GIFT OF MACMILLAN SPANISH SERIES UNDER THE GENERAL EDITORSHIP OF Frederick Bliss Luquiens SHEFFIELD SCIENTIFIC SCHOOL OF YALE UNIVERSITY EASY SPANISH READER MACMILLAN SPANISH SERIES General Editor Frederick Bliss Luquiens PRACTICAL SPANISH GRAMMAR By Ventura Fuentes and Victor E. Francois. ELEMENTARY SPANISH-AMERICAN READER By Frederick Bliss Luquiens. SPANISH READER OF SOUTH AMERICAN HISTORY By Edward Watson Supple. LEYENDAS HISTORICAS* MEXICANAS By James Bardin. MANUAL DE CORRESPONDENCIA By Ventura Fuentes and Arturo Elias. MARMOL'S AMALIA By Ames Haven Corley. A FIRST BOOK IN SPANISH By J. P. WlCKERSHAM CRAWFORD. EASY SPANISH READER By Joel Hatheway and Eduardo Berge-Soler. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2008 with funding from Microsoft Corporation La Escuela EASY SPANISH READER BY JOEL HATHEWAY Head of the Department of Modern Languages High School of Commerce Boston, Massachusetts AND EDUARDO BERGE-SOLER Instructor in Spanish High School of Commerce Boston, Massachusetts Nefo gorfc THE MACMILLAN COMPANY 1920 All rights reserved -. Copyright, 1919, By THE MACMILLAN COMPANY. Set up and electrotyped. Published March, 1919. NorfoootJ $ress J. S. Gushing Co. — Berwick & Smith Co. Norwood, Mass., U.S.A. PREFACE This text-book has been prepared to meet the needs of pupils studying Spanish in secondary schools. It is based on the idea that such pupils need a very large amount of easy reading and that the reading material should deal with the ordinary experiences which enter into the lives of the pupils by whom the book is to be used. To this end our text presents a series of episodes from the life of a group of boys and girls, in school and at home, in city and country. The plan of the book is in very large measure due to Professor Marshall L. Perrin of Boston University, with whom we have for many years studied and discussed the problems of modern language instruction. The execu- tion of the plan is entirely our own. Our aim has been to produce a text which should be as easy as possible without being at the same time wooden or unidiomatic in style. We have introduced the common irregular verbs into the first pages, have used the ordinary everyday idioms from the very outset, and have not avoided striking or picturesque words whenever their use would make a bit of description more vivid. Simplicity has been attained by avoiding difficult or un- usual idioms, by introducing the tenses one at a time and in order, and, in general, by allowing the pupil to v 459981 VI PREFACE concentrate his attention upon one grammatical category at a time. To assist the teacher, the special topic in grammar to be emphasized is stated in the heading of each chapter. To assist the pupil, the words which exemplify the special topics are printed in black type. This does not mean, necessarily, that such points then appear for the first time, but that they can then be systematically studied to the best advantage. It is very hard to employ such a scheme consistently without overworking it, and our method can doubtless be improved. The underlying principle, however, we believe to be sound, and we have endeavored to apply it with common sense. Throughout the book the constructions remain simple. The subjunctive is omitted altogether, the only moods used being the indicative and the imperative. The only reason why the later chapters are more difficult than the first is that there is a greater variety in the verb forms employed and, naturally, a larger vocabulary. The fact that a large part of our text consists of easy dialogue has enabled us to limit the question material to an amount which may seem to some teachers to be rather small. The questions have purposely been made very easy. The exercises are brief, as only a limited amount of such work belongs to this stage of language study. In the vocabulary, forms have been listed with great fullness. Details will be found in the note preceding the vocabulary on page 303. Here we may call attention PREFACE Vll to the fact that nouns are in all cases preceded by the definite article, in order that the pupil's attention may at once be called to the gender of the noun in question. In the vocabulary drill, teachers should insist that the article be always given with its noun, just as if it were the first syllable of the word. Unnecessary grammati- cal detail has been omitted. In the teaching of younger pupils, for whom this book is particularly designed, the direct method is the most effective. The end sought is ability to speak Spanish and to understand spoken Spanish. The attainment of this end requires the use of Spanish in the classroom, persistent drill in pronunciation, the mastery of a con- siderable number of common words and phrases, and the constant repetition of phrases in question and answer. Facility comes only through drill and repetition. The questions have been constructed with these principles in mind. They are designed to illustrate the method un- derlying the book and it is assumed th%t they will be sup- plemented by others of similar character. Oral work involving rapid fire of question and answer based upon the material given in the book will bring the best results. This oral work can be supplemented profitably by hav- ing pupils make a written translation of the Spanish into English and then an oral or written translation of English back into Spanish. The colloquial character of the text makes it particularly well adapted for use in this way and for making Spanish the language of the classroom. Vlil PREFACE In this connection it may be stated that in both text and exercises we have limited the pronouns of address to those forms which the pupils will find most useful. The illustrations have been prepared especially for this book. They represent scenes fully described in the text, and afford suggestions and material for interesting oral practice. The value of pictures for this purpose and for stimulating the interest of the pupil cannot be overesti- mated. We are under special obligations to Professor Perrin, as above noted. Mr. William B. Snow, Head Master of the English High School of Boston, for many years our friendly guide and adviser in many a phase of modern language instruction, has discussed and criticized the book in considerable detail and freely given us the benefit of his long experience. Our thanks are due to our pupil Mr. B. R. Alexander for a great deal of clerical assistance. Finally, we take special pleasure in expressing our sense of obligation to Professor F. B. Luquiens of Yale Uni- versity, the general editor of the series of which this book is a part, to whose care and experience in editorial work the accuracy of our text is in large measure due. Joel Hatheway. Eduardo Berge-Soler. CONTENTS PRIMERA PARTE La Primavera La Salida de Escuela (Presente de los Verbos Regulares y de Ser y Estar) Los Amigos (Presente del Verbo Tener) Expedicion A Casa de la Tia Ana (Expresiones Compara tivas) En Casa de la Tia Ana (Preterito) La Merienda (Continuation del Preterito) La Leccion del Dia (Continuacion del Preterito) . La Leccion de Geografia (Continuacion del Preterito) Trabajo en el Huerto (Imperfecto) De Regreso (Continuacion del Imperfecto) La Casa de Juanito y Maria (Posesivos) El Cuerpo Humano (Futuro) . El Ultimo Dia del Curso (Demostrativos) Page I 5 8 12 16 19 22 26 30 35 38 43 SEGUNDA PARTE El Verano En Camino (Repaso de los Tiempos) 48 La Vaqueria (Pasado Indefinido) 52 Las Colmenas (Continuacion del Pasado Indefinido) . 58 El Gallinero (Pluscuamperfecto) 63 Las Costumbres de las Gallinas (Verbos Reflexivos) . 66 El Huerto (Primera Clase de los Verbos que Cambian la Vocal de la Raiz) 72 ix X CONTENTS PAGE Las Frutas (Continuacion de la Primera Clase de los Verbos que Cambian la Vocal de la Raiz) . . . .77 Las Flores (Pronombres Personales Complementos) . . 82 Proyecto de un Viaje a Nueva York (Tener que y Haber de) 89 El Viaje (Segunda y Tercera Clases de los Verbos que Cam- bian la Vocal de la Raiz) 93 A los Campos (Dos Pronombres Personales Complementos) 99 Los Campos (Venir e Ir) 105 La Playa (Dar, Hacer,y Saber) no El Cuatro de Julio (Pronombres Relativos e Interroga- tivos) . . ' 118 El Restaurant (Caber y Acabar de) 128 El Puerto (Indefinidos) 133 Sud America (Uso del Articulo Determinado) . . .145 El Jardin Zoologico (Verbos que Rigen al Infinitivo sin Preposicion) 150 La Ciudad (Verbos que Rigen al Infinitivo mediante Preposi- cion o Que) 157 El Incendio (Participio Presente) . . . . .161 TERCERA PARTE El Otono El Sastre (Forma Progresiva del Presente — Volver a) .166 El Zapatero (Forma Progresiva del Imperfecto) . .172 El Carpintero (Ponerse a) 178 El Albanil (Forma Progresiva del Pasado Indefinido — Hacerse) ' . . .184 La Apertura del Curso (Pronombres Personales despues de la Preposicion) 190 La Recoleccion de las Manzanas (Forma Progresiva del Futuro — Ir a) . - 196 CONTENTS XI PAGE El Carbon (Futuro de Probabilidad — Podtr) . . . 204 Los Ninos Exploradores (Repaso de la Forma Progresiva) 209 Vispera de Todos los Santos (Preposiciones) . .219 El Dia de Accion de Gracias (Adverbios) . . .226 CUARTA PARTE El Invierno La Sesion de Escuela (Forma Pasiva del Presente) . 231 La Batalla de Bolas de Nieve (Forma Pasiva del Imper- fecto) 239 La Expedicion en Trineo (Forma Pasiva del Preterito) 247 La Visita del Capitan (Forma Pasiva del Pasado Indefi- nido y Pluscuamperfecto — Imperativo) . . .257 Los Ninos Van a Patinar (Forma Pasiva del Futuro — Continuacion del Imperativo) 274 Leal Esta Enfermo {Dejar de) 288 La Noche de Navtdad 295 Vocabulary 303 Numerals Used in Text 386 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS La Escuela Frontispiece Page En Camino a Casa de la Tia Ana 1 1 En el Huerto de la Tia Ana 27 El Cuarto de Juanito 41 El Establo 54 Las Lluecas Persiguiendo a Leal 69 Los Ninos en la, Playa 113 La Revista Militar 125 Vista del Puerto de Nueva York 141 En el Parque del Bronx 154 La Zapateria ' 174 ElAlbaiiil 188 La Visita al Tio de Blanca 223 El Dia de Accion de Gracias 229 La Batalla de kolas de Nieve 243 El Salvamento 281 Xlll PRIMERA PARTE LA PRIMAVERA LA SALIDA .DE ESCUELA (PRESENTE DE LOS VERBOS REGULARES Y DE Ser Y Estar) Estamos en la primavera. La primavera es una de las cuatro estaciones del afio. En esta estacion los dias son tan largos como las noches. Parte del mes de marzo, los meses completos de abril y mayo, y parte del mes de junio, forman la estacion de la primavera. 5 Los ninos y las ninas estan en la escuela. La escuela es un edificio pequefio, al lado de la carretera, a dos millas del pueblo. Como ya corre el mes de junio, las vent anas de la escuela estan abiertas. Faltan pocos minutos para las cuatro de la tarde, w hora en que acaba la sesion. La maestra esta detras de la mesa, que esta" colocada sobre una plataforma. En la pared estan el retrato de Jorge Washington y la bandera americana con sus hermosos colores, rojo, 15 azul, y bianco, y las estrellas blancas sobre fondo azul. El rojo y el bianco se combinan en barras horizontales. En la pared opuesta a las ventanas estan las pizarras. 2 EASY SPANISH READER Los niiios y las nifias estan sentados con los brazos cruzados, descansando sobre sus pupitres. El reloj de la clase apunta las cuatro y da cuatro campanadas. La maestra junta las manos y los ninos s y las ninas abandonan los asientos. Y todo el mundo, de pie, junto a sus pupitres, con los ojos puestos en la bandera americana, canta el himno nacional, " America." Acabado este acto, el ultimo del dia escolar, la maestra pasa a la puerta de la escuela, y los ninos y las ninas 10 desfilan, marchando de dos en dos. Los alumnos pasan de la escuela a una plazoleta con grandes arboles al lado del camino. Alii rompen filas y forman grupos., Juanito, de quince afios, y Maria, de catorce afios, hermana de Juanito, buscan con los ojos a is su fiel amigo, " Leal." Leal es un perro grande de Terranova. Es un perrazo de pelo negro, largo, y rizado, orejas lanosas, largas, y caidas, ojos grandes y bondadosos, hocico humedo y frio, y dientes y colmillos blancos y afilados. El padre 20 de Juanito y de Maria es el duefio del perro. Leal, todos los dias, acompana los dos hermanos a la escuela ; por la mafiana y por la tarde espera la salida de los ninos en la plazoleta. Ahora esta sentado sobre las patas traseras, y trata 25 de descubrir a los hijos del amo entre los otros ninos. No tarda mucho en descubrir a los dos hermanos, y en seguida, ladrando de gozo, corre al encuentro, dando saltos y meneando la cola. Los dos hermanos acarician al perro. Maria pone en la boca del perro el cesto del LA S A LI DA DE ESCUELA 3 almuerzo que ella y Juanito comen en la escuela, a mediodia. Juanito coloca tambien en la boca de Leal la correa que sujeta los libros. Tambien los amigos de los dos hermanos rodean y acarician a Leal. 5 CUESTIONARIO 1. Por que se detuvieron en su casa? 8. 1 Donde vivia el tio de Blanca? 