T L 508 L6 1913 MAIN MUSEUM, SOUTH __,,^,^ J . UC-NRLF MbS OF THE WORKS ON ERONAUTICS IN THE SCIENCE LIBRARY, SECOND EDITION, including the Works added to November, 1912. LONDON: PUBLISHED BY HIS MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE. To be purchased, either directly or through any Bookseller, from IAN AND SONS, LTD., FETTER LANE, B.C., and 54, ST. MART STREET, CARDIFF'; or STATIONERY OFFICE (SCOTTISH BRANCH), 23, FORTH STREET, EDINBURGH ; or E. PONSONBY, LTD.; 116, GRAFTON STREET, DUBLIN ; or from the Agencies in the British Colonies and Dependencies, the United States of America, the Continent of Europe and Abroad of T. FISHER UNWIN, LONDON, W.C. PRINTED BY EYRE AND SPOTTISWOODE, LTD., EAST HARDING STREET, E.C., PB INTERS TO THE KING'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY. 1913. Price Fourpence. ' SCIENCE MUSEUM, SOUTH KENSINGTON. LIST OF THE WORKS AERONAUTICS IN THE SCIENCE LIBRARY. SECOND EDITION, including the Works added to November, 1912. LONDON: PUBLISHED BY HIS MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE. To be purchased, either directly or through any Bookseller, from or from the Agencies in the British Colonies and Dependencies, the United States of America, the Continent of Europe and Abroad of T. FISHER UNWIN, LONDON, W.C. PRINTED BT EYRE AND SPOTTISWOODE, LTD., EAST HARDING STREET, B.C., PRINTERS TO THE KING'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY. 1913. Price Fourpence. List of the Works on Aeronautics in the Science Library. Second Edition. ABBE, Cleveland. The mechanics of the earth's atmosphere. A collection of trans- lations by Cleveland Abbe. (Smithsonian miscellaneous col- lections, 843.) Washington, 1891. 8vo. pp. 324. [Bound up with Milton, MASS. : BLUE HILL METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATORY, Blue Hill MffoorJlogwal Ohserratory, in vol. lettered Pamphlets. Aero- nautics. I.J ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR AERONAUTICS. See Great Britain and Ireland : TREASURY. AERIAL NAVIGATION. [Collection of type- written extracts from journals, &c., on aeronau- ~ tics. 1889-1892.] fol. AERO CLUB OF AMERICA. See New York : AERO CLUB OF AMERICA. AERONAUTE (L') Bulletin mensuel international de la naviga- tion aerienne. (Dirige par le D r Abel Hureau de Villeneuve.) Avril 1868 [No. 1] and onwards. Paris. [The yearly volumes have no general title-page. In 1898 the sub-title was changed to " Bulletin mensuel illustre de la Socie'te' francaise de Navigation ae'rienrie."] AERONAUTICAL (THE) ANNUAL. 1895, (No.l 1897, No.3). Edited by James Means. Boston (and London), [1894-1897]. 3 vols. 8vo. [No more published.] AERONAUTICAL SOCIETY OF GREAT BRITAIN. See London : AERONAUTICAL SOCIETY OF GREAT BRITAIN. AERONAUTICS. [Collection of English and foreign newspaper cuttings on aero- nautics, mounted in quarto volumes. In progress. 1892, &c.] AERONAUTICS. Edited by Major B. Baden-Powell and J. H. Lede- boer. Volume I, December to December, 1907-8, and onwards. London. 4to. [The first three nos. of Vol. I appeared as supplements to " Knowledge."] AERONAUTICS. Published by the American Engineer and Rail- road Journal. M. N. Forney, editor, &c. Vol. I. (New York, 1893-1894). 4lo. pp. 172. [No more published. There is no title-page.] AEROPHILE (L') Revue mensuelle illustree de 1'aeronautique et des sciences qui s'y rattachent. 1893, &c. See Paris : UNION AEROPHILE DE FRANCE. a (11)17286 Wt 46985786 625 4/13 E & S (5.) A 2 444243 (L3&X : de 1910 and onwards. (By R. de Gaston.) Paris, 1910, &c. 4to. AIR-SHIP. [" Projekt eines lenkbaren Luftschiffes." Temesvar, n.d.] 8vo. pp. 6. pi. 4. [No title-page. Bound up with KreSS, Wilhelm, Aeroceloce, lenltbare Flug- mascJiine. ] ALEXANDER, John. The conquest of the air : the romance of aerial navigation. With preface by Sir Hiram S. Maxim. London, 1902. 8vo. pp. 160. ALEXANDER, Patrick Young. Aeronautics : an abridgment of aeronautical specifications filed at the Patent Office from A.D. 1815 to A.D. 1891. See Brewer, Griffith, and Alexander, Patrick Young. ALEXANDER, Patrick Young. Report on the tests of petrol motors in the Alexander Motor Prize Competition, 1911. 1912. See Great Britain and Ireland: TREASURY, Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, Reports and memoranda, No. 48. ALL THE WORLD'S AIR-SHIPS (afterwards ALL THE WORLD'S AIR-CRAFT). Flying annual. Founded and edited by Fred T. Jane. [First year of issue] and onwards. London, 1909, &c. oblong 4to. AMANS, Paul. Sur les progres recents de 1'aviation. [From La Revue des Idees, mars 1906.] Paris, [1906]. 8vo. pp. 15. [Bound up with other works in vol. lettered Pamphlets. Aeronautics. VI.] AMERICAN ENGINEER AND RAILROAD JOURNAL. Aeronautics. See Aeronautics. ANDREE, Salomon August. , Andree. Au Pole Nord en ballon. See Lachambre, Henri, and Machuron, Alexis. ANDREOLI, Pasquale. Relazione dell' esperienza aereo-statica eseguita in Bologna li XXII agosto MDCCCIV dalli cittadini Zambeccari ed Andreoli. See Bianchetti, Cesare, et alii. ANDREOLI, Pasquale. Al Sig. F. Du-Pre . . . lettera di Pasquale Andreoli relativa al volo da lui eseguito nell' Anfiteatro di Milano il giorno 18 ottobre 1807. Milano, 1807. 8vo. pp. 19. ARMENGAUD, Charles Eugene. Le probleme de 1'aviation : sa solution par Paeroplane. Con- ference faite . . . au Conservatoire national des Arts et Metiers. Paris, (1908). 8vo. pp. 94. ARNOULD, Havaux Vincent-. See Vincent-Arnould, Havaux. ASSMANN, Richard Adolph. Beitrage zur Erforschung der Atmosphare mittels des Luft- ballons. TJnter Mitwirkung von A. Berson, H. Gross, Y. Kremser und R. Siiring, herausgegeben von Richard Assmann. Berlin, 1900. 8vo. pp. 167. pi 7. ASSMANN, Richard Adolph. Die Erforschung der hoheren Luftschichten und die Wetterprog- nose. ( Sender- Abdruck aus " Das Wetter," Meteorologische Monatschrift fur Gebildete aller Stande, Heft 7, 1902.) Berlin, 1902. 8vo. pp. 11. [Bound up with other works in vol. lettered Pamphlets. Aeronautics. IV.] ASSMANN, Eichard Adolph. Die franzosisch-skandinavische Station zur Erforschung der hoheren Luftschichten im nordlichen Jutland. (Sonder- Abdruck aus " Das Wetter," Meteorologische Monatschrift fur Gebildete aller Stande, Heft 12,1902.) [Berlin, 1902]. 8vo. pp. 12. [Bound up with Assmann, Richard Adolph, D'w Erforschung der hoheren Luftschichten und die Wetter prognose, in vol. lettered Pamphlets. Aero* nautics. IV.] ASSMANN, Eichard Adolph. The temperature of the air above Berlin from October 1st 1902 until December 31st 1903, as shown by the daily ascents executed at the Aeronautical Observatory of the Royal Meteorological Institute of Prussia. Berlin, 1904. oblong 8vo. pp. 6. pi. 1. ASSMANN, Eichard Adolph. Uber die Existenz eines warmeren Luftstromes in der Hohe von 10 bis 15 km . [From the Sitzungsberichte der Koniglich Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, 1902.] Berlin, 1902. 8vo. pp. 12. [Bound up with other works in vol. lettered Pamphlets. Aeronautics. V.] ASSMANN, Eichard Adolph, and BEESON, Arthur Joseph Stanislaus. Ergebnisse der Arbeiten am Aeronautischen Observatorium in den Jahren 1900 und 1901. 1902. See Berlin: METEOROLOG- ISCHES INSTITUT, Veroffentlichungen. AUEEBACH, Felix. Hundert Jahre Luftschifffahrt. .Die Aeronautik nach ihrer Entwickelung und ihrem gegenwartigen Stande, &c. Breslau, 1883. 8vo. pp. 67. AUGSBURG: Verein fur Luftschiffahrt. Bericht des Augsburger Vereins fur Luftschiffahrt, E.Y., uber das 2. Vereinsjahr 1902. Augsburg, 1902. 8vo. [Bound up with Assmann, Richard Adolph, Die Erforschung der hoheren Luftschicliten und die Wetter prog nose, in vol. lettered Pamphlets. AerO- nautics. IV.] BACON, John Mackenzie. On the value of possible observations from free balloons. [Re- printed from the Monthly Notices, R. Astr. Soc., Vol. LIX. London, 1899]. 8vo. pp. 4. [Bound up with Milton, MASS. : BLUE HILL METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVA- TORY, Blue Hill Meteorological Obxercatory, in vol. lettered Pamphlets. Aeronautics. I.] BADEN-POWELL, Baden Fletcher Smyth. Ballooning as a sport. Edinburgh and London, MCMVII. 8vo. pp. 155. pi. 3. 6 BALDWIN, Thomas, A.M., of Chester. Airopaidia : containing the narrative of a balloon excursion from Chester ... 1785: ... hints on the improvement of balloons, and mode of inflation by steam : means to prevent their descent over water, &c. Chester, 1786. 8vo. pp. 370. pi. 4. BALLON (Le). Bulletin trimestriel de toutes les ascensions. 6 me annee, Janvier, Fevrier, Mars 1883. Paris. 8vo. [Bound up with other works in vol. lettered Pamphlets. Aeronautics. III.] BANET-RIVET, P. L'aeronautique. (Bibliotheque des sciences et de 1'industrie.) Paris, 1898. 8vo. pp. 276. BANET-RIVET, P. Manuel de Paviateur-constructeur. See Calderara, Mario, and Banet-Rivet, P. BANET-RIVET, P. La navigation aerienne et son avenir. [From the Revue des Deux Mondes, 15 mars, 1901. Paris, 1901.] 8vo. pp. 26. [Bound up with Assmann, Richard Adolph, Tiber die Exlstenz eines warm- eren Luftxtromes in der IJohe ran 10 bis I5 km , in vol. lettered Pamphlets. Aeronautics. V.] BAUMGARTEN, Ernst Georg August. Das lerikbare Flugel-Luftschiff, der Flug-Apparat, die Vertikal- Erhebungs-Maschine und der Luftverdiinnungszylinder-Fort- bewegungs-Apparat. [Chemnitz, 1877.] 4to. pp. 26. pi. 4. BELL, Alexander Graham. The tetrahedral principle in kite structure. Reprinted from the National Geographic Magazine, June, 1903. Washington, D.C., 1903. 8vo. pp. 33. BERGET, Alphonse, Baron. La route de I'air. Aeronautique, aviation. Histoire, theorique, pratique. Paris, 1909. 8vo. pp. 362. pi. 32. BERGET, Alphonse, Baron. The conquest of the air. Aeronautics, aviation. History : theory : practice. London, New York, 1909. 8vo. pp. 319. pi. 36. BERLIN : Deutscher Verein zur Forderung der Luftschifffahrt. Zeitschrift des Deutschen Yereins zur Forderung der Luftschiff- fahrt. Redaction Dr. phil. Wilhelm Angerstein (Dr. V. Kremser, A. Berson, &c.). IV.(-XIX.) Jahrgang. Berlin, 1885(-1900). ISvols. 8vo. [With the vin. Jahrgang the title was changed to " Zeitschrift fiir Luftschiffahrt : Herausgegeben vom Deutschen Verein zur Forderung der Luftschiffahrt in Berlin und vom Flugtechnischen Verein in Wien." Later it became " Zeitschrift fiir Luftschiffahrt und Physik der Atmosphare, d)'e." Jahrg. XII is wanting, and Jahrg. xvii is imperfect.] BERLIN : Deutscher Verein zur Forderung der Luft- schifffahrt. Zeitschrift. ... Vollstandiges Inhalts-Verzeichniss der Jahrgange sechs bis zehn, 1887 to ... 