i LIBRARY OF THE University of California. OIFT OF Class IBOOKS FOR) iBOYSAND BOOKS FOR BOYS AND GIRLS APPROVED BY THE BROOKLYN PUBLIC LIBRARY FOR USE IN ITS CHILDREN'S ROOMS PUBLISHED BY THE BR.OOKLYN PUBLIC L 1 B R. A R. Y 19 11 ^ '*3 \^4 ^ ^4? BOARD OF TRUSTEES President, David A. Boody. Vice-President, Frank L. Babbott. Secretary, George C. Brackett. Treasurer, John W. Devoy. R. Ross Appleton, William H. English, Daniel W. McWilliams, Andrew D. Baird, Theodore L. Frothingham, John Hill Morgan, Richard R. Bowker, Paul Grout, William H. Nichols, Jr., Roscoe C. E. Brown, Abner S. Haight, William D. Sargent, Simeon B. Chittenden, Nathaniel H. Levi, Daniel M. Somers, Frank Lyman, William A. White. Ex-officio Members: Hon. William J. Gaynor, Mayor, Hon. William A. Prendergast, Comptroller, Hon. Alfred E. Steers, Borough President. LIBRARIAN Frank P. Hill. ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT 26 Brevoort Place. Telephone 2400 Prospect. LIBRARIES Open on week days from 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. ; on Sundays from 2 to 6 p. m. Exceptions are noted below. Albany Heights Branch 234 Albany Avenue Astral Branch Franklin and India Streets Bay Ridge Branch Second Avenue and 73d Street Bedford Branch Franklin Avenue, opposite Hancock Street Borough Park Branch 14th Avenue and 54th Street Open on week days only from 2 to 9 p. m. Brownsville Branch Glenmore Avenue and Watkins Street BusHWiCK Branch Bushwick Avenue and Seigel Street Carroll Park Branch Clinton and Union Streets City Park Branch St. Edwards Street and Auburn Place Concord Station Concord and Jay Streets Open on week days only from 2 to 9 p. m. DeKalb Branch DeKalb and Bushwick Avenues Department of Traveling Libraries 67-69 Schermerhorn Street East Branch Arlington Avenue, between Warwick and Ashf ord Streets Flatbush Branch Linden Avenue, near Flatbush Avenue Fort Hamilton Branch Fourth Avenue and 95th Street Greenpoint Branch Norman Avenue and Leonard Street Kensington Branch 108 Ditmas Avenue Open on week days only from 2 to 9 p. m. 3 226958 Libraries— Continued Leonard Branch Devoe and Leonard Streets Library for the Blind, at the Pacific Branch, Fourth Avenue and Pacific Street Macon Branch Lewis Avenue and Macon Street Montague Branch 197 Montague Street Open on week days from 8.30 a. m. to 9 p. m. ; on Sundays from 2 to 6 p. m. Main Reference Library open on week days from 9 a. m. to 10 p. m. ; on Sundays from 2 to 6 p. m. New Utrecht Branch 86th Street and 20th Avenue Pacific Branch Fourth Avenue and Pacific Street Prospect Branch Sixth Avenue and Ninth Street RiDGEWOOD Branch 496 Knickerbocker Avenue Saratoga Branch Hopkinson Avenue and Macon Street Schermerhorn Branch 198 Livingston Street Sheepshead Bay Station 1657 Shore Road Open on Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays only from 2 to 9 p. m. South Branch Fourth Avenue and 51st Street Tompkins Park Branch Tompkins Park Williamsburgh Branch Division and Marcy Avenues WiNTHROP Branch 23 Monitor Street Open on week days only from 2 to 9 p. m. THIS list has been prepared as a guide to the branches of the Brooklyn Public Library in selecting books for the children's rooms and to answer the demand of both children and adults who desire suggestions as to what next to read or to purchase. Lists of this sort published by any large library invariably have far more than a local circulation. Because of this and the growing belief in the importance of the library's work with children, it seems desirable here to say something of the principles determining the selection of titles for this list. The children's department of the public library aims to be "a nursery of good citizenship." Every book placed on its shelves must be tested by its relation to this aim. Books which inspire to patriotism and breadth of sympathy by thrilling accounts of a nation's heroic struggles, be that nation America or China, are of direct use in this work. So is a book suggesting occupations useful and amusing that will train a child's eye, hand and brain and help to make a vigorous body. So also are the poems that sing into young hearts enthusiasir? for loyalty, courage, fidelity and purity, and which give a world of imagination, a grace of thought and vocabulary to offset the sordidness of life in the city streets. The first test we apply to any book for children is that for moral tone. By this we do not mean the story of the drunkard- reforming child saint of Sunday School library books so edifyingly contrasted with the naughty boy who goes fishing on the Sabbath and comes to a bad end; nor the golden-curled, lace-collared, polite little prig who adorns the pages of scores of "little child shall lead them stories" of the present. Not pages slashed with cutlasses reeking with gore, not hairbreadth escapes and feats of super- human daring does the children's librarian condemn, but heroes pre-eminent in lying and trickery, in smartness and swagger, in the loafer's reliance upon luck; books which subtly teach a lad to measure a man's value and success by his money-getting ability. If a book arouses in a child admiration for courage, honor, endur- ance, manliness or womanliness, faithfulness, pluck, gentleness, then that is a moral book, whether it be a story of pirates, as Treasure Island, of a schoolboy, as Tom Brown's school days, of a mythical hero, as The Story of Siegfried, of a hero of song, as Horatius, or a girls' home story, as Little Women. The problem of being of practical use to thousands of school children from every sort of home background necessitates placing some mediocre books on our shelves. Books in commonplace English are needed for children unable to read "hard words." Prosy information books must be used till better appear. There are degrees of mediocrity, however, and while admitting that this is not a list of choice books only, we believe that no title is here included that will not help somewhat toward our goal. The testimony of experts has been secured when possible in estimating technical, scientific and historical books, but the worker with children must give the deciding vote sometimes against the specialist's judgment. The student may tell us that Abbott's Hernando Cortez is inaccurate, but when a man dates an absorbing interest in Mexican history from the reading of that little book in childhood one feels that the condemnation of the specialist is not alone sufficient reason for throwing out a "juvenile." The chil- dren's librarian having daily evidence of the excellent reading courses stimulated by trifling books must keep for the child some things which the critics would scorn when she knows that these books have in them the power to kindle such interest in a subject as will lead to reading corrective of inaccuracies of information. Older people will miss stories beloved in their childhood. Many once popular books are now out of print; others are in too poor editions for hard library wear; more have been superseded by stories perhaps no better but now the fashion among children, so that the old ones have been removed from shelves too crowded to admit any but live books. The best of the old stories we are able to revive, especially as many beautiful editions are now available. These editions are noted in the Author List as well as the less expensive ones for ordinary use. The school text-book garb and style we avoid unless needed information is obtainable in no other form. In arranging the books we have again considered the children first. To a child, Alice ui Wonderland, Ulysses, TEsop, the Sieg- fried of the Nibelungenlied and of Wagner's Ring, Aladdin, and 6 the Little Jackal all are wonder stories which he expects to find side by side under the heading Fairy Tales. We have put Black Beauty with Animal Stories, and lives of artists, musicians and others with their subjects rather than under "Collective Biography." There are about 1700 titles here listed, of which 200 of the best books are indicated by a *. No out-of-print books have been included except in cases where reprints are assured. As this is a list for the average public school child of primary and grammar grades it is useless to sprinkle in titles of Scott and Dickens and label them juvenile books. Happily many boys and girls begin to read their Scott before high school days, and in our libraries, where "adult" shelves are open to children as soon as they choose to read the "adult" books, it seems wise to confine this list to stories distinctly juvenile in character. In every class represented on this list, be it nursery jingle or picture book, myth or model aeroplanes, football or pirate story, on the search for the Pole or on collecting butterflies, there will be found something to inform, to entertain, to inspire, to broaden, to refine, in short something to furnish the minds and hearts of the city's children so as to make of them more wholesome, sturdy, honorable citizens. CONTENTS Classed List g Fiction p Picture Books * 27 Ethics 28 Bible Stories 29 Fairy Tales and Legends 29 Heroes of Greece and Rome 33 Heroes of the North 33 King Arthur Stories 34 Other Legendary Heroes 34 Science 35 General 35 Astronomy 36 Electricity 36 Botany, Garden-making 36 Animals 36 Useful and Fine Arts 38 Practical Science and Industries 38 Physiology and Hygiene 39 Occupations and Amusements 39 House-keeping 40 Dialogues and Plays 40 Music and Painting 41 Literature 41 Travel and Description 44 General 44 America 45 Europe : General and Northern Countries 45 British Isles 46 Central and Southern Europe 46 Oriental Countries : General 46 Asia ! 47 Africa 47 History 47 General 47 Ancient 48 England 49 France 49 Other Countries 50 United States 50 General 50 Early Periods 51 Revolution to the Civil War 52 Civil War to the Present 52 States and Sections 53 City and National Government 53 Biography 53 Reference Books 56 General 56 Science 56 Useful and Fine Arts 57 Literature 57 Geography 58 History 58 Author List 60 Aanrud Abbot, A. B. Abbott, Jacob Adams Aiken Alcott CLASSED LIST FICTION Lisbeth Longfrock * A Frigate's namesake Franconia stories; Malleville Wallace Mary ^rskine Mao' ^ell Beechnut Rodolphus Ellen Linn Stuyvesant Caroline Agnes Rollo books: Rollo learning to talk Rollo learning to read Rollo at work Rollo at play Rollo at school Rollo's vacation Days of chivalry Eyes and no eyes and other stories Cupid and Chow Chow Eight cousins; or, The aunt-hill Garland for girls Jack and Jill; a village story Jimmy's cruise in the Pinafore Jo's boys and how they turned out Sequel to Little men Little men; life at Plumfield with Jo's boys ♦ Sequel to Little women Little women; or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy * Lulu's library 3 v. My boys My girls Old-fashioned girl * Old-fashioned Thanksgiving Proverb stories Rose in bloom Sequel to Eight cousins Silver pitchers; and Independence, a centennial love story Alcott Spinning-wheel stories Under the lilacs Alden Cruise of the Canoe Club Cruise of the Ghost Moral pirates; or, The cruise of the Whitewing New Robinson Crusoe Aldrich Story of a bad boy * Allen Navy blue; a story of cadet life in the United States Naval Academy at Annapolis Cleared for action; a story of the Spanish- American war of 1898 Sequel to Navy blue Altsheler Horsemen of the plains ; a story of the Great Cheyenne war Young trailers series: Young trailers; a story of early Kentucky * Forest runners; a story of the great war trail in early Kentucky Free rangers; a story of early days along the Missis- sippi Amicis Cuore; an Italian schoolboy's journal * Arnim April baby's book of tunes Baker Court jester Queen's page Baldwin Popular girl; a tale of school life in Germany Barbour Behind the line Captain of the crew The Crimson sweater For the honor of the school The Half-back Kingsford, quarter On your mark The Spirit of the school Weatherby's inning * Barnes The Blockaders and other stories Commodore Bainbridge Hero of Erie (Oliver Hazard Perry) Midshipman Farragut Son of Lighthorse Harry (Robert E. Lee) With the flag in the channel ; or, The adventures of Captain Gustavus Conyngham Yankee ships and Yankee sailors; tales of 1812 Barton Prairie schooner; a story of the Black Hawk War Baylor A Georgian bungalow Juan and Juanita 10 Bennett Black Bland Blatchford Boyesen Brady Brooks, E. S. Brooks, E. S. Brooks, Noah Brown, A. F. Brown, H. D. Brown, K. L. Brush Barnaby Lee Master Skylark; a story of Shakespeare's time * Four MacNicols ; and An adventure in Thule The Railway children Story of little Jane and me Against heavy odds; a tale of Norse heroism Boyhood in Norway; stories of boy life in the land of the midnight sun Modern Vikings; stories of life and sport in the Norse- land Norseland tales Midshipman in the Pacific, his adventures on whaler, trader and frigate On the old Kearsarge Reuben James, a hero of the forecastle A Boy of the First Empire In blue and white; the adventures and misadventures of Humphrey Vandyne, trooper in Washington's life-guard In Leisler's times; an historical story of Knickerbocker New York Master of the Strong Hearts; a story of Custer's last rally Son of the Revolution, being the story of young Tom Edwards... in the days of Burr's conspiracy and Alden The Long walls; an American boy's adventures in Greece Boy emigrants * Boy settlers; a story of early times in Kansas Boys