MENSURATION AND PRACTICAL GEOMETRY; CONTAINING TABLES OF WEIGHTS AND MEASURES, VULGAR AND DECIMAL FRACTIONS, MENSUKATION OF AEEAS, LIKES, SURFACES, AND SOLIDS, LENGTHS OF CIRCULAR ARCS, AREAS OF SEGMENTS AND ZONES OF A CIRCLE, BOARD AND TIMBER MEASURE, CENTRES OF GRAVITY, &c, &c. TO WHICH 18 APPENDED A TREATISE ON THE CARPENTER'S SLIDE-RULE AND GAUGING. By CHAS. H. HASWELL, CIVIL AND MAEINE ENGINEER. SECOND EDITION. OF THE ^> X \ SITY ) y NEW YORK: HARPER & BROTHERS, PUBLISHERS, FRANKLIN SQUARE. 18 6 3." T Signify inequality, or greater than, and are pnt be- tween two quantities ; as a T b reads a greater than b. < L Signify the reverse ; as a lb reads a less than b. Signifies therefore or hence. Signifies because. ( ) [.] Parentheses and brackets signify that all the fig- ures within them are to be operated upon as if they were only one ; thus (3 + 2) X 5 = 25 ; [3 +2] X 5 =25. p or it Is used to express the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter = 3.1415926, etc. A A' A" A'" Signify A, A prime, A second, A third, etc. ± tf Signify that the formula is to be adapted to two distinct cases. a~ ', a -2 , a~ 3 , etc. Denote inverse powers of a, and are equal to ill S* a* a* etC * sin.^a, cos.~*a, etc. Signify the arc or angle, the sine or cosine, etc., of which is a, the arc or angle being expressed in terms of the radius, as the unit, unless other- wise stated. If A denotes the arc or angle in •7rA° degrees, in terms of the radius it is A=— — . If sin. A.— a, ,'.sin. ~~ 1 a=A, etc. , , etc. Set superior to a number, signify the square or cube root, etc., of the number; as 2 2 signifies the square root of 2. I # ?- a , 3 , a , etc. Set superior to a number, signify the square or cube root, etc., of the 4th power, etc., etc. *-*\ 3 * 6 , etc. Set superior to a number, signify the tenth root of the 17th power, etc., etc. '** OF THE ^4fa UNIVERSITY HASWELL'S MENSURATION, MEASURES AND WEIGHTS Used in this Work, MEASURES OF LENGTH. LINEAL. 12 inches = 1 foot. 3 feet = 1 yard. 5 J yards = 1 rod or pole. 40 rods —1 furlong. 8 furlongs =1 mile. 1 degree =69.77 statute miles. 1 geographical mile=2046.58 yards or 6139.74 feet. CIRCLES. 60 thirds =1 second. i 60 minutes =1 degree. 60 seconds =1 minute. | 360 degrees =1 circle. 1 day is .002739 of a year. 1 minute is .000694 of a year. 6 points =1 line. 12 lines =1 inch. 1 palm =3 inches. MISCELLANEOUS. 1 hand =4 inches. 1 span ss 9 inches. 6 feet =1 fathom. 1 yard =.000568 of a mile. 1 foot =.000199 " 1 inch =.0000158 " Gunter's Chain is 4 poles or 22 yards in length, and has 100 equal links of .666 of a foot, or 7.92 inches. 80 chains=l mile. 12 MEASURES AND WEIGHTS. Foreign. Great Britain. Imperial yard =39.1393 imperial inches. Mile = 1760 U. S. yards. France. Metre =39.37079 inches, or 3.2809 feet Foot (old system) = 12.7925 inches. Common league =4264.16 U. S. yards. Austria. Foot = 12.445 inches.* Mile =8296.66 U. S. yards. China. Foot, builder's = 12.71 inches. " mathematic = 13.12 " " surveyor's = 12.58 " " tradesman's = 13.32 " Li =629 U. S. yards. Copenhagen. Foot = 12.35 inches. Genoa. Foot =9.72 " Hamburgh. Foot = 11.29 " Mile =8244 U. S. yards. Lisbon. Foot = 12.96 inches. Mexico. Foot = 11.1284 inches. Common league =4636.83 U. S. yards. Prussia. Foot = 12.361 inches. Mile =8468 U. S. yards. Rome." Foot = 11.60 inches. Mile =2025 U. S. yards. Russia. Foot =21.1874 inches.* Versta = 1167 U. S. yards. Spain. Foot = 11.1284 inches.* ■ ' Judicial league =4636.83 U. S. yards. Sweden. Foot = 11.6865 inches.* Mile = 11700 U. S. yards. Turkey. Pick = 17.905 inches. Berri =1826 U. S. yards. MEASURES OF SURFACE. 144 inches =1 foot. 9 feet =1 yard 272ifeet "> SQUARE. 40 rods =1 rood. 4 roods =1 acre. 640 acres = 1 mile. SOi yards) — 1 rod or pole. * U. S. Ordnance Manual, 1850. WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. 13 10 square chains 4840 " yards 160 " poles 100000 " links 69.5701 yards square 220x198 feet 208.710321 feet square 235.5041 feet diameter, or 43560 square feet ► = 1 acre. MISCELLANEOUS. 24 sheets^l quire. 20 quires = 1 ream. Drawing Paper. Cap 13 xl6 Demy 19Jxl5J Medium 22 xl8 Koyal 24 xl9 Super-royal ... 27 X 19 Imperial 29 x21J Elephant 27|x22i in. u Columbier 33| Atlas 33 Doub. Elephant 40 Theorem ..... 34 Antiquarian. . . 52 Emperor 40 Uncle Sam .... 48 X 23 in x 26 " X 26 " X 28 " X 31 " X 60 " Xl20 Foreign. , France. Old System, New System, 1 are= Amsterdam. Berlin. Hamburgh. Portugal. Prussia. Rome. Russia. Spain. Switzerland. 1 square inch = 1.13587 U. S. inch. : 100 square metres = 1 19.603 square yards. Morgen = 9722 " " * great = 6786 " " " =11545 " " Geira = 6970 " " Morgen = 3053 " " Pezza == 3158 " " Desiatina =13066.6 " " Fanegada = 5500 " . " Taux = 7855 " " Square Foot in U. S. Square Inches. Amsterdam 124.255 Antwerp 126.337 Berlin 148.603 Bologna 224.700 Bremen 129.504 Cologne 117.288 Dantzic 127.690 Denmark 152.670 14 MEASURES AND WEIGHTS. Dresden 124.099 France 163.558 Geneva 369.024 Hamburgh 127.441 Leipsic 123.432 Lisbon 167.547 Milan 243.984 Rhineland 152.670 Riga 116.425 Rome 137.358 Spain 123.832 Sweden 136.515 Venice 187.182 Vienna 155.002 MEASURES OF CAPACITY LIQUID AND DRY. 7.21875 cub. i 4 gills 2 pints 1 gill- 1 pint. 1 quart. 4 quarts = 1 gallon. 2 gallons =1 peck. 4 pecks ss 1 bushel. MISCELLANEOUS. 1 chaldron— 36 bushels, or 57.244 cubic feet, when heaped in the form of a cone. Note. — The standard U. S. bushel is the Winchester (British), and it measures 2150.42 cubic inches, and contains 543391.89 troy grains, or 77.627413 pounds avoirdupois of distilled water at its maximum density. Its dimensions are 18£ inches in diameter inside, 19£ inches outside, and 8 inches deep. When heaped, the cone must not be less than 6 inches high, and it contains 2986.4765 cubic inches. The standard U. S. gallon=231 cubic inches, and contains 58372.1754 troy grains (8.3389 pounds avoirdupois) of distilled water at its maxi- mum density (39°.83). Foreign. Great Britain. France/ Amsterdam. Antwerp. Bremen. Constantinople. The imperial gallon measures 277.274 cubic inches. Imperial bushel 2218.192 cubic inches, and when neaped in the form of a true cone (6 inches high) it contains 2815.4872 cubic inches. 1 chaldron =58.68 cubic feet, and weighs 3136 lbs. Old System. 1 Pinte=0.931 litre, or 56.817 cubic inches. New System. 1 Litre =61.027 U. S. inches. Anker 2331 cub. in. Mudde 6786 cub. in. Stoop 168 " Viertel 4705 " Stubgens 194.5 " Scheffel 4339 " Almud 319 " Kislos 2023 " MEASURES AND WEIGHTS. 15 Copenhagen. Anker 2335 cub. in. Toende 8489 cub. in. Genoa. Pinte 90.5 " Mina 7366 " Lisbon. Almudi 1010 Alqueire 827 " Rome. Boccali 80 Quarti 4226 " Russia. Vedro 750.58 " Chet.wert 12800 " Spain. Quartillos 30.5 " Catrize 41269 " ■ Arroba 4.2455 gall. Fanega 1.593 bush. Sweden. Kann 160 cub. in. Tunnar 8940 cub. in. Tripoli. Mattari 1376 " " Caffiri 19780 " Vienna. Eimer 3443 « Metzen 3753 " MEASURES OF SOLIDITY. CUBIC. 1728 inches=l foot. | 27 feet = l yard. 1 foot =7.4806 gallons. 128 feet=:l cord. 24.75 " =1 perch. Foreign. France. Stere (1 cubic metre) =6 102 7.1 U. S. inches, or 35.3166 cubic feet. Note. — For the solid measures of other foreign countries, take the cube of the measures given in the preceding tables. MEASUBES OF WEIGHT. AVOIRDUPOIS. 1G drams =1 ounce. 1G ounces =1 pound. 112 pounds =1 cwt. 20 cwt. =1 ton. TROY WEIGHT. 24 grains r=l pennyweight. 20 penny weights = 1 ounce. 12 ounces =1 pound. 16 MEASURES AND WEIGHTS. The pound, ounce, and grain are the same in apothecaries' and troy weights. 7000 troy grains = 1 175 « pounds=144 175 " ounces =192 lb. avoirdupois, lbs. " oz. " oz. " .8228 lb. " The standard U. S. pound contains 7000 troy grains, or 27.7015 cubic inches of distilled water at its maximum density. 437.5 troy grains = 1 1 " pound = Foreign. Great Britain. Pound avoi irdupois =27.7274 cubic : inches of ( tilled water at the temperature < of 62°. Hen 22.815689 cubic inches weigh 1 troy pound. France. 1 Gramme = 15.43316 troy grains. Alexandria. 1 Rottoli 5= .9346 pounds avoirdupois. Amsterdam. 1 Pound = 1.0893 a (i Austria. 1 " BS 1.2351 u H Bengal. 1 Seer 55 1.8667 " M Bremen. 1 Pound BS 1.0997 u M Cairo. 1 Rottoli = .9523 ii U China. 1 Catty = 1.3253 « 11 Constantinople. 1 Oke BS 2.8129 (I (I Copenhagen. 1 Pound BT 1.1014 u U Corsica. 1 " SB .7591 II u Genoa. 1 " (heavy) == 1.0768 U a Japan. 1 Catty BS 1.3000 a (< Prussia. 1 Pound BE 1.0333 u II Rome. I 1 " as .7479 U ii Russia. 1 " S3 .9020 II ii Spain. 1 " • = 1.0152 (4 it Sweden. 1 " SB .9376 II ii Tripoli. 1 Rottoli BS 1.1200 II it Venice. 1 Pound (heavy) = 1.0555 M it MISCELLANEOUS. 1 cubic foot of anthracite coal from 50 to 55 lbs. 1 cubic foot of bituminous coal from 45 to 55 lbs. 1 cubic foot of Cumberland coalm 53 lbs. MEASURES AND WEIGHTS. 17 1 cubic foot of charcoal = 18.5 lbs. (hard wood.) 1 cubic foot of charcoal = 18. " (pine wood.) 1 cord Virginia pine =2700 " 1 cord Southern pine =3300 " 1 stone = 14 " Coals are usually purchased at the conventional rate of 28 bushels (5 pecks) to a ton =43.56 cubic feet. MEASURES OF VALUE. 1 eagle =258 troy grains. 1 dollar=412.5 « " 1 cent =168 " " The standard of gold and silver is 900 parts of pure metal and 100 of alloy in 1000 parts of coin. A digit A palm A span ANCIENT MEASURES. MEASURES OF LENGTH. Scripture. 0.912 3.648 10.944 A cubit =1 A fathom =7 9.888 3.552 Feet =0 Grecian. A digit =0 0.7554^- A stadium: A pous (foot)=l 0.0875 A mile A cubit =1 1.5984| A Greek or Olympic foot= 12.108 inches. A Pythic or natural foot = 9.768 " Feet. 604 4835 Inches. 4.5 Jewish. A cubit A Sabbath day's journey = 1.824 =3648. A mile = 7296 A day's journey =175104 (or 33 miles 864 feet). 18 MEASURES AND WEIGHTS. Roman. A digit : An uncia (inch): A pes (foot) Arabian foot Babylonian foot Egyptian " Inches. .72575 .967 11.604 Feet. Inches. A cubit = 1 5.406 A passus= 4 10.02 A mile =4835 Miscellaneous. Feet. = 1.095 = 1.140 = 1.421 Feet. Hebrew foot =1.212 " cubit =1.817 " sacred cubit= 2.002 FRACTIONS. 19 VULGAE FRACTIONS. A Fraction, or broken number, is one or more parts of a Unit. Illustration. — 12 inches are 1 foot. Here 1 foot is the unit, and 12 inches its parts ; 3 inches, therefore, are the one fourth of a foot, for three is the quarter or fourth of 12. A Vulgar Fraction is a fraction expressed by two numbers placed one above the other, with a line between them, as 50 cents is the \ of a dollar. The upper number is called the Numerator, because it shows the number of parts used. The lower number is called the Denominator, because it de- nominates, or gives name to the fraction. The Terms of a fraction express both numerator and de- nominator ; as 6 and 9 are the terms of f . A Proper fraction has the numerator equal to, or less than the denominator ; as \, -J, &c. An Improper fraction is the reverse of a proper one ; as f , 4, &c. A Mixed fraction is a compound of a whole number and a fraction ; as 5-J , &c. A Compound fraction is the fraction of a fraction ; as \ of f,4 of-!, &c. A Complex fraction is one that has a fraction for its numer- i 3— ator or denominator, or both ; as i, or %, or J, or S, &c. A Fraction denotes division, and its value is equal to the quotient obtained by dividing the numerator by the denominator ; thus ±£- is equal to 3, -^ is equal to 44, and % is equal to -^. 20 FRACTIONS. REDUCTION OF VULGAR FRACTIONS. To find the greatest Number that will divide two or more Numbers without a Remainder, Rule. — Divide the greater number by the less ; then divide the divisor by the remainder ; and so on, dividing always the last divisor by the last remainder, until nothing remains. When there are more than two numbers, find the greatest common measure of two of them, and then that for this com- mon measure and the remaining number. Example. — What is the greatest common measure of 1908 and 936? 936)1908(2 1872 36)936(26 72 216 216 Hence 36 is the greatest common measure. Ex. 2. What is the greatest common measure of 246 and 372 ? Ans. 6. Ex. 3. What is the greatest common measure of 1728, 864, and 3456 * 864)3456(4 3456 864 is the greatest common measure of 3456 and 864. 864)864(1 864 Hence 864 is the greatest common measure of the three num- bers. Ex. 4. What is the greatest common measure of 216 and 288? AnsM2. To find the least common Multiple of two or more Numbers., Rule. — Divide by any number that will divide two or more FRACTIONS. 21 of the given numbers without a remainder, and set the quo- tients with the undivided numbers in a line beneath. Divide the second line as before, and so on, until there are no two numbers that can be divided ; then the continued product of the divisors and quotients will give the multiple required. Example. — What is the least common multiple of 40, 50, and 25? 5)40 . 50 . 25 5) 8.10. 5 2) 8. 2. 1 4. 1. 1 Then 5x5x2 x 4=200, Ans. To reduce Fractions to their lowest 'Terms. Rule. — Divide the terms by any number that will divide them without a remainder, or by their greatest common meas- ure at once. Example. — Reduce -£§ $ of a foot to its lowest terms. l™ + 10 = ™ + 8=^+3=%, or 9 inches. . Ex. 2. Reduce -|ff to its lowest terms. Ans. § . To reduce a Mixed Fraction to its equivalent Improper Fraction. Note. — Mixed and improper fractions are the same; thus 5£=-2J-. Rule. — Multiply the whole number by the denominator of the fraction, and \g the product add the numerator, then set that sum above the denominator. Example. — Reduce 23J to a fraction. 23x6 + 2 140 ,i -— ■ — = — — = the answer. o 6 Ex. 2. Reduce 20$ inches to a fraction. Ans. ±%2-. Ex. 3. Reduce 5-J to a fraction. Ans. $£-. Ex. 4. Reduce 183^ 5 T to a fraction. Ans. 3 |j 9 . Ex. 5. Reduce 125£ to a fraction. Ans. £JI* FRACTIONS. To reduce an Improper Fraction to its equivalent Whole or Mixed Number. Rule. — Divide the numerator by the denominator, and the quotient will be the whole or mixed number required. Example. — Reduce ^ to its equivalent number. ^ or 12-^-3=4, the answer. Ex. 2. Reduce ^^ to its equivalent number. Ans. 8. To reduce a Whole Number to an equivalent Fraction having a given Denominator. Rule. — Multiply the whole number by the given denomi- nator, and set the product over the said denominator. Example. — Reduce 8 to a fraction whose denominator shall be 9. 8 x 9=72 ; then ^-—the answer. Ex. 2. Reduce 12 to a fraction whose denominator shall be 13. Ans. J#, To reduce a Compound Fraction to an equivalent Simple one. Rule. — Multiply all the numerators together for a numer- ator, and all the denominators together for a denominator. N t E# — When there are terms that are common, they may be omitted. Example. — Reduce \ of f of § to a simple fraction. ix|x#=A=i, Am. Or, - x -X-=-» ty canceling the 2's and 3's. Ex. 2. Reduce -| of f to a simple fraction. ix|=f, Ans. Ex. 3. Reduce £ of % to a simple fraction. Ans. Jf. Ex. 4. Reduce •§ of f of -f of £ of -^ to a simple fraction. Ans. *%. Ex. 5. Reduce 2, and -| of £ to a fraction. ^4tw. §#. Ex. 6. Reduce 2^ and $ of § to a fraction. -4ws. £. FRACTIONS. 23 To reduce Fractions of different Denominations to equivalent ones having a common Denominator. JJule. — Multiply each numerator by all the denominators except its own for the new numerators, and multiply all the denominators together for a common denominator. Note. — In this, as in all other operations, whole numbers, mixed, or com- pound fractions, mustjirst be reduced to the form of simple fractions. Example. — Keduce -J, -§-, and f to a common denominator. 1x3x4 = 12^ 2x2x4 = 16 3x2x3 = 18 12 16 18 A n !> an( ^ "i to a co mmon denominator. 1 1 3 12 6 6 n71f J 5 2 "5" — "§"* H — ~W~' "F — ~S> ana ~2 — -W Ex. 2. Reduce 2, and -§ of -J to a common denominator. A„o 60 12 25 Ex. 3. Reduce -§ , 2f , and 4 to a common denominator. Ana 25 78 120 XX /to. ^-y-, -g-g, -Jo-* Ex. 4. Reduce 4, ^, 14, and 54 to a common denominator. -2~> 4> A "2"> *"" W B~ J.,, 24 36 72 256 AB * 4¥? T¥J 4~g-> _ 4~r* Note 1. When the denominators of two given fractions have a com- mon measure, divide them by it ; then multiply the terms of each given fraction by the quotient arising from the other denominator. Ex. 5. Reduce ■£$ and -^ to a common denominator. ^andif=^and^,Ans. Note 2. When the less denominator of two fractions exactly divides the greater, multiply the terms of that which has the less denominator by the quotient. Ex. 6. Reduce -f- and -^ to a common denominator. 5 f and 1?=-^ and ^, Ans. To reduce Complex Fractions to Simple ones. Rule. — Reduce the two parts both to simple fractions, then multiply the numerator of each by the denominator of the other. 24 FRACTIONS. 2 2 Example. — Simplify the complex fraction jj. 2|=f 8x 5=40_ fl A Ex. 2. Simplify the complex fraction f. |=4 f==fc Am- 8f Ex. 3. Simplify the complex fraction jf. ^4w5. -Jf* 7b ^/mtZ £/i hours, Ans. Ex. 4. Reduce % of a pound troy to ounces and pennyweights. 4 12 5)48 ounces 9 3 20 5)60 pennyweights 12=9 oz., 12 dwts., Ans. FRACTIONS. 25 Ex. 5. What is the value of $ of an acre ? .Arcs. 3 roods, 20 poles. Ex. 6. What is the value of f of $4 83 ? Ans. $1 93J. 2b reduce a Fraction from one Denomination to another. Rule. — Multiply the number of parts in the next less de- nomination by the numerator if the reduction is to he to a less name, but multiply by the denominator if to a greater. Example. — Reduce J of a dollar to the fraction of a cent. Ex. 2. Reduce \ of an avoirdupois pound to the fraction of an ounce. is/ 16 16 8 An* Ex. 3. Reduce -f- of a cwt. to the fraction of a lb. 2 V H2 224 32 A„ Q Ex. 4. Reduce § of f of a mile to the fraction of a foot. 2 n f 3 6 w 6280 31680 2640 A^o ~s 0I ¥— T2 x — i — — — ra — — — i — J ^ns. Ex. 5. Reduce J of a square foot to the fraction of an inch. Ans. -2j£. ADDITION OF VULGAR FRACTIONS. Rule. — If the fractions have a common denominator, add all the numerators together, and place their sum over the de- nominator. Note. — If the fractions have not a common denominator, they must be reduced to one, and compound and complex must be reduced to simple frac- tions. Example. — Add \ and J together. i+4=|=l, Ans. Ex. 2. Add J of J of tV to 2f of f . Then, W+«=-,ftW+MS*=l«*4=144fc Ans ' Ex. 3. Add | and $ together. Ans. 1^%. Ex. 4. Add I, 7fc and } of | together. Ans. 8|. B 26 FRACTIONS. / Ex. 5. Add T of an eagle, -J of a dollar, and -j^ of a cent together. Ans. 165f|f. SUBTRACTION OF VULGAR FRACTIONS. Rule. — Prepare the fractions, when necessary, the same as for other operations, then subtract the one numerator from the other, and set the remainder over the common denom- inator. Example. — What is the difference between -f and ^ ? |-i=|» Ans. Ex. 2. Subtract -§ from -§. 6x9=54\ 3x8 = 24 Uff-ff=ff, Ana. 8x9 = 72j Ex. 3. Subtract -^ from ^-. Ans. T ^-. Ex. 4. Subtract $ of -^ from f of 5 J- of 1. ,4ns. -|f$£. MULTIPLICATION OF VULGAR FRACTIONS. Rule. — Prepare the fractions, when necessary, as previous- ly required ; multiply all the numerators together for a new numerator, and all the denominators together for a new de- nominator. Example. — What is the product of -§ and § ? ix%=&=ih,Ans. Ex. 2. What is the product of 6 and % of 5 ? 6xf of5=6x-^=-$f=20, Ans. Ex. 3. What is the product of § , 3£, 5, and f of f ? 3 -x^x^x(fof^=^xf=¥=41,^. 2 4 Ex. 4. What is the product of 5, f, f of % and 4£? FRACTIONS. 27 DIVISION OF VULGAR FRACTIONS. Rule. — Prepare the fractions, when necessary, as previous- ly required ; then divide the numerator by the numerator, and the denominator by the denominator, if they will exactly di- vide ; but if not, invert the terms of the divisor, and multiply the dividend by it, as in multiplication. Example. — Divide -%§. by f . 25 . 5 5 12 A nli ^ ■ . Tj- — tj- — -"-"3"? JaLilo. Ex. 2. Divide j by ^. 5 . 2 5 V 15 7 5 A3 A„ Q Ex. 3. Divide -^ by f . ^rcs. ^. Ex. 4. Divide § by 2. <£*& ^ Ex. 5. Divide f of J by $ of 7-f. jitaft yf,-. RULE OF THREE IN VULGAR FRACTIONS. Rule. — Prepare the fractions, when necessary, as previous- ly required ; invert the first term, and multiply it and the sec- ond and third terms continually together ; the product will be the result required. Example. — If f of a barrel cost -§ of a dollar, what will -^ of a barrel cost ? f:f::-rV— ^X^X^=i=$0 33+, Ans. 2 2 Ex. 2. What will 3f ounces of silver cost at -^ of a pound sterling per ounce? Q 3 27 19 «f 20 380 38 19 9 - X -y- X — =: shillings. ,8 8 8 fci|i x i^-2^i := 256||)«,or£l Is. ±\d.,Ans. Ex. 3. What part of a ship is worth $60,120, when J of her cost $17,535 1 flfo+itf-^ Am. 28 DECIMALS. DECIMALS. A Decimal is a fraction which has for its denominator a unit with as many ciphers annexed as the numerator has places ; it is usually expressed by setting down the numerator only, with a point on the left of it. Thus, -^ is .4, ■££$ is .85, tottdit is -OO^, and towW is -00125. When there is a de- ficiency of figures in the numerator, ciphers are prefixed to make up as many places as there are ciphers in the denomi- nator. Mixed Numbers consist of a whole number and a fraction, as, 3.25, which is the same as o.y 2 ^, or -f-§-§. Ciphers on the right hand make no alteration in the value of a decimal, for .4, .40, .400 are all of the same value, each being equal to -^j-. • ADDITION OF DECIMALS. Rule. — Set the numbers under each other, according to the value of their places, as in whole numbers, in which po- sition the decimal points will stand directly under each other. Then, beginning at the right hand, add up all the columns as in whole numbers, and place the point directly below all the other points. Example. — Add together 25.125, 56.19, 1.875, and 293.7325. 25.125 56.19 1.875 293.7325 376.9225 the Sum. Ex. 2. Add together 27.62, .358, 17.3, .007, and 173.1. Sum 218.385. Ex. 3. Add together .001, .09, and .909. Sum 1.000. Ex. 4. Add together 87.5, 56.25, 37.5, and 43.75. Sum 225. DECIMALS. 29 SUBTEACTION OF DECIMALS. Rule. — Set the numbers under each other, as in addition ; then subtract as in whole numbers, and point off the decimals as in the last rule. Example.— Subtract 15.150 from 89.1759. 89.1759- 15.150 74.0259, the Rem. Ex. 2. Subtract 96.50 from 100. Rem. 3.50. Ex. 3. Subtract 3.1416 from 4.5236. Rem. 1.3820. Ex. 4. Subtract 14.56789 from 2486.173. Rem. 2471.60511. MULTIPLICATION OF DECIMALS. Rule. — Set the factors, and multiply them together the same as if they were whole numbers ; then point off in the product just as many places of decimals as there are decimals in both the factors. But if there are not so many figures in the product as there are decimal places required, supply the deficiency by prefixing ciphers. Example. — Multiply 1.56 by .75. 1.56 , .75 780 1092 1.1700, the Product. Ex. 2. Multiply 79.25 by .460. Product 36.455. Ex. 3. Multiply 79.347 by 23.15. Product 1836.88305. Ex. 4. Multiply .385746 by .00464. Product .00178986144. 30 DECIMALS. BY CONTRACTION. To contract the Operation so as to retain only as many Decimal places in the Product as may be thought necessary. Rule. — Set the unit's place of the multiplier under the figure of the multiplicand whose place is the same as is to be retained for the last in the product, and dispose of the rest of the figures in the contrary order to what they are usually placed in. Then, in multiplying, reject all the figures that are more to the right hand than each multiplying figure, and set down the products, so that their right-hand figures may fall in a column directly below each other; and observe to increase the first figure in every line with what would have arisen from the figures omitted; thus, add 1 for every result from 5 to 14, 2 from 15 to 24, 3 from 25 to 34, 4 from 35 to 44, &c, &c., and the sum of. all the lines will be the prod- uct as required. Example.— Multiply 13.57493 by 46.20517, and retain only four places of decimals in the product. 13.574 93 71 502.64 54 299 72 8 144 96 + 2 for 18 27150+2 " 18 6 79+4 " 35 14+1 " 5 9 + 2 " 21 627.23 20 6 is the unit of the multiplier, and 9 is the figure of the multi- plicand whose place is the same as is to be retained for the last in the product Ex. 2. Multiply 27.14986 by 92.41035, and retain only five places of decimals. Product 2508.92806. Ex. 3. Multiply 480.14936 by 2.72416, and retain only four places of decimals. Product 1308.0035. DECIMALS. 31 Ex. 4. Multiply 325.701428 by .7218393, and retain only three places of decimals. Product 235.103. Ex. 5. Multiply 81.4632 by 7.24G51, retaining only three places of decmials. Product 590.324. DIVISION OF DECIMALS. Rule. — Divide as in whole numbers, and point off in the quotient as many places for decimals as the decimal places in the dividend exceed those in the divisor ; but if there are not so many places, supply the deficiency by prefixing ciphers. Example. — Divide 53.00 by 6.75. 6.75)53.00(7.85 + 47 25 5 750 5 400 3500 3375 125 Here 2 ciphers were annexed to carry out the division. Ex. 2. Divide 45.5 by 2100. Quotient .0216 + . Ex. 3. Divide 12 by .7854. Quotient 15.278. Ex. 4. Divide .061 by 79000. Quotient .00000077215+. Ex. 5. Divide 2.7182818 by 3.1415927. fc Quotient .865256—. Ex. 6. Divide .00128 by 8.192. Quotient .000156. BY CONTRACTION. Rule. — Take only as many figures of the divisor as will be equal to the number of figures, both integers and decimals, to be in the quotient, and find how many times they may be con- tained in the first figures of the dividend, as usual. Let each remainder be a new dividend ; and for every such dividend leave out one figure more on the right-hand side of the divisor, carrying for the figures cut off as in Contraction of Multiplication. 32 DECIMALS. Note. — When there are not so many figures in the divisor as are required to be in the quotient, continue the first operation until the number of figures in the divisor be equal to those remaining to be found in the quotient, after which begin the contraction. Example.— Divide 2508.92806 by 92.41035, retaining only four places of decimals in the quotient. 92.4103|5)2508.928|06(27.1498 1848 207 +1 660 721 646 872 +2 13 849 9 241 4 608 3 696 912 832+4 80 74+2 6 Ex. 2. Divide 4109.2351 by 230.409, retaining only four decimals in the quotient. Quotient 17.8345. Ex. 3. Divide 37.10438 by 5713.96, retaining only five decimals in the quotient. Quotient .00649. Ex. 4. Divide 913.08 by 2137.2, retaining only three deci- mals in the quotient. Quotient .427. REDUCTION OF DECIMALS. To reduce a Vulgar Fraction to its equivalent Decimal. Rule. — Divide the numerator by the denominator, as in division of decimals, annexing ciphers to the numerator as far as necessary, and the quotient will be the decimal re- quired. . Example. — Reduce \ to a decimal. 5)^0 .8, Quotient. DECIMALS. 33 Ex. 2. Keduce -^j- to a decimal. 700)35.00(.05, Quotient 35 00 Ex. 3. Reduce 4 to a decimal. Quotient .625. Ex. 4. Reduce 44 to a decimal. Quotient .9375. Ex. 5. Reduce -j-f-g- to a decimal. Quotient .03125. To find the Value of a Decimal in Terms of an in- ferior Denomination. Rule. — Multiply the decimal by the number of parts in the next lower denomination, and cut off as many places for a re- mainder to the right hand as there are places in the given decimal. Multiply that remainder by the parts in the next lower denomination, again cutting off for a remainder, and so on through all the denominations of the decimal. Then the several denominations pointed off on the left hand will give the result required. Example. — What is the value of .875 dollar? .875 100 87.500 cents, 10 5.000 milk. Ans. 87 cents, 5 mills. Ex.2. What is the content of .140 cubic foot in inches? .140 1728 cubic inches in a cubic foot 241.920 Ans. 241.920 cubic inches. Ex.3. What is the value of .00129 of a foot? Ans. .01548 inches. Ex.4. What is the value of 1.075 ton in pounds? Ans. 2408. Ex.5. Reduce .0125 lb. troy to pennyweights. Ans. 3 dwts. B2 34 DECIMALS. Ex. 6. Reduce .95 mile to its equivalent decimals in its lower denominations. .95 8 furlongs, TM 40 rods. 24.00 Ans. 7 furlongs and 24 rods. Ex. 7. Reduce .05 mile to its equivalent decimals. Ans. furlongs and 16 rods. Ex. 8. Reduce ^ of a mile to its equivalent decimals. Ans. § furlongs and 16 rods. Ex. 9. Reduce ^ of a cubic yard to its equivalent decimals. Ans. 2.9999 feet+. Ex. 10. Reduce J of a degree to its equivalent decimals. Ans. 19 minutes and 59.999 seconds -f. To reduce a Decimal to its equivalent in a higher De- nomination. Rule. — Divide by the number of parts in the next higher denomination, continuing the operation as far as required. Example. — Reduce 1 inch to the decimal of a foot. 12 1.00000 .08333, &c, Ans. Ex. 2. Reduce 14 minutes to the decimal of a day. 60 24 14.00000 .23333 .00972, &c, Ans. Ex. 3. Reduce 14" 12'" to the decimal of a minute. 14" 12 /7/ 60 60 60 852.' X4.2 y .23666', &c, Ans. Note. — When there are several numbers, to be reduced all to the decimal of the highest. DECIMALS. 35 Reduce them all to the lowest denomination, and proceed as for one denomination. Ex. 4. Reduce 5 feet 10 inches and 3 barleycorns to the decimal of a yard. Feet. Inches. Be. 5 10 3 12 70 3 213. 71. 5.9166 1.9722, &c, Ans. Ex. 5. Reduce 1 dwt. to the decimal of a pound troy. Ans. .004166+ lb. Ex. 6. Reduce 1 yard to the decimal of a mile. Ans. .000568+ mile. Ex. 7. Reduce 8 feet 6 inches to the decimal of a mile. Ans. .0016098 mile. Ex. 8. Reduce 4J miles to the decimal of 80 miles. Ans. .05625. Ex. 9. Reduce 14', 18", and 36'" to the decimal of a de- gree. • Ans. .2385 degree. Ex. 10. Reduce 17 yards, 1 foot, and 5.98848 inches to the decimal of a mile. Ans. .009943 mile. RULE OF THREE IN DECIMALS. Rule. — Prepare the terms by reducing vulgar fractions to decimals, compound numbers to decimals of the highest de- nominations, and the first and third terms to the same denom- ination ; then proceed as in whole numbers. Example. — If ^ a ton of iron cost f of a dollar, what will .625 of a ton cost? i = .5 \ .5:. 75::. 625 :=.75j |=.75j .625 .5).46875 .9375, Ans. 36 DUODECIMALS. Ex. 2. If -§ of a yard cost § of a dollar, what will ^ of a yard cost? Am. .3333+ dollar. Ex. 3. If t^t of a mile cost $15.75, what will ^ of a fur- long cost? Ans. $4 05. DUODECIMALS. In Duodecimals, or Cross Multiplication, the dimensions are taken in feet, inches, and twelfths of an inch. Rule. — Set down the dimensions to be multiplied together, one under the other, so that feet may stand under feet, inches under inches, &c. Multiply each term of the multiplicand, beginning at the lowest, by the feet in the multiplier, and set the result of each directly under its corresponding term, carrying 1 for every 12 from 1 term to the other. In like manner, multiply all the multiplicand by the inches of the multiplier, and then by the twelfth parts, setting the result of each term one place farther to the right hand for every multiplier. The sum of the products is the result re- quired. Example. — Multiply 1 foot 3 inches by 1 foot 1 inch. Feet. Inches. 1 3 1 1 3 14 3 Proof. — 1 foot 3 inches is 15 inches, 1 foot 1 inch is 13 inches; and 15x13 = 195 square inches. Now the above product reads 1 foot, 4 inches, and 3 twelfths of an inch, and 1 foot =144 square inches. 4 inches =48 " 3 twelfths = 3 " 195 " which is the product required. DUODECIMALS. 37 Ex. 2. How many square feet, inches, &c, are there in a platform 35 feet 4^ inches long, and 12 feet 3 J inches wide? Feet. 35 Inches. 4 Twelfths. 6 12 3 4 424 6 8 10 1 6 11 9 6 434 3 11 0. Or 434 feet, 3 inches, and 11 twelfths. Ex. 3. Multiply 20 feet 6£ inches by 40 feet 6 inches. Ans. 831 feet, 11 mcAes, 3 twelfths, which is equal to 831 square feet and 135 square inches. By decimals, 40 ft. 6 in. =40.5 20 ft. 6 J in. = 20541666, &c. 831.937499 square feet. 144 134.999856 square inches. Table showing the value of Duodecimals in Square Feet and Decimals of an Inch. 1 Foot 1 Inch 1 Twelfth ^ of 1 Twelfth -jL of -j^ of 1 Twelfth Sq. Feet. Sq. Inches. 1 or 144. . 1 « 1 i « 08W 17 2tJ .VOOOc 1 " OOfi 38 INVOLUTION. 12)3678. inches. 12) 306.5 2544166 feet* As the 3678 are square inches, it is necessary to divide by 144 to produce square feet, and the operation is more readily performed by dividing twice by 12 (12 X 12 = 144) than by 144 in one division. Then 25.54166 100.5 t feet 2566.936830 12 inches 11.241960 12 twelfths 2.903520 Or, 2566 /art. 11x12 = 132. inches. 2 = 2. " .9 (.9-^12)= .75 " 2566 feet, 134.75 inches. INVOLUTION. Involution is the multiplying any number into itself a cer- tain number of times. The products obtained are called Powers. The number is called the Root, or first power. When a number is multiplied by itself once, the product is the square of that number ; twice, the cube ; three times, the biquadrate, &c. Thus, of the number 5, 5 is the Root, or 1st power. 5x5=25 " Square, or 2d power, and is ex- pressed 5 2 . 5x5x5 = 125 " Cube, or 3d power, and is expressed 5 3 . 5x5x5x5 = 625 " Biquadrate, or 4th power, and is ex- pressed 5 4 . The little figure denotes the power, and is called the Index or Exponent. - EVOLUTION. 39 Example. — What is the cube of 9 ? 9x9x9=729,^715. Ex. 2. What is the cube of 1 1 Ans. |£. Ex. 3. What is the 4th power of 1.5 ? Ans. 5.0625. Ex. 4. What is the square of 4.16 ? Am. 17.3056. Ex. 5. What is the square off? Ans. J. Ex. 6. What is the third power of f 1 Ans. fjf . Ex. 7. What is the fourth power of .025 ! Ans. .000000390625. Ex. 8. What is the fifth power of 5 ! Ans. 3125. Ex. 9. What is the fifth power of .05 ! Ans. .0000003125. EVOLUTION. Evolution is finding the Root of any number. The sign -y/ placed before any number indicates the square root of that number is required or shown. The same character expresses any other root by placing the index above it. Thus, feet. When any two of the dimensions of a triangle and one of the correspond- ing dimensions of a similar figure are given, and it is required to find the other corresponding dimensions of the last figure. Let A B C, a b c, be two similar triangles, Figs. 8 and 9. C - Fig. 8. Fig. 9. B Aba. nmAB:B C ::a b : b c, or a b : b c\\ A B : B C. Note. — The same proportion holds with respect to the similar lineal parts of any other similar figures, whether plane or solid. MENSURATION OF AREAS, LINES, AND SURFACES. 55 Example. — The shadow of a cone 4 feet in length, set ver- tical, was 5 feet ; at the same time, the shadow of a tree was found to be 83 feet ; what was the height of the tree, both shadows being on level ground ? ab: k::AB:BC 5 : 4:: 83 : 66| 4 5 )332 66$ /ee*. Ex. 2. The side of a square is 5 feet, its diagonal 7.071 feet ; what will be the side of a square, the diagonal of which is 4 feet? Ans. 2.828 feet. Ex. 3. The length of the shadow of a spire is 151.5 feet, while the shadow of a post 8 feet high is 6 feet ; what is the height of the spire ? Ans. 202 feet. To ascertain the length of a Side when the Hypothenuse of a right-angled Triangle of equal sides alone is given. Rule. — Divide the hypothenuse by 1.414213, and the quo- tient will give the length of a side. Or, - ; , * ; —the length of a side. ' 1.414213 * J Example. — The hypothenuse of a right-angled triangle is 300 feet; what is the length of its sides? 300-^ 1.414213 = 212.1320 feet. Ex. 2. The diagonal of a square is 28.28426 feet ; what is the length of a side of it V Ans. 20 feet. To ascertain the Perpendicular or Height of a Triangle when the +Base and Area alone are given. Rule. — Divide twice the area of the triangle by its base, and the result is the length of the perpendicular. Or,— = h. Example. — The area of a triangle is 10 feet, and the length of its base 5 ; what is its perpendicular 1 10x2 = 20, and 20-r-5 = 4/Ans. T/lU = 12,and 12 x. 5548=6.6576 " J Additional uses of the foregoing Table. The sixth and seventh columns of the table will greatly fa cilitate the construction of these figures with the aid of a sec- 64 MENSURATION OF AREAS, LINES, AND SURFACES. tor. Thus, if it is required to describe an octagon, opposite to it, in column sixth, is 45 ; then, with the chord of 60 on the sector as radius, describe a circle, taking the length 45 on the same line of the" sector; mark this distance off on the circum- ference, which, being repeated around the circle, will give the points of the sides. The seventh column gives the angle which any two adjoin- ing sides of the respective figures make with each other. REGULAR BODIES. To ascertain the Surface or Linear Edge of any Regular Solid Body* Rule. — Multiply the square of the linear edge, or the radius of the circumscribed or inscribed circle, by the units in the following table, under the head of the dimension used, and the product will be the surface or edge required. Number Radius of Radius of of sides. Names of figures. Surface. circum. circle. inscribed circle. 4 Tetrahedron 1.73205 1.63294 4.89898 6 Hexahedron 6. 1.15470 2. 8 Octahedron 3.46410 1.41421 2.44949 12 Dodecahedron 20.G4578 .71364 .89806 20 Icosahedron 8.66025 1.05146 1.32317 Example. — What is the surface of a hexahedron or cube having sides of 5 inches ? 5 2 x 6 = 25 x 6 = 150 inches, Ans. ¥%, 2. What is the linear edge of a hexahedron circum- scribed by a circle of 10 feet radius? Ans. 11.547 feet. Centre of Gravity. In all regular polygons and bodies it is at their geometrical centre. Irregular Polygons. Definition. Figures with unequal sides. To ascertain the Area of an Irregular Polygon {Fig. 14). Rule. — Draw diagonals to divide the figures into triangles * See Appendix (p. 258-61) for additional rules both for Polygons and Regular Bodies. MENSURATION OF AREAS, LINES, AND SURFACES. 65 and quadrilaterals : find the areas of these separately, and the sum of the whole is the area.* Note or- ^b ascertain the area of mixed or compound figures, or such as are composed of rectilineal and curvilineal figures together, compute the areas of the several figures of which the whole is composed, then add them together, and the sum will be the area of the compound figure : and in this manner may any irregular surface or field of land be measured, by dividing it into trapeziums and triangles, and computing the area of each separately. a Fig. U. Example. — What is the content of Fig. 14? e £=125 inches be— 35.7 inches ae=25 inches ag= 20 " ec=130 " and d i-20 " ebxa-g=125x20 =2500 -^-2 = 1250 ") Ans. ebxb c=125 x 35.7=4462.5-^-2 = 2231.25 I 4781.25 ecxd {=130x20 =2600 ^2 = 1300 Jj ins. Ex. 2. Required the area of the irregular figure abode fga, Fig. 15. e #£=30.5 Fi 2' 15 ' gd=29 fd=2A.S an-11.2 * Polygons containing one or more re-entering angles are called Re-entering, as Fig. 15. The term re-entering is opposed to salient. It is a property of a salient polygon that no right line can be drawn ex- ternal to it that will cut its perimeter in more than two points, while in a re-entering polygon such line may cut it in more than two points. 66 MENSURATION OF AREAS, LINES, AND SURFACES. a n i° ° *9 b= U ' 2 J~ 6 'x30.5 = 8.6x30.5 = 262.3=arga of the trapezium a b c g. ' f l t C & *9 ^= 11 t 6 ' 6 X 29=8.8 x29=255.2=area of the trapezium g c df. f dxe P 24.8 x4 *== — — z=99. 2=49. 6=area of the triangle f d e. Then 262.3 + 255.2 + 49.6 = 567.1 = area of the figure required. Ex. 3. Required the area of an irregular polygon. e 6=100 feet e c=110 feet ag— 18 " b c— 12 " a e= 45 " d i= 15 " Ans. 2385 feet. Ex. 4. In a pentangular field, beginning at the south side and running toward the east, the first side is 2735 links, the second 3115, the third 2370, the fourth 2925, and the fifth 2220 ; also the diagonal from the first to the third is 3800 links, and that from the third to the fifth 4010 ; what is the area of the field? Ans. 117 ac. 2 ro. 39 po. Note. — As this figure consists of three triangles, all of the sides of which are given, by calculating their areas according to the rule, p. 51, the sum will be the area of the whole figure accurately, without draw- ing perpendiculars from the angles to the diagonals. The same thing may also be done in most other cases of this kind. When any part of the Figure is bounded by a Curve, the Area may be found as follows : Rule. — Erect any number of perpendiculars upon the base, at equal distances, and find their lengths. Add the lengths of the perpendiculars thus found together, and their sum divided by their number will give the mean breadth. Multiply the mean breadth by the length of the base, and it will give the area of that part of the figure re- quired. MENSURATION OF AREAS, LINES, AND SURFACES. G7 To ascertain the Area of a long Irregular Figure {Fig. 16). Rule. — Take the breadth at several places and at equal distances apart ; add them together, and divide their sum by the number of breadths for the mean breadth ; multiply this by the length of the figure, and the product is the area. Example. — What is the area o£fig. 16 in square feet? a c=50 inches, 3 = 54 inches, 1=52 " hd-= 60 " 2=48 " cd=150 " 50+52+48 + 54+60 = 264, and 264^-5=52.8. Then 52.8 x 150 = 7920, which-h- 144 = 55 square feet, Ans. To ascertain the Centre of Gravity of any. Plane Figure. Rule. — Divide it into triangles, and find the centre of gravity of each ; connect two centres together, and find their common centre ; then connect this common centre and the centre of a third, and find the common centre, and so on, always connecting the last found com- mon centre to another centre till the whole are included, and the last common centre will be that which is required. Illustration. Where is the centre of gravity of Fig. 17 ? Fig. 17. a Fig. 19. Fig. 18. 