1891 (and elf bis fiinfzehn, 1892 to ... 1896). Berlin, [n.d.]. 2 vols. in 1. 8vo. pp. 16, 22. BERLIN: Deutscher Verein zur Forderung der Luft- schifffahrt. Wissenschaftliche Luftfahrten ausgefiihrt vom Deutschen Yerein zur Forderung der Luftschiffahrt. ... Herausgegeben von Richard Assmann und Arthur Berson. Braunschweig, 1899 (-1900). 3 Bde. 4to. BERLIN: Koniglich-Preussisches Meteorologisches Institut. See infra, METEOROLOGISCHES INSTITUT. BERLIN : Meteorologisches Institut. The temperature of the air above Berlin from October 1st 1902 until December 31st 1903, as shown by the daily ascents executed at the Aeronautical Observatory of the . . . Institute. 1904. See Assmann, Richard Adolph. BERLIN : Meteorologisches Institut. Yeroffentlichungen des Koniglich Preussischen Meteorologischen Instituts. Herausgegeben durch ... Wilhelm von Bezold. Ergebnisse der Arbeiten am Aeronautischen Observatorium in den Jahren 1900 und 1901. Von Richard Assmann und Arthur Berson. Berlin, 1902. 4to. pp. 284. BERLIN : Motorluftschiff-Studiengesellschaft. Jahrbuch. Yierter Band. 19101911. Berlin, 1911. 8vo. BERRUBE, Smile. Piano-aerostat : le veritable ballon dirigeable. Projet depose" en 1877 au Ministere de la Gluerre. Paris, 1895. 8vo. pp. 40. [Bound up with Milton, MASS. : BLUE HILL METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATORY, Blue Hill Meteorological Observatory, in vol. lettered Pamphlets. Aeronautics. 1.1 BERSON, Arthur Joseph Stanislaus. Ergebnisse der Arbeiten am Aeronautischen Observatorium in den Jahren 1900 und 190] . Yon Richard Assmann und Arthur Berson. 1902. See Berlin: METEOEOLOGISCHES INSTITUT, Yeroffentlichungen. BERTHIER, A. Les moteurs d'aviation. See Taris, Etienne, and Berthier, A. BESANQON, Georges. Notre ilotte aerienne. See Fonvielle, Wilfrid de, and Besancjon, Georges. BIANCHETTI, Cesare, et alii. Lettera del cittadino Francesco Zambeccari al libra jo Leonardo Bertazzoni con la quale accompagna il programma per la costruzione di un nuovo globo il di cui innalzamento avra luogo in Bologna nel prossimo venture luglio 1804. Yenezia, [1804 ?]. 4to. pp. 8. BIANCHETTI, Cesare, et alii. Relazione dell' esperienza aereo-statica eseguita in Bologna li XXTT agosto MDCCCIV dalli cittadini Zambeccari ed Andreoli. &c. Yenezia, 1804. 4to. pp. 8. [Bound up with Zambeccari, Francesco, Detcrlzlone della maci'hina aeroxtatica del cittadino Francesco Zambeccari.'] 8 BIBLIOGRAFIA. Saggio di bibliografia aeronautica italiana. Griuseppe Boffito. 1906(-1907). See Bibliofilia (La), Anno VII (-IX) [in the National Art Library]. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Bibliography of aeronautics. By Paul Brockett. 1910. See AUTHOR CATALOGUE Washington : SMITHSONIAN INSTI- TUTION, Smithsonian miscellaneous collections, Vol. 55. BIBLIOTHEK FUR LUFTSCHIFFAHRT UND FLUG- TECHNIK. Bibliothek fur Luftschiffahrt und Flugtechnik. Begriindet von Ansbert Vorreiter. See Vorreiter, Ansbert. BIBLIOTHEQUE DES MERVEILLES. Bibliotheque des merveilles. Publiee sous la direction de M. Edouard Char ton. See Charton, Edouard. BIBLIOTHEQUE DES SCIENCES ET DE I/INDUSTRIE. Bibliotheque des sciences et de 1'industrie, publiee sous la direction de MM. J. Pichot et Pol Lefevre. See Pichot, J., and Lefevre, Pol. BLANCHARD, Jean Pierre. Journal and certificates on the fourth voyage of Mr. Blanchard, who ascended from the Royal Military Academy, at Chelsea, the 16th of October, 1784, &c. London, MDCCLXXXIV. 4to. pp. 33. BLANCHET, Georges. Le vade-mecum de 1'aeronaute. Traite pratique d'aerostation sportive. . . . Preface de Paul Adam. Paris, 1 907. 8vo. pp. 286. [The second leaf, pp. 3 & 4 (? the half title), is wanting.] BLUE HILL METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATORY. See Milton, MASS. : BLUE HILL METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATORY. BOFFITO, Giuseppe. Saggio di bibliografia aeronautica italiana. 1906(-1907). See Bibliofilia (La), Anno VII(-IX) [in the National Art Library]. BOGAERT, Ed. W. Notes sur le probleme de 1'aeroplane, equilibre et stabilite. Bruxelles, Paris, [1908]. 8vo. pp. 68. BOIS, Theophile. Les cerf s-volants et leurs applications militaires. . . . Extrait de la Revue dv [sic] Grenie militaire, ... 1905. Paris, Nancy, 1906. 8vo. pp. 196. [Bound up with Milton, MASS. ; BLUE HILL METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATORY, Blue Hill Meteorological Observatory, in vol. lettered Pamphlets. Aeronautics. I.] BOIS, Theophile. Les cerfs-volants et leurs applications militaires. Extrait de la Revue du Grenie militaire, 1905. Paris, Nancy, 1906. 8vo. pp. 199. BOISSAY, Charles. De Paris a Yaucouleurs a vol d'oiseau. Relation d'un voyage scientifique en ballon. See Flammarion, Nicolas Camille, and Boissay, Charles. 9 BORDE, Paul. Le Congres d'Aerostation scientifique de 1904. 1905. See Europe: INTERNATIONALE AERONAUTISCHE COMMISSION. BORDEAUX : Universite de Bordeaux. Faculte des Sciences. Annee 1903-1904. Le9ons sur la navigation aerienne ... par M. L. Marchis. Paris, [1904]. 4to. pp. 829. BOREL, Emile. (Nouvelle collection scientifique. Directeur : Emile Borel.) L'aviation. Par Paul Painleve [et] Emile Borel. Troisieme edition. 1911 [i.e. 1910]. See Painleve, Paul, and Borel, Emile. BORELLI, Giovanni Alfonso. The flight of birds. 1911. See London: AERONAUTICAL SO- CIETY OF G-REAT BRITAIN, Aeronautical classics, No. 6. BOUTTIEAUX, Victor Paul. La navigation aerienne par ballons dirigeables. Paris, [1909]. 8vo. pp. 109. BREWER, Griffith, and ALEXANDER, Patrick Young. Aeronautics : an abridgment of aeronautical specifications filed at the Patent Office from A.D. 1815 to A.D. 1891. London, 1893. 8vo. pp. 166. BREWER, Robert Wellesley Antony. The art of aviation : a handbook upon aeroplanes and their engines, with notes upon propellers. London, 1910. 8vo. pp. 276. pi. 12. BROCKETT, Paul. Bibliography of aeronautics. 1910. See AUTHOR CATALOGUE Washington : SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, Smithsonian miscel- laneous collections, Vol. 55. BRYAN, George Hartley. Stability in aviation : an introduction to dynamical stability as applied to the motions of aeroplanes. (Macmillan's science monographs.) London, 1911. 8vo. pp. 204. BUTLER, Frank Hedges. 5,000 miles in a balloon, illustrated. . . . With contributions by The Princess di Teano, The Hon. Mrs. Assheton Harbord, Mrs. Iltid Nicholl, Lord Northcliffe, and others. London, J907. 8vo. pp. 42. [Bound up with other works in vol. lettered Pamphlets. Aeronautics. II.] CALDERARA, Mario, and BANET-RIVET, P. Manuel de Paviateur-constructeur. Paris, 1910. 8vo. pp. 298. CAMBRIDGE (THE) MANUALS OP SCIENCE AND LITER- ATURE. (The Cambridge manuals of science and literature.) Aerial locomotion. By E. H. Harper and Allan Ferguson. 1911. See Harper, Edgar Henry, and Ferguson, Allan Hitchen. 10 CANOVETTI, Cosimo. SulP aerotreno Zeppelin. Lettura fatta al Collegio degli Ingegneri ed Architetti in Milano il 10 dicembre 1900. Milano, 1901. 8vo. pp. 6. 1 map. [Bound up with Assmann, Richard Adolph. Uber die Exlstenz eines warmeren Luftstromesin der Hohe ron 10 bis 15 km , in vol. lettered Pamphlets. Aeronautics. V.] CANTELOU, Maurice de. Etude sur Paviation. Paris et Liege, 1909. 8vo. pp. 132. CAVALLO, Tiberius. The history and practice of aerostation. London, MDCCLXXXV. MS. NOTES. 8vo. pp. 342. pi. 2. CAYLEY, Sir George, Bart. Aerial navigation. 1910. See London : AERONAUTICAL SOCIETY OF GREAT BRITAIN, Aeronautical classics, No. 1. CHANUTE, Octave. Pocket book of aeronautics. By Hermann W. L. Moedebeck in collaboration with 0. Chanute and others. See Moedebeck, Hermann W. L. CHANUTE, Octave. Aerial navigation. Reprinted from The Popular Science Monthly, March, 1904. [New York, 1904.] 8vo. pp. 11. [Bound up with Assmann, Richard Adolph, Uber die Existent eines warmeren Luftstromes in der Hohe von 10 Ms lo km , in vol. lettered Pamphlets. Aeronautics. V.] CHANUTE, Octave. Gliding experiments. Reprint from Journal Western Society of Engineers. 1897. [Chicago, 1897.] 8vo. pp. 38. [Bound up with Butler, Frank Hedges, 5,000 miles in a balloon, in vol. lettered Pamphlets. Aeronautics. II.] CHANUTE, Octave. Progress in flying machines. New York, [1894]. 8vo. pp. 314. CHARLES, Jacques Alexandre Cesar. Representation du globe aerostatique qui s'est eleve de dessus 1'un des bassins du Jardin royal des Thuilleries le l er . decembre 1783. ... Avec le recit de son voyage aerien [extracted from the " Cours de Physique" of M. Charles, n.p., n.d.]. In French and Italian. 4to. pp. 16. pi. 1. [An account of the first ascent in a balloon filled with hydrogen, made by its inventor M. Charles, with M. Robert.] CHARTON, Edouard. (Bibliotheque des merveilles, publiee sous la direction de M. Edouard Charton.) Les ballons et les voyages aeriens. Par F. Marion. 1867. See Marion, Fulgence. CHARTON, Edouard. (Bibliotheque des merveilles, publiee sous la direction de M. Edouard Charton.) La navigation aerienne. ... Par Gaston Tissandier. 1886 [i.e. 1885]. See Tissandier, Gaston. CHATLEY, Herbert. The problem of flight : a text-book of aerial engineering. London, 1907. Svo. pp. 129. pi. 1. 11 COHN, Georg. Die Entwickelung und der gegenwartige Stand der lenkbaren Luftschiffahrt. [From " Neuland des Wissens," Jahrgang II. Leipzig, 1904]. Svo. pp. 8. [Bound up with Assmann, Richard Adolph, D'w Erfor&chimg der hoheren Liiftwhichten und die Wetterprognoxe, in vol. lettered Pamphlets. Aero- nautics. IV.] COMASCHI, Antonio. Cenno sulP aerostato dell' aeronauta Antonio Comaschi Bolognese esposto nelP Ottobre 1842 nel nobil Teatro di Apollo. &c. Roma, [1842 ?]. 12mo. pp. 44. pi. 1. COMMISSIONS, International. [For International Commissions see Europe.] CONGRESSES, International. [For International Congresses see Europe.] CONSERVATOIRE NATIONAL DES ARTS ET METIERS. See Paris: CONSERVATOIRE NATIONAL DES ARTS ET METIERS, CORVEY, Carl. Aeronautische Schetsen aanteekeningen over Luchtscheepvaart. Leiden, 1895. Svo. pp. 89. COXWELL, Henry Tracey. My life and balloon experiences, with a supplementary chapter on military ballooning. (And Second series.) London, 1887 (-1889). 2 vols. Svo. pp. 232, 295. pi. 1, 17. DALLWITZ, Richard Wegner von. See Wegner von Dallwitz, Richard. DEBURAUX, E. Voyages aeriens an long cours. Dernier essai preliminaire aux voyages aeriens d'exploration. [Sur un aerostat non monte. From the "Revue du Genie militaire."] Paris, Nancy, [n.d.]