':i^'- 1893. THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES n Mc^Ai^j-^ (^r^^^^jj^^ ©HE r^isnior^Y OF IBrigbous^, Kastrtck, anb l|i]pp^rl}0lm^. < en o THE HISTOEY OF riglT0Xis^, Hastrick, AND With Manorial Notes on Clifton an& IRirklr^s. By J. HOESFALL TUENEE, f.r.h.s., IDEL, BRADFORD. ONE HUNDRED AND SEVENTY ILLUSTRATIONS. IjNiCORPOF^ATION JVIEMORIAL. Printed for the Author, hy THOMAS HAKKISON AND SONS, SINGLE Y, YORKS. 1893. 3DOl!vd:ESIDJ^"y STJE,V:E"Z", 1083, I n CetefUuYcfenajn Alfesm CUnzm? Wttjcccfei ^. caff 1 n S<:t4?tici!ift. c^ln Btrle.tiiucf U^toi^^.tiil. c. Int^tam.^C* «^- ] ntoma* cap 'i)<^a V s^jcij^acw/cl^. n»3c cnani^^ {utr rmf £d^ m cbito. A in rnonu rai5 fut^ Simul bnr.vjn c^r.vtluapar<\s/i.lcv l^.^fid.Uv Ur. |iittvobxtcttoit> HERE is little need for a native, though more than half his lifetime up to the present has been spent outside the dis- trict, to apologise for the pub- lication, however crudely the work may be done, of the history of the old haunts of childhood, especially as no such record has hitherto been attempted. True patriotism takes its rise from a love for the old homesteads, and from the touch of affinity engen- dered by a study of family al- liances and human character. Heredity has much to do with religious bias also, and if the socialism of the future has to be true humanitarianism our sympathies and interests must be broadened, and selfishness curbed almost to eradication. There are in these pages, the writer believes, texts sufficient for those who will search for them, to convince both rich and poor that happiness and goodness are in- separable. My object has been to crowd as much information as possible into the available space, or many moral deductions might have been added. Eor instance, a footnote to the name of Alfieri, p. 252, ought to have been given, for no better sermon to young men can be preached than the warnings from the life of the great Italian dramatist, — a morbid, wasted life, as contrasted with Lord Ligonier's magnanimity. Although the book has more pages than I intended, one-half the story remains to be told. The insertion of 170 illustrations, where only half that number was proposed, has robbed the space available for writing. Though this means extra cost to the author, it will be a gain to the reader. The ecclesiastical, and social chapters have had to be eliminated to do justice to the period that has been truly regarded as the "Dark Ages." But they were only tiie "Dark Ages" to us, because no local historian has hitherto unfolded our eyes. We have been in the dark as to their true condition ; and however mv local 552054 ENGLISH LOCAl nil. INTRODUCTION. readers may look upon the long and wearisome records from the Manorial Rolls, the historical student will specially welcome them, for I know of no Yorkshire history that has so fully dwelt upon the Feudal period. The history of the people, in contradistinction to the chronology of kings, has yet to be written, and I may fairly claim that this Brighouse book is a local pioneer in supplying materials for the study, thus serving a more than local purpose. As to the diction, the punctuation, or the grammar, it must be remembered that the charter antiquary gathers notes, but the great historian generalizes from the labours of the antiquary. Be it remembered also that these notes have been gathered during thirty years of holiday time, and re- written and proofs read, and correspondence done at spare moments which ninety per cent, would have spent in self-ease. Sentences are often abrupt, and often purposely so to make room for more facts ; a preposition or two might be changed with advantage ; even a plural verb is once used instead of a singular one, but I leave these for the captious critic to detect like our Coley curate. Dr. Ogden, who " Placed in critics no reliance, So clothed his thoughts in Arabic, And bade them all defiance." I don't find, on examination, any errata to acknowledge, except the White Swan, p. 259, ought to be a Black one. The Latin scholar will find faults, I know, with the fragmentary quotations, but I find fault with him that he has not set about the work himself. Wright's little history of Halifax called forth Watson's able and large one, which to- day is a most imperfect volume thoagh fetching £5 at any sale. I am not conceited enough to think that the history of Brighouse before its incorporation is once and for ever written, for I hope to add another volume of omissions next year myself, and these will not satisfy the 20tli century inhabitants. Most of my good neighbours thought till recently Brighouse had no history before 1750 ; I would remind them that a glance at the chapter on Wills shews that we are just at the beginning of some subjects. The Americans would go wild with enthusiasm had they a tithe of our information, and whilst our rule in printing this volume has been " Multum in parvo," they would have spun paragraphs into chapters. In Mr. Lister, Shibden Hall, we have a gentleman amongst us well able to edit the Wakefield Manorial Rolls for one of our learned Societies, and the Yorkshire Archaeological Association could not devote its energies to better purpose than printing them. An idea of the writing of the Feudal times is conveyed by the facsimile deed on page G4, but sometimes faded and worn skins are not so easily decipherable. Saxon charters are more like the Doomsday facsimile on page vL Over many of the place names in the latter are the letters "ilbt." This indicates Ilbert de Lacy as owner by grant from the King. Over Huperun (Hipper- holme,) is the word Rex, shewing that in 1087 the King had not conveyed our township to John, Earl of Warren, at that date. Car' or c' stands for carucate or as much land as a plough kept in INTRODUCTION. l.r. cultivation ; Hipperholme had two, Eastrick one. The places named in Morelei Wapentac are Moi'ley, Ardsley, Bestone, Rothwell, Car- Imgton, Locthouse, Thorp and Mildenton, Hunslet, Eiston, Armley, Bramley, Calverley and Farsley, Pudsey, Tong, Breslington, Gomer- sall, Bolton, Bradford, Boiling, Celeslau (Chellow,) Thornton, Allerton, Clayton and Wibsey, Shipley, Bierley, Wyke, Heaton, Clifton, Mirfield, Dewsbury, Batley, Livei*sedge. In Hartshead, Ilbert had 2 car., in Elont (Elland,) Ilbert had 8 car., in Oure (Southowram,) Ilbert had 3 car., in Hnperun (Hipperholme,) the King had 2 car., in Vfrun ( Northowram,) 2 car., in Scelf, 1 car., in Stanland, 2 car., in Linlei, ^ car., in Fechesbi (Fixby ; it may be noted that a man named Fech held Giggleswick at this time, though probably no relation of the Fech who gave his name to Fixby,) 1 car., in Eastric, 1 car., in Egleshil (Eccleshill,) 3 car., Farnley, Ardsley (East or West), Greland ('? Greetland), Etan ('?), in the Soke of Wakefield. With Wachefeld were 9 berewicks. Sandal, Sowerby, Warley, Fesler or Seslei (this has been read as Feslei, and supposed to be Halifax-ley,) Midgley, Wadsworth, Crumbetonston, Langfeld, Stansfeld, (see p. 33). In Holme (Holmfirth valley), Dunstan held two carucates, in Linley, Godwin had a half-carucate, and another half in Eastric. Ilbert de Lacy also had Cornesbi (Quarmby,) 2 car., Gudlagesargo (Golcar,) ^ car., Lillai (Linley,) 2 car., Bradley, 2 car. Thus the great lords were recompensed for their help at Hastings in 10G6, and sometimes the old tenants got a mere sop to quieten them. Godwin had estates in Eastrick, Linley, Bradley, Huddersfield. He and Gamel held lands in Quarmby. Gamel owned Elland and Southowram. Gerneber held Hartshead and Mirfield. He and Levenot held Liversedge. Escelf held Clifton. Swayne (Suuen,) had Crosland. Alric had Dalton. Levine had Golcar. From these old Anglians some of our first chief- tenants were descended. As to our illustrations, the collecting of so many has been no slight work, but there are quite a hundred more available for a supple- mentary volume to be devoted to the absorbingly interesting accounts of Eastrick, Coley, Lightclift'e, and Brighouse Churches, with their curates ; of George Fox's visits to Brighouse, and the dominion of Brighouse Monthly Meeting ; of Moravian noblemen and worthies, and John Wesley's evangelistic labours ; of the history of each de- nomination of Christians ; of Hipperholme and Eastrick Grammar Schools ; of Charities and Benefactors ; of Town's books and Officers ; of Folk-lore and Dialect ; of Place and Surnames ; of Pedigrees and Topography. For assistance and encouragement in the artistic em- bellishment of the present volume, I thankfully acknowledge my obligations to Messrs. H. J. Barber, J. C. Bottomley, J. W. Clay, T. T. Empsall, S. E. Hirst, E. Kershaw, F. Laxton, Henry Sugden, W. B. Woodhead, C. Jessop, J. B. Kershaw; Dr. Jessop, Dr. Farrer; Mrs. Brooke, Mrs. Kershaw, Mrs. Maile, Miss Ormerod, Miss G. A. Fryer ; to Mr. Leach and Mr. Hepworth for several photographs, and a?. INTRODUCTION. to Mr. Hepworth especially for bis father's portrait ; to my friends, Mr. W. Andrews, Mr. W. Scruton, and Dr. Stuart for the loan of a block-illustration each ; and to my eldest son, whose birthplace, at his grandmother's house on Kastrick Common, forms a subject for illus- tration, and whose name on the blocks indicates the extent of his artistic assistance. I am proud of all this assistance, as also of the long list of sub- scribers, and hope the readers may appreciate this unity of good-will. As to the delay, the chief cause was the deplorable out-break of small pox in 1892, an event which Brighouse has cause to remember by financial losses as also by several deaths. I hoped also that the Incorporation Charter would arrive before issuing the volume, but there is no need to detain the publication on that account, as fuller justice can be done in another volume to the causes that have led to this result. One word as to the index and we must close. I find my time so limited that the whole work has to be done in snatches, but I have taken special care to compile a full index of every surname and place, in which one or two clerical errors in the text are corrected. It must be remembered that the same name may occur half-a-dozen times on a page, and the general spelling only is adopted. The utility of a complete index has stimulated me to do this laborious work my- self, though entailing also extra cost in printing. Idel, Bradford, J. Hoesfall Turnee. August, 1893. QLoxxtcxxiQ^ PAGES. Introduction. Celtic Footprints 7-18. The Romans 19-27. The Angles 28-32. Norman Conquest. Wakefield Manor. — Its Lords - 33-37. Brighouse Courts Baron and Leet. Greaves. Constables. EUaud Tragedies 38-4G. Manorial Rolls ; Hipperholme, Rastrick and Scamonden Greaveships. Development of Surnames and Sirenames. Crimes and Social Condition. Feudal tenures. The Dark Ages unveiled. Pedigrees traced. The Black Death. Elland Tragedies. Corn and Fulling Mills. Forest and Brewing Laws, &c. 4G-103. The Poll Tax, 1379. Population. Condition of the Poor 104-105. Manorial Rolls, continued ; Halifax Gibbet. Sporting Vicar. Forest land cultivated. Common-field System. Coal diggings. Cleansing ditches. Ringed swine and scabbed horses. Half-yearly courts. Jurors' names. Religious Benefactions. Marriages and Divorce. Stealing wood, turf, slates. Rastrick, Coley and Lightcliffe (or Eastfield) Chapels. Claiming Sanctuary. Poor maydens marry. Illicit games. Local Knights. Rastrick Chapel restored, 1605. Map, 1610. Local Battles and Soldiers - - 106-188. The Courts at Brighouse defunct, 1892 - - . - 189-190. Sub-Manors. Rectorial. Brighouse. Hipperholme. Fixby. Toothill. Rastrick 191-197. Kirklees Nunnery and Robin Hood. Dumb Steeple. Clifton. The Hal or Jester 198-207. Wills from 1400. Furniture. Clothing. Trade. Priests. Creeds. Benefactions to church and poor. Books, &c. 208-237. Days of Romance. Ballads. Executions. Folk-lore - 238-244. Ml. CONTENTS. PAGES. Civil and Eeligious Strife 241-243. Ancient Assessments. Population. Wealth - - - 244-248. The Keigns of the Georges. Methodism. Moravianism. General Guest. Lady Ligonier. Burials in Woollen. Ballots for soldiers. Kushforth pedigree - - - 249-257. Assessment, 1769 258-259. Brighouse 17G9, 1799. Bedford's School. Profligate Curate 260-264. Modern Brighouse, Roads and Railways. Workhouse - 265-269. Notable families, authors, manufacturers, worthies - - 270-310. List of subscribers - 311-315. Index 317. ILLUSTEATIOI^S. Crow Nest Park WTIOLE PAGE FACE PAGE Frontispiece George Hepworth, Sem-., Esq. 17 John Burgess, Esq 263 Plan of Brighouse, 1892 ... 264 John Bottomley, Esq 26G John Carr Bottomley, Esq. ... 270 Stoneleigh 273 John Bi-ooke, Senr., Esq. ... 274 John Brooke, Junr., Esq. ... 276 John Baines, Esq 278 Samuel Baines, Esq 280 Yen. Archdeacon Barher ... 283 Joseph Trayis Clay, Esq, ... 285 PICTURES. FACE PAGE Thos. Thornton Empsall, Esq. 287 Robt. Farrer, Esq., ii.r.c.p.,m.r.c.s. 289 Alfred Fryer, Esq 290 Thos. Theodore Ormerod, Esq. 292 George Higham, Esq 294 Woodvale Silk Mills 296 Thomas Jessop, Esq 299 Thos. R. Jessop, Esq., f.e.c.s., etc. 801 Richard Kershaw, Esq. ... 803 F. Laxton, Esq. 305 W. Robinson, Esq 306 Thomas Sugden, Esq 308 Henry Sugden, Esq., j.p., c.a. 310 OTHER ILLUSTRATIONS. Domesday Survey (3) ... British Boat Bridge Rastrick Cross ... Walton Cross Lacy Seal Duke of Leeds Crests ... Lane Fox Crest Clapham Arms NorcliiTe Arms ... Copley Arms Copley Crest Holdsworth Arms Rookes Arms Horton Arms Milner Arms Ghostly Rider 1316 Deed Milner Arms (2) Hanson Arms Hoyle Arms Hoyle Arms Saville Arms Cromwellbottom Cromwellbottom, Back view Coley Hall Gateway ... Simpson Arms Rhodes Arms Maude Arms Thonihill Arms Thoruhill Arms Page iv. 17 27 31, 32 32 34 37 37 87 47 47 47 50 50 53 53 63 64 77 77 80 80 82 89 89 91 92 92 94 95 95 Halifax Gibbet Smyth Arms Hirst Aims Field Arms RadcliiTe Arms Lower Rookes Hall Coley, from Royds Lister Arms Lister Arms (Hull) Thorp's Cottages, SutcUffe Wood Stansfield-Rookes Arms Rastrick Bridge Brighouse Low Mill (Fulling) Brighouse Low Mill ,, High Sunderland Mytholm Ramsden Arms ... Arm.vtage Arms Slead Hall Rookes Porch Thorpe Arms Appleyard Arms Savile Crest Sir Ric. Saltonstall Sir Hy. Savile Six- John Savile Map, 1610 Farrer Anns Richardson Arms Beaumont Arms Coley Mill Page 107 109 109 122 122 124 126 128 128 130 132 137 139 140 150 153 155 155 156 158 160 160 160 163 165 166 169 171 171 171 175 J-IV. ILLUSTEATIONS. Page Touch Gun 184 Capt. Langdale Sunderland ... 185 Coley Hall Gateway ... ... 186 Woodland scene ... ... 190 Ingram Arms ... ... ... 191 Horsfall Buildings 197 Kirklees Gatehouse ... ... 198 Kirklees Gatehouse 199 Kirklees Nuns' Graves... ... 199 Kirklees Robin Hood's Grave... 202 Kirklees Dumb Steeple . . . 205 Kirklees Hal (Fool) 206 Wainbridge 207 Lightcliffe Old Chapel 217 Smith House 222 Coley HaU 226 GUes House 236 Rustic Tailpiece 237 Ballad Singer 238 Dying Speeches Vendor ... 239 Hand Woolcomber ... ... 240 Oliver Hej'wood ... ... 242 Brighouse Maltkiln 243 Smith House 249 Smith House Porch 249 German House ... ... ... 250 German House (North aspect) 250 Spout House ... ... ... 251 Sutclifife Woodbottom 252 Burial in Woollen ... ... 253 Queen Anne's Square ... ... 260 Daisy Croft 261 Old Wesleyan Chapel 261 Brighouse plan, 1799 262 Bedford's School 263 Ledgard Arms 263 Old Cottage style 264 Calder New Bridge 265 Brighouse and Bradford Station 266 Page Rastrick Railway Embankment 267 Brighouse from Clifton Common 268 Bottom Hall and Viaducts ... 269 Wicldiam Ai-ms 270 Sir Henry W. Ripley 270 Lillands Farm 270 Mr. John Broughton ... =,, 271 Higham Arms ... 273 Mr. Fairless Barber .. ,,. 274 Mr. H. J. Barber 275 Rev. John Carter, D.D. ... 278 Mr. Thos. Dearnally 279 Mr. Thos. Firth 280 Rev. R. Harley, F.R.S. ... 282 Rev. T. Howorth 283 Mr. WiUiam Howoi-th ... ... 284 Rev. R. Hudson ... ... 284 Yew Trees , ... 285 Hirst Arms 286 Slead Syke Mill, 2 views ... 287 Mr. John Holland ... ... 288 Mrs. Holland 288 Kershaw Arms ... ... ... 290 Crow Nest, North front ... 291 Dr. Wm. Lundy ... ... 293 Rev. Samuel Ogden ... ... 294 Mr. Richard Oastler ... ... 295 Sutcliffe Woodbottom 298 Mr. Lumb Stocks 301 Mr. Lumb Stocks 302 Granny Hall 302 Mrs. Sunderland 303 Mrs. Sunderland 304 Su- Titus Salt's Bu-thplace ... 306 Sir Titus Salt, Bart 306 Sir Titus Salt, Bart 307 Saltaire Congregational Church 308 Salt Arms ..- 308 Ujiper Green, Lightcliffe ... 309 ^^^-^^ t Celtic Footpeints, — The vallej- of the Yorkshire Calder was origin- ally occupied by a series of lakes, not temporary ones like those caused by the great flood of November 15th and IGth, 1860, v,'hen two inches depth of rain fell in twelve hours, but permanent ones which gradually became mere marshes owing to the heavy deposits of tidal waves, and the denuding of the boundary shores. Innumerable water-worn boulders, large and small, abound where digging occurs, and that to a great depth as shewn when the well at Mr. Burgess's dyeworks was sunk. Large sand deposits, on the ridge of Kirklees Park and other places, testify to the existence of these lakes, without going back to that remote period when our sandstone hills were formed. Igneous rock boulders have also been dug out at great depths near Brighouse, which were probably deposited by glacial influences. After long ages men penetrated these gulfs, and contended with wild beasts for peace and dominion ; beasts that first reached this land when it was joined to the continent, and when elks and bears crossed where now the German Ocean rolls. Of these earliest British Boat. B 18 BEIGHOIJSE, KASTKICK men we have no traces in our locality for we have no liigli moorlands near us, where their footprints are usually found ; nor of the next race who drove the older and weaker tribes to more desolate recesses. The story of the Iberians and Celts, — Ancient Britons as we call them, — scarcely comes within our province, unless we could shew remains of their lake dwellings, their rock markings, stone circles and burial mounds more largely than we are able to do. Even the pits in Bradley Wood near Woodhouse, though very similar to those on Baildon and Rombalds Moors, are not' likely to have been pit- dwellings. There has been no one to identify the piles for lake dwellings even if such have been discovered. On the higher ground near Fixby, and at Westercroft, near Coley, spear-heads have been found, and cinerary urns, relics of cremation, were exhumed at Castle Hill, Rastrick, and probably were British, but have generally been classed as Saxon remains, and as such we will refer to them again. On such meagre discoveries we will not venture to fill a chapter with fanciful descriptions of funeral pyres, druidical ceremonies, and so on. These old Britons, however, did leave us permanent records of their residence here in the names of our Calder, which means (according to some) in Celtic, narrow water, and therefore named after the subsid- ence of the lakes, or more probably woody or reedy water ; though Mr. Leyland puts a Roman Collis before the British der, and gives hill-water as the result, and another writer finds Kaldur or cold water, (Danish,) the explanation. Der signifies water in various languages, and is found in numerous river-names shewing a very early origin, and the word "Calder" must have come down to the Britons from remote ancestors, as have the rest of the Yorkshire river-names. Even a few place-names, and names of hills, are of British origin as Cambodun, Scamonden, possibly also Rastrick, and Backbraid, a homestead in Rastrick, as Braidh, is Gaelic or British for the brow of a hill, a topping ; Danish, bred, the edge ; which description will answer for Bradford, being at the foot of a steep bank. British coins have been found in Lightcliffe, and Canon Fawcett, of Low Moor, asserted that a British trackway struck through Lightclitfe towards Bradford. There is no reason to doubt this, for the Roman roads were necessarily based on British trackways, and one of the most favourable opportunities for crossing the Calder valley was found naturally at Brighouse. One writer in a newspaper was foolish enough to assert that Brighouse was called after the Celtic highland tribe, the Brigantes, or highland dwellers. This is the height of absurdity, equalled nearly by those who see remnants of Sun-worship in such words as Lo/htc\iffe and Bellee (Bailiffe) Bridge. One old word, along with other British words common to our English talk, — basket, clout, &c., has lingered in Brighouse down to our day in the expression: — 'He'll make t' Shivin shake," where a mountain is meant, like the word Cevennes in France, and Chevin, the Otley hill. AND HIPPERIIOLME. 19 As our object is to send forth a popular liistory, the mention of this people reminds us that there is a popular error as to the Romans, who are confounded with the Romish Church. In our account of the Romans we refer to the time when Britain and Pales- tine, and the lands between, were governed from Rome, without any reference to religion. In a similar manner as India is now ruled over by Britain, so Britain was then governed by Rome. About a hundred years after Christ's birth the powerful nation got hold of the main portion of our island, and as military rulers must do, they first attended to fortifying towns and outposts, and to making good roads to connect them. They did not come to colonize as we have done AiTstralia, Canada, &c., but to subdue the aborigines as we have done with India. They seized the British villages that were worth seizing, and turned the old trackways into such solid streets that they are the marvel of the present day. Street and straight are words from the same Latin or Roman root, and as in the Scriptures we read of ' the street called Straight,' so in Britain if you look at a map of Yorkshire, you will find that the Great North Road and the main roads of to-day stretch along ten, twenty or thirty miles, as straight as the country surface would permit ; and in many parts, outside towns, the name Street, as one in Lightcliffe last century, Tong Street, Adwick-le- Street, and so on, still remains to identify the course of these Roman roads. The Romans were indeed great road makers, and the inhabit- ants for fifteen centuries have been indebted to them on this account. Their own safety and the marshy condition of the valleys necessi- tated the construction of these ' streets ' along the ridges of hills, and the splendid remains yet seen on our moorlands testify to their ex- cellent workmanship. They are generally slightly elevated, hence our word 'highways,' and connecting one with another were numerous subordinate or vicinal roads. In the days before bridges were gener- ally constructed, the position of fordable parts of rivers had to be noted, and there we find the Romans secured the safety of the passage, by erecting a camp. There are many instances in Yorkshire, and the important ford at Snake Hill, crossing by ihe now-demolished Low Mill, would undoubtedly be thus protected. One of the main lines, distinctly traceable in many parts, and also mentioned and measured by early geographers, came from Chester and Manchester (Mancunium was their way of writing this name,) via Cambodunum (Slack near Outlane, the name probably surviving in the name of the township Scamonden) to Fixby Ridge, Rastrick Church (though, of course, there was no church then,) Gooder Lane, Snakehill ford, Clifton Common, Hartshead Highmoor Lane, Cleckhoaton, ilc, to York, then known as Eboracum, in which city the Roman Emperors sometimes resided. The importance of this via it would be impossible to exaggerate, and imagination may be safely left to re-people it with servile Britons, brave warriors, foreign traders, and gorgeous royalty ; 20 BRIGHOUSE, RASTRICK to see the Eagle Standard fluttering hi the breeze, and hear amidst the tramp of armies the old language spoken and mellower speeches uttered. As we follow the course of this road we are struck with the number of crosses that were erected along its borders, some of which' remain to this day, whilst others have only left a name to be remem- bered by. Thus we have near Slack, Haigh Cross ; in Kastrick churchyard, Kastrick cross ; between Hartshead church and the Eoman road, Walton cross ; in Birstall churchyard, the base of another small cross, but as these are generally said to be of Saxon workmanship we pass them by at present. Three hills in Eastrick have been confused, and are likely to be, in the minds of visitors passing through, viz., Toothill, Eoundhill, and Castlehill. Eoundhill seems partially artificial, but an examination of its summit has shewn it to be natural, and it is out of the line of the Eoman road, which passed close by Castle Hill, near Eastrick Church. This Castle Hill has also been generally regarded as Saxon, but it is quite likely that the Saxons, or Angles as we prefer to style them, utilized a Eoman earthwork. As the surface has been molested, we cannot now com- pare it with such earthworks as that existing in Kirklees Park and other known Eoman Camps, but an antiquary of Pontefract, Dr. Johnson, who sought out antiquities in this locality in 1GG9, records that the Castle Hill at Eastrick was trenched about and hollow in the middle, as if many stones had been got out of it. The circumference of it measured one hundred and eighty-eight yards within the trencli, and on the top one hundred and seventeen, which shews the form of it. Mr. Watson added above a hundred years ago that it had "lately been destroyed for the sake of the stone which it contained, and it appeared upon examination that the top of it for a few yards perpen- dicular was cast-up earth, the rest a natural hill, the whole being hollow at the top, seemingly with design. Such a situation as this was very necessary in troublesome times, either for the neighbourhood to retire to upon alarms, or for way-faring men to make their nightlj habitation ; for being hollow at the top, it formed a kind of breast- work to protect the men in case of assault ; there was also a consider- able ascent to it on every side, and there was no rising ground about it, from whence it could be annoyed."' This description ansAvers for Eound Hill but not for Castle Hill. Mr. Watson was also mistaken in saying that 'nothing sepulchral, nor indeed anything curious,' was found at Castle Hill. Just in his time there may not have been, but since then there has been a large sepulchral urn found. About 1820, my kinsman, Stephen Eushforth, was digging in his garden at Castle Hill, when he came upon one composed of dark-coloured earthenware, measuring about fourteen inches diameter by twenty inches in height, and containing a quantity of human bones. The urn and its contents adorned a window sill some time, but at Mrs. Eushforth's desire, out of a superstitious or reverential dread, it Avas again consigned to the earth, and so effectually that enquiries I have made from my oldest relatives, and diggings made by Mr. Fairless Barber, who owned the adjoining estate at Castle Hill, have failed to bring it to light again. AND HIPPERHOLME. 21 Mr. Leyland writing on this subject makes a mistake in stating that the site has been built upon. The croft where it was re-interred was afterwards quarried. In 1707, about twenty urns are said to have been uneartlied in Rastrick, containing ashes of burnt bodies, supposed then to have been Koman. Mr. Leyland records that Mr. Fryer, of Eastrick, about 1835, exhibited to the Halifax Philosophical Society several sepul chral urns of various sizes which had been found on Castle Hill, which were, like the former, returned to the earth near the place of their discovery. Mr. Leyland was of opinion they were Eoman re- mains, and concludes that "the woods and moorlands of the district which surrounded this place of cremation and interment, were fre- quently illumined by the blaze of the funeral pyre." He has in his possession a copper coin of Gallienus in fine preservation, found by the road side at Castle Hill. He further argues in favour of the Roman origin of the earthwork from the discovery of querns or hand- mills in the neighbourhood. Three of these were discovered near Boothroyd, one of which was deposited by Mr. Charles Pitchforth, of Boothroyd, in the Halifax Philosophical Museum. Another was re- tained at Boothroyd, lately held by the Rev. Richard Judd, the owner of the estate in right of his wife. It is complete, having with it the lower stone on which it revolved, and which is usually wanting, as the handmills were frequently condemned by the lords of manors who claimed the privilege of grinding corn at the manorial mills. Around the base of the upper stone is a wrought moulding. Mr. Fairless Barber recorded in the newspapers in Oct., 18G7, that "some workmen digging for fence stuff in the Cote Close on the Woodhouse estate, discovered the upper stone of a quern. The stones surrounding it had been broken away so as more completely to encii'cle the deposit, and clearly showed that the remain had been placed there purposely for concealment. A fossil from the stone-beds had also been placed with it. All about, however, there were traces of fire upon the stones lying beneath the soil, which justify the presumption that we have in this find an indication of the occupation of the Close at a very early period. The quern had been a small one, and lay about 2k feet below the present surface at a point 34 yards from the corner of Round Wood and 30 yards from the west fence of the close." It may be remarked that the pits mentioned previously as supposed to be dwellings, though declared to be charcoal burners' pits, are in this locality, and the forest land has been largely ' stubbed ' in recent times. Querns, to our mind, are not necessarily indications of days so remote as the Romans. Mr. John Taylor, of Clough House, states that more than a century ago, Jonas Wilkinson, whilst reclaiming land from the waste in a lield now known as Lower Hopper-take, near Slade Lane top, found his operations obstructed by a paved road which passed across the waste in the direction of Fixby Ridge. Similar diiliculties were met with when the gas pipes were laid from Brighouse to Clifton, in Clifton 22 BRIGHOUSE, RASTRICK Common. The Roman method of road-making has been imitated in recent times. The stones, generally thm ones, were set on edge, and lime, cement, and even molten ironstone were poured upon it. From Fixby Ridge, near the Western Park Lodge, the ancient Iter or Street leaves our locality, but such was the interest and assistance taken in and given by our esteemed townsman, the late Mr. Fairless Barber, in the excavations at Slack, which decided that place as iden- tical with the ancient city of Cambodunuin, that did space permit, we would record some of the chief discoveries then made. But ' Th'Aht Loin ' is out of our bounds. Near Fixby Ridge, the Roman road from Doncaster, passing by Grimescar, — where Roman remains have been found, bearing, on tiles, &c., the stamp COH llll BRE of the Camboduuum regiment or cohort, supposed to indicate a cohort gathered from a district in Germany, — crosses into Calderdale by Rastrick Lane Head, Old Earth, and passing the out-post at Greetland, w])ere a Roman altar was found more than three centuries ago, to Ribchester, (Coccium.) Rastrick had, three hundred years ago, a celebrated antiquary and genealogist in the person of Mr. John Hanson. Dodsworth's MSS., at Oxford, supply us with his account of the Grimescar discoveries : "In the yeare of owre Lord 1590 certain Colyers working in Grym- skar in Feldsbye in framynge a pitt to burne charcoles discoverid a certain worke in the earthe of most fyne bricke, yt resemblid a Roundewell a 4 yeards depe or not so much, cunyinglye walled wth bricke and having upon the topp a very broad brickstone coveringe the same wth a round ledg wrought upon it wherein were written diverse Roman carrecterrs, as namelye these — CO H. llll. BRE. Next adjoyn- ing to yt had bene a Archid Cave wherein great fyers had bene made and there was four condithes (conduits) going from the sd place in the lower pt of the grounde and comyng forth some 8 or 9 yeards of it, wherein had runyd sume kind of metall, for the stons was all con- gealed together. There was about it both redd, blewe and yelowe brick verye curyous and good, a kind of hard sinders in many places wth some traces of very thin earthin potts curiouslye wrought. What the work was is not clearlye knowne, but to be a Roman worke it is most likelye, and for the making of some kind of metall or glass. It was placid in the myddest of the wodd in a descending place neare unto a spring of water and not far from a cloughe of greater water. The name of the wodd is callid Grymeskarr but the old name is Springer. The Colyers had defaced manye of the letters and broken the stone before they perceavid what it was. The carrecters remain- ing be thus interpreted — Cohors quarta Brittannorum." This conjecture is erroneous, Breuci being far more plausible than Britain. The Romans had more sense than to leave a British regi- ment here ; such soldiers were sent to the Continent, whilst Continental regiments were drafted here, as is well known. If anyone would learn the high state of Roman civilization they Lave but to see the carved gravestones, tesselated pavements, elaborate AND HIPPEKHOLME. 23 bathing rooms, coins, ornaments and the hke stored at York, Aldboro', Ilkley, and other Roman towns. That prince of antiquaries, Camden, travelling from Sir John Savile's ho.use, at Bradley in Greetland, to Bradford, on August 5th, 1599, in company with our worthy old antiquary, Hanson, told him that the work at Grimescar was ' a bath, a luxury in which the distinguished Romans greatly delighted,' A third Roman way touched us as it struck from Cambodunum, Greetland and Caldervale, passing through Lightcliffe to Olicana (Ilkley,) Along this road so many hoards of Roman coins have been found tliat we are led to the conclusion that the Roman travellers were pestered by sudden surprises from the unyielding Brigantes of the Pennine moorlands. Without referring particularly to the great finds at Morton, near Bingley, and others out of the parish, we have a record that in 17G0 a quantity of Roman copper coins were found in Elland Hall Wood, some of which came into the possession of Mr. Watson, the Halifax Historian. These bore the names of the Emperors Gallienus, Yictorinus, Tetricus and Claudius, Mr, Richardson, of North Bierley Hall, mentions some found at Greetland and Sowerby, of Nerva, Yespasian, Trajan and Hadrian, He also states (in the letter to Hearne, printed at the end of Leland's Itinerary, Vol. I., 2nd ed.,) that there wei'e not long since divers large copper medals ('? coins,) found at Hove Edge in Hipperholme township, in a thick glass vessel. Those Mr. Richardson got, and as this refers to Dr. Richardson we can approximately fix the date, for he died in 1741, were of Dioclesian, Allectus, and Carausius. He adds that doubtless there were divers others though they were dispersed before he had intelligence of them. Mr. Watson saw four of these coins at North Bierley : (1) Dioclesian ; — Reverse, a Jupiter almost naked ; in his right hand a Victory standing on a globe ; in his left a spear, an eagle at his feet. Motto, lOVI TVTATORI AVGG. (2) Dioclesian; — Reverse, the above figure sitting. Motto, lOVI AVGG. (3) Allectus ; — worn specimen, bad impressions. Reverse, the figure of Joy or Mirth, uncertain what she holds. Motto, LAETITIA AVG. (4) Carausius ; — Reverse, a female figure in a stola, standing, hold- ing in her right hand an olive branch, in her left a spear. Motto, PAX AVG. Mr. Richardson had also a Yespasian and a Hadrian, coins found at W^arley, {Several Yespasians were found during the explorations at Slack superintended by Mr. Barber and others for the Huddersfield (now Yorkshire) Archaeological Association, one of them having tlie most interesting Reverse, — IVDAEA CARTA, with a palm tree figured, on the left side of which a female captive is seated, reclining sorrow- fully. This coin is of special interest to Bible students. Several coins of Domitian and Nerva were also found. But the most important discovery in our district, so far as has been recorded, was made public 24 BEIGHOUSE, EASTRICK bv the Rev. W. H. Bull, then mcumbeut of Sowerby, afterwards ^-icar of Billingshurst, Horsham, Sussex, whose daughter-in-law now pos- sesses some of them, 1892. This discovery took place in a field that was being quarried opposite the old house in Lower Lightcliffe. It has been pointed out to me many times, thn-ty years ago, and is not opposite Lightcliffe Church and could not have been, but on the right hand side of the road from the Old Church to Bailiffe Bridge, viz. the field behind Upper Smith House. At Lightcliffe a fourth Iter crossed our township, from Legeolium (Castlefo°rd) via Wakefield, Osset Street, Dewsbury, Heckmondwike, Liversedge, (mtersectiug the great road from Brighouse to Cleck- heaton,)'Birkby Lane, Baihff Bridge, and Lightchffe. to Hipperholme Dumb mill, Barrowclough and Halifax. Li the old town's books I have several times met with references to "The Street in Lightcliffe," and a deed quoted by Watson (p. 332) speaks of the Magna Via. Mr. Bull casually heard of the remarkable 'find' at Lightcliffe, and hastened to Bradford and elsewhere to recover as many as possible. He printed an account of the matter in October, 1818, which was reprinted in the Halifax Guardian and elsewhere, of which the following is a copy. "AN ACCOUNT OF SOME GOLD BRITISH COINS AND ROMAN SILVER CONSULAR AND IMPERIAL COINS FOUND IN A FIELD, OPPOSITE LIGHTCLIFFE CHAPEL, WITHIN A FEW YARDS OF THE PRESENT ROAD, IN A ROMAN VESSEL, BETWEEN THE YEARS MDCCCXX^ail. AND MDCCCXXXI." "The man who found the coins, sold some of them at 5s. per ounce to a person at Bradford, and broke several of them to see that they were really Silver. The writer of this account was fortunate in obtaining four of the British Gold Coins in beautiful preservation, twenty-six of the Consu- lar Coins, and five of the Imperial Coins. Some have been purchased by the British Museum, and the Museums of Leeds and York. The Consular Coins have been very much used : many of them have very small letters stamped on parts of the figures on the coins, in the same way as idle people, in this day, disfigure our coinage. But all the Consular Coins are from mints prior to the time of Augustus ; the latest Imperial Coin in this lot, is one of Caligula, the other four belong to Augustus. Two of the Gold Coins are Boadicea's ; and one is very beautiTul and very rare, not to be found in Buding's " British and English Coinage." British Coins. Two of these Coins have on their Obverses; vo..disi..a. On their Reverses : the outline of a horse. Another, most rare, has on the Obverse : two perpendicular lines in the centre, with dotted Hues on their outer sides, next the rim. Reverse : ael. A horse drawing a war chariot. The fourth has, on its Obverse, a similar device to the last, but blank on the Reverse. and hipperholjie. 25 Roman Coins. The following account of the Koman Coins is derived from Ilaner- <;amp's Numismata Aurea, Akerman's Roman Coins, and Ur.sinus's Familije Roman;e. ROMAN FAMILIES. COXSJ'LAJ!. ACILIA. Head of the ■Goddess Salus — around it SAL^'TIS. Rev. : A female figure leaning on a Pillar holding a Serpent— around it, III VIR . VALETV . MV . ACILIVS. AELIA. Head of Minerva. Behind it, X. Rev : P . P AETVS. The Dioscuri on Horseback : rare. ANNIA. Head of Juno, before it the Balance, behind it tlie Caduceus. C. ANNI . T. F. T. N . PRO . EX . S . C . Rev. Victory in a Quadriga, over the Horses Q. in the Exergue L . FABI . L . F. HISP. CORNELIA. 1. Bearded head with a Diadem. Behind it, a Sceptre. Rev. CN . LEN . Q . EX . S . C . A Sceptre, and a Garland, a Clypeus (shield), and a Rudder. 2. Head of Venus, L . SVLLA. before it, Cupid standing — in his right hand, a palm branch; Rev. IMPER. ITERVM. The Lituus, and the Pra^fericulum, between two trophies. 3. Laureated head, behind, E. Rev. a Quadriga (or four- horse chariot.) L . SCIP . ASIA . G. The brother of Scipio Africanus, who overcame Antiochus in Asia and was surnamed Asiaticus. JUNIA. Head of Liberty. LIBERTAS. Rev. The Sons of Brutus guarded by the Lictors. In the Exergue, BRVTVS. JULIA. 1. An Elephant with a Serpent, in Exergue, CAESAR. Rev. The Pontifical Instruments and the Apex. 2. Head of Venus — Rev. Two Captives sitting under a pile of arms and shields. In the Exergue, CAESAR. 3. Head of Venus. Rev. ^Lneas carrying Anchises on his shoulders and the Palladium in his- right hand. CAESAR. 4. Head of Mercury, behind it, a Trident. Rev. Victory in a Quadriga. L . IVLI . BVRSIO. C^E CILIA. A Female Head (Africa) covered with an Elephant's Sldn, before it, an ear of Corn — under it, a plough — Q . illilTEL . SCIPIO. IMP. Rev. EPPIVS LEG.F.C. Hercules standing leaning on his Club, — rare. CREPEREIA. Female bust, — The shoulder exposed : behind it a fish.— Rev. Q . CREPER . M . F . ROCVS. Neptune in a Car, holding his Trident, drawn by two sea-horses, — rcn/ rare. ANTONIA. Laureated Head. Behind" it, S. C— Rev. Victory in a Quadriga. Q . AT . BA . B . P . R. CARISIA. Head of Victorv, Rev. A Biga (or two-horse chariot.) In the Exergue T. CARISI. CASSIA. 1. Head of Ceres, C.EICIAV. Rev. Two Oxen : over them,— M.— Under them,— L. CASSI. 2. Head of Libertv. Q. CASSIVS . LIBERT. Rev. Temple of Vesta ; within it a Curule Chair. On one side of the Temple, an Urn : on the other, A. C. on a Tablet, A. C. CLAUDIA. Laureated Female Head : btdiind it a Lyre. Rev. M. F. P. CLODIVS. Diana Lucifera, standing and holding two torches. 