LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. GIFT OF^ 'yUXxtfv^. Class ^ GENERAL CATALOGUE OFFICERS AND GRADUATES WILLIAMS COLLEGE 1905. WILLIAMSTOWN, MASS. PUBLISHED BY THE COLLEGE. 1905. CONTENTS. Page. Statement 4 Introduction 5 Fac-siraile Eeproduction of the Will of Ephraim Williams Plate Officers of Government 7 Officers of Instruction 14 Fac-simile of First General Catalogue (plate) facing 29 Graduates 29 Honorary Graduates 154 Summary 181 Index of Officers 185 Index of Graduates . 189 WILLIAMS COLLEGE WAS FOUNDED BY COL. EPHRAIM WILLIAMS Who fell in battle at Lake George, September 8, 1755. THE PKEE SCHOOL IN WILLIAMSTOWN was chartered March 8, 1785. On June 22, 1793, a charter was granted transforming the Free School into WILLIAMS COLLEGE, which was duly established August 6, 1793. Corporate Name: THE PRESIDENT AND TRUSTEES OF WILLIAMS COLLEGE. '/////// ///////////> , ^^^^"-.'^/'^'^ *^"' ^W^r^^^ ^ ^'~ ,,> y /-"*r~ ,*, ^Z~Sk^-^^ ~5,F s/ * *, *' .* *'**.* ,s/,^v*C*n* "~~ ****** <&'* , rtzJ&s&i ^K> *rfs t *'* fr*+-r"~**< tt ^-^^^g^^^^^^^J^^^^^^ &fl&&^ffi '&+jrife&^.*?^^ faJB& &%> &**#*> *&. %*4*4 -ftpato-s-fi&te *^*r#^ * *%. //Vsrt/fS ntKj&&f^ rfsfs^&?*S'*/'s* ''**"-->""* '"''^ f " r ^"^''^ ' i /> f77 rttrrrU'Jtf >^ / jr*jr7 f/'ftJ. - f. ?,*? r /,<%$;**,< /^7'^py';'^^^/^^ " -r / - , '*.-.'*..* T . _ - . J//r/^ ' ' '/' '/ ' ' ' ^^^ I dUJflA'fr !l //("' X ->.V y-1,', W. .V T * - *4 INTRODUCTION. THE present volume is the thirty-first in the series of General Cata- logues of the College. The first, a broadside in Latin, was pub- lished in 1799, followed at intervals of three years by successive editions in Latin until 1874. The first General Catalogue in English was published in 1880, followed by issues in 1885 and 1890. A lapse of ten years intervened before the succeeding volume appeared in 1900, the first prepared by the present Editor. A complete collection of these catalogues, excepting those of 1802 and 1805, is preserved in the College Library. The original broadside of 1799 is reproduced in fac-simile facing page 29. In ttye present edition, the volunteer and army record, first intro- duced in 1900, has been retained. Every effort has been made to ex- tend and correct this as far as the data could be verified from official sources. Special pains have been taken to enlarge the record of gradu- ates and of honorary graduates during the first fifty years of the history of the College. All available sources of information have been exam- ined and the results carefully verified. Yet, with these, as with all ad- ditions to later classes, the Editor is conscious that the result is disap- pointing and incomplete. That something has been gained and that a fair measure of accuracy has been attained he believes an examination of this volume will reveal. The correction of former errors in names and dates has been made with great care, and the result may form a safe basis for future editions. The same general plan has been followed here as in the edition of 1900. The abbreviations should require no explanation. The names of ordained ministers are printed in italics. The Master's degree, re- ceived in course, is entered without date. When conferred under the 6 GENERAL CATALOGUE, WILLIAMS COLLEGE. 1905 rule requiring an examination and thesis, the date is given. The Berk- shire Medical Institution in Pittsfield is treated now, as in the edition of 1900, as a separate institution, and its degrees are so entered. In the list of graduates the degree or degrees conferred by this College is entered immediately after the name, followed by a semi- colon. Degrees of other Colleges follow, arranged as nearly as possible in chronological order. The academic record including graduate study and positions held in this or other Colleges, in the army, navy, civil or diplomatic service is then entered. Membership of learned societies, as far as ascertained, is given. Honorary graduates have the degree or degrees conferred by this College placed immediately after their names, followed by a semi-colon. The subsequent entry is arranged as for graduates. To William T. R. Marvin, of the Class of 1854, the Editor would express his deep sense of obligation. Beginning with the edition of 1847, his firm, founded by his father Theophilus Rogers Marvin, an honorary graduate of 1859, has printed each General Catalogue. For fifty years Mr. William T. R. Marvin has aided succeeding editors in this work. His loyalty to the College, his intimate acquaintance with its history and its graduates, his genius for research, and his patient and accurate investigation entitle him to the gratitude of everyone in- terested in Williams College. The Alumni are earnestly requested to aid the effort made by the College to keep in touch with its graduates and to preserve accurately their academic record. The Alumni Register, published at intervals of about two years, gives .the titles, occupations and addresses of our living graduates. Corrections should be sent to the Rev. E. B. Parsons, D. D., the editor. The General Catalogue aims to present in brief form the academic record of all graduates. Corrections or additions to these entries are cordially requested. These should be sent to the College Library. WILLIAMS COLLEGE LIBKAKY, September 28, 1905. OFFICERS OF GOVERNMENT AND INSTRUCTION, OFFICERS OF GOVERNMENT. PRESIDENTS. Elected Retired 1793 EBENEZER FITOH, D.D 1815 1815 ZEPHANIAH SWIFT MOORE, D.D. . . 1821 1821 EDWARD DORR GRIFFIN, D.D. . . . 1836 1836 MARK HOPKINS, D.D., LL.D 1872 1872 PAUL ANSEL CHADBOURNE, D.D., LL.D. . 1881 1881 FRANKLIN CARTER, Ph.D., LL.D. . . . 1901 1901 JOHN HASKELL HEWITT, LL.D., Acting Pres- ident 1902 1902 HENRY HOPKINS, D.D., LL.D. VICE PRESIDENTS. 1793 STEPHEN WEST, D.D. . . 1812 1812 ALVAN HYDE, D.D. . . . . *1833 1834 SAMUEL SHEPARD, D.D. . *1846 1846 TIMOTHY MATHER OOOLEY, D.D. . *1859 1859 EMERSON DAVIS, D.D. . *1866 8 GENERAL CATALOGUE, WILLIAMS COLLEGE. 1905 TRUSTEES. Elected ' Retired A.D. A - D - 1T93 Stephen West, D.D. . . 1812 1793 John Bacon . 1804 1T93 Daniel Collins 1808 1793 Israel Jones 1822 1793 David Noble 1803 1793 Woodbridge Little 1805 ' 1793 Theodore Sedgwick, LL.D. . . . . , . *1813 1793 Thompson Joseph Skinner 1809 1793 Seth Swift 1807 1793 Henry Van Schaak ....... 1816 1793 William Williams . . *1808 1793 Elijah Williams ... ... 1802 1794 Stephen Van Rensselaer, LL.D 1819 1794 Job Swift, D.D 1802 1794 Ammi Ruhamah Rollins ...... 1810 1802 Samuel Henshaw *1809 1802 Alvan Hyde, D.D *1833 1803 Daniel Dewey *1815 1804 John Williams 1814 1806 Joseph Woodbridge . . . . . . 1829 1806 Nathaniel Bishop 1810 1807 Jacob Qatlin, D.D. . 1822 1808 Ezra Starkweather . 1829 1808 Samuel Shepard, D.D *1846 1809 Thomas Dwight 1817 1809 Daniel Noble . *1830 1810 Theophilus Packard, D.D 1825 1812 Timothy Mather Cooley, D.D *1859 1813 Levi Glezen .... .... 1826 1814 Joseph Lyman 1832 1905 OFFICERS OF GOVERNMENT. 9 Elected Retired A.D. A.D. 1814 Thaddeus Pomeroy . 1826 1817 Thomas Snell, D.D 1825 1820 George Bliss, LL.D. ... . 1825 1820 Heman Humphrey, D.D 1825 1822 Isaac Knapp 1826 1823 Ezra Fisk, D.D ^1833 1824 William Perrin Walker 1846 1824 Charles Augustus Dewey, LL.D *1866 1825 Rufus William Bailey, D.D 1827 1826 Nathaniel Scudder Prime, D.D. . . . . 1831 1826 James McKown 1845 1826 John Nelson, D.D 1833 1826 Milo Lyman Bennett, LL.D 1837 1826 Edward Augustus Newton 1845 1827 Ralph Wells O-ridley 1834 1829 David Buel 1847 1829 Henry Williams Dwight 1837 1831 William Buel Sprague, D.D., LL.D. . . . 1834 1831 Daniel Noble Dewey *1859 1832 Edwin Wells Dwight ' . . *1841 1833 Emerson Davis, D.D *1866 1833 John Whiton 1838 1834 William Porter *1853 1834 Joseph Alden, D.D., LL.D 1835 1835 William Davis Snodgrass, D.D 1845 1835 Richard Townley Haines 1839 1836 Horatio Nelson Brinsmade, D.D 1854 1838 Henry Lyman Sabin, M.D *1884 1838 Thomas Edward Vermilye, D.D., LL.D. . . . 1845 1839 Charles Stoddard 1872 1842 Thomas Rollins, D.D. . .... 185& 10 GENERAL CATALOGUE, WILLIAMS COLLEGE. 1905 Elected Retired A.D. A.D. 1845 George Nixon Briggs, LL.D *1861 1845 Emory Washburn, LL.D 1848 1845 John Todd, D.D 1872 1845 Absalom Peters, D.D *1869 1847 Henry Walker Bishop, LL.D 1870 -1847 Adam Reid, D.D. . 1869 1848 Joseph White, LL.D. . .... *1890 1848 Bradford Ripley Wood, LL.D 1865 1853 Augustus Charles Thompson, D.D 1868 1853 Charles Butler, LL.D 1858 1855 Erastus Cornelius Benedict, LL.D *1880 1858 Homer Bartlett 1869 1859 William Hyde 1877 1860 Nicholas Murray, D.D *1861 1861 Nahum aale, D.D *1876 1862 James Denison Colt, LL.D. . . *1881 1865 John Zaccheus Goodrich .... 1872 1866 Robert Russell Booth, D.D., LL.D 1866 William Earl Dodge 1877 1868 Giles Bacon Kellogg 1878 1869 Thomas Nelson 1874 1869 Samuel Irenaeus Prime, D.D *1885 1869 Francis Henshaw Dewey, LL.D *1887 1870 Samuel Dennis Warren 1876 1872 Mark Hopkins, D.D., LL.D *1887 1872 Stephen Higginson Tyng, D.D 1884 1872 Ephraim Flint, D.D *1882 1874 James White 1879 1875 Arthur Brown Graves 1886 1877 Horatio Gates Knight 1890 1877 Charles Augustus Davison *1900 1905 OFFICERS OF GOVERNMENT. 11 Elected Retired A.D. A.D. 1877 William Reynolds Dimmock, LL.D. . . . *1878 1878 Edward Clark, LL.D *1882 1878 Derick Lane Boardman *1893 1879 Amos Lawrence Hopkins . . . . .1884 1880 James Abrarn Garfield, LL.D *1881 1881 James White 1886 1882 James Madison Barker, LL.D 1882 Arthur Mitchell, D.D 1887 1882 Alfred Corning Clark 1886 1883 William Wiener Adams, D.D 1884 Leivellyn Pratt, D.D 1889 1884 Horace Elisha Scudder, L.H.D *1902 1885 James Gilfillan 1887 1886 Frederick Ferris Thompson *1899 1886 Charles Cuthbert Hall, D.D., LL.D 1886 John Woodbridge Dickinson 1891 1887 Henry Hopkins, D.D 1902 1887 Abbott Eliot Kittredge, D.D 1888 1887 Washington G-ladden, D.D., LL.D 1897 1888 James White *1895 1888 John Edwin Bradley, Ph.D. . . .-..,/. . 1893 1889 Henry Martyn Hoyt, LL.D H893 1890 Francis Lynde Stetson ...... 1891 Albert Charles Houghton 1891 Justin Kellogg 1901 1893 Justin Dewey, LL.D 1898 1893 Charles Bulkley Hubbell 1894 1894 James Rudolph Garfield 1899 1894 Frederic Beach Jennings 1895 1895 Hamilton Wright Mabie, L.H.D., LL.D. . 1895 Daniel Merriman, D.D 12 GENERAL CATALOGUE, WILLIAMS COLLEGE. 1905 Elected Retired A.D. A.D. 1897 Joseph Edward Simmons, LL.D. .... 1898 Washington Gladden, D.D., LL.D 1900 1899 William Rumsey, LL.D *1903 1900 Eugene Delano 1900 James Rudolph Garfield ...... 1900 James Robert Dunbar . ' . 1901 William Henry Hollister 1902 Bentley Wirt Warren 1902 Harry Pinneo Dewey, D.D 1903 Henry Lefavour, Ph.D., LL.D. SECRETARIES. 1793 Daniel Dewey 1798 1798 Solomon Stoddard 1799 1799 Chauncey Lusk 1804 1804 Peter Starr 1805 1805 Daniel Noble 1814 1814 Daniel Dewey *1815 1815 Charles Augustus Dewey 1826 1826 Lyndon Arnold Smith, M.D 1827 1827 Charles Baker 1828 1828 Daniel Noble Dewey *1859 1859 Daniel Dewey 1868 1868 Joseph White, LL.D 1888 1888 James White 1893 1893 Orlando Marcellus Fernald 1893 1893 Charles Henry Burr 1902 1902 William Henry Hollister . . . . 1905 1905 Willard Evans Hoyt 1905 OFFICERS OF GOVERNMENT. 13 Elected Retired A.D. L.D. TREASURERS. 1793 Thompson Joseph Skinner 1798 1798 Daniel Dewey 1814 1814 Daniel Noble *1830 1830 Daniel Noble Dewey *1859 1859 Joseph White, LL.D 1886 1886 James White *1895 1895 James Hosmer, Acting Treasurer . . . .1897 1897 Charles Sumner Cole 1904 1904 Willard Evans Hoyt 14 GENERAL CATALOGUE, WILLIAMS COLLEGE. 1905 OFFICEKS OF INSTRUCTION. PROFESSORS. Elected Retired FRENCH LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE. 1795 Samuel Mackay 1799 1853 Isaac Newton Lincoln *1862 1863 Franklin Carter 1868 1868 Charles Franklin Gilson, Modern Languages . . . *1881 1881 Richard Austin Rice, Modern Languages . . .1890 1881 Frederic Leake, L.H.D., Instructor 1887 1887 Francis Lockwood Kendall, Asst. Prof., Modern Languages *1893 1891 Thomas Logic, Ph.D., Asst. Prof., Romance Languages . 1893 1892 George Moritz Wahl, L.H.D., Asst. Prof., Modern Lan- guages . . ....*.. 1894 1893 Asa Henry Morton, Asst. Prof., Romance Languages . 1897 1897 Asa Henry Morton, L.H.D., Romance Languages 1897 Frank Jewett Mather, Ph.D., Asst. Prof., Romance Lan- guages . 1900 1904 Karl Ephraim Weston, Asst. Prof, Romance Languages MATHEMATICS. 1806 Gamaliel Smith Olds ... . . 1808 1810 Chester Dewey, M.D. . . 1827 1827 Sylvester Hovey . 1829 1829 Albert Hopkins . 1838 1838 John Tatlock 1845 1845 John Darby 1846 1846 John Tatlock, LL.D. . . . 1867 1905 OFFICERS OF INSTRUCTION. 15 Elected Retired A.D. A.D. 1867 John Tatlock, LL.D., Emeritus . *1886 1868 James Marshall Anderson . . . 1869 1869 Cyrus Morris Dodd *1897 1898 Willis Isbister Milham, Ph.D., Asst. Prof., Math. Sciences 1902 1899 Frederick Carlos Ferry, Ph.D., Assistant Professor . . 1902 1902 Frederick Carlos Ferry, Ph.D. . . . 1903 James Graham Hardy, Ph.D., Assistant Professor . NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 1806 Gamaliel Smith Olds . . .... 1808 1810 Chester Dewey, M.D. . . . 1827 1827 Sylvester Hovey . . .1829 1829 Albert Hopkins, LL.D. . . ... 1868 1876 Truman Henry Safford, Ph.D. ... . 1881 LAW AND CIVIL POLITY. 1812 Daniel Dewey . *1815 THEOLOGY. The Jackson Professorship of Christian Theology was founded by Nathan Jackson, of New York, in 1858. The Barclay Jermain Professorship of Natural Theology was founded in 1882 by James B. Jennain, of Albany, New York, in memory of his son Barclay Jermain, of the Class of 1874, who died in 1882. 1815 Zephaniah Swift Moore, D.D., President . . . . 1821 1821 Edward Dorr Griffin, D.D., President .... 1836 1858 Mark Hopkins, D.D., LL.D., President, Jackson . . *1887 1883 Franklin Carter, Ph.D., LL.D., President, Barclay Jermain 1901 1884 John Henry Denison, D.D., Mark Hopkins, Jackson . 1889 1902 Henry Hopkins, D.D., LL.D., President, JZarclay Jermain 16 GENERAL CATALOGUE, WILLIAMS COLLEGE. 1905 Elected Retired A.D. A.D. ANCIENT LANGUAGES. The Lawrence Professorship of Language was established by Amos Lawrence, of Boston, in 1844. It became in 1853 the Lawrence Professorship of the Greek Language and Literature. The Garfleld Professorship of Ancient Languages was established in 1882 by subscriptions, in honor of James A. Garfleld, of the Class of 1856. 1815 Ebenezer Kellogg 1844 1845 John Tatlock, Lawrence 1846 1846 Nathaniel Herrick Griffin, Lawrence .... 1853 1881 Charles Foster Smith, Ph.D., Assistant Professor . . 1882 1882 John Haskell Hewitt, LL.D., Garfleld .... 1903 1892 Francis Greenleaf Allinson, Ph.D., Assistant Professor . 1895 1903 George Dwight Kellogg, Ph.D., Assistant Professor . 1905 GREEK LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE. 1853 Nathaniel Herrick Griffin, Lawrence . . . .1857 1857 John Lemuel Thomas Phillips, Lawrence . . . 1868 1868 William Reynolds Dimmock, LL.D., Lawrence . . . 1872 1872 Orlando Marcellus Fernald, LL.D., Lawrence . . . *1902 1903 John Haskell Hewitt, LL.D., Lawrence LATIN LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE. The Massachusetts Professorship of the Latin Language and Literature was established in 1871, from funds contributed by the Commonwealth. 1853 Isaac Newton Lincoln *1862 1863 Franklin Carter, Massachusetts 1872 1872 Edward Herrick Griffin, D.D., Massachusetts . . . 1881 1884 Edward Parmelee Morris, Massachusetts .... 1891 1891 Henry Daniel Wild, Assistant Professor . . . .1895 1895 Henry Daniel Wild, Massachusetts ..... 1905 OFFICERS OF INSTRUCTION. 17 Elected Retired MORAL AND INTELLECTUAL PHILOSOPHY. The Mark Hopkins Professorship of Moral and Intellectual Philosophy was founded in 1887, the funds being subscribed in memory of Mark Hopkins. 1827 William Augustus Porter *1830 1830 Mark Hopkins, D.D., LL.D *1887 1886 Edward Herrick Griffin, D.D., Associate Professor . 1887 1887 Edward Herrick Griffin, D.D., LL.D., Mark Hopkins . 1889 1889 John Edward Russell, Mark Hopkins ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE. The Morris Professorship of Rhetoric was established in 1859, funds having been con- tributed by Philip Van Ness Morris, M. D., of Cambridge, New York, of the Class of 1813. 1827 William Augustus Porter *1830 1830 Mark Hopkins, M.D 1836 1835 Joseph Alden, D.D. . 1852 1854 Addison Bollard 1855 1855 John Bascom, LL.D., Morris ...... 1874 1869 Nathaniel Hillyer Egleston, Associate Professor . . 1870 1874 George Lansing Raymond, Provisional Prof., Rhetoric . 1875 1875 George Lansing Raymond, Oratory . . . .1881 1875 Lewellyn Pratt, D.D., Morris 1881 1881 Edward Herrick Griffin, D.D., Morris .... 1886 1886 Lever 'ett Wilson Spring, D.D., Morris .... 1886 Bliss Perry, Elocution and English .... 1893 1897 Frank Jewett Mather, Ph.D., Assistant Professor . . 1900 1898 Carroll Lewis Maxcy 1899 /Stephen Tracy Livingston, Assistant Professor, Oratory 1901 1904 Lewis Perry, Assistant Professor ... NATURAL HISTORY. 1833 Ebenezer Emmons, M.D 1859 1853 Paul Ansel Chadbourne, M.D., Botany . . 1859 18 GENERAL CATALOGUE, WILLIAMS COLLEGE. 1905 Elected Retired A.D. A.D. 1859 Ebenezer Emmons, M.D., Mineralogy and Geology . . *1863 1859 Paul Ansel Chadbourne, M.D 1867 1868 Sanborn Tenney .... . *1877 1881 Samuel Fessenden Clarke, Ph.D. 1894 James Ingraham Peck, Ph.D., Asst. Professor, Biology . *1898 1899 James Lawrence Kellogg, Ph.D., Asst. Professor^ Biology 1903 1903 James Lawrence Kellogg, Ph.D., Biology 1904 Herdman Fitzgerald Cleland, Ph.D., Asst. Professor, Geol- ogy and Botany . . . .... 1905 1905 Herdman Fitzgerald Cleland, Ph.D., Geology and Botany CHEMISTRY. 1835 Edward Lasell . *1852 1853 Paul Ansel Chadbourne, M.D. . . . 1858 1858 Thomas Edwards Clark, Ph.D. . . . . 1860 1868 Arthur Williams Wright, Ph.D., Physics and Chem- istry 1872 1872 Ira Remsen, M.D., Ph.D., Physics and Chemistry . . 1876 1876 Mase Shepard Southworth, Ph.D. . . . 1881 1881 Leverett Mears, Ph.D., Physics and Chemistry . . 1888 1888 Leverett Mears, Ph.D. ... 1904 Thomas Hazen Clark, Ph.D., Acting Professor . 1905 PHYSICS. The Thomas Thornton Read Professorship of Physics was established in 1888, under the terms of the will of Mrs. Catharine M. McCoskry, in memory of Thomas Thornton Read, of the Class of 1841. 1888 Henry Lefavour, Ph.D., Thomas T. Read . 1901 1903 William Edward McElfresh, Ph.D., Assistant Professor . 1905 1905 William Edward McElfresh, Ph.D., Thomas T. Read 1905 OFFICERS OF INSTRUCTION. 19 Elected Retired POLITICAL ECONOMY. The Orrin Sage Professorship of History and Political Economy was established in 1871 by Orrin Sage, of Ware. In 1890 it became the Orrin Sage Professorship of Political Economy. 1835 Joseph Alden, D.D 1852 1854 Arthur Latham Perry, D.D., LL.D., Orrin Sage . .1891 1891 Arthur Latham Perry, D.D., LL.D., Emeritus . . .1899 1891 John Bascom, D.D., LL.D., Acting Orrin Sage . . 1901 1899 Charles Jesse Bullock, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Econom- ics and Sociology . . . . . . .1902 1902 Charles Jesse Bullock, Ph.D., Orrin Sage . . . 1903 1904 David Button Webster, Ph.D., Assistant Professor . HISTORY. The J. Leland Miller Professorship of American History, Literature and Eloquence, was established in 1888 by J. Leland Miller, of Sheffield, Massachusetts. 1835 Joseph Alden, D.D 1852 1854 Arthur Latham Perry, D.D., LL.D., Orrin Sage . . 1890 1890 Richard Austin Rice, J. Leland Miller .... 1903 1894 Frank Goodrich, Ph.D., European History 1903 Theodore Clarke Smith, Ph.D., J. Leland Miller ASTRONOMY. The Field Memorial Professorship of Astronomy was established in 1866 by David Dudley Field, of New York, of the Class of 1825. 1838 Albert Hopkins, LL.D., Field Memorial . . . . *1872 1876 Truman Henry Safford, Ph.D., Field Memorial . . *1901 1902 Willis Isbister Milham, Ph.D., Field Memorial GERMAN LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE. 1854 Arthur Latham Perry . 1868 1868 Charles Franklin Gilson, Modern Languages . . *1881 20 GENERAL CATALOGUE, WILLIAMS COLLEGE. 1905 Elected Retired ^D- A.D. 1881 Richard Austin Rice, Modern Languages . . . .1890 1884 Edward Parmelee Morris, Instructor, German . . . 1888 1887 Francis Lockwood Kendall, Assistant Professor, Modern Languages *1893 1892 George Moritz Wahl, L.H.D., Assistant Professor, Modern Languages 1894 1894 George Moritz Wahl, L.H.D. 1894 Frank Goodrich, Ph.D 1903 1 904 James Percival King, Ph.D., Assistant Professor PHYSIOLOGY, VOCAL AND PHYSICAL CULTURE. The Goodrich Professorship of Physiology, Vocal and Physical Culture was established by John Z. Goodrich, of Stockbridge, Mass., in 1866. 1866 Charles Eussett Treat 1869 ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. 1884 Luther Dana Woodbridge, M.D. . . *1899 1904 Frederic Hollis Howard, M.D., Assistant Professor . POLITICAL SCIENCE. The David Ames Wells Professorship of Political Science was established in 1902 from funds bequeathed to the College by David Ames Wells, of the Class of 1847. 1902 Henry Loomis Nelson, L.H.D., David A. Wells ART AND HISTORY OF CIVILIZATION. 1903 Richard Austin Rice 1905 OFFICEBS OF INSTRUCTION. 21 Elected A.D. TUTORS. Retired- A.D. 1793 Noah Linsly 1794 1794 Elijah Dunbar 1796 1794 Dan Huntington 1796 1794 Daniel Dunbar 1796 1796 Jeremiah Day 1798 1796 Chauncey Lusk 1796 1796 Henry Dams 1798 1797 Charles Denison 1799 1798 Warren Button 1800 1798 Thomas Day 1799 1798 Asa Burbank 1800 1799 Vinson Gould 1801 1799 Bancroft Fowler 1801 1800 David Lord Perry 180a 1800 Samuel Cowles 1802 1801 Peter Starr 1803 1801 Samuel Fisher 180a 1802 Isaac Knapp 1803 1803 Jared Curtis .1803 1803 Lem Parsons 1805 1803 Gamaliel Smith Olds 1805 1804 James Watson Robbins 1806 1805 Frederic Perry 1806 1805 Lyman Strong . . . 1806 1806 Timothy Phelps Gilktt 1807 1806 Horatio Waldo 1807 1807 William Fitch Backus 1808 1807 Oliver Chapin 1808 1808 Chester Dewey . 1810- 1809 John Nelson 1810 1809 James Watson Robbins 1809 1809 Calmn Bushnell 1810 1810 Cyrus Winthrop Gray 1812 1810 Orange Lyman 1811 1811 Dyar Bancroft 1813 1812 Samuel Moody Emerson 1814 1813 Amatus Robbins 1816 22 GENERAL CATALOGUE, WILLIAMS COLLEGE. 1905 Elected Retired A.D. A.D. 1814 Salmon biddings 1815 1814 Alfred Wright 1815 1815 Reynolds Bascom 1817 1816 Charles Jenkins 1819 1817 Joseph Brackett 1819 1817 Stephen Taylor 1819 1819 George Wyllys Benedict 1822 1819 William Augustus Porter 1821 1821 Alvan Wheeler . . . . . . . . 1823 1822 Emerson Davis 1823 1822 Eleazer Root 1822 1823 Jonathan Edwards Woodbridge . . . . . 1826 1824 Erastus Cornelius Benedict 1824 1824 Joseph Hyde ... . 1825 1825 Mark Hopkins 1827 1825 William Hervey 1826 1826 Alonzo Calkins 1828 1826 John William Yeomans 1827 1827 Albert Hopkins . 1829 1828 Oscar Harris 1830 1829 Mason Nolle 1831 1829 Edward Lasell 1833 1831 David Newton Sheldon ....... 1832 1831 Fordyce Mitchell Hubbard 1832 1832 Joseph Lyman Partridge 1834 1833 Eli Thornton Mack 1834 1833 Simeon Howard Calhoun . . . . .. .1836 1834 George Hale 1836 1836 Thomas Dutton 1837 1836 John Tatlock 1838 1837 Nathaniel Herrick Griffin 1838 1838 Robert Crawford 1839 1839 Joseph White 1840 1840 James Henry Coffin 1843 1848 Addison Bollard 1844 1843 Eli Andrews Hubbard .... .1844 1844 John Adam Walker 1845 1844 Henry Brown Hosford . . . . . . .1848 1905 OFFICERS OF INSTRUCTION. 23 Elected Retired A.D. A.D. 1847 Philip H. Baermann . .1849 1848 Charles Jewett Cottw* 1851 1851 Paul Ansel Chadbourne . ... 1852 1852 Richard Wenman Swan . .... 1854 1852 John Bascom . . . . . . .1854 1853 Arthur Latham Perry . . . . . . . 1854 INSTRUCTORS. 1859 Charles Franklin Gilson, Modern Languages . . . 1864 1860 Charles Morgan Pierce, Mathematics and Latin . . 1862 1862 George Roswell Leavitt, Mathematics and Latin . . 1864 1863 James Meld Spalding, Greek 1864 1864 Edward Herrick Griffin, Mathematics and Latin . . 1865 1865 John G-aylord Davenport, Mathematics and Latin . . 1867 1867 William Caldicell Plunkett Ehoades, Mathematics and Latin 1868 1867 Charles Morgan Pierce, Mathematics . . . .1868 1870 Henry Wilson Smith, Physical Training .... 1874 1874 Luther Dana Woodbridge, Physical Training . . . 1876 1875 Henry Wilson Smith, Elocution 1876 1878 Lilian Herbert Andrews, Latin 1879 1881 Allen Walton Gould, Latin 1883 1881 Bliss Perry, Elocution and English . . . . .1886 1883 Frederic Jennings Parsons, French and Mathematics . 1884 1883 Herbert Weir Smyth, Ph.D., Latin and Sanscrit . . 1885 1884 Henry Lefavour, Ph.D., French, Mathematics and Physics 1888 1885 Percy Favor Bicknell, Latin 1886 1886 Carlton Alexander Foote, Latin 1887 1886 Stephen Beasley Linnard Penrose, Greek and Elocution . 1887 1887 Franklin Weston Bartlett, D.D., Hebrew .... 1894 1887 Joseph Edward Peirson, Latin 1888 1887 Walter Decker Mapes, Mathematics and Elocution . .1888 1888 Charles Henry Burr, Biblical Literature .... 1902 1890 George Shepard Ellis, Latin . . . . . . 1891 1890 Thomas Logic, Ph.D., Romance Languages . . . 1891 1891 Frederick Carlos Ferry, Latin and Mathematics . . 1894 24 GENERAL CATALOGUE, WILLIAMS COLLEGE. 1905 Elected Retired A.D. A.D. 1891 Bernard Christian Steiner, Ph.D., History . . . 1892 1892 Elwood Waite Elder, Mathematics an d Physics . . 1893 1893 Thomas Nelson Dale, Geology and Botany . . . 1901 1893 Hanford Wisner Edson, Elocution . ... 1896 1893 Irving Babbitt, Romance Languages .... 1894 1893 Frank Jewett Mather, Ph.D., English .... 1897 1893 Frederick Tudor Farnsworth, Modern Languages . . 1895 1894 Warner Fite, Ph.D., Hebrew and Philosophy . . . 1896 1894 Clarence McCheyne Gordon, Mathematics and Physics . 1895 1895 Willis Isbister Milham, Mathematics and Physics . . 1898 1896 Edward Bartow, Ph.D., Chemistry 1897 1896 Henry McElderry Knower, Ph.D., Biology . . .1897 1896 Stephen Tracy Livingston, Elocution and English . . 1899 1897 Edward Vermilye Huntington, Mathematics . . .1899 1897 Albert Elmer Hancock, Ph.D., Enylish,Romance Languages 1898 1897 Morris Crater Sutphen, Latin 1898 1898 Joseph Edward Walworth, Ph.D., Chemistry . . .1899 1898 Charles Elwood Mendenhall, Ph.D., Physics and Mathe- matics 1901 1898 James Graham Hardy, Ph.D., Mathematics . . . 1903 1899 Ralph Barton Perry, Ph.D., Philosophy .... 1900 1899 Charles William Waidner, Ph.D., Physics . . . 1901 1899 Stephen Tracy Livingston, Hebrew 1901 1899 Henry Sabin Leake, M.D., Anatomy and Physiology . 1900 1900 Stephen Tracy Livingston, English 1901 1900 Karl Ephraim Weston, Romance Languages . . . 1904 1900 Frederic Hollis Howard, M.D., Anatomy and Physiology 1904 1901 Lewis Reichle, German and Latin 1902 1901 Herdman Fitzgerald Cleland, Ph.D., Geology and Botany 1904 1901 John Christian Ransmeier, Ph.D., German . . .1902 1901 William Bennett Munro, Ph.D., Political Science and His- tory 1904 1901 Albert Aden Reynolds, B.S., Chemistry .... 1902 1901 Lewis Perry, English and Elocution . . . .1904 1902 David Taggart Clark, Latin and Greek .... 1902 William Edward McElfresh, Ph.D., Physics . . . 1903 1902 Thomas Joseph Bryan, Ph.D., Chemistry .... 1903 1903 Clement Goldsmith Elmer, German 1904 1905 OFFICERS OF INSTRUCTION. 25 Elected Retired A.D. A.D. 1903 Edmond Wood Billetdoux, Romance Languages 1903 James Percival King, Ph.D., German . . .1904 1903 Edward Morgan Lewis, Elocution .... 1903 George Tyler Northup, Romance Languages . . . 190& 1903 Elmer Irwin Shepard, Mathematics 1904 Lorande Loss Woodruff, Ph.D., Biology . 1904 Victor De Beaumont, Romance Languages 1904 Walter Burton Ford, Mathematics . . . . . 1904 Charles Edward Lyon, Ph.D., German .... 1905 1904 Byron Johnson Rees, Rhetoric 1904 Monroe Nichols Wetmore, Ph.D., Latin . 1905 Preserved Smith, Political Science PASTOR OF THE COLLEGE CHURCH. 1883 John Henry Denison, D.D 1889 LECTURERS. CHEMISTRY. 1815 Chester Dewey, M.D. . 1828 1828 Ebenezer Emmons, M.D. . . . 1834 1868 George Frederic Barker, M.D. . ... 1869 ASTRONOMY. 1873 Charles Augustus Young, Ph.D. . . 1874 1874 Truman Henry S afford, Ph.D. . . 1875 1875 Charles Augustus Young, Ph.D. . ... 1876 HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY. 1881 Granville Stanley Hall, Ph.D., LL.D. . .1884 1884 John Edward Russell 1886 HYGIENE. 1883 Luther Dana Woodbridge, M.D. . . 1884 26 GENERAL CATALOGUE, WILLIAMS COLLEGE. 1905 Elected Retired A.D. A.D. BIOLOGY. 1883 Edmund Beecher Wilson, Ph.D. 1884 SOCIOLOGY. 1887 John Bascom, D.D., LL.D. . .1891 1901 John Bascom, D.D., LL.D. . 1903 GEOLOGY. 1892 Thomas Nelson Dale 1893 THEISM. 1904 Franklin Carter, Ph.D., LL.D. , ASSISTANTS. 1885 Percy Favor Bicknell, Library . .1886 1886 Henry Conrad Vanderbeek, Library . . . 1887 1887 Walter Parke Bradley, Chemistry 1888 1887 Joseph Edward Pierson, Library 1888 1889 George Henry Flint, Chemistry 1890 1890 Herbert Parlin Johnson, Biology ... . 1891 1891 Francis Ernest Lloyd, Biology . .... 1892 1891 Eli Herbert Botsford, Chemistry 1892 1892 James Ingraham Peck, Biology 1894 1892 Edward Bartow, Chemistry 1894 1893 Clarence McCheyne Gordon, Physics .... 1894 1893 Raymond Dodge, Library 1894 1894 Arthur Burdett Ingalls, Chemistry 1895 1894 Nathan Russell Harrington, Biology . . . .1895 1895 George William Hunter, Biology 1896 1895 Edward Bartow, Ph.D., Chemistry 1896 1895 Willis Isbister Milham, Physics 1896 1896 John Potter Congdon, Physics and Mathematics . . 1898 1897 Winterton Conway Curtis, Biology 1898 1897 Frank Marion Williams, Chemistry ... . 1898 1905 OFFICERS OF INSTRUCTION. 27 Elected Retired A.D. A.D. 1898 Robert Allyn Budington, Biology . .1899 1898 George Gilmore Scott, Biology 1899 1899 Roy Spencer Richardson, Ph.M., Biology .... 1900 1899 Albert Aden Reynolds, B.S., Chemistry .... 1901 1899 Edraond Wood Billetdoux, French and German . . 1901 1900 Paul Marshall Rea, Biology 1902 1900 Robert Cutler Dickinson, Mathematics . . . . 1902 1902 Albert Eli Merrill, Physics and Mathematics . . . 1903 1902 Harry James Smith, Biology 1903 1902 Henry Lewis Everitt, Elocution 1903 1903 Brainerd Mears, Chemistry . . ... 1905 1903 Lorande Loss Woodruff, Biology 1904 1904 Harry Gunnison Brown, History 1905 1904 Arthur Hughes Muir, Physics 1905 1904 Preserved Smith, Government ...... 1905 1904 William Cook Hart, Treasury 1905 John Bright Lord, History ...... DIRECTORS OF GYMNASIUM. 1886 William Watson Ranney 1889 1889 Oliver Stowe Brown 1891 1891 Thomas Gove Adams 1893 1893 Charles Frederic Seeley . . . . DEANS. 1894 Richard Austin Rice . . . . . . .1895 1895 Leverett Mears, Ph.D. . . . . . 1895 1895 Warner Fite, Ph.D. . 1897 1897 Henry Lefavour, Ph.D. ... . 1901 1902 Henry Daniel Wild .... . 1902 1902 Frederick Carlos Ferry, Ph.D. . CHAIRMAN PRO TEMPORE OF FACULTY. 1903 Henry Daniel Wild 28 GENERAL CATALOGUE, WILLIAMS COLLEGE. 1905 Elected Retired A.D. A.D. SECRETARIES OF FACULTY. 1878 Orlando Marcellus Fernald . 1888 1888 Eben Burt Parsons, D.D. LIBRARIANS. 1815 Ebenezer Kellogg . 1845 1845 John Tatlock . . .1856 1856 Nathaniel Herrick Griffin, D.D. 1877 John Lemuel Thomas Phillips . . *1879 1879 Truman Henry Safford, Ph.D. . 1888 1888 Charles Henry Burr REGISTRAR. 1888 Eben Burt Parsons, D.D. SECRETARY. 1902 Elmer Alanson Green, to President and Dean a a ijil JjjliilUlilllJ j 6 - s I > 11 n {Si 1 1 Jill 111 tf 4 * ri S e J < < s j liHiii'ijiitiiii Him' GRADUATES, FROM 1795 TO 1905. 1795 *Samuel Bishop. *John Collins. *Chauncey Lusk, MA., Tutor, Secretary. *Dan Stone, M.A. 4_*4 1796 *David Knapp, M.A. *David Mason, M.A. *Daniel Noble, M.A, Trustee, Secretary, Treasurer ; Mass. H. Rep., Mass. Sen., Gov- ernor's Council. * Thomas Bobbins, and Yale 1796, M.A., and Yale, D.D. Harvard, 1838, Trustee; Trustee Trinity, Librarian Conn. Hist. Soc. *Benjamin Romeyn. * Thomas Romeyn. 6-*6 1797 *Asa Burbank, M.A, M.D. Berk. Med. Inst. 1823, Tutor; Prof. Mat. Med. and Obst. Berk. Med. Inst., Mass. Med. Soc. *Jedidiah Bushnell, M.A., and Middlebury 1835, Fel- low of same. 1846 1818 1889 1815 1821 1857 1846 * Vinson Gould, M.A., and Yale 1800, Tutor; Chaplain 1st Inf., 4th Div. Mass., War 1812. *Ephraim Judson, M.A. *Israel Meacham, M.A. *Elijah Hunt Mills, LL.D. 1824 ; M. C., Senator U. S. *David Robinson. *Jonathan Edwards Robinson, Justice Co. Crt., Vt. *Thomas Skinner, M.A. *Homer Towner. 10-*10 1798 1841 1807 1824 1839 1831 1817 1864 *William Billings. * Gideon Burt. 1846 *Samuel Cowles, M.A., Tutor. 1887 *Moses Sheldon Curtis. *Elisha Pomeroy Cutler, Princ. Deerfield Acad., Mass. *Amos Douglas, Surrogate, Justice Co. Crt, N. Y. *Joseph Dewey Fay, M.A. *Martin Field, M.A. Dart- mouth 1805; Princ. New- fane Acad., Vt. *Thomas Fitch. * Simeon Ford, Pros. Atty. Cuyahoga Co., Ohio. * Nathan Gittett, M.A. *Levi Glezen, M.A., Trustee. *Silas Hubbell. *Thomas Huntington. 1857 1882 1845 184-2 1859 1888 30 GENERAL CATALOGUE, WILLIAMS COLLEGE. 1905 * Amasa Jerome, M.A. * Gordon Johnson, M.A. 1823 *Daniel Jones. 1807 *Philip Leach. 1833 *David Lord Perry, M.A., Tutor. *John Hugh Peters. ^Oliver Partridge Sergeant, M.A. 1839 ^Benjamin Skinner, Surrogate, Co. Clerk, Jefferson Co., N. Y. 1866 *John Strong. *Solomon Strong, Justice Crt. Com. Pleas, Mass. Sen., M. C. 186 *David Tomlinson. * Nathaniel Turner, M.A. 1812 *William Perrin Walker, M.A., Trustee; Mass. H. Rep., Mass. Sen., Ch. Jus- tice Crt. of Sessions, Judge Probate, Berkshire Co. * Henry Whitlock, M.A. 1814 *William Williams, M.A. ; Princ. Acad. Salem and Greenwich, N.Y. *William Henry Williams, M.A. 1841 30-*30 1799 ^Samuel Ashley Bascom, M.A. ; Princ. Acad. Red- hook, N. Y. 183 * William Boardman. 1818 *Amos Eaton, M.A. ; Prof. Chem., Nat. Hist., and Nat. Philos.,CastletonMed.Coll. 1842 *Levi Field, M.A. 182 * Samuel Fisher, M.A., D.D., New Jersey, 1827; Tutor; Mod. Gen. Assemb. Presby. Ch. (N. S.). 1866 *Myron Holley. 1841 *Noah Judson. 1882 *Judah Alden Lee, M.A. 1889 1862 ^Joseph Miller. * William Patrick, M.A. *Peter Starr, M.A., and Micl- dlebury 1803, LL.D. Mid- dlebury 1859, Tutor, Sec- retary; Secty., Treas. and Fellow Middlebury. *Tertius Strong. *Egbert Ten Eyck, M. C., Mernb. Const. Conv. N. Y. 1822, Speaker N. Y. Assem- bly, Justice Co. Crt. Jeffer- son Co., N. Y. *Ebenezer Walden, Justice Co. Crt. Erie Co., N. Y. 1857 * Thomas Hough Wood, M.A. 1842 15-*15 1800 1844 * Henry Bagg, Mass. Med. Soc. 1825 ^Joseph Barnes, Justice Co. Crt. Philadelphia. 1839 *Eli Burrit, M.A. 1823 *David Wells Childs. 1826 *Perry Green Childs, N. Y. Sen. 1885 * Aaron Church. *Eliphalet Beecher Coleman, Tutor Univ. Vermont, 1856 *Daniel Collins, M.A., M.D. elsewhere. *Luke Collins. *Jared Curtis, M.A., Tutor; Princ. Stockbridge Acad., Mass. 1862 *John Dickinson, Mass. H. Rep., Mass. Const. Conv., 1820, Judge Probate Wash- ington Co., Me. *Moses Dickinson. *Hiram Fay. *Festus Foster, M.A. *Josiah Hawes. * James Harvey Hotchkin. *Ebenezer Jennings. *Bela Kellogg, M.A. 1881 1905 GRADUATES. 31 * Isaac Knapp, M.A., Tutor, Trustee; Chaplain, 2d Inf., 4th Div. Mass., War 1812. 1847 * Caleb Knight, M.A. *Lewis Long. *Henry C. Martindale, M.A. ; Justice Co. Crt., Surrogate Washington Co., N. Y., M. C. 186 *Joel Parsons. 1802 *Sereno Pettibone. 1826 *Joel B. Potter. *Levi Rumsey, Justice Co. Crt. Rensselaer Co., N. Y., N. Y. Assembly. *James Hosmer Russell. *Ebenezer William Walbridge, N. Y. Assembly. 1866 * Charles Kilborn Williams, M.A., and Middlebury 1803, LL.D. Middlebury 1834, Fellow of same; Vt. H. Rep., Justice and Ch. Justice Sup. Crt. and Governor Ver- mont, U. S. Coll. Dist. Vt. 1858 29-*29 1801 1838 * William Boies, M.A. Mid- dlebury 1805. 1828 *David Bishop Curtis, M.A. 1814 *Isaac Guernsey Cutler. 1884 *Henry Pell Hickok. 