I [li |l||[ll |i| [II III III III llllll " 
 3 1822 02660 0536 
 Plate i. 
 Binding of "PKoMnnKirM PARvri,nKr.\i,'- ii-c
 Earls iprinteb Boohs ant) 
 /IRanuscripts in tbe Ctt^ 
 IReference Xibrari^ Bristol, b^ 
 IRorris /Iftatbews, If.lR^IDist S. 
 ] \^f\^>,^SXZ& f-: M . 
 ■'^yj js Q _ Jl* 
 Bristol : 
 Morks tefetteb to ox mabe use of in the 
 foUowlnG (Tatalogue, 
 Ames, Herbert, and Dibdin, Typographical Antiquities. 4 vols., London, 
 Bibliographical Dictionary. 8 vols., London, 1802-6. 
 Bibliotheca Sunderlandiana. 5 vols., London, 188 1-3. 
 British Museum Catalogues. 
 Brown (H. F.) The Venetian Printing Press. London, 1891. 
 Brunet (J. C.) Manuel du Libraire. 6 vols., Paris, 1860-70. 
 Cotton (Henry) Typographical Gazetteer. Oxford, 1831. 
 „ „ Second Series. Oxford, 1866. 
 Dibdin (T. F.) :— 
 Bibliotheca Spenceriana. 4 vols., London, 1814-15. 
 Introduction to the Greek and Latin Classics. London, 1827. 
 Duff (E. Gordon) Early Printed Books. London, 1893. 
 Encyclopaedia Britannica, Ninth Edition. 
 Hansard (T. C.) Typographia. London, 1825. 
 Heckethom (C. W.) The Printers of Basle in the XV. and XVI. Centuries. 
 London, 1897. 
 James (M. R.) Descriptive Catalogue of the Manuscripts in the Fitz- 
 william Museum. Cambridge, 1895. 
 Library Association Publications. 1877-98. 
 Lowndes (W. T.) Bibliographer's Manual. 6 vols., London, 1890. 
 Maitland (S. R.) Early English Books in the Lambeth Library. London, 
 Maittaire (Michael) Annales Typographici. 5 vols., 17 19-41. 
 Milman (W. H.) Brief Account of the Library of Sion College, London. 
 Proctor (Robert) An Index to the Early Printed Books in the British 
 Museum, ist and 2nd Sections. London, 1898. 
 Roberts (William) Printers' Marks. London, 1893. 
 Sinker (Robert) A Catalogue of 15th Century Printed Books in Trinity 
 College Library. Cambridge, 1876. 
 Stevens (Henry) The Bibles in the Caxton Exhibition. London, 1878. 
 Thompson (E. Maunde) Handbook of Greek and Latin Palaeography, 
 London, 1894. 
 Winship (G. P.) Cabot Bibliography. 1897. 
 Incunabula . . 
 Books printed later than 1500 
 Manuscripts . . 
 General Index 
 Index to Printers 
 %i^t of Pates* 
 1 1 
 Promptorium Parvulorum, &c., shewing- original binding. 
 Device of Richard Pynson in the same. 
 Corporation Bible. Fol. 33. 
 /SiW. Fol. 116 (slightly reduced). 
 /6iW. Fol. 257 (reduced to show the whole page). 
 Massbook of St. Austin's Abbey, Bristol. Fol. 67 (reduced). 
 3iW. Fol. 78 (reduced). 
 /6id. Fol. 95 verso. 
 Isidorus, De mnuno bono, etc. Fol. i. 
 Ibid. Fol. 85 verso. 
 Peter Lombard, Liber Sententiarum. Fol. 41 verso. 
 Sermons of Abp. J. de Voragine. Fol. i. 
 Latin Dictionary. Fol. i. (slightly reduced). 
 De proprietatibus rerum. Fol. 57. 
 Ibid. Fol. 120 (slightly reduced). 
 Guy de Caulhiac, on Surgery. Fol. 16. 
 Ibid. Fol. 161 (slightly enlarged). 
 Nos. 6 and 7 are from photofjraphs taken by Major-General Mockler, Bombay Army ; and the others 
 from photographs by Messrs. VilUers & Quick. 
 Plate 2. 
 Device of Richard Pvnson.
 * I "HE first reference to the foundation of the City Public Library 
 at Bristol appears in the minutes of the Council as follows : — 
 " Convocatio Domus Cousilii vj die Decembris, 1613. It is this daye 
 agreed that if Mr. Roberte Redwoode, will give his I/Odge adjoyninge 
 to the Towne Wall neere the Marsh of Bristol, to the Mayor and 
 Commonalty to be converted to a I<ibrayre, or place to put bookes 
 for the furtherance of Learninge, then the same shal be thankefuUy 
 accepted, and that then there shal be a dore made through the wall 
 there on such sorte as shal be thought conveniente by the Surveyors 
 of the landes of the C}^ie, and Mr. John Hopkins, Aldn. Mr. Robert 
 Aldworth, late Ma3'or, and Hierome Ham, Towne Gierke, to passe 
 from thence into the Marsh then, and that such bookes as shal be 
 given to the Cytie by the reverende father in God the I<ord Archbishop 
 of Yorke, or any other well disposed pson for the fumishinge of a 
 lyibrayre, shal be thankefully accepted and preserved in the place 
 The city Annals for the year 16 14 record also the fact that 
 "this year v^as erected and builded the Library in the Marsh, 
 Doctor Toby Mathews and Robert Redwood ' was ' the founders 
 thereof and Richard Williams, Vicar of St. Leonard's was the first 
 master or keeper thereof." The precise extent of the share that 
 Archbishop Mathew then had in the foundation of the library is 
 not recorded, and the time has long passed when it would be 
 possible to verify the history of every volume in the collection, or 
 the actual date of its accession. It is however, safe to conclude, 
 that the Books and MSS. now catalogued, were mostly given 
 by Dr. Tobias Mathew, Archbishop of York, between 1613 and 
 1628, with the expressed condition that they were " for the benefit 
 of his native city, by the dissemination of knowledge, and for 
 the purpose of founding a library of sound divinity, and other 
 learning, for the use of the Aldermen and Shop-keepers." * All 
 books in the library printed up to the year 1628 are therefore 
 The catalogue has been delayed for some months, as Dr. 
 Cuthbert Atchley, who most kindly undertook the description of the 
 MSS., was unable to give much time consecutively to that section of 
 • Tobias Mathew was descended from the ancient family of the Mathew's in Wales, and was bom 
 on Bristol Bridge in 1546, which at that period was covered with shops and dwelling-houses. He 
 received his early education at Wells, and matriculated at Oxford as a probationer of University College 
 in 1559. He graduated B.A. in 1563, and proceeded M.A. in 1566, m which year he was ordained. 
 When Queen Elizabeth \isited the university m the same year, he took part in a " disputation in 
 philosophy " before her in St. Mary's Church, and on her departure he bade her farewell in an eloquent 
 oration. At this time "he was much respected for his great learning, eloquence, sweet conversation, 
 friendly disposition, and the sharpness of his wit." In 1569 he was elected public orator of the 
 university, and later appointed a Canon of Christ Church. In 1572 he was appointed Archdeacon 
 of Bath, and subsequently Prebeudaiy of Teynton Regis in the Cathedral of Salisbury, and " being 
 much famed for his admirable way of preaching, he was made one of the Queen's Chaplains in ordiuaiy." 
 About the year 1576 he was appointed Dean of Christ Church, having previously taken the degrees of 
 B.D. and D.D. In 1583 he was installed as Dean of Durham, when he resigned the Deanery of Christ 
 Church. WhUe Dean of Durham Dr. Mathew "acted as a poUtical agent of the govenunent in the 
 north, and was a vigorous pursuer of recusants" ; and through him the Queen's advisers frequently received 
 information on the condition of Scotland. He was none the less active as an orator, and his services 
 as preacher were eagerly sought all over the county palatine. " Yet for all his pains in preaching he 
 neglected not his proper episcopal acts of visitation, confirmation, and ordination, he confirmed sometimes 
 five hundred, sometimes a thousand at a time; yea, so many, that he hath been forced to betake 
 the work. The probable dates and styles of ornamentation of the 
 MSS. have been determined by the authorities of the MS. depart- 
 ment of the British Museum, from photographs sent to them. In 
 describing the Printed Books I have endeavoured to give the titles, 
 with the contractions of the early printers as exactly as possible. 
 As a basis of the work, the catalogue of the British Museum has 
 been followed,* and every authority available has been consulted. 
 The references to Hain (to which important work I was unable to 
 obtain access) were kindly inserted by Mr. Gordon Duff, to whom 
 my grateful thanks are due for reading the proof sheets of the 
 incunabula, and aiding me with many valuable suggestions. In the 
 arrangement of the entries a chronological order has been followed 
 throughout, whilst the principle of giving too much, rather than 
 too little description, has been observed both in regard to the 
 MSS. and the Printed Books. This will account for much that to 
 the specialist might be deemed superfluous. 
 himself to his bed for refreshment." In 1595 he was promoted to the Bishopric of Durham. His services 
 were recognised by James I. no less than by his predecessor ; he took a prominent part in the Hampton 
 Court Conference, and preached at the close before the King, who greatly admired his sermons. In 
 1606 he was appointed Archbishop of York on the death of Dr. Matthew Hutton, whom he had 
 succeeded also at Durham. He died in 1628, and was buried in York Minster, where his tomb stands 
 on the south side of the presbytery. 
 Though renowned in his day as a preacher and divine, Archbishop Mathew was a statesman 
 quite as much as a prelate. The advisers of Elizabeth and James felt that they could rely upon him 
 to watch and guard the northern shires. None the less was he a diligent bishop and pious man. " He 
 had an admirable talent for preaching, which he never suffered to he idle, but used to go from one 
 town to another to preach to crowded audiences. He kept an exact account of the sermous which he 
 preached after he was preferred; by which it appears that he preached wheu Dean of Durham, 721 ; 
 when bishop of that diocese, 550; when Archbishop of York, 721; in all 1992." 
 • WTiere I have been unable to find a work mentioned in the British Museum Catalogue, an 
 asterisk is prefixed to the entry. 
 It IS necessary to point out that many of the works now catalogfued, 
 were previously mentioned in a list of " Books in the City Library," 
 which formed part of the appendix of Mr. Tovey's well-known work, the 
 "History of the Bristol City Library: its Founders and Benefactors," 
 published in 1853. Subsequent cataloguers of the library, appear 
 to have copied the entries from this informal list, without verification 
 of the books themselves ; with the result, that very many works have 
 been imperfectly recorded, or omitted altogether. 
 As examples the following were formerly supposed to be wanting 
 the first volmne in every instance: — the works of Char Her de Gerson 
 (Strasburg, 1494) ; the Latin Bible of Hugo de Sancto Chara (Basle, 
 1503); Concilioruni Omnium (Cologne, 1567); and the works of 
 S. Chrysostom (Basle, 1530), the first volume being mentioned 
 separately as a distinct work. Similar errors were in many 
 instances perpetuated in regard to the stxoud volume of works, 
 from the fact, apparently, of its having been bound up with the 
 first volume. For example: — La Mer dcs Histoircs (Lyons, 1506); 
 works by Otto I. (Strasburg, 15 15); Bar to! us de Saxoferrato (Lyons, 
 1527) ; S. Gregory (Paris, 1542) ; Paolo Giovio (Paris, 1553-4), 
 amongst others. A work by Duns Scotus* (Venice, 1 506), in five volumes 
 (complete), was imperfectly described as if wanting the third and 
 fifth volumes; and the fifth volume of a work by Nicolaus de 
 Tudeschis (Basle, 1488), bound up with the fourth volume, was thought 
 * In this work occur some interesting MS. notes, as follows : — In Vols I. and II., " Liber Johannis 
 Tutyng monachi Duresmie " ; and on the fly-leaf of Vol II., "Amen, quod Johannes Tutyng." In Vol 
 rV., " Liber Johannis tutyng canonici ecclesie cathedralis dunelmensis." 
 to be wanting. Many complete works have also been found bound 
 up with others of the same size, the first work only being noticed. 
 As examples : — the Tfieologia Naturalis of Raymonde Sebunde (Stras- 
 burg, 1496) and Fasciculus Temporum, 1484, were both discovered 
 with the Promptoriuvi Parvulorum (Pynson, 1499). Vallensis Elegantia: 
 de Lingua Latina (Venice, 1496), was bound up with a work of 
 Cicero; and the De Orbe Novo Decades by Peter Martyr (Alcala, 
 15 16), had been lost sight of amongst three earlier works in the 
 same binding. The following works were not previously recorded, 
 some being found in the basement of the Central Library, King Street, 
 and in the lumber rooms of the Hotwells and the North District 
 Libraries : — a medical work by Joannes Mesne fDe Medicinis Uni- 
 versalibusj, printed at Venice in 1479 ; 5. Augnstini s De Civitate Dei, 
 printed at Basle in 1479 ; works by Sallust (Venice, i486) ; ^gidius 
 (Venice, 1500); Polybius (Paris, 1512); Liutprandus (Paris, 15 14); 
 Annius (Paris, 15 15); Pope Boniface VIII. (Paris, 1524); Ptolemy 
 (Basle, 1545); Vergil (London, 1546); Suetonius (Venice, 1554); 
 Lossius (Frankfort, 1559-62) ; Thomas a Kempis (? 1568) ; Baron (Day, 
 London, 1579); CotV/ (Leyden, 1590); with many others. 
 Altogether the discoveries made whilst re-cataloguing this 
 portion of the library amounted to 160 volumes. One of the 
 most important was the fourth volume of the Complutensian 
 Polyglot Bible, which was thought to be wanting. In a paper read 
 by Mr. John Taylor, at the Congress of the Library Association 
 of Great Britain, at Plymouth, in 1885, and subsequently pub- 
 lished in pamphlet form, entitled : " The Earliest Free Libraries 
 of England," it is stated on page 37 that "the Bristol copy 
 unfortunately wants the fourth volume, which was stolen while the 
 books were in charge of the Library Society."* Now, whatever may 
 be said to-day of the policy of that private society, in appropriating 
 for a long period, the entire building and books of the City Library, 
 which rightfully belonged to the citizens, it is a relief to find beyond 
 doubt, that no blame can be attached to its memory in this instance, 
 as the volume in question was never lost. 
 In conclusion I have gratefully to acknowledge the kindness of 
 the Right Hon. the Earl of Crawford, President of the Library 
 Association, 1898-9, in permitting me to lay before him the first 
 proof copy of the incunabula portion of the catalogue. My thanks 
 are due also to E. Gordon Duff, Esq. ; Dr. Richard Garnett ; 
 Robert Proctor, Esq. ; Frank Pacy, Esq. ; and especially to 
 Dr. Cuthbert Atchley. 
 As we read of the wholesale destruction of libraries in the past, 
 and wonder at the popular rage which at times exhausted itself on 
 illuminated books and MSS., it is surely a matter for congratulation 
 * This society was originally founded in 1772, as a subscription library, the Bristol Corporation 
 permitting its members the use of the building untU the year 1855. In this way the Ubrary was for a 
 long time alienated to the use of a private society, and everything was done " that would exclude the 
 poor student and the humble citizen from its use, and render it a public Ubrary to those only who 
 could afford to pay for its accommodation." (Tovey's History of the Bristol City Library, p. 22.) 
 " So entirely did the society consider themselves owners of the property, that in 1826 they requested 
 the Corporation to permit them ' to remove the city books from the city shelves, in order to make 
 room for books belonging to the society ' ; but, although the citizens had been practically excluded for 
 many years from their oww property, the Common Council was offended at the impudence of the 
 demand, and the application was ' laid on the table.' " (Latimer's Annals of Bristol in the Nineteenth 
 Century, Bristol, 1887, p. 334.) 
 that one of the earliest of municipal public libraries, with a collection 
 possessing such peculiar interest and value should have been preserved 
 to the City. 
 I therefore, with much respect, dedicate this work to the 
 Chairman, Mr. Alderman Fox, and Members of the Libraries 
 Committee of the Corporation of Bristol. 
 Bristol Public Libraries. 
 Pl.ATK 3. 
 i«Qmtm.TimiTvtQom»i- i<»\wni ii TTm«;iiiflniii | |j 
 iftJKt4i^b44run^CTia T)fftUilbuCfai^>tw*vi>a 
 Mietjtfttnmf a«*iumta: tjuftwlmtj ' 
 awKino. octtx» — ottw 
 fhnmwf.iqticifoUctnp / 
 «il^ ffeAenf.^nnutnc mcnftt"ft&.amu>at6> 
 cjttfliomf ecttmn «rcg;^ wcojf. -J^Uodttm 
 tamn imiufe wogrejOTomf fiu«ma tftt^ 
 jnjtwttcf Tb«t»f flKiCTt«»mtt»a finjteatm. 
 quiquto Cooif Jtmfttditit Atucrfimo mtnozlu 
 own ynno^>«fn*mmt a; &»n«mnth«gtjaii 
 oniVt ftuf- qttoaimiftnfunniomttia -tienJbJr' 
 difm- ftlmCft{>c)V:^ Rtneeu: dlamiclfiUuf 
 UabftUuf Ivlon-filuttum mtt<>l%b &ccf!mi.- 
 ifcUConiafilmfaratuft.TJCUMnAflc.gtBtMltcl ; 
 ■^Tttb^icDgtianoncffuaf TMV'fra crcronifif 
 mttifinSrftiwttjCmwf »fp»gtwctwm«f>a<r*» -j 
 iit«&. ac fianMUaf.icavtni.-it«>t«uufijjgtef . 
 g utorttoio fttmo T fliytr. ; (Uttryrvtc^ar &af 
 in>cfctTO fyiMi."t>cm 
 An IxnjAL KKo.vi im-; Cori'iiratio.n Bim.E.
 Yuhanna Ibn Masawaih. Begin, [sig. a 2, recto ;] In nomine dei miseri- 
 codis, etc. [sig. t 4, verso :] Hie complentur dicta : z iraponitur 
 finis doctrine Diui Mesue : licet imperfecte. in de appropriatis, etc. 
 [sig. t 5, recto :'\ Hie prosequitur Clarissimus doctor Fraciscus de 
 pedemontium et eomplet secunda diuisionem superius annotatam 
 in pmo de appropriatis Diui Johannis Mesue. [sig. A i, recto .] 
 Incipit Antidotarium Nicolai. [sig. D 5, verso7\ Incipit liber 
 Seruitoris liber XXVIII. Bulchasin Benaberagerin : traslatus a 
 SimoeianuensiiterpreteAbraaiudeotortuosiesi. O.TL. [tmpensts 
 Rainaldi Novimagii teutmiici : Venetus, i^jg.] Fol. 
 Contains 391 leaves, without pagination, the first being a MS. index; printed in 
 double columns, 53 lines to a full column. Sig. a— 3, z> '^' }< R' a^— PP> A— G, 
 in tens excepting b— d, f— h, k, m— s, A— F, in sixes, e, i, 1, t, u, }, R, pp, G, in 
 eights, sig. G 7 is imperfect, and the last page is wanting. The initial letters are 
 painted in red. (Hain,* 1 1 108). 
 Augustine, Saint, Bishop of Hippo. Begin. Aurelij augustini . . . de 
 ciuitate dei. (Sacre pagine pfesso^ ordinis pdicatorum Thome 
 valois et nicolai triueth i libros beati augustini de ciuitate dei 
 Comentaria feliciter inchoant). ©.U. ingenio z idustria Mihahelis 
 wenszkr : in vrbe Basilien, {with the arms of Wenssler in red}. 
 1479. Fol. 
 Contains 243 leaves, without signatures or pagination. Printed in double columns, 
 56 lines to a full column. The Commentarj' is also printed in double columns, but in a 
 smaller type, and has 73 lines to a full column. This copy is slightly imperfect at the 
 beginning, and wants one page of the index. With ornamental p.iinted initial letters. 
 (Hain,* 2058). 
 Plinius Secundus (Caius). [Sig. a 2 has been placed at the end of the volume?^ 
 Caivs Plynivs Marco Svo Salvtem [sig. a 3, recto?^ Caii Plynii 
 Secvndi Natvralis Hystoriae Liber Primvs. End. [sig. ee 2,
 1481. I484> 
 ■uerso ;] Caii Plynii Secundi Naturalis hystoriae Liber tricesimus 
 Septimus & ultimus Finit. opera & inipesa AndrecB Portiltm : 
 ParmcB, 1481. Fol. 
 Contains 260 printed leaves without pagination, 59 lines to a full page. Sig. a — z, 
 &, A — G, aa— ee in eights, excepting b, f, i — 1, z, G, aa, in sixes, & in four, ee in 
 two. A blank leaf at the beginning, and sig. c I are wanting ; sig. a 3 has been 
 mutilated. The illumination on page a 2 consists of a floral design, with a shield on 
 which are three red roses. The Royal Shield of France and England of that period, 
 which contained the fleurs-de-lys in the first and fourth quarters, is included in the 
 illumination on page a 3. The other initial letters are painted in red. 
 The following oiote in MS. appears in the 7nargin of page a 2, 
 " Doiium Rumoldi Schcnckelii Mechliniensis, anno 1629, 12 
 Aprilis." (Hain,* 13094). 
 Orosius (Paulus). Begin, [sig. a 2, recto:'] Pauli Orosii uiri doctissimi 
 historiarum initium ad Aurelium Augustinum. End. Pauli 
 Orosii . . . Ad Aurelium Augustinum . . . libri septimi 
 ac ultinii Finis. Imprcssi opera & expensis Octauiani scoti 
 Modoetiensis : Venetiis, 1483. Fol. 
 Contains 78 leaves {the first of which is blank), 42 lines to a fuU page. Without 
 pagination. Sig. a — n ; sig. a has eight leaves, sig. b — m in sixes, sig. n four leaves. 
 The initial letters are painted in blue and red. 
 Contains a few MS. notes in the margin. This work is bound 
 up in the original binding ivith three others, 7vhich are now 
 catalogued separately, (see Trogus Pompeius, p. 5 ; Sallustius 
 Crispus, p. 4 ; and Angler ius, p. ly). (Hain,* 12 102). 
 Turrecremata (Joannes de) Cardinal. [Quaestiones evangeliorum.J 0.Tt. 
 [Attributed to Paffroet : Deventer. T. F. Dibdin, Bibliotheca Spenceriana, LONDON, 
 1814-22; Vol. IV.,p.i,'ii\. 1484. Fol. 
 The prologue (which mentions the date 1480) occupies the first column of a ij, recto : 
 (a i being blank), on the second column begins 'Tabula thematum de tempore,* 
 extending to d i, recto : then ' Themata de Sanctis,' to d vij. Next, an alphabetical 
 table to g v, recto : followed by a ' Tabula applicabilis ' of three pages : and on g vij, 
 recto : the text of the work begins — with the title ' Abstinencia.' On the reverse 
 of kkk ^^j, we read the colophon, thus : — 
 Excellens opus drii Joha 
 nis de turrecremata see sedis apo 
 stolice cardinal' ordine pdicato 
 rum tituli sancti sixti. questionu 
 dignissimaz cu solutionibo earu 
 dem. circa text' Epistolax atq3 
 euangelio^ ta de tpe q} de scis 
 z festoa emergentiii toti'. anni
 i484> 1484. 
 cu introductionibo thematu cla 
 rissimis de qcunq) pdicare volen 
 tibus applicabiliu. Cu etia tabu 
 la alphabetica oftendente suo or 
 dine z loca z materias i hoc egre 
 gio ope cotentas Quod apud fi 
 dei cultores dignissios sacre theo 
 logie pfessores ppter sui excellen 
 tiam flos theologie meruit nomi 
 nari Anuo [^z'c] salutis. M.CCCC 
 Ixxxiiij. Mensis nouembris die 
 vicesima feliciter consiimatu est. 
 Quera nee larga ceres stringit 
 neq5 dona liei. 
 Egregium artis opus suspice 
 quisquis amas 
 Hoc tibi fundit enim dauantria 
 menia fulgens 
 ^ Richardi manibus suscipe qso 
 The following leaf, kkk viij, is blank. The work consists of 440 leaves, is executed in 
 double columns, with 40 lines to a full column, in a sharp middle-size gothic type, the 
 initial letters being painted in blue and red. There is this peculiarity in the signatures 
 — the 5th leaf being marked v only, except in the case of bb v. The signatures are in 
 the following order: a — 3, aa — 33> aaa — kkk, in eights, excepting 3, aa, ccc, eee, 
 hhh in sixes, and bb in ten. 
 There are a few MS. notes. (Hain, 15717). 
 Fasciculus tepoa omnes antiquorum cronicas complectes. ©.3t. mcccclrc 
 [? 1484]. Fol. 
 Contains 97 leaves. Sig. I, A — P in sixes, except A in eight, P 5 is blank, and 
 another blank leaf at the end is wanting. Illustrated with woodcuts. 
 Contains MS. notes. This work is bound up in the original 
 binding with two others of the i^fh century, which are now 
 catalogued separately, (see Promptorium parvulorum, p. 9 ; and 
 Sabunde, p. 8). 
 Petrus, Comestor. Scholastica historia magistri Petri comestoris sacra 
 scripture serie breue nimis et exposita3 exponentis. [sig. K 5, 
 verso {\ Explicit Scolastica historia magistri Petri comestoris.
 i486. 1487. 
 (5.x. Imfressa Basilee An. domini. i486. Finita post festum 
 Katherhie. Fol. 
 Contains 229 leaves, without pagination. Printed in double columns, 46 lines to 
 a full column. Sig. a — 3) A — I, II, K, in sixes, excepting a — c, e, g, k, m, o, t, y, 
 A, B, and H, in eights. The last leaf is blank and sig. k 3 is wanting. The initial 
 letters are painted in red. 
 This work is thought to have proceeded from the press of M. Wenssler. C. W. 
 Heckethom, The Printers of Basle in the XV. and XVI. centuries, London, 1897 ; 
 The autograph of Archbishop Mathew ts ofi the tt tie-page, there 
 are also copious MS. notes in the margin and on the title-page in 
 the same hatidwriting. The original binding is preserved. 
 (Hain, 5535]. 
 Sallustius Crispus (Caius). Begin, [sig. a ii. recto:'] Omnes homines qui 
 sese student praestare caeteris animalibus, etc. End. [sig. e. iii. 
 verso .•] Habes haec omnia uno uolumie complexa. Crispi Salustii 
 Catilina & lugurtham. Catilise defensione aduersus M. Trullii 
 accusatione. Crispi Salustii uitam. Eiusdem in M. T[ullium 
 inuectiuam. ]\Iarci Tulii in Crispum Salustium responsum : 
 siue niuectiuam \sic\ [Edited by Justinianus Romauus.~] 
 [Joannes R^ibeus Vercellensis and Franciscus de Madiis : Venice, 
 1486 Q. Fol. 
 Contains 28 leaves, without pagination, 55 lines to a full page. Sig. a — e in sixes, 
 except e, in four. The first and last leaves are blank. Printed in a Roman letter, 
 with painted initials. 
 Contains MS. notes in the jnargirt. This ivork is bound up 
 in the original binding 7vith three others, which are now catalogued 
 separately, (see Tragus Pompeius, p. 5 ; Orosius, p. 2 ; atul 
 Angler ius, p. ij). (Hain, 14193). 
 Turrecremata (Joannes de) Cardinal. [Quaestiones evangeliorum.] Begin. 
 [sig. I, recto ;] Cum ad pleniorem cognitione, etc. [sig. a I, recto ;] 
 Incipit materia aurea enucleata ex originalibus virtutum et 
 viciorum flos theologie nuncupata, etc. [sig. p I, recto ;] Ques- 
 tiones euageliorum ta} de tepore q} de Sanctis, etc. CX. [Argent., 
 1487 ?]. Fol. 
 Contains 291 leaves, without pagination. Printed in double columns, 47 lines to a 
 full column. Sig. i — 5, a — 5> A — N, in eights, excepting 2, c, e, g, i, I, o, q, s, v, y, 
 A — E, G, I, in sixes. The last leaf is blank, and one leaf in the first section is 
 wanting. Some of the initial letters are painted in red. 
 There are a/ew MS. notes. (Hain,* 157 13).
 1488. 1489. 
 *Tudeschis (Nicolaus de) Cardinal, Archbishop of Palermo. [Siculi Abbatis 
 lectura super V. libros decretaliumQ Begin, [sig. A i, recto ;] 
 De vita z honestate clericorum. E^id. Explicita est lectura 
 domini Nicolai abbatis siculi super tertio libro decretalium. 0.1,. 
 p magistrum Joannein de Amerbach : Basilee, 1488. Fol. 
 Contains 267 leaves, without pagination. Printed in double columns, 60 lines to a 
 full column. Sig. A — Z, AA — KK, in eights, excepting II and KK in tens, sig. 
 A 2 is wanting. The initial letters are painted in red. 
 * Begin, [fol. i, verso .] Tituli quarti libri. End. Explicita est 
 lectura dni Nicolai Abbatis siculi super quarto libro decretaliC 
 ©.X. 1^ magisfru Jod7ie de amerbach : Basilee, 1488. Fol. 
 Contains 52 leaves, without pagination. Printed in double columns, 60 lines to a 
 full column. Sig. a — f in eights, excepting e and f in tens. The initial letters are 
 painted in red. 
 With this is also bound up vol. v., in the original binding. 