26 BRIGHOUSE, RASTRICK FLA VIA. Helmed Head. Eev. a Biga. FLAVS ROMA. LUTATIA. Helmed Head of Minerva.— Behind it, X. CERCO ROMA. Rev. Q. LVTATI . Q . A Galley : the whole within an Oak Garland. N.EVIA. Head of Juno. S. C. Rev.— A Triga. C . NAE . BAB. POBLICIA. Helmed Head. M . POBLICI .LEG . PRO. Rev. Victory presenting a Palm branch to a Soldier with his foot ou a Prow. CN . MAGNVS . IMP. SATRIENVS. The name of the family imknown. Helmed Head of Minerva. Rev. A wolf passant, above it, ROMA : beneath it, R . P. SATRIENVS. SCRIBONIA. 1. Female Head: BON . EVENT. LIBO. Rev. An Altar, with a Lyre suspended on each side. PVTEAL SCRIBON. 2. Veiled head of Concord. PAVLVS .LEPIDVS . CONCORD. Rev. Altar, with a Lyre on each side. LIBO. SERVILIA. Helmed Head, RVLLI. Rev. Victory in a Biga. In the Exergue, P . SERVILI . M . F. IMPKRIAL. AUGUSTUS. 1. Head of Augustus, without Inscription. Rev. IMP . CAESAR. A rostral Column, surmounted by a Statue. 2. Head of Augustus. Rev. a Capricorn. In the Exergue, AVGVSTVS. Suetonius says Augustus coined Silver money with the Impression of Capricorn, under which Constellation he was born. 3. Round the head of Augustus. CAESAR AVGV- STVS DIVI.F. PATER. PATRIAE. Rev. Caius and Lucius standing. Two bucklers and pontifical Instruments, AVGVSTI . F . COS.DESIG.PRIN.IVVENT. 4. Head of Victory. Rev.CAESAR. IMP. Neptune with the Aplustre in his right hand, and holding an upright Trident in his left, with his right foot on the Globe. CALIGULA. Head of Caligula. C . CAESAR . AVG . PON . M . TR . POT . Ill . COS . Ill . Rev. Head of Agrippina. AGRIPPINA . MAT. C.CAES. AVG. GERM." Mr. Bull added the following Consu- lar coins to the list : — 1. Obverse : Laureate Head, PANSA. Reverse : a Quadriga, in Exergue, C . VIBIVS . C . F. 2. Obverse: Head of Juno Sospita : behind it, S . C . Reverse : L . PROCILI . F . Juno Sospita in a Biga: underneath, a serpent. 3. Obverse: A Female Head ; behind it, PAETI. Reverse : Victory in a four horse chariot. In Exergue, C . CONCIDI. 4. Obverse : Head covered with an Elephant's skin : in front, an ear of corn : SCIPIO IMP. on the left : Q . METEL. on the right. Reverse : Hercules leaning on his Club : on his right, EPPIVS: on his left: LEG.P.C. It should be mentioned that, of the coins above described, there were three of N.-evia, and two of ScRiBONiA No. 2. Mr. Bull also states, that the coins thus far enumerated were found by a man employed in opening a quarry, who struck his pickaxe into the Roman urn which contained the valuable hoard. In addition to the foregoing lists, there was dug up in the Chapel yard, Lightcliffe, in 1883, a silver triumphal coin of L. Scipio Asiat- icus ; and, a few years since, at a collection for some charitable AND HIPPERHOLME. 27 purpose, at the same place, there was found in the ahns box a fine copper coin of Allectus. The Hcipio was given to York Museum by W. Priestley, Esq., then of Lightcliffe. We can thus form some notion of the great amount and importance of Roman traffic in this district, and we probably owe much to them, besides our indebtedness for the roads they made and which their successors for a thousand years neglected. Some phases of social government can be slightly traced to their influence, but the marvel is that as Hipperholme, lirighouse and Kastrick have been so long under cultivation any traces at all can be found of a military people who left our shores so far back as the year 440, A.D. 28 BEIGHOUSE, RASTEICK From Roman hoards we pass to Anglo-Saxon, Pictisli and other hordes, and here we have very httle in the Archjeological way to produce, but we have Anghan hfe in all its ramifications still, and more proud are we of it than of Norman blood, though they are our distant kinsmen. It is detestable to hear people strain to appear of Norman extraction, whose ancestry stretches to older date than the time of that rhapscalion set. During the Roman period the brave Norsemen had settled on the British shores, and the mixed British, Romano-British and Anglian p)eoples who were left here on the evacuation of the Imperial Warriors formed themselves into bands for self-defence, and self-government, and the story of Britain, for a hundred years is one of constant internal, tribal struggles, when 'might was right.' One of the most powerful of these little kingdoms was that of Elmete, with Leeds near its centre as capital, whose dominion extended to this district. Generation after generation, ship-loads of immigrants were arriving from the opposite North Sea shore, of Angles, Saxons, Jutes, and Danes, just as, for many generations past, the American continent has been colonized. Land and sea fights did not check the increase of -settlers. The Angles and Danes kept towards the north of the country which event- ually took its name Angle-land from the former; the Saxons colonized the south as shewn by the names Essex, Middlesex, Wessex, and others ; the Normans vanquished the true Franks in North France. The old Cymri or Celts, mostly known by us as Welsh, were driven to the wall to hide in mountainous Wales, and Cornwall, or succumb to slavery. After long struggles confusion yielded to order, chieftain- ship gave way to kingship, until eight kings were found in South Britain. Bernicia (including Durham and northwards,) and Deira (Yorkshire,) eventually formed the powerful kingdom of Northumbria, the history of which has been written from tradition, and its kings duly chronicled ; but seven kings were too many in so small a country, and sanguinary battle followed battle till about the year 827, England became united under one sovereign. The Northumbrian kings had been the most powerful, but as their prowess began to wane, the Southern kings became supreme. When Egbert had become liege lord of England more than a thousand years ago, another trouble was being felt sorely by the incursions of the Danes whose depredations did not cease until two hundred years had passed, and the Norman Conquest had taken place. Notwithstanding all these wars and strug- gles for six hundred years, the people were becoming consolidated in nationality, language, interests, and from them the characteristics of the English Nation are to be traced. It was a sapling of slow and trying growth, and for all we have, and much that we have lost, we must thank our hardy ancestors. They came up the Aire and Calder in their skiffs, built themselves log cabins on the hilly slopes, warded by piles and rails their homesteads AND HIPPERHOLME. 29 from molestation, unitedly cleared the woods of wolves and other wild beasts, pushed their way or were pushed further inland until every habitable hill and dale was dotted with the abodes of these squatters. Some spoke the Danish dialect, some the Anglian, others the Saxon, but they could make themselves understood mostly, unless a Saxon met an Anglian after their ancestors had been separated two hundred miles for as many years. The settler named his abode as the American emigrant does to-day (1) either after the place of his birth, or (2) after his own name, or (3) as descriptive of its situation. We find that the Angiians who settled in the Aire and Calder basins had recourse to one or other of these methods of nomenclature. Near Leeds are some of the first method ; Fixby and probably Wadsworth, — with many in Airedale, Bi)i, ^ / .• '_ Thomas Lacy of ^♦>w^'.*.^ Cromwellbottom ,^ 40s. knowing he i^?^<.>: had slain John uj;^ de Elland, knt. dd^ The jury pro- ^.v nouuced them "Not guilty." At ^ York Castle de- livery in 1355, John de Shelley w^as tried and found " Not guilty," having been seized by order of the Sheriff, because f'^^mm Cromwellbottom Hall. >«.on",iii»S°' Le received at Brighouse, "William de Lockwood, Adam Beaumont and others who had feloniously slain John de Elland, knight, knowing of the commission of the felony. As there was no bridge at Elland 90 BRIGHOUSE, EASTRICK tbeu, Sir John was accustomed to return from the Brighouse court by the old road (now John King lane) to Lane Head, via Elm Koyd lately known as Dick Hodgson's lane, to Brookfoot, Purlwell, and the old or upper road to Cromwellbottom, where the Lacy family lived. To our own day, nearly all the bill slopes down to the river from Brighouse to EUaud, save the marshy valley, have been well wooded, and in this wood the gang bid themselves. From this time the Saviles take the Ellands' place as owners of a sub-manor here. 135-i. — TuDi at Brighouse, jury not named. Eic. s. Pdc. Magsou 1 acre in Hyprum (greave) to Henry s. Matthew. John Eobertson 6 acres in Nm. to John Symsou. Margaret d. John Coppelay 5s. heriot, mess., bovate and half of land in Hiperum on the death of Henry de Coppley (her uncle). Alice, Isabel, Matilda, Johna and Margaret daughters of Alex, de Hengendrode 15d. heriot, 15 acres in le Blakkerre, their brother Wm. being dead ; Isabel surrendered her fifth in her virginity to \Ym. de Helay. Piobt. s. Robt. del "Wode paid heriot, for lands in fl'ekesby, his uncle Henry del Wode, being dead. John s. John Spilwood 6d. heriot, for an acre in Hipr., his uncle Roger S. being dead : he surrendered it to John Drake. Robt. Hare and Thos. Milnerson conveyed a plat called Hustardrode, 5 ac, in Hyprum grave to Wm. Yonghare. Blood-drawing brawls by Wm. Whittle from Wm. Locus ; John del Thorp from Henry de Shipden. Ale brewers and sellers were — Matil. Hare, Robt. Wilkynson Tomson, Isabel Tomwife, John Milner, John del Clay, John Percy, Thos. Shenthogh, Robert Shortanhaw. Wm. Jonson Milner 18d. heriot, mess., 6 acres in Nm. his father, John, having died. John Svmson 2s. heriot, mess., 6 acres in Hyprum, his cousin John s. Ric. Symson being dead. Wm. del Lee gave 6d. to the lord, to take mess., 20 acres in Hiperum greave from Wm. del Kirk and Margaret his wife, custodians for Robt. s. Ric. de Wolkerre, for 12 vears. 1355. — John del Clay 2s. to take a mess., a bovate in Hyprum (grave) of John Willeson del Halle. Henry Alisandre surrendered a garden (1 acre) in Hyprum to John Milner. Thos. Milnerson 1 acre in Hustardrode to Elene d. Elie Walker. Matilda d. Alex, del Hingandrode, in virginity, 2 ac. 1 rode in Blaker to Wm. de Helay: John Webster and Margaret his wife gave evidence. Otes de Halde- worth de Oveuden mentioned. John Symson 3 acres in Sonderland to Matthew Bateson. Margt. d. Matthew de Ilyngworth, in virginity, mess., 8 acres in Sunderland to Henry son of Matthew. Johna widow of John del Northcliff, part of messuage and 8 acres in Adrichegate to John de Haldeworth. John de Whittel 4 acres in Hyprum (grave) under Solhill, now Swill-hill, to Wm. s. Ots de Haldeworth. Henry de Risheworth and Adam de Calys drew blood from Ric. de Herteshead, fined 12d. each ; Thos. de Sheplay from Johana del Hole. Fourth part of Rastrick mill let for 2Gs. 8d., ^th. of Shipden mill for 3s. 135G. — A Thos. del Brighous was residing in Sourby district. John de Hengandrod 2s. heriot for rodland in Ourum, his cousin AND HIPPERHOLME. 91 Thos. de Whithill being dead. Isabel del Kerre, 7 acres in Ourum to Henry s. Matthew. Ric. Jonson Adamsou 3d. beriot for a rode in Ou'r Sbipedeue, bis fatber Jobn de Staj/nclif being dead. Eobt. de Adricbegate and Julian bis wife, beld a bovate in Nm. Turn at Brigbous, jury not named. Wm. de Mirfield bad succeeded Ric. s. Jobn as senescall. Ric. ffox drew blood from Jobn Hanson of Rastrik. Ric. del Tborp paid od. to take 3 acres from Jobn Lascy. Matilda and Ellen d. Wm. Batemanson paid beriot for 2 parts of 2 ac. 1 rd. in Nm. on tlie deatb of Ric. Batemanson tbeir uncle. Robt. s. Jobn ffygge beriot, 3.^ acres pasture in North Blakkerre, bis mother Johna being dead. John s. Robt. del Cliff and Ric. Mansel beld in le Bothes, Hiprum gravesbip, a mess., and 14 acres. Alice Jondogbter Symson, called also Alice d. John Sinison Judson Xevooman, gave 3s. 4d. beriot mess., (3 acres, her father John, and Juliana de Aderichegate both dead. John del Hingandrode asked for an inqui- sition against Robert de Adricbgate and Juliana bis wife, respecting a mess., and a bovate, on the death of Thos. de Whitill. Henry de Ryssbewortb took | acre of waste in Hiprum, between CoUarhousted and Hekdenbrok, paying for ingress, 3d., and an assart called Henre- rod which the said Henry paid beriot for in the last turn at Brigbous. Hiperum greave not going to Wakefield court fined 6d. -lolm s. Wm. del Rode, a bovate and rodland in Hyperum to Henry de Ryssbeword, for 9 years. Henry de Ryssbewortb surrendered a tenement and croft CoLEY H.u.L Gateway. 92 BRIGHOUSE, EASTRICK called Dogatrode to John Wilkynson. Henry de Eyssheworth [of Coley Hall] paid heriot for 3 acres and pasture and an assart called Henrerod his uncle Henry de Coldlay being dead. From this time the Coleys of Coley cease, and the Eishworths follow for two centuries. Adam s. Adam s. Thomas de Hipperum attended the tourn. Kastrick mill (ith) let for 26s. 8d.; Shepden ith., 40d. 1357. — Beatrix Lascy conveyed to John del Thorp a plat in Hiprum called Longmere. Margaret and Mgt (?) d. Adam Judson de Ovynden paid heriot for an acre on their father's death. Turn at Brighous, in November, names of jurors not given. Matilda and Elena d. Will. Bateman, lands in Blakker to John del Wro. Rastrik mill (^^tli part) let this year to Robt. de Coventre for 27s. 3d. ; pledges, John del Clay, Thos. de Shepley. Shipden mill {lih) to Rob. Hare : pledge, John de Whitill. John s. Rob. de Cliff returns to Ric. Mansell the cottage and 14 acres in le Bothes. Ric. s. Matthew held 3 acres in Nm. Henry del Cliff took mess., and 20 acres in Hyprum of Ric. del Cliff' for 9 years, paying 12d. to the court for ingress. 1358. — Twenty seven from Hiprum greave fined Id. each for not attending the tourn. John AVynter surrendered an assart in Nm. to Thos. del Cliff; John de Haylay mess., 7 acres in Nm. to Hen. s. Matthew; Roger Tayllor paid 2s. Gd. to take mess., and 24 acres in Tothill of Hugh s. Stephen custodian for John s. John s. Matthew. Rastrik mill let to Roger Cowhird and John Stre'gg for 26s. 3d.; Shipden mill to John Drak and John Tomson. Cecilia de Wales sur. a cottage, 4 ac, in Hyprum grave to Robt. Hare ; regranted to John s. Wm. de N'ourum. Wm. de Hemingway 4 acres in Hiprum to Robt. Pynder. Wm. de Hemingway, senior, 1 acre called Wilham- SiJirsoN. Rhodes (del Rodes.) AND HIPPERHOLME. 93 ryding to Wm. de H., junior. Robt. s. Joliu ffigge dc Rotlnvell, surrendered lands at Biakker to Thos. Smith. Robt, s. Jolm del Halle, paid 3s. 4d. lieriot, mess., bov., 3 rodes of Rodland in Nm., his father being dead. 1359. — Alice Nelhuayden holds 1 acre in Shipden railne estate for 20 years from Hemy s. Matthew. John del Hengandrode 2 acres to John Symson. John Symson 2 ac. 3 rods to Ad. Willeson de Shelf. Beatrix d. Wm. de Hepworth paid heriot for Estridding in Rastrik. Turn at Brighouse. Jury named, — Will de Bradelay, Henry de Ryssheworth, John de Stanclilf, John s. Ric. de Hopton, John s. Thos. de Dalton, Wm. de Staynland, Adam del Hirst, Nichs. de Halywell, John de Brighouses, Ric. de Gledehill, Ric. de Hertesheued and John del Rode. Galfri de Welbertou, knt,, and Alma his wife r. Wm. del Dene. Alice de Leyrode, Sourby, was eight years old when her father died of pestilence. John de Hyngynrode, by John Drake the greave, sur. to John s. Simon del Dene 1 ac. 1 rod. John Thomeson de Haldworth v. Ric. s. John de H. about 4 acres ; special jury, viz., Jolm Symson, Jolm de Staynclif, Ric. de Birstall, John del Strong, Jolm de Wythill, Ric. Maunsell, Hen. Mattheuson, John Bateson, John del Northend, Jolm Drake, Jolm Wylkynson, Hen. de Cliff, (Xorthowram men evidently.) 13G0. — Brighouses Turn, Vigil St. Katrine. Jury, Hemy de Rysshe- worth, Jolm de Staynland, Thos. del Wodeheued, Nic. de Halywell, Wm. de Bradelay, Adam del Hyrst, John s. Thos. de Dalton, Jolm de Stancliff, John del Rode, John Drake, Jolm del Brighouses, and Jolm Elynsone de Rastrik. Hemy de Rysshworth paid Id. to take a rode of waste at Hill in Hyproni. Under Hiprom township, Jolm de Wyloghby not attending lined 2d. John Milner, 6d., Ric. de Whalley 3d., Hen. de Clyf 2d., for brewing and selling against assize. Thos. Hunter of Clifton not attending the court 2d. Herteshead, Thos. Chaplain of the parish of Hertshead ' abduxisse vol. Alice d. Johanna pette contr. voluntatem suam,' 2s. Turn, April 13th. Jury as before, except Halywell, Stancliff, Drake ; replaced by Wm. de Ryley, Ric. de Herteshead, John s. Ric. de Hopton. John Percy, Hemy s. Enot, and Adam de Blakeburn not attendmg the court, 2d. each. Ric. Mohaut (Mawd) v. Adam Shelf. A John de Brighouse resided then at Pontefract. Henry Matthewson took of waste land 4 ac. 3 rd. in Hiprum (grave) which Ric. his brother held since the pestilence at 12d. per annum. Ric. Mansell took 5 acres in Priorrode which John Bateson held since the pestilence at 20d. per annum. Hen. Matthewson executor of John del Cliff's will. *•. Ric. Mansel. Matthew Bateson after enquiry by special jury, took 12 ac, 3 rods in le Holkans at 3s. per. ann. John Drake took 1 acre of waste in le Scotchlane. Hemy de Ryssheford took 3 rodes at Hyprum grene at 3d. rent, paying Gd, for ingress. 13G1. — Rastrik Mill. Hemy Mwson (Matthewson) farmed \ pt.. from feast of St. Michael, at 253., and Shepden mill at Ss. Gd. M BRIGHOUSE, RASTRICK 2\irn Nov. IG. Jury named, as before. Townships in each greave arranged : Barkisland, Dalton, Quernby, flfekisby, Eastrik and Staynland under Eastrik. Under Hyprm, Shelf, a clean bill ; Clifton, three brewers, Haket, Whalley, Whytewod ; Hertshead, Agnes Tyngil as usual for brewing ; Northourum, Eobt. Hare, brewer ; Hyperum presents that John de Wyloghby (whose family founded the Willoughby chantry at Hali- fax), Henry Dmteson, Eobt. s. Wm. did not attend court, fined 2d. each ; John s. Wm., Henry del Cliff, John de Wyloghby, John del Hole, Matilda Bmythsone, fines 3d. each for ' semel ' brewing, and John Mylner 6d. for brewing and selling. Eic. Job an son 12d. for drawing blood from Thos. s. John Alcok. Henry Adekynson of Scamonden by John del Hole, greave, surrendered 12 acres in S. to Eic. del Heye. Thos. By the water r. John del Eokes. John del Smaleleghes v. Johana wid. John Matthewson. Found by inquisition that Thomas le Smyth cut down 20 young oaks on virgin land held by him, and carried them to Halifax, fined 10s., also Henry Matthew- son had cut 6 oaks from lands formerly Eobt. Hilleman's, fined 6s. 8d. Eic. de Sculcotes v. Eic. Drake. Hen. de Eyssheworth and John del Scoles V. John de Wyloghby. John Drake surrenders 1 ac. 1^ rd. in les Holmes to John Tylly. Hen. s. Matthew requires os. from Jphn Boy due to the graveship account when he was greave. Wm. de Helay, G ac. in Nni. to his wife Johana. John Milner drew blood from Henry de Yorkshire, but Emma wife of Henry retaliated. Alice d. John Milner del Bothe i\ John s. Eobt. del Cliff, re messuage, ^ bovate, 2 ac. rodland in Nm. Alex, de Hengandrode 7 ac. in Nra. called Cowrodes to Isabel his daughter. Wm. vicar of Hodresfeld church appears in a case. Eic. de Staynclift" being dead, a mess., 3G acres relieved by John s. Elye Adamson, for 9s. Beatrix Souter daughter, 1^ ac. in Hyprum (greave) to Hen. s. Matthew. Wm. de Maude Arms. AND HIPPERHOLME. 95 Mekesburgli, by John del Botlirodo the greave, conveyed ^ rode to John del ffryth. 1362. — John de Seyvill de Eland regularly appears. Wm. s. Kic. de Saltonstall held a mess., 23 acres in Saltonstall. Henry de Rish- worth took 2 acres, formerly waste, in Hekden near Mathewgrene at Hyprum. Rastrik greave not attending Wakefield court fined 2d. Turn at Brighouses, 19 April. Jury, Henry de Rissheworth, Wm. de Staynland, Ric. de Hertshead, John Thomassone, John de Hopton, John Percy, John Enotson, Ric. del Gledehill, John Milner, Adam del Stockes, John de Stanclifi:', John del ffrith. Ric. de Baildon sub- bailiff of Morlay came to Barkslaud Dec. 10 last, and took Ric. del Heigh without warrant to Sandall Castle. Johanna d. and heir Wm. de Birstall held mess., 2 bovates in Nm. Ric. de Thornhill appears Thoenhill Arms. Thornhill Arms. for land in Rastrik or ftixby. Henry de Rishworth took 2 acres at Prestlay. Adam de Topgreve, Rastrik paid heriot for mess., 15 ac, 1 rod. Thos. de Saltonstall and Matilda his wife were executors of the will of Thos. s. Thomas Smith de Halifax. John de Wyloby 'summonsed' by Wm. del Both for 8s. id. for cart tyniber. Ric. s. Ric. Magson 6 ac. 3^ rodes in Hyprum (? greave) to John del Hill his cousin. John del Northend, li ac. in Nm. to Rob. Hare. Ilcnry de Bentley, John de Wyluby and Alice del Brook, r. Henry de Rissh- worth re Nm. lands. Thos. By the Water and John del Wode, greave 96 BEIGHOUSE, KASTRICK of Rasti'ik, take jtli Rastrik mill. Ale Tasters appointed for each greaveship. John de Haldworth had 4 ac. in Nm. John Symson yielded mess., 18 ac, in Nm. to John de Shipden. Henry Shiphird took 2 acres waste in Hyprum in Hekas near Falrode, at 4d. per annum each. Wm. de Prestlay resided in Sourby district ; Wm. s. Adam de Crossleghe, constable of Stansfield, John Robynson of Sourby, John del Brodeleghe, Ovenden. John de Rillyngton vicar of Birstall and Adam de Heton chaplain make ffidelity for Herteshede lands. Ric. Maunsell, Hyprum greave, and nine others fined for not attending, 2d. each. 1303. — Turn, Oct. IG. John Elynson for a tumult in the court, 8d. John de Bretton capellanus (? chaplain of Rastrik) mentioned under Rastrik. John de Stone de Heightmundwyk mentioned. Stray cattle, John de Wylouby lost a heifer, Ric. del Hole found a stirk, in Hyp- rum ; in Rastrik five were fined for allowing hogs to stray, — Henry Alisaundre, Roger Diconson, John Hansone, Hugh Stevensone, and Adam de ffernley. Brewers as usual. Court and Turn at Brighous, 17 April. John Bateson took 1 acre of new assart in Shipden at 4d. per ann., paid 12d. ingress ; John de Holway 1 rode at Id., ffine 4d. Ric. de Birstall paid 6d. to take 1 acre of Henry Matthewson and Isabel his wife, custodians of John s. Matthew. John at Bowes had 2 ac. at Blacker, and Wm. Milyas and his wife Alice 4 ac. in Lowroyd in Hyprum. 1364. — (See full account in Yorkaldre County Maynzine.) Roger s, Ric, messuage and 4 acres in Rastrik to John del ffrith aiid Margaret his wife and their heirs. Ingress 8s. John Elinson fined 2d. for not attending the election of greave. Six fined in Hyprum for absenting. Bri(jhouses Turniis tent die Martis xix die Nouembre Anno R. R. E. ter. post conquest xxxviij°- Each township had to be represented by four men, those from Hiperom being Thomas fil Joins, Robtus del Rode, Johis de Rokes, Wills de Hogh; iure p'sentam qd. Johes Milner (viijd.) bracavit et vend cont. assm. Itm Matill Gibdoghter ijd., Johna Gibdoghtr ijd. messere in antupno exa villam contr. statutu. Inquis magna p'sentat qd Johes de Wilghby debet adventu & non ven quern. Thomas fil Joli xijd. & soc. sui concelauernt. Brif/Jtouaes Court, A9 Nov., die Martis. Ric. de Haldeworth being dead, John his son took 4 acres in Nm. paying 18d. heriot, whilst Juliana, John's mother, paid 6d. for his custody during his minority. John Milner of Wodehouses, Rastrik, had killed five ' nilton ' (? what) value 20s., has to make satisfaction to John de Wodehouses., and fined 3d. Rastrik grave yielded 18d. this court, Hiprom 2s. lid., and Scamonden 6s. 8d. Halifax court was held next day ; Kirk Birton or Holm court was held on the 18th. Under Rastrik for Wakefield court appears the name John de Colereslay. capellanus, (chaplain.) From Rastrik, Hemy Allison and his three companions say that John del ffrith (ijd.) sold Ric. o' botheroid lands without leave, Rog. Taillur sold John Milner (ijd.) a half acre, and Rog. Taillur (ijd.) for selling 13^ acres. The figures in brackets are the fines. AND HIPPERHOLME. 97 From jfi'kishi/, Willm. de Liglitriche and his three companions have nothing to present. The sum from this Turn xiiij s. ix d., viz., from Hip'om grave ixs. viij d., from Rastrik vs. jd. Jh-iiihuHs<'s Turn, 7 May. Robt. del Rode, constable of Ilypcrom, with his four companions — Robt.ftietcher, Ric.delHoile, JohnWebster, Henre del Clift'e, present that John de Wilghby (3d.) owes ' adventu ' & did not come ; .lohn Milner (12d.) for brewing; jNIatill (Jibdoghter ((kl.) is a common litigatrix, therefore fined as above, total xxj d. There seems to have been no ducking scolds in the river then, ffekesby, villata there have nothing to present. Wm. de Whallay of Clifton fined 4d. for tanning and shoemaking ; and Gd. for brewmg. For Rastrik, Henre Alissaundre, constable, & his companions present that Alicia Turnur brewed and sold against the assize, fined 2d. Rastrick graveship yielded 8s. 4d., Hiprom 4s. 3d., this Turn. Court at Brig- houses, same day. Roger Dikson of Rastrik had a dispute with .John de Totehill about deducting a rode from 9 acres he had bought. John de Wilghby surrendered a mess., 1^ bov. in Hiprom to Elena his wife, who gave Gs. for ingress. John Aumbler gave to the lord 18d. to take of Ric. de Sunderland a mess. | bov. in Nm. for 6 years. Rastrik yielded 9d., Scamonden 4d., Hiprom 7s. 9d. this court. The Halifax court for Sourby greaveship was held May 8th. Thomas de Lodingdene one of the lord's natives begs for a tree to repair his house with, he being poor. Hugh s. Stephen, and Margaret wife of Hugh, held a mess., 16 acres in Rastrik. John de Holwaye, who held by right of his wife Mergerte G acres and 2 houses in Nm., surrenders them to John Boy : ingress 2s. John Bosville held the agistment at Sandal Castle for 13s. 4d. (He was chief forester for Wakefield in 13G8.) Ric. de ffinchendene held Wakefield mill & town farm for £GG 13s. 4d. Hypron — John s. Wm. de Hypron took to farm ^th mill of Rastrik for the year for 21s. to be paid half-yearly at Pasch and St. Michael's. Robt. Hare took Shepedene mill for 3s. The tolls of Halifax were farmed to Rog. Edeson for 2Gs. 8d. 13G5. — Rastrik mill to John s. Wm. de Hiprom; and John Aumbler took Shepdene mill. Turn held Nov. 13. Constables' names are now given for all the townships ; Will de W' eteacre for Dalton, W'ill. W^rigth for Hertshead, John Chapman for Clifton, Ric. de Heliwell for Stainland, Robt. del Rode for Hipron, Will Dobson for Berkesland, Ad. Willeson for Shelf, Hemy del Hagh for Quernby, John de Whitelee for N'ourum, Wm. lyghtriche for ft'ekesbye, Henry Allissandre for Rastrik. The Hiprom Constable and his companions report that John de W'illoby is away, (3d.), Ric. Webster brewed (4d.), Ric. Michel (12d.) drew blood from Tho. de Brighouses. Robt. tfietcher complains that Matill de Shepelay had taken his garden produce at Brighous : fined 3d. Roger Taillur yielded 3 ac. 1 rd. called Brigrode to Magote wife of John Elisson, who paid 2s. John Milner i ac. called Wilham Pighel in Rastrik to John de Boderode. The three daughters of Wm. de Coplay, viz. Johna, Margaret Avife of John del Hingandrode, and Alice wife of G ■98 BRIGHOUSE, RASTRICK Eobt. Hare, plaintiff, v. Jolm de Wilgbby and Elina his wife re a messuage and 2 bovates in Hiprom. Matilda d, John de Sculcote, mess., 10 acres in Sculcote and 1 acre in Priorrode to Eic. Drake ; ingress 4s. Ric. s. Adam de Hiperum quit claimed to John del Cliffe mess., 8 ac. in Ourum ; ingress 2s. Eob. Pynder, a mess., 5 acres in Hiprom, 5 ac. in Bretbbay, and i ac. in ffalbank to Alice bis wife. 1368. — Hem-y s. Wm. de Hyprm took ^ Sbipden mill for 4s.; and Eobt. Pynder of Hiprom, Eastrik mill at 24s. yearly for four years, Eog. Edeson is pledge.- Wm. de Estfeld was then senescall. Brighouse Turn, Nov. 2, Eob. Wilkynson Dykson de Hiprom taking brushwood from Eoger de Eastrik, called at the next court Eoger Diconson de Eastrik, but Robert surrenders a mess., 1^ bov. in Hiprom which Wm. (or Wilkyn) father of said Eobert had held, to Eoger. John Couper v. Simon the chaplain of Heptonstall, and the capellanus was fined 2d. A Eobert de Hiprom lived at Alverthorp. Turn at Brighous, die Lune, 28 May. Jury, Wm. de Bradelay, Henry de Eissheworth,— de Stokes, — de Lockwode, John de Hopton, John Drake, John Jagger, Jolm de Brighous, Eic. de Halywell, Eob. Pynder, Thos. de Dalton, Eic. Lassels.f The old constable reported his cases, and a new constable was elected at the Spring Turn. Thomas del Crosse, capellanus, Eastrik (graveship), r. Henry Eobynson de Berkesland ; Thos. paid 2d. Thos. Walker being dead, his cousin Wm. Casseson paid xxd, heriot, for 4 acres in Hiprom, but surrendered them to Wm. de Hemyngway. Eobt. Aumbler, a mess., i bov. in Hiprom to his son John for 7 years. John Denyas v. Nichs. de Herteshede capellanus ; John pays 2s. John del Eokes drew blood from Adam del Dene of Shelf who made hue and cry, and Margota del Dene raised hue and cry, fined 4d. each. Alice d. John Symson surrendered by the greave, 1 ac. 1 rd. in Nm. to John Symson. Alice d. John Symson de Adrichegate held a mess., 9 acres in Shipden, for which Elyas Symson her cousin pays 3s. 4d. heriot. She is next called Alice d. John de Adrichgate and had held for life with Juliana de Adrichegate a mess., bov., 3 acres of rodland in Hiprom (grave) for which Elyas paid also 3s. 4d. as heriot. In a trial, mention is made of a turf spade, a plogh stafle, a swyvel, a feiriren, a chail, 2 strokes ; total value 6s. 8d. The usual fines for taking wood, brewing, brawls, and non-attendance occur. 1369. — Brighous Turn, Oct. 1, Monday, Eobt. de Morton, senescall. The widow of Galfri de Werberton sold to Thomas de Brighouses an oak growing on the lord's waste at Brighouses grene, wjiich Thomas cut without leave, valued at 15d. John Milner, who is now dead, built Brighouse park boundary. Eic. de Botherode de Hudresfeld had pasture in fieksby. Wm. Drake is dead, and John s. John s. said Wm., his heir, paid 18d. heriot for 3.^ ac. in Nm. called Blakker. Diota or Dionisia wid. of John Milner de Brighouses, v. John de * The sub-manors seem to have held fths of the mills, t From whose family Lascelles Hall, near Dalton, is so named. AND HIPPERHOLME. 99 Stokes and Ric. or Dicoii do Blakhale. Her husband had held a mess., 24 acres in Brighouses. Juhana de Adrichgate who held mess., bovate, in Nm. from Thos. de Whitel, is dead, Alice dr. John Pynder brother of said Thos. pays heriot, 3s. 4d. John Bateson, 6 ac. in Shepedene to Ric. de Heton, uigress 12d. Elena d. Nelle 1 ac. in Halay to Margt. wife of John de Haylay ; ingress Gd. Ric. de Heton vicar of the church of Halifax made homage to the lord for a messuage and 2 bovates in Shepdene. Brian de Thornhill, chevalier, not attending Wakefield, fined 2d. It was found that this great " sect- ator" (follower, or head man,) was dead. Rastrik mill, :|:th part, to Ric. Machon for IGs. 8d.; :^th of Shepdene mill to Robt. Hare for 40d. To Wakefield courts came John the Abbot of Cristal, John the Prior of Monkbretton, and other ecclesiastics who owed service. John s. Thos. Alcok being dead, Johna wife of Hen. de Rothelay, his sister, paid 2s. heriot for 6 acres in Soilhill, Nm. Brighouses Turn, May 20, John de W'iloby objected to a house being built by Ric. de Bakhale. Ric. del Brig, 10 acres in Cleg Clif to John de Haldeworth ; ingress 2s. Ric. de Bratwhait took 3.V acres in ' Venella ' called Breryhaylone of Robt. Hilman. Diota wid. John Milner v. Margaret wid. and executor of the will of John de Percy (of Clifton) about 4 cows. Margaret de Botherode let to John de Stokkes for 20 years a mess., 24 acres in Rastrik. For fishing in Keldre in Sourbyshire 24 paid 6d. each. Hyperom wode hewers were Robt. Pynder, John s, Wm. de Hyprom, Robt. s. Wm. de Hypr,, John s. Hen. de Hypr., Alice Nale doghter, Henry del Clyf, Isolda de Prestelay, Roger de Rastrik, John de White- hill, Roger de Bratheywhate, Henry Batte, John s. Symon, John Strong, John le Boye, John s. Wm., Hemy de Bentlay, Ric. de Birstehall, Ric. Bateson, Thos. del Clyf, Hem-y s. Mathew, 2d. to 3d. each. John s. Hemy de Hyprm v. Alice Naldoghter about a cottage, croft (tc. in Hyprum held by Anabilla sister of said Henry. 1370. — Matthew Bate having died, Elizabeth his daughter paid 3s. heriot for mess., 12 acres in Shepedene. Ric. Drake and Matilda Sculcotes, mess., 12 acres in Sculcotes to John Aumbler. Alan Goidair de Scamonden not attending the court, fined 2d. John de fiery (Sourby) r. Elizth. de Staunton exec, of the will of Johna Avidow of Bryan de Thornhill, knt. Halifax tolls were let to Henry de Risseworth for 26s. 8d. this year, who also leased Sourby and Soland mills for 73s. 4d. The 4th part of Sbipedene mill let to Rob. Hare for 3s. 4d. ; of Rastrik mill to Ric. Mac lian for 16s. 8d. Brijfjhouses Turn, Monday, 18 Nov. The constables were — Robt. Milner, Dalton ; W'm. de Ravenslawe (Rawnsley), Berkisland ; Nich. de Lum, Staynlaud; Thos. de Bentlay, Shelf; Wm. de Stonlee, Quernby ; Wm. Lightrich, ffekcsby ; Thos. Gilleson, Rastrik, from whence Wm. Colier was fined 2d. for not attending ; Thomas Jakson, Hiperum, who with his four companions report John de Wiloby for absence, 3d.; Thos. Jonson (8d.), Ric. Machon (8d.), John Smith (4d), Ric. del Halle (4d.), Isolda de Wiloby (3d.), Matil. (d. Gilbt) do Astay 3d., for brewing. Thos. Cosyn, Clifton constable, reported Margaret 100 BBIGHOUSE, KASTKICK Percy for absence, 2d., Wm. de Whalley as a tanner and sutor, 3d. Henry Bat was Northourum constable, and Wm. Wrii:i;bt for Herts- liead. Jobn de Haldewortb conveyed a mess., ^ bovate, called Adricbe- gate for 11 years to Henry Wilkmson. Elias de Nortbeues to Jobn del Bank, mess., 8 acres called Adricbgate for 7 years. Jobn Boy r. Henry Mattbewson about a cow sold 'qd boret villm infra xv. dies post fm. Pentecoste ad da'p. que taxant xijtr. Wm. del Broke broke into tbe bouse of Jobn de Rokes at Hiprom, and took a coverlet, some silver goods, &c. His body to be taken, tbat is, imprisoned. Jobn Symson of Ourum, 3 ac. at Hingandrodefeld to Ric. de Heton, vicar of Halifax cburcb, and bis beirs for ever. Jobn de Wodebede de Cliffebous in Hiperum greave v. Jobn Boy. Brigbouses lurn. May 5. Robt. de Morton, senescal. Jobn de Hiprom, 6d. for drawing blood from Ric. del Halle. Adam Jankynknave died seized of a mess., 15 acres in Rastrik, for wbicli Jobn s. Wm. de Hiprom bis cousin and next beir, paid 2s. beriot, but surrendered tbe same to Wm. de Sbepeley. Elyas of Nortbeves v. Rob. Pynder and Alice bis wife, about a messuage, bovate, and 3 acres in Nm. 1371.— Sbepden mill (^tb) to Rob. Hare for 40d., Rastrick mill, itb, to Roger Milner, 16s. 8d. Jobn del Botbes, Will, del Bank, Henry Milner del Cliffe, all of Hiperum ; and Jobn Elison, Hemy Allissandre, Alice de Botberode, Robt. Bui, Jobn de Wodebouse and Jobn de Stokkes, all of Rastrik, fined 3d. eacb for not attending tbe turn, 20 Oct. In Nortbourum tbere was a stray cow, value 5s. Matil de Astay was fined 4d. for brewing and 2d. as a litigatrix. Fines in Hyprum for brewing — Janyii Rissbewortbman Gd., Rob. Carter Gd., Jobn de Wyloby Gd., Isolda de Hiprom 4d., Alice del Roidebouses 4d., Roger del Hoile 6d., Tbom Jonson 4d., Ric. Massbon Gd., Jobn Smitb, 2d. Henry del Okes, conveyed a mess., 18 acres in Rastrik to Jobn bis son. Turn, April 5tb. Hem-y de Rissbwortb, 2 acres at Wynterege to Jobn de Wyloby, wbo paid 8d. ingress. Jobn Drake 6 acres in Blakker and Heye to Jobn bis son. Repairs to Rastrik mill, 20s., paid out of the greave's fund. 1372. — Ric. de Tbornebill paid bis fine to tins court for his lands in ffekisby and Totebill ; Jobn Drake for Nether Sbipden, and Ric, (Heton) vicar of Halifax for Over Sbipden. Jobn Mobaud (Mawd) was greave for Sourby. Mill of Rastrik (ith) non potest dimitor ad antiquam firma hoc anno Ideo Hen. Mattbewson, John Staincliffe, Roger Diconson, Johnnes Symson overant indulgere eidm molend vt respondeant dno de porc'one dno p'tinenti in app'amentes hoc anno. Sbipden mill tbe same. Turn, Oct. 18. Jobn s. John paid beriot for 9 acres in Rastrik, Isolda his mother being dead. Elena de Kighley de Airdale v. John de Wyloby, re nilton,-:- sold for 4s. 4d. Turn, May 9. Robt. de Morton seneschal. Hipron constable and his four companions present tbat Adam Lauerakf drew blood from * I am unable to explain this, f ? of Laverock (or Lark) Hall, Hipperholme. AND HIPPERHOLJIE. 101 Adam Taillur ; also four brewers reported. Matill, Astay, litigatrix & rixatrix, (scold and brawler), 2d. Jobn s. Simon del Dene, a rode called Baro, and G acres at Sliortrode to Beatrix wid. Jobn Pristson. Thos. s. Jobn s. Isolda de Wodebouse, 9 acres in Rastrik to Jobn Mattbewson de Wodebouse, wbo paid ingress 12d. Henry de Rissbe- wortb, Hipei'um forester, presented 25 persons for taking away wood, 2d. to 12d. eacb. Roger ftlemyng and Jobn de Cogcroft were sub- foresters for tSoureby and Werlullay (Warley). 1373.— Rastrik mill (^tb) to Robt. ffletcber, for ICs. 8d., Sbibden mill not able to be let tbis year, tbe same four persons responsible as last year. Turn, Oct. 24. Wm. Ligbtricbe, ffekisby constable, witb bis usual blank list. Hip. Robt. ffetcber's dog bad killed Adam Taillur's pig, wortli 6d., Robert says tbe dog did not kill bis pig, and demands an en- quiry, and pays 2d. to bave one. Adam's wife was fined 3d. for taking away Robert's berbage, and sbe was fined 4d. also for being litigatrix ; poor Emma ! Jobn Boy died, and Jobn bis son and beir, aged 10, gave 2s. to beriot tbe tbird part of a bovate in Hiprom. Tbos. de Dalton bougbt two wrecked trees on bis land near Kelder for 2d. Ric. de Tbornbill took of tbe lord 14i acres in ft'ekesby. Ric. del Halle, tbe Hiprum constable, bad to report bimself (4d), Tbos. de Brigbouse (Gd), Adam lavrok (8d), Ric. Macbon (Gd), Jobn Smitb (2d.), brewers ; tbat Wm. de Sbepelay (8d) bad enclosed a common well, and Henry de Benteley (8d) bad enclosed a plot of common pasture at Heli Welle Seik- to tbe burt of tbe tenants. Margt. del Dene's cattle bad trespassed on Roger de Rastrik's land : fined 2d. Adam Taillur's borse bad been eating Will Hunter's oats to tbe damage of 2d. value. Ric. Bateson bad died, and Jobna wife of Ric. de Sunderland, bis daugbter and heiress, paid 3s. lieriot for a grange and ^ bovate in Clifferode in Hiprom gravesbip. Tbe Brigbouse Jury varies very little yet : Wm.de Bradelay, Hem-y de Rissbewortb, Adam del Stokkis, Tbos. s. Jobn de Dalton, John' Drake, Jobn del ffritb, Wm. de Stokkeis, Jobn Jagger, Jobn de Berksay, Rob. Pynder, Ric. de Heliwell, Tbos. de Lokwode. All tbe Rastrik, Hiprom, Osset, &c. &c. tenants to repair tbeir sbare of Wake- field mill dam. Tbe prioress of Kirkelgbes v. Esmon son to tbe noble Ricbard of England and Earl of Kent, by Robt. de Morton, senescbal, about 18 acres in Hertsbead of tbe prioress and noueynes : Jury, Tbos. Hunter, Ric. de Hertsbead, Jobn fdetcber, Tbos. Cosyn, Adam de Walton (cross), Adam Blakburn de Clifton, Roger Milner de Cliffeton, Ric. de Cogcroft, Jobn atte ballc de Clifton, Ad. de Wodcsbagb, Ric. del Milne and Wm. Wrigbt de Clifton, wbo say on oatli tbat Tbos. de Malbum, capellanus, Ric. Brand, capell., Ric. de Caltborne, capell., and Nicbs. de Estrik, capell., beld tbe said mess., 18 acres and tbird part of a mess., in Hertcsbede of tbe gift and fcoffamcnt of Henry de Rissbwortb and bis wife by fine in tbe king's court. *Hflliwell Syke, near Priestley Green. There was evidently a holy well here from Saxon times. Richard de Heliwell, juror, resided at Staiulaiid Holywell. 102 BKIGHOUSE, RASTRICK 1374. Hiperum greave fined 2s. for not attending the court. Brygbouses Turn. 16 Oct. Tbos. Smith flees from the court, 12d. Thos. Otes 12d. for drawing blood from Tbos. Smith. John Drake and Ric. de Sunderland had made 2 lideyates- at the ends of the road between Cliffebouses and Horlawegrenehouses to the hurt of the people ; inquiry to be made. John Milner of Halifax for selling flesh against the assize, fined 4d. Heuiy Rissheworth and Roger fflemyng farmed Sourby mill for 76s. 8d. this year, Rastrik and Shipden mills (^th) for 22s. in half-yearly payments, Halifax tolls for 26s. 8d. Rastrik mill cost £9 15s. 6d. repairing, when John Boy was greave. Turn, April 24. Thos. Sharp of Xm. v. John Wilcokson. John ffox being dead, Hugh his brother paid os. beriot, for mess., 24 acres in Rastrik. Ric. del Cliff has stopped the highway between "Wherolay and le Bailibrigge ('? Halifax). Wm. del Hoof (Hove Edge?) made a ditch west of Hallecrofts, fined 4d. Thos. de Thorp obstructs Lyes- gate, 4d. John de Bates vicar of Dewesbury and Robt. de fi'reaston v. John Drake, about 6s. 8d. detention. John de Staynclifi' for pious uses surrendered to Rosier del Clav a messuage and 28 acres in North- ourum. Robt. ffidge, sur. 3^ acres in Blakker to John Milner. ^Ym. del Bank and Isolda his wife took a mess., 6 acres in Ourombanke. John de Staincliffe surrenders to the lord a mess., 23 acres in Shipden, and retakes it for his life, and then to the use of bis son Wm. 1376. John Tylly, chaplain, took 1 acre called the Holmes in Hiprom grave. Robt. ffletcher took the lord's portions of Rastrik and Shepden mills for 24s., pledges, John Drake and John s. Wm. de Hiprom. Rissheworth and fflemyng took all the waifs and straies of the whole lordship, except Wakefield town, for 33s. 4d. this year ; also Halifax tolls for 20s., and Sourby mill for £4. Brighouses Turn, 6 Oct. Hem-y Mallinson paid 4d. for brewing, at Rastrik. W^m. Lightriche was fi^ekesby constable. At Quernby, Hugh Souter (suter) paid 4d. as tanner and sutor (shoemaker.) Nicholas the capellanus (chaplain) at Hertshedd fined 3d. for closing a common road. Turn, 4 May. John Hanson 8d. for drawing blood from Rob. Bui. John de Wyloby being dead, John bis son and heir, aged 13, gave 3s. 4d. beriot for a mess., bovate, and a rode in Hiprom at 7s. 7d. yearly rent. Robt. Walker conveyed a roide, containing 2 acres, in Hiprom, to Robt. s. Wm. Thos. Taillur took at foldestede a plot with house in Rastrik. 