1854 ^.Stephen Mitchell. *Oliver Bliss Morris, M.A. ; Mass. H. Rep., Justice Co. Crt., Register Probate, Judge Probate, Hampden Co., Mass. *Lonson Nash, Mass. H. Rep., Mass. Sen. * Gamaliel Smith Olds, M.A., And. Theol. Sem. 1810, Tutor, Prof. Math, and Nat. Philos. ; Prof, same at Univ. Vermont, Amherst and Univ. Georgia. 1848 1868 *Lem Parsons, M.A., Tutor; Pres. Bd. Trustees Auburn Theol. Sem. 18M *Ashbel Strong, M.A. 18M *Daniel Tomlinson, N. Y. As- sembly, N. Y. Sen. 18W * Edwards Whipple, M.A. 12-*12 1802 * William Fitch Backus, M.A., and Yale 1807, Tutor. ^Steward Beebe, M.A. *Cornelius Beeckman, M.A. 1828 *Henry Halsey Childs, M.A., M.D. (Hon.) Berk. Med. Inst. 1823, Prof. Theory and Pract. Med. and Pres. same, Lect. Bowdoin, Fel- low Coll. Phys. and Surg. N.Y.I 843; Mass. H. Rep., Mass. Sen., Lt. Governor Mass., Mass. Const. Conv. 1820, Mass. Med. Soc. 1868 *Henry Fellows. 1868 *Thomas Fitch. 1822 ^Frederick Perry, M.A., and Yale 1806, Tutor; Precep- tor Free Acad. Eph. Wil- liams Foundation. 1875 *James Watson Robbins, M. A., and Yale 1 806, Tutor. 1847 *Alvan fianderson, M.A. ; Chaplain, 1st Cav., 4th Div. Mass., War 1812. * James Sherman. *Lyman Strong, M. A., Tutor. 1861 *Nathan Strong, and Yale 1802, M.A., and Yale 1805. 1887 *John Wadsworth, and Yale 1803. * William Brigham Wesson. 1886 14-*14 GENERAL CATALOGUE, WILLIAMS COLLEGE. 1905 1803 *Daniel Bigelow. * Lewis Bigelow, M. C. *Calvin Briggs, M.A., M.A. and M.B. Harvard 1807, M.D. Harvard 1811, Mass. Med. Soc. 186a *David Buttolph. *Josiah Weeks Canning, ,M.A.; Princ. Free Acad. Williams- town ; Chaplain 2d Inf., 4th Div. Mass., War 1812. 13M *Phineas Cooke. 1858 *Nathan Metcalf Hale, M.A., and Yale 1803. 1818 * Robert Hubbard, M.A. 184 * Alfred Perry, M.A., M.D. (Hon.) Berk. Med. Inst. 1826, Mass. Med. Soc. ^Douglas Wheeler Sloane, Aide-de-camp, 9th Div. Mass., War 1812. 1839 * Jacob A. Ten Eyck. 1859 ^Philip Philip Van Rensse- laer. 1827 * Russell Wheeler. 1861 *James W. Whitney. 186 *Asahel Wright. *Charles Wright. 16-*16 1804 *Caleb Atwater, M.A. ; Ohio H. Rep., U. S. Commr. In- dian Affairs. 1867 * James Reach, M.A. 185 *David Beecher. 1846 ^Victory Birdseye, N. Y. As- sembly, M. C. 1852 *Luther Bradish, LL.D. 1855 ; Speaker N. Y. Assembly, Lt. Governor N. Y., Hon. Mem. Mass. Hist. Soc., Pres. N. Y. Hist. Soc., Pres. Am. Bible Soc. 1868 1881 1819 1845 * Sylvester Rurt, M.A. *Philo H. Curtis. *John Bennet Day. *John Drury. *Edward Fowler. * Aaron Gates. *Asahel Gaylord. * Timothy Phelps Gillett, M.A., Tutor. 1866 *Nathan Hale, M.A. Dart- mouth 1810, LL.D. Har- vard 1853; Mass. H. Rep., Mass. Sen., Mass. Const. Conv. 1820 and 1853, Fel- low Am. Acad., Mass. Hist. Soc. 1863 *Moses Hayden, M. C., K Y. Sen. *Samuel Howe, M.A. ; Justice Crt. Com. Pleas, Fellow Am. Acad. 1828 *Martin Luther Hurlbut. 1842 *Rarnabas King, D.D. 1859. 1862 *Ebenezer T. Leavenworth, M.A. *Jashub Bourne Luce. *Elisha Mack, Mass. H. Rep. 1852 *John O'Brian. 1856 *Henry Fellows Penfield. *Rufus Putnam. * Freeman Sears. *Henry Dwight Sedgwick, M.A. *Robert Sedgwick. 1841 *Ira Sheldon, M.D. elsewhere. 1848 *Henry Starr, M.A. * James Stone. 1813 *John Stuart. *Ephraim Griswold Swift, M.A. 1858 * James Taylor. * Horatio Waldo, M. A., Tutor. 1846 *Platt Williams, M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1808. 187 *John Woodbridge, M.A., D.D. 1825; Chaplain 1st Cav., 4th Div. Mass., War 1812. 1869 1847 1831 1905 GRADUATES. 33 *Erastus Worthiugton, Mass. H. Rep. *Samuel Young, Mass. Med. Soc. 38-*38 1805 *Benaiah Andrews. l871 *Israel Billings, Mass. H. Rep., Mass. Sen. * William Bonney. *David Buel, M. A., Trustee ; Justice Co. Crt. Albany, Re- gent Univ. State New York. 186 *Bushnel Carter. *Oliver Chapin, M.A., Tutor. *Reuben Chapin. *Azariah Clark, M.A. *Saul Clark, M.A., and Yale 1808. *Benjamin Coleman, M.A. *Spencer Coleman, 1807. *Noah Cresey, M.A. *Rufus Cushman, M.A. * William Fisher. * Aaron Hackley, Judge Ad- vocate War 1812, N. Y. Assembly, Justice Co. Crt. St. Lawrence Co., N. Y., Master in Chanc., Recorder Utica, N. Y., M. C. * Prince Hawes. *Elisha Hinds, M.A., and Har- vard 1821. *Davis Hale Mayhew. *Ariel Norton. *Rufus Pettibone, Justice and Ch. Justice Sup. Crt. Mo. *Lot Rew. *David Rust. 1825 * Absalom Townsend. *Eliiah Gardiner Welles, M.A. Yale 1808. 1865 *Israel Williams, M.A. 184 *Ebenezer Wright. 1814 26-*26 1884 1882 1649 186T 1829 1856 1827 1806 *Gurdon Huntington Backus, M.A., and Yale 1823. *Algernon Sidney Bailey. 1808 *SamuelRosseterBetts,LL.D. 1830; Judge Advocate War 1812, M. C., Justice U. S. Dist. and Circuit Crt. So. Dist. N. Y. 18M Mames Childs. *John Cumming. 18eo * Chester Dewey, M.A., and Yale 1809, LL.D. 1850, M.D. Yale 1825, D.D. Union 1838,Tutor, Prof. Math, and Nat. Philos., Chem. Lect; Prof. Chem., Nat. Hist, and Nat. Philos. Berk. Med. Inst., Prof. Nat. Sc. Univ. Rochester ; Chaplain 1st Inf., 9th Div. Mass., War 1812; Fellow Am. Acad., Am. Philos. Soc. *Thomas Augustus Gold, M.A. 1864 *Elizur Goodrich, and Yale 1806; Conn. H. Rep. 1868 *William Hale. 1848 * Urban Hitchcock. 186 *Henry Todd Jones. *Aaron King, Mass. Med. Soc. 1861 *Daniel Mosely,Mass. H. Rep., Justice Dist. Crt. 7th Dist. Mass 1851 *William Henry Nicoll. 1818 ^Theodore North, M.A. 1842 *Ebenezer Nye, M.A. * Samuel Parker, M.A., And. Theol. Sem. 1810. *Abner Phelps, M.A., and Brown 1813, M. D. Brown 1813, and Yale 1814 ; Mass. H. Rep., Mass. Med. Soc. ^Herman Bradley Potter, Pros. Atty. Erie Co., N. Y. ^Benjamin Sheldon. * Jonathan Sheldon. *John Leet Sill, M.A. 18M 1854 1840 34 GENERAL CATALOGUE, WILLIAMS COLLEGE. 1905 * Nathaniel Swift, And. Theol. Sem. 1810. ' 1833 * Reuben Taylor, M.A. Yale 1809. 1857 * William James Wilcox. 1842 * Worthington Wright, And. Theol. Sem. 1810. 1878 26-*26 1807 * Daniel C. Adams. 1846 *John Bascom, And. Theol. Sem. 1811. 1828 *Abel Cutler, And. Theol. Sem. 1810. 1859 *Jacob Dox, M.A. 1823 *JohnField, And.Theol. Sem. 1810. 1827 *Ira Gates, Princ. Newfane Acad., Vt. 1812 *Asa Green, M.A., and Univ. Vermont 1811. *James Alderman Hyde, M.A. 1836 * James McKown, M. A., Trus- tee; N.Y. Assembly, Recor- der Albany, Regent Univ. State New York. 1847 *George Morell, N. Y. Assem- bly, Justice Co. Crt. Otsego Co., N. Y., Justice and Ch. Justice Sup. Crt. Michigan. 1845 *John Nelson, M.A., D.D. 1843,Tutor, Trustee; Chap- lain 1st Inf., 7th Div. Mass., War 1812. 1871 *John Keyes Paige, M.A., and Union 1816; Capt, Col., Judge Advocate, War 1812, Mayor Albany, Clerk Sup. Crt. N. Y., Regent Univ. State New York. *Rufus Raymond. 1812 * Sylvester Selden, M.A., And. Theol. Sem. 1810. 1841 * John Philip Sherwood, M.A. Hamilton 1819, Justice Crt. Com.PleasOneidaCo.,N.Y. 1871 *Charles Stebbins, Presdt. N. Y. Sen., Bank Commr. N.Y. 1878 * James Stebbins. 185 "* James Stevenson, and Yale 1807, Mayor Albany. 1852 * Richard Salter Storrs, M. A., D.D. 1835; And. Theol. Sem. 1810, M.A. Yale 1865, D.D. Amherst 1835. 1878 *Julius White. 188 * Luther Wilson, 1809, M.A.; Princ. Leicester Acad., Mass. 1864 21-*21 1808 ^Richard Henry Ashley, M.A. (Hon.) 1814." *Lyman Barrett. 1842 *John Flavel Bliss, M.A. 1874 * Joseph Boies, M.A. ; Justice Crt. Com. Pleas, Surrogate Washington Co., N. Y. 1866 * Calvin Bushnell, M.A., Tu- tor. 1864 *Jacob Fitch Cogswell, M.A. 1862 *Noah Ely, M.A. ; N. Y. As- sembly, Master in Chanc. N. Y. 1871 *Byram Green, N. Y. Assem- bly, N. Y. Sen., Justice Co. Crt. Wayne Co., N. Y., M. C. 1865 * Darius Oliver Griswold, M.A., And. Theol. Sem. 1811. 1841 * Gordon Hall, M.A., And. Theol. Sem. 1811. *Isaiah Younglove Johnson, M.A. *Seth Marshall Leavenworth. 1846 * Aaron Whitney Leland, M.A., and Brown 1814, D.D. So. Carolina 1814; Prof. Theol. South. Theol. Sem., Mod. Presb. Gen. Assem. (O. S.) 1850. *John Walter Livingston. 1905 GRADUATES. 35 1868 1865 *Alfred Northam. * Ira Mather Olds. *Rufus Pomeroy, M.A. * Francis Le Baron Rabbins, M.A. *Henry Williams Sheldon. 181 ^Stephen Powers Steele, N. H. H. Rep., Const. Conv., N. H. * Samuel Ware. 21-*21 1809 1867 1850 1857 1826 * Ambrose Baldwin. *Dyar Bancroft, M. A., Tutor ; Mass. H. liep. 1866 *Williarn Barrett, and Yale 1809. 1828 ^Patrick Boies, M.A. ; Mass. H. Rep., Mass. Sen., Execu- tive Council. *Josiah Clark, M.A., And. Theol. Sem. 1812. 1845 *David Deming, and Yale 1809, M.A. Yale 1812; Conn. H. Rep. 1827 *Ezra Fisk, M.A., and Yale 1817, D.D. Hamilton 1825, Trustee. 1883 *Samuel Smith Gardiner, N. Y. Assembly. 1858 * Cyrus Winthrop Gray, M.A., And. Theol. Sem. 1811, Tu- tor. 1821 ^Frederic Holcomb, D.D. Trinity 1838, Trustee Trin- ity. 1872 *William Howes, M.A. 182 *John Hubbard. *Ebenezer King. * Justus Kingsley. * Cornelius Van Vechten Leonard, M.A. 1887 *Harvey Loomis, Trustee Bangor Theol. Sem. 1885 * Orange Lyman, M.A., Tutor. 1851 1867 1809 1841 1825 1820 * Samuel John Mills, And. Theol. Sem. 1812 ; Mission- ary, Africa. 1818 * Ansel Nash, M.A., And. Theol. Sem. 1812. 18 " *John Pope Putnam, M.A. *Nathan Putnam, M.A. *Schuyler Putnam. * James Richards, M.A., And. Theol. Sem. 1812 ; Mission- ary, Ceylon. * Robert Chauncey Robbins, And. Theol. Sem. 1812. *Edward Rogers, Justice Co. Crt. Madison Co., N. Y., M. C. 1857 *Daniel Smead. 1809 *William Starkweather, M.A. 1852 *Samuel Gardiner Strong. * Samuel Austin Talcott, Atty. Gen. N. Y. 29-*29 1810 *Thomas K. Baker, Sup. Crt. Commr., N. Y. *Charles Austin Baldwin, M.A. *John Harrett. *Walter Bliss Beebe. 1886 * William Eaton, And. Theol. Sem. 1813. 184 * Justin Edwards, And. Theol. Sem. 1813, D.D. Yale 1827; President, Trustee And. Theol. Sem. 1853 * Samuel Moody Emerson, M.A., Tutor. *Jeremiah Humphrey Hal- lock, Pres. Justice Circuit Crt. Ohio. *Lorrin Chittenden Hatch, And. Theol. Sem. 1811. *Calvin Hubbell, M.A. * Isaac Jones, M.A. 1849 1847 1812 36 GENERAL CATALOGUE, WILLIAMS COLLEGE. 1905 1874 *Daniel Kellogg, LL.D. Univ. Vermont 1858 ; Judge Pro- bate Windham Co. Vt., Vt. H. Rep., Vt. Sen., Secty. to Gov. and Council, Presdt. Const. Conv. 1843, Justice Sup. Crt. Vt. 1875 *Darius Lyman, Judge Prob. Portage Co., Ohio, Ohio H. Rep., Ohio Sen., Trus- tee Western Reserve. 1865 * William Hale Maynard, M.A.; N. Y. Sen. 1882 * Daniel Miller. 1848 * Thaddeus Pomeroy, And. Theol. Sem. 1813. 1858 *J(imes Porter, M.A. Yale 1815. 1856 *John Porter, and Yale 1810; Surrogate, N. Y. Sen., Trus- tee, Secty. Auburn Theol. Sem. *Luther Rice, M.A., and Brown 1814, And. Theol. Sem. 1812. 1836 *John Seward, M.A. 1878 * Alfred Smith, Ch. Justice Co. Crt. Conn., Conn. H. Rep., Conn. Sen. 1868 *Willard Hollister Smith, Master in Chanc. Living- ston Co., Justice Crt. Com. Pleas, N. Y. 1865 *Gordon Pope Spencer, M.D. New London Med. Soc. 1812. 1859 *David Steele. *Benjamin Rice Stevens. 18 ' 27 * Abraham Wheeler, M.A. 1857 *John Johnson White, Tenn. Const. Conv. 1824, Dir. Theol. Sem. Danville, Ky. 1863 *Abel Whitney, M.A. ; Mass. H. Rep. 1853 *J~ohn Baldwin Whittlesey, M.A. 1835 29-*29 1811 * William Hyslop Abercrombie. 1811 *Peleg Richmond Allen. 1825 *Timothy Childs, N. Y. As- sembly, M. C. 1847 *Eber Liscom Clark, M.A. Yale 1816. 1857 *Job Clark, Mass. Med. Soc. 1867 *John Chamberlain Clark, M. C., Solicitor U. S. Treas- ury. 1852 * Harvey Coe, M.A. 186 *Elisha Baldwin Cook, M.A. Yale 1816. 1828 *Oliver Danforth. . 1871 ^Charles Augustus Dewey, M.A., LL.D. Harvard 1840, Secretary, Trustee ; Dist. Atty. West. Dist. Mass., Justice Sup. Crt., Mass. ; Qr. Mr. 2d Brig. Cav., 9th Div. Mass., War 1812. *Lewis Edwards Dickinson. 1815 * Cornelius Bradford Everest, M.A. Yale 1815. 187 * Salmon Giddings, M.A., And. Theol. Sem. 1814, Tutor. *Horace Henry Goodman. * Herman Halsey,^!). 1889; And. Theol. Sem. 1815. *Rosicell HaicJces, M.A., Stew- ard Mt. Holyoke Sem. *Ebenezer Hoskins, Sup. Crt. Commr. *Elisha Hubbard. *Silas Jones. *Cyrus Joy, Mass. H. Rep. *Samuel Selden Loomis. *James Nash. 1823 *Ariel Olds. 18n *Job Pierson, M.A.; Dist. Atty., Surrogate Rensselaer - Co. N. Y., M. C. 186 *Almon Heath Read, Clerk Co. Crt., Penn. H. Rep., Penn. Sen., State Treasurer, M. C. 1844 1905 GRADUATES. 3T 1854 *Amatus Bobbins, M.A., M.D. (Hon.) Berk. Med. Inst. 1825, Tutor. *Moses Smith. ^Jonathan Steele. * William Stow. 18M * William Strong, 1815. *Abraham Vandenbergh. * Abraham Vosburgh. *Moses Warren. * Cyrus Yale. 1854 34-*34 1812 *Austin Abbott. *James Clay Allen. *Charles Frederic Bates, M.A. ; Mass. H. Rep. *John Pierce Brace, M.A. ; Ed. Conn. Courant. ^Federal Burt, M.A., and Dartmouth 1819; H. H. Hist. Soc. *Elam Calhoun Clark, And. Theol. Sem. 1816. * Charles W. Hamilton. *Caleb Huston. *Hophni Judd. * Stephen Mason, And. Theol. Sem. 1815. *Alonzo Christopher Paige, M.A., and Union 1816, LL.D. 1860; N. Y. Assem- bly, N. Y. Sen., Const. Conv. 1867. Justice Sup. Crt. N. Y., Trustee Union. *Timothy Reed, M.A. ; Regis- ter Prob., Clerk Co. Crt. Barnstable Co., Mass. * Samuel Robertson, M.A., Princeton Theol. Sem. 1815. *Robert Russell. ^Nathan Savage. * Jonathan Sloan, Ohio H. Rep., M. C. *Oliver Smith, M.A. 1827 1827 1812 1871 1850 1870 1869 1825 1864 1851 1884 1889 1816 1861 185 * Alfred Stearns, M.A. *Asaph White. * Henry White, M.A. ^Elijah Wood. *John Woods, M.A. Dart- mouth 1816. ^Jonathan Woodward, M.A. * Alfred Wright, M.A., And. Theol. Sem. 1816, Tutor. 24-*24 1813 ^Chester Ashley, Senator U. S. 1848 *Elisha Dow Barrett. ^Reynolds Bascom, M.A., And. Theol. Sem. 1819, Tutor. 182T * William Cullen Byrant, 1863, M.A. (Hon.) 1819, and Columbia 1837, LL.D. Un- ion 1853, and New Jersey 1873, L.H.D. Univ. State N. Y. 1870; Ed. Evening Post, N. Y., N. Y. Hist. Soc., Fellow Am. Acad., Cor. Mem. Imp. Acad. Sc. St. Petersburg. *John Bliss Cooley. 1858 ^Leonard Davis, M.A. Yale 1816. 1866 *Asa Green, M.D. Brown 1822, and Berk. Med. Inst. 1827. 1889 *Lamus Hyde, M.A., And. Theol. Sem. 1816. * Charles Jenkins, M.A., Tu- tor. *Sanders Lansing, Paymaster, U. S. A. 1866 *Philip Van Ness Morris, M.A., M.D. (Hon.) Berk. Med. Inst. 1860. *William Henry Northrop. *Azariah Giles Or ton, Prince- ton Theol. Sem. 1820, D.D. Univ. City of N. Y. 1849, and Union 1850. 1866 1878 GENERAL CATALOGUE, WILLIAMS COLLEGE. 1905 *William Porter, M.A., Trus- tee; Dist. Attorney West. Mass. * Joseph Sawyer, M.A., And. Theol. Sem. 1819. *Henry Scovill. 1864 ^Charles Frederic Sedgwick, M. A. ; Conn. H. Rep., Conn. Sen., State Atty. Litchfield Co., Conn., U. S. Dist. Atty. 1882 * Andrew Scott Sloan, Clerk Co. Crt., Justice Co. Crt. Saratoga Co., N. Y. *Martin Luther Stow. * Salmon Strong, M.A., and Hamilton 1820, Princeton Theol. Sem. 1818.; Tutor Hamilton. *JElisha Pope Swift, Prince- ton Theol. Sem. 1816, M.A. Yale 1817, D.D. Jefferson 1837; Prof. West. Univ. Penn., Instr. West. Theol. Sem., President, Trustee same. 21-*21 1843 1843 1865 1814 * Albert Sears Benton, M.A. ; Co. Clerk Orange Co., N.Y. *Lawson Dench Bidwell. ^Lucius Boltwood, M.A., and Amherst 1825; Secretary Amherst. *Asa Brooks, M.A. 1834 *Ephraim Chapin. 18T1 *Phineas Chapin, Clerk Co. Crt. Harrison Co., Ya. 1857 * Alexander Maximilian Co- wan, M.A. *Loring Daniel Dewey^LA. ; Res. Lie. And. Theol. Sem. 1819. 1867 1849 1872 30-*30 1815 *John Birdsall, Justice Cir- cuit Crt. N. Y., N. Y. Sen., Atty. Gen., Justice and Ch. Justice Sup. Crt. Texas. * William J. Boardman, And. Theol. Sem. 1818. 1842 1828 * Ormlle Dewey, And. Theol. Sem. 1819, D.D. Harvard 1839. *John Lyman Eastman, M.A. 1857 * Samuel Wadsworth Gold, 1829, M.D. (Hon.) Yale 1836 ; Conn. Sen., and ex- officio Fellow Yale. 1869 *William Graham Lee. 1815 * Jonathan Me Gee, M.A., And. Theol. Sem. 1817. ^Benjamin Mills. 1841 * James Helme Mills, Prince- ton Theol. Sem. 1817. 1824 *Calvin Montague. * Joseph Perkins, M.A. *Elisha Sands Plumb. *Caleb Rice, First Mayor Springfield, Mass. * Charles Stebbins Robinson, M.A., And. Theol. Sem. 1818. 1828 *Nathan Shaw, And. Theol. Sem. 1816. 1872 *Joseph Sherrill. 1882 *David Cassius Slocum. *Chauncey Griswold Smith. 1884 * Jesse Stratton, And. Theol. Sem. 1817. *Hutchins Taylor, M.A. 1868 *Thomas Twining, M.A. 1865 *Samuel Finley Vinton, LL.D. Marietta 1847 ; M. C. ^Austin Enoch Wing, M.A. ; Del. Cong. Territory Mich., U. S. Marshal Mich. 1849 *EbenezerBurt Wright,TvLA.., And. Theol. Sem. 1817. 1871 1905 GRADUATES. 39 * Joseph Bracket*, M.A., Tu- tor. 1882 *WUliam Wheeler Brodhead. 186 * Jonas Brown. *Epaphras Clark, Trial Justice Hampshire Co., Mass. * Joseph Edwards Curtis. 1869 *Mason Cogswell Fitch. 1849 *Charles Goddard, and Yale 1815, Prof. Math. Marietta. 1888 * William Agur Hawley, M.A. 1854 *Abner Hazeltine, N. Y. As- sembly, U. S. Commis'r North. N. Y., Justice Co. Crt. Chautauqua Co., N. Y., M. C. 1879 *Alvan Hyde, M.A., And. Theol. Sem. 1818; Chap- lain 2d Inf. 9th Div. Mass., War 1812. 1824 *Adolphus King. * Horatio Jones Lombard. 1866 *Aretas Loomis. 1857 *Henry Marsh. 1852 *Charles Noble, Dist. Atty., Legis. Counc., Register Prob., Justice Co. Crt. Mich., U. S. Surveyor Gen. N. W. Ter. 1874 * Edward Wadhams Rosseter. 1821 *Noah Sheldon. 1856 *Franklin Sherrill, and Mid- dlebury 1818, M.A., and Middlebury 1819, Tutor in same ; And. Theol. Sem. 1818; Princ. Westfield Acad. Mass. 185 * Jesse Smith, U. S. N. 1851 *Lucius Smith. 1887 * Aaron Warner, And. Theol. Sem. 1819, D.D. Amherst 1860; Prof. Sac. Rhet. Gil- manton Theol. Sem., Prof. Rhet., Orat. and Eng. Lit. Amherst. 1876 * Joseph Wood,M.A. 1888 24-*24 1816 1864 1880 *Willard Bancroft. *Adonijah S. Bidwell. *Artemas JBoies, M.A., Prince- ton Theol. Sem. 1819. 1844 *William Avery Bullock, Pros. Atty. Jennings Co., Ind., Ind. H. Rep. 1867 *Timothy Chapman Cooley, M.A. Transylvania Univ. 1852 * Sylvester Eaton, M.A. Prince- ton Theol. Sem. 1819. 1844 *Flavel Stebbins Gaylord, M.A., And. Theol. Sem. 1822. iseo * Joseph Bachellor Goddard. 1842 *Otis Percival Granger, Sur- rogate Madison Co., N. Y. 1883 * Parsons Orrin Hayes. 1889 * Jonas King, And. Theol. Sem. 1819, D.D. New Jer- sey 1832; Prof. Orient. Lang, and Lit. Amherst; Missionary, Greece. 1869 * Samuel Skinner. 1852 * Horace Smith. 1823 * Worthington Smith, M.A., And.Theol. Sem. 1819, D.D. Univ. Vermont 1845, Trus- tee and President same. 1856 * Stephen Taylor, M.A., And. Theol. Sem. 1821, D.D. Emory and Henry 1847, Tutor; Prof. Eccl. Hist. Union Theol. Sem. Va. 1852 * Stephen Whittlesey. 1846 16-*16 1817 ^Henry Walker Bishop, M. A., LL.D. 1865, Trustee; Reg- ister Prob. Berkshire Co., Justice Crt. Com. Pleas, Mass. 40 GENERAL CATALOGUE, WILLIAMS COLLEGE. 1905 *Dorus Clarke, M.A., D.D. 1868, And. Theol. Sem. 1820 ; N. E. Hist. Gen. Soc., Hist Soc. Wis. and R. I. 1884 * William Eastman, Princeton Theol. Sem. 1829. 1853 *Luther Hamilton, And. Theol. Sem. 1820. *Lyman James. 188 *Medad Pomeroy, Commr. Auburn Theol. Sem. *Emory Washburn, M.A., LL.D. 1854, and Harvard 1854, Trustee; Lect, Bus- sey Prof. Law, and Over- seer Harvard ; Justice Crt. Com. Pleas, Mass. H. Rep., Mass. Sen., Governor Mass., Mass. Bd. Educ., Am. Antiq. Soc., Fellow Am. Acad., Vice-Presdt. Mass. Hist. Soc. 1877 7-*7 1818 *Selah Hoot Arms, M.A., And. Theol. Sem. 1821. 1866 *Daniel Dewey Barnard, LL.D. Columbia 1845, Ho- bart 1853,and Brown 1853 ; Dist. Atty. Monroe Co., N. Y., N. Y. Assembly, M. C., U. S. Min. Plen. at Berlin, N. Y. Hist. Soc. 1861 *Homer Bartlett, Trustee ; Mass. H. Rep., Gov. Council. 1874 * Chandler Bates. 1857 * Lemuel P helps Bates, Prince- ton Theol. Sem. 1820. *George Wyllys Benedict, M. A., LL.D. Univ. Vermont 1857, Tutor; Prof. Math, and Nat. Philos.,Nat. Philos. and Chem., Nat. Hist, and Chem., Sec. and Treas. Univ. Vermont, Vt. Sen. 1871 1868 *Daniel John Betts. * David Lyman Coe. 1886 * Joshua Nibble Danforth, Princeton Theol. Sem. 1821, D.D. Delaware 1855. 1861 *Ebenezer Emmons, M.A., M.D. (Hon.) Berk. Med. Inst. 1830, Lect. Chem., Prof. Nat. Hist., Prof. Min. and Geol. ; Prof. Nat. Hist. and Obst. Albany Med. Sch., Mass. Med. Soc. 1863 * Joseph Hubbard Estabrook, M.D. Harvard 1821, Dem's. Anat. Me. Med. Sch., Pres. Me. Med. Soc. 1885 * Charles Fitch, Princeton Theol. Sem. 1821, M.A. Hamilton 1823. *Parker Learned Hall. * Gardner Hoyden. ^Leicester Lloyd. *Thomas Peck. * William Augustus Porter, M.A., Princeton Theol. Sem. 1825, Tutor, Prof. Mor. Philos. and Rhet. ; Prof. Gr. and Lat. Lang. Univ. Vermont. *John Burr Skinner, Justice Co. Crt. Wyoming Co., N. Y. 1871 *Royal Wells Smith. *William Wells. *Joh?i Whiton, And. Theol. Sem. 1821, Trustee. 21-*21 1819 *John Clark JBrigham, M.A., And. Theol. Sem. 1822, D.D. Jefferson, Direct. Am. Bible Soc. *Nelson Brown, M.A., M.D. Berk. Med. Inst. 1824. 1828 1905 GRADUATES. 41 *Samuel Dickinson. *Charles Dillingham, M.A. 1884 *Gerard Hallock, M.A.; Ed. * N. Y. Journal of Commerce. 18fl6 * William Allen HaUock, M.A., And. Theol. Sem. 1822, D.D. Rutgers 1850; Corr. Secty. Am. Tract Soc. 188 *Anson Hooker, M.D. Har- vard 1822; Mass. H. Rep., Mass. Med. Soc. 1869 *Cyrus Martin Lazell. *Lucas Morgan. *Lowell Preston. * William Richards, M.A., And. Theol. Sem. 1822; Missionary, Hawaiian Is- lands, Secty. State King- dom of Hawaii, Hawaiian Ambass. to U. S., England and France. *Hermy Smith. *Horace Starkweather. 13-*13 M.A., And. Theol. Sem. 1854 1876 1820 *Alvan Alvord. *Josiah Bacon, A uburn Theol . Sem. 1824. *Charles Baker, M.A., Sec- retary. * Johnson Baldwin. * Andrew Burnham. 1849 ^Benjamin Franklin Clark, 1872 1823. *Gardiner Dorrance, M.A., M.D. Berk. Med. Inst. 1826; Mass. Med. Soc. *Judah Ely, M.A., And. Theol. Sem. 1823. *Simon Cooley Ewers, M.A. 1888 * Edward Fairchild, M.A. 1862 *Abner Forbes. 18n 1841 1876 1878 *Mason Frissell, M.A., LL.D. elsewhere; Justice Dist. Crt. West. Mo. 1M * * William Gildersleeve. 1848 *Edward Hooker. 1841 * William Worthington Hunt, M.A., And. Theol. Sem. 1824. *Jbhn Calvin Morgan, M.A. 1876 *Isaac Oakes, M.A., And. Theol. Sem. 1823. *Horatio Adams Parsons, M.A., andMiddleburv 1824, And. Theol. Sem. 1823. *Elijah Thayer. 182 * *Alvan Wheeler, M.A., M.D. Berk. Med. Inst. 1824, Tu- tor ; Mass. Med. Soc. 1868 20-*20 1821 *Curtis Phelps Baker, And. Theol. Sem. 1824. 1824 *Erastus Cornelius Benedict, M.A., LL.D. Rutgers 1865, Tutor, Trustee ; N. Y. As- sembly, N. Y. Sen., Regent, Vice-Chanc., and Chanc. Univ. State of New York, Pres. Bd. Educ. N. Y. City, N. Y. Hist. Soc., N. Y. Acad. Sc., Cor. Sec. and Vice-Pres. Am. Geog. Soc. 188 ^Frederick Joel Betts, M.A. (Hon.) 1834; Clerk U. S. Dist. Crt. S. Dist. N. Y., Clerk Circuit and Dist. Crt., Pres. Justice Hustings Crt. Campbell Co., Va. * Frederic JEJdwards Cannon, and Union 1822, M.A. Am- herst 1824, And. Theol. Sem. 1824, D.D. Hamilton 1852; Secty. A.B.C.F.M. 1891 *Jacob Catlin, Auburn Theol. Sem. 1824. 185& 42 GENERAL CATALOGUE, WILLIAMS COLLEGE. 1905 *Emerson Davis, M.A., D.D. Harvard 1848, Tutor, Trus- tee, Vice-President ; Prin. Westfield Acad., Mass. Bd. Educ. 1866 * Ozias Sheldon Eells. 189 *Adolphus Ferry, M.A. Union 1826. 1832 *Lucius Field, And. Theol. Sem. 1828, M.A. Amherst 1826; Tutor Amherst. 1889 *William Cullen Kittredge, Justice Co. Crt., Justice Circuit Crt., Speaker Vt. H. Rep., Pres. Vt. Sen., Vt. Const. Conven., Lt. Governor Vermont. * Augustus Pomeroy, M.A., And. Theol. Sem. 1825. *Eleazer Root, M. A., Tutor ; Prof. Lang. Hampden Sid- ney, Prof. Lat. and Gr. Lang. Carroll Coll., Prof. Lang. Guadalupe Coll. Tex., Wis. H. Rep., Wis. Const. Conven., Supt. Pub. Inst. Wis., Pres. Board Regents Wisconsin Univ., Wis. Hist. Soc. 1887 *Hemy Lyman Sabin, M.D. (Hon.) Berk. Med. Inst. 1839, Trustee; Mass. H. Rep., Mass. Sen., Mass. Med. Soc. *Avelyn Sedgwick, M.A. * Samuel Nicholas Shepard, M.A., Auburn Theol. Sem. 1825. 1856 15-*15 1822 *Charles Bishop, M.A. Trinity 1830. 1854 *George Bull. 1885 *Parsons Cooke, M.A., D.D. 1849, and Lafayette 1848. *Silas Gardner. 1857 * Milton Huxley. * Joseph Hyde, M. A., Tutor ; Agent and Asst. Treas. Am. Bible Soc. 18W *Charles Alfred Lee, M.A., M.D. Berk. Med. Inst. 1826; Demonst. Anat. same, Fel- low Coll. Phys. and Surg. N.Y.I 846, Prof. Mat. Med. Geneva Med. Coll., Univ. City N. Y., and Univ. Buf- falo, Prof. Med. Jurisp. Univ. City of N. Y., U. S. Sanitary Com. 1872 *Silas Metcalf, M.A. Union, 1825 ; Princ. Acad. Kinder- hook, N. Y. 1867 *Daniel Parish, M.A. 1868 * Sylvester Scovill, M.A., Princeton Theol. Sem. 1825, D.D. Hanover, Ind., 1846 ; President Hanover. *George Joseph Tucker, M.A. ; County Treas., Register of Deeds, Berkshire Co. *William Holland Webster. 1841 * Jonathan Edwards 'Wood- bridge, M.A., Princeton Theol. Sem. 1835, Tutor. 13-*13 1823 *Otis Abercrombie, M.A., M.D. Yale Med. Sch. 1827. 1851 *Elisha Hunt Allen, LL.D. Colby Univ. 1869 ; Mass. H. Rep., Speaker Me. H. Rep., M. C., U. S. Consul to Hawaii, Ch. Justice Sup. Crt. and Chancellor King- dom of Hawaii, Hawaiian Ambass.toU. S. *Thomas Pierson Allen. *John Wis well Humphreys, Mass. H. Rep. 1845 *Ebenezer P. Niles. 1837 1905 GRADUATES. 43 *Royal Loomis Porter, M. A.; Mass. H. Rep. * Solomon Jackson Tracy, M.A., And. Theol. Sem. 1826. 189 7-*7 1824 *Eli Adams, M. A., And.Theol. Sem. 1827. 1876 *George Washington Bulkley, M.A. 1868 *John Holcomb Carpenter, M.A., M.D.Berk.Med.Inst. 1827. 1885 *Henry Davis, M.A., and Hamilton 1827. 1844 * William Hervey, M.A., Princeton Theol. Sem. 1829, Tutor ; Missionary, India. 1882 *Mark Hopkins, M.A., M.D. Berk. Med. Inst. 1829, D.D. Dartmouth 1837, and Har- vard 1841, LL.D. Univ. State of N. Y. 1857, and Harvard 1886, Tutor, Prof. Mor. Phil, and Rhet., Prof. Mor. and Intel. Phil., Jack- son Prof. Chris. Theol., President, Trustee ; Fellow Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1843, Visitor And. Theol. Sem., Lecturer Yale Div. Sch., Pres. A.B.C.F.M., Fel- low Am. Acad. 1887 *Charles George Judd, M.A. ; Dist Atty. Yates Co., N. Y. 1886 *Brainerd Kent, And. Theol. Sem. 1828. 1888 * Alvah Lilly, Auburn Theol. Sem. 1827. 1889 *Samuel Harvey Miller. 188 *Seth Mooar. 1825 *Harvey Rice, LL.D. 1871 ; Ohio' H. Rep., Ohio Sen., Clerk Sup. Crt. Ohio. 1891 *John Staniford Robinson, Governor Vermont. 188 *Daniel Thompson Wood, M.A., Princeton Theol. Sem. 1829. 1869 *John William Yeomans, M.A., D.D. 1841, and New Jersey and Miami Univ. 1841, And. Theol. Sem. 1827, Tutor; President La- fayette, Mod. Genl. Assem- bly Presb. Ch. 1860. 1868 15-*15 1825 * Samuel Adams Allen, Prince- ton Theol. Sem. 1830. 1886 ^Bernard Blair, M.A. (Hon.) 1855, and Middlebury 1846; M. C. 188 *Robert Brown, Auburn Theol. Sem. 1828. 188 *Alonzo Calkins, M.A., M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1831, Tutor; Med. Soc. N. Y., Medico-Legal Soc. N.Y. 1878 *Jotham Clark Cutler. 1846 * Calvin Durfee, M.A., D.D. 1870 ; Fellow Western Re- serve, N. E. Hist. Geneal. Soc., Berkshire Hist. Soc. 1879 ^Constant Field, M.D. Berk. Med. Inst. 1829. 1888 *David Dudley Field, M.A., LL.D. 1855, Bologna 1888, and Edinburgh 1889; M. C., Code Commr. N.Y., Inst. International Law, Assoc. for Reform and Codif. Law of Nations. 1894 *Zelotes Ford, M.D. Berk. Med. Inst. 1828. 1847 *Lester Keep, 1875, M.A., M.D. Berkshire Med. Inst. 1828. 1882 *John Kelley, 1827, M.D. Fairneld Med. Coll. 1872 44 GENERAL CATALOGUE, WILLIAMS COLLEGE. 1905 *John Burnett Lyman, Yale Div. Sch. 1831. *Robert McClellan, M.A. ; M. C. *John Reid Moser, Princeton Theol. Sem. 1830. *Alvan Nash, And. Theol. Sem. 1828. *Joseph Warren Newcomb, Librarian War Dept. *David Addison Noble, Re- corder and Mayor Monroe, Mich., Mich. H. Rep., M. C. *John Evertson Phillips. * Jeremiah Porter, M.A., D.D. 1886, Princeton Theol. Sem. 1830; Chaplain 1st 111. Art., U. S. V., U. S. San. Com. *Norman Spencer Sprague. *Henry Starkweather. *Lyman Thompson. *Josiah William Wheeler. 23-*23 1826 ^Stephen Bates, MA., M.D. Jefferson Med. Coll. 1829; Mass. Med. Soc. * Harper Boice, Aub. Theol. Sem. 1829. *Samuel Augustus Bridges, LL.D. 1876 ; Trustee Muhl- enberg, Dep. Atty. Gen. Lehigh Co., Penn., M. C. *John St-Just Bull. *Levi Fisk Claflin, M.A. * David Gushing, Auburn Theol. Sem. 1829. * Charles Danforth, Auburn Theol. Sem. 1829. *George Washington Francis, M.A. *Daniel Freeman. *David Thurston Fuller, Tu- tor Kenyon; Justice Co. Crt. Delaware Co., Ohio. 1876 1841 1898 1828 1875 1849 1879 *Edward Crocker Fuller, M.A. 187 *Hollister Baker Gilbert, 1829. 1889 * Washington Gilbert, M.A., Harvard Div. Sch. 1829; Mass. Const. Conv. 1853. * Albert Hopkins, M. A., LL.D. Jefferson 1859, Tutor, Prof. Math, and Nat. Philos., Prof. Nat. Philos. and Astron., Field Memorial Prof. Astron., Dir. Astron. Obs. ; Fellow Roy. Soc. Gt, Brit., Fellow Am. Acad. *Williarn Hyde, M.A., Trus- tee; Mass. Sen., Trustee And. Theol. Sem., Overseer Amherst, Trustee Williston Sem. *Eliphalet Kent, ' Auburn Theol. Sem. 1829. *John Morgan, D.D. 1857; Prof. Bib. Lit., Prof. N. T. Lit. and Exegesis, Prof. Hebrew, Oberlin. * Alexander Clinton Mullener. *Nicholas Murray, M.A., D.D.,1843, PrincetonTheol. .Sem. 1829, Trustee; Trus- tee, Dir. Princeton Theol. Sem., Mod. Genl. Assem. Pres. Ch. 1849. *Orlando Neely, M.A., M.D., Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1830. ^Jonathan Harris Noble, M.A., D.D. 1866, Princeton Theol. Sem. 1829. *Hollis Head, M. A., Princeton Theol. Sem. 1829; Mission- ary, India. *James Remington, M.A., Auburn Theol. Sem. 1828. ^Leonard Tobey, M.A., and Watervilie Coil. 1829; Tu- tor same. * Caleb Branch Tracy, And. Theol. Sem. 1829. 1896 1851 1905 GRADUATES. 45 *Henry Phelps Watson. *Henry White. * William Codner White, Princeton Theol. Sem. 1831. 28-*28 1827 * Joseph Anderson. * James Morrison Arnett. * James Bollard, M.A. ; Princ. Acad. Bennington, Vt. *Baruch Sutler Beckwith, Auburn Theol. Sem. 1830. * William Bradley, M.A., Auburn Theol. Sem. 1833. * Ansel Bridgman, Auburn Theol. Sem. 1830. *Nathan Brown, M.A., D.D. 1854, Newton Theol. Inst. 1832 ; Missionary, India, Pres. Am. Philol. Soc. *Moses Ashley Curtis, M.A., D.D. Univ. North Carolina 1852; Fellow Am. Acad. *Asahel Foote, M.A. ; Prin. Acad. St. Albans, Vt., Mass. Sen. *Damd Dovms Gregory, M.A., And. Theol. Sem. 1830. * Oscar Harris, M.A., Tutor. * George Whitejield Hatha- way, M.A., And. Theol. Sem. 1830. * Benjamin Franklin Hox- sey, M.A., Auburn Theol. Sem. 1830. *Edward Clinton Hoxsey, M.D. Berk. Med. Inst. 1831. * Jonathan Huntington, M.A., Princeton Theol. Sem. 1830 ; Chaplain U. S. A. * Samuel Warner Leonard. * William Lewis, M.A V Au- burn Theol. Sem. 1830. * Cyrus Nichols, Auburn Theol. Sem. 1830. 1828 1876 1882 1850 1881 1870 1874 1872 1872 1876 1867 *Mason Noble, M.A., D.D. 1866, Princeton Theol. Sem. 1831, Tutor ; Chaplain U. S. N. 1881 *Robert Addison Noble, M.A. *Barnabas Phinney, M.A., Auburn Theol. Sem. 1830. 1848 * Joseph Merrill Sadd, Au- burn Theol. Sem. 1830. *George Noble Skinner. * Orsamus Tinker, M.A., And. Theol. Sem. 1830. *George Hubbell Tracy, M.A. *Amos Dean Wheeler, M.A., D.D. Bowdoin 1860 ; Princ. Latin Sch. Salem,Mass. *Alfred White, M.A., Au- burn Theol. Sem. 1830; U. S. Sanitary Com. *Samuel Wilcox. * George Clinton Wood, M. A., Auburn Theol. Sem. 1830; Prof. Marion Coll., Mo. *Samuel Strong Woodbridge. 30-*30 1828 ^Marshall Brewster. *Alonzo Clark, M.A., and Dartmouth 1844, M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1835, and Berk. Med. Inst. 1843, LL.D. Univ. Vermont 1853; Fellow Coll. Phys, and Surg. N. Y. 1844, Prof. Mat. Med. Berk. Med. Inst., Prof. Theor. and Prac. Med. Univ. Vermont, Prof. Anat. and Pathol. Univ. City of New York, Prof. Pathol. and Practice Med. Columbia, Dean, Trustee and President Med. Fac. same, Presdt. N. Y. Med. Soc., Acad. Sc. N. Y., N. Y. Acad. Med. 46 GENERAL CATALOGUE, WILLIAMS COLLEGE. 1905 *Loomis Cook. *Horace Gleason. * Harvey Rexford Hitchcock, Auburn Theol. Sem. 1831; Missionary, Molokai, Ha- waiian Islands. * Henry Richard Hoisington, M.A., Auburn Theol. Sem. 1831; Missionary, Ceylon, President Batticotta Sem. Ceylon. *Fordyce Mitchell Hubbard, M.A., D.D. Trinity 1860, and Columbia 1860, Tutor ; Prof. Lat. Lang, and Lit. Univ. North Carolina. * /Samuel Hatchings, M.A., D.D. 1888, Princeton Theol. Sem. 1831 ; Missionary, Ceylon and Madras, Princ. Fern. Inst. Wilkesbarre, Penn. *Edward Lasell, M.A., Tutor, Prof. Chem. ; Founder and Princ. Lasell Sem. Auburn- dale, Mass. * David JSelden Lyman, And. Theol. Sem. 1831; Mis- sionary, Hawaiian Islands, Princ. Sch. Hilo. * Warren Nichols, And. Theol. Sem. 1832. *Israel Tainter Otis, M.A., And. Theol. Sem. 1834. *William Pitt Palmer. * Consider Parish, M.A., Princeton Theol. Sem. 1831 ; Prof. Lang. Nashville Univ., President Female Coll. Clinton, Miss. *Joseph Lyman Partridge, M.A., And. Theol. Sem. 1834, Tutor; Princ. Leices- ter Acad., Supt. Schs. Law- rence, Mass., Coll. Inter. Rev. N. Y. City. *Edmund Burke Penniman, M.A. 1879 *Ebenezer Harrison Stratlon, Auburn Theol. Sem. 1831. 1899 ^Foster Thayer. mo 18-*18 1829 * William Uriah Benedict, Auburn Theol. Sem. 1832; Secty. and Treas. Olivet. * Henry JBlackaller. * Simeon Howard Calhoun, M.A., D.D. 1864, Tutor; Missionary, Syria, Princ. Mission Sem. Mt. Lebanon, Syria. * Chapin Rufits Clark, Au- burn Theol. Sem. 1833. *Samuel Dickinson Colt. *Henry Augustus D wight, M.A. ; Princ. Latin Sch., Prof. Lang. Mil. Acad. Nor- folk, Va. *William Hicks. * Oren Johnson, Auburn Theol. Sem. 1832. * Giles Bacon Kellogg, Trus- tee; Master in Chancery N. Y. 1901 *Charles Bridges Lansing, M.A. *Sardis Brewster Morley, M.A., and Yale 1833, Yale Div. Sch. 1834. *Alanson Jermain Prime, M.D. Univ. City N. Y. 1859. 1864 * Samuel Irenaeus Prime, Princeton Theol. Sem. 1835, D.D. Hampden Sidney . 1854, Trustee; President, Trustee Wells; Ed. New York Observer, Secty. Am. Bible Soc., Vice- President and Dir. Am. Tract Soc., Am. and For. Christian Union, Cor. Secty. Am. Evan. Alii., Hon. Fellow Soc. Eng. Authors. 1905 GRADUATES. 47 * Charles Robinson, Auburn Theol. Sem. 1832. 1847 * Marvin Root, Yale Div. Sch. 1834. 1881 * Lowell Smith, D.D. 1864, Auburn Theol. Sem. 1832; Missionary, Oahu, Hawaiian Islands. *Sidney Warner. *George Ashley Williams. * Erasmus Darwin Willis, Auburn Theol. Sem. 1832, M.A. Hobart 1838. 188 *7Kmothy Wittiston, 1875, M.A. (Hon.) 1875. 20-*20 1830 *Jared Reid Avery, Auburn Theol. Sem. 1833; Conn. H. Rep. 1886 ^Marshall Jenkins Bacon, M.A. ; Recorder Detroit, Mich., Secty. Const. Conv. Mich. 1864 *Ebenezer Smith Canning, M.A.; Instr. Math. South- western Univ. 1834 *Charles Churchill, M.A., Au- burn Theol. Sem. 1833. 1862 *Milton Foster Cushing. *George Dunham. 1865 * Samuel Rose Ely, Prince- ton Theol. Sem. 1834, D.D. Columbia 1865. 1873 *Samuel Lyman Hinckley, M.A., LL.B. Harvard 1834. 1871 * Sidney Holman, Aub. Theol. Sem. 1833. 1874 * Jacob Merritt Howard, LL.D. 1866 ; Mich. H. Rep., Atty. Gen. Mich., M. C., Senator U. S. 1871 * Nathan Strong Hunt, And. Theol. Sem. 1833. 1882 * Francis Janes, M.A., Au- burn Theol. Sem. 1833. 18M * Abraham Yates Lansing, M.A. 18 * 7 * Jesse Lockwood, Princeton Theol. Sem. 1833. 18 4 *Eli Thornton Mack, M.A., Princeton Theol. Sem. 1835, Tutor ; Princ. Acad. Granville, N. Y., Princ. Erasmus Hall, Flatbush, L. I. 1881 * Abraham Oakey Miller. 184 * James Riverius Newell. 1864 * William Shaw Chandler Otis, Pros. Atty. Jennings Co., Ohio, O. Const. Con. 1851. 1879 *John Theodore Sabine. 1M1 ^Benjamin Robbins Sheldon, LL.D. 1877; Justice Dist. Crt. 14th Dist., Justice and Ch. Justice Sup. Crt. 111. * David Newton Sheldon, M.A., Newton Theol. Inst. 1835, D.D. Brown 1847, Tu- tor; Presdt., Trustee Water- ville Coll., Trustee Newton Theol. Inst., Me. Hist. Soc. 188 ' * Ralph Smith, M.D. Yale 1833, Princeton Theol. Sem. 1836. 186T *Gurdon Seymour Stebbins. 