of Fairport Lem, a New England village boy Brothers and sisters The Christmas angel Friends and cousins John of the woods The Lonesomest doll Book of little boys Her sixteenth year Sequel to Little Miss Phoebe Gay Little Miss Phoebe Gay Two college girls * Alice and Tom Paul and Persis ; Mohawk Valley The Scarlet patch ; Valley or, The Revolutionary struggle in the the story of a patriot boy in the Mohawk II Bullen Burnett Burnham Butterworth Bynner Camp Canavan Canfield Carruth Catherwood Clark Clemens Coffin Comstock Coryell Cotes Crichton . Daulton Davis, M. E. Davis, R. B. Davis, R. H. Day Debenham Defoe Deland Diaz Call of the deep, being some further adventures of Frank Brown Frank Brown, sea apprentice Son of the sea Little Lord Fauntleroy Fussbudget's folks Pilot of the Mayflower The Chase of the Meteor and other stories The Substitute; a football story Ben Comee; a tale of Rogers' rangers Boys of the Rincon ranch Voyage of the Rattletrap Rocky Fork * Boy life in the United States navy Joe Bentley, naval cadet Sequel to Boy life in the United States navy The Prince and the pauper * Winning his way The Queen's hostage Diccon the bold; a story of the days of Columbus Diego Pinzon and the fearful voyage he took into the unknown ocean, A. D. 1492 Story of Sonny Sahib Peep-in-the-world ♦ From Sioux to Susan M. Moons of Balbanca (H.) Kent Hampden Stories for boys The Eagle badge; or, The Skokums of the Allagash The Rainy Day Railroad war Fairmeadows Farm St. Helen's Well Sowing and harvesting Robinson Crusoe * Alan Ransford Sequel to Oakleigh Katrina Malvern Oakleigh Successful venture Polly Cologne William Henry and his friends Sequel to The William Henry letters The William Henry letters 12 Dix A Little captive lad Merrylips * Soldier Rigdale; how he sailed in the Mayflower and how he served Miles Standish Dodge Baby days Donald and Dorothy Hans Brinker; or, The s"Iher skates, a story of life in Holland * Land of pluck New baby world Crib and Fly; a tale of two terriers Cattle ranch to college Monkey that would not kill Elinor Arden, royalist Lass of the Silver Sword League of the Signet Ring Sequel to Lass of the Silver Sword Adventures of Billy Topsail * Billy Topsail and Company The Flag on the hill top Early lessons Parent's assistant Tales * Waste not, want not and other stories Edward Hoosier school-boy G. C. Bale marked circle X, a blockade running adventure Big brother series: Big brother; a story of Indian war Captain Sam; or, The boy scouts of 1814 Signal boys; or. Captain Sam's company Camp Venture; a story of the Virginia mountains Jack Shelby Last of the flat-boats; a story of the Mississippi Long knives ; the story of how they won the west Running the river The Wreck of the Red Bird; a story of the Carolina coast Ellis Wide Awake girls series: Wide Awake girls Wide Awake girls in Winsted ♦ Wide Awake girls at college Ewing Brothers of pity The Brownies Daddy Darwin's dovecote; Melchior's dream Flat iron for a farthing Dole Doubleday Drummond Du Bois Duncan Earle Edgeworth Eggleston, Eggleston, 13 Ewing Great emergency and other tales Jackanapes; Daddy Darwin's dovecote life * Jan of the windmill Lob-lie-by-the-fire Mary's meadow Mrs. Overtheway's remembrances Six to sixteen * We and the world Farrar St. Winifred's Finnemore Story of a scout Two boys in war time The Wolf patrol Foote Little fig-tree stories Frazar Perseverance Island French, Alice We all French, Allen Junior cup Pelham and his friend Tim French, H.W. Lance of Kanana; a story of Arabia * Story of a short Friedrich-Friedrich An Obstinate maid Fuller Garland Gates Gatty Gilliat Gilman Gladden Gladwin, Goldsmith Goss Gould Goulding The Alley cat's kitten Flight of Puss Pandora Sequel to The Alley cat's kitten Boy life on the prairie Little girl blue Parables from nature Forest outlaws ; or. Saint Hugh and the king God save King Alfred In Lincoln green; a merrie tale of Robin Hood Wolf's head; a story of the prince of outlaws Son of the desert Santa Claus on a lark and other Christmas stories W. Z. pseud. Maggie McLanehan Widow O'Callaghan's boys Goody Two Shoes Jack Alden Jed; a boy's adventures in the army of '6i-'65 Tom Clifton; or, Western boys in Grant and Sherman's army Felicia stories: Felicia * Felicia's friends Felicia visits Young marooners of the Florida coast 14 Grant Greene Grinnell Jack Hall; or, The school days of an American boy Jack in the bush; or, A summer on a salmon river Sequel to Jack Hall A Lincoln conscript Jack the young ranchman series: Jack the young ranchman Jack among the Indians Jack in the Rockies Jack the yoimg canoeman Jack the young trapper Jack the young explorer Schoolboy days in France Schoolboy days in Italy Schoolboy days in Russia Overall boys Sunbonnet babies' book Lock-a-doodle Hill Sequel to The Luck of the Dudley Grahams The Luck of the Dudley Grahams Man without a country Peterkin papers * Last of the Peterkins Boys of Scrooby Golden arrow; a story of Roger Williams' day In the brave days of old; a story of adventure in the time of King James the first Dale and Fraser, sheepmen; a story of Colorado sheep- raising The Trail of the Badger; a story of the Colorado border Things will take a turn On the plantation; a story of a Georgia boy's adventures during the war Harrison, Elizabeth In story land Harrison, M. St. L. (K) Little Peter; a Christmas morality Grousset Grover Haines Hale, E. E. Hale, L. P. Hall Hamp Harraden Harris Henty Bonnie Prince Charlie; a tale of Fontenoy and Culloden Cat of Bubastes; a tale of ancient Egypt Condemned as a Nihilist; a story of escape from Siberia The Dragon and the raven; or, The days of King Alfred For the temple; a tale of the fall of Jerusalem St. Bartholomew's eve; a tale of the Huguenot wars True to the old flag; a tale of the American War of inde- pendence When London burned; a story of Restoration times and the great fire 15 Henty Wulf the Saxon ; a story of the Norman conquest Hill My wonderful visit Hopkins The Airship Dragonfly The Sandman, his farm stories The Sandman, his sea stories The Sandman, his ship stories The Sandman, more farm stories Howard No heroes Howells A Boy's town The Howells story book Hughes Tom Brown at Oxford Sequel to Tom Brown's school days Tom Brown's school days * (Same book published under title School days at Rugby "^ Huntington, H. S. pseud. His Majesty's sloop Diamond Rock ♦ Hurd and Wilson When she came home from college Ingelow Ingersoll Inman Irwin Jackson Jamison Jeanrenaud Jenks Jewett, J. H. Jewett, S. O. Johnson, E. R. Johnson, H. S. Johnston Kaler Stories told to a child The Ice queen Wulnoth the wanderer; a story of King Alfred * The Secret of old Thunderhead Bits of talk in verse and prose for young folks Cat stories Nelly's silver mine; a true story of Colorado life * Pansy Billings and Popsy Toinette's Philip Duke of Brittany Childhood of Ji-Shib the Ojibwa Bunny stories More Bunny stories Betty Leicester * Betty Leicester's Christmas Play days The End of a rainbow Hero of Manila; Dewey on the Mississippi and the Pacific Little classics; childhood Phaeton Rogers Williams of West Point Little Colonel at boarding school Little Colonel in Arizona Amateur fireman At the siege of Quebec Boys of Fort Schuyler The Charming Sally, privateer schooner of New York; a tale of 1765 16 Keary Kellogg Kaler The Life savers; a story of the United States life saving station The Light keepers ; a story of the United States light-house service The Lobster catchers; a story of the coast of Maine Mr. Stubbs' brother Sequel to Toby Tyler Princess and Joe Potter Teddy and Carrots Toby Tyler; or, Ten weeks with a circus With Lafayette at Yorktown With Perry on Lake Erie With Warren at Bunker Hill A York and a Lancaster Rose * Elm Island stories: Lion Ben Charlie Bell Ark of Elm Island Boy farmers Young shipbuilders Hard-scrabble Cadet days; a story of West Point To the front Sequel to Cadet days Captains courageous ; a story of the Grand Banks ♦ Puck of Pook's Hill Rewards and fairies Sequel to Puck of Pook's Hill Dorothy and her friends Sequel to Dorothy Deane Dorothy Deane The Home-comers * The Boy and the baron A Lovable crank Sequel to We ten We ten Story of a cat * Middle five; Indian boys at school Mrs. Leicester's school La Motte Fouque Sintram. ..Undine * La Rame Bimbi A Dog of Flanders Moufflou The Niirnberg stove * King Kipling Kirk Kirkland Knapp Krause La Bedolliere La Flesche Lamb 17 Lee Leighton Lillie Lincoln London Lothrop Longhead Lucas Lummis Mabie Madden Major Mann Marryat Martineau Martineau des Chesnez Matthews May Mighels Miller Mitchell Molesworth Redmond of the Seventh Olaf the glorious; a historical story of the Viking age Pilots of Pomona; a story of the Orkney Islands Household of Glen Holly Nan Rolf House Sequel to Nan Marjorie's quest Cruise of the Dazzler Five little Peppers series : Five little Peppers and how they grew Five little Peppers midway Five little Peppers grown up Phronsie Pepper The Abandoned claim * Anne's terrible good nature Forgotten tales of long ago Old-fashioned tales Runaways and castaways The Slow coach A New Mexico David and other stories... of the Southwest Famous stories every child should know Two royal foes The Little king; a story of the childhood of Louis XIV Uncle Tom Andy Bill Lady dear Children of the New Forest Masterman Ready ; or, The wreck of the Pacific Crofton boys Feats on the fiord; a tale of Norway The Peasant and the prince The Playfellow Settlers at home Lady Green-Satin and her maid Rosette; or, The history of Jean Paul and his little white mice ♦ Tom Paulding; the story of a search for buried treasure in the streets of New York So-Fat and Mew-Mew Sunnyside Tad Kristy's queer Christmas A Venture in 1777 Carrots, just a little boy Carved lions Children's hour 18 Molesworth A Christmas child Christmas-tree land; and A Christmas posy- Cuckoo clock; and The tapestry room The February boys Four Winds Farm The Girls and I Grandmother dear Little Miss Peggy Mary My new home Nurse Heatherdale's story The Rectory children Rosy Tell me a story Two little waifs "Us" Anne of Green Gables * Donkey John of the toy valley * Chilhowee boys More bed time stories New bed time stories Stories told at twilight At war with Pontiac Big cypress; the story of an Everglade homestead Campmates; a story of the plains Canoemates; a story of the Florida reef and Everglades Derrick Sterling; a story of the mines Dorymates; a tale of the fishing banks Flamingo feather For the Mikado; or, A Japanese middy in action The Fur seal's tooth; a story of Alaskan adventure The Painted desert; a story of northern Arizona Raftmates; a story of the great river Ready Rangers Snow shoes and sledges Sequel to The Fur seal's tooth Through swamp and glade; a tale of the Seminole War Wakulla; a story of adventure in Florida White conquerors; a tale of Toltec and Aztec Murai Kibun Daizin; or, From shark boy to merchant prince Murfree The Champion Down the ravine Story of Keedon Bluffs Young mountaineers Montgomery Morley Morrison Moulton Munroe 19 Nash Polly's secret; a story of the Kennebec Noble The Professor's girls Tarryport school girls Norton Fighting for the flag series: Jack Benson's log Medal of honor man Midshipman Jack Oliphant Agnes Hopetoun's schools and holidays Oxley Fife and drum at Louisburg Packard The Young ice-whalers * Page Among the camps. . .stories of the war Two little confederates Paine, A. B. The Arkansaw bear Paine, R. D. The Head coach Pendleton King Tom and the runaways; the story of what befell two boys in a Georgia swamp * Perry Flock of girls and boys Hope Benham Three little daughters of the Revolution Pier Boys of St. Timothy's Crashaw brothers Harding of St. Timothy's The New boy; a story of St. Timothy's Pierson Three little Millers series : Three little Millers The Millers at Pencroft The Millers and their playmates The Millers and their new home Potter The Pie and the patty-pan Roly-poly pudding Tailor of Gloucester , Poulsson Child stories and rhymes Through the farmyard gate Pratt Rhoda Thornton's girlhood Pyle, Howard Men of iron ♦ Otto of the silver hand * Story of Jack Ballister's fortunes Pyle Katharine Nancy Rutledge Pyle, Katharine and Portor Theodora Quirk Baby Elton, quarterback Rankin Adopting of Rosa Marie Sequel to Dandelion cottage Dandelion cottage 20 Rankin Girls of Gardenville Raspe Tales from the travels of Baron Miinchausen Ray Teddy, her book Rendel The King's cockade Richards, L. E. (H.) Hildegarde series: Queen Hildegarde Hildegarde's holiday Hildegarde's home Hildegarde's neighbors Hildegarde's harvest Joyous story of Toto The Merryweathers Peggy Quicksilver Sue Three Margarets Toto's merry winter Sequel to Joyous story of Toto Richards, Rosalind Two children in the woods Roe Driven back to Eden Sabin Beaufort chums Sage Little colonial dame ; a story of old Manhattan Island St. Nicholas Christmas book Stories of chivalry Schmid Easter eggs Schmidt Herman and Thusnelda William Tell Schwartz Beatrice Leigh at college Elinor's college career Scudder Bodley books : Doings of the Bodley family The Bodleys telling stories The Bodleys on wheels The Bodleys afoot Mr. Bodley abroad The Bodley grandchildren The English Bodley family The Viking Bodleys Seaman Jacqueline of the carrier pigeons Seawell Decatur and Somers * Imprisoned midshipmen Little Jarvis Lively adventures of Gavin Hamilton