68 MENSURATION OP AREAS, LINES, AND SURFACES. Fig. 20. c Fig. 21. The point • represents the centre of gravity of each triangle, a b c, Fig. 18, of which the figure is composed. Connect two centres of gravity, as in Fig. 19 ; join their common cen- tre to the centre of gravity of the next triangle, as in Fig. 20 ; join their common centre o to the centre of the remaining triangle, Fig. 21, and the common centre of this last connection is the required centre of gravity of the figure. CIRCLE. Definition. A plane figure bounded by a true curve, called its Circumference or Periphery. The Diameter of a Circle is a right line drawn through its centre, bounded by its periphery. The Radius of a Circle is a right line drawn from the centre of it to its circumference. The Circumference of a Circle is assumed to be divided into 360 equal parts, called degrees; each degree is divided into 60 parts, called minutes ; each minute into 60 parts, called seconds; and each second into 60 parts, called thirds, and so on. To ascertain the Circumference of a Circle {Fig. 22). Rule. — Multiply the diameter a b by 3.1416,* and the product is the circumference. * The exact proportion of the diameter of a circle to its circumfer- ence has never yet been ascertained. Nor can a square or any other right-lined figure be found that shall be equal to a given circle. This is the celebrated problem called the squaring of the circle, which has exercised the abilities of mathematicians for ages, and been the occa- MENSURATION OF AREAS, LINES, AND SURFACES. 69 Or, as 7 is to 22, so is the diameter to the circumference. Or, as 113 is to 355, so is the diameter to the circumference. sion of so many disputes. Several persons of eminence, have, at dif- ferent times, pretended that they had discovered the exact quadrature ; but their errors have soon been detected, and it is now conceded as a thing impracticable of attainment. Though the relation between the diameter and circumference can not be accurately expressed, it may yet be approximated to great exactness. In this manner was the problem solved by Archimedes, about two thou- sand years ago, who discovered the proportion to be nearly as 7 to 22. This he effected by showing that the perimeter of a circumscribed reg- ular polygon of 192 sides is to the diameter in a less ratio than that of 3^- to 1, and that the perimeter of an inscribed polygon of 96 sides is to the diameter in a greater ratio than that of 3 -ff- to 1, and from thence inferred the ratio above mentioned, as may be seen in his book De Dimensione Circuit. The proportion of Vieta and Metius is that of 113 to 355, which is something more than the former. This is a commodious proportion ; for,- being reduced into decimals, it is correct as far as the sixth figure inclusively. It was derived from the pretended quadrature of a M. Van Eick, which first gave rise to the discovery. But the first who ascertained this ratio to any great degree of ex- actness was Van Ceulen, a Dutchman, in his book De Circulo et Ad- scriptis. He found that if the diameter of a circle was 1, the circum- ference would be 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884 nearly; which is exactly true to 36 places of decimals, and was effected by the continual bisection of an arc of a circle, a method so extremely trouble- some and laborious that it must have cost him incredible pains. It is said to have been thought so curious a performance, that the numbers were cut on his tomb-stone in St. Peter's Church-yard at Leyden. This last number has since been confirmed and extended to double the number of places by the late ingenious Mr. Abraham Sharp, of Little Horton, near Bedford, in Yorkshire. But since the invention of Eluxions, and the Summation of Infinite Series, there have been several methods discovered for doing the same thing with much more ease and expedition. The late Mr. John Machin, Professor of Astronomy in Gresham College, has by these means given a quadrature of the circle which is true to 100 places of decimals ; and M. de Lagny, M. Euler, &c, have carried it still farther. All of which proportions are so Extremely near the truth, that, except the ratio could be completely obtained, we need not wish for a greater degree of accuracy. — Bonntcastle. \ 70 MENSURATION OF AREAS, LINES, AND SURFACES. Fig. 22. Example. — The diameter of a circle, fig. 22, is 1.25 inches ; what is its circumference ? 1.25x3.1416 = 3.927 inches. Ex. 2. The diameter of a circle is 17 feet; what is its cir- cumference? Ans. 53. 4072 feet. To ascertain the Diameter of a Circle (Fig. 22). Divide the circumference by 3.1416, and the quotient is the diameter. Or, as 22 is to 7, so is the circumference to the diameter. To ascertain the Area of a Circle (Fig. 22). Rule. — Multiply the square of the diameter by .7854, and the product is the area. Or, multiply the squai*e of the circumference by .07958. Or, multiply half the circumference by half the diameter. Or, multiply the square of the radius by 3.1416. Or, p r 2 =area, where p represents the ratio of the circumfer- ence to the diameter, and r the radius. Example. — The diameter of a circle is 8 inches ; what is the area of it ? 8 2 or 8 x 8 = 64, and 64 x .7854=50.2656 inches. Ex. 2. What is the area of a circle, the radius being 39J yards? . Ans. 4839.8311 yards. Ex. 3. What is the area of a circle in feet, the diameter being 15j poles? Ans. 3214.6587 /«?*. Ex. 4. What is the circumference of a circle, the area of which is an acre? Ans. 246 yds., 1 ft., 10^ in. Centre of Gravity. Is in its geometrical centre. Semicircle., 4 r k — —distance from centre. '6.p J MENSURATION OF AREAS, LINES, AND SURFACES. 71 USEFUL FACTORS. In which p represents the Circumference of a Circle the Diameter of which is 1. Then p = 3.1415926535897932384626 + 2p = 6.283185307179 + 4 /> = 12.566370614359 + ±p= 1.570796326794 + ip= 0.785398163397 + !>■? 4.188790 ip= .523598 ip= .392699 •fsP = .261799 sh>P= .008726 l_ P 2 P .318309 .636619 4_ 1.273239 .079577 1.772453 .886226 3.544907 F97884 .564189 I 4~"/> Vp — Wp= 2Vp= p p — =114.591559 P fp=t 2.094395 5= 1.909859 P 36/> = 113.097335 In which the Diameter of a Circle is 10. 1. Chord of the arc of the semicircle =10. 2. Chord of half the arc of the semicircle == 7.071067 3. Versed sine of the arc of the semicircle = 5. 4. Versed sine of half the arc of the semicircle = 1.464466 5. Chord of half the arc of the half of the arc of the semicircle - 3.82683 6. Half the chord of the chord of half the arc = 3.535533 7. Length of arc of semicircle = 15.7075*63 8. Length of half the arc ,of the semicircle == 7.853981 Square of the chord of half the arc of the semicircle (2.) =50. Square root of versed sine of half the arc (4.) = 1.210151 Square of versed sine of half the arc (4.) = 2.144664 Square of the chord of half the arc of half the arc of the semicircle (5.) =14.64467 Square of half the chord of the chord of half the arc (6.) =12.5 In all the following calculations, p is taken at 3.1416, ip at .7854, \p at .5236, and whenever the decimal figure next to the one last taken exceeds 5, one is added. Thus, 3.14159 for four places of decimals is set down 3.1416. 72 MENSURATION OF AKEAS, LINES, AND SURFACES. Circular Arc. Definition. A part of the Circumference of a Circle. Fig. 23. c The Sine of an Arc is a line running from one extremity of an arc perpendicular to a diameter joining the other extremity, as a d,Jig. 23. The Sine of an Angle is the sine of the arc that measures that angle. The Versed Sine of an Arc or Angle is the part of the diameter inter- cepted between the sine and the arc, as d b. It is frequently written versed sine of half the arc. The Complement of an Arc or Angle is what,remains after subtracting the angle from 90°, as a o c, Fig. 23. The Supplement of an Arc or Angle is what remains after subtracting the angle from 180°, as a o e, Fig. 23. TJie Coversed Sine is the sine of the complement of the arc, as c g, Fig. 23. Note. — For other illustrations of these definitions, see figure, page 46. To ascertain the Length of an Arc of a Circle {Fig. 24) when the Number of Degrees and the Radius are given. Rule 1. As 180 is to the number of degrees in the arc, so is 3.1416 the radius to its length. Rule 2. Multiply the radius, o a, of the circle by .01745329, and the product by the degrees in the arc. If the length is required for minutes, multiply the radius by .000290889; if for seconds, multiply by .000004848. (See Table of length of Arcs, page 130.) MENSURATION OF AREAS, LINES, AND SURFACES. 73 Fig. 24. c Example. — The number of degrees in an arc, oab, are 90, and the radius, o b, 5 inches ; what is the length of the arc? 180 : 90 :: 5 x 3.1416 : 7.854 inches, Ans. Ex. 2. The radius of an arc is 10, and the measure of its angle 44° 30' 30" ; what is the length of the arc 1 10 x. 01745329 = . 1745329, which x 44=7.679447£, the length for 44°. 10 x. 000290889 = .00290889, whichx 30 = .0872667, the length for 30 r . 10 x. 000004848 = .00004848, wMx 30 = .00 14544, the length for 30". Then, 7.67944761 .0872667 1=7.7681687, the length required. .0014544 J Or, reduce the minutes and seconds to the decimal of a degree, and multiply by it. See Rule, page 34. 30' 30 // =.5083, and .1745329 from above x 44.5083 = 7.768163. Ex. 3. The degrees in the arc of a circle are 90, and the diameter of the circle is 20 feet ; what is the length of the arc? Ans. 15.708. Ex. 4. The degrees in the arc of a circle are 32° 38' 42", and the radius of it is 25 inches ; what is the length of the arc % 32o 38' 42"=32.645 degrees. Ans. 14.2441 inches. Ex. 5. The degrees in the arc of a circle are 147° 21' 18", and the radius of its circle is 25 feet ; what is the length of the arc ? Ans. 64.2959 feet. D 74 MENSURATION OF AREAS, LINES, AND SURFACES. When the Chord of half the Arc and the Chord of the Arc are given. Rule. — From 8 times the chord, a b, of half the arc, Fig. 25, subtract the chord, a c, of the arc, and one third of the remainder will be the length nearly. k 8 c-c , Or, — - — , c representing the chord of half the arc, and c the chord of the arc. Fig. 25. b Example. — The chord of half the arc, a b, is 30 inches, and the chord of the arc 48 ; what is the length of the arc ? 30 x 8 = 240 = 8 times the chord of half the arc. 240-48 = 192, and 192-^-3=64 inches, Ans. Ex. 2. The chord of half the arc is 60 feet, and the chord of the arc 96 ; what is the length of the arc? Ans. 128 feet. Ex. 3. The chord of half the arc is 17.67765 feet, and the chord of the arc 25 ; what is the length of the arc ? Ans. 38.80706*/^. Ex. 4. The chord of half the arc is 3.8268 inches, and the chord of the arc 7.071 ; what is the length of the arc 1 ? Ans. 7.8478-f When the Chord of the Arc and the Versed Sine of the Arc are given. Rule. — Multiply the square root of the sum of the square of the chord, a c, Fig. 25, and four times the square of the * The exact length is 39.27 feet. + The exact length is 7.854 inches. MENSURATION OF AREAS, LINES, AND SURFACES. 75 versed sine, b r (equal to twice the chord of half the arc), by- ten times the square of the versed sine ; divide this product by the sum of fifteen times the square of the chord and thirty- three times the square of the versed sine ; then add this quo- tient to twice the chord, a b, of half the arc,* and the sum will be the length of the arc very nearly. v c +4u a Xl0u 2 Or, — — — — + \/c 2 +4: v 2 } c representing the chord, and v the LO C ~v OoV versed sine. To ascertain the Versed Sine when the Chord of Half the Arc and Chord of the Arc are given. Rule. — From the square of the chord, a b, of half the arc, sub- tract the square of half the chord of the arc a c (—a r 2 ), and the square root of the remainder is the versed sine (jb r). Or Vc' z — (c-r-'2,y = versed sine. To ascertain the Length of the Chord of Half the Arc. Rule 1. Divide the square root of the sum of the square of the chord of the arc and four times the square of the versed sine by two, and the result will be the length. . . Or, -\/c 2 -\-4: v 2 -r-2=chord of half the arc. Rule 2. From the sum of the squares of half the chord of the arc and the versed sine, take the square root, and the result will be the length. 7(i)v= Or,\J [-) -\-v 2 =zchord of half the arc. Rule 3. Multiply the diameter by the versed sine, and the square root of their product will be the length. Or, -\/dXv=chord of half the arc. To ascertain the Versed Sine when the Chord of Half the Arc and the Diameter are given. Rule. — Divide the square of the chord of half the arc by the diameter, and the quotient will be the versed sine. Or, (c' 2 -7-d)=zversed sine. * The square root of the sum of the square of the chord and four times the square of the versed sine is equal to twice the chord of half the arc. 76 MENSURATION OF AREAS, LINES, AND SURFACES. When the Chord of the Arc and the Diameter are given. Rule. — From the square of the diameter subtract the square of the chord and extract the square root of the remainder ; subtract this root from the diameter, and half the remainder is the versed sine. Or, r —versed sine. m When the Versed Sine is greater than a Semidiameter. Proceed as before, but add the square root of the remainder (of the squares of the diameter and chord) to the diameter, and half the sum is the versed sine. Or, ~ =versed sine. To ascertain the Diameter. Rule 1 . Divide the square of the chord of half the arc by the versed sine, and the result will be the diameter. c' 2 Or, — =diameter. v Rule 2. Add the square of half the chord of the arc to the square of the versed sine ; divide this sum by the versed sine, and the re- sult will give the diameter. (I)V Or, ^.diameter. v To ascertain the Chord of the Arc when the Chord of Half the Arc and the Versed Sine are given. Rule. — From the square of the chord of half the arc subtract the square of the versed sine, and twice the square root of the remainder will give the chord. Or, VV 2 — v 2 )X2— chord of the arc. Example. — The chord of half the arc is 60 inches, and the versed sine 36 ; what is the length of the chord of the arc 1 60 2 — 36 2 =2304, and -/2304 X 2=96, Ans. When the Diameter and Versed Sine are given. Rule. — Multiply the versed sine by 2, and subtract the product from the diameter ; then subtract the square of the remainder from MENSURATION OF AREAS, LINES, AND SURFACES. 77 the square of the diameter, and the square root of the remainder will give the chord. Or, V(oX2— dY— d 2 —c. If the diameter and chord of half the arc only are given, find the versed sine, as per rule, p. 75, then proceed as above. Example. — The diameter of a circle is 100 feet, and the versed sine of half the arc is 36 ; what is the length of the chord of the arc 1 36 X 2— 100=28, then 28 s — 100 2 =9216, and -^9216=96, Ans. Example. — The chord of an arc is 80 inches, and its versed sine 30 ; what is the length of the arc? 80 2 = 6400 —square of the chord. 30 2 = 900= square of the versed sine. -y/(6400-f-900x4) — 100 =zsquare root of the square of the chord and four times the square of the versed sine, which is, twice the chord of half the arc. Then, 100 x30 2 x 10 = 900000 —product of ten times the square of the versed sine and the root above obtained. 80 2 x 15 = 96000«^15 times the square of the chord. 30 2 x33 = 29700 = 33 times the square of the versed sine. 125700 . .100x30 2 xl0 900000 ,._ ___ l25700~ ^ 125700 ? ' ' or twice the chord of half the a? c = 107. 1599 feet. Ex. 2. The chord of an arc is 7.07107 inches, and the versed sine 1.46447 ; what is the length of the arc? 7.07 107 2 =50 —the square of the chord. 1.46447 2 x 4= 8.5787 =4 times the square of the versed sine. V '58.57 87 = 7. 6536 = twice the chord of half the arc. 1.46447 2 X 10 = 21.4467 = 10 times the square of the versed sine. 7.07l07 2 x 15 = 750. =15 times the square of the chord. 1.46447 2 X 33 = 70.7742 =33 times the square of the versed sine. 820.7742 Then > 7 ^S^P^ +7 - Q5d6=7 ' S53Q inches - 78 MENSURATION OF AREAS, LINES, AND SURFACES. ■ Ex. 3. The chord of an arc is 96 feet, and the versed sine 36 ; what is the. length of the arc? Ans. 128.5918 feet. Ex. 4. The chord of an arc is 40 inches, and the versed sine 15 ; what is the length of the arc? Ans. 53.58 inches. Ex. 5. The chord of an arc is 48 inches, and the versed sine 18 ; what is the length of the arc? Ans. 64.2959 inches. Ex. 6. The chord of an arc is 60 inches, and .its versed sine 10 ; what is the length of the arc? Ans. 64.3493 inches. Ex. 7. The versed sine of an arc is 2.5658, and the chord 31.6228 inches; what is the length of the arc? Ans. 32.1747 inches. Ex. 8. The chord of an arc is 7.071, the chord of half the arc is 3.8268, and the diameter of the circle 10 inches; what are the lengths of the versed sine and arc ? By Note, page 75. 3.8268 2 — 14.6444 =square of half the chord of the arc. 7.071^-2=3.5356, and 3.5356 2 = 12.5 ^square of half the chord of the arc. , Then, -^14.6444 — 12.5 = 1 AG ±4:= versed sine. Or, by preceding rule, page 75, 3.8268 2 14.6444 , AnAA — — — == — — — = 1Ao4:4:= versed sine. Length of arc by rule, p. 74, Example 2, p. 77, 7.8536 inches. Ex. 9. The chord of an arc is 96, and the versed sine 36 inches ; what is the chord of half the arc ? Ans. GO inches. Ex. 10. The chord of an arc is 70.7107, and the versed sine 14.6447 inches; what are the lengths of The arc? Ans. 78.54 inches. The chord of half the arc ? Ans. 38.268 " And the diameter of the circle? Ans. 100. " When the Diameter and Versed Sine are given. Eule — .Multiply twice the chord of half the arc, a b, Fig. 25, by 10 times the versed sine, b r; divide the product by 27 times the versed sine subtracted from 60 times the diam- MENSURATION OF AREAS, LINES, AND SURFACES. 79 eter, and add the quotient to twice the chord of half the arc ; the sum will be the length of the arc very nearly. c x 2 x 10 v Or, — —z (- 2c', d representing the diameter. Example. — The diameter of a circle is 100 feet, and the versed sine of the arc 25 ; what is the length of the arc 1 V25 x 100 =50= chord of half the arc. 50 x 2 x25xl0=25000 = fance the chord of half the arc by 10 times the versed sine. 100x60—25x27=5325 = 27 times the versed sine subtracted from 60 times the diameter. 25000 Then =4.6948, and 4.6948 + 50x2 = 104.6948 feet. Ex. 2-. The diameter of a circle is 10 inches, and the versed sine 1.46447 ; what is the length of the arc"? V 1.46447 X 10 = 3.8268=c/wrd of half the arc. 3.8268 x 2 xl0xl.46447 = 112.0847 = ^'ce the chord of half the arc by 10 times the versed sine. 10 x 60 — 1.46447 x 27=560.459 = 27 times the versed sine sub- tracted from 60 times the diameter. Then 112.0847 -f-560.459 = . 19998, and .19998 added to 3.8268 x 2 {twice the chord of half the arc) = 7.8536 inches. Ex. 3. The diameter of a circle is 10 inches, and the versed sine 1.46447 ; what is the length of the arc ? Ans. 7.854 inches. Ex. 4. The diameter of a circle is 41.66 feet, and the versed sine 15 ; what is the length of the arc? Ans. 53.5799 feet. Ex. 5. The diameter of a circle is 200 feet, and the versed sine of the arc 72 ; what is the length of the arc? Ans. 257.1837 feet. Ex. 6. The diameter of a circle is 80 feet, and the chord of half the arc is 16.018 ; what is the versed sine and what is the length of the arc ! Ans. Versed sine, 3.2072; Length of arc, 32.2539 feet. 80 MENSURATION OF AREAS, LINES, AND SURFACES. Centre of Gravity. Multiply the radius of the circle by the chord of the arc, and divide the product by the length of the arc ; the quotient is the distance of it from the centre of the circle. r x c Or, — — =zdista?ice from the centre of the circle. EXAMPLES UNDER THE SEVERAL RULES. 1. The degrees in the arc of a sector are 30° 38 / 42", and the radius of the circle 50 ; what is the length of the arc ? Ans. 26.7429. 2. The chord of an arc is 70.71067, and the chord of half the arc 38.268 ; what i&the length of the arc? Ans. 78.536. 3. The chord of an arc is 48, and the versed sine 18 ; what is the length of the arc? Ans. 64.2959. 4. The chord of an arc is 50, the radius 40, and the versed sine 8.775 ; what is the length of the arc ? Ans. 54.0096. *5. The diameter of a circle is 10, and the versed sine 5 ; what is the chord of the arc, the chord of half the arc; and the length of the arc ? f Chord of the arc, 10. Ans. -j Chord of half the arc, 7.07107. \ Length of the arc, 15.708. 6. The diameter of a circle is 100, and the chord of half the arc 60 ; what is the versed sine? Ans. 36. 7. The diameter of a circle is 100, and the chord of the arc 60 ; what is the versed sine, the chord of half the arc, and the length of the arc ? f Versed sine, 10. Ans.l Chord of half the arc, 31.6228. I Length of the arc, 64.3493. 8. The chord of an arc is 96, and the versed sine 36 ; what are the lengths of the chord of half the aro, the diameter, and the arc? ( Chord of half the arc, 60. Ans-i Diameter of the circle, 100. I Length of the arc, 128.5918. MENSURATION OP AREAS, LINES, AND SURFACES. 81 Proportions of the Circle, its Equal, Inscribed, and Circumscribed Squares. CIRCLE. 1. Diameter X.8862) .-, ^ , . , )™~ >■ = Side of an equal square. 2. Circumference X. 2821) ^ H * 3. Diameter X .7071" 4. Circumference x .2251 f = Side of the inscribed square. 5. Area X .9003, SQUARE. 6. A Side X 1.4142 ^Diameter of its circumscribing circle. 7. " x 4.443 = Circumference of its circumscribing circle. 8. " X 1.128 ^Diameter * - , . , °' it ' , y of an equal circle. 9. " X 3.545 = Circumference) * 10. Square inches X 1.273 = Round inches. Note. — The square described within a circle is one half the area of one described without it. Sector of a Circle. Definition. A part of a Circle bounded by an arc and two radii. To ascertain the Area of a Sector of a Circle when the Degrees in the Arc are given {Fig. 26). Kule. — As 360 is to the number of degrees in the sector, so is the area of the circle of which the sector is a part to the area of the sector. , •» Or, —area, d representing the degrees in the arc and a ooO the area of the circle. Fig. 26. b a sZ^Z. .7^T>s. c 82 MENSURATION OP AREAS, LINES, AND SURFACES. Example. — The radius of a circle, o a, is 5 inches, and the number oidegrees of the sector is 22° 30' ; what is the area? Area of a circle of 5 inches radius is 78.54 inches. Then, as 360° : 22° 30' : : 78.54 : 4.90875, Ans. Ex. 2. The degrees in the arc of a sector are 147° 21/ 18", and the area of the circle is 1963.5 feet; what is the area of the sector? To reduce 147° 21' 18" to a decimal. 21 18 60 # 60)1278 60 )213 .355 Then .355 + 147 = 147.355. Ans. 803.6987/*?*. Ex. 3. The degrees in the arc of a sector are 32° 38' 42", and the area of the circle is 1963.5 inches; what is the area of the sector? Ans. 178.0512 inches. Ex. 4. The degrees in the arc of a sector are 90°, and the area of the circle is 981.75 inches; what is the area of the sector? • Ans. 245.4375 inches. Ex. 5. The degrees in. the arc of a sector are 90°, the versed sine 1.46446 feet, and the chord of half the arc is 3.8268 ; what is its area ? 3.8268 2 = 14.6446, the square of the chord of half the arc. 14.6446 -r- 1.46446 = 10 = the square of the chord of half the arc -^-the versed sine, which is the diameter. 10 2 x .7854 = 78.54, the area of the whole circle. Then, as 360° : 90° :: 78.54 : 19.635 feet Note. — Divide the area by .7854, and the square root of the quotient is the diameter of the circle. Illustration. The area of a circle is 176.715 ; what is its diameter? 176.715-^.7854=225, and ^225 = 15, Ans. When the Length of the Arc, fyc, are given {Fig. 26). Rule. — Multiply the length of the arc, a c b, by half the length of the radius, a o, and the product is the area. MENSURATION OF AREAS, LINES, AND SURFACES. 83 T Or, ay,-— area, a representing the arc, and r the radius. z Example. — The length of the arc of a sector is 7.854 inches, and a radius of it is 5 ; what is its area ? 5 7.854x^ = 7.854x2.5 = 19.635 inches. Ex. 2. The length of the arc of a sector is 10.472 inches, and a radius 5 ; what is its area? Ans. 26.18 inches. Ex. 3. The length of the arc of a sector is 14.19 inches, the diameter of the circle being 100 ; what is its area ? Ans. 354.75 inches. Ex. 4. The radius of a circle is 25 feet, and the versed sine, b r, of the arc of a sector is 18 ; what is the area of the sector? By Eule, page 78, the length of the arc is 64.2959. Ans. 803.69875 feet. Note. — If the diameter or a radius is not given, see Rules, page 7G. Ex. 5. What is the area of a sector when the versed sine of its arc is 15, and the chord 40 inches'? 40-1-2 =400= square of half the chord of the arc. 15 2 = 225= square of the versed sine. l ien, - — ~- =41.666, the diameter, and — '- — =20.83 15 L the radius. 20.833 Length of arc by Mule, page 78, 53.58, and 53.58 x 23 558.116 inches. Ex. 6. The radius of a circle is 50 inches, and the versed sine of the arc of a sector of it is 25 ; what is its area ? Ans. 2617.37 inches. Ex. 7. The diameter of a circle is 100 feet, the versed sine of the arc of a sector is 36, and the chord of half the arc is 60 ; what is the area of the sector? Ans. 3214.795 feet. Ex. 8. The length of the arc of a sector is 104.6948 inches, the chord of the arc is 86.6024, and the versed sine of it is 25 ; what is the area of the sector ? Ans. 2617.37 inches. 84 MENSURATION OF AKEAS, LINES, AND SURFACES. Centre of Gravity. Multiply twice the chord of the arc by the radius of the sector, and divide their product by three times the length of the arc ; the quotient is the distance from the centre of the circle. 2 c r Or, ———^distance from centre of circle ; r representing radi- us, and I the length of the arc. Example. — Where is the centre of gravity of the sector given in example 5 ? 40 X 2 = 80 = twice the chord of the arc. 80 x 20.833 = 1666. 64 =product of twice the chord and the radius. 53.58x3 = 160.74=^ree times the length of the arc. Then, 1666.64—160.74= 10.369, the distance from the centre of the circle. Segment of a Circle. Definition. A part of a circle hounded by an arc and a chord. To ascertain the Area of a Segment of a Circle, Fig. 27, when the Chord and Versed Sine of the Arc, and Radius or Diam- eter of the Circle are given. When the Segment is less than a Semicircle, as ab c, Fig. 27. Rule. — Find the area of the sector having the same arc as the segment ; then find the area of the triangle formed by the chord of the segment and the radii of the sector, and the dif- ference of these areas will be the area required. Note. — Subtract the versed sine from the radius; multiply the re- mainder by one half of the chord of the arc, and the product will be the area of the triangle. Or, a— a' —area of segment; a representing area of the sector, and a' the area of the triangle. When the Segment is greater than a Semicircle, as a e c, Fig. 27. Rule. — Find, by the preceding rule, the area of the lesser portion of the circle, a b c ; subtract it from the area of the whole circle, and the remainder is the area required. MENSURATION OF AREAS, LINES, AND SURFACES. 85 Or, c—c'=area of segment; c representing area of circle, and c' area of the lesser portion. (See Table of Areas, page 134.) Fig. 27. b Example. — The chord, a c, Fig. 27, is 14.142, the diameter, b e, is 20, and the versed sine, b d, is 2.929 inches ; what is the area of the segment ? 14.142 By Rule, page 75, — - — = 7.071 = half the chord of the arc. m V7.071 2 +2.929 2 =7.654 = ^e square root of the sum of the squares of half the chord of the arc and versed sine, which is the chord a b of half the arc a b c. By Rule, page 78. 7.654 x 2 x 10 x 2.929 = 448.371 = twice the chord of half the arc by 10 times the versed sine. 20 x 60 — 2.929 X 27 = 1120.917 = 00 times the diameter sub- tracted from 27 times the versed sine. Then, 448.37 1-r- 1120,917 =.400, and .400 added to 7.654x2 {twice the chord of half the arc) = 15.708 inches, the length of the arc. By Rule, p. 82, 15.708 x —= 78.54 = the arc multi- plied by half the length of radius, which is the area of the sector. 10 — 2.929 = 7.071 = ^6 versed sine subtracted from a radius, 14.142 which is the height of the triangle a o c, and 7.071 x — ~ — = 50 = araz of the triangle. Consequently, 78.54—50 = 28.54 inches. 86 MENSURATION OF AREAS, LINES, AND SURFACES. Ex. 2. The chord of the arc of a segment is 86.6024, the versed sine 25, and the radius 50 feet; what is the area of the segment ? Ans. 1534.84: feet. Ex. 3. The chord of the arc of a segment is 28 feet, the diameter of the circle 100, and the versed sine of the arc 2 ; what is the area of the segment? Ans. 37.4852 feet. Ex. 4. The diameter of a circle is 50 feet, the chord of the arc of a segment of it is 30, and its versed sine 5 ; what is the length of the arc, and what the area of the segment ? Ans. Arc, 32.17 46 feet; Segment, 102.183 feet. Ex. 5. The chord of a segment is 56 inches, its versed sine 4, and the radius of the circle 200 inches ; what is its area 1 ?* Ans. 149.941 inches. When the Chords of the Arc, and of the half of the Arc, and the Versed Sine are given. Rule. — To the chord, a c, of the whole arc, add the chord, a b, of half the arc and one third of it more ; multiply this sum by the versed sine, b d, and this product, multiplied by .40426, will give the area nearly. c ' Or, c-\-c -\-— xv x .40426= a?*ea nearly, o Example. — The chord of a segment is 28 feet, the chord of half the arc is 15, and the versed sine 6 ; what is the area of the segment ? 28 + 15-j- — =4:8 = the chord of the arc added to the chord of o half the arc and ^ of it more. 48 x 6 = 288— product of above sum and the versed sine. Then, 288 x .40426 = 116.427 feet, the area required. Ex. 2. The chord of a segment is 40 feet, its versed sine 10, and the chord of half the arc is 22.36 ; what is its area? Ans. 282.226 feet. Ex. 3. What is the area of a segment, its half chord being 14, the chord of half its arc 14.142, and its versed sine 2 yards? Ans. 37.884 yards. MENSURATION OF AREAS, LINES, AND SURFACES. 87 Ex. 4. The chord of a segment is 150 feet, the chord of half the arc is 106.066, and the versed sine 75 ; what is the area? Ans. 8835.739 feet* When the Chord of the Arc (or Segment) and the Versed Sine only are given. Rule. — Find the chord of half the arc, and proceed as be- fore. Example. — The chord of the arc of a segment is 28 yards, and its versed sine 2 ; what is the length of the chord of half the arc, and what the area of the segment in feet ? 28 —=14, and 14 2 -f-2 2 =200=swm of square of half the chord and the versed sine. y200 = 14. 142 13 =square root of preceding sum = chord of half the arc. Area of segment 113.6525 feet. Ex. 2. The chord of a segment is 48 inches, its versed sine 32, and the diameter of the circle 50 ; what is its area? The versed sine being greater than half the diameter, the segment is consequently greater than a semicircle. Area of circle, 50 2 x .7854=1963.5 Area of lesser portion, versed sine 18.= 640.3478 Ans. 1323.1522 inches. Ex. 3. The chord of an arc is 86.6024, and its versed sine 25 feet ; what is the area of the segment in feet and inches? Ans. 1549 feet, .156 inches. Centre of Gravity. Divide the cube of the chord of the seg- ment by twelve times the area, and the quotient is the distance from the centre of the circle. c 3 Or, — — — d, when c represents the chord of the segment, a the area, and d the distance from the centre of the circle. Example. — The chord of a segment is 14.14213, its radius 10, and its area 28.53 ; where is its centre of gravity? * The exact area is 8835.729. 88 MENSURATION OF AREAS, LINES, AND SURFACES. 14.14213 3 = 2828.426 = cwfo of the chord. 28.53 x 12 = 342.36 = 12 times the area. Then, 2828.426 -4- 342. 36 =8.261 from the centre of the circle, and 10 — 8. 26 1 = 1.7 39 from the base of the segment. Sphere. Definition. A figure, the surface of which is at a uniform distance from the centre. To ascertain the Convex Surface of a Sphere (Fig. 28). Fig. 28. c Rule. — Multiply the diameter, a b, by the circumference, abed, and the product will give the surface required. Or, dxc= surf ace, d representing diameter, and c the circum- ference. Or, 4 p r 2 =surface* Or, p d 2 — surface. Example. — What is the surface of a sphere of 10 inches diameter u ? 10x31.416 = 314.16 inches. Ex. 2. The diameter of a sphere is 17 inches; what is the surface of it in feet? Ans. 6.305 square feet. Ex. 3. If the circumference of a sphere is 50.2656 inches, what is its surface in feet? Ans. 5. 585 feet. Centre of Gravity. Is in its geometrical centre. * p or 7T represents in this, and in all cases where it is used, the ra- tio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter, or 3.1416. f MENSURATION OF AREAS, LINES, AND SURFACES. 89 Segment of a Sphere. Definition. A section of a sphere. To ascertain the Surface of a Segment of a Sphere, Fig. 29. Rule. — Multiply the height, b o, by the circumference of the sphere, and the product, added to the area of the base, a o c, is the surface required. Or, hxc-\-b=z surf ace, when h represents the height, c the cir- cumference of the sphere, and b area of base. Or, 2prh=zconvex surface alone. Fig. 29. b Example. — The height, b o, of a segment, a be, is 36 inches, and the diameter, b e, of the sphere, 100 ; what is the convex surface, and what the whole surface % 36 x 100 x 3.1416 = 11309.76 —height of segment multiplied by the circumference of the sphere. Then, to ascertain the area of the base. The diameter and versed sine being given ; the diameter of the base of the segment, being equal to the chord of the arc, is, by rule, page 76, 36x2-100=28. V28 2 -100 2 = 96. 96 2 x. 7854 = 7238.2464 ^convex surface, and 7238.2464 + 11309.76 = 18548.0064 —convex surface added to area of base^the whole surface. Note. — When the convex surface of a figure alone is required, the area or areas of the base or ends must be omitted. 90 MENSURATION OF AREAS, LINES, AND SURFACES. Ex. 2. The height of a segment is 10, and the diameter of the sphere 100 feet ; what is the surface"? Ans. 5969.04 feet. Ex. 3. The diameter of a sphere is 200 inches, and the height of a segment of it is 1 foot 8 inches ; what is its surface in feet ! Ans. 162.4733 feet. When the diameter of the Base of the Segment and the Height of it are alone given. Rule. — Add the square of half the diameter of the base to the square of the height ; divide this sum by the height, and the result will give the diameter of the sphere. 2 Or, d -^-2 -{-h 2 -i-h— diameter. Example. — The semi-diameter of the base of a segment of a sphere is 48 feet, and the height of it is 36 ; what is the surface of the segment in square yards I Ans. 2060.8896 yards. Centre of Gravity of Convex Surface. At the middle of its height. Spherical Zone {or Frustrum of a Sphere). Definition. The part of a sphere included between two paral- lel chords. To ascertain the Surface of a Spherical Zone, Fig. 30. Fig. 30, * \ \ Rule. — Multiply the height, c g, by the circumference of the sphere, and the product added to the area of the two ends is the surface required. Or, h x c -f a -f a' = surface. Or, 2 p x r x'h— convex surface. MENSURATION OF AREAS, LINES, AND SURFACES. 91 Example. — The diameter of a sphere, a b, from which a segment is cut, is 25 inches, and the height of it, c g, is 8 ; what is its convex surface? 25x3.1416x8 = 628.32 = height x circumference of sphere = convex surface. Ex. 2. The height of a zone is 36 inches, and the radius of the sphere is 50 inches ; what is its convex surface ? Ans. 11309.76 inches. When the Diameter of the Sphere is not given. Multiply the mean length of the two chords by half their difference, divide this product by the breadth of the zone, and to the quotient add the breadth. To the square of this sum add the square of the lesser chord, and the square root of their sum will be the diameter of the circle. Ex. 3. The greater and lesser chords of a segment of a sphere are 96 and 60, and the height of the segment is 26 ; what is its convex surface and what its surface j Convex surface, 8168.160") \ Surface, ' 18233.846 j Centre of Gravity. At the middle of its height. Spheroids or Ellipsoids. Definition. Figures generated by the revolution of a semi- ellipse about one of its diameters. When the revolution is about the transverse diameter they are Prolate, and when it is about the conjugate they are Oblate. To ascertain the Surface' of a Spheroid {Fig. 31). When the Spheroid is Prolate. Rule. — Square the diameters, a b and c d, and multiply the square root of half their sum by 3.1416, and this product by the conjugate diameter. a" 2 4- d" 2. Or, -202S-area of trapezoid. To ascertain the Area of the Segments. It is necessary, first, to ascertain the chord of their arcs ; second, the versed sine of their arcs. To ascertain the Chord. The breadth of the zone is the perpendic- ular, a e, of the triangle, of which either chord, a b, c d, is the hypothe- nuse. Further, half the difference of the chords a c and b d of the zone is the length of the base, b e, of this triangle. Hence, having the base and the perpendicular, the hypothenuse or chord of the arc of the segment is readily found. Thus, 2Q=breadtk of the zone or perpendicular of triangle. — =18 = length of base of triangles. Then, 18 , + 26 2 = 1000, and V 1000 =31. 6223 = chord of arc of segments a b, c d. To ascertain the Versed Sine. From the square of the radius subtract the square of half the chord, and the square root of the remainder sub- tracted from the radius is the versed sine. Thus, 100-^-2=50, and 50 2 = 2500= square of radius. 31.0228-^2 = 15.8114, and 15.8114 2 =250=sgware of half the chord. 2500-250=2250, and V 2250=47.4342 =square root of the difference of the squares of the radius and half the chord. Then, 50-47.4342 = 2. 5658 = versed sine. Having obtained the chord of the arcs (31.6228), their versed sines (2.5658), and the diameter of the circle (100), then, by rule, page 75, VlOOx 2.5658 = 16.0181 =chord of half the arc. And by rule, page 78, to ascertain the length of an arc, MENSURATION OF AREAS, LINES, AND SURFACES. 97 16.0181 x 2 x 10 x 2.5658=821.9848=ta;ice the chord of half the arc by 10 times the versed sine. 100 x 60 — 2.5658 x 27=5830.7234 = 27 times the versed sine subtracted from 60 times the diameter. 821.984:8+5930.7234: = .l385=quotientofaboveproductand remainder, and .1385 + 32.0362 (16.0181 x 2) =32.1747 = length of the arc. 32. 1747x50 Tl — 804.3675 =the product of the length of the arc and half the radius of the circle =area of sector. And 804.3675- 31 - 6228 ^ 47 - 4342 =54.3664=amz ofthetri- angle subtracted from the area of the sector— area of each seg- ment. 54.3564x2 = 108.7 328= area of segments. Area of trapezoid = 2028. 2136.7328 —area of zone. Ex. 2. The greater chord is 24, the lesser 15, and the breadth of the zone 6.5 inches ; what is its area ? (Length of arc 8.0437.) Ans. 133.5467 inches. Ex. 3. The lesser chord is 96, the greater 100, and the breadth of the zone 14 inches ; what is the area of it % (Length of arc 14.189.) Ans. 1381.4851 inches. Ex. 4. The chords of a zone are 96 inches, and its height 28 ; what is its area 1 (Length of arc 28.379.) Ans. 2762.95 inches. Centre of Gravity. Find the centres of gravity of the trap- ezoid and the segments comprising the zone; draw a line (equally dividing the zone) perpendicular to the chords ; con- nect the two centres of the segments by a line cutting the per- pendicular to the chords ; then will the centre of gravity of the figure be on the perpendicular, toward the lesser chord, at such proportionate distance of the difference between the centres of gravity of the trapezoid and line connecting the cen- tres of the segments as the area of the two segments bears to the area of the trapezoid. E 98 MENSURATION OF AREAS, LINES, AND SURFACES. Cylinder. Definition. A figure formed by the revolution of a right- angled parallelogram around one of its sides. To ascertain tlie Surface of a Cylinder {Fig. 37). Eule. — Multiply the length, a b, by the circumference, and the product added to the area of the two ends will be the sur- face required. Or, lxc-\-2 a=zs, where a represents area of end. Note. — "When the internal surface alone is wanted, the areas of the ends are to be omitted. Fig, 37. Example. — The diameter of a cylinder, b c, is 30 inches, and its length, a b, 50 inches ; what is its surface? 30 x 3.1416 = 94.2480 inches = circumference. 94.248 x50=4712A=area of body. And 30 2 x- 7854 = 706.86 = area of one end. 706.86 X 2 = 1413.72 =amz of both ends. Then, 4712.4 + 1413.72 = 6126.12=swr/ace required. Ex. 2. The diameter of a cylinder is 100 inches, and its length 12 feet; what is its surface*? Ans. 423.243 feet. Ex. 3. The diameter of a hollow cylinder is 36 inches, and its length 10 feet; what is its internal surface? Ans. 94.248 feet. Centre of Gravity. Is in its geometrical centre. MENSURATION OF AREAS, LINES, AND SURFACES. 99 Prisms. Definition. Figures the sides of which are parallelograms, and the ends equal and parallel. Note. — When the ends are triangles, they are called triangular prisms; when they are square, they are called square or right prisms ; when they are pentagons, pentagonal prisms, &c, &c. To ascertain the Surface of a Prism (Figs. 38 and 39). Kule. — Find the areas of the ends and sides as by the rules for the mensuration of squares, triangles, &c., and add them together ; the sum will be the surface of the figure. Or, 2 a-{-a / —s, where a represents the area of the ends, and a / the area of the sides. Fig 38. a b Fig. 39. b Example. — The side a b, Fig. 38, of a square prism is 12 inches, and the length, b c, 30; what is the surface % 12 x 12 = 144=area of one end. 144 x 2 = 288 —area of both ends. 12 x 30 — 360 —area of one side. 360x4=1440=araz of four sydes. Then, 2884-1440 = 1728 inches, the surface required. Ex. 2. What is the surface of a triangular prism, the sides ab,bc, and c a, Fig. 39, being each 12 inches, and the length, c d, 30 inches'? 