188T *Cyrus Alexander Stowell, Mass. H. Rep. 1894 *Rufus Marsh Townsend, Master in Chanc. N. Y. *Westerlo Woodworth, M.A. 1846 26-*26 1831 *Nathan Benjamin, And. Theol. Sem. 1834 ; Mission- ary, Greece and Turkey. 18W *Edward Clark, LL.D. 1880, Trustee. *Alfred Henry Corning. 48 GENERAL CATALOGUE, WILLIAMS COLLEGE. 1905 *John Darby, M.A., Prof. Math.; Princ. Acad. Wii- liamstown, Presdt. Wesley- an Female Coll. Macon, Ga., Prof. Chem. and Nat. Hist. East. Alabama, Prof. Sci., President Wesleyan Univ. Ky. *John Brownson Foot. * James McKown French, M.A. *John Frissell, M.A., M.D. Berk. Med. Inst. 1834; Demonst. Anat. Berk. Med. and Vt. Med. Coll. Wood- stock, Vt. * George Hale, M.A., Prince- ton Theol. Sem. 1836, D.D. Lafayette 1862, Tutor; Trustee, Secty. Princeton Theol. Sem., Secty. Presb. Relief Fund. * Aaron Hicks Hand, M.A., Princeton Theol. Sem. 1835, D.D. Lafayette 1857 ; Trustee Lafayette. *William Thornton Mercer, M.A., M.D. Jefferson Med. Coll. 1834; Secty. Essex Dist. Med. Soc. N. J. * Edward Wolcott Noble, D.D. 1879, And. Theol. Sem. 1837. ^Mortimer Porter, Hist. Soc. N. Y. William Rankin, M.A., LL.D. Bellevue Coll. Neb. 1891 ; Presdt. N. J. Hist. Soc., Treas. Presb. Bd. For. Missions. *John Richards. *Caleb Perkins Seymour, Au- burn Theol. Sem. 1835. *William Stuart, M.A. *Robert Woodworth, M.D. Univ. Pennsylvania 1834; Asst. Surg., Surg. U. S. N. 17-*16 1832 ^Nathaniel Beach, And. Theol. Sem. 1836. * James Farrar Brown. * Calvin Clark, Auburn Theol. Sem. 1835. *John James Collins. *Lyman Mark Crane, N. J. Med. Soc. 188 ^Stephen Booth Cushing, N. Y. Assembly, Atty. Gen. N. Y. 1859 *John Dunbar, Auburn Theol. Sem. 1835. 1857 * Thomas Dutton, Yale Div. Sch. 1836, Tutor. * Jonathan Edwards Field, Clerk Co. Crts. Washtenaw Co., Mich., Commr. Rev. Statutes Mass., Pres. Mass. Senate. *George Clinton Gibbs, N. Y. Assembly, Justice Sup. Crt. Cal. 1883 *Henry Ray Lott, M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1836. * Austin Gregory Morss. * William Mason Richards, M.A., Auburn Theol. Sem. 1835. 1882 *N~elson Elwood Spencer, M.A. ; Princ. Acad. Pal- myra, N. Y., Tutor Kenyon. 1887 * William Sterling, Princeton Theol. Sem. 1835. * Joseph Vance. * William Gove Weston, M.A. ; Princ. Paulding Inst., Bd. Educ. Tarrytown, N. Y. *Don Carlos Woodcock, Dist. Attorney Chemung Co., N. Y. 18-*18 1884 1905 GRADUATES. 49 1867 1833 *Lewis Allen. *Hubbard Beebe, M.A., And. Theol. Sem. 1837; Princ. Westfield Acad., Mass. *George Train Blair, Surro- gate, Rensselaer Co., N.Y. ; Paymaster U. S. A. * Thomas Budd Bradford, M.A. ; Prof. Latin and Greek, Haverford, Penn. *2jevi Brigham, And. Theol. Sem. 1836. 1886 * Samuel Bud, M.A., Genl. Theol. Sem. N. Y. 1837, D.D. Columbia 1862, and Gen. Theol. Sem. N. Y. 1885 ; Tutor Kenyon, Prof. Eccl. Hist. Seabury Div. Sch., Prof, and Emeritus Prof. Syst. Div. and Dogm. Theol. Gen. Theol. Sem. N. Y. 1892 ^Robert Martin Chapman, M.A., D.D. Univ. Penn- sylvania 1860; President and Trustee Univ. Indiana. 1888 ^Horace Francis Clark, LL.D. 1868 ; M. C. 1873 * Samuel Day, M.A., Union Theol. Sem. 1846; Chaplain 8th 111. U. S. V. 1881 * Jonas Denton, Princeton Theol. Sem. 1836. 1888 *Egbert Dewey. 1879 * William Edward Dixon, Theol. Inst. Conn. 1840; Conn. H. Rep. *Julius Augustus Fay, M.A. Lafayette ; Princ. Acad. Stockbridge, Mass., Princ. Prep. Sch. Elizabeth, N. J. 1887 * Thomas Kendall Fessenden, M.A., Yale Div. Sch. 1837 ; Conn. H. Rep., Financ. Secty. Hampton Norm, and Agri. Inst. 1894 * James Briggs Goodwin, P. E. Theol. Sem. Alexandria, Va. 1836. 18 * *Charles Alexander Griffin. 18M * Willis Lord, M.A., Prince- ton Theol. Sem. 1834, D.D. Lafayette 1847, LL.D. Wooster Univ. Ohio 1873 ; Prof. Theol. Lane Theol. Sem. Cincinnati, Ohio, Prof. Bibl. and Eccles. Hist, and McCormick Prof. Didactic and Polemic Theol. North Western Theol. Sem., Chicago, 111., President Wooster Univ. Ohio, Pres- ident Presb. Coll. of the Southwest, Colo., Trustee Lane Theol. Sem., Stated Clerk Presb. Gen. Assemb. (O. S.). 1888 *Nathan Tuttle Rosseter, Justice Dist. Crt. N. Y. 1865 * Theodore Say res, And. Theol. Sem. 1836. * Jason Warner Seward, M.A.; Supt. Schools, Monroe Co., Bd. of Educ. Rochester, N. Y. 1894 *Ephraim Strong, Princeton Theol. Sem. 1836. *John Cotton Terrett, Union Theol. Sem. 1845; Supt. Schs. Sharon, Conn. ^Martin Ingham Townsend, M.A., LL.D. 1866; Regent Univ. State of N. Y., Dist. Atty. Rensselaer Co., N. Y., N. Y. Const. Conv. 1861, M. C., U. S. Atty. No. Dist. N. Y. 1902 * Albert David Traver, M.A., D.D. 1862, Genl. Theol. Sem. N. Y. 1840. *Abner Barnard Warner, And. Theol. Sem. 1837. 25-*25 50 GENERAL CATALOGUE, WILLIAMS COLLEGE. 1905 1834 * George Washington Bassett, Theol. Inst. Conn. 1837. * James Lawrence Benedict. 1892 *Willard Blackmer. 1879 *Oliver Ellsworth Brewster, M.D. Berk. Med. Inst. 1839 ; Mass. Med. Soc., Pres. Berk. Med. Soc. ; Surgeon 40th Mass. U. S. V., died from disease contracted in service. *Edward Weeks Boldero Canning, M.A., and Yale (Hon.) 1852; Princ. Acad. Stockbridge, Mass., Mass. H. Rep., Berk. Hist. Soc. 189 *Azariah Sylvester Clark. *Wells Colton. 1849 *Charles Oliver Crane, M.A. 1869 * Jonathan Davis, Theol. Inst. Conn. 1837; Mass. H. Rep. 1881 * James Dixon, M.A., LL.D. Trinity 1862; Conn. H. Rep., M. C., Senator U. S. 1878 * Gushing Fells, Theol. Inst. Conn. 1837, D.D. Pacific Univ. 1883; Princ. Whit- man Sem., Presdt. Trustees Whitman Coll.; Missionary, Indians. 1898 * Chester Fitch, Union Theol. Sem. 1840. *John Foster, Chancellor Eastern Alabama, Ala. Const. Conv. 1865. 1875 *0zro French, And. Theol. Sem. 1 837 ;Miss'nary, India. 1866 * Thomas Gordon, M. A., Theol. Inst. Conn. 1837. ^Nathaniel Herrick Griffin, M.A., Princeton Theol. Sem. 1837, D.D. Lafayette 1867, Tutor, Lawrence Prof. Lang., Lawrence Prof. Gr. Lang, and Lit., and Librarian. 1851 *John Hall. 1886 *Walter Forrest Hill, Judge Prob. Tolono, 111. 1887 * Alexander Hyde, M.A. ; Princ. Acad. Lee, Mass., Trustee Hampton Inst., Va., Mass. H. Rep. 1881 * George Faber McEwen, Auburn Theol. Sem. 1837. *George Hamilton N orris. 1887 *Elias Palmer Patrick. 1835 *Eoyal Reed, Theol. Inst. Conn. 1837, M.D. Rush Med. Coll. 1852. 1886 * Benjamin Gilbert Hiley, M.A., And. Theol. Sem. 1839 ; Supt. Missions Wis. and N. Mich. 1884 *Lewis Morris Rutherfurd, LL.D. 1889, and Columbia 1887; Trustee Columbia, Orig. Memb. Nat. Acad. Sc., Am. Astro. Soc., Fel- low Am. Acad., Fellow R. Astro. Soc. 1892 * James Maltby Sayre, Au- burn Theol. Sem. 1839. 1874 *Edward Strong, M.D. Har- vard 1838. 1902 *Lewis Avery Thomas, Ind. Commr., U. S. Marshal, Iowa. 1882 *David Thomas Vail, M.A. (Hon.) 1863; Trustee Rens- selaer Pol. Inst. 1882 *David Jewett Waller, M.A., Princeton Theol. Sem. 1838 ; Trustee Lafayette. 1893 30-*30 1835 *Samuel Adams Allen. 1867 *Ornon Archer, LL.B. Univ. Albany 1851 ; N. Y. Const. Conv. 1846 and 1867, N.Y. Assembly. 1905 GRADUATES. 51 * Thornton Washington Clapp, Gen. Theol. Sem. 1844; Prof. Math. Washington Coll. Miss. *Elias Van Benschoten Conk- lin. *Lucius Quintus Curtis, M.A., And. Theol. Sem. 1845 ; Instr. Logic Trinity, Hist. Soc. Conn. *Henry Gilman Darling, M.A., M.D. elsewhere. *James Homer Ellis. *Henry Gallup, M.A. ; Princ. Acad. Knox, N. Y. * Jesse Olds Norton, M.A. ; Judge Prob. Joliet, 111., Justice Cir. Crt. 111., U. S. Dist. Atty. North. Dist. 111., 111. Constit. Conv. 1848, 111. H. Rep., M. C. * Abraham Baldwin Olin, M.A.,LL.D. 1865 ; Recorder Troy, M. C., Justice Sup. Crt. D. C. *Lumas Hoyt Pease, 1869, M.A., Theol. Inst. Conn. 1838, Res. Lie. And. Theol. Sem. 1839. * James Newton Platt. * George Sheldon, And. Theol. Sem. 1838, D.D. Jefferson 1862 ; Hist. Soc. N. J., N. E. Hist. Geneal. Soc. *Henry Robert Vaille, M.A., M.D. Berk. Med. Inst. 1838; Christian Comm. * Samuel Corylus Wilcox, Auburn Theol. Sem. 1840. * Worcester Willey, M.A., Auburn Theol. Sem. 1840. * Charles Ashley Williams, M.A.; Chaplain U. S. V. Thomas Wright, And. Theol. Sem. 1839. 18-*17 1876 1887 1894 1836 1879 1896 * Algernon Sidney Baldwin. im * Hiram Bell, Theol. Inst. Conn. 1839. *PMlo Canfield, Theol. Inst. Conn. 1839. *Hazen Cheney, Theol. Inst. Conn. 1839. * Theodore Jarvis Clark, And. Theol. Sem. 1841. *George Clisby. * Robert Crawford, M.A., Union Theol. Sem. 1840, D.D. Jefferson 1858, Tu- tor ; Presdt. Trustees Deer- field Acad., Mass. Sen. * Samuel Dana Darling, Gil- manton Theol. Sem. N. H. 187S *Chauncey Giles, 1876, M.A. (Hon.) 1876, and Urbana 1864; Presdt. Gen. Conv. New Jerusalem Ch. ^Nathan Williams Harmon, 1870, M.A. (Hon.) 1849; Bd. Educ. Lawrence, Mass., Mass. H. Rep., Mass. Sen., Justice Dist. Crt. Mass. *Anson Loomis Hobart, M.A., M.D. Castleton Vt. Med. Coll. 1843. *William Hopkins, M.A. ; Princ. Auburn Acad. N. Y. Prof. Nat. Hist, and Chem. Genesee, N. Y. *Ephraim William Kellogg, M.A., Auburn Theol. Sem. 1839. ^Thompson Kidder. *Samuel Knox, Mo. H. Rep., M. C. *Josiah Lyman, M.A., Auburn Theol. Sem. 1844. George Parker Nelson. Thomas Nelson, Trustee ; Trustee Hartwick Theol. Sem., Justice and Ch. Jus- tice Sup. Crt. Oregon Ter. 1887 1905 GENERAL CATALOGUE, WILLIAMS COLLEGE. 1905 *Job Swift Olin, M.A. ; Jus- tice Mayor's Crt., D. C. * William Brown Otis, Gen. Theol. Sem. N. Y. 1840; Chaplain 12th N. J. U. S. V. 1898 *Lebbeus Rude Phillips, Theol. Inst. Conn. 1839. * Joseph Charles Pynchon, Mass. H. Rep. *Zalrnon Richards, M.A. ; Princ. Acad. Stillwater, Dept. Educ. Public Schs., N. Y., Pres. Nat. Ed. Assoc. 1899 *JeremiahAllenSpencer,M.A. 1859 *John Tatlock, M.A., LL.D. Western Reserve 1857, Tu- tor, Prof. Math., Lawrence Prof. Lang., Emeritus Prof. Math., Librarian. ^Randolph Wanton Town- send, 1858, M.A. (Hon.) 1857; N. Y. Geneal. and Biog. Soc., N. Y. Hist. Soc., Am. Geog. Soc. *Bushnell White, City Atty., Pros. Atty. Cuyahoga Co., Ohio, Justice Dist. Crt. Cleveland, Ohio, U. S. Dist. Atty., U. S. Commr. ; West- ern Res. Hist. Soc. ^Joseph White, M.A., LL.D. Yale 1868, Tutor, Trus- tee, Secretary, Treasurer; Trustee Smith, Mass. H. Rep., Mass. Sen., Sec. Mass. Board Educ., Presdt. Berk. Hist. Soc. *Jay Ambrose Wight, M.A., D.D. 1876 ; Wis. Hist. Soc. 1889 *John Henry Wilson, M.A. ; Princ. Auburn Fern. Sem., Instr. Farmers' Coll., Ohio. 1902 *Edmund Wright, Theol. Inst. Conn. 1839; Agent Am. Tract Soc., and Am. Bible Soc. *Walter Wright. 32-*30 1837 * Israel Ward Andrews,^. A., and Marietta 1840, D.D. 1856, LL.D. Iowa Univ. 1874, and Wabash 1876; Tutor, Prof. Math, and Nat. Philcs., Prof. Mor. Philos. and Meta., Prof. Pol. Econ., Prof. Pol. Philos., Treas., President and Trustee Mari- etta, Trustee Lane Theol. Sem. Cincinnati, Ohio, Hist. Soc. N. H. *Lewis Benedict, M.A., City Atty., Surrogate Al- bany, N. Y., N. Y. Assem. ; Judge Advoc. Genl. N. Y., Lieut. Col. 73d N. Y., Col. 162d N. Y., and Bvt. Brig. Gen. U. S. V. " for gallant conduct at Port Hudson," fell in battle of Pleasant Hill. * Daniel Brown. * Solomon Clark, Theol. Inst. Conn. 1840. * Edward Clarke, Theol. Inst. Conn. 1840 ; Mass. H. Rep. ^Jonathan Henry Ferris, Master in Chancery, N. Y. 1873 ^Stephen Johnson Field, M.A., LL.D. 1864, and Univ. California 1 869 ; Prof. Law Univ. California, May- or and Justice Dist. Crt. Marysville, Cal., Cal. H. Rep., Justice and Ch. Just- ice Sup. Crt. Cal., Justice Sup. Crt. U. S. *Martin Finch, N. Y. Assem., Dist. Attorney Essex Co., N.Y. * Charles Orville Hill, Auburn Theol. Sem. 1840. *Samuel Goode Jones, Treas. Univ. South. 1862 1905 GEADUATES. 53 *Solomon Belden Noble, M.A.; N. Y. Assembly, Corp. Counsel Long Island City. 1894 *William Henry Noble. *Eber Myers Hollo. "Comfort Sparks. *Francis Wilder Tappan, Justice 3rd Dist. Crt. Bristol Co., Mass. *George Nash Turner. "William Hopkins Whitney, M.A. 1868 "David Prentiss Yeomans, M.D. McGill 1849; Princ. Lowville Acad. N. Y., Prof. Chem. Lafayette. 186 18-*18 1838 "Davis Alton, Paymaster U. S. A., died from disease contracted in service. 186T " Willard Brigham, And. Theol. Sem. 1842. 1874 "William Bross, M.A. ; Trus- tee Lake Forest, Lt. Gover- nor 111., Ed. Chicago Tri- bune. 189 Joseph Merrick Bush, 111. Sen., Master in Chancery, Pres. Bd. of Educ. Pittsfield, 111., U. S. Commr. Southern 111., 111. Hist. Soc. *Daniel Reed Cady, M.A., D.D. 1871, And. Theol. Sem. 1845 ; Dir. Am. Educ. Soc. 18T9 "James Denison Colt, LL.D. 1871, and Harvard 1881, Trustee ; Prof. Med. Juris. Berk. Med. Inst, Mass. H. Rep., Justice Sup. Crt. Mass. 1881 "Cole Heman Denio, Justice Dist. Crt. Lansingburg, N. Y. wot "William N orris Edwards, M.A., Auburn Theol. Sem. 1843. 18OT Henry Martyn Field, M.A., D.D. 1862, Theol. Inst. Conn. 1841 ; Ed. The Evan- gelist, N. Y. " Thomas Amory HaU, Chap- lain 25th U. S. C. I. im "Frederic Herring Hastings, N. Y. Sen. 1869 "Edward Payson Hawkes, M.A. "Rowland Sears Howes, M.A. 1MT "John Isham, Princ. Class. Sch. Columbus and Atlanta, Ga. 1892 " Foster Lilly, M.A., Auburn Theol. Sem. 1841. "Theophilus Page. "Joseph Christopher Yates Paige, Chamberlain Albany, N. Y. " Charles Peabody, And. Theol. Sem. 1841. *David Pise, Gen. Theol. Sem. N. Y. 1844, M.A. Hobart 1845, D.D. Stewart 1856, South Western Univ. 1860, and Univ. South 1885 ; Trustee and Secty. Univ. South. "John Van Pelt Quacken- bush, M.A., M.D. Union 1842; Surg. Gen. N. Y., Prof. Obst. Union, Mayor of Albany, N. Y. Med. Soc., Am. Med. Assoc. "John Wells, M.A., LL.D: 1870; Judge Probate and Insolvency Hampden Co., Mass., Justice Sup. Crt. Mass., Mass. H. Rep. "Edward Whiting, Tutor Univ. Alabama. 1894 1876 1894 1876 1876 1644 54 GENERAL CATALOGUE, WILLIAMS COLLEGE. 1905 *Francis Williams, Theol. Inst. Conn. 1841 ; Trustee Hartford Theol. Sem., Dir. Home Mis. Soc., Conn. H. Rep. 23-*21 1839 *Alvan Severance Anderson. 1841 Samuel James Andrews, Lane Theol. Sem. 1845, D.D. Union 1879; Instr. Meta., Mor. Philos. and Logic Trinity, Soc. Bib. Lit. and Exegesis. * David M^Gee Bardwell, M.A., And. Theol. Sem. 1842. 1898 *Charles Dewey Betts, M.A. 1845 *John Milton Brewster, M.A., M.D. Berk. Med. Inst. 1841; Mass. Med. Soc. 1902 *John Griswold Buel. 1877 *Edward Alexander Dickin- son, Princ. Acad. James- town, N. Y. 188 *Wyle Richardson Ellis, M. A., Princ. Prep. Sch. Kingston, Mass. 1896 ^Jonathan Ford, M.A., Supt. Sch. Milwaukee, Wis. 189 * Charles Ga Nun, Dist. Atty. Putnam Co., N. J. 1862 ^Charles Goddard Hazeltine, M.A. ; Princ. Acad. Wil- liamstown, Morris Fem. Inst. Morristown, N. J. 188 * Austin Adams Howard, Comptroller Buffalo, N. Y. 18T9 *Edmund Burke Jennings, M.A. ; Princ. Bartlett High Sch. New London, Conn. 1896 *Ezra Gordon Johnson. 1851 * Jonathan Sheldon Judd, Theol. Inst, Conn. 1842. 18M * George Kerr, Union Theol. Sem. 1842, LL.D. Hamilton 1852; Princ. Franklin Acad. N. Y., Prof. Math., Presdt. N. Y. Agr. Coll. 18 <" *Ndthaniel Lasell, Auburn Theol. Sem. 1845. 188 *Addison Lyman, M.A., Au- burn Theol. Sem. 1844. 1902 * William Henry Marsh, M.A. ; Princ. Chamberlain Inst. Randolph, N. Y. 1857 *Calvin Gideon Martin. 1842 *Josiah Alvan Mills, 1842; Princ. Greylock Inst., Wil- liamstown. 1884 *Wffliam Ward Mitchell, Princ. High Sch. Chicopee and Northampton, Mass., Mass. H. Rep. 1898 *John Nichols, Clerk Circ. Crt., Justice Dist. Crt., Civic Crt. Commr. Janes- ville, Wis. 1898 *Zenas Montague Phelps, M.A., Union Theol. Sem. 1842; Princ. Mt. Pleasant Mil. Acad. Sing Sing, N. Y. 1872 William Porter, M.A., D.D. 1882, Union Theol. Sem. 1843; Instr. Marathon Coll., Prof. Math, and Brinsrnade Prof. Lat. Lang. Beloit, Am. Philol. Assoc., Wis. Acad. Sc., Archaeol. Inst. Am. *Merritt Franklin Potter, M.A., M.D. Harvard 1846 ; Mass. Med. Soc. 1886 *Moses Cowen Robinson, 1844. 1877 *Levi Rose, M.A., Auburn Theol. Sem. 1841. *Lucian Royes. *Isaac Vanderpoel, M.A. ; City Atty. Albany; Adjt. Gen. State N. Y. 1868 *Townsend Walker, Auburn Theol. Sem. 1842. 1878 1905 GRADUATES. 55 Samuel Jessup White, M.A., D.D. 1874, Union Theol. Sem. 1842. *William James White, And. Theol. Sem. 1842. *Charles Langdon Williams, M.A. ; Vt. H. Rep. *Ephraim Munroe Wright, M.A. ; Mass. H. Rep., Mass. Sen., Sec. State Mass. 35-*32 1840 *Edmund Augustus Benedict. 1878 * Henry Bergen, M.A., Prince- ton Theol. Sem. 1842. 1874 *James Watson Brown, M.A., M.D. Univ. Pennsylvania 1851 ; Sch. Commr. and Supt. Schs., Mass. H. Rep., Justice Dist. Crt. Framing- ham, Mass. 1892 *James Madison Burt, M.A. * Augustus Cornwall, M.A. ^Francis Henshaw Dewey, M.A., LL.D. 1873, Trustee ; Justice Superior Crt. Mass., Mass. Sen., President and Dir. Free Public Lib. Wor- cester, Mass., Amer. Antiq. Soc. ^Oliver Dimon, M.A., And. Theol. Sem. 1853. *Charles Noble Emerson, M.A. ; Mass. H. Rep. *Hiram Warner Farnsworth, M.A. ; President Trustees Washburn, Mayor Topeka, Kans., Kans. Sen. *Daniel Delavan Frost, M.A., Union Theol. Sem. 1845. * Charles Hawley, Union Theol. Sem. 1844, D.D. Hamilton 1861 ; Trustee Auburn Theol. Sem. 1887 1860 1846 * Samuel Newell Hitt, M.A. Stephen Holman. * Henry Gilbert Ludlow Liv- ingston, M. A., Union Theol. Sem. 1845. *George McClelland. * Samuel Dayton Pierson. *Thomas Robbins, M.A., M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1845 ; Librarian Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. *Robert Clark Robinson. *Garwood Thaddeus Sheldon. 187 *John Adam Walker, M.A., Tutor ; Mass. H. Rep., Jus- tice Dist. Crt. Berkshire, Mass. 1864 *Charles Whittlesey, Justice Co. Crt. Middlesex Co., Conn., Attorney Gen. Va., M. C. 1874 *Eliphalet Whittlesey, M.A., Union Theol. Sem. 1843; Missionary, Hawaiian Is- lands. 1889 *Talcott Enoch Wing, Judge Prob. Monroe Co., Mich., U. S. Circ. Crt. Commr., Pres. Mich. Hist. Soc. 18 ' *Rufus Dodd Woods, M.A. Amherst 1870; Mass. H. Rep., Mass. Sen., Governor's Council. 1884 *Charles Worthington, M.A. 1847 25-*24 1841 Edwin Curtis Bidwell, M.D. Yale 1844; Surgeon 31st Mass. U. S. V., U. S. Exam. Surgeon Pension Bureau, Trustee Iowa State Univ. * Henry Beach Blake, Theol. Inst. Conn. 1844; Mass. H. Rep. 56 GENERAL CATALOGUE, WILLIAMS COLLEGE. 1905 John Wells Bulkley, M.A., M.D. Berk. Med. Inst. 1844. *Timothy Childs, M.A., M.D. Berk. Med. Inst. 1844; Prof. Anat. and Phys. same, Prof. . Anat, Prof. Surg. Bellevue Hosp. Med. Coll., and Bow- doin, Mass. Med. Soc., N. Y. Med. Soc. 1866 * Luther Clapp, And. Theol. Sem. 1845. 1894 *0rramel Wellington Cooley, M.A., Bangor Theol. Sem. 1846 ; Presdt. Glenwood Fern. Sem. 1889 *Alvin Devereux. *Charles Dodge. 1891 *Samuel Ware Fisher. 1884 * William Earl Fling, M.A. * James Herrick, And. Theol. Sem. 1845. 1891 *William Hills, Trustee State Sch. for Deaf and Dumb, Mich. *Charles Green Johnson. 1898 * William Asa Keith, M.A., And. Theol. Sem. 1845. 1889 * Jonathan Edwards Lee, M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1845 ; Supt. Philadelphia Hosp. for Insane, Supt. Wis. State Hosp. for Insane. 1868 *James Little, M.A. *Henry Lawrence Marsh. 185 *David Mills, Princeton Theol. Sem. 1845. 1881 *Enos Janes Montague, Theol. Inst. Conn. 1845; Trustee Beloit, Trustee Wisconsin Fern. Coll. 188 *Melzer Montague, Theol. Inst. Conn. 1845; Instr. Ripon. ^Nathaniel Edwards Pier- son, Union Theol. Sem. 1845 ; Chaplain 89th N. Y. U. S. V. 1872 *Eugene Wynkoop Pugsley. 1846 1865 *Thomas Thornton Read, M.A. *Samuel Denison Rogers, Princeton Theol. Sem. 1845. * James Sedgwick, M.A.; Prin. Acad. Gt.Barrington,Mass., Founder Sedgwick Inst. * William Riley Stevens, Lane Theol. Sem. 1844. 1867 *Ephraim Tenney, Union Theol. Sem. 1844. 184S * Joseph Warner. 1877 *Moses Warren, Surrogate Rensselaer Co., N. Y., Jus- tice Crt., City Magistrate, Troy, N. Y. ' 1899 * Samuel Goode Wheeler, M.A. 1888 *Benjamin Wilcox, M.A., and Hobart 1844. 18 * *Russell Medad Wright, M.A., Theol. Inst. Conn. 1845; Instr. Chem. and Nat. Hist. Williston Sem. Mass., Princ. Cobb Inst. Athens, Ga. 1904 32-*30 1842 * Thomas Scott Bacon, D.D. St. John's Md. 1879 ; Chap- lain, U. S. N., Md. Hist. Soc., Royal Philos. Soc. Addison Bollard, M.A., D.D. 1867, Tutor, Morris Prof. Rhet. ; Prof. Lat. and Math. Ohio Univ., Prof. Nat. Philos. and Astron. Mari- etta, Prof. Christian Gr. and Lat., and Prof. Moral Philos. and Rhet. Lafayette, Prof. Logic Univ. City of N. Y., Cor. Memb. Soc. Art, Lit. and Sc., London. 1905 GRADUATES. 57 1882 *Elisha Bourne Bassett, Co. Clerk Allegan Co., Mich., Judge Prob. Mich. ; Capt. 19th Mich. U. S. V., died from disease contracted in the service. * James Brewer. *George Patrick Briggs, M. A., LL.B. Harvard 1846. *Thomas Colt, Governor's Council. * Theodore Cooke^ew Haven Theol. Sem. 1844. William Henry Edwards. * George Rigor Entler, M. A., Bangor Theol. Sem. 1845, Ph.D. Univ. City of N. Y. 1870; Prof. Delaware Lit. Inst. Franklin, N. Y., Am. Philol. Assoc., Am. Orient. Soc., Am. Geog. Soc. Leland Fairbanks, Am. Geog. Soc. *IIenry Alexander Ford, M.D. Univ. City of N. Y. 1850 ; Missionary, Gaboon, Africa. John Benjamin Gale, M.A., LL.D. 1890. * William Goodwin, Theol. Inst. Conn. 1845. *Enos Johnson Halsted, M.A. 1878 *William Agur Hawley, M.D. Union 1851 ; Homoeop. Med. Soc. N. Y., Pres. Intern. Hahn. Assoc. *Horace Isaac Hodges, 1870, Justice Crt. Prob. and In- solvency Hampshire Co., Mass. ; Quartermaster, Capt. U. S. V., died in service at Plymouth, N. C. 1864 *Eli Andrews Hubbard, M.A., Tutor ; Instr. Williston Sem., Supt. Schs., Spring- field and Fitchburg, Agent State Bd. Educ. Mass., Mass. H. Rep. 1899 1858 1896 *Charles Stewart Jordan, Judge Prob. Rock Co., Wis., Commr. to Codify Code, Wis. 1876 *John Ilealey Kellom, M.A. ; Supt. Schs. Omaha, Neb., U. S. Assessor. 1891 Thomas Scott Lambert, 1876, M.A. (Hon.) 1876. * Jonathan Le Fevre. 1884 * Horace Lyman, M.A., And. Theol. Sem. 1846; Prof. Anct. Lang., Prof. Math., and Prof. Eng. Lit., Rhet. and Hist. Pacific Univ. 1887 *Dwight Whitney Marsh, M.A., D.D. 1875, Union Theol. Sem. 1849; Princ. Rochester Fern. Sem. ; Mis- sionary, Eastern Turkey, Am. Orient Soc. * Henry Osborn, M.A., Union Theol. Sem. 1845. *Job Pierson, Auburn Theol. Sem. 1847, D.D. Olivet 1881; Trustee Olivet, Li- brarian Alma. *George Washington Pleas- ants, M.A. ; Justice 6th Circt. and Appel. Crt., 111., 111. Const. Conv. 1861, Master in Chancery. *Henry William Porter, M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1846. * Andrew Guffin Riley, M.A., M.D. Geneva Med. Coll. 1849. *John Harris Sage, M.A., Auburn Theol. Sem. 1846. * Oliver Maynard Sears, Theol. Inst. Conn. 1846. *John Burr Skinner. *Josiah Torrey Smith, M.A., and Brown 1879, Newton Theol. Inst. 1844, D.D. Central Univ. Iowa 1880; R. I. H. Rep. 1896 1851 1888 58 GENERAL CATALOGUE, WILLIAMS COLLEGE. 1905 *Lewis Mitchell Strong. *Edward Taylor, M.A., Au- burn Theol. Sem. 1846, D.D. Olivet 1869; Chap- lain 13th N. Y. U. S. V., Trustee Chicago Theol. Sem., Olivet and Kalamazoo Coll. 1902 *Oliver Warner, Mass. H. Rep., Mass. Sen., Secretary State Mass., State Librarian. 1885 *Lyman Fisher Wilcox. 36-*31 1843 *George Frederick Bigelow, M.A., M.D. Jefferson Med. Coll. 1846 ; Mass. H. Rep., Boston Sen. Comm., Mass. Med. Soc., Am. Med. Assoc. 1893 Reuben Patrick Boise, LL.D. Pacific Univ. 1887 ; Justice U. S. Dist. Crt. Oregon Ter., Oregon H. Rep., Justice Circt. Crt. Oregon, Justice and Ch. Justice Sup. Crt. Oregon, Oregon Const. Conv. *Edgar Mandleburt Brown. 187 *Lucius Edwards Bulkley, M.A. 1892 *Charles Kellogg Clark, 1846. 1847 * George Clark, M.A., Union Theol. Sem. 1848. 185 Henry Setts Cornwell, M.A., D.D. 1881. * Alexander Bainbridge Dil- ley, Union Theol. Sem. 1848 ; Chaplain 106th N. Y. U. S. V. 1893 * Jonathan Douglas, M.A., M.D. Univ. Pennsylvania 1847 ; Assoc. Secty. U. S. San. Com., Am. Laryng. Soc., N. Y. Acad. Med. 1892 *Lemuel Bingham Gay, Princ. Orangeburg Fern. Coll., S. C. 18n * Abraham Gosnian, Prince- ton Theol. Sem. 1847, D.D. New Jersey 1862 ; Instr. Heb., Trustee, Director and Presdt. Bd. Directors Princeton Theol. Sem. 1899 *Daniel Carroll Greene, Mich. H. Rep. 1886 *Enos Ward Johnson Hal- sted, 1844, M.A. 1848 * Henry Brown Hosford, M.A., Tutor; Prof. Intel. Philos. and Rhet. Western Reserve, U. S. Sanit. Com. 1889 *Cyrus Kellogg, Lt. 23rd and 63rd N. Y. U. S. V. 1879 *Henry Kellogg. 1844 James Somerville Knowlson, 1863; Trustee Rensselaer Polyt. Inst. *Addison Henry Laflin, N. Y. Sen., M. C., U. S. Naval Officer Port of N. Y. 1878 Edward Lord, Auburn Theol. Sem. 1846; Chaplain 110th N. Y. U. S. V. *Seth Smith Mellen, LL.D. Univ. Alabama 1883 ; Prof. Tuscaloosa Fern. Coll., Supt. Educ. Choctaw and Sumpter Co., Ala., Trustee Univ. South. *Edward Augustus Metcalf, M.A., M.D. Univ. City of N. Y. 1849. 1874 *John Nicolas Pike, Justice Dist. Crt. Newburyport, Mass., U. S. Consul Mauri- tius, Trustee Putnam Free Sch., City Attorney, Secty. Sch. Com. Newburyport, Mass. *John Sayles Poler, U, S. Land Office. 190 1905 GRADUATES. 59 1908 *Luther Wilcox Savage, Jus- tice Dist. Crt., Supt. Schools, Auditor Erie Co., Perm. * Lucius Edwin Smith, D.D. 1869, Newton Theo. Inst. 1857; College Prof. Rhet., Prof. Horn, and Past. Theol. Univ. Lewisburg, Pa., Asst. Secty. Am. Bapt. M. U., Ed. Watchman. *John Cotton Strong, Theol. Inst. Conn. 1846; Supt. Schs. Chickasaw Co., Iowa. 189C *Alden Barr Vining. *Samuel Eliot Warner, Asst. Secty. Am. Tract Soc. Joseph Kingsbury Wight, Princeton Theol. Sem. 1848; Misssionary, Ningpo, China, Am. Orient. Soc. *Horatio Nelson Wright, M.A. 30-*25 1844 * Jacob Best, Union Theol. Sem. 1848 ; Missionary, Ga- boon, West Africa. *George Frederick Betts, M.A.; Lieut. Col. 9th N.Y. U. S. V., Clerk U. S. Dist. Crt. So. Dist. N. Y., Trus- tee N. Y. Inst. Deaf and Dumb, N. Y. Hist. Soc. *Derick Lane Boardman, Trustee ; N. Y. Assembly. *Samuel Wells Bowerman, M.A. ; Mass. H. Rep., Mass. Sen. *IIenry Shaw Briggs, M.A. ; Mass. H. Rep., State Audi- tor Mass., Judge Dist. Crt. Berkshire Co.; Capt. 8th Mass., Col. 10th Mass., Brig. Gen. U. S. V. 1867 1887 * Joseph Henry Budd, Justice Superior Crt. California. *George William Burrall, M.D. Berk. Med. Inst. 1847. 1881 *James Colt Clapp, U. S. Mar- shal So. Dist. Florida. 18R *Henry Alanson Clark, City Atty. Chicago. 1868 *Henry Perrin Coon, M.A., M.D. Univ. Pennsylvania 1849 ; Justice Dist. Ct. Cal., Mayor San Francisco. 1884 * Isaac De La Mater, Lane Theol. Sem. Cincinnati, O., 1847 ; Chaplain 72d Ind. U. S. V. 1892 *CharlesDemond,M.A.; Exec. Com. Christian Comm., Mass. H. Rep., Boston Sch. Com. 1889 * Joshua Edwards Ford, Union Theol. Sem. 1847; Mission- ary, Syria. 1866 Calvin Colton Halsey, M.A., M.D. Castleton, Vt, Med. Coll. 1850; Capt. 35th Penn. U. S. V., Med. Soc. Penn., Am. Med. Assoc., Am. Acad. Med. * Joseph Bridgman Hawkes. 1865 Theron Holbrook Hawks, D.D. 1864, Union Theol. Sem. 1851 ; Instr. Sacred Lit., Inst. Ch. Hist. Union Theol. Sem. and Hartford Theol. Sem., Trustee West- ern Reserve, Marietta, and Mt. Holyoke, Am. Inst. Civics, Am. Acad. Pol. and Soc. Sc. *David Hyde Kellogg. *John Pearse Lansing, Princ. High School Greenbush, N. Y. 1896 *Josiah Lasell, M.A. ; Princ. Lasell Sem., Auburndale, Ch. Bd. Educ. Whitinsville, Mass. 188 60 GENERAL CATALOGUE, WILLIAMS COLLEGE. 1905 *HenryBeeckman Livingston, M.A.; Edit. Staff Alta Cal- ifornian, Historiographic Pioneer Soc. Cal. 1897 *Aretas Goodman Loomis, Theol. Inst Conn. 1847; Christian Com. 1898 * Cyrus Taggart Mitts, D.D. 1870, Union Theol. Sem. 1847 ; Missionary, Ceylon, India, President Batticotta Sem. Ceylon, President Oahu Coll. Hawaiian Is- lands, Founder Mills Sem- inary, Cal. 1884 *Edward Noadiah Swift Mor- gan, M.A., M.D. Berk. Med. Inst. 1847; Vt. Sen., Presi- dent Bd. Educ. Benning- ton,Vt. 1884 *Martin Shaw Pixley, Union Theol. Sem. 1847. 1848 William Bainbridge Rice, M.A. ; Supt. Schools Pitts- field, Mass. *Damd Rood, M.A., Theol. Inst. Conn. 1847 ; Mission- ary to the Zulus, South Africa. 1891 *William Lyman Silcox, Union Theol. Sem., Class 1849. 1848 *Jared Sanford Smith, M. A. ; Princ. Acad. Newark, N. J. 1873 *Charles Spafford Spencer, N. Y. Assembly. 1887 *George Grant Waller. 1888 Marshall Wilcox,LL.D. 1891; Mass. H. Rep., Mass. Sen. * James Morris Wilson, M.D. Berk. Med. Inst. 1846. 1902 * Aaron Roberts Wolfe, Union Theol. Sem. 1851; Princ. Hillside Sem. Montclair, N. J. 1902 33-,*29 1845 Robert William Adam, M.A. ; Mass. H. Rep. *Nelson Falley Atkins. 1864 * Henry Martyn Bacon, D.D. Western Reserve 1876 ; Chaplain 63d Ind. U. S. V., Trustee Wooster Univ., Ohio. 1894 *Robert Alexander Barry, 1 849, M. A., M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg.N.Y. 1851; Sur- geon U. S. V., N. Y. Bd. of Educ., Am. Med. Assoc., N. Y. Acad. Med., N. Y. Hist. Soc. 1882 *Samuel Cutler Bigelow, Cal. H. Rep. 1904 *Charles Brewster. 1845 * Charles Duryee Ruck, M.A., Union Theol. Sem. 1851, D.D. Rutgers 1883. 1893 David Lyman Ruttolph, Columbia Theol. Sem., Col- umbia, S. C., 1852, D.D. Univ. Georgia 1879. *John Warren Carpenter. *Anson Clark, And. Theol. Sem. 1848; Christian Com. 189 *Jolm Nitchie Cobb. 1901 Charles Jewett Collins, M.A., Princ. Theol. Sem. 1854, Tutor ; Supt. Schs. Wilkes- barre, Pa., Princ. Coll. Prep. School Princeton, N. J. *George Remembrance Cowles, Conn. H. Rep. *Hasbrouck Davis, Lt. Col. 12th 111. Cav., Bvt. Brig. Gen. U. S. V. * Charles Augustus Davison, M.A., Trustee; Civ. Serv. Commr., Bd. Managers Am. Bible Soc., Nat. Hist. Soc. N. Y., N. Y. Hist. Soc., Am. Geog. Soc. 1870 1900 1905 GRADUATES. *Theodore Jacob Denton, M.A. * William Woodbridge Eddy, Union Theol. Sem. 1850, D.D. Univ. City of N. Y. 1862; Missionary to Syria, Instr. Theol. Sem. Beyrout. *George Peck Hinsdale. *Joel Albert Jennings. *Martin James Love, M.A., M.D. Vt. Med. Coll. Wood- stock, Vt, 1848. *Samuel McClellan, M.A. (Hon.) 1869; Mayor of Wheeling, W. Va. *Benjamin McClure, Prince- ton Theol. Sem. Class of 1848. * James Boyd McKelvy, M.D. Univ. Pennsylvania 1848. * Samuel Lewis Merrell, Au- burn Theol. Sem. 1847; Inst. and Secty. in Sch. Christ. Workers, Spring- field, Mass. ; Chaplain 35th N. Y. U. S. V. * Justin Wright Parsons, D.D. 1880, Union Theol. Sem. 1848; Missionary to Syria. Albertus Perry. *William Pierce Seymour, M.A., M.D. Univ. Pennsyl- vania 1848, and Berk. Med. Inst. 1858 ; Prof. Mat. Med. and Prof. Obst. Berk. Med. Inst., Prof. Mat. Med. and Ther. Castleton Vt. Med. Coll., Prof. Obst. Union, N.Y. Med. Soc., Am. Med. Assoc. George Lafayette Squier, M.A. *George Stone. *David Almerin Strong, M.A., Theol. Inst. Conn. 1848 ; Mass. H. Rep. Stephen Chester Strong, Union Theol. Sem. 1848. ' 1899 * Ambrose Tower Tillson. * William Pynchon White. * William D wight Whitney, M.A., and Yale 1867, LL.D. 1868, William and Mary 1869, Harvard 1876, and Edinburgh 1889, M.A. and Ph.D. Bresiau 1861, J.U.D. St. Andrew's 1874, L.H.D. Columbia 1887; Prof . Ara- bic and Sanskrit, Prof. Sanskrit Lang, and Lit., Prof. Comp. Philol. Yale, Fellow Am. Acad., Am. Philos. Soc., Nat. Acad. Sci., Cor. Secty., Libr. and Pres. Am. Orient. Soc.,Pres. Am. Philol. Assoc., Hon. Memb. Royal Asiat. Soc. Grt. Brit, and Ire., Asiat. Soc. Bengal, Asiat. Soc. Japan, Asiat. Soc. Pekin, Philol. Soc. London, Soc. Bibl. Archaeol. London, Royal Irish Acad. Dublin, Deutsch-Morgenl. Gesellsc. Berlin, Leyden Maatschap- py, Reale Accad. dei Lincei Rome, Finska Vet. Soc. Helsingfors, Reg. Soc. Sci. Upsala, Cor. Memb. Imp. Acad. Sci. St. Petersburg, Reale Accad. Sci. Turin, Konig. Akad. Wissench. Berlin, Acad. Inscrip. et Belles Lettres (Institut de France), Prussian Order of Merit. *Hyman Augustine Wilder, M.A., Theol. Inst. Conn. 1848; Missionary to Zulus, Africa. *Edward Wright, Major 111. U. S. V., Paymaster, Major, Bvt. Lt. Col. U. S. A. 36-*30 187 1878 62 GENERAL CATALOGUE, WILLIAMS COLLEGE. 1905 1874 1859 1846 *John Fowler Allen, Princ. Howard Acad., Orange Crt. H., Va. * Benjamin Monroe Amsden, M.A., Oberlin Theol. Sera. 1849. * Charles Bassett Ball, Theol. Inst. Conn. 1855. *Lyman Joseph Barrows, M.D. Univ. Buffalo 1848; Surgeon U. S. V. 1895 *Henry Marvin Benedict, 1860, M.A. (Hon.) 1874; Asst. Adj. Gen., Major and CoLU. S.V.,N.Y. Geneal. and Biog. Soc. 1875 *Eri Bogardus, 1884. 1904 * Frederick Humphrey Brew- ster, M.A., And. Theol. Sem. 1851 ; Missionary, China. 1868 *John Crossfield Clegg. 190 * George ~Whitefield Coan, Union Theol. Sem. 1849, D.D. Wooster Univ., Ohio, 1878 ; Missionary, Persia. 1879 *Keyes Danforth, Justice Dist. Crt. Berkshire Co., Mass. H. Rep. "97 * Chester Pomeroy Dewey, Edit. Staff N. Y. Commer- cial Advertiser. 18 9 Gabriel Grant, M.A., M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1850 ; Asst. Surg. and Surg. 2d N. J., Brig. Surg., Div. Surg. U. S. V.; Med. Dir. Hosps., Medal of Congress "for most distinguished gal- lantry," Health Commr. N. Y. City, Hist. Soc. N. J., Medico-Leg. Soc. N. Y., N. Y. Geneal. and Biog. Soc. * William Mills Halsted, Coun- cil Univ. City of N. Y., Trustee Bloomingdale Asy- lum for Blind. 1896 *Thomas Charlton Henry, M.D. Jefferson Med. Coll. 1850; Asst. Surg. U. S. A., Surg. U. S. V., Med. Director Hospitals. *Charles Lyman Hubbell, M.D. Berk. Med. Inst. 1 848 ; Surg. 2d N. Y. Cav. and 12th N. Y. Inf. U. S. V., Mass. Med. Soc., N. Y. State Med. Soc., Am. Acad. Med. *Allyn Stanley Kellogg, M.A., Yale Div. Sch. 1850, Res. Lie. And. Theol. Sem. 1851; Hist. Soc. Conn. *Josiah Griswold McClellan. Emmons Thompson Mock- ridge, LL.D. Univ. Ten- nessee 1899. *Moses Lyman Montague. John Newton Murdock, M.D. Jefferson Med. Col. 1849. *Isaiah Hall Nutting, M.A., Theol. Inst. Conn. 1851, M.D. Berk. Med. Inst. 1851. *Joel Stanley Page. *William Henry Philip, Col. 5th D. C. U. S. V. ^Ambrose Ryder, Surrogate, Justice Co. Crt., Co. Treas., Westchester Co., N. Y. * Marshall Danforth Sanders, Auburn Theol. Sem. 1851; Princ. Batticotta Sem.; Mis- sionary, Ceylon. ^William Nehemiah Sayre, M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1852. ^Andrew Murray Smith, M.D. Berk. Med. Inst. 1847 ; Asst. Surg. and Surg. 40th Mass. U. S. V., Mass. Med. Soc. * Charles Stebbins /Sylvester, Theol. Inst. Conn. 1856; Sch. Bd. Agawam, Mass. * Voluntine Co vil Turner, M. A. 1877 1881 1896 1905 GRADUATES. 63 1894 * James Harvey Tuthill, N. Y. Assembly, Dist. Atty., Sur- rogate Suffolk Co., N. Y. *George Duncan Wells, LL.B. Harvard 1848; Mass. H. Rep., Justice Dist. Crt. Bos- ton; Lt. Col. 1st Mass., Col. 34th Mass., Bvt. Brig. Gen. U. S. V., fell in battle at Cedar Creek. 18ti4 *Elisha Whittlesey, YaleDiv. Sch. 1850; Secty. Soc. In- crease Ministry. *Marinus Willett, Union Theol. Sem. 1856. 1898 33-*30 1847 1850 *Wyon Andrus. Samuel Frederic Bacon, Theol. Inst. Conn. 1850. * William Dexter Blanchard, M.D. Berk. Med. Inst. 1849. 1849 *Edwin Atlee Brooke. *Freeman Josiah Bumstead, LL.D. 1879, M.D. Harvard 1851 ; Prof. Mat. Med. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y., Lect. Mat. Med. and Clinic. Prof, of Ven. Dis. Colum- bia, Mass. Med. Soc., Am. Med. Assoc., N. Y. Acad. Med. ^Stephen Erastus Burrall, M.A. ; U. S. V. 1868 *Uzal Wade Condit, M.A., Union Theol. Sem. 1850, Ph.D.Maryville 1889; Pres. N. H. Board of Education. *Samuel Henry Davis. * Thomas Schofield Dewing, Princeton Theol. Sem. 1 850 ; Christian Com. 1891 *Albert Ely. 1898 *Samuel Partridge Ely, M.A. ; Mayor Marquette, Mich. 190 1879 1904 * George Palmer Folsom, D.D. 1881, Auburn Theol. Sem. 1852; Mod. Presb. Synod Iowa. * Henry Fowler, Rochester Theol. Sem. 1857; Prof. Polit. Econ. Univ. Roches- ter; Chaplain 19th N. Y. U. S. V. m2 Charles Hunt Gardner, 1851, M.A.,Ph.D. Hamiltonl862; Princ. Female Sem. N. Y. City. *Grove Moore Harwood. Henry Beach Horton. * Joseph Keeney, M.D. Union 1851; Surgeon U. S. V., died of disease contracted in the service. *John Boyd Kellogg. * Andrew Lansing. 