1377. Turn, Oct. 19. Jury, Thos. de Dalton, John Drake, Nichs. de Risshworth, John del Rokes, Ric. de Sunderland, Robt. del Roide, Ric.deHaliwelle, Thomas Cosyn, Wm.del Hirst, Henry de Risshworth, John Gagger, John de Berkesay.f Wm. Chullur of Hertshead for brew- ing, 6d. ; thieving, 3d. Heiu-y Mattbewson is dead and Ric. his brother paid 10s. beriot for mess., 5 acres, called the Lee in Shepden, mess. * I take this word to mean a ' swing gate,' to prevent cattle straying from the common fields. Lidgate, iu Lightcliffe, and many other places of this name have this origin, f Barkesay in Barkislaud ; pedigi'ee in Watson's Halifax. AND HIPPERHOLME. 103 called Niclier, G acres at le Eyding, 2 acres called Surdeland, \ bovate and cottage of Elias de Northend, 4 acres &c. in le Botlies, &c. &c. Turn, April 26. Jury as last nearly. John de Kastrik being dead, John Hanson his cousin and heir paid 5s. heriot, for a mess,, croft, half bovate, 6 acres of roideland in Wodehouses. 1378. John Symson paid heriot Gs. 8d. for mess., ^ bovate, 12 acres of assart in Shepeden, his father John S. having died. Thus the name Symson had now got fixed, or the son would have been called John Johnson. Kobt. Fletcher took Rastrik and Shepden mills as before, for 20s. per ann. Adam Hanson and John atte Vikers, executors of the will of Wm. de Isle, vicar of Hodersfeld, v. Adam Dikson, Rastrik graveship. Brighouses Turn, 18 April, Robt. de Morton, senescal. Jury, Henry de Rissheworth, Thos. de Dalton, Ad. de Stokkes, John Drake, Thos. del Hirst, Ric. de Helywelle, John de Rokes, John del More, Robt. del Eode, John Jagger, Rob. Pynder, John de Hepworth. At Quernby, Hanne Souter paid for his privilege as tanner and sutor. Ric. Matthew- son to Matilda Colier, a mess., 4 acres in Shepdene, for 10 years. 1379. John del Bothes, senr., and junr., Ric. Matthewson, John Simson, Ric. Symson, John Boy, John Wilkinson, Rob. Pynder, Rob. de Wolfker, Henry del Cliffe, Henry de Rissheworth, for not attending the election of greave, 3d. each. Ticrn, Oct 24. Jury as last, except John de Calthorne for Rob. Pynder. Ric Peres-son was constable for Clifton, Wm. de Bothomley for Barkisland, Thos. Gilleson for Rastrik, Robt. Hare, Shelf; John s. Wm., Northourum, who reported that John de Illingworth had car- ried 16 loads of sclatestones to Halifax from Bothes. John de Ireland the Hiperum constable, reported John Annson, Matil de Sculcotes, Elena de Wyloby, and Ric. Masshon for brewing, fined 4d. each. Eobt. fHetcher takes the mills at 21s. 6d. Sourby and Soland mill as before, but AVarley mill is to be removed and a new one built at Ludingdene, John Maude a supervisor for it. Robt. Hare r. Ric. Jonson Simson ; Rob. del Crosse, capellanus, v. Rob. ffletcher ; Wm. de Sugden v. Thos. Sharp ; Adam Lister v. Ric. del Halle. Brighouses Turn, 16 April. Jury as last nearly. Wm. Lightriche, the ffekesby constable, says there are two stray stirks in John Couliird's custody. Ric. del Cliffe, Hiprum greave, surrendered for John Drake, 4 acres in Kowrode to Isabelle Alkok. I have now reached another breathing space, where we can take stock of the population, though the amount of information now brought to light for the first time makes me chary in taking up any space in reflections. The observant reader will be able to judge for himself how important the half-yearly meetings at Brighouses were, but as the tenants and freemen from all the townships had to attend, and the exact township was seldom indicated in the early rolls, the 104 BKIGHOUSE, RASTEICK foregoing notes afford a history of Eastrick and Hipperliolme greave- ships, as well as the two townships. In 1379, to add to the great local burdens of the people, a capitation or poll tax was imposed by Parliament, ranging from 4d. to £6 13s. 4d, per head ; and next year a more rigorous exaction of 12d. per head was voted on every person above 15 years of age. Goaded by these taxes, and by the indecent manner that the tax-gatherers in some cases tried to discover the age of youths, the great insurrection, under Wat or Walter the Tyler and others, broke out around London. With these difficulties, the spread of Wickliffites or Lollards, the invasions of Bcots, the growing power of the yeomanry class, the young king, Eichard II., had his hands full, but he managed to become almost an absolute monarch, only to fall a prisoner when Henry IV. wrenched the throne from him in 1399. The names of the inhabitants, except children, of each township were entered by the poll tax collectors, and those for parts of Yorkshire have been lately printed in the Yoyks. Archcrol. Journal, from which we take the following lists, though the reader will be familiar with each person already. Married people were counted as one for taxation. Easterhc : 4d. each. Mirfeld, had Wm. de ftEicESBY. Mirfeld, Knt., 20s., Wm. deLytherige&ux John de Boulton, Anabilla dau. Wm. franklayn, 3s. 4d., Magota dau. Wm. two at a Is., four at Gd., twenty married couples, and 44 un- married payers at 4d. Thos. fil Julian and ux John de Wodehous ,, John Stokkes ,, John de Tutill Wm. Tinghill Henry Alisaundre ,, Wm. Scheplay ,, Eic. Buthrode ,, Eobt. Bull John Hanneson ,, John del ffirth ,, Henry Malinson ,, Henry ffbx Alice del Hall Margeria Walker Wm. Alynson Isabella de Scheplay Beatrix dau. John Johanna dau. John Total, 12 married, 7 single ; Gs. 4d. Total, 1 married, 2 single ; Is. ScHELFE, 3s. 4d. Thos. de Wyke and ux Wm. Carter ,, Thos, de Bentlay ,, Eobt. Hare ,, Wm. de Dene ,, Adam Wilson ,, Eic. del Carre ,, John Dicson ,, Eobt. Carter ,, Magota del Dene Halifax had 25 mar- ried, 13 single, all at 4d. NoRTHouRUM had 21 married, 7 single, all at 4d. Eoger de Eas- trik was manned and settled there ; also families of Elland, Batt, Milner, Drake, S t a n c 1 i ff", S i m s o n , Sunderland, Godlay, Sclater. Barkesland had Wra. Clifton had four de Wodhed, carpenter, tradesmen at Gd. and SouTHouROM had John Gd. John Barkesland, 14 others married at Lascy,franklain,3s.4d; Gd., 12 other married 4d. and 18 unmarried Exley, Haldworth and couples at 4d., 5 single or widows. Pek, tradesmen, at Gd ; payers. IG others married at 4d; Staynland had 3 at a widow and two single Quernby paid 18s. in Gd., 12 married at 4d., women. fourpences 3 single at 4d. AND niPPERHOLllE. 105 Hyprum : Hypruji : Henry de Rysseworth, John Smyth and ux mercator, & ux, Is. Richard Machon ,, Thos. de Thorp, mer- Thos. Tolour ,, cator, & ux. Is. Roger de Hoyle ,, John de Byrkes, sissor Richard de Chff ,, (tailor), & ux, 6d. Thos. Smyth ,, Ric. de Bentley, car- Wm. de Huff ,, penter, & ux, 6d. Thos. TilH Thos. de -Thorp, fiaber John s. Wm. ,, (smith), & ux, 6d. Robert Walker ,, Robt. Pynder, sutor Robt. s. Wm. ,, (shoemaker), & ux, Gd. Thos. de Birkhous and ux, (wife), 4d. Hyprum : Johanna de Scheplay Isabella Machon Ric. de Brighous Hemy del Rodehouse Alice del Hill Elena de Billay (?) Elena de Prestelay John de Prestelay John s. Henry Total, 25 married, 11 single ; 14s. Robt. ffletcher and ux W^m. Scheplay ,, Adam Tailour Herteshead, 7 mar- ried, and Brig's . 4 daughters unmarried ; 3s. 4d. Janyn de ffraunce ,, John Yrland ,, Ric. del Halle ,, Wm. s. Agnes ,, Matilda de Scheplay Kateryna ,, We miss the names of W^yloby and Rookes in the Hipperholme list for which we cannot account. Whilst Halifax township had only 12s. 8d. to pay, say 30 houses, Elland township had Savile, Knight, at £1, a franklain at 3s. 4d., 2 merchants at Is., 6 tradespeople, two being Websters (women), at Gd., 24 others, married couples, and 27 unmarried, at 4d. With these figures there is no difficulty in arriving at the population. Rastrick had about fifteen houses, Hipperholme-cum-Brighouse thirty, or equal to Halifax. There is no wonder that Wm. de Lightriche was always the Fixby constable, but there is a wonder that the Thornhill, or some other Fixby family, is not mentioned. Elland slightly outstripped Mirfield, with nearly forty houses each. Having given up to this date as complete an account as possible, without knowing the exact town- ship in which many of the persons lived, we must now only refer to those of our particular townships, and as briefly as possible. 1380. Ric. Milner took Rastrik mill at 18s. 4d. ; Rob. Hare that at Shipden at 20d. Bryghouses Tiirn,'i>iOX. 5. 4 brewers in Hiperum. Hugh Stevenson, mess., IG acres in Rastrikmere to Cecilia his wife. John del Northentl de Ourum dead, Ric. s. Peter de Tborneals his cousin and heir paid 20d. heriot, for G ac. 1 rode in Clegcliffe in Hiprom. John de Eland held 2 mess., 40 acres in Nm., his daughter and heiress, aged 12, takes them. Ric. de Thorneals conveyed G acres 1 rode in Clegcliffe to John Jankson de Ouendene. 2'urn, June 3. Jury as before nearly. John Wilkinson de Hiprom dead, Robt. his son paid Gs. 8d. to heriot, a mess., \ bov., G acres of roydeland in Hipruna. Ric. del Cliff is dead, Henry del Cliff his cousin paid Gs. 8d. heriot, for a mess., a bovate in Hiprum. John Hanson and Alice his wife took a mess., .V bovate, 7 acres of roidland in Wode- liouses late John de Rastrik's, with Tontoft and Xorthtoft. 106 BRIGHOUSE, RASTRICK 1382. Eic. Maclion and Bob. Hare took the mills tins year, 20s. Turn, Oct. 20, Jury as before. John, vicar of Dewsbury, v. Eobt. ffletcher de Brighouses and John Smith de Brighouses about debts. John Thomasson Gilleson is dead, Wm. by the Broke paid 4d. heriot for his land in Eastrik. John del Wro 1^ ac. in Hyprum to John s. Thos. del Cliff. 1383. Turn, Nov. Jury, Hen. de Eisshworth, Wm. de Whitil, John Drake, Eoger de Wodhede, Thom. de Daltou, John de Eokes, Eic. de Helwelle, John de Calthorne, Thos. del Hirst, John de Hep- worth, Eobt. Daweson, John del More. Eobt. de Parys, 3 acres in Clegcliff to Alice Taillor wyfe de Haldeworth. John del Eokes, Hiperum constable, reported Janyn ffrankysman (called also Janyn, servant of Hen. de Eissheworth), Eic. del Halle, Matilda gentil- ■womman, John de Ireland, Eic. Machon, Ibbota Machondoghter, for brewing ; fined 2d. or 3d. Hugh s. John de Totehill paid heriot for a mess., 1\ bov., G acres rode land in Eastrik, his father being dead. Eobt. Pynder and Alice his wife surrendered an assart, 6^ ac, called Beryroide to John de Haldeworth de Astay ; released to them next year. Eic. Machon took the mills as before ; and next year at 19s. 1384. Turns and Jury as usual. John del ffrith de Eastrik took of the lord one acre, and had to make the hedges from Eastrikbryg to Scolaybrig. Brighouse turn was followed by Halifax, then by Kirkburton on following days. 1386. Eichard the vicar of Halifax fined 12d. for not attending Wakefield court. Constables' names are all given ; brewers, absenters, &c. fined. Thos. Sherpe was constable of Northouram, Eoger de Woddeshed of Hertshead, Thos. Coweper for Wherneby (Quarmby). 1387. Machon took the mills again. Hemy and Thos. del Cliff conveyed ten acres to Janyn servant of Hemy de Eyssheworth or Janyn Eyssheworthman. 1388. Turn, Oct. 20. Thos. Smyth de Eoidehouse not attending the election of greave, 3d., for brewing and selHng 4d. John Weloby 4d. and Eic. Machon wife 2d. for brewing. 1389. Fourth parts of Eastrik (14s. 2d.) and Shepden (2s.) mills to Eic. Machon for 16s. 2d. Magota de Anelay conveyed to John her son 3 acres in Eastrik called le Brydrode ('? Birdsroyd). Eic. vicar of Halifax surrendered 9 acres called le Ou'Shipden to Wm. his son, and after his death to Wm. Hanson brother of said Eichard. Eichard son of Henry de Heton became Vicar in Nov. 1362. Watson mentions a deed of 1389 from the Vicar to his son WiUiam Heton, Esq., grant- ing Over Schipden Hall and Hyngandrode. His arms on the roof at Halifax Church are : Argent, on a bend sable, three bulls' heads, cabossed of the first, haff faced looking to the left. He died March 9, 1389, (or 1390 according to the present style of commencing the year with Jan. 1, whilst the old style began with March 25th.) Note also that the Vicar's brother is named Hanson, son of Henry. John Smyth de Bryghouses fined 2d. for fishing. Beatrix prestson wyfe conveyed a parcel called Eustroide in Hiprom to Simon de Whitlay. AND HIPPERHOLME. 107 Halitax Gibbet. John de Eastrik conveyed le Londymere assart and a rode in Nm. field to Eic. Symson, and a borate in Hiprom grave to Henry Boy. It is as yet unaccountable that Sourby graveship should have exercised the ' privilege ' of gib- betting thieves caught within its boundaries, whilst Hipperholme and Eastrick graveships seem to have had no such privilege. Even the Sourby culprit was free if he could escape across the Halifax beck, so long as he did not return. The custom must have come down from Saxon times before the Manor of Wakefield included the Halifax portions, or all would have had the same rigorous treat- ment. The 1360 roll mentions the custom. Mr. Lister finds m the Assize Eolls of 1391 several cases of murder in Halifax parish, and four or five j)ersons so con- victed were outlawed for not answering to the charges. In 1337, Eobert and John sons of John de Copley were indicted at York for slaying John s. Bate le Lister at "Woodkirk, possibly at the great fair. In 1378, Eichard de Sunderland was indicted for slaying Henry Matthewson. whose name so often appears in our pages. The pol-axe with which the deed was done was valued at 3d., and like all deodands was forfeited to the lord of the manor. John Cockcroft of Wadsworth stabbed Adam s. Wilham of Marsden, at Christmas, 1379. He was a fugitive till Candlemas, 1391, when Thos. s. Thos. de Hylelegh of Sowerby shot hmr with an arrow, which was valued at Id. The said Thos. of Hilelegh, junr. shot with an arrow, at Hylelegh Place, John Hardery of Bingley shortly before, for which he was indicted. Four more cases of murder occur in 1390-1. From this time we find a branch of the Hileleghs at Hilelegh or Hiley Hall, Clifton. 1391. Eic. de Hylelegh was constable of Clifton. John de Eoides conveyed one acre in Hiprum to John de Ireland. Sibilla wid. Jolni de Haldeworth conveyed a mess., ^ bov., 4 acres of flbrlaud in Hiper- um to Wm. s. John de H., who released it to Sibilla (his mother) for her life. Hemy de Eisheworth, ftbrester of Hyprom, presents that Eobt. Carter, 12d., John de Ireland, 12d., Eoger Trnor, 2d., Eobt. de Haldeworth, 6d., Eobt. de Wolker, 12d., Eobt^ Wylkynson, (xL, Alice wife of John Wylkynson, 12d., Eobt. Jolmson, 12d., Johnde Hepworth, 12d., John Straunge, 3d., Eic. Symson, 3d., Henry Boy, 12d., Thos. Sherpe, 12d., Wm. de Hemyngway, Gd., Eic. Tylly, (Jd., John del Bothe, senr., Gd., junr. Gd., Eic. del Vikers, 12d., all cutting greenwood 108 BRIGHOUSE, EASTRICK ill Brynescoles forest. (Hipperliolme Commonwood is all that remains of this forest.) 1392. Brighous Turn, Oct. 15, Jury named, having been omitted a few years: Henry de Ryssheworth, John Drake, John de Rokes, Ric. de Heliwell senr., Wm. de Steinland, Thos. del Hirst, Wm. Woddhed, Thom. de Lockwodd, John del ffrithe, Wm. de Steghill (Steel, or may be Staghill, near Outlane), Ric. del Haye, Thom. de Gledhill. The Gledhills were noted Barkisland people. Turn, April 29th, Adam del tSkoles, Thomas de Dalton, John de Hepworth, Wm. de Lokwodd, take the place of four of the above. 1393. The 'hawking' in the common fields of Herteshead, Rastrik, Brighous and Hiprom, let this year to John Piper, capellanus, for 6d. The same occurs next year ; and for Sourby &c. to John vicar of Halifax for Gd. John Piper was curate of Rastrick chapel in and before 1411. John Kyng became vicar of Halifax in March, 1389, (or 1390 we should now say.) An artist may here draw the burly priests mounted on horses, attended by gay ladies and squires, with the hawks perched on their shoulders ready to pounce upon unwary birds. A savoury smell at the Rastrick parsonage would repay the 6d. outlay. Rastrik and Shipden mills : no name or amount opposite for two years. Turn, 15 Oct. Thos. del Crosseland was a juryman ; others as above. Isabella de Brighouse fined 6d. for raising an unjust hue and cry against her daughter-in-law. Alice de Haldworth conveyed an assart of 4 acres formerly Ric. de Haldworth's to John s. Ric. de H. Isabella Alcokdoghter paid 3d. heriot, for part of Blakker, Alice Melias, her sister, being dead. John Stronge one rode in Pyndercroft in Hiperum to John Boye. [An assart is a ' clearing,' or new land.] 1394. Robt. Stronge 3s. heriot, for bovate in Mm., John his father being dead. Rastrik mill, ^th, lis. 8d., Shipden 3s. 2d. Wm. del Ker, Shelf constable ; Wm. Johnson Malynson for Northouram. Janyn de Hyprom, Matilda de Stancefeld, John Smith's wife, Ric. Machon's wife were brewers. John de Wilby absenting from the turn, 3d. Janyn de Hyprom r. Thos. de Thorp. Isabel, wife of Thos. Johnson, drew blood from and raised unjust liewes (hue) against Matilda, wife of John Tomson, fined Gd. and 4d. Wm. Hanson and Ric. de Kent for digging coal in Nm. Henry Risshworth was fforester of Strangstigh wood in Rastrik grave. John de Botheroide had a mess., edifice and IG acres in Rastrik, which Alice his daughter, wife of John Brannde, paid 12d. to inherit. Wm. de Godley being dead, Ric. his son, paid Gd. heriot for 2^ acres in Shipden. (Godley Lane bears the name still.) 139(). Jury, Dalton, Steinland, Crosseland, Hirst, More, Heliwell, Drake, Wodehed, W. and T. Lokwood, Thos. Smyth de Hiprom, and John del Rokes. Henry Brodelegh says that John s. Henry de Rysshe- worth senior had owed him ijs. (2s.) for a toga (cloak) for ij years. Ric. Strange or Strungge conveyed a mess, and bovate in Hiperum to Thos. Otes. Thos. Percy, Knight, v. John de Calthorne and Robt. Bull of Rastrik. Jury, April 22, Thos. de Bothomley, Smyth, Rokes, &c. Robt. Johnson de Hiprom and Cecilia his wife conveyed 11 acres AND IIIPPERHOLME. 109 in le Holcans to John Jacson Milner de Halifax ; the same Robert disputed with Wm. de Hemyngway about detaining Hobcrt's cattle. 1397. 'Hawking' (sportnig with 'hawks') in Sourby and Hiprom let to Jolm Kyng, vicar of the church of Halifax, for Gd. this year. Kastrik mill lis. 8d., Shipden 3s. 2d. this year: lessee's name not given. Turn, Oct. Jury, as before. Wm. de Deyn capellanus, r. Thos, Leche, and Thom. de Bretteby for 17s. Gd. for a horse which Bretteby bought of "William at Halifax (fair), Feast of Nativ. St. John Baptist. Isabella wid. Thos. del Bryghouse c Thos. del Cliff, about a quadrant of false gold. Henry de Rissheworth, by the hands of John Drake, surrendered a bovate and half of land, formerly Henry de Coppelay's, and a plot called Hekdeyne in Hiprom, to John son of said Henry senior : ingress lOd. ; also a plot, formerly taken from the waste on west of Coldelay to said John s. Henry de R. ; ingress Gd. ; also mess., edifice, 1 j bovates formerly ^^'m. del Bothes, and 1 acre in les Hilles in Hiprom to Henry s. said Henry. In Halifax district, Ric. de Holland, John de Eikeroide and Alicia del ftield resided. Ric. Matthewson surrendered 4 mess., a bovate, and 20 acres of roidland in Hiprom to Hemy his son, who paid for ingress 10s. Tenants of Rastrik, Hiprom, &c. bound to repair the dam of Wakefield ft'ulling mill. Turn, May 14. Jury, Dalton, Stainland, Hirst, More, John del ftithe de Bothomley, Heliwell, Drake, W. & T. Lokwodd, Calthorne, John del Rokes and Thos. Smyth de Hyprom. Smyth Arms. HinsT Arms. 110 BRIGHOUSE, EASTRICK 1398. — Eobt. Derwliit, senescall. Jury panelled were as before, but Thos. Smyth de litliccUf, (not Hyprom, though the same man, after whom Smith House is named), and John de Haldeworth de Hiprom, Hemy de Bibby de ffekisby, John Taillur de Eastrik, take fl'rith, Drake, and Calthorne's places. John Brodelegh, of Hiperum, being absent fined 4d. Eob. de Prestelay r. Hemy Matthewson capellanus. Eic. Hylelegh constable of Clifton reported John Taylor's wife of Wolrow for brewing. Eob. Hare conveyed a mess. 11 acres, called Whithillroide in Nm. to Hemy de Eastrik. [The Eastrik family gradually migrated towards Calverley, &c., at this time, where their descendants, known by the name Eaistrick, are still numerous.] John de Haldeworth gave 2s, heriot for mess., part of a bovate, and an acre of flforland in Hiperum, his brother Wm. being dead. 1399. — John King, vicar of Halifax, still paid 6d. yearly for Sourby and Hiperum ' hawking.' Turn, 13 Oct., Jury as last. Hugh de Totehill of Eastrik for not attending the turn, 3d. Turn, May 10th, Jury as before. Eic. Tilly was Hiperum forester. Thos. del Cliff conveyed an assart called Ellenroide (Nm.), and 15 acres, to John Gibson. [The second turn should always be reckoned as belonging to the succeeding year.] 1100. — John de "Wakefield alias Sir John ifitche de London, sur- rendered waste lands in Kergate, &c., Wakefield, the ceremony being- performed in the church of St. Paul, London. Opposite Eastrik and Shipden mills, no name or rent given. Turn, 18 Oct., Jury panelled by the turn, — names as before. John de Holway conveyed a messuage and 8 acres to Johan his wife ; John de Haldeworth 5 acres in Clegclif to Thos. de H. Jury at Turn, "\V. Lokwodd, Staynland, Hirst, Wodhed, ffrythe, More, Eokes, Smyth, Taillur, Helywell, juur., Eobt. de Haldeworth, and ^Ym. de ^Yolver- wall. John Drake had received 23s. 4d. of Thos. Smyth for a 'lumis' cross, in Halifax Church, and 15 years have since elapsed: fined 12d. Eic. Tilly was Hiperom forester. 1101. Eastrik and Shipden mills : no rent or tenant named. John King, vicar of Halifax, paid Od. yearly for Sourby and Hiprom ' hawking.' Turn, Oct. 18. Jury, W. Lokwodd, Steynland, Eokes, Haldeworth, More, Taillor de Eastrik, John de Hepworth, Thos. de Crossland, Wolverwall, Hirst, Wodhed, Eic. de Sunderland. Thos. s. John del ffrith de Eastrik made fidelity to the lord for lands purchased of John de Anneley in Eastrik. Wm. brother of Hemy Matthewson, capellanus, surrendered mess., h bov., 3 acres called Sundirland to Eic. de Sundir- land. John Brande and Alice his wife surrendered a mess, and 20 acres of pasture and wood, called Botherodes, formerly Eic. de Botheroid's, her uncle, and 10 acres there formerly John de Bothroide's, her father, to the use of John Piper, capellanus, who paid 4s. ingress. The same John and Alice conveyed 10 acres to Thos. del ffrith. Turn, April 17. Jury as last. Thos. de Mirfield, h rode at Okes in Eastrik to Hugh Couper. AND HIPPERHOLME. Ill 1402. Eastrik mill, nil, Shipden {\) let for 21cL "Turn, Oct. Jury as before, with one diflerent name. John s. llcnry de Brodeleigh took of the lord a parcel of waste land at Prestelay grene, in length iiij^'^x {i.e. 90) feet, in breadth 40 feet. Ingress, 4d. Turn, May 7. Jury, the same. 1403. Edm. s. William, seneschall for Wakefield Manor. For the first time instead of Eastrik we have Brighouse Mill ; no tenant nor rent named. 'Turn, Oct. Jury, Thos. de Crosseland, Wm. de Lokwod, Wm. de Wodhede, Thom. del firith, John del More, John del Eokes, Eobt. de Haldworth, Wm.de Woln'wall, JohndeHepworth, John de Bothomley, John de Calthorne, Thos. de Gledehill. Constables sworn as usual, John Clerk for Hertshead, Wm. del Ker for Shelf, Henry del Holynes for N.ourum, John de Hemingway for Clifton, &c. John Thomson of Brighouse fined 3d., being absent. Eic. de Sunderland v. Thos. Jacson de Brighouse. Wm. de Stanclifi'e, mess., ^ bovate in Nm. to John his son and Elizabeth, John's wife. Johna d. Gilbt. Otes paid 3s. heriot for 16 acres and edifice in Hiprom, her father being dead. Trespassers in Hypromwode and Brynescholes fined as usual. Turn, April. Jury, Crosseland, Steynland, Hepworth, More, Cal- thorne, Woodhead, Lokwod, Eokes, Haldeworth, Wm. de Longley,. Thos. del firith (Eastrik), Thos. del firith de Scamynden. Alice de Cownall of Hiperum raised hue unjustly on her son John, fined 2d. John s. Thos. de Thorp paid 12d. heriot, for 4 acres in Longmarsche,. John his uncle being dead. 1404. Shipden mill :|th, let for 21d. Eastrik stands, rebuilding. John de Wylby inclosed a parcel of waste without leave, in Hiprom. Hemy Sayell, now the forester, presents John del Bothes, senr., junr., John de Holway, John Eoper, Eob. Johnson, John Hare, Eic. Bate,. Thos. Otes, Eic. Symson, Hen. Sherpe, Eobt. Walker, Alic. wid. John Wilkinson, Eobt. de Haldesworth, Eobt. Carter, John de Ireland, John de Wylby, John de Brodelegh, John de Eyssheworth, John del Deyne, John Sherpe, Wm. del Ker, Eic. de Totehill, and Eic. de Prestelay for carrying away greenwood from Hiprom wood. 1405. Shipden mill, 21d. Briijlwus mill, nil : stat. Turn, Oct. 20. Jury the same. Hen. s. Eoger de Eastrik surrendered Whithill in Nm. containing house and 12 acres to John s. Eob. Hare ; ingress, 4d. Matil. wid. John Symson, mess., 10 acres, in Hyprom (? greave), to Eic. de Mekesburgh for 10 years. Eic. had been indicted in 1390 for murdering John Dell at Halifax on the Feast (Thump) Sunday. Turn, May 4. Jury as before. 140G. Mill of Brighous nil this year, stat. in facture ; Shipden 21d. Tolls of Hipron^ let to Thos. del fi'rithc for Gs. 8d. Turn, Oct. 0. Jury, John de Eyssheworth, Lokwod, Wodhed, Thos. del ffrith, More, Eokes, Haldworth, Bothomley, Wm. de Denton, Calthorne, Hirst, John del Haghs. John de Brighouse 2s., Henry ftbx 2s., John Smythe de Brighouse 12d., Wm. de Stancefeld 2s., Janyn 112 BRIGHOUSE, EASTRICK de Hyprom 2s., Eic. de Thorp 2s., John de Thorp 2s., Roger Mauncell 2s., and Thos. Tilly 2s., all of Hiperom, brewing helpales against the statutes. Janyn de Hiprom was fined at Halifax turn for selling meat. Heljiales were harvest or feast-time jollifications. John de Hem- yngway, the Clifton constable, was fined 40d. for concealing Helpale brewers there. John del fi"rith, senr. conveyed a mess., and 30 acres in Rastrik to his son Hemy, with remainder in case of Henry's death to Hugh his next son. Turn, April 19. Jury, as before nearly, except John Lascelles. John de Wylluby brewed a helpale, and sold, fined 2s. John de Ireland conveyed to himself and wife Isabella, 3 rodes, called Ililles in Hiprom. 1407. John Roper, Northouram constable, took Shipden mill at 21d. Hiprom and Rastrik tolls, with waifs and strays, let to Thos. del fl'rith for Gs. 8d. John King de Halifax, vicar, paid Gd. as usual for Hiprom and Rastrik 'hawking.' Turn, Oct. Jury as usual ; same at the following Maij turn. 1408. John s. Robt. atte Touliend, Rastrik graveship, fined 40d. for drawing blood from John Piper, capellanus, de Herteshede. (Was he a pluraHst? see 1393, 1401.) John King, vicar of HaHfax church, executor of John de Burgh's will, v. Roger Maunsell, about 10s. Gd. for a bovate of land. Tunm, Oct. 21, April 29. The Juries were the same persons as previous year. John Tilly conveyed li acre in Tillyholmes in Hiprom to John de Brodelegh. 1409. John de Risshworth, Hemy his brother, Galfri Warde, and John Willby fined 4d. each for not attending the election of greave. Brighouse Turn, Oct. 7. Jury, John Risshewortli, Thos. Crosland, Wm. Wodhed, Thos. del ifryth, John del More, John Eokes, Wm. Staynland, Robt. Haldeworth, John Hepworth, John Bothomley, Wm. Denton, Thos. del Hirst. This list is remarkable as de (for of) is left out for the first time, whilst del (of the) is still inserted. Brighous Mill (:Hh) let to — Stok for IGs. 8d. this year ; Shipden to John Roper for 21d. ; Rastrik and Hiprom tolls, waifs, and strays to Thos. fltirth for 5s. ; the ' ancupac,' or leave to take ' p'dices ' (hawking) to Sir John Kyng, vicar of Halifax church. John Wodhous paid 18d. for leave in 1411. 1410. Brighous Mill to John del Stokkes at IGs. 8d., rest of lettings as before. Turn, 13 Oct. Jury as before. John Wodhous, senior, conveyed a mess., 40 acres in Wodhouse to John his son ; ingress 3s. 4d. Turn, April 21. Jury, the same. Wm. Hemyngway abdax. vmi bordor, fined 12d. The constables were — Thos. Otes for N.owram ; John Hemingway, Clifton ; Ric. Totehill, Shelf ; John Tynglle, Har- teshead, &c. Thos. Lascy conveyed G acres at Randes in Nm. to Ric. Batt for 20 years. 1411. Brighouse lurn, Oct. 12. Jury as before, with remarkable regularity. If they had not been rich men we might expect that a AND HIPPERHOLME. 113 substantial feast followed the two courts — Baron and Leet. Ric. Sundirland and Jobne his wife conveyed a mess, in Sundirland and a bovate, and an assart called Bareroyde and Simonroide to Eic. their son, and Margaret dau. of Ric. Simson ; and a mess, and 10 acres called Clifroyde to Ric. their said son. 1412. Turn, Oct. 17. Jury as usual. John Avisson was constable of ffekisby, Ric. Stheghell ( Stighel, stee-hoil we now say ) for Stain- land, John Lassels for JDalton, Ric. ffaldyngworth for Barkislaud, &c. Hen. s. Ric. de Godley paid 18d. heriot, 1^ acres in Shepden, called Smethecroft, Pygrene, and Ympyerd, his father being dead. 1413. Brighouse mill — blank. Shipden mill, :^th, to Robt. Eland for 21d. The Hyprom and Rastrik " ancupaco' ad p'dices " let to the vicar of Halifax and John by the broke de Hodresfeld for 12d. 2urn, Oct., same Jury. Amongst the Hiperum brewers is Alice del Milnes for brewing and makiiig a new ale-house, fined 2d. Wm. Stancliffe conveyed Newhey to Wm. his son ; Hagstokes to Henry his son, whilst John paid heriot for a mess., and 13 acres of roydland, his father and mother Wm. and Elizabeth being dead, and he was also heir appt. to his younger brothers Wm. and Henry just named. John also paid heriot for 20 acres between Scowt and Shypden browk on the death of Wm. his father. Ric. Sundirland junr. and Johne his wife conveyed a mess., bov., croft of acres in Nm., to his father Ric. and mother Agnes, for their lives. Turn, May 1. Jury named, as before nearly. In Hyprom, Ric. de Thorp fined 4d. for making a Newe alehous. Wm. Thornhill de ffekesby took some waste land at Okesgrene. 1414. Brighous mill — blank ; Shipden to Robt. Eland. Wm. s. Ric. de Horsfall and Wm. s. John de Eikrode fined 12d. each for fish- ing Kypers, Sourby district. It is seldom such an entry occurs for this part of the Calder, [see 1489.] Turn, 23 Oct. Jury, John Ryssworth, Wm. Stainland, John More, junr., John de Bothomley, Wm. Wodhed, John Hepworth, Rob. de (H)Aldesworth, Wm. Denton, Thos. Hyrst, Wm. Lokewodd, Wm. Longlay, John Rokes, John Drake, Adam Beamound. John Avysson was ftekesby constable, Robt. Sharp for Northourum, John del Hyrst for Quernby, Eic. de Bentlay for Shelf, John del Eoydhouse for Clifton, John Wilhamson for Dalton, Wm. Moldson for Staynland, John de Tyngel for Herteshead, Wm. del Hole for Barkisland. 1415. Turn, April 10. Eic. Simso;i, Ric. Sunderland, Thos. ffrith de Rastrik were on the jury. In Holmfirth district was the family of Josep or Jessop at this date. Robt. Ilald worth and John Ireland v. Thos. Tilly and Ric. de Thorp for not repairing the hedges, called Kyngshard in Hiprom. Robt. Wulfkerr, greave of Hiprom, for not attending Wakefield court, Gd. 1416. Arabic figures first occur but very rarely. One-fourth the Water cornmill at Brighous let this year to Robt. Eland for 16s. 8d., Shipden water mill for 21d. Hyprum and Rastrik tolls to Thos. de fi'ryth and Ad. Makrcth for 3s. 4d. Hiprum ancup. (hawking) H 114 BRIGHOUSE, RASTRICK to John Kynge, vicar, for 6d. ; Eastrik ditto to Thos. Duke, Eastrik constable, for 8d. Turn, Oct. 6. The prioress of Kyrkeles had been having some Thakestones led from a Eastrik quarry. Thos. s. John Eishworth, the Lord's day after the feast of S. Michael, at Hertshed church, assaulted John Kodehouse and made a great affray, therefore is attached. John s. John Blakeburn and others are common players at unlawful games at Clyfton ; Janyu de Hiprom and John Brodele, drapor, the same at Hiprom, therefore attached (summoned). Turn, April 28, Jury as usual. Thos. Tilly of Hiperum brewed a helpale, IBd. John Wylcok held mess., 20 acres in Eastrik greave, for which Alice his daughter, wife of Hemy Bothom, pays heriot. Eic. Bentley, Shelf, broke and carried away the hedges of Thos. Cowper at Engesall. Henry Seyvill, forester, presents a long list of culprits for Hiprom, &c. 1417. Brighous water mill (^th) to Eobt. Eland, 16s. 8d. Turns, Oct. 13, April 19, Juries as usual. John Sharp was constable for Shelf. John Boy, the Hiperum greave, presented John Eishworth, John Weleweby, Thos. Clyf, Eic. Bates, John Bayrestowe for not attending the election of greave, each fined 4d. Henry Eischwortli formerly held of the lord a mess., and edifice in Hiprom in which Eobt. Carter lived, a mess, and edifice there, and part of a mess, for- merly Alice Naldoghter's, two bovates in Hyprum, a close called Osbarne rode, a close of rodeland, called Breryhay, 20 acres of rode- land in Southegge, Collay, and elsewdiere ; his nephew Henry, son of Nicholas de E., next heir, paid 10s. for heriot. Beatrix wife of Hugh ffox, daughter of John Hanson, paid heriot for a mess, and 24 acres in Eastrik at her father's death. 1418. Brighouse mill as before. Shipden mill and Eastrik and Hiprum tolls left blank. Janyn de Hiprom conveyed a mess, and 11 acres in Hiprum to Henry de Eisshworth, junr. John son and heir of Henry de Eischwortli paid 4d. heriot for a cottage and a rode in le Hey in Hiprom. 1419. Mills and tolls as last year. Jury also. In Hyprum, Alice Mylne and Cecil d. John Smyth brew helpales. Wm. Peresson, con- stable of Clifton, presented John Hemingway of Thornyals for not attending the turn, 4d. Thos. Duke of Eastrik and his son Eic. took 16 panstres (loads) of Thakstones without leave, therefore summoned to appear. 1420. Mills as before ; also John Kyng's 6d. Jury, 23 Oct., Thos. Crossland, John Haldesworth, Thos. fiyrth, Thos. Hyrst, Wm. Denton, Wm. Longlay, John Haigh, John Eokes, John Hepworth, John Taillior, John Jagger, Eic. Helywell. John Smyth's wife of Brighouse made and sold bread against the assize, fined 2d. 2'urn, April 15, Jury as last. Eobt. Eischwortli de Lev'segge brewed a helpale and sold in Hiprom. Eobt. Johnson, John Scharp and Eobt. Haldeworth, junr., are common players at 'tales and teril'^- against the statute, therefore to be summoned. Henry Sayvyll, •Dice. AND IIlPrERHOLHE. 115 forester for Hiprom and Rastrik, presented a long list of wood takers. Galfry Warde having died, his son Thos. paid 4s. heriot for mess., ll bovates, 12 acres of rodeland called the Legh in Nm. He died this year, and an enquiry was held before Robt. Waterton, chief senescall, at Wakefield, when it was shown that Wm. Burgh was cousin and next heir of said Thos. Ward, thus, Wm. was son of John, son of Wm., son of Robt., son of Radulph, son of Roger brother of Hugh, father of John, father of Wm., father of Galfrid, father of said Thos. Ward, therefore Wm. Burgh paid heriot, 10s. | John Kynge, vicar of Halifax church conveyed j \ 9 acres in Ovyrschipden to Wm. Otes, drapor, Roger Hugh ingress 2s. Gd. The vicar received from John I i Jacson 12 acres called Holkans in Nm., ingress Radulph John 18d. Ric. Sculcotes, senior, conveyed a close L ! containing 12 acres in Nm., with an 'Ovil' (hovel) ^^^^' ™- within it, to Ric. Rokes ; ingress 2s. iJ f'JfrW^ 1421. Mills let for 16s. 8d. and 21d. to Robt. Eland. Vicar King and Thos. Duke take respect- John Thos. Ward ively Hiprum and Rastrik ' Ancup,' (hawking), i Turn, Oct. 21. Jury as before, except John Wm. de Burgh. Taillor de Clifton is one. John Weloweby enclosed waste laud at Brokehous near Holden broke, 40ft. by 20, therefore summoned (attached.) John Smyth of Brighouse brews ; also bakes and sells bread against assize. 1422. Brighous mill to Robt. de Eland for ICs. 8d. Shipden mill 21d. but no name opposite. Henry Risshworth lets Hollmyres close in Hyprum to John R. for G years. Ric. Rokes re-conveys Sculcote- rode (12 acres) with Ovil thereon in Nm. to Ric. Sculcote, junr. Henry Sayuyll paid 3s. 4d. for the waifs and strays in Rastrik and Hiperum. Robt. Johnson of Hiprom conveyed a mess., bovate, 18 acres of rodeland in N.owrammere and Hiprommere to Richard his son : ingress 6s. 8d. 1423. Brighouse mill (jth) to Rob. Eland, IGs. 8d. Turn, Oct. 13. Jury as before recorded. J^urn, May 17th. John s. John IMylner at Kyrkeleis drew blood from Thos. Brighouse, therefore attached : no fines being now imposed at the turn as were formerly. Alice widow of John Hanson surrendered a mess., IG acres in Wodhouse to John their son ; court fine 3s. 4d. John ftrith de Rastrik conveyed an acre at W^odhouse croft and a rode below Scolay- brigg to Thos. ftrith of Rastrik. 1424. Imperfect roll. Brighouse Turm, Oct., April, Juries as usual. Wm. Steynclifte paid 3s. 4d. for Hiprum ways and strays ; and Henry Sayvill, the ftbrester, reported numerous cases. [1400. — Lumis rood, under this date, p, 110, means rood light for Halifax Church,] 1425. — Brighous water mill let to Rob. Eland for IGs. 8d. Schip- den mill 21d., no name opposite. Vicar Kyuge pays 6d. yearly for the sport of hawking. 116 BRIGHOUSE, RASTRICK Turn, Oct. 22, Jury, Thos. Crosslaud, Thos. ffrytb de Bothomley, Thos. ffrj'th de Eastrik, Wm. Langley, Thos. Hirst, John Woodhed, John Hepworth, John Hagh de Hagh, John Eoyks, Robt. Haldes- worth, John Hirst, John TaiHur. Hiperum constable reported that Walter Merehaunt drew blood from Wm. Totehill, (no fines here now.) Tiirn, April 22. Henry Strunge was Hiperum greave. Thos. Clyf, present in the court, conveyed a mess., and bovate in Hiprom to his son Robert and Johna, Robert's wife. 1426. — Mills as before. Heiiiy Risshworth and John Barowclogh, of Hiperum brewed helpales and sold contrary to statute ; attached. The latter baked and sold bread, fined 2d. Turns, Oct. 15, May 22. John Barowclough's wife at the latter turn fined for baking and brewing, 2d. each offence. Alice Brighous,- Robt. Cokcroft wife, Henry ffox wife, all of Hiperum, bre-wed help- ales ; attached. Robt. Johnson, the greave of Hiperum, presented John Weloweby, John Rischworth and John Holloway for not attend- ing the election of greave ; fined 4d. each. John de ffryth de Rastrik paid 4s. heriot, for mess., 30 acres in Rastrik, his father Henry having died. Johna d. and heir of John Haldisworth de Erdislaw (Ardsley), paid 20d. heriot 10 acres in Clegclift". Johan d. Wm. s. Thos. Holdsworth de (Holdsworth in) Ovenden paid 12d. heriot for 5 acres in Clegclyff, her grandfather bemg dead. John s. Thos. Haldes- worth de Ovenden took 100 ft. by 80 of waste at Ovendenbroke in Nm. between Bradford highway on north, Batehayne on south, to erect a fulling mill ; rent of waste Id. per annum, ingress 2d. John Haldisworth of Astay conveyed 16 acres in Sourebymere to Robt. his sou. 1427. — Turn, Oct. 16. Jury, Thos. ftryth de Rastrik, Wm. Langley^ Wodhead, Hepworth, Hagh, Royks, Haldesworth, John Hyrst, John Taillior, John brodelegh, Wm. Denton, John Jagger of Stainland. Jury, April 27, instead of Brodelegh and Jagger were Ric. Long- bothom and Thos. ffrith de Bothomley. Assessment of 20s. on Hiprom tenants to repair the highway in a road (venell) leading from Balybrigg to Barowecloghbrigg. John Weloweby, who held a mess., bovate, 9 acres, 3 rodes in Hiprom, being dead, John his son,, aged 12, paid heriot 3s., and Margaret his mother paid 12d. to have the wardship. Wm. Hole, who held ^ bovate in Lyghtclyf, being dead, John his son paid 16d. heriot. Wm. Stayncliff farmed Ship- den mill, but no name is put against it in the rolls. Robt. Eland paid 16s. 8d. for Brighous mill (i). Vicar King paid 6d. yearly as before. 1428. — Mills, &c., as just named, Stayncliffe is inserted. Robt. Ryssh worth drew a dagger to attack John Symson, therefore sum- moned. John Hole paid 9d. for Wayfs and Strays of Hiperum. Ric. s. Thos. Gypson paid 12d. heriot for 5 acres called Elynrode in Nm.^. his father being dead. John Brodelegh conveyed a parcel 60 ft. by 40, called Haylathe in Prestelay to John Bentley ; ingress 4d. ; also Tillyholme to (unfinished.) * Possibly this means Alice Milnes ; 1413. AND HIPPERHOLME. 117 1429 — Mills as before. Jury at Oct. Turn as before. Wm. Hawrae was constable for ffekesby, and John Wod newly elected ; for Stayn- land, Wm. Moldson, John Bothomley newly elected ; Dalton, Thos. Snape, John Dighton newly elected ; Queruby, John Drake, llic. Wylson elect; Barkisland, Tlios. Wodhede, Thos. ffirth elect; Clifton, John Smyth, Wm. Bartrem elect; Northourum, Wm. Ellyssou, Thos. Otes elect; Hertshed, Ric. Norclif, John Tyngill elect; Schelf, Hen. Scolefeld, John Leche elect. Each constable presents his complaints, if any. For Hiperum, John Stansfeld was generally fined 4d. for not attending, and four women 2d. each for brewing, viz., Alice Brighouse, and the wives of John Barowclogh, Thos. Hanson, and Wm. fStokkys. The greave had generally ten absentees to report at 4d. each, for Hiprum graveshiiJ, for not attending the greave election ; and the forester a longer list of greenwood delin- quents at 2d. to Gd. each. These are nearly the only lists we have to show who the inhabitants were, as parish registers did not come into vogue until 1538, the date of the first Halifax book, whilst Elland starts with 1558. John de Methley paid 3s. 4d. for Hiprum graveship waifs and strays. Surrenders and heriots for Northowram are numerous, thus affording complete family histories for that town- ship. Clyfhouse so often mentioned before was in Nm. I think, and named after a family of Cliff whose original name was probably derived from the cliff in Lightcliffe. 