Midshipman Paulding Quarterdeck and fok'sle 21 Seawell Rock of the lion Through thick and thin; and The midshipmen's mess A Virginia cavalier (Washington) Segur Sophie Story of a donkey Shaw Castle Blair * Hector Phyllis Browne A Sea change Sherwood Fairchild family * Singmaster When Sarah saved the day * When Sarah went to school Sequel to When Sarah saved the day Smith, Gertrude Arabella and Araminta stories Little Precious Lovable tales of Janey and Josey and Joe Roggie and Reggie stories Stories of Peter and Ellen Smith, M. P. (W.) The Browns . Four on a farm Jolly good times series: Jolly good times * Jolly good times at school * Jolly good times at Hackmatack More good times at Hackmatack Jolly good times to-day Jolly good summer Old Deerfield series: Boy captive of old Deerfield Boy captive in Canada Boys of the border Boys and girls of '77 Their canoe trip * Young Puritans' series: Young Puritans of Old Hadley Young Puritans in King Philip's War Young Puritans in captivity Young and old Puritans of Hatfield Smith, N. A. Adventures of a doll Nelson the adventurer Three little Marys Under the cactus flag; a story of life in Mexico Snedden Docas the Indian boy of Santa Clara Spyri Heidi * 22 Spyri Stanley Stedman Stein Stevenson, B. Stevenson, R. Stockton Stoddard Stowe Strang Stuart Moni the goat boy and other stories Rico and Wiseli My Kalulu Story of Hereward the champion of England * Gabriel and the hour book * Little shepherd of Provence Troubadour tales E. Tommy Remington's battle L. B. Kidnapped Treasure Island Captain Chap Clocks of Rondaine Jolly fellowship Round-about rambles Story of Viteau Tales out of school What might have been expected Battle of New York Chris the model maker Chumley's Post; a story of the Pawnee trail Crowded out o' Crofield Dab Kinzer Gid Granger Guert Ten Eyck Little Smoke; a tale of the Sioux The Noank's log; a privateer of the Revolution Sequel to Guert Ten Eyck On the old frontier; or, The last raid of the Iroquois The Quartet Sequel to Dab Kinzer Red mustang; a story of the Mexican border Red patriot; a story of the American Revolution Saltillo boys Talking leaves; an Indian story Two arrows The White cave Winter fun With the Black Prince Stories and sketches for the young Fighting on the Congo Rob the ranger; a story of the fight for Canada George Washington Jones Solomon Crow's Christmas pockets Story of Babette ^3 Taggart Tappan Thompson Thomson Tomlinson Daughters of the little grey house Sequel to The Little grey house The Doctor's little girl The Little grey house Miss Lochinvar Miss Lochinvar's return Sequel to Miss Lochinvar Nut-brown Joan Six girls and Bob Six girls and the tea room Sweet Nancy; or, More about the doctor's little girl Modern stories Old-fashioned stories and poems Out-of-door book Stories from seven old favorites Gold seeking on the Dalton trail ... adventures of two New England boys in Alaska and the Northwest territory The Young boss Boys of old Monmouth Campfire of Mad Anthony Mad Anthony's young scout Sequel to Campfire of Mad Anthony In the hands of the redcoats; a tale of the Jersey Ship and the Jersey shore in the days of the Revolution A Jersey boy in the Revolution Lieutenant under Washington; a tale of the Brandywine and Germantown Marching against the Iroquois The Red chief ; a story of the massacre of Cherry Valley Rider of the black horse; a story of the American Revolu- tion Under colonial colors ; a tale of Arnold's expedition in 1775 War of 1812 series: Search for Andrew Field Boy soldiers of 1812 Boy officers of 1812 Tecumseh's young braves Guarding the border Boys with old Hickory War of the Revolution series: Three colonial boys Three young continentals Washington's young aids Two young patriots 24 Tomlinson With flintlock and fife Trowbridge, J. T. Drummer boy His one fault His own master Jolly rover Lawrence's adventures Little master Lottery ticket Pocket-rifle Satinwood box Start in life Two Biddicut boys Young surveyor Trowbridge, John Story of a wireless telegraph boy True The Iron star and what it saw on its journey through the ages from myth to history Shoulder arms Stuart Schuyler stories: Scouting for Washington * Morgan's men On guard against Tory and Tarleton Turley Godfrey Marten, schoolboy Maitland, Major and Minor Vachell The Hill (a story of Harrow School) * Vaile The M. M. C; a story of the Great Rockies The Orcutt girls * Sue Orcutt * Sequel to The Orcutt girls Wheat and huckleberries Vandegrift, Margaret, pseud. Little helpers Wallace Ungava Bob Waller Daughter of the rich * Ward, E. S. (P.) Donald Marcy Gypsy series: Gypsy Breynton Gypsy's cousin Joy Gypsy's sowing and reaping Gypsy's year at the Golden Crescent Ward, H. D. Captain of the Kittiewink New senior at Andover * Ward, M. A. (A.) Milly and Oily Warner Being a boy Weikel Betty Baird's golden year Welsh Neddy, the autobiography of a donkey 25 Wesselhoeft Wharton White, E. O. White, S. E. Whitney Whitson Wiggin Flipwing the spy Frowzle the runaway Jack the fire dog Jerry the blunderer Sparrow the tramp Torpeanuts the tomboy A Last century maid A Borrowed sister Sequel to An Only child Brothers in fur Ednah and her brothers Little girl of long ago An Only child When Molly was six The Magic forest Boys at Chequasset Faith Gartney's girlhood Hitherto Summer in Leslie Goldthwaite's life We girls Courier of empire; a story of Marcus Whitman's ride to save Oregon With Fremont the pathfinder Birds* Christmas Carol Half-a-dozen housekeepers Polly Oliver's problem Sequel to A Summer in a cation Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm * A Summer in a canon; a California story Timothy's quest Wiggin and Smith Story hour Wilkins Pot of gold Young Lucretia Williams Adventures of a freshma Woolsey Barberry bush Cross patch Eyebright Guernsey Lily Just sixteen Mischief's Thanksgiving New Year's bargain Nine little goslings Not quite eighteen Round dozen 26 Woolsey The Katy books : What Katy did What Katy did at school What Katy did next Clover In the High Valley Wyss Swiss family Robinson * Yonge The Armourer's prentices The Chaplet of pearls The, Daisy chain Lances of Lynwood The Little duke, Richard the Fearless * The Prince and the page; a story of the last crusade Stray pearls Sequel to The Chaplet of pearls Young, E. R. Battle of the bears Young, Gerald Chunk, Fusky and Snout; a story of wild pigs PICTURE BOOKS Adelborg Clean Peter and the children of Grubbylea Bonn Hausmiitterchen, illus. by Oscar Pletsch Boutet de Monvel La Civilite Joan of Arc * Brooke The Golden goose ; and The story of the three bears Johnny Crow's garden * Johnny Crow's party Three little pigs ; and Tom Thumb * Caldecott Hey-diddle-diddle picture book * Panjandrum picture book Picture book Picture book No. 2 * Crane Baby's bouquet Baby's opera Baby's own JEsop * Beauty and the beast picture book Blue Beard's picture book Buckle my shoe picture book Cinderella's picture book Goody Two Shoes' picture book Mother Hubbard's picture book Pan pipes * Red Riding Hood's picture book This little pig's picture book 27 Deming Indian child life Red folk and wild folk Filles et gargons, illus. by Boutet de Monvel Nos enfants, illus. by Boutet de Monvel Cheerful cats The Muffin shop, illus. by Hope Dunlap Happy Heart family A Apple pie Marigold garden * Mother Goose Under the window * L'lllustre dompteur, illus. by Vimar Complete version of Ye three blind mice, illus. by Walter Corbould Fables, illus. by Boutet de Monvel * Lefler and Urban Kling klang gloria Lohmeyer Was willst du werden, illus. by Oscar Pletsch Lohmeyer and Oldenberg Der Alte bekannte, illus. by Oscar Pletsch Lucas and Bedford Four and twenty toilers * France Francis Garnett Gerson Greenaway Guigou Ivimey La Fontaine Potter Smith Weckeriin Widor Tale of Benjamin Bunny * Tale of Jemima Puddleduck Tale of Mr. Jeremy Fisher Tale of Mrs. Tiggywinkle Tale of Peter Rabbit * Tale of Squirrel Nutkin Tale of the Flopsy Bunnies Tale of Tom Kitten Tale of two bad mice The Chicken world The Farm book * Santa Claus and all about him Story of Pocahontas and Captain John Smith Chansons de France, illus. by Boutet de Monvel Vieilles chansons pour les petits enfants, illus. by Boutet de Monvel ETHICS Carruth Letters to American boys Dewey Lessons on manners Everett Ethics for young people Garrison Parables for school and home Hale How to do it Marden Making of a man 28 Ryder Hold up your heads, girls Wagner On life's threshold Wallace Letters to the farm boy BIBLE STORIES Beale Stories from the Old Testament ♦ Bible for young people Bunyan Pilgrim's progress * Chisholm Old Testament stories Foster Story of the Bible Gillie Story of stories * Hodges The Garden of Eden When the King came Kelman Stories from the life of Christ Moulton Bible stories, New Testament * Bible stories, Old Testament * Tappan The Christ story An Old, old story book FAIR.Y TALES AND LEGENDS ^sop Baby's own ^Esop, illus. by Crane * Book of fables, chosen by Scudder Fables, selected by Jacobs Hundred fables, illus. by Billinghurst ♦ Why the chimes rang Fairy tales * Alden Andersen Arabian nights Aspinwall Aulnoy Baldwin Bedford Bidpai Bland Branch Brooke Brown, A. F. Echo-maid Short stories for short people Old-fashioned fairy tales Fairy stories and fables Horse fair Wonder book of horses Night of wonders The Tortoise and the geese and other fables, retold by Button The Enchanted castle Kanter girls The Golden goose; and The story of the three bears * The House in the wood and other old fairy tales Three little pigs; and Tom Thumb * Book of saints and friendly beasts Curious book of birds 29 Brown, A. F. Flower princess Star jewels Brown, A. F. and Bell Tales of the red children Browne, Frances The Wonderful chair Burnett Cozy lion Carry! Admiral's caravan Davy and the goblin Chandler In the reign of Coyote; folklore from the Pacific coast Chenoweth Stories of the saints Coe First book of stories for the story-teller Compton American Indian fairy tales Corkran Adventures of Mrs. Wishing-to-be Craik Adventures of a brownie Little lame prince * Crane Beauty and the beast picture book Blue Beard's picture book Buckle my shoe picture book Cinderella's picture book Goody Two Shoes' picture book Mother Hubbard's picture book Red Riding Hood's picture book This little pig's picture book Crothers Miss Muffet's Christmas party Cruikshank Cruikshank fairy book Darton Merry tales of the wise men of Gotham * Wonder book of beasts De Morgan The Necklace of Princess Fiorimonde Diaz Cats* Arabian nights Dodgson Alice's adventures in Wonderland * Through the looking glass and what Alice found there Dole Russian fairy book Eastman Wigwam evenings Ewing Old-fashioned fairy tales Fairy tales old and new French Sir Marrok; a tale of the days of King Arthur * Frere Old Deccan days Graves Irish fairy book Grierson Children's book of Celtic stories Scottish fairy book Grimm Fairy tales ♦ Grover Folk lore readers, v. i Harris Aaron in the wildwoods Daddy Jake the runaway Little Mr. Thimblefinger and his queer country 30 Harris Mr. Rabbit at home Nights with Uncle Remus Plantation pageants Story of Aaron Told by Uncle Remus Uncle Remus and the little boy Uncle Remus; his songs and his sayings * Wally Wanderoon and his story-telling machine Hays Princess Idleways Holbrook Book of nature myths Round the year in myth and song Houghton Russian grandmother's wonder stories Howells Christmas every day * Ingelow Mopsa the fairy Three fairy tales Jacobs Book of wonder voyages Celtic fairy tales English fairy tales Indian fairy tales More Celtic fairy tales More English fairy tales Johonnot Grandfather's stories Judd Wigwam stories Kingsley Water babies * Kipling Jungle book * Just so stories Second jungle book * Laboulaye Last fairy tales La Fontaine Fables, illus. by Boutet de Monvel * Hundred fables, illus. by Billinghurst * I-agerl6f Wonderful adventures of Nils * Lang Blue fairy book Cinderella Green fairy book History of Whittington Jack the giant-killer Little Red Riding Hood Princess on the glass hill Red fairy book Sleeping beauty in the wood Yellow fairy book Lansing Fairy tales 2 v. Lorenzini Adventures of Pinocchio * Lummis Pueblo Indian folk stories 31 Mabie Fairy tales every child should know Legends every child should know MacDonald At the back of the North Wind * The Light princess The Princess and Curdie Sequel to The Princess and the goblin The Princess and the goblin Mace Fairy book Molesworth Fairies — of sorts Musset Mr. Wind and Madam Rain Naomi, Aunt, pseud. Jewish fairy tales Ortoli Evening tales O'Shea Old world wonder stories Six nursery classics Perrault Tales of Mother Goose Putnam The Little gingerbread man Pyle, Howard Garden behind the moon * Pepper and salt Twilight land Wonder clock * Pyle, Katharine As the goose flies The Christmas angel The Counterpane fairy Where the wind blows Rabelais Three good giants Rhys Fairy gold Roberts Red feathers Ruskin King of the Golden River * Scudder Book of folk stories Book of legends Children's book * Fables and folk stories Stearns Chris and the wonderful lamp Sinbad, Smith & Co. Steel Tales of the Punjab Stockton Fanciful tales * Floating prince Ting-a-ling tales Tappan Folk stories and fables Golden goose and other fairy tales Myths from many lands Stories from the classics Thackeray The Rose and the ring * Thomas Welsh fairy book Tileston Children's treasure trove of