1889 * Isaac Newton Lincoln, M.A., Theol. Inst. Conn. 1850, Prof. Latin Lang, and Lit, Prof. French Lang, and Lit. 1862 Elihu Loomis, Princ. Theol. Sem. 1850, Christian Com. *Judson Guitteau JLyman, Bapt. Theol. Sem. Hamil- ton, N. Y. *George Campbell Martin. 1869 * William Allen Niles, 1867, Auburn Theol. Sem. 1850, D.D. Hamilton, 1868; Instr. Ger. Theol. Sem. Bloom- field, N. J., Christian Com. 1897 Thomas Mather North, M.A. (Hon.) Yale 1886. * Charles Henry Norton, Theol. Inst. Conn. 1850. *John Lemuel Thomas Phil- lips, M. A., And. Theol. Sera. 1 854, Lawrence Prof. Greek Lang, and Lit., Librarian. *Lyman Douglas Prindle. * Thomas Henderson Rouse, Theol. Inst. Conn. 1850; Instr. Mills Sem. CaL 1879 64 GENERAL CATALOGUE, WILLIAMS COLLEGE. 1905 1899 1891 1S54 * Charles Burt Sheldon, West. Res. Sem. 1851 ; Trustee, Treas. Pomona Coll. Cal. *Samuel Bridges Sheldon. * Andrew Kingsbury Smith, M.A., M.D. Jeff. Med. Coll. 1849, and Univ. City of N. Y. 1852; Bvt. Lt. Col. U.S. V., Asst. Surg., Surg., Col. U. S. A. (ret'd), Acad. Nat. Sc., Hist. Soc. Minn. *Horace Boardman Smith, M.A.; M. C., Justice Co. Crt. Chemung Co., N. Y., Justice Sup. Crt. N. Y. *Thomas Ward Stafford. ^Nathaniel Emmons Taylor, Dist. Atty., Portage, Wis. Abraham Van Wyck Van Vechten,M.A. ; N. Y. Hist. Soc., Am. Bar Assoc., N. Y. State Bar Assoc., N. Y. Geneal. and Biog. Soc. *Elias Eliot Warner, M.A. *David Ames Wells, M.A., LL.D. 1871, and Harvard 1889, B.S. Harvard 1851, M.D. Berk. Med. Inst. 1863, D.C.L. Oxford 1874; Lect. Tax.Harvard,Trustee Rens- selaer Polyt. Inst., Chrmn. Comm. Local Taxation N. Y., Chrmn. Comm. Canal Tolls N. Y., Bd. Arbit. U. S. Railway Assoc., U. S. Spec. Commr. Rev., Cor. Memb. Acad. Inscr. et Belles Let- tres (Institut de France), Hon. Memb. Royal Statist. Soc. London, For. Memb. (Gold Medal) Reale Accad. del Lincei Rome, Fellow Am. Acad., N. Y. Hist. Soc., Hist. Soc. Penn., Am. Geog. Soc., Cobden Club, Pres. Am. Soc. Sc. Assoc. *John Page Wilson. 39-*33 1848 *Henry Hill Anderson, M.A. 1896 ^Benjamin Stanton Barnard. 1888 *Warren Clark Benton. *Henry Bradford. * William Henry Bradford, M.D. Univ. City of N. Y. 1850. * Thomas Scott Bradley, And. Theol. Sem. 1851; Capt. 1st Batn. N. Y. Sharp- shooters, U. S. V., died of disease contracted in the service. *Daniel Brown Briggs, M.A. ; Supt. Schs. Ann Arbor, Supt. Schools Macomb Co., Mich., Supt. Pub. Inst. Mich., Dep. Sec. State Mich. *Paul Ansel Chadbourne, M.A., LL.D. 1868, Theol. Sem. Conn. 1851, M.D. Berk. Med. Inst. 1859, D.D. Amherst 1872, Tutor, Prof. Chem. and Bot., Prof. Bot., Prof. Nat. Hist., President ; Prof. Chem. and Nat. Hist. Berk. Med. Inst., and Bow- doin, Dean Med. Dept. same, Lect. Chem. and Nat. Hist. Western Reserve and Mt. Holyoke, Lect. Union Theol. Sem. Morse Founda- tion, President Mass. Agr. Coll., Prof. Meta. and Presi- dent Univ. Wisconsin, Trustee Wellesley, State Bd. Agric.,Mass. Sen., Mass. Hist. Soc., Memb. Royal Soc. No. Antiq. Copen- hagen. *Charles Gould Clark, Major, Bvt. Lt. Col. 91st N. Y. U. S. V., Chf. Clerk Naval Office, N. Y. *James Dickson Clark, M.A. 1905 GRADUATES. 65 Edgar Warner Clarice, M.A., Union Theol. Sem. 1851, D.D. Blackburn Univ. 1894; President Irvington Coll. 111., Justice Dist. Crt. Milton, N. Y. * Samuel Gates Cone, M.A. *El% Corwin, M.A., D.D. 1873, Union Theol. Sem. 1851; Fin. Sec. Chicago Theol. Sem., Trustee Oahu Coll. Hawaiian Islands. *Robert Neilson Magruder Dashiell. *Derick De Freest, M.D. else- where. Edward Woodruff Derby, M.A., M.D. Univ. City of N. Y. 1853. * Charles Seely Dunning, Union Theol. Sem. 1852, D.D. Lafayette 1871. *George Hervey Ely, M.A. ; Ohio Sen., Trustee Adel- bert, Western Reserve. *Samuel Tobey Field, Dist. Atty. Hampshire and Frank- lin Co., Mass., Mass. H. Rep., Trustee Arms Acad. *Chandler Thomas Ford. *Sanford Gadcomb, M.A. *Noah Ely Gardner. *Thonias Colton Parmelee Hyde, M.A., Theol. Inst. Conn. 1855. *Thomas Caldwell Ingalls, M.A. *Thomas Jefferson King,M.D. Union 1855, N. Y. Assem. *Aruna Hall Lilly, Union Theol. Sem. 1851. *John Gibson McMynn, M.A., Princ. Racine Acad. Wis. ; Major, Lieut. Col., Col. 10th Wis. U. S. V., Supt. Pub. Instr. Wis., Pres. Board Regents Univ. Wisconsin, Wis. Hist. Soc. 1908 1KWU * James Edwards Manning. * Cephas Kent Martindale. Jacob Gerritt Miller, Auburn Theol. Sem. 1851, D.D. Maryville 1879. *Charles Drake Mills, M.A., M.D. Berk. Med. Inst. 1851 ; Mass. Med. Soc. 1878 *James Warren Morgan, 22d N. Y. U. S. V. 180G *Samuel Dodge Moses, M.A., M.D. Univ. Virginia 1852. 1878 *William Pitt Porter. 1878 *John Reed, M.A. 1894 Daniel Ephraim Safford,M.A., LL.B. Harvard 1850 ; Jus- tice 1st Dist. Crt. Essex Co., Mass. H. Rep., Mass. Sen. *John Dennis Strong, Au- burn Theol. Sem. 1851. 1869 *Theodore Strong. 1848 *Heman Sedgwick Swift, M.A., M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1852; N. Y. Acad. Med. 1867 *Asa Goodale Thurston, Memb. Hawaiian Parlia- ment, Speaker House. 1869 Edwin Holmes Van Deusen, M.A., M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1851; Asst. Med. Supt. N. Y. State Lunatic Asylum Utica, Med. Supt. Mich. Asylum for Insane, Mich. State Bd. Correction and Charities, Mich. Med. Soc., N. Y. Path. Soc. * William Edward Vermilye, M.A. (Hon.) 1874, M.A. Univ. City of N. Y. 1851, M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1852; Surgeon 37th N. Y. U. S. V. 1888 *Caleb Smith Woodhull, M.A. 1898 43-*38 66 GENERAL CATALOGUE, WILLIAMS COLLEGE. 1905 1849 * William Woodworth Allen, M.A., Rochester Theol. Sem. 1855. *John Marvin Bacheldor, M.A. 1908 John William Bailey, M.A., D.D. 1869, Union Theol. Sem. 1852; Prof. Moral Sci. and Belles Lettres, Knox, Prof. Intel. Philos. and Theol., Acting Presdt. and President Blackburn Univ. John JBascom, M.A., LL.D. 1897, Amherst 1873, and Univ. Wis. 1905, And. Theol. Sem. 1855, D.D. Iowa 1875, Tutor, Morris Prof. Rhet, Lect. Sociol., Acting Orrin Sage Prof. Pol.Econ. ; President Univ. Wisconsin, Lecturer Yale Div. Sch. 1897, Wis. Acad. Sci. *Alden Porter Beals, Princ. Acad. Cambridge, N. Y., Princ. High Sch. Stamford, Conn. we- Edward Griffin JBeckwith, D.D. 1874, Res. Lie. And. Theol. Sem. 1862; Princ. Oakland Coll. Sch., Princ. Royal Sch., President Oahu Coll. Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands. * William Richard Benjamin. 1852 *George Albert Blake, M.D. Harvard 1853; U. S. San. Com., Mass. Med. Soc. 1892 *John Boardman, M.D. Univ. Pennsylvania 1853; Dem. Anat. Univ. Buffalo, Bd. Managers Buffalo State Hospital for Insane, N. Y. Med. Soc. 1898 *Fisher Ames Boise. 1852 Robert Russell Booth, M.A., Auburn Theol. Sem. 1852, D.D. Univ. City of N. Y. 1864, LL.D. Lafayette 1895, Trustee ; Director Union Theol. Sem., Director, Trustee and Vice-Pres. Princeton Theol. Sem., Moderator Gen. Assembly Presb. Ch. *Alonzo Philetas Carpenter, LL.D. 1889; Co. Solicitor Grafton Co., N. H., Assoc. Justice and Chief Justice Sup. Crt. N. H., N. H. Hist. Soc. Albert Chamberlin, Prince- ton Theol. Sem. 1852. *Henry Temple Chapman. *Joseph Wanton Clark, U. S. Consul in Peru. *George Munger Coan, M.A. * George Washington Con- nitt, M.A., Theol. Inst. Conn. 1853. *James Fowler Dwight, Capt. 4th Mo. Cav., Major, Lt. Col. llth Mo. Cav., Prov. Mar- shal Gen. U. S. V., U. S. Asst. Dist. Atty., Registrar in Bankruptcy, N. Y., N. Y. Hist. Soc., Am. Geog. Soc. * Charles Henry Foote, M.A., Princeton Theol. Sem. 1854, D.D. Blackburn Univ. 1873. Edward Irving Ford, M.D. Columbia 1860 ; Surgeon, Major 101st U. S. C. I * Joseph Crane Foster, Prince- ton Theol. Sem. 1852. ^Joseph Moss Hart. * Timothy Allyn Hazen, Union Theol. Sem. 1853. *Corydon Webster Higc/ins, Auburn Theol. Sem. 1853. *Henry Silas Hodges. 1861 1858 1881 1894 1860 1905 GRADUATES. 67 * James Barber Howard, M.A., Bangor Thool. Sem. 1854. *Henry Martyn Hoyt, M.A. Lafayette 1 865, LL.D. Univ. Pennsylvania 1881, and Lafayette 1882; Trustee; Lt. Coi., Col. 52d Penn., Bvt. Brig. Gen. U. S. V., Bd. Educ. Wilkesbarre, Penn., Just. Crt. Com. Pleas llth Dist., Governor Penn. *Grenville Tudor Jenks. *Nathan Sherwood King, M.A., M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N.Y. 1852; Presdt. Bd. Educ. Mott Haven, N. Y. 1898 *Henry Shaw Leonard,Engnr. U. S. N., fell in battle of Mobile Bay. 1864 *John Scott Nelson, M.A. *John NewbanJcs, Auburn Theol. Sem. 1852. *Luther Hopkins Northrop. 1887 * Isaac Gray Ogden, M.A., And. Theol. Sem. 1854; Tutor Lafayette. *George Perry. *William Delano Putnam, M.A. 1852 *Francis Rand. 1889 * Charles Seymour Robinson, M. A., Princeton Theol. Sem. 1856, D.D. Hamilton, 1866, LL.D. Lafayette 1886 ; Lec- turer Union Theol. Sem., Director same. *George Gordon Byron Root. 1861 *Newton Henry Rosseter. William Wilson Schuyler, LL.D. Lafayette 1901 ; Dist. Atty., Justice Crt. Common Pleas, Pres. Justice 3d Jud. Dist. Penn. *George Davis Sheldon. *Homer Horatio Smith, M.A. 1886 *Charles Abbott Stowell. 1866 1856 * Joseph Dwight jStr Inst. Conn. 1852; Supt. Schs. Alameda Co., Cal., Secty.-Treas. Directors Hon- olulu Free Schs. Hawaiian Islands. * Samuel Barstow Sumner, M.A. ; Mass. Sen.; Capt., Lt. Col. 49th Mass. U. S. V., Clerk Superior Crt. Fairfield Co., Judge Pro- bate, Justice City Crt. Bridgeport, Conn. *Alfred Swift, M.A. Henry Martyn Taylor, Co. Judge Dutchess Co., N. Y. ^Nicholas Van Slyck, M.A. ; Bd. Educ., City Solicitor Providence, R. I., R. I. H. Rep. ; Capt., Lt. Col. R. I. U. S. V. 1892 John Horner Vincent. *William Shepard Warner. Milton Burrall Whitney, Trial Justice West Hampden Dist., Mass. Sen., Mass. Bd. Education, Presdt. Trustees Acad.Westfield, Mass., Am. Geog. Soc., Am. Inst. Civics. 52-*42 1850 *James Ballard. 1891 * Peter Mason Bartlett, M.A., Union Theol. Sem. 1853, D.D. Dartmouth 1872, LL.D. Blackburn Univ. 1894; Chaplain 7th N.Y. Mounted Rifles U. S. V., Prof. Ment. and Mor. Sc., Prof. Did. Theol. and Presi- dent Maryville Coll. William Tomlinson Booth, M.A., M.D. Yale 1853. *Edwin Ely Bronk, M.A., LL.B. Univ. Albany 1853. 1861 68 GENERAL CATALOGUE, WILLIAMS COLLEGE. 1905 *William Horatio Bullock, M.A.; U. S. Dist. Atty. Auburn, Cal. Frederick Augustus Burr all, M.A.,M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1857; N. Y. Acad. Med., N. Y. Laryngol. Soc., Med. Soc. State of N. Y., Am. Med. Assoc., Am. Geog. Soc. John Bassett Chapin, M.D. Jefferson Med. Coll. 1853, LL.D. same 1888; Med. Supt. Willard Asylum for Insane, Ovid, N. Y., Phys.- in-chief Penn. Hosp. for Insane, N. Y. Med. Soc., Hon. Memb. Medico-Psych. Assoc. Grt. Brit, and Ire., Hon. Memb. Soc. Ment. Med. Belgium, Am. Psych. Assoc. Frederick Alonzo Curtiss. Edward Cornelius David, M.A.; Surv. Gen. Wyoming, Adjt. Gen. Iowa. * Charles Chauncey D wight, LL.D. 1874; Capt. 75th N. Y., Asst. Adjt. Gen., Col. 160th N. Y., Acting Insp. Gen. 19th Army Corps, U. S. V., N. Y. Const. Conv. 1867, Trustee, Vice-Presdt Auburn Theol. Sem., Trus- tee Cornell, Albany Univ. and Wells Coll., Justice Co. Crt. Cayuga Co., N. Y., Pres. Justice Sup. Ct. N. Y. *Thomas Fearn Erskine. *Dudley Field. *Terry Cooley Granger. ^Oliver Bliss Hayes, M.A. *David Hine, M.A. ; Prin. Ma- honing Acad. Canfield, O. * Ambrose Newell Merrick, Chairman Bd. Co. Comrs., City Solicitor Springfield, Mass., City Atty. Minneapo- lis, Minn. * William Edward Merriman, M.A., D.D. 1874, Union Theol. Sem. 1854; Presi- dent Ripon. *Henry Barkins Mills, M.A., M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1854. Alfred Johnson Olds, Minn. H. Rep. *Franklin Dwight Owen. William Dodge Porter, Treas. Nat. Temper. Soc. *Albert Mansfield Pratt, Ohio Const. Conv. 1873. *Henry Pratt, M.A., Theol. Inst. Conn. 1853; Trustee, Presdt. Trustees Nichols Acad., Chairman Sch. Bd. Dudley, Mass. *Joel Sumner Sanderson, 1852. *David Smith, M.A. and M.D. Heidelberg 1856. *Robert Wilson Smith, M.A. ; 111. H. Rep.; Lt. Col., Col. 16th 111. Cav., Bvt. Brig. Gen. U. S. V. *William Stark. *John Bagg Taylor, M.A.; U. S. Int. Rev. Dept. *Charles Horatio Thomson. * William Ripley Tompkins, M.A., And. Theol. Sem. 1856; Mass. H. Rep. ^Theodore FrelinghuysenVan Vechten. Minot Sherman Wasson. *Selden Watkins, 1890. 33-*25 1851 *Jarvis Martin Adams. ^Charles Lucius Alden, M.A. *Henry Axtell. *Rufus James Bell, U. S. V. 1856 1861 1902 1902 1860 1889 1905 GRADUATES. *Nathan Orson Benjamin, M.A. ; Lt. 131st N.Y. U.S. V., fell in battle at Port Hudson. i 864 ^Leonard Bronk. *George Ellery Clarke, M.A. ; Princ. Lawrence Acad. Fal- mouth, Mass., Chf. Clerk Lighthouse Dept., Mass. H. Rep., Sch. Com. Falmouth. 1898 Charles Augustus Dewey, M.A. ; Justice 3d Dist. Crt. Mass., Trustee Pub. Lib., Sch. Com. Milford, Mass. *Abner Dewitt, M.A., Auburn Theol. Sem. 1858. *Joseph Rutter Draper, M.D. Berk. Med. Inst. 1863; Med. Cadet, Asst. Surgeon 14th R. I. Art., U. S. V., Mass. Med. Soc. *Seth Mooar Dunning, M.A. 189 ' 2 *Ephraim Flint, M.A., D.D. 1872, Res. Lie. And. Theol. Sem. 1867; Trustee. 1882 * James Thomas Ford, M.A., And. Theol. Sem. 1856; Supt. Miss. So. Cal., Trustee Pomona Coll. 1902 Thomas Gilfillan, M.D. Berk. Med. Inst. 1855 ; Asst. Sur- rn 46th and 59th Mass. S. V., Mass. Med. Soc. Samuel Bushnell Goodale, M.A. *William Goodell, M.A., M.D. Jefferson Med. Coll. 1854; Prof. Gynec. Univ. Penn- sylvania, Fellow Phila. Coll. Phys., Am. Philos. Soc., Am. Gynec. Soc., Cor. Memb. Imp. Med. Soc. Constanti- nople, Obst. Soc. Edin- burgh, Obst. Soc. London. 1894 John Wortham Hall, M.A. ; Supt. Schs. Covington, Ky. *Charles Henry Haywood, M.A. 1892 1865 *Charles Warren Holbrook, M.A. Charles Stillman Joslin, M.A. *Everard Kempshatt, D.D. 1870, and New Jersey 1870, Princeton Theol. Sem. 1855; Director Princeton Theol. Sem. * Waldo Whitney Ludden, Union Theol. Sem. 1854; Col. Sergt. 37th Mass. U. S. V. *Jerre Lorenzo Lyons, Union Theol. Sem. 1854, D.D. Maryville 1887. *John Smith May. *James Kellogg Mills, Col. 24th Mo., Bvt. Brig. Gen. U. S. V. 1874 * George Mooar, M.A., D.D. 1868, And. Theol. Sem. 1855; Prof. Syst. Theol. and Ch. Hist., Prof. Apol. and Ch. Hist. Pacific Theol. Sem., Cal. Hist. Soc., N. E. Hist. Gen. Soc. 1904 * Charles Newman, M. A., And. Theol. Sem. 1857. 1874 *George Milton Noyes, M.A. 1868 Ezra Jones Peck, M.A., LL.D. Hobart 1899; 1st Lt. 8th N. Y. Cav. U. S. V., Princ. Homer Acad., Oswego Free Acad., Inspector High Schs. and Acads. Regents Univ. State of N. Y. *James Sandford, U. S. V. 1864 *John Seymour. 1864 Henry Martyn Swift, Union Theol. Sem. 1854. *Jackson Temple, Justice Dist. Crt., Justice Sup. Crt. Cal. Joseph Tucker, Lt. 49th Mass. U. S. V., Justice Dist. Crt. Berkshire Co., Mass., Mass. H. Rep., Mass. Sen., Lt. Gov. Mass. 1902 70 GENERAL CATALOGUE, WILLIAMS COLLEGE. 1905 * James White, M.A., Trustee, Secretary, Treasurer; Mass. H. Rep., Mass. Senate. 1895 * Samuel Williams, M. A. Ham- ilton 1855; Ed. Utica Herald, Ed. San Francisco Bulletin. 1881 *Jesse Wood, U. S. V. 1868 37-*29 1852 *John Stockman Batchelder, M.A., And. Tkeol. Sem. 1856. 84 * William Howard Bigelow, Mayor Sioux City, Iowa, Register U. S. Land Office. 1882 *William Alfred Bradley, MJD. Univ. Pennsylvania 1855; Surgeon U. S. V., Surgeon U. S. A. 1869 * Jeremiah Evarts Chamber- lain, Chaplain 7th Wis. U. S. V., U. S. San. Com., Memb. Hawaiian Legis. 1882 * Augustus Or ton Clark. 1868 * Joseph Seaver Curtis, 12th Wis. U. S. V., Wis. H. Rep. 1878 *William Glenn David, M.D. Harvard 1854 ; Surgeon 98th N.Y.U.S.V., Brigade and Post Surgeon Port Hudson, Exam. Surgeon U. S. Pension Bureau. 1877 *Richard Titus Deming, U. S. V. 1868 *John Woodbridge Dickin- son, M.A., Trustee ; Princ. State Normal Sch., West- field, Mass., Sec. Mass. Bd. Educ. 1901 ^Charles March Freeman, Lt., Capt., Bvt. Major 2d Inf. U. S. A. 1882 *Edward Wamer French, M.A., D.D. 1876, Union Theol. Sem. 1854; Dir. Germ. Theol. Sch. Bloom- ingdale, N. J. isss Thomas Hayden Gibbs. *David Brainerd Greene, M.A. ; Lt., Capt. 3d Mo. U. S. V., fell in battle at Arkansas Post. 1863 John Kellogg Harris, Union Theol. Sem. 1858. Charles Edward Harwood, Trustee Drury Coll., Trus- tee Pomona Coll., Archaeol. Inst. Am. *Henry Martyn Hazeltine, Union Theol. Sem. 1857. 1899 Charles Jenkins Hill, And. Theol. Sem. 1856. *Charles Henry Holmes. 1854 *CharlesHowellHorton,M.A. 18S6 ^Horace Judson Hunt. 1854 * Charles McEwen Hyde, M.A.,D.D. 1872, Princeton Theol. Sem. 1860 ; Founder and Princ. North Pac. Miss. Inst. Honolulu, H. I. 1899 * Augustine David Lawrence Jewett, M.A., Princeton Theol. Sem. 1855, D.D. Rutgers 1872. 1898 *Norman Lewis Johnson. 190 *John Adams Kilburn. 186 *Hiram La Motte Lewis. 190 Micah Jones Lyrnan, M.D. Castleton, Vt., Med. Coll. 1855 ; Mass. Med. Soc. Jacob William Marcusson, Theol. Inst. Conn. 1854. *Addison Cook Niles, Justice Co. Crt. Nevada Co., Jus- Sup. Crt. Cat. 189 * James Harvey Parsons, Union Theol. Sem. 1856. 1884 Harlow Pease, Dist. Atty. Watertown, Wis., Wis. H. Rep. 1905 GRADUATES. 71 * Arthur Latham Perry, M. A., LL.D. Union 1874, D.D. Doane Coll. 1883, Tutor, Prof. Hist., Polit. Econ. and Ger. Lang., Orrin Sage Prof. Hist, and Polit. Econ., Emeritus Prof, same ; Mass. Hist. Soc., Cobden Club, Berkshire Hist. Soc. 1906 *Charles Perry, M.A. 189 * Benjamin Franklin Phillips, M.A. 1896 Stephen Clapp Pixley, Mis- sionary to Zulus, Africa. *William Sidney Potter. 1854 *Henry Lyman Pratt, M.A. ; Town Clerk, Justice Prob. Crt. Essex Co., Conn., Conn. H. Rep. 1894 Lewettyn Pratt, M.A., D.D. 1877, Morris Prof. Rhet, Trustee; Prof. Nat. Sci. National Coll. Deaf Mutes, Prof. Lat. Lang, and Lit. Knox, Prof. Prac. Theol. Hartford Theol. Sem., Trus- tee same, Director Presb. Theol. Sem. N. W., Trus- tee Atlanta Univ., Presdt. Norwich Free Acad., Hist. Soc. Conn., Am. Soc. Bib. Lit. and Exegesis. Thomas Wickes Punnett, M.A., Berkeley Div. Sch. 1859. ^Frederic Wolcott Rankin, M.A. 1881 * Charles Redfidd, And. Theol. Sem. 1857; Sup. Schs. Plain- field, Vt. 1908 *James Hervey Reed, M.A. 188 *James Henry Rogers, M.D. Jefferson Med. Coll. 1855; Surgeon 7th N. Y. U. S. V. 1901 *Philip Meyer Senderling, M.A., M.D. Univ. Penn- sylvania 1856 ; Med. Soc. Penn. 1895 *Bela, Newton Seymour, Union Theol. Sem. 1855; N. H. H. Rep., Supt. Schs. Cal. 1908 Job Gray Sherman. *Edwin Augustus Van Deu- sen. "87 John McEwen Wetmore, M.D. Coll. Phys. and Stirg. N. Y. 1855; N. Y. State Med. Exam., Manager N. Y. State Homceop. Hosp. for Insane, Am. Inst. Homoeop., Homo3op. Med. Soc. N. Y. Alden Bradford Whipple, M.A. ; Princ. Acad. Lan- singburg, N. Y., Christian Com., U. S. San. Com., Pres. Berkshire Hist. Soc., Am. Assoc. Adv. Sc. *Chauncey Kilborn Williams, M.A. 1879 *Eiijah Noble Wilson. 1884 *Pitkin Cowles Wright, Jus- tice Circt. Crt. Iowa, Mayor De Witt, Iowa, Hist. Soc. Tenn. 189 51-*38 1853 Robert John Adams, Roches- ter Theol. Sem. 1855, D.D. Brown 1875; Trustee New- ton Theol. Inst, Trustee Worcester Acad., Exec. Com. Am. Bapt. Miss. Union, Treas. Bapt. Ed. Soc. *Jbhn Hhekiel Baker, Union Theol. Sem. 1858. 1894 * Samuel Davis Barr, M.A. ; Surrogate, Co. Sch. Commr. Jefferson Co., N. Y., Dept. Supt. of Public Inst. N. Y., Prof. Math. Albion Coll., Vice- Presdt. same. 1904 72 GENERAL CATALOGUE, WILLIAMS COLLEGE. 1905 *John Steward Barry. *Erastus Newton Bates, M. A. ; Major, Lt. Col, Col. 80th Ill.,Bvt. Brig. Gen. U.S. V., Minn. Const. Conv. 1857, Minn. Sen., 111. H. Rep., State Treas. 111. George Boughton Bates, M. A. Orlando Cullen Blackmer, Sch. Bd. Rockford and Oak Park, 111. *Edwin Byington, M.D. Univ. City of N. Y. 1859. *William Cheney, M.A. * James Alpheus Clark, M.A., Newton Theol. List. 1857; Asst. Instr. Heb. Newton Theol. Inst., Prof. Latin Lang. Kalamazoo. *James Lawrence Clarke, And. Theol. Sem. 1857. *Henry Ellsworth Daniels, M.A.; Asst. Adjt. Gen. Conn. U. S. V. Leveus Eddy, M.A. Egbert Henry Fairchild. Thomas Burton Force. * Justus Clement French, M.A., D.D. 1875, Union Theol. Sem. 1855; Hist. Soc. N. J. * Theodore Adolphus Gard- ner, M.A., Union Theol. Sem. 1855. *Charles Franklin Gilson, M.A., Instr. Modern Lang., Prof. Modern Lang. George Hazeltine. JohnMc CleUanHolmes, M. A., New Brunswick Theol. Sem. 1857, D.D. Rutgers 1870; Presdt. Gen. Synod Ref. Ch., Del. Pan-Presb. Counc. 1877 and 1888, Moderator Presb. Synod, N. Y. 1884, Director Union Theol. Sem., Trustee Au- burn Theol. Sem. 1897 Marcus Nelson Horton, M.A. ; Prof. Physics and Botany N. Y. Agric. Coll., Supt. Schools Franklin, Tona- wanda and Williamsport, Penn., and Chenango, N. Y. Nathaniel Woodhull Howell, M.A. ; N. Y. Assembly. ^Robert Charles McEwen, M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1856; Asst. Surgeon 17th Conn. U. S. V., V.-P. Med. Soc. State of N. Y. George Gilchrist Martin, M.A. *Harvey William Milligan, M.A., M.D. Univ. Pennsyl- vania 1863; Princ. Wis. Inst. for Deaf, Princ. 111. State Sch. for Deaf, Trustee Pub. Lib., Bd. Educ. Jack- sonville, Prof. Eng. Lit., Hist, and Econ., Librarian, Illinois. Henry Austin Miner, Bangor Theol. Sem. 1856; Trustee Beloit, Trustee Downer, Trustee Ripon. * Arthur Mitchell, M.A., D.D. 1875, and Blackburn Univ. 1876, Union Theol. Sem. 1859, Trustee; Tutor La- fayette, Secty. Presb. Bd. For. Missions. John Keep Nutting, Theol. Inst. Conn. 1856; Presdt. Tougaloo Univ. Miss. Francis Nathan Peloubet, Bangor Theol. Sem. 1857, D.D. Univ. Tennessee 1884. Charles Enoch Perkins. *Henry Millen Sabin, M.A., M.D. Bellevue Hosp. Med. Coll. 1863; Asst. Surgeon 52dMass.U. S. V. *Henry Augustus Smith, D.D. 1879, Union Theol. Sem. 1855. 1905 CJKAIHIATKS. 73 *Charles Augustus Walters, M.A. ; Princ. Burlington Class. Sch. N. J. Jeremiah Evarts Walton, Theol. Inst. Conn. 1856. 'Charles Carroll Whitney, M.A. 1904 *Robert Henry Williamson, M.A., Union Theol. Sem. 1858, M.D. Rush Med. Coll. 1877; Med. Soc. Wis. 1884 *James Samuel Woods, M.D. Bellevue Hosp. Med. Coll. 1856. 186 37-*21 1854 *James Byron Adams, M.A. ; Dist. Atty. Livingston Co., N. Y. 1901 Richard Knight Adams. *George Lapham Ames, M. A., M.D. Univ. Louisville 1857. 1869 James Marshall Anderson, M.A.,D.D. 1904, Princeton Theol. Sem. 1864, Prof. Math.; President Ohio Fern. Coll. *Judson Aspinwall, Auburn Theol. Sem. 1857. 1869 James Augustus Atkins, Jus- tice Dist. Crt. Leesburg, Idaho. * Anthony Dey Axtell, M.A., Auburn Theol. Sem. 1859. 1866 Frank Semple Bissell. * Charles Robinson Bliss, And. Theol. Sem. 1858; Prof. Colorado Coll., Secty. Cong. Educ. Soc. 1901 Henry Levi Bliss. * Francis Bond, M.D. Univ. City of N. Y. 1857. 1901 * Arthur Jesse Brown, Albany Law Sch. 1860 ; Justice Co. Crt. Jefferson Co., N. Y. 1881 *Edward Brust. 1887 Walter Halsey Clark, M.A., Union Theol. Sem. 1859; Stated Clerk Platte Presby. Mo., Missionary, Gaboon, Africa. Matthias Day. James Randolph Dewey,M. A., M.D. Chicago Homoeop. Med. Coll. 1888; Tnstr. Gr. and Lat., Asst. West. Div. High Schs. Chicago. * John Doud. 1902 *Henry Martin Field, Trustee Ontario Orphan Asylum. * Horace Barnes Foskett, Chaplain 124th 111. U. S. V., Trustee Des Moines Coll. 1892 *John Patterson Shelton Gif- ford. *George Benjamin Goodwin, 1880, M.A. (Hon.) 1880; Lt. Col., Col. 41st Wis. U. S. V., Wis. H. Rep. Albert Graves, M.A. * Henry Marty n Grout, D.D. 1878. 1886 *Anthony Thornton Hall, Supt. Sch. Shelbyville, Ohio. 1872 *Joseph Byron Hayes, M.D. Univ. Pennsylvania 1860. 189 *Carlton Horton,M.A., Union Theol. Sem. 1857. 18C4 *Edward Payson Hudson, M.D. National Med. Coll. 1865; Capt. 6th Conn. U. S. V. 188 *Robert Jackson. *George Kingsley, Pros. Atty. Lenawee Co., Mich. Abbott Eliot Kittredge, M.A., D.D. 1878, And. Theol. Sem. 1859, Trustee ; Trus- tee Lake Forest Univ., Director Presb. Theol. Sem. North West, Presdt. Gen. Synod Ref. Ch. in America. *Charles Langdon, M.A. 1864 1871 74 GENERAL CATALOGUE, WILLIAMS COLLEGE. 1905 William Theophilus Rogers Marvin, M.A. ; Secty., Brookline Sch. Com., Ed. Am. Journal of Numisma- tics, Hon. Memb. Am. Num. and Archaeol. Soc. N. Y., Cor. Memb. Numis. and Antiq. Soc. Phila., Associe Etranger Soc. Roy. de Nu- mismatique Beige, Brussels, Council N. E. Hist. Geneal. Soc. *Eugene Mathivet. * James BartlettMeacham, Bd. of Educ. Williamstown. Henry Clay Merritt. Eldridge Mix, Union Theol. Sem. 1860, D.D. New Jersey 1878; Trustee Ger. Theol. Sch., Bloomfield, N. J., Supt. Schls. Burlington, Vt, Supt. Schls. Orange, N. J., N. J. State Commr. Deaf, Dumb, Blind and Feeble Minded, Am. Acad. Polit. and Soc. Sc., Hist. Soc. N. J. *Martin Henry Moore, Supt. Schs. Columbus, Ohio, Co. Supt. Schs. Marshalltown, Iowa. 1904 *Hollis Read Murdock, Judge Probate Stillwater, Justice 1st Dist. Crt. Minn., Minn. H. Rep. ; U. S. V. * George Washington North- rup, M.A., Rochester Theol. Sem. 1857, D.D. Univ. Rochester 1866, LL.D. Kal- amazoo 1879 ; Instr. Eccl. Hist., Prof. Eccl. Hist., Prof. Ch. Hist, and Evid. Christ., Rochester Theol. Sem., Prof. Syst. Theol. and President Bapt Union Theol. Sem. 111., Acting Prof. Ment. and Moral Philos., Prof. Syst. Theol. Univ. Chicago. 100 *John Ostrom, M.A., Rensse- laer Polyt. Inst. 1857. Edward Field Parsons, M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1858; Med. Soc. Conn. Francis Brown Perkins, And. Theol. Sem. 1858; Chaplain 10th Mass. U. S. V., Christian Com. * James Lothrop Rice, M.A. ; Register in Bankruptcy, Keokuk, lo. ; U. S. V. Francis Le Baron Robbins, Auburn Theol. Sem. 1858, D.D. Delaware 1887, and Union 1878. *Ephraim Peter Roberts, Bangor Theol. Sem. 1857. *Jarvis Rockwell, M.A. ; Jus- tice Dist. Crt., North Adams, Mass., Mass. II. Rep. *Evarts Scudder, And. Theol. Sem. 1858. Norman Seaver, M.A., And. Theol. Sem. 1860, D.D. Middlebury 1866. * Robert Bayard Snowden, M.A., And. Theol. Sem. 1859, Res. Lie. same 1861 ; Long Is. Hist. Soc. Charles Augustus Stoddard, M.A., D.D. 1871, Union Theol. Sem. 1859, and Univ. Edinburgh 1860 ; Director, Presdt. N. Y. Instit. for Educ. Deaf and Dumb, Presdt. Am. Sea- man's Friend Soc., Vice- Presdt. Am. Tract Soc., Presdt. Exec. Com. Evang. Alii. U. S., Ed. N. Y. Observer, Am. Oriental Soc., Internat. Law Assoc. * Jacob Hurd Strong, Theol. Inst. Conn. 1857. *Horace Horatio Taft, M.A. 1893 1905 (iKADlTATKS. 75 John Edward Taylor, Re- corder, Mayor Morristown, N. J., Presdt. Morristown Mem'l IIosp., Director Lib. and Lyceum. *Orson Valentine Tousley, Supt. Pub. Inst. Minn., Regent State Univ. Minn., U. S. Consul. * James Judson Tucker, M.A., Rochester Theol. Sem. 1860. 1864 * Edward Brewster Tuthill, Bangor Theol. Sem. 1858 ; Instr. Colorado Coll., Prof. Oahu Coll. Hawaiian Islds. 190 Lyman "Warner, And Theol. Sem. 1857. * Joseph Washburn, Columbia Theol. Sem. 1872. 1S87 *De Los Elijah Wells, M.A., Lane Theol. Sem. 1860. 1896 *Thoraas Macaulay Wheeler, Private 7th N. Y., Major 13th N. Y. Cav. U. S. V. Samuel Whiting. John Seymour Whitman, M.A. ; Union Theol. Sem. 1860; Supt. Schs. Lyndon, Vt. *Albert Pardon Williams. 185C 63-*41 1855 *Henry Jacob Acker, M.A., Union Theol. Sem. 1859; Chaplain 86th N. Y. U. S. V. 1874 William Wisner Adams, D.D. 1873, Union Theol. Sem. 1858, Trustee; Vic- toria lust. London. *John Adriance M.A. ; N. Y. Hist. Soc. 1874 ^Bradford Young Averill, And. Theol. Sem. 1864; Prof. Rhet. Knox. 18 7 *SamuelBurnhaml858,M.A.; N. E. Hist. Geneal. Soc. * Augustus Chandler, M.A., And. Theol. Sem. 1859; Christian Comm. 188 Wesley Francis Coates, M.A. *Henry Edward Decker, 1880, M.A. (Hon.) 1880. 189 Daniel Dewey, M.A. ; Mass. H. Rep. * William Reynolds Dimmock, M.A., LL.D. 1872, Law- rence Prof. Greek Lang, and Lit., Trustee ; Master Latin Sch. Boston, Head- master Adams Acad., Quincy, Mass. 1878 *Cyrus Morris Dodd, M.A., Prof. Math. ; Prof. Lat. Lang, and Lit. Jefferson, Prof. Math., and Prof. Lat. Lang, and Lit. Univ. Indiana. 13a7 *William Richards Downer. 1856 IlanfordAbram Edson, M. A., Union Theol. Sem. 1860, D.D. Hanover 1873. *Walter Edwards, M.A. 18W Charles Elliott Fitch, LL.B. Univ. Albany 1857, M.A. Syracuse 1875, L.H.D. Hamilton 1895 ; Regent Univ. State of N. Y., Secty. N.Y. Const. Conv., State Lecturer N. Y. Dept. Pub. Instr., Chief Records Div. Educ. Dept. N. Y., Am. Geog. Soc., Am. Hist. Assoc., N.Y. Hist. Soc., Presdt. Roches- ter Hist. Soc., Ed. Syracuse Standard, Ed. Rochester Democrat and Chronicle. *John Foot, Capt. 2d Minn. U. S. V., died from disease contracted in the service. 1862 76 GENERAL CATALOGUE, WILLIAMS COLLEGE. 1905 Samuel Baker Forbes, Theol. Inst. Conn. 1857; Trustee Hartford Theol. Sem., Treas. Nat. Cong. Council. John Pursel Haire, Union Theol. Sem. 1859; Princ. Wis. Female Coll., Prof. Lat. Lang, and Lit. Ripon. James Garland Hamner, M.A., Union Theol. Sem. 1857, D.D. Marietta 1880. *Phineas Warriner Hitchcock, Marshal Terr. Neb., Terr. Delegate Cong., Surveyor Gen. Nebraska and Iowa, Senator U. S. * Daniel James Holmes, M.A., Garrett Bible Inst. 1859, D.D. Alleghany 1890. *Edward Hooker. * William Swinton Bennett Hopkins, M. A., LL.D. 1896; Capt. and Lt. Col. 31st Mass. U. S. V. *Dwight Hubbard, 10th Mass., 40th Ohio U. S. V. *John James Ingalls, LL.D. 1884; Judge Adv., Major, Lt. Col. U. S. V., Kans. Const. Conv. 1859, Kans. Sen., Senator U. S., Secy. Terr. Counc., Secty. Kans. Sen., Asst. State Treas. Edward Payson Ingersoll, M.A., D.D. 1877, Res. Lie. And. Theol. Sem. 1863, LL.B. Ohio State and Union Law Coll. 1859; Presdt. Gen. Synod Ref. Ch., Corr. Secy. Am. Bible Soc. Charles Jemison, M.A. John Knowlson, M.A., M.D. Castleton, Vt., Med. Coll. 1857, Coll. Phys.and Surg. N.Y. 1857; Surgeon, Major, Bvt. Col. 169th N. Y. U. S. V., Med. Soc. Vt., Iowa and N. Y. * Abraham Lansing, LL.B. Univ. Albany 1856 ; City Atty. Albany, Acting State Treas., State Treasurer, Reporter Sup. Ct, Corp. Couns., N. Y. Sen., Trustee Albany Acad., Trustee Dudley Obs., N. Y. Geol. Soc. ' 1899 * William Abbott Lawrence. 1865 *Ephraim Livingston Lincoln. 185 *Carswell McClellan, Lt 32d N. Y., Asst. Adj. Gen., Bvt. Major, Bvt. Lt. Col. .U. S. V. 189 - *John McKee, M.A. ; Capt. 37th Ind. U. S. V. 1882 *Charles Marsh, M.A. ; Trus- tee Clarke Inst. Northamp- ton, Chrmn. Fin. Com. Am. Miss. Assoc. G-eorge Alpha Miller, M.A., Theol. Inst. Conn. 1859. *Phineas Mixer, Lane Theol. Sem. 1858, Christian Com. 188 George Lowell Montague, Capt., Major, Lt. Col., Bvt. Col. 37th Mass. U. S. V. William Alfred Nettleton, Mass. H. Rep. Thornton McNess Niven, D.D. Hampden Sidney 1882. * "James Orion, Ph.D. 1876, And. Theol. Sem. 1858; Prof. Nat. Sci. Univ. Roch- ester, Prof. Nat. Hist. Vas- sar. 1877 William Packer Prentice, LL.D.1905,M.A. and Ph.D. Gottingen 1858, LL.B. Univ. Albany 1861; Capt., Asst. Adjt. Gen., Lt. Col., Adjt. Gen. U. S. V., N. Y. Hist. Soc., Am. Geog. Soc., Am. Chem. Soc. *Thomas Jefferson Pullen, M.A. 1897 1905 GRADUATES. 77 *John Richards, Mass. II. Rep. John Savary, B.D. Harvard 1860; 47th Mass. U. S. V., Asst. Librarian Congress, Nat. Geog. Soc. * David Coit Scudder, M. A., And. Theol. Sem. 1859; Missionary Madura, India. 18C2 Henry William Seymour, M.C. Stephen Elijah Seymour. *Samuel Francis Shaw, M.D. Columbia 1862, Surgeon U. S. N. 1884 *George Edward Sibley,Trus- tee Gen. Theol. Sem. N.Y. 1892 *Cyrus Austin Snow, M.A. 1878 *Edward Payson Taft, 1869 ; Major 138th N. Y., Col. 9th N. Y. Art. U. S. V., U. S. Consul San Juan del Sur, died from disease con- tracted in the service. *Seymour Allen Tingier. 1888 *John Vanderpoel, 1858. 1869 George Thomas Washburn, D.D. 1889, And. Theol. Sem. 1858 ; Princ. Pasuma- lai Sem., Presdt. Pasumalai Coll. and Theol. Sem. ; Mis- sionary, India, Fellow Mad- ras Univ., Am. Orient. Soc. * Simeon Foster Woodin, M.A., Union Theol. Sem. 1859 ; Missionary, China. 18% 55-*35 1856 * William Rowe Baxter, Capt. U. S. A., Capt. 9th Minn. U. S. V., fell in battle of Brice's Cross Roads. ^Stephen Wallace Bowles, M.A., M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1859; Mass. Med. Soc. 1864 *Isaac Bronson, LL.B. Univ. Albany 1858; Asst. Adj. Gen. U. S. V. 72 * Elijah Cutler, And. Theol. Sem. 1862, Res. Lie. And. Theol. Sem. 1869. 18fl8 * Hamilton Nathan Eldridge, M.A. ; Col. 127th 111., Bvt. Brig. Gen. U. S. V. 1882 * James Edwards Fay, Trustee Knox. 1904 * James Abram Garfield, M.A., LL.D. 1872, and Univ. Pennsylvania 1881, Trustee ; Trustee Bethany, Instr. Anc. Lang., Princ., Trustee Hiram Coll., Ohio Sen. ; Lt. Col., Col. 42d Ohio, Brig. Gen., Maj. Gen. U. S. V., M. C., Elect. Com., Sen- ator Elect U. S., President United States, Cobden Cl'b, Regent Sfhithsonian Inst. 1881 James Gilfillan, Trustee ; Treasurer United States. ^Charles Edward Halsey, 1869, M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1858; Asst. Surg. 40th N. Y. U. S. V., died of disease contracted in the service. Charles Storrs Halsey, M.A. ; Princ. Newton Coll. Inst. N. J., Canandaigua Acad. N. Y., Burlington, Vt., High Sch., Union Class. Inst. Schenectady, N. Y., Am. Philol. Assoc. Abner Hazeltine, 1879, M.A. ; Justice Co. Crt. Chautau- qua Co., Dist. Atty. James- town, N. Y., U. S. Commr. North. N. Y. * James King Hazen, D.D. South West Presb. Univ. Tenn., 1878; Trustee Ogle- thorpe Univ., Secty. Pub. Bd. Presb. Ch. South. 1905 78 GENERAL CATALOGUE, WILLIAMS COLLEGE. 1905 189G *Cleraent Hugh Hill, M.A. ; Asst. Atty. Gen. U. S., Mass. H. Rep., N. E. Hist. Gen. Soc., Mass. Hist. Soc. Silas Paddock Hubbell, LL.B. Univ. Albany 1858; U. S. Consul St. Johns, P. Q. *Ferris Jacobs, Capt, Maj., Lt. Col. 3d N. Y. Cav., Lt. Col. and Col. 26th N. Y. Cav., Bvt. Brig. Gen. U. S. V., M. C. * Henry Martyn Jones, New- ton Theol. Sem. 1860. *Henry Elijah Knox, U. S. Marshal, So. Dist. N. Y. 1904 *John Lamberton. Charles Wesley MacCarthy, M.A., Auburn Theol. Sem. 1860 ; 129th N. Y. U. S. V. * James McLean, And. Theol. Sem. 1859. 1884 Elizur Newell Manle, M.A., Auburn Theol. Sem. 1859; Christian Com. *Robert Jay Mitchell, M.A. ; Private 13th N. Y., Capt. 128th N. Y. U. S. V., N. Dak. II. Rep., State Atty. Ransom Co., N. Dak. 190 * George JBenton Wewcomb, Ph.D. (Hon.) 1881, Union Theol. Sem. 1860; Prof. Int. and Mor. Philos. Coll. City of N. Y. 1895 Franklin Noble, Union Theol. Sem. 1861, D.D. Olivet 1889. *John Treadwell Pingree, LL.B. Univ. Albany 1858. ls83 * Andrew Potter, Capt., Maj., Lt. Col., Bvt. Col. 34th Mass. U. S. V. 1903 * Arnold Gardner Potter. 1891 Edwin Hathaway Pound, Capt. 24th Iowa Inf. U. S. V. *Nathan Bacon Robbins. 1S59 *Almon Ferdinand Rockwell, M. A., M.D. Phila. Homceop. Med. Coll. 1858 ; Lt., Capt., Major, Bvt. Lt. Col. U. S. V., Capt., Bvt. Maj. and Bvt. Lt. Col. U. S. A. (retired). 1903 ~*Lester Conrtland Rogers, M.A., B.D. New Brunswick Theol. Sem. 1859, D.D. Alfred Univ. 1899; Prof. Hist, and Civics and Emeri- tus Prof. Alfred Univ. ; Chaplain 29th N.J.U.S.V. 190 Henry Root, M.A., M.D. Univ. City of N. Y. 1859 ; Asst. Surgeon 54th, Sur- geon, Bvt. Lt. Col. 58th N.Y.U.S.V.,N.Y.Med.Soc. *Amos Blanchard Shattuck, 1869, Justice Dist. Crt. Manchester, N. H. ; Capt. llth N. H. U. S. V., mor- tally wounded in battle at Fredericksburg. Frank Shepard, M.A. ; Princ. Drury Acad. North Adams, Mass., Princ. Warrensburg Acad. N. Y., Princ. Green- wich Acad., Presdt. Bd. Educ. Greenwich, Conn. *Oren Cornelius Sikes. ^Edward Clarence Smith, 1865, M.A.; Princ. Rugby Acad. Phila. John Thompson Stoneman, 1866, M.A., LL.D. 1878; Mayor, Presdt. Bd. Educ. McGregor, Justice Superior Crt. Iowa, Iowa Sen. *John Tatlock, M.A., D.D. 1881, Auburn Theol. Sem. 1859. ^Frederick Ferris Thompson, 1883, M.A. (Hon.) 1883, Trustee; Trustee Vassar; Capt. 37th N. Y. Art. U. S. V., N. Y. Hist. Soc., Am. Geog. Soc., Am. Inst. 1905 GRADUATES. *Lemuel Peterson Webber, M.A., Lane Theol. Sem. 1861. Charles Whittier, Bangor Theol. Sem. 1860; Chris- tian Coram. *Charles Dana Wilber, M.A., LL.D. Univ. Nebraska 1879. 