9. n toda su fuerza contra el muchacho. £ste se puso en cuclillas, y la pelota se deshizo contra el cogote de otro 5 muchacho, que estaba hablando en un grupo. fiste, al sentir el golpe, se volvio ; y haciendo una pelota de nieve la arrojo contra el otro grupo. Le dio a Samuel en la boca. Samuel, al sentir el frio de la nieve, despues del castigo del maestro y de la rina con 10 Roger, no pudo resistir mas ; y cogiendo una buena cantidad de nieve hizo una bola muy grande y la arrojo contra el que le habia tirado la otra. Este la recibio en la cara y se cay 6 sentado. Roger, para hacer las paces con Samuel, se puso a su lado y le ayudo, tirando is otra bola. Los amigos del muchacho caido contestaron. Enrique y Juanito tomaron parte en la lucha. Esta se generalizo muy pronto. Unos muchachos tomaron parte en un bando, y otros en otro. Las 20 posiciones eran tomadas por los muchachos ; las ordenes eran dadas por sus capitanes ; los proyectiles eran fabricados con suma rapidez. Las nifias se habian apartado a un lado para presenciar la lucha. ■*$ Las bolas de nieve cruzaban el espacio, de una parte a otra de la plaza, en gran numero y con suma rapidez. Daban en todas partes : contra los troncos de los arboles, contra los vestidos de los combatientes, contra 242 EASY SPANISH READER algunos de los espectadores que se habian detenido a presenciar la lucha. Leal y otros perros ladraban ; y seguian, corriendo, las bolas de nieve. s Cuando se lograba un buen bianco, que daba en tierra con el contrario, salian gritos de victoria del bando afortunado. Samuel era reconocido como capitan por los muchachos de su bando. Sus ordenes eran obedecidas con prontitud. 10 Samuel era un muchacho observador y practico. Vio que el bando contrario tenia mas muchachos ; por lo tanto conocio que la victoria estribaba en tirar mas bolas de nieve y con mejor punteria. El no tiraba ninguna bola, pero daba sus instrucciones. Observaba is al contrario atentamente. Despues de algunos minutos de haber empezado la batalla, pudo conocer quienes eran los mejores tir adores del bando enemigo. Tambien observo que formaban un grupo en el centro del bando. Despues de unos cuantos minutos mas de observation, 20 vio que el bando enemigo no tenia plan de ataque, ni nadie daba muestras de pensar en ello. En este momento una bola de nieve le entro por entre la piel y el cuello de la camisa, pero no hizo caso. Estaba pensando. Observaba a los suyos para descubrir a los 25 mejores tir adores. Les hizo llamar disimuladamente, por medio de Juanito. Llegaban a ocho o nueve. Cuando los tuvo cerca, les dio sus ordenes. Les pregunto si eran com- prendidas por ellos, y le contestaron afirmativamente. ~v- ; x & 2 < % La Batalla de Bolas de Nieve 243 244 EASY SPANISH READER A los dos o tres minutos los malos tiradores, que estaban a la derecha del grupo del centro enemigo, observaron una cosa muy desagradable. Por cada bola de nieve que tiraban, recibian dos o tres, y casi ssiempre en la cara. Los buenos tiradores de Samuel habian concentrado sus tiros sobre ellos, mientras el resto del bando en tre tenia al resto del enemigo. En- tonces sucedio la cosa que era esperada por Samuel. Los enemigos cedieron el terreno. La mayoria se fue ioa casa a almorzar ; y los pocos que quedaron se unieron al centro. El terreno perdido por los que se marcharon era ocupado por varios muchachos de Samuel. De este modo el enemigo era atacado por los muchachos de is f rente y del lado derecho. Al fin los enemigos querian abrirse paso y escapar a toda costa por la calle del extremo de la plaza. Pero las bolas de nieve caian tan rapidamente y con tanta abundancia que tuvieron que retroceder. Ahora el 20 bando de Samuel formaba medio circulo alrededor del grupo contrario, que se defendia con brio, pero que se retiraba lentamente contra uno de los muros de la escuela. Todo el terreno que era perdido por los muchachos del 25 grupo enemigo era ganado por los de Samuel. El grupo ya no tenia espacio bastante para mo verse con holgura. Por fin, cuando se vieron acorralados contra el muro, y recibiendo un verdadero diluvio de bolas de nieve, que eran disparadas por sus adversarios desde una LA BATALLA DE BOLAS DE NIEVE 245 distancia de diez metros, levantaron las manos en senal de rendition. No se tiro ni una bola mas. Los muchachos de ambos bandos empezaron a hablar y a reir como amigos que eran. s Ambos bandos eran alabados por los espectadores por el valor, la pericia, y la nobleza que habian mostrado en la pelea. Ahora escapaban a casa con objeto de llegar a tiempo para la hora de la comida. ic Samuel se marchaba satisfecho y orgfclloso. Sin em- bargo, su felicidad era turbada por la idea del castigo que le esperaba por la tarde. CUESTIONARIO 1. t [Quien quiere arreglar cuentas con Samuel? 2. 1 Que habia hecho Samuel? 3. 1 Quien habia puesto nieve en el bolsillo de Roger? 4. 1 Contra quien arrojo Roger la pelota de nieve que habia for- mado? 5. 1 Por que arrojo tambien Samuel una bola de nieve ? 6. 1 Donde daban las bolas que los niiios arrojaban? 7. /., son(s) and daughter(s), children. hilandero, -a, spinning, la hilera, row, line, file, thread, wire, el hilo, thread, linen, u ire; sin — s, wireless, el himno, hymn, el hipopotamo, hippopotamus, hirio (heri, — , herimos, hirieron), 3d sing. pret. of herir. hispanoamericano, -a, Span- ish-American, la historia, history, story, el hito, landmark ; de — en — , with close attention. hizo, sec hicieron. el hocico, nose (of an animal), snout, el hogar, hearth, la hoja, leaf, sheet ; 7— de lata, tin. hojear, to turn the leaves (of a book). ihola! hello! ho'andes, holandesa, Dutch. la holgura, ease. el hombre, man, fellow. i hombre I Man alive ! My good fellow! j Bueno, — I Oh, see here ! el hombro, shoulder, el honor, honor, la hora, hour; 1 que — es? what time is it? la — de ir, the time for going, el horario, hour-hand. horizontal, horizontal, el horizonte, horizon, la norma, last (for shoes). el homo, oven, kiln, horrible, horrible, el hospital, hospital, el hotel, hotel. hoy, to-day; el dia de — , to-day. huelen (huelo, huele, olemos, — ), 3d pi. pres. of oler. huelo, see huelen. huerfano, -a, orphaned ; se quedan huerfanos de pa- dre, are left fatherless, el huerto, garden, orchard, el hueso, bone, el huesped, guest, el huevo, egg. humano, -a, human, la humedad, moisture, damp- ness. humedo, -a, moist, damp, humilde, humble, modest, simple, el humo, smoke, el humor, humor ; de mal — , in a bad humor. hundido, -a, sunk ; los hun- didos, those who were sinking. hundir, to drive, bury, hundirse, to vanish, dart 344 VOCABULARY el hfisar, hussar ; vestido de — , dressed like an hussar. iba ( — , — , ibamos, iban), ist and 3d sing. imp. of ir. la ida, going, departure, out- ward voyage ; a la — y a la vuelta, going and coming, la idea, idea, el ideal, ideal. identico, -a, identical ; — a, like, el idioma, language. ido, past part, of ir. la iglesia, church ; a la — , to church; de la — , from church. ignorar, not to know, be unaware, be ignorant of. igual, equal, even ; de un modo — , evenly. igualar, to even, trim. iluminado, -a, illuminated, lighted, lighted up. iluminar, to illuminate, shine upon, light up. imaginario, -a, imaginary. imitar, to imitate, represent, la impaciencia, impatience. impacientarse, to become im- patient. impaciente, impatient. impacientemente, impa- tiently. imparcial, impartial. impedir (impidiendo, impe- dido, impido, impedi; 3d sing, pret., impidio), hinder, impede, prevent ; que le impedia dormir, which kept him from sleeping, el imperative), imperative. el imperfecto, imperfect, past descriptive, el imperial, imperial (upper level of omnibus). impermeable, waterproof, el impermeable, rain-coat, impersonal, impersonal, el implemento, implement. imponer (imponiendo, im- puesto, impongo, impuse ; ist sing, fut., impondre), to impose,, affect, strike, la importancia, importance. importante, important ; lo mas — , the most impor- tant thing. importar, to import, be of importance, matter; no importa, it doesn't matter, never mind, imposible, impossible, la imprenta, printing. imprescindible, indispen- sable, la impresion, impression. impreso, -a (past part, of imprimir), printed. imprimir (past part., im- preso), to print, impress, give, impropio, -a, unusual, un- suited, unexpected ; — de, unusual for. el incendio, fire, el incidente, incident. inclinado, -a, bowed. inclinar, to bend, incline, bow; — cuerpos, lean over, inclinarse, to be inclined, lean over, bend over, stoop, el inconveniente, objection, la incubadora, incubator. incubar, to hatch, el indefinido, indefinite. VOCABULARY 345 indefinido, -a, indefinite ; pasado — , past indefinite, perfect, present perfect, la independencia, independ- ence, la indicaci6n, indication, direc- tion, indicado, -a, indicated, pointed out. indicar (ist sing, pret., in- dique), to indicate, point out. el indice, index, la indignation, indignation. indignado, -a, angry, vexed; — de, angry at. indirecto, -a, indirect, indispensable, indispensable, indivisible, indivisible, industrial, industrial, el industrial, manufacturer, man in business, la infancia, childhood, la infanteria, infantry. infantil, childish, of children. inferior, inferior, lower. Forms are the same for both genders. la infinidad, infinity; una — de, a lot of. el infinitivo, infinitive, el influjo, influence, la informaci6n, information, re- port, informar, to inform; — de que, to inform that, ingles, inglesa, English, el ingles, English, Englishman, el ingrediente, ingredient. inicial, initial. iniciar, to initiate, start, injusto, -a, unjust, inmediatamente, immedi- ately, inmediato, -a, immediate, next, adjoining, immedi- ately following, inmenso, -a, immense. inmdvil, immovable, inocente, innocent, inquietar, to disturb, insaciable, insatiable, el insecto, insect. inseguro, -a, insecure, doubt- ful, insignificante, insignificant, inspeccionar, to inspect, el inspector, inspector, inspirar, to inspire, la instalacion, installation, office, equipment, el instalador, the one who in- stalls, la instancia, request, urging ; a — s de, at the request of. instante. urgent, instant, el instante, instant ; al — , in- stantly, el instinto, instinct, la instruction, instruction, el instrumento, instrument, insultar, to insult, inteligente, intelligent, la intention, intention ; con — , purposely, on purpose, la intensidad, intensity. intenso, -a, intense. intentar, to try. interceptar, to intercept, cl interes, interest. interesado, -a, interested, el interesado, the person inter- ested, interesante, interesting, interesar, to interest, interesarse, to be interested, take an interest, interior, adj., inner, interior. Forms are the same for both genders. 346 VOCABULARY el interior, inside, interior. interminable, endless, count- less. interrogativo, -a, interroga- tive. interrumpir, to interrupt. la introduction, introduction. introducir (introduciendo, in- troducido, introduzco, in- troduje), to introduce. introducirse en, to enter. introdujeron, see introdujo. introdujo (introduje, — , in- trodujimos, introdujeron), 3d sing. pret. of introducir. inusitado, -a, unaccustomed, unusual. inutil, useless. invernal, adj., winter. inverso, -a, inverse, oppo- site, el invierno, winter; de — , wintry. invisible, invisible, la invitation, invitation. invitado, -a, invited. invitar, to invite. ir (yendo, ido, voy, fui), to go ; — a, to be going to ; van vestidas, are dressed ; voy a ver, I'll go and see ; iban quitandose, were taking off; vaya Vd. a sentarse, go sit down; se fue a sentar, he went and sat down ; iran a patinar, probably they go skating. iracundo, -a, wrathful. irlandes, irlandesa, Irish. irnos, see irse. irregular, irregular. irritar, to irritate. irse {for forms, see ir), to go, go away, go off ; irnos, rejl. form of inf. corre- sponding to main verb in first person plural. la isla, island ; Islas Filipinas, the Philippine Islands, la Italia, Italy. italiano, -a, Italian, el italiano, Italian. izquierdo, -a, left; a la izquierda, to or on the left. el jabon, soap. el jacinto, hyacinth. el jamon, ham. japones, japonesa, Japanese, el jardin, garden, flower- garden, la jardinera {also el coche- jardinera), bus. la jarra, pitcher, el jarro, pitcher, la jaula, cage. Jorge, George. joven, adj. {pi., j6venes), young, el joven {also fern.), young per- son, youth. Juan, John. Juanito, Johnnie, Jack, el juego, play, game, el jueves, Thursday, el jugador, player. jugar (jugando, jugado, juego, jugue), to play; — a, to play {a game) ; estara ju- gando, he must be playing, el jugo, juice, sap. el juguete, toy. el julio, July, el junio, June. juntar, to join, unite, juntarse con, to join. junto, -a, adj., united, joined, together. VOCABULARY 347 junto, adv., near, close at hand, close by ; — a, close to, with ; — con, together with, el juramento, oath. jurar, to take oath, swear, la justicia, justice. justo, -a, exact, right. Jjustol right! that's sol la juventud, youth. juzgar (ist sing. prti., juzgue), to judge; que nosotros las juzgamos, which we consider. la {pi., las), fern, form of el, the ; — de, that of ; — s de, those of; — que, which, who, the one which, the one who ; — s que, which, who, the ones which, the ones who, those which, those who; — s habia, these there were ; fern, con- junctive object pron., her, to her, them, to them. el labio, lip. laborable, working, for work. el laboratorio, laboratory, laborioso, -a, laborious, in- dustrious. ladeado, -a, held on one side, to one side. la ladera, side. el lado, side ; del — que, on the side that ; tomaron su direction por el otro — , went off in the other di- rection, ladrar. to bark ; — de gozo, to bark with joy. el ladrido, bark, barking. el