 Begin, [fol. i, verso {^T'xtvXx quinti libri. End. Explicita est 
 lectura domini Nicolai abbatis siculi sup quinto libro decretalium. 
 &.%. p magistrum Joannem de Amerbach : Basilee, 1488. Fol. 
 Contains 156 leaves, -nithout pagination. Printed in double columns, 60 lines to a 
 full column. Sig. aa — w in eights, excepting tt and \'v in sixes, the last leaf being 
 blank. The initial letters are painted in red. 
 This is bound up with vol. iv., in the original binding. 
 *Aristotle. Omnia Aris. opera cu Cometo Auerrois. 2 vols, bound together. 
 <&.%. per Bernardinum de Tridino de Monteferato : Venetiis [with 
 device'], 1489. Fol. 
 Contains 548 leaves, without pagination. Printed in double colunms. Sig 
 (Vol. I.) a— q, A — Z, i — 13. (Vol. II.) aa — pp, aaa — nnn, in eights, excepting 
 e, g, i — m, F, K, N, P, R — T, 2, 6, 11, aa — ee, gg, kk, aaa — eee, ggg, kkk, in 
 sixes, f, 13, hh, mm, fff, hhh, iii, rmn, in fours, q, I, Z, ii, in tens, X in 2 (i begins i'). 
 Some of the initial letters are painted in blue and red. There are two illustrations 
 added, and the printer's device in red is on the last page. At the end 0/ " de Sub- 
 stantia orbis " is a page of manuscript. (Hain,* 1661). 
 Trogus Pompeius. [Epitome historiarum Trogi Pompeii.] Begin, [sig. 
 a ii, recto:] Ivstini historici clarissimi in Trogi Pompeii 
 historias exordivm. [sig. h iii, recto ;] Lvcii Flori gestorvm
 I490- 1493- 
 Romanorvm epithoma incipit. [Joannes Ruheus Vercellensts for 
 Franctscus de Madiis : Venice, 1490 ?]. Fol. 
 Contains 68 leaves, without pagination, 55 lines to a full page. Sig. a — 1, in sixes, 
 except a, in eight. The first leaf is blank. Printed in a Roman letter, with painted 
 ornamental initials. This edition has also been attributed to the press of H. de 
 Colonia, Sienne. 
 There are a few MS. notes in the margin. This work is 
 bound up in tlie original binding with three others, which are now 
 catalogued separately, (see Sallustius Crispiis, p. 4 ; Orosius, p. 2 ; 
 and Angler ius, p. \-]). 
 Antoninus [Forciglioni], Saint, Archbishop of Florence. Prima ( — Tertia) 
 pars historialis venerabilis domini Antonini. (End. Perfectu 
 . . . est opus . . . trium partiu historialiu seu Cronice 
 dni Antonini, etc.) 0.3L. 3 vols, p Nicolaum Kessler, in Basilea 
 \with device], I i\qi. Fol. 
 Contains (Vol. I.) 236 leaves, sig. A — Z, Aa — Pp, in sixes, excepting C — F, 
 in eights, the last leaf is blank. (Vol. II.) 260 leaves, sig. a — r, %, f, s — 3» 
 Z, ?, I, ^, aA — nN, in sixes, excepting c in eight, the last leaf is blank. (Vol. 
 m.) 276 leaves, sig. AA, BB, cc— }3, ZZ, ??, 'Yi, AA— TT in sixes, excepting cc 
 in eight, and SS in ten, the two last leaves are blank. Printed in double columns, 
 66 lines to a full column. Some of the initial letters are painted in blue and red. 
 There are a few MS. notes. The original binding is preserved. 
 (Hain,* 1161). 
 Schedel (Hartmannus) [Nuremberg Chronicle], [fol. CCLXVI., rectoC\ 
 Complete in famosissima Nurembergensi vrbe Operi de hystoriis 
 etatum mundi. ac descriptione vrbium. felix imponitur finis. Col- 
 lectum breui tempore Auxilio doctoris hartmani Schedel. qua fieri 
 potuit diligentia, etc, Q.TL. \_A. Koberger : Nuremberg^, i493- 
 Contains 296 leaves only, without signatures, illustrated with numerous woodcuts. 
 The initial letters of the "Tabula" are painted in blue and red. This is the first 
 edition of the Nuremberg Chronicle, so celebrated for its spirited woodcuts by W. 
 Pleydenwurfi, and M. Wolgemuth— Uie master of Albert Diirer. (Hain,* 14508).
 J 494- 1494. 
 Vincentius, Bellovacensis. [Vincent of Bcauvais] Speculum Historiale 
 Vincentii. (5.1L. Hermani liechtenstein : in iclita vrhe Venetian, 
 1494. Fol. 
 Contains 478 leaves. Printed in double columns, 74 lines to a fuU column. Sig. 
 CC, Q,<S°^, CG'^'^, GCa-CC<^, CC6, CC^-CC^, GC CC^-CG}, Q,<11, 0.0,"^, CCx 
 GC*— GG^, CGaa^GCo", in eights, excepting CG<='^, CG^, ^/^■hi CGf, QiQfi'^, in sixes. 
 " Monopolies, copyrights, patents, and all other special concessions from the 
 government on the subject of books and of printing, are known under the generic 
 name of privileges. From the year 1469 down to the year 15 17 these privileges were 
 usually granted by the College, or Cabinet of Venice. . . . the executors of 
 Hermann Liechtenstein, when applying in 1494 for a copjiight in Vincent de Beauvais' 
 Speculum, themselves insert the proviso in their petition, ?wn derogando tamen 
 oh hoc j'uribus eorum qui ante presentem diem imprimissent aut imprimi facere 
 capissent." — H. F. Brown, The Venetian Printing Press, London, 1891 ; pp. 51 
 and 57. 
 Contains the following MS. note — '^'■Ex dono Gulielmi Foord." 
 Part of the original binding is preserved. 
 Charlier de Gerson (Jean) Prima ( — *Tercia) pars operum Johannis Gerson. 
 ©.X. 3 vols. Sitnus Martinus \_Flach~\ : Argentina, 1494. Fol. 
 (Hain,* 7625). 
 Quarta pars operum Johannis Gerson. (3.X. ex officina Martini 
 flacci iunior. exactissima Mathie schurer : Argen. 1502. Fol. 
 Contains (Vol. I.) 270 leaves, sig. A — G, a — 3. ^^ — ggi i° eights, excepting C, E> 
 a, b, f, k, m, o, q, s, x, 3, and cc in sixes, the last leaf Is blank. (Vol. Et.) 258 
 leaves, sig. A— Z, aA— nN, in eights, excepting C, E, G, I, L, N, P, R, T, X, Z, bB, dD, 
 fF, and il in sixes, the last leaf is blank. (Vol. III.) 360 leaves, sig. aa— 33, Aa— Z3, 
 AA— DD, in eights, excepting bb, dd, ff, hh, II, 00, rr, tt, yy, Bb, Ee, Gg, Hh, Kk, 
 Mm, Pp, Rr, Vv, AA and CC in sixes, the last leaf is blank (mm4 and mm5 precede 
 II4). (Vol. rV.) 308 leaves, sig. aa, bb, a— 3, A— T, in eights, excepting aa, bb, 
 a— c, e, g, h, k, m, p, t, v, 3. B, G, H, K, N, O, Q, and R in skes, the last leaf 
 is blank. Printed in double columns, 53 lines to a full column. Without pagination. 
 The frontispiece of the fourth part differs from those of the preceding volumes. 
 Some pages of ancient MS., probably used by the first binder, 
 are secured inside the covers. The original binding is preserved.
 1495- " 1496. 
 Bonaventura, Saint, Cardinal, Bishop of Albano. Egregium opus subtilitate 
 et deuoto exercitio precellens paruoru opusculoru. doctoris 
 seraphici sancti Bonauenture. Secunda pars, [only]. 0.X. 
 Argitine, 1495. Fol. 
 Contains 370 leaves, printed in double columns, 52 Unes to a full column. 
 Sig. A — C, aa — 33. AA— ZZ, Aaa — Eee in sixes, excepting A, aa, bb, dd, flF, hh, kk, 
 mm, 00, qq, vv. yy, AA, CC, EE, GG, JJ, LL, NN, PP, XT, XX, ZZ, in eights, 
 the last leaf is blank. Contains a few woodcuts. 
 An additional leaf at the end contains the following note : "Ex 
 dono fris Johls Stori." 
 The original binding is preserved. (Hain,* 3468). 
 Livius (Titus) Patavinus. T. Livii Decades. (M. Antonii Sabellici brevis- 
 simae in Liviv^m annotationes). per Philippum Pincium : 
 Venetiis, 1495. Fol. 
 Contains 253 numbered leaves, preceded by 20 leaves without numeration, containing 
 the Epistle of J. Andreas and the Epitome. There are 60 lines to a full page. 
 Sig. A, a — n, A — L, aa — ii in eights, excepting b in fom-, m, n, and L in tens. With 
 3 large and 171 small woodcuts. 
 "This edition comes from the Giunta Press, and has their usual device in red on the 
 last leaf." — Bibliotheca Sunderlandiana, London, 1881-83 ; Vol. III., p. 579. 
 " Lucantonio Junta . . . was both printer and engraver, and many of the illustrations 
 which appear in the books he printed were executed by him. His mark appeared as 
 early as 1495 in red at the end of an edition of Livy which he appears to have executed 
 for Philippus Pincius, Venice." — W. Roberts, Printers' Marks, London, 1893 ; 
 pp. zii-iT,. (Hain,* 10141). 
 Sabunde (Raymundus de) Theologia naturalis siue liber creaturarum 
 specialiter de homine et de natura eius inquantum homo, et de his 
 que sunt ei necessaria ad cognoscendum seipsum z deum. et omne 
 debitu ad quod homo tenetur et obligat tarn dec q3 primo. 0.5L. 
 per Martinum flach : Argentine, 1496. Fol. 
 Contains i6i leaves, without pagination. Printed in double columns, 50 lines to a 
 fiill column. Sig. i, a — 3) Z> 7, in sixes, excepting a, 3i and ? in eights, (sig. 
 J 3 is wanting). 
 Contains a few MS. Jiotes. This work is bound up in the 
 original binding -with hvo others of the 15th centtiry, which are 
 now catalogued separately, (see Promptorium parvulorum, p. 9 ; 
 and Fasciculus tepff^, p. 3). (Hain,* 14069). 
 1496. >499« 
 Valla (Laurent! us) Hoc in volumine hec cotinentur. Laurentii Vallensis 
 Elegantiae de lingua latina. Laurentii Vallensis de pronomine 
 sui ad loannem Tortelium. Laurentii Vallensis lima quaedam 
 per Antonium Mancinellum. per Cristoferuvi de pensts : Venetits, 
 1496. Fol. 
 Contains 90 leaves, without pagination, 58 to 60 lines to a full page. Sig. A, a — o, 
 in sixes. 
 This work is bound up with another dated 1497, which is item 
 catalogued separately, (see the following entry — Cicero). Part of 
 the original binding is preserved. (Hain,* 15820). 
 Cicero (Marcus Tullius) Tvlivs De Oratore cvm Commento et alia 
 opera. Anthonio koberger : \_Ntiremberg], i^q"]. Fol. 
 Contains 190 leaves. Sig. a — 3. A. — H in sixes, excepting a and H in eights, the 
 last leaf is blank. 
 " The present volume is interesting, chiefly as presenting us with a specimen of the 
 Roman type of Koberger, and as a testimony of the existence of himself and of his 
 press, as late as the year 149". It may be summarily described : — 
 On the recto of fol. i, ' Tulius De Oratore cum Commento et alia opera.' The 
 oration of Omnibonus Leonicenus De Laudibus Eloquential — on three pages. The 
 text begins on 3 rect : sunounded by the commentary of Omnibonus. On the recto 
 of fol. CXXXVni., ' De Oratore ' ends, and ' De Perfecto Oratore ' begins— Then at 
 fol. CXLVII. rev. begins ' Liber Topicorum ' — On fol. CLI. ' Liber Partitionum ' — 
 On fol. CLVI. rect: 'De Claris Oratoribus '— On fol. CLXIX. rev. 'De Petitione 
 Consulatus' — The Orationes of .lEschines and Demosthenes ' contra Ctesiphontem' close 
 the volume at fol. CLXXXIX, erroneously numbered CLXXXV. rev. The colophon : 
 Uniuersi operis ab Anthonio koberger impraessi Anno a Natiuitate domini Millesimo 
 quadringentesimo nonagesimoseplimo iinis. Die. XXVI. Marcii." — Biiliotheca 
 Spenceriana, Vol. I., p. 338. 
 The most famous, as he was one of the earliest, if not actually the first printers of 
 Nuremberg or Niimberg, Anthony Koberger, does not appear to have used a mark. — 
 Printers' Marks, p. 167. 
 With this work is botittd up another, dated 1496, which is now 
 catalogued separately, (see the preceding entry — Valla) . Part of 
 the original binding is preserved. (Hain,* 5 1 1 1 ( i ) ). 
 Promptorium parvuiorum. Begin, [fol. i, verso:'] Incipit prologus in 
 libellu qui dicitur promptorius puerorum. [fol. 2, recto .] 
 Incipit liber q dicitur Promptorium paruulorum siue clericorum. 
 End. Finit excellentissimii op"" . . . qS nucupatur Medulla 
 gramatice. [By R. Frauncis.] 3BI" Eng. and Lat. Inpssil per 
 egregiu Richardu pynson. in expensis virtuoso'^ viroru Fredrici 
 egmodt z Petri post pascha. [London, with device], 1499. Fol.
 1500. I500. 
 Contains ilj leaves, without pagination. Printed in double columns, 41 lines to a 
 fall column. Sig. a — t in sixes, excepting a and b in eights and t in three. 
 Frederick Egmondt, an important and wealthy foreign bookseller, was in 1499 in 
 partnership with a man whose name, given in a Latin form, was Peter post Pascham. 
 It seems to have been a common custom with printers and booksellers to Latinize their 
 names when they issued Latin books . . . and this habit has been a fruitftil source 
 of confusion to bibliographers. ... In the case of Peter post Pascham, all 
 ingenuity seems unavailing, and no reasonable guess has yet been made at his real 
 name. — Vide Frederick Egmondt, by E. Gordon Duff. " The Library" vol. II., 
 pf. 210-16. 
 Contains MS. notes. On plates I. and II. zvill be found 
 illustrations of the binding, and the device of Pynson. With 
 this -work are bound up, in the original binding, two others of the 
 i^th century, which are now catalogued separately, (see Sabunde, 
 p. 8; and Fasciculus tepof, p. 3J. (Haiti, 13399). 
 ^gidius (Romanus) Expositio Egidii Romani supra libros elenchonim 
 Aristotelis. Questio defensiua opinionis de medio demonstrationis 
 eiusdem. 6-2L- mandato z expensis dni Andree Torresani de 
 Asula. Per Simotie de Lucre : Venetiis, 1500. Fol. 
 Contains 71 leaves. Printed in double columns, 69 lines to a full column. Sig. 
 17 — 25 in eights. A blank leaf at the end is wanting. 
 Among the many names of distinguished printers that we meet with during this 
 "'1470-1515], none is more famo ' . - - - - ~ 
 ''enetian Printing Press, p. 33. 
 period [1470-1515], none is more famous than that of Andrea de Torresani of Asula." 
 —TkeVt ■ - ■ ■ ~ 
 Contains a few MS. notes. With this work is bound up in 
 the original binding another dated 1503, which is now catalogued 
 separately, (see Burkus, p. 11). (Hain, 141}. 
 Books printed later than 1500. 
 Hugo, de Sancto Chara, Cardinal. Prima (Quinta, Sexta, Septima) 
 pars huius operis : contines textum biblie cu postilla domini 
 Hugonis Cardinalis, eic. (Repertorium apostillarum . . . 
 Hugonis Cardinalis [compiled by G. Eppius]) [Ediled by Conradus 
 Leoniorius.'l (5.1. 4 vols. Johdnes Amerback : Basiliefi, 1504, 
 1502. Fol. 
 Pt. I. is dated 1503. The leaves are numbered in folio consecutively from 2 to 435, 
 and the " Repertorium " which precedes it consists of 34 leaves unnumbered, and is 
 dated 1504. Pts. V. and VI. are undated and without pagination, and probably 
 belong to the 1498-1502 edition. Part VII. bears the date 1502. The first part is 
 illustrated with woodcuts. 
 It is said that for these editions of the Bible, Koberger provided the money. 
 Part of the original binding is preserved. 
 Burleus (Gualterus) Burlei super artem veterem Porphirii z Aristotelis. 
 0.1. Impressa per Bernardinum Vercetlensem jussu domini Andree 
 Toresani de Asula : Venetiis, 1503. Fol. 
 Contains a few MS. notes. This work is bound up in the 
 original binding with another dated 1500, which is now catalogued 
 separately, (see j^^gidius, p. \o). 
 Thomas Aquinas, Saint. Scriptum . . . Sancti Thome de Aquino 
 supra secudum (tertium, quartum) SentetiarQ. (Quodlibet Sancti 
 Thome de Aquino.) 01. 4 pts. bound in 2 vols. Per Simonem 
 de Luere: pro domino Andrea Torresano de Asula: Venetiis, 1503. 
 There are some MS. notes at the end of the last part. Part of 
 the original binding is preserved. 
 ^Jacobus, de Voragine, Archbishop of Genoa. 
 Lombardica nominatur historia. 0.1 
 de Troys : Lugduni, 1 504. 4to. 
 The titlepage is wanting, commences sig. bb of the index. 
 Contains MS. notes. 
 Legenda sanctoru que 
 Per Claudium Davost al's 
 1504- i5o6. 
 Platina (Battista) Cremonese. Platynae hysteria de vitis pontificum 
 periucunda : diligenter recognita : & nunc tantum integre im- 
 pressa. (Dialogus de falso & vero bono. Dialogus contra amores. 
 Dialogus . . . de vera nobilitate. De optimo cive. Pane- 
 gyricus in laudem . . . Bessarionis episcopi Sabini, etc. 
 Oratio de pace Italic confirmanda & bello Thurcis indicendo. 
 Diversoru academicorum panegyrici in parentalia B. Platynae.) 
 2 pts. bound together, a Philippo Piiicio : Venetus, 1504. Fol. 
 The titlepage is ornamented with a woodcut. 
 Contains a few MS. notes in the margiii ; several pages of 
 ancient MS., probably used by the first binder, are also secured 
 inside the covers. The origijial binding is preserved. 
 Ambrose, Saint, Bishop of Milan. Divi Ambrosii . . . oia opa 
 denuo accuratissime revisa et noviter impressa. (Registru flori- 
 geru in tripertitu opus libro^ . . . Ambrosii. Paulinus de 
 vita Ambrosii.) Q.%. {Basle, 1506.] 4to. 
 The titlepage is illustrated with a woodcut. 
 Coiitaifis a few MS. notes. Part of the original binding is 
 '*Balbus (Joannes) de Janua. Catholicon seu universale vocabulariu 
 ac summa grammatices F. Johannis Genuen. <&.%, In edibus 
 Ascensianis : Paris, [with the device of J. Petif^, 1506. Fol. 
 The titlepage is printed in red and black. 
 " The end of the century saw the commencement of the celebrated Ascensian Press, 
 the rival in some ways of Uie Aldine. The founder, Jodocus Badius Ascensius (Josse 
 Bade of Asch), was a man of great learning. ... It was not ... till 1504 
 that the Ascensian Press became important." — E. G. DuiF, Early Printed Books, 
 London, 1893; p. 86. 
 Petit "was on several occasions associated with others in producing a book, his 
 connection with Josse Bade extending from 1501 to 1536." — Printers' Marks, p. 115. 
 *Duns (Joannes) Scotus. Primus ( — Quartus) scripti Oxoniensis 
 doctoris subtilis fratris J. D. S. . . . super sententias. (Ques- 
 tiones quolibetales J. D. S.). 5 vols, bound in 3. 0.X. Per 
 Sinionem de Lucre, pro dno Andrea de Torresanis de Asula : Venetiis, 
 [with device], 1506. Fol. 
 Contains MS. notes ; several pages of ancient MS.y probably 
 used by the first binder, are also secured inside the covers. Part 
 of the original binding is preserved. 
 i5o6. 1510. 
 La mer des hystoires. Le premier ( — secondj volume de la mer des 
 hystoires, augmentee en la fin du dernier volume de plusieurs 
 belles hystoires, et premierement des fait} gestes z victoires du 
 Roy Charles VIII., et daulcunes vaillaces triiiphantes conquestes 
 et oeuvres chevalereuses faictes ou teps du Roy Louys XII., 
 (jusques a Ian 1506. Avec le martyrologue des sainct}). ©.TL. 
 2 vols, bound together. Par Claude Davost, al's de Troye : a Lyon, 
 1506. Fol. 
 Contains numerous woodcuts. 
 A MS. note on the titlepage states that this work was given to 
 the Library of Bristol in 1636. 
 'Dictionary. Elucidarius Carminu et historiaru seu vocabulari" poetic", 
 Fabulas, Hysterias, Provlcias, Vrbes Insulas, Fluvios, motes, q} 
 illustres, siimati coplectes tii latinis tu grecis comodissimus tyru- 
 culis. . . . N. Bonespei Trecensis copendiolo. Parrhisits, 
 1507. 4to. 
 There are some MS. notes on the fly-leaves. The original 
 binding is preserved. 
 *Coccius (Marcus Antonius) Sabellicus. Rapsodie historiaru Enneadura 
 Marci Antonii Coccii Sabellici. Ab orbe condito, ad annum salutis 
 humane, 1504. Pars prima quattuor complectens, Enneades 
 premissis earundem repertoriis et epitomis. Venundatur . . . 
 ab Joanne parvo : et ipo qui impressit Ascensio : Paris., \with the 
 device 0/ y. Badius'\. 1509. Fol. 
 The titlepage is printed in black and red, and is ornamented with a woodcut border. 
 Blondus (Flavius) Blondi Flavii Forliviesis de Roma instaurata Libri 
 tres . . . De Italia illustrata opus . . . De Gestis Vene- 
 torum. (Imperatorum Romanorum vite. — Nervse Cocceii Impatoris 
 vita, ex Dioe graeco, p G. Merula ; Trajani Nervae vita, ex Dione 
 graeco, per G. Merulam ; Confiagratio Veseevi montis, ex Dione 
 graeco, Merula transtulit pro Suetonio Tranquillo.) Venetiis, 15 10. 
 The colophon is at the end of the ' Italia illustrata,' a blank leaf follows, and the 
 ' Imperatorum vite ' commences with sig. AA, but the pagination continues. 
 With this work is bou7id up another by the same author^ which 
 is now catalogued separately, {seep. \a,). 
 I510. i5'2. 
 Herolt (Joannes) a Domtnica?i. Sermones discipuli de tempore. {End. 
 Finit opus perutile simplicibus cura alatum gerentibus compositu 
 per . . . Johanne herolt . . . de tpe z de Sanctis cum 
 promptuario exemploa.) 3 pis. hojind together. B.IL. Per Julianu 
 Notarii : London, [with device'], 1510. 4to. 
 Parts I and 2 have a separate numeration in folios. The 3rd pt. is unnumbered. 
 The author's name appears in the colophon of pt. 3. The titlepage is wanting. 
 Referring to Julian Notary, Cotton says : — " Of this man's books we have very few 
 remaining.'^ — H. Cotton, Typographical Gazetteer, OXFORD, 1831 ; p. 149. 
 The original binding is preserved. 
 Mauburnus (Joannes) [Rosetum exercitiorum spiritualiQ et sacrarum medi- 
 tationum : in quo etiam habetur materia predicabilis per totius 
 anni circulum. Recognitum penitus et auctum multis, etc.'] (B.l-. 
 opera Ascensiana impensis Joan^iis parvi & Johannis Scdbeleri : 
 in parrhisioru academia, 1510. Fol. 
 The titlepage is wanting. 
 The original binding is preserved. 
 Blondus (Flavius) Blondi Flavii Forliviensis de Roma triiiphate libri 
 dece. a Philippo Pincio : Vetietiis, 1 5 1 1 . Fol. 
 This work is bound up with another by the same author, which 
 is rum catalogued separately, (see p. 1 3 j . 
 ♦Faber (Jacobus) Stapulensis. S. Pauli Epistolae XIV. ex vulgata editione, 
 adjecta intelligentia ex Grseco cum commentariis. Ex officiyia 
 Henrici Stephani : Paris, 15 12. Fol. 
 Referring to the early printers of Paris, Cotton says : — " But above them all, it 
 should be remembered, that in this city the illustrious and learned family of the 
 Stephani carried on the business of printing for upwards of a century and a half." 
 {op. cit.,p. 217). 
 Contains a few MS. notes. 
 Polybius, the Historian. Polybii Historici de primo bello Punico, 
 Leonardo Aretino interprete, Libri tres, Leonardi Aretini de 
 temporibus suis. Liber unus. Plutarchi parallelia Guarino 
 Veronensi paraphraste opusculum aureum. Venundantur ab 
 Ascension Joanne Parvo : \_Paris], 1512. Fol. 
 The device of the " Ascensian Press" on the titlepage, portrays a printing machine 
 of this period. 
 I5I4- I5I4-I7' 
 This work is hound up with three others from the same press, 
 which are now catalogued separately, [see Warne/ridus, p. 15; 
 Liutprandus, p. 15; and Annius,p. 16). 
 Liutprandus, Bishop 0/ Cremona. Liutpradi . . . rerum gestarum per 
 Europam ipsius praesertim temporibus Libri sex. Venundantur 
 ab Jodoco Badio Ascensio & Joanne Parvo : \Paris, with the device 
 0/ Petit], 1514. Fol. 
 The titlepage is ornamented with a woodcut border. 
 There are three other works from the same press bound up 7vith 
 this, which are now catalogued separately, (see Warne/ridus, 
 p. 15; Polybius, p. 14; and Annius, p. i6j. 
 Warnefridus (Paulus) Diaconus. Pauli Diaconi Ecclesise Aquilegiensis 
 . . . de origine et gestis Regum Langobardoru Libri VI. cum 
 indice et argumentis. Venuddtur ab Joanne Parvo et Jodoco Badio 
 Ascensio : [Paris, with the device of Pefif], 15 14. Fol. 
 The titlepage is ornamented with a woodcut border. 
 There are three other works from the same press hound up with 
 this, which are now catalogued separately, (see Liutprandus, p. 15; 
 Polybius, p. 14; and A nnius, p. \t). 
 Bible [Polyglott, 15 14-17]. Vetus testamentu multiplici lingua nuc 
 primo impressum. Et imprimis Pentateuchus Hebraico Greco 
 atq3 Chaldaico idiomate. Adiucta vnicuiq) sua latina interpre- 
 tatione. [That of the Hebrau being the Vulgate. — Vol. 2-4:] 
 Seciida, Tertia, Quarta pars Veteris testamenti Hebraico Grecoq3 
 idiomate nunc primum impressa : adiuncta vtriq} sua latina 
 interpretatione. \Vol. 4 end {\ Explicit quarta et vltima pars 
 totius veteris testameti . . . impressa . . . de mandato 
 ac sumptibus . . . Francisci Ximenez de Cisneros . . . 
 presbyteri Cardinalis, etc. [ Vol. 5 :] Nouum testamentum grece 
 z latine, f At. [Vol. ^ end:] Ad perpetuam laudem . . . dei 
 Z . . . iesu christi hoc sacrosanctum opus noui testamenti 
 . . . grecis latinisq} characteribus nouiter impressum . . . 
 absolutu est, etc. [After the colophon of vol. 5, and some Greek and 
 Latin verse, follow : — ] Incipiunt interpretationes hebreorum 
 chaldeorum grecorumq) nominum noui testameti, etc. [and] Intro- 
 ductio qua breuissima ad grecas litteras. [The Greek and Latin 
 Vocabulary occupies the last l^ ff. ; the Appendix and two leaves in 
 the Gospel of St. Mark arc wanting.] Industria Arnaldi Guilielmi 
 de Brocario : in Academia Complutensi, [Alcald de Henares], 
 1514-17. Fol. 
 • 5I5- I5I5- 
 The titlepage of each volume commences with the following : — 
 •' Hec tibi pentadecas tetragonon respicit illud 
 Hospitium petri j pauli ter quinq3 dierum. 
 Namq3 instmmetiim vetus hebdoas innuit : octo 
 Lex noua signatur. ter quinqj receptat vtrunqi." 
 Under these lines are the arms of Cardinal Ximcnez, and then the special title of 
 the volume. The titlepage of the fifth volume differs slightly from the others, the 
 Cardinal's hat in the centre being printed in black instead of red. In the first line of 
 Leo X.'s letter in Vol. I. occurs the misprint — Dilfcte. 
 The New Testament portion was printed in 151 4, and the Old 
 Testament in 15 17 ; but though printed at these dates, the sanction 
 of Pope Leo X. (see Vol. I.) was not obtained till 1520, and 
 the work was probably not in cirailatioii until the year 1522. 
 Dibdin states that the e?itire cost of the work, which amounted in 
 English money to between ^11,000 and £12,000, 7vas defrayed by 
 the Cardinal. In order to become better acquainted with the more 
 learned parts of the Polyglot, Cardinal Ximenez icndertook to 
 make himself master of the Hebrew tongue, though he was upwards 
 of sixty years of age. He employed a large number of learned 
 men, and gave 4,000 crozuns for seven MSS. of the Hebreiv Bible. 