12-^2 = 6, and VQ 2 — 12 2 = 10. 3923= width of prism. Hence, 10.3923 x 1 2 -j- 2 = 62.3538^= area of each end. 100 MENSURATION OF AREAS, LINES, AND SURFACES. 12 x 30 = 360= area of one side. 62.3538 x 2 = 124.7076 —area of ends, Then, 360 x 3 = 1080 = area of sides, and 124.7076 + 1080=1204.7076 inches— surface required. Ex. 3. What is the surface of a rhomboidal prism, the depth of it being 5 feet 9 inches, the width 7 feet, and the length 10 feet? Ans. A02.5 feet. Centre of Gravity. When the ends are parallelograms, it is in their geometrical centre. When the ends are triangles, trapeziums, etc., it is in the mid- dle of their length at the same distance from the base as that of the triangle or trapezoid which is a section of them. Wedge. Definition. A wedge is a prolate triangular prism, and its surface is found by the rule for that of a right prism. Fig. 40. e b c Example. — The back of a wedge, abed, Fig. 40, is 20 by 2 inches, and its end, ef, 20 by 2 inches ; what is its surface? 2 20 2 +2-f- 1 —401 =sum of the squares of half the base, a f, and the height, ef, of the triangle, efa. y^401 = 20.025 —square root of above sum = length of e a. Then, 20.025 x 20 x 2=801 —area of sides. And 20 x 2=4,0— area of bach, and 20x2-4-2 x 2=40=area of ends. Hence, 8014-40 + 40 = 881= surface required. Centre of Gravity. See rule for prisms. MENSURATION OF AREAS, LINES, AND SURFACES. 101 Prismoids. Definition. Figures alike to a prism, but having only one pair of thdr sides parallel. To ascertain the Surface of a Prismoid {Fig. 41). Rule. — Find the area of the ends and sides as by the rules for squares, triangles, &c., and add them together. Fig. 41. a b g h Example. — The ends of a prismoid, efgh and abed, Fig. 41, are 10 and 8 inches square, and its slant height 25 ; what is its surface ? 10 x 10 = 100=arai of base. 8 x 8 = 64 = area of top. — i-x25 = 225, and 225 x4=1000=ara* of sides. It Then, 100 + 64 + 1000= \\^— surface required. Ex. 2. The ends of a prismoid are 15 and 12 inches square, and its slant height 40 ; what is its surface % Ans. 2529 inches. . Ex. 3. The ends of a prismoid are 12x16 and 14x18 inches, and its vertical height is 33 ; what is its surface % Ans. 2424 inches. Centre of Gravity. Is at the same distance from its base as that of the trapezoid or trapezium which is a section of it. 102 MENSURATION OF AREAS, LINES, AND SURFACES. Ungulas. Definition. Cylindrical ungulas are frustrums of cylinders. Conical ungulas* are frustrums of cones. To ascertain the Curved Surface of an Ungula, Figs. 42, 43, 44, 45, and 46. 1. When the Section is parallel to the Axis of the Cylinder, Fig. 42. Rule. — Multiply the length, a b c, of the arc line of one end by the height, b d, and the product will be the curved surface required. Or, cxh=zs, where c represents length of arc line. Fig. 42. a Example. — The diameter of a cylinder from which an un- gula is cut is 10 inches, its length 50, and the versed sine or depth of the ungula is 5 inches ; what is the curved surface of it? 10-4-2=5 = radius of cylinder. Hence the radius and versed sine are equal; the arc line, therefore, of the ungula is one half the circumference of the cylinder, which w 31.416-^2 = 15.708, v and 15.708x50=785.400 inches. • Ex. 2. The base line of the section of a cylindrical ungula is 48 inches, the height or versed sine of the arc is 20, and * For mensuration of conical ungulas, see Conic Sections, p. 253. MENSURATION OF AREAS, LINES, AND SURFACES. 103 the length of the ungula is 20.5 feet ; what is its curved sur- face? Ans. 109.8388 feet. 2. When the Section passes obliquely through the opposite Sides of the Cylinder, Fig. 43. Rule. — Multiply the circumference of the base of the cylin- der by half the sum of the greatest and least heights, d b and e a, of the ungula, and the product will give the curved surface required. Fig. 43. Example. — The diameter of a cylindrical ungula is 10 inches, and the greater and less heights are 25 and 15 inches ; what is its surface ? 10 diameter = 31.416 circumference. 25 + 15=40, and 40-=- 2 = 20. Hence, 31.416 x 20=62.8320 inches. Ex. 2. The circumference of an ungula is 60.75 inches, and the mean height of it 13 feet ; what is its surface? Ans. 65.8125 feet. 3. When the Section passes through the Base of the Cylinder and one of its Sides, and the Versed Sine does not exceed the Sine, Fig. 44. Rule. — Multiply the sine, a d, of half the arc, d g, of the base, d g f, by the diameter, e g, of the cylinder, and from this product subtract the product* of the arc and cosine, a o. Mul- * When the cosine is 0, this product is 0. 104 MENSURATION OF AREAS, LINES, AND SURFACES. tiply the difference thus found by the quotient of the height, g c, divided by the versed sine, a g, and the product will be the curved surface required. Fig. 44. Example. — The sine, a d, of half the arc of the base of an ungula is 5, the diameter of the cylinder is 10, and the height of the ungula 10 inches ; what is the curved surface ? 5 x 10 = 50= sine of half the arc hy the diameter. Length of arc, the versed sine and radius being equal, under ride, page 78 = 15.708. Again, as the versed sine and the radius are equal, the cosine is 0. Hence, when the cosine is 0, the product is 0. 50 — = 50 = the difference of the product before obtained and the product of t/ie arc and the cosine. 50xlO-f-5 = 50x2 = 100=*Ae difference multiplied by the height divided by the versed sine, which is the surface required. Ex. 2. The sine of half the arc of the base of an ungula is 12 inches, the versed sine is 9, the diameter of the cylinder is 25, and the height of the ungula is 18 ; what is its curved surface l ? 12 x 25 = 300 =product of sine and diameter. Arc of base of ungula, by rule, p. 77, the versed sine being 9, is 32*14795. Then, 32.14795 x 12.5-9 = 112.51782, and 300-112.51782 = 187.48218,- which, multiplied by 18-f-9 = 374,96436 inches. MENSURATION OF AREAS, LINES, AND SURFACES. 105 4. When the Section passes through the Base of the Cylinder, and the Versed Sine exceeds the Sine, a g, Fig. 45. Rule. — Multiply the sine of half the arc of the base by the diameter of the cylinder, and to this product add the product of the arc and the excess of the versed sine over the sine of the base. Multiply the sum thus found by the quotient of the height divided by the versed sine, and the product will be the curved surface required. Fig. 45. /"" "\ i 1 Example. — The sine, a d, of half the arc of an ungula is 12 inches, the versed sine, a g, is 16, the height, eg, 16, and the diameter of the cylinder 25 inches ; what is the curved surface ? 12 x2o=30Q=sine of half the arc by the diameter of the cyl- inder. Length of arc of base, by rule, p. 74:=a?v of d b f— circumfer- ence of base— 46.392. Then 46.392 x 16 — 12.5 = 162.372 ^product of arc and the ex- cess of the versed sine over the sine. 300-|-162.372=462.372 = *Ae sum of the above products. 16 -i-16 = l= quotient of height divided by the versed sine. 462.372x1 = 462.372 inches=the sum of the products and the height divided by the versed sine = the curved surface required. E2 106 MENSURATION OF AREAS, LINES, AND SURFACES. Ex. 2. The sine of half the arc of the base of an ungula is 0, the diameter of the cylinder- is 10 inches, and the height of the ungula is 20 inches; what is its curved surface? Note. — The sine of the arc being 0, the versed sine is equal to the diameter (10), and the sine of the base is 10-^2=5. 0x 10 = = product of sine of half the arc and diameter of the cylinder. 0-f(31.416 {length of arc) x 10oo5)= 157.08 — the sum of the product above obtained and the product of the arc and the ex- cess of the versed sine over the sine. 157.08 x 20-r-10=314.16 = ^e above sumxthe height-i-the versed sine=the result required. 5. When the Section passes obliquely through both Ends of the Cylinder, abed. Fig. 46. Rule. — Conceive the section to be continued till it meets the side of the cylinder produced ; then, as the difference of the versed sines of the arcs of the two ends of the ungula is to the versed sine of the arc of the less end, so is the height of the cylinder to the part of the side produced. Find the surface of each of the ungulas thus found by the rules 3 and 4, and their difference will be the curved surface required. Fig.M. k Example. — The versed sines a e, d o, and sines i Tc, g r, of MENSURATION OP AREAS, LINES, AND SURFACES. 107 the arcs of the two ends of an ungula, Fig. 46, are respectively 5 and 2.5, and 5.and 4.25 ; the height of the ungula within the cylinder, cut from one having 10 inches diameter, is 5 inches ; what is the height of the ungula produced beyond the cylinder? 5cv>2.5 = 2.5, and 2.5 : 2.5 :: 5 : 5= height of ungula produced beyond the cylinder, Ex. 2. The versed sines of the base and arc of an ungula cut from a cylinder of 6 inches diameter are 6 and 2 inches, and its height within the cylinder is 4 inches ; what is the distance it extends above or beyond the cylinder ! Ans. 2 inches. Lune. Definition. The space between the intersecting" arcs of two eccentric circles. To ascertain the Area of a Lune, Fig. 47. Kule. — Find the areas of the two segments from which the lune is formed, and their difference will be the area required. Or, s—s'=a, wlien s and s / represents the areas of the segments. Fig. 47. d Example. — The length of the chord a c is 20, the height e d is 3, and e b 2 inches ; what is the area of the lune ? By Rule 2, p. 76, the diameters of the circles of which the lune is formed are thus found: lor ad c, ^ —=25. 5 10 2 +2 2 ffo For a e c, - — 52. 108 MENSURATION OF AREAS, LINES, AND SURFACES. Then, by rule for the areas of segments of a circle, page 87, the area of a d c is 70.5577 in. . " a e c 27.1638 in. their difference 43.3939 in., the area of the lune required. Ex. 2. The chord of a lune is 40, and the heights of the segments 10 and 4 inches; what is its content? Ans. 173.5752 inches. ' Ex. 3. The chord of a lune is 6 feet 8 inches, and the heights of the arcs 1.666 feet and 8 inches; what is its area? Ans. 694.2996 inches. Ex. 4. The chord of a lune is 86.6024 inches, and the heights of the segments 25 and 15 inches; what is its area? Ans. 653.3551. Centre of Gravity. On a line connecting the centres of gravity of the two arcs at a point proportionate to the respect- ive areas of the arcs. Note. — If semicircles be described on the three sides of a right- angled triangle as diameters, two lunes will be formed, and their united areas will be equal to that of the triangle. Cycloid. Definition. A curve generated by the revolution of a circle on a plane. To ascertain the Area of a Cycloid, Fig. 48. Rule. — Multiply the area of the generating circle a b c by 3, and the product will give the area required. Or, a x^— area. Fig. 48. MENSURATION OP AREAS, LINES, AND SURFACES. 109 Example. — The generating circle of a cycloid has an area of 115.45 inches ; what is the area of the cycloid 1 ? 115.45 x 3 = 346.35 inches. Ex. 2. The area of a circle describing a cycloid is 1.625 feet; what is the area of the cycloid in inches? Ans. 702 inches. Ex. 3. The diameter of a circle describing a cycloid is 66.5 feet ; what is the area of the cyloid in inches ? Ans. 1500434.064 inches. To ascertain the Length of a Cycloidal Curve, Fig. 48. Rule. — Multiply the diameter of the generating circle by 4, and the product will give the length of the curve. Or, d x 4 = length of curve. Example. — The diameter of the generating circle of a cy- cloid, Fig. 48, is 8 inches ; what is the length of the curve dsc? 8 x 4= 32 '= product of diameter and 4 = the length required. Ex. 2. The diameter of the generating circle is 20 inches ; what is the length of the cycloidal curve % Ans. 80 inches. Centre of Gravity. At a distance from the centre, n, of the chord, d c, of the curve d s c— -| of the radius of the gen- erating circle. Note. — The curve of a cycloid is the line of swiftest descent ; that is, a body will fall through the arc of this curve, from one point to another, in less time than through any other path. RINGS. Circular Rings. Definition. The space betiveen two concentric circles. To ascertain the Sectional Area of a Circular Ring, Fig. 49. Rule. — From the area of the greater circle, a b, subtract that of the less, c d, and the difference will be the area of the ring. Or, a— a' =: area. 110 MENSURATION OF AREAS, LINES, AND SURFACES. Fig. 49. Example. — The diameters of the circles forming a ring are each 10 and.,15 inches ; what is the area of the ring? Area of 15 = 176.7146 " 10= 78.5400 98.1746 inches. Ex. 2. The diameters of a circular ring are 10.75 and 18.25 inches; what is its area? Ans. 171.82 inches. Centre of Gravity. Is in its geometrical centre. Definition. Cylindrical Rings. A ring formed by the curvature of a cylinder. To ascertain the Convex Surface of a Cylindrical Hing, Fig. 50. Kule. — To the thickness of the ring, a b, add the inner diameter, be; multiply this sum by the thickness and the product, by 9.8696, and it will give the surface required. Or, d+d' xdx9.S696=surface. Fig. 50. Example. — The thickness of a cylindrical ring, a b, is 2 inches, and the inner diameter, b c, is 18 ; what is the surface of it? MENSURATION OF AREAS, LINES, AND SURFACES. Ill 2 + 18 — 20 = thickness of ring added to the inner diameter. 20X 2 X 9. 8696 = 394.784 = Z/*e sum above obtained X the thick- ness of the ring, and that product by 9.8696, the result re- quired. Ex. 2. The thickness of a ring of metal of 20 inches diam- eter (internal) is 2 inches ; what is the surface of it 1 Ans. 434.2624 inches. Link. Definition. An elongated ring. To ascertain the Convex Surface of a Link, Figures 51. Rule. — Multiply the circumference of a section of the body, a b, of the link by the length of its. axis, and the product .will give the surface required. Or, c x l=swface. Note. — To ascertain the Circumference or Length of the Axes. When the Ring is elongated. To the less diameter add its thickness, multiply the sum by 3.1416 ; multiply the difference of the diameters by 2, and the sum of these products will give the result required. When the Ring is elliptical. Square the diameters of the axes of the ring, and multiply the square root of half their sum by 3.141G; the product will give the length of the body of the ring. Figs. 51. Example. — The link of a chain is 1 inch in diameter of body, a b, and its inner diameters, b c and ef, are 12.5 and 2.5 inches ; what is its circumference. 2.5 + 1 x3.14 16 — 10.995Q = length of axis of ends. 12.5 — 2.5x2x2 = 15 = length of sides of body. Then, 10.9956 + 15 = 25.9956 = length of axis of link, which, X 3.1416 (cir. of 1 in.) ^ 1.6678 inches. Centres of Gravity. Are in their geometrical centres. 112 MENSURATION OP AREAS, LINES, AND SURFACES. Cones. Definition. A figure described by the revolution of a right- angled triangle about one of its legs. For Sections of a Cone, see Conic Sections, page 228. To ascertain the Surface of a Cone, Fig. 52. Kule. — Multiply the perimeter, or circumference of the base, by the slant height, or side of the cone, and half the product added to the area of the base will be the surface. Or, — — - —surface. Fig. 52. „ Example. — The diameter, a b, of the base of a cone is 3 feet, and the slant height, a c, 15 ; what is the surface of the cone ? Perimeter of 3 fcet= 9.4248, and 9 ' 424 ^ X 15 ^70.686- m surface of side of cone. Area of 3 feet=7. 068, and 70.686 +7.068 = 77.754 ^surface required. Ex. 2. The diameter of the base of a cone is 6.25 inches, and the slant height 18.75 ; what is the surface of it? Ans. 214.757 inches. Ex. 3. The diameter of the base of a cone is 20 inches, and the slant height 14.142 ; what is the surface of the cone? Ans. 758.445 inches. MENSURATION OF AREAS, LINES, AND SURFACES. 113 To ascertain the Surface of the Frustrum of a Cone, Fig. 53. Rule. — Multiply the sura of the perimeters of. the two ends by the slant height of the frustrum, and half the product add- ed to the areas of the two ends will be the surface required. _ p+p'xh . . , , Or, - — ~ \-a-\-a — surface. & Fig. 53. Example. — The frustrum, abed, Fig. 53, has a slant height of 26 inches, and the circumferences of its ends are 15.7 and 22. inches respectively; what is its surface? 15.7 + 22. x 26^-2— 490. 1 =su?face of sides. (i*7\2 /22\ 2 HiTe) *- 7854 +(04l6) X .7854=58.12=™/^, Then, 490.1 + 58.12 = 548.22 ^surface. Ex. 2. What is the surface of the frustrum of a cone, the diameters, of the ends, a c and b d, being 4 and 8 feet, and the length of the slant sides 20 feet ! Ans. 439.824 feet. Ex. 3. What is the surface of the frustrum of a cone, the diameter of the ends being 6.66 and 10 feet, and the length of the slant side 3.73 feet ? Ans. 210.989. Centres of Gravity. Cone or Frustrum. — At the same dis- tance from the base as in that of the triangle or parallelo- gram, which is a right section of them. 114 MENSURATION OF AREAS, LINES, AND SURFACES. Pyramids. Definition. A figure, the base of which has three or more sides, and the sides of which are plane triangles. To ascertain the Surface of a Pyramid, Fig. 54. Eule. — Multiply the perimeter of the base by the slant height, and half the product added to the area of the base will be the surface. r\ P xh i * Or, — - — \- a— surface. Fig. 55. be b Example. — The side of a quadrangular pyramid, a b, Fig. 54, is 12 inches, and its slant height, c e, 40 ; what is its surface? 12x4=48 48x40 perimeter of base. 960 =" area of sides. Then 12 X 12 + 960 = 1104=swr/ace. Ex. 2. The sides of a hexagonal pyramid are 12.5 inches, and its slant height 62.5 ; what is its surface? Ans. 2749.703 inches. Ex. 3. The sides, a b, b c, of an oblong quadrangular pyr- amid, Fig. 55, are 15 and 17.5 inches, and its slant height, d e, 36 ; what is its surface? Ans. 1432.5 inches. Ex. 4. The sides of an octagonal pyramid are 4 feet 2 inches, and its slant height 6 feet 9 inches ; what is its sur- face? Ans. 196.326 square feet. MENSURATION OF AREAS, LINES, AND SURFACES. 115 Ex. 5. What is the surface of a pentagonal pyramid, its slant height being 12 feet, and each side of its base 2 feet? Ans. 66.882. To ascertain the Surface of the Frustrum of a Pyramid, Fig. 56. Rule. — Multiply the sum of the perimeters of the two ends by the slant height or side, and half the product added to the area of the ends will be the surface. _ p+p'xh , „ Or, - — ^r \-a+a = surface. Fig. 56. d c ExAarPLE. — The sides, a b, c d, Fig. 56, of a quadrangular pyramid are 10 and 9 inches, and its slant height, e o, 20 ; what is its surface 1 10x4=40 9x4=36 7Q=sum of perimeters. 76X20 = 1520, and -—— =7 60= area of sides. z 10x10=100, and 9x9=81. Then 100 + 81+760 = 941, the surface. Ex. 2. The ends of a frustrum of a quadrangular pyrami are 15 and 9 inches, and its slant height 40 ; what is its sur- face? . Ans. 2226 inches. Ex. 3. The ends of a frustrum of a triangular pyramid are 20 and 10 inches, and its slant height 50 ; what is its surface ? Ans. 2466.5 inches. Ex. 4. The sides of a frustrum of a hexagonal pyramid are 15 and 25 inches, and its slant height 20 ; what is its sur- face? . Ans. 32.002 square feet. 116 MENSURATION OF AREAS, LINES, AND SURFACES. Centres of Gravity. Pyramid or Frustrum. — At the same distance from the base as in that of the triangle or parallelo- gram, which is a right section of them.. Helix {Screw). Definition. A line generated by the progressive rotation of a point around an axis and equidistant from its centre. To ascertain the Length of a Helix, Fig. 57. Rule. — To the square of the circumference described by the generating point, add the square of the distance advanced in one revolution, and the square root of their sum multiplied by the number of revolutions of the generating point will give the length of the line required. Or, ^{c 2 -\-h 2 )xn— length of line, n representing the number of revolutions. Fig. 57. Example. — What is the length of a helical line running 3.5 times around a cylinder of 22 inches in circumference and advancing 16 inches in each revolution 1 ? 22 2 + 16 2 = 740 =sum of squares of circumference and of the dis- tance advanced. -y/740 X 3.5 = 95.21 —square root of above sum x number of rev- olutions == length of line required. Ex. 2. What is the length of the helical line described by a point in a screw in one revolution at a radius from its axis MENSURATION OF AREAS, LINES, AND SURFACES. 117 of 11.3 inches, the progression of the line or pitch of the screw being 17 inches ? Ans. 73. Ex. 3. What is the length of the helical line described by a point on the periphery of a screw of 10 feet in diameter, having a pitch of 20 feet? Ans. 37.242. Centre of Gravity. Is in its geometrical centre. Spirals. Definition. -Lines generated by the progressive rotation of a point around a fixed axis. A Plane Spiral is when the point rotates around a central point. A Conical Spiral is when the point rotates around an axis or a cone. To ascertain the Length of a Plane Spiral Line, Fig. 58. Rule. — Add together the greater and less diameters,* di- vide their sum by two, multiply the quotient by 3.1416, again by the number of revolutions, and the product will give the length of the line required. Or,. when the circumferences are given, take their mean length, multiply it by the number of revolutions, and the prod- uct will give the length required. Or, — — - X 3.1416 Xn= length of line, n representing the number of revolutions. Fig. 58. * When the spiral is other than a line, measure the diameters of it from the middle of the material composing it. 118 MENSURATION OP AREAS, LINES, AND SURFACES. Example. — The less and greater diameters of a plane spiral spring, as a b, c d, Fig. 58, are 2 and 20 inches, and the num- ber of revolutions 10 ; what is the length of it ? 2 + 20 — - — =11— swm of diameters -f- 2. z llX3.U16 = 34:.5576 = above quotient X 3.1416. 34.5576 X 10 = 345.576 =above product X number of revolu- tions z^the length of line. Ex. 2. The greater and less diameters of a plane spiral are 4 and 30 inches, and the number of revolutions 5 ; what is the length of it % Ans. 267.036 inches. To ascertain the Length of a Conical Spiral, Fig. 59. Rule.- 1 - Add together the greater and less diameters ;* di- vide their sum by two, and multiply its quotient by 3.1416. To the square of the product of this circumference and the number of revolutions of the spiral, add the square of the height of its axis, and the square root of the sum will be the length required. Or, V\— g— X3.1416xrc + A = length of spiral. Fig. 59. c Example. — The greater and less diameters of a conical spiral, Fig. 59, are 20 and 2 inches, its height, c d, 10, and the number of revolutions 10; what is the length of it? * See Note to Rule, page 117. MENSURATION OP AREAS, LINES, AND SURFACES. 119 20+2_i-2 = ll x3.1416=34.5576=swm of diameters +2 and X3.1416. 34.5576X10=345.576, and 345.576 2 = 11 9422.77 =square of the product of the circumference and number of revolutions. Vll9422.77 + 10 2 =345.72 = ^ square root of the sum of the above product and the square of the height of the spiral— the result required. Ex. 2. The greater and less diameters of a conical spiral are 1.5 and 8.75 feet, its height 6 feet, and the number of its revo- lutions is 5 ; what is the length of it ? Ans. 80.725 inches. Ex. 3. The greater and less diameters of a conical spiral are 3 and 9 feet, its height 12.5 feet, and the number of its revolutions 10; what is the length of it? Ans. 188.91. Centres of Gravity. Plane Spiral. — It is in its geometrical centre. Conical Spiral. — It is at a distance from the base J of the line joining the vertex and centre of gravity of the base. Note.^ — This rule is applicable to winding engines where it is required to ascertain the length of a rope, its thickness, the number of revolutions, diameter of drum, etc., etc. Illustration. — The diameter over the roll of a flat rope upon the drum of a winding engine shaft is 134.5 inches, the diam- eter of the drum is 94.5 inches, and the number of revolutions 20 ; what is the length of the rope and what is its thickness? Ans. Length of the rope, 7194.247 inches. Area of 134.5 m. = 14208.049 " " 94.5 = 7013.802 7194.247 Then, 7194.247 -^ 20 = 359.712 =area of rope~-revolutions= area of each thickness. # 134.5-94.5-^2 + 94.5 = 114.5 and 114.5x3.1416 = 359.712 = circumference of the mean diameter of each thickness. Hence, 359.712 -f-359.7l2 = l inch—the width or thickness of the rope. * For Rules to ascertain the elements of Winding Engines, see Has- well's Engineers' and Mechanics' Pocket-book, p. 263-4. 120 MENSURATION OF AREAS, LINES, AND SURFACES. . SPINDLES. Definition. Figures generated by the revolution of a plane area, ivhen the curve is revolved about a chord perpendicular to its axis, or about its double ordinate, and they are designated by the name of the arc or curve from which they are generated, as Circular, Elliptic, Parabolic, etc., etc. Circular Swindle, To ascertain the Convex Surface of a Circular Spindle, Fig. 60. Rule. — Multiply the length, / c, by the radius, o c, of the revolving arc ; multiply this arc, fac,by the central distance, o e, or distance between the centre of the spindle and centre of the revolving arc ; subtract this product from the former, double the remainder, multiply it by 3.1416, and the product will be the surface required. Or, lxr—(aX -y/r 2 — I-) )X2 p; a representing the length of the arc, c the chord, and p 3.1416. Fig. 60. a Example. — What is the surface of a circular spindle, Fig. 60, the length of \t,fe, being 14.142 inches, the radius of its arc, o c, 10, and the central distance, o e, 7.071 ? 14.142x10 = 141.42 = length x radius. Length of arc, by rules, p. 76, 78 = 15.708. 15.708 x 7.071 = 1 1 1.0713 — length of arc X central distance. 141.42 — 111.0713=30.3487=^mice of products. 30.3487 x 2 = 60.6974 x 3.1416 = 190.687 = the remainder doubled x 3.1416, which is the result required. MENSURATION OF AREAS, LINES, AND SURFACES. 121 Ex. 2. The length of a circular spindle is 28.284 feet, the radius of its arc 20, and the distance between the centre of the spindle and the centre of the revolving arc is 14.142 ; what is the surface of it * Ans. 762.7484 feet. Centre of Gravity. Is in its geometrical centre. To ascertain the Convex Surface of a Zone of a Circular Spin- dle, Fig. 61. Rule. — Multiply the length, i c, by the radius, o «, of the revolving arc ; multiply the arc, d a b, by the central distance o e; subtract this product from the former, double the re- mainder, multiply it by 3.1416, and the product will be the surface required. Or, lxr—(ax yV 2 — ( -J ) x2p, I representing t/ie length oj the zone. •v/ O Example. — What is the convex surface of the zone of a circular spindle, Fig. 61, the length of it being 7.653 inches, the radius of its arc 10, the central distance 7.071, and the length of its side or arc, d b, 7.854 inches ? 7.653 X 10=76.53=lengthxradius. 7.854:X7.071=55.5S56 = length of ' arcX central distance. 76.53— 55.5356= 20.9944 =^rerace of products. 20.9944x2=41.9888x3.1416 = 131.912 = ^6 remainder doubled X 3.1416, which is the result required. - Ex. 2. The zone of a circular spindle is 23 inches in length, F 122 MENSURATION OF AREAS, LINES, AND SURFACES. the radius of its arc 30, its central distance 21.2, and the length of its side 23.56 ; What is its convex surface ? Ans. 1197.2255 inches. Centre of Gravity. Is in its geometrical centre. To ascertain the Convex Surface of a Segment of a Circular Spindle, Fig. 62. Kule. — Multiply the length, i c, by the radius of the re- volving arc, o a; multiply the arc by the central distance, o e ; subtract this product from the former, double the remainder, multiply it by 3.1416, and the product will be the surface required. Or, lxr—(ax \/r 2 — I - ) ) X 2p, I representing the length of the segment. o Example. — What is the convex surface of a segment of a circular spindle, Fig. 62, the length of it being 3.2495 inches, the radius of its arc 10, the central distance 7-071, and the length of its side, id, 3.927 inches? 3.2495 x l0=S2A95 = length X radius. 3.927 X 7.071 =27.7678= length of arc x central distance. 32.495 — 27.7678 =4.7272 = difference of products. 4.7272x2 = 9.4544x3.1416=29.702, which is the result re- quired. Ex. 2. The segment of a circular spindle is 14.142 feet in length, the radius of its arc is 20, and the distance between the plane of the segment, i e, and the centre of the revolving arc, o e, Fig. 62, is 14.142, and the length of its side, t d, is 15.708 ; what is its convex surface 1 Ans. 381.3745 feet. MENSURATION OF AREAS, LINES, AND SURFACES. 123 For Surface of a Circular Spindle, Zone, or Segment General Formula. S = 2(lr—ac)p, I representing length of spindle, segment, or zone, a the length of its revolving arc, r the radius of the generating circle, and c the central distance. Illustration. — The length of a circular spindle is 14.142 inches, th5 length of its revolving arc is 15.708, the radius of its generating circle is 10, and the distance of its centre from the centre of the circle from which it is generated is 7.071 ; what is its surface? 2 x (14.142 x 10-15.708 x 7.071) X 3.1416 = 190.6869 = re- sult required. Centre of Gravity. See Appendix, page 283. Note. — The surface of the frustrum of a spindle is obtained by the division of the surface of a zone. Cycloidal Spindle. To ascertain the Convex Surface of a Cycloidal Spindle, Fig. 63. Rule. — Multiply the area of the generating circle by 64, and divide it by 3 ; the quotient will give the surface re- quired. _ «X64 \)r, — - — —surface. Fig. 63. Example. — The area of the generating circle, a be, of a cycloidal spindle, d e, is 32 inches ; what is the surface of the spindle ? 124 MENSURATION OF AREAS, LINES, AND SURFACES. 32 x 64 = 2048 =area of circle x 64. 2048 -r-3 = 682.667 —above product-^- 3 —surface required. Ex. 2. The diameter of the generating circle of a cycloidal spindle is 20.375 inches ; what is the surface of the spindle? Ans.- 6955.7483 in. Ex. 3. The diameter of the generating circle of a cycloidal spindle is 14.5 inches ; what is the surface of the spindle? Ans. 3522.773 in. Ex. 4. The radius of the generating circle of a cycloidal spindle is 8.5 inches; what is the surface of the spindle in square feet ! Ans. 33.633 feet. Centre of Gravity. Is in its geometrical centre. Note. — The area of a cycloidal spindle is twice the area of the cy- cloid, to ascertain which, see rule, page 108. Elliptic, Parabolic, and Hyperbolic Spindles. The rules to ascertain the surfaces of either an Elliptic, Parabolic, or Hyperbolic Spindle, or of zones or segments of them, are of a character to preclude their being given in such a form as would be consistent with the design of this work ; hence they are omitted here. See Appendix, p. 278, 279. Ellipsoid, Paraboloid, or Hyperboloid of Revolution. Definition. Figures alike to a cone generated by the revolu- tion of a conic section around its axis. Note. — These figures are usually known as Conoids. When they are generated by the revolution of an ellipse, they are called ellipsoids, and when by a parabola, parabo- loids, &c, &c, &c. The revolution of an arc of a conic section around the axis of the curve will give a segment of a conoid. MENSURATION OF AREAS, LINES, AND SURFACES. 125 Ellipsoid.* To ascertain the Convex Surface of an Ellipsoid, Fig. 64. Kule. — Add together the square of the base a b and four times the square of the height c d ; multiply the square root of half their sum by 3.1416, and this product by the radius of the base. The product will give the surface required. Or, \J — x 3.1416 X r=zsurface,h representing the height of the ellipsoid. Fig. 64. s*r±. Example. — The base a b of the ellipsoid, Fig. 64, is 10 inches, and the height c d 7 ; what is its surface ? 10 2 -f7 2 x 4 = 296— sum of the square of the base and 4 times the square of the height. 296-f-2 = 148, and ^148 = 12.1655 —square root of half the above sum. 12.1655 x 3.1416 x-^r = 191. 0957 =product of root above obtained x 3.1416, and that product by 'the radius of the base = the surface required. Ex. 2. The base a b of an ellipsoid is 14 inches, and the height c d 5 ; what is the convex surface of it ? Ans. 267.534 in. To ascertain the Convex Surface of a Segment, Frusirum, or Zone of an Ellipsoid. See rules for the convex surface of a segment, frustrum, or zone of an ellipsoid, p. 93-95. * An ellipsoid is a semi-spheroid. (See p. 91-94.) 126 MENSURATION OF AREAS, LINES, AND SURFACES. Paraboloid. To ascertain the Convex Surface of a Paraboloid, Fig. 65. Rule. — From the cube of the square root of the sum of four times the square of the height, b d, and the square, of the ra- dius of the base, d a, subtract the cube of the radius of the base ; multiply the remainder by the quotient of 3.1416 times the radius of the base divided by six times the square of the height, and the product will give the surface required. rxp Or, [(-\/4A 2 -f r 2 ) 3 — r 3 ] x ~ — ^= convex surface. d Example. — The axis b d of a paraboloid, Fig. 65, is 40 inches, the radius a d of its base is 18 inches; what is its convex surface ? 40 2 x4z=6400r=4 times the square of the height. 6400-t-18 2 = 6724=:sm« of the above product and the square of the radius of the base. (V6724) 3 -18 3 =:545536=^ remainder' of the cube of the radius of the base subtracted from the cube % of the square root of the preceding sum. 3.1416 x 18-^(6 x40 2 )=.0058905=r^e quotient of 3.1416 times the radius of the base +-6 times the square of the height. Hence 545536 x.0058905z=3213.48=Me product of the above remainder and the preceding quotient =the result required. Ex. 2. The axis b d of a paraboloid is 20 inches, and the diameter of its base a c is 60 inches ; what is its convex sur- face? . Ans. 3848.46 in. MENSURATION OF AREAS, LINES, AND SURFACES. 127 Ex. 3. The axis of a parabolic conoid is 18 inches, the ra- dius of its base 40 inches ; what is its convex surface — area of base. Hence, 444.285-j-314.16 = 758.445 = w/zo/6 surface of cone. Again. If the generating line is a c d— 24.142, then the centre of gravity will be in n, in the middle of the line, join- ing the angle of the generating line and the base a d at r=5. Hence, 24.142 x 5~x2 X 3.1416 =758.445 —whole surf ace of cone. Fig. 68 Ex. 3. If the generating elements of a sphere, Fig. 68, are a c=10, a b c will be 15.708, the centre of gravity of which is in o, and by rule, page 80, o r=3.183. Hence 15.708x3.183 x2x 3.1416 =314.16 -the surface of tlie sphere. To ascertain the Area of an Irregular Figure. Rule. — Take a uniform piece of board or pasteboard, weigh it, cut out the figure of which the area is required, and weigh it ; then, as the weight of the board or pasteboard is to the entire surface, so is the weight of the figure to its surface. MENSURATION OP AREAS, LINES, AND SURFACES. 129 CAPILLARY TUBE. To ascertain the Diameter of a Capillary Tube. Rule. — Weigh the tube when empty, and again when filled with mercury ; Subtract the one weight from the other ; re- duce the difference to troy grains, and divide it by the length of the tube in inches. Extract the square root of this quo- tient, and multiply it by .0192245, and the product will be the diameter of the tube in inches. / w Or,*/ — x. 0192245 —diameter; w representing difference in weights in Troy grains, and I the length of the tube. Example. — The difference in the weights of a capillary tube when empty and when filled with mercury is 90 grains, and the length of the tube is 10 inches ; what is the diameter of it? 90-t-lO = 9 =weight of mercury -+■ length of tube; ^9 — 3, and 3 x .0192245 =.0576735 = the square root of the above quotient X .0192245 = diameter of tube required. Proof. — The weight of a cubic inch of mercury is 3442.75 Troy grains, and the diameter of a circular inch of equal area to a square inch is 1.128 (p. 81). If, then, 3442.75 grams occupy 1 cubic inch, 90 grains will require .0261419 cubic inch, which, -^ 10 for the height of the tube, gives .00261419 inch for the area of the section of the tube. Then v'.00261419 = .051129=SKfeo/Me square of a column of mercury of this area. Hence .051129 x 1.128, which is the ratio between the side of a square and the diameter of a circle of equal area — .057 '67 '35. F2 130 MENSURATION OF AREAS, LINES, AND SURFACES. LENGTHS OF CIRCULAR ARCS. Table of the Lengths of Circular Arcs, the Diameter of a Circle being Unity, and assumed to be divided into 1000 equal Parts. Height. Length. Height. Length. Height. Length. Height. Length. .100 1.0265 .134 1.0472 .168 1.0737 .202 1.1055 .101 1.0270 .135 1.0479 .169 1.0745 .203 1.1065 .102 1.0275 .136 1.0486 .170 1.0754 .204 1.1075 .103 1.0281 .137 1.0493 .171 1.0762 :'205 1.1085 .104 1.0286 .138 1.0500 .172 1.0771 .206 1.109G .105 1.0291 .139 1.0508 .173 1.0780 .207 1.1106 .106 1.0297 .140 1.0515 .174 1/0789 .208 1.1117 .107 1.0303 .141 1.0522 .175 1.0798 .209 1.1127 .108 1.0308 .142 1.0529 -.176 1.0807 .210 1.1137 .109 1.0314 .143 1.0537 .177 1.0816 .211 1.1148 .110 1.0320 .144 1.0544 .178 1.0825 .212 1.1158 .111 1.0325- .145 1.0552 .179 1.0834 .213 1.1169 .112 1.0331 .146 1.0559 .180 1.0843 .214 1.1180 .113 1.0337 .147 1.0567 .181 1.0852 .215;1.1190 .114 1.0343 .148 1.0574 .182 1.0861 .21611.1201 .115 1.0349 .149 1.0582 .183 1.0870 .217 1 1.1212 .116 1 1.0355 .150 1.0590 .184 1.0880 .218 1.1223 .11711.0361 .151 1.0597 .185 1.0889 .219 1.1233 .118 1.0367 .152 1.0605 .186 1.0898 .220 1.1245 .119 1.0373 .153 1.0613 .187 1.0908 .221 |1.1256 .120 ; 1.0380 .154 1.0621 .188 1.0917 .222 1.1266 .12111.0386 .155 1.0629 .189 1.0927 .223 1.1277 .122 1.0392 .156 1.0637 .190 1.0936 .224 1.1289 .123 1.0399 .157 1.0645 .191 1.0946 .225 1.1300 .124 1.0405 .158 1.0653 .192 1.0956 .226 1.1311 .125 1.0412 .159 1.0661 .193 1.0965 .227 1.1322 .126 1.0418 .160 1.0669 .194 1.0975 .228 11.1333 .127 1.0425 .161 1.0678 .195 1.0985 .229 1.1344 .128 1.0431 .162 1.0686 .196 1.0995 .230; 1.1356 .129 1.0438 .163 1.0694 .197 1.10051.231 ! 1.1367 .130 1.0445 .164 .165 1*0703 .198 1.1015S. 232 1.1379 .131 1.0452 1.0711 .199 1.10251.233 1.1390 .132 1.0458 .166 1.0719 .200 1.1035 .234 1.1402 .133 1.0465 .167 1.0728 .201 1.10451 .235 1.1414 MENSURATION OF AREAS, LINES, AND SURFACES. 131 Table of Circular Arcs — Continued. Height. Length. 1 Height. Length. Height. Length. Height Length. .236 1.1425 .274 1.1897 .312 1.2422 .350 1.3000 .237 1.1436 .275 1.1908 .313 1.2436 .351 1.3016 .238 1.1448 .276 1.1921 .314 1.2451 .352 1.3032 .239 1.1460 .277 1.1934 .315 1.2465 .353 1.3047 .240 1.1471 .278 1.1948 .316 1.2480 .354 1.3063 .241 1.1483 .279 1.1961 .317 1.2495 .355 1.3079 .242 1.1495 .280 1.1974 .318 1.2510 .356 1.3095 .243 1.1507 .281 1.1989 .319 1.2524 .357 1.3112 .244 1.1519 .282 1.2001 .320 1.2539 .358 1.3128 .245 1.1531 .283 1.2015 .321 1.2554 .359 1.3144 .246 1.1543 .284 1.2028 .322 1.2569 .360 1.3160 .247 1.1555 .285 1.2042 .323 1.2584 .361 1.3176 .248 1.1567 .286 1.2056 .324 1.2599 .362 1.3192 .249 1.1579 .287 1.2070 .325 1.2614 .363 1.3209 .250 1.1591 .288 1.2083 .326 1.2629 .364 1.3225 .251 1.1603 .289 1.2097 .327 1.2644 .365 1.3241 .252 1.1616 .290 1.2120 .328 1.2659 .366 1.3258 .253 1.1628 .291 1.2124 .329 1.2674 .367 1.3274 .254 1.1640 .292 1:2138 .330 1.2689 .368 1.3291 .255 1.1653 .293 1.2152 .331 1.2704 .369 1.3307 .256 1.1665 .294 1.2166 .332 1.2720 .370 1.3323 .257 1.1677 .295 1.2179 .333 1.2735 .371 i 1.3340 .258 1.1690 .296 1.2193 .334 1.2750 .372 ! 1.3356 .259 1.1702 .297 1.2206 .335 1.2766 .373 1.3373 .260 1.1715 .298 1.2220 .336 1.2781 .374 1.3390 .261 1.1728 .299 1.2235 .337 .338 1.2796 .375 1.3406 .262 1.1740 .300 1.2250 1.2812 .376 11.3423 .263 1.1753 .301 1.2264 .339 1.2827 .377 i 1.3440 .264 1.1766 .302 1.2278 .340 1.2843 .378 1.3456 .265 1.1778 .303 1.2292 .341 1.2858 .379 1.3473 .266 1.1791 .304 1.2306 .342 1.2874 .380 1.3490 .267 1.1804 .305 1.2321 .343 1.2890 .381 1.3507 .268 1.1816 .306 1.2335 .344 1.2905 .382 1.3524 .269 1.1829 .307 1.2349 .345 1.2921 .383 1.3541 .270 1.1843 .308 1.2364 .346 1.2937 .384 1.3558 .271 1.1856 .309 1.2378 .347 1.2952 .385 1.3574 .272 1.1869 .310 1.2393 .348 1.2968 .386 1.3591 .273 1.1882 .311 1.2407 .349 1.2984 .387 1.3608 132 MENSURATION OF AREAS, LINES, AND SURFACES. Table of Circular Arcs — ■Continued. Height. | Length. Height. | Length. Height. | Length. Height. | Length. .388 1.3625 .417 1.4132 .445 1.4644 .473 1.5176 .389 1.3643 .418 1.4150 .446 1.4663 .474 1.5196 .390 1.3660 .419 1.4168 .447 1.4682 .475 1.5215 .391 1.3677 .420 1.4186 .448 1.4700 .476 1.5235 .392 1.3694 .421 1.4204 .449 1.4719 .477 1.5254 .393 1.3711 .422 1.4222 .450 1.4738 .478 1.5274 .394; 1.3728 .423 1.4240 .451 1.4757 .479 1.5293 .395 1.3746 .424 1.4258 .452 1.4775 .480 1.5313 .396 1.3763 .425 1.4276 .453 1.4794 .481 1.5332 .397 1.3780 .426 1.4295 .454 1.4813 .482 1.5352 .398 1.3797 .427 1.4313 .455 1.4832 .483 1.5371 .399 1.3815 .428 1.4331 .456 1.4851 .484 1.5391 .400 1.3832 .429 1.4349 .457 1.4870 .485 1.5411 .401 1.3850 .430 1.4367 .458 1.4889 .486 1.5430 .402 1.3867 .431 1.4386 .459 1.4908 .487 1.5450 .403 1.3885 .432 1.4404 .460 1.4927 .488 1.5470 .404 1.3902 .433 1.4422 .461 1.4946 .489 1.5489 .405 1.3920 .434 1.4441 .462 1.4965 .490 1.5509 .406 1.3937 .435 1.4459 .463 1.4984 .491 •1.5529 .407 1.3955 .436 1.4477 .464 1.5003 .492 1.5549 .408 1.3972 .437 1.4496 .465 1.5022 .493 1.5569 .409 1.3990 .438 1.4514 .466 1.5042 .494 1.5585 .410 1.4008 .439 1.4533 .467 1.5061 .495 1.5608 .411 1.4025 .440 1.4551 .468 1.5080 .496 1.5628 .412 1.4043 .441 1.4570 .469 1.5099 .497 1.5648 .413 1.4061 .442 1.4588 .470 1.5119 .498 1.5668 .414 1.4079 .443 1.4607 .471 1.5138 .499 1.5688 .415 1.4097 .444 1.4626 .472 1.5157 .500 1.5708 .416 1.4115 To find the Length of an Arc of a Circle by the foregoing Table. Rule. — Divide the height by the base, find the quotient in the column of heights, and take the length of that height from the next right-hand column. Multiply the length thus ob- tained by the base of the arc, and the product will be the length of the arc required. MENSURATION OF AREAS, LINES, AND SURFACES. 