1430. — Turn, Oct. 17. Jury as before. Henry ffox's wife, John Drake's wife, and John Smyth are to be added to the last list of Hiperum brewers. Margaret Malbon of Hertshead at Kyrkley had sent away two hens value 6d. to Hampole priory, therefore attached. Hugh ffox and his wife Beatrix conveyed a cottage and garden in Eastrik to their son Robt., who paid 6d. ingress. Thos. ffryth of Rastrik surrendered 8^ acres, and | acre in Brigge Pighill to Thos. Hanson. John Hanson paid Gs. 8d. heriot, for a half messuage, and 22 acres in Wodhous, his parents John and Alice being dead. John Wodhouse junr., being dead, his son John paid 13s. 4d. heriot for a mess., and 40 acres in Wodhous. Thos. Aynelay conveyed Brigge- I'oide close, 4 acres, to Thos. Hanson. 1431. — Turn, Oct. IG. Jury, Thos. Littlewod vice John W^odhed. Turn, ]\Iay 7. Jury, John Rishworth, Thos. ffryth de Bothomley, Thos. ft'ryth de Rastrik, John Wodehede de Hartishede, Ric. Bymson del Owrum, John del Schagh de Bothn Hall, John Jagger de Stayn- laud, Thos. de Wodehede, Wm. de Longelay de Dalton, Thos. Clyff de Hiprome, John de Hepworth de Dalton, Ric. Gledehill de Stayn- land and Wm. Rodes. A new hand writing commences here. Hiperum constable presents that John Roks had stopped a common way called A bridull Way at Pristelay grene, therefore summoned. Wm. Schippingdale alias Schipden r. Wm. Turnor de Schipdene. Wm. Awmbler surrendered i rode in Hiprum to Wm. Deyne, capellanus. Ric. Pristelay of Hiprome v. Wm. Brodclee for stopping a road, or stighway, at Iliprom, 118 BRIGHOUSE, RASTRICK to the Flatt, having been a road time out of mind. The special jury on this case, being township men, is here added : John & Hemy Eishworth, Eobt. Walker, John Stansfeld, Robt. Thorp, Ric. Thorp, Wm. Rode, Thos. Clyff, John Brokehous, Heniy de Scolesfelde, Thos. Mauncell, ^Ym. Awmbler. 1432, imperfect roll. Henry de Scolesfeld, Hiprom, brewed a help- ale. John Staynclifte conveyed a mess., 15 acres of roydland to his son Wm., and a mess., ^ bovate and 20 acres of roydland to his son John, each paying 6s. 8d. ingress. 1433. — John Otes, Hiperum greave, reported John Rysh worth, John Boy, Robt. Awmbler & John Stanclyf for not attending the greave election ; fined 4d. each. Wm. Stokks conveyed mess., 7 acres called Stysroide to Rob. Berstawe ; Ric. Yycars, 5 acres of roidland to his son John; John Symson a mess., new edifice, h bov., 15 acres of roidland to Ric. s. Robt. Symson ; and John Drake did homage (made fidelity) for his Northowram lands. 1434. — Turns as usual, Juries the same. N.ourum constable pre- sented that John \Yyloughby, Peter Crowder, Thos. Batte, Rob. Carter, Ric. ^Yylughby, John Wylughby de Este birle, Robt. Nettleton and others, in Westercroft, by force of arms with arrows and sw'ords, drew" blood from John s. John de Ryssheworth and Ric. Hoile Taillyor, and made a great afi'ray. John Northend was then Nm. constable. He also reports that John Hoile of Lyghtcliffe, Ric. Thorpe, Wm. Roide, Ric. Prestelaye, John Roper, John Stancefeld, Hiprum men, dug and took away turves from Nm. moor or marsh, in great contempt of the lord. John Lynlay paid 2s. heriot for mess., 11 acres in Rastrik, Alice his mother being dead. John Xotyngham and Johna his wife, by Robt. fflemyng steward for John Harryngton senescall, conveyed 8 closes called Coweroide, Laweroide, and Horlawegrene feld, (16 acres and edifice,) to John Lassye, John & Henry Rissheworth, and Heiu-y Clay ; ingress 10s. Brighous Turn, April 26. Thos. Emeson and others unknown came to Brighous and assaulted John Smyth. John Barocloghe brewed a helpale. Wm. Burgh conveyed a mess., bovate, &c., to Thos. Bothe. 1435. — Turn, Oct. 19. Jury, Henry Risshworth, John Drake, Thos. ffirthe de Rastrik, Wm. Longlay, John Haghe, Thos. Haghe de Skvres, Wm. Denton, John Hirst, Thos. Wodhede, Ric. Gledhill, Thos. Clifi"e, John Bentlay. Wm. Heylelee (of Cross Hall, now Hiley Hall,) was Clifton constable. Clegcliti'e in Northourum now is written GledcliEe. John Thorp conveyed 4 acres in Longemarshe to his son John, and Ric. uncle of the said Jolni junr. gave 6d. to have the custody till the boy was of full age. Thos. Ifirth of Rastrik conveyed mess., called Botheroide, and' 84 acres (excepting 1 acre in Wodhouscroft and 8 acres in Rastrik fields held by Jolni Wodhede and Ric, Botherode,) to Wm. his son, who paid 5s. ingress. Ric. Prestelay had taken 30 oxen from the Hiprum pinfold to the great contempt of the lord. 1436. — Henry Sayvill, custodian of Brynescoles, presented a long list of woodgatherers. The mills and tolls not recorded for some years. AND HIPPEEHOLME. 119 1-137. — Joliu Hanson quit claimed to John ffoxe and Jolian his wife a close called ( haiH-lcroft in Hastrik. Eic. Symson conveyed a mess., two bovates, 2 acres of oxgangland, 8 acres of roideland to Eic. Rooke, with remainder to the heirs of said Eic. Symson ; also Smythyecroft, 2^ acres, to "Wm. Smiderland. John Ekecopp, 1^ ac. in the Hilles to Wra. Eoide. Henry Sayvill being dead, his son John paid Gd. heriot for the Eanddes, 5 acres, which he conveyed to Nicholas Sayvill and Johne his wife, daughter of John Lassye. Eic. Godlaye being dead, his son Henry paid Od. heriot for Smythyecroft in Shipden, 2.| acres, but conveyed the same to Eic. Svnderland. Wm. Turnor conveyd a mess., 7 acres, to Wm. Otes, capellanus, Eic. Batte, and John Drake. John Smyth of Brighous cut greenwood in Strangstyes in Eastrik. Eic. Batte took and carried away by force of arms from Isabella Totehill of Shelf, a horse worth 13s. -Id. Eic. Sunderland conveyed Smythyecroft to his son Wm. John Eawes surrendered Haggstokks to Wm. s. Wm. Stayncliff. Thos. Hanson took + acre of waste, east of Newland and [Eiver] Kaldre. 1438. — Thos. fl'rith and John s. Henry ffrith exchanged 4 acres at Heelay for 4 acres called Esteroide from John flbx. Henry ffirth being dead, John his son paid heriot for a mess., and 30 acres in Eastrik. Brighous turn, Oct. 14. Jury, Henry Eishworth, John Drake, Thos, ffirth de Eastrik, Thos. Wodhed, Eic. Thurgurland, Wm. Longelay, John Haghe, Wm. Denton, John Hirst, Eic. Gledlnll, Thos. Cliffe, John Hepworth. Hiperum constable presents that Thos. Moodye's wife baked and sold, and Wm. Stokks' wife brewed, and that Thos. Maunsell obstructed a highway in Hyprome with a dung- hill (fimario.) Eic. Swift of Nm. fined 12d. for being a common forestaller of victuals. 1439. — Matilda Symson conveyed a mess., 11 acres, in Totehill to John Lynnelay ; ingress 3s. 4d. Henry Smith of Brighous and others fined for taking kepirs from the Keldre Eiver. Henry Eisshworth conveyed the Hilles, 3 acres, to John E. Adam Totehill was con- stable for fl'ekesby. A score pay 2d. each for taking wood from Bryn- scoles in Hiperum. John Stancefeld and Eobt. Thorp of Lightcliff fined 2d. each, not attending the court. Proclamation in Wakefield court three times for a tenant for Horlawe grene close, 4 acres, lately held by Eic. Lister, none appearing it was taken by John Lassy and John Eysheworth senior, as ancient land ; ingress 12d, 1440. — (rum, Oct. 12. Jury as before. Constables are regularly recorded. Eobt. Woleker senr., being dead, John Eydeinge of Hyp- rome paid 5s. heriot for a mess., bovate, &c. in Hyprom, and John Eideyng of Ovenden gave 20d. for custody during the minority of the first named Jolm. Turn, April 23, Jury, John Drake, Eic. Eokes, Eic. Batt, John Jagger, John ftrith, John Hepworth, John Bentlay, John Hirst, Wm. Denton, John Hagh, Wm. Longley, Thos. ffirth, Eastrik. Wm. Otes conveyed two closes, Littilroide and le Pighill, 3i acres, to his son Eobert in Hiprum. 120 BKIGHOUSE, RASTKICK 1441. — Hiproni constable reported that John Wylby of Birstall parish and Henry Thornliill came into the lord's warren and took hares, therefore attached. Thos. ffirth being dead, his son John paid 5s. heriot for a toft and bovate in Rastrik. Wni. ^Yodd was ffekesby constable. 1442. — John Thorp of Lightclifi'e took turf from Northourmn marsh; Thos. Sklater, Hiprom, brewed a helpale ; both attached, i.e., arrested. Eic. Rokes was constable of Shelf; Eob. Totehill succeeded him. Adam Bemonde conveyed a mess, and 31 acres in Skamenden, (successively faihng issue to one) to his children, James, Nicholas, Eichard, Johane wife of Laurence Wodd, Johane (another sister of the name), and finally to Thomas the oldest son. Matilda Symson surrendered lands formerly her husband's, Gilbt. Otes, to John Otes of Halifax, milker. (Walker means fuller ; he ran the Halifax fulling mill.) Turn, April 30. The town of Clifton to repair the highway at Thorneyalls before next turn on pain of 6s. 8d. Agnes d. John Eyssheworth of Coley, wife of Eic. Longbothom, conveyed Warley property to their sons Eic, Eob., and Edmund L. IW'd. — Thos. Anelay surrendered 4 acres between Newlaude and Keldre to Thos. Hanson ; John, s. Henry ffrith t acre there called Willepighill, to same Thomas ; Johan Alisaundre, widow, h acre at le Toft to same Thomas ; Hugh Totehill 2 acres on the fl'alogh called Meylemakerflatt to the same Thomas. Wm. Brodelegh, Hiperura, conveyed Tillyholme to Wm. Lister de Halifax. John Stansfeld, of Hiprom, surrendered the Eoyd in Sourbyshire, to Thos. AYylkynson, vicar of the church of Halifax, and Thomas Strenger, capellanus. 1444. — Tenants of Hyprome to repair Hypromloyne on pain of 6s. 8d. Brighous Turn, April 6. Jury, Hemy Eyshworth, Eic. Dalton, John Drake, Eic. Eokes, John ffrith, John Wodhede, Wm. Longley, John Hirst, John Hepworth, Thos. Haghe de Skyres in Quern by, John Haghe de Bothomhall, John Jagger, John Bentley, Ric. Anelay. 1445. — Turn, Oct. 19. Eic. Eokes de Eokes, and Eic. Eokes de Northourum were jurymen. Robt. and Ric. Cokcroft took hares in Hyprom warren. The Brighouse tenants were to repair the way between Brighous and Cliftonbrig under penalty of 6s. 8d. John Wylughby surrendered lands to John Otes for life, remainder to Ric. son of said John Otes and Margaret wife of Richard, daughter of John Lynnelay, and remainder to Thomas, brother of Richard. 1446. — Several are presented for playing at speres and other un- lawful games. No games were allowed after 9 p.m. Rob. Haworth of Hiprom brewed a helpale ; he was constable. The common way in Hypromloyne to the boundary of Brighous town (that is, to Slead Syke) to be repaired on pain of 6s. 8d. by the tenants. 1447. — In Hyprum, Thos. Bryghouse, Rob. Haworth and Wm. Totehill brewed" helpales last year. People from Okenshagh, &c., had fetched Thakestones from Smalecloghegge, Nm. Henry Ryssheworth being dead, his son John R., senior, paid heriot for a cottage and AND HIPPERHOLME. 121 closes called the Hey and the Hilles, and a close in Nm. called Wharllers. Ric. Northend greave of Hiprom and others come before John Sayvill, senescall, and pay taksylver for 12 good and faithful men to have special inquiry: the 12 jurymen chosen were, Eic.Rokes, Eic. 8ymson, Henry Strange, John Otes, John Htanclifle, John Haldworth, Kic. Haldworth, John Hoile, John Wylogheby, Rob. Cliffe, Eic. Sunderland it John Bentlay, Avho say that the tenants had pasture for pigs in the time of pannage in Hyprome wodd, and that John Ealand, knt., yielded to Earl Warrenne -is. Gd, in former times. 1449. — Woodcutters fined as usual. Thos. Populwell de Scoles took hares from Hiprom warren. John s, Eobt. Clyff paid 40d. heriot for a mess., and bovate at his father's death, and conveyed them to himself and Elizabeth his wife, daughter of Wm. Haldesworth. 1450. — Eic. Saltonstall was greave for Sourby. John Mawde of Hiprom was presented for brewing, and he and Ric. Wodd for not attending the turn. John Bentley obstructed the way between Long- stobynge and Brehous in Hypprome to the hurt of the tenants, especially of Ric. Northend, and contempt of the lord. 1452. — John ffirthe of Brighous and John Mawde brewed helpales. Thos. Brighouse drew blood from Oliver Milner in Hyprom ; attached. Hemy Rysheworth conveyed ^ bov. for 12 years to Ric. Shaghe. Proclamation made against brewers, ludeness, illicit games, bowls, &c. Matilda Symson, widow, quit-claimed to John Lynnelay a half messu- age and 11 acres in Totehill. Hiperum tenants pay Os. 8d. towards Wakefield mill dam repairs ; Rastrik ditto. Brynescole forester reports as usual. 1453. — Elena wife of Henry Rysheworth a certain day last year in the church of Halifax made an assault on Alice d. John Smyth de Lyghtclifie, therefore attached ; also John Townend on Ric, Shaghe (an under tenant of Henry Ryssheworth's), in the Halifax cemetery (churchyard) ; and John Milner on Rob. Thorp. Turn, Jury as usual, two Ric. Rokes, Wm. Cosyn, Laurence Newall, Rich. Northend. Margt. ft'ernelay of Dewsebury broke into a house in Hyprom ; and Agnes wife of Juhn Smyth of Lightcliff and her son harboured and received into their house the said Margaret, knowing what she had done : therefore attached. Wm. Holloway by John Otes, walker, surrendered mess, and ^ bovate in Hyprome to the use of the said Wm., and Johanne his wife. John Sunderland was constable of Fikesby. Henry Smith of Hiprom baked bread, fined 2d. 1454. — Wm. Sheplay was ordered to cleanse his ditches at Brighouse, on pain of 12d. John Jacson, Thos. Brighous and Ric. fletcher ditto at Clifton brig, pain 2s. John ffritli of Rastrik being dead, Thos. his son paid 10s. heriot for a mess., 74 acres. Brighous Turn, April. Jury, Ric. Dalton, John Drakys, Ric. Eokcs de Rokes, John Ifrith de Barkesland, John Wodhede, John Bentlaye, John Hepworth, Wm. Cosyn, Laurence Newall, Ric. Northende, Ric. Aynelaye, Ric. Thurgurland. For brewing a helpale and selling, Ric. Thorp was attached. Thos. de Roide, also of Hiprom, for absence, fined 4d. 122 BKIGHOUSE, RASTRICK 145G. — In Hyprom, Tlios. Sclater, John Sliippyiigdale and John Smyth brewed helpales. Johua Bryg with paHngs has enclosed the way in Herteshede between the Kectory and the Church. Thos. Haldeworth conveyed lands formerly waste (100 ft. by 80) in Hyprome to Thos. Awmbler. John Brodeleghe being dead, Ric. his son gave 3s. 4d. lieriot for 16 acres in Hyprom. Thos. Populwell of Scoles (near Hartshead), and Ric. his son took hares from Hyprum warren: summoned to appear under pain of 40d. 1457. — Edward s. Henry Rishwortli in Hyprome for lying in wait for and drawing blood from Ric. Northcliffe, attached. ^K^WK^ Field Arms. Radcliffe Arms. 2\irn, Oct. 3. Jury nearly the same as before, Wm. Lokwodd instead of Dalton. Peter Thorp to remove obstacles from a field east of Hyprom, pain Gs. 8d. Wm. ffiecher to cleanse the ditches in Park- croft in Brighous before the next turn, pain 3s. 4d. John, Agnes, and Alice Smyth to remove the palings, ditches, &c., in Woodhall ilatts, Hyprom. Jas. Ermytage had to cleanse the running water at St. Mary's Yng in Dalton. John Thorp, harper, and his mother Johna, widow, convey to Robt. Thorp, senr., Longmarshe close for 80 years. Ralph fltburness and his son John, Thos. Populwell and. his son Ric. had been " Traseyng" hares in the warren ; attached. AND HIPPERHOLME. 123 li^B.-^Jolin Wilby, John Boetlie, Ric. Rokes de Rodeshall, Ric. Northend, Ric. Stauclille, juiir., Wm. Holway, 4d. each, for not at- tending the greave election. Turn, Oct. 10. Ric. Dalton, Ric. Rokes de Rokes, Ric. Thurgurland, John ffrith de Barkesland, John Jagger, John Hepwortli, Thos. Long- ley, Jolni Wodhede, John Bentlay, Ric. Aynelay, Wm. Lokwodd, Wm. Cosyn, Ric. Northend, Wm. Shepley, John Hey were Jurymen. John Clytf and John Clay, both of Hyprom, brewed helpales. Ric, Smyth, Thos. Roide, and Henry Hemingway, all of Hiprom took turves from Shelf waste. John Chaloner of Anelay in a place called Knolles in Fekisby took carriage and goods over a " bridyll way"; attached. Wm. Clay and John his son quit claim to John ffox the lands formerly of Hugh ffox and Beatrix his wife. Wm. Lister, Halifax, conveyed Tillyholme to Thos. Neleson, of York, merchant. Thos. s. John ftirth de Rastrik now being 22 years old takes certain lands. 1460. — Ric. Staincliffe surrenders a mess., li bov. in Hyprum (grave) to Thos. Bates, for 30 years. The roll this year is mutilated; it may have been at the battle of Wakefield fought this year, 1461.— 1st Edw. IV. The Battle of Wakefield, and a new royal line do not interfere with these courts. Brighouse Turn was held Oct. 13, the Jury being Ric. Dalton, Ric. Rokes de Rokes, Ric. Rokes de Nm., John Drake, John Hepworth, Thos. Longelaye, John Wodhede, John ffrith, John Bentlay, Laurence Newall, Thos, Brighous, Wm. Cosyn, Ric. Northende, Ric. Aynelaye, Ric, Scolefeld, Rob. Thorp, and Ric. Wodd to cleanse the ditch on the road towards Brighouse mill, on pain of 3s. 4d, at next turn. Thos. Woodd was constable of Fekesby. Henry Rishworth being dead, Edmund his son, paid Os. 8d. heriot, for a mess., 1\ bovates, 7 acres of roidland. 1462. — Amongst the great men who did homage at Wakefield court, paying 12d. each, were Brian Thornhill, Ric. Longbothome, John ffrith de Rastrik, heirs of John Drake, Wm. s. John Prestlaye, John s. Ric. Prestlaye. Turn, Oct. 19, as usual. Thos. Sklatter had to turn the water into its proper channel at Hiperum. 14G3. — 'Inrn, April 10. John Smyth de Lyghtcliff on the jury. Thos. Horton was constable for Barkisland. Gilbert Lacy and his wife Johna, dau. Gerard Sotehill attend Wakefield court. Ric. Whitelay to repair the fences of Hyprome field on pain of 3s. 4d. Ric. s. Rob. Wodd, of Hyprum, fined 4d. for not attending the turn. All and singular of the tenants of Hiprom to ring their pigs on pain of 4d. each. Hyprom tenants obstruct a way at Northegegate, and trespass on Shelf mores to the detriment of Shelf tenants. Rich. Brighous built a house on the grene, Hyprom township, without leave. Peter Thorp broke the common law made by common assent. 1464. — John Appelyerde of Hiprum, is a common forestallcr. Ric. de Leeroide of Hiprome and Jolni Haldewortlie, junr., brew helpales. At Clifton many were reported for playing at Karddeyng (cards), and 124 BRIGHOUSE, EASTEICK at Speras (bowls) at their bouses, and Tbos. Darpielaye is a vagabond, and John Cosyn bad harboured the vagabond, (wanderer). Turns, Oct. and April 29. Juries, John Rishworth, Ric. Dalton, Ric. Rookes de Rookes, John Hepworth, Thos. de Longlaye, John Wodhed, John Bentlay, Thos. Brighous, Wm. Cosyn, Wm. Lokwod, Ric. Northend, John Drake, Adam Hirst, John Smyth de Lyghtclyf, Wm. Roide. Richard Whitlay to cleanse Hathelay dike, Hiprum. All field enclosures to be repaired. 1465. — Turn, Jury, Oct. 9, included Ric. Sunderland, John Hylelee, Ric. Aynelaye. 14G6. — Ric. Whitlay and Ric. Wodde broke Hiprom pynfold. Robt. Helywell at Thurcroft, Hyprum, obstructs the footpath. Edmund Ryshworth and Elena his mother make a nuisance in the commoil way. Ric. and Wm. ffletcher are to purge their ditches ; John Scolfeld and Robt. Thorpe to cleanse the stream at Marslie. 1407. — Wm. Brodelee, at Presteley, took 3 oxen from John Bentlay by force of arms. Tenants of Hiprum to repair then- boundaries and palisades, (metas and cippos) ; to repair the common way at Hylle-. myers. Bryghous tenants are not to take wood from Rastrik common lands. John Hanson paid 8s. lieriot for a messuage and 32 acres in Wodlious, John his father being dead. 14C8.— Brighous Turn, Oct. 18. Jury, Ric. Dalton, John Hepworth, Ric. Rookes de Rookes, Thom. Langley, Wm. Lokwod, Ric. Northend, Wm. Bentlay, John Drake, Adam Hirst, Wm. Roide, Ric. Sundirland, John Thewles. No mills are mentioned now. Robt. ffox conveyed a toft and garden in Rastrik to Brian Thornhill. Edmund Rishworth, Ric. Otes, and the heirs of Wm. Holway, fined 4d. for not attending the election of greave. 1469. — Robt. Smyth to cleanse the running water at Bryghous. John Thorp, junr,, Hyprum, allowed his cattle to trespass. John Hanson, Hiperum township, to cleanse the running water. AND HIPPERHOLME. 125 1470. — Turn, May 7. Jury, Ric. Eookes de Rookes, Ric. Aynelay, Wm.Bentlay, John Drake, Adam Hirst, Wm. Roide, John Haldworth, Thos. Wodhede, Ric. Sheplay, Thos. Bythebroke, John Hepworth, Ric. Dalton. Ric. Scoleield to cleanse the stream at Tukroid and Hay- thelay (Hiprum). Robert Shaghe's wife and Thos. Brighouse's wife,, for brewing, 2d. each. Bryghouse tenants cut wood on Rastrik moor without leave. Ull.—Tuni, Oct. 15. Jury, Dalton, Th. ffirth, John Smyth of Lightcliffe, Ric. Longbothom, Ric. Sunderland, Benlley, Drake, Roide, Haldworth, Wodhed, John Cowper, Thos. Gledehill. Thos. ffrith, constable for fi'ekisby, was succeeded by Ric. Botheroide ; Shelf, Rob. Thorp by Ric. Roide ; Clyfton, Wm. Blakeborne by Ric. Mankinholes ; Hertshead, Thos. Bryg by Rob. Arundale ; Northourum, Rob. Awmbler by Ric. Northend, junr. ; Dalton, Adam Longley by Geo. Bothroide ; Barkesland, John Ravenslawe by Wm. Townend ; Stayn- land, Robt. Aynelay by Wm. Priestlay ; Quernby, A\'m. Dawson by Wm. Bothomlaye. 1472. — Elena Rysshworth to clean the running water below Hiprom hills. Wm. Raumesden, Hiprom, brewed a helpale. Hiprom tenants- to repair the way to Balebrig. Brynescole wood list as usual. 1473. — John Rissheworth and John Stainclifte not attending the greave election, 4d. each. I'lirn, Oct. 12, Ric. Rookes de Rookes, John Smyth de Lightclifle,. •John Wilby, Ric. Sunderland, amongst the jurors.. John Brodelegh, Wm. Marshall, capellanus, and John Lyster, for Ric. Northend de- ceased, surrendered a mess., edifice, 1^ bov., 12 acres roidlaud in Nm., and a messuage, edifice, bovate and 8 acres of roidland in Hiperum to John Northend his bastard son de corpore Elisote Otes. Jas. Haly- well, of Hyprome, and Jas. Witley brewed helpales. Hiprum and Rastrick tenants paid 2s. each township to repair Wakefield mill dam. 1474. — Hiprum tenants to repair their part of the way from Nm. to- Wakefield. Ric. and M'eriori Sunderland being dead, their son Ric. paid 2s. heriot for Sunderland, Clyfiroide, &c. Hyprum constable presents that all is well, (omnia bene.) Rastrik constable reports that John Shaglie and Thos. Sheplay, both of Brighous, pasture horses and cows in Rastrik common lands ; therefore summoned to appear. 1475. — Turn, Oct. 3. Hyprum constable reports Wm. Bentley and John Schofeld for not attending, 4d. each ; Jas. Whitley and Robt. Strangefellow for brewing helpales ; John Hanson de Rastrik senr. and junr., Alex, flirth, Ric. Ravneslaw and others for pasturing cattle with- in Bryghous town ; also all inhabitants to have their pigs rung. John Clyfl', constable of Hyprum, April Turu, gives Thos. by the Broke and John Wood, as not attending, 4d. each ; the Northloyne to be repaired, the Brighous lane to be repaired, each on pain of 8d. John Townend deputy of John Woderove, Esq., custodian of Brynescoles, gives his list of culprits. John Shaglie of Brighousc had obstructed a road, and Ric. Rooks of Roidshall, John Stanclifi', and John Rysshcworth 126 BRIGHOUSE, RASTRICK had absented themselves at the election of gi^eave ; fined 4d. each. Eobt. Thorp conveyed Longmarshe 5 acres, to Ric. his son. 1476. — All the inhabitants forbidden to carry unreasonable weapons, as, sword, axe, bill, spear, on pain of forfeiting it to the lord and pay- ing 3s. 4d. Affrays were common at Halifax feast. Jas. Whitley's wife brewing ale (cervis) fined Id., John Thorp brewing a helpale, arrested. John s. Ric. Duke did homage and paid heriot for 10 acres on the death of his father, and his mother Jolme Duke, d. of Wm. Alisaundre. Injunction against Hiprom Northloyne again. John and Cristofer Haldworth, Ric. & John Scolefeld, John Ryding, Robt. Otes and John Wilby, all of Hiprome, took turves from Shelf. 1477. — Edm. and John Ryshworth and John Hoyle, absent at the greave election, 4d. each. Alice, Margt., and Johna, daughters of "Wm. Roide hold Jakwyfroide for 20 years at 2d. per ann., and John Smyth de Lightclift" holds the land at 5d. per ann., called Ploghsilver, (in lieu of plough duty to the lord,) for 12 years. Edm. and John Ryshworth and Ric. Longbothom have not made fines for their lands. John Bekwith, Hiprom, absent from the turn, fined 4d. ; Christopher Haldworth brewed a helpale. Wm. Sayvill was deputy for John Say veil, knt., the senescall. 1478. — John Ryshworth being dead, his son John paid heriot, 6s. 8d., for li bov,, formerly Henry Coplay lands, a plot called Hekdeyne, and another formerly waste, east of Coldelay. John Wodhouse quit claimed to Thos. s. Thos. Sayvell, formerly of Holynegge, a mess., \*<>*^ COLEY, FROM RoYBS HALL. AND HIPPERHOLME. 127 called AYodhous, with 48 acres. John Gledehill and John Sharp made an affray at Lightclyff. Thos. Lacy, Esq., comes and takes of the lord to farm the fourth part of the mill of Brighous for 40 years at 15s. per ann. and 4d. p. novo moru', paying 8d. ingress. It had evidently been on a long lease before. Thos. s. John ffrith de Darton and Elizabeth his mother quit claim to Thos. s. John ffrith de Rastrik a mess., and 80 acres in Rastrik ; ingress 2s. 1479. — Wm. Sunderland, John Boethe, John Northend, and John Boy surrendered Hasillhurst close in Nm., formerly waste, to Ric. Barestowe for the use of the town of Hyprome. Ric. Rookes of Roideshall, greave for Hyprum, for not attending Wakefield courts, fined 8d., 12d., 12d., Gd., 4d., Ac. John Sharp, Hiperum, brewed a helpale ; attached, that is, arrested. 1480.- — Turn, Oct. 9. Jury, Henry Longlay, Ric. Rooks de Rooks, Ric. Longbothom, Ric. Sunderland, Thos. ffrith, Wm. Lokwodd de Collenly, Thos. Gledhill, Wm. Thewles, W. Bentley, Adam Hirst, Ric. Sheplay, John Northend, John Bentlay, John Haldworth. Agnes, wid. of Ric. Scolefeld, and John Leeroide, both of Hiprom, brewed helpales, fined 4d. each, and Ric. Wood's wife brewed ale (cervis), fined 2d. The road in Hyprome field to be repaired. Ric. Longbothome took 1 acre of waste near Shipdeyue hall without leave. Ric. Thorp took of the waste near Estfelde liddeyate (that is, Light- cliffe Lydgate) of Hyprome | rode at Id. per ann., ingress 4d. Ric. Wodd took ^ rod between Ovirflatt and Cloghebrooke in Hyprum, rent Id., ingress 4d. Wm. Baytes conveyed a mess., 3 ac. in Cloghroide in Hyprum to his wife Katrine for life, remainder to Laurence, John, Thomas Baytes, (probably their sons.) Brynescole custodian presents John Haldworth, John Rideyng, John Scolefeld, Ric. Townend and Rob. Helywell for cutting greenwood, fined 2d. each. 1481. — Ric. Gledehill took 1 acre of waste abutting Rakesclogh, S., Wm. Burgh's close called Rydeyng, N., Drawstones close, E., Jchn- roide close, W., in Hyprome. John Thorp, Hyprom, to repair the highway called Ebestoneloyne. Alice, wid. of Ric. Gledehill conveyed a mess., and 15 acres to their son Wm. She was daughter of Wm. Stayncliff and paid heriot for 1 acre in Nm. this year. 1483.— Henry s. Thos. Sayvell, of Holyngegge, surrendered his lands held of the king, in Horbury, Halifax, Sandall, Hyprum, Rastrick, Holme, Erleslieton, and Osset, to Elizth., wid. of Robt. Waterton, Esq., and Thomas Sayvell his brother: ingress 20s. A mess, and 24 acres in Rastrik conveyed by Thos. Totehill to John Clayton, ingress Os. John Lynlay, mess., 11 acres in Rastrik to his daughter Alice, wife of John Wylkynson. Turn, Oct. 14. Jury, same as 1480, except John Boythes, Thos. Wodhede and Ric. Aynelay instead of Sunderland, Sheplay and Northend. 1484. — Thos. s. Thos. Neleson, formerly of York, paid 4d. heriot for 5i rodes called Tillyholme in Hyprum, liis father being dead ; but surrendered it to Gilbt. Lacy, Esq. John Hanson, senr., conveyed a 128 BRIGHOUSE, RASTKICK mess., edifice, and 12 acres in Rastrik, to John his son. Amongst the Brynescole wood depredators were John and Adam Wilton, Ehzth. d. Ric. Thorp, aged 1 year, by Thos. Holleroide, paid 12d. heriot for 5 acres in Longemarshe, her father being dead. John Clyff surrendered a mess, called Clyffhous with its lands, pastures and wood in Hyperum to Ric. Clyfite, ingress 3s. 4d. 1485. — Rob. Burgh, capellanus, conveyed a mess., 1^ bov. in Hyp- rum to Rob. Otes, for 40 years. Halifax Turn held Oct. 7, Brighous Oct. 8, Holm Oct. 9. Brighous jury, Ric. Rookes de Rookes, Henry Longlay, John Haldworth, John Bentlay, Thos. ffrith, Wm. Denton, Thos. Gledehill, Ric. Aynelay, Thos. Hawme, John Wornewall, John Ramsden, Gilbt. Wodhede, Wm. Bentlay. Next Turn, April 10. Cristopher Brodelegh, Hiprum, absent from turn. Wm. Sundirland being dead, Ric. his son paid 7d. heriot for Smythie croft, 2 acres. John Sunderland of Sourby, being dead, Thos. his son paid heriot. 1486. — John Duke conveyed 10 acres in Rastryk to Thos. Goodheire. Robt. Hanson ordered to cleanse the ditch in Brighous on pain of 2s. 1487. — John Sayvell, lent., chief senescall. John and Edm. Rysh- worth, and Ric. Rookes of Roides Hall, not attending the greave election, 4d. each. John Brodelegh took 1 rode of waste at Id. per ami., ingress 2d., between Edw. Otes land, E., highway, W., John Haley's land, S., in Hyprum. Thos. Sowodd, 2 acres of waste between Blakelclough and Knightroide. Ric. Gledehill being dead, Wm. his son paid 4d. heriot for 1 acre formerly waste. John Northend, bastard, surrendered mess., edifice, bovate, 8 acres roideland to Thos. his son ; and 10 acres of roideland at Brerehay. Turn, Oct. 14. Jury, John Rookes de Rookes, Henry Longlay, John Haldworth de Hyprome, John Hoile, John Hanson, Ric. Rookes de Roidshall, &c. *** ^ ^ ... A ... /i ... A V- i JS £. i. I Lister Arms. Lister Arms, (Hull Braucli.) 1488.— Thos. Lister conveyed 1 acre formerly waste in Hyprum'to John Shore ; Thos. Sowood and Isabella his wife, 4 acres at Dykon- feld, (Nm.) to Gilbt. Saltonstall : who took also 2 acres of waste under Boltshaghefoote. AND HIPPERHOLME. 129 Turn, Oct. 7. Margaret wid. Eic. Tliorp fined 12d. for not re- pairing the highway at Eastfield gate, and John Thorp Gd. for un- cleansed ditches at Hathelaylayne. Edwd. and John Cosyn fined Gd. each for affray with Laurence and Agnes Scholefeld. 1489. — Turn, Oct. 20. Jury, Ric. Rowkes, John Rowkes, H. Longlay, W. Bentlay, Ric. ffourness, Ric. Aynelay, Thos. Gledehill, Roh. Dawson, John Boy, John Hoyle, Thos. ffirthe, Laurence Bare- stowe. Edward Hirst was ffekesby constable, Percival Rayner for Hartishead. Henry Walker of Brighous fined 2d. for taking green Avood from Rastrick wood. John Walker of Barkisland and Wm. Moregateroid, 12d.each for an affray at Rybornedeyne chapel at Easter. 1490. — John Wilby absent from greave election, 4d. The forester of Strangsty in Rastrik presented a list of delinquents. Turn, 18 Oct. Jury, an unusual list, who mostly formed the Halifax jury next day; Wm. Mirfield, Esq., Wm. Scaregill, junr., Esq., Rob. Pilkyngton, Esq., Ric. Wodrofe, Esq., Rob. Gargrave, Esq., John Burton, Wm. Wilkinson, Edwd. Rysshworth, Adam Hirst, Hen. fferror, Wm. Drake, Ric. Aynelay, John Wilkinson, John Miggelay. John Rydeyng conveyed a mess., bovate, in Hyprum to his son John ; Thos. Lister, a house called Barkhouse, and garden in Hyprum to John Shore for 18 years. John s. Wm. s. John Gybson, 20d. lieriot for 5 acres and edifice at Ellynrode, Nm., his uncle John G. being dead. 1491. — Jury, Longley, J. Rookes, John Haldworth de Hyprum, W. Bentlay, John Boy, Thos. ffirth, Ric. Lokwod, W. Co^A-per, Ric. W^aterhous, W. Drake, W. Thewlis, Ric. Sunderland, Jas. Otes, Thos. Gledehill. 1492. — Special Jury, Ric. Rookes de Roideshall, John Boy, Ric. Northend, Jas. Otes, .John Ryding, Peter Thorp, Ric. ffourness, John Stanclyft", Wm. Scolecote, Wm.Awmbler, Ric.Townend, Wm.Boethes, about a close called Winters, whether it is free land, or copy hold, when it was found that 1\ rodes on the north side are free, and the rest is held of the lord by copy of Court Roll ; the close being south of John Rysshworth's land at Coley. A greater finding took place this year when Columbus discovered America. How proud Americans would be to trace a town history four hundred years back ! Ric. Symson alias Ric. Symmes, vicar of the church of Halifax, paid Gs. 8d. heriot for mess., edifice, ^ bovate, 15 acres of roidland in Hyprome (graveship), his father Ric. Symson or Symmes being dead. Egidius Hoppay fined 20d., for affray on Thos. Boethe with a ' sithe.' Gilbt. Lacy, Esq., conveyed Tilleholme to his sous Edw. and Christopher. John Tliorp of Southcliffe (Hyp.) placed his cattle in Shelf common pasture, fined 8d. See view of Thorp's Cottages, next page. 1493. — Turn, Jury as before. Hirst, Lokwod, Bentlay, Gledehill, Ric. and John Rookes, Aynelay, Drake, Boy, Haldworth de Hyp- rome, ffirth, Ric. Northend, John Hoile, Thos. Brigghous. The previous jury only differed in the names Ralph Stancefcld, Thos. Smyth, Lightclifte, John Wilby, Hiprum, Robt. Dawson, John Thorp. I 130 BRIGHOUSE, RASTRICK Eobt. Smytli, Wm. Brook for his boys, Henry Walker, all of Brighouse, 4d, each for bi-eaking and carrying away hedge stakes. The lads could not have been keeping Gunpowder Plot then ; nor would hedge stakes be big enough for yule logs. We next get a. tasty bit of English amongst the ocean of Monk Latin : Ad banc cure Domin. Kex. Mandavit John Sayvile, milit, capitl. Senl. Domij de Wakefeld ; — Trusty and welbeloued we grete you wele and bee credibly enformed that certain our ofdcers called Greves within our lordship of Wakefeld being bounden by reason of thair tenures to gadre our Rent there wil nat of thair obstynances bring in the saide our Duties at suche tyme as hertofore was appointed afore our auditour and Richard Cholmeley our Receyuor there and namely oon Gilbert le Greve of .*,.V^J'>-'»-0 ♦^Bt^ Thokp's Cottages, Sutcliffe Wood. Ossett with diu'se other Greves of our saide lordship wherefore we vvol and desire you and nev'thelas comaunde you straitly to see that hasty payment bee made of all our said Rents by the said Gilbert and other our like officers there, accordeing to thappoyntment aboue lymyted, and where as it is shewed vnto vs that after the custome and vsage of our said lordship the lands of diu'se such Greves bene seised unto our hands for nonpayment of our said Duties We charge you to see that they, and namely the said Gilbert Legh, of Ossett, be not admitted to thair fynes therein hereaft. but that other flblk rather than they may have the same lands like as to your discrecion shalbe thought moost for our prouflite and avauntage whiclie wol bee an example and fere vnto them and all other like officers there to comitte AND HIPPERHOLME. 131 semblable ofi'ences in tyme comynge and cause theym to bee tbe more redy to kepe tbair dayes appoynted for the said payment hereafter. Yeuen vndre our Signet at our palace of Westmr. the xxth day of Nouembre. Rob. Hemmyngway took ^ acre of waste in Nm. and Hip. having Yvyncar W., ]l3ryndescolebrooke E., Eobt's. lands S., Yvyncarcloghe N. John s. Peter Thorp broke into Nm. pinfold ; fined 4d. 1494. — John Weloweby (by his substitute John Haldworth of Hip- erum,) surrendered a messuage, bovate, 9 ac. 3 rods, to the use of John Nevile, knight, Thos. Nevile his son and heir, Mr. Ric. Symmes, vicar of church of Halifax, Wm. s. and heir of the late Wm. Symmes, John s. and heir of Thos. Lacy, Esq., Mr. Thos. Sayvile, vicar of the church of Braithwell, Wm. Rookes of Roydeshall, John Stanclyf, Laurence Barestowe, Thomas Smyth, Thomas Weloweby, Rob. Otes, and Thos. Oldefeld and their heirs on trust, who paid for ingress xxs. This refers to the founding of the Willoughby Chantry at Halifax, Ric. Clyff and Thos. Brighous were summoned for making a Bowl- ynge Aley at Halifax against the statute. John Willoughby founded the Chauntry of the Trinity at Halifax, of the yearly value of £4. Watson states that Willeby founded a chauntry on the south side of Halifax church, and to endow it feoffed Sir John Nevil, knt., Thomas Nevil, Esq., his son and heir, Thomas Willeby, his kinsman, and others in lands in Priestley in Hipperholm, to the yearly value of six marks, June, 9 Henry VII." In Halifax Register is the entry: "Dom. Thomas Gleydehyll cantarist. in cantar. voc. Wylbe Chantre, ac quondam Vicarius de Cunnes- burghe, sepult. 12 Mail, 1541." The lands belonging to this Chauntry were granted by Edw. VI. to Thomas Gargrave, knt., and Wm. Adam, jun. In 1558, (Willis's Mitred Ahhies, vol. ii.,) Richard Northend received £3 12s. Od. pension, as Incumbent of Wylby's Chauntry. The south or Holdsworth Chapel at Halifax Church was the favourite burial place of many old families, and there was interred the body of good Oliver He3'wood, of Coley. In Watson's Halifax will be found a long Latin record of the foundation of this Chauntry. John Willebye, in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, by charter tripartite enfeoffed John Nevil, knt., Tho, Nevile son of said John, Mr. Richard Symmes, Wm. s. Wm. Symmes, John s. Thos. Lacye, Esq., Mr. Thos. Savile, Vicar of Brayvell (sic), Wm. Rookes, John Stancliffe, Laurence Bairstowe, Thos. Smith, Thos. Willeby, Robt. Otes, and Thos. Oldfeld in his messuages, lands, &c., in Hipperholm, and appointed Thos. Gledhill to be first chaplain. The lands were to be held and occupied by ' Thos. Willobye consanguineum meum, et heredes suos,' on paying six marks at Pentecost and St. Martin's in Winter in equal portions. Provision was made for the support of Johanna wife of the donor, during her lifetime. The chaplain was required to pray for him and his family in this form : — Ye shall praye for tho soule of John Willebye, founder of this Chauntrye and Service, and for the soules of his two wives, his children, his fader, his moder 132 BRIGHOUSE, RASTRICK soules and all liis elders soules," and say immediately De profundis, &c. Dated and sealed 10 June, 9 Hem-y VII. In less than a generation these religious benefactions were interfered •with by a rapacious Monarch, and the Reformation followed. The lights at the altars in the churches were extinguished, and the morrow mass, sung at 5 a.m., silenced. Winteredge, Coley Hall gateway, Coley Chapel House (the public house adjoining the graveyard), |__ and other properties in Halifax parish, bear the double cross, still | carved on them, shewing that the Knights of St. John of | Jerusalem derived certain rents therefrom. At Howroyd, in Barkis- land, the home of the Hortons, (who resided at and owned Coley Hall for some time,) Watson saw a rental of the sums paid to the Knights from Halifax parish in 1533 : John Rush worth of Coley for certain lands and tenements in Coley, 5s. Richard Sunderland for lands and tenements in Shibden, T^d. Henry Batt for tenement called Hayley Hill, Gd. Richard Saltonstall for Godley in Shibden, 2d. John Northend for lands, &c., in Shibden, l?rd. Edward Kent for Wheatley in Ovenden, Id.; and for Shelve-park, 4d. Robert Deane for Ekersley (Exley) Hall, near Eland, 6d. Rob. Northend for Horner's in Shibden, 2^d. Total 7s. G*d. 1495. — John s. Robt. Brodelegh conveyed to himself for life and to his son John, lands in Hyprum. The said Rob. B. senr. yielded 14 acres in Hyprum to John and Thos. B., charged with 23s. 4d. yearly for Robt's. life. Ric. Bairestawe took 1 rode of waste in Hyp., a marsh on the N., Ric. Thorp's land on W. Proclamation at three courts that the Hiperum greave has the Boythes (bovate and 8 acres) former- ly held by John de Boythes in his hands. John Haldeworth of Sourby and John Waterhous senr., paid 13s. 4d. ingress for the same. Constables \ — Wm. Thorp, Shelf; Gilbt. Rayner, Hartshead ; John Shore, N'ourum ; Eic. ffletcher, Clyfton ; &c. 1496. — Jury, Ead. Stancefeld, John Eookes, Thos. Smyth, John Boy, Gilbt. Saltonstall, Ric. ffour- ness, John Haldworth, Gibt. Wod- hede, Ric. Waterhouse, Thos. ffrith, John Thorp of Sutclyff, John Hoile, Thos. Hanson. Nich. Bentlay took 1 acre of waste in Hyp., having Bryndescoles E., Rad. Saynton's lands W., Westroide S, Rideynge N., Ead. Saynton took 1 rod in Hyp., with Walleloyne W., King's way E., Walclogh S. Wm.Bentlay being dead, his son Laurence paid heriot 20d. for waste land called longestubbynge, Jakstubynge and little pighill. Stansfield-Rookes Arms. «^\*g!^vS>^ml5^P^^^ AND HIPPERHOLME. 