) (E. H.) Memoir. Simpson (Mrs.) Diary {E.rtracts.) (Thos.) Life and Travels. Simson (Robt.) Account. Sinclair (Sir J.) Memoirs. Skelton, Newton, Pocock, &c. {Lives.) Sketches of Real Characters. {East J.) Slingsby (Sir H.) Diary, &c. Smith (Jas.) Memoirs, Miscellanies, &c. Memoir. (John) Memoirs. (J. E.) Memoirs and Correspondence. • (Mrs., of Cape Town) Memoirs. (S. L.) Memoir. (Sir S.) Memoirs. (Sir T.) Life. (Wm.) Memoirs. Sobieski, King of Poland, Life. Socrates, Life. Solari (March.) Life and Letters. Somers (Chanc.) Account. Somervilles, Memorie of the. {Somerville TF.) South (S.) Letters to his Kinsfolk. {Simeon.) Spaniards, Celebrated Lives. {Qidntana^ Spence (Robert) Memoirs. Spencer (Thos.) Memoirs. (Hon. W.) Life and Poems. Spurzheim (J. G.) Life and Philosophy. Squire Marcos de Obregon. {Life.) Stael (Baroness de) Sketches. {Necher.) Stallybrass (Mrs.) Memoir. Stanhope (Lady H.) Memoirs. Statesmen, British, Lives. {Lardner's Cyclo.) {Mac Diarmid J.) - — — Conservative, Portraits. {Ryall.) Foreign, Lives. {Lardners Cy.) George III. {Brougham. Lord.) 10 CLASSIFIED INDEX. [LONDON BicxiRAi'iiY, &c., continued. Stathain (Mrs.) Momoira. Steadman (VV.) MiMiioirs. Steniiett (Sam.) Lite and Works. Stevens (Mrs.) Memoir. StillingHeet (Benj.) Memoirs. Stoncr (David) Memoirs. Stonliouse (.las.) Life. Story (Thos.) Life. Stotliard (C. A.) Memoirs. Stowell (.los.) Memoirs. (Mrs.) Memoirs. Stuart (Alex.) Memoirs. Suchet (Marshal) Memoirs. Suckling (Sir J.) Life and Works. Sully (Due de) Memoirs. Sumble (Mrs.) Memoirs. Swartz (C. F.) Life and Remains, by Pearson. Svk^edenborg. {Documents.) Character. {Clowes.) Sydenham (Lord) Life. Sydney Papers. (Algernon) Memoirs. Talleyrand (Prince) Life. Tanner (H.) Memoirs. Tasso, Life. Tassoni (Alex.) Memoirs. Tatham {Mary) Memoirs. Taylor (Arch.) Memoirs. (Dan.) Memoirs. (Jane) Memoirs, &c. (J. B.) Memoir. (Jer.) Life. (Sid.) Memoir and Writings. (Mrs.S.L.) Memoirs. {Sel. Christ. Aioth.) (T. R.) Memoir and Remains. (Wm.) Memoirs. Teignmouth (Lord) Life and Correspondence. Telford (Thos.) Life and Works. Temple (W.) Memoirs, &c. Ten Years' Exile, Memoirs. {Stael.) Imprisonment. {Pellico.) Teonge (H.) Diary of 1675-79. _ Tersteegen (Ger.) Life and Writings. Thelwall (John) Life. Thistlethwaite (W.) Memoirs. Thorn (Mrs.) Memoirs. Thomason (T. T.) Memoirs. Thompson (Rev. J.) Life. {Oliver N.) Thoresby (Ralph) Correspondence. — Diary. Thornton (John) Memoirs. Thrush (Tho.) Memoir. Thuanus (Pres.) Life. Tilke (S.) Autobiography, Memoir. Tillotson (Abp.) Life. Timur (Emp.) Memoirs. {Orient. Trs. Fd. Titian, Life. Tobin (John) Memoirs. Toller (T. N.) Memoir and Sermons. Tomes (Miss A.) Memoirs. Tone (T. W.) Life. Tonna (Mrs.) See Charlotte Elizabeth. Tooke (J. H.) Memoirs. Toplady (A. M.) Life. Topographers and Antiq. Lives. {Malcolm J. P.) Townsend (Jos.) Memoirs. BiooKAPiiy, &c., continued. Trcffry (Rd. Jr.) Memoirs. Trench (P. le P.) Memoirs. Trenck (Baron) Life. Trezise (J. E.) Memoirs. Trimmer (Mrs.) Life and Writings. Tristram (11. B.) Remembrances. {Hunter J.) Trumbull, Autobiography. Truslor (Dr.) Memoirs. Turner (Sir J.) Life and Times. (Joan) Memoirs. (Miss) Life and Diary. Tussaud (Mad.) Memoirs and Reminiscences. Tweddell (John) Memoir and Remains. Urquhart (John) Memoirs. Valerius and Atticua, Lives. {Berwick E.) Valton (Rev. J.) Life and Labours. Vandyck, Life and Catalogue of his Etchings. Van Halen (Juan) Memoirs. Van Mildert (Bp.) Memoir, Sermons, &c. Vason (Geo.) Narrative. Vaughan (Hen.) Memoir and Remains. (Thos.) Memoirs. Vaux (J. H.) Memoirs. Veitch and Brysson, Memoirs. {Mac Crie T.) Venn (Henry) Life and Correspondence. Venning (Walt.) Memoir. Vidocq, Autobiography. Vigilantius and his Times. Vilette (Gen.) Life. Vincent (Aug.) Life. (W.) Life and Sermons. Voltaire, Life. Wakefield (Gilbert) Memoirs. Walker (John) Life. (Mrs.) Holy Life. {Walker A.) (Robt.) Life and Sermons. (Sam.) Life and Ministry. Wallace (Sir W.) Life. ( Whittaher's Lih.) {Const. Misc.) {Memoirs.) Wallenstein (Duke of Friedland) Life. Walpole (Hor.) Letters. Memoirs and Correspondence. Reminiscences. (Rob.) Memoirs. Walsh (Thos.) Life. Walton (Bp.) Memoirs. (Isaac) Life. Ward (Rev. J.) Diary, 1648-1748. (Wm.) Memoirs. Washington, an Essay, by Guizot. Life and Diaries. Times. {Fam. Lih.) Waterland (D.) Life and Works. Watson (Bp.) Life. (John) Memoir. (Rich.) Life and Works. ■ — Memoirs. (Thos.) Memoir and Sermons. Watt (Jas.) Life. Watts (Isaac) Life and Times. Waugh (Dr.) Life. Wearg (Sir C.) Memoir. Welshmen, Eminent ( Williams R.) Wesley Family, History. {Dove J.) Fathers of. {Beal W.) CATALOGUE.] CLASSIFIED INDEX. 17 Biography, &c., conthmed. Wesley Family, Memoirs. {Clarke A.) (C.) Life, by Jackson. Whitehead. (J.) Life, by Moore. Southey. Observ. ( WaUon R.' and Sennons, by Beecham. Drew. (J. and C.) Lives, by Whitehead. Wesleyan Takings, Biographical Sketches. West (Benj.) Life and Studies. (Mrs.) Memoir. India Planter, Memoir. {Riland J.) Westminster Abbey, Biog. Illust. ( Whit. Lib.) {Monuments.) Wheeler (Dan.) Life. White (J. B.) Memoirs. Whitefield (Geo.) Memoirs. Life and Times. Whitehead (Geo.) Memoirs. Whitgift (Abp.) Life. Whittington (Dick) Life and Times. Whitty (P and T.) Account. {Bullar J.) Wigham (J.) Memoirs. Wilberforce (W.) Correspondence. Life. {Christ. Fam. Lib.) {C/arkson T.) Memoirs. Wilkie (Sir D.) Life. Wilkins (Peter) Life. {Smith's Lib.) Wilkinson (W.) Memoirs and Correspondence, Wilks (Mark) Memoirs. Williams (E.) Memoirs. (John) Memoirs. Willoughby (Lady) Diary, (Lord) Memoir. Wilmot (John) Memoirs. Wilson (Bp. T.) Life. and Works. (John) Memoirs. (Mrs. of Bombay) Memoir. (Rich.) Life. Biography, &c., continued. Winslow (B.) Life and Remains. (Mrs.) Memoir. Winter (Rev. G.) Memoirs. Wodrow (James) Life. Wogan (W.) Life and Essay on the Lessons. Wolfe (Rev. C.) Memoirs and Remains. Wolsey (Card.) Life. and Death. and his Times {Eovard G.) Wonderful Characters. {Wilson H.) Wood (Mar.) Extracts from Journal. Woodbury (Miss) Memoirs, &c. Woodd (Basil) Memoirs. {Family Record.) Worcester (Noah) Memoirs. Worge (Major-Gen.) Life. Worthies, England. {Fuller T.) • ( Vicars J. ) English Female. {Sandford Mrs.) Irish Biograph}'. {Ryan R.) • Naval, Elizabeth. {Barrow J.) Scots. {Mac Gavin W.) Scottish, by Tytler. {Fam. Lib.) Westminster Hall. {Portraits.) York and Lancaster. {Coleridge H.) Wraxall (N. W.) Memoirs. Posthumous Memoirs, Wren (Sir C.) Memoirs. Wright (Wm.) Memoir. Wycliffe (John) Life, by Lewis. and Opinions. Wykeham (Wm. de) Life, by Louth. {William.) Wyvill (Major) Military Life. Ximenes (Cardinal) Life. York (Duke of) Memoirs. Young (Edw.) Life and Works. Zinzendorf (N.) Life. Zoologists, Eminent. {Ed. Cab. Lib.) Zouch (Thos.) Life and Works. Zwingle (Ulrich) Life. See also Educational, Greek, Juvenile, Languages Various, Latin, &c. Aaron's Rod Blossoming. {Gillesjne G.) Abraham, Commendation. {Hoiiston T.) Accordance of Religion, &c. {Gabdl J.H.) Acta Concilii Tridentini, a Paleotto. Acts. See also Epistles and Gospels. Annotations. {Maskeio T.R.) Commentary. {Livermore A.) {Morison J.) Epistles, &c.. Paraphrase. {Pyle T.) {Explanation.) Exposition. {Sumner Bp.) Help. {Gall J.) Introduction. {Pemberton A.G.) Notes. {Barnes A.) ■ Questions. {Trollope W.) { Wilson R.) Active Christian. {Hinton J.IT.] Adam, Life of. Questions. {Tho Sin of. {Treatise.) D.) Adamite Race, Nature, &c. {Inrpnry.) Address on Education. {Conybeare W.D.) to Children of Israel. {Kent A.) ■ Methodists' Society. ( Walker J.J.) the Young. {Irons J.) Addresses, Pastoral. {Oliver G.) {Otter Bp.) {Ward E.) • {Wilkins Archd.) Prayers, &c. {Martineau H.) Sacramental. {Baker D.B.) to Communicants. {Thomson II.) Sund. Sc. Children. {Macrae D.) D 18 CLASSIFIED INDEX. LONDON Divinity, &c., coniinued. Addresses to Sunday Schools. ( Wood S.) — — ^ Young Men. {Furdi/ce O.) the Deity. {Fordi/ce G.) Young. {Mai All.) Adjumentura, Sunday Prayers, {liarlee C.) Admonitions, 1588. (Allen Card.) Adultery and Divorce, Doctr. {Monjan II.D.) '. Essay. {Tebbs Jl.V.) Advent. See also Coming of Christ. Messiah and Millennium. Considered. {Madden S.) Defence. {Hamilton W.) Doctrine. {Bortkirirk P.) {Maucheaier Ihihe of.) Elucidation. {Fry J.) Essays. {Ahdiel.) Guide to Passing. {Avrillon.) Kingdom and Divinity. {VaalfieldE.T.) {Meditations.) Pre-Millennial. {Burgh W.) Reflections. ( White II.) Remarks. {Chase S.) . {Townley M.) { Urwick.) Scripture. {Review.) Afflicted, Comfort of. {Dodd W.) Comfort for. {Kennaivay C.E.) Companion for. ( Walker T.H.) Consciences. {Bolton R.) Manual for. {Home T.H.) Man's Companion. {Willison J.) Memento for. {Quaife.) Afflicted's Refuge ; Prayers. Affliction, Chamber of. {Smith D.) Comfort in. {Buchanan J.) {Consolation in.) Improvement of. {Buchanan J.) . Thoughts in. {Thelwall A.S.) and Desertion {East J.) ^ Distress. {Charlesworth.) Afflictions of Life, &c. {Cruso Mrs.) African Light on Scripture. {Campbell J.) Agathos, &c. ; Stories. ( Wilberforce Bp.) Aged Pilgrim's Triumph. {Newton J.) Alarm to the Unconverted. {Alleine.) Albigenses, History of Churches. {Allix.) and Waldenses. {Maitland S.R.) See also Vallenses and Waldenses. Almond for a Parrot. {Martin Mar-Prelate.) Almost Christian Discovered. {Mead M.) Alpha and Omega. Altar {Companion to.) Companion. {Marsh G.A.) of Incense, or every Day Sanctified. Ambrose Ward, or Dissenter Reclaimed. America, Church of ; Wilberforce. {Eng. Lib.) Churches of. Visits to. {Reed M.) Religion, &c. {Lang J.D.) Religious States of. {Colton C.) and her Church. {Casivall H.) Analecta Theologica. {Trollojie W.) Analogy of Religion. {Butler Bp.) Analysis of. {Butler Bp.) Index to. {Butler Bp.) Questions on. {Examination.) Universal. {Essays.) Divinity, &c., continued. Anastasis. {Bush O.) Anatomical Theology. {Baker T.) Anatomic of Abuses. {Stidibe P.) Anecdotes, Religious. {Back C.) {Thornton J.) Angels Lodged with Abraham. Ministry of {Mostyn G.T.) Nature, &c. {Simpson T.) Anglican Church, Discipline. {Christmas H.) Doctrine. {Christmas II.) Judgment. {Russell J.F.) Nineteenth Cent. {Uhden.) Practice. {Christmas II.) Slave of the State. {Coopier P.) {Tracts.) Vindicated. {Taylor J.) {Voice of.) and Anglo-American Ch. {Bristed J.) Romish Churches. {Comparative.) Anglo-Catholicism. {Alexander W.L.) ■ {Oresley W.) Anglo-Saxon Church, Antiquities. {LingardJ.) ' History. {Soames H.) Animal Restoration, Essays. {Thompson S.) Annals of the Poor. {Richmond L.) Anointed Saviour. {Pitcairn D.) Antediluvian Age, Essays. {Winning W.B.) Researches. (Clarkson T.) Anthologia Sacra, Aphorisms. Extracts, Antichrist. {Browne J.H.) {Gregory W.) {Riland J.) {Todd J.H.) Unmasked. {Pike J.) Antidote, Memoirs of a Free-Thinker. Anti-Mammon ; Exposure of " Mammon." Materialism. {TripHcity.) Materialist, a Manual. {Warner R.) Antinomianism, Checks. {Fletcher J.) Strictures. {Cottle J.) {Thoughts.) Unmasked. {Chase S.) Anti-Papal Spirit. {Rosseiti.) Pcedobaptism Examined. ( Williams E.) Popery. {Rogers J.) Satisfactionist. {Wright R.D.) Sceptic, or Truth of Christianity. Sectarian, by a Layman. Supernaturalism, German. {Harivood P.) Anxious Inquirer. {James J.A.) Aphorisms and Letters. {Calvin.) Aphoristical Instruction. {Jones J.) Apocalypse. See also Revelation. Analytical Arrangement. {Roe R.) Annotations. {Woodhouse J.C.) Comment. {Elliott E.B.) Remarks on. {Arnold T.K.) Dialogues. {Head H.E.) Dissertation. {Cuninghame W.) {Tilloch A.) Dragon of. {Clarke J.E.) Essays. {Sanderson R.B.) Explained. {Swedenborg.) Exposition. {Park J.R.) Key to. {Mede J.) CATALOGUE.] CLASSIFIED INDEX. 19 Divinity, &c., continued. Apocalypse, Letters. (Stuart M.) Prophecy, ((.'rah/ (J.) Prophetical Character. (Pearson G.) Revealed. (Swedenborg.) Sealed Book Opened. (Adams R.N.) (Studies.) Thoughts. (XciHon B. W.) Translations. {Woodhouse J.C.) Unfulfilled. (Baryh W.) Apocalyptical Interpretation. \Clissold A.) Apologia, Four Letters. (Neicton J.) Apologies. ( Watson Bj).) with Sermons, &c. (Watson Bp.) Apology, Enirlish Church. (Jewel Bp.) ^^^ (Mills J.B.) Greek Church. (Masson E.) Irish Church. (JSfewlaiid H.) Apostasy, Church of Rome. (Cwidnrjhame W.) (Great) Essay. (Pike J.) Predicted by St. Paul. (O'SuUivan M.) Recapitulated. (Faher G.S.) from Christ, Danger of. (Kidd G .B.) of Latter Times. (Mede J.) Apostles, Biog. Notices. (Mant Bp.) Creed Considered. (Griffith T.) Exposition. (Lato J.T.) Lives. (Cave W.) — (Greenwood F. W.) and Christ, Lives. (Fleetwood J.) Evangelists, Character. (Graves R.) Apostolic Age in Britain. (Incidents.) Church, Dialogues (Falloon D.) Independency. (Bright J.) Ministry, &c. (Ethcridge J. W.) (^'-y H-) Writings, Key. (Mendham J.) Apostolical Christians, &c. Preaching Considered. (Sumner Bp.) Succession, Apology. (Perceval A. P.) Argument. (Stratten T.) Essay. (Powell T.) Appeal to Men of Reason, &c. (Wesley J.) Arcana Cffilestia. (Swedenborg.) Arians of Fomth Century. (Newman J. II.) Arminianism, Display. (Owen Dr. J.) and Calvinism. (Moorhoiise W.) Articles Thirty-Nine. Canons, &c. (Cardwell E.) Compendium. (Claughton P.) Conversations. (Trimmer K.) Explained, &c. (Dimoch J.) Exposition. (Burnet Bp.) (ffDonoghue H.C.) Historical Account. (Lamb J.) Illustration. (Welchman Archd.) (Wilson W.) (WixS.) DiviNiTT, &c., continued. Assurance and Pardon, Essay. (Wardlaw R.) Athanfisian Creed, Disuse. (Hidl W.) Notes. (Prattent.) Vindication. (Myers W. T.) Athanasius (St.) Creed, by Radcliffe. Tracts. (Lib. Fathers.) ; ; Treatises. (Lib. Fathers.) Atheism, View. (Davies J.) Atonement, Divine Purpose.* (i/or.s/t«;i ^1.) Essay. (Luiuley J.) (Mann Bp.) (Stevenson G.) (Symington W.) Extent. (Jenlyn T. IF.) Inquiry. (Candlish li.) Letters. (Treffry R.) ( Walker G.) Moral Principle. (Penrose J.) Nature, &c. (Dewar D.) (Haldane J. A.) (Urwick.) (Wardlaro R.) Letters. (Si7nmo7ids Mrs.) Notes. (Tom/ine Bp.) Questions. (Bickersteth E.) (E.vamination.) Articles of Inquiry. (Montague Bp.) Asaph, or the Hern-Hutters. Asiel, or Young Convert. (Young T.) Assurance, Essay. (Hamilton W.) Necessity, &c. (Quaife.) Treatise. (Jerram C.) View. (Winslow 0.) and Sacrifice. (Whitley J.) Atoning Sacrifice. ( Worcester N.) Attributes. See also Being. (Bates W.) (Duncan J.S.) (Grinfield T.) (MacCuUoch J.) (Pldli'p R.) Wilson on. (Christ. Fam. Lib.) Augustine (St.) Manual. Augustinism and Pelagianism. ( Wiggers.) Aurse Sententias. Babylon, Fall. (Caulfield C.) Mystery. (Sergrove.) Balaam. (Henderson Mrs.) Baptism Considered. (Kingdon T.II.) Defence (Kinghorn J.) (Scott J.) Discussed. (Isaac D.) Doctrine. (Laurence Abp.) (Schomberg J.D.) Effect. (Scott J.) Essay. (Stock J.) (Tyerman.) Essays. (Ewing G.) History. (Hinton J.T.) — (Robinson R.) Infant. (Budd H.) Conversations. (Jerram C.) Dissertation. ( Wardlaw R.) Essay. (Edwards P.) History. (WallW.) Scriptural. (Shrewsbury W.) Introduction by Manning. (Holy.) Macella and Campbell. (Debate.) Manual. (Kennaway C.E.) Mode and Objects. (Carson A.) (Ordinance.) Order. (Fallow T.M.) Parent's Guide. (Robertson D.) Regeneration. (Bethel I Bp.) D 2 20 CLASSIFIED INDEX. [LONDON Divinity, &c., conthivcd. Baptism, Rights of Infants. {Davis W.) {TkouyhU.) Treatise, Bickersteth. {Christ. Fam. Lib.) {Ellison S.) {Godwin J. II.) {IIalle>i n.) {IrciujK.) _ and Confirmation. {Trntnner Airs.) Lord's Supper. {Vaiviii.) in Water. {Confessions.) of the Spirit. {Wade J.) Baptismal Font. {liichrstelh E.) {Cuiniuinfj J.) Regeneration. {Annilai/e J.) {liiddul'ph.) Divinity, &c., continued. Bible, Arguments. {Ostervahl.) Arranged in Paragraphs, &c. Sections. {Townsend G.) Atlas. See Geogkaphy, &c. Chron. and Analytical View. {.Tones J.) Numbers. {MacUout/al JJ.) {Dakei/ne.) {Hughes II.) {Hull W.) {Stovell C.) Services. {Defence.) Baptisms of Scripture Unfolded. {Bidl S.) Baptist Missionary Society. (C'o.r F.A.) Baptists, Defence. {Gihh.) English, History. {Ivimey J) {Taylor A.) Foreign, History. {Orchard G.H.) Justified. {Taylor Jer.) in America. {Cox F.A.) Baptized Children, Gift to. {Deiohurst C.) Barn and the Steeple. Barzillai, the Gileadite. {Cormack J.) Basket of Fragments. {Jones T.) Beast, Name and Number. {Rabett R.) {Wealth.) Beatitudes. {Anderson R.) Beauties of {Barroio I.) {Blair H.) {De Sales St. F.) — {ErsJcine R.) ■ {Fenelon Ahj:).) {Hall Bj}.) {Home Bp.) {Sturm C.C.) {Taylor Jer.) — Sincerity ; Sermons. Comment. {Cohhin I.) {Davidson D.) {Haw/ccr I).) Henry & Scott. {Commentary.] {Ili'wlettJ.) (Alaut and D'Oyly.) Miniature. {Commentary.) {Patrick, &c.) {Scott T.) {Satcliffe J.) Commentaries. {Hewlett J.) Comments. {Short.) Common- Place Book. {Locke.) {Strutt J.) Concordance. See Concordance. Contemplations. {Hatl Bp.) {Conversations.) Cottage. {Williams T.) Cyclopaedia. Dictionary. {Brown J.) ■ — — {Calnet.) {Game'/ J.J.) {Malcom H.) {Martindale M.) {Wood J.) See also Biblical and Theological. Douay, Notes to. {Mac Ghee R.) English, Annals of. {Anderson C.) Editions of. {Cotton H.) Beauty of Holiness. {Risse T.) Being. See also Attributes. and Attributes. {Bruce W.) {Drew S.) Belief and Practice. {Protvett J.) Unbelief. {Fearn J.) Believer's Golden Chain. {Dyer W.) Manual. {Marryat J.) Bellingham. {Palin W.) Beneficence, Essay. {Simpson D.) and Covetousness. {Dick T.) Benevolence in Punishment. Best Match, by Pearse. ( Ward's Lib.) Better Covenant Considered. {Goode F.) Beware ; Sacred History Illustrated. Bible. See also Juvknile. Acrostics. {Wilki7is S.J.) Advocate and Expositor. {Seaman M.) Analysis. {Martin R.M.) Annotations. {Poole M.) Exposition. {Allen J.) {Henry M.) Family. {Bloomfield S.T.) {Boothroyd D.) {Broion J.) {Clarke A.) by a Layman. {Family.) Gems. {Stewart J.) Geography. ( Wells E.) Guide to Reading. {Carpenter W.) Help to Reading. {Nicholls B.E.) Histories. History, Poetical lUust. {Simpson J.H.) {Gleig G.R.) {Stackhouse.) in Verse. ( Wesley S.) Holy Catholic {Challoner Bp.) Illustrated. {Macklin.) Key to Words. {Tiinpson T.) Literary History. {Townley J.) Mineralogy and Botany of. {Bib. Cab.) Natural History. {Harris T.M.) Notes by Gaunter. {Stebbing H.) Numbers, Weights,&c., in. {Hindmarsh.) Obligations, by Spring. {Tegg's Lib.) {Oprinions.) Passages. {Elucidation) {Pictorial.) Preacher. {Foster H.) Proper Names. {Farrar J.) CATALOGUE.] CLASSIFIED INDEX. 21 Divinity, &c., co7itinued. Bible Reader's Hand-Rook {Cohhin I.) Reasons for a New Translat. {Barges.) Religion of the. {Skinner T.II.) Reprint of Version 1611. • Scholar's Companion. {Burrow E.J.) Selections from. (Progressive) Self-Interpreting. (Brown, J.) Society, Exposition. {Norris H.II.) British and Foreign. {Oivcn J.) Study. (Home T. H.) {Tomline Bp.) Thoughts. {Caryl J.) ■ Translation of the. ( Wellheloved C.) Translations, History. (Lewis John.) Truth and Inspiration. {Bingham W.A.) Vindication. (Todd J.H.) in Spain. {Borroro G.) the Word of God. (Bateman J.) with 20,000 Emendations. Biblical Anecdotes. {Tomiley J.) Annual. Antiquities. (Jahi.) Biography. {Home T.H) Cabinet. Companion. {Carpenter IF.) Criticism. (Gerard G.) {Henderson E.) {Horsley Bp.) Cj'clopEedia. (Jones W.) Dictionary. {Davidson D.) Extracts. Fragments. (Schimmelpennincl-.) Geography, Rosenmiiller. (Bib. Cab.) Henneneutics. (Seiler Dr.) Interpretation. {Carso7i A.) Keepsake. Literature, Cyclopaedia. {Kitto J.) Illustrations. {Townley J.) Study. {Goodhngh W.) Notes and Dissertations. {Gurney J.J.) Offering. Researches. (Henderson E.) Student's Assistant. Guide. (Green J.) Theology. (Morren N.) (Storr and Flatt.) and Theological Dictionary. (Green S.) {Watson B.) Knowledge. (Wilson J.) Topography. (Ransoni S.) Bidding Prayer. (Forms.) Biographia Evangelica. (Middleton E.) Bioscope, or Dial of Life. (Penn G.) Bishop, Letters to a. (Taylor W.C.) Bishoprick of Calcutta. (Abbot.) Jerusalem, Essay on. Souls. (Eva7is R. W.) Bishopricks, East Indies. (Ahhot W.H.) Scheme of. (Henry VIII.) Bishops, Scottish. (Keith R.) of Leinster, Statutes. (Mac Ghee.) Body and Soul. Bohemian Moravians, History. (Bost A.) Book of the Church. (Field.) (Southey R.) Heart, Meditations. (Jones J.) Divinity, &c., continned. Book of the Kirke, Scotland. (Peterkin.) Rom. Cath. Church. (Butler C.) Young ; Early Piety. (Jones J.) that will Suit You. (Smith J.) Both One in Christ. (Myers A.M.)^ Brazen Serpent. (Erskine T.) Bread Cast on the Waters. of the First Fruits. Bridge (Dr. J.) Defence. (MartinMar-rrelale.) Brief Record of Meditative Hours. Britain, Anc, Eccl. & Polit. State. (Thackeray.) with Reference to God. (Maxwell S.R.) Britain's Plea for Sailors. Britannia, Claims of Seamen. (Harris J.) Broadstone of Honqj^. (Digby K.) Brotherly Inquiry for the Holy One; of Israel. Bruised Reed, &c. (Sibbes.) Budhism, History and Doctrine. (Upham.) Bull (Bp.^ Vindication of. (Daubeny Arvhd.) Burial of the Dead, Order for. (Greszcell W.) Exposition. (Sliort.) Burning Bush. Cabiri, Mysteries of. (Faber G.S.) Calcutta, Episcopal Church. (Abbot.) Religious Institutions. (Lushington.) Call on the Church. (Roberts d- N.) to Repent, in Letters. the Unconverted, Baxter. (Sel.Ch.Au.) Calvary, or Cross of Christ. (Daniell M.) Calvin, Merits of. Tribute to Memory. (Billet J.) and Swiss Reformation. (Chr. F. Lib.) Calvinism, by Calvin and others. Considerations. (Knight W.) Examined. (Houghton W.) Essay. (Hull W.) History. (Toplady A.M) Refutation. (Tomline Bp.) Remarks, by Scott. (Tomline.) and Arminianism. (Nichols J.) Scripture. (Kemp E.C.) Socinianism. (Fuller A.) Calvinistic Clergy Defended. ( Vaughan E.T.) Preaching. (Graves R.) Canaan, Pilgrimage to. (Comptanion.) Canon of Scripture. (Plea for.) Ascertained. (Alexander A.) Canons ofthe Early Church. (Hammond W.A.) Articles, &c., Inquiry. (Hull W.W.) Canticles, Exposition. (Fnj J.) (Gill J.) Cardiphonia. (Ne^vton J.) Careless Christian Reminded. (Woodhouse G.) Case of the Regale, &c., stated. (Leslie C.) Answerto. (ManjiingR.) Catechetical Instnictions. (Lingard J.) Catechising, Example. ( Willison.) Help. (Beareii J.) Way of. (Atthill IF.) Catechism. (Cranmer Abj).) Assembly's. (Belfrage H.) '- — (Fisher E.) ( Whitecross J.) Commentary. (Wake Ahp.) ( Wesley C.) (Conversations.) CLASSIFIED INDEX. [LONDON Divinity, &c., continued. Catechism, Conversations. {Bourne Mrs.) Council of Trent. Explained. (Bevtridr/e Bp.) E.\position. (L'ldkhert Mrs.) {llalton T.) {Xkkohon W.) Nicholson. {Lib.A.C.ThcoL] (Stonard J.) (Stone IF.) {Viviaii T.) {Westm. School.) ( Williayns Bp.) Familiarised. (Trimmer Mrs.) (Geneva.) Heidelberg, Christian Keligion. Illustrated. (Dixon J.) (Recovian.) Roman Catholic. (Bellarmine.) (Mac Ghee R.) Scri2>turc.) Scripture. (Trimmer.) Shorter. (Paterson A.S.) Stories, Explanatory. (Sherwood Mrs.) for Children. (HiU R.) Diocesan Schools. (Expodtion.) Sunday Schools. (Orford.) Youth. (Ramsay E.) Catechisms, Three. (Burgess Bp.) Catechist's Manual. (Hinds S.) Cathedral Institutions. (Piisey Bri) (Selwyn Bp.) Reform. (Selwyn Bp.) Service. (Apology for.) its Glory, &c. (English^ Catholic Church, England Amer. (O^i^&^/.Z).) Essays. (Jackson J.L.) Evidences. (Mac Hale Ahp.) Germany. (Apostolical.) Notes. (Laing S.) Invulnerable. Opinion of. (Bull BiJ.) Polity. (Marshall T.) Communion, Plea. (Mason J.M.) Morality, Vindication. (Manzoni.) Question, View. (Scriptural.) Tracts. (Le Mesurier T.) Religion, View. (Anichini.) Truths. (Butler T.) Spirit of True Religion. Truths Hidden. (Smith C.) and Evang. Principles. (Barrett A.) Catholicism, Discussion. (Lowther.) Evidences. (White J.B.) of Austria. (Pozzi.) Catholicity, Natural. (Gourrier.) Standard. (Biber G.E.) Catholics, British, History. (Butler C.) Faith of. (Berington.) Key for. (Baxter R.) Laws against. (Brown J.B.) Cause of God and Truth. (Gill J.) Celibacy, Religious. (Beaven J.) of Romish Clergy. (Letters.) Centurion, Roman Officers in New Testament. Ceremonies, Religious. (Nightingale J.) (Picart.) Divinity, ^:c., continued. Ceremonies, Religious, and Customs. (Burder.) Ceylon, Sacred Books, &c. (Upham.) Chaff and Wheat. Chapters on Flowers. (Charlotte Elizabeth.) Charge, Unity of the Church. (Hare J.C.) Ciiarges. (Coleridge Bp.) (Horsley Bjt.) Magee, Reply to by. (Carpienter L.) (Pott J.H.) (Seeker Ab2>.) (Sumner Bp.) and Sermons. (Goddard C.) Tracts. (Whately Abp.) on the Rubric, &c. (Sharp T.) Charis; Reflections on the Spirit. (Serle A.) Charity, (Jharacters, &c. (Fenelon.) Explained. (.James J. A.) Charles Ehvood. (Bron-uson O.A.) Cheap Riches ; Pious Selections. Chenaniah, Instructions. (Latrobe J. A.) Child of Light in Darkness. (Goodwin T.) Child's Christian Year. (Keble J.) Children's Friend Society. (Brenton E.P.) Chillon; Protestants,! 6th Cent. ( WillyamJ.L.) China and her Spiritual Claims. (Davies E.) Choir and the Oratory. (Conder J.) Christ. See also Jesus, Messiah, and Saviour. Burial and ResuiTection. (Michaelis.) Contemplations. (Toplady.) Crucified. (TJe Courcy.) Death, Exaltation, &c. (Cliarnock S.) Divinity of. (Brief.) (Burgess Bp.) (Burgh TF.) (Burton E.) (Hindmarsh R.) (Holden G.) (Quaife.) {Stuart M.) (Wynpersse.) Glories. (Goodwin T.) Glory. (Hussey J.) ■(Owen Dr. J.) (Headship.) Headship. (Jefferson J.) History, {Lloyd E.M.) (Russom J.) (Sadler J.) Kingdom. (Maurice F.) (Whately Abp.) Kingship. (Sab in J.E.) Knowledge. (Zimmerman J.L.) by Hale. (Sel. Chr. Atitk.) Last Sayings. (Hare T.) Law. (Turnbull.) Life. (Bonaventure.) (Cappie C.) (Fleetwood J.) (MantBp.) (March H.) (Taylor Jer.) (Wesley S.) { Williams T.) Made Sin. (Crisp S.) Mediator between God and Man. (Jesus.) Ministry. (Cap^K C.) CATALOGUE.] CLASSIFIED INDEX. 23 Divinity, &c., continued. Christ, Ministry. (Simmer Bp. IF.) Miracles. (Predictions.) Offices. (Stevenson G.) Ordinances. (Yorke C.J.) Person. (Belsham T.) (Elton C.A.) Mystery. (Owen Dr. J.) Treatise. (Owen Dr. J.) (Wilson J.) and Atonement. ( Urwick.) Personal Reign. (Tyso J.) Priesthood. ( Wilson J.) Religion. (Jorgenson.) Resurrection. (Cook E.) (Hindmarsh R.) ( Williams J.) Sacrifice. (Smith J.P.) Scripture Views. (Fitzgerald J.) Sonship. (Kidd J.) Sufferings. (Clunie J.) (Gethsemane.) (Ramhach.) (St2irm.) Temptation. (Bagot.) (Barrett J.T.) (Krummacher F. W.) Titles. (Goode W.) and Names. (Serle A.) (Spear C.) Offices. (Mylne J.G.) Union with. (Thoughts.) Visible Church of. (Beverley R.M.) What it is to Preach ^ (Lloyd R.) a Christian's Life. (Gammon J.) and Believers. (Polhill E.) on the Cross. (Stevenson J.) our Example. (Fry C.) Law. (Fry C.) Rest. (Piicairn D.) the Christian's God. (S2')ence J.) Missionary's Theme. (Winslow 0.) Sin Offering, &c. (Shittler R.) True God. (Churchill T.F.) — Way, Truth, and Life. (Brown J.) Christ's Church, Government. (Bilson B2}.) Commission to Apostles. (Maclean A.) Discourse, Temple. (Stonard.) Discourses, Questions. (Scripture.) • Last Discourse. (Brewster J.) Prayer. (Jefferson J.) Christian Affection. (Memorial.) Antiquities. (Riddle J.E.) Aphorisms. (Anthologia.) Beacon, by C. B. Tayler. Character. ( Ware H.) Citizen. (Harris J.) Class Book. Communicant. (Mason W.) Companion. Conqueror. (Fletcher A.) Consistency. (Mannering E.) Consolation. (Hacket Bp.) (Mannering E.) (Taylor Jer.) Divinity, &c., continued. Christian; Course of Sermons. (Walker G.) Directory. (Baxter R.) (Parsons R.) (Timpson T.) Dispensation. (Grinjield E. W.) Doctrine, &c. (Ash E.) (Macdonald J.) (Milton J.) (Neicman J. 11.) (Sand ford D.) (Small Books, dx.) (Tracts.) Duties. (Lewis T.) Essays. (Wilks S.C.) Ethics. ( Wardlavj R.) ( Watts I.) (Wintle T.) Selected from Bp. Sanderson. Evidence. (Mearn D.) Evidences. Exodus. (Buddicom R.P.) Experience. (Philip R.) (Reade T.S.) (Thornton J.) Correspondent. (Montgomery J.) Father's Present. (James J. A.) Fellowship. (James J. A.) Fragments. (Burns J.) Freedom, from " Bolton's Bonds." Friend. (Hitchin.) Friendship. (Mann Bp.) Garland. (Buddicom R.P.) Gems. (Jones J.) Gentleman's Walk. (Edmonstone.) Gleaner. Guide, Sermons. (Miller J.) Hearer. (Bickersteth E.) Hero. (Steele R.) Householder. (Rickard S.) Humility. (Edicards H.) Husbandry. (Serle A.) Imperfection. (Fletcher J.) Instnicted in the Gospel. (Spencer J. A.) Instruction. (Summary.) Interest, by Guthrie. (Sel. Chr. Auth.) Keepsake. (Pi-otestant.) Knowledge. (Boys R.) (Burgess Bp.) Society Report. (ClarkeG.R.) Legacy. (Hotigh J.) Liberality. (Pike J.) Life. (Bingley W.) (Martineau. ./.) (Premord C.) (Scott J.) (Willmott R.A.) Manual. (Crotvther P. IF.) (Law IF.) Mariner's Journal. Memoirs. (Uulbert C.) Memorials. (Bishop) A.) Ministry. (Bailey B.) (Bridges C.) (Curate.) (Edmondson J.) (Innes W.) (Ward's Lib.) 24 CLASSIFIED INDEX. [LONDON Divinity, I'^c, continued. Christian Moderation, by Hall. {Ward's Lib.) Morals. {Browne T.) Naturalist. {BmUje E.) Obedience. {Kemp K.C.) Ofticer's Armour. {Burn A.) Oratory. {Bennet B.) - Parent. {Serle A.) - — — Perfection. {Law W.) {Rodigiiez.) {Treffry R.) Philanthropy. ( Wliytehead R.) Philosopher. {Dick T.) {Martin W.) Philosophy, {linrns Jahez.) {Burns John.) {Fellowes R.) {Knox V.) Poet, by Montgomery. {Sel. Chr. Politics. {Bates E.) (Seicll W.) Portrait in Memoir of Eliza. Preacher. {Williams E.) Principles. {Bird O.) {Finch T.) Auth.) Professor Addressed. {James J. A.) Psalmist, by Montgomery. {Sel.Chr.Au.) Recreations. Religion, Character. {Simplicity.) Compendium. {Hindmarsh R.) Description. {Limming W.) Divine Origin. {Introduction.) Elements. {Drummond II.) Epitome. {Allen W.) — ■ Evidences. {Addison J.) {Beattie J.) {Gregory 0.) {Marsh E.G.) {Poynter Bji.) {Stonard J.) Introduction. {Familiar.) Principles. {Hutchinson L.) Proof. {Baher D.B.) Siu-vey. {Gishorne T.) Truth. {Grotius.) View. {Pennington M.) Remembrancer. {Serle A.) Researches. {Buchanan C.) {Jon-ett W.) Retirement. {Reade T.S.) Revelation, Duties. {Reflections.) Evidences. {Chalmers Dr.) Necessity. {Leland J.) Review. {Belsham T.) Truth. {Dodd P.S.) {Rosse Earl.) {Youngman W.) Sabbatb, Inquiry. {Holden G.) Treatise. {3Iac Farlan D.) {Treffry R.) Sacrifice, Frequenting of. {Nelson R.) Self-Examiner. {Crucible.) Sincerity. {Penrose J.) Sketch Book. {Burns Jahez.) Society {Shadow.) Soldier's Manual. ( Waddy.) Souvenir. Divinity, &c., continved. Christian Spectator. ( Wilton.) Student. {Bickersteth E.) Survey. (Penn G.) Sympathy ; Letters to Mourners. System {Campbell A.) {Robinson T.) Temper {Lei/child J.) Effects of. {King Mrs.) Theism. Theology {Calvin.) {Clarke A.) {Dunn S.) {Esdaile J.) {Goiidiritt J.) {Ilou-eJ.) Knapp. ( Ward's Lib.) {Lloyd R.) Pictet. {Christ. Fam. Lib.) {Tomline Bp.) and Ethics. ( Watts I.) Treasury. Trials, a Narrative. Truth, Bickersteth. {Christ. Fam. Lib.) {Poirlett C.) (WareH.) Union. {Bowes J.) {Essays on.) {Howe J.) Villager's Guide Book. {Crowd y A.) Vine. Visitor. {Jowett W.) Warfare. {Vaughan R.) Warrior. {Ambrose I.) Year. {Keble J.) in Complete Armour. {Gurnal W.) Search of the Church. {Palin.) Christian's Appeal, Faith and Practice. Amioury, Devotions. Book, Prayers. {Hulbert.) Cabinet Library. Companion. ■_ {Young.) Daily Companion. Monitor. — Portion. {Burns Jahez.) — Treasury, by a Lady. {Temple E.) Walk. {Scudder H.) Day. {Paget F.E.) ■ Book. {Krunimacher G.D.) Diary for Every Day. Duty, from Scripture. Exemplar. {Young.) Family Library. Freedom. {Doimeham. Bp.) Gift to a Christian Friend. Golden Harp. Golden Treasure. {Dohell J.) Guide. {Buck C.) Intercourse. {Sprag2ie W.B.) Journal. {Brown J.) Manual. {Maide J.) Mirror of Duty. Morning Companion. Obedience. {Practical.) CATALOGUE.] CLASSIFIED INDEX. S5 Divinity, &c., continued. Christian's Peace Offering. (Percival.) Pocket Companion. Prayer. Privilege. (Robmson D.) Remembrancer. {Leach W.B.) Sunday Companion. {Sargant J. A.) ■ • Evenings. {Parry Mrs.) {Yoiing.) Lessons. {Hastings Miss.) Mornings. {Young.) Wanderings. {Vivian W.) Christianity, Ancient. {Taylor I.) Apostolic. {Oodkin J.) Catholic character. {Nolan F.) Considered. {Kerruish Mrs.) Consolations. {HvU W.) Controversial Tracts. {Martyn H.) Defence. {Frayssinotis.) Divine Origin. {Sheppard J.) Doctrine. {Pure.) Doctrines. {Miller G.) P]pitomized. {Bourne R.) Essays. {Gurney J.J.) Evangelical Character. {Nolan F.) Evidences. {Burgess Bp.) {Bushe O.K.) {Carey P.M.) {Conversatio7is.) {Doddridge P.) {Essay,) {Hampden R.D.) {Langford Mrs.) {Lindsay Lord.) • {Macardy J.) {Mac Ilvaine C.P.) Owen & Campbell. {Debate.) {Paley W.) {Pine T.) {Porteus Bp.) {Scott J.) {Seu-ell W.) {Smyth W.) {Steele J.) {Sicmner Bp).) {Tim2)Son T.) "Wrangham {Const. Misc.) History. {Milman H.H.) {Taylor W.C.) Illustrations. {Ticigger J.) Leading Idea. {Griffith T.) Observations. {Mitford W.) Origin. {Hennell C.C.) {Human.) Peculiarities. {Whately Ahp.) Philosophy. {Hardy P. D.) {RenoK S.) Practical ( Walker S.) Principles and Duties. {Wilson Bp).) Progressive. {Rose H.J.) Protestantism and Popery compared. Reasonableness. {Locke J.) ( Wilson J.) Remarks. {Rose H.J.) Rise and Progress. {Hinds S.) Spirit. {Chateaubriand.) State. {Shoberl F.) Divinity, &c., continued. Christianity, Testim. of Nat. Theol. {Gishorne.) Triumphs. {Chateaubriand.) Truth. {Anti-Sreptic.) • {Caterhisni.) (Gyles J.F.) {Jones John.) {Walker R.) View. {Analytical.) {Brown W.L.) {Cook G.) {3Iorus.) {Wilbe) force W.) Remarks. {Belsham T.) Views. {Falconer T.) a Divine Revelation. {Broadley R.) and Deism. {Chichester E.) Happiness. {Harness W.) Idolatry. {Hawley R.M.) Paganism. {Ireland J.) Unitarianism. {Noel B.H.) for the Camp. {Religio.) in India. {Buchanan C.) {Cunningham J. W.) • {Dubois.) Answer. {Tou-nley J.) Reply, {Hough J.) {Hough J.) {Wilkinson M.) the Friend of Man. {Durham J.G.) Christians, Ancient, Comment. {Mosheim.) Directions for Weak. {Baxter R.) Chronologies, Hebrew. {Cuninghame W.) Chronology, Ecclesiastical. {Riddle J.E.) - Prophetical. {Holmes W.A.) Scripture. {Browne H.) {Green.) {Hale W.H.) Synopsis. {Cuninghame W.) and Numbers. {Mac Dougal D.) of Israel. {Cuninghame W.) — our Saviour. {Benson C.) Church, Abyssinian. {Orient. T. Fitnd.) Ancient Britain, Tracts. {Burgess Bp.) Annals. {Riddle J.E.) Antiquities. {Coleman L.) '- Authorit}', Inquiry. {Cape J.M.) Calendar, Analysis. {Martyndale.) Champion. {Bailey W.) Character. {Ingrani C.) Committee. Communion, Thoughts. {Moorhovse W.) Conformity. {Meek R.) Considered. {Payne G.) Councils. {Grier R.) Courts and Discipline. {Wilbeiforce R.) Defence. {Allen S.J.) {Holling.nrorth J.N.) {Hubert H.S.) ■ {Tattani H.) Dictionary. {Hook W.F.) Dignities. {Pat>-oni.) Discussion. {Treverne Bp.) Divine Economy. {Jebb J.) Doctrine, &c. {Illustrations.) {Wilson C.T.) End of. {Cli.p.) (Thorndike.) Guide. (Danbenij A.) History. See also Ecclesiastical. . (History.) History, Bede. (Monkish Historians.) (Bennett J.) (Bonar A.R.) (Buchan C.) (Burton E.) (Carwitlien J.B.) (Christ. Fam. Lib.) (Dodd C.) . (DoUinger.) (Erskine J.) . (Fr^j J.) (Fuller T.) (Fysh F.) (Grant J.) ■ • (Jarvis S.F.) (Jones W.) (Milner J.) Milner. (Chr. Fam. Lib.) (Neander A.) Neander. (Bib. Cab.) (Outline.) (Outlines.) (Paierson A..S.) (Readings.) (Sabine J.) (Scott John.) (Short Bi).) (Sime W.) (Sims T.) (Stebbing H.) Stebbing (Lardner's Cy.) (Timpson T.) ■ (Toogood Mrs.) ■ ■ ( Waddington D.) Waddington. (Lib. U. K.) (Welsh D.) France. (Bvtler C.) India. (Yiatv.'i T.) ■ Ireland. (King R.) (iMa7it Bj).) (Murray R.) Irish, Todd. (Eng. Lib.) (Foye M. IF.) (Lawson J.) (Mac Crie T.) Russell. (Theol.Lib.) (Stephen T.) Independent of Rome. ( Williams J.) Institutions (Baylee J.) Last Age. ( Wycliffe J.) Lessons. (English.) (Mortimer Mrs.) (Letters on.) Letters on. (Thelwall A.S.) Literature. (Cattermole R.) Member of. (Confessions.) Moderation. (Puller T.) Missions. See Missions. Missionaries. See Missionaries. Music. See Music. Notes on, Refuted. (Bellarmine.) Pastors and Patrons. (Cole W.G.) Pews. (Fowler J. C.) Pledge. Polity. (Conversations on.) '- See Polity. Position. (Page J.R.) Poiu-trayed. (Yorke C.J.) Prayers, Contemplations. (Carpenter T .) Preserved under Christ. Principles. (Gladstone W.E.) Promised Glory, Bickersteth.(C7i.JF'.iiJ.) Prospects. (Cooper E.) (Hare J.C.) (Noel G.) Protestant, France. (Lorimer J.G.) Letters. (Sjjarks.) Public Bereavement. (Shej^pard J.) Question, Scottish. (Si/dow A.) Records. (Sims T.) Reform. (Be reus E.) (Calvin.) (Dennis J.) (Massingberd.) (Mendham J.) (Pridhani J.) Scotland. (Beattie J.) (Cook G.) (Fyfe A.) (RilandJ.) Reformed. (Bird C.S.) France. (Cobbin I.) Revenues. (Cove.) (Coventry G.) — (Liber.) Right. (Thorndike.) Romish Guide. (Godkin J.) Ruling Eldership. (King D.) Russian. (Doctrine.) Scotch at Rotterdam. (Steven W.) Secession from. (Hum W.) (Mac Neile H.) ■ Self-Regul. Privilege. (Kempthorne.) ■ Separation from. (Woodtvard R.B.) • Service. See Services. - Sketch. (Blunt J.J.) - Spirit and Consistency. (Mackie C.) - State of. ( Wingard. C.F.) - Tourist. (Neale J.M.) ■ Tracts. (Thornthwaite J.A.) CATALOGUE.] CLASSIFIED INDEX. 27 Divinity, &c., continued. Church, Treatise. {Barwick E.) {Jackson ct IS.) {Palmer W.) Unity. {Christian.) {Hare J.C.) {Manning H.E.) (Scoreshi/ W.) View. {Fruen T.) Vindicated. {Graves R.) {Toplady.) Vindication. {Bull Bp.) {Sinclair J.) Visible in all Ages, {t'harl. Elizabeth.) Voice of Instruction. {Krummacher.) ■ Warning to. {Bickersteth E.) Without a Prelate. {Coleman L.) against Rome. {Meek R.) and Clergy. {Shuttleworth P.N.) Crown. {Elvin.) Dissent. {Osier E.) Dissenters. {Mere wether H.A.) Home Melodies. {Judkin T.J.) King. {Osier E.) Popery. {Griffith T.) School. {White, J.) ^iaXe. {Alexander A.) {Gladstone W.E.) {Rathhorne J.) — {Thorn W.) her Champions. {Pelham.) ■ its Catechism. {Bentham J.) at Philippi. {Bai/nes U.S.) her Offices, Gifts, and Privileges. Own Apologist. {Campbell D.) Schools and Clergy. {Roose E.U.) in Canaan. {Seaton W.) Danger. {A caster J.) {Yates R.) — Remedies for. {Acaster J.) — Colonies. {Anderson J.S.) — Navy and Army. {Innes W.) — Russia. {Mouraviejf.) — the Wilderness. {Seaton W.) World. of Geneva. {Pons / T.) {Tail W.) Paraphrase. {Mac Lean A) Translation. {Epistle.) {Sani2)son O. V.) James, Comment. {Manton.) Peter, &c., Exposit. {Smnner Bj}.) John, Comment, by Liicke. {Bib. Cab.) John I., Exposition. {Pierce S.E.) Instruction. {A])ostolic.) Tracts, &c. {Burgess Bp.) Jude, Exposition. {Jenhijn TF.) Paul and James, Harmony. {Bull 52?.) Peter, Commentary. {Leighton Abp^ I., Commentary. {Puddle J.E.) Exposition, lay Steiger.(/}ii.C'a6.) — •- II., Exposition. {AdMm T.) Philemon, Exposition. {I^arry T.) Philippians, Chrj-sost. Homilies. {Lib.F.) — • Exposition. {Hall R.) and Colossians. {Bib. Cab.) {Bailie.) Romans, Annotations. {St. Paul's.) Ch.IX. Exposition. {GoodwinJ.) Chrysostom's Homilies. {Lib.F.) Commentary. {Calvin.) Divinity, &c., continued. Epistles, Romans, Comment. {Hodge C.) {Stuart M.) Explained. {St. Paul's.) : Exposition. {Adam T.) {Anderson R.) {Haldane R.) {Parry T.) {Terrot Bp.) Tholuck. {Bib. Cab.) Paraphrase. {Bosanqiiet E.) and Corinth. I. {Sumner Bp.) Seven Churches, Exposition. {Blunt H.) Thessalonians, Exposition. {Jeoxd Bp.) Timothy, Chrysostom's Horn. {Lib.Fath.) East. Manners, illustrat. {Jamicson R.) Errors Stated and Corrected. {Collyer W.B.) Enivin, or Essays on Man. Esau Considered. {History.) Essays, Religious and Moral. Serious. {Ryland J.) Theological. {Bacon R.) {Botcdler J.) {Hargreav, s.) {Bel/rage.) {Browne J.H.) {Hoj) Vinson.) and Letters. {Charles T.) Life. {Hall R.) {Mac Ewen W.) Recollections. {Gisborne T.) on Impartial Truths. {Jones T.) — Public Subjects. {Mac Gill S.) Religious Subjects. ( Walker J.) to do Good. {Mather C.) Established Church. {Healy J.) Esther and her People. {Hughes J.) Eternal Reprobation Disproved. {HargreavesJ.) Sonship, Inquiry. {Treffry R.) ■ World and State. {Xoble S.) Eternals, or Attributes of Jehovah. {PhilipR.) Eternity Realized. {Philip R.) Reflections on. {Bre.relius.) Eucharist, Christian Sacrifice. {Jolly Bp.) {Considerations.) Doctrine. {Le Mesurier T.) {Steward G.) — — Guide. {Bennet IF../.) Meditations, &e. ( Wilberforce Bp.) Not an Ordinance. {Goodman J.) Observations on Wiseman. {Turton Bp.) Reply to Bp. Turton. ( Wiseman Br.) Rom. Cath. Doctrine. {Turton Bpi.) Sermons. {Bacy C.) Eucharistica, Sennons. {Holloway J.T.) Eusebius, Leaves from. Euthanasia. {Booker L.) Evangelical Preaching. {Hints.) ■ Rambler. Religion, Elements. {Rogers N.) Spectator. Synopsis. {Cobbin I.) Theology. {Owen Br. J.) Truth, Letters. {Upton.) Evangelists, Harmony. {Greemcood T.) Veracity. {Nares R.) Evenings in the Land of Uz. ( VanHagetiMrs.) CATALOGUE.] CLASSIFIED INDEX. 35 Divinity, kc, contimicd. Eventide, or Last Triumph. {Brown J.A.) Events in 18th Cent, Essay. {Brewster J.) Evidences of Religion, View. {Gerard A. » //^A.) Form and Duty of Clergymen. (Hints.) Formularies of Faith, Henry VIII. Fountain of Life, (./ones T.) • Opened up. (Flavel J.) Fourfold State. (Boston T.) Four Last Things. (Bates W.) Fragments of Miss A. Clarke. (Memorial.) France, Persecutions. (Wills M.) Free Church, Scotland, Case of. (Xoel B. W.) (Wallace J. A.) Grace. (Saltmarsh.) Freedom of the Will. (Fdn'ards J.) not Lawlessness. (Ooldie Aliss.) Freethinker, Memoirs. (Antidote.) Friend of Sinners, Prose and Verse. (Cox J.) Friends, Society of. Beacon. (Crewdson I.) Doctrine. (Bates E.) &c. (Christian) Early Days. (Keltij M.A.) Faith. (Evans T.) Letters. ( Wardlaio R.) Memoirs. (Corder L.) (Sermons by.) Views, &c. (Ourney J.J.) Fulness of Time. (Hetherington W.) the Times. (Cuninghame W.) Future Life, Evidence. (Bakewell F.C.) Punishment. (Horhery.) (Letters.) State, Evidences, &c. (Courtenay R.) Philosophy. (Dick T.) Revelations. (Whately Ahp.) Futurity, Philosophy of. (Merry W.) Genealogies, Scripture. (Morris J. P.) Geneva Catechism. and Jerusalem. (Gaussen L.) Rome. (Gaussen. L) Genesis, Antiquity of Book. (Talhot H.F.) Chap. I., Illustrations. (Scriplure.) I. II., Exposition. (Henry P.) • I. to III., Version. (Jones J.) III., Interpretation. (iVejc.) XVIII. (Meditations.) Comment. (E.vley T.) Companion. (Turner S.) Exposition. (Candlish R.) (Warner R.) Divinity, &c., continued. Genesis, Notes. (Bush G.) Observations. (Sibthorp R. W.) Remarks. (Franks.) (Practical.) Vindication. (Jolaisone F. de.) and Exodus, Remarks. (Murray M.) Matthew, Comment. (Coghlan C.) Gentleman's Religion. (Synge Abp.) Geology and Scripture. (Siliiman.) of Scripture. (Fairholme G.) to Word of God. (Tico I^ecttires.) Gethsemane ; or Christ's Sufferings. Gideon, Humble Christian. (WaUmtff.) Mighty Man of Valour. (Howard Lady.) Gleanings in Field of Boaz. (Squire J.) Glimpses of the Past. (Charl. Elizabeth.) Glorified Saints, Recognition. (Meek R.) Glory of the Latter House. (Cohen S.C.) Redeemer. (Winslow 0.) Glorying in Christ. (iVoel B. W.) God,' Character, &c. (Thorn D.) Efficiency. (Poulter J.J.) Gracious Dealings. (James J. A.) (James S.) Kingdom, &c. (Colquhou7i Lady.) Knowledge. (Goodwin T.) Moral Government. (Kern.) Nature and Revelation. (Fergus.) Wisdom of. Essay. (Tyerman.) Works of, Meditations. (Benson E. W.) in his Works. (Hemphill R.) Man, Image, &c., of. (Gnnfield E.W.) is Love the most Pure. (Grant J.) God's Dispensations. (Essays.) Goodness, Memorials. (Short.) Grace, Freeness, &c. (GraJuim M.S.) Power, Creation of Animals. (Burnett G.) Terrible Voice in the City. ( Vincent T.) Godhead of the Spirit, by Guyse. (Ward's Lib.) Golden Centenary. (Evans J.) Grove, Prayers. (Taylor Jer.) Treasury. (Bogatzky.) Treatise of Mental Praier. Golgotha, or Last Sayings. (Hare T.) Good Shepherd and Chosen Flock. (Dale T.) Thoughts in Bad Times. (Fuller T.) Gospel Analogies, &c. (Govett R.) Constitution. (Bennet W.) Dispensation, Essay. (Bennet W.) Doctrines. (Irons J.) Duty of Hearing. (Clapperton J.) Faith of the, by Hall. (Sel. Chr. Auth.) Freeness. (Erskine T.) History, Observations. (Collinson J.) Truth. (Johnson A.) Letters on. (Russell D.) Narrative. (Forster J.) Nature, &c., by Bellamy. (Ward's Lib.) Preached to the Patriarchs. (Job.) Preaching of. (First.) (Account.) Promises, Treatise. (Spursto7ce) Promotive of Happiness. (White H.) Seeds. (Malan C.) Tracts. (Hale R.) (Hawker Dr.) CATALOGUE.] CLASSIFIED INDEX. 37 Divinity, &c., continued. Gospel Truly Preached. (Spaldijiff S.) Truth, Cousoliitions. (Pil-e J.) Stated, (Sec. {Brown J.) {Williams D.) Testimony. {Brou-ne T.) {Watchwords.) Worthy of all Acceptation. {Fuller A.) an Abiding System. (Rose U. J.) in Polynesia. {I'roi/nss.) South Africa. {/'nM/ress.) its own Witness. {Faller A.) of the Old Testament. {Mather C.) Gospels, Antiquity. {Dohhin O.T.) Collated by a 13arrister. Comment. {Acjuinas.) {Livermore A.) {Riddle J.E.) Credibility. {Beard J.R.) Difficulties. {Page J.) Dissertiition. {Marsh Bp.) Hypothesis. {Marsh Bj).) Eastern Manners. {.lamieson R.) Exercises, {(.'onrersational.) Exposition. {Adam T.) {Troa-tr W.J.) ( Wilkins G.) Genuineness. {Morton A.) Harmonized. {Clarice A.) {Harmony.) Harmony, by Bickersteth. {Ch.Fam.L.) {Carpenter L.) {Chaiahers J.) {Gresivell F.) {MacKnight.) {Miinpriss.) Help. {Gall J.) Marginal Headings. {Burgh W.) New Version. {Lingard J.) Notes. {Barnes A.) {Paul R.B.) Divinity, &c., continued. Gospels, John, Readings. {Slade ./.) Reflections. {Heherden.) {Revision.) Translation. {Aislahie.) {Clowes.) Luk - & Epistles, Notes. {ShepherdR.) - for the Blind. {Gall J.) Child's Comment. ( Webb. J.B.) Critical Essay. {Schleiermacher.) Dialogues {Cottage.) Exposition. {Sumner Bp.) Help. {Gall J.) Notes. {Sirr J.D.) Tracts. {Dunster.) Translation. {Clowes.) Mark, Annotations. {Bland AI.) Dialogues. {Cottage.) Thoughts. {Cunningham J. W.) Translation. {Clowes.) Questions. {Barnes A.) {Wilson R.) Reflections. {Phelps Mrs.) by Quesnel. {Sel. Ch.Auih.) Remarks. {Questions.) {Furness W.H.) {Slade J.) {Si/no}ms.) Thoughts on Study. ( Williams I.) Translation. {Campbell G.) View. {Analytical.) and Acts, Annotations. {Elsley H.) Epistles, Paraphrase. {Stanhope.) Postils. {Tarerner.) {Notes.) Notes. {Mann Bp.) {Questions.) Veracity. {Bhmt J.J.) in One Narrative. {Currey R.C.) - Tabular Parallels. John, Comment, by Tittman. {Bib. Cab.) Dialogues. {Cottage.) -■ Essay on Proem. {Johns W.) Exposition. (Anderson R.) by Hutcheson. {Ward's Lib.) {Sumner Bp.) Matthew, Annotations. (Bland M.) Ch. V. Exposition. p/«cZ-rt;/iV.) Chrysostom Horn. {Lib. Fath.) Comment. (Beausobre.) Dialogues. (Cottage.) Exposition. (Adam T.) Questions. (Trollope W.) Reflections. {Quesnel.) Thoughts. (CunninghamJ. W.) Translation. (Aislahie.) Cheke. (^<.J/a«.) {Cloices.) and Genesis. (Coghlan C.) Luke. (Vindication.) Mark, Com. ( Watson R.) (Family.) Exposit. {Sumner.) Paraph. {Gospels.) Grace, Covenant. (Boston T.) (Colquhoun J.) Economy. (Hogg R.) Growth." {Ellen.) {Pierce S.E.] Kingdom. (Krimmacher F. W.) Power of. Displayed. {Cou-per W.) Reign. (Booth A.) and Justice. {Fletcher J.) Truth. (MacEwen W.) Great Apostacy. Awakening. (Tracey J.) Commission. (Harns J.) Concern of Death. (Pearse E.) Salvation. (Halyburton T.) Physician. (Gardner J.) Propitiation, by Truman. {Ward's Lib.) Teacher. (Harris J.) Greek Church, Prospects. (WaddingtonDean.) Vulgate, Integrity. {Nolan F.) Grief Disarmed. (Patrick.) Guesses at Truth. (Hetre A. d- J.) Guide for Young Disciples. {Pike J.) Happiness Considered. (Mannering E.) Guide. (Trutfoot C.) (Taylor Jer.) Inquirj^ after. (Lucas R.) Letters. (Refuge.) Philosophy. (Robinson W.) 38 CLASSIFIED INDEX. [LONDON Divinity, &c., continued. Happiness and Christianity. (Harness W.) of the Blessed. (Mant lip.) Hard Texts in Scripture. (Hall Bp.) Harmonia Apostolica. {Bull Bj).) Paulina. (Latham II.) Harmony of Faith. {Ahercromhk Dr. J.) Harp of Judah. {Drake N.) Zion ; Hymns. Hay any Work for Cooper. {Martin Mar-Prel.) Heart Breathings. Experience. {Stevens Mrs.) Keeping and Searching. {Flavel.) School of the. {Quarle F.) Heart's Ease. {Patrick.) Heaven Anticipated. {Freeman J.E.) EntiTed. {Freeman J.E.) Guide. {Ilawtretj C.) Manual for Heirs. Opened — Vision of Daniel. {Eddis A.) Unveiled. {Freeman J.E) and Hell, Treatise. {Swedenhorg.) Heaven's Glory, Treatise. {Love C.) Heavenly Doctrine, or Gospel of Christ. Witnesses, Controversy. {Memoir.) World, Views. {Edmondson.) {Leslie C.) Hebrew Characteristics. {Lamb J.) Commonwealth. {Jahn.) Republic, Antiquities. {Leicis T.) Scriptures, Defence. {Hurwitz.) Inquiry. ( Wkittaker J. W.) ■ Introduction. {Hamilton G.) Key. {Prosser J.) Worship, Ritual. {Lowman M.) Help and Guide to Christians. {Burkitt W.) to Professing Christians. {Barr J.) Heresy. {Vincentins.) and Orthodoxy. {White J.B.) Heritage of God's People. {Whyte A.) Hezekiah, Meditations. {Rocliat.) Hierarchies, Roman and English. {Abbott J.) Hierologus, or Church Tourist. {Neale J.M.) Hierophant. {Bush G.) Hints to Hearers. {Davis A.H.) Historical Proof, Process. {Taylor I.) History of his own Time. {Burnet Bp.) {Goodman Bp>) Holidays, Scriptural Essays. {West Mrs) Holy Biography, or Saints' Calendar. Breathings. {Saspirium) Catholic Church. {Essay.) City, Notices of Jerusalem. {Williams G.) Dying. {Taylor Jer) — — Ghost, Ordaining Influence. {GrayJ.H) Work of. {Goodu-in T) Land. {Christ. Fam. Lib.) Voice from. {Mane/in E.) Living. {Taylor Jer.) and Dying. {Taylor Jer) Orders, Address to Candid. {ColeridgeBp.) Examination. {St. George Dr) Hints to Candidates. {Brief) {Craig. E) Instnict. for Candid. {Hodgson C.) - Probatio Clerica. {Heygate W.E) Virginity. {Christie A) Divinity, &c., continued. Holy War. {Bxinyan) History. {Fuller T) Week, Gospel Narrative. {Williams I) or Passion of our Saviour. and Profane State. {Fuller T) Home Missionary. {Young J) Homilies for Holy Days and Seasons. Inquirers. {Hutttrjield) the Times. {Morison J.) Young. {Marriott H) of the Church. {Gordon A.) on the Statues, Chrysostom's. {Lib.Fath) Homily, Anglo-Saxon. {Elstob E) Hora; Apostolicae. {Mant W.B) Aramaicae. {Etheridge J. W.) Canonicae ; Devotions. Ecclesiasticse. {Mant Bp.) Hebraicaa. {Manchester Duke of) Liturgicse. {Mant Bp.) Mosaicae. {Faber G.S.) Paulina. {Paley W) Pelasgicpe. {Marsh Bp) Religiosse. Sacrae, by Chandler. Solitariae. {Serle A.) Successivae. {Ilenshaw Bp) Theologicae. {Lloyd D.) Hosea, Exposition. {Burroughs J.) Illustration. {Best Mrs.) Hours of Sadness. House of Prayer, Preparation. {Shittler) — the Thief. Hulsean Essay, 1841. {Woodhouse C.) 1842. {Davies J) 1843. {Ellicott) Human Body. {Clowes J.) Heart. {Tayler C.B) Knowledge, Principles. {Berkeley Bp.) Liberty, Essay. {Milner I) — — Life, Sketches. {Dering C.E.) Motives, Nature. {Penrose J.) Nature ; Dignity. {Davis W) Exposition of Rewards, &c. Husbandman's Calling. {Steele R.) Spiritual Monitor. {Braund.) Hj'mn Book. {Campibell J.) {Congregational.) {Hellings N.) {Invalid's.) ■ Naval, Milit.,&c. {WeymouthR) {Reed A) Hymnology. {Jones Jos) Wesleyan. {Burgess W.P) Hjnnns. {Adams R.L) {Beard J.R) {Bull J.) {Bulmer J.) {Denham D) {Dobell J.) {Freer R.L) {Hart J.) {Ileher Bp) {Kelly T.) {Kent J.) {Kippis A.) CATALOGUE.] CLASSIFIED INDEX. 39 Divinity, &c., continued. Hymns, Leifchild. {Original.) (Orifjinal.) (3fe'dk7/ S.) (0/iie>/.) Pilgrim's. {Westhorp W.) Premillcnnial. {Hahershon M.) {Iia/.) {Wilberforce W.) and Individual. {Butcher E.) ( Wilson Jas.) Forms of. {Pierce S.E.) Household. {Collection.) {Familij.) Meditations and Hymns. {Toplady.) Morning and Evening. {Dransfield.) {Haynes M.S.) Private. {Blosse.) {Hook W.F.) {Merivale S.) and Family. {Allen H.) { Wenham.) School and Family. {Snow J.) Selection. {Clissold H.) {Taylor Jer.) Sermons and Essays. {Toplady.) Short. {Thompson II.) Spirit, &c., of the Gospel. {Family.) Twenty-eight. {Family.) Young Christian's. {Hastings Miss.) and Collects, from Calvin. {Murray E.) Discourses, Family. {Bouxlen J.) Litanies, Sunday Sch. {DaltonJ, E.) Meditations. {Hawkins Miss.) {Johnson S.) {Trimmer Mrs.) ( Williams I.) from the Bible, &c. Thoughts, in Verse. {Nind.) for Christian Families. Christians. {Voice.) Domestic Worship. {Family.) Every Day. {Family.) Sundaj\ {Barlee.) -- Harrow School. {Wordswo7'th C] — Private Worship. — Young Persons. {Family.) {Holmes C.) { Watson C.) a Month. {Family.) the Closet. {Freeman J.E.) Dead. Medical Profession. Sick, &c. {Slade J.) from the Bible. {Family.) C. Prayer, by Cecil. {Morning.) in Verse. of the Church. {Bowles Mrs.) on Scripture Texts. {Manual.) Preacher, Christian. {Williams E.) Collection of Sermons. Cottage. {Henderson Mrs.) Original Sermons. {Insh.) {Protestant.) {Belief.) Scotch. {Evangelical.) Sketches of Sermons. ( Village.) (Wesleyan.) Divinity, &c., continued. Preacher from the Press, Serms. {Ale.vanderJ.) Preacher's Manual. {Slurtevant.) Preaching, Extemporaneous, Hints. {Warell.) Evangelical. {Hints on.) Plain. {Mayo C.) Treatise. {Gresley W.) against Amusements. {Woodward H.) and Hearing, Aids to. {Skinner T.H.) Reading. {Help.) its Warrant, &c. {Uricknell.) of Rowland Hill, Notes. {Sidney E.) the Cross. {Jiissland T.) Predestination Considered. {Tucker W.) Doctrine of {Toplady.) and Election. {Merry W.) Prejudice against Religion. {Foster J.) and Responsibility in Religion. in Religion. {Letters.) Presbyterian Church. {Brown J.) Ireland. {Reid J. .S.) Worship. {Grade.) Churches, West of England. {Murch.) Ruling Elder, Duties. {Miller S.) Presbyterians, English. {Wilson Jos.) Presbyterj', Manual. {Lorimer J.G.) {Millers.) {Plea of.) — — Vindication. {Whytock.) and not Prelacy. {Smyth T.) Priestcraft, History. {Hoivitt IF.) Priesthood. {C'hrysostom.) {Saravia.) Book of the. {Straiten.) Priests, Women, &c. {Michelet.) Primer, or Private Prayers. {Walter H.) Primers, Henry VIII. Primitive Christian. {Sylvanus.) ■ Worship. {Tyler.) Christianity. {Cave W.) {Hollingsworth.) {Mant Bp.) in Ireland, {Mason J.M.) Christians. {Jamieson.) Church, History. {Bede.) _ Inquiry. {King, Lord.) Original Draft. {Sclater.) ■ Purity. {Hale W.H.) Stories. ( Woodroffe S.) in its Episcopacy. Doctrine as to Christ. {Burns W.) Preaching, Essay. {Petheric.) Sacrifice, Inquiry. {Davison J.) Origin. {Faher G.S.) Reply on. {Molesworth.) Tradition, Essay. ( Williams John.) Principalities and Powers. {Chr. Fam. Lib.) Priscilla, or Anc. Rom. Cath. Faith. {Irons J.) the Helper, &c. Private Devotion, Thoughts. {Sheppard J.) Thoughts. {Adam T.) ■ — — by Adam. {Sel. Chr. Auth.) {Beveridge.) Probatio Clerica. {Heygate W.E.) Prodigal's Pilgrimage. {Jones The.) Profane Antiquity. {Bridges 31.) History. {Evidence.) CATALOGUE.] CLASSIFIED INDEX. 5] Divinity, &c., continued. Profession and Practice. ( White H.) Promises, Treatise, {('olqahoun J.) of Scripture, (t'larke S.) Prophecies, Abridgment. (Siuit/c Mrs.) Calculating Time of. (Rule.) Comment, {('u/e .J. W.) Concerning our Saviour. Dissertation. {Faher G.S.) (Hahershoii.) (Hale W.B.) (Levi.) (JVewton Bji.) (Waiigh J.S.) Elucidations. (Tyso.) Exposition. (Kings of the East.) Fulfilment. (Broime E.U.) Guide. (Bickersteth E.) Harmony. (Brown J.) Key to. (Simjuon D.) Relative to the Jews. (Faher O.S.) Researches. (Thrnston.) Scripture. (Fr>i T.) Study of. (Ilurd.) Unfulfilled. (Fry J.) Works on. (Fleming R.) Writers on. (Dictionary.) and Miraculous Gifts. (Meyer T.) of Christ, &c. (Clissold H.) (Myers T.) Daniel, Esdras, &c. (Frere J.H.) Prophecy, Accomplishment. (Ahhadie.) (Dialogues.) Dissertations. (Vird.) Evidence. (Keith A.) Examin. oi"'Ea}aev." (Cunningham J. W.) (Extracts.) First Elements. (BirTcs.) Hints. (Smart M.) Manual. (Roberts P.) Objections. (Ogilvy G.) Sacred Calendar. (Faher G.S.) (Scheme.) Scheme. ( Whitley J.) Spirit. (Money R.) Sure Word. (Fysh J.) (Survey.) Test of. (Davidson D.) Theory. (Addis.) Thoughts. (Marsh IF.) Types and Miracles. (Thompson E.) Unaccomplished. (Chauncy W.S.) Unfulfilled. (MacLeod A.) and the Millennium. (Park J.R.) of the Man of Sin. (Ilearn.) on the Mount. (Dallas A.) Prophetic Interpretat., Brooks. (Ch.Fam.Lih.) Principles. (Juices A.) Symbols, Dictionary. (Dauhuz.) Truth, Inquiry. (Tyso.) Writings Harmonized. (Times.) Prophets, View of the Writings. (Smith John.) Minor, Comment. (Henderson E.) Translation. (Rich.) Version. (Barlee E.) (Newcoine.) Divinity, &c., continued. Protestant Ascendancy Vindicated. (Gregg.) Beadsman. Errors and Cath. Truths. (Ellison N.) Instructor. (Harrison E.) Principles Exemplified. Rector. Thoughts in Rhyme. (Noel B. W.) Truths and Cath. Errors. ( Wilson P.) Union. (Milton J.) Vindicator. (Oxlad.) Protestant's Armoury. Companion. — - (Dauheny Archd.) — — Manual. (Cochrane J.) Protestantism Endangered. German. (Deivar E.H.) Protestants, Dangers, &c. (Smith G.) French, Narrative. (Migault.) Ireland. (O'Sullivan M.) Religion of. (Chilling icorth.) Proverbs Exemplified. (Trusler.) Explained. (Nicholls B.E.) Exposition. (Henry M.) (Lawson G.) (Key to.) Translation. (French & Skinner.) (Holden.) Protestant ; Series of Essays. (Mac Gann.) — — with Latin Version. Providence Displayed. (Young J.) Doctrine of. (Pilkington G.) Goodness of. (Mac Brair R.M.) History. (Carson A.) Illustrated. Interpositions. (Fincher J.) (Mysteries.) Observations. (Lei/child.) Prophecy and Popery. ( White W.) Record of. (Young J.) Special, Doctrine. (Stokes W.) Providential Mercies. (Marks R.) Psalm XXII., Exposition. (Stevenson J.) XXIII., Exposition. (Harrison W.) (Stevenson J.) ex. Explained. (Reyyiolds Bp.) CXIX., Exposition. (Bridges C.) CXXX., Treatise. (Owen Dr. J.) Psalmist, Devotional. Parochial. (Lloyd J.C.) Psalmists of Britain, Records. (Holland.) Psalmody, Christian. (Bickersteth E.) Manual. (Home T.H.) Parochial. (Clarke, J. P.) (Snooke W.D.) Psalms, Analysis of. (Bythner.) Arranged by Darnell. (Book.) Eden. (Book.) Musgrave. (Book.) Tucker. (Book.) Authorized Version. (Schinvmelpennick.) Commentary. (Calvin.) (Hawker Dr.) Hengstenberg. (Bih. Cah.) (Home Bp.) Luther. (Chris. Fam. Lib.) Selections. (Home Bj}.) Common Prayer Version. (Book.) H 2 52 CLASSIFIED INDEX. [LONDON Divinity, &c., continued. Psalms, Explanation. (Slade J.) Explication. {Dickson D.) Illustrations. {Thompson H.) Imagery, &c. {Sloddart O.II.) Key to. (lio^s T.) {HiUocL) Letters. (Stoddart O.H.) Meditations. {Short.) Messianic, Rosenmliller. {Bib. Cal.) Metrical Paraphrases. {Book.) Version, by Scurray. {Book.) {Wranglmm.) Metrically Paraphrased. New Version. {Farr E.) • {Maule J.) Old Version. {Todd J.H.) Paraphrase. {Ducarel.) Passages. {Difficult.) Reflections. {Carpenter T.) (Sheriffe.) Prophetic of the Messiah. {Remarks.) Scotch Church. {Cumming J.) Seven Penitential. {Montagu M.) {Sjnrit of the.) Translation. {Clowes.) {Drake N.) French & Skinner. {Book.) Fry. {Book.) Good. {Book.) {Horsley Bp.) {Marsh E.G.) {Walford W.) Version of. {Cottle J.) {Mant Bp.) {Union.) and Hymns. {Alford H.) {Bickersteth J.) {Goiterill T.) {Ellison S.) {Family.) Hall. {Maltby Bp.) {Miller E.) {Sahin J.E.) {Scolell E.) { Watts I.) for Family Devotion. {Book.) in Daily Portions. {Dallas A.) of Degrees, Commentary. {Luther.) — — with Concordance. {G-irdlestone C.) Psalter. {Hatton Lord.) {Parish H.) Hebrew, Metrical Version. Illustrated. ( Warner R.) Metrical. {Xew.) and Canticles. {Calvert J.) Meditations. {Devotional.) in English Verse. Public Worship, Essays. {Jones J.) Sherlock. {Englm. Lib.) {Thompson J) Thoughts. {Morrison J.) Pulpit Assistant. {Hannam E.P.) Collection of Sermons. Cyclopaedia. [Burns Jahez.) Eloquence. {Greenock.) Divinity, &c., continued. Pulpit, Exercises. {Guide.) Modern. {Vavghan R.) Oratory, James I. {Bloom.) Outlines of Sermons. {Thomson A.) Protestant. {Foreign.) Recollections. {Dunbar W.) {Sibthorjje R.W.) Sermons. {British,) {German.) {Irl^h.) {Scottish.) Studies. {Styles.) Synopsis, Sermons. {Cope R.) Themes. {Baldwin A.) Voice of {Stephens G.) or Voice from Irish Church. Purgatory, Doctrine. {Hall W.) Puritanism. {Coit.) and Nonconformity. {Williams J.B.) Puritans, History. {Neal D.) Lives. {Brook B.) Puseyism, View of ( Weaver R.) Puseyite Episcopacy. {Brown J.) Pusej''s Sermons, Review. {Garbett J.