. Svo. pp. 100. [Bound up with Milton, MASS.; BLUE HILL METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVA- TORY, Blue Hill Meteorological Observatory, in vol. lettered Pamphlets. Aeronautics. I.] DELPRA.T, Andre. Industrial aerial navigation. Flying machines with paddling wings having a continuous effect without balloons, screw- propellers or aeroplanes. A complete solution. London, 1904. Svo. pp. 72. [Bound up with Butler, Frank Hedges, 5 t OOO miles in a balloon, in vol. lettered Pamphlets. Aeronautics. II.] DE-MICHELI, Lodovico. Risoluzione del problema aeronautico. Milano, 1904. Svo. pp. 14. [Bound up with Assmann, Richard Adolph, Vber die Exutenz eines icdrmeren Luftst romes in der Ilb'he ron 10 bis 75*, in vol. lettered Pamphlets. Aeronautics. V.] DERVAL, E. Etude sur la navigation aerienne. Paris, 1889. Svo. pp. 243. DEUTSCHEE, LUFTSCHIFFEE-VEEBAND. See Germany : DEUTSCHER LUFTSCHIFFER-VERBAND. DEUTSCHER VEREIN ZUR FOEDEEUNG DER LUFT- SCHIFFFAHET. See Berlin: DEUTSCHER VEREIN ZUR FORDERUNG DER LUFT- SCHIFFAHRT. DINES, William Henry. Observations by means of kites at Crinan in the summer of 1903. From the Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, Vol. xxx. [London], 1904. 8vo. pp. 11. [Bound up with Assmann, Richard Adolph, Uber die Kxistenz eines wdrmeren Luftstronies in der Hdke von 10 bis I5 km , in vol. lettered Pamphlets. Aeronautics. V.] DINES, William Henry. On the duration and lateral extent of gusts of wind and the measurement of their intensity. From the Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, Vol. XX. [London, 1894]. 8vo. pp. 7. [Bound up with Butler, Frank Hedges, 5,000 miles in a balloon, in vol. lettered Pamphlets. Aeronautics. II.] DINES, William Henry. On the pressure of wind on curved vanes. (From the Proceedings of the Royal Society, Vol. 50.) [London, 1891.] 8vo. pp. 12. [Bound up with Milton, MASS.; BLUE HILL METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVA- TORY, Slue Hill Meteorological Observatory, in vol. lettered Pamphlets. Aeronautics. I.] DINES, William Henry. Remarks on the measurement of the maximum wind pressure, and description of a new instrument for indicating and recording the maximum. From the Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, Vol. XIX. [London, 1893.] 8vo. pp. 7. [Bound up with Butler, Frank Hedges, 5,000 miles in a balloon, in vol. lettered Pamphlets. Aeronautics. II.l DISCOESO. Discorso sopra la navigazione aerea. [Problema nautico-aereo- statico. Se sia possibile far concepire al globo aereostatico del Sig. Montgolfier una direzione orizzontale differente dalla direzione del vento. n.p., n.d.]. 8vo. pp. 40. pi. 1. DOLPUS, Etienne, and DOLFUS, Henri. Petits modeles d'aeroplanes. Historique, theorie elementaire, constructions et experiences. Preface de G. Voisin. Paris, [1912]. 8vo. pp. 121. DEZEVIECKI, Stefan. Les oiseaux considered comme des aeroplanes animes. Essai d'une nouvelle theorie du vol. Cleremont, Oise, 1889. 8vo. pp. 36. [Bound up with Ballon (Le), 6me annee, Janvier, Fevrier, Mars 1883, in vol. lettered Pamphlets. Aeronautics. III.] 13 DRZEVIECKI, Stefan. Le vol plane. Essai (Tune solution mecanique du probleme. Paris, 1891. 8-vo. pp. 48. [Bound up with Assmann, Richard Adolph, tfber die Existenz eines war-mere n Luftstromes In der Hohe ron 10 bis Z5 fcm , in vol. lettered Pamphlets. Aeronautics. V.] DUCHfiNE, Emile Auguste. The mechanics of the aeroplane : a study of the principles of flight. Translated from the French by John H. Ledeboer and T. O'B. Hubbard. London, &c. t 1912. 8vo. pp. 241. EIFFEL, Alexandra Gustave. La resistance de Fair. Bxamen des formules et des experiences. Paris, 1910. 8vo. pp. 266. pi 1. EIFFEL, Alexandre Gustave. Complement de la premiere edition de la resistance de Fair et 1'aviation. Experiences effectuees au laboratoire du Champ- de-Mars. Paris, 1911. 4to. pp. 105. pi 1. EIFFEL, Alexandre Gustave. Recherches experimentales sur la resistance de V air executees a la Tour Eiffel. Paris, 1907. 4to. pp. 107. pi. 20. ERK, Fritz. Die wichtigsten Bergobservatorien. (Separatabdruck aus der Zeitschrift des Deutschen und Osterreichischen Alpenvereins, Jahrgang 1899, Band XXX.) [Miinchen, 1899.] 8vo. pp. 16. [Bound up with AmanS, Paul, Sur les prog res recents de Variation, in vol. lettered Pamphlets. Aeronautics. VI.] E3NAULT-PELTERIE, Robert. Exposition universelle & internationale de Bruxelles, 1910. Section francaise. Glroupe VI B . Classe 34 : Aeronautique. Rapport suivi d'une etude scientifique, industrielle et historique sur Taeronautique. 1911. See AUTHOR CAT ALOGUE France : MlNISTERE DU COMMERCE, &c. ESSAI. Essai sur 1'art du vol aerien. [By Laurent Gaspard Grerard.] Paris, MDCCLXXXIV. 12mo. pp. 197. [The 16 plates are wanting.] EUROPE: Commission internationale aeronautique. See infra, INTERNATIONALE AERONAUTISCHE COMMISSION. EUROPE : Commission permanente internationale nie annee, Janvier, FeVrier, Mars 1883, in vol. lettered Pamphlets. Aeronautics. III.] FERGUSON, Allan Kitchen. Aerial locomotion. See Harper, Edgar Henry, and Ferguson, Allan Hitchen. FIGUIER, Guillaume Louis. Louis Figuier Les merveilles de la science Max de Nansouty. [Nouvelle edition entierement refondue et mise a jour par Max de Nansouty.] Preface de M. Alfred Picard. Aerostation. Aviation. Par Max de Nansouty. Paris, 1911. 8vo. pp.763. FLAMMARION, Nicolas Camille. Travels in the air. By James Grlaisher, Camille Flammarion, W. de Fonvielle, and Gaston Tissandier. See Glaisher, James. FLAMMARION, Nicolas Camille, and BOISSAY, Charles. De Paris a Vaucouleurs a vol d'oiseau. Relation d'un voyage scientifique en ballon. Paris, 1873. 8vo. pp. 20. FLIGHT. A journal devoted to the interests, practice, and progress of aerial locomotion and transport. Official organ of the Aero Club of the United Kingdom. Volume I, 1909, and onwards. London, 1909, &c. 8vo. FLIGHTS. Flights in the air : being an historical account of the most remarkable aerial voyages performed in France, Germany, Great Britain, and Ireland, including those of Lunardi, &c. 1802. See Lunardi, Vincenzo. FLYING. The journal of aeronautics. With which is incorporated The Flyer, The Flying Machine, The Aeronaut. No. 1, December, 1901. London. 4to. [Bound up with Butler, Frank Hedges, 5,000 miles in a balloon, in vol. lettered Pamphlets. Aeronautics. II.] FONTAINE, J. A. A. Expose d'un nouveau systeme d'aerostats dirigeables a propulsion atmospherique, &c. Paris, 1886. 4to. pp. 80. pi. 1. [Bound up with Baumgarten, Emst Georg August, & a # lenkbare Flugel- Luftechiff.'] 16 FONVIELLE, Wilfrid de. Travels in the air. By James Grlaisher, Camille Flammarion, "W. de Fonvielle, and Graston Tissandier. See Glaisher, James. FONVIELLE, Wilfrid de. De Paerostation militaire. Extrait du Spectateur militaire. Paris, 1876. 8vo. pp. 16. FONVIELLE, Wilfrid de. Adventures in the air. Being memorable experiences of great aeronauts. From the French of Wilfrid de Fonvielle. Trans- lated and edited by John S. Keltie. London, 1877. 8vo. pp. 320. pi. 19. FONVIELLE, Wilfrid de. L'aerostat dirigeable de Meudon. Paris, 1884. 8vo. pp. 52. [Bound up with Fonvielle, Wilfrid de, De V aerostation militaire.'] FONVIELLE, Wilfrid de. La conquete de Pair. Les debuts du voyage en zig-zag. Paris, 1874. 8vo. pp. 36. pi. 2. [Bound up with Auerbach, Felix, Hundert Jahre lAiftschifffahrt.~\ FONVIELLE, Wilfrid de. Le Congres d 'Aerostation scientifique de 1904. ... Par M. 1'Ingenieur Paul Borde. ... Precede de 1'histoire des precedents Congres par M. W. de Fonvielle. 1905. See Europe : INTERNATIONALE AERONAUTISCHE COMMISSION. FONVIELLE, Wilfrid de. Les ballons dirigeables a vapeur de Henry Griffard. Discours prononce par M. W. de Fonvielle devant . . . 1'Academie d'Aero- station meteorologique de Paris ... avril 1882. [Paris, 1882.] 8vo. pp. 24. [No title-page. Bound up with Auerbach, Felix, Hundert Jahre Luft- schifffahrtJ\ FONVIELLE, Wilfrid de. Manuel pratique de 1'aeronaute. Paris, [1894]. 8vo. pp. 255. FONVIELLE, Wilfrid de, and BESANQON, Georges. Notre flotte aerienne. Paris, 1908. 8vo. pp. 238. FORGE, L. Sazerac de. See Sazerac de Forge, L. FORSTER, Thomas, F.L.S. Annals of some remarkable aerial and alpine voyages, including those of the author ; to which are added, observations on the partial deafness to which aerial and mountain travellers are liable, and an essay on the flight and migration of birds, . . . intended as supplementary to " Researches about atmospheric phenomena." London, 1832. 8vo. pp. 128. FRANKFORT ON THE MAIN: Internationale LuftschifFahrt- Ausstelhmg, 1909. Fiihrer durch die historische Abteilung der internationalen Luftschiffahrt-Ausstellung, Frankfurt a.M., 1909. Frankfurt a.M., [1909]. 8vo. pp. 31. 17 FRANKFORT ON THE MAIN : Internationale Luftschiffahrt- Ausstellung, 1909. Offizieller Katalog. [Frankfurt a.M.], 1909. 8vo. pp. 372. GASTON, R. de. Les aeroplanes de 1910 and onwards. See Aeroplanes (Les). GEDANKEN. Gredanken eines cosmopoliten bey Grelegenheit der aerostatischen Maschinen. Hamburg, 1784. 8vo. pp. 39. pi. 3. GERARD, Laurent Gaspard. Essai sur Part du vol aerien. [By L. G-. Gerard.] MDCCLXXXIY. See Essai. GERMANY: Deutscher Luftschiffer-Verband. Illustrierte aeronautische Mitteilungen. Zeitschrift des Deutschen Luftschiffer-Verbandes. ... Siebenter Jahrgang, 1903, &c. See Strasburg : OBERRHEINISCHER VEEEIN FUR LUFTSCHIFFFAHRT, Illustrirte Mitteilungen des ... Yereins. GERMANY: Deutscher Luftschiffer-Verband. Jahrbuch. [1905] and onwards. Graudenz, cfcc., 1905, &c. 8vo. [The volume for 1906 is wanting.] GERMANY: Kaiserliches Patentamt. [Collection of German patent specifications on aeronautics, 1878- 1898.] 8vo. GIAMPIETRO, Edoardo. La conquete de 1'atmosphere. La voile dans la navigation aerienne. Communication faite au " Congres international d'aeronautique " ... en 1900. Etampes, 1900. 8vo. pp. 32. [Bound up with Ballon (Le), 6me anne, Janvier, Fevrier, Mars 1883, in vol. lettered Pamphlets. Aeronautics. III.] GIFFARD, Henry. Les ballons dirigeables a vapeur de Henry Griffard. See Fonvielle, Wilfrid de. GIFFARD, Henry. Le grand ballon captif a vapeur de M. Henry Griff ard. 1878. See Tissandier, Gaston. GIRARDVILLE, P. Etude sur la navigation aerienne. . . . Extrait de la Revue d'artil- lerie ... 1899. Paris, Nancy, 1899. 8vo. pp.30. [Bound up with Milton, MASS. : BLUE HILL METEOROLOGICAL OBSER- VATORY, Blue Hill Meteorological Observatory, in vol. lettered Pamphlets. Aeronautics. I.] GLAISHER, James. Travels in the air. By James Grlaisher, Camille Flammarion, W. de Fonvielle, and Gaston Tissandier. Edited by James Grlaisher. [The voyages of MM. Flammarion, de Fonvielle, and Tissandier, translated from the French by T. L. Phipson.] London, 1871. 