133 1497. — Ric. Aykeroide surrendered Sliugden Hall, Nm., to Wra. Aykeroide, rector of the church of Marston, Thos. Yongesmith, vicar of Dewsbury church, Robt. Burgh, chaplain, John Yorke, chaplain, Thos. Sayville de Bladeroide, John Waterhous, senr., and Brian Otes. Ingress Os. 8d, W. Akeroide was a great benefactor to Grammar Schools. Vicar Symmes of Halifax, being dead, \Vm. s. Wm. Symmes paid 8s. 2d. heriot for mess., edifice, + bov., 15 acres roideland, and 47V acres lately waste. To this court comes John Northende, Bastard, in his proper person, and in these words " To the (Steward of the lordeship of Wakefeld, Humblely shevveth vnto yore maistrship yore dayly orator and bedeman John Northende, Bastard, hovve that afore thys tyme it was agreed and com'ited betwixe yore seide Orator and one Thomas Nayler, yt one Thomas Northende, son and heir appar- int of the seid John, shuld wed and take to wife Johnet Nayler doghter of the seid Thomas, for whiche mariage to be hadd the seid Thomas Nayler payde to yore seid Orator 1 H. of money, and because bothe the seid Thomas Northende and Johnet Nayler were within yeres of consent and was doutefull whedir thay wolde agree to the seid mariage att yeres of consent the seid John Northende made a surrendre of Diu'ses p'cells of land ligynge in Northeourome in the graveship of Hyprome halden by Copie after custome of the maner of Wakefeld to thuse of the seid Thomas Nayler and his heires vppon condicion yt yff the seid Thomas Nortliend disagreed to the seid mariage att yeres of consent yt then the said Thomas Nayler shulde hafe the seid p'cells of land to hym and his heires in recompence of the seid some of 1 li, payde to the seid John Northende like as in the Court Rolles more playnely apperith. So it was yt the seid Thomas Northende hath disagreed to the seid mariage and also hath caused a diuorce to be mayde betwixe hym and the seid Johnet as apperith in the concistorie of the holy fader in God Thomas Archebisshop of Y'^orke. After which disagreement and diuorce by mediacion of frends of the seid Thomas Nayler and John Northend it was agreed betwixt the seyd Thomas and John by thaire aboue assent or agrement yt the seid John Northend shulde repay agayne to the seid Thomas Nayler the seid 1 li. and yt the seid Thomas shulde make a surrendre agayne to the seid John Northende and his heires of the seid land the which 1 li. the seid John hath repaid to the seid Thomas and the seid Thomas refusith to make the seid surrendre agayne to the seid John accordynge to his seid agrement contrie to lavve and consiens, Wherefore please it yo'e goode maistreship call the seid Thomas afforo youe to answer to yo'e Orator of the p'misses and also to compell hym to make the seid surrendre for that yo'e seid Orator hath no remedie accordeyng to the ordre of the Co'em (common) lawe and he shall dayly pray for yore goode maistership." The whiche Thomas by a Iniunccion to hym mayde by Sr. John Sayvile knyght, Styvvard of of the lordeship of Wakefeld appered afore the seid Styvvard att Wakefeld atte Courte halden there next after fiest of Seynt ]\Iichell in the xiij yere of the reigue of Kynge Henry the vij th Att which Bay 134 BRIGHOUSE, RASTKICK tlie seid bill atte mstance of the seid John Northende was redd vnto the seid Thomas Nayler and he couth not with say the content of the seid bill bott yt itt was true in all thyngs accordeynge to the shevv- ynge of the seid John Northende Wherefore the seid btyvvard awarded yt the seid Thomas Nayler shulde make agayne a surrendre of the seid land to the seid John Northende and his heires vppon payne of seiser of all his copylands and also vppon payne of a C m'rks. The aforesaid Thos. Nayler surrendered the mess., edifice, 1^ bov., 12 acres roidaind in N'ourum to the use of John Northende and his heirs, who paid 8s. ingress. At the next Brighous court he surrendered the same to his son Thomas, who paid 5s. ingress. John Rydeynge of Hyprome took ^ rod of waste, Symondroide being on the W., Marshes E., Hypromfeld N., Lyghtclyff S., which with Calfcroft and edifice in Hyprum he conveyed to himself for life, and to his daughter Margaret. Laurence Haldworth of Hiperum took | acre of Avaste at Northmarshe, with Syndirhills on N. and John Haldworth close on S. Ric. Clyff took 1 ac. 1 rd. of waste between Lyghtclyf broke W., Ric. Wood's close N., Eic. Clyff's messuage E., and Doggehous, S. at Gd. per ann.; ingress 6d. Ric. s. and heir of Wm. Sundirland paid 20s. heriot for Sundirland, Bareroide, Symondroide, Clifroid; his uncle Ric. S. being dead. Laurence Bentlay took i acre of waste in Hyp- rum ; Oldeerthe E., Highway W., Waste N., Braynyngeley S. Ralph Eoides took 1 rod in Hyp. near Hillez ; Thos. Ecclesley's close on E., Hypr. to Brighous highway W. Ralph Saynton 1 rod in Hyprum waste ; Halifax and Wakefeld highway S., Walloynes close N., Hyp- romegrene W. John Wilby took 1 acre of Avaste, half at Prestlay greene, near Calderfall close, John Eisshworth's, N., John Wylby's Marsfelde W., Priestlay to Halifax road, E., and S.; and half in the Marshe, with Wynters on E., Laurence Bentlay's new close S., Synderhills W., and Shelf road N. John Otes of Southourome took 3 acres of waste, next Hypromefeld S., Synderhills N., Highway to Shelf Colepitt, W,, Wynteregge E. at 1/- per ann, and 1/- ingress. Wm. Otes took 1 acre of waste abutting on the hill called Wynteregge E., Commonfield of Hiprome S., Highway W., John Otes' close N. Laurence Haldworth took 1 acre in Northemarshe, with Wynteregge E., Northegge S., Rryndescoles eves W., highway N. Clyfton com- plained that Bryghous inhabitants had interfered with boundary hedges. At the Brighous turn, feast of Apostles Phil, and James, Elena Hudson, widow, of Brighous, Rob. Smyth, Wm. Brooke, for breaking and carrying away Glyfton fences were fined 12d. each, and John Turnor of Brj^ghouse 4d. for using Clifton common pasture. 1498. — Elizth. Bynnes, widow, took 1 rod of waste near Hilles, Southegge. and Walloynes, in Hiprum ; and Ric. Wodd a ^ acre in Lyghtclyff, with Hallcroft E., Calfcroft S., Symondroide W., late wasteland N., at 2d. Laurence Bentlay of Preestlay, John Hoyle of Lightcliffe, John Rydinge of Hyprum, &c. were on a special jury. Ric. Gepson, constable of ffekesby, was succeeded by Edm. Hirst; Wm. Blakburn, Chfton, by Wm. Clay. All the rest of constables are recorded. Turn, April IG. Jury as before. AND HIPPERHOLME. 135 1499. — Jennings or Janyns of Hyprum has descendants at Sonrby. Briglious TuDi, — Jury, Wni. Eookes, Laur. Bentlay, Gilbt. Saltonstall, Ric. Dalton, Hen. Longlay, Ric. Lokwod, Adam Hirst, Thos. Hanson, Ric. Sunderland, Wm. Thewles, Thos. Wilkynson, John Hellywell, Ric. Waterhouse. 1500. — Imperfect roll. Johanna d. and h. Ralph Saynton paid 4d. heriot for three roods formerly taken from the waste. John Otes being dead, his son John paid 12s. heriot for messuage and two bovates in N.owram, Hipp, gravcship. John Lacy, Ric. Peck, Thos. ■Grice conveyed an acre called Rydeynge between Westroide, Ralph ,Saynton's land, Bryndescoles, and Hipperholme, to Ric, I'entley ; also the Hiiles to Ralph Roydes, i acre between Synderhills, Hipromfelde, the highway and Wynteregge to John Otes ; ^ acre in the Cloghe in Clytfcroft, east of Symondroide, to Thos. Smyth, \ acre between Hipp, .and Coley Hall Lanes and Wynters, to John Wilby; and a rood called Hiiles near Southegge lane and Walloyneynge to Elizbth. Bynnes, widow. 1502. — A letter by the King's authority, in English, about the murder of Thomas Norton, Wakefield. Brighous 'Iki-u, Oct. 5. The town of Clyfton and Hammelet of Brighous to repair the highway at •Clifton brig on pain of 12d. 1503. — Edward Stanhope, knt., head senescall. Elizth. d. Ric. Thorp, in virginity, surrendered ^ rod, formerly waste between Est- felde and Liddeyate of Hyprum, and 5 acres in Longemarshe to her mother, Margaret, wife of Ric. Miggelay, with remainder to Edwd. .Sheplay. Wm. s. and h. John Stanclifie paid heriot for roidland in N.owram. Ric. Fourness and Robt. Northend conveyed a mess., 6!r acres, &c., to Thomas son of said Ric. 1504. — Wm. Savage, Esq., head senescall. John Otes, Hyprum, -conveyed land, 15 by 17 yards, to his brother Wm. Edwd. it Christr. .sons of Gilbt. Lacy, deed, conveyed Tilleholme to Jas. Oldefeld. 1505. — Thos. Smyth being dead, John his son paid heriot 3d., for ^ acre formerly waste. Ric. Barestawe conveyed 1 rode, late waste, at Hypromeyate, and Longmarshe to Wm. Holleroide of Warley. Jas. s. W^m. Otes paid heriot for mess., i bov., C acres in Whynnyrode, his father being dead. Lawrence Bentlay conveyed Longstubbing to Gilbert his son. Christr. Walker made a ' rupture ' in the common road, Hyprum, fined 4d. John Cooke of Lightclifte, 4d., for mischief hy his pig. 'film, April 28. Jury as last list. Thos. Lister conveyed Ih ac. in Nm. in trust to Thos. Jenkynson, capellanus, (curate of Halifax^ afterwards vicar of Ilkley,) and Ric. Longbothom. 1500. — Margt. wid. Ric. Miggelay and Edw. Sheplay convey Long- marshe to John Lacy, Esq., and he to Henry s. Edmund H'airebanke, ■each time paying 40d. ingress, and Wm. Holleroide \ ac. formerly waste, and an edifice at Hypromyate to Ifairbanke. Alice wife of Gerard Lacy, Esq., Isabell wife of John Sayntpaulc, and Johna wife of Thos. Tryggot, paid 40s. heriot for mess., edifice, J bov., 15 acres 136 BEIGHOUSE, RASTRICK of roidland, 4h ae. formerly waste in Hyprura (gravesliip); Wm. Symmes (brother of Alice and Isabella, and uncle of Johana) being dead. Kic. Clyff of Halifax, conveyed mess, and bovate in Hipp, to Wm. C. of Halifax ; Wm. Bm-gh, a mess, and bovate, &c., called Legh, in Shibden, to Eobt. Bm-gh, chaplain. 1507. — John Rideynge being dead, Eic. his son paid 9s. lieriot for a messuage and a bovate. Tunis, Oct. 20 and May 9. Juries, Ric, Dalton, Wm. Rookes, Rio. Lokwood, John Rookes, Ric. Longbothom, Gilbt. Saltonstall, John Batt, Thos. Priestley, John Rammesden, Ric. Northclyff, Ric. Aynelay, John Hanson de Woodhous, John Thorp, Ric. Jagger, Ric. Sunderland, Rob. Hemingway, Heiuy Sharp. Elizth. Bynnes, widow, conveyed i acre formerly waste to John Rysshworth, Esq., and John Wilby. Ric. s. and h. John Rideing paid 9s. lieriot. Wm. Skoldcote conveyed edilice and lands in Hyp. to himself and wife Johanna. 1508. — Ric. Cliii', John Hoyle, and Jas. Otes fined 4d. each for not attending the greave election. John Ryding, Hyperum, and Margaret his daughter, conveyed i rod, late waste, Symondrode E., Hypromfeld N., Liglitcliffe S., Marshes W., to Henry Smith. Nic. Bentlay, 2 acres formerly waste, and edifice, to Laurence B., Jas. Sliaghe, John Waterhouse of Skircote, Ric. Longbothom, Wm. Illingworth, Ric. Waterhouse, Shelf, W. Baroclogh, John Rooks of Rooks, and Brian Otes. Robt. s. John Brodelegh, mess., and IG acres to Thos.Brodelegh, John brother of Thos. B., Ric. s. Thos. Haldworth, and Gilbt. s. Rob. Otes ; ingress 9s. John Wornewall, senr. formerly of Liglitcliffe, surrendered lands in Warley to his son Wm. For using the common pasture of Shelf, the following Hiperum men were fined 8d. each ; Nic. Kytson, Ric. Haley, Edm. Stokke, Rob. Bryghous, Wm. Hoyle, Ead. Roide, Chas. Haldworth, Wm. Brodelee, Thos. BoGthes, and John Estwod of Lyghtclyff. 1509. — Brighous Turns, Oct. 23, April IG. Jury, Wm. and John Rookes, &c. 1510. — Ric. Tempest, Esq., dep. senll. of Thos. Lovell, knt. Rysshworth and Wilby regrant to Alice d. of Elizth. Bynnes, part of an acre. Rob. Bryghous took of the waste 7 acres in Nm., called Grenesykes. Turns, Oct. 22, May 13. Hiperum, Umfrey ffritli, for not repairing a commonway, 8d.; Gilbt. Saltonstall, junr., and John Baker for breaking wood at John Tykliill's house, fined. 1511. — Henry Smyth took 1 rode of waste, E. of Brodegatehed, W. of Hypromwodd, S. of Moorroid. Ticrn, April 27. Jury, John Risshworth, Esq., John Thornhill, Esq., Ric. Lokwod, John Wilby, Gilbt. Saltonstall, Thos. Hanson, John Booth of Boethes, John ffritli of Bareshind, Ric. Sunderland, John Hanson, Laur. Bentlay, Christr. Bentlay. Fekisby constable was John ft'rith. Thos. Thorp of Lyghtcliffe, Ric. Barestaw, Wm. and John Awmbler, 3/4 each for taking Sklatston (slates) from N'ourum. AND HIPPEKHOLME. 137 1512. — Umfry ffirtli conveyed h ac. lately waste, to Rob. Sayvill, and he granted it to Ric. Brodelegli. Jolm Hoyle took of waste iu H}^rum greave, 3 acres, paying 60s., at 12d. per annum, lying between a running spring, and Hie. Barestawe's land on W., High cross on the E., Grenedyk close on N., Wni. Northend's close, S. John Lacy, Esq., leased :^th of Brighous mill at 15s. 4d. per annum for 40 years. Humphry ffirth and Johana his wife, dau. of Ealph Steynton deceased, conveyed 3 rods formerly waste to Ric. Brodelee; and Thos. Northende ^ acre to said Ric. John Boethes of the Boethes surrendered Hassilhurst in Nm., formerly waste, to Ric. Longbothom, Ric. Sunderland, junr., Christr. Boetlie, W. Stanclyff, John Drake, junr., John Boy, John Awmbler, John Northend, Henry Batt, Brian Otes, John Sliarpe, and Ric. Haldworth for common use of Northow- rum. Probably connected with endowing Coley chapel, see next year. COLEY CHAPEL FOUNDED. 1513. — Turn, April 28. Wm. Rookes of Roides Hall, Ric. Rookes of Rooks, Gilbert Bentlay, Humphry Waterhous, Ric. Haldesworth de Asseday, John Bentlay de Hybentlay, Ric. Sundirland, junr., Jolm Bryghous, Wm. Saltonstall, Thos. fiburness, Laurence Haldeworth, John Roides and John Smyth de Lyghtclyff came into court before the senescall and took of the lord one acre of laud de solo and vasto (waste) between a close called Wynters on E., Wm. Otes' land on W., the Kirkegaite from Coley to Halifaxe on S., and Jepgreve on N., for a Chapel upon the same acre to be newly built, paying 4d. per annum of new rent, and giving to the Lord 20s. for fine for ingress, Richard Sunderland and Laurence Bairstow, greaves. Laurence Bentlay conveyed Jakstubbynge, 2^ ac. to Christr. Bent- lay. Ric. s. James Stanclyff surrendered a mess., 7 acres, to Laurence Barestowe, Ric. Waterhous de Xm., Ric. Stanclyff' de Halifax and Wm. Ambler. Brighouse Turn, Oct. 19. Jury, John Rissheworth, Esq., Thomas Longeley, John Rookes, Ric. Lokwcdd, Laur. Bentlay, Thomas Preistley, Ric. Norclyft", Ric. Sunderland, John Hansen, John Wilbv, Gilbt. Salton- stall, JolmHalde worth, Ric.Waterhouse, Chrs. Bentlay. ^ •. Under Rastryke, the W 1 ^^^ townships or con- i -ytX stableries south of the "''i'^'t ^^^$f Caldev are arranged, i^'-,-^-- <555*^^ -~ ' Eastrick Bridge. -.^, J¥.-^^# Rastryke, I'fekesby, -m^-^ii^C Stayneland, Dalton, Barkesland, Querneby. Edmund Goodheire, constable of Rastryke, reported that Ric. Hanson was nomin- ated his successor, and 138 BBIGHOUSE, RASTRICK that Wm. Nicholl made an affray on Alice wife of Tlios. Goodelieire and Isabell their daughter and Robert their son at the end of the Bridge of Eastryke by force of arms against the King's peace ; the fine 20d. was inflicted. Under Hyprome were arranged Hyprome, Shelf, Clyfton, Northourome and Harteshede. Clifton constable re- ported that Wm. Brooke of Bryghous and John Batley of the same had broken the fencing at Clifton, fined 8d. 1514. — Thos. Northend conveyed Walloyne in Ric. Brodlee's tenure, to sd. Ric. John Hoyle being dead, his son John paid 6s. heriot for h bovate for 40 years. Robt. Swayne (? of Northowram) being dead, John his son paid heriot for 1 rode and edifice, Od., but conveyed them to Isabel his mother. .loini Hanson of Wodhous conveyed 4 ac. 3 rds. at Vnderbanke to Ric. his son, with remainder to his other sons, Robt., Thos., and John. Ric. Lacy took 1 ac. of waste between Hyprum and Shelf highway E., Shipdeyne broke W., le Heght of Hyprome banke S., Northourum banke N., paying 30s., also Gd. rent. Brighous Turn ; Jury, John Risshworth, Esq., John Gledehill, John Rammsden, Ric. Sunderland, Laur. Bentlay, Ric. ffourness, John Hemmingway, Ric. Clyff, Ric. Northend, John Wilby, Ric. Waterhouse, Ric. Botherode. Edward Marsshe, ffekesby con- stable, was succeeded by Robt. Hardegreves ; John Woode, Clyfton, by John Pereson ; Wm. Rayner, Hertshead, by John Rayner; John Sundirland, Shelf, by Rob. Gybson. The inhabitants of Hiprome- thorp and of Lyghtclyft' not sufficiently repairing a highway, fined 6s. 8d. Ric. Sunderland, junr., and Margt. his wife, regrant lands in Nm. to Ric. father of said Ric. Turn, April. Jury, Thos. Longeley, Thos. Hawme, Rob. Heming- way, John Haldworth de Astay. Edm. Hanson, Thos. ffryth de Rastrik, Wm. Rayner de Hartshead, John Wilby, John Rammesden, Laur. Bentlay, Ric. Boothroid, Ric. Sunderland. Wm. Whitlay at Yate fined for his wife breaking the pinfold of Hyprome. John Estwode and Jas. Waterhouse, Hiprum graveship, for not attending, 4d. each. 1515. — Geo. Barestawe took 3^ ac. waste between Dyconfeld E., Pokelandnase W., Mekilmosseford N., John Haldworth's new house S. John Haldworth de Asttay conv. mess., ^ bov., 4 ac. roidland, 7 ac. roidland, and Grenewayclogh 1^ ac. in Hyprum grave to Ric. his son. Wm. Erie took ^ ac. waste between cartegaite from Hyprum to Heebarnes, Whynnyroides S., Longsheghgate N. Laur. Bentlay took i ac. waste between Carwodde E., Hellywells S., Wykeclose N., and I acre between Bryndscolesbroke W., Synderhills N., paying 10s. for each, yearly rent 2d. each. John Hanson being dead, John his son paid 16s. heriot for 32 acres in Wodhous. Cristofer Walker of Hiprum fined 5s. for aft'ray by force of arms, and drawing blood from W. Whitlay. Edm, Stokks fined 40d. for breaking into Hiprum pinfold. Cristofer Bentlay to remove a Qwykesett- at Wyldemarecarr which obstructs the way, on pain of 10s., and for enclosing the waste 20s. John Rissheworth, Esq., took * Thorn hedge. AND HIPPERHOLME. 139 3 rodes, waste, between Collay slak E., highway W., Kirkeway S., Shelf township N. Ric. Clyff (^by John Smyth of Lyghtclyf, a tenant of the lord's) conveyed a mess, called Clyfhous, lands, pastures, woods, to Ric. son of said Rich. 1510. — Adam Wilton (Nm.) being dead, Ric. his son paid lieriot for 2 acres, 12d. Ric. Lacy took 8 acres of waste between Newlandwodde close E., highway from Rastrik to Totehill N. and W., and Tlios. Sayvill's close S.; paid 8 li. and 2s. annual rent: Cluijid croft and Scolchow&e ci'oft are mentioned. Thos. Boethe conveyed \h ac. to Ric. his son ; remainder to John s. John Boethe of Wynteregge. 1518. —Robt. Haldworth clerk, (Vicar of Halifax afterwards, where he was murdered), took acres of waste in Hyprum, 4 being between Hyprnm and Shelf highway and Brynescolebroke, 2 acres between said brook W., highway to Hypromwodd E., John Hemingway's sprynge (plantation) S. Turn, Oct. Jury, John Sayvile de Hollynegge, John Gledehill, Ric. Botheroid, Ric. ffourness, Ric. Lokwodde, Wm. Awmbler, Rob. Brighous, John Otes, Jas. Bothes, John Wilby, Geo. Hellywell, John ffrith. Nich. Kytson broke Hiprum pinfold 3s. 4d. Laur. Bentlay is dead, Gilbt. his son paid 4d. heribt for ^ acre formerly waste. Three proclamations made respecting Shipden mylne, ith part of Bryghouse mylne with a fulling mill new^ly built there in the tenure formerly of East view ; the long chimneys helocg to modern mills, of course. 140 BEIGHOUSE, RASTRICK Eobt, Eland, Esq. Eic. s. Jolm Rookes of Rodesball paid 16s. heriot for a mess., 2 bovates, 2 acres of oxgangland, 8 acres 1 rod of rode- land, bis uncle Wm. Rookes being dead. [An interesting entry from " Durbam Sanctuary Book," published by tbe Surtees Society, vol. v., 1837, may be given here. 1522, Oct. 21. A certain Roger Tempest came to tbe Cathedral Church of Durham, from the parish of Bradford, in co. York, and begged im- munity because that, at Bruihome on the 21st April, 1518, he had feloniously struck a certain Thos. Longley, of the parish of Heton with a sword upon the thigh, of which he died on the next day. For which he begged immunity. There being present Thos. Sanderson, chaplain, and Henry Fetherstonhalgh, and John Bukley. For notices of Sanctuary, see " Dumb Steeple," ])ostat.] 1519. — John Lacy, Esq., paid £1 for an acre of waste in Hyprum near the Kirkgate leading from Coley. Henry Smyth took i ac. and running water between Wynteregge E., Bryneskolebrook W., Synder- hill N., Brodegatehead S., paid lis. Ric. Hanson took 1 acre at Shipdenbroke near Ourumfelde, Baterydinge and Kirkegate. Robt. Eland, Esq., took Shipden mill, :^th the Brighous corn mylne with half the running water of Caldre, and a fulling mill newly built, Beighouse Low Mill (fulling.) From the West side. ■which he had held 10 years without leave of court and in contempt of the lord, fined x//, and to pay 12d. per aninun. Robt. Eland, Esq., conveyed the Brighous mills to John Lacy, Esq., for 45 years; thus 170 years had healed the family quarrels. Edwd. Waterhouse had to repair the highway from Ric. Stephenson's house to Thorneal Bryg, or pay xs. AND HIPPERHOLME. lil 1520. — John Lacy, Esq., conveyed 1 ac. formerly waste to Umfri Eysshwortli. Kic. Hanson, -k ac. in Nm. of waste to Ric. Eokes of Koideshall. Bryghous Turii, Oct. 17. Robt. Brighous conveyed 7 acres formerly waste in Nm. to Ric. and John his sons. Edward Saltonstall was constable of Shelf. .John Cowper of I-iastrik greave- ship, being dead, Edwd. Cowper his father paid 4d. heriot for Grene- liousyerde. Rob. Herdgreve was constable of tfekcsby. 1521. — John Burgh being dead, Rob. his son paid 14s. heriot for a mess., li bovates, 7 ac. roidland, in Shipden, called Leghe. Ric. ffourness being dead, Thos. his son paid 2s. 6d. heriot for Meresyke, 2 ac, and 4 ac. waste. Jas. Oldfeld conveyed 5^ rods at Tillyholme to Edwd., Edmd., Jas., Christr. and John his sons. Gilbt. Bentlay surrendered Jakstubbyng, Little pighill, &c. in Hyprum, to Wm. his son. Rob. Preestlay and two other Halifax men fined 20d. each for an affray on the king's watchmen in Halifax. Turn, April. Jury, John Thornhill, Esq., Ric. Northend, Ric. Gybson, Rob. Brighouse, John Thorp, G. Hellywell, Ric. Botheroide, Ric. Hey, Ed. Hanson de Linlay, W. Hanson, senr.. Hen. Sharp, and Wm. Hylelee. Nic. Eland, gent., (by John Savile of Lupset, Esq.,) took Shipden mylne, ]th Brighouse mylne (corn), + running water of Caldre, and the fulling mill newly erected : ingress 6s. 8d.; but sur- rendered the same to John Lacy, Esq., Gs. 8d. de firma. Ric. Hanson, Taillor, made an affray on Rob. Pek at Hyprome; fined 20d. Edward Waddington took waste land at Clifroid and Blakkerwood, Nm. 1522. — Ric. Wylton and Johana his wife conveyed 2 acres formerly waste, to John their son. John Milner of Pudsay surrendered Blakker to Ric. Awmbler of Brokehous. Margt. Croslee of Halifax kept a brodelhous and receives persons of bad life. Brighouse T^irn, Oct. Jury, fourteen or fifteen names now appear instead of twelve as before. John Thornell, Esq., John Gledehill, John ffrith, John Hemingway, senr., Ric. Hanson, Thos. Northend, John Drake, Ric. Botheroide, junr., Rob. Drake, John Thewles, Rob. Brighous, John Haldworth, Galfry Ramsden, John Preestlay. The constable of ffixbye was John Woode ; of Clyfton, Robt. Drake. John Milner, of Pudsey, held Blakker in N.owram. 1523.^ — Wm. Otes, capellanus, surrendered the Pighils, Hyprom graveship, to Bryan son of said Wm., who conveyed them to Wm. Haldworth. John Wylton and Elizth. his wife, 2 acres to John Townend. Ivyncar or Grenewayclogh in Nm. is laid under proclam- ation, but Sir Rob. Haldeworth, clerk, professor of Sacred Theology, paid ingress for it by Ric. Haldeworth of Hiprome. Ric. Brighous took ^ acre at Horwithyiiges, Nm. 1524. — Ric. Scolecotc, 26 Hy. VI., surrendered Priorrode, Haldworth- broke, in Nm. to his children successively — Wm., Ric, Alice ; and Thos. Wadlovve son of Alice paid heriot 3s. 4d., his uncles having died without issue ; but surrendered the same now to Thos. Rawson, Warnefeld. Ric. Haldworth, Ralph & John Roides, and Nic Kyt^^on, fined 4d. each for cutting greenwood in Brynscoles. Ric. and Robt. Bayrestawe 12d. for taking Slatestones out of N'ourum. 142 BRIGHOUSE, KASTEICK 1525. — Rob. Briglious and Ric. his son took waste lands at Barmes. (Nm.) Ric. Northend being dead, John his son paid 12d. heriot for 2 acres in Brynskoles. John Hoile being dead, Edward his son paid 5s. heriot for ^ bovate. Edward Hoil, of Hoil House, Lightchfie, living there 20 Henry VIII. John, of Hoyle House. Margaret = (1) Mallinson. I d. 1014, ==--(2) Edwd. Hanson, in 1 i aged 87. 1590, of Nether Wood- Saml. of Mary = John s. John Drake house. Hoyle House, bap. by Grace, d. John bap. 15G9. d. 1564. Bairstow. 1644. Will 1644. Saml. af Hoyle House, living 1651. John. Grace. Mary. Hyprome fined 20s. for not repairing the highway at the Townend. Ralph Rodes, John Hoile, Edwd. ft'arebank, 8d. each for not resorting to the lord's mill at Bryghous. John Bunny (by Wm. Otes, chaplain,) conveyed after the death of his mother Elizabeth, Meggeroide in Hyp. to John Lacy, Esq. 152G. Nic. Eland conveyed Shippeden mylne (corn) with running water to Ric. Gybson for 46 years. Ric. Haldworth 5s. for an affray on John Thorpe at Hyprome. Jas. Shagh, John Waterhouse, Wm. Yllyngworth, Ric. Waterhous, and Brian Otes convey 2 acres and edifice formerly Nicholas Bentley's in Hyprome to Rob. Waterhous de Shipden and Jolui his son, John s. Wm. Murgaitroide, John Waterhous de Woddehous, Gilbt. Otes, Thos. Shaghe, John Brodelee, Wm. Yllyngworth, junr., JohnDeyne, Edvr. W^aterhouse, junr., Wm. Wodd, Arthur Bentlay, Umfri Waterhous, and George Boethes. Possibly this may refer to Lightcliffe Chapel foundation. 1527. Johanna d. Arthur Nottyngham being dead, Elizabeth wife of John Hoyle, dau. of Gilbt. Nottyngham, paid heriot Bs. for a mess. 16^ acres in Hyprum (? grave) ; Elizabeth the wife of Edwd. Hanson was formerly the wife of the said Arthur Nottyngham. Turn, Oct. 16, John Thornell, Esq. and 14 others on Jury list. John Lacy, Esq., conveyed the 4th part of Brighouse corn mill and the fulling mill to himself and wife Alice for life, with remainder to Leonard their son. Ric. Waddington and Johanna his wife, conveyed lands to Edward Waddington and his son Edward. 1528. Brighouse Turn, Oct. 14. Jury, John Sayvile de Hollyng- thorpe, Esq., John Sayvile de Newall, gent., and 11 others as usual. Ric. Sunderland and Margary his wife, conveyed lands in Sunderland, &c. in Nm. to their son Ric. Wm. Otes regrants lands to John and Ellen, his father and mother. AND HIPPERIIOLME. 143- 1529. Thos. Lyster and Alice d. Edw. Hoppay convey a mess., &c. in Hyprom grave to .John, father of said Thos. Edwd. Waddington being dead, his son Edward paid heriot. 1530. Turn, 26 Oct. Jury, Thos. Sayvvell de Copley, Esq., and 13 more. One acre near Coley Chapell formerly in the tenure of Ric. Roks, John Smyth, and others, having yielded no rent for 10 years tO' be seized. John Wyloby being dead, his brother Edmd. paid Gd. heriot for 1\ ac. Cristofer Bentlay surrendered Stubbynges in Shipden to his wife Margaret, with remainder to Edwd, his son, and Edward's sons — Hem-y, a bastard, and Christopher, legitimate. Wm. Rydeyng being dead, his sister Agnes, wife of Henry Cokcroft, paid Os. heriot for lands in Hyprome grave ; regrants to her mother Isabel. John Rysshworth, Esq., surrendered to come into force after his decease \h bov. at Hekden, west of Coley, kc. to Wm. ffrost, Esq., Ric. Rooks de Rodeshall, Robt. Ryssheworth, Rob.Waterhous, Wm. Sayvile and Ric. Stanclyff, for ten years, to perform requirements of his will. Laur. Haldworth conveyed a mess., 2 acres, &c. to John his son. Gilbert and Wm. Sunderland regrant Highfield, &c. to Ric. their father for life. John s. John Hemingway paid heriot for 3 roods. 1531. Ric. Lacy being dead. Thos. his son paid 4s. heriot for mess., 9 ac, &c. Thos. Sayvill being dead, Thos. his son paid 20s. heriot for lands in Ossett, N'ourum, kc. Ric. Sunderland leased Clyffroide in Nm. to Rob. Gregg, who had to yield a red rose yearly, if demanded in the time of roses. 1632. John Rysshworth conveyed 1 ac. 1 rd., and Umfri R., 1 ac. to John s. and heir of Alexr. R. Leonard Lacy, gent., surrendered the reversion of the \ Brighouse mill, &c. after the death of Alice his mother, to John Lacy, Esq. Dr. Rob. Haldworth, Vicar of Halifax, conveyed Ivy near, Nm., to himself for life, remainder to John s. Ric. Gybson. Edwd., Edmd., Christ., and John Oldefeld (Sourby district) convey Tillyholme to Jas. their brother ; remainder to John. Thos. Goodheire being dead, John his son paid 5s. heriot for ten acres in Eastrik. John Lacye of Crumwelbothome, Esq. surrendered all corn mill dues from the inhabitants of Northourome living west of Shipden- broke, to do service at the mill of Rob. Waterhous in Halifax, to said Robt. who paid 12d. fine for ingress. Turn, Oct 23. 13 Jurymen, Ric. Longley, gent., Nic. Brodclee, John Boy, Thom. Northend, Ric. Haldworth, Edw. ffirth, Ric. Botheroide, John Bairestowe, Ric. Sunderland, John Otes, Thos. W^odhede, Ric. Saltonstall, John ftirth. Wm. Hylylee was constable of Clyfton. 1533. John Croser, John Wodde of Yllyngworth, and John s. Laurence Wodd, at the special request of Ric. Wodde, surrender a mess., 7 rods, to said Ric. Wodde of Lyghtclyff. Thomas Northend surrendered roidlands to his children, Robt., Chris., Margaret and John, with remainder to his eldest son, Richard. Turn, Oct. 15. 13 Jurymen, Henry Batt, Galfri Rommesdcn. jun., &c. Robt. Brighous for not removing a wall at the highway in 144 Hyprome, fined 6s. 8d. Eob. Boy bad surrendered an annual rent to ffeofi'ees for Halifax Church, and Gilbert Otes for 7 years had made no acknowledgment to the court, therefore it was seized. Margaret wid. of John Hoile, and Hemy, Edwd. and Thos. their sons, take the lauds the father had held. Turn, April 22nd. Eobt. Brighouse and Ric. his son had en- croached on the waste of N.ouram. Elizbth. and Isabell daughters of Eic. Whitley paid heriot for lands in Nm. 1534. Eic. Sunderland, Eic. Clyfi', Thos. fiburness, Jas. Boethes, Christr. Boethes and Edwd. Hoile fined 4d. each for not attending the electioii of greave of Hiperum. Alice wid. Garrarde Lacy, Isabell wid. John Sayntpoule, and Johanna wid. Thos. Trygott surrender 2 mess., edifice, ^ bov. 15 ac. roid, 4^ acres formerly waste in Hyprum grave to Wm. s. John Sayntpoule ; ingress, 8s. Edm. ffairbank, (by Eic. Horsfall a tenant,) ^ acre &c. to Hen. F. his son. Leonard Lacy, gent., took 1 acre at Newlandwodde close, bounded by the Caldre, and lands of John Hanson of Wodhous, and John Hanson of Brigroide. John Mitchell, Gilbt. Best, Eic. Leirode, Wm. Lome, John Hoile's wife and Eic. Brighous fined 8d. each for not repairing the highway at Hiprum Marshe. John Thomson and Thos. Craven fined 20d. each for encroaching on the waste, Hyperum. Eic. Wodde de Lyghtclyft", conveyed a mess. 7 rods, to John Smyth de Lighclyfi". Ric. Eookes being dead, Wm. his son paid 16s. heriot for a mess, 2 bovates, 2 acres oxgang land, 8 acres 1 rod roidland, in Hiperum. 1535. — John Hoile and Elizabeth his wife conveyed 5 acres at Horleygrene to Elizth. wife of Edw. Handson for her life, it having been her former husband's, Arthur Nottyngham. John s. John Lacy, Esq., paid 8d. heriot for land at Strangsty in Eastrik. John Lister conveyed lands in Nm. to his son Thomas and to Elizth. d. John Waterhouse of Skircote. 1537. — Wm. Sayntpoule of Camsall, clerk, having conveyed the lands in Shipden to Eic. Bentley without fine, they are seized. He and John S. of C, Esq., paid for ingress 20d. Eob. Kent took \ rod of waste between Wynteregge E., Brankscolesbroke W., Synderhill N,, Moreroide S. Turn, May 7. Jury, Henry Batt, Eic. Botheroide, Hen. Sharp, Eic. Stanclyff, Galfri Eammsden, Thom. Wodhedd, John Drake, Nich. Brodelee, Edwd. ffirth, John Clay, John Preestlay, Eic. Bentlay, George Thewles, Thos. Gledhill. =:•:;.- From this date we can refer to the Eegisters preserved at Halifax Church for baptisms, marriages, and deaths of Hipperholme people. Elland Eegisters commence with 1558, and record those for Eastrick and Brighouse. 1539. — Fourteen on jury as last : new names, Christr. Boethe, Thos. Stanclyfi', Brian Wormall (written Wormwell previously,) Jas. Hagh, John Hirst, Wm. Haghe, Eic. Saltonstall, John Hawme, Eic. Clyff. John Otes of Synderhills surrendered an annual rent charge of 20s. from 3 ac. in Nm. to Jas. s. Eic. Waterhous. Gilbt. Otes, of Halifax, AND HIPPERHOLME. 145 conveyed Holcannes in Nm. to his children, Anne, Grace, Ahce, Gilbt., Wm., Michael, George, and Robt. Robt. Eland, Esq., sub-let Shipden mill and its lands to Ric. Gybson and his son Edw. for a year. 1540. Robt. Neville, Kut., was deputy senescall for Thomas, Earl of Rutland. Tlios. and Hugh Hayvell, gents, surrendered 2 mess., 6Q acres in Rastrik to said Hugh and Anne his wife, and their heirs male. John Hanson de Rastrik, junr., by John Hanson of Wodhous, conveyed lands in R. to said John junr. and Aniie d. Rob. ffirthe, and failing their issue, to heirs of John H. of W. Ric. Northend surr. the great close in Estfeld (Lightcliffe) to Wm. Whitley at 25s. 4d. yrly. rent. John Ryssh worth's lauds, formerly Hen, Copley's, and a plot •east of Coldley formerly his uncle John's, held 8 years without fine, therefore seized. Wm. Bentley's 2 parcels from John Wylbe to Ric. Waterhous not recorded, therefore seized. Thos. Sayvell holds and occupies 22 acres and edifice at Totehill, formerly his father's (Thos.), two years without fine ; seized. Edwd. ftirth being dead, Thos. his son paid 23s. 4d. heriot for 72 acres in Rastrik. Jas. Waterhous takes Wilby's two parcels ; Thos. ffoxcroft takes Totehill formerly Thos, Savell's of Ecksley ; John Rysshworth takes the Coley lands formerly his uncle's. 1541. Brighous Court. Oct. 19. Jury, (14,) — John Smyth de Lyghtclyff, Gilbt. Rommesden, John Townend, Brian Wormewall, Ric. Bentlay, Tho. Gledehill, Christr. Boethe, John Otes, Rob. ftirth, Ric. Clyff, George Hoile, Ric. Hanson, Rob. Northend, John Hirst. Edwd, Gypson v. John Tillotson, Hyprum greaveship, 1542. Wakefield great Court held at Sandall Castle. Elizabeth wid, John Hoile being dead, her son Robert Cliilde paid 8s. heriot for mess., and IG acres. Wm, Smyth being dead, Thos, his son paid 3d. heriot for i acre, Hyp, graveship, Rob. Bryghous surr. Bolleshey and 6 acres to Rob. s. Ric. B. Sir Rob. Haldeworth, S.T.P. surr. Yvyncar or Grenewayclogh to John Gybson. 1543. John Lacy Esq. took mess., 12 acres, called Brygroide in Rastrik, formerly John Hanson's. John Haldworth being dead, Ric. his son paid heriot for mess., bovate, 7^ ac. roid, &c. Brighouse Turn, Oct. 17. 14 jurymen. Edwd. Cooper being dead, Edw. his son paid heriot for Harshawynge, Rastrik gravesliip. Brian Haldworth conveyed | acre to John s. John Roide de Hyprom. 1544. Ric, Hanson being dead, John his son paid 2s. 4d. heriot for Underbanke, Rastrik, Edwd, Longbothom, senr,, of Shypden Hall, surr, mess, in Nm. to his son Edward, and Alice his son's wife, dau. of late Wm. Sunderland of Nm. John Wodd, Hyp., and Ric. Wodd, Southourome, convey lands, messuage, to Tho. Smyth for 10 years. Rob. Handson, John Broke, Wm. Broke, and Rob. fiirth paid 12d. for special jury "to inquire for land devidyd by the said ten'nts in Rastrik hauyng a joynt asyate and one Edw. ffirth dyed and the other lyffed, wheder the survivours shall haue the hold of thoes lands or that the heire shall inheret his pt whyche yt his father dyd occupy by reson of the dcvysion maide of the saide land emong their selff." Evidently J 146 BKIGHOUSE, RASTEICK the bad Latin has given way just once again to bad Enghsh. Brighous Turn, Oct. 15. Edm. Wilby conveyed a cottage, &c., in Hyprum to Henry Kent for 21 years ; Mathew Oglethorpe, gent., a, messuage to Edwd. Brodelee for GO years. 1546. Ric, Brodelee conveyed a mess., 8 acres and rod, to his son Robt. Wm. Awmbler of Awmbler Thorn, Nm., being dead, 16s. 6d. heriot was paid by those whose names are in italics : Wm. Awmbler "Wm. died 1546. Johan Isabel I =FRic. =FRob. I \ r f I Nichols Sutclyff Manfarct Johanna FMzhth. Agnes Wm. X. deceased. = Rob. =Ric. =Ric. =John Margaret S. "Wodde, Hellewell Northend Sherp. John Hanson, senr. Rastrik, conveys 84 acres to John his son and Margaret d. Thom. Wodhede, intended wife of John the son. Edwd. Oldfeld conveyed Tillyholme, Hiprum grave, to John and Jas. Oldfeld, his brothers. Brighous Turn, Oct. . . 15 names on jury : John Rysshworth Esq., Thos. Drake, Nich. Brodelee, Thom. Gledhill, Jas. Otes, Ric. North- ende, John Preestlay, Ric. Bentlay, John Hanson de Wodhous, John Haldesworth, Wm. Thorpe, John ffirth, John de lez Strenes, Robt. Sutclyff, Geo. Hoyle. Brighous is entered under Rastrik greaveship this time as if it were a separate township, but no constable is named. Its ecclesiastical relationship to Rastnck may account for this excep- tional mention. Christr. Boethes obstructed the highway at Highrode, Hyperum ; fined 6s. 8d. John Tempest, Knt., chief senescall. 1547. John Rysshworth took 3 rods of waste in Copley (? Coley) layn, butting on Copley broke, ffalrend, Newynge and Towlerynge ; paid 15s., rent 2d. John Northend surr. 2 acres land and wood in Brynescholes and edifice to Brian Otes. John Hanson being dead, Ric. his brother paid heriot 2s. 4d. for Yuderbank in Rastrik greave- ship. John Brokesbank conveyed his third of 6 acres 1 rd. and edifice in Hyprum to Ric. and Edw. his brothers : Henry Hoile his moiety of 4 ac. and edifice to Thomas his brother. Bowling alleys at Halifax, &c., caused a little trouble at this time, or at least, they added to the court income by fines. Turn, April 18. Jury, Ric. Brighous of Hyprome, Edw. Thorpe, John Boy (Bois, Bosco, or Wood — in earlier times,) were on the jury. Nearly all the constables reported " All well." 1548. Ric. Bryghous and John Northend conveyed messuages in Hiperum to Ric. s. Edwd. Brodelee. There is a long account in English about lands belonging to chantry priests in the manor, which reminds us we have reached the period of the Reformation. In Rastrik, Robt. ffox, Jas. Tolson, Thos. Hanson, and Robt. Nicholl were fined 4d. each for not ringing their pigs, — -putting rings in their noses to prevent them from grubbing. AND HIPPEKHOLME. 147 1549. Eic. Brighous suit. 4 ac. in Nm. to Eob. s. John Brighous; Heiuy Bentlay a liall'-rocl and edifice, Hiperum, to Eob. Sowodd. Joim Lacy holds land and water of Mill and Calder between Strangstye and Eastrik brigge. 1550. John Mitchell, Hiperum graveship, surr. 2 ac. 8 rd. formerly waste to his wife Isabel (dau. of Thos. Crosselee,) and their son John. 'lurn, April 15. Jury, 14 as usual. Margaret Malynson, Eastrik, fined 4d. for a Eidlynge, (?) on the common pasture. John Otes of Synderhill, Coley, surr. land at Brynescolebroke to Henry Kent ; John Brighous conveyed Bolshoue and 6 acres to Eic. his father. 1551. Henry Batt surrendered a mess., 1 ac. 3 rods, formerly Eic. AYodde's, to Thos. Smyth of Lyghtclyff; John Otes, junr., 3 acres and edifice at Synderhill to Henry Kent. 1552. Eic. Haldworth de Astay being dead, John his son paid lieriot for waste lands in Hiperum. Eob. s. Eic. Brighous, of Hiprum, surr. mess., acres, at Bolleshaie in Nm. to George Whytlee. Turn, Thos. Thorpe, Hiperum constable, presents that Elles Nutter is nominated successor. Thos. ffirth surr. mess., 5 acres called Castilhill, in Eastrick, tenure of Leonard Longley, to George Longley for 20 years ; ingress 16d. 1554. Eobt. s. John Brighous surr. lands in Nm. to Wm. s. John Sherpe. It will be noted that we are using the words ' surrendered ' and ' conveyed ' as synonymous. Brighous Turn, Oct. 9. Jury — 15, John Handson, John Claye, Eic. Brighous, Edw. Thorpe, John Wodde, Eic. Bentlay, John Townende, Edwd. Hey, Eic. Haynley, Edw. Denton, John Eommesden, Thos. fiirthe, John Hemmyngwaye, Wm. Haigh, John Eoide. The old and new constables for each township are recorded. Brighous village is placed under Easti'ik greaveship again ; no constable, of course, is named for it, but ' all well ' is reported. Eob. Childe takes 16 acres and edifice in Hiperum grave to himself and wife, Margaret d. John Boy. flfixby had ' a spring watter that was to be suffered to run in her olde course.' Brighouse Curia cum turno tent ibm 16 die Aprilis An. Dm. 1554! primo Marie Eegine, Jacobus Waterhouse et soci jDresent ffirst the said jurye do present that there is within the precincts of the said Turne three greaveships, viz. Hipperholme, Eastrick, and Scamonden. Item, they present that there is within the greaveship (not the township alone) of Hipperholme above xl acres of waste, being heath, moss and turbarye. Item, that there is within the greaveship of Eastrick above xxx dwellinghouses which are inhabited with much people and they have not of waste above (blank) acres, being heath, moss, and vent, and being in diverse parcells, lanes and wayes, and so default of sufficient waste and comon the auncestors of the inhabitants of the same towTi in times past have leyd forth of their arable lands above xxx acres to enlarge the comon with, which their auncestors in tyme past have both 148 BEIGHOUSE, EASTRICK plowed, sown, and tilled, and for wliicli as well the freeholders as customarye tenants of the same graveship do both pay yearly rents, suits, and service on this present tyme. Item, they do present that within the greaveship of Scamonden there are above xx acres of moss, heath and tm'barye. Item, they do present that to their knowledge the same graveships are ancient demesne and parcel of the Lordship of the Manner of Wakefield, and according to the use and custom of the same Manor the copyholders of the said graveships do hold their lands. Item, they do present the copyholders or customarye tenants of the said graveships have a custom Avithin the said Manor of "Wakefield that they and their auncestors, tyme of remembrance at the change of tenants else by death or surrender, have paid for heriot or fyne to the Lord where the lands be holden by oxgang on estymacion about a year rent and when the land be holden by acres take about iiiid. the acre or thereabouts as by the discretion of the Steward. Item, they do present that to their knowledge the Queen's Majesty hath no demesne lands within the precincts of the said Turne. ifynally they do present that there is within the precincts of the said Turne one messuage or tenement with the appurtenances in Shelf of the yearly valewe of xxxiiis iiiid now in the tenure of one Eich. Waterhouse, which before tyme was gyfen to certain feofles of trust to the intent the same feoffees should stand seized of the same tenement to the tise of a Chappell called Colley Chappell or to the use of mendyng the hyeways and bridges next adjoining to the said messuage or tenement, or to the maryinge of pore maydens- thereabout inhabit- ing. 1555. Eic. Brighous of Hyprome, senr., surr, Belshaye and 7 acres in Nm. to Eobei-t a younger son of his, with remainder to Eobei"t's brothers, Edwd., Martin, and Jesper. John Lacy of Cromme- Welbothome, Esq., surrendered Soland mylne to John Waterhous of Sourbybrigge. John Hanson of Wodhous took of the lord the King and lady the Queen (Philip and Mary) ^ acre, with John Hanson's close at Mylnech-ff S. & E., Totehill and Brighous road W., Water of Calder N.; paid 10s. John Lacy, Esq., took 1 rod waste butting on Caldre N., Edmd. Malyson's land W., Eastrik S., Brighous Milne Dame E.; paid 5s. John Brighous, son of Eic. B. of Hyprome, de- ceased, for £17, sold his share of Bolleshey, and 6 acres, to Eobt. his brother. Thos. Drake, conveyed Cloughroides in Xm. to Umfri his son ; Brian Otes 2 acres in Brynscoles, 2 closes called Darlyngland and ffoxhoiles at Brynscoles in Xm. to John s. John Xorthend. John Northend de Shipden surrendered his 4th of 2 mess., bovate, Sec. in tenure of John Saltonstall and Agnes Brighous, widow, to Robt. s. Eic. Brighous. John Otes and Eliz. his wife surr. 1^ ac. between Shelfsyke N., Brynscolebroke W., John Otes close E., Laur. Bentlay close S., to Eic. Sunderland. Wm. Beamonde was ordered to pay 3s. 4d. or amend the dam of the fulling mill at Oldeford between Eastryke and Brighouse. * We fear the ' pore maydens' seldom got a maiTiage portion. AND HIPPERHOLME. 