pearls Underbill Dwarf's tailor Welsh Fairy tales children love Stories children love Wiggin and Smith Fairy ring Magic casements Tales of laughter Tales of wonder Wilde Happy prince Wiltse Folk lore stories and proverbs Young Algonquin Indian tales HEROES OF GRESCE: AND ROME Baldwin Old Greek stories Story of the golden age Brooks Story of the ^neid Story of the Iliad Story of the Odyssey Burt and Ragozin Herakles, the hero of Thebes Odysseus, the hero of Ithaca Carpenter Long ago in Greece Church ^neid for boys and girls Iliad for boys and girls Odyssey for boys and girls Stories from Homer Fran«ilIon Gods and heroes Hawthorne Tanglewood tales * Wonder book * Hutchinson Golden porch ; a book of Greek fairy tales Kingsley The Heroes ; or, Greek fairy tales * Kupfer Legends of Greece and Rome Lamb Adventures of Ulysses * Lang Tales of Troy and Greece Mabie Myths every child should know Marvin Adventures of Odysseus Peabody Old Greek stories Perry Boy's Iliad Zimmem Old tales from Rome HEROES OF THE NORTH Baldwin Story of Siegfried * Barber Wagner opera stories Brown In the days of giants Buxton Stories of Norse heroes S3 Chapin Story of the Rhinegold * Wonder tales from Wagner French Heroes of Iceland Story of Grettir the strong Story of Rolf and the viking's bow Frost Wagner story book Holbrook Northland heroes Keary Heroes of Asgard Mabie Norse stories retold from the Eddas McSpadden Stories from Wagner Maud Wagner's heroes Wagner's heroines Ragozin Siegfried, the hero of the north; and Beowulf, the hero of the Anglo-Saxons Zimmern Gods and heroes of the north KING ARTHUR. STORIES Clay Stories of King Arthur and the Round Table Farrington Tales of King Arthur Frost Court of King Arthur Knights of the Round Table Mabinogion Knightly legends of Wales; or. The boy's Mabinogion, ed by Lanier Macleod Book of King Arthur and his noble knights Malory Boy's King Arthur, ed. by Lanier * Pyle Story of King Arthur and his knights * Sterling Andrewes Baldwin Church Crommelin Darton Firdausi Krout Lang Story of Sir Launcelot and his companions * Story of the champions of the Round Table * Story of the grail and the passing of Arthur * Story of Sir Galahad OTHER. LEGENDARY HEROES Story of Bayard Hero tales told in school Story of Roland Heroes of chivalry and romance Stories of Charlemagne Famous legends Wonder book of old romance Story of Rustem and other Persian fairy tales, by Ren- ninfer Stories of Persian heroes, by Wilmot-Buxton Bold Robin and his forest rangers Book of romance 34 Lang Perkins Pyle Ragozin Steele Tappan Andrews Boys Buckley Qodd Darwin Frye Gaye Gould Hardy Harrington Herrick Holden Hooker Ingersoll Jenks Kelley Kingsley Kirby Murche Parker and Pliny Rogers Speed Thompson Tidy Troeger Wallace Wright, H. Wright, J. Red romance book Robin Hood Merry adventures of Robin Hood * Some merry adventures of Robin Hood Frithjof, the viking of Norway; and Roland, the paladin of France Story of Alexander Robin Hood, his book Stories of legendary heroes SCIENCE GENERAL Stories Mother Nature told Soap bubbles and the forces which mould them Eyes and no eyes Fairyland of science Short history of natural science Childhood of the world What Mr. Darwin saw in his voyage round the world in the ship Beagle Brooks and brook basins The Great world's farm Mother Nature's children Sea stories for wonder eyes * About the weather The Earth in past ages Real things in nature Child's book of nature Book of the ocean * Chemistry for young folks Boy mineral collectors Madam How and Lady Why The Sea and its wonders Science readers 6 v. Helm Uncle Robert's geography 4 v. Boys' and girls' Pliny, ed. by White Earth and sky every child should know Jack and Nell in field and forest Water wonders every child should know Story of a tinder box Nature-study readers 5 v. Wonderful century reader C. Children's stories of the great scientists (M.) Seaside and wayside 4 v. 35 ASTRONOMY Ball Star-land Champlin Young folks' astronomy Giberne Sun, moon and stars Holden Earth and sky Mitton Children's book of stars * Proctor, Mary Stories of star-land Proctor, R, A. Lessons in elementary astronomy ELECTRICITY Adams Harper's electricity book for boys Meadowcroft Scholar's A B C of electricity Mundell Story of Edison and the wonders of electricity Munro Story of electricity Onken and Baker Harper's How to understand electrical work St. John How two boys made their own electrical apparatus Study of elementary electricity and magnetism Things a boy should know about electricity Sloane Electric toy making for amateurs BOTANY. GARDEN-MAKING Duncan Mary's garden and how it grew * When mother lets us garden * Dunham Fifty flower friends with familiar faces Fultz The Fly-aways and other seed travellers Gray How plants behave Hale Little flower people Higgins Little gardens for boys and girls Lounsberry Garden book for young people Wild flower book for young people Morley Flowers and their friends Little wanderers Seed babies Newell Outlines of lessons in botany 2 v. Reader in botany 2 v. Parsons Plants and their children Rogers Trees that every child should know Roth First book of forestry Stack Wild flowers every child should know ANIMALS Bam ford Look-about club My land and water friends Second year of the Look-about club Bam ford Talks by queer folks Up and down the brooks Beard Curious homes and their tenants Bertelli The Prince and his ants * Billinghurst Hundred anecdotes of animals * Breck Wilderness pets at Camp Buckshaw Burba Our bird friends Burroughs Birds and bees Squirrels and other fur bearers Carrington Animals' ways and claims Wonderful tools Cheney Feathers, furs and fins Cragin Our insect friends and foes Eckstorm Woodpeckers Eddy Friends and helpers Eraser Mooswa and others of the boundaries The Outcasts Sa'-Zada tales Furneaux Out-door world Hook Little people and their homes Ingersoll Wild neighbors Johoniiot Natural history series: Book of cats and dogs Friends in feathers and fur Neighbors with wings and fins Neighbors with claws and hoofs Some curious flyers, creepers and swimmers Kearton Our bird friends Kellogg Insect stories Lang Animal story book Red book of animal stories Long Ways of wood folk Wilderness ways Merriam Birds through an opera glass Miller First book of birds Little folks in feathers and fur Queer pets at Marcy's Second book of birds Monteith Familiar animals and their wild kindred Morley Bee people Butterflies and bees Insect folk Little Mitchell; the story of a mountain squirrel Noel Buz, or, The life and adventures of a honey bee 37 Patterson The Spinner family * Pierson Among the farmyard people Among the forest people Among the meadow people Among the night people Among the pond people Dooryard stories Tales of a poultry farm Richards Four feet, two feet and no feet St. Nicholas About animals Bear stories Cat stories Lion and tiger stories Panther stories Stories of brave dogs Saunders Beautiful Joe Sewell Black Beauty * Sharp Watcher in the woods Smith World of animal life Stickney Bird world Stowe Queer little people Tenney Sea shells and river shells Thompson Biography of a grizzly * Krag and Johnny Bear \ Lives of the hunted * Lobo, Rag and Vixen Wild animals I have known Torrey Every day birds Trimmer History of the robins Valentine Aunt Louisa's book of animal stories Wood Natural history for young people Nature and her servants Wright Four-footed Americans Gray lady and the birds Wright and Coues Citizen bird Adams Baker Barnard Black USEFUL AND FINE ARTS PRACTICAL science; AND INDUSTRIES Harper's machinery book for boys Boy's book of inventions Boy's second book of inventions Tools and machines Photography indoors and out 38 Burns Collins Dclacombe Doubleday Greene Hale Hill Howden Jenks Kirby Lane MoflFett Mowry Valentine Wheeler Gulick Jewett Mace Millard Stables The Story of great inventions Boys' book of model aeroplanes Boys' book of airships Stories of inventors Coal and the coal mines Stories of invention Fighting a fire * Boys' book of steamships Photography for young people Aunt Martha's corner cupboard ; or, Stories about tea, coffee sugar, rice, etc. Industries of to-day Triumphs of science Careers of danger and daring * American inventions and inventors Aunt Louisa's book of common things Woodworking for beginners * PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIENE Emergencies The Body and its defenses Good health History of a mouthful of bread The Wonderful house that Jack has Boys' book of health and strength OCCUPATIONS AND AMUSEMENTS Adams Beard, D. C. Harper's indoor book for boys * Harper's outdoor book for boys * American boy's handy book The Boy pioneers Field and forest handy book Jack of all trades * Outdoor handy book Beard, Lina and A. B. American girl's handy book Indoor and outdoor handicraft and recreation for girls Little folks' handy book New ideas for work and play; what a girl can make and do Things worth doing and how to do them Scientific American boy; or. The camp at Willow Clump Island * Scientific American boy at school Wonderland of stamps American girl's home book of work and play Bond Burroughs Campbell 39 Cutter Conundrums, riddles, puzzles and games Games book for boys and girls Good Magical experiments * Graham Country pastimes for boys Greenaway Book of games Hall Boy craftsman * Hatton and Plate Magicians' tricks; how they are done Johnston Home occupations for boys and girls Keene Boy's own guide to fishing, tackle-making and fish-breeding Kelley Three hundred things a bright girl can do Lucas Three hundred games and pastimes; or, What shall we do now? * Newell Games and songs of American children Paret Harper's handy book for girls * Thompson, E. S. Two little savages Thompson, Maurice Boys' book of sports and outdoor life Wells Rainy day diversions White Book of children's parties Yale When mother lets us give a party HOUSE-KEEPING Burrell A Little cook book for a little girl Saturday mornings * Crump Three little cooks Johnson When mother lets us cook * When mother lets us help * Kirkland Dora's housekeeping Six little cooks Morgan How to dress a doll * Ralston When mother lets us sew * Tate Child's cookery book Alcott Bell Briscoe Dalkeith Denton Hardy Mackay DIALOGUES AND PLAYS Comic tragedies Little men play Little women play Fairy tale plays and how to act them Harper's book of little plays Little plays Little people's dialogues An Evening with Shakespeare; an entertainment of read- ings, tableaux and songs set to the old tunes House of the heart and other plays for children * Nesbitt Magic whistle and other fairy tale plays St. Nicholas book of plays and operettas Stevenson Children's classics in dramatic form 3 v. MUSIC AND PAINTING Bolton Famous European artists Conway Children's book of art * Hocker Joseph Haydn Hoffmann Ludwig van Beethoven Mozart's youth Keysor Great artists 5 v. Lillie Story of music and musicians Smith Founders of music Steedman Knights of art Tapper Child's music world Whitcomb Young people's story of art Ziemssen Johann Sebastian Bach LITER.ATURI: Ariosto Tales from Ariosto Arnold and Gilbert Stepping stones to literature 8 v. Bellamy and Goodwin Open sesame 3 v. Blaisdell Child life readers: Child life primer ' Child life, a first reader Child life in tale and fable Child life in many lands Child life in literature Child life, fifth reader Bolton Famous American authors Famous English authors of the nineteenth century Brackett and Eliot Treasure book of verse * Brown Fresh posies Pocketful of posies Browning Pied piper of Hamelin * Burt Poems that every child should know Prose that every child should know Gary Ballads for little folks Cervantes-Saavedra Don Quixote de la Mancha, ed. by Burt and Cable Don Quixote, retold by Parry * Chaucer Tales of the Canterbury pilgrims, retold by Darton * Chaucer for children, by Haweis Canterbury chimes, by Storr and Turner Chaucer story book, by Tappan * 41 Cheney Louisa May Alcott; her life, letters and journal Chisholm Golden staircase; poems and verses Cloud Down Durley Lane Coates Children's book of poetry Colson and Chittenden Children's letters Crane Dante Dodge Eliot Ewing Field Garnett Grierson Harris Headland Henley Ingpen Irving Jordan Kirkland Lamb Lang Lansing Larcom Baby's bouquet; a fresh bunch of old rhymes and tunes Baby's opera; a book of old rhymes... the music by the earliest masters Pan pipes; a book of old songs * Stories from Dante, by Cunnington When life is young; a collection of verse Poetry for children Blue bells on the lea and ten other tales in verse Mother's birthday review Love songs of childhood Lullaby land The Muffin shop Children's tales from Scottish ballads American authors for young folks Chinese Mother Goose rhymes Lyra heroica * One thousand poems for children Essays from the Sketch book Tales from the Alhambra Mother-song and child-song Short history of English literature Poetry for children Blue poetry book * Rhymes and stories Childhood songs Lawrence and Blackman Riverside song book Lear Le Row Lippincott Longfellow Love joy Lucas Book of nonsense The Jumblies Nonsense botany and alphabets Nonsense songs, illus. by Brooke Nonsense songs and stories The Pelican chorus Pieces for every occasion Stories from famous ballads The Children's Longfellow Nature in verse Poetry of the seasons Another book of verses for children Book of verses for children * 42 Mabie Essays that every child