 The interest of the work is not merely from its being a superb 
 example of the early printing, but because it is the first Polyglot 
 edition of the Bible, and the first printed edition of the New 
 Testament in the original tongue. 
 The original binditig has beeyt carefully restored. 
 Annius (Joannes) Viterbensis. Antiquitatu variaru volumina XVII. 
 . . . Contentorum in aliis voluminibus, Liber primus. Insti- 
 tutionum Annianarum de aequivocis, Liber II. Vertumniana 
 Propertii, Liber III. Xenophontis Aequivoca, Liber IIII. Fabii 
 Pictoris de aureo saeculo, Liber V. Myrsili, Liber VI. Catonis 
 fragmentum, Liber VII. Itinerarii Antonini fragmentum, Liber 
 VIII. Sempronii de Italia, Liber IX. Archilochi de temporibus, 
 Liber X. Metasthenis, Liber XL De Hispanis, Liber XII. De 
 Chronographia Etrusca, Liber XIII. Philonis, Liber XIIII. 
 Berosi, Liber XV. Manethonis, Liber XVI. Anniarum, XL. 
 quaestionum, Liber XVII. [ With the commentary ofJ.A^ Venun- 
 ddtur ab Joanne Parvo ^ Jodoco Badio : [Paris, with the device of 
 Petit^ 15 15. FoL 
 This work is bound up with three others from the same press, 
 which are now catalogued separately, (see Warnefridus, p. 15 ; 
 Liutprandus, p. 15; and Polybius, p. 14^. 
 I5I5- I5i6. 
 Otto I., Bishop of Frisingcn, Ottonis Episcopi Frisingensis rerum ab 
 origine mundi, ad ipsius usque tempora gestarum. (De gestis 
 Friderici primi iEnobarbi Caes. Augusti, libri duo. Radevici 
 Phrisingen Ecclesiae Canonici libri duo, prioribus additi, de 
 ejusdem Friderici Imperatoris gestis). 2 vols, bound together. Ex 
 adibus Matthia Schurerii : Argentorati, \with device'], 15 15. Fol. 
 The titlepage of Vol. I. is wanting, that of Vol. 11. is ornamented with a woodcut 
 *Anglerius (Petrus Martyr) De orbe nouo Decades, [sig. a, u, verso .] P. 
 Martyris Angli. Mediol. . . . oceaneae decadis liber primus 
 ( — decimus.) \j.\g. d, a. verso :] Crediti continentis . . . de orbe 
 nouo secunda decas, . . . liber primus ( — decimus) [sig. f, ii, 
 verso .•] Crediti continentis . . . de orbe nouo tertiae decadis, 
 liber primus ( — decimus.) [sig. /.iiii, recto .•] Ad lectorem de quibus- 
 dam locis leviter depravatis. [after sig. /.iiii. is a blank leaf, then follows the 
 " Vocabula Barbara," at the end of which is the colophon.—] Cura & dlUgentta 
 uiri Celebris Magistri Anto7zii Nebrissensis historici regit fuerunt 
 h(Z tres protonotarii Petri 7>iartyris decades Impressce in contubernio 
 Arnaldi Guillclmi in Ilki-stri oppido carpetancz pulcicB copluto quod 
 uulgariter dicitur Alcala y^fectu est nonis Nouebris An. 1516. Fol. 
 Contains 68 leaves, 49 hnes to a full paj;e. Signatures a — i in eights, except sigs. 
 a and h in sixes. The titlepage is ornamented with a border. 
 " This account by Martyr is the earhest which we have of the printed narratives of 
 Cabot's Voyages." — G. P. Winship, Cabot Bibliography, 1897 ; p. 30. 
 It is bound up in the original binding jvith three other works, 
 which are now catalogued separately, (see Tragus Pompeius, 
 p. 5 ; Sallustius Crispus, p. 4 ; and Orosius, p. 2) . 
 •Coccius (Marcus Antonius) Sabellicus. Posterior pars ejusdem rapso- 
 die historiaru M. Antonii Coccii Sabellici contines sex Enneades 
 reliquas cu earundem repertoriis et epitomis. Vemmdatur . . . 
 ab Joanne Parvo & Jodoco Badio Ascensto, \ Paris, with the device of 
 J. Petit], 1516. Fol. 
 The titlepage is ornamented with a woodcut border. 
 Two pages of ancient MS., probably used by the first binder, are 
 preserved iiiside the cover. The original binding is preserved. 
 Richerius (Ludovicus Coelius) Rhodiginus. Sicuti Antiquarum lec- 
 tionum commentarios concinnarat olim vindex Ceselius, ita nunc 
 eosdem per incuriam interceptos reparavit L. C. Rhodiginus, in 
 corporis unam velut molem aggestis priraum linguae utriusque 
 17 c
 I5i6. 1522 
 floribus, ... ex qua velut lectionis farragine explicantur 
 linguae latinae loca, etc. XVI. lib. In adibus Aldi, et Andrea 
 Soceri : Venelus, [zvtth device], 1 5 1 6. Fol. 
 The titlepage is printed in red. This edition is dedicated to John Grolier. 
 " The AJdine family comes at the head of the Venetian printers." — Printers' Marks, 
 p. 218. 
 " The Italic type . . . was introduced by Aldus Manutius of Venice." — 
 Encyclopedia Britannica, 1875-89, Vol. XXIII., p. 695. 
 The original binding, with gilt tooling and edges, is preserved. 
 Testament. Novum Testamentum omne, multo quam antehac diligentius 
 ab Erasmo Roterodamo recognitu, emedatum, ac translatum, 
 etc. Gr. &" Lat. In cedibus Joantiis Frobenii : Basilece, \toith 
 device], 151Q. Fol. 
 The titlepage is ornamented with a woodcut border. 
 " The first edition was no sooner published, than Erasmus saw all the errors of it ; 
 and, consequently, in his second of 1519, he has presented us with a purer text, and 
 more valuable readings. Joseph Scaliger, who was never a very favourable critic 
 towards the works of the learned, had the highest veneration for this second edition 
 of Erasmus." — T. F. Dibdin, Introduction to the Greek and Latin Classics, London, 
 1827 ; Vol. I., p. 109. 
 " Frobenius became one of the most learned printers on record. . . . Erasmus 
 tells Herwagen, in a letter written to the latter in 153 1, that Frobenius benefits the 
 public more than himself, and that he vn& leave his heirs more fame than money. For 
 Froben spent enormous sums on the getting up of his impressions ; even the titlepages 
 were to excel in beauty of execution those of other printers ; he employed Holbein, 
 the painter, and Urs Graff, a then famous engraver, whom he paid Uberally. The 
 returns of his sales did not cover the cost of production." — The Printers of Basle, in 
 the XV. and XVI. Centuries, pp. 87 and 90. 
 Contains MS. notes. The original binding is preserved. 
 Pius II., Pope. \Enea Silvio Piccolomim.'] Commentariorum Aeneae 
 Sylvii Piccolominei Senensis, de Concilio Basileae celebrato libri 
 duo . . . nunc . . . primum impressi . . . Cum 
 multis aliis nunquam antehac impressis, etc. [^Cologne? 152 1 ?] 
 A remnant of the original book-chain is still attached to the 
 •Caiepinus (Ambrosius) Dictionarium. Impressi per Thomam Ansfielmum 
 Badensem : Hagenoa, \with device], 1522. Fol. 
 The titlepage is wanting. 
 " Thomas Anshehn (or Anshelmi Badensis) is perhaps the most eminent of the early 
 Hagenau printers." — Printers' Marks, p. 155. 
 '522. 1524- 
 Erasmus (Desiderius) Des. Erasmi ... in Novum Testamentum. 
 ab eodem tertio recognitum, annotationes item ab ipso recognitae, 
 & auctario neutiq3 pcenitendo locupletatae. John Froben, Basil. 
 \wiih device] , 1522. Fol . 
 The titlepage and two others are ornamented with woodcut borders. 
 Contains a few MS. notes. The original binding is preserved. 
 *Nannus Mirabellius (Dominicus) Polyathea. Opus suavissimis Floribus 
 exornatu, etc. ffi.X. In cedib Joannis Moylin al's dc Cabray : 
 Lugduni, 1522. 4to. 
 The titlepage contains a fine woodcut design, which is ornamented with a border. 
 Justinian I., Emperor of the East [527-565]. Digestum Vetus, quin- 
 quaginta librorii padectaru primus tomus xxiiii libros cotinens, 
 etc. — Digestum Novum. S.X- 2 vols. Joannis Petit: Paris, 
 1523 and 1525. 4to. 
 Printed in black and red, the text is in short double columns, with marginal 
 commentary. The device of Petit is on the titlepage of the " Digestum Vetus." The 
 titlepage End preUminary leaves of the " Digestum Novrnn " are wanting. 
 The original binding is preserved. 
 Boniface VIII., Pope. [Liber Sextus Decretalium, cum apparatu 
 Johannis Andree ; extravagantes Johannis XXII., etc.] <S).%. 
 Petit: Paris, 1524?] 4to. 
 Printed in black and red ; the text is in short double colmuns, with marginal 
 commentary. The titlepage is wanting, begins lol IX. 
 Cyril, Saint, Patriarch of Alexandria. Divi Cyrilli ... in 
 Evangelium Joannis commentaria , . . recognita. In quibus 
 multa habentur adjecta . . . per J. Clichtoveum . . . 
 Opus insigne, quod Thesaurus inscribitur, de consubstantialitate 
 Filii & Spiritus Sancti cum Deo Patre . . . Georgio 
 Trapezontio intorprete. Insuper in Leviticum libri XVI. 2 pts. 
 bound together. In officina Andrex Cratandrt : Basilecc, [with 
 device], 1524. Fol. 
 "Cratander, whose real patronymic was Hartmann, began printing at Basle in 1518. 
 He was a man of great learning, and the friend of learned men. CEcolampadius for 
 some time lived in his house as his guest. Like Froben, Cratander printed chiefly 
 learned works, and embellished them as much as possible with elaborate illustrations. 
 1525' '527- 
 He printed up to the year 153b, when, at the instigation of his wife, who would no 
 longer allow him to go on with the " dirty work," he sold his office and plant to the 
 partnership concern, Winter, Oporinus, Platter, and Lasius. But he died soon after, 
 and not in prosperous circumstances, viz., in 1540. . . . Cratander's device was 
 the Goddess of Opportunity — according to the Romans a female, but according to the 
 Greeks a male, deity." — The Printers of Basle in the XV. and XVI. Centuries, pp. 
 Contains MS. notes. 
 Ptolemaeus (Claudius) Claudii Ptolemaei Geographicae enarrationis 
 libri octo Bilibaldo Pirckeymhero interprete. Annotationes 
 Joannis de Regio Monte in errores commissos a Jacobo Angelo 
 in translatione sua. Johannes Grieningerus : Argentoragt, 1525. 
 There is a separate titlepage to the Index. Illustrated v\ith woodcuts, maps, etc. 
 " John Gruninger . . . issued some beautifully illustrated books. . . . He 
 and another later Strasburg printer, Knoblochzer, share with Conrad Zeninger, of 
 Nuremberg, the doubtful honour of being the most careless printers in the fifteenth 
 centurj'." — Early Printed Books, p. 43. 
 Hieronymus (S. Eusebius) Opera. Tom. IV.-X., bound in 5 vols. Apud 
 J. Frobeiiium : Basilecz, [with device'], 1525-26. Fol. 
 The titlepages and prehminary leaves of Vols. V. and VI. are wanting, and all ff. 
 after 107 of Vol. VII. There are duphcates of Vols. IV. and X. 
 Contains MS. notes. 
 *Bartolus, de Saxoferrato. Bartoli . . . prima (et secunda) super 
 digesto novo. . . . Commentarioz Bartoli de Saxoferrato : 
 que (? merito quide) juris vocitant Lucernam : super digesto novo : 
 ad vetustissimo^ simul ac emendatissimo^ exemplarium fidem 
 recognita z emaculata, et compluriii doctissimoru virorii addi- 
 tionibus " apostillis illustrata. Summariis item r concordantiis 
 cotrarietatum Bartoli minime pretermissis. Insuper i repertorio 
 singularium materiarum in ordinem multo q} hactenus commo- 
 diorem redacto. Additiones huius operis, Alexandri Imolensis, 
 Andree Barbatie Siculi, Andree de Pomate de Basignana, 
 Christophori de Nicellis. 0.3t. 2 vols, bound together. Ex ojficina 
 . . . Sebastia7ii Gryphis Germani : Lugduni, 1527. Fol. 
 The titlepage of each part is illustrated. 
 Two pages of ancie?it MS., probably used by the first binder, 
 are preserved inside the cover. 
 1529- I530- 
 *Platina (Battista) Cremonese. Platinae . . . de vita & moribus sum- 
 morum Pontificum historia, cui aliorum omniu, qui post Platinam 
 vixerunt ad haec usque tempora, Pontificum res gestae sunt additse, 
 nunquam antehac in vnlgus datae, etc. (De falso et vero bono 
 dialogi tres. Contra amores. De vera nobilitate. De optimo 
 cive. Panegyricus in Bessarionem doctiss. patriarcham Con- 
 stantin. Oratio ad Paulum. II. Pen. Max.) 2 pts. bound together. 
 Impensa & arc M. Godefridi Hittorpii civis Colonien. 1529. Fol. 
 There is a fine woodcut titlepage in compartments. 
 Contains a few MS. notes in the margin, and the name " John 
 Heylyn " is written inside the cover. 
 Seneca (Lucius Annseus). L. Annei Senecae opera, et ad dicendi facultatem, 
 et ad bene vivendu utilissima, per Des. Erasmum Roterod. ex 
 fide veterum codicu, turn ex probatis autoribus, postremo sagaci 
 non nunqua divinatione, sic emendata, ut merito priore aeditione, 
 ipso absente peracta, nolit haberi pro sua. Confer & ita rem 
 habere coperies. Adjecta sunt ejusdem scholia nonnuUa. Per 
 Hicronyvmm Frobenium & Joanneni Hervagiuni : Basilcw [with 
 device^, 1529. Fol. 
 Dibdin, in reference to this (the second) edition states that it 
 " professes to correct four thousand errors of former impressions. . . . The 
 second edition is so greatly superior to the first, that it is said Erasmus would have 
 wiEiagly withdrawn his name from that of i-,i~,."— Introduction to Greek and Latin 
 Classics, ^th ed., vol. II., p. 395. 
 Hieronynms . . . the eldest son of John Froben . . . began his actual 
 work as a printer in 1528, after his father's death. . . . John Herwagen, who 
 married the widow [of John Froben] entered into partnership with his stepson. — The 
 Printers of Basle in the XV. and XVI. Centuries, p. 1 13. 
 Contains the autograph and MS. notes of Archbishop Mathew. 
 The original binding is preserved. 
 *John Chrysostovi, Saint, Patriarch of Constantinople. D. Joannis Chrysostomi 
 . . . opera. 5 vols. In offi,cina Frobeniana, per Hieronymum 
 Frobenium, Joannem Hervagiuni, & Nicolaum Episcopium : Basilea 
 \zvith device\, 1530. Fol. 
 The titlepage of Vol. I. is preceded by a general index to the work. All pp. 
 after 598 are wanting in Vol. II. 
 "In 1529, Nicolaus Episcopius, who had married the sister of Hieronymus 
 [Froben], joined the other two. This threefold partnership was parti.illy dissolved in 
 1531, when Herwagen went out." — The Printers of Basle, in the XV. and XVI, 
 Centuries, p. I13. 
 There are a few MS, notes, A remriant of the ancient book- 
 chain is attached to the cover of Vol. II., and in this Vol. are also 
 preserved some pages of MS., doubtless used by the first binder. 
 153°. ■ 1533- 
 *Origen. Origenis Adamantii Operum tomi duo priores, cum tabulis & 
 indice general! proxime sequetibus. (Tertius at Quartus tomi, 
 etc.) 4 "vols, bound in 2. Vamcui . . . Joanni Parvo, & 
 Jodoco Badio : \_Paris^ [tutth the device of J. Petit ^ 1530. Fol. 
 The titlepages are ornamented with woodcut borders. There are duplicates of 
 Vols. I. and II., with the title and preliminary pages wanting. 
 The original binding is preserved. 
 *Dionysius de Rickel. D. Dionysii . . . , insigne commentariorum 
 opus, in psalmos omnes Davidicos. [On the verso : of fol. cccx.— 
 "Commentariorum in psalterium finis," then follows, ■nith separate pagination — " Com- 
 mentarius in Canticum II. feri:e," etc., ending with fol. XLII. — all ff. after are wanting.] 
 Per me Pctriun Qucntell : Cohmitr, 1531. Fol. 
 A woodcut representing a Cardinal's hat, &c., is on the titlepage. 
 Contains a MS. note of Archbishop Mathav. A remnant of 
 the ancient book-chain is attached to the original binding. 
 Pellicanus (Conradus) [fol. i. recto :^ Commentarium breve simplex et 
 catholicum in Sacrosanctos viginti quatuor veteris instrumenti, 
 Canonicos libros, cum interpretatione vulgata quidem, sed ab 
 Hebraicae veritatis sensum diligenter emendata per Chuonradum 
 Pellicanum Rubeaquensem, imprimis autem in librum Geneseos, 
 qui k primae distinctionis initio Hebraice Bresith dicitur. Vols. 
 I., II., III., IV. bound together. Apiid Christophorum Froschoverum, 
 Tigitri \ivith device\. 1532-4. Fol. 
 The titlepages of vols. I. and III, are wanting. 
 " Christopherus Froschover, 1523-48, was by far the most eminent and prolific of 
 the eaily Zurich printers." Printers' Marks, p. 175. 
 Contains the name " John Pittes, Feb. 1579," '^^^ MS. notes. 
 "^Cicero (Marcus Tullius) Tusculanarum qusest. libri quinque, cum P. 
 Beroaldi Bononiensis, et G. Vallae Placentini commentariis. 
 Apud Michaclcni Vascosanum, Parisiis, 1533. Fol. 
 Contains copious MS. notes, and a pen and ink drawing. The 
 initials " I. B." are stamped upon the cover. 
 With this work is bound ?// another , ivliich is now catalogued 
 separately, [see Qiiintilianus p. 24). 
 '533- 1538. 
 Luther (Martin) Enarrationes doctissimae & lectu utilissimse Doctoris 
 Martini Lutheri incoparabilis Theologi, in Quintii, Sextum, & 
 Septimum capita Matthaei pro concionibus pro nuciatae & exceptae. 
 Per V. Obsopoeum . . . traductae. Ex officina Seceriana : 
 Haganom, 1533. 4to. 
 The titlepage is ornamented with a woodcut border. 
 There h a MS. note, and the name " Guil : Arnold," on the 
 Testament, \]'ulgate editton\ Sanctum Jesu Christi Evangelium. Secundum 
 Matthaeum, Secundum Marcum, Secundum Lucam, Secundum 
 Joannem, Acta Apostolorum. (Pauli Apostoli Epistolae, Epistolae 
 Catholicae, Apocalypsis Beati Joannis.) 2 vols, hound together, 
 [i] Apiid Hieroiiymwn Gormbtiiun: Parish's, [z)Franciscii.s Gryphius: 
 Parisiis, 1533-34. i6mo. 
 Brentz (Johann) the Elder. In Acta Apostolica homiliae centum viginti 
 duae. Ex officina Petri Brubacchii : UaganocB, anno xxxv. [1535]. 
 Contains a few MS. notes. The original binding is preserved. 
 Brunfels (Otto) Annotationes O. Brunfelsii, ... in quatuor Evangelia 
 &: Acta Apostolorum, etc. Impriinehat Georgius Ulriclier A ndlanus : 
 Argentorati \with devicc\ 1535. Fol. 
 On the reverse of the titlepage appears a full-page woodcut of the author. 
 The original binding is preserved. 
 Dante Alighieri. Comedia del divino poeta Danthe Alighieri, con la dotta & 
 leggiadra spositione di C. Landino : . . . nuovamente corretta & 
 emendata, etc. Per Bernardino Stagnino : In Vineggia {2vith 
 device'], 1536. 4to. 
 The titlepage contains a portrait of Dante, there are also niunerous woodcuts. 
 The name " John Heylyn " is written inside the cover. 
 Elyot {Str Thomas) Dictionary (Lat. Eng.), 3i8.1L. [/« cBdihus T. Bertheleti : 
 Lmidini, 1538 ?] Fol. 
 The titlepage is wanting. 
 «539- 1542. 
 Bible \Latiii\ Biblia sacra utriusque Testamenti, et vetus quidem post 
 omnes . . . hactenus aeditiones opera D. Sebast. Munsteri 
 evulgatum . . . , Novum vero . . . opera D. Eras[mi] 
 Rot[erodami] ultimo recognitum ^' aeditum. Additi sunt 6 LXX. 
 versione et Apocryphi libri . . . qui habentur extra Canonem. 
 (De omnibus Sanctae Scripturae libris, eorumque praestantia 
 . . . H. Bullingeri expositio.) 3 pts., bound together. Apud 
 Christophorum Froschovertim : Tigtcri \jVtfh dcvtce'\. 1539. 4to. 
 The autograph of Archbishop Matheiv appears on the titlepage. 
 Quintilianus (Marcus Fabius) M. Fabii Quintiliani . . . Institutionum 
 Oratoriarum libri XII., etc. Apud Joannem Roigny : Partsus, 
 154 1. Fol. 
 A woodcut on the titlepage represents a printing ofBce of that time. 
 Contains copious MS. notes. 
 This work is boimd up %mth another, zuhich is now catalogtced 
 separately [see Cicero, p. 22]. 
 Bible [Latin'] Biblia, iconibus . . . tanquam emblematis quibusdam 
 exomata. Additae sunt . . . variae lectiones, quae lucem 
 aliquam editioni vulgatae addere videbantur, etc. a. 370. 86. 54. 
 Ex ojjictna J . Steelsii : Antverpice, 1542. Fol. 
 The colophon bears the date 154 1. A reprint of Stephanus' Paris folio edition of 
 1540, with the addition of the third Book of Maccabees. Illustrated with woodcuts. 
 The last page is wanting. 
 Gregory I., Saint, surnamed the Great, Pope. Operum aliquot D. Gregorii 
 . . . nunc denuo ad fidem veterum exemplarium accuratiori 
 diligentia a mendis innumeris repurgatorum. 2 vols, bound 
 together. In cedibus CarolcB Guillard: Parisiis [with deviceX 1542. 
 The titlepage of vol. I. is wanting. 
 Some pages of ancient MS., probably used by the first biiider, 
 are preserved inside the cover. The original binding is preserved. 
 Quintilianus (Marcus Fabius) M. Fabii Quintiliani oratoris eloquentissimi, 
 Institutionum oratoriarum libri XII. Ex officina R. Stepham : 
 Parisiis [7vith device], 1542. 4to. 
 1544- 1546. 
 Cicero (Marcus Tullius) Le Tusculane di M. Tullio Cicerone recate in 
 Italiano. \_Editcd by Fausto da Loiigiano\. Apresso Vicenzo Vaugris : 
 In Vvicgta \7mfh device], 1544. i2mo. 
 Contains a few MS. notes at the end of the hook. 
 HWds^, Saint, Bishop of Poitiers. D. Hilarii . . . lucubrationes olim per 
 D. Erasmum . . . baud mediocribus sudoribus emendatae, 
 nunc denuo vigilantissima cura ad fidem mirae antiquitatis 
 exemplarium recognitae. Ex ojflcina Carolce Guillard: Parisiis 
 [with device], 1544. Fol. 
 Contains a few MS. notes. The original binding is preserved. 
 Ptolemaeus (Claudius) Claudii Ptolemaei Alexandrini, Geographicae enar- 
 rationis. Per Henriclmm Petrutn : Basilecc \_7mth device], 1545. 
 Illustrated with maps. The titlepage is wanting. 
 " Henry Petri . . . was not only a distinguished printer, but a statesman. 
 . . . His merits were admitted by Charles V., who in 1556 conferred knighthood 
 upon him, whence the members of his family, to distinguish themselves from the other 
 Petris, assumed the name of Henricpetri." TTie Printers of Basle in the XV. and 
 XVI. Centuries, p. 154. 
 Tertuliianus (Quintus Septimus Florens) Opera Q. S. F. Tertulliani 
 . . . per Beatum Rhenanum . . . primum h tenebris 
 eruta, . . . adjectis singulorum librorum argumentis, adnota- 
 tionibusq}. Nunc vero denuo ad fidem veterii exemplarium manu 
 descriptoru collata & restituta. Accesserunt multa, etc. Apud 
 Carolam Guillard: Parisiis Sjvith device], 1545. Fol. 
 This copy contains the autograph of Archb. Mathew, and copious 
 MS. notes. The original binding is preserved. 
 Vergilius (Polydorus) [An Abridgemet of the notable worke of Polidore 
 Virgile, conteignyng the devisers and iyrst fynders out . . . 
 oi artes, etc.] ^.TL. R. Grafton: London, 1546. i2mo. 
 The titlepage is wanting. 
 1547- '552- 
 Basil, Saint, sitrnavied tiic Great, Archbishop of Co'sarca in Cappadoctn. 
 Operum D. Basilii. 2 vols, bound together. Ex oficina CarolcB 
 (ruillard : Parisiis\with device\, 1547. Fol. 
 The autograph 0/ Archbishop Alafhc'iV is on the titlcpage of the 
 first volume. The original binding is preserved. 
 *Juvenalis (Decimus Junius) J. Juvenalis Aquinatis Satyrographi opus. 
 Nunc demuui ab omnibus mendis Purgatum, & pluribus coUatis 
 exemplaribus suo candori restitutum. Interprete J. Britannico 
 viro eruditissimo, una cum J. Badii Ascensii familiaribus ex- 
 planationibus. Apud Francisciim Bindonum, & Maplieum 
 Pasinum : Venetiis [with devicel, i^^^S. Fol. 
 *Oecolampadius (Joannes) D.T>. Epistolae doctorum viroru, quibus ciim 
 Eucharistiae & Anabaptismi negotium, turn alia religionis capita, 
 & Ecclesiasticee administration is officia, etc. (Praefatio per 
 T. Bibliandrum. — De vita et obitu Oecolampadii per S Grynaeum, 
 et W- Capitonem. — De vita et obitu H. Zuinglii per O. Myconium.) 
 [.^ Basle], 1548. Fol. 
 The original binding is preserved. 
 Augustine, Saint, Bishop of Hippo. Epitome omnium operum A. A., . . . 
 primum quidera per J. Piscatorium compendiaria quadam via 
 collecta. Recognita . . . aucta &: locupletata per J. Pessel- 
 lium. . . . Per eundem et nunc recens accessit ex eodem 
 Augustino collectus de septem sacrosanctis Sacramentis tomus 
 tertius. Ex offlcina Melchi&ris Novesiani : Colo-nice [jivith device.'] 
 1549. Fol. 
 Gesner (Conrad) Professor in the University of Zurich. C. Gesneri . . . 
 historiae animalium lib. I, de quadrupedibus W'iparis. (Lib. IIII. 
 . . . de Aquatilibus.) Vols. I. and IV. only. Apud Christ. 
 Froschovermn : Tiguri, i^^i-^-j. Fol. 
 The titlepage of vol. IV. is wanting. Contains numerous woodcuts. 
 Bembo (Pietro) Cardinal, snccesavely Bishop of Gubbio a^id of Bergamo. Delia 
 historia Vinitiana . . . volgarmente scritta, libri XII. 
 Appresso Gualtero Scotto : In Vinegia [joith device], 1552. 4to. 
 Contains the name " John Heylyn " inside the cover, and 
 " Ambrose Randolph " on the titlepage. 
 Alberti (Leandro) Descrittione della Italia Per Giovan Maria Bonelli : In 
 Vitiegia [jinfh device], 1553. 4to. 
 The titlepage is wanting. 
 Blanchinus (Joannes) Luminarium atque planetarum motuum tabute 
 octoginta quinque, omnium ex his quae Alphonsum sequuntur 
 quim faciles. Autoribus J. Blanchino, N. Prugnero, G. Peur- 
 bachio. Nunc primum collectae, auctae & emendatae, etc. Per 
 Joanncm Herz'ngmm : Basilca; [ivtfh device'], 1553. Fol. 
 Giovio (Paolo) Bishop of Nocera, the Elder. P. Jovii . . . Historiarum 
 sui temporis tomus primus (et secundus). 2 vols, bound together. 
 Ex officina typographica Michaelis Vascosam, Lutettcs Parisiorum, 
 1553, 54- Fol. 
 Contains MS. notes in the margin. 
 Suetonius Tranquillus (Caius) Le vite de' dodici Cesari . . . Tradotte 
 in lingua Toscana per . . . P. del Rosso. \With a dedication 
 by F. Priscianese.] Appresso Baldassare Costantini: I71 Venetia 
 Iwith device], 1^5^. i2mo. 
 Ambrose, Saint, Bishop of Milan. Omnia quotquot extant D. Ambrosii 
 . . . opera, primum per D. Erasmum . . . , mox per Sig. 
 Gelenium, deinde per alios eruditos viros diligenter castigata; 
 nunc ver6 postremum per J. Costerium . . . emendata. 
 (Vita Ambrosii ... ex ipsius scriptis, per J. Costerium. 