149 1557. Brighous Turu. For Eastrik, John Watson, John Hanson, John Gooder, Thos, Hanson, John Malynson report to the turn. Ealph Roides, Hiperum graveship, being dead, Thomas his brother paid heriot, for 3^ acres and edifice, which he conveyed to Isabel Mawde, widow, his sister, remainder to John their brother. Eastryke people have to repair the 'stoks,' on pain of 6s. 8d. For Hyprome, Thos. BoUand, Hie. Brighous, Laur. BoUynge, Henry Haighe, John Brodeley (constable, and the four men,) present the report. 1559. Brighouse Turu, May 5. Jury, John Eysshworth, Esq.. Thos. Smyth of Lightclifie, &c. John Lacy and Eic. Eokes surr. mess., bovate, 9 ac. 3 rds. in Hiperome to Henry Kent. Edward Horton and Wm. his son held lands in Sowerby district. From 1559 — Dockets, that is, mdexes to the names of parties sur- rendering or receiving lands have been made — for easier reference. John Lacy, Esq., surrendered into the hands of the lord a fulling mill on the water of Caldre, and ^th pt. of corn mill called Brighous mylne, to the use of Jas. Waterhouse for 21 years. Turn, April 30, Jury, John Eisshworth, Esq., Edmund ffairebank, John Wodde, John Clay, Edwd. Thorpe, Eic. & John Barystall, Thos. Gledeliill, Thos. ffirth, Wm. Cowper, Edwd. Marshe. Hemy Kent conveyed ^ bov. &c. in Priestlay, and 1 rod formerly waste, &c. at Synderhill, to Eic. his son. 15G0. The road from Eastrik to Eowndehill named. Thos. Smythe of Lightclift' conveyed 1 ac. 3 rods formerly waste to his son John. Jas. Hoyle took i acre of waste in Hiprum graveship. 15G1. This is a paper copy. Edmd. and George ffairebank, Edwd. Hoile, and Jas. Woodhead report for Hiperum. 1562. 2\irn, Oct. 12. 13 jurymen, John Eysshworth, Esq., John Hanson, John Gooder, Eic. Sunderland, Edwd. Thorpe, &c. 'Omnia bene ' is Hyprum constable's report. 1563. Henry Kent de Priestley and Eic. his son and heir surr. S^ acres at Synderhilles to Thos. Whytley of N'ourum ; Eobt. Sutclyffe 1^ acres in Hiperum to Adam his younger son. Eic. s. Henry Kent surr. a bovate in Prestlay, and other lands to Edward his son, and Anna wife of sd. Eic. Turn, Oct. 12. Edmund ffairebanke, Isabell Scolefeld, Eic. Gill, fined 3s. Id. each, for not repairing a bridge at Lidyate. (There is no stream now.) 1564. John Haldesworth de Astay and his wife Elizth, dau. John Hopkinson of Sourby, conveyed mess., 11 ac. roidland, cottage and 2 acres in Hyprum, to Eobt. son and heir. Hemy Kent de Prestley and Eic. his son and heir convey a mess., a cottage in tenure of Wm. ffoldes, and Longynge, Eowdeclose, Gunnscroftflatts, Ou'wynters, Nethyrwynters (5 acres) in Prestley to Eob. Eayner for 10 years. John Eisshworth de Standeroide, co. Loncastre, Esq., surr. 1 ac. in Nm. to Eob. his son. John Otes, constable of Hyperom, presents that Wm. Eobynson made affray on Clu-istr. Waterhous in the house of John Longbothom by force of arms, and shed blood. Edward Hole 150 BRIGHOUSE, RASTRICK de Lyglitcliff surrendered reversion of i bovate in Lyglitcliff to John his son and heir, and to Agnes d. John Walker, intended wife of John H. K a H Q ^i p OQ W o 1565. John Hemingway and his wife Johanna, dau. of Ric. and Ehzth. Sunderland, take lands. Kic. s. Brian Sunderland, deceased, formerly of Halifax, surr. Highfield in Nm. to liic. S. of High AND HIPPERHOLME. 151 Sunderland. In Hiperum for affrays, by force of arms, Robt. Dobson fined 40d., Eic. Dobson 20d., John Baroclougli 30d., Wm. Baroclough 20d., Thos. Taillor 40d. lu6G. Robt. Rayner of Ricroft (by Jas. Waterhous of Prestley) surrendered a mess., held by court roll in Hyprome, to Thos. Dobson. Hemy Batt de Birstall, gent., surr. 6s. 8d. yearly out of Boythe to Anthony s. of late John Waterhous de Hollyns. Ric. Bawmfurth de Lightcliffe, a tenant. Halifax vicar fined os. for making a rescue from the bailiff. ■ Brighous Court la'th Turn, Oct. 15. Jas. Hoile being dead, Ric. his son paid 3d. heriot for | acre of waste. John s. Ric. Thomson and his wife Isabel, d. and heir of John "Whitley, pay 2s. heriot for 5 acres and edifice — except Shaysike, Isabel mother of the said J. Thomson being dead. 1567. Ric. Sunderland, Edwd. Hoile, John Smyth, Edw. Gibson, Edw. Longbothome, Jas. Oldfeld, and seven others from Hyperom greave fined 6d. each for absence at greave election. John Armytage was constable of Clifton. Turn, Oct. 9, Jas. Waterhouse, Edwd. Thorpe, Hemy Haigh, Wm. Hoile, and Wm. Michell represented Hiperome at the turn. (.^ourt nith Turn, May 4, Jury, John Hanson, John Gledehill, Thos. Wodhede, Geo. Hellywell, Ric. Brokesbank, JohnWoodd, John Town- end de Sowodd, Leonard Denton, Thos. Rayner, Edwd. Thorpe, Wm. Haigh de Skirehous, Wm. ffourness, John Clay, Edwd. Hoile. 1568. Rob. Whyte v. Ric. Barestowe, Hiperum, about price of a chyraney. John Crowder's cow, worth 18s., mentioned. At Halifax 26 persons had Is. each to pay for making weddyng dinners. Court and Turn, May 10, Thos. Whitley, constable for Hiperum. Hugh Rommesden for affray, 4()d. 1569. Clement Oglethorpe being dead, his son and heir Wm., gent., paid 12s. heriot for a mess., li bov., and 12 acres in Hyperome (greaveship) . Ric. Northend of Hyprome surr. messuage in Hyprome \i\\e to Martin, Michael, Andrew, Isabell, Sibell, Agnes, Grace, Alice his children for 12 years, with remainder to Ric. his eldest son. At Halifax Turn is a Memorandum ; It is laide in payne by the Jurie that if any landlordes do kepe in theire houses any prsons after Michaelmes next not beynge able to lyve by their awne labor and not havynge dwelled by the space of three yeares last passed or hereafter shall receyve any to dwell or any suche lyke evill disposed prsons to forfeyte to the Quene Ma'tie vse xxxviijs. Brighouse Court with Turn. Jury, names as before. The year's roll at this time was composed of a dozen skins 85 ft. by 2 ft. written on both sides. The spelling Hipprholme gradually becomes adopted. 1570. Ric. Sunderland complained of his obligation as Greave, which will be found in the list of greaves, ( Yks. Genealogist. ) Ric. Northend being dead, Ric. his son paid 7s. 4d. heriot for h bovate, 6 acres, see 1509. He settled lands on Agnes, d. Edwd. Stancliff' deceased, his intended wife ; ingress 4s. 8d. Certificate in English ou 152 BRIGHOUSE, RASTRICK Wakefield Milnes' damines repairs : Item frome tli'eiides of the said ffiftlie Pioode measuringe alonge the damme as aforesaid The Queues Mats, tena'nts of her bond oxgange hande lyenge wthin the Grayve- shipps of Sandall . . . Hipphohiie and Eastrick hathe by right by reason of the tenure of their said lands at all tymes vsed to repaire and mayntene ffifteen roodes of the same damme anyone of them equallie accordnige to the rate and nomber of their oxgang. John Haldworth, brother and px. heir Eobt. H. defunct, paid 6s. 8d. heriot for messuage in Hipprome (gravesliip). Brighouse Court and Turn, Oct. 10, Jury, Gilbt. iSaltonstall, John Goodall, John Barrowclough, twelve more names. 1571. — Eob. Boithes, of Leedes, s. and heir of John Boythes of Old Temple, in Whitchurch, deceased, and Sibella wife of Eob., conveyed lands at Booth in Nm. to Eic. younger son of Eic. Sunderland. Eobt. Overall surr. mess., in Lightcliff, in tenure of Edwd. Hemmyngway, Margt. Hemmyngway, widow, Eob. Hole, Eic. Barrowclogh and Thos. Hanson, and 20s. yearly rent from lands of Edwd. Sowod in Light- cliff, to himself and tfrances his wife, ingress 20s. Turn. — Oct. 9. John Drake for Margaret his mother, widow, granted 333. 4d. yearly out of Creswell and Brestland in Hipp., to Homfrid, Margt., Sibill, and Alice his brother and sisters. Eic. Bairstow, Hipp., being dead, John his son paid heriot for Hessil- hurst. 1572. Eob. Sowod, senr., rairrendered lands in Hipp, to Eobt. his son. Wm. Oglethorpe of Eoundehey Graunge, gent., surr. a messu- age in Hipp, to Eic. Saltonstall of London, skynner; ingress 13s. 4d. Thos. Whitley surr. annual rent of £3 6s. 8d. from house, cottage, garden, 3g acres close, at Synderhill, to Margaret his wife, dau. of Edwd. Boythes, and Edwd. their son; remainder to Thos. their son and heir. The clerk at this time wrote fine initials for each para- graph, and adorned them with grotesque faces ; the tongue well protruding. John Bairstow of Thorpp Hall, Hipp, (graveship), surr. lands in Nm. to Wm.Deane of Eckesley (Elland); confirmed by Anna B., widow of John. Galfri Eedmoke of Quernby fined 20d. for keep- ing an alehouse without leave. 1578. John Haldworth, defunct ; Eic. his son paid 14d. heriot, Hipp. Johanna wife of Thos. Eishworth, cousin and heiress of John Thomson, viz., dau. of Eic. Whitley, brother of John W. father of Isabel, Eic. Thompson's wife, parents of John Thompson, paid heriot 20d. for lands in Hipp, (grave) — except Shaysike. Long account in English of Eic. Townend's gift to Halifax Grammar School from lands in Nm. The town of Brighouse to amend the bridge between Clifton and Brighouse, penalty 6s. 8d. John Armytage, of Kirkelees, to mend Nunbroke lane, penalty 20s. 1574. Eic. Haldesworth de Ossett, s. and heir of John H. deed., surrendered mess,, croft, 3 closes, in occupation of Wm. Medley, to John Hoile of Hoylehouse. Eobt. Mawde sold to John Hemingway, of Mytholm, lands at Grenewayclogh, Ivyncarr, &c. Thos. Whitley surr. AND HIPPERHOLME. 153 t^<]^a^nl ■%■*- ^Vi^?'' Mi'TnoLir. 33s. 4d. annual rent from Hipp, lands to Max'gt. wid. of Wm. Otes of Shelf. Henry Kent of Prestelay and Kic. son and heir, surr. 23s. 4d. yearly from lands in Hipp, to Thos. Whitley of Synderhills. Kic. Salton- stall of Saltonstall and his sons, Gilbt., Kic, Ed^Yard; and dau. Agnes transfer lands. Court (1)1(1 Turn, Jury, John Gleidhill, Jas. Htan- cliffe, Jolm Goodheire, Eobt. Bryghouse, John Romsden, John Hemingway, George ftirth, Wm. Boy, Wm. Haighe, Jolm Clay, Ric. Bairsto\Ye, Edw. Hey, John Drake, Thos. ftirth, Ric. Gomrsall. Ric. Sunderland of High S. surr. 1^ bovates formerly Henry Copley's in Coley to his children (iu succession failing issue), Ric, Abraham, Johanne (wife of Jolm Hem- ingway), Agnes (wife of Gilbt. Deyne), Marie, Grace, and Sarah. Wm. Oglethorpe gent., quit claimed to Ric. Saltonstall, citizen and skynner of London, lands in Hipp. Turn, Jury, Gilbt. Saltonstall of Godley, Rob. Romsden of Clifton, &c Rob. Whitley, of Lightclift", broke Edward Thorppe's hedges; fined 12d. Jolm Milner of Pudsey, Anna his wife, and Kob. their son surr. Blacker in Nm. to John Northend of North Byerley. Thos. Rishworth and Johana his wife surrender Shaysike, Nm., to Thos. Michell of Oxnopp, near Haworth. 1575. John Northend, s. and exec, of Christr. N., surr. Northwolley close to Rob. Brighouse of Hipperholm. Wm. Whitley, senr. and junr.,surr. the great close adjoining Wakefield and Halifax Rd. in N., and Ric. Clifi'e's lands S., to Isaac s. and heir of W. W. junr. Robt. Overall and fl:rces. his wife, surr. lands in Hipp, graveship to Edwd. Hemingway ; and Allenroyde and Wharlers to Thos. Hanson of Wike. Fined Gd. each for playing at bowls at Hipperholme, — Jas. Haldes- worth, Rob. H. junr., Rob. Smyth junr., Geo. Waterhouse junr., Thos. Barrowcloghe, Jolm Rawnsley, Christr. Bolland, Hemy Wilson, Thos. Judson, and Gilbt. Barrowclough. Robt. s. and heir app. Rob. Sowood of Hipp., conveyed 4 ac 3 rds. to himself and Margaret d. Wm. Lawe, his intended wife. 157G. Ric Sunderland of High S. being dead, Abm. S., son and heir, paid 20s. heriot for High S. Agnes wid. Ric. Northend surr. messuage, mistall, ftbld, garden and 4 closes to Wm. Stanclift' during her lifetime. Turn, Oct. 9. Jury, Jolm Glcdliill, yoman, (Barkisland), Jolm Gleidhill of Rastrick, Gilbt. Saltonstall, Homfry Armytage, John 154 BRIGHOUSE, RASTRICK Hoole, John Smyth, Eic. Waterhouse, Jas. Otes, John Haldesworth, John Hogg, W. Boy, Geo. Firth, Geo. Hellywell, Edw. Denton. Eob. Sowood of Hipp., carrier, son of Eob. S. surr. messuage, 4 ac. S^ rods in Hipp, to Eob. Bentley. Eic. Kent surr. 2 parts of bovate to Eic. Waterhouse de Presteley and Eic. Gomrsall, for 20 years. 1577. Turn, Jury, Eobt. Brighouse, John Hoile, Eic. Beamont, Leonard Crowder, Wm. Presteley, Eic. Soithill, Geo. Wibsay, John Hanson of Lynley, Edw. fi'airbank, the 2 Gledhills, John Eomsden, Leonard Denton, G. Firth, W. Boy. Jas. Waterhouse of Priestley surr. Bridgroid to his three daughters, Mary, Grace, and . Jas. Waterhouse gave 1 acre called Snakehill in Eastrick to Thos. his son, formerly parcel of Earl Leicester lands ; Eic. filather of Brighouse tenant. Wm. Taylior for affray at Hipp, on Mich, ftiather, fined 20d. Queen Elizabeth granted to Earl Leicester, in 1566, amongst other lands, 221 acres, 21 roods, and a plot 50 yds. by 20, with a water- course in Hipp, graveship, and 12 acres, ^ rood, in Eastrick graveship, under Wakefield manor. These lands he granted next year to Sir Thomas Gargrave, and Henry Savile, Esq., of Lupset. The rent was 4d. per acre to the crown, 4d. fine or heriot on the death of each tenant, and 4d. on every alienation, and suit of court. 1578. Thos. s. Edw. Hanson of Netherwodhouse and Eoger s. Thos. Hanson of Eastrick, landowners. Eic. Saltonstall of London, skynner, (by Gilbt. S.,) conveyed his Hipperholme copyhold lands to his son Eic. in the event of death of Eichard, the father. Wm. Horton of Sowerby greave being dead, John the son paid heriot. Eic. Saltonstall of High Saltonstall, and Gilbt. his son, of Godley, leased lands in Saltonstall to Jas. Bawmfurtli for 21 years. . Turn, Jury, Thos. Thornhill, John Eamsden of Bowers, John Clay of Lynley, John Hoile, &c. Eic. Shepley held land and water called Oldforth (the old ford at Snakehill,) in Eastrick, his son Owyn S., gent., paid heriot. John Armytedge of Locwod, in Eastrick greave, takes rogues and vagabonds into his house ; fined 12d. 1579. Owyn Shepley, gent., surrendered Oldforth, and damm and fullingmill in E. (properly Brighouse,) to John Armytage of Kirkelees. John Stocke v. John Stones, Wm. Whitley v. Brian Wilson, affrays at Hipp., each of the four fined lOd. The court revenue was improved by fining both sides, and probably they deserved it. Court righouse. A Deed, dated June 11th, 1G05, recites that, whereas John Thornhill and others, had petitioned Sir John Fortescue, Chanc. of the Duchy of Lancaster, showing that there had time immemorial been an antient Chapel within the township of Rastrick, called St. Matthew's Chapel, within which Divine Service had been celebrated, and also a school for the education of youth above 50 years ago, which chapel, for want of due maintenance for keeping a curate there, had for the greatest part of 50 years last past been profaned and converted into other uses, till it was reformed by the Stat, temps. Eliz. for reviving of things 1G8 BRIGHOUSE, RASTKICK given to charitable uses ; since wliicli time the said John Thornhill and others, had bestowed great sums of money in repairing and enlarging the same, and maintaniing divine service therein for a year last past ; and that every Sunday and holiday a great number of people did resort thereto, and were likely so to do if divine service were continued, for that a greater part of the inhabitants of the said township were two miles distant from their " Parish Church of Eland," the ways foul in winter, and the causeways decayed for want of repairing, by reason whereof many who were willing to be present at divine service at Eland twice a day, were enforced in the afternoon to be absent ; and many of the younger sort had taken occasion thereby to occupy them-' selves on Sundays and holidays in the afternoons at unlawful games ; which abuses had been greatly reformed during the past year, and were likely to continue so, if divine service might be provided for. And for tliat the said township of Rastrick was very small, consisting of not above 24 families, and the whole township not containing above 12 oxgangs of land, and therefore unable to bear the charges of cele- brating divine service or instructing youth in the said Chapel, and therefore humbly intreated his Honour to grant licence to enclose and improve from the waste and commons in the said township, some few acres of ground as might be least hurtful to the inhabitants there, and to convert the same to the use and benefit of those who should celebrate divine service, and keep a School in the said Chapel, for which grounds they were willing to pay yearly to His Majesty 4 pence of new rent for every acre. On perusal of which petition, and confer- ence had with Sir John Saville, one of the Barons of the Court of Exchequer, who lived within 2 miles of the said Chapel and affirmed the contents of the said petition to be true, and that by means thereof the inhabitants of the Manor of Brighouse, who are more remote from the Church (of Eland) than the inhabitants of Rastrick, may likewise resort to the said Chapel. IGOG. Thos. Hanson of Brighouse held land in Soyland. Ric. Sunderland, gent., took of the lord Randes in Nm., and a parcel for- merly John Scolefeld's in Coley Lane, near Oldroid S., Copley Inge N., in tenure of Wm. Northend; 1 acre near Coley Chapel at Wynterslack E., Coley chapel yard and Coley and Halifax road S., Shelf N., also Falroyd, Towlerynge &c : paid oOs. ingress. Ric. Barrowclough of Halifax, fined 40d. for carrying away Halifax towue butts; Wm. TiUotson for shooting arrows at the pricke. Thomas fflather, Brig- house, fined Gs. for placing G oxen on Rastrick Common ; also he, Ric. Norclift'e and Ric. Plather were fined Is. each for placing their cattle on Rastrick Common. John Tayte of Hipp, (fined 8d.) for an affray at Clifton with John ffletcher, (fined 12d). John Royde and Lea his wife of Hipp. surr. 3.^ rodes to Henry Preston of Ealand. Hen. fferror resided at Cromwelbottoin. 1G07. Rob. Brodeley of Clarehall in Cambridge, (s. and h. Robt. of Lane ends in Hipp., deceased,) Ric. Nicholl of Halifax and Anna his wife, widow of said Robt., and Eden Bairestowe of Wakefeld, spinster, AND HIPPERHOLME. 160 SUIT, mess, at Lane ends, with bam, garden, "Walloyne close, held by copyhold, and Croft under the Lathe, also Wollyses closes. Little Southedge close, and Wodclose, now held by John Horsfall, and a cottage held by John Carlcton, to Ric. Brodeley of Hipp., ingress 7s. 3d. John Armytage of Kirklees, Esq., being dead, John A. Esq., his son and heir paid 6s. 8d. ob. heriot for 2 closes, 3^ acres, called Harts- heade carrs, and 5 closes in Nm. Ric. fltlather, Brighouse, 12d. for a horse placed on Rastrick common. Arthur Emson fined 10s. for breaking Hipp, fold three times. Wm. Thorpp, Sam. ^Vilson, Edw. Usherwod fined Is. each for affrays at Hipperholm. Wm. Pollard 5s, for drawing blood from Abm. Brodeley. 1(308. Thos. Pilkington lately of Kether Bradley, now of Stanley,, and ^Ym. Ramsden of Longley, Esqs., surr. the fulling mill, called Brighouse Milne, :^th of water corn mill, called Brighouse Milnes, with stagnas, goits, sects, services, running waters, in the tenure of John Thornhill of ffekisby, Esq., to the said J. T., who paid o3s. 3d, Judah Hopkinson of Rampton, Notts., clerk, and Agnes his wife surr. Otesroid, llh ac, in Nm. to Ric. Hopkinson of Shipden Hall. Bryan and Robert Crowther, brothers, Jane wife of Brian, and Saml. s. Robt., took lands in Nm. John Ramsden of Hipp., s. Rob. R. of Royleshead, surr. Royleshead in Sowerby to Hen. Greeuwod. Thos. Whitley and Wm. Stephenson lOd. each for affray at Hipp. John Hanson 12d. for gathering brackens on Rastrick common. 1609. Ric. Richardson of Tong (Bierley), surr. Pighells in Nm. to his son Ric. Ric. Brodeley drew blood from Wm. Speight at Hipp., fined os. 1610. Geo. ffairebancke of Lydyate surr. 3 acres to Mary Bancroft and Agnes Wilson his sisters ; remainder ' to George s. Ric. Wilson. Saml. Saltonstall, Knt., of City of London, and Lady Elizth. his i wife, (by Nic. Hanson of E aland,) surr. lands &c. in Hipp, in the tenures of Isaak Brodeley, John Horsfall, Wm. Potter- ton, Wid. Barrowclough, John Whitley, Abm. Brig- house, Jonas Brighouse, and W. Speight, to Thos.Whitley: also John Northend's tenure to John Northend. Thos. Whitley of Synderhills took waste land at Northedge lanehead, abutting on Bryanscoles, W^, John Northend's lands, E. and S., Henry Preston's lands, N., and John Haldesworth's new house at Synderhills. A special enquiry was made UJihfry hia.'im Chip Hdrt.-fhraJ -'Slai^hwcOi Map, IGIO. [Lishtcliffo'slionld be across the stream, at Estfeld.j 170 BRIGHOUSE, KASTEICK this year as to all the manorial tenancies, "A treue and p'fect rentall of the names of all those coppieholders and ten'tes of and within the .graveshipp of Hipp'holme p'cell of the Lordeshipp and mannor of Wakefelde -which have compounded with his highness for the confirm- •acon of theire estates, and certeyntie of tlieire fines of and for all and singuler theire coppiehoulders, mess., cottages, &c. inter alia, Saml. Saltonstall of Huntock, gent., Preistley, late Edward Kentts, 7s. 9d., parcel in Lightcliffe, ob (id.), Osborneroides late John Ryshworthe's of Cdley, Esquier, 18d., Sir Saral. Saltonstall, knighte, lands late Oglethorpe's, 8s. Rob. Hemingway of Mythom for Bothamhouses, Hawkynroid &c., Bs. 5d. Eic. Sunderland of Coley Hall, gent., his father's lands at Sunderland, ISs., Rishworth's lands in Coley and Hipp. 3s. -id., Rob. Sowod's in Hipp, and Bryanscoles, 14d., Randes, 18d., Johnroidhouse, lid., Boothestown 3s. id., Barnes ]ld., parcels in Xm. and Hipp. 3s. lid. Isack Whitley for Eastefeld in Lightcliff 9d. ^Ym. Xorthend, Hipp., 21d. Ric. Brodelay, Lane ends 23. lid. Thos. Hanson, Bryanscoles, 2s. 2d. John Thornhill, Esq., for mills 16s. Id. Henry Preston, Hipp., 3d. John Roide, Hipp., 7d. Geo. fi'airbank, Lydyate, lid. "\Vm. Feilde for Cawsey, &c., 12d. Saml. Hoile, Hoilehouse, 2s. 5d., Soperhouse lands 8d., John Booth's close '7d., Bowlshey, 2s. John Armytage, Esq., coppieholds, lid. Hen. <3ockcroft of Burleis, coppieholds in Hipp. 2s. Thos. Whitley, junr. Synderhills, 22d, for Diconson's, Nm., lod. Xich. Richardson for Pighell, 3d. John Norclyfi" for Lydyate Gd., and many others in Xorthowram, Shelf, kc. La Rastrick, John Hanson, Woodhouse, 16s. lid. Thos., John, and Robt. sons of Thos. Hanson, deed. 17s. Thos. Hanson of Brig- house 3s. 9d. Thos. Hanson of Totehill 5s. Id. Edw. Hanson os. Thos. and Nich. Hanson, Id. Thos. Broke 7s. John Goodyeare 3s. Gilbt. Hoile, 20d. Thos. Malynson 19d., Wm. M., 2s., John M., 2d. Jas. Towleson 4d. John fiirth 7d. Thos. ffirth lOs. 7d. &c. Michael Slater of Hipp, conveyed a mess, to John Cowper of Deanehouse and Edwd. Slater m trust for Michl. s. said Michl. Jas. and John Tolson fined -lOd. each for drinking on the Lord's day. 1611. Henry fferror, of Ewood, Esq. being dead, John his brother and heir, of London, gent., paid heriot for 2 coal mines in Sowerby and one in Hipp, grave. Ric. Brodeley took 1 rod waste under Lathe in Hipp. Jane wid. Rob. Boythes of Bothestown, now wife of George Rawden, of Rawden, held Nm. lands. John Horsfall and John Appleyard 10s. each for not scouring ditches and mending the road at Croftend in Hipp. John Armytage of Kirklees, Esq., surr. 5 closes in Nm. to Ric. Sunderland of Coley Hall. Saml. Saltonstall of Huntak, Esq., conveyed to the use of Ric. his son and Grace d. Rob. Kaye of Wodsome, intended wife of Ric, Wynteredge in tenure of John Appleyard, Nether Wyntercloses, Knowlheys, &c. (1 bov., 9 ac. 3 rds.) also Osburnroids, &c., and lands in Horbury to Ric. Beaumont of Whitley Hall, Henry Savile of Methley, Knights, Wm. Ramsden of AND HIPPERHOLME. 171 Longley, and Joliu Carvell of Nunmunck- ton, Esqs., in trust. Nich. Flather of Brig- house, 12cl. for placing i) oxen on Rastrick common. 1G12. John Thornhill of Fixhye, Esq., being dead, his brother and next heir, Thos. T., Esq. of Eixbye, paid 48s. 8d. heriot for usual leases of mills at Brighouse, at IGs. Id. yearly rent. Mem. that Eic. Brodeley of Hipp'holmc shall permit and suffer one current or course of ^vater discendingc downe the highwaye leadinge to Hallifax at Faeeek Aems RiCHABDsoN (of Bicrlcy) Arms. Beaumont Aems. 172 BRIGHOUSE, EASTRICK Hipp. Townend to cliscende and run with the auncyente course or current of water discendinge into the landes of Thomas Wliitley formerly the landes of Sir Saml. Saltonstall as of righte it oughte to do upon payne of lOs. each tyme he diverts it into the road, and 10s. each tyme for damaging the road. Wm. Overall of Estwod in Eotherham, being dead, Rob. his son and heir paid heriot for 1 ae. 1 rd. at Lightclifi'broke, and Cliii'house 1^ bovates, and 20s. for lands in Sowerby ; his guardians during his minority being Wm. Routh of ^yaIlswod, and Chas. Laughton, Aldwarck, gents. Thos. Whitley surr. mess., house, barn, backside, garden, fold, 6 closes — Brodecroft, 2 Westfeilds, Overnorthedge, 2 littleboylesales, to Edw. Walker for 10 years. Court find Turn, Oct. G. Jury, Heiuy Eamsden, Edw. Stancliflfe^ Wm. Drake, John Waterhouse, Rob. Sunderland, Thos. Hanson^ Thos. Denton, Thos. Lockwood, Saml. Hoole, Thos. Woodhead, Edw. Molson, Geo. Haighe, Jas. Gleidhill, Ric. Soithill, Rob. Taylor and Edwd. Aneley. Arthur Elmesall lined 10s. for obstructmg the run- ning water at the end of his croft. W'm. Greave of Brighouse 10s. for obstructing the highway with his dung heap, (stercoraris suo). Michl. Thorpp and Wm. Walker for not coming to court at the constable's mandate, 2s. each. Nich. Flather, Brighouse, Is. again for his oxen on Rastrick common. John Xorthend and Margt. his wife, of Hipp., surr. lands formerly Sir Saml. Saltonstall's, to Ric. a younger son of Thos. Whitley of Synderhill and Sarah his wife, a daughter of said John Northend. Thos. Hanson, Brighouse, surr. a new house in Soylaud to Geo. ffirth for 20 years. John White of Hipp., and Eden bis wife surr. land in Xm. to her brother John Hoile. Thos, Hanson fined 40d. for his cattle grazing on Rastrick common ; he claimed a right on account of some Rastrick land. 1613. Danl. s. late Rob. Boothes, of Boothes-town, conveyed lands to his son Daniel Edward j,^^.^^ Stanchffe, Scowte. btancline conveyed nis lands to sons and three grandsons 1 i i^amed. Michael, of York. John. Samuel. Rob. Hemingway of Overbrea being dead, John his son and \ \ i heir paid 9s. lOd. heriot. Hali- Edward. Ric. John, fax cloth-hall and corn-shop are mentioned. Surrender of lands in Sowerby by Heniy Foxcroft and his sisters to Thos. Whitley of Synderhills. Thomas fibxcroft of Soyland =f= Alice, widow, in 1613. Henry, of Kirkstall, a younger son, Grace, Judith, = Elizabeth. =Jolin Brig- =^John Hoyle, house, of of Burnd- Brighouse. more. T. W. of Synderhills let Eastfeilds, 2 closes, in Lightcliffe to John s. Rob. Hargreaves for ten years. AND HIPPERHOLME. 173 Will. Overall Frances Eliztli. Winifred = Rob. -r Rob. ~r Thos. Eob.ofEstwod, Asli- Elwes. Rawson. Rotlierliam. more. George. Richard. 1G14. Ric. Brodeley fined 20s. for watercourse diversion, and a special jury decided that the water from Richard's close called Paradice ought to pass through the ft'enyes belonging to Thos. Whitley. Edwd. Waterhouse, Knt., s. Robt. W. of York, Esq., and Lady Abigail wife of Edw. surrender Nm. rents to Arthur Ingram of London, knight. Rob. Batt, of Newtontonye, Wilts, S. T. B., John Halde- wortli of Blakehill, Nm., his sons Haml., and Jonas H. of Lightcliffe, clothier, take Blakehill, Howroyd, Ac. in Nm., which were conveyed to Jonas Haldworth, of Lightclifl'e. Thos. Whitley, Bynderhills, surr. 8i ac. in Nm. to his son John, and Miriam, d. John Blackwod, intended wife of John W. Hipp, village had to repair the highway from Place broke to Baliebrig on pain of 20s. John Haldesworth of Astey, gent., surr. 4 ac. in Hipp., paying lOd. rent to the lord, to Martyn Aykeroyde of Hipperholm, ii'remason ; ingress 2s. 1015. John s. Rob. Hemingway of Ouerbrea being dead, his sisters and heiresses, Sibella, Edith, Phebe, and Martha paid heriot. Robt. Overall being dead, his three aunts, and his two cousins George Elwes and Ric. RaAvson, paid heriot for Lightcliffe and Sowerby lands. Mem. that Sep. IG was the great flood in West Yorkshire, the Rivers Calder &c. overflown, stone bridges at Eland and Kighley and twenty wooden ones demolished. Rob. Hanson broke Hipp, pinfold four times, fined 13s. 4d. ; Arthur Elmsall had to pay Gs. 8d. for two like offences. A number of tenants in Dalton fined Is. each for not bringing their draught horses at the road mending. Ric. NorcHffe and Nich. Flaiher of Brighouse for not ringing their pigs, fined Is, each. Arthur Elmsall for diverting a watercourse fined 10s., and breaking Hipper- holm pinfold, 3s. 4d. IGIG. Will. Northend of Coley, yeoman, surr. Ivincarr or Grene- wayclogh in Nm. to John N. of Nm.-fold for 20 years. John Hanson of Woodhouse, yeoman, and his younger brother Thos. H. of Brighouse, clothier, held lands. Ric. Wood of Coley, s. and h. John W., deceased, surr. mess., 6 acres in Ric. Broddell's tenure, and Ivencarr close in tenure of Wm. Northend of Hipp, to said W. N. 1G17. Thos. Whitley, Synderhills, had to serve as Sowerby greave for his Soyland lands. Thos. ifirtli of Boothroyd had removed to Kirkeheaton. Ric. Brodeley of the Lane ends, yeoman, surr. on the event of his death. Lane ends, two barns, a garden, close called Croft niider the Lathe, Walloyne close, Wollyses closes (3), Little Southcdge close, Woodclosc, Claybutts, to Matthew B. of the City of London, his son and heir. This Matthew Broadley was the founder of Hipper- holme Grammar School. Under Halifax, Ric. Barrowclogho hath not inclosed and railed the staires of liis tavern at Loveles Lane, or street, fined 40d. Thos. Whitley of Synderhills, and Michael his younger son conveyed lands in Sowerby to Jas. Hoile. 174 BRIGHOUSE, RASTRICK 1618. Before John Savile, Wm. Sympson, Norfcliourum. knight. (Edw. Carye, knt., I ___^_ omitted.) On the death of I 1 Mar ma duke Pereson, his Alice Agnes widow and daughters claim -p ^Jarmaduke Pereson 8 acres in Nm. in tenure of I . I Wm. Field. Anna, co-heiress, Margt. John Hanson, grocer, Lon- =Christr. Cotes. = John Warriner. don, surrendered Eastrick Hall in the tenure of Eobt. his brother, to said Eobt., ingress lis. 4d. Eic. Saltonstall of Huntwick, Knt., and Lady Grace his wife, surr. Preistley lauds in tenure of Alice Mitchell, wddow ; Brokehouse, Oldroyd, &c. in Priestley, in tenure of Alice Stones, widow ; lands in Preistley in tenure of Margt. widow of Eobt. Fairebancke ; Wynteredge with tentercroft and Wynters in tenure of John Appleyard, with a cataracta or waterweare from Copley broke (Coley mill), and ft'urtherbrokehouse bothom in Preistley, to Eic. Sunderland : ingress 233. 3d. Eobt. Deane, of Eckesley, and his mother Isabella Saltonstall, widow, on the event of the death of Judith wife of Jasper Blythman, Esq., widow of Wm. Deane of Elland Hall, surr. lands in Nm. to John Crowther, M.A., rector of the church of Swillington. Wm. Dean =7= Isabel d. John Bairstow = Saltonstall, 2nd husband. Eobert, of Exley and Wm. = Judith Hanson = (2) Jasper Blythman. Priestley. bur. at Eland ^ Ann Mar. 7, 1633. i i I Gilbert, Wm., Turkey Merchant, taken by Turks,- 5 daughters. lawyer. afterwards by the Tartars. ! \ I Wm. dr. dr. = — Kirk. | = Bishop j I Lake. Eobert. dr. in London. ^ 4- Deanhouse in Shelf, near Norwoodgreen, is so named from Simon del Dene's family, who bore for arms, Argent a fesse dancy, in chief three crescents gules. Edwd. s. and h. Gilbt. and Margaret Hole of Brigroyd, Eastrick, paid 5s. heriot at his father's death. Wm. Northend of Coley, yeoman, surr. Ivencar (1^ ac.) in Nm. to Abm. Sunderland of the Middle Temple, London, Esq., s. of Eic. S. of Coley Hall, Esq., in- gress 7s. 6d. ; reconveyed the same to John Bentley. 1619. — Thos. Savile, Knt., chief senescal. John Royds of Hipp., yeoman, surr. 2 acres at the Hilles, formerly his uncles' — John and Ealph E., — to Andrew Gill of Lightcliffe, badger. John s. and h. Hugh Norcliff of Liddyate, deceased, surr. Lyddyate to Eic. Wilson of Lidyate, reversion to Sibill widow of Hugh, now wife of Wm.Eamsden, *Hence the local expressions, — " He's a Turk "; " He's a Tartar." AND HIPPERHOLME. 175 CoLEY Mill. for her life. Thos. ffirtli of Bootliroyd, now of Brearley, yeoman,, surr. 4 closes, Eastrickfeild, "Wliiggingefeild, Over Brighowsefeild, Nether Brighowsefeild. John Haldesworth of Astay, gent., surr. mess., bovate, 9 acres in Hypromegrave to his younger sons Thos. and Eobert, John s. late Hugh Norcliffe quit claimed lauds in Warley to Henry Greenwood. Twenty-three persons fined 40d. each at Halifax Turn for blood drawing. Ric. Scolefeld, Hipp., 2s. for not attending when ordered by the constable. John Malynson of Harts- head surr. a house and ^ acre in Rastrick to Ric. Thorppe of Thorny- allbrigges, clothier. Michael Brodeley of Norwoodgreen paid iOd. for an affray. John and Leah Royd, of Hipp., conveyed 2 closes in W. Speight's tenure, to Ric. Richardson of N. Bierley. (Grotesque faces still adorn the capital letters.) 1620. Wm. Hoile of Rotherham, yeoman, and ffrances his wife, widow of Rob. Ashmore, (see 1615,) surr. 1 ac. 1 rd. between Light- cliffe Brooke W., Ric. Wood's close N.; also i of mess, called Cliffhouse and ^ of 1^ bovs., and rent of 8 acres in Sowerby to the use of himself and wife. Wm. Richardson of N. Bierley surr. 2 closes and edifice in Hipp, in Wm. Speight's tenure, of annual rent of 4d. to the King, to to Sibille wife, and Ric. and Wm. sons of W. S. John Haldesworth of Asday, gent., being dead, his son John paid heriot for lauds in Nm. and Hipperholme. John Thornhill of Rastrick and Jane his wife, widow of John Ramsden, claimed lands. Thomas fflather of Brig- house, clothier, mentioned. John Dickson, of Lightclifi'e, for the good love, favour, and natural affection he had to Wm., Anna, Grace, Maria, and Judith, children of Isaac Whitley of Lightcliffc and Maria his wife, sister of said John, surrendered (by John Whitley of the Sowwoodgreen in Hipp.,) six acres and buildings thereon in Sowerby to Isaac, and Michael Whitley of Shelf, to be equally shared at his death to said children. Rob. Rayner of Hartshead is dead, his son Robt. paid heriot. Rob. Nettleton of Almondbury being dead his 176 BEIGHOUSE, RASTRICK four sisters paid heriot for lauds in Holm grave, — Jcnetta wife of ffrancis s. Matthew s. Roger Thewlis ; Maruaret wife of John Horsfall of Heaton, s. and h. Wm. s. John Horsfall; Thos. Fault's wife, and Eobson's wife, Elizth. d. John and Margaret Horsfall married Peter Battle, and Ric. Battle of Knaresbro their son took some of the land. Turn, Oct. 10. Jury, Heni-y Eamsden, gent., \Ym. "Whitley, Wm. Northend, Jasper Brighouse, John ffeild, John Mawde, Thos. Hanson of Totehill, Jas. Otes, Rob. Roper, Ric. Haldesworth, Saml. Apple- yeard, John Hirst, Thos. Denton, Rob. ^Yood, Wm. Brookesbank, John Barraclough for not amending the highway and filling up a delf at Housedge (? Hovedge), 20d. John Nicholl of Linlands broke Ras- trick fold twice, 6s. 8d. Saml. Hoile of Hoile House, Lightcliffe, conveyed (after his death) a bovate in Hipp., and Bowleshawe (6 ac), in Nm., to his son and heir Saml., and to Priscilla d. John Cowper of Deanehouse, intended wife of Saml. junr. Rob. Hanson of Rastrick and Sarah his wife surr. Rastrick hall to Thomas H. of Rastrick his elder brother. Edw. s. and h. Gilbt. Hoile, of Brigroyd in Rastrick, deed., surr. 6 acres to Saml. Hoile of Briggroyd and Elizth. his wife, natural sister and heir of said Edw. 1621. John s. Hugh Norclifte of Lightcliffe, and Sarah wid. and executor of Martin Aykeroyd, ffreemason, of Hipp., surr. lands to John Hall for 11 years. In Sowerby, Edward Holland, Esq., brother and heir of Ric. Holland of Denton, Esq., and Rob. Brearclifie of Brearcliffe, Lane, yeoman, held lands. Edwd. Hanson of Nether- wodhouse and Rob. H. of Rastrick surr. Briggroyd to Thos. H. of Brighouse, brother of John H. of Woodhouse (John's wife was named Jennet), with remainder to Thomas' children, Arthur, Ric, Judith, and remainder to his eldest sou Thos. John Hanson of Woodhouse, deceased =p Jennet. ! \ \ ; Agnes Mary, deed. Margaret, deed. Katherine = Ric.Law. =j=Walter Stanhope, =rThomasBrooke,jun. d.un-mar. I Horsforth. Thomas, son and heir. about John, son and heir. 1626. John Hanson being dead, his four heiresses, two of whom being dead, their eldest sons took their place, paying heriot for Linlands, Netherwoodhouse, &c. Ric. Sunderland, Esq., Coley, claimed lands in Nm., Sunderland, &c., rented to Abm. Sowden, gent, of Middle Temple, London. John Hall broke Hipp, pinfold, 40d.; Ric. Brodeley not mending the pavement at Lane end grene, 10s.; John Midgley of Halifax drew blood from Wm. Ramsden of Lidyate, 6s. 8d. Arthur Elmesall the Hipp, constable, for not coming to the court in time, fined 6d. 1622. Jas. Wood of Hipp., and Isabella his wife surr. Westercroft in Nm. to Henry Northend, Nm. John Norclifte of Lightclifie and Edith his wife surr. lands in Nm. to Jonas Grenewood of Boothes. Isaac Whitley of Lightcliffe being dead, Wm. his son and heir paid 4s. 9d. heriot for Overmeasure, &c. in Sowerby, and great close in the AND HIPPEEHOLME. 177 Eastfeikl, Liglitcliffe. Nicli. Stancliffe of Ilagstocks, Nm., took lands of Kic. his father, deceased, clerk, of Essington, son and h. of Jas. S. of Hagstocks. Thos. Hanson of Totehill being dead, his son Edwd. of Nether Woodhouse, paid 21s. lOd. heriot. John ffirthe and John Mallynson Is. each, for playnig at painted cards at Rastrick. Jenetta Hanson, wid., and her dau. Agnes Law, widow, fined 2s. for not ring- ing their pigs. Arthur Elmesall, Hipp., reported John Hargreaves, John Nicholls and Wni. Byns for not mending Soperhouselane, 40d. each ; Simon ffairbanck and Hen. Scolefeld for the road between Lightcliffehill and Lidget Grene, 20d. each ; and Simon ffairbanck, Gilbt. Brookesbank and Jasper Hoile, 40d. each, for not attending their days when the highways were being repaired. Nath. Sowwood and Sara his wife, lately of Liglitcliffe now of N'owram, surr. 4 ac, (after Sowwood's death) in the tenure of John Longley, JohnBlagburn, and Andrew Gill, to John Haldisworthe of Hoile in Hipp'holme for GO years, at a peppercorn {grain of pepper) rent at pentecost, if demanded. Thos. Hanson of Brighouse surr, laud at Maydenstones, Soyland, to Margaret his wife for life, remainder to Ric. his youngest son ; Netherwoodhouse and Heley wood and Inge to Thomas his son and heir, remainder to sons Arthur and Ric; Okesgrene to son Ric; and Middleynge and Hurst, Okesgrene, to son Arthur. Hugh Mallin- son of Hipp., fined 40d. for not permitting the water at Bawdslosh to have its ancient course, to the damage of the highway. John Mallyn- son of Hartshead and Eliz. his wife, and Ric. Thorpp of Tliorniall brigge in Brighouse, surr. a rode and edifice in Rastrick to Edmd. ffox of Totehill. 1623. Arthur, brother and px. heir of Thomas Hanson of Brig- house, paid 17s. 9d. heriot for Netherwoodhouse and Briggroyd. Ric Sunderland, Esq., Edwd. Sowood and his son Nathl., and Thos. "Whitley, formerly of Synderhills, held Earl Leicester's lands in Nm. formerly : enquiry report. Court and Turn, Oct. C. Thos. Richardson, Wm. Whitley, Michael Bairstow, Saml. Akroyd, and Abm. Wilkes fined 40d. each for break- ing Hipp, pinfold. Wm. Judson, Jas. Dalton, Thos. Wood 6s. 8d. each for not filling up nor fencing delves at Norwoodgreen. Wm. Ambler of Hipp., clothier, and Sarah his wife surr. Netherj-nge, Nm. to Thos. second son of John Royd, Hipp. Halifax, Brighouse, and Kirkburton courts continued to be hel 1 on three succeeding days, but not always in same rotation. At Halifax, Thos. Watson had thrice taken water from the town well to the dyeworks (baphiam) of Henry Horsfall. Ric. Sunderland, Esq., Coley Hall, surr. two closes in Brianscoles, Nm., 2 acres in Saml. Etall's tenure, to Rob. Heming- way of Mithome. Henry Preston of Ealand surr. 3i rds. in Hipp, to Henry Wilson of Ealand, ijcnrrU of said H. P. 1624. Thos. Savile, Knight, head seneschal. Wm. Whitlee, junr,, of Lightclifie, s, and h. of Isaac, deed., surr. Greatclose in Eastfield, now in several closes, in tenures of Wm. Whitley, senr., and Rob. Whitley, to the use of John W. of Sawoodhouse, Hipp. Henry Hoile L 178 BRIGHOUSE, RASTRICK of Wori'all, brother and heir of Wm. H., of Kotherham, defunct, surr. after death of Francis wife of Wm. Carre, wid. of said Wm., her thirds of 1 ac. 1 rd. at Lightchffebroke, CHffhouse (1^ bov.), and Okenclough (8 ac.) in Sowerby, [Overall's estates formerly,] to Rob. and Elizth., son and dan. of late Rob. Ellwes of Wadworth, and to Rob. and Wm. sons of ( Wm.'