\ Quakerism Examined. ( Wilkinson J.) Unmasked. Quakers. See also Friends. Apology for. {Barclay R.) History. {Sewell.) in Ireland, History. {Rutty.) Questiones Mosaicse. {Priaulx G.) Questions on Scripture Resolved. {ScraggG.G.) Rachel of Padanaram. {Archer W.) Realities of Life. Reason and Revelation. Scripture. {Comparative!) for the Hope that is in us. {Ainslie J.) Reasons for Christianity, &c. Rebecca Nathan, or Daughter of Israel. Recantation. Confession of a Convert. Recognition in the World to Come. {Muston.) Recollections of a Country Pastor. of a Minister. {Barr T.) Reconciliation with God. {Ward's Lib.) Records of a Village Rectory. {Light.) Recovian Catechism. Rector in Search of a Curate. ( Wilkinson W.F.) of Auburn, Essay, &c. {Thomp)son E.) Rector's Memorandum Book. Note Book. {Stanford J.K.) Rectory of Valehead. {Evans R. W.) Redeemer's Return in Glory. {Begg.) Tears; Howe. {Sel. Chr. Auth.) {Ward's Lib.) Redemption. {Edwards Jon.) {Philip R.) ( Withers.) Catholic Doctrine. {Marshall A.) Doctrine Considered. {Sellon W.) Exposition. {Stevens R.) Human, Dissertation. {Hamilton J.L.) Particular, Defence. {Rushton W.) Redeemed. {Goodwin J.) Universal. {Hamilton W.) ( Watson R.) CATALOGUE.] CLASSIFIED INDEX. 53 Divinity, &c., continued. Redemption and Election, {/itirr/h W.) Salvation. [Dudsworth W.) Reeds Shaken by the Wind. {Haicker R.S.) Reference Testament. ( Wilhur.) Reflection, Aids to. {Coleridge S.T.) {Sleiijh W.) (Hints for.) Reflections. (Fenelon.) (Henri/ M.) (Sturm.) Doctrinal. (Voliss.) Practical, Exemplified. (Peach.) by Shower. (Sel. Ckr. Auth.) for Leisure Hours. (VorL-e C.J.) in a Flower Garden. (Hervey J.) of a Christian in his Teens. on the Holy Seasons. (Bretcster J.) &c., of Rowland Hill. (Sidney E.) Reflector ; or Christ. Advocate. (Piggott S.) Reformation, Annals. (Strype.) (Dawn of.) Defence. (Claude.) (Bird C.S.) Doctrines. (Maihias B.W.) Essay on Effects. (Mackray.) German and English. (0' Donoghue.) Harbingers. (Sime.) Historical Treatises. (Heeren.) History ; Blunt. (Fain. Lib.) (Burnet Bp.) (Cohhett.) (Fox T.) ■ Massingberd. (Englm. Lib.) (Morison John.) (Sime W.) (Soames H.) Stebbing. (Lardner's Cy.) (Progress of.) Progress. (Fulford.) Religion. (Stevens Mrs.) ■ Survey. (Custance.) Voice of the. (Miles C.P.) and Anti-RefoiTuation. Elizabethan Age. (Haxceis.) in France, Suppression of. (Scott D.D.) Germany. (D'Aubigne.) (Ranle.) Italy. (MacCrie.) Navarre. (Jameson.) Scotland. (Cook G.) (Knox I.) (Stephen T.) Spain. (MacCrie.) Switzerland. (Ruchat.) on the Continent. ( Waddington.) Reformed Church, Annals. (Cardwell.) Pastor. (Baxter R.) Reformers, English, Selections. (Richmond L.) & Scotch, "Works. (Russell.) Memoirs. (Middleton.) Principles. (Kenney A.H.) Testimony, Bickersteth. (Chr.Fam.Lib.) Writings of. (British.) before the Reformation. (Bonnechose.) Refuge ; Letters on Happiness. Regale and Pontificate. (Leslie C.) Divinity, &c., continued. Regale and Pontificate, Reply. (Manning R.) Regenerate Life, Dissertations. (Arbouin.) Regeneration, Appeal t()allthatDoubt.(ZawPF.) Doctrine. {Fuber O'.S.) Considered. (Sandford O.) Remarks on " Faber." (Arnold T.K.) Treatise. (Doddrige.) and Baptism Considered. (Hall F.R.) Doctrine. (Naptper.) Justification. ( Witherspoon.) Religio Medici. (Browne T.) Militis ; or Christianity for the Camp. Religion, Advancement of. (Reed A.) Considered. (James B2).) Doctrine and Duties. ( WJiitecross.) Domestic. (limes W.) Elements. (Marnott Mrs.) Errors Regarding. (Douglas J.) Essays. (Scott T.) Evidences. (Ainslie R.) (Gerald A.d:G.) Exhortation to Belief, &c. (Horn T.) Experimental, Defence of. ( Williams T.) ■ — — Feelings in. (Spalding S.) First Principles. (Talbot C.S.) Foundation, &c. ( Wa7-e H.) Founded on Principle. ( Villeroi.) Guide in Search of. (O'Sullitan M.) Indiflference for. (Squire.) Influence of. (Hansard MA.) (Peaceful.) Interior, Facts, &c. (Kelly M.A.) Letters on. (Renoult.) National, Letters. (Smith C.) Establishment. (Taylor John.) Natural History of. (Taylor R.R.) Ordinances of. Illustrated. (Davies J.) Personal, Letters. ( Wesley J.) and Family. (Dewar D.) Philosophy. (Dick T.) (Pictures of.) Plea. (Simpson D.) Poor Girl's Help. (Appleton E.) {Practical.) Province of the Intellect in. ( Worsley T.) Pure, Recommended. (Thornton J.) Rational, Examined. (Poicell B.) Reformed, France, Smedley. (Theo.Lib.) Revivals. (Barnes A.) (Edwards J.) Sprague. (Sel. Chr. A uth.) American. (Colton C.) Great Britain. (History.) ■ at Kilsj-th. (Robe.) Rise and Progress. (Doddridge.) Search into, Walsingham. (Eng. C. Lib.) Studies. (Copisey.) (Thoughts.) Thoughts, Beveridge. (Sacr. Clas.) (Pascal.) Pascal and Adam. (Ch. F.L.) (Pitdigo Lord.) Truths of. (Brewster J.) (Douglas J.) and Eternal Life. (Pike J.) her Name. 54 CLASSIFIED INDEX. [LONDON Divinity, &c., contiinied. Religion and Instruction. {Gunn W.M.) Morality, Conversations. (Corp.) Duties. {Tid-e U.) Policy. (Clarendon Lord.) Relig. Education. {Colloquies.) at Home. in Ancient Britain. (Simth G.) — Geneva and Belgium, (llengk II.) — Great Britain. {Wood T.) — India. (Laidler d; M.) {Muiidij G.) — New South Wales. {Burton W. W.) — United States. {Baird R.) — the Soul, Declension. {Winslow 0.) no Fiction. ( Villiers.) of Jesus, Pre-Existence of Man, &c. — Mankind. {Burnside.) — Socrates. — the Quakers. {Tuhe H.) Parsis. ( Wilson J.) Universe. {Fellowes R.) World. {Colquhoun Lady.) the Life of Man. {Edmond W.) without Cant. {Fellowes R.) Religions, Druidical and Hebrew. {Identity.) Four Principles, &c. ( Williainson.) History of all. {Bellamy.) Sketch of all. {Evans J.) View of all. {Adams U.) {Conder.) of Britain. {Hulhert C.) Profane Antiquity. {Duncan J.) Religious Affections. {Edwards J.) Allegories. {Burnside.) Characteristics. {Ai7-d T.) Conviction. {Vinet.) Education Enforced. {Bon-den J.) Sunday Schools. {DaeisA.II.) Experience, Diary. Treatise. {Buck C.) Extracts, Fenelon. {Marshall L.A .) {Shal-espeare) Fasting, Treatise. {Lloyd E.B.) Inquiries on Society. {Matheson J.) Inquiry, Rationale. {Mariineau J.) Instruction. {Manual.) for Children. Youth. {Clowes.) {Miller R.M.) Knowledge. {Encyclopcedia.] {History.) Manual. {Grant Joh7ison.) {Johnstone E.) Museum. {Cross M.E.) Obligation. {Tod W.) Liberty, History. {Brook.) in England. {Aihnan J.) Life, Importance. {Melmoth.) of England. {Tayler J.J.) Opinions, Dictionary. {Jones W.) Higher Classes. ( Vindication.) Orders, Norwich. {Kirkpatrick.) Parties in England. {Vauyhan R.) Revolution, Approaching. {Bogie B.D.) Subjects, Dialogues. {Isaac B.) Letters. {Newton John.) Divinity, &c., continued. Religious Subjects. {Ohsei^uations.) (Opinions.) {iSelections.) (Thoughts.) Tracts on. {Chalmers Dr.) State of Islington. {Lewis T.) Tradesman. {Steele R.) Wars of France. (Duncan J.) World. ( Visits to the.) Displayed. {Adam R.) Remains. {Beeman I.) {Brainerd D.) {Brown J.) {Carmichael J.S.) {Cecil R.) {Clack {J.M.) {Dickinson Bp.) {Drew S.) {Froude R.H.) {Hovels W.) {Meikle J.) {Payson E.) {Ramftler T.C.) {Read W.) {Sandford Bp.) {Warburton Bp.) Remarkable Providences. {Taylor Jos.) Remarks on Dr. Wiseman's Lect. {Wiseman.) Remnant Found. {Samuel I.) Repentance, Doctrine. {Taylor Jer.) ( Walton J.) Helps. {Westohy.) Treatise. {Colquhoun J.) — — and Fasting, Treatise. {Patrick.) Reply to Apeleutherus. {Bentley J.) Repository Tracts. {More H.) (Scotch.) Researches and Labours. ( Wolf J.) Resignation, Duty of {Bates W.) Resolves, Divine, &c. (Felltham 0.) Responsibility, Human. {Jones Jos.) Ministerial. {Dallas A.) {Parental.) of Man. {Barrow I.) {Haldane J. A.) {Hinton J.H.) {Meek E.) Restitution of all Things. {Brown J.) {Pym.) Resurrection Revealed. {Homes N.) of the Body. {Bush G.) {Drew S.) Retired Christian. {Ken Bp.) Retrospect. {Marks R.) Return of Prayers. {Goodwill T.) to Faith. {Koelner.) Revealed Characteristics of God. {Kidd O.B.) Religion. {Lynn G.G.) Elements. (JEdmondson.) Evidences. {Erskine T.) Inquiry. {Robinson T.) Principles. {Drummond H.) System. ( Warden J.) Truth Vindicated. {App)erley J.) Revelation. See also Apocalypse. Christian. CATALOGUE.] CLASSIFIED INDEX. 55 Divinity, &c., continued. Kevelation, Arguments on. {Knight J.C.) Chap. VI. (Analysis.) XIII., Commentary. {Fysh F.) Comment. {Cooper R.B.) ■ — — {Galloway J.) { Whitaker E. W.] Consistency, Shuttleworth. {Theol. Lih. Doctrines. {Hancock T.) Elucidated. {Holmes J.J.) Essays. {Whiteley.) Evidence, External. {Bennett J.) Internal. {Bennett J.) Explained. {Lovett H. W.) Exposition. {Burgh W.) {Guuntlett H.) {Hahershon.) {Teulon.) Fulfilment. {Holmes J.J.) Key to. {Allu-ood.) Knowledge of Divine Things. {Ellis J.) Lectures. {Culhertson R.) Literal and Future. (Govett.) Necessity. {JVorman.) Notes. {Allen J.) {Ashe I.) Paraphrase. {Lowman.) Thoughts. (Hyponoia.) Truth. {Murray J.) , Walker R.) Ose of Miracles. {Penrose J.) and Mythology. {Conne.vion.) of God in his Word, by Gess. {Bib. Cab.) Revelations of Divine Love. {Sixteen.) Review of Dr. Wilson's Conduct. {HaldaneR.) — Newman's Lectures. {Neville C.) Reviews. {Hall R.) Rewards and Punishments. {Human.) Rich Man's Duty, &c. ( Wells C.) Ridlej' Seldon. {Howard A.) Righteous, Blessedness of the. {Howe J.) — — and Wicked, Contrasts. {Penrose Mrs.) Righteousness, Fruit of. {Faith.) Ritual, Mosaic, Discourses. {Gresicell E.) of Durham. {Surtees Soc. Pub.) Hebrew Worship. {Lou-man T.) Rocky Island, &c. {Wilberforce Bp.) Roman Cath. Ch., Mass& Rubrics. {Cotter J. R.) in Scotland. {Lawson J. P.) Catholic Religion False. {Marriott H.) Catholicism, Delineation. {Elliott C.) Catholics, Advice. {Cornier.) Faith, Nullity. {Garbett J.) Fallacies and Cath. Truths. {Powell T.) Forgeriesand Falsifications. {GibbingsR.) Misquotation. (Po^^e R.T.) Schism Illustrated. {Perceval A.P.) Romanisers, Beads for. {String.) Romanism, Difficidties. {Faber G.S.) Errors, Traced. {Whately Abp.) Essay. {Chr. Fani. Lib.) History. {Dowling.) Letters. {Palmer IF.) Reply to " Faber." {Husenbeth F.C.) and Anglo-Catholicism. {Sortain.) Dissent. {Tidemore.) as it Rules in Ireland. {0' Sullivan.) Divinity, &c., continued. Romanism in Protest. Church. {Williavis A.) Romanist Conversations. {Huntingford H.) Romanist's Reasons Considered. (Sand/ordG.) Romanists, Method with. {Leslie C.) Rome, Church of. See also Church. {Hopkins Bp.) Accusations. (Townsend G.) Doctrines. {l)alto7i W.) (Stiliingfleet.) {Spirit of.) Spirit of" {Stejihen T.) Court of. {Witch.) Iniquities iit. Nineteenth Cent. {Ciocci.) Letter from. (Middleton C.) Pagan and Christian. {Stopford J.) and the Reformation. {Ff Awhigni.) its Ecclesiastical and Social Life. Wonders and Worship. {Clark J. A.) under Paganism. Romish Reaction and Operation. {Soanies.) Round Preacher. Rubric, Appeal to the. {Rowe S.) and Canons, Charges. {Sharp T.) Rubrics, Interpretation. {Harrison, B.) Rural Deans, History. {Dansey.) Ruth and her Kindred. {Hughes J.) Sabbath. See also Christian. Book ; Extracts. ( Wood/all C.) ■ Companion. {Dale T.) {Mason W.) Day Book. {Lei/child.) Examined. {Bannerrnan.) Harp. {East J.) History. {Ellicott.) Law of. {Burder H.F.) Musings. {Dickson M.) {Mackay Airs.) Question Illustrated. {Charl. Elizabeth) Reading, Essays. {Greaves J.) Readings. {Kelly D.) Remarks on. {Burnside.) Remembrancer. {Fletcher A.) Sanctification. ( Willison.) School Lectures. Scripture Account of. {Stopford E.) Treatise. {Glen J.) ■ {Oiten Dr. J.) Sabbaths at Home. (March.) Sacra Domestica ; Family Prayers. Privata, Devotions. ( Wilson Bp.) Sacrament, by Bertram. (Book of the.) Doctrine. (Knox A.) Exposition. (Dalton W.) Preparation. (Taylor Jer.) Treatise. (Scandret.) ( Usher A bp.) Sacramental Addresses, &c. (Belfrage.) Catechism. (Willison.) Instruction. (Bndges C.) Manual. (Smith D.) Meditations. (Doddridge.) (Hawker Dr.) (Orton J.) { Willison.) Offices, Variations in. (BuUey.) Sacraments, Catechism. (Brereton.) 56 CLASSIFIED INDEX. [LONDON Divinity, &c., co7ilimt,ed. Sacraments. [Dialogues.) {Explanatio7i.) Treatise. {ILalley.) {Smith T.T.) Sacred Aphorisms. {Hall Jip.) Cabinet ; Poetry and Prose. Casket of Q-ems ; English Authors. Classics. Compendium. {Keyworth.) Dramas. [More H.) Edict, Maxims of a China Emperor. History. {Kllwood T.) Illustrated. [Beware.) Old and New Testament. {Outlines.) Sessional School. of the World. {Turner S.) Hours. {Grant Johnson.) — Private Devotion. Interpreter. {Colli/er W.B.) Literature. {Clarke A.) (Franks.) {Gems of.) {Jehb Bj}.) Philosophy, Anc. Princip. {Maxmll A .) &c., by Planck. {Bih. Cab.) of the Seasons. {Duncan H.) Readings. Subjects, Pieces on. {Lettice.) Truth, Elements. {Abercrombie Dr. J.) Truths Unfolded. {Piggott S.) Volume ; Narratives. {Belcher J.) and Heathen Writings. {Gray R.) Profane History. {Davidson D.) {Russell M.) {Shuchford.) Sacrifice. {Morning and Evening.) {Sjnritual.) Sacrifices, Dissertations on. {Oiitram W.) Sailors, Plea for. {Britain's.) Retrospect. {Robertson G. W.) St. Anslem, Life. {Moehler J.) — Antholin's ; Old Churches & New. (Paget.) — Bernard, Life. (Neander A.) — Chrysostom, Life. (Neander A .) — Cuthbert, Miracles. {S^lrtees Soc. Pub.) — De Chantal, Life, by Coombes. (DeChantal.) — De Sales, Life by Coombes. {De Sales.) — John, Life and Character. {Ferguson J. W.) the Baptist, Abel, &c. {Home Bp.) — Kostka, Life from the Italian. (Kostka.) ■ — ■ Liguori, &c. {Lives.) — Paul, Essay on Character. (More H.) Writings. (Whately Ab]).) History. (Tate Jas.) . Life. {Bevan J.G.) by Tholuck. (Bib. Cab.) and Letters. {Life and Travels.) Portrait. {Fletcher J.) Saint Indeed, by Flavel. {Sel. Christ. Auth.) Saints Departed, Memoirs of. (Cha2}man J.) No Fools. Patience of. (Faith.) Perseverance of. {Paige.) Welsh, Essay on. (Rees R.) Paulinus, &c. Richard, Family of. Stephen. Stephen Langton. Wilfrid. William. Wulstan. Divinity, &c., continued. Saints, English. (Lives.) iElred. Augustine. Edmund, Waltheof,&c. German. Gilbert. Hermit. . Ninian. Saints' Calendar. (Holy.) Days and Festivals. {Cherry.) Pocket-Book. {A Heine.) Rest. {Baxter R.) and Holy Days, {.lastorum.) Salisbury Breviary. Salvation, Anxious Enquirer. {James J. A.) Conversations. {Payson.) Dialogues. {Thorn D.) Great Concern of. {Halyburton T.) Infant, Letters. {Russell J).) Treatise. {Cumming J.) Samuel, the Prophet, Life and Times. Sancho; or Proverbialist. {Cunningham J. W.) Sanctification, Doctrine. {Fraser J.) Gospel Mystery. (Marshall W.) Letters. {Brovm J.) Thoughts. (Young T.) Views. {Finney.) of the Elect. (Shittler.) Sanctuary, Counsels. (Belfrage.) and the Oratory. {Milner T.) Satanic Influence. {Ransom.) Saturday Evening, {Taylor I.) Saving Faith, by Anderson, Erskine, &c. Saviour. See also Christ and Messiah. Chronology of Life. (Benson C.) Genealogy. (Benham.) History. {D'Oyly Mrs.) Life. ( Ware H.) Ministry. {Carjienter L.) View. (Randolph T.) Passion. (Devotions.) (Durer A.) (Holy Week) { Williams I.) Precepts. (Golden.) Pre-Existence. (Alderson J.) Saviour's Right to Divine Worship. (Urwick.) Scenes of Joy and Woe. {Rhyse.) in Bethany. (Bonnet.) Scepticism, Essay. {Hare J.) Remarks. (Rennell T. Jr.) Schism, Nature, Progress, &c. (Daubeny A.) Weapons of. (Stojrford E.) and Repentance. (Fearn J.) as Opposed to Unity. (Ho2)2ms J.) Scottish Christian Herald. Endowment Question. (Skinner J.) Orphans. (Alac Neil.) Scriptural Conversations. (Fitzroy.) Doctrines called Calvinistic. (Emmetf.) Emblems, by a Lady. Geology. Instruction (Hints.) Instructions for Least and Lowest. Knowledge, Elements. (Cole R.) Musings. (Wick.) CATALOGUE.] CLASSIFIED INDEX. 57 Divinity, &c., continued. Scriptural Peace in Death. Principles. (Maciiidoe.) Psychology. {Hush G.) lleading-i, Daily. {Fry C.) Researches. {Rose G.) Studies. {Brklyes C.) {Tucker W.H.) Scripture Antiquities. {Jones T.) Atlas. See Geography. Biography. {Watkins J.) Catechism. {Trimmer Mrs.) from " Bickersteth's Help." Character. {Iluish li.) Characters. {MonUjomerie.) {Robinson T.) Chronology. {Browne II.) {Green C.) {Hale W.H.) Comparisons. {Cohhin I.) Conversations. {Daivn of LiJ'ei) Covenants. {Deakin.) Dictionary. {Bamford W.) Difficulties. {Carpenter W.) Directory. {Jones T.) Doctrines. {Stevens Mrs.) Emblems. {Heivitt Mrs.) Examples. {Yoang.) Exposition. {Beddome B.) {Fragments.) Extracts. {Ilawler Dr.) Fulfilling. {Fleming It) Garden Walk. Gazetteer. {Fleming W.) {Mansford.) — Genealogies. {Morris J. P.) — Hard Texts in. {Hall Bp.) — Harmonj-. {Crutu-ell C.) — Hebrew Converts. {Illustrations.) — Help, Bickersteth's. {Chr. Fam. Lib.) {Churchman's.) — Herbal. {Callcott Lady.) — Histories. {Bidmer A.) — History. {Analysis.) {Copley E.) {Fletcher A.) {Iliffernan.) Howard. {Englishm. Lib.) {Miller E.) Old Testament.) {Trimmer Mrs.) — niustrations, {Bush G.) {Latrobe J. A.) by Gumming. Instructions in. ( Visits of.) Lessons. {Lemptriere F.D.) Lexicon. {Oliver P.) Melodies, with Reflections. {Grossman;) Metaphors. {Brown J.) Names Explained. Notes on. {Trench F.) for Youth. {Notes.) Notices and Proofs. {Carlyon.) Observations. {Bradshaw T.) {Harmer.) Oriental. {Callatvay.) {Tremlett.) Divinity, &c., continued. Scripture Passages, Elucidation of {Sacred.) Essays on. {Luwry.) Exposition of {Smyth J. W.) with Reflections. {Passage.) Portraits. {Stevenson R.) Promises. {Clarke S.) Questions. {BiUlar J.) Reader. {Family.) Irish. {Innisfail.) Reader's Guide. {Fry C.) Reading Lessons. References. {Chalmers Dr. {Leckie C.) Remarks on. {Cappe N.) Sacrifices. {Nicol.) Scenes and Places in the Bible. Selections. {Adam II. G.) {Tuckficld.) Student's Assistant. {Barr J.) Study of. {Bushby E.) {Sheriff e.) Sublime and Beautiful of. {Mcimoth.) Terms, Explanation. {Cruden.) Texts, Arranged for Ministers, &c. Exposition of Hard. {Hall Bp.) Letters on. {Cottage.) {Meditations on.) Metrical Exercises. {King H.R.) Selection. {Courtenay Lady.) Thoughts on. {Good J.M.) Truths Demonstrated. Exhibited. {Salter H.G.) Neglected. {Norton R.) Verified. {Redford G.) and Geology. {Smith J.P.) the Rule of Faith. {Fitzgerald W.) Test of Character. Truth. {Ball R.) without Tradition. {Beaufort D.) Scriptures, Arrangement of. {Systematic.) Christian's Aid. {Trusler.) Companion. {Coghlan J.) {Contents of the.) Directions for Reading. {Lowth Bj}.) — Searching. {Gibhs.) Disquisition on. {Carmichael A.) Dissertations. {Faber G.S.) Family Instruction. {Records) Fulfilled. ( Weaver R.) Guide. {Franck.) to Study. {Arbuthnot.) ■ — — Help to Reading. {Leifchild.) Illustrations. {Paxton G.) Oriental. {Roberts J.) Inspiration. {Hinds S.) {Wilkinson T.) Introduction. {Carpenter Wj) {Home T.H,) {Mant A.C.) Letters on Origin. {Carlile J.) Meditations. {]Valond.) {Turner D.) Observations. {Cornwallis M.) Paraphrase. {Ceedmon.) Reflections. {A 1 1 i.e.) Study and Reading. {Introduction.) 58 CLASSIFIED INDEX. [LONDON Divinity, &c., continued. Scriptures, Style of, Considered, (Elwin.) Treatise. {Boi/le Jl.) Value and Claims. {Uricich.) View of. {Ctmcise.) ■ and Natural Knowledge. {View.) Sacraments, Treatises. {Jewel Bp.) Seamen, Moral Claims of. {Harris J.) Season and Time ; Prophecy. {Ettrick W.) Secession Church, History. {MacKerrow.) Justified. Second Exodus ; Prophecy. {Ettrich.) Secret Prayer, and its Exercises. {MacGillJ.) Thoughts of a Christian. {Serle.) Sees of England, Wales, &c. {Sej)jnn[/s.) Select Anti-Patronage Library. Christian Authors. {Peoples Library.) Essays, {C'fuilmers Br.) Select Sentences. {Stratton T.) Selections. {Baxter R.) {Dahon E.) {Doddridge P.) Doddridge. {Marshall L.A.) {Donne J.) Penelon. {Follen Mrs.) {Houghton P.) {Flavel J.) {Fletcher J.) Fuller. {Broom A.) {Hall Bp.) {Hall R.) {Hooker R.) {Ho2>kins Bj).) {Howe J.) Latimer, &c. {Montagu. Bi) {Leighton Ahp,) Leighton. {Christians.) {Luther M.) {Massillon.) {Newton Bp.) {OiKn Dr. J.) Owen Dr. J. {Christians.) {Reynolds Bp).) Serle. {Christ. Fam. Lib.) South. {Broom A.) Taylor, 8sc. {Montagu B.) ( Winslow 0.) Self Discipline. {Burder H.F.) Examination, Treatise. {HaldaneJ.A.) Ignorance, by Baxter. {8el. Ch. Auth.) Knowledge, Principles. {Drew S.) ■ Treatise {Masoti J.) Resignation, Duty of. ( Worthington J,) Semi-Sceptic. {James Bp.) Septuagint and Heb. Chron. {Cuninghame W.) Serious Call. {Law W.) — Inquiries. {Buck C.) Musings. {Jones Jos.) Warnings. {Jones T.) Sermon, Composition of, {Claude.) {Ostervald.) on the Mount, Missal Style. {Prophetic.) -- Tholuck. {Bib. Cab.) {Thornton H.) {Trench R.C.) Divinity, &c., continued. Sermonets. {Hairkins I^.d'H.) Seniions. See also Discourses and Lectures. {Abdy W.J.) {Adajnson L.) {Alison A.) {Allen W.) {Anderson J.S.) {Andreives Bp.) Andre wes Bp. {Lib. A. C. T/(£ol.) {AjijJeyard J.) {Archer J.) {Arnold Dr. T.) (Aspinall J.) {Asjdand R.) {Barrow Isaac.) {Baylie Jon.) {Beachcroft R.P.) {Bearcroft P.) {Beddome B.) {Bennett W..L) {Beveridge Bp.) {Bingham, Rd. Jun.) {Bissland T.) {Black D.) {Blair H.) {Blake H.J.) {Boucher J.) (BoT/s H.) {Bo7js T.) {Breay J.G.) {Brichan D.) {Brown T.) {Bruce J.) {Bryce J.) {Buchanan C.) {Buck C.) {Bugg G.) {Burgh W.) {Burns Jas.) {Burrowes Rt.) {Butler Bp.) {Campjbell J.) {Campbell J.M.) iCarr G.) {Carr S.) {Cassan S.H.) (Cattermole R.) {Gaunter H.) {Cawood J.) {Cecil R.) {Charter S.) {Clark J.) {Clarke S.) {Cleaver Bp.) ■ {Clowes J.) {Cogan E.) {Coleman C.) {Coleman J.N.) {Colquhoun J.) {Cookesley W.G.) {Cox J.S.) {Cravfurd CH.) {Crawford W.) {Cunningham J. W.) {Darnell W.N.) {Davies Sam.) CATALOGUE.] CLASSIFIED INDEX. 59 Divinity, &c., continued. Sermons. {De Courcy R.) {Bering (C.E.) {Dihdin T.F.) {Dick J.) {Dickson D.) {Dillon R.C.) {Disney J.) {D'Oyly G.) {Dwight T.) {Edwards Jon.) {Ellis W. W.) {ErsHne J.) {Est/ in. /.P.) {Evans R. W.) {Eyton J.) {Faler G.S.) {Farquhar J.) {Fell H.F.) {Fenn Jos.) {Fenwick C'.F.) {Fleming T.) {Ford Jas.) {Forster E.) {Fothergill S.) {Foyster J.G.) {Eraser P.) {Freston J.) {Furlong C.J.) {Gait M.) {Gardiner J.) {Gamier J.) {Garrow D. W.) {Gery H. W.) {Gill John.) {Gillson W.) {Gishorne T.) {Gordon R.) {Govett R.) {Grade A.) {Grand Pierre H.J.) {Grant Alex.) {Grant Johnson.) {Greemcood F. W.) {Giiyse and Hill.) {Hull Roht.) {Hall Roht. of Kelso.) {Halliday Alex.) {Hamilton R. W) {Hankinson T.E.) {Harrison Ralph.) {Haslegrave J.) {Hawtrey C.) {Hayden J.) {Head HE.) {Henry Ph.) {Herbert Wni.) {Hervey J.) {Hett W.) {Hewlett John.) {Hill John.) {Hill JV.) {Hill Rowl.) {Hoare J.) {Hook W.F.) {Hopkins S.) {Horhery M.) Divinity, &c., continued. Sermons. {Hordern J.) {Horn T.) {Horsley Dp.) {Howels W.) {Hvghes G.) {Hutton F.H.) {Ilkeston R.M.) {Irons Josh.) {Irons W.J.) (Ives C.) {.lack J.) {Jackson 3Iiles.) {Jay IF.) {Jehh Bp.) {Johnson S.) {Johiistone John.) {Jones Grif.) {Jones John.) [Jones T.S.) {Jones Wm.) {King Hen.) {Knight Jas.) {Kno7des T.) {Latimer H.) {Laud Abp.) (Laurie T.) {Le Bas C. W.) {Leighton Abp.) {Lindsay Jas.) {Lloyd J.C.) (Lloyd Mor.) (Lloyd Rd.) (Logan J.) (Luckock B.) (Luscombe Bp.) (Lynn G.G.) (AlacCrie T.) (MacDonald W.) {MacNeile H.) (MalUn W.) (Malthy Bp.) (Manning H.E.) (Manning 0.) (Mansfield J.) (Marks R.) (Marriott J.) (Marsden J.B.) {Marsh W.) (Marshall R.) (Martin John.) (Marlyn H.) (Massillon Bp.) (Mathmo S.B.) (Mathias B. W.) (Maturin C.R.) (Maude HR.) (Mayers W.) (Medley Bp.) (Melri^ll H.) (Miller J.C.) (Miliier Isaac.) (Milner Jos. & Fawcett J.) (Minchin C.H.) (Molesivorth J.E.N.) (Monck T.S.) (Montgomery R.) I 2 60 CLASSIFIED INDEX. [LONDON Divinity, &c., continued. Sermons. {Moore C.) {Mountain J. II.) {Moxon E.) {Munkhousc R.) {Xance J.) {Newton John.) {XicoHA.) {O'Beirne Jij).) {Ogden Sam.) {Ogilvie J.) {Oxenden M.) {Packer J.G.) {Paley W.) {Palmer Sam.) (ParHn E.) ■ {Parkinson R.) {Parsons J.) {Partridge.) {Patteson E.) {Pay son E.) {Pearce W.) {Pearson H.) {Perceval A. P.) {Pohchele R.) {Porteus Bp.) {Post B.) {Powys L.) {Price C.P.) {Price Rich.) {Proctor Jas.) {Prowett J.) {Radcliffe W.) {Raihes H.) {Ramsden K.) {Rawlings C.) {Rennell Thos.) {Rennell T. Jun.) {Revell H.R.) {Richardson W.) {Riddock J.) {Robinson J. T.) {Robson E.) {Rodes C'.II.R.) {Romeyn J.B.) {Roxby R.) {Russell John.) {Russell R.R.) {Sangar J.T.) (Sargeunt J.) {Saurin J.) {Scattergood S.) {Scholl C.) {Scott Jas.) (Scott John.) {Scott Thos.) {Seioell W.) {Sharpe W.) {Shutileworth P.N.) {Sievewright J.) (Simpson D.) {Sim2)son R.) {Sims T.) {Smith Hugh.) {Smith J.H.) {Smith T.T.) (Snou-den W.) Divinity, &c., continued. Sermons. {South R.) (Spena-y A.) (Stavrhy W.B.) {Sti:hbing 11.) (Slenns R.) {St(u:art J.H.) (Stokes a.) {Stowell II.) {Summers S.) {Su-an C.) (Tayler C.B.) {Taj/lor Jer.) {Tellett E.) {Tempile E.) {Tenanti.) {Thistlethwaite W.) {Thompson Edw.) {Thomson And.) {Thruston F.) {Tillotson Abp.) {TrencJiMrd W.E.) {Trevor T.T.) {Tucker John.) {Tuson F.E.) ( Ullathorne Dr.) {Usher Alp).) ( Valpy Dr.) {Vaughan H.) ( Venn J.) ( Vincent J.) ( Vincent M.) {Vogan T.S.) {Walker Geo.) {Walker Jas.) {Walling er J.) ( Walsh T.) {Walton J.) {Wardlaw R.) ( Warren Sam.) {Watson J. W.) ( Watts Isaac.) {Wayland D.S.) {Webb F.) {Wellbeloved C.) {Wellu-ood H.M.) {Welsh D.) {Wesley C.) ( West Matt.) {Whately Abp.) ( White Hugh.) {White II.O.) {White Tho.) {Whitefield G.) {Whyte, of Dumfermline.] ( Wilberforce Bp).) {Williams Alfred.) {Williams John.) ■ {Williams P.) ( Wilso7i Bp.) {Wilson Dan.) {Wilson P.) {Wilson W.C.) {Woolcombe W.) ( Wordsworth Chr.) {Yonge J.) Academical. {Mant Bp.) CATALOGUE.] CLASSIFIED INDEX. 6] Divinity, &c., continued. Semions, Argumentative. {Tucker W.G.) Barrack. {Moules II.) Boyle Lecture. (Owen II.) ■ ( Van Mildert Bj).) Charity School. [Tlmtlethwaite.) Church Yard Stile. {Clarke E. W.) Club. {Cfibson A.) Collection. {Cohheit W.) {Preacher.) Congregational. {Chalmers Dr.) Consecration. {Leeds Church.) Continental. {Hartley John.) Cottage. {Davy Cha.) Preacher. {Henderson Mrs.) Doctrinal. {Neshit It.) and Practical. {Baylis Jos.) {Clinton C.J.) {Cole B.T.) {Coo'per Edw.) {Gleig G.R.) {Goode F.) (Ilaverfield T.) (Howo'rth W.) {Jel/H.W.) {Lloyd J.C.) {Mathew Geo.) {Riddle J.E.) Evangelical. {Bush J.) Expository. {Vauffhan T.) • {Family.) Family. {Boys E.G.) {Original.) {Toller T.JV.) {Whitaker E.W.) and Parochial. {Calthro}) J.) {Shepherd W.) Fifty. {Outlines.) • Friendly Society. {Friendly.) Funeral, by Eng. Divines. {Wood J.P.) Gaelic, edited by Dewar. {Gaelic.) Garrison. {Le Mesurier J.T.) Gospel, Eminent Authors. {Lambert.) Home, Six Minutes long. {Williams A.) Illustrative and Practical {Gilpin W.) Irish Preacher. {Irish.) Masonic. {Percy W.J.) Miscellaneous, Bloomfield, &c. Moyer Lecture. {Waferland D.) Occasional. {Morehead P.) {Mortimer T.) {Styles J.) and Practical. {Lee R.) Divinity, &c., contimied. Sermons, Parochial. {Harness W.) {Hassendo7ick II. J.) {Hopkins B.) {Ha si land J.) {Newman J.H.) Selections {Neicman J.H.) {Sewell W.) {Wilson Wm.) {Woodhouse G.W.) and Domestic. {Mant Bpi.) Pastoral. {Bevan G.) {Plain.) Plain. {Blackley T.) {Edwards E.) {Evans A.B.) {Fou-leF.W.) {MacCaul A.) {Mousley W.) {Pearson C.B.) {Perceval C.G.) Philalethes. {Plain.) {Sidehottom H.F.) {Thompson R.S.) Parochial. {Buswell W.) ■ {Parsons D.) {Slade Jas.) Practical. {Biddulph T.T.) (Boudier John.) {Howard T.) {Kidd T.) {Warter J.W.) — Scriptural. {Beachcroft R.P.) Plans of. {Benson Jas.) Posthumous. {Blunt H.) {Gill J.) {Goode F.) {Hancock W.) {Thomson And) Ordination. {Raikes II.) Parish. {Hare J.C.) {Heher B2).) Parochial. {Ainger T.) {Bean J.) {Bests.) {Cameron C.R.) {Cowe J.) {Evans R. W.) {Garhett Jas.) {Girdlestone C.) {Gresley W.) {Gretton F.) {Hampden R.D.) Practical. {Atkinson M.) {Bather E.) {Blackley T.) {Bradley C.) {Brewster J.) {Carpenter L) {Coxe R.C.) {CraAg E.) {Crosthwaite J.C.) {Enfield W.) {Gilson D.) {Graves R.) {Harte W.M.) {Hill G.D.) {Jesse W.) {Kelly D.) {MacLean J.) {Milner Jos.) {Moherly Geo.) {Nicholls B.E.) {Okes H.) {Pope S.) {Rces Ahr.) {Walker Geo.) ( Woodhouse G. TF.) and Familiar. {Cooper E.) for Families. {Marriott H.) Preacher from the Press. {Alexander J.) 02 CLASSIFIED INDEX. [LONDON Divinity, &c., continued. SeiTTions, Presbyterian Armoury. {Oillesjyie O.) Protestant Preacher. {Protestant.) {Pttljnt.) Pulpit. (British.) {German.) {Jnsk.) Outlines. {Thomson Ad.) {Scottish.) . Synopsis. (Cope Rd.) Relief Preacher. {Rdief.) Round Preacher. {Round.) Sacramental. {Bradley C.) ■ Scotch Preacher. {Evangelical.) Scriptural and Practical. Select. {Barrow Isaac.) {Bevendge Bp.) Short. {Dransfield W.) {Townshend.) Skeletons of. {Kidd Jas.) {Simeon Cha.) One Hundred. {Henry P.) Sketches of. {Gipps H.) {Preacher.) ■ Fifty-two. {ffyatt J.) Four Hundred. {Sketches.) and Ske\etons.{BurnsJabes.) {C'uhitt G.) Trinitarian and Unitarian. {Tur7iour.) Twelve Anniversary. University. {Tholuck A.) Village. {Beddome B.) {Berens E.) {Burder G.) — . {Dallas A.) {Jones Fra.) {Jowett J.) {Mayd W.) {Roberts A.) Church. Evangelical. (Thirty.) Preacher. ( Village.) Visitation. (Holland S.) Wesleyan Preacher. (Wesleyan.) and Addresses. (Turner Wm.) Biog. Sketch. (Gryll T.) Charge. (Butler Bp.) Charges. (Goddard C.) (Doane Bp.) (Hough Bp.) (Jortiii J.) (Middleton Bp) ( Van Mildert Bp.) Discourses. (Atterhiiry Bp.) (Erskine Eb.) (Lavington S.) {Moncrieff H.) Dissertations. (Wrangham F.) Essay. (Hendy A.D.) Essays. (MacLaurin J.) Expositions. (Morison John.) Fragments. (Barrow Isaac.) Hymns for Children. (Short.) Lectures. (Aitken Thos.) (Brunton A.) (Irving E.) (Sadlier F.) Divinity, &c., continued. Sermons and Letters. (Bretland J.) (Richards J.) and Life. (Benson Jos.) (Brown D.) (Buckminster J.S.) (Bull Bp.) (Craig Wm.) (Dehon T.) (J)rysdale John.) (Evanson Edw.) (Forster L.) (lIoAckes Wm.) (Hill Rowl.) (Houghton P.) (Kirivan W.B.) (Moxon R.) (Rogers John.) -— — (Sanderson R.) ( Vinceiit W.) (Walker Robt.) (Wesley J.) (Whitefield G.) Memoir. (Douglas A.) (Ferrier Dr.) (Gauntlett II.) (Gray Jas.) (Hincks J.) (Howell Wm.) (Marriott W.H.) (Marshall T.) {Martin Jas.) {Sup>erville D.) (Toller T.N.) { Watson T.) — Miscellaneous Pieces. (Mayoxv R. W.) — Outlines. — Practical Works. (Erskine R.) — Poetical Remains. ( Winslow E.) — Prayers. (Beard J.R.) (Practical.) (Toplady A.M.) — Remains. (Louih Bp.) — Sketches of Sermons. ( Watson R.) — Tracts. (Hamilton G.) (Paley W.) ( Wilson D.] Treatises. (Barrotu Isaac.) at Aberystwith. (Hughes John.) — Barnwell, Cambridge. (Lane J.D.) — Basingham, Notts. ( Wayland D.S.) — Bath. (Elu-in F.) ( Wilson E.) Penitentiary. (Crossman F.G.) Bathwick. (Kilvert F.) Birmingham. (Cooke John.) Blackburn. ( Whittaker J. W.) Bognor. (Miller E.) Brighton. (Kennairay C.E.) Brixton. (Tucker W.H.) Cambridge. (Bird C.S.) — (Blakelock R.) (Blakesley J.) (Blunt J.J.) (Chevallier T.) (Dale T.) (Fisk G.) CATALOGUE.] CLASSIFIED INDEX. 63 Divinity, &c., coHtinued. Sermons at Cambridge. {Gibson J.) {Harness W.) {lleurtlei/ C.A.) {HUdi/ard J.) ■ — {Melvill U.) {Merivale C.) {MM IF.//.) {Moore D.) ■ {RosellJ.) {Shavji W.) {Treach R.C.) {Wait D.G.) {Webster T.) at Chapel Koyal. {Merivale €.) ■ {Noel B. W.) {Perceval A.P.) Chelsea. {Blunt H.) {Miller J. C.) Cheltenham. {Browne J.) — {Close F.) {Kennan-ay C.E.) Chester. {Taiihr C.B.) Clapham. {/h-adlo/ C.) {Ikaltr'ii IF.) Clerkenwell. {S/iepjjard T.) Cripplegate {Morning Exercises.) Denmark Hill. {Dale T.) Dumfries. {Alac Farquhar W.P.) Edinburgh. {Sandford Bp.) Exeter. {Lowe Dean.) 1845. Falmouth. {Harvey TF. IF.) Farnham. {Sanhey R.) Florence. ( Tennant R.J.) Foundling Hospital. {Lawson C.) Gawcott. {Scott Tko.) Geneva. {Kctmurd G.) Glasbury. {Bradley C.) Glasgow. {Hitchen I.) St. John's. {Chalmers Dr.) Tron Church. {Chalmers Dr. Gloucester. {Bowling J.G.) Hamburg. {Salomon G.) Hampstead. {Marsh E.G.) Harrow. {Steel T.H.) School. ( Wordsn-orth Chr.) — High Wycombe. {Bradley C.) — Iffley, Oxon. {Jacobson IF.) — Jedburgh. — Kelso, Ordination of H. Bonar. — Lancaster. {Cardall TF.) {Housman R.) — Leeds, St. Saviour's. — — for Repairing Churches. — Lime Street Lecture, London. — Lincoln's Inn. {Maltby Bp.) {Nares R.) { Van Mildert Bj).) Liverpool, Popish Errors. Malta. {Hatherell J. W.) Melton Mowbray. {Bagge J.) Mendlcsham. {Day H.T.) Middlewich. {Dilxlin R.W.) Mytton, York. {Knight TF.) Newcastle, Tyne. Newtown. {Fryer H.) Divinity, &c., continued. Sermons at Old Jewry, London. {Fawcett J.) at Oxford. {Burton E.) {Denison Bp.) {Gresle>/ TF.) {Hook W.F.) {Manning H.E.) {Marriott C.) {Marsh E.G.) {Short A.) ( Wilber/orce Bp.) Pinner's Hall, London. {Hurrion J.) Plymouth. {Smith H.C.) Prestwich. {Stone T.) Reading. {Trench F.) Ripon, for Infant Schools. {Webber J.) Rotterdam.( Mutton C.R.) Rugeley. (Burton R.C.) Ryde. {Griffith T.) St. Ann's, Blackfriars. {Harding J.) Botolph's, Bpgate. {BlomfieldBp.) Bride's, London. {Dale T.) David's. {Ollivant A .) Giles, Cripplegate. {AndrewesBp.) George's, Bloomsb. {DibdinR.W.) • ( VilliersH.M) John's, Manchester. {Clowes J.) Mary's, Marylebone. {DibdinT.F.) Pancras, London. ( Wilson Wm.) {Drew G.S.) Petersburgh. (Za?» E.) Sepulchre's, London. {Natt J.) Salter's Hall. ( Worthington H.) Sculeoates, Hull. {King Jolcn.) — Sedgley, Farewell. {Girdlestone C.) — Sheffield. {Taylor T.R.) — Shrewsbury. {Simpson J.) — Skipton. ( Ward R.) — Stonehouse. {Cooper Jas.) — Tallow, Ireland. {Brougham H.) — Tavistock. {Landon W.H.) — Temple Church. {Irvine And.) {Rowlatt W.H.) & Camb. {Sm ith T. T.) — Trentham. {Butt T.) — Tunbridge Wells. {Forster T.) — Valparaiso. {Rowlandson J.) — Walsall. {Childe C.F.) — Welbeck Chapel, London. {WhiteTho.) — Whitehall. {Conybeare W.J.) {Hildyard J.) {Oeiheley F.) — Winchester College. {Moberly Geo.) — Windsor. {Cooh'sley W.G.) — Worcester. {Still in gjleet B.) ■ before the National Schools. {Kilvert F.) Prayer and Homily Society. Queen. {Wilber/orce Bp).) by English Clergy. {Practical.) — Members of Associate Synod. Society of Friends. — Thirty-nine Living Divines. Wesleyan Methodist Ministers. for Advent, Christmas, &c. {Gleig G.R.) Benefit of Irish Clergy. Children. {Fletcher A.) {Johns C.A.) 64 CLASSIFIED INDEX. [LONDON Divinity, &c., continued. Sermons for Children. {Markham Mrs.) Xaiujrt.) for Domestic Reading. (Joirett Jos.^ Use. {IhwlM J.P.) — Every Sunday. {Ckip/uim ) (Bitsfield J. A.) {Clap)}^ J.) (Gandolpihtts.) (Aludge W.) CATALOGUE.] CLASSIFIED INDEX. 65 Divinity, &c., continued. Sermons on Christianity. {Short Bp.) {Still Ingjieet Bp.) {Tucicer John.) {Vance W.F.) {Youncj W.T.) Christmas Day, &c. {Maurice F.) Church Building. {Emerton J. A.) Character. {(Joleridge Dem.) Discipline, &c. {WatsonA.) Doctrines. {Greyg T.D.) Establishments. {Holmes I.) Ministry, {Beeeridge Bp.) {Htitchijison Cyr.) {Stonar-d J.) - Vindicated. {Hook W.F.) - of Christ. {Povah B.) God. {Brans B. W.) Coming of Christ. {Marsden J.B.) Messiah. {Parry Fred.) Commandments. {Clowes J.) {HarHson W.) {Hill G.D.) {.Tones Roht.) {Barken E.R.) {Marsh E.G.) {Nance J.) {Sunday.) Common Prayer. {Dusautoy F.) {Marriott H.) {Binder J.H.) Communion. {Poole G.A.) ( Waugh J.S.) Consolation. {Greenirood F. W.) Creed of Pope Pius IV. David, Life of. {Thompson H.) Death and Eternity. {Mortimer T.) Judgment, &c. {WhitaJcer J.) Divine Subjects. {Clarkson £>.) Domestic Duties. {CressveU. D.) Duties of Children, by a Lady. Clergy. {Piggott S.) {Bose H.J.) Daily Life. {Paget F.E.) Women. {Marriott H.) Easter. {Cunningham J. W.) Education. {Lancaster T. W.) ( Whitaker E. W.) Elijah and John. {Anderson J.S.) Elishas Staff. {Hojncood H.) Epistle to Colossians. {Gisborne T.) Philippians. {Neat C.) ■ Romans. {Allies T.W.) Epistles and Gospels. {Warner R.) Errors of Romish Church. Church of Rome. Eucharist. {Hollouay J.T.) Evang. Repentance. ( Wordsrcorth C.) Exodus, Ch. L— XV, {Trou-er W.J.) Facts of Scripture. {Melvill H.) Faith. {Foicle F. W.) {Nare-s R.) {O'Brien J.T.) {Young T.) and Duty. {Buddicom R.P.) Practice. {Gompertz J.) {Gregory C.) Divinity, &c., continued. Sermons on Fastsand Festivals. {A ndt-eu-es B2).) Fegtivals. {Armstrong John.) {Povah R.) {Buss' a A . T.) {Sumner Bp.) First Adam. {Hobson S.) Lessons. {Burrowes R.) { Warner R.) Future State. {Thompson £.) Genesis. {Bassett W.) {Wilson Wm.) Gideon. {Eiirin F.) God's History of M;in. {Sabin J.E.) Good Breeding. {Hogg Jas.) Gospel Covenant. {Bowdler T.) Doctrines. {Coojier E.) {Luther M.) {More G.) John. {Jones Jos.) Ch.XVn. {Cogswell W.) Matt, Ch. XL {VaughanE.) Gospels. (Came R.H.) {Hughes G.) — {Wheeler J.) Great Forty Days. {Moherly G.) History of the Soul. {Hambleton J.) Holy Ghost. {Edmondson ri«?)i«io»(ZZr.) Religion Exemplified. {Maurice M.) {Turner D.) Society of Friends. See Friends. Socinian Tract, Letters. {Rest T.) Socinianism, Essays. (Cottle.) Preservative Against. (Hare E.) and Irvingism Refuted. {Barclay J.) Socrates. (Rdigion of.) Solace of an Invalid. Soldier's Crown. (Shittler.) Help to Divine Truth. {Gleig G.R.) Solid Resources for Old Age. Solitude, Companion, by Young. {Sel.Ch.Au.) Improved. (Banew) Sweetened. (Meikle.) Solomon and Shulamite. (Krummacher F. W.) Solomon's Song, Commentary. {Hmcker Dr.) Divinity, &c., continued. Solomon's Song, Ex.imination. {Davidson IF.) Sorrow and Consolation. (Grand-Pierre.) Soul, Human. (Clones J.) Immateriality. (Ihew J.) hujuiry into. (Ihish G.) Nature, Faculties, &c. {Neville W.) Prosperity. (Dennant.) ■ Religion. ( Wi7i.' Israeli B.) Alasio, Tragedy! {Shee M.A.) Albanians, &c., Poems. {Bennett G.) Album Verses, &c.. Poems. {Lamb C.) Alciphron, Poem. {Moore T.) Aldine British Poets. Alfieri's Philip, Tragedy, trans, by Childe. Tragedies, translated by Lloyd. Alfred, Drama. {Lindsay Sir C.) Poem. {CoUingwood G. L.) ■ {Cottle J.) Romance in Rhyme. {Knight R.P.) Alhagranza, Metrical Romance. {Stewart J.) Alice, &c.. Poems. {Middleton J.) All for Love, Poems. {Southey R.) Aloadin, &c., Poems. Alpha, Poem. Alphonso Algarves, Drama. {Wortley.) Althorp Picture Gallery, &c., Poems. Amaranth, Poetrj'. Amarynthus, &c., Poems. America and other Poems. Amidei, Tragedy. Amir Khan, &c.. Poems. {Davidson L.) Amor Patriae, Poem. {Lunn J.) Amusements of a Mission, Poems. {MarsdenJ.) Amy Robsart, &c.. Poems. {Torre JV.) Amyntas, from Tasso. {Hunt L.) Amyntor, Poetical Romance. {Masterton.) Anacreon, Odes of. {Moore T.) {Orrjer T.) {Richardson W.) Ancient Metrical Tales. {Hartshorne C.H.) Rhythmical Art. {O'Brien W.) Andrea of Hungary, Dramas. {Landor TF..S'.) Angel Visits, &c., Poems. {Wood J.R.) ■ • of Mercy, Poem. the World, Poems. {Croly G.) Angela, Poem. {Church J.H.) Angels, Poem. {Clarhe H.) Visits, Poems. {Savage A.) Angiolina del Albano, Play. ( Wortley.) Angler, Poem. {Lathy T.P.) Anglo-Cambrian, Poem. {Linwood M.) — Saxon Harp. {Jones Jac.) Anne Boleyn, Poem. {Mliinan H.U.) Tragedy. {Graver H.AI.) Drama and Poetry continued. Anster Fair, &c.. Poems. {Tennant W.) Antediluvian Sketches. Poems. {Ilowitt R.) Antediluvians, Poem. {Mac Henry J.) Anthology. {Dunlop J.) Annual. {Cottle J.) B.atavian. {Bowring J.) {Brilish.) {Cheltenham.) Cheskian. {Bowring J.) Parents. {Mant A.C.) Antoniii, Poem. {Young M.) Aonian Hours, Poems. {Wiffhi J.H.) Apology for Lord Byron, Poems. {Prentis S.) Arab Bride, Poem. {Barber S.) Arabia, Poem. {Grant Johnson.) Arabs, Poetical Tale. Ariosto, Orlando Furioso. Story of Ginevra. {Story.) Aristophanes, Translations of, viz. — Acharnians, Knights, &c. Birds, by Gary. and Clouds, by Suvern. Clouds, by Gerard. and Peace. Comedies, by Mitchell. Walsh. Wheelwright. Ecclesiazusae, by Smith. Plutus, by Carrington. and the Frogs. Armagedden, Poem. {Townsend G.) Arnaldo, Gaddo, &c., Poems. Arrow and the Rose, Poems. {Kennedy W.) Art of English Poesie. {Haslewood J.) Preserving Health,Poem. {ArmstrongJ.) War, Poem. {Hamilton S.) Arthur, or Pastor of the Village, Poem. Ascension, Poem. {Johns R.) Assassins of the Paradise, Poem. Associate Minstrels, Poems. Athaliah, translated by Fry. {Racine.) Death of, Drama. {Trollope W.) Athanasion, &c.. Poems. {Coxe A.C.) Athelwold, Tragedy. {Smith W.) Athenaid, Poem. {Bradfield J.H.) Atonement, &c., Poems. {Ole W.S.) Attila, Poem. {Herbert Hon. W.) Traged}^, and other Poems. Australia, &c.. Poems. {Hervey T.K.) Autumn Dream, Poems. {Shepjmrd J.) Autumnal Leaves, Poems. ( Valle H.F.) Axel, Poem. {Tegner.) Ayrshire Wreath, Poetry. Azamoglan, Tragedy. Azora, Metrical Romance. {Head M.) Babbicome, &c.. Poems. {Bridges M.) Bacchus in Tuscany, Poem. {Hunt L.) Balaam's Prophecj^, Poems. {Lowe H.) Ballads. See also Lays and Songs. ■ {Booh.) British. {Bool:) Christian. { A.C.) — — German. {Burns' Fam. Lib.) National. {Stodart M.A.) Scotch. {Ancient.) Ancient. {Buchan.) 78 CLASSIFIED INDEX. [LONDON Drama and Poetry continued. Ballads, Scotch. {C/uunhers R.) {Clpic.) {Gilchrisl J.) Spanish. {Loci-hart J.) and Lyrics. {Scott Sir W.) I'ocnis. {L/le"jI.F.) {Warliiirtoii 11. E.) Tales. {Burns' Fam. Lib.) {Southey R.) of Arcliery, &c. {Dodd J. W.) on Irish Fiction. {Ryan R.) Banks of the Wye, Poem. {lUooinfield R.) Bannockburn, Poem. Baptistery, Poem. {Williams L) Bar (The), Poem. Barbadoes, &c., Poems. {Chapman M.J) Bard, Poem. {Gray T.) Poetical Selection. Poetry. {Christian.) {Cohunb'ian.) of the North. {Moore D.) Sea Kings, Poems. {Hervey Mrs.) Bardiad, Poem. {Burton C.) Bards, Welsh, Relics of. {Jones E.) Baron's Yule Feast, Poems. {Cooper T.) Baruch's Dance, &c., Poems. Battle of Flodden Field, Poems. {Weber H.) Maida, Poem. {Scott R.) Navarin, Poems. Trafalgar, Poem. Waterloo, Poem. {Cartwright W.) -- the Bridge, Poem. {Maxwell C.) Baviad and Mseviad, Poems. {Gifford W.) Bay Leaves, &c.. Poems. {Smith T.C.) Beauties of. {Beattie J.) — ■ — {Beaumont & Fletcher) {Massinger P.) {Scott Sir W.) {Shelley P. B.) {Young E.) of Llandovery, Poem. {Buhner J.) Beauty of Holiness, Poems. {Scott G.B.) the Rhine, Met. Romance. {HortR.) Bee ; Poetical Selection. Beggar's Coin, Poem. {Best J.R.) Belfegor, Poem. Belgic Pastorals, Poems. {Glasse J.) Belle of a Season, Poem. {Blessington Lady.) Bells, &c.. Poems. {Bennett J.) Belshazzar, Poems. {Mihnan H.H.) Belvidere Apollo, &c., Poems. {Milman H.H.) Bereaved, &c.. Poems. {Whitfield.) Beritola, Poetical Tales. {Lloyd C.Jr.) Bertram, Poetical Tale. {Brydges Sir E.) Bethlehem, Poem. {Bennett W.) Betrayal, Poem. {Bellamy S.) Bianca, &c.. Poems. {Smith L.B.) Bible Poetry. ■ Rhymes. {More H.) Bidcombe Hall, &c.. Poems. {Skurray F.) Bion and Moschus, Translations from. Birth and Triumph of Love, Poem. {Lamb J. B.) Birthday, &c.. Poems. {Sou.ihey Mrs.) Gift, Poems. {Gray Mrs. J.) Blanche of Navarre, Play. {.Tames G.P.R.) Drama and Poetry continued. Blarney, Poem. {Hogan J.) Blindness, Poem. {Park- A.) Blossoms, Poetry. {Millhoase R.) of Hope, Poetry. Poesy. {Banks A.) Blue Bell, Tales in Verse. {Turner E.) Boccacio, Decameron. Tales from, and other Poems. Bodiam Castle, Poem. Bond, Dramatic Poem. {Oore Airs.) Borgia, Play. {Worley H.) Borgias, Drama. Borough, Poems, by Crabbe. {Smith's Lib.) Boyhood, &c.. Poems. {Elton CA.) Boyle Farm, Poem. Brazen Serpent, Poem. {Cope H.) Brendallah, Poem. {Eagle T.) Brian the Probationer, Poem. {Hill /.) Bridal Night, &c.. Poems. {Moore IJ.) of Armagnac, Tragedy. {Streatfield.) Caolchairn, &c.. Poems. {Allan J.U.) Melcha; Dramatic Sketch. — Naworth, Poems. {Srhole.-< ./.) Trierniain, Poem. {Scott Sir W.) the Isles, Mask. {Knight C.) Bride of Messina. {Schiller.) Bridegroom, &c.. Poems. {Park A.) of the Fay, Poem. Bride's Melody. {Tomlinson J.W.) Brides of Florence, Play. {Fitz Eustace R.) Bristol and its Environs, Poem. Britain, &c.. Poems. {Green J.) Preserved, Poem. {Brown J.) Britannia's Chieftain, Poem. British Bards, Selections. Church, &c.. Poems. {Waugh D.) Georgics. {Grahame J.) Melodist, Songs. Minstrel, Songs. Months, Poem. {Mant Bjy.) Orpheus, Songs. {Nicholson O.) Poesj^, Devotional. {Gems.) Pathetical. {Gems.) Broad Grins, Poems. {Colman G.) Broken Heart, Metrical Tale. &c.. Poems. {Reade E.J.) Brothers, Play. &c.. Poems. {Elton C.A.) Brunswick, Poem. Buccaneer, &c., Poems. {Malcolm J.) Buried Bride, &c.. Poems. Burning of Moscow, Poem. {Chater R.C.) Byron, Fugitive Pieces, &c. {Nathan J.) Byzantium, Poem. {Poole J.) &c.. Poems. {Marshall B. A.) Cabin Boy, Poems. Cadet, &c.. Poems. Cain, Tragedy. {Byron Lord.) and Abel, Poem. {Chadwick A.) {Harpier W.) {Yorke C.J.) the Wanderer, &c.. Poems. Caius Marius, Tragedy. {Douhleday.) Calcdoninn Muse. {Ritson J.) Calvary, Poem. {Cumberland R.) Cambridge English Prize Poems. CATAI.OGUE.] CLASSIFIED INDEX. 79 Drama and PoEiRy continued. Cambridge Tart, Poems. Camoens' Lusiad, translated by Mickle. Poems, translated by Lord Strangford. Camp of Wallenstein, Poem. {Eyerton Ld. F.) Campaign, Poem. {Gwilliam J.) Cant, Satire. Captain Sword, &c.. Poem. {Hunt L.) Captive Muse, Poems. {Button T.) ■ Vigils, Poem. of Fez, Poem. {Aird T.) Caraguin, Poetical Tale. {Dunhar R.N.) Cardinal Beaton, Drama. {Tennant W.) Career of Woman, Poem. {Lewis C.) Castle Konar, Poem. — ■ — of Indolence, Poem. {Thomson J.) Caswallon, Tragedy. {Gandij E.) Catharine Douglas, Tragedy. Cathedral, Poem. ( Williams I.) Catherine di Medicis, Tragedy. {Woodlei/.) of Cleves, &c., Tragedies. {EyertonLd.F.) Catiline, &c.. Poems. {Croly G.) Catullus' Poems, Notes by G. Lamb. Celt's Paradise, Poem. {Benion J.) Chace, Poem. {Sonurville W.) Chair, Poems. {Gay J.) Chaos and the Creation, Poem. Charlemagne, Poem. {Bonajjarte L.) Chaucer, Canterburj' Tales. Poems, Modernized. Poetical Works. Riches of. {Clarke C.C.) Chaunt of the Cholera, Songs. Cheltenham, Poem. {Tovei/ T.) Anthology. Lyrics. {Hardynge.) Cherwell Water-Lily, Poems. {Faher F. W) Chevy Chace, Poem. Child of the Islands, Poem. {Norton Mrs.) Childhood, Poem. (Hornby.) Poems. {Norval J) Poetical Selection. {Rathbone.) Childe Alarique, &c., Poems. {Gillies R.P.) Albert, &c., Poems. Harold, Poem. {Byron Lord.) Last Canto. {Lamartini.) Chimney-Sweeper's Friend, Poems. Choric Poetrj' of Gr. Dram. Writers. {AnsticeJ.) Chozar and Sela, Poems. {Fletcher J.) Christ Crucified, Poem. {Wall W.E.) and Antichrist, Poem. our All in All, Poem. {Alontgomery R.) Christabel, &c., Poems. {Coleridge S.T.) Christian Pastor, Poem. {Morell T.) Pilgrim, Poems. {Peel E.) Christian's Book of Gems ; Poetry. Golden Harp, Poetry. Shade, &c.. Poems. {Broivnlee J.) Song in his Pilgrimage. {Allen G.) Christianity, Poem. {Burt W.) Christina's Kevenge, Poems. {Moffalt J.M.) Christmas, Poem. {Moxon E.) Carols. {Sandys W.) with Tunes. {Gilbert D.) Voyage, Poem. Church Poetry. {Days and Seasons.) Thoughts in Verse. Drama and Poetry continued. Church and State, Poem. at Gaily Hill, Poem. {Warner T.) Church- Yard Gleanings, Poems. {Pulleyn.) Lyrist, Poems. {Mogridge G.) City of Refuge, Poem. {Quin T.) the East, &c. ; Poems. Clara Chester, Poem. Classical Selections in Verse. Claudian, Translations, by Howard, in English Rhyme, by Hawkins. Clemency of Titus, Poem. Clcone, &c.. Poems and Stanzas. Clergyman's Recreations, Verse. {Sewell W.) Clifton, Poem. {Antrohas J.) Coeur-de-Lion, Poem. {Porden Miss.) Columbian Bard, American Poetry. Comic Dramas. {Edgeu-orth M.) Writers, English, Lectures. {Hazlitt W.) Commemoration of Handel, Poem. {Ring J.) — Reynolds, Poems. {SheeM.A.) Commemorative Feelings, Poems. Wreath, Poetry on Slavery. Commercial Tourist, Satirical Poem. Confession, &c.. Poems. Confusion, or the Wag, Drama. {Kotzebue A.) Conquest of Ireland ; Poem. Conrad, &.c. Poems. {Temjileman R.A.) Consolation, &c.. Poems. {Gillespie W.) Constanca, Poem. {Merle W.H.) Contemplation, &c., Poems. {Balfour A.) Converted Jew, Poem. ( Verclo7i.) Conveyancer's Guide, Poem. {Crisp J.) Corinth and other Poems. Tragedy and Poems. {Humboldt C.) Coronal, Poems. {Gray Mrs. J.) Coronation, Poem. {Sharpley C.G.) Cottage Life, kc, Poems. {Usher R.) Cottager's Sabbath ; Poems. {Hurrey J.) {Mullen S.) Council of Constance ; Poem. {John Huss.) Count Clermont, Tragedies, &c. {Bell A.) Denia, Poem. {Hoskins H.) and his Contemporaries, Poem. Counterfeit Saints, &c., Poems. {Swan C.) Country Parson, &c., Poems. {Herbert G.) Vicar, &c., Poems. Coarse of Time , Poem. {Pollok R.) Truth, Poem. {Stone W.) Court News, or Peers of King Coal. and Parliament of Beasts. {Rose W.S.) at Ravenna, Comedy. of Tuscany, &c., Tragedies. Covenant, &c., Poems. Covenanters, &c.. Poems. {Broivn H.) Craniad, Poem. Crayons from the Commons, Poem. Crazed Maid of Venice, &c.. Poems. Creation, Poem. {Ball W.) Displayed, Poem. Crockford House, Rhapsody. Croesus, King of Lydia, Tragedy. Croisade, Poem. {Kerr C.) Cross and the Crescent, Met. Rom. {Beresford J.) Cruise, Poem. {Dunbar R.N.) Cry from the Opprest, Poems. {Wilby M.A.) of the Poor, Poem. 80 CLASSIFIED INDEX. LONDON Drama and Poetuy coatinued. Culled Flowers, Toetry. {Barton B.) Cuma, &c., Poems. {Hest J. 11.) Cumberland's Writings, Exam. {Mudford W.) Cumnor, &c., Dramatic Dial. (Jmpet/ E.B.) Curse of Keliama, Poem. (Snatln'ij li.) Cypress Wreath, Poems. {Wilson Mrs, C.) Dacoit, &c., Poems. (Slo2)er ey E.B.) {James P.M.) {Jones Jos.) {Kennedy C.R.) {Kentish Mrs.) {Kenyan J.) {Knight H.G.) {Lamont Mrs.) {Lawrence Mrs.) {Laioton H.) {Leatham W.H.) {Leigh Lord.) {Longfellow H.) (Lowell J. R.) (Lyte H.F.) (Mac Bean T.) (Marshall Mrs.) (Alattheu's G.) (Mai/nard J. A.) (Methuen H.H.) (Miller T.) (Montgomery Alex.) (Alore Han.) (Moultrie J.) (Neald Mrs.) (Nooth Charl.) (Opie Mrs.) (Original.) (Ossian.) (Patmore C.) (Paton P. A.) (Poivell T.) (Power R.) (Prescott Henri.) (Prowse J.S.) (Ramsay -Allan.) (Rennie E.) (Richardson G.G.) (Roscoe W.S.) (Russell Josh.) (Ryan J.G.) (St. Aubyn, Mary.) (Sandhach Mrs.) (Scholes J.) {S/iakes2}eare.) (Shepherd W.) (Smedley E.) (Sterling J.) (Street B.) (Surrey and Wyatt.) (Taylor Johti) (Taylor P.P.) (Tennyson Alf) (Thew W.) (Tomkins E.) (Twamley L.A.) ( Usher Jas.) (Vedder D.) ( Westtvood J.) (Wheelwright C.A.) (Whytehead T.) {Wihiams Hcl.) ( Willis H.P.) CATALOGUE.] CLASSIFIED INDEX. 89 Drama and Poetry continued. Poems. {WiUmott R.A.) ( Wilmn Mrs. C.) {Wolferstan Mrs.) (Wolto)i and RaUifjh.) OV'jatt C.P.) — [Zedlitz.) Ancient Scottish. {Rannatyne G.) Devotional, &c. {Ken, Bp.) Divine. {Barrier Rd.) and Moral. {Bowdfer J.) Dramatic. (Lowe H.) {Hidican Rt.) &c. {Neele Hen.) Elegiac. {Trench R.C.) English and Scotch. {Ingram W.) Lat., &c., 13th Cent. (Wrifjht T.) Familiar. ( Wilson Sus.) Legendary, &c., {Dovaslon J.F.) {Milnes R.M.) ~ Lyric, and Life by Southey. {Wattsl.) — Minor. {Southey R.) — Miscellaneous. {Bond Mrs H.) — {Byrom John.) {Mifford Miss.) — ■ — {Ousehy T.J.) {Scott Sir W) — {White J.) and Sacred. {Ror/ersII.) — Narrative, &c. {Motherwell Wm.) — Odes, &c.. Spoken at Reading School. — {Original.) — Original. {Taylor J. a,ill ILJ.) Regnault, Poetical Papers of. Regrets of Memory, Poem. Reign of Lockrin, Poem. Terror, &c. Poems. (Everett J.) Rejected Odes, or Leaps at Laureatship. Relics of Melodinn, Portuguese Poet. Religio Clerici, and Parson's Choice. Religionism, Satire. (Ilelme J.) Reliquary, & Appeal for Po(!try. (BartonB.&L.) Relvedder, &c., Poems. (Eagle T.) Remarks on Shooting, in Verse. ( Watt W.) Remember Israel, Poems. Remorse of Orestes, Poem. (Denison J.) Renegade, &c., Poems. (Cole B.T.) Repentance, &c.. Poems. (Gray Mrs. J.) Reppendune, Poem. (Jones Jos.) Reproof of Brutus, Poem. Republic of the Ants, Poem. Retired Lieutenant, Poem. (Lake J.) or Battle of Loncarty. Retrospect of a Retired Mariner, Poem. Retrospection, Poem. (Whitby T.) &c.. Poems. (Brooke A.) (Liddiard W.) Return of the Victors, Poems. (Dailey W.) Revenge of Taran, Poem. (Ball E.) Reverie, &c., Poems. (Hall J.D.) Revolt of the Angels, &c.. Poems. (Reade J.E.) Revolutionary Epic, Poem. (D' Israeli B.) Reynard the Fox, Poem. Rhapsodies. (Ireland W.H.) Rhapsodist. (Comerford R.E.) Rhenish Minstrel. (Stolterforth A.) Rhododaphne, Poem. Rhyme, Romance, and Revery. (RogersonJ.B.) Rhymed Plea for Tolerance. Rhymes, by iEphas. (Random.) Dictionary of (Truster.) Original. (Allen T.S.) (Tem2)erance.) (Village.) and Recollections. (Thoni W.) Rhapsodies. ( Williams R.F.) Roundelays. (Noel T.) for an Hour. (Conlthard C.) the Romantic, &c. from Italy. ( Vertue.) of Scotland. (Chambers Rt.) on Art. (Shee M.A.) — Geography, &c. (Sankay.) Matrimony. Rhyming Reminiscences. Rhythm, Principles of (/Joe R) Ricciardetto of Fortiguerri. (Glenbervie Lord.) Richard the Third, Poem. (Turner S.) Richelieu, Play. (Lytton Sir E.B.) in Love, Comedy. Richmond, &c.. Poems. (Ellis C.) Rival Sisters, &c., Poems. CATALOGUE.] CLASSIFIED INDEX. 93 Drama and Poetry continued. Iliver Diirent, Poem. {Wayth C.) Derweiit, &c., Poems. {Clarke W.B.) Duddon, Poem. {Wordsworth W.) Robber's Cave, Drama. Robin Hood, by S. Percy. {lUtson J.) Hood's Poems, &c. {Smith's Lih.) Roderick, Poem. {Southey R.) Rodolph, &c.. Poems. Rodolpho, Poem and Sonnets. Rogvald, Poem. {Pennie.) Eokeby, Poem. {Scott Sir W.) Rolliad, Poem. Romance of the Dreamer, Poems. {Carpenter J.) Romeo and Juliet, Travestj'. Roncesvalles, Poem. ( Wharton R.) Rosabel and Helvetia, Poems. {Cathretj T.C.) Rosalia, &c., Poems. Rosamund Gray, &c.. Poems. {Lamh C.) Rosara's Chain, Poem. {Lefanu A.) Rosary, &c., Poems. {Faher F. W.) or Beads of Love, Poems. Rose Garden of Persia. {Costello Miss.) Rostang, Drama. Rouge et Noir, Poem. {Read W.) Royal Jubilee, Poem. {Hogg J.) Mariner, &c.. Poems. {SiUerg CD.) Minstrel, Poem. {Pennie.) — — Progress, Geo. IV. in Ireland, Poem. Rubi, Poetical Tale. {Mant F. W.) Ruby Ring, Poem. {Leonard E.) Rural Muse, Poems. {Clare J.) Sketches, Poems. {Ord J. W.) Tales, &c., Poems. {Bloomfield R.) Walks, Poems. {Coiiyer.) Russia, or Crisis of Europe, Poem. Rustic Bower, Poems. {Mackenzie W.) Sabbath, &c., Poems. {Graham J.) Verses. ( Whitehead E.) Sacra Poesis, by M. F. T. Sacred Allegories, &c. ( Williams J.) Beauties, Poetical. {Rou-e H.N.) Day, Poem. {Parry F.) Harp, Poetry. Hymns and Poetry. {Selections.) Leisure, Poems. {Hodgson F.) Literature, in Verse. {Gems.) Lyre, Poems. Mountains and Waters, Versified. Pastime, Verses. {Lawson J.) Poetry. See Poetry, Sacred. Sketches, &c., Poems. {Rolls Mrs.) Verses. ( Williams I.) Sacrifice of Isabel, Poems. {Qnillinan E.) Sailor Boy, Poem. {Ireland W.H.) St. Elian's, or Cursing Well, Poem. - Herbert's Isle, kc, Poems. {Bree J.) - James's, Satirical Poem. - John in Patmos, Poem. {Bowles W.L.) - Lawrence's Well, Poem. {Sheridan H.B.) - Oswald, &c.. Poems. Salamandrine, Poems. {Machay C.) Samor, Poem. {Milman H.H.) Sanctae Vigiliae, Devout Musings. Sanctuaries of Tuscany, Poem. {Bury Lady C.) Sandal in the Olden Time, Poems. Drama and Poetry continued. Sarepta, &c.. Poems. {Goldie E.M.) Satan, Poem. {Montgomery R.) in Love, Poem. {Downing H.) Saul, Dramatic Sketch. King of Israel, Poem. {Alexander S.) and David, Poem. {Bagnall E.) at Endor, Poem. {Smedley E.) Saviour, Poem. Scenes and Shadows. {Boules W.L.) from the Flood, Poems. {Moore D.) of Infancy, Poem. {Leyden J.) War, &c.. Poems. {Malcolm J.) Sceptic, cScc, Poems. {Ciiffe L.) Schiller (F.) Translations of, viz. : — • Bride of Messina. Don Carlos, Historical Drama. Lyrics. Minor Poems. Poems Explained. and Ballads. Song of the Bell. • Tragedies. {Smith's Lib.) Wallenstein. William Tell. Worth of Women, &c. and Goethe, Minor Poems. Selections. School Boj', Poem. {Maude T.) &c.. Poems. {Cromwell T.) of the Heart, &c., Poems. {Alford H.) Scotch Nationality, Vision. Scripture Portraits, in Verse. References, in Verse. Sketches, &c.. Poems. {Greenwood T.) Sea Captain, Play. {Lytton Sir E.B.) Side, Poems, &c. {East J.) Weeds, and other Poems. {Trotter T.) Search after Happiness. {More H.) Prosperine, Poems. {De Vere A.) Season at Harrowgate, Poems. Seasons, Poem. {Thomson J.) Seatonian Prize Poems. {Hankinson T.E.) Second Temple, Poem. Select Readings, in Verse. ( P.) Selections. {Schiller and Goethe.) {Shelley P.B.) from Iiatin Anthology. {Ditnlo2) •^■) Watts and Cowper. Sensibility, &c.. Poems. {Harvey W.C.) Seraphim, &c.. Poems. {Barrett E.) Shades of Waterloo, Vision. {Young M.) Shah Nameh, Poem, by Firdausi. (Or. Tr.F.) Shakespeare, Ayscough's Index to. — Beauties. Characters. {Hazlitt W.) {Richardson W.) ( Whately T.) Concordance. Douce's Illustrations. Early Editions of. {Halliwell J.O.) Facts Regarding his Works. {Collier J.P.) Scenes from. {Min. Class. Lib.) Hunter's Illustrations. Library, by Collier. Meadows' Etchings. Memorials. {Drake JV.) 04 CLASSIFIED INDEX. [LONDON Drama and Poetry continued. Sluikspr:irc-, Noble Kinsmen of. {Letter on.) riiildsopliy of- riays, Coiumont. (Courienay T.P.) - Spirit of. (Ilou-ard F.) Portraits. {lioadvii J.) Readings. {Seymour R.) Remarks on Collier & Knight's. {Dyce.) Restoration of Passages. {.Jackson Z.) Selections, bv Oakley. '- Slater. Sonnets, Remarks on. {Doaden J.) Tales from. {Lamb C.) Wisdom and Genius of. Works of. and the Drama. {I liu sir at ions.) Shakespearian Dictionary. {Dolhy T.) Shepherd's Calendar, &c., Poems. {Clare J.) {IIo;j:j ./.) Garland, Poems. {Shirray F.) {Aldlne P.) Shipwreck, Poem. {Falconer W.) &c., Poems. Shooting, Poem. {Webber A.) Remarks on, in Verse. ( Watt W.) Siamese Twins, Poem. {Li/tton Sir E.B.) Sibyl Leaves, Poems. {Reade J.E) Sibyl's Leaves, Poems. {Mills E. W.) Sicilian Story, Poems. {Cornwall B.) Vespers, Tragedy. {Kenney J.) Siege of Barcelona, Poem. {Hippisley Lietit) . Carlaverock, Poem. {Nicolas Sir H.) _ Constantinople, Poem. {Michell N.) Jerusalem, Poems. {Peers C.) Valencia, &c., Poems. {HernansMrs.) Silent Love, Poem. ( Wilson J.) Siller Gun, Poem. {Mayne J.) Sir Bertram, Poem. {Roby J) — Elwin, Tragedy. — Lancelot, Poem. {Faber F. W.) M. Maxwell, &c., Poems. {Cunningham A.) Proteus, Satirical Ballad. {0' Donovan.) Wilibert de Waverley, Poem. {Frcmcis E.) Sister of Charity, &c.. Poems. {Farhill E.) Sketches from Life, in Verse. {Boone T.C.) &c.. Poems. {Ragg T.) and Poems. {Snow J.) in South Africa, Poems. {Pringle T.) of Genius, &c.. Poems. {CorMndale.) Smiles and Tears, Poems. {Neale M.A.) Social Day, Poem. {Coxe P.) Socrates, Dramatic Poem. {Grover H.M.) Tragedy. {Barham A.F.) Solace of Song, Poems. {Latrobe C.J.) Soldanella, &c.. Poems. {Lloyd O.) Solitary Hours, Poems. {Lloyd H.) . (Southey Mrs.) Moments, Poems. {Hoare H.) Solitude, Poem. {Wingfield G.) Song, Tribute of. {Hutton W.P.) of Albion, Poem. {Stoles H.S.) Azrael, &c., Poems. {Turnbidl Mrs.) Faith, and Sonnets. {De Vere Sir A.) the Bell. {Schiller.) to David. {Smart C.) Songs. See also Ballads and Lays. Drama and Poetry continued. Songs. See also Poems and Sonnets. {/iramlreth H.) {Glljillan R.) {Hogg J.) {Whistle Binkie.) Ancient. {Ritson J.) Ballads, &c. {Warburton R.E.) {Booh of.) Book of British. {IIou:) Scottish. {Whitelaw A.) Collection. {Goldfinch.) {Nicholson G.) Comic. {Encyclojxedia.) English. {Ritson J.) Lyrics, &c. {Uemans Mrs.) Melodist. {British.) Sacred. {Grinfield T.) for Seamen. {St. Maur Lady.) Scottish. {Chambers R.) {Hume A.) Sea. {Dibdin C.) Selected. {Dibdin C.) Sonnets, &c. {Saunders J. <& M.) Translated. {Beranger.) Vocal Annual ; Singers' Book. ( Vocal.) Cabinet. {Armiger C.) Library. {S^mrtsmans.) of 2,500. {Vocal.) Repository. {Vocal.) and Ballads. {Hume A.) (Lover S.) from German Poets. Poems. {Cornwall B.) — {Sacred.) {Stoddart T.T.) {Story R.) by a Poor Man. {Scriptural.) for Ireland. {Chaunt.) from the Parsonage. of England and Scotland. Greece. {Sheridan C.B.) Home, or Lays of Married Life. • Innocence, &c. {Blalce W.) Ireland. {Croker T.C.) Israel. {Knox W.) La Colonna. ■ My Pilgrimage. {East J.) . Scotland. {Cunningham A.) {National.) . Solitude. {Bennet W.) Zion. {Montgomery J.) ■ a Pilgrim. Stranger. {Costello Miss.) ■ the Affections. {Hemans Mrs.) Alhambra. {Sinith L.B.) Ark. (Riddell H.S.) Birds. {Evans W.E.) Chase, Racing, &c. Press. Prophets. Sanctuary. {Bidler P.E.) Seasons. on the Loire. Sonnets. See also Odes, Songs, and Poems. {Hanmer Sir J.) {Mo.von E.) CATALOGUE.] CLASSIFIED INDEX. 