8vo. pp. 414. pi. 12. GLAISHER, James. Bo34ymHbia nyremecTBifl. [Travels in the air.] Fjeinepa, jaMMapioHa, OoHBiejfl H THcsaHflLe. CaHKTneTep6ypn, [n.d.]. 6'ro. pp. 572. pi. 27. ti 1 728(5 B 18 GOLDSCHMIDT, Eobert. Navigation aerienne. Les aeromobiles. Preface de M. Ernest Solvay. Paris, Bruxelles, 1911. 8vo. pp. 430. GOUPIL, A. Aviation. Etude, experimentation, observations et deductions. Texte. Tours, 1893. 8vo. pp. 102. [Bound up with Amans, Paul, > ur l es progres recents de V aviation, in vol. lettered Pamphlets. Aeronautics. VI.] GOUPIL, A. La locomotion aerienne. Charleville, 1884. 8vo. pp. 112. pi. 7. [Bound up with Flammarion, Nicolas Camille, and Boissay, Charles, De Paris a Vaucouleurs a rol d'oi se.au.-'] GRAFFIGNY, Henri de. Die Luftschiffahrt und die lenkbaren Ballons. Autorisirte Ueber- setzung von Adolph Schulze. Leipzig, 1888. 8vo. pp. 318. pi. 4. GRAHAME-WHITE, Claude, and HARPER, Harry, Writer on Aeroplanes. The aeroplane in war. London, [1912]. 8vo. pp. 260. pi. 17. GRAHAME-WHITE, Claude, and HARPER, Harry, Writer on Aeroplanes. The aeroplane : past, present, and future. London, 1911. 8vo. pp. 336. pi. 65. GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND : Army. Manual of military ballooning. In progress. London, 1905, &c. 8vo. GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND : Patent Office. Library series : No. 17. Subject list of works on aerial naviga- tion and meteorology, in the Library. London, 1905. 8vo. pp. 64. GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND : Treasury. Interim report of the Advisory Committee for Aeronautics on the work for the year 1909-10 and onwards. London, 1909, &c. 8vo. GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND: Treasury. Advisory Committee for Aeronautics. Eeports and memoranda. In progress. London, 1910, &c. 4to & 8vo. GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND: Treasury. Report of the Advisory Committee for Aeronautics for the year 1909-10 and onwards. London, 1910, &c. 8vo. GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND: Treasury. Technical report of the Advisory Committee for Aeronautics for the year 1910-11 and onwards. London, 1911, &c. 8vo. GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND : War Office. Manual of military ballooning. See supra, ARMY. 19 GREENHILL, Sir Alfred George, Report on the theory of a stream line past a plane barrier, and of the discontinuity arising at the edge, with an application of the theory to an aeroplane. 1910. See Great Britain and Ireland: TREASURY, Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, Reports and memoranda, No. 19. GREENHILL, Sir Alfred George. The dynamics of mechanical flight. Lectures delivered at the Imperial College of Science and Technology, March, 1910 and 1911. London, 1912. 8vo. pp. 128. GREENLY, Henry. Flying machines : past, present, and future. See Marshall, Alfred William, and Greenly, Henry. HAENIG, A. Ballon- und Flugmotoren. Ihre technische Entwicklung und gegenwartige Gestaltung. Rostock i. M., 1910. 8vo. pp. 200. HAENIG, A. Luftschiffhallenbau. Sammlung moderner Luftschiffhallen- Konstruktionen mit statistischen Berechnungen. Rostock i. M., 1910. 8vo. pp. 174. HARGRAVE, Lawrence. " Aeronautics." Read before the Royal Society of N.S. Wales ... 1898. (Reprinted from Journal and Proceedings of the Royal Society of N.S. Wales, Vol. XXXII.) [Sydney, 1898]. 8vo. pp. 11. [Bound up with Milton, MASS. : BLUB HILL METEOROLOGICAL OBSER- VATORY, Blue Hill Meteorological Observatory, in vol. lettered Pamphlets. Aeronautics. I.] HARGRAVE, Lawrence. Compressed air flying-machines. ... Read before the Royal Society, N.S. Wales ... 1891. [Sydney, 1891.] 8vo. pp. 7. pi. 10. [Bound up with Milton, MASS.; BLUE HILL METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATORY, Bins Hill Meteorological Observatory, in vol. lettered Pamphlets. Aeronautics. I.] HARGRAVE, Lawrence. On the cellular kite. ... Read before the Royal Society of N.S. Wales ... 1896. [Sydney, 1896.] 8vo. pp.4. [The plate is wanting:. Bound up with Milton, MASS. ; BLUE HILL METEORO- LOGICAL OBSERVATORY, Slue Hill Meteorological Observatory, in vol. lettered Pamphlets. Aeronautics. IJ HARPER, Edgar Henry, and FERGUSON, Allan Hitchen. Aerial locomotion. With an introduction by Gr. H. Bryan. (The Cambridge manuals of science and literature.) Cambridge, 1911. 8vo. pp. 176. HARPER, Harry, Writer on Aeroplanes. The aeroplane in war. See Graham-White, Claude, and Harper, Harry, Writer on Aeroplanes. HARPER, Harry, Writer on Aeroplanes. The aeroplane : past, present, and future. See Grahame- White, Claude, and Harper, Harry, Writer on Aeroplanes. B 2 20 HARRY, James Spence. The right to fly. By Nadar. Translated ... by James Spence Harry. See Nadar, pseud, [i.e. Felix Tournachon]. HENRION, Francesco. Fondamenti teorico-practici dell' arte aeronautica. Firenze, MDCCLXXXIX. 16mo. pp. 138. pi. 4. HERGESELL, Hugo. Ascensions de ballons en pleine mer, pour etudier les conditions de temperature et d'humidite, ainsi que les courants atmos- pheriques, jusqu'a des altitudes tres elevees de Patmosphere. [From the Bulletin du Musee Oceanographique de Monaco, 1905.] Monaco, 1905. 8vo. pp. 12. [Bound up with Assmann, Richard Adolph, Tfber die Existenz eines warm- eren Luftstromes in der Hohe von 10 bis 15*, in vol. lettered Pamphlets. Aeronautics. V.] HILDEBRANDT, Alfred. Airships past and present, together with chapters on the use of balloons in connection with meteorology, photography and the carrier pigeon. Translated by W. H. Story. London, 1908. 8vo. pp. 382. pi. 1. HOERNES, Hermann. A compendium of aviation and aerostation : balloons, dirigibles and flying-machines. With a preface by J. H. Ledeboer. London, 1911. 8vo. pp. 192. pi. 4. HOERNES, Hermann. Lenkbare Ballons, Riickblicke und Aussichten. Leipzig, 1902. 8vo. pp. 372. pi. 6. HOERNES, Hermann. Das LoessPsche Luftwiderstandsgesetz und dessen Anwendung in der Flugtechnik. Besprochen von Hauptmann Hermann Hoernes. Sonderabdruck aus den "Technischen Blattern," Yierteljahrschrift des " Deutschen Polytechnischen Yereines in Bohmen," XXXI. .Jahrgang. Prag, 1900. 8vo. pp. 28. [ Bound up with Assmann, Richard Adolph, Die Erforschung der hdheren Luftschicliten und die Wetter prog nose, in vol. lettered Pamphlets. Aeronautics. IV.] HOERNES, Hermann. Die Luftschiffahrt der Gegenwart. Wien, Pest, Leipzig, 1903. 8vo. pp. 280. pi. 1. HOERNES, Hermann. Die Wellner'schen Yersuche iiber den Luftwiderstand und mit dem Probesegelrad. Sonderabdruck aus den " Technischen Blattern," Yierteljahrschrift des " Deutschen Polytechnischen Yereines in Bohmen," XXVI. Jahrgang. Prag, 1895. 8vo. pp. 26. pi. 3. [Bound up with Assmann, Richard Adolph, Die Erforschung der hdheren Luftschicliten und die Wetterprognose, in vol. lettered Pamphlets Aeronautics. IV.] 21 HOERNES, Hermann. Das Zeppelin'sche Ballonproblem. Sonder-Abdruck aus der" Zeit- schrift desOesterr. Ingenieur- und Architekten-Vereines," 1901. Wien, 1901. 8vo. pp. 34. [Bound up with Assmann, Richard Adolph Die Erforsdiung der hSheren lAiftschichten und die Wetterprognose, in vol. lettered Pamphlets. Aeronautics. IV.] HONORS. Histoire d'une idee. La navigation aerienne au point de vue de la guerre. ... Le moyen de remporter facilement la victoire dans la premiere guerre que la France aura a supporter. Ensuite etablissement du service des transports aeriens entre tous les continents. [Paris, 1887.] 8vo. pp. 34. [An extract. Bound up with Flammarion, Nicolas Camille, and Boissay, Charles, D & Paris a Vaucouleurs a vol d'oiseau.'] HOUARD, G. Les ascensions en cerfs-volants. Paris, [1911]. 8vo. pp. 107. HUBBARD, Thomas O'Brien. The mechanics of the aeroplane: a study of the principles of flight. By Captain Duchene. Translated from the French by John H. Ledeboer and T.O'B. Hubbard. See Duchene, Emile Augusts. HUBBARD, Thomas O'Brien, How to build an aeroplane. By Kobert Petit. Translated from the French by T. O'B. Hubbard and J. H. Ledeboer. See Petit, Robert. HUBBARD, Thomas O'Brien, LEDEBOER, John Henry, and TURNER, Charles Cyril. The aeroplane : an elementary text-book of the principles of dynamic flight. London, &c., 1911. 8vo. pp. 140. pi. 4. HUTH, Fritz. Luftfahrzeugbau : Konstruktion von Luftschiffen und Flug- maschinen. Berlin, 1909. 8vo. pp. 241. pi. 19. HUTH, Fritz. Luftfahrzeugbau : Konstruktion von Luftschiffen und Flug- maschinen. Zweite ... Auflage. Berlin, 1910. 8vo. pp. 335. pi. 10. HYATT, Thaddeus. The dragon-fly, or reactive passive locomotion. A vacuum theory of aerial navigation, based on the principle of the fan- blower. To which is appended some remarks on water and its navigation. By a disciple of Bacon [Thaddeus Hyatt]. London, 1882. 4to. pp. 84. [The first leaf, or,? half title, is missing from this copy.] ILLUSTRIRTE AERONAUTISCHE MITTHEILUNGEN. See Strasburg: OBERRHEINISCHER VEREIN FUR LUFTSCHIF- FAHRT, Illustrirte Mittheilungen des . . . Vereins. ILLUSTRIRTE MITTHEILUNGEN des Oberrheinischen Vereins fur Luftschiffahrt. See Strasburg: OBERRHEIN- ISCHER VEREIN FUR LUFTSCHIFFAHRT. 22 IMPERIAL COLLEGE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. See London: IMPERIAL COLLEGE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. INSTITUT AfiEODYNAMIQUE DE KOUTCHINO. See Koutchino : INSTITUT AERODYNAMIQUE. ISENTHAL, Adolf William. Birdflight as the basis of aviation : a contribution towards a system of aviation. Compiled from the results of numerous experiments made by 0. and Gr. Lilienthal by Otto Lilienthal. . . . Translated from the second edition by A. W. Isenthal. See Lilienthal, Otto. INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC SERIES. See Series. JAHRBUCH iiber die Fortschritte auf alien Gebieten der Luftscliiffalirt. 1911 and onwards. Herausgegeben von Ansbert Yorreiter. Miinchen, [1910], &c. 8vo. JANE, Fred T. All the World's Air-ships (afterwards All the World's Air-craft). Flying annual. Founded and edited by Fred T. Jane. 1909, &c. See All the World's Air-ships. JEFFRIES, John, M.D., of London. A narrative of the two aerial voyages of Doctor Jeffries with Mons. Blanchard; with meteorological observations and re- marks. The first voyage, on the thirteenth of November, 1784, from London into Kent : the second, on the seventh of January, 1785, from England into France. By Doctor Jeffries. London, MDCCLXXXVI. 4to. pp. 62. pi. 2. KELTIE, John Scott. Adventures in the air. Being memorable experiences of great aeronauts. From the French of Wilfrid de Fonvielle. Trans- lated and edited by John S. Keltie. See Fonvielle, Wilfrid de. KESSLER, C. Chr. G. Greschichte der Luftschwimmkunst von 1783 bis zu den Wendel- steiner Fallversuchen. [Edited by C. C. Gr. Kessler.] 1823. See Zachariae, August Wilhelm. KLIMENT, Leopold. Greorg Wellner. Ein Lebensbild. Briinn. Svo. [An extract from the "Mitteilungen des Deutscben Ingenieur-Vereines in Mahren, 1910, No. 3."] KOCH, Gustav. Die Losung des Flugproblems und das Luftschiff der Zukunft. Miinchen, 1893. Svo. pp. 32. pi. 8. [Bound up with Wray, Richard Spalding^, On some points in the morphology of the icings of blrds.~\ KONIGLICH-PREUSSISCHES METEOROLOGISCHES IN- STITUT. See Berlin : METEOROLOGISCHES INSTITUT. KONVALINKA, Joseph George. Memoirs of an inventor and scientist. Sketches of original iu- genious ideas, published in a series of pamphlets. ... No. V, Aerial navigation. Washington, 1897. Svo. pp. 17. pi. 3. 23 KOTZAUER, Wenzel. Die Luftschifffahrt und ihre Zukunft. Wien, 1895. 8vo. pp. 40. [Bound up with Assmann, Richard Adolph, -Die Erforsckung der hdlwren Lvftscltichte.n und die Wetter proy nose, in vol. lettered Pamphlets. AerO~ nautics. IV.] KOUTCHINO: Institut aerodynamique. Institut aerodynamique de Koutchino. [By D. Riabouchinsky.] 1905. See Riabouchinskii, D. P. KOUTCHINO : Institut aerodynamique. Bulletin. ...Fascicule II. Moscou, 1909. 8vo. KRESS, Wilhelm. Aeroveloce, lenkbare Flugmaschine. Erfunden und beschrieben von Wilhelm Kress. Wien, 1880. 8vo. pp. 26. pi. 3. KRESS, Wilhelm. Aviatik. Wie der Vogel fliegt und wie der Mensch fliegen wird. Wien, 1905. 8vo. pp. 106. [Bound up with Assmann, Richard Adolph, Die Erforschung der hb'heren Lvftschichten und die Wetter prog nose, in vol. lettered Pamphlets. AerO- nautics. IV.] KRIPPENDORF, Hermann. Modell eines steuerbaren Luftschiffes, als Resultat vorausge- schickter, leichter Collodion-Arbeiten. Aarau, 1875. 8vo. pp. 22. [Bound up \\ith Fonvielle, Wilfrid de, De V aerostation militaire.] LACHAMBRE, Henri, and MACHURON, Alexis. Andree. Au Pole Nord en ballon. Paris, [n.d.]. 8vo. pp. 258. LAHENS, Edmond. Navigation aerienne et aerostat dirigeable Lahens. [Paris, n.d.]. 8vo. pp. 17. pi. 1. [Bound up with Amans, Paul, Sur lets progres recent* de Vaviation, in vol lettered Pamphlets. Aeronautics. VI.] LAHENS, Edmund. Navigation aerienne et aerostat dirigeable Lahens 1905. Ex- position a 1'Automobile Club. [Paris, n.d.] . 8vo. pp. 18. pi. 1. [Bound up with Amans, Paul, Sur les progres recent* de' Variation, in vol. lettered Pamphlets. Aeronautics. VI.] LANA TERZI, Francesco. La nave volante. [Brescia, 1760.] 4to. pp. 28. pi. 1. LANA TERZI, Francesco. The aerial ship. 1910. See London: AERONAUTICAL SOCIETY OF G-REAT BRITAIN, Aeronautical classics, No. 4. LANCHESTER, Frederick William. Aerodynamics : constituting the first volume of a complete work on aerial flight. London, 1907. 8vo. pp. 458. pi 2. LANCHESTER, Frederick William. Aerodonetics : constituting the second volume of a complete work on aerial flight. London, 1908. 8vo. pp. 449. pi. 2. LA LANDELLE, Ghiillaume Joseph Gabriel de. Aviation ou navigation aerienne. Deuxieme edition. Paris, 1863. 12mo. pp. 367. LANGLEY, Samuel Pierpont. Langley memoir on mechanical flight. Part I. 1887 to 1896. By Samuel Pierpont Langley. Edited by Charles M. Manly. Part II. 1897 to 1903. By Charles M. Manly. 1911. See AUTHOR CATALOGUE Washington : SMITHSONIAN IN- STITUTION, Smithsonian contributions to knowledge, Vol. 27, No.S. LANGLEY, Samuel Pierpont. The greatest flying creature. Introducing a paper on the ptero- dactyl Ornithostoma by F. A. Lucas. From the Smithsonian report for 1901. Washington, 1902. 8vo. pp. 13. pi. 6. [Bound up with Butler, Frank Hedges, 5,000 miles in a balloon, in vol. lettered Pamphlets. Aeronautics. II.] LAPOINTE, E. Essai sur la navigation aerienne : aerostation, aviation. Paris, Nancy, 1896. 8vo. pp. 179. LEBAUDY, Paul, and LEBAUDY, Pierre. Le dirigeable Lebaudy. [Paris, 1906.] 8vo. pp. 40. [Bound up with Assmann, Richard Adolph, Uber die Hxistenz fines warmeren Luftstromes in der Ho'he von 10 bis 15 km , in vol. lettered Pamphlets. Aeronautics. V.l LECORNU, J. Les cerfs-volants. Paris, 1902. 8vo. pp. 246. LECORNU, J. La navigation aerienne : histoire documentaire et anecdotique. Paris, 1903. fol. pp. 484. LEDEBOER, John Henry. The mechanics of the aeroplane : study of the principles of flight. By Captain Duchene. Translated from the French by John H. Ledeboer and T. O'B. Hubbard. See Duchene, Smile Auguste. LEDEBOER, John Henry. The aeroplane : an elementary text-book of the principles of dynamic flight. See Hubbard, Thomas O'Brien; Ledeboer, John Henry; and Turner, Charles Cyril. LEDEBOER, John Henry. How to build an aeroplane. By Robert Petit. Translated from the French by T. O'B. Hubbard and J. H. Ledeboer. See Petit, Robert. LEFEVRE, Pol. Bibliotheque des sciences et de Pindustrie, publiee sous la direction de MM. J. Pichot et Pol Lefevre. See Pichot, J., and Lefevre, Pol. LfiGrER, Maurice. Helicoptere Leger. [Monaco, n.d.] 8vo. pp. 8. pi. 1. [Bound up with Amans, Paul, Sur let progrh recent s de Variation, in vol. lettered Pamphlets. Aeronautics. VIJ 25 LILIENTHAL, Otto. Birdflight as the basis of aviation : a contribution towards a system of aviation. Compiled from the results of numerous experiments made by 0. and G. Lilienthal by Otto LilienthaL With a biographical introduction and addendum by Gustav Lilienthal. Translated from the second edition by A. W. Isenthal. London, &c., 1911. 8vo. pp. 166. pi. 8. LILIENTHAL, Otto. Die Flugapparate. Allgemeine Gesichtspunkte bei deren Her- stellung und Anwendung. [Sonderabdruck aus...der Zeit- schrift fur Luftschiffahrt, Juni 1894.] Berlin, 1894. 8vo. pp. 16. [Bound up with Wellner, Georg, Die Ausfiihrlarlteit dynaniisclier Flug- in asc/iine n.^ LILIENTHAL, Otto. Der Vogelflug als Grundlage der Fliegekunst. Ein Beitrag zur Systematik der Flugtechnik. Berlin, 1889. 8vo. pp. 195. pi. 9. LISLE, M. Rollet de. See Rollet de 1'Isle, M. LINKE, Karl Wilhelm Franz. Moderne Luftschiffahrt. Berlin, 1903. 8vo. pp. 296. pi. 23. LIPPERT, P. W. JSatiirliche Fliege-Systeme. Neue Auflage, contra Ballon-Systeme berlin-pariser Auflage. Wien, 1885. 8vo. pp. 70. [Bound up with Auerbach, Felix, Hundert Jahre Luftschifffahrt.~\ LOENING, Grover Cleveland. Monoplanes and biplanes : their design, construction and opera- tion. London, New York, 1911. 8vo. pp. 347. LOESSL, Friedrich Bitter von. Die Luftwiderstands-Gesetze der Fall durch die Luft und der Vogelflug. Mathematisch-mechanische Klarung auf experi- menteller Grundlage entwickelt. Wien, 1896. 8vo. pp. 308. LONDON : Aeronautical Society of Great Britain. The Aeronautical Journal. [Vol. I] and onwards. London, [1897], &c. 8vo. [The title-page to Vol. n. is wanting.] LONDON : Aeronautical Society of Great Britain. Aeronautical classics. No. 1 and onwards. London, 1910, &c. 8vo. LONDON : Imperial College of Science and Technology. The dynamics of mechanical flight. Lectures delivered at the... College... March, 1910 and 1911 by Sir G. Greenhill. 1912. See Greenhill, Sir Alfred George. LONDON: Royal Society. A narrative of the two aerial voyages of Doctor Jeffries with Mons. Blanchard ... presented to the Royal Society, April 14, 1785; and read before them, January, 1786. MDCCLXXXVI. See Jeffries, John, M.D., of London. 26 LONDON : Science Museum, South Kensington. List of the works in the Science Library on aeronautics. London, 1909. 4to. pp. 24. LONDON: Science Museum, South Kensington. List of the works on aeronautics in the Science Library. Second edition, including the works added to November, 1912. London, 1913. 8vo. pp. 42. LOUGHEED, Victor. Vehicles of the air : a popular exposition of modern aeronautics with working drawings. London, Leipzic, 1910. 8vo. pp. 479. pi. 64. LUCAS, Frederick Augustus. The greatest flying creature. By S. P. Langley. Introducing a paper on the pterodactyl Ornithostoma by F. A. Lucas. See Langley, Samuel Pierpont. LUNARDI, Vincenzo. An account of the first aerial voyage in England, in a series of letters to... Chevalier Grherardo Compagni, written under the impressions of the various events that affected the undertaking. London, MDCCLXXXIV. 8vo. pp. 72. pi. 3. LUNARDI, Vincenzo. An account of the first aerial voyage in England, in a series of letters to... Chevalier Grherardo Compagni, written under the impressions of the various events that affected the undertaking. ...Second edition. London, MDCCLXXXIV. 8vo. pp.72, pi. 3. [The pages are incorrectly numbered.] LUNARDI, Vincenzo. Flights in the air : being an historical account of the most remarkable aerial voyages performed in France, Grermany, Great Britain, and Ireland, including those of Lunardi, Blanchard,...&c., &c., with an... account of ...the... ascensions of M. Grarnerin. &c. London, 1802. 12mo. pp. 74. pi. 1. MACHURON, Alexis. Andree. Au Pole Nord en ballon. See Lachambre, Henri, and Machuron, Alexis. MACMILLAN, Daniel, & Co., Publishers. (Macmillan's science monographs.) Stability in aviation. By Gr. H. Bryan. 1911. See Bryan, George Hartley. MANLY, Charles Matthews. Langley memoir on mechanical flight. Part I. 1887 to 1896. By Samuel Pierpont Langley. Edited by Charles M. Manly. Part II. 1897 to 1903. By Charles M. Manly. 1911. See AUTHOR CATALOGUE Washington : SMITHSONIAN INSTI- TUTION, Smithsonian contributions to knowledge, Vol. 27,JVb. 3. MANSFIELD, Charles Blachford. Aerial navigation. By the late Charles Blachford Mansfield. Edited by his brother Robert Blachford Mansfield. With a preface by J. M. Ludlow. London, 1877. 8vo. pp. 537. 27 MANSFIELD, Robert Blachford. Aerial navigation. By the late Charles Blachford Mansfield. Edited by his brother Robert Blachford Mansfield. See Mansfield, Charles Blachford. MARCHIS, Lucien Rene Andre Edmond. Le9ons sur la navigation aerienne. See Bordeaux : UNIVERSITE DE BORDEAUX. MAREY, Etienne Jules. Lectures on the phenomena of flight in the animal kingdom. Translated from the Revue des Cours scientifiques, for the Smithsonian Institution, [Annual Report. Washington, 1871]. 8vo. pp. 50. [An extract. Bound up with Fonvielle, Wilfrid de, De V aerostat ion ~ MARION, Fulgence. Lesballons et les voyages aeriens. (Bibliotheque des merveilles.) Paris, 1867. 8vo. pp. 332. MARION, Fulgence. Wonderful balloon ascents ; or, the conquest of the skies. A history of balloons and balloon voyages. From the French of F. Marion. London, [1870]. 8vo. pp. 242. MARSHALL, Alfred William, and GREENLY, Henry. Flying machines: past, present, and future. London, [1907]. 8vo. pp. 128. pi. 1. MASON, Thomas Monck. Account of the late aeronautical expedition from London to Weilburg, accomplished by Robert Holland, Esq., Monck Mason, Esq., and Charles Green, aeronaut. [By T. M. Mason.] London, 1836. 8vo. pp. 52. MASON, Thomas Monck. Aeronautica ; or, sketches illustrative of the theory and practice of aerostation : comprising an enlarged account of the late aerial expedition to Germany. London, 1838. 8vo. pp. 357. pi. 5. MAXIM, Sir Hiram Stevens. Artificial and natural flight. Second edition. London, New York, 1909. 8vo. pp. 192. MAY, Gustav. Ballooning : a concise sketch of its history and principles. (The Specialists' Series, Volume III.) London, 1885. 8vo. pp. 104. pi 1. MEANS, James. The Aeronautical Annual. 1895, (No. 11897, No. 3). Edited by James Means. See Aeronautical (The) Annual. MEANS, James. The problem of manflight. Boston, Mass., 1894. 8vo. pp. 22. [Bound up with Fonvielle, Wilfrid de, De V aerostat ion militaire.] METEOROLOGISCHES INSTITUT IN BERLIN. See Berlin : METEOROLOGISCHES INSTITUT. 28 MILAN. Descrizione del grandiose straordinario spettacolo non mai veduto, cioe : gara di tre aeronaut! che avra luogo Domenica 27 giugno 1847 sulla Gran Piazza d'Arrni in Milano. Milano, [1847], 8vo. pp.8. MILAN: Espozione di Milano, 1906. Almerico da Schio. Agosto 1906. Per il Concorso Aeronautico di Milano. See Schio, Almerico da. MILLA, Karl. Die Flugbewegung der Yogel. Leipzig und Wein, 1895. 8vo. pp. 100. pi. 2. MILTON, MASS. : Blue Hill Meteorological Observatory. Meteorological investigations in the free air at the ...Observatory. By A. Lawrence Rotch. (Reprinted from the Journal of the Association of Engineering Societies, ... 1897.) [Philadelphia, Pa., 1897.] 8vo. pp. 9. pi 1. [Bound up with Milton, MASS. : BLUE HILL METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATORY, Blue Hill Meteorological Observatory, in vol. lettered Pamphlets. AeiO- nautics. I.] MILTON, MASS. : Blue Hill Meteorological Observatory. Blue Hill Meteorological Observatory. [A description.] Re- printed from "A handbook of the principal scientific institutions, Boston and vicinity, 1898." Boston, 1898. 8vo. pp. 5. pi. 1. [Bound up with other pamphlets in vol. lettered Pamphlets. Aeronautics. I.] MOEDEBECK, Hermann W. L. Handbuch der Luftschiffahrt mit besonderer Berucksichtichung ihrer militairischen Yerwendung. Leipzig, 1886. 2 Theile. 8vo. pp. 208, 214. pi. 4. MOEDEBECK, Hermann W. L. Die Luftschiffahrt, ihre Yergangenheit und ihre Zukunft, insbesondere das Luftschiff im Yerkehr und im Kriege. Strassburg, 1906. 8vo. pp. 144. MOEDEBECK, Hermann W. L. Taschenbuch zum praktischen Gebrauch fur Flugtechniker und Luftschiffer, unter Mitwirkung von H. Hoernes, Y. Kremser, 0. Lilienthal, A. Miethe, K. Miillenhoff, herausgegeben von Hermann W. L. Moedebeck. Berlin, 1895. 8vo. pp. 248. MOEDEBECK, Hermann W. L. Pocket-book of aeronautics. By Hermann W. L. Moedebeck in collaboration with 0. Chanute and others. . . . Translated by W. Mansergh Yarley. London, 1907. 8vo. pp. 510. MOLLIEN, Charles Ravaisson-. See Ravaisson-Mollien, Charles. MOTOELUFTSCHIFF-STUDIENGESELLSCHAFT. See Berlin : MOTOKLUFTSCHIFF-STUDIENGESELLSCHAFT. MOTOEWAGEN (DER). . . . Organ der Automobil- und Flugtech- nischen Gesellschaft. XIII. Jahrgang ]910 and onwards. [Redaktion : Robert Conrad.] Berlin. 4to. 29 MOUILLARD, L. P. L'empire de 1'air. Essai d'ornithologie appliquee a Faviation. Paris, 1881. 8vo. pp. 288. NADAR, pseud, [i.e. Felix Tournachon]. The right to fly. By Nadar. Translated from the French by James Spence Harry ... with a preface by Greorge Sand. London, [1866]. 8vo. pp. 96. NANSOUTY, Max de. Louis Figuier Les merveilles de la science Max de Nansouty. [Nouvelle edition entierement refondue et mise a jour par Max de Nansouty.]... Aerostation. Aviation. Par Max de Nansouty. See Figuier, G-uillaume Louis. NEILSON, Robert Morrison. Aeroplane patents. London, 1910. 8vo. pp. 101. NEWSPAPER CUTTINGS. [Collection of newspaper cuttings on aeronautics.] See Aero- nautics. NEW YORK : Aero Club of America. Navigating the air. A scientific statement of the progress of aeronautical science up to the present time. London, 1907. 8vo. pp. 306. pi. 32. NIMFUEHR, Raimund. Leitfaden der Luftschiffahrt und Flugtechnik in gemeinverstand- licher Darstellung und mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der historischen Entwicklung. Wien und Leipzig, 1909 [i.e. 1908]. 8vo. pp. 462. NIPHER, Francis Eugene. A method of measuring the pressure at any point on a structure, due to wind blowing against that structure. (Transactions of The Academy of Science of St. Louis, Vol. VIII.) [St. Louis], 1898. 8vo. pp. 24. pi. 2. [Bound up with Butler, Frank Hedges, 5,000 miles inaballoon,in vol. lettered Pamphlets. Aeronautics. II.] NIPHER, Francis Eugene. The frictional effect of railway trains upon the air. (Trans- actions of the Academy of Science of St. Louis, Vol. X.) [St. Louis], 1900. 8vo. pp. 15. [Bound up with Butler, Prank Hedges, 5,000 miles in a balloon^ in vol. lettered Pamphlets. Aeronautics. II.] NOUVELLE COLLECTION SCIENTIFIQUE. Nouvelle collection scientifique. Directeur : Emile Borel. See Borel, Smile. OBERRHEINISCHER VEREIN FUR LUFTSCHIFFAHRT. See Strasburg : OBERRHEINISCHER VEREIN FUR LUFTSCHIFFAHRT. PAINLEVE, Paul, and BOREL, fimile. L'aviation. Troisieme edition. (Nouvelle collection scientifique. Directeur : Smile Borel.) Paris, 1911 [i.e. 1910]. 8vo. pp.278. 30 PALAZZO, Lmgi. Primi esperirnenti di palloni-sonde in Italia. Estratto dal " Bollettino della Societa Aeronautica Italiana," Anno 1, n.2. Eoma, 1904. 8vo. pp. 10. [Bound up with Ama/ns Pa.U.1 Stir les progres recents de Vaviation, in vol. lettered Pamphlets. Aeronautics. VI.] PARIS : Conservatoire national des Arts et Metiers. Le probleme de Paviation : sa solution par Paeroplane. Conference faite ... au Conservatoire ... par M. Armengaud jeune. (1908). See Armengaud, Charles Eugene. PARIS : Exposition internationale de 1'Aeronautique. XI e Exposition internationale de 1'Automobile, du Cycle et des Sports. l re Exposition internationale de 1'Aeronautique. Rapport sur le premier salon de 1'Aeronautique, Grand Palais, Paris, Decembre, 1908. Paris, [1909]. 4to. pp. 94. PARIS : Exposition universelle de 1889. Aerostats et aerostation militaire a 1'Exposition Universelle de 1889. See Yon, Gabriel, and Surcouf, Edouard. PARIS : Societe d'Encouragement pour 1'Industrie nationale. Commandant Paul Kenard. L'aviation. Conferences faites en 1909 a la Societe d'Encouragement pour 1'Industrie nationale. Paris, 1909. 4to. pp. 192. PARIS : Union aerophile de France. Les ascensions en ballon libre. Guide de 1'aeronaute pilote. Par le Commandant Paul Kenard. Ouvrage publie sous les auspices de I'Aerophile, revue technique de locomotion aerienne. 1910. See Renard, Paul. PARIS : Union aerophile de France. L'Aerophile. Revue mensuelle illustree de 1'aeronautique et des sciences qui s'y rattachent. Organe de 1'Union Aerophile de France. Directeur : Georges Besan9on (and Wilfrid de Fonvielle). Premiere annee, 1893, and onwards. Paris, 1893, &c. 8vo. [After vol. 2 the words " Organe de 1' Union Aerophile de France " are dropped. From vol. 9 the covers of the monthly parts have " Publie le Bulletin officielde 1' Aero-Club." Vol. 9 has title-page wanting.] PARIS : Universite de Paris INSTITUT AEROTECHNIQUE. Bulletin. ... Fascicule II, 1912. Paris. 8vo. PELTERIE, Robert Esnault-. See Esnault-Pelterie, Robert. PERREYMOND, . Navigation aerienne. Systeme-Petin. Notions elementaires sur 1'aeronautique et sur les sciences accessoires a cet art. Paris, 1851. 8vo. pp. 48. [Bound up with Fonvielle, Wilfrid de, ^ I' 'aerostat ion militaire.'] PETIT, Robert. How to build an aeroplane. Translated from the French by T. O'B. Hubbard and J. H. Ledeboer. London, 1910. 8vo. pp. 132. 31 PETTIGREW, James Bell. Animal locomotion : or, walking, swimming, and flying, with a dissertation on aeronautics, [The international scientific series.] London, 1873. 8vo. pp.280, pi. 3. PETTIGREW, James Bell. Animal locomotion : or, walking, swimming, and flying, with a dissertation on aeronautics. Second edition. [The international scientific series.] London, 1874. 8vo. pp. 278. pi. 3. PETTIGREW, James Bell. Natural and artificial flight. [Contains extracts from Dr. Petti- grew's memoirs. Excerpt from the " Quarterly Journal of Science," Vol. IX, p. 182. London, MDCCCLXXIL] 8vo. pp. 27. '[See nlso Quarterly Journal of Science, Vol. ix., pp. 27 and 457.] PETTIGREW, James Bell. On the mechanical appliances by which flight is attained in the animal kingdom. [From the Transactions of the Linnean Society, Vol. XXVI. London, 1867.] 4to. pp. 81. pi. 4. [No title-page. Bound up with Wellner, GeOIff, Ueber die MoglicMielt der iMfUchifffahrt.] PETTIGREW;, James Beii. On the various modes of flight in relation to aeronautics. [From the Proceedings of the Eoyal Institution. London, 1867]. 8vo. pp. 13. [Bound up with PettlgreW, James Bell, Natural and artificial flight.'] PEYREY, Francois. L'idee aerienne. Aviation. Les oiseaux artificiels. Avec une preface de Santos-Dumont. Paris, 1909, 8vo. PHIPSON, Thomas Lamb. Travels in the air. By James Glaisher, Camille Flammarion, W. de Fonvielle, and Gaston Tissandier. [The voyages of MM. Flammarion, de Fonvielle, and Tissandier, translated from the French by T. L. Phipson.] See Glaisher, James. PICHOT, J., and LEPEVRE, Pol. Bibliotheque des sciences et de 1'industrie, publiee sous la direction de MM. J. Pichot et Pol Lefevre. L'aeronautique. Par M. Banet-Rivet. 1898. 'See Banet- Rivet, P. PILCHER, Percy Sinclair. Gliding. To which is added the aeronautical work of John Stringfellow. 1910. See London : AERONAUTICAL SOCIETY OF GREAT BRITAIN, Aeronautical classics, No. 5. PIRAUD, J. Claude Pompeien-. See Pompeien-Piraud, J. Claude. PIUMATI, Giovanni. I manoscritti di Leonardo da Vinci. ... Trascrizioni e note di Giovanni Piumati. See Vinci, Leonardo da. POMORTZEV, Mikhail. Appareils du Colonel Pomortzev pour la determination de la direction et de la vitesse du mouvement des nuages et des ballons, &c. See Saint Petersburg : RUSSKOE TEKHNICHESKOE OBSHCHESTVO. 32 POMORTZEV, Mikhail. Section aerostatique de la Societe imperiale technique de Kussie. Precis des travaux de la Section. Par le Colonel Pomortzev. See Saint Petersburg: KUSSKOE TEKHNICHESKOE OBSH- CHESTVO. POMPfilEN-PIRAUD, J. Claude. Aviation. Les secrets du coup d'ailes. Essai de construction d'une machine aerienne. Paris, 1903. 8vo. pp. 366. PORTER, James Robertson. The helicopter flying-machine. An account of previous experi- ments, including an analysis of the author's turbine machine, with theory and deductions. London, 1911. 8vo. pp. 88. RAGLE, Georges. Direction des aerostats. Deux modes d'orientation. Paris, 1883. 8vo. pp. 32. [Bound up with Pettigrew, James Bell, Natural and artificial flight. ~\ RAVAISSON-MOLLIEN, Charles. I manoscritti di Leonardo da Vinci. ... Traduzione in lingua francese di Carlo Ravaisson-Mollien. See Vinci, Leonardo da. RENARD, Louis Marie Joseph Charles Clement. Funerailles de Louis Marie Joseph Charles Clement Renard. [Paris, 1905]. 8vo. pp. 77. pi. 1. [Bound up with Assmann, Richard Adolph, Uber die Exixtenz tines warmeren Luftst.romes in der Hohe von 10 bis 15 km , in vol. lettered Pamphlets. Aeronautics. V.] RENARD, Paul. L'aviation. Conferences faites en 1909 a la Societe d'Encourage- ment pour 1'Industrie nationale. See Paris : SOCIETE D'EN- COURAGEMENT POUR I/lNDUSTRIE NATIONALE. RENARD, Paul. Les ascensions en ballon libre. Guide de 1'aeronaute pilote. Ouvrage publie sous les auspices de L'Aerophile, revue technique de locomotion aerienne. Paris, 1910. 8vo. pp. 232. RESTELLI, E. Kelazione del triplice volo aero eseguito dai Signori Francesco Arban, Carlo Rossi e Grioachimo Seifard partendo dalla Gran Piazza d'Armi il 27 giugno 1847. &c. Milano, [1847?]. 8vo. pp. 8. pi. 1. R,EVUE (La) de Taviation (et des Sports). Publication men- suelle. Cinquieme (- septieme) annee. Paris, 1910 (-1912). 3 vols. 4to. [There are no title-pages. The septieme anne consists of the numbers for January, with Supplement, and February only, nothing further having been published.] RIABOUCHINSKII, D. P. Institut aerodynamique de Koutchino. [By D. Biabouchinsky.] St. Petersbourg [sic], 1905. 8vo. pp. 8. pi. 17. [Bound up with Ballon (Le)> 6iae annee, Janvier, FeVrier, Mars 1883, in vol. lettered Pamphlets. Aeronautics. III.] RIVET, P. Banet-. See Banet-Rivet, P. RO****, A. G. Dissertation sur les aerostates des anciens et des modernes, par A. G-. Ro**** [i.e. Rozier]. Geneve, 1784. 12mo. pp. 178. ROBERTSON, Etienne Gaspard. Memoires recreatifs scientifiques et anecdotiques, [Preface by K. Roch.] Paris, 1831(-1833). MS. NOTES. 2 vols. 8vo. pp. 460, 436. pi. 6', o. ROLLET DE L'ISLE, M. Note au sujet de 1'emploi des aerostats dans la recherche des dangers sous-marins. See Fave, L., and Rollet de 1'Isle, M. ROME : Societa aeronautica italiana. Bollettino. Luglio 1904 [Anno I] and onwards. (Segretario e Red. responsabile Cap. Castagneris Guido.) Roma, [1904], &c. 8vo. [The annual volumes have no title-pages and the first two volumes have no indexes.] ROTCH, Abbott Lawrence. Meteorological investigations in the free air at the Blue Hill Observatory, Milton, Mass. [1897]. See Milton, MASS.: BLUE HILL METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATORY. ROTCH, Abbott Lawrence. On the first observations with registration balloons in America. (Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Vol. XLI,... 1905.) [Boston, 1906.] 8vo. pp.6. [Bound up with Butler, Frank Hedges, 5,000 inUes in a balloon, in vol. lettered Pamphlets. Aeronautics. II.] ROTCH, Abbott Lawrence. The exploration of the atmosphere at sea by means of kites. From the Smithsonian Report for 1901. Washington, 1902. 8vo. pp. 7. pi. 2. [Bound up with Assmanil, Richard Adolph, Uber die Existent eines wdrmeren Luftstromes In der ffohe ron 10 In* 15 km , in vol. lettered Pamphlets. Aeronautics. V.] ROTCH, Abbott Lawrence. The International Aeronautical Congress at Berlin. ... Reprinted from the' Monthly Weather Review ... 1902. [n.p., n.d.] 8vo. pp. 15. [Bound up with Milton, MASS. : BLUE HILL METEOBOLOGICAL OBSERVA- TORY, Blue Hill Meteorological Observatory, in vol. lettered Pamphlets. Aeronautics. I.] ROTCH, Abbott Lawrence. The international congresses of meteorology and aeronautics at Paris. Reprinted from Science, N.S., vol. XII ... 1900. [New York, 1900.] 8vo. pp. 6. [Bound up with Amans, Paul, Sur l es progres recents de Vaviat-ion, in vol. lettered Pamphlets. Aeronautics. VI.] ROTCH, Abbott Lawrence. The Saint Petersburg Conference on the exploration of the atmosphere. Reprinted from Science, N.S., vol. XXI, no. 521. [New York, 1905.] 8vo. pp. 12. [Bound up with Butler, Frank Hedges, 5,000 miles in a balloon, in vol. lettered Pamphlets. Aeronautics. II.] a 17286 34 ROTCH, Abbott Lawrence. The use of kites to obtain meteorological observations. From the Smithsonian Report for 1900. Washington, 1901. 8vo. pp. 12. pi 3. [Bound up with Butler, Frank Hedges, 5,000 miles in a balloon, in vol. lettered Pamphlets. Aeronautics. II.] ROYAL SOCIETY. See London: ROYAL SOCIETY. ROZIER, A. G. Dissertation sur les aerostates des anciens et des modernes, par A. a. Ho**** [i.e. Rozier]. See Ro****, A. G. RUSSKOE TEKHNICHESKOE OBSHCHESTVO. See Saint Petersburg : RUSSKOE TEKHNICHESKOE OBSHCHESTVO. SABACHNIKOV, Thedor. I rnanoscritti di Leonardo da Vinci. ... Pubblicato da Teodoro Sabachnikoff. See Vinci, Leonardo da. SAINT LOUIS, MO. : Louisiana Purchase Exposition, 1904. Rules and regulations governing the aeronautic competition (and Supplementary rules issued August 1903). Saint Louis, [1903]. 2 pts. 8vo. pp. 8, 4. [The " Supplementary rules" are bound between pp. 2 and 3 of the "Rules." The whole is bound up with Milton, MASS. : BLUE HILL METEOROLOGICAL OBSEBVATOBY, Blue Hill Meteorological Observatory, in vol. lettered Pamphlets. Aeronautics. I.] SAINT PETERSBURG : Russkoe Tekhmcheskoe Obshchestvo. Section aerostatique de la Societe imperiale technique de Russie. Appareils du Colonel Pomortzev pour la determination de la direction et de la vitesse du mouvement des nuages et des ballons, des distances, observees du ballon, et de la hauteur du ballon. Paris, [n.d.]. 8vo. pp. 60. [Bound up with Milton, MASS. ; BLUE HILL METEOROLOGICAL OBSEBVA- TOBY, Blue Hill Meteorological Observatory t in vol. lettered Pamphlets. Aeronautics. I.] SAINT PETERSBURG : Russkoe Tekhnicheskoe Obshchestvo. Section aerostatique de la Societe imperiale technique de Russie. Precis des Travaux de la Section. Par le Colonel Pomortzev. Paris, [n.d.]. 8vo. pp. 66. [Bound up with Milton, MASS.; BLUE HILL METEOBOLOGHCAL OBSEBVA- TOBY, Blue Hill, Meteorological Observatory, in vol. lettered Pamphlets. Aeronautics. I.] SAINT PETERSBURG: Societe imperiale polytechnique de Russie. See supra, RUSSKOE TEKHNICHESKOE OBSHCHESTVO. SAMUELSON, Arnold. Flight- velocity. Hamburg, London, New York, 1906. 8vo. pp. 44. pi 5. [Bound up with Butler, Frank Hedges, 5 ,000 miles in a balloon, in vol. lettered Pamphlets. Aeronautics. II.] 35 SAMUELSON, Arnold. Luftwiderstand nnd Flugfrage. Experimental- Vortrag. Ham- burg, 1904. 8m. pp. 56. [Bound up with Assmann, Richard Adolph, Die. AV/ow/* .//// //// hUhercn Lufttchichten ii ml 'j>rgn<>xfi> in vol. lettered Pamphlets. AerO' nautics. IV.] SANSON, A. J., and SANSON, . Les vrais prinoipes de la navigation aerienne : ou, 1'enigme de 1'annee 1839 devoilee. Par Sanson pere et fils. Paris, 1852. 8vo. pp. 16. [Bound up with Flammarion, Nicolas Camille, "'' Boissay, Charles, De fetrit Vftucouleurs a vol d'oij&au.l SANTOS-DUMONT, Alberto. The future of air-ships. [From the " Fortnightly Review," March, 1905. London, 1905.] 8vo. pp. 13. [Bound up with Amans, Paul, Stir lex j>rw/trs recent* tie Variation, in vol. lettered Pamphlets. Aeronautics. VI.] SAZERAC DE FORGE, L. La conquete de Fair. Paris, Nancy, 1907. 8vo. pp. 390. SAZERAC DE FORGE, L. Le probleme de la locomotion aerienne. La conquete de 1'air, Le ballon dirigeable. Deuxieme edition. Paris, Nancy, 1910. 8vo. pp. 825. SCHIO, Almerico da. Agosto 1906. Per il Concorso Aeronautico di Milano. Schio, 1906. 8vo. pp. 25. pi. 2. [Bound up with Ballon (Le), ( 'ine annt'e, Janvier, Fevrier, Mars 1888, in vol. lettered Pamphlets. Aeronautics. III.] SCHIO, Almerico da. Esperimenti dell' aeronave "Italia" dal 17 giugno al 4 luglio 1905. [Dagli Atti del R. Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti. Yenezia, 1905.] 8ro. pp. 25. pi. 1. [Bound up with Ballon (Le), ^> m e annee. Janvier, Fevrier, Mars 188-5. in vol. lettered Pamphlets. Aeronautics. III.] SCHULZE, Adolph. Die Luftschiffahrt und die lenkbaren Ballons. Von Henri dt- Grraffigny. Autorisirte Uebersetzung von Adolph Schnlze, Sec Graffigny, Henri de. SEE, Alexandre. Les lois experimentales de Faviation. Paris, 1911. 8ro. pp. 350. SELLS, Charles de Grave. All the World's Air-ships. Flying annual. Founded and edited by Fred T. Jane. [First year of issue.] With a special chapter on " Aerial engineering," by Charles de Grave Sells. 1909. 8<>r All the World's Air-ships. SERIES. [The international scientific series.] Animal locomotion, &e. By J. Bell Pettigrew. 1873. See Pettigrew, James Bell. a 17280 D 36 SERIES. [The international scientific series.] Animal locomotion, &c. By J. Bell Pettigrew. Second edition. 1874. See Pettigrew, James Bell. SHAW, William Napier. On the general circulation of the atmosphere in middle and higher latitudes. (From the Proceedings of the Royal Society, Vol. 74.) [London, 1904.] 8vo. pp. 11. [Bound up with Milton, MASS. ; BLUE HILL METEOBOLOGICAL OBSERVA- TORY, Blue Hill Meteurolnyiflul Observatory, in vol. lettered Pamphlets. Aeronautics. I.] SILBERER, Victor. Im Ballon ! Bine Schilderung der Fahrten des Wiener Luft- ballons " Vindobona " im Jahre 1882, sowie der friiheren Wiener Luftfahrten, 1791-1881, &c. Herausgegeben von Victor Silberer. Wien, 1883. 8vo. pp. 334. pi. 14. SOCIETA AERONAUTICA ITALIANA. See Rome : SOCIETA AERONAUTIC A ITALIANA. SOCIETE D'ENCOURAGEMENT POUR I/INDUSTRIE RATIONALE. See Paris: SOCIETE D'ENCOURAGEMENT POUR L'INDUSTRIE NATIONALS. SOCIETE IMPERIALS POLYTECHNIQUE BE RUSSIE. See Saint Petersburg : RUSSKOE TEKHNICHESKOE OBSHCHESTVO. SOREAU, Rodolphe. Navigation aerienne. Extrait des Memoires de la Societe des Ingenieurs civils de France. Paris, 1902. 8vo. pp. 82. [Bound up with Ballon (Le), ^nie annee. Janvier, Fevrier. Mars 1883. in vol. lettered Pamphlets. Aeronautics. III.] SPAIN : Army INGENIEROS, Parque aerostdtico. Avance de los resultados obtenidos en las observaciones del eclipse total de sol de 30 de agosto de 1905 por el teniente coronel de ingenieros D. Pedro Vives y Vich. Madrid, 1906. 8vo. pp. 45. [Bound up with AmanS, Paul, >SVr lex prot/rt-x ?vvrw/.v dc T'ftr'ifit'mn. in vol. lettered Pamphlets. Aeronautics. VI.] SPECIALISTS' (THE) SERIES. Volume III. Ballooning. ... By G. May. 1885. See May, Gustav. STEIGER, Carl. Vogelflug und Fluginaschine. Miinchen, 1891. 8vo. pp. 107. pi. 16. STICKER, Joseph. Luftfahrt und Wissenschaft. In freier Folge herausgegeben von Joseph Sticker. ' Heft 1 and onwards. Berlin, 1912, &c. 8vo. STORY, W. H. Airships past and present. ... By A. Hildebrandt. Translated by W. H. Story. See Hildebrandt, Alfred, 37 STRASBURG: Oberrheinischer Verein fiir Luftschiffahrt. Illustrirte Mittheilungen des Oberrheinischen Vereins fiir Luft- schiffahrt. Herausgegeben . . . von Herm. Moedebeck (Dr. Rob. Bmden, Gen.; z. D. Neureuther, &c.). [l er Jahrgang] and onwards. Strassburg i. E., 1897, &c. 4to and 8vo. [With the 2 1 ' 1 ' Jahrgang the title became "Illustrirte Aeronautische Mittheilungeti . Fachzeitschrift fiir alle Interessen tier Flugtcchnik, $c. Herausgegeben vom Miinchener mid Oberrheinischen Verein fiir Luftschiffahrt. 1 ' In Jahrg. vni, 1903. the sub-title became ' Zeitschrift des Deutschen Luftschiffer-Verbandes SVr Moedebeck, Hermann W. L. VEREIN FUR LUFTSCHIFFAHRT IN AUGSBURG. See Augsburg- : VEREIN FUR LUFTSCHIFFAHKT. VINCENT-ARNOULD, Havaux. Le " Cyclaereansol." [n.p.. n.d.] 8vo. pp.4. VINCI, Leonardo da. I manoscritti di Leonardo da Vinci. Codice sul volo degli uccelli e varie altre inaterie. Pubblicato da Teodoro Sabachnikoff, trascrizioni e note di Giovanni Piumati, traduzione in lingua francese di Carlo Ravaisson-Mollien. Parigi, MDCCCXCIII. fol. pp. 164 VIVES Y VICH, Pedro. Parque aerostatico de ingenieros. Avance de los resultados obtenidos en las observaciones del eclipse total de sol de 30 de agosto de 1905. 1906. See Spain : ARMY Ingenieros^ Parque aerostatico. VIVES Y VICH, Pedro. Algunas observaciones acerca del tiro contra globos por . . . D. Pedro Vives v [i.e. y] Yich. (Publicaciones del " Memorial de Ingenieros.") Madrid, 1906. 8vo. pp. 15. [Bound ap with AmailS, Paul, Sur les prog res recent* de Variation, in vol- lettered Pamphlets. Aeronautics. VI.] VORREITER, Ansbert. Bibliothek filr Luftschiffahrt und Flugtechnik. Begriindet von Ansbert Vorreiter. Motoren fiir Luftschift'e und Flugapparate. Von Ansbert Vorreiter. Berlin, 1910. 8vo. pp. 226. WALKER, Frederick, Civil Engineer. Aerial navigation : a practical handbook on the construction of dirigible balloons, aerostats, aeroplanes, and aeromotors. Lon- don, 1902. 8vo. pp. 167. WALKER, Frederick, Ciril. Engineer. Aerial navigation : a practical handbook on the construction of dirigible balloons, aerostats, aeroplanes, and airships. Second edition. London, 1910. 8vo. pp. 176. WALKER, Frederick, Civil Engineer. Practical kites and aeroplanes : how to make and work them. London, 1903. 8v<>. pp. 78. WALKER, John Brisben. The final conquest of the air. [From the Cosmopolitan, Vol. XXXVI. New York, 1904.] 8vo. pp. 16. [Bound up with Butler, Frank Hedges, -V^ mi lex in a balloon, in vol. lettered Pamphlets. Aeronautics. II. J WALKER, Thomas, Portrait Pan/trr. The art of flying. 1910. See London: AERONAUTICAL SOCIETY OF GREAT BRITAIN, Aeronautical classics, No. 3, 40 WECHMAR, Ernst Fr&ihe-rr von. Der aviatische oder dynamische Flug. Ein Beitrag zur neueren Luftschiffahrtskunde. Nebst einem Anhange : Nachtrag /ur Disputation iiber die Moglichkeit des personlichen Kunstfluges. (Wechmar's Plugtechnik, 3. Buck) Wien, 1888. 8vo. pp. 122. pi. 1. [Bound up with Wray, Richard Spalding, On some points in the morphology of tlie iv ing ft ofbiTds.] WECHMAR, Ernst Frelherr von. Fundamentalsiitze der Flugtechnik. Leitfaden zur Orientirung au diesein Grebiete, besonders fur den gebildeten Laien. . . . Separat-Abdruck aus Streffleur's Osterr. Militar. Zeitschrift. Wien, 1886. 8vo. pp. 72. [Bound up with KreSS, Wilhelm, Aerocttove. lenltbare Ffaf Huuekiaui.] WEGNER VON DALLWITZ, Richard. Die Aeroplane und Luftschrauben der statischen und dynamischen Luftschiffahrt schwerer und leichter als Luft. .Bine gemein- verstandliche Beschreibung ihrer Anordnung und Anleitung zu ihrer Berechnung fur Konstrukteure, Luftschiffer und Lieb- haber. Rostock i. M., 1908. 8vo. pp. 53. WELLNER, Georg. Greorg Wellner. Ein Lebensbild. Von o. o. Professor Dipl. Ing. Leopold Kliment. See Kliment, Leopold. WELLNER, Georg. Die Ausfiihrbarkeit dynamischer Flugmaschinen. (Sonderdruck aus : Zeitschrift fur Luftschiffahrt. 1891 and 1892.) [Berlin.] 4 pts. in 1 vol. 8vo. pp. 8, 14, 16, 9. WELLNER, Georg. Ueber die Moglichkeit der Luftschift'fahrt. . . . Zweite Aurlage. Brunn, 1883. 4to. pp. 40. WELLNER, Georg. Ueber Segelradflugmaschinen. Sonder-Abdruck aus der " Zeit- schrift des Oesterr. Ingenieur- und Architekten-Vereines.") [Wien, 1893.] 4to. pp. 6. [No title-page. Bound up with Wellner, Georg, t'eber die Moglichkeit der Luftschifffahrt.'] WELLNER, Georg. Versuche mit grosseren Luftschrauben. [Sonderabdruck aus Nr. 4 der Zeitschrift fiir Luftschiffahrt und Physik der Atmosphare, April 1897. Berlin, 1897.] 8vo. pp. 26. [Bound up with Assmann, Richard Adolph, Uber die Evixten^etiie-x toarnietvn Lnftstromes in der Ilohe ron 10 bis 7J tot , in vol. lettered Pamphlets. Aeronautics. V.] WELLNER, Georg. Versuche iiber den Luftwiderstand gewolbter Flachen im Winde und auf Eisenba-hnen mit Eiicksicht auf das Problem dynam- ischer Flugmaschinen. ("Zeitschrift fiir Luftschiffahrt und fur Physik der Atmosphare." Beilage zu Heft x, October 1893.) [Wien]. 8vo. pp. 48. pi, 1. rBouiid ui> with Wellner, Georg, #''' AHgfiiJtrlarfoit dynanii*cher Flmj- maschinen.] 41 WENHAM, Francis Herbert. Aerial locomotion. 1910. See London : AERONAUTICAL SOCIETY OF G-REAT BRITAIN, Aeronautical classics, No. 2. WHITE, Claude Grahame-. See Grahame-White, Claude. WILLSON, Robert Wheeler. Determination of the altitude of aeroplanes. 1911. See AUTHOR CATALOGUE Boston, MASS. : AMERICAN ACADEMY OF ARTS AND SCIENCES, Proceedings, Vol. XLVII, No. 2. WINTER, Wilhelm. Der Vogelflug. Erklarung der wichtigsten Flugarten der Vogel mit Einschluss des Segelns nnd Kreisens. Miinchen, 1895. 8vo. pp. 180. WISE, John, Aeronaut. A system of aeronautics, comprising its earliest investigations, and modern practice and art. Philadelphia, 1850. 8vo. pp 310. pi. 13. WOU WERMANS, Armand. Contribution a la bibliographic de la locomotion aerienne. (Extrait du Compte Rendu du Congres de la Science de 1' Atmosphere.) Anvers, 1894. 4to. pp. 44. pi. 1. YON, Gabriel, and SIJRCOUF, fidouard. Aerostats et aerostation militaire a 1'Exposition universelle de 1889. Extrait de la Revue Technique de 1'Exposition uni- verselle de 1889. Paris, 1893. 8vo. pp. 58. pi. 1. ZACHARIA, August Wilhelm. See Zachariae, August Wilhelm. ZACHARIAE, August Wilhelm. Geschichte der Luftschwimmkunst, von 1783 bis zu den Wendel- steiner Fallversuchen. [Edited by C. C. G. Kessler.] Leipzig (Querfurth), 1823. 8vo. pp. 220. [This copy wants pp. 1 and 2 and has therefore only 218 pp.] ZAHM, Albert Francis, Aerial navigation : a popular treatise on the growth of air craft and on aeronautical meteorology. New York and London, 1911. 8ro. pp. 515. pi. 32. ZAHM, Albert Francis. Atmospheric friction, with special reference to aeronautics. Read before the Philosophical Society of Washington, February 27, 1904. [From the Philosophical Society of Washington, Bulletin, Vol. XIV.] Washington, 1904. 8vo. pp. 31. [Bound up with Assmann, Richard Adolph, U9er die K-rixtenz cincx wiir- meren Luftxt routes lit <1er Jfi/lic nm 10 bix 15*, in vol. lettered Pamphlets. Aeronautics. V.] ZAHM, Albert Francis. The resistance of the air determined at speeds below one thousand feet a second. With description of two new methods of measuring projectile velocities inside and outside the gun. Dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Physics . . . Johns Hopkins University. [Baltimore, 1898.] 8vo. pp. 48. [Bound up with Butler, Frank Hedges, S.WXI 'milr* /'// a bnllonn. in vol. lettered Pamphlets. Aeronautics. II.] 42 ZAMBECCABJ, Francesco. Lettera del cittadino Francesco Zambeccari al librajo Leonardo Bertazzoni con la quale accompagna il programma per la costruzione di uii nuovo globo il di cui innalzamento avra luogo in Bologna nel prossimo venture luglio 1804. See Bianchetti, Cesare, et alii. ZAMBECCARI, Francesco. Relazione delP esperienza aereo-statica eseguita in Bologna li XXII agosto MDCCCIV dalli cittadini Zambeccari ed Andreoli. See Bianchetti, Cesare, et alii. ZAMBECCARI, Francesco. Descrizione della macchina aerostatica del cittadino Francesco Zambeccari Bolognese destinata a tentare il regolamento della medesima per 1' atmosfera. Venezia, 1803. 4to. pp. 8. pi. 3. ZAMBECCARI, Francesco. Narrazione dell' accaduto al Signer Francesco Zambeccari ed al di lui compagno Pasquale Andreoli. [n.p., 1804.] 4to. pp. 4. [Bound up with ZambeCCari, Francesco, Desa-lzlone (Mia macchina aero- stat lea del cittadino Francesco Zarnbecca,Ti.~\ ZAMBECCARI, Francesco. Relazione dell' aereo viaggio delli Signori Zambeccari, ed Andreoli. [n.p., 1804.] 4to. pp. 4. [Bound up with ZainbeCCari, FranceSCO, Dexcridone. della macchina aero- statica. del clttadtHO Francesco Zambeccari. ~\ ZAMBECCARI, Francesco. Relazione del viaggio aereo intrapresso dal Nob. Sig. Co : Francesco Zambeccari, dal Signor Dottor Grassetti di Roma, e dal Signor Pasquale Andreoli di Ancona. [n.p., n.d.] 4to. pp. 4. [Bound up with Zambeccari, FranceSCO, Desert-lone della macchina aero- xtatica del cittadino Francesco Zambeccari . \ ZAMBECCARI, Francesco. Saggio sopra la teoria e practica delle macchine aereostatiche del cittadino Francesco Zambeccari. Venezia, 1803. 4to. pp. 8. ZAMBECCARI, Francesco. Supplemento d' ulteriori, e piu interessanti notizie toccanti lo stato del Zambeccari, suo arrive a Bologna, e ricupero del pallone. [Chiozza, 1804.] 4to. pp. 4. [Bound up with Zambeccari, FranceSCO, Deserizlone della ntacehina aero istatica del cittadino Francesco Z(inibec-cariJ\ ZEITSCHRIFT fiir Luftschiffahrt. See Berlin : DEUTSCHER VEREIN ZUR FORDERUNG DER LUFTSCHIFFFAHRT, Zeitschrift. ZSELYI, Aladar. Prinzipien der Flugteclmik. Rostock i. M., 1910 [i.e. 1909]. 8vo. pp. 80. ZUNTZ, Nathan. Zur Physiologie und Hygiene der Luftfahrt. 1912. See Sticker, Joseph, Luftfahrt und Wissenschaft, Heft 8. C BERKELEY LIBRARIES