U.C. BERKELEY UBRARY "7 L 05 LdL f.^ ?«^WOTfi TIbe Xllnlverstti? ot Cbicago FOUNDED BY JOHN D. ROCKEFELLER XTbe TUntvcraltis Ulbtatics RULES FOR SHELFLISTING THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO PRESS CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 1919 v\OOV PREFATORY NOTE It has been the practice of the University of Chicago Libra- ries, since the reorganization of catalogs and classifications begun in 19 1 1, to print, multigraph, or type on cards, rules governing routine, points in cataloging, classification, or shelflisting not covered by the printed rules and forms issued by the Library of Congress, the A.L.A. Rules, or other guides suppHed for use of the assistants in the Cataloging and Classification Departments. When the Rules for Shelfhsting were formulated, they were found to be so voluminous that it was feared the card form might prove awkward, and it was accordingly decided to print them in pamphlet form. In view of the fact that the University of Chicago Libraries use the Library of Congress classification, the Rules may have little interest outside of the Libraries which have adopted that classification. Copies will, however, be sent on request, to any Library interested, and with which the University of Chicago Libraries have exchange relations. The Rules have been com- piled by Miss H. A-JTitsworth, Head Shelflister and Mr. K. T. Jacobsen, Chief of the Classification Department. J. C. M. Hanson, Associate Director 417943 • • • • . • • • • • •. • , • • •- « t RULES FOR SHELFLISTING In general the work of the shelfHster has two phases — the assignment of book numbers, and shelfUsting proper. For rules in regard to the assignment of book numbers, see annotated copies of Author Notation in the Library of Congress, by A. C. Laws. For rules in regard to shelflisting, see in addition to those given below, the rules on cards under heading Shelf- hsting. Classification, etc., also sample cards at the desk of the Head shelflister. Briefly, shelflisting consists of making out the shelflist card and marking the call number on the verso of the title-page of the book. Of the details of the work as carried out in the University of Chicago libraries, the following are the main points: I. Heading. — Use the entry adopted by the Cataloging department, underlining as on the main card, and substituting initials for the full form of personal names unless the author has but one given name, in which case give name in full. Use author's dates or other marks of distinction only when necessary to distinguish between authors of the same name. II. Title. — Use brief title, following the form of the catalog entry. Indicate matter omitted in the title by three dots (. . .). Give enough of the title to identify the book and to explain the classification, including matter in regard to editor, translator and edition, in the form of the catalog entry. III. Imprint. — Of the imprint, give only the date unless there are two editions of the same date, in which case include place of publication and, if necessary, publisher. IV. Collation. — Omit collation except number of volumes, if the work is published in more than one volume, or pagination, if that is the only means of identifying the edition. V. Xotes. — Include notes of importance for the assignment of book numbers, e.g., other forms of title or relation of the work in hand to other works. VI. Subject headings. — /\.t the bottom of the card give the first subject heading as given on the catalog card, using any self-evident abbreviations. In special cases a second subject may be necessary to explain the classification or book number. If there is more than one edition of a title, give the subject on the shelflist card for one edition only. VII. Call niimher. — As each title is assigned its book number, the call number, consisting of the classification and book number, is placed on the catalog card in the upper left- hand corner. Copy this on the shelflist card in like manner. If the book is more than 30 cm. in height, place the small / indicating "folio"' just preceding the call number and between 1 r ,DG76 the Imes — e.g., i ,,. .H2 Include indications of special locations as part of the call num- ber. Unless otherwise specified, such special locations refer to copy I. The exception to this is ''Rare bk room," which refers to all copies unless otherwise stated. The special locations now in use are: R.R., Cat., Acq., Classif., Rare bk room, Hist. R.R., Mod. Lang., Lane col., Gunsaulus col., Hodge col., Eckels col., Director's off., Assoc. Dir. off., Mss. room. VIII. Accession number. — Give the accession number on the third line following the collation, at the extreme left of the card. If the collation calls for more than one volume and the set is complete, use no volume numbers after the accession numbers. If the set is not complete, indicate by volume numbers which volumes are in the library. For example, the set consists of three volumes, and the library has \-. 