95 Drama and Poetry continued. Sonnets. (Pulling W.) (Shakesjjeare.) Shakespeare and Milton. (Sixty-five.) (Skarray F.) (Strong C.) ( WordswoHh IF.) ( Worthy Lady.) (Book of.) Centenary of. (Hawkins T.) (Devotional.) English. (Housman R.F.) Gospel. (Er shine R.) Medifcitive, &c. (Alhin T.) Selection. (Petrarch.) and Poems. (Hamilton S.) (Hinds S.) (JUckardaon D.L.) (Sargant J. A .) on Scotland, &c. the Attributes. (Rijder H.D.) Sons of the Soil, Poem. (Ellis Mrs.) Sordello, Poem. (Browning R.) Sorrows and Jo3's of a Consumptive. (FolleftJ.) of Han, Chinese Tragedy. (Or. Trs.Fd.) Rosalie, &c., Poems. (Norton Mrs.) Seduction, &c.. Poems. (Mackenzie W.) Werter, Poem. South Sea Islanders, Poem. (Dunloji J.) Spaniard, Tragedy. (Gray S.) Spanish Student, Poem. (Longfellow H.) Spenser and his Poetry. (Knights W. Vol.) Spirit of Patriotism, Poem. (Pigot J.D.) the Lakes, Poem. (Luhey Miss.) Woods, Poetry. Spiritual Creation, Poem. (Roberts Mrs.) Sportsman's Vocal Cabinet. (Armiger C.) ■ — — — Library. Spring Flowers, Poetry. (Feist C.) Springs of Plynlimmon, Poem. (Booker L.) Spurzheim Illustrated, Poem. (Craniad.) Squib, Annual of Poetry. Stage, American. (Danlap IF.) Before and Behind the Curtain. (BunnA.) Bristol, Memoirs. (Jenkins R.) British. (Biogra2)hy.) Defence of. (Calcraft J. IF.) English. (Account^ View of. (Hazlitt TF.) Plays, &c. (London.) Retrospection of. (Bernard J.) Stanislaus of Cracow, Poem. (Grorowski.) Stanley, &c., Poems. (Fyler J.C.) Star Seer, Poem. (Deard&n IF.) in the East, &c.. Poems. (Conder J.) of Atteghei, &c.. Poems. (Brown F.) ■ Seville, Drama. (Butler Mrs.) State Lottery, &c.. Poems. (Roberts S.) of Man, Poem. (Tennant C) Steam to India, Poem. Stella, Poem. Story of Ginevra, from Ariosto. Rimini, Poem. (Hunt L.) Strafford, Tragedy. (Leatham. W.H.) (Sterling J.) Stranger's Visit, &c., Poems. (Mott T.) Drama and Poetry continued. Stray Fancies, Poems. (Fifzmaunce J.) Studies of Sensation and Event. (Jones E.) — the Historic Muse. (Lascelles R. Styrian Lake, &c.. Poems. (Faler F. IF.) Suffolk Garland, Poems. Suicide, Poem. (Cope H.) Summer Fete, Poems. (Moore T.) Flowers, Poetry. (Feist C.) and Winter Hours, Poems. (Bell H.G.) Sunday Schools, Poem. (Mararthy.) Sunshine, Lays for Ladies. (Francis J.) Sunyassee, &c.. Poems. (Halchinson J.) Sweepings of Parnassus, Poems. Sylla, Tragedy, by M. Jouy. Sylphid Queen, Poem. (Lefanu 0.) Sylvia, or May Queen, Poems. (Barley G.) Takings, Poem. (Dagley R.) Tale of Tucuman, &c., Poems. a Tub. (Bayley F. W.N.) Winter's Night, Poem. Tales. See also Drama and Dramatic. See also Fiction, Novels, &c. Ancient Metrical. (Hartshorne C.H.) Metrical. (Early.) and Poems. (Shannon E.) in Verse. (Gilmour R.) (Lyte H.F.) of the Cyclades, Poems. (Bradfield J.H.) Dead, &c.. Poems. (Jesse J.H.) Derwent, «Scc., Poems. Tasso, Amyntas. (Hunt L.) Tauroboliad, Satire. Tears in Heaven, &c.. Poems. (Brock W.J.) Tecumseh, Play. (Jones G.) Poetry, by Colton. (Smith's Lib.) Temperance Emigrants, Drama. (Dunlop J.) Rhymes. Temple in the Wilderness, Poem. (Ryder H.D.) Terence, Comedies, translated. Teviotdale, &c., Poems. (Pringle T.) Thalaba, Poem. (Sovthey R.) Thamuta, kc, Poems. (Coo2)er M.A.) Thane of Fife, &c.. Poems by Tennant. Thaumaturgus, Poems. Theatre, British. (Cumberland J.) (Gait J.) (Inchbald Mrs.) King's, Seven Years of. (Ebers J.) Minor. (Cumberland J.) Modern. (Inchbald Mrs.) of the Hindus. ( Wilson H.H.) Theatres, Companion. (Foote S.) Theatrical Pocket Book. (Weivitzer R.) Portraits, &c.. Poems. Theatrum Poetarum Anglic. (Brydges Sir E.) Themes of Admiration, Poem. (Hemming.) Theodric, &c.. Poems. (Campbell T.) Theresa, Tragedy. (Thomas IF) Things Invisible, &c., Poems, (Watts G.) Thomas a Beckett, Play. (Ganvood T.) Thornton Abbey, Poem. (Giffard J.) Thoughts and Feelings, Poems. (Brooke A.) in Verse. (Church.) (Craig J.K.) (Hours.) (Lawbon J.) 06 CLASSIFIED INDEX. [LONDON DuAMA AND Poetry continued. Tliouglits in Verse. (Seu-ell W.) (Snow J.) Rhyme. ( E.) by an East Anglican. Youth and Age. {Turnvur E.J.) of a Wanderer, Poem. {Mitrhe/l W.A.) on Hajjpiness. {llomfray F.) Thrasher, cVc., Poems. {Moor/iouse W. V.) Three Days at Killarney, &c., Poems. Springs of Beauty, Legend. {Pigot II.) Time, or Ijightand Shade, Poem. {OompertzJ) Titus Vespasian, &c., Poems. {Ford John) Tobias, &c.. Poems. (Jacvhson J.) Tom Crib's Memorial. (Moore T.) Raw, the Griffin, Poem. Tomb of Bonaparte, Poem. {Vruhcell C.) Torquato Tasso, Poem. (Goethe.) Touches on the Harp of Nature. Tour, Poem. in Search of the Grotesque. (S/pitax.) Picturesque. (Si/ntax.) of the Dove, &c.. Poems. (Edwards J.) on the Continent, Poems. (Snow li.) Tragedies. (JEsehylus.) (Alfieri.) (Euriindes.) Greek. (Select.) Harold and Camoens. (Tucl-er H. St. G.) (Landor R.) (More H.) Schiller. (Smith's Lib.) (Sophocles.) (Sothehy W.) (Talfourd Serjt.) Tragedy, English. (Spirit of.) Tragic Representation. (Mac Dermot) Tranquil Hours, Poems. (Thomas Mrs.) Translations, German. (Egerton Lord F.) Transmigration, Poem. Travellers' Lay, Poem. (Macule T.) Travelling Sketches, in Rhyme. (Wortley.) Tribute, Unpublished Poems. of Song. (H^ltton W.P.) Trifles in Verse. (Bergiier L.T.) (Routledge W.) Trip to Paris, Poem. (Allen T.S.) Triumph of Evil, Poem. (Gaunter J.H.) Temper. (Hayley W.) Triumphs of Religion, Poem. (Copie Har.) Troubadour, &u., Poems. (Laiidon L.E.) True Vine and the Branches, Poem. Twin Foimdlings, Poem. (Usher R.) Two Broken Hearts, Poem. (Gore Mrs.) Destinies, Poem. (Doyle F.H.) Twopenny Post Bag. (Moore T.) Ullsmere, Poem. Ulj'ssi.'s, by Lamb. (Smith's Lib.) Undying One, &c.. Poems. (Norton Airs.) Union of the Roses, Metrical Tale. United Efforts, Poems. Universal Prayer, Poem. (Montgomery R.) Universe, Poem. (Maturin, C.R.) Unloved of Earth, &c.. Poems. ( Wortley.) Uriel, Poetical Address to Byron. Usurer's Daughter, Play. (Brett W.) Usurper, Tragedy. (Whitehead A.) Drama and Poktry continued. Valdi, Poem. (Kenney J.) Vale of A])pcrley, &c.. Poems. Bolton, &c.. Poems. (Spencer A) Caldenc, Poem. (Iharden W.) Chamouni, Poem. Lanherne, &c., Poems. (Stokes U.S.) Obscurity, &c.. Poems. (Crocker C.) Slaughdcn, Poem. (Bird J.) Tempo, &c.. Poems. (Newton II.) Valence, the Dreamer, Poem. (Phillips J.) Valentia, Tragedy. (SwarbrecL) Valentine Verses. (Cobbold R.) Vallis Vale, &c.. Poems. Vega (G. de) Poetical Works & Life. (Wijfen.) Veils, Poem. (Porden Miss.) Venetian Bracelet, &c.. Poems. (LandonL.E.) Verses by a Poor Man. for Pilgrims. (Yorke C.J.) Whitsuntide. (Leigh Lord.) Vert-Vert, Poem. (Gresseit J.B.) Vestal, &c.. Poems. ( Verlander H.) Vestriad, Poem. (Busk H.) Veteran Soldier, Poem. (Davis J.S.) Vigilise, or Night Watches, Poem. (Ball IF.) Village, &c.. Poems. (Paglan W.) Church, Poem. Churchyard, &c., Poems. (Wortley.) Curate, &c.. Poems. (Hurdis J.) Lyre, Poems. (Green G.) Minstrel, &c.. Poems. (Clare J.) Muse, Poems. (Friend W.C.) Paupers, &c., Poems. (Fidcher G. W.) Rhymes. Virgil, Translated. in London, Poem. Virgil'sFourth Eclogue, Observations. (PennG.) Pastorals. (Ilexctmetrical, (fee.) Virgin Martyr, Tragedy. (Massinger P:) Vision of Fair Spirits, &c.. Poems. (Graham J.) Hell, Poem. Judgment, Poem. (Southey R.) Las Casas, &c.. Poems. (Taylor E.) Noureddin, &c.. Poems. Taste, Satire. Visionary, &c., Poems. (Wortley Lady.) Visions, in Verse, by Cotton. (Walke7-'s Class.) Vivia Perpetua, Dram. Poem. (Adams S.F.) Vocal Annual, or Singer's Own Book. Librarv. (S23ortsvmns.) ' of 2500 Songs. Repository. Voice from the Dormitory, Poems. in Ramah, Poems. (Steinmitz.) Voices from the Early Church, Poems. of the Night, Poems. (Longfellow II.) Volumeof the Affections, Poems. (Cornish T.II.) Vow of the Peacock, &c.,Poems. (LandonL.E.) Voyage, Poem. (Ostler.) of Life, &c., Poems. (Lloyd D.) Waif, Collection of Poems. (Longfellow H.) Waldenburg, Poem. Waldenses, &c.. Poems. (De Vere A.) Walks in a Forest, &c., Poems. (Gisborne T.) the Country, Poems. (Leigh Lord.) Wallenstein, Tragedy. (Schiller.) (Smith's Lib.) CATALOGUE.] CLASSIFIED INDEX. 97 Drama and Poetry continued. Walter Gray, &c., Poems. {CJialenor Mrs.) Wanderer, &c., Poems. {>Sandland J.D.) in Ceylon, Poem. [Anderson T.A.) Switzerhind, Poem. {Montgonerij J.) Wanderer's Legacy, Poems. {Godwin C.U.) Wandering Bard, &c., Poems. Wanderings, Poetry, {Cnnniiif///am 7?.) War of the Isles, Poem. {Lmujnwrc ./.) Warwick Castle, Poem. {Wilson II. C.) Wat Tyler, Dramatic Poem. Waterloo, Poem. {Bradfield J.ll.) {Jackson T.) &c.. Poems. {Davidson II.) {Webster J. W.) Weaver's Boy, &c., Poems. {Townsend C.H.) Weeds of Witchery, Poems. {Bayly T.H.) Weird Wanderer, Traged_y. {Herbert Hon. W.) Wellington, Poem. {Holt H.) Welsh Bards, Kelics of. {Jones E.) Wensleydale, Poem. {Maude T.) West Indies, &c., Poems. {Montgomery .1.) Westminster Abbey, Poem. {Howell C.) West of the Wye, Poem. {St. John A.) What Cheer ! Poem. {Diirfee J.) ■ is Life ] &c.. Poems. {Bailey T.) White Rose Wreath, &c.. Poems. Whistle Binkie, Songs. Who is My Neighbour? Poems. Widow of Nain, &c.. Poems. {Dale T.) Widower, Poem. Widow's Tale, &c.. Poems. {Barton B.) {Southey Mrs.) Wife, or Women as they Are, Drama. Wife's Trial, &c.. Poems. (Lamb C.) Wild Flowers, Poems. {Bloomfield R.) Poetry. {Pyer C.S.) &c.. Poems. Drama and Poetry continued, William Tell, Drama. {Srliiller.) Winkebricd, Tragedy. ( Voelker.) Winter Leaves, Poems. Witch of Endor, &c., Poems. ( Varightn R.A.) Wizard of the North, &c., Poems. {Luldell II.) Woman, Poem. {Barrett E.S.) Death, &c.. Poems. {Montgomery R.) &c.. Poems. {Pembroke W.) of Shiinem, &c.. Poems. {Edmeston J.) Woodland Gleanings, Poems. Muse, Poems, &c. {Daniell E.) World, Poem. Before the Flood, Poems. {Montgomery J.) Described, in Verse. {Lynch.) Worth of Women, &c.. Poems. {Schiller.) Wreath from the Emerald Isle. of Minstrelsie, Poems. {Sparling P.S.) Wild Flowers, Poems. {Osgood Mrs.) Xeniola, Poems, &c. {Anster J.) YarrowRevisited,&c., Poems. ( WordsivorthW.) Year in Canada, &c.. Poems. {Knight A.C.) Yogi, Poem. Young Arthur, Metrical Rom. {Dibdin C.) Ystradffin, Poem. (Bowen Mrs.) Zacchary Cobble, Poems. Zaida, Poems. {Erans L.) Zaphna, Poem. {Hill I.) Zara, or the Black Death, Poem. Zaranai, Poem. Zareefa, &c.. Poems. {Loioe H.) Zayda, &c., Poems. Zeila, &c., Poems. {Garrett S.R.) Zenana, &c.. Poems, with Mem. {Landon L.E.) Zenobia, Drama. {Ford J.) Zion's Songs. {Berridge J.) Zone, &c.. Poems. Zuleima, &c., Poems. {Ingram II. lEtrucatfon— ILcarnmg. ISibltosrapfja— Eangtiagc— Uttfraturc— ^!^iIi)Iogj), &c. iStiuratton. Academic Unity. {Dyer G.) Admonitory Hints of a Seminary. {Fauxctt J.) Bertha's Visit to her Uncle in England. Blind, Instruction, &c., for. {Giiille.) Bonn University, its Rise, &c. {University^ British and Foreign School Society. {MaJiual.) Cambridge, Discourse on Studies. {Sedgwick A .) Portfolio. University, History. {Dyer G.) — ■ {Fuller T.) Chambers' Educational Course. Charlotte Chapel Schools. {Dillon B.C.) Children, Discipline. {Bamford .) Management. {Kennedy J.) Chrestomathia. {Bentham J.) Classical Instruction, Essay. {Locke's System.) Sj'stem. {Locke' s System.) Classics, Middle System. {Ilavghton H.P.) Codification, Papers Relating to. {Bentham J.) Complete Governess. Education continued. Day Schools. {Haigh J.) De Fellenberg's Institutions. {Letters.) Deaf and Dumb, Anecdotes, &c. {Orpen.) Instructing of. {Arrowsmith.) ( Watson J.) ( Young J.R.) Domestic Instruction. {Mathias Mrs.) Dublin University, History. {Taylor W.B.) Early Discipline, Illustrated. {Wilderspin S.) Edinburgh Sessional Schools, {Wood J.) University, History. {Bower A.) Education, Academical. {Thoughts on.) Analysis and Analogy. {Mac Nab E.G.) Assistant. {Fry C.) Christian. {Babington T.) — Essay. {Trimmer Mrs.) Lectures. {Biber E.) Classical, Essay. {Keyne.) Reasons for. {Morell J.) Daughters, Treatise on. {Fenelon.) 98 CLASSIFIED INDEX. [LONDON Education conthmid. Education, Dialogue on. {Ilebenleii W.) Domestic. {TkomjhU.) Early. (Apjiletoii E.) {Conversations.) Hints. (Jloare Mr.f.) • Letters. {I'estalozzi.) Elementary. {Edwardx H.) English University. ( Wkewell W.) Essay on. {Barrow W.) {Jaquis W.) {Poole R.) Essays on. {Evans J.) {Experiritental.) Female, Institution for. ( WIdtford II.) • {Remarks on.) .— Remarks. {Rendered.) Strictures. {More H.) German University. {Perry W.) Government Scheme. {Denison J.) Guardian of. (Trimmer Mrs.) Hindoo Female. {Chaiinian P.) Hints to Teachers. {Hopwood R.) Holland. {Cousin V.) Home. {Taylor I.) India. {Trevelyan G.E.) Native. {Bryce J.) Infant. {Chambers' Ed. Course.) Children. {Spurr Mrs.) Mind. {Brown J.R.) Remarks on. {Mayo E.) System of ( Wildersjnn S.) Influence and AdvanUiges. (Owen /.) Letters on. {Hamilton E.) to a Mother. (Denham J.F.) Liberal, in General. {Wkeicell W.) {Modern.) Modern. (Marshall Mrs.) Moral Essays. {Potter J. P.) Mother's Book. ( Wall C.) Mothers. (Aimt M.) National. (Austin S.) Chapters on. {Mc Brair R.M.) (HiU F.) Ireland. {Colquhoun J.C.) ■ Lectures. {Maurice F.) Letters. {Page T.) System. (Outline.) Observations. (Dallaway R.C.) — — (Readwin T.A.) Paidophilean System. {Black J.) Parents' Guide. (Simson R.) Philosophical Outlines. {Jardine G.) Principles. {System.) Philosophy of. {Simpson J.) {GallJ.) &c., of (Anirohus J.) Physical, Children. (Smiles S.) Thoughts. {Caldwell C.) Treatise. {Riofrey B.) Polite, Elements. {Gh'eyory 0.) Popular, Institutions. {Hamilton R. W.) Lectures. {Combe G.) {Sullivan R.) Necessity. {Sim^ison J.) Prize Essay. {Pryce E.S.) Practical, Essays. (Edyeworlh R.L.) Education continued. Education, Practical, Outline. {Buthr J.) Essays on. {Schoolmaster.) Principles. (Carpenter L.) (Macke7izie W.) (Newnham W.) ■ — (Sjiurzkeim.) (Stodarl M.A) and Objects. (Priaulx 0.) Private. (Appleton E.) (Riofrey Mad.) Professional, Essays. (Edgeworth R.L.) Progressive. (Necker de Saussui'e.) Prussia. (Cousin V.) (Pubiic.) Public. ( Wordsworth C.) France. (Johnson D.) Publications on. (Central Society.) Reform. {Wyse T.) Religious, of Children. (Spring G.) Scholastic. (Schoveller J.) School, Remarks. (Pycroft J.) 19th Century. (Preston S.) Scripture Principles. (Fry C.) Self (Robinson W.) State of (Bentley J.) Considered. (Powell B.) System. {Origin.) Systematic. (SIvepherd W.) Thoughts on. (Locke.) (Semple Mrs.) Treatise. ( Watts I.) Working Classes. (Fores C.) — — and Self-Formation. (Ileiiiroth J.C.) the Church. (Wordsworth C.) for the Lower Orders. (Tuckfield Mrs.) — People. (Tuckfield Mrs.) Young. ( Wilderspdn S.) in Maynooth. (O'Beirne E.) the Birthright, &c. (Parsons B.) Educational Essays. (Skinner S.) Institutions, Germany. (James G.P.R.) Educator, I'rize Essays. Profession of the. (Essay.) and Childrens' Cyclop. (Martin W.) Endowed Grammar Schools. {Carlisle N.) English Universities. (Hulier V.A.) Enquirer, on Education. (Godwin W.) Father's Guide in Selection of a SchooL Female Schools. (Broadhurst Mrs.) (ilasgow Model Schools. (Stoiv D.) Glenrock Sunday School. Graduati Cantabrigicnses, 1659-1824. Hamiltonian System, History, &c., of. Industrial Schools. (Prize Essays.) Infant Treatment. (Chambers' Ed. Course.) Instruction of Boys, Large Numbers. Children. (Wilderspin S.) Literary Institutions, Lecture on. (Jennings J.) Man, Immaterial System of (Hope E.) Manchester New College Lectures. Mechanics' Institutions. (Manual.) Lectures. (Leatham W.H.) Moral Training. (Stow D.) Mothers Guide, Train. Child. (BakewellMrs.) Reminiscences of Instruct. (BorronMrs.) Norwood Schools, Sketches. (Brown J.) CATALOGUE.] CLASSIFIED INDEX. 99 Education continued. Parent's Hand-Bood. {Hudson J.) Parents and Tutors, Advice. {Hort W.J.) Philosophy of Training, {t'raig A.) Reading, Hints on. (Stodart M.A.) Results of. {Caldvdl J.) Religious Instruct, for the Young. (SImsohR.) Rugby Register. Sabbath School as it should be. (Alcott IF.) Schoolmaster, Essays on Education. Schools, Hints to Patrons, &c. {HaiulHon E.) Stamford, Public Schools of. {Blore T.) Sunday School Teacher. {Todd J.) Schools, Hints on. {Wigram J.C.) Teacher's Companion. {Collins R) Treasure. {Lamont Mrs.) Teaching, End and Essence of. {Gall J.) JVIodern Languages. {Hints.) Principles of. {Dunn H.) Tuition, Elements. {Bell A.) University Degrees, Origin of. {Maiden H.) — ■ Honours,Choiceof Books. (.SVnt^ewi'*'.) Guide to. {PycroftJ.) Village School Improved. {Poole J.) "What De Fellenberg has done for Education. iSiblioorapTjH. tlanguage, ILttnatiire, Abbotsford Library. {Catalogue.) .aides Althorpianse. {JJibdin T.F.) Ancient MSS., Scraps from. {Wright & H.) Anecdotes of Books and Men. {Spence J.) Archaeology of Popular Phrases. {Ker J.B.) Archaica, Old Prose Tracts, by Sir E. Brydges. Arundell MSS., Catalogue. {Brit. Mus. Pub.) ■ Index. {Brit. Mus. Pub.) Author's Mind, Book of Title Pages. {Tupper.) ■ Printing and Publishing Assistant. Authors, Calamities. {If Israeli J.) Quarrels. {D'Israeli J.) Biblioblepsia. {Ifannam J.) Bibliographer's Manual. {Lowndes W.T.) Bibliographical Decameron. {Dihdin T.F.) Dictionary. {Ehert F.A.) and Retrospective Miscellany. Bibliomania. {Dihdin T.F.) Bibliomaniac's Library. {Davis W.) Bibliophobia. {Dihdin T.F.) Bibliotheca Americana Nova. Biblica. {Orme W.) Bodleiana. {Catalogue.) Britannica. {Watt R.) Grenvilliana. {Grenville T.) Parriana. {Parr S.) Scoto-Celtica. {Reid J.) Spenceriana. {Dihdin T.F.) Sussexiana. {Pettigrew T.) Bodleian Library, Gough's Books. {Catalogue.) Bombay, Literary Society. {Transactions.) Book Collector's Handbook. Books, Catalogue of Printed. {Brit. Mus. Puh.) 1814-46. {London.) Choice of. Guide. {Dransfield W.) English, Lambeth P-d\ace.{MaitlandS.R.) Illuminated, History. {Humphreys H.N.) BlBLiOGKAPHT, LANGUAGE, &c., Continued. Books, Privately Printed. {Martin J.) Prohibited, Index. {Mendhani J.) of the Ancients. {Arnelt J. A.) British and Foreign Institute. {Transactions.) Burney MSS., Catalogue. {Brit. Mus. Puh.) • Index. {Brit. Mus. Puh.) Cambridge, Queen's College Lib. {Catalogue.) ■ Literary Pursuits. {Wainewright L.) Universitj', Book Rarities. {Hartshorne.) Letters, 6;c., on. {Lamh J.) MS. Rarities. {Halliuell J.O.) Privileges. {Dyer (/.) Catalogue Collection, Geo. III. {Brit. Mus. Puh.) Clarke's (A.) Library, MSS. in. {Clarke J.B.) Classical Dictionary. See Educational. — Disquisition, &c. {Alalkin B.H.) Learning, Remarks. {Beattie J.) Treatise. {Burton J.) Manual, Homer and Virgil. Museum. Studies. Classics, Rare Editions of, &c. {Dihdin T.F.) Diversions of Purley. (Tooke.) Sequel. {Barclay J.H.) Durham Church Library, Catal. {Surtees Soc.) Enclytica, or Universal Grammar. Ethiopic Biblical MSS. {Catalogue.) Etymological Researches. {Townsend J.) Gentleman's Library, Manual. {Goodhugh W.) Gentlemen's Libraries. {Plans for.) Hargraves'MSS., Catalogue. {Brit. Mus. Puh.) Hermes, Inquiry into Grammar. {Harris J.) Scythicus. {Jamieson J.) Homer, Essays on Genius, &c., of. {Wood R.) Index Librorum Prohibitorum. {Mendluim J.) Indo-Gernianic, &c.. Tongues. {Stafford J.) Intellectual Patrimony. {Gilchrist J.) Language, Analysis of. {Fearn J.) Attractions of. {Taylor B.F.) Conversations. {Marcet Mrs.) Discovery of Science of. {Kavanagh.) English, Anecdotes. {Pegge S.) Origin. {Philosophical.) &c. {Welsford H.) Philologj'. {Jodrell R.P.) SevenPartsof Speech. (Z/;/o?i.C'./.) Treatise. {Latham R.G.) Vulgarisms. {Savage W.) {Garden of.) Laws of Case in. {Barnes W.) Melody and Rhythmus. {Chapiman J.) Philosophy of. {Cramp) IF.) Principles of. {Crane G.) and Grammar, Elements. {Payne G.) Literature. {Chamhers' Ed. Course.) Stammering. {Borthu-ich T.) Languages, Celtic, History. {Mac Lean L.) ^ Dead, Study. {Sewell IF.) European, History. {Murray A.) German and Scandinavian. {BosuorthJ.) Harmonial Grammar. {Nolan F.) Latin and Greek, Harmony. {Hill T.) Nations &c.. Origin of. (Higgins G.) Oriental, Translations. {Orient. Trs. Fd.) Origin and Affinity. {Kennedy Cot.) Romance, Origin, &c. {Lewis G.C.) 2 100 CLASSIFIED INDEX. [LONDON BiBLioGUAPHV, Language, &c., continued. Langunges, Teaching and Learning of. (Le Vert.) Treatise. (Jenour A.) Library Companion. {Dihdin T.F.) Literary Anecdotes. 18th Cent. {Nichols J. B.) liiue Book. Character, Ilhistrations. {D' Israeli J.) History, Europe. (IIu//am II.) Galloway. (Murrai/ T.) Greekand Roman. {MattldwA.) Illustrations. (Nichols J.B.) Italy. (Barhacovi.) Middle Ages. {Benngton J.) Life, Reminiscences. {Dihdin T.F.) Literatnre, Amenities of. {D' Israeli J.) Anecdotes. (Beloe W.) Anglo-Saxon, Sketch. {Petheram J.) Chronological Tables. {Bredow G.G.) Claims of. ( Williams I).) Classical, Grammar. {Johnson B.) Manual. {Eschenhurg.) Curiosities. {D' Israeli J.) New. {Corney B.) Dutcli, Origin. {Bosworth J.] English, Cyclopsedia. {Chambers.) Early, Chapters on. {Hipx>isley.) Prose, Origin. {Gray \V.) Sketches. {Chateaubriand.) German, History. {Menzel W.) Lectures. {Muhlenfel L.) Germany. {Thimm F.) Greece, Anc, Analysis. {Brailsford H.) History,Muller. {Lib. U.K.) Prelections. {Kennedy J.) Historical, Observations. {Nicolas Sir H.) History. {Boyd Sir W.) {ScMegel W.A.) Indian. {Ancient.) Italy, State of in. {Hobhouse J.G.) Middle Ages. {Wright T.) Miscellaneous. {Chambers' Peoples Ed.) Miscellanies. {U Israeli J.) Oriental. {Burder S.) Progress of. {Treatise.) Relics of. {Collet S.) {Revival of.) BiBLioGRAPUT, LANGUAGE, &c., Continued. Literature, Roman History. {Dunlopt J.) Russian, History. {Otto F.) Sanscrit. {Historical.) Spanish, Essay. {Anaya A.) and Portuguese. {Bouterwek F.) South of Europe. {Sismondi.) Tableau of French. (Barante.) and Learning, England. {Knight's W. Vol.) Longinus on the Sublime. Remarks on. {Knox J. IF.) Madras, Literary Society of. {Transactions.) Melancthon MSS. (Catalogue.) Nugse Literaria?. {Hamilton R.W.) Oriental Code, MSS. Cat. (Brit. Mus. Pub.) MSS., Mackenzie's Coll. ( Wilson W.) Origin of the Human Race. (Johnes A.J.) PalEeororaaica ; Philological Disquisitions. Examinat. of. (BroughtonW.) Philological Inquiries. (Harris J.) Museum. Philology, English. (Richardson C.) Manual of Comparat. (Winning W.B.) Philosophic Alphabet. (Edmonds G.) Phonarthron, or Sounds of Speech. (Ilenslowe.) Proper Names, Vulgar Errors of. (Dyer G.) Quotations, Dictionary. (Moore II.) Classical, Dictionary. (Blagden F. TF.) English. {Dictionary.) Lat. and Fr. Diet. (Mac Donnell D.E.) Recollections of a Bookseller. (Fifty Years.) Repertorium Bibliographicum. Romans, Pronunciation of Anc. (Dressner C.) Royal Society of Literature. (Transactions.) MSS., &c. (Catalogzte.) Misc. Books. (Catalogue.) — — Sclent. Books. (Catalogue.) Senses of Words, Essay on. (Potter J. P.) Sublime and Beautiful, Inquiry. (Burke E.) Beautiful and Picturesque. (Mac Vicar.) Sublimity, Style, &c.. Analysis. (Barrett B.) Transmission of Ancient Books. (Taylor I.) Ulysse-Homere. (Koliailes.) Vocabulary in Seven Lang. (Broadman J.) Vulgarities of Speech Corrected. Works Privately Printed. (Martin J.) Jpfcttcin, llCobds, Romances, 'STaks, $rc. See also Juvenile and Miscellaneous. Abassah, Tale. Abbess. (Trollope Mrs.) by Ireland. ■ of Valtiera. Abbey of St. Oswythe. (Ancient) Abbott. (Scott Sir W.) of Montserrat. Abdallah the Moor, &c. Abduction, or Adventures of Major Sarney. Abel Allnutt, by Morier. Aben Hamet. (Chateaubriand.) Absent Man, Narrative. Absenteeism. {Morgan Lady.) Accomplished Hypocrite. Actress of the Present Day. or Countess and no Countess. Ada, Tale. (Needheun C.) Reis, Tale, by Lady C. Lamb. Adam Blair and Matthew Wald. Brown, by H. Smith. the Gardener, Tale. (Clarke C.C.) Adelaide, Story. A dele. Tale of France. (Randall E.) or Tomb of my Mother. Adeline Mowbraj'. (Opie Mrs.) Adolphus, Tale, by Constant. CATALOGUE.] CLASSIFIED INDEX. 101 Fiction, Novels, kc, continued, Adrian, Tale of Italy. {CooJce H.) Adventurer. Adventurers, or Scenes in Ireland. Adventures during late War. {O'Bnen D.II.) in the 50th Regiment. {Patterson J.) Moon. of Ariston. Barney Mahoney. {C'roker T.C.) Beau Ogleby. (Comic) Capt. Bonneville. {Irving W.) Cartouche, by Peake. Hajji Baba, by Morier. {Stand. Nov.) - Hatim Tai. {Orient. Trs. Fd.) - Hunchback. - Mr. Lambkin. Ledbury. - Naufrasus. - Obadia'h Oldbuck. - Raby Rattler. {Raby.) - Thomas Eustace. - a Coxcomb. {Gore Mrs.) - Creole. {Joseph D.L.) - Dramatist. - French Gentleman. {Alfred.) - Kentuckian. {Jonathan.) - King's Page. - Minor. {B utter tcortk W.) - Neapolitan. {Isidora.) Post Captain. Rifleman. Younger Son. an Attorney. Irish Gentleman. {Stand. Nov.) Advertisement, or Twenty Years Ago. Affection's Victim. {Jackson S.R.) Affianced One. Afloat and Ashore. {Cooper J.F.) Africa, Scenes in. {Marryatt Capt.) African Sketches. {West.) Age and Youth. Agincourt. {James G.P.R) Agnes Moreville. {Wilson S.S.) Searle. {Pickering Ellen.) de Mansfeldt, by Grattan. Aims and Ends, by Mrs. Sheridan. Albany, Tale. Albert, or Wilds of Strathnarvem. Albigenses, by Maturin. Alcon Malanzore, Tale. {Erslcine Mrs.) Alda, the British Captive. {Strickland A.) Alexandrians, Tale. Alfred de Rosann, by Reynolds. or Adventures of a French Gentleman. Algerines, or Twins of Naples. Alibeg, the Tempter. Alice. {Lytton Sir E.B.) Allan, and other Tales. Glynn, Tale, by Slade. Gray, Novel. Pauiet. Russell, &c.. Tales. {Williams CM.) or Infidelity. Alicia de Lacy. {West Mrs) Alia Giornata, by Lady C. Bury. Fiction, Novels, &c., continued. Allan Breck. {Gleig G.R.) McDougall. Allanston, or the Infidel. Allee Neemroo. {Fraser J.B.) Alma Mater, or Seven Years at Cambridge. Almack's. Glance at {Ball.) Revisited. Alpine Tale. Alroy. {D' Israeli B.) Altham and his Wife. Altrive Tales {Hogg J.) Amabel, or Woman of Fashion. Ambassador's Secretary. Wife. {Gore Mrs.) Amber Witch. {Murray's Lib.) Ambition. Amelia. {Fielding H.) {Roscoes Nov. Lih.) American Life. {Lights and S/iadows.) {Stories.) Tales. {Cariidn.) Amnesty, Tale. Amusement in High Life. Anastasius. {Hope T.) {Standard Nov.) Ancient Records, Novel. Regime. {James G.P.R.) Andrew of Padua. {Gait J.) the Savoyard, by Koch. Angel's Form and Devil's Heart. Angelina. Angelion, or Wizard of Elis. Anglo-Irish Nineteenth Century, by Banim. Anna, or Welsh Heiress. Annaline, by Miss Hawkins. Annals of Family of Macroy. Humble Life. My Village. {Roberts 31.) the Parish. {Gait J.) Anne Boleyn. {Thomson Mrs.) Grey. Hathaway, by E. Severn. of Geierstein. {Scott Sir W.) Anniversary Calendar and Mirror. Anselmo, Tale of Italy. or Day of Trial. Anston Park, Tale, by Edmeston. Antar, Bedouin Romance. Anti-Coningsby. Delphine. Antipathy, or Confessions of a Cat-Hater. Antiquary. {Scott Sir W.) Arabella Stuart. {James G.P.R.) Arabian Nights. {Netv.) {Tales from.) Tales, &c. {Knight's W. Vol.) Arethusa, by Chamier. Argentine, an Autobiography. Aristomenes, Grecian Tale. Arlington, by T. Lister. Armenians, by Macfarlane. Arrah Neil. {James G.P.R.) Arrivals from India. Arthur Arundel, by H. Smith. 102 CLASSIFIED INDEX. [LONDON Fiction, Novels, &c., continued. Arthur Coningsby. iMervyn. {I'Uadford Mrs.) O'Leary. (Lever C.) Seymour. of Brittany. Arundol, by Sir F. Vincent. Arvendel, or Sketches in Italy, &c. ArvveJ Gyllensterna, Tale. Asmodeus, by Le Sage. Assassin of St. Glenroy. Astarte, Sicilian Tale. {Wikon Mrs. C.) Astonishment. Astoria. {Irving W.) Astrologer's Daughter, by Hendrick. At Home, by Mrs. Burdett. and Abroad. Atherton, Tale. Attila. {James G.P.R.) Atlantic Club Book. Attache, or Sam Slick in England. Attractive Man. {Trollope Mrs.) Aubery Stanhope. Augustus and Adelina. or Ambitious Student. Aunt Dorothy's Tale. Aurungzebe, a Tale of Alraschid. Autobiography of an Irish Traveller. Autumn Evenings. {Drake N.) Ayesha, by Morier. {Stand. Nov.) Aylmers, by T. H. Bayly. Ayrshire Legatees. {Halt J.) Baboo, Tales of Society in India. Babylon the Great. Bachelor and Married Man. of Salamanca. Bachelor's Journal. Miseries. Wife. {Gah J.) Balance of Comfort. Baldwin, or Miser's Heir. Ball, or Glance at Almack's. Ballad Singer. Bandit Chief. Bandit's Bride. Banished, by Morier. Banker Lord. Banker's Daughter of Bristol. Wife. {Gore Mrs.) Banks of the Ohio, by Paulding. Bannockburn. Bar Sinister. Barber of Paris, by Koch. Bard of the West. Bardouc, or Goatherd of Mount Taurus. Barnaby Rudge. {Dickens C.) Barnabys in America. {TroUope Mrs.) Barnadiston. Baron of Falconberg. Baroness, by Author of " Distinction." Baronet. {Lib. Orig. Rom.) Barony. {Porter A.M.) Barozzi, or Venetian Sorceress. Basil Barrington and his Friends. Bath, Satirical Novel. Battle Cross, by Author of " Sea Wolf." Fiction, Novels, &c., continued. Beatrice. {Ilojland Mrs.) or Wycherley Family. Beauchanq), or Wheel of Fortune. Beauford, or High Life. {Card H.) Beauties of Sterne. the Country. {Miller T.) Beauty of the British Alps. Bee, Evening Tales, by Drew. Beggar Girl and her Benefactor. Belford Regis. {Mitford Miss.) Belinda. {Edgewortk M.) Belle of the Family. {Grey Mrs.) Bellegarde, Canadian Tale. Belmont's Daughter. Belmour, Novel. Ben Brace, by Chamier. {Standard Nov.) Bradshawe, by Chamier. Benevola, Tale of the Poor Laws. Benevolent Recluse. Beningbrough Hall. Benson Powlett. Berkeley Castle, by G. Berkeley. Betrothed Lovers. {Manzoni.) {Standard Nov.) Bianca Capello. {Lytton Lady B.) Bigotry, or Warning Voice. Bilbury Thurland, by Hooton. Birth of Bruce, Tale. {Campbell H.) Birthright, &c. {Gore Mrs.) Births, Deaths, and Marriages. {Hook T.) ■ {Stand. Nov.) Bit o' Writin', Tales, &c., by Banim. Bivouac. {Maxwell W.H.) {Standard Nov.) Black Banner. Convent. Robber. Watch. {Picken A.) Blacksmith's Daughter. Blanche Cressingham, by M. E. Blandfords, Novel. Bleddyn, Welsh Tale. Blighted Ambition. Blind Beggar. Man and his Guide, by Miss Youatt. Blue Bells of England. {TroUope Mrs.) Mountains. Stocking Hall, by Mrs. Loudon. Bogle Corbet. {Gait J.) Bondmaid. {Bremer F.) Bondman. {Lib. Orig. Rom.) Book of the Boudoir. {Morgan Lady.) without a Name. {Morgan Sir C.) Border Chieftains. Wardens, by Mrs. Ponsonby. Borderers. {Cooper F.C.) {Standard Nov.) Romance. Bosom Friend. {Grey Mrs.) Bosworth Field. Bouquet des Souvenirs. Bouverie, or Pupil of the World. Boyne Water, by Banim. Bracebridge Hall. {L-ving W.) Brambletye House, by H. Smith. CATALOGUE.] CLASSIFIED INDEX. 103 Fiction, Novels, &c., continued. Fiction, Novels, &c., continued. Brambletye House, by H.Smith. {Sland.Nov.) Castle Martyr. Bravo. {Coo2ier J.F.) • Rackrent, &c. {Edgeicortk M.) {Standard Nov.) of Ollada. Bravo of Bohemia. Otranto, by Walpole. , Venice bv Lewis. {Walpole II.) {Stand. Nov.) Brazen Mask. Santa Fe. Breach of Promise. Villa Flora. Bridal of Dunamore, by Mrs. Roche. Villeroy. Salerno. {Ellerton J.L.) Castles in the Air. Bride and no Wife. of Athlin & Dunbayne. {RadcHffeMrs.) of Obej'da. Wolfnorth and Mont Eagle. Brighton in an Uproar. Catherine de Medicis, or the Rival Faiths. or the Steyne. Cavalier, Romance. Broken Font. (Sherer Major.) Cavaliers of Virginia. Brother Jonathan. Cavendish, by Neale. Tragedians. Cavern of Antiparos. {Kendrick T. T.) Brothers, and other Stories. Astolpho. Brougham Castle. Roseville. Brownie of Bodsbeck, &c. {Hofig ./.) Cecil Hyde, Novel. Bruno, or Sepulchral Summons. {Iretand W.H.) a Peer. {G'o7-e Mrs.) Bubbles of Canada, by Sam Slick. / 'Uyley. and Leopold. Constancy and Contrition. Constanza of Mistra, Tale. Contarini Fleming. {D' Israeli B.) Contested Election. Conti the Discarded, by Chorley. Continental Adventures. Contrast, by Lord Norraanby. Mrs. Roche. Convent of Notre Dame. Tales, by a Protestant Lady. Conversation, Novel. Conviction, Novel. Coquetry, Novel. Coquette. {Norton Mrs.) by Author of " Miserrimus." Coquetterie, or Society in France. Coraly, Novel. Corfe Castle, or Keneswitha, Tale. Corinna. {Stael.) {Standard Novels) Correction, Novel. Corse de Leon. {.lames G.P.R.) Corsair's Bride, Novel. Cortes, or Fall of Mexico, by Dr. Bird. Cosmopolite in England. {Best J.R.) Cospatrick of Raymondsholm. Count Cagliostro, the Charlatan. Konigsmark, by Chamier. Countess, by T. S. Fay. D'Auvergne. {Ponsonly C.) Faustina, by Countess Hahn-Hahn. of Montfort, &c. ■ Salisbury and the Maid of Corinth. Country Belles, by Agnes Barber. Curate. {Gleig G.R.) {Standard Nov.) Houses. Neighbours. Stories. {Mitford Aliss.) Court Favourite. {Roberts M.) Partial of 18— , Tale. and Camp of Hen. V. {Iloel Morvan.) of Sigismund Augustus. Courtenaj^ of Walreddon. {Bray Mrs.) Courtier, Days of Charles II. {Gore Mrs.) Courtier's Daughter, by Lady Stepney. Courtly Annals, Novel. Cousin Geoffrey, edited by Theodore Hook. George, &c., by Mrs. Walker. Cousins, Novel. Covenanters. {Gait J.) Craig Melrose Priory. Cranmer, Novel. Craven Derby, by Author of " Crockford's." Crichton {Ainsworth W.H.) Cricket on the Hearth. {Dicl-ens C.) Crock of Gold. {Tti.2}2yer M.F.) CATALOGUE.] CLASSIFIED INDEX. 105 Fiction, Novels, &c., contimied. Crockford's, or Life in the West. Croppy, Tale by Banim. Crotchet Castle, by Peacock. {Standard Nov.) Cruise of the Midge. Crusaders, Historical Romance. Tales. {Scott Sir W.) Crusades, Tale. {Ingram H.) {Michell.) Cumberland Cottager. Curate of Steinholt, Tale of Iceland. Curiosity, Novel. Curse of Ulrica, Romance. Cuthbert, by Miss Reeve, Cyril Thornton, by Capt. Hamilton. Czar, Historical Romance. Czarina. {Hojland Mrs.) Dacre, Novel. Dacresfield, Novel. Dame Rebecca Berry, by Miss Spence. Dangerous Secrets. Dangers through Life. Dark Falcon. {Fraser J.B.) Lady of Doona. {Lib. Oriy. Rom.) Darnley. {James G.P.JR.) {Standard Novels) Davenels, or Fashion in Dublin. Dawn Island, Tale. {Martineaii H.) De Beauvoir, or Second Love. Decameron of the West. December Tales. Deception, Novel. Decided Preference. Decision, by Author of " Correction." De Clifford, by R. P. Ward. or Passion and Reason. Deeds of the Olden Time. Deerbrook. {Martineau H.) Deerslayer. {Cooper J.F.) {Standard Novels.) De Foix. {Brai/ Mrs.) — Hamo, Story of Olden Time. — Lacy, or Passion's Slave. — La Macy, Tale. Demetrius, Tale of Greece. {Strickland Mrs.) Democrat and the Huguonot. De Montfort, Novel. — Mowbray, or Stranger Knight. — L'Oi-me. {James G.P.R.) — La Ware. {James G.P.R.) — Lisle, by Hon. Mrs. Grey. Deloraine, by W. Godwin, Denounced, by Banim. Dependence, Tale. D'Erbine, or the Cynic. Derenzey, or Man of Sorrow, De Rohan. {Sue E.) Detraction Displayed. {Opie Mrs.) Derwentwater, Tale of 1715. De Santillana, or the Force of Bigotry, Desborough Family, by Mrs. Ponsonby. Deserter, Novel. Destiny, by Miss Ferrier. Desultory Man. {.Tames G.P.R.) De Vavasour, by Lord Blessington. — Vere, by R. P. Ward. Fiction, Novels, &c., contimied. Devereux. {Lytton Sir E.B.) {Standard Nov.) Devil on Two Sticks in England. Devil's Elixir. Devoted, by Lady C. Bury. Dewillenberg, or the Talisman. De Wyrhale, Tale. {Ducarel P.J.) D'Horsay, or Follies of the Day. Diary, Strife and Peace. {Bremer F.) of a Desennuyee, {Gore Mrs.) Nun. Physician. Solitaire in Switzerland. an American Physician. {Tegy's Lih.) Ennuyee. {Jameson Airs.) Dilemmas of Pride, by Mrs. Loudon, Diiian, Romance. Dinarbas, Contin. of "Rasselas." {Knight.) Discarded Son. Discipline, by Mrs. Brunton, {Standard Nov.) Discontented Man. Disinherited, by Lady C. Bury. Disobedience, Novel, Disorder and Order. Disowned. {Lytlon Sir E.B.) {Standard Nov.) Disputed Inheritance, by G. Webster, Dissipation, by Author of " Realities." Distinction, by Author of " Baroness." Diurnal Events, Novel. Divorced, by Lady C. Bury. Doctor. {So^dhey R.) Hookwell. Domestic Scenes, Novel. Dominie's Legacy. {Picken A .) Don Esteban. Juan de la Sierras, Quixote. {Roscoes Nov. Lib.) {Spirit of.) Sebastian. {Porter A.M.) Donald Monteith. Doom of Giallo. {Boaden J.) Doomed, Novel. • — — One, Novel. Dora Melder, Tale from the German. Double Duel, by T. S. Fay. Trial, Tale. Douglas D'Arcy, by Hayley, Doveton, or Man of many Impulses. Dowager. {Gore Mrs.) Dramatic Scenes from Life. {Morgan Lady.) Stories, {Arnold T.) Tales, Illustrative of Lower Scotch. Dudley, by Miss O'Keefe. Duke. {Grey Mrs.) Christian of Luneburg. {Porter Jane.) of Clarence, Romance. Monmouth, by Griffin. Duncan and Peggy, Novel. Dunethvin, or Visit to Paris. Dunsany, Irish Story. Dunster Castle, by Hewlett. Dunwich, Tale. {Bird J.) Dutchman's Fireside. 106 CLASSIFIED INDEX. [LONDON Fiction, Novels, &c., continued. Duty, by Mrs. Roberts. and Inclination, edited by Miss Landon. Dwarf of Westerbony. Eanthe, Tale of the Druids. {Earl S.) Earl Usric, lloniance. of Essex, Ijy C. Whitehead. Earldom llestored. (Lakehy E.) Early Feuds, Novel. Years and Late Recollect. {Carhjon C.) Earthquake, ((,'alt J.) East India Sketch Book. Eastern Romance. Story Teller. (S/npp J.) Eben Erskine. {Oalt J.) Ecarte, or Salons of Paris. Eccentric Lover, by P. St. John. Eccentricity, Novel. Edgar, by Eliza Appleton. Huntley, by B. Brown. • {Stand. Novels) Edinburgh Cabinet Novels. Satirical Novel. — Tales, by Mrs. Johnstone. Traditions of. {Chambers R.) Edith of Glammis, Leslie. Edmund O'Hara, Irish Story. Edrick the Saxon. Education, Tale. Edward. {Moore Dr. J.) Fitzyorke. Neville. Somers, Tale. Wortley, Novel. by Author of " Ourika." or Pursuit of Happiness. Eglantine, Tale. Eleanor, or Spectre of St. Michael. Ogilvie, Legend. Election, by Author of " Hyacinth O'Qara." Elinor Wyllis, edited by J. F. Cooper. Elizabeth De Bruce, by Mrs. Johnstone. Mowbray. Evanshaw. Ella, or the Emperor's Son. Ellen Braye, or Fortune Teller. Countess of Castle Howell. Middleton, by Lady Fullarton. Ramsay, by Miss Moore. Elnathan, or Ages of Man. Elopement, by Author of " Robert d'Artois." Elphinstone, by Anne Butler. Elvington, Tale. Emily Moreland. or Traits of Principle. Wife's First Error. by Mrs. Maberly. Emir Malek, Novel. Emma, by Miss Austen. {Standard Nov.) Emmeline, &c., with Memoir. {Brunton M.) or Orphan of the Castle. Empress, by G. J. Bennett. Enchanted Rock. {St. John P.B.) Engagement, Novel. English Baronet. Fiction, Novels, &c., continued. English Expose, Novel. Fashionables Abroad, by Mrs. Burdett. Fireside, by John Mills. Life, or Manners at Home. Prisoners in France. {Wolfe ll.B.) Scenes and Civilization, lUth Century. Sp.y. at Home. in France. India, by Author of " Zenana." and other Sketches. Italy. Englishman, Novel. in Paris, Novel. Englishwoman, Novel. Entail. {Gait J.) Enthusiast. {Lih. Orig. Rom.) Ernest Campbell, by Ainslie. Maltravers. {L>/tton Sir E. />'.) Ernestine, or Child of Mystery. Ernesto. {Lih. Orirj. Rom.) Ernestus Berchtold, Tale. Errors and their Consequences. Esquimaux, or Fidelity. Ethel Churchill. {Landon L.E.) Ethelia, Tale. Ethelinde, or Recluse of the Lake. Ethelwina, or House of Fitz-Auburne. Eugene Aram. {Lytton SirE.B.) {Stand. Nov.) and Eugenia. Euphronia, or the Captive. Eureka, Prophecy of the Future. Eustace Conway, or Brother and Sister. Fitz-Richard, Tale. Euston Hall, Tale. {Boddy J.A.) Eva St. Clair. {James G.P.R.) Von Troth, &c. Eve Effingham. {Cooper J.F.) of Allhallows, by M. W. Hartstonge. St. Agnes, by Cath. Mason. Eveleen Mountjoy, by Mrs. Moore. Evelina. {DWrhlay Mad.) Evelyn Howard. Evenings Abroad, by Mrs. Maclellan. at Haddon Hall. Eventful Epoch, by N. Michell. Every Day Occurrences. Exclusives, by Lady C. Bury. Exile, an Historical Memoir. of Erin. Palestine, by J. Came. Expectant. {Pickering E.) Experience, Tale for all Ages. Express, Novel. Exquisites, by Author of " Castilian." Facts and Fancies. {Godwin G.) — — Fiction. {Postans Mrs.) by Author of " Rostang." Fair Rosamond, or Days of Hen. II. {Miller T.) Witch of Glaftlyn. of May Fair. {Gore Mrs.) Faith and Fiction. Falcon Family. {Chairman's Series.) Falkland. {Lytton Sir E.B.) Falknor, by Mrs. Shelley. CATALOGUE.] CLASSIFIED INDEX. 107 Fiction, Novels, &c., continued. Fall of the Nail Souiifr, Talc. False Heir. (James a.r.R.) False Step, and tlie Sisters. Families of Owen and Dc Montfort. Family Estate, Novel. Portraits, Tales. Kecords, by Lady C. Bury. • Secrets. {Ellis Mrs.) at Heatherdale. (Machaj Mrs.) Fanny Fitzyork, Tale. Fanqui, or Foreigner in China. {DoivningCT.) Fardarougha, the Miser. {Carkton W.) Fanner of Inglewood Forest. Farmer's Three Daugliters. Fascination, and other Tales. Fashionable Mysteries, by F. Lathom. Tales, &c. {Edgevorth M.) Fashionables and Unfashionables. Fast of St. Magdalen. (Porter A.M.) Fatal Interview. {HurlstoHe I.) Revenge, by Maturin. Fatalist, or Fortunes of Godolphin. Fatalists, or Records of 1814-15. Fate of Graysdale. Father Butler, &c. {Carkton W) Connell, by Banim. John, or Cromwell in Ireland. Oswald, Catholic Story. and Daughter. {Opie Mrs.) as he should be. {Ilojlaiul Mrs.) Father's Love and Woman's Friendship. Fathers and Sons. {Hook T.) Favourite of Nature, by M. A. Kelty. (Whittakers Lib.) Favourites of Henrj' of Windsor. Fawn of Spring Vale, &c. {Carkton W.) Fears and Cares, Novel. Feats on the Fiord. {Knight's W. Vol.) Felician Alphery, by H. Clark. Felix Alvarez. {Dallas R.C.) Fellow Commoner. Female Blue Beard. {Sue E.) Freemasons. Fergusons, or Woman's Love, by Phipps. Ferrers, by Charles Oilier. Festival of Mora, by L. Stanhope. Feuds of Luna and Perolla. Fiction. {Lilrari/ of.) History of. (himlop J.) {Romantic.) Works of. {Chambers' Peoj). Ed.) and Facts. {Posians Afrs.) by Author of " Rostang." without Romance. Fictions, Ancient English. {Thorns W.J.) Po()ular. {Keightky.) Fidelia, or Prevalence of Fashion. Field of Forty Footsteps. {Porter J.) Finesse, Novel. Fireside Scenes, Novel. First Affections, an Oxford Story. Love, by Mrs. Loudon. and Last Years of Wedded Life. Fisher's Daughter, by Cath. Ward. Fitful Fancies, Story. {Kennei/;/ IT'.) Fitz Allan of Berkeley. Fiction, Novels, &c., continued. Fitz George, Novel. Herbert, Novel. Walters, by N. Brewer. Wiggins, Novel. of Fitzford. {Jirai/ Mrs.) Five Nights of St. Albans, by Mudford. Fleetwood, by Godwin. {Standard Novels.) Flirtation, by Lady C. Bury. Flittings of Fancy, by R. Sulivan. Florence Macarthy. {Morgan Ladij.) {Stand. Nov.) or the Aspirant. Floreston, or Lord of the Manor. Flying Dutchman, by Capt. Nealc. Fool of Quality. Ford Family in Ireland. Foreign Travel, Imagery. {Sherer.) Recollections. {BrydgesSirE.) Sketches. {Rockwell C.) Foreigner in China. {Downing C.T.) Forest Days. {James G.P.R.) Life. {Kirkland Mrs.) and Game Law Tales. {Martineau H.) Forester, Tale of 1688, by Miss Boyle. Forester's Daughter, by Miss Burden. Foresters, by John Wilson. Forlorn Hope, Story, {llall Mrs.) Forman, Tale. Forrester, Novel, Forsaken, Tale. Fortitude and Frailty. or Euphemia. Fortress, Tale of 1 5th Century. Fortunate Union, Chinese Rom. {Orient. T.Fd.) Fortune Hunting, by Mrs, Loudon. Fortunes of Francesco de Carrara. Nigel. {Scott Sir IF.) Perkin Warbeck, by Mrs. Shelley. Roger de Flor. — the Falconers, by Mrs. Gordon. ■ Scattergood Family. Forty Years in the World. Foscarini, or Patrician of Venice. Foster Brother, edited by L. Hunt. Foundling of Cordova. Devonshire. Glenthorn. Frances, or the Two Mothers. Francesca Carrara. {Landon L.E.) {Fortunes.) Francis Berrian, or Mexican Patriot. Frank Mildmay. {Marryat Capt.) {Stand. Nov.) Orby, Novel. Frankenstein, by Mrs. Shelley. — {Stand. Nov.) Freaks of Cupid, by an Irish Barrister. Frederick De Montford. Dornton. Morland, by Author of " Lochiel." Wilding. Free Lance, by D. M'Carthy. Freebooter of the Alps. Freebooter's Bride. French Governess. {Cooper J. F.) Protestant, Tale. P 2 108 CLASSIFIED INDEX. [LONDON Fiction, Novels^ &e., contimied. FiTscatis, or Scenes in Paris. Friend or Foe. {I'icktring E.) Friends Unmasked. and Lovers. of Fontainebleau, by Miss Biirdon. Fright. {Pickering J'J.) Frolics of Puck, or Woman's Will. Fudge Family in Edinburgh, England. Ireland. Gabrielle. {Coslello Mi^s.) Gaities and Gravities, by H. Smith. Gale Middleton, by H. Smith. Gambler's Dream, Novel. Wife. {Grei/ l/r.s.) Game of Life, by L. Ritchie. Gaston de Blondeville. {Raddiffe Mrs.) Foix. Gathering of the West. {Gait J.) Genevieve, or Orphan's Visit. Gentleman Jack, by Capt. Neale. in Black, Story. of the Old School. {James G.P.R.) Gentlewoman of the Old School. {Memoirs.) George Barnwell, Novel. St. George Julian. Gerald, a Tale of Conscience. Geraldine, a Tale of Conscience, by E. C. A. Hamilton, Tale. Morton. {Aunt Dorothy.) Murray, Tale. of Desmond, by Miss Crumpe. or Faith and Practice. {Mackenzie M.J.) German Life. {Lights and Shadows.) Novelist, Tales. Novelists. {Roscoe.) Stories. {Gillies R.P.) {Giimm.) Tales. {Eccentric.) {HolcroftR.) {Romantic.) {Zsrhohhe.) by Oxenford, &c. {Foreign Lib.) ■ a Lady. {Tales.) Germany, Gleanings from. {Haas J.D.) {Traditions ofi) Gertrude, by Author of " Amy Herbert." De Wart, translated from the German. • Tale of 16th Century. Gesta Romanorum, Stories. {Swan C.) Ghost Hunter and his Family. {Lib. Or. Rom.) Seer, by Schiller. {Standard Nov.) Gideon Giles the Roper. {Miller T.) Gift from Fairy Land, Tales, &c. Gil Bias. {Roscoe^s Novelist Library.) New. {Inglis H.D.) of the French Revolution. Gilbert Gurney. {Hook T.) Gilmour, or the Last Lockinge. Giovanni Sbogarro, Venetian Tale. Gipsy. {James G.P.R.) Chief, by H. M. Jones. — — Mother, by H. M. Jones. Tale, from the German of Laiin. Gitana, Tale. Fiction, Novels, &c., continued. Githa of the Forest. Glances at Life in City, &c. ( IVebbe C.) the Moon. Glanville Family, Gleanings, by Author of " Sydenham." (ilcn Moubray, Tale. Glenalpiii, or IJandit's Cave. {Taylor J.) Glenarvon, by Lady C. Lamb. Glenfell. {Gult J.) Glenfurgus, Tale. Glenlonely, Novel. Glenullyn, or Son of the Attainted. Glimpses of Village Life. {Smith J.) Glories of the Garrison. Godfrey Malvern. {Miller T.) Ranger, Tale. Godolphin. {Lytton Sir E.B.) Arabian. {Sue E.) Gogmagog Hall. Going to Maynooth. {Carleton W.) too Far, Tale for all Ages. Golden Legends, Tales. Gomez Arias, Romance. Gondez the Monk. {Ireland W.H.) Gonzalo de Baldivia. Good Humour. Match. {Chatterton Lady.) Nature, &c., Tales. Gossip's Week. {Boddington Mrs.) Governess. {Blessington Lady.) or Politics in Private Life. Grace Cassidy. {Blessington Lady.) Darling, by G. W. Reynolds. Graham Hamilton, by Lady C. Lamb. Granby, by T. Lister. {Standard Nov.) Grandeur and Meanness. Grandfather. {Pickering Ellen.) Granville Wykeham, Novel. Grasville Abbey, Romance. Gratitude, and other Tales. Grave Digger, by R. M. Daniell. Gray Friar and Black Spirit of the Wye. Great Metropolis. {Grant J.) Greenwich Hospital, or Naval Sketches. Pensioners. Gretna Green. {Hutchinson P.O.) Marriages. Greville, or Season in Paris. {Gore Mrs.) Greyslaer, by C. F. Hoffman. Griffins (The) Aid-du-Camp. . Grumbler. {Pickering E.) Guards, Novel. Hussars and Infantry. Guerilla Chief, by Ennna Parker. Guilty or Not Guilty, Novel. Gulliver's Travels. {Swift J.) and Life. {Swift J.) Gurney Married. {Hook T.) {Standard Nov.) Guy Fawkes. {Ainsivorth W.H.) Mannering. {Scott Sir W.) Rivers, the Outlaw. Guzman d'Alfarache, or Spanish Rogue. Gwelygordd, or Child of Sin. Hajji Baba, by Morier. {Adventures.) CATALOGUE.] CLASSIFIED INDEX. 109 Fiction, Novels, &c., continued. Hajji Baba, by Morier. {Standard A^ov.) in England, by Morier. (Standard A^ov.) Hall of Hellingsley, by Sir E. Brydges. Hamel, the Obeah Man. Hamilton King, by the " Old Sailor." Hamiltons. (Gore Mrs.) Hampton Court, Novel. Handley Cross, or the Spa Hunt. Handy Andy. (Lover S.) Hans of Iceland, Tale. Happiness, Tale. Hardenbrass and Haverill. Hardness, by Capt. Knox. Hargrave. (Trollope Mrs.) Hfirley Radington, Tale. Harold the Exile. Harry Calverley, by Author of " Cecil Hyde." Mowbray, by Capt. Knox. Hauberk Hall. Haunted Priory, Novel. Haverhill, or Memoirs of an Officer. Hawks of Hawk Hollow, by Dr. Bird. Hawkstone, Tale. Hawkwood, Romance of Italy. Head Pieces and Tail Pieces, Tales. Headlong Hall, by Peacock. (Standard Nov.) Headsman. (Cooper J.F.) (Standard Nov.) Hearts of Steel, Novel. ■ versus Heads, Novel. Hector O'Halloran. (Maxwell W.H.) Heidenraauer. (Cooper J.F.) (Standard Nov.) Heir Presumptive, by Lady Stepnej'. of Mordaunt. Selwood. (Gore Mrs.) Heiress. (Pielering E.) and her Suitors. of Bruges, by T. C. Grattan. (Standard Nov.) Helen. (Edgeicorth M.) (Standard Nov.) De Tournon, by Mad. de Souza. Fleetwood. (Chart. Elizabeth.) Monteagle. Helena Egerton. Henri Quatre, or Days of the League. Henrietta Temple. (JJ'Israeli B.) Henry, Tale, by Cumberland, Acton, and other Tales. De Pomeroy. (Bray Mrs.) Hooka, Novel. Masterton. (James G.P.R.) (Standard Nov.) Ofterdingen, Romance. Recluse of Devon, by Pullin. and Antonio, from the (ierman. of Guise. (James G.P.R.) Monmouth, by Michel. Herbert Lacy, by T. Lister. Milton, Novel. Herberts, by A. Butler. Heretic, Translated from the Russian. Hermione, or the Defaulter. Fiction, Novels, &c., continued. Hermit Abroad. in Edinburgh. Italy. London. Prison, by Jouy. the Country. of Dumpton Cave. Glenconella, by E. Macdonnell. Hermit's Cave, Tale. Hero, or Adventures of a Night. of Salamanca. Heroine. (Barrett E.S.) of the Peninsula. Herwald de Wake, by H. Clark. Hesitation, to Marry or Not to Marry. High Life, Novel. in New York. Highest Castle and Lowest Cave. Highland Castle. Inn. Mary. Smugglers. (Preiser J.B.) Highlanders, Tale. Highways and Byeways, by T. C. Grattan. Hildebrand, or Days of Queen Elizabeth. Hillingdon Hall, or Cockney Squire. Hints, &c., for Railway Travellers. to a Soldier on Service. (Ma.rwell W.H.) Historical Traveller. (Gore Mrs.) Histories of Four Young Ladies. (Woodland.) Historiettes, Tales of Continental Life. History of Margaret Catchpole, by Cobbold. a Flirt. an Old Maid. (Boicdler Mrs.) Hoel Morvan, by Browning. the Hostage. (Jeffreys Miss.) Holland Tide, or Munster Tales. H Family. (Bremer F.) Home. (Bremer F.) Service, or Scenes from Life. (Hill B.E.) or the Iron Rule. (Ellis Mrs.) Homeward Bound. (Coojier J.F.) (Standard Nov.) Honor O'Hara. (Porter A.M.) Honour, Tale. and Shame, Novel. Hope Leslie. (Sedgwick Miss.) Horace Vernon, or Life in the West. Horse-Shoe Robinson, by J. P. Kenned}^ Hour and the Man. (Martineaii II.) House of Ravenspur, by Mrs. Jamieson. How to be Rid of a Wife, by Spence. Howard, by John Gamble. Castle, Romance. Huguenot. (James G.P.R.) Hulme Abbey, Novel. Human Life, by R. P. Ward. Humphrey Clinker. (Roscoe's Nov. Lib.) Hunchback. (Adventures of.) of Notre Dame. (Stand. Nov.) Hungarian Brothers. (Porter A.M.) (Stand, Nov.) Castle. (Pardoe Miss.) — Tales. (Gore Mrs.) Hunters of the Prairie. (Irvinij \V.) Hurstwood, Tale. 110 CLASSIFIED INDEX. [LONDON Fiction, Novkls, &c., contiimed. Husband Hunter, by Moriarty. Hunters. Hunting. Hussar, {(ilelij G.R.) Hut ami the Castle, by Misses Culbertson. Hyacintlie, or tiie Contrast, {i^reij Mrs.) Hyde Marston, or a Sportsman's Life. Nugent, Tale. Idler in France. {Blessington Lady) Itivly. {lUessinyton Lady.) Impenetrable Secret. Impostor, by Author of " Anti-Coningsby." Impressions at Home, &c. {O'FUiiuujan.) Improvisatore, by H. C. Andersen. Incognito, or Sins and Peccadilloes. Indian Chief, American Novel. Life. {Hartley il/zv.) Sketches. (Irviny J.T.) Industry, Tale of Real Life. Inesilla, or the Tempter, by Oilier. Ingliston, by G. Webster. Inheritance, by Miss Ferrier. Inklings of Adventure. {Willis N.P.) Innisfayle Abbey, by Moriarty. Inquisitor, The. Insurgent Chief, Irish Tale. Interdict, Novel. Intrigue, or AVoman's Wit, &c. Intriguing Beauty. Invasion, by Griffin. Investigation. {Ilalsted C.A.) Invisible Gentleman. Hand, Tale. Involuntary Prophet, byH.Smith. {Stand.N'ov.) Ionian, or Woman in Nineteenth Century. Ipsiboe, by D'Arlincourt. Ireland. See Legends and Tales. Irish Bulls. {Edgworth M.) Character, Sketches of. {Hall Mrs.) • Coquette, Novel. Life. {Hall Mrs.) ■ {Tales of.) in the Castle, Courts, &c. Necromancer. Peasantry, Tales of. {Popular.) Traits, &c., of. {Carleton.) Traveller. {AiUohiogra'phy.) Irishmen and Irishwomen. Isabel, Tale. by Miss Kelty. {Story of.) de Barsas. St. Albe, by Miss Crumpe. Isabella, by Author of " Rhoda." Isidora, or Adventures of a Neapolitan. Iskander, Romance. Isle of Wight, Tales and Legends. {Elder.) Isn't it Odd % Novel. Italian. {Radcliffe Mrs.) Mysteries, by F. Latham. Novelists. {Roscoe T.) Stories, Transl. by Miss Holford. Tales of Humour. Vengeance, &c. lu-kiao-li, or the Two Fair Cousins. Ivan Vejeeghen, or Life in Russia. Ivanhoe. {Scott Sir W.) Fiction, Novels, &c., contiimed. Izram, Jlexican Tale. {Charlotte Elizabelh.) Jack Adams, by Cliauiier. Ashore, by E. Howard. Brag. {Hook T.) {Standard A^ov.) Hinton. {Lever C.) Hornet, or March of Intellect. O'Lantern. {Cooper J.F.) {Standard Nov.) Sheppard. {Ainszeorth W.H.) Tench. of the Mill. {Hou-itt W.) Jack's Edition of Life at Sea. Jacob Faithful. {Marryat Capit) {Standard Nov.) Jacqueline of Holland, by Grattan. {Standard Nov.) Jacquerie, or Lady and Page. {.James G'.l'.R.) James Forbes. {Molesworth J.E.) Hatfield, kc. of the Hill, by Cameron. Jane Bouverie. {Sinclair C.) Lomax, by H. Smith. Talbot, Novel. of France. {Genlis Mad.) Janet, or Glances at Human Nature, Japhet. {Marryat Capt.) {Standard Nov.) Jealousy and Revenge, by Peake. Jeanette Isabelle, Novel. Jem Bunt, by the " Old Sailor." Jerninghani, or Inconsistent Man. Jessie Phillips. {Trollope Mrs.) Jessy, or Rose of Donald's Cottage. Jesuit, Novel. {Lih. Orig. Rom.) by Spindler. Jesuitism and Methodism, Novel. Jew, Novel. Exile, Tour in Scotland. Jewess. {Righy Miss.) Jewish History. {Romance.) {Tales.) Maiden, Novel. Jilt, by Author of " Cousin Geoffrey." Joan of Arc, by J. Serle. Joe Oxford, Novel. John Manesty, by Dr. Maffinn. Marston Hall. {James O.P.R.) — — de Castro, &c.. Novel. Jonathan Sharpe. ■ Wild. {Fielding IL) Joseph Andrews. {Roscoe's Nov. Lib.) {Walter's Clas.) Jenkins. {Grant J.) Rushbrook. {Marryat Cajit.) Journal of a Nobleman. an Exile. Officer in German Legion. the Heart, by Lady C. Bury. Julia de Roubigne. {Mackenzie H.) Julian, or Scenes in Judea. Julien Delmour. {Genlis Mad.) Julius Fitzjohn. Justiua, Moral Tale. Juvenile Indiscretions. CATALOGUE.] CLASSIFIED INDEX. HI Fiction, Novels, &c., continued, Kabaosa, or Warriors of the West. Kakn-Daiinon. {Kcndrt'c/c T.T.) Karali Kaplan, by lion. C. Savile. Karmatli, by Author of " Rameses." Katherine, by Mrs. Holland. Kenil worth. {Scott Sir W.) Kentucky, by Jas. Hall. Khalif Haroon Er-l\asliid, &c. Khan's Tale. {Lib. Oriij. Rum) Kindness in Women, by T. H. Bayly. King Arthur. {Walkers C/as.) Eric and the Outlaws. Henry IV. of France, by A. Lefanu. of the Forest. {Roba-ts Mary.) P.ak. King's Own. {Marryat Capt.) ■ {Standard Nov.) ■ Secret, by T. Power. ~ Son, edited by Mrs. Hofland. Klosterheim, by De Quincey. Knight of St. John. {Porter A.M.) Knights of Ritzberg. Konigsmarke, by Dr. Paulding. Kruitzner. {Lee H.) Kuzzilbash. {Fraser J.B.) Kyd the Buccaneer. Labours of Idleness. {Penseval.) Lady Alice. {Thornton Mrs.) Annabetta. {Thomson Mrs.) Anne Granard. {lAindon. L.E.) Cecilia Farrencourt, by H. Milton. Cheveley, or Woman of Honour. Jane Grey. {ALiUer T.) Jane's Pocket. Singleton, by Capt. Medwin. of Milan, edited by Mrs. Thomson. La Hogue Bie de Hambie. {Bidkeley.) Lairds of Fife. (ilenfern. Lake of Killamey. {Porter A.M.) Lancashire. {Legends of .) Traditions of. {RoJry J.) Land and Sea Tales, by the " Old Sailor." of Promise, by Baroness C'alabrella. ■ — — Sharks and Sea Gulls, by Glascock. Langreath, by Mrs. Nathan. Lara and Jacqueline, Tales. La Soubrette, or Theresa Dornay. Last Ball, by G. Soane. Days of Aurelian. Mary Stuart, by Finch. Pompeii. {Lytton Sir E. B.) {Standard Noi'.) a Condemned. {Hugo V.) King of Ulster. Man, by Mrs. Shelley. of the Abencerrages. {Stand. Nov.) Barons. {Lytton Sir E.B.) Corbes. ( Wright J.) Lairds. {Gait J.) Mahoneys, &c. Mohicans. {Cooper J.F.) {Sta n da rd No v. ) Plantagenets, by Heseltine. Lasting Impressions, by Mrs. Carey. Laurringtons. {Trollope Mrs.) Fiction, Novels, &c., continued. Lawrie Todd. {Gait J.) {Standard Nov.) Lawyers in Love, by Capt. Neale. Lays and Legends. {Fricker T.) {Planche R.) {Thorns W.J.) {Toulmin C.) Leap Year, or Woman's Privilege. Leaves from my Portfolio. {Coojier G.) Legend and Romance, by Johns. of Argyle. Cloth Fair, Tales. Genevieve, by Delta. Guthrum Castle. {Edrick.) Hindostan. {Planche J.R.) Portuguese. (Mascarenhas.) Reading Abbey. {Knight's W. V) Legendary Talcs. {Talbot ll.F.) Legends. See also Lays. Tales. {Golden.) and Records. {Tai/ler C.B.) Tales. {Tabart B.) Traditionary Stories. {Book.) of Connaught. Conquest of Spain. {Lrving W.) Einsidlin. {Liddiard.) England. France. Galloway. {Denniston.) Gibraltar. {Ilort Cajit.) Ireland, by Groker. {Fa>u. Lib.) {Lover S.) Lancashire. Riibezahl. Scotland. Venice. the Highlands. {Lauder T.D.) Library at Lilies. North. {Scott Sir W.) Rhine, by Grattan. {Planche R.) Leila in England. {Tytler A.F.) or Siege of Granada. {Lytton Sir E.B.) the Island. {Tytler A.F.) Lemira of Lorraine. Leolin Abbey, by A. Lefanu. Leonard and Gertrude, by Pestalozzi. Leonora, or Presentation at Court. Le Sage, Tales from. {S2}anish.) Letter Bag of the Great Western. Letters Written for the Post, &c. Lettre de Cachet. {Gore 3frs.) Levi and Sarah, or Jewish Lovers. Levite, Romance, by E. Murphy. Lieslie, Swiss Tale, from the German. Lieutenant and Crooked Midshipman. Life, A Romance. Love, and Politics. and Advent. J. Whitlaw. {Trollo^jeMrs.) ■ at Full Length. in Dalecarlia. {Bremer F.) India. Ireland. the Ranks. {Taylor SerJ.) West. or Curtain Drawn. 112 CLASSIFIED INDEX. [LONDON Fiction, Novels, &.c., continued. Life of Maiisie Waucli. a Boy. Lawyer, l)y Himself. Limb of tlie Law. MiJslii])man. Keel use. Sailor, by Cliaraier. Soldier. {Li>r;n Jl.) Turkish Apostate. (Mahmoiul.) on Board a Man of War. or Fashion and l<'eeling-. Light Dragoon, edited by Gleig. Lights and Shadows, American Life, (jerman Life. L-ish Life. {Uall Mrs.) London Life. {Grant J.) Military Life. Scottish Life, Lily McNab, by D. B. M'Leod. Lincolnshire, Traditions of. [Quaint.) Linwoods. {Seiliin'ick JJis.s.) Lion, a Tale of the Coteries. Lionel, or Last of the Pevenseys. Lincoln. {Cooper J.F.) {Standard Nov.) Wakefield. Literary Hours. {Drake N.) Little Pedlington. {Pooh ./.) Wife and Bart.'s Daughter. {Grey Mrs.) Live and Learn, by F. Lathom. Living and the Dead, by Rev. E. Neale. Llewellen, or Vale of Plinlimmon. Llewelyn, a Tale of Cambria. Lochandhu, by Sir T. D. Lauder. Lochiel, by Dav. Carey. Lodore, by Mrs. Shelley. Log Cabin, or World before You. Logan, Family Story. Lollards, Tale, by Author of " Mystery. ' London Legends. Life. {Oddities of.) Night Entertainments. as it is. {Hogg J.) in the Olden Time. or a Month at Stevens'. Longbeard, by C. Mackay. Longhollow, a Tale of the West. Look to the End. {Ellis Mrs.) Lord Dacre of Gilsland, by E. Stewart. Morcar of Hereward. {Pardoe Miss.) — Roldan. {C mininghani A.) Lorenz Stark, Picture of a German Family. Lorimer, Tale. Lost Brooch, by Author of " Fairy Bovver." Evidence, by Miss Burden. Heir, by T. Power. Ship, by Capt. Neale. Lottery of Life, &c. {Blesslngton Lad//.) Louisa Egerton, or Castle Herbert. Orphan of Lennox Abbey. or Cottage on the Moor. Love, by Lady C. Bury. Match, by Mrs. Maberly. Rashness, and Revenge. and Literature. {Storg P.) Mesmerism, by H. Smith. Fiction, Novels, &c., continued. Love and Pride. {Ilooi: T.) Romance. Suicide. War, by Quillinan. Love's Exchange;, l)y C. Boyle. Lover and the Husband. Lovers and Friends. Loves of the Poets. {Jameson Mrs.) Lowenstein. {Roberts M.) Loyalists. {West Mrs.) Lucien Greville, Novel. Lucilla, or the Reconciliation. Lucius Carey, by W. Coates. Lucubrations of Humphrey Ravelin. Lucy Hardinge. {Cooper J.F.) M.D's. Daughter. M.P's. Wife and Lady Geraldine. Mabinogion, Tales. {Guest Lady C.) Miicrimmon, Highland Talc. Madeline. {Opie Mrs.) Magdalen, .and other Tales. {Knowles J.S.) or Penitent of Godstow. Magi and the Star. Magic Lantern. {Blessington Lady.) Ring, by Fouque. {Burns' Fain. Lib.) and Mesmerism. Magician, by L. Ritchie. Mahmoud ; Life of a Turkish Apostate. Maid Marian, by Peacock. {Standard Nov.) of Honour, Tale. Padua, by Mrs. Golland. Scio. {Snowden E.) the Hallig. {Biernatzsli J.) Hamlet, by Mrs. Roche. Maiden Monarch, or Island Queen. Maid's Husband. {Miss Aylmer.) Maids of Honour, Tale. Majolo. {Gait J.) Makanna, or Land of the Savage. Malpas, by Author of " Cavalier." Malvagna, Romance. Mammon in London. Man about Town. ( Webhe C.) as he is, Novel. at Arms. {James G.P.R.) {Standard Nov.) of Fashion. {Memoirs of.) Feeling. {Machenzie H.) Fortune. {Giyre Mrs.) Honour and the Reclaimed. Sorrow. {Hook T.) Two Lives, by Boaden. War's Man. the People, by Rosenberg. without a Profession, by Rowcroft. Soul, by Rankin. Mandeville, by W. Godwin. Manfrone, Romance. Manners, by Author of " Year and a Day." in Spain. {Dallas R.C.) of the Day. {Gore Mrs.) Manoeuvring Mother. Manor of Glenmore, or Irish Peasant. Mansfield Park, by Miss Austen. {Standard Nov.) CATALOGUE.] CLASSIFIED INDEX. 113 Fiction, Novels, &c., continued. Manuella, the Executioners Daughter. Manuscripts of Erdely, by G. Stephens. MSS., or Man of the World. {Blount T.) Many-Coloured Life, Tales. Marchioness, by Mrs. Thornton. or Matured Enchantress. Marco Visconti, by Grossi. (Burns' Fani. Lib.) Marcus Flaminius. {Knight E.C.) Mardyns and Daventrys. {Pardoe 3Iiss.) Marsfam Abbey, Romance. Margaret, or the Gold Mine. Capel, by E. Wallace. Coryton, by L. Gliffe. Kavenscroft. {St. John J. A.) Marguerite de Valois, by Dumas. {Bogues Lib.) Maria, Tale of a Southern Valley. or the Hollanders. Marian. {Hall Mrs.) Marianine, Novel of Palestine. Marine Officer. {Steele Sir R.) Marmaduke Wyvil, by Herbert. Marriage, by Miss Ferrier. {Standard A^ov.) in High Life, by Lady Scott. of the Favorite. Married Unmarried. Marrying Man. Marston, by Rev. G. Croly. Martin Chuzzlewit. {Dickens C.) Martyria, Legend. {Mountford W.) Mary Ogilvie. {Picken A.) Raymond. {Gove Mrs.) Stuart. {Last Days of.) of Burgundy. {James G.P.R.) Mascarenhas, a Legend. Massacre of St. Bartholomew. {Maid.) Massaniello, edited by H. Smith. Massenburgh, by Mrs. Cadell. Master Humphrey's Clock. {Dickens C.) Passion, by T. C. Grattan. ■ Timothj^'s Bookcase. Masterman Ready. {Marryat Capt.) Matchmaker. Matilda, by Lord Normanby. {Sue E.) and Malek Adhill. or Exile of the Castle. Matthew Wald and Adam Blair. Matron of Erin, Tale. Maurice Powell, Welsh Tale. and Berghetta, by W. Parnell. the Elector of Saxony. Max Wentworth, Novel. Maximums and Speciments of Wm. Muggins. Maxwell. {Hook T.) ■ {Standard Nov.) Mayor of Wind-Gap, by Banim. Melanthe, by Mrs. Maberley. Melcombe Lodge. Melincourt, by Peacock. Melmoth, by C. R. Maturin. Melmouth House. Melton de Mowbray. Member. {Gait J.) Memoirs of Myself. Fiction, Novels, &c., continued. Memoirs of Rossina. of a Babylonian Princess. Brahmin. Cadet. in India. Greek Young Lady. ■ Griffin. Man of Fashion. Muscovite. {Lytton Lady B.) ■Peeress. {Gore Mrs.) an Heiress. {D'Arhlay.) Umbrella. the Montagu Family. Princess of Zell. Villars Family, Novel. Men and Women, or Manorial Rights. of Character. {Jerrold D.) Mephistopheles in England. Mercedes of Castile. {Cooper J.F.) Merchant and the Friar. {Palgrave Sir F.) Merchant's Daugliter. {Pickering E.) Meredith. {Blessington Lady.) Merelina, or Such is Life. Metropolis, Novel. or Cure for Gaming. Michael Armstrong. {Trollope Mrs.) Midnight Bell, German Story. Wanderer. Weddings. Midsummer Eve. Medley, by H. Smith. Milesian Chief. Military Adventures. {Blakisfon C'apt.) Bijou. {Shijyp J.) Life, Events of. {Henry W.) Retrospect. {Anton J.) Memoirs of Four Brothers. an Infantry Officer. Reminiscences. ( Welsh J.) Sketch Book, by Maginn. Minstrel Love. {Fouque.) Miriam Coffin, or Whale Fisherman. Mirven Famil}^ Mirza, by C. Morier. Miscellaneous Works. {Brunton M.) {Defoe D.) {Fielding H.) {Griffin G.) {James G.P.R.) {Lytton Sir E.B.) {Mackemie H.) {Moore Dr. J.) {Opie Mrs.) {Richardson S.) — {Scott SirW.) {Smollett.) {Ster7ie L.) Miser Married, by Cath. Hutton. Miser's Daughter. {Ainsworth W.H.) Miseries, &c., of Matrimony. Miserrimus, Tale. Misfortunes of Elphin, by Peacock, Misrepresentation. Miss Aylmer, or Maid's Husband. — Pen and her Niece, by Mrs. Stone. Mr. Midshipman Easy. {Marryat Capt.) Q 114 CLASSIFIED INDEX. [LONDON Fiction, Novels, &c., continued. Mr. Midshipman Easy. (Standard JVov.) Mrs. Annitajie. {(''ore Mm.) Cleveland and the St. Glairs. Mahorley, or World as it will be. Modern Athens. Calypso. Chivalry. {Go7-e Mrs.) Cj'mon, by Koch. Flirtation. (Sinclair C.) French Life, edited by Mrs. Gore. (iriselda. (Kdyicorth M.) Kate, Novel. Literature of Franco. Times, by Kliz. Holme. Villa and Ancient Castle. Modes of Life, Novel. Monaldi, by \V. Allston. Monastery. (ScoH SirW.) of St. Columb. Money Lender. (Gore Mrs.) Moneyed Man, bj^ H. Smith. Monikins. (Cooper J.F.) Monk and the Married Man. Montacute, or a New Home. (KirUand Mrs. Montague Newburg. (Mant A.C.) Montaubon and Monk Hilario. Month at Brussels. Montreithe, or Peer of Scotland. Montville, or Dark Heir of the Castle. Moods and Tenses, by One of Us. Mordaunt. (Moore Dr. J.) Morley Ernstein. (James G.P.R.) Mornings in Spring. (Drake N.) Mornton, by Miss CuUen, Mortimer Delmar. Mortimers, or Vale of Machynlloch. Morton of Morton's Hope. Moscow, Tale. Mothers and Daughters. (Gore Mrs.) (Stand. Nov. Sons. Mount Erin, Tale. Sorel. (C'luipman s Series.) Mountain Decameron, by Downes. Mountalyth, by Jane Harvey. Much to Blame, Tale. Mummy. (Loudon Mrs. J.) Munster Cottage Boy, by Mrs. Roche. Festivals, by Griffin. (Tales of.) Tales. (Hol'land.) Mussulman, by E-. Madden. My Adventures. (Maxwell Col.) Aunt Pontypool. Cousin Nicholas, by Ingoldsby. Grandmother's Guests, Tales. Landlady's Tales. Life. (Maxioell W.H.) (Standard Nov.) by an Ex-Dissenter. Marine Memorandum-Book, Neighbourhood, by Griffin. Note-Book. (MacGregor J.) Old Cousin. Portfolio, Tales, by H. G. Bell. Own Times. Village V. " Our Village." (Crol-er T.C.) Fiction, Novels, &c., continued. Myself and my Friend. Mysteries of Ilungary. London, by Reynolds. Paris. (Sue E.) Udolpho. (Radcliffe Mrs.) the Forest. Mysterious Bridal. Freebooter. Man, by (Jhamier. Marriage. Monk. Mystery Developed. and Confidence. or Forty Years Ago. Mystic Events, by F. Lathom. Nabob at Home. Nabob's Wife, by Mrs. Monkland. Nan Darrell. (Pickering E.) Napoleon, or Mysteries of the Hundred Days. Natchez, Lidian Tale. (Chateaubriand.) National Tales. (Houd T.) Natural Son, by Spindler. Nature & Art, by Mrs. Inchbald. (Stand. Nov.) Naval Adventures. (Boa-ers Lieut.) Club, by the " Old Sailor." Keepsake. Service, by Capt. Glascock. Sketch Book. Surgeon, by Capt. Neale. Navy at Home. Ned Clinton, or the Commissarj'. Myers. (Cooper J.F.) Neighbours. (Bremer F.) Neville's Cross. (Tales.) New England Tale, Sketches. Era, or Julian Delmour. Forest, by H. Smith. Landlord's Tales. Purchase. (Carlton R.) Road to Ruin. Tales. ( Wilkinson Mrs.) Newstoke Priors, by Miss Waddington. Newton Forster. (Marryat Capt.) (Standard Nov.) Nice Distinctions, Tale. Nicholas Nickleby. (Dickens C.) Nick of the Woods. Night Watch, a Tale of the Sea. and Morning. (Lytton Sir E.B.) — — near Windsor. (Collingridge.) Nightmare Abbey, by Peacock. (Standard Nov.) No Enthusiasm, Tale. Noontide Leisure. (Drake N.) Norman Abbey, Tale of Sherwood Forest. Leslie, by T. S. Fay. Normanburn, Novel. Norrington, or Memoirs of a Peer. Northanger Abbey and Persuasion. ■ (Stand. Nov.) Notes Abroad and Rhapsodies at Homo. Notoriety, or Fashionables Unveiled. Notre Dame, Tale. Nourjahad, &c. (Walkei''s Clas.) Nourmahal, by M. J. Quin. Novelist's Library. (Ballantyne.) CATALOGUE.] CLASSIFIED INDEX. 115 Fiction, Novels, &.c., co/Uinued. Novelist's Library. (Roscoe.) Novelists, British. German. (Eoscoe T.) Italian. {Roscoe.) Spanish. {Roscoe T.) {Standard.) Novels. {Edinhuvfjh Cabinet.) Bentley. {Standard.) Standard. {Blackwood.) and Romances. {Bray Mrs.) Tales. {Bremer Mrs.) {Scott Sir W.) ■ Introductions. {ScotlSir W.] Works. {Defoe D.) ■ {Liitton Sir E.B.) Novice, or Heir of Montgomery Castle. Man of Integrity. Nun of St. Agatha. Santa Maria. Nun's Picture, bv Mrs. Roche. Oakleigh, by W.'H. Holmes. Oak wood Hall, by Cath. Hutton. O'Briens and O'Flahertys. {Morgan Lady.) Observant Pedestrian Mounted. Ocean Bride. {Milton M.S.) Octavia. {Porter A.M.) Elphinstone, by Miss Tallant. Odd Moments, or Time Beguiled, Tales. ■ Tales. {More.) Volume, by Misses Corbett. Oddities of London Life. O'Donnel, {Morgan Lady.) {Standard Nov.) O'Donoghue. {Lever C.) Ofelia, or Child of Fate. O'Hara, or 1798. Old Arm Chair. Bachelor in Scotch Village. {Aird T.) Bachelors, their Varieties, &c. Bailey Experience. Commodore, bj' E. Howard. Curiosity Shop. {Dickens C.) Dower House. {Orey Mrs.) Earl and his Ycung Wife. English Baron. • — — Gentleman, by .J. Mills. Flanders, or Traditions of Belgium. Hall, by J. Mills. Maiden's Talisman, &c. Maids, their Varieties, &c. Man of the Mountain, &c. Manor House. River, or the Rhine, by Knox. Saint Paul's. {Ainsworth W.H.) School, Novel. Stories. {Spence E.) Tapestry, Tale. Times and New. Oldcourt. {Shee M.A.) Oliver Cromwell, edited by H. Smith. Twist. {l>irl-ens C.) Olivia, or the Orphan. Omen. {Gait J.) One Fault. {Troll ope Mrs.) Night, Satirical Tale. Fiction, Novels, &c., continutd. One Pound Note. in a Thousand, {.fames G.P.R.) O'Neill, or the Rebel. {Lytton Sir E.B.) Only Daughter. {Campbell H.) Son, Narrative. a Fiddler and 0. T., by Andersen. Opera, Story. {Core Mrs.) Oriental Wanderings. Orientalist, or Election in Ireland. Original of the Miniature. Ormond. {Edgeirorth M) or Secret Witness, by C. B. B. Brown. Orphan Boy. of Nepaul. Tintern Abbey. Osmond, by M. A. Kclty. Other Times, or Monks of Leadenhall. Otterbourne, or Days of Hotspur. Our Island, Tales. Town, or Sketches of Character. Village. {Mitford Miss.) Out of Town, or the Recess. Outalissi, Tale of Dutch Guiana. Outcasts, Romance. Outlaw. {Hall iVrs.) Outlaw's Bride, by H. M. Jones. Outre Mer, or Pilgrimage to the Old World. Outward Bound, edited by Marryatt. Owain Goch, by Author of " Cavalier." Oxonians, a Glance at Society. Pacha of Many Tales. {Marryat Capt.) {Stand. Nov.) Paired, not Matched. Palace of Pleasure. {Painter W.) Palais Royal, by Author of " Henri Quatre." Palestine, Novel. {Mariamne.) Tale of. {Sep)hora.) Traditions of. {Martineau II.) Palmarin of England. {Southey R.) Palmario, or Merchant of Genoa. Palmyre et Flaminie, ou le Secret. Pamela. {Richardson S.) Pandurang Hari. Pantika, Ancient Traditions. {Ilowitt W.) Parents and Wives, by Mrs, Green. Paris Chit-Chat. Spectator. or Book of the Hundred and One. and London, Novel. Parish Clerk, edited by T. Hook. Parlour Portfolio. {Binglmni A.M.) Parricide, by Author of" Miserrimus." Parson's Daughter. {Hook T.) {Stand. Nov.) Parsons and Widows. Partings and Meetings, Tale. Pascal Bruno, by T. Hook. Passion and Reason, by E. C. Brown. Past Events, by Mary Charlton. and Present Times, by a Lady. Pastor Chief, or Escape of the Vaudois. Pastor's Fireside. {Porter J.) {Standard Novels.) Path Finder. {Cooper J.F.) Patience and Perseverance. {Standard Nov.) Q 2 116 CLASSIFIED INDEX. [LONDON Fiction, Novels, &.c., continued. Patronage eind Dramas. {Edyeworth M.) Paul Clifford. {Lytton Sir E.B.) {Stand. Nov.) Jones. {Ci»iningham A.) Periwinkle, by Capt. Neale. Plaintive. Paula Monti. {Sue E.) Pauper Boy, Novel. Paynell, or Disappointed Man, Peace Campaigns of a Cornet. P-edro of Penaflor. {Inrjlis H.D.) Peers and Parvenus, {(lore Mrs.) Pelago, a Story of the Goth. Pelham. {Lyttun Sir E.B.) • {Standard Nov.) Pen Owen, by Th. Hook. Tamar. {Boicd/er Mrs.) Pencillings by the Way. {Willis N.F.) Penelope, by W. P. Scargill. Peninsular Adventures. {Personal.) Sketches. {Maxu-ell W.H.) {Milford J.) Penitent, Story of the 19th Century. Penruddock, Tale. Percival Keene. {Marryat CajJt.) Percy Mallory, by Th. Hook. Pere la Chaise, or the Confessional. Peregrine Bunce. {Hooh T.) Pickle. {Roscoe's Xov. Lib.) Pulteney, or Life in India. Perils of Beauty, by Chamier. Perkin Warbeck, Novel. by Mrs. Shelley. Persian Adventurer. {Eraser J.B) Moonshee, Stories. and Turkish Tales. {Walkers Clas.) Personation. Novel. Perth, Traditions. {Penny G.) Peruvian Tales. {Walker's Clas.) Peter Comclips. {Rodger A.) Pilgrim, by Dr. Bird. Priggins, edited by Th. Hook. Schlemihl, by Fouque. Simple. {Marryat Capt.) {Standard, Nov.) Wilkins. Petrarch and Laura. {Genlis Mad.) Peveril of the Peak. {Scott Sir W.) Phantasmagoria. {Jewsbury M.J.) of Fun. Phantasmion. {Coleridge Sara.) Phantom Ship. {Marryat Capt) Philanthropist, Tale; Philip Augustus. {James G.P.R. {StandiNov.) Phineas Quiddy. {Poole J.) Physiognomist, Novel. Pic Nic Papets, edited by C. Dickens. — Nics from the Dublin Penny Journal. Picaroon, by Author of " Makanna." Picciola, or Captivity Captive. by Saintiiie. {Smith's Lib.) Pickwick Abroad, by G. W. Keynolds. Papers. {Dickens C.) Picture and the Prosperous Man. of Verdun. {Laicrence J.) Fiction, Novels, &c., continued. Pictures and the Betrothing. of Private Life. {Ellis Mrs.) Scottish Scenes, &c. the World, by R. P. Ward. Piedmontese Tale. (Carbonaro.) Pierce Falcon, the Outcast. Piers de (iavt'ston. Pilgrim of the (,'ros3, by E. Helrae. Pilgrims of Walsingham. {Strickland A.) the Khine. {Egan P.) {Lytton Sir E.B.) Pilot. {Cooper J.F.) {Standard Nov.) Pin Money, {(rore Mrs.) Pine Tree Dell and other Tales. Pioneers. {Cooper J.F.) {Standard Nov.) Pirate. {Scott Sir W.) and Three Cutters. {Marryat Capt.) of Bofine, Novel. the Gulf, or Lafitte. Piso and the Pncfcct. Placide, Spanish Tale. Plain Sense, Novel. Plantagenct, Novel. Playfair Papers, or Brother Jonathan. Pleasures of Want, Novel. Plebeians and Patricians. Poetic Pastime, Tale. Poetry of Life. {Ellis Mrs.) Poet's Daughter, Novel. Polish Bandit, by F. Lathom. Tales. {Gore Mrs.) Pomfret, by H. F. Chorley. Poor Jack. {Marryat Capt.) Pope, Novel. and the Actor, by Miss Burdon. Popular Member. {Go7-e Airs.) Popularity and Destinies of Woman. Porcelain" Tower. {Sealy T.H.) Port Admiral, by Capt. Neale. Portugal, Traits, &c. {Pardoe.) Posthumous Papers. Poverty and the Baronet's Family. Prairie. {Cooj^er J.F.) {Standard Nov.) Bird, by Hon. C. Murray. {Standard Nov.) — — Hunters. {Irving W.) Precaution. {Cooper J.F.) {Standard Nov.) Precept and Practice. {Hook T.) Precipitance, Highland Tale. Prediction, by Author of " Mascarenhas." Preference, Novel. Preferment. {Gore Mrs^ Prejudice or Physiognomy. Prelate, by Rev. S. Smith. Premier, by W. Mudford. President's Daughters. {Bremer F.) Price of Fame, by Miss Youatt. Pride and Prejudice, by Miss Austen, {Stand. Nov.) of the Village, by H. M. Jones. Priest, Novel. of Rahery, Tale. CATALOGUE.] CLASSIFIED INDEX. 117 Fiction, Novels, &c., continued. Priest of the Nile. Prima Donna, Tale of To-Day. Prime Minister, by W. H. Kingston. Prince, Duke, and the Page. a Royal Libertine. and Pedlar. {Pickering E.) of Killarney (O'Bonoyhue.) ■ Orange, Tale. Princess. {Murgan Lady.) Principle, by Miss M'Leod. and Passion. Priors of Prague, by Capt. Neale. Private Life. {Ellis Mrs.) {Romance of.) Privateer, Tale. Prize in the Lottery, Novel. Probation, &c., by Author of " Selwpi." Prodigious, or Paddie in London. Prophet of the Caucasus, by Spencer. Prophetess, a Tale of Italy. Prosperity and Adversity. {Sinclair C.) Protestant, Tale of Queen Mary. {Bray Mrs.) Provincial Sketches, by W. P. Scargill. Provost. {Gait J.) of Paris, by W. S. Browning. Puritan's Grave, by W. P. Scargill. Purity of Heart, Tale. Puzzled and Pleased. Quadroone, or St. Michael's Day. Quakers, Tale. Quebec and New York. {Romance.) Queen Bee, Tales. — ■ — Mother. {Costello Miss.) of Denmark, edited by Mrs. Gore. Queen's Page, Romance. Quentin Durward. {Scott Sir W.) Matsys, &c. {Burns' Fam. Lib.) Quiet Husband. {Piclering E.) Quintus Servinton, Tale. Eaby Rattler's Adventures, &c. Radical. {Gait J.) Raff Hall, by R. Sulivan. Eagland Castle. {Thomson Mrs.) Rambles Abroad in 1816-18. of Captain Bolio. Emperor Ching Tib, Chinese Tale. Redbury Rook. Rambling Recol. of a Soldier. {Maxwell W.H.) Rameses, an Egyptian Tale. Random Records. {Colman G.) Rank and Fashion. Talent, by W. P. Scargill. Ranulph de Rohais. Rasselas, Tale. {Johnson S.) Rattlin the Reefer, by E. Howafd. — {StandiNov.) Ravensdale, Tale, by a Lady. Ravenstondale, Tale. Raymond, Tale of Truth. Reading Abbey, Legend. {Knight's W. Vol.) Real Life, Scenes from. {Morgan Lady.) in the Palace, &c. {Pigot H.) or Pages from a Chronicler. Pearls in a False Setting. Realities, a Tale from Real Life. Eeay Morden, Novel. Fiction, Novels, &c., contimied. Rebel, Tale. Rebellion in the Cevennes. {Tieck L.) Recess, by Sophia Lee. Recluse, Romance. of Albyn Hall. Norway. {Porter A.M.) or Hermit of Windermere. Recollections of a Chaperon. Naval Life. {Scott J.) — Pedestrian, an Art. Officer. {Hill B.E.) Records of my Life. {Taylor J.) Recreations. {Hovenden R.M.) of Christopher North. {Wilson J.) Rector of Overton, Novel. Red Rover. {C'ooj)er J.F.) {Standard Nov.) Redgauntlet. {Scott Sir W.) Redmond the Rebel. Redwood. {Sedgvrick Miss.) Reformation, Novel. Reformer, bv Mrs. Cadell. Reft Rob, Scottish Tale. Refugee, Romance. in America. {Trollope Mrs.) Refugees, by Author of " Correction." Refusal. {West Mrs.) Reginald Dalton, by Lockhart. Trevor, Tale. Reine Canziani, Tale of Greece. Relics of a Saint. (Feu-qKhar.) Reliques of Father Prout. Renegade, Tale from the French. Republican's Mistress. Restalrig, or the Forfeiture. Retreat, or Sketches from Nature. Retrospect of a Military Life. {AntoJi J.) Retrospections, Soldier's Storj-. Return to England, Tale of Waterloo. Reuben Apsley, by H. Smith. Revealer of Secrets. Revelations of the Dead Alive. Reveries of a Recluse. Reverses of Fortune. {Shield.) Rhenish Album ; Scraps from the Rhine, Rhine, Chronicle, by Knox. {Old Rirer.) Lays and Legends. {Planchi J.R.j {Legends.) Legends, &c. {Sno^ce J.) Rhoda, Novel. Rhodomaldi, Romance. Rhydisel, or Devil in Oxford. Ricardo the Outlaw. Rich and Poor. Richard Savage, by C. Whitehead. {Stand. Nov.) of York. Richelieu. {James GiP.R.) {Standard Nov.) or the Broken Heart. Richmond, or Life of a Bow Street Officer. Rienzi. {Lytton Sir E.B.) Rimualdo, or Castle of Badajoz. Rinaldo Rinaldini. llingan Gilhaize. {Gait J.) Ringrove. {West Mrs.) 118 CLASSIFIED INDEX. [LONDON Fiction, Novels, &c., continued. Ringstead Abbey, fee, Tales. {Sanjaul J. A.) Rivalry, by II. Milton. Rivals, by Drittin. Rob Roy. (Sroll Sir 11'.) of tlie Bowl, by J. P. Kennedy. Robber. (James (i.l'.R.) Chieftain, or Dinas Lynn. by Author of " Chartley." of the Khine. {Lib. of Jiomance.) Robert d'Artois. Macaire in England. Robinson Crusoe. Roche Blanche. (Porter A.M.) Rock, Legends of Gibraltar. (Jlort Capt.) Rockavon, Tale of Fifteenth Century. Rodenhurst, or Church and Manor. Roderick Random. (Smollett.) . (Eos. Nov. Lib.) Rolando, Romance. Roman Lovers, Tale. Matron, by Ticck. Nights at Tombs of the Scipios. Romance, Book of. (Common Place.) (Eastern.) . Encyclopaedia. (Martineau Hen.) German. (Specimens.) History of Egypt. . England. France. India. Italy. Spain. Original. {Library of.) Specimens. (German.) and Chivalry. (Stories.) Reality. (Landon L.E.) of English History. (Gait.) Jewish History. Private Life. . Real Life. (Gore Mrs.) Seafaring Life. . ■ Travel. (KnigMs W. Vol.) Vienna. (TrollojK Mrs.) the Forest. (Rctdcliffe Mrs) Harem. (Pardee Miss.) ■ Hebrides. Pyrenees. Romances, Early English. (Ellis G.) (Po2ndar.) (Shakespieare.) Spanish. (Ancient.) • of Chivalric Ages. History. (Ncele H.) Many Lands. RealLife, byHunt. (Whiltahr'sLih.) Romantic Facts. Fiction, German Tales. Rookwood. (Ainsv-orth W.H.) Rory O'More. (Lover S.) (Stand. Nov.) (Standard Nov.) Rosabel. (Thomson Mrs.) Rosabella, or Mother's Marriage. Rosalha, Tale. (Barton B.C.) Rosalie, or Castle of Montalabretti. Rosaline Woodbridge, by Mrs Jones. Fiction, Novkls, &c., continued. Rosaline de Vere, by Lord Dillon. Rosalvina, or Demon Dwarf. d'Albret. (James G.I'. 11.) of Tistelon, by E. Carlen. Woodlee, Tale, by Miss Bainbridgc. Rosina, or Virtuous Country Maid. Rosine Laval, Novel. Rothclan. (Gait J.) Roue, by S. Beazley. Roxobel. (Sherwood Mrs.) Royal Brides, Novel. Wanderer, Novel. Royston Gowcr. (Miller T.) Rudolph and Adelaide. Rufus, or Red King. Ruins of Ruthvale Abbey, by (iroUand. Selinunti. Ruling Passion, Comic Story. Novel. Runnemede, or Days of King John. Rural Records. (Smith J.) Rector. (Polvhele ft.) Sketches. (Aliller T.) Russell, or Reign of F'ashion. Rustum Khan, Tale. Rybrent de Cruce, by Miss Head. Sailor Boy, Novel. Sailors and Saints, by Capt. Glascock. St. Aubin, or the Infidel. — Clair of the Isles. — Clyde, Novel. — Etienne, by Miss Martin. — Hubert, or Trials of Angelina. — Irvine, Romance. — James's. (Ainsvorth W.H.) or Peep at Delusion. — Johnstoun, Novel. — Kathleen, Novel. — Leon, by W.- Godwin. ■ — (Standard N'ov.) — Leonard's Forest. — Margaret's Cave. — Ostberg, or Carmelite Monk. — Patrick, National Tale. — Patrick's Eve. (Lever C.) Purgatory, Legends. ( Wriyhl T.) — Ronan's Well. (Scott Sir W.) Saints and Sinners, by O'Neill Daunt. Salathiel. (Croly Rev. G.) Salvador the Guerilla. Sandoval, or the Freemason. Sandron Hall, by Hon. G. Berkeley. Santarem, or Society in Portugal. Saragossa, by E. A. Archer. Satanstoe. (Cooper J.F.) Saucy Jack and the Indiaman. Saxon's Daughter. (Michell N.) Sayings and Doings. (Hook T.) ■ (Standard Nov.) atKillarney. (CrokerT.G.) in America. Says She to her Neighbour — What? Scarlet Handkerchief. Scenes and Stories by a Clergyman. Tales of Country Life. (Jesse E.) ■ — Thoughts, by M. S. Haynes. CATALOGUE.] CLASSIFIED INDEX. 119 Fiction, Novels, &c., continued. Scenes at Home and Abroad. {Hall H.B.) from Parisian Life. in Africa. {Alarrt/at Capt.) Our Parish. Wales, or JMaid of Llangolff. of Life and Shades of Character. Soldier's Life in Ireland. on Shores of the Atlantic. {Dklson M.) Scheming, Novel. Schinderhannes. {Lib. Orig. Rom.) School for Mothers. Wives, of Fashion. Schoolfellows, by R. Johns. Scotch Novel Reading, Tale. Scotchwoman, Novel. Scottish Adventures. Chiefs. {Porter J.) {Standard Nov.) Chieftains, by H. M. Jones. Heiress, by 11. M. Daniell. Legend, or Isle of St. Closhaire. Life. {Lights and Shadows.) {Traits.) Peasant's Fire-side. {Btthune A.) Scenes and Character. {Pictures.) Scrinium, Collection of Tales. Sea Devil, Novel. Kings in England, by Atherstone. Seasons. {Fouque.) Seawolf. {Lib. Ong. Rom.) Sebastian and Isabel. Secret Associations. Avengers. Foe. {Pickering R>) Passion, by R. F. Williams. Secrets in Every Mansion. Sectarian, by A. Picken. Seer of Teviotdale. Seeress of Prevorst. {Kerner J.) Self. {Gore Mrs.) Self-Condemned. Control, by Mrs. Bninton. {Stand. JVov.) Deception, by Emma Parker. Delusion. Dependence. {Paget E.) Devotion. {Cam2}bell H.) Indulgence, by Lady C. Bury. Sacritice. Selma, Tale of the Sixth Crosade. {Ross A.) Selwyn in Search of a Daughter. Semilasso in Africa, by Prince Muskau. Sense and Sensibility, by Miss Austen. . {Stand. Nov.) Sentiment not Principle. Separation, by Lady C. Bury. Sephora, Tale of Palestine. Setma, Tale of the Seventh Crusade. Service Afloat. Sevent}--Six, by Author of " Logan.' Seymour of Sudley, by Miss Burdon. Shakcspere Romances. and his Friends. She Thinks for Herself. Would be a Heroine. Share Af kun, Legend. {Planch^ J.R.) Fiction, Novels, &c., continued. Sibyl's Warning, Novel. Sicilian, by J. T. Bennett. Mysteries. Romance. {Radcliffe Mrs.) Sidney Romelee, Tale of New England. Siege of Florence, by D. M'Carthy. Kenilworth. Maynooth. Rochelle. Vienna. {Lib. Orig. Rom.) Silvanella, or the Gipsy. Simple Story, by Inchbald. {Smith's Lib.) {Stand. Nov.) Singularity, by Jane Hervey. Sintram and his Companions. {Fouque.) Sir Andrew Wylie. {Gait J.) — Arthur Wilmot. — Charles Grandison. {Richardson S.) — Cosmo Digby, by J. A. St. John. — Ethelbert, by Misses Cuthbertson. — Ferdinand of England. — Francis Darrell, by R. C. Dallas. — Gilbert Easterling. — Guy de Lusignan. {Knight E.G.) — Henry Delrae. Morgan, by E. Howard. — Heraud of Arden. — James the Ross. — John Chiverton. {Ainsicorth W.II.) — Launcelot Graves. {Roscoes Nov. Lib.) — Michael Paulett. {Pickering E.) Scott. {Cunningham A.) — Philip Gasteneys, by Sir R. Gresley. — Ralph de Bigod. — Rodolph of Hapsburgh. — Roland, Romance of 12th Cent. Ashton, by Lady C. Long. — William Dorien. Sister's Budget, Tales, by Misses Corbett. Sisters, Novel. of Nanstield. St. Gothard. or England and France. Six Weeks at Long's. in Paris. Sketch Book. {Prving W.) {Fam. Lib.) of Fashion. {Gore Mrs.) the South. of her Own Circle. {Russell Miss.) Sketches by ' Boz.' {Dickens C.) The Father, Legend of Oxford, &c. and Extracts. {St. Jean Visctess.) Fragments. {Blessington Lady.) Recollections. {Poole J.) Souvenirs. from Life, by a Physician. Nature. {MacDiarmid J.) Real Life. {Txirnbull J.) St. George's Fields. in London. {Grant J.) of Country Life. {Hau-kins W.B.) — and Matters. English Character. {Gore Mrs.) Flemish Life. {Conscience H.) Irish Character. {Hall Mrs.) 1^0 CLASSIFIED INDEX. [LONDON Fiction, Novels, &c., contimied. Sketches of Life. {Jewslivrn M.J.) and Character. (Camphell A.) . (llodder G.) by E. P. of an Old Soldier. {Leach J.) a Sea-Port Town. on Shores of Caspian Sea. {Holmes W.H.) Slave King. {Lid. Oriff. Rom.) Smiles and Tears, Sketches of Society. Smiths, Novel. Smuggler. {.Tames Q.P.R.) by Banini. {Standard Nov.) Smugglers, Scotch Tale. Snarley Yow. {Marryat Cai^t) Snow Storm. {Gore Mrs.) Society and Solitude. in India, by an Officer. or Spring in Town. Softness, by Capt. Knox. Soldier Boy, or Last of the Lyals. in Time of War. of Fortune. by Capt. Curling. Lyons, by Mrs. Gore. {Stand. Nov.) Soldier's Offspring. Soldiers of Venezuela. Solomon Seesaw, by J. P. Robertson. Some Account of Myself. Son of Duplicity. O'Donnel. Sons of St. David. the Viscount, &c. Sophia, or Dangerous Indiscretion. Southennan. {Gait J.) Spaewife. {Gait J.) Spaniard in London. {Cahronazos.) Spanish Campaign, or the Jew. Daughter, by Rev. G. Butt. — — Romances. {Ancient.) Spectre. {Ottway T.) of the Forest. Speculation. {Pardoe Miss.) Spinster's Journal. Spiridion. {Sand G.) Spirit of Buncle. Spiritual Quixote. {Walkers Clas.) Spitfire, by Chamier. Spy. {Cooper J.F.) — — {Standard Novels.) Unmasked. Squire. {Pickering E.) Staff" Officer, or Soldier of Fortune. Stage Coach, or Road of Life. Standard Novels. {Blackwood.) Novelists. Stanhope, by J. Middleton. Stanley, or Man of the World. Buxton. {Gait J.) Tales, by Amb. Marten. Thorn, by H. Cockton. Stanly, Tale of 15th Century. Stanmore, by Sophia Reeve. State Prisoner, by Mary Boyle. Steam Boat. {Ga,lt ./.) Fiction, Novels, &c., contiimed. Stephen Dugard. Stepmother. {James G.P.R.) Stokeshill Place. {Gore Mrs.) Stolen Child. {Lilj. Orig. Rom.) Stonehenge, or Romans in Britain. Stories from American Life. Italian Poets. (Ihnit L.) Old Chroniclers. the Rectory. of Chivalry and Romance. Spanish Life. Strange Lands. {Lee Mrs.) Waterloo. {Maxioell W.U.) {Stand. Nov.) Woman. a Bride. {Loudon Mrs. J.) the Study. {Gait J.) Story Teller, Eastern. {Skipp John.) of Isabel, by Miss Kelty. a Feather. {Jerrold D.) Life. {Sherer Major.) Royal Favourite. {Gore Mrs.) Wanderer, Stranger Chieftain. of the Valley. Stranger's Grave. Strathallan. Strathbogie. Strathern. {Blessington Lady.) Stratton Hill, by J. Came. String of Pearls. {James G.P.R.) Struggles for Fame, by E. Meteyard. Student. {Lytton Sir E.B.) Sturmer, by Mrs. Romer. Subaltern. {Gleig G.R.) ■ Officer. {Wood G.) Subaltern's Furlough. {Coke E.T.) ■ Log Book. Substance and Shadow. Subterranean Travels. {Niels Klim.) Such is the World. Supreme Bon Ton. Susan Hopley. Suttee, or Hindoo Converts. Swallow Barn, by Dr. Paulding. Swedes in Prague, &c. {Burns' Fam. Lib.) Sweepings of my Study. Sybil, or Two Nations. {D'lsraeli B.) Sybil's Warning, by Edw. Ball. Sydenham, or Man of the World. Sydney Beresford, by L. S. Stanhope. Morcum. Sylvester Sound, by H. Cockton. Talba, Moor of Portugal. {Bray Mrs.) Tale for Gentle and Simple. of Maandoo. {Abbott J.) My Mother's Times. — Paraguay. {Sou they R.) Queen Mary. {Bray Mrs.) a Jewess. {Brendlah Mad.) Modern Genius. Tub. {Swift J.) the Druids. {Earl S.) Olden Time. — — Vaudois. {WebbJ.B.) Tales. See also Fairj' and Legends. CATALOGUE.] CLASSIFIED INDEX. 121 Fiction, Novelf, &c., continued. Tales. {Byron Lord.) (JEdgeworth M.) Johnstone, Mrs. (Edinhurjh.) {Martineau Harr.) {Montolieu Mrs.) {O'pie Mrs.) [Poe E.A.) {Schmid C.) ■ (SiiUintj.) {Wilson A.) American. {Carwin.) Carthaginian and Theban. Characteristic, &c. Chinese. {Davis J.F.) Collection. {Scrinium.) {Domestic.) Domestic. {Three.) Founded on Facts. (Grant Jlrs.) German. {Eccentric.) {Foreign Lib.) {Grimm.) {HolcroftR.) {Zschokke.) by a Lady. Indian. {Ship}^ J.) Irish Peasantry. {Popular.) Mournful and Mirthful. ( Wells Mrs. ) Munster. {Holland.) ■ National. {Hood T.) N. Amer. Indian. {If awes B.) Northern Nations. {Popralar.) Original, &c. {Miscellaneous.) ■ Persian and Turkish. {Walkers Class.) Peruvian. {Walker's Class.) Round a Winter's Hearth. {Porter J. d; A.) Tragic. {Bridges Sir E.) and Confessions. {Ritchie L.) Fancies. {Dildin C.) Fictions. {Keightley T.) Historic Scenes. {Hemans Mrs.) Legends, by Misses Corbett. • {Popndar.) I. of Wight. {Elder.) Fiction, Novels, &c., continued. Tales of Fault and Feeling. Field and Flood. {Malcolm J.) — Four Nations. Humour. {Italian.) Imagination. Ireland. Irish Life, by Wliitty. Military Life, by W. Jlaginn. Moors. {Homely J.) My Aunt Martha. Country. Father and Friends. Grandmother. Landlady. Landlord. {Scolt SirW.) ■ {Neu) Time, by Mrs. Loudon. Old Mr. Jefferson. Olden Times. {Popular.) Other Days. Realms. Our Counties. Passion, by Barry St. Leger. Perplexity. Real Life. {Opie Mrs.) To-Day, by Mrs. Isaacs, or Modern Facts. — Poems. {Stanley Mrs.) — Romances. {Popular.) -- Sketches, by Mrs. D. Clarke. {Godu-in G.) {Hogg J.) {Ruddiman.) {Thackeray W.M.) Trad., Foreign. {Cunningham G.G.) Household. {Burns F. Lib.) by a Barrister. - for Both Sexes. {Parents'.) British People. Cottagers in Ireland. - from Chaucer. {Clarke C.C.) Jewish History. Le Sage. {Spanish.) Switzerland. an Unwilling Author. the Phantasus. {Tieck.) of Ardennes. {Ligiis H.D.) - Chivalry and Romance. - Fancy. - Fashion and Reality. Ton, by Miss M'Leod. Welsh Society and Scenery. ■ Welshland and Welsherie. ■ Woman, by Shoberl, &c. ■ Woman's Trials. {Hall Mrs.) ■ a Briefless Barrister, by Scargill. — Lay Brother. — Physician. {Harrison W.H.) — Pilgrim. — Rambler. — Tar, by Capt. Glascock. — Tourist, by A. Lefanu. — Traveller. {Irving W.) — Voyager. an Indian Camp. the Alhambra. {Irving W.) {Stand. jVo^\) Borders. {Wilson J.M.) Braganza. {Usborne T.II.) Camp and Cabinet. {Tucker J.M.) Castle. {Genlis Mad.) {Walkers Glu — Classics, Fables and Legends. — Colonies. {Howison J.) by C. Rowcroft. — Crusaders. {Scott Sir IF.) — Early Ages, by H. Smith. — East. {Weber H.) — Fireside. — Five Senses, edited by Griffin, — Glens. {Grant J.) — Great St. Bernard. {Croly G.) — Harem. {Picker sgill Mrs.) — Heart. {Opie Mrs.) — Jury-Room, by Griffin. — Manor. {Hofiand Mrs.) — Manse. — Moors, by Mrs. Southey. — Munster Festivals, by Griffin. E, 12Q CLASSIFIED INDEX. [LONDON Fiction, Novels, ' Israeli B.) — Life, by Miss Munro. — — ■ to Locuta, Fr.agmcnt. Wacousta, or the Prophecy. Waking Dreams, Irish Tales. Waldegrave, Novel. Waldemar, by Ingemann, Tale. ■ ■ {Lib. Orig. Rom.) Waldgrove, Tale of 1746. Waldstein, by Pichler. Walladmor, Novel. Walsh Colville. {Porter A.M.) Walsingham, by Chamier. ■ or Pupil of Nature. Walter Clayton, Tale of the Riots. Colyton, by H. Smith. De Mowbray. Deverell, Domestic Tale. the Murderer. Waltzburgh, Tale of 16th Century. Wanderer. {UArhlay Mad.) Wandering Jew. {Gait J.) {Sue E.) Wanderings of Childe Harolde. Warbeck of Wolfstein. Ward of Delamere, by Mrs. Pinckard. Thorpe Combe. {Trollo^ye Mrs.) the Crown, by Miss Burdon. Warleigh, or Fatal Oak. {Bray Mrs.) Wars of Montrose, Tales. {Hogg J.) Our Times, Tales. {Sherer Major.) Warwick Castle, by Miss Prickett. Wassail Bowl, by A. Smith. Water Queen, by H. Coates. Witch. {Cooj>er J.F.) {Stand. Nov.) Waverley. {Scott Sir W.) Way of the World, by Hon. Mrs. Grey. Wedded Life in the Upper Ranks. Wedding Bells ; P^cho of the " Chimes." Ring. Wedlock, or Yesterday and To-daj% Weird Woman of the Wraagh. Welsh Mountaineer, by Cath. Hutton. Scenes and Tales of. ( Vale.) Society and Scenery. {Tales.) Superstitions, &c. {Hovell W.) Welshland and Welsherie. {Tales.) West Indian, Novel. Wharbroke Legend, Tale of the Dead. What shall be, shall be. Which is the Heroine ? White Cottage, Tale. R 2 124 CLASSIFIED INDEX. [LONDON Fiction, Novels, &c., continued. White Hoods. {Bra;/ Mm.) Lady, &c., by Fouque. (Burns' F. Lib.) e Quincy.) Letters from Paris. {Milton H.) Galleries, Free Picture, Handbk. {Summerly.) Picture, Companion. {.Jameson Mrs.) ■ Handbook. {.Tameson Mrs.) Principal. {Haslitt IF.) of Art. {British.) Painting, British. {Westmacott R.) Gallery, Angerstein. {Catalogue.) Grosvenor. {Catalogue.) Leicester. {Catalogue.) Miles. {Catalogice.) {Xapoleon.) National. {Catalogue) Handbook. {Summerly.) Stafford. (Catalogue.) of Pictures. (Cunningham A.) Outlines' ( West B.) Harmony of Form, Principles, &c. (Hay D.R.) Heads after the Antique. (Green B.R.) Hesiod, Designs. (Fla.rman.) Hogarth, Anecdotes. (Nichols J.B.) Works of. Hogarthiana, Clavis. (Nichols J.B.) Homer's Iliad, Designs. (Flaxman.) Odyssey, Designs. (Fla.rman.) Human Figure, Drawing. (Cipriani.) Italy, Classic and Connoisseur in. (Evans G.) 126 CLASSIFIED INDEX. [LONDON Drawing, Enoravino, &c., continued. Landscape Design. {Vurley J.) English. {Constable J.) Itiil., Painters; Archit. {Meason G.L.) Painter. {Letters from.) Painting, ElVect, &c., in. {Phillips O'.F.) Hints. (Alston J.W.) Treatise. {Cox D.) Landscape, Trees in. {Kennion E.) Landscapes, Swiss, Outlines. {Lascclles R.) ■ Drawing & Painting. {Nicholson F.) Laocoon. {Lcssinr/ G.) Lead Pencil, Art of Qsing. {Harding J.J).) Light, Shade, and Colour. {Fir.H E.vercises.) and Shade in Painting. {Burnet J.) Shadow, Hints. {Proui S.) Lithography, History. {Senefelder.) Manual. {H tiUmandel.) Origin, &c. {History.) Microcosm, by Griffin. or Artist's Sketch Book. {Profit S.) Miniature Painter's Manual. {\Vhittocl: JV.) Painting, Art of. {Hints.) {Conversations.) Conversations. (iTeJicZric^- E.E) Letters. {Mansion L.) on Ivorj'. {Parsey A.) Model Drawing, Manual. {Williams B.) Painted Glass, Treatise. {Ballantine J.) Painters, Dictionary. {Bryan M.) {Pilkington M.) Landscape, &c. {Modern.) Painting. See also Drawing. {Lair esse O.) Anatomy of Expression. {Bell Sir C.) Ancient and Modern. {History.) Anecdotes. ( Waljjole H.) Composition. {Burnet J.) —J — English School. {Hamilton 6.) Essay on, as to the Eye. {Burnet J.) Flem., Dutch, & Germ. Schs. {James J.T.) — {Murray s.) Flower. {Andrews J.) {Brookskaw G.) — {Burgess J.C.) Fresco and Encaustic. {Taylor W.B) Gleanings on. {Mainwaring R.) Historical, Decline of. {Guest D.) History. {Callcot Lady.) Italy, History. {Lami.) Italian, by Eastlake. {Murray's Hdhh.) ■ Schools. {James J.T.) Landscape. See Landscape. ■ Lectures. {Fuseli H.) {Phillips T.) Memoirs. {Buchanan W.) New Process. {Account.) Oil. {Cause J.) {Hand.hook) ■ {Merimee.) Accidence. {Ibhetson J.) — and Water Colours. {Fielding T.H.) Drawing, Engraving, &c., continued. Painting, Water Colour. {Barrett G.) {Cox D.) Spanish School. {History.) Theory. {Fielding T.H.) Treatise. {Burnet J.) {Cennini C.) {Do, Vinci.) {Fielding T.H.) {Phillips G.) {Phillips G.F.) • Landscape. {Clark J.) and Design, Lectures. (Haydon B.R.) Fine Arts, Treatise. {Ency. Brit.) on Glass, Art of. {(Jessert M.A.) Paintings, Catalogue Dutch, &c. {Smith John.) Oil, Care of. {Advice.) Pericles and Arts in Greece. {Cratifurd Q.) Perspective, Amateur's. {Davenport R.) Arithmetical. {Bernard C.E.) Drawing. {Deacon A.) {Ferguson J.) {Hayter C.) ( Varley J.) ( Whichelo H.) Elements. {Barnes W.) Epitome. {Wells J.) Familiar. {Daniel W.) Illustrations. {Green B.R.) Introduction. {Burgess J.C.) {Rztdge E.) Isometrical. {Jopling J.) Linear. {Gresswell D.) {Taylor B.) Manual. {Wood J. Jun.) Mechanical. {Ronalds P\) Practical. {Brotrn R.) {Chambers E.) {Fielding J.H.) {Nicholson P.) Principles. {Rider W.) Rectified. {Parsey A.) Simplified. {Laurence Z.) Thenot's System. {Treatise.) Treatise. {Hoivlett T.H.) {Taylor C.) and Eidometria. {Keatinge M.) Photogenic Manipulation. {Fisher G.T.) Photography, Guide. {Thornthwaite W.H.) Treatise. {Lerehoices N.) Pictures at British Institutions. {Accotcnt.) Picturesque. {Price Sir U.) Subjects, Essays. {Gil2nn W.) Portland Vase. ( Windus T.) Print Collector, The. Proportion. {Hay D.R.) Rejected Pictures, with Sketches. Rembrandt's Prints. {Catalogue.) Retzch's Fancies. Reynolds' (Sir J.) Discourses. Royal Museum, Paris, Pictures. {Description.) Rubens, Essay. {Waagen G.F.) Sculpture, Ancient. {Sjiecimens.) and Modern. {Outli)ies.) Lectures. {Flaxman.) Modern. {Hervey T.K.) Painting, &c., by Memes. {Const. Mis.) Remarks. {Legrew J.) and Painting, Ancient. {Carter E.) in Wood. {Williams R.F.) Sculptures, Selinuntinc. {Angell d- Evans.) Shakspeare Portrait.?, Enquiry. {Wivell.) CATALOGUE.] CLASSIFIED INDEX. 127 Drawing, Engraving, &c., continued. Sketcher's Guide. {Elliott W.) Manual. (Jloirard F.) Society of Arts. (Transactions.) Statuary and Sculpture, Anct. {Dallaway J.) Stone, Art of Drawing on. (HuUmandel.) Taste, Discourse. (Clio.) Essay. (Alisoji A.) (Mackenzie Sir 6.) Lectures. (Carter J.) Nature and Principles. (Mac Dermot.) Principles. (Kniffht R.P.) Theorj\ (Mackenzie Sir G.) as to Works of Art. (Handbook) Titian, Life and Works. Trees, Studies for Drawing. ( Varley J.) Vandyck, Catalogue of his Etchings. Visions of an Amateur. (Stuart J.) Water Colours, Mixing of. (Harrison //.) Wax Flowers, Modelling. (Mintorn.) Wood Engraving. (Jackson J.) Jjlltistratflr iPMorlxS, (ffostumr, ainmials. Aifghanistan, Sketches. (Atkinson J.) Views. (Jackson Sir A'.) Africa, South, Sketches. (Butler Capt.) Ages of Female Beauty. Album of Love. Amaranth, by Hervey. America, Scenery, by Bartlett. American Indian Portfolio. (Catlin.) Amethyst, or Christians' Annual. Amulet. Animated Nature, Illustrations. (Daniell W.) Anniversary, by Cunningham. Annual Tour. (Tmnur J.M.W.) Art of Beauty. Authors of England Illustrated. Baden, Duchy. (Boisse B.) Baronial Halls, edited by S. C. Hall. Basque Provinces, Sketches. (Wilkinson H.) Beauties of the Opera. Poets. (Finden.) Beauty's Costume. Belgium and France, Sketches. (Wild C.) Germany, Sketches. (Haglis L) Nassau, Illustrated. Bible Cuts ; Designs for Old Test. (Holbein.) ■ • Illustrations. (Historic.) Landscape Illustrations. (Finden.) Bijou Annual. Birman Empire. (Vieics.) Blenheim, Views. (Neale J. P.) Book of Beauty. Gems. Royalty. the Passions. (James G.P.R.) Bosphorus, Beauties, by Bartlett. Byron Gallery. Byron's Works, Illustrations. Finden's Beauties. Cabinet Album. — — of Arts. Gems. (Laurence Sir T.) Cairo, Illustrations. (Hay R.) Calcutta, Views. (JwmjJ.) Illustrated Works, &c., continued. Cambria, Beauties. (Hiir/hes H.) Depicta. (Pvgh E.) Canadas, Views. (Smyth C.) Canadian Scenery. Carnival of Rome. (Pinelli.) Cartoniensia. (Gunn W.) Chameleon, Scottish Annual. Chaplet. Chester, Views. (Picturesque) Derby, Leicester, &c.. Illustrated. Children of the Nobility. China, illustrated by Allom. — — India, &c., Views. (India.) Claude Lorraine, Beauties. Clyde, Views. (Sn-an J.) Coast Scenery. (Havell.) (Stanfield C.) Constantinople, Sketches. (Lewis J.) and its Environs. Continent, Sketches. (Richardson C.J.) Continental Annual. Coronation of George IV. Costume — viz. Ancient. (Fosbroke) Ancients. (Hope) Asiatic. British. (Lih. Ent. Knoui.) Civil, England. (Martin) Dress and Habits, English. (Strutt) Dresses, &c.. Middle Ages. (Shaic.) Ecclesiastical. (Carter) London, Lower Orders. (Busby) Netherlands. Pyrenees. (Johnson John.) Russia, Austria, China, &c. (Scripture.) Sweden. Turkey and Italy. (Character.) Vestiarium Scoticum, or Book of Tartans. Cumberland, Lakes. (Farrington) Dance of Death. (Holbein.) Dissert. (Douce F.) Danube Illustrated. Sketches on. (Hering G.E) Deserted Village, by Etching Club. (Goldsmith.) Devonshire, Scenery. (Lewis F.C) and Cornwall Illustrated. Diadem. Drawing-Room Portfolio. (Heath C.) Scrap-Book. Eastern Scenery, &c. (Head C.F) Eaton Hall, Cheshire. (Views) Edinburgh Delineated. Eglintoun Tournament. England, Castles and Abbeys. (Beattie Dr.) and Wales, Castles in. (Brayley.) Views. (Turner J.M. W) English Annual. Cities. (Britton) (Rohson G.F.) Counties Illustrated. (Moide T.) Lakes, Tour. (Ackermann.) Etched Thoughts, by the Etching Club. Ethiopia, Illustrations. (Harris W.C) European Cities, Views. (Batty Ca2)t.) Family Picture Gallery. 128 CLASSIFIED INDEX. [LONDON Illustrated Works, &c., continued. Female Nobility, Portraits. {Burke J.) Fiiideu's Tableaux. Floral Album. Flowers, Poetry on. {Allium.) ■ from Nature. {Evcrard A .) of Infancy. {W'uoIhoUc T.) Loveliness. Forget me-Not. France Illustrated, by Allom. . lliversof. {Turner J. M.W.) ■ Sketches in. {Prout S.) {Wild C.) South, and Rlione. ( Vien:i.) French Scenery. {Ikittj CujA.) Friendship's Offering. Gallery. See also Page 125. of Beauty. {Fill den.) English and Foreign Portraits. Modern British Artists. Pictures. {C'oe»velt W.G.) the Graces. {Finden.) Gem, The. of Loveliness, 1843. Gems. {Book of.) Cabinet of. {Lawrence Sir T) Modern and Antique. {Knight F.) ■ from the Antique. {Darjleti R.) of Beauty. Gentlemen's Seats. {Davy H.) {Neale J.P.) German Poets, ^oT:(!ierl\\visis.{SonderlandJ.A.) Scenery. {Batty Capt.) Germany, &c.. Sketches in. {Haghe) Glasgow, City, Views. {Swan J.) Golden Lyre. Graces, or Literary Souvenir. Grand Junction Navigation, Tour. {Ilassel.) Great Britain Illustrated. Military Achievements. {Military.) Ports and Harbours. {Finden.) Greece, Views in. {Dodwell E.) {Williams H.W.) Guiana, Interior. {Schomhurgh R.H.) Haddon Hall, Sketches. {Morison D.) Hanoverian Scenery. {Batty Ca])t.) Himalaya Mountains, Views. Historical Annual. {Cattermole R.) Keepsake. Hollaiid and Belgium Illustrated. Holly Branch. {Davies C.) Iconology. {Richardson G.) Illuminated Calendar. India, Views. {Qrindlay R.M) China, &c.. Views in. Portraits of Princes, &c. {Eden Miss.) Ireland Illustrated, by Bartlett. North, Views in. {Petrie O.) Isere and High Alps, Views. {Monson Lord.) Island of Ascension, Views in. {Allen W.) Isle of Wight, Views in. {Barber T.) Italy, Scenery. {Batty Cajit.) {Recollections.) Sketches. {Linton.) — — Views in. {Drockedon.) {Ilideu-illJ.) Illustrated Works, &c., continued. Jamaica, Views in. {Ilakeicill J.) Japan, Illustrations. {Titsingh M.) Keepsake. Killarney, Scenery. {Weld /.) Lancashire Illustrated. Land of Burns ; Landscapes. Landscape Album. Annual. Wreath. {Campbell T.) Literary Souvenir, Prose and Poetry. Lodges of Raphael, from the Vatican. Londina Illustrata. {Wilkinmn R.) London. See also Gkooraphy. Art Union Prize Annual. Sketches of. {Boys T.S.) Lusitania Illustrata. {A dam son J.) Madeira, Scenery. {Picken A.) Mediterranean, Illustrated. {Shores.) Tour in. {Allan J.U.) Men in Miniature. {Landseer T.) Meuse River, Scenery. {Picturesr/ue.) Newcastle and Carlisle Railway. {Blackmore.) Niger, Views. {Allen W.) Norfolk, River tScenery. {Stark J.) Normandy, Sketches in. (Wood J.L.) Northern Tourist. Norway, Scenery. {Boydell.) Oriental Album. Annual. Portfolio. Scenery. {Daniell T. A W.) Outlines to Fighte of Freewill. ( Westmacott R.) Oxford. {Panoramci.) Oxonia Illustrata. {Skelton J.) Views. {Storer J.) and its Colleges. {Delamotte W.A.) Palestine, Egypt, \-c.. Views. {Roberts JD.) Paris and its Environs. {Nash F.) ■ Displayed. Ghent, &c., Pictur. Antiq. {Boys T.S.) Park and Forest Scenerj"-. {Harding J.D.) Pearls of the East. {Corbaux F. & L.) Pencil of Nature. {Talbot H.F.) People's Gallery of Engravings. Perthshire Illustrated. Pictorial Album. Keepscake. Picturesque Annual. Pledge of Friendship. Poems and Pictures, Illustrated. Political Reformers, Portraits of. {Saunders.) Pompeii, Views. {Light II.) Portfolio. {Tayler F.) of Engravings. {Heath C.) Portrait and Landscape Galliry. {Churton.) Portraits, Edw. III. to Geo. 11. {Cauljield.) {Granger.) Illustrious. {Lodge.) Portugal. See also Lusitania. Illustrated. [Kinsey.) and Spain, Scenerj'. ( Viria^i.) Prism of Imagination. Thought. Pyrenees, Mountains of. {Hardy J.) Scenery of. {Oliver W.) Renfrewshire, Views. {Ramsay.) CATALOGUE.] CLASSIFIED INDEX. lyo Illustrated Works, &.c., continued. Rhine, Tour. {Ackeriiiann.) Views. {Battii C'apt.) {Tomhleson J.) Italy and Greece, Illustrated. Rhone. {Vieirs.) Richmondshire, Views. {Turner J. M.W.) Rome and Environs, Sketches. {Lear E.) Rome, Views. {Cooke W.B.) {Pinelli.) Roj-al Gallery of British Art. {Finden.) Pictures. Sacred Album, Illustrated. Gift, Illustrated. Salisbury', Memorials. {Hall P.) Scotland, Cities and Towns. {Lizars A.) Clans. {Mac Ian R.) Illustrated. Lakes. (Su-an J.) Royal Palaces. {Jamieson J.) — — and Scott, Illustrated. Scottish Annual. Seine, Tour. {Achermann.) Severn, Views. {Picturesque.) Shakespeare Gallery. {Heath C.) Gems. (Book of.) Shakespeare's Seven Ages, Illustrated. Shelley's Prometheus, Paton's Illustrations to. Shipping and Craft, Views. {Cooke W.B.) Smollet, Fielding, &c., Illust. {Cruik.thank G.) Southern Coast, Views. {Turner J.M. W.) Souvenir of the North. Spain, Views. {Locker E.H.) and Portugal, Scener}'. {Vivian.) Staifa, Illustrations. {Daniell W.) Statesmen, Conservative, Portraits of. {Ryall.) Switzerland, Illustrated by Beattie. Mountains and Lakes. {Hering G.E.) Syria, Holy Land, &c., Illustrated. Talisman. Thames, Scenery. {Cooke W.B.) {Tour of the) Views. {Tomhleson.) Turkey, Sketches in. ( Wilkie Sir D.) Universum, or Pictorial World. {Payne.) Venice, Sketches. {Price L.) Victoria Annual. (Queen) at Burghley House. {Progress.) in Scotland. Waldenses, Illustrated by Beattie. Wales, Views. {Batty Capt.) {Jones H.L.) Waverley Gallerj-, Heath. West India Scenery. {Bridgen R.) Westmoreland, Cumberland, &c.. Illustrated. Winchester, Memorials. (Uall P.) Windsor, &c.. Views. {Pyue W.U.) Winter's Wreath. Woodland Sketches ; Portraits of Trees. iSenmans^ip, *Sort=tanti, CijpograptB- Court Hand Restored. {Wright A.) New Testament in Shorthand. Parisian Greek Press. {Greswell W.P.) Typography. {Gresu-ell W.P.) Penmanship, Beauties. {Tumhins T.) Penmanship, Short-hand, &c., continued. Penmanship, Flowers. {Paton IF.) Tlieoretical and Practical. {Foster B.) Treatise. {Dove W.) Phonography, Manual. {Pitman J.) or Writing of Sound. {De Stain V.) Printer's Every-Day Book. {Houghton T.) Instructor. {Johnson J.) Job- Price Book. {Rose P.) Manual. {Timperley C.H.) Pocket Book. {Coivie J.) Price Book. {Stower C.) Printers and Printing, Diet. {Timperley C.H.) Printing, Art of {Hansard T.C.) Decorative. {Savage W.) Dictionary. {Savage W.) Dry Colours. {Kingston W.) Ink, Various Colours. {Savage W.) Stereotype. {Hodgson T.) and Type Founding, Hansard. {En. Brit.) Short-hand, Arcana. {Euington.) Dictionary. {Xye.) Exercises. {Bennett J.) Explained. {Bennett J.) Improved. {Whitehead W.) Introduction. {Gau-tress W.) {Moon J.) Parliamentary. {Nelson J.) Standard Attempted. {Moat T.) Writing. {Bradley G.) {Byroni J.) (ciiveJ.H.) {Foster T.C.) {Gwney T.) {Harding W.) {Jackso7i G.) {Knight T.D.) {Leonard S. W.) {Mac Dougal D.) {Mavor W.) {Mitchell J.) {Molineiix.) {Roe R.) {Sams J.) {Taylor S.) {Toiondron.) ■ {Tyson G.) {Woodhouse S.) Stenography. {Hinton E.) Academical. {Williams T.) Historical Account. {Lewis J.H.) Method. {Farr R.) New System. {Eyres J.) Remodelled. {Fancutt J.) School. {Cadman D.) System. ( Webster J.) Universal. {Taylor S.) Typographia. {Hansard T.C.) {Johnson J.) Typographical Antiquities. {Ames J.) Gazetteer. {Cotton H.) Typography of the 1 oth Century. Writing, Lectures. {Carstairs J.)- Method of. {Ujjington.) Expeditious. {Bennett J.) Origin and Progress. {Astle T.) and Printing Characters. {Wilme B.P.) 130 CLASSIFIED INDEX. [LONDON (ffieogrnp!)!!, ILji'story, Foijagcs, tlTrabels. iatlasfft, ([Tfironologi), ittannrrs antr (JTiistoms, CopograpfiB. See also Arouitectuke, Antiquities, Bioohaphy, Fine Arts, Educational and Juvenile. Abbotsford and Newstead Abbey. {Irvbuj W.) Abd-el-Kader, PrisontTS of, by France. Residence in Esmaila of. {Scott Col.) Aberdeen, Annals of. {Kennedy M.) City. {Oidde to.) Description of. (O^-em W.) History of. ( Wilson R.) Abipones. {Accoimt of.) Abruzzi, &c., Excursions in. {Craven K.) Abyssinia, Residence in. {Oohat mas.) (]y/n'ttaker.) (Wild.) Ancient, Sec. U. Knowledge. (Oxford.) (Smith.) & Mod., See. U. Know. Cabinet. (London.) Classical. (.Tuhnston.) General. (Adann:.) Initiatory. (Andretos.) Minor. (Clark.) (Laurie.) Modern, Soc. U. Knowledge. (Parley.) (Smith.) Outline. (Pinnock.) and Family. (Lumsden.) Scripture. See also Bible. ■ (Barclay.) (Huyhes.) (Wild.) (Wilkinson.) ( Union.) United States. (Bradford.) Universal. (Gary) (Siackhouse.) ( Walker.) Welsh. (Coltman.) World. (Wild.) Younger Students'. (Payne.) Attica and Athens. (Midler K.O.) Tour in. (Wordsworth C.) Audley End, History of. (Brayhrooke Lord.) Augustan Age, Readings of. (Thornton Cajit) Australia, Central, Expeditions to. (EyreE.J.) Discoveries in. (Grey G.) East, Expeditions into. (Mitchell T.L.) Emigrant's Guide. (Mackenzie D.) Handbook. (Butler S.) Hints for. (Cunningham P.) Vocabulary. (Mackenzie D) Felix, Residence in. (Hewitt R.) (Friend of.) History of. (Englishman's Lib.) Picture of. (Mudie Ri) Port Macquarie, &c. (Hodglinson C.) State of. (Dawson R.) South, Colonization in. (Napier C.J.) (Torrens R.) (Description of.) Emigrant's Guide. (Capper.) Expeditions into. (Stitrt C.) History of. (Bennett J.F.) (Stepliens J.) Residence in. (James T.H.) Voyages, &c., in. (Leigh W.H.) in 1837-8. (Ganger R.) West. (Bnckton T.) Colony of. (Ogle N.) Expeditions to. (.Tournals.) Geoqkapiiy, Hi.stoky, &c., continued. Australia and the East. (I/ood J.) Australian Colonics, Tour through. (Russell A.) Visit to. (Backhouse J.) Australiana. (Maconochie Vapt.) Austria, JJescription by Kohl. (For. Lib.) House of, History. (Cuxe W.) Institutions, Lit. & Sclent. (Wilde W.R.) Travels in. (Twrnlmll P.) Turkey, &c.. Travels in. (Elliott C.B.) and the Austrians. as it is. Austrian Provinces, Residence in. (Mann W.) Auvergiie, Pilgrimage to. (Costello Miss.) Ava, Embassy to. (Cravford J.) by Syme. (Const. Misc.) Naval Operations, l^2i-Q.(3IarshallJ.) Residence in. (Tiro Years.) Avranches, Sketches of. (Ilairby J.) Axholme. See Isle. Azores, Description of. (Boid Capt.) ( Webster T.) Winter in. (Bidlar J.&H.) Baber (Emp. of Hindostan), Life. Memoirs. Babylonia, &c.. Researches. (Ainstcorth W.F.) Bacton, History and Antiq. of. (Green C.) Badajos, Storming of. (Mac Carthy Capt.) Baden-Baden, Description of. (Whitelocke.) Baffin Bay, Voyage to. (Ross Sir J.) Bagdad, Residence in. (Groves A.N.) Balcan, Journey Across. (Kepfel G.) Ballj'bunian, Caves of. (Ainsworth W) Baltic, Letters from Shores of. (Murray's Lib.) Residence on Shores of. (Rigby Miss.) Banbury, History of. (Beesley A.) Banff, Excursions in. (Summer.) Barbary, Travels through. (Shaw T.) States, Algiers, &c. (Lord P.B.) Hist, of, by Russell. (Ed. Cab.Lib.) View of. (Janson C. W.) Western, by Hay. (Murray's Lib.) and Spain. (Letters to.) Barons' War, Lewes and Evesham. (Blaauw.) Basque Provinces, History of. (StepItensE.B.) Bastile, History of. (Fam. Lib.) Bastiles, by Baxter. (Book of.) Bath, Sketches of. (Bayly T.H.) Walks through. (Egan P.) Battel and its Abbey; Gleanings. Battles, British Navy. (Allen J.) Naval, 1744 — 1814. (Ekin C.) of Quatre Bras. (Bain W.) Bawtrey and Thorne, Account of. (Peck.) Bayard (Chev.) History of his Feats, &c. Beam and the Pyrenees. (Costello Miss.) Bedford, Sketch of. (Matthiason.) Bedouins &Wahabj's, Notes on. {B^crckhardt.) Belfast and its Environs. (Eraser J.) Belgian Railroads, Handbook. (Coghlan F.) and Dutch Traveller. (Boyce E.) Belgic Revolution of 1830. (White C.) Scenes from. (Henningsen.) Belgium. See also France. Guide through. (Camjybell C.) Handbook. (Addison H.) Itinerary. (Reichard.) CATALOGUE.] CLASSIFIED INDEX. 135 Geography, History, &:c., continued. Belgium, Residence in. {Narrative.) Saunter in. {St. George G) Seven Weeks in. {Rohy J.) Since 1830. {Trollope W.) Tour through. {DyJce T.) {Mitchell J.) {Rutland Duke of.) {Summer.) {TennerU J.E.) and Germany. {Letteis from.) Ramble in. {MassieJ.W.) Tour in. {Trollope Mrs.) Holland, Sketches of. {Gordon P.) Rhine, Glance of. {Ram.'iay T.) to Paris, Tour through. {IJarlotv T.) Belgrade, Residence in. {Paton A. A.) Beloochistan, &c.. Journeys in. Masson C.) Travels in. {Potlinger U.) Belvoir Castle, History of. {Filer.) Bengal, History of, to 1757. {Ste^cart C.) {Sketches of.) Bengalee, or Society in the East. Beresford Hall, Journey to. {Alexander W.) Berkshire, Charitable Donations. {Parry F.C.) ■ — — Journey Book of {Knight C.) Bermuda, Sketches of. {Cotter R.) {Smith S.H.) Beverley, History of {Poulson.) and Antiq. of {Oliver G.) Bhurtpoor, Siege of {Creighton J.JV.) Bicester, Historj' of. {Dunkin J.) Biographical History. {Granger.) Birmah, Siam, &c., Travels in. {Mod. Trav.) Birmingham. {History of.) — History of {Hutton W.) {Smith W.H.) to London, Journey from. {Hutton W) Biscay, Residence in. {Bacon J.F.) Black Sea, Voyages to. {Marigny T.) Black water, River, Guide to. {0' Flanagan J. R.) Botages and Vines, Summer in. {Costello Miss.) Bokhara, Amir and People of {DeBode Baron.) Mission to. ( Wolff J.) Travels in. {Burnes Sir A.) Victims. {Grover Capt.) Bombay, Journey to. {Roberts E.) to England, Passage from. {Bourchier.) Bonaparte. See also Napoleon. Campaigns of {Journals.) Court and Camp. {Fam. Lib.) — Family. {Anecdotes.) Second Usurpation of {Boyre E.) Secret Societies against. {History.) Surrender of {Maitland Capt.) Bonaparte's Cabinet, Historj\ {Goldsmith L.) Border, Peasantry of. {Gilly W.S.) Scenery of {.Jeffreys A.) Tour, by a Tourist. Boscobel Tracts. {Hughes J.) Bosnia, History of War in. {Orient. Trs. Fd.) Boston, Lincoln, History of {Thompson P.) Bosworth Field, Battle of {Hutton W.) Boulogne, Description of {Clark J.) Bourbon, House of {Lardners Cab. Lib.) Bradford, History of. {James J.) Leeds, Sec, History of. {Parsons E.) Geography, History, &c., continued. Brazil, Account of {Grant A.) Chili, &c., Visit to. {Mathison.) History of {Armitage J.) {Henderson J.) {Southey R.) Notices of. {Walsh R.) Residence in. {Kidder P.P.) State of {Luccock J.) Travels in. {Koster H.) {Mawe J.) {Maximilian.) {Mod. Trav.) {Spitz & Martins.) Voyage to. (Callcott Lady.) and its Gold Mines. {Mountenay.) Bremhill, History of. {Bowles W.L.) Brentford, Ealing, &c. History. {Faulkner T.) Brighton Ambulator. {Wright C.) E.Kcursion to. {Evans J.) Guide to. {Kidd IF.) History of {Bruce J.) {Scenes at.) Sketches of. {Brayley.) Bristol Riots, Account of Britain, Aborigines of. {Saidl.) History of {Milton J.) Prolusion on the Greatness of {Turner S.) and U. States, Appeal on. ( Walsh R.) — — — Second War. {Lngersall.) Britannia, Magna. {Lysons D.) After the Romans. Neo-Druidic Heresy in. {Essay.) Saxonica. {Collen.) British Army, Victories of. {Maxicell W.H.) Colonial Library. {Martin R.M.) Empire, History of {Brodie G.) Guiana, Description of. {Schombnrgk.) Islands, History of {Gor'fon J.) Isles, Geography of. {Rodwell 31. M.) Legion, Movements. {Journal.) {Richardson Maj.) Service in. {Twelve Months'.) Mountains, Tours to. {Wilkinson T.) Norman Isles, Annals of {Jacob J.) Navy, Battles of {Allen J.) — — Revolution, History of {Moore G.) Brittany, Summer in. {Trollope T.A.) Bruce and Wallace, from Ancient MSS. Brussels, Journey to. {Narrative.) Letters from. {Thorold Mrs.) Paris, and London. {Glance.) Revolution in. {Va7i Halen.) Visitor at. {Companion.) and Environs. {Picture of.) Buckinghamshire, History of. {Lipscomb G.) Buenos Ayres, Gleanings at. {Gillespie Maj.) Residence in. {Five Years'.) Travels in. {Beaumont J.A.) and Chili. {Haigh S.) {Letters from.) {Parish W.) to Potosi, Route. {Andretcs.) Bullington, &c., Hundreds of. {Dunkin J') Burghley House, Stamford. {Gtiide to.) Burman Empire, Residence in. {Cox //.) Burmese Empire, Description of. {Or. Tr. Fd.) 136 CLASSIFIED INDEX. [LONDON GKoGKAniY, History, &c., continued. Burmese War, Dociiiiients on. {Wilson U.H.) Wars, Narrative of. (Snodgrass J.J.) Bury St. Edmunds. {Description of.) {O'uide to.) {History of.) {Visit to.) . Abbey. {Yates R.) Gaol. {Orridye.) Cabul, Account of. {Kl pkinstone Hon. M.) March from Dellii to. {Barr Lt. IF.) Military Operations at. {Eyre Ji.) llesidence in. {liarnes Sir A.) Cadiz, Malta, &c.. Voyage to. {Cockburn O.) CiEsar and the Britons. {Barry //.) Oati'raria, Travels, &c., in. {Kay S.) Catfre Land and Albany. {Scenes in.) Cairo, Petra, and Damascus, 1839. {Kinnear.) Caistor, History of. {Gibson K.) Castle, History of, by D. Turner. Calabria, Military Residence in. Residence in. {Elmhirst P.J.) and Sicily, Tour through. {Slrutt A.) Calcutta, Residence in. {Johnson O. W.) to Europe, Journey. {Lushington Mrs.) Caledonia. {Chalmers T.) Caledonians, Annals of. {Ritson J.) California, History of. {Forbes A.) and Oregon, History of. {Greenhow R.) Caliphs, Travels to City of. ( WeUsied J.R.) Calmuc Tartary. {Zwick ifc Schill.) Cambaceres, Evenings with. {Langon Baron.) Cambrian Excursions. ( Weston L.) Mirror. {Parry E.) Tourist. Traveller's Guide. {Nicholson G.) Cambridge, Corp.Ch. Col., History. {MastersT.) History of. {Achermann.) Camden Society. {Transactions.) Churches, Eccles. Guide to. (PaleyF.A.) University, History. {Dyer G.) {Fuller T.) Cambridgeshire, History of. {Carter E.) Tour in. {Gil2'>in W.) Campaign, 1815, Sketch of. {Batty Cajit.) by a Prussian. (History.) Mahratta and Pindarree. {Summary.) Campaigns, 28th Regt. since 1802. (Cadell.) ■ Wellington's Early. {Memoirs of.) — With the Christines. (Clinton F.) Canada. See also America. Back Woods of. (Lib. Ent. Know.) Emigrant's Guide. (Counsel.) (Evans F.A.) (Alorgan J.C.) Friend. (Rosier E.) Emigration to. (Pickering J.) Letters on. (Inches.) Forest Scenes, &c., in. (Head G.) Guide through. (Stranger's.) Historical Account of. (Political.) Journey through. (Logan J.) Lower, Topography of. (Boucliette J.) Nova Scotia, &c.. Travels. (Buckingham.) Residence in. (Mac To.gqart J.) (Preston T.R.) the Bush (Six Years'.) Geogkapiiy, History, &c., continued. Canada, Tours in 1831 and 33. (Feryusson A.) Travels in. (Duncan J.M.) Trip to. (Lane E.) United States of. (Arfwedson.) Upper, Emigrant's Guide. (StuartCajit.) — Guide to. (Emigrant's.) Letters from. (Bell W.) (Magrath W.) Settlers in. (Directions. Sketch of. (IjoultoH.) Sketches of. (Howison J.) Statistical Account. (Gourlay R.) Visit to. (Strachan J.) and its Colonists. ( Views of.) in 1832-4, by an Ex-Settler. Canadas, Guide to. (Gait J.) ■ • Residence in. (Talbot E.A.) State of (Present.) Upper and Lower. (Martin's Col. Lib.) as they were in 1838. in 1841. (Bonnycastle Sir R.) ■ Candia, &c.. Rambles in. (Scott C.R.) Canterbury, Handbook. (Summerly.) Cape Colony. (Accomit of.) . Frio, Operations at. (Dickinison T.) Territory, Description of. (Stoutt Caj>t.) ■ and S. America, Voyage. (Keith G.M.) of Good Hope, Description. (Chase J.) (Martin's Col. Lib.) (Notes on.) ^UXritt W.) Rides in. (Cobbett W.) Society in. (Cooper J.F.) S. Coast, Guide to. (Kidd W.) S.E. Coast, Excursions in. (Smith B.P.) Topographical Dictionary. (Lewis S.) Tour in. (Passavant M.) by German Prince. (Tour.) Tourist of (Black.) Tours in. (Pleasure.) CATALOGUE.] CLASSIFIED INDEX. 141 Geography, History, &c., continued. England and America. {\Vakefield E.G.) and France, Social Life in. {Berry Miss. Scotland, Tour of. (Head G.) (Uisioriml.) in 1704. {Noi-th.) Wales. (Kohl J.) {Beauties of.) Hours in. {Sinclair C.) Picture of. {Leirjh S.) {Kendall A.F.) the English. {Lytton Sir E.B.) in the 19th Century. to India, Journey from. {Elvood Mrs.) under Edw.VI. and Maryll. {TytlerP.F.) - — SevenAdministrations. {Foiihlanque.) the Stuarts. {Lib. U. K.) English Historical Society Publications. Language, Anecdotes of. {Pegc/e.) Kevolution. {Daldmann.) ■ 1640. {Guizot M.) ■ {Boc/tie's Lih.) & French Hist., Analysis. {Turner D.W) Scotch History, Beauties. {Maxwell C.) Eothen, or Traces of Travel, &c. Epsom. {History of.) Eri, Chronicles of. {O'Connor.) Erris in the Irish Highlands. {Knight P.) and Tyrawly, Sketches in. {Oticay C.) Essex, History of {Oghorne.) and Topog. of {Wright T.) Ethiopia, Highlands of {Harris W.C.) ■ Travels in. {Hoskins G.A.) Visit to. ( Waddington Dean.) Etraria, History of. {Gray Mrs. H.) ■ Queen of. {Memoirs.) Sepulchres of {Gray Mrs. H.) Europe, Ancient, History of {Russell W.) Asia, &c., Travels through. (Lithgotv.) Central, Handbook {Coghlan F.) Civilization of. {Guizot 31.) Courts of {Swinburne H.) Diplomatists of. {Capejigue) History of {Alison A.) ^ {Bigland J.) — — ^ {Voltaire.) ■ by Koch. {Whittaler's Lib.) ■ Intelligence Respecting. {Alexander J.) ■ — — Journey in. {Pennington T.) Middle Ages. {Hallam H.) by Dunham. (Lardner'sCy.) Modem, History of (Biqland Jas.) ■ {Pvssell W.) North, Adventures in. {Landor ^. TT'.) — Excursions in. {Barrow J. jun.) Tour in. {Londonderry Marq.) Travels in. {Elliott C.B.) Northern Capitals of {Standish F.H.) Observations in. {Durbin J.) ■ Principal Powers of. Recollections of. {Cooper J.F.) Revolutions in. {Const. Misc.) {Taylor W.C.) Roads in. {Post.) Tour in. {Dewey 0) Travels in. {Clarke E.D.) by Efendi. {Orient. Trs. Fd.) Geography, History, &c., continued. Europe and America in 1821. {De'pradt.) Pilgrimagein.(/?e;^ra»7iz.) Asia, Tour of {Clark T.) the East, Travels in. {Mott V.) in 1840. {Menzel W.) Evesham, History of. {May G.) • {Rudge E.J.) Excerpta Historica ; English Historj% Exchequer, Red Book of {Hunter J.) Excursions of an Auctioneer. {Professional.) Exile in England. {Pecchio Ct.) Exiles of Lucema, or Waldenses. Expedition of Orsua. {Sonthey R.) Fain (Baron) MS. of 1814. Farnham, History of {Smith (W.C.) Ferdinand VII., Memoirs. and Isabella. {Prescott W.H.) Filey, History and Antiquities of. {Cole J.) Five Generations of a Loyal House. (Bertie.) Flanders. See also France. Guide in. (Nettleship.) Journey through. (Maiia.) Ramble through. (Lion Hunting.) Tour in. (Journal.) Visit to. (Simpson J.) and Holland, Sketches in. (Hill R.) Fonthill Abbey, Description of (Rutter J.) and its Abbey, Notices of (Nichols J.B.) Foreign Recollections. (Chatterton Lady.) Scenes, &c. (Horrison J.) Fort William, College of (Roebuck T.) Fotheringhay, Notices of. (Bonney ) Foulsham, Hist, and Antiq. of (Quarle T.) Framlingham, &c.. History of (Green R.) France. (Morgan Lady.) British Army in. (English.) Captivity in. (Langton R.) (Letters) Court of (Dangeau.) Daguerreotyped. Events in iS15. (Williams H.) since 181.5. {Williams H.) Excursion through. (Johnson J.) Gazetteer of (Planta E.) Guide through. (Coxe H.) to. (Albany) (Sugden.) History, Crowe. (Lardner's Cy.) (Lib. U. K.) Michelet. (Foreign Lib.) (Moore Mrs.) (Pictorial.) (Ranson S.) (Romance.) Invasion of, 1815. (Beauchamjt.) Journey in. (Birkbeck M.) Letters from. (Cobbett J) Literary and Scientific Men. (Lard.Cy.) Memoirs Relative to. (Roya'.) Public Charities. (Johnston D.) Queens of, Memoirs. (Bu^h.) Reign of Napoleon in. (Memoirs.) Residence in. (Best H.) (Cooper J.F.) Residence in. (Memorandums.) Ride in. (Cobbett J.) 142 CLASSIFIED INDEX. [LONDON Geoorapiiy, IIistouy, &c., coiitimied. France, Royal Family of, Memoirs. {Secret.) lloyaiist Armies in. (St, JUsjyret.) Sketches in. {Scott J.) Social, Literary, &c. {liuhver ILL.) South, Events in. {Cooke J. II) Statistics of. {(iohhvi'dh L.) Travels in. {IHnkney Lt.-Col.) to. {Sentimental.) Tour in. {Carey F.) {Colston M.) {History of.) {Journal.) (Raffles T.) (Sjiinster's.) through. (Barnes J.) (Bernard R.B.) (Faulkner A.B.) — (Mementoes.) (Travels ■in.) Travels in, D'Angouleme. (Pemherton.) (Hall F.) Western, Summer in. (Trollope T.A.) as it is. (I'layfair W.) for last 7 Years, 1822. (Ireland W.H.) since 1830. (Raikes T.) and Belgium. (Sketches of.) Itinerary. (Reichard.) Visits to. (Queens.) War. (Sihorne W.) — England, Social Life in. (BemjMiss.) — Flanders, Adventures in. (Boys E.) Guide in. (NettlesMp.) — Germany, Tour in. (Dibdin T.F.) Travels through. (JorgensonJ.) — Italy, Journey through. (HazlittW.) in. (Hoi mail J.) Memoranda on. (Lee E.) Ramble through. (Notes of a.) Route through. ( Wilson W.R.) Tour through. (Johnson J.) (Sheppard J.) (Weather/iead.) — Normandy, Tour in. [Stothard Mrs.) — Prussia, Travels in. (Laing S.) — Pyrenees, Hand-13ook. (Murray.) — Spain, Journey in. (Blayney Lord.) - Travels in. (Trench F.) Switzerland, Letters. (LamonfMiss.) ■- Month in. (Smith I.) Tour in. (Shelley P.B.) (Picturesque.) ■ to Bombay, Journey through. (floierts E.) Florence, Ride through. (Holmes Mrs.) Francis I. (Life.) Sketches of Age. (Muller W.) Frederick III. of Prussia, Domestic Life. Religious Life. the Great, History. Life. French Armies, Operations,1815. (Gourgeaud.) Revolution. (J/«c Farlane C.) Considerations on. (Stael.) ■ Essay on. (Fysh J.) History of. (Bell J.) • (Carlisle T.) {Jobson D. W.) Geoguai'Iiy, IIistuhy, &c., continued. French Revolution, History of. (Mignet A. P.) (Rowan F.M.) (Thiers A.) Lectures on. (Smyth W.) {Memoirs of.) (Narrative of.) Narrative of. (Turnhull I).) Reflections on. (Burke E.) in Algiers. (Murray's Lib.) Freycinct's Voyage, Narrative, by Arago. Fulliani, History of. (Faulkner T.) Abbey, History. (Beck T.A.) and (^artmel. Sketch of {.fo2>ling C.) its Abbej% History of (Evans F.) Gael, Origin and Descent of. {Grant J.) and the Cimbri. (Betham Sir W.) Gainsborough, History of. (Stark A.) GalJus, Rom. Scenes of Augustus. (Becker W.A .) Galway, History of. (Hardiman J.) Ganges and Jumna Rivers, Tour of. (Forrest.) Gazetteer. (Bourn T.) (Brookes R.) (Buckingfutm.) (General.) (Picquot A.) (Thomson J.) (Tovilins F.G.) (Wright G.N.) Gem of the Peak, or Matlock. (Adam IF.) Geneva to Milan, Tour from. (Ackermann.) Genoa, Description of. (Bunnett H.) Geographical Annual. Commercial, and Political Essiiys. Dictionary. (General.) (Mac Culloch J.R.) Institutions. (Wanthier.) ■ ■ Principles. (Luffnian J.) Works of Sadik Isfahani. (Or. Trs.Fd.) Geography. See also Educational. Africa. (Mac Queen J.) America. (Carey & Lea.) (Thompson G.A.) and W. Indies. (Lib. U. K.) Ancient, Compendium. (U Anville.) Manual of. (Heeren.) (Laurent P.E.) and Modern. (Arrowsmith.) (Butler J3p. S.) (Conder J.) Arabia. (Forster C.) Asia, Ancient. (Williams J.) West. (Rennell Maj.) Bible. {Wells E.) British Isles. (Rodtoell M.) Cyclopaedia of. (British.) Encyclopasdia of. (Murray H.) Herodotus. (Rennell Maj.) Holy Land. (Kitto J.) Maritime. (Tuckey J.H.) Mathematical. (Hughes T.) Modern. {.lamieson A.) (Jones H.M.) (Myers T.) (Pinkerton J.) Pennsylvania. (Trrqo C.) Physical. (Knight's W. Vol.) CATALOGUE.] CLASSIFIED INDEX. 143 Geography, Histoey, &c., continued. Geograpliy, Physical. {Malte-Brun.) (Zornliii.) by Traill. {Ency. Brit.) Practical. {(Jleobury Miss.) {Remari:s on.) Synopsis. (Cooke J.) , System of. (Bell J.) (Malte-Brun.) (Tomlins F.G.) West Indies. (Lib. U. K.) Universal. (Malte-Brun & Balhi.) Xenophon. (Rennell Major.) in all Ages. George III., His Court and Family. Life, by Holt. Memoirs, by Huish. Williams. Public Affairs of. (JVicholls J.) — — Reign of. Annals. (AiHn J.) History. (Bisset R.) Memoirs. (WalpoleH.) Statesmen of. (Knight's W. Vol.) Trait in his Character. (HorrinJ.) IV., Coronation of. (Banks T.C.) Life and Reign. (Lard. Cab. Lib.) Memoirs, by Huish. Lloyd. Wallace. Personal History of. (Croli/ G.) Regency and Reign of. (CobbettW.) Times of. (Diary.) Georgia. See also Caucasus. and Circassia, Adventures. (Cameron.) Caucasus, Travels in. (Wilbraham.) — Persia, Travels in. (Porter R.K.) German Experiences. (Howitt W.) Legion, History of. (Beamish K.L.) Tourist, North. Germany. See also Belgium, France, & Italy. History of, by Dunham. (Lardner s C y .) Kohlrausch. (For: Lib.) (Haiikins B.) (Naylor F.H.) (Pictorial.) (Stael Mad.) Memoranda on. (Lee E.) ]\Ioral Phenomena of. (Carlyle T.) North, Handbook. (Murray's.) Travels in. (Hodykln T.) Ramble in. (Sherer Major.) Residence in. (Beattie W.) (Eight Weeks.) Revolutions of. (Butler C.) Road Book of. (Donieier.) (Leigh S.) Rural and Dom. Life in. (Howitt W.) Social Life in. (Jameson Mrs.) South, Handbook. (Murray's.) Summer in. (Dickson M.) Student Life in. (Howitt W.) Topog. Description of. (Midler W.) Tour in. (Reminiscences.) (Russell J.) (Const. Misc.) Visit to. (Faulkner A.B.) Wanderings in. (Wilkey E.) Geography, History, &c., continued. Germany and Germans, Sketches. (Spencer E.) ■ and Holland. (Letters from.) Hungary, Visit to. (Gleig G.R.) Italy, Rambles in. (Shelley Mrs.) Poland, Travels through. (A''ealeA.) Russia, Travels in. (Slade A.) Sweden, Tour in. (.James G.P.R.) — the Revolution. (Goerres.) by a German Prince. (Tour in.) in 1831. (Strang J.) Germans, History of. (Greenwood T.) Ghuzni, Kabul, &c., Visit to. (Vigne G.T.) Giant's Causeway. (Guiile to.) Gibbon (Ed.) Miscellaneous Works. Gibraltar. (Handbook.) History of. (Bell J.) Malta, &c. (Martin's Col. Lib.) Siege, Drinkwatcr. (Murray's Lib.) Gildas, Historical Works of. (Monkish Hist.) Gilsland, Beauties of. (Steele IF.) Gipsies, Historical Nature of. — Survey of. (Hoyland.) Origin, &c., of. (Roberts S.) of Spain. (Borrow Cr.) Glasgow, Annals of. (Cleland.) Glimpses of the Old World. (Clark J. A.) Glory of Regality. (Taylor A.) Gloucester, History of. (Fosbroke T.D.) — Three Choirs of. (Lysons D.) Godmanchester, History of. (Fox R.) Goodwood ; its Mansion, Park, &c. Gravesend, &c., History of. (Cruden R.P.) Great Britain, History of. (Belsham W.) (Hen7-y R.) Manners, &c., of. (Const. Mis.) Military Achievements. (Military.) History of. (Gleig G.R.) — Naval Achievements. (Naval.) ■■- Records of. (Public.) — Residence in. (Noicrojee.) — Rivers in. Account of (Skrine.) — Tour in. (Simond S.) — Tourist in. ( Walford.) — Travels through. (Spiker S.H.) — Voyage round. (Daniell \V.) — in 1833. (D'Hausse:.) the last 40 Years. (Hopkins T.) Great St. Bernard. (Toiir to.) Greece. See also Turkey. Affairs of. (Millingen Dr. J.) Autumn in. (Bidwer H.L.) Byron's Journey to. (Gamba Ct.) Description of. (Cramer J. A.) (Pausanias.) Historical, &c. ( Wordsivorth C.) History of. (Gillies J.) (Keightley T.) (Mitford^W.) (Morell T.) (Lib. U. K.) (Parish H.H.) (Robertson W.) (Tennent J.E.) (Thirlwall C.) (Lard. Cy.) Itinerary of. (Gell W.) 144 CLASSIFIED INDEX. [LONDON Geography, History, &c., contimied. Greece, Journey through. {Trani T.A.) Letters from, (/l/aijniere J'J.) Mauncrs aud Customs of. (St.Ja/niJ.A.) North, Travels in. (Leulce W.M.) Picture of. {Ttiiinent J. J'J.) Pursuits in. Lord Elgin. (Meviorandum.) Kesearches in. {Leake W.M.) Revisited. ((Jamlon E.) {Sketches of.) '■ States of Ancient. {Hill 11. D.) Tour in. {Dodwell E.) {Laurent P.E.) Towns in. {Weston S.) Travels in. {Mod. Trav.) Views in. {Doda-ell E.) {Williams ll.W.) ■ Visit to. {lilaquicre E.) ( Waddington Dean.) Wanderings in. {Cochrane G.) War in, Sketches of. {Green R.L.) of Independence in. {Const. Misc.) and Asia Minor, Travels in. {Chandler R.) Ionian Islands, Tour in. {Mure W.) Italy, Travels in. ( Williams H. W.) Levant, Guide to. {Oshorne T.H.) Researches in. {Hartley J.) Tour in. {Burgess R.) {Turner W.) Turkey, Diary in. {Darner Mrs.) Residence in. {Hervt F.) {Sketches in.) Travels in. {Stephens J.L.) {Temple G.) in 1823-4. {Stanhope Col. L.) under the Romans. {Findlay G.) Greek Revolution, History of. {Blaquiere E.) {Gordon T.) Outline of. {Leake W.M.] Greeks, Ancient, Lectures on. {Dalzcl A.) Private Life of. {Becker.) Public& Private Life. {Hase.) Social Condition. {Essays on.) and Modern. {Douglas.) Hist. Antiquities of. ( Wachsmuth IF.) and Romans, Arts, &c. {Lardners Cy.) Green Book. {O'Callaghan J.C.) Greenland, Description of. {Egede J.) Expedition to. {Graah W.A.) History of. {Crantz D.) Observations on. {O'Reiley B.) Voyage to. {Manhy G.) and Iceland, Dom. Life in. {Bidlar Miss.) in 1770-8. {Saahye H.E.) Greenock, History of. ( Weir G.) Greenwich, History of. {Richardson U.S.) Gregorj^ VII., Life and Pontificate of. Grey (Lady Jane) Life. ^ {Baldwin E.) Memoirs, by Nicolas. Times. {Howard G.) Guatemala, History of. {Juarros.) Visit to. {Thompson G.A.) Voyage to. {Montgomery G.W.) in 1827-8. {Dunn H.) Guelph, House of, History. {Halliday A.) Guernsey, History of. {Berry W.) GEOGRAPnY, Hi.STORY, &c., Continued, Guernsey, History of. {Duncan J.) and Jersey, Guide to. {Draper B.H.) {Stranger s.) Guildford. {History of.) Gujerat, History of. {Orient. Transl. Fund.) Gustavus Adolphus, Life of. {Fam. Lib.) Guy Fawkes. {L. Li//.) Observations on. {Henderson E) Travels in. {Mackenzie O.) Visit to. {Harrow J. Jun.) and Lapland, Winter in. {IHllonHon.A.) Illinois, Letters from. {Birkheck M.) Residence in. {Wood ./.) Inchmahome Priory, Description of {Priory) India. See also China. Ancient, Disquisitions on. {Robertson W.) British. {Canq/heU W.) {Considerations on.) History of. {Ed. Cah. Lib.) Gleig. {Fam. Lib.) {Mill J.' {Taylor W. a) {Thornton E.) {Wilson H.H.) Mod. History of {Thornton E.) Captivity, Suiferings, &c. {Scurry J.) Central, Memoir of. {Malcolm J.) Continental. {Massie J. W.) Eastern, History of. {Martin R.M.) {European in.) Excursions in. {Skinner T.) Gazetteer of {Hamilton W.) Guide and Vade Mecum. {GilchristJ.B.) Handbook. {Stocijiteler J.H.) History of {Elphinstone Hon. M.) ■ {Rickard R.) {Romance.) Interior of, Letters on. {Crmvfurd J) Journey from. {Johnson Col.) in. {Jacquemont.) through. {Heber B2).) Letters on. {Bit,yer W.) Modern. {Spry H.H.) ■ Mohammedan Power in. {Brigg ,T.) {Orient. Trs.Fd.) March in. {Aslnvorth Mrs.) Memoir of {Harlaii J.) Memoirs of. {Wallace R.G.) Mission to. {Fontanier V.) Mogul Dynasty in. {Catron F.) Mussulmans of {Ali Mrs) {Herklott G.A.) Names and Places in Maps of {Inde.r.] North, Journey to. {Conolly A) Overland Guide. {Barber J.) {Waghorn) Journey to. {Skinner T) People of {Dubois Abbe) Picture of {Mudie R) Princes of {Historical.) and People of. {Eden Miss) Geography, History, &c., continued. India, Road Book of {Seely J.P) Sketches in. {Huggin W) {Sherer Major.) {Sketches of.) Sketches of. {Mundy Capt) Society in. {demons Mr.f) South, History of {Wilks M) Tour through. {Diary) Thugs of {H lustrations) Transactions in. {Prinscp C.R) Travels in. {Mod. Trav) {Orlich) (Valoitia Ld) Upper, Tours in. {Archer Major) Travels in. {Davidson Col) Vade Mecum. {Williamson Capt) Voyage from. {Heude W) to. {Cordiner J) {Wallace R.G) Residence in. {Bevan //.) {Fane H.E.) Voyager. {Roberts E) Voyages to and from. {Wise //.) War in. Memoirs of {Thorn Muj) Western, Sketches in. {Postans Mrs.) Travels in. {Tod J.) in 1838. {Postans Mrs) and America, {./onrnal of) Colonial Guide. {Forbes D) Egypt, Handbook. {Parbury. to England, Journey from. {Keppel G) {MunsterEarl) Travels from. {Alexander) Indian Archipelago, History of {CravfurdJ) Notices of {Moor J.H.) Voyages in. {Earl G.W.) Empire. {Mac Farlane C.) Ocean, Brit. Possess. {Martins Col. Lib.) Recollections. {Statham J.) Reminiscences. {Addison G.A.) Seas, Voyage np. {Heraud J. A.) Indies, Voyage from. {Trij}) Indus, Campaign of {Kennedy R.H.) Inquiries of an Emigrant. {Pickering J.) Ionian Islands, Account of {Goodison W.) Colonies of {NapAer C.J) Handbook. {Murray's) Memoirs on. {VaudoncourtG) Proceedings in. {Bosselt Col) Tour in. {Mure W.) and Athens, Visit. {GiffardE) Malta, Notes on. {Davy J.) Ipswich, History of ( Wodderspoon) Ireland, Account of {Wakejield E.) {Beauties of.) Civil Wars of, by Taylor. {Const. Misc) Guide through. {Travellers.) Handbook. {Eraser J) Historical and Statistical. {Smyth G.L) History of {Blacket E.) {Burdy S.) {B' Alton J.) {fJe Beaumont J.) {Graham J.) — {Lawless J) {Leland T.) {MacGeogkegan ) {MacGrtgor J.J.) CATALOGUE.] CLASSIFIED INDEX. 147 Geography, History, Sec, continued. Ireland, History of, Moore. (Lai'dner's Cy.) ■ {O'DHscolJ.) Journey through. {Lujiis H.]).) Letters from. {L'harlotle Elizabdh.) Memoir of. (0' Connell D.) North, Journey in. {Xoies.) Society in. (Gamble J.) Phoenician. ( VUlanueva.) Practical View of. {Erijan J.B.) (liecoUedions of.) Residence in. {Plnmjitre A.) Road Book of. {Leigh »S'.) Scenery, &c., of. (JIall Mrs.) Sketches in. {Otway C.) of History, kc, in. {Gamble J.) Society in. {Gamble J.) South, Rambles in. {Chaiterton Lady.) Researches in. {Crolrer T.C.) State Papers, Henry VIII. {State.) Statistical Account. {Mason W.S.) Tour in. {Three Months.) -- \Johnson J.) of M. Boullaye in. {Croker T.C.) round. {Barrow J. jun.) through. {Nod B. W.) Tourist in. {Walford.) Tours in. {Glas.iford J.) ' {Plea.^ure.) Travels in. {Reid T.) Views of. {O'Driscol J.) Walks through. {Trotter.) and the Irish. {Grant J.) ■in 1843. {VenedeyJ.) in 19th Centurj'. {Atkinson.) Past Times. Irish, Anct. Native, Sketches of. {Anderson C.) Islands of Connemara. {Letters from.) Nation, Military Memoirs. {0' Connor M) Primitive, Inquiry into. {Wood T) ■ ■ Rebellion, History of. {Maxmll W.H.) Narrative of {Tieling II.) ■ Sketch Book. {Thackeray W.M.) Union, Memoirs of {Piarrington Sir J.) Isle of Axholme, Account of. {Peck.) ■ History of. {Stonehouse.) Man, Account of. {Wood M.) History of {Bullock Mrs.) Records, &c., of. {Ward W.P.) Tour through. {Six Bays.) — Sark, Guide to. {Jume.'i G.W.) — Skye, Description of {MacLeay K.) — Thanet, Guide to. {Kidd W.) &c.. Description of. {Brayhy) Wight. {Beauties of.) Guide to. {Eullar J.) {Kidd IF.) {Sheridan W.C.) Handbook to. {Brettell T.) History of {Enc/li field.) {Mudie R.) — Picture of. {Cooke G.A.) — Rambles in. (Gwilliam J.) — Scenery in. {Richmond L.) — T(nir in. {Roscoe T.) Tramps in. {Gu-illiam J.) Isleworth, History of. {Avngicr.) Geography, History, &c., continued. Islington, History of. {Leu-is.) {Nelson J.) Walks through. {Croimvell T.) Italian Republics, by Sismoudi. {Lardners Cy.) Italy. See also France. Agriculture, &c., of, (Chateauvieicx.) Ancient. {Cramer J. A.) Antiquities, Arts, &c., of. (Forsyth J.) Autumn in, by Sinclair. (Const. Misc.) Central, Handbook. (Murray's.) Desciiption of (Sketches.) Directions for Travellers. (Starke M.) Excursions in. (Cooper J.F.) Guide through. (Boyd W.C.) to. ( Valery M.) Handbook. (Coghlan F) Hints to Travellers. (Iloare R.C.) History of. (Botta.) (Morffccn Lady.) (Proctor G.) Literature, &c., of. (MariottiL.) Itinerary of. (Reichard.) Journey in. (Morton H.) Letters from. (Headley J. T.) (Stisted.) (Taylor C.) North, Handbook. {Murray's.) Letters from. {Ro.^e W.S.) Observations on. (Bell J.) Picture of. (Coxe H.) (Recollections of.) Residence in. (jya.rrative.) Scenes in. (Essays 07i.) Tour in. (Cobheit J.) through. (Eustace J.C.) (Fam.Lib.) (Hoare R.C.) Travels in. (Conder J.) — (Mod. Trav.) (Triji to.) Upper, Travels in. (Uklanski.) Vestiges of Aiic. Manners in. (Blunt J.J.) Visit to. (Trollope Mrs.) Winter in. (Yates Mrs.) and America, Travels. (Chatecmhriand.) Carniola, Journey in. (CadellW.A.) Germany, Rambles in. (Shelley Mrs.) Greece, Travels in. (WilliamsH. W.) ■ Italian Literature. (Herbert C.) Italians. (Raumer F.) ( Vieusseu.v.) Rhenish Germany. (Lee E.) — Rhineland, Fragments. (White I.E.) — Sicily, Tour in. (Simond S.) — Spain. (Beckford W.) ■- Switzerland, Journey. (ThomsonW.) Tour in. (Clarke A.) Tyrol. {Scam2)er.) ^ its Comforts. { Valery M.) Inhabitants. (Galiffe.) as it is. (Best H.) Itinerarj', or Book of Roads. (Cary J.) Jacobites, Memoirs of [Thomson Mrs.) Jamaica, Annals of (Bridges G. W.) Residence in. (Foulks T.) Stat,' of. (Phillippo J.) U 2 U8 CLASSIFIED INDEX. [LONDON GEOQRAPnY, History, &c., conlimied, Jamaica. (Tunr in.) Tour in. ( ir(7/('((»iA' C.R.) View of. (Sleicart J.) and its People. (Account of.) as it Was, Is, and May Be. James I., Character of. (J/J.srac/i. ./.) Court of. {Ai/cin Lucy.) {Secret.) Life, by Ciiambers. {Const. Misc.) Pell Ilecords. {Devon.) Progresses of. {jVichofs J.B.) Clias. I., &c., Lives of. {Harris W.) IL, Memoirs of. Keign of. {Mackintosh Sir J.) Japan, Captivity in. {Golownin C'apt.) Japanese Manners and Customs. {SieOold.) Java, Conquest of. {Thorn Maj.) History of. {Ruffles T.S.) Jena, Battle of, in It; 06. {Notes on.) Jersey, Account of. {Flees.) {Ouide to.) History of. {Falle.) Government, &c. Topog., Climate, &c., of. {Ilooiyer O.S.) and Guernsey, Guide to. {Draper B.U.) {Stranger's.) as it is ; Prize Essaj*. Jerusalem, Pilgrimage to. {Helon.) Walks about. {Bartlett W.H.) and Alexandria, Voyage to. {BurtonN.) Holy Land. {Chateauhriand.) • Mount Sinai, Tour. {Arundale F.) Josephine (Emp.) Memoirs of. by Memes. {Const. Misc.) July up the Rhine. Junius. See Parliamentary. and his Works, History of. Kajars, Dynasty of. {Brydges Sir H.J.) Kalat, Journey to. {Masson C.) Kamtschatka, &c.. Travels in. {Dohell.) Karamania. {Beaufort F.) Kelso and Roxburgh, History of. {Haig.) Kendal, Annals of. {N icliolson C.) Kenilworth Castle. {Guide to.) Entertainment at. {Lancham) Festivities. Kensington, History of. {Faidkner T.) Kent, Churches in. {Parsons P.) History of. (Ireland W.H.) Journey-Book of. (Knight C.) ■ Journey on Coast of. (Fussell L.) ■ Walks through. (Cooke G.A) Weald of. (Dearn.) Kentish Topography. (Smith J.R.) Khiva, Expedition against. (Russian.) Khorassau, Journey into. (Fraser J.B) Kiddington, Oxon, History of. (Warton.) Kilkce, Clare, Residence at. (Knott M.J.) Killarney Lakes. (Guide to.) (Croker T. C.) (Tour to.) Week at. (Hall Mrs.) Kilmainham Hospital, History. (Burton.) King Arthur, Life of. (Ritsoii J.) Kings of Spain, 1700-88, Mem. of. ( W.) Kirkstall Abbey, Account of. (Midready.) Geooraphy, History, &c., continued. Kirkstall Abbej'. (History of.) Knickerbockers New York. (Irving W.) (Fam.Lih.) Knights Templars, Hist. of. (Addison C.G.) (Humes J.) of Malta, by Sutherland. (Const. Misc.) Knole, Kent, Guide to. (Brady J. II.) Sketch of. (Historical.) Koonawur, Account of. (Gerard A.) Koordistan, Residence in. (Rich C.J.) Tour in. (Southgale II.) Travels in. (Fraser J.B.) Kordofan, Travels in. (Rallme J.) hake Visitors. (Handbook.) Lakes, American, Tour to. (Colton C.) Cumberland, Description of. (Haines E.) Guide to. (Ford \V.) (Leigh S.) — (Robinson J.) English, Guide to. (Black.) Tour of. (Ackermann.) Guide to. (Allison J.) (Otley J.) {West T.) { Wordsworth W.) Killarney. (Guide to.) Guide to. (Croker T.C.) Northern, Guide to. (Tattersall G.) Observations on. (Jackson J.R.) Scotland. (Sivan J.) Lambeth, History of. (Allen T.) Lancashire, History of. (Baines E.) and Antiq. (Gregson M.) Sketch of. (Butteru-orth E.) Tour in. (Taylor W.C.) in 19th Century. Lands, Classical and Sacred. (Nugent Lord.) Lapland. See also Norway. Linnfeus' Tour in. (Smith J.E.) and Iceland, Winter in. (DillonHon.A.) Norway, Journey through. (Everest.) Sweden, Winter in. (Brooke C.) La Plata, &c., Travels in. (Miers J.) La Trappe, Monastery of. (Felloiees W.D.) and Rome, Journey. (Geramh.) Last Year in China to Peace of Nanking. Laycock Abbey, Annals of. (Botcles.) Leamington, &c. (Account of.) Priory, History of. (Hopper T.) Leaves from a Journal ; Travels. Leeds, I'radford, &c., Histor3^ (Parsons E.) History of. (Thoreshy.) to Hull, Tourist's Guide. (Parsons E.) Leicester, Topographical History. (Curtis J.) Leo X., Life of, by W. Roscoe. (Bogues Lib.) (Bohn's Lib.) Letter Writing, History of. (Roberts W.) Letters from a Lady during a Tour in Paris. the iEgean. (Tennent J.E.) Old World. South. (Campbell T.) of a Hindoo Rajah. (Ham ilton E.) Levant. See cdso Greece. Greece, &c.. Guide to. (Usborne T.U.) Letters from. (Gait J.) CATALOGUE.] CLASSIFIED INDEX. 149 Geography, History, &c., continued. Lewes, Hist, and Antiqs. of. (Ilorsfield T. IF.) \e., Guide to. (Kidd W.) Library of Travel. Lichfield, Ancient and Modern. {Account of.) Lima to Peru, Journey from. {Smyth .) {Murraij J.F.) Guide to. {Booth A.) {Kidd W.) through. {Hughson IJ.) Guildhall, Account of {Nichols J.B.) History of {Allen T.) Knight. {Mackay C.) {Partington C.F.) {Percy.) Hyde Park, History of (Smith T.) Hlustrated. {Wilkinson R.) ■ Topography of. {Henshall.) Improvements in. {Smirke S.) Law-Courts, History of. {Alclridge.) Livery Companies, Hist. of. (Hei-bertW.) Merchant Taylors' School. ( WilsonH.B.) Microcosm of (Achrmann.) Modern. {History of.) Panorama of. {Allen T.) {Picture of) by Britton. — Cruchley. Leigh. Mogg. Whittock. Picture of {Cruchley.) Port of. Guide to. {Eiuies J.) ~ History of. {Cruden R.P.) GEOQRArnY, History, &c., continued. London, Port and Harbour- of {Harbour.) 8ai\ey.{Einies.) Privileges of. {Hughson.) Rambles in. (Helme E.) lleminiscences of {Brayley.) Residence at Court of {Rush R.) Rides and Walks round. {Hassel J.) Royal Exchange New. {Wilson E.) St. Bartholomew's Hospital. {Delanndte.) Dunstan's Church, West. {Denhain.) Giles" Parish, Account of. {Parton.) and St. George's. (Dobie R.) Katherine's Hospital. (Nichols J.B.) Laurence Pountney. {Wilson H.B.) Mary's, Southwark. {Taylor W.) Marylebone, Account of. {Smith T.) Paul's. See Architecture. Thomas' Hospital, Acct. of {Goldiiig.) Survey of, by Stow. {Whittakers Lib.) Temple Church. See Arcuitecture. Theatres, History of. {Brayley.) {OiUton.) Topographical Dictionary of. {Elmes.) {Trij, to.) Tours through. {Syntax.) Tower, History of {Bayley J.) • Armories, &c. {Hewitt J.) Memoir of. {Britton & B.) — Menagerie. {Toicer.) Views in. {Woods J.) Walks through. {Cooke G.A.) {Hughson D.) Westminster Abbey, ^'te Architecture. Handbook. (^'i(?ji?/((;r/y.) World of. {Murray J.F.) Zoological Gardens, Handbook. {Zool.) ■ {Visit to.) and Middlesex. {Beauties of.) Paris Compared. Guide to. (Kidd 11'.) Vicinity, Guide to. {Brad// J.H.) Views of (Cooke W.B.) to Naples, Road Book. (Brockedon W.) Paris, Guide from. (Tourrier J.) Londonderry, Siege of {Graham. J.) Loo Choo, Travels in, by Hall. (Smith's Lib.) Voyage to. {JIa'- Leod J.) Looe, East and West, History of (Bond T.) Lord and the Vassal. Losely MSS., English Histor}\ (Kem^JC A.J.) Louis XIV., Court of. (Erskine A.) (Secret.) History of. (James G.P.R.) and his Contemporaries. XV., Court of (D'Hausse:.) XVIII., Correspondence. Court of (Memoirs.) Memoirs of Philippe, Life and Times of. Louisiana, Histoiy of {Marbois Able.) Louth, Notices of {Notiticc.) Lowell Town, as it Was and Is. (Miles H.A.) Ludlow, History, Antiqs., &c., of (Wright T.) &c.. History, by Clive. (Documents.) Luristan, &c.. Travels in. (De Bode.) Lusitanian Sketches. {Kingston.) 150 CLASSIFIED INDEX. [LONDON GEOonAi'iiY, History, &c., continued. Lycia, Discoveries in. {Fdlous G.) Lyme Regis, &c.. History of. {Roberts G.) Lyniinj;ton, Scenery of. {O'rove R.A.) Lynipstiold and its Environs. Lynn, History of. (Jliekards W.) Macedonians, Partliians, &c. (Histori/.) Madagascar, History of. {Vojiland S.) {£lHs Rev. W.) Memoir and Chart of. (Geoffroi/.) Madeira. (iliMor// of.) Invalid's Guide. {Cooper- W. W.) Scenery of {Pkken A.) and Porto Santo, Excursions. (Bomlitch.) Portugal in 1826. {Rambles.) Tenerifte, Voyage to. {Wilde W.R.) W. Indies, Guide to. {Osborne J.) ( Travellers.) in 1834. {Driver J.) Madras Army, Sieges of. {Lahe E.) {Letters from.) Mission to. {Iloole E.) and China, Voyage to. {Wathen J.) Madrid in 1835. Mahomet, Life of, by Prideaux. {F'am. Lib.) Mahommedan History. {Price B.) Mahratta States. {Account of.) ■ War, Memoirs of. {Blacker V.) Mahrattas, History of {Duff J. G.) Maidstone, Account of. {Baverstock J.H.) and Environs, Topography of. Malabar, Mohammedans in. {Orient. Trs. Fd.) Malacca, British Settlements in. {Netobold T.J.) Malay Annals. {Leijdcn.) Malmsbury, History of {Moff'at J.M.) Malta, Cadiz, &c.. Voyage to. {Cockburn G.) and Ionian Isles, Handbook. {Murray s.) Notes on. {Davy J.) Sicily, Eamble in. {Angus G.) Malvern, History of. {Chambers J.) Manchester, Foundations of {Hibbert.) • History of {Wheeler J.) as it Is. 1839. in 1841. {Fauchcr.) Maps,Charts,&Plans,Cat.ofMS. {Br.Mus.P.) Marchmont Papers, Selections from. Margate. {Picture of.) and Hastings, Journey to. {Sentimental.) Ramsgate, Guide to. {Kidd W.) its Environs. {Pilkington Mrs.) Maritime & Inland Discov.,Cooley. {Lard. Cy.) Mary, Queen. {Days of) Household Book. {Madden F.) Q. of Scots, Case of {Ckunpbell H.) Letters of, by Strickland. and Documents of. Life of by Bell. {Const.Mis.) ■ Love Letters. {CampbellH.) Persecutions of Matlock, Guide to. {Adam W.) Mauritius, Residence at. {Recollections.) Visit to. {Backhouse J.) Mecklenburg, &c.. Letters from. {Downes G.) Mediterranean, Excursions in. {Napier E.) {Temple G.) Geography, History, <^c., continued. Mediterranean, Letters from. {Blaquihe E.) Sketches. {Eyerton Lord F.) Travels along. {Richardson R.) to Shores of {Btandish F.JL) Voyage in. {Grosvenor Lady.) up. {lleraud J. A .) {Swan C.) Merovingian Era, by Thierry. ( Whiltaker'sLib.) Merrie England in the Olden Time. {iJanielG.) Merut to London, Journey. {Lumsden T.) Mesopotamia, Travels in. {Buckinyham J.S.) &c., by Eraser. {Ed. Cab. Lib.) Meuse, Moselle, and Rhine, Tour of. Valley of. Tour through. {Costello D.) Mexican Illustrations. (Beanfoy.) Mexico, Conquest of {Prescott W.II.) Expedition to. {Kendall G. IT.) Gulf of, V'oyage to. {Houston Mrs.) History of {Mill N.) Life in. {For. Lib.) Notes on. {Poinsett.) Rambler in. {Latrobe C.J.) Residence in. {Lyon G.F.) Revolution of {Robinson W.TJ.) ■ Travels in. {Bullock W.) {Hall B.) {Hardy Lieut.) {Mod. Trav.) • {Ward H.G.) as it Was and as it Is. {Mayer B.) in 1824-26. {Sketch of.) Middle Ages, Dates, Charters, &c. {Hampson.) England. {Turner S.) Europe. {Hal lam //.) by Dunham. {LAird.Cy) History of. {Des Mechel.) Lit. History of. {Benngton J.) Literature of {Wright T.) Roman Law. {Sarigny.) Secret Societies of {Lib.Ent.LC) Tables. {Chronological.) Middlesex, Parishes in. {Lysons D.) and London. {Beauties.) Milan, Florence, &c., Visit to. {Shortt.) Military Events, Spain. {Pecchio.) Exploits of Don J. M. Diez. Memoirs, Irish Nation. {O'Connor 31.) Operations, Fr. Arm., 1S15. {Goargaud.) Reflections on Turkey. ( V alentini.) Service in 1813-15. {Morris T.) the East. {Neill J.M.) Mirror of Time, from the Creation. Mississippi, Discovery of {Falconer T.) Missouri, Travels up. {Lewis tfc C.) Modern Syrians, or Society in Damascus. Travel and Adventure. {Scenes of.) Traveller, edited by J. Conder. Voyager and Traveller. {Adams IF.) Mogul Empire, Travels in. {Bernier F.) Mohamed, Life and Character. {Higgins G.) Mohammed Ali, Life of ■ Hazin,Lifeof {Orient.T.Fd.) and his Successors. {Sime) Mohannnedanisni, History of {Taylor W.C.) Mohawks, Captivity among the. {Spencer O.N.) CATALOGUE.] CLASSIFIED INDEX. 151 Geography, History, &c., continued. Mohummucl Ameer Khan, Memoirs of. Woldavia, iS;c., Atcouiit of. {Wilkinmn W) Monachism, British. {Fushroke T.D.) Monaicliy Ilevived, History of, Charles II. Monastic and Social Life. {Whitlaker's Lib.) Mongolia to China, Travels. {Tim/coir.tki.) Mongols &. Romans, Researches of [Raukiiii/ J.) Monkish Historians of Great Britain. Monmouthshire, Guide through. (Leijli S.) Mont Blanc, Ascent of {Auldjo J.) {Barrij M.) Montreal, History of (Bo)su-or(/i.) Moray, Floods in. Account of. {Latcdcr T.D.) Morea, Itinerary of. {Oell IF.) (Scene.? in.) ■ Tour in. {Gell W.) Travels in. {Leake IV.) and Albania, Travels in. (Ponqucmllc) Greece, Remarks on. {Cochrane A. B.) Moreau (Gen.) Details concerning. {Scinitie.) Morley, York, History of (Scatcfierd.) Morocco, Ali Bey in. {Travels.) Joume}' to. {Beauclerk G.) Tour through. {Lem^mtre W.) Travels to. {Keatinge M.) Moscow, Guide to. {Leigh S.) Tour to. {Paul R.B.) to Constantinople, Journ. {Mac Michael.) Mosquito Shore, Residence on. {Young T.) Sketch of {Strangeicay.) Mount Calvary. {Keign-in.) ■ • Edgecumbe. {Walk.) Sinai and Jerusalem, Tour, {ArundaleF.) Syria, Travels in. {B urckhardf .) — ■ — Zion, Cathedral of St. James. {.John J.) Mountains, British, Tours to. {Wilkinson T.) History of. {Wilson J.) Piemont. {Gilly W.S.) Rocky, Excursion to. {Townsend J.K.) Expedition to. {James E.) {Lewis & C.) Ronda and Grenada. {Scott C'.Ii.) . Scotland, Promenade to. (JVodier.) near Rome. (Callcott Lady.) Mount's Bay and Land's End. [Guide to.) Murray's Handbooks for Travellers. Muscat and its Sultan, Account of {3fansur.) Mutiny of the Bounty, by Barrow. {Fam./Jh.) ■ Bligli. {Smith's Lib.) Noreand Spithead. {Fam. Lib.) My Last Tour and V\ii^t\^ovk. {Vavasour Lady.) Nantwich, History of {Piatt J. W.) Naples. See also Rome. Events at. {I^epe Gen.) Excursions in. {Craven, IC.) Invalids Guide to. {Co.v J.) • Picture of {Vasi.) Soutli, Tour through. {Craven K.) ■ and Environs. {Notes on.) the Campagna Felice. to Jerusalem, Journey from. {Borrer D.) Napoleon. See also Bonaparte. {Knights Weekly Vol.) Events connected with. {Usher T.) relative to. {Mountcny.) Expedition to Russia. {Scgnr.) Geography, History, &c., continued. Napoleon, Fall of {Mitchell Col.) Last Days of. {Antowinarchi.) Reign of. (Ilobhouse.) • Life of {Fam. Lib.) i)y Bourienne. {Const. Misc.) {Scott Sir W.) Various. See Catalogue. Memoirs, Various. See Catalogue. Opinions and Policy of {Bonaparte L.) and his Army in Rus.sia. {Gourgaud.) at St. Helena. {Abell Mrs.) in Exile, by O'Meara. Nations, Character of {Bigland.) Naval Battles, 1744-1814. {Ekin C.) Chronology. {Ra.lfe.) History. {James W.) 1783-1836. {Brenton E.P.) Records. Neilgherries, Letters on. {Hough J.) Observations on. {Baikie P.) Neilgherry Hills, Description of {HarknessH.) Nepal, Account of {Hamilton F.) Nestorians, or Lost Tribes. {Grant A.) Residence among. {Perk-ins G.) Netherlands, Campaigns of. {Mudford W.) in. {Wellington D.) History of, by Grattan. {Lardner's Cyc.) Tour in. {Heger T.) through. {Tennant C.) to Paris, Tour through. {Bles.nngton La..) New Britain, Journey to. {Ellis G.A.) Brunswick, Province of {Baillie T.) &c. {Martin's Col. Lib.) Travels in. {Buckingham.) England and her Institutions. Newfoundland, Excursions in. {Jukes J.B.) History of {Anspach L.A.) Voyage to. {Chapiiell E.) in 1842. {Bonnycasile Sir R) New Holland, Colonization, &c., of {BartlettT.) {Exptedition) Voyages to. {King P.P.) S. Wales, Adventures. {MacCombie.) ■ • Description. {Wentwortk.) Excursions. {Breton Lieut.) ■ — Expeditions in. {Oxley J.) Geograph. Memoirs. {FieldB.) History of {Braim T.H.) {Lang J.D.) {O'Hara.) Information on. {Busby J.) {Mac Arthur J.) {Martins Col. Lib.) Meredith. {Murray's Lib.) Observ. on. {Henderson J.) Residence in. {Bennett G.) {CunninghamP.) Sketch of {Balfour J.O.) State of {Osborne A. {Strzelecki.) Voyage to. {TJi.con S.) Voyages to. {Reid T.) New World. {Life in.) York, Knickerbocker's. {Fam. Lib.) {Lrving W.) Letters from. {Childs Mrs.) 15-2 CLASSIFIED INDEX. [LONDON Geography, Histoky, &c., continued. New York. {Picture of.) Tour in. (Foirler J.) Zealand, Aborigines of. {/iroini W.) Account of. {Vulcs IT.) Colonization of. {liritinh.) ( Wakefield E.J.) Comp., Settlements. {I'etre JI.) History of. (Jameson R.(J.) Letters on. {Martin M.D.) rortfolio. Rambles in. {Bidvell J.) Kesidcnce in. (Cruise.) (Earl e A.) (Heaphy C.) (PolackJ.) State of. (Brodie IF.) Travels in. (Dieffenliach E.) (Majorihanks A.) Visits to. (Marsladl W.B.) Voyage to. (Nicholas J.L.) Zealanders. (Lih. Ent. Kn.) Manners, &c. (Polack J.) Newark, History and Antiq. (Dickinson ]V.) Newbury, History and Antiquities of. Newcastle-on-Tyne, Acct. (Ric'uirdson M.A.) Neweiiham Abbey, History of. (Davidson J.) Niagara, Falls of. Visit to. (Maude J.) Niger, Adventures in, by Lander. (Earn. Lib.) Dissertation on- (Donkin Sir R.) Expedition to. (Simpson W.) Missionary Journals. (Schon.) Nimrod, Discourse on History and Fable. Norfolk, Cambridge, &c., Tour in. (Gilpin W.) Charities in. (Clarke Z) (Historii of.) Topographer's Manual. ( Woodu-ard S.) Norman Conquest, Chronicle of. (Wace.) Normandy, Dukes of, History. (Duncan J.) (Excursions in.) Letters from. (Davies J.) Residence in. (Const. Misc.) Tour in. (Kniffkt E.G.) (Turner D.) and France, Tour in. (Stotliard Mrs.) Normans in Sicily. (Knight H.G.) Norris Castle, Isle of Wight. (Givilliam J.) North Cape, Journey to. (Skiolclehrand.) Greorgia Gazette. (Sahine Col. E.) Pole, Approaching of. (Barrington D.) Voyage to. (Beechey Capf.) Voyages to. (Parry Capt.) Northamptonshire. Hist. & Antiq. (Baker G.) Northern Courts, Memoirs of. (Bromi J.) Memoirs. (Frank R.) Tour. (Dihdin T.F.) Northumberland, Household Book. ■ Rambles in. (Oliver S.) Records of. (Sykes.) Northumbrian MiiTor. Norway, Handbook. (Murray's.) Kings of. (Chronicles.) Residence in. (Laing S.) Summers in. (Two.) Tour in. (Breton Lieut.) (Price E.) — - through, l)y Conway. (Const. Misc.) Geoouaphy, History, &c., continued, Norway, Travels in. (.Tones G.M.) and Lapland, Travelsthrough.(ro?iZJ?tc/t.) Laplanders. (Milford J.) Norwegians. (Latham R.) Sweden, Dunham. (Lardnn-'s Cy.) Tour through. (/»ywZ/!/>.) (Wolff J.) Travels in. (Wilson W.R.) Norwich, Account of. (Stacy.) Notes of a Wanderer. (Cumming W.F.) Notitia Britanniae. (Savll W.D.) Historica. (Xicolas Sir II.) Notitiic Ludas; Notices of Louth. Nottingham Castle, History of. (Ilicklin.) Nova Scotia, Account of (Ilalibarton T.C.) Description of. (Lockicood A.) Letters from. (Moorsom.) (Martin's Col. Lih.) Mission to. (Marsden J.) Travels in. (Btick-ingham.) Nubia. See also Egypt. and Abyssinia, Russell. (Ed. Cab, Lih.) Egypt, by St. John. (Lih. Trav.) Travels in. (BurckhardtJ.L.) 01)erland, Tour through. (Picturesque.) Ohio, Residence in. (Griffith D.) Old England, Description, &c., of. (Letters on.) Olympia, Topography of. (Stanhopie J.S.) Oporto, Siege of. (Civil.) Oregon Territorj*. (Knight's W. Vol.) History of. (Dunn J.) and California, History. (Greenlovi R.) Orient, Letters from. (Ilahn-IIahn.) Oriental Memoirs. (Forbes J.) ■ Scenes. (Roberts E) Translation Fund Publications. Voynge, Journal of. (Blakeney R.) Origins. (History of.) Orinoco, Expedition up. (Robinson J.H.) Orkney and Shetland, Notes on. (PeterhinA.) Oswestry. (History of.) Oswin, King of Deira, Life. (Surtees So. Pub.) Ottoman Empire, by Ranke. (Whittaker'sLih.) Upham. (Const. Misc.) Owhyhee, Tour through. (Ellis Rev. W.) Oxford. (Handbook.) History of. (Ackerniann.) (Chcdniers A.) Memorials of. (Ingram J.) Visitor. (Stover J. cfc H.S.) Walks in. (Wade W.M.) Oxus River, Voyage to Source of. ( Wood J.) Pacific, Adventures in. (Coidter J.) Atlas of. (Krnsenstern.) Free Port in the. (Maconochie.) ■ Residence in. (Three Years.) Scenes, &c., in the. (Jacobs T.J.) Voyage to. (lleechey Capt.) and Atlantic, Junction of. (PitmanR.R.) andS. America, Voyage. (Scarlett P.) to Atlantic, Journey from. (Maw H.L.) Palembang, Account of. (Court W.II.) Palestine. See also Egypt and Holy Land. History of. (Kitto J.) Letters on. (Pa.vton J.D.) CATALOGUE.] CLASSIFIED INDEX. 153 Geography, History, &c., continued. Palestine, Scenes in. {Punnie J.F.) Travels in. {Bnchlnqhani J.S.) ■ (Mod. Trav.) and Egypt, Letters from. {.TolUffe T.R.) Pilgrimage. {GerambBaron.) Lebanon. [Three Weeks in.) Sj'ria, Travels in. (RoLinson G.) by Russell. {Edin. Cab. Lib.) Palmyra. {Letters from.) Pampas, &c., Journeys across. [Head F.B.) Paraguay, Letters on. [Robertson J. P.) Reign of Dr. Francia in. (Reie/n.) [RobertsonJ.P.) Parga and Ionian Isles. [Bossett Col.) Paris. [Lib. Ent. Know.) Account of to 17th Century. {Lister.) Brussels, and London. {Glance.) Campaign of. [Giraud P.) Delineated. [Mercier B.) Estafette. Guide to. [GaUgnani.) [HerceP.) {Handbook.) {Ilisiori/ of.) Letters from. {Fellowes W.D.) {Sabstaiice.) Memorable Events in. {Britton.) Palais Royal. {Picture of.) Picture of. {Mercier B.) {P'lanta E.) {Sitmett.) Sketch Book. {Thackeray Visit to. {Scott John.) {Wansey H.) and London Compared. {London) its People. {Grant J.) the Parisians. {Trollo2)e Mrs.) in 1802 and 1814. {She2)herd W.) to Switzerland, Journey from. {Herbert.) Park (M.) First Expedition. Travels and Missions. Passage of the Pique. {Aylmer Lady.) Passengers; Tour in North Wiiles. {Parker J.) Patagonia, Voyage to. {Alac Douall J.) Patchwork. {Hall B.) Paul's Letters to his Kinsfolk. {Scott Sir W.) Pedestrian in the Tyrol. {Latrohe C.J.) Peebles, History of. [Pennecnick Dr.) Pekin, Ripa"s Residence at. [Murray's Lib.) Peloponnesiaca. [Leake W.M.) Peninsula, .Journal of. [Robertson W.) Recollections of. [Sherer Major.) Peninsular Campaigns. [Annals of.) [Memoirs of.) War, History of {Foy.) {Londonderry Marq.) {Napier W.F.) Memoirs. [Dalrym2}le Sir H.) Napier's, Refutation of [Beresford.) Strictures on. [Xajiier W.) Narrative. [Hay L.) Pennecuick (Dr.) Works of, &c. Pennsylvania, Geography of [Trego C.) History of, by Day. Letters from. [Johnson C.B.) Life Passed in. [Memoirs.) Geography, History, &c., continued. Pennsylvania, Travels in. [Paget J.) Penzance, Guide to. [Courtney J.S.) Perouse, Discovery of Fate of. [Billon P.) Persia, British Embassy to. [Price W.) Customs,&c.,of Womenin. [Orient.T.Fd.) Early Kings, by Mirkhoud. [Orient.T.Fd.) History of [Malcolm J.) by Eraser. [Edinb. Cab. Lib.) Journeys through. [Morier J.) Mission to. [Brydges Sir H.J.) Pilgrimage through. [Stocqueler J.H.) Residence in. [Fowler G.) —— Russian Eiflbassy. [Kotsebtie CajH.) Sketches of. [Malcolm J.) [Murray s Lib.) Tour through. [Gordon P.) Travels in. [Ouseley W.) and Affghanistan ; Letters on. China, Travels in. [Mod. Trav.) Georgia, Travels in. [Porter R.K.) Persian Princes in London. [Eraser J.) Persians. [History of.) Peru, Conquest of. [Const. Misc.) [Ranking J.) Lima, &c. [Smith Arch.) Travels in. {Mod. Trav.) {Temple E.) to. {Brand C.) and Chili, Residence in. {SidcUffe T.) Peter the Great. {Anecdotes of.) Life. {Earn. Lib.) Peterborough Cathedral. {Guide.) Philip II., Reign of. {Watson R.) III., Reign of. {Watson R.) de Comines, Memoirs of. of Macedon, Life of. Philippine Islands, Account of {Walton W.) Description of. {Comyn.) History of {Zuniga.) Piedmont Mountains, Visits to. {Gilly W.S.) and Savo}', Handbook. {Murray's.) Pindarics and Mahratta. {Account of.) Pitcairn's Island, Voyages to. {Shillibeer J.R.) Pius v., Life of. Plague, History of. {Defoe.) {Earn. Lib.) Narrative of {Scott J.) Playing Cards, History of {Singer S. W.) Ploughley, &c.. Hundreds of. {Dunkin J.) Plymouth, &c., Guide. {Carrington H.) Poland. See also Russia. History of, by Dunham. {LardnersCy.) {Fletcher J.) Insurrection, in 1830—31. {Grorowski.) Reformation of. {Krasinski.) Travels through. {Uklanski.) and Genuany , Travels through. {Neale A .) Russia, Travels in. [Coxe W.) {Wilson W.R.) under Russia. {Harring H.) Polar Sea, Voyages to. {Franklin ./.) Seas, Narrative, &c., of {Ed. Cab. Lib.) Poles in the Seventeenth Century. Polynesia, by Russell. [Ed. Cab. Lib.) Polynesian Nation, Origin of [Lang D.) Researches. [Ellis Rev. IF.) X 154 CLASSIFIED INDEX. [LONDON Gkoouai'iiy, History, &c., continued. Poole, Dorset, History of. (Siidcnhani J.) Popes, History of tlic. {Jicnh'.) Pojmliir Delusions, Memoirs of. {.Uaclai/ C.) Port Philij), llesidence in. (llou-ili li.) State of. {(Iriffitk V.) Summer at. {Murray R.D.) Royal, Memoirs of. (Schimmclyenninck,) Porto Santo, kc, Excursions in. {Bowdilch.) Portugal. See al.w Spain. Campaign of. {Mnnster Earl) Civil War in. {Civil.) Expedition to. {Hodges O.L.) Hlustrated. {Kinsey.) Imprisonment in. { W) Itinerary. {Reichard.) Letters from. {Broufihion S.D.) Manners and Customs of. {Baillie M.) Naval Expedition to. {Mins Capt.) Observations on. {Landmann O.) Revolutions of. {Historical.) Sketches in. {Alexander J.E.) Tour in 1817-19. {Mathews H.) War in. {Nastier C.) and Gallicia, {Carnarvon Lord.) Sicily, Voyages to. {Collins F.) Spain. {Letters from.) Tour in. {Londonderry Lady.) Portuguese Life, Manners, &c. {Shtches of.) Prairies. See also Gtames and Sports. Travels in. {L''arnham T.J.) Preston, Account of. {Tulket.) and its Guild. {History of.) Pretendents and Adherents, Memoirs. {Jesse.) Princes of Wales, Lives of. ( Williams R.F.) Privy Chamber, Account of. {Carlisle JV.) Provence and Rhone, Itinerary. {Hughes T.S.) Prussia and France, Travels in. {Laing S.) Public Records of Great Britain, Account of. {Cooper C.P.) Puerto Rico, Account of. {Fliater Col.) Punjab, Account of. {Sleiuhach Col.) Adventures in. {La^crence H.M.) in 1839. {Barr Lt. W.) Pyrenees, Campaign in. {Batty Capt.) Evenings in. {BmiJmry Miss.) Excursions in. {Chatterton Lady.) Handbook. {Murray s.) Letters from. {Paris T.) Mountains of. {Hardy J.) Eambles in. {Vaux F. W.) Residence in. {Ellis Mrs.) Rides in. {Bunhury Miss.) Sketches in. {Boddington Mrs.) Summer in. {Murray Hon. J.) Visit to. {Inglis H.D.) and France, Tour through. {Mi/ford J.) France, in 1822. {Thiers A.) Quatre Bras, Battles of. {Bain W.) Queens. See also Sovereigns. Celebrated, Memoirs. {Hay M.) England, Lives. {Strickland A.) France, Memoirs. {Bush Mrs.) Quentin Durward, Hist. Illusts.. {Scott Sir W.) Ragland Custle, Account of. {Fosbroke T.D.) Raja Tarinyini ; History of Cashmir. Rajasthan, Annals and Antiqs. of. {Tod J.) Geography, History, &c., continued. Rambles, Ike, 1841 2. {Talfourd Serj.) in Footsteps of Don (Juixote. {Juglis H.) of an Indian Oiiicial. {Sleeman W.H.) Rambling Notes and lietlections. {Faulkner.) Ramnos.sies, Origin of tlie Tribe. {Macintosh.) Reading, History of. {Man J.) Re;il and Ideal, or Illustrations of Travel. Rebellion, History of. {Clarendon.) Irish. Sre Irish. .Jacobite, Memoirs of. {Chambers R.) Scotch. See Scotland. Wexford, Historj' of. {Taylor O.) 1569, Memorials of. {Sharp Sir C.) 1688, Character of. {Ward R.P.) 1745, History of the. {Home J.) 1745-6, Memoirs of. {Johnstone Chev.) Recollections of Royalty, (./ones C.C.) Eighteenth Cent. {De Creeiuy.) Regal Records. {Planche.) Regalia, Key to. {Dermis J.) Reign of Terror; French Revolution. Repulse Bay, Voyage to. {Lyon G.F.) Retford, History of. {Piercy.) Retreat Asylum near York. {Tuke S.) Retrospect of Western Travel. {Martineau IL) Revolution 1648, History. {Mackintosh Sir J.) Revolutionary War, Events in. {Letters.) Revolutions in Europe, Reflections. {Salvo.) — — of Empires. {Chateaubriand.) Rhine. See also Belgium. {Autumn near.) Confederation of. {lAichessini M.) Excursions along. {Hugo V.) Guide to. {Lackenmtz.) ' (Schreiber.) {Handbook.) Handbook. {Traveller's.) History, &c., of. {Snotve J.) Reminiscences of. {Boddington Mrs.) Scenery, &c., of. {Hunt F.K.) Tour on. {Welb W.) Rhode Island, History of. {Callender J.) Rhone, Darro, &c.. Ramble to. {Romer Mrs.) and Provence, Itinerary. {Huglies T.S.) Richard I., Life and Times of. {Fam. Lib.) III., History of. Life and Times of. Cceur de Lion. {James G.P.R.) Richmond, &c.. Description of. {Evans J.) Guide to. {Kidd W.) Richmondshire, History of. {Whitaker T.D.) Rio de la Plata, Provinces of. {Account.) 9 '^0 {Parish W.) (lYi) Ripon, Yorkshire. {History of.) River and the Desart. {Pardoe Miss.) Rivers, Rambles by. {Knight's W. Vol.) Roads, Book of. {Cary J.) ' {Gray G.C.) {Oioen.) {Paterson D.) {Smith C.) Rocky Mountains, Excursion in. {Townsend.) Expedition to. {James E.) {Leu'is ti: C.) Roman Emperors, History of. {Grecier J.B.) Empiro, History of. {Bridges M.) CATALOGUE.] CLASSIFIED INDEX. 155 Geography, History, &c., continued. Roman Empire, History. {Gibbon E.) ■ {Hook-e i\^.) ( Mo II k'squieu C. ) Sismondi. (Zarti.Cv/.) Republic, History of. (Fevf/uson A.) Wall, History of. {Jludoii W.) Romans, Private Manners of. (Essai/s.) Rome. {Patercuhui.) Ancient and Modern. (Oui/ines.) Antiquities of. {Jiurton E.) Civil Wars of. {KnighCs Weeklij Vol.) Commonwealth, Later. {Arnold Dr.T.) Essay on Laws, &c., of. {Historical.) History of. {Arnold Dr.T.) {Bcmkes H.) Hetherington. {Encij.Brit.) {Mordl T.) ■ {Xidndir.) Sismondi. {Lardner's Cij.) Mountains near. {Callcott Lady.) Nineteenth Century. Picture of. ( Vasi.) {Recollections of.) {Reminiscences of.) Trip to. {Barloio T.) and Environs, Description of. (^a^oiow/.) Florence, Visits to. {Shortt.) Naples, Journey to. {Sass H.) Sketches of. {Stendhal Ct.) Vicinity, Topography of. {Gcll W.) to Arpino, Journey from. {Kelsall C.) Ronda and Grenada, Mountains of. {SeotiC'.R.) Roscommon, Survey of. ( Weld I.) Ross (Sir J.) Expedition of. Second Voyage. {Narrative.) Roumeli, Travels through. (Urquhart D.) Roxburgh and Kelso, History of. {Ilaig.) Royal Biography, Lives of Sovereigns. Royalist Armies in France. (.S7. Espret) Ruins of Cities, by Bucke. {Fain. Lib.) Empires. {Rowe R..I.) ( Volney.) Remarks on. {Volney.) Runjeet Sing, Court and Camp of. {Osborne.) Russia, Campaign in. {Labaume.) {Porter R.K.) Segur. {Fam. Lib.) 1812. {Clausewitz.) 1814. {History.) Captivity in. {JViemceu-icz.) Excursions in. {Bremner R.) Handbook. {Hhirrays.) ■ History of. {Willcocl: T.) by Bell. {Lardners Cy.) Journey in. {Mignan Capt.) through. {Cochrane J. D.) {Const. Misc.) Napoleon's Expedition to. {Seyur Ct.) Observations on. {Pinkerton R.) {Revelations of.) Sketches of. {A7ide7'son W.) Travels in. {Henderson E.) Kohl. {For. Lib.) Geography, History, &c., continued. Russia, Travels in. {Stephens J.L.) Under Nicholas 1. and Austria, Travels in. {Elliott C.B.) Circassia, Notes on. {Jesse IF.) — Crimea, Travels. {Alexander J. E.) Germany, Travels in. {Slade A.) Peter the Great, History. {Segur.) ( Voltaire.) Poland, Sketches of. {Trarelling.) Travels in. {./ohnstan R.) — {Lyall R.) {Mod. Trav.) {Morton E.) Siberia, &c.. Travels. {Holman J.) Sweden, Visits to. {tYankland C. C.) Turkey,Travelsin. {A i-m strong T.B.) the Russians. {A'oh.l J.) Russians, Character of. {Lyall R.) Domestic Manners of. ( Venables R.L.) Russell, Ancestry of House of. {Wiffen J.H.) Sabffian Researches. {Landseer J.) Saifron Walden, Sketches of. {Player J.) St. Andrew's, N. B., History of. {Lyon C.) — Cuthbert of Durham, Account of. {Raine.) — Domingo. {History of.) — Helena, History of. {Brooke T.H.) {Manuscri2Us from.) Tour through. {Barnes J.) Tracts on. {Beatson A.) Transactions at. (CJl/eara B.E.) — Leonards, &c. {Handbook.) — Lucia, Description of. {Breen H.H.) — Michael's Mount, &c.. History, {Hairby.) — Neot's, History of. {Gorham.) — Peter's River, Expedition to. {ITeatinge.) — Petersburgh, Travels to. {Granville A.B.) Visit to. {Raikes T.) -— {Tief::) to Vienna, Tour. {Journal.) — Vincent, Account of. {Shepherd C.) Sallust, translated by Murphy. Catiline, &c., translated. Samoa, Missionary Life in. {Limdie G.A.) Sandwich Islands, History of. {Jarves J.) Mission to. {Stewart C.S.) Progress of. {Simpson T.) Scenes, &c., in. {Jarves J.) Voyage to. {Byron Cap>t.) Santa Fe Expedition. {Kendall G.W.) Sardinia, State of. {Smyth W.H.) Sarum, Preface to History of. {Hatcher.) Savoy, Observations on. {Bakewell R.) and Piedmont, Handbook. {Murray's.) Saxon Chronicle. {Ingram J.) ■ {Dissection of the.) Saxony, Campaign in. {Odelehen Baron.) ■ House of, History. {Shoherl F.) Thuringian,Rambles,&c. {StandfordJ.F.) Saxted, &c., History of. {Green R.) Scalby, Sketches of, {Cole J.) Scandinavia, Anc, & Modei'n. {Ed. Cab. Lib.) Scandinavian Sketches. {Breton Lieut.) Scarborough, History of. {Hinderuill.) Illustrated. {Carter H.B.) Tour from. {Cole J.) to. {Hution W.) Schloss Hainfield, or Lower Stj'ria. {Hall B.) Scilly Islands, State of. ( Woodley G.) Scinde, Conquest of. {Napier W.F.) X 2 156 CLASSIFIED INDEX. [LONDON Gkography, History, &c., contimud. Scinde, Gazetteer of. (Thornton E.) Visit to C!ourt of. {Ji/n-nm >Sir A.) and Aifjiha)iist;iii, Canii)aij,ni. (Oatrayn.) March through. {A lien J.jV.) Scotch Courtiers and Court. (Sinclair V.) Scotland. See also England. Annals of. {Balfour Sir J.) {Dalrymple JJ.) (Beavties of.) Beauties of. (Murray Mrs.) Book of. {Chambers R.) Chips concerning. {Churchyard T.) Chronicles of. (Lindsay R.) Coasts of, Sketches. (Teiynmoutk Lord.) Voyage round. ( Wilson J.) Covenanters in. (History.) Description of. (J'hn/fair J.) Faith and Features "of. {Trench F.) ■ {Gazetteer of.) Gazetteer of. {Cliambers R.) Guide through. {Travellers.) Hebrides, History of. {Walker Dr. J.) Journey to. {Johnson S.) — Tour to. {Bosivell J.) {Johnson J.) Highland Rambles. {Lauder T.D.) Highlanders, History of. (Skene.) Manners of. {Logan J.) Sketches of. {Stewart £>.) Superstitions. {Stewart W.) Highlands, Excursions in. {Smith C.L.) Guide to. {Andei'sonG. /l<-'/.) {Ma'iiniiitj 0.) and Sussex, History of. (Allen T.) Sussex, Beauties and Antiquities of. (Rouse J.) Coast, History of. (Parrif J.J).) History of. (Jlorsfield T.'W.) Western, History of. (Dallavay J.) and Surrey, History of. (Allen T.) Swan River, Letters from. (Moore G.F.) Voyage to. (Powell J.G.) Sweden. See also Norway. Handbook. (Murnt//.) History of. (Fri/xetl A.) Itinerary. (Reiehard.) Tour in. (Laing S.) and Germany, Tour in. (James J.T.) Norway, Dunham. (Z/ttr(/.Cy.) Travels through. (BrookeV.) Prussia, Tour through. (BramsenJ.) — Russia, Visits to. (Frankland C.V.) Swedes, History, by Geijer. (Whittaler s Lib.) Swine Priory, Holderness. (Histonj.) Switzerland. See also France and Italy. Autumn in. (Yates Mrs.) Beauties of. (Murray J.) Description of. (Yosy Mrs.) Excursions in. (Cooper J.F.) Guide in. (Coxe H.) through. (Ebel.) History of, Grattan. (Lardners Cyc.) Vieusseux. (Lib. U. K.) (Zschok-Ice H.) Journey to. (Ac/assiz L.) Mountains and Lakes of. (Bray Mrs.) Papers on. (Warhig S.M.) Recollections of. (O'Connor AI.) Residence in. (Stri/ft E.) Sketches in. (Barnard G.) (Latrobe C.J.) Tour in. (Simond S.) Travels in. (Coxe IF.) ( Walk through.) and France, by Conway. (Const. Misc.) Tour in. (Liddiard W.) Itah', Letters from. (Came J.) ■ Pyrenees, &c. (Inglis H.D.) Savoy, Handbook. (Murray's.) Sydney and Melbourne. (Baker C.J.) Syria. See also Egypt. Expedition to. (Hunter P.) Ramble in. (Monro V.) Reminiscences of. (Najyier E.) Researches in. (Jowett IV.) War in. (Najner C.) and Asia Minor, Travels in. (Mod.Trav.) Holy Land, by Kelly. (Lib. Trav.) Mount Sinai, Travels. (Burckhardt.) Tablet of Memory ; Chronology. Tamar and the Tavy. (Bray Mrs.) Tartars, Chinese Embassy to. (Narrative.) Taunton, History of. (Savage J.) Tay, Topography of the Basin of. (Knox J.) Tehuantepec, Isthmus of. (De Garay D.) Tenby, Account of. (JVoj-ris C.) Geooraphy, History, &c., continued. Teneriffe, kc, Voyage to. (Wilde W.R.) Tewkesbury, History of. (Bennett J.) Texas, Emigrant's Guide to. History of. (Maillard A\) iScc, of. (/kin A.) Rise and Progress of. (Kennedy W.) and Gulfof Mexico, Voyage to. (llotiston.) Tliames and its Tributaries. (Mackay C.) Thirsk, History of. (J.f.rson .LB.) Thomas de Brantinghain, Issue Roll of. (Devon.) Thorne, kc, York, Account of. (Peek.) Three Kingdoms. (DWrlincourt.) Months in the North. (Downes G.) Thucydides, Translated. Prolegomena in. (Pojipo.) Tiberius. (History of.) Timbuctoo, Account of. (SJmheney.) Travels to. (Caillie.) Time's Telescope, Chronology. Tinterne and its Vicinity. (Thomas W.H.) Tipu Sultan, Reign of. (Orie7it. Trs. Fd.) Tonga Islands, Account of. (Mariner.) (Const. Misc.) Topographer, Family. (Tymm.) Topographiae Collectanea. (Nichols J.G.) Topographical Dictionary. (Caj^iinr B.P.) — — (Gorton J.) (Leins S.) (Webster D.) Topography. See also Antiquities. Architecture. English. (Ui^cott.) Foreign. (Fosbroke T.D.) Histrionic. (Brewer J.N'.) of Olympia. (Stanhope J.S.) ■ — Rome. (Gell W.) Troy. (Mac Laren C.) (Rennell M.) Wanting. -(Clarke W.N.) ■ all Known Vineyards. the Tay. (Knox J.) Torquay, Panorama of. (Blewitt 0.) Tottenham, History of. (Robinson IF.) Tourist's Companion. Grammar. (Fosbroke T.D.) Towey, Vale of. Sketches. (Beale A.) Transalpine Memoirs. (Best J.R.) Transatlantic Sketches. (Alexander J. E) Transrhenane Memoirs. (Best J.R.) Travel. (Library of.) Traveller's Oracle. (Kitchinei' W.) Pocket Diary. (Bennis G.G.) Rememlirancer. (Jackson J.R.) Travellers, Hints to. (Usefid.) Travelling Recreations. (Parsons W.) Sketches. (Fulton Dr. H.) Travels. (Anacharsis.) (Bruce J.) (Chambers' Peoii. Ed.) Cosmo III. through England. (Humboldt A.) (Ed. Cab. Lib.) Ibn Batuta. (Orient. Trs. Fd) (Ltdyard J.) Macarius. (Orient. Trs. Fd.) Marco Polo. CATALOGUE.] CLASSIFIED INDEX. 159 GrEOGRAPHY, HiSTORY, &c., Continued. Travels, Marco Polo. (Ed. Cab. Lib.) Mirza Abu Taleb. Itesa Modean. {Alexander ,T,) ■ {Park M.) {Pemberton J.) ^ {Reresby Sir J.) {Siiirpson T.) Theodore Ducas. {Mills C.) in Track of 10,000 Greeks. {AijisvortJt .) Trinidad, Condition of, 1842. {Burnley W.II.) Trip Home, Voyage from the Indies. Tripoli, Expedition from. {Cdla P.D.) Residence at. {TuUy R.) Troy, Topography of. {Mac Laren C.) {Rennell Major.) Tunbridge Wells, Sketches of. {Britton.) Tunis, Account of. {3fac Gill T.) Turkey. See also Greece. European and Asiatic. {Wcdpole R.) Military Reflections on. {Valentini.) Travels in. {Mod. Trav.) {Slade A.) through. {Webster J.) and Austria, Travels in. {Elliott C.B.) Egypt, Letters from. {Hahn-Hahn.) Travels in. {Madden R.R.) — Greece, Outlines of. (Knie/ht IF.) Travels in. {Slade A.) Russia, Travels in. {Armstrong T.B) the Turks. (Reid J.) Turkish Empire, Annals of. {Orient. Trs. Fd.) Condition of. {Present.) State of. {Marmont Marsh.) Tour in. {Fidler J.) Turks, Maritime Wars of. {Orient Trs. Fd.) in Europe. {Establishment.) Tuscany, History of. {Pignotti.) Tutbury Castle, History of. {Mosley 0.) Tutti Frutti, by Prince Puckler Muskau. Two Hundred and Nine Days. {Hogg T.J.) Tyrol, Ramble in. {Latrobe C.J.) and Bavaria, Glance at. {Inglis H.D.) Tour in. {Barrow J.) Italy. {Scam2}er.) by a Companion of Hofer. United Irishmen. {Madden R.R.) Kingdom, Represent. History. (Oldfield.) • Travels through. {Pilkington G.) Uxbridge, History of. {Redford G.) Van Diemen"s Land. See also N. S. Wales. ■ Account of. {Ctirr E.) Delineations. {Jeffrey H.) Description. {Evans G.) {Martin's Col. Lib.) Emigrant's Guide. {Acco2int.) — {Godicin T.) {History.) History. {Bischoff J.) {Strzelecl-i.) Rise and Progress. (Parker H.) ■ State of. (Widoicson H.) Vartan, &c., History of. (Orient. Trs. Fd.) Vaucluse, &c. {Visit to.) Vaudois. See also Waldenses. Illustrations of. (Arland H.I>.) Origin, &c., of. {Henderson E.) Geography, History, &c., continued. Vaudois, Return of, in 1689. (Arnaud H.) Vendee, Historical Memoir of. {Sa2nnaud.) Venetian History, Sketches from. (Fam. Lib.) Venezuela. (Campaigns, dr., in.) Expedition to. (Brovn C.) (Hippesley G.) Proceedings in. (Chesterton.) Service in. (Recollerlions.) Trinidad, &c. (Description of.) Venice, Conspiracy against. (St. Real.) under France and Austria. (Solari.) Vesuvius, Sketches of. (Atddjo J.) Victoria (Qn.) Birth to her Bridal. (StricUand.) Memoir. Progress, Burghley. (Progress.) France, &c. (Queens.) — Scotland. (Lauder T.B.) Visit to Scotland. and Albert, Ancestry of, by French. Anecdotes of. Vienna, Congress of. (Depradt.) Mission to Court of. (Adair Sir R.) Through Hungary, Travels. (Bright R.) and Constantinople. (Londonderry Lady.) the Austrians. (Trollope Mrs.) Vineyards. (Topography of.) Violet's Travels. (Marryat Capt.) Virgin Islands. (Letters from.) Virginia, Journey in. (Birkbeck M.) Visits to Remarkable JPlaces. {Howitt W.) Voyage. See also World. of Discover}'. (Lyon G.F.) North East. (Burney J.) the Alceste to Loo Choo. (MacLeodJ.) Amherst to China. Terror. (Back Capt.) Voyages, Adventures, &c. (Falconer R.) — — Cleveland. (Smit/i's Lib.) (Cook J.) (Ed. Cab. Lib.) Drake, Cavendish, &c. (Ed. Cab. Lib.) Hall, B. (Const. Misc.) and Travels. (Gait J.) {Hall B.) (Hall, Ellis, d: Pringle.) ■ {Kerr R.) (Pinkerton J.) of Adventure and Beagle. (King & F.) the Dourga. {Ko{f D.) — Nemesis. (Narrative) Wainfleet, &c.. History of. (Oldfield.) Wakefield Church, History of. (Sisson.) Leeds, &c.. History of. (Parsons E.) Waldenses. See also Divinity. See also Vaudois. Historical Defence of. (Peyran.) History of. (Blair A.) &c., by Gilly. (E^icy. Brit.) Sufferings of. (Exiles.) Wales. See also England. Guide to. (Onwhyn.) History of. (Caradoc.) — {.Tones John.) North, Excursions in. (Bingley W.) Falls, Lakes, &c. Costello Miss.) Journey into. {.Johnson S.) 160 CLASSIFIED INDEX. [LONDON Geoorai'uy, History, &c., continued. Wales, North, Panorama of. {Hemingway J.) llcmarks on. {/litlton IT.) Sketchi's of. ( W'i/kiii.ton J.) Tour in. {I'arki-r J.) through. {Bennett O.) Tourist in. {Parrji E.) Wanderings in. {lioscoe T.) Scenery of. {Newell M.J/.) Sketches in. {Freeman (J.,L) South, Scenery, &c. {MalL-in B.ll.) Sketches of. {Beale A.) Wanderings in. {Roxcoe T.) Tours through. {Skrine.) ■ Walks througli. {Evans T.) ■ and England, Tour through. {Pedestrian.) Monmouth, Guide. {Leigh H.) Wallachia, &c., Account of, {Wilkinson TF.) Wanderings of Lucan. & Dinah. {Kavanagh M.) of a Journeyman Tailor. {HowittW.) Wanting, Topography of. {Clarke W.N.) War, Memorials of the late. {Const. Misc.) Wars, 1792-1815, History of. {Gifford C.H.) Chronological Epitome of. {Smyth J.C.) of the Jews. {Josej)hvs.) Warsaw and Wilna, Embassy to. {De^yradt.) Warwick, Charitable Records of. {Parke.) Leamington, &c., {Account of.) Washington & N. Orleans, Campaigns. {Gleig.) Waterford, History and Antiq. of. {RylandR.) Waterloo. {Battle of.) Battle of. {Account.) {Journal.) {Rouse J.) — {Scott Gen.) Visit to. {Scott John.) Wearmouth, &c., Account of. {Garhutt.) Wellington, Campaigns of. {Memoirs.) in Netherlands. Life, by Alexander. Clcirke. Elliott. Maxwell. Scott and Jackson. Soane. Wright. Maxims, &c., of, by Francis. Memoirs, by Sherer. {Lard. Cab. Lib.) Welsh, Character of, as a Nation. {Jones W.) West India Colonies, View of. {MacQueen J.) Manual. Sketch Book. Indies, Gazetteer of. {Davenport B.) Geography of. {Lih. U. K.) Guide to. {Osborne J.) {Traveller's.) History of. {Coke T.) {Edwards B.) {Halliday A .) {Martin's Col. Lih.) {Southey R.) Letters from. {Lloyd W.) on. {Walker J.) Manners, &c. {Carmichael Mrs.) Negro Life, &c. {Murray's Lih.) Notes on. {Hall J.) Geography, History, &c., continued. West Indies, Notes on. {Pinckard G.) Observations on. {Williamson J.) llesidence in. (Bay ley F.W.N.) {Capadose Col.) {St. Clair Lt.-Col.) by Coleridge. {Fam.Lih.) {Sketches of.) Slavery in. See Slavery. Travels in. (Madden R.R.) Truths from. {JJodgson S.) — Winter in. {Gurney J.J.) and Florida. ( Winter in.) as they are. (Bickell R.) in 1837. (Slurge <& Harvey.) Western Empire, History of. {Comyn R.) Travel, Retrospect. (Martineau H.) Weston Favell, Hist, and Antiq. {Cole J.) Westphalia, Court of. {Memoirs.) Wetzlar. (Tjetters from.) Wexford Rebellion, History of. {Taylor G.) Wejnnouth, &c., Ti'ip to. (Summer.) Whale Fishery, Northern. {Scoreshy W.) Whaling Voyage, Incidents of a. {Olmstead F.) Round theGlohe. {Bennett F.) Whalley, &., History of. ( Whittaker T.D.) What to Observe. {Jackson J.R.) Whitby, History of. (Young G.) Wicklow County, Guide to. (Fraser J.) William III., Life and Times. IV., Life and Reign of. Times. of Malinsbury's History. {Shar]) J.) Wiltshire, Ancient, History of. {Hoare R.C.) North, Sketches of. (Britton.) ' South, History of. (Iloare R.C.) Wimborne Minster, Guide to. {Hall P.) Winchester, History of. {Ackermann.) {Milner.) Windsor, Excursion to. {Evans J.) History of. (Haketcill.) Notices of. (StoughtoH.) and Eton, Handbook. (Jesse E.) Witherby, &c., History of. (Nichols J.B.) Woburn and its Abbey. (Accoimt of.) {Parry J.D.) Woman in England, History of. (Lawrance H.) Women, History of. (Childs Mrs.) Wonders of Elora, E. Indies. {Seely J.P.) World, History of. (Hoyland.) (Rotteck.) — - Surveyed in 19th Cent. {Cooley W.D.) Voyage round. (Anson Lord.) {Belcher Sir E.) (Vamphell A.) {Holman J.) (Kotzehxie Capt.) • (Krusenstern A.J.) (Narrative.) (Ruschenherger.) {Tyernian.) {Wilson T.B.) in Miniature. (Ackermann.) to the Present Time. ( View of.) Wye, History of, bj' W. Morris. River, Observations. (Gilpin W.) Rambles. (Tioaniley L.A.) CATALOGUE.] CLASSIFIED INDEX. 161 Geography, Histort, &c., continued. Wye River, Tour. {Foshroke T.I)) and its Associations. {Rlidde L.) Xenoplion, Geography of. {Rennell Maj.) Translated. Translations, various. Yarmouth, Notices of. [Dvuery) York, Chron. of White Rose. {Monl: Ilistns.) History and Antiq. {IIay/age to.) Indian Brothers,- Tale. Orphans. {Sherwood Mrs.) Pilgrim. {Sherwood Mrs.) — Warfare. Indians of North America. Indulgence, Tale. Infant Annual. Emancipation. Piety. (A'-oel B.W.)] Infantine Knowledge. Stories. {Femcick J.) Infant's Daily Sacrifice. Grave. {Sherwood Mrs.) Own Book. Progress. {Sher^vood Mrs.) Infidelity, Evils of. {Copley E.) Influence, Moral Tale. and Example. Ingenuous Scruples. {Mant A.C.) Inquisitive Jack. {Parley.) , Juvenile Wouks, &c., continued. Insect Histories. Insects, Anecdotes. {Taylor J.) History. {Natural.) {Sinter's Stories.) Introduction. {Wakefield P.) Birds, &c.. History. (jVaturaL) Instinct Dis])layed. {Wakefield P.) Instruction for Youth. {Wright R.) Instructive Extracts. Stories. Tales. {Trimmer Mrs.) Integrity. {I/oJland Mrs.) Interesting Tales from the French. Walks of Henry and his Tutor. Introduction to Knowl. of Nature. {Trimmer.) Ireland, Events in History of. {PrineijiaL) History of. {Outlines.) {Scenes in.) Tales about. {Parley.) Irish Tourist. {Taylor E.) Isabella, or Orphan Cousin. Ivo and Verena, or the Snowdrop. Jews, History. {Neale Miss.) Sketch. {Ilerschd B.U.) Wars of. {Josephus.) Jack the Giant Killer. {Lamont Mrs.) Joan of Arc, Historical Tale. Story. (Evayis R.M.) Joanna, or the Female Slave. John Gilpin. Jordan River, Banks of. ( Visit to) Joseph, History. {Gallaudet T.H.) {Plumptre Miss.) and his Brethren. {Adamson J.) Josephine. {Godwin C.G.) Joshua, History. (Plumptre Miss.) Joys & Sorrows of Childhood. (Sherwood Mrs.) Juliana Oakley. (Sherwood Mrs.) Julietta Di Lavenza. (Sheruvod Mrs.) Juvenile Album. Amusement and Reading. Anecdotes. (Bruce J.) (Wakefield P.) Biographv. Budget. (Hall Mrs.) Correspondence. (Aikin L.) Cycloptedia. Dramas. Englishman's Library. Every-Day Book. Forget- Me-Not. (Sherwood Mrs.) Friendship. Gleaner. Journal. (Cockle Mrs.) Kaleidoscope. Moralist. (Finch T.) Museum of Entertainment. Naturalist. (Draper B.H.) Philosopher. (Keyworth T.) Pianist. (Rodwell A.) Pieces. (Evans J.) Plutarch. Poetical Library. Preceptor. Prize Essays. Rambler in various Countries. CATALOGUE.] CLASSIFIED INDEX. 169 Juvenile Works, &c., contimied. Juvenile Kambles in Paths of Nature. Recollections. Remembrancer. Scrap Book. Shakespeare. {Maxicell C.) Sketch Book. (Hartley A.M.) Spectator. (Argus A.) Sunday Library. Tales. (Popular.) Tourist. (Ecans J.) ■ Travellers; Europe. (Wal-efield P.) Keeper's Travels in Search for his Master. Keepsake. (Parlci/.) Killarney Poor Scholar. King of the Swans, &c. Kingdoms of Nature. (Irving C.) Kings. (Anecdotes of.) Chapter of. (Collins.) (iVeic.) and Queens, Alphabet of. (Roijal.) of England. (Tales of.) Knight of the Dove. (Jamieson Mrs.) Knights of the Hermitage. Rose. (Peacock L.) Knowledge, Amusing. (Wood Miss.) Book of. (Xoverre.) (Elements of.) Elements of. (Fletcher W.) Entertaining. (Library of.) Guide to. (Child's.) Plandbook of (Youtlts.) Happiness, &c. (Conversations on.) Help to, by Chamberlain. (Englm. Lib.) {Key to.) (Leaves of.) Practical. (Elements of.) Useful, Introduction to. (Neale Miss.) World of (Hunt CM.) of Nature, Introduction. (Trimmer Mrs.) Ladder to Learning. Lady Anne, the Little Pedlar. at the Farm House. of the Manor. (Sherwood 3Irs.) Lapland and its Rein Deer. Latter Days. (Shericood Mrs.) Laughing Philosopher. Laura Cunningham, Ike, Tales. Laurent le Paresseux. (Edgeworth M.) Lays of Faith and Loyalty. (Juv. Eng. Lib.) Lectures at Home. (Hack M.) to Children, by Todd. (Tegg's Lib.) Le Fevre, a Narrative. (Shericood Mrs.) Legends. See also Fiction. and Traditionary Stories. Leisure Hours. (Wakefeld P.) Lessons for Children. (Barbavld Mrs.) (Coleridge Sara.) in Humble Life. of Maternal Love. Wisdom. (Fletcher W.) Librarv. (Child's.) (Child's Own.) England's Little. (Young.) ■ Englishman's. (Juvenile.) Fairy, (Child'i.) Juvenile Works, &c., continued. Library. (Friend's.) (Little.) Poetical. (Juvenile.) Sunday. (.Juvenile.) of Entertaining Knowledge. Lie, Effects of a. (Chatterton Lady.) Life as it is. (Pa:don Mrs.) Life's Lessons, Tale. (Wood 3fiss.) Limed Twigs to Catch Young Birds. Line upon Line. Linnaeus, Life of (Sketch.) Literary Box. Recreations. (Young J.) Little Alice and her Sister. Basket Maker. Book of Knowledge. (Noverre.) Nature. (Wilson T.) Objects. Bo-Peep. Botanist, by Halsted. (Lit. Lib.) Bracken Burners. (Callcott Lady.) Coin, Much Care. (Howitt M.) Cousins. Derwent's Breakfast. Downy, the Field Mouse. (Strickland J.) Emigrant. (Peacock L.) Forget- Me-Not. Girl's Keepsake. (Sherv:ood Mrs.) Own Book. (Childs Mrs.) Godfrey, the Hermit. Grammarian. (Fletcher W.) Henry, German Tale. and his Bearer. (Shericood Mrs.) Sequel to. (Sherwood Mrs.) Historians. (Taylor Jeff.) Lessons for LittleLeamers.(5ar(i'e;0/rs.) Library. Mary, Tale. Grown Older. Momiere. (Shericood Mrs.) People's Portrait. (Sterne G.M.) Philosopher. (Abbott J.) Princes, Anecdotes. (Slater Mrs.) Reader. Scholar's Mirror. Stories from Parlour Printing Press. Tales for Little Heads, kc. Woodman andDogCsesar. (Sheru-oodMrs.) Live Doll, or Ellen's New Year's Gift. Lives of Eminent Youth. (Drcqyer B.H.) Three Sisters. (Seckerson A.B.) Llewellyn Penrose. (Journal.) Lollards, Tale. London, Curiosities of. (Visit to.) During the Coronation, Visit to. (Parley ) Month in. (Taylor Jeff.) Peep into. [City Scenes.) Perambulations in. ( Wakefield P.) Scenes, or Visit to Uncle William. Walks in. (Old Hinnphreys.) and Westminster. (Little Library.) Longland's Castle. Look Forward. (Finch C.J.) Lord's Day, Book for the. (Drajxr B.H.) Lorette, or History of Louise. (Bourne Mrs.) Lost Child, Christmas Tale. Z 170 CLASSIFIED INDEX. [LONDON Juvenile Works, &c., continued. Lost Happiness. {GluUUrton Lady.) Viik'iitine Found. Louisa Sovmour. {Uodvin C.G.) a Narrative of Facts. or the Bride. Louis, or Little Wanderer. Love Token for Cliiklren. {Sedgvdck Miss.) and Money, {lloiriit M.) Lucilla, or Recontilialion. {SandlMm Mrs.) Lucy Ashbourne, Tale. Newton, or E.xperiment in Education. and Arthur. or Disobedience. (Chilcott C.) Luke Sliarpe. {.Jiiv. Eng. Lib.) MacNeil, or Scottish Orphans. Magic King. (Fouque.) Wreath, or Hidden Flowers. Maid of Honour. {Bunlmri/ Miss.) Killarney, Tale. Malta and Sicily, Letters from. {Wariiic/ G.) Mamma's Bible Stories. Birth Day. {Barwcll Mrs.) Lessons for Boys and Girls. Mammon Demolished. {Draper B.II.) Mandeville, or Lynmouth Visitor. Margaret Melville. or the Pearl. {Taijler C.B.) Margate. {Slretches of.) Marten and his Scholars. {Cameron Mrs.) Martin Luther, or Fortitude Displayed. Martyrs, Book of. {Taylor I.) {Last Days of.) {Tales of.) Mary Aston, Moral Tale. Campbell. {Martineaio H.) De Courtenay. Gray. {Knight A.C.) Harland. Spencer, Tale of the Times. {Hoivard A.) and Fanny. Florence. {Tytler A.F.) Her Mother; Scripture Stories. Mary's Grammar. {Marcet Mrs.) Journey, German Tale. Master and Mistress. Maternal Instruction. {Helme E.) Matilda, or Barbadoes Girl. Matilda's Birth Day. {Thomson S.E.) Maxims, &c., for Youth. {Thornton J.) May You Like It. {Tayler C.B.) Meadow Queen, or Young Botanist. Memoirs of a Doll. {D'A idnay.) Goldfinch. London Doll. the Dan by Family. Dunfane Family. {Selwyn A.) Harcourt Family. Juvenile Works, &c., continued. Microscope. {Wonders of.) Military and Naval Exploits. {Aspin J.) Miller of Deanhaugh, Tale. Mihvard (Geo.) Journal of. Mine, by I. Taylor. {Little Lib.) Minerals, Aninial.s, &c.. Lessons. {Marcet Mrs.) and Metals ; Nature, History and Uses. Minister of Audouse. {Moires 11.) Minstrelsy of the Woods. ( Waring S.) Miracles of Our Saviour. {Draper B.H.) Miriam and EUinor. or Power of Truth. Mirth and Morality, Tales. {Bruce C.) Mission, or Scenes in Africa. {Marryat Capt.) Missionarj' Stories. Tales. {Barber M.A.) Mrs. Delectable and her Pupils. {Delectable.) Leicester's School. {Lamb 3Iiss.) Leslie and her Grandchildren. {Leslie.) Moderation, {llojland Mrs.) Modern Arabia, Tales. Monk of Ciniies. {Sherwood Mrs) Monkeys. {Memoirs of.) Month of Adventures. Months of the Year. {Conversations on.) Moral Axioms for Youth. {Brydges Sir E.) Discourses. {Sunday Book.) Lessons and Stories. {Strickland J.) Tales. {Edgeworth M.) {Genlis.) {Marmontel.) {Miliington.) ■ {Sherwood Mrs.) ■ by Author of True Charity. a Father. Memorials of Early Promise. Memory's Records. Mental Improvement. {Wakefield P.) Recreations. {Evenings of.) Mentorial Tales. {Pilkington Mrs.) Merchant's Widow. {Hojland Mrs.) Meriye Englande. Michael Kemp, History of. {WoodrooffeMrs.) the Married Man. ( Woodrooffe Mrs.) in Prose and Verse. Morals for Children. {Lenoir Mad.) Morning Conversations. Mornings in the Library. {Knight A.C.) with Mamma. Moses, History of. {Plumptre Miss.) Mother's Book. {Childs Mrs.) Fables, in Verse. Offering, Rhymes for Children. Portrait, Sketches for Children. Story Book. {Childs Mrs.) Museum. {Charlotte Elizabeth.) My Boy's First Book. {Ti/tler M.F.) Second Book. {Tytler M.F.) Children's Diary. Early Days. {Kennedy W.) First Concealment. {Currie W.A.) Grandfather's Farm. Mother's Stories. {Co2jley E.) Own Story. {Eoivitt M.) Tale of Old Times. Servant Rachel. {Martineau H.) Uncle the Clockniaker. {Howitt M.) Mythology for Children. {Gods of Homer.) — of Greece and Rome, Tales. {Parley.) Naomi. {Webb J. B.) Narratives and Anecdotes. {Curious.) of a Parent, Tales. {Everest Mrs.) National Prejudice. {Strickland J.) Natural Historian. ( Vaseys G.) History, {Conversations.) CATALOGUE.] CLASSIFIED INDEX. 171 Juvenile Works, &c., continued. Natural History, Conversations. {Smith C.) ■ (Glimpses of.) (Scnpture.) Sketches of. (Howitt M.) Tales in. (Sister Marfs) (Storifs.) Study oif. (Summer.) (Tom Trijj's.) (Trimmer Mrs.) for Children. Youth. (Elements.) ■ (Loudon Mrs. J.) of Man. ■ the Bible. Year. (Ail-in A.) Magic. (Scarf.) Phenomena, Conversations. (Georgiana.) Philosophy,Conversations. (Z')-«^jer£.jy.) Illustrated. (Martin W.) Lessons. (Wilson T.) Theolog3% Book of (Gallaudet. Naturalist, Book of a. (Sketch.) Juvenile. (Draper B.H.) Young. (Loudon Mrs. J.) (Mant A.C.) Naturalist's Album, or the Seasons. Nature, Book of (Wilson T.) Laid Open. (Ilufton W.) Glimpses of (Loudon Mrs.) Kingdoms of (Irving C.) Knowledge of (Trimmer Mrs.) Reviewed, or History of the Earth. and Art. (Curiosities.) ■ Wonders of. (Ince H.) (Hutton Rev. W.) (Taylor I.) Negro Boy. (Selwyn A.) New Doll. Estate, or Travellers in Wales. Year's Gift. Night of Toil. Nights of the Round Table. Nina, an Icelandic Tale. Nine and Two, or School Hours. (Musgrave G.) No Sense like Common Sense. (Hoivitt M.) - Work, or Economy & Extra vagance.(i^MicA.) Noble and Slave. (Strickland J.) Norah Toole, and other Tales. (Taylor E.) Norman Lj-ndesay, or Orphan Mute. North Pole. ( Voyage.) Wales. (Scenes.) Northern Regions. Traveller. (Hofland Mrs.) Noureddin, Tale. (Finch C.J.) Novels of Nature. (Chaduick Mrs.) Nun. (Sherwood Mrs.) of Arrouca, Tale. Nuneham Park, or Summer Holidays. (King.) Nursery Book. (Bilby and Ridgway.) (Entertainment.) (Fables.) Fables, Original and Select. Governess. Government. (Barwell Mrs.) Magazine. (Cameron Mrs.) Morals. Juvenile Works, &c., continued. Nursery Offering. Present ; Tales, Rhymes, &c. Rliymes. See Rhymes. Tales and Jingles. of England. (Halliu-ellJ.O.) Songs and Hymns. (Songs.) of England. (Home Treas.) Sunday Book. Tales. (Book of.) Obedience. (Sherwood Mrs.) Objects, Book of (Little.) Lessons on. (Mayo.) Obstinacy, Tale. Ocean. (Gosse P. II.) (Little Lib.) Work, or Sea and Land. ( Wright J.II.) Old Church Clock, Tale. (Parkinson R.) Humphrey's Addresses. ■ Country Strolls. Observations. Pithy Papers. Thoughts. Walks in London. Joliffe, not a Goblin Story. Oak Chest. Sea Captain. Toby's Address to his Friends. Officer's Widow. (Hofland Airs.) Open and See. Oratory. (Barton L.) Oriental Fragments. (Hack M.) Ornaments Discovered. Orphan Boys. (Elliott M.) of Waterloo. (Blackford Mrs.) or Religious Education. Orphan's Inheritance. Isle, Tale. ( Wall C.) Orphans of Glenbirkie. Lissau. Normandy. (Sheru-ood Mrs.) Osric, Tale. (Charlotte Elizabeth.) Ostentation and Liberality. Our Grandmamma's Clock. (Huish R.) Neighbourhood. (Cameron Mrs.) Ourika, Tale. Outcast, Story. Pageant, or Pleasure and its Price. (Paget F.E.) Papa's Book. (Drajter B.H.) Parables of Our Saviour. (Draj^er B.H.) (Conversations on.) Lessons on. (Sunday.) Paradise Lost, for Youth. (Siddons Mrs.) Parental Present, Stories. (Hitchon Miss.) Parent's Assistant. (EdgewoHh M.) Cabinet of Amusement. - Catechism. (Williams D.) Oft'ering, Tales. Parley's Annual. Parlour Book, Convers. on Arts. (Martin W.) Magic, Amusing Recreations. Parnassian Geography. Parsonage, and other Tales. Parson's Case of Jewels. (Sherxvood Mrs.) Passing Thoughts. (Charlotte Elizabeth) Pastimes, Winter Evening. (Revel.) Pastor's Daughter. Z 2 172 CLASSIFIED INDEX. LONDON Juvenile Works, &c., conlinued. Pastor's Family, or Sister Preceptress. Paternal Present. Patience. (I/oJland Mrs.) Patrick Welhvood. Paul Preston's Voyages. and Virginia. {Smith's Lib.) Peasivnts of Chamouni. Pedlar ;ind the Publican. {Ben.) Peep of Day. Pere la Chaise. {Sherwood Mrs.) Perils and Adventures on the Deep. in the Woods. of Paul Percival. {Young J.) Persecuted Family. {Pollok R.) Perseverance. {Charlotte EUzaheth.) Rewarded. {Beddome Mrs.) Persevere and Prosper. {Porley P.) Phenomena of Nature Explained. Philip Colville. {Kennedy G.) Quad. Randolph, a Tale. Philosopher's Stone. Philosophical Conversations. {Bcdeu-ell F.C.) Mouse. {Greaves J.) Philosophy. {Tom Telescope's.) in Sport made Science in Earnest. Picture Bible. {Childs J.) for the Young. Exhibition. Gallery Explored. Pictures and Poetry. Picturesque Primer. {Fletcher W.) Pierre and his Family. Piety, Early. {Tales.) Memoirs of {Youthful) Young Ladies' Book. {Young.) Young Man's Book. {Yotmg.) Pious Authors. {Gleanings.) Pity's Gift ; Tales on Animals. Pizarro, or Conquest of Peru. {Helme E.) Planter's Daughter and Slave. {Strickland J.) Plants, Geography of {Barton J) Seed, Leaf, Flow^er, Fruit, &c. Tales about. {Lo^ulon Mrs. J.) {Parley.) of Other Lands useful to Man. Playfellows, Tales. {Martineau H.) Plays for Young People. {Edgeioorth M.) Pleasing Instructor. Pleasure and Improvement. Pleasures of Benevolence. Life. Poetical Library. {Juvenile.) Poetry, Book of {Parley.) {Conversations.) Explained. {Edgeworth M.) Readings in. {Edgeworth M.) for Children. {Aikin L.) • {Burdon W.) {Payne J.) of Love. Truth. {Maide J.) Points and Pickings about China. Poland, Stories about. {Carver R.) Polar Scenes. Juvenile Works, &c., continued. Polite Literature. {A'ey to.) Poor Henry, Tale. Poplar Grove. {Copley E.) Popular Talcs. {Edgeworth M.) Portfolio of Anecdotes. {Bransl/y J. II.) Portugal, or Young Travellers. Post-Captain, or Wooden Walls. Praise and Blame. ( Willianis C.) Prayers, Book. {Child's.) Precept and Example. Present from Germany. — — - to Young Christians. Pretty Portress of Windsor Lodge. Pride, Forms of {Cameron Mrs.) Princesses of Babylon. {Peacock L.) Principalities and Power. {Charl. EUzaheth) Principle and Practice. {Martineau H.) {Stories.) Prisoners of Australia. Prize Book. {Winter M.) or Lacemaker in Missenden. Procrastination, Tale. Profession and Principle. {Strickland S.) is not Principle. {Kennedy G.) Prudence and Principle, Tale. Puss in Boots, hy Otto Speckter. Puzzle for a Curious Girl. Quadrupeds, Alphabet of {Home Treas.) Bible. {Bingley T.) Birds, &c.. History. {Natural.) {Book of.) Book of {Bilhy d: R.) British, Anecdotes. {Devonshire Mrs.) History. {British.) {Little Lib.) {No.tural.) and Reptiles, History. {Natural.) Queen Bee, or Fete to the Blossoms. {Ward.) Rachel. {Charlotte Elizabeth.) a Tale. Rainsford Villa, Tale. Ralph Gemmell. (Pollok R.) Richards. {Taylor J.) Rambles, Instructive. {Entertaining.) of my Uncle. Rational Recreations. Reader, Prose and Verse. {Abbott J.) Young Ladies. {Ellis Mrs.) Readings in Poetry. {Edgezcorth M.) Real Stories. Reason, Rudiments of {Smith T.) Rebellion, Tale of the. {Stnckland J.) Reclaimed Family. {Twite Lady.) Recollections of Childhood. a Beloved Sister. Blue-Coat Boy. {Wickham.) Recreation, a Gift Book. Recreations. {Pilkington Mrs.) Amusing. {Parlour Magic) Domestic. ( Wakefield P.) Evening. ( Winter.) Mental. {Evenings.) Sabbath. {Taylor E) Scientific. {Enfield W) in Science. Recreative Hours. {Linley G.E.) CATALOGUE.] CLASSIFIED INDEX. 173 Juvenile Works, &c., continued. Rector and his Pupils. Red and "White Roses, Tales. Reflection. {Hoftand Afrs.) Relapse, or True and False Morality. Relaxation, or Book for Christmas. Relics of Antiquity, Tales. Royalty. {Taylor Jos.) Religion, Advantage of. {Sandftam Mrs.) Principles of. (Fir.^t.) Recommended to Youth. (T/tai/er.) Remember Me, or Pocket Companion. or the Birth Day. (Barwell Mrs.) Reminiscences of Past Kxperience. {SoperMrs.) Rene, Tale. Repentance, Child's Book of. (Gallaiidet.) Reptiles, &c.. History of {Natural.) Resignation. {Selwijn A.) Retrospection, Tale. {Taylor Mrs.) Reuben Ramble's Travels in England. Reverses of Fortune. {Sargeant A.M.) {Shield M.J.) Reynard the Fox. {History of.) History of. {Home Treas.) Rhoda, or Excellence of Charity. Rhymes. See also Nursery. for Children. {Easy.) {Mother's.) Ellen. {MantA.C.) My Children. the Nursery. Royal Nursery. Rich Boys and Poor Bo3-s. {Hofland Mrs.) Right and Wrong. Rioters, Tale of Bad Times. {Martiueau H.) Rival Crusoes, &c.. Tales. Robert and Frederick. {Sherwood Mrs.) Robin Hood and his Foresters. {Home Treas.) Robinson Crusoe. {New:) Rock'.ng-Horse. {Gait J.) Rockite, an Irish Story. {Charlotte Elizabeth.) Rodolph the Voyager. Rollo Learning to Read, {Abbott J.) Talk. {Jbbott J.) at Play. {Abbott J.) School. {Abbott J.) Vacation. {Abbott J.) Work. {Abbott J.) Rollo's Code of Morals. {Abbott J.) Roman History, Prints of. {Trimmer Mrs.) Romans, Manners and Institutions. {Sketches.) Rome, Anc, & Italy, Mod., Tales. {Parley.) History of. {Hendry E.A.) {Stories from.) Italy, Greece, and Britain. {Parley.) Rosamond. {Edgen-orth M.) Rose Grant, a Matlock Sketch. Sidney. Talbot. and Emily, or Sketches of Youth. Rosette and Miriam, Tale. Rowland Massingham. {Strickland S.) Royalty, Relics of. {Taylor Jos.) Rudiments of Reason. {Smith T.) Ruins and Old Trees. {Roberts M.) Rural Pictures {Slatter.) Juvenile Works, &c., continued. Rural Rambles. Scenes. Rustic Excursions. {Elliott M.) Rutilius, by Wilberforce. {Etiglni. Lib.) Sabbath Readings. {Gleanings.) Recreations. {Taylor E.) Sacred Dramas. {Neto.) Elucidations. {Pilhington Mrs.) Historj'. {Events in.) {Neale Miss.) by Summerly. {Home Treas.) Mirror, or Script. History. {Smith T.) Offering. Preceptor. Sailor's Bride, Tale. St. Paul, Life and Journeys of. {Parley.) - Sylvester's Eve. {Juv. Eng. Lib.) Sam Belson, or Visit to the Beach. Samboe, the African Boy. Samuel, History of. {Plumj^tre Miss.) Sandford and Merton. Saxons, Tales of. {Taylor E.) Scarf, or Natural Magic. Scenes and Narratives. {Sketches.) for Youth. {Rodu-ell M.M.) from English History, of Childhood. Commerce, &c. {Tai/lor I.) in England. {Taylor I.) Foreign Lands. {Taylor /.) Industry. Ireland. North Wales. Scotland. {Leighton J.) Scheming, Tale. {Godwin C.G.) School, Field, and Fireside. Girl in France. {MacCrindell.) Hours, Exercises and Prize Poems. Room at Home. Schoolboy's Manual. Schoolfellows. {Sandham Mrs.) Schoolmaster at Home. Science, Boy's Book of. {Moffatt .7.) {Recreations in.) Sciences. {Aljihabets of.) Scientific Knowledge. {Cream of.) Recreations. {Enfield W.) Scotland, History of, Stories. {Stewart A.) {Scenes in.) Scenes in. {Leighton J.) Scottish Orphans. {Blackford Mrs.) Peasants. Scripture Biography. {Gallaudet.) Characters for Youth. Child's Comment. {Cobhin I.) Dialogues on. {Mornings.) Geography for Youth. {Wood S.) History. {Graham E.J.) {Smith T.) for the Young. Natural History. Poetical Illustrations of {Taylor E.) Prints. {Shericood Mrs.) {Trimmer Mrs.) Proverbs. {Cobbin I.) 174 CLASSIFIED INDEX. [LONDON Juvenile Wouks, &c., continued. Scripture Stories (/)raper li.II.) {Plumplre Miss.) Truth of. {Conversations on.) Truths in Verse. Scriptures, Help to. {^Trimmer Mrs.) Introduction to. {Fletcher W.) Scriptural and Hist. Pictures. {Laivrence Mrs.) Sea and Land, Evenings on. {Wei(jld J.U.) Pacific Ocean, Tales about. {Parky.) Sea-Side. ( Visit to.) Amusements. {Ilolidai/s.) Pleasures. {Al/om K.A.) Stories. {Sherwood Mrs.) Seasons, Book of. {Ilowitt W.) {Chronicles of.) Diary of {Naturalises.) Story Book of {Myrtle Mrs. II.) Second Causes. {Charlotte Elizabeth.) Seeds of Knowledge, &c. Selections from the Masquerade. Self-Denial. {Hojiand Mrs.) Training. {Sedywiclc Miss.) Sehvood Wreath. Senses ; Eye, Tongue, Hand, Ear, and Smell. and Human Frame. {Conversations.) Serjeant Bell and his Karee-Show. Sermons for Children. {Easy.) Setma and Woodroof {Barth C.Q.) Settlers in Canada. {Marryat Capt.) Seven Ages of England. ( WiUiams C.) Cliampions. ( Walker's Class.) Temptations. {Howitt M.) Shakspeare, Juvenile. {Maxwell C.) Shanty the Blacksmith. {Shericood Mrs.) Shells and their Inmates. Shepherd's (The) Evening Tales. Shepperton Manor. {Neale J.M.) Ship, by Isaac Taylor. {Little Lib.) from its Cradle, &c. {History.) Boy. {Adventures of a.) Shipwrecks, «&;c., Tales about. {Bine/ley T.) Short Stories. {Charlotte Elizabeth.) and Po;^ms. by a Lady. for Long Nights. {Parley.) Tales in Short Words. Shrubbery, The. Siege of Lichfield, by Gresley. {Enghn. Lib.) Sights in all Seasons. Simple Pleasures. {Venning M. A.) Sketches by Todd. {Tegfs Lib.) Sincerity, Tale. Sir Frizzle Pumpkin. {Adventures.) Sister Mary's Tales in Natural History. Sister's Friend. {Cameron Mrs.) Stories on Insects. Sisters. {Hojiand Mrs.) Sketch Book of a Young Naturalist. Sketches for Boys and Girls. {Lovechild Mrs.) Youth. {Malan C.) from Life. a Youthful Circle. {Gilbert Mrs.) of Creation. {Draper B.H.) Human Manners. {Wahfield P.) ~ Important Periods. {Milner Mrs.) — Scenes and Narratives. JuvENiLK Works, &c., continued. Smeaton and Light-Houses. Smuggler's Son. Soldier's Orphan, or Maria West. Soldiers and Sailors. {Anecdotes.) Son and W.ird. {Parrott.) of a Genius. {Hojiand Mrs.) Something New from Aunt Mary. Sophia de Lissau. or Source of Affliction. {Cameron Mrs.) Southstone Rock. {S/wnrood Mrs.) Sowing and Reaping. {Howitt M.) S[) Ilistorv, Stories, {,/amieson A.) Spoiled Child Reclaimed. {Rodvell M.M.) — Reformed. {Ashford Rectory.) Sports, Book of {Martin IF.) Treasury of {Boys.) and Pastimes, by Aspin. {Little Lib.) Spring Blossoms ; Familiar Dialogues. Flowers ; Easy Lessons. Tide. Squirrels and other Animals. ( Waring G.) Star of the Court. {Bunhury Miss.) Stepping Stones for Tottering Feet. Stolen Boy. {Hojiand Mrs.) Stories. See also Bible. about Birds. {Bingley T.) by Wiseman. Dogs. {Bingley T.) {Wilson E.) Horses. {Bingley T.) — { Wilson E.) Poland. {Carver R.) after Nature. and Tales. See also Fiction. {More H.) for Boys and Girls. {Mitford Miss.) Children. {Marcet Mrs.) Christmas Week. Cottngers. Fireside. {Rignall 3fiss.) Holiday Evenings. {Child Mrs.) Little Folk. {Jerram Mrs.) Short Students. {Mangin, E.) Sundays. {Crompton S.F.) Winter Evenings. {Barth C.G.) Youth. {Sedgwick Miss.) from Ancient History. {True.) Church History. English History. {Barber E.) {True.) French History. German. Grecian History. {Groves Echo.) {Laivrence Mrs.) Italian History. {Manning A.) Modern History. {True.) Natural Historj'. Old and New Test. {Lawrence Miss.) Real Life. {Original.) Roman History. {Sandford Lady.) Scottish History. {Steicart A.) {True.) Spanish History. {Jamieson A.) Switzerland. {Malan C.) CATALOGUE.] CLASSIFIED INDEX. 175 Juvenile Wokks, &c., continued. Stories from Welsh History. of Ancient Greece. {iViehuhr.) Animal World. {JJraj>cr B.II.) Aunt Alice. {Dibhin L.F.) Edward and his Friends. Old Daniel. Olden Time. {Hack Maria.) India. Patient Grissell. {Home Trms.) Travels in Turkey. Voyages and Travels. on the Commandments. [Upcher F.) Story Book. {Arthut- T.,S.} Child's. {Jerram Mrs) Mother's. {Child Mrs.) Teller, Young Lady's. {Leslie Miss.) Without a Name. an End, by Carove. Strange Planet, and other Tales. Strawberry Hill and its Inmates. Strive and Thrive, {llowitt M.) Submission Exemplified. Suit of Armour for Youth. Summer at De Courcy Lodge. {Bourne Mrs.) Rambles ; Conversations. and Winter Amusements. on Natural History. Sun, Moon, Stars, and Comets, Tales. {Parley.) Sunday Book, Moral Discourses. {Nursery.) Enjoyments. Evening Instruction. Lessons for Children. {Barwcll Mrs.) Library. {Juvenile.) School Lessons on Parables. Memorials. Tracts. {Sherwood Mrs.) ■ and other Anecdotes. {Russell G.) Stories for Children. Swedish Brothers. {Ju». Eng. Lib.) Swiss Family Robinson. Sylvan Melodist, Cabinet of British Birds. System, Tale. {Charlotte Elizabeth.) Tale on the Cotswolds. {Huntley It. W.) Talent and Trial. {Blomfield S.) Tales. See also Fiction. Adapted for Youth. {Millman.) Nursery. {Comic.) Popular, by HaufF. {Burns' Fain. Lib.) Musaeus. {Burns' Fam. Lib.) {Temperance) about Travellers. {Bingley T.) United States. {Parley.) Universal History. {Parley) Wales. the World. {Parley) and Conversations. {Cooper E) Dialogues. {Taylor J.) • Tracts, Weekly. for Boys. {Elliott M) Children. {Crabbe M) Common People, byMore, {Tegg'sLih) English Home. {Sterne G.M.) Girls. {Elliott M) Holidays. {Elliott M) Idle Hours. {More.) Juvenile Works, &c., continued. Tales for Little Children. {Progressive.) {Verif Little) Mothers. {Bouilly J.N) My Grandchildren. Niece. {Lenient Mrs.) Pupils. - Winter Evenings. - Young Persons. {Chart. Elizabeth) {Genlis Mad) {Guizot Mad) {Mitchell Miss) {Mifford Miss.) {Shenvood Mrs.) from Afar. Faerie Queen. {Home Treas) Switzerland. in Prose and Verse. {Howiit M) of Academy. — Affections. {Caddick Mrs) — All Nations. — Boys as they are. — Distant Lands. — Early British Christians. {SargeaiitA) ^ Piety. — English. {Taylor E) Church. {Tioenty-four) — Enterprise. — Factories. {Southey Mrs) — Genii. — Good and Great Kings. {Tijtler M.F) — Grandfather. {Scott Sir W) — Grandmother. {Carmichael A.C.) — Great and Brave. {Tytler M.F) — Heart. — Heath. {Bayley Mrs) — Many Lands. {Tytler M.F) — Mirth. — Modern Days. {Barber E) — My Father. {Young J) — Olden Time. {Evans R.M) — Real Life in Childhood. — School-Room. — Shipwrecks, &c. {Bingley.) — Stanley Family. — Town. {Bellair H. W) — Travel. {Miller F.B) — Truth. {Elliott M) {Pearson Miss.) Vicarage. {Selwyn A) Village, by Paget. {Englm. Lib) Children. {Juv. Eng. Lib) that might be True. to his Daughter. {Bouilly J.N) Teacher, The. {Abbott J) Teacher's Farewell. {Althan H) Telemachus. Telescope. {Wonders of) Tell-Tale, Moral Stories. and Girls in their Teens. Week of Idleness. {Leslie Miss.) Tendrils Cherished. Test of Time. ( Wood Miss) Testament. See cdso Bible. Divinity. Old, Abridgment. {Trimmer Mrs) Explanation. {Dowell C.T) 176 CLASSIFIED INDEX. [LONDON .TuvKNiLK Works, &c., continued. Testiiment, Old, Footsteps. {Triiiiiiier Mrs.) Old, History for the Young. Prints. {Trimmer Mrs.) and New, Bible Lives. {Draper B. II.) Stories. {Lairrence Miss.) New, Abridgement. {Trimmer Mrs.) Footsteps. {Trimmer Mrs.) Lessons. {Maw L.) Prints. {Trimmer Mrs.) Theodore, or Crusaders. {Hojland Mrs.) Gamester's Progress. Theophilus and Sophia. {Sheru-ood Mrs.) Theresa Marchmont, by Mrs. Gore. Three Bears, and other Stories. Histories. {Jewsbtiri/ M.J.) Times of Claverhouse. {Sim2)son M.) Toilet Designs, with Poetry. Token of Love for Children. Tokens for Children. {Cameron Mrs.) Tom Telescope's Philosophy. Thumb, Adventures of. {Barwell Mrs.) Trip's Natural History. Town and Country Tales. Toy Shop, or Sentimental Preceptor. Tracings of Maritime Discovery. Tracts for the Young. Trades. {Booh of.) Traits of Character in Youth. {Ventum II.) Early Life. {Sandkam Airs.) Traveller ; Journey round the Globe. Universal. {Prior S.) in the Wilderness. {Taylor Mrs.) Travellers, Conversations about. {Bin/l„r I.) Young Mother. {Litchfield.) Affectation, &c. {Thow/hts.) Agnes, or Triumph of Principle. Aids to Developement. Amusement and Instruction. {Family Alb^im.) for Winter Evenings. {Jackson J.) Amusements in Retirement. Art of Being Happy. {Flint T.) Contentment, by Packington. {Enr/.Lib.) Employing Time. Balance of Criminality. {Taylor I.) Benevolence, Sketches of. {Matthe2vson,) Best Intentions. Biometer, or Moral Watch. {Jidlien.) Book of Sj'mbols. the Heart. Bridal Gift. Bride, The. {Freeling A.) Bride's Book. {Caddich Mrs.) Brother's Gift to a Sister. Cabin Conversations and Castle Scenes. Can Woman Regenerate Society ] Cardinal Virtues. {Campbell H.) Catechism of Useful Knowledge. {Mothers.) Character, Essays on Decision of. {Foster J.) and Sketches. {Ayton R.) Essential to Success. {Taylor I.) Formation of. {Hints.) {Hojie Mrs.) {Glances of.) {Outlines of.) Shades of. ( Woodroffe Mrs.) Characters Contrasted. Chastity, Letter on. {Graham S.) Christian Morals. {More H.) Sewell. {Fnfflm. Libi) {Sjmlding S.) Mother. {Milner Mrs.) Principles Exemplified. {Manual) Chronicles of a School Room. {Hall Mrs.) Coelebs in Search of a Wife. {More H.) Commerce, &c.. Moral Views. {Deviey 0.) Conduct, Anatomy of. {Manual.) ^ {Skelton J.H.) of Life, Essays on. {Long G.) Conscience as to Moral Obligation. {King J.) Contributions of Q. Q. {Taylor Jane.) Conversation, by Sabertash. {Art of.) Essay on. {Rogers S.) {Hints on.) Conversations. {Hendry E.A .) Evening. {Solder Miss.) of Mrs. Scott and her Daughter. Correspond, of Mother&Daughter.(raj/foril/r6'. ) Court Directory. {Thorns W.J.) Cressingham Rectory. {Hendry E.A.) Cruelty to Animals, Essay. {Macaiday J.) Daughters of England. {Ellis Mrs.) Dialogue of a Lady and her Pupils. {BrooleMrs.) Discipline Illustrated. {Lucilla.) Doctrine of Changes. {My Old House.) Morals, Etiquette, &c., continued. Domestic Addresses, by Holding. {Tegg'sLib.) Authority, Thoughts. {Kilvert A.) Duties. (Parke.s Mr.'^.) Happiness. {Guide.) Promoted. {Hanway J.) Life, or Hints for Daily Use. Pleasure, ( Vaux F.) Tyranny. Duties of Life. {Maxkenzie W.) Men. {Fellico S.) the Young. Early Rising, Letters. (Buckland A.C.) & Early Prayer. {Head U.E.) Education of the Feelings. English Gentlevi'oman, Hints to Ladies. Maiden, her Moral Duties, &c. Society, Observations on. {Knight T.D.) Wife. Englishwomen Described. {Cameron Mrs.) Epitaphiana ; Memorials to Servants. Essays. {Knox V.) Moral and Religious. {Pelham Mrs.) for Family Reading. {Graham J.) Etiquette, English. {Guide.) Hints on. {More.) Instructions. {Pitt J.) System. {Trusler.) and- Usages of Society. {Hints.) Every Day Duties. {Stodart M.A.) Evil Habits Considered. {Mousley W.) Example, or Family Scenes. Examples for Humble Life. {Good Servant.) Extracts from Eminent Authors. {Moral.) Fenelon. (Kendall J.) {Marshall L. A.) Law's Works. {Law W.) Family Album of Amusement, &c. Fashionable Amusements. {Letters on.) Mother. {Hints to.) World, Dictionary. {New.) Displayed. {Owen J.) Father's Instructions. {Percival T.) Female Character. {Pennington A.) Developed. {Philip R.) Holiness, Beauty of. {Philip R.) Improvement. {Sandford Mrs.) Piety, Varieties of. {Phili]} R.) Prisoners, Observations on. {Fry E.) Pupils, Letters to. {Future Days.) Sex, Duties. {Gisborne T.) Student. {Phelps Mrs.) Writers, Duties of, &c. {Stodart M.A.) Female's Encyclopa;dia. Females of Present Day Considered. Force of Example. {Ellis Mrs.) Fragments of Wisdom. on Woman. Friend ; Series of Essays. {Coleridge S.T.) of Youth. {Mackenzie W.) Friendship's Memento. {Ricordanza.) Future Days; Letters to Female Pupils. Gift to Mothers. Going to Service. Good Servant. CATALOGUE.] CLASSIFIED INDEX. 179 Morals, Etiquette, &c., continued. Governess, Letters to a. {Ridout S.) Governess' Friend, by a Lady. {Younr/.) Governesses. {Adcice to.) Governesses' Epistles to Pupils. {Smith Jas.) Gracefulness. {Freeling A.) Grahame Family. {Gonld H.) Habit and Discipline. {Giuney J.J.) Hannahs, or Maternal Influence. {Philip R.) Happiness of a Well-Ordered Family. {Essay.) Here and Hereafter ; Consolation. Hints from a Mother. {Williams W.) Schoolmistress to Mothers. on Character of a Princess. {More H.) Life, and How to Kise in Society. to Married Daughters. {Wife.) — Young Females. {Taylor Mrs.) Youth leaving School. Taylorl.) Historical Portfolio Opened. {Goidd H.) Home, by Sedgwick. {Tegg's Lib.) Discipline. {Kilvert A.) Happiness. Its Joys and its Sorrows. Honours of the Table. {Trusler.) How to Observe — Morals, &c. {3Iartineau H.) be Happy, Essays, &c. {Brewer J.N.) Important TriHes. {Park-er E.) Industrious Classes, Suggestions. {GregsonH.) Infirmarj', or Benevolence. {Matthewson.) Influence of the Passions. (Stael.) Lady's Closet Librarj'. {Philip R.) Gift. {Slav/ord J.K.) Law of Kindness. {Montgomery G.W.) Lectures to Young Men. People. {Morgan T.) Legacy for Young Ladies. {Barhauld Mrs.) to His Daughters. {Gregory J.) Leisure Hours, Employment for. {PrqfitaUe.) Improved. Improvement of. {Trij^le Aim.) Leonora and Letters. {Edgeicorth M.) Lessons for the Heart. Letter Writing. See Educational. Letters. Amelia and her Mother. {Combe IF.) {Chapone' s Mrs.) {Chesterfield Lord.) {Graham L) Selected, by Chamberlain. {Englni. Lib.) and Life. {Chapone Mrs.) from a Father to his Son. {Aikin J.) Lady to her Niece. Retired Governess. Tutor to his Pupils. {Jones W.) an Absent Godfather. {Riddle J.E.) to Daughter of a ^oh\Qma.n. {Hamilton.) Her Daughter. {Palmerstone Mrs.) {Sargant J. A.) His Nephew. {Chatham Lord.) Marianne. (Comhe W.) Two Absent Daughters. {RundellMrs.) Young Females. {Whitford H.) Ladies. {Lanfear.) {Sigourney Mrs.) — a Daughter. {Symons J.) — Mother on Infants. — Sister. ~ Wife. {Newton J.) Morals, ETiCiUETTE, &c., continued. Letters to a Young Lady. ( West Mrs.) Man. ( West Mrs.) Person in India. {Brigg J.) to the Young. {Jewslmry M.J.) Life and Character, Sketches. {Belgrave II.) Light Reading, Essays on. {Mangin E.) Live and Let Live, by Sedgwick. {Tegg's Lib.) Looking Glass for the Mind. Love of Excelling. {Thoughts.) Lower Ranks, Dialogues for. {Boicden J.) Lucilla Hartley, or Discipline. Lydias, or Female Character. {Philip R.) Magic Mirror. {Kidd IF.) Mankind, Reflections. {Rules.) Man's Condition and Duties. {Thoughts) Marriage Gift, by a Mother. Marriages, Improper, Essay on. {Jones W.) Married Life, Sketches. {Follen Mrs.) a Wedding Gift. Women's Rights. {Essay.) Marthas, or Female Piety. {Philip R.) Marys, or Female Holimss. {Philip R.) Master's Gift to his Apprentice. {Truster.) Maternal Advice to Daughters. Influence on Sons. {Philip R.) ■ Instruction. {Helrne E.) Solicitude. {Searle T.) {Taylor Mrs.) Matrimonial Happiness. {Guide.) Matrimonj', its Duties, &c. {Strachey E.) Means and Ends, or Self-Training. {Sedgwich.) Mental Culture. {Robinson W.) Error. {Taylor I.) Pastimes. Middle Ranks, Dialogues for. {Bowden J.) Stories for, by More. {Tegg's L.) Minor Morals for Youth. {Hotvring J.) {More.) {Smith C.) Mirror of my Mind. Monitor to Families. {Bel/age H.) Montague. {Tayler C.B.) Moral Character. {Bowling E.) Culture, Lectures. {Luccoch J.) Thoughts. {Waterston R.C.) Essays. {Addison J.) by Nicole. {LocJce J.) Good and Evil, Essay. {BlaJcey R.) Rights, Explanation. {Vincent G.G.) Sketches. {More H.) Strength, or Evil Habits. {Mousley W.) Truth, Origin, &c., of. {Follett T.L.) Truths and Studies. {Cockle 3Irs.) and Domestic Truths. {Eng. Maiden.) Religious Subjects. {Practical.) Spiritual Culture. {Waterston R.C.) Morality, Elements of {Salzmann C.G.) Explanation of. {Vincent G.G.) Principles of. {Dymond J.) Morals. {Epictetus.) {Seneca.) and Conduct, Code. {Caddich Mrs.) Manners. {Martineau H.) ■ Connected. {Campbell H.) from the Churchyard ; Fables. More (Hannah) Miscellaneous Works. A A 2 180 CLASSIFIED INDEX. [LONDON Morals, Etiquette, &c., continued. Mother the Best Governess. with her Family. {Timpson T.) Mother's First Thoughts. Friend. Help. {Khuj H.R.) Manual. [Troll ope Mrs.) Present to her Daughter, Mothers, Letters to, by Sigourney. {Tegg's Lih.) Obligations of Literature to. {Hahted.) of England. {Ellis Mrs.) My Book ; Anat. of Conduct. {Skelton J.H.) — Early Years, by Author of " Gideon." — Old House, or Doctrine of Changes. — Station and its Duties. New Chesterfield. Offering of Sympathy. (Parkinson F.) Our Young Men, Importance, &c., of. {CoxF.) Parental Duties. {Houston T.) Parent's Friend. {Morison J.) Parents and Children, Duties. {Taylor Mrs.) ■ Privileges. {Bruce J.) Passages from Life of a Daughter. Paternal Advice to Young Men. Pearls of Great Price, from Jer. Collier. Philanthropic Economy. {Loudon Mrs. C.) Philanthropist. {Corp H.) Philosophy of Common Sense. {Tegg's Lih.) Happiness. {London Mrs. C.) Moral Feelings. {Ahercromhie.) Morals. {Morgan Sir C.) {Smith A.) Social Life. {Knigge Baron.) Plea of Humanitj-. ( Wright J.) Pleasant Memories, &c. {Sigourneg Mrs.) Politeness, Principles o£ {Trusler.) Polylogy; Paraphrases of Wisdom. Popular Errors Explained. {Timhs J.) Scries of. {Hamilton E.) Ignorance, Evils of. {Foster J.) Models for Industry. {Grant Mrs.) Practical Morality. {Walker's Class.) Truths from Homely Sayings. Wisdom. Present for an Apprentice. {Tegg.) of a Mistress to a Servant. {Taylor Mrs.) Profitable Emplopuent for Leisure Horn's. Progress of Fame. {Edmonsfone Sir A.) Prudence, Introduction to. {Fuller T.) Pure Gold from River of Wisdom. {Min.Cl.L.) Pursuit of Knowledge. {Knight's W. Vol.) Records of a Good Man's Life. {Tagler C.B.) Refonued Family. Remember Me ; Token of Affection. Responsibility. {Taglcr C.B.) Rich Poor Man, by Sedgwick. {Tegg's Lib.) Ricordanza, or Friendship's Memento. Rose Unique, or Errors Expiated. Rosebuds Rescued, &c. {Wills S.C.) Rules of Life ; Reflections on Mankind. Scandal, Essay on Evil of {Chajiman J.) School for Sisters. Secretary's Assistant. ■ {Kingdom W.) Selections from Jer. Collier. {Pearls.) — {Davidson M.) {More H.) Morals, Etiquette, &c., continued. Self-Advancement. {Trium2ihs.) Cultivation Recommended. {Taylor I.) Education. {Hope Mrs.) Hints to Mechanics. {Claxton.) Examination, Treatise. Formation. Government, System. (Edmondson J.) Improvement, Elements. (Finch T.) Inspection. (Kelly J>.) Servant, Present from a Mistress. (TaylorMrs.) Servants, Memorials to. (Epitapliiana.) Shades of Character. ( Woodrooffe Mrs.) Silver Mine. (Kidd W.) Sketch of my Friend's Family. (Marshall L.) Social Depravity, Illustrations. (Reid J.) Evils and their Remedy. (Tayler C.B.) Life, Features. (Parker Mrs.) Philosophy, Rules. (Phillips Sir R.) Systems and Communities. (Outline.) Society, Advancement of, &c. (Douglas J.) Designed by God. {Constitution.) Females First Entrance. (Parker E.) Hints. (English Gentleicoman.) — How to Rise in. (Hints.) Influence of Literature on. (Stael.) Moral Views of (Dewey.) Progress of (Hamilton R.) Sources of Happiness. (Hints.) Spare Minutes ; Meditations. (Waridck A.) Sponsor's Gift ; Familiar Essays. Student's Guide. (Todd J.) Index. (Todd J.) Manual. (Todd J.) Prize Letters. (Dickinson B.) Study, Treatise on. (Ringelhergius.) and Employment of Time. (Hints.) Sunday Scholars. (Letters to.) Talents Improved. (Corp H.) Taste and Imagination, Essaj's on. (Addison J.) Temper, its Use and Abuse. Thought upon Thought. Time and Temper, Manual. (Jowett TF.) Token of Aflection. (Min. Clas. Lih.) Friendship. (Min. Clas. Lih.) Remembrance. (Min. Clas. Lib.) Treasures of Thouuht. (Stael.) Truth. Treasuries of Wisdom. (Kidd W.) Triple Aim ; Improvement of Leisure. Triumphs of Talent. Truth. Village Plans and Domestic Sketches. Virtue Rewarded, Narrative. Virtues, Illustrations of (Ward C.) Voice from the Vintage. (Ellis Mrs.) of Conscience. (Kennedy Mrs.) Way to be Rich and Respectable. (Trusler.) Wedding Gift. (Jones J.) Wealth not Happiness. (Everitt M.) Whisper to a Kewly-Married Pair. Wife and Mother, or Hints to Daughters. Mother's Book. Wife's Book, or Marriage Present. Wives and Mothers, Advice to. (Chavasse.) of England. (Ellis Mrs.) Woman, as She ought to be. (Stanford J.K.) CATALOGUK.] CLASSIFIED INDEX. 181 MoKALs, Etiquette, &c., continued. Woman, Essay on. (Jlichell N.) {Fraijmcnts on.) Mental Dignity of. {Parsons B.) Noble Deeds of. {Starling E.) Plea for. {lieid Mrs.) Seven Ages of. {StricUand A .) Social and Dora. Character. {Sandford.) Wrongs of. {Charlotte Elizabeth.) in the Nineteenth CentViV^' .{F idler S.M.) Woman's Companion. {Youmj.) Jlissiun. Own Book. {Cople;/ E.) Eights and Duties Considered. Morals, Etiquette, &c., continued. Woman's Worth. Women, Characterics of. {Jameson Mrs.) of England. {Ellis Mrs.) Work Table, Evening Conversations. {Souter.) Working Classes, Instruction. {Moral.) Young Bride's Book. {Freeling A.) Folks of the Factory. Gentleman's Book. Gentlemen of the Nineteenth Century. Husband, Hints to Yg.Men. {FreclimjA.) Man's Book of Knowledge. {Tegg.) Companion. Men, Appeal to Society on. {Barnes S.) Unnguncjcs, Ancient antr iBlotrcrn. anglo=*aion. ©arlic, Jrisft. Scotrft, SEicIsft— Stalcrts anU (Slossartfs. anglo^^aion. C^arlir, .^risf), ^roU% iJMflsf)— Diakrts, anli tf^lossavtes. Alfred's (King) Will, Saxon and English. Anglo Saxon, viz. : — Analecta. {Thorpe B.) ApoUonnius of Tyre. {Thorpe B.) Boethius. {Alfred King.) Dictionary. {Bosivortk J.) ■ Gospels, Four. {Thorpe B.) Grammar, Elements. {Bosworth J.) {Sisson.) Essentials. {Bosworth J.) Rudiments. {Gwilt J.) and Derivatives. {Hunter W.) with Praxis. {Rask E.) Poetry. {Beowidf.) Psalter. {Surtees Soc.) Reader. {Schmid 0.) Reading, Introduction to. {Langley L.) Dialects, Glossaries, &c., viz. : — Archaic and Prov. Diet. {HaUiu-ell.) Australia, S.W., Vocabulary. {Greij G.) W., Vocab. {Mo'ore G.F.) Cheshire, Glossary. ( Wilbraham.) Cornish-Eng., Vocabulary. {Polw/iele.) Craven, and Glossa^3^ Cumberland, Ballads. {Anderson R.) Devonshire, and Glossary. Dorset, Poems. {Barnes W.) East Anglia, Vocabulary. {Forhy R.) Herefordshire. {Glossary.) Lancashire, with Poems. {Tim Bobbin.) London, Anecdotes of {Pegge.) Norfolk and Suffolk, Glossary. (Forbi/R.) North Country Words, Gloss. {Brockett.) Provincial Glossary. {Grose F.) Provincialisms, Diet. {HoUoway W.) Sheffield. {Byicater A.) Somerset, Pieces in. {Halliivell J.O.) Suffolk Words and Phrases. {Moor E.) and Norfolk, Glossarj'. {Furby.) Vulgar Tongue, Dictionary. {Grose F.) West of England. {Jennings J.) Anglo-Saxon, Gaelic, &c., continued. Dialects, Westmoreland and Cumberland. Wiltshire, Glossary. {Akerman J.Y.) Words, &c.. Old Authors, Gloss. {Xares.) Yorkshire, Glossary. {Hunter J.) Gaelic Language. {Dictionary.) and Engl. Dictionary. {Armstrong R. A.) {MacAljiine A\) {MacLeod & D.) Grammar. {Forbes J.) {Miinro J.) Primer. {Munro J.) Vocabulary. {MacFarla7ieP.) Irish and English Dictionary. {O'Brien J.) {O'Reilly E.) ■ Grammar. {Neilson.) {0' Donovan J.) Primer. {Primer.) Scotch Dictionary'. {Brown T.) {Jamieso'n J.) Welsh Bardic Alphabet. {Williams T.) Interpreter. {Roberts T.) Milton's Paradise Lost. {Milton.) and Eng. Dictionary. {Evans T.) (Jones T.) {Pughe W.O.) {Richards T.) {Walter.) Vocabulary. {Roberts T.) ff^alltrf, Crgijptiati, aiiD ifjrfircto. Chaldee Grammar. {Wiiier G.B.) Egyptian Dictionary. {Young T.) Grammar. (Taftam H.) and Dictionary. {Tatfam & 3'.) Hieroglyphics, Vocabulary. {Shcaye S.) Prophetse Minores. (Taitam H.) and Latin Lexicon. {Tattam H.) Hebrew, Arab., and Pers. Vocab. {Smith 2liss.) Analecta, with Key. {Pauli C.) Arabic, and Syriac. {Gate to.) Bible. {Boothroyd B.) 182 CLASSIFIED INDEX. [LONDON Chaldee, EaYPTiAN, &c., co7iHnued. Hebrew Bible. {Vanderhooght.) Student's Concordance. {Pick A.) Biblical Student's Guide. (/krnardll.I/.) Ohrestomathy. {Stuart M.) Concord., Ileb. & Chiild. (Enylishman' s.) Dictionary^ Heb.and English. {FreijJ.S.) and Grammar. {Andrews J.) Ecclesiastcs, Heb. and Lat. {Preston T.) Elements. {Burfjess £j).) {Hitrwitz H.) Etymology and Syntax. {Hurwitz 11.) Exercises, {irrafenhan.) Genesis, Heb. and Eng. {Booh of.) Grammar. {Baillie W.) {Bolaffey II.V.) {Burgess B^).) {Ewaid.) {FreyJ.S.) {Gesenius.) Hieroglyphics. {Brown T.R.) • {Hincks T.D.) ' {Hurvjitz H.) {LeeS.) {Leo C.) {Lyons I.) {Marcus.) {Newman S.) {Nordheimer J.) {Oirpenheim H.D.) {PhiUiiixis W.T.) {Prohert W.) ■ {Ransom S.) Rudimenta. ( Westm. School.) {Salome 8. C.) {Stuart M.) {Willis A.) ( Wilson C.) {Feates T.) Heb. and Chal. {ParkJmrst J.) & Lexicon, Heb., Eng. & Germ. History of Joseph. {OUivant A.) Institutiones Linguae. {Schrceder JV.G.) Introduction. {Heinemann W.H.) {Parens) {Walker G.F.) Isaiah and Psalms. {Book of.) Language, Observations on. {Gell P.) Treatise on. {Bennet S.) Lexicon. {Gesenius!) Heb., Chald., Engl. {Lee S.) {JVewman S.) Heb. and Chald. {Buxtorff J.) • {Gesenius.) {Parkhurst J.) {SimoJiis.) Heb. and Eng. {Duncan W.) {Joseph M.) {Lexicon.) {Pike S.) {Parkhurst J.) Manual, Heb. and Chald. {Buxtorff J.) Motives to Study. {Burgess Bp.) Pentateuch, Indian. {Yeates T.) Poetry, Lectures on. {Louih B^).) Proverbs, Heb. and English. (Proverbs.) Psalms, by Rogers. {Book of.) CiiALDEE, Egyptian, &c., continued. Hebrew Psalms and Isaiah. {Book of.) Psalter. (Leasden.) Heb. and English. Reading Lessons. Roots, Dissertation. {Pirie A.) Rudiments. {Noble J.) Spelling-Book, Heb. & Eng. {Lyons I.) Tales, Selected. {Hurwitz H.) .