 Divi Ambrosii vita a Paulino presbytero. Vols, i — 4 bound in 
 two. Per Hicr. Frobe?iium, et Nic. Episcopium: Basilece \with 
 device], 1555. Fol. 
 Concordance. Concordantiae Bibliorum utriusque Testamenti, veteris & 
 novi, novffi et integrae, etc. Excudcbat Robertus Stephanus [Paris] 
 \_7vith device], 1555. Fol. 
 Contains the autograph of Archbishop Mathcw on the titlepage. 
 Erasmus (Desiderius) Des. Erasmi Rot. in Novum Testamentum annota- 
 tiones, ex postrema ipsius authoris recognitione, etc. Per 
 Hieronymum Frobcnium, & Nicolatcni Episcopium : Basilece [with 
 device], 1555. Fol. 
 The original binding is preserved. 
 1556. '556. 
 Bible [_Lahn.'\ Biblia Sacra, ad optima queeque veteris . . . tralationis 
 exemplaria . . . castigata. His adjecimus Hebraicorum, 
 Chaldaeorum, Graecorumq ; nominum interpretationem, etc, Apud 
 y. Toriiaesium : Lugdtmi \jiin'th device], 1556. Fol. 
 Illustrated w-ith woodcuts. 
 A fragment of a hook-chain is still attached to the original 
 biiiditig. Some pages of ancient MS., probably used by the first 
 binder, are preserved inside the cover. 
 Oswald (Erasmus) Eras. Oswaldi Schreckenfuchsii commentaria, in novas 
 theoricas planetarum Georgii Purbachii. Per Henrichum Petri, 
 Basilece, 1556. Fol. 
 Contains numerous diagrams. All pp. after 414 are wanting. 
 Plato [Works; Grcck\ ATA^TA HAATfiXOS. Platonis omnia opera, ex 
 vetustissimorum exemplarium collatione multo nunc quam antea 
 emendatiora . . . Prseterea in Platonis omnia, sententiarum 
 & verborum memorabilium index. Per Henrichum Petrum: 
 Basilece [jvith device], 1556. Fol. 
 The following note appears on the titlepagc : — " Ex dono Edzv. 
 et Eliz. Blount." 
 '• This edition, which is in general a copy of the preceding one [BasU, 1534]. has 
 many curious passages and remarks ; it was compiled by Arnoldus Arlenius, who, in 
 travelling through Italy, collected some MSS. of Plato, and in his own copy of 
 Oporinus's edition, marked down the corrupt passages of that work, supplied the 
 chasms, and sent the copy thus corrected to Hopperus, the son-in-law of the printer 
 Petrus, to have it published accordingly ; nevertheless, it has many errors in common 
 with that of Oporinus." — Introduction to Greek and Latin Classics, p. 294. 
 Vergilius (Polydcrus) P. Vergilii . . . Anglicae Historiae libri viginti 
 septem, ab ipso autore . . . recogniti, etc. Apud Mich. 
 Isingrinium : Basilece [un'th device], 1556. Fol. 
 Testament {English) The Newe Testament of ovr Lord lesus Christ, Con- 
 ferred diligently with the Greke, and best approued translations. 
 With the arguments as wel before the chapters, as for euery Boke 
 & Epistle, also diuersities of readings, and moste profFitable 
 annotations of all harde places, etc. (The epistle declaring that 
 »557- 1562. 
 Christ is the end of the Lawe, by I. Caluin.) Conrad Badius : 
 Geneva, 1557. i6mo. 
 " This edition was the work of William Whittinghani, aftenvards Dean of Durham, 
 but at the time of its publication residing in exile at Geneva. It is beautifully printed 
 in small, clear, roman type, and is remarkable for two characteristics for the first time 
 here introduced into the EngUsh translations, viz., the division of the text into verses, 
 and the use of italics to indicate those explanatory words not to be found in the 
 original tongues.' — Henry Steiiens, the Bibles in the Caxton Exhibition, London, 
 1878, p. 94. 
 The name " 'John Heylyn " appears on the fly-leaf. 
 *Soto (Domingo de) Fratris D. Soto . . . de justitia & jure libri decern. 
 Apiid Joanncm Moreno, Bibliopolam: Salmanticce \jmth device'], 
 1559. Fol. 
 The last pp. of the Index are damaged. 
 Contains tlie anfograph' of Archbishop Matheiv on the titlepage. 
 ^Lossius (Lucas) Annotationes in Evang. secundum Matthaeum et Marcum 
 (Tomus secundus, in quo continentur duo Evangelistae, Lucas et 
 Joannes). 2 vols, hound together. Aptid hcercdes CJiristiani 
 Egenolphi : Francofortia \jmth device in black and red], 1559 and 
 1562. Fol. 
 Vol. I. is in two parts, the titlepage of vol. I. is wanting. 
 Part of the origitial binding is preserved. 
 Plato. Platonis . . . Opera . . . per J. Cornarium . . . Latina 
 lingua conscripta. Ejusdem J. Cornarii Eclogae decern . . . 
 Additis M. Ficini argumentis & commentariis, etc. In offlcina 
 Frohcniana, per Hier. Frobcnimn et Nic. Episcopium : BasilecB [with 
 device], 1561. Fol. 
 There is another copy of this work, but imperfect. 
 Bembo (Pietro) Cardinal, successively Bishop of Gnbbio and of Bergamo. Delia 
 Lettere di M. P. B. Con la gionta della Vita del Bembo (descritta 
 da F. Sansovino). Vols. 1 and 2. Appresso Girolamo Scotto : In 
 Vinegia[ioith device], \^bz. i2mo. 
 Calvin (John) Commentaires de M. J. C. sur les Epistres de I'Apostre S. 
 Paul, k. aussi sur I'Epistre aux Hebrieux. Item, sur les Epistres 
 canoniques de S. Pierre, S. Jean, S. Jaques, & S. Jude, etc. 2 pts. 
 bound together . Imprtfnd par Cotirad Badius [Crenev. — with device], 
 1562. Fol. 
 The second part bears the imprint — " A Geneve, par Jean Bonnefoy." 
 1562. 1566. 
 Melanchthon (Philipp) Operum . . P. Melanthonis, pars secunda [i?«/y]. 
 ExaidcbatJoliannesCrato: Wittehergiv, y^tz. Fol. 
 There is a portrait of the author on the titlepage, the work contains also a full-page 
 woodcut of Melanchthon. 
 The original binding is preserved. 
 Flacius (Matthias) Illyricus. Ecclesiastica Historia, integram Ecclesiae 
 Christi ideam quantum ad locum, propagationem, persecutionem, 
 tranquillitatem, doctrinam, haereses, ceremonias, gubernationem, 
 schismata, synodos, personas, miracula, martyria, religiones extra 
 Ecclesiam, & statum Imperii politicum attinet. secundum singulas 
 centurias . . . complectens . . . Per aliquot studiosos & 
 pios viros in urbe Magdeburgica \jjiz., M. Flacius, J. Wigandus, 
 M. Judex, B. Faber, A. Corvinus, and T. Holthuter]. Accessit 
 . . . rerum ... in singulis centuriis . . . Index. 
 Cent I.-XJII., except IV. and XII., in 6 vols. Per Joannem 
 Oportnnm : BasilemSjmth dcvice\ 1562-74. Fol. 
 There is separate pagination and titlepage to each century. 
 Contains the autograph and MS. notes of Archbishop Mathew. 
 The original binding ts preserved. 
 Calvin (John) Sermons de M. J. Calvin sur le livre de Job. Acheve 
 d'imprimer par Jean de Laon : a Geneve, 1563. Fol. 
 The titlepage is ornamented with a woodcut border. 
 Musculus (Wolfgang) Commentarii in evangelium Joannis, in tres heptadas 
 digesti, et jam ipsius authoris diligentia castigati, recogniti, ac 
 locis aliquot locupletati, per Wolfgangum Musculum, etc. Ex 
 offiicina Joannis Hervagii : Basilccc [ivith device^ 1564. Fol. 
 Calvin (John) Le9ons dc M. J. Calvin sur les vingt premiers chapitres du 
 Prophete Ezechiel. \_Geneva, i^t^'C] Fol. 
 The titlepage is wanting. 
 The letters " R. P." are stamped in gilt upon the covers. 
 Foix (Fran9ois de) Duke de Candale, Bishop of Aire. Euclidis . . . 
 elementa geometrica, libris xv. ad germanam geometrise intel- 
 ligentiam 6 diversis lapsibus temporis injuria contractis restituta, 
 etc. Apud Joannem Royerium, . . . et Jacobum du Puys : 
 Parisiis, 1566. Fol. 
 1566 1568. 
 Guicciardini (Francesco) F. G. historiarum sui temporis libri viginti, ex 
 Italico in Latinum sermonem nunc primum & conversi, & editi, 
 C. S Curione interprete. (B. Facii rerum gestarum Alphonsi 
 Primi regis Neapolitani liber primus— decimus. — J. Joviani Pontani 
 de Ferdinando Primo rege Neapolitano, etc.) 2 pts. bound together. 
 Excudcbat Peirus Pcrna suis, Bastlece, 1566. Fol. 
 "Ex dono . . . H. N. Poyntz" appears on the titlepage. 
 There are also a few other MS. notes. The original binding is 
 Budseus (Gulielmus) Aristotelis Liber de Mundo, ad Alexandrum Mace- 
 doniae Regem, G. Budseo interprete. Ex officina Thonue 
 Brumennii : Parisiis [with device^ 1567. 4to. 
 This work is bound up with several others of the safne date 
 [see the following entry — Perionius). 
 *Perionius (Joachimus) Aristotelis De Natura, aut de Rerum Principiis, 
 lib. VIII.— Aristotelis De Caelo, lib. IIIL— Aristotelis de ortu 
 & interitu, lib. II. — Aristotelis De Animo, lib. III. — Aristotelis 
 Meteorologicorum, lib. IIIL J. Perionio interprete, etc. 5 pts. 
 bound together. Ex officina Thoince Brumennii: Parisiis [with 
 device'], 1567. 4to. 
 All ff. after 64 of the " Jleteorologicorum " are wanting. 
 There is aiwther work bound up with this, which is tiow 
 catalogued separately [see the preceding entry — Budceus). 
 Surius (Laurentius) Tomus primus ( — quartus) Conciliorum omnium, . . • 
 quae jam inde ab apostolis usque in praesens habita, obtineri 
 potuerunt . . . aliquot locorum millibus in Synodis et 
 Epistolis decretalibus hactenus editis, ad vetustissimorum manu- 
 scriptorum codicum fidem . . . restitutis per L. S. Cum 
 indice locupletissimo. 4 vols. Apud G. Calenium et J. Quentelij, 
 Colonics Agrippina \with device], 1567. Fol. 
 The index has a distinct titlepage, and is without pagination. 
 Contains MS. notes, and the autograph of Archbishop 
 Mathew in vol. II. Remiiants of the ancient book-chain are 
 attached to each volume. The original binding is preserved. 
 AKempis (Thomas) The Imitation of Christ.— Ode de cruce Christi.— Of 
 the Reioyce and gladnesse of the Godlye, euen in this lyfe. 36.X. 
 [1568?] i2mo. 
 The titlepage is wanting, 
 1568. 1574- 
 Bible \_Polyglott'\ Biblia Latinogallica. La Bible Fran9oiselatine, ^j/c. ^pts., 
 bound together. Dc I' Impj-imeric de Jaques Bourgeois : Geneve 
 \_wtfh device], 1568. Fol. 
 The name " Roherlus Read " is written on the titlepage. 
 A remnant of a book-chain is still attached to the cover. 
 Porphyry, the Philosopher. Commentariorum in Porphyrii Phcenicis 
 Isagogen, et omnes Aristotelis libros de dialectica. \_Louvain, 
 1568.] Fol. 
 The titlepage is wanting. 
 Bible [Spanish) [La Biblia, que as, los sacros libros del Vicio y Nuevo 
 Testamento. Trasladada en Espanol [by C. R., i.e., Cassiodoro 
 de Reyna~\. (Annotationes breves sobre los lugares mas difficiles, 
 etc.) Col. 1438, 544, 508. \_Basle,] 1569. 4to. 
 Illustrated with wood-cuts. The titlepage is wanting. 
 Guicclardini (Francesco) La Historia d'ltalia . . . dove si descrivono 
 tutte le cose seguite dal 1494 per sino al 1532 riscontrate dal R. 
 P. M. Remigio, Fiorentino, con tutti gli Istorici c'hanno trattato 
 del medesimo, etc. (I Quattro ultimi libri, etc.). 2 vols, bmmd to- 
 gether. Apprcsso Gabriel Giolito, In Vinegia [jvith device], 1569. 
 Contains a portrait (woodcut) of the author. 
 Soto (Domingo de) Commentariorum Fratris D. Soto ... in Quartum 
 Sententiarum [_of Petriis Lombardits, Bishop of Paris]. Tomus 
 Primus [o/iJy]. Apud foannon Baptistam a Terranova : Sal- 
 manticcB, 1569. Fol. 
 All pp. after 990 are wanting. 
 The original binding is preserved. 
 Aretius (Benedictus) Problematum seu locorum theologicorum. ? 1573. Fol. 
 The titlepage is wanting. 
 The original binding is preserved. 
 Marlorat (Augustin) Propheticse et Apostolic^ id est totius divinae ac 
 Canonicae Scripturse,^'/^. Excicdebat Thomas Vautrollcrius : Londifii 
 \jivith device], 1574. Fol. 
 1575- 1578. 
 Paynel (Thomas) Regimen Sanitatis Salerni . . . translated . . . 
 into Englishe by Thomas Paynell. 3B.%. William How, for 
 Abraham Veale : Loiidon, 1575. i6mo. 
 ■*Wecker (Hanss Jacob) Medicinee utriusque Syntaxes, ex Graecorum, 
 Latinoru, Arabiimq thesauris, etc. Ex officina Euscbit Episcopii, 
 et Nicolai fr. hmredum : BasilccB \iinth device], 1576. Fol. 
 Contains some MS. notes at the end of the volume. 
 Lopes de Castanheda (Fernam) Historia dell' Indie Orientali, scoperte et 
 conquistate da' Portoghesi, , . . Nuovamente di lingua 
 Portoghese in Italiana tradotti dal Signor' A. Ulloa. 2 vols. 
 Appresso Giordano Zilelti : in Venetia [with device], 1577, 78. 4to. 
 The name " John Heylyn " appears inside the caver. 
 Diodorus (Siculus) Diodori . . . Bibliothecae historicae libri XV. Hoc 
 est, quotquot Grsec^ extant de quadraginta, quorum quinque nunc 
 iterum Latin6 diligenter recogniti & chronologia, illustrati eduntur, 
 etc. Ex offi,cina Henricpetrina : Basilece \jiiith device], 1578. Fol. 
 Contains a MS. note at the end of the volume. 
 Illescas (Gonzalo de) Segunda parte de la Historia Pontifical, y Catholica : 
 en la qual se prosiguen las vidas y hechos, de Clemente Quinto, 
 y delos de mas Pontifices sus successores, hasta Pio Quinto. Por 
 Martin de Vitoria : en Burgos, 1578. Fol. 
 The name " RicJiardiis Ellis " appears on the titlepage. 
 Livius (Titus) Patavinus. Titi Livii Patavini, . . . libri omnes quotquot 
 ad nostram aetatem pervenerunt ; una cum doctissimorum virorum 
 in eos lucubrationibus, . . . recogniti, . . . castigati 
 \by I. Grellius .<'] & . . . picturis, prjecipuas historias apt^ 
 representantibus exornati, etc. (Chronologia in Titi Livii His- 
 toriam. — C. Sigonii Scholia. — L. Vallae adversus Livium dis- 
 putatio. — In Titi Livii Historiarum . . . libros 
 observationes, ex variis autorum scriptis collects per V. 
 Godelevaeum). 5 pts. bound together. A pud Johannem et 
 Sigisvmnduin Feycrabendt : Francoforti ad Mmiimi [with device], 
 1578. Fol. 
 The titlepage is ornamented with a border, and the work is illustrated with woodcut j. 
 Contains copious MS. notes. 
 33 ^
 1578- 1582. 
 Plutarch. Les Vies des Hommes illustres Grecs et Remains, comparees 
 I'une avec I'autre . . . translatees de Grec en Francois par 
 J. Amyot. Vol. I. \only\. Chez Jaqiies du Puys : Paris, 1578. 
 Contains the book-plate of Walter Ruding. 
 *Baron (Peter) Stempanus. In Jonam Prophetam, Praelectiones 39, etc. 
 (Tractatus contra MissamJ. 2 pts. bound together. Apud Joanncm 
 Dayum : Londini [zvith device^, 1579-78. 4to. 
 "John Day is remarkable in being the first English printer who used Saxon 
 characters, whilst he brought those of the Greek and Italic to perfection." — Printers' 
 Marks, p. 79. 
 This is bound up with another work which is nojv catalogued 
 separately (see Mtisso, p. 40J 
 Vignier (Nicolas) the Elder. Sommaire de I'Histoire des Francois [/w»2^.Z;. 
 395 /(?yi.Z). 1515] . . . Extraicts de la Bibliotheque Historiale 
 de N. V. . . . Avec un traicte de I'origine, estat & demeure 
 des Francois. Chez Sebasticn Nivelle : a Pans \jvith devicel, 
 1579. Fol. 
 Contains a book-plate bearing the name ^'■George Courtenay." 
 Ludolphus, de Saxonia. Vita Christi . . . repurgatis quamplurimis 
 mendi.s . . . per J. Dadrseum. Apud Alichaclem Sonnium, 
 Parisi is \with device\ 1580. Fol. 
 Plinius Secundus (Caius) Historia mundi naturalis C. Plinii Secundi . . 
 . in libros XXXVII. distributa, vivisque imaginibus illustrata 
 . . . His breves eruditaeque in margine doctissimorum virorum 
 castigationes : S. Gelenii quoq} perspicuae atq} perutiles animad- 
 versiones accesserunt Cum indice rerum et verborum locuple- 
 tissimo. Ex officina M. Lcchlcri, impcnsis S. Feyerabctidii : 
 Franco/orti ad Mwuum [with device^, 1582. Fol. 
 The " Animadversiones," and the Index, which has a distinct titlepage, are mthout 
 pagination. Illustrated %vith woodcuts. 
 Contains AIS. notes. 
 1584- 1586. 
 Bible [Polygloft]. Biblia Hebraica Eorundem Latina interpretatio X. 
 Pagnini Lucensis, Recenter B. Ariae Montani, etc. (Novum 
 Testamentum Graecum, cum vulgata interpretatione Latina Graeci 
 contextus lineis inserta, clc.) 2 vols, bound together. Ex offichia, 
 Christophori Plantini : Antverpice[7vith device'], 1584. Fol. 
 "Among the printers who have done honour to the towTi of Antwerp, must be 
 reckoned the justly celebrated Christopher Plantin, the beauty and correctness of 
 whose workmanship is attested by numerous publications in almost every branch of 
 literature." — Typographical Gazetteer, \st series, p. 15. 
 Herodotus. Herodoti Halicarnassei Historiae libri IX. : et de vita Homeri 
 libellus. Illi ex interpretatione L. Vallje adscripta, hie ex inter- 
 pretatione C. Heresbachii : utraque ab H. Stephano recognita. 
 Ex Ctesia excerptae historiae. Apologia H. Stephani pro 
 Herodoto. Apud haredes Andrcce Wecheh' : Francofurti [jvith 
 device], 1584. 8vo. 
 There is a RIS. note at the end of the volume. 
 Thomas Aquinas, Saint. S. Tho. Aquinatis in libros Aristotelis de genera- 
 tione et corruptione castigatissima commentaria, etc. Aptid 
 hccredem Hyeroninii Scoti : Venetiis, 1^84. Fol. 
 This work is bound vp wit/i another dated 1595 by the same 
 author, which is no7v catalogued separately (see p. 38.^ 
 Bible [Polyglott]. Biblia Sacra, Hebraice, Graece, ^ Latine. Latina inter- 
 pretatio duplex est, altera vetus, altera nova : cum annotationibus 
 F. Vatabli . . . Omnia cum editione Complutensi . . . 
 collata, etc. 2 vols. Ex officina Sanctandreana : \^Heidelberg\, 
 1586. Fol. 
 The two vols, are di\-ided into four parts with separate paj.nnation. 
 "The New Testament was not published in this edition." — British Museum 
 Contains the autograph and MS. note of Archbishop Mathew 
 in both vols. 
 Holkot (Robertus) M. R. Holkoth ... in librum sapientiae . . . 
 Salomoni.s praelectiones ccxiii. Quae . . . nunc . . . cum 
 inserto Graeco textu . . . k multis mendis . . . repurgatae 
 1586. I590. 
 . . . in lucem prodeuntes [jii:.] His . . - ejusdem autoris 
 Moralizationum historiarum . . . liber est adjectus, etc. 
 [Wz'/k the text, Gr. and Lat. Edited by J. Ryterus\. [Basle IX 
 1586. Fol. 
 Contains the autograph of Archbishop Mather^o on the titlepage. 
 Archimedes. [G. e Alarchionibus Montis in duos Archimedis aequeponderan- 
 tium libros paraphrasis scholijs illustrata.] Apiid Hiercnymum 
 Co?icordia?n : Pisauri, 1588. 4to. 
 The colophon bears the date 15S7. The titlepage is wanting. 
 Testament. Testamentum Novum sive novum foedus Jesu Christi, D. N. 
 cujus Graeco contextui respondent interpretationes duae : una, 
 vetus : altera, Theodori Bezae, nunc quarto diligenter ab to 
 recognita. 2 vols, bound together. [ With the device of StephensX 
 1588. Fol. 
 *Cyprian, Saint, Bishop of Carthage. C. Cypriani . . . Opera . . . 
 quam accuratissim^ recognita . . . Adnotationes J. Pamelii 
 . . . Ab eodem . . . adjecta D. Cypriani Vita h. scriptis 
 ipsius collecta, & Scripturarum citatarum index. (Vita Cypriani 
 per Pontium, etc}^ 3 vols, bound together. In adibus Petri Belleri : 
 Antverpia [jvith dezicc~\, 1589. Fol. 
 The pagination of the three vols, is continuous. 
 Contains the autograph and AIS. notes of Archbishop Mathew. 
 *Nebrissensis {^Elius Antonius) ^lii Antonii Nebrissensis grammatici 
 chronograph i regii, imo recens accessio facta ad quadruplex 
 ejusdem antiqui Dictionarii supplementum, etc. 2 pts. bo7ind 
 together. En casa de Melchior Rodriguez Mercader : Granatae 
 [with device~\, 1589. Fol. 
 Ovidius Naso (Publius) Pub. Ovidii Nasonis Fastorum, Libri VI. (Tristium 
 libri V. ; De Ponto, Libri IIII. ; In Ibin ; Ad Liviam). 2 pts. 
 bound together. Ex officina Plantinia?ia,apud Franciscum Raphelcn- 
 gium : Lugd. Batavorum [with device^, 1590. i6mo. 
 pp. II to 14 are in MS., 44 lines to each page. 
 Another work by the same author is bound up with this, and is 
 now catalogued separately (see the follozaing entry) . 
 I590. ''''■ 
 Ovidius Naso (Publius) Pub. Ovidii Nasonis Metamorphoseon Libri XV. 
 £x officina Plnniimana, apud Franciscum Raphelengium : Lugd. 
 Batavorum\with device\, 1590. i6mo. 
 This work is hound up with another by the same author, which 
 is nmo catalogued separately (see the preceding entry). 
 *Kis (Stephanus) Sze^edinus. Theologiaj sincerse loci communes de Deo et 
 homine, cum confessione de Trinitate, perpetuis tabulis explicati, 
 & scholasticorum dogmatis illustrati. . • • Pra-missa est 
 historica commonefactio, de Ecclesia; palingenesia sspius repetita. 
 Editio tertia cum . . . vita auctoris (auctore M. ScariCceoJ. 
 [ With a preface by J. J. Grynaeus.'] Per Conrad Waldkirchium : 
 BastlecB [with device~\, 1593. Fol. 
 The titlepnge is oraamented with a border, there is also a portrait (woodcut) on the 
 reverse of the titlepage. 
 *ScaIiger (Joseph) De emendatione temporum. Apud Joannem Wechelum : 
 Franco/tcrti [zvith device'], 1593. Fol. 
 Contains the following note— "Ex dono Edw. et Elizab. Blount." 
 Concordance. Concordantiae Testamenti Novi Graecolatinae. Ex typo- 
 grapheio Henr. Slcphani IParis.—wtth device], 1594- I"ol. 
 The name— "John Heylyn" is written inside the cover, and 
 there is a MS. note on the titlepage. 
 Whitaker (William) D.D. Adversus T. Stapletoni . . . Defensionem 
 ecclesiasticcG authoritatis, quam ipse luculentam & accuratam 
 inscripsit, tribusque libris digessit, duplicatio, pro authontate 
 atque avroTrts^V S. Scripturae. Excudebat Joannes Legatus : Lanta- 
 brigicE, 1594. Fol. 
 Calvin (John) J. Calvini in quinque Libros Mosis Commentarii . • • 
 Eiusdem ... in Librum Josue Commentarms. \_lVith t/ie 
 text, Lat.] 3 pts. bound together. In ojficina Sanctandreana : 
 \Heidelberg.— with device], 1595. Fol. 
 1595- 1598- 
 Lipsius (Justus) J. Lipsii de Cruce libri tres . . . cum notis. Secunda 
 editio correctior. Ex offi-citm Planti?nana, apud Vzduam, & 
 Joannem Moretuvt : Atitverptcc [wt'th device], 1595. 8vo. 
 This work is illustrated vith numerous woodcuts. 
 Thomas Aquinas, Saint S. Thomae Aquinatis in octo physicorum Aristotelis 
 libros commentaria, efc. Apud hcsredcin Hieronymi Scott: 
 Venetus, 1595. Fol. 
 The following note appears 07i the titlepage : — " Ex dona Edw. 
 et Elizab. Blount." 
 With this work is bozitid up another by the same author ^ which 
 is now catalogued separately [see p. 35). 
 Calvin (John) J. Calvini Tractatus Theologici omnes, . . . altera editio, 
 emendatior, cui accesserunt ejusdem Calvini in libros Senecae de 
 Clementia Commentarii. 2 pts. boimd together. Apud Petrum 
 Santandreanum : Geneva: [with device], 1597. Fol. 
 Bauhinus (Joannes) Historiae Fontis et Balnei admirabilis BoUensis. Lib. 
 IV. \jmly]. Apud Jacobtim Foilletum : Montisbelgardi, 1598. 4to. 
 Contains numerous woodcuts. 
 *Lipsius (Justus) J. Lipsii Admiranda, sive de magnitudine Romana libri 
 quattuor. Ex officina Plantiniana, apud "Joannem Aloretum : 
 Antverpice [with device], 1598. 4to. 
 *Lipsius (Justus) J. Lipsii de Militia Romana libri quinque. Commentarius 
 ad Polybium. Editio nova. (J. Lipsii Analecta sive observationes 
 reliquae ad militiam et hosce libros.) Ex officina Plantiniana, 
 apud Jcamzcm Moretum : Antverpicc [with device], 1598. 4to. 
 Contains several plates. 
 *Lipsius (Justus) J. Lipsii de Amphitheatre liber. Ex officina Plantiniana, 
 apud Joannem Moretum : Antverpicc [with device], 1598. 4to. 
 Contains several plates. 
 This is bound tip with tivo other works by the same author, 
 which are noxu catalogued separately {see p. 39).
 1598. '^^^• 
 LiDsius (Justus) J. Lipsii Saturnalium sermonum libri duo, qui de gladia- 
 toribus. Editio ultima et castigatissima. Ex officma Plantimana, 
 apu4 Joannem Moretum : Antverpicc [with device], 1598- 4to. 
 This is bound up with two other works by the same author, which 
 are now catalogued separately (see the preceding entry, and p. 39;. 
 Mornay (Philippe de) Seigneur du Plessis Marly. De I'lnstitution usage, 
 Mornay (K^^ PP^^^.^^ du'Sainct Sacrament de I'Eucharistie, en I'Eglise 
 ancienne. Ensemble: Comment, quand, & par quels degrez la 
 Messe s'est introduite en sa place, etc. Par Hterosme Haulttn : 
 a la Rochelle \jvith device], 1598. 4to. 
 Contains a MS. note on the fly-leaf. 
 With this work is bound up another by the same author, which 
 is now catalogued separately (see entry helaiv). 
 ♦Calepinus (Ambrosius) A. Calepini Dictionarium octo 1^"?^^"^"^' J?,5;f° 
 primis & praecipuis dictionibus Latinis, Hebrseas, Grscas, Gallicas, 
 Italicas, Germanicas, Hispanicas, nunc Anglicas dictiones propnis, 
 etc. Apud Guillchimm Chaudiere : Parisits [with device ], 1 599- ^ o^- 
 *Calvin (John) The Institution of Christian Religion, written in Latine by 
 John Calvine, and translated into English accordmg to the 
 Author's last edition, . . . by Thomas Norton Pr^fedby 
 Arnold Hatfield [zmth device] for Bonham Norton: Lotidon, 
 1599. 4to. 
 Lipsius (Justus) J. Lipsii Poliorceticfin sive de machinis tormentis, telis, 
 libri quinque. Ad historiarum lucem. Editio altera ... 
 aucta. Ex officina Plantiniana, apud Joannem Moretum: 
 Antverpice [with device], 1599. 4to. 