1891 John Henry Wilhelm, M.A. Samuel Williams, M.A. ; Vt. Sen. Lavalette Wilson, M.A. *George Yeomans, M.D. Jef- ferson Med. Coll. 1860. 46-*31 1857 Henry Mills Alden, M.A., L.H.D. 1887, And. Theol. Sem. 1860; Ed. Harper's Magazine. *Henry Clay Allen, M.A. ; Asst. Dist. Atty. N. Y. City, Lt. Col. N. Y. Zouaves, U. S. V., Am. Num. and Archaeol. Soc., Am. Geol. Soc., Am. Geog. Soc. 1905 Rufus Apthorp, Auburn Theol. Sem. 1861. Merritt Barber, LL.D. 1901, LL.B. Ohio State Law Coll. 1859 ; Lt., Capt, Bvt. Ma- jor 10th Vt., Asst. Adjt. Gen. U. S. V., Lt. 16th and 34th Inf., Capt., Major, Lt. Col, Col., Asst. Adjt. Gen., Adj. Gen. Philippine Army U. S. A., Col. U. S. A. (retired). *Nathaniel Jabez Bartlett. Frederick William JBeecher, B.D. Chicago Theol. Sem. 1862, M. A. Knox 1891; Co. Supt. Schs. Kankakee, 111. *Lyman Beecher. George Blodget, Lt., Capt. 14th Maine U. S. V. Lysander Tower Burbarik, Union Theol. Sem. 1860; Missionary, Asia Minor. Simeon Howard Calhoun, Mayor Nebraska City, Neb. Const. Conv. 1875, U. S. Int. Rev. Col. Neb. and Dak., Neb. Sen., Presdt. Com. to revise Code, Neb. Hist. Soc. Israel Carleton, Theol. Inst. Conn. 1863. * Valentine Burt Chamberlain, Private 7th Conn. U. S. V., Judge Prob. Berlin Dist., New Britain, Conn., Justice City Crt, Treas. Conn. 1898 *Benton Wilson Cole. 186 ^Frederick Wadsworth Cole, Justice Dist. Ct. Nev. James Deane, M.A. Hamilton 1868, Auburn Theol. Sem. 1860 ; Lt. 19th Conn., Capt. Bat. L, 2d Conn., Bvt. Major U. S. V. *John Jacob Doughty. Samuel Edward Elmore, Conn. H. Rep., Asst. Treas. Conn., Conn. Hist. Soc. *George Whitefield Fay, M.D. Baltimore Med. Coll. 1860; Surgeon U. S. V. *J3entley Stephen Foster, Union Theol. Sem. 1862. * George Dickinson Good- rich, And. Theol. Sem. 1865. *James Guthrie, M.A. ^Frederick Southmayd Haight, M.A., and McGill 1860; Princ. Montreal Acad. Can- ada. William Greenough Harding, Justice Dist. Crt. Berkshire Co., Mass. 80 GENERAL CATALOGUE, WILLIAMS COLLEGE. 1905 James Mallory Hawley, M.A. Henry -Richard Hoisington, M.A., Auburn Theol. Sem. 18C3. *~Elias Cornelius Hooker, M.A., Princeton Theol. Sem. 1860. Alexander Hutchins, M.A., M.D. N. Y. Med. Coll. 1860 ; Asst. Surgeon U. S. N., Counc. L. I. Coll. Hosp., Presdt. Frobel Acad., Trus- tee Ad el phi Acad. Brook- lyn, N. Y., Am. Med. Soc., Presdt. Med. Soc. N. Y. *Edward Swift Isham, M.A., LL.D. 1893 ; 111. H. Rep., Trustee Newberry Library Chicago, Soc. de Legis. Compared, Paris. * David Sumner Johnson, Auburn Theol. Sem. 1860, D.D. BlackburnUniv.1879; Trustee Blackburn Univ. Edward Payson Kimball, M.A. ; Sch. Com. Somer- ville, Mass. William Lansing. Robert Emmett McMath, Presdt. Bd. Pub. Impr., Webster, Mo., Presdt. Am. Soc. Municip. Impr., Am. Soc. C. E. * Irving Magee, M.A., Union Theol. Sem. 1860, D.D. Wittenberg 1872 ; Trustee Wittenberg and Hartwick Theol. Sem., Hist. Soc. Md. ^Gilbert Burriage Manley, M.A. ; Ed. Plain Dealer Canton, N. Y. *Francis Le Baron Monroe, M.A., M.D. Harvard 1861 ; Asst. Surgeon 1st Mass., Surgeon 15th Mass. U. S.V., Asst. Surgeon U. S. A. Robert Murray, Episc. Theol. Sem. Alexandria, Va. 1861. * James Moses Nichols, Lt., Capt., Maj., Lt. Col., Bvt. Col. 48th N. Y. U. S. V. 1886 *Daniel Nolton. 18B8 * Andrew Parsons, Auburn Theol. Sem. 1860; U. S. San. Com., Christian Com. 1904 Charles Morgan Pierce, And. Theol. Sem. 1861; Instr. Math, and Latin. *John Prentice, M.A. 1898 Edwin Quackenbush, LL.B. Univ. Albany 1860. Samuel Hubbard Scudder, M.A., Sc.D. (Hon.) 1890; S.B. Harvard 1862, LL.D. Western Univ. Penn. 1890 ; Asst. Librarian Harvard, Palaeontologist U. S. Geol. Surv., Fellow Am. Acad., Nat. Acad. Sci., Am. Philos. Soc.; Hon. Memb. Soc. Phys. et Hist. Nat. Geneva, Entomol. Soc. London, and Soc. Entomol. Rossica St. Petersburg ; Cor. Memb. Kaiserl. Konigl. ' Zool. Bot. Gesellschaft Vienna, Soc. Imp. des Naturalistes Moscow, Soc. Entomol. des Pays Bas, The Hague, Soc. Entomol. Belgique Brussels, Zool. Soc. Lon- don, Soc. Zool. Argentina, Buenos Aires, Royal Soc. Canada. Nelson Boynton Sherwin, LL.B. Ohio State Law Coll. 1860 ; Ohio H. Rep. Martin Henry Smith, M.A., Ph.D. Maysville Coll. Inst. Ky; Judge Probate Suf- field, Conn. *Homer Bemis Stevens, Jus- tice Dist. Crt. Westfield, Mass. 1908 1905 GRADUATES. 81 1868 * Charles Augustus Stork, And. Theol. Sem. 1860, D.D. Univ. Pennsylvania 1874; Prof. Greek Lang, and Lit. Newberry Coll. S. C., Prof. Didactic Theol. and President Gettysburg Theol. Sem. 1888 * William Tatlock, M.A., Gen. Theol. Sera. N. Y. 1860, D.D. Union 1878; Trus- tee Trinity, Trustee Gen. Theol. Sem., Sec. House Bishops Prot. Episc. Ch. *James Etherington Trimble, M.A., LL.D. Mt. Lebanon Univ. 1869; Justice Dist. Crt. La. 1887 ^Alexander Walker, Prof. Lang. Cumberland Coll. Ky. 1878 *Horace Herman Wells. James Raynor Whiting, M.A.; Lt.,Capt.9thN.Y.U. S.V. Edwin Mather Wight, LL.B. Univ. Albany 1859. Samuel Wood, M.A., LL.B. Univ. Albany 1859. 54-*28 1858 Robert Emmet Adams, Tutor Tabor Coll.; Dist. Atty. Rio Grande Co., Col. James McJZinney Alexander, Union Theol.' Sem. 1860. John Griffith Ames, Theol. Dept. Kenyon Coll. 1861 ; Lib., Supt. Docs. U. S. Dept. Interior, Nat. Geog. Soc., Am. Lib. Assoc. George Henry Beckwith, Dist. Atty. Clinton Co., N. Y. Charles Henry JBissell, Theol. Inst. Conn. 1861. Charles Ilendrick Bixby, M.A., Epis. Theol. Sch. Cambridge 1872. Joseph Perry Bixby, M.A., And. Theol. Sem. 1861; Presdt. and Prof. Physiol., Psychol. and Moral Sci. Lay Coll. Revere, Prof. Physiol., Psychol. and Moral Sci., and Dean Boston Evan. Inst. James Hyde Briggs, 1872, M.A. (Hon.) 1873; Capt. 6th N. Y. U. S. V. Oliver Bronson, LL.B. Har- vard 1861. ^Charles Henry Brown, Dist. Atty., Mayor Omaha, Neb. Const. Conv. 1864 and 1875, Neb. H. Rep., Neb. Sen. Truman Tyrrell Buck, City Treas. Omaha, Neb. *Samuel Oliver Burnham, Lt, Capt. 2d N. H. U. S. V., Lt. llth, Capt. 8th Vet. Res. Corps, wounded at battle of Williamsburg. * Samuel Russell Butler, M. A., Union Theol. Sem. 1864. *George William Carleton, M.D. Columbia 1861. *Sarnuel Wheeler Carpenter, M.A., LL.B. Univ. Albany 1861 ; N. Y. Assembly. Samuel McCoskry Cleveland, M.D.Hahn. Med. Coll. Phila. 1875; ProiRhet. and Oral Univ. Pennsylvania. Martin Delos Cole, LL.B. Univ. Albany 1862. John Eaton Darby, M.D. Western Reserve Med. Coll. 1861; Surgeon 42d U. S. C. I., Prof. Thera. and Mat. Med. Western Reserve Univ., Ohio Med. Soc., Am. Med. Assoc. 82 GENERAL CATALOGUE, WILLIAMS COLLEGE. 1905 *Joshua Butts Davis, Chap- lain Black Horse Cav., Capt., Major 112th N. Y. U. S. V. *Justin Dewejr, LL.D. 1891, Trustee ; Mass. H. Rep., Mass. Sen., Justice Superior Crt Mass., Presdt. Lib. Assoc., Chrmn. Sch. Com. Gt. Barrington, Mass. *John Henry Doughty, M.A., M.D. Univ. Michigan 1863 ; Asst. Surgeon, Post Sur- geon, Med. Dir. U. S. V., Presdt. Bd. Educ. Mattea- wan, N. Y., Am. Med. Assoc., N. Y. Med. Soc. *Edward Hubbard Fitch, M.A. ; Chrmn. Comniis. Registration and Titles, Ohio H. Rep., Am. Assoc. Adv. Sci. Henry Thornton Ford, Union Theol. Sem. 1861. *Arthur Brown Graves, Trus- tee ; Dir. Union Theol. Sem. * James Winchell Grush, M.A., Theol. Inst. Conn. 1862. Edward Pay son Hammond, M.A., Union Theol. Sem. 1859. *IIenry Justus Herrick, M.A., M.D. Rush Med. Coll. 1861 ; Surgeon 17th Ohio U. S. V., Surgeon Gen. Ohio, Prof. Obst. Wooster Med. Coll., Prof. Princ. Surg., and Emeritus Prof, same, West- ern Reserve Univ., Pres. Ohio Med. Soc., Am. Med. Assoc., Am. Acad. Med. * Matthew La Rue Perrine Hill, M.A., Princeton Theol. Sem. 1861, D.D. Parsons 1886. 1897 Henry Hopkins, M.A., D.D. 1887, Union Theol. Sem. 1861, LL.D. Amherst and Marietta 1902, Trustee ; President and Barclay Jer- main Prof. Nat. Theol. ; Chaplain 120th N. Y. U. S. V., and U. S. A. Hosp. Alexandria, Va., Trustee Drury Coll., Corp. Memb. and Vice- Presdt. A. B. C. F. M., Nat. V. P. Am. Miss. Assoc., Nat. Assoc. Char, and Correct. *William Fahs Hopkins. 18n *Edward Payson Humphrey. 1865 Benjamin Franklin Lee,LL.D. 1887, LL.B. Columbia 1861; Prof. Real Est. and Equity Juris., Lect. Pat. Law Co- lumbia, N. W. Univ. Law Sch., and New York Law Sch. William Artemas Lloyd, West. Theol. Sera. Allegha- ny,1860; Trustee Wheaton, Palestine Explor. Soc., 111. Nat. Hist. Soc. * Henry Munson Lyman, M.A., M.D. Columbia 1861; Act- ing Asst. Surgeon U. S. V., Prof. Physiol. and Diseases Nerv. Sys., Prof. Chem., Prof. Theory and Pract. Med. and Dean Rush Med. Coll., Prof. Pract. of Med. Woman's Hosp. Med. Coll. Chicago, Med. Soc. 111., Am. Neurol. Soc. 1904 William Richards Lyon. Curtis Jerre Lyons, M.A. ; Govt. Surveyor and Me- teorologist. *Henry Brainerd McClellan, M.A., L.H.D. Cent. Univ. Kentucky, 1900 ; Prin. Sayre Fern. Inst. Lexing- ton, Ky. 1904 1905 CKADUATES. 83 Robert Meech, M.A. Trinity 1867 ; Lt. 12th N. Y. Cav. U. S. V. *Robert Hazard Morey, M.A., M.D. Berk. Med. Inst. 1861. 190S *Cornelius Saramons Onder- donk. * Charles Cornelius Coffin Painter, Theol. Inst. Conn. IS 62; Prof. Theol. Fisk Univ., U. S. Indian Commr., Agent Indian Rights Assoc. 1805 Benjamin Franklin Parsons, M.A. ; Princ. So. Berkshire Inst. James Hugh Peters, 1873, M.A. (Hon.) 1873. *Edward Arthur Pierce, Theol. Inst. Conn. 1861. Thomas Post, Mass. H. Rep., Mass. Sen. Joseph Robie Putnam, Lt. 3d Minn. U. S. V., Lt. Col., Bvt. Col. 42d U. S. C. I., Trustee and Presdt. Chicago Acad. Sci. *Charles Durand Sanford, LL.B. Univ. Albany 1861 ; Lt, Capt. 27th Mass. U. S. V., fell in battle at Fort Darling. 1864 *Horace Elisha Scudder, L.H.D. Princeton 1896, Trustee ; Trustee Welles- ley and Episc. Theol. Sch. Cambridge, Sch. Com. Cam- bridge, Mass. Bd. Educa- tion, Ed. Atlantic, Mass. Hist. Soc., Fellow Am. Acad. 1902 William Phillips Strickland, Justice Disk Crt. North- ampton, Mass. *Elias Fitch Tanner, Union Theol. Sem. 1862. 1894 * Stephen Higginson Tyng, M.A., D.D. 1872, Trustee; Chaplain 12th N. Y. U. S. V. 1898 Richard Halsted Ward, M.A., M.D. Columbia 1862 ; Act- ing Surg. U. S. V., Prof. Bot. Rensselaer Polyt. Inst., Hon. Memb. Belgian Microsp. Soc., Fellow Royal Microsp. Soc.London,Perm. Memb. Am. Soc. Microsp., Am. Acad. Med., Med. Soc. State of N. Y., Presdt. Rens- selaer Co. Med. Soc., Chrmn. Microsp. Sect. Am. Assoc. Adv. Sci. *John Phillips Payson White, M.A., M.D. Columbia 1861 ; Asst. Surg. 9th N. Y., Surg. 10th N. Y., Med. Dir., Asst. Surg. Gen. U. S. V. * William White, M.A. ; Instr. Math. High Sch. San Fran- cisco, Prof. Latin and Greek Oahu Coll.Hawaiian Islands. 189C Edward Payson Willard, Auburn Theol. Sem. 1862; Lt., Major 121st N. Y. U. S. V. *Robert Preston Wilson, Lt., Adj. 16th N. Y., Asst. Adj. Gen. 6th Army Corps U. S. V., Trustee Hobart. 56-*28 1859 *Alonzo Alden, M.A., Lt., Adj. 30th, Major, Col. 169th N.Y., Bvt. Brig. Gen. U.S.V. 190 ^Humphrey Stevenson An- derson, Prof. Anc. Lang. Tuskegee, Ala. Daniel James Barber. Joseph Dana Bartley, M.A. ; Princ. High Sch. Newbury- port, Mass., Concord, N. H., Burlington, Vt., and Bridge- port, Conn., N. H. Hist. Assoc., Vice-Presdt. and Dir. Am. Inst. Instructors. 84 GENERAL CATALOGUE, WILLIAMS COLLEGE. 1905 Samuel Greene Wheeler Benjamin, 1883, U. S. Minister to Persia, Am. Geog. Soc. Martin Luther J3erger, 1887, Union Theol. Sem. 1862, D.D. Straight Univ. 1888. ^Timothy Manning Brown, M.A. ; Sch. Com., Chrmn. Bd. Co. Comrs., Register in Bankruptcy, Springfield, Mass. Thomas Eldred Brownell, Vt. H. Rep. ^Oliver Prince Buel, M.A. * Jonathan Hunt Butler, M.A. Titus Munson Coan, 1884, M.A., M.D. Columbia 1861 ; Asst. Surgeon U. S. V., Acting Asst. Surgeon U. S. N., N. Y. Acad. Med., Am. Clin. Soc., Am. Geog. Soc. ^Leonard John Cole. Hiram Burr Crandall, M.A. ; Lt., Adj. 61st Mass. U. S. V., Pub. Administrator Suffolk Co., Mass., N. E. Hist. Geneal. Soc. *Edwin Harris Darling, Mas- ter in Chancery Suffolk Co., Mass. *Walter De Forest Day, M.D. Columbia 1863; Med- ical Cadet U. S. V., Asst. Coll. Phys. and Surg., Prof. Mat. Med. and Bot. Coll. of Pharm. N. Y., San. Supt. Health Dept. N. Y. City, N. Y. Dermatol. Soc. Charles Austin Devendorf, M.A., M.D. Bellevue Hosp. Med. Coll. 1866; Asst. Sur- geon 55th, Surgeon 48th N. Y. U. S. V., Prof. Obst. Detroit Med. Coll., Am. Acad. Med. 1904 *Hiram Madison Dickinson, LL.B. Univ. Michigan 1862; Judge Probate, Omaha, Neb. 1866 Charles Hall Everest, Union Theol. Sem. 1861, D.D. Mary ville 1887. Charles Rollin Foote. Washington Gladden, D.D. Roanoke 1884, LL.D.Univ. Wisconsin 1881, and Notre Dame Univ. 1895; Lec- turer Lyman Beecher Foundation Yale 1887 ; Trustee ; Trustee Marietta, Am. Soc.* Sci. Assoc., Am. Econ. Assoc., Ohio Archaeol. and Hist. Soc. John Thomas Gulick, M.A., Union Theol. Sem. 1861, Ph.D. Western Reserve Univ. 1889; Am. Orient. Soc., Am. Econ. Assoc., Am. Soc. Zool. ^Charles Fowler Hand, And. Theol. Sem. 1862; Capt. 63d U. S. C. I. 1874 Henry Charles Haskell, And. Theol. Sem. 1862, D.D. Marietta 1888 ; Dir. Am. Coll. and Theol. Inst. Sam- okov, Bulgaria ; Missionary, Turkey. *David May Holton, 1869, Sergt 6th Vt. U. S. V., fell in battle in the Wilderness. 1864 ^William Sage Hyde, Mass. H. Rep. 1899 John Wells James, M.D. Bellevue Hosp. Med. Coll. 1865. James Anderson Laurie, And. Theol. Sem. 1862. William Whipple Leavitt, 1890, M.D. Columbia 1860 ; Asst. Surgeon U. S. V., Mass. Med. Soc. John Elbert Long, Union Theol. Sem. 1862. 1905 <;K. \nr.\TKs. 85 *Ranald Slidell Mackenzie, 1873, M.A.; U. S. Mil. Acad. 1862, Col. 2d Conn. Art., Brig. Gen., Bvt. Maj. Gen. U. S. V., Lt., Capt. Engrs., Bvt. Major, Bvt. Lt. Col., Col. 41st and 24th Inf. and 4th Cav., Brig. Gen. (retired) U. S A 1889 *David Hyde Mather. 1898 Jacob F. Miller, N. Y. As- sembly, Presdt. N. Y. Med- ico-Legal Soc., N. Y. Bar Assoc. *Horace Hills Morgan, M.A., LL.D. Univ. Wisconsin 1884 ; Princ. St. Louis High Sch., Dir. Public Lib., Hist. Soc. Va., Fellow Am. Acad., Am. Acad. Adv. Sci. 1898 Samuel Murdoch, Union Theol. Sem. 1862. * Henry Frank Clough Nich- ols, M.A., And. Theol. Sem. 1864; U. S. San. Comm., Christian Comm., Wis. H. Rep. Eben Burt Parsons, M.A., Auburn Theol. Sem. 1865, D.D. Maryville 1881, Regis- trar, Secty. Faculty ; Chap- lain 116th U. S. C. L; Secty., V. P. United Chap- ters Phi Beta Kappa, Am. Hist. Assoc., Nat. Geog. Soc. *Edgar Philips, 1869, Color Sergeant 5th N. Y. U. S. V., fell in battle at Games' Mills. 1862 * Marcus North Preston, Au- burn Theol. Sem. 1862. 1904 * James Harrison Rhodes, M.A. ; Instr. Mod. Lang, and Math. Western Re- serve Univ., Trustee Hiram Coll. 189 * Justin Gamaliel Riley, M.A. 1878 *Clark Esek King Royce, Priv., Lt. 44th N. Y. U. S. V., Col. 29th U. S. C. I. ' 807 * Henry Albert Schauffler, M.A., D.D. 1890, And. Theol. Sem. 1862, LL.B. Harvard 1863 ; Prof. Law Robert Coll. Constantino- ple; Missionary, in Turkey and Bohemia. John Wesley Virgin. Robert Weeks, M.A.; Gen. Theol. Sem. N. Y. 1862; Archdeacon Suffolk, L. I. * William White Williams, M.A., Union Theol. Sem. 1863 ; U. S. San. Comm. 1898 *Daniel D. Willsea, Bd. Educ. Tarrytown, N. Y. *George Albert Wiswall. Joseph Parker Wiswall, M.A. Solomon Wright, M.A. ; Vt. H. Rep. 49-*25 1860 *Henry Taylor Antes, M.D. L. I. Coll. Hosp. 1866; Asst. Surgeon 126th N. Y., Surgeon and Maj. 33d 111., 47th 111. U. S. V. Giles Babcock,M.A. ; Lt. 28th N. Y. Cav. U. S. V. James Madison Barker, M.A., LL.D. Yale 1891; Trus- tee ; U. S. V., Trustee Clark Inst. Deaf Mutes, Mass. H. Rep., Mass. Comr. to Revise Gen. Laws, Justice Superior Crt., Justice Sup. Crt. Mass., Mass. Hist. Soc., N. E. Hist. Geneal. Soc., Mass. Colon. Soc., Berk. Hist. Soc. 86 GENERAL CATALOGUE, WILLIAMS COLLEGE. 1905 Robert Edes Beecher, Capt., Major, Bvt. Lt. Col., Asst. Adj. Gen. U. S. V. *William Childs Blackburn, Lt, Adj., Capt. 9th 111. Cav. U. S. V. 1881 * William Allen JBriggs, M. A. Madison Univ. 1863 ; Mayor Blue Rapids, Kans., Supt. Schs. Evanston, 111. John Edward Bush, Trustee Univ. Chicago. * William Wilberforce Cho- pin, And. Theol. Sem. 1863 ; Missionary, Ahmed- nuggur, India. 1866 * Sidney Wood Cooper, M.A., LL.B. Univ. Albany 1861 ; Lt. 8th U. S. C. I., Col. 1st Nat. Gd. "Hawkins Zou- aves" U. S. V., U. S. Consul Cadiz and Gottenburg. William Conway Curtis, Auburn Theol. Sem. 1863. ^Benjamin Lockwood De Forest. *George Clinton Dewey, M.A., M.D. Columbia 1863. 1864 William Francis Dimmick. 1866 William Gaston Donaldson. *Julius Augustus Fay, M.A. ; Lt., Adj. 30th and 35th, Major, Lt. Col. 40th N. J. U. S. V., N. J. Hist. Soc. William Harrison Gest, LL.D. Augustine Coll. 1901; M.C., Justice Circ. Crt., Justice Appellate Crt. 111. James Carruthers Greenough, M.A., and Brown 1876, LL.D. Berea Coll. 1898; President Mass. Agr. Coll., Princ. R. I. Normal Sch., Princ. State Normal Sch. Westfield, Mass. * Byron John Hall, D.D. 1891, Gen. Theol. Sem. N. Y. 1864. 1898 James Haswell Harwood, D.D. Drury 1879; Presi- dent Orange Coll. Cal. Lewis Hayward Hazeltine, M.D. Med. Coll. Ohio 1865; Asst. Surg. 8th Ohio Cav. U. S. V. * Edward Trumbull Hooker, Theol. Inst. Conn. 1863, 8th Vt. U. S. V. *Chauncey Thompson Hyde, Asst. Prof. Ethics and Eng. U. S. N. A. * Joseph William Hyde, Instr. O. T. Exegesis Nashotah House, Wis. Stephen Hyde, M.D. Colum- bia 1866. Charles Weston Jenkins, Bangor Theol. Sem. 1865, D.D.S. elsewhere; Christian Com. *David Wright Judd, N. Y. Assembly. * Joseph Huntley Knox, Pri- vate, Lt., Adjt. 9th 111. Cav. U. S. V. * Joseph Brown Ladd, And. Theol. Sem. 1865, Bangor Theol. Sem. 1866. Jonathan Leavitt Lambert, M.D. Univ. Albany 1864 ; Asst. Surgeon, Major 65th N. Y. U. S. V. ^William Stevens Langdon. George JKoswell Leavitt, M.A., D.D. 1885, And. Theol. Sem. 1863, Instr. Math, and Latin ; Instr. Oberlin Theol. Sem., Presdt. Homceop. Med. Coll. Cleveland, Ohio, Trustee Berea, Dir. Chicago Theol. Sem. *Henry Leavitt. * George Howard Marvin, M.D. Bellevue Hosp. Med. Coll. 1864; Asst. Surg. U. S. V. and U. S. N. 1905 (JRADUATKS. 87 Edward Williams Morley, M.A., LL.D. 1901, and Adelbert 1891, And. Theol. Sera. 1864, M.D. (Hon.) Cleveland Med. Coll. 1877, Ph.D. Wooster Univ. 1878; Hurlburt Prof. Nat. Hist. and Chem. Western Re- serve Univ., U. S. San. Cora., Hon. Memb. Royal Inst. London, For. Memb. London Chem. Soc., Nat. Acad. Sci., Fellow Am. Acad., Am. Philos. Soc. Leonidas William Morss. ^Frederick James Nash. *John Crosby Olmsted. 1891 * James Marshall Paul, U. S. V., Colorado Sen. Duane Seneca Phillips, D.D. Racine 1892. Samuel Wheeler Pratt, D.D. 1902, Auburn Theol. Sera. 1863 ; Trustee Alma Coll. Abram Jay Quick, Union Theol. Sem. 1863. Albert Chester Heed, Auburn Theol. Sem. 1863. William Simeon Smith, 1888. William Dixon Spalding. Stephen Miller Van Wyck, Actuarial Soc. of Am. Theophilus Benson Wood. *Charles Eleazer Wright. * Lewis Monroe Young. 48-*24 1861 William Penn Alcott, And. Theol. Sem. 1864; Supt. Schs. Chelmsford, Mass. *Copley Amory, M.A. ; Lt. 4th Mass. Cav., Post Adj., Adj. Gen. U. S. V. 1866 * Henry James Arnold, Capt. 129th N. Y., Lt, Capt. 2d N. Y. Mounted Rifles U. S. V. Orris Clapp Atwater. James Seymour Ayres. *Edward Newton Beale,M.A., M.D. Berk. Med. Inst. 1864. *Alpheus Whitney Billings, Union Theol. Sem. 1865, Agent Am. Tract Soc. Mich., 111. and Neb. Thomas Edwin Brastow, Bangor Theol. Sem. 1864; Supt. Schs. Rockport, Me. Willet Bronson, LL.B. Co- lumbia 1863. Augustus Cleveland Brown, Capt. 4th N. Y. Art. U. S. V. George Marsh Carrington, Judge Probate Winsted, Conn., Conn. Bd. Educ. William Edgar Church, llth N. Y. Cav., Capt. and Asst. Adjt. Gen. U. S. V., Presi- dent Chicago Law Inst., Assoc. Justice Sup. Crt. Dakota. Willard Sylvester Cooke, 37th Mass. U. S. V. *Lurad Heath Crook, M.D. Bellevue Hosp. Med. Coll. 1864. Stephen Winchester Dana, D.D. 1880, Union Theol. Sem. 1866; Trustee Lincoln Univ., Dir. Union Theol. Sem., Presdt. N. E. Soc. Penn. ^Joseph Danielson, Union Theol. Sem. 1865. Philemon Rockwell Day, M.A., Auburn Theol. Sem. 1864; Conn. H. Rep., Bd. Educ. West Avon, Conn. Edward Dewey, Medical Ca- det U. S. V. 88 GENERAL CATALOGUE, WILLIAMS COLLEGE. 1905 1872 Henry Martyn Duffield, 1866, Prof. Fed. Jurisp. and Prac. Detroit Coll. Law ; Lt, and Adjt. 9th Mich., Asst. Adjt. Gen., Brig. Gen. U. S. V.; in 1898 Brig. Gen. comm'ding 2d Army Corps U. S. V., Umpire to Com- missioners of Germany and Venezuela, Am. Hist. Soc. *Zenas Rogers Farrington, Supt. Schs. Holden, Me. *Edgar John Farwell, M.D. Berk. Med. Inst. 1864 ; Sur- geon 12th Vt. U. S. V. *Alfred Francis Gage, M.A. ; 31st Mass. U. S. V. Chauncey Goodrich, D.D. 1891, 'And. Theol. Sem. 1864; Missionary to China, Prof. North China Coll., Dean Gordon Miss. Theol. Sem. Fung-chow. ^Benjamin Franklin Hastings, M.D. Univ. City of N. Y. 1863; Asst. Surg. ISthMass. U. S. V., Mass. Med. Soc. Warren Luke Hay den, M.A. * William Weaver Hoyden, M.A. * Frederick Hicks, Missionary, U. S. Consul Panama. William Myers Hoes, M.A., LL.B. Columbia 1864 ; Pub- lic Administrator N. Y. City, Am. Geog. Soc. *John Riley House, 1869, Commissary Dept. U. S. V., died in the service at Chat- tanooga, Tenn. Charles* Lewis Hutchins, M. A., and Trinity, 1865, Gen. Theol. Sem. N. Y. 1 865, D.D. Griswold Coll. N. Y. 1884, and Univ. South 1899; Trus- tee Gen. Theol. Sem. N. Y., Secty. House of Deps. of Gen. Conv. Prot. Epis. Ch. 1871 Robert Grosvenor Iliitchins, 1903, M.A. (Hon.) 1870, And. Theol. Sem. 1864, D.D. Marietta 1877, Trus- tee Marietta. *Henry Martyn James, Supt. Schs. Cleveland, Ohio, Port- land, Ore., Omaha, Neb. and Tacoma, Wash. 1901 * Lewis Melvin Johnson, M.A. ; Princ. Newark High Sch., Princ. State Normal Sch. Trenton, N. J. 1904 Charles Rudd King. * Gavin Langmuir, D.D. 1881, Princeton Theol. Sem. 1866. 1882 ^Joseph Ezekiel Lock wood, Lt., Adjt. 7th, Capt. and Bvt. Major 116th U. S. C. I. 1878 James Harrison Lyon, MA. Charles Stewart Maurice, Asst. Eng. U. S. N., Am. Soc. C. E. *William Warriner Merriam, Rochester Theol. Sem. 1870, M.A. Madison Univ. 1889 Edward Payson Nichols, 1864, M.A. Matthias Nicoll, M.A. William Farley Peck, LL.B. Univ. Albany 1863. Charles Talbot Poore, 1903, M.A. (Hon.) 1891, M.D. Columbia 1866. George Cook Raynolds, M.D. Univ. City of N. Y. 1864, Acting Asst. Surgeon U. S. N., Missionary, Van, Turkey. *William Rumsey, LL.D. 1888, Trustee; 'Lt,, Adjt., Capt. 1st N. Y. Art., Major, Asst. Adjt. Gen., Bvt. Col. U. S. V., Justice Sup. Crt. N. Y., and Appellate Div. 1st Dept. 1903 1905 GRADUATES. 89 George Anthony Sanders, M.A., LL.D. Illinois Coll. 1898, and Nashville Coll. Law 1903 ; Asst. Treas. 111. William Henry Shepard, M.A., LL.B. Univ. Albany 1863. George Gardner Smith, Lt., Adjt., Capt. 29th U. S. C. I. James Farrar Stone, M.A., M.D. Bellevue Hosp. Med. Coll. 1866; Lect. Phys. Diagn. Med.-Chir. Coll. Phila., Penn. Med. Soc. James Dewey Tucker. James Brainerd Taylor Tup- per, M.A., and New Jer- sey 1866; Private 31st Mass. U. S. V. Morris Ashhurst Tyng, M.A., Union Theol. Sem. 1869, LL.B. Columbia 1863; Prof. Bib. Lit. Bexley Hall, Gam- bier, Ohio. *James Gilbert Van Marter, M.A., D.D.S. Ohio Coll. Dent. Surg. 1866; Capt. 22d N. Y. Cav. U. S. V., De- monst. Mechan. Dent. Ohio Coll. Dent. Surg. 1901 Jacob Southart Van Wyck. * George White, M.A., Au- burn Theol. Sem. 1864. 187 *James Henry Wickes, Serg. 150th N. Y., Judge Adv. U. S.V., Capt. 5th U. S. C. I. 1892 *Robert Frederick Wilkinson, 1882, M.A. ; Capt., Major 128th N. Y., Judge Adv. 19th Army Corps, Asst. Adjt. Gen., Inspect. Gen., Bvt. Lt. Col., Bvt. Col. U. S. V., Am. Geog. Soc. l903 Frank Porter Woodbury, M.A., Union Theol. Sem. 1864, D.D. Illinois 1883, Prof. Rhet. and Eng. Lit. Olivet. Silas Pratt Wright, M.A., M.D. Univ. Albany 1863. 59-*23 1862 Henry Anstice, M.A., And. Theol. Sem. 1865, D.D. Univ. Rochester 1875 ; Chaplain U. S. V., Sec. House of Deputies Gen. Conv. Prot. Episc. Church, U. S. San. Com., Christian Com. *Samuel Chapman Arm- strong, M.A., LL.D. 1887, and Harvard 1889 ; Agent and Supt. Sch. Freedmen's Bureau, Princ. Hampton Norm, and Agric. Inst, Capt., Major 125th N. Y., Bvt. Brig. Gen. U. S. V., Lt. Col. 9th, Col. 8th U. S. C. I. 18 <> 3 *Roswell Bottum Bacon. 1896 *William Wilberforce Ball, 25th N. Y. Cav. U. S. V., died from disease con- tracted in' the service. 1867 *George Franklin Bemis, Asst. Paymaster U. S. N. 1!t * William Parmenter Bennett, Res. Lie. And. Theol. Sem. 1875 ; Trustee Doane. 1S9C * James Bigelow, M.A., M.D. Bellevue Hosp. Med. Coll. 1865; Asst. Surg. U. S. V., N. Y. Med. Soc. 1871 Samuel Phillips Blagden, M.A. * Joseph Albert Blake, M.A. 1882 ^Edward Stanley Brewster, U. S. V., died in the ser- vice. 1865 * James Robinson Campbell, M.A., Princeton Theol. Sem. 1866. 1898 90 GENERAL CATALOGUE, WILLIAMS COLLEGE. 1905 * Patrick Lynett Garden, Lt 125th N. Y. U. S. V. ' 189 Franklin Carter, M.A., Ph.D. (Hon.) 1877, LL.D. 1904; M.A. Jefferson 1864, and Yale 1874, LL.D. Union 1881, Yale 1901, and South Carolina Coll. 1905; Prof. French Lang, and Lit, Prof. Latin Lang, and Lit., Mass. Prof. Latin Lang, and Lit., President and Barclay Jermain Prof. Nat. Theol., Lecturer Theism ; Prof. German Lang. Yale, Trustee And. Theol. Sem., Trustee and President Clark Inst. for Deaf Mutes, Mass. Bd. Education, Pres- ident Am. Mod. Lang. Assoc., Am. Philol. Soc., Am. Orient. Soc., Fellow Am. Acad., Mass. Colon. Soc., Corp. Memb. A. B. C. F. M. * Walter Condict, M.A., Princeton Theol. Sem. 1867; Lt. 27th N. Y. U. S. V. 1888 Julius Henry Cone, M.A. Robley Dunglison Cook, U. S. V. Abel Crook, M.A., LL.B. Co- lumbia 1864; Am. Acad. Pol. and Soc. Sci. Henry B. Crossett. *John Burton Cuyler, M.A. ; Surgeon U. S. V. 1871 John Mason Davison, Am. Chem. Soc., Am. Assoc. Adv. Sci., Fellow Rochester Acad. Sci. John Henry Denison, D.D. 1884, And. Theol. Sem. 1866; Pastor Coll. Church, Mark Hopkins Prof. Divin- ity, Jackson Prof. Christ. Theol. *John Gordon Frazer, M.A., M.D. Bellevue Hosp. Med. Coll. 1865; 1ST. Y. Med. Soc., Am. Acad. Med. 190 John Abbott French, M.A., Union Theol. Sem. 1864; Trustee Presb. Theol. Sem. North West. Theodore Gilman, M.A. *John Howard Goodhue, Supt. Contrabands, Ladies' Island, S. C., died in the service. 1864 Edward Herrick Griffin, M.A., LL.D. 1905, and New Jersey 1888, Union Theol. Sem. 1867, D.D. Amherst 1880; Inst. Math, and Latin, Mass. Prof. Latin Lang, and Lit., Morris Prof. Rhet, Assoc. Prof. Mor. and Intel. Philos., Mark Hopkins Prof. Mor. k and Intel. Philos. ; Prof. Hist. Philos., and Dean Coll. Faculty Johns Hop- kins Univ., Am. Psychol. Assoc., Am. Philos. Assoc. Archibald Hopkins, LL.B. Columbia 1867; Capt. 37th Mass., Major, Lt. Col., Bvt Col. U. S. V., Chief Clerk U. S. Crt. Claims, Nat. Geog. Soc., Am. Soc. Sci. Assoc., Washington Acad. Sci. Edward Ridgway Hutchins, 1899, M.D. Jefferson Med. Coll. 1867; Med. Cadet, Asst. Surgeon llth N. H. U. S. V., Asst Surgeon U. S. N.; in 1898 Capt. and C. S. U.S. V.; Prof. Chem. Iowa Agr. Coll., Secty. Iowa Sen., Wis. Hist Soc., Nat. Assoc. Commerce- Labor- Stat * William Albert James, Union Theol. Sera. 1865. 1892 1905 GRADUATES. 91 Everett Edward Lewis, M. A., And. Theol. Sem. 1867. *James Betts Metcalf, M.A., LL.B.Yale 1864. George Franklin Mills, M.A. ; Princ. Greylock lust., Prof. Lat. and Eng., and Treas. Mass. Agr. Coll., Trustee Clark Inst. Deaf Mutes. Frederick William Mitchell, 1905, Lt., Capt. 12th 111. Cav. U. S. V. Nicholas Murray, LL.B. Co- lumbia 1867 ; Lt. and Qtr. M. 131st N. Y. U. S. V., Librarian Johns Hopkins. Charles Pinckney Holbrook Nason, M.A., D.D. 1899, And. Theol. Sem.; Vol. Aide U. S. V., Sch. Com. 1873 Chelsea, Mass., U. S. Consul Grenoble, Penn. Hist. Soc., N. E. Hist. Geneal. Soc. Edward Beecher Nims, M.A., M.D. Univ. Vermont 1864; Asst. Surg. 1st Vt. Cav. U. S. V., Supt. State Lun. Hosp. Northampton, Mass., Trustee Clark Inst. Deaf Mutes, Mass. Med. Soc., N. E. Psych. Soc. Mason Noble, M.A., Union Theol. Sem. 1865, Res. Lie. And. Theol. Sem. 1866; Prof. Greek and Assoc. Prof. Theol. Talladega,- Trustee Rollins Coll., Trus- tee Atlanta Theol. Sem. *George Alanson Parker, M.D. Jefferson Med. Coll. 1864; Med. Cadet, Asst. Surg. U. S. N., died in the service. *William Parker, M.A. Henry Thomas Perry, M.A., Auburn Theol. Sem. 1865 ; Missionary to Turkey. 1800 George Lansing Raymond, M.A., and Princeton 1896, L.H.D. 1889, and Rutgers 1883, Princeton Theol. Sem. 1865, Provis. Prof., Prof. Orat.; Prof. Orat. and ^Esth. Crit. New Jersey, Prof. ^Esth. Princeton, Prof. ^Esth. George Wash- ington, Nat. Geograph. Soc., Am. Soc. Sci. Assoc., Am. Acad. Pol. and Soc. Sci., Am. Spel. Assoc., Nat. Eloc. Assoc., Am. Mod. Lang. Assoc., Nat. Sculp. Soc., South. Soc. Philos. and Psych., Nat. Soc. Fine Arts, Am. Archaeol. Inst. Homer Rogers, M.A. ; Serg. 45th Mass. U. S. V., Chris- tian Com. Edward William Schauffler, 1875, M.A. (Hon.) 1875, M.D. Columbia 1868 ; Lt., Adjt., Capt. 127th N. Y. U. S. V., Prof. Theor. and Pract. Med., Prof. Clin. Med., and President Kansas City Med. Coll., Prof. Intern. Med. Univ. Kansas Med. Sch., Presdt. Mo. Med. Soc., Am. Med. Assoc., Am. Acad. Med., Am. Climat. Soc. Joseph Edward Simmons, M.A., LL.B. Univ. Albany 1863, LL.D. Norwich Univ. 1885; Trustee; Pres. Bd. Educ. N. Y. City. Thomas Jefferson Smith, M.A., M.D. Univ. Pennsyl- vania 1866, Sc.D. Bucknell Univ. 1897 ; Medical Cadet U. S. V., Presdt., Trustee and Fellow N. J. Med. Soc., Am. Acad. Med., Nat. Assoc. Study of Epi- leptics. 92 GENERAL CATALOGUE, WILLIAMS COLLEGE. 1905 Francis Huntington Snow, M.A., Ph.D. (Hon.) 1881, And. Theol. Sera. 1866, LL.D. Princeton 1890; Prof. Nat. Sci. and Math., Chancellor, Prof. Entomol. and Organ. Evol. and Dir- ector Mus. Nat. Hist. Univ. Kansas, Presdt. Kansas Acad. Sci., Memb. Am. Ornith. Un., Nat. Educ. Soc. James Field Spalding, M.A., D.D. 1887, Instr. Greek; Prof. Eng. Lit. Boston Coll. Edwin Stewart, 1872, M.A., LL.D. 1898 ; Paymaster, Pay Insp., Paymaster Gen., Rear Admiral (retd.) U. S. N. Henry Bradish Stoddard, M.I). Bellevue Hosp. Med. Coll. 1865 ; Mass. Med. Soc. Theodore Strong Thompson, M.A. ; 45th Mass. U. S. V., Paymaster, Pay Insp. U. S. N. * Eugene Henry Titus, And. Theol. Sem. 1865. * Albert True, Auburn Theol. Sem. 1865. *Henry JBeman Underwood, And. Theol. Sem. 1865. * Samuel Edgar Wells, M.A. Charles Ezra White, M.A. *Edward Kirk Wilcox, 1869, Serg. 16th, Lt., Capt. 27th Mass. U. S. V., fell in battle at Cold Harbor. 56-*23 1863 Francis Spaulding Abbott, M.A., M.D. Berk. Med. Inst. 1865. 1875 1876 Edward Stanley Atwood, M.A. ; Am. Soc. Microsp. * Charles Hume Baldwin, M.A., Union Theol. Sem. 1866, D.D. Union 1890; U. S. San. Com. *George Center Brown. ^Stephen Brewer Butler. *Henri Hendrick Buxton, 1869, Private, Sergeant 5th N. Y. U. S. V., mortally wounded in battle near Manassas. John Cairns. Wilbur Fisk Corliss, M.A. John Gaylord Davenport, M.A., D.D. 1893, Union Theol. Sem. 1865; Instr. Math, and Latin. Samuel Warren Dike, LL.D. 1888, And. Theol. Sem. 1866 ; Vice-Pres. Am. Soc. Sci. Assoc., Am. Econ. As- soc., Am. Stat. Assoc., Am. Acad. Pol. and Soc. Sci., Cor. Secty. N. E. Divorce Ref. League, Nat. Divorce Ref. League, Wash. Acad. Sci., Nat. League for Pro- tection of Family. *Hugh Doherty, M.A., M.D. Harvard 1867; Licentiate Midwif. King and Queen's Coll. Phys. Ireland 1872 ; Med. Cadet U. S. V., Mass. Med. Soc. *Volckert Pierre Douw, M.A. Myron Samuel Dudley, M.A., (Hon.) 1899, Union Theol. Sem. 1869; Private, Ser- geant, Lt., Capt. 5th Vt. U. S. V., N. E. Hist. Geneal. Soc. William Arnett Dunning, Union Theol. Sem. 1866. * Joseph Haskell jFW$cA,M.A., Princeton Theol. Sem. 1866. 1866 1870 1905 GRADUATES. 93 Addisvn Pinneo J^oster,M.A., D.D. 1886, And. Theol. Sem. 1866 ; Christian Com., N. E. Secty. Am. S. Sch. Union, Trustee Berea and Tuskegee, Nat. Geog. Soc. *Jarnes Clark Foye, M.A., Ph.D. Pepauw Univ. In- diana 1881, LL.D. Law- rence Univ. 1893; Prof. Nat. Sci. Cincinnati Wes- leyan, Presdt Jonesborough Female Coll. Tenn., Prof. Chem. and Chem. Eng. Ar- mour Inst, Prof. Chem. and Phys. and Vice- Presdt. Lawrence Univ. Wis., Wis. Acad. Sci., Am. Assoc. Adv. Sci. *John Clark Goodridge, M.A., M.D. Long Island Coll. Hosp.1866; Am. Geog. Soc. Selden Elias Graves, Capt. 8th N. Y. Cav. U. S. V., Jus- tice Dist. Crt. Niagara Co., N.Y. Webster Hazlewood, M.A., Union Theol. Sem. 1866. Amos Lawrence Hopkins, 1866; Lt, Capt., Major 1st Mass. Cav. U. S. V., Trustee. Augustus Thompson Jenkins. Seth Benjamin Jones, M.A. ; Princ. Park Ave. Inst. Bridgeport, Conn. Henry De Witt Joy, 1889, M.A. (Hon.) 1889, M.D. Columbia 1866; Phys. Bd. of Health N.Y., Res. Phys., Cons. Phys. Sailors' Snug Harbor N.Y. Sidney Nelson Kinney, 1903, Reg. Qtr.-Mr. 169th N. Y. U. S. V. Smith Gurney Lapham, M.A. ; Assoc. Ed., Ed. Syracuse Daily Courier and Evening Telegram. 189C John Conrad Mallery, U. S. Mil. Acad. 1867; Lt., Capt., Major Corps Eng. U. S. A., Asst. Prof. Mil. and Civil Eng. U. S. Mil. Acad., Major U. S. A. (retired). * Royal Marshall, M.A. ; Gen. Theol. Sem. N. Y. 1866. 1877 James Gilbert Mason, M.A., Union Theol. Sem. 1866, D.D. Maryville 1884; U.S. San. Com. Daniel Merriman, M.A., D.D. 1881, And. Theol. Sem. 1868,D.D.Ripon,Wis.l881, and Yale 1898, Trustee; Lt., Adjt. 132d 111. U. S. V., Lecturer Past. Theol. And. Theol. Sem., Visitor Har- vard Div. Sch., Trustee and Secty. Worcester Polyt. Inst., Trustee Worcester Mem. Hosp., Presdt. and Dir. Worcester Art Mus., Trustee Atlanta Univ., Presdt. Trustees Abbot Acad., Am. Antiq. Soc., Am. Archaeol. Inst, Am. Hist. Assoc., Am. Geog. Soc., Soc. Bibl. Lit. and Exegesis. * Alexander Moss Merwin, M.A., and Yale 1880,Prince- ton Theol. Sem. 1866 ; Mis- sionary to Chile, U. S. San. Com., Christian Com. * Joseph Sidney Mitchell, M.A., M.D. Bellevue Hosp. Med. Coll. 1865 ; Lecturer Surg. and Pathol. Anatomy, Prof. Theory and Prac. Med. and Presdt. Chicago Hom *Daniel D unbar, M.A. ; Yale 1794, Tutor. * Elijah Dunbar, M.A. ; Harvard 1794, M.A. Har- vard, Tutor. *Dan Huntinyton, M.A. ; Yale 1794, M.A. Yale; Tu- tor ; Tutor Yale. * James Wheelock Woodward, B.A.; Dartmouth 1798, M.A. Dartmouth. 1864 1847 1852 1799 * Henry Davis, M.A. ; Yale 1796, M.A. Yale, D.D. Union 1810 ; Tutor; Tutor Yale, Prof. Greek Lang. Union, President Middle- bury, Trustee, President Hamilton. *Charles Denison, M.A. ; Yale 1796, M.A. Yale; Tu- tor ; Tutor Yale. 18>25 *John Ldand, M.A. 1841 1800 *Joseph Bridgman, M.A. ; Dartmouth 1795, M.A. Dartmouth. *Thomas Day, M.A. ; Yale 1797, M.A. Yale, LL.D. Yale 1847; Tutor; Secre- tary State Conn. *Warren Dutton, M.A. ; Yale 1797, M.A. Yale; Tu- tor ; Tutor Yale. * Bancroft Fowler, M.A. ; Yale 1796, M.A. Yale, and Middlebury 1805; Tutor; Tutor Yale, Prof. Sacr. Lit. Bangor Theol. Sem. 1857 1856 1804 *John Bassett, D.D. ; Columbia 1786, and Yale 1786, M.A. Columbia; Prof. Heb. Rutgers, Trustee Co- lumbia. 1831 1801 * Charles Backus, D.D. ; Yale 1769, M.A. Yale. * Nathaniel Dwight, M.A. ; M.A. (Hon.) Yale 1815. *John Lyman, D.D. ; Yale 1767, M.A. Yale; Tu- tor Yale, Fellow Am. Acad. 1828 * Samuel Mackay, M.A. ; Prof. French Lang, and Lit. 1881 * Samuel Prince Bobbins, M.A.; Harvard 1798, M.A. Har- vard. *Timothy Whitman, M.A. 1803 *Rufus King, LL.D. ; Harvard 1777, M.A. Har- vard, LL.D. Dartmouth 1802, Harvard 1806, and Univ. Pennsylvania 1815; Delegate Continental Cong., and U. S. Const. Conven., Senator U. S., U. S. Min. Plen. Gt. Brit., Fellow Am. Acad., Cor. Memb. Mass. Hist. Soc. *Matthew Perkins, M.A. ; Yale 1799. *Job Swift, D.D. ; Yale 1765, M.A. Yale, and Dartmouth 1790; Trustee; Trustee Dartmouth. * James Thompson, M.A. ; Brown 1799, M.A. Brown, and Dartmouth 1806, D.D. Harvard 1841. 1808 1864 1824 156 GENERAL CATALOGUE, WILLIAMS COLLEGE. 1905 * Daniel JBurhans, M.A. ; M.A. (Hon.) Hobart 1835, D.D. Trinity 1832; Trustee Trinity. 1805 * Samuel Fuller, M.A. ; Dartmouth 1791, M.A. Dartmouth. * David Jfarrower, M.A. 1806 *Hezekiah Balch, D.D. ; New Jersey 1766, M.A. New Jersey ; President Greenville Coll. *Peter Bryant, M.A. ; M.D. (Hon.) Harvard 1818 ; Mass. Med. Soc. *John Hough, M.A. ; Yale 1802, M.A. Yale, and Middlebury 1807, D.D. Mid- dlebury 1845; Prof. Greek and Lat. Lang., Prof. Theol., Prof. Eng. Lit. Middlebury. *Eldad Lewis, M.A. ; M.A. (Hon.) Yale 1788; Mass. Med. Soc. * Daniel Parker, M.A. ; Yale 1798, M.A. Yale. *Seth Smith, M.A. ; Member Class of 1803; Yale 1803. * Elijah Wheeler, M. A.; Chaplain 1st Regt. 1st Div. Mass., War of 1812. *fflisha Yale, M.A. ; M.A. (Hon.) Yale 1829, D.D. Union 1839. 1807 * Samuel Austin, D.D. ; Yale 1783, M.A. Yale, and New Jersey 1785; President Univ. Vermont. 1842 1854 1861 1825 1818 1819 *Amos Potter Hall, B.A. ; Member Class of 1807 ; Yale 1807. *Mills Purdy, B.A. ; Middlebury 1807, M.A. Middlebury. * Augustus Sherrill, B.A. ; Member Class of 1807 ; Yale 1807; Paymaster 2d Regt., 9th Div., War of 1812. * Samuel Spring, D. D. ; New Jersey 1771, M.A. New Jersey, and Dartmouth 1789; Chaplain Rev. Army, Visitor And. Theol. Sem. 1808 * Samuel Blatchford, D.D. ; M.A. (Hon.) Yale 1796. * Charles Coffin, D.D. ; Harvard 1793, M.A. Har- vard; Vice-Presdt. Green- ville Coll., President Knox Coll. *Noadiah Moore, B.A. ; Member Class of 1808 ; Middlebury 1808, M.A. Middlebury. 1809 *Munnis M. Kinney, B.A. ; Member Class of 1809; Middlebury 1809; Vt. H. Rep. * Samuel Leonard, M.A. ; M.A. (Hon.) Middlebury 1813. 1810 *William Buel, M.A. ; M.D. (Hon.) Yale 1819; Mass. Med. Soc., President Conn. Med. Soc. 1861 1828 1853 1859 1863 1905 HONORARY GRADUATES. 167 *Horatio Jones, M.A. ; Mass. Med. Soc. *Lem Nelson, M.A. 1811 * William Charles Jarvis,M. A. *Thomas P. Jones, M.A. * David Porter, D.D. ; Dartmouth 1784; Chaplain Rev. Army. 1812 * Abraham Hinds, M.A. ; M.A. (Hon.) Harvard 1821. * Alexander Proudfit, D.D. ; Columbia 1792, M.A. Union 1798, D. D. Middlebury 1811. * Timothy Woodbridge, M. A., D.D. 1847; Member Class of 1803; And. Theol. Sem. 1811. 1813 * Joseph Barrell Emerson, M.A.; M.D. Harvard 1816. * Sylvester Woodbridge,^.A.\ And. Theol. Sem. 1814, D.D. elsewhere. 1814 * George Albion Calhoun, B.A.; Hamilton 1814, And. Theol. Sem. 1817, D.D. Hamilton 1852. * Charles Sedgwick, M.A. 1856 1880 1851 1861 1844 *Henry Bowen Stimson, 1815 * Robert Hett Chapman,D.D.; New Jersey 1789, M.A. New Jersey, and Rutgers 1791 ; Tutor Rutgers, Trus- tee and President Univ. North Carolina. *William Henry Dillingham, M.A.; Member Class of 1809. *Ebenezer Kellogg, M.A. ; Yale 1810, M.A. Yale; Prof. Anc. Lang., and Librarian. 1816 *John Wallace Ellingwood, M.A.; And. Theol. Sem. 1812, M.A. (Hon.) Bowdoin 1824, D.D. Bowdoin 1851; Me. Hist. Soc. *Jeptha Pool, M.A. * Samuel Starkweather, M.A. Member Class of 1809. 1817 *Solomon Metcalf Allen, M. A.; Member Class of 1813; Middlebury 1813, M.A. Mid- dlebury; Tutor and Prof. Lang. Middlebury. *Amos Bassett, D.D. ; Yale 1784, M.A.Yale; Tu- tor and Fellow Yale. *Joel Tyler Benedict, M.A. * Oliver 1817 1828 1884 158 GENERAL CATALOGUE, WILLIAMS COLLEGE. 1905 1818 * James Cooley, M.A. *Alanson Knox, M.A. ; Lt. Col. 4th Regt. 4th Div. Mass., War of 1812. *Alvan Somers, M.A. 1819 * Francis Brown, D.D. ; Dartmouth 1805, M.A. Dartmouth, D.D. Hamilton 1819; Tutor, Trustee and President Dartmouth, Fel- low Am. Acad. * Augustus Baldwin Collins, M.A. * James Sands Olcott, M.A. ; Member Class of 1816. 1820 *Dyer Burgess, M.A. ; M.D. Dartmouth 1818. * Joseph Estabrook, M.A. ; Dartmouth 1815; Prof. Lat. and Greek Lang. Amherst, President East Tennessee Coll. *Harvey Freegrace Leavitt, M.A.; Yale 1816, M.A. Yale and Middlebury 1837; Trustee Middlebury. ^Theodore Sedgwick Pom- eroy, B.A. * William Wisner, M.A. ; D.D. Delaware Coll. 1842; Mod. Presb. Gen. Assem- bly 1840, Trustee Auburn Theol. Sem. 1821 *John Adams, M.A. ; Member Class of 1804; N. Y. Assem., M. C., Sur- rogate Greene Co., N. Y. *Elijah Alvord, M.A. ; M.A. (Hon.) Dartmouth 1813. *Daniel Latham, M.A. 1822 *Joseph Priestly Allen, M.A. ; Dartmouth 1814. *Thomas Allen, M.A. *Robert Foster Barnard, M.A. *Henry Williams Dwight, M.A.; Trustee, M. C. * Titus Strong, M.A. ; D.D. Trinity 1839. 1823 *John Hubbard Church, D J).; Harvard 1797, M.A. Dart- mouth 1813 ; Trustee Dart- mouth. * Giles Hooker Cowles, D.D.; Yale 1789, M.A. Yale. * Samuel Hanson Cox, M.A. ; D.D. 1825; M.A. (Hon.) New Jersey 1818, LL.D. Maryville 1855 ; Prof. Sac. Rhet. and Past. Theol. Auburn Theol. Sem., President, Director Union Theol. Sem., Presi- dent Ingham Univ., Mod. Presb. Gen. Assembly 1846. ^Alexander Garden Frazer, M.A. *Luke Lyons, M.A. ; Princeton Theol. Sem. 1821. 1886 1905 HONORARY GRADUATES. 15$ *Samuei Metcalf Mackay, M.A. Member Class of 1813. *John Mills, M.A. * James II. Thomas, M.A. ; New Jersey 1809. 1824 *David Reeve Arnell, M.A. ; M.D. Rutgers 1812. 1826 *Nathan Sidney Smith Be- man, D.D.; Middlebury 1807, M.A. Middlebury, LL.D. Middle- bury 1852; Trustee same. 18n * Abraham Lidden Cox, M.A. ; M.A. (Hon.) New Jersey 1825, M.D. Univ. Penn- sylvania 1823. 1864 *Frederic Ellsworth, M.A. *Henry Kellogg, M.A.; Yale 1815. 1873 *Levi Lincoln, LL.D. ; Harvard 1802, M.A. Har- vard, LL.D. Harvard 1826; Overseer Harvard, Justice Sup. Crt. Mass., Lt. Gov., and Governor Mass., M. C., Mass. Hist. Soc., Fellow Am. Acad. 1868 *Horatio Gates Newcomb, M.A.; Justice Crt. Prob. and Insol- vency Mass. 1825 * Anthony JBenezet Cleaveland, M.A. *Charles Davies, M.A. ; U.S. Mil. Acad. 1815, M.A. (Hon.) New Jersey 1824, LL.D. Geneva 1840, and 1867 Univ. State of N. Y. 1840; Adj. Prof, and Prof. Math, and Nat. Philos. U. S. Mil. Acad., Prof. Math., Prof. Higher Math., and Emer. Prof. Columbia, Prof. Math, and Nat. Philos. Univ. City of N. Y., Seabury Prof. Math, and Nat. Philos., and Fellow Trinity, Fellow Am. Acad. MW * Stephen Hayes, M.A. * Aaron Humphrey, M.A. 1868 * John Torrey, M.A. ; M.A. (Hon.) Yale 1823, M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1818, Fellow same 1844, LL.D. Amherst 1845; Prof. Chem. U. S. Mil. Acad., Prof. Chem. and Nat. Hist. New Jersey, Trustee same, Prof. Chem. and Bot. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y., Emeritus Prof, same, Nat. Acad. Sc., Presdt. N. Y. Lyceum Nat. Hist. 1878 1826 *Dirck Cornelius Lansing, D.D.; Yale 1804, M.A. Union 1807; Prof. Sac. Rhet. and Past. Theol., Trustee and Vice-Presdt. Auburn Theol. Sem. 1867 * Thomas Harvey Skinner, D.D.; New Jersey 1809, M.A. New Jersey, LL.D. Mary- ville 1855 ; Prof. Sac. Rhet. And. Theol. Sem., Prof. Sac. Rhet., Past. Theol. and Ch. Govt. Union Theol. Sem., Director same. 1871 160 GENERAL CATALOGUE, WILLIAMS COLLEGE. 1905 1827 *John Fairbanks Bacon, M.A. *Benjamin Franklin Butler, M.A.; M.A. (Hon.) Union 1821, LL.D. Rutgers 1834, and Univ. State of N. Y. 1834; Prof. Law Univ. City of N. Y., Atty. Gen. U. S. *Eleazer Lord, M.A. ; M.A. (Hon.) Dartmouth 1821, LL.D. Univ. City of N. Y. 1866. * Henry Gilbert Ludlow, M.A. ; Princeton Theol. Sem.1824, M.A. (Hon.) Yale 1830. * James Porter, M.A. ; M. C. * Samuel Porter, M.A. 1858 1843 1828 *George Nixon Briggs, M.A., LL.D. 1844; LL.D. Harvard 1844, and Amherst 1845 ; Trustee ; Overseer Harvard, Regis. Deeds, Berkshire Co., Jus- tice Crt. Com. Pleas, Gov- ernor Mass., Mass. Const. Conv. 1853, U. S. Commr. New Granada Com., M. C., Hon. Memb. N. E. Hist. Gen. Soc., Pres. Missionary Union Am. Tract Soc. *Sylvester Hovey, M.A. ; Yale 1819, M.A. Yale; Prof. Math, and Nat. Philos.; Tutor Yale, Prof. Math, and Nat. Philos. Amherst. *Ephraim Holland Newton, M.A.; Middlebury 1810,M.A. Mid- dlebury, And. Theol. Sem. 1813, DD. Middlebury 1862. * James I. Ostrom, M.A. *Thomas Robinson, M.A. * William Raymond Weeks, D.D.; New Jersey 1809; Tutor New Jersey. 1829 * Gilbert Robert Livingston, D.D.; Union 1805. ^Stephen West Williams, M.A.; M.D. Berk. Med. Inst 1824; Prof. Med. Jurispr. Dartmouth, Mass. Med. Soc., Cor. Mem. N. E. Hist. Geneal. Soc. *John Woodworth, LL.D. ; Yale 1788, M.A. Yale; Atty. Gen. and Justice Sup. Crt. N. Y. 1830 * Henry Foster Burder, D.D. ; M.A. Univ. Glasgow 1807, D.D. Univ. Glasgow ; Tutor Wymondley Coll. Hertford- shire, England, Prof. Philos. and Math. Hoxton Coll. London, England. * William Lehman, M.A. ; Prof. Mod. Lang. Univ. Georgia. *David Woodcock, M.A. ; M. C. Member Class of 1807. 1831 Mark Tucker, D.D. ; Union 1814, M.A. Union. 1848 1884 1855 1864 1875 1905 HONORARY GRADUATES. 161 1832 *William Bowdoin, M.A. *Charles Asgill Gibbs, M.A. *Horatio Byington, M.A. * Chauncey Eddy, M.A. ; Member Class of 1814; B.A. (Hon.) Union 1821, And. Theol. Sem. 1821. 1836 *Josiah Judson Buck, M.A. *Reuben Atwater Chapman, M.A.; M.A. (Hon.) Amherst 1841, LL.D. Amherst 1861, and Harvard 1864, Overseer Harvard, Justice and Ch. Justice Sup. Crt. Mass. * Samuel Griswold Goodrich, M.A.; M.A. (Hon.) Yale 1848. * Jacob Van Vechten, D.D. ; Union 1809, M.A. Union. I860 1896 1833 * William Cogswell, D.D. ; Dartmouth 1811, M.A. Dartmouth, Harvard 1816, and Brown 1816; Prof. Hist, and Nat. Educ. Dart- mouth, Prof. Theol. and President Gilmanton Theol. Sem., Trustee And. Theol. Sem., Mass. Hist. Soc., Fel- low Am. Acad., Cor. Memb. N. E. Hist. Geneal. Soc. 185 1835 1856 1867 1837 * Joseph Alden, M.A. ; Union 1829, Princeton Theol. Sera. 1830, M.A. Union, and New Jersey 1832, D.D. Union 1839, LL.D. Columbia 1857 ; Trustee, Prof. Rhet, Prof. Polit. Econ. and Prof. Hist. ; Tutor New Jersey, Prof. Mor. Philos. and Meta. La- fayette, President Jefferson, Princ. N. Y. State Normal Sch. *Z>av id Dudley Field, DD. ; Yale 1802, M.A. Yale. Amasa Holcomb, M.A. 1838 * Russell Salmon Cook, MA. ; Auburn Theol. Sem. 1835, Secty. Am. Tract Soc. 1864 *Lester Filley, M.A. 1869 1839 * Charles Brandon Boynton, M.A. ; Member Class of 1827; D.D. Marietta 1859; Jus- tice Co. Crt. Berkshire Co., Mass., Mass. H. Rep. 188S ^Increase Sumner, M.A. ; Dist. Atty. Western Dist. Mass., Mass. H. Rep., Mass. Sen., Mass. Const. Conv. 1853, Justice Dist. Crt. So. Berkshire, Mass., Commr. R. I. Boundary. 1871 1840 * Daniel Dow, D.D. ; Yale 1793, Fellow Yale. 1849 *Joseph Fellows, M.A. 162 GENERAL CATALOGUE, WILLIAMS COLLEGE. 1905 *J&dward William Hooker, D.D. ; Middlebury 1814, Andover Theol. Sera. 1817; M.A. Middlebury; Trustee Mid- dlebury, Prof. Rhet. and Eccl. Hist. Hartford Theol. Sera. *James Jay Mapes, M.A. 1841 *Robert Campbell, M.A. ; M.D. Berk. Med. Inst. 1823. Henry Ryan Curtis, M.A. John P. Edwards, M.A. *Moses Allen Lee, M.A. ; M.D. Berk. Med. Inst. 1826; Prof. Mat. Med. same. 1842 Hiram Worthington Bulkley, M.A.; Member Class of 1831. Luther Haven, M.A. Chauncey D. JRice, M.A. 1843 *David Bryan Baker, M.A. ; Member Class of 1840; Union 1840, M.D. Univ. Albany 1843. Stephen Decatur Bross, M.A. ; Member Class of 1840. ^Francis Richard Gourgas, M.A. 1844 Charles Hathaway, M.A. * Henry Moore Parsons, M.A; Member Class of 1834; Sea- man's Chaplain Havana, Cuba. 1858 1845 *Erastus Brigham Bigelow, M.A.; M.A. (Hon.) Yale 1852, Dartmouth 1854, and Har- vard 1861, LL.D. Amherst 1 867; Mass. Hist. Soc., Fel- low Am. Acad. Moses Hart, M.A. *John Todd, D.D. ; Yale 1822, M.A. Yale, And. Theol. Sem. 1825 ; Trustee. *Daniel Wells, LL.D.; Dartmouth 1810, M.A. Dartmouth ; Ch. Justice Crt. Com. Pleas Mass. 1846 *Ferris Jacobs, M.A. ; M.D. Columbian Univ. 1830. *Adam Nichols, M.A. 1847 Wilton Colton Goldthwaite, M.A. *Calvin Martin, M.A. Chauncey Benjamin Rising, M.A. ^George Washington Schenck, M.A.; New Jersey 1831, M.A. New Jersey, and Yale 1 847 ; Tutor Univ. Georgia. 1849 *Seth Terry, M.A. 1865 *Josiah Wolcott Turner, M. A.; Member Class of 1835; Theol. Inst. Conn. 1836. 1885 1848 *Mpses Barrett, M.A. ; M.D. elsewhere ; Prof. Nat. Hist, and Geol. Ripon. 1867 1905 HONORARY GRADUATES. * Henry Cooky, M.A. ; Yale Div. Sch. 1844. *Daniel Day, M.A. ; Member Class of 1838; Mass. H. Rep. *John Zaccheus Goodrich, M.A.; Trustee ; Mass. Sen., M. C., Lt. Gov. Mass., U. S. Col- lector Port of Boston. 1849 James Alfred Briggs, M.A. *William Thaddeus Harris, M.A.; Harvard 1846, M.A. Har- vard, Yale 1849, and Am- herst 1849, LL.B. Harvard 1848 ; N. E. Hist. Gen. Soc., Cor. Memb. Soc. Archeol. d'Athenes, Lit. and Phil. Socs. Preston and Man- chester, Eng., Cor. Memb. Academic Royale Sc., Belles Lettres et Arts, Marseilles. *Asa Dodge Smith, D.D. ; Dartmouth 1830, M.A. Dartmouth, And. Theol. Sem. 1834, LL.D. Univ. City of N. Y. 1864 ; Trustee and President Dartmouth, Director Union Theol. Sem., N. E. Hist. Geneal. Soc. 1850 *Samuel Bowles, M.A. ; Trustee Amherst ; Ed. Springfield Republican. George Langdon, M.A. ; M.D. elsewhere. *James Parton, M.A. ; N. Y. Hist. Soc., Cor. Memb. Mass. Hist. Soc. 1891 *George Absalom Peters, M.A.; M.A. (Plon.) Yale 1881, M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1846; Trustee same, N. Y. Path. Soc., N. Y. Acad. Med., N. Y. Med. and Surg. Soc. *Eli Smith, D.D. ; ' Yale 1821, M.A. Yale, And. Theol. Sem. 1826; Mis- sionary to Malta, Armenia, and Central Turkey. * Daniel Wight, M.A. ; Harvard 1837, And. Theol. Sem. 1840. 1851 *Charles Henry Bigelow, M.A. 1862 *George W. Briggs, M.A. ; Waterville Coll. Me., Class of 1842 ; Princ. Lasell Sem. Auburndale, Mass., Princ. Delaware Lit. Inst. Frank- lin, N.Y. 1874 * Archibald Falconer Gould, M.A.; M.A. (Hon.) Yale 1852. *Gordon McKay, M.A. 1852 James McGregor Bertram, D.D. *Amos JSlanchard, D.D. ; Yale 1826, Yale Div. Sch. 1829, M.A. Yale, M.A. Dartmouth 1843; Tutor Yale, Trustee And. Theol. Sem. * Cyrus Byington, M.A. ; And. Theol. Sem. 1819; Missionary to Choctaw In- dians. 1908 1870 1868 164 GENERAL CATALOGUE, WILLIAMS COLLEGE. 1905 *John Chipman Hoadley, M.A. Trustee Mass. Inst. Tech., Mass. Board of Health, Mass. H. Rep., Am. Soc. Mech. Eng. *Abbott Lawrence, LL.D. ; LL.D. Harvard 1854; Over- seer Harvard, M. C., U. S. Min. Plen. Gt. Britain, N.E. Hist. Geneal. Soc., Mass. Hist. Soc., Fellow Am. Acad. Leander Wetherell, M.A. 1853 * Aaron Lucius Chopin, DD. ; Yale 1837, M.A. Yale, Union Theol. Sem. 1842, LL.D. Univ. State of N. Y. 1882; President Beloit Coll. * Walter Clarke, D.D. ; Yale 1837, Yale Div. Sch. 1840; Director Union Theol. Sem. ; Prof. Greek and President Mobile Coll. James Manning Hosford, M.A.; Member Class of 1847; Private, Capt., Major 112th 111. U. S. V., Supt. Schs. Geneseo, N. Y. * William Tracy, M.A. ; Member Class of 1833; And. Theol. Sem. 1836, D.D. Univ. West. Penn. 1868. 1854 *Joab Brace, D.D.; Yale 1804, M.A. Yale. *Alberoni Kidder, M.A. ; D.D. Ripon 1904. 1905 1855 * Samuel Harris, D.D. ; Bowdoin 1833, And. Theol. Sem. 1838, M.A. (Hon.) Yale 1872, LL.D. Bowdoin 1871; Prof. Syst. Theol. Bangor Theol. Sem., Prof. Ment. and Mor. Philos. and President Bowdoin, Hyde Lecturer And. Theol. Sem., Dwight Prof. Syst. Theol., Emeritus Prof. Yale. *I(enry Lawrence Hitchcock, D.D.; Yale 1832; Prof. Nat. Theol. and Chris. Evid., Trustee and President Western Reserve. * James Thomas Robinson, M.A.; Member Class of 1 844 ; Judge Probate and Insol- vency Berkshire Co., Mass., Mass. Sen., Memb. and Secty. Mass. Const. Conv. 1853, Ed. North Adams Transcript. ^Frederic Steele, M.A. ; U. S. A. 1868 1856 *Franklin Chamberlin, M.A. *George Nixon Comer, M.A. 187T *Elizur Smith, M.A. William W ells M.A. Lyman Wilder, M.A. 1857 *George Ely Beck with, M.A. ; Member Classof 1853; Prof. Greek and Latin Oahu Coll. Hawaiian Islands. 1898 1905 HONOKAKY (IKAIM'ATKS. n;r, * Charles Stewart Renshaw, M.A. *Matson Meier- Smith, M.A. ; Columbia 1843, M.A. Co- lumbia, D.D. Columbia 1863 ; Prof. Horn, and Past. Theol. Div. Sch. Prot Episc. Ch. Phila. *James Raynor Whiting, LL.D.; Justice Superior Crt. N. Y. 1858 *John Branning, M.A. ; Mass. H. Rep., Mass. Sen., Justice Dist. Crt. Berkshire Co., Mass. *Hulbert Fellows Fairchild, M.A.; Chancellor and Justice Su- perior Crt. Ark. *Nahum Gale, D.D. ; Amherst 1837, M.A. Am- herst; Trustee; Princ. Acad. Amherst, Prof. Eccl. Hist. Hartford Theol. Sem., Trus- tee same. Edgar Ketchum, M.A. Edward H. Sexton, M.A. ; M.D. elsewhere. 1859 *George Augustus Bissell, M.A. *Cyrus West Field, M.A., LL.D. 1875. *Theophilus Rogers Marvin, M.A.; Mass. H. Rep., Mass. Const. Conven. 1853, Am. Statis. Soc., N. E. Hist. Geneal. Soc. Andrew Morehouse, M.A. *I lenry Walbridge Taf t,M. A. ; Register of Probate, Clerk Co. Crt. Berkshire Co., Mass., Mass. Hist. Soc., Am. Antiq. Soc. * John Waddington, D.D. ; Airdale Coll. England. 1860 ^Nathaniel Prentice Banks, LL.D.; LL.D. Harvard 1858, and Amherst 1860 ; Governor Mass., M. C., Speaker U. S. H. Rep., Maj. Gen. U. S. V. * Zachary Eddy, D.D. ; M.A. (Hon.) Brown 1853. *Ezra Lincoln, M.A. Stephen S. Smith, M.A. *Henry Wilson, M.A. ; LL.D. Dartmouth 1 874 ; Senator U. S., Vice- Presi- dent U. S., Col. 22d Mass. U.S.V., N. E. Hist. Geneal. Soc. 1861 *Jacob T. Boyle, M.A. *Francis E. R. Chubbuck, M.A. *Eden Burroughs Foster, D.D.; Dartmouth 1837, Andover Theol. Sem. 1841. *Ebenezer Rockwood Hoar, LL.D. ; Harvard 1835, LL.B. Har- vard 1839, LL.D. Harvard 1868 ; Fellow and Overseer Harvard, Justice Sup. Crt. Mass., Atty. Gen. U. S., M. C., Memb. Joint High Com. 1871, Mass. Hist. Soc., Fellow Am. Acad. 1894 1863 166 GENERAL CATALOGUE, WILLIAMS COLLEGE. 1905 *Jared Potter Kirtland, LL.D. ; M.D.Yale 1815, Prof. Theo. and Prac. Med. Ohio Med. Coll. and Western Reserve, Pres. Ohio Med. Soc., Cor. Mernb. N. E. Hist. Geneal. Soc., Nat. Acad. Sc. Benjamin Franklin Mills, M.A.; Princ. Greylock Inst. Wil- liamstown, Mass. H. Rep., Mass. Sen. * Joseph Mullens, D.D. ; Univ. London 1841, D.D. Univ. Edinburgh 1867; For. Secty. London Miss. Soc. Henry Augustus Ward, M.A. ; Member Class of 1855 ; Prof. Nat. Sc. Univ. Roch- ester, F. R. G. S. 1862 John B. Holmes, M.A. Member Class of 1854. *Myron Win slow Smith, M.A.; Rutgers 1858, M.A. Rut- gers; Lt. and Adj. 1st U.S. C. I., Act. Asst. Adj. Gen. 1st Brig. 3d Div. 18th Army Corps ; mortally wounded at Fillmore, Va. *Sanford Huntington Smith, M.A.; New Jersey 1854, M.A. New Jersey, Princeton Theol. Sem. 1860; U. S. Christian Com. 1863 *Josiah Gardiner Abbott, LL.D.; Harvard 1832; Overseer Harvard, M. C. 1879 1891 John James Dunlop, M.A. ^Philemon Hoisted Fowler, D.D.; Geneva Coll. 1832, M.A. Geneva Coll, Princeton Theol. Sem. 1836, D.D. Norwich Univ. 1853 ; Tutor Geneva Coll., Trustee Ham- ilton,Trustee Auburn Theol. Sem., Mod. Presb. Gen. As- sembly 1869. *John Calvin Holbrook, D.D. ; Norwich Univ. 1824, LL.D. Norwich Univ. 1897 ; Secty. Cong. H. M. Soc., a Founder Chicago Theol. Sem. * John Benedict Steele, M.A. ; Justice Co. Crt. N. Y., M. C. 1864 ^Benjamin Franklin Butler, LL.D. ; Waterville Coll. 1838, M.A. Waterville Coll., LL.D. Waterviile Coll. 1862, and Dartmouth 1888 ; Brig. Gen., Maj. Gen. U. S. V., Mass. H. Rep., Mass. Sen., M. C., Governor Mass. *Ethan Samuel Chapin, M.A. John Randall, M.A. *John Gould Scott, M.A. ; Princ. State Normal Sch. Westfield, Mass. 1865 1879 1866 1889 *WtUiam Ward Davenport, M.A. 187 ^Lucius James Knowles, M. A. ; Mass. H. Rep., Mass. Sen. 1884 * Thomas Laurie, D.D. ; Illinois 1838, And. Theol. Sem. 1843. 1897 1905 HONORARY GRADUATES. 167 *Frederic Leake,M.A.,L.H.D. 1887; Instr. French Lang, and Lit. 1898 James M. McNair, M.A. Sherman Minor Merrill, M.A. *William Orton, M.A. *Robert Hewson Pruyn, LL.D.; Rutgers 1833, M.A. Rut- gers, LL.D. Rutgers ; Trus- tee same; Adj. Gen. State N. Y., Speaker N. Y. As- sembly, Pres. Officer State Const. Conven. N. Y. 1872, President Bd. Dir. Dudley Obs. N.Y., U. S. Min. Plen. Empire of Japan. *Edmund Wright Russell, M.A. 18n *Truman Seymour, M.A. ; Lt, Capt., Maj. 5th Art. U. S. A., Brig. Gen. U. S. V., Bvt. Maj. Gen. U. S. A., Maj. (retd.) U. S. A. 1891 *Edwin Bonaparte Webb, D.D.; Bowdoin 1846, M.A. Bow- doin, Bangor Theol. Sem. 1850, D.D. Bowdoin 1877 ; Overseer, Trustee Bowdoin, Chrmn. Trustees Hartford Theol. Sem., Vice-Presdt. Am. Home Miss. Soc. 1901 Samuel Hart Wright, M.A. 1866 *Nathan Snell Babbitt, M.A. ; M.D. Berk. Med. Inst. 1833 ; Mass. Med. Soc. 1889 Albert Milton Bigelow, M.A. John Milton Clark, B.A. * William Ellis, D.D. ; For. Secty. London Miss. Soc. ; Missionary to South Sea Islds., and Madagascar. 1872 *Francis Gardner, LL.D. ; Harvard 1831, M.A. Har- vard ; Head Master Boston Latin Sch. 187 Abner Ensign Gibbs, M.A. *IIenry Augustus Pierce, M.A.; U. S. Min. Plen. Kingdom of Hawaii. Francis W. Woodward, B.A. 1867 *Richard Henry Dana, LL.D. ; Harvard 1808. 1879 John Bathurst Dickson, LL.D. Arthur Gilman, M.A. ; M.A. (Hon.) Harvard 1904; Director Gilman Sch. Cam- bridge,Mass.,Regent,Memb. Corp. Radcliffe, Wis. Hist. Soc., Am. Hist. Assoc., Am. Geneal. and Hist. Soc. *Edwin Denison Morgan, LL.D. ; Governor N. Y., Senator U. S. 1883 ^Orlando Bronson Potter, M.A., LL.D. 1889; Member Class of 1847 ; M. C. 1894 John William Scott, M.A. * Thomas Jlalston Smith, D.D. 1908 *William Henry Whitmore, M.A.; M.A. (Hon.) Harvard 1867 ; Rec. Commr., City Registrar Boston, N. E. Hist. Geneal. Soc., Mass. Hist. Soc. 190 1868 * Juba Howe Allen, M.A. ; Princ. Mt. Pleasant Mil. Acad. Sing Sing, N. Y. 168 GENERAL CATALOGUE, WILLIAMS COLLEGE. 1905 1901 *James Goodwin Batterson, M.A.; M.A. (Hon.) Yale 1870. Henry H. Cook, M.A. William A. Dana, M.A. Gabriel Havens De llevoise, M.A.; Member Class of 1857; And. Theol. Sem. 1864. Oscar Coleman De Wolfe, M.A.; M.D. Berk. Med. Inst. 1857, and Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1858; Mass. Med. Soc. William Endicott, M.A. ; M.A. (Hon.) Harvard 1888; N. E. Hist. Geneal. Soc., Colon. Soc. Mass. ^Hamilton Andrews Hill, M.A.; M.A. (Hon.) Oberlin 1867, LL.D. Univ. Pennsylvania 1893 ; Mass. H. Rep., Am. Soc. Sc. Assoc., Am. Statis. Soc., N. E. Hist. Geneal. Soc., Am. Phil. Soc., Mass. Hist. Soc., Am. Antiq. Soc. 1895 Charles McAllister, M.A. ; M.D. elsewhere. *Alden March, LL.D. ; M.D. Brown 1820; Prof. Prac. Surg. Univ. Albany, President N. Y. Med. Soc., President Am. Med. Assoc. 1869 Frederic Ward Putnam, M.A. ; B.S. Harvard 1862, Sc.D. (Hon.) Univ. Pennsylvania 1894; Curator Peabody Museum and Peabody Prof. Am. Archaeol. and Ethnol. Harvard, Adv. Curator Anthropol. Am. Museum Nat. Hist., Curator Ornith., Dir. Museum, and Vice- Presdt. Essex Inst., Supt. and Perm. Secty. Museum EastlndiaMar. Soc., Chrmn. Sch. Com., Salem, Mass., Curator Ichthyol., Vice- Presdt., President Boston Soc. N at. Hist., Chrmn. Com. Anthropol. Univ. California, Mass. Hist. Soc., Fellow Am. Acad., Am. Assoc. Adv. Sc., President Am. Folk Lore Soc., Chief Dept. Ethnol. World's Col. Expos., Chev. Legion d'Honneur, Drexel Gold Medal. 1869 Charles Linneus Benedict, LL.D.; Univ. Vermont 1844, M.A. Univ. Vermont, LL.D. same; Justice U. S. Dist. Crt. East. Dist. N. Y. *Jeremiah Colburn, M.A. ; Hon. Memb. Am. Numis. and Arch. Soc., Cor. Memb. Numis. and Antiq. Soc. Phila., Associe Etranger Soc. Roy. de Num. Beige, Brussels, Hon. Memb. N. H. Hist. Soc.jCor.Memb.Penn., Virg. and Wis. Hist. Socs. *HenryLaurens Dawes,LL.D.; Yale 1839, M.A. Yale 1849, LL.D. Yale 1889; Mass. H. Rep., Mass. Const. Conv. 1853, M. C., Senator U. S., U. S. Indian Commr. Charles William Eliot, LL.D. ; Harvard 1853, M.A. Har- vard, LL.D. New Jersey 1869, Yale 1870, and Johns Hopkins 1902 ; Tutor, Asst. Prof. Math, and Chem., Overseer, President Har- vard, Prof. Analyt. Chem. Mass. Inst. Tech., Am. Philos. Soc., Mass. Hist. Soc., Fellow Am. Acad., Officier Legion d'Honneur. 1905 HONORARY GRADUATES. 169 William Everett, M.A., L.H.D. 1889, LL.D. 1893 ; Harvard 1859, and Cain- bridge Univ. 1863, LL.B. Harvard 1865, M.A. Har- vard, and Cambridge Univ. 1870, Ph.D. Harvard 1875, LL.D. Dartmouth 1901 ; Tutor, Asst. Prof. Latin, Overseer Harvard, Head Master Adams Acad., Quincy, Mass., Act. Princ. Phillips Acad. Exeter, N. H., M. C., Mass. Hist. Soc., Fellow Am. Acad. ^Benjamin Howard, M.A. ; Member Class of 1859; M.D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1858; Asst. Surg. 19th N. Y. U. S. V., Prof. Ophthal. and Clin. Surg. Long Island Coll. Hosp., Fellow Royal Med. Chirug. Soc. London. *Daniel Sheldon Rodman, M.A.; Member Class of 1845; Yale Div. Sch. 1848. George Augustus Walton, M.A.; Sch. Com. Newton, Mass., Agent Mass. State Bd. Educ., President Am. Inst. Instr. *John Ellis Wool, LL.D. ; Capt, Maj., Lt. Col. Inf., Brig. Gen., Maj. Gen. U. S. A. 1870 John Currey, LL.D. ; Justice and Ch. Justice Sup. Crt. California. Samuel Ashbel Farrand, M.A.; New Jersey 1860. 1900 1869 *John Lowell, LL.D. ; Harvard 1843, LL.B. Har- vard 1845, M.A. Harvard, LL.D. Harvard 1871 ; Over- seer same, Justice U. S. Dist. Crt. Mass., Justice U. S. Circ. Crt., N. E. Hist. Geneal. Soc., Mass. Hist. Soc., Colon. Soc. Mass., Fel- low Am. Acad. 1897 * Ariel Ebenezer Parish Per- kins, D.D. ; Amherst 1840, And. Theol. Sem. 1843. 1899 Edwin Powell, M.A. ; M.D. elsewhere, Prof. Surg. Chicago Med. Coll. ^Bradford Ripley Wood, LL.D. ; Union 1824, M.A. Union; Trustee ; M. C., U. S. Min. Plen. Denmark. 1889 1871 James De Hart Bruen, M.A. * Alexander Blyth Bullions, D.D.; Union 1842, M.A. Union, Princeton Theol. Sem. 1844; Prof. Lang. Carroll Coll. Wis. 1882 Burke Aaron Hinsdale,~M..A.; M.A. (Hon.) Bethany Coll. 1871, Ph.D. Ohio State Univ. 1888, LL.D. same 1892; Prof. Philos. Hist, and Bibl. Lit., President Hiram Coll., Prof. Sc. and Art of Teaching Univ. Michigan, Supt. Public Instr. Cleve- land, Ohio, Va. Hist. Soc. Charles Edward Robinson. D.D.; Hamilton 1857, M.A. Ham- ilton, Auburn Theol. Sem. 1861. 1TO GENERAL CATALOGUE, WILLIAMS CQLLEGE. 1905 *Charles Henry Thomson, M.A.; Nat. Soc. Sc. Assoc. 1872 James Meeker Ludlow, D.D. ; New Jersey 1861, M.A. New Jersey, Princeton Theol. Sem. 1864, L.H.D. Princeton 1890 ; Dir. Union Theol. Sem. *Birdseye Grant Northrop, LL.D. ; Yale 1841, Yale Div. Sch. 1845, M.A. (Hon.) Yale 1853 ; Agt. Mass. Bd. Educ., Secty. Conn. Bd. Educ., Trustee Smith, Nat. Educ. Soc., President Am. Instit. Instr. ^Hartley Williams, M.A. ; Justice Munic. Crt. and Cent. Dist. Crt. Worcester, Mass., Mass. Sen., Exec. Council, Sch. Com. Worces- ter. 1873 William D. Andrews, M.A. Thaddeus Clapp, M.A. *David Davis, LL.D. ; Kenyon 1832 ; Justice Sup. Crt. U. S., Senator U. S. *Orlando Marcellus Fernald, M.A., LL.D. 1901 ; Harvard 1864; Lawrence Prof. Greek Lang, and Lit., Secty. Faculty ; Class. Instr. Springfield High Sch. *Roswell Dwight Hitchcock, LL.D. ; Amherst 1836, M.A. Am- herst, And. Theol. Sem. . 1841, D.D. Bowdoin 1855, LL.D. Univ. Edinburgh 1884 1882 1884 and Harvard 1886, Berlin Univ.; Tutor, Trus- tee Amherst, Collins Prof. Nat. and Rev. Relig. Bow- doin, Director, Prof. Ch. Hist, and President Union Theol. Sem., N.Y. Hist. Soc., Vice-Pres. Am. Geog. Soc. 1887 A. Willard Humphreys, M.A. *FranklinKittredge Paddock, M.A.; M.D. Berk. Med. Inst. 1864; Demonst. Anat., Prosect. Surg., Prof. Urinol. and Ven. Dis., Dean Berk. Med. Inst., President Mass. Med. Soc., Mass. Medico- Leg. Soc. 1901 *Eli Todd Tappan, LL.D. ; M.A. (Hon.) St. Mary's Coll. Baltimore, Md., 1860, LL.D. Washington and Jef- ferson 1874; Prof. Math. Ohio Univ. Athens, Ohio, Prof. Math., President Ken- yon, Mayor, Supt. Public Schs. Steubenville, Ohio, State Commr. Schs. Ohio, President Ohio Teachers' Assoc., President Nat. Educ. Assoc. 1888 1874 *James Carson Brevoort, LL.D.; Regent Univ. State of N. Y., Trustee and Supt. Astor Libr. N. Y., Cor. Memb. N. E. Hist. Geneal. Soc., Cor. Memb. Mass. Hist. Soc., Am. Geog. Soc., President L. I. Hist. Soc. 1887 * James Howard Means, D.D.; Harvard 1843, M.A. Har- vard, And. Theol. Sem. 1847; N. E. Hist. Geneal. Soc. ** 1005 IIONOI; \i;\ GRADUATES. 171 *Lewis Baxter Monroe, M. A. ; Prof. Eloc. and Oratory, Dean Sch. of Orat. Boston Univ. Charles Cooper Nott, LL.D. ; Union 1848, M.A. Union; Justice and Chief Justice U. S. Crt. Claims, Washing- ton, D. C. *Henry Lillie Pierce, M.A. ; M.A. (Hon.) Dartmouth 1876 ; Mayor Boston, M. C., N. E. Hist. Geneal. Soc., Mass. Hist. Soc. 1875 Horace Briggs, Ph.D. * John Bright, LL.D. ; LL.D. Univ. Glasgow 1883, D.C.L. Univ. Oxford 1886; Lord Rector Univ. Glasgow, M. P. William P. Fogg, M.A. John T. Goddard, M.A. George Clark Hutton, D.D. *John Adams Leland, Ph.D. ; Member Class of 1837; South Carolina 1837, M.A. same 1840 ; Prof. Math. State Mil. Acad., Prof. Mech. and Nat. Philos. Davidson Coll., President Zion Coll. N. C. ; Master in Equity. William Gibbons Medlicott, M.A.; M.A. (Hon.) Amherst 1867. *John Leverett Thompson, M.A.; Member Class of 1856; LL.B. Harvard 1858, M.A. (Hon.) Dartmouth 1867; Lt. -Col. 1st R. I. Cav., Col. 1st N. H. Cav., Bvt. Brig. Gen. U. S. V. 1876 *William Henry Robertson, LL.D. ; Justice Co. Crt. Westchester Co., N. Y., N. Y. Assem., N. Y. Sen., M. C., U. S. Electoral College, U. S. Col- lector Customs, Port of New York. Henry Reed Stiles, M.A. ; Member Class of 1852; M.D. Univ. City of N. Y., and N. Y. Ophthal. Hosp. 1855; Lect. Hyg. and San. Laws N. Y. Homoeop. Med. Coll., Prof. Ment. and Nerv. Diseases N. Y. Woman's Med. Coll. and Hosp., Med. Supt. N. Y. State Asylum for Insane, Cor. Memb. N. E. Hist. Geneal. Soc., First President N. Y. Geneal. and Biog. Soc., Long Island Hist. Soc., N. Y. Hist. Soc., Conn. Hist. Soc., Rec. Secty. Am. Anthropol. Inst., Am. Philos. Soc., Rec. Secty. Am. Ethnol. Soc. *Isaiah Thornton Williams, M.A. 1877 Thomas Hunter, Ph.D. ; M.A. Columbia 1864, Ph.D. Univ. City of N. Y. 1893; President N. Y. City Nor- mal Coll. * Edward Pay son Roe, M.A. ; Member Class of 1863; Auburn Theol. Sem. 1864; Chaplain 2d N. Y. Cav. U. S. V., Hosp. Chaplain For- tress Monroe. 1888 172 GENERAL CATALOGUE, WILLIAMS COLLEGE. 1905 1878 *JEliphalet NottP otter ,LL.T). ; Union 1841, D.D. Union 1869, and Columbia 1872; Secty. and Prof. Ethics Lehigh Univ., Prof. Mor. Philos., Lect. Evid. Chris., President and Trustee Union, President Hobart, President Cosmopolitan Univ. 1901 *Truman Henry Safford, Ph.D.; Harvard 1854; Lect. As- tron., Prof. Astron. and Nat. Philos., Field Memo- rial Prof. Astron., Director Astron. Obs., Librarian ; Asst. Observ. Astron. Obs. Harvard, Prof. Astron. Univ. Chicago, Director Dearborn Obs., Cor. Memb. N. E. Hist. Geneal. Soc., Fellow Am. Acad., Hon. Memb. N. Y. Acad. Sc., Associate Royal Astron. Soc. London, Memb. As- tron. Soc. Leipzig. 1901 Charles Oscar Waters, M.A. ; Member Class of 1838; M.D. Jefferson Med. Coll. 1841; Asst. Surgeon 15th Inf. U. S. A., Regent Univ. Iowa, Director Presb. Theol. Sem. Northwest. 1879 Henry Walker Bishop, M.A. ; Amherst 1850; Master in Chancery 111. Julius Daniel Dreher, Ph.D. ; Roanoke 1871, M.A. Roan- oke 1874; Asst. Prof., Fin. Secty., President Roanoke. * James Marion Sims, LL.D. ; South Carolina 1832, M.D. Jefferson Med. Coll. 1835, LL.D. Jefferson 1881 ; Pres- ident Am. Gynsecol. Soc., Chev. Legion d'Honneur, Chev. de 1'Ordre Leopold de Belgique, Cor. Fellow Royal Acad. Med. Belgium. 1880 Edward Payson Crowell,D.D.; Amherst 1853, M.A. Am- herst; Tutor, Instr. Latin and German, Moore Prof. Latin Lang, and Lit., Dean Amherst, Lect. Latin Lit. Smith, Mass. H. Rep., Am. Philos. Soc. William Alfred Hovey, M.A. *Harvey Jewell, LL.D. ; Dartmouth 1844, LL.D. Dartmouth 1875; Speaker Mass. H. Rep., Judge Crt. Commrs. Alabama Claims 1875, N. E. Hist. Geneal. Soc. * Samuel Nichols, D.D. ; Yale 1811, M.A. Columbia 1818. Edward Lasell Partridge, M.A.; M.D. Columbia 1875 ; Lect. Woman's Med. Coll. N. Y. Infirmary, Lect., Adj. Prof. Obstet. and Diseases Worn. and Chil. Columbia, N. Y. Med. Soc., N. Y. Med. and Surg. Soc., N. Y. Acad. Med., Pathol. Soc. William Poillon, M.A. ; Vice-Presdt. Am. Num. and Archseol. Soc. William H. Rosenstenger, M.A. 1905 HONORARY GRADUATES. 173 1885 *Charles Oliver Thompson, Ph.D. ; Dartmouth 1858, M.A. Dartmouth, Ph.D. same 1879; Prof. Chem. and Princ. Worcester Polytech. Inst, Lect. Mt. Holyoke, President Rose Polytech. Inst., Am. Inst. Min. Engrs., Am. Antiq. Soc., Am. Assoc. Adv. Sc. *Alphonso Wood, Ph.D. ; Dartmouth 18 34; Prof, and President Ohio Fern. Coll., Prof. Bot. N. Y. Coll. Pharm. 1881 1881 *Alfred Corning Clark, M.A. ; Trustee. Edward Lord Clark, D.D. ; Brown 1858, And. Theol. Sem. 1863; Chaplain 12th Mass. U. S. V., Director Union Theol. Sem. Morris Ketchum Jesup, M.A. ; LL.D. Princeton 1902 ; President N. Y. City Miss. and Tract Soc., President N. Y. Chamber of Com- merce, President Am. Mus. Nat. Hist, Director Union Theol. Sem., Trustee N. Y. Asylum for Deaf and Dumb. 1882 *Eugene Schuyler, LL.D. ; Yale 1859, LL.B. Columbia 1863, Ph.D. Yale 1861, LL.D. Yale 1885; U. S. Min. Resid. Roumania, Ser- via and Greece. 189 1883 Richard Austin Rice, M.A. ; Yale 1868; Prof. Mod. Lang, and Lit., J. Leland Miller Prof. Am. Hist., Lit. and Eloq., Prof. Art and Hist. Civ.; Prof. Mod. Lang, and Lit. Univ. Vermont. Levi Seeley, M.A. ; Ph.D. Leipzig 1886; Prof. Ped. Trenton Normal Sch. N. J. Everett Titsworth Tomlin- son, M.A. ; Member Class of 1880 ; PhD. Colgate 1888; Instr. Rutgers, N. Y. State Lib. Com., Exec. Board Am. Bapt. H. M. Soc., Presi- dent N. J. Bapt. Educ. Soc. Albert Van Der Veer, M.A. ; M.D. Nat. Med. Coll. Wash- ington, D. C., 1862, and Albany Univ. 1869, Ph.D. Union and Hamilton 1883; Surg. 66th N. Y. U. S. V., Prof. Gen. and Sp. Anat., Prof. Didac.. Abdom. and Clin. Surgery, and Dean Union. 1884 John Clarence Keeler, M.A. William Cleveland Thayer, M.A. 1885 John Shenton Bright, D.D. William Taylor Campbell, M.A.; Harvard 1875 ; Master Bos- ton Latin Sch. 174 GENERAL CATALOGUE, WILLIAMS COLLEGE. 1905 Edward Parmelee Morris, M.A.,L.H.D. 1904; Yale 1874; Mass. Prof. Latin Lang, and Lit., Instr. German ; Prof. Math. Lake Forest Univ., Prof. Greek Lang, and Lit. Drury, Prof. Latin Lang, and Lit. Yale. ^Francis Parkraan, LL.D. ; Harvard 1844, LL.B. Har- vard 1846, LL.D. McGill 1879, and Harvard 1889; Prof. Hortic., Fellow, and Overseer Harvard, N. E. Hist. Gen. Soc., Vice-Pres. Mass. Hist. Soc., Colon. Soc. Mass., Fellow Am. Acad., Hon. Memb. Soc. Antiq. London, Royal Hist. Soc. Gt. Brit., Lit. and Hist. Soc. Quebec, Cor. Memb. Royal Soc. Canada. 1886 Harlan Page Amen, M.A. ; Harvard 1879; Princ. River- view Acad. Poughkeepsie, N. Y., Princ. and Prof. Latin Phillips Acad. Exeter, N. H., Am. Archaeol. Inst., Am. Philol. Soc., Am. Hist. Assoc. Burton Willis Potter, M.A. ; Member Class of 1867; Sergt. 14th Vt. U. S. V., Mass. H. Rep., Mass. Sen., Director, President Trustees Worcester Free Pub. Lib., President Worcester Soc. of Antiq. *Byron Weston, M.A. ; Capt. 49th Mass. U. S. V., Mass. Sen., Lt. Governor Mass., N. E. Hist. Geneal. Soc. 1898 1888 * James Leonard Corning, M.A.; M.D. Univ. Wtirzburg ; N. Y. Neurol. Soc., N. Y. Acad. Med., N. Y. State Med. Soc. John Haskell Hewitt, M.A. ; Yale 1859, Yale Div. Sch. 1863, M.A. Yale, LL.D. Union 1895 ; Garfield Prof. Anc. Lang., Acting Presi- dent, Lawrence Prof. Greek Lang, and Lit. ; Instr. Math, and Eng.,Prof. Latin Lang., Acting President Olivet, Acting President, Prof. Latin and Greek Lang., Trustee Lake Forest Univ., Asst. Librarian Yale, Bd. Mangrs. Am. Sch Athens and Rome. Leverett Mears, M.A. ; Amherst 1874, Ph.D. Got- tingen 1876; Prof. Physics and Chem., Prof. Chem. ; Instr. Chem. Amherst. 