-iFrrnrlD— OHiucattottal. Abeille Franqaise. {Mansart.) Accidence. {Gouly.) {Laisne T.) {Merlet.) Anacharsis, Voyage. {Wanostrocht.) Angleterre, Histoire. {De Parquet.) {Goldsmith 0.) ' Questions. {De Porquet.) Anthologie Francjaise. {Thurgar C.) Poetique. {Petite.) Atala, par Chateaubriand. {Whittaker.) et Rene. {Chateaubriand.) Authors of France. {A lb lies A.) Beautes d" Histoire. {Merlet) des Ecrivains. {De Fivas.) Beaux Arts, Dialogues. {Mansart.) Beginner's Book. {Lambert N.) Belisaire. {De la Voye's Clas.) {French Classics.) {Genlis.) ( WanostrocMs.) Bijou Litteraire. {Martin C.S.) Biographie et I'Histoire. {Plisson.) Bonne Mere. {Perrin.) Bouquet Litteraire. ( Ventouillac.) Buffon, Morceaux Choisis. {Fr. Class.) Camberwell Collegiate School Books. Charles XII. ( Voltaire) {De la Voye's Clas) {Whittaker) Chateau de Melville. St. Valery. {Backher Mad.) Chaumiere ludienne. {Fr. Classics) {Whittaker.) Child's Friend. {Allison M.A) Picture and Verse Book. {S23ecfer.) Choix en Prose et en Vei-s. {Tarver) Chronologic. {Buquet C.P.) Class Book. {Delille.) {Ventouillac.) {Wanostrocht.) Colloquial Instructor. {Surenne) Comedies, Prose, Choix de. {Picard G.) Commentaire Litteraire. {D Emden) Conseils a ma Fille. {Bouilly.) Contes Choisies de Genlis. {Laicrence S.) a ma Fille. {Boailly) des Animaux. {Hack M.) pour les Enfans. {Renneville.) Conversation, Models of. {Claverie) Conversational Preceptor. {Mabire.) Conversations. See also Dialogues. Fr. and Eng. {Bellenger.) {Cam23aii Mad.) CATALOGUE.] CLASSIFIED INDEX. 183 French — Educational, continued. Conversations, Fr. & Eng. (Chameleon.) {JJe Fivas.) {De Porquet.) {First Steps.) {GrandineaicF.) {G'ros C.) {Holmes.) {Le PiKje.) {Lindley A^ {Mahire.) {Maurois J.) (Perrin.) {Pouillon.) (Smith L.) French and Ital. (A (fieri C.) (Campan Mad.) Eng., Fr. and Germ. (Bellenger.) German, Fr., and Eng. (Staford J.) Ital., Fr., and Eng. (Grimani.) Ger., Fr., and Eng. (Coghlan F.) and Vocabulary. (Hort W.J.) d'Emilie, avec sa Mere. Correspondence. (Malroy.) Essais de. {Benoist E.) French and English. (Art qf.) Cyrus, Voyages de. (De la Voi/e's Class.) De la Voye's School Classics. Delassemens de la Jeimesse. Delectus. (French.) (Folei/ J.) (WorsleyJ.) Dialogues. See also Conversations. (French and English.) Fr. and Eng. (Arnou.x.) (Deslyons.) (Dickinson.) (Gerard J.F.) (Hamilt. Syst.) (Keegan W.) (Raiatidy.) (Tarver.) ■ ■ (Tourrier J.) • (Wanostrocht.) ■ Fr. and Ital. (Le Harivel.) Ital. and French. (Polidori.) Dictionary, Fr. and Eng., viz. : — (Boyer & Deletanville.) (Chambaud.) (Cobbett W.) (Cornillon H.) (Dacier A.) (De la Voye.) (De Parquet.) ■ (Diamond.) (Dufief.) (Du Gue.) (Fleming F.) Lessons. See Lefons. Letters. {Saulez G.) English and {French.) from a Little Girl. {French.) Lettres. {Dto Montier Mad.) de Deux Amies. {Campan.) Linguist, French and German. {Boileau D.) Literature Fran^aise. {Mansart.) Cours de. {Buquet C.P.) {De Parquet.) {Doisy A.J.) {Rouillon.) Literary Flowers, Fr. and Eng. {Le Harivcl.) Little Instructor. {Tiesset Madlle.) Livres des Enfans. {Wanostrocht.) Noms. {Coralie Miss.) Petits Enfans. Lycee, &c. {Mansart.) Magazin de la Jeunesse. {Xouvcau.) French— Eddoational, continued. Magazin des Enfans. {Beaumont Mad.) Manuel. {Surenne.) Etyraologique. {Delille.) Epistolaire. du Voyageur. {Genlis.) Marmontel, Contes, Choix de. {Fr. Class.) Me'lange, Eng. and Fr. {/Je (a Voye.) Narratif. {De la Voye.) Methodc, Enseigner I'Anglois. {De Porquet.) Model Book. {TourrierJ.) Moliere, Choix de. {Fr. Class.) Recueil de. {Duveryer.) Morale de I'Enfance. {Lenoir P. V.) Morceaux d'Histoire. {Ventouillac.) Mythologie des Demoiselles. {Rouillon.) Napoleon, Histoire. {De Porquet.) Narrateur Fran9aia. {Roy N.) Contes. {De la Voye.) Nature Displayed, &c. {Dufief.) Nouns, Table of. {Rouillon.) Numa Pompilius. {French Class.) {Wanostrocht.) {Whittaker.) Orateur Francois. {Lenoir P. V.) Orthoepist ; Diet, of Sounds. {De la Voye.) Orthoepy. {Fabe.) Orthologer. {Mordacque.) Parnasse de la Jeunesse. des Enfans. Paul et Virginie. {Fr. Class.) {Whittaker.) Peruvian Letters. Petit Grandison. {Berquin.) Henri. {Sherwood Mrs.) Jack. {Hamilt. System.) Musee de Literature. {Le Page.) Precepteur. {Grandineau F.) Petite Anthologie Poetique. Philosophes Anciens, Fenelon. {Whittaker.) Phraseology. {Hamilton C.C.) {Tarver.) Commercial, Fr. and Eng. {Keegan W.) Exercises on. {Brasseur.) Parisian. {De Porquet.) Phrases. {Des Carritres.) and Idioms. {Buquet C.P.) Pieces Choisies. {Berquin.) Pierre le Grand. {De la Voye's CI.) {French Classics.) {Wanostrocht.) Premieres Connaissances. {Blanchard P.) Primer. {Surenne.) Pronouncing Book. {Rudelle.) Pronunciation. {Bellecour.) {BzcquH C.P.) {De la Voye.) {Gros C.) {Leyioir P. V.) {Merlet) {Pen-in.) {Roy iV.) {Tablet of.) {Tarver.) {Valpy.) B B li CLASSIFIED INDEX. [LONDON French — Educational, continued. Pronunciation, Anglaise. (Davenport.) Fr. and Ital. {Wilcle J.) Proverbes Dramatiques. (Deiille.) (Leclercq.) Proverbs, Eng., Fr., It., & Ger, (Sentences.) Questioning and Answering. (Johert A.) llacine, Tragedies, par Gombert. Choix de. (French Class.) Rasselas. Reader's Guide. (Claverie.) Reading Book. (Ilort W.J.) (Ue Parquet.) Instructor. (Surenne.) Lessons. (Rouillon.) (Sauer J.) Recreations Franfaises. (Defronx.) (De la Voye.) Recueil Choisi. (Ilamilt. System.) ( Wanostrocht.) _ Nouveau. (Scot A.) Poesie. Prose et Vers. (Daisy A.J.) Fr. et Ital. (JVauveau.) Rentrees des Vacances. (Lenoir P. V.) Repertoire Litteraire. (Deiille.) Roman History, Fr. and Eng. (Cohhett W.) Roots. (Hall H.) Rudiments. (Chamlaud.) (Scot A.) ( Ventouillac.) and Syntax, Praval's. (Doisy A.J.) St. John's Gospel, Fr. and Eng. (Gospel.) (Fenton W.) (Ilamilt. System.) Scenes Comiques. (De Fivas.) Secretaire Parisien. (De Parquet.) Self-Instructor. (Roileau D.) (Le Ilarivel.) Sismondi ; Cressy and Poictiers. (Loclce J.) Soirees de Londres. (Bachker Mad,.) Souterrain. (Backker Mad.) Speaker. (Fenton W.) with Idioms. (Simeon.) Spelling Assistant. (Gomhert A.J.) Book. (Gras C.) (Lenoir P. V.) (Palairet.) (Pertin.) (Pierce R.) (Porny J.) Student's Manual. (Roy N'.) Help, Eng., Fr., and Ital. (Sorelli.) Syllabaire Parisien. (De Parquet.) Synonymes, Dictionnaire. (Levizac.) and Genders. (Turrell C.) Syntax. (Merlet.) made Easy. (Aird D.M.) Tasso, Jerusalem, Ital. and Fr. Teachen (Pontet D.) Teaching French. (Mai'cel.) French. See also Nature Displayed. Oral System. (Manesca.) and Acquiring. (Pylms W.H.) Telemaque. (De la Voye's Clas.) (Fr. Clas.) French — Educational, continued. Telemaque, Gros. (Ilamilt. System.) ( Wanasiracht.) ( W/dttaker.) Theatre de la Jeunesse. (Backker Mad.) des Demoiselles. (Defraux.) (De Parquet.) Jeunes Gens. (De Parquet.) Theory and Practice. (Saulez G.) Touchstone to Try the Scholar. (Laycach J.) Tourist's Companion. (Rouillon.) Traducteur. (Merlet.) Parisien. (De Parquet.) Translator. (Surenne.) Travel Talk, Eng., Fr., It., & Ger. (Murray's.) Traveller's Handbk., Eng., Fr., It. (Cardi.) Treasure. (Chamhaud.) Tresor. (Nouveau.) de I'Ecolier. (De Parquet.) Tutor. (Deslyons.) Tutor's Assistant. (French.) Verbs. (Billard.) (Ilamilt. Syst.) (Manual of.) — — • Classification. (Le Ilarivel F.) Conjugating. (Dupont G.J.) (Galopin.) Dictionary. (Radelle.) Conjugation. (Martin C. V.) Dictionary. (Loi-iot.) (Tarver.) Ragles de. (Rouillon.) Tables of. (Pontet D.) and Phrases, Dictionary. (Lea F.) Vers Francjois, &c., Anecdotes. (Le Harivel F.) Versification, Principes de. (Rouillon.) Versions. (Chei-pilloud J.) (De Porquet.) Vocabulary. (De. Parquet.) (Rouillon.) ■ — — ( Wanostrocht.) Pictorial. ( Whittack N.) Eng., Ger., and Fr. (Reymann.) Fr., Eng., and Lat. (Gibson T.A.) Ital., Fr., and Eng. (Zotti.) Voltaire, Tragedies, Choix de. (Fr. Class.) Yojage de Polyclete. (Rouillon.) World in Miniature. (Ilamel.) .-jFrrnr!), fHiercIlanrous. Aben Hamet. (Chateaithriand.) Adolphus, par Constant. Agathos. (Wilherforce Bp.) Alexander (Emp.) Vie, par Rabbe, Amerique, Situation Interieure. Anecdotes Parisiennes. Angleterre, Lettres sur. (Stael.) Antirrhinees, Monographie. (Chavannes.) Antoinette, Vie privee, par Campan. Apology for the Bible. (Watson Bpi.) Bareith (Marg. de) M^moires. Bibliotheque Portative. (Rouillon.) Boileau, Poesies de. CATALOGUE.] CLASSIFIED INDEX. 187 Fkench — Miscellaneous, contimied. Bonaparte (Louis) Memoiros. Bonchanips (iMarch. de) Memoiros. Canadas, Tableau Statistique. (Lchriin.) Cephaloue, Medailles Antiques. {Bosxett C.P.) Champ de Roses. {Fauvd.) Chancellerie, Lettres sur la Cour. {Cooper C.P.) Chefs d'CEuvres Dramatiques. Code Napoleon. de Commerce. Comic Annual. {French.) Common Prayer. {Liturgie.) Conjuration contra Venise. Corinne, ou I'ltalie. {Stael.) Resuscite. Corneille, CEuvres de. Dangeau, Memoires. Death of the Eldest Son. {Malan C.) D'Epinay (Mad.) Memoires, etc. Devoirs des Honiuies. {Pellico.) Diatessaron, French. Duchesse de la Valliere. {Genlis.) Edouard et Suzanne. Father Clement. {Kennedy G.) Felicia. {Genlis.) Fleurs de Poesie Moderne. France. {Memoires de.) Histoire. {Danyeau.) Geographie Ancienne, &c. {Wanihier.) Grace and Nature, Poem. {Flitcher J.) Grimm (Baron de) Memoires, &c. Henri le Grand. {Gen/is.) Hermite de la Chaussee d'Antin. {Joiuj.) Heures de Recreation. {Sazerac.) Hohenlinden, Campagnes. {Bulmv D.) Isle d'Elbe, 1813. {Manuscrit.) Italie, Souvenirs. {Chateaubriand.) Jardins, Les. {Delisle.) Jeanne de France. Josephine (Emp.) Memoires. Journal Anecdotique. {Campan Mad) Juliette ; Triomphe des Talens. La Bruyere, Characteres. Langage des Fleurs. Langues Vivantes, Discours. {Anaya A.) Larochejaquelin, Memoires. Lavalette (Ct.) Memoires, etc. Liberte en Italie, Histoire. {Sismondi) Litterature. {Clwfs d'CEuvres.) d'AUemagne. {Stael.) Fran<;aise. {Craufurd Q.) {Tableau.) Tableau. {Barante.) Vue de. {Stael.) Liturgie, par Wanostrocht. Londres, Tableau de. {Cruchlcy.) Malte, Tableau de. {Davalos.) Maternal Solicitude. {Taylor Mrs.) Memoires Particulieres. Mirabeau, Souvenirs. {Dmnont.) Moliere, ffiuvres de. Monarchic. {C hateaubriand.) Montbarey (Prince de) Memoires. Moreau (Gen.) Details. {Svinine.) Naples, Revolution de. {Carascola.) French — Miscellaneous, continued. Napoleon, Decrets, etc. {Goldsmith L.) Derniers Jours. {Antojnmarchi.) Expedition to Russia. {Seyur.) Idees. {Bonaparte.) Memoires, par Bourrienne. Fleury. Las Casas. ; {Se(jur.) in Exile, by O'Meara. the other World. Negociant Universel. {Keegan) Ney (Marechal) Memoires. Noemie, ou Soeur de la Misericorde. Novels, Selection of French. {Bellecour.) Ogres du Seizieme Siecle. Panorama des Enfans. {Tourreil M.L.) Pascal, Pensees. {Fr, Class.) Pauline, ou la Vertueuse Orpheline. Petit Hermite. {Jouy.) Petite Chouanniere. {Rio A.F.) Encyclopedie. {Wanostrocht.) Petits Emigres. {Genlis.) Petrarch et Laura. {Genlis.) Picard, Choix des Comedies. {Duvard.) Plays, Select French, {Bellecour Abbe.) Proteges du XVIII. Siecle. Revolution Fran^aise. {Stael.) {Histoire JVumismatique.) de 1688. {Mazure.) des Empires. {Chateaubriand.) Robinson. {JVouveau.) Rousseau, (Euvres, Lettres sur. {Stael.) Rovigo (Due de) Memoires. St. Leu (Duchess de) Memoires. Sevigne et Maintenon. {Lettres.) Spain, French War in. {Rocca M.) Stael (Mde. de) QSuvres Inedites. Sublime et des Tropes. {Mansart.) Testament, New. Tristan's Poetical Romances. Vathek. {Beckford W.) Veillees d'Hiver. Vendee, Memoires Historiques. {Sajnnaud.) Veritable Ami des Enfans. {Malan C.) Vicaire de Wakefield. {Goldsmith 0.) Visite d'une Semaine. {Peacock L.) Voyage en Orient. {Lamartine.) ©etman. iBiiurational anlt ilWtscdlanfous. Analogies, German-Eng. {Thomson E.) Anthology. {Mangan J.C.) Historical. {Bernays A.) Poetical. {Bernays A.) Arabian Nights, Tales from. {Grimm.) Aslaugas Knight. {Fouqui.) Ballads. {Book of.) Blaubart ein Marchen. {Tieck L.) Classical Lyrics. {Klatton-.'iki.) Common Prayer, Span, and Ger. {Book of.) Conversational Student. {Bertinc/iamj) G.J.) Conversations, Germ. & Eng. {Bramsen J.) {Crabb G.) {Neumann F.) {Rotvbotham J.) BB 2 CLASSIFIED INDEX. LLONDON German Language continued. Conversations, Germ, and Eng. {Smith L.) ( Whitelodx ItlL] Ger., Eng., and Fr. {Ikilenger W.A.) Fr., and Eng. {Siaffvrd J.) Ital., Ger., Fr., and Eng. {(Jo,(f.) Simbola Transportati, kc. {Bartoli.) Student's Help to Ital., Eng., and Fr. {So7-elli.) Tales of Angeloni. {Skene P.O.) the Hermitage, Ital. & Eng. {Peretti.) Tasso, Jerusalem Delivered, Ital. and Fr. {Hamilt. System.) Teatro Italiano. {Nardini.) {Rolandi.) ■ — {Zotti.) Tcsoretto. {De Porquet.) Traduttore Italiano. {Cassella A) Translation and Construction, Guide. {Rosteri.) Travel Talk, Ital., Eng., Fr., Ger. {Murray's.) Travellers' Handbk., Ital., Eng., &Fr. {Cardi.) Verbs. {Hamilt. System.) ■ {Syiiopsis.) Vocabolario Poetico. {Peretti.) Italian Language, continued. Vocabulary, Ital., Fr., and Eng. {Zotti.) Writers, Selections from. {Locke's System.) iLatitt. lElturattonrtl aiili iWisrellancous. Accidence. {Eton Coll.) {Owen E.) {Zunipt.) Companion. {Little Boy's.) Eton. {Hi7iton J.) Exercises. {Turner Tl'.) Acta Apostolorum. {Catena.) Adversaria. {Dohree P.) {Pearson Bp.) {Porson R.) iEschines et Demosthenes de Corona. Jilschylus, Tragcediae, Gr. et Lat. .Ssopus Fabulse, Delectus. ( Wcstm. School.) {Hamilt. System.) Lat. and Gr. {Eton Coll.) Aldhelmi Opera. Analecta Christiana. {Marriott C.) Majora. {Valpy.) Analogic. {Jones J.) Annales Vet. Reg. et Populorum. {Zumpt.) Antliologia Poetica. {Harrow School.) Apologia. {Jewel Bp.) Apuleius,De Deo Socrates, a Buckley. (.S'ocrate.) Arator, Opera Omnia. Aristophanes, Comoedise, Lat. et Gr. Aristotle, Opera. Arnulphus, Epistolse. Articulis Eccl. Anglicanse. {Welchman A.) Arundines Cami, Lat., Gr. and Eng. Aurelius Victor. {Hamilt. System.) Bastii Comment. Palseographica. {Hodgkin J.) Bede, Commentaria Theologia. Historia Ecclesiastica. {Eng. Hist. Soc.) • Opera Hist. Minora. {Eng. Hist. Soc.) Miscellanea. Bellum Papale. {James T.) Biblia Polj'glotta, Prolegomena. {Walton Bp.) Bion, Moschus, &c., Gr. et Lat. {Theocritus.) Bonifacius, Opera. Bos, Viger, &c., Abridgment. {Seager J.B.) Breviarum Romanum. Burnet ; de Fide et OfRciis. {Eton School.) Caesar, Comment., various. {Eton School.) {Hamilt. Syst.) {Locke's Syst.) Justin, &c., Selectse. {Winch. School.) Virgilius,&c., Portions of. {West. School.) Vocabularj' and Notes, by M'Dowal. Camberwell Col. School Books. _ Carmina Elegantissima. ( Winch. School.) Catechismus. {Xowell A.) Catena Grascorum Patrum, Gr. et Lat. Catholici Indices. {Lahhe.) Catullus, Carmina. {Eton School.) Opera. Juvenalis, et Persius. Tibullus, et Propertius. Celsus de Medicina, various Editions. {Hamilt. Syst.) "CC 194 CLASSIFIED INDEX. [LONDON Latin Language, continued. Charter-House School Books. Child's First Book. {Fenton \V.) Chronicon Anglia> Petreburgonse. llicardi Diviensis. {Kikj. J/ist. Sa.) ChrysostonijExcorpta, Gr. etLat. {BtayessBj).) Cicero, Aniicitia et Senectute. — '— Annotationes a Olivet. (Clavis.) Divinatione. Eclogse. (A lien A .) Epistolse ad Atticuni. Familiares. Finibus. Lexicon. (Ntsolius.) Milone. Natura Deorum. Officiis, various Editions. Opera Selecta. {Edinh. Amd.) ■ Varia. Opnscula et Vita. {Eton School.) Orationes, various Editions. (Eton College.) (Hamilt. Si/.st.) (Troll ope iv.) Oratore a Greenv/ood. Republica. Senectute. Sentences. (Charter II. Sc.) Verrinarum ; Lib. Septeni. and Plinj% Select Epistles. Class Book, Elementary. (Thonihorrow M.) Classics, First Steps to. (Hinton J.) Self-Instructing. (Jacohs W.) Clavis Classica. (Williams D.) Codex Exoniensis, by Thorpe. Saxonica. (Eng. Hist. Soc.) Collectanea Latina. (Allen W.) (Quin T.) Composition, Exercises in. (Davis H.) ■ Oral Exercises. (Edwards & Cross.) Prose. (Arnold T.K.) (Beat.fon B. W.) Selections, Gr. et Lat. (Dohson W.) Treatise. (Peithman L.E.) Verse. (Arnold T.K.) Condones et Orationes. {Eton School.) ex Historicis Gr. Lat. Confessiones Augustini. (Lib. of Fathers.) Confessionum. (Si/Uoge.) Conjugata Latina. (Haigh T.) Conspectus, Gregory's. (Hamilt. Sys.) Constitutiones Soc. Jesu, 1558. Construing. (Bosworfh J.) Book. (Thisllethwaite W) and Composition. (First Steps.) Corporis Humanis Fabrica. {Theojjhilus.) Corpus Poetarum. Corderius, CoUoquia. Delectus. (Allen & Cornwall.) (Eclinb. Acad.) (Edwards J.) {Harvey J.) ( Vnlpy.) Second. (Valpy.) {Webster A.) Latin Language, continued. Delectus, Epigram, Gr. and Lat. (Eton School.) Eton. (Smith T.) Litroductory. (Edinh. Acad.) Lcctionum. (Allen S.) Dolphin Classics. (Valiry.) Demosthenes, Opera Varia. Orationes, Gr. et Lat. Philippicae, Gr. et Lat. et .ffischines, Gr. et Lat. Dialogues. (Valpy.) Diatesseron. (Thirlu-all T.) Dictionary, Lat. and Eng. (Adam A.) (Ainsworth.) (Entick J.) (Haigh T.) (MairJ.) (iVihlocL) {Riddle J. E.) (Young W.) Diamond. (Riddle J.) Etymological. (Valpy.) Diis et Heroibus, &c. {Winch. School.) Diodati de Christo Grsece, &c. (Dominici.) Doctrina Christiana. (Milton J.) Copularum. (Allen H.) ■ — — Metrical Elemcnta. (Hermann.) Ecclesiae Anglicanss Vindex Catholicus. Dunelmensis, Liber Vitse. (Siirtees Soc.) Eclecta Puerilia. (Raine M.) Eclogae Ciceronianje. (Allen A.) Horatianse. (Arnold T.K.) (Lucretius.) (Ovid.) Ovidianae. (Arnold T.K.) Propheticae. (Eusehius.) Elegantias Latinae. (Valpy.) Elegiacs, English Notes for. (Oxenham W) Exercises in. (Edwards J.) Elmsleiana Critica, a Gretton. Enchiridion Lyricum. (IIHl J.) ■ Theologicum. Enoch, Book of. (Laurence Ahj).) Ennii, Reliquiae Omnes. Epistolas Catholicas. (Catena) Corinthios. (Catena) Galatas, Ephesios, &c. (Catena) Romanes. (Cateiia.) Timotheum, Titum, &c. (Catena.) Erasmus, Colloquia. Eton College School Books. Eunuchus Palliatus. (Westm. School) Euripides, Andromache, Gr. et Lat. — Cyclops, Gr. et Lat. Electra, Gr. et Lat. Hercules Furens, Gr, et Lat. Ion, Gr. et Lat. Iphigenia in Aulide, Gr. et Lat. Tauris, Gr. et Lat. Rhesus, Gr. et Lat. Tragediae, Gr. et Lat. Troades, Gr. et Lat. Eusebius, Evang. Preparationis Lib. XV. Historia Ecclesiastica. — Annotationes. Eutropius. (Hamilt. Syst) CATALOGUE.] CLASSIFIED INDEX. 195 Latin Language, continued. Eutropius. (Eton College.) Evangelia. {Eton, School.) — ■ Catena, a Cramer. (Catena.) Gr., Lat., and Eng. {Triijlott.) Johannis. (Ilamilt. Si/st.) Matthtei, Homiliae. [Ckri/sostom.) Exempla Minora. {Eton College.) {Smith T.) Moralia. {Eton College.) Necessaria. {Burtt J.) Exercises. {Bailei/ N) {Charter H. Sc.) {Daniell.) {Ellis W.) - — — {Hoicavd iV.) {Jones IF.) {Kenrick J.) {Mitchell J.) {Phillips T.) {Progressive.) {Saxton C. W.) {Smith W.) {Thornhorro^o M) {Valjri/.) Second. {ValpH-) - — {Whittaler G.) First Progressive. {Hiley R.) King's College. {Major J.R.) Longer Latin. {Arnold T.K.) Middle Forms. {Edwards J.) Scanning. {Carey J.) Extracts. {Charter II. Sc.) {Elegant.) Tibullus and Ovid. {Ramsay W.) Ezra, Book of, Ethiop., Lat. & Eng. {Laurence.) Fabulse Selectae. {Whitiaker G.) Fasciculus Carminum. {Eton College.) Poeticus. First Lessons. {Evans J.) Florilegium Poeticum. {Whittaker G.) {Winch. School.) Florus et Paterculus. {Regent Class.) Historia Britonum. {Galfredi.) {Nennius.) Nennius, by Gunn. Gildas de Excidio Britannise. {Eng. Hist. Soc.) Gleanings, Moral, &c., Eng. & Lat. {KendallJ.) Gradus ad Cantabrigiam. Pamassum. Grammar. {Aheille A.C.) {Adam A.) {Broomsgrove.) {Carnh. Col.) {Cohhett J.P.) {Dtpnock J.) {Edward VI.) {Eton College.) {Flynn T.) {Giles J. A.) {Hickie D.n.) {II He, I R.) {Holmes.) {Irving C.) {Jones John.) {Lyne R.) {MacGowan T.) Latin Language, continued. Grammar. {Meh-in J.) ■ {Parent's.) {Peithnian L.E.) {Port Royal.) {Riiddiman T.) {Scheller J.G.) {Schulte F,) {Taylor G.) ( Valjyy.) — { Wanostrocht.) {Ward.) {We.%tni. School.) {Whittaker G.) {Zmnpt.) Eton. {Edivards J.) {Gicy J.) {Mavor W.) {Moody C.) {Smith T.) Comment, on. {Ilaynes R.) in English. {Green J.) First. {Butler W.) Harmonical. {Foster W.) Haj'es's Questions on. {Major's.) Institutes of. {Grant J.) Introductory. {Black R.II.) {Cheam School.) King's College. {Major J.R.) Leicester. {Edmond aivd.) Grammar, Span., and Eng. {Alccda J.) {De Lara.) {Fernandez.) {Mac Henry,) {Mordente J.E.) {Scot A.) Fr. {.fosse A. L.) Port., & Ital. {Woodhouse R.) and Exercises, Sp. and Eng. {Del Afar E.) { Whitehead er C.) {Gupjjy H.) {Itaa-linyson C.) {Scircll R.C.) {iStcjjhens A.J.) Offences against Person. {Car// H.) Parish Constable's. {Lumleij W.O.) Patent Amendment. {Dreivry C.S.) Pauper Lunatic Asylum. {Powtiall J.F.) Plurality Benefices. {Holt T.) Poor Law. {Arcldiold.) {Tlccolald W.) Continuance. {LnmleyW.G.) Irish. {C'oode G.) Reform, {Cockburn A.E.) {Rogers F.N.) { Whishaw J.) — Scotch. {Cay J.) Savings' Bank. {Pratt J. T.) Small Debts, &c. {Btirh P.) {Cox- E. W.) Smuggling Prevention. Stamp. {Impey W.J.) Tenterden's. {Martin S.) Thelusson. {Hargrave F.) Tithe. {Whalleii G.H.) {White J. M.) Commutation. {Bosanquet S.R.) {Eagle W.) {Jellicoe J.L.) {Sehomherg J.T.) {Shelford L.) {White J.M.) Turnpike. {Metropolitan.) Uniformitj' of Process. {Tidd W.) Voters', Registration. {Cox E. W.) {Grady S.G.) Wills. {Fisher R.T.) {Lush R.) {Paget J.) {Power D.) {PrideaiLV C.G.) {Rogers F.N.) {Welts M.) { Wordsworth C.F.) Yeomanry Cavalry. {Precedents.) Acts. {Peel Sir R.) {Sugden E.B.) ■ Church Building. {Law J. T.) County Rates. {Abstract.) Court of Requests. {Pratt J.T.) Factorj'. {Lumley W.G.) Fisheries and Game, Irish. {Jagoe J.) Law akd Jurisprudence, continued. Acts, General. {I'uhlic.) Highway. {Delane W.F.) Joint Stock Companies. {Paterson W.) Kingston-on-llull. {Woolley.) Lunacy. {Lumley W.G.) Marriage & Registration. {Burn J.S.) {Eagle W.) {Matthews R.) Navigation. {Tyndale T.W.) Poaching. {Archbold.) Poor- Law Amendment. {Bosanquet S.R.) Railway. {Collier R.P.) Regulation. {Railways.) Real Property. {Berny G.J.) {Neale E. V.) {Stalman H.) Reform and Boundaries. {FinnellyW.) {Miller S.) {Russell W.) Rules for Reading of. {Farren G.) Scotch, Abridged. {Alexander W.) Shipping. {Earnshaw W.) Southwark Ct. of Requests. {Meymoit.) Tithes. {Gwillim H.) Turnpike. {Dehany W.K) {Delane W.F) Road. {Bateman J.) {Pratt J.T.) Vestries. {Fry A. A.) Action of Replevin. {Wilkinson J.J.) Action-at-Law, History of. {Mayhew T.) Treatise on. {Browne R.J.) View of. {Smith J. IF.) Actions by Arrest, Abuses in. {Pearce J.) Civil, Practice in. {Lee T.) Pleading in. {Macnamara U.) Consistorial, Practice of. {Lothian.) Limitation of. ( Wilkirt.<ey.) Fjphome.{TurnerS.) C. P., and Excheq. {Practice.) Practice. {SandfordE.) {Ep)itome.) Land, Tenancy, Great Britain. {Kennedy &G.) Landlord and Tenant. {Bingham P.) {Chambers C.H.) {Comyn R.B.) {Coote R.H.) {Copley C.J.) {Mathew J.M.) {Plowden J. W.) {Pratt J.T.) -- {Shipman R.) 206 CLASSIFIED INDEX. [r-ONDON Law and Jurisprudence, continued. Landlord and Tenant. {Tahram R.) {Wood/all W.) Tenant, and Lodger. {Pater J.) LaudibusLcgiun Anglii\i,Eng.&Lat. {Fortescue.) Law, Abridgment, {/ktcon M.) Advice on Study. {Wright W.) Adviser, Familiar. {Brady J. 11.) Assistant, Tradesman's. {Nichol J.) Book-Kceping, System. {Price J.D.) Courts, Practice of Common. {Allen P) Right to Begin, &c. {BestWJI.) Dictionary. {Ilolthouse II. J.) {Tomline L.E.) ( Whisliaio J.) {Williams T.W.) — United States. {Bouvier J.) and Suppt. {Tonilins T.E.) Digest. {Jeremi/ II.) 1834-35. {Roscoe H.) Glossary, Foreign Languages. {Tayler T.) Government, &c. {Tracts on.) Grammar. {Jacob G.) Grandeur of. {Foss E.) Hints on Study. {Slack E. F.) Introduction. {Ritso F.) Leading Cases on. {Smith J. TF.) Letters on Study. {Raithhi/ J.) Library, Tradesman's. {Tliompson G.) Making, Mechanics of. {Si/monds A.) Nullities & Irregularities. {Macnamara.) Officers, Ireland. {Smyth C.J.) Philosophy of. {Sicinhtcrne T.) Practice in General. {Chittij J.) Reform, Suggestions on. {Stewart J.) Science of. {Reddie J.) Sciences Relative to. {Elements of,) Student's C. P. Book. {Petersdorf C.) Guide. Questions for. {Barnham T.C.) Studies, Introduction. ( Warren S.] Study of the. {Fulheck W.) - and Practice. ( Williams J.) Tracts, Historical. {Thrupp J.) ■ Unsettled State of. {Miller J.) ■ and Equity, Maxims. {Branche T.) &c. {HalkerstonP.) Sec, Opinions. {Cases.) of Nature & Nations. {Mackintosh Sir J.) Laws, Conflict of. {Story J.) Spirit of. {Montesquieu.) Lawyer. {Cabinet.) Parochial. {Shaw J) {Pocket.) Leasehold Property, Inquiry into. {Clark J.) Leases, Treatise. {Cliambers C.H.) ■ — - — and Terms for Years. {Bacon M.) Legacies, Treatise. {Lotvndes W.) {Preston W.S.) . — {Roper R.S.) . {WardW.) Legal Judgment, Science of. {Ram J.) Legitimation. {Robertson E.) Lennox Representation. {Riddell J.) Lex Mercatorije. {Beawes W.) Libel, Offence of. {George J.) Treatise on. {Holt F.L.) Law and Jurisprudence, continued. Libel, Treatise. {Mence R.) and Slander, Treatise. {Borthmck J.) Licensed Victuallers, Laws. {Horry S.C.) Lien, Summary of the Law. {Montagu B.) and Stoppage in Transitu. {Cross J.) Life Contingencies, Doctrine. {Farren G.) Notation. {Hardy P.) Lighting and Watching. {Pratt J,T,) Limitation, Jurisdiction, &c. {Mansel O.B.) Statutes of. {IUan.ihurd W.) and Prescription. {Gibbon I),) Limitations, Constructions of. {Prior J, V.) Heirs in Tail. {Hayes W.) Lincoln's Inn, Student's Guide. (Lane T.) Literary Property. {Maugham R.) Littleton, Commentary on. {Cary H.) {Coke Sir E.) London, City and Port, Laws. {Pidling A .) Lord Mayor's Court, Practice. {Ashley H.) Losses, Contingent and Eventual. {Gael S.) Lunacy, Treatise. {Stork J.S.) under Commissioners. {Elmers J.) Lunatics, Treatise. {Shelford L.) and Lunatic Asj'lums. {Acts.) Madras, Superior Court, Cases in. {Strange T.) Magistrate's Assistant. {Robinson W.) Guide. {Beacon E.E.) Manual. {Shuttleworth R.) {Toone W.) Pocket-Book. {Robinson W.) Companion. {Eagle W.) Register. {Toone W.) Magna Charta, Essay. {Thomson R.) Maidstone, Charters. {James W.R.) Mandamus and Corporation Law. (impey W.J.) Manumission, Points in. {Henry J.) Maritime Law. {Manual of,) Marriage Act, England, {Aspland S.) Laws. (Observations.) Scotland. (Irvine P.) Student's Compend. {Logan J.) Legal Decrees of. (Alleyne J.) Presbyterian. (Molloy A.B.) Settlements. (Atherley E.G.) {Phillips J.) and Divorce. (Poipiter J.) (Shelford L.) Marshalsea Court. (Bxickley W.) Master and Servant. (Spike E.) Servants in Manufacts. (WilsonJ.) Maxims, Legal, &c., (Broom H.) Maynooth College, Laws Relative to. (Lord J.) Medical Jurisprudence. (Chitty J.) Profession, Law of. ( WiUcock J. TF.) Meetings, Public, &c. (Arnold T.) Mercantile Guaranties. (Fell W.W.) Law. See also Commerce. Compendium. (Smith J, TF.) Merchant Seamen. (Symons E. W.) Rights, &c. (Curtis G.F.) Ships and Seamen. (Abbott C.) Messenger, Office of. (Darling J.J.) Military Law. (Samuel.) (Tytler A.F.) Militia Laws, with Cases. (Digest.) Mines and Minerals. (Bainbridge TF.) CATALOGUE.] CLASSIFIED INDEX. 207 Law and Jurisprudence, continued. Misdemeanours. {Woolrt/eh H. W.) Mohumudan Law. {Mac Naghten W.H.) Law of Inheritance. (Baillie N.B.) Mortgages. {Coote R.U.) {Patch J.) {Powell J J.) {Wilmot E.C) Equitable. {Miller S.) Precedents of. {Coventry T.) {Rouse R.) Mortmain, Uses and Trusts. {Shelford L.) Municipal Rights. {Payne IF.) Nations, Law of. ( Vattel.) {Manning W.O.) Naval Discipline. {Biden.) Navigation and Commerce. {Ellis R.) Ne Exeat Regno, Writ of. {Beanies J.) Newfoundland, Superior Court. {Tucker.) Nisi Prius. {Archhold.) {Buller F.) {Hammond A.) {Harrison & E.) {Leigh P.B.) {Selwy7i W.) {Stephens A.J^ {Siimmary.) Notary. {Office of.) Office and Practice of. {Brooke R.) Notes of Cases in K. Bench. {Kenyon Lord.) Eccles. Courts. Maritime Courts. Offences, Indictable. {Boothhy B.) Overseer's Guide. {Barrett C.P.) in Single Parishes. (Pe«rso?i.) Overseers. See Churchwardens. Parish Appeals, Treatise on. {Lee F. V.) and Settlements. {Symons J.) Apprenticeship. {Lumley W.G.) ■ ■ Law. {Steer J.) Matters. {Robinson W.) Parliament, Chan., & Exch., Costs. {Lloyd R.) Jurisdiction. {Peyronnet.) Law of. {Ferrall S.A.) Privileges. {May T.E.) Parliamentary Papers, Digest. {Barrow S.H.) Parochial Law. {Williams T.W.) Dictionary. {Brady & M.) Scotland. {Dunlo2) A.) Settlements. {Laiv of.) Law of. {Lnmley W.O^ Precedents. {Gael S.) Treatise on. {Gamlier E. G.) Partition. {Allnatt C.B.) Partnership, Comments on. {Story J.) Digest. {Montagu B.) Treatise on. {Cary H.) {Collyer J.) ■ {Gow JV.) Party Walls and Buildings. {WoolrychH.W.) Patents, Law of. {Holroyd E.) '■ Analysis of. {Rankin R.R.) Epitome. {Smith J. W.) Explained. {Carpmael W.) Foreign. ( Urling R. W.) French. {Egan C.) Inventions. {Webster T.) Law and Jurisprudence, continued. Patents, List of, 1800-43. {Pritchard A.) and Copyright. {Godson R.) Designs. {Billings S.) Patronage, Parochial, Scotland. {Dunloj) A.) Pawnbrokers, Digest of Laws. {Mac Glashan.) Pawns and Pledges. {Cohbett J. P.) Peerage Law, Scotch and Engl. {Riddell J.) Penal Code, England. {Disney J.) France. Indian. Louisiana. {Livingstone.) Convictions. {Nares J.) Jurisprudence. \^Roscoe H.) Laws, Irish Catholics. {Parnell H.) • Regulations, Bengal. {Smith D.C.) Perpetuity, Essay on. {Randall H.) Treatise on. {Lewis W.D.) Personal Succession. {Robertson D.) Petty Sessions, Practice. {Stone J.) Pews, Law of. {Billings S.) {English H.S.) Pleader, Modern. {Lmiiey J.) Pleader's Guide, Poem. {Anstey J.) Pleading, Analysis of. {Hammond A) Civil Actions. {Saunders J.S.) Criminal. {Starkie T.) Decisions Westm. Courts. {Ramshay W.) Forms of. {Greening H.) Index to Precedents. {Petersdorff.) Precedents in. {Chitty J.J.) {Petersdorff.) — — — Principles of. {Lidwych A.J.) {Stephen Sergt.) Rules of. {Bosanquet S.R.) {Garde R.) ■ {Kennedy C.R.) Treatise on. {Chitty J.) Police Guide. {Charnock R.) Manual. {Stone J.) Poor Law, Appeals agst. Removal. {Archbold.) {Hodgson H.J.) Election Manual. {Lumley W.G.) Overseer's Guide. {Toone W.) Settlement. {Lewiii G.A.) ■ Unions, Tables for. {Fotvlei:) Laws, Amendment of. {Archbold.) {Pratt J.T.) {Breviary.) {Robinson W.) Cases, &c. {Bott E.) Compendium of. {Sculthorpe J.) Digest of. {Caldwell J.S.) Essay on. {Geiger.) {Walthew R.) Foreign. {Senior N. W.) Gen. Orders on. {Lumley W.G.) Illustrated. {Page F.) Scotland. {Alison A.) {Dunlo}} A.) {Moneypenny Lord) Suppt. to Bott and Nolan. {Pratt.) Treatise on. {Leigh P.B.) {Leu-in G.A.) {Nolan M.) {Theobald W.) ( Willcoch J. W) 208 CLASSIFIED INDEX [LONDON Law and Jurisprudence, continued. Poor Laws of the Hebrews. {Laws.) Hates, Cases of Exemption. {G'n'ffith E.) Portions, Law of. {Mathews J. II.) Powers, Treatise on. {Chance II.) {Sugden E.B.) Poverty, Mendicity, and Crime. {Miles W.A.) Practice and Pleading. {Charnock R.) {Lawes E.) Precedent of Precedents. {Shep2yard W.) Presumptive Proof. {Theory of.) Principal and Agent. {Paley W.) Surety. {Pitman E.D.) {Theobald W.) Prize Causes, Orders. {Collection.) Probate and Legacy Duties. {Gwynne T.) Promissory Notes. {Story J.) Property, Conversion of. {Leigh cfe D.) Landed. {Daioes M.) Lawyer. Personal, Sales of. {Long G.) {Ross G.) Real, Actions relating. {Roscoe H.) Comments on. {Legal Observer.) Commission. {Real.) Digest. {Cruise W.) Equitj' Practice. {Barnes R.) Judgments Afiectmg.{PrideaiixF.) {Observations.) Observations on. {Hiimjjhrey J.) Outline of. {Maugham R.) {Questions and A^isweys.) Questions & Answers. {SmithJ. W.) Right of Heirship. {Causton U.S.) Stepping Stone. {Smythie H.) Treatise on. {Burton P.) ■ {Flintoff 0.) {Hughes W.) {Williams Jos.) — View of Law. {Hayes W.) Public Companies, &c., Liabilities. {Farren G.) Records of Great Britain. Account of. {Cooper C.P.) Quarantine Laws, Observations. {White W.) Treatise. (J/ac Lean.) Quarter Sessions, Guide. {Dickinson W.) {Raynes S.) {Robinson W.) Practice. {A rchbold.) Queen's B., Practice. {Archbohl.) Crown Side. {Archbohl.) {GradyAS.) C. P., & Exch., Forms. {Chitty T.) {Tidd W.) Pract. {Theobald.) Quo Warranto, Treatise. {Tancred II. W.) Railway Schemes, Board of Trade. {Repiort.) Subscriber, Liabilities of. {Terrell T.H.) Railways, Law of. {Walford F.) Laws of Excavation, &c. {Practical.) Statute Law. {Hodges W.) Statutes and Orders. {Shelford L.) Registration of Voters. {Moylan B.C.) {Seivell R.C.) Voter's Manual. {Moore A.) Remainders, Doctrine. {Cornish W.F.) Renewals, Ireland. {Finlay J.) Law and Jurisprudence, continued. Replevin, Action of. {Wilkinson J.J.) Replication de Injuria. {ICime.) Reports, viz. : — Abridgement. {Petersdorff C.) Admiralty. {Dodson J.) {Edwards T.) {Haggard J.) {Robinson IF.) Index. {Greene J.) Nova Scotia. {Stewart J.) Appeals. {Clarke & F.) {Dow P.) {Dow & C.) — H. of Lords. {Bligh R.) {West M.J.) Privy Coun. {Knaj)p) J. W.) — Colony. (Palmer/.) E. Ind. {Moore.) Registration. {Pigott & R.) Scotland. {Mac Lean tfc R.) Ashby V. White, Judgment. {Holt C.J.) Auchterarder Case. {Robertson C.) Bankruptcy. {Buck J. W.) {Deacon & C.) {Glyn <£• J.) {Montagu B.) {Montagu & A.) {Montagu & B.) {Montagu & C.) {Montagu & D.) {Montagu & McA.) {Rose G.) Barony of Gardner,Claims.(Zeil/arc/ia?t<.) Belcher v. Belcher. {PhiUimore Dr. J.) Bengal, 1805-26. {Mac Naghten W.H) Braintree Church Rate. {.Johnson C. W.) Canadian Prisoners' Case. {Fry A. A}) Cardigan, Earl; Trial. {Cardigan.) Certain Cases. {Cooper C.P.) Chancery. {Ambler C.) {Broimi W.) {Cary G.) — {Cooj^er G.) — {Craig & P.) — {Freeman R.) — {Hare T.) — {Henley Lord.) — {Jacob E.) — {Jacob <£• W.) — {Merivale J.H.) — {Mylne & C.) — {Mylne & 0.) {Perry cfc A'.) Digest. {Words2vorth C.F.) Equity, 1783-96. {Cox S.C.) Digest. {Hammond A.) Index. {Bridgman R.W.) and Com. Law. {Farren Gt) Exchequer. {Anstruther A.) {Cromjjton & J.) {Crompton <£• M.) {Crompton, M., & R) {Daniell E.R.) {MacCleland T.) {MacCleland j J.) Text Book. (Cunningham R.) Arithmetician. (Concise.) Arithmetician's Guide. (Taylor W.) (Woodward R.W.) Arithmology. (Cas^Krsonn.) Bookkeeping. See Trade and Commerce. Calculation, System. (JJowling D.) Calculus, Differential. (Baily & Lund.) ■ (Boucharlat J.L.) (Broivn A.) (Broivne A.) (Coddington H,) (Hind.) (Miller W.H.) (Myers C.J.) (O'Brien M.) (Otthy W.C.) (Walton W.) {Young J.R.) -and Integral. (ConnellJ.) (Forbes J.) {Gregory.) (Hall T.G.) (La Croix.) (Lardner.) (Lib.U. K.) (Fou-ell B.) (Ritchie W.) (Thomson.) Fluxional. (Jephson T.) Integral. (Hynier J.) (Ottley W.C.) (Peacoch Dean.) (Young J.R.) Examples. (Collection of.) Mathematical Sciences continued. Calculus, Literal, and Algebra. (Hirsch.) of Variations. (Abbatt R.) Central Forces, Theory. {Lardner D.) Chance, Laws of. (Simjison T.) Circles, Areas and Circumference. (Tables.) Cones. (Chasles.) Conic Sections, Algeb. System. {Wright J. M.) Analytical Syst. (Hamilton H.F.) Elements of, by Hustler. (Robertson A.) (Simpson T.) ( Vince S.) Geometrical Treat. (Robertson A.) (Wallace W.) System. (Geometrical.) Treatise. (Bridge B.) (Hymer J.) Counting, Method of. (Condorcet.) Curve Lines, Geometry of (Leslie J.) Curves, Elements. (Powell B.) Geometry. (Fou-ell B.) Dublin University Examinations. Dynamics, Introduction. ( Wkewell W.) Treatise. (Farnshaw S.) (Wheu-ell W.) Ellipse, Elements. (Adams J.) Properties of (Somerset, DuJce of.) Equations, Algebraic, Theory. (Spence W.) ■ (Young J.R.) Treatise. {Hymer J.) (Stevenson R.) by Murphy. (Lib. U.K.) Cube and Biquadiic. (Young J.R.) Cubic. (Brownlow W.) — — Roots. (Lockhart J. G.) Differential. (Treatise on.) (Hymer J.) Numerical, Roots. (Young J.R.) Solving. (Weddle T.) Solution. (Sturm C.) Resolution. (Lockhart J.G.) Solutions. (Buck J.) Treatise. (Bridge B.) Euclid, arranged Symbolically, by Williams. in Syllogisms. (Comptanion to.) Elements, Various Editions. Enunciations. — and Figures. — — — Figures of, by Cooley. (Prepiarations for.) Schemata Geometrica. (Schemata.) Self-Examinations. (Wright J. M.) Supplement. (Denison J.) Evolution, or Power of Numbers. (Smith T.) Fluxions, Doctrine. (Rowe J.) Principles. (Dealtry TF.) (Simpson T.) (Vince S.) Fractions, Vulgar and Decimal. (Colenso J.) Geometrical Companion. (Darley G.) Demonstration. ( Wedgicood 27.) Illustrations. (Bennett J.) Propositions. (Cooley W.D.) Solutions. (Reynard F.) Theorems and Formulae. {Wallace W.) 216 CLASSIFIED INDEX. [LONDON Mathematical Sciences continued. Geometrical and Graphical Essays. {Adams G.) Geometry. See also Arithmetic. Algebraic. (La /).) by Waud. (Lib. U. K.) Analytical. {Hamilton H.P.) {Ihjmer J.) {Young J.R.) Arcanum. {Bennett J.) Descriptive. {Hall T.G.) Difficulties. {Newman F. W.) {Elements of.) Elements. {Bonnycastle J.) {Emerson W.) {Fisher W.) {Legendre.) {Narrien J.) {Sim2)son T.) {Yovng J.R.) Grammar. {Smith John.) Introduction. {Francwur.) Lessons on Form. {Reiner C.) Manual. {School.) Plane, Co-ordinate. {O'Brien M.) Elements. {Chambers' Ed, C.) {Duncan T.) {Keith T.) {Leslie J.) Rudiments. {Leslie J.) Solid, &c. {Lib. U. K.) Popular, System, {Darley G.) Practical, Course. {Pashy C. W.) Treatise. {Elliot J.) by Bradley. {Lib. U. A'.) Mathematical Sciences continued. Mathematical Questions. {Oxford.) Tables. {Ikirlow P.) {Brown J.) {Cajie J.) {Chambers' Ed. Course.) {Christison J.) {Garrett P.) {Hutton C.) {Templeton W.) {Whiting T.) {Young J.R.) Tracts. {Bell A.) {Ilutton V.) {O'Brien M.) Treatises. ( West J.) and Astronomical Tables. {GalbraithW .) — Navigation Tables. {Kerigan T.) Principles. {Ritchie W.) Rudiments. {Larkin.) Sequel to Euclid. {Hirsch.) Spherical. {Howard J.) Solid, Analysis to. {Gregory D.F.) Elements. {Duncan T.) Introduction. {Larkin.) and Spherical. {Chambers' Ed. C.) Supplement to Playfair's. {Duncan T.) Treatise, by Lardner. {Lardner's C'y.) {Wallace R.) Useful. {Taylor C.) Increments, Method of. {Nicholson P.) Integral Tables. {Hirsch.) Limits, Doctrine. {Whewell W.) Logarithmic and Astron. Tables. {Shortrede R.) Trigonometric Tables. Logarithms, Computation. {Yotmg J.R.) Explanations. {Little J.) Manual. {Trotter J.) Tables. {Babbage C.) {CarrJ.) {Farley R.) {Lib. U. K.) {Nicholson P.) {Riddle E.) {Wallace R.) Mathematical Dictionary. {Hutton C.) Dissertations. {Young J.R.) Essays. {Spence W.) Papers. {Cambridge.) Instruments, Treatise. {Simms F. W.) Questions. {Leybourn T.) Mathematicians, Exercises for. {Simpson T.) Mathematics, Course. {Cape J.) {Dalby I.) {Francoeur L.B.) ■ Cyclopaedia. {Mitchell J.) Elements. {Nicholson P.) Higher. {Duncan T.) Hints for Teachers. {Gregory 0.) Introduction. {Butler C.) {Denison I.) Lectures. {Kelland P.) Popular. {Mudie R.) Practical. {Chambers' Ed. Course.) {Davidson J.) {Dup)in C.) {Fenwick J.) {Gregory 0.) Pure. {Brooke C.) -— and Mixed. {Wrigley.) Recreations. {Hutton C.) Rudiments. {Ludlam W.) System. {Ingram A.) Treatise. {Halliwell J.O.) {Hutton C.) Solutions to. {Hutton C.) ■ ■ {Lib. U. F.) Maxima and Minima, Investig. {Creswell D.) Negative Quantities, Square Root. {WarrenJ.) Number, Lessons on. {Reiner C.) andMagnitude,Connection8. {DeMoi-gan.) Numbers, Power, &c., of. {Smith T.) Remembering of, {Crook W.H.) Theory of {Barlow P.) {Wright J.M.) Probabilities, Calculation of.- {Quetelet.) Treatise, by De Morgan. {Lardner's Cy.) Probability, Treatise, by Galloway. {Fn. Brit.) Problems, Algebraical. {Bland M.) Cambridge. {Wright J.M.) Senate House. {Cambridge.) Solutions. {Coombe J. A .) ■ {Wright J.M.) {Dublin.) Geometrical. {Bland 31.) Isoperimetrical. { R.) Mathematical. {Cambridge.) Trigonometrical, Solutions. {Padley A.) Proclus, Two Treatises of. Works of. Translated by Taylor. CATALOGUE.] CLASSIFIED INDEX. 217 Mathematical Sciences continued. Spherics, Treatise. (Cressirell D.) and Nautical Astronomy. {KeUy P.) Squares, Cubes, &c., Tables. {Barlow P.) by Bariow. {Lib. U. K.) Statics, Analytical. {Wlmiell W.) ■ ■ Treatise. {Earnshaw S.) Traverse Tables. {Boilcau J.T.) Trigonometry, Analytical. {Lab>/ T.) Elements. {De Moryaa.) {Gregory 0.) Introduction. {Inman J.) {Wright W.) Lectures. {Peacock D.) Plane, Elements. {SiunvhallJ.C.) Introduction. {Ashworlh C.) {Siioiuhall J.C.) Problems. {Hewitt D.) Treatise. {Bridge B.) and Mensuration. {Scotl W.) Mathematical Sciences continued. Trigonometry, Plane & Spherical. {Ahbatt R.) {Bonnijcastle J.) Spherical. {Byrne.) {Hymer J.) {Snowball J.C.) {Bar lei/ (,'.) {Hall T.G.) {Hind J.) (Hymer J.) {Keiik T.) {Luhy T.) {Thomson J.) { Wilson It) {Young J.K.) Sj'llabus. {Pearson H.) Treatise. {Lardner D.) ( Vince S.) {Woodhouse R.) ittctJical Sciences. anatomj), iMfUicinc, ^^afftologs, ^pfjjjsiologj), ^iirgerj)— Fetcrinarjj ^rt. Abortion, Illustrations. {Granville A. B.) Observations. {Streeter J.S.) Accouchement, Aphorisms in. {Blake A.) Accoucheur. {Craig J.) Accoucheur's Vade-Mecum. {Burke T.) Aconitine, &c.. Use of. {Turnbull A.) Aconitum Napellus, Properties of. {Fleming A.) Acoustic Surgery, Guide. {Buchanan T.) Acupuncturation, Treatise. {Churchill J.M.) Air Passages, Lungs, &c. {Catherivood A.) Alimentary Drinks, Treatise. {Stevenson J.) Amaurosis, Treatise. {Hocken E.O.) • {Stevenson J.) Amputation, Illustrations. {Cocks W.P.) Fractures, &c., Remarks. {HamnickS.L.) of Thigh at Hip Joint. {Cox W.S.) Anatomical Atlas. {Cruveilhier.) {Smith H.H.) {Weber.) Commentaries. {Mayo H.) Drawings, Museum, Chatham. Examinations. Lectures. {Chevalier T.) Manipulation. {Tulk tfc Henfrey.) Plates. {Lizars J.) {Quain db Wilsoii.) Anatomy, Demonstrations. {Ellis G.) Elements. {Craigie D.) {Ency. Brit) {Quain J.) {Ejntome of.) First Steps. {Drummond J.L.) Introduction to Study. {Paxton J.) Lectures. {{Cooper B.B.) Letters. {Barclay J.) Manual. {Meckel.) {Shaio J.) Preparations, Making Dried. {Swan J.) Remembrancer. Sketches. {Wormald <£■ M'Whinnie.) Tables. {Alhinus.) {iVunneley T.) and Pathol. Observations. {Goodsir J.) Anatomist. {Savage H.) Anatomist's Instructor. {Knox R.) Manual. {AfaygrierJ.P.) Vade-Mecum. {Hoo^nr R.) ( yVilson E.) Anatomy, Compendium. {T'uso7i E.W.) Criiveilhier's. {Lib. of Med.) Pentaglot Diet, of Terms in. {Palmer S.) System. {Cloquet H.) {Fyfe A.) Text Book. {Hunter R.) {Lizars A.) British, Apology for. {Farre J.R.) Comparative. {Blumenbach J.F.) Col. Surg. {Catalogue of.) Introduction. {Laivrence W.) Lectures. {Home E.) {Owen R) Outlines. {Grant R.E.) Student's Companion. {EversP.) Vertebrate Animals. {Wagner.) General. {Bichat.) Elements. {Beclard.) - — — {Grainger R.D.) Manual. {Bayle A.L.) {Bayle S H.) Human Body. — {Bell Sir C. & J.) {Fyfe A.) {Monro A.) Morbid. {Baillie M.) {Hodgkin T.) Principles. {Hope Dr. J.) Vade-Mecum. {Money W.) Pathological. {Andi-al G.) FF 218 CLASSIFIED INDEX. [LONDON Mkdioal Sciences contimud. Anatomy, Pathological. {Carsuell R.) : {oito A.w.) Physiological. {Tvdd eer T.G.) in England. {Grant R.E.) Professions, Hints on. {Denham W.H.) Pupils, Address to. {Barlozv J.) Remembrancer. {Shavj E.) Reports, Military. {MacCale J.) Schools, Guide. {Student's.) Paris, Sketches. {Cross J.) Science, Dissertation. {Blane G.) ' Essays. {Hosack D.) Philosophy of. {Uartlctt E.) Principles. {Shide H.) View. {Parkinson T.) Sciences, Abstract. {Ranking W.H.) Sketches. {Kerr G.) Society, Calcutta. {Transactions.) Statistics. {Hawkins F.B.) Student. {Address to.) Aids to Study. {Dunglisson R.) Student's Guide. {Medical Calendar.) Manual. {Pereira.) . {Whitmore J.) Questions, &c. {Syder C. W.) Subjects, First Steps. {Fletcher R.) Superstitions, Observations. {Pettigrew.) Terms, Dictionary of {Hohlyn R.) Theory and Practice. {Uicins D.) Topography, Ceylon. {Marshall H.) Mediterranean. {Hennen.) Up. Canada. {Douglas J.C.) Vocabulary. Witnesses, Hints to. {Smith J.G.) Works. {JEgineata P.) {Baillie M.) {Gullen W.) and Life. {Hunter J.) and Physiolog. Comment. {Paine M.) Problems. ((T'r///!"ft Wc{:D.) Scientific Essaj's. (Etherington G.) Surgical Cases. {Suthffe E.) Dictionary. {Forsyth J.S.) Remarks. {Grainger R.D.) Medicinae Principia. {Howe E.) Medicine, Administering of {Xeligan J.M.) Ancient History of {Moir D.M.) GG 226 CLASSIFIED INDEX. [LONDON Mkdical Sciences continucAl. Medicine Clicst, Companion. (Savory J.) Directory, {/iutlcr.) . Sea. [Co.r.) Ship's. {FadJij W.(J.) ■ CliniciJ, Manual. {Spi//un />.) System. {Graves R.J.) Treatise. (MschoJ' F.) Commentaries on. {Crichtoii A .) Conversations on. {Broussais F. V.) Domestic. {Bachan W.) {Graham T.J.) Elements of. {Broum J.) {Toulmin O.H.) ( WiiUams It.) First Principles. {Biliiuf/ A.) {Handbook of.) History. {Bostock J.) Homoeopathic. {Henderson W.) Illustrations of. {Palmer 8.) • Letters on Study. {Wallace J.) Merchant's Service. {Mac Arthur C.) No Mystery. {Morison J.) Popular, Cyclopaedia. {Imray K.) Practical. {Cyclopedia.) {Lib. of Med.) Dictionary. {Copland J.) Pocket Book. {Alttoe W.H.) Retrospect. {Braitkwaile.) Study. {Macrobin J.) Practice of. {Bright & Addison.) {Craigie D.) {Dunglisson R.) {EUiotson J.) {Hufelaad W.C.) . {Lendrick C.) {Mac Cormac H.) {Reid Dr. W.) ■ Principles of. {Hamilton R.D.) and Practice. {Holland G.C.) Purgative, Observations. {Hamilton J.) Quackery, &c. {Exyosition of.) Study of. {Good J.M.) and Practice. {Conolly J) Medical Sciences continued. Mercury, Action of on Body. {Swan J.) Blue Pill, &c.. Use cV Abuse. (SigmondO.) Influence of Minute Doses. {I'hiliji.) Mesmeric E.xperiences. {Hall S.T.) Mesmerism, Essay. {Lang W.) Facts. {Townshend C.H.) Surgical Cases. {Elliotson J.) True and False. {Forbes J.) and its Opponents. {Sundby G.) or New School of Arts. Microscopic Society. {Traiisactious.) Midwifery, Clinical. {Lee R.) Compendium. {Gooch li.T.) Elements. {Waller C.) First Lines of Practice. {Severn C.) Introduction. {Campbell W.) Lectures. (lilundell J.) Manual. {Reid Dr. J.) {Ryan Dr. M.) Observations. {Ramsbotham J.) Outlines. {Conquest J.T.) {Hamilton A. Theory and Practice. {Gregory G.) . {HallM.) and Surgery, (il/ac Hwain G.) Facts, &c. {Grantham J.) History. {Hamilton W.) Medico-Botanical Pocket-Book. {Spratl G.) Society. {Transactions.) Chir. Education, System. {Tamer T.) Formulary. {Ryan Dr. M.) Notes. {Fletcher R.) Society. {Transactions.) Edinburgh. {Transact.) Parochial Attendcince. {Yeatman J.C.) Melanosis, Case of {Fawdington T.) Mental Derangement, Essay. {Gaitskell J. A .) Observations. {Combe A.) ■ Treatise, {Crabbe.) {Willis F.) Disease, Cases of. {Morison Sir A.) Hygiene. {Sweetzer Dr.) Susceptibility. {Johnson T.B.) Mercurial Disease, Inquiry. {Mathias A.) Medicine, Observations. {Hamilton J.) Practice of, Dublin. {Maunsell //.) {Lo7idon.) Principles. {Burns J.) Report on. {Granville A.B.) Synopsis. {Goodeve "«,e {Economy qf.) Observations. {Levison J.L.) Treatise. {Thornton W.) {Wardroper W.) CATALOGUE.] CLASSIFIED INDEX. 231 Medical Sciences coniiniied. Teeth and Grunis, Treatise. ( Winkworth J.) Teething, Illustration of. {Mac Lean R.) ■ — - Treatise. {(Jlarh J. P.) Testicles, Observations on. {Rmscll J.) Testis, Anatomy and Diseases. ( Vor/an R.) Diseases. (Cvoper Sir A .) (Cuvluuj T.B.) Tetanus, Essay. {Siran ./.) Observations. {Ward W.T.) Treatise. {Curlhuj T.B.) {MorisoH Sir A.) and Hydrophobia. {Reid R.) Therapeutics. {Marryat T.) Lectures. {Kib/our A.) Manual. {Martinet S.) (Sjii/lan D.) and Materia Jledica. {Dunglisson R.) Thermal Comfort, Remarks. {Le Fevre Sir G.) Thesaurus Medicaminum. {Spillan, D.) Thigh-bone, Fractures of. {Amesbury J.) Thorax, Case of Recovery. {Maiden W.) Thymus Gland, Anatomy. {Coojter Sir A.) Essay. {Simon J.) Tic Douloureux, Cases. {Hutchinson B.) {Scott John.) Natural Treatment. (i^MrttZr.) Opinion. {Bew C.) Treatment. {Allnatt R.) Time versus Life. {Crucijix R.T.) Tinea Capitis, Observations. {Luxmore T.) Tongue, Essaj' on. ( Williams E.) Tonic System in Diseases. {Searle H.) Tonics, Effects of. {Cravford.) Toursand Touraine, Memoranda. {Iloldsicorth.) Toxicology, Compendium. {Spratt G.) Trachea, Lungs, and Heart. {Mills T.) Tropical Countries, Diseases of. {Cliisholm C.) Trunk, Fractures of. {Amesbury J.) Tubercles, Inquiry. {Baron J.) Tumours, Formation. {Home JE.) Hernial and others. {Mac Ilwain G.) Observations. {Warren J. D.) Ulcers, Essay on. {Stafford R.A.) Treatment. {SIcey F.) of the Leg, Observations. {Maxfield A.) {Spender J. C.) {WhateleyT.) Treatment. {Eccles W.) Unity of Disease Proved. {Dickson S.) Unpublished Writings. {Parry C.H.) Urethra, Diseases of. {Bell Sir C.) Obstruction. {Arnott J.) Strictures of. {Brigrj J.) {C'ourienay F.B.) {Home E.) {Luxmore T.) {Mac Ilwain G.) {Phillips B.) {Siafurd R.A.) {Wadd IF.) ( Wade R.) { Whately T.) and Bladder, Diseases. {Foot J.) Prostate Gland, Stricture. (Cr?j W.) Manual. {Raphael.} Refutation. {Moody T.H.) Astronomer, Practical. {Dick T.) Astronomical Catechism. {Whitwell C.) Computations. {Kelly P.) Discourses. {Chalmers Dr.) Mnemonics, System. {Machan.) Observations. {Canihridgi.) Edinburgh. {Henderson T.) Radclitfe Obs. {Johnson M.) Toronto. {Saline Col. E.) Sketches. {Burton F.B.) Society. {Memoirs.) Society's Notices. (Memoirs.) Tables, &c. {Memoirs.) Tables. {Baily F.) {Galhraith W.) Works and Correspondence. {Bradley J.) and Geographical Essays. {Adams G.) — Philosophical Lessons. {Gregory 0.) Astronomy, Catechism of. {Hardcastle W.) Compendium. {Linnington R.T.) Elements. {Brinkley J.) {Foggo D.) {Guy J.) {Hymer J.) {Jevons W.) {Lovekin P.) {MitchellJ.) {Picquot A.) {Reid II.) {Reynolds G.) {Treeby S.) {VinceS.) Epitome. {RoheHs G.) Explained. {Banks R.) {Ferguson J.) Familiar. {Darley G.) Grammar. {Squire T.) Hindu View. {Bentley J.) Introduction. {Ferguson J.) {Lindsay G.) {Newton W.) Ladies'. {Lalande J.F.) {Pengree 3Irs.) Lectures, by Arago. ( Whittaker's Lib.) {Moseley H.) {Phillips W.) {Prior W.H.) Astrology and Astronomy continued. Astronomy, Manual. {Dreio J.) Mental Calculator. {Lovekin P.) Nautical. {Parry W.E.) Physical, Tracts. {Airy G.B.) Treatise. {Luly T.) ( Woodho2ise R.) Practical. {Jean G.) {Pearson W.) Lessons. {Mudie R.) Principles. {Brett W.) Recreations. {Tomlinson L.) System. ( Vince S.) Treatise. {Aspin J.) — {Bonnycastle J.) Herschel. {Lardner's Cy.) {MylneA.) Whewell. {Bridge-water.) {Whiting T.) {Woodhouse R.) and Astrology. {Hackett J.T.) Geodesy. {Narrien J.) Geography. {Bryan M.) {First Stejis.) Geology, Essay. {Colquitt.) Navigation. {Hedgcock T.) — Scripture. {Milner T.) — Theologj-. {Haile J.) as it is Known. {Carey G.G.) Azimuth Tables. {Lyii7i T.) Calendar, Analysis of. {Brady J.) and Zodiac of An. Egypt. {Mure W.) Celestial Mechanics. {La Place.) Philosophy. ( Worsdale J.) {Zurifl.) by Placidus. {Cooper J.) Scenery, or Planets Displayed. {Di<± T.) Circular Zodiac of Tentyra, Egypt. {Cole.) Comet Explained. {Seares J.) Comets, Essay. {Milne D.) Notices. {Arago.) Theory. {Cole IF.) - and Planets, Orbits. {Mac Gregor.) Cycle of Celestial Objects. {Smyth W.H.) — Seasons of Britain. {Howard L.) Distant Glimpses ; Astronomy. {Burton F.B.) Eclipses of Sun and Moon. {Kerigan T.) Excursions of a Spirit, a Vision. Globe, Plane Terrestrial. {Bentley J.) Revolutions of. {Cuvier B.) Heavens, Architecture of. {Nichol J.P.) Beauty of. {Blunt C.) Illustrated. Mechanism of. {Somerville Mrs,) or Celestial Bodies. {Mudie R.) Horary Tables. {Lynn T.) Invisible Universe Disclosed. {Johnson H Lunar Observations. •C'.) Tables. {Taylor Janet.) and Horary Tables. {Thompson D.) H H 334 CLASSIFIED INDEX. [LONDON Astrology and Astronomy continued. Lunisolar and Horary Tables. {Taylor Janet.) Meteorological Society. (Transactions.) Observations, Reduction of. {HrwUey J.) Planetiiry and Stellar Universe. {Mann R.J.) Planets, Determining Distance of. {DenisonJ.) Nature, &c., of Gravitation. (DenisonJ.) Plurality of Worlds. (Fontenelle.) (Maxwell A.) . (Nares E.) Seasons, Anatomy of. (Murpky P.) Sidereal Heavens. (Dick T.) Solar System, Architecture. (Henderson E.) Explanation. (Airy O.B.) — Phenomena & Order. (Nicliol.) Star; a System of Astrology. (Skemaya.) Stars, Catalogue of 7385. (Richardson W.) (British Association.) Guide to. (Brooke 11.) Maps of. (Lib. U. K.) Rules for Finding. (Jean H.) Tables of. (Baily F.) for Mariners. (Lynn T.) for Every Night. (Guide.) Sun's Orbit. (Theory of.) System of the World. (Lajilace.) Wonders of the Heavens. (Clarke C.) Chemistry contiimed. Chemical Equivalents, Table of. (BrandeW.T.) Essays. (Parkes S.) Experiments. (Francis O.) (Mackenzie Col.) (Murray J.) Manipulations. (Faraday M.) Philosophy. (Dalton Dr.) (Daniell J.F.) (Davy Sir H.) Pocket Book. (London.) Re-agents. (Accum F.) Recreations. (Griffin J.) (Griffiths T.) Alkalimetry, Methods of. (Fresenius (t Will.) Animal & Veget. Life, Properties. (Shearman.) Blowpipe, Instructions for. (Maive J.) Gas, Account. (Clarke E.D.) Use of. (Berzelivs J.J.) (Griffin J.) (Plattner C.F.) Brewer, Scottish Ale. (Roberts W.H.) Brewers, Yomig. (Guide to.) Monitor. (Young.) &c.. Guide. (Vintner's) Brewery Book, Town & Country. (Branch W.) Brewing, Theory and Practice. (Tizard W.L.) Treatise. (Accuni F.) (Baverstock J.) (Black W.) (Chadwick W.) (Ham.) (Hay man J.N.) (Hitchcock T.) (Mori-ice A.) (Shore A.) and Malting, Art of. (Levesque J.) on Scientific Principles. (Art of.) Carbon, Researches. (Pugg R.) Chemical Amusements. (Accuni F.) Analysis, Elements. (Parnell E.A.) Instruction. (Fresenius.) Principles. (Thenard.) Tables for. (Shaiv S.) Attraction, Essay. (Hume G.L.) Catechism. (Graham T.J.) (Parkes S.) Society. (Memoirs.) Tables. ( Warnngton R.) Chemist, Dispensing. (Burke J.) Operative. (Gray S.F.) Chemistry. See also Agriculture. Analytical. (Rose H.) Animal. (Berzelius J.J.) (Liebig J.) (Thomson T.) Apparatus. (Dictionary.) Applied, Manufactures. (Parnell E.A.) to Fine Arts. (Bachhoffner.) Compared. (Carey G.G.) Conversations. (Marcet Mrs.) Dialogues. (Joyce J.) Dictionary. (Aikin A. di C.R.) (JVisbet W.) (UreA.) Elements. (Fyfe A.) (GraJiam T.) (KaneR.) (Liebig J.) (Millar J.) (Murray J.) (Orfila M.P.) — (Thomson T.) : (Turner E.) and Laws. (Weldon W.) Combinations. (Turner E.) Decompositions. (Whitaker T.H.) Diagrams. (Lee A.) Elucidation. (Harrington R.) Epitome. (Baker J.) (Topham J.) Examinations. (Reid D.B.) Experimental. (Henry W.) Explained. (Elements.) First Lines. (Forsyth J.S.) Principles. (Thomson T.) (Gleanings.) Guide. (Davy E.) (Handbook.) Handbook. (Baxter W.R.) (Gaunter G.H.) Inorganic. (Thomson T.) Bodies. (Berzelitis J.J.) Introduction. (Sparkes G.) Lectures. (Gurney G.A.) (Noad H.M.) Lessons. (Balmain W.H.) Letters. (Liebig J.) Made Easy. (Topham J.) Manual. (Brande W.T.) (Fowne G.) (Fyfe A.) (Hoblyn R.) CATALOGUE.] CLASSIFIED INDEX. Q35 Chemistry continued. Chemistry, Medical. (Paris J.A.) Mt.) by Herschel. (Lard. Cy.) — Powell. (Lard. Cy.) — Wesley. (Fam. Lib.) for Beginners. CATALOGUE.] CLASSIFIED INDEX. 239 Natural PiiiLosopnY continued. Natural i^ Chem. Philos.,by Leslie. {Encij.BHt.) Nature, Economy of. {Mac Vicar J.) Key to Knowledge of. (Taylor R.R.) Properties of (Turner C.) Optical Investigations. (Johnson. G.H.) Optics, Elements of. ( Wood J.) Physical. (Exley T.) Sj^stem of. (Coddinyton II.) Treatise, by Brewster. (Lardners Cy.) {Coddington H.) {Grifjin W.N.) {Phelps It.) (Powell B.) Phenomena, Unexplained. (Ilutchison O.) of the Universe, Essays. (PldllipsSirli.) Philosophical Dialogues. (Morehcad li.) Instruments, (llrewster Sir D.) Philosophy, Manual of. {Partington C.F.) (Pojndar.) and Science, Elements of. {Morell T.) Physical Science, Sources of {Smee A.) ■ Sciences. (Chapters on.) Connexion. (SomervilleMrs.) Physics, Elements of. {Arnott iV.) {Peschel C.F.) {Webster T.) Playfair (John) Works. Pneimiatics. See also Hydrostatics. Natural Philosophy continued. Pneumatics. (Reid II.) Principia. {Newton Sir J.) Comment by. ( Wright J.M.) Essay by Rigaud. {Newton Sir J.) Excerpta ex. (Newton Sir J.) Sections. (WHghtJ.M.) Proclus' Works, by Taylor. Rivers and Torrents, Treatise. {Frisi P.) Rotatory Motion, Theory of. {Poinsot.) Seasons Described. (Mudie It.) Storms, Indian Ocean, Nature of. {Thorn, A.) Law of. (Reid Lt.