?) Rawson of Brinsforth. Wee doe finde that there is three score graveshippes in graveshippe of Sowerby (ffortie in S., and twentie in Warley,) also that every helper is to pay to the head grave ffourepence for everie penny rent towards his service and charges as heretofore hath been accustomed. The list of 60 is then given. Rob. s. Michael Bentley, Halifax, being dead, his sister Hester, wife of Edmd. Brear- cliffe, .yeoman, paid Cs. heriot. John Bentley of Lightcliffe, s. and h. Rob. B. of Adderisgate, deed., and Hester wife Ed. Brearcliffe of Halifax, took Damhead in Nm. John Dickson, Lightclifie, surr. 6 acres in Sourby to Isaac Whitley, Lightcliffe, and Michl. Whitley, Shelf. Ric. Sunderland of Coley Hall, Esq., surr. Carreynge in Preistley in tenure of Alice Mitchell, widow ; Nearer brokehouse, Oldroyd, Knowlheys, in tenure of Alice Stones, widow ; other Preistley lands formerly in Mgt. ffairebancke's tenure, now Rob. Field's, Prudence and Grace Fairbank's ; also Winteredge, barn, garden, tentercroft, Wyntercloses (3), in tenure of John Appleyard; a water- weare to draw water from Copley brooke, and lands formerly Ric. Saltonstall's of Huntwik, Knight, east of Copleybroke, to Saml. Sunderland, gent., his younger son, and Anne, dau. Edw. Waterhouse, formerly of Preistley, deceased, intended wife of sd. Saml. Gilbt. Bridge fined 10s. for not mending the way between the Roger Spowte and Cliffhili foote, Hipp.; and John Baraclough for not cleansing the ditch, nor mending the way between his house and Rob. Rawnsley's house, 40d. Wm. Byns for placing a scabbed horse on the common, Hipperholme, 40d., and for not ringing nor yoking his pigs 40d. John Stocke's wife for breaking the lord's pare at Hipp'holme. Hugh Mallynson for drawing blood from Michael Pearson, 10s. Wm. Whitley, junr., now of Halifax, s. Isaac W. of Lightcliffe, deed., and Agnes wife of Wm. quit-claimed to John W. of Sowood house the great close in Eastfield ; and Sowerby lands to Rob. Hargreaves of Lightcliff, chapman. John Wilson of E aland and Sibella his wife, and Agnes Preston of Norland widow of Hen. P. of Ealand, surr. 3^- rods in Hipp, to Thos. Whitley of Synderhills. John Haldiworth of Hoile in Hipp., and Michael his son, took lands. 1625. John s. Edw. Northend, Nm., surr. Willroydhouse, Nm., to Wm. N. of Hipp, in trust. John Hargreaves, for encroaching on waste at Hipperholme Townegate, fined o9s.; Rob. Nowell, gent., and his wife, 39s., ditto. Affrays and blood drawing at Hipper. 5s. each, — John Norclift'e, John Watmough, Ric. Willie, John Best ; and John Scolefield of Hipp, for one at Halifax, 10s. 1626. Wm. Rookes of Fixby, gent. Geo. Elwes surr. his share of Cliff house, &c., to his wife Alice. Nathl. s. Nathl. Sawood claimed Nether Hylelee, 4 acres, in Edw. Sawood's tenure. Rob. Nowell, AND HIPPERHOLJIE. 179 gent., broke Hipp, pinfold. Rob. Hargreaves, Andrew Gill, Maria Medley for not mending ' tlieir ways ' between Geo. Hargreaves' house and Hellywellsike, reported. Simon Fairbanke, Henry Scolfeld, Geo. Jackson, Maria Medley, 5s. each, for road between Geo. Fairbank's house and Lydgettgrene to Lydgett yate. Ric. Pearson, Esq., and Grace his wife, d. and co-h. of Edw. Waterhouse of Preistley, deceased, surr. edifice and ^ rod to Saml. younger son of Ric. Sunderland of Coley Hall, Esq., which Saml. had married Anne, the other co-heiress. Thos. AYliitley surr. Easttields, Lightcliii'e, to Andrew Gill for 21 years. 1G27. Michael Slater, Hipp., conveyed 2 acres in Hipp., to Jolni Cowper of Deanehouse and Edw. Slater of Wadehouse for use of Michael s. said Michael, and Johanne d. Rob. Rawnsley, intended wife of Mich. junr. Jane wid. of Geo. Rawden of Horsforth, previously widow of Rob. Boothe, took lands in Nm. Brighouse Via. ffmnci plciiii et Cur. Leta D.M. Ilegis ciC Tunis tent, ihm 2 Oct. (View of Frank- pledge, court leet and turn.) Jury, Saml. Hoile, senr., yeoman, Arthur Hanson, Andrew Gill, Jas.Otes, John Sutcliffe, John Bairstowe, Jere. Bairstow, Henry Xicoll, John ffirthe, Edmd. Dyson, Rob. Aneley, John North. John Whitley led water across the highway between Thomas Sugden's lane end, and Belly Bridge against the pain of last turn, fined 10s. Saml. Akeroide broke Hipp, pinfold, 6s. 8d. Robt. Nowell, gent., diverted a footway at Broadfeild head and Sower Ynge topp, fined 20s. 1628. Before Thomas Viscount Savile, Baron of Castlebarre, chief senescall. John Armytage, Esq., of Kirklees, Arthur Hanson of Brig- house, and the rest of fi'ee tenants do homage. Ric. Saltonstall of Huntwick, knight, surr. i rod in Lightclifte, north side of the Street, leading from Halifax to .John Rayner's house, to John Rayner of Lightclifi'e. Jolm Thorppe of Thornhill Brigge, was a juror. Robt. Tillotson and ]\Iary his wife held Laverock hall lands in Sowerby, and Jonas Tilson surrendered Crawelshawes there to John his son. A great trial of right of road was held at Brighouse, (written in English). Beginning at Toothill Hall the road went by the Smallees, Lambcote, Woodhouse clough. Over and Netherwood house, to Brigroyd and Brighouse Brigge, and was an ancient highway : witnesses, — ^Thos. Mallynson of Hartshead, husbandman, 4 score and 4 years old, born and brought up at Totehill, lived within three miles of it all his life, did lead hay wath waynes, and did chop bowes of fruit trees and other wood well hee thought wd. trouble topp loads but was never challenged for it, and went through Overwoodhouse fold and there were neither gates nor stiles set there. John Goodheire of Stainland, joyner, 4 score years old, lived at Rastrick most of his life, forelike testimony. Elias Watson of Overthwonge, clothier, 8 score and ten, born at Brigeroid, and lived there till 26, itc. Jolm Oldroyd of Hanging- lieaton, clothier, 3 score and 14, lived at Netherwoodhouse seven years in his youth, t^c. John Halme of thedge in Eland, clothier. 8 score and 10, lived 8 years at Netherwoodhouse, &c. A)ithony Harrison, 180 BRIGHOUSE, RASTRICK Soutliowram, clothier, aged 59, lived at N'woodliouse and at Brig- bouse, servant to John Hanson twenty years ago, &c. Thos. Whitley, Synderhills, surr. Crofte at backe of the house, Croftend, Bulfall, little Bulfall, Moreroids and Upper Northedge in Hipp, to Wm. Haldisworth for 20 years. John Jackson to amend the highway on pain of 12d. Saml. Akeroide fined 10s. for bad road between Hipp' wells and gatefold. Eic. Speght fined 10s. for draw- ing blood from Peter Thorpe, junr., of Sutcliffe Wood. 1629. Rio. Saltonstall of Huntwick, Knt., Henry Savile of Methley, Knt. and Bart., Ric. Beaumont of Whitley Hall, Knt. and Bart., and John Carvile of Nunmunckton, Esq., surr. Osbornroid, 6 acres, form- erly John Rishworth's of Coley, Esq., now in Roger Bancrofte's tenure, to John Whitley of Sawoodhouse. John Thorppe, of Hipp., not com- ing to the turn by order of the constable, being one of the four men to serve, fined 12d. Saml. Akeroide fined 10s. for not mending the road between John Roid house and Northedge Steele, and Hilsmire. John Wareinge- for affrays on W. Hopkinson, 10s.. on Rob. Eawnsley, 5s. Michael Elmesall for taking partridges in Hipp, with a net and other illegal modes, fined 10s. Pains laid on Rastrick for overstocking the common: a horse was estimated at 40d. a week, a beast at 18d., a sheep 4d. A hogge or swine unringed at all times, and unyoked between May 1 and Sep. 29, 3d. a day. A draught (of horses) was estimated at 40d. per day, and those farmers having no draught were required to supply able persons when the roads were mended, &c., or pay 12d. a day. A day's work was such an amount as had to be given by boon labour in a day, and was at this time a fixed quantity. Those who gathered 'donge' on the wastes had to pay 12d. per burden. For breaking a hedge the fine was 12d. All tenants had to repair their hedges annually on pain of 40d. 10s. fine was imposed for scabbed horses placed on the common. Whosoever shall use any foote way betwixt Brighouse and Overwoodhouse where there is no set foote way shall pay 12d. Any not householders in our township having a horse on the common shall pay 40d. per week, for a cow 12d., sheep 4d. Whosoever keepeth any geese that shall trespass in the grasse or corne of his neighbours, fine 12d. No house to be let to a stranger without consent of the greater part of the inhabitants unless there be a bond of £20 to the churchwardens and overseers of the poor of the parish of Eland. No new house to be built unless there are four acres of common available for it. 1631. John Whitley had turned a horse of John Blagburn's and one of Thos. Kitchyn's into the land of Wm. Rookes, gent., Hipper- holme, therefore fined £1. Court Baron of Thos. Leake, Esq., to the use of Henry, Earl of Holland, before Thos. Lord Savile, Baron of Pontefract. Ric. Wilson formerly of Liddyate being dead, his son and heir George, paid 2s. lOd. heriot for the east end of a messuage, called Liddyate, with fold, barn, greatynge, lathecroft, 2 acres, formerly Hugh Norclifl:e's. Thos. Wood, Hipp., for not yoking nor ringing his * Probably Wai'iiig Green gets its name from this family. AND HIPPERHOLME. 181 pigs, 40d. ; for breaking the fence of Matthew Lome at Thomroycl, 2s. Thos. s & h. Thos. Whitley of Synderhills surr. a barn and threshingfloor, garden, fold, also three Westfeilds, Lower Northedge and the Hilles in Wm. Hird's tenure, to Wm. Hird for 21 years. 1G32. Court Baron of Rob. Leeke and Wm. Swinsoe, gents., to the use of Gervase Clifton, Knt., and Bart. John Northend of Hipp., s & h. Ric. N. of Nm., surr. Pighells in Nm. to Edward N. of Nm., younger son of said Ric. John Jewett fined 40d. for aftray at Hipp, with Wm. Haldworth, and Ric. Jowett lined 10s. for drawing blood from Jonas Wilson. Ric. Sunderland, Esq., Coley, surr. Horwithins, Nm., to John Priestley for 21 years. Matthew Mitchell of North- ouram, chapman, and Susanna his wife, held lands in Nm. see 1G34. [He had married at Halifax, in ICJlG, Susan Butterfield, and their son Jonathan, whom they took with them to New England in 1G35, when the boy was 11 years old, became a celebrated minister of religion, and is still referred as one of America's greatest worthies. Mather called him " Matchless Mitchell." He died at Cambridge, U.S.A., in 1GG8.] 1638. Rob. Elwish (Elwes), of Chesterfield, surr. Cliffhouse, 1.^ bov., and 1 ac. Ird. near Lightclifi'ebrooke to Rob. Hargreaves. Ric. Judson of Norwoodgrene received two tenants into one cottage, fined 20s. John Roides, Hipp., yeoman, and Leah his wife, surr. 3^ rods in Hipp., formerly his uncle's, in tenure of Agnes Clarkson alias Brooke, to Saml. Pollard, yeoman. Mew of FrankjiJcdin', Turn lOc. Saml. Hoile of Hove Edge, a juror. Rob. Hemingway of Mithom, 3'eoman, surr. Ik ac. in Hipp., a house called Bothomhouse, a garden, p'rocke, three closes called Stanhoppe — Starrebancke, Wellcroft and Satlespring, and two closes in Bryanscholes to Jas. Mitchell, Nm., for 20 years. 1634. Court Baron of Gerv. Clifton, Kt. and Bt. Thos. Whitley of Sinderhills being dead, Jere. Gates and Anna wife of Jas. Gates junr., cousins and px. heirs, gave 41s. 3d. heriot for lands in Hipp., & Sowerby. Jane Northend of Southouram, wid. of Ric. N. of North- ouram, quitclaimed lands in Nm. to ^latthew Mitchell of Nm., formerly of Southowram ; see 1632. Thos. s. & h. Thos. Whitley, junr., deceased, of Synderhills, paid 41s. 3d. heriot for Thos. Whitley, senior's, property ; Maria wife of Saml. Nelson, widow of Thos. Whitley, mother of said Thos. to have his custody. Mary wid. Francis Taylor of York, apothecary, surr. Skowte in Nm. to Michl. Whitley of Shelf. At the request of Thos. Thornliill, Thos. Brooke, Edwd. Hanson, Arthur Hanson of Brighouse, and Jas. Attye, a grant for 1000 years of parcel of land on Rastrick common was made in trust for the benefit and mainteynance of such preacher or minister for the tyme beinge as shall preach the word of God in the chappell of Rastricke com'only called Set Mathew chappell from year to year, at 5s. 4d. yearly rent ; and 4s. a month rent if thei'e should be no minister. Twenty one acres assigned between Lower Coate, Clough and Roundhill ; ingress £42. At Hipperholme, John Rookes and 182 BRIGHOUSE, KASTRICK Saml. Starke for shooting by engine and killing the game, fined 20s. each. Ric. Hanson and Joseph Thorpp fined 10s. each for affray and blood-drawing. Ric. ffenix for affray and blood-drawing from Isaac Waterhouse, Timothy Thorpe, and Danl. Gibson 23s. 4d.; and Timothy Thorpp 3s. 4d., for ditto from Jeunetta wife of Ric. ffenix. Thos. Wood of Hipp, for not ringing his pigs 4s., and 20s. for harbouring a runaway three days and three nights. 1635. Jeremy Otes, Oxford University (Braz-Nose Coll.), being dead, Jas. Gates junr., of Whynnyroyd, Nm., his brother and heir, paid 22s. 7d. lieriot for lands formerly Thos. Whitley senr's., in Hipp, and Sowerby. Thos. Haldworth of Astay, gent., took lands in Hipp., in tenure of Saml. Bothomley, clothier. George Booth, clerk, and Robt. his son, clerk, and John Crowther, M.A., clerk, late vicar of Swillington, held lands in Nm. John Okel, vicar of Bradford, clerk, and Martha his wife, formerly wife of Ric. Batt of Spenn, gent., held lands in Nm. Wm. Hird broke Hipp, pinfold, fined 40d., and Nich. Batley, Timothy Gibson, Ric. Sunderland, Timothy Thorp, and Thos. Wood for affrays, 40d. to 10s. John Longley of Thornhillbrigge erected a cottage contra statute, fined £'10. John Wilkinson and Henry Pearson, 20d. each, for fishing with a shove net. 1636. John Roide suit, lands in Hipp, to his youngest child Wm., and Martha and Hester his daughters were to be guardians of their brother. Ric. Sunderland of Coley Hall, Esq., being dead, Abm. his son, of High Sunderland, paid 17s. ingress. Saml. Hoyle, senr., Hoyle House, SUIT. Soperhouse in the tenure of John Hodgson, and Brownhill crofte, 3rds., to Daniel H. of Hoyle House, his younger son. Saml. Watson of Rosedale, yeoman, surr. Horwithins, Nm., to his brother John W. of Scarbrough, yeoman. Joshua Brooke paid John Hanson, Woodhouse, gent. heriot for lands of his deceased brother Margaret, a daughter. Thomas, late Hanson's, -r Thos. Brooke, se nr. of Newhouse, Hudd. Robt. Asman (Aspinail) I _ I of Fixbv mentioned. Thomas B. junr. Joshua B. of Newhouse. Rob. Aspmall was con- s. and h. stable of Fixby next year. Brighouse View of Frankpledfie. Rich. Longbothome of Priestley, John Gleidhill, Lightclift'e, John Preston, Lightcliffe, Wm. Barwin, Halifax, Chas. Elliott, Hipp., John son of said Charles, fined 5s. each for making a way across the lands of Abm. Sunderland, Esq. 1637. Thos. Haldisworth of Astay, gent., surr. 4 closes in Hipp, and Nm. to John Lister of Overbrea. Saml. Nelson of Sinderhills, gent., and Mary his wife surr. lands in Nm. to Jas. Otes of Marsh, Nm., and Mary his wife. Wm. Royds of Hipp., and Beatrix his wife surr. 3 rods in Hipp., and the Hills, 2 acres, formerly Ralph Roides, tiiicle of John Roides, to Jas. Otes, junr., Whinnyroids. Alexr. "Patricke, Hipp., for not mending the footway at his house and cawsey end. Abm. Sunderhind of Sunderland surr. mess, at Preistley green, AND HIPPERHOLME. 183 in the tenure of John Appleyard, to Samuel Appleyard his son ; and Winteredge to Ric. Appleyard, another son. Arthur Elmsall for not filling up a colepit on Norwoodgrene, fined 20s., and Ric. Judson 5s. John Turner, Hipp., fined 8s. for not ringing four pigs. Edwd. s. Rob. Hanson of Rastrick surr. 2 closes in R., called Towneynge and Overthreenookedclose in the tenure of Sarah his mother, to Wm. Thorpe of Sleadsike, yeoman. 1G38. Nich. Smith of Bipp., yeoman, conveyd a plot (17 yds. by 15) and edifice in Hipp, to Sanil. Sunderland of Coley Hall, gent. Saml. Hoyle of Hoyle House being dead, Saml. his son paid 13s. 3d. lieriot for Bolleshawe (Nm.) and i bovate in Lightclifi'e. John Okell of Bradford, clerk, Nathl. Booth of Popeley, yeoman, John s. and h. Tobie and Judith Booth of Boothestown, surr. Boothestown to Rob. Hall. Brighouse V. Frankpledge, Court and Toiirn. Wm. Horton senr. gent, fined 39s. for diverting a watercourse at Houldroide (How- royd, BarkisLiud.) 1639. John, s. and h. Edw. Brearcliffe and Hester his wife, paid 7s. Gd. heriot for Nm. lands, his father being dead. John Whitley of Rooks took Sinderhills, in tenure of Judith Pannell. Michael Bentley of Siddallhall, yeoman, (formerly of Hipp.), his son Michael of Hipper- holme, yeoman, and the latter's son Michael, of Hipperholme, surr. Symcarr, Nm. to Elie Mawde of Warley, clothier. Michael s. Michael Slater of Hipp., and Jenet wife of Michael junr., dau. Rob. Rawnsley, surr. lands in tenures of Thos. Fielden and Michael Brodelay to Sarah wife of Thos. Richardson, dau. Michl. Slater, junr. Saml. Hoyle bemg dead, his widow Elizabeth, and Saml. the son, paid 5s. heriot for Brigroid, Rastrick. Thos. Rawson of Waddsworth, yeoman, and his sons Rob. and Wm., surr. Warlers and Allonroyds, in Lightclifte, in Rob. Hargreave's tenure, to Thos. Sugden of Lightclifte, yeoman ; and Clifi'ehili and Westheadley (Westheathley,) to Rob. Hargrtaves. 1040. A John Rookes resided at Halifax. Saml. Sunderland of Coley Hall, gent., and Nichs. Smith of Nm., formerly of Hipp., yeoman, and Mary his wife, surr. the plot (17 by 15 yds.) and edifice in tenure of John Scott, Hipp., to Henry Wadsworth of Ovenden and J. Dene of Denholme, yeomen. Rob. Hemingway, Mitholme, and John his s. and h., surr. Nm. lands in tenure of Nathan Siiarp to Jonas, younger son of sd. Rob. 104:1. Grace Deane of Slead Hall, spinster, d. of late John Deane of Blakehill, Nm., surr. the auncient Oldhouse at Blakchill, barn, threshingfloor called Overbarn, kc, to Rob. Bairstowe of Nm. Judith wid. John Booth M.A., clerk, being dead, John his s. and h. of Lee- brigge, Nm. paid heriot 4s. Plague. Mem. that respecting the inhabitants of the towns of Rastrick, Hipp'holm, fi'ekisby, Northou- ram. Shelf, Quevnby, Clifton, Dalton, Hartshead, Stainland and Barkisland, the jury at Halifax report that the pest or plague is very prevalent within Hipp'holme and Slielfe. There was no court held at Brighouse in consequence in Oct., but on April 20th, the usual I'/Vic of Fra)ikplcd(je, (,'oicrt and Turn were held, when the owners of lands 184 BRIGHOUSE, RASTRICK between the houses of John Thorp and John Whitley were forbidden to cut the hedges next the highway on pain of 40d. 1642. John Kershaw was Hipperhohne greave. Henry Hoile of Siglesthorne, clerk, surr. Nm. lands. Thos. Drake, rector of the par. church of Thornton-in-Craven, quit-claimed Highroyd, Nm., to Thos. Lister of Shibden Hall. Edward Emsall was constable of Shelf. 1643-4. EoUs missing. The battles of Atherton Moor and Marston Moor, and skirmishes at Bradford, Halifax, &c., may account for their omission or loss. CJ^ >^ Touch Gun. 1645. Oct. 14. Frankplahic ehembvis 1247." These Arabic figures shew that the stone is not very ancient, but long centuries back Drayton sang of the Calder that — ■ " She in her course on Kn-kley cast her eye, Where merry Robin Hood, that honest thief, doth lie;" and Braithwaite, in his Strappado for the Divell, 1G15, speaks of the valorous George a Green, Pinder of Wakefield, thus — " How stoutly he behav'd himselfe and woulde In spite of Robin bring bis horse to th' fold. His many Maj^games, which were to be scene Yeerely presented upon Wakefield greene. Where lovely Jugge and lusty Tib would go To see Tom Lively twine upon the toe ; Hob, Lob, and Crowde the fiddler would be there, And many more I will not speak of here." We have often referred to the pinders, especially to the family that got that name from their office at Hipperholme, and the following lines from the ballad of George a Green will illustrate the character needed for that office. The ballad was printed before 1556. " In Wakefield there lives a jolly pinder. In Wakefield all on a Green, There is neither knight nor squire, said the pinder Nor baron that is so bold Dare make a trespas to the town of Wakefield But his pledge goes to the pinfold." The house near the stream, known as the gatehouse, is the only perfect relic of the priory remaining. The east and west gables are built of timber. From the survey made at the Dissolution we learn that there were very few glazed windows in the Nunnery. Some of the old oak was probably used in the present Hall which was built on higher ground shortly after the Armytage family purchased the estate. Visitors will be pleased to see two old coaches in the coach-house. These are about 200 years old, and the iron rims instead of being complete circles are fixed around the wheels in sections. The carriages were adapted for fording, rivers. At the marriage celebration of the Prince of Wales, 1803, they formed a special feature of the Brighouse procession. The coachmen and others were dressed in imitation of AND HIPPERHOLIIE. 205^^ mm- Robin Hood and his men. " The Three Nuns " hostehy reminds the Wakefield road traveller of his proximity to the ancient Nunnery, whilst the Dumb ^ Steeple, near Cooper Bridge at the junction of the liud- dersfield road, probably means "Doomed Steeple," indicat- ing that a doomed person reaching this point was safe. These places of sanctuary, like the Cities of Refuge in Bible history, were a public benefit in lawless times, but the civil authorities stamped them out as much as possible, and in 1548 they were totally abolished. I ventured this explanation of the name "Dumb" some years ago, and a local writer has since accepted it as correct, but it is not proven. At the begin- ning of this century the Steeple was the scene of midnight rendezvous for the Luddites. Returning to Brighouse along the Wakefield and Elland Turnpike Road, one of the old holy wells is passed, now written Alegar, possibly Holycarr well. It is generally pronounced ' Elliker.' This well used to be a very popular place of resort for young people on Palm Sunday mornings, when bottles of spanish-juice water were as numerous as the visitors. Nor must we forget that half-mythical person the Hal or Fool of Ivirklees. Kings we know kept Fools, and our county-man Wallet prided himself on being the Queen's Jester. The Rawsons of Brad- ford benevolently kept a half-witted hal, and Johnny Worrall of Halifax was another. Our portrait has been passed down as that of Johnny Worrall, and Mr. Ecroyd Smith (brother of two Brighouse "Friends," now removed southwards,) affirms that it is wrongly ascribed to Hal Pierson of Ivirklees, except that they were much alike in appearance as well as in office. Hal Pierson seems to have lived at Ivirklees Hall about 1730, but his memory is still kept alive when any fool is described as "Warr ner t'Al o' Kurklas Ole," which being interpreted means, " Worse than the Hal of Ivirklees Hall." For record of his tricks and sayings the reader may turn to Vol. I. of my Yorkshire Folk-Lore. A visit to quaint old Hartshead Church we reluctantly pass by, and can but glance at Hiley, or Hilileighe, or Cross Ilall, otherwise Clifton Dumb Steeple. 206 BRIGHOUSE, RASTRICK Hall, the home of Percys, Stansfields, Saviles, Armytages, Hilileiglis, in former days when its beauty had not faded away. Slight traces of its internal adornments in stained glass and plaster have remained to recent times. Hal of Kirklees. This portrait was evidently drawn by WilHams, the Halifax artist of last century, and probably taken from life, so that Johnny Worrall was likely to be the subject, rather than his friend at Kirklees. - AND HIPPERHOLME. 207 But wc cannot leave Kirklees withont recordinfr tlic barest outline pedigree of the family that has been so closely identilied with it and Brighouse for three centuries. Wni. Armytage =f= Katherine d. Henry Beaumont, Esq., Crossland. John, Farnley Tyas, =p Elizabeth Kaye, Lockwood. John, d, 1024. John,HighSheriff,d.lG50. Edward, of Barnsley-i-Elizth d.Ed.Hanson I John, ofBarnslev,d. 1664. Francis, 1st Bart. Elizth. = Sir John Savile. =--(1) Mary, d. Matthew Whitley, Shelf. =^(2) Elizbth. d. John I Dransfi eld, E Hand. George, d. 1709. Sir John, b. atHartshead, 1629, Francis, b. High Sheriff, died 1676-7. | 1631. =j=Margaret,d.Thos.Thornhill, Sir Thomas, Samuel, bap. at Barnsley, I Esq., of Fixby. b. 1673, became created Baronet 1738, T\T\ ' Bart.inl736,d SirThoma8,b.l652,d.l694. | s. p. 1737. having succeeded to Sir John, b. 1653, d. 1732. Nine other Sir George, b. 1660; d.l736. children; the Madame Beatrice, b. 1664, sons leaving d. 1686-7. This young lady no issue, kindly remembered the poor of Hartshead- cum -Clifton, and to this day, a certain number resort to the Hall on St. Thomas' day, where, on presenting two fresh eggs, they each receive a quantity of wheat for frumenty and 6d. or Is., as needs be. Kirklees estate, d. 1747. =Ann Griffiths, bur. at Hartshead, Nov. 27, 1738. Sir John slain in France, 1758, aged 27. Sir George, = High Sheriff, 1775, bur. at Hartshead, Jan. 29, 1783. Sir George, b. 1761= bur. at Hartshead, July 21, 1836. =Anna Maria d. Godfrey Went worth, Esq. -Mary, d. 0. Bowles, Esq. John, d. 1836, May 31. ^Mary, d. W'. Assheton, Esq. Sir George, born Aug. 3, 1819. Capt. Godfrey, =j=Eliza Matilda Mary, d. Sir Joseph Hadclifle, Bart. Sec. George J., F.S.A., Chairman of L. i^ Y. Kail. Co. 208 BRIGHOUSE, RASTRICK Having had a long spell at Wakefield Manor Rolls where I had the field quite to myself, but which will undoubtedly become the favourite exploring ground to future genealogists and antiquaries, I tried the wills at York by Mr. Fairless Barber's suggestion, as no one had searched them for the West Eiding, except Dr. Sykes, and Genl. Plantagenet Harrison had spent some time amongst them, and Canon Raine had especially ploughed the field for the county families. Four volumes of Wills of chief families had been published by the Surtees Society, and since I finished my Bradford and Halifax extracts the Yorkshire Archaeological Association has been induced to print the Index to the Wills. As the MS. index was far from perfect, from the first wills of 1389 to 1508 I copied from the books in which they are entered, each book being fan-ly a load for a wheelbarrow. From 1508, except 1514-1530 where the index was uncertain, I followed the index. Before 1490 the wills are mostly in Latin, and all bear traces of having been written by the priests. 1398. W'm. Bower, Halifax parish, administration granted. 1400. Henry Boye, Halifax parish, administration of goods granted. 1402, Oct. 5. Will proved of John del Burgh, Midgley, Halifax parish. In the name of God, Amen ; he ordered his body to be buried in Halifax church ; gave to the vicar his best beast and 40s., to the fabric 6s. 8d., for oblations at his funeral, Cs. 8d. To Thos. Burgh 33s. 4d. To John s. said Thos. 13s. 4d. To John Bothom 3s. 4d. ; IMargote de Bothom, 12d.; Wm. Otes, junr. 40d.; to celebrate mass for him 21 marks ; for a window to be made in the chancel 10 marks ; repairing the Library 10 marks : to the three chaplains 10s. To John Hudson 40d., Matilda Colyor 12d., Margaret Sprent 12d., John de Wroo 40d., Eva del Waddesworth 12d., Ralph of Halifax 12d., John de Berstawe 40d., John de Miggelay 40d., John de Kent 12d. To the House (Nunnery) of Kyrkleghes 13s. 4d. To the children of John de Lyndsay 5 marks, of Diote Drake 7 marks, Hemy Gibson 6s. 8d., Alice de Brerelay and her sister 6s. 8d. Five marks for funeral expenses, 5 marks for the poor. To John Wyld's wife 3s. 4d. Rob. Carter and wdfe 12d. To Diote Drake, a cow, a patella, a coverlet. John de Lyndsey a cow. John Tumor's wife a cow. Hen. Batte's wife a cow. John Sladen's children, a cow. Wm. Dikson and John Dobson a cow. Ric. Thomas, senr., a cow. R. T. jun., a cow. John de Miggeley and Ric. his brother a cow. Rob. Wydhop wife a cow, &c. John and Wm. sons of Thos. Milner, two bullocks, John Milner senr., two oxen, John his son two oxen, Alice Ellisson wife two oxen, Janyn de Sowerby's son two oxen. Ric. de Miggeley aforesaid two oxen and 13s. 4d. Thos. Cappe one ox. He gives Isabella his wife 20 marks if she remain unwedded ; otherwise the executors are to bestow it for good of his soul. To Johna, an unmarried daughter, 2 marks if she marry according to the Executor's wishes. Bequests to- AND HIPPERHOLME. 209 Margaret his tlaugliter, and John liis son. lioliert de Prestlay and Margaret liis -svife, and Thos. brother of Margaret were closely related to him. Written July 12, 1402. John Kyng, vicar of Halifax, Thomas de Burgh, brother of testator, and Ric. de Miggelay were executors. 1402, March 14. Administration granted to Isabel widow of Henry Godlay, Halifax parish, and to Tliomas his brother. 1402, Nov. 21. Gilbert Otes, Halifax, Wm. Otes executor. 14G3, March 20, proved Uay following. Will of Wm. Haldesworth, senr., of Halifax parish ; orders that his body be buried in Halifax church, and gives rents from Northouram lands to support the chapel of Blessed Virgin Mary. Mentions Johanna his wife, Ric. his son. Witnesses, John Brodelegh, chaplain, Rob. Egleslay (Exley), etc. 1499. Henry Kent of Wakefield took out administration of goods of Sir John Kent, vicar of Bristall. 1438. In dei nomine, amen, John Kynge, vicar of Halifax, May 14, 1438, gave his soul to the blessed Virgin Mary, and his body to be buried in John the Baptist church, Halifax. Bequeathed his best animal as mortuary gift. To Halifax church a book called ' pnpilla.' Rob. Singleton, chaplain. This was the Hawking or Sportsman Vicar. 1459, 22 Aug. Administration to all the goods of John Rishworth of Coley, who died intestate, granted to John and Jas. his sons, and to Ric. Rokes. 1432. John Smyth of Bradford-dale, directed that his body be buried in Bradford churchyard; mentions Alice his wife, Wm. his son. Dated at Manyngham April 10th, proved May 7th. 1474, June 7. Written April 5th. .John Lacy of Cromwellbotham, to be buried in Halifax church ; gave to the vicar the best animal ; 6s. 8d. for two torches to burn at the wake, 2s. for candles at his burial. To Rothwell church Os. 8d., Methley church Gs. 8d., to priest at Elland 8s. &c. To Elizbth fHyntill 10 marks towards her marriage. Also to Jane d. Gilbt. Lacy 10 marks. John s. Ric. Lacy 40s. Geo. Kay 40s. Geo. Lacy 40s. John Rysshworth's sons and daughters, 40s. Brian Thornhill and his wife 40s. John Thornhill their son 40s. Granted an annual sum for a priest to celebrate for him, his Avife, &c., in Halifax church. His son Richard, Gilbert Lacy, Persevall Amyas and John Rysshworth were executors. Witnesses, Rob. Ecclesay, Rob. Peke, Sir Thos. Oglethorp. 1470, Dec. 1. Ric. Bemond of Whitlay, mentions his sons Tliomas, Ric, Wm., Robt., Christopher, and daughter Elizabeth. 14G5. John Suthclyff, and 14G7 Thos. Suthclyff" died, both bur. at Heptonstall, St. Thos. of Canterbury church. The latter mentions his wife Johna, and sons Ric. and John. 1475. Administration to the goods of John Rissheworth of Hyp- pron, who died intestate, granted to Christr. R. March 4tli. 1473. Will dated 1471 of Thos. 13attcs, Halifax parish ; gifts to several churches. Mentions his wife Johan, brother Robt., sons Robt. and John, wdiom with Wm. Otes of Shepeden he made executors. N 210 BRIGHOUSE, RASTRICK 1473. Will dated Dec. 20, proved Jan. 20, next month, of Eic. Northend of Halifax parish, senior. Gave his body to Halifax church- yard, his soul to Almighty God, the Blessed Mary his mother, and All Saints. To Halifax vicar his best animal as mortuary. To the friars of St. Robt., Knaresbro' 4d., the minor friars Doncaster 4d., friars of St. D. de Toftes, York, 4d. To John Fox, clerk, 12d. Eic. Eode, clerk, 12d. Henry Greenall 12d. Wm. Presteley a russet cloak, Wm. Sharpp a green coloured cloak ; Alice Wood a cow ; Wm. Brodelee Gs. 8d. Eest to John the son, and executor. Witnesses — John Brestallw, John Lister and others. 147G. Henry Smyth, Manyngham. Eic. Gibson of Halifax parish was an executor. His children were — Persevall, Wm., George, Alice, Elizabeth. 1481. John Hawme of Eland directed that his body should be buried at Eland chapel. To John Prestlay his servant (famula) £4 : rest to John Hawme, monk, his son. Witness, Eobt. Gleydill, capellanus. 1477. Thos. Wilkinson, vicar of Halifax. Gifts to John W. of Eland, &c. Witnesses, John Sayvill of Sowtherom, gent., Edw. Lacy, John Barcstowe. 1481. Eob. Waterhouse, Halifax, gave Thomas Horsfall a cloak, 12d. for a little bell at Halifax church. Johan his wife, John his son. 1402. John de Thornhill, rector of Thornhill, Will proved Sep. 5. 1476, March 12. Administration granted to Elizabeth widow of John Thornhill of fekysby, defunct. 1486. John Wolewrowe (see Hanson or Colier in the Eolls,) of Ivirklethes, Will dated March 10th, proved 22nd. To be buried in the chapel at Herteshede. Gave 8d. for a mass at the chapel. To Cecilia Hyk, prioress of Kirldethes, 10s., the sisters there 40d., Cissota his sister 12d., for a little bell at K. 20d. Witnesses, Rob., Kepas, capell., George Eaner, capell. de Herteshede. 1492. Eichard Symmes, of Barnsley. Will proved Oct. 5. Mr. Eic. Symmes, vicar of Halifax, Gerard Lacy, executors ; John Savile, knt., supervisor. 1492. Proved Oct. 6. Will of Gilbert Lacy of Halifax parish, desires to be buried at Halifax church. Johan his wife ; Arthur his son. Witnesses, Brian Ballive, Wm. Eedis, chaplains. 1494. Will written June 20 ; proved June 21, 1495. John Wilby, Halifax parish, compos mentis and sane memorie gave his soul to God, Blessed Mary and All Saints, body to be buried in the south of the church of St. John Baptist at Halifax. The best animal to Mr, Eic. Symmes, vicar, for mortuary. To Jas. Norclytf, gent., 26s. 8d. Mentions Johan his wife, John Wilby his bastard son. Thos. Gleyd- hill, chaplain, and Thos. Wilby his cousin executors. Witnesses, Wm. Eookes, John Stancliff, John Jepson, &c. 1496, Dec. 5. Admin, goods of Mr. Eic. Symmes, vicar of Halifax, to Wm. Symmes, Barnsley. The last named died Oct. 1501 ; Will proved Nov. 3rd. AND HIPPERHOLME. 211 1504, Aug. 12. Will proved of John Bonny, Hartsliead. Buried at Hartsliead. Son Christr., Rob. Auly, chaplain, and Thos. Bonny, executors. 1504. Robt. Otes, held cowroides near Gledeclif, Agnes his wife, Wm., Robt., Margaret, children. John and George, his brothers. Rob. Savile was one of the executors. 1507. ^Yritten Sep. 10, proved Oct. 30. John Mitchell, to be buried in Halifax churchyard. Agnes his wife, Rob., John, Jas., Richd., sons. Executors were Thos. Gleydhill, clerk, and ^Vru. Mychell. Witnesses, Gilbt. Cley, chaplam, Ric. Gleydhill, Wm. Wilkinson. " Proved before lue Thos. Jenkynson, curate of Halifax." Jenkynson was afterwards vicar of Ilkley. 1507. Written Aug. 18, proved Oct 28. John Walker, Soutb- worme (Southowram). To John Lacy, Esq., 46s. 8d. Witnesses, Edw. Kent. John Hanson. 1508. Dec. 15. Admin, goods. Rich. Fletcher of Brighouse, to Agnes his wife and to John Perescy of Hertshead. 1512, March 20. Will written of Alex. Fyrth. To be buried at Eland. Wife Isabel ; sons Arthur, Wm., Umfry, John. Wills of Percival Firth, Eland parish, 1438, and Xich. F., Halifax parish, 1494 had been proved. 1509. Written Aug. 20, proved Dec. 14. Will of John Hanson, Sotherne (Southowram). Best beast to the vicar. Thomas his sou two shoppes in Halifax. Ric, Rob., Geo., Edmd., Gilbt., Edward, his sons 40d. each, Richard to have the new milne. Sir Thos. Jenkyn- son, vicar of Ilkley, and Sir Thos. Gledehill, vicar of Connesburgh, Brian Otes and Edw. Kent, supervisors. Witnesses, Sir Thos. Jenkynson, John Milner, John Saltonstall, Ric. Hall, Christr. Water- house. 1513. John Hanson, elder, Elland parish {i.e. Rastrick). Mortuary gift as usual. To the bridge of Brighouse three trees, value 5s. To Elland church 4s. Executors, Kathrine his wife, John his son, and Thos. Baymont, Witnesses, John Bothomley, chaplain, (probably at Rastrick chapel), Hem-y flecher, Jas. Rawnsley, Jas. Hirst, Ric. Hanson. 1513. Richard Haldeworth made his wife Elizabeth, and John Waterhouse, executors. John Risshworth, Esq. was a witness. Wm. Haldesworth's will proved in 14G8. 1509. Nicholas Bentlay, Hypperome, will proved April 26. Sir Wm. Bentlay, vicar of Hodersfeld, died 1466, without will. 1508. Edw. Best, Shipden died intestate ; Isabel his widow, 1515. John Boothes, Halifax parish. Gilbt. and Christr. sons. 1517. Ric. Fayrbank. Body to be buried at Heptonstall kirkyerde. Horse for mortuary gift. 40d. to his ffader at Kendall. 40d. to Sir Wm. Fairebank prest. to say a trentall of masses for his soull, and for another to be said at a ehappel in " Kendall as I was borne, 5s." Alice his daughter, "and the chylde wh. Alys my wife gotlie now great with iff itt please God to sende it to lyve." Witnesses, Wm. Farebank, prest, Henry Ferrer, Edwd. Fairebank, junr. 212 BRIGHOUSE, RASTRICK 1517. Thos. Prestley, to be buried at Ellaud chapel. Margt. wife; John, Ellen, Margaret, children. 1536. Wm. P., bur. at Elland. 1517. Agnes wid. Robt. Brodeley ; bequests to Thomas, Johan, Grace, Agnes their children. John Kent, Bradford, Edw. Kent, senr., and Thos. Brodeley, supervisors. Witnesses, John Barstow, chaplain, Eic. Eckylsley, Edw. Kent. 1518. Gilbt. Saltonstall, Shelffe, mentions his brother Edwd., and sons Edward, Ric. and Wm. Witnesses, Sir Wm. Alt, prest, Johii Saltonstall, Ric. Haldworth. 1518. John s. John Haldesworth gave his soul to God, our Lady, and All Saints in heaven. To Margaret wife of Rob. Boye, 3 cou'letts, a blanket, 2 sheytts, a bedstok. To mending the ways about Halifax 40s. Ric. his brother, and many others, kindly remembered. 1518. Wm. Rooks (of Royds Hall) gave his soul "to God Almighty, our blessed Lady his moder and to all the holy company of hevyn, and my body to be buried in Bradford church ; " gave the best beast after the custom of the country as a mortuary. To the high altar for tithes forgotten 20d. To Kirkwork of Bradford 6s. 8d. To chappel of (Cleck) Heton 7s. To Jennet Wylkynson his sister 9s. or a cowe. To Thos. Rooks, 13s. 4d., Gilberde Rooks 13s. 4d., Agnes Rooks 13s. 4d. His wife Anne, executrix. Sir John Tempest, Sir Thos. Strey, John Milner, Sir Thos. Eccope, preist, feofees for 8 years of lands in Shelf, &c. Witnesses, Ric. Rooks, Ric. AValker. 1521. Sep, 23., proved Dec. 3. John Turner, Brighouse, compos mentis, and sane memory, gave his soul to God Almighty, the Blessed Mary Virgin and All Saints, and his body to be buried in Elland churchyard. To the vicar of Elland he gave his best animal for mortuary. To the use of the said church 8s. Rest to Isabel his wife, and Wm. Beamont, executors. Witnesses. John Brokkysbank, curate, (of Rastriek, probably), Henry Flecher, John Wilton. 1521. John Brodle[y], mentions Alice his wife, John son, Jenet daughter. 1520. Rob. Deyne, mentions Agnes his wife, Wm. and Ric. sons. 1521. Jas. Symson appointed Jenet his wife, and Mr. Wm. Palden, maister of the Hospitall of Saynt John in Couventre, executors. Witnesses, John Waterhouse, Brian Otys, Henry Ferror. 1521. Alice Shepley, Hertshead, to be buried at St. Peter's, Herteshead. Her best whike goods (wick) for mortuary. John her son to be executor. Ric. her son to have 26s. 8d. at lawful age, and Edward, her son, 33s. 4d. Witnesses, Sir Robt. Aulay (the priest), Rob. Hanson, Laurence Hirst. 1523. Ric. Wilton, to be buried at Halifax ; Johan his wife. Witnesses, John Mawde, W. Birton. 1526. Ric. Ambler gave 6s. 8d. to buy a book for Halifax church. Left Ambler Thorn to Alice his wife, Nich. and Robt. his brothers. Witnesses, Mr. Doctor Haldesworth, vicar. Sir John Birkhed parish priest. Sir Ric. Wilson, John Cockroft, Wm. and Rob. Ambler. Proved before Sir John Helewell, chaplain, Eland. AND HIPPERHOLME. 213 - 152G. John Hemyngway gave to Elene, wife of his son Ric. a close called Joneridynge ; to John Hemyngway 4 stones of wool. Executor, his son James. 1520. John Mylner gave 5s. to hyeing a masse buke to oure ladye altar in Halifax church. To Elizabeth Smith, his wife's daughter, a eowe. To John Smith, a pair of Walker Shires, 5 yards of blu clothe, and a cowe. John Wilkinson a blake calf. Wm. s. Rob. Milner to have rest of lease of Stoneroide mylne at 40d. yearly to Wm. s. Wra. Rayner, and give lOd. to Saint Antony light. Wm. his brother to have his Kendall Jaket. Gilbert Milner to have his Jake, Thos. Milner his salett and a paire of white hoise. Isabel his sister to have 40d. 1528. John Hemingway of Bray (Brca) forgave to his eldest son £4 6s. 8d. which the son owed him, and gave him 13 white carsies. To John Wis or Whys to remember me and pray for my sail, 40d. To Sir John Hemingway, and to Geo., his sons, £10 each. To Alice his daughter aiid her husband Edwd. Farebank a cowe, plough and yoke. To Jenet his daughter and her husband John Horton, a horse. Rest to Ric. his son. [It will be noticed that many of the yeomanry trained up a son to become priest.] 1529. John Thornhill, ftixby, to be buried at Eland, Sir Julm Brokesbank, chaplain, a witness, and most probably he wrote the will, 1529. Brian Otes, elder, gave rents to Kirkwardens of Halifax Gs. 8d. yearly, for mending the hyeway between Halifax and Shibden broke. To Sir Gilbt. Clay and Sir John Brodlee preists, bequests. Also Os. 8d. for a dirge in Halifax Church annually. To Alice widow of his uncle Clias. Otes, a blake gown. Elizth. his wife was executor. Witnesses, John Pek of Wakefeild, Esq., Sir Thos. Gledehill, Sir Rob. Skelton, Sir John Helewell, Sir Wm. Otes, preists. 1531. John Hirst of Gledholt mentions Edwd. and Thos. sons. Witnesses, Sir Peter Langfella, vicar of Huddersfeild, John Armitage of bridge, 1533. Thos. Northend, seke in bodie, hoole of mynd, directed the ' burial of his body to be in the middle Allay in Halifax Church, before the crucifix of our Lord. To the clnipell of Coi.dlev, 20d. to bo putt to the most neddis thereof. To the freres at Thikhill (Tickhill) lOs., ftreres of Doncaster 10s., for xxx messes (masses) each. To Ric. his eldest son £3 Os. 8d. To Agnes wife of Rob. Vicars, a stone of wooll worth 5s. Isabel his wife, John his son, executors; rest equally to his children, Rob., Christr., Johan, Margaret, when of lawful age. 1533. John Bothomley, to be buried at Eland; Ehzabeth wife; John, Jenett, Marion, children. Sir John Brook, priest, a witness. 