1889 Jonathan Leamtt Jenkins, D.D.; Yale 1851, M.A. Yale, Yale Div. Sch. 1855. William Gordon McCabe, M.A.; Univ. Virginia 1861, M.A. (Hon.) William and Mary 1868, L.H.D. Yale 1897; Princ. Univ. Sch. Peters- burg and Richmond, Va., President Va. Hist. Soc. Frank Jewett Mather, M.A. ; Trustee Rochester Theol. Sem. 1905 HONORARY GRADUATES. 175 1890 * William Pope St. John, M. A. 1806 1891 * Cecil Franklin Patch Ban- croft, L.H.D. ; Dartmouth 1860, M.A. Dartmouth, And. Theol. Sem. 1867, Ph.D. Univ. State of N. Y. 1874, LL.D. Yale 1892; Princ. Phillips Acad. Andover, Mass.,Trus- tee And. Theol. Sem., Trus- tee Dartmouth, Am. Philol. Assoc., Nat. Geog. Soc. 1901 Samuel Fessenden Clarke, M.A.; Ph.B. Yale 1878, Ph.D. Johns Hopkins 1879; Prof. Nat. Hist.; Asst. Zool. Yale, Asst. Biol. Lab. Johns Hopkins, Lect. Botany Smith, Asst. Dir. U. S. Marine Lab. Woods Hole, Dir. Williams Table Inter- natl. Zool. Station Naples, Fellow Am. Acad., Am. Soc. Naturalists, Am. Morph. Soc., Am. Assoc. Adv. Sc., Am. Soc. Zoolo- gists. George Herbert Ghitterson, M.A.; And. Theol. Sem. 1878; Dist. Secty. Am. Miss. Assoc. *William Eustis Russell, LL.D. ; Harvard 1877, LL.B. Bos- ton Univ. (summa cum laude) 1879; Mayor Cam- bridge, Governor Mass., U. S. Indian Commr., N. E. Hist. Geneal. Soc., Colon. Soc. Mass. 1896 1892 * James Barclay Jermain, LL.D. 1893 Charles Augustus Briggs, D.D.; Univ. Virginia 1860, Union Theol. Sem. 1863, D.D. New Jersey 1875, Univ. Edinburgh 1884, and Univ. Glasgow, Scotland, 1901, Litt. D. Univ. Oxford, Eng- land, 1901 ; Prof. Hebrew and Cogn. Lang., Prof. Bib. Theol., and Librarian Union Theol. Sem., Ed. Presbyt. Review, Am. Orient. Soc., German Orient. Soc. Henry Augustine Childs, LL.D. ; Dist. Atty. Orleans Co., Justice Sup. Crt. N. Y. * John Patterson Goyle, DD.; New Jersey 1875, M.A. New Jersey; Tutor New Jersey. Merrill Edwards Gates, LL.D.; Univ. Rochester 1870, Ph.D. Univ. State of N. Y. 1880, L.H.D. Columbia 1887, LL.D. Univ. Roches- ter 1882, Princeton 1882, and Columbia 1891 ; Presi- dent Rutgers, President Amherst, U. S. Indian Commr., Secty. U. S. Bd. Indian Commrs., President Am. Missionary Assoc., Am. Soc. Sc. Assoc., Am. Hist. Assoc., Am. Philos. Soc. 176 GENERAL CATALOGUE, WILLIAMS COLLEGE. 1905 *Josiah Willard Gibbs, LL.D.; Yale 1858,M.A. Yale,Ph.D. Yale 1863, and Erlangen 1 893, LL.D. Princeton 1896, Math. D. Univ. Kristiania 1902; Tutor, Prof. Math, and Physics Yale, Nat. Acad. Sc., London Math. Soc., Cambridge Philos. Soc. England, Konig. Ge- sellsch. Wissensch. Univ. Gottingen, Maatschappy Wetensch., Leyden, Konig. Akad. Wetensch. Amster- dam, Acad. Sc. Munich, Cor. Memb. Institut de France, Fellow Royal Soc., London. Chester David Hartranft, D.D.; Univ. Pennsylvania 1861, M.A. Univ. Pennsylvania, Mus.D. Rutgers 1871, D.D. Rutgers 1876 ; Prof. Eccles. Hist., Prof. Bibl. Theol., President and Prof. Eccles. Dogm. and Ethics Hart- ford Theol. Sem., Honorary President same, Instr. En- cyclopaedia and Methodol- ogy Wolfenbtittel, Ger- many. Frederick John Kingsbury, LL.D. ; Yale 1846, M.A. Yale, LLD. Yale 1899; Fellow same, Conn. H. Rep., Treas. Bronson Libr. Waterbury, Conn., Am. Antiq. Soc., Am. Hist. Assoc., President Am. Soc. Sc. Assoc., Conn. Acad. Arts and Sc., Greek Arch- feol. Soc. Arthur Lawrence, D.D. ; Harvard 1863, M.A. Har- vard, B.D. Episc. Theol. Sch. Cambridge 1869; Mass. Colon. Soc. Henry Cabot Lodge, LL.D. ; Harvard 1871, LL.B. Har- vard 1874, Ph.D. Harvard 1876, LL.D. Yale 1902, Clark Univ. 1902, and Har- vard 1904 ; Overseer Har- vard ; M. C., Senator U. S., N. E. Hist. Gen. Soc., Mass. Hist. Soc., Fellow Am. Acad. Edward Patterson, LL.D. ; LL.D. Hobart 1898; Jus- tice Sup. Crt. Appellate Div. N.Y., N.Y. State Bar Assoc., Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. * Thomas Harwood Pattison, D.D.; Regent's Park Coll., Lon- don 1862, D.D. Madison Univ. 1880, and Brown 1892 ; Prof. Homil. and Past. Theol. Rochester Theol. Sem. 1904 George Williamson Smith, LL.D. ; Hobart 1857, M.A. Hobart, D.D. Hobart 1880, Colum- bia 1887 and Yale 1901, LL.D. Trinity 1887; Presi- dent and Hobart Prof. Metaph., Emeritus Prof. Metaph. Trinity, Princ. Bladensburg Acad. Md., Chaplain U. S. N., Act. Prof. Math. U. S. Naval Academy. William Jewett Tucker, ( LL.D. ; Dartmouth 1861, And. Theol. Sem. 1866, D.D. Dartmouth 1875, LL.D. Yale 1895 ; Prof. Sac. Rhet. And. Theol. Sem., Trustee and President Dartmouth, Lecturer Lyman Beecher Foundation Yale 1898,Lectr urer, Director Union Theol. Sem. 1905 HONORARY GRADUATES. 177 *Justin Winsor, LL.D. ; Harvard 1853, LL.D. Univ. Michigan 1887 ; Librarian Harvard and Boston Pub. Lib., Vice-Free. Mass. Hist Soc., N. E. Hist. Geneal. Soc., Am. Philos. Soc., Fel- low Am. Acad., Cor. Memb. Royal Soc. Canada, Hon. Memb. Lit. and Hist. Soc. Quebec, Hon. Cor. Memb. Royal Geog. Soc. Lon- don. 1894 Hermon Camp Gordinier,M. A. ; M.D. Union 1886; Lect- urer Anat. Nerv. Syst.,Instr. Phys. Diag. Union. Joseph Carlton Norris, M.A. Andrew Van Vranken Ray- mond, LL.D. ; Union 1875, M.A. Union, New Brunswick Theol. Sem. 1878, D.D. Union 1886, Ph.D. same 1887; President Union, Trustee Auburn Theol. Sem. 1895 Francis Greenleaf Allinson, M.A.; Haverford Coll. 1876, Har- vard 1877, M.A. Haverford Coll., Ph.D. Johns Hopkins 1880; Asst. Prof. Anc. Lang. ; Asst. Prof. Latin and Greek Haverford Coll., Head Master Classics Univ. Sch. Baltimore, Md., Asst. Prof. Latin and Greek, Prof. Class. Philol. Brown Univ., Trustee Haverford Coll., Am. Philol. Assoc. 1897 1896 Franklin Weston BartleU, M.A.; Union 1865, D.D. Union 1889; Instr. Heb. ; Instr. Penn. State Norm. Sch. Thomas Nelson Dale, M.A.; Instr. Geol. and Bot. ; Geol- ogist U. S. Geol. Survey, Corr. Kais.-K6nig. Geol. Reichsanstalt, Geol. Soc. France. Frank Goodrich, M.A. ; Yale 1880, Ph.D. Halle 1893; Asst. Prof. German Lang, and Lit., Prof. Ger- man Lang, and Hist., Prof. Europ. Hist.; Instr. Ger- man Yale. George Birkbeck Hill, LL.D. ; Hon. Fellow Pembroke Coll. Oxford, B.C.L. Univ. Oxford 1858, D.C.L. Univ. Oxford 1871, Head Mas- ter Bruce Castle Sch. Eng- land. Asa Henry Morton, M.A. ; Wabash 1882, M.A. Wa- bash, L.H.D. Wabash 1900; Asst. Prof., Prof. Romance Lang. Julius Sterling Morton, LL.D. ; Univ. Michigan 1854, Union 1856; Secty. and Act. Gov- ernor Nebraska, Neb. As- sembly, U. S. Secty. of Agric., President Neb. Hist. Soc. Theophilus Parsons Sawin, D.D. George Moritz Wahl, M.A. ; Univ. Leipzig, M.A. Rut- gers 1881, L.H.D. Rutgers 1891; Asst. Prof. Mod. Lang., Prof. German Lang, and Lit. 178 GENERAL CATALOGUE, WILLIAMS COLLEGE. 1905 1897 Winthrop Murray Crane, M.A.; Lt. Governor, Governor Mass., Senator U. S., Colon. Soc. Mass. Sanford Ballard Dole, LL.D. ; Member Class of 1867; Assoc. Justice Sup. Crt. Hawaii, President Republic of Hawaii, U. S. Governor Hawaii. *Roger Wolcott, LL.D. ; Harvard 1870, LL.B. Har- vard 1874 ; Tutor, Overseer Harvard, Lt. Governor, Act- ing Governor, Governor Mass., N. E. Hist. Geneal. Soc., Mass. Hist. Soc., Colon. Soc. Mass. 1898 *Samuel Johnson, M.A. ; N. E. Hist. Geneal. Soc., Colon. Soc. Mass. Charles Sedgwick Rackemann, M.A.; N. E. Hist. Geneal. Soc., Colon. Soc. Mass. Paul van Dyke, D.D. ; New Jersey 1881, M.A. Princeton 1884, Princeton Theol. Sem. 1884; Instr. Ch. Hist, same, Prof. Hist. Princeton, Am. Hist. Assoc. 1899 *David Howe Hitchcock, M.A.; Memb. Class of 1856; Justice Dist. Crt., Speaker Legis. Kingdom of Hawaii. George Pelton Lawrence, M. A.; Amherst 1880, M.A. Am- herst ; Justice North Berk- shire Dist. Crt. Berkshire Co., Mass., President Mass. Senate, M. C. 1900 Frank Fuller Murdock, M.A. ; Princ. State Normal Sch. North Adams, Mass. 1901 Edward Wingate Hatch, M.A. ; LL.D. Middlebury 1902; Dist. Atty. Erie Co., Justice Superior Crt., Justice Sup. Crt., Justice Appellate Div. 2d Dept. and 1st Dept. N. Y. James Lawrence Kellogg, M.A.; B.S. Olivet 1888, Ph.D. Johns Hopkins 1892; Asst. Prof., Prof. Biol. ; Prof. Biol. Olivet, Instr. Marine Biol. Lab., Investigator U. S. Fish Comm. Univ. State of N. Y., and State of Louis- iana, Soc. Am. Nat., Am. Morphol. Soc. 1902 Leonard Wood, LL.D. ; M.D. Harvard 1884, LL.D. Harvard 1899, Univ. Penn- sylvania 1903 ; Lt. and Asst. Surg., Capt. and Surg. U. S. A., Medal of Honor, Col. 1st U. S. Vol. Cav., Brig. Gen., Maj. Gen. " for gallant service," U. S. V., Mil. Gov. Santiago, Mil. Gov. Cuba, Brig. Gen., Maj. Gen. U. S. A. 1905 HONORARY GRADUATES. 179 1903 Henry Smith Pritchett,LL.D. ; Pritchett Coll. Mo. 1875, Ph.D. Univ. Munich 1895, LL.D. Hamilton 1900, Univ. Pennsylvania and Yale 1901, Johns Hopkins 1902; Asst. Astron. U. S. Nav. Obs., Astron. Morrison Obs., Prof. Astron. and Dir. Obs. Washington Univ., Supt. U. S. Coast and Geo- detic Survey, President Mass. Inst. Tech. William Tatlock, M.A. ; Member Class of 1888; Auburn Theol. Sem. 1897. 1904 James Barr Ames, LL.D. ; Harvard 1868, M.A. 1871, LL.B. 1872, LL.D. Har- vard 1904, Univ. City of New York and Univ. Wis- consin 1898, Univ. Penn- sylvania 1900, Northwest- ern Univ. 1903; Tutor, Instr. Hist., Asst. Prof. Law, Prof, and Bussey Prof. Law, Dane Prof. Law and Dean Law Sch. Harvard, Fellow Am. Acad., Colon. Soc. Mass. Edward Everett Hale, LL.D. ; Harvard 1839, M.A. 1842, D.D. Harvard 1879, LL.D. Dartmouth 1901; Overseer Harvard, Chaplain U. S. Senate, Mass. Hist. Soc., Fellow Am. Acad., Am. Philos. Soc., Hon. Memb. Soc. Geogr. y Estad. Re- public of Mexico. William Bennett Munro, M.A.; Queen's Coll., Canada, 1895, M.A. Queen's Coll. 1896, and Harvard 1899, LL.B. Univ. Edinburgh 1898, Ph.D. Harvard 1900 ; Instr. Polit. Sc., Instr. Sc. Gov. Harvard, Am. Hist. Assoc., Am. Acad. Polit. and Soc. Sc. Charles Seymour Whitman, M.A.; Amherst 1890, LL.B. Univ. City of N. Y. 1894 ; Asst. Corp. Couns., City Magist. N. Y. 1905 Francis Richmond Allen, M.A ; Amherst 1865 ; Boston Soc. Architects, Am. Inst. Archi- tects, N. E. Hist. Geneal. Soc. . Joseph Hodges Choate, LL.D. ; Harvard 1852, M.A., LL.B. Harvard 1854, LL.D. Am- herst 1887, Harvard 1888, Univ. Edinburgh and Univ. Cambridge 1900, Yale 1901, St. Andrew's 1902, Univ. Glasgow 1904, D.C.L. Univ. Oxford 1902, Hon. Bencher Middle Temple 1905; Presi- dent N. Y. Const. Conv. 1894, United States Am- bassador Extraordinary and Min. Plenip. to Gt. Britain, President N. Y. City Bar Assoc., President Am. Bar Assoc., Trustee Met. Mus. of Art, Trustee Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., Cor. Memb. Mass. Hist. Soc., Fellow Am. Acad. 180 GENERAL CATALOGUE, WILLIAMS COLLEGE. 1905 Wallace Clyde Johnson, M.A.; Member Class of 1884; Worcester Polyt. Inst. 1884; Am. Soc. Civ. Eng., Am. Mech. Eng., President Am. Inst. Elec. Eng., Society of Arts London. Theodore Roosevelt, L.H.D. ; Harvard 1880, LL.D. Co- lumbia 1899, Hope Coll. and Yale 1901, Harvard 1902, Univ. Chicago, Univ. California and Northwest- ern Univ. 1903, Univ. Penn- sylvania and Clark Univ. 1905 ; Overseer Harvard, Nat. Civ. Ser. Commr., President Police Bd. N. Y. City, Asst. Secty. Navy, Lt. Col., Col. 1st U. S. Vol. Cav., U. S. V., Governor New York, Vice- President, President United States, Am. Philos. Soc. Elihu Root, LL.D. ; Hamilton 1864, M.A. Ham- ilton, LL.B. Univ. City of N. Y. 1867, LL.D. Hamil- ton 1894, Yale 1900, Univ. City of N. Y. and Colum- bia 1904; Trustee Hamil- ton, U. S. Atty. South. Dist. N. Y., N. Y. Const. Conv. 1894, Chrmn. Judi- ciary Com. same, Alaska Boundary Com., Secty. of War U. S., Secty. of State U. S. SUMMARY. In the enumeration of leading professions Honorary Graduates are not included. Wherever clergymen, physicians and lawyers are also teachers, they are tabulated under one profession only. Number of officers of government and instruction 364 Number of individuals recorded on the roll of Graduates of the College 4,685 Reported as deceased 2,209 Supposed to be living 2,476 Holders of Honorary Degrees, not otherwise Graduates of Williams College 445 Reported as deceased 309 Supposed to be living 136 Number of alumni 4,240 Reported as deceased 1,900 Supposed to be living 2,340 Number of clergymen 941 Reported as deceased 564 Supposed to be living 377 Number of foreign missionaries 62 Reported as deceased 44 Supposed to be living 18 182 GENERAL CATALOGUE, WILLIAMS COLLEGE. 1905 Number of lawyers 739 Reported as deceased 329 Supposed to be living 460 Number of physicians 393 Reported as deceased 195 Supposed to be living 198 Number of teachers 383 Reported as deceased 251 Supposed to be living 132 Number in U. S. Mil. Service 226 Reported as deceased 153 Supposed to be living 73 INDEX. I, OFFICERS OF GOVERNMENT AND INSTRUCTION, II. ALUMNI AND HONORARY GRADUATES, INDEX OF OFFICERS. Adams, Thomas G 27 Adams, William W 11 Alden, Joseph 9, 17, 18 Allinson, Francis G 16 Anderson, James M 15 Andrews, Lilian H 23 Babbitt, Irving 24 Backus, William F 21 Bacon, John 8 Baermann, Philip H 23 Bailey, Rufus W 9 Baker, Charles 12 Ballard, Addison 17, 22 Bancroft, Dyar 21 Barker, George F 25 Barker, James M 11 Bartlett, Franklin W 23 Bartlett, Homer 10 Bartow, Edward 24, 26 Bascom, John I 17, 19, 23, 26 Bascom, Reynolds 22 Benedict, Erastus C 10, 22 Benedict, George W 22 Bennett, Milo L 9 Bicknell, Percy F 23, 26 Billetdoux, Edmond W 25, 27 Bishop, Henry W 10 Bishop, Nathaniel 8 Bliss, George 9 Boardman, Derick L 11 Booth, Robert R 10 Botsford, Eli H 26 Brackett, Joseph 22 Bradley, John E 11 Bradley, Walter P 26 Briggs, George N 10 Brinsmade, Horatio N 9 Brown, Harry G 27 Brown, Oliver S 27 Bryan, Thomas J 24 Budington, Robert A 27 Buel, David 9 Bullock, Charles J 19 Burbank, Asa 21 Burr, Charles H 12, 23, 28 Bushnell, Calvin 21 Butler, Charles 10 Calhoun, Simeon H 22 Calkins, Alonzo 22 Carter, Franklin 7, 14, 15, 16, 26 Catlin, Jacob 8 Chadbourne, Paul A 7, 17, 18, 23 Chapin, Oliver 21 Clark, Alfred C 11 Clark, David T 24 Clark, Edward 11 Clark, Thomas E 18 Clark, Thomas H 18 Clarke, Samuel F 18 Cleland, Herdman F 18, 24 Coffin, James H 22 Cole, Charles S 13 Collins, Charles J 23 Collins, Daniel 8 Colt, James D 10 Congdon, John P 26 Cooley, Timothy M 7, 8 Cowles, Samuel 21 Crawford, Robert 22 Curtis, Jared 21 Curtis, Winterton C 26 Dale, Thomas N 24, 26 Darby, John 14 Davenport, John G 23 Davis, Emerson 7, 9, 22 .Davis, Henry 21 Davison, Charles A 10 Day, Jeremiah 21 Day, Thomas 21 DeBeaumont, Victor 25 Delano, Eugene 12 Denison, Charles 21 Denison, John H 15, 25 Dewey, Charles A 9, 12 Dewey, Chester 14, 15, 21, 25 Dewey, Daniel 8, 12, 13, 15 186 GENERAL CATALOGUE, WILLIAMS COLLEGE. 1905 Dewey, Daniel N 9, 12, 13 Dewey, Francis H 10 Dewey, Harry P 12 Dewey, Justin 11 Dickinson, Hobert C 27 Dickinson, John W 11 Dimmock, William R. 11, 16 Dodd, Cyrus M 15 Dodge, Raymond 26 Dodge, William E '. 10 Dunbar, Daniel 21 Dunbar, Elijah 21 Dunbar, James R 12 Dutton, Thomas 22 Dutton, Warren 21 Dwight, Edwin W 9 Dwight, Henry W 9 Dwight, Thomas 8 Edson, Hanford W 24 Egleston, Nathaniel H 17 Elder, Elwood W 24 Ellis, George S 23 Elmer, Clement G 24 Emerson, Samuel M 21 Emmons, Ebenezer 17, 18, 25 Everitt, Henry L... 27 Farnsworth, Frederick T 24 Fernald, Orlando M 12, 16, 28 Ferry, Frederick C 15, 23, 27 Fisher, Samuel 21 Fisk.Ezra 9 Fitch, Ebenezer 7 Fite, Warner 24, 27 Flint, Ephraim 10 Flint, George H 26 Foote, Carlton A 23 Ford, Walter B 25 Fowler, Bancroft . 21 Gale, Nahum 10 Garfield, James A 11 Garfield, James R 11, 12 Giddings, Salmon 22 Gilfillan, James 11 Gillet, Timothy P 21 Gilson, Charles F 14, 19, 23 Gladden, Washington 11, 12 Glezen, Levi 8 Goodrich, Frank 19, 20 Goodrich, John Z 10 Gordon, Clarence McC 24, 26 Gould, Allen W 23 Gould, Vinson 21 Graves, Arthur B 10 Gray, Cyrus W 21 Green, Elmer A 28 Gridley, Ralph W 9 Griffin, Edward D 7, 15 Griffin, Edward H 16, 17, 23 Griffin, Nathaniel H 16, 22, 28 Haines, Richard T 9 Hale, George 22 Hall, Charles C 11 Hall, Granville S 25 Hancock, Albert E 24 Hardy, James G 15, 24 Harrington, Nathan R 26 Harris, Oscar 22 Hart, William C 27 Henshaw, Samuel 8 Hervey, William 22 Hewitt, John H 7, 16 Hollister, William H 12 Hopkins, Albert 14, 15, 19, 22 Hopkins, Amos L 11 Hopkins, Henry 7, 11, 15 Hopkins, Mark 7, 10, 15, 17, 22 Hosford, Henry B 22 Hosmer, James 13 Houghton, Albert C 11 Hovey, Sylvester 14, 15 Howard, Frederic H 20, 24 Hoyt, Henry M 11 Hoyt, Willard E 12, 13 Hubbard, Eli A 22 Hubbard, Fordyce M 22 Hubbell, Charles B 11 Humphrey, Heman 9 Hunter, George W 26 Huntington, Dan 21 Huntington, Edward V 24 Hyde, Alvan 7, 8 Hyde, Joseph 22 Hyde, William 10 Ingalls, Arthur B. Jenkins, Charles 22 Jennings, Frederic B 11 Johnson, Herbert P 26 Jones, Israel 8 Kellogg, Ebenezer . . 16, 28 Kellogg, George D 16 Kellogg, Giles B 10 Kellogg, James L 18 Kellogg, Justin 11 Kendall, Francis L 14, 20 King, James P 20, 25 Kittredge, Abbott E 11 Knapp, Isaac 9, 21 Knight, Horatio G 10 Knower, Henry McE 24 Lasell, Edward 18, 22 Leake, Frederic 14 1905 INDEX OF OFFICERS. 187 Leake, Henry S 24 Leavitt, George R 2.'J Lefavour, Henry 12, 18, 23, 27 Lewis, Edward M 25 Lincoln, Isaac N 14, 16 Linsly, Noah 21 Little, Woodbridge 8 Livingston, Stephen T 17, 24 Lloyd, Francis E 26 Logic, Thomas 14, 23 Lord, John B 27 Lusk, Chauncey 12, 21 Lyman, Joseph 8 Lyman, Orange 21 Lyon, Charles E 25 Mabie, Hamilton W 11 McElfresh, William E 18, 24 Mack, Eli T 22 Mackay, Samuel 14 McKown, James 9 Mapes, Walter D 23 Mather, Frank J 14, 17, 24 Maxcy, Carroll L 17 Mears, Brainerd 27 Mears, Leverett 18, 27 Mendenhall, Charles E 24 Merrill, Albert E 27 Merriman, Daniel 11 Milham, Willis 1 15, 19, 24, 26 Mitchell, Arthur 11 Moore, Zephaniah S 7, 15 Morris, Edward P 16, 20 Morton, Asa H 14 Muir, Arthur H 27 Munro, William B 24 Murray, Nicholas 10 Nelson, Henry L 20 Nelson, John 9, 21 Nelson, Thomas 10 Newton, Edward A 9 Noble, Daniel 8, 12, 13 Noble, David 8 Noble, Mason 22 Northup, George T 25 Olds, Gamaliel S 14, 15, 21 Packard, Theophilus 8 Parsons, Eben B 28 Parsons, Frederic J 23 Parsons, Levi 21 Partridge, Joseph L 22 Peck, James 1 18, 26 Peirson, Joseph E 23, 26 Penrose, Stephen B. L 23 Perry, Arthur L 19, 23 Perry, Bliss 17, 23 Perry, David L 21 Perry, Frederic 21 Perry, Lewis 17, 24 Perry, Ralph B 24 Peters, Absalom 10 Phillips, John L. T 16, 28 Pierce, Charles M 23 Pomeroy, Thaddeus 9 Porter, William 9 Porter, William A 17, 22 Pratt, Lewellyn 11, 17 Prime, Nathaniel S 9 Prime, Samuel 1 10 Ranney, William W 27 Ransmeier, John C 24 Raymond, George L 17 Rea, Paul M 27 Rees, Byron J 25 Reichle, Lewis 24 Reid, Adam 10 Remsen, Ira 18 Reynolds, Albert A 24, 27 Rhoades, William C. P 23 Rice, Richard A 14, 19, 20, 27 Richardson, Roy S , . . 27 Robbins, Amatus . 21 Robbins, Ammi R 8 Robbins, James W 21 Robbins, Thomas 9 Root, Eleazer 22 Rumsey, William 12 Russell, John E 17, 25 Sabin, Henry L 9 Safford, Truman H 15, 19, 25, 28 Scott, George G 27 Scudder, Horace E 11 Sedgwick, Theodore 8 Seeley, Charles F 27 Sheldon, David N 22 Shepard, Elmer 1 25 Shepard, Samuel 7, 8 Simmons, Joseph E 12 Skinner, Thompson J 8, 13 Smith, Charles F 16 Smith, Harry J 27 Smith, Henry W 23 Smith, Lyndon A 12 Smith, Preserved 25, 27 Smith, Theodore C 19 Smyth, Herbert W 23 Snell, Thomas 9 Snodgrass, William D 9 South worth, Mase S 18 Spalding, James F 23 Sprague, William B 9 Spring, Leverett W. 17 Starkweather, Ezra 8 Starr, Peter 12, 21 Steiner, Bernard C 24 188 GENERAL CATALOGUE, WILLIAMS COLLEGE. 1905 Stetson, Francis L 11 Stoddard, Charles 9 Stoddard, Solomon 12 Strong, Lynian 21 Sutphen, Morris C , . 24 Swan, Richard W 23 Swift, Job 8 Swift, Seth 8 Tatlock, John 14, 15, 16, 22, 28 Taylor, Stephen 22 Tenney, Sanborn 18 Thompson, Augustus C 10 Thompson, Frederick F 11 Todd, John 10 Treat, Charles R 20 Tyng, Stephen H 10 Vanderbeek, Henry C 26 Van Rensselaer, Stephen 8 Van Schaak, Henry 8 Vermilye, Thomas E 9 Wahl, George M 14, 20 Waidner, Charles W 24 Waldo, Horatio 21 Walker, John A 22 Walker, William P 9 Walworth, Joseph E 24 Warren, Bentley W 12 Warren, Samuel D 10 Washburn, Emory 10 Webster, David H 19 West, Stephen 7, 8 Weston, Karl E 14, 24 Wetmore, Monroe N 25 Wheeler, Alvan 22 White, James 10, 11, 12, 13 White, Joseph 10, 12, 13, 22 Whiton, John 9 Wild, Henry D 16,27 Williams, Elijah 8 Williams, Frank M 26 Williams, John 8 Williams, William 8 Wilson, Edmund B 26 Wood, Bradford R 10 Woodbridge, Jonathan E 22 Woodbridge, Joseph 8 Woodbridge, Luther D 23, 25 Woodruff, Lorande L 25, 27 Wright, Alfred 22 Wright, Arthur W 18 Yeomans, John W 22 Young, Charles A 25 INDEX OF GRADUATES. If an individual has received more than one Degree from this College, the reference in this Index is to the first. All later Degrees are entered in the text with the first entry. h is prefixed to the names of Honorary Graduates, and of those admitted " ad eundem gradum." Abbatt Adriance Allen (cont'tf) Amsden 1868 Robert 1855 John 1887 Joseph Morgan 1846 Benjamin Mon- 1878 James Ruthven 1888 Hamilton Ford roe 1882 John Sabin 1888 Herbert Mar- Abbott 1812 Austin 1883 Harris Ely 1884 Isaac 1887 Harry Benson sena 1891 Philip Schuyler 1895 Jerome Ripley Anderson 1863 Francis Spaul- h 1863 Josiah Gardi- ner 1890 Vanderpoel Aitken 1903 Samuel Edward 1904 Henry Mott h 1905 Francis Rich- mond 1827 Joseph 1839 Alvan Sever- ance 1848 Henry Hill 1872 George Birch 1887 Samuel 1887 Robert Grant 1854 James Marshall 1859 Humphrey Ste- 1900 William Chap- Allinson venson man Alcott h 1895 Francis Green- 1886 George Weston 1893 James Wight leaf 1900 Edward Michael Abercrombie 1861 William Penn 1900 James Joseph 1811 William Hyslop 1823 Otis Alden Allis Andrew A 1 h 1837 Joseph 1851 Charles Lucius 1889 William Baker 1903 William Cham- Acker 1857 Henry Mills Alfrm ley 1859 Alonzo -\.1MJ11 1855 Henry Jacob 1895 George Marshall 1896 FrederickAlonzo 1838 Davis Andrews Ackerly 1903 Marshall Maclay Alvord 1805 Benaiah 1837 Israel Ward 1901 Dana Tarbell Aldrich 1839 Samuel James 1820 Alvan h 1873 William D. 1895 Lewis Raynor h 1821 Elijah 1874 Lilian Herbert Adam Alexander 1885 James Church 1891 Clarence Wai- worth 1879 George Wake- man 1883 William Sturte- 1845 Robert William 1877 William Law- rence 1858 JamesMcKinney Allen Amadon vant 1889 Edward Carleton 1899 Albert Le Roy 1881 Arthur Frank Adams 1811 Peleg Richmond 1889 Alfred Mason Andrus 1812 James Clay 1807 Daniel C. h 1821 John 1824 Eli 1851 Jarvis Martin h 1817 Solomon Met- calf h 1822 Joseph Priest- ly Ame.n h 1886 Harlan Page 1847 Wyon 1864 Alpheus Newell 1853 Robert John 1854 James Byron 1854 Richard Knight 1855 William Wisner 1858 Robert Emmet 1864 Edwin Smith 1867 Anson James 1874 John Benjamin 1879 Otis Hervey 1886 Harry Clay 1887 Elbridge Lap- h 1822 Thomas 1823 Elisha Hunt 1823 Thomas Pierson 1825 Samuel Adams 1833 Lewis 1835 Samuel Adams 1846 John Fowler 1849 William Wood- worth 1857 Henry Clay h 1868 Juba Howe Ames 1854 George Lapham 1858 John Griffith 1864 Charles Ezra 1885 Charles Bornice 1897 Edgar Willey h 1904 James Barr Ansley 1899 George Hauford Anstice 1862 Henry ham 1874 Louis Edmund Amory Antes 1895 Frederick Car- 1878 Adolos hart 1884 Ira Wilder 1861 Copley I860 Henry Taylor 190 GENERAL CATALOGUE, WILLIAMS COLLEGE. 1905 Appell Aspinwall Babbitt Baker 1905 George Charles 1854 Judson h 1866 Nathan Snell 1810 Thomas K. 1895 Winf red Howard 1820 Charles 1821 Curtis Phelps Appleby Athearn Babcock h 1843 David Bryan 1853 John Ezekiel 1886 William Remsen 1878 William Edward 1860 Giles 1890 George Albert 1899 Fred Reuel 1901 Alfred Churchill Appleton Atkins Babize 1904 Frank Hawkins 1845 Nelson Falley 1885 Auguste Charles Balch 1854 James Augustus h 1806 Hezekiah Apthorp Bacchus 1857 Rufus Atwater 1904 Stockbridge Balcom 1804 Caleb 1878 Frederick Al- Archer 1861 Orris Clapp 1879 James Billings Bacheldor berto 1879 Elmer Irving 1835 Ornon 1849 John Marvin 1893 John Benjamin Atwood Backus Baldwin Arcularius 1864 Philip Edward 1863* Edward Stanley Austin h 1801 Charles 1802 William Fitch 1806 Gurdon Hun- tington 1809 Ambrose 1810 Charles Austin 1820 Johnson 1836 Algernon Sidney 1863 Charles Hume Arkenburgh 1902 Weber Hill h 1807 Samuel 1888 Henry Warren 1891 Charles Ander- Bacon 1884 Elbert Francis 1887 Charles Marven 1900 Charles Hume son 1891 Clarence Wesley 1905 William Gage 1820 Joeiah h 1827 John Fair- banks Ball Arms 1830 Marshall Jen- kins 1846 Charles Bassett 1818 Selah Root Averill 1842 Thomas Scott 1862 William Wilber- Armstrong 1855 Bradford Young 1845 Henry Martyn 1847 Samuel Frederic 1862 Roswell Bottum 1893 Leon Brooks force Ballard 1862 Samuel Chap- Avery 1898 Cecil Cleveland man Frederick 1827 James 1868 Fred Stanley h 1797 Joseph 1898 James Frederick 1842 Addison 1873 Hatley Kendig 1892 David Fitch 1893 Lynn Paddock 1830 Jared Reid 1892 Harry Eugene 1904 Alvin Converse 1850 James 1874 Harlan Hoge Badger Arnell Axtell 1883 George Henry Balliett h 1824 David Reeve 1827 James Morrison 1851 Henry 1854 Anthony -Dey Bagg 1893 Louis 1800 Henry Ballinger Arnold Ayer 1884 Richard Achilles 1861 Henry James h 1796 Oliver 1896 Frederick Bow- Bailey den 1806 Algernon Sidney 1849 John William Bamberger Arthur 1885 Herbert Dexter 1898 Ernest 1891 Charles Burgess Ayers 1896 Arthur Ward 1896 James McCon- 1905 Wilfred Smith nell Bancroft Ashley 1808 Richard Henry 1813 Chester Ay res 1861 James Seymour Baillie 1898 Samuel Alex- ander 1809 Dyar 1816 Willard h 1891 Cecil Franklin Patch Ashton Azhderian Bainbridge Bangs 1897 George Walter 1891 Garabed Simeon 1892 Robinson Paige 1903 Laurence Cutter 1905 INDKX OF GRADUATES. Banker Barr Bassett Beebe 1893 Charles Everett 1853 Samuel Davis h 1804 John 1802 Steward 1881 Charles Elisha h 1817 Amos 1810 Walter Bliss 1834 George Wash- 1833 Hubbard Banks ington h 1860 Nathaniel Prentice 1886 Henry Ward 1890 Talcott Miner Barrell 1897 Almon Colburn 1898 George Barber 1842 Elisha Bourne 1881 Austin Bradley 1SM2 Arthur Francis Batchelder Beecher 1804 David 1867 Frederick Wil- liam Barber Barrett 1852 John Stockman 1857 Lyman 1860 Robert Edes 1857 Merritt 1859 Daniel James Barbour 1864 Edward Carlisle 1808 Lyman 1809 William 1810 John 1813 Elisha Dow /* 1848 Moses 1902 Randolph Coe Bates 1812 Charles Frederic 1818 Chandler 1818 Lemuel Phelps 1826 Stephen Beeckman 1802 Cornelius 1853 Erastus Newton Beers 1853 George Bough- Bard 1881 Frederic Buel Barrows 1846 Lyman Joseph ton 1878 George Anthony 1896 Francis Edgar 1904 Madison Clair 1866 Henry Allston Belden Bardwell Barry Batterson 1889 Edward Mead 1839 David M'Gee 1845 Robert Alex- h 1868 James Good- Barker ander 1853 John Stewart win B elding I860 James Madison Baxter 1905 David Lawrence 1865 George Wash- Tlarthpl ington Fowler 1 >1 _ _i 1857 George 1803 Lewis Black 1872 Joseph Bergen 1843 George Freder- ick h 1845 Erastus Brig- ham 1900 Michael Francis 1900 Robert Clifford Blodgett 1896 Edward Willard 1845 Samuel Cutler 1840 Henry h 1851 Charles Henry Blackaller 1852 William Howard Bloom 1862 James 1829 Henry Berger 1866 Charles Edwin 1866 John Milton 1901 Richard Porter 1902 Lansing Bartlett 1859 Martin Luther h 1866 Albert Milton 1887 Charles Henry Blackburn 1888 Horace Erastus I860 William Childs Blue 1891 Frederick Rus- 1889 Robert Marshall Berking sell 1893 James McDou- 1903 Thomas gall 1902 Max Brom- bacher Blackmer Billetdoux 1834 Willard Boardman 1853 Orlando Cullen Berry 1899 Edmond Wood 1879 Norbourne Haz- eltine 1799 William 1815 William J. 1895 Martin Whitten Billings 1886 Ernest Alfred 1886 Percy Wingate 1903 Lucian Guy 1844 Derick Lane 1849 John 1875 Henry Foster 1798 William Bertram 1805 Israel h 1852 James Mc- 1861 Alpheus Whit- ney Blagden Bockes Gregor 1869 Avery Leeds 1862 Samuel Phillips 189C John William Best Birdsall Blain Bogardus 1844 Jacob 1815 John 1872 William Henry 1846 Eri 1905 INDEX OF GRADUATES. 1 '.):', Bogart Booth Brackett Brennan 1899 Paul Noboker 1849 Robert Russell 1850 William Tomlin- 1815 Joseph 1894 John Woods son Bohrer 1864 Henry Matthias 1893 Fisher Howe Bradbury Brett 1891 Jacob Alfred 1897 Richard Rober t- son 1904 Everett Abbott Boice Bosworth Bradford 1826 Harper 1889 William George 1833 Thomas Budd Brevoort 1848 Henry h 1874 James Carson Boies Botsford 1848 William Henry 1866 George Hamlin 1801 William 1882 Eli Herbert Brewer 1808 Joseph 1809 Patrick B radish h 1798 Eliab 1816 Artemas Bott 1804 Luther 1842 James 1886 Daniel Chauncey Boise 1883 Joseph Warner Bradley 1897 Alonzo Farley 1843 Reuben Patrick 1849 Fisher Ames Boutelle 1827 William 1848 Thomas Scott Brewster Boland 1905 Percy Llewellyn 1852 William Alfred 1865 Charles 1865 John Edwin 1865 William Dan- fsv**+Vh 1828 Marshall 1834 Oliver Ellsworth 1839 John Milton 1845 Charles 1902 Walter James 1905 Joseph Francis Bowdoin h 1832 William lortli 1884 Walter Parke - 1885 Edward Ernest 1903 Joseph Manton 1846 Frederick Hum- 1862 Edward Stanley Bolin 1889 Gains Charles Bowerman Bradner Bridges 1844 Samuel Wells 1864 Frank Holland 1826 Samuel Augus- tus Bolton 1899 Edward Rice Bowles Bragdon h 1850 Samuel 1898 John Ransom Bridgewater Boltwood 1856 Stephen Wallace Branch 1904 John 1814 Lucius Boyd 1899 Alonzo Edwin L-rvj x* 1900 James Wilson Bridgman Bond Branning h 1800 Joseph 1QO7 A no A! 1854 Francis h 1858 John !OA| AIlSul Boyd Bonfils 1885 Herbert Colter Bras tow Briggs 1885 Ellsworth Boyle 1861 Thomas Edwin 1803 Calvin h 1828 George Nixon 1842 George Patrick Bonney 1805 William h 1861 Jacob T. Bratenahl 1883 George Carl 1844 Henry Shaw 1848 Daniel Brown h 1849 James Alfred h 1851 George W. Boynton Fitch 1858 James Hyde 1860 William Allen Boody h 1839 Charles Bran- Bratton h 1875 Horace 1878 Harry Allan 1890 Louis Milton 1895 Walter Andrew 1879 Edward Lasell 1884 James Hyde 1891 William Robert Brace h 1893 Charles Au- Boone 1812 John Pierce Bray gustas 1897 Howard Apple- 1893 Henry Burnham h 1854 Joab 1900 John ton Munson 194 GENERAL CATALOGUE, WILLIAMS COLLEGE. 1905 Brigham Brown Brust Bullard 1819 John Clark 1815 Jonas 1854 Edward 1875 Charles Bulkley 1833 Levi h 1819 Francis 1838 Willard 1884 Harry Hillyer 1819 Nelson 1825 Robert Bryant Bullions 1827 Nathan Bright 1832 James Farrar 1837 Daniel 1840 James Watson h 1806 Peter 1813 William Cullen h 1871 Alexander Blyth h 1875 John 1843 Edgar Mandle- "RnnV h 1885 John Shenton Britton 1900 Alfred Dudley burt 1854 Arthur Jesse 1858 Charles Henry 1859 Timothy Man- ning 1861 Augustus Cleve- land -L> liv/K. h 1836 Josiah Judson 1845 Charles Duryee 1&58 Truman Tyrrell 1864 Stuart Manwar- ing Bullock 1816 William Avery 1850 William Horatio 1881 James Wilson 1892 Calvin Broadhurst 1901 Edward Thomas 1863 George Center 1865 Frederick Perry 1878 William Lewis 1883 Charles Mason 1885 Herbert Jenkins 1867 Samuel Wells 1888 Augustus Walker 1896 George Kendrick 1903 Clarence John Bumstead 1847 Freeman Josiah 1889 Oliver Stowe 1890 William Andrew Buckley Brodhead 1891 Marcus Julian 1892 Orton Bishop 1898 James Thomas Burbank 1815 William Wheeler 1895 James Jay 1896 Horace Greeley 1897 William Robin- Bucklin 1797 Asa 1857 Ly sander Tower Bronk son 1898 Phillip Marshall 1872 Charles Aubrey 1850 Edwin Ely 1851 Leonard 1899 Fred Le Roy 1899 Samuel 1900 Harrison Mor- Budd Burden 1872 Joseph Warren Bronson gan 1901 Harold Chapman 1903 Lawrence Levi 1903 Wilbur Herrick 1844 Joseph Henry ' 1867 George Seely 1878 Howard Hart 1879 William Fletcher 1887 Henry, 2d 1856 Isaac 1858 Oliver 1861 Willett 1904 Harry Gunnison 1904 Joseph Folsom 1905 Harold Gibson Budington 1896 Robert Allyn Burder h 1830 Henry Foster Brooke Browne Buel 1847 Edwin Atlee 1892 Charles Albert 1805 David h 1810 William Burdick Brownell 1833 Samuel 1839 John Griswold 1895 Charles Milton Brookfleld 1859 Oliver Prince 1899 Edwin Morgan 1859 Thomas Eldred Burgess Bruce Buell h 1820 Dyer Brooks 1814 Asa 1879 George Asa 1894 Robert Andrew 1882 Alfred Ely 18% Charles Edward Burhans 1870 Thomas Hope 1870 William Keith Buffum h 1804 Daniel 1901 Henry Dwight Bross Bruen h 1871 James DeHart 1905 Roy Luman Burke 1838 William Bruno Bulkley 1884 Charles Eugene 1884 John Henry h 1843 Stephen Decatur 1899 Frank John 1824 George Wash- ington 1841 John Wells h 1842 Hiram Worth- Burleigh Brotherston Brush ington 1843 Lucius Edwards 1878 John Mica j ah 1903 Bruce Wallace 1901 Dunbar Chaplin Bull Burnham Broughton Brusie 1822 George 1820 Andrew 1887 William Robert 1887 Charles Fred- 1826 John St-Just 1855 Samuel 1889 John Glover erick 1884 Norris 1858 Samuel Oliver 1905 INDEX OF GRADUATES. 195 Burns Buttolph Canby Carson 1897 William Adams 1803 David 1846 David Lyman 1891 William Marriott 1886 Robert Leslie Burr Button Canedy Carter 1868 Charles Henry 1887 Thomas Shepard 1898 Roy Clement 1866 Theodore Edwin 1896 Charles Francis Canfield 1806 liufthnel 1862 Franklin 1877 Howard Willis- Buttrick ton 1836 Philo Burrall 1865 Abner Wheeler 1866 John Dodd 1844 George William 1868 James Hulme 1878 Arthur Graves Cary 1847 Stephen Erastus 1850 Frederick Au- Buxton 1894 Frederic Wil- gustus 1863 Henri Hendrick Canning liam 1803 Josiah Weeks Burrit Byington 1830 Ebenezer Smith 1834 Edward Weeks Case 1800 Eli h 1835 Horatio Boldero 1890 Charles Lewis h 1852 Cyrus 1853 Edwin Burt 1798 Gideon 1804 Sylvester Cady Cannon 1821 Frederic Ed- wards Caskey 1901 Paul DeWitt 1812 Federal 1838 Daniel Reed 1840 James Madison f^fli t*n d Garden Catlin Burton > l-;\ ! CKAIM'ATKS. Hervey Hinckley Hoes Holwill 1824 William 1830 Samuel Lyman 1861 William Myers 1865 Ernest Towner Goodrich Hewitt Hinds Hoisington 1886 Dixwell // 1888 John Haskell 1805 Elisha h 1812 Abraham 1828 Henry Richard 1857 Henry Richard Hooker 1819 A ii.-.. m 1820 Edward t h 1840 Edward Wil- Hibbard Hine Holbrook liam 1855 Edward 1892 Charles Lovejoy 1899 Rufus Percival 1850 David 1851 Charles Warren h 1863 John Calvin 1857 Elias Cornelius 1860 Edward Trum- bull 1865 Thomas Hickok Hinsdale Holcomb 1871 Charles Hall 1801 Henry Pell 1867 Horatio 1845 George Peck h 1871 Burke Aaron 1809 Frederic h 1837 Amasa Hoover 1889 Alfred Eggles- ton 1888 Matthew Henry Hicks Hitchcock 1829 William 1806 Urban Holden Hopkins 1861 Frederick 1864 George 1874 Horace Lyman 1828 Harvey Rexford h 1855 Henry Law- rence 1885 James Austin 1890 Hale 1824 Mark 1826 Albert 1855 Phineas War- 1836 William 1855 William Swinton Higgins 1849 Corydon Web- ster 1877 Robert Mac- kemmie 1873 Abner Phillips h 1873 Roswell D wight 1875 Henrv Selden 1890 Alfred Marshall 1892 George Porter h 1899 David Howe Holley 1799 Myron 1894 Allan John Hollister Bennett 1858 Henry 1858 William Fahs 1862 Archibald 1863 Amos Lawrence 1864 Edward Payson 1871 Mark 1890 Erastus 1892 Albert William 1870 William Henry 1894 William Swiuton Higinbotham Hite 1892 Charles Marvin 1893 John Willis Bennett 1900 Albert 1903 Robert George 1904 Earle Phipps 1904 Joseph Hillman 1903 Henry Hill Holman Horton Xllll h 1817 Oliver 1834 Walter Forrest 1837 Charles Orville 1840 Samuel Newell 1852 Charles Jenkins 1856 Clement Hugh 1858 Matthew La Rue Perrine h 1868 Hamilton An- Hoadley h 1852 JohnChipman Hoar h 1861 Ebenezer Rockwood 1830 Sidney 1840 Stephen Holmes 1852 Charles Henry 1853 John McClellan 1855 Daniel James h 1862 John B. 1847 Henry Beach 1852 Charles Howell 1853 Marcus Nelson 1854 Carl ton 1874 Jacob 1901 Lydiard Hene- age drews 1876 Osmer Charles 1883 Samuel Van vrft.ii ken Hosford 1879 Horace Green- OTMfcA^l Hobart 1884 Thomas Samuel 1843 Henry Brown wood 1884 Edgar Preston 1889 Alfred George 1891 John h 1896 George Birk- 1836 Anson Loomis 1885 Harry Bigelow 1891 Edwin 1901 Bayard Bristol 1902 George Earle h 1853 James Man- ning beck 1897 Grosvenor Bou- Hodges Hoskins ton 1901 Whiteside, 2d 1904 Frederick 1842 Horace Isaac 1849 Henry Silas 1900 Clarence West Holt 1874 Charles Sumner 1883 Alfred Lincoln 1811 Ebenezer 1866 Robert 1888 Lansing Guion Hills Hodgman l?>&$%t Holton Hosmer 1841 William 1899 James Mandly 1902 Philander Derby 1859 David May 1902 Willis Henry 208 GENERAL CATALOGUE, WILLIAMS COLLEGE. 1905 Hotaling Hoxsey Hummel Hutchins 1892 Earl Holbrook 1827 Benjamin 1902 George Fred- 1857 Alexander Franklin erick 1861 Charles Lewis 1827 Edward Clinton 1861 Robert Gros- venor Hotchkin Humphrey 1862 Edward Ridge- way 1800 Jaines Harvey Hoyne h 1825 Aaron 1900 Francis Sessions Hotckiss 1895 Maclay 1901 Archibald Law- rence 1858 Edward Payson 1896 George Walter 1900 Wolcott Julius Hutchinson 1891 William Berke- ley 1898 Elmore Edward TTmrf Humphreys xioyi Hough 1849 Henry Marty n 1823 John Wiswell h 1873 A. Willard Hutton h 1806 John 1892 Willard Evans 1897 Jerome Odell 1866 Alfred John h 1875 George Clark Hun 1894 Edward Hyatt House 1861 John Riley Hubbard 1899 John Gale 1904 Thomas Huxley 1803 Robert 1822 Milton 1809 John Houston 1811 Elisha 1828 Fordyce Mitch- Hunt 1903 Percy Hazen 1904 Lloyd Hazen Hovey h 1828 Sylvester ell 1842 Eli Andrews 1855 Dwight 1877 Josiah Clark 1880 Frank Gaylord 1883 John Parkinson 1883 William Norris 1820 William Worth- in gton 1830 Nathan Strong 1852 Horace Judson 1887 Thomas Merrick 1905 Frederick Ray- mond Huyck 1888 Edmund Niles 18'J3 John Niles Hyde h 1880 William Al- 1807 James Alder- fred Hubbell Hunter man 1813 Lavius 1815 Alvan Howard 1798 Silas 1810 Calvin h 1877 Thomas 1895 George William 1822 Joseph 1826 William 1830 Jacob Merritt 1830 Austin Adams 1849 Janies Barber 1866 Hamilton Gay h 1869 Benjamin 1898 Lawrence Riggs Howe 1846 Charles Lyman 1856 Silas Paddock 1874 Charles Bulkley 1885 Julius Caesar 1888 George Loring 1898 Harry Hopkins 1903 Richard Wolcott Huntiiigton h 1798 Dan 1798 Thomas 1827 Jonathan 1871 Edward Hallani 1872 Frank 1876 Charles White 1834 Alexander 1848 Thomas Colton Parmelee 1852 Charles McEweu 1859 William Sage 1860 Chauncey Thompson 1860 Joseph William 1860 Stephen 1887 Henry Knight 1804 Samuel Huckel 1894 John Perit 1872 Fisher 1899 Llewellyn Jud- son 1885 John Frederick 1888 George Loring 1900 George Herbert Ide 1901 Stanley Mather 1905 Herbert Barber Hudson Kurd 1903 George Fred- erick 1871 James Matthews 1892 Herbert Savage 1895 Ariel Harris 1898 George Peck Howell 1854 Edward Payson 1853 Nathaniel Wood- 1864 Alfred Sereno Hurlbut Ingalls hull 1804 Martin Luther 1848 Thomas Cald- well Howes Hulett TTn ci"MTi 1855 John James 1864 Francis Theo- 1809 William 1893 Charles Edward -LlUfcLUIl dore 1838 Rowland Sears 1812 Caleb Howk Humes Hutchings Ingersoll 1855 Edward Payson 1869 Charles Dewey 18yl Samuel 1828 Samuel 1882 Edwards Platt 1905 INDEX (>l GRADUATES. 209 Irish Jayne Jewett Joslin 1896 James Herbert 1904 Chester Addison 1852 Augustine David 1861 Charles Stillmau Lawrence 1879 Richard Dickin- Irwin 1899 Stewart William Jeffrey 1895 Robert Hutchins 1902 Joseph Walter son 1879 William Kennon 1888 Freeborn Gar- rettson Joy 1811 Cyrus 1863 Henry De Witt T 1* 11 Johnson 1886 Edmund Steele Isbell 1867 William Henry Jemison 1798 Gordon 1808 Isaiah Young- T J J 1855 Charles love Judd I sham 1838 John 1857 Edward Swift Jenkins 1813 Charles 1860 Charles Weston 1829 Oren 1839 Ezra Gordon 1841 Charles Green 1852 Norman Lewis 1857 David Sunmer 1861 Lewis Melvin 1869 Ebeuezer Platt 1812 Hophni 1824 Charles George 1839 Jonathan Shel- don 1860 David Wright 1877 Emerson Wads- Itt 1863 Augustus Thompson 1870 Joseph Horsfall 1881 Frank Willis worth 1881 Edward Sander- 1889 Boon 1867 Weston 1878 Frank Edwin 1882 Curtis Tillotson 1883 Wolcott Howe son 1901 Edward Knight h 1889 Jonathan 1887 William Nelson Leavitt 1889 Carl Magnus Jackson 1890 MacGregor 1900 Austin Dickin- 1889 Edward Alex- ander Judson 1854 Robert 1887 David Irwin son Jenks 1891 Harry Woodruff 1895 Harold Abbott h 1898 Samuel 1905 William Clinton h 1905 Wallace Clyde 1797 Ephraim 1799 Noah 1870 Henry Pratt 1904 Charles Bucklin 1905 Frederick Allen Jacobs 1849 Grenville Tudor h 1846 Ferris 1893 Edwin Franklin 1899 Leland Potter Johnston 1856 Ferris 1875 Frederick Kanter Jaeckel Jennings 1877 Knox 1889 George Forres- ter 1901 William George 1902 Richard 1904 Theodore 1800 Ebenezer 1839 Edmund Burke 1845 Joel Albert 1892 Robert Hoit 1899 Harold Eddy 1904 Robert Keating James 1871 Isaac 1872 Frederic Beach Joiner 1890 George Palmer 1817 Lyman 1859 John Wells Jermain 1899 Frederick Mensch Keeler 1861 Henry Martyu 1862 William Albert 1885 Lewis Alexander 1897 Philip Lyman 1874 Barclay h 1892 James Barclay Jones h 1884 John Clarence 1899 John Russell 1798 Daniel Janes Jerome 1806 Henry Todd h 1810 Horatio Keeney 1830 Francis 1798 Amasa 1867 Eugene Murray 1810 Isaac 1811 Silas h 1811 Thomas P. 1847 Joseph 1837 Samuel Goode Jansen 1899 Romeyu Buck- bee Jessup 1883 Theodore 1856 Henry Martyn 1863 Seth Benjamin 1868 John Howell 1879 Robert Ellis 1885 John George Keep 1825 Lester 1892 Lauder William Jar vis h 1811 William Jesup h 1881 Morris Ketch- 1895 Adam Leroy 1899 Sydney Tucker 1904 Morgan Akin Keith 1841 William Asa Charles urn Jordan Jay Jewell 1842 Charles Stewart 1887 Frank Morrell Kelley 1901 John Clarkson h 1880 Harvey 1894 Arthur Augus- tus 1825 John 1880 William Henry 210 GENERAL CATALOGUE, WILLIAMS COLLEGE. 1905 Kellogg Ketchum Kingsbury Knapp 1800 Bela 1810 Daniel h 1858 Edgar 1881 Frank Preserved 1864 Charles Augus- tus 17% David 1800 Isaac h 1815 Ebenezer 1883 Horace h 1893 Frederick h 1824 Henry John 1829 Giles Bacon 1836 Ephraim Wil- liam Keyes Knicker Bocker 1843 Cyrus 1843 Henry 1844 David Hyde J 1864 Charles Willard 1877 Andrew Sanford Kingsley 1809 Justus 1888 Edmund Chase 1846 Allyn Stanley 1847 John Boyd 1854 George 1875 John Sterling Knight 1865 Justin 1876 Giles Kidder 1800 Caleb 1899 Walter Charles 1871 Charles Hunt on h 1901 James Law- rence 1836 Thompson h 1854 Alberoni Kinne 1884 Thomas Duerson 1896 Henry Seymour 1877 Josiah 1868 George White- field Kellom Kilbon Knower 1842 John Healey * 1886 John Luther Kinney 1895 Benjamin Weld Kemp 1885 Robert Morris 1904 Edward Elm- wood Kilbourne 1896 George Bancroft h 1809 Munnis M. 1863 Sidney Nelson Knowles h 1865 Lucius James Kirk Knowlson Kempshall Kilburn 1896 William 1843 James Somer- 1851 Everard 1852 John Adams ville 1855 John Kirtland 1868 James Sorner- Kendall Killits h 1861 Jared Potter ville 1882 Francis Lock- wood 1880 John Milton Knowlton Kissam 1866 Dexter Asa Kennedy Kimball 1889 William Adams 1889 Howard 1904 Edward Marina- 1857 Edward Payson Knox duke Kent 1866 James Sherman 1887 Rush Wilmot 1895 Frederick Porter Kitchel 1876 Stanley Rice 1904 Willard Cray h 1818 Alansou 183(5 Samuel 1856 Henry Elijah 1860 Joseph Huntley 1881 Harry 1824 liralnerd 1826 Eliphalet 1877 Robert James Kincaid Kittredge 1897 John Bradfute 1871 William Morris John 1821 William Cullen Labbe" Keough 1854 Abbott Eliot 1901 William Mac- 1904 Antoine Gilbert 1892 Frederick Wil- liam King Nair Kerr 1839 George 1887 James Henry h 1803 Rufus 1804 Barnabas 1806 Aaron 1809 Ebenezer 1815 Adolphus Klemann 1900 Jacob Ladd I860 Joseph Brown 1891 George Edwin 1848 Thomas Jeffer- Kline La Fayette Ketcham son 1849 Nathan Sher- wood 1866 Virgil Polk 1892 Michael Fay 1869 Henry 1861 Charles Rudd 1869 John Lewis 1872 Francis Merrill 1886 Frank De Haven 1905 Ralph Miller 1878 Edwin Arthur 1881 Henry William 1884 Francis 1903 Percy Joseph Knapen 1864 Asa Palmer Laflin 1843 Addison Henry 1880 Arthur King 1905 INDEX OF GRADUATES. 211 La Grange Latham Leavitt Leonard 1868 Worth ington h 1821 Daniel h 1820 Harvey Free- 1809 Cornelius Van Rrace Vechten Lamb Lathrop amWhipple 1860 George Roswll I860 Henry // 1809 Samuel 1827 Samuel Warner 1849 Henry Shaw I9o4 William Fred- 1901 Francis Owen 1868 Burke Fay 1869 Horace Hall 1886 Edgar Cotrell 1887 Gardner Cotrell crick 1896 Harry Baldwin 1902 Arthur Roy Lambert Laurie Lederer 1842 Thomas Scott 1869 James Ander- son 1903 Sidney Charles Le Roy 1800 Jonathan Lea- vitt h 1865 Thomas 1867 Henry Wyckoff Lee Lamberton Lawrence 1799 Judah Alden 1814 William Graham Leupp 1856 John h 1852 Abbott 1855 William Abbott 1822 Charles Alfred 1841 Jonathan Ed- 1870 Francis Elling- ton h 1893 Arthur wards h 1899 George Pelton h 1841 Moses Allen Landon 1902 Everton Jay 1858 Benjamin Franklin Levy 1880 Henry Lord 1868 Hamilton 1879 EdwardTrum- 1891 Alvah Maximil- ian Lawton bull 1897 Maurice Am- Lane 1868 George Field 1879 George Hewitt 1883 Wallace Howe brose 1868 George Perkins 1889 Horatio Shum- 187G John Peck 1901 William Kings- way 1894 Lewis Earle Lewis bury 1897 Edwin Water- h 1896 Eldad Lay man 1827 William Langdon 1887 Harry Morgan Lefavour 1852 Hiram La Motte 1862 Everett Edward 1864 Joseph Stocking h 1850 George 1854 Charles 1860 William Stevens Lazell 1883 Henry 1887 Loran Lodowick 1889 John Neher 1893 Harold Augus- tus 1819 Cyrus Martin Le Fevre 1896 Edward Morgan Langmuir 1842 Jonathan 1861 Gavin Leach Lightfoot Lansing 1798 Philip Leggett 1891 George Morton 1813 Sanders 1901 Paul Lilly h 1826 Dirck Corner Leake lius 1829 Charles Bridges 1830 Abraham Yates 1844 John Pearse 1847 Andrew 1&J5 Abraham h 1865 Frederic 1877 Charles Richards 1878 John 1879 Richard Bryan 1887 Henry Sabin Lehman h 1830 William 1899 Herbert Henry 1824 Alvah 1838 Foster 1848 Aruna Hall Lincoln 1857 William 1868 Charles Abra- Lei^h h 1824 Lev! ham 1893 Hugh Henry Leaning 1905 Eugene Hooker j^oij^n 1902 George Lavern 1847 Isaac Newton 1856 Ephraim Liv- ingston h 1860 Ezra 1905 Arthur Ward Lapham 1863 Smith Gurney Leary 1899 Henry Bennett Leighton 1902 Hugh Chisholm Lindley Lasell 1875 James Bryant Leland 1828 Edward Leavenworth 1839 Nathaniel h 1799 John l " 1_ 1808 Francis Le- 1812 Timothy Rich Baron 1809 Edward 1834 Royal 1848 John 1852 James Hervey 1860 Albert Chester 1876 Waldo Leon 1879 Francis Henry 1809 Robert Chaun- cey 1811 Amatus 1840 Thomas 1841 Samuel Denison 1852 James Henry 1856 Lester Court- land 1878 Stuart Hanckel 1854 Francis Le- 1862 Homer 1894 William Maguire 1896 James Wells Richards Baron 1856 Nathan Bacon 1863 Thomas Lucin- dus 1809 James 1877 Samuel Shepard 1819 William 1883 Lewis Goold Reeve 1831 John 1832 William Mason Roberts 1884 Howard Jason 1888 George Benja- 1836 Zalmon 1886 Theodore Lin- 1855 John 1854 Ephraim Peter 1900 Mark Homer coln 1887 Thomas Cole, 2d 1880 William Berry 1902 Rochester Hart 1895 Edward Row- 1883 Lawrence Hut- land ton Remington 1OO TrtOTtrho 1899 Albert Ambrose 1904 George Mather 1892 Charles Lincoln Rogerson lozo James 1892 James Charles Richardson Robertson Renshaw 1884 Charles Clement 1812 Samuel 1888 George Lynde h 1876 William RoUo h 1857 Charles Stew- art 1900 James Barbour 1900 William Howard Henry 1886 James Gibson 1837 Eber Myers 1905 INDEX OF GRADUATES. 221 Bomeyn Rouse Rushmore Safford 1796 Benjamin 1790 Thomas 1847 Thomas Hender- son 1867 John Dikeman 189 Jacques Cortel- 1848 Daniel Ephraim h 1878 Truman you Henry 1884 John Henry Rood Rowe 1885 Walter Brad- bury 1844 David 1864 Nelson Lancelot 1878 Henry Stanton 1880 Frederick Har- Russell 1800 James Hosmer 1887 Arthur Truman 1892 Charles Louis vey 1812 Robert 1892 James William h 1865 Edmund Eooney 1894 Henry Grant Wright 1871 Albert Elijah Sage 1901 William 1872 John Edward 1891 Charles Gilbert 1842 John Harris Row ell h 1891 William Eustis 1895 John Stewart Roosevelt 1867 William Ed- w&rds 1896 Clarence John 1900 Allen Howard St. John h 1905 Theodore 1898 George Payson 1900 Pierce Hubbard h 1890 William Pope Root Rowland Rust Salisbury 1821 Eleazer 1829 Marvin 1890 Lyrnan McKean 1806 David 1898 Frederick Wins- 1874 Elon Galusha 1849 George Gordon 1899 Harry Haynes low Byron 185G Henry 1896 Robert Wells 1904 Oliver Roy Rutherfurd Sampson 1895 John AJbertson h 1905 Elihu J 1897 Herbert Francis 1834 Lewis Morris Roote Rutter Sanders 1876 Clarence Bur- Royce 1899 William McMur- 1846 Marshall Dan- forth gess 1859 Clark Esek King trie 1900 Rhea Barton 1861 George Anthony 1877 William Henry Rose 1839 Levi Royes Ryan Sanderson 1839 Lucian 1897 John 1802 Alvan Rosenstenger 1850 Joel Sumner 1867 Obed Hatch h 1880 William H. Ryder Rudd 1846 Ambrose 1892 Frederick Bush- Sandford Ross 1895 Arthur Belding nell 1851 James 1899 Elmore Preston 1901 Joseph Meeker Rosseter Rule 1889 Charles Wesley Sabin 1821 Henry Lymau 1853 Henry Millen Sanford 1858 Charles Durand 1885 Walter Bramhall 1815 Edward Wad- 1889 Frederick Wil- hams 1833 Nathan Tuttle Rumsey Sabine liams 1895 Henry Ganse- 1849 Newton Henry 1800 Levi 1830 John Theodore voort 1903 Leigh 1861 William 1872 George Dole Rossiter 1899 William Wickes 1894 Henry Axtell 1903 Wallace Donel- son Sackett 1892 Ferdinand Wil- Sargeant liam h 1795 Erastus Roudenbush 1895 William Chan- Rimy oil Sadd Sargent dler 1905 Charles 1827 JosephMerrill 1899 Walter Leslie 222 GENERAL CATALOGUE, WILLIAMS COLLEGE. 1905 Saunders Schermerhorn Searles Sewall 1873 Truman Willeox 1865 Martin Kellogg 1894 John Rumney 1867 Albert Cole 1900 Truman Lau- 1869 Jacob Maus 1867 Grenville Pierce rance 1868 Jotham 1904 Edmund James c\ i -\-\ Sears 1887 Eugene Dutilh 1893 Charles Gren- 5C11O11 irillfi 1804 Freeman vine Savage 1812 Nathan 1873 Henry Truax 1842 Oliver Maynard 1899 George Demar- est Seward 1843 Luther Wilcox 1864 William Lyttle- Schulte 1810 John 1833 Jason Warner 1865 Frederic Bolton 1876 Otto Henry Seaver 1880 William Foote 1903 Barclay Jermain 1854 Norman Schuyler 1900 Charles Hill 1900 Robert Chaun- Sexton Savary 1849 William Wilson cey h 1858 Edward H. 1856 John h 1882 Eugene Sedgwick Seymour Sawin h 1896 Theophilus Parsons Sawtelle 1894 William Luther Scott h 1864 John Gould 1865 George Hale h 1867 John William 1872 Edward Hooker 1875 Willard 1876 James Lee 1898 George Gilmore 1804 Henry Dwight 1804 Robert 1813 Charles Fred- erick h 1814 Charles 1821 Avelyn 1841 James 1831 Caleb Perkins 1845 William Pierce 1851 John 1852 Bela Newton 1855 Henry William 1855 Stephen Elijah 1863 Charles Walton h 1865 Truman 1879 Julius Hubbell Seeley 1880 Ralph Augustus 1882 Edmund Sawyer Scovill h 1883 Levi 1884 William Walcott 1813 Joseph 1881 Cleon Josiah 1895 William Mer- 1813 Henry 1822 Sylvester 1888 Storrs Henry 1900 Boudinot 1902 Lamar Shannahan riam 1896 Willard Dean Scoville Selden Sayers 1890 Homer Roswell 1807 Sylvester Shattuck 1833 Theodore 1856 Amos Blanchard Scribner Selleck 1867 Franklin Foster Sayre 1890 Frank Kimball 1888 George Henry Shaw 1834 James Maltby 1846 William Nehe- 1814 Nathan miali Scudder Sellew 1855 Samuel Francis 1864 Charles Lyman 1854 Evarts 1890 Edward Burt Scliauffler 1855 David Coit 1857 Samuel Hub- Shedden 1859 Henry Albert 1862 Edward William bard 1858 Horace Elisha Senderling 1905 John Shepard 1865 Alfred Theodore 1867 Adolphus Fred- 1852 Philip Meyer erick 1893 Robert McEwen Scully Sheldon 1894 Edward Thomas Senger 1804 Ira 1806 Benjamin o i n 1895 William 1806 Jonathan bcliell 1808 Henry Williams 1901 William Peter Seacord Sercomb 1815 Noah 1830 Benjamin Rob- bins Schenck 1890 John David 1903 Albert Adams 1830 David Newton 1835 George 1840 GarwoodThad- h 1847 George Wash- ington 1894 Benjamin Rob- inson Seaiie 1893 Frederick Ed- wards Sergeant 1798 Oliver Partridge deus 1847 Charles Burt 1847 Samuel Bridges 1849 George Davis 1905 INDEX OF GRADUATES. 223 Shepard Sidley Sloane Smith (confd) 1821 Samuel Nicholas 1889 William Pratt 1803 Douglas 1868 Charles Thayer 1856 Frank Wheeler Reed 1861 William Henry 1878 Edward Martin 1900 Elmer Irwin 1903 Ernest Edward Sheppard Sikes 1856 Oren Cornelius Silcox Slocum 1814 David Cassias 1895 Charles Mills 1869 Henry Sprague 1869 Henry Wilson 1871 Claude Lasell 1876 Willard Clough 1877 Magness 1881 Frank Amasa 1883 Fred DeLysle 1883 Royal Stone 1891 John Shoemakei 1844 William Lyman Sloper 1883 Samuel 1883 Sydney Augus- tus Sherman 1899 Harold Thomson 1886 Bryan Herbert 1885 Samuel Elmer Sill 1886 Cornelius Van 1802 James 1852 Job Gray 1886 De Witt Halsey 1903 Stuart Pratt 1806 John Leet 1863 Edward Everett Smead 1809 Daniel Allen 1886 William Howard 1887 Edwin Ray 1889 Edward Capron 1890 William Alex- Sherrill h 1807 Augustus 1814 Joseph Simmons 1862 Joseph Edward 1896 Theodore Hin- rnan Smedley 1864 Frederic George 1893 Frederic Miller ander 1892 William Clifford 1893 Bertram Llew- ellyn h 1893 George Wil- licimson 1815 Franklin 1894 Carleton Gifford 1888 George 1895 Monroe Weed Sims Smith 1896 Dwight Gordon 1899 Deane Culver Sherry h 1879 James Marion h 1797 Preserved h 1806 Seth 1900 Lawrence Henry 1901 Wellington Bui- 1899 Norman Burt Sitler 1810 Alfred 1810 WillardHollister lard 1902 Donald Pritch- ard Sherwin 1857 Nelson Boynton Sherwood 1891 Daniel Webster Skellie 1889 Benjamin 1811 Moses 1812 Oliver 1814 Chauncey Gris- wold 1815 Jesse 1815 Lucius 1816 Horace 1816 Worthington 1902 Harry James 1902 Walter Philip 1903 Edward Chaun- cey 1903 George Kirkham 1903 Richard Mason 1904 Raymond Stock- bridge 1807 John Philip 1818 Royal Wells 1819 Hervey 1905 Roy Boardman Skinner 1829 Lowell Shillito 1797 Thomas 1798 Benjamin 1830 Ralph 1842 Josfah Torrey 1843 Lucius Edwin Snow 18C5 John 1868 Gordon 1816 Samuel 1818 John Burr h 1826 Thomas Har- vey 1844 Jared Sanford 1846 Andrew Murray 1847 Andrew Kings- burv 1855 Cyrus Austin 1862 Francis Hunt- ington Shipherd 1827 George Noble 1842 John Burr 1847 Horace Board- lllilD 1899 Theodore Mer- rell 1866 Benjamin Day h 1849 Asa Dodge 1849 Homer Horatio Snowden *>lade 1850 David h 1850 Eli 1854 Robert Bayard Shoudy 1886 Frederic Wil- 1850 Robert Wilson 1853 Henry Augustus 1905 Joseph Edwin liam 1893 Louis Palmer 1856 Ed ward Clarence h 1856 Elizur Snyder 1902 Lawrence 1857 Martin Henry 1873 Peter Miles Shurter h 1860 Stephen S. 1860 William Simeon 1886 Elijah Toles Sleight 1861 George Gardner h 1862 Myron Wins- low Somers Sibley 1893 George Newton h 1862 Sanford Hunt- ington h 1818 Alvan 1862 Thomas Jeffer- 1855 George Edward son 1876 Edward Living- ston Sloan 1867 Charles Edward 1867 John Ford Southgate 1885 Clarence Clif- 1812 Jonathan h 1867 Thomas Ral- 1890 Benjamin ford 1813 Andrew Scott ston Marsh 224 GENERAL CATALOGUE, WILLIAMS COLLEGE. 1905 South wick Squire Steele Stoddard 1884 George Newell 1885 William James h 1795 Nathaniel 1854 Charles Augus- 1808 Stephen Powers tus 1810 David 1862 Henry Bradish Spalding Squires 1811 Jonathan h 1855 Frederic 1871 John Lawson 1900 Charles Nowell I860 William Dixon 1862 James Field 1894 Harry Osgood 1900 Charles Anthony 1900 Fred 1901 Lewis h 1863 John Bene- dict 1888 John Dutton 1902 Richard Stone 1904 Walter 1904 MarkHemenway 1795 Dan Spangler 1804 James 1845 George 1896 William Aaron Stafford Sterling 1861 James Farrar 1863 Charles Warren 1847 Thomas Ward 1832 William 1872 Cyrus Spann 1875 Harvey Rice 1872 Cyrus Abbott 1894 William Met- 1869 Thomas Howard Stetson calfe Sparks Stanbrough 1866 James Henry 1867 Francis Lynde Stoneman 1837 Comfort Stevens 1856 John Thompson Stanley 1810 Benjamin Rice Spaulding 1890 Charles 1893 Fred Clark 1902 William Henry 1841 William Riley 1857 Homer Bemis 1879 Henry William Storer 1891 William Bradley Spencer Stark Stevenson Stork 1810 Gordon Pope 1832 Nelson El wood 1836 Jeremiah Allen 1844 Charles Spalford 1902 William Lean- 1850 William Starkweather 1807 James 1878 Halsey Bidwell 1905 James Roe 1857 Charles Augus- tus der 1809 William Storm h 1816 Samuel 1819 Horace Stever 1870 Azariah Smith Spooner 1825 Henry 1865 Ralph Edward 1872 George Henry 1880 Arthur Willis C1J. 1901 John Winthrop Storrs Starr Stewart 1807 Richard Salter Spoor 1862 Edwin 1799 Peter 1865 Charles Tal- madge Fair- 1804 Henry 1893 Louis Morris Stoutenburgh child Stiles 1865 James Emmett Sprague Stearns h 1876 Henry Reed 1900 Chester Dewey 1904 Charles Armand Stow 1825 Norman Spencer 1900 Bering Jay 1812 Alfred 1880 Raymond Hoyt 1881 Harry Stuart 1811 William 1813 Martin Luther 1899 John Hunter Stillman Spring 1900 Charles Clark h 1807 Samuel Stowell 1863 Leverett Wilson Stebbins 1894 Roiniiey 1899 Dana Levi 1807 Charles Stimson 1830 Cyrus Alex- ander 1807 James 1849 Charles Abbott 1830 Gurdon Seymour h 1814 Henry Bowen Squier 1845 George Lafay- ette 1884 Frederick Clif- Stedman Stocking Stower 1904 Benjamin Fair- ford 1877 Stephen 1905 William Redtield child 1905 INDEX OF GRADUATES. 225 Strain Stuart Tabor Teller 1886 Robert 1804 John 1869 Rodney Lewis 1867 John Du Bois 1831 William Stranahan 1866 Fitch James Suffern 1901 Ernest Salisbury Taft 1854 Horace Horatio 1855 Edward Payson h 1859 Henry Wai- Temple 1851 Jackson bridge Stratton Sumner 1886 Theodore Mun- ger Ten Eyck 1814 Jesse 1828 Ebenezer Harri- h 1839 Increase 1849 Samuel Barstow 1890 Arthur Nelson 1799 Egbert 1803 Jacob A. son 1871 Frederic Eugene Tait Sutherland 1879 John Henry Tenney Straw 1882 James William Talcott 1841 Ephraim 1886 Sanborn Gove 1901 Lawrence Ed munds Swan 1809 Samuel Austin 1865 William 1863 William 1885 Frank Squier Terrett 1872 Frank Salisbury 1833 'John Cotton Streator 1905 Walter Albert Tanner 1871 William Rogers 1887 Harold Arthur 1858 Elias Fitch Sweet 1886 Edward Everett Terrill 1881 Charles Addison 1897 Moses Weld Street 1895 Elnathan Tappan 1885 Alfred Ernest 1892 Walter Bullard 1837 Francis Wilder h 1873 Eli Todd Terry 1896 Charles Edward 1901 Oscar Dickinson Sweezy h 1847 Seth 1881 Halsey Albert- son Tarbox 1866 George Seth 1889 Charles Thad- 1892 Russell Lord deus Strickland 1858 William Phillips Swift Tatlock Thacher 1896 Dudley Wood- h 1795 Zephaniah bridge h 1803 Job 1836 John 1869 John Boyd 1804 Ephraim Qris- 1856 John wold 1857 William Strong 1798 John 1806 Nathaniel 1813 Elisha Pope 1848 Heman Sedg- wick 1871 Henry 1882 John h 1903 William Thayer 1820 Elijah 1798 Solomon 1799 Tertius 1801 Ashbel 1849 Alfred 1851 Henry Martyn 1863 William Henry Taylor 1828 Foster 1873 Samuel Proctor h 1884 William Cleve- 1802 Lyman 1802 Nathan 1879 Morrison Isaac 1900 Elijah Kent 1804 James 1806 Reuben land 1894 Lyman Eddy 1809 Samuel Gardner 1814 Hutchins 1811 William 1816 Stephen 1813 Salmon h 1822 Titus Sylvester 1842 Edward 1847 Nathaniel Em- Thing 1833 Ephraim 1834 Edward 1846 Charles Stebbins mons 1849 Henry Martyn 1905 Wilbur 1842 Lewis Mitchell 1850 John Bagg 1843 John Cotton 1854 John Edward 1845 David Almerin 1845 Stephen Chester Symonds 1867 John Metcalf 1873 Edward Bulkley Thomas 1848 John Dennis 1848 Theodore 1849 Joseph Dwight 1854 Jacob Kurd 1888 Leverett Vas- mer 1876 Frank Davis 1885 Glen Albert 1886 Arthur Vincent 1895 Ewing h 1823 James H. 1834 Lewis Avery 1864 De Witt Kurd 1865 William Russell 1865 Henry Tunstall 1895 James 1867 Moses Bross 1882 David Hum- Taber 1899 Edward Francis 1886 John Jenks phrey 1899 Henry Church 1887 Mortimer Win- 1890 Joseph Selden 1905 Charles Frank- 1902 David Paul fleld 1895 Herrnon Arnold lin 1903 George Lemuel 1888 Ellis John 226 GENERAL CATALOGUE, WILLIAMS COLLEGE. 1905 Thompson Tinker Tousley Trick h 1795 John War- riner 1827 Orsamus 1899 Edward Rich- 1854 Orson Valentine 1879 Albert Henry h 1803 James mond 1825 Lyman 1856 Frederick Ferris Towle Trimble 1862 Theodore Strong 1865 Frank Titcomb 1898 Rossi tor Blake 1867 James Ethering- 1867 Amos Hodgdon 1871 Alexander 1884 George William ton 1868 James McNeil 1872 George Hunter h 1876 John Leverett 1876 George Keys 1879 Thomas G. h 1880 Charles Oliver 1881 Edward Clar- ence Titus 1862 Eugene Henry 1898 Henry Woodruff Towne 1890 Edward Everett 1894 Herbert Llew- ellyn 1902 Orwell Bradley Trowbridge 1884 Grosvenor Reu- ben 1899 Edwin Kellogg 1882 Lewis McGregor 1892 Amos Burt 1903 Franklin Condit 1904 William Nelson Tobey Towner True 1826 Leonard 1797 Homer 1862 Albert Thomson 1892 Henry Augustus Truesdell 1860 Charles Horatio h 1871 Charles Henry Todd h 1845 John Townsend 1868 John Phillips Thornton 1880 William Fatten Tolman 1805 Absalom 1830 Rufus Marsh 1833 Martin Ingham 1836 Randolph Wan- ton Truman 1898 Percival Henry 1877 Albert Harris 1873 Franklin Thorpe 1881 George 1884 William 1875 Robert 1882 John Allen Tryon 1900 James Owen 1898 John Henry 1903 Edward Ole Tomlinson Tracy Tuck Thurston 1798 David 1801 Daniel 1823 Solomon Jack- son 1886 Lellan Judson 1848 Asa Goodale 1896 William Rich- 1875 Joseph h 1883 Everett Tits- wo r tli 1826 Caleb Branch 1827 George Hubbell h 1853 William Tucker ardson 1864 Charles Chapin 1866 George Henry 1822 George Joseph 1866 Joseph Travelli h 1831 Mark Tibbits Tompkins 1874 James Edward 1851 Joseph 1854 James Judson 1861 James Dewey 1881 Edward Dudley I860 William Ripley 1867 Gilbert Milligan Trask 1878 George Henry h 1893 William 1864 John Low Jewett Tillinghast Tonneld Rogers 1866 Charles Bennett 1886 Frederick 1874 John Newhouse Tupper 1892 Joseph Reynolds Travell 1861 James Brainerd Taylor Tillson Toornbs 1897 Lyman Hinsdill 1889 Charles Howard 1890 Ira Winthrop 1891 John Willard 1872 John Langdon 1884 Benjamin Ran- dall 1845 Ambrose Tower Timbie Torrey h 1825 John Traver 1833 Albert David Turner 1798 Nathaniel 1837 George Nash 1901 William Henry 1865 Watson Willard 1846 Voluntine Covil h 1847 Josiah Wol- Treat cott 1881 Charles Hum- Tingier Tourtellot 1863 Alfred Otis 1863 Charles Russell phrey 1890 George Kibbe 1866 Seymour Allen 1905 Henry Bernon 1897 Gilbert Earle 1894 Voluntine Covil 1905 INDEX OF GRADUATES. 227 Turrell Vail Van Duzee Van Worraer 1903 Charles Milton 1834 David Thomas 1887 Frederic Nor- 1892 Edwin 1864 Richard Philip wood 1 l.i it Tuthill 1892 Herbert Bailey van Dyke Van Wyck 1846 James Harvey 1854 Edward Brew- Vaille h 1898 Paul I860 Stephen Miller 1861 Jacob Southart ster 1835 Henry Robert Van Etten Vary Tuttle 1872 William Henry Van Antwerp 1880 Archibald Law- 1866 John Hixon 1874 Matthias Mettler 1899 Harvey Judson Hsvrrison 1886 Henry William rence Van Gieson Vermilye 1848 William Edward Twining Vance 1832 Joseph 1888 David Eugene 1888 William Gerard 1890 Henry Rowland 1814 Thomas Van Ingen Vincent Van De Mark 1868 Henry Schmaltz Twitchell 1867 Charles Wherrie 1849 John Homer 1898 Arthur Clements Van Loon Vining Vandenbergh 1896 William Groat 1843 Alden Barr Tyler 1811 Abraham 1871 Joseph Curtis Van Marter Vinton Vanderbeek 1861 James Gilbert 1814 Samuel Finley Tyng 1858 Stephen Higgin- 1886 Henry Conrad Van Rensselaer Virgin son 1861 Morris Ashhurst 1886 Stephen Higgin- Vanderpoel 1803 Philip Philip 1859 John Wesley son 1888 Sewell Tappan 1839 Isaac 1855 John 1881 Augustus Hall Van Schoonhoven 1880 Lansing Vosburgh 1811 Abraham Uhl 1888 Harrison Jerome Vanderpool Van Slyck Vose 1863 James 1849 Nicholas 1903 James Wilson 1863 George Whit- Underbill 18G3 Charles Vanderzee field Waddington 1889 Irving Slee 1892 Newton Briggs Van Tuyl h 1859 John 1881 Frederic Underwood Van Deusen 1881 John Franklin Wadhams 1862 Henry Bern an 1806 Rufus Scolielcl 1848 Edwin Holmes 1852 Edwin Augustus Van Vechten 1867 Jonathan 1871 Charles Finney h 1836 Jacob 1883 Herbert Shap- leigh 1884 Arthur Waring Van De Venter 1868 Frank Durry 1847 Abraham Van Wyck 1850 Theodore Fre- linghuysen Wadleigh 1871 Harvey Matthew Upton Van Dever Van Vrankeu Wadsworth 1897 Charles Hemen- 1802 John way h 1883 Albert 1890 Gilbert 1905 James William 228 GENERAL CATALOGUE, WILLIAMS COLLEGE. 1905 Wahl Walton Wasson Welch h 1896 George Moritz 1853 Jeremiah Evart 1850 Minot Sherman 1877 Charles Davis 1868 Seymour h 1869 George Augus- Waite tus Waterman Welcher 1887 Herbert Hart 1898 Paul Harrison Ward 1877 Manfred Philes- ter Wakelin 1858 Richard Halsted h 1861 Henry Waters 1901 Guilford Morgan Augustus 1885 Henry Baldwin 1890 Christopher h 1878 Charles Oscar Welles Walbridge Longstreth 1900 Wilbur 1903 Charles Henry Watkins 1805 Elijah Gardiner 1800 Ebenezer Wil- 1850 Selden liam Wardner Wellington 1873 Morton Smith Watson 1876 George Brainerd 1903 Townsend King Walden 1826 Henry Phelps 1874 Charles Henry 1905 Barrett Rich 1799 Ebenezer Wardwell 1899 Adelbert Sey- mour 1901 James Knight 1905 Harry Towle Wells Waldo 1818 William 1804 Horatio Ware Way 1838 John h 1845 Daniel 1808 Samuel 1888 William Addi- 1846 George Duncan 1847 David Ames Walker son 1854 De Los Elijah h 1856 William 1798 William Perrin 1839 Townsend 1840 John Adam 1857 Alexander Wark 1892 William Orr Webb h 1865 Edwin Bona- 1857 Horace Herman 1862 Samuel Edgar 1864 Edward Phineas 1883 Virgil Blackin- 1880 Edward Dwight 1888 William Shaks- pere Warner parte 1880 Samuel Green ton 1887 Herman Jay 1905 Clarence Elmore 1890 Charles Taber 1897 Edwin Midgley 1815 Aaron 1829 Sidney Webber 1833 Abner Barnard 1856 Lemuel Peterson Wentworth 1841 Joseph Wallace 1842 Oliver 1843 Samuel Eliot 1885 Henry Harding 1887 George Edmund 1886 George William Ransom 1847 Elias Eliot 1849 William Shep- Webster 1890 William Warner 1891 Reginald De ard 1854 Lyman 1865 Milton Jones 1822 William Holland 1887 Charles Ingra- ham Merritt 1900 Sydney Hall Waller 1881 Horace Seeley 1885 Levi Francis 1905 Robert Epenetus 1834 David Jewett 1891 Charles Lyman Werner 1844 George Grant Weddell 1874 Julius Edward Warren 1893 Frederic Walley 1870 Merritt Brown 1811 Moses 1841 Moses Alphonso Wesson TIT 1 1_ 1885 Bentley Wirt 1886 George Herbert 1900 William Richard Weed 1892 Walter Anson 1802 William Brig- ham Walsh 1898 William Francis Washburn Weeks West Walters 1817 Emory 1854 Joseph h 1828 William Ray- mond 1865 Emory Wash- burn 1855 George Thomas 1859 Robert 1867 Charles Warren 1853 Charles Augus- 1877 Marshall Prince 1864 Francis Henry 1868 John Kings bury tus 1901 Stanley 1881 William Farrar 1872 Frank Elliot 1905 INDKX OK CKAIH'ATIOS. 229 Weston White Whitney Wilcox 1832 William Gove 1807 Julius 1803 James W. 1806 William James // 1886 Byron 1810 John Johnson 1810 Abel 1827 SamuH 1896 Karl Ephraim 1812 Asaph 1812 Henry 1813 William Hop- kins 1835 Samuel Corylus 1841 Benjamin Wetherell 1826 Henry 1826 William Codner 1827 Alfred 1845 William Dwight 1849 Milton Burrafi 1853 Charles Carroll 1842 Lynian Fisher 1844 Marshall 1862 Edward Kirk 1836 Bushnell 1897 Fred Brown 1864 Dorvil Mill.-, // 1852 Leander 1836 Joseph 1862 Nathaniel Fisher 1839 Samuel Jessup 1885 William Walter Wetmore 1839 William James 1845 William Pynchon Whiton 1893 Ernest Nash 1851 James 1818 John 1852 John McEwen 1858 John Phillips 1884 James Bartlett Wil/1 Payson VV 11U 1858 William Wheat 1861 George 1862 Charles Ezra 1869 James Whittelsey 1887 Edward Wash- burn 1888 Henry Daniel 1884 Walter Dewey 1870 Alexander 1870 Charles Abner 1871 Hiram Foster 1890 Theodore 1891 Payson Sibley 1893 Alden Rufus 1895 John Daniel Wheeler 1873 Henry Kirke 1881 Elliot Whittier 1803 Russell h 1806 Elijah 1810 Ahraham 1820 Alvan 1825 Josiah William 1827 Amos Dean 1841 Samuel Goode 1854 Thomas Macau- 1884 Samuel Jessup 1890 Franklin Kitt- redge 1892 Henry Kirke 1894 Eugene Richard 1896 Henry Brainard 1899 Marcus Wilbur 1856 Charles 1886 Charles Thurs- ton Whittlesey Wilder 1845 Hyman Augus- h 1856 Lyinan 1870 Frank Blaisdell 1877 George Albert lay 1866 Charles Hall 1873 Charles Barker 1885 Edward Jona- than 1887 Alonzo Wilcox 1888 Charles Douglas 1903 Willard WalT Whitehead 1869 Joseph Henry 1899 Edwin Haight 1899 Henry Clarence 1810 John Baldwin 1816 Stephen 1840 Charles 1840 Eliphalet 1846 Elisha 1905 Charles White 1899 Edward Lyman Wildey 1899 Irving Depew Whitely Wirkps Wheelock 1899 Arthur Law- rence TV Ji^i\.tJo 1861 James Henry Wiley 1902 Stanley Herbert 1863 Edward Allen 1881 Edward Carroll Whiting Whelan 1899 Charles Thomas 1838 Edward 1854 Samuel 1857 James Raynor h 1857 James Raynor Wickwire 1890 Arthur Manley Wilhelm 1856 John Henry Whipple Wight 1801 Edwards 1852 Alden Bradford 1866 Abram Olin Whitlock 1798 Henry 1836 Jay Ambrose 1843 Joseph Kings- bury Wilkinson 1861 Robert Fred- 1888 Harlan Wood- bury 1902 Ten Broeck 1903 Howard Gregory Whitman h 1850 Daniel 1857 Edwin Mather 1869 William Ward erick 1863 Gilbert 1891 Gifford h 1796 Samuel Whitaker 1876 Reuben Barker h 1801 Timothy 1854 John Seymour h 1904 Charles Sey- mour Wilber 1856 Charles Dana Willard 1858 Edward Payson Whitcombe Whitmore Wilbur Willett 1876 Charles Reed h 1867 William Henry 1902 Frederick Peth- eran 1846 Marinus 1865 Fernando Cortez 230 GENERAL CATALOGUE, WILLIAMS COLLEGE. 1905 Willey Willyoung Witte Woodhull 1835 Worcester 1893 Arthur Kittin- ger 1873 Melchior Conrad Gerhardt 1848 Caleb Smith Williams h 1795 Ephraim Wilson Wolcott Woodin 1798 William 1807 Luther h 1897 Roger 1798 William Henry 1836 John Henry 1855 Simeon Foster 1800 Charles Kilborn 1844 James Morris 1898 Ray Palmer 1804 Platt 1847 John Page 1805 Israel 1852 Elijah Noble 1829 George Ashley h 1829 Stephen West 1856 Lavalette 1858 Robert Preston Wolfe 1835 Charles Ashley 1838 Francis h 1860 Henry 1875 Thomas Russell 1844 Aaron Roberts Woods 1839 Charles Lang- don 1851 Samuel 1852 Chauncey Kil- born 1889 Frank Albert 1892 Edward Everett 1892 William Robert Anthony 1900 John P Wood 1812 John 1840 Rufus Dodd 1853 James Samuel 1854 Albert Pardon 1856 Samuel 1799 Thomas Hough 1859 William White 1863 Ephraim 1868 Edward Francis Winchester 1812 Elijah 1815 Joseph 1824 Daniel Thomp- Woodward h 1872 Hartley 1873 David Sage 1873 Theodore h 1876 Isaiah Thorn- ton 1889 Benjamin Sever- ance 1890 Merritt Joel son 1827 George Clinton 1851 Jesse 1857 Samuel 1860 Theophilus Ben- /11798 James Wheel- ock 1812 Jonathan h 1866 Francis W. 1868 George Franklin 1879 Thornton 1884 William Hill son h 1870 Bradford Rip- 1888 Herbert Preston 1892 Frederick Rufus 1888 Charles Adams 1889 George D. Wing ley 1874 William Benja- 1900 Edgar Hunt 1901 John Shourt 1889 William Robert 1892 David Henry 1892 Clark 1897 Frank Marion 1897 John Kirke 1900 Richard Ferdi- nand 1900 William Rens- selaer 1904 Richard Rich- ardson 1814 Austin Enoch 1840 Talcott Enoch * Winslow 1863 Charles 1863 Miron 1869 William Page 1883 Arthur Francis min 1877 Sumner Gilbert h 1880 Alphonso 1884 Charles Wells 1892 Ernest Glen 1898 Frederic Taylor 1899 Ralph Lilly h 1902 Leonard 1903 Charles Irving 1903 Charles Irving 1904 Robert Franklin 1904 William Lee Woodworth h 1829 John 1830 Westerlo 1831 Robert 1864 Chauncey Clark 1885 Herbert Free- man Williamson Woodb ridge 1853 Robert Henry 1896 William Winsor 1804 John h 1812 Timothy Wool h 1893 Justin h 1813 Sylvester 1822 Jonathan Ed- h 1869 John Ellis Willis wards VV 11J.1& 1827 Samuel Strong 1829 Erasmus Darwin 1893 John Howard Winters 1872 Luther Dana, 1873 Samuel Homer 1884 Henry Bloomer Wooster 1871 Ambrose Alex- 1902 Homer Edwards 1890 Harry Green ander Williston 1829 Timothy Wisner Woodbury Worden Wills h 1820 William 1861 Frank Porter 1866 Charles Johnson 1873 Jesse Peck 1902 Frederick Bowen Wiswall Woodcock Worthington Willsea 1859 George Albert h 1830 David 1804 Erastus 1859 Daniel D. 1859 Joseph Parker 1832 Don Carlos 1840 Charles 1905 1MH:\ OF GRADUATKS. 23] Wright Wright (conVd) Yates Youngman 1803 Asahcl 1803 Charles 1874 Harry Linn 1878 James Taylor 1882 Frank Benjamin 1885 George Wash- 1886 Harry Vreeland 1805 Ebenezer 1892 Charles Hewitt ington 1806 Worthington 1812 Alfred 1894 Gavin Hamilton 1897 Charles Albert rj 1 1814 Ebenezer Burt 1905 William Theron Zelie 1835 Thomas 1836 Edmund Yeomans 1887 John Sheridan 1836 Walter 1839 Ephraim Mun- Wylie 1824 John William 1837 David Prentiss roe 1841 Russell Medad 1890 David 1856 George Zoller 1843 Horatio Nelson 1845 Edward 1895 John I 1852 Pitkin Cowles 1859 Solomon Yale Young 1904 Abram 1860 Charles Eleazer 1804 Samuel 1861 Silas Pratt h 1806 Elisha 1860 Lewis Monroe h 1865 Samuel Hart 1811 Cyrus 1887 Ernest William 1871 Edmund Russell 1889 David Lewis 1888 James Addison f^ oV THE ^V I UNIVERSITY I 84506