133 Example. — What is the length of an arc of a circle, the span or base being 100 feet, and the height 25 feet? 25 -f- 100 = .25, and .25, per table, =1.1591, which, multiplied by 100, =1 15,9100 /ee*. Note. — When, in the division of a height by the base, the quo- tient has a remainder after the third place of decimals, and great accuracy is required, Take the length for the first three figures, subtract it from the next following length, multiply the remainder by the said fraction, and add the product to the first length ; the sum will be the length for the whole quotient. Example. — What is the length of an arc of a circle, the base of which is 35 feet, and the height or versed sine 8 feet ? 8^35=.2285714; the tabular length for .228 = 1. 1333, and for .229 = 1.1344, the difference between which is .0011. Then, .5714 x .0011 =.00062854. i / Hence, .228 = 1.1333 .0005714= .00062854 1.13392854, the sum by which the base of the arc is to be multiplied; and 1.13392854 x 35 = 39 feet .6874989, which, x 12 for inches =8. 25, making the length of the arc 39 feet 8.25 inches. 134 MENSURATION OF AREAS, LINES, AND SURFACES. AREAS OF SEGMENTS OF A CIRCLE. Table of the Areas of the Segments of a Circle, the Diameter of which is Unity, and assumed to be divided into 1000 equal Parts. Versed Bine. Seg. Area. Versed sine. Seg. Area. Versed sine. Seg. Area. Versed sine. Seg. Area. .001 .00004 .034 .00827 .067 .02265 .100 .04087 ..002 .00012 .035 .00864 .068 .02315 .101 .04148 .003 .00022 .036 .00901 .069 .02336 .102 .04208 .004 .00034 .037 .00938 .070 .02417 .1(53 .04269 .005 .00047 .038 .00976 .071 .02468 .104 .04310 .006 .00062 .039 .01015 .072 .02519 .105 .04391 .007 .00078 .040 .01054 .073 .02571 .106 .04452 .008 .00095 .041 .01093 .074 .02624 .107 .04514 .009 .00113 .042 .01133 .075 .02676 .108 .04575 .010 .00133 .043 .01173 .076 .02729 .109 .04638 .011 .00153 .044 .01214 .077 .02782 .110 .04700 .012 .00175 .045 .01255 .078 .02835 .111 .04763 .013 .00197 .046 .01297 .079 .02889 .112 .04826 .014 .00220 .047 .01339 .080 .02943 .113 .04889 .015 .00244 .048 .01382 .081 .02997 .114 .04953 .016 .90268 .049 .01425 .082 .03052 .115 .05016 .017 .00294 .050 .01468 .083 .03107 .116 .05080 .018 .00320 .051 .01512 .084 .03162 .117 .05145 .019 .00347 .052 .01556 .085 .03218 .118 .05209 .020 .00375 .053 .01601 .086 ..03274 .119 .05274 .021 .00403 .054 .01646 .087 .03330 .120 .05338 .022 .00432 .055 •01691 .088 .089 .03387 .121 .05404 .023 .00462 .056 .01737 .03444 .122 .05469 .024 .00492 .057 .01783 .090 .03501 .123 .05534 .025 .00523 .058 .01830 .091 .03558 .124 .05600 .026 .00555 .059 .01877 .092 .03616 .125 .05666 .027 .00587 .060 .01924 .093 .03674 .126 .05733 .028 .00619 .061 .01972 .094 .03732 .127 .05799 .029 .00653 .062 .02020 .095 .03790 .128 .05866 .030 .00686 .063 •02068 .096 .03849 .129 .05933 .031 .00721 .064 .02117 -097 .03908 .130 .06000 .032 .00756 .065 .02165 .098 .03968 .131 .06067. .033 .00791 .066 .02215 .099 •04027 .132 .06135 MENSURATION OF AREAS, LINES, AND SURFACES. 135 Table of Areas of Segments of a Circle — Continued. Versed sine. Seg. Area. Versed sine. Seg. Area, 1 Versed 1 sine. Seg. Area. Versed sine. Seg. Area. .133 .06203 .171 .08929 .209 .11908 .247 .15095 .134 .06271 .172 .09004 .210 .11990 .248 .15182 .135- .06339 .173 .09080 .211 .12071 .249 .15268 .136 .06407 .174 .09155 .212 .12153 .250 .15355 .137 .06476 .175 .09231 .213 .12235 .251 .15441 .138 .06545 .176 .09307 .214 .12317 .252 .15528 .139 .06614 .177 .09384 .215 .12399 1.253 .15615 .140 .06683 .178 .09460 .216 .12481 .254 .15702 .141 .06753 .179 .09537 .217 .12563 .255 .15789 .142 .06822 .180 .09613 .218 .12646 .256 .15876 .143 .06892 .181 .09690 .219 .12728 .257 .15964 .144 .06962 .182 .09767 .220 .12811 .258 .16051 .145 .07033 .183 .09845 .221 .12894 .259 .16139 .146 .07103 .184 .09922 .222 .12977 .260 .16226 * .147 .07174 .185 . 10000 .223 .13060 .261 .16314 .148 .07245 .186 .10077 .224 .13144 .262 . 16402 .149 .07316 .187 .10155 .225 .13227 .263 .16490 .150 .07387 .188 .10233 .226 .13311 .264 .16578 .151 .07459 .189 .10312 .227 .13394 .265 .16666 .152 .07531 .190 .10390 .228 .13478 .266 .16755 .153 .07603 .191 .10468 .229 .13562 .267 .16844 .154 .07675 .192 . 10547 .230 .13646 .268 .16931 .155 .07747 .193 .10626 .231 .13731 .269 .17020 .156 .07820 .194 .10705 .232 .13815 .270 .17109 .157 .07892 .195 .10784 .233 .13900 .271 .17197 .158 .07965 .196 .10864 .234 .13984 .272 .17287 .159 .08038 .197 .10943 .235 .14069 .273 .17376 .160 .08111 .198 .11023 .236 .14154 .274 .17465 .161 .08185 .199 .11102 .237 .14239 .275 .17554 .162 .08258 .200 .11182 .238 .14324 .276 .17643 .163 .08332 .201 .11262 .239 .14409 .277 .17733 4 .164 .08406 .202 .11343 .240 .14494 .278 .17822 .165 .08480 .203 .11423 .241 .14580 .279 .17912 .166 .08554 .204 .11503 .242 .14665 .280 .18002 .167 .08629 .205 .11584 .243 .14751 .281 .18092 .168 .08704 .206 .11665 .244 .14837 .282 .18182 .169 ,08779 .207 .11746 .245 .14923 .283 .18272 .170 .08853 .208 .11827 .246 .15009 THE ^\ .284 .18361 I U NIVFl 3-21TV 136 MENSURATION OF AREAS, LINES, AND SURFACES. Table of Areas of Segments of a Circle — Continued. Versed sine. Seg. Area. Versed sine. Seg. Area Versed sine. .285 .18452 .323 .21947 .361 .286 .18542 .324 .22040 .36? .287 .18633 .325 .22134 .363 .288 .18723 .326 .22228' .364 .289 .18814 .327 .22321 .365 .290 .18905 .328 .22415 .366 .291 .18995 .329 .22509 .367 .292 .19086 .330 .22603 .368 .293 .19177 .331 .22697 .369 .294 .19268 .332 .22791 .370 .295 .19360 .333 .22886 .371 .296 .19451 .334 .22980 .372 .297 .19542 .335 .23074 .373 ..298 .19634 .336 .23169 .374 .299 .19725 .337 .23263 .375 .300 .19817 .338 .23358 .376 .301 .19908 .339 .23453 .377 .302 .20000 .340 .23547 .378 .303 .20092 .341 .23642 .379 .304 .20184 .342 .23737 .380 .305 .20276 .343 .23832 .381 .306 .20368 .344 .23927 .382 .307 .20460 .345 .24022 .383 .308 .20553 .346 .24117 .384 .309 .20645 .347 .24212 .385 .310 .20738 .348 .24307 .386 .311 .20830 .349 .24403 .387 .312 .20923 .350 .24498 .388 .313 .21015 .351 .24593 .389 .314 .21108 .352 .24689 .390 .315 .21201 .353 .24784 .391 .316 .21294 .354 .24880 .392 .317 .21387 .355 .24976 .393 .318 .21480 .356 .25071 .394 .319 .21573 .357 .25167 .395 .320 .21667 .358 .25263 .396 .321 .21760 .359 .25359 .397 .322 .21853 .360 .25455 .398 Seg. Area Versed sine. Seg. Area. .25551 .399 .29239 .25647 .400 .29337 .25743 .401 .29435 .25839 .402 .29533 .25936 .403 .29631 .26032 .404 .29729 .26128 .405 .29827 .26225 .406 .29925 .26321 .407 .30024 .26418 .408 .30122 .26514 .409 .30220 .26611 .410 .30319 .26708 .411 .30417 .26804 .412 .30515 .26901 .413 .30614 .26998 .414 .30712 .27095 .415 .30811 .27192 .416 .30909 .27289 .417 .31008 .27386 .418 .31107 .27483 .419 .31205 .27580 .420 .31304 .27677 .421 .31403 .27775 .422 .31502 .27872 .423 .31600 .27969 .424 .31699 .28067 .425 .31798 .28164 .426 .31897 .28262 .427 .31996 .28359 .428 .32095 .28457 .429 .32194 .28554 .430 .32293 .28652 .431 .32391 .28750 .432 .32490 .28848 .433 .32590 .28945 .434 .32689 .29043 .435 .32788 .29141 .436 .32887 MENSURATION OF AREAS, LINES, AND SURFACES. 137 Table, of Areas c )f Segments of a Circle — ( Continued. Versed Versed Versed -, , Versed sine. Seg. Area. sine. Seg. Area. sine. Seg. Area. sine. Seg. Area. .437 .32987 .453 .34577 .469 .36172 .485 .37770 .438 .33086 .454 .34676 .470 .36272 .486 .37870 .439 .33185 .455 .34776 .471 .36371 .487 .37970 .440 .33284 .456 .34875 .472 .36471 .488 .38070 .441 .33384 .457 .34975 .473 .36571 .489 .38170 .442 .33483 .458 .35075 .474 .36671 .490 .38270 .443 .33582 .459 .35174 .475 .36781 .491 .38370 .444 .33682 .460 .35274 .476 .36871 .492 .38470 .445 .33781 .461 .35374 .477 .36971 .493 .38570 .446 .33880 .462 .35474 .478 .37071 .494 .38670 .447 .33980 .463 .35573 .479 .37170 .495 .38770 .448 .34079 .464 .35673 .480 .37276 .496 .38870 .449 .34179 .465 .35773 .481 .37370 .497 .38970 .450 .34278 .466 .35872 .482 .37470 .498 .39070 .451 .34378 .467 .35972 .483 .37570 .499 .39170 .452 .34477 .468 .36072 .484 .37670 .500 .39270 To find the Area of a Segment of a Circle by the above Table. Rule. — Divide the height or versed sine by the diameter of the circle, and find the quotient in the column of versed sines. Take the area noted in the next column, and multiply it by the square of the diameter, and it will give the area required. Example. — Required the area of a segment, its height be- ing lO, and the diameter of the circle 50 feet. 10 + 50 = .2, and .2, per table, =.11182; then, .11182 x50 2 =279.55feet. Note. — When, in the division of a height by the base, the quo- tient has a remainder after the third place of decimals, and great accuracy is required, Take the length for the first three figures, subtract it from the next following length, multiply the remainder by the said fraction, and add the product to the first length ; the sum will be the length for the whole quotient. 138 MENSURATION OF AREAS, LINES, AND SURFACES. Example. — What is the area of a, segment of a circle, the diameter of which is 10 feet, and the height of it 1.575 feet? 1.575-f- 10=. 1575 ; the tabular area for .157=.07892, and for .15.8 = .07964, the difference between which is .00072. Then, .5 x .00072 = .000360. Hence, .157 =.07892 .0005 = .00036 .07928, the sum by which the square of the diameter of the circle is to be multiplied; and .07928 x 10 2 = 7.928 /£<*. MENSURATION OF AREAS, LINES, AND SURFACES. 139 AREAS OF THE ZONES OF A CIRCLE. Table of the Areas of the Zones of a Circle, the Diameter of which is Unity, and assumed to be divided into 1000 equal Parts. Height. Area. Height. Area. Height. Area, Height. Area. .001 .00100 .034 .03397 .067 .06680 .100 .09933 .002 .00200 .035 .03497 .068 .06780 .101 .10031 .003 .00300 .036 .03597 .069 .06878 .102 .10129 .004 .00400 .037 .03697 .070 .06977 .103 .10227 .005 .00500 .038 .03796 .071 .07076 .104 .10325 .006 .00600 .039 .03896 .072 .07175 .105 .10422 .007 .00700 .040 .03996 .073 .07274 .106 .10520 .008 .00800 .041 .04095 .074 .07373 .107 .10618 .009 .00900 .042 .04195 .075 .07472 .108 .10715 .010 .01000 .043 .04295 .076 .07570 .109 .10813 .011 .01100 .044 .04394 .077 .07669 .110 .10911 .012 .01200 .045 .04494 .078 .07768 .111 .11008 .013 .01300 .046 .04593 .079 .07867 .112 .11106 .014 .01400 .047 .04693 .080 .07966 .113 .11203 .015 .01500 .048 .04793 .081 .08064 .114 .11300 .016 .01600 .049 .04892 ..082 .08163 .115 .11398 .017 .01700 .050 .04992 .083 .08262 .116 .11495 .018 .01800 .051 .05091 .084 .08360 .117 .11592 .019 .01900 .052 .05190 .085 .08459 .118 .11690 .020 .02000 .053 .05290 .086 .08557 .119 .11787 .021 .02100 .054 .05389 .087 .08656 .120 .11884 .022 .02200 .055 .05489 .088 .08754 .121 .11981 .023 .02300 .056 .05588 .089 .08853 .122 .12078 .024 .02400 .057 .05688 .090 .08951 .123 .12175 .025 .02500 .058 .05787 .091 .09050 .124 .12272 .026 .02599 .059 .05886 .092 .09148 .125 .12369 .027 .02699 .060 .05986 .093 .09246 .126 .12469 .028 .02799 .061 .06085 .094 .09344 .127 .12562 .029 .02898 .062 .06184 .095 .09443 .128 .12659 .030 .02998 .063 .06283 .096 .09540 .129 .12755 .031 .03098 .064 .06382 .097 .09639 .130 .12852 .032 .03198 .065 .06482 .098 .09737 .131 .12949 .033 .03298 .066 .06580 .099 .09835 .132 . 13045 140 MENSURATION OP AREAS, LINES, AND SURFACES. Table of the Zones of a Circle — Continued. Height. Area. Height. Area. Height Area. Height. Area. .133 .13141 .171 .16761 .209 .20274 .247 .2365 .134 .13238 .172 .16855 .210 .20365 .248 .2374 .135 .13334 .173 .16948 .211 .20456 .249 .2382 .136 .13430 .174 .17042 .212 .20546 .250 .2391 .137 .13527 .175 .17136 .213 .20637 .251 .2400 .138 .13623 .176 .17230 .214 .20727 .252 .2408 .139 .13719 .177 .17323 .215 .20818 .253 .2417 .140 .13815 .178 .17417 .216 .20908 .254 .2426 .141 .13911 .179 .17510 .217 .20998 .255 .2434 .142' .14007 .180 .17603 .218 .21088 .256 .2443 .143 .14103 .181 .17697 .219 .21178 .257 .2451 .144 .14198 .182 .17790 .220 .21268 .258 .2460 .145 .14294 .183 .17883 .221 .21358 .259 .2469 .146 .14390 .184 .17976 .222 .21447 .260 .2477 .147 . 14485 .185 .18069 .223 .21537 .261 .2486 .148 .14581 .186 .18162 .224 .21626 .262 .2494 .149 .14677 .187 .18254 .225 .21716 .263 .2502 .150 .14772 .188 .18347 .226 .21805 .264 .2511 .151 .14867 .189 .18440 .227 .21894 .265 .2520 .152 .14962 .190 .18532 .228 .21983 .266 .2528 .153 .15058 .191 .18625 .229 .22072 .267 .2537 .154 .15153 .192 .18717 .230 .22161 .268 .2545 .155 .15248 .193 .18809 .231 .22250 .269 .2553 .156 .15343 .194 .18902 .232 .22335 .270 .2562 .157 .15438 .195 .18994 .233 .22427 .271 .2570 .158 .15533 .196 .19086 .234 .22515 .272 .2579 .159 .15628 .197 .19178 .235 .22604 .273 .2587 .160 .15723 .198 .19270 .236 .22692 .274 .2595 .161 .15817 .199 .19361 .237 .22780 .275 .2604 .162 .15912 .200 .19453 .238 .22868 .276 .2612 .163 .16006 .201 .19545 .239 .22956 .277 .2620 .164 .16101 .202 .19636 .240 .23044 .278 .2629 .165 .16195 .203 .19728 .241 .23131 .279 .2637 .166 .16290 .204 .19819 .242 .23219 .280 .2645 .167 .16384 .205 .19910 .243 .23306 .281 .2654 .168 .16478 .206 .20001 .244 .23394 .282 .2662 .169 .16572 .207 .20092 .245 .23481 .283 .2670 .170 .16667 .208 .20183 .246 .23568 .284 .2678 MENSURATION OF AREAS, LINES, AND SURFACES. 141 Table of the Zones oj a Cm lie — Continued. Height.] Area. | Height. Area. Height. Area. 1 Height. Area. .285 .26871 .323 .29886 .361 .32656 .399 .35122 .286 .26953 .324 .29962 .362 .32725 .400 .35182 .287 .27035 .325 .30039 .363 .32794 .401 .35242 .288 .27117 .326 .30114 .364 .32862 .402 .35302 .289 .27199 .327 .30190 .365 .32931 .403 .35361 .290 .27280' .328 .30266 .366 .32999 .404 .35420 .291 .27362 .329 .30341 .367 .33067 .405 .35479 .292 .27443 .330 .30416 .368 .33135 .406 .35538 .293 .27524 .331 .30491 .369 .33203 .407 .35596 .294 .27605 .332 .30566 .370 .33270 .408 .35654 .295 .27686 .333 .30641 .371 .33337 .409 .35711 .296 .27766 .334 .30715 .372 .33404 .410 .35769 .297 .27847 .335 .30790 .373 .33471 .411 .35826 .298 .27927 .336 .30864 .374 .33537 .412 .35883 .299 .28007 .337 .30938 .375 .33604 .413 .35939 .300 .28088 .338 .31012 .376 .33670 .414 .35995 .301 .28167 .339 .31085 .377 .33735 .415 .36051 .302 .28247 .340 .31159 .378 .33801 .416 .36107 .303 .28327 .341 .31232 .379 .33866 .417 .36162 .304 .28406 .342 .31305 .380 .33931 .418 .36217 .305 .28486 .343 .31378 .381 .33996 .419 .36272 .300 .28565 .344 .31450 .382 .34061 .420 .36326 .307 .28644 .345 .31523 .383 .3^125 .421 .36380 .308 .28723 .346 .§1595 .384 .34190 .422 .36434 .309 .28801 .347 .31667 .385 .34253 .423 .36488 .310 .28880 .348 .31739 .386 .34317 .424 .36541 .311 .28958 .349 .31811 .387 .34380 .425 .36594 .312 .29036 .350 .31882 .388 .34444 .426 .36646 .313 .29115 .351 .31954 .389 .34507 .427 .36698 .314 .29192 .352 .32025 .390 .34569 .428 .36750 .315 .29270 .353 .32096 .391 .34632 .429 .36802 .316 .29348 .354 .32167 .392 .34694 .430 .36853 .317 .29425 .355 .32237 .393 .34756 .431 .36904 .318 .29502 .356 .32307 .394 .34818 .432 .36954 .319 .29580 .357 .32377 .395 .34879 .433 .37005 .320 .29656 .358 .32447 .396 •3494p .434 .37054 .321 .29733 .35Q .32517 .397 .35001 .435 .37104 .322 .29810 .360 .32587 .398 .35062 .436 .37153 142 MENSURATION OF AREAS, LINES, AND SURFACES. Tabh i of ike Zones of a Circle — Continued. Height.] Area. Height. Area. Height. Area. Height. Area. .437 .37202 .453 .37931 .469 .38549 .485 .39026 .438 .37250 .454 .37973 .470 .38583 .486 .39050 .439 .37298 .455 .38014 .471 .38617 .487 .39073 .440 .37346 .456 .38056 .472 .38650 .488 .39095 .441 .37393 .457 '.38096 .473 .38683 .489 .39117 .442 .37440 .458 .38137 .474 .38715 .490 .39137 .443 .37487 .459 .38177 .475 .38747 .491 ..39156 .444 .37533 .460 .38216 .476 .38778 .492 .39175 .445 .37579 .461 .38255 .477 .38808 .493 .39192 .446 .37624 .462 .38294 .478 .38838 .494 .39208 .447 .37669 .463 .38332 .479 .38867 .495 .39223 .448 .37714 .464 .38369 .480 .38895 .496 .39236 .449 .37758 .465 .38406 .481 .38923 .497 .39248 .450 .37802 .466 .38443 .482 .38950 .498 .39258 .451 .37845 .467 .38479 .483 .38976 .499 .39266 .452 .37888 .468 .38514 .484 .39001 .500 .39270 To find the Area of a Zone by the above Table. Rule 1. — When the zone is less than a semicircle, divide the height by the diameter, and find the quotient in the column of heights. Take out the area opposite to it in the next col- umn on the right hand, and multiply it by the square of the longest chord ; the product will be the area of the zone. Example. — Required the area of a zone, the diameter of which is 50, and its height 15 ? 15^50 = . 300; and .300, as per table, =.28088. Hence, .28088 x 50 2 = 702.2, the area of the zone. Rule 2. — When the zone is greater than a semicircle, take the height on each side of the diameter of the circle, and find, by Rule 1, their respective areas; add the areas of these two portions together, and the sum will be the area of the zone. Example. — Required the area of a zone, the diameter of the circle being 50, and the height of the zone on each side of the diameter of the circle 20 and 15 respectively. MENSURATION OF AREAS, LINES, AND SURFACES. 143 20-r-50=.400; A00, as per table, = .35182 ; and .35182 x 50 2 =879.55. 15-^50=.300; .300, asper table, =.28088 ; and .28088 x 50 2 = 702/2. Hence, 879.55 + 702.2 = 1581.65, the result required. Note. — -When, in the division of a height by the chord, the quotient has a remainder after the third place of decimals, and great accuracy is required, Take the area for the first three figures, subtract it from the next following area, multiply the remainder by the said fraction, and add the product to the first area ; the sum will be the area for the whole quotient. Example. — What is the area of a zone of a circle, the greater chord being 100 feet, and the breadth of it 14 feet 3 inches % 14 feet 3 inches=U.25, and 14.25 -f- 100 = .1425 ; the tab- ular- length for .142 = .14007 ', and for .143=. 14103, the differ- ence between which is .00096. Then, .5 x .00096 = .000480. Hence, .142 =.14007,' . .0005 = .00048 .14055, the sum by which the square of the greater chord is to be multiplied; and .14055 xl00 2 =: 1405.5 feet. ^ 144 MENSURATION OF AREAS, LINES, AND SURFACES. PEOMISCUOUS EXAMPLES. 1. If a load of wood is 8 feet long, 3 feet 10 inches wide, and 6 feet 6 inches high, what are its contents ? Ans. 1.72 cords. 2. Add | of a ton to -j^ of a cwt. Ans. 12.329 cwt. 3. What are the contents of a board 25 feet long and 3 feet wide? Ans. 75 feet. 4. What is the difference between the contents of two floors ; one being 37 feet long and 27 feet wide, and the other 40 feet long and 20 feet wide? Ans. 199 feet. 5. How many yards of paper that is 30 inches wide will it require to cover the wall of a room that is 15^ feet long, 11^ feet wide, and 7 J feet high ? Ans. 55.2833 yards. 6. If i of a post stands in the mud, J in the water, and 10 feet above the water, what is the length of the post ? Ans. 18.182 feet. 7. What fraction is -that to which if f- of -J be added the sum will be 1 ? Ans. •§-§• 8. If the earth make one complete revolution in 23 hours 5£ minutes 3 seconds, in what time does it move one degree ? Ans. 3 mm. 59.3417 seconds. 9. From a plank 26 inches broad a square yard and a half is to be sawed off; what distance from the end must the line be struck ? Ans. 6. 23 feet. 10. What is the side of a triangle that may be inscribed in a circle, the circumference of which is 1000 feet? Ans. 275.6556 feet. 11. How large a square field can be made in a circle of 100 rods in diameter? Ans. 22 rods 2 yards 2 feet 4.5 inches. 12. A rectangular field is 12 rods 2 yards 2 feet and 3 inches in length, by 9 rods and 1 yard in breadth ; what is its area in square yards? Ans. 3471.875 yards. . MENSURATION OF AREAS, LINES, AND SURFACES. 145 13. The sides, of a triangular plot of ground are 24, 36, and 48 feet ; what is its area in square feet ? Ans. 418.282 feet. 14. In turning a chaise within a ring of a certain diameter, the outer wheel made two turns while the inner wheel made but one, the wheels being four feet in diameter, and five feet asunder on the axle-tree ; what was the circumference of the track described by the outer wheel? Ans. 62.832 feet. 15. The ball on the top of a church is 6 feet in diameter ; what did the gilding of it cost at 8 cents per square inch ? Ans. 1302.884 dollars. 16. A roof of a house is 24 feet 8 inches by 14.5 feet, and is to be covered with lead weighing 8 lbs. per foot; what will be the weight of the lead required ? Ans. 2861.324 lbs. 17. The area of an equilateral triangle, whose base falls on the diameter, and its vertex in the middle of the arc of a semi- circle, is equal to 100 ; what is the diameter of the semicircle? Ans. 26.32148. 18. The distance of the centres of two circles, the diameters of which are each 50, is equal to 30 j what is the area of the space inclosed between the two circles by arcs of their circum- ferences? Ans. 559.115.* 19. In the latitude of London, the distance around the earth, measured on that parallel, is about 15,550 miles ; now, as the earth revolves in 23 hours and 56 minutes, at what rate per hour does the city of London move from west to east? Ans. 649.7214 miles per hour. 20. A father left his son an estate, ^ of which he ran through in 8 months ; f- of the remainder lasted him 12 months longer, wheit he had barely $820 left ; what sum did his fa- ther leave him ? Ans. $1913.34. 21. There is a segment of a circle the chord of which is 60 feet, its versed sine 10 feet ; what will be the versed sine of that segment of the same circle when the chord is 90 feet? Ans. 28.2055. * By Table of Areas of the Segments of a Circle, p. 134. G 146 MENSURATION OF AREAS, LINES, AND SURFACES. 22. If a line 144 feet long will reach from the top of a fort to a point on the opposite side of a river that is 64 feet wide, what is the height of the fort above that point 1 Ans. 128.99 feet. 23. A certain room is 20 feet long, 16 feet wide, and 12 feet high ; how long must a line be to extend from one of the lower corners to an opposite upper corner'? Ans. 28.2843 feet. 24. Two ships sail from the same por.t ; one sails due north 128 miles, the other due east 72 miles; how far are the ships from each other? Ans. 146.86+ miles. 25. There are two columns in the ruins of Persepolis left standing upright ; one is 70 feet above the plain, and the oth- er 50 ; in a straight line between these stands an ancient statue 5 feet in height, the head of which is 100 feet from the summit of the higher, and 80 feet from the top of the lower column ; required the distance between the tops of the two columns'? * Ans. 143.543 feet. 26. The height of a tree growing in the centre of a circular island 100 feet in diameter is 160 feet, and a line extending from the top of it to the further shore is 400 feet ; what is the breadth of the stream, assuming the land on each side of the water to be level % Ans. 316.6065 feet. 27. A ladder 70 feet long is so placed as to reach a win- dow 40 feet from the ground on one side of a street, and with- out removing it at the foot, will reach a window 30 feet high on the other side ; what is the breadth of the street ? Ans. 120.6911/^. 28. If a tree stand on a horizontal plane 80 feet in height, at what height from the ground must it be cut off so that the top of it may fall on a point 40 feet from the bottom of the tree, the end where it was cut off resting on the%tump ? Ans. 30 feet. 29. Four men, A, B, C, D, bought a grindstone, the diam- eter of which was 4 feet ; they agreed that A should grind off his share first, and tnat each man should have it alternately until he had worn off his share ; how much will each man grind off? Ans. A 3.215 + , B 3.81 + , C 4.97 + , D 12 inches. MENSURATION OF AREAS, LINES, AND SURFACES. 147 30. The classification of a school is as follows, viz., -^ of the boys are taught geometry, -| grammar, -^5- arithmetic, ^ writing, and 9 reading; what is the number in each branch'? j, (5 geometry, 30 grammar, 24 arithmetic, ' \ 12 writing, and 9 reading. 31. A certain general has an army of 141,376 men. How many must he place in rank and file to form them into a square? Ans. 376. 32. If *he area of a circle be 1760 yards, how many feet must the side of a square measure to contain that quantity ? Ans. 125.8571 jeet. 33. If the diameter of a round stick of timber be 24 inches, how large a square stick may be hewn from it ? Ans. 16.97 inches. 34. To set out an orchard of 2400 mulberry trees so that the length shall be to the breadth as 3 to 2, and the distance of each tree one from the other 7 yards, how many trees must there be in the length of the orchard, and how many in its breadth, and how many square yards of ground do they stand on ? C Trees in length, 60. Ans. < Trees in breadth, 40. {Square yards, 1 1 7,600. 35. Suppose the expense of paving a semicircular plot of ground, at 30 cents per square foot, amounted to $25.63, what is the diameter of it 1 ? Ans. 14.75 feet. 36. Two sides of an obtuse-angled triangle are 20 and 40 poles ; what must be the length of the third side, that the triangle may contaiiFJust an acre ? Ans. 58.876 ^ofes. 37- If two sides of an obtuse-angled triangle, the area of which is =60 x -/3, are 12 and 20, what is the third side? Ans. 28. 38. If an area of 63 feet is cut off from a triangle, the three sides of which are 13, 20, and 21 feet, by a line paral- lel to the longest side or base of the triangle, what are the lengths of the sides of the triangle which will include that area? 148 MENSURATION OF AREAS, LINES, AND SURFACES. Operation. — A triangle of the above dimensions has an area of 126. See Rule, p. 51. Then, as 126 {—area of triangle) : J-f^ ( — area of required triangle)'.'. hyp. 2 (400) : hyp/ 2 (200)=square of hyp. of required triangle; and -y/200 = 14.142 =square root of square of hyp.— hyp.' of required triangle. Hence, as hyp. (20) : base (21) : : hyp.' (14.142) : base of required trian- gle (14.849). Consequently, 14.849 is the base, 14.142 is the hyp., and by Rule, p. 53, V 14.142 2 -14.849 2 =4.527, the length of the remaining side. 39. Seven men bought a grindstone of 60 inches in diam- eter, each paying \ part of the cost;, what part of the diam- eter can each grind down for his share ? (The 1st, 4.4508 ; 2d, 4.8400 ; 3d, 5.3535 ; Ans. < 4th, 6.0765 ; 5th, 7.2079 ; 6th, 9.3935 ; ( • and the 7th, 22.6778. This problem may be thus constructed, Fig. 69 : On the radius, a c, describe a semicircle ; also divide a c into as many equal parts, c d, d e, ef &c, as there are shares, and erect the perpen- diculars d I, e m,fn, &c, meeting the semicircle described on a c in /, m, n, o, p, q. Then, with the centre c and radii c I, c in, c n, &c, describe circles, and the diameter which each is to grind down will be thus shown. Fig. 69. For, the square of the chords or radii c I, cm, en, &c, arc as the co- sines c d,c e, cf 31 2 +2~x35" 2 -25 a 2 By formula, p. 56, b g= :28.1428. 26 e 2x49.4975 98.995 g h=bg -b A=2 8.14 28-24.7487= 3.3941. c ^ = -/6c 2 -6 5 r 3 =-/31 2 -28.1428 2 = -/ 168.9828=12.9993. By similar triangles (see Note, p. 50), a h+c g (37.748) :g h (3.3941) : : a h (24. 7487); h i =2.2253. ai = Va h 2 + h i 2 = -/24.7487 a + 2.2253 2 = V 612.4981 + 4.9520 = V 617.4501 =24:8485. MENSURATION OP AREAS, LINES, AND SURFACES. 151 Again, by similar triangles, h i (2.2253) : h g (3.3941): \a i (24.8485) : a c= 37.8997 =6 d ; now, by Rule, p. 57, the area of the trapezium* abed acxbf+fd acXbd ac 2 37.8997 2 1QQ _ . : = si — ^— = =—-= — 718.1936 poles=4: ac. 1 ro. 2 2 2 2 r 38 po. 5 yds. 7.7076 feet, Ans. 48. A messenger traveling 8 miles an hour was sent to Mexico with dispatches for the army; after he had gone 51 miles, another was sent with countermanding orders who could go 19 miles as quick as the former could 16 ; how long will it take the latter to overtake the former, and how far must he travel ? Operation. — If the first messenger travels 8 miles in an hour, and the second 19 while the first travels 16, the second travels 1.5 miles an hour Pr-*) faster than the first. Then, 51-f-1.5=34 hours, and 3ixd. 5 =323 =number of miles traveled by second messenger when he overtook the first. 51 Hence, 34+— -=40.375, and 40.375 X 8 =323 miles = ihe distance reach- 8 • ed by first messenger. 49. The hour and minute hands of a watch are exactly to- gether at 12 o'clock ; when are they next together? Operation. — The velocities of the two hands of a watch are to each other as 12 to 1 ; therefore the difference of velocities is 12 — 1 = 11. Then, as 11 : i " * \ I : : : 1 : i J »■ *> "" 2 ?ft« C - ?*** \ 12 X 2 ) \2h.l0m. 54-jSj- sec, 2d tune. 50. A person being asked the hour of the day, replied, The time past noon is equal to f of the time till midnight ; what was the time? Ans. 20 minutes past 5. Operation.— If the time required is | of the time to midnight, then the whole time from noon to midnight (12 hours or 720 minutes) is divided into-fd+f+1). Hence, if -|=720, £=80 minutes, and ^=320 minutes, or 5 hours and 20 minutes, the Ans. 51. A person being asked the time of day, replied that | of the time from noon was equal to -^ T of the time to mid- night; what was the time? Ans. 40 minutes past 4. * a c and b d being equal. 152 MENSURATION OF AREAS, LINES, AND SURFACES. 52. What is the radius of a circular acre? Operation. — Side. of a square (p. 81) X 1.128= diameter of an equal circle. The side of a square acre (p. 13) is 208.710321, which, X 1.128 = 235.5, and 235.5^2 to obtain radius=ll7. 75 feet. 53. The time of the day is between 4 and 5, and the hour and minute hands are exactly together; what is the time? Operation. — The speed of the hands is as 1 to 11. 4 hours X 60=240, and 240-f-ll=21 min. and 49^ sec, which, added to 4, =4 hours 21 min. and 49^- sec. 54. A person being asked what o'clock it was, replied that it was between 5 and 6 ; but, to be more particular, the min- ute-hand was as far beyond the 6 as the hour-hand wanted of being to the 6 ; that is, that the hour and minute hands made equal acute angles with a line passing from the 12 through the 6 ; required the time. Operation. — 5 hours— 300 minutes, and 6 hours = 360 minutes. Then, 300 4- the time by the hour-hand past 5=360— the time by the minute-hand past 6. As the relative speed of the hour and minute hands is as 1 to 12, 300 + 1,=360-12. Q£f) 300 Consequently, ~\%—^i 36^§=the space between the hour 1 ~rl2 and minute hands, which, -J- 2 to obtain the half space (each side of the 6), gives 2 min. 18-^g- sec, which, added to 5 hours and 30 min., =5 hours 32 min. and 18^- sec, the time required. 4 55. Two persons, A and B, start at the same time to meet each other when apart 100 miles ; after 7 hours they meet, when it appears that A had ridden \\ miles per hour faster than B ; at what rate per hour did each ride % Ans. A 7.893, B 6.392 miles per hour. 56. Swift can travel 7 miles in -§ of an hour, but Slow can travel only 5 miles in -^ of an hour ; »both started from one point at the same time to walk a distance of 12 miles; how much sooner will Swift arrive than Slow ? Ans. 12.467 seconds. MENSURATION OP AREAS, LINES, AND SURFACES. 153 57. At a certain time between two and three o'clock, the minute-hand of a clock was between three and four ; within an hour after, the hour and minute hands had exactly changed places with each other ; what was the precise time when the hands were in the first position ? Ans. 2 h. 15 m. 56^- sec. 58. If a traveler were to leave New Haven at 8 o'clock on a morning, and walk toward Albany at the rate of 3 miles an hour, and another traveler were to set out from Albany at 4 o'clock in the evening, and walk toward New Haven at the rate of 4 miles an hour, whereabout on the road would they meet, supposing the distance to be 130 miles ? Ans. 69.4286 miles from New Haven. 59. A thief, escaping from an officer, has 40 miles the start, and travels at the rate of 5 miles an hour ; the officer in pursuit travels at the rate of 7 miles an hour ; how far must he travel before he overtakes the thief? Ans. 20 hours, and 140 miles. 60. If 12 oxen graze 3^ acres of grass in 4 weeks, and 21 oxen 10 acres^in 9 weeks, how many oxen would it require to graze 24 acres in 18 weeks, the grass to be growing ?• Operation. — Each ox grazes a certain quantity in each week, which we suppose to be 100 pounds, and of the whole quantify grazed in each case, a part must have grown during the time of grazing. Then, by the first condition, 1 2 X 4 X 100—4800 lbs. = whole quantity on 3£ acres for 4 weeks. 4800-7-3^=1410 lbs.=whole quantity on 1 acre for 4 weeks. By the second condition, 21 X 9 X 100=18900 lbs. =whole quantity on 10 acres for 9 weeks. 18900-7-10 = 1890 lbs.=whole quantity on 1 acre for 9 weeks. 1890 — 1440=450 lbs. = the quantity grown on an acre for 9— 4= 5 weeks. 450-f-9—4=90 lbs. = the quantity which grows on each acre for 1 week. 90x3^x4 = 1200 lbs. = quantity grown on 3^ acres for 4 weeks. 4800—1200=3600 lbs. = original quantity of grass on 3^ acres. 3600-7-3^=1080 lbs. ^original quantity on 1 acre. And by the last condition, 24 X 1080=25920 lbs. ^original quantity on 24 acres. 24 X 90 X 18 = 38880 lbs. =quantity which grows on 24 acres in 18 weeks. G2 154 MENSURATION OF AREAS, LINES, AND SURFACES. 25920+38880=64800 lbs.=whole quantity on 24 acres for 18 weeks. 64800-r-18=3600 lbs.— quantity to be grazed from 24 acres each week. 3600-r-100 =36 =m«?i&er of oxen required to graze the whole. 61. A tract of land, exactly square, is inclosed by a three- railed fence ; the length of each rail is 15 feet, and the num- ber of rails in the fence is equal to the number of acres in- closed ; required the area of this tract in acres, and the length of its side in feet. Operation. — If the tract of land was inclosed by one rail, then, 15-r- (4x3) =1.2 5 feet, the length of its side. Then, if 43,560 square feet make an acre, as 1.25 2 : 43,560: :1 rail: 27878.4, the number of rails in the fence, or the number of acres in the tract; and (27878.4 X 15)-r-(4 X 3) =34,848, the length of the side in feet. 62. What is the radius of a circular acre % Operation. — Side of a square X 1.128 = diameter of an equal circle. By table, p. 13, 208.710321 =the side of a square acre. Then, 208.710321x1.128=235.50, which, -r-2 (for radius), =117.75 feet, 63. There is an island 20 miles in circumference, and three men start together to travel the same way about it ; A goes 2 miles per hour, B 4 miles per hour, and C 6 miles per hour ; in what time will they come together again ? Ans. 10 hours. 64. A hare starts 12 rods before a hound, but is not per- ceived by him till she has been off 1^ minutes ; she runs at the rate of 36 rods a minute, and the dog, on view of her, makes after her at the rate of 40 rods a minute ; how long will the course hold, and what distance will the dog run ? Ans. 14 J minutes, and he will run 570 rods. MENSURATION OF SOLIDS. 155 MENSURATION OF SOLIDS. OP CUBES AND PAEALLELOPIPEDONS. Cube. Definition. A solid contained by six equal square sides. % To ascertain the Contents of a Cube, Fig. 72 Eule. — Multiply a side of the cube by itself, and that prod- uct again by a side, and this last product will give the con- tents required. Or, s^S, s representing the length of a side, and S the con- tents. Fig. 72. X ~~[\ m "\ ap Example. — The side a b of the cube, Fig. 72, is 12 inches; what are the contents of it f 12.X 12 X 12 = 1728 inches. Ex. 2. The side of a cube is 15 inches ; what are its con- tents in feet and inches % ^725.1.953125/^, or 1 foot and H ^Voo inches. Ex. 3. The sides of a cube are 12.5 feet; what are its contents in cubic feet and yards ? A C1953.125 cubic feet. t 72.338 cubic yards. Centre of Gravity. Is in its geometrical centre. 156 MENSURATION OF SOLIDS. Parallelopipedon. Definition. A solid contained by six quadrilateral sides, every opposite two of which are equal and parallel. To ascertain the Contents of a Parallelopipedon, Fig. 73. Rule. — Multiply the length by the breadth, and that prod- uct again by the depth, and this last product will give the 9 contents required. Or, lxbxd=S. Fig. 73. Example. — The length a b, Fig. 73, is 15, the breadth c d 12, and the depth c b is 11 inches; what are the contents? 15 X 12 X 11 = 1980 inches. Ex. 2. The length of a parallelopipedon is 15 feet, and each side of it is 21 inches ; what are its contents? Ans. 45.9375 feet. Ex. 3. The dimensions of a parallelopipedon are 20 feet in length, 11.5 in breadth, and 7 in depth ; what are its contents in feet? Ans. 1610 feet. Centre of Gravity. Is in its geometrical centre. PEISMS, PRISMOIDS, AND WEDGES. Prisms. Definition. Solids, the ends of which are equal, similar, and parallel planes, and the sides of which are parallelograms. Note. — When the ends of a prism are triangles, it is called a trian- gular prism ; when rhomboids, a rhomboidal prism ; when squares, a square prism; when rectangles, a rectangular prism, &c. MENSURATION OP SOLIDS. 157 To ascertain the Contents of a Prism, Figs. 74 and 75. Rule. — Multiply the area of the base d efby the height, and the product will give the contents required. Or, axh=S. r Fig. 74. Fig. 75. Example. — A triangular prism, ahcdef Fig. 75, has sides of 2.5 feet, and a length c d of 10 feet ; what are its contents ? (By Eule, p. 52) -^-=1.5625, which, X 1.732^2.70625 =area of end a be, and 2.70625 X 10 = 27.0625 =feet. Ex. 2. A side of the end of a triangular prism is 18 inches, and the length of the prism is 9 feet ; what are its contents ! Ans. 8.7 682 feet. Ex. 3. What is the solidity of a prism 15 feet in length, the ends of which are hexagonal, with sides 16 inches in length f (By Eule, p. 60) 16 2 X 2.5981 = 665.1136 = square of a side multiplied by the tabular number for the area of a hexagon; then, 665.1136x15 = 91)76.704, the contents required. Ex. 4. The sides of an octagonal prism are 3 feet, and its height 6.75 feet; what are its contents in feet and yards? * A ("293.3388/^. t 10.8644 yards. " Centre of Gravity. For rule, see Mensuration of Areas, Lines, and Surfaces, p. 100. «. 158 MENSURATION OF SOLIDS. Prismoids. Definition. Figures alike to a prism, but having only one pair of their sides parallel. Note. — Prismoids, alike to prisms, derive their designation from the figure of their ends, as triangular, square, rectangular, pentagonal, &c. To ascertain the Contents of a Prismoid, Fig. 76. Rule. — To the sum of the areas of the two ends, abed, efgh, add four times the area of the middle section at i k parallel to them ; multiply this sum by -J- of the height, and the product will give the contents required.* Or, a-\-a / -\-4mxh-r-6 = S i a and a' representing areas of ends, and m area of middle section. Or, (bxa-{-4mxn-\-dxc)xh^-6=zS, a b, c d representing dimensions of ends, and m n of the middle section. Note. — The length and breadth of the middle section are respective- ly equal to half the sum of the lengths and breadths of the two ends. Fig. 76. a b g h Example. — What are the contents of a rectangular pris- moid, Fig. 76, the lengths and breadths of the two ends being 7 and 6, and 3 and 2 inches, and the height 15 feet? 7x6+3x2=42+6=48=sttm of the areas of the two ends. 7+3-i-2=10-7-2 =5 =length of the middle section. 6+2-f-2=8-7-2=4 = breadth of the middle section. 5x4 X 4 = 80 =four times the" area of the middle section. Then, 48 + 80X 15ft. ~6~ 128 X 30=3840 cubic inches. * This is a general rule, and applies equally to figures of proportion- ate or dissimilar ends. v MENSURATION OF SOLIDS. 159 Ex. 2. What is the capacity of a prismoid, the ends of which are respectively 6 by 8 and 9 by 12 inches, and the height of it is 5 feet?* Ana. 2.6389 feet. Ex. 3. What are the contents of a prismoid when the ends of it are respectively 40.75 by 27.5 inches and 20.5 by 14.75 inches, and the length of it is 23.625 inches ? Ans. 9.1392 cubic feet Centre of Gravity. For rule, see Mensuration of Areas, Lines, and Surfaces, p. 101. Wedge. Definition. A prolate triangular prism'. To ascertain the Contents of a Wedge, Fig. 77. Rule. — To the length of the edge, e g, add twice the length of the back ; multiply this sum by the perpendicular height, ef, and then by the breadth of the back, and i of the product will be the solidity required. Or, (J+7 7 x2xAx&)-f-6=S. * ' Fig. 77. Example. — The back of a wedge, a I, d c, is 20 by 2 inches, and its height, ef 20 inches; what are its contents'? 20+20 X 2 = 60=length of the edge added to twice the length of the back. 60 X 20 X 2 =2400 —above sum multiplied by the height, and that product by the breadth of the bach. 2400-f-G=400=£ of above product = the contents required. * An excavation or embankment of a road, when terminated by par- allel cross sections, is a rectangular prismoid. 