should know Macaulay Lays of ancient Rome Macleod Book of ballad stories Mitchell About old story tellers Moncrieff Stories of old renown; tales of knights and heroes Morrison Songs and rhymes for the little ones Moses Louisa May Alcott Mother Goose Mother Goose in silhouettes, by Buffum Mother Goose, by Elliott Mother Goose, by Greenaway Nursery rhyme book, by Lang National rhymes of the nursery * Book of nursery rhymes, by Welsh Mother Goose's melodies, by Wheeler Mother Goose primer, by Wiley Norton Heart of oak books 7 v. * Our children's songs * Palgrave Children's treasury of lyrical poetry Patmore Children's garland from the best poets Peabody Book of the little past Percy The Boy's Percy, ed. by Lanier Persons Our country in poem and prese Poulsson Nursery finger plays Runaway donkey Pyle Careless Jane Prose and verse for children Repplier Book of famous verse * Richardson Stories from old English poetry Riley Rhymes of childhood Roadknight Old fashioned rhymes and poems Rossetti Sing-song St. Nicholas Our holidays Shakespeare The Lamb Shakespeare for the young, ed. by Gollancz As you like it Cymbeline Macbeth Merchant of Venice Midsummer night's dream Romeo and Juliet The Tempest Twelfth night Winter's tale Tales from Shakespeare, by Lamb * Shakespeare story book, by Macleod 43 Shakespeare Midsummer-night's dream for young people, by Perkins Shakespeare the boy, by Rolfe Sherman Little-folk lyrics Shute Land of song 3 v. Smith Bo®k of verse for boys and girls 3 v. Spenser Faery queen and her knights, by Ghurch Stories from the Faerie queen, by Lang Tales chosen from the Faerie queene, by Maclehose Stories from the Faerie queene, by Macleod * Spenser for children, by Towry Stevenson, B. E. and E. S. (B.) Days and deeds: poetry Days and deeds: prose Stevenson, R. L. B. Child's garden of verses * Stevenson reader Swift Gulliver's travels Tappan Old ballads in prose * Poems and rhymes Taylor and Gilbert Little Ann Original poems Thacher The Listening child ; a selection from the stores of English verse Thaxter Stories and poems for children Tileston Children's book of ballads Sugar and spice and all that's nice Valentine Aunt Louisa's book of easy poetry Whittier Child life; a collection of poems * Child life in prose Wiggin and Smith Golden numbers ; a book of verse for youth * Pinafore palace; a book of rhymes for the nursery Posy ring; a book of verse for children * Wilkins Once upon a time and other child verses Wright Children's stories in American literature Children's stories in English literature TRAVEL AND DESCRIPTION GENERAL Andrews Seven little sisters Seven little sisters prove their sisterhood Carpenter How the world is clothed How the world is fed Chamberlain How we are fed How we are sheltered Dana Two years before the mast 44 Button World at work series: Fishing and hunting In field and pasture Hamer Little folks of other lands Lane Under sunny skies The Wide world Moncrieff Peeps at many lands: the world Morris Home life in all lands : How the world lives Manners and customs of uncivilized people St. Nicholas Island stories Stories of strange sights Shaw Big people and little people of other lands Slocum Around the world in the sloop Spray Starr Strange peoples Taylor Boys of other countries AMEICICA Banks Live boys in Oregon Bealby Peeps at many lands : Canada Butterworth Over the Andes Carpenter North America South America Hale Family flight around home Family flight through Mexico Hall and Chester Panama and the canal Lane Strange lands near home Lummis Some strange corners of our country Peary Children of the Arctic Snow baby Plummer Roy and Ray in Canada Roy and Ray in Mexico Roosevelt Stories of the great west Schwatka Children of the cold * Scudder Boston town Smith Eskimo stories Straubenmiiller Home geography of New York city Wade Our little Eskimo cousin EUROPEt GENERAL AND NOR.THER.N COUNTRIES Alcott Shawl straps Carpenter Europe Du Chaillu Land of the long night Ferryman Peeps at many lands: Norway 45 King Roundabout rambles in northern Europe Lane Northern Europe Stockton Personally conducted Thompson Peeps at many lands: Finland BRITISH ISLES Finnemore Peeps at many lands: England Grierson Children's book of Edinburgh ♦ Children's book of the English minsters Peeps at many lands: Scotland * Hinkson Peeps at many lands : Ireland Lippincott Bonnie Scotland Merrie England * Mitton Children's book of London * Tomlinson Young Americans in the British Isles CENTRAL AND SOUTHERN EUROPE Ambrosi Italian child life Browne Peeps at many lands: Greece Finnemore Peeps at many lands : France * Peeps at many lands : Italy * Peeps at many lands: Switzerland * Goodall Peeps at many lands : Portugal Hale Family flight through France, Germany, Norway and Switzerland * Family flight through Spain Knox Boy travellers in Central Europe McManus Our little Dutch cousin Omond Peeps at many lands: Belgium Phillips Russia Sidgwick Peeps at many lands: Germany Starr Filippo, the Italian boy Wade Our little Russian cousin Our little Swiss cousin Young Peeps at many lands : Corsica ORIENTAL COUNTRIES I GENERAL Brooks Story of Marco Polo Carpenter Australia Gibson In eastern wonderlands Hale Family flight over Egypt and Syria Jenks Boy's book of explorations Knox Boy travellers in Egypt and the Holy land Lane Toward the rising sun Vaile Peeps at many lands : New Zealand ASIA Angus Japan, the eastern wonderland Austin Uncle Sam's children Ayrton Child life in Japan Carpenter Asia Finnemore Peeps at many lands: the He Peeps at many lands : India Peeps at many lands: Japan Higginson Java the pearl of the east Johnston Peeps at many lands : China Kelly Peeps at many lands : Burma Lee When I was a boy in China McManus Our little Arabian cousin Miller Little people of Asia Shioya When I was a boy in Japan AFRICA Carpenter Africa Du Chaillu Country of the dwarfs Finnemore Kelly Kidd Knox In African forest and jungle Lost in the jungle My Apingi kingdom Stories of the gorilla country Wild life under the equator Peeps at many lands : Morocco Peeps at many lands : Egypt Peeps at many lands : South Africa Boy travellers on the Congo HISTOR.Y GENERAL Andrews Ten boys who lived on the road from long ago to now Baldwin Fifty famous stories retold Bolton Famous voyagers and explorers Brooks Chivalric days Historic girls Church Crusaders Eggleston Strange stories from history Farmer Boys' book of famous rulers Girls' book of famous queens Froissart The Boy's Froissart, ed. by Lanier Stories from Froissart, ed. by Newbolt * Oilman Magna Charta stories 47 Griffis Romance of discovery Hale Stories of discovery Harding Story of the middle ages Holland Historic boyhoods Jenks Book of famous sieges Johonnot Stories of heroic deeds Stories of other lands Ten great events in history Lang, Andrew Red true story book True story book Lang, Mrs. Andrew Book of princes and princesses Price and Gilbert Wandering heroes St. Nicholas Stories of the middle ages Shaw Discoverers and explorers Stephens Stories from the old chronicles Yonge Book of golden deeds * Abbott Church Gilman Guerber Harrison Herodotus Johonnot Josephus Plutarch ANCIENT History of Darius the Great History of Hannibal the Carthaginian History of Julius Caesar History of Nero History of Romulus History of Xerxes the Great Helmet and spear; stories from the wars of the Greeks and the Romans Three Greek children Two thousand years ago; or, The adventures of a Roman boy Rome from the earliest times to the end of the republic Story of the chosen people Story of the Greeks Story of the Romans Greece Stories of the East from Herodotus, by Church Story of the Persian war from Herodotus, by Church Boys* and girls' Herodotus, by White * Stories of the olden time Our young folks' Josephus, by Shepard * Story of the last days of Jerusalem from Josephus, by Church The Children's Plutarch : Tales of the Greeks, by Gould * The Children's Plutarch : Tales of the Romans, by Gould * Our young folks' Plutarch, by Kaufman 48 Plutarch St. Nicholas Tappan Abbott Bacon Bosworth Dickens Freeman Gibbins Graham Guerber Boys* and girls' Plutarch, by White Stories of the ancient world Story of the Greek people ENGLAND History of King Charles the first History of King Charles the second History of King Alfred History of Mary, Queen of Scots History of King Richard the first History of King Richard the second History of King Richard the third The Boy's Drake Alfred the Great Child's history of England Old English history English people in the 19th century Victorian era Story of the English Johnston and Spencer Ireland's story Joyce Concise history of Ireland Kelly Story of Sir Walter Raleigh Kingsley Children of Westminster Abbey Kirkland Short history of England Lang, Jeannie Story of General Gordon Lang, John Story of Captain Cook Larned History of England Richards Florence Nightingale, the angel of the Crimea * Sellar Story of Nelson Stories from English history for young Americans Tappan England's story In the days of Queen Elizabeth * In the days of William the Conqueror Towie Raleigh, his exploits and voyages Abbott Bonner FRANCE History of Henry the fourth, king of France and Navarre History of Hortense, daughter of Josephine, queen of Hol- land History of Josephine History of Louis XIV History of Madame Roland History of Maria Antoinette Child's history of France 49 Boutet de Monvel Joan of Arc * Creighton First history of France Farmer Short history of the French Revolution Foa The Boy life of Napoleon Henning The Maid of Orleans Hoffmann The Little dauphin , Kirkland Short history of France Lang Story of Joan of Arc Lenk Marie Antoinette's youth Sprague Napoleon Bonaparte OTHER. COUNTRIES Abbott History of Ghenghis Khan Bonner Child's history of Spain Griffis Brave little Holland * Japan in history, folk-lore and art Young people's history of Holland Kiichler Elizabeth, Empress of Austria Merz Louise, Queen of Prussia Schupp William of Orange Walter Emperor William first UNITED STATES Genera.1 Blaisdell Story of American history Blaisdell and Ball Hero stories from American history Bolton Famous American statesmen Bouve American heroes and heroines Brooks Century book of famous Americans Historic Americans Story of the American sailor Story of the American soldier Catlin The Boy's Catlin; my life among the Indians Channing First lessons in United States history Drake Indian history for young folks Making of the great West, 1512-1883 Eggleston First book in American history Household history of the United States Stories of American life and adventure Stories of great Americans for little Americans Fiske History of the United States Glascock Stories of Columbia Gordy American leaders and heroes History of the United States SO Guerber Story of the great republic Hart and Chapman How our grandfathers lived Holden Our country's flag and the flags of foreign countries Howard Famous Indian chiefs I have known Jenks Our army for our boys Lodge and Roosevelt Hero tales from American history Lossing Story of the United States navy McMaster Primary history of the United States Montgomery Leading facts of American history Mowry First steps in the history of our country History of the United States Pratt American history stories 4 v. America's story for America's children 5 v. Seawell Twelve naval captains Starr American Indians Tappan American hero stories Our country's story Thomas Elementary history of the United States Wright Children's stories in American history Early Periods Abbott History of King Philip, sovereign chief of the Wampa- noags Peter Stuyvesant Baldwin Discovery of the old Northwest Brooks Century book of the American colonies True story of Christopher Columbus Catherwood Heroes of the middle west: the French Coffin Old times in the colonies Dickson From the old world to the new Drake On Plymouth Rock Guerber Story of the thirteen colonies Hart and Hazard Colonial children Higginson Young folks' book of American explorers Jenks Captain John Smith Captain Myles Standish When America was new * McMurray Pioneers on land and sea Pratt Stories of colonial children Seelye Story of Columbus Smith Story of Pocahontas and Captain John Smith Stone and Fickett Every day life in the colonies Tiffany Pilgrims and Puritans 51 Baldwin Barnes Brooks Coffin Fiske Franklin Hart and Scudder Seawell Seelye Tomlinson Washington Wright Hill Revolution to the Civil War Conquest of the old Northwest Giant of three wars; a life of General Winfield Scott Century book of the American Revolution True story of Benjamin Franklin True story of George Washington True story of Lafayette Boys of '76 * Building the nation War of independence * Autobiography Camps and firesides of the Revolution George Washington * Paul Jones Story of Washington Young folks' history of the American Revolution Rules of conduct, diary of adventure, letters and farewell address Children's stories of American progress Abbot Austin Baldwin Brooks, E. S. Brooks, Noah Coffin Civil War to the Present Battle-fields of '61 Battle-fields and camp fires Battle-fields and victory Blue jackets of '98 Uncle Sam's soldiers; a story of the war with Spain Abraham Lincoln True story of Abraham Lincoln True story of U. S. Grant Abraham Lincoln Abraham Lincoln Boys of '61 Drumbeat of the nation Marching to victory Redeeming the republic Freedom triumphant The Boy general; story of the life of