T53/ ■=•=11 J tTbe Znbov jfacsimile Tleyts 0f f onbau By R. W. 1590 Date of the only known Edition .... 1590 (B.M. C. 34. b. 31.) Reproduced in Facsimile, 191 2 Under the Supervision and Editorship of JOHN S. FARMER Wixxu funfe and Cliree Sadies w of I ami oil By R. W. 1590 Issued for Stibscribers by the Editor of THE TUDOR FACSIMILE TEXTS MCMXII .• • ♦.' •• • • '• « t » at ^anhaix By R. W. 1590 The B.M. copy, from which this facsimile is taken, is imperfect, lacking signature D 1 — 4v. These 8pp. have been supplied from the Bodleian copy, which, generally speaking, is not such a good example. There are other copies in the Bridgewater and Devonshire collections. " The Three Lords and Three Ladies of London " is practically a continuation of ^^ The Three Ladies of London'' (q.v.), also by R. W., who is usually identified with Robert Wilson the Elder, the author of other plays of the period (see " Dictionary of National Biography "j ; all have now been issued in this series. Mr. J. A. Herbert's report of this facsimile is that it is " reproduced with admirable fidelity." Of the woodcut on title- page he says, " a very good facsimile. The original is much faded and pale — a condition that hardly could be, if it should be, represented here'"' JOHN S. FARMER. '5 \}.- ' J' t cllIU Morall, of thethree Lo attd three Ladies of London, ,S CpmmicailyintJrUcca with much honcftM.rth,to, ■ uations ana other important mstwrs . oUuc Rcgird. byR. W. , • I, oir.p o,W Printed by R Jiiohes,at t • .' ."'.: The Aciors names. Follicic,"! fWft. 1 Pompc, f.ft|Ctli;tt2.0;t)i5 Of London. J Wealth. >-tMrpflg«l^ PkafurcJ ^ [\YlU J Nemo, 8si^aa0Oloman» Louc, "J Lucre, Ul}itt%$itUa ttLaadon^ Confcience,J Honeft iDduftric,"^ Furc2c«Ic, ^tfo& Images. Sinccntte^ J P"ci«« T fShame, V • Ambition, M!jjee3lo;Df0 Of SpaiHc,^ Treachery, H&efrpaaci;' Tiranny, J . [Terror, J Defifc, "] Delight, ! ^CjJldJ lo;te0«f Lineolnc* Dcuoti«M, J Sorrowe, a ^ajfer. Simplicity, a pcD3Ci?rienwmofLond(MV • ' Paincfull Pcnurie, }^ia tutfe. DHfigcncc, a l^cffc,o; an i^mc ?r» Fealtie, 7 , Sheaitie, ^^tooiperalOMatarmc^ Fraud, 1 Vfuric ° I Difsimulation, f'-^^««®«"«»^^ Simony^ J fal/hood, y Double dciiUngyC^P ^tot U1on0toFraiid anoDifsimuIatioiu jflrt^rt Enter for tlic Prcf-ire. a La H' very rrchlyattyrcj , rcprcfcntin^ ^' r^}' Di'n.hauin'T i\v> A ri2;cU before hci.«iid two after her With Li»ai«C Ivupiers u»i ilicii haudtj, London fp^ahcfj. L(lD.c!5rrtIr0,t!]U£5 tbeU-oztJ Doot!) London guarX 1^0 : a'! in Xtmt tlie Centoiif 19 to atcl) aiiD ^ac!), ^,ttnt tie fercp: t!)eC:tic b.ip nn^ imUt i:^lo\» ma- i«t U'CsmbauiebotorpunianiDfpigfjtp i^ ' toes 'iiinr?i!i?,tl)at London t?p;efcnt, f^WsbtclTm^ is notmv fe'e btncHU 3U England ts.auD ro^>crfi*u1 !)nt() bnip, ^ot bvi^aiisfii'rnstlj.liispolUacanDto^f, i3iitb[nn potocc ana pzcuL^riicr bnffrne* ' Cuf ti to2 1 If uiir \x3iirc^j?it^c5DD loucs our ^mtit ' 3n\r)!)0'u,iCrte'ocai,b^^^ijo;ii torcopoflVflfe ^,i,c scaccmo?: gcoD, iljan London can f ppitrflfe* 3Ilni) t;K;t batl) b:ft> our plrntp anti our peace, a-iD tDr*. Doo bin D tl^c fpoitf s [)on come rg fee, 3r;DiopUi3,ti)at Jifniopiiucrafp, £1^^ >tD:jnfricuirfstofreiou£lpUaDif8tl):cr; fiO OOftir-C:U02t;6tOtalliei3Londonsgl£r* t©l)ufc bee: 3 j! toiil) niai^ to ^ur irfeingframe, j|o^ London biOijj'outxjelcome to tljclame* ; Finis. t. I. ■« * • ■■/■^>i The pleafant and flacelie Morall of the three Lords of London. Enter the three Lordcs and tiicir pngcs : Firft^^olltf te with his page «F?!lltt before him, hearing n (liiclcltthc ymprczc, a tTo^tev^n the yfordfProiiidins ffcioin . Ncx: ]^on»pc,with his page 'CEL'Caltb bearing his fliicic!, tlic wovd^O'Icrie purs pf:re: the y>Tiprczc a Lil- lic, taft, a3'gflfinc,h:s page 13?! jl, hisyiuprczc/a JraiilfOll, the woord, Tt;.vr.'w/?;.-]3o'.,£turcd in blacke,^3mgC in nch roabc?, and pieaCuiC in collcurs. Fcllide, ^ . (To JjsUenaf DiiJt tutia rucr csi'c ocnic, 'p^ Etaf one cf fDofc f&joe Lciuicn Uao££:3 rare (Clone r-uins pccre) tlilitntMBtt"? cnc of tt'CHT, . (lUO;D, ifo; one mr,tf blefTf-.a London Lao^ bcft asjfanietli Pornpe(a London tto^ij) to tjanf* Plea. Plcafurc [jritjj fcar'fi nr. C-jntO |)(5 t::;p;c jc (^joty, ^*o/o3!ie alootfc on wct^lt I.i'.^:t^ all. Pit iifner conlo mu tinmw dc Dtfrcriu aSDamc of luoo^ttj, fo; LondonsPlcalUrcs loilf, .t5«f onc,«ni3 ttiz ncntl) It^uie ac filust S>a)ur. ^f fclfe b;eD foil?, of London is ijtt rare, ^o; totiom in (tallenac 3i mr fl)fclo atwaiince. Pol. £L&u0 entfe in ftoiic; of bitf U{5ilU'clle SnD in regaiODftiislcel Daring wiiio, *^ae|) ticre j>mp:ti5ee fljc cljallcn^e of l}i0 n'slif J 33tir 3l9;oiri5a faott^^ano i/j?t[;;cn b?eo ano Ctoo^nr; theftatclicMorallof tX^trntion mntiht laD sn tfiis conctiU Sn^ac all onr tijoag^te;? nfyitt not to one fieauerif ^0^ alt pur tl)i'p5 Do (atlefo; one feife tiauen^ 31 mi&n^ tijat all our ftttteis aiio ferutces ll^e teni^ anD tenderto ons ongl^ SDame, 011 cljooCing one^refuQng eb'otbcr ttoo. pom. a great iniaike amongOE Ms tijat mt'slit b;c«De, Pica. 31 fcehc tu( one anu tcr ijnto mp fclfe. F om. ^no one U)t(^ 3I (mxis partner of znp louci^* Vol 3!t C(anD£S toitb honour to be folc o} none. Pom, Mt)omfouefitt)onp]earure? Pica* ipearfef 1^8. Whlfpcrinhiiearc. Pom* ffi:u^,tclie» Wil. 3|f tn^ mstfifer teerea foulsi^rJb^t ^^o^Dtsiolobaue t^e0ab. Wit. ^l\t\ Wjl,tlil ^ou'il be n faucie ^cab, pom. Oacatjg Plcnfure^Pompe tiatb c&oftn Lucres Ions. plea. OQSby pompe?lI3ut plcafurc bono^S Lucre moS» pel. 3n5pollicie may iLaD\? Lucre gains S5efo;te pou botb : but let t0 not content, ifo; Nemo Dootf) tbe Ilaoietf p^ifonsrs fecepe? '^bougb tbey Voere aauntiereo late V^it^ flibtxtis SnD manage to tb^ee farrc bo^ne f o;rtner0* Si:ben firft it Uts toe pjsacttfe t\)tit releafe, iKno fee tbem,9no bp ftsbt our It^tns place, if 0^ pet toe loae a0 CoITtpd cell tbcir tales, 3iI3p bearfap;ifdme,not ifanour batb bs pet enSam'd^ pom> ILo;o pollicie tDttb ieafen batb DiCcuS plcafure confent^anD fo our tone t^all bolD. plc. ^e nencr founD tbat Londons ipieafure err'O Jfrom rcafon,o? from pompe anD poUicy. pol. Come on fir boi»,9ttenDpoutoel pour cbarge^ Toli«p»g«Wi?« mmait in tbts pla^e to toateb anD UiarD tbi0 Q}ielo» 31f ant) man tn bono; of bi0 loue* ^0 tiarbv be toitb Srobe of fbao^D to attatnt STbts ^telD,anD cballenge Mm tbatberebi^ cbalUnfletl;? ^at fo; tbp llo:D as (boulD a truS^ page, SCf^at poilicie Dotb Dare btm to perfourme 3 barDter taffte tban common challengeri^* Blfbe DemaunD ^JioX pollicy mac be» thct^fcc Lords byLondofli f 110)0 of London fap^one of tbe t^jee. pom, aniipoa((Srbop)fo^porapcperfo?mtJelttf| T«We»hV !$ S5c foell aontToe lie be no Degeers b^Af^ * f 00} bare Df cottrage, no; of bad conceict SLo matcb bimlieire l0itb Cncb tnflgntflcence, iRiS fit6 l^O^t) pompe of London fo} bt0 loai: Call ifbecomiebat can encounter tne, . . i^} moone me not fo? ecb enuiouj ftoau* pica. Willjbe not toanton no; of tDaitoarti mooo. To Will. m&itt ns 000 tbeft , tfe faicb anb btligence, I anb marbe bi? maiHer bcrcJe l!5i!5f ai u o^ a K^te. v^il, Wit.^ou fl^o'a^e )>oui: fclfc a d^cnii^isisn bp g^irmg fo rfg&f, St ©uj^aroitfjou SSuf^aiti, Wit ^Ij.ill- lie «i(*;e I'tiil Wit £D I>c qntJt fioo^ Wil: Wea, %lm siH'gWeft fee it 1») jsf no 15o?^2rc man bp f be bcis: wit. eia&at'0 tfjc reafon of tUis iranUon,? paaij t&a Will l^oto, v/il SEljcu ^ncMttiafaifnuUonfoarcsIjiMuOftou^eeloto, ^0 DOftsj plcafurc. Wit. Snt) to^at'iJ f(jc SMOjb? Wil. Pour temps, fO? time. Wit. a tjcric p^ctse t«;r,3I luculD it Sucre in riinn Wca. 3iinmcVVit,ts5i?i>fc? Wit, BscanfeitiDaittesrca'oa. Wil. Looke fo? lupaft VVit,if j;c rap out f«c& fcfafcm Wit. 5E:v2«f0n,to i»l)af,bo\)j Wil. S",o:n?maiSertfbiiD. Wit. ^oU^ WjI mg cl)om&c toagSjit teas but to bic U)o?!). Wil. Ei3apUQfant(l!^enftoattjtbifipoon6matt,Wit, y $mit maiQtt tjatlj fsnictbina Jo^J p?a^ f c lx)[)rtt'i3 !t» , VVitHocfee vvil,ar.i3gffrc. Wil. EisaSTGaQinaOfcI!. Wea. 3 bat) 30 l«ue i^'S b"t5 fat'D ,a ifrog hi a feulf .' V Vit.S^g'e not 8 great llSutf cifit,Wil,cana ti)oa fell? Wil. ^IjatwitinfabnclTc? VVitja Eojtersnii? bop,t2)|jofe l^cll fe fc tatfi,(baf aloflsJCH mt map go8 aucr ana not bjcahe if, anD folbc is fsfe toitbiK, ana luljcrg' foeucr C^eccjoeo, fij? bs.ugc it on Ijerbacfec, tsssbing mttijcr efbfr fafcoar 0; C^iltci* bat ^cc fljcil: t\)t tooojo unDeineaiij i)a: ie Proui<» dens fecurus, tijf p^ouiDcnt isfftfc, UhR to t|?e Eoatoi's > armeo fcjttb bis otune bcfeiife , anu aefenoeij ^it^ bf'ji olDnc amicur j tit Paa^e fatiicUJbattonnac, figuifping compaifctolicrem altoaicfJiie jwpbotj. J the three LordieJLcmdott; ^ Wd toitfill? fpobtn.note wealths maiC.fjatlj got a W>amttiiiitih{\lf, m vVca. If Will |;ao not bene toilfnlJ, noto Dc mi^tt beue faioc - iii^tt!p» iDtiofe 6lo;te t'd iDtt&ottt ccmpsrtron,anti beauty imtchkU?, foj Salomon ft^e mod fumpeueifs ^iuQ tbac east toaa , lua^ scae? ccmparable in sIo?te toftb tbc IL!U^,n«iti)er i0 t^ei an? cittics nia?£lj<» • able toitb tl)f pomp of London jtnilTaltB me no? gcoD boltf, tijst t?5Jfl porapc tenbetf to p;tiD0,veC London l^atfj jinougb»bat mi? ilo^D pomp toetb rtfil)fl^ vep^efcnt ti)c Hatetfe magnificence and fuinptuou? co ttacetutcbont p^tbe o;t taEueglo^te to London accomodate, and tfjcre- fi);e tbe tDoojo w tocW appUeu co tbc pmp;e|s (Gloiic fauns pcere) fo? fbat t^eHtUte <0 netcber p;oub of tbe beautte, no; bainslo^toc^ of ff;« pompe: j^o moje te London,but if icfae m^td of anp tW^\^At iu of tjje peace unb plentte,bot|) fiatctng from tteo fuel) fbnntatnga a0 bcc omstf not us to name» ^ofo t(}e:efo;e,ms goob boie0, l^nots t^nt ntt> £0&U Her t5 ta^w Magnificence tban pompc in bau fenfe,ano rat^ci; pomp tban Pi-ide in tbe be(t fenfc. V wiL sanb m^ 103b id not pleafure fpaong of ^olapf nonfnes, but of fucb [)ono;ab(e anb boned kinb conc6it,a0 beauen f bumanicte t9c( *b;oohc«anDa!lotDC0picafurep!eafingnotpccnifiea«. wit. ^axijotDOulD banc tfiousljttbatwilbAD bene pbilofopbouffj JBut tobat means m too?b pour temps in tht (biein, fo? f imc? wil. Wit,(^al 31 cal t^it foolcftbe be6^ picafure oral Ults bi\t a ttme^. |Fo;.of sU pieafures mod pleaHng to (igbt, ^?e tbinbs tijero ts none to tt)e i?auicons bis Htgiify ^ct btfeafes enb ttjtije b^earb of a totng, 0a^ ,tljc b?eacb of a fetber fpoilcs tbat ftiicct tbing: wit ^no fo m? mailicr batb t|ie br.nta^e Icil i^o; no, I pomp ano plcafore map be il» "- i Wil.s^ipnotpolljcybeba^? ! weal» Wit,tocl ouertcbcn bp Wil tbsf craft ie ilab. wic. aciafttc CoofctheCDaniJCi' gtucs bini btalCb, [- 35adpollici'$relDome fount) info Cb^^l^ian a rcmmon fioe^lt^, Ss London ts Bl trntt^tDbci'c m^ maiirer is a !lo;b» wil. anftoursfoto, • wea.&uti,Ut ts a«ojij,f« wit'd 3 gob tb^ngrTf t ma? be il epiilili I wit, itub fc ma? wealtli , l)c it impioicD in pjioe, ■i ^nb wil \})o;aoraIl,tuben it DirDaines&jQUiUe. ■ wil. jai3l4cHan;3pc0[jati)wit. ^ , f ■• , 3i5 3 wit.S5n0 j The (lately Morall of Wit.ianUfo(je|)at&Wil. Wea.iiBut be tiemt bat^ wealth : nolD re are hoti Hill Wit, ^60, l)c toeares a ctjaine. Wil. mtll fpobc, ano like a bearlDarD« Weajfpe be Non plus let tbe matter fall. Wil, witjGoOt tljOQ UtH^sns QOiu wealth atoa? toieb tU Wit. ilet'0 reafon no fttrtljer fo; toe (^al baue gUc^ ^ere tjs a cballenger to onr flE)telO!$>(tei) ide afioe. (^nttt simpiiciticin bwct binthtyliht a pooje Cit(f em Wil. l^elDtUeatecbemB|tbinbe,fo^begape0bcrietutDe, Wca. ^a^ notbing tobttn^auD ^e (bat Toe tt^e foolc goe b)?* Wil* ^tcra,gapenotfo]vtDefo^feareofaflie. Simp, if Ip, flam flurt:U)bp?Can a flte Doo butt? Wit. ^ca,bauc pe not beard tljat tbe flc batb ber fpleene 0ndtbe0nt bee gall? Sim. ^p (iHncle batb ^^ 31 tDecne.fo^ tt0 an angn'e olD fellote SOben bii( gall runs oaer : rbtlD;sn gooD Dap, C^bofe p;etif laO£( ars pou tb^ee; wit. 2Cb?ee,arc pe fure? Sim. «3f le not (toeare till 3I Wt colD peu:on0> ttDO« tb^ee. Wil. 3 belbjcto tbee. Sim, cpec bop,tul)i)?3l am belbjctott) alreaOp,fo^ 31'am marfeD. Wea. S^ben tbou batl a tDtfe? Sim. ^eaj tuoulD tbou battt ber,pompc, anD picafure, Sim. 3 p;jetie fpoSen Cljiloanoofap;jctstoit. Wil VVit'0bifinameinD«D|«rerc oK5ofbtiJ©oKatber0,r« liifitforigbt^ ^,. ^, Siiri- Jt the three LorclsofTondon^ > Sim. It ii moje f lien 31 bnoUJ,t()en i$ t|)i? mmt wit bo? ? j^oto el mine bonsfiie ioelcQme,fo; 31 iiatte tsanf eo t^e a great Wk. Wit, ?Hfl[elcome Cr, Ijoto fo t toftp fio pe cnf erfaine me lb binoic! 31 cannot Dtoell toitl) pon fo; 3| Oane a maiaer alreaD?. Sim. $^0 l^aae I too«baf die learnes me litle toit: m^ foife 31 mean ;!aQI]el, al tW ^Wt 3! O^anD Ijeere mp ioares are not ab^oat), ano fo 3| ma^ loofe botb m cnttomers ano marbet* VVea, JUk^artu fir^iAue pe tuare0?k)bat isartB Do re fell? Sim» S!:ruelpCbtlD,3l fel ]15allat)e0;roft, tDbole loares are tljefe tbat are t)p alnaoy? 31 patD rent fo; m? fianotngy ano otber folHi0 loaree dall be placeD afoje niine,tb\0e toatt on t})i9 inare , ano ret Doe are no cbapmen. Sim Cbatnnen,no tbat'0 true.fo; t^u are no m$n,nettber Cbapmen no; cbopmen,no; cbtpmen no; f^ipmen, but if re be cbapper0,cbop # per0 o; rbipper0 , re are b nc cbapbopes^ano cbapbores pe are Double^ VVil. S[>ouble^boU)t0it ? tE^eacbme tl;atanorouU)ilma&enie lausbalitle. Wca. ian6niealttle; VVit.QlnDmcalitle. Sim. Cbenrooc tb;ce title Ian6be0 ioill mabe one grent langb* Wit. SUrae,fo; if tb;ee feole0 ioere one foole, f bat ioere a great foole. HBut botD are tee doable cbapboie0? ?oinc to simplicity, Sim. ]i5ecaare pe bane ttoo d;ap0,an t)pper cbap am a netber cbap* wiU l^a,ba,ba' wit. I^a,ba,ba* wca. ^a)ba,b&* (imp. ^on fait) r^n tooolo laogb bnt a li(le,but ron laofil) s great teale,tDbr ooo pe laugb to macb? wil. ]l5ecanfe rour tott Isms to great in en^pounoing roar meaning fimj ffeefreu niar fa it i0 a gooD tbing to bane loit* wit. 3|tbatibepou0r* wca. Qnatobat far ron to wealth? /Im. wealth ;^riewealthi0 better^ wca^ BItbanfeeroafir. yt}l jSnoboU)farBetowil? M Sim. 31nDdb,gooS} isiill is a greaf ntaf tsr, Sim, Mti^ ? r^u arc mt in lone bo^if Sim. C^antieealasi pco;e r|}tlD,t^ou intU^iUhMt^ Motd muf{ 31 laKsU. wit. HBat ?ou latrglj 8 great tsJbtJcjanc i?ou Inugtj "cem !oa?, Sim. 'Ef)c« 3 oto po« nothing foj laugtimg,* ^ow twt me tte betfic v/ea, »c noU) Innglj not Uie. Sim. j]5ajt3ii nj»^.r MSii^nODlf.coSfilc : tod |i«rc5 l^'ffe paffiiiij fiwe fflt^jtf n mail tueic abJe to Uccp them n![:tct in? fee wealthjci) i^hc's a f ty«t laD:tl«u witjOb tijat'0 a fine !aO: WiljC'^ tf^iVa a p^etH^ toWil, wit,a«D wealth, ©00 Icr.D ijs 52a!iU. aU}Oui& ^ caalt miU i\icit inaittcrscff^DOflijcn'i.lf 3 &at« FramUjerc !l).u feriiets iia&p Lu- crc,f3c I'sauld teacft meilje Uiculo tenth nic to ?icc cnc of tli?m from t^ju m3its?L*;fe?5it!)ofrl)cmJiot3o,ifaman(^ou:Dftcalcoi!e? wil? ijiar, 5j( c?.rc Koe fe; wil outfep be be goot) wii : V Vit,a poetic cliilo/uiu a man can Kot Une by wit : wealth, tta marie Hr, 3f luouto 3J couUi liianDrangas oolefull?. Sim. WtfViVoa can not meiio i^,c«n i?e? Wit MW tpil ?oii (a^ on tljat?/?o; 3I m^ felfe Care lay dr groaftf to Hr ofyour batoc ^aUA0£5) t\)at ^cn ^oui; (elfc (^aU fao 3 fing bet* (crtfjan^ou. . Sim, mbut n &M3 bop 10 ([;($ to comparifon loitb a man,but bot; bop,51 toiU not lar fir l^allflocs to fip groate0, but 31 luill Up fir li5al * lace0toO]L'tcrl;esaCp«3urbuttockc0, ttiatpou (Ijatl not Ong (0 IdcU Wit. ETbat 3[ l!|all nof^jjio.poJriOFp pou lt)t! not !cf me fing. Sim. 3fnotlctpou?.?stbatfpoUcnliUe'wit? SJttafpoUcnlikear C2:iooDcocUCjbolD (s>M 3 ttap tljcc if tliou tuilt ting out f ()p tt^oat ? Wit. tadi f!)cn,to cur bargaine, fi? 5i3aUaDefi to Dp ftr ipeij , antt 1»[;o n)an Itcrpe iIaUc6 ? Sim. jjicitijer of tour ccmpanicns^fo; t[?at'0 a(&e mp feUoto if J feeafbafe. WJ. tCIill ponUerpc fbc (falifs pcur fclfc { Sim. llSeftofelljfo^ 3 mcsnCpI'umlvanoUiillpavif 3iIoofc,ber'* mv fir 3BallaUcs,t()ep bee reafty : ncla l^oU) (^all 3 come .bp pout fire tt«i;es bop i Wit. Dolunc luiC[j pour b^isc[)i£j,31e fcf clj a roo anls Ccliucr tticm firaigbf. Tim. /jjap fben 31 car? not if fboti Ucepc Cabcs. Wit, 3!5ou fpcaUfcslace anltar, bailing cbaK^nsctJ p^fb^mmenfea fim. Cben let's lap na biager but a«g fo; gooD fcUolulbip. ' Wjt. £lgre2i5,l\}t!oajaUbrginf fim. £) bop,U)bo i£ ilje elDcifll?ailt|)ouuot|)carDgiuc^lcunDcrfi ifotljpclDer^ Wit* ^ou mifiaUe tbe QC^^trutt me 3 am fare fi5 giac place, hut iieginluitbgooDgrare. Here fimp/ingsfirnijand Witaftcr^dialoguewife, both to mufickc jf yc vvill» Wit, ^otofir«5,U)ijif5finse0be2? ThcflatclicWorallof f Sim; ^vk%f%m eopefmatcB ^t\ not intigf :ft(ett^, bUe t«^ ^qb* lDt)ic|} of t5 0ng0 beHf (• oae of die ludicai^. l^DtD U)U r SQ ftl e!l.ant) wil ioa^ toitb bioi noto i tban,bcit foft* t&f tame is wealth,3 tbinb m earned be fsao litle acquaintcO tcitb tbf< JS) it \DiiS a fine felloto ao ere ID&0 bo;nr, f bere Uitll neuer come bi0 i^ke tobtle tbe eart^ can co;nr; ^ patnns fine Tsrlton 3 toonlo tboa ^aod liueo f et. Wea. f^e mi^}^t baue fome.but tbon i^olsctt fmal tDit« Sb^re js no tncb finenei) tn tbe picture tbat 3 fee. Hm. 9»otbonattnoCtnque^o^tman,tbooart nottoiffrefy , Ibe Snenea tuas tuttbin.fo; iDttboQtbe toaa platne, :aBQt it toas tbe merriett fellolu ano bab facb ie to in llo;f, tW it tbon batia feene btm^tbou tooaloS bane langb^^ tbi; btrt ro;f . i^Til j(&ecfti^f of Kb^ p;aife»to(fU'0t|ie p^ice of tbe F^cturr. fim. 3te the three Lbrds of LonJoiji« ISiti. ^ttllt\ietmflath(6mt^ttHrti1^otiMt birafctib?mt t5ou (baitpsp nott p^efarmttig.baDa not tboa better fcruea free mill of tf)eCi(i<> anfileamet triDe ts Ihic ano- tb^rtai?* t&atttobea fernms bot imbv i^satbanbto bflvi no oc# ramtvm sotiD wil,mp iotfc (^al loue t{)ee Cmi iSainD fince 3 can neitt^tt cct Wit no;{ wealth, %>tt m^ tDtfe baue l)sr w il, anD let me taue mv ^tn\t^* <$oti fo;gtoe me,3l tbtnfte Bl neuer name t}cr,but tt cotttureu l)er,!ool^ fDl)ereflje comeis, be mannerip boics t&at f^e fcnocke re not tutt^ ^a 0affe: beepe ^our oU)ne counreII,anD 3ie mahe re langb* ^tbat Doo rce lackctDbat lacbe re* l^tano aljDap tbefe bote? from mv tDateff, <©ct re from mp ft all.oj 3ile tojing ro» bp tbe cares. ILet mr cuftomer0 fs t^e Urates : ix^W lacU re U)bAi loonlo retians 6ouj3t)t. enter painfull Pcnm ic, att(rrt) Ufec a tjoatcrbea^ ring woman with ter Tankard. Pen* ^ou baue cuRcmcr^ tiiclD anD if ttier toerc oufibf* ^battibre tPitb tbcfe botes tcrc to ftUclj aU)av rour tuaief 5)on (l^obB all rour luj^rou'tl ne'er bauc moK r Are. WiK Content re gooD totfje,lDe ooo not fi!tcl),but feup. Pen. 3 meant not rou.roong mattter,(!DoD0 bUffjng on j>owr ftcavS ^cu bane bougbt inoecD fir 31 fce/o^ pour part. 315e tbffc tU)o roong Oentlemcn of rour ccmpam'e, 26ur CDentlemen.bur balUiDsf to mahe pour frienDS merrfe- wit.^oftanD long toittj rour burocn.mc tbinhs r^u fljulo be toearj Pen. EruedDcntlemen^butronmap lee poo;epamful penury 3(0 fatne to carrr tb^ee SEankerDsfo^ a pent2« 31But btifbano I far,come not borne to Dinncr»i(fi ember oart pou muft eate not^tns till niQ\)tMt fall anb p;ar. 31 fl^all loofe \nv D^augbt at Cont)uit,anD t|)erefo;e Bile atua)?. ^congCDeiitlcmen CDoo be iMitb rC' fira. SBife,mulI 3 not bine to oar?. Pen. ^ofirbpmrfar. ExitPcnurk. fim; 3f3imuffnotcaf,3lmeanctob?inhetbcmojc. mw t fpare in bjeao.tn ale 3le fet on t^e fUoje. J^ofe far re mr laii6?5lno boo Bjnot fpeafec toifelr? Wjt. cpe ttiinfe0 re boo,anD it'B pjetr^tbat fimplicity ^atl) gotten to bi^toifeplaine painfull Penury. - , , ' fim. ^ea,31t!janke(!DoDtbongbll^ebcpoojcanorcarfeacanlrf *' set 0)0 10 t)omels, careful mibcomelSf . v , ^ n • ' • One call 't the tlir^ Lords 6f £ondbm One cal within. witjWwUH a»tj wiiiCome fo soar toaW qnUhlti nrih ^»ftft;e ^ctstcljiosi^ liens am? One wihin. i^w,let tbem alon«» mu ifarjtocl spailltr (implicity* Exeuai, fim, if art SDcl goott ^,boic« ene jjaria^jKKe |)ar5«^,&ar(J!j» iP;ef? !aD5,ftwrfe 5* fl«« !><>*»? wil,wit, wealth, wit* tSSIliat'iei !{ie mtttx prntt^li 1)0 bacKe fo foDafhil?^ ifim, Bl to^Qot CO fifbr con l»t)it|i$r pour tSi^ft ilQ;$s of London bt courtiers oiCitUneM? wit. Citifens bo;itftano itmtkt» b;ot!fi^{ bp: Kfn t})i§ a\U if are^ fim. Ctet>fn8boane«nt)Coiirtier0 Mugbetp, 3 t^tnltg fa, fo^ fb^p (bat be hozm ir. London are balf^ Conrtiers before (bes Tee rbe '€owtyfo} fineflfeano manerltneire ob pa(rmg,ms maners atib mifbe- t^aiiiour is immtt balfe in balfe 6nre Bf gaue oner being a meal-man snb fame to otoeU :o»?bo;t{^ooe5: Ctme tearesontmilttones: SEime fea^ fon0 a pudDing Uieli^ano ^tme^b^tb mabe mee a Uk man, as free to beare tuater ano fell ]15allaoe9,a0 tbe beH of onr copulation: 31 tooalo bane tbougbt once mp bo;fe (bontbbane bene fr^ a0 foon az m^ felfi^y ant fooner too»fo; b?U)oulD bane (tombleo toitb a facbe of meale ano lifn along in tit cbanniU foitb it ttbcn bee bao Done, ano tbat fome (al0fraoome,bntif0 but a dartre fcAoomei but ^e map fee. baobo;^ (ts luere but tabe0 intbofe huitsvTBnt toft , bere come0 cuttomtrs: VSlbat lache ^e,tDbat is't ^e lacb,U)b9t lacbe ve^Come along and but? noting: fine )lBaUaDe0>neU)3ldaUa)e0>tobatfacfece? c enter Ncmoanlitbetl);t0eito?tie0. Ne. ^^ ILo;De0 come on,t»bat faU0 baue vqu to mc? ' Pol. Eenolmneo Nemo,tbt moll onelie one fiTbat D^alues no b;eatb bnt 0f tb'eter nal aire, ^batttnotDeHourrmtbefo^etDebounotofpeak, . ife; ebon art ti)e berjp D^acle of tbougbto: Cl^nbore t}crtuc0 000 enrompaffe tbee About, ^s t^'alre rurrounoes t\fis tmti\t giobeof c^rt^* C.3 nt9 ^ Thc{l.i!cIyMoraIlof ' isnte bftfl in potoer tsbaC cner ))(e«(e(^ tUh $no cans beSoto mnct) mo;e mn toe ma^ crtufs fOa ctice tDf fecki,to tb* on knte $\st fue, Ktat (boa tDtlt utiQnt from c()}aUom to ttkattf Stioft lonelr E>5me0,ttat London !l«ctc0 arc. Ne. fsabaft tbo(6 tM ctUuff long agce conbimn'i^ Loue,LucreXonrcicnce,U}etDer(rutng DC2tt|^p Sl^eing ro;tapt toitli all rontagton : S^^e tpotteo Laotfs cf ttiat fiafelp fotDtte . pom. LoucjLucre^Confcicnce lut of l[)A llfiltp lan^cb lea.flnO0oi|)tb;settberanUiCba(tDerebefe;e» ^ pica, ano DDip lojsvi 106 laaus iD«t ivcrv vriv^i Ne. 9^eaiieaa«aa(ai;.ceiieeDitoravnonio;e. pol; 3rii roken vint tot meane tol^at toe iMoa Ciio^ l.abrteonrQ)tel(ie0(f)ep;i$e0oroarIoae: , Co cbaUcnoe •lU):crtit tt)f Teire ttae oart &)enie tbo(e Haoictf to be oora btt<0bt» Nff. fCToo (bem Cloin ebcm , toin tbem i toear (t^to^ 3 (bal botb comfoit ano oifcoarase sop ms t»i^if SCbe cemfbifi tb^^^ofaUtboft (burner crteiei' CQbertosCb tbe tDO}lD tpaa iDom tbofe bamef to cfMirst 3bam tbcmcUrr'oanbmabetbcmtllait^ 'j 90 tbet toece bo;ne;tto blemUb left to (m^ ; Bottbe DiftoaraeeCgeBtle lLoib0}<0 tbit, ] Cbe time of tbeir tnonraiice iMitb bene Ions, laSberebftbctrrloat^aofcollaRbeurtoaftKaffr -< iire tt)o;ne to rage^ano tjint tl^m mncb bttgracr. Pom.ata0 0«bLabie09toa0 tbere none tbat foei^ iPo^tbeirreleaCMttfiK^teetok'ttobaiibf i Nc«pef ,blaer0 tb> fair Luae (ooobt relea&, ji 9nd Come to; Lone U)oolb table baofiiaibtbe 0^9 \i 35iittEUieConrdence(iUtDitbootrcgatb» . 3|n ^ojrotbea oangeetiyfi^binfl^ln? 1^ Wt: (SIttcb tbtwi 9 ftU) tbatfimie bto foe tb; Loue^ dno mod tb; Lacre,tioiie fb> Confcieocc: fl boiD 3 mabetUibici' nolo 3 tball pertborme^ StIfomefbonUi tine to bane rtlearefb^atU tr 3itb0'o 80 tbey tDere»tber tboulb rematoe tn t(;all: 15nt yon tbat crane tbeir firii&ome0 aU at ottrc l^ba! baoi conr faitstm U» tbetn bere era Ion0» 9 \H\t bJbile fonmnit bane psHmtu - dno leauf tb<0 p(a(e:0O tn mi^Xo^ea before; Pom.ilBecommetb ba to toaite an Nemo (tiff; . Ne. /^ot fo: bat lo^btnga » one conbition mo^t ymp^amife me»ntb t|)e| are in my poluer, C4 |(l^at , ThrjSajelyMonllof ' 3( (&aU oifpoCe t^em tubcn !t)e^ are relearo tiapon i^ou tt);ee,a8 31 (^all ttjtnbe it bcfl^. Pom. BDoe but comtnauno ant) toe (^all all fubfcrib^ Ne, S|)en 0oe toni; U)a]S0,fo^ 31 i)aue [jere so do, Exeunt ^ . Loia> Cntet; Sorrow. ^o:rotD D^atD neetc, to mo^rolo bjitng t()on foo;t{i LouCjLucre, Confcicncc,tl)ijom tjjon ball m tt)jaU, CHpon t^efe Hones to (ie,anD tabe ttie aire, ^UtretnoU)atCi)0;rpsalltOt)^tttiepDOO. Exeunt ambo; (2^nttcFraud,Vruric,DirsimuIation, Simony ailD Simplicity^ Frau. I^ou) bappte map tue catl ttnd merte Dap mp mates, Htbcremloemeet^ tbatoncetDereoefperate,31 tbtnUe.euer to^aue feenc one another, U)benNeniott)attp;tgl)t BfuDgebao b^ imptito* tiing onr ^tdrcCTes^banifl^eD bs(bt fetting Cncb btliget toatcb fo; ^s) outofLondon,an^almolioutoftbetDo;Io. Butltue toe pet f 9nD areU)einet?anDneereearolofeat?vruryt0tttbou i Hetmefeejo; ^arb Tome otber ffolne t^ Uw ^piokeQ tbou man? Vfu. ipo Fraud,tb0ugl) man^ Ijaue countetfeiteD botb t^cc t me, t(ile are our felues pet, ano no cbanglmgs 31 fee: ^no iDbp (^oulof! tbou af&e me man tf Bl Itue: SLbe 0Up 0ire can not fceo on barber fojrage tljan vfurie, ^b^ ^pon tl)tHtle0,aRrj tpon a b;oU3ne ctuS of a monetb olb. fimp. ^0 tbat Vfury anoan aife are ttoobf tbe piottabhft beaHf tbat a man can keepe,petfb'onebatb (harper teetb tban tbfotber. Frau.^lButtDbatmeanefrBirsimulatidnfi^ebjoopes me tbtnk?, m^nt cbeeremam mbpcoufen,froItck am^arttbou not slab of ti)i5 ■ tneettngf ^bat's tl^e caafe oftbp melancboip? Dif, j^Qt melancboUbe^ V bntmnGngboto It corner to paflTe tbat toe are tbu0 fo^tiUiate to m&t as toe boo. fimo. Bile tell tljeetDiip toemet,becattreiDearenomQnnta{ne0/: (imp. XBut pe are as tU,fo; pe are mongers. fimo, 9nD men map mcetetboasbniountamef cannot. Frau, Bin token tbat tbis meeftiig t0 topfull to Ma all» Slet t)0 embrace altogetber iortl) bart5 top ano affection, ilrap. 3ireemanpoftt)ereolop3ou((be0 t'^odue trne, tt^merrii toljenfenatiecweet: ^ ^ Frau'^OtO S Actfercc Lords of Londoii Sim. 3f a man ^aD a cafKns nef.fie mi&%t mti all im Frau. art IWtfbin Simplicity; ,^ ^ . . Simp. dDffiBtnan Simp.ro? Jf am warteD.f it Itki estir maidtttbip, SIno ^ou are mad. Fraud to, a poroni^oui: tDo;n)tp. 3 fd,a fo); aBB a falfe bnane bane all one lucb.tlie better fo; bannfng, anoman^ofvoncraWigfenaae^ Uue merit jer ttiantoe feoniU mem Frau. 5^irra,b;ioleBOur fongae if uoii'ilbe toeUom to our tempanij 4|^ogtroe0no;oiogruO0e8,baf constatulate tt)i« mdeting, ant) ar0,irtou fap it.Ut'i tel D^io toe frani Uneo ancc cor p^rf^ns^ flmp.^ it t0 great pttv* Vfu. «8l|)at; to (eil tioui tue bAne liueD: fimp.i^o,tbat ce oo Itue. Frau.|^itag8ineOtra.Vfury,aifo;f]^& (ftoere foUt? fo afte, fb^ tbou lioftt but tc9 tuel^bat Dirsimulation ano Hmony, i^oto baue iqh tU)o UaeDJDircontfe 3 p;af ceo bartil?. fimp. ^aitb eucn Itfci ttoo mice in an amberfe tbat eat t)p all tbe tnto t\)t councrie toenc 3i,amons(t m^ olDe frientief auD iteuet better loueb tban among tbe ruffet coatc0 : once in a monetO 31 fiote in otbe market oap to Leaden^hall ano abont , ano fometime to VVeftminacr ball i^otD bearing fome fpcacb^tbat tije liabiei t^onlD bi (ucb fo;»fc; 31 ame come inbope ofmp olo iufercaiment, fuppoQng m^relfenotftnotDeNDfman?, ano boping tbe tb;ie iLo;»0 U)tlp;e« oaile in tbeir ruit>anD 3 to ferueone oftbem. ^rap. I^etball t)oo toell tbat gtnef tbee a coat,bnt be l^onlb 10 Uu ter.tbatcoQlotaiteoftbv fUinne. iimo. Snb 3 baue bene a traaeilerab;oao tnotber realmf , fo; bere 3amfocrieDontagainft bpp?eacber0(anb pet tome mtmtterstbat be none,conto be content to Dfe me ) tbat 3 Isas glao to be gone notoe inromeotberl8nDe83anbnotbetiefaror, 3 am (ecretlp fodereo. fao ning in Scotland,anb tbe loin Countriei ,tbep are refourmeb.tber can not abtbe me. QCIel nolD anDtben bicbec 3 came (teaUng oner fea^ano Naring a$ toa bere inteno ae con doo, ^ > ftno ThcftatclieWorallof Fran*S(nDfo^ mineotune parMmotioS arttSnri m&moiigft « Ufo bao confcienced 3llaix)i?er0,3l tiane foano (acd enterfatRment i an ^ooftj paCfc-get tDoal!>'3j tutt^ Luctc fainc be as 3» isa»» (imp. Fraud ts ac tU as; acttt'purrc5bT ttcntfUc. Vfiu 0nD fo; Vfury, t&c lojisei: 3 Iiue,!be grcafcr lone 3 SnD jpef IcoiilD 3 be U)(tt{ Lucre,agftin to picafem? mtiiJj. Frau.?^p3asa)^feUoU>f©,cneofo«r arqiiaimance, tct?? |ia(! gJjOUliueD Simplicity? fimp. fpo;5 lionskir Jt'cn all tf;c vt^ oUtf rcmpanp r fo; fejcn 3I fusgljt b$$ no So«2cr,ns bf g^tug toas but bad.fo;^ vca ccfcu'o me oiire of an 8lm«33 fel ta fRnlistb bu»iitnn>5 fo gof a imfc of (fe fauie fdc wf c, painfat pcnury,tljcn got 3 rag fre!t3cm,3nb f«nng mp fboulDer ctolo luearticf rgetd»!iarU)fett)pnrunriiT trnt^s co fcl Mls^itj, f rau» ^aufi tjjau a Rotli to f;t t3[3 iLMtfjaU Simp.MSifeiiiougl»^ofclh?ou,3,f ^on3Cf'f?m^ flnl, but bct»aii3 31 loofe noffjinjijfo^ if | Do,3l8 lap it ftrfiJs&t to foms of goK,fsi; 3 fa!?j none fo ijfee tbetms 3 p^amifc r«a.fif'f^ 3 ^^t fcp. Frau. |De are n toifciman tojif n your nofe is in t^e c«p,bn( foft tojjc comes tcre ? l!f p tece clofe aflDB.foj tbcfs be ttstlmt lazier, fo; «4i)? life b;ougbt cut of pjifoii be ttjeir Miitr^kt h& bz tutiS anD toe t^all Icaw ant» ifie ati, ^irra ton nso^ fav not [jtng» Cntei* Sorrow nnDtfiC i'tefc 'ilaDic0;tje kte t\)m on three (loncs on the (iage, iimp.not ft! rc fpeak fo,2 3) am aih-iit) of bmt t(?3t's feftb l! U^omcm Con. ^ Sorrow iD^jcnf biben forrow U)t!t ri)0« CCafS ♦S^o bloto ttc fp.iilu tbat btirKf s m? f roubleD fouU? jeco fti:De tb« i»o;tm'j t!j3? S^sagg m? faintsti? bacntT, i^Lto l^arp t'oc ftccle t|)af goarc3 mu Vitcng bJartf ^B tbcuaO?e6 arc (^ojirc^^m-p (carc0 ^ot D^o^'AQf tca&, 3 plainc, J pitted Di^;i'et ncticr bcad. 3if.l»03l0 Ujo«ID 2nD,tiJi? focc t^outo bnt bf gi'ji, ?L0f,t^i6 tbc cafccf 'Confcicrice fc^ ^ct fin;"' 0nD 011 tjjt fooD li)licrc\rit^ m^ Ujo?nie tvn« fe5, ^i;at iifiiisfl »?e now to D(?acb»V?t ncacr Denu. Loue, l^ct ncaer l5ea&,a»o tl^t Louc oocti? not liae?' Louc (bat^fo lotre in life ber fdlie lent, JfoUl? tbe fooD tDbcrcon ber fratltte fcD, ^ratl(» tde mWU ([^at^turc^ b;caC Dio gtufy die three Ldr^s of Londoifl; "^ tKn[o;nK,llin8,t[)o?mf ,f(rs ino mimiH to tii mktti tU^ but a f;carbianD foilk bot n flotoe r> ifrailtte tlaicMQ t^c fooDr,ttrat fdncie (co;tie#, ILone s ftuat bctf fo coner fcOV^ folDen ifleti) b;rt{ic5 r^c fill tOnt kindles tuO ftitl t\)0]m8f llu(!,fir?,&ntt,fcoms>Ctu!l,ClotDcr,anD feeble b:earti E^ie^qu^ncb^tseCi'inEtflJajfdQc^ano prrlD to OCAtbt i tS:oDgAtlj? id) gosD,tf Deatb mtgbt Hntfl^ flU, Wc m c&tti oa.PjflnD ret fo^ neaii) tee cqI. Lucre. ^02 Pen«b toe call, pet Deatb Iff ttil m (Tcfjf, Lucre octb fcalD in o;topff of melting golDy 3rcu(i[ng UuCcelxt on etenial nilg.|)t» CSaberc QameB ronfttmf ,at>o ^tt tue fr^^e U)tf|) (olo: ^ojrotii fiotjcs fealpUui t»"to if'^rtea beat, iSno cbopc t^eut vrs,b>hcretbattcrtngracb Dobetf, "ibut fuIp^ur,rnoU)(Qaiiie , froQ no; [itDcouB aUng Cc\ucaute tbem Bie,t!)at ener axe in oping» ^ojt make tbe psme otmtntd) o> tncrcnfef j (borrow IB flflcbr.^no vet tstl neucr ccafe* Sor. ^Oben Sorrow ceafeibi^bame dial (bfn begdTj I CSlitb tljcfie tbat bsaUolD fmceleOfc in tbeir fin: 1 J5nt LaOiCD 31 bens b;alpen roa frommB ^cn, til open airs to mittigate fome mone. Confciciicc^nt colune tipon tbat flucatingffone, QnD let tbat jf Iint(louc;fcru& ibce fs; a toe, 9nD llaotc LuciCjOn tftat Cone rcQ tou, 9nbilabicn tbu^ 3 Icaue von fine alone, ^curnf re^bat moanft not,3! fijal abfentbw ftt aooD It lueie fonifJmic to tbinUc on mc. ^^h , Con. Comfg^t it 10 fd ibln&c on §Joji05t5 paff, Louc^OitoU) rcmaincs Xu!}(?n iov is but a blatt* Luc. iabiaaoftoiaDisuiojlotsfelintie. Con. 9 felafftng li)\«5 anD full of miff tie. Louc.^D Con(acncc,t&oa b^^ft moStojmcnfcZ! tttf . , Lnc ^tbafbtb?U)Ci2mial)ConraciKe,aonct®OffPr Con. S5at mo?e niv felfc m^- tOougbtea tojoieotfeO Ijaae ClWnbotlJ of sea in forrovves CoUen cauc, ^ a ;^i;o»l ■i ThcflatcIicWoralloJ (eat t)Riaa$,tDef }an6 fcalding Wc f^n tt\$ tntti Gone l^atb fcaroto mg alTignDe, Loue. ano on m^ Test mp Celfc B frozen fin». ^0 flint mo3e ^aroe,no $cs tnbie colt> tttcn tbtf * Lucre. ) t&mh m y fsat foms mineral Gone to be» 31 tnia frsm i2,it t^alses lieat from me. EaDiff content , ana lue cur Tr ah teiK tic tD. Con. E>are Uie fa:: t^anie eur ffainct; faced C^eto, Loue. spptonbiefdceisQnsIegroteenasaiue. Lucre. ^^ fpot0 ate gone,mv ^^^ ^<^ fmoot^ aniplato. Con^ SDofl^ tpt tuxvMnlSB ano greet t^iif alaDfom \i%^U tPbe ctjafsr of glonte fo;rot»e;2 tjeaute migt)t* Loue. ^aile cheerful airf and cleareS cyjidal fkit. Lucrcl^atle (fining funne and fairttt Srmamenf, Comfort tc tjjofe ttiat ttaie in Idoc baue fpenf . Con. tiSiponmptDecpineSoneta fetvemf^Ce inM^eis Loue. flnc on tW jflint in leaD if Charity. (letterf i Lucre.3(n goloen letters en mi? Sane if Care* Con.Sbtn Lucre fitf Upm tte ((one of care. Lucre, 9no Confcience oit t^e garble of remo^ff, Loue. Loue on t|ie flint of frozen Cbaritie» S^aoief aUf^tobat f attereo fouUf are tDc> Con. |S»o;rttiionrf}eartf»f time our cIoatbfbatlitf;ti Lucre.Cbcn 0t loe fiotsn libc fillp Coulef fo;lo;ni| ^no tioe our faces tbat Uie be not knotoen> Mti} ^o^rotoef plagaee fo^menteo me no mo;rf sr^an toil t^eir fitbt tbat kneto me l^erefofne. Loue. tben toil t|;eir Cgbt tbat ttniUi U beretofoji K^^atD rntb and belp frsm tfitm fo; oar reliefe: Con. jjpoj oar reliefe^fo; Confcience anD foj Lone, iPo bclp,fmal rntb tbat oar otttrf (Te mav mioac*. Louc,^ Confcience tbou tuonlDtt leaO mt tQ oirpairf> l^^t tbat 3 fee tH toa^ to bope if fAtre^ !^nif i^ope to beauf n otrert$ a reaoie luaif* Bn?i lieauen to be!p if p;^e0,t9 tbem tl^at pja?; L.Kie,9D^at p?a^ toitb fattMno t»iib tnfain'o rimo;f( J'o; true biUefaano tearef make p^iiec of to^ce ; Con;SCl>«ttie«eourfiIae|P,atHfilimlertj««!4f,^ # ttd Ijetucnfi ^all pls^t^c ^^ ^l»itt) liffyluttii at % bane, to be tl)t (itruant a0 91 toaa befiB?e» to get tb^ cloatbei ,9nb tobat tbon toanteff elf. Lucre. i^oFraud,faretocII,3I muff be tionne no mo;f| (0 keepe fncb feroantis ao 3( kept before, i Simo.'^tuAt HaD^ Lucrc.inet|)on mateS accept^ Lucre, ^ots art i})Qtt ((Am 2 Si mo* Simon* Lucre. H? i^o,0r>Conrciencefaitlr* Con; ^0 Lucre,notD beliDare,fal(e net tdc fait|r» ;f 01 Simoni'is fobiefttoperpetnaUcorfei Dif. 30 pon tfoo bane fpeoj toonlb beCre to fp^b no too;Ii|^ Frau. 9ake von a rnit,poa tnai? cbance to fpAo better: 'Di(. i^ot 3M of at, mc tongne i9 bed knotoen, sent if 31 fpeaktit (bal bi tober tbat toag once miiicotDtll( Htke iDbat tbon tDilf^anb tbon t^alt tianc of mif <)f me tiiat io]^o}i in t|)c libntie, ^3 i ^i^ f I The ftatcly Morall of ^Mn tii fbt^ Hfe cnt It^H tut tomfoitt me. Loue. ^ pU in t^unnK^fetpent in tbe grafirj ^ bifolo foancatne of ttoo bitter dntitxm, pirsimuUtion fed tottf) tEltpets fie(¥)y C^lsofe tDo;i}ts are oj^le^iDboTe Oi^Dci t^e tatteti of oeaifis ^t? tangue 3! b}ioto»t&at tongue tt>at me brgiitrD^ SL Ov Celfc a aDeutl,maDcll me « t^onfier Dtld. jFrom tba lusU tmoU)ne-,U3e(l ma? 3 bU£e m^ felfr^ ^ii^re boac^t rrjKntancp biti me (^un iOf fnarc. Con. siDbappte Louc4f nolo tbon canbctDsre. fimp ^aricbut hcarepe motIcp#btaro, J tbinfe fftfsbltnsn^b htiy px^i^ beJJSt'tocncb fpt^be to T?e,(l&e bnoU)e0 vs t^ongb nir f« i-t not, Ijarfeg i?e,pDa toomcn^if pou'ii go to tbt ale&Duff, 3jtc btSfito tiiio pofa on i?e,ano Isuc'tl get a yaire of CarDeir atiD fome comp inr^iio totniie ttucntv pot9 mo;f ,fo3 pon plav t^t bilt at a gams (oU'O fmeUtng cf 1^0 foorc hnat{c0 tbat tncr 31 TnU^. V(u. iJ=ourc? foft.-pct tber ^mt net fmelt tb«r, S«np, i^o,3i am one mo?e tijan 10 in tbe Decb,bnt ron*<' fc?? fntclu a$ la)iic as pe begin to tpeake>3U fee tubattbsp'il fa? to me. t)ct f on luomi n. iDiuco , \uiDC0u>e5 > mitoef . mens baus^ter f(, CDbat f^^ll 3 cal ^c^tbcfsfour feUatDCii(bart{ ipe,n)al i^ cnl prccafti' hnaactf) maUc me biiteue tS;At ^oa are tbe t^ia ct^st U^pre tije l{;;te fatre fu\ Jjif5ofLonc!on» Con.C'ifuIc Simplicity too nre bnftappp ffcep. Sim ji^oio I'f baD fclloU«c0,tuiifb of j'e beb fucb a feo;5 aa gentle dmi Vfu. iSiibftlicujfo fceiUfcall? 3fciereab;mgmcpiiVenejil6 pt'iub pee ffa rJmt \ro;o. fi.n, 5 frp ton uu rric C^. 3[n!urie,Q9. vfuric 35 meant not ijcn, Ffcu 3[;f fou mcane bo ,U)c map be enen toitb pee to. Simp, Ca*,^ fenctu pou an £i)ftler,««D a tteefc befioe, ^cn l» 'MC rnb'b m? boifcbalsfrnoto foj a! pciir p:brd) 15 fljc.pe !©l>eeli fo lihe ^^com? tuenelj^^, i \jdhs once Ijer fcf ;u1c llcfier*^ bs al^.imer» ofJjcr ffeotigbi? be ririj.f J ttfc t'C p'CJc, pst t f'lc (f}t;e^d^s5!u^e nif ianic,o? be tij.if batb bin mp maiOrcr tonic in platz.^'c fp nU fa ?li' Cure, 5»e bo mj? DUf?, U)l)!cJj lij jL.»5g Conk? Con Ciwi 5 a':i f^C Siniplicity. the three Lords of London.' •C.i 31 fojitf abegsfwj ^^oi" ro" ^t^ ft« ^^^^ts fnapf mc Dp^Motu 31 am free ) ii!ia \itcpz a ftall of X3alIaOc«,3l may bar anu WI « 3 tooulo von tjao an goDJ) a0o^s)n noiiJ as 3I rarrwD o«« of vour^ to patnn to Vfury {{ccr^ ' Con. dDramercp goD Simptoilc tbon be b^itf) mc ncto? firap. jjlo 3 ttJanft ?o« tjartil?, ^H beg no ino2e,3 can net be faitft ys c|;C!!gi? 3 toculD to; ^ ann matk^ to j)«inful penury:! tsbc ncto iuv> pjona Qately maifferg,^ may tf 3 lull,! jou luoulD if j'c mijgijt. f rau. jjlo,not Dtoelt» .. m ThcSatcByMorallef' ' Jinttfole 6t(!«u S^aintie of tbt tDo;lfi, "" tbi? ^atTall t}ere,8 tserfuk in t|)^ nsoe ®at)ons tt)ou bf ikenf e of t^g latu rnaiS tfe, tfinoers |jtmrslfe,ano all t)t0 fer«tc«0 to t)oe t|}^ U)tll m Dnttte 88 Co foje, )5nt Vfury nolQ 3 map not oi ale \»it\) ttte» Vfu. tie ItatD allotoea me 0aoam» in fomero^f. Con. liSat (!Doo an) 31 tooulo \fmt tt)v bodtidef cut 4c^ Vfu, ifo; cou H cecbe not,but tfdDoo me t)«te»i iBb}> t)ootbt()e 2.ato allotD me in foqie racef Con, Vfury flandetfi botli ilaio anb 0«te» ttie HatD aHotoes not tbongli it toUeratey lauD tbou art fare be fliint ont at ^eanen 0af e» Vfu, l^on toere ener nice,no mattec tobat von p^afit Simp, SLl;en it tDtll be foifb Um as it if at a jgreat mani Imtle it? tinner time: be tbat bnotkes toi^en tbe boo;e i$ tl^txt (omef too Utey Lucre. CQilell VAirieyFraucI^anb Simony Difsimulation (jeaclien t)nto me, ^S tongue(altboa9b in memo;ie it be greine) Cannot Declare lobat t)o;ro;8 3 fiauf feenc, 0z can it enter into mo;tali earef tbe grones^tlje to;f ares anb t^e paims, tbaC anp fonle fo; eacb of i?on faSaines. ^0 pen can U);itetbotD Confcicncc Iratb me fcourgi, Wi^en taitti ^out faalts mt? fonle Q^e ener t)rs'o: Sltitiimeticbe boot^ faile to namberaK, tbe pUgaeff of forrow in tbt SDen of tb^all: tbcn tempt me nof^no; trouble me no mo^r, 3 mnit not tfe ^oa as J oto befo;e, 3Ifpon be found tottdin faire Londons gate, l^ou mutt to p;tron^t»t)ence U?e cami of (ati. w^^rm^^w^Uti «•■« mmim tfjc Afce Lords of Londoii; Conference Ml acfufiw if l?cl«!'nffgf)f. t? Jctiv;, %^nt kutnit Conkicnce m^iiBUS all tUffigbU : €ntecNcmo, DiC |^0t!der come fome.toe mutt take ottr fligbf • ^^c°"< ^^'^'^ Sioip. 'i5^rD(0 of « ?8t|iir tQil fife togetticr«btit^iif»en f b^v be toktn ^b$n ate tbep b«ben,§onDir corner a ccSomer.Jlf to mij Salt: LGue^Lucre^tna Conftience, bUnbntfin htttH tocoo all« Ne« Confcience, Loue,Lucre,)l.(lOif At tDbat ^^9# $ot» I® pe lifte (be ft afe0 ]?oa fit bpeit* Con. S> pare bnfpof feb Nemo fole paragoiff ^f Loue,Qf Confcience ano perfection, %f^t 9^arble ofHemojft 31 fit t)pon !^tDeat0 fcalDtng D;op0,Ulbe bitter b^iaiX^ fearer. • Ne, ^0 (boalD remojfe loben Confcience fali lergilf ^ IBnt gentle LouebolofoUfitbontbl? flint f 1 Loue.]S) (b^rp ano colD,3l fi:*$e unto mr (eat» Cbe ^linc belb0 fire,anb tet 31 fsU ne beat» !B8t am benumb'o ano frozen euerte toint. Nci £> Loue>fo colo iB cbarttie in ttiele time«: LucrCjbOtDfitl^OU? * Lu. %on a bean? fione,no( balfe fo co!D,not balfe fo iiot ai t^irir^ S5ut of feme fecreteipotocr.fo) 3 bo finb ano fenfibljs 3l.fdele« SCbat 3 from xt erbale an eacCbl? colo, Slno (t from ml oootl) o;ai]) a bmbl; beat Ne. j^acb fo;(e batlj Care of Lucre (n it felf, SCo(0letbebeartanDo;ato tbebital fpirit0» i9nD fucb tbe erne conottion of pon tb;&: ^tmoitt of ConfciencetCbatitie of Loue, Slnb Care of Lucrcfncb i?ont tifes bet SBnt UabUs noU) igoat (o;rotD \ws afioe, « if rolick faame0,an DnejEpccteb gooD 30 imminent tb^ongb me bnto pou all: Sb^& 1.0200 tbere be «ont natine conntrfmeir, 3n London b^b,a0 pon ?onr lelne0 bane bene* taSbicb jonet^on fo; bono;flblc tuinerf, ^nD p^ffentle toil come to mte^tmf e SBe ThcftaidicMorallol IBe nof abaf^ca at vem bnf? atf ire, 3 tHiM p^outoe ^DH frtenD5 to Drtlie tott aU. 3? 3 comni«oiiD,(lanU ftp,cls C( pen M. Ente!* the 3.Lorliftt)pf|)Ct}etIf^ ■ Pol* €)rbeaiitieer(elUnt». I Pora.SPf rare perfection. Plea. ^Ddntie fare* Ne, t^ntnafke Loue. Pol. ^tOdcte loue iuDdD« ^ pom. a loiielj fare. \ Plea, a gallant grace. Ne< Gonfcicnce^tnconet*. • pol. ]i5eantiet)iuine*. Poraafaceangdicalt. Plea, ^fueet creature of tbc too^I^ Ne. Cnoogb foa 0Rce,]Ladie8(it bofmie aga^ne: IHb canning cbapmeu Dd bp carious toarcSi <» the AuJteaftt (4nbicb feioome (botven bo moS tnflanie tbe minO». ^0 moG 3 D jele,being baintie of tbtfe S)amef», ^bo fet&ome fan t^al befi atlort t^tt ILoabs; a tDbile mt )io)D0)il leane ron toit^ tbefc tb;erf Conuerfe,conff r on geb conbitions, 3 iDiU rigbt foene tetnrne toitb fatb geobticienbf ^ $0 it cptKcmcf tP (loAlb t&eHi oaintie owi Acdiree Lorcb of Ldodoii^J iinoi» tt)efo it pteafo co»» GSinei^ to ))ftb)er,L80bf OtOur mobettie infoicf » Kemo (sn tel rte ktttttB of cat tbougl^tef / Nemo tbat Uwrnens minba can ronSant fcftpe^ t^cibalfo;D0poaan(tDeceQOoDw? Heroes. , . «. 3 fpeab ftn al,tbon5b il beteming me. Enter Falfliod 8c donb.dcaling pol. ^oo rprah bat toel:^? iu^^es dep tre afioe So note tbefe r(Uottief,tDbat tbe? Bo intend. Pom. Nemo can tel,fo} be botb foUoto tfitnL Enter NcmcM Faini.i,aDiea to poa.to tome of ?on,tDe come* ptnt from facb frienors as mocb affect pour gooo, G8lit|) garmentr9>anb toitb romptementtf of cott i9cco;oam ioelt to oamea of foci) degree: 31 come to Lucre. D.Dea. Bi to loue am (ent luitb no telKe cotttben (oalb be got to; cool l^bicb Mb mti meCTage 3 bctiuer toonlo, CoQlD I btfcetne tobicb oftbere H>amf0 toetr tbtt, Loue. iprien^, i am Loue,tDl7at b^tngctt tboa tbeti to mef Con. f )i5elt>arr gooo Loue,from Inborn ano inbac tt^ takctt ' Ne. ^otrbifpcringfrtcnD«bntfbctoitopenlSi S^ta mattf t gooD^Con nieo not be ai^amco: • r^. Oea, Cijtt^- 5 tcn:cil0f-o2?? anp but from loue, Ne. jriom U)l)or:i comj vca Cir? Fiil/li.EljatnKl lucre hnoUJ,GnDnom but (!)f» - Ne.^bcnfpeaUfi{cu?,fojiltbifp£nngfjergi0barr*i>, Falll). CUtn neitbEr tuil 3 Donoj fpeak at al. Ne. Si:betiBilDttrpfakeanD(eItet}at^ouarebott!) ST t!|) felfe arf FalHiood.anD art fent from Fraud , SEo compaGe Lucre iDitt) a doabe of craff, COttb (aVvne of liej;,anD calle ofgoloen fiutle. Pol. pficUc vou nt]^ f{1end,fo2 tf pon (tap a tootle ^ou (^al retarne no nio;e to \)im tW fcnc pou* Nc. SboufcomDjfsiniulationartfent, ^no b;!tna'll^agotrnfif glDfing^lin'dlDttblulfy S (Flartimaale of baine boa(l,anD fan of Qateen>« 9 liaffe of t (ot,anD a rap of p;tDe> 9nD double dealing iis tb? name and efface bo(&. D*Dea. Fal/}iood,let'iSgo,U;eare DifctpbereO* Faldi. Lucre.tbcu loofcft f$ere a p;ince!p gift. ^^teuot am- Ne. lucre cenfumcsbjtng toon bp Fraud o;f|)(f^, • STbnd !Lo;ii0 pon fde boip tbefe are qaaltfieo, ^nD bote tbefc itafifes Cl^un tbat (l^arp rebn^e^ ^btcb Tome Oeferne bp taking of fucb tote0, 1^0 toomen toeabe are tempteo fone toitb gif^etf* IBnt berc tbep come tbat matt (befe ilabie0 oecftr lucrejartfe^come from tbe (tone of Care/ Cnt0i;iioncft Induilrie,purcZeaIc,g^ Sincerity; lio Jndud. if air lucrcjlo tobat bonelt Indudry s:o tbs batb Mugbt,to becbe tbp baintie felf/ Lucre bpbone&Indudrieatcbteu'O ^ball p;ofper,flonttfb«anD continue long. Exit Lacre Come to tbpcbamber to attire tb^tbere. wthho.m- Nc. ^bonmaicffi Depart toitbboncttlnduftrie. ^«ft"«- P.Zeal.SnD Louc arife from Cbarttte0 colo iflinf^ Pure Zeale batb purcbaro roabe0 to coner Loue, CZS[Nle0 loue 10 (lngle,Zeale fl^al bit attire V^Ub ftino sifkA ionimo;ttfs(ng m. Come the tbrec Lords of Lon ttoo^ anb fi^ tbeiti becbt 80 oaintie Eabic0 (^onl0» ^nb maiie focb cboics a0 may confent poo al« pol. Cbanbo rigbfc oo0Nenio toe tbe London 2,o;be0 iDnlptOtt)AOUtfciUf0aClillOU)lebgeboanb* Exeunt omnei Ctltet painful Penury dtlDSimplicity* | pen. Comeon gentle bnfbanbjetfto lac oar be&bf0 (ogttlier, onr 9or(e0 togefber « anb onr recbonfng0 togetber > to Oi tobctber loee fain o^toote^tb^tae m not,goe fb;tDa(b o; backtBorbn boo )^u keipc a bdokco^aflio^e? Sim. aciioio teifo i toa miane fo^ tbt ZUW^t, boo coo not ? K looolb baiy bee tfmim me cborcof tio farttoett tba 3 fim tn to fms ^ tbere,motf tben 31 looolblbc !boalb knoto. Pen. Xtneanenoaleboafensoje^biitanoteofpont tx^wttt ,Utmt (eiMH coo began to let t)p ttisb a KotoU, iioto mo{( monic (taoi ceftDbattoare,anbli»batgaiiie? Sim. 31 i)aae fioe QiUltogi in monep, ttoo ftilUngf to1oare0 • oa tbereabont,anb I oloe ttoo l|)iUiHg0 anb eigbt pince tppon tbo fkoae, boUi mucb 10 tbaif fioe ((iUtog0,ttoo q^mingoi, ai)b ttop Q^UUngo msb ' figbtptncoo pen. SLgfit (0 ninf (^ttl(ng0 anb c tierHf iboi sroatee 9 liaue so( be bennng taater rf)<0 U>del(e« mabt »p ^^onr ffof ft, a no ran no mo;e bctino'C^bo sotnctf tiere? (gntec Fraud Kfec ati 3Jrtiffctr. I Simp, QSIbat Ucke tef ^tiat ccd i?e tacit? Frau.^c Sacha Datnoonec pour De fcene tetti feene iTrattcf^titadi da feenc goto buttone,De b^acc busla lare,a Da feene go(o ringa , ton be free man.mee t)n'^o3rtHcr,^op bar a metoare , ;ou sainc tcen« yotuno bp lai? oat tane Il^cllenga. Sim. QSKtfv*hil)a(|}arD lack bane tve tbat cannot m:i^z t, IDiUinsf '^otD to gain i:.pounB:tDbP>l^.poune tu&nib fet i}9 tjp To; caec. I peiul^titbano fflB tbe fuare,f if ten Coining Uiil ba? it,tt (bat go bartt \ bnt tuc ttiil make tbat ntonc^: f rimD>Q)olDinpljafbanD poor toares i Frau.iKDkeiToateremadra DO feenc battsKOOe la golD,De rings ' te golo,tie bng!a (t)?ane,tlDo Ojciieng Dne Offi^en M buttsne,bne (beU knga \m, 2(ltn8,t{0 toanf) i^^lbcUeng^but m«(tra f matrrCTa mre mnf« U make monc? to go ouct m xwt otone rountrei?, but mee loofe teene potDUD poor bad to goe nevt t^e o;( (Q moKoto. {>cn. I^ere 10 fiue (bithngs but? ^bem of cbis Craunger. iinip. ^rirno poa ^aae not dotne t^em.but poa make tbem,li>eU> j ^!e buv tbem itbe open market,anD tben J care not, b onb get anD foactiU loe bt rubibat b}m tbtte teAtes borne etiett n¥et tf tbon tctlt beare> ;f 0^ Ibis toe Urioe : fsno plcafure mattes accoimt f^omming Uf btid Uiitbout an aabito;iey JDCbit UdDte Lucre ougbt of rfgbt be bU. pIcA. ^0 B affirme.anb fo Bj tBil maitttafm Sbat plcafure ougbt bp rtgbt Dame Lucre bane^. Co bearc ti^ charge of fpojtes anD of oeiigbtes* pomj^ap to fuppo^t tbe bangbts magnificents^ 9nb Io;dl)s Pompeof Londojiser;celUnce> ^ eSts tt ratbet Lucre t'ftite toftb me,« 25)^ tobom ber bono; (balbe mod abnaHceo. pol. 2|^o;e fit fo;i pomp t^m plcafure^bnt uiettfiC tCbat Pollicic tottb Lucre (^ouio be Diatc|)eir ds gueroon otmf fiubitsano mp cares $uD b^gb emploi?mems in tbe common toealtt: plea* S^bat pleafure can be fofiereo tsttboatroS: poro,lZIlbat Pompc o; po^f totfbout ccfpect ofgainei pol, KXbatpollicie iK)ttboatp;tfermentlines3 pie. Plcafure mutt banc Luae: pom.pomp batb nso of Lucre: pol, pollicy merits kae : pie, Pleafure fites toitbont Lucre, pom. Pomp brcaies tottbout Lucre,, pol, poUicy Djoopcs tDt'tbont lucre : ii |. » . .1. HL I»iJ ,| H ii .MIH'-' 7 ;.l.'V" The fl?,tcly M orall of ^tihied fo pa!Tti)n5,Crainmg fjonoarff homntif, 5Se tod aBuirog,voti p;omtrco to Oe rmoe, SnD bane tljofe E>amc0,i)^ mc Difporefi to j^oif, I5itf (ince Bi fee tl)Qt t^umaine t)umo;8 eft ^Mb mf n fojgcffullof ttieir greater goeo. 1150 ^ece a t&title>SDame lucre ^al be b.^ong^t 15^ me,to dioefe tobict) S^o^ti (^e Ithett beffy' &o ^ou AllotD b^r choice toicb patUnce. Exit. Pka*(IDo,tD0 abtOf tbP boome ttl tbs refarnet F om.3lf lucre bs not mab (l^e foil be mines Pol if (^e regaro ber gooo Qie totl be mine. Plea, if (be laue f^appie life M fail be mine^ ^omenldtiePiearure, pona» l^omcn ioac Pompc. pol. Momen t)fe P0Hicie:8nb {icreQe cometf t^sf mtitt ^ecibettieboabt, (|lntet!Ncmoto(t!j Confcicncc n\ itl \X)\)itt4 Ne. Confcience content tbee toitlr a queint cgncetr^ Concetle tbs name to tDo;k a fpcctall gooo, SEbou art not ttnotone fo an^ of tbefe Ilo;oe0y 25p face 0^ feat ure,til tbep l^eare tbp name, ^ CI^f)tcb mu(E be lucre fo; a f!ne ocuice> Clno Confcience cleate inoeco'0 tbe sreate0 gafne^ ilO( lLo;otng0^ere faire lucre tDbom re loue: lucre, tbe cboice t0 left tnto tb^ Celfe, 2Itbtcb of tbefe t\ntt tbon tutlt fo^ bufbano clroofe. Con» SDbe moneffie tbat oootb on r (tx befeeme |Fo?biD0 mp tongne tberin to tcil mt tbougljf, 3i5nt mai? it pleafe m^ lLo;De0 to pardon me, wa^icli of ^ou tb:ee (^all oeigne to make foc^ cOoice^ !^(m l^all 31 anftoere to bt0 otone content, pol, 3(f lucre pleafe to matc[) toit^ Pellicle, ^be Qiall be mtSrciTe oner man^ mm* Pom. if lucre Ube to matcti toitt^ Londons Pomp^ 3ln Ifatelp po^t all otbem (Sic t^all paiTe* plea. 3lf pieafure mat fn toife fatce lucre gaint# il^edtfc ^«U i^e III eartiflf ^Ar^oice. w^»- tlic three Lords of London^ ^ti ^tte 9i9p9miitn,WiUti tiilt ttoa accept? Con. %Qi^ pollicie » Loue toere t\)t onip djo(tt i!^s tt)infe« fo; ^oa,t&at «U ?oar (ares implop iant» ff ueic0 fci tOe Sone of common Uiealtb, ^o; ^00 ILo;0 pleafurCjConlcicnce ioere a ^ittt Co meafure^onr deltgbtes b? reaCona roU^ 3ln ri creation Confcicncc beljxe tto bfe. plea, £0«re Confcscnce t)alfe To Tbocefe 80 10 1^^ felfli ^cr tDoulo ) (ak tXiUtt (uitts ano (eratce0« Ne, 00 Ufte accompUQjt in perfection 3(0 Confcience.tlien rbt0lladte i piouHt plea, H^uton tbts Ddmebatt) pleafurc 6);t l){0 liarfj ^no tt)t0 Qi Dcatl) tbc pcrtoDof 1)10 loue. Con. Lucre iDitt) pompc moft aptlp mig%t Comt^ini ple> Lucrc,o: Loue if ca^c t|)oa totlt be mine> l.et palTe top namctb^ Celfe Doe 3B ticfire^ Ebff U)ilf ) b^ue mcpt tb^ felfe Dente, C^lttb tbcE to ltue,o; el0 fo; tba to Cie. Nc. 5l2a^atif3loenic? pie. SEbeniDilHbaueljer, pol jftDeDrnicf . pie. &o mucb tbe ratber. pom. Etie rotljcr in Oifpi^fjf of tsfi^ot to, Ne. ^g 3Lo;D0,no quarrclljlit tljis HaD^^oe, Qno If ^e trutt me, Jle content re bett;, plcaftire,tbi0 10 not lucre: ple.&be'g Lucre tnto me:but be C^e Loue 0^ Conrcicce>t{)t0 i$(iff pol.tOborn ton tolKbaue? pie. ^ptgbt of tbe SDeiitl , J foil. Con, Spud it not be mplLo^B tfjagrds? pic. agree. Con. &ome fartber p:ofe it fit of i?ou to (eti pie, Kccetue a paU}n,niii bart.mi? banD^ano oti), tCo be tbp otnne in Ioue,tn faitbtano trotb. Con. E:bw0 pou arc fall.ano ^ct mp felfc am ttitt pie. 3 hnoU) in rutb tb^u toilt me not refufe: Con. 3 ^noto not (M^but otber jjte not cl^Qofe* The ftatdic J/oralloi Nc. 3!t is inci!slj,lojD plcafurc^to not Unxtf Confcience ti7!ll tfs ^oo a0 becomes bcr befi. plea.anD art tl^au ConfcienceVtvekommer tomt (i)ftti eitb«t loue 0^ Lucre , Con* (Sod fcno grace Bl bp, Nc» 5pg ILoK.0 be pJtafocere long ITjai ^on be fpeD> S0 niiicb to tonr coKtents ais plcafure ig, ^apbut t^e tuo^B.mp felfe OidU foonc p^sfcnt Lucre auD iouc,iDel U>02tbi^ fucb c^a ^ou. polj Hiflittct/awkfallp tbcfc fnuo.je fce'il rertiur, CntetDilig^-nce, tnljad Dil ^y Edatiief,tf toor affatren in paefent b( not great oar tixuit ariD ^oor fame, ta race anb fpoile oar rtcbt rcnotomeD totonc* finD tf sou loue 02 lucre Doo regatb, 12); (jaae of Confdence anp tctnD of car^i SbOe tso^lo C^all (DttticfTe bp tbt0 actioRa Qm office lone tliac poa to t» p;etcno, 3in t{jis,^ouj: t}aIoar l^all affurance gmet i^o)ctooiiio31 fpeahe>bot oaangct'o m oclap, po\x bnoVu mp mtnD,anQ tteaqens record mis t()OUfAfe0« ^^bcn I toiti) p;atcr0 fo; ^ott tBtll penttrare* £nt) U)til in beart be pitUwt in mn figljt; /^oto plcafure,a)oU) iDbat ton toil fioo fo? me. pie. B tnti be torn'o to paine fo; tby (\S)at fahe. pol. if aire Confcicncc feare not,bat aOnre tbg filfiJ 3,tDbat feino aff.;(tion toe to eoet bcarg ta Lone atlD Lucre, in tbi0 action C^ieHg fo; tl^s our feruice (^all be Done. pom. if o; Confcicnce faltc mo;c tban fo; Lucre noti^^ pol, ipojLouefittD Confciecc,not DilViRng Lucre. pie. jaDnelp fo? Confcicncc totU 3i bajarD all. Nc. anD^ffombencctoiliberconocvafpace, still tou return luitb bappp tiido;^. E««int Nc.& Coa. Conif areteel mp iLo;D0,foj me msLo?D0,fo? mp. pol. Diligcncctobat number map tbete be* DjLJI mW^ botte,anD cbieflie leo bp tb)«i QSl!;o b;aue it out in(l(^oto,a0 menaCtareD ^fuutojte,raun$t3enture,o;repolfe« poL l^oto naere be tbep? Bil. ^0 neier mp ILo?>0.tbat erip Delap ic Deafb» ^tano on pour gasrD.t^ep come 00 c!jallen5er0, to b;nifc pour IbielDC3,anDbfare atoap pour p^ije, J^Dunting tbe fca0,anD meafuring tbe lano Wiit\} ttrong imagination0 of fuccelTe, pol, CacliDiligcnccgo get in reaointd ' if J J3pcn The flatclie ?j1orali ol S0m am mmntiotiM^ our pages plie ^0 i'e^ tOac ail our fiirmcure be toeU Wjt,Wcaltli anB wii to fmt^tt toarsbe fif, ExitDiilk (Pj? iloa?)fl,3l U)oulo 31 mig^t aotiifc ^t note, 'S:o Carrie ag it toere a rareleCTe resarD, £E)f tl)tre Ca{lilians,an9 ttietr accnUomt^ b;anaOo; 3Lo;d Pompjlec notjjing tWB maghificaH, ^i tljat ma^ tend to Londons graceful Safg 315e tnperfourm'o, 0j« {l3OlB§0 ant) fofemne feal!r0, «H3atcbs in armour^tnumpljes.CriircMigbtejj yE)mtUttsMili^,m^ ptuki of o^Dtnance. SLm plcafurcjCee « Jat plaics lie irublil^gD, £^at^same0 am mafheB^toit^ mirtt) ano mtnSreI0[e« pageant0 an!) (£bG)l<'fea0es,beare0,aRti puppit pUsieii iSPi? felfe toil mutter t>pon M:!c#cncl gr^Sene^'^ Ss t£io(ig|) l^e ral:e,anD fear'13 not to Hiifmt ^bicb iDil t&eir fpie0 in tach a luoonoer fet, %9 fee 1)0 recke to title fu^^, a foe, tEliicm all t&e laooa!^ a!7niire5,raae onel? toe: sattD tee refpect our fpo^t moae tibnn U» ^pitt^ S |)ac lolin tlje ^pam'arD &)il in rage run mao, ^0 fee t0 benD iiUe ^a^e^ tettb t)t0 tiatn b;eat&. pom. 3|u ttiiiSE Oettice fact) liking 3 conceine9 00 London (l^all not iack iD&at pomp can Doe, 0nD iDeil Bl knoto tljat too^tb^ Citi^en^ E>Qe carie niinDe0 To franbeano bountifuf, 00 fo^ tbeir bono; tbe^ toitl fpare no !Coa: Cfpeciail^^to let tbeir enemie ^notu. I^gno? in England, not in Spainc oo?b grotu. pie. ano fo; t^c time (bat tbe^ in plcafure i^mK ^is limmitted to fucb an bonell eno, ^amtl^tfox recreation of tbe mino, iKiiifb «io Si'^ai coSc,get li\3ird\ in tl?a(it!nl>, SB^bit pleafure tiQtof ^ lujtttiaU 5eiigb?e? be caW: SCfi tioe tijcm gooOitiU, $eatb t¥ b^tb^ir mat?* ^ " "'' poI, ^fpoIHcytbes^riairbaeeatlarg^i' pyiu.SCjif n igf tjfli gf! anD cacb wan to bt0 cbarg^; Bxetmrths three Lords, , the three Lords of LondonT . . Cntec Simplicity leDjnbpVfuricr f5mp, 3 fif *? 2XH(i5 a!a0 3 bougbf tbem of a (!ranger,an olo iFrcnc^ man fo; gooQ golD,anD to be too^t^ ten pcuuD,fo^ To be tolD me,3( baue sood tDttnelTe , fo; mi; oU)ne Uitfc toaiOi bp , ano lent mre part of tbe uionei?* Vfu. 0nD txjbat DID tljep f ol! ton? Simp. STen (btHtngs enet^ penR?« Vfu, E:oatargacspoaarefimlfp:([a;ibl?? conJbrebns fo manp rings ant) buttonnofgolotbmltepefo; ten (l[)tlUns0^ iS)(i»^omz bio sebnstbem; fimp, ^f an oloe ^rencb man,"tbe oirs if rcnc^ oifeafe tafee lifm* Vfu. ^nb iDbere Dtoels tbat olo f rencb man^ ' (imp, Bitf if rannce 31 tbtnbe.fo; be tolt me be ioas ro goe ouer tbe nm tibe,o; tbe ncicc Das, m^ lutfc ran tell as toel as 3,tf pe tbinbe H lte,f02llbctDasbp. Vfu. ^ gooDanrtpere,be btoels t'n^rannce anb rou bloel bcre,ano fo; btfertng copper fo; golb pou are libe to loofe botb ^our eares bpon tbepiUo;te,anb be6oes loofe ?onr frcebome* limp. ipiat,if 3 loofe mpearcjs, 3 care not fo; mpfrebome, feapc (otf mpfraoome>3i map beepms eares^is tbere no remeog fo; t\)ii ^^♦Vfury? vfuric» i^one, ercegt pou can ffnb oat tUf olb ifrencb man.' fimp» pcrabucnfure3ca"> if^on'tllctmeego into jfratmcefo feeke btm: Vfu, ^0 toe ma? loofc pow,anb ncucr fa Ifim^m^ tbat mat? not be. fimp, ^ou baue a gooD palune tbere,gooD maitter Vfury be gooD t«tomc. Vfu. i!5a^ , notD 3lc pincb r^ jto" t)inaine,i?c knolu botu ^e b^ce cuer tfeb me^bnt noU? cff goes pour eares at lead, Sim, illay,gooDmaifier VfurictaUeallmpgootiesano let me go, <^ntCClFraud,Difsimulation,Simonic IM cailU^S COatCS Fiau. ailbat'3 tbe matter Vfune,il)a{ (bis pco;e hnanc cries fo: Simp« J© Jjpisifier Frsud,fpcahe to ^im to let me goc: Frau. Frauds ^c Wlmc, cal nic not bt? mv name,anb r^ ^^II fat Bl iDil fpca!i to ^im to kt re gOv ffiX:Vfury,cf al olo feiloto^ipJcf ^t)js ^3 r-^'^^ The Hatcly Morall of |oo;e kiittuc pacWft&c matter be not to MnouiS. Ytvi. ^ofic, t}!9fauU t^ ootpa?, \mk tiere ioliat Gaffe (cie f»on!Qt)f^ Ux foj eolo,{lat coppgr.f UsfaitUjije bought t&ewi of an do ftem&man Frau. :^ut tlm Untt not fel tltem,DtDS tboa? Sim i^o Cr^Bi ^Qnlo j^ane but ta;o t^em to patum fo^ flue ponno^ Cot)itn. Frau. E^at toa» mo?c et?an tlie^ be tDco;fb,BI pjomife tfj& a foule macter,U)elt^ou mutt loofe tbp toarf ano h?. glao t9r(cape,fQ Vfuhcy (i£ mp request ^^c (Bal let tbe poc^e man go$. Yfu. mtUfoi tbi0 once 3l tptiuarte ,get ^e pat&tngjanD take bftOe of fucb a peece of U}o;ke againe t^btie re liee. {imp. Si:b£ret0titucr0p&ce0ofU}o^kintbAt&e);,p3a^V6 Qfucme Ibtsie of mv^ 60005 aaaine,a rtng 0; rometbing. Vfu. i^otanincbianobeglaOpefcapeasDCboe, ^ Simp.^la0, 31 am t)nbcne,tber'0 &i t'oc U}cnltb $ timk 3f bsnc« Fra. SDo nt (ong to lofc ^otir eare^, be gone De ftsU^ hnnne* , Sim. 3 tbanfeepe ^aiUn Fraud; 5 !e not goefo fer^but 3^^lcbc nd:rc to bcare ano fit iDljat tbe rneatung cf tbefe fellotoes in t})is canuajt fboulo be,fo^ 51 Unoto Fraud, Difsimulation, anO fmiony to be tbi>^C tb^«5bere 31 tbinfe 3! am vnfane. simplicity hides him nca the»i. Frau. Vfuryjtbanhc nie fo? tbtfi 8O6D bootte, fo? it id 3 tbat bolp ve to it , foj 3i taiilo ttem to btm fo; goiDinBoco in tbe diape 6^ an do jf rencb arti6cec,come giue me f;alfc fo^ 3i tieferne it, fo; tnv part tus0 tbe fied begiiming of tbt^ ConitobeecaU me bpmpname. fimp. mt a To? 31 am glat) 31 baucfonn;) tbefiencb man, noto Jlc raife tbe ftrert,bnt 3le bnu$ m^ toares; again, $ p;cDue ^e as ^e toerc^ Baer botf) falfe bnaoes J beleeue. e^»' ^™. Frau»i&il |nm,aabOim,out t)i(ia(ne,belotI betray ^0 all« Vfu. SSUbac a foile lucre pco to fpccUc bcfo?s te toa? goncKolu ^oa fcnue I0I5 gcnr part of tU^ tto, (oz b^ toi^ scc complnine, \>o\i U>ill bta fougbt fo?,gn!J § ni«De to redone tbefe tbin80 agatnc. Fra. ji^otiflboabe luife, tboutoilc not tatietbe refhomng,foj feeiJtBottnot tjst^jec? DifsmiulationfimonyanDmijfeffe? Vfu. 1^00: mw mtmzQ t\iik («nua0 ftiitefl i asum b<5 6e J&ailcriif ' Fra. Vfury ma&€ 9ng, t&t^ w oar intene 5 let*0 tx mi now? &sari ihc three Lords of London. ^0 Hoftfitfit &paniar90 are rsmmms ({ioa beareS toW greaf iiofocr t liere tii no tiatns fo^ ^^ ^^ London»ttien aregroluen fo full ofronfct- gnceanO teligton^tbat Fraud^Difsimuration atlO Simony arc Dtfct# I)t>ere9)and btms Dtfctptcretrare atfo DifpircD: anD tfuHtois ttiee totll flip to tt)erea,8ttB meet anototneUittb ttic cnemie, anD if tbe^ con^ qiiere85^e)?nia?,fo)tt)fi?ace a^reat armie b?tepo;if, our txtnitt ma^ ttre86ametDtt[)tliemttf t^^fnifeano rettre, toe mai? either gee loitb (bem and liue in Spainc , tuUre toe &nD fucb .gooD fellotueB are f ollerateti ano t)rgD>o) come ailc agatn l)etti^> To Icog a0 none bnotiis bat frtenD0. Vfiu l!3at toil pou to tbufl rco ttoc? Dif. Sno tbou tcD HI t;ope>iobi?,tobat (I^onlo toe Do? Vfu.dabatroraer p Doe,be net trnttojo to your natme rounf rie« Simo. iCio not our natiuc coantrtr,tb(}t( feno\Deff,BI Simony am a; KomaaDifstmulatton a ^ongreI,bair anBjtalian.balfe a E)Dtct}riiati Fraud fo too , balfe ifremb^ano balfe ^cottiib : ondtb? patentee toere botb BletoC£i,tbcingb tbou toert bo?ne in London, ano bere Vru# ryibouarc cric^ouragainllbi!tbcp;ca(b^rx{:ioinetoitb toman to Ictccr i^v Satc'fo; in Spain pjcacbing toocbetb V0 not. Vfu. flCo better m^ ttaff,nap,to alter \nv Gate, fo; bcre tojjerc 3 am, 31 fcnoto tbesouernmenr,berccan b; liue fo; alltbeir tb;eattitn0>tr ilraiiger0 p)eaaiie,3l buoto not tbeic iatoeo no; f^eir bfage,tbti7 nta? bee opp^eiro;0,f tabe al I baue,ano it is It be tin's arc fo , fo; tbe? (ak lbiit'0 not tbetr otonr. firberfo;c bere U)ill Bl flap fure , to faeepc tobat • 3 b^ucratber tl;an be atrattoi tipon t;np nno bao 3t toiII:sno Cap ysu if )?e be toife, ano p^ai^ a0 J p;ar9t(jat tbe p;eacber0ano ail octrr goD menmasbie^auDtbentoci^aUaoarin^ybutmnertraft to (Irangrrs cuitefie. Frn.^tc (^al (end bat to our frien60 f ktn^fo'il nor go tottb bo.ret fo;oloa£quaimancct{apeoQnfel|b2trn^b0Roc,rc; tog'tlle goneto fea,3! am alfrnio pen foitfb bnone baue belaieo tbc Crecro fo;l]0. Vfu.iLct nie goafo2ei?e,if an? fucb tbing be.Jfc giuc t>e inftling.^xi{ Fra. 2D9,faretoel Vfury: ano a0 be goes one toap.toe'il go anotljer, folioto Qt0,ncner ttu(iaa);ta&er,tf be le Donr otoneb;otbrr. Exeunt omnen (Enter fte t\)m ^LojDes Mti) tljeit images mD Fcaine a l^et;alD brfoze tl)enM)t9 coat i^nmng tl|e nrmes ^fLooUoa before. «nd aa Oiiuc trecbchiaiL 1^^ pol. Fealty, ^ The ftafcly Morall of pol: Fealty, i^oii faitDfull^srraD of our totuiif, ^Ouatrue tru:e*U«per,antJ Care friend in peace, CaEic colone cur fi)iciDs,3nDsi;iae t^tm to out hoica: ^iQv) Fcalty^pjcpsrc t^^) icits foj tuar, J^c deiiucn thciii ^0 parlic Vuicb tl)c pjouD CaCillians 2pp;joc^ing faS tljs fcoaiicrg of r,ur coaS: Wit , ficrcmppage in jUv^risntc^sgc djall ntteiiD en tt>^e,to note t^evn &nb t^civ Qai3s0: 31 naD not tel t&.^, t^c^ are pojc an^ pjoafi, tJ*imtErs,\ja!ncgfo:tOKi8i»?p;anf3,uuce«b;ea&cr«, Cl;nm0a3,trcfuH,ano ambitioui;, ^0^ tUou {jaS foans t^dr facing ann Vmt hir.qs^ Eijeir barUcs^r^cir cof!^:r6, ar«D ts^cr 'erii!;?), s|}eir r«g% J5ut I«t ms tell ttjce U)^«t toe cr.^^nc arrtc?, 2310 fcannc toittj raogmcnt luhtU tinit IcaDersfee, 'S^o nctc tijcir pitkiue anB c'jfctuc ttjcir gf <:;:», 9nD trulp to aoucrrii^ lutjat t^cv fccin? , tSijlljetbcr to be crpcricnceo in armrs, £)? men of name tljofc t!):iiee JUtlcao t!;c rcC!, ttJC re K referre U)c to V&2 clanz c?nccit, Feal, 31 Ijope in tfjjs mg nutk tQ tiiUij&xgt, 20 fjcretofsje Simplicity, nm^r a great noife b?ft[)ftj ^antJ oi- ter i^itlj t^:M o], tout UicaponcD* Simp. Club£f,club",nap corns ncigbbcitrs comt>fo; fj? re tkv ^^i"? fjerc 3 left tl5em,arrjint tl)ccuc»,r0guc«,coicncr£j, ji d>irge yj: t s t?3i; toil jinftDsre,pjcbenrj tl)cm,fo5 tfjei? tjcuc istiDne nic , aiis rcbb'3 ir»e, flnomiDc mc tbepoo^cfi free man t!}^^ suet lic^st cballaD tt&U: A Conftable, ji charge ^z fecf pg t&c peace anD lap oovcne V'oar toc« pOrS; To the three Loi Jv. pomp, ^bo raiTo ttis fumrjlff ^p?al?c> tsbaf mcanes tb;3 fiir? fimp. ^ $ amtJnOonc,robb'0, fpoU'J ol all mv ftoc&c, let rj^c fce„ Vdiicti be tbep? Eerpc ensm Orect (iriO Doo;c, famine ali i'Qat tcaits^ foa Fraud tbatcofoner^ pol, £pat(l£rsi,ts)l)atm:ane^ensnl^cr£tr£!ub!ou;sttmei0tD kecpc Cl!t0 roile? Conft, iSlas mg 5lo;t),!jCt*i53pco;eman rob'o^o;- cofoncu. Ac three Lords of LondoR; (imp« t am tob'D £D mp boitg,m^ p;ct(e botc^.f am tnDone, fato ft no tbefuei,tio; no crafcte knan00,tDbat be all Wa Wit, Simpltcity^atoap^tbefe be our !lo;oes , offeno (bem not fo; ftare. Simp.3|f«benoffbem,3l fafee fo; Fraud ebat rob'o mc. pica, (£^o^,cowe Simptoe came t© late to flnD tone lOfteB, Exeunt, fimp. 13;ap fo? me ms bow0,3l tbinfee 3( I^al (jang mp felfc 3( comi tare too lare to fperD. pol. iPiotu i.o?De»,lct1^onoi«flreenflame onr tboofib^ esf, 0nD let b0 acme onr courage tuttb our cau(e, ^ndfooifpofe our fctuos to tpelcomc t^^tnip S)oe mc tbe fauour(if 3 ma^ intreat) SHo be tbe Srfi to front ibc foe in face, ^be 5Il3nnt3ara kt be Pollicjcs tbts once, Pompcs tb£ mame battfaJlcpleafuics tbe Herefcatfis gntJ fo bf ftots) t)s if ?ou tbinUe it Qffl^. Pom. 3 tbinli if g3ci;,inD rime tW it toere Done. Pica. 31 tbinfe it £30B,an3 icii^ tfje enemie come, (fnteC Diligence* Dil. ^«u bgrc ?Bsr comcj aa b^ass 65 Philip? fonne, 3no bio EphcRjon,toai:2t to be avrsfcn 3n gtJttennggoIo,aRD psrtv' cgicar;o plnmes, £Clitb curious pcnDent?? on Vosiv ^.m us fipC, %tfCU Qiitl^es ^mpisf o iTJitb gilt coprrfimcni)?, !£beir pagca cardeCTijjpiatcns af ?beir bashes, i^s if toifb conqaca tbev ^riumpbing came. Pol. 3|f tbep be ccnquer'o greater is tbcir l^anw^ IBot Diligence go poft alongft tbe ccaft, SCO tell tbe netDe0,anD Ico^e to luelcome t^tnif iLct b0 aIone:^v Hcjes f ou beare tbe netoes* ^o;e Ujo^ds toesc ijsincj hnoto re togl rcfolu'o. E«it Dil. Pora» ^ne b«5 tbc^^ «ome:,JiDb p;ouo CaUUhans* ® Enter -t« r The flatciic lAox^W of Enter firft ^bfiaUf the Herald : then P?i5e »bcaiing his fliield liim- ielf,hi$ymprezc,a pearockS: the wordc^N^nparilli His Page ^Dauie after him with a Launcc.hauing appendcntgilt.with this wordinit, Sur 1^ Cicl,9mbiaonjhisyniprcze,ablackeHoifcf4l- liant ,w?th one hinder foote vp©n the Globe of the carch,oncforc footc ftretchiug towards the cloudes, his woorde, Non /uffidtoibis: Hjs page XreactJeriC after him, his perident Argent afid Azure, an armed Anne catching at the Sun beames, the vvcordein it, Et gloriam Plioebi. Laft, ^^:annif, His ympreze , a naked Childc on a fpeaies point bleeding;, his woord, Pour fangue, His page, •C'crroorihis pendent Gufes, m k^ a Tygers head out of a cloud, licUing a bloody heart: The woord in it,Cura Cruor. March once about theftage> then ftand and viewethc Lords of l,DnUot?,who /hall martch towardes them, and thcygiucbackc, then the Lords of iLonaou whecle abont to their ftanding,and th^othercome a- gainc into their places.thenpDiKfie fcndcs^caltie: their Her- raldes coate mull haue the armes of ^painc before^ and a burning Aiip behind, pol. S|9p lLoj!)?0 , tcbit meanc t^ate gallaiitfl topic foumic. Come tljsfe €^(li\mn CotuarDcs bnt to hiciviti SDoo all tfiik moaumtits motietc f};ceDe a nicufe t Fealty , goe fettb tljcir anfujer rcfolate i^uija t^eg Dar? be fo boId,a»{) to|)at t^tv Dare Doo Ute. Shea. ^ bat ttlOUlDft (i)OU^eralO? As Fcal.is going towatdstlic.tftey Fca. IPatUeVDltbtljOfetb^^j^CCalD. (fcndfoonhShcaU Shea.Ebep f(o;nc ^o grace fo mesne a man ad tbou Iritl) parlte o; luttlj p;efence. Fca: 2Do ttev fcojm?to!wt,are tb^ maft<:rir,^onarcl;i8ftierfeoncf £>; be tbe^ dDonii ox rafbct be tbep S>cuit£i? ^fo;jne iDc? a ^erriiift0 pacfence ant) bfo fpcecb* j^ame tbem,tbaf 31 wiap fenoUjc tljeir m?sl)twc*> - 0nD fo auoio of nutks fottic neslcrc. /hea. ^onarctits in mtno0,aim Cdcos m bta!) concette0i 5!Ebac fcoane ?ouC]^n6U8),ns t^e fcommc ef men, SBbom i ne Hare toif bout tljeir lif enfe name, jf o;c Unborn tbi> tiVitUs all are felo anD bafc. ^ JFcat 31nip«riou0 ^paniarD^Doo a l^ecaio xiQ^U %\)2 ^ the three Lords of Londooi S^dl k\(e wt 01109 tWv CrotDc!) man if thonhe, m c&ou m? Q:ran&e,t&at 3| tnp melTtise tna? I^^oost) tbee conueigib Co tiiem from London fio}tB* (liea^ 15afe Cngltl^ gr(ame,fi:om beggars Tent beltfcff t^Ijo fo^ttieir mate tb<^ maUpfrtaccouiify E>are 3l((binkil t()oa)tbefe ILo^O0 magmQcenf, • ^ttitjoiis i^cir rpedaU plrafuretsnocrllooir, ^nce inoone foitb melTagco; U^ttb Oiolxi of fpeacbs Ft;a. ^o;e feruile tljoa to loofc a !^«i;aloc0 one/ £Lbat ^0 in fielo a kin!;c0 companion, 1il5nt if (l)oa Dare not mp StmbaiTdse boo, ^tano bn a'Ho fltop not mp accetfe to tbem* Shea. Hattiet toil 3i rettitne ano bnoto ti^eir 'minbe0; Pol, ^Oto bOlNtobat nctDe0.^Whcn Shcal.goe» to Uie,Wit goes to tfie i? Wit, -ttbe fcarfol l^cralo of yen famous croe tbetr l^sralo cornea U)t(D tl^drs* pol. ^ui* f^ielos a rccU not,baf to fenb our Wealth FeaU accompanies toitb Wit ano Will, no peril; Pom.3|f IB tn^ wealth,bnt bap Ijim if t beg Dare, 3to Uti^ Mm DOKbU if tbeg boo m^ Jlo;DeSj _ . O2 Plca»t^oie« ThcftatclicMor.illof Plea. HBot'ed, tali0 our {S)ti\t\s$ aiio t\mxtitU; t^z^ turns cm Wit. t^atle ^paniarD,co:t£!) tl)'g ILauiue snD pcnoent bott;, IHnoluett totiere tboa art?V^ere Uitl tv2 buxz r.s b;8uei Wlicn the Englifh boies meet the other, caufc them to put downc xht tops of their Lances ,but they be^revp theirs. Wea. ^otDtre luttf) pour potncno loft bo;ns lances Uxt 5l5p anp ffranger be ^c foe oj frieno. Wil. mel DocS tbou note tlje coucbins of (fjv itauce, ^tne bao ere rbt^ ^^^ co^i^'i) roar &pant(^ (^tn. Feal, mt\ Done tnp boie5,but noto all reucrence. Shea.aouaameagaineieonrllaunccs nolo m?beie0.l»oW*p again $&.p;iDe.Dicito nobis idco qui adcs,c^uid fibi vclint ifthsc Emblc- jnata ? Dicito(inquam)lin§ua matcrna:nos cnim omncs bcUcintclli- ginius,quamuis Anglice loqui dcdignamur. Fca. C^n ItnotO CattitUan CauaUeros tbi0> SCbe otonerdi of tbefe Cmbfemed are tb^ee %oms %^ott tb;ee tbat nolo are bictotng of ^our i^teloc0> ^f London,our cbtcfe cine are tbt^ lto;Drs, Pollicic,pompc,anb plcafurcbe t^sit names: ^nD (be^ in bonour of tbeir mtfltreffcji, LouejLucre^ConfciencCjLondon ilabtess tj)i(£) Coibla^oneD tbefe ^cutcben^/baUenging QSlboni Durtt conipare>o? cbaiLnse one of tbem^ SinbPolIicica Tortoys batbCmp?? j'o, Cncompaflt Voitl) ber (^el.ber nattue toaUe^^ :9nD prouidcns fccurusttf bt0 U)0;b: ^is page ifi Witjbf^ ^aittrr CTe %&\)p Louc. pomp in bt0 (btelD a Lilly batb poartrat'D, ks paraxon of besatte , anD bone grace: Gloric fauns pcere bi« tD0?D,anD true tf ftf, Wiitb Loniions Pompe Caftile cannot compare^ %Hb linage is wealth.tjtjg maiiJrcKs Lucre bigbt* PJ^-afure, t^s fiaintie oft'^n! famsae tctone, a iFfiu!con b^tb BmbIajon'D,fcarmg b»e» fCo ^otue f be pitcb tbat Londons Plcafure fll'etf t l^is U)o?b Pcurtemps,Kt n?ner (Joupcfl to trainee 3i5ut tjnto Confcicnce,ct)Oftn fo^ ii9 mti. the three Lords of LondoflJ l^ttf page Ifi Win,ant) tW t^'e&ttt f on tears. ^,p;tD0. Bucna bucna per los Lutheranos Anglcfcf,' ' if ca» Mala,mala per Catholicos Caftillianos* pol, Loqueris Anglicc? ^t)0a.Maxinie Dorainc, pol. Agedum,(IDo to tb(n atiD Declare f|)S 3to;D0, iitit f&ielDi5,tbetr page0,ani>t6et\ tbep (Ijal tfjtg tnffll-^ill 3ifle,tl)at Iitle England tW, mu^ London tbat p^out) paltrte marhet totene« SnD tafee tijofe 2S>anw0 Louc,Lucrc,Confcicncc P^tfonerg, to tfe o; ro;ce as pleafct^ t()cm» SCtie 8rC (note) quafe<;) fg &paniO(^ Maicfiy, S:i)at fo;j \)is pmp^cfc giues ^uccne lunoes llBfrD, S^fjofe traine is fpangB toitb Argus bunO^eD eie0| t|)0 ^aane of CDods fco;nc0 not to^racc bim fo, l^ts tDoo^o i0 Non par illi^none bis like : ??et is bis page o^bencb-man Modefty, Lucre t^t la&^ tbat Cbal be bis pjije: SnD in bis yetioent on bis Unnces poinf, Sur le Ciel bts iDojo.abooe tbe Ijeaucns. pol. ttUjiltmeinDectiabouc tbcbeaucnsbetuaiJ, Coulo be b^^ne hcpt [\im in tbat bleffeD Sate, if rom (bcncc fo^ pjioe \)c fell to pit of paine^ j^nn is ?)c nolo becoir.e tbe pMoc of SpaincJ Sub fo bis p:4gc notModcfty but Shame, tlXds on tVi xeH, il ca!. Don Honor IS tbc nc?? C^onO pcetC Of fpain, tSSbcfi yiiipr ^^ is a Courfci falfant, £5f cclGur fsuvbhsMrUcniug akc anD cartb, IDKlTinj; {be CPIoOe Vuitb bis cifuftiiifull foot* , 9no ffjilic^gfo dfpirc io rcUJl;'ngffvjirJ> Non fufiivit orb.s js Iji^ JjaujjbUc lvco;0, Ebs &)o;lo rnaiv'tib not W) ^cnojs tbou0bfe0| ^3 ^no ■*»-a TheftatdyMorallof £(nti ott tte penDent fircD OR ^tf name , !^ bano t9 catching at ttje fiuinic beainc0: & gloriam Phoebi,ano tbe ^nnc b;iebt cO'^Ccfo Honor tsoulo 6utDe,if(;c nnglit fiauc |}t0 tDiL l^i« page 13 Aaion ttmpmnQ fltl tottf) date. pol, yimfelfc Ambition,U)[)omtljctjcaHfni8Bo fjafe, fliea. ^iU9 Louc tOe llaDjj ttjat tJC l)opr3 to GSinc, pol3is Ct;ougt)t5 Difirad: from foiilc oiUcmpcreo b;a(ti |D) cues fjioi t!)i tjcric Srcbjano of Sp.in : i^iiB t.j J)!55 fo'clo |}ic blaf fee Difojocrco bcaU, f ?ca!iHC{ iJ).^ »'^uc0,fcojnfuli to trcao (Jjc grounD, i^iiU) bott) t)iy too3^3,p;ouD tBo>os pjocue pcrfertlp Adion }ii£! {rage i3 be but Tieadicry , Cnrr atfcneant wi Anibuioii;buC fo tbc fln'r^. Shell. ffii?£ tbli'5 gcaijnn CmaUcio is Goucrnmexit, ^?t!LTC :n luGiiCinno in icssigincnt ccepc: liJis \?m))?cjc i^> n naUcn S'nfant goar'O ^ipi3::a JU^icc, (iutmSn25,feumt j?. I)?s too^&.pour fangucfa;: bfooD ofcncmus 9, C^Jfter licKingofa b'.ccoing ftcarf: iUb Cura Cruor ic tJjc \x)oih ijjcceon, l^ifl care's fo? bIcoD ortbolt'l^ct Dare refill: f^et bis'oS Ijis Faae tbat fjllotocg Unx , Regard, finD(i3 ra; Coiifcicncc to rtjjs ccnqueK wmcs. pol. SrXbl^ Goucrnrncnt offpaine is Tyrannje, afiooo bJS yuip jejc nno [ns t»o;i3« Declare, l^tsj page is Terror: foj a SD^^ant fcaren 5^is cc.it|>, t^' nict,tn[)i2 bco,tii flcepr, 3n fonCc!siue:S)pif5i)ttfjcl&piininj tr>antitc i^3ti3 ^cD a fca of moll: bnfjuiittj blooD : mtl^^aVB the enaf Shea. !ljCbs cnZi ss bed von ^eciD> fubmttting ^ou fo nieccp of tfiefe Pom.jlBcfo^e tee anbt?fcrt !lr,ve b;aue to fatJ. (iLo;00» CaSiliani^^kRott) itiai €nsUr^mt!ti tsDil ttnock,bu( fa^t ^OOtf) ^panii^ P ride fo; Londons Lucre gape, pie. anD £douID Cbetr Tyranny Confcience captfoC baOC? pol: 2C>0t|) tbcir Ambition Londons louc affects iheah ;$ll t^(j9 ti^?y U)il! 9 atiDpMg t)pon sous: teiunei Lv. the three Lords of London? 0nb stoe tour Unnts ai»ai) lefo^e ^onr face: Bl3Sf,to&at'j3f England fo f Ije potoer of fpa'inc? a ^okWM^t p(aceD U'here tt pUaht^ tljcm* pom. X5at tnti)t0 ^o!ct)i! man^pifntf^etf bej 0U tD^tcb U)tll ttino before tfiec be rcnioooX t22Ilt;att9tbpname? flical, Shealty, poian Blrtt^ !!Jo:&,(l5nt8cng Itberfps rafber remffnfu, l(Dfnr0 If pe &)il)lDbp batu typ coat a bnrnuis (bip beb^nD? iljea. to figntf^ i burning of ^our Mt by t}£i C3atlU|ji, pol: 3IC ratbec means ^our common tocaltb'd onRi:e> about your eare9«anD you toere beff IcoUe bome^ a common toeaUb'^ compareo to a (btp, 3|f your0 Do flameiyour countrey ^0 bof* betoare* Fcal. 31 fee Ca(!tItan0)tbat you maruel macb ' at tbt0 fame C^mbleme of tbe £>ttue tree tllpon my bacbi^: £.0 t!;t0 tt G^nifies. \ Spaine 10 tu ijDarre0,bnt London ltue0 in peace# l^cur natiue fruit Dootb tait^cr on your foile, ano p^trs tulicre it nener planted luas. JKfjitfLondons Fealty Doo^fjauoucbfo; traetb, ^eralD of toacanD poster of tbttr pence, Commanno ye me no fcruicc to my iLojW* ^ ^^.p;iOC.Quid tibi cum domini moxfciuicnt mifcri nobisjdifccdc, ifcal. Qiiul mihi cum dominis fcruietis miferi mcisf pom fiicaltyifiy UntO ?cn Thrafos tb^Cf. %\)t ILojOcs Of London Darc tbem to tbc fi«lO, ©iaicng their pride ano tbeir Ambition, ^cojnirrg ibeir Tiraimy,anD yet fearing tbt'*, 'e:(jat tbey are come from borne anu Dare not figb^' 3!But tf tbe^ tJate in ioint o; fcueral atmcfi, [-jj 3!5sttrii!c 03 comb3t,bim ib^^t Lucre fabcfi, ^:)oar S^paruJ^ piidc,bim Dare 3J from tbe rc(f. pie. iZ\)M lilooDic curre,voiir g)pfmill) Tyranny,' SEb.lt Londons Confcicnce tUOulD fojCC Uutb Crueltie, 3! cljallencrt ^ini fu^ Confciencc faUc to fijjljt, n lloiU of London snt) 3 pl-s^urc lHgl)f» jTiHy ilicaUv^tca CittjCttff Dare ibcm tbus, © 4 3(u5j3€ .w^ ,_ ThcftatclyMorallof gatsge ^W onr i|^oble0 atiD ont cmtim num Pol p>at t?^^o» totit fbat Londons pollicy E>if£erne0 t|jat pjOnD Ambition of fpaincj lano foj V)e comtB enflamQe toif fj Londons louc, 3|tt combat let titm (onquere me anD baue tier, tl)i0 10 Loucs f<»aoar , 31 fter femanf am. pom, Sl)!0 Lucres wuour,Pomp fo^ |)er toill figftft Pica* tbW Confcience fauc«r,fi)g m^ tlilffrcCfe t'f . iliea^ ^ou craoeti €ng!t(^ on i^om oongt)ti0 crolot* Pom.l^od j^panfl^ ifefnnttf crotu Upon ^our ^earci^f %\xi toijett tue fire^oac ceate5 abotit ponr eares, lanD take ^our (^:pp?s before t^i^^ tuaUeo totone^, We maUe a Dongl)tll sf tour rettf n boane^, ^m cram out clixthzm mt^ ^onr gramei;: of golot i}iea,|)outoiIlnoe^eelo? pie, PtSi tbe laC moncrb* rhca,;^ar8\Ue!. Retire Hcraldcs with the pages to their phceii ^, P;jit)e. Vadc. pol.l^cralC'batDnoto? Fca.^en p?ouD Callilliansi looke fo;j ^oar ferofce. ^ Pom.^o 00 Ujc fo^ tlmsi but Fealtie,canff tljou Declare, fo met&e canfe lubg aU ti^etr pase0 folloU? tbem,tuben onrjcs in (^oWs oo eue; gos befo;e, Fea. 3in luar tbe^ foUotDe^stid fbe ^pantaro is Uiarrmg m mi^ pol. 3^ut tIjat'iS notnoto tbe caufe,ren tb;ec arsF ride, Ambition Tyranny. fharae foJtoloeiJ pridc,a« fee a p;onerbc bane, pride goes befojcanD fliame comcB after. Treachery eoer attcnfies feponAmbiton; !EinoTerrour 8lVDate$fettl)afearfullfeatcD, E^otbfeaittjponil confct'eiKeo Tyranny: But fe|)s Ubis ^e td gine tlim fpace to b^eatb: Come,Ccurajse,iet D0 cbarge tbem aU at once* L etthc three Lordcs palTe towards the Spaniards, and rhe SpaniarJc* make fliov/ of comming forward and fodainly depart. Pom» mf}at bjauing cotoaros tbefe Catttlltmis be^ ^2 ilo^OBJjf kV2 HH o«i; ^culciiensi tip againc, 0n5 thetfircc Loris of London^ gnt tkm'^ cm felneg h\x^ mt fnttt off tnfiftne^ i£o p;mvit ittW ma? d^ato tDsm to fome DecD* Xt it but to bAttev ster ?mp^e$eD GDielDe^. pies. 0gr6D, m^ Fealcy,tiang tjjem tip a fpace«: They hangvp their ffticldei.anJftcp out of fight. The ^Spanurdcs corfie and flounfti their rapiers necr tAcm,Dut touch them not,& the hang yp theirt , which the Lords of Loa^on pcrcciuing , take their owac and batter theirs: The Spaniardi making a lirle Ihowe iio rcfcue,de fodenly flippe away aa4 come no more. ^ pol. ^acm0/ain^<'bfartgd,pao»oand infolenf, Srtjatbfare no eoge tuiebin ttistr painteD Qieatt;^, SC^a$ nmtt not Ortke our QHte pattent (l^teloea. Pom. tiap bAuc tbep fet ei;sir cUins, Te if ipe Dare S5atter on tbem,anD beat tbctr timing £.o;dc0. pie. Het tbem not t^onoer bang tin'oacbt ,m^ !Lo;(0> PoU ^(nttbgooo aontre,tbat tue be not rut:p;treo,anD sood enonnb^ pora.spp felfe toil onfttgine on Prides, at iiour liaeaeocbe fir. plea, ^t Tyrannies toil Bl b^D^oto m|) bIoto,toiC^ing tbe maiUcr* Pol. 3iatAmbicionsartb0,b8neatbt0Pdnipcreo3lao^ Centre S.Pridc^ ^, ^;iDf. Fuoro Viliagosjfuoro Lutheranos Anglcfes/uoro fa, fa, fa. Pom. ^bctr (^teioe0 are oar9,tbev GeD atoap tottb (^ame, yi5ut ilo^Dings , tobiles tlie SrataGcnm is U9(i)y aao mcmojieof (bir miffo?tunc grccne, SCbeir battcs ^et fainting toif b tbe uoncll griefe, ' ' ^et 130 purfuc fbcm fligng, if ^ou fag it, ^aplp.tee map p;eucnt tbcir paffage ^^t* pol. C^tti) ipii;:! auD bfii^Dc tbs ^(^ttcr mn0 be Donc^ pic,. SCberefo^c t>on PoUicie (bail our leader be. Hxeuut omacsu' tnUt tlim )laD;c6 anti Nemo, Ne. SCbc Da? is oai'0}faire %mte let t)s io^^ Cbe tejfuH D3^ tbat all men may reiosce, i^sf onel? 31 am tb<^nkfttll fo^ tb^d gooD. flno i»our gooD oa^ at batiD app;ocbetb fad. W^min^Qtt (bAUbetotuDgCotb;ee(ucbii/0;de]ef> ThcilatelicK'oralloJ 0$ all tbc df testnuer t)C3acn«! b;tst)t copt« Cannot lottb all ttietr glo^ic inatcb ui l]}o;t^» Lucre, Lo^o Pomp a t)i(to; tomefi to tbt$ ; Loue,l(Dke tt)co fo^ ILo;D pollicy aftpell: 9nd Confcicnce fo;^ fier toe!! tcfo^meB ifc w> pleafurc, ttat onelp fn&Dc l;t0 cljofcc of ^cr* t mp rest) l)C tidier |3;epare toonlD Doe garhnOB of HaurcU QUtns^ ^0 toelccme tt)em,mo;e fo; tt)e cotrnicn gosd, jC^an fo} affftfson p^iuate t^ae toe bearc. Loue. ^0 mcsr tbcm commtns bail t^oC be rnnifTi^y tl^m tobat bneto Uie bajto tbc? Uiiii tshe tacb l»o;&, Con.Kcpo;ttnapbctnucbino;ctban (berets ^anff^ t{9!s ma? tbcm tnateanb grat iDltb terfuU bent tcij, ^nb makefbcm garfones b^bcn lue ^nati) tbetr mtnbs0» enter t^e tteee I0.2D s twitb t^c ^pani© Shieldcs auJ Diligence Ne. Snb bcrc tijf ^ come toitb neta tw^P^JPfcb fl^ielDifr $pllo;b0 b}fl titet,anD toslcome from ipour foes. I Lucre. llo^Opomp,toelmct,an6U!cIa)mc bcineagaui?. Loue.iLo?c pollicy,Ujel mtt,an5 \uf Iconic bcmc ogain? ♦ Con. llo:D pIearurc,\jjcUome toufj bnfiiiiicD bcart^ pie. iratrc ioi? anolebs jCF.tboiirano tb mkts. ' pol. jfaireLoue,an!JlLaDi7,tU)i;tai niani? tbsnfees* Pom. iFaueanobcloucoLucrctbougbBl fpcaUe lalfj Si5 UtnDlp 31 tl)p tDclcomc bo eccepf, l^jsbcart can t|}inhe,pEn lr?ifr,o?tGngu2 can tc!!. Nc.^oU) fpcali mp Eojds OoU) fcauc t«? fpcD? pel. liigljt li3f l:tbanhs tinia fcim ^ gauc ibc ba]? fotjj?,, ^be pride of Spainc toas cbaK'o tuitb SpaicOic, janb Shame U0 pagr,(ntcbnamcD )spoDelIu, ^panitl) Ambition.l^ono? buonlD be caro, gnb Trcachene bis pagc,fcrm'o Action. •^IbeJr Tyranny toafi tUp^o (Doucrnmcnt, Terror bw p^gr, bras (falflp)nam'o Hegarb, ^u( ^oD abou£ i/at(;gtu(n t|em ttieir rctosrb. ActKrce Lords oFLondon, ts;|e oncl? p;tfr0 purcbaS bp mb nota, 9nDtbofc(fatr( )L«Dte0)toe pjcreitt to roti, Lot\c,i{)i8 iB tbmcano be tbat g . tbat art mp ccnifu^t a«o mv cartblp bliTTe. Ne. ^oto!lo,i03,3I b^pe ^ou ar? contentcDaflt pomp toitb bi3 Lucrc,pollicictD(tb Loue: plcafure Ujicb Confcieiicctto^ fall ?oa fro«i aboue: Quo tdns (0 i«on mi? p;omlfe ta perfoarm'o, flng 3B rrpci^ -Mi r: tu"3 flnrtU be hepf, ^bRt p;efcnt p?ppnrfit(D« map bt ntata to bononr tbofc ti»ii!!) boI|) mflmoc nics, tlmt J in pjcfciuc of t'oc ItjsjId mnp ?jac tbxf" as tnt> Daugbtcrs bnf o tow mp (onnrtf. Pol. lEy m? cQitfcntonc onplbal fcrne bsaU* t^btcb n)nl{ be kept fo; cucr fcttiuaU. pom. Qnu on tbntDatj in bono* of tbcfc 2)amtf5, ' tbefe (btclDS in trtumpb H^all be brjn about. Men. toitb p5gcant3,plRtc3,anD Vubat Xitiiiif){s ma^bfi to entcitajne t^e time ano compnnfe. Ne.feo it p(c '.fp yoa tojuingf >tne tbinfes it toer mitU that tbt' ie.80tes t3a!{c care ia pjomoe tfccir obonc tcies* iPl? (rlf; nsoe to be!pc t!}em,%)bo Utislu tbetr minxes toelU ^o; Bl can {;spe tuomcn kotb qtitet ane conftanf. pol , 3t pipafctb ^c V)cU tbflt vcu toil rahe t(jc paine0. if aire on£S,fo^ a toljilc luc betahe ^cu to foor biifineo. Pom. JLaOiCS, flOUe, ^^ c Lords biing the to the doorc, Sc they go out & Ne. pie. HBcl0Ue0,farcU)el. Fn.giucs Pol.a paper, which he rcadi ScthcaTaici pol. 3f fames bptbis U>;jitinB fir. ^oa luoalD feme m?, "^^ "^ 3s woe name Skil?tot?o W^i^ JO" ^c*^"^ *^^' ^2 Fraa.Sn The ftatclic Moral! of Frau. Sn ill maiffcr,mj) IL0jD,3l ferueD none hut mis feffc . pol . ^ane ^e mmx ferucD anp tjsrctofo^c? Fra. ^g0,t)iuer0 mp ILojD,bof|) big;?oniJ fea anD Ijcrc lutfb ?onr pa« f8cnce,mpga»o5.oj&,notofrfinDing.^&efanie,31 tNnbe^am ^onrpoje ftmfman,t?flDf ILo?0(l^t'p,pollicy,anD 3 Skil^tf it like ^e, pol. ^on fas t3crieUici!,anfi it is tjerie Ufte,3ltDtU anftocrereea^ tlOn« Difs.giucs Plca.a paper which he rcacies.and faies. plc, Js! ^euif nam? fatre fcmblance tbat toir^ to fcrue me. Dif.ljSleafe it rour 3L0iC(^tp,fair fcmblance, g am luel famtljoogb 3i asp it,in (mmi^ !angiiagcs,m«f fo^ tour3lc;jtfi)ip,c;ansnol)Ufct- ute^to tui\) timtB ton0;tiC0,anD st^cr rate tbingg. Vks.^i itfte )?e tcrte iDcU,aap a \::)biU fo; pour anflserei Cntec Vfurie a«l5 giue0 ap apec to Pompe toljccft he rcadcs,afld faith, pom. S^aiflEer Vfury, 3 tbanhg ^e tbat pe offer me four feruiccit t^imB to be fo; pour olo maiSrciTe rake,ilsDi) lucre, tla^ but a \x>}iik» 3! tDtll anflucre ton tottb rcafon. The three Lords go togcthcr,2nd whifpcr,ancl call Diligence, Diligence goes out for a marking yron,ancl rcturncs, Frau, i^olD notD mj> bearf0,tbinU tz toe (bal fpao. pol. Diligence,Comc betbcr. Vfu. 31 cannot fell iubat rou tl^al,tut 3 am furc 3 fl^al, Dif iamadUkeasanieof^ebotb* Vfu. Fraud, Dif. mbiflman,be'flSkiI. Vfu. Skil, m\)v Bocft tljou fde&c to feme EaOp Louc? SBbat pjoitfe toil tljaf be? Fra. VLut bclD tbee content J le ferttebuf alDbtle » and feme mine ofenc turnc ano atoap. ^^" pom. ^aiffer Vfury tome bftber,ijou DeOreto feme me, rou b<^oe eon'e llatjp Lucre gooo fcratce vou fap» but it toag againll (©ou ano ConfcicncevcuDiD it, ncitber euee in pour life Dib \>z ante tbingfn; Loue: mtll to be (^ojtjferne me tou (feall not, mn 3i tosulo 3 "ulo ijaniaifou from London fo^sucr,o?keepe tioudoafc pjtfoncr , but fo^t i0 not in me. bnt bobat is oj map be»tbat ftrait yon (ball fee : 15?? 'p<5incics cDunfcll tjiie l^all be bone, Diligence b;inst'ga£ wu , l)elp« tne mB ilo^D0. \ . . Cntec the three Lords of London.' q^ntet Diligence^ pol. CDiae me tfie ^m Pomp^Cofen Skil befp fo bold Mar, Fraud laics bold on him but Difs. flip away* e>irra,ponicy gfnes ^ou t^iB matbc,oco ?oa r*^ a Ittle ):.flanotn8 in(ti}emtDD'a of a great.C, ^eanms t&etcb^ to tct all men tsnoerffano, tbat pon mud not take abone bare );.poanD in ttje tifiojeo at an)? ^and, and tbat to mucb t(D,anQ Co be pacbtng qni all fnolD,be to ^cn tl);a Ho^bcj^ cf London on a roto: }i4caomi> fupplnntatton anb m? fuittee (^allhnoit), C'uen fo; (IDOO0 faUe 8botic,an!i tb;a ILabtes fabea bcloto. Frau- !2j5.Diljgencc,SDo mc fauonr,i?oo Unoto jj am a gentleman, DiU ^tep aCi^e tit m^ llo;DC0 be gone,3le doo fo; ^ou Uibat 3| tan. Hip afide. potr,. mW's berc mp bo^.tob-^fa bereJplcafurc, tbw futt is (utc to \vuyO\ it'si mab lluffe,anD 5 bnoli) not t»bnt it mcancB. pic. Ji5cit&cr Boc 3l:firra»i?our inittnu is fo intrifatc,tb^t t cu mud fpMfec rour mmo,otbcttBifc,toe Qjall not Iinoto ponr meenmg* pol. pen f«e fcj tbKC tbingsbeie,anD tobat be t\icv tell tinmi fimp. Cmnct ^'011 cb:ce tcil,8nD tbe fuit to ^ou Unai 3 am glntj a Cmplc fellolu yet,can go bc^cno vou tl)jcc grcatc ^oms of London, 11? 3 CiObie, The lately Motall of ^i:?Sf))? W11? fttff clfio^c jcct'g (ucb n fuitc, as row arc tianfiti m ^ono; ro t;e^irr,f3? it ii5 foj t^e poppet liUc teealttj , i tuoulD bane no neU) oj * j!2V5,iio2. nnU) fctcncEU ft t Up m tl?? due , toljeteof 3| am a poo^c ftce^ maa»ano pl^afc re»a« pc inaj? reaD in m^bil tV2r,fimplicity fcefmsii. imi tup L03Cj5 J iDotilo l}aaetti;a8 olD traoefl , te^ici^are notfcj tljc tommuii iDealt{7,pat ttotone. Pic. ant) after all Cljig cirnimaancc.Gr tobaf be t^cp? finip. tbep be not t|);jee tobat latfteuf ffl)a3 tofjat Do pee lackc, Rne 3lo£Uerome,RneCattaaa>o:fine<^oIlsnncIoatl) : o; tDbat lacbe pe, Sue H5all(^n£!?,6n8 ^oiif tnio: wfeat latUc pe.a pnrfe o; a glafi:« , o) 9 paire cfane hniae9:butt!)epbf ffji^f^tsauc pe unksMit^) mtc t^nhtf aEentit|)crfcifnce0najoccapat!onfl;,flriDtfi^epbe(rali«>tbepJ!ret)5i tp malapert traoefj , nno mo^? mm tcafots* pol. ^<5 t3ot9 Cr? JJ:?!J»§> tbcm. fmi. M;! pou bnnil^ tbem as rrncflpas 3 fa» name tbemf f!)cOiff 10, \}ti:K ps m^^ c!or?on,c!D ra.^le.o; olD Ijarmts? pom. ana !u&at fault RnD re toitb tljis? limp. tJIIbat fault? 3 pjomjfc pc a great fanlt,tobiitbaae pou 0: atip mail eld to 000 to afkc me if 3! tav>c ^nr c!d pjcn? CSIbat if 3 banc, oj tubat if 3! bnu: not^ na^p fijaaio ron be fo faaric to ar!?e? pica. ?:(I\bP foolc,tis fo J r^i? jjooD to gitic tbes J!inncp fo j tljat » fbat niig-jt lie ant) rntt bj^ ttjcs. limp. jj>o mpLojo.no. ^ m.ip KCt caU pocfooleitf is fo marhetb^ ^onrc* VDUurc fucb Ruffe ij,t:)i5t againfl rebels rife, ibac is bar nets anD iDcapoii rcaop fai f Ijeai in fucb atm fucij tjoiifes , ano labat tbenf the ruGie toeapon cotl) tuoimo paS fargeiicanfi hils tljci^.uetnc gccti fabiertGrf tbcttft of ibe olD trat); Ml malse tbf »» gans imM it iff goiD Incl; to finDolop?on,bnt tic natiflbt to Itecpit.anDtbctraDe iscraftp, utiD noU) mp it. poIIicy,5 fpcnft fo roa,t'lDere Irci to pnt it co»nc. pol. (KO-tfelp faio.tobicb is vonr leconO;? js ttjat as pctillonsv ■ - ilmp,13ea,an5tui);fe:3Jti3,bauepeanp cnBsofgolfti^nD(iluer?tbf5 i[s a pinions traoe,coi!eton3,nnoa tictnicnttofnnrtbcr,foj,mitl;epf, 31ftbeptbnfafl;etbtsfl;oulobeeiHUBiucn,as(!DoDgfojboo, rbcp fa toba batb tbis aola aiiD aiucr,map not ttit^ come in tfcc rigbt bjeatic in at tbetr ijoufes,anD cut tbeir t[j;oatf s fo: it? 3 tcU pe. goio ano fi?- ner batt^caqfco as mucb mifcbtefcto be Done ns tbiU ooton tPitb it» pom. tbep Ibat b&oe it neeD not l^etD if, Sim, t4il^,t0cp nao af& no fad; (][qc(lion,manp « man 6aty be ligftc to inssst?;^:^. the three Lords'of London. tQ tS)c\D tDb^t Jut f)atb.tt)e tradt'0 a ticjng tc4De,06lon8 (Dt([i if: poi, jDoto pour tUirD fir: fim, tijat ts tS6 craftJeQ of alMuberefn K am DifburDjfo) tbatgoif feaner tfce colour of fimplidty, banc ^t anp toocD to tieau?? pic. 51 p2rillou5 t()tng,tDlJflC \3un lo tfecre in tfcts Cf ? Sim-0 Do ^00 not pcrceine t^z fnbtilttcrtrtjv t(r,t(7e (dCImttmonger^ ^iri0 tbtfe poo;e rini to goe fcp and t)sU)ue tuirb tyetr fcetlec 9 toco^ Uta on tbeu bactt0,tricng,l)ane t)c anp tooD to c!cane,anD lausb to fes ti)Gm trauell fo ioOen \oit\i 12)0)0 anDsaon:noU) Hr^tftl^e poo^e men go ttoo 0; tl};^ Daie0 ano be not tet a b3o;ik3(a9 fcnicttnT^cs tljtv 000} tf;e McDDmongtrs pap tbem ano game b^ il^fo; tticn hnolu tf/^y t|;tr£'iS HolDooomtbedtJfjttJjnrairctOcvttjcpiiccofbiilfta foHe, tM tbj pooKcanbusnonc.i^oU)Cr,tft^cr€ fcUoloeit loere barr'o from ar<^ i{mg,tot}ctber tbcre ujcre tocoo to (ircue 0;: not^tbc tDoiDmongero nsa" not tmolD but tljat tUere tocrc tua)0,anD fo bilUts and fagcts fiootilfie be fold al at one rat(jDaU)nc iDitb tbisi craDe.tne Oiiall (It a coId sto mu §lto;D0. P!c. J pjomife fou a fcifc fuit.anb Dene toifb great Difcrct ion. iim. ^iM,ls tt not?mtQbt vo not Da Uigl fo make me of pour cmmfcl 31 '4t\mc^ foulD rpie moc faults in a U»co2i0,tbAn ^ou ccuio nicno in amonetb: poimtlM tWi tb;cc fault/ tbe time ftrftcs not nob to rco^c ffc: fim. j]^o mancfo; ^ou t^^eemutt be maruo fobainIp.fin!) ^^our feaS ntad bs ^)cC: pom, againtt Ujtnrb ffaflt.rcpaife ton to Diligence, antJb« Cbal appoint i^ou rurmfure ano moneu^auo a pl«c« tti ij^t (l^ovu, ttll tcbm farelUElI. Exeunt fim. ifarctoell mv lL02nfi,fareU)f I m^ t\)m Ho^ibs, anD rcnujubcc fbat i baue fee c cb«f v^ e a fault to menDrtocI, Jle go fech ^.Diligecc tbat !}C map gtuemc fo.jtp pence againft Ijjc fcart Qr teucrrncg: Hx»: Dil.Ulbat is it ^. Fraad.Vfi tDOUlD DtmaUUb of mi^Oil.V Frau.ftcp our Frau.a>tc ttfis pou Unoto,tbougo tour felfe be a man of gooo recko» r.if)n: :::arcvcefenoluenan officer \)nfotMctb;aL©?D0,aRbtobnC 8ifiic>it It mere f aic.being a notco man to poff« tb;oogb tit fti ef f« toltb t?ou bm^ ofticer,o; if anp of mt> frienxss Qjoulo fufpcct me \Dit^ pea, ans Dog t)0, anD fee me commit teb Co j^eUjgate,3 iyere Utterly. DircrsQiteD^bcrcisa putrct:C;audinit(lDobung;co^nge!0;looUei}r9 \ ^4 PilbcrO: "^ The (laicly Morall of DiU f^ere are fo tnoceD,U)^at mtant pee b^ e^i^ , 31 Ml not (afie tljCfC to let ^C efCape. dcliucr Fraud the purfcagiinc. Fra. 31 meane not To Gr,no? 31 iuil not giuc l;alfe of t^cm to be fnf* fere!) to fcape,foj B! W^^ Oonc no cffienccf bscgb if plcafe t^tm to im- p^ifjn m8,an0 it ts bac en commanQenient,3l t^al not (tap long.but 3 toill gcuc ijo" f tJJ^ P"^f^ ^"^ solo in patunc to be true p?ifoner,oneIp g,m mc Icauc to gcc fome otOer Ujai?sanD borne to mg loDging ,fo; mg bootes anD ottiec nee eUarie^.fo; tbcre 3|Ie leanc U)o;D 3 am riODen out of tolune,anD toitb al tbe batt tbat pofTibl? J map , 3 toil iKcct poa at jp6togatc,«nD ginc ^ou an ansell fo? voar cnrtc(ie:tijere is t^s purfe. Fraud giucs Lira a purfc like the other, Dil. 31 bajsttb (m ^m &ttctD)trip!Lo;og otlpleafure !jercin,anD ^tt io plcafiire ^ou 3S tuiU Denture tfjis once, but 3 pjap pe mafte bafi tbat ^3j be not G^eiUjJ tooulo not fo? ten ^uQtls it iuere bnctoen • f ra, 3lf 3 tarie aboucan bo^er,taUc tiiat golo fo; gone tarieng* *^ . Exit. Dil. 31 00 not fcarc tbat ibvt^i to;fdt fo mucb fo; to Ittle canfc. £«»«• Center Nemo \J3(t!) Dcrire,Dcligh tjiinD Deuotion^tlje t\);tZ %OltitS of Lincolne* Nc. {!p^lo>ijs of Lincolne,bauci?oufucbtBtUanO(ac|) intjreft %o LouejLucre^ano Confci€ncc,a5 ^e fap? naabo gaoe pou leane to baue acccflTe to tbemj ^ am t^cir fatt)cr bp aooptton, 31 neucc bneto of Louc tiuiyt tljem anb pou : Mn to pcrpatuall pjifon tbe? toere boom'o, ifromtobence 31oneliemtgbCBcltuertbem. ©2Xbicb at tbe fuit of tbjee moft matcbleffc iLo?DCtf , SEljeii* countrimen,tn London b;eba0tbcp, 3 baue perfourm'o,anD freed tbem from tbcic bon05» lanD tet baue bonno tbem tit tbeir freeoome too ^0 Pollicie,t0 plcafurc,anb (0 pomp, SCb^ee iUi;D£J of LQndon,tobofe tbeg are in rigbt* ContracteD tDiue0,ano Done bt mp confettt^ l^n'o eiien to mojroto is tbe mariage Bar? Crcept ^our comming tta^ o; b;eaU it off, 31 toil go call tbeir lLo;Dflf to anftocre ^ou, SCbedibnoer (ouert iBaron) meolc not. ^ ^ Exit. ^ Dcfirc. ifet^l the three Lords of London* • Defirc. 5Fef c^ t[)em 5lojtt Ncmo.tue toill bere at(cnt)* Dclight.attenu tocmap,bat tinte litlc cno, trt)$ &aok0 are tn Imkttcrs banoling noUs Deuo.3I iuonlD 31 (laD mp time in piaicng fpcnf, SZCtiat 31 tn iDoins Confcience DID confume* CntCttljet^Zl^ U/0;tJeS of London anD Nemo. Dcfire. l^erc come t^e Ilo;D0,{ec'0 Q)o\u gooD counter nance man. Pom. pzt mo;e aooe befo;te toe ran tntog SCbt toief of maciage iDttf) our miSredes? HBe ebere tbe llo;D0 tbat tvtle t)oo p;ctcnt)? spp iLo;D0 of LincolncjCo tbe tieare ^oa be. ^batare)^our named > Del. Dcuotion,Dcfirc,ant) Delight* pom. m\)ic\i comc0 fo; Lucrci Defirc.31 Defirc. pic. ^Sabtcb foj Confcience? Deuo.31 Deuotion* pol. aa3J)icb fo; Louc? Dcl.3 Delight. pol. ^OEt fljall be anflDcreo Qraigbf. pie. 3 can anCtoere tbem quichlr^^e cannot bauc t\)tm, no; ^e (ball not bane tb^m. pol. f&tat plcafure ,foft: ^^ iLo;D DefirCj^on Lucre fdebe, &>eCre of loci;e(bc it tuitbpat rep;ocb to pon °ip ILo:^)t0 couctoufnet tvbicb cannot be federated long from tbat; reao m^ iio;D. Point to tl-icftonc ofCarc^ Defire. 3|n golDen letters on tbt0 (tone J0 to^itten Care. pol. Careluitb oelire of lucre tuell agrees, tbe ratber fo; tba( Londons Lucre map not be feperateo from Londons Pompc , fo pou map take tbat If one if pe iDtll, but cbe Hm pou cannot baue. DeGre. ^noa ((one is a colo comfo; in fteeo of Lucre. pol. Dcuotion to Confciencc(3| fpeaUc noU) to tou mg iLo;D tbat are learneD) 10 fo;rolu fo; 0nneiO; tn one luo;o reao. ' point to the (tone of Rcmorfo. Deuot. ^n this ffoeatins 0one tn b^alTe t0 fet Remorfe. pol. Ano tbat t0 ponr po;tton,fo^ Confcience t0 bettotoeo on Lono 31 ^oQ< The fiat elic Moral! of dons PlcnfurCjlJCfaurc London miU^ a fonfcu-iirc U'MpliatsTQ thtv. ^k ano al3nitt,ano Djtjat time tbsp bcHolue t!}C t:ets),(knD So tDl;at mti; to vnv Lo^oDeuotion , tit^n tW ojnottiKg* Dcijo. (^ Hone \s a tarD lot in l^aD cf a lUtt?. pol.^s^p LqD Dclig!)t,.tl^at ooucllofJt in Lou b& a matt f^oufdfeek a lodD of ^ap in aneiDte$cie. Dil, anti bJj^if t^att tjiou fongljt me (H p;sr t|;ee)rQ earntaip? fjmp. mixf <• tbc three Lords of London. ftmp, cnbf ^iTo; t\ii3 omlmctif ,tbefe (i)t\0A\)t(c p^rturw, to tje not ftitotD tW Conntti:; niounfn0cnm 2i)i0 da mihi ? Dil. tffilDat mont p,U)t)v':SDo 3! otoe t\)n aiir monef ? S!mp.£DtD8m£;^a^,noman,VubatD3^etailte ofoU)tns?Come» ana pet 3 muS O^aefome CttUint ilgilUcum & dcUbcracum m pr.t- fentiaSDoo pou not tindetltanD flt?Jpotictp pence and furniture bp mi? ito)OpoiT)pcspoa0aintttUetDCDDtn0Da? :to face one offhe QdlD-maiicc09 31 ooc not fag ^(ba^mafterB ^ anD pctrbci/beijoncd men. Dil. 31 bnorrll^iint) ty& no)]j,ant) tboti n^Hf isnnt neither mont^ uo} fnrnffure fa; tbat.Tatpeltttou Dot Fraud i^tctv? Sim. j^o>a ifor fcrit tini,f02 if 31 coiilo fiit^ '^inif I ioouto mahc Ijim faa^noufft) fo; cofoning ti;e often Qjilttttgs fo; cerCatii copper btitcons anD i;eDpounD i(DC£8 Launce and flueld,then a boy with |Dlcafured Lance and fliield : then ]9lcafare and Confcience hand in hand : then ^impltcitie . with CirannieO Lance and fliicld;they al going out, ^imo ftaies and Ipcakcs, Ne. SEljcfe ILo^bef anti Hatiies ft)U0 f o clmtl) arc gone^ 011 tionoureD action fo folemni^e t^trt, ^^tttbgreafet: io^ tuil ttiep rrf urn anone, SEftan Caefar DtD in Rome bis ILnureU toeare, llo;o poUicy f)at& Louc tinto t)is if cte, 3Lo;0 pompc ^atb Lucre fo niaintainc bi0 po'ff, ILO^D pleafure Confcience f o otriCt 1)18 rpo;t« Vfury i0 market) to i)0 bnotsf 11, Pifsimulation tt{{ga (^aOOU) fldetetf^ ^tiD Simony 18 out of knot&IeDge grotoeify SnD Fraud tnfount) tu London but b^ fit8* Simplicity tt)it[) painefull penurie Qf8, So} Hofpitality f t)at toM iDOont to feeo t)ini| the three Lords of London. WSi n$ (Uitoe IOD0 Once mn tioto (de poo;e tm n^t bint. ^dat Hofpitaility tijdiis an boneOf maif» S0Qt baD fito ftienDr0(aIa0)if tie bao snp^ )l5at VAiry tDbicb cnttiis tb;oat at tban &Oa0 fucconreo,aim (aeofo; b? snanp. t^oQlD Liberality bso bene It)? tbs 0iie» Sben Hofpitaiity^tb^n liaDtt niasr oied. )iBuc tDbat meane l^one oftbi mattege trafiv, &:o montne fo^ \)im W nere be bab csaine* l^id (DboS maii tuaibe to mocbg tb^ people rnbe: ^tuttu ace bnt (b«bofa)e0,8nD boe fenfe belnbe: 3 talfeefo long, fo^ lee (bii looeKecroe ^tt tQtnmittQ bacbSf anb bant perfoormli fbtir bneJ Eeturne as they went,rauingthat the blew gownesthat bare /hieWs, • muft now bcare torches:$&itnpU(ff)? going about , fpies JTraubf and falleth on his knees before ^Itmxt and Conferences faicng. Simp. ^ Hatf Confcience tbat art niarteb to Eojb pleafure, •©elp tfeB feruane fimphcity to rccener bi0 lott t eafnre: a bone tnt ilo^09nU fb; Loue anb Lucre fabe)^ mm 80 «ou are true ilo}be0,belp a falfe lout to tabr , plea. SLbou (bait bane brpeabe,tsbat<0tbc matters fimp, &ae fou ^en felloto toitb (be to^cb in ^i$ bano^ CDne tbe falfett btllatne tbat iB in tW lanb» net bim be lalo bolb on tbat be run not atoa)?, :9nb tben tiee (baU b^are tobat 31 baue to fa?. pie. Diligence b;ingbtm betber^gooD Ho^bes anb Ilabic0 tfa^, iimp. £D ^aiQcr Fraud,tDeIcome to tbe bnt0, i^oto iU baue mp ttn (btlltnjsS in fpite of tout 6UC0» SLbe if rencb Canber confume re,ta6oUbutt0one,sollrenGa,buglaIare,pon ccfon'Dtne tban, S^V iLo;D0 51 bcfocl) ?c tbat at t^bo;tne Ije nia^ totter, ^a; iwftttn of golo , tbe biUatne folD me copper. pica. 3!0 (bi0 true S0. Skil? Fra. 3t is true in a foit mr Hojb , 3! tbongbt to bee picafanf feifb bim beiHg mg olo acquaince^anb oifsniro mg fclfe iihc ^n olo frcmb 3 3 atti>» Thcftatcly Morall of iKr f ificer m^ tattitisa ^^^ copper km^s,^ folo t^tm to I){m to ma &$ fpo;tfa) ten i^tlltno^s.iubicl? monep f| am canUnt to ps)? tim ssa im C&cbtiU ije ^aiie no Icffe t^ouc^t) brtiras maDe a lieie fpo;>t. pie. iftrli Qtuc Ijim m i^n^^ell bsto;e m^ face. Siniplicity,att ti^ou Sim. Crul? 3 aoi plearD to tafee a sccd ^ngell fo^ ten MHnqeSf fpsciouClte of fuct; a fiebtcr 10 ^. Frand.bQt noto 3 am to bn pUaPo otyei-l0ife»tbat t0,to fee bun piinil^r^ , '$ p^omtfe pre tbe people ioat bini iBe!?fo; ttieij tooalo leaue Ivo^k ano moU^ yaUg yaiioap to fee bint i)angeD» pk.Cbatbttf punf(bntcnt ma? pleafe t^ee tb^ beifcr,tbon C^alt pu« ni(b bint tb? fclfc: be t^atl be bouno fattto ^en po(l,ano tbon (ksilt tm b(tnefolD>anD Uittb^tbi? to;cb (bait run sff it tocre at ttif, cbarging t^^ izgbt asatnd ^i$ Up0>ano fo(tf tI;ou can^jbrnneDut \ii9 tongue > tljat it ncuer fpcahe moK snUe* Sim. 2D ^tnguIarUer Nominatiuo.toirelLQ^D pleasure :Genctiuo binbbtnitotbatpo(|e>Datiuo,gmemetn?t6;cb)Accurat. fo; ifa« |ic'0 a coConer.Vocat.lP gtue me roonie to run at bim. Ablactatte ano bUnO me*PiuraIiccr,peromnes(arus.iLau8baKi:auto feemeemms €f)eUer aoua to burne ano to bjotle t(;ac fatfe Fi-aud to sud^ BinJ Fraudjblind Simplicity i turnc hira thrifc about, fet fiis fade to- wards the contrarie pofljat which he runnes,and all to burnes it« Dif.ftandmg behind Fraud,vnbmdcs him, and whiles all the reft behold Stmp.tliey two flip awaycPleafure mifsing Fraud faith* plea* ^irel^perfonrm'Otbntfoft firs^tobere is Fraudf^ noble btU latne,sone tobilcsf ioe bcbelb tbe otf^ccim^ laofcDbtm?iL&tbo let ^im fltp?b)ettOne ^slv be toil pai? fo; all:bnbItno Simphcity. Simp. }$Q\D noiD>)^aue | beateo \iis Ups^Wit S luarm'o bt0 nofe? and fco2tcbeDbi0 face^Hetme fce^boto toobee tbe biilatne i l^aue 3( t^nrneobtmf Dil. Cbou baS done mo^cfo^ tbou ball quit? confumedbim into notbina) loofte.bere is no ligne of bim,no not fo mncb ajs bt0 atbed. Simp.tilct ic feU) a^e? if tberc be anp,)je map fee to^at a bot tWQ anser t0>1 cbtnUe tHt tbe Ceub oiD not luaQs bim fo mucb af ms tD^atbtto^l.aS LondQn,na?y4l|EngIarid {0 beboibinft tome,fo;puttius Fraudoucof cb{0 \iioA*itJi i;auecoufum'ob^m$ b^au^btt^^Hito notbina jino 14 DAY USE E RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. \ This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. W RETC'D LD MARS "es-spM UM 9 i^^^ ^ '^ jplO'^ aaci plA^ DEC 7-1966 2 IN STACKS DEC 51966 DEC 1 2 '66 RCD '^t? 1 ^ 1979 LD 21A-60m-4,'64 (E4555sl0)476B General Library Uoivenity of California Berkeley J^SBwt zso^^o THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA UBRARY *»•••♦■ • «