ladrillero, brickmaker. el ladrillo, brick, el ladron, robber, el lago, lake, la lagrima, tear, lamer, to lick, la lampara, lamp ; — de aceite, oil-lamp, la lana, wool. la lancha, launch ; — de motor, motor launch, lanoso, -a, woolly, lanzar (ist sing, prct., lance), to throw, dart, lanzarse (ist sing, pret., me lance), to rush, dash ; — a, to start to. cl largo, length. largo, -a, long; a lo — de, along ; todo lo — que era, at full length. las, pi. of la. lastimar, to hurt, injure, lastimarse, to be hurt, com- plain, lastimeramente, piteously. la lata, tin ; hoja de — , tin. lateral, lateral, side, latinoamericano, -a, Latin- American. This is a con- venient term for designating all those peoples of North, Central, and South America who speak Spanish, Portu- guese, or French. la latitud, latitude, el lavabo, lavatory, lavar, to wash, lavarse, to wash oneself, wash; — manos y cara, to wash one's face and hands, el lazo, ribbon. le, conjunctive object pro- noun of the third person, him, to him, to her, to it; 34S VOCABULARY also corresponds to Vd., the polite form of the second person, you, to you ; masc. pi., los and les; fern, pi., las and les. All these forms are often used redun- dantly. Leal, Faithful {the name of a dog. Not to be trans- lated). la leccion, lesson, la lectura, reading, la leche, milk, la lecheria, dairy, el lecho, bed. la lechuza, owl. leer (leyendo, leido, leo, lei; 3d sing, pret., leyo), to read, la legumbre, vegetable. leido, -a, past part, of leer, lejano, -a, distant. lejos, far, far away, distant; a lo — , in the distance ; un poco mas — , a little farther on. la lengua, tongue, language. lentamente, slowly, el lente, lens. la lena, fire-wood. lefioso, -a, woody, el le6n, lion, el leopardo, leopard. les, see le. la letra, letter ; al pie de la — , literally, exactly, levantar, to raise, build ; — una pared, to build a wall ; estaban levantados, were up. levantarse, to rise, get up. leyendo, pres. part, of leer, leyeron (lei, leyo, leimos, — , 3d pi. pret. of leer, leyo, see leyeron. libar, to sip. la libertad, liberty, la libra, pound. librar, to deliver, free, libre, free ; al aire — , in the open air. el libro, book, la liebre, hare. ligero, -a, light, el limite, limit, boundary, bound, la limonada, lemonade. limpiar, to clean, la limpieza, cleanliness, cleans- ing. limpio, -a, clean, el limpio, cleanness, neatness, la linea, line, la lista, list, stripe. listo, -a, ready; estar — para, to be ready to. la litera, litter, la Uteratura, literature. lo, neuter form of definite article, used only with ad- jectives ; — bueno, the good, that which is good ; — que, that which, what, which; todo — que, all that; neuter pronoun, it; — es, it is, it is so ; — es todo, it is everything; para tener — todo listo, to have everything ready; masculine object pronoun, him, it. local, local. loco, -a, crazy, wild, la locomoci6n, locomotion, la locomotora, locomotive. lograr, to attain, reach, suc- ceed in. lograrse, to be attained, be enabled; se lograba imprimir la direction a, VOCABULARY 349 one was able to guide ; cuando se lograba un buen bianco, when a good shot was made, la lona, canvas, la longitud, length, longitude, el loro, parrot. los, masc. pi. object pron., them ; also see el. el lucero, star, morning-star. luces, pi. of luz. lucir, to shine, display, lucirse, to " show off." la lucha. struggle. luchar, to struggle ; luchaban entre, were torn between, luego, soon ; desde — , from now on, soon afterward, right away, of course, el lugar, place ; tener — , to take place; le haran — , they will make room for you. Luisa, Louise, el lujo, luxury, splendor. lujoso, -a, luxurious, la luna, moon, el lunes, Monday, la luz (pi., luces), light. LL la llama, flame. llamado, -a, called, el llamado, the one called ; los — s, those called, llamar, to call, attract (the attention), knock or ring (at a door). llamarse, to be called, to be named ; «fc6mo se llaman ? what is their name? what do you call them? llano, -a, smooth, flat, la Have, key, clamp. la llegada, arrival, llegado, -a, arrived, llegar (ist sing pret., llegue), to arrive, come; al — , on arriving ; al — a hombres, on growing up, when you are grown up ; — a, to ar- rive at, come to, reach, . get as far as; — a saber, to find out; llegaron a contar, they succeeded in counting ; llegaban a ocho, they were as many as eight; le oyo — , heard him come. llenar, to fill. lleno, -a, full; de — , fully, in abundance. llevar, to wear, carry, bear, take, lead ; el tren llevaba media hora de retraso, the train was half an hour late; Uevo su mano a la masa, he brought his hand to the mass ; llevaban tri- neos, were dragging sleds. llevarse, to carry off, take with one, take along. Uorar, to weep. llover (lloviendo, llovido, llueve, llovi6), to rain. Impersonal verb, used only in 3d person. la llueca (also clueca), brooding hen. llueve, see llover. la lluvia, rain. M la madera, wood, timber. la madre, mother. la madrugada, early morning, dawn; a las cuatro de la — , at four in the morning. 350 VOCABULARY madrugar, (ist sing, pret., madrugue), to rise early, get up early. madurar, to ripen, la madurez, ripeness, maturity. maduro, -a, ripe, mature, la maestra, teacher, el maestro, teacher. magnifico, -a, magnificent, la magnolia, magnolia, la majestad, majesty. mal, adj., = malo. Mai is used only before masc. nouns. mal, adv., badly; hacer — , to make a mistake, el mal, evil, harm, la maleta, valise, grip. malignamente, maliciously. malo {before masc. nouns, mal), -a, bad, evil, la mama, mamma. manar, to flow, la mancha, spot, stain. manchar, to spot, soil. mandado, -a, sent, ordered, mandar, to send, command; — a, to send to. el mando, order, command, la manecilla, hand (of a watch). manejar, to manage, manip- ulate, handle, la manera, manner, way ; de ninguna — , by no means; de esta — , in this way; de todas — s, at all events, anyway, la manga, sleeve, la manguera, hose. manifestar (ist sing, pres., manifiesto), to manifest, show, make clear, point out, state, say. Manila, Manila (capital and largest city of the Philip- pines) . la maniobra, manceuver, ac- tion, performance. maniobrar, to manceuver. la mano, hand ; braserito de — , hand bee-smoker; dar la — a, to shake hands with. la manta, blanket. la manteca, butter. el mantel, tablecloth. mantener (manteniendo, mantenido, mantengo, mantuve; ist sing, fut., mantendre), to maintain, keep, keep up. mantenerse, to continue, re- main. la mantequilla, butter. el mant6n, mantle, shawl; — de Manila, Manila shawl, mantuvo (mantuve, — , man- tuvimos, mantuvieron), jd sing. pret. of mantener. manual, manual ; departa- mento de artes — es, man- ual training department. la manzana, apple. el manzano, apple tree. la mafiana, morning ; por la — , mornings, in the morning; a las cinco de la — , at five o'clock in the morning. mafiana, adv., to-morrow ; — por la — , to-morrow morning ; — por la tarde, to-morrow afternoon ; has- ta — , until to-morrow. la maquina, engine, machine, press ; — de vapor, steam engine ; — de coser, sewing machine. el maquinista, engineer. el f mar, sea ; — fuerte, a la [ heavy sea. marcar (ist sing, pret., mar- VOCABULARY 351 que), to mark, note, indi- cate, show ; marcando el paso, keeping the step ; marcando el ritmo, keeping step to the music. el marco, mark, frame. la marcha, march, walk ; en — , en route, marchar, to walk, march, go. marcharse, to set out, leave, go off. marchitarse, to wither. el marfil, ivory. Maria, Mary. el marinero, sailor. marino, -a, marine, (of the) sea. el marino, mariner, marine. la mariposa, butterfly. maritimo, -a, maritime, na- val. el martes, Tuesday. el martillo, hammer. el marzo, March, mas, but. mfis, more, longer, faster, most ; when preceded by def. art. or poss. adj., most ; — que or — de, more than ; no — que, only; — que menos, rather more than less ; son — de las siete, it is after seven ; algo — que, something else than, something besides ; campos y — campos, more fields than you can count ; tres — , three others. la masa, mass. la mata, plant, sprig, little shrub. el matadero, abattoir, matar, to kill. las matematicas, mathematics. el material, material, materials. el mayo, May. el mayor, major. mayor (comparative of grande), larger, greater, older ; when preceded by def. art. or poss. adj., largest, oldest ; estado — , staff. The forms of this adjective are the same in both genders. mayorcito, -a, somewhat older ; los — s, older ones, la mayoria, majority, greater part. me, conjunctive object pronoun of 1st person, me, myself, to me, to myself. mecanico, -a, mechanical. mediado, -a, half-full, half- spent ; a mediados de, about the middle of. mediano, -a, average, me- dium, of average size. mediante, by means of. la medicina, medicine, remedy, el medico, doctor, la medida, measure, standard, size ; a — que, as, while, according as ; les tom6 la — del pie, took their foot- measure. medio, -a, half ; media hora, half an hour ; media milla, half a mile, el medio, middle, midst, means ; por — de, by means of, andar por — de, to walk in the middle of ; en — de, in the midst of. el mediodia, noon, midday. medir (midiendo, medido, mido. medi; 3d sing, pret., midi6), to measure; regla de — , carpenter's rule, measuring stick ; vara de 352 VOCABULARY — , measuring stick, yard- stick. la mejilla, cheek. mejor (comparative o/bueno), better; when preceded by def. art. or poss. adj., best; ello sera — , it will be best ; no esta — , he is no bet- ter. The forms of this ad- jective are the same in both genders. mejorar, to improve. la melena, mane. el melocoton, peach. el melocotonero, peach tree, melodico, -a, melodious. el melon, melon. el melonar, melon vine, melon bed. el membrillero, quince tree. el membrillo, quince ; carne de — , quince preserve, quince. la memoria, memory ; hago — , I recollect. mencionado, -a, mentioned, aforementioned. mencionar, to mention, menear, to move, shake, wag. menor (comparative of pe- queno), smaller, younger, less ; when preceded by def. art. or poss. adj., youngest, smallest, least, slightest. The forms are the same for both genders. menos, less ; lo — , the least, at least ; a lo — , at least ; por lo — , at least ; lo de — para mi, the least of my troubles. el mensaje, message. el meple, maple. el mercado, market. la mercancia, merchandise, goods. Generally used in the plural. el mercurio, mercury. merecer (ist sing, pres., merezco), to merit, de- serve, win. merendar (ist sing, pres., meriendo), to lunch. la merienda, lunch ; hacer — , to take lunch, have lunch. The word is generally used of a light lunch eaten away from home. el merito, merit. el mes, month. la mesa, table. la mesa-tocador, dressing table, bureau. la mesilla, small table. el metal, metal. meter, to put, place, make ; — mucha bulla, to make a lot of noise, meterse, to meddle, inter- fere ; — en, get into, enter ; se habia metido entre unas zarzas, had flown into some brambles. el metodo, method. el metro, meter (39.37 inches). metropolitan© , -a, metropoli- tan. la mezcla, mixture. mezclar, to mix, mingle. mezclarse, to interfere; — con, to mingle with. mi (pi., mis), poss. adj., my. mi (disjunctive object pronoun of the ist person), me. el mico, monkey; iQue viene el — ! The monkey's com- ing! el miedo, fear ; tener — a, to be afraid of. la miel, honey. VOCABULARY 353 el miembro, member. mientras, meanwhile, in the meantime, while ; — que, while; — tanto, mean- while. el miercoles, Wednesday. el mil, thousand. el milagro, miracle, wonder, militar, military. la milla. mile. el miliar, thousand. el millon, million. el mimbre, willow, osier; cesta de — s, wicker baskets. la mina, mine ; estara en las — s, it is probably in the mines, it must be in the mines. mineral, mineral. el mineral, mineral. la miniatura, miniature. el ministro, minister. el minutero, minute-hand. el minuto, minute ; a los pocos — s, in a few minutes; a los diez — s, in ten minutes ; — s mas tarde, a few minutes later, mio (mia; mios, mias), poss. adj., my, of mine ; el mio, la mia, los mios, las mias, poss. pron., mine. la mirada, look, glance. mirar, to see, look, look at, watch. Mirar is followed by a only when it takes a personal object or when it means to look towards something. mire (Vd.), miren (Vds.), pres. imper. of mirar. la miseria, misery, wretched- ness. la misidn, mission. mismo, -a, same, self, very, 2A identical ; ahora — , right now;lo — , the same thing ; lo mismo da, it's all the same, it makes no differ- ence ; el — , he himself; ellos — s, they themselves ; si — , himself, misterioso, -a, mysterious, la mitad, half. el mobiliario, furniture, fur- nishings, el modelo, model, style. moderado, -a, moderate, moderar, to moderate, moderno, -a, modern. modesto, -a, modest, modificado, -a, modified, modificar (ist. sing. pret. f modifique), to modify, el modo, way, manner, mode ; de ningun — , by no means ; de mi — directo, directly ; de un — exacto, exactly; de todos — s, by all means, anyway ; de — que, so that; del mismo — , in the same way; de este — , in this way ; del siguiente — , in the follow- ing way ; de tal — , thus, in such a way. el moflete, chubby cheek, mofletudo, -a, chubby, mojado, -a, wet. mojar, to soak, wet. el molde, mold, form, la moldura, molding ; — de realce, decorative mold- ing with figures in relief, molestar, to worry, annoy, bother, el momento, moment, la monarquia, monarchy, el mondadientes (unchanged in pi.), toothpick. 354 VOCABULARY la moneda, coin, money, el mono, monkey. montado, -a, mounted ; estar — en, to be on. la montana, mountain, hill, montar, to mount, ascend, equip, set up ; — en, to get into, el monticulo, mound, ridge, el monumento, monument. mofiudo, -a, crested, la mora, blackberry. morado, -a, purple, violet, mulberry-colored, el moral, blackberry-bush. moreno, -a, brown. moreno-verdoso, greenish brown. morir (muriendo, muerto, muero, mori; 3d sing, pret., muri6), to die; se le veia — , one saw it disap- pear, morirse, to die. el mortero, mortar. mostrar (1st sing, pres., muestro), to show, point out or at. el motivo, motive, reason, cause, el motor, motor. mover (1st sing. pres., muevo), to move, wave (of hands) . moverse (1st sing, pres., me muevo), to move. movible, movable. movido, -a, moved ; — al vapor, moved by steam, el movimiento, movement, el mozo, waiter. la muchacha, girl, el muchacho, boy ; pi., boys or boys and girls. la muchedumbre, multitude, crowd. mucho, -a, much, a great deal ; pi., many. mucho, adv., much, a great deal, very, very much, highly, very well, indeed, los muebles, furniture, el mueUe, dock, pier. muera (Vd.), mueran (Vds.), pres. imper. of morir. mueren (muero, muere, mo- rimos, — ), 3d pi. pres. of morir. la muerte, death. muerto, -a, dead, la muestra, sign, indication, mueven (muevo, mueve, mo- vimos, — ), 3d pi. pres. of mover. la mujer, woman, wife, el mulo, mule. la multitud, multitude ; — de, a lot of. mundial, adj., world, el mundo, world ; todo el — , everybody, la mufieca, doll, el murcielago, bat. la murmuracion, murmuring. murmurar, to murmur, el muro, wall, el musculo, muscle, el museo, museum, la musica, music ; salon de — , music room. muy, very, very much, greatly, highly. N el nabo, turnip. el nacar, mother-of-pearl, nacre. nacar, pearl-color. nacer (1st sing, pres., nazco), to be born. nacido, -a, born. VOCABULARY 355 la nation, nation. national, national, la nacionalidad, nationality. nada, nothing, el nadador, swimmer. nadar, to swim; aletas para — , fins for swimming, nadie. nobody, no one. la naranja, orange, el nardo : varas de — , tube- roses, la nariz (pi., narices), nose. The plural is frequently used in the sense of the singular. la narracidn, narration, la natacidn, swimming. natural, natural, native ; al — , in the natural state, raw. el natural, native. la naturaleza, nature. naturalmente, naturally, of course, la navegaci6n, navigation, el navegante, navigator, mari- ner, navegar (ist sing, pret., na- vegue), to sail, navigate, la Navidad, Christmas. naviera : casa — , shipping house, navigation com- pany, la neblina, haze. necesario, -a, necessary ; lo — , that which is neces- sary ; todo lo — , all that is necessary. necesitar, to need; — de, to need, negar (negando, negado, niego, negue), to deny, refuse, el negocio, business, business affair, matter of business; pi., business. el negro, black. negro, -a, black, el nervio, nerve, la nevada, snow, snowstorm. nevar (jd sing, pres., nieva), to snow. Used only in 3d sing. ni, neither, nor, not even ; no hace — calor — frio, it is neither hot nor cold ; no puede — dormir, he can't even sleep. Nicolas, Nicholas ; el Padre — , St. Nicholas, Santa Claus. niega (niego, — , negamos, niegan), 3d sing. pres. of negar. niegue (Vd.), nieguen (Vds.), pres. imper. of negar. el nieto, grandson ; pi., grand- children. nieva, see nevar. la nieve, snow. ningun = ninguno. Ningun is used only before nouns in the masculine singular. ninguno, -a, none, not any, no; pron., no one, none, la nifia, girl, el niflo, boy, child; pi., boy(s) and girl(s). el nitrogeno, nitrogen, el nivel, level ; a — de, at the level of, on a level with. nivejado, -a, leveled, smoothed, smooth. no, not, no ; decir que — , to say no. Note that in Spanish two negatives do not make an affirmative, e.g. no hay nada, there isn't anything; no desea- ban tomar nada, they did not wish to take anything. 356 VOCABULARY ino? isn't that true? This is a shortened form of l no es verdad ? noble, noble, la nobleza, nobility, la noche, night ; buenas — s, good night ; dar las buenas — s, to say good night; de — , at night ; por la — , at or by night; esta — , to-night ; ya era de — , it was already night ; Noche Buena, Christmas Eve. nombrado, -a, named, ap- pointed, nombrar, to name, el nombre, name, noun, el noroeste, northwest, el norte, the north, norte, adj., north. nosotros (fern., nosotras), we, us ; como — , like us, as we do. la nota, note ; — s de color, tints. notar, to note, take note, notice, see ; les hizo — , called their attention to. la noticia, notice, information, news, la novedad, novelty, new thing, news. el noviembre, November, la nube, cloud. nublado, -a, cloudy. nueces, see nuez. nuestro, -a, our; with def. art., ours. Nueva York, New York. nueve, nine; las — , nine o'clock, nuevo, -a, new; de — , anew, again ; no les venia de — , it did not seem new to them. la nuez (pi., nueces), nut. numerado, -a, numbered, enumerated, numeral, adj., numeral, el numeral, number, numeral, numerar, to number, enu- merate, el ntfmero, number. nunca, never. o, or. Before words begin- ning with o or ho, o be- comes u. obedecer (ist sing, pres., obedezco), to obey. obedecido, -a, obeyed. objetivo, -a, objective, el objeto, object, purpose ; con — de, in order to ; hemos sido — de, we have ex- perienced. la obligation, obligation, duty. obligado, -a, obliged. obligar (ist sing, pret., obli- gue), to bind, oblige, obligarse, to be bound, promise, la obra, work. obrar, to work, obscurecer, to grow dark, la obscuridad, obscurity, dark- ness. obscuro, -a, obscure, dark, la observation, observation, re- mark. observador, -a, observing, observar, to observe, watch, notice, see, remark; hizo — que, he called attention to the fact that; hizo — al mozo que, he called the waiter's attention to the fact that; hizo — a sus VOCABULARY 357 acompanantes, he made his companions notice, el obstaculo, obstacle ; salvar — s, pass or surmount ob- stacles, run a hurdle race. obstinado, -a, obstinate. obtener (obteniendo, ob- tenido, obtengo, obtuve ; ist sing, jut., obtendre), to obtain. obtuso, -a, obtuse, la ocasion, occasion, chance. el oceano, ocean, el octubre, October. ocultar, to hide; — algo a una persona, to hide some- thing from a person. ocupado, -a, occupied, busy. ocupar, to occupy. ocuparse, to be occupied ; — de, to busy oneself with. ocurrir, to occur. ocurrirse, to occur, come to mind; a Enrique se le ocurri6, it occurred to Henry. ocho, eight; eran las — , it was eight o'clock. ochocientos, -as, eight hun- dred ; tiene ochocientos y tantos pies de altura, it is eight hundred and somefeet high; tendra ochocientas habitaciones, it has about eight hundred rooms. odiar, to hate. odie (Vd.), odien (Vds.), pres. imper. of odiar. oeste, west, el oeste, west, el oficial, official, officer, el oficio, duty, trade, profes- sion, service. ofrecer {ist sing, pres., ofrezco), to offer, present. ofrecerse, to offer, present oneself, occur, to offer one's services. j oh ! oh ! el oido, ear, hearing. oido, -a, heard ; lo — , that which is heard, oigo ( — , oye, oimos, oyen), ist sing. pres. of oil. oir (oyendo, oido, oigo, oi; 3d sing, pret., oy6), to hear, listen to ; al — , on hearing; al — les hablar, on hearing them talking. oirse, to be heard, la ojeriza, grudge, el ojo, eye ; un abrir y cerrar de — s, a twinkling, la ola, wave. oler (oliendo, olido, huelo, oli), to smell, el olfato, smell, the sense of smell, el olmo, elm. el olor, odor, smell. olvidado, -a, forgotten, olvidar, to forget, olvidarse, to be forgotten; — de, to forget, la olla, jar, earthen cooking pot. el dmnibus, omnibus. once, eleven; de — anos, eleven years old. la operation, operation. operar, to operate, la opini6n, opinion ; ser de — de, to be of a mind to. oponer (oponiendo, opuesto, opongo. opuse; ist sing. fist., opondre), to oppose, oponerse, to object, oppose, oportuno, -a, opportune, ap- propriate, opuesto, -a, opposite, opuso (opuse, — , opusimos, 358 VOCABULARY opusieron), jd sing. pret. of oponer. la oration, prayer. el orador, orator. la 6rbita, orbit. el orden (pi., ordenes), order (in the sense of systematic arrangement). la orden (pi., 6rdenes), order (in the sense of a commer- cial or military order) ; por — de, by order of. la oreja, ear. el organillo, hand-organ, la organization, organization. organizado, -a, organized. organizar (ist sing, pret., organice), to organize, ar- range, el organo, organ, el orguUo, pride ; tener mucho — en, to take a great deal of pride in. orgulloso, -a, proud, el Oriente, East, Orient, la orilla, bank, shore, edge. oriundo, -a, native, coming from, el oro, gold. la osa, she-bear ; Osa Mayor, the Great Bear. oscilar, to oscillate, vary. oscuro, -a, dark, el oso, bear, la ostentation, ostentation. ostentar, to show, el otofio, autumn. otro, -a, other, another, la oveja, sheep, el oxigeno, oxygen. oyendo, see oir. oyeron (oi, oyo, oimos, — ), 3d pi. pret. of oir. oy6, see oyeron. el pabellon, pavilion. pacer, to feed, graze. paces, pi. of paz. la paciencia, patience, el padre, father ; pl. f parents ; Padre Nicolas,Santa Claus. pagar (ist sing, pret., pague), to pay, pay for. la pagina, page, el pais, country, el paisaje, countryside, country, landscape, la paja, straw, la pajarera, aviary, el pajaro, bird, la pala, shovel, la palabra, word, el paladar, palate, la paleta, trowel, la paletada, trowelful. el palo, mast, stick, pole, el pan, bread, los pantalones, trousers, la pantera, panther, el panuelo, handkerchief, wrap, el papel, paper, el paquete, packet, package, el par, pair ; de — en — , wide, para, for, in order to, to, until; 1 — que? why? for what purpose? la parada, parade. parado, -a, stopped, standing, el Paraguay, Paraguay, paralelo, -a, parallel, parar, to stop; — de, to cease from, stop; — de andar, to stop walking; iba a — , came to an end; — atencion, to pay atten- tion. pararse, to stop, come to a stop. VOCABULARY 359 pardo, -a, gray, parecer (ist sing, pres., parezco), to seem, ap- pear; £no le parece? don't you think? me parece que si, I think so ; £que le parece a Vd. el resultado? what do you think of the result? a nosotras nos parece lo mismo, we think the same ; que parecia que no se movia, which seemed not to move ; parecia que le estaba viendo por primera vez, you would have thought it was the first time he had seen him. parecerse, to resemble ; a que se parecian, what they looked like, parecido, -a, equal, like. la pared, partition, wall. la pareja, pair. el pariente, relative. parpadear, to blink, wink. el parque, park ; Parque del Bronx, Bronx Park. la parrilla, broiler. el parroquiano, customer. la parte, part, side ; — baja de la ciudad, down town ; por — de, on the part of; de la — , on the side ; hacia otra — , in another direc- tion ; en ninguna — , no- where ; en todas — s, every- where ; dos terceras — s, two thirds, participar de, to share, share in. el participio, participle. la partida, party, departure, partir, to depart, leave ; — de, to start from. el parvulo, very small child, la pasa, raisin ; pudin de — s, plum pudding. el pasado, past ; — indefinido. past indefinite, perfect, present perfect, pasado, -a, past, last ; el afio — , last year. el pasaje, passage, el pasajero, passenger. pasar, to pass, go, spend, happen, be the case, suffer, undergo; — de, to pass beyond, exceed, surpass; — la revista, to witness the review; pasaran de diez mil, there are probably more than ten thousand ; ique le pasa a? what is the matter with? pasen Vds., come in; pasara por aqui, he will drop in. la pascua : Pascuas de Navi- dad, Christmas, pase (Vd.), pasen (Vds.), pres. imper. of pasar; pass, enter, come in. pasear, to stroll, saunter, take a walk, el paseo, stroll, trip; dar un — , to make a trip, el pasillo, narrow passage. pasivo, -a, passive, el paso, step, pace, passage ; — militar, military step; — a — , step by step, slowly; a — de viaje, at ordinary pace. la pasta, paste; pi., pastry, el pastel, pastry, piece of pastry, pie, cake ; — de chocolate, chocolate cake, la pata, paw, foot or leg (of animal). la patata. potato. 360 VOCABULARY la patatera, potato plant. el patin, skate. el patinador, skater. patinar, to skate ; ir a — , to go skating; iran a — , probably they go skating, they must go skating, el pato, duck. la patria, native land, father- land, el patriota, patriot. patriotico, -a, patriotic, el patriotismo, patriotism, la pausa, pause, el pavimento, pavement, el pavo, turkey. la paz (pi., paces), peace ; hacer las paces con, to make one's peace with, peces, pi. of pez. el pecho, breast, el pedazo, piece, bit ; J — de animal! stupid! pedido, -a, asked for. pedir (pidiendo, pedido, pido, pedi; 3d sing, prel., pidio), to ask, ask for. Pedro, Peter, pegado, -a, clinging. pegar (1st sing, pret., pegue), to strike, beat, make. peinar, to comb. peinarse, to comb one's hair, el peine, comb, el peldano, step, la pelea, struggle. pelear, to fight. pelearse, to struggle, fight. el pelicano, pelican, la pelicula, film. el peligro, danger. peligroso, -a, dangerous, el pelo, hair, la pelota, ball. la peluqueria, hairdresser's, bar- ber shop, la pena, regret, sorrow, pain. pender, to hang, la pendiente, slope ; — abajo, down the slope. penetrante, penetrating. penetrar, to penetrate, en- ter, la peninsula, peninsula. penoso, -a, painful, dis- tasteful, annoying. pensado, -a, thought; jbien — I well thought of I a good thought! cl pensamiento, thought, pansy. pensar (1st sing, pres., pienso), to think, intend; — en, to think of, think about. la peonia, peony. peor (comp. of malo), worse; — que — , worse and worse ; when preceded by def. art. or poss. adj., worst. The forms are the same in both genders. pequefiito, -a, very small. pequeno, -a (comparative often menor), small. percibir, to perceive, hear, la percha, perch, pole, ridge. perder (1st sing. pres., pierdo), to lose; — el tiempo, to waste or lose time. perderse, to be lost; — de vista, to disappear. perdido, -a, lost. el perdiguero, bird dog, setter. perezoso, -a, lazy, la perfection, perfection ; a la — , perfectly. perfectamente, perfectly. perfecto, -a, perfect. VOCABULARY 361 el perfecto, perfect (tense). el perfume, perfume, la pericia, skill. periodico, -a, periodical, el peri6dico, periodical, news- paper, el periodo, period. perito, -a, skilled, expert, el perito, expert. permanecer (1st sing, pros., permanezco), to remain, permanente, constant, el permiso, permission. permitir, to .permit, allow; se les permitia, they were allowed, pero, but ; — bien, but. el perol, kettle, boiler, el perrazo, large dog. el perrito, small dog. el perro, dog. la persecucidn, pursuit. perseguido, -a, pursued, perseguir (persiguiendo, per- seguido, persigo, persegui ; 3d sing, pret., persiguio), to pursue, chase, persistir, to persist, la persona, person ; pi. often means people, personal, adj., personal, perteneciente, pertaining, be- longing, el Peril, Peru. peruano. -a, Peruvian, pesado, -a, heavy, el pesar, regret ; a su — , to his regret ; a — de, in spite of ; muy a su — , much to their regret, pesar, to weigh ; que pesara unas ocho libras, which weighs about eight pounds. pescar (1st sing, pre!., pes- que), to fish, find, " fish out " ; botes para — , fish- ing boats. el peso, weight, dollar. el petalo, petal. el petardo, petard, fire-cracker. la peticidn, request. el pez (/>/., peces), fish. el piano, piano; — de cola, grand piano, piar, to peep, cheep. el piar, peeping, cheeping, picado, -a, stung, touched, offended ; se sintio picado en su amor propio, his pride was hurt. la picadura, sting. picar, to sting, peck, offend. el pico, peak, point, beak, a little, a little more ; mil y — , a thousand odd. el picotazo, blow from the beak of a bird, peck, pide (pido, — , pedimos, pi- den), 3d sing. pres. 0/ pedir. pidieron (pedi, pidid, pe- dimos, — ), 3d pi. pret. of pedir. pidio, see pedir and pidieron. el pie, foot; al — de, at the foot of ; al — de la letra, to the letter, exactly ; de or en — , on foot, standing. la piel, skin, fur, hide. pienso ( — , piensa, pensamos, piensan), 1st sing. pres. of pensar. cl pienso, thought ; dar el — a, to attend to. pierde (pierdo, — , perdemos, pierden), 3d sing. pres. of perder. la pierna, leg. la pieza, piece, part, room, coin, instrument, article 362 VOCABULARY of furniture ; — a cuatro manos, duet, pilotear, to guide, steer, el piloto, pilot, la pimienta, pepper, el pinar, pine grove, el pino, pine; Fuente del Pino, Pine Spring, pintado, -a, painted, mottled, speckled, barred; — de rojo, painted red. pintar, to paint ; el — , paint- ing, el pintor, painter, la pintura, painting. pisar, to go, step, step on, tread, el piso, floor, story, ground, level ; — de arriba, upper floor ; — bajo, ground floor; — de la calle, street floor; de — s ymas — s, oji more and more stories. la pizarra, blackboard, slate ; en la — , at the blackboard. el placer, pleasure. el plan, plan. la plancha, plate, plank, step, deck. planchar, to iron (linen). el planeta, planet. la planta, plant. plantar, to plant, set up. la plata, silver. la plataforma, platform. el platano, plane tree, syca- more. el plato, plate, dish ; encargar los — s del almuerzo, to order the lunch. la playa, beach, shore, strand. la plaza, plaza, square. la plazoleta, small square, small place. la plegaria, oath, pledge ; la — patriotica, the oath of allegiance. el plomo, lead. la pluma, feather, pen. el plumaje, plumage, plume. el phiscuamperf ecto, pluperfect, past perfect. la poblacion, population, people, town. poblado, -a, peopled, occu- pied; — s de arboles, full of trees. poblar, to people, fill. pobre, poor, wretched. poco, -a, little, a little; pi., few ; un — , a little ; unos — s, some few, a few ; — a — , little by little, slowly; a — , in a little while ; — mas o menos, about, ap- proximately. el poder, power. poder (pudiendo, podido, puedo, pude ; 1st sing, jut., podre), to be able; in present, can ; se puede, one can, it is possible ; no habia podido ser, it could not have been ; no podia mas, he could do no more, was at the end of his strength. poderoso, -a, powerful, podra (podre, — , podremos, podran), 3d sing. fut. of poder. la poesia, poem. la polaina, legging. la policia, police. el policia, policeman. politico, -a, polite, politi- cal. el polo, pole ; Polo Norte, North Pole; Polo Sur, South Pole. VOCABULARY 363 el polvo, dust, powder; — s blancos, tooth powder, el polio, chicken, el polluelo, chicken. pon : de quita y — , removable. ponderar, to consider, esti- mate. pondre ( — , pondra, pondre- mos, pondran), 1st sing, jut. of poner. poner (poniendo, puesto, pongo, puse ; 1st sing, jut., pondre), to put, place, put in, put on; — las puertas, to hang the doors ; — huevos, to lay eggs ; — atencion a, to pay at- tention to ; me pone triste, it makes me sorry. ponerse, to be placed, be- come, put on, set about, begin, start, set ; — en cuclillas, to crouch down ; se pone el sol, the sun is setting or sets ; nos pone- mos a estudiar, we set about studying, we begin studying. ponga (Vd.), pongan (Vds.), pres. imper. oj poner. el Poniente, Occident, West, la popa, stern, poop. popular, popular. popularizado, -a, popular- ized. popularizar (1st sing, pret., popularice), to popularize, make popular. popularizarse, to become pop- ular. por, for, by, through, along, over, by reason of, be- cause of, for the sake of, with, about, per; em- pezar — , to begin with ; dos — barba, two apiece ; — alii, in or over there, that way; — aqui, in or over here, this way ; — con- siguiente, consequently ; — debajo de, undgrneath, under; — delante de, along in front of; — de- tr&s, from behind ; — donde, where, through which, by which; — ejemplo, for example ; — entre, among, in among, between, through ; — eso, therefore ; — espacio de, for the space of; — esto, therefore, for this reason; — falta de, from lack of; — fin, finally, at last; — la manana, mornings, in the morning ; — medio de, by means of ; andar — medio de, to walk in the middle of; — lo menos, at least ; — mi, as far as I am concerned ; — la noche, at or by night; — parte de, on the part of ; l — que? why? for what reason ? — ser, because it was; — el suelo, over the ground; — lo tanto, therefore; — la tarde, afternoons, in the after- noon ; — largo or mucho tiempo, for a long time; — lo que toca a . . ., as far as ... is concerned. la porci6n, part, portion, body, large number, porque, because. I por que ? why ? el portamonedas, purse. portatil, portable; escalera — , ladder. 364 VOCABULARY el portico, portico, porch, el portillo, narrow door or gate, portugues, portuguesa, Portu- guese. poseer, to possess, pose^ivo, -a, possessive. posible, possible, la position, position, el poste, post ; — de serial, signal post, signal station, los postres, dessert, la practica, experience, prac- tice, practico, -a, practical, ex- perienced, la pradera, meadow, el prado, field, la precaution, precaution. preceder, to precede. precedido, -a, preceded. el preceptor, counselor, la preceptora, preceptress. precioso, -a, precious, beauti- ful. la precipitation, haste. precisamente, precisely, just, just then, necessarily, la precision, necessity, preci- sion; tengo — de, I need to. la predilection, predilection, preference. predilecto, -a, favorite, la preferencia, preference ; los bancos de — , the best benches. preferido, -a, preferred, fa- vorite, preferir (prefiriendo, prefe- rido, prefiero, prefer! ; 3d sing. preL, prefirio), to pre- fer. prefiero ( — , prefiere, pre- ferimos, prefieren), 1st sing. pres. of preferir. prefirieron (prefer!, prefiri6, preferimos, — ),jd pi. pret. of preferir. la pregunta, question ; hacer una — , to ask a question, preguntar, to ask. la prenda, garment ; — s de vestir, articles of clothing, prender, to catch, grasp ; — fuego a, to set fire to; prendi6 el fuego, the fire started. preocupar, to preoccupy, prejudice. preocuparse de, to worry about. preparado, -a, prepared, ready, preparar, to prepare, prepararse, to get ready ; — para enfermeras, to pre- pare themselves to be nurses, el preparativo, preparation, la preposition, preposition, la presencia, presence. presenciar, to witness, view, presentar, to present, show, introduce, presente, present, el presente, present, el presidente, president. presidir, to preside. prestado, -a, borrowed, loaned, prestar, to furnish, grant, give, lend, la presteza, speed, haste. presumir, to presume, as- sume ; es de — , of course, el preterito, preterite, past defi- nite, past absolute. previsor, -a, prudent, provi- dent. la primavera, spring. VOCABULARY 365 primer = primero. Primer is used only before a noun in the masc. sing. primero, -a, first ; el — en aparecer, the first to ap- pear; lo — , the first thing, primero, adv., first, el primo, cousin. principal, principal, principalmente, principally, el principio, beginning ; dar — a, to begin, start, la prisa, haste ; de — , fast ; a — y corriendo, on a dead run. el prisionero, prisoner. privar, to deprive, el privilegio, privilege, la probabilidad, probability, probable, probable, probablemente, probably, probar (1st sing. pres., pruebo), to try, test, try on, prove ; — de, to try to, attempt to. el problema, problem. proceder, to proceed, come, procurar, to try. pr6digamente, lavishly, prodigioso, -a, prodigious, producido, -a, produced, producir (produciendo, pro- ducido, produzco, produje), to produce, el producto, product. profetizar (1st sing, pret., profetice), to prophesy. profundamente, deeply, soundly ; dormian — , were sound asleep. profundo, -a, deep, profound. la profusi6n, profusion ; — de, a lot of. el programa, program. progresivo, -a, progressive, la prolongacidn, prolongation, lengthening. prolongado, -a, prolonged, long. prolongar (1st pret. sing., prolongue), to prolong. prolongarse, to extend. la promesa, promise. prometer, to promise. promover (1st sing, pres., pro- muevo), to promote, ad- vance, forward, help, raise, set up. el pronombre, pronoun. prontamente, promptly, quickly, la prontitud, promptness, readi- ness, swiftness, dispatch. pronto, -a, prompt, ready, early. pronto, adv., quickly, right off, soon ; de — , suddenly ; tan — como, as soon as. pronunciado, -a, pronounced, steep, sharp. pronunciar, to pronounce, utter. pronunciarse, to incline, la propina. tip. propio, -a, proper, own, suitable; — de, suitable to, peculiar to ; — para, suitable for, fine for ; lo — , the same, the right thing. proponer (proponiendo, pro- puesto, propongo, propuse ; 1st sing, fut., propondre), to propose, suggest. proponerse, to plan, resolve. propongo, 1st sing. pres. of proponer. la proporci6n, proportion. proporcionado, -a, propor- tionate, proportioned. 3 66 VOCABULARY el prop6sito, purpose ; a — , suitable, by the way. la propuesta, proposal. propuso (propuse, — , pro- pusimos, propusieron), 3d sing. pret. of proponer. prorrumpir, to burst out. el protector, protector. protector, -a, protecting. proteger {ist sing. pres. } pro- tejo), to protect, la protesta, protest. protestar, to protest, la provision, provision. provisto, -a, provided; — de, provided with. proximo, -a, nearest, next; la casa mas proxima, the nearest house. proyectar, to project, plan, throw; tenia proyectado, had planned, el proyectil, projectile, mis- sile, el proyecto, project, plan, la prueba, proof, token, sign. publico, -a, public, el publico, public, onlookers, el puchero, earthen cooking pot, stew. pude, see pudimos. pudimos (pude, pudo, — , pudieron), ist pi. pret. of poder. el pudin, pudding, el pueblo, people, village, town. pueden (puedo, puede, podemos, — ), 3d pi. pres. of poder. ell , \ puente, bridge. la puerta, door, gate, el puerto, port, harbor, el Puerto Rico, Porto Rico, pues, for, then, well; — bien or — entonces, well, well then, puesto, -a {past part, of poner), placed, fixed, put, hung {of doors). el puesto, post, place ; tomar — , to take one's stand. pulido, -a, polished, clean, shining, smooth. pulir, to polish, el pulmon, lung, la pulmonia, pneumonia ; coger una — , to catch pneu- monia, el pulso, pulse, el puma, puma, la punta, point, end. la punteria, aim, accuracy. el punto, point, dot ; al — , on the spot, immediately; subir de — , to increase noticeably. puntual, punctual, el pufiado, handful, el pupitre, desk ; en un — , at a desk, la pureza, purity. puro, -a, pure, clear, pusieron (puse, puso, pusi- mos, — ), 3d pi. pret. of poner. puso, see pusieron. que, conj., that, for, as, until, although, than; — no, no, not; de — , that, of the fact that. When que introduces exclamations, it is often not to be trans- lated, as in i que viene el mico! the monkey's com- ing ! . j que Uegan Vds. tarde ! you are late I VOCABULARY 367 que, rel. pron. (singular or plural), who, whom, which, that; el — , la — , los — , las — , who, which, that, the one(s) who (which, that) ; lo — , which, that which, what; del — , than, than that which; — algunos lo Hainan, which some call. I que ? interr. pron. and adj., who ? whom ? which ? what? l& — ? for what? to what end? why? 1 — tal? see tal ; «ipor — ? why? for what reason? I para — ? why ? for what purpose? I que 1 exclamatory form, whatl what a I howl J — . . . tan ! what a . . . ! I — de prisa! how fast! I — lejos! how far! J — bien ! how well ! quebrarse (1st sing, pres., me quiebro), to break. quedar, to remain, stay, be ; — en, to agree to or on ; quedaran profundamente dormidos, will go soundly to sleep. quedarse, to remain, stay, be ; — a velar, to stay on watch ; — velando, to keep watch ; se quedaron ad- mirados, they were as- tonished. quejarse, to complain, la quemadura, burn. quepo ( — , cabe, cabemos, caben), isl sing. pres. of caber : no — , there isn't room enough for me. querer (queriendo, querido, qui'ero, quise; 1st sing. fut., querre), to want, wish, like, try ; — decir, to mean, i Dios no lo quiera! God forbid I ^Quiere Vd. ? followed by an in- finitive often weans will you ? querido, -a, dear, liked, loved. querran (querre, querra, querremos, — ), 3d pi. fut. of querer. el queso, cheese. quien (quienes), rel. pron., who, the one who, who- ever; a — , whom. In the sense of who, quien is used only in non-restrictive relative clauses. ^quien? (^quienes?), interr. pron., who? quiera : J Dios no lo — ! God forbid ! quiere (quiero, — , queremos, quieren), 3d sing. pres. of querer. quieto, -a, quiet, la quimica, chemistry. quince, fifteen. quinto, -a, fifth ; la Quinta Avenida, Fifth Avenue. quise, quisieron, see quisimos, quisimos (quise, quiso, — , quisieron), 1st pi. pret. of querer. quiso, see quisimos. quita : de — y pon, remov- able. quitar, to take off, take from, remove. quitarse, to take off. quitemonos=quitemos -f- nos, 1st pi. pres. impel, of quitarse. quitese (Vd.),quitense(Vds.), pres. imper. of quitarse. 3 68 VOCABULARY el rabano radish, el racimo, cluster, group, la ration, portion, el radiograma, wireless mes- sage, radiogram. raices, pi. of raiz. la raiz (pi., raices), root, radi- cal; echar raices, to put forth roots, take root; verbos que cambian la vocal de la — , radical- changing verbs, la rama, limb, branch; en -— , raw, crude, el ramo, bouquet, branch, con- cern, line. rapidamente, rapidly, la rapidez, rapidity. rapido, -a, swift, rapid, steep ; cuesta rapida, steep slope, la rapina, prey. raro, -a, rare, scarce ; raras veces, seldom, el rato, while, short time ; al poco — , after a while ; hace ya — , a while past or ago. la raya, stripe, la rayita, little mark, el rayo, ray, flash of lightning. la raza, race, la razon, reason, right ; tener — , to be right, la reacci6n, reaction, el realce, raised figure, relief ; see moldura. realmente, really, reanudar, to resume, renew. rebotar, to rebound. recamado, -a, embroidered, el recelo, fear, el receptaculo, receptacle. recetar, to prescribe; le receto una medicina, he prescribed some medicine for him. recibido, -a, received. recibir, to receive. recien, recently, just ; los — llegados, the new-comers. recio, -a, strong, fresh. recitar, to recite. reclamado, -a, demanded. reclamar, to demand. recoger (ist sing, pres., re- cojo), to gather, collect, catch up, hold, la recoleccion, harvesting, gathering. recomendar (ist sing, pres., recomiendo), to recom- mend, commend, advise, la recompensa, recompense, re- ward. reconciliarse, to become reconciled with, to make friends. reconocer (ist sing, pres., reconozco), to recognize, examine, investigate, ac- knowledge. recordar (ist sing, pres., re- cuerdo), to remember, re- call. recorrer, to run over, cover, el rectangulo, rectangle. recto, -a, straight, right. recuerda (recuerdo, — , re- cordamos, recuerdan), jd sing. pres. of recordar. recuerde (Vd.), recuerden (Vds.), pres. imper. of re- cordar. el recuerdo, memory, remem- brance ; pi., regards. recuperar, to recover, regain ; — el tiempo perdido, to make up for lost time. VOCABULARY 369 redondo, -a, round. reducido, -a, small. reemplazado, -a, replaced. reemplazar (1st sing, prct., reemplace), to replace. referir (refiriendo, referido, refiero, refer! ; 3d sing, prct., refiri6), to refer, re- late. referirse a, to relate to, concern. refiri6 (referi, — , referimos, refirieron), 3d sing. pret. of referir. reflejar, to reflect, el reflejo, reflection. reflexivo, -a, reflexive, re- flective, thoughtful. reforzar (1st sing, pres., re- fuerzo; 1st sing, pret., re- force), to strengthen. refrescar (1st sing, pret., re- fresque), to refresh, cool, el refresco, refreshment, cool drink, el refrigerador, refrigerator, el refuerzo, reenforcement, strengthening. refugiarse, to take to flight, flee for refuge, el refugio, refuge. refunfufiar, to grumble, growl, el regalo, gift, present. regafiar con, to quarrel with, to scold. regafion, reganofla, scolding, cross; es regaflona con, scolds. regar (1st sing, pres., riego), to water, el regimiento, regiment. regir (rigiendo, regido. rijo, regi; 3d sing, pret., rigid), to govern. registrar, to register. el registro, register, la regla, rule ; — de medir, carpenter's rule, measuring stick, cl regocijo, rejoicing, mirth. regresar, to return, cl regreso, return ; de — , re- turning, on the way back ; iba de — , was returning, regular, ordinary, average, so so ; mis larga de lo — , longer than usual, rehusar, to refuse, la reina, queen, reinar, to reign, reir (riendo, reido, rio, rei; 3d sing. pret. j rio), to laugh, rcirse de (for forms see reir), to laugh at. cl relampago, lightning. relativo, -a, relative, relevar, to relieve. la religion, religion, el reloj, watch, clock. remontarse, remount, soar. la rendition, surrender. rendido, -a, given back, rendered, exhausted. rendir (rindiendo, rendido, rindo, rendi ; 3d sing, pret., rindio) to render, give back, rendirse, to surrender, el reno, reindeer. renovar (1st sing, pres., re- nuevo), to renew; — el turno, to take one's turn again. renueva (renuevo, — , renova- mos, renuevan), 3d sing, pres. of renovar. renunciar, to renounce ; re- nuncio a comer, refused to eat. 37° VOCABULARY refiir (rinendo, refiido, rifio, refii; 3d sing, pret., rino), to quarrel; no rinan Vds., don't quarrel. reparador, -a, refreshing. repartir, to divide. repasar, to review. el repaso, review. repente : de — , suddenly. repetir (repitiendo, repetido, repito, repeti; 3d sing, pret., repitio), to repeat. repite (repito, — , repetimos, repiten), 3d sing. pres. of repetir. repitiendo, pres. part, of repetir. repitieron (repeti, repitio, re- petimos, — ), 3d pi. pret. of repetir. repitio, see repitieron. reponer (reponiendo, re- puesto, repongo, repuse ; 1st sing, fut., repondre), to replace, restore, reply (especially in preterit). reponerse, to recover. reposar, to rest. reprender, to blame, reprove, la reprensi6n, reproof. representar, to represent, seem. reprimir, to repress. reproducir (1st sing, pres., reproduzco ; 1st sing, pret., reproduje), to reproduce, el reptil, reptile, la republica, republic. repuesto, -a (past part, of reponer), recovered. requerir (requiriendo, re- querido, requiero, requeri; 3d. sing. pret. requirio), to require, need, request, demand. requiere (requiero, — , re- querimos, requieren), 3d sing. pres. of requerir. resbaladizo, -a, slippery, resbalar, to slip, slide, la reserva, reserve. reservado, -a, reserved, kept, reservar, to reserve, keep, resguardar, to shield, la resistencia, resistance. resistir, to resist; no pudo — mas, he couldn't stand any more, la resoluci6n, resolution, deter- mination, el respaldo, back, back of a seat, respectivamente, respec- tively. respectivo, -a, respective, el respecto, respect ; con — a, in regard to. respetado, -a, respected, respetar, to respect, respirar, to breathe; ya lo creo que lo respiran, of course they breathe it. resplandecer (1st sing, pres., resplandezco), to be brill- iant, to shine, el resplandor, brilliance, splen- dor, responder, to reply, answer, la respuesta, reply, answer, el restaurant (pi., restaurants), restaurant. This is really a French word; in Span- ish it is pronounced as if written restoran ; the plural is pronounced as if written restoranes. el resto, rest, remains, el resultado, result. resultar, to result, turn out. retirarse, to withdraw, re- tire. VOCABULARY 371 retorcer (1st sing, pres., re- tuerzo), twist, bend. retorcido, -a, twisted, bent, crooked. retrasado, -a, late ; venir — , to be late, el retraso, delay; llegar con — , to be late ; llevar media hora de — , to be half an hour late, el retrato, picture, la retreta, tattoo, retreat ; tocar — , to sound the tattoo. retroceder, to yield, recede, step back, retreat. reunido, -a, united, as- sembled, together, la reunidn, meeting, gathering. reunir, to unite, assemble. reunirse, to come together, meet, gather, la revista, review. revistar, to review. revolotear, to hover, flit. revuelto, -a, scrambled, el rey, king. rezar (1st sing. pret., rece), to pray ; — sus ora- ciones, to say one's prayers ; — la plegaria, to pronounce the oath ; rez6 la bendici6n, he asked a blessing. ricamente, richly. rico, -a, rich. rie, see rien. riega (riego, — , regamos, riegan), 3d sing. pres. of regar. el riel, rail. rien (rio, rie, reimos, — ), 3d pi. pres. of reir. riendo, pres. part, of reir. rieron (rei, ri6, reimos, — ), 3d pi. pret. of reir. rigen (rijo, rige, regimos, — ), 3d pi. pres. o/regir. el rinc6n, corner. rindio (rendi, — , rendimos, rindieron), 3d sing. pret. of rendir. el rinoceronte, rhinoceros, la rifla, quarrel. rifla (Vd.), rifian (Vds.), pres. imper. of reriir. ri6, see rieron. el rio, river. la risa, laugh; pi., laughter, el ritmo, rhythm, beat, time, rizado, -a, curly. robar, to steal, rob ; robaban fragmentos a los ojos de los niflos, hid bits from the children's eyes. Roberto, Robert. el roble, oak. la roca, rock. rodeado, -a, surrounded, rodear, to surround, la rodilla, knee. Roger, Roger, rojizo, -a, reddish, el rojo, red. rojo, -a, red. romano, -a, Roman, el romero, rosemary. romper (past part., rompido and roto), to break, tear; — a Uorar, to begin to cry. romperse, to be broken, break, dash, el rompiente, surf, breakers, la ropa, clothes ; — s, clothes, — blanca, linen ; — in- terior, underwear. la rosa, rose ; color de — , pink. rosado, -a, flushed, rose- colored, pink, el rosal, rosebush, el rostro, face. 372 VOCABULARY roto, -a, broken, torn. rubio, -a, ruddy, red. la rueda, wheel, el ruido, noise. ruidosamente, noisily, loudly, el rumbo, direction, destination, el rumor, murmur, noise, sound, rumor, la ruta, route ; hago la — , my route is. S el sabado, Saturday, la sabana, sheet, spread. saber (sabiendo, sabido, se, supe ; ist sing, fut., sabre), to know, know how, be able, learn, find out; ya se sabe, of course ; sepa Vd. escoger, be sure to choose, el sabio, wise man, " know it all." sabio, -a, wise. el sable, sabre. sabremos (sabre, sabra, — , sabran), ist pi. jut. of saber, sacar (ist sing, pret., saque), to take, take out, carry out, pull out, remove, get, gain, el saco, sack, bag. el sacrificio, sacrifice, la sacudida, shake. sacudir, to shake, la sal, salt. la sala, room, hall, parlor ; — de espera, waiting-room ; — de clase, class-room. saldra (saldre, — , saldremos, saldran), 3d sing. fut. of salir. el salero, salt-cellar. salgo ( — , sale, salimos, sal en), ist sing. pres. of salir. la salida, departure, coming out ; a la — de la escuela, on coming out of school, salir (saliendo, salido, salgo, sali; ist sing, fut., saldre), to come out, go out, go forth, get out, issue, leave ; al — , on leaving ; le salia sangre, blood flowed from him. el salitre, saltpeter, el salon, salon, hall, parlor, saloon; — de peluqueria, barber shop ; Salon de Actos, Assembly Hall, la salsa, sauce. saltar, to leap, jump, dance, el salto, leap, jump, la salud, health. saludable, healthful, whole- some. saludado, -a, saluted, greeted, saludar, to salute, greet; todos saludaron, they all greeted each other, la salutacion, greeting. salvado, -a, saved, passed, el Salvador, rescuer. salvaje, wild, savage, el salvaje, savage, el salvamento, saving, rescue ; cable de — , life line, salvar, to save, pass, jump over, el salvavidas, life-preserver; cable — , live-saving cable. Samuel, Samuel. sanar, to get well, la sangre, blood ; — fria, calm- ness, coolness ; no perdid la — fria, didn't lose his head. VOCABULARY 373 la sanidad, health ; secci6n de — , hospital section, sano, -a, healthy, wholesome, santo, -a, holy, sacred ; jDios santo ! My God ! el santo, saint, el sarten, frying-pan. el sastre, tailor, la sastreria, tailor-shop, el satelite, satellite. satisfactorio, -a, satisfac- tory, satisfecho, -a, satisfied, with satisfaction ; sonrifr — , smiled with satisfaction. se, refl. pron. of 3d person, himself, herself, itself, themselves, oneself, your- self, yourselves ; some- times used as reciprocal pron., each other, one another ; takes the place of le, la, les, etc., when one of the latter would other- wise stand before another pronoun beginning with 1. se ( — , sabe, sabemos, saben), 1st sing. pres. of saber, secar (1st sing, pret., seque), to dry. secarse, to get dry. la seccidn, section ; — de sanidad, hospital corps, seco, -a, dry. la sed, thirst; tener — , to be thirsty, la seda, silk ; papel de — , tissue paper, la seguida, succession ; en — , at once, immediately, then, seguido, -a, followed ; — de, followed by ; acto — , im- mediately afterward, seguir (siguiendo, seguido, sigo, segui; 3d sing, pret., sigui6), to follow, keep on. segun, according to, as. el segundario, circle denoting seconds on face of watch, second hand, segundo, -a, second, el segundo, second. seguramente, surely, la seguridad, security, assur- ance ; con toda — , cer- tainly, of course, seguro, -a, sure, secure, safe, certain ; estar — de que, to be sure that, seis, six ; las — , six o'clock ; las — y media, half past six. la selecci6n, selection. sellar, to seal, la semana, week. semejante, like, similar, la semejanza, similarity, re- semblance; — con, re- semblance to. la semilla, seed. sencillo, -a, simple, la senda, path, el sendero, path, el seno, breast. la sensacidn, sensation, feeling, sentado, -a, seated, sentar ( 1st sing, pres., siento to seat, fit. sentarse (1st sing, pres., me siento), to seat oneself, take a seat, sit down, be seated. el sentido, sense, direction ; — ascendente, ascending di- rection, going up; — descendente, descending direction, going down, el sentimiento, sentiment, re- gret, sentir (sintiendo, sentido, 374 VOCABULARY siento, senti ; 3d sing, pret., sinti6), to feel, perceive, notice, hear, regret, be sorry for ; al — , on notic- ing, feeling, etc. sentirse (1st sing, pres., me siento), to feel, be moved, be affected, la sena, sign. la serial, sign, token, signal ; poste de — , signal post, signal station ; en — de, as a sign of ; es — de que, it is a sign that. senalado, -a, appointed. senalar, to sign, mark, dis- tinguish, point out or at, make known, appoint, el senor (abbreviation, St.), gen- tleman, Mr., Sir. el Senor, Lord. la seiiora (abbreviation, Sra.), lady, wife, Mrs., Madam, la senorita, young lady, un- married lady, Miss. sepa (Vd.), sepan (Vds.), pres. imper. of saber. separado, -a, separated, apart. separar, to separate. separarse, to part; — de, to part from, leave, el septiembre, September. ser (siendo, sido, soy, fui, imp., era), to be; es que, the fact is that ; seran mas antiguos, they prob- ably are older, they must be older, el ser, being. sereno, -a, serene, calm. serio, -a, serious; en — , seriously. la servilleta, napkin. servir (sirviendo, servido, sirvo, servi; 3d sing, pret., sirvio), to serve; — de, to serve as; — para, to be used for. servirse (1st sing, pres., me sirvo), to be served, to serve oneself, sesenta, sixty; unos — , some sixty, about sixty; los — , the age of sixty, la sesion, session. setenta, seventy ; los — , the age of seventy. setenta y nueve, seventy- nine. severo, -a, severe, strict, el sextante, sextant. si, if. Si is often used to introduce an exclamation, as we use the word why. si, yes; me parece que — , it seems to me that it is, has, was, etc. si, disjunctive form of se ; — mismo, himself. For other meanings, see se. sido, past part, of ser; he — yo, it was I. la sidra, cider. siempre, always, still; para — , forever; — que, whenever; nuestra ban- dera siempre floto, our flag still waved, la sien, temple. siendo, pres. part, of ser. sientese (Vd.), sientense (Vds.), pres. imper. of sentarse. (1) siento ( — , sienta, sentamos, sientan), 1st sing. pres. of sentar. (2) siento ( — , siente, sentimos, sienten), 1st sing. pres. of sentir. VOCABULARY 375 la sierra, saw, ridge, sierra, la siesta, afternoon nap, siesta, siete, seven ; las — , seven o'clock; son mas de las — , it is after seven, el siglo, century. siguiente, following ; lo — , the following, siguieron (segui, siguio, se- guimos, — ), 3d pi. pret. of seguir. silbar, to whistle, el silbido, whistle, el silencio, silence, la silueta. silhouette, profile. silvestre, wild, la silla, chair; — de playa, beach-chair, el sill6n, armchair, easy chair. simbolizar, to symbolize, el simbolo, symbol, la simpatia, sympathy ; mostrar mucha — por, to take a great liking to. simpatico, -a, nice, simultaneamente, at the same time, sin, without ; — mostrar, without showing ; un — fin, a lot of, no end of. la singladura, day's run. siniestro, -a, sinister, left, sino, but, except, than ; Vd. no habla — tonterias. you don't say anything but nonsense ; — que, but, except, excepting, except that. Sino is used only after a negative. sintieron, see sintid. sintio (senti, — , sentimos. sintieron), 3d sing. pret. of sentir. la sirena, siren. sirven (sirvo, sirve, servi- mos, — ), 3d pi. pres. of servir. la sirvienta, maid, maidservant. sirvid (servi, — , servimos, sirvieron), 3d sing. pret. of servir. el sistema, system, el sitio, place ; cambiar de — , to change one's place, la situation, situation. situado, -a, situated. soberbio, -a, proud, sobre, on, upon, over, about, above; — todo, especially, la sobremesa, dessert ; de — , immediately after dinner, el socorro, help, el sofa, sofa. sofocado, -a, smothered, crushed, sofocante, stifling. sofocar, (1st sing, pret., sofo- que), to stifle, smother, el sol, sun ; al — , in the sun ; hace — , the sun is shin- ing; hace un buen — , the sun is shining brightly, solamente, only, la solapa, lapel, el soldado, soldier, solemne, solemn, solicitar, to ask, beg. solicito, -a solicitous, anx- ious, solidificado, -a, solidified, solitario, -a, lonely, alone, solitary, solo, -a, sole, only, alone, single. s61o, adv., only ; tan — , only, soltar, to loose, release, let go of, let out; — la carcajada, to burst into loud laughter. 376 VOCABULARY la solution, solution. la sombra, shade, shadow. el sombrero, hat. somos (soy, es, — , son), ist pi. pres. of ser. son, see somos. sonar, to sound, ring; al — de la campanilla, at the ringing of the bell. sonreir (sonriendo, sonreido, sonrio, sonrei; jd sing. pret., sonrio), to smile. sonrie (sonrio, — , sonreimos, sonrien), 3d sing. pres. of sonreir. sonriente, smiling. sonrieron (sonrei, sonrio, sonreimos, — ), 3d pi. pret. of sonreir. sonrio, see sonrieron. sonar, to dream ; — con, to dream of. soplar, to blow. sorprender, to surprise. sorprendido, -a, surprised, la sorpresa, surprise. sospechar, to suspect. sospechoso, -a, suspicious. sostener (sosteniendo, sos- tenido, sostengo, sostuve; ist sing, fut., sostendre), to sustain, keep up, hold up. sostuvo (sostuve, — , sos- tuvimos, sostuvieron), 3d sing. pret. of sostener. el s6tano, cellar. soy, see somos. Sr. = senor. Sra. = senora. su (pi., sus), poss. adj., his, her, its, their, your, suavizar (ist sing, pret., suavice), to smooth, la subida, ascent. subido, -a, strong, deep, mounted. subir, to ascend, climb, mount, go up, come up, enter, bring up, carry up, raise, turn up; — a, to go up on; — de punto, to increase noticeably; el — , the going up; se habian subido los cuellos, they had turned up their collars, subterraneo, -a, subter- ranean, underground ; tren — , subway train, el subterraneo, subway. suceder, to result, follow, happen, sucesivamente, successively. sucesivo, -a, successive, el sud, south ; al — de, to the south of. Sud America, South America, sudamericano, -a, South American, el sudamericano, South Ameri- can. sudar, to sweat, perspire, el sudoeste, southwest, la suela, sole (of shoe). el suelo, floor, ground, surface, el suefio, sleep, dream; tener — , to be sleepy, la suerte, luck ; tener — , to be lucky. suficiente, sufficient, el sufrimiento, suffering. sufrir, to suffer, undergo. sujetar (past part., sujetado and sujeto), to fasten, clasp, hold, get a firm hold on, stretch. sujeto, -a (past part, of sujetar), fastened, el sujeto, subject. VOCABULARY 377 la suma, sum, total. sumiso, -a, submissive, hum- ble. sumo, -a, highest, greatest, very great, extreme. suntuoso, -a, sumptuous, luxurious, magnificent. supe, see supo. superado, -a, overcome, ex- ceeded. superar, to overcome, exceed. la superficie, surface, el superintendente, superin- tendent, el superior, superior. superior, superior, upper. Forms are the same in both genders. supieron, see supo. supo (supe, — , supimos, supieron), 3d sing. pret. of saber. suponer (suponiendo, su- puesto, supongo, supuse ; 1st sing, fut., supondre), to suppose, surmise, suspect. suponerse, to be supposed, pretend; que se suponia que estaba herido, who was supposed to be wounded. supongamos, 1st pi. pres. impcr. of suponer. supremo, -a, supreme, el sur, south. surcar (1 si sing, pret., surque), to plow, furrow, sail, el surco, furrow. surgir (1st sing, pres., surjo), to rise, el surtido, stock, el surtidor, jet, fountain. sus, pi. of su. suspender, to suspend, ad- journ, stop, dismiss. suspendido, -a, suspended, adjourned, stopped, dis- missed. suspirado, -a, longed for. el susto, fright. suyo (suya; suyos, suyas), poss. adj., his, her, its, their, your; el suyo, la suya, los suyos, las suyas, poss. pron., his, hers, its, theirs, yours; los suyos, his (her, etc.) family, his friends, etc. el tablon, board, plank. el taburete, stool, tabouret. el tacto, touch. tal, such, such a ; — como, such as, just as; £que — ? how is it? how do you like? what do you think of? how are you? £que — es mi lecheria? how do you like my dairy? £que — les parecen mis flores ? what do you think of my flowers? el talento, talent, el taller, workshop, el tallo, stem, el tamano, size, tambien, also, el tambor, drum, drummer, tampoco, neither, not either, just as little; y — lo logr6, and he didn't succeed in doing that either, tan, so, such, such a, as ; — s61o, only ; I que animal — titil ! what a useful animal! tanto, -a, as much, so much, so great ; pi., so many ; 378 VOCABULARY al — de, familiar with, well informed upon ; por lo — , therefore, mientras — , meanwhile ; ochocien- tos y — s, something over eight hundred ; — . . . cuanto, in expressions of comparison, the . . . the. ia tapa, lid, cover. la tapadera, cover. tapar, to close, cover. tapizado, -a, covered, papered, tardar, to delay; no tarda mucho, it doesn't take him long ; tardara mucho tiempo traernoslos, it will take him a long time to bring them to us. tarde, adj., late; mas — , later. la tarde, afternoon, evening ; por la — , afternoons, in the afternoon; rnanana por la — , to-morrow after- noon ; buenas — s, good afternoon; el lucero de la — , the evening star. la tarima, platform. la tarjeta, card ; — de visita, calling-card, visiting-card. el tarro, jar, pan of earthen- ware. el techo, roof, ceiling. la tela, cloth. telar : maquina — , loom, telefonar, to telephone. el telefonista, telephone opera- tor. el telefono, telephone ; — de campana, field telephone. la telegrafia, telegraphy, tele- graph ; — sin hilos, wire- less telegraphy, telegrafiar, to telegraph. telegrafico, -a, telegraphic, el telegrafo, telegraph ; — sin hilos, wireless telegraph ; Compafiia de Telegrafos, Telegraph Company, el tema, composition exercise, temblar, to tremble ; — de, to tremble with, temer, to fear, el temor, fear. la temperatura, temperature, la tempestad, thunderstorm. templado, -a, tempered, moderate, mild, cooled or heated (according to con- text). templar, to temper, moder- ate, cool or heat (according to context). el templo, temple, church, la temporada, a certain space of time, el temporal, storm. temprano, -a, early, temprano, adv., early, tender (istsing. pres., tiendo), to stretch. tenderse, to stretch out, be stretched. tendido, -a, stretched out. tendra (tendre, — , tendre- mos, tendran), jd sing, jut. oj tener. el tenedor, fork. tener (teniendo, tenido, tengo, tuve ; ist sing, jut., tendre), to have, hold, possess ; — la culpa, to be to blame ; — calor, to be warm ; — carino a, to love ; — envidia a, to envy ; — frio, to be cold ; — hambre, to be hungry ; — lugar, to take place; — miedo, to be afraid; VOCABULARY 379 — precisi6n de, to need; — que, to have to ; — razon, to be right; — sed, to be thirsty ; — sueno, to be sleepy ; — suerte, to be lucky; tiene diez afios, he is ten years old ; I que tienen estas sillas? what is the matter with these chairs? tendra . . ., it has about . . . ; tendran unos cinco o seis ados, they are about five or six years old ; tendre- mos como unos sesenta, we have about sixty ; tenia los ojos tristes, his eyes were sad. la teneria, tannery. tenga (Vd.), tengan (Vds.), pres. imper. of tener. tengo ( — , tiene, tenemos, tienen), 'ist sing. pres. of tener. tenido, -a, past part, of tener. el teniente, lieutenant ; — coronel, lieutenant-colonel, el tennis, tennis, la tentacion, temptation, el tente-en-pie, lunch. tercer = tercero. Tercer is used only before a noun in the masculine singular. tercero, -a, third, terminar, to end, finish, el termino, end, terminus ; es- tacion de — , terminal station, el tenn6metro, thermometer, el ternero, calf, veal, el terrado, terrace, flat roof, roof, la Terranova, Newfoundland, el terreno, land, ground, field. terrestre, terrestrial. el terror, terror. la tia, aunt. el tiburon, shark. el tiempo, time, tense, weather; a un — , at one time, at the same time ; a — , in or on time; £Cuanto — ? how long? i que — hacia ? what kind of weather was it? la tienda, shop, store, tent; — de campafia, field tent, tiene, see tengo. tienen, see tengo. tierno, -a, fresh, tender. la tierra, earth ; arrodillarse en — , to kneel down. el tigre, tiger. la tijera (generally used in the plural), scissors. el tflburi, tilbury, carriage. el timbre, bell. el tim6n, wheel, helm, rudder. el tinte, tint. la tintura, dye. el tipo, type. el tirador, thrower, marksman, tirante, taut. tirar, to draw, pull, fire, throw; — de, to draw, drag; — a la barra, to throw the bar. tirarse, to be thrown or drawn. el tiro, shot. la tobera, tewel, pipe {of bee- smoker). tocar (ist sing, pret., toque), to touch, play, beat, sound, ring, refer to, concern, be- hoove, fall to the lot of; — alto, to sound the halt ; — asamblea, to sound as- sembly; — atenci6n, to 3 8o VOCABULARY sound attention ; — a la carrera, to sound the double quick ; — diana, to sound the reveille ; — formacion, to sound forma- tion ; — marcha, to sound march ; — el piano, to play the piano ; — retreta, to sound the tattoo ; — los timbres, to ring the bells; por lo que toca, as to what concerns, as far as is or are concerned ; esto me tocaba a mi, this was meant for me, it was my turn ; les toco, it fell to their lot, it was their turn ; a mi me toca, it falls to my lot, it is my turn. todavia, yet, still. todo, -a, all, every, every- thing; — el dia, all day; — s los dias, every day; — s los anos, every year ; venden de — , they sell everything ; lo — , the whole thing, everything. tolerar, to endure, tolerate. j toma ! of course ! see here ! tomar, to take, eat, drink ; — el desayuno, to eat breakfast; me las hago — por, I recite them to. el tomate, tomato. la tomatera, tomato plant. tome (Vd.), tomen (Vds.), pres. imper. of tomar. el tomillo, thyme, la tonelada, ton. tonificar (ist sing. pret., tomSi- que), to tone up, invigorate, el tono, tone, tint, shade, la tonteria, foolishness, silliness. tonto, -a, foolish, stupid. el toque, stroke, signal; — de silencio, taps, torcer (ist sing, pres., tuerzo), to turn, twist, el tornillo, screw, bolt, el torno : en — de or en — a, around, el torpedero, torpedo boat, el torpedo, torpedo, el torrente, torrent, brook, la tortilla, omelet. toser, to cough, la totalidad, total, totality, trabajar, to work; el — , working; — la madera, to work in wood ; ahora a — , now for work ; ponerse a — , to set about one's work, start work ; volver a — , to go to work again, trabajarse, to carry on. el trabajo, work, job. trace (Vd.), jtracen (Vds.), pres. imper. of trazar. tradicional, traditional, traer (trayendo, traido, traigo, traje), to bear, wear, carry, bring. traficar (ist sing, prct., tra- fique), to trade, traffic; que trafica con ella, who sells it. el trafico, traffic. tragar (ist sing, pret., trague), to gobble, devour, el traidor, traitor. traigo ( — , trae, traemos, traen), ist sing. pres. of traer. traje ( — , trajo, trajimos, trajeron), ist sing. pret. of traer. el traje, suit ; — de baflo, bathing suit. trajeron, see traje. VOCABULARY 38l trajimos, see traje. trajo, sec traje. la trama, weft, woof, el tramite, track, step, la trampa, fraud, trick, la tranquilidad, tranquillity, tranquilo, -a, quiet, tranquil, transatlantic©, -a, transat- lantic, el transatlantic©, liner, el transeunte, passer-by. la transformaci6n, transforma- tion, transitar, to travel, pass, el transito, transit, passage, journey, transportar, to convey, trans- port, carry, transfer, el transporte, transport, trans- portation ; carxo de — s, truck, transversal, transversal, cross, el tranvia, street railway, street car. el trapd, rag. tras, after, trasegar, (istsing. pret., trase- gue), to remove, extract, trasero, -a, back, rear; patas traseras, hind feet, la trastienda, back room {of shop). tratar, to treat; — de, to try to. tratarse de, to be a question of. traves: a — or a. — de, through, across, el travesaflo, crosspiece, roost, la travesia, passage, crossing, trazado, -a, traced, trazar (1st sing, pret., trace), to draw, trace, trece, thirteen. treinta, thirty. treinta y dos, thirty-two. el tren, train, el trenzado, braid. trepar, to climb; — por, to climb up. tres, three. trescientos, -as, three hun- dred, el triangulo, triangle, la tribuna, stand, el trigo, wheat, la trinchera, trench, el trineo, bob-sled, sleigh ; la expedici6n en — , the coast- ing party, el trino, trill. triste, sad, sorry, la tristeza, sadness, sorrow ; sentir — , to be sad or sorry, la trompa, trumpet, trunk (of elephant). el tronco, trunk, log, team, span; — arriba, up the tree, las tropas, troops, soldiers, el tropel, flock, troop. tropezar con (1st sing, pres., tropiezo; 1st sing, pret., tropece), to stumble against. tropical, tropical, el trote, trot ; al — , at a trot ; al — del caballo, with the .horse going at a trot, el trueno, thunder, peal of thunder; pi., thunder, el tubo, vase, tube, el tunante, rascal, truant, el tunel, tunnel. turbado, -a, disturbed, con- fused. turbar, to disturb, mar. el turno, turn ; por — , by or 382 VOCABULARY in turn; aguardar or esperar — , to wait for one's turn. tuve ( — , tuvo, tuvimos, tuvieron), ist sing. pret. of tener. tuvieron, see tuve. tuvo, see tuve. u = o. U is used before words beginning with o or ho ; see o. ultimo, -a, last; por — , finally; al — extremo, at the farthest end ; este — , the latter, el umbral, threshold. un, una, indef. art., a, an. una, unas, see uno. unico, -a, sole, only; el — , the only one. unido, -a, united, together. uniforme, uniform, el uniforme, uniform. unir, to unite, join. uno (una; unos, unas), nu- merical adj., indef. adj., and pron., one ; es la una, it is one o'clock; unos, unas, some, about ; unas dos millas, about two miles; unos con otros, with each other; muy diferentes las unas de las otras, very different from each other, la urdimbre, warp, el Uruguay, Uruguay. usado, -a, used, worn. usar, to use. usarse, to be used, el uso, use. usted {pi., ustedes), pro- noun of polite address, you. el utensilio, utensil. util, useful, la uva, grape. va (voy, — , vamos, van), 3d sing. pres. of ir ; se — , see irse. la vaca, cow. las vacaciones, vacation, hol- idays; estar de — , to have a vacation. vaciar, to empty, vacate, la vacilaci6n, vacillation ; mirar sin — , to look fixedly at. vacio, -a, empty, el vag6n, wagon, car, railway carriage, la valentia, courage, valiente, strong, brave. valioso, -a, valuable, el valor, value, price, courage. (1) vamos (ist pi. pres. ind. of ir) ; see va. (2) vamos (ist pi. prest imper. of ir), let us go, come on, indeed, I see, look here I come ! well ! van, see va. el vapor, steam, steamer, el vaporcito, small steamer, la vaqueria, dairy farm, la vara, rod ; — s de nardo, tuberoses ; — de medir, rule, yardstick. variado, -a, varied, varie- gated ; pi., various, la variedad, variety. vario, -a, diverse; pi., several, various, el vaso, glass, tumbler, vasto, -a, vast. vaya (Vd.), vayan (Vds.), pres. imper. of ir. VOCABULARY 3*3 Vd. = usted. Vds. = ustedes. vea (Vd.), vean (Vds.), pres. itnper. of ver. veces, pi. of vez. vecino, -a, neighboring, near, el vecino, neighbor. vegetal, vegetable ; carb6n — , charcoal, el vehlculo, vehicle. veia ( — , — , vefamos, veian), 1st and 3d sing. imp. of ver. veinte, twenty; el piso — , the twentieth floor. veinte y cinco, twenty-five, veintidos, twenty-two ; el — de septiembre, September 22. veintiuno, twenty-one ; el — de marzo. March 21. la velada, evening, el velador, sewing-table. velar, to watch, el velo, veil, mask, la velocidad, speed ; a toda — , at full speed. veloz (pi., veloces), swift. velozmente, swiftly, la vena, vein. veneer (1st sing, pres., venzo), to conquer, gain, win. el vendaje, bandage. vendar, to bind, bandage. vender, to sell. vendran (vendre, vendra, vendremos, — ), 3d pi. fut. of venir. venerable, venerable, venerado, -a, venerated, re- spected, venerar, to venerate, la Venezuela, Venezuela. venga (Vd.), vengan (Vds.), pres. imper. of venir. vengativo, -a, revengeful. vengo ( — , viene, venimos, vienen), 1st sing. pres. of venir. la venida. coming, arrival, venir (viniendo, venido, vengo, vine ; 1st sing. fut. t vendre), to come; vieron — al capitan, they saw the captain coming ; que viene, next; vino a juntarse, he came and joined ; me viene estrecho, it is too tight for me. la ventana, window. la ventanilla, little window, port hole. el ventilador, ventilator. ver (viendo, visto, veo, vi) to see; no le puede — can't bear the sight of him ; a — , let's see ; al — on seeing ; se veia a uno one was seen ; se le veia it was seen ; se veian cor tadas, were seen to be cut les hizo ver, showed them que ve venir a los ninos who sees the children com- ing ; vieron venir al capitan, they saw the captain com- ing; ya lo veia venir, I saw it coming (i.e. I know what you want). veraniego, -a, summer. el verano, summer, las veras, truth ; de — , indeed, really. el verbo, verb. la verdad, truth ; 1 — ? or £no es — ? isn't that true? verdaderamente, truly, verdadero, -a, true, real, veritable, verde, green ; — bianco, whitish green; — claro. 3*4 VOCABULARY light green ; — oscuro, dark green. el verde, green. la vereda, path. la vergiienza, shame ; le da — , it makes him ashamed. verse (for forms see ver), to be seen. verter (isl sing, pres., vierto), to shed, empty, pour. vertical, vertical. el vertigo, dizziness ; dar — a, to make dizzy, vespertino, -a, evening. el vestibulo, vestibule. vestido, -a, dressed; — s de bianco, dressed in white; — de husar, dressed like an hussar. el vestido, suit, dress, garb, clothes, vestir (vistiendo, vestido, visto, vesti; 3d sing, pret., visti6), to dress, wear, put on ; — de negro, to wear black, vestirse, to dress. el veterano, veteran, old soldier. el veterinario, veterinary sur- geon. vetusto, -a, ancient, very old. la vez {pi., veces), time; a la — , at once ; otra — , again ; una — , once, as soon as ; de — en cuando, from time to time ; en — de, instead of; cada — mas reducidos, smaller and smaller; a veces, some- times, at times ; muchas veces, often ; raras veces, seldom. la via, way, track. viajar, to journey, travel. el viaje, journey, voyage, trip. el viajero, traveler, passenger ; i senores viajeros al tren I all aboard ! la vianda, food, victuals, meat, la vibration, vibration, la vida, life, el vidrio, glass. viejo, -a, old ; el — , the old man; la vieja, the old lady. viendo, pres. part, of ver. viene, see vengo. el viento, wind, el viernes, Friday. vieron (vi, vio, vimos, — ), 3d pi. pret. of ver. vigilar, to watch, keep guard, vimos, see vieron. el vinagre, vinegar, viniendo, see venir. vino (vine, — , venimos, vi- nieron), 3d sing. pret. of venir. vio, see vieron. violento, -a, violent, la violeta, violet, la virtud, virtue, el visaje, face. visible, visible, la visita, visit, call, el visitante, visitor, la visitante, visitor. visitar, to visit ; el — , visit- ing, calling. visitarse, to be visited, vislumbrar, to see faintly, get a faint view of, barely discern, la vispera, evening before, eve ; Vispera de Todos los San- tos, Halloween, la vista, sight, view, glance, vista; a la — , in sight; dirigir la — , to turn one's eyes. VOCABULARY 385 vistieron (vesti, vistio, vesti- mos, — ), 3d pi. pret. of vestir. visto, -a (past part, of ver), seen ; lo — , that which is seen, vistoso, -a, showy, la viva, cheer, hurrah ; J viva ! good ! bravo ! la vivienda, dwelling. viviente, living. vivir, to live ; — mas que, to live longer than. vivo, -a, live, alive, lively, vivid, bright, strong, keen, bracing, la vocal, vowel. voces, pi. of voz. el volante, stearing-gear. volar (1st sing, pres., vuelo), to fly. volcar (1st sing, pres., vuelco ; 1st sing, pret., volque), to tip over, upset; al — , when we upset, el volumen, volume. volver (1st sing, pres., vuelvo ; past part., vuelto), to turn, return ; — a, to do again ; — a abrir, to open again ; — a lavar, to wash again. volverse, to return, be turned, turn around, grow, become, change, la voracidad, voracity. voy, see va. la voz (pi., voces), voice, cry, order, command, el vuelo, flight, sweep, la vuelta, turn, return, winding, curve ; dar — s, to turn ; dar la — , to turn, return ; a la — , on returning, on one's return ; de — , back, returned; habian dado la 2C — a la casa, they had gone around the house, vuelto, -a (past part, of volver), turned, returned ; £ha vuelto Vd. a tocar? have you touched again? vuelven (vuelvo, vuelve, vol- vemos, — ), 3d pi. pres. of volver. W Washington, Washington. y, and. Before words be- ginning with i and hi, y becomes e. ya, already, now ; — no or no . . . — , no longer; — . . ., — . . ., either . . ., or. . . . Ya often merely adds emphasis to the sen- tence, and is then not lo be translated. la yedra, ivy. el yelmo, helmet. yendo, see ir. el yeso, chalk, crayon. yo, I. la yunta, yoke, pair. la zanahoria, beet. la zapateria, shoe store. el zapatero, shoemaker, shoe dealer, cl zapato, shoe, la zarpa, claw, la zarza, bramble, la zebra, zebra, la zona, zone. zooldgico, -a, zoological el zurrdn, pouch, sack. 386 VOCABULARY NUMERALS USED IN TEXT 1809, mil ochocientos y nueve. 1863, mil ochocientos sesenta y tres. 281,000, doscientos ochenta y un mil. 463,767, cuatrocientos sesenta y tres mil, setecientos sesenta y siete. 1*083,595, u n mill6n, ochenta y tres mil, quinientos noventa y cinco. 3,000,000, tres millones. 4,000,000, cuatro millones. 10,000,000, diez millones. 25,000,000, veinte y cinco millones. 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