Major-General George A. Custer Running the gantlet; the daring exploits of Lieutenant Gushing, U. S. N. Hart and Stevens Romance of the Civil War Kieffer Recollections of a drummer boy * Matthews Our navy in time of war (1861-1898) Moores Life of Abraham Lincoln * Custer Frothingham 52 Nicolay Boys* life of Abraham Lincoln Boys' life of U. S. Grant Stratemeyer American boys' life of William McKinley T., L. G. Three years behind the guns (Spanish War) Webster Daniel Webster for young Americans States and Sections Barrows History of Springfield, Mass. Cooke Stories of the Old Dominion Hale Historic Boston Harris Stories of Georgia Hawthorne Whole history of grandfather's chair Hemstreet Story of Manhattan Judson Montana, the land of Shining Mountains Southworth Story of the Empire State Stockton Stories of New Jersey Ulmann Landmark history of New York Williams Stories from early New York history City and National Government Alton Among the law makers Austin Uncle Sam's secrets; a story of national affairs Brooks Century book for young Americans Dole Young citizen Forman First lessons in civics Giffin Civics for young Americans Hoxie How the people rule Jewett Town and city Marriott How Americans are governed in nation, state and city Uncle Sam's business Richman and Wallach Good citizenship * The Ship of state, by those at the helm Willard City government for young people BIOGICAPHY Bolton Famous leaders among men Lives of girls who became famous Lives of poor boys who became famous Hale Boys' heroes Lang Red book of heroes ♦ Mabie and Stephens Heroines every child should know Parton Captains of industry; or. Men of business who did some- thing besides making money * Tappan Adventures and achievements 53 Alcott Louisa May Alcott, by Cheney Louisa May Alcott, by Moses Alfred, king of England History of King Alfred, by Abbott Alfred the Great, by Bosworth Bach Johann Sebastian Bach, by Ziemssen Beethoven Ludwig van Beethoven, by Hoffmann Caesar History of Julius Caesar, by Abbott Charles I, king of England History of King Charles the first, by Abbott Charles II, king of England History of King Charles the second, by Abbott Columbus True story of Christopher Columbus, by Brooks Story of Columbus, by Seelye Cook Story of Captain Cook, by Lang Cortes History of Hernando Cortez, by Abbott Cushing Running the gantlet; the daring exploits of Lieut. Cushing, U. S. N., by Frothingham * Custer The Boy general., .life of Gen. George Armstrong Custer, by Elizabeth Custer Dare, Jeanne Joan of Arc, by Boutet de Monvel * Maid of Orleans, by Henning Story of Joan of Arc, by Lang Darius History of Darius the Great, by Abbott Dodgson Lewis Carroll, by Moses Drake The Boy's Drake, by Bacon Edison Story of Edison, by Mundell Elizabeth, empress of Austria Elizabeth, Empress of Austria, by Kiichler Elizabeth, queen of England In the days of Queen Elizabeth, by Tappan * Francis of Assisi, Saint God's troubadour, by Jewett Franklin True story of Benjamin Franklin, by Brooks Autobiography Ghenghis Khan History of Genghis Khan, by Abbott Gordon Story of General Gordon, by Lang Grant True story of U. S. Grant, by Brooks Boys' life of U. S. Grant, by Nicolay Hannibal History of Hannibal the Carthaginian, by Abbott Haydn Joseph Haydn, by Hocker Henry IV, king of France History of Henry the fourth, king of France and Navarre, by Abbott 54 Hortense, queen of Holland History of Hortense, by Abbott Jones Paul Jones, by Seawell Josephine, empress of the French History of Josephine, by Abbott Lafayette True story of Lafayette, by Brooks Larcom A New England girlhood, by Larcom ■>» Lincoln Abraham Lincoln, by Baldwin True story of Abraham Lincoln, by E. S. Brooks Abraham Lincoln, by Noah Brooks Abraham Lincoln, by Coffin Life of Abraham Lincoln, by.Moores * Boys' life of Abraham Lincoln, by Nicolay Livingstone Story of David Livingstone, by Golding Louis XIV, king of France History of Louis XIV, by Abbott Louis XVII, king of France The Little dauphin, by Hoffmann Louise, queen of Prussia Louise, Queen of Prussia, by Merz McKinley, American boys' life of William McKinley, by Stratcmeycr Marie Antoinette, queen of France History of Maria Antoinette, by Abbott Marie Antoinette's youth, by Lenk Mary, queen of Scots History of Mary, Queen of Scots, by Abbott Mozart Mozart's youth, by Hoffmann Nansen Fridtjof Nansen, by Bull Napoleon I, emperor of the French The Boy life of Napoleon, by Foa Napoleon Bonaparte, by Sprague Nelson Story of Nelson, by Sellar Nero History of Nero, by Abbott Nightingale Florence Nightingale, by Richards * Patteson Story of Bishop Patteson, by Paget Polo Story of Marco Polo, by Brooks Raleigh Story of Sir Walter Raleigh, by Kelly Raleigh, by Towle Richard I, king of England History of Richard the first, by Abbott Richard II, king of England History of Richard the second, by Abbott Richard III, king of England History of Richard the third, by Abbott 55 Roland History of Madame Roland, by Abbott Romulus History of Romulus, by Abbott Scott Giant of three wars; a life of Gen. Winfield Scott, by Barnes * Captain John Smith, by Jenks Story of Pocahontas and Captain John Smith, b^ E, B. Smith Captain Myles Standish, by Jenks Peter Stuyvesant, by Abbott True story of George Washington, by Brooks George Washington, by Scudder * Story of Washington, by Seelye Rules of conduct, diary, letters Daniel Webster for young Americans William of Orange William of Orange, by Schupp William I, emperor of Germany Emperor William first, by Walter William I, the Conqueror, king of England In the days of William the Conqueror, by Tappan Xerxes History of Xerxes the Great, by Abbott Smith Standish Stujrvesant Washington Webster reference: books GENERAL Brewer Dictionary of phrase and fable Historic notebook Brooklyn Daily Eagle Almanac Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh Catalogue of books in the Children's Department Champlin Young folks' cyclopaedia of common things Young folks' cyclopaedia of persons and places Fallows Complete dictionary of synonyms and antonyms Keltic and Renwick Statesman's year book St. Nicholas v. i — date Salisbury and Beckwith Index to short stories Walsh Curiosities of popular customs . x^ Webster Collegiate dictionary World Almanac SCIENCE Avery School physics Champlin and Lucas Young folks' cyclopaedia of natural history Chapman Bird life fiS Doubleday Bird neighbors Jenks Chemistry for young people Keeler Our native trees Lounsberry Guide to the trees Martin Human body; elementary course Parsons How to know the wild flowers Tarr Elementary geology USEFUL AND FINB ARTS Caffin Guide to pictures Champlin Young folks' cyclopaedia of literature and art Champlin and Bostwick Young folks' cyclopaedia of games and sports De Forest Short history of art Dow Composition and drawing Froelich and Snow Text books of art education 7 V. Hopkins Magic Scientific American cyclopaedia of receipts Mason Guide to music Powell Scouting for boys Rimmer Figure drawing for children Rosengarten Handbook of architectural styles Thompson and Powell Boy scouts of America Waters Outline history of painting LITERATURE Andersen Stories and tales Wonder stories Benham Cassell's book of quotations, proverbs and household words Bible Oxford Bible Bryant Poetical works Bulfinch Age of chivalry Age of fable Gary Poetical works Clarke Guide to mythology Grimm Household tales Guerber Myths of Greece and Rome Myths of northern lands Holmes Complete poems Ingpen One thousand poems Lang Blue poetry book Longfellow Complete poems Love joy Nature in verse Poetry of the seasons Lowell Complete poems 57 Mabie Book of Christmas Matthews Poems of American patriotism Schauffler Arbor day- Christmas Lincoln's birthday Memorial day- Thanksgiving Washington's birthday Scott Complete poems Scudder Children's book Skinner Arbor day manual Stevenson, B. E. Poems of American history Stevenson, B. E. and E. S. (B.) Days and deeds: Days and deeds: prose Stone and Fickett Trees in prose and poetry Tennyson Complete poems Whittier Child life ; a collection of poems Complete poems Wiggin and Smith Golden numbers Posy ring Willis and Farmer Month by month poetry GCOGICAPHY Adams Text book of commercial geography Carpenter Geographical readers: Africa Asia Australia Europe North America South America Frye Complete geography Morris Industrial and commercial geography Tarr New physical geography Tarr and McMurry New geographies HISTORY Brooks, E. S. Historic Americans Story of New York Brooks, Noah Statesmen Dole Young citizen Fiske Civil government in the United State Gardiner History of the United States Atlas of English history S8 Gordy Hemstreet Holden Hoxie Kelley Lamed McMaster Montgomery Mowry Myers Starr History of the United States for schools Story of Manhattan Our country's flag Civics for New York state Historical guide to the city of New York History of England School history of the United States Leading facts of American history Leading facts of English history Leading facts of French history American inventions and inventors Ancient history General history Outlines of mediaeval and modern history American Indians 59 AUTHOR. LIST Aanrud, Hans Lisbeth Longfrock Abbot, A. B. A Frigate's namesake Abbot, W. J. Battle-fields and campfires Battle-fields and victory Battle-fields of '6i Blue jackets of '98 Abbott, Jacob Agnes Beechnut Caroline Ellen Linn History of Darius the Great History of Genghis Khan History of Hannibal History of Julius Caesar History of King Alfred History of King Charles the first History of King Charles the second History of King Richard the first History of King Richard the second History of King Richard the third History of Mary, Queen of Scots History of Nero History of Romulus History of Xerxes the Great Malleville Mary Bell Mary Erskine Rodolphus Rollo at play Rollo at school Rollo at work Rollo learning to read Rollo learning to talk Rollo's vacation Stuyvesant Wallace Abbott, J. S. C. History of Henry the fourth History of Hernando Cortez History of Hortense History of Josephine History of King Philip History of Louis XIV Ginn $0.40 Century 1. 00 Dodd 2.00 " 2.00 it 2.00 u 1.50 Harper .60 (( .60 u .60 it .60 (t .50 it .50 tt .50 n .50 tt .50 tt .50 tt .50 tt .50 tt .50 tt .50 tt •SO tt .50 tt .50 tt .50 tt .60 tt .60 tt .60 It .60 Crowell .50 tt .50 tt .50 tt .50 tt .50 tt .50 Harper .60 (( .60 tt .50 It .50 tt .50 It .50 It .50 It .50 60 Abbott, J. S. C !. History of Madame Roland Harper .50 History of Maria Antoinette << .50 Peter Stuyvesant Dodd I.2S Adams, C. C. Text-book of commercial geography Appleton 1.30 Adams, J. H. Harper's electricity book for boys Harper I.7S Harper's indoor book for boys (( 175 Harper's machinery book for boys 6 Children's hour Nelson 2> A Christmas child Macmillan 2/6 Christmas-tree land « 2/6 Cuckoo clock « 2/6 Fairies — of sorts (( 3/6 The February boys Button 1.50 Four Winds Farm Macmillan 2/6 The Girls and I « 2>6 Grandmother dear u 2/6 Little Miss Peggy u 2^6 Mary it 2/6 My new home It 2/6 Nurse Heatherdale's story tt 2/6 The Rectory children tt 2/6 Rosy tt 2/6 Tell me a story 1* 2/6 Two little waifs tt 2/6 "Us" ft J/6 Moncrieff, A. R. H. Stories of old renown Blackie 2/6 Peeps at many lands : the world Macmillan I.SO Montieth, John Familiar animals Am. Bk. Co. .50 Montgomery, D. H. Leading facts of American history Ginn 1. 00 Leading facts of English history (( 1. 12 Leading facts of French history u 1. 12 Montgomery, L. M. Anne of Green Gables Page 1.50 Moores, C. W. Life of Abraham Lincoln Houghton .6on. go Morgan, M. E. (H.) How to dress a doll Morley, M. W. Bee people Butterflies and bees Donkey John of the toy valley Flowers and their friends Insect folk Little Mitchell Little wanderers Seed babies Morris, Charles Home life in all lands 2 v. Industrial and commercial geog- raphy Morrison, M. W. Songs and rhymes for the little ones Morrison, S. E. Chilhowee boys Moses, Belle Lewis Carroll Louisa May Alcott Moulton, L. (C.) More bed time stories New bed time stories Stories told at twilight Moulton, R. G. Bible stories; New Testament Bible stories; Old Testament Mowry, W. A. and A. M. American inventions and inventors First steps in the history of our country History of the United States Mulock, D. M. see Craik, D. M. (M.) Mundell, Frank Story of Edison Munro, John Story of electricity Munroe, Kirk At war with Pontiac Big cypress Campmates Canoemates Derrick Sterling Dorymates Flamingo feather For the Mikado Fur seal's tooth The Painted desert Raftmates Ready Rangers Snow shoes and sledges Through swamp and glade Altemus •50 McQurg 1.25 Ginn .60 McClurg 1.25 Ginn •SO (t .45 Scribner 1.25 Ginn .30 « .25 Lippincott i.ooea. I. ion. Page 1. 00 Crowell 75 Appleton i.25n. « i.25n. Little 1.25 (( 1.25 tt 1.25 Macmillan .50 <( .50 Silver .65 (( .60 u 1.00 Jarrold V Appleton .35n. Scribner 1.25 Wilde 1. 00 Harper I.2S » I.2S tc .60 tt 1.25 tt .60 *t 1.25 tt I.2S tt I.2S tt I.2S Lothrop 1.25 Harper I.2S Scribner I.2S 91 Munroe, Kirk Murai, Gensai Murche, V. Y. Wakulla White conquerors Kibun Daizin Science readers 6 v. Harper .60 Scribner 1.25 Century 1.25 Macmillan v. 1-2, .25ea. ; 3-4, .40 ea.; v. 5-6, -Son. ea. Murfree, M. N. The Champion Down the ravine Story of Keedon Bluffs Young mountaineers Musset, P. E. de Mr. Wind and Madam Rain Myers, P. V. N. Ancient history General history Outlines of mediaeval and modern history Naomi, Aunt, pseud. Jewish fairy tales Nash, H. A. Polly's secret National rhymes of the nursery Nesbit, Evelyn see Bland, E. (N.) Nesbitt, Frank Magic whistle Newbolt, Henry Stories from Froissart, illus. by Browne Newell, J. H. Houghton Harper Ginn Stock Little Stokes Longmans Gardner i.2on. 1. 