-Col.) Philosophy. (Esjiy J.) Thunder, Nature of. (Harris W.S) Whirlwind. (Redfield W.) Sound, Principles of (Webster A. W.) Sounds, Analysis of. (Neitman E.M.) Telegraphic Communication. (Lynn T.) Tides, Essays on. {Luccock J.) Phenomena of, &c. (Hhid-ie R.) Vision, Dew, &c., Essay. (Wells W.C.) Review of I3erkeley's Theory. {Bailey.) Science of. (Parsey A.) Volcanic Wonders. Weather, Manual of. (Maclenzie G.) Rules for. (ShejiheriVs.) Guide. (Taylor Jos.) in Britain, System of. {Mackenzie G.) Natural ^ciencts. aigrirultiirc— ISotang— CTonr'^alogB— iSntomoIogy— jFruit— ffiarlJrning— (ffifologg— 5cf)tf)8olog8— iHineialogj)— «5>rtttlf)oIogg, anlr Zoologj). Agriculture, Agricultural Analysis. (Mitchell J.) Chemistry. {Cox G.) (Davy Sir E.) (Liebig J.) {Squarey C.) Elements. {Johnston J.F.) Lectures. {Johnston J.F.) (Petzholdt A.) Gleaner. {Baxter J.) Measuring Tables. (Strachan J.) Reports, Review. {Marshall W.) Society, India. {Transactions.) Agriculture, Application of Geology. (TF/«7/(?y.) Board of (Communication.) Code of. {Sinclair Sir J.) Cyclopaedia. (Doyle M.) Discoveries in. {Drury C.) Encyclopaedia. (Loudon J.C.) Flanders. (Radcliff T.) France, South. (Sketch.) Germany. (Jacob W.) Implements of {Ransome J. A.) • Improved. (Vanderstracten.) Italy &c. {Clmteauvieux.) Letters on. {Mechi J.J.) (Stourton Lord.) Library of (Baxter J.) New South Wales. (Atkinson J.) Norfolk. {Bacon R.N.) Agriculture continued. Agriculture, Penang. (Zow /.) Practical. (Dickson R. W.) (Low D.) Principles. (Bland W.) (Gyllenhorg G.A.) {Thaer A.D.) Rhine. {Knight's W. Vol.) Science. (Hayward J.) Scotland. {Sinclair Sir J.) Sketches. (Mitchell J.) State of in 1816. {Agricultural.) System of, by Cleghom. {Ency. Brit.) Theory. {Grisenthiuaite W.) Treatise. (Sproide J.) Agriculturist, Tropical. (Porter G.R.) Agriculturist's Calculator. {Solomon R.) Manual. {Lav-son P.) Cattle, British. {Lib. U. K.) Keeper, Complete. {Lawrence B.) — — Preparing Corn for. {Dr^iry C.) Tables of Weights, for. {Christison J.) and Live Stock, Manag. {Dickson R. W.) Corn. See Parliamentary. Book. (Cobbett W.) Cottager's Friend. (Kavanagh M.) Cowherd Guide. (Knight.) Cultivation, System of. {Bcatson A.) Doyle (M.), Works. Drainer and Irrigator. {Stephens G.) 240 CLASSIFIED INDEX. [LONDON Agriculture continued. Draining Bogs of Ireland. (Montealh Jl.) Land, Mode of. {lilMngton J.) Treatise. {Jlutchlnson II.) ■ {Juliustone J.) Dry Rot, Cause of Discovered. {George J.) Essay. {Mac Williams.) Treatise. {liowden A.) -{Wade T.) Estates, Stafford, Account of. {Loch.) Farm, Book of the. {Stephens II.) Bailiff's Guide. {Knight.) Book-keeping, Guide. {Munro J.) Method. {Trotter A.) Dictionary of the. {Rham W.) Farmer, Gentleman. {Karnes Lord.) Wiltshire. {Baxter J.) and Grazier, Guide. {Toicne.) Tables. {Cooke L.) Ploughman's Guide. {Finlayson J.) Farmer's Assistant. {Mac Derment J.) Calendar. {Laiorence J.) {Yoimg A.) Companion. {Dickso7h R. W.) Cyclopajdia. {Johnson C. W.) {Potts T.) Guide. {Knight.) {WehhJ.) Manual. {Main J.) Medical Directory. {Johnson C. W.) Muck Manual. {Falhier F.) Ready Reckoner. {Mac Derment.) Farmers, Chemistry for. {Trimmer J.) Farming, Productive, Treatise. {Smith J. A.) and Grazing. {Hillyard C.) in Lancashire. {Rawstorne L.) Farms, Art of Valuing. {Bayldon J.S.) Flock Master's Companion. Grazier. {Com-plete.) ■ Practical. {Henderson A.) Grazier's Manual. {Coolce L.) Ready Reckoner. {Mitchell J.) {Renton G.) Highland Society. {Transactions.) Husbandry, by TuU. {Cohbett W.) British. {Lib. U. K.) {Cottage.) Dairy. {Harley W.) Flemish. {Lib. U. K.) French. {Picot Baron.) Practical. {Trusler.) Scotland. {Sinclair Sir J.) Jamaica Planter's Guide. {Rovghley T.) Plantership. {MacMahon B.) Land Steward, Modern. {Lawrence J.) Landed Estates, Management. {Marshall W.) Property and Estates. {Low D.) Proprietor's Assistant. {Complete.) Manures. See also Soils. Hints on. {Lujjture.) Muck Manual. {Falkner F.) Treatise. {Donaldson J.) Waste, Economy of. {Ilannam J.) and Fertilizing, Treatise. {Johnson C. W) Peat Moss, Agriculture of. {Steele A.) Plough, Scotch Swing. {Hunter J.) Ploughman, Carter, &c., Guide. {Knight.) AfiRicui.TCRE contimied. Potato Disease. {Pldliips O.) Poultry, Treatise. {Boswell P.) {Dickson B. W.) {Main J.) Pigs, &c., Treatise. {Moubray B.) Rural Affairs, Treatise. {Browti R.) Ireland. {Lambert J.) Economy. {Bonssi?}ganlt.) Expenditure, Essay. {Slaney R.A.) Salt, Use of as Manure. {Dacre B.) Sheep, Breeding of. {Fairhairn W.) &I)iscascs.{SpoonerW.C.) Mountain, Observations. {Little J.) Observations on. {Somerville Lord.) Peruvian, Account. {Walton W.) Treatise on. {Blacklock A.) {Lib. U. K.) and Wool, Treatise. {Southey T.) Shepherd's Guide. {Flockmaster.) ■ {Knight.) Soils, Nature of. {Dissertation.) — and Property of. {Morton J.) and Composts, Treatise. {Haynes T.) M an u res. ( Treatise J Store Farming in Scotland. {Napier W.J.) Sugar Cane, Nature, &c., of. {Porter G.R.) Tilling and Fertilizing. {Vaux T.) Tobacco, Culture of. {Jennings J.) Plant, Treatise. {Brodigan.) Veterinary Works. See Medical Sciences. Wheat, Spring, Cultivation of. {Skurray F.) Varieties, &c., of. {Le Couteur.) Wool, Influence of Climate on. {Observations.) glrtortculliire, .-iFniit, iSarticntug, ^t. Acacia Tree, Growth, &c. {Withers W.) Algse Britannicee. {Greville R.K.) British, Fresh Water. {Hassall A.H.) Gleanings. {Soiverby J.) Manual. {Harvey W.II.) Annuals, Flower Garden of. {Loudon Mrs. J.) Apple. See Pomona. and Pear, Culture. {Knight T.A.) Apples, Description of Selected. {Ronalds H.) Auricula, &c., Culture. {Emmerton I.) {Hogg T.) Botanic Annual. {Mudie R.) Calendar. {Phelps W.) ■ Garden. {Alaund B.) Glasnevin. {Niven N.) Gardens, Southampton. {Page W.B.) Botanical Cabinet. {Loddiges.) Commentaries. {Stokes J.) Dictionary. {Lloyd G.N.) {PaxtonJ.P.) Geography. {Mirbel C.F.) Looker Out. {Lee E.) Miscellany. {Hooker W.J.) Plates. {Martyn T.) Primer. {Butt J.M.) \ Register. {Edwards S.) Sketches, Linnaean System. Terminology. {Lloyd G.N.) Terms. {Dictionary of.) CATALOGUE.] CLASSIFIED INDEX. 241 Botany, &c., continued. Botanical Text-Book. {Gray A.) Botanist. {British.) {Maund <£■ Ilenslow.) Botanist's Companion. {Salisbury W.) Guide. {JJillivyn.) {Watson H.C.) Manual. {Morris R.) Repository. {A7id7-eirs H.C.) Botany. See also Jovenile Works. Annals of. {Konig.) Book of. {Main J.) British. {Baxter W.) Compendium. {Qalpine J.) Delineated. {Jackson Miss.) Explained. {Bntish.) Manual. (Babington C.C.) {Macreight D.) Catechism of, Pictorial. {Pratt Miss.) {Conversations on.) Cyclopaedia. {Carpenter.) {Dialogues on.) Drawing Room. {Fennell J.H.) Elements. {Lindley J.) {Perkins E.E.) {Richard A) English. {Sotverby J.) Exotic. {Floral.) {Sowerby J.) First Lines. {Forsyth J.S.) Principles. {Lindley J.) Steps. {Drmnmond J.L.) Grrammar of. {Fraricis G.) {Smith J.E.) Guide to. {Millar J.) {Handbook of.) Introduction. {Banks G.) {Bingley W.) {Hardcastle L.) {Lindley J.) {Partington C.F.) {Selwyn A.) {Smith J.E.) {Thornton Capt) Journal of. {Hooker W.J.) Lectures. {Curtis W.) {Thomson A. T.) Linnsean. {Elements of.) System. {Castle T.) {Du2)pa.] Magazine of. {Paxton J. P.) Manual. {MacGillivray W.) Ladies'. {Lindley J.) Book of. ( Young.) Modern. {Loudon Mrs. J.) {Medical.) Medical. {Castle T.) {Lindley J.) {Reid H.) {Steggall J.) {Steplienson amouelle O.) Glow Worm, Researches on. {Murray J.) Hymenoptera, Fossorial. {Sliuckard W.E.) Insect Architecture. {Knight's W. Vol.) {Lib. Ent. Kn.) Life. {Badham D.) Miscellanies. {Lib. Ent. Know.) Transfonnations. {Lib. Ent. Know.) ■ World, Classification, &c. Insects, America, North. {Richardson J.) British, Catalogue. {Stephens J.F.) History. {Donovan E.) Nomenclature. {Stiijihens J.F.) Catalogue of. ( Wood W.) China. {Donovan E.) Classification. {Westwood J.O.) Exotic. {Westwood J.O.) Preserving. {Samouelle G.) Geoloot and Mineraloot continued. Fossil Remains, Organic. {Parkinson J.) Skull of an Ox. ( Wood II.) Vegetables, Observations. ( Witham H.) Fossils, British, Catalogue. {Morris J.) Cornwall, Devon, &c. {Pkillijis J.) Hampshire. {Brander G.) South Downs. {Mantell G.A.) Tilgate Forest. {Mantell G.A.) Geognosy of St. Helena. {Seale R.F.) Geological Essay. {Kidd J.) Essays. {Satcliffe J.) Memoirs. {Delabeche H.T.) Notes. {Delabeche H.T.) Observations. {Darivin C.) Phenomena, Views. {Delabeche H.T.) {ScrijAiiral.) Sketches. {Hack M.) Ashton. {Clay C.) Society, Cornwall. {Transactions.) London. {Transactions.) Manchester. {Transactions.) Fossil, England. {Brodie P.B.) History. {Fam. Lib.) {Nermnan E.) by Swainson. {Lardner's Cy.) Illustrations of. {Wood W.) India. {Donovan E.) Lamellicom. {Hope F. W.) Lepidopterous. {Horsfield T.) Linnaean Order. {Remarks.) Mentioned in Shakespeare. (PattersonR.) Preserving of. {lugpen A.) Treatise on by Wilson. {Ency. Brit.) {A'ollar.) Monographia Anopulorum Brit. {Denny H.) ■ Chalciditum. ( Walker F.) Pselaphidarum, &c. {Denny H.) Moths. See also Butterflies. British. ( Westicood.) Silk Worm, Natural Historj'. {Dewhurst.) Worms, Rearing. {Art of.) Sphinx Vespiformis, Essay. {Newman E.) (Seologs anlr fHinctalogp. Antediluvian Phytology. {Arti'i E.T.) Book of the Great Sea Dragons. {Hawkins T.) Chrj-stallography, Elements. {Accrim F.) Introduction. {Brooke H.J.) Treatise. {Miller W.H.) Coral Formations. {Daricin C.) Deluge, Doctrine of. {Harcourt L. V.) Geological Evidence. {Buckland W.) Mosaic. {Fairholme.) Diamond, Memoir. {Murray J.) Diamonds, Treatise. {Mau^e J.) Earth, Phvsical Condition. {Higgins W.M.) "- Theory. {Delu.c J.A.) Fossil Flora of Great Britain. {Lindley <£• H.) Fniits, &c., in Lond. Clay. {Bowerbank.) Fuel, Great Britain. {History.) Mammalia, &c., British. {Owen R.) Remains, Mammalia. {Catalogue.) Specimens, Catalogue. {Brande W.T.) Travels, England. {Deluc J.A.) Europe, North. {Deluc J.A.) France. {Deluc J.A.) Geologies, Mineral & Mosaic. {Higgins W.M.) {Penn G.) Geologist's Text-Book. {Ansted D.T.) Geologists, American. {Transactions.) Geology. See also Mineralogy. Geology, America, S. {Darwin C.) Answer to Sedgwick. {Cole H.) Ashby Coal Field. {Mammatt E.) Barbadoes. {3Iaycock J.D.) Book of. {Higgins W.M.) Certainties of. {Gibson W.) Cheltenham. {Murchison R.J.) {Conversations.) Cornwall. {Delabeche H. T.) Derry, TjTone, & Fermanagh. {Portlock.) Dictionary. {Humble W.) of Tenns. {Roberts G.) Elements. {Johnston J.F.) {Lyell C.) {Rhind W.) England, S. E. {Mantell G.A.) ' and Wales. {Gilbert J.) {Phillips W.) English, Facts on. {Phillips W.) Fife and the Lothians. (Mac Laren C.) First Principles. (Greenough G.B^ France, Central. {Scrope G.P.) Granada and Murcia. {Silvertop C.) Hastings. {Fitton.) How to Observe. {Delabeche H.T.) Introduction. {Ansted D.T.) {Bakeu-ell R.) {Burr F.) Kemaon. {MacClelland J.) Landslip in Devon. {Conybeare W.D.) Lectures. {Johnston J.F.) Manual. {Delabeche H.T.) {MacGill it-ray W.) Massachusetts. {Hitchcock E.) Medals of Creation. {Mantell G.A.) Moray. {Duf P.) 246 CLASSIFIED INDEX. Flondon Geology and Mineualoqy continued. Geolojfy, Norfolk. {Woodward S.) Nova Scotia, {(/esncr A.) Outlines. {Hrandc W.T.) Physical. {Francis F.O.) {Portrait of.) Primary, Treatise. {Boase U.S.) Principles. {Lyell C.) Recreations in. {Zornlin.) Rocks. {MacCidloch J.) Rudiments, {t'hambers Ed. C.) Russia and Ural Mount. {3Iurc/dson.) Scotland. {Apical J.) Scriptural. {A^im.shi.) {Young G.) Silurian System. {Murchison R.J.) Sussex. {Martin P.J) System. {MacCidloch J.) {UreA.) Theoretical, Researches. {Delahechell.T.) Treatise. {Brief.) {Deluc J.A.) {Hitchcock E.) by Phillips. {Ency. Brit.) {Lardners Cy.) Volcanic Islands. {Daricin C.) Wonders of. {Mantell G.A.) Yorkshire. {Phillijjs J.) Coast. {Yoang G.) and Architecture, Ireland. ( WilkinsonG.) Astronomy, Essay. {Colquitt.) Geologists. Mineralogy,Buckland. {Bndgewater.) {Macintosh D.) {Townsend J.) {Trimmer J.) Natural History. {Darwin C.) ■ Terrestrial Magnetism. {UopkinsE.) as a Science. {Rooke J.) for Beginners. {Richardson O.F.) in 1835. {Laurence J.) Globe, Revolution of. {Bertrand A.) Hot Air in Iron Works, Use of. {Dttfrenoy) Ichthyosauri and Plesiosauri. {Hawkins) Medals of Creation. {Mantell G.A.) Mineral Veins, Observations. {Leithart J.) and Thermal Springs. {Gairdner W.) Mineralogical Nomenclature. {Allan T.) Mineralogy. See also Geology. {Conversations.) {Stejihenson J.) British. {Sorverhy J.) Chemical. {Joyce F.) Classes, &c., in. {Moh F.) Elements, by Jameson. {Ency. Brit.) Introduction. {Bakewell J.R.) {Bakewell R.) {Moxon C.) {Philli2:,s W.) Landeck. {Von Buck.) Lessons. {Mawe J.) {Manual.) Manual. {Aikin A.) {Allan R.) {Hogg T.) {Jameson R.) Nova Scotia. {Gesner A) Geology and Mineralogy continued. Mineralogy, Practical. {Chapman E.J.) Rudiments. {Venning M.A.) Study of {Morning Walks.) Syllabus. {Clarke E.D.) System. {Berzeliv^ J.J.) {Dana J.D.) {Jameson R.) Treatise. {Alger F.) {Moh F.) and Geology. {Cleaveland.) {Phillips W.) {Thomson T.) of the Bible. {Bib. Cab.) Minerals, Catalogue of. {Mawe J.) Characters of. {Jameson R.) Description of. {Chapman E.J.) Natural History of. ( Williams John.) Miner's Guide. {Budge.) {Synith T.) Safety Lamp, Account. {Davy Sir H.) Mines, Coal, Durham. {Holmes J.H.) ■andNorthum. {HairT.) Mid and E. Lothian. {Milne D.) Dean Forest, Award to. {Sopwith T.) Lead, Alston Moor. {Sop)with T.) New Spain, Ordinance. {Thomson C.) and Mining, Treatise. {Landmann C.) Mining Association, Rio Plata. {Head F.B.) Districts, Cumberland. {Sojnvith T.) Ordinances, Spain. {Gamboa.) Morning Walks, Study of Mineralogy. Old Red Sandstone. {Miller H.) Organic Remains. {Parkinson J.) British. ( Woodward S.) Fossil. {Parkinson J.) Pearly Nautilus, Memoir on. {Owen R.) Precious Metals, Inquiry. {Jacob W.) Rocks, Geology of. {MacCtdloch J.) Lime, at Plymouth. {Hennah.) Superposition of. {Humboldt.) Strata of Northumberland. {Forster W.) Terra Incognita, Lincolnshire. (Hatfieldlfiss.) Thoughts on a Pebble. {Mantell G.A.) Volcanic Wonders. Volcanoes, Considerations on. {Scrapie G.P.) Description of {Dauheny C.) Extinct, Lower Rhine. {Hibbert S.) ^rntttjologg. Anatidae, or Duck Tribe. {Eyton T.C.) Aviary, British, or Birdkeeper's Companion. Bird Architecture. {A'night's W. Vol.) ■ {Lib. Ent. Kn.) Keepers" Companion. {British.) Birds. See also Juvenile. America. {Audtdjon.) North. {Richardson J.) Synopsis. {Audubon.) Australia. {Goidd J.) Book of. {Comte A.) {St. John P.B.) British, Catalogue. {Ei/ton T.C.) {Forster T.) Eggs. {Hewitson W.C.) Figures. {Sclby P.J.) CATALOGUE.] CLASSIFIED INDEX. 247 Ornithology continued. Birds, British, History. {Bewick T.) {Donovan E.) {Yarrell W.) Land. {Marailtin-au W.) Manual. {Afarf.'l/lirm;/ W.) Nomenclature. {Duubkday.) Rapacious. {MacGillivray W.) Rare. {Ei/lon T.C) Smaller, Outlines. {Slaneij li.) Song. {/ioHon.} (iVa«/i /.) {Siveet R.) {Wood N.) and their Eggs. (Meyer H.) Cage, History. {Bechstein J.M.) Europe. {GoiUd J.) and S. America. {BonajMrteL.) Faculties of. {Lib. Ent. Kn.) (jenera. {Gray G.R.) Habits. {Lib. Ent. Kn.) Himalaya. {Gould J.) History. {Latham J.) {Mudie R.) {Stanley Bp.) by Swainson. [Lardner's Cy.) Wilson. {Ency. Brit.) Humming, History. {Jardine Sir W.) Language of. {S2^ratt Mrs. G.) New South Wales. {Lem'n J. W.) Singing, Treatise. {Syme.) and Insects. {Brayg J.) Feathered Tribes, Brit. Islands. {Mudie R.) Hirundo, Observations on. (Forster T.) Icones Avium. {Goidd J.) Odontophorinse, Monograph. {Gould J.) Oology, British, {llewitson W.C.) Ornithological Biography, Amer. {Audxdton.) Dictionary. {Montagu, G.) Ornithologist. {Christian.) Ornithologist's Guide. {Wood G.T.) Texl Book. {Wood N.) Ornithology, American. ( Wilson A .) by Wilson. {Con.Mis.) British. {Graves G.) {Jardine tfc Selhy.) Great Britain. {AtHnso7i J.) Orkney and Shetland. {Dunn R.) Ovarium Britannicum. (Graves G.) Parrots, Illustrations of. (Lear E.) Ramphsestidai, Monograph. (Gould J.) Trogonidee, Monograph. (Gould J.) Natural ajistorg antJ Zoology. fWisrcIIaneous. Alpaca, its Naturalization, &c. ( Walton W.) Animal Biography. {Bingley W.) Economy. (Hunter J.) (Observations.) Kingdom. (Cuvier Baron.) (Sketches.) (Stewart C.) (Sicedenborg.) Arrangement. Classification. (Grant R.E.) Natural History, &c., continued. Animal Kingdom, Economy. (Sicedenborg.) InterestingFacts. (//«///. C.) Outlines, {./ones T.R.) World, Wrongs of. (Mushel D.) and Yeg. Substances, Preserv. (Appert.) Animalcule, History of. (I'ritchard A.) Animals, Anatomy of. (Varus C.G.) British, History. (Fleming J.) Carnivorous, Description. (Griffith E.) Classification, by Swainson. (Lard. Cy.) Disquisitions on Nature of. ( Warren G.) Domesticated. (Mudie R.) Breeds. (Low D.) Extinct, Distribution. (Grant R.E.) Game and Wild. (Harris W.C,) Habits, &c., by Kirby. (Bridg. Treat.) Swainson. (Lard. Cy) History. (Jones T.R.) Jlammiferous. (Martin W.C.) Molluscous, Figures. (Gray Miss.) Scotland. (MacGillivray W.) by Fleming. (Ency. Brit.) Rights of. (Drummond W.H.) Sketches of. (Landseer T.) Vertebrate. (Catalogue of.) (.lenyns L.) Description. (Griffith E.) in Menageries, by Swainson. (Lard.Cy.) Animated Nature, Museum of. (Pictorial.) (Wonders of .) Brutes, Humanity to. (Yoiiatt W.) Cinchona, Genus. (Lambert A.B.) Crinoidea, History. (Miller J.S.) Elephant. (Knight's W. Vol.) Exotic History, Repository. (Donovan E.) Fauna Orcadensis. (Lov: G.) of Norfolk, Observations. (Lubbock R.) Infusoria, History. (Prif chard A.) Living Objects, Illustrations. (Pritchard A.) Macropodidae, Monograph. (Gould J.) Menageries. (Lib. Ent. Know.) Natural History. (Buffon.) (Goldsmith 0.) (Hort W.J.) (Mavor W.) (Tiler W.) Cabinet. (Shaw G.) Catechism. (Lewis.) Cj'clopjedia. {British.) Devon, South. (Bellamy J.C.) Dialogues. (Rijipingham J.) (Dictionary.) Discourse,Swainson.(Zarc?Cy.) (Elements.) Elements. (Lee Mrs.) (Stark J.) ■ Essays. (Walker Dr. J.) (WateHon C.) Gleanings. (Jesse E.) Grammar. (Wade J.) Illustrations. (Le Keux.) (Popidar.) Introduction. (Maiheson.) Journal. (Edinburgh.) Lectures. (Lcmpriere W.) Letters. (Bigland J.) 248 CLASSIFIED INDEX. [LONDON Natural History, &c., continued. Natural History, Manual. {Blundenbach.) {Miscellany.) New York States. Notes. {I'ritchard A.) Orkney & Shetland. (LowO.) {R/rreations in.) Researches in. {Murray J.) Scripture. {C'arpe7iter W.) {Copley E.) ■ {Harris T.M.) Selborne. {White O.) {Const. Misc.) Soc. Northumb. {Transacts.) • Stafford. {Garner R.) Studies. {Rhind W.) Yarmouth. {Paget C.J.) • and Zoology. {Hinton J. 11.) Science, Cyclopaedia. {Carpenters.) Subjects, Preserving of. {Bullock W.) Naturalis Curiosa. {Taylor Jos.) Naturalist, British. {Mudie R.) Canadian {Gosse P.H.) {Entertaining.) Journal of a. {Knappi J.L.) Letters to a Young. {Druinmond J.L.) Note-Book of a. {Thompson E.P.) , Naturalist's Companion. {Graves G.) Guide. {Swainson W.) Journal. {Barrington D.) Library. {Jardine Sir W.) Nature, Beauties, &c., of. {Bucke C.) Book of {Good J.M.) Curiosities of. {Burt W.) Displayed. {SJmw S.) {Gallery of.) Gleanings from. {Mudie R.) Harmonies of {St. Pierre.) Observation of, by Mudie. {Const. Misc.) Phenomena of, by Bell. {Const. Misc.) {Philosophy of.) Sketches of; Zoology. {^Guinness J.) Studies of. {St. Pierre.) System of {Newman E.) Peruvian Bark, Genus Cinchona. {Lambert A.) Physical Geography. See Geography. Quadrupeds, America, North. {Richardson J.) British. {Bell T.) {BingleyW.) Natural History, &c., continued. Quadrupeds, British. {Donovan E.) History of. {Beivick T.) {Fennell J.U.) Swainson. {Lardner's Cy.) Wilson. {Ency. Brit.) Paraguay. {Azara.) Reptiles, British, History. {Bell T.) Sea-Side Comp.; Marine Nat. Hist. {RobertsM.) Serpents, Physiognomy of. {Schlegel U.) Sloth, Extinct Gigantic. {Onvn R.) Sponges and Lythophytes. {Johnston G.) Switzerland, Journey to. {Agas.siz L.) Taxidermist's Manual. {Brown T.) Taxidermy. {Lee Mrs.) — — by Swainson. {Lardners Cy.) Tower Menagerie. Vestiges of Natural History of Creation. Sequel. Creation Exposed. {Bosanqiiet S.R.) Voyage of a Naturalist, Davison. {Murray's L.) Wernerian Society, Memoirs. "Wonders of the Cfreat World. {Plait J. W.) Zoography. {Wood W) Zoological Illustrations. {Swainson W.) Keepsake. Lectures. {Slmw G.) ' Researches, Java. {Horsfield T.) Society, London. {Gardens, dx.) {Transactions.) Zoologist's Text-Book. {Brown T.) Zoology, Africa, South. {Smith A.) America, N. {Richardsou J.) Cyclopaedia. {Carpienter' s.) Elements. {Rhind W.) First Lines. {Mudie R.) General. {Shaio G.) Indian, Illustrations. {Hardwick.) Medical. {Stephenson J.) Philosophy of. {Fleming J.) {Popular.) Popular. {Bingley W.) Researches. {Blackwall J.) Rudiments. {Chambers' Ed. C.) Voyage of the Beagle. {Darwin C.) pjrebus. {Richardson.) — Sulphur. {Hinds R.B.) to the Pacific. {Beechey Capt.) Zoophytes, British, History. {Johnston G.) IXabal anty iWih'targ. Acre, Notes on. {Alderson Col.) Africa, Mariner's Guide to. {Bold E.) American Coasts, Directory. {Purdy J.) Anchor, Treatise on. {Pering R.) Armies, Formation, &c. {Jackson R.) Army, British, Account of {Samuel E.) Records of. {Historical.) — — Subalterns. {Hints to.) as it Was and Is. {Campbell J.) Finance Regulations. {Warrants.) Indian, State of. {Badenach.) List, Annual, 1840 5. {Hart H.G.) Army List, Indian. {Dodwell.) Regulations, &c. {Queens.) Arsenals, Dockyards, &c., France. {Ports.) Artillerist's Manual. {Griffiths F.A.) Artillery, Heavy, Mode of Attack. {May Sir J.) Fire-Arms, &c. {Anto7ii.) Royal Horse, Exercise. {Instructions.) Atlantic, Currents of. {Rennell Major.) Directory to. {Purdy J.) Bombardier and Gunner. {Adye R.W.) Cadets, India, Advice to. {Kerr H.) Hints to. {Postaiis Lt.) CATALOGUE.] CLASSIFIED INDEX. 249 Naval and Military continued. Cavalry Regiments, Records. {Historical.) ■ Sword Exercise. {Amjelo II.) {Greenwood G.) Tactics. {BiamarL) {Johnstone J.) Coaster's Companion. {Norie J. W.) Guide. {Baharif A.) Coldstream Guards, Origin, &c. {Machinnon.) Compass, Variation of, in Ships. {Bain W.) Courts Martial, Charges, &c. {.lames C) Practice. (Iloui/h IF.) {3IacA rthur J.) Remarks. {Kennedy Maj.) {iSimmons C'apt.) Despatches. {Marlborough Dule.) {Nelson Lord.) {Wellesley Marq.) {Wellington Dulce.) Drill, Skeleton, Brigade. {Instructions.) and Exercise, British. {Suasso.) Manoeuvres. {Cross Capt.) Engines of War, History of. ( Wilkinson H) Ethiopic, Directory for. {Purdy J.) Experienced Officer. {Wimjiffen Gen.) Fortification, Carnot's, Observs. {Douglas H.) Elementary. {Pasley C. W.) ' Elements of. {Aluller J.) Field, Essays. {Femcick H.) Theory. {Malorti CM.) Treatise. {Macauley J.S.) Permanent, System. {Bordwine J.) Treatise. {Malorti CM.) and Field. {Irving C.) Principles. {Landmann Col.) System. {Humfrey J.H.) Treatise. (Straith H.) Field Battery Exercise. {Instructions^) Book, Militarj'. {Scharnhorst.) Exercises. {MacGregor J.) and Evolutions. Fire Arms and Artillery. {Antoni.) Gun & Small Fire Arms, Treatise. {Greener W.) Gunner, British. {Spearman J.M.) Naval. {Beauchant T.S.) Pocket. {Adye R. W.) Gunnery, Naval, Introduction. {Inman J.) • Mounting. {Congreve W.) Treatise. {Douglas H.) Principles. {Robins B.) Science of. {Greener W.) Gunpowder, See also Chemistry. Fire Arms, &c. {Antoni.) Guns, Pointing of, at Sea. {Stevens J.H) Ship,MountingandWorking. {Marshall.) Hope of the Navy. {Brenton Sir J.) Infantry, Bengal Native, Hist. ( Williams J.) Movements, Theory. {Suasso.) Regiments, Records. {Historical.) Sword Exercise. Insular Empire, Defence of. {Patton A.) Lance, Exercise of. {Montmorency.) Latitude & Longitude Computer. {Beverley T.) at Sea, Formula;. {Beverley T.) Light Troops, Employment of. {Leslie C.) Line Movements, Detail of. {Palmer Major.) Linear Tables for Refraction. {Norie J. W.) Naval and Military continued. Longitude, Tables of. {Turner J.) Madras, European Regt., Record. {Historical.) Marine Architecture. {Charnock-J.) Mercantile. {Richardson.) Dictionary. {Falconer W.) Forces, Records of. {Nicolas P. II.) Surveying. aSVc Mathematical Sciences. Master Mariner, Letters to. {Lorimer C.) Mediterranean, East, Directory. {Purdy J.) and Gibraltar, Directory. {Purely J.) Mercantile Navy Improved. (Ballingall J.) Messmate, or Companion for Sailors. {Spencer.) Midshipman's Friend. {Wilmot A. P.) Military Annual. Calendar. {East India.) {Philippart J.) Code, British. {Scott R.B.) Dictionary. {Janus C.) Germ, and Eng. {Streit D.F.) Force, Great Britain, View, {Dupin C.) Law, Account of. {Samuel E.) England. {Scott R.B.) Exposition. {Hough W.) Flogging, Remarks. {Napier C.J.) Notes on. {Griffiths F.A.) Maxims, Napoleon. {Officers.) Mentor, Letters by an Officer, Pastor. {Laxcson J.P.) Plan Drawing. {Malorti CM.) Positions, Instructions. {Bordieu CajJt.) Reconnoissance. {Mayne Capt.) Science, Dictionary. {Camp)bell E.S.) Sciences. {Aide-Memoii'e.) Studies. {Ney Marshal.) Surveying. ^Ve Mathematical Sciences. Tactics, Thoughts on. {Mitchell Col.) and Naval Dictionary. {Burns Capt.) Reference Book. {Brewer Dr.) Moral Command. {Rolt Col.) MutinyActs and Articles of War. {HonghW .) Nautical Dictionary. {Henckel & Born.) Essays. Re-organization. {Sleigh A.W.) Sketches. {Moore H.) Tables. {Gregory.) {Norie J.W.) and Astronomical Tables. {Lynn T.) Naval Architect's Portfolio. {We ale J.) Architecture. {Annesley W.) {Brindley R.) {Chapman F.H.) {Knowles J.) {Papiers on.) {Stalkartt.) by Creuze. {Ency Brit.) Dry Rot, Treatise. {Burridge.) Evolutions. {Douglas II.) Gazetteer. {Norie J. W.) Mechanical Improvements. {Bothxoay J.) Researches. {White T.) Routine, Outlines. {Fordyce A.D.) Service, Roj-al, Epitome. {Miles E. tfc L.) Tactics, Essav. {Clerk J.) Treatise. {Hoste P.P.) and Military Dictionary. {Burns Capt.) Navigation, Canal, Canadas. {Philpott.) K K 250 CLASSIFIED INDEX. [LONDON Naval and Military continued. Navigation, Canal, Steam. (Fairhairn W.) Epitome of. {Norie J. W.) Inland, Account of. {Priestley J.) Rivers, Improvement of. {Jiroo/cs W.A.) SteaTOj Treatise. [Otivay R.) {Ross Sir J.) Tables. {Inman J.) {Kerigan T.) {Rio A.) Thames, Plan for. {AcJcerley C.H.) Treatise. {Riddle E.) and Nautical Astronomy. {Inman J.) {Rajier H.) Navigator, Oriental. {Purdy J.) Practical. {Boioditch N.) {Moore J.H.) Navigator's Guide. {Kerigan T.) Navy, British, Preservation of. {Knowles J.) State of {Inquiry.) Steam Manual. {Williams W,J.) Tables. {Moreau C.) United States. {Frost J.) Northern Ocean, Directory. {Purdy J.) Officer's Manual ; Military Maxims. Officers, Instructions to Young. {Malcolm J) Opinions and Maxims. ( Wellington DuTce.) Orders, General, 1809-18. {Wellington.) Outposts, Defence and Attack. {Jehb CajA.) Duties of. {Short C.) Peninsula, Battles of {Atlas.) Ports, Arsenals, &c., of France. Pyrotechny, Manual of {Mortimer G. W.) Random Shots from a Rifleman. {Kincaid.) Regimental Coventry. {Connell J.) Rifle Brigade, Adventures in. {Kincaid.) Twenty-five Tears in. {S^irtees.) Rocket System, Treatise. {Congreve W.) Sail-making. {Art of.) Sailing Directory, India. {Horshurgh J.) Sea Language ; Signals. {Rohde.) Officer's Sheet Anchor. {Lever D.) Risks, Hints on. {Jennings E.) Service ; or Ship Building. Naval and Military continued. Seaman's Daily Assistant. {Moore J.H.) — {Norie J.W.) Guide. {Norie J. W.) Manual. {Dana R.) . {Trusler Dr.) Seamanship, Observations. {Griffitlis A.J) Points of. {Tinmouth N.) Shipbuilding, Sketches. {Sea Service.) Treatise. {lilacJcbiirn I.) Shipmaster's Assistant. {Steel D.) Guide. Shipmasters, Manual for. {Lees J.) Ships, Classification of. {Marshall J.) Equipment, &c. {Edye J.) Laying-off of. (Fincham J.) Masting of {Fincloam J.) Officer's Guide for Preparing. {Martelli.) Rigging of, Practice. {Elements.) of War, Building. {Schomberg A.W.) Firing Broadside. {Kennish.) Fitting Boats. {Cow J.) Heavy Ordnance. {Simmons.) Sieges, Conducting of. {Pasley C. W.) Signals, Mercantile Navy, Code. {Waller B.J.) Naval, Code of. {Marryat Capt.) {Phillijyps B.C.) {Rohde.) ( Watson B.L.) New System of. {Racier H.) and Universal. {Eki% C.) Soldiers' Library. Enlisting, Discharging. {Marshall H.) Staysails, Treatise. {Heathcote.) Stercogoniometry. {Cole J.) Stranded Vessels, Floating of. {Milne D.) Troops, Duties of. {Leach J.) War, Articles of. {Hough W.) Galleys of the Ancients. {Howell J.) {Princi2)les of.) Progress of the Art. {Magrath R.N.) Thoughts on, by an Officer. (Thriish.) Yeomanry Regulations. {De Mos W.) ^Political lEconomg, ^Parlfamtntars, ^tatistfcs, $rc. Address to House of Peers. {Berkeley Ahp.) Adversaria, Civil and Political. {Harrison O.) ^ra Astraca, or Age of Justice. {Bain D.) Africa, S., Notes on Affairs of. {Boyce W.B.) Age (The) Reviewed. of Pitt and Fox. Agricultural Classes, Condition. {Drummond) — Distress, Treatise. {Playfair J.) Amazonian Republic. {Savage A.) America, Democracy in. {De Tocqueville.) Government of. {Mason C.) North, Finances. {Trotter.) Political Institutions. {Evans J.E.) {Ouseley W.) — — Presidents of. {Addresses.) ■ South, State of. {Reports on.) — — {Thomson Jas.) America, Statistics of {Tredway T.J.) and Europe, Legislation. {Mac Gregor J.) American Facts. {Putnam G.P.) Loyalists, Losses, &c. {Wilmot J.K.) Revolution, &c. {De Pradt.) and British Constitution. {Aikin P.) Antijacobin. Aphorisms, chiefly Political. Appeal of Women and Men. {Thompson W.) Aristocracy of Britain. Asia, Central, Transactions. {Diplomatic^ Athens, Public Economy of. {Boeckh.) Australia, W., State and Position. {IrtnnF.C.) Bank Charter, Evidence on. {Joplin T.) Barlow's Administration, Review. {Marsh Bp>.) Strictures on Marsh. {MilnerJ.) Black Book. CATALOGUE.] CLASSIFIED INDEX. 251 Political Ecosoiiy, &c., continued. Book of Peniilties. British Colonics, Population. {Talhs.) Statistics. {Martin R.M.) Colonization, &c. {Bannister ti.) Empire, Conservative Standard. {Burges.) • Destinies of. {Tkorpe W.) Illustrations. {Statistical.) Military Policy. {Pasley C. W.) Policy. {Domestic tfc For.) Political State. {Adoljtkus J.) Taxation. {Martin R.M.) &c. {Pehrer P.) Statistics. {MacCulloch J.R.) {Mac Queen J.) Burmese War, Political History. ( White W.) Cabinet Colloquies. Caffre Nation. ( Wrongs of.) Canada, Debates of Commons. {Cavendish.) Despatches, &c. {Durham Lord.) {Glenelg Lord.) Importance of. {Anderson D.) Narrative on. {Head F.B.) Cape of Good Hope, Importance. {Fisher R.B.) Capital and Labour. {Xniyht's W, Vol.) Captain Rock Detected. Catholic Association. {Proceedings.) Ireland. {Wyse T.) Claims, Essay. {Doyle Bj).) Protest against. {Protestant.) Emancipation, {hisecurity.) {Letter on.) • {Letters on.) Question, History. {Bedford.) Cause and Eifect, rel. to Mr. Hume. (Essays on.) Ceylon, View of Interests. {Bertolacci A.) Character of a Trimmer. [Coventry Sir W.) Chartism. {Carlyle T.) Christian Commonwealth. {Morgan J.M.) Civil Knowledge, Elements. {Yorke U.R.) Liberty, Lectures. {Harvey J.H.) Society, History. {Ferguson A.) Claims of Labour. Clarendon (Lord), Administration of. Colonial Religious Instruction. {Buchanan C.) System, Strictures on. {Sheffield Lord.) Colonies and American Revolution. {Dtpradt.) Colonization, Inquiry into. {Rolph T.) and Christianity. {Howitt W.) Colonies, Lectures. {Merivale H.) Transportation. {Lang J.D.) Conservatism, Reasons for {Hutchinson H.M.) Conservative Standard, Brit. Emp. {Burges G.) Constantlne and Eugene ; Political Dialogue. Constitution Analyzed. {British.) Book of. {Stephens T.) British. {Brougham Lord.) Elements. {Schomherg J.D.) Origin and History. {British.) Treatise. {Marshall E.) and American. {Aiken P.) Dogmas of. (Park .J.J.) Domestic, Design of. (Anderson C.) English. (Conversations.) (Delolme.) Information on. (Poi'tions of.) Letters on. {Dyer G.) Political Economy, &c., continued. Constitution, Eng., Vindication of. (D'lsrucli.) Political. (Jamaica,.) Theory of. (Ikrnard J.B.) Constitutional Code. (Bentham J.) Corn, Address to Landowners. (Graham Sir J.) Free Trade in. ( Welford R.) Importation of Colonial. (Colehrooke H.T.) Law Repealing Fallacies. (Holland G. C.) Laws, 1818, Necessity of. (Parry C.U.) U^P^loyy for.) Influences of. ( Wilson Jas.) Inquiry into. (MacDonnell A.) Triicts on. (Jacob W.) Wages, &c. (Hints on.) and Currency. (Wilson Jas.) Prices of. Considered. (Jacob W.) in Oxford. (Lloyd W.F.) Trade, External, Essay on. (Torrens.) and Agriculture. (Jacob W.) Currenc}', View of. (Joplin T.) Wages, Prices on. ( West E.) Corporator's Manual. (Higson F.) Critic in Parliament and in Public. Currencies, Regulation of (Fullurton J.) Currency, 1818-45. (Alisoyi A.) Investigated. (Taylor John.) (Letters on.) Metallic, Observations. (MorrisonW.H.) Paper, and Credit. (ZJo^awjJte^.) Principle, Inquiry. (Tooke T.) Question, Analysis. (Joplin T.) Essay. (Bell G.M.) Gemini Letters. State of. (Tooke T.) Tables of Value, 1800-21. (Mushet R.] Treatise. (Crutwell R.) (Hubbard G.) Views of. (Joplin T.) and Circulation, Essays. (Yates W.) ComLaws,Fluctuations.( ITiYsoM/a.) Letters. (Stourton Ld.) Exchanges,Catechism.(jrayor,/o/t».) Cry to Ireland and the Empire. Democracy. (Lifluence of.) in America. (De Tocqueville.) Dependencies, Government of (Lewis G.C.) Dignities, Feudal & Parliamentary. (Lynch W.) Diplomatic Correspondence. (Hill Hon. R.) Directory to Counties, Parishes, &c. ( Whillier.) Dirges of the Whigs. (Denison J.) East India Co.'s Trade, Report on. (Bruce J.) Eastern Question, Opinions of Press. (Russ D.) Edinburgh Review and West Indies. Egis of England. (Evans M.) Elections, Popular. (Buckingham J.S.) Emigration Considered. (Buchanan A.C.) Letters on. (Burn J.L.) and Colonization, Inquiry. {Rolp>h T.) England, Condition and Fate of (Lester C) Fame and Glory of. (Fame.) Glory and Shame of (Lester C.) Opinion on. (Goede.) Political History. (Raumer F.) Representation of (Hannay R.) Representative History. (Oldfield.) Royal Prerogative in. (Allen J.) K K 2 259 CLASSIFIED INDEX. [LONDON Political Economy, &c., continued. England in 1818-45, or Currencj'. {Alison A.) 1835 and 1841, Letters. {Raumer.) and France, {///snuli />.) Ireland, Ileal Union. {Milnes R.M.) Kussia. Europe, AH'airs of, Memoirs. {Rtissell Ld. J.) Balance of Power in. {LecHe O.F.) and America, Lcgislat. {MacGregor J.) Polit. Institut. [limns J.) — its Colonies, Polit. System. {Jlcenit.) Factories, Days at the. {Dodd G.) Employment of Children in. {Ilorni'v L.) and Factory System. (Taylor W.V.) Factory System, Evils of. {Wing C.) Facts upon Facts againsttheLeagiie.(>Ft7Ko»i.?.) False Medium, &c., Exposition. {Home R.U.) Federalist, or New Constitution. Finance, British, Record of. {Moreau C.) Compendium of. (Cohen.) Finances, National, State of. ( Wells S.) North American States. {Trotter.} Financial Reform. (Parnell H.) Foreign and Colonial Posts, Guide. (Herbert.) Fourth Estate. France, Political History. (Jamieson Mrs.) ■ Institutions. (Ecans J.E.) and Her Governmental Administration. its King, Court, and Government. French, Political Reflections. (Chateauhriand!) Revolution, Causes of. (Russell Lord J.) Gaols, Government of. (Rules.) Glasgow, Census, &c. (Cleland.) Inhabitants. (Cleland.) Institutions. (Cleland.) Population, Tables. (Cleland.) Gold Standard, Argument against. (Luhe.) Golden Mean. (Lingard J.) Government, British, in India. (Examination) Civil, Principles of. (Greg W.) (Tltoughts on.) Disquisitions on. (Ramsay G.) English, History. (Russell Lord J.) View of. (Millar J.) Essay on. (Hardinge N.) (Essays on.) Fragment on. (Bentliain J) (Free and Safe.) India. (Lauderdale.) (Malcolm John.) Principles of. (Cuninghavi W.) Rome. (Burke E.P.) Situations. (Gidde to.) Two Treatises on. (Locl-e J.) United States. (Mason C.) by Queen and People. (Drummond H.) ■ of Dependencies. (Lewis G.C.) Great Britain, Commercial Power. (Dupin G.) Domestic Economy. (Chalmers G.) & For. Policy. (Rejlections.) Industrial Situation. (Mundell A.) Policy. (Colonial.) Political Condition. (Bi'owning G.) Records. (Public.) Taxation. (Buchanan D.) Treaties and Conventions. (HertsletL.) Wealth, Power, &c. (Treatise.) Political Economy, &c., co7itinued. (ircat Country's Little Wars. (Lushington H.) Greece, Political History. (Heeren.) ■ • Antiquities. (Hermann.) as a Kingdom. (Strong F.) Hermeneutics, and Political. (Lieler.) History of Party. (Cooke G. W.) House of Commons. (Warn-ick W.A.) History. (TownsetidW.C.) Humane Policy, Essay. (Bannister.) India, Aifairs of, Notes on. (Shore F.J.) British, Considerations. ( White Lieut.) Government. (Ej ami nation.) Invasion of. (Evans De L.) Power in. (Auher P.) State of. (Reflections.) Colonial Policy. (In/ J.B.) Conversations. {Marcet Mrs.) Definitions of. {Malthus.) Discourse. {MacCulloch J.) Elements. {Mill J.) {Scro2)e G.P.) { Wayland F.) {Essays on.) Essays. {Mill J.S.) Introduction. {Boileau D.) John Hopkins' Notions. {Marcet Mrs.) Lectures. {Bethune A. s Sir R.) Mornings at Bow Street. Morsels for Merry and Melancholy Mortals. Munchausen's (Baron) Travels. Murat, Residence in Family of. {Davies C.) Mun-ay's Colonial Library. My Daughter's Book. My Home, My Country, &c. {Howie J.) CATALOGUE.] CLASSIFIED INDEX. 273 Miscellaneous continued. My Native Land. My Travels ; Conversations. Mysteries of Eleusis. (Oacarojf M.) Naked Truth ; Advice to Landlords, &c. Napoleon and Canova's Conversations. in the other World. Narrative of a Soldier in late War. National Character, Essay on. {ChenecLc R.) Nautical Dictionary. Necropolis Glasguensis. {Strang J.) Net Work ; Thoughts in Idleness. New Moral World", Book of. {Owen R.) View of Time. Newgate Calendar. Nicotiana. {Miller H.J.) Nobility of British Gentry. {Lawrence Sir J.) Ncctes AtticK. {Ponder.) Northern Year IBook. Note on Suppression of Memoirs. {Brydges.) Nothing, in Rhyme and Prose. {Bolton O.) November Nights. Nuces Philosophicae. {Johnson E.) Observations on Several Writers. {Young G.) Obsolete Ideas. {Brown E.) Odds and Ends, Verse and Prose. {Merle W.) CEdipus Romanus. {Townsend G.) Old English Sayings. {Taylor Jeff.) Friends in a New Dress. {Sharpe R.S.) — - Irish Knight. Man's Gossip on Literature. Olio of Literary Anecdote, &c. {Davis W.) or Museum of Entertainment. Olla Podrida. (Marryat Cajjt.) Omniana. {Southey R.) Oracle of Human Destiny. {Normand.) Ordeals, Origin and History of. {Gilchrut.) Organized Beings, Analysis of. {Duncan.) Oriental Fragments. {Moor E.) Orientalist ; Letters of a Rabbi. {JVoble J.) Original ; Essays. ( Weilhr T.) Osborne, or Country Gentleman. {Jones Jos.) Ovid in London, Owen's New Views Commended. {MacNah.) Oxford Prize Essays. Paine, Age of Reason Refuted. {GrisentMcaite.) Paper of Tobacco, its Rise, Progress, &c. Parlour Table Book. Window. {Mangin E.) Parson's Horn Book. Parsons, Legacy to. {Colhett W.) Past Feelings Renovated. Peel Banquet at (ilasgow. {Cleland J.) Penitentinrj'-, Millbank, Observ. {Holford G.) Penny Magazine. Wedding. {Grant J.) Pentameron and Pentalogia. {Landor W.S.) People's Book. Perennial Calendar. {Forster T.) Pericles and Aspasia. {Landor W.S.) Peril and Suffering, by Davenport. {Fam.Lih.) Perils and Captivity. (Const. Misc.) Pestilence, Conversation on. {Scott John.) Petrarch, Essays on Love, &c., of. {Foscolo U.) Philosophical Arrangements. {Harris J.) Miscellanies. • • Wanderers. {Bigland J.) MiscKLLANEOus continued. Philosophy of Madness. ( Vates.) Physiology of Love, Courtship, &c. Pictures of Popular People. {Grant J.) the French. Past. {BrydsonJ.) Picturesque Excursions. {Freeling.) Pilgrimage to Land of Burns. Pinch of Snuff. Pirates, Atrocities of. {Smith Aaron.) Plain Speaker, {llazlitt W.) Words on Important Subjects. Plea for the Imprisoned. Pleasures from Love of Books. {Mangin E.) of Human Life. {Piatt J.W.) Pocket Companion, Anecdotes. {Taylor Jos.) Points of Humour. Misery. Police Spy. {White W.) Politics of another World. Poor Pilgrim. {Jones J. A.) Portfolio; Essays, Letters, &c. Premature Interment, Danger of. {Taylor Jos.) Priory, or Wilton Family. Prison Scenes. {Ellison S.) Progress of Fashion. Prose, British, Beauties of. {Melmoth.) — ■ — Writers, English, Specimens. {Burnet G.) German. {Fragments.) Old English. {Library.) Works. {Lamh 0.) {Milton J.) by a Poet. of the Younger Edda. Proverbs, Adages, &c. {Fuller T.) Collection. {Ray J.) English. {Ray J.) National. {Ward C.) Old English Sayings. {Taylor Jeff.) Scottish. {Henderson A.) Explained. {Kelly J.) and Maxims, Chinese. {Davis J.F.) from Erasmus, &c. {Bland R.) for Acting. {Pickering E.) — — of all Nations. {Fielding T.) Ruckle's Club, Anecdotes. Punch and Judy. Punch's Letter Writer. Letters to his Son. {.Terrold D.) Snapdragons for Christmas. Rainbow Sketches. {Francis J.) Rambler. {Johnson S.) Random Recollects, in Exeter Hall, 1834-7. Rationale of Reward. {Bentham J.) Rays of Genius. [Tom kins.) Readings for Leisure Hours. Rebellion of the Beast. Recollections and Poems. {Jonson J.) Recreations in Retirement. Reflections and Essays, by Talbot. {Min. Cl.L.) ■ on Thoughts and Things. {Urqvhart D.) Various Subjects. {Boyle R.) Reign of Humbug. Reigning Vice. Rejected Addresses. {Smith H. tC- /.) {Sequel.) Articles. N N 274 CLASSIFIED INDEX. LONDON MiscELLANKOus Continued. Relics for the Curious. Remarkable Events on Man. ( Walts J.) Remembrance. Reminiscences. (Pvhrhele Ji.) of Half a Centurv\ an Old Traveller. {Broivn T.) Republic of Letters, Poetry and Prose. Respect for Outward Things. (Injiiience.) Reverses, or Fairfax Family. {Whatebj Mrs.) Riddler. ( Univerml.) Riddles. See also Charades. [Houie Aiiuisuiunt.) Rifle Shots at Follies of the Day. {Kidd W.) Roman Tablets. Rosamund Culbertson, Narrative. Rose of Four Seasons. Rouge et Koir; Academicians of 1823. Round Table. {Iladitt W.) Rousseau (.J. J.) Confessions. Works, Letters on. (tStael.) Royal George, Loss. {Narrative.) Societj', Discourses before. (Davi/ Sir If.) 19th Cent., EssaJ^ {(JranvUle.) {Transactions.) Ruminator ; Series of Essays. {Brydges SirE) Rural Philosophy. {Bates E.) St. Baldred of the Bass. {Millar J.) Salmagundi. {Irving W.) ■ {Fam, Lib.) Saturday Night, a Miscellany. Scarborough Collector. Repository. Scotsman's Library, Anecdotes. {Mitchell.) Scott (Sir W.) Wisdom and Grenius. Scrap Book, Prose and Verse. {Macdiarmid.) or Literary MiscelLmy. Table, Scribblcouiania. Seasons of Life. {Aslidowne M.) Seer, by Hunt. {Smith's Lib.) Select Pieces, Prose and Verse. {Bovdhr J.) Selections from Addison. {Berens E.) {Humboldt A.) Mod. Authors. {Gelhing Mrs. Prose. {Southei/ H.) Self-Justified Sinner. {Hogg J.) Sentimental Journe3\ {Sterne L.) Sentiments of Attraction. {Howison W.) Sepiilchre of Lazarus. {Moidton 3Irs.) Sermons to Asses. {Murray J.) Sexagenarian. {Beloe.) Shadows of the Future. {Johnson R.) Shakspeare, Citation, &c., of {Landor.) and Byron, Comic Readings. (Seymour. Shakspeariana. Shelley Papers, by Medwin. Sheridaniana ; Anecdotes of Sheridan. Shipwreck, Challenger. {Diary.) Corsair. {Reney W.) Dryade. Earl Grey. {Brou-ning C.A.) Juno. {Mackay TF.) Narrative. {Riley J.) Oswego. {Paddock J.) Rothsay Castle. {Adshead J.) Miscellaneous continued. Shipwreck, Transport Premier. {Dartnell.) Wager. {Byron J.) Shipwrecked Persons, Preservation. {Manby.) Shipwrecks and Disasters. {Const. Misc.) {Redding C.) Show Folks. {Egan P.) Signs before Death. {Welby.) Silvio Pellico, Confessions. {Sorelli G.) Sketch for a Pronaos, &c. of Life of Tho. Singularity. {Hopkim.) Sketches and Essays. {Ilazlitt W.) in Bedlam. Prose. and Poetry. Verse. {Richardson G.F.) of Young Couples. — Gentlemen. Ladies. Slight Sketches and Scattered Thoughts. Small Books on Great Subjects. Smith's Souvenir Classics. Standard Library. Smoky Rooms, Causes and Cure. {Jukes E.) Snatches from Oblivion. Sorrows of Seduction. Sparks from the Wheel of a Man Wot Grinds. Special Juries, Packing of. {Bentham J.) Spectator. Illustrated by Acrography. ■ Tatler, and Guardian. Speech on Human Sacrifices. {Poynder J.) Speeches and Orations. {Everett E.) Spinster at Home in Salisbury. {Childs Miss.) Spoon, Ancient ;;nd Modern. {Westman H.O.) Sterne, Illustrations of. {Ferriar.) Stray Leaves from the German. Struggles through Life. {Harriott Lieut!) Suicide, Anatomy- of. {Winsloio F.) Reflections on. {Stael.) and its Antidote. {Piggott S.) Sunday in London. Surtees Society Publications. Sweepings of the Study. {ITidd TF.) Swift's Tale of a Tub. {Readings from.) System of Nature. {Mirabaud J.B.) Table Book. {Cruikshanh G.) {Hone TF.) Talk, by Bucke. {Booh of.) {Const. Misc.) {Delicice.) {Hazlitt TF.) {Luther.) ■ {Selden J.) Dramatic. {Ryan R.) Specimens. {Coleridge S.T.) Talker, or Essays on Society, &c. Tasso, Love and Madness of. {Wild R.H.) Tatler. Taunus, or Doings and Undoings. (Incledon.) Tegg's Standard Library. Temperance, Philosophy of. {Woolcr W.M.) Tendency to Association. {Dunloj) J.) Thenphrastus, Characters, by Howell. Things in General. Thirty Years from Home, {Leech S.) CATALOGUE.] CLASSIFIED INDEX. 275 X Miscellaneous continued. Thornton Abbey, in Letters, Thoughts and llecollections. in Idleness. (Nd Work.) of an Illustrious Exile. {Boyd U.S.) on Laughter. ■ Man. (Godwin W.) Thousand Notaljle Things. Times, or Views of Society. Tints of Talent. 'Tis Friendship's Gift. Tit Bits, selected by Heath. Transactions, viz. : — Cambridge Philosophical Society. Leeds Philosophical Society. Manchester Philos. Society. {Memoirs.) Plymouth Institution. Royal Asiatic Society. Edinburgh Society. Irish Academy. Society. Abstracts from. Traveller's Club. {AjmIo'ji/ to the.) Thoughts on a Tour. Travels of Eugenius and Antonina. (Genlis.) an Irish Gentleman. Translation, Essay on. {T;/tkr A.F.) Translations and Imitations. from the German. Tribunal of Manners. Trifles for Leisure Hours. Two Days at Torrington Hall. ( Walllridi/e.) Village Pencilliiigs. {Pierce E.) Vindiciae Ecclesite. {Pelham.) Vision of Hades. Solitude. Visit to Modern Babylon. {Ilavtliom H.) Visits and Sketches at Home. {Jameson Mrs.) Voice from America to England. of Facts. {Fi Ilia ji son.) Volume of Varieties. {Knight's W. Vol.) Votive Wreath. {Parminster.) Vulgar and Common Errors. {Small Books.) Walker's British Classics. Walks and Wanderings in Literature. {Grant.) Wanderings of a Goldfinch. {MacMidlan.) Walter, or Second Peep into the World. a Word more to the Wise. Waverley Novels, Illustrations. {Warner R.) Wealth of Individuals, Causes, &c. {Corbet T.) Miscellaneous continued. We shall Meet Again ; Prose and Verse. Weeds and Wild Flowers. {Balfour A.) Welsh Tradition, Influence of. {Schulz A.) Western Clearings. {Kirkland Mrs.) What is Luxury'! Whim Whams, by Four of Us. Whims and Oddities. {Hood T.) Whimsicalities. {Hood T.) Whittaker's Popular Library. AVidow's Schemes, Treatise on. {Cleghorn J.) Winter Studies, &c. {Jameson Mrs.) Wit, Facetiae, Jests, &c., viz. : — American. {Min. Class. Lib.) Broad Grins. {American.) Budget of. {London.) Cambridge Jokes. (Cambridge.) (EncgdopcKdia.) English. {Spint of.) (E.vcerpta of.) Extracts. {Scrapiana) Facetiae Cantabrigiensis. {Facetiw.) '■ or Jeux d'Esprit. {Facetice.) and Miscellanies. {Uone W.) Flowers of. {Kett II.) Irish. (Spirit of.) Jest Book. (Hindostanee.) {Joe Miller.) Jests & Scottish k\\ei:Aotes.{ChambersR.) Morsels for Merry Mortals. (Morsels.) Nuts and Nutcrackers. {Xids.) to Crack. (Nuts.) Punster's Pocket Book. {Punster.) Scotland. (Laird of Logan.) and Anecdote. (Blossoms of.) (Table of.) {Treasury of.) — Humour. (Flo^cers of.) Gems of. (Min. Clas. Lib.) Poetry, Gems of. {Fancy.) Wits, School for. {Wewitzer R.) Women of Israel. (Aguilar.) Working Classes, Lectures to. {Fox W.J.) Man. {Quill.) World, The. of Wonders. Written Caricatures from Charivari. Year Book. (ILme W.) Young South Country Weaver. {Duncan H.) •missfons. Adamus Exul, Tragedy. {Grotius H.) . Alphabet, Treatise on. {A'cy T.H.) Athense Oxoniensis. (TFoocZ ^4.) . Campaign with Zumalacarrcgui. {Henningsen. Christian Religion, Letters on. {Haller A.) Discovery, Navigation, &c., Progress of. {Stevenson W.) Divorce, Doctrine of. {Milton John.) . . . , Drama and Poetry. Bibliography. Biography. History. Divinity. History. Divinity. N N 2 S76 CLASSIFIED INDEX. Omissions continued, Efes Dammim. {Lcvinskon.) Egj'ptians, Plagues Inflicted on. {Bryant J.) . Fasti Hellcnici. {Clinton F.II.) . Romani. {Clinton F.II.) French Preacher, Discourses. {Cohlnn J.) Justice and Codification Petitions. {Bentham J.) Learning, Advancement of. {Bacon Lord.) Two Books on. {Bacon Lord.) Lucan's Pharsalia, translated by Rowe . Magni Rotuli Scaccarii. {Staphton T.) . Ocean, Spiritual Views of. {Nautical.) . O'Leary (Arth.) Life of, by T. R. England . Revelation and Incarnation of Mithra . Rule of Three not the Rule of Proportion Sequel to an Unfinished MS. of Henry Kirke White Sleep and its Phenomena. {Pinkerton .T.M.) . Smiles for all Seasons ..... Society, Natural History of. {Taylor W.C.) . Theatre, Drury Lane, Observations on. {Wyati P.) Theatres, Treatise on. {Saunders G.) Tracts and Essays. {Hey W.) DiVIKITY. Divinity. History. History. Divinity. Law. Education. Education. History. History. Divinity. BlOGRAPnY. Divinity. Arithmetic. Divinity. Natural Philosophy. Drama and Poetry. History. Architecture. Architecture. Divinity. I TABLE OF REFERENCE. Page Accounts 2C3 Acts (Apostles) 17 (Law) 109—200 Addresses, Pastoral, &c 17 Advent 18 Adventures 101, 207 ■ (Juv. Works) un Aftghanistan 130 Africa 130 (Juv. Works) IGl Agriculture 239—240 Algre 240 Algebra 213—214 Algiers I.'JO Alps 130 America 130—132 (Juv. Works) 1(51 Analysis 214 Anatomy 217—218 Anecdote and Anecdotes .... 2G7— 2G8 Anglican Clnirch 18 Angling 74 Anglo-Saxon Language 181 Animal Kingdom 247 Magnetism 213 Animals 247 (Juv. Works) 161—162 Annuals 127 Annuities Anthems Anthology Antiquities Aphorisms Apocalypse Apparitions Arabia Arabic Language Arboriculture 240 Archaeology Archery Arches Architecture Naval Arctic Regions Aristophanes, English Arithmetic 214- Army 248- Arts, Ancient and Modern and Sciences (Miscellaneous) (School Books) Asia, &c. Assurances Astrology Astronomy Athens . Atlantic . Atlases . 263 76 77 1—2 2G8 18 2G8 132 198 -244 1—2 74 235 2—5 249 132 77 -215 -250 125 267 256 132 2G3 233 233 132 132 -134 Pago Atonement ]<) Attributes jy Auricula 240 Australia 134 Austria ]y4 Autographs 268 Ballads 77 78 Banks and Banking 263 Baptism ig 20 Beauties of Divines oo Drama and Poetry .... 78 of Various Authors 268 244 244 135 198 Bees Beetles Belgium Bengali Language Bible 20-21 (Juv. Works) ]g2 (School Books) 257 Biblical Literature, &c 21 Bibliography 99—100 Bibliotheca 99 Billiards 74 Biographical Dictionaries 7 Biography g_ij (Juv. Works) 162 (School Books) 256 Birds 247 (Juv. Works) ip,j> Blow Pipe 235 Bonaparte 135 Book of Fate . . 268 Bookbinding 263 Book-keeping 263 Botany 240—244 Medical 241 Boy's Books (Juv. Works) 1^3 Brazil 235 Brewing 234 Bridges 235 Brussels 135 Buenos Ayres 135 Builder ■ . . . . 230 Butteriiies 244 Byron, Anecdotes, &c. 2GS Cabinet 268 Cabinet Maker 236 Calculators 263 Calculus 215 Calvinism 21 Cambist 263 Canada igs Canals 235—236 Cape 136 Carpentry . . . . . . . .236 Catalogues 99 Catechism 21 — 22 278 TABLE OF REFERENCE. Page Catechisms (School Books) 2.00 Cathedrals 3—4 Catholic Church 22 Cattle 239 Celestial Philosophy 233 Ceylon )3() Chalclee Language 1111 Charades, Enigmas, dtc 2(«8 Charges by Divines 22 Charities, &c 137 Chemistry 234—235 Chess 74 Child's Books (Juv. Works) .... Ifi3 Chili 137 China 137 Chinese Language 19ft Clirist 22—23 Christian 23—25 Christianity 25 Chronicles 137 Chronology 130— Ifjl — Scriptural 25 (Juv. Works) ..... KU Chrystallography 245 Church 25—27 History 26—27 Music 76 Polity 49 of Rome 55 Churches 4 Circassia 138 Civilization 138 Classical Learning 99 Climate 219 Coal Tables, &c 2(j4 Coins 6 Collects 28 College and School Books, English . . .257 Colombia 138 Colonies 133 Colonization 255 Colours; Painting 125 Comets 233 Comic Works, Various 269 Coming of Christ 28 Commerce 264 and Trade 263—266 Common Prayer 28 Communion 28 Composition 256 Conchology 244 Concordances 28 Confectioner 73 Confessions 28 Confirmation 28 Conic Sections 215 Constantinople 138 Constitution (Political) 251 Continent 138 Controversy 28 Conversations (Juv. Works) . . . .164 • See Languages . . . 181—199 Conversion 28—29 Cookery 73 Corn 251 Coronations 138—139 Correspondence 6 — 17 Costume 127 Cotton 264 Councils 29 Coursing 75 Courts Martial 249 Covenant 29 Page Covetousness 29 Creation 29 Cree Language U)8 ('reed 29 Crests 3 Criticism 269 Cromwell 13a Cross of Christ 29 Crusades 139 Cucumber 241 Currency 251 ('ustoms 264 Cyclopa?dias 267 Ilancing 76 Danish Language 199 Deaf and Dumb Various, English 270 Facetiae, &c 275 Factories 252 Fairy Tales (Juv. Works) ICG Faith 35 Family Worship ....... 72 Farm and Farmer 240 Fasts and Festivals 35 Fathers of the Church 35 Ferns 241 Fiction 100—124 Finance 252 Fine Arts 125—129 Fishes 244 Fishing 74 Flanders 141 Flora and Florist 241—242 Flower Garden 242 Flowers 242 Flowers (Poetry) 82 Fluxions 215 Fonts 4 Forest and Forester 243 Fortification 249 Fossils 245 France 141—142 (Juv. Works) 166 Freemasonry £70 French Language (Educational) . . 182 — 186 . (Miscellaneous) . . 186—187 . Revolution 142 Friendly Societies 2C4 Friends, Society of 36 Fruit 240—244 Funds 264 Furniture, Ancient and Modem . . . 264 Gaelic Language 181 Galvanism 233 Games and Sports 74 — 75 Gardening 240-244 Gas 235 264 142 5—6 270 -161 -143 •258 246 216 ■189 143 270 265 270 258 181 36 Gauging Gazetteers Genealogy Genius Geography, History, &c 130 142 (School Books) .... 257 Geology 245 Geometry German Language (Educat. and Miscel.) . 187 Germany Ghosts Glazier and Painter Gleaner Globes Glossaries God Page Gospels 36—37 Government (Political) 2.52 Grace 37 Grammars. See Languages .... 181 — 199 (School Books) 259 Grape 243 Grasses 243 Gravitation 238 Grazier 240 Great Britain 143 (Political) 252 Grecian Antiquities 259 Greece 143—144 (Juv. Works) 167 (School Books) 259 Greek Language (Educat. and Miscel.) . 189—192 Greenhouse 243 Greenland 144 Guatemala 144 Guide Book. See Place required . . . 130 — 161 Gunnery 249 Harbours 235 Happiness 37 Hayti 144 Heat 238 Heavens 233 Hebrew Language 182 Heraldry . 5-G Hieroglyphics 2 Himalaya 144 Hindostan and Hindoos .... 144 — 145 Hindostani Language 198 Hints, Various 271 Historical Works 145 History, &c 130—161 • in General 145 (Juv. Works.) 167 (School Books) 259 Holland 145 Holy Land 145 Orders 38 Homilies 38 Horfe (Various) ....... 38 Horse 232 Horsemanship 75 Horticulture 243 Hortus 243 Hothouse 243 Hulsean Essays 38 Human Mind 212 . Nature 212 Hunting 75 Husbandry 240 Hydrostatics 238 Hymns . 38—39 Iceland 146 Icelandic Language 199 Ichthyology 244 Illustrated Works 127—129 Immanuel 39 India 146 (Political) 252 Trade 265 Infanticide 271 Infidelity 39 Inquisition 39 Insects 245 Inspiration ........ 39 Institutes 39 Intemperance 271 Interest Tables 265 Inventions 267 Ionian Islands 147 280 TABLE OF REFERENCE. Page Ireland 14C— 147 (Political) iiM Irish Language 101 Iron ' . . . 2'M Trade •■2C;i Justification 40 Juvenile Works 161— li!l Knitting 73 Knowledge (Juv. Works) Ifil) • (School Books) 2G0 Laconics 271 Ladies' Work Table, &;c 73 Lakes, Guides, &c 141) Land Surveying 237 Landscape Painting 12(i Language 99—100 Languages, Ancient and Modern . . 181—199 Lapland 148' Latin (Educational and Miscellaneous) . 193—191! Law and Jurisprudence .... 199 — 211 Lays 84 Learning, Education 97—99 Lectures, Religious 41 — 43 Legends HI Letter Writer and Writing 2G0 Letters (Biography) 12 Moral 179 Religious Subjects .... 43—44 Various 271 Levelling 23? Lexicons. See Languages .... 181 — 199 Library (Juv. Works) 169 Life Assurance 265 Manners, &c 271 Light 238 Light-Houses 23") Literary History loo (Miscellaneous) 271 Literature 99—100 (Miscellaneous) 271 Lithography 126 Liturgy 44 Logarithms 216 Logic 211—213 London in General 149 (Juv. Works) 169 Lord's Prayer 44 Supper 44 Lunar Tables 233 Lyrics 85 Machinery 236 Madeira 150 Magnetism 231! Malta 150 Man (Miscellaneous) 273 . (Moral Philosophy) 212 Religious Works on 45 Manners and Customs 130—161 Page Manufactures 205 Manures 240 Manuscripts <»!)_10() Maps (Scliool Books) 261 Marine Architecture 249 Martyrs 45 Mass 45 Mathematics 210 Mathematical Sciences .... 213 — 217 Maxims 272 Measures and Weights 260 Measuring 237 Median ics 236—237 Medals Medical Botany 241 Sciences 217—232 Medicine 225—220 Meditations 45 Mediterranean 150 Melodies 80 Memoirs (Miscellaneous) 272 Memory 261 Men and Manners 272 Mensuration 237 Mental Philosophy 211—213 Mercantile 265 Messiah 45 Metaphysics ........ 212 Meteorology 238 Methodism 45 Mexico 1,50 Microscope 238 Middle Ages 150 Military and Naval 248—250 Events, &c 1.50 Millennium 45 Millwright 237 Mineral Waters 22(i Mineralogy 245—246 Mines and Mining 240 Minstrelsy fl6 Miracles 46 Miscellaneous 267—275 Works 272 (Fiction) . . . .113 Miscellanies 272 Missionaries 46 Missions 40 Money 265 Monographia 245 Monuments 4 Moral Philosophy 211—213 Tales 161—181 (Juv. Works) .... 170 Morals, Etiquette 177—181 Morea 151 Morocco 151 Mountains 151 Music 76 Mythology . . * 6 (School Books) 261 Naples J51 Napoleon 151 National Debt 253 Nations (Political) 253 Natural History 247—248 (Juv. Works) . . . .171 Philosophy 238—239 Sciences 239—248 Theology 47 and Experimental Philosophy . 233—239 Naturalist 248 Nature 248 TABLE OF REFERENCE. 281 Page Nature (Juv. Works) 171 and Art 2- Gd, cloth. Syriac Version, Peschito, 8*, cloth. Triglott Gospels, Greek, Latin, and Syriac, 14.v, cloth. Apocalypse, Greek and English Text, Tregelles, .'is- Cr/, cloth. Apocrypha, English, 2s, cloth. Greek, Valpy, 4.s', cloth. Genesis, Hebrew and English, De Sola, 21. <, cloth. Hebrews, Epistle to the, Craik, C(/, cloth. Minor Prophets, Pick, ,').«, cloth. Psalters : — He.vaplar Psalter, Hill', 15.v, clotii. Psalms, ]']nglish Version, \s Gd, roan. Literal Translation of the, Parkliurst, 5.?, cloth. French Tmnslation of the, Ostervald, Is Gd, roan. German Translation of the, Lnther, Is Gd, roan. Greek, LXX., Ls- 6-/, roan. Hebrew, Vanderhooght, 2s, cloth. and English, 5s, cloth. with Interlineary English, 6s, cloth. Metrically arranged, 3.s Gd, cloth. Italian Version, Diodati, l^- Gd, roan. Latin Version, Vulgate, Is Gd, roan. Spanish Version, Scio, Is Gd, roan. with Proverbs, English, 2s, roan. and Hymns, Watts, ^s Gd, cloth. Common Pkayers : — Liturgia Britannica Octaglotta, IS*' Gd, cloth ; 23.?, tiirkej'. English Version, ds Gd, cloth ; 6s Gd, limp morocco. French Version, 3.? 6d, cloth ; 6s 6d, limp morocco. Polymicrian, ds Gd, cloth. German Version, Kiiper, 3s Gd, cloth. Polymicrian, 3.? Gd, cloth. Greek Version, Duport, 3s Gd, cloth. Polymicrian, 3s Gd, cloth. Modern, Version, Calbo, 3s 6d, cloth. Polymicrian, 3s Gd, cloth. Italian Version, Montucci and Valletti, 3s Gd, cloth. Polymicrian, 3.9 6d, cloth. Latin Version, Bowyer, by Carey, 3s Gd, cloth. ~ Polymicrian, 3s 6*^/, cloth. Spanish Version, Blanco White, 3s Gd, cloth. Polymicrian, 3s 6d, cloth. Lexicons : — Analytical Hebrew and Chaldee, 21 2s, cloth. Gescnius, Hebrew and Chaldee, Tregelles, 28s Gd, cloth. Greek Le.xicon to the New Testament, Greenfield, 2s Gd, cloth. Hebrew and Chaldee, Pocket Edition, Gs, cloth. Syriac, Henderson, 4s, cloth. Thesaurus Gr?eca3 Linguae, Stephani, 10/, cloth. Concordances : — English, Cruden, 4s, cloth. Greek, Schmidt, 5s, cloth. Treasury of Scripture, Parallels, lOs, cloth. Indexes to : — Book of Common Prayer, lOd, cloth. Scripture Subjects, Is, cloth. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. JUN17198l^ Form L9-50m-4,'61(B8994R4)444 UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY z 2001 L81i 18U6 sup, 181i8