1533. Ric. Whitley mentions John his brother, Elizth. and Isabel daughters. Margaret his wife, executrix. Proved before Sir John Helewell, Eland. 1535. John Haldesworth of Astey gave his sail to God Almighty, to his blessed moder and virgin our ladie Sancte Marie, and all holie 214 BRIGHOrSE, KASTRICK saintes in lievyn ; his body to Halifax Church. To Sir Christr. Hald- esworth his son 20s. Wm. Brooke of Hipperon his son in law 20s. Ric, Gilbt., Wm., sons, executors. Witnesses, Edwd. Kent, John alias Jenkyn Mawde. 1534:. Ric. Rokes of Rodshall. Body to SS, Peter and Paule church at Bradford. My curate to pray for me after thacte of Parlia- ment, 40d. (*i;c. &c. To Heton chapell -lOd. To Colay chapell 40d. Rest, after benefactions to several priests, to Wilham his son. Proved Sep. 13, 1535. 1530. Proved May 15. Wilham Blakburne's will. Appointed John Smythe of Lyghtclyf, and John Roode of Hypperon supervisors. Witnesses, Sir Wm. Saltonstall and Sir Edwd. Hoppay, priests. To the priests serving in the chapell called Estfelde Chapell (that is, Lightcliffe,) 4s. per annum for twenty years from Bothum Ynge. Mentions his wife Jenet, and children Jas., Edwd., Wm., Sibel and Ann ; and his brothers and sisters, Thos., Leonard, Alice, Margaret. 1536. Rob. Auley, desired to be buried at Hartshead, gave 6s. 8d. to churchwork ; 20s. to prioress and convent of Kirkleghes, requesting them to pray for his soul. To Ellen his sister a black gowne ; sister Agnes a marble gown ; Elizabeth a black gown ; Ric. Auley his godson ten sheipe ; Maistress Stansfeld a mare, a fillie, stagg, eight sheep, a violet gowne, paire of linnen sheites, two pillows, two stone of woule, a swarm of bees, and 203. in money. To Sir John Trenchmyre a pair of cloth hoise. Sir John Richardson ditto. Rest to his brother John, and John's son, Gilbert. Witnesses, Ric. Rayner, Rauf Blackburn, Laur. Hyrste. Sir Robert had been priest at Hartshead. 1537. Edwd. Saltonstall mentions his sons Ric, Edwd., Wm., and daughter Alice, wife of Henry Hoole. 1537. Ric. Best mentions Johan his wife, and Isabel daughter. Witnesses, Sir Alexr. Emote (see "History of Haworth,") and Sir Wm. Saltonstall, priests, and John Palden. 1537. John Holeroyde desired to be buried at Eland. Wm., Gilbt., Margaret, children. Witness, Sir John Brokesbank, preiste. Proved before Sir John Helewell, capellanus, Eland. 1538. Wm. Holmes, glover, written 27 July, proved Sep. 26, ffurst and principally I com'end my soull unto Christ Jhu my maker and redemer in whom and by the merits of whois blissed passion is all my hooll trust of clene remission of all my synnes, and my body to be buried in Halifax Churchyard. This is one of the first wills written in Protestant formula, and remnids us of that great event The Reformation. To his sister Sebell Holmes, Sedbar, 13s. 4d. Sebel d. Ric. Brighous of Hypron 40s., said Robert 40s., Ric. Brighous, Hypron, 40s. now in the hands of John Edylstones of Hypron. To Rob. Walker, Ovenden, my violett gown. To Sir Alex. Emott, preist, one yrone chymney- now in the hands of Wm. Brodley by the water. To said Ric. Brighous one Rowme in the 20th stall upon the sowthe •Chimneys were movable commodities theu ; probably poor cottages were without them. AND IIIPPERHOLJIE. 215 sid of the middle Alley of Halifax Clnircli. Bequest to Margaret d. Win. Nicoll of Southowm. Eest to Jenet his wife. Witnesses, Rob. Brighouse, Wni. Kinge, John Palden, Rob. Walker. 1539. May 12, proved June 8. Henry Sharpe, N'ourum, gave his .soull to God Almighty, Blessed Ladie I\Iary, and Holie company of Hevyn. To Jas. his son a longesettill and a great arke (chest). To Wm. and Agnes children of John Sharp two ewes. To his daughter, Wm. Cryer's wife, a whie ; rest to Agnes his wife. Sir Alex. Emmote, curate of Halifax (formerly of Haworth), acted as surrogate for a large district, as Helewell of Eland had done before. 1540. June 30, proved Aug. 3. Wm. Brooke, Hyperon, gave his soul to God, Virgin Mary and jMI Saints, his body to have Christen burial in Halifax Churchyard. To his son Charles two bowes, a sword and a buckler. Rob. Otes his son-in-law, a coav and two calves. Geo. Ferneley, son-in-law, a bed value 13s. Id. Agnes his wife to have her thirds. Rest to their 'childer,' Charles, Umfray, Ric, Jennet, Eliza- beth, Agnes, equally. 1540. Ric. Bowtroide of Raystrike, pshe of Elande, soul in Catholic formula, body to be buried at Eland. Mentions Jenet his wife; children, Jas., Thos., Nicholas, Robt., Ehzbth., Agnes. "Sir Thos. Ovington my gostlie father,- Mr. John Langton, Hugh Scolfelde clerke of the [Rastrick] Belfray Church," witnesses. 1541. Robert Hemingway mentions his wife Margaret, son John, daughter Margaret. Supervisors — John H., his father, and Wm. Haldesworth, his father-in-law. Witnesses, John Hemingway, of Breay, Thos. Waddington. 1541. John Smith of Lightcliffe mentions Jennet, wife; Wm., Rob., John, sons ; Jennet, dr. 1542. Wm. Sonderland, Nm. ; Alice his wife ; Ric, Rob., sons ; Alice, dr. 1542. Jan. 9, written Nov. IG, 1542. (The year ended in March then and long afterwards.) John Smyth of Lightclill", sole and un- married, of holl mynde, prfitt remembrance notwithstandingc the vexac'on of seknes do ordan and make my last will, giving my soul to Almighty God, bodie to the psh church yerde at Halifax. To Halifax Church Gs. 8d. Also I bequith to the nedes or repac'on of Estkklde Chapell Os. 8d. To Sibell my basterde doughter £G IBs. 4d., Wm. bastarde sone 20s. Nich. Cook one of my lether cottes ; John Kahyne one whitte cotte, John fibrnes one whitt coite, Anne Kahyne one whitt cote, Thos. Coke my blake jackett without sieves, and my blake hatt. To evry childe to the whome I am godfather 4d. Thos. Smyth my sone and here all my meases, lands, tents, in township of Hipperome; all my waynes, carts, wheles, yokes, ploughs, harros, S^c. and all tymber cutt or uncutt. To Jolm Smytli my yonger sone, all lands itc. in Darbieshire for ever if the Kings Gracie Maiestie statuts will suffer the same. The said John Smyth to be my sole executor, with rever- sion of all my goods. On the day of my l)uriall to all neighbours and indigent poor resorting and comyiig to tlie same fy ve poundes sterling. •Evidently curate of Rastricl;. 21G BKIGHOUSE, RASTRICK I ordain and make my trustie frendes Richarde Roks of Idill and Eobert Smyth my brother supervisors, and assign to them governance of said John Smyth my son and his goods during nonage, and give them 40d. each. Thes witnesses John Hemyngwaye, Ric. Chf, Sir Jasper Hanson (priest at LightcHffe), Wm. GoodhalL Proved before Alex. Emmott, Hahfax. 1587, Jan. 3. Ric. Sunderlande of Hye Sonderland, gifts to sons Gilbert, AVilliam, Brian. Proved Jan. 10, loi3, before Sir Alex. Emmott. 1544, May 2. Will proved of Richard Birkhede, giving his " soull to God, verelie belevinge myself to be one of the chosen nombre that shal be saved thrughe Christe." Elizabeth his wife, and towe eldest sonnes Richarde and Martyne to have lands at Crofton, three younger sons Thos., John and Robt., the lands in Halifax parish, provisions for his daughters Anne, Sibell, Elizabeth, Isabell and Margaret. Over- seers — Thomas Sauyell of Clifton, Mr. Ric. Pymonde of Wakefield, Rob. Waterhouse, Halifax, Wm. Kvnge, and John Best, preist, writer hereof. Witnesses — Sir Wm. Saltonstall, priest, &c. 1545, June 20, proved July 30. Christofer Barocloughe of Hip- erome, gave his soull to God Almightie, trustinge of clene remission of my synnes throughe the merits of Christs passion, and my bodie to be buried in the churche yerde at Halifax. To Umfraye my sone, my violette jackett, my graye jackett and lether dublett, in full contenta- con of his childes parte. Residue of all my goodes my detts paid, I give and beqth vnto John, Isabell and Agnes, children. Ric. Roks of Ydill and .James Wodhede, supervisors. Witnesses, John Baroclough, Jas. Knolls, Thos. Bowlaiule, John Wodhed, Edwd. Dobson. Proved before Sir Alex. Emmote, curate, Halifax. 1545. John Palden, Halifax parish, made his brother Sir Ric. P., and John Milner of Pudsey supervisors of his will. Witnesses, Sir Wm. Saltonstall, Ric. Milner. 154G, Nov. 23, proved March 1, next, Brian Stanclif of Lightclif, seke in bodie notwithstanding boll of mynde and prfitte memorie loved be god, do ordan Sec. soull to Almighty God, his mother our ladie sancte marie and to all the holie company of heaven, my bodie to be buried in chyd. of St. John Bapt. Halifax, and to the vicar there I give my mortuarie accordinge to the Kings gracie is acts. Grace my dau. boll executrix, and give her all goods, cattails and detts in whose hands so ever except one third to my wife Isabell after the lawdable custome of Englande. Witnesses, Nicholas Brodley, Edmunde Fare- banke thelder, E. F. yonger, with others. 1546. Thos. Wodhead, Eland parish. Sir Ric. Northend preist, witness. 1547. Proved May 5. John Homes, Norwodgrene, prishinge of Ilallifaxe, soull to God Almighty, St. Mary and All Saints in Hevyn, body to Halifax Church. To Halifax Church repairs 40d. To brother Ric. £0 13s. 4d. Ric. s. Raynold Hargreaves £3. Ellen his sister £2. Ric. Hargreaves my brother-in-law 13s. 4d. Jas., Alice, Elizbth., AND HIPPERHOLME. 217 children of said Ric. Gs. 8d. To Ric. Bene £G 13s. 4d. To my sister Jennet Os. 8d. Sister Elizabeth 88s. 4d., Margt. Beu'laye (Beverley) £3 Gs. 8d. To John Whitacres and Jennet his sister £2. Wni. Riley Gs. 8d. Sibell Hogge, Gs. 8d. To the Estfelde Cuapell 8s. to be "■- ^^^P^KKSIsai^ ; --..Ifft LiGiiTCLiFFE Old Chuisch ; built on the site of Eastfield Cliapel. one stok there. To brother AYm. £2. To the higluvaie mendinge betwixte Kirkbie lone iieade and plaice brige 18s. 4d. To Christr. Brodley's wife Gs. 8d. To Sir Jasper Hanson 40d. and to his mother 40d. To everyone of my god children 4d. John Wighall's Avife of Yate 40d. John Crosley of Bmgley Gs. 8d. George Myars Gs. 8d. Agnes my wel beloved wife the residue and one lease of Rokis Hall for terme of yeres that be not spent. Agnes my wife sooll executrix. John Broke my father-in-lawe, Wm. Beamonde, James Waterhouse and Henry Kent supervisors to see that noe man do her no wronge. Thes witnes Sir Jasper Hanson, Jas. AVoodhede, Edwd. Dobson, Ric. Waterhouse, Robt. Beame, Wm. Riley. Probate by Sir Jasper Hanson curate there. 1549. Jas. Otes gave to Elizth. his wife, Jas. his son and heir, and Isabel dau., lands &c., langsettle, bedstocks. Witnesses, Sir Ric. Northende, preist, Ric. Brighouse, Brian and Ric. Otes. 1549, Feb. 10, written Dec. 24. Johana Thorpe of Lightclif, widdo, soul to Jesu Christe my maker and redemer in whome and by the merites of whose blessed passion is all my hooll trust to have clene remission and forgifnes of all my syncs, and my bodie to be beried in the churche yerde of Halifax. I bequeath mortuary as usual. To John and Margaret my childer all my goods equally. I will that Margaret's part be put to Jolni Wilton of r)righousc or as my frendes thinke the best. I make ^^'m. Thorpe and Edwd. Dobson supervisors. 218 BRIGHOUSE, RASTRICK Detts due to me from Jas. Haley, Halifax, £10 ; John Croder, Warley, 15s.; Ric. Northeiide of Hipperom 14s.; Ric. Heptonstall, Cliftoiine, 6s. 8d. ; Ric. Nailor of Scoles 7s.; John Holdesworth of Hoill Os. ; John Barroclough of Houffege 4s. ; Ric. Bradley of Thornyalls 20d. ; Isabell Fornes of Halifax, widdo, 13s. 4d.; Christopher Medley of Brighowse 7s. ; John Michell of Halifax 20s. ; Thos. Arondell of Shipden 12d. Thies witnesses — Nicholas Appilyerde, Wm. Thorpe, Nicho. Brodeley, John Thorpe, Edwd. Dobson, Wm. Baker. 1551. Wm. Rooks of Rods Haull, bequeaths lands at Reyvey in the tenure of Bishop of St. Davids (Farrer, afterwards burnt at the ' stake), lands in Wibsey, &c. to Johan his wife, and Wm. and Ric. his sons, Anne and Elizbth. dau. Tristram Bollinge had married his sister Anne. Sir Thos. Sharpe was to have his half-year's borde at Royds Hall. 1551. Rob. Scoffeld, Lightcliffe, Augt. 20, gif and bequith my saull to Jesu Christe oure God in Avhos blissed passion and by the merites wherof is all my full trust to have cleane remission and for- gyvenes of all my synes, and bodie to Halifax Church. Elizabeth my welbelouyd wife to have her thirds. Rest to my six children, Anne, Jane, Sibell, Isabell, Martyn and Henry. Supervisors, Ric. Brodley and John Roods. Witnesses, Thos. Smythe, Gilbt. Hoole, Henry Hemingway, Jaspar Hanson, clerke, writer hereof. 1551, Aug. G, proved Dec. 9. John Walker of Lyghtlif, woullman, (protestant form,) gave his wife her thirds of lands and goods. Son John £10, the best horse, best panne, yron chymnaye. To John Scholefelde my servant for his good service £8, and two of my horses with all the geare, and £3 Gs. 8d. of dett owing to me of Haine Hollyn- prest. To John Walker now with me £5 at governance of John Roid of Hipprom, and John Saltonstall my brother-in-law. To Edwd. Schofeld 40d. Jennet d. Edwd. S. £1. Isabel his dr. 40d. Agnes his dr. 2s. Wm. Grenefeld my servant Gs. 8d. Jenet, Agnes, Isabell my daughters 42 marks when of lawful age. Witnesses, Thos. Smyth, Ric. Dicconson, Ric. Otes, John Saltonstall, Jaspar Hanson clerk, wryter hereof. 1551. Sibell Ryley of Heperem, widow. John Hogge my brother, the best cowe. 20s. to the childer of Christr. Ryley. Jennet Bea- monde £1. Sir Jasper Hanson 2s. Sir Christr. Bentley 12d. George Bolhnge 2s. Rob. Kitchyn 12d. John Nicalls 12d. Henry Wilton's wife, John Barroclough's wife, Agnes Rishton, Thos. Bollande, 6d. each. Two godchilder 12d. each. Elizabeth Bolland one red coote. Margaret Bridge my best petticote and 40d. Agnes Hogge the rest of my best garments. Residue of goods to my father Ric. Hogge. Wit- nesses, Nic. Appleyerde, Edw. Dobson, James and John Woodhead. 1551. Sir Richard Blagburn lait chantry prest of Huddersfield, now pensioner. Will proved. Mar. IG. 1552. Edmund Moldeson, Eland parish, gave 40d. to Jenkin Royks, and 40d. to Raynald Teyller in peny or penyworth : rest to Jenet his wife and Thos. his son. AND HIPPERHOLME. 219 1553. Rob. Hanson of Wodhonse in Eland Parish, in protestant form gives his soul, and his body to be buried in Eland Church garth near the rote of the old ewe tree near chancell doore. Tlie Vicar of Halifax to have the usual mortuary. Whereas John Hanson of Hud- dersfeld, my nephew, owes me 2Gs. 8d. for a parcel of land in Brigliouse, late my deceased brother Thomas', I give it to the beldinge of one bridge standinge ouer the water of Calder betwixte Raistrike and Brigliouse comonly called Brigliouse bridge ; 10s. at the commenct. of the buyldinge newe, (Js. 8d. when half-finished, and 10s. when just completed. To mendiuge a waye called Lange doglayne betwixt Neyther Edge and Oldearthe close Cs. 8d. to be paid by Edwd. H. of Eland, my nephew. To mendinge of one waye in Brigliouse, lienge betwixt the towne of Brigliouse and Clifton bridge (is. Hd., to be paid by my executors at such tyme as the inhabitants of Brigliouse is or siial be niynded to make labor and coste themselves. To my brother John H., father of John H. of Huddersfield, I give an arke at Wod- house. To John H. of Huddersfield a wyndle of rye. To John H. my cosyn, s. and h. of John H. of Huddersfield, one little chiste made of'^5 or G hordes, i yard long. To Edwd. H., Eland, a panne and windle of rye. To Ric. H. of Ovenden, my nephew, Os. 8d. and windle of rye ; to his brothers Wm. 6s. 8d., Edward Gs. 8d. To Margt., Agnes, Anne, daus. of Thos. and Jennet Fraunce (which Jennet was sister of Ric, Wm., and Edward,) a cowe. Kathryne Malynsou, another sister, a panne. To Thos., Wm., Jennet wife of Wm. Brooke, and Alice, children of Wm. Roger of Birstall and Margaret his wife, my sister, 2Gs. 8d. To my servant Elizabeth, sister of John H. of Huddersfield towe kie, one grete panne, one mashyne basyn, one brasse pott. On the 2nd Novr., and Good Friday after my decease, three pecks of oitmell baked in brede to be given to power folks. Rest to Rob., Arthur, and Elizabeth, children of my brother John. Wit- nesses, W^m. Beamont, Brigliouse, &c. 1553. .John Hanson of Wodhouse in Rastricke, to be buried at Eland. Mentions his late wife Agnes, daughter Elizabeth, and son and heir, John H. of Huddersfield, to whom he gave a cupbord. His cousin {i.e. grandson) John s. and h. of said John H. of Hudd. towe sheepe. To John and Thos. sons of Edward H. of Eland my son 4 sheepe. Arthur H. my youngest son one sterk of one yere. Rob., Arthur, Elizth., ray children, rest of the sheepe. Rest of goods to Edwd. H. of Eland, Thos. H. of Rastrick, and Rob., Arthur and Ehzabeth, his sons and daughter. Witness, Hugh Gledhill, clerk, curate of Eland. 1555. May IG. Ric. ClyfF, of Lightclif, secke in body, (in protes- tant calvinistic form,) requires to be buried at Halifax. To Elizbth., Anne and Alice Uurall -lOs. if they pay i'8 to Margaret Ourall accord- ing to the will of their father, John Ourall. To Rob. Ourall a counter, yron chymney and a langsettle. (These things were luxuries at that time.) To Margaret Hemiiigwayc my servant lOs., and all my part of meane sheepe now in thandes of Rychard Heyinyngwaye her 220 BRIGHOUSE, RASTRICK faither, I give to Margaret Ourall all my purcliest londes, &c. in Sowerby, and Ric. Bentley and Edwd. Hoille my supervisors to have charge of Margaret Ou'all till she is 18 ; remainder to her systers, Elizth., Anne, Alys. Witnesses, Edwd, Thorpe, Bob. Smyth, Edmd. Fairbank. 1554. Eic. Hanson of Wolrawe, in protestant form, to be buried at Hertshead, near my late father Eob. H. Alice my wife to have the fermhold ; and Thos. my youngest son the reversion of it. To my dau. Elizabeth, wife of John Brouke of Dighton, a black cowe caulyd Cuttocke for her canonical childes part. Kobt. my eldest son to have a pece of cloth and 20s. Gift to my nephew John H. of Ovenden. Supervisors, Thos. and Rob. Smyth of Lightcliffe and John Hanson of Huddersfield. Witnesses, Jasper Hanson, clerk ; Rob. Hanson of Woodhouse. 1555. Sep. 12. Richarde Brighouse of Hipperhome, thelder, (in protestant form.) To John one of my younger sons, a mess, called Greaft"house in Lepton, and Roley lately bought of Robt. Beaumont gent., with remainder to Ric, Rob., Edwd., Martyn, and Jaspar my sons. To Edward also lands at Nether Whytley in Thornyll and Heaton, lately bought of said Rob. Beaumonte. To Martyn and Jaspar my youngest sons Norclift" ni Shipdeyne, Southouram, and Nether Rokkes, (in occupation of Edwd. Dobson and Nic. Appleyerd, late bought of Anthony Rokes of Teilhowse Graunge, gent.) ; Styecalf and Bothumhead in the lordshippe of Brighouse to his other sons. To Isabel, daughter, wife of Brian Hardie 20s. yearly. Jenet, daughter, wife of Wm. Pikkerd of Shipley, 20 marks ; Sybill Brighouse, daughter, 40 marks of usual money of England or good pennyworthes. To his grandchildren Grace, Isabel, Sybell, Agnes, daughters of Ric. North- end 20 marks to be shared equally. Rest to Agnes, wife, and Rob., Martyn and Jaspar sons. Witnesses, Wm. Haldysworth of Hipper- holm, Christr. Northend, John Oytts, Ric. Rawson of Hipp'holme, Brian Hardie, John Hanson. Proved July, 155G. 155G. Johna last wife of Ric. Gybson of Northourum (protestant form.) To John Boys, Rob. Boys, Ric. Gybson, Edwd. Gybson and Arthur Gybson my sons equally ; and all that came to me by the death of my brother Rob. Haldsworth, Vicar of Halifax. 155G. Nicholas Appleyard of Rooks, (in Catholic formula), directed his burial to be at Halifax. Alys his wife to hold the fermhold. Nicholas, John, Ric, Clare, Sybell, his children. 1557. Edward Mawde, Lightcliff, gave to Agnes his mother £13 Cs. 8d. The lands freehold and copyhold to Anne his daughter. Edwd. and Rob. Smyth Gs. 8d. George Haldsworth's wife 40d. Rob. Hall my brother-in-law my best vyolett cote. Ric. Northend of Shipden head to have charge of my daughter, along with Isabel my wife, his sister. Rob. Smyth my brother-in-law, Kic Mawde my brother, supervisors. Witnesses, Rob. Bridgehouse, Christr. Snell, Thos. Holtbye. AND HIPPERHOLME. 221 1557. Eic. Brodeley of Hipperomc (in protcstant formula) be- queaths liis father's Linds in ]>radford-dale to his son Iiic, Hippcrome hinds to his son Edward. Isabel his wife to have her thirds. Aniniities to Elizabeth, Isabel, Sebell, Grace, Alys, daughters. 1558. Written July 11, 155G, (in Catliolic formula), Wm. Beamont of Brighouse, to be buried at chapel of our Lady Ht. Mary at Ellaud. To the Hye Alter in said ehapell for tithes forgotten, 12d. Joanna his wife remainder of lease of Peter Beaumont in Morley. Soiis, Jolui and Leonard. Witnesses, Thos. Wilson, clerk, vicar of Myrfeld, Hir John Trenthraeyer, preist, Thos. Beaumont, Lucke Longley. Proved before Sir W^m. Saltonstall, curate of Halifax. 1559. Wm. Clylf, younger, Halifax parish, to Wm. his father 40s., syster Alice 10s., syster Elizbth. Gs. 8d., Henry her son Gs. 8d., Sir \Vm. Saltonstall, preist, Gs. 8d., Jenet sister of Sir Wm. Gs. 8d., her daughter Alice Gs. Bd. To Eic. my eldest son one copbord, connter, great arke, yron chymney, fether bedde, bolster, mattres. Similar bequests to his other children Edward, Anna, Elizabeth, Eft'ame, Sybil, Margaret. His wife Alice to have her thirds. Bequest to " Mr. Eichard Clyff my brother." Witnesses, ]\Ir. Boyes prson of Gyseley, John Cockcroft, Wm. Saltonstall curet at Halifax. Proved before Mr. John Herryson, vicar of Halifax. 1559. Nycholas Scofelde of Lightclyff, hamlet of Hipprom, seke in body, of hooll mynde blessed be God but fearinge and mystristynge the incertentye of this caduke and tranestori' worlde maketh this my last W'ill as ensuythe (protestant form) and body to be buried in Halifax churchyard not doutynge the same bodye shall aryse agayne at the genrall resurreccon a body incorruptable. To Isabel my wife and the child she is now wtall, lauds in Hip'home townshipp and two parcels called Crymell and the Shais, and | rode in Brighouses, holdynge by copye of Court Eooll of Maister Eobert Eland, Esqr. Witnesses, Wm. Dobson of Soureby, Eob. Croslay of Lyghtcliff, Edmd. Fayrbank thelder, Lightcliffe. 15G0. John Haldworth, clothier, gives Agnes his wife her thirds. Alice a bastard dau. beddings and 20 nobles. John his son, and Elizabeth his daughter by a fyrster wife to have the rest, except bequests to his sister Jennet, wife of Eoger Jackson ; Jennet and Jaune drs. of his brother Thos. ; Agnes d. of brother Eichard ; Eve d. brother James ; and to the youngest daughter of his brother Gvlbert H. of Lightcliffe. 15G0. Eic. Sunderland of Shelf gave 2Gs. 8d. to his brother Eobt. for pore people ; and two day warke of rie to his sister Alice, wife of Edward Longbothom. Eesidue to his brother Eobert. 15G0. Bob. Brodeley, Hippholme, gave a quarter of rye to poore neighbours of Hipp'ome. After the death of his father Eichard, the mess., 8^ acres of copihold ; 2i acres of Charlesland in Hipp'ome and Brighouse to go to Eob. his eldest son. To his daughters Isabell and Sybell 4 marks rent yearly. Eest to his wife Margaret, and Wm. his younger son. 222 BRIGHOUSE, RASTRICK Eob. Botlies Smith-house. younger, Bob. Brigbouse and 1562. Thomas Smytb of Lygbtclyff, gave to Margaret bis wife the third of the freehold and copyhold in Hipp', Lyghtclyf, Brigbouse, and Clyfton. To my bastard sone Wm. Smyth £6 13s. 4d. when 21 years old. To John and Thomas my sonnes, when John reaches 21, the lauds held of the Qneyns Maies- tie and of Maistre Ellande, Esquyer. To John all my beirlomes in my mansion bowse (Smith-house) m Lyghtclyfe as I founde tbear. John Waterbouse andGeorgeB oy the supervisors. Witnesses, Rob. Waterbouse younger John Cosynn. 1563. — Alice Hanson, wid. Ric. H., Wolrawe, mentions her son Thomas, and dau. Elizabeth wife of John Brouke. 1565. — Margaret Scoffeld, widow, of Whitwood, Hartsbead parish, bequests to Isabel dr., W^m. son. Witnesses, Wm. Kyrshay, Wm. Mylner, Tbos. Leu'sege, Jas. Haygbe, John Hall minister at Light- clif chapel. 1565. — Christr. Northend, Hipp'ome, gave £11 to his bastard son Mycbel, remainder to bis son John. Gilbert Saltonstall and Ric. Northend bro. of said Christr., to have charge of Michael. 1566. — Ric. Northend, clerk, Dewsbury, gives his possessions to his brothers Robt., Henry, and John. 1567. — Henry Savyll of Bradley in Eland, gave his copyhold lands in Brynscoles and Bolsba to Tbos. his son. 1567. — Rob. Hanson of Wollerawe gave 12d. to the poore man's box at Harteshead, rest to Janet his wife, and children Ric, Sybell and Elizabeth, and one then unborn. 1568. Rob. Sunderland, Shelf, gave Shelf lands lately purchased of Tbos. Sayvile of Clifton, gent., to Ric. his second son ; and lands in Nm. to his youngest sons, Wm. and Edward, and to Alice, Agnes, and Margaret liis daughters. 1568. Wm. Hoyll, Lyghtclyf, thelder, sick in bodye of hole mynd and prfytt memorie thanks and prayse be gyven vnto God. I gyve and bqueathe myself, my souU and bodye fully and holly into the hands of God Almightie my Maker and Redemer, and body to his AND HIPPERHOLME. • 223^ onely sonne our Savioure Jesus Christ, trusting by liis death and pas- sion to have cleaiie reniyssion and full pardon of all syinies, and my body to be buried in Halifax churchyard. Isabel iny wief her thirds, and half the fermhold for rest of the term, and the other half to Wm. my son, being obedient to his mother. To Wm. all the lands, he paying 4 marks a year till it amounts to 20 marks, to the executors. Wm. Whytley my sone-in-law and Janet his wief one paire of lomes and one chymney and 13s. 4d. money. To Thos. Emsonne and Mar- garet his wief 40s. which amount he oweth to me. John my younger son, and Isabel my daughter to be executors. To Robt. Haldworth of Lightcliff, my best pair of hose save one, and my satyn cott (coat). John Ledall 4d. Edward my brother and Wm. Mitchell my brother- in-law, supervisors. With my proper hand, seal and mark. Witnesses, John Smyth, Edwd. Hoyll, Rob. Hoyll, Rob. Smyth, Wm. Mitchell, Gilbt. Hoyle. 15G9. Wm. Haldsworth, Halifax parish, to Jennet H. my brother's daughter a read cowe. Wife of John Gybsonne my cosyn the black hawked cowe. Rob. Brighouse's wyfe the greater new chiste. Thos. Royde wyfe the lesser. Edwd. Stocks wyfe two metts of rye. John Thorp one mett of rye. Wm. Haldisworth a stroke of rye. Henry Greenwood, another stroke. John Brodeley of Winteredge one mette of rye. John Haldworth of Hoill my brother, supervisor. Witnesses, George Fairbank, John Northend, Thomas Standeyven, clerke, Edwd. Brighouse. 1570. Robt. Haldisworth of HipTiolme, gives to Agnes my sister, wife of John Gybson of Brookfoot, 10s. Lands to Hugh, my brother, for life. Bequest to John H. of Astay, another brother. Her feoffment to Elizabeth his wife. Bequest to his mother. John Hobkinson his father-in-law to be supervisor. 1570. John Haldsworth of Astey, leaves Astey to Robt. his son and heir, and Hipp'home farm to John, Hugh, Ric, Jane, Margrt. his other children. 15G9. Ellen Hemyngway of Dovehouse, widow of John H., mother of Thos., Roger and Edwd. Waddyngton, younger sons, A'20 bequest. 15G9. Ric. Northend, Hiporn, seike in bodie, of good and prfite rememberaunce, prased be God, trusting for remission of synnes to Christ's passion, S:c. To Agnes, wyf, her third part, and ane amberye and one great arke standinge in the seller. Rest to the children, Martyn, Mychael, Andrew, Isabell, Sibell, Agues, Grace, Alice. 1572. John Tayte, Thornhill brigge. Eland parish, to Margaret my welbeloved wyf one half the possessions. To Jane Tayte my syster 40s. Poor of Halifax parish 40s. Brother Henry 40s. Thos. Crowder my servant 40s. Sybbell Tayte my sister 2Gs. 8d. Wm. Tayte my bastarde sonne or his mother Isabell Hall 20s. Henry my nevye 20s. Alice Crowder my maid servant 20s. Rest to Wm. bastarde sonne. Ric. Thomas alias Hawkstoncs 10s. Thos. Thorn- hill of Brighouse, Jas. Watchouse of Preestley, supervisors. 224 BRIGHOUSE, KASTRICK 1573. Eob. Hojle, ligbtclyff, of good &c. (protestant formula.) To Margaret, dau., a browne cowe and quye. Jennet, dau., a cowe and 8s. Anne, dau., cowe and an yron chymney. Jobn, son, a black quye with a wbitbead, a chimney and a paire of lombes. Rest to wife Jennet, and said children. Gibt, and Wm. Hoyle, supervisors. 1573. In the name of the Father, the Sone and the Holy Ghoste, so be it, I, Eichde Sunderlande of Highe Sunderlande, &c., &c., one of those elect and chosen persons wch ar to be saved, &c., give £3 6s. 8d. for clothing to poor of Northourum, ditto to Haworthe poor, . . To Eichard my yonger sone one capitall messuage called Coldeley Hall, ah. Coley hall, with houses, barns, stables, oxhouses, dovehouses, Idlns, waynehouse, orchardes, tofts, crofts, closes called Edwardroide, Lane close, Winters, Harryroide, moorroid, hye trefelde, Northroid, Marldefeld, Olderoid, Tolleringe ; Water mylne with the dame, gotes and courses of water, Lathecroft, and rights over Oxheys to travel to and from one water corne mylne, as I had from John Eishworth, Esq., Alexr. E. gent, his son and heir, and Beatrix wife of said Alex.; and lands in the tenure of Jolm Thorpe which I bought of Eob. Sowwod and Isabel his wife, and also the windmill in Shelf; and such stalles, seates and clossetts whatsoeuer in Halifax church and Coley Chappell as I had with said properties ; with remainder if said Eic. the son die without issue, to Abraham my eldest son, and to my daughters, Janet vfite of John Hemingway, Agnes wife of Gilbt. Deyne, Mary, Grace, and Sarah. Bequests to his brother Edwd. S. of Halifax and Ed.'s children Eic, Edwd., Thomas, Mary, Grace. To John Beamont of Halifax, sone of John B. of Briggehouse, deceased, £16 13s. 4d. in custodie for said children of Edw. S. John Eishworth of N'owram, John Woode, Hipprome, and others, supervisors. 1574. Grace d. Eic. Sunderland of High Sunderland, gave £10 to John Eishworth of Bowthes for her sister ; 10s. to the wife of John Eishworth of Lanehead, Haworth. 1573. Margaret Walker, Lyghtclif, gave to Isabel her daughter a fether bedd, foure pillowes, pair of shetts, two cou'letts, two blanketts, a mattress, and all ' myne apparell.' To her daughter Jenet wife of Arthur Patchett £6 13s. 4d. To John, Saml. and Mary, children of John Hoyle, £8. Gilbt. Saltonstall, executor. 1574. Edward Hole of Hole House, trusting in the merits of Jesus Christ for salvation ; body to be buried at Halifax. To Hipperhome poor 40d. To Eic, my younger son, lands in Allerton, Bradford-dale, and a paire of lonies, an arke called a dustarke, and a pair of bed- stocks. Gilbt. my brother and Eob. Thorp custodians of Oldfield, and lands at Leebridge, Halifax, for Henry, my younger son. To Margaret my daughter, wife of Jolm Malynson, £6. Jennet dau. £6. John, son and hen-, all waynes, plowes, yokes, harwyes, tenter> side- borde in gomehouse, one bourde lying of the Eandletrees, a long forme £3 he owes me, and 30s. Jespar my younger son £18. Mary Aldersley my grand dau. one speldid cowe called flowereld. Gilbt. my brother my best felt hatte. Eest to Henry my son and executor. AND HIPPERHOLME. 225 1574. Mary cl. Ric. Sunderlaiul of H. Sunderland gave to Abm. s. Henry Rishworth 2s. Mary d. Wm. Tyllotson 2s. Edwd. S., my uncle, £6. Bettrysse his wife my amit £4. To Wm. Tyllotson, clerke, and scliolemayster to my brethren, in consideration of his good will towards my brethren, £10, Rob. s. John Rishworth 40d. John R's. wyfe, of Laynehead, Haworth, 20s. Christr. R., wolman £10. (Also numerous other gifts.) To John Woodde of Coolay, wolman, £4. To sister Jennet, John Rishworth's wife, a mattress, two blanketts, paire of shetes, two coverletts, two rodds, one reade gathered pettycote, a pair of black sieves, and one rayment of lynnen. To Jennett their daughter a reade pettycote. To John Wodde of Coley, 1(5 pettycotes, one wyndoclothe, ten sacks, two mattress cloths, and woU to stuffe one of the mattresses, all in the custodie of John Hemingway. To John Wodde's wife a felt hatt. John Rishworth of Boothestowu, wolman, John Woodde, Coley, wolman, Abraham Sunderland her brother, &c., executors. Wm. Tylson, clerk, a witness. (Tylson and Tillotson meant the same name, and I believe Archbp. Tillotson and Bishop Tilson can be shewn to be of the same family.) 1575. John Horsfall of Woodhouse, Huddersfield, left the farmhold to his son John. Gifts to his other son George, his daughter Elizabeth wife of Thomas Broke. Gave 40d. to Huddersfield brigg, and 40d. to Cowper brigg for repairs. To Alice and Isabel d. John Horsfall of Fieldhouse two spurre rialles of gold. To John H. of Quarmby, my best shirte. To James H., my brother, the best jackett. 1575. Wm. Clay of Norland, mentions his father Thos., wife Margaret, and two sons, Thos. and Chas. Witness — Jas. Metcalfe, minister. 1577. Hem-y Clay, Greteland, mentions his uncle Thos. C, wife Jane, brothers John, Ric. and Thos. 1575. Wm. Thorppe, Brighouse, to be buried at Elland; holie church to have her dutie. Sibell his wife to have ^ messuage-houses in Brighouse and elsewhere in Hipperholme-cum-Brighouse during her widowhood, but only ^rd if she married. Rest to Ric, Adam, Sibill, their children, giving specially to Ric. pair of best lombes, and best walkersheres. Rob., testator's brother, and Henry Tayler his brother-in-law, supervisors. Witnesses — John Wilton, Rob. Thorppe, Richard Hoile, Thos. Brighouse, Addam Wilton, Geo. Dickessone, John Hansonne. 1575. Thos. Woodde, Hipp'om, luylner, to be buried at Halifax. Elizabeth his wife her thirds. George his brother, the best shirte, two paire of liosse, two tunic cotes, — one worset, another lether, two jackes or cotts, a felt hatte, girdell, and daggere. Thos. s. Gilbt. Barrocloughe 12d. Saml. s. Thos. B. 12d. Rob., John, Betteris, Margaret, his children, £9 each when of age, at the (over)sight of John Woodd of Coolaye and John Barrocloughe of Lightclifl'e. Witnesses, Jas. Watterhouse, Prstlay, John Wood, Ric. Kente. 1575. Wm. Fourness, Shelf. Witness, Wm. Tilson, clerk, ("PColey Chapel.) o 226 BRIGHOUSE, RASTRICK AND HIPPERHOLME. 227 1575. Jolm Horsfield (Horsfall), Woodhonse, to Mr. Jolm Blithe of Quarmby, Esquire, my inaister, Vis. 4d. George my brother, and Geo. son of said brother, to liavc farmhold. Jolm Broke, of Grene- honse, to have a dagger. 157G. John Wood, Collay, wolman, gave Ric. liis brother the best coote and a dagger. Barthol. Wood some hose. Jenet, testator's wife, Marie dau., and child imborn to have the rest. Thos. Hall of Shibden was his brother-in-law. 157G. Riclid. Bomforth, Lyghclyfe ; Agnes wife; Geo., Henry, Ric., Anne, and Mary, children. 1570. John Smyth of Smythows was a supervisor of Thos. Baire- stow's will, Shelf. 1576. Jas. Watterhouse, P'stlay, gave his body to Halifax church abyding the comyng of the Lord Jesus Christ. Mortuary to the Vicar. To the poor inhabiting about me, and to repair of highways 10s. Anne my wife her thirds. Robt., j\Iiclil., John, Thos., Mary, Grace, Margaret, children. To Thomas for his education and preferment one acre at Snaldiill in Rastrick in the tenure of Ric. Rawnslawe, I late had by deed from Rt. Wrpfull Sir Thos. Gai-grave, Knt., and Henry Savill, Esq. Supervisors, Rob. Baildon of Baildon, gent., Rob. Rayner of Ricroft, Jolm Ramsden of Bowers. Bequest to Gibsons of Lambcote, Bradley. 1580. Jennet Saltonstall, wid., buried at Eland. Elizth. Margt., Edmd., Ric, John, her children. Ric. Hoole junr., overseer of will. 1582. Jolm Lacy of Leventhorpe, Bradford, Esquire, (of Cromwell- bottom family). Gifts to his children and grandchildren, shewn on the pedigree, but not necessarily in order of age. John Lacy \ Richard, John, John, Ann, Ellen. Nicholas, Wm., Dorothy, wid., 4n =pWaterhouse Ellen Elizbth, ^Walter I Hartley Mary or ?Thos. Leigh. Rosamond, Ellen, Francys, Margaret, =pThos. ^Walter =pWalter ^Jas. Wood Paslew Paslew, | Stansfeld. (on death ^ of her , sister ? ) To John, son of Richard, he gave the armourie, a corslet, two plate corslets with sieves, two bills or lead mules, one speare, one bowe, sheaffe of arrowes, a calever, and a chest with three locks with all the evydences in yt, and Ric. and John Lacy and Martyn Birkhcad, Esq., were each to have a key, and all be present when it was opened. To his cousin John Lacye of Brearley, Esq., he gave a fishinge nett. To Walter Tempest a gelding called grayface. 228 BRIGHOUSE, KASTRICK 1582. Written 1577. Nicholas Appleyarde, Lygliclyff, gives his brothers John and Thos., and brother-in-law John Gleydell, 16s, each, rest to his wife Margaret. John Hodgson, of Wakefield, owed him 10s. 1583. Ric. Stevenson of Brighous, body to be buried at Ealand, among the bodies of the faithful. To Jannet his wife i. For repair of Thorniall brige 12d. Thos. Hanson of Rastrick, and John Gibson of Lambcote, supervisors. Witnesses, Thos. Brighouse, John Hanson. elder, John Wilson, Hem-y Haighe. 1585. Isabell youngest dr. John Walker, late deed., of Lyghtclyffe, gave to Saml. yonger son of John Hoyll all her lands in Townfield of Wharnbie (Quarmby), and in North Crosland. To Mary dr. said John Hoyll the household goods (except a bed), the best cassocke, best petticote, and best hatt. To Janet Scolfeld servant to said John Hoyll, a bedd, mattres, two cou'letts, two blanketts, pair of sheetts, and 80s. in Gilbt. Saltonstall's hands. To Danyell Hoyll my basse begotten sonne, the third of the property ; remainder to syster Janet's children. Witnesses, Wm. Hanson, John Broke, Janet Scolfeld, John Hoyll wryter hereof. 1586. Abraham Sunderland of H. Sunderland, £100 for Sarah his sister, in charge of Ric. his brother, Wm. Haldsworth, S'ouram, John Eishworth, and my curate or any three of them. To John Rishworth,. Shipden, my tenant, £10. Christr. Rishworth, Haworth, £1. Henry E's. wife £1. Ric. R. gent., the debt due from him relinquished. Lands in Bingley, Keighley, &c., to Ric. Sunderland, his brother. 1586. John Lacy of Brearley, Esq., to John his son and heir. 1586. Ric. Northend, Hipp'ome, yeoman, body to Halifax church- yard believing it shall aryse again. To Thos. and Anne, younger children, £4 yearly, on the death of his wife Agnes. Wm. the eldest son, committed to the care of Rob. Brighouse, Hipp'ome, my neighbour and verie frende. 1587. Edwd. Brodley, Hipp'ome, mentions his wife Alice, and children Isaac, Ric, Michael, and Sarah. 1587. Wm. Medley made his wife Margaret executrix. Witnesses, Edward Rawlence, Min'ster of Coley, John Haldsworth, John Appleyard. 1587. Rob. Waterhouse, Preistley, gave the estates at Brighouse and Preistley in trust to his brother-in-law, Wm. Hoyle. Mentions his son and heir Edward, daughter Anne, and a child unborn. To John Beaumont all his apparell. Wm. Liversiche 5s., Sibell Sharpe 5s., Michael Fouldes 12d. Executors, his wife Isabel, John and Thos., his brothers. Witnesses, Edward Rawlence, minister of Coiley, &c. 1588. Agnes Gibson, Upper Brookfoot. To Mary d. John Gibson a morter and pestell. To John Hamond, clerk, my bordeman, (curate at St. Ann's, S'owram), the best mattress, courlet, boulster, and a pewther pott. Ric. G. her son, executor. 1587. Petronell Prestley, Hepp'holme, widdowe. To five youngest children, Wm., Henry, Saml., Alice, Angelice, five marks each, to be AND HIPPERHOLME. 229 paid by Rob. Hemingway of Oucrbrea as each became 21. To Rob. Hemingway 20 nobles. Grace and Jane, daughters, to have leasehold for two years. Rest to Edward, son. Witnesses, Rob. Lillie, Hugh Ramsden, and me Rob. Horton. 1590. AVm. Walker of Okenshawe, son of Robt. who had lands in Hipp, in right of Susan his wife. Mentions wife Jane, and children John, George, Roger, Jane and Ellen. 1589. Jo. Snype, Lighcliffe, shared his estate equally between his wife and child. John Kighley owed him 43s., Thos. Walker 38s. 4d., John Bawmforth, Wicke, 33s. 4d. His debts were to John Shackleton elder, 10s., Edwd. Bates 3s. 4d., Nich. Peele, Liversedge, 8s. lOd. Witnesses, John and Edward Barockelewe, Thos. Huyllo. 1590. " In the Name of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost, I Robt. Thorppe, Thorneyall brigges, cornednver, one of the number of the elect, &c.," give to " Anne my lovinge wief, her third. Ric, Mary, Susan, three youngest children, £10, and Susan to have also a quie. To Ann, eldest daughter, and her expected husband Thos. Child, the lands in Brigghouse for three years, and £6 13s. 4d., and her apparell. Rest to John, Rob., Michael, Ric, Mary and Susan ; Thornhill Briggs laud to John; Slead Sike lands in tenure of Ric. Hole to Robert; lands in tenure of Isaac Longbothom to Michael. If my eldest sons marry during my wife's widowhood she shall lett them have housing." Witnesses, Wm. T., John T., Ric. Hole, John Hanson, junr. 1590. Martyn Birkhead of Wakefield, Esq., lands in Southowram to his wife Mary for life ; Harden Grange to son Daniel ; Nathaniel, the eldest son, to have the best geldinge, armour, weapons, the great boke of Fitzherbert's Abridgement of the Lawe, lands in Haworth, &c. 1590. Robt. Ealand of Carlinghowe, Esq., provided for Thomas, Alice and Cicely, younger children. Marmaduke, son and heir, to have bedstead, square table in the parlour, long table, counter, long- settle in the hall, &c. Gyles Fenaye, son-in-law, a purple clooke. Thos. Norclyf, gent., son-in-law, the great gold ringe with signit. 1590. Ric. Brokesbank of Barnes, Nm., gave Calderfall in Hipp., bought of Mr. Alex. Rishworth, deceased, to his son Abraham ; £100 to daughter Agnes, rest to Edwd., Gilbt. and Abraham, sons. 1589. John Hemingewaye, Lighclif. To Thos. Rainