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Campbell 18 Studies in the Educational Psychology of Honor, with special reference to the Parole System. Miriam Van Waters 21 Imitation. A. C. Harrington 23 Interest. Charles H. Cummings 25 The Learning Process in Birds. Katherine E. Dolbear 2^ Effect of Mental Work on the Blood. Raymond H. Wheeler 29 Moral and Social Education. Samuel Claman 31 The Pedagogy of Questioning. Soshichi Yamada 32 Play. Francis J. O'Brien 33 Precocious Children. Katherine E. Dolbear 35 Recess. George E. Freeland 39 The Sophists. F. A. Tobin 42 The Wandering Impulse. Ernest Hammond 43 i EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY The following bibliographies were prepared by the members of the Seminary in Education at Clark University during the year 1912-13. The attempt was made to adapt the topics to the in- dividual interests of the students ; hence they are miscellaneous in character, but most of them are in the field of Educational Psychology. As in previous years, each student of the co- operative group chose a topic and made a report accompanied by a bibliography of representative books dealing with the sub- ject and other titles especially used by the student. As the time for report was limited no attempt was made to treat all phases of the topics chosen or to make the bibliography complete ; some- times merely one aspect of a large subject was studied more in detail. On many of these subjects there are extended printed bibliographies. In such cases these are often mentioned and no attempt made to duplicate such lists. In spite of the miscellaneous and somewhat one-sided char- acter of these bibliographies, former students of the University and others have often found them helpful, and hence it has seemed worth while again to print them as they stand. William H. Burn ham. July, 1913. u EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY By Wiluam H. Burnham 1. Barucha, J. and Clausen, A. Quellen-Lesebuch zur neueren Psy- chologic und Padagogik. Paderborn, Schoningh, 1910. 564 p. 2. Colvin, S. S. The learning process. N. Y., Macmillan, 191 1. 336 p. 3. Fischer, E. L. Systematische Anleitung zur Wissens- und Char- akter-bildung. Berlin, Paetel, 1910. 209 p. 4. Hall, G. S. Adolescence. N. Y., Appleton, 1904. 2 vols. 5. Harris, W. T. Psychologic foundations of education. N. Y., Ap- pleton, 1898. 400 p. 6. Herbart, J. F. Application of psychology to the science of educa- tion. N. Y., Scribner, 1898. 231 p. 7. Home, H. H. The psychological principles of education. N. Y., Macmillan, 1906. 435 p. 8. Jorges, R. Psychologische Erorterungen zur Begrvindung eines wissenschaftlichen Unterrichtsverfahrens. Leipzig, Dieterich, 1908. 144 p. 9. Judd, C. H. Genetic psychology for teachers. N. Y., Appleton, 1903. 329 p. ID. Kern, B. Ueber den Ursprung der geistigen Fahigkeiten des Men- schen. Berlin, Hirschwald, 1912. 63 p. 11. Kirkpatrick, E. A. The individual in the making. Boston, Houghton & Mifflin, 191 1. 339 p. 12. Lay, W. A. Experimentelle Didaktik. Leipzig, Quelle & Meyer, 1910. 661 p. 13. . Psychologic nebst Logik und Erkenntnislehrc. Part i. Lehrbuch der Padagogik. Gotha. Thienemann. 1912. 219 p. 14. Meumann, Ernst. Vorlesungen zur Einfiihrung in die experimentelle Padagogik und ihre psychologischen Grundlagen. 2d ed. Engel- mann, Leipzig, 1911. Vol. i. 15. Meyer, M. F. The fundamental laws of human behavior. Boston, Badger, 19 11. 241 p. 16. Miinsterberg, H. Psychology and the teacher. N. Y., Appleton, 1909. 330 p. 17. Peper, W. Jugendpsychologie. Leipzig, Teubner, 1911. 178 p. 2 EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY i8. Pyle, W. H. The outlines of educational psychology. Baltimore, Warwick & York, 191 1. 254 p. 19. Rzesnitzek, E. Schulpsychologie ; Unterrichts- und Erzichungslehre fiir Lchrer und Lehrerseminare. Leipzig, Diirr, 191 1. 260 p. 20. Simmel, G. Soziologie. Leipzig, Duncker & H., 1908. 782 p. 21. Striimpel, L. Psychologische Padagogik. Leipzig, Ungleich, 1909. 466 p. 22. Thorndike, E. L. Educational Psychology. N. Y., Col. Univ., 1910. 248 p. 23. . The principles of teaching based on psychology. N. Y., Seiler, 1906. 293 p. 24. Welton, J. The psychology of education. London, Macmillan, 191 1. 507 p. 25. Whipple, G. M. Questions in general and educational psychology. Syracuse, Bardeen, 1908. 108 p. 26. . Manual of Mental and Physical Tests. Baltimore, War- wick & York, 1910. 534 p. 27. Zenz, W. and Frank, F. Psychologic, Erziehung und LInterricht, mit Riicksicht auf den genetischen Aufbau. Wien. Pichler, 191 1. 204 p. Periodicals 28. L'Annee psychologique. Ed. by A. Binet. Paris, Schleicher Freres. 1894. 29. Grenzfragen des Nerven-und Seelenlebens. Ed. by L. Loewenfeld and H. Kurella. Wiesbaden, Bergmann. 1900. 30. Die Kinderfehler. Ed. by J. L. A. Koch. Langensalza, Beyer. 1896. 31. Jour, of Comparative Neurology and Psychology. Ed. by H. H. Don- aldson. Phil., Wistar Inst. 1891. 32. Jour, of Educational Psychology. Ed. by J. C. Bell. Baltimore, Warw. & Y. 1910. 33. Padagogische Monographien. Ed. by E. Meumann. Leipzig, Nem- nich. 1903. 34. Padagogisch- Psychologische Forschungen. Ed. by E. Meumann. Leipzig, Quelle & Meyer. 35. Psychological Review. Ed. by J. M. Baldwin. N. Y., Macmillan. 1893. 36. Revue Philosophique. Ed. by T. Ribot. Paris, Alcan. 1876. 37. Der Saemann. Monatschrift f. Jugendbildung u. Jugendkunde. Ed. by Lindenau. Berlin, Teubner. 1905. EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY 3 38. Sammlung zwangloser Abhandl. aus d. Gebiete d. Nerven- u. Geister- krankheiten. Ed. by A. Hoche. Halle, Marhold. 1901. 39. Zt. £. d. Erforschung u. Behandlung d. jugendlichen Schwachsinns. Ed. by H. Vogt. Jena, Fischer. 1907. 40. Zt. f. pad. Psy. u. exp. Piidagogik. Ed. by E. Meumann. Leipzig, Quelle & Meyer. 1899. See also the literature of Psychology, Psychiatry, Animal Behaviour, and the Training of Defectives. THE PEDAGOGICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF MENDELISM By A. Edward Hamilton I. Bateson, W. Biological Fact and the Structure of Society. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1912. 34 p. 2. . Mendelian Heredity and its Application to Man. Brain, 1906, Vol. 29. pp. 169-180. 3. Bell, A. G. A Few Thoughts Concerning Eugenics. American Breeders Assn. Ann. Report. Wash., D. C, 1908, Vol. 4. pp. 208-214. 4. Cane, M. H. Hair and Its Heredity. Eugenics Rev., 1912, Vol. 4. pp. 275-283. 5- Castle, W. E. Heredity and Eugenics. Chicago, Univ. Press, 1912. 315 P- 6. Chamberlain, A. F. Eugenics. Monroe's Cycl. of Educ. New York, Macmillan, 191 1 (Vol. 2. pp. 514-518). 7. Church, W. S. The Influence of Heredity on Disease. London, Longmans, 1909. 142 p. 8. Danielson, F. The Hill Folk. Cold Spring Harbor, N. Y., Eugenics Record Office, 1912. 56 p. 9. Darbishire, A. D. Breeding and the Mendelian Discovery. Lon- don, Cassell & Co., 191 1. 278 p. 10. Davenport, C. B. Heredity in Relation to Eugenics. N. Y., Holt, 191 1. 298 p. ir. Doncaster, L. Heredity in the Light of Recent Research. Cam- bridge, Univ. Press, 1910. 140 p. 12. Drinkwater, H. A Lecture on Mendelism. London, Dent, 1910. 31 p. 13. Dugdale, R. L. The Jukes. N. Y., Putnams, 1910. 120 p. 14. Ellis, Havelock. The Task of Social Hygiene. London, Con- stable, 1912. 414 p. 15. Estabrook, A, H. The Nam Family. Cold Spring Harbor. Eu- genics Record Office, 1912. 85 p. 16. Field, J. A. The Progress of Eugenics. Quart. Jour, of Econ., 191 1, Vol. 26, No. I. pp. 1-68. 17. Flick, Lawrence. Eugenics. Phila., McVey, 1913. 39 p. THE PEDAGOGICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF MENDELISM 5 18. Flood, E. and Collins, M. A Study of Heredity in Epilepsy. Am. Jour, of Insanity, 1913, Vol. 69. pp. 585-603. 19. Galton, Francis. Essays in Eugenics. London, The Eugenics Edu- cation Soc, 1909. 109 p. 20. Goddard, H. H. Heredity of Feeble-Mindedness. Cold Spring Harbor, Eugenics Record Office, 1911. 14 p. 21. . The Kallikak Family. N. Y., Macmillan, 1912. 117 p. 22. Hall, Go Stanley. Eugenics. Religious Ed., 191 1, Vol. 6. pp. 152-159- 23. Hays, Willet M. Breeding as a School Subject. Am. Breeders Mag., 1910, Vol. I. pp. 224-227. 24. Hurst, C. C. On the Inheritance of Eye Color in Man. Proc. Roy. Soc, 1908, Vol. 80B. pp. 85-96. 25. Jordan, David Starr. Report of the Committee on Eugenics. Am. Breeders Assn. Ann. Report, 1908, Vol. 4. pp. 201-208. 26. Jordan, H. E. Eugenics; The Rearing of the Human Thorough- bred. Trans. Amer. Assn. for Preven. & Study of Infant Mort., 1912. pp. 52-65. 2"]. Kellicott, W. E. The Social Direction of Human Evolution. N. Y., Appleton, 191 1. 249 p. Laughlin, H. H. The Behavior of the Unit-Like Series. Am. Breeders Assn. Ann. Report, 1912, Vol. 7. pp. 304-312. Mott, F. W. The Neuropathic Inheritance. Jour, of Mental Sci., 1913, Vol. 59. pp. 222-263. Pearl, Raymond. Genetics and Eugenics. Am. Assn. for Study and Preven. of Infant Mort. Chicago, 191 1. pp. 129-132. Pearson, Karl. National Life from the Standpoint of Science. London, Black, 1901. 62 p. . On the Laws of Inheritance in Man. Biometrica, 1903, 28 29 30. 31 32 33 Vol. 2. pp. 357-462. Problems in Eugenics. Papers Communicated to the First Inter- national Congress on Eugenics. London, Eugenics Ed. Soc, 1912. 490 p. (Section 2a. pp. 162 and 480.) 34. Punnett, R. C. Mendelism. London, Macmillan, 191 1. 176 p. 35. Reid, G. Archdall. The Laws of Heredity. London, Methuen, 1910. 548 p. 2)(i. Richards, Ellen. Euthenics. Boston, Whitcomb & Barrows, 1910. 162 p. ZT. Rosanoff, A. J. The Inheritance of the Neuropathic Constitution. Jour. Am. Med. Assoc, 1912, Vol. 58. pp. 1266-1269. 6 THE PEDAGOGICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF MENDELISM 38. Rudin, E, Wage und Ziclc der Familienforschung. Zeit. f. d. ges. Neur. u. Psychiatric, 191 1, Vol. 7. pp. 387-585. (Complete Foreign Bibliography on Human Heredity.) 39. Saleeby, C. W. Parenthood and Race Culture. N. Y., Cassell & Co., 1909. 331 P- 40. Smith, S. G. The New Science. Atlantic Monthly, 1912, Vol. no. pp. 801-809. 41. Spillman, W. J. The Present Status of the Genetics Problem. Science, 1912, Vol. 35. pp. 7S7-7^7- 42. Thomson, J. A. Heredity. N. Y., Putnams, 1908. 605 p. 43. Walter, H. E. Genetics, An Introduction to the Study of Heredity. N. Y., Macmillan, 1913. 272 p. 43. Ward, Lester F. Eugenics, Euthenics and Eudemics. Am. Jour. of Sociol, 1913, Vol. 18. pp. 737-754- 44. Weeks, D. F. and Davenport, C. B. A First Study in the In- heritance of Epilepsy. Jour, of Nerv. and Ment. Disease, 1911, Vol. 38. pp. 641-670. 45. Winship, A. E. Jukes-Edwards. Harrisburg, Penn., R. L. Myers, 1900. 88 p. 46. Woods, F. A. Heredity in Royalty. N. Y., Holt, 1906. 312 p. i7. . Heredity and the Hall of Fame. Pop. Sci. Mo., 1913. Vol. 82. pp. 445-453- THE PSYCHOPHYSIC CONDITION OF THE CHILD ON ENTERING SCHOOL By Arthur K. Beik 1. Angle, E. H. Treatment of malocclusion of the teeth. Phil., White Dental Mfg. Co., 1907. 628 p. 2. Berten, . Ueber chronologische Reihenfolge des Durchbriches der bleibenden Zahne. Deutsche Monat. f. Zahnehlk, 1895, Vol. 13. pp. 266-277. 3. Boas, Franz. The growth of children. Science, Dec. 13, 1912, Vol. 36. pp. 815-818. 4. Bobbitt, J. F. The growth of Philippine children. Ped. Sem., 1909, Vol. 16. pp. 137-168. 5. Barth, E. Einfiihrnng in die Psychologic, Pathologic und Hygiene des menschlichen Stimme. Leipzig, Thieme, 191 1. 507 p. 6. Bryan, E. B. Nascent stages and their pedagogical significance. Ped. Sem., 1900, Vol. 7. pp. 357-396. 7. Burk, F. From fundamental to accessory in the development of the nervous system. Ped. Sem., 1898, Vol. 6. pp. 5-64. 8. . Growth of children in height and weight. Am. Jour. of Psy., 1898, Vol. 9. pp. 253-326. (BibHography, 109 titles.) 9. Burnham, W. H. The hygiene of the teeth. Ped. Sem., 1906, Vol. 13. pp. 293-306. 10. Conradi, E. Psychology and pathology of speech development in the child. Ped. Sem., 1904, Vol. 11. pp. 328-380. 11. Engelsperger, A. and Ziegler, O. Beitrage zur Kenntnis der phy- sischen und psychischen Natur des sechsjahrigen in die Schule eintretenden Kindes. Exp. Pad., 1905, Vol. i. pp. 173-235; 1906, 49-95- 12. Gilbert, J. A. Experiments on the musical sensitiveness of school children. Yale Psy. Lab. Studies, 1892-3, Vol. i. pp. 80-87. 13. Gutzmann, H. Physiologic der Stimme und Sprache. Braunshweig, Viewig & Sohn, 1909. 208 p. (Bibliography, 263 titles.) 14. Hall, G. S. Contents of children's minds on entering school. Ped. Sem., 1891, Vol. i. pp. 139-173. 15. Halleck, R. P. The bearings of the laws of cerebral development and modification on child study. Proc. N. E. A., 1897. pp. 833-841. 8 PSYCHOPHYSIC CONDITION OF CHILD ENTERING SCHOOL i6. Hartmann, B. Analyse des kindlichen Gcdankenskreises als die naturgemasse Grundlage des ersten Schuluntcrrichts. Annaberg, Graser, 1890. 115 p. 17. Hartwell, E. M. Report on physical training in the Boston Pub- lic Schools. Boston, School Document, 1894. No. 8. 151 p. 18. Jastrow, J. The dreams of the blind. New Princeton Rev., 1888. Vol. 5. pp. 18-34. 19. Oppenheim, N. The development of the child. N. Y., Mac- millan, 1908. 256 p. 20. Paulsen, E. Ueber die Singstimme der Kinder. Pfliiger's Arch. f. d. ges. Phys. des Menschen u. der Tiere, 1895, Vol. 61. pp. 407-426. 21. Pedley, R. D. and Harrison, F. Our teeth; how built up, how destroyed, how preserved. London, Blackie and Son, 1908. 97 P- 22. Pryor, J. W. The chronology and order of ossification of the bones of the human carpus. X-ray method. Bull., State Univ., Lexing- ton, Ky., 1908. April, No. 2. 24 p. 23. Quirsfeld, E. Untersuchungs-ergebnisse physischer und geistiger Entwicklung bei 1014 Kindern vom i bis 8 Schuljiihre. 2nd Int. Cong, on Sch. Hyg., London, 1907. pp. 214-216. 24. . Zur physischen und geistigen Entwicklung des Kindes wahrend der ersten Schulhahre. Zeit. f. Schulges, 1905, Vol. 18. pp. 127-185. 25. Rose, C. Ueber die niittlere Durchbrichzeit der bleibenden Zahne. Deutsche Mon. f. Zahnhlk, 1909, Vol. 27, No. 8. pp. 553-570. 26. Rotch, T. M. and Smith, H. W. A study of the development of the epiphyses of the hand and wrist for the purpose of classifying the cadets at Annapolis. Trans. Assoc. Am. Physicians, 1910. 11 p. 27. Rotch, T. M. Roentgen ray methods applied to the grading of early life. Proc. 4th Cong, of the Am. Sch. Hj'g. Assoc, 1910. pp. 184-199. 28. Sayer, E. Deterioration of vision during school life. Proc. i, ; Int. Kongress f. Schulhyg., 1904, vol. 3. pp. 515-525. 29. Stratz, C. H, Der Korper des Kindes und seine Pflege. Stuttgart, Enke, 1904. 250 p. 30. Thiele, Dr, Versuch einer Biologic der Schulanfanger. Zeit. f. Schulges., 1913, Vol. 26. pp. 377-386. 31. Walkhoff, . Der Einfluss der Vererbung und der functionellen Selbstgestaltung bei der Entstehung von einigen Stellungsanomalien der Zahne. Deutsche Mon. f. Zahnhlk, 1910, Vol. 28. pp. 865-873. PSYCHOPHYSIC CONDITION OF CHILD ENTERING SCHOOL 9 32. Weld, H. P. The mechanism of the voice and its hygiene. Ped. Sem., 1910, Vol. 17. pp. 143-159. 33. West, Gerald M. Growth of the face. Science, 1891, Vol. i8, No. 439. pp. lO-II. 34. Witzel, K. Entwicklung der Kiefer und der Zahne beim Menschen. Berlin, Verlag d. Zntr. f. Zahnhyg., 1907. 63 p. 35. Wright, G. H. A functional relation of the tonsil to the teeth. Boston Med. & Surg. Jour., 1909, Vol. 160. pp. 635-641. 36. Zsigmondi, O. Ueber die Veraenderung des Zahnbogens bei der zweiten Dentition. Arch. f. Anat. u. Phys., 1890. pp. 367.-390. See also the standard text books on anatomy and physiology. lO ADOLESCENCE By Wayne P. Smith 1. Andrews, C. B. Introduction to the study of adolescent education. London, Rebman, 1912. 185 p. (Bibliography.) 2. Brown, J. F, The American high school. N. Y., Macmillan, 1909. 462 p. 3. Cannon, W. B. and De La Paz, D. The stimulation of adrenal secretion by emotional excitement. Jour, of Am. Med. Assoc, 191 1, Vol. 51. p. 742. 4. Classen, W. F. Grosstadtheimat Beobachtungen zur Naturgeschichte des Grossstadtvolks. Hamburg, Schultze, 1906. 224 p. 5. Clouston, T. C. The hygiene of mind. London, Methuen, 1906. 284 p. 6. . Adolescence. Child Study, 1912, Vol. 5. pp. 1-8; 90-97. 7. Compayre, J. G. L'Adolescence, etudes de psychologic et de peda- gogic. Paris, Alcan, 1909. 195 p. 8. Cramer, A. Pubertat und Schule. Leipzig, Teubner, 1910. 16 p. 9. D'Istria, C. Les formes de la vie psychologic et leurs conditions organiques ; d'apres Cabanis. Rev. de Metaphysique et de la Morale, 1912, Vol. 20. pp. 25-47. 10. Fisher, W. J. Drift in secondary education. Science, 1912, Vol. 36. pp. 587-590. 11. Freud, S. Drei Abhandlungen der Sexueltheorie. Wien, Deuticke, 1912. 86 p. 12. Gudden, H. Pubertat und Schule. Munchen, 191 1. 31 p. 13. Hall, G. S. Adolescence. N. Y., Appleton, 1904. 2 vols. (Bibliog- raphy.) 14. . Educational problems. N. Y., Appleton, 191 1. 2 vols. 15. . Youth, its education, regimen and hygiene. N. Y., Ap- pleton, 1906. 379 p. 16. Judd, C. H, Scientific study of high school problems. Sch. Rev., 1910, Vol. 18. pp. 192-195. 17. . Meaning of secondary education. Sch. Rev., 1913, Vol. 21. p. II ff. 18. Keck, Dr. Ein Beitrag zur Wachstumsphysiologie des Menschen. Zeit. f. Schulges, 1905, Vol. 18. pp. 293-319; 400-416; 457-492. ADOLESCENCE I I 19. Kohl, A. Pubertal und Sexualitat; Untersuchungen zur Psychologic des Entwicklungsalters. Wiirzburg, Kanitzsch, 191 1. 82 p. (Bibli- ography.) 20. Lemaitre, A. La vie mentale de I'adolescent et ses anomalies. Saint- Elaise. Foyer Solidaiste, 1910. 240 p. 21. Mendousse, D. L'Ame de I'adolescent. Paris, Alcan, 1909. 315 p. (Bibliography.) 22. Norwood & Hope. Higher education of boys in England. London, Murray, 1909. 563 p. (Bibliography.) 23. Partridge, G. E. Genetic philosophy of education. N. Y., Sturgis & Walton, 1912. 401 p. (Partial Bibliography of Dr. Hall's writ- ings.) 24. Reudiger, W. C. Adolescence ; periods of mental reconstruction. Jour, of Psy., 1907, Vol. 6. pp. 353-370. 25. Sajous, C. E. de M. The internal secretions and the principles of medicine. Phil., Davis, 1912. 2 vols. 26. Schmidkunz, H. Die oberen Stufen des Jugendalters. Beitrage z. Kinderforschung u. Heilerziehung, 1907, Vol. 35. 16 p. 27. Schneider, R. Pubertat und Auge. Miinchen, 191 1. 17 p. 28. Slaughter, J. R. The adolescent. London, Swan, Sonnenschein, 1911. 100 p. 29. Swift, E. J. Youth and the race. N. Y., Scribners, 1912. 342 p. 30. Vincent, S. Internal secretions and the ductless glands. London, Arnold, 1912. 464 p. 31. Wilson, H. B. Relation of high school course to students' life problems. Sch. Rev., 1908, Vol. 16. pp. 469-474. 32. Winch, W. H. Some measurements of mental fatigue in adolescent pupils in evening schools. Jour, of Ed. Psy., 1910, Vol. i. pp. 13 ff. 12 EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY OF THE RENAISSANCE. By Adele Adams Steele 1. Adams, J. Evolution of educational theory. London, Macmillan, igi2. 401 p. 2. Aspinwall, W. B. Outlines of the history of education. N. Y., Macmillan, 1912. 189 p. 3. Burnet, J. Aristotle on education. Cambridge, Univ. Press., 1903. 141 p. 4. Burnham, W. H. The first modern schoolmaster. Ped. Sem., 1901, Vol. 8. pp. 538-548. 5. Cadet, G. Port-Royal education. Syracuse, Bardeen, iSgg. 393 p, 6. Compayre, G. History of pedagogy. Tr. by W. H. Payne. Boston, Heath, 1903. 570 p. 7. Davidson, T. History of education. N. Y., Scribner, 1901. 276 p. 8. DeMaulde, R. Women of the renaissance. Tr. by G. H. Ely. Lon- don, Sonnenschein, 1901. 503 p. 9. Dessoir, M. Abriss einer Geschichte der Psychologic. Heidelberg, Winter, 191 1. 272 p. 10. Dubray, C. A. Introductory philosophy. London, Longmans, 1912. 599 P- 11. Erasmus, D. De Pueris Instituendis. In Woodward's Erasmus con- cerning education. Cambridge, Univ. Press, 1904. pp. 180-221. 12. . Select colloquies. Ed. by Whitcomb. Phila., Univ. of Pa., 1902. 184 p. 13. Goodsell, W. Conflict of naturalism and humanism. N. Y., Colum- bia Univ., 1910. 178 p. 14. Graves, F. P. Great educators. N. Y., Macmillan, 1912. 283 p. 15. Laurie, S. S. Studies in the history of educational opinion from the renaissance. Cambridge, Univ. Press., 1903. 261 p. 16. Montaigne, Michel de. Essays. Tr. by C. Cotton. London, Bell, Vol. I, 1892. pp. 144-186. 17. Otto, E. Deutsches Fraucnleben in Wandel der Jahrhunderts. Leipzig, Teubncr, 1903. 154 p. 18. Owen, John. The skeptics of the Italian renaissance. London, Sonnenschein, 1893. 419 p. EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY OF THE RENAISSANCE 1 3 19. . The skeptics of the French renaissance. London, Son- nenschein, 1893. pp. 423-808. 20. Painter, F. V. N. Great pedagogical essays. N. Y., American Book Co., 1905. 418 p. 21. . Luther on education. Phila., Lutheran Publ. Soc, 1899. 271 p. 22. Pyle, W. H. Outlines of educational psychology. Baltimore, War- wick & York, 1911. 247 p. 23. Rabelais, Francis, Ed. by C. H. Page. N. Y., Putnam, 1905. 394 p. 24. Vives, J. L, Tudor Schoolboy Hfe. Tr. by Foster Watson. London, Dent & Co. 247 p. 25. Wells, B. W. Women of the renaissance. International Monthly, 1901, Vol. 3. pp. 597-601. 26. Whitcomb, M. Source-book of the renaissance. New York, Long- mans, Green & Co., 1903. 235 p. 27. Woodward, W. H. Education during the renaissance. Cambridge, Univ. Press, 1906. 322 p. 28. . Erasmus concerning education. Cambridge, Univ. Press, 1904. 230 p. 14 THE CAUSES OF FATIGUE By Abraham Mandelstam 1. Amoss, H. L. Organic matter in expired breath. Jour, of Exp. Medicine, 1913, Vol. 17. pp. 132-151- 2. Baginsky, A. Die hausliche Erziehung als Korrelat zur Schule. Zeit. f. Schulgesundheitspflege, 1910, Vol. 23. pp. 891-903. 3. Bethge, O. J. W. Der Einfluss geistiger Arbeit auf den Korper unter besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Ermiidungserscheinungen. Halle, Heynemann, 1911. 51 p. 4. . Der Einfluss geistiger Arbeit auf den Korper. Samml. zwangloser Abhand. aus d. Gebiete d. Nerven u. Geisteskrankheiten, 1910, Vol. 9. 51 P- 5. Bogardus, E. S. Relation of fatigue to industrial accidents. Am. Jour, of Soc, 1912, Vol. 17. pp. 205-222; 351-374; 512-539- 6. Burnham, W. H. Oxygen supply as a condition of efficient brain activity. Jour, of Ed. Psy., 1911, Vol. 3. pp. 421-428. (Bibli- ography.) 7. . The problem of fatigue. Am. Jour, of Psy., 1908, Vol. 19. pp. 385-399- (Bibliography.) 8. Cannon, W. B. and Nice, L. B. The effect of adrenal secretion on muscular fatigue. Am. Jour, of Phys., 1913, Vol. 32. pp. 44-60. 9. Czerny, A. Die Frage der Ueberarbeitung in der Schule. Bericht ii. d. XIV Intern. Kong. f. Hyg. u. Demographic, 1908, Vol. 12. pp. 521-526. 10. Goldmark, J, Fatigue and efficiency. N. Y., Charities Publ. Comm., 1912. 2 vols, in I. 11. Hill, L. Recent advances in physiology and bio-chemistry. London, Arnold, 1906. 739 p. 12. Hodge, C. F. A microscopical study of the nerve cell. Boston, Ginn, 1894. 15 p. 13. loteyko, J. Uber Ermiidung und Training vom Energetischen Standpunkte. Vierteljahrsschrift f. korperliche Erziehung, 1908, Vol. 4. pp. 129-135. 14. Lee, F. S. The action of normal fatigue substances on muscle. (Bibliography.) Am. Jour, of Phys., 1907, Vol. 20. pp. 170-179- 15. . The cause of the treppe. Am. Jour, of Phys., 1907, Vol. 18. pp. 267-282. (Bibliography), and pp. xviii-xix. THE CAUSES OF FATIGUE 1$ i6. . The effects of temperature and humidity on fatigue. Am. Jour, of Pub. Health, 1912, Vol. 8. pp. 863-870. 17. . Fatigue. Harvey Lectures. N. Y., Harvey Soc, 1905-06. pp. 169-194. 18. . The nature of fatigue. Sci. Am. Supp., 1910, Vol. 70. pp. 236-240. 19. Lobsien, M. Ueber den Einfluss des Antikenotoxin auf die Hauptkomponenten der Arbeitskurve. Zeit. f. Kinderforschung, 1911-1912, Vol. 17. pp. 209-221. 20. McDougall, W. The conditions of fatigue in the nervous system. Brain, 1909, Vol. 32. pp. 256-268. 21. Mosso, A. Fatigue. Tr. by M. & B. Drummond. New York, Put- nam, 1904. 334 p. 22. Offner, M. Die geistige Ermiidung. Berlin, Reuther und Reichard, 1910. 88 p. 23. Palmen, E. Ueber die Bedeutung der tjbung fiir die Erholung der Leistungsfahigkeit der Muskeln. Skandin. Arch. f. Phys., 1910, Vol. 24. pp. 168-186. 24. Roth, Dr. Ermiidung durch Berufsarbeit. Bericht ii. den XIV Intern. Kong. f. Hyg. u. Demographie, 1908, Vol. 2. pp. 593-623. 25. Ryffel, J, H. Experiments on lactic acid formation in man. Jour. of Phys., 1909-1910, Vol. 39. pp. xxix-xxx. 26. Milroy, T. H. Fatigue studied in reaction time experimtents. Quarterly Jour. Exp. Phys. London, 1909, Vol. 2. pp. 277-282. 27. Sherrington, C. S. The integrative action of the nervous system. N. Y., Scribner, 1906. 411 p. 28. Verworn, M. Erregbarkeit. Zeit. f. Allgemeine Phys., 191 1, Vot. 12, Sammelreferat. pp. 3-61. 29. . Die Mechanik des Geisteslebens. Leipzig, Teubner, 1907. 104 p. 30. Waller, A. D. Electromotive phenomena in plants. Rep. of Brit. Assoc, for the Advancement of Sci., 1910. pp. 281-282. 31. Weichardt, W. Ueber Ermiidungsstoffe. Stuttgart, Enke, 1910. 66 p. (Bibliography.) 32. Whipple, G. M. Fatigue. Monroe's Cyclop, of Ed., 191 1. Mac- millan. Vol. 2. pp. 579-581. (Bibliography.) 33. White, W. A. Some considerations regarding the factor of fatigue, with reference to industrial conditions. Am. Jour, of the Medical Sciences, 1912, Vol. 145. pp. 219-225. See also Bibliography on Air and Ventilation. Bibliographies on Ex- perimental Pedagogy. Clark University Press, 1912, Vol. 3, pp. 46-47. i6 EDUCATIONAL ASPECTS OF EINFUHLUNG By Frank K. Sechrist 1. Baldwin, J. M. Imitation. Mind, 1894. Vol. 3. pp. 26-55. 2. . Thought and things. N. Y., Macmillan, 1906, Vol. I, 2-jZ p.; Vol. 3, 191 1, 284 p. Bullough, E. On the apparent heaviness of colors. Brit. Jour, of Psy., 1906-08, Vol. 2. pp. 111-152. . Psychical distance. Brit. Jour, of Psy., 1912, Vol. 5. pp. 87-118. Burnham, W. H. The hygiene of drawing. Ped. Sem., 1907, Vol. 14. pp. 289-304. Dessoir, M. Aesthetik und allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft. Stutt- gart, Enke, 1906. 476 p. Dewey, J. Interest. Monroe's Cyclop, of Ed. N. Y., Macmillan, 191 1, Vol. 3. pp. 472-475. Ebbinghaus, H. Grundziige der Psychologic. Leipzig, Veit and Comp., 1912, Vol. 2. 694 p. Fechner, G. Vorschule der Aesthetik. Leipzig, Breitkopf, 1897. 319 p. 10. Geiger, M. Zum Problem der Stimmungseinfiihlung. Zeit. f. Aesthetik u. allgem. Kunstwissenschaft, 1911, Vol. 6. pp. 1-42. 11. . tJber das Wesen und die Bedeutung der Einfiihlung. Bericht (iber den 4 Kongress f. exp. Psy. Leipzig, Barth. pp. 29-73. (Bibliography.) 12. Gradmann, E, Subject and Object. Plalle, Niemeyer, 1904. 56 p. 13. Groos, K. Das aesthetische Miterleben und die Empfindungen aus dem Korperinnern. Zeit. f. Aesthetik u. allgem. Kunstwissenschaft, 1909, Vol. 4. pp. 161-182. 14. Hildebrand, A. The problem of form. N. Y., Stechert, 1907. 141 p. 15. Him, Y. 'I'he origins of art. N. Y., Macmillan, 1900. 331 p. (Bibliography.) 16. Kalischer, E. Analyse der aesthetischen Contemplation. Zeit. f. Psy. u. Phys. der Sinncsorgane, 1902, Vol. 28. pp. 199-252. 17. Lalo, C. Les sentiments esthetiques. Paris, Alcan, 1910. 273 p. 18. Lee, Vernon. Beauty and ugliness. London, Lane, 1912. 376 p. 19. Lipps, T. Aesthetik. Leipzig, Voss, 1903, Vol. i. 663 p. EDUCATIONAL ASPECTS OF EINPUHLUNG 1 7 20. — — . Aesthetische Einfiihlung. Zeit. f. Psy., 1900, Vol. 22. pp. 41S-450. 21. . Raumesthetik. Leipzig, Barth, 1897. 424 p. 22. . Einfiihlung, innere Nachahmung, and Organempfindun- gen. Arch. f. d. ges. Psy., 1903, Vol. i. pp. 185-204. 23. . Psychologische Untersuchungen zur Einfiihlung. Leipzig, Engelmann, 1913. 491 p. 23. Lotze, H. Geschichte der Aesthetik in Deutschland. Miinchen, Cotta, 1868. 672 p. 24. Morgan, C. L. Instinct and experience. London, Methuen, 1912. 299 p. 25. Prandtl, A. Die Einfiihlung. Leipzig. Barth, 1910. 121 p. ■^. Reid, T. Uber den Geschmack. Zeit. f. Aesthetik, und allgem. Kunstwissenschaft, 1906, Vol. I. pp. 323-354- 27. Semper, G. Der Stil in der Technerische und Techtonische Kunsten. Miinchen, Bruckmann, 1879, Vol. 2. 576 p. 28. Siebeck, H. Das Wesen der aesthetische Anschauung. Berlin, Diimmler, 1875. 215 p. 29. Spencer, H, Essays, moral, political and esthetic. N. Y., Appleton, 1882. 418 p. 30. Stern, P. Einfiihlung und Association in der modernen Aesthetik. Leipzig, Voss, 1898. l8i p. (Bibliography.) 31. Volkelt, J. Die Bedeutung der niederen Sinne fiir die Einfiihlung. Zeits. f. Psy. u. Phys. d. Sinnesorgane, 1903, Vol. 32. pp. 1-37. 32. . System der Aesthetik. Miinchen, Beck, 1905, Vol. I. 592 p. 33. . Die Aesthetik des Tragischen. Miinchen, Beck, 1906. 488 p. 34. Wundt, W, M. Grundziige der physiologische Psychologie. Leip- zig, Engelmann, 191 1, Vols. 2 and 3. 35. . Volkerpsychologie. Leipzig, Engelmann, 1908, Vol. 3. 564 P- 36. Worringer, R. W. Abstraktion und Einfiihlung. Miinchen, 191 1. 150 p. 37. Ziegler, T. Das Gefiihsleben. Leipzig, Goschen, 1908. 365 p. i8 HANDEDNESS By Ivy G. Campbell 1. Allen, F. J. Mirror writing. Brain, 1896, Vol. 19. pp. 385-388. 2. Ballard, P. B. Sinistrality and speech. Jour, of Exp. Psy., 1912, Vol. I. pp. 298-310. 3. Biervliet, J. J. L'homme droit et rhomme gauche, les ambidextres. Rev. Phil., 1901, Vol. 52. pp. 409-428. 4. Bolton, J. S. A contribution to the localization of cerebral function, based on the clinico-pathological study of mental disease. Brain, 1910-11, Vol. 33. pp. 26-149. 5. Chamberlain, A. F. The child : a study in the evolution of man. N. Y., Scribner, 1901. 498 p. ^ 6. . Note on left-handedness among North American Indians. Am. Anthrop., 1908, Vol. 10. pp. 498-500. 7. Collier, J. Recent work on aphasia. Brain, 1908, Vol. 31. pp. 523-549- «.X 8. Conradi, E. Speech defects and intellectual progress. Jour, of Ed. Psy., 1912, Vol. 3. pp. 35-38. 9. Coriat, I. H. Psychopathology of apraxia. Am. Jour, of Psy., 191 1, Vol. 22. pp. 65-85. 10. Dagnan, B. J. Quelques remarques sur I'aphasie motrice souscorti- cale (anarthrie de Pierre Marie). Jour, de psy. norm, et path., 191 1, Vol. 8. pp. 9-34. 11. Dejerine, J. Andre Thomas. Contribution a I'etude de I'aphasie chez les gauchers et des degenerations du corps calleux. Rev. de Neur., 1912, Vol. 20. pp. 213-226. 12. Franz, S. I. On the association functions of the cerebrum. Jour. of Phil. Psy. and Sci. Methods, 1910, Vol. 7. pp. 678-682. 13. . The functions of the cerebrum. Psy. Bull., 1911, Vol. 8. pp. 111-119. 14. . Functions of the cerebrum. Psy. Bull., 1913, Vol. 10. pp. 125-138. 15. . Observations on the preferential use of the right and left hands by monkeys. Jour, of Animal Behavior, 1913, Vo^ 3. pp. 140-145. 16. Gurley, R. R. Origin of lens, decussation, and righthandedness. N. Y., printed privately, 1829 Wash. Ave., 1913. 4 p. 17 i8, 19 20 21 22 23 HANDEDNESS 1 9 Hammond, T. S. Elementary considerations of aphasia. Am. Jour, of Insanity, 1912, vol. 68. pp. 683-708. loteyko, I. Recherches experimentales sur la signification de I'ecriture en miroir. Rev. Psy., 1909, Vol. 2. pp. 480-490. . Les bases psychologiques de I'ambidextrie. Rev. Psy., 1912, Vol. 4. pp. 249-254. and Kipiani, V. Role du sens musculaire dans la dessir. Rev. Psy., 191 1, Vol. 4. pp. 362-370. . Role du sens musculaire et de la vision dans I'ecriture. Rev. Psy., 1911, Vol. 4. pp. 337-362. Java!, E. Physiologic de la lecture et de I'ecriture. Paris, Alcan, 1906. 296 p. Lewandosky, M. Rechtshirnigkeit bei einem Rechtshander. Zeits. f. d. ges. Neur. u. Psychiat., 191 1, Vol. 4. pp. 211-216. Rev. in Jour, of Nerv. and Mental Dis., 1912, Vol. 39. p. 703. 24. Macnaughton, J. H. Ambidexterity. The Child, 1913, Vol. 3. pp. 583-599- 25. Marie, P. Revision de la question de I'aphasie. La Sem. Med., 1906, May, Oct. and Nov. pp. 241 ; 493 ; 565. 26. . 50 Jahre Aphasieforschung. Miinchen Med. Woch., 191 1, Vol. 58. pp. 1403- 1404. 27. Meige, H. and Feindel, E. Les tics et leur traitement. Paris, Masson, 1902. pp. 592-608. 28. Mendel, K. Ueber Rechtshirnigkeit bei Rechtshandern. Neurol. Centralblatt, 1912, Vol. 31. pp. 156-165. 29. Meyer, A. The present status of aphasia and apraxia. Harvey Lectures. Phil., Lippincott, 1909-10. pp. 228-251. 30. Meyer, M. Discussion. Psy. Bull., 1913, Vol. 5. p. 209. 31. . The fundamental laws of human behavior. Boston, Badger, 191 1. 241 p. 22. Monakow, V. Neue Gesichtspunkte in der Frage nach der Lokalis- ation im Grosshirn. Zeits. f. Psy. u. Phys. d. Sinnesorgane, 191D, Vol. 54. pp. 161-183. ^.33. Rovi^e, L. and Washburn, M. F. The motor memory of the left hand. Am. Jour, of Psy., 1908, Vol. 19. p. 243. 34. Schuyten, M. C. Linkshandigheid der bovenste ledemated en ver- standeligke hoogte bij Kinderen. Paedol. Jahrb., 1908-09, Vol. 6, 7. PP- 33-42. 35. . Over Rechts- en Linkshandigheid bij Kinderen. Paedol Jahrb., 1904, Vol. 5. pp. 156-163. 20 HANDEDNESS 36. . Bijdrage tot de kennis der Rechts- en Linkshandigheid van der onderste ledemated. Paedol. Jahrb., 1908-09, Vol. 6-7. pp. 42-54. 2,T. Steir, E. Untersuchungen iiber Linkshandigkeit und die function- ellen Dififerenzen der Hirnhalften. Jena, Fischer, 191 1. 352 p. 59 p. 38. Stevens, H. C. Peculiarities of peripheral vision. Psy. Rev., 1908, Vol. 15. pp. 69-94; 373-391. 39. Straussler, E. Abszess in rechten Schlafenlappen bei einem Links- hander mit sensorischer Aphasie. Zeits. f. d. ges. Neur. u. Psychiat., 1912, Vol. 9. pp. 492-502. 40. Tadd, J. L, New methods in education. N. Y., Orange Judd Co., 1899. 432 p. 41. Town, Clara H. Aphasia. Psy. Bull., 1913, Vol. 10. pp. 237-244. 42. Wilson, S. A. K. A contribution to the study of apraxia. Brain, 1908, Vol. 31. pp. 164-217. 43. . A review of the question of aphasia. Brain, 1908, Vol. 31. pp. 164-217. 1,44. Wooley, H. T. The development of righthandedness in a normal infant. Psy. Rev., 1910, Vol. 17. pp. 37-41- 21 STUDIES IN THE EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY OF HONOR, WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO THE PAROLE SYSTEM By Miriam Van Waters 1. Anfosso, L. Onesta nei bambini. Arch, di Psichiatr., 1896, Vol. i8- PP- 531-537- Also, Dritt. Intern. Cong. f. Psych., 1896. p. 435. 2. Binding, K. Die Ehre : der Zweikampf . Vortrage. Leipzig, Duncker, 1909. 75 p. 3. Bodenstein, K. Das Ehrgefiihl der Kinder. Langensalza, Beyer, 1899. 47 p. 4. Boland, G. Taking a dare. Ped. Sem., 1910, Vol. 17. p. 510-524. 5. Brockway, Z. R. The American reformatory prison system. Am. Jour, of Soc, 1909, Vol. 15. pp. 454-477- 6. Commons, J. R. The junior republic. Am. Jour, of Soc, 1897, Vol. 3. pp. 281-296; 433-448. 7. Gill, W. L. The school city. Philadelphia, Franklin Institute, 1903. II p. 8. Hall, G. S. Conscience, health and honor. Social Education Quar- terly, 1908, Vol. I. pp. 66-71. 9. Lasch, R. Besitzen die Naturvolker ein persojiliches Ehrgefiihl. Zeit. f. Sozialwiss, 1900, Vol. 3. p. 837. 10. Lippold. Das Ehrgefiihl und die Schule. Torgau, 1907. 49 p. 11. Lowrie, D. My life in prison. N. Y., Mitchell-Kennerley, 1912. 442 p. 12. . Prison bars. The Forum, 1913, Vol. 69. pp. 76-84. 13. Mathews, W. The study of ethics among the lower races. Jour. of Am. Folklore, 1899, Vol. 12. pp. 1-9. 14. Pecaut, E. Honneur. Buisson's Diet. d. Ped. Paris, 1887. p. 1294-1295. 15. Pott, W. A. L. The honor system at the University of Virginia. Proc. N. E. Colleges and Prep. Schools, 1912. 16. Ross, E. A. Social control. Am. Jour, of Soc, 1896, Vol. 2. pp. 547-566. 17. Royce, J. The philosophy of loyalty. N. Y., Macmillan, 1908. 409 p. 18. Simmel, G. Soziologie. Untersuchungen iiber die Formen der Ver- gesellschaftung. Leipzig, Duncker, 1908. 782 p. 2 2 STUDIES IN THE EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY OF HONOR 19. . The persistence of social groups. Am. Jour, of Soc, 1897, Vol. 3. pp. 662-698; 829-836. 20. . The sociology of secrecy. Am. Jour, of Soc, 1905, Vol. 2. pp. 441-498. 21. Sharp, F. C. A study of the influence of custom on the moral judgment. Bull, of Univ. of Wis., 1908, No. 236. 144 p. 22. Small, M. H. Methods of manifesting the instinct for certainty. Ped. Sem., 1898, Vol. 5. pp. 313-380. 23. Smith, C. A. Honor in student life in colleges and universities. Proc. N. E. A., 1905. pp. 486-494. 24. Stevens, W. LeC. The honor system in American colleges. Pop. Sci. Mo., 1906, Vol. 68. pp. 176-185. 25. Tanner, A. E, Children's ideas of honor. Ped. Sem., 1906, Vol. 13. PP- 509-511- 26. . The college woman's code of honor. Ped Sem., 1906, Vol. 13. pp. 104-177. 27. Thornton, W. M. The honor system at the Univ. of Virginia in origin and use. Reprint, Sewanee Review, 1907. 19 p. 28. Ungard, A, E. von O. Ehre und Ehrenschulz. Wien, Hartleben, 1908. 134 p. 29. Westermarck, E. The origin and development of the moral ideas. London, Macmillan, 1908. 2 vols. Vol. 2, The regard for truth and good faith, pp. 72-136. 30. Webster, H. Primitive secret societies. N. Y., Macmillan, 1908. 221 p. 31. Woodbridge, E. Honor among women. Atlantic Mo., 1912, Vol. no. pp. 538-597- See also yearly reports of prisons, reformatories, etc. 23 IMITATION By A. C. Harrington 1. Bagehot, W. Physics and politics. N. Y., Appleton, 1902. 228 p. 2. Baldwin, J. M. Mental development in the child and the race. N. Y., Macmillan, 1906. 477 p. 3. . Social and ethical interpretations in mental development. N. Y., Macmillan, 1897. 574 p. 4. Beck, P. Die Nachahmung und ihre Bedeutung fiir Psychologic und Volkerkunde. Leipzig, Haacke, 1904. 173 p. 5. Berry, C. S. The imitative tendency of white rats. Jour, of Comp. Neur. and Psy., 1906, Vol. 16. pp. 333-361. 6. . Imitation in cats. Jour. Comp. Neur and Psy., 1908, Vol. 18. pp. 1-25. 7. Conradi, E, Song notes of English sparrov^rs when reared by canaries. Am. Jour, of Psy., 1905, Vol. 16. pp. 190-198. 8. Deahl, J. N. Imitation in education. N. Y., Columbia Contr., Mac- millan, 1900. 103 p. (Bibliography.) 9. EUwood, C. A. Sociology in its psychological aspects. N. Y., Ap- pleton, 1912. 417 p. 10. Ettlinger, M. Einige Bemerkungen iiber Nachahmung. ist. Kon- gress f. exp. Psy. Leipzig, Barth, 1904. pp. 87-90. 11. French, F. C. The mechanism of imitation. Psy. Rev., 1904, Vol. II. pp. 138-142. 12. Haggerty, M. E. Imitation in monkeys. Jour. Comp. Neur. and Psy., 1909, Vol. 19. pp. 337-455- 13. . Imitation and animal behavior. Jour, of Phil. Psy. and Sci. Methods, 1912, Vol. 9. pp. 265-272. 14. Haskell, E. M. Imitation and allied activities. Boston, Heath, 1896. 267 p. 15. Henderson, E. N. A text book in the principles of education. N. Y., Macmillan, 1910. 593 p. (Bibliography.) 16. King, I. The psychology of child development. Chicago, Univ. Press, 1903. 268 p. 17. Le Dantec, F. Le mechanisme de I'imitation. Rev. Phil., 1899, Vol. 48. pp. 337-382. 18. Matagrin, A. La psychologic sociale de Gabriel Tarde. Paris, Alcan, 1910. 352 p. (Bibliography.) 24 IMITATION 19. Morgan, C. L. Animal behavior. London, Arnold, 1900. 344 p. (p. 178-193-) 20. Paulhan, J, L'imitation dans I'idee du moi. Rev. Phil., 1907, Vol. 64. pp. 272-281. 21. Pistolezi, G. L'imitazione. Turin, Bocca, 1910. 190 p. 22. Pcrter, J. P. Intelligence and imitation in birds ; a criterion of imi- tation. Am. Jour, of Psy., 1910, Vol. 21. pp. 1-71. 23. Reimann, K. Der Nachamungstrieb und seine Behandlung durch Erzieher und Lehrer. Lehrer-Priifung u. Informations-Arbeiten, 1910, No. 21. pp. 30-45- 24. Romanes, G. J. Mental evolution in animals. N. Y., Appleton, 1900. 411 p. 25. Royce, J. Preliminary report on imitation. Psy. Rev., 1895, Vol. 2. pp. 217-235. 26. . The imitative functions and their place in human nature. Century, 1894, Vol. 26. pp. 137-145. 27. . Studies of good and evil. N. Y., Appleton, 1910. 384 p. 28. Shepherd, W. I. Some mental processes of the rhesus monkey. Psy. Mon. Supp., 1910, Vol. 12. pp. 33-44. 29. . Imitation in raccoons. Am. Jour, of Psy., 191 1, Vol. 22. PP- 583-5- 30. Small, M. H. The suggestibility of children. Ped. Sem., 1896, Vol. 4. pp. 186-208. 31. Steel, R. Imitation, or the memetic force in nature and human nature. London, Simpkin, Marshall, 1901. 197 p. 32. Starch, D. Unconscious imitation in handwriting. Psy. Rev., 191 1, Vol. 18. pp. 223-238. 23. Stratton, G. M. Experimental psychology and its bearing on cul- ture. N. Y., Macmillan, 1903. 331 p. 34. Tarda, G. The laws of imitation. Tr. by E. C. Parsons. N. Y., Holt, 1903. 404 p. 35. Tenney, A. A. The genesis of individual and social surplus. Pop. Sci. Mo., 1912, Vol. 81. pp. 551-563- 36. Thorndike, E. L. Animal intelligence. N. Y., Macmillan, 191 1. 297 p. 27. . Tdeo-motor action. Psy. Rev.. 1913, Vol. 20. p. 91-106. 38. Yerkes, R. M. and Bloomfield, D. Do kittens instinctively kill mice? Psy. Bull., 1910, Vol. 7. pp. 253-263. 39. Yerkes, R. M. Imitation among animals. Century, 1909, Vol. 56. pp. 395-403. 25 INTEREST By Charles H. Cummings 1. Arnold, Felix. Attention and interest. N. Y., Macmillan, 1910. 272 p. (Bibliography.) 2. Barnes, E. Children's ideals. Ped. Sem., 1900, Vol. 7. pp. 3-12. 3. Burk, C. F. The collecting instinct. Ped. Sem., 1900, Vol. 7. pp. 179-207. 4. Burnham, W. H. Attention and interest. Am. Jour, of Psy., 1908, Vol. 19. pp. 14-18. 5. Claparede, E. Psychologic de I'enfant et pedagogic experimentale. Geneve, Kiindig, 191 1. 471 p. 6. Conradi, E. Children's interest in words, slang, stories, etc. Ped. Sem., 1903, Vol. 10. pp. 359-404- 7. Croswell, T. R. Amusements of Worcester school children. Ped. Sem., 1899, Vol. 6. pp. 314-371. 8. Dawson, G. E. Children's interest in the Bible. Ped. Sem., 1900, Vol. 7. pp. 151-178. 9. DeGarmo, Charles. Interest and education. N. Y., Macmillan, 1902. 230 p. 10. Dewey, John. Interest in relation to training of the will. Nat. Herbart Soc. Year Bk., 1895, No. i. pp. 5-39. (Bibliography.) 11. Guillet, C. A study in interests. Ped. Sem., 1907, Vol. 14. pp. 322-328. 12. . Education in interests ; a study in experimental pedagogy. Ped. Sem., 1907, Vol. 14. pp. 474-487. 13. James, Wm. Talks to teachers. N. Y., Holt, 1899. 301 p. 14. Kent, E. B. The constructive interests of children. N .Y., Colum- bia Univ., 1903. 78 p. 15. Hall, G. S. and Smith, T. L. Curiosity and interest. Ped. Sem., 1903. Vol. 10. pp. 315-358- (Bibliography.) 16. King, Irving. The psychology of child development. Chicago, Univ. Press, 1903. 265 p. (Bibliography.) 17. Kirkpatrick, E. A. The individual in the making. Boston, Hough- fon Mifflin, 1911. 339 p. (Bibliography.) 18. Klapper, Paul. Principles of educational practice. N. Y., Appleton, 1912. 485 p. (Bibliography.) 26 INTEREST 19. Laing, Mary. An inductive study of interest. Ed. Rev., 1898, Vol. 16. pp. 381-390. 20. Lobsien, M. Kinderideale. Zeit. f. pad. Psy., 1903, Vol. 5. pp. 323-344- 21. Lov/insky, V. Neuere Amerikanische Arbeiten auf dem Gebiete der Kinderpsychologie. Zeit. f. pad. Psy., 1904, Vol. 6. pp. 1-23; 222-254. 22. Nagy, L. Psychologic des kindlichen Interesses. Leipzig, Nem- nich, 1912. 191 p. (Bibliography.) 23. Pillsbury, W. B. Essentials of psychology. N. Y., Macmillan, 191 1. 362 p. 24. Preyer, W. Die Seele des Kindes. Leipzig, Grieben, 1890. 539 p. 25. Shinn, M. W. The biography of a baby. N. Y., Houghton, Mif- flin, 1900? 247 p. 26. Smith, T. L. The psychology of day dreams. Am. Jour, of Psy., 1904, Vol. 15. pp. 465-488. 27. Tanner, A. E. The child, his thinking, feeling, and doing. Chicago, Rand McNally, 1904. 430 p. 28. Taylor, J. S. Some practical aspects of interest. Ped. Sem., 1898, Vol. 5- pp. 497-51 1- 29. Thayer, Alice. Children's interests in flowers. Ped. Sem., 1905, Vol. 12. pp. 107-140. 30. Thorndike, E. L. Permanence of interests and their relation to abilities. Pop. Sci. Mo., 1912, Vol. 81. pp. 449-456. 31. Titchener, E. B. Feeling and attention. N. Y., Macmillan, 1908. 404 p. 32. Welton, J. Psychology of education. N. Y., Macmillan, 191 1. 507 p. 33. Wilson, L. N. Bibliography of child study. Ped. Sem., 1898-1907, Vol. 5-14. Later, Bull, of U. S. Bur. of Ed. 34. Das Kind. Organ der Ungarischen Gesellschaft fur Kinderforsch- ung. Budapest, 1907. In addition to the books and articles marked containing bibliographies, see general bibliographies on educational psychology, experimental peda- gogy, and child study. 27 THE LEARNING PROCESS IN BIRDS By Katherine E. Dolbear 1. Baldwin, J. M. Instinct. Science, 1896, Vol. 3. p. 66g. 2. Bingham, H. C. Size and form perception in Gallus domesticus. Jour, of Animal Behavior, 1913, Vol. 3. pp. 65-113. Breed, F. S. Reactions of chicks to optical stimuli. Jour, of Ani- mal Behavior, 1912, Vol. 2. pp. 280-295. . The development of certain instincts and habits in chicks. Behavior Monographs, 1911, Vol. i. pp. 285-338. Bumpus, H. C. Instinct and education in birds. Science, 1896, Vol. 4. pp. 213-217. Burroughs, J. Far and near. Boston, Houghton, Mifflin, 1904. 276 p. Chapter 8. Cole, L. W. The relation of strength of stimulus to rate of learn- ing in the chick. Jour, of Animal Behavior, 191 1, Vol. i. pp. 111-124. 8. Conradi, E. Song and call-notes of English sparrows when reared by canaries. Am. Jour, of Psy., 1905, Vol. 16. pp. 190-198. 9. Craig, Wallace. The voices of pigeons regarded as a means of social control. Am. Jour, of Sociology, 1908, Vol. 14. pp. 86-100. 10. . Observations on doves learning to drink. Jour, of Animal Behavior, 1912, Vol. 2. pp. 273-279. 11. Groos, Karl. The play of animals. N. Y., Appleton, 1898. 332 p. 12. Hachet, S. Le dressage des animaux. Paris, Maison Didot, 1895. 230 p. 13. . Examen psychologique des animaux. Paris, Schleicher Freres, 1900. 160 p. 14. Herrick, F. H. Instinct and intelligence in birds. Pop. Sci. Mo., 1910, Vol. 76. pp. 532-556. 15. Hodge, C. F. Method of homing pigeons. Pop. Sci. Mo., 1894, Vol. 54- pp. 758-776. 16. Hudson, W. H. The naturalist in LaPlata. London, Chapman & Hall, 1895. 390 p. 17. Hunter, W. S. Some labyrinth habits of the domestic pigeon. Jour, of Animal Behavior, 1911, Vol. i. pp. 278-304. 28 THE LEARNING PROCESS IN BIRDS i8. Job, Herbert K. Wild ducks from an incubator. The Outing Magazine, 1912. pp. 319-329- 19. Mills, T. W. A short chapter in comparative physiology and psy- chology. Proc. Roy. Soc. of Canada, Ottawa, 1906. pp. 291-300. 20. Mills, W. The nature and development of animal intelligence. London, Unwin, 1898. 300 p. 21. Morgan, C. L. The habit of drinking in young birds. Science, 1896, Vol. 3. p. 900. 22. . Habit and instinct. N. Y., Arnold, 1896. 346 p. 23. Phillips, John C. Note on wildness in ducklings. Jour, of Animal Behavior, 1912, Vol. 2. pp. 363-364. 24. Porter, J. P. Intelligence and imitation in birds, a criterion of imitation. Am. Jour, of Psy., 1911, Vol. 21. pp. 1-71. 25. . Further study of the English sparrow and other birds. Am. Jour, of Psy., 1906, Vol. 17. pp. 248-271. 26. . A preliminary study of the psychology of the English sparrow. Am. Jour, of Psy., 1904, Vol. 15. pp. 313-346. 27. Robinson, L. Wild traits in tame animals. London, Blackwood, 1899. 329 p. 28. Romanes, G. J. Animal intelligence. N. Y., Appleton, 1883. 498 p. 29. . Mental evolution in animals. N. Y., Appleton, 1900. 3S4 p. 30. Scott, W. E. D. Data on song in birds. The acquisition of new songs. Science, 1902, Vol. 15. pp. 178-181. 31. . The inheritance of song. Science, 1904, Vol. 19. p. 154; 957-959- 32. Wasmann, E. Instinct and intelligence. St. Louis, Herder, 1903. 171 p. 33. Watson, J, B. The behavior of noddy and soody terns. Johns Hopkins Univ. Papers, 1909, Vol. 2. pp. 187-225. 34. Whitman, C. O. Animal behavior. Woods Hole Biol. Lectures. Boston, Ginn, 1898. pp. 285-338. 29 THE EFFECT OF MENTAL WORK ON THE BLOOD. By Raymond H. Wheeler Histology and Physiology of the Blood 1. Bohm, D. H. Text book of histology. Philadelphia, Saunders, igio. 2nd. ed. 528 p. 2. Boruttau, H. von. Blut und Lymph. Handbuch der Physiologie des Menschen. Erganzungband. Braunschweig, Nagel, 1910. pp. 1-85. 3. Cabot, R. C. A guide to the clinical examination of the blood for diagnostic purposes. N. Y., Wood, 1904. 547 p. 4. Furgeson, J. S. Normal histology and microscopic anatomy. N. Y., Appleton, 1905. 738 p. 5. Halliburton, W. D. Essentials of chemical physiology. London, Longmans, 1909. 280 p. 6. Howell, W. H. A textbook of physiology. Phila., Saunders, 1908. 939 p. 7. . Observations upon the occurrence, structure, and func- tion of the giant cells of the marrow. Jour, of Morph., 1890, Vol. 4. pp. 1 17-130. 8. . Life history of the formed elements of the blood, espe- cially the red blood corpuscles. Jour, of Morph., 1890-91, Vol. 4. pp. 57-116. 9. Kemp, G. T., Calhoun, and Harris. The blood plates, their enum- eration in physiology and pathology. Jour, of the Amer. Med. Assoc, 1906, Vol. 46. pp. 1022-1027; 1091-1098. 10. Nagel, W. Handbuch der Physiologie des Menschen. Braunschweig, Viewig & Sohn, 1909, 5 vols. Vol. i. pp. 54-125. 11. Pratt, J. H. A critical study of the various methods employed for enumeration of the blood platelets. Jour, of the Amer. Med. Assoc, 1905, Vol. 45. pp. 1999-2003. 12. Nolf, P. Hemoglobine. Richet's Dictionnaire de Physiologie. Paris, 1909, Vol. 8. pp. 321-396. (Bibliography.) 13. Rosin, H. Herz, Blutgefasse und Blut und deren Erkrankungen. Leipzig, Teubner, 19 10. iii p. The Effect of Mental Work on the Blood 14. Binet, A. and Henri, V. La fatigue intellectuelle. Paris, Schleicher Freres, 1898. 336 p. 30 THE EFFECT OF MENTAL WORK ON THE BLOOD 15. Borchmann. Beobachtungen iiber den Einfluss der Ferienkolonien auf die Beschaffenheit des Blutes der Kinder. Zeit. f. Schulges, 1899, Vol. 12. pp. 320-323. (Summary of an article in " Wjestnik Wospitanja," Oct., 1898). 16. Graziani, A. Der Einfluss der iibermiissigen Geistesarbeit auf die Zahl, auf den Hamoglobingehalt und auf den Widerstand der roten Blutkorperchen. Zeit. f. Schulges. 1907, Vol. 20. p. 337-353. (Bibliography.) 17. Helwig, Z. Neuere Untersuchungen iiber die Wirkung des Unter- richts auf den kindlichen Korper. Intern. Archiv. f. Schulhygiene, 191 1, Vol. 7. pp. 218-243. 18. . Die Beziehungen zwischen Seeklima und Blutbildung. Zeit. f. Balneologie, Klimatologie, und Kurort Hygiene, 1909-10, Vol. 2. pp. 600-607. Criticism on Technique and Further Bibliographies. 19. Acton and Harvey. The increase in the number of erythrocytes with altitude. Biometrika, 1912, Vol. 8. pp. 280-291. 20. Burnham, W. H. Oxygen supply as a condition of efficient brain activity. Jour, of Ed. Psy., 191 1, Vol. 2. pp. 421-428. (Bibli- ography.) 21. Kemp, G. T. Report on an expedition to Cripple Creek and Pike's Peak to study the effect of altitude on the blood. Amer. Jour, of Phys., 1904, Vol. 10. pp. xxxi-xxxv. Proc. Am. Phys. Assoc. 31 MORAL AND SOCIAL EDUCATION By Samuel Claman 1. Dewey, J. Moral principles in education. Boston, Houghton, Mif- flin, 1909. 60 p. 2. Hummel, F. Staatsbiirgerliche Erziehung der deutschen Jugend. Monat. d. Comenius-Gesell, 1903, Vol. 13. p. 1-12. 3. Kerschensteiner, G. Begriff der Arbeitschule. Leipzig, Teubner, 1912. 95 p. 4. . Der Begriff der Staatsbiirgerlichen Erziehung. Berlin, Teubner, 1910. 62 p. 5. . Continuation schools of Munich. Nat. Soc. for the Pro- motion of Industrial Ed. Bull. Chicago, 191 1, No. 14. pp. 9-19. 6. . Education for citizenship. Tr. by A. J. Pressland. Chicago, Rand McNally Co., 191 1. 133 p. 7. . Die Entwickelung der Zeichnerischen Begabung. Munich, Gerber, 1905. 508 p. 8. . Three lectures on vocational training. Chicago, The Commercial Club, 191 1. 52 p. 9. . Grundfragen der Schulorganisation. Leipzig, Teubner, 1907. 296 p. 10. . Organization und Lehrplane der obligatorischen Fach- und Fortbildungs-Schulen fiir Knaben, in Miinchen. Miinchen, Gerber, 1910. 336 p. 11. . Der Characterbegriff. Zeit. f. pad. Psy. u. exp. Pad., 1912, Vol. 13. pp. 7-19. 12. Montessori, M. The Montessori method. Tr. by Anna E. George. N. Y., Stokes, 1912. 337 p. THE PEDAGOGY OF QUESTIONING By SosHiCHi Yamada 1. Ach, N. Willensuntersuchungen in ihre Bedeutung fiir die Piida- gogik. Zeits. f. Pad. Psy. und exp. Pad., 1913, Vol. 14. pp. i-ii. 2. Betts, G. H. The recitation. Boston, Houghton, Mifflin, 191 1. 121 p. 3. Burnham, W. H. Arithmetic and school hygiene. Ped. Sem., 191 1, Vol. 18. pp. 54-73. 4. Dearborn, G. V. N, The sthenic index in education. Ped Sem., 1912, Vol. 19. pp. 166-185. 5. Dewey, J. How we think. Boston, Heath, 1910. 224 p. 6. Goldmark, J. Fatigue and efficiency. Russell Sage Foundation Publ. N. Y., 1912. 893 p. 7. Keatinge, M. W. Suggestion in education. London, Black, 1907. 202 p. 8. Krebs, S. L. The law of suggestion. Chicago, Science Press, 1906. 157 P- 9. Meumann, E. Vorlesungen zur Einfiihrung in die experimentelle Padagogik und ihre psychologische Grundlagen. Leipzig, Engel- mann, 1907. 2 vols. 10. Mosso, A. Fatigue. Translated by M. Drummond. N. Y., Putnam Sons, 1904. 334 p. 11. Offner, M, Mental fatigue. Translated by G. M. Whipple. Balti- more, Warwick & York, 191 1. 133 p. 12. Ogden, R. M. Knowing and expressing. Ped. Sem., 191 1, Vol. 18. PP- 47-53- 13. Plecher, H. Die Suggestion in Leben des Kindes. Zeits. f. Kinder- forschung, 1909, Vol. 14. pp. 257-269; 289-307. 14. Rusk, R, R. Introduction to experimental education. N. Y., Long- mans, Green & Co., 1912. 303 p. 15. Stevens, R. The question as a measure of efficiency in instruction. N. Y., Teachers College, 1912. 95 p. 16. Wellman, F. L. The art of cross-examination. N. Y., Macmillan, 1905. 404 p. 17. Yamada, S. Bibliography on Questioning and Suggestion. Bibli- ographies on Experimental Pedagogy. Edited by W. H. Burnham, 1912. Clark Univ. Press. 49 p. 33 PLAY By Francis J. O'Brien 1. Acher, R. A. Spontaneous constructions and primitive activities of children analogous to that of primitive man. Am. Jour, of Psy., 1910, Vol. 21. pp. 115-150. 2. Barach, J. H. Physiological and pathological efifects of severe exer- tion. (The Marathon run.) Am. Phys. Ed. Rev., 1911, Vol. 16. pp. 200-205; 262-268; 325-334- 3. Burk, F. From fundamental to accessory in the development of the nervous system and of movements. Ped Sem., 1898, Vol. 6. p. 2-64. 4. . Growth of children in height and weight. Am. Jour. of Psy., 1898. Vol. 9. pp. 253-326. 5. Burnham, W. H. The hygiene of physical training. Am. Phys. Ed. Rev., 1910, Vol. 14. pp. 468-478; 521-528; 600-608. 6. Crampton, C. W. Anatomical or physiological age ; versus chrono- logical age. Ped. Sem., 1908, Vol. 15. pp. 230-237. 7. Croswell, T. Amusements of Worcester school children. Ped. Sem., 1899, Vol. 6. pp. 314-371- 8. Curtis, H. S. Growth, present extent, and prospects of the play- ground movement in America. Ped. Sem., 1909, Vol. 16. pp. 344-350. 9. . Vacation schools, playgrounds and settlements. U. S. Bureau of Ed. Rep. of Comm. Washington, 1903, Vol. i. pp. 1-38. ID. Dewey, J, Play. Monroe's Cyclop, of Ed. N. Y., Macmillan, 1912, Vol. 4. pp. 725-727- II. Groos, K. The play of animals. N. Y., Appleton, 1898. 341 p. 12. . The play of man. N. Y., Appleton, 1901. 412 p. 13. Gulick, L. H. Interest in relation to muscular exercise. Am. Phys. Ed. Rev., 1902, Vol. 7. pp. 57-65. 14. . Physical education by muscular exercise. Phil., Blakiston, 1904. 67 p. 15. . Psychological, pedagogical, and religious aspects of group games. Ped. Sem., 1899, Vol. 6. pp. 135-151. 16. Hall, G. S. Adolescence. N. Y., Appleton, 1904. 2 vols. See Play in Vol. 2. 34 PLAY 17. Johnson, G. E. Education by plays and games. Boston, Ginn & Co., 1907. 234 p. 18. Kropotkin, P. Mutual aid. London, Heinemann, 1902. 348 p. 19. Lamkin, N. B. Play, its value and fifty games. Chicago, Hallroop, Barker Co., 1907. 91 p. 20. Lee, J. The two kinds of play. Am. Phys. Ed. Rev., 191 1, Vol. 17. pp. 439-446. 21. Leland, A, L. and L. H. Playground technique and playcraft. Springfield, Mass., Bassette Co., 1909, Vol. i. 284 p. 22. McKenzie, R. T. Exercise in education and medicine. Phil., Saun- ders, 1909. 406 p. 23. Merc, E. B. American playgrounds. Boston, Am. Gymnasia Co., 1908. 270 p. 24. Perry, C. A. Playgrounds. Monroe's Cyclop, of Ed. N. Y., Mac- millan, 1910, Vol. 4. pp. 728-730. 25. Roper, R. E. (Editor.) Organized play at home and abroad. Nat. League for Phys. Ed. and Improvement. London, 191 1. 119 p. 26. Samosch, J. Schularztliche Untersuchungen iiber den Einfluss der an Breslauer Volksschulen iiblichen Jugendspiele auf die Herzta- tigkeit der Kinder. Int. Kongress f. Schulhygiene. Nurnberg, 1904, Vol. 3. pp. 54-72. 35 PRECOCIOUS CHILDREN By Katherine Dolbear 1. Bair, J. N. Factors in the Learning Process. Investigations in Psych, and Ed. Univ. of Colo., 1904, Vol. 2. pp. 43-51. 2. Berkhan, Oswald. Das Wunderkind Christian H. Heiniken. Zeit. f. Kinderforshung, 1910, Vol. 15. pp. 225-229. 3. . Otto Pohler — das friihlesende Braunschweiger Kind. Zeit. f. Kinderforschung, 1910, Vol. 15. pp. 166-171. 4. Burnham, W. H. Individual Differences in the Imagination of Children. Ped. Sem., 1893, Vol. 2. pp. 204-225. 5. Bray, Wm. The Diary of John Evelyn. London, Warne & Co., no date. 619 p. 6. Bruce, A. Bending the Twig. Amer. Mag., 1910, Vol. 69. pp. 690-695. 7. . Lightning Calculators. McClure's Mag., 1912, Vol. 39. pp. 586-596. 8. . New Ideas in Child Training. Amer. Mag., 191 1, Vol. 72. pp. 286-294. 9. . Story of Karl Witte. Outlook, 1912, Vol. 100. pp. 211-218. 10. Colvin, S. S. The Learning Process. Macmillan, New York, 191 1. 329 P- 11. Cramer, F. The Method of Darwin. Chicago, McClurg & Co., 1896. 232 p. 12. Davidson, H. A. The Gift of Genius. Jour, of Pedagogy, 1904, Vol. 16. pp. 281-297. 13. Dorland, W. A. M. The Age of Mental Virility. Century Mag., 1907-8, Vol. 53. pp. 934-946. 14. Downes, F. E. Seven Years With Unusually Gifted Pupils. Psy. Clin., 1912, Vol. 6. pp. 13-18. 15. Ellis, Havelock. A Study of British Genius. London, Hurst & Blackett, 1904 300 p. 16. Galton, F. EngHsh Men of Science. London, Macmillan, 1874. 266 p. 36 PRECOCIOUS CHILDREN 17. Groszmann, M. P. E. The Exceptionally Bright Child. Proc. Nat. Assoc, for the Study and Education of Exceptional Children, April, 1910. pp. 103-133- 18. Grove's Dictionary of Music and Musicians. New York, Mac- millan, 1904. 5 vols. Vol. 3. pp. 283-314. 19. Greenberg, B. C. The Channels that Great Minds Run in. Forum, 19 10, Vol. 43. pp. 540-548. 20. Guthrie, Leonard G. Contributions from History and Literature to the Study of Precocious Children. Lancet, 1907, Vol. 173 pp. 1592-1596. 21. Hirsch, W. Genius and Degeneration. Trans, from 2nd edition N. Y., Appleton, 1896. 330 p. 22. Hoesch-Ernst, L. Das jugendliche Genie. Sixieme Congress intern de psy. Geneva, 19 10. pp. 674-684. 23. leronutti, A. Richerche psicologiche sperimentale sugli alunni molto intelligent. In Contributo psicologici del Laboratorio di Psicologia Sperimentale della k. Universita di Roma, 1910-1911 Vol. I. Presio il Laboratorio di Psicologia, Rome, 1912. 15 p. 24. James, Wm. The Powers of Men. Amer. Mag., 1907, Vol. 65. pp 57-65. 25. Lang, A. Genius in Children. North American Rev., Jan., 1897, Vol. 165. 26. Lindley, E, H. and Bryan, W. L. An Arithmetical Prodigy. Proc Amer. Psy. Assoc, Dec, 1899. Pub. in Psy. Rev., 1900, Vol. 7 P- 135- 27. Lombroso, C. Determining of Genius. Monist, 1901, Vol. 12. pp. 49-64. 28. Mill, J. S. Autobiography. London, Longmans, 1873. 313 p. 29. Mitchell, F. D. Mathematical Prodigies. Amer. Jour, of Psy., 1907, Vol. 18. pp. 61-143. 30. Moreau, P. Des enfants prodiges. Annales de Psychiatric et d'Hypnologie, 1891. pp. 97-107. 31. Mosso, Angelc. Psychic Processes and Muscular Exercise. Proc. Clark Univ. Decennial Celebration, 1899. 566 pp. pp. 383-395. 32. Olerich, H, The Cleverest Child in the World. Strand Mag., 1900, Vol. 20. pp. 130-136. Rev. of article in Ped. Sem., 1900, Vol. 7. P- 455- 33. O'Shea, M. V. Popular Misconceptions Concerning Precocity in Children. Science, 191 1, Vol. 34. pp. 666-674. 34. Ostwald, W. Grosse Manner. Leipzig, Akademische Verlags- gessellschaft, 1909. 424 p. PRECOCIOUS CHILDREN 37 35. . Wider das Schulelend. Leipzig, 1909. 48 p. 36. Palmer, G. H. The Life of Alice Freeman Palmer. Boston, 1908. 354 P- 37. Piatt, W. Child Music. London, Simpkins, Marshall, 1905. 37 p. 38. Richet, Ch. Note sur un cas remarquable de precocite musicale. IV e Congres Int. of Psy. Paris, 1901. pp. 93-99. 39. Sakaki, Y. Some Studies of So-called Abnormally Intelligent Schol- ars. Int. Mag. of Sch. Hyg. and Psy. Clin., 1912, Vol. 6. pp. 18-26. 40. Scripture, E. W. Arithmetical Prodigies. Am. Jour, of Psy., 1891, Vol. 4- PP- 1-59- 41. Shields, T. E. The Making and Unmaking of a Dullard. Cath- olic Education Press. Washington, D. C, 1909. 296 p. 42. Sidis, B, Philistine and Genius. New York, Moffat, Yard & Co., 191 1. 105 p. 43. Smith, T. L. The Montessori System. New York, Harper Bros., 1912. 78 p. 44. Stern, Wm. Die differentiellen Psychologic in ihren methodischen Grundlagen. Leipzig. Barth, 191 1. 503 p. 45. . The Supernormal Child. I. Jour, of Ed. Psy., 191 1, Vol. 2. pp. 143-149- 46. The Supernormal Child II. Jour, of Ed. Psy., 1911, Vol. 2. pp. i8i-i9a 47. Stumpf, C. Akustische Versuche mit Pepito Arriole. Zeit. f. angewandte Psychologic u. psychologischen Sammelforschung, 1908, Vol. 2. pp. i-ii. 48. Swift, E, Mind in the Making. New York, Scribner, 1908. 329 p. 49. Terman, L. M. A Study of Precocity and Prematurition. Am. Jour, of Psy., 1905, Vol. 16. pp. 145-183. 50. . Genius and Stupidity. Ped. Sem., 1906, Vol. 13. pp. 207-Z7Z- 51. Unrich, F. A Year's Work in a "Superior" Class. Psy. Clin., Jan. 15, 1912. pp. 245-250. 52. Van Sickle, J. H. Provisions for Gifted Children in Public Schools. Elem. Sch. Teacher, 1910, Vol. 10. pp. 357-366. 53. Vasari, Giorgio. Lives of the Painters. Trans, by Mrs. Foster. London, Bell, 1898-1904. 5 vols. Vol. 2. pp. 366-393. 54. Wasmuth, E. Zur Ziichtung des Wunderkindes. Leipzig, 1910. 14 p. Annalen der Naturphilosophie. W. Ostwald. Vol. 10. PP- 5-19- 55. Whitby, C. J. Makers of Man. London, Rebman, 1910. 410 p. 38 PRECOCIOUS CHILDREN 56. Williams, T. A. Intellectual Precocity. Ped. Sem., 191 1, Vol. 18. pp. 85-103. 57. Witmer, L. Retardation Through Neglect in Children of the Rich. Psy. Clin., 1900, Vol. i. pp. 157-174. 58. Yoder, A. H. The Study of the Boyhood of Great Men. Ped. Sem., 1898, Vol. 3. pp. 134-156. 59. Ziegler, Th. Geschichte der Padagogik. Miinchen, Beck, 1909. 410 p. In No. 16 a list of British Geniuses is given and in No. 44 an extended bibliography on the subject of precocious children containing many titles which do not appear in the one given here. 39 RECESS By George E. Freeland Abelson, A. R. Mental fatigue and its measurement by the Aesthesi- ometer. Int. Arch. f. Schulhygiene, 1908, Vol. 5. pp. 347-487. Burgerstein, L. Die Arbeitscurve einer Schulstunde. Zeit. f. Schulges, 1891, Vol. 4. pp. 543, 607, 745. and Netolitzky, A. Handbuch der Schulhygiene. Leipzig, 1912. pp. 275-310. (Vol. 6 of Weyl's Handbuch der Hygiene.) The main problems of schoolroom sanitation and school work. Fed. Sem., 1910, Vol. 17. pp. 16-28. . tjber geistige Ermiidung bei Schulkindern. Zeit. f. Schulges, 1894, Vol. 7. pp. 207-210. 6. Burnham, W. H. One session a day or two in the public schools. Hyg .and Fhys. Ed., 1909. Repr. 11 p. (Bibliography.) 7. , Chabot, and Burgerstein. School work in its relation to (a) the duration of the lessons, (b) the sequence of the subjects, (c) the season of the year. Second Int. Cong, on Sch. Hyg. London, 1907, Vol. i. pp. 33-37. 8. Chaillou, A. Etablissement d'un horaire normal pour les enfants des differents ages scolaires. Third Int. Cong, of Sch. Hyg. Faris, 1910. pp. 465-475- 9. Friedrich, J. Untersuchungen iiber die Einfliisse der Arbeitsdauer und der Arbeitspausen auf die geistige Leistungsfahigkeit der Schulkinder. Zeit. f. Fsy. u. Fhys. d. Sinnesorgane, 1896, Vol. 13. PP- 1-55- 10. Goldmark, J. Fatigue and efficiency. N. Y., Russell Sage Founda- tion, 1912. 591 p. 11. Griesbach, H. Energetik und Hygiene der Nerven- System in der Schule. Miinchen, Oldenbourg, 1895. 97 p. 12. Hammar, J. School Hygiene in Stockholm's board schools. Sec- ond Int. Cong, of Sch. Hyg. London, 1907. pp. 388-89. 13. Holmes, M. E. The fatigue of a school hour. Fed. Sem., 1895, Vol. 3. pp. 212-234. 14. Hopfner, L. Uber die geistige Ermiidung von Schulkindern. Zeit. f. Fsy. u. Fhys. d. Sinnesorgane, 1894, Vol. 6. p. 191-202. 40 RECESS 15. Januschke, H. Einige Daten zur gesundheitsmassigen Regelung unserer Schulverhaltnisse. Zeit. f. d. Realschulwesen, 1894, Vol. 19. pp. 641-682. 16. Javal, M. le. Hygiene des ecoles primaires et des ecoles mater- nelles. Paris, Impremerie Nat., 1894. pp. 73-95. 17. Kemsies, F. Arbeitshygiene der Schule auf Grund von Ermudungs- messungen. Sam. v. Abh. aus d. Gebiete d. pad. Psy. u. Phys., 1899, Vol. 2. 64 p. 18. Aufstellung und Einrichtung von normal Stundenplanen fiir die verschiedenen Alterstufen der Schiiler. Third Int. Cong, of Sch. Hyg. Paris, 1910. pp. 477-492. 19. Kotelmann, L. Effects of study. School Hygiene. Tr. by J. A. Bergstrom. Syracuse, N. Y., Bardeen, 1899. 391 p. 20. Kraepelin, E. Zur Uberbiirdungsfrage. Jena, Fisher, 1897. 40 p. 21. . Hygiene der Arbeit. Jena, Fischer, 1896. 30 p. 22. . Uber geistige Arbeit. Jena, Fischer, 1896. 30 p. 23. Laser, H. tiber geistige Ermiidung beim Schulunterricht. Zeit. f. Schulgesundheitspflege, 1894, Vol. 7. pp. 2-22. 24. Lindley, E. H. Ueber Arbeit und Ruhe. Kraepelin' s Psych. Ar- beiten, 1901, Vol. 3. pp. 482-534- 25. Mendousse, P. L'inattention, ses causes, ses remedies. Third Int. Cong, of School Hyg. Paris, 1910. pp. 494-S02. 26. Oker-Blom, M. Untersuchungen iiber die Entwicklung der geistigen Leistungsfahigkeit im Laufe des Schularbeitstages. Zeit. f. exp. Pad., 1910, Vol. 10. pp. 71-190. 27. Poller, F. 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