"Wheeler Ode at the Encaenia held at Oxford, July 1773 THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES FREDERIC THOMAS BLANCHARD ENDOWMENT FUND O D E, AT THE E N C JE N I A, HELD AT OXFORD, JULY 1773,: FOR THE RECEPTION OF THE RIGHT HONOURABLE FREDERIC LORD NORTH, CHANCELLOR OF THE UNIVERSITY, THE WORDS BY DR WHEELERj ET TO MUSICK BY DR HAYES. OXFORD, AT THE CLARENDON P R E S , M. DCC. LXXIII. BY DANIEL PRINCB, .. ODE. . RECIT. 1~^ AUGHTERS of Beauty, wlio enraptur'd hc ; l * ^ The Virgin Quire, in that romantic vale Where Ifis down her green enamel'd edge Glides in foft eddies o'er the waving fedge ; And Cherwell from his ofier'd bed Oft hears the Fairies' printlefs Tread, When mifty Night with filent pace Steals gradual o'er their circling chace : And You, Illuftrious Chiefs, who glow With ardor for your Country's weal,- Yet, 'mid the calls of patriot zeal, At Phoebus' fhrine with tranfport bow ; AIR. From bufy fcenes to thefe embower'd retreats Your flep aufpicious mitred SHELDON greets; While Peace, attendant at her hallow'd Fans, Parent of Science, fwells your folemn Train. RECIT. 881340 Mark, where the Fiend of War, on havock bent, Gigantic ranges o'er Moldavia's land, And Warfaws' Sons, by feuds remorfelefs rent, Reludtant own the Victor's ftern command.. Hefperia views the gathering cloud; From Gallia rife,, and lowering Spain; While floating bulwarks with their thunders loud' Affright the Naids of th' ^Egean main. 'RECIT. Britannia fits inthron'd iri awful flate,. Sole Arbitrefs ferene ; and what She wills, is fate'.. AIR. Heroes in the ghaftly fight Vainly vaunt achievements brave j, Check, a check your lawlefs might 5 Valour conquers but to fave. Happier they, whom Wifdorn's lore Prompts to frame the Social Plan j Fraught with Science' richeft ftore, Skill'd to blefs and perfect Man. Da Cafe, RECIT* C 3 ] RBCIT. What martial Sons, once proud of thy beheft, O Rhedycina, blazon wide the page By Memory mark'd ! full many a Royal Gueft Here mus'd attentive to the hoary Sage. Lion-hearted Richard's fpear Glitter'd firft in -f~ Beaumont's {hade* Here He couch'd his lance, and here Panted for the bold crufade. * Henry, thunderbolt of war, . Here pkn'd his hardieft deeds ; here learnt to wield His maiden fword, and hurl the mafly bar ; Here grafp'd the mimic mield. RECIT. Enough, Heroic fouls, of cruel fight; Forgive, if milder arts invite The grateful Mufe for Social Worth to twine The wreath of Honour, fnatch'd from Virtue's fhrine. t Near Worcefter College ; once a feat of HEN. II. * HEN. V. educated at Queen's College. SYMPHONY. f 4 ] . . " SYMPHONY. I RECIT. Heard Ye, while echoing from yon azure fphere Prophetic accents {truck th' aftonim'd ear ? AIR. I. fee the fovereign Form defcend, And wrapt in Hole majeftic downward bend. RECIT. " Britons, if ought ye boaft of Crefly's field Where many a crimfon'd helm and batter'd fhield,. By delving plowman turn'd,, recalls the name Of Edward,, high enroll'd by deathlefs Fame j That praife be mine. But better far The peaceful fway, than fpoils of favage War To Me, or Bolingbroke's undaunted fon, On Poiclou'fc tented plains by Valour won. With crowded canvas wing'd 'tis Yours to fweep Golconda's Ihores, and darken ail the Deep. /; . . . '.. . '"jn .V .K*:I * AIR. [ 5 3 AiR* But flay, yon bold Advent'rers, flay ; Nor, blithfome o'er the briny furge, With mad'ning fpeed mifguided urge To pearly Ind your heedlefs way. What boots it that my Edward led In Freedom's caufe his eager van ; If You, relentlefs foes to Man, O'er fruitful Climes dire famine fpread ? REG IT. Yet haply mail a Brunfwick's rule benign, By Sapience counferd, prune your daring wing 3, And diftant Tribes with hafte confign Their wavering homage to a guardian King. Afia, no more thy guiltlefs Natives mild, By ruthlefs hand defpoil'd, Frantic their fabled Genii fhall invoke With wizard rites,, and curfs their galling yoke." AIR, c Am. Ve Chiefs, who near your Liege's throne Attendant, hold the helm of ftatc -, As Edward's tilting Barons fhon In Royal Windfor's trophied gate; O think, while on your puiffoat thigh The myftic Garter firm you bind, From that queint badge what leflbns high Reflected warm each op'ning mind. The generous Youths, near I/is' flream Who joyous hail a fovereign's choice Crown'd by Rhedycina's voice, With rival ardor catch th* inflruclive Theme. RECIT* 3 RECIT. c Goodnefs, deck'd with glory, wide ACCOMP;. c c Fame, to Virtue unally'd, c Shines the meteor of a night.* CHORUS. The generous Youths, near Ifis'flream, Who joyous hail a Sovereign's choice Grown'd by Rhedycina's voice>, With rival ardor. catch th' inftru^tive Theme*. TPLE E N-.I>i Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. Form L9-40m-7,'56(C790s4)444 THE LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES ] Cj ay lord PAMPHLET BINDER Syracuse, N. Y, Stockton, Calif