00 1. 00 1.50 .60 1.50 i.So i.So 2/6 I.SO 1.50 1. 00 6/ Outlines of lessons in botany 2 v. Ginn, v. i, 50; v. 2, .80 Reader in botany 2 v. Ginn .6oea. Newell, W. W. Games and songs of American chil- dren Harper 1.50 Nicolay, Helen Boys' life of Abraham Lincoln Century 1.50 Boys' life of U. S. Grant " 1.50 Noble, A. L. The Professor's girls Pres. Bd. Pub. 1.25 Tarryport school girls Am. Tract Soc. i.oo Noel, Maurice Buz Holt i.oo Norton, C. E. Heart of oak books 7 v. v. I Rhymes and jingles Heath .25 V. 2 Fables and nursery tales " .35 V. 3 Fairy stories and classic tales " .40 V. 4-7 Miscellanies " V. 4, .45; V. 5, .50; V. 6, .55; V. 7 Norton, C. L. Jack Benson's log Medal of honor man Midshipman Jack Oliphant, M. O. (W.) Agnes Hopetoun's schools and holidays Omond, J. W. T. Peeps at many lands: Belgium Onken, W. H. and Baker, J. B. Harper's How to understand electrical work Wilde Macmillan Black Harper ,.60 1.25 1.25 I.2S 2/6 i/6n. 175 02 Ortoli, Frederic Evening tales O'Shea, M. V. Old world wonder stories Six nursery classics Otis, James, pseud, see Kaler, J. O. Ouida, pseud, see La Rame, Louisa de Our children's songs Oxley, J. M. Fife and drum at Louisburg Packard, Winthrop The Young ice-whalers Page, T. N. Among the camps Two little confederates Paget, Elma Story of Bishop Patteson Paine, A. B. The Arkansaw bear Paine, R. D. The Head coach Palgrave, F. T. Children's treasury of lyrical poetry Paret, A. P. Harper's handy book for girls Parker, F. W. and Helm, N. L. Uncle Robert's geography 4 v. V. I Playtime and seedtime V. 2 On the farm V. 3 Uncle Robert's visit V. 4 River journey Don Quixote, illus. by Crane (S.) D. How to know the wild flowers Plants and their children Captains of industry 2 v. D. Children's garland from the the best poets The Spinner family Book of the little past Old Greek stories Children of the Arctic Snow baby Pendleton, Louis King Tom and the runaways Perkins, L. F. Midsummer-night's dream for young people Robin Hood Perrault, Charles Tales of Mother Goose Parry, E. A. Parsons, F. T. Parton, James Patmore, C. K, Patterson, A. J. Peabody, J. P. Peary, J. (D.) Perry, Nora Perry, W. C. Persons, E. A. Flock of girls and boys Hope Benham Three little daughters of the Revo- lution Boy's Iliad Our country in poem and prose Scribner 1. 00 Heath .20 « .20 Harper 1.25 Little 1.50 Houghton i.2on. Scribner 1.50 « I. SO Button •SO Altemus 1.00 Scribner 1.50 Macmillan 1. 00 Harper 175 Appleton .32n. K .42n. U •son. u .6on. Lane i.SO Scribner I. son. Am. Bk. Co. .65 Houghton .6on. ea Macmillan 1. 00 McClurg I.2S Houghton I.SO « .25n. Stokes 1-25 « 125 Appleton I.SO Stokes I.SO « 1.50 Heath .20 Little 1.50 (( 1.50 Houghton •75 Macmillan 1.50 Am. Bk. Co. •SO 93 Phillips, E. C. Russia Pier, A. S. Boys of St. Timothy's Crashaw brothers Harding of St. Timothy's The New boy Pierson, C. D. Among the farmyard people Among the forest people Among the meadow people Among the night people Among the pond people Dooryard stories The Millers and their new home The Millers and their playmates The Millers at Pencroft Tales of a poultry farm Three little Millers Plummer, M. W. Roy and Ray in Canada Roy and Ray in Mexico Potter, Beatrix The Pie and the patty pan Roly-poly pudding Tailor of Gloucester Tale of Benjamin Bunny Tale of Jemima Puddleduck Tale of Mr. Jeremy Fisher Tale of Mrs. Tiggywinkle Tale of Peter Rabbit Tale of Squirrel Nutkin Tale of the Flopsy Bunnies Tale of Tom Kitten Tale of two bad mice Poulsson, A. E. Child stories and rhymes Nursery finger plays Runaway donkey Through the farmyard gate Powell, R. S. S. Baden- Scouting for boys Pratt, M. E. Rhoda Thornton's girlhood Pratt, M. L. American history stories 4 v. America's story for America's chil- dren 5 V. Stories of colonial children Price, L. L. and Gilbert, C. B. Wandering heroes Proctor, Mary Stories of star-land Proctor, R. A. Lessons in elementary astronomy Cassell 2/6 Scribner i.25n. Houghton I. SO (( 1.50 « 1.50 Button i.oon. « i.oon. « I.oon. u I.oon. u I.oon. (t i.2on. it 1. 00 (( 1.00 (t 1.00 It 1. 00 (t 1.00 Holt I.7S « i.75n. Warne .50 It I.oon. tt •SO tt •SO tt .50 tt .50 tt .50 tt .50 tt .50 tt .50 tt .50 tt .50 Lothrop I.2S tt 1.25 tt 1.25 ft 1.25 Pearson 2/n. Lothrop .75 Ed. Pub. Co. .Soea. Heath, v. i. .35 V. 2-S, .4oea. Ed. Pub. Co. .60 Silver .5on. « SO Longmans .60 94 Putnam, G. H. The Little gingerbread man Pyle, Howard Garden behind the moon Men of iron Merry adventures of Robin Hood Ottc of the silver hand Pepper and salt Some merry adventures of Robin Hood Story of Jack Ballistci's fortunes Story of King Arthur Story of Sir Launcelot Story of the champions of the Round Table Story of the grail and the passing of Arthur Twilight land Wonder clock Pyle, Katharine As the goose flies Careless Jane The Christmas angel The Counterpane fairy Nancy Rutledge Prose and verse for children Where the wind blows Pyle, Katharine and Portor, L. S. Theodora Quirk, L. W. Baby Elton, quarterback Rabelais, Francois Three good giants Ragozin, Z. A. Frithjof. . .and Roland Siegfried. . .and Beowulf Ralston, Virginia When mother lets us sew Rankin, C. W. Raspe, R. E. Ray, A. C. Rendel, Hubert Renninger, E. D Repplier, Agnes Rhoden, Emma Rhys, Ernest Richards, L. E. Adopting of Rosa Marie Dandelion cottage Girls of Gardenville Tales from. . .Munchausen Teddy, her book The King's cockade Story of Rustem Book of famous verse von, pseud, see Friedrich-Fried- rich, Emmy Fairy gold (H.) Florence Nightingale Four feet, two feet and no feet Hildegarde's harvest Putnam 1-25 Scribner 2.00 Harper 2.00 Scribner 3-00 (( 2.00 Harper ISO Scribner •son. Century 2.00 Scribner 2.5on. « 2.son. 2.5on. (( 2.5on. Harper 1.50 « 2.00 Little 1.25 Button .7Sn. Little 1.25 Button 1-25 Little I.2S Am. Bk. Co. .40 Button 2.00 Little 1.25 Century I -25 Houghton 1.50 Putnam I.2S u 1.25 Moffat 75 Holt 1.50 « 1.50 it 1.50 Heath .20 Little 1.50 Gardner 3/6 Scribner I. son. Houghton .75 Bent 5/n. Appleton i.2Sn. Estes 2.00 « 1.25 95 Richards, L. E. (H.) Hildegarde's holiday Hildegarde's home Hildegarde's neighbors Queen Hildegarde Joyous story of Toto The Merryweathers Peggy Quicksilver Sue Three Margarets Toto's merry winter Richards, Rosalind Two children in the woods Richardson, A. (S.) Stories from old English poetry Richman, Julia and Wallach, I. R. Good citizenship Riggs, K. D. (S.) Wiggin see Wiggin, K. D. (S.) Riley, J. W. Rhymes of childhood Rimmef, C. H. Figure drawing for children Roadknight, Mrs. Old fashioned rhymes Roberts, G. E. F. Red feathers Roe, E. P. Driven back to Eden Rogers, J. E. Earth and sky every child should know Trees that every child should know Rolfe, W. J. Shakespeare the boy Roosevelt, Theodore Stories of the great west Rosengarten, Albert Handbook of architectural styles Rossetti, C. G. Sing-song Roth, Filibert First book of forestry Ruskin, John King of the Golden River Ryder, A. H. Hold up your heads, girls Sabin, E. L. Beaufort chums Sage, A. C. Little colonial dame St. John, T. M. How two boys made their own electrical apparatus Study of elementary electricity and magnetism Things a boy should know about electricity St. Nicholas About animals Bear stories Cat stories Island stories Lion and tiger stories Estes 1.25 « 1. 25 « 1.25 (1 I.2S Little 1. 00 Estes 1.25 " 1. 25 Century 1. 00 Estes 1.25 Little 1. 00 Estes 1.25 Houghton 1. 00 Am. Bk. Co. •45 Bobbs-Merrill I.2S Lothrop 1.25 Longmans .50 Page 1.50 Dodd 1-25 Doubleday i.2on. « i.2on. Harper 1.25 Century .6on. Scribner 2.50 Macmillan .80 Ginn .75 Heath .20 Lothrop 1.00 Crowell •75 Stokes 1.50 St John 1. 00 u 1.25 u 1. 00 Century .65n. it .6sn. t( .6sn. €t .6511. tt •65n. 96 St. Nicholas Our holidays Century .65n. Panther stories « .650. Stories of brave dogs u .^n. Stories of chivalry a .65n. Stories of strange sights u .650. Stories of the ancient world u .6sn. Stories of the middle ages u .6511. St. Nicholas book of plays ** I.OO St. Nicholas Christmas book It i.So St. Nicholas [magazine] v. i to date a Salisbury, G. E. and Beckwith, M. E. Index to short stories Row, Peterson .60 Saunders, M. M. Beautiful Joe Am. Baptist Soc. .60 Schauffler, R. H. Arbor day Moffat 1.00 Christmas (< 1. 00 Lincoln's birthday (( I.OO Memorial day « I.OO Thanksgiving M 1.00 Washington's birthday a I.OO Schmid, Christcph von Easter eggs Bell 2/6n. Schmidt, Ferdin-and Herman and Thusnelda McClurg •son. William Tell « •son. Schupp, Ottokar William of Orange u •son. Schwartz, J. A. Beatrice Leigh at college Penn 1^5 Elinor's college career Little 1.50 Schwatka, Frederick Children of the cold Ed. Pub. Co. 1.25 Scott, Sir Walter Complete poems ■ Houghton 2.00 Scudder, H. E. The Bodley grandchildren « I.SO The Bodleys afoot u I.SO The Bodleys on wheels « 1.50 The Bodleys telling stories M 1.50 Book of fables It •SO Book of folk stories tt .60 Book of legends tt .50 Boston town U 1.00 Children's book tt 2.50 Doings of the Bodley family U I.SO The English Bodley family M I.SO Fables and folk stories Riv. juv. classics « .75 George Washington tt .75 Mr. Bodley abroad tt 1.50 The Viking Bodleys tt I.SO Seaman, A. H. Jacqueline of the carrier pigeons Sturaris i.2Sn. 97 Seawell, M. E. Decatur and Somers Imprisoned midshipmen Little Jarvis Lively adventures of Gavin Hamil- ton Midshipman Paulding Paul Jones Quarterdeck and fok'sle Rock of the lion Through thick and thin Twelve naval captains A Virginia cavalier Seelye, E. (E.) Story of Columbus Story of Washington Segur, S. (R.) comtesse de Sophie Story of a donkey Sellar, E. F. Story of Nelson Seton, Ernest Thompson see Thompson, Ernest Seton- Sewell, Anna Black Beauty Sharp, D. L. Watcher in the woods Shaw, E. R. Big people and little people of other lands Discoverers and explorers Shaw, F. L. Castle Blair Hector Phyllis Browne A Sea change Shepard, William Our young folks' Josephus Sherman, F. D. Little-folk lyrics Sherwood, M. M. (B.) Fairchild family, illus. by Rudland Shioya, Sakae When I was a boy in Japan The Ship of state, by those at the helm Shute, K. H. Land of song 3 v. Sidgwick, C. (V.) Peeps at many lands : Germany Sidney, Margaret pseud, see Lothrop, H. M. (S.) Singmaster, Elsie When Sarah saved the day When Sarah went to school Skinner, C. R. Arbor day manual Sloane, T. O'C. Electric toy making Slocum, Joshua Around the world in the sloop Spray Smith, E. B. The Chicken world Appleton 1. 00 u 1.25 (t 1.00 Harper i.So Appleton 1.00 « I. GO Wilde 1.25 Harper 1.50 Lothrop 1.50 Scribner 1.25 Harper I.SO Appleton 1.75 « 1.75 Heath .20 (( .20 Dutton .50 Jacobs 1.25 Century .84n. Am. Bk. Co. .ZQ « .35 Little 1. 00 u I.OO tt I.OO H I.OO Lippincott 1.25 Houghton 1.50 Stokes I.SO Lothrop •75 Ginn •75 Silver, v. I, .36; V. 2, .48; V. 3, .54 Black i/6n. Houghton I.OO « I.OO Bardeen 2.S0 Henley I.OO Scribner .son. Putnam 2.oon. 08 Houghton Stokes Houghton Blackie Small Harper Little Schirmer Clarendon Press Rand Little Smith, E. B. The Farm book Santa Claus and all about him Story of Pocahontas and Captain John Smith Smith, Fred World of animal life Smith, Gertrude Arabella and Araminta stories Little Precious Lovable tales of Janey and Josey and Joe Roggie and Reggie stories Stories of Peter and Ellen Smith, Hannah Founders of music Smith, J. C. Book of verse for boys and girls Smith, M. E. Eskimo stories Smith, M. P. (W.) Boy captive in Canada Boy captive of old Deerfield Boys and girls of ''j'j Boys of the border The Browns Four on a farm Jolly good summer Jolly good times Jolly good times at Hackmatack Jolly good times at school Jolly good times to-day More good times at Hackmatack Their canoe trip Young and old Puritans of Hatfield Young Puritans in captivity Young Puritans in King Philip's war Young Puritans of Old Hadley Smith, N . A. Adventures of a doll Doubleday Nelson the adventurer Houghton Three little Marys Under the cactus flag " Snedden, G. S. Docas the Indian boy Heath Southworth, G. V. D. Story of the Empire State Appleton Speed, James Sprague, W. C. Spyri, J. (H.) Stables, W. G. Stack, F. W. Jack and Nell in field and forest Pub. Sch. Pub. Napoleon Bonaparte Wessels Heidi Ginn Moni the goat boy " Rico and Wiseli De Wolfe Boys' book of health and strength Jarrold Wild flowers every child should know Doubleday Co. l.Son. 175 2.son. 5/ i.oon. i.3on. i.3on. i.So i.3on, 1.50 V 75 I.2S 125 1.25 I.2S I.2S 1.50 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 I.2S 1-25 1.25 1.25 1.25 •75 1.00 .85 1.25 .35 .7Sn. SO 1. 00 .40 .40 1.50 2/6 i.2on. 99 Stanley, H. M. My Kalulu Starr, Frederick American Indians Strange peoples Starr, L. B. Filippo the Italian boy Stearns, Albert Chris and the wonderful lamp Sinbad, Smith & Co. Stedman, D. C. Story of Hereward Steedman, Amy Knights of art Steel, F. A. Tales of the Punjab Steele, Robert Story of Alexander Gabriel and the hour book Little shepherd of Provence Troubadour tales Stories from the old chronicles Story of Sir Galahad Stevenson, Augusta Children's classics in dra- matic form 3 V. Stein, Evaleen Stephens, Kate Sterling, M. B. Stevenson B. E. Poems of American history Tommy Remington's battle Stevenson, B. E. and E. S. (B.) Days and deeds: poetry Days and deeds: prose Stevenson, R. L. B. Child's garden of verses, illus. by Robinson Child's garden of verses, illus. by Jessie Wilcox Smith Child's garden of verses, illus. by Squire and Mars Child's garden of verses, illus. by Storer Kidnapped Stevenson reader Treasure Island, illus. by Paget Stickney, J. H. and Hoffmann, Ralph Bird world Stockton, F. R. Captain Chap Clocks of Rondaine Fanciful tales Floating prince Jolly fellowship Personally conducted Round-about rambles Stories of New Jersey Story of Viteau Scribner 1.50 Heath •45 tt 40 Barnes 4Sn. Century i.SO (( 1.50 Crowell I.SO Jacobs 2.oon. Macmillan I.SO Nutt 5/ Page 1. 00 a 1. 00 Bobbs-Merril] I I.2S Sturgis 1.50 Dutton 1.50 Houghton, V. 2, .3Sn. V. 3, 4on. ; v. 4, -son. Houghton 3.00 Century i.oo Baker & Taylor i.oo I. GO Scribner 1.50 (( 2.50 Rand 75 Scribner I.SO u I.SO u .40 it I.2S Ginn .60 Lippincott I.oo Scribner 1.50 « •son. M I.SO M 1.50 tt 2.00 it I.SO Am. Bk. Co. .60 Scribner ISO 100 Stockton, F. R. Tales out of school Scribner 1.50 Ting-a-ling tales « 1. 00 What might have been expected Dodd 1.25 Stoddard, W. 0. Battle of New York Appleton 1.50 Chris the model maker M 1.50 Chumley's Post Lippincott 1. 00 Crowded out o* Crofield Appleton 1.50 Dab Kinzer Scribner 1. 00 Gid Granger Lothrop 1.25 Guert Ten Eyck u 1.25 Little Smoke Appleton 1.50 The Noank's log Lothrop 1.25 On the old frontier Appleton 1.50 The Quartet Scribner 1. 00 Red mustang Harper .60 Red patriot Appleton 1.50 Saltillo boys Scribner 1. 00 Talking leaves Harper .60 Two arrows tt .60 The White cave Century 1.50 Winter fun Scribner 1. 00 With the Black Prince Appleton 1.50 Stone, G. L. and Fickett, M. G. Everyday life in the colonies Heath .35 Trees in prose and poetry Ginn 45 Stories from English history for young Americans Harper 2.00 Storr, Frances and Turner, Hawes Canterbury chimes Kegan Paul 3/6 Stowe, H. E. (B.) Queer little people Houghton I.2S Stories and sketches for the young « i.So Strang, Herbert Fighting on the Congo Bobbs-Merrill 1.50 Rob the ranger it I.SO Stratemeyer, Edward American boys' life of William McKinley Lothrop I.2S Straubenmiiller, Gustave Home geography of New York city Ginn .60 Stuart, R. (M.) George Washington Jones Altemus 1. 00 Solomon Crow's Christmas pockets Harper 1.25 Story of Babette (( 1.50 Swift, Jonathan Gulliver's travels Houghton .6on. Gulliver's travels, illus. by Brock Macmillan 3/6 Gulliver's travels, illus. by Rackham Dent 7/6 T., L. G. Three years behind the guns Century 1.50 lOI Doubleday I.2S Page 1.50 Doubleday 1.25 Appleton 1.50 « 1.50 Holt 1.50 Wilde i.So u i.So Page 1.50 Houghton •SSn. u I.SO u 17.50 Taggart, M. A. Daughters of the little grey house The Doctor's little girl The Little grey house Miss Lochinvar Miss Lochinvar's return Nut-brown Joan Six girls and Bob Six girls and the tea room Sweet Nancy Tappan, E. M. American hero stories Chaucer story book Children's hour 10 v. V. I Folk stories and fables V. 2 Myths from many lands V. 3 Stories from the classics V. 4 Stories of legendary heroes V. S Stories from seven old favorites V. 6 Old-fashioned stories and poems V. 7 Out-of-door book V. 8 Adventures and achieve- ments V. 9 Poems and rhymes v. 10 Modern stories The Christ story England's story Golden goose In the days of Queen Elizabeth In the days of William the Con- queror Old ballads in prose An Old, old story book Our country's story Robin Hood Story of the Greek people Tapper, Thomas Child's music world Tarr, R. S. Elementary geology New physical geography " Tarr, R. S. and McMurry, F. M. New geographies Macmillan, Bk. i Pt. 2, .50; Bk. 2 pt. Tate, L. S. Child's cookery book Richards Taylor, Bayard Boys of other countries Putnam Lothrop Houghton Little Houghton Hatch Macmillan pt. 1-2, I. son. •Ssn. 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 I. ion. I.SO .65n. I.SO .6sn. I.2S 1.40 1. 00 I, .40. .6sea V 1.25 IQ2 Taylor, Jane and Gilbert, A. (T.) Little Ann, illus. by Greenaway Original poems Tenney, A. A. (G.) Sea shells and river shells Tennyson, Alfred, ist baron Complete poems Thacher, L. W. (S.) The Listening child Thackeray, W. M. The Rose and the ring The Rose and the ring, illus. by Browne Thanet, Octave pseud, see French, Alice Thaxter, C. (L.) Stories and poems for children Thomas, A. C. Elementary history of the United States Thomas, W. J. Welsh fairy book Thompson, A. R. Gold seeking on the Dalton trail Thompson, Ernest Seton- Biography of a grizzly Krag and Johnny Bear Lives of the hunted Lobo, Rag and Vixen Two little savages Wild animals I have known Thompson, Ernest Seton- and Powell, R. R. S. Baden- Boy scouts of Amer- ica Thompson, J. M. Water wonders every child should know Thompson, Maurice Boys' book of sports Thompson, M. P. Peeps at many lands: Finland Thomson, E.W. The Young boss Tidy, C. M. Story of a tinder box Tiffany, N. (M.) Pilgrims and puritans Tileston, M. W. (F.) Children's book of ballads Children's treasure *rove of pearls Sugar and spice Tomlinson, E. T. Boy officers of 1812 Boy soldiers of 1812 Boys of old Monmouth Boys with Old Hickory Campfire of Mad Anthony Guarding the border In the hands of the red coats A Jersey boy in the Revolution Lieutenant under Washington Mad Anthony's young scout Warne I.OO Stokes i.So Loth r op .30 Houghton 1.50 Macmillan .50 Heath .25 Stokes I.2S Houghton .6on. Heath .60 Stokes 1.50 Little I.SO Century I.SO Scribner •son. u 2.00 <( •son. Doubleday i.75n. Scribner 2.00 Doubleday •so *€ I. ion. Century 2.00 Black i/6n. Crowell .50 S. P. C. K. 2/ Ginn .60 Little 1.50 (( I.SO « 1.25 Lothrop I.2S M 1.25 Houghton 1.50 Lothrop I.2S Houghton 1.50 Lothrop I.2S Houghton 1.50 *t 1.50 M 1.50 M 1.50 103 Tomlinson, E. T. Marching against the Iroquois Houghton 1.50 The Red chief t* 1.50 Rider of the black horse tt 1.50 Search for Andrew Field Lothrop I.2S Tecumseh's young bravos " 1.25 Three colonial boys Wilde 1.50 Three young continentals tt 1.50 Two young patriots *t 1.50 Under colonial colors Houghton 1.50 Washington's young aids Wilde i.So With flintlock and fife « 1.50 Young Americans in the British Isles Houghton 1.50 Young folks' history of the Ameri- can Revolution Doubleday i.2on. Torrey, Bradford Every day birds Houghton 1. 00 Towle, G. M. Raleigh Lothrop 75 Towry, M. H. Spenser for children Chatto 3/6 Trimmer, S. (K.) History of the robins Heath .20 Troeger, J. W. Nature-study readers 5 v. V. I Harold's first discoveries Appleton .25 V. 2 Harold's rambles « .40 V. 3 Harold's quests it •50 V. 4 Harold's explorations tt .60 V. 5 Harold's discussions « .60 Trowbridge, J. T. Drummer boy Lothrop 1.50 His one fault (t 1.25 His own master u 1.25 Jolly rover tt I.2S Lawrence's adventures Winston 1.25 Little master Lothrop 1.25 Lottery ticket u 1.00 Pocket-rifle tt 1.25 Satinwood box u 1.25 Start in life tt 1.25 Two Biddicut boys Century 1.50 Young surveyor Winston 1.25 Trowbridge, John Story of a wireless telegraph boy Houghton I.2S True, J. P. The Iron star Little 1.50 Morgan's men tt 1.50 On guard tt 1.50 Scouting for Washington tt 1.50 Shoulder arms Meth. Bk. Concern .50 104 Turley, Charles Godfrey Marten Maitland Major and Minor Twain, Mark pseud, see Clemens, S. L. Ulmann, Albert Landmark history of New York Underhill, Z. (D.) Dwarf's tailor Vachell, H. A. The Hill Vaile, C M. The M. M. C. The Orcutt girls Sue Orcutt Wheat and huckleberries Vaile, P. A. Peeps at many lands : New Zealand Valentine, L. (J.) Aunt Louisa's book of animal stories Aunt Louisa's book of common things Aunt Louisa's book of easy poetry Vamba, pseud, see Bertelli, Luigi Vandegrift, Margaret, pseud. Little helpers Wade, M. H. Our little Eskimo cousin Our little Russian cousin Our little Swiss cousin Wagner, Charles On life's threshold Wallace, A. R. Wonderful century reader Ungava Bob Letters to the farm boy Daughter of the rich Curiosities of popular customs Emperor William first E. S. (P.) Donald Marcy Gypsy Breynton Gypsy's cousin Joy Gypsy's sowing and reaping Gypsy's year at the Golden Crescent Captain of the Kittiewink New senior at Andover Ward, M. A. (A.) Milly and Oily Warner, C. D. Being a boy Washington, George Rules of conduct Waters, C. (E.) C. Outline history of painting Webster, Daniel Daniel Webster for young Ameri- cans Webster, Noah Collegiate dictionary of the Eng- lish language Wallace, Dillon Wallace, Henry Waller, M. E. Walsh, W. S. Walter, A. Ward. Ward, H. D. Dutton Appleton Harper Dodd Wilde Black Warne Houghton Page Doubleday Sonnenschein Revell Macmillan Little Lippincott McClurg Houghton Dodd Little Lothrop Doubleday Houghton « Stokes Little Merriam 1.50 I. SO i.25n. 175 1.50 1. 00 1.50 1.50 I.SP i/6n. V 1.50 .60 .60 .60 I. con. 1.50 1. 00 1.50 3-50 •son. 1.25 1.50 1.50 i.SO 1.50 I.2S 1.25 i.2on. 1-25 .25n. 2.00 1.50 3.00 105 Weikel, A. H. Wells, Carolyn Welsh, Charles Wharton, A. H. Wheeler, C. G. Wheeler, W. A. Whitcomb, I. P. White. E. O. Weckerlin, J. B. Chansons de France, illus. by Boutet de Monvel Betty Baird's golden year Rainy day diversions Book of nursery rhymes Fairy tales children love Neddy Stories children love Wesselhoeft. L. (F.) Flip wing the spy Frowzle the runaway Jack the fire dog Jerry the blunderer Sparrow the tramp Torpeanuts the tomboy A Last century maid Woodworking for beginners Mother Goose's melodies Young people's story of art A Borrowed sister Brothers in fur Ednah and her brothers Little girl of long ago An Only child When Molly was six Boys' and girls' Herodotus Boys' and girls' Pliny Boys' and girls* Plutarch White, Mary and Sara Book of children's parties White, S. E. The Magic forest Whitney, A. D. (T.) Boys at Chequasset Faith Gartney's girlhood Hitherto Summer in Leslie Goldthwaite's life We girls Whitson, J. H. Courier of empire With Fremont the pathfinder Whittier, J. G. Child life... poems Child life in prose Complete poems Widor, C. M. Vieilles chansons, illus. by Boutet de Monvel Wiggin, K. D. (S.) Birds' Christmas Carol Half-a-dozen housekeepers Polly Oliver's problem White, J. S. Plon Little i.So Moffat I.OO Heath .30 Dodge 1.25 Caldwell I.OO Dodge I.2S Little I.2S » 1.25 it 1.25 t€ . 1.25 « I.2S it I.2S Lippincott 1.25 Putnam 2.50 Houghton 1,50 Dodd 2.00 Houghton I.OO (( 1.00 ti I.OO it I.OO it I.OO it I.OO Putnam 1.75 a 2.00 it 1.75 Century i.oon. Macmillan 1.20 Houghton 1.25 (( I.2S a 1.25 a 1.25 it 1.25 Wilde 1.50 it 1.50 Houghton 1.50 it 1.50 it 2.00 Plon Houghton •SO Altemus .75 Houghton I.OO 106 Wiggin, K. D, (S.) Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm Houghton 1.25 A Summer in a canon « 1. 25 Timothy's quest u 1. 00 Wiggin, K. D. (S.) and Smith, N. A. Arabian nights, illus. by Parrish Scribner 2.50 Fairy ring, illus. by MacKinstry Doubleday i.25n. Golden numbers u 2.oon. Magic casements u 1.50 Pinafore palace u 1.50 Posy ring u 1.25 Story hour Houghton I.OO Tales of laughter Doubleday 1.50 Tales of wonder u 1.50 Wilde, 0. F. 0. W. Happy prince Nutt 3/6n. Wiley, Belle Mother Goose primer Merrill .32 Wilkins, M. E. Once upon a time Lothrop i.oo Pot of gold it 1.50 -C " % Young Lucretia Harper 1.25 Willard, C. D. City government for young people Macmillan •son. Williams, J. L. Adventures of a freshman Scribner I.2S Williams, Sherman Stories from early New York history tt .65n. Willis, S. H. and Farmer, F. V. Month by month : Spring Barnes i.5on. Autumn (( i.2Sn. Winter n i.25n. Wilmot-Buxton, E. M. see Buxton, E. M. Wilmot- Wiltse, S. E. Folk-lore stories Ginn .30 Wood, J. G. Popular natural history Routledge 5/ Wood, Theodore Natural history for young people Button 2.50 Nature and her servants S. P. C K. 4/ Woolsey, S. C. Barberry bush Little I.2S Clover « 1.25 Cross patch u 1.25 Eyebright u 1.25 Guernsey Lily tt 1.25 In the High Valley tt 1.25 Just sixteen tt I.2S Mischief's Thanksgiving tt 1.25 New Year's bargain tt 1.25 Nine little goslings M 1.25 Not quite eighteen u 125 Round dozen u 1.25 107 Woolsey, S. C. World Almanac Wright, H. C. Wright, J. (M.) Wright, M.(0.) What Katy did What Katy did at school What Katy did next Children's stories in American his- tory Children's stories in American literature Children's stories in English liter- ature 2 V. Children's stories of American progress Children's stories of the great scientists Seaside and wayside 4 v. Little Scribner Heath v. i, V. 3, Four-footed Americans Gray lady and the birds Wright, M. (O.) and Coues, Elliott Citizen bird .25; .45; Macmillan Wyss, J. D. Swiss family Prater Swiss family Rhead When mother lets Robinson, illus. by Robinson, illus. by us give a party Yale, E. D. Yechton, Barbara pseud, see Krause, L. F. Yonge, C. M. The Armourer's prentices Book of golden deeds The Chaplet of pearls The Daisy chain Lances of Lynwood The Little duke The Prince and the page Stray pearls Young, Ernest Peeps at many lands: Corsica Young, E. R. Algonquin Indian tales Battle of the bears Young, Gerald Chunk, Fusky and Snout Ziemssen, Ludwig Johann Sebastian Bach Zimmern, Alice Gods and heroes of the north Old tales from Rome Zollinger, Gulielma see Gladwin, W. Z. pseud. Dutton Harper Moffat Macmillan 1.25 I-2S 1.25 .50 .50 .50 i.2Sea. .50 Black Meth. Bk. Concern Wilde Burt McClurg Longmans Unwin 25 .35; .50 •son. 75n. •son. 1.25 1.50 .75n. .25 .00 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 /6n. .25 •50 .75n. •son. .36 5/ 108 BROOKLYN EAGLE PI^ESi YC UNIVERSITY OP CALIFORNIA LIBRARY THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW 9161 f' a3J 30m-l,'15 X* 9023S' W 6958