 Contains several plates. 
 With this work are bound up two others by the sarne author, 
 which are now catalogued separately (see pp. 38 and 39;. 
 *Mornav (Philippe de) Seigneur du Plessis Marly. Resjponse c\ I'Examen du 
 ^ Docteur Boulenfer ; par laquelle sont justiiiees les alleguat.ons 
 par lui pretendues faulses, & veriii^es ses calommes contre la 
 Preface du Livre de la Saincte Eucharistie. Par Hterosme 
 Haultin: a la Rochelle \with device], 1599. 4to. 
 This work is bound up with another by the same author, which 
 is nozv catalogued separately (see entry above). 
 1599- i6oi- 
 Musculus (Wolfgang) In Davidis Psalterium sacrosanctum Commentarii 
 [Wtfh the textr\ in quibus et reliqua Catholicae religionis nostraa 
 Capita passim, non praetermissis orthodoxorum etiam Patrum 
 sententiis, ita tractantur . . . per Wolfgangum Musculum. 
 Editio postrema. . . . Accessere etiam de Juramento et 
 Usura appendices duae. Per Sebastianum Hefiricpetri : Basilece 
 \yotth devic€\, 1599. Fol. 
 Musculus (Wolfgang) Loci communes Theologiae Sacrae, ut sunt postrem6 
 recogniti &: emendati . . . editio ultima. Per Sebastianum 
 Henricpetri : Basile(B\with device\, 1599. Fol. 
 Calvin (John) J. Calvini commentarii in omnes Pauli Apostoli Epistolas, 
 atque etiam in Epistolam ad Hebr^os. Adjunximus ejusdem 
 authoris commentarios in omnes Epistolas Canonicas. [ With the 
 text.'] 2 pis. bound together. Apud Haredes Eustathii Vignon : 
 Geneves [zvith device], 1600. Fol. 
 Guarini (Giovanni Battista) II Segretario, dialogo . . . nel quale non 
 sol si tratta dell' uificio del Segretario, et del modo del compor 
 lettere, ma sono sparsi molti concetti alia retorica, loica, morale, 
 & politica pertinenti. Appresso Ruberto Megietti : In Venetia 
 [with device], 1600. 410. 
 The na7ne, " John Heylyn," is written inside the cover. 
 *Musso (Gornelio) ^McceaiveXy Bishop 0/ Forlimpoli a^A of Bitonto. Prediche 
 sopra, il Simbolo de gli Apostoli, Le Due dilettioni, di Dio, e del 
 Prossimo, il Sacro Decalogo, &: La Passione di nostro Signor Giesu 
 Christo, descritta da S. Giovanni Evangelista. . . . Seconda 
 editione. Appresso i Giutili : In Venetia [zvith device], 1601. 4to. 
 Illustrated with woodcuts. 
 Contains an autograph of "Antonio Scatter good, 1645," and 
 the name " John Heylyn" is o?i the flyleaf. With this work is 
 bou7id up a?iother, which is no7v catalogued separately (see 
 Baron, p. 34). 
 Pico della Mirandola (Giovanni) Omnt delta Concordia, the Elder. J. Pici 
 Mirandulae . . . item tomo secundo J. F. Pici . . . opera 
 quae extant omnia . . . Editio . . . locupletior. 2 vols. 
 Per Sebastianum Henricpetri : Basilece [with device], 1 60 1 . Fol. 
 i6o2. 1603. 
 Bible [Spatiish]. La Biblia . . . Segunda Edicion, revista y conferida 
 con los textos Hebreos y Griegos y con diversas translaciones, 
 por Cypriano de Valera. ff. 268. 67. 88. Lorenfo Jacobi : 
 Amsterdam [iviih device], 1602. Fol. 
 Another edition of the Bible of 1569. 
 This book is in the original bi?iding, attached to which is a 
 fragment of a book-chaiii. On the titlepage is written — ''Liber 
 Martini Pring," a7id a mamiscript entry of Nathaniell Pffivnoll 
 in Spa?iish appears o?i the flyleaf. The following is a translation : — 
 " This book belongs to the Library, and Mr. Martin Pring, 
 merchant of this city of Bristol, gave il, being witness 
 Nathaniel Paivnoll of the English nation, native op this city 
 of Bristol, and son of Mr. Richard Pownoll now living in this 
 Library, whom may our Lord Jesus Christ preserve for very 
 many happy years. Dated, January 2>th, 1647. Nathatiiell 
 \_The Rev. Richard Pownoll held the office of City Librarian, 
 1631— 1671.] 
 Salmeron (Alphonsus) A. Salmeronis . . . Commentarii in Evangelicam 
 Historiam, & in Acta Apostolorum (in . . . Epistolas B. Pauli 
 & Canonicas). Vols. I. — V., XIIL. and XIV. bound in 3. Apud 
 Antonium Hierat, & Joannem Gymnicuin : Colonice Agripptnce, 
 1602-4. Fol. 
 The titlepages ot Vols. I. and III. are wanting. 
 Contains tlir atUograph of Archbishop AIafhc7v on the tttlcpage 
 of Vol. I V. ; and a coat of arms on the cover of Vol. I. (the arms 
 of Archb. Mat hew). 
 Ariosto (Lodovico) Orlando Furioso di L. A. Tutto ricorretto e di nuove 
 figure adornato. (Annotationi . . . di J. Ruscelli. La vita 
 deir Autore, descritta dal Signor G. Pigna. . . . Dichiaratione 
 . . . da N. Eugenico, etc.) Apprcsso Felice Valgrisi : In 
 Vcnetia [zvith device], 1603. 4to. 
 Upon the undated titlepage of the " Cinque Canti," appears the name and device 
 of the printer— "Nicolo Moretti." The first titlepage is ornamented ^vith a woodcut 
 border, there are also several full-page illustrations. 
 On the flyleaf is the name " John Heylyn." 
 1603. i6o5. 
 *Bellarmino (Roberto Francesco Romolo) Cardinal, Archbishop of Capzca. 
 Disputationum Roberti Bellarmini . . . de controversiis 
 Christianae Fidei, adversus huius temporis hcereticos, quatuor 
 tomis comprehensarum. Editio ultima ab auctore recognita et 
 aucta Opusculis, suis quaeque locis insertis, cum indicibus locu- 
 pletissimis. 4 vols. Apud Societatem Minimani: Venetiis, 1603. 
 The titlepage of Vol. I. is ornamented with a woodcut border ; and the fourth vol. 
 bears the date 1602. 
 The name " Edmundus Gains/ord," is ■written on each titlepage. 
 Bible \Latin\ Testamenti Veteris Biblia sacra . . . Quibus etiam ad- 
 junximus Novi Testamenti libros . . . Quarta cura F. Junii 
 ante obitum. Cum indice. 4 pts. bound together. Typis 
 Wcchclianis, apud C. Marnium & hceredes J. Aubrii : Hanovicr 
 \7.oith device~\, 1603. Fol. 
 There is a dupUcate copy containing a fragment of book-chain, but the title, and 
 last page of the index are wanting. 
 Gruterus (Janus) Inscriptiones Antiquse, etc. (Inscriptionum Antiquarum 
 appendix. — Notfe Romanorum Veterum.) 3 pts. bound together. 
 In Bibliopolio Cotnmeliniano : [^Heidelberg. — with device\, 1603. Fol. 
 The first titlepage is wanting. 
 Bible [Latin\ Biblia sacra vulgataj editionis Sixti V. Pont. Max. jussu 
 recognita, etc. [Revised by aidhority of Clement VIII., 1592.] 
 (Romanse correctionis in Latinis Bibliis editionis vulgatae, jussu 
 Sixti V. Pontif. Max. recognitis, loca insigniora, observata a 
 F. Luca, etc., 1608.) Ex officina Plantiniana, apud Joannem 
 Moretum : Antverpicc [with device], 1605. 4to. 
 The titlepage is engraved. 
 The name " yoh7t Heylyn " is written on the fly-leaf, and that 
 of " John Doody, 1 707," on the titlepage. 
 *Cornacchini (Domenico) Gl'Inganni Commedia. Appresso Roberto Meg- 
 lietti : In Vcnetia [with device], 1 605. 1 2mo. 
 i6o5. 1609. 
 James (Thomas) D.D., Sub-Dean of Wells. Catalogus Librorum Biblio- 
 thecae publicae quam . . . T. Bodleius ... in Academia 
 Oxoniensi nuper instituit, etc. Apud Josephum Barnesium : 
 Oxontcc, 1605. 4to. 
 Lucas (Franciscus) Brugensis. In Sacrosancta quatuor Jesu Christi Evan- 
 gelia F. Luca? . . . Commentarius. 3 vols, bound together. 
 Ex officina Plantiniana, apud Joanncm Moretum: Anlverpicc \jmth 
 device\ \bot and \t\2. Fol. 
 The titlepage of the first vol. is wanting, there is a separate titlepage to the second 
 vol., but the pagination continues. Vol. III., dated 1612, bears the imprint, — Ex 
 Officina Plantiniana, apud Vidiuim &" Filios Joannis Moreti : Antverpits. 
 Camden (William) the Antiquary. Britannia: sive florentissimorum reg- 
 norum Angliae, Scotiae, Hiberniae, et insularum adjacentium ex 
 intima antiquitate chorographica descriptio. Impensis G. Bishop 
 & y. Norton: Londini, 1607. Fol. 
 Illustrated with maps. 
 Jesuits. Regular Societatis Jesu. pp. 258, and index. Ex typographia Jacobi 
 Roussin : Lugduni, 1607. 1 2 m o . 
 Calvin (John) Institutio Christianas Religionis . . . cum indicibus locu- 
 pletissimis. Apud Johannem le Preux [? Geneva'], itoq. Fol. 
 The titlepage contains a portrait (woodcut) of Calvin. 
 Calvin (John) J. Calvini commentarii integri in Acta Apostolorum. [IVith 
 the text.] Excndebat Joannes Vigiwn : Geneva [with device], 1609. 
 This is botcnd up with another work by the same author, which 
 is now catalogued separately {see p. 48). 
 *Flacius (Matthias) Illyricus. Clavis Scripturae S., seu de Sermone sacrarum 
 literarum, . . . Editio ultima. 2 pts. bound together. Per 
 Sebastiamim Hcnricpdri : BasilccE\jvith device], 1609. Fol. 
 Homer [Iliad. — Greek and Latin.] Coluthi Thebaei Helenas raptus. Tryphio- 
 dori ^gyp. Ilii excidium. Omnia versione Latina & expositione 
 M. Neandri illustrata. 2 vols.bound together. [? Geneva, i6og.] i6mo. 
 The titlepage of the first volume is wanting. 
 i6og. 1610 
 Polanus (Amandus) Syntagma Theologiae Christianiae. {? Basle, 1609 or 
 1 61 2]. Fol. 
 The titlepage is wanting. 
 Camden (William) the Antiquary. Britain, or a chorographicall description 
 of the most flourishing Kingdomes, England, Scotland, and 
 Ireland, . . . Translated newly into English by P. Holland, 
 . . . amended and enlarged, etc. Impcnsis G. Bishop & 
 J.Norton: Lmidini, 1610. Fol. 
 Illustrated with maps. There is a second titlepage engraved. A few pages of the 
 " Table " at the end of the book are wanting. 
 Senensis (Sixtus), a Dominican Monk. Bibliotheca Sancta, k F. Sixto 
 Senensi ... ex praecipuis Catholics Ecclesiae auctoribus 
 coUecta, et in octo libros digesta, . . . Ab eodem auctore, 
 . . . recognita et aucta, atque nova chronographica tabula, 
 . . . locupletata. Nunc vero a I. Hayo . . . h. mendis 
 expurgata, atque Scholiis illustrata, etc. Ex typographia Rohnt 
 Thcodorici : Parisiis [with device^, i6io. Fol. 
 Whitaker (William) Z).Z). G. Whitakeri . . . opera theologica . . . 
 Subjuncta est . . . de auctoris vita et morte descriptio [by 
 A. Asshcton]. 2 vols. Siaiiptihis Sanmelis Crispini : Genevce 
 \with device^, 1610. Fol. 
 The follo'coing entry appears i7t MS. mi the flyleaf of each 
 volume : — " £x dono Hugonis Saxey de Bruton in Com : Som : 
 Armigeri: A° D° 1615." 
 Bible \_Englisli\. The Bible, ^/t. 3 pts. R. Barker: London, ibio-ii. 4to. 
 A reprint of Tomson's Genevan Bible as printed in 1599. — The colophon bears the 
 date 161 1. Each part has a distinct pagination. 
 Interleaved with MS. notes throjighout, in the second and third 
 parts are also some MS. notes relating to a " Getheridge " family. 
 *Saravia (Hadrian us) Diversi tractatus theologici, ab Hadriano Saravia 
 editi : quorum titulos sequens pagina indicabit. (De diversis 
 gradibus Ministrorum Evangelii. — De honore Praesulibus et 
 Presbyteris debito. — De Sacrilegiis et Sacrilegoruni poenis.— 
 i6ii. 1611. 
 Defensio Tractatus de diversis Ministrorum gradibus. — Responsio 
 ad convitia quaedam Gretseri Jesuitae, in quibus Hadriani Saraviae 
 nomine abutitur. — N. fratri et amico. — Examen Tractatus D. 
 Bezee de triplici Episcoporum genere. — De imperandi authoritate 
 et Christiana obedientia libri quatuor.) Ex Typographia Societatis 
 StahonarioriiiUy Londini\zvith device], iti I, 10. Fol. 
 *Cowper (William) Heaven opened. . . . First written, and now newly- 
 amended and enlarged, by Mr. William Cowper, Minister of 
 God's word. 2 pis. bomid together. Tho^nas Snodham, for Tho?nas 
 A rcher, London, 1 6 1 1 . 4to. 
 Probably by William Cowper, Bishop of Galknvay. 
 Florio (John) Queen Anna's new World of Words ; or, Dictionarie of the 
 ItalTan and English tongues, collected and newly much aug- 
 mented by J. F. . . . Whereunto are added certaine necessarie 
 rules and short observations for the Italian tongue. 2 pts. bound 
 together. IV. Stansby,for E. Blunt and W. Barret: London \zyith 
 device], 161 1. Fol. 
 Contains a portrait of the author, also " the names of the Authors and Books that 
 have been read of purpose for the collecting of this dictionarie." The first titlepage 
 is wanting. 
 Musculus (Wolfgang) Commentarii in Matthaeum evangelistam tribus tomis 
 digesti : quibus non solum singula quaeq} exponuntur, sed & quid 
 singulis Marci & Lucce differentibus locis notandum sit, diligenter 
 expenditur per Wolfgangum Musculum, etc. Per Sebastianum 
 Henricpetri : Basilea: \jvith device], 161 1. Fol. 
 The three vols, are in one, the pagination being continuous. 
 Pescetti (Orlando) Proverbi Italiani . . . Di nuovo . . . coretti, e 
 ristampati, etc. Appresso Giacomo Sarzina : Vinetia \witk device], 
 i6ii. i2mo. 
 71^1? name " John Heylyn " zs written inside the cover. 
 i6ii. 1612. 
 Rainolds (John) Censura Librorum Apocryphorum Veteris Testamenti, ad- 
 versum Pontificios, imprimis R. Bellarminum, etc. \Edited by 
 C. Decker \. 2 vols. E CoUegio Musarum H. Galleri, Sumtibus 
 Vidua: L. Huhii, & H. Laureniii : In nobili Oppeiiliei)nio\7vith 
 device], 161 1. 410. 
 The titlepage of Vol. I. is wanting 
 Toletus (Franciscus) Cardinal. R. P. F. Toleti . . . commentarii in 
 Sacrosanctum Jesu Christi D. N. Evangelium secundum Lucam, 
 etc. Typis Arnoldi Kempensis : Colonice A grippince, idw. Fol. 
 Contains the /ollozving MS. note : — " The gift of Mr. Jhan 
 Pearce Draper, to y^ Librarie of Bristol. Fes to Annunt: B. 
 Marim, v. 1620. 
 *Eusebius, Pamphili, Bishop of CcBsarea in Palestine. Historiae Ecclesiasticae 
 Scriptores Graeci . . . Grsecolatind nunc priiniim editi, ex 
 interpretatione J. Christophorsoni, etc. 2 -dols. bni7id together. 
 Excudebat Pclrus de la Roviere : Colonia Allobrogtim [with device'], 
 1 612. Fol. 
 Pineda (Joannes de) of Seville. J. de Pineda commentariorum in Job libri 
 tredecim. [With the text, Lati?i.'] 2 vols. [Antwerp, 1612 f'l 
 Both titlepages are wanting. 
 Shute (W.) The generall Historic of . . . Venice . . . Englished by 
 W. Shute, Gent. 2 vols, boutid together. G. Eld and W. Stansby : 
 London, 1612. Fol. 
 There is a view of Venice on the titlepage, and the work contains a few other 
 Suarez (Franciscus) Granatensis, e Soeietate Jesu. Opera omnia. (De Deo, 
 Uno c^ Trino. — De Angelis. — De opere sex dierum — De ultimo 
 fine hominis, etc. — De necessitate Divina^ Gratiae. — De habituali 
 Gratia. — De virtute et statu religionis (3 vols.). — Hysteria vitae 
 i6i2. 1613. 
 Christi. — De Sacramentis. — De Poenitentiae . . . extremse 
 unctionis, de Purgatorio, £/"(!:.— Disputationum de censuris, etc. — 
 Defensio Fidei Catholicee . . . adversus Anglicans sectaj 
 errores.— Varia Opuscula Theologica— Questionum ejus partis 
 expositionem complectens — Metaphysicarum Disputationum, 
 (tomus prior et posterior}). There arc 19 vols, bound in 15. Ex- 
 cudehat Balthasar Lippius : Moguntia [The three vols, of the "Virtute et 
 Statu Rehgionis," bear the imprint—" Hemiannus Meresius : Moguntuc " ; 
 and the " Metaphysicae," — " Franciscus Helvtdus : Gemv(B"\ 1612-29. 
 "The treatise entitled Z)^/«j«o Catholicce Fidei contra Anglicana Secta Errores 
 . . . James I. caused to be burned by the common hangman, and forbade its 
 pemsal under the severest penalties."— .ffno'cfo/a'rfw Britannica, Vol. XXII. p. 6i6. 
 The following note appears on the titlepages—" Legatum Roberti 
 Redzvood huiiis bibliotheca ftmdatoris, 1630," and the initials — 
 " R. R." arc stamped in gilt upon the covers. 
 Du Jon (Francois) the Elder. Opera theologica F. Junii . . . Editio 
 postrema, prioribus auctior. . . . Prsefixa est vita auctoris. 
 Omnia cum indicibus VII. accuratissimis. 2 vols. Apud [vol. /.] 
 SaiHuclcm Crispinum : Gencvcc [vol. II.\ P. ci J. Chouct : Geneva: 
 [with dcvicc~], iti:^. Fol. 
 The folloivmg MS. note appears m vol. /.— " Ex dono Hugonis 
 Saxey de Bruton in Coin : Som : Armigcri : A° D° 1615." 
 Lesina. Delia famosissima Compagnia della Lesina, dialogo, capitoli e 
 ragionamenti. . . . Con la nuova aggiunta del modo di rece- 
 vere li novitii delle pene debite a' cattivi Lesinanti, di tre consulti 
 delle Matrone per entrare in questa compagnia. 2 pts. bound 
 together. Appresso Lucio Spineda : Venctia, 161 s- i2mo. 
 Philo, Judceus. Opera. Gr. & Lat. Aurel. Allobr. (.?), 1613. Fol. 
 The titlepage is wanting. 
 Rainolds (John). The Prophecie of Obadiah opened and applyed in 
 sundry learned and gracious sermons. Joseph Barnes : Oxford, 
 1613. 4to. 
 There are a few MS. notes in the margin. Contains a book- 
 plate. With this ivork are bound up several others which are now 
 catalogued separately (see the following entry, and Nettles, p. 56J. 
 1613. i6i4. 
 Rainolds (John) A sermon upon part of the eighteenth Psalme [v. 47-51]: 
 preached to the publike assembly of Scholers in the University of 
 Oxford, e/iT. Joseph Barries : Oxford, ibiT,. 4to. 
 This work is bound up ivith several others which are now 
 catalogued separately (see the preceding entry atid Nettles, p. 56). 
 Zanchius (Hieronymus) Operum Theologicorum H. Z. 8 to/j. bound in 3. 
 Excudebat [vols. I., II., Ill, IV., VIII.'\ Stephanus Gamonetus 
 \yols. v., VI., VI I. \ Petrus Aubertus [f Heidelberg. — with device'], 
 1613. Fol. 
 Vol. VI. is in 3 pts., vol. VII. in 2 pts., and vol. VIII. in 3 pts. The first pt. of 
 vol. VIII. is duplicated. 
 *CaIvin (John) Harmonia ex Evangelistis tribus composita, Matthseo, Marco, 
 & Luca, commentariis J. Calvini exposita, . . . ejusdem in 
 Johannem Evangelistam commentarius. [ With the text.'] 2 pts. 
 bound together. Aptid Johannem Vignon : Geneva \zvith device], 
 1614. Fol. 
 Another 7vork by the same author, dated 1609, is bound tip with 
 this, and is no^v catalogued separately (see p. 43). 
 Chemnitius (Martinus) Lutheran Divine. Examinis Concilii Tridentini 
 . . . Opus integrum, quatuor partes in quibus . . . totius 
 doctrinfe Papisticae . . . refutatio ... ex Sacrae Scrip- 
 turee fontibus . . . collecta est, . . . complectens. 4 vols, 
 bound together. Excudebat Stephanus Ganwnetus : Geneva Sjoith 
 device], 16 14. Fol. 
 *Lopez (Juan) Bishop of Monopoli. Epitomes Sanctorum Patrum, per 
 locos communes ... ad Sacras Conciones, etc. 4 vols, bound 
 in 2. Apudjoanncm Keerbcrgium : Antverpice, 16 14. Fol. 
 The titlepage of vol. I. is wanting. 
 The follaiioing note appears on the fly-leaf of vol. I. — " The giftc 
 of Mf- Thomas Deane, Citizen of Bristol, and Anne his wife, 
 Nov 3°, 1619. Toy^ Libratte of Bristol." 
 i6i4. >6i5. 
 *Thomas Aquinas, Saint. S. Thomas Aquinatis Summa Theologica, etc. 
 3 pts. bcnind together. Sumpttbus Marci Wyon : Duaci \zvitfi device], 
 1614. Fol. 
 With engraved frontispiece. There is a duplicate copy containing the following 
 MS. note :— 
 "Ex dono Johannis Mailc Ciuis ctuitatis Londint Armigert : 
 decimo quinto die Marcij, 1 6 1 9, opera et rogatti Ornatissimi Viri 
 Joannis Whitsoni Senatoris Bristollienis." 
 *3er narA, Saint, Abbot 0/ Clatrvaux. Sancti Bernard! . . . opera omnia. 
 (Vitae Divi Bernardi liber primus, per Gulielmum Abbatem. 
 Liber secundus per Bernardum, Bonsevallis Abbatem. Lib. ter- 
 tius, quartus, quintus, per Gofridum, Monachum Claerevallensem.) 
 \_Edtted by J. Gillotius, with a dedicatory epistle by E. Tiraquclltis!\ 
 Apud Societatem antiquiorem Bibliopolarum : Lutetice Parisiorum 
 \juith device], 1615. Fol. 
 *lngegneri (Giovanni) Bishop of Capo d'Istria. Fisionomia naturale . . . 
 nella quale ... si dimostra come dalle parti del corpo 
 humano, per la sua naturale complessione si possa . . . coni- 
 etturare . . . rinclinationi de gli huomini. Apprcsso P. P. 
 Tozzi : In Vicenza, 161 5. 4to. 
 This work is bound up with another of the same date, which is 
 now catalogued separately (see the following entry) . 
 •Porta (Giovanni Battista deila) of Naples. Delia Fisonomia dell' Huomo 
 . . . libri sei. Tradotti di Latino in volgare, e dall' istesso 
 auttore accresciuti di figure et di passi necessarii . . . hora 
 in quest' ultima editione migliorati, etc. 6 pts. Per P. P. Tozzi: 
 In Vicenza, 161 5. 4to. 
 Contains a portrait and numerous woodcuts. The pagination is continuous. 
 The name " John Heylyn " is written inside the cover. 
 There is another work bound up with this, which is now cata- 
 logued separately (see the preceding entry) . 
 49 E
 i6i6. 1617. 
 D'Aubign^ (Theodore Agrippa) L'Histoire universelle . . . premiere 
 partie, qui s'estend de la paix entre tous les Princes Chrestiens, 
 et de I'an 1550, jusques k la pacification des troisiesme guerres 
 en I'an 1570 [vol. II., 1571-1585]. 2 vols, bound together. Par 
 Jean Moussat : a Maille, 161 6- 18. Fol. 
 " A third vol. was published in 1619, and being stUl more free and personal in its 
 satire than those which had preceded it, was immediately ordered to be burned by the 
 common hangman." — The Encyclopedia Britannka, vol. VI. p. 834. 
 The following MS. note appears on the titlepage of vol. I. : 
 " Ex dono Rici Rogers, jnilitts." 
 ^\b\Q [E7igltsh~\. The Holy Bible, ^/t. JS.3L. R. Barker : London, ibi-j. Fol. 
 Version of 161 1. Marginal references. 
 The titlepage of the Old Testament is wanting, that of the New Testament is orna- 
 mented \vitn 3 wood-cut border. 
 Calvin (John) Operum omnium theologicorum [_vul. IV. only]. Apud 
 Johannem Vignon, Petrum & facobum Chou'ct : Geneva; {with 
 device], 1617. Fol. 
 In two parts, each with distinct titlepage and pagination. 
 Oominls (Marco Antonio de) successively Bishop of Segni and Archbishop of 
 Spalatro. De Republica Ecclesiastica Libri X. Pt. I. only. 
 [1617]. Fol. 
 The titlepage is wanting. 
 *Kecl<ermannus (Bartholomaeus) Systema compendiosum totius Mathema- 
 tices, hoc est Geometriae, Opticse, Astronomiae et Geographiae, ete. 
 5 pts. Apud Petrum Antonium: Haiiovia [jvith device], 16 17. Svo. 
 Each pt. has a separate titlepage, but the pagination is continuous. Contains 
 numerous diagrams. 
 ^Lapide (Cornelius a) Commentaria in omnes D. Pauli Epistolas, etc. [ With 
 the text.] Apud Heredes Martini JS/utii, & Joannem Meursium : 
 Antverpicc 161 7. Fol. 
 With engraved titlepage. 
 Lorinus (Joannes) J. Lorini ... in Actus Apostolorum commentaria, 
 etc. [With the text.] Sumptibus Antotiii Hierat : Colonia: Agrip- 
 pince\wit]i device], \bi-]. Fol. 
 Contains a MS. note on the fly-leaf dated 1619. 
 i6ry. 1618. 
 Minsheu (John) HFEMfiN EIS TA2 TAfiSSAS, id est, Ductor in Linguas. The 
 Guide into Tongues. Cum illarum harmonia, & Etymologiis, 
 Originationibus, Rationibus, et Derivationibus, in omnibus his 
 undecim linguis, viz. i. Anglica, 2. Cambro-Britanica, 3. Belgica, 
 4. Germanica, 5. Gallica, 6. Italica, 7. Hispanica, 8. Lusitanica 
 seu Portugallica, g. Latina, 10. Graeca, 11. Hebrea, etc. Apud 
 Joanncm Brmvne : Londini, 161 7. Fol. 
 With this work is bound up another by the same author, which 
 is nmu catalogued separately (see the follcrmng entry). 
 Minsheu (John) Vocabularium Hispanico-Latinum et Anglicum copiosis- 
 simum, etc. A most copious Spanish Dictionarie, with Latine 
 and English (and sometime other Languages) and enlarged with 
 divers thousands of Words, etc. Apud Joannem Browne : Londtni, 
 [1617]. Fol. 
 This work is bound up with another by the same author, which 
 is now catalogued separately (see the preceding entry) . 
 *Reneccius (Jacobus) Pastor at Hamburg. Panoplia, id est Armatura Theo- 
 logica, etc. 4 vols, bound together. Typis Johannis Gormanni : 
 Wittebergce \with device], Impensis Clement. Bergeri, 161 7-18. Fol. 
 The first titlepage bears the imprint — "£jc Ojfficina Johan ilatthao : IViteberga." 
 ^Bellarmino (Roberto Francesco Romolo) Cardinal, Archbishop of Capua. 
 De septem verbis a Christo in Cruce prolatis libri duo. Stimptibus 
 Bernardi Gualtheri : Coloniae, \b\Z. i2mo. 
 Two pp. of the Index are damaged. 
 Meteren (Ennanuel van) L'Histoire des Pays-Bas ; . . . ou recueil des 
 guerres, et choses m6morables advenues tant ^s dits Pays, qu'6s 
 Pays voysins, depuis I'an 1315 jusques ^ I'an 161 2. Corrig^ et 
 augment6 par I'Autheur mesme et enrichi outre la carte du Pays- 
 Bas de pr^s de cent pourtraits : . . . traduit de Flamend en 
 Fran9oys par I. D. L. Haije, avec la vie de I'autheur. Chez Hille- 
 brans Jacobz : La Haye, 161 8. Fol. 
 The titlepage is ornamented with a border, and the work contains several woodcuts. 
 i6i8. 1619. 
 Bible [Polygloft]. NlptO Biblia Hebraica. Eorundem Latina interpretatio X. 
 Pagnini. (Novum Testamentum Graecum, cum vulgata interpre- 
 tatione Latina, etc. . . . Index rerum et sententiarum, efc. 
 Romanje correctionis in Latinis Bibliis . . . loca insigniora 
 observata . . . a F. Luca. Chronologia Sacrae Scripturae.) 
 2 vols, bound together. Excudebat Petnis de la Rovierc : Gencvm [with 
 dcvice\, 16 18-19. Fol. 
 Another edition of those of Antwerp, 158^, and Geneva, i6oq. 
 Contains the names "John Hcylyn" and ^'■Alexander Seton, 
 *Lorinus (Joannes) J. Lorini . . . commentarii in librum Psalmorum. 
 \_\Vith the text.'] 3 vols. Suniptibus Antonii Hierati : Colonicz 
 Agrippince [with device], 161 9. Fol. 
 The Index of the second vol. is incomplete. 
 Suidas. — 20YIAA2. Suidas, cujus . . . Latinam interpretationem, et 
 . . . Greeci textus emendationem JE. Portus . . . con- 
 scripsit. Gr. and Lat. 2 vols. Apud Pctrum & Jacobum Chou'et : 
 Geneva [pith device], 1619. Fol. 
 Vol. II. is without titlepage. 
 *Tacitus (Calus Cornelius) C. Cornelii Taciti Opera quae exstant J. Lipsius 
 postremum recensuit. Additi Commentarii aucti emendatique ab 
 ultima manu. 2 pts. bound together. Apud Petrum & Jacobum 
 Chotut : Geneva [with device], i6ig. 8vo. 
 Bible [Englisli). The Holy Bible, Containing the Old Testament and the 
 New : [Newly translated] out of the Originall Tongue, etc. 2 pts. 
 1&.%. B. Norton and J. Bill : London, 1619-20. 410. 
 Version of 161 1. The New Testament bears the publishers' names, R. Barker and 
 J. Bill, and the date 1620. Marginal references. The title is surrounded by a wood- 
 cut border. 
 There are some MS. entries relating to a " Clement" family, 
 at the beginning of the New Testament. This Bible is boicnd up 
 with the Book of Common Prayer and several other works, ivhich 
 are no7u catalogued separately (see the three follo7ving entries, and 
 Sternhold, p. 54J. 
 1619. l62I. 
 Herrey (R. F.) Two right profitable and frvitfvll Concordances, or large and 
 ample Tables Alphabeticall, etc. SJ.TL. B. Norton and J. Bill : 
 London, 1619-20. 4to. 
 Contains MS. entries of birthdays of " the children of John 
 and Betty Pine." 
 This is bound up with the Bible of 1619-20, and several other 
 works which are ?ioi(j catalogued separately (see the preceding and 
 two following entries, also Sternhold, p. 54^'. 
 Prayer-book. — The Booke of Common prayer, and administration of the 
 Sacraments. :K.X. \_B. Norton and J. Bill : London, 1620 {})] 4to. 
 The titlepage is wanting. 
 This is bound up with the Bible of 1619-20, aiid several other 
 works which are naiv catalogued separately (see the follozving and 
 the two preceding entries, also Sternhold, p. 54^ . 
 Speed (John) The Genealogies recorded in the Sacred Scriptvres, according 
 to euery Familie and Tribe. With the line of ovr Saviovr lesus 
 Christ, observed from Adam to the Blessed Virgin Marie. {B. 
 Norton and J. Bill: London, 1620 (?)]. 4to. 
 This ts bound up with the Bible of 1619-20, and several other 
 works which are 7iow catalogued separately (see the three pre- 
 ceding entries, and Sternhold, p. 54J. 
 Buxtorfius (Joannes) the Elder. J. B. Lexicon Hebraicum et Chaldaicum 
 . . . Accessit Lexicon breve Rabbinico-Philosophicum. . . . 
 Editio tertia . . . recognita. Typis Ludovici Konig : Basilccz, 
 1621. 8vo. 
 Castelnau (Michel de) Seigneur de Mauvissiere. Les M^moires de M. de C. 
 . . . ausquelles sont traictees les choses plus remarquables, 
 qu'il a veues et negotiees en France, Angleterre, et Escosse, soubs 
 les Rois Francois II. et Charles IX. tant en temps de paix qu'en 
 temps de guerre. [^Edited by J. de Castelnau.'] Chez Sebastien 
 Chappelet : a Paris, 1621. 4to. 
 Contains a portrait of M. de Castelnau. 
 The name " John Heylyn " is written inside the cover. 
 i62i. 1621. 
 *Lapide (Cornelius a) Commentaria in Danielem Prophetam, etc. {With 
 the tcxt.^ Apiid Martiimm Nutium, & Fratres : Antverpice, 1621. 
 Contains a full-page woodcut — " Effigies Danielis." 
 This ivark is botmd up with two others by tlie same author, which 
 are naiv catalogued separately (see the two following entries). 
 '^Lapide (Cornelius a) Commentaria in Ezechielem Prophetam, etc. {With 
 the text. ^ Apud Alartinum Nutium, & Fratres : Antverpia, 1621. 
 Contains a full-page woodcut — " Ezechielis Prophetae Effigies." 
 This work is bound up with two others by the same author, 
 which are now catalogued separately (see the preceditig and follow- 
 ing entries) . 
 *Lapide (Cornelius a) Commentaria in Jeremiam Prophetam, etc. [With the 
 text.^ Apud Mar tinum Nutium, & Fratres : Antverpia:,\b2\. Fol. 
 Contains a fiUl-page woodcut — " Effigies Jeremiae Prophets." 
 With this xvork are bound up t'oo others by the same author, 
 which are 7ww catalogued separately (see the tzvo preceding entries) . 
 Reading (John) The Old Mans Staffe, Two Sermons \on Prov. xvi. 31]. B. 
 Alsop,for J. Hodgets : London, 1621. 4to. 
 Sternhold (Thomas) The whole Booke of Psalmes, collected into English 
 Meeter, by Thomas Sternehold, John Hopkins, and others, . . . 
 with apt Notes to sing them withall. 33.1. Pri7ited for the 
 Company of iitationers : London, 162 1. 4to. 
 All pp. after 74 are wanting. 
 This is bound up with the Bible of 1619-20, aiui several other 
 works, whicJi are no7u catalogued separately (see Bible, Herrey, 
 Prayer-book and Speed, pp. 52-3J. 
 l622. 1624' 
 Estius (Gulielmus) Chancellor of the University of Douay. In D. Pauli 
 Apostoli Epistolas . . . commentariorum, tomus unus. [Douay, 
 \bzz (?).] Fol. 
 ^Lapide (Cornelius a) Commentaria in quatuor Prophetas Majores, etc. 
 [ With the text.^ Apud Martinum Nutium, & Fratres : Antverpia, 
 1622. Fol. 
 With engraved titlepage. 
 Scharpius (Joannes) Cursus Theologicus, in quo controversiae omnes de fidei 
 dogmatibus, hoc seculo exagitatse, nominatim inter nos et Ponti- 
 ficios, pertractantur et ad Bellarmini argumenta respondetur. 
 . . . Editio postrema, ab authors recognita . . . nee non 
 locis aliquot aucta. 2 vols, bound together. Apud Franciscum 
 Nicolaurn : Aureli(B-Allobrogicm, 1622. 4to. 
 ^Lapide (Cornelius a) Commentaria in Pentateuchum Mosis, etc. \_With the 
 text.\ Apud Martttmm Nutitini, et Frat. : Antvcrpice, idz^. Fol. 
 With engraved titlepage. 
 *Thomas Aquinas, Saint. S. Thomas Aquinatis Summa Totius Theologiae, 
 etc. 3 pts. bound together. Apud Baptistam Bellagambam : Ant- 
 verpicE, 1623. Fol. 
 Marlorat (Augustin) A. Marlorati . . . Thesaurus Sacrae Scripturae 
 Propheticae et Apostolicse . . . ordine alphabetico digestus, 
 etc. Apud Pctriim & Jacohum Chouet : [Geneva'], 1624. Fol. 
 The titlepage is damaged. 
 A MS. note, dated 1629, appears on the Jly-leaf, and the name 
 " John Heylyn " inside the cover. 
 Marlorat (Augustin) Novi Testamenti catholica expositio ecclesiastica. 
 [i624(?)]. Fol. 
 The titlepage is wanting. 
 1624. 1628. 
 Stranguage (William) The Historie of the Life and Death of Mary Stuart, 
 Queene of Scotland. John Haviland : London, 1624. Fol. 
 The titlepage is ornamented with a woodcut border. 
 Lapide (Cornelius a) Commentaria in duodecim Prophetas Minores, etc. 
 \\Vith the text.] 2 vols, bound together. Apud Marti)iuin Nutium: 
 Antverpicc, 1625. Fol. 
 The titlepage is engraved. 
 Nettles (Stephen) An answer to the Jewish part of Mr. Selden's History of 
 Tithes. J. Lichjield, and W. Turner : Oxford, ibz^. 4to. 
 This itwrk is bound up with several others ivhich are no2(j 
 catalogued separately (see Rainolds, pp. 47-8J. 
 *W., R. A Receyt to stay the Plague, delivered by R. W. to his Parishoners. 
 Printed for Matthczu La~M : London, 1625. 4to. 
 Ovidius Naso (Publius) Ovid's Metamorphosis englished [zn verse], by 
 G^eorgc] S^andj's]. William Stansby : Lo7idon\with device], 1626. 
 The titlepage is wanting. 
 Eusebius, Pamphili, Bishop of Ccrsarea in Palestine. EY2EBI0Y TOY 
 AnOAEISEfiS BIBAIA AEKA. Eusebii Pamphili . . . de demon- 
 stratione evangelica, libri decem. Quibus accessere nondum 
 hactenus editi nee visi contra Marcellum Ancyree Episcopum libri 
 duo : de Ecclesiastica Theologia tres : omnia studio R. M., Latin^ 
 facta, notis illustrata, etc. 2 pts. bound together. Sumptibus M. 
 Sonnii, S. Cranwisy, et C. Morelli : Parisiis [^vith device], 1628. Fol. 
 Each part has a separate pagination, as also have the Annotationes. 
 Eusebius, Paviphili, Bishop of Ccesarea in Palestine. EY2EBI0Y TOY 
 nPOnAPAiiKEYH EYArrEAIKH. Eusebii Pamphili . . . prae- 
 paratio evangelica. F. Vigerus . . . recensuit, Latinfe vertit, 
 Notis illustravit. Sumptibus M. Sonnii, S. Cranwisy et C. Alorellt : 
 Parisiis [with device], 1628. Fol. 
 The Notes at the end of the vohune have separate pagination. 
 Martialis (Marcus Valerius) M. Val. Martialis ex Museo P. Scriverii. Apud 
 Joann. Janssonium: Amstelodami [jvith device], 1628. i6mo. 
 The titlepage is engraved. 
 Tassoni (Alessandro) Count. Dieci libri di Pensieri diversi . . . Ag- 
 giuntovi nuovamente il decimo libro del paragone de gl'Ingegni 
 antichi, e moderni con altri varii quisiti. Corretti, ampliati . . . 
 in questa ultima impressione, etc. Per Gio. Battista Bidelli : In 
 Milano [with device'], 1628. 8vo. 
 Note. — The Libraiy of John Heylin contained also a portion of that which he had inherited from 
 Dr. Peter Heylin. The combined Collections came by gift in 1766 to the Corporation of Bristol for 
 public use. 
 Plate 4. 
 '.rarrat- taSncKor iwanaf fyart-ror 
 .-•; -wntetttlfe coi-At.-ipf TWttyn-Jrtk 
 ii ttnui elli i. '4tigtta«i-«»ia<cAwn6t«> 
 i!rt--1ftt».-qta4f mvtrtm -awsttlmatdi 
 Bmrtmmatw: »imwrunrmasuf«e-ni 
 oaEtfiBjentnt-: Jinnf tr.fiiSafflfeijekfti 
 jsiae .■uwK.fcae aisnanaut. taSr. -tr. 
 j>'a-?c^*i9eni.-BTr<T>,'V". wer.rw.Mi. 
 ;-■•'■- ■ ■ ■'-■■■'~^iS 
 .■- — — qiu 
 &?U»r\r.«rtis'ni6ar. '.^imSpi^: lama 
 ■> > 5-J4--- u- ctev-hiu ;rc*>!ftf=05iRSi.v<r.T. 
 ^1— ir.aK.a.'luu-61UMrtni.i.>««.r>.r. 
 y I I'w.. ftwmr.-Tni'.-frtv. aMS&.'tmlu-- 
 ^, /|j :^am^^>a.l^-..frta.^>tn.•<^lal^n^.gTCT^■■i••.■.u.ft 
 ■»! fai a tr-m-toicAm.Mnt.filuaSjm.-cc. 
 An Initial I in the Corporation Biblk.
 Plate 5. 
 jinr i::«taii> .If' ifrSMttttfTtjurffi ftairinwrCiv 
 ,■' nrorjilW ■iiV2i'.:r ^.-.i.^ur 
 I' *Rft«rf^*treic-iirtijoiBbiwt»iUluini *|m^;^ 
 rtp*c iia»oif w^«wtt^nb^^t ^-nnuviuiu ^uowbjto ; 
 tb«tf ftfum<fcli w imw»ir tei*«<mrf»<*»r 
 ^•la* ftt^Oc (Bwtb 1 tw«f»» s«Nta»r. V 
 ^ . tf -- - A ■ I I J J ■ ifciiii ■■ 
 jNeuimiiftnnunt* (^mn jreflttiuVtrilmi v? 
 1 viannf Cuuit. A*** ipwoir X jintN^ frumAi 
 -j.TOTBininiftrn'mii ^infetminnnair. ;nflr 
 ■*i■qlluKI■.^mlftn-.^u W^jj^yhantefillKoofl 
 sctti«iio*H ':^eywn:lf 
 <rtURsitciw ottttr- 
 ■.^-.^-pl>J• — " 
 jTUcrtjam l'wCniTtti>T»icrpio.t(*if 
 ivnl^uiir-fitic- b«iaointffiif ftfc <ma$ 
 trmitarwhf-bit ixtur RtRttemnd 
 tniiiiSo «Ktr - miaiMrf V '4"" faAif rtV^ 
 qitt cntitniriniwtsnun- 
 i^«rC3»^Tnit^ tup cruMuno 
 tnA iKV ^t^utitncnvmn; ft tt 
 CoRl'oRAlioN Him.K: Bc»;iniiiii^^ of St. John's Gospel.
 1. BiBLiA Sacra. 
 Vellum, size 43 cms high x 29 cms across, ff. 279, in double columns of 
 58 lines each. Circ. 1200. 
 Contents : 
 " /« nomine domtni nostri ihesu christi. Jncipit liber genesis. Frater ambrosius 
 michi " etc. (Epistola Hieronymi Paulino) fo. i 
 " Desiderii raei desidemtas accepi epistolas" etc. (Praefatio Sancti Hieronymi 
 presbyteri in Pentateuchura Moysi ad Desiderium) fo. 2 verso 
 Summary of Genesis fo. 3 
 Geae^s (In principio cretivil deus cic.) fo. 3 verso 
 Exodus {.Vomina filiorutn Israel etc., no title, only marked from end of Genesis by 
 a space of 12 mm., and a blue H) . . . . . . . . . fo. 15 verso 
 Summary of Le\iticus ............ fo. 25 verso 
 l.e\ilicn5 {yOCAV/T aulem moysen ei locutus est etc.) ibid. 
 Summary of Numbers ............ fo. 33 
 Numbers (LOCVTVS EST dominus etc.) ibid. 
 Summary of Deuteronomy fo. 43 
 'Dtwt.eto-aamy (HEC SVNT verba que eX.z.) fo. 44 
 " TANDEM tinito pentatheuco moysi velud " etc. (Praefatio Sancti Hieronymi in 
 Josue) fo. S3 
 Summary of Joshua ............ ibid. 
 Zof,h.\iA (ETFACTVM EST post jnortem moysi eic.) fo. 53 verso 
 Summary of Judges fo. 59 verso 
 Judges (POST MORTEM iosue consuluerunt etc.) ibid. 
 Summary of Ruth ............. fo. 66 
 'R.xiih (IN DIEBVS JLLJS unius iudicis AC.) ibid. 
 " UIGINTI ET & duas litteras esse " &c. (Hieronymi prologus Galeatus) . . fo. 67 
 Summary of I Kings (= I Samuel) fo. 67 verso 
 1 Kings (=1 Samuel. FVIT VIR VNVS de ramathaim sophin etc.) . . . fo. 68 
 Summary of 2 Kings (=2 S.imuel) fo. 76 verso 
 2 Kings (=2 Samuel. I'A CTVM EST A VTEM postquam mortuus est etc.) . ibid. 
 Summary of 3 Kings (=1 Kings) fo. 83 verso 
 3 Kings (= I Kings. VT REX DAVID senuerat e\.c.) ibid. 
 Summary of 4 Kings (=2 Kings) .... lo. 91 verso 
 4 Kings (=2 Kings. PREVARICATVS EST autem zlc.) ibid. 
 " SI SEPTVAGINTA interpretum pura " etc. (HieronjTni in librum Paralipomenon 
 praefatio) fo. 99 
 Summary of i Chronicles fo. 99 verso 
 \C\aomQ\e.^(ADAM SETH enossX.<:.) ibid. 
 Summary of 2 Chronicles fo. 106 
 2Q.\i.xo^\z\&i(CONFORTATVS EST ergo salainonAo..) fo. 106 verso 
 Prayer of Mannasses (continuous with 2 Chron. XXXVT., but differenced small 
 red capital) fo. 1 1 5 
 " VTRVil difficileuis (sic) sit facere " etc. (Hieronymi ad Domnionem et Rogatianum 
 in Esdram et Nehemiam praefatio) ibid. 
 Summar)' of Esdras fo. 115 verso 
 \ 'EiiHii (IN AA'iVO PRIMO cyriregis &ic.) fo. 116 
 2 Esdras (=Nehemiah. V[erba] neemie filii eic.) fo. 118 
 3 Esdras (=1 Esdras. ET FECIT iosias pascha lAc.) fo. 121 verso 
 " CHRAMATIO et helyodoro episcopis ieronymus presbyter in domino salutem. 
 Mirari non debiuo " etc. (In Tobiam) fo. 125 verso 
 Summar)^ of Tobit ibid. 
 Tohii (TOBIAS ex tribu et civitate eic.) ibid. 
 " APUD HEBREOS liber iudith inter agyographa " etc. (Hieronymi praefatio in 
 librum Iudith) fo. 128 
 Summary of Judith ibid. 
 'i\xA\ih(ARPHAXAT ITAQVE rexelc.) fo. 128 verso 
 "LIBRUM HESTER uariis translationibus constat" etc. (Hieronymi in librum 
 Esther praefatio) fo. 131 verso 
 Summar)' of Esther ............ ibid. 
 Ksiber (IN DIEBFS ASS I'ERI guiregnauiteU.) fo. 132 
 " COGOR per singulos scripture " etc. (Hieronymi in hbrum lob praefatio) . . fo. 135 
 " Si aut fiscellam iunco " etc. (alia eiusdera praefatio) ibid. 
 Summary of chapters to Job fo. 135 verso 
 Job ( riR ERA T in terra hus etc.) ibid. 
 Psalms (see below) fo. 140 
 "Jvngat epistola quos iungit " etc. (Hieronymi praefatio ia libros Salomonis) . . fo. 147 
 Summary of Proverbs ibid. 
 Proverbs (PARABOLE salomonis filii etc.) fo. 14? verso 
 Ecclesiasticus (see below) fo. 150 
 " N'EMO cum propheta, uersibus " etc. (Ad Paulam et Eustochium in translationem 
 Isaiae ex hebraica veritate, Hieronjini praefatio) fo. 159 verso 
 Summar)' of Isaiah ibid. 
 \%3:\3ki(VISIO ysaie filii amostiz.) fo. 160 verso 
 " JEREMIAS propheta cui hie " etc. (Hieronyiui in leremiaiu praefatio) . . fo. 172 verso 
 Summary of Jeremiah ibid. 
 JeKxaizh (VERBA ieremie filii elchieeic.) fo. 173 verso 
 Lamentations (differenced from Jeremiah by large coloured initial capital) . . fo. 187 
 Plate 6. 
 '■Mam fniij] mnimi6.fufn|r o 
 mii iiinlu tiiimt eoe aij ud 
 \m Qiittim j-aggirpcntif 
 ., c0r aD lautnutgtimu 11016 
 "; Dpulc mr ^tui. *fq titr. 
 Itttc wva rgipti pmfti nimn Cai 
 iwton tiio.^po5.0tti(tigp^' 
 ;irtft»ftm num. .©"tflsta^.^iB 
 Ifetis.^niis vTnioaaliS mlfon' 
 'nabie.Qjua rOua trjj Wniutn 
 j!?ual5iHpirA Rnms tramum nta 
 ' latr? mha&uHmfcim Ca&g opti 
 ii« y?r.i(Ti miicm faliifltSH tiuj. 
 ' Mjui fiirctr tibi j uon fin cp alf 
 (Utmii tr Hmwni mra ftiittti & 
 Oiftrai-ui fertacs tnutit mmiB a 
 atflia.acctD nflttupiimto nl ftUcfi 
 taitneavDitnftit-lfliitrflsfeialU la 
 tf»s.tr.<eCro iJSiuim nuns ni q" 
 fehiennmb! prFnOtr\n«tratD 
 ac&iRiuub uilr^ fram itftitfKtumf 
 tiiS !au1-u,„,.s j-ttfiftomuB e"r 
 ^^^ -tTpiff (iuistmcfufl iifliii! 
 1*^4 .lHunIimunia.iJio qim 
 ' maraO'tialniiiJiruQmu.tmi 
 06 Qiljiir tDimmtu.oiu tml. 
 y :lt5.\5s il'. sTHllcnnfeluf.lttS f 
 : joft-Inictintioticinnouiigins. 
 [ ^UTti trlnicinmc mn inrniolp . 
 tttrtimnR tisriuatm-fH 
 t&tnvm miltmrtrannfl mttcna 
 ctpio tann n^is toutoua mlH ra 
 ,k.^ ♦-S-^U- 
 ■ ■ ^ 
 tOKcfffllitfems. <?yail5Hf frtri 
 *• * 
 ■^^ w ■ 
 Iu6 tdime irwi»atdtu{nigotta< 
 « ■ a ■ 
 ctftmiiitgis tplaitoichiflrata. 
 rnmifmlji* fcftnoatiaanftiTc 
 From the •■ Bristol Masshook."
 Plate 7. 
 ff.- ^mOiimunu.limJlursiii 
 W iipmimanmuuisutiflr 
 : /J[tirtalfcaBiDntJim0.i)T:n) 
 li^ua.iicf immnH.ljcT'i 
 'A^ fencta fflmfiQHUlUHta . 
 tj-,^' upuuuaauflibiotfr 
 «t'f "?» lumie iJ!o cnlcftatiia fra 
 \ -imtliDUra.auamiBnftmir. 
 ((iv^ irmpmeiiJtDOUrtnrdv 
 V; miaaunfemmlDtiiosvH 
 or/.y uflQiD.o.crauftftitnui). 
 ' iM sr-s iVijviai3.0.Ctoiiuu 
 -w; iwrMoftoluEfilamltD 
 -\ *>' ffc'CmnitD/ iiljue. 
 '^.. ^ ilwtonmicftuuuloi: 
 ^' \ ' faimuRunuq? nmmm .„ 
 p.cr oummm nramifrtta 
 fui&poiumtju$^irtraip X^ 
 nouf flimimnim fiiflnuu. 
 V ounuuuumtfact 
 miUhu'pi.-' cdcttrdtD 
 tiion«n;A.>ftia.; > miU. 
 tobi. niU«Jpi3amio 
 loiun.-i> atim.ie uiio 
 mscre uam.:t^uu. 
 tijCXOiurtn. ipnaiu. 
 ni:j;olifluui6t au 
 ui .-^f ounuiuu faurtDn 
 :, tmuuawiiraimlio.pa, 
 ? euwi^vpmDuuumn.ilni. 
 ' 1 
 The BEdi.vNiXG of thk "Canon Missae" in the Bkistoi. .Ma^shook.
 " Liber iste qui baruch nomine prenotatur " (short preface) fo. i88 
 BarMch {ET //EC VERBA librigue etc.) ibid. 
 " EZECHIEL propheta cum ioachim " etc. (Hieronymi in Ezechielera praefatio) fo. igo 
 Summary- of Ezechiel ............ ibid. 
 Ezechiel {ET FACTVJ/ EST in tncesimo anno, etc.) fo. 190 verso 
 " DANIELE&[ propheta iuxta. I.\x interpretes" etc. (Hieronymi iu Danielem 
 praefatio) fo. 202 verso 
 Summary of Dauiel fo. 203 
 Daniel {ANNO tercio regni etc.) ibid. 
 " NON IDEM ordo est. xij. prophetarum" etc. (Hieronymi in XII. prophetas 
 praefatio) . . fo. 208 
 " Teraporibus ozie et ioache. achaz et ezechie regum iuda : et ieroboam filii ioe regis 
 israelis. Osee tilius beeii " etc. (another preface of 32 lines) .... ibid. 
 Yioie3.(VERBVM domini quod factum est, etc.) ibid. 
 " SANCTUS lOHEL apud hebreos post osee ponitur " etc. (preface of 25 lines) fo. 209 verso 
 "lohel fatuel iilius describit terram duarum tribuum " etc. (a second preface of 
 21 lines) 
 Joel ( VERBVM domini quod factum est etc.) ..... 
 " OZIASRER cum dei religionem " etc. (preface of 20 lines) . 
 " Amos propheta et rusticus & ruborum " etc. (another, 19 lines) 
 " Hie amos propheta uero(?) fuit pater ysaie " etc. (.-mother, 23 Unes) 
 Amos {VERBA AMOS qui fuit etc.) 
 " Jacob patriarcha fratrum habuit esau " etc. (preface of 30^ lines to Obadiah) 
 Oh&diah {VISIO ABDIE. Hec dicit &c.) 
 " SANCTVM ionam hebrei " etc. (preface of 28 lines) .... 
 " lona columba et dolens " (another of 1 1 lines) 
 Jonah {ET EACrVM EST ueriumdomzni etc. .... 
 " TEMPOBJJBVS ioache et achaz. Sc et ezechie " etc. (preface of 15 hnes) 
 Michah ( VERBVM, domini quod factum etc.) 
 " NAVM prophetam " etc. (preface of 20 lines) 
 Nahum {ONVS niniue liber etc.) 
 " QVATVOR prophete in. xii. prophetarum " etc. (preface of 79 lines) . 
 Habd^vik {ONVS quod uidit etc.) 
 " TRADVNT hebrei cuiuscumque prophete " etc. (preface of 37 lines) . 
 Zephamah {VERBVM Domini quod factum etc.) ..... 
 "lEREMI AS PROPHETA" etc. (preface of 44 lines) 
 Haggai (IN ANNO SECVNDO dai regis etc.) 
 " ANNO SECVNDO darii regis medorum " etc 
 Zachariah {IN MENSE OCTA VO in anno etc.) 
 " DEVS PER moysen populo Israeli " etc. (preface of 18 lines) 
 UoXzichi {ONVS VERBI domi>ii ad israel etc.) 
 " DOMINO exceUentissimo " etc. (preface of 39 lines) .... 
 " REVERENDISSIMO et omni caritatis oflicio dignissimj geroldo sacri palatii 
 archidiacono rabanus " etc. (another of 38 lines) .... 
 fo. 210 
 fo. 210 verso 
 fo. 211 
 fo. 212 
 fo. 212 verso 
 fo. 213 
 fo. 214 
 fo. 214 verso 
 fo. 215 
 fo. 215 verso 
 fo. 216 
 fo. 2\b verso 
 fo. 217 
 fo. 219 
 fo. 219 verso 
 " Macliabeorum libri duo " etc. (another of 9 lines) 
 Summary of i Maccabees .... 
 1 Maccabees (ET FACTVM est postquam etc ) 
 Summaiy of 2 Maccabees .... 
 2 Maccabees (FRATRES qui sunt elc.) . 
 "MATHEVM ex iudea sic in ordine " etc. (Preface of 29 lines) 
 " Matheus cum primo predicasset " etc. (another of 24 lines) . 
 .Summary of St. Matthew's Gospel 
 St. Matthew [LIBER GENERATIONIS ihesu cliristi eic.) 
 "MARCHVS euuangelista dei electus" etc. (Preface of n\ lines) 
 Summary of St. Mark's Gospel 
 St. Mark (INITIVM euuangelti ihesv christi, etc.). 
 " QVONIAM quidem multi " etc. (St. Luke, i, verses 1-4 inc.) 
 " Lvcas syrus natione et antiochenus arte " etc. (Preface of 36 lines) 
 Summar)' of St. Luke's Gospel 
 St. Luke (from verse 5. FVIT in dieius Herodis eic.) 
 "HIC EST iohannes euuangelista unus " etc. (preface of 29 lines) 
 Summary of St. John's Gospel 
 St. John [IN PRINCIPIO erat uerbum etc.) 
 Summary of the Epistle to the Romans 
 Romans (PA VLl'S sen/us ihesu christi etc.) 
 "Corinthii sunt achaici" etc. (Preface of 6 lines) 
 Summary of I Corinthians 
 1 ConoX'iiKa.ns (PAVLVS vocattis apostole (sic) e\.c.) 
 " Post actam peninam (?) consolatoriam " etc. (Preface of 3J lines) 
 Sumraaiy of 2 Corinthians 
 2 Corinthians (PA VL VS apostole (sic) christi ihesu etc.) 
 Summary of Galatians . 
 Galatians (PAVLVS apostolus nan ab hominibus etc.) . 
 " Ephesi sunt asiani " etc. (Preface of 3 lines) .... 
 Summary of Ephesians ........ 
 'E'phtsiixTiS (PAVLUS apostole christi ihesu elc.) 
 " Phylipenses sunt macedones " (preface of 5 lines) . 
 Summary of PhUippiaus ........ 
 Philippians (PA VL VS et timotheus semi etc.) 
 " Colosenses et hi sunt, laodicenses " etc. (preface of 6 lines) . 
 Summary of Colossians ........ 
 Qolosiiaxii (PA VLl'S apostole christi ihesu iic.) 
 " Thessalonicensis stmt macedones " (preface of 6 lines) . 
 Summary of i Thessalonians 
 I Thessalonians (PA VL VS et siluanus et timotheus etc.) 
 " Ad thessalonicenses secundam " etc. (preface of 4J lines) 
 Summary of 2 Thessalonians 
 fo. 220 
 fo. 220 verso 
 fo. 228 
 fo. 228 verso 
 fo. 234 
 fo. 234 verso 
 fo. 242 verso 
 fo. 247 verso 
 fo. 248 verso 
 fo. 257 
 fo. 263 verso 
 fo. 264 
 fo. 267 
 lo. 270 
 fo. 270 verso 
 fo. 272 verso 
 fo. 2- 3 verso 
 fo. 274 verso 
 fo. 275 
 fo. 275 verso 
 fo. 276 
 fo. 276 verso 
 fo. 277 
 Plate 8. 
 a >*» * • • • "^ • • * * « 
 ^ ^ *3uWpmtrroftr6-^Sinum. 
 "^^ ^pintustnutt 
 ^ ^mmmRlla.ct 
 *^ ijorqiiflO mnti 
 ,' fi^itranmncui$-.ifiigiautq 
 > otmmtmuia6iacflii6.o:acio. 
 - ^ riis qmlioDicrafl Die i 
 cnitHfttclmmfeiuUp f 
 illnftiiiaonrtDnnftitauoijw i 
 uiCDtEaiifpumtafeinfttca'^ ; 
 Cmi]i ©uftlaaouf 5flutHt.ipL 
 tDOntjratotrmificui cpta. ., 
 OCJicb; illi*:! nratiimmaylQ?* 
 ciim raiuplnramrDiceiin 
 tnoftts-. craur omucs OiChpU 
 ^uitrmeotonlom.etfni^ ^ 
 icftitpntrtcttlo touusmiujiu 
 'aoiicttmmsftfcurijfluttme \ 
 franrCctoitts.CtiauHmcft i 
 ,^eDifiirtiiclnigufimiqiil f 
 leQmm.^iiriilcti&mtQuuic6 , 
 ; ; totdoqmUlis.CumtHme 
 -^ iiimmUaliatratteiiimmnir 
 i umofi'.fforaranaaoucquf 
 m tclo m.fssm. autmi ijac'U) 
 Thk Bk(;inmni; tn- the Mass m.jk Whitm.miav, in the Bkistul ilASSBOOK.
 Platf q. 
 ■■■14 .. 
 ^mimti HV qi iT«mU)iUf cft-.fpcluni (ir 
 cpnct borai .non mrh cfTr popifumtf. 
 l>uiridl7(tainmo7mltta( nifin froinu. 
 fcitif d^ dr nnorraitf. cptoUrfi'njmtm 
 rrdb c1clxmoirim<iiu mtmKf-&if> iW 
 jrluf ■• (to dffemTttdfo t^Xtxv^^ Q; nu 
 ouim fituntr oaftar.TnirtnWf<frq? 
 a: mfomii ddfanni mfrr- Q; tio li h'F^ 
 bcnrdtftjfalirrr tunrtftniTKfo.nlcfb 
 Ittnl ■ )nde 1 mm) ■. cuiuh: ^rr araoi 
 tt-Optjf ii(pnfiD« ctpujOMfimuinn.n 
 Uiirun ni . q; p u ana tnttv<»»di"f'5 P 
 OVtr- fed iMncrrTtdc" 7 fromrmrnUjiJjf ? 
 ftrttd: qindantr roii^^nni dTccrqptRi^ 
 jbtpfacrnrtart uiotifm.mdrdifpfi 
 nmuctmlim -flo" "fumfe (Unio on' i pu ' 
 cm. otnid ptiirirnrndme rf. .cq: Ji' '« 
 Ttvi^nrnnrmt ipfi^ fi turiUiuT' rftliomo 
 mwiif •• Ixwnomitocr.^cphacffWtm 
 nKinigrr ; An CDqjtwtl cffc ntrfrr. dfi 
 imv^(^'<^-l"i»dtii'"r{iin fro jfnn iti(iir« 
 aqiu'a'(1in,ut indrou (ir^irrfnnpJto 
 CKfjilIiqiidf plhilti(h> inrlha|x{dnl 
 l4';Kr^)cnfhm.ind»HniK ■ !>•- 
 cl£> irr;jr;i)Wiicf(i.f:n( ipfa 
 pwf.''tjnratrcabro.lla \\\n\ 
 oiIomndimTplrrojiMinidfift im" 
 ubicf- mnl df- rond'-llonira piir.tiifi' 
 tft-clTciiionm!b?dG:trr ima(imt[; rti. 
 pm^lgrraudtnf fwnonif (iic & ipirt c/ 
 tri-idcftrrunmamM' ninnuna nil 
 ni>f • citrrafir 4)an''ijjff rocHt 1 oUnlmc 
 ttflatrfnnichi pmtbnf fwc mtnfrr.iK 
 3diidff.ntta(.ldfndt parvnn.rm n" 
 tm£(\jxmau1aiutTf ur.faluon fine 
 alqitnipirnwida fttrrtr: irrftaitrilui 
 t.TOrBrfypit[o poffccffiijr Am que 
 pwn- Ojttt rniil hr piquant : urci'f jin c 
 Uiidfcnani linMrntf dintiicntagm^ 
 n)i(WitdVtffei;tfrmn:Ui?<wiVa irrr 
 aw • fi ri uidziti . erf mrtnid .f! ti wfciW- 
 CniibmncK tiuratrmu mn&J^^, 
 aTTO:'urmtmlif£n|jff inagmu^iiwf 
 fucmrfifniOT owcondudac.pulf«l! 
 nto: cfr;flftmdif(5tcrMn);. patio » 
 rrrno! dV:'^ litre oi) clnriantel^^ 
 Atnc cd qcTWm (tirfii db cftrrr'cfenrr 
 From thp.; Voi.iimk ok Mi.scei.laneoh.s Tkk.m'I.sk.s of Lsiddru.s, etc., 
 Presented to the Grev Friar.s oe Brlvtol by Bishcjp Jocei.vn.
 2 Thessalomans (PA VL VS ct siluanus et timotheus etc. ) b 
 " Timotheus instruit " etc. (preface of 2 lines) fo. 2-'7 verso 
 Summary of i Timothy ibid. 
 1 Timothy (PA VL VS apostok christi ihesu etc.) ibid. 
 " Jtem timotheo scribit " etc. (preface of 3 lines) fo. 278 verso 
 Summary of 2 Timothy ibid. 
 2 Timothy (PA VL VS apostoU christi ihesu etc.) ibid. 
 "Titum commouefacit," etc. (preface of 4 lines) fo. 279 
 Summary of Titus ibid. 
 T\\M% (PAVLVS seruus dei apostole, c'ic.) ibid. 
 " Phylemoni familiares litteras " etc. (preface of 2 lines) fo. 279 verso 
 Summary of Philemon .........••• ibid. 
 V\ii<tmon (PAVLVS uinctus christi sXx..) ii'i'^- 
 "JN primis dicendum est " (preface of 12 lines) ^bid. 
 Beginning of summary of Hebrews ibid. 
 2 Esdras xiij is divided in the MS. at v. 15 to make a fourteenth chapter, 
 and followed without interval by 3 Esdras. The chapters of Esther are 
 numbered III. =3 + 4 ; IIII.= 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 ; V.= 8 + 9+10 to verse 4; 
 VI.=^io verse 4 to end ; but there is a space of 12 cms between the end of 
 cap. 15 and beginning of cap. 16. Job ends, fo. i^q \rerso, ellctatum est cor 
 meum in abscondito. et[%yji\, 27) ; fo. 140 commences stribntionis. Et habitare 
 fecit 171 tabernaciila eontm (Ps. Ixxvij. 54). Proverbs ends, fo. 149 verso, qui se 
 corripit. ncc ad sapre7itcs graditur (xv. 12) ; fo. 150 begins ctprofundum abysst. 
 quis (Ecclus. i. 2). Daniel ends, fo. 208, in momento coram eo (xiv. 41). _ On 
 fo. 268 verso against i Cor. x. (15-18), in a 17th century hand, is written 
 sacramcntiim. Eucharistiae, and on the next folio against i Cor. xi. (23-27), 
 Verba Christi de sanguine & corpore suo hacc sunt. The book of The Acts 
 does not appear to have been contemplated by the scribe, as St. John's Gospel 
 is immediately followed on the same page by the summary of Romans. 
 These summaries are written in redoubled columns, four to the page. 
 There are no catchwords or signatures, and the book has been bound so 
 tightly that one cannot see the strings. 
 This is known as the Corporation Bible, and was handed over to the 
 Library in 1785. The city records contain the following : — 
 May I2th, 1785.— On the motion of Mr. Harford it is unanimously agieed and ordered that a Latia 
 Manuscript Bible, now in the Chamberlains office, be forthwith sent to the Public Library m 
 this city, and there deposited \vith the other books and manuscripts belonging to this corpora- 
 tion under the care of the Librarian. 
 S. Massbook (Victorine Canons of Bristol). 
 Vellum, size 33-5 cms high x 23 cms across, ff. 153, in double columns ot 
 35 lines each. Cent. XV. (circ. 1420). 
 In quires of 8 leaves, with catchwords : the quire fo. 73 sq. lacks its last 
 leaf, and that succeeding its first 4 leaves; and the quire fo. 140 sq. lacks 
 the last 5 leaves, and the next quire the first 5. The Kalendar, &c., and the 
 Temporale is missing up to the midst of the Epistle for the third mass of 
 Christmas Day; fo. i commencing "et odisti iniquitatem: p;-i:?pterea unxit": 
 fo. 81 commences with "incipiens a moyse ct omnib?«", in the gospel for 
 Easter-Monday; and fo. 143 "Sacros««c/a hodier H Sequenc?«." the 
 sequence for St. Andrew. The MS. ends on fo. 153 verso with "salutem. 
 C o m m un'\o . Per lignum serui " (facti sumus catclvwords), the communion 
 for the mass of the Finding of the Holy Cross. 
 Contents : 
 Temporale (Third Mass of Christmas Day, from midst of Epistle) . . . . fo. i 
 Ordo missae fo- 73 
 Canon Missae fo. 78 
 Sanctorale fo. 143 
 There are no miniatures : there are two small illuminated capitals (gold 
 letter on coloured ground] and eleven large ones (coloured letter on gold 
 ground), all of characteristic English style. 
 The MS. shews close agreement with the Missal of the Abbey of St. 
 Victor ad vniros Parisiaises, with which it has been collated. The sequences 
 in the MS. are generally not the same as those at St. Victor. The Litany 
 and the Sanctorale shew traces of the French derivation. The MS. is localised 
 from the following facts : the rubrics mention the abbot ; but it was not an 
 abbey of monks, following St. Bennet's rule, for St. Maur and St. 
 Scholastica have only memories ; therefore it was an abbey of canons of the 
 rule of St. Austin. In the Litany, St. Victor is the second martyr after the 
 Holy Innocents ; St. Austin's name the second and the sixth among the 
 confessors, the archbishop of Canterbury and the bishop of Hippo, and 
 each of the latter is invoked twice. This postulates an abbey of Austin 
 Canons of the order of St. Victor of Paris, dedicated to St. Austin of Canterbury; 
 and the presence in the Sanctorale and Litany of such names as St. Cadoc 
 of Cowbridge, St. Milburg of Wenlock, St. Werburg of Chester, SS. Wlstan 
 and Oswald of Worcester, and St. Oswald of Gloucester, together with the 
 absence of east-country saints, is decisive in favour of Bristol to the 
 exclusion of Grimsby. 
 The Feast of Relics is kept on the Third Sunday after Easter ; and the 
 Dedication mass has no variants for LXX., Lent, or Eastertide. 
 A fuller account of this MS. will appear in the forthcoming number of 
 the Transactions of St. Paul's Ecclesiological Society. 
 Plate io. 
 Pkesented to the Grey P'riars of Bristol by Bishop Joceiyx.
 Plate ii. 
 J"^ if iTMltifniY.u •|■..'|'.I^^ll^,"■l^'| '"'iiU'tot 
 Ijiiiit.lr.ii'*K''iii ij.'lri.'^ii v'tlic.uit./.SiTj i-i'il' 
 •/I,' I'll S»-.|l-- jiV) j-lpli .U'fi'i It.n:! i C.lllvltl.j 
 ('rcf Sili^'xiircO" Mil Vft -t^'">'' .[ I'.llv/'.lilr '■*' 
 [( V i' .r^iiil-'.\r><('ui fi'l-iTiV \ .j ivnAVr.i)N-fci II (i,n 
 iKi'.i^mi'.M i<Puii»M-.iiiv 1 'j n-n.Mc .iiN- 
 iiiiiMiaiK'illif'/.iiVi fr^7iii'«>Tiuf).-;j! pir,;r»i 
 i»iii1n iH'i.'r.jiic--5: iIlatr-rNttn-H«v..ii/i«.i tlLv^ - - 
 ^iir. •f'lrf .\ini 'J* uifnulln i»il|.,i .iMmu- p ' 
 AiV'ii- '»^'| ^«ti j'.'f^^VTi 'jl-; •iji'I'rr:) t (i-'ij-n).' 
 tffiiir j!V inwiftVi; .llii>.jii. i.rii»\Y(?r.|fi \-r 
 iiilr.' .(A Ox 
 Fkom the " Liukr Sf.ntkntiari-m " ov Prter Lomhard.
 3. A Volume of Miscellaneous Treatises, given by Jocelyn, 
 Bishop of Bath and Wells, to the Convent of the Greyfriars of 
 Bristol. Cent. XIII (before 1242 A.D.). 
 Vellum, 30-5 cms high x 22 cms across, ff. 116, in double columns of 35 
 lines each. 
 In quires of 10 leaves, except those commencing fo. 51 sq., fo. 59 sq. and 
 fo. 107 sq., which have only 8; ff. i, 2 and IT. 115, 116 form flyleaves in the 
 beginning and end, and are of much thicker and coarser parchment than the 
 rest of the book. 
 Contents : 
 " Liber beati ysidori Episcopi de summo bono " fo. 3 
 " Prologus in libnim beati ysidori : qui sinonima intitulantur " fo. 52 
 "Synonima" . .^ fo. 52 verso 
 " Liber soliloquorum ysidori episcopi " fo. 58 
 Augustinus Episcopus Hypponensis contra Adimantium fo. 67 
 Augustinus contra epistolam Parmenianum fo. 85 verso 
 " Ex Dialogo contra Parmenianum, Augustinus " fo. 112 verso 
 On fo. I (which has been cut away slightly at the top) is " cum senonima 
 ysidor/ cum libra so\\\oo^ziorum d K\x^ustinus contra adimantiuwz. De dono 
 bone Memorie Yiomim Jocelini q?^ondam Y.^iscop\ Bathon?'t'««i et Wellensis. 
 ff- IQ ysidorus. 
 "Jn hoc voh/wine continent?<r Isidorus de sumw/o bono. Sinonima 
 Isidori. Libf;^ Soliloq^^or«;« Augzatin?^ contra adimantiuw. Tres VCori 
 heati Aug?^.ytini co/itra Pi^^rmeniani [si'c). 
 "De Cowuentu fratrum mviomm BristoWic. de dono Ao?mni Jocelini 
 quondam Episcopi Bathomcnsis". 
 Jocelin was bishop of Bath and Wells from 1206 to 1242 (John le Neve & 
 T. D. Hardy, Fasti EccksicB AnglicancB, Oxford, 1854 ; vol. i., p. 130). There 
 are MS. marginal notes in various hands, and on fo. 2 a table of contents in 
 a 17th century hand. Fo. 66, and ff. 1 14 to the end are blank on both sides. 
 4. Peter Lombard, Libri sententiarum quattuor. 
 Vellum, 25 cms high x 18 cms across, ff. 105, in double columns, 40 lines 
 to a column. Circ. 1300 (.'). French or Italian. 
 In quires of 8 leaves; except the first which has 4 ; flf. 37, 38, 39 form 
 another, ff. 40, 41 another. Quires 8 to 13 inclusive are numbered at the foot 
 of the verso of the last leaf xij-xvii (in same hand as text). There are no 
 Contents : 
 Table of Capitula fo. 
 Prologue, and " primus liber sententiarum " fo. 5 
 " Liber secundiis " . . . . . . . . . . . . . fo. 38 
 Beginning of book iii is lost : earliest remaining is (o- 43 
 " Liber quartus " fo. 61 
 The initial capitals are in red, ^vithout ornamentation. 
 6. A VOLUME OF HOMILIES OR SERMONS, formerly belonging to 
 Glastonbury Abbey, by Abp. Jac. de Voragine of Genoa (1230- 
 Vellum, 30 cms high x 20 cms across, fF. 103, in double columns of 48 
 lines each. Circ. 1400 A.D. 
 In quires of 8 leaves, except those commencing fo. 89 and fo. 96 which 
 have only 7, each having lost a leaf; and fo. 103 which is by itself 
 Fo. 2 is headed " ^ liber monasterii beate marie glastonie," and on fo. q 
 " liber glastonie." 
 This series of sermons is on the various gospels from Ash Wednesday to 
 Easter Tuesday : except the first which is on Jercvn'ah vi. 26, and the second 
 on Job vi. 19. The use closely follows that of Paris, but the gospel for 
 Thursday after hivoauiit is .5'/' vos mauscrifis : and on " Feria tertia secunde 
 ebdomade passionis domini," the first sermon is on Jeremiah xl. 19 (the 
 lesson for the day) and the second on Good Friday is on Exodus xxv. 40. 
 On fo. 103 is an Inspeximtis by Thomas, Archbishop of Canterbury, of a 
 charter granted by William Courtenay his predecessor, settling a dispute 
 between the rectors and vicars of the diocese on the one hand, and their 
 parishioners on the other, concerning tithes and offerings. Dated at Lambeth, 
 25 July, 1408, the 1 2th year of his translation. 
 A leaf is lost between ff. 90-91 : ff. 25 52 inclusive have their outer 
 margins cut away close 10 the text, and the outer columns of fo. loi are 
 entirely gone. 
 There are numerous marginal notes. 
 6. Collection of miscellaneous treatises, written at the House 
 of St. Mark, Bristol. 
 Vellum, 23 cms high X 16 cms, ff. 140, single column, 30 lines to a page. 
 A.D. 1502. 
 Plate 12. 
 B- ; '^ i nt^/'Vf "ft MUX mfut-tt gfi 
 il ^-v A>iturf 'tf^ fitf nfn pniitrtfT 
 -ptrhiunu* '^f .^i'sfc ^v^ Vice ^iT 
 tctitiuu-:^ fCtnOtKth xc'tt^i'uttt*^' 
 ■ / n^^N^ i*'sw mij?jii-c iturtnt |3<>aMf 
 n*mrt>hn* »i i' <ti« li^ *"«ifr ^-m. " 
 Skrmons <ik Ahi'. J. i)K \'uKA(;i.\E, Formerly Belo.nginc. th Glaskixiu'rv Ahukv.
 Plate 13. 
 . j&J5Cih«.\ ^•iuinr.ia>iic4m 
 .tumtf ni moiua iT«nSi6iniii fiij^ir tyUv naif ^ 
 !"i^ ^lio iiKOmit! nob'.lSo fin) sfnr'tvmi^iu • f. -< 
 . ^lUOitoM- ur i(aA (Hi mai^CntiC nn.'Intain:' 
 ^ iinOtHrar.nini CC'nipfotiCtn ' ur. i^iOi^n*.* A* 
 .ncutin cvj\11ir faJ .^.■' (jin qBt Uii^ .inTi"t 
 rtf ^uirtiii .U) M ^cn^>u1i5p■ * cm mi^filff r 
 1 tV n'l UClHai; itsiitw lu' ni rjJur |^!vam mif 
 / lAm .iliiTi'mitV HO rcOmiV iirfir lii>iicfta«** 
 "• mi evmco ■ .l^^>l^mf rvaiCupniij itiittM iBticif 
 iliqiiriiii uMortiir}!ttiolii''&: J'fmSliV M«l)iir 
 I mmlArCOiiUiir' (1.^111 tf Irtiu i1t*tnaf cUmJ 
 :fr( " Wlbimcnmi Imgitav lunilmce .Ibrftev 
 ■n B m9\1in nn-MOn" CfanliV i; nuJuY mCttu> 
 2lif ab tn'iWic A obUm4 avn^- iifuCgligV 
 \ I n<1iu Mbtt^ic ul'mJltffil yuniiV n CpiV* 
 ' R artiinil tojllm'' f!4'0o muirtr iieluzinbx 
 i \ (U'uOluutatilc ^JllOlun^))Ctunl^tn 41^ •Jf 
 jmh" liifcfmir iiIVlHJtiv'fttCftrmaircTmiri'' 
 \ tilauiaix (0^16 mftptatv mtvnr q^rtrW 
 iinm* .i>iit:9ji? inumumr {cpsirmr u aliie ofji: '• 
 bT Mtr ir maimV; qWrn fm^.Vi yftiniJ-Ti^iirf ■ " 
 tnmna 111^ |»(rmn o-wBeflun rfii:'iil fiUUii 
 ajUtttlj; .ipnlrilbcrf nwW^lj.^ftTiafRiiCiinlif 
 -KlcrtuVrr^'li' g^pioCnittiftv t'liiAWg ■li t^MMfrli i^ 
 ij ctriu; i-finoffr miliiiaopeS 1' fiiH.''..'!'ir niunil' 
 . -> i <u • 
 ■ nm?1' 
 ■t\ ciigitp.4' loii^ nij tij m ^riTnK- fi j fnrfe 1' 
 tigHicrqiu^ft^-iuitre rtti nl'foiiimeft?" 
 aliif Isirfn fyr .ulifttnrt^ jih li (i oitit Ujni}* •■ 
 * eilrt'imS ' ""^ 'fl"^ iVfJi.)!!! .Ulrtltn fM]|3rtlCt 
 rybifftifr^'Jiil'i'aii^n tiiv afiVraM^ iiitjii 
 niim r^n^mrf- — . 
 fitaiv ■ rJii^ni Carr- #T ni liif 
 ayrte: r.u»^'ic3twf KfAioI •( 
 x--tc- (rf iifffi^aiinnmi- .— 
 - ' fliotenarcm • oi^c ^iTF^ir 
 . Vr fa r-7^ mlif li.iim?.' ft>i' 
 lOr^I* ai itvnri |rO tn 1 i«r J 
 gttht ulni ttfnn ■.(■■ .iw' 
 _ ^ ivau'rf lugo af fti! 
 f^aunj! i-ri^*p: iiariW Ai> ^iis ; fiir|fTi )J 
 (itui d^neni' ImMnutfTjpf lYimr ^',lllrh»;c# 
 j'' Bti'i ? fiiena^W amiT ur ^Urc .It'V^f »i 
 •pctitttKC: ncd r.'uiini atvo now Stcffii iSif/i'|ij lueStiVtrn^iVtv WmryJ1iiTW« n'l'^uf 
 '■nam WfrJrmti. lyarorfin-aat^i ffl?(tn i^ ) ' tw rai-mi«fiia ^ilv i mfrt- ^rafcaunsiqy 
 ,1? inific' iioFanicgdKir' {'fatiui pt«niri;S« •' ,[1 (ijf ajutno lftuar*tiaiinpir.wifna ftig-ta i 
 miuiu iiTiimiiiV(amtirgv:i.ilrxag iIM'htr-; .'[I mttawnn-autcnnriatu f-l^jfc'ampiisil-ir 
 mi/.' Mia ni 0)^ iif iim^' tMfltfluVr S^y^lir jj | »«1r ^WWlTftmaurtnnril'ul'aianazaiiilf.' 
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 cr^ciir iirityimr c«y5» <tv ignftatina I.fa i 
 nnat nlirnii'iSil <(Fam tOfhUi v^-l nfmo ' 
 ^m (rattar'tt ni li m- anu>lNr iiirr«»m<^^ 
 tiratvliirfan*n ai">myIftT (fiinlim f|tini.w 
 C^ ftff IWk niiiigiUiioir ' .>if ni imliClf {»• 
 flo;rtr.«-fl(roiiiiif .TefeftHrimftfiK'? 'tfi^ 
 ^famdii Wmari .^vlli nn oi it ni ItumAni; U j ' 
 ^ i^ ■';■"• 
 ■h t^ui ly 4iiitmir'iiV(im»B4liridmxpttH«r 
 19 ow-Uraiit aiirftm? i- iiobUtiJ Tauir.n^i 
 Mf- »aiinjio raf m «S>.<r i-aff^no uraMrtw 
 ftcW.Vii rtlvd> fur artJ ^tftfVab *tt«hr 
 ^^■ llanntnnm (V' qW Iib'lcpj0'*c><u6'(p">a> 
 jniiv<tr*ii»t«nna *«A»rapo rtf? oitr- tfi¥ 
 Ci-aunjM -af- 1- i-raimjfirtwm 6w upjxmf 
 Afti itnnUati'(fai'U'<!raiimz^m^n anniTa ~ 
 jfrtt WUmJCfiuxjnr.ertBrva^il^riuti^^"^ 
 Latin niciioNARv.
 In quires of 8 leaves, with catchwords. Some leaves lost (probably 4) 
 between fo. 58 and fo. 59. Leaves missing at the end. 
 Contents : 
 " Exposicio V^rborKWj difficiliu»« missal« " ........ fo. i 
 Exposition of the Sarum sequences, etc. (temporale) fo. 3 
 Exposition of the Sanun sequences, etc. (sanctorale) fo. 22 
 " Exposiciowes verboram difficilium Missalis . . . et ecia/» concepc;'o et pro- 
 duccro dubij accentus verboram eorunde»» compendiose tractant«r Vt secnrius 
 legant ac meli«x intelligant ne mat«ia risus audientibaj ministretur vel legen- 
 tihus aut fatuitas imponatur" etc fo- 47 verso 
 " Exposicjo psalterij fo. 1 10 
 A Treatise on Tribulation, beginning " Tribulacyon is the best thyng that any man 
 may haue yn thys world " etc fo. 119 verso 
 A short tract on almsgi«ng, beginning " DA paupf/ibus vnu/n denareu/n in vita tua 
 CUOT bona voluntate " fo. 120 verso 
 "Her ys A tretys techyng vs to knowe the dyuersytes of temptacyons And to chose 
 that ys good and leue the euyle " . . . . . . . . . fo. I2I verso 
 " HEre begynnyth A profytable ynformacyon techyng a man to knowe the kynd of 
 spyrytys Whych ben good and Whych not " fo. 127 verso 
 A form of Confession, apparently designed for female penitents at the House (e.g., 
 on fo. 135, " yf I see afayre man and shapply desyryng in my soule to haue had 
 dalyaunce wyth hym in clypping in kyssyng and vnclene touchyng in slepyng or 
 waUyng thorowe swettenes or medytacyon in consenting in my wyll or soule to 
 the foule synne of lechery ") .......... fo. 134 
 " Thyes aie the notalle rewles of the lyfe heremiticalle as they folow here after made 
 be Pope celestyne whych was an heremyte and chosyn for hys holynes out of 
 wyldernes to be Pope and afterwarde left the papase and retumyd yn to 
 wyliiemes ayend" ............ fo. 137 verso 
 "Thesben}>* vertues of [> Rosemarye ful precyous " . . . . . . fo. 140 verso 
 On fo. 119 is " Explicit exposicio verborww difficiliuw? toci?^5 psalterij Deo 
 gracieLs Jn domo Sancii Marci eu^ngeliste iuxta Bristoliam. xxxi°. die Mensis 
 Octobris. Anno domim, 1502." This House or Hospital of St. Mark was, 
 according to a charter in Dugdale's Afonash'con Ang/icafmm {London, 18 17- 
 1830; vol. vi., p. 687), dedicated to Deo et bcata Alarm et beato Marco. In 
 " fasting and other things to be observed " they followed " the custom of the 
 friers of Lechlade ; but in divine offices according to the custom and order of 
 Sarum " (Wm. Barrett, Hist, and Anttq. of Bristol, Bristol, 1789 ; p. 362). 
 The expositions on the sequences of St. Thomas M., fo. 5 verso, and 
 fo. 54 have been vigorously erased : and those for the Visitation, the Trans- 
 figuration and the Holy Name are ignored. 
 The ending of the form of confession, after concluding in English, is 
 " Jdeo pr^cor sancta;;/ maria;;^ omwes sanctos dei ct vos orare pw me. Sit 
 nome« domim Ivrntdictuw. Sancte Marce ora pro nobis. ]hesus, Maria, 
 There are numerous coloured ornamental capitals, but no pictures. 
 7. A Latin Dictionary. 
 Vellum, 28 cms high X i8'5 cms across, ff. 180, in double columns, 46 lines 
 to a column. Cent. xiij. 
 In quires of 1 2 leaves ; there are catchwords, but aft^r fo. 96 the quires 
 are numbered ; a quire is lost between ff. 96-7 (96-109 of the original num- 
 bering by the scribe). 
 The dictionary is incomplete, ending with Spondeo, on fo. 178 verso. Fo. 
 179 (recto and verso) has a short and incomplete index, in three columns to 
 the page. 
 On fo. 180, rather indistinct, is ' flumine magna [. . .?],"" Johczwwes 
 ptT-missione dni " (r) [the rest is erased and underneath the erasure is] 
 " ptv-missione Diuina Ab." 
 Since binding fo. 182 (of the original numbering, between fF. 168-9) has 
 been torn out. 
 There is one large and many small coloured capitals of each letter. 
 8. John Lydgate, History of Troy. 
 Vellum, size 40 cms high X 29-5 cms across, ff. 120 : in double columns ot 
 52 lines each. Cent. xv. 
 In quires of 8 with catchwords ; the quire commencing fo. 9 has lost its 
 last leaf: a leaf has been cut out between ff. 80-81, and ff. 103-104. 
 Fo. I commences 
 " How J)at ther was- a ual chef cite' 
 Jn al J>at regne- moste of dignite- " etc. 
 There are occasional illuminated initials. 
 On the margin of p. 53 in similar hand to that of the scribe is "Edmiide 
 . . .": the rest has been cut away. At the foot of fo. 118 verso is 
 " ff) y' in the towne of couetry in the charterhousse Housse ther remayneth 
 euydence confermyng the inherytance off thomas vaulx lord haraddon 
 Jrrather (?) corbett esquer off shroppshyre the land deuydyd the euydenC 
 nott." At the foot of fo. 119 is " IT) y' in the monasterye off pipwell in the 
 contye off northhampton remaynyth a chest of euydenC' conferyng the 
 inherytance off s' thomas grene knyght / which inherytance apud deyfoye (?) 
 betwene the to doughters off the sayd s' thomas grene the one off them 
 maryed to s' nyctoles Danby lat'' Lorde haro . . . (?) the other off them 
 to s' parr knyght baron off ...(?).. . (rj in the contye off West- 
 moreland." The last two extracts are in a hand of about 1600 A.D. 
 Plate 14. 
 ^ '; ?J\^o*i' H- 1^ to fct.'+v' ^ the n^thcfH^ 
 '-^^ mi^iffpHw thiutte^ thAt- Iv iSfifttntiS tii 
 -^^^•> Alt' k)Nslt't4»inrt*:* rt* tt-iv* ^jV^tt li'^Jwi 
 ^ ''^ ' "^ '- « /^ - - ^ tt-i^ 
 /i^^ v^ti? «htb <>^ «uittttoU»?itft- Hnb «>f^ t4>m« 
 ^^^^AU'tiui^. jfiyi thiutf that- ttviftntfrt^Mp 
 "i»j(ir?i'""**^****f "ritiuHtl -f4»iuft^«> *«*««H«*r| 
 Fkom -'De proprietatibus reru.m."
 Plate 15. 
 .^c&H <* «-»i<? Mior£iHfllf frvirfW*- rttt>ii.rfN! .Mum * 
 t_V x'-v 
 ;rtt.t-t7> c"- '^^ 
 From "Dk I'KuI'Kiktatibi-s rkki'M."
 9. Bartholomew, the Englishman, De proprietatibus rerum ; trans- 
 lated into English by John of Trevisa. 
 Vellum, size 40 cms high X 28 cms across, fF. 137 : in double columns "of 
 58 lines each. Cent. xv. 
 In quires of 8 : many of which have lost one or more leaves. 
 The MS. is much damaged and mutilated, many of the illuminated 
 initials having been cut out. 
 At the head of fo. 116 verso is "To salamon my sone I leue my kyngdon 
 wiche shall byld the temple of John Jerusalem the veri ground om) my age 
 and the stafe my " : and at the head of the opposite folio is " To my most 
 Harsie ffrynd mast' thorns anderows dellinge in the medle temple in . . . 
 geue theis wyth sped " : there is some more in the margin which has been 
 rendered hardly decipherable by the greater part having been cut away. 
 The later part of the work is not in the same hand as the earlier. 
 10. Jnuentariuw2 seu collectariuw in parte cirurgie ali medi- 
 cine coMPiLATUw et completu?«" Anno Domini Millesimo 
 Tricentesimo sexagesimo tercio' Per Guidonem de Caul- 
 HiAco cirurgicuwz magistrum in medicina in preclaro studio 
 montispessulam- Ouodquid inuentariu?« seu collectariu/« 
 fecit scribi et taliter ordinari- venerabilis vir Magister 
 Johannes Tourtier Magister in cirurgia- Ad requestam 
 altissimi excellentissimjque et potewtis principis Domini 
 protectoris Regni anglie. 
 Paper, size 28-5 cms high x 21 cms across, ff. 288, in double columns of 
 45 lines each. Cent. xv. 
 In quires of i6 leaves. Ff. 6-15 blank, except for MS. notes on fo. 8 
 and 15 recto and verso. 
 Contents : 
 Practica astolabij. De no;«/Hibus instrumentorwwi astrolabij fo. I verso 
 " Jn dei nomine Jncipit JnucntariuOT " etc. (see title) fo. l6 
 Jncipit liber primus huius opens fo. 25 
 Via s«« senteficia tholomei in suo centilogio etc fo. 280 
 Glossaiy (latin-englisli) fo- 2S2 
 There are some interesting miniatures in grey-brown ink, and some illus- 
 trations of various surgical instruments. 
 1. Two pictures side by side. Dexter : a man in a long gown, tippet and hood, and 
 scull-cap, presents a scroll to the Duke of Bedford (?), behind whom are three 
 persons and a dog. Sinister: the same man in same costume sitting at a 
 fectem on which rests an open book (1 1-5 X 17'8) fo. 16 
 2. A demonstration in anatomy : demonstrator sils on chair sinister, pupil kneels on 
 cushion dexter ; skeleton lengthways across foot of picture (9'4 X 9) • • &>• ^S 
 3. Surgeon kneeling on left knee on cushion dexter, operating on tumour in right 
 groin of patient sitting on fourlegged stool sinister ; latter also has tumour in 
 right axilla : an empty box for instruments, etc., behind surgeon (9-3 X 7"5) • fo. 41 verso 
 4. Surgeon kneeUng dexter, binds patient standing sinister with narrow strapping ; 
 latter is nude except for short drawers, and marked all over with red lines to 
 represent wounds : behind him a large pail in which is a broad bandage half 
 unrolled ; behind surgeon an empty box above and below a four-legged stool 
 on which several instruments are laid out (7-5 X 8--) fo. 83 
 5. Surgeon kneehng on cushion dexter, dresses wounds of patient sitting on four- 
 legged stool sinister : some wounds have been sutured : an empty box behind 
 surgeon (8x8) fo. 123 verso 
 6. Surgeon kneehng dexter, bandages patient's leg set in spUnts : box, bason, etc, 
 behind surgeon (8x8) fo. 149 
 7. Surgeon kneeling dexter behind four-legged wooden stool on which stands a 
 bason, prepares to treat right leg of patient suffering from enlarged joints 
 sitting on cushion sinister with crutch under right arm : box and flagon behind. 
 8. Phlebotomy. Surgeon standing in centre, grasps right arm of patient with both 
 hands : latter sits on four-legged stool sinister, grasping staff in right hand, and 
 holding bason in left : box, stool with instruments, and bason behind surgeon 
 (7-2 X 7) fo. 230 verso 
 On fo. 287 verso, partly cut away, is a long MS. note, from which the 
 following is taken (begins 1. 5). 
 " R7 almonde & lye a clene pzper leve on yt & wrytte Jhu [xp crossed through] 
 fuit mitis (.') & saye Jn [)"• werssepp" of xpt v pater nesters & v aues & a crede 
 f>° ij daye wrytt on a noder almonde lykwysse Jhu fuit MortuKS est \>' almonde 
 b« iij tak anodt;r & wrj'tt Jhu [resserext«.t crossed out] resurectKj- When \>' 
 prayer es sade cast p ^vr}•ty«ge Jn )>« ferre holde renat (?) fro iij niter Mednygt 
 on to v of \>' clok Jn }>• Momynge " etc., etc. 
 Plate i6. 
 From the W'ukk un Sna^KKV.
 Plate 17. 
 From I hi Wmkk on SiRcilcKV.
 ^gidius (Romanus) 
 Albert! (Leandro) . . 
 Ambrose, Satnt 
 Anglerius (Petrus MartyrJ 
 Annius (Joannes), Viierbensis . . 
 Antoninus [Forciglioni], Satnt 
 Aretius (Benedictus) 
 Ariosto (Lodovico) . . 
 Augustine, Saint ., 
 Balbus (Joannesj 
 Baron (Peter), Stempanus 
 Bartholomew, Anglicus 
 Bartolus, dc Saxoferrato 
 Basil, Saint 
 Bauhinus (Joannes) 
 Bellarmino (R. F. R.), Cardinal 
 Bembo (Pietro), Cardinal 
 26, 29 
 Bernard, Sai?tt 
 BIBLE :— 
 Polyglott :— 
 161 8-1 9 
 Latin : — 
 1200, MS. {The Corporation Bible) . . 
 1502-4 — see Hugo 
 1532-4 — ^e^' Pellicanus (Conradus) . . 
 BIBLE (conltnued): — 
 English : — 
 1610-1 I 
 1617 .. .. .. 
 Spanish : — 
 1602 . . . . . . . . 
 Greek and Latin : — 
 1588 .. •• •• •• 
 Latin : — 
 English : — 
 Blanchinus (Joannes) 
 Blondus (Flavius) . . 
 Bonaventura, Saitit 
 Boniface VIII., Pope 
 Brentz (Johann), the Elder 
 Bristol : — 
 Collection of treatises written at the House of St. Mark 
 Corporation Bible 
 Massbook f f 'lefon'iie Canons of Bristol) 
 Brunfels (Otto) 
 Budaeus (Gulielmus) 
 Burleus (Gualterus) 
 Buxtorfius (Joannes), the Elder 
 Calepinus (Ambrosius) 
 Calvin (John) 
 Camden (William), the Antiquarv 
 Candalla (Franciscus Flussas) — see Foix 
 Castelnau (Michel de) 
 Caulhiac (Guy de) . . 
 Charlier de Gerson (Jean) 
 Chemnitius (Martinus) 
 Cicero (Marcus Tullius) 
 Coccius (Marcus Antonius) 
 Concordantia? Bibliorum, 1555 
 Concordantias Testamenti Novi, 1594 
 Cornacchini (Domenico) 
 Cowper (William) . . 
 29. 30, 
 37. 38. 39. 
 40, 43' 
 13. 14 
 1 1 
 18, 39 
 48, 50 
 43. 44 
 22, 25 
 13. '7 
 Cyprian, Saint 
 Cyril, Saint 
 Dante Alighieri . . • • • • • • * ' 'J' 
 D'Aubign^ (Theodore Agrippa) . . • • • • ^^ 
 Diaconus (Paulus)— xfc Wamefridus (P.) . . • • • • '5 
 Diodorus (Siculus) . . . . • • • • ' * ^^ 
 Dionysius, de Rtckel . . • • • • • • 
 Dominis (Marco Antonio de) . . . . • • • • 5 
 J)u Jon (Fran9ois), the Elder .. . . • • • • 47 
 Duns (Joannes), Scotus 
 Elucidarius Carminum • . • • • • ' • '^ 
 Elyot (6-?>- Thomas) •• •• •• •• li 
 Erasmus (Desiderius) . . • • • • • • ci 
 Estius (Gulielmus) .. .. •• •• " .e, -f. 
 Eusebius, Pamphili, Bishop of Casarea .. . . • • 40,0^* 
 Faber (Jacobus), Stapulensis 
 Fasciculus Temporum 
 Flacius (Matthias), Illyricus . . . • • • • • X 
 Florio(John) .. •• •• •• •• ^^ 
 Florus— 54r Trogus Pompeius 
 Foix (Fran9ois de) . . • . ^ • * , " * " * „ 
 Frauncis (Richard)— 5^^ Promptormm Parvulorum . . • . v 
 Gerson (Joannes) . . . . • • • • * * ^^ 
 Gesner (Conrad) 
 Giovio (Paolo) 
 Gregory I., Saint .. 
 Gruterus (Janus) . . _ . . • • • • ' * ^~ 
 Guarini (Giovanni Battista) . . . . • • • • ^ 
 Guicciardini (Francesco) 
 Herodotus . . • • • • • • ' * ^^ 
 Herolt (Joannes) 
 Herrey (R. F.) . . 
 Hieronymus (S. Eusebius) .. .. •■ •• 
 Hilary, Saint . . • • • • • • * " ^ 
 Holkot (Robertus) . . . . • • • • • ' f ^ 
 Homer . . • . , • • 
 Hugo, de Sando Chara, Cardinal 
 lUescas (Gonzalo de) 
 Ingegneri (Giovanni), Bishop of Capo d' htria 
 Isidorus, Hispalensis 
 Jacobus, de Voraginc, Archbishop of Genoa 
 James [Dr. Thomas) 
 Jerome, Saint — see Hieronymus (S. E.) 
 John Chrysosiom, Saint 
 Jovio (P.) — see Giovio (P.) 
 Junius (Franciscus) — see Du Jon (F.) 
 Justinian I., Emperor of the East 
 Justinus — see Trogus Pompeius 
 Juvenalis (Decimus Junius) 
 Keckermannus (Bartholomaeus) 
 Kempis (Thomas a) 
 Kis (Stephanus), Szegedinus 
 Lapide (Cornelius a) 
 Latin Dictionary, MS. 
 Lesina . . 
 Lipsius (Justus) 
 Liutprandus, Bishop of Cremona 
 Livius (Titus), Patavinus 
 Lombard (Peter) 
 Lopes de Castanheda (Fernam) 
 Lopez (Juan), Bishop of Manopoli 
 Lorinus (Joannes) . . 
 Lossius (Lucas) 
 Lucas (Franciscus), Brugensis . , 
 Ludolphus, de Saxonia 
 Luther (Martin) 
 Lydgate (John) 
 IMarlorat (Augustin) 
 Martialis (Marcus Valerius) 
 Martyr (Peter) — see Anglerius (P. M.) 
 Alassbook ( Victorine Canons of Bristol) 
 Mauburnus (Joannes) 
 Melanchthon (Philipp) 
 ]Mer des hystoires . . 
 Mesue (Johannes) — see Yuhanna Ibn Masawaih 
 Meteren (Emanuel van) 
 1 1, 66 
 50, 54, 55, 56 
 3S, 39 
 50, 52 
 32, 55 
 Minsheu (John) .. .. .. •• •• 5' 
 Mirabellius (D. N.)— 5fe Nannus Mirabellius .. .. 19 
 Mirandula (J. P.) — see Pico della Mirandola . . . . 40 
 Mornay (Philippe de) .. .- •• •• 39 
 Musculus (Wolfgang) . . . . . . • • 3°. 40, 45 
 Musso (Cornelio) . . . . . • . • • • 40 
 Nannus Mirabellius (Dominicus) .. .. •• '9 
 Nebrissensis (^^lius Antonius) . . " . • • • 3^ 
 Nettles (Stephen) . . . . . . . . • • 5 6 
 Nuremberg Chronicle — see Schedel (Hartmannus) . . • . &• 
 Oecolampadius (Joannes) . . . . • • • • ^o- 
 Origen . . . . . . . . • • • • ^^ 
 Orosius (Paulus) . . . . . . • • • • ^ 
 Oswald (Erasmus) . . . . . . ... • • ^8 
 Otto I., Bishop of Frisingeii . . . . . . • • '7 
 Ovidius Naso (Publius) . . . . . . •• 36, 37, 56 
 Panormitanus (Nicolaus) — sec Tudeschis (N. de) . . • . 5 
 Paynel (Thomas) . . , . . . • . • • 33 
 Pellicanus (Conradus) . . . . . . • • ^^ 
 Perionius (Joachimus) . . . . • . • • 3 1 
 Pescetti (Orlando) . . . . . . . . • • 45 
 Petrus, Coincstor . . . . . . • • • • 3 
 Philo, JudcBus . . . . . : . . • • 47 
 Piccolomini (Enea Silvio) — j^e Pius II. .. .. •• '° 
 Pico della Mirandola (Giovanni) . . • • • • 4° 
 Pineda (Joannes dej . . . . • . • • 4o 
 Vmsll^Pope .. .. .. .. •• '^ 
 'P\a.t\ndi Q&a.tt\sta.), Cremonese .. .. •• •• 12, 21 
 Plato . . . . . . . . . . . . 28, 29 
 Plinius Secundus (Caius) .. .. •■ •• '» 34 
 Plutarch . . . . . . . . • • 34 
 Polanus (Amandus) . . . . • . • • 44 
 Polybius, i/ie Historian . . . . • . • • '4 
 Porphyry, tlic Philosopher . . . . • . • • 3^ 
 Porta (G. B. della) of Naples . . . . . . • • 49 
 Promptorium parvulorum . . . . • • • • 9 
 Ptolemasus (Claudius) . . . . • • • • 20, 25 
 Quintilianus (Marcus Fabius) . . . . . . • • *4 
 Rainolds (John) 
 Reading (John) 
 Regulae Societatis Jesu 
 Reneccius (Jacobus) 
 Richerius (Ludovicus Ccelius), Rhodiginiis 
 47. 48 
 Sabellicus (M. A.) — see Coccius (M. A.) 
 Sabunde (Raymundus de) 
 Sallustius Crispus (Caius) 
 Salmeron (Alphonsusj 
 Saravia (Hadrianus) 
 Saxo Ferrato (Bartolus de) — see Bartolus 
 Scaliger (Joseph) . . 
 Scharpius (Joannes) 
 Schedel (Hartmannus) 
 Scotus, Doctor Subtilis — see Duns (Joannes) 
 Seneca (Lucius Annaeus) 
 Senensis (Sixtus^l 
 Shute (W.) 
 Soto (Domingo de) . . 
 Speed (John) 
 Sternhold (Thomas) 
 Stranguage (William) 
 Suarez (Franciscus). Granatensis 
 Suetonius Tranquillus (Caius) 
 Surius (Laurentiusj 
 Szegedinus (Stephanus) — see Kis (S.) 
 13, 17 
 29. 32 
 Tacitus (Caius Cornelius) . . 
 Tassoni (Alessandro) . . 
 Tertullianus (Quintus Septimus Florens) 
 Thomas Aquinas, Saint 
 Toletus (Franciscus), Cardinal . . 
 Trogus Pompeius . . 
 Tudeschis (Nicolaus de). Cardinal 
 Turrecremata (Joannes de), Cardinal 
 II, 35, 38, 49. 55 
 2, 4 
 Valla (Laurentius) . . 
 Vergilius (Polydorus) 
 Vignier (Nicolas), the Elder 
 Vincentius, Bcllovaccnsis 
 25, 28 
 W., R. . . 
 Warnefridus (Paulus), Diaconus 
 Wecker (Hanss Jacob) 
 Whitaker {Dr. William) 
 Yuhanna Ibn Masawaih 
 Zanchius (Hieronymus) 
 37, 44 
 places of Iprintino, printers, or Ipublisbers. 
 Alcala de Henares, Complutum ,- — 
 Amaldo Guillen de Brocar 
 Amsterdam, AmstelcEdamum : — 
 Loren90 Jacobi 
 Joan. Jansson 
 Antwerp, An vers, Antverpia: — 
 Baptista Bellagamba 
 Petrus Bellerus 
 John van Keerberghen 
 John Moretus 
 Martin Nutius ; Heirs of, and Joannes Meursius 
 Martin Nutius and brothers 
 Christopher Plantin . . 
 Jan Steels 
 [wtihoui name of prtnier] 
 Basel, Bale, Basilea: — 
 John Amerbach 
 Andreas Cratander , . 
 Eusebius and Nicolaus Episcopius 
 John Froben 
 Hieronymus Froben and John Herwagen 
 Hieronymus Froben, John Herwagen, and Nicolaus Episcopius 
 Hieronymus Froben and Nicolaus Episcopius 
 Henricpetri (Henry Petri) 
 Sebastian Henricpetri 
 John Herwagen 
 Michael Isengrin 
 Nicolaus Kessler 
 Ludovicus Konig 
 John Oporinus 
 Peter Perna 
 Conrad Waldkirch 
 Michael Wenssler 
 \without name of printer^ 
 »5, '7 
 • • 
 . . 
 39, 42, 43 
 . . 
 • • 
 54, 55. 56 
 35> 38, 
 39, 42, 43 
 . . 
 • • 
 • • 
 5, II 
 18, 19, 20 
 . , 
 lus Episcopius z\ 
 27, 29 
 25, 28, 33 
 . . 
 40, 43, 45 
 . , 
 • • 
 • • 
 • • 
 • . 
 . . 
 I, 3-4 
 12, 26, 32 
 , 35-6, 44 
 Burgos, Burgt, Bravum Burgi :■ 
 Martin of Vitoria 
 Cambridge, Cantabrigia : — 
 John Legate 
 Cologne, Koln, Colonia Agrippina: — 
 G. Calenius and J. Quentell 
 Bernard Gualther 
 Antonius Hierat and John Gymnicus 
 Antonius Hierat 
 50, 52 
 Godef. Hittorp 
 Arnoldus Kempensis . . 
 Melch. Novesianus 
 Peter Quentell 
 • 22 
 \jvithout 7107110 of prin(cr\ 
 Deventer, Davcnfria : — 
 Richard Paffroet, or Paffiroed 
 Douay, Diuxcum : — 
 Mark Wyon 
 [wifhouf name of printer] 
 Frankfort, FraJicofurtum ad Mcciium : — 
 Christian Egenolph, Heirs of 
 Johann and Sigismond Feyerabend 
 M. Lechler and S. Feyerabend . . 
 Andreas Wechel, Heirs of 
 John Wechel 
 Geneva, Aurclia Allobroguiii : — 
 Conrad Badius 
 Jacques Bourgeois 
 Peter and Jacob Chouet 
 Samuel Crispin 
 Stephanus Gamonetus 
 Franciscus Helvidus . . 
 Jean de Laon 
 Jean Le Preux. 
 Franciscus Nicolaus . . 
 Pierre de la Rovifere . . 
 Peter Sanctandreanus 
 Eustathius Vignon, Heirs of 
 28-9, 29 
 47, 52, 55 
 44, 47 
 46, 52 
 Geneva, Aiireha Allohrogum (continued) :— 
 John Vignon . . • • . • • • • •*^' ■+ 
 John Vignon, Peter and Jacob Chouet . . • • 5" 
 \%vithout name of printer\ . . • • • • 30, 43, 47 
 Granada, Granata: — ,^ 
 Melchior Rodriguez . . • • • • • • -^ 
 Hagenau, Hagcnoa:— ,g 
 Thomas Anshelm . . • • • • " * , 
 Petrus Brubacchius . . • • • • ■ * '^ 
 Ex Officina Seceriana • • • • • • ^ 
 Hague, The, La Haye :— 
 Hillebrans Jacobz 
 Hanau, Hanovia : — 
 Petrus Antonius . . • • • • " • ^ 
 W^chel, Marnius, and Aubrius . . ■ . • • '^- 
 Heidelberg, Heiddhcrga:— g 
 Petrus Aubertus . . • • • • ' • 
 Bibliopolio Commeliniano .. •• •• 7 
 Officina Sanctandreana .. •• •• •^^' •'' 
 Leyden, Lugdnnian Batavorum:— 
 Francis Raphelengius . . • • • • 3 , J / 
 London, Londinum : — 
 Bernard Alsop, for John Hodgets .. •• ^J^ 
 Robert Barker . . • • • • • • '^'*' ^^ 
 Thomas Berthelet .. •• •• •• .-, A 
 George Bishop and John Norton . . • • ^^' Z^ 
 John Browne . • ■ • • ' * '^ 
 John Day . . • • • • ' • ''J 
 Frederic Egmondt . . • • • • • • ^ 
 George Eld and William Stansby . . • • 4" 
 Richard Grafton . . - • • • • • '^ 
 Arnold Hatfield, for Bonham Norton . . • • 39 
 John Haviland . . ■ • • • • • ^ 
 William How, for Abraham Veale • • • • 33 
 Matthew Law . . • • • ■ • r, r^ 
 Bonham Norton and John Bill . . • • • • . 
 Julian Notary . . • • • • • • '^ 
 Petrus post Pascha . . • • • • ' • ^ 
 Richard Pynson . . • • • • ■ • ^ 
 London, Londii,?iin (continued) : — 
 Thomas Snodham, for Thomas Archer 
 William Stansby 
 Stationers' Company, The 
 Thomas VautroUier . . 
 Louvain, Lovanium : — 
 \jvitho2if name of print er\ 
 Luynes, Maille : — 
 Jean Moussat 
 Lyons, Lugdiumm : — 
 Claude Davost 
 Sebastian Gryphe or Gryphius 
 Jean Moylin, alias de Camljray . . 
 Jacob Roussin 
 J. Tornesius 
 45. 56 
 44-5, 54 
 II, 13 
 Mainz, Mayence, Mogtuifia : — 
 Belthasar Lippius 
 Hermannus RIeresius. . 
 Milan, Alcdiolanuni : — 
 Gio. Battista Bidelli . , 
 Montbeliard, Motts-Belligardus : — 
 Jacobus Foyllet 
 Nuremberg, Niirnbcrg : — 
 Anthony Koberger 
 Oppenheim, Oppoilicimiiiyn : — 
 Hieronymus Gallerius 
 Oxford, Oxonin, Oxonitun : — 
 Joseph Barnes . . 
 J. Lichfield and W. Turner 
 Paris, Parisii, r.7ifetia Parisiorutn : — 
 Ascensian Press 
 Thomas Brumen 
 Sebastien Chappelet . . 
 Gulielmus Chaudifere . . 
 Hieronymus Gormontius 
 Franciscus Gryphiu.s . . 
 Carol a Guillard 
 6, 9 
 12, 13, 14- I 
 , 16, 
 Paris, Partstt, Lutetia Parisiorum (continued) : — 
 Sebastien Nivelle 
 Jean Petit. . 
 Jacques du Puys 
 Jean Roigny 
 Jean Rover, and J. du Puys 
 Societas Bibliopolarum 
 Michel Sonnius 
 M. Sonnius, S. Cramoisy, and C. Morel 
 Henricus Stephanus . . 
 Robertus Stephanus . . 
 Rolin Theodore ... 
 Michel Vascosan 
 \withoiil name of frtnfer] 
 Parma : — 
 Andreas Portilia 
 Pesaro, Pisaurum : — 
 Hieronymus Concordias 
 12, 13, 14. 15. '6, 17, 19 
 14. 37 
 24, 27 
 22, 27 
 Rochelle, La Rupella : — 
 Hierosme Haultin 
 Salamanca, Salmantica : — 
 Joannes Baptista of Terranova 
 Joannes Moreno 
 Strassburg, Argentina: — 
 Georgius Andlanus 
 Martin Flach 
 Martin Flach and M. Schurer 
 John Griininger 
 Math. Schurer 
 \withotit name of printer~\ 
 Venice, Venezia, VencticB : — 
 Aldus Manutius and Andreas Torresanus 
 Francesco Bindoni and Mapheo Pasini 
 Gio\an. Maria Bonelli 
 Baldassare Constautini 
 Gabriel Giolito 
 Giunta Press 
 Hermann Liechtenstein 
 Roberto Megietti 
 40, 42 
 Venice, Venezia, Voidia: (continued) :- 
 Christophorus de Pensis 
 Philippus Pincius 
 Renaldus of Nijmegen 
 Johannes Rubeus, of Verceili and Franciscus Madiis 
 Gia. Sarzina 
 Octavianus Scotus, of Monza 
 Gualterus Scotus 
 Girolamus Scotus 
 Hieronymus Scotus, Heirs of . . 
 Simon of Lovere, for A. Torresanus 
 Societas Minima 
 Lucio Spineda 
 Bernardinus Stagninus, ot Trino in Monferrato 
 Bernardinus Stagninus 
 Felice Valgrisi 
 Vicenzo Vaugris 
 Bernardinus Vercellensis, tor A. Torresanus. . 
 Giordano Ziletti 
 \7vith0ut name of printer ] 
 Vicenza, Vicentia : — 
 P. P. Tozzi 
 8, 12, 14 
 4, 5-6 
 35' 38 
 10, II, 12 
 Vi/emderga : — 
 Johannes Crato 
 Johannes Gormannus 
 Zurich, Tigurtcm : — 
 Christopher Froscliover 
 22, 24, 26 
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