160 MENSURATION OF SOUDS- Ex. 2. The back of a wedge is 15 inches by 3 broad, the edge of it 15 inches in length, and the height 30; what are its contents in inches? Ans. 675 inches. Ex. 3. The back of a wedge is 64 inches by 9 broad, the length of the edge is 42 inches, and the height is 2 feet 4 inches ; how many cubic feet are contained in it ? Ans. 4.1319 cubic feet Ex. 4. The height of a wedge is 15 inches, the edge 7, and the base 9 by 3 J ; what are its contents'? Ans. 218.75 cubic inches. Centre of Gravity. For rule, see Mensuration of Areas, Lines, and Surfaces, p. 100. Note. — "When a wedge is a true prism, as represented by Fig. 77, the contents of it are equal to the area of an end multiplied by its length. regular bodies (Polyhedrons). Definition. A regular body is a solid contained under a cer- tain number of similar and equal plane faces* all of which are equal regular polygons. Note 1. The whole number of regular bodies which can possibly be formed is five. Note 2. A sphere may always be inscribed within, and may always be circumscribed about a regular body or polyhedron, which will have a common centre. 1. The Tetrahedron, or Pyramid, Fig. 78, which has four triangular faces. 2. The Hexahedron, or Cube, Fig. 79, which has six square faces. S.^The Octahedron, Fig. 80, which has eight triangular faces. 4. The Dodecahedron, Fig. 81, which has twelve pentagonal faces. 5. The Icosahedron, Fig. 82, ivhich has twenty triangular faces. * The angle of the adjacent faces of a polygon is called the diedral angle. MENSURATION OF SOLIDS. 161 If the following figures are made of pasteboard, and the lines be so cut that the parts may be turned up and secured together, they will rep- resent the five bodies. Fig. 78. g. 71). Fig. 81. Fig. 80. Fig. 82. Tetrahedron. To ascertain the Contents of a Tetrahedron, Fig. 83. Rule. — Multiply -^ of the cube of the linear side by the square root of 2 (1.414213), and the product will be the con- tents required. I 3 Or, —x -v/2z=S, I representing the length of a side. Fig. 83. Example. — The linear side of a tetrahedron, a be, Fig. 83, is 4 ; what are its contents ? 4 3 G4 jnX V2=— X lAU = 7.5U3=result required. 162 ^ MENSURATION OP SOLIDS. Ex. 2. Required the contents of a tetrahedron, the side of which is 6. Ans. 25.452. Centre of Gravity. Is in the common centre of the centres of gravity of the triangles made by a section through the cen- tre of each side of the figures. Hexahedron,* To ascertain the Contents of a Hexahedron {Cube), see Fig. 72, and Rule, p. 155. Octahedron. To ascertain the Contents of an Octahedron, Fig. 84. Rule.— Multiply •£- of the cube of the linear side by the square root of. 2 (1.414213), and the product will be the con- tents required. Or, Z /xV2=S. Fig. 84 Example. — What are the contents of the octahedron abed, Fig. 84, the linear side of which is 4 1 ' 43 64 — X V 2 =— - x 1.414 =30.1649 -result required. o o Ex. 2. Required the contents of an octahedron, the side of which is 8? Ans. 241.3226. Centre of Gravity. Is in its geometrical centre. * A hexahedron and a cube are identical figures, being solids having the same number of similar and equal plane faces. MENSURATION OF SOLIDS. . . 163 Dodecahedron. To ascertain the Contents of a Dodecahedron, Fig. 85. Rule. — To 21 times the square root of 5 add 47, and di- vide the sum by 40 ; then, the square root of the quotient be- ing multiplied by 5 times the cube of the linear side, will give the contents required. A/5x 21 + 47 * Qr 'V 40 X* 3 *g=S. d Example. — The linear side of the dodecahedron abed e*is 3 ; what are its contents 1 /•/5X21+47 __ _ / 2.23606X21 +47 J^ y/ — X27X5=W — X 135= 206.901 = re- sult required. Ex. 2. The linear side of a dodecahedron is 1 ; what is the capacity of it? 4ns. 7.6631. Centre of Gravity. Is in its geometrical centre. Icosahedron. To ascertain the Contents of an Icosahedron, Fig. 86. Eule. — To 3 times the square root of 5 add 7, and divide the sum by 2 ; then, the square root of this quotient being multiplied by -§ of the cube of the linear side, will give the contents required. V5x3+7 Px5 ° r V" =S. 164 MENSURATION OP SOLIDS. Fig. 86. d Example. — The linear side of the icosahedron ah c d e f is 3 ; what are its contents % /-/5X3 + 7 3 3 X5 /2.23606X3 + 7 27x5 , y/ T 2 X~6-=V 2~ § X-g—v' 6.85409X22.5 =58.9056 ^result required. Ex. 2. Required the contents of an icosahedron, the linear side of which is 1 * Ans. 2. 1817. Centre of Gravity. Is in its geometrical centre. REGULAR BODIES. To ascertain the Contents of any regular Solid Body. • When the Linear Edge is given. Rule. — Multiply the cube of the linear edge by the mul- tiplier in column A in the table on the following page, and the product will be the contents required. Example. — What is the capacity of a hexahedron having sides of 3 inches ? 3 3 X 1=27 =tabular volume multiplied by cube of edge =contents required. When the radius of the Circumscribing Sphere is given. Rule. — Cube the radius of the circumscribing sphere, and multiply it by the multiplier opposite to the figure in column B. Example. — The radius of the circumscribing sphere of a hexahedron is 1.732 inches; what is the volume of it? 1.732 3 X 1.5S06=product of cube of radius and tabular multiplier =8 = result required. MENSURATION OF SOLIDS. 165 When the radius of the Inscribed Sphere is given. Rule. — Cube the radius, and multiply it by the multiplier opposite to the figure in column C. Example. — The radius of the inscribed sphere of a hexahe- dron is 1 inch ; what is its volume ? 13 x 8 —product of cube of radius and tabular multiplier =8 =result re- quired. No. of sides. Figures. A, By linear B. By radius of circum. sphere. C. By radius of inscribing sphere. Angle between two adjacent faces. 4 6 8 12 20 Tetrahedron Hexahedron Octahedron Dodecahedron Icosahedron 0.11785 1. 0.47140 7.66312 2.18169 .51320 1.53960 1.33333 2.78516 2.53615 13.85641 70° 31' 42' 90 109 28 18 5.55029116 33 54 5.05406 138 11 23 8. 6.92820 Note. — For further rules to ascertain the elements of polyhedrons, see Appendix, p. 262. Centre of Gravity. Is in their geometrical centre. Cylinder. Definition. A figure formed by the revolution of a right-an- gled parallelogram around one of its sides. To ascertain the Contents of a Cylinder, Fig. 87. Rule. — Multiply the area of the base by the height, and the product will give the contents required. Or, axh=zS. Fig. 87. 166 MENSURATION OF SOLIDS. Example. — The diameter of a cylinder, b c, is 3 feet, and its length, a £, 7 feet ; what are its contents ? Area of 3 feet = 7.068. Then, 7.068 X 7=49.476 =result required. Ex. 2. "What are the contents of a cylinder, the height of which is 5 feet, and the diameter 2 feet ? Ans. 15.708 feet. Ex. 3. The circumference of the base of a cylindrical col- umn is 20.42 feet, and the height of the column is 9.695 feet; what is its volume'? Ans. 320.515 feet. Centre of Gravity. Is in its geometrical centre. Cone. Definition. A figure described by the revolution of a right- angled triangle about one of its legs. To ascertain the Contents of a Cone, Fig. 88. Eule. — Multiply the area of the base by the perpendicular height, and one third of the product will be the contents re- quired. axh Or, 3 :S. Fig. 88. Example. — The diameter, a b, of the base of a cone is 15 inches, and the perpendicular height, c d, 32.5 inches ; what are the contents of the cone ? MENSURATION OF SOLIDS. 167 Area of 15 inches =176.7146. Then, 176,7U Q 6X32 - 5 = 1914.4082 cubic inches. Ex. 2. The diameter of the base of a cone is 20, and its height 24 inches ; what are its contents in cubic inches % Ans. 2513.28 inches. Ex. 3. What are the contents of a cone when the diameter of its base is 1.5 feet, and its height 15 feet ? Ans. 8.8358 feet. Ex. 4. The diameter of the base of a cone is 12.732 feet, and the height of it is 50 feet ; what is its volume? Ans. 2121.9386 feet. Centre of Gravity. It is at a distance from the base J of the line joining the vertex and centre of gravity of the base. To ascertain the Contents of the Frustrum of a Cone, Fig. 89. Rule.— Add together the squares of the diameters of the greater and less ends and the product of the two diameters ; multiply their sum by .7854, and this product by the height ; then divide this last product by three, and the quotient will give the contents required. Or, add together the squares of the circumferences of the great- er and less ends and the product of the two circumferences ; mul- tiply their sum by .07958, and this product by the height; then, divide this last product" by three, and the quotient will give the con- tents required. r\ 79 i j/9 . 3 — T/ -7854 x A ~ Or, d 2 +d 2 +dxd'x ^ =S. o Fig. 89. 168 MENSURATION OF SOLIDS. Example.-*— What are the contents of the frustrum of a cone, the diameters of the greater and less ends, bd,ac, being respectively 5 and 3 feet, ami the perpendicular height, e o, 9 feet? 5 2 + 3 2 +5x3=49=^e sum of the squares of the diameters and the product of the diameters. 49 X .7854 =38.4846 =the above sum by .7854. — '■ — =1 15.4538 — the last product X the height and divided by three, which is the result required. Ex. 2. What are the contents of the frustrum of a cone, the diameters of the ends being respectively 2 ahd 4 feet, and the height 9 feet? Ans. 65.9736 feet. Ex. 3. The frustrum of a cone is 12 inches in height, and has diameters of 7 and 9^ inches ; what are the contents of it? Ans. 646.3842 inches. Centre of Gravity. It is at a distance from the base £ of (R-f-r) 2 -l-2R 2 the smaller end— £ height x- m , ' — =-} R and r radii of (R-j-r) 2 — Rr " the greater and less ends. Pyramid. Definition. A figure, the base of which has three or more sides, and the sides of which are plane triangles. Note. — The volume of a pyramid is equal to one third of that of a prism having equal bases and altitude. To ascertain the Contents of a Pyramid, Fig. 90. Rule. — Multiply the area of the base by the perpendicular height, and one third of the product will be the contents re- quired. Or, — =& MENSURATION OF SOLIDS. Fig. 90. 169 Example. — What are the contents of a hexagonal pyramid, a b c, Fig. 90, a side, a b } being 40 feet, and its height, c e, 60 feet? 40 a x 2.5981 (tabular multiplier, p. 60)=4156.96=area of base. A 1 R.Ct CiCt \s f*f\ '— =83139.2 —one third of the area of the base X the height= the contents required. Ex. 2. The height of a quadrangular pyramid is 67 feet, and the width of its base is 16.5 feet; what are its contents in cubic feet? Ans. 6080.25. Ex. 3. What are the contents of a pentagonal pyramid, its height being 12 feet, and each of its sides 2 feet? Am. 27.528 feet. Centre of Gravity. It is at a distance from the base i of the line joining the vertex and centre of gravity of the base. To ascertain the Contents of the Frustrum of a Pyramid, Fig. 91. Rule. — Add together the squares of the sides of the great- er and less ends and the product of these two sides ; multiply the sum by the tabular multiplier for areas in Table, p. 60, and this product by the height ; then, divide the last prod- uct by three, and the quotient will give the contents re- quired. Or, (ss+s'z+s x/) X tab. mult. x^=S } s and sr representing o the lengths of the sides. If 170 MENSURATION OF SOLIDS. Note. — When the areas of the ends are known, or can be obtained without reference to a tabular multiplier, use the following. a-f a / 4-yaxa / XQ=S, a and a' representing areas of the o ends. Fig. 91. Example. — What are the contents of the frustrum of a hex- agonal pyramid, Fig. 91, the lengths of the sides of the great- er and less ends, a b, c d, being respectively 3.75 and 2.5 feet, and its perpendicular height, e o, 7.5 feet % 3.75 2 +2.5 2 =20.3125=sww of the squares of sides of greater and less ends. 20.3125 +3.75 X 2.5 =29.6875 =above sum added to the product of the two sides. 29.6875 X 2.5981 X 7.5 =578.48 —the last sum X tab. mult., and again by the height, which, -+3 = 192.82/eef. Ex. 2. The frustrum of a hexagonal pyramid has sides of 4 and 3 feet, and a height of 9 feet ; what are its contents ! Ans. 294.3891 feet. When the Ends of a Pyramid are not those of a Regular Polygon, or when the Areas of the Ends are given. Rule. — Add together the areas of the two ends and the square root of their product ; multiply the sum by the height, and one third of the product will be the contents. Or, a+a / +" V /axa / Xg=S. MENSURATION OF SOLIDS. 171 * Example. — What are the contents of an irregular-sided frustrum of a pyramid, the areas of the two ends being 22 and 88 inches, and the length 20 inches ? 22 + 88 = 110= sum of areas of ends. 22x88 = 1936, and V 1936= 44 = square root of product of areas. — =1026.66=one third of sum of above sum and product X o the height —feet. Ex. 2. The areas of the ends of an irregular-sided frustrum of a pyramid are 81 and 100 inches, and the length 25 inches; what are its contents'? Arts. 2258.33 inches. Centre of Gravity. It is at a distance from the centre of the smaller end=i heiqhtx\n — r^ — oc— 5 R <* n d r radii °f (R-f-r) 2 — Rr the greater and less ends. /Spherical Pyramid. A Spherical Pyramid is that part of a sphere included within three or more adjoining plane surfaces meeting at the centre of the sphere. The spherical polygon defined by these plane surfaces of the pyramid is called the base, and the lateral faces are sectors of circles. To ascertain the Elements of Spherical Pyramids, see Docharty and Hackley's Geometry. Cylindrical Ungulas. Definition. Cylindrical ungulas are frustrums of cylinders. Conical ungulas are frustrums of cones* To ascertain the Contents of a Cylindrical Ungula, Fig. 92. 1 . When the section is parallel to the axis of the cylinder. Rule — Multiply the area of the base by the height of the cylinder, and the product will be the contents required. Or, axh=S. * For Mensuration of Conical Ungulas, see Conic Sections, p. 253. 172 MENSURATION OF SOLIDS. Fig. 92. Example. — The area of the base, def Fig. 92, of a cylindric- al ungula is 15.5 ins., and its height 20 ; what are its contents? 15.5 X 20 =310 =product of area and height =result required. Ex. 2. The area of the base of a cylindrical ungula is 168.25 inches, and the height of it 22 ; what are its contents in cubic feet? Ans. 2.148 cubic feet. 2. When the section passes obliquely through the opposite sides of the cylinder, Fig. 93. Rule. — Multiply the area of the base of the cylinder by half the sum of the greatest and least lengths of the ungula, and the product will be the contents required. Or, axl+T'+2=S. Fig. 93. MENSURATION OP SOLIDS. 173 Example. — The area of the base d efof a cylindrical un- gula is 25 inches, and the greater and less heights of it, a d, b e, are 15 and 17 inches; what are its contents? 25 X- —4:00=product of half the sum of the heights and the area of the base=result required. Ex. 2. The area of the base of a cylindrical ungula is 75.8 inches, and the greater and less heights of it are 4.25 and 5.65 feet ; what are its contents in cubic feet % Ans. 2.6056 cubic feet. 3. When the section passes though the base of the cylinder and one of its sides, and the versed sine does not exceed the sine, Fig. 94. Eule. — From two thirds of the cube of the sine, a d, of the arc, dcfof the base, subtract the product of the area of the base and the cosine,* a e, of the half arc. Multiply the difference thus found by the quotient arising from the height divided by the versed sine, and the product will give the contents required. s 3 2 h Or, -5 a xcX — =S, v s representing the versed sine. o v s Fiff.di. , Example. — The sine a d of half the arc of the base of an ungula, Fig. 94, is 5, the diameter of the cylinder is 10, and the height of the ungula 10 ; what are the contents of it ? * When the cosine is 0, the product is 0. 174 MENSURATION OF SOLIDS. §• of 5 3 = 83.333 = taw thirds of the cube of the sine. As the versed sine and radius of the base are equal, the cosine is 0. Hence, area of base X cosine =0. 83.333 -OX-^ =166.666 ^difference of $ of cube of the sine and the product of area of base and the cosine, Xthe height-— the versed sine=the contents required. Ex. 2. The sine of half the arc of the base of an ungula is 12 inches, the diameter of the cylinder is 25, and the height of the ungula 18 ; what are its contents ? Ans. 1190.34375 inches. For rules to ascertain the area of base, see pp. 85-87. 4. When the section passes through the base of the cylinder, and the versed sine exceeds the sine, Fig, 95. Rule. — To two thirds of the cube of the sine of half the arc of the base, add the product of the area of the base and the excess of the versed sine over the sine of the base. Multiply the sum thus found by the quotient arising from the height divided by the versed sine, and the product will be the contents required. ^ 2 s 3 , h Or, -j-+ax(vscvs)X — =S. Fig. 95. Example. — The sine a d of half the arc of an ungula, Fig. 95, is 12 inches, the versed sine a g is 16, the height c g 20, and the diameter of the cylinder 25 inches ; what are the contents? MENSURATION OF SOLIDS. 175 §■ of 12 3 = ll52 = two thirds of cube of sine of the arc of the base. Area of base (se e Rules, p . 84-134) =331.78. 1152+(331.78xl6-12.5)=2313.23=swm of % of the cube of the sine of the base, and product of area of base, and difference between the versed sine and sine of the base. 2313.23 X 20-T-16 = 2891.5375 =product of above sum and the height, di- vided by the versed sine=result required. 5. When the section passes obliquely through both ends of the cylinder, Fig. 96. Rule. — Conceive the section to be continued till it meets the side of the cylinder produced ; then, as the difference of the versed sines of the arcs of the two ends of the ungula is to the versed sine of the arc of the less end, so is the height of the cylinder to the part of the side produced. Find the contents of each of the ungulas by rules 3 and 4, and their difference will be the contents required. v' X h Or, — — -p = h\ v and v' representing the versed sines of the arcs of the two ends, h the height of the cylinder, and li the height of the part produced. Fig. 96. k/ Example. — The versed sines, a e,do, and sines, % h, g r, of the arcs of the two ends of an ungula, Fig. 96, are assumed to be respectively 8.5 and 25, and 11.5 and inches, the length of the ungula within the cylinder, cut from one having 25 inches diameter is 20 inches ; what is the height of the un- 176 MENSURATION OF SOLIDS. gula produced beyond the cylinder, and what the contents of the ungula? 25rodWtf of area of base and excess of versed sine over the sine of the base. 30.303-4-25 = 1.2121 —quotient of heights-versed sine. Then, 6135.925X1. 2121 =7 437. 35 i7=product of above product and quotient=the residt required. Definition. A solid, the surface of which is at a uniform dis- tance from the centre. To ascertain the Contents of a Sphere, Fig. 97. Rule. — Multiply the cube of the diameter by .5236, and the product will be the contents required. Or, d 3 x.5236=S, d representing the diameter. 7-7.7. 97. c d Example. — What are the contents of a sphere, Fig. 97, its diameter, a b, being 10 inches? 10 3 =1000 > and 1000 x .5236=523.6 cubic inches. Ex. 2. The diameter of a sphere is 17 inches ; what are its contents'? Ans. 1.4887 cubic feet. Ex. 3. What are the contents of a globe 10.5 feet in di- ameter? Ans. 606.132 cubic feet. Centre of Gravity. Is in its geometrical centre. Note.— .5236=f of 3.1416. MENSURATION OF SOLIDS. 177 Segment of a Sphere. Definition* A section of a sphere. To ascertain the Contents of a Segment of a Sphere, Fig. 98. Rule 1. To three times the square of the radius of its base add the square of its height ; multiply this sum by the height, and the product, multiplied by .5236, will give the contents required. Or, (3r 2 -f/* 2 )x^X.5236=S. 2. From three times the diameter of the sphere subtract twice the height of the segment ; multiply this remainder by the square of the height, and the product, multiplied by .5236, will give the contents required. Or, 3 d-2 hxh 2 x.523Q=S. Fig. 98. Example. — The segment of a sphere, Fig. 98, has a radius, a o, of 7 inches for its base, and a height, b o, of 4 inches ; what are its contents ? 7 2 X 3 +4? = 163= the sum of three times the square of the radius and the square of the height. 1G3 X 4 X .5236 =341 .3872 =the above sum multiplied by the height, and by .5236=inches. Ex. 2. The radius of a spherical segment is 48 inches, and the height 12 inches; what are its contents? Ans. 44334.2592 cubic inches. Ex. 3. The height of a spherical segment is 2 inches, and the diameter of the sphere 6 inches ; what are its contents? Ans. 29.322 cubic inches. 112 178 MENSURATION OF SOLIDS. Centre of Gravity. Distance from the centre, 3.1416 v 2 lr— -J —s, v being the versed sine, s the contents of the segment, and r the radius of the sphere. =•5-* — TTjh, h representing the height or versed sine of the segment. Of a Hemisphere. Distance from the centre -§ r. Spherical Zone {or Frustrum of a Sphere). Definition. The part of a sphere included between two paral- lel chords. To ascertain the Contents of a Spherical Zone, Fig. 99. Rule. — To the sum of the squares of the radii d c and/ g of the two ends, df eh, add one third of the square of the height, c g, of the zone ; multiply this sum by the height, and again by 1.5708, and it will give the contents required. h 2 Or, r 2 +r /2 +- X Axl.5708=S. Fig. 99. / Example. — What are the contents of a spherical zone, Fig. 99, the greater and less diameters, / h and d e, being 20 and 15 inches, and the distance between them, or height of the zone, being 10 inches. 10 2 + 7.5 2 = 1 56.25 =sum of the squares of the radii of the two ends. 10 2 156.25+—=: 189.58 —the above sum added to one third of the square o of the height. 189.58 X 10 X 1.5708 =2977.9226 —the, last sum multiplied by the height and again by 1.5708 =feet. MENSURATION OF SOLIDS. 179 Ex. 2. A zone of a sphere has the radii of its ends each 6 inches, and its height is 8 inches ; what are its contents ? Ans. 1172.86 cubic inches. Ex. 3. What are the contents of the zone of a sphere, the radii of its ends being 10 and 12 inches, and the height of it 4 inches? Ans. 1566.6112 cubic inches. Centre of Gravity. Right Zone. Is in its geometrical centre. Of a Frustrum. — — =d, representing the distance from the lor — 4A vertex of the frustrum. Spheroids (Ellipsoids). Definition. Solids generated by the revolution of a semi-ellipse about one of its diameters. When the revolution is about the transverse diameter, they are Prolate, and when about the conjugate, they are Oblate. To ascertain the Contents of a Spheroid, Figs. 100 and 101. Rule. — Multiply the square of the revolving axis, c d, by the fixed axis, a b, and this product by .5236, and it will give the contents required. Or a 2 x at X -5236 = S, a and a' representing the axes. 4 Or, - 3.1±16 xr 2 xr'=S, r and ? %/ representing the semi-axes. o Note. — The contents of a spheroid are equal to two thirds of a cylin- der that will circumscribe it. Fig. 100. Fig. 101. it? Example. — In a prolate spheroid, Fig. 100, the fixed axis a b is 14, and the revolving axis c d 10 ; what are its con- tents? 10 2 X 14 = 1400 ^product of square of revolving axis and fixed axis. 1400 X .5236 =733.04 = above product by .523S=result required. 180 MENSURATION OF SOLIDS. Ex. 2. The axes of a prolate spheroid are 100 and 60 inches ; what are its contents'? Ans. 188496 inches. Ex. 3. The axes of an oblate spheroid, Fig. 101, are 10 and 14 inches ; what are its contents'? Ans. 1026.256 inches. Ex* 4. What are the contents of an oblate spheroid, its transverse axis, c d, being 24, and its conjugate, a b, 18 inches ! Ans. 5428.685 inches. Ex. 5. What are the contents of an oblate spheroid, the axes of which are 50 and 30 inches t Ans. 22.7257 cubic feet. Centre of Gravity. Is in their geometrical centre. Segments of Spheroids. To ascertain the Contents of the Segment of a Spheroid. When the base, e f, is Circular, or parallel to the revolving cms, as c d, Figs. 102 and 102*. Rule. — Multiply the fixed axis, a b, by three, the height of the segment, a o, by two, and subtract the one product from the other ; multiply the remainder by the square of the height of the segment, and the product by .5236. Then, as the square of the fixed axis is to the square of the revolving axis, so is the last product to the contents of the segment. Or, j— '• =S, a and a / representing the fixed and revolving axes. Fig. 102. c Fig. 102*. a Example. — In a prolate spheroid, Fig. 102, the fixed or transverse axis, a b, is 100, and the revolving or conjugate, c d, GO; what are the contents of a segment of it, its height, a o, being 10 inches ? MENSURATION OF SOLIDS. 181 100x3 — 10X2 =280=twice the height of the segment subtracted from three times the fixed axis. 280 X 10 2 X. 5236 = 14660. 8 =product of above remainder, the square of the height, and .5236. Then, 100 2 : 60 2 :: H660.8: 5277.888 =the result required. Ex. 2. The height of a segment of a prolate spheroid, Fig. 102, is 5 inches ; what are its contents, the transverse axis being 4 feet 2 inches, and the conjugate 2.5 feet? Ans. 659.736 cubic inches. Ex. 3. The height of a segment of an oblate spheroid, Fig. 102*, is 10 inches, the transverse diameter being 100, and the conjugate 60; what are its contents? Ans. 23271.111 cubic inches. When the base, e f t is Elliptical, or perpendicular to the revolv- ing axis, as c d, Figs. 103 and 103*. Eule. — Multiply the revolving axis, c d, by three, the height of the segment, c o, by two, and subtract the one from the other ; multiply the remainder by the square of the height of the segment, and the product by .5236. Then, as the revolving axis is to the fixed axis, so is the last product to the contents. Or, * ~— - ' = S ; a representing the fixed a and af the revolving axes. Fig. 103. c Fig. 103*. Example. — The diameters, c d and a b, of an oblate sphe- roid, Fig. 103*, are 100 and 60 inches, and the height of a segment, c o, thereof is 12 inches ; what are its contents ? 182 MENSURATION OF SOLIDS. 100x3— 12x2 =276= twice the height of the segment subtracted from three times the revolving axis. 276 X 12 2 X .5236 -20809.9584 -product of above remainder, the square of the height, and .5236. Then, 100: 60:: 20809.9584 : 12485.975 = ^6 result required. Ex. 2. The segment of a prolate spheroid, Fig. 103, is 20 inches in height, the revolving diameter of the spheroid being 10 feet, and the fixed axis 16 feet 8 inches; what are its con- tents in cubic inches. Ans. 111701.333 inches. Ex. 3. The segment of an oblate spheroid, Fig. 103* is 2 feet, and the axes of the spheroid are 200 and 120 inches ; what are its contents in cubic feet ? Ans. 57 .8054 feet. Frustra of Spheroids. To ascertain the Contents of the Middle Frustrum of a Spheroid. When the ends, e f and g h, are circular, or parallel to the revolving axis, as c d, Figs. 104 and 104*. Rule. — To twice the square of the revolving axis, c d, add the square of the diameter of either end, eforg h; multiply this sum by the length, { o, of the frustrum, and the product again by .2618, and it will give the contents required. Or, 2a /2 +d 2 x/x.2618=S. Fig. 104. Fig. 104 Example. — The middle frustrum, i o, of a prolate sphe- roid, Fig. 104, is 36 inches in length, the diameters of it being, in the middle, c d, 50 inches, and at its ends, e f and g h, 40 ; what are its contents ? 50 2 X 2 +40 2 =6600 =sum of twice the square of the middle diameter added to the square of the diameter of the ends. 6600x36x.2618=62203.68=^ro(fMc/ of the above sum, the length of the frustrum, and .2618 = ^e result required. MENSURATION OF SOLIDS. 183 Ex. 2. What are the contents of the middle frustrum of an oblate spheroid, Fig. 104*, the transverse diameter being 100 inches, the diameters of the ends of the frustrum each. 80 inches, and the length of it 3 feet 4 inches'? Ans. 276460.8 cubic inches. Ex. 3. The middle frustrum of a prolate spheroid, Fig. 104, is 80 inches in length, the diameter of it being, in the middle, 60 inches, and at its ends 38.5 inches; what are its contents in cubic feet? Ans. 105.232 cubic feet. Ex. 4. The diameter of the middle frustrum of a prolate spheroid, Fig. 104, is 100 inches, that of the end of the frus- trum is 60 inches, and the length of it is 8 feet ; what are its contents'? Ans. 593134.08 cubic inches. When the ends, e f and g h, are elliptical, or perpendicular to the revolving axis, as c d, Figs. 1 05 and 1 05*. Eule.— To twice the product of the transverse and conju- gate diameters of the middle section, a b, add the product of the transverse and conjugate of either end, ef or g h; multi- ply this sum by the length, o i, of the frustrum, and the prod- uct by .2618, and it will give the contents required. Or, a / xax2-fO+a*X 9 -l)-^-t 3 )-2aS of spindle. When g=b o. l—o c. r— radius of circle, a d. a=a o = V r 2 — # 2 . S=area of the semi-zone, / efff h. / = distance from centre Cycloidal Spindle.^ To ascertain the Contents of a Cycloidal Spindle, Fig. 113. Rule. — Multiply the product of the square of twice the di- ameter of the generating circle, a b c, and 3.927 by its circum- ference, and this product divided by 8 will give the contents required. Or, 2d x 3.927x^x3.1416 8 S, d representing the diameter of the circle, a half width of the spindle. Fig. 113. \ /c Example. — The diameter of the generating circle, a b c, of a cycloid, Fig. 113, is 10 inches ; what are the contents of the spindle, d e ? * By Professor A. E. Church, U. S. M. A. t The contents of a cycloidal spindle are equal to § of its circumscrib- ing cylinder. MENSURATION OF SOLIDS. 193 10X2X3.927 = 1570. 8 ^product of twice the diameter squared and 3.927. 1570.8 X 10X3. 1416-f-8 =6168.5316 cubic inches =product of the pre- ceding product and the circumference divided by 8 = result required. Ex. 2. The diameter of the generating circle of a cycloid is 5G.5 inches ; what are the contents of its spindle in cubic feet ? Ans. 64:3.9292 cubic feet. Ex. 3. The diameter of the generating circle of a cycloid is 6 feet ; what are the contents of its spindle in cubic feet ? Ans. 1332.4028 cubic feet Elliptic /Spindle. To ascertain the Contents of an Elliptic Spindle, Fig. 114. Rule. — To the square of its diameter, c d, add the square of twice the diameter ef at J of its length ; multiply the sum by the length, a b, the product by .1309, and it will give the contents required. Note. — For all such solids, this rule is exact when the body is form- ed by a conic section, or a part of it, revolving about the axis of the section, and will always be very near when the figure revolves about another line. Or, d 2 -\-2d' 2 x^X«1309=:S, d and d — Example. — The diameters, c d and g h, of the segment of an elliptic spindle, Fig. 116, are 20 and 12 inches, and the length, o e, is 16 inches ; what are its contents? 20 a + 12x2 = 976=£ttfrc of squares of diameter at base and of double the diameter in the middle. 976 X 16 X. 1309 =2044.134 =product of above sum, the length of the segment, and .1309 = <^e result required. Ex. 2. The diameters of the segment of an elliptic spindle are 25 and 20 inches, and the length of it is 42.5 inches ; what are its contents'? Ans. 12378.231 cubic inches. Centre of Gravity. At two thirds of the length, measuring from the end. * See note at bottom of page 194. 196 MENSURATION OF SOLIDS. Parabolic Spindle. To ascertain the Contents of a Parabolic Spindle, Fig. 117. Rule 1. — Multiply the square of the diameter, a b, by the length, c d, the product by .41888,* and it will give the con- tents required. Or, d 2 xl XA1888=S. Rule 2. — To the square of its diameter add the square of twice the diameter at \ of its length ; multiply the sum by the length, the product by .1309, and it will give the contents required.! Or, d 2 +2d' 2 x lx .1309 = S, d and d / representing the diam- eters as above. Fig. 117. c Example. — The diameter of a parabolic spindle, a b, Fig. 117, is 40 inches, and its length, c d, 20 ; what are its con- tents ? 40 2 X 20 =32000= square of diameter X the length. Then 32000 X. 41888 = 13404. 16 =a&ore product X A1888 =result re- quired. Again, If the middle diameter at one fourth of its length is 29. G5, then, by Rule 2, 40-+29.65x2x20X.1309 = 13394.97=resuftre£i«Vee/. Ex. 2. The length of a parabolic spindle is 15.75 feet, and its diameter is 3 feet ; what are its contents ? Ans. 59.376 cubic feet. * T 8 sof.7854. f See note at bottom of page 194. MENSURATION OF SOLIDS. 197 Ex. 3. The length of a parabolic spindle is 40 feet, and its diameter is 80 feet ; what are its contents in cubic feet t Ans. 107233.28 cubic feet. ■ Centre of Gravity. Is in its geometrical centre. To ascertain the Contents of the Middle Frustrum of a Parabolic Spindle, Fig. 118. Rule 1. — Add together 8 times the square of the greatest diameter, a b, 3 times the square of the least diameter, e f, and 4 times the product of these two diameters ; multiply the sum by the length, c d, the product by .05236, and it will give the contents required. Or, d 2 x84-^^3+^xd 7 x4x^X.05236 = S. Rule 2. — Add together the squares"of the greatest and least diameters, a b, ef, and the square of double the diameter in the middle between the two ; multiply the sum by the length, c d, the product by .1309, and it will give the contents re- quired. Or, cZ 2 + d /2 +(2O 2 xJx.l309=S, d" representing the di- ameter between the two. Fig. 118. c **«•«. •— - Example. — The middle frustrum of a parabolic spindle, Fig. 118, has diameters, a b and ef of 40 and 30 inches, and its length, c d, is 10 inches ; what are its contents'? 40 2 X 8+30 2 X3-H0x30x4=20300=^e sum of 8 times the square of ihc greatest diameter, 3 times the square of the least diameter, and A; times the product of these diameters. 20300 X 10 X .05236 = 10G29.08=resuft required. 198 MENSURATION OP SOLIDS. Ex. 2. The middle frustrum of a parabolic spindle has di- ameters of 20 and 15 feet, and its length 5 feet ; what are its contents? Ans. 1328.635 cubic feet. Ex. 3. The middle frustrum of a parabolic spindle has di- ameters of 80 and 56.5 feet, and its length is 20- feet; what are its contents'? Ans. 82578.789 cubic feet. Centre cf Gravity. Is in its geometrical centre. To ascertain the Contents of a Segment of a Parabolic Spindle, Fig. 119. Rule. — Add together the square of the diameter of the base, e f, of the segment, and the square of double the diam- eter, g h, in the middle between the base and vertex ; multiply the sum by the length, c d, of the segment, the product by .1309, and it will give the contents required. Or, d 2 +2 dr 2 x/X.1309=S. Example. — The segment of a parabolic spindle, Pig. 119, has diameters, e f and g h, of 15 and 8.75 inches, and the length, c d, is 2.5 inches ; what are its contents ? 15 2 + 8.75x 2=531. 25=sum of square of base and of double the diam- eter in the middle of the segment. 531.25 X 2.5 X.130S =173.852 =product of above sum, length of seg- ment, and .1309 =the result required. Ex. 2. The segment of a parabolic spindle has diameters of 30 and 20 inches, and the length of it is 30 inches ; what are its contents in cubic feet? Ans. 5.6814 cubic feet. MENSURATION OF SOLIDS. 199 Ex. 3. The segment of a parabolic spindle has diameters of 56.5 and 40 feet, and the length of it is 10 feet ; what are its contents in cubic feet ? Ans. 12556.255 cubic feet Ex. 4. The segment of a parabolic spindle has diameters of 28 and 20 feet, and the length of it is 20 feet ; what are its contents? Ans. 6241.312 cubic feet. Ex. 5. The segment of a parabolic spindle has diameters of 42 and 30 feet, and the length of it is 60 feet ; what are its contents'? Ans. 42128.856 cubic feet. Centre of Gravity* b 6 d 6 u "ap (bi-di)+2a 2 p 2 (b 2 -d 2 ) — — —distance from centre h J^J^L^-d^+latp^b-d) 5 5 o of spindle, a representing semi-diameter of spindle, b the half length, d the distance of the base of the segment from the centre b 2 of the spindle, andp one half parameter, which is equal to — . Illustration of rules, p. 196, 197, and 198 : Solidity of spindle (Ex. 3, p. 197) by rule 2, 80 feet in diameter by 40 feet in length, the diameter at £ of its length being 56.5 feet = 100368.884 cubicfeet. Solidity of middle frustrum (Ex. 3, p. 198) by rule 2, 20 feet in length, the diameter at £ of its length being 69.25 feet \ = 75331.641 Solidity of segment (Ex. 3, p. 199) 10 feet in length = 12556.255, which x 2, for two end segments = 25112.510 100444.151 Solidity of spindle as above = 100368.884 Difference, arising from the impracticability of ob- taining the middle diameters of the frustrum and segment, from a figure of so minute a scale as that of the example taken for illustration = 75.267 * By Professor A. E. Church, U. S. M. A. 200 MENSURATION OF SOLIDS. Hyperbolic Spindle. To ascertain the Contents of a Hyperbolic Spindle, Fig. 120. Rule. — To the square of its diameter, c d, add the square of double the diameter, e f at ^ of its length ; multiply the sum by the length, a b, the product by .1309, and it will give the contents required* Or, d 2 -f-2d /2 x£x.l309:=S, d and d' representing the diam- eters as above. Fig. 120. a b Example. — The length, a b, Fig. 120, of a hyperbolic spin- dle is 100 inches, and its diameters, c d and ef are 150 and 150 3 + 110 X 2 X 100 = 7090000 =product of the sum of the squares of the greatest diameter and of twice the diameter at £ of the length of the spin- dle and the length. Then, 7090000 X. 1309 =928081 = the result required. Ex. 2. The length of a hyperbolic spindle is 120 inches, and its diameters in the middle and at J of its length are 100 and 80 inches ; what are its contents % Ans. 323.614 cubic feet. Centre of Gravity. Is in its geometrical centre. To ascertain the Contents of the Middle Frustrum of a Hyper- bolic Spindle, Fig. 121. Rule. — Add together the squares of the greatest and least diameters, a b,c d, and the square of double the diameter, g h, in the middle between the two ; multiply this sum by the * See note at bottom of page 194. MENSURATION OF SOLIDS. 201 length, e f the product by .1309, and it will give the contents required.* Or, rf 2 +^ 2 +(2x^ // ) 2 x/x.l309 = S. Fig. 121. ....- ; ^b m ^ 1. — ..-^ Example. — The diameters a b and c d, of the middle frus- trum of a hyperbolic spindle, Fig. 121, are 150 and 110 inches, the diameter g h, 140 inches, and the length, e f, 50; what are its contents I 150 2 + 110 2 + 14:0x2 = 113000=swm of squares of greatest and least di- ameters and of double the middle diameter. 113000 X 50 X .1309 = 739585 =product of above sum X the length X .1309 =7-esult required. Ex. 2. The diameters of the middle frustrum of a hy- perbolic spindle are 16 and 10 inches, the diameter at J of its length is 13.5, and the length of it is l6 ; what are its contents in cubic inches'? Ans. 1420.265 cubic inches. Ex. 3. The diameters of the middle frustrum of a hyper- bolic spindle are 16 and 12 feet, the diameter at J of its length 14.5, and the length of it 20 feet ; what are its contents ? Ans. 3248.938 cubic feet. Centre of Gravity. Is in its geometrical centre. To ascertain the Contents of a Segment of a Hyperbolic Spindle, Fig. 122. Rule. — Add together the square of the diameter of the base, e f, of the segment, and the square of double the diam- eter, g h, in the middle between the base and vertex ; multiply the sum by the length, a b, of the segment, the product by .1309, and it will give the contents required. * See note at bottom of page 194. 12 202 MENSURATION OF SOLIDS. Or, d 2 + olution, Fig. 124. Rule. — Multiply the sum of the squares of the diameters, a b and d c, by the height, e f, of the frustrum, this product by .3927, and it will give the contents nearly. Or, d 2 -fd /2 x^X.3927=S. Fig. 124. Example. — The diameters, a b and d c, of the base and vertex of the frustrum of a paraboloid of revolution, Fig. 124, are 20 and 11.5 inches, and its height, ef 12.6; what are its contents ? 20 2 + 11.5 2 =5B2.25=sum of squares of the diameters. 532.25 X 12.6 X. 3927=2033.5837 ^product of above sum, the height, and .3927=^6 result- required. Ex. 2. The diameters of the frustrum of a paraboloid of revolution are 30 and 58 inches, and the height 18 ; what are its contents in cubic feet? Ans. 17.4424 cubic feet. Ex. 3. The diameters of the frustrum of a paraboloid of revolution are 48 and 60 inches, and the height 18 ; what are its contents in cubic feet? Ans. 24.151 cubic feet. 2R 2 -f-r 2 Centre of Gravity. From the vertex JA 2 , R and r representing radii of base and diameter, and h the height. MENSURATION OF SOLIDS. 205 Segment of a Paraboloid of Revolution. To ascertain the Contents of the Segment of a Paraboloid of Revolution, Fig. 125. * Rule. — Multiply the area of the base, a b, by half the alti- tude, e f and the product will give the contents required. Note. — This rule will hold for any segment of the paraboloid, whether the base be perpendicular or oblique to the axis of the solid. ^ h ^ Or t ax^=S. Fig. 125. Example. — The diameter, a b, of the base of a segment of a paraboloid of revolution, Fig. 125, is 11.5 inches, and its height, e /, is 7.4 ; what are its contents ? ■* Area of 11.5 inches diameter of base = 103.869. 7.4 103.869 X— =384.315 —arm of base X half the height=the result re- quired. ... Ex. 2. The diameter of the base of a segment of a parabo- loid of revolution is 30 inches, and its height 25 ; what are its contents in cubic inches ? Ans. 8835.73 cubic inches. Ex. 3. The diameter of the base of a segment of a parabo- loid of revolution is 48 inches, and the height 15 ; what are its contents in cubic feet? Ans. 7.854 cubic feet. Centre of Gravity. At two thirds of the height, measured from the vertex. 206 MENSURATION OF SOLIDS. Hyperboloid of Revolution. To ascertain the Contents of a Hyperboloid of Revolution, Fig. 126. Rule. — To the square of the radius of the base, a b, add the square of the middle diameter, c d; multiply this sum by the height, ef the product by .5236, and it will give the con- tents required. Or, r 2 -(-cZx/«X.5236r=S, d representing the middle diam- eter. Fig. 126, Example. — The base, a b, of a hyperboloid of revolution, Fig. 126, is 80 inches, the middle diameter, c d, 66, and the height, ef 60 ; what are its contents ? 8(M-2 + 66 2 =5956=s«m of square of radius of base and middle diam- eter. 5956 X 50=297800 X .5236 = 155928. 08 =product of above sum, the height, and .52S6=result required. Ex. 2. The base of a hyperboloid of revolution is 20 inches, its middle diameter is 16, and its height 20 ; what are its con- tents ! Ans. 3728.032 cubic inches. Ex. 3. The base of a hyperboloid of revolution is 104 inches, the diameter at half its height is 68, and the height of it is 50 inches; what are its contents in cubic feet? Ans. 111.0226 cubic feet Centre of Gravity. Distance from the vertex, x h, b representing the base, and h the height of the figure. MENSURATION OF SOLIDS. 207 Frustrum of a Hyperboloid of Revolution, To ascertain the Contents of the Frustrum of a Hyperboloid of Revolution, Fig. 127- Rule. — Add together the squares of the greatest and least semi-diameters, e b and * d, and the square of the whole di- ameter, g h, in the middle of the two ; multiply this sum by the height, i e, the product by .5236, and it will give the con- tents required. Or, d 2 +d' 2 -{-d / ' 2 xhx.5236=S, d, d', and d" represent- ing the several diameters. Fig. 127. f Example. — The frustrum of a hyperboloid of revolution, Fig. 127, is in height, e i, 50 inches, the diameters of the great- er and less ends, a b and c d, are 110 and 42, and that of the middle diameter, g h, is 80 ; what are the contents % 110-^2=55 and 42-f-2=21. Hence, 55 2 +21 2 +80 2 =9866=sw7w of the squares of the semi-diameters of the ends and that of the whole diame- ter in the middle. 9866 X 50=493300 X .5236=258291.88 cubic inches. Ex. 2. The height of a frustrum of a hyperboloid of revolu- tion is 1 foot, the greatest and least diameters 10 and 6 inch- es, and the middle diameter 8.5 inches; what are its con- tents in cubic feet? Ans. .38633 cubic foot. Ex. 3. The height of the frustrum of a hyperboloid of rev- olution is 10 inches, the radii of the ends 21 and 1 inches, and the middle diameter 25 inches ; what are its contents in cubic feet? Ans. 3.2331 cubic feet. 208 MENSURATION OF SOLIDS. Centre of Gravity. _ (d+d > )(2a 2 -d /a 4-d 2 ) » , . *-« . x ^ , ,,, -7 — ^ -^distance from centre of the base of * 3a 2 — d't+d'd+d 2 J J J the figure, a representing the semi-transverse axis, or distance from centre of the curve to vertex of figure, f; d and d / the distances from the centre of the curve to the centre of the less and greater diameter of the frustrum. Segment of a Hyperboloid of Revolution. To ascertain the Contents of the Segment of a Hyperboloid of Revolution, Fig. 128. Eule. — To the square of the radius of the base, a e, add the square of the middle diameter, c d ; multiply this sum by the height, e f, the product by .5236, and it will give the con- tents required. Or, r 2 -\-d 2 X h x .5236 == S, r representing radius of base. • Fig. 128. f Example. — The radius, a e, of the base of a segment of a hyperboloid of revolution, Fig. 128, is 21 incnes, its middle di- ameter, c d, is 30, and its height, e f, 15 ; what are its con- tents 1 21 2 +30 2 X 15=20115==30 " 1 " 60 " " largest cock in 1 hour =-S,G=60 " 1 " Then, 20+30+60=110 gallons in 1 hour. Hence, 110 gallons:! hour'.: 60 gallons : .5454 hours =32 minutes, 43 seconds, and 26 thirds—the result required. 49. A reservoir has three pipes; the first can fill it in 12 days, the second in 11 days, and the third can empty it in 14 days ; in what time will it be filled if they are all running to- gether? Ans. 9 days 17 hours 24 min. 50. If a pipe 1J inches in diameter will fill a cistern in 50 minutes, how long would it require a pipe that is 2 inches in diameter to fill the same cistern ? Ans. 28 min. 7.5 sec. 51. If a pipe 6 inches in diameter will draw off a certain quantity of water in 4 hours, in what time would it take 3 pipes of four inches in diameter to draw off twice the quan- tity % Ans. 6 hours. K 218 MENSURATION OF SOLIDS. 52. A water tub contains 147 gallons; the supply pipe gives 14 gallons in 9 minutes ; the tap discharges 40 gallons in 31 minutes ; now, supposing the tap, the tub being empty, to be carelessly left open, and the water to be turned on at 2 o'clock in the morning ; a servant at 5, finding the water run- ning, shuts the tap. Required the time in which the tub will be filled after this discovery. Ans. 6 hours 3 min. 48.7 sec. 53. If the diameter of the earth is 7930 miles, and that of the moon 2160, required the ratio of their surfaces and their solidities, assuming them to be spheres. Note. — The surfaces of all similar solids are to each other as the squares of their like dimensions, such as diameters, circumferences, linear sides, etc., etc. ; and their solidities are as the cubes of those dimensions. Operation. Hence, the surface of the moon : the surface of the earth Also, the solidity of the moon : solidity of the earth :: 2160 3 : 7930 3 , 21fi0 3 1 54. A sugar-loaf is to be divided equally among three per- sons by sections parallel to the base ; it is required to find the height of each person's share, assuming the loaf to be a cone the height of which is 20 inches. 20 3 Operation. By similar cones, f3: 1::20 3 : — =2666. 667 =here, the volume of which (by rule, p. 176) = 19.387 inches = the quantity of water that will over/low from the glass. 224 MENSURATION OF SOLIDS. 73. If a sphere, the diameter of which is 4 inches, is de- pressed in a conical glass -L full of water, the diameter of which is 5 inches and altitude 6, it is required how much of the vertical axis of the sphere is immersed in water. By Construction, Fig. 134. Draw a section of the glass, as A B C, and of the sphere, d ef Fig. 134. __i_ Let m n be the original level of the water, and n r the level when the sphere is immersed. Then will the cone n C r=cone m C n+the volume of the segment of the sphere d sf=^ of cone A B C-\-the volume of the segment d sf. A C = VCi 2 (6)+Ai 2 (5+2)=6.5 = length of slant side. As A i (2.5) : A C (6.5) : : of radius of sphere (2) : C o {o.2)=dis- tancefrom the centre of sphere at rest and the bottom of the glass. C s=C o-o s=5.2-2=3.2. Contents of cone (by rule, p. 166)=39.27, •£ of which =7.854. Put x=s u—the immersed part of the axis of the sphere, and C w=C s +s u=S.2+x. Then, as similar solids are to each other as the cubes of their like di- mensions, 6 3 : (3.2 +:r) 3 :: 39.27: cone nCr; .'.cone n C r^ ^^ x 39.27. 216 Segment dsf (by rule 2, p. 177)=(4x3 t -2a;)Xa: 2 X.5236. (3 2+a:) 3 Since Cone n C r=cone m C n+segment d sf, .'.— X 39.27= 7.854+(4 x 3-2z) x x 2 x .5236. And 25 X (3.2 +x) 3 =5 X 216 + 4 X 6 2 x (6 -x) X x 2 . Cube 3.2+x and 25 (3.2 3 +3x3.2 2 x+3x3.2x s +x 3 )=5x6 3 +4x6» (6-x)Xx 2 . MENSURATION OF SOLIDS. 225 Actually multiplying the terms in the first member by 25,* 16 3 — +3 • 16 2 x+3 • 5 • 16x 2 +25x 3 =5 • 6 3 +4 • 6 2 (6-x)x'j 5 But 4 • 6 2 (6-x)x*=4: • 6 3 o: 2 -4 ■ 6 2 * 3 . lfi 3 /.—-+3 • 16 2 o;+3 • 5 ■ 1 6a; 5 -f 25a: 3 =5 ' 6 3 +4 • 6 3 x 2 -4 • 6 2 x 3 . 5 Multiplying by 5 throughout, 16 3 +3 • 5 • 16 2 x+3 • 5 2 • 16a; 2 +5V =5 2 6 3 +4 ■ 5 • 6 3 x 2 -4 • 5 ■ 6 2 x 3 . By transposition, (5 3 -4 • 5 • 6 2 )* 3 +(3 ; 5 2 • 1G-4 • 5 • 6 3 )x 3 + 3 • 5 • 16 2 o;=5 2 • 6 3 -16 3 . But, S= + 4 ■ 5 • G'=^p=169 = f ±jjj X5 = 13»x5. 3-5-16- 4 -5-6»=-3120=-2^,^,^ = 16=3- 5 -13-16 6 o lo =3120. 5 2 • 6 3 -16 3 = 1304=-^=163=8 ■ 163. 3 . 5 .16 2 = 8 -^,^,^, 16=3-5. 16 2 =3840. 3 5 16 .'.5 • 13 2 o; 3 -3 • 5 • 13 • 16x 3 +3 -5 • 16 3 ar=8 ■ 163. .-.5 (13 2 * 3 -3 • 13 • 16x 2 +3 • 16 2 x)=8 ■ 163. Or, 13 2 o: 3 -3 ■ 13 • 16x 2 +3 • 16'a; = — - — . 5 Multiplying both members by 13, iSV-8 • 13 2 • 16x 2 +3 • 13 • 16 2 *= 8 ' 13 / 163 =^=3390. Subtract 16 3 from both numbers lS 3 x* - 3 • 13 2 ' 16a: 2 + i 8-13-163-5-16 3 -3528 13 3 x 3 - 3 • 13 2 • 16a: 2 + 3 ■ 13 • 16 2 a: - 16 3 = 16» = 705-6. 5 5 The first member is now a perfect cube, the root of which is 13a; - 16 = -^ -705.6=8.90265. 13x= 16 - 8.90265 =7.09735. * = — = .54595 inch. 13 Proof. C s=3.2/and s w=.54595. Hence, C «=3.2 + .54595=3.74595. * By Professor G. B. Docharty, New York. f See Explanation of Characters, page 10, for use of a period be- tween two factors. K2 226 MENSURATION OF SOLIDS. Then, 6 3 : 39.27 1 : 3.74595 3 : 9.5563 =volume of water in cone, nCr, from which is to be deducted the volume of segment d sf and the remainder should be equal to \ of 39.27 = 7.854. Thus, volume of segment (by rule 2, p. 177) = 1.7023, and 9.5563 — 1.7023 = 7.85 4= result required. 74. A lady having three daughters had a farm of 450.758 acres, in a circular form, with her dwelling-house in the cen- tre. Being desirous of having her daughters near her, she gave to them three equal parcels of land as large as could be made in three equal circles within the periphery of her farm, one to each, with a dwelling-house in the centre of each ; that is, there were to be three equal circles as large as could be drawn within the periphery of the farm ; required the diam- eters of the farm and of the three parcels. V450.758 x43560-r-.7854=5000/ee*=dww»efer of farm. By Construction, Fig. 135. Draw the given circle, with o as its centre, and divide its periphery into three equal parts, as at A B C ; connect A o, B o, and C o, and assume d ef&s the centres of the required circles. As the three circles required touch one another and the given circle, the points, as A, B, and C, the centres, d ef, of the required circles, and o, are necessarily in right lines. Connect d, ^ &ndf. Then, as d ejfand e of axe isosceles triangles, the angle d and the base e/are bisected at right angles in i by the line d i, and e o, in like manner, bisects the angle e. The triangles, e di, e o i, are equiangular: Hence, ed:ei=($ed)::e o:oi=($e o); :.e o=2o i. MENSURATION OF SOLIDS. 227 Put B e=x=(e i), R=B o=2500=radius of given circle = ( j ; „ i . R— * then, e o=K—x. :.^eo=oi= — - — eo a =et 9 +o» 8 ,or(R-a;) a =ar a + Or, R 2 -2Rx+x 2 =a; 2 + 2 (R-*) 2 4 R 2 -2R*+a: 2 4 Or, 4R 2 -8Ra;=R 2 -2Ra:+a; 2 . Transposing the formulae, x 2 + 6Rar=3R 2 :'x 2 + 6Rx+9R 2 =3R 2 +9R 2 =12R?. x+3R=±V12R 2 : x=±-/l2R 1 '-3R x s= ±Ra/ 1 2 — 3R : x = ±R( \/ 12 — 3) = radius of required circles. .'.Radius being=-/12— 3=3.4641— 3 = .4641, wfo'c^ is a constant multiplier for all like problems. Consequently, 2500 x .4641 = 1160.25=A d, B e, and Cf=product of radius of circle and multiplier ■=radii of each of the circles required. 75. The weight of a quantity of silt in 30 cubic inches of salt water is 4.21 grains, assuming the weights of silt and salt water to be respectively 125 and 64 pounds per cubic foot ; what is the volume of the silt compared to that of the water? Am. 1. to 3608.307. 228 CONIC SECTIONS. CONIC SECTIONS. Definition. Plane figures generated by the cutting of a cone. A Cone is a figure described by the revolution of a right- angled triangle about one of its legs. c The axis (of a cone) is the line about which the triangle re- volves, as C o. The base is the circle which is described by the revolving base of the triangle, as B o. Notes. — If a cone is cut by a plane through the vertex and base, the section will be a triangle, as A C B. If a cone is cut by a plane parallel to its base, the section will be a circle. An Ellipse is a figure generated by an oblique plane cutting a cone, as a b c d. v The transverse axis or diameter (of an ellipse) is the longest right line that can be drawn in it, as a b. The conjugate axis or diameter is a line drawn through the centre of the ellipse perpendicular to the transverse axis, as c d. CONIC SECTIONS. 229 A Parabola is a figure generated by a plane cutting a cone parallel to its side, as a b c. The axis (of a parabola) is a right line drawn from the ver- tex to the middle of the base, as b o. Note. — A parabola has no conjugate diameter. An Hyperbola is a figure generated by a plane cutting a cone at any angle with the base greater than that of the side ©f the cone, as a b c. ft-- « jg The transverse axis or diameter, o b (of an hyperbola), is that part of the axis e b, which, if continued, as at o, would join an opposite cone, ofr. The conjugate axis or diameter is a right line drawn through the centre, g, of the transverse axis, and perpendicular to it. The straight line through the foci is the indefinite trans- verse axis ; that part of it between the vertices of the curves, as o b f is the definite transverse axis. Its middle point, g, is the centre of the curve. 230 CONIC SECTIONS. The eccentricity of an hyperbola is the ratio obtained by di- viding the distance from the centre to either focus by the semi- transverse axis. The asymjrtotes of an hyperbola are two right lines to which the curve continually approaches, touches at an infinite dis- tance, but does not pass ; they are prolongations of the diag- onals of the rectangle constructed on the extremes of the axes. Two hyperbolas are conjugate when the transverse axis of the one is the conjugate of the other, and contrariwise. An Ordinate is a right line from any point of a curve to either of the diameters, as a e and do; ab and dfare double ordinates. c d e i —\ i o An abscissa is that part of the diameter which is contained between the vertex and an ordinate, as c e, g o. The parameter of any diameter is equal to four times the distance from the focus to the vertex of the curve ; the param- eter of the axis is the least possible, and is termed the param- eter of the curve. The parameter of the curve of a conic section is equal to the chord of the curve drawn through the focus perpendicular to the axis. The parameter of the transverse axis is the least, and is termed the parameter of the curve. The parameter of a conic section and the foci are sufficient elements for the construction of the curve. In the Parabola the parameter of any diameter is a third proportional to the abscissa and ordinate of any point of the curve, the abscissa and ordinate being referred to that diameter and the tangent at its vertex. CONIC SECTIONS. 231 In the Ellipse and Hyperbola, the parameter of any diameter is a third proportional to the diameter and its conjugate. Note. — To determine the Parameter of an Ellipse or Hyperbola. Kule. Divide the product of the conjugate diameter, multiplied by it- self, by the transverse, and the quotient is equal to the parameter. In the annexed figures of an Ellipse and Hyperbola, the transverse and conjugate diameters, ab, c d, are each 30 and 20. TJien, 30 : 20 : : 20 : 13.333 ^parameter. Hence, the parameter of the curve =ef a double ordinate passing through the focus s. In a Parabola. The abscissa a b, and ordinate c b, are also equal to 30 and 20. a c b Hence, the parameter of the curve =e/. 232 CONIC SECTIONS. A Focus is a point on the principal axis where the double ordinate to the axis, through the point, is equal to the pa- rameter, ase/ in the preceding figures. It may be determined arithmetically thus : Divide the square of the ordinate by four times the abscissa, and the quotient will give the focal distances a s and s in the preceding figures. The Directrix of a conic section is a straight line, such that the ratio obtained by dividing the distance from any point of the curve to it by the distance from the same point to the fo- cus shall be constant. It is always perpendicular to the principal axis ; and if the curve is given, it is constructed as follows : Let ABC represent the curve or curves, e f their axis, and s the focus. Through s draw s n or n' perpendicular to the axis till it meets the curve in n or n' ; at n, n' draw the tangents weor n' e% cutting the axis at e and e' ; through e, e f draw g h and g' h' perpendicular to the axis, and they will be the directrices of two conic sections. If d s, drawn from any point, as d, > (is less than) d d, the curve is an ellipse ; if equal to each other, it is the curve of a parabola ; and < (if greater), as d / s, d / d / , it is the curve of an hyperbola. Ellipsoid, Paraboloid, and Hyperboloid of Revolution. Fig- ures generated by the revolution of an ellipse, parabola, etc., around their axes. (See p. 124 and 202.) CONIC SECTIONS. 233 A Conoid is a warped surface generated by a right line be- ing moved in such a manner that it will touch a straight line and curve, and continue parallel to a given plane. The straight line and curve are called directrices, the plane a plane direc- trix, and the moving line the generatrix. Z\ j7 Thus, let a b c be a circle in a horizontal plane, and d d' the projection of a right line perpendicular to a vertical plane, d e ; if right lines, d a, r s, r' b, r" s, and d f c, be moved so as to touch the circle and right line d d / , and be constantly- parallel to the plane r b, it will generate the conoid d b s n. Note. — All the figures which can possibly be formed by the cutting of a cone are mentioned in these definitions, and are the five following, viz., a triangle, a circle, an ellipse, a parabola, and an hyperbola; but the last three only are termed the conic sections. 234 CONIC SECTIONS. ELLIPSE. To describe an Ellipse. The Transverse and Conjugate Diameters being given, Fig. 1. Rule 1. — Draw the transverse and conjugate diameters, A B, C D, bisecting each other perpendicularly in o. Make A e equal to D C ; divide e B into three equal parts ; set off two of those parts from o to e and from o to c ; then with the distance c e make the two equilateral triangles c b e and q d e. These angles are the centres, and the sides being contin- ued are the lines of direction for the several arcs of the ellipse A C B D. Fig. 1. J Note. — Mechanics are oftentimes required to work an architrave, etc., about windows, of this form ; they may, by the help of the four centres c, d, e, b, and the lines of direction h d, b f d g,b i, describe another ellipse around the former, and at any distance required. Rule 2. — Draw the line C D equal in length to the trans- verse diameter ; also, E F equal in length to the conjugate di- ameter, and at right angles with C D. Take the distance C o or o D, and with it, from the points E and F, intersect the diameter C D at h and f which points are the foci. Secure a string at h and f of such a length that it may just reach to E or F. Introduce a pencil, and bearing upon the string, carry it around the centre o, and it will describe the ellipse required.* * It is a property of the ellipse that the sum of two lines drawn from the foci to meet in any point in the curve is equal to the transverse di- CONIC SECTIONS. 235 Fig. 2. The Transverse Diameter alone being given, Fig. 3. Rule. — Let A B be the given length. Divide it into three equal parts, as A s i b. Then, Vith the radius A s, describe A / o i n c, and from i the circle ~B dn s o e ; then with n f and o c describe f e and c d, and the required ellipse is made. Fig. 3. When any three of the four following Terms of an Ellipse are given, viz., the Transverse and Conjugate Diameters, an Or- dinate, and its Abscissa, to find the remaining Term. To ascertain the Ordinate, the Transverse and Conjugate Diam- eters and the Abscissa being given, Fig. 4. Rule. — As the transverse diameter is to the conjugate, so is the square root of the product of the two abscissas to the ordinate which divides them. Or, -x Vax(t— «0— °9 t ^presenting the transverse diam- eter, c the conjugate, a' the less abscissa, and o the ordinate. ameter, and from this the correctness of the above construction is ev- ident. 236 Fig. 4. CONIC SECTIONS. C Example. — The transverse diameter, A B, of an ellipse, Fig. 4, is 25 inches, the conjugate, C D, is 16, and the ab- scissa. A i, 7 ; what is the length of the ordinate i el 25 — 7 = 18= second abscissa. Vl x 18 = 11.225 = square root of the abscissce. Hence, 25 : 16:: 11.225 : 7.184 inches, the length of the ordinate re- quired. Ex. 2. The transverse diameter or axis of an ellipse is 100 inches, the conjugate 60, one abscissa 20, and the other 80 ; what is the length of the ordinate? Ans. 24 inches. To ascertain the Abscissa?, the Transverse and Conjugate Diameters and the Ordinate being given, Fig. 4. Rule. — As the conjugate diameter is to the transverse, so is the square root of the difference of the squares of the or- dinate and semi-conjugate to the distance between the ordi- nate and centre, and this distance being added to, or subtract- ed from the semi-transverse, will give the abscissas required. ~] x representing the dis- ' I tame obtained, and a ' the greater and less - X = a >\ ab abscissa?. Example. — The transverse diameter, A B, of an ellipse, Fig. 4, is 25 inches, the conjugate, C D, 16, and the ordinate t e 7.184 ; what is the abscissa « B ? Vj. 184* — 8 2 =3.519943 —square root of difference of squares of semi- conjugate and ordinate. Hence, as 16 : 25 : : 3.52 : 5.5 ^distance between ordinate and centre. CONIC SECTIONS. 237 ■ ok _. Then, y = 12.5, and 12.5 +5.5 = 18 =B z, | \ abscissas required. -^ = 12.5, and 12.5-5.5= 7=A if, f Ex. 2. The transverse diameter, A B, of an ellipse is 50 inches, the conjugate, C D, 32, and the ordinate i e 14.368 ; what are the lengths of the abscissae ? Ans. 11 and 39 inches. To ascertain the Transverse Diameter, the Conjugate, Ordinate, and Abscissa being given, Fig. 4. Rule. — To or from the semi-conjugate, according as the greater or less abscissa is used, adVjl or subtract the square root of the difference of the squares of the ordinate and semi-con- jugate. Then, as this sum or difference is to the abscissa, so is the conjugate to the transverse. '* axe Or,c-f-2 + CH-2- W*ffl Example. — The conjugate diameter, C D, of an ellipse, Fig. 4, is 16 inches, the ordinate i e is 7.184, and the abscissas B i, i A are 18 and 7 ; what is the length of the transverse diameter ? ^/7.184 2 — ( — J =3.52 =square root of difference of squares of ordi- nate and semi-conjugate. y + 3.52:18::16:25,l -g > =transverse diameter required. — -3.52: 7:: 16: 25, J Ex. 2. The conjugate diameter of an ellipse is 60 inches, the ordinate 24, and the abscissa 20 ; what is the length of the transverse diameter? Ans. 100 inches. 238 CONIC SECTIONS. To ascertain the Conjugate Diameter, the Transverse, Ordinate, and Abscissa being given, Fig. 4. Rule. — As the square root of the product of the abscissae is to the ordinate, so is the transverse diameter to the con- jugate. Or, oxt-i- Vci X a' =c. Example. — The transverse diameter, A B, of an ellipse, Fig. 4, is 25 inches, the ordinate i e 7.184, and the abscissae B i and i A 18 and 7 ; what is the length of the conjugate di- ameter % viSxl = 11.225= square root of product of abscissae. 11.225 : 7.184: :25 : 16=conjugate diameter required. Ex. 2. The transverse diameter of an ellipse is 100 inches, the ordinate 24, and the abscissae 20 and 80 ; what is the length of the conjugate diameter'? Ans. 60 inches. To ascertain the Circumference of an Ellipse, Fig. 4. Rule. — Multiply the square root of half the sum of the squares of the two diameters by 3.1416, and this product will give the circumference nearly. /d 2 -\-d' 2 Or, \/ — x 3 . 1 4 1 6 = circumference. Example. — The transverse and conjugate diameters, A B and C D, of an ellipse, Fig. 4, are 24 and 20 inches ; what is its circumference I °4 ? + 20 2 - — = 488, and V 488 =22.09 =square root of half the sum of the squares of the diameters. Hence, 22.09 X3.1416=69.398=^e above rootx3.14:W=the result re- quired. Ex. 2. The diameters of an ellipse are 30 and 20 inches ; what is its circumference? Ans. 80.0951 inches. CONIC SECTIONS. 239 To ascertain the Area of an Ellipse, Fig. 4. Rule. — Multiply the diameters together, the product by .7854, and the result will give the area required. Or, multiply one diameter by .7854, and the product by the other. Or, dx^X -7854= arm. Example. — The transverse diameter of an ellipse, A B, Fig. 4, is 12 inches, and its conjugate, C D, 9 ; what is its area? 12 X 9 X.7854:= 84. 8232 =product of diameters and .7 854:= result re- quired. Ex. 2. The diameters of an ellipse are 70 and 50 feet ; what is its area*? Ans. 2748.9 feet. Centre of Gravity. Is in its geometrical centre. /Segment of an Ellipse. To ascertain the Area of a Segment of an Ellipse when its base is parallel to either axis, as e if Fig. 5. / Rule. — Divide the height of 1 the segment b i by the diam- eter or axis, a b, of which it is a part, and find in the table of areas of segments of a circle, p. 134-138, a segment having the same versed sine as this quotient ; then multiply the area of the segment thus found and the two axes of the ellipse to- gether, and the product will give the area required. Gr, h-^-dx tab. area x d . d / z=area. Fig. 5. 240 CONIC SECTIONS. Example. — The height, b i, Fig. 5, is 5 inches, and the axes of the ellipse are 30 and 20 ; what is the area of the segment ? ^-=.1666 = tabular versed sine, the area of which (p. 135) is .08554. Hence, .08554 X 30 x20=51.324=*Ae area required. Ex. 2. The height of a segment at right angles or perpen- dicular to the transverse diameter of an ellipse is 6.25 inches, and the diameters are 16 and 25 % what is the area of the segment? Ans. 61.42 inches. Ex. 3. The height of a segment of an ellipse at right angles to the conjugate diameter is 25 inches, and the diameters are 50 and 70 ; what is the area of the segment ? Ans. 1374.415 inches. The area of an elliptic segment may also be found by the following rule: Ascertain the segment of the circle described upon the same axis to which the base of the segment is perpendicular. Then, as this axis is to the other axis, so is the circular segment to the elliptical segment. Illustration. — In the above example, the axis to which the base of the segment is perpendicular is the conjugate, 50, and the height of the segment 25. Also, the area of the segment is one half of that of a circle of 50 ^a^ e r= 1963 ; 4954 ^981.7472. Hence, 50: 70: : 981.75 : 1374.45 =area of elliptic segment. PARABOLA. 1. To describe a Parabola, the Base and Height being given, Fig. 6. Operation. — Draw an isosceles triangle, as A B D, the base of which shall be equal to, and its height, B c, twice that of the proposed parabola. Divide each side, A B, D B, into any number of equal parts; then draw lines, 1 1, 2 2, 3 3, etc., and their intersec- tion will define the curve of a parabola. Fig. 6. CONIC SECTIONS. 15, 241 2. To describe a Parabola, any Ordinate to the Axis and its Ab- scissa being given, Fig. 7. Operation. — Bisect the ordinate, as A o in r; join B r, and draw r s perpendicular to it, meeting the axis continued to s. Draw B c and B n each equal to o s, and n will be the fo- cus of the curve. Take any number of points, 1 1, etc., on the axis, through which draw the double ordinates 2 12, etc., of an indefinite length. Then, with the radii cn,cl, etc., and focal centre n, describe arcs cutting the corresponding ordinates in the points 2 2, etc., and the curve ABC, drawn through all the points of intersection, will define the parabola required. Note. — The line 2 n 2, passing through the focus n, is the parameter. Fig. 7. B. 242 CONIC SECTIONS. To ascertain either Ordinate or Abscissa of a Parabola, the other Ordinate and the Abscissa?, or the other Abscissa and the Or- dinates being given, Fig. 8. Rule. — As either abscissa is to the square of its ordinate, so is the other abscissa to the square of its ordinate. Or, 1. = o —if*. 3. — j^-=a. 2. 4. o z xa a —a' Or, as the square root of any abscissa is to its ordinate, so is the square root of any other abscissa to its ordinate. „ ox V a ' / Hence, -. — =zo . ya Fig. 8. | Example. — The abscissa a b, of the parabola, Fig. 8, is 9, its ordinate, b c, 6 ; what is the ordinate d e, the abscissa of which, a d, is 16? Hence, 9 : 6 2 : : 1 6 : 64, and V 64 = 8 = length of ordinate required Or, V 9 : 6 : : V 16 : 8 =ordinate as before. Ex. 2. The less abscissa of a parabola is 16, its ordinate 10 ; what is the ordinate, the abscissa of which is 36 ? Ans. 15. Ex. 3. The abscissae of a parabola are 9 and 16, and their I corresponding ordinates 6 and 8 ; any three of these being taken, it is required to find the fourth. CONIC SECTIONS. ' 243 1. 62x16 ^— ^64, and t/64: =8= ordinate. j y 2. ZJll __Ar_36, and v '36 = 6=Wiwafe. 3. • — — — =— — = 9z=less abscissa. 8 2 64 . 8 2 x9 576 f . _ . 4. — — - =— -=16=abscissa. 6" 1 ob Parabolic Curve. To ascertain, the Length of the Curve of a Parabola cut off by a Double Ordinate. Rule. — To the square of the ordinate add ^ of the square of the abscissa, and the square root of this sum, multiplied by two, will give the length of the curve nearly. . 4a 2 \ Or, -y/{o 2 -\ — — J x2 = length of curve. Example. — The ordinate, d e, Fig. 8, is 8, and its abscis- sa, a d } 16 ; what is the length of the curve/ a e f 4x 16 a 8 2 + — ^ — =105. 333= sum of square of the ordinate and % of the o square of the abscissa, and V 405.333= 20.133, which X 2 =10.267= length required. Note. — This rule can be used only when the abscissa does not ex- ceed half the ordinate. The length of the curve in other cases is to be found by means of hyperbolic logarithms, as shown by writers on fluxions. Ex. 2. The ordinate is 16 inches, and its abscissa 32; what is the length of the curve? Ans. 80.533 inches. Ex. 3. The abscissa is 20, and its ordinate 12 inches; what is the length of the curve ? Ans. 52.05 inches. Ex. 4. The abscissa is 5 feet, and its ordinate 3 ; what is the length of the curve? Ans. 13.014 feet. 244 * CONIC SECTIONS. Parabola. To ascertain the Area of a Parabola, Fig. 9. Rule. — Multiply the base by the height and J of the prod- uct will give the area required.* ^ Or, § bxh=zarea. Fig. 9. b Example. — What is the area of the parabola a b c, Fig. 9, the height, b e, being 16 inches, and the base, or double ordi- nate, a c, 16 ? 16 X 16 = 256 =product of base and height, and § of 256 = 170.667 = area required. Ex. 2. The height of an abscissa of a parabola is 32 inches, and the base or double ordinate is 16; what is its area? Ans. 341.333 square inches. Ex. 3. The height of a parabola is 50 inches, and its base 24 ; what is its area ? Ans. 800 square inches. To ascertain the Area of a Frustrwn of a Parabola, Fig. 10. Rule. — Multiply the difference of the cubes of the two ends of the frustrum, a b, c d, by twice its altitude, e o, and divide the product by three times the difference of the squares of the ends. d 3( ^>d /3 x%h Or, -= -q — —=area, d and d / representing the lengths of the base and lesser end. * Corollary. — A parabola is § of its circumscribing parallelogram. CONIC SECTIONS. 245 Fig. 10. Example. — The ends of a frustrum of a parabola, a b and c d, Fig. 10, are 10 and 6 inches, and the height, e o, is 10 inches ; what is its area ? 10 3 co6 3 X 10 x 2 = 15680= difference of cubes of the ends X twice the height. 15680-f-10 2 co 6 2 X 3=81.667 =preceding product-r-3 times the differ- ence of the squares of the ends — area required. Ex. 2. The base and lesser end of a frustrum of a parabola are 30 and 24 inches, and the height 22 inches ; what is its area*? Arts. 596.444 inches. Ex. 3. The base and upper end of a frustrum of a parabo- la are 30 and 20 inches, and the height 20 inches ; what is the area"? Ans. 506.667 inches. Ex. 4. The ends of the frustrum of a parabola are 5 and 4 feet, and its height 2.5 feet ; what is its area ? Ans. 1 1.296 feet. Ex. 5. The ends of a frustrum of a parabola are 8.5 and 7 feet, and its height 6 feet ; what is its area *? Ans. 46.645 feet. Note. — Any parabolic frustrum is equal to a parabola of the same altitude, the base of which is equal to the base of the frustrum, in- creased by a third proportional to the sum of the two ends and the lesser end. Illustration. — In Example 1, the base and end are 10 and 6. Then, 10 + 6 : 6: '.6 : 2. 25 = third proportional to the sum of the two ends and the lesser end. Hence, 10 + 2.25 = 12.25=swn of length of base of parabola and third proportional, the area of which, the height being 10, is=81.667. 246 CONIC SECTIONS. HYPERBOLA. To describe an Hyperbola, the Transverse and Conjugate Diam- eters being given, Fig. 11. Fig. 11. / er/_ C //£ s A i\ a Bj/1 ^ s 1 \ «v iX/ f n n n n s y Let A B represent the transverse diameter, and C D the conjugate. Draw C e parallel to A B, and e r parallel to CD; draw o e, and with the radius o e, with o as a centre, describe the circle F e f r, cutting the transverse axis produced in F and /; then will F and / be the foci of the figure. In o B produced take any number of points, n, n, etc., and from F and f as centres, with A n and B n as radii, de- scribe arcs cutting each other in s, s, etc. Through s, s, etc., draw the curve s s s B s s s, and it will be the hyperbola required. Note. — If straight lines, as o e y and o r y } are drawn from the cen- tre o through the extremities e r, they will be the asymptotes of the hyperbola, the property of which is to approach continually to the curve, and yet never to touch it. When the Foci and the Conjugate Axis are given. Let F and /be the foci, and C D the conjugate axis, as in the pre- ceding figure. Through C draw g C e parallel to F and/; then, with o as a centre and oFas a radius, describe an arc cutting g C e at g and e ; from these points let fall perpendiculars upon the line connecting F and/ and the part intercepted between them, as A B, will be the transverse axis. CONIC SECTIONS. 247 To ascertain the Ordinate of an Hyperbola, the Transverse and Conjugate Diameters and the Abscissa being given, Fig. 12. Rule. — As the transverse diameter is to the conjugate, so is the square root of the product of the abscissae to the ordi- nate required. Or, c X Va X a* ~~t ■.ordinate. Note. — 1. In hyperbolas, the less abscissa, added to the axis (the transverse diameter), gives the greater. 2. The difference of two lines drawn from the foci of any hyperbola to any point in the curve is equal to its transverse diameter. Fig. 12. Example. — The hyperbola, a b c, Fig. 12, has a transverse diameter, a t, of 120 inches, a conjugate, df of 72, and the abscissa, a e, is 40 ; what is the length of the ordinate e c? 40 + 1 20 = 1 60 =sum of less abscissa and axis=gveater abscissa. 120 : 72: : -/(40 X 160) : ±8=ordinate required. Ex. 2. The transverse diameter of an hyperbola is 25, the conjugate 15, and the less abscissa 6 inches; what is the length of the ordinate? Ans. 8.1829 inches. Ex. 3. The transverse diameter of an hyperbola is 5 feet, the conjugate 3, and the less abscissa 1.8 feet ; what is the length of the ordinate ? Ans. 2 feet. Ex. 4. The transverse diameter of an hyperbola is 5 feet, the conjugate 3, and the greater abscissa 8.667 feet; what is the length of the ordinate ? Ans. 3.67 feet. 248 CONIC SECTIONS. To ascertain the Abscissa, the Transverse and Conjugate Diameters and the Ordinate being given, Fig. 12. Eule. — As the conjugate diameter is to the transverse, so is the square root of the sum of the squares of the ordinate and semi-conjugate to the distance between the ordinate and the centre, or half the sum of the abscissas. - Then, the sum of this distance and the semi-transverse will give the greater abscissa, and their difference the less abscissa. *-v/o 2 + (c~2) 2 a+a' . 7/ . 7 „ , , . Or, s= — 6667 = 19L0715 = resuh n _ d—d 5 quired. To ascertain the Convex Surface of a Conic Ungula, Fig. 16. Fin. 10. C k J — + d 3. When the Section is parallel to one of the Sides of the Frustrum, as d r. -rl-pV4:h>+(d-dy X area of seg. i b «- f| {d-d) X Vd'x(d-d')) = convex surface of parabolic ungula idb s. 256 CONIC SECTIONS. Example. — The diameters ab, cd, of the frustrum of the cone, Fig. 16, are 10 and 5 inches, and the height or 10; what is the convex sur- face of the ungula ? -1— =— — = .2, and .2x V 4 h*+(d-dy = V ±x 100 + (10-5) 2 = d—d 10 — 5 .2X20.6155=4.1231. Area ofseg. i b s.-Q.(d-d')X Vd'X(d-d'j) =39.27- (? (10-5) X V5x(10-5))=39.27-16.667 = 22.603. Then, 4.1231 x22.603=93.1944=conuex surface required. To ascertain the Contents of a Conic Ungula, Fig. 16. Rule. — Let A=area of base i b s. Then, ( - — - — - d'V (d— d')X d')\ X-h ^contents required. Example. — The diameters of a frustrum of a cone, Fig. 16, a b and c d, are 10 and 5 inches, and the height o r 10; what are the contents of the ungula i d b s? A= 10 2 X .7854-^2 =39.27. Axd 39.27x10 392.70 d-d' 10-5 78.54. -d'V{d-d')xd'=^5V{iO-b)x 5 = 6.667X5=33.335, and 33.335 o o ■78.54=45.205, which X- 10=45.205 X 3.334 = 150.7135 ^contents re- quired. To ascertain the Convex Surface of a Conic Ungula, Fig. 17. 4. When the Section cuts off part of the Base, and makes the Angle drb greater than the Angle cab. -±-j, X V ±h* + (d-dy X (dr. seg. i b s - ^ X o r - ^{d - d') d ~ d V * br-d=d' V ) = convex surface of hyperbolic ungula idbs. br—d'—d/ CONIC SECTIONS. 257 Example. — The dimensions of the frustrum being the same as in the preceding example, and the height o n and base b r of the ungula be- ing 10 and 2.5 inches, what are its contents ? d-d' — xV4:h 2 -\-(d-dy = .2x 20.6155=4.1231. 2.5 And (cir. seg. i b s=— = .25, tab. seg. = .153546 X 10 3 = 15.3546. cT 2 _ 25 br-$(d-d') b r _ 2.5— frx (10-5) _ 6.25 d~100' br-(d-d'y br-(d-d')~ 2.5-(10-5) ~~275~ V si =i. V 2.5 -(5 -10) ok 6 2^ Then, 4.1231 X (15.346--— X-^ X 1) = 15.346 - .625 = 14.721, 100 Z.o which X 4.1231 = 60.6962 =convex surface required. To ascertain the Contents of a Conic Ungula, Fig. 17. Let the area of the hyperbolic section i d s=A, and the area of the cir- cular seg. ib s=a. Then, _/* , x(aXd— Ax — -, = contents of the hyperbolic ungula d — h dr i d b s. Note.— The transverse diameter of the hyp. seg.= _ , the conjugate = br dV-; r, — r— i an 'apis jo qiSaag t- OOOOOCOHtflO CO M ■* lO O N W N 00 OS NO^lOOOtOCO »0 b-eO«5-«*THCOcOCN •apjp 'inno -jp jo'npei Xg •apis jo q^Sua^ HT5 — , b- t-t-^COiB^ OWiQ NCOOOTftO > CO CO 00 i— I CO i-l t- *tfl i-i CO t- CO CO O U5 •apjp paquos -m jo' u P ni Xg •apis jo q^Suai ^ p -1 ,-( -J o CO MOiOeO^THiflO Obr--*CiOCNO C0-*C0GOt~O5t^»O lO lO CO CM CM •>+> 00 CO •*rtO00t"WlCO CO CM •episjomSaajiig •B8JV i-h 00COi-'COCMi-H'*»O O ^OO^OONCOH CO ©00CO00<-h-*u0CO co cmoscocnoooscoos ■0i^ •apjp -ratiD jo upBi ^a •88ay ■**! -* GO .-i CM •* CO CO 35 t- GO CO 00 CM 00 CO OS t~ OS CO CM OS CO t— CM O »Q l> 00 00 ffl O ^"(MCMCMCMCMCMCMCMCO O 'apjp paquos •uj jo nptfi j£g •Baay lO CMOCM^COOOCS i-i N-hONNINOOM CO N •* in CO «5 Ol C5 lO OS CO to t- i- 1 S ■* ffl H i-( CO -* CO CO CM CM CM CM lO-^COCOCOCOCOCOCOCO •apjp •qi.tosni j£g •apjp Saiqiaos -ranoip jo" np^g — it-OCMOSOOCOCMCO WONCJCOHThNN -*CO-*OSCM-*-HCOCJN NO-*(M003CC(CNN aot-cococoioio»o»oio ••B3XB Xg •apjp paquosm jo nprcg OS t-OOlO^CMt^CMOO CO COCMCOCOlOt^-*CO 00 -*t~-*05OiOiO»0 PQ •aptsjoqiSnaiiCg •apip Saiquos -ranajp jo up«g K5 i-i W5 CO CO © CO CO *0 co « co co *o os © t~ co t~- t^ © CM CO — 00 -* i-t us o co i-i t- co ^- co "f co t- os b- b- O NOlO >ooco •apis jo q}Snaj jfg ^J -apjp paquasuijonpug b- OS CM CO —i -*-*■* co CO r-©co©co CMOCOOO©CMCO»Ot-QO Oti5s^M^|SS 262 MENSURATION OF POLYHEDRONS. MENSURATION OF REGULAR BODIES, OR POLYHEDRONS. To ascertain the Elements of any Regular Body, Figs. 72, 83, 84, 85, and 86, p. 72, 161-164. To ascertain the Radius of a Sphere that will Circumscribe a given Regular Body, and the Radius of one also that may be Inscribed within it. 1. When the Linear Edge is given. Rule. — Multiply the linear edge by the multiplier opposite to the body in the columns A and B in the following table, under the head of the element required. Example. — The linear edge of a hexahedron or cube is 2 inches ; what are the radii of the circumscribing and inscribed spheres ? 2 X. 86602 = 1. 73204 =product of edge and tabular multiplier = radius of circumscribing sphere. 2 X .5 = l=product of edge and tabular multiplier — radius of inscribed sphere. Ex. 2. The linear edge of a hexahedron is 10 inches; what are the radii of its inscribed and circumscribing spheres ? Ans. 5 and 8.6602 inches, 2. When the Surface is given. Rule. — Multiply the square root of the surface by the mul- tiplier opposite to the body in the columns C and D in the following table, under the head of the element required. Example. — The surface of a hexahedron is 25 inches ; what are the radii of the circumscribing and inscribed spheres'? V25 X .35355 = 1.76775 = radius of circumscribing sphere. V2S x .20412 = 1. 0206 = radius of inscribed sphere. MENSURATION OF POLYHEDRONS. 263 Ex. 2. The surface of a hexahedron is 24 inches ; what is the radius of its inscribed sphere ? Arts. 1 inch. 3. When the Volume is given. Rule. — Multiply the cube root of the volume by the mul- tiplier opposite to the body in the columns E and F in the following table under the head of the element required. Example. — The volume of a hexahedron is 8 inches ; what are the radii of its circumscribing and inscribed spheres ! V 8 X .86602 = 1.73204:= radius of circumscribing sphere, y/ 8 X .5 =1 = radius of inscribed sphere. 4. When one of the Radii of the Circumscribing or Inscribed Sphere alone is required^ the other being given. Rule. — Multiply the given radius by the multiplier oppo- site to the body in the columns G and H in the following ta- ble, under the head of the other radius. Example. — The radius of the circumscribing sphere of a hexahedron is 1 inch; what is the radius of its inscribed sphere ? 1 X .57735 =.57735 = radius required. Ex. 2. The radius of the inscribed sphere of a hexahedron is 2 inches ; what is the radius of its circumscribing sphere % Ans. 3.4641 inches. To ascertain the Linear Edge of a Polyhedron. li When the Radius of the Circumscribing or Inscribed Sphere is given. Rule. — Multiply the radius given by the multiplier oppo- site to the body in the columns I and K in the following table. Example. — The radius of the circumscribing sphere of a hexahedron is 1 inch ; what is its linear edge 1 1 X 1.1547 = 1. 1547 =edge required. 264 MENSURATION OF POLYHEDRONS. Ex. 2. The radius of the inscribed sphere of a hexahedron is .57735 inch ; what is its linear edge ? Ans. 1.1547 inch. 2. When the Surface is given. Rule. — Multiply the square root of the surface by the mul- tiplier opposite to the body in the column L in the following table. Example. — The surface of a hexahedron is 6 inches ; what is its linear edge ? V 6 X .40825 = 1 =linear edge. Ex. 2. The surface of a hexahedron is 24 inches ; what is its linear edge? Ans. 2 inches. 3. When the Volume is given. Rule. — Multiply the cube root of the volume by the mul- tiplier opposite to the body in the column M in the following table. Example. — The volume of a hexahedron is .3535 inch; what is its linear edge ? v 7 .3535 X 1 = .7071=Unear edge. Ex. 2. The volume of a hexahedron is 8 inches ; what is its linear edge"? Ans. 2 inches. To ascertain the Surface of a Polyhedron. 1. When the Radius of the Circumscribing Sphere is given. Rule. — Multiply the square of the radius by the multi- plier opposite to the body in the column N in the following table. Example. — The radius of the circumscribing sphere of a hexahedron is .866025 inch ; what is its surface? .86602 a X 8=6= surface required. MENSURATION OF POLYHEDRONS. 265 2. When the Radius of the Inscribed Sphere is given. Rule. — Multiply the square of the radius by the multi- plier opposite to the body in the column O in the following table. Example. — The radius of the inscribed sphere of a hexa- hedron is .5 inch ; what is its surface ? .5 2 X 24 = 6= surface required. 3. When the Linear Edge is given. Rule. — Multiply the square of the edge by the multiplier opposite to the body in the column P in the following table. Example. — The linear edge of a hexahedron is 1 inch ; what is its surface ? I 2 X 6 = 6 = surface required. 4. When the Volume is given. Rule. — Extract the cube root of the volume, and multiply the square of the root by the multiplier opposite to the body in column Q in the following table. Example. — The volume of a hexahedron is 8 inches ; what is its surface ? ^8 = 2, and 2 2 X 6 = 24 = surface required. Ex. 2. The volume of a hexahedron is 353.5533 inches; what is its surface? Ahs. 300 inches. To ascertain the Volume of a Polyhedron. 1. When the Linear Edge is given. Rule. — Cube the linear edge, and multiply it by the multi- plier opposite to the body in column R in the following table. Example. — The linear edge of a hexahedron is 2 inches ; what is its volume ? 2 3 Xl = 8=volume required. M 266 MENSURATION OF POLYHEDRONS. 2. When the Radius of the Circumscribing Sphere is given. Rule. — Multiply the cube of the radius given by the mul- tiplier opposite to the body in the column S in the following table. Example. — The radius of the circumscribing sphere of a hexahedron is .5 inch ; what is the volume of the figure"? 5 3 X 1.5396 =.1925 cubic inch. Ex. 2. The radius of the circumscribing sphere of a hexa- hedron is 1.73205 inch; what is the volume of the figure? Ans. 8 cubic inches. 3. When the Radius of the Inscribed Sphere is given. Rule. — Multiply the cube of the radius given by the mul- tiplier opposite to the body in the column T in the following table. Example. — The radius of the inscribed sphere of a hexa- hedron is .5 inch ; what is its volume ? .53x8 = 1 cubic inch. Ex. 2. The radius of the inscribed sphere of a hexahedron is 3.535 inches ; what is its volume? Ans. 353.3932 cubic inches. 4. When the Surface is given. Rule. — Cube the surface given, extract the square root, and multiply the root by the multiplier opposite to the body in the column U in the following table. Example. — The surface of a hexahedron is 6 inches ; what is its volume ? VQ 3 X. 06804=1 cubic inch. Ex. 2. The surface of a hexahedron is 24 inches ; what is its volume? Ans. 8 inches. Ex. 3. The surface of an octahedron is 125 inches; what is its volume? Ans. 102.1743 cubic inches. MENSURATION OP POLYHEDRONS. 267 •ajaqds paquos M -nx jo snipBa A"a •aSpa j«aur[ O Ph w •ajaqds -rano -jp jo smpuj Aa •aSpa jijaari •ajaqds paquosm An •ajaqds Suiquos -umojp jo snip's^ •ajaqds Sat -quosiunojp A"a •ajaqds paquosui jo smpu'a •aumpA Aa •ajaqds paquosui jo sruptfil •anirqoA A"a •ajaqds Smquos -ranojpjosmpBa •aoBjjns A"a •ajaqds paquosm jo siupua •aorcjjns A"a q -ajaqds Sniquos -umojp jo snipBjj •aSpa jBarcii A"a •ajaqds paquosm jo smpijji •aSpa juami A"a ^5 'ajaqds Smquoa -umojp jo sni'pBji 00 05 © b- 05 -*©.-< 00 05 00 CO C5 >*C5(N 00 ">*< 00 CO "* CM CM i-H CO Hi i-i i- i UO © i-H Th l> O o o -* -* CM o CO CO CO CO © CO b- b- ■* ■>* CO b- t- © © CO Hi Hi b- b- ^ CO O -I CO lOQON CO >* -* CM i-l CM CO 00 •^ Hi Hi Hi Hi CO CM CO Hi C5 CJOOMM 00 CO CO O CO >* co o --I co NQO©NN ONiONW nHCOOQO lO -rf C5 Hi CO Hi © — i -* Hi i-i CM CM CM CM O Hi CM 05 CO CO l O © CO i— I lO CO © CO CO CO W5 b- O CM "* co co co co CM Hi CM CO — ' CM Hi b- ** oo co io O O i— > Hi b- CM i-H CO CO CO O i-i CM O HtOOOi.1 CO CO b- ■* C5 a SO S5-B S ,-,£ 2 § 2 ^3 ^ -£j .£2 iTJ .2 « .2 T3 en ej co o O O •aoujjns A"a •aunipA •ajaqds paquos -m jo smpui An •aranp x v Jl •ajaqds 'rano -jp jo SllipttJ Aq •aumpA •aSpa juami A"a •aran[oX. 0" •aranpA A*a •aoTjjans •aSpa juauji An •aoBjjns •ajaqds paquos -m jo smptu An •aoBjjng •ajaqds # rano -jp jo snipBj An •aoBjing •aratqoA An •aSpa jBaurj b- O i-i CO CO HOOCOi-ilO Hi CO b- 00 00 o © o © o i-H © © co tH l> (M COQOH © •* © CM © CO Hi CO Hi b- © rH © © CM -* CO CM © Hi CO »^^ i-l WHS CO © Hi Hi -& 00 © © Ci >-5 © CM CM © CM © © -* t- i-H CO CO © b- © «iOI> CM i-H i-3 •aotjjjns An •a3pa jBanji "* Hi O 00 i-H 00 h g a ^ QJ OJ O O O 268 orophoids {Domes, Arched and Vaulted Roofs, etc.). OROPHOIDS* {Domes, Arched and Vaulted Roofs, etc.). Definition. Figures generated by a curved line running from the periphery or the angles alone of their base to a common cen- tre at the top. When the curve runs from the periphery alone, and their point of connection is in the centre, they are Regular ; when the point of connection is eccentric, they are Oblique ; ichen curves run both from the angles and some intermediate point, or there is any combination of elements in their generation, they are Compound or Irregular. Orophoids or Arched Roofs are either Domes, Saloons, Vaults, or Groins. A Dome is formed by arches springing from a circular or polygonal base, and meeting in the centre at the vertex. A Saloon (frustrum of an orophoid) is formed by arches springing from a circular or polygonal base, and connecting with a flat roof or ceiling in the middle. A Vault is formed by arches springing from two opposite bases alone, and meeting in a line at the vertex. A Groin] is formed by the intersection of one vault with an- other at any angle. Orophoids are of the following forms : 1. Circular Dome, Saloon, or Vault, when generated by an arc of a circle. 2. Elliptical Dome, Saloon, or Vault, when generated by an arc of an ellipse. * From opodog, a roof. The absence of any generic term to denote this class of figures has induced the adoption of the above term. t The curved surface between two adjacent groins is termed the sec- troid. orophoids (Domes, Arched and Vaulted Roofs, etc.). 269 3. Gothic Dome, Saloon, or Vault, when generated by two circular or elliptical arcs meeting in the centre of the arch. 4. Curvilinear Dome, Saloon, or Vault, when generated by an irregular curve. To ascertain the External or Internal Surface of a Spherical Dome.* Rule. — Multiply the area of the base by 2, and the prod- uct will give the surface required. Or, a x 2 —surface. Example. — The external diameter of a hemispherical dome is 20 feet ; what is the surface of it ? 20 2 X .7854 =314. 16 =area of base. 314.16 x2=628.S2 = twice the area of the base=surface required. Ex. 2. The sides of a quadrangular spherical dome are 20 feet; what is the surface of it? Ans. 800 square feet. Ex. 3. The internal sides of a hexagonal spherical dome are 10 feet ; what is the surface of if? Ans. 519.62 square feet. To ascertain the Surface of a Side of a Polygonal Spherical Dome. Rule. — Multiply the base by its length, divide by 1.5708, and the quotient will give the surface required. #)n —surface- ' 1.5708 y / Example. — The side of a quadrangular spherical dome is 20 feet ; what is the surface of it ? * An elliptical dome or vault is either a semi-spheroid (ellipsoid) or a segment of a spheroid ; for rules to ascertain the surface of these, see p. 91-93, and 125. A parabolic dome or vault is a paraboloid, or a segment of one ; for rules to ascertain the surface of which, see page 126. A Gothic dome or vault is a semi-circular spindle, or a segment of one; for rules to ascertain the surface of which, see p. 12CF-122. 270 orophoids (Domes, Arched and Vaulted Hoofs, etc.). 2(K-2 X 3.1416=31.416-^2 = 15.708 = radius of dome X 3.1416-^2 = perimeter or length of side. 20 X 15.708=314.16=/>rocto of length of base and length of side. 314.16 -M.5708 =200 = above product -f- 1.5708= surface of side re- quired. Ex. 2. The side of a hexagonal spherical dome is 10 feet ; what is the surface of it ? Ans. 86.6025 feet. To ascertain the Volume of a Spherical Dome* Rule. — Multiply the area of its base by § of the height, and the product will give the volume required. Or, ax%h=volume. Example. — The diameter of the base of a spherical dome is 20 feet ; what is its volume? 20 2 x. 7854=314. 16=«rai of base. 314.16x| of -^ = 2094.4 =areaxf of height =volwne required. Ex. 2. The side of a hexagonal spherical dome is 10 feet ; what is its volume? Ans. 1732.0506 cubic feet. To ascertain the External or Internal Surface of a Saloon. Rule. — To the area of the ceiling add the surface of its sides, and the sum will give the surface required. Or, a+s=surface. Example. — A saloon roof has a quadrangular arch of 2 feet radius springing over a rectangular base of 20 by 16 feet ; what is its surface ? 20— 2 -{-2 = 16= length of ceiling. 16—2+2 = 12 =width of ceiling. 16 X 12 = 192 =area of ceiling. — __ • * An elliptic dome is either a semi-spheroid (ellipsoid) or a segment of a spheroid. For rules to ascertain the volume of them, see p. 179-181. Parabolic and hyperbolic domes are paraboloids and hyperboloids of revolution. For rules to ascertain the volumes of them, see p. 203-206. A Gothic dome is a semi-circular spindle or a segment of one. For rules to ascertain the volume of them, see p. 188-191. OROPHOIds (Domes, Arched and Vaulted Roofs, etc.). 271 2+2 X 3. 1416 = 12. 5664= circumference of arch having a radius of 2 feet. 12.5664-f-4=3.1416 = /e«s*A of arch at sides. 3.1416 X 16 + 16 + 12 + 12 = 175.9296 = /en#*A of arch X length of sides and ends. 2+2 X 4 z=4:^=sum of sides of mitred ends of sides of saloon-^-4:=side of 4 a quadrangular dome. 4x4x2=32=area of base X 2 = surf ace of quadrangular spherical dome. , 192 + 175.9296 + 32=399.9296=s«r/ace of saloon required. Ex. 2. A saloon roof has a hexagonal arch of 4.33 feet ra- dius springing over an oblong hexagonal base having sides of 20 feet and ends of 10 feet ; what is its surface? Ans. 556.5832 square feet. To ascertain the Volume of a Saloon. Rule. — Multiply the square of twice the height of the arc by .7854, divide the product by 4, and multiply the quotient by the length of the sides of the ceiling. Subtract the side of the ceiling from the side of the saloon, ascertain the area of a like figure having a side equal to this remainder (see rule, p. 60), and multiply this area by two thirds of the height of ceiling. Multiply the area of the ceiling by the height of it; and this product, added to the preceding, will give the volume re- quired. 2/i 2 x.7854 Or, x l-\- %a'-\-a x h= volume. Example. — The sides of a quadrangular circular saloon roof are 20 feet, and the height of the ceiling 2 feet ; what is the volume of it ? • Note. — When the Saloon is a Circle. To ascertain the Volume of the Ring projecting beyond the Diameter of the Ceiling. Ascertain the centre of gravity of a section of the ring, and multi- ply the area of this section by the circumference described by its centre of gravity. (See Example 2, page 272.) 272 okophoids (Domes, Arched and Vaulted Roofs, etc.). 2 2 X 2 X .785i-7-4:=3.l4:lG=07ie fourth of product of the square of twice the height of the arc and .7854. 3.1416 X (20-2 + 2) X 4 =201.0624 =pn>ofac* of preceding quotient and the length of the sides of the ceiling. 2+2—20=16, and 16 — 20=1= diameter of ceiling subtracted from diameter of saloon. 4 2 X 1 = 16 =product of square of side and tabular multiplier = area of figure. ■"_ 16 X§ of 2 =21.333 =product of area of base and § of height of ceiling. 16 2 X 2 =512 =product of area of ceiling and its height. 512+21.333+201.0624 = 734.3954=sm7;j of above products =volume required. Ex. 2. A circular room 40 feet diameter, and 25 feet high to the ceiling, is covered with a saloon having a circular arch of 5 feet radius ; required the contents of the room in cubic feet. Ans. 307 '7 9 .453 feet. Operation.— Area of 40 X 25-5 = 1256.64 X 20=25132.8 = volume of body of room. Area of flat portion of ceiling, 40-5 + 5 = 706.86x25 co 20 = 3534.3 = volume of body of roof . Area of quadrant of a circle having a radius of 5= — - — = 19.635. Volume of quadrantal ring of 5 feet height and base =area thereof X the circumference described by its centre of gravity. (See p. 209.) Hence (by rule, p. 84), the centre of gravity of the ring having the sec- tion of a sector of a circle of 5 feet radius is 3.001 feet from the angle of it. Then (by rule, p. 55), the hypothenuse of the right angle (3) being alone given, the length of the side (that is, the distance of the centre of gravity of the sector from the vertical side ofit)=2.122. THxerefore, 40 s — 5 + 5 +2.122 X 2 =34.244 =diameter of circle described by centre of gravity of quadrantal ring. Consequently, circumference of 34.244 X 19.635 =2112. 353 =volume of quadrantal ring. Volume of body of room, 25132.8 " " roof, 3534.3 " ring, 2112.353 30779.453 cubic feet = volume required. Ex. 3. A quadrangular building having sides of 40 and 30 feet is covered with a saloon 25 feet in height from the floor, having an arch of 5 feet radius ; what is the volume of the saloon? Ans. 29296.83 cubic feet. orophoids (Domes, Arched and Vaulted Hoofs, etc.). 273 To ascertain the Surface of a Vault. Eule. — Multiply the length of the arch by the length of the vault, and the product will give the surface required. Or, px l=zsurface,p representing the perimeter of the arch. Example. — What is the concave or internal surface of a circular vault, the width of it being 40 feet and the length 8(^| 40 X 3.1416-^2 X 80 =5026.56 =product of length of arch and length of vault=result required. Ex. 2. The width of an elliptic arched vault is 18 feet, its height 12, and its length 50 ; what is its internal surface*? Ans. 1666.085 square feet. To ascertain the Volume of a Vault. Eule.— Multiply the area of a section of the vault by its length, and the product will give the volume required. Or, a x I— volume. Example. — The width of a semi-circular arched vault is 10 feet, and its length 60 ; what is its volume? 10 2 X .7854-^2 =39.27 =area of semicircle of 10 feet span. 39.27 X 60 =235 6. 2 =product of area and length=volume required. Ex. 2. The width of a semi-elliptic arched vault is 25 feet, its height 17.5, and its length 40 feet ; what are its contents'? Ans. 13744.5 cubic feet. To ascertain the Internal ffurface of a Circular Groin. Eule. — Multiply the area of the base by 1.1416, and the product will give the surface required. Or, a x 1.1416 ^surface. Note. — The exact surface or volume of a groin is obtained by subtract- ing from the sum of tfce surfaces or volumes of the two vaults composing the groin, the surface or volume of the quadrantal arch formed by them. Thus, in Example 1, the surface of a circular groin of 12 feet base is as follows : Surface of vault, 12 X 3.1416 -f- 2 = 18.8496, which X 12 and 2 = 452. 3904= sur/ ace of the two vaults. 12 2 X 2 =288 =surface of the quadrantal arch. Hence, 452.3904-288= 164.3904 =surface. M2 274 orophoids (Domes, Arched and Vaulted Roofs, etc.). Example. — What is the surface of a circular groin, a side of its square being 12 feet. 12 2 X 1. 1416 ^1G4. 390 i= product of area of base and 1.14 16 ^surface required. Ex. 2. What is the surface of a circular groin, a side of its square being 8 feet? Ans. 73.0624 feet. •■%' Note. — This rule may be observed in elliptical groins, as the error or difference is too small to be regarded in ordinary practice. To ascertain the Volume of a Circular or an Elliptical Groin. Rule. — Multiply the area of the base by the height, and the product again by .904, and it will give the volume re- quired. Or, axhx .904c=:volwne. Example. — What is the volume of the vacuity or space formed by a circular groin, one side of its square being 10 feet? 1 2 X 5 X. 904= 452 =product of area of base, the height and .904 = volume required. Ex. 2. What is the volume of the vacuity formed by an elliptic groin, one side of its square being 24 feet, and its height 9 feet? Ans. 4686.336 cubic feet. To ascertain the Internal Surface of a Triangular Groin. Rule. — Ascertain the length of a side of the arch, multi- ply it by twice the width of the vault, and the product will give the surface required.* Or, lxbx2=^surface. Example. — The width of a triangular groin is 12 feet, and its height 12 ; what is its internal surface? -/(12 2 + 12H-2 ) = 13AlG4:=length of one side of arch. 13.4164x12x2=321. 9936=product of length of side and twice the base=result required. * See note, page 273. orophoids (Domes, Arched and Vaulted Roofs, etc.). 275 To ascertain the Volume of the Materials that form the Groin. Rule. — Multiply the area of the base by the height, inclu- ding the work to the top of the groin, and from this product subtract the volume of the vacuity ; the result will give the volume required. A General Rule for the Measurement of the Contents of Arches is thus : From the volume of the whole, considered as a solid, from the springing of the arch to the outside of it, deduct the vacu- ity contained between the said springing and the under side of it, and the remainder will give the contents of the solid part. In measuring works where there are many groins in a range, the cylindrical pieces between the groins, and on their sides, must be computed separately. When the upper sides of orophoids, whether vaults or groins, are built up solid, above the haunches, to the height of the crown, it is evident that the product of the area of the base and the height will be the whole 'contents. And for the volume of the vacuity to be de- ducted, take the area of its base, computing its mean height according to its figure. 276 . BOARD AND TIMBER MEASURE. BOARD AND TIMBER MEASURE. To ascertain the Surface of a Board or Plank. Rule. — Multiply the length by the breadth, and the prod- uct will give the surface required. Or, lxb=surface. Note. — When the piece is tapering, add the breadths of the two ends together, and take half the sum for the mean breadth. Example. — The length of a plank is 16 feet, and its breadth 15 inches; what is its surface ?. 16 X 1.25(15) =20=product of length and breadth = surface required. Ex. 2. The length of a plank is 25 feet, and its breadth 14 inches ; what is its surface? Am., 29.167 square feet. Ex. 3. The length of a plank is 18 feet, and its widths at the ends are 17 and 19 inches; what is its surface? Ans. 27 square feet. To ascertain the Contents of Squared Timber. Rule. — Multiply the breadth by the thickness, and this product by the length, and it will give the contents required. Or, bxtxl=contents. Example. — The length of a piece of square timber is 20 feet, its sides at its less end are 15 inches, and at its greater end 19 ; what are its contents'? 19 + 15^2 = 17, and 17 2 X20-M44 = 40.1388 ^product of square of mean side and the kngth-^-lH to produce feet — contents required. Ex. 2. The ends of a piece of timber are 18 and 22 inches square, and the length of it is 22.5 feet ; what are its con- tents? Ans. 62.5 cubic feet. Note. — 1. If the piece tapers regularly from one end to the other, the breadth and thickness, taken in the middle, will be the mean breadth and thickness. 2. If the piece does not taper regularly, but is thicker in some places than in others, take several different dimensions, and their sum, divided by the number of them, will give the mean dimensions. BOARD AND TIMBER MEASURE. 277 To ascertain the Contents of Round or Unsquared Timber. Eule. — Multiply the square of one fifth of the girth by twice the length, and the product will give the contents nearly.* 2 Or, c-=-5 x 2l=z contents. Example. — The diameter of a round piece of timber is 23^ inches, and its length 18 feet ; what are its contents'? 75 (circumference of 23-|)-f-5 = 15, and 15 2 =225, and 225x18x2 =8100, which-j-144 =56.25 cubic feet. f Ex. 2. Xhe circumference of a round piece of timber is 168 inches, and its length 15 ; what are its contents % Ans. 235.2 cubic feet. * The ordinary rule is to square one fourth of the girth, and multi- ply it by -the length. In order to show the fallacy of taking one fourth of the girth for the side of a mean square, take the following example : A diameter of 13.5 inches will give an area of 143.13. Hence, a piece of round timber of this diameter will have nearly a square foot of area of section. j. The circumference for a diameter of 13.5=42.41, and 42.41-7-4 = 10.6, and 10.6 2 = 112.36 =area of section of timber. By the above rule, 42.41-7-5=8.48, and 8.48 2 = 71.91, which X 2 = 143.82 =area of section of timber. t When feet are multiplied by inches, -=-144 to obtain cubic feet. 278 APPENDIX TO MENSURATION OF SURFACES. MENSURATION OF SURFACES. To ascertain the Length of an' Elliptic Curve which is less than half of the entire Figure, Fig. 1. Fig. 1. > Geometrically. — Let the curve of which the length is re- quired be a b c. Extend the versed sine b d to meet the centre of the curve in e. Draw the line c e, and from e, with the distance e b, de- scribe b h ; bisect c h in a, and from e, with the radius e i, de- scribe k i, and it is equal to half the arc ab c. To ascertain the Length when the Curve is greater than half the entire Figure. Rule. — Find by the above problem the curve of the less portion of the figure, and subtract it from the circumference of the ellipse, and the remainder will be the length of the curve required. Parabolic Spindle. To ascertain the Surface of a Parabolic Spindle* Fig. 2. Fig. 2. * By Professor G. B. Docharty, New York Free Academy. APPENDIX TO MENSURATION OF SURFACES. 279 Let o T>=Pf A o—q, a o = p r =x, and ap =z or —y. Then, from the nature of the curve, p r 2 : A o 2 :: Dr:Dc; that is, x 2 :q 2 :\ p—y.p. p x 2 = q 2 p—q 2 y / q 2 y~p(q 2 — X 2 ); And, by differentiating, _ 2pxdx _ _ 4» 2 a; 2 cZa: 2 <*2/= *--= — ; .\dy 2 =-+—- . q 2 Q Let d s represent the differential of the surface ; then, ds=2 ny\/dx 2 -\-dy 2 . Substitute for y its value, ^ (q 2 —x 2 ), and for dy 2 its value, 2 l dx 2 , we have 9 4:p 2 x 2 dx 2 ~* , we have rt 4 ' ^JL(tf.- X i)\J dx ^ A 27T PS 1 iVi 4 A 4 + 4j 2 a .2 Or,ds= — f- (q 2 — x 2 ) dxy ±— — | = < ^^(q 2 -x 2 )dx(q*+4p 2 x 2 f =^dx(q^+4p 2 x 2 f-?-^x 2 (q^4p 2 x 2 fdx; .\s=^j q o dx(q^4p 2 x 2 f-^^C q o X 2 dx(q^4p 2 x 2 f =r P {Jfe 4 +^ 2 ^) i +4 1 °g-^+^^T4^^)-^ Wp 2 q 2 -q* q^\ 32 p* g '2pS 280 APPENDIX TO MENSURATION OP SURFACES. Which is the formula for the surface of one half of the spin- dle, orADc. The logarithms indicated in the preceding and subsequent formula are hyperbolical or Naperian. If a table of them is not at hand, one of common logarithms may be used instead, by dividing the common logarithm by .4343, and using the quotient when the logarithm is indicated to be used in the formula. To ascertain the Surface of a Frustrum of a Circular Spindle, Fig. 3'. L i I a d Let R represent the radius of the circle, an arc of which generates the spindle, as ad; D the distance of the centre of the spindle from the centre of the circle, asao; d and d' the distances of the two bases from the centre of the spindle, as o c, os; h—d / ^pd, the altitude, c s, of the frustrum, or the distance between the bases. d d / Find z and z f from the formulae sin. z——, sin. z f ——. AC xC Find Z from the formula Z— — . Find the surface from the formula S=2 7rR(A— D Z). In the formulae for h and z, the upper sign is used when both bases are on the same side of the centre of the spindle ; the lower sign when the centre is between them. Z is the arc which generates the frustrum expressed in units of the radius. Corollary. — The entire surface of the spindle may be found from the formula S = 2 7r R (I— D z), I being the length of the spindle, and z being determined from sin. £*=— multiplied by ttt^, and D from D^Rcos. \z. APPENDIX TO MENSURATION OF SURFACES. 281 CENTRES OF GRAVITY OF SURFACES. Semi- Spheroid or Ellipsoid, Fig, 4. Fig. 4. g Prolate. f»3 y 3 Distance from C— ^ , in which C d, £fc radius of the auxiliary circle, =zr=- a- -., a and b representing the semi- Va 2 -b 2 transverse and conjugate axes, y=.ef, and S=ara« of segment of plane C g ef. Oblate. = — _= 5 2-V , |(&vV 2 + & 2 -r /2 log.r'+r /2 log.(\/r /2 + 6 2 + &)) £2 in which r'= _ , 5 awd a representing the semi-conjugate Va 2 — b 2 and transverse axes. Segment of Semi- Spheroid or Ellipsoid, Figs, 5 and 6. Fig. 5. Prolate. A 282 APPENDIX TO MENSURATION OP SURFACES. 3 Distance from C: ( r 2_/2)7_ (r a_ 2V-8T y 3 -y' 3 . ivhich y=g s,y' '—e o, and S—area of plane s g e o, /=Cs. Oblate. / Distance from C — r'* + b^-(r'* + P)% (V §(bV r ' * + b i +r' 2 log.Vr'* + b* + b-l^r' 2 + l 2 -r'*log.(Vr , * + l 2 +l)) b 2 in which r'= — , l=Cs. Va 2 -b* Surface of a Frustrum of a Circular Sjpindle, Fig. 7, p. 283. r 2 r '2 The distance from the centre of the spindle =—— — =r — -, r z{h — D.z) and r' being the radii of the two bases, e and s; h the distance between the two bases ; D the distance of the centre of the spindle from the centre of the circle, as a o ; z the generating arc, ex- pressed in units of the radius. 'Fig. 7, APPENDIX TO MENSURATION OF SURFACES. 283 Surface of a Segment of a Circular Spindle, as b c, Fig. 8. Fig. 8. t / / g h a d r 2 Distance from centre of spindle = r— ; — =r — r, r representing 2(h— D.z) the radius of the base ; the other symbols the same as given on page 282. Note. — This last formula is essentially the same as the follow- ing. Segment of a Circular Spindle. Distance from centre =- -\q -1 A~] 2 \_g — I — a (sin. sin. - J _1 9 -1 1 sin. - and sin. - denoting the arcs, the sines of which are r r 7 respectively - and - ; g=fo, l=zoc, r— radius of circle— ad, a z=:ao=z Vr 2 —g 2 , and b — radius of end circle of segment Paraboloid of Revolution. (See Fig. 65, on page 126.) tv * c 1 C J p 2 + J 2 )*(8ft 2 -2pa) + 2 j p 6 Distance from vertex——— xr T — '— - - — * '^ r , b 2 a — altitude, b — radius of base, and p = — . 284 APPENDIX TO MENSURATION OF SOLIDS. MENSURATION OF SOLIDS. Cycloidal Swindle. To ascertain the Contents of the Frustrum of a Cycloidal Spin- dle, b eco, Fig. 9. Fig. 9. e ~>N L f iiiiiiiii!! 1> |((2r- Z)^(2p+5^r+15Z^r 2 -15r 3 ver.sin. ^+15^r 3 )) dc —contents, I representing ef, r——, and p, as before, 3.1416, m ~H . / ver. sin. — , symbol for the arc, the v. s. of which =—. To ascertain the Contents of the Segment of a Cycloidal Spindle, a be, Fig. 9. (l5 r 3 ver. sin. '--(2 r-$ (2 P + 5 fir + 15 /*r 2 )) P 6 tents. con- \ % APPENDIX TO MENSURATION OF SURFACES. 285 Frustra of Spheroids, or Ellipsoids of Revolution, e c df Figs. 104 and 104* page 182. Distance from centre of spheroid. _ J4 3d(2a*-d*) „ tJ 4 3d(2P-o?) Prolate^ g ^^ ; 0» A=i ___J; arepresent- ing the semi-transverse axis, h the semi-conjugate, and d the height of the frustrum. 286 APPENDIX TO MENSURATION OF SOLIDS. SOLIDS OF REVOLUTION. To ascertain the Volume of a Solid of Revolution* Fig. 7. Fig. 7. Let A X, the axis of x, be the axis of revolution, and c m d the generating curve, A n=:r, m n=y, the co-ordinates of any point of the curve, and let the solid be terminated by planes perpendicular to the axis, cutting it at o and s. Let Ao=a, and As=b, the abscissae of these points; o c — r, and s d=r', the radii of the two bases. The origin, A, may be taken at any convenient point on A X. The general formula,! when A X is the axis of revolution, is V=zpfy 2 d x y in which p — 3. 1416 ; f is the symbol of integra- tion, and d that of the differential. If, in the expression for V, y 2 or d x be eliminated by means of the equation of the generating curve, and the integration be effected between the limits x=a and x— b, or y=r and y=r', the value of V is determined. Corollary. — If A Y, or the axis of y, is the axis of revolu- tion, then, Y=pfx 2 dy, which differs from the preceding simply by the interchange of the letters x and y. * By Professor J. H. C. Coffin, U. S. N. f This formula is thus read : The volume is equal to p times the in- tegral of y- multiplied by the differential of x. APPENDIX TO MENSURATION OF SOLIDS. 287 Example. To ascertain the Volume of a Cylinder, Fig. 8. Fig. 8. A c r m i\ r' s The generating line, c m d, is a right line parallel to the axis, AX; its equation is y=r=r / . Whence V z=pr 2 fdx; and integrating between x=a and x = b, V=pr 2 (b—a); or, letting h= b— a(=o s), the altitude of the cylinder, V—pr 2 h; or, since pr 2 = the area of the base, The volume of a cylinder is equal to the area of its base multi- plied by its altitude. Example 2. To ascertain the Volume of the Frustrum of a Cone with a Circular Base. The generating curve is a straight line inclined to the axis. Let h=:b— a( — o s), the altitude of the frustrum. The equa- tion of the generating line is (the origin being at the vertex), y = — r — x, whence dx=— dy, and h r — r V a= / y 2 dy; and integrating between y = r and y — r ', ph(r /3 ~r 2 ) . Y=z 3(r / - ^~ ; orreducin g> V=^hp(r 2 -±-r' 2 -\-rr'); i. e. (since pr 2 and pr 2 are the two bases, and p r r' is a mean proportional between the two), The volume of such a conical frustrum is equal to the sum of the two bases and their mean proportional, multiplied by one third of the altitude. 288 APPENDIX TO MENSURATION OF SOLIDS. Or the following rule may be used : Add together the squares of the radii of the two bases and the product of those radii, and multiply the sum by one third of the altitude and the number 3.1416. Consequently, if the volume of the cone itself be required, r'—o, and V— \hpr 2 ; that is, The volume of a cone is equal to its base multiplied by one third of its altitude. Example 3. To ascertain the Volume of a Spherical Segment, Fig. 9. Fig. 9. A \ The generating curve, c m d, is an arc of a circle, and its equation, if the origin be taken at the centre of the sphere, C, is y 2 =~R 2 — x 2 (R being the radius of the sphere); whence, V =pf(R 2 —x 2 ) d x; and integrating between x—a andx—b, V=p[R 2 (b — a)— i(b 3 — a 3 )] ; or, letting h=b—a, the al- titude of the segment, and substituting for R 2 its value, W 2 +r' 2 )+\{a 2 + b 2 ), V=hp fa (r 2 + r /2 ) + i h 2 ~\ ; that is, The volume of a spherical segment is equal to half the sum of its bases -\- one sixth the area of the circle, the radius of which is equal to the altitude, multiplied by the altitude. Or the following rule may be used : Add together the square of the altitude and three times the squares of the radii of the two bases, and multiply the sum by one sixth of the altitude and by the number 3.1416. APPENDIX TO MENSURATION OP SOLIDS. 289 Corollary 1. If one of the bases=0, V=£ hp (3 r 2 + h 2 ) ; that is, The volume of a spherical segment with a single base is equal to the sum of the area of a circle, the radius of which is the alti- tude, and three times the base, multiplied by one sixth the alti- tude. > 2. If both bases =0, the segment becomes the entire sphere, and V=^p h 3 ; or, since A=2E, the diameter, V=fpR 2 x^=f^R 3 ; that is, The volume of a sphere is equal to two thirds of a cylinder leav- ing the same diameter and altitude. Or, It is equal to four thirds of the cube of its radius, multi- plied by 3.1416. 2. If both bases =0, the segment becomes the entire sphere, and V=^p h 3 ; or, since ^2E=D, the diameter, V=:%p~R 2 xh=%pTL 3 =ipT> 3 ; that is, T/ie volume of a sphere is equal to two thirds of a cylinder hav- ing the same diameter and altitude. Or, It is equal to four thirds of the cube of its radius, multi- plied by 3.1416. Or, It is equal to one sixth of the cube of its diameter, multiplied by 3.1416. Example 4. To ascertain the Volume of a Segment of a Pro- late Spheroid. The generating curve, c m d, is an arc of an ellipse ; and if the origin be taken at the centre, C, the equation is B 2 y 2 =.-— (A 2 — x 2 ), in which A A and B are respectively the semi-transverse and semi-con- jugate axes of the ellipse. Whence, B 2 r Y=zp— I (A 2 — x 2 )d x; and integrating between x= a and x=zb, N 290 APPENDIX TO MENSURATION OF SOLIDS. B 2 Y=p — [A 2 (b-a)-i(P-a 3 y];or,lettiiagh=b-a(=os), .A. the altitude of the segment, substituting for A 2 its value, A 2 2 "r2 ( r2 + r/2 )+i (« 2 +& 2 )> an< * reducing, B 2 h 2 ~\ Y=hp[^(r 2 +r^)+ — .-J; that is, The volume of such a segment is equal to half the sum of the bases 4- one sixth of the area of the circle the radius of which is the alti- /B' 2 \ tude, multiplied by (-Tg J> the square of the ratio of the axes of the generating ellipse, multiplied by the altitude. Or the following rule may be used : Multiply the squares of the altitude and semi-conjugate axis to- gether ; divide by the square of the semi-transverse axis ; add to- gether the quotient and three times the squares of the radii of the two bases ; and multiply the sum by one sixth of the altitude and by the number 3.1416. Corollary 1. If one of the bases =0, the expression for the [r 2 B 2 h 2 ~\ "2 + A 2 '"6_r 2. If both bases =:0, the segment is the entire spheroid, and the altitude A=2A; and V=;?B 2 x^; or, The volume of such a spheroid is equal to -| the volume of a cylinder of the same altitude, the base of which is equal to the mid- dle section of the spheroid. Example 5. To ascertain the Solidity of a Segment of an Ob- late Spheroid. A 2 The equation is y 2 =— (B 2 — x 2 ) ; whence A 2 C V—p^ l(B 2 —x 2 )dx; and integrating between x—a and x—b, and reducing, as in Example 4, v=AKiO- 2 +>-' 2 )+p.J} APPENDIX TO MENSURATION OF SOLIDS. 291 Example 6. To ascertain the Volume of a Segment of an Hy- perboloid of Revolution. B 2 The equation is y 2 z=—(x 2 — A 2 ) ; whence A. B 2 C • V=p-r^ I (x 2 —A 2 )dx; and integrating and reducing, as in Examples 4 and 5, B 2 h 2 ~\ V=Ai»[i(r»+r")- 5 ; -gj- Example 7. To ascertain the Volume of a Segment of a Par- aboloid. The equation is y 2 = 2 ~Px, in which 2 P=the parameter. V=2 Fpfxdx; or, integrating between x=.a and x—b, V^~Pp(b 2 — a 2 ); or, since r 2 =2P«, and r /2 =2PJ, and h~b— a, Y=^hp(r 2 +r' 2 ). Another method of determining the volume of a solid of revolution is to ascertain the area of the generating surface and the distance of its centre of gravity from the axis of rev- olution. Let A=zthe area osdc (Fig. 7). g—the distance of its centre of gravity, G, from the axis AX; then +, Y=z2pgxA; that is, The volume is equal to' the area of the generating surface mul- tiplied by the circumference of the circle described by its centre of gravity. 292 APPENDIX TO MENSURATION OF SOLIDS. CENTRES OF GRAVITY. To ascertain the Centre of Gravity of a Solid of Revolution. The centre of gravity is upon the axis of revolution, and it is necessary to determine only its distance from some par- ticular point, as, for example, the vertex, or the intersection of the axis by a base, or the origin of co-ordinates, A, Fig. 7. As before, Let AX, the axis ofx, be the axis of revolution, etc. (See page 286.) Let G / be the centre of gravity of the solid, and AGc'=g. The general formula is ■ _ pfy 2 xdx fy 2 xdx 9=z V = fy 2 dx' If y or x and d x be eliminated by means of the equation of the curve which generates the surface, and the integration be effected between the limits x=a and x=b, or y=r and y—r f , the distance of the centre of gravity, G', from the ori- gin of co-ordinates is determined. Example. To ascertain the Centre of Gravity of a Cylinder with a Circular Base. (See Fig. 8, page 287.) The equation is y=r=r / ; whence r 2 I'x d x <7= — J - — - — , and integrating between the limits x=a and x=b, b 2 —a 2 g=^-rr -—^(b-\-a) ; or, if the origin be taken at o, g=^b = half the altitude. Example 2. To ascertain the Centre of Gravity of the Frus- trum of a Cone with a Circular Base. (See Example 2, p. 287.) The equation is y— — ; — x; whence x=—z y, and d x h r —r" =-7 dy; and APPENDIX TO MENSURATION OP SOLIDS. 293 fij 3 dy and integrating, r'—r' fy 2 dy 3 h (V /4 r 4 ) g- — —, /3 ; and reducing, * 4(r — r)(r 3 — H) 3ft(r /a + r 2 )(r / +r) 0- 4( r ^3_ r 3) IPtoce, To ascertain the distance of the centre of gravity from the pertex of the cone, Multiply together the sum of the radii of the two bases, the sum of their squares, and f the altitude, and divide the product by the difference of the cubes of those radii. . Corollary 1. If the distance from the greater base (or 5G') be required, r / 4_4/ r 3 + 3 r 4 r /2 4-2rr' + 3r 2 _ x; (r / +r) a + 2f8 -4 /i '( r / +r )2_ rr /' 2. For the entire cone, r=0, and <7=-f ^, or g'=\h; that is, T^e distance of the centre of gravity from the vertex is equal to 2- the altitude ; or, from the base, is equal to J the altitude. Example 3. To ascertain the Centre of Gravity of a Spher- ical Segment. (See Example 3, page 288.) Equation of curve, y 2 = ~R 2 — x 2 ; whence xdx= —ydy; and pf—y 3 dy r' 4 — r 4 y / 4_ r 4 9= ~ ~~V = 4^(r /2 +r 2 )+^ 2 ] = 2% /2 + r 2 +^ 2 ] ; Hence, To ascertain the distance of the centre of gravity of the segment from the centre of the sphere, Take the difference of the Aih powers of the radii of the bases as a dividend; and for the divisor, multiply the sum of the squares of the radii and ^ the square of the altitude by twice the altitude ; the quotient is the distance required. The centre of gravity is between the centre of the sphere and the lesser base. 294 APPENDIX TO MENSUBATION OP SOLIDS. Corollary. For a segment with a single base, r=0 ; and ,•* (R—lh) 2 <7— — fT3— "^5 — TT~> ^ e distance from the centre of £Ae sphere. " Example 4. To ascertain the Centre of Gravity of a Frustrum of a Prolate or Oblate Spheroid. The distance from the centre of the spheroid is A2 (r'*—r A ) n (d±d / )(2A 2 -d /2 -d 2 ) p T*2 J/>_j/,7 3T - i0r a ••5 2A(r 2 +r 2 +^-— A 2 ) prolate spheroid. B 2 A 2V ; ^d±:d')(2B 2 -d" 2 -d 2 ) r 9 ~9i,<'^_ 2^i A V~* 3W-d'* + d'd-d* t0ran oblate spheroid, A cmd B representing semi-transverse axes, d and a" respectively the distances from the centre of the spheroid to the base and end of the frustrum. If both these are on the same side of the centre, the upper sign is used, but if they are on differ- ent sides, the lower sign is used. Example 5. To ascertain the Cenfre of Gravity of a Segment of a Prolate or Oblate Spheroid. (j± ± h) 2 <7=^-r — t"T~j f° r a P r °l ate spheroid. g=-^5 — TT"? tor an oblate spheroid. -fc> Tf tl Frustrum of Hyjperboloid of Revolution. ^. * „ 11M Ad'+d){d' 2 +d 2 -2a 2 ) Distance trom.centre of hyperboloid=:f — ^ — -,- — 2 , a— semi-transverse axis, d— distance from centre to base of seg* ment. APPENDIX TO MENSURATION OF SOLIDS. 295 Segment of Hyperboloid of Revolution, Fig. 12, p. 247. Distance from centre of hyperboloid (point of intersection of the diameters t a and d f)=% — -, a and das before, and d / —distance from centre to base of frustrum. Frustrum of a Paraboloid of Revolution. Distance from vertex of paraboloid =§ —, — , d representing height of paraboloid, and d / the distance between the frustrum and vertex. 