1-2. Give "3 V." in the collation and for the accession numbers write "3384-85, V. 1-2." For sets, if the accession numbers are regular and inclusive, write "3384-8(;" for a complete 6-volume set. If, however, there is irregularity or the numbers arc not T inclusive and consecutive, give each number a line, indicating volume number after accession number. Leave space for all missing volumes. If there is not room for the accession numbers on card i , use a second card, giving call number and card number but no heading. If volumes listed on the catalog card cannot be found by the shelflister, do not add them to the shelfiist but mark "Wanting" and date after the accession numbers on the catalog card. IX. Copies. — In case of several copies, arrange all books of the General Library and departmental libraries merged with the General Library first, assigning copy numbers in the order of accession numbers. Arrange other departments alphabeti- cally by location; under each department arrange by size of accession number. If the work is published in more than one volume, list together all material in the group mentioned above, forming one set as complete as possible, other volumes forming possible additional sets. Copies from the departmental libraries are to be listed as sets in each library, books from one department never being inserted in the set of another depart- ment. For example, the set consists of lo volumes. General Library has 88431-36, v. 1-6; 105242-43, v. 9-10. History has 85699, V. 6. Education has 669542-44, v. 8-10. Psychology has 78465, V. i; 78467-70, V. 3-6. The shelfiist should read: 88431-36, V. 1-5 78465, cop. 3, V. I, Ps. 85699, V. 6 78467-70, cop. 3, V. 3-6, Ps. 105242-43, V. 9-10 669542-43, cop. 2, V. 8-10, Ed. However, in all cases of incomplete sets where volumes from one department might be transferred to another department and so complete a set, refer the matter to the Head classifier. In case of such transfer, make sure that the location marks in books and on catalog cards are corrected. In the above example copies 2 and 3 should if possible be combined, v. 8 being trans- ferred to the General Library. X. Location. — If the book belongs to a departmental library not merged with the General Library, add the location as given on the catalog card, after the accession number. Always com- pare this location with that given on the bookplate. Every book belonging to a departmental hbrary not merged with the General Library will have inserted in it a manila slip with indi- cation of the department. If there is also inserted the printed form showing that the book is loaned by the General Library to a department, see that the location symbol on the bookplate is changed to read "Gen. Lib." and that the symbol on the official catalog card reads ''G. cd. for ." Such books will be forwarded daily on the truck provided for current material. XL Original title. — When known, write the original title, in red, at the bottom of the card. Some books require the original title for the assignment of the book number — such books may be returned to the Cataloging department for this information. XII. Signature atid date. — Give signature of assistant who has assigned book number, and date of shelflisting in the lower right-hand corner of the card — e.g., "Ti. 10/7/19." An X following the date indicates a ''rush" book. XIII. Serials. — Open serials or closed serials with more than two volumes missing are kept on the serial record, a dummy only being made for the shelflist. This dummy is made like the shelflist card except that the stamp ''For additions see serial record" is used in the place of accession numbers. This stamp is also added on the face of the official card. The serial record card is made out on a specially ruled card — see special rule on cards under "Serial record." Place a slip marked "Period." in each periodical shelflisted as an indication to the labeller of the height of the label. If a serial entry stands for a publication which forms a part of another serial, trace such serial analytic on the back of the card representing the main serial, provided always that the two serials are published together. On the serial analytic entry card, a note indicating the publication in or with which each number appears takes the place of the accession number, and the call number is placed opposite the individual volume. If the serial is published regu- larly as a part of the other publication, the call number should be placed in the upper left-hand corner, lower than for a main card, with the series note following it. XIV. Series on serial record. — For sake of economy, most series are kept up on the serial record instead of on the shelflist. Such series are then treated as serials except that if "Contents" is given, the ofhcial card is not stamped "For additions see serial record" and that, on the dummy and serial record cards, in the upper right-hand corner is written in red, "Anals.," "Contents," according as the set is analyzed and the contents given. For such series make a slip with entry, short title, and call number for the assistant in charge of analytics. When there are analytic cards place the call number, including volume number, on each, and if the analytic is either a Library of Congress or John Crerar card, stamp the green card "Depos. cd. not used." If, however, the printed analytics are already in hand, fasten the cards for each volume separately, with a second fastening around the entire group. Under this second fastening insert a slip with call number and note "Take volume numbers from individual cards." XV. Series cards. — Add the call number in the left margin opposite the proper entry, and for books of departmental libraries not merged with the General Library give location symbols below, in curves. XVI. Two editions cataloged on one card. — Shelflist each edition separately. Supplements and indexes may be shelf- listed on the same card as the main set if they have the same call number, but the accession number must be placed after the entry to which it refers, not with the main set. Enter indexes for serials on the serial record card. XVII. Partially classified. — As certain of the classification schedules are not yet completed, some books can at present be but partially classified. For such partially classified works, write the call numbers in pencil. If a printed card is ordered, do not use the depository card for the shelflist, but type a card. Stamp green card "Depos. cd. not used." XVIII. Dissertations. — Always use the note ''Thesis" or its equivalent in other languages. Do not label theses added to the Chemistry library. XIX. Other editions previously listed. — When it is found that another edition of the title in hand has already been shelf- listed, note whether the new edition has its subjects and added entries marked "Stamp" or "Stamped." If this has not been done, stamp the new catalog card in the upper right-hand corner, "Other editions listed." XX. ''In haste'' books. — Shelflist and give to the reviser at, once books with pink slips indicating special haste. XXI. Marking books. — As each book is classified, the classifier writes the classification on the verso of the title-page. The assistant who assigns book numbers copies this number on the catalog card and fills out the book number. The shelf- lister adds to the book whatever is necessary to make the call number in the book agree with that on the catalog card, marks this number on the page opposite the accession number. In the case of sets, if the binding does not show the correct volume numbering, add it to the call number in the book. Also add copy numbers as given on the shelflist card. Particularly in case of serials, if the period covered by the book does not appear on the binding, write these dates on the narrow white slip provided for that purpose and insert in book. Write call numljer plainly both in book and on cards. XXII. Books not to he labelled. — Books with location "Classics" if partially classified, and Chemistry theses are taken from the truck and returned to the department unlabelled. XXIII. Unbound material. — Write the call number on recto of leaf following the title-page and on cover. In place of accession number, write in pencil ''unb." See* also special rules on cards under ''Shelf listing" and ''Binding — Routine in shelflisting room." XXIV. Yerkes books. — See special rules on cards under ''Yerkes books — Rules for shelf Hsting." XXV. Psychology books. — Write "Psychol." below call number in book. XXVI. Chemistry theses. — See under " Dissertations " above. XXVII. Printed cards. — When a Library of Congress or John Crerar card is ordered for the catalog, use the depository card for the shelf list, erasing the stamp "In the John Crerar library" from the John Crerar cards. In case the card ordered stands for a different edition from the book in hand, line out with a ruler all corrections indicated on the green card — never scratch or mutilate the depository card — and add corrections neces- sary for the shelf list, e.g., important matter in the title, information in regard to editor, translator and edition, date, number of volumes, important notes. New material is often better added as a note than inserted in the body of the entry. Compare Library of Congress or John Crerar serial number with that given on the green card. For the shelflist, use only the cards giving information of value to the shelfHst. If but a part of the set of cards is used in the shelflist, indicate the cards so used on the green card under the serial number, e.g., "Cards 1-2 used for shelflist." For cards printed before 1905 this information need not be given. If the card with the Library of Congress call number is not used, copy the call number on the shelflist card just above the signature. If for any reason the depository card is not used, stamp "Depos. cd. not used" beneath the serial number. If two editions of a title are being cataloged at the same time, the same card being ordered twice, use a written card for the shelflist to represent one edition and stamp that card as indicated above. Do not use for the shelflist Berlin cards. Harvard cards, or Library of Congress cards stamped "In the John Crerar library." If it is necessary to write a card for the shelflist, use the typewriter. See sample order-card and Library of Congress card corrected for shelf- list filed at desk of Head shelflister. XXVIII. Statistics. — Record must be kept of the daily work of each shelflister. This information is to include number of titles, number of volumes, number of hours spent in work other than shelflisting, and number of trucks completed. Keep this record, summarized by days, on the card ruled for that purpose. At the end of each month hand a duplicate, with totals indicated, to the head of the department. In count- ing volumes, follow the main volume division as given on the catalog card, i.e., '' 2 v. in i *' counts as two volumes, ''4 v. in 5" as four, etc. OF C'' 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED tlBRARY SCHOOL LIBRARY This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. NOV 9 - 1967 DEC19197Q LD 21-40m-10,'65 (F7763sl0)476 General Library University of California Berkeley