296 APPENDIX TO MENSURATION. For the mensuration of Spherical Triangles and Pyra- mids, Spirals, Epi-cycles, Epi-cycloids, Cardioids, Heli- coids, Peli-coids, etc., etc., see Loomis's Analytical Geometry and Calculus; Davies and Peck's Dictionary of Mathematics; Docharty's Geometry; Hackletfs Geometry. For a Glossary and Explanation of Geometrical Figures, see Davies and Peck, and the Library of Useful Knowledge, vols. i. and ii. carpenters' slide-rule. 297 CARPENTERS' SLIDE-RULE, OR GUNTER'S LINE. This instrument is commonly called a Sliding Rule. It is constructed of two pieces of box- wood or ivory, of a foot in length each, connected together by a joint, which enables them to be folded up lengthwise upon an edge. On one side, the whole rule is divided upon its outer edges into inches and eighths, for the purpose of taking dimensions, and upon its inner edges there are several plane scales, each divided into twelve parts, which are designed for the reduction of dimensions for the purposes of drawing. On the other side there is a metallic slide, and four lines marked A, B, C, and D, the two middle, B and C, being upon the slide. Three of these lines, A, B, and C, are doubled in their di- mensions ; that is, they proceed from 1 to 10 twice ; and the fourth line, D, is a single one, running from 1 to 10, and is called the line of roots* The use of the double lines, A and B, is for operations in arithmetic, and ascertaining the areas of plane figures. Upon the other part of this face there is a table of gauge points for the ascertaining and measurement of the different elements and substances there given, under the respective col- umns of Square, Circular, and Globe ; and the gauge point to be selected for operation is determined by the denomination in which the dimensions are given ; thus, if in three dimen- sions, and all in feet, that under F.F.F. is to be taken ; if one dimension is in feet and the others in inches, that under F.I.I. is to be taken ; and if all are in inches alone, that under I.I.I, is to be taken. Again, if of two denominations, or of one only, the gauge point is to be taken from under F.I., 1. 1., or F. and I., as the case may be. * Upon some rules, the fourth line, D, is divided from 4 to 40, in which case it is termed a girth-line, and is then used in the measure- ment of timber. N2 298 carpenters' slide-rule. The divisions on the first, second, and third lines are mark- ed alike, each beginning at 1, which may be 1, 10, 100, or 1000, etc., or .1, .01, .001, etc. ; but, whatever it is assumed to be, the second or middle line of these divisions must be taken at 10 times as many as the first, and the third line must be taken at 10 times as many as the second. Numeration is the first operation to be acquired upon this instrument, for when that is understood, all other operations will become quite easy. It is first to be observed that the values of the divisions upon the rule are all arbitrary, and the value set upon them must be such as will meet the require- ments of the question, which must be determined when a question is proposed. The principal divisions indicated by figures at 1, 2, 3, 4, and so on to 10, are termed primes, and the next divisions tenths, and these again are, or may be, subdivided into hund- redth and thousandth parts. If the 1 (next to the joint) represents one tenth, then will the middle 1 be a unit, or a whole number, and the other figures toward the right hand are likewise whole numbers, from the middle 1 to 10 at the end; but if the first 1 rep- resents a unit, then the middle 1 will be 10, and the 10 at the right hand 100 ; if the first 1 represents 10, the middle 1 will be 100, and that at the right hand 1000; always in- creasing in a tenfold proportion, according to the value set upon the first 1. The figures between 1 and 10 are designated after the same manner ; that is, if 1 at the beginning is one tenth, 2 will be two tenths, and the next 2 toward the right hand 2 units ; but if 1 at the beginning is 1 unit, then 2 will be 2 units, and the other 2 will be 20 ; if the first 1 is called 10, then 2 will be 20, and the next 2 is 200, etc. When the 1 at the left hand is taken 88. 1, or one tenth, the line is read in the following order: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 tenths, unity or 1 ; 2, 3, 4, 5, .6, 7, 8, 9, 10; when a higher value is set on them, they will read thus, beginning next the joint, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 200, 300, and so on to 1000. carpenters' slide-rule. 299 To multiply two Numbers. Set 1 on A (1st line) to either of the given numbers on B (2d line), then at the other number on A (1st line) will be found the product on B (2d line). Example. — Multiply 12 by 25. Under 1 on A put 12 on B, and under 25 on A is 300 on B. Ex: 2. Multiply 64 by 15. Ans. 960. Note. — If the third terra runs beyond the end of the line, look for it on the first radius or other part of the line, and increase it ten times. To divide one Number by another. Set 1 on A to the divisor on B, then at the dividend on B will be found the quotient on A. Example. — Divide 300 by 25. Under 1 on A put 25 on B, and at 300 on B is 12 on A. Note. — If the dividend runs beyond the end of the line, diminish it 10 or 100 times, as may be required, to make it fall upon A, and in- crease the quotient accordingly. To ascertain a Fourth Proportional. Set the first term upon A to the second on B, then at the third on A is the fourth on B. Example. — What is the fourth proportional to 8, 20, and 30 "? Under 8 on A put 20 on B, then at 30 on A is 75 on B. To ascertain a Mean Proportional. Set the first term on C to the same term on D, then at the second on C is the mean on D. Example. — What is the mean proportional between 20 and 80 ! Under 20 on C set 20 on D, and at 80 on C is 40 on D. '■j 300 carpenters' slide-rule. Bute of Three Direct. In the Rule of Three Direct, there are three numbers given to find a fourth, that shall have the same proportion to the third as the second has to the first. The operation is, as the first term upon A is to the second upon B, so is the third term upon A to the fourth upon B. Or, bring the first term upon B to the second upon A ; then against the third upon B is the result upon A. Example. — If a man can walk 20 miles in 5 hours, how long will he require to walk 125 miles at the same rate"? Over 20 upon B put 5 upon A, and against 125 upon B is 31.25, the result, upon A. Rule of Three Inverse. In this rule, there are three numbers given to find a fourth, that shall have the same proportion to the second as the first has to the third. Note. — If more requires more, or less requires less, the question he-+ longs to the rule of three Direct ; but if more requires less, or less re- quires more, it then belongs to the rule of three Inverse. Example. — If 6 men can do a certain piece of work in 8 days, how many will it require to perform the same in 3 days ? Note. — In inverse proportion, the x slide is to be inverted (by with- drawing it and introducing the opposite end of it) ; then the question will be operated in the same way as in direct proportion. Invert the slide in the groove, and over 8 upon C set 6 upon A; then at 3 upon C is 16, the result, upon A. Vulgar and Decimal Fractions. To reduce a Vulgar Fraction to its equivalent Decimal Expression. The operation is, as the denominator upon A is to 1 upon B, so is the numerator upon A to the decimal required upon B. Example. — Reduce i to a decimal. Set 1 upon B to 4 upon A; then at 1 upon A is .25., the result, upon B. carpenters' slide-rule. 301 To extract the Square Root. When the lines C and D are equal at both ends, C is a ta- ble of squares, and D a table of roots ; consequently, opposite to any number or division upon C is its square root upon D. Example. — If a tower 30 feet in height is on the side of a river which is 40 feet in width, what must be the length of a ladder that will reach from the opposite side of the river to the top of the tower % Operation. — Set the slide even at both ends, and over 30 upon D is 90 on C, and at 40 on D is 160 upon C, which, when added to 90, =250; then under 250 upon C is 50 upon D, the length of the ladder. To Square a Number. Set 1 upon D to 1 upon C ; then against the number upon D will be found the square upon C. To Cube a Number. Set the number upon C to 1 or 10 upon D, and against the same number upon D will be its cube upon C. Set 6 upon C to 10 upon D, and at 6 upon D is 216 upon C. Zand Measuring. The Gauge points for measuring land are the number of square chains, square perches, and square yards that are con- tained in an acre. If the dimensions are given in chains, the gauge point is 1, 10, 100, etc., upon A ; if in perches, it is 1G0 ; but if it is given in yards, the gauge point is 4840, which the length upon B must always be set to, and opposite the breadth upon A is the result, in acres and parts, upon B. Example. — If a field is 20 chains 50 links in length, and 4 chains 40 links broad, how many acres does it contain ? Set 20.5 upon B to 1 upon A, and at or under 4.4 upon A is 9 upon B=*#e result in acres. 302 carpenters' slide-rule. Mensuration of Solids. In measuring and weighing solid bodies, the tables of Gauge points upon the rule are always to be made use of, and are thus explained. 1. All gauge points are taken on the line A. 2. All lengths must be noted on the line B, and are to be set to the gauge point on the line A. 3. All squares and diameters are found on the line D. 4. Opposite the square or diameter on the line D is the content or result on the line C ; or, as the length upon B is to the gauge point upon A, so is the square or diameter upon D to the content upon C. There are three gauge points for every element that is giv- en in the table for square ; F.F.F. signifying that when the length and both the squares are feet, the gauge point is to be found under F.F.F. in the same line with that of the element or material to be measured or weighed. If the length is given in feet, and both the squares are inches, then the gauge point is under F.I.I. ; but if the dimen- sions of both length and square are in inches, then the gauge point is under I.I.I. There are two gauge points for every thing that is to be measured or weighed of a cylindric form ; first, when the length is in feet and the diameter in inches, the gauge point is under F.I. If the length is in inches and the diameter in inches, then the gauge point is under I.I. There are two gauge jjoints to weigh or measure every thing of a globular figure. A globe having but one dimension, it must be either in feet or inches ; if it is in feet, the gauge point is under F. ; if it is in inches, the gauge point is under I. Note. — In measuring or weighing square timber, stone, metals, or any other bodies that are unequal sided, a mean j>roportion must be first estimated, in order to obtain a true cube or square. carpenters' slide-rule. 303 The general rule for a globe is, as the gauge point on A is to the diameter on B, so is the content on C to the diameter on D ; or, set the diameter upon B to the gauge point upon A, and against the diameter upon D is the result upon C. Example. — If a piece of timber is 16 inches broad, 6 inches thick, and 20 feet long, how many cubic feet does it contain ! Ascertain the mean square by setting 16 upon C to 16 upon D, and opposite to 6 upon C is 9.8 upon D, the side of a square equal to 16 by 6; having thus ascertained the true square, look for the gauge point for cubic feet, and under E.I.I, is 144 ; set 20, the length, upon B to 144 upon A, and against 9.8 upon D are 13.3 cubic feet upon C. Round timber is generally measured by the girth, which is ascertained by a line run around the middle of the tree or log, and taking one fifth of the girth for the side of the square. This is not precisely correct, but it is the method commonly practiced, and is performed on this rule, after the girth is taken, as follows. Example. — A round log is 30 feet in length, and 40 inches around its middle; how many cubic feet does it contain? Here one fifth of the girth is 8 inches. Multiply the length, 30, by 2, and set the result, 60, upon B to 144 upon A, and against 8 upon ~D is 26.6, the result, in feet, upon C. The circumference of the above log being 40 inches, the diameter is 12.73 inches. Set 30, the length, upon B, to 1833, the gauge point, upon A, and against 12.73 upon D are 26.5 feet, the result, upon C. By this it will be seen that there is but a slight difference between the customary and true methods of measuring. Cylinder, Globe, and Gone. Example. — If a cylinder is 6 inches long, and 6 inches in diameter, how many cubic inches does it contain ? The gauge point for cubic inches is 1273. Set 6 upon B to 1273 upon A, and against 6 upon D are 169 cubic inches, the result, upon C. 304 carpenters' slide-rule. Cask Gauging. The gauging of casks is performed, after a mean diameter is found, exactly in the same manner as in the last examples. Casks are generally reduced to what is termed four Varieties; and their mean diameters may be found by multiplying the dif- erence between the head and bung diameters of the first variety by .7, the second by .63, the third by .50, and the fourth by .52. The respective products of these numbers, added to the head diameter, will give the mean diameter. Set the length upon B to the gauge point upon A, and over the mean diameter on D is the result upon C. Example. — In a cask of the first variety, the head diameter is 24, the bung diameter 28, and the length 30 inches ; how many gallons will it contain % Set 30 upon B to 353, the gauge point for the imperial measure, upon A, and against 26.8, the mean diameter, upon D is 61, the resuk in gal- lons, upon C. Ex. 2. How many gallons are contained in a cask of the second variety, the head diameter 18, the bung diameter 23, and length 28 inches ? Set 28 upon B to the gauge point upon A, and against 21.15, the mean diameter, upon D is 35.2, the result in gallons, upon C. Ex. 3. If a cask of the third variety is 20. inches at the head, 26 at the bung, and 29 inches long, what will be its contents in gallons ? Set 29 upon B to the gauge point upon A, and against 23.36, the mean diameter, upon D is 44.5, the result in gallons, upon C. Ex. 4. A cask of the fourth variety is 34 inches long, the head diameter 26, and the bung diameter 32 ; how many gallons will it hold ? Set 34 upon B to the gauge point upon A, and against 29.12, the mean diameter, on D is 81.5, the result in gallons, upon C. carpenters' slide-rule. 305 Miscellaneous Questions. Under this head may be introduced a great many original questions, as well as such as could not be introduced in regu- lar order in the foregoing rules. Of a Circle. The Diameter being given, to ascertain the Area ; or the Area being given, to ascertain the Diameter. Set .7854, the area of unity, upon C to unity or 10 upon D, then the lines C and D will be a table of areas and diam- eters ; for against any diameter upon D is the area in square inches upon C. The Circumference being given, to ascertain the Area ; or the Area being given, to ascertain the Circumference. Set .0795 upon C to 1 or 10 upon D, then the lines C and D will be a table of areas and circumferences ; for against any circumference upon D is the area in square inches upon C. The Circumference being given, to ascertain the Diameter; or the Diameter being given, to ascertain the Circumference. Set 1 upon B to 3.141 upon A, then tfce lines A and B will be a table of diameters and circumferences ; for against any diameter upon B is the circumference upon A. To ascertain the Side of a Square equal in Area to any given Circle. Set .886 upon B to 1 upon A, then against any diameter of a circle upon A is the side of a square that will be equal in area upon B. To ascertain the Side of the greatest Square that can be inscribed in any given Circle. Set .707 upon B to 1 upon A, and against any diameter of a circle upon A is the side of its greatest inscribed square upon B. 306 carpenters' slide-rule. To ascertain the Side of the greatest Equilateral Triangle that can be inscribed in any given Circle. Set 1 upon B to 115 upon A, and against any diameter of a circle upon A is the length of a side of a triangle upon B. The Weights of Metals, and various other Results, may be ob- tained in a similar manner, for the rules of operation of which, reference is given to the Book of Directions usually furnished with the slide-rule. „ Illustrations. What is the weight of a piece of cast iron 3 inches square and 6 feet long ! The cast iron gauge point for feet long and inches square is 32. See the rule. Set 6 upon B to 32 upon A, and against 3 upon D is 168, the result, in pounds, upon C. A cylinder is 6 inches in length and 6 inches in diameter ; what is its weight in cast iron, wrought iron, and brass? 1st. For cast iron, the gauge point is 489. Set 6 upon B to 489 upon A, and against 6 upon D is 44 upon C. 2d. For wrought irori, the gauge point is 453. Set 6 upon B to 453 upon A, and against 6 upon D is 47.5 upon C. 3d. For brass, the gauge point is 424. Set 6 upon B to 424 upon A, and against 6 upon D is 511, the result, ur on C. TABLE OF ADDITIONAL GAUGE POINTS. Square. Cylinder. Globe. F.F.F. F.I.I. 1. 1. 1. p.i. i.i. p. i. 1 Oak 174 15 155 591 795 8 193 252 217 243 85 115 115 278 303 2605 269 102 138 138 333 320 276 31 116 147 146 354 386 333 342 13 176 126 424 332 286 296 113 152 153 369 578 Mahogany Box 49 512 195 263 264 637 Marble Brick GAUGING. 307 CASK GAUGING. The operation of cask gauging is ordinarily performed with the aid of five instruments, viz., a Gauging Slide-rule, a" Gauging or Diagonal Rod, Callipers, a Bung Rod, and a Wantage Rod. THE GAUGING SLIDE-RULE.* The Gauging Slide-rule is a. flat rule, very similar to an or- dinary slide-rule, except that it is not jointed, and its being adapted for use for the purpose of measuring and gauging casks, in addition to those of the ordinary computations effect- ed by a slide-rule. Upon the plain or outer face there are jive lines; the first three are alike, being equally divided, and all *>f the same ra- dius,! and each containing twice the length of one. The fourth line is differently divided from the others, and is used in the operation of gauging, in the determination of the contents of casks when Lying, by the element of the depth of liquor within them, which is termed the wet inches. The fifth line is similarly divided to the fourth, and is used in the operation of gauging, in the determination of the con- tents of casks, when Standing, by the element of the depth of liquor within them, which is also termed the wet inches. Note. — The operation of gauging in this manner — that is, by the element of wet inches — is termed Ullaging. Upon the opposite or inner face there are four lines ; the first js divided to represent gallons,{ the second is a line of mean diameters, and the third and fourth lines are divided into inches and tenths. * As manufactured by Belcher, Brothers, & Co., New York. t The first three lines are divided alike to the ordinary carpenters' slide-rule, or Gunter's line, described at page 297, and the operations of multiplication, division, etc., etc., may be performed, by inspection, as there described. » J 231 cubic inches, which is the U. S. standard gallon. 308 GAUGING. The third line is divided each way from the thumb-piece, running from 38 to G3 to the right, and from to 12 to the left. The use of this line is to measure the diameter of the head of a cask, and is thus operated : Place the outside edge of the brass shoulder on the right end'of the gauge, on the head of a cask, and close to the inside of a stave in line with the centre of the head ; move the thumb- piece until its perpendicular or left face is in a line with a point at the other end, which would give the diameter of the head on its inside ; then remove the gauge, and on the fourth line, under the face of the thumb-piece, read off the diameter of the head in inches and tenths. If the diameter of the head exceeds 38 inches, then it is to be found on the third line, at the left end of the gauge, on the line running from 38 to 63. On the left of the thumb-piece is a scale of 12 inches and tenths of inches, and above it is a Scale of 1st Varieties ; that is, varieties of the first form of casks, the use of which is here- after explained under the head of Varieties. The fourth line is divided into inches and tenths, running from the right to the left, and is used for the purposes of or- dinary measurement. Upon one side of the instrument is a Scale of 2d Varieties, the use of which, and of all like scales, is to obtain by inspec- tion the mean diameter of casks of the different varieties of fig- ure, and which are thus classed. Varieties of Casks.* First Variety. — Casks of the ordinary form, being that of the Middle Frustrum of a Prolate Spheroid, as Fig.l. * The basis of determination of a scale of varieties is that of giving a multiplier whereby the mean diameter of arcask may be ascertained, and the operation is effected as shown on page 310. GAUGING. 309 Rum puncheons and whiskey barrels are fair exponents of this form, which comprises all casks having a spherical outline of stave. Second Variety. — Casks of the form ot the Middle Frustrum of a Parabolic Spindle, as Fig. 2. Fig. 2. a Wine casks are exponents of this form, which comprises all casks in which the curve of the staves quickens slightly at the bilge. Third Variety. — Casks of the form of the Middle Frustrum of a Paraboloid, as Fig. 3. Fig. 3. a Brandy casks and provision barrels are exponents of this form, which comprises all casks in which the curve of the staves quickens at the chime. 310 GAUGING. Fourth Variety. — Casks of the form of two equal Frustrums of Cones, as Fig. 4. Fig. 4. a A gin pipe is an exponent of this form, which comprises all casks in which the curve of the staves quickens sharply at the bilge. As the rule, however, is provided with but scales of two varieties, it is usual to apply the first scale to all casks in which the middle diameter (intermediate between the bung and head), as g h, Fig. 1, approaches nearest to that of the bung diameter. The scale of 2d variety upon the edge of the rule is adapt- ed to all casks in which the middle diameter approaches next or second in order of proportion to that of the bung diameter, as Fig. 2. Scales of 3d and 4th varieties are not given. Such scales, however, are wanted, and are applicable to all casks in which the middle diameter bears a less proportion to the bung diam- eter than in any of the other varieties. % To ascertain the Mean Diameter of a Cash Kule. — Subtract the head diameter from the bung diameter in inches, and multiply the difference by the following units for the four varieties ; add the product to the head diameter, and the sum will give the mean diameter of the varieties re- quired. 1st variety 7 I 3d variety .56 2d variety 63 I 4th variety 52 GAUGING. 311 Example. — The bung and head diameters of a cask of the 1st variety are 24 and 20 inches ; what is its mean diameter? 24 _ 20 = 4, and 4 X .7 = 2.8, which, added to 20, = 22.8 inches, the mean diameter. Ex. 2. The bung and head diameters of a cask of the 2d variety are 23 and 20 inches ; what is its mean diameter % Ans. 21.89 inches. Operation by the Gauging Slide-rule. Example 1. Subtract 20 from 24, and over 4, the difference, on the line of inches of the scale of 1st varieties, read 2.76, which, added to 20, =22.76, the result required. Ex. 2. Subtract 20 from 23, and under 3, the difference, on the line of inches of the scale of 2d varieties, read 1.88, which, added to 20, = 21.88, the result required. THE GAUGING OK DIAGONAL ROD. The Gauging or Diagonal Bod is a square rule having four faces, being commonly four feet long. This instrument is used both for gauging and measuring casks, and in gauging, the con- tents are ascertained from one dimension only, viz., the diagonal of the cask, or the length from the centre of the bung-hole to the junction of the head of the cask with the stave opposite to the bung, being the longest straight line that can be drawn within a cask from the centre of the bung. Accordingly, on two opposite faces of the rule are scales of inches for measur- ing this diagonal, between which, on a third face, are placed the contents in gallons. To ascertain the Contents of a Cask by the Gauging or Diagonal Bod, Fig. 5. Fig. 5. a I / : ' / i / <4r 4x _j- 312 GAUGING. Operation. — Introduce the pointed end of the rod into the bung-hole of a cask (the plane face of the rod being upper- most) until it reaches the junction of the head and bottom of the cask at its lowest point ; then adjust the upper end of the rod, so that the under side (divided into gallons) shall be in the centre of the hole in a line with the under side of the bung stave. Observe this . point, by the aid of the divisions of inches and tenths on either of the sides of the rod ; with- draw it, and, in a line with the division observed, read off on the under side of the rod the contents of the cask in gallons. Illustration. — In the preceding figure, the bung diameter, a b, is 24 inches, the head diameter, ef, is 20 inches, and the half length, /r, is 18 inches. Hence, by Geometry, the height, a r, of the triangle afr is 24— 24. 20 — - — =22. Consequently, the length =22, and the base = 18, the hy- pothenuse, a f, =28.425. Then, by inspection of the rod, it will be seen that in a line with 28.425 inches is 63, the number of gallons the cask contains. THE CALLIPERS. The Callipers is a sliding rule adapted to project over the chimes of casks to measure their inner length, and when it is adjusted to the heads of a cask, the inner length of it may be read off, a difference of 2 inches, being an allowance of 1 inch for the thickness of each head, being provided for in the divis- ions of the rule. Note. — When the thickness of the heads is known to differ from an inch each, the difference above or less than an inch, as the case may be, is to be subtracted from or added to the length indicated by the cal- lipers. THE BUNG ROD. The Bung Rod is alike to the diagonal rod in construction, and is a rod for determining the inner diameter of a cask, or the wet inches therein ; and in order to enable the divisions to be accurately noted, there is a slide running around the rod, with a collar upon its lower end, which is brought to bear GAUGING. 313 upon the under side of the stave at the bung ; the rod, with the slide retained in position, is then removed, and the divis- ions on the rod read off. Note. — It is customary to combine this instrument with the diagonal rod, the Inches on the latter answering all the purposes of the measure- ment required, and the slide is removed or adjusted as may be required. THE WANTAGE ROD. The Wantage Rod is a scale having four equal sides, upon which are divisions adapted to the many varieties of vessels, as barrels, tierces, and hogsheads. The use of this instrument is to obtain by inspection the number of gallons of liquor deficient in a cask, when the de- ficiency does not reach to an extent that would class the ves- sel as an ullage cask. There is a metal collar upon one of its sides, which is intro- duced into the bung-hole of a cask until its upper side is. at the under side of the bung stave ; the instrument is then re- moved, and the wet line indicates the number of gallons (un- der the designation on the rod, of the cask to which it is ap- plied) the cask is deficient, or wants of being full. To ascertain the Contents of a Cask of the 1st Variety, Fig. 6. Fig. 6. a By Mensuration. Rule. — To twice the square of the bung diameter, a b, add the square of the head diameter, e f; multiply this sum by the length, c d, of the cask, and the product again by .2618, O 314 GAUGING. and it will give the contents in cubic inches, which, being di- vided by 231, will give the result in gallons.* Example. — The bung and head diameters of a cask, a b and ef, are 24 and 20 inches, and the length, c d, 36 ; what are its contents in gallons ? 24 2 X 2 + 20 3 = 1552, which X 36 = 55872, and 55872 X .2618 = 14627.2896, which -f-231 = 63.32, the gallons required. Ex. 2. The bung and head diameters of a cask are 36 and 30 inches, and the length 54 ; what are its contents in gallons? Ans. 213.7 gallons. By the Gauging Slide-rule. Operation. — Subtract the head diameter from the bung di- ameter, and look for the difference on the lower line (inches) of the scale of 1st varieties, and above it, on the second line, is the mean difference, which is to be added to the head diam- eter'for the mean diameter. Thus, 24— 20 = 4 = difference of diameters. Above 4, on 1st line of scale, read 2.75, which, added to 20, =22.75, the mean diameter required. Then, set the left end of the slide on the inner face of the rule to the length of the cask (36) on the first line ; look for the mean diameter (22.75) on the second line (or top line of slide), and above it, on the first line, read 63.6, which is the capacity of the cask in gallons. Ex. 2. The bung and head diameters of a cask are 36 and 30 inches, and the length 54 ; what are its contents in gal- lons? The difference of diameters is 6, which, by the scale, =4. 16. -. Ans. 214.6 gallons. Ex. 3. The length of a cask is 51 inches, and its bung and head diameters 31 and 26 inches; what are its contents in gallons? Ans. 150.6 gallons. * Whenever the contents are required in bushels, divide by 2150.4. GAUGING. 315 To ascertain the Contents of a Cash of the 2d Variety, Fig. 7. Fig. 7. a By Mensuration. Rule. — To the square of a head diameter add double the square of the bung diameter, and from the sum subtract -^ of the square of the difference of the diameters ; then multiply the remainder by the length, and the product again by .2618, which, being divided by 231, will give the contents in gallons. Example. — The bung and head diameters of a cask, a b and ef, are 24 and 18 inches, and the length, c d, 36 ; what are its contents in gallons'? 18 2 +24 2 x 2 = 1476, and 1476—^. of 24-18 =1461.6, which X 36 = 52617.6, and 52617.6 X. 2618 = 13775.288, which-^23 1=59.63, the gallons required. By the Gauging Slide-rule. Operation. — Subtract the head diameter from the bung di- ameter, and look for the difference on the upper line (inches) of the scale of 2d varieties, and below it, on the second line, is the mean difference, which is to be added to the head diam- eter for the mean diameter. Thus, 24 — 18 =%= difference of diameters. Below 6, on 2d line of scale of 2d varieties, read 3.8, which, added to 18, =21.8, the mean diameter required. Then, set the left end of the slide on the inner face of the rule to the length of the cask (36) on the first line; look for the .mean diameter (21.8) on the second line (or top line of slide), and above it, on the first line, read 58.2, which is the capacity of the cask in gallons. 316 GAUGING. Ex. 2. The bung and head diameters of a cask are 36 and 27 inches, and the length 54 ; what are its contents in gallons? The difference of diameters is 9, which, by the scale, =5.77. Ans. 197.5 gallons. Ex. 3. The length of a cask is 51 inches, its bung and head diameters 30 and 26 inches ; what are its contents in gallons? Ans. 141.3 gallons. To ascertain the Contents of a Cask of the 3d Variety, Fig. 8. Fig. 8. a By Mensuration. Rule. — To the square of the bung diameter add the square of the head diameter; multiply the sum by the length, and the product again by .3927, which, being divided by 231, will give the contents in gallons. Example. — The bung and head diameters of a cask, a b and e /, are 24 and 20 inches, and the length, c d, 36; what are its contents in gallons? 24 2 +20 3 x 36=35136, which X. 3927 =1379 7.907, and 13797.907-r- 231=59.73, the result required. . By the Gauging Slide-rule. Operation. — Subtract the head diameter from the bung di- ameter, and multiply the difference by the unit .56, page 310, which is to be added to the head diameter for the mean diam- eter. Thus, 20-24=4, which x. 56=2.24, and 20 + 2.24=22.24, the mean diameter required. GAUGING. 317 Then, set the left end of the slide on the inner face of the rule to the length of the cask (36) on the first line ; look for the mean diameter (22.24) on the second line (or top line of slide), and above it, on the first line, read 60.16, which is the capacity of the cask in gallons. Ex. 2. The bung and head diameters of a cask are 36 and 30 inches, and the length 54 ; what are its contents in gallons 1 The difference of diameters is 6, which, by the rule, =3.36. Ans. 204.8 gallons. Ex. 3. The length of a cask is 51 inches, its bung and head diameters 31 and 26 inches ; what are its contents in gallons? Ans. 144.9 gallons. Ex. 4. The length of a cask is 50 inches, and its bung and head diameters 30 and 25 inches ; what are its contents 1 Ans. 131.4 gallons. To ascertain the Contents of a Cask of the 4th Variety, Fig. 9. Fig. 9. a By Mensuration. Rule. — Add the square of the difference of the diameters to three times the square of their sum ; then multiply the sum by the length, and the product again by .06566, and it will give the contents in cubic inches, which, being divided by 231, will give the result in gallons. ■ Example. — The bung and head diameters of a cask, a b and ef are 24 and 16 inches, and the length, c d, 36 ; what are its contents in gallons ? 24-16 + (24 + 16) 2 x3=4864, which X 36 = 175104, and 175104 X .06566 = 11497.329, whiclK-231 =49.77, the gallons required. 318 GAUGING. By the Gauging Slide-rule. Operation. — Subtract the head diameter from the bung di- ameter, and multiply the difference by the unit .52, page 310, which is to be added to the head diameter for the mean diam- eter. Thus, 24-16 = 8, which X. 52 =4.16, and 16+4.16=20.16, the mean diameter required. Then, set the left end of the slide on the inner face of the rule to the length of the cask (36) on the first line : look for the mean diameter (20.16) on the Second line (or top line of slide), and above it, on the first line, read 49.8, which are the contents of the cask in gallons. Ex. 2. The bung and head diameters of a cask are 36 and 24 inches, and the length 54 ; what are its contents in gallons? The difference of diameters is 12, which, by the rule, =6.24. Ans. 168.5 gallons. Ex. 3. The length of a cask is 51 inches, its bung and head diameters 31 and 23 inches ; what are its contents in gallons and in bushels? Ans. 128.2 gallons, , 128.2x231 10 _, __ and ^^ An —13.77 bushels, 2150.42 To ascertain the Contents of a Cask when the Dimensions are less than the Divisions on the Scale as numbered, viz., for a Length of less than 25 inches, and a Mean Diameter of less than 17.3 inches. Operation. — Determine the mean diameter; then double both the length and the mean diameter; ascertain the con- tents for those dimensions, and divide the result by 8. Note. — When only one of the dimensions is doubled, divide the re- sult by 4. Example. *-The dimensions of a barrel of the 2d variety, having bung and head diameters of 12 and 10 inches, is 16 inches in length ; what are its contents ? Mean diameter = 11.26 inches. Set the left end of the slide to 32 (16x2) on the 1st line, and over 22.52 (11.26x2), on the second line, is 55.36 on the 1st line, which -j-8=6.92, the contents of the barrel in gallons. GAUGING. 319 ULLAGE CASKS. To ascertain the Contents of Ullage Casks. When a cask is only partly filled, it is termed an ullage cash, and is considered in two positions, viz., as lying on its side, when it is termed a Segment Lying (S.L.), or as standing on its end, when it is termed a Segment Standing (S.S.). To Ullage a Lying Cask. By Mensuration. Divide the wet inches by the bung diameter ; find the quo- tient in the column of versed sines in the table of circular seg- ments, page 134, take out its corresponding segment ; then multiply this segment by the capacity of the cask in gal- lons, and the product again by 1.25 for the ullage required. Example. — The capacity of a cask is 90 gallons, the bung diameter being 82 inches ; what are its contents, at 8 inches depth? 8-^32 = .25, the tab. seg. of which is .15355, which X 90 = 13.81 £5, which X 1.25 = 17.2744, the contents, in gallons. By the Gauging Slide-rule. Operation. — On the plane face, Set the bung diameter on 3d line to 100 at the right hand on 4th line, and on this line, under the wet inches on 3d line, take off the number, and set it (by moving the slide) on 3d line to 100 on 4th line, and under the capacity of the cask on the 1st line read the contents in gallons required. Thus, set 32 on 3d line to 100 on 4th line, and under 8 on 3d line take off 17.75 on 4th line, and set it on 3d line at 100 on 4th line ; then under 90 on 1st line read 16.85, the contents in gallons. Ex. 2. The capacity of a cask being 92 gallons, and the bung diameter 32, required the ullage of the segment when the wet inches are 8. Ane. 17.85 gallons. Ex. 3. The wet inches in a lying cask are 12 inches, the bung diameter 24, and the capacity of the cask 70 gallons ; what are the contents of the cask? Ans. 35.2 gallons. 320 GAUGING. To Tillage a Standing Cask. By Mensuration. Add together the square of the diameter at the surface of the liquor, the square of the head diameter, and the square of double the diameter taken in the middle between the two ; then multiply the sum by the wet inches (length between the surface and nearest end), the product again by .1309, and divide by 231 for the result in gallons. Example. — The diameter at the surface of the liquor is 29 inches, the head diameter of the cask is 24, the diameter taken in the middle of the two is 27, and the depth of the liquor, or wet inches, is 20 ; what are the contents of the cask % 29 2 +24 2 +27x2 =4333, which X 10=43330, and 43330 X.1309- 231=24.554, the result, in gallons. By the Gauging Slide-rule. Operation. — On the plane face, Set the length on 3d line to 100 at the right hand on 5th line, and on this line, under the wet inches on 3d line, take off the number, and set it (by moving the slide) on 3d line to 100 on 5th line, and under the capacity of the cask on the 1st line read the contents, in gallons, required. The capacity of the cask being 94.5 gallons, and the length 35 inches. Thus, set 35 on 3d line to 100 on 5th line, and under 10 on 3d line take off 26.8 on 5th line, and set it at 100 on 5th line ; then under 94.5 on 1st line read 25.3, the contents, in gallons. Ex. 2. The length of a standing cask is 24 inches, the wet inches 12, and the capacity of it 64 gallons ; what are its contents in gallons'? Ans. 32.28 gallons. Ex. 3. The length of a standing cask is 24 inches, the wet inches 16, and the capacity of it 65 gallons; what are its contents in gallons? Ans. 44.6 gallons. GAUGING. 321 To ascertain the Contents of a Cask by four Dimensions. Kule. — Add together the squares of the bung and head diameters, and the square of double the diameter taken in the middle between the bung and head ; then multiply the sum by the length of the cask, and the product by .1309 ; then divide this product by 231 for the result in gallons. Example. — What are the contents of a cask, the length of which is 40 inches, the bung diameter 32, the head diameter 24, and the middle diameter between the bung and the head 28.75 inches? 32 2 +24 2 = 1600=s«ro of squares of bung and head diameters. 28.75x2 =3306.25, and 3306.25 + 1600 = 4906.25=sw7« of squares of bung and head diameters and of double the middle diameter. 4906.25 X 40 = \§&2b0= product of above sum and the length of the ca??: Tlien, 196250 X. 1309 =25689.125 =number of cubic inches in the casic, which-f-231 = 11 1.2083 gallons. Ex. 2. The bung and head diameters of a cask are 24 and 16 inches, the middle diameter 20.5, and the length of it 36 inches ; what are its contents in gallons ? Ans. 51.26 gallons. To ascertain the Contents of any Cash from three Dimensions only. Rule. — Add into one sum 39 times the square of the bung diameter, 25 times the square of the head diameter, and 26 times the product of the two diameters ; then multiply the sum by the length, and the product by .008726 ; then divide the quotient by 231 for the result in gallons. Example. — The length of a cask is 35.5 inches, its bung diameter 28.3 inches, and its head diameter 24 inches ; what are its contents in gallons ? 28.3 2 X 39 =31234.71 =39 times the square of the bung diameter. 24 2 X 25 = 14400 = 25 times the square of the head diameter. 28.3 X 24 X 26 = 17659.2=26 times the product of the two diameters. 31234.71+14400 + 17659.2 = 63293.91, which x 35.5 = 2246933.8 = the sum of the above products X the length, which X .008726=19606.744 = number of cubic inches, which-f-231 =84.88 —gallons required. - 02 322 GAUGING. Ex. 2. What are the contents of a cask, the length being 40, and the bung and head diameters 32 and 24 inches? Ans. 112.273 gallons. Note. — This is the most exact rule of any for three dimensions, and agrees nearly with the result as determined by a diagonal rod. Illustration. — If a diagonal rod was applied to a cask of the dimensions above given (Ex. 2), the length or distance determ- ined by it would be 34.4. An inspection of the rod will show 110.1 gallons to be in- dicated at this point. Note. — The Divisor for English ale gallons is 282, and for Imperial gallons 277.274. THE END. THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. THE PENALTY WILL INCREASE TO 50 CENTS ON THE FOURTH DAY AND TO $1.00 ON THE SEVENTH DAY OVERDUE. DEC 21 fcEC'D LD MAR Z 9 laoO : MAY 1 1970 12 " ' iiilMMI* i&~ MAY 6f? Q |OAH 0EPAJTO*a« S^^^^i^ OCT l 5 ZGOZ U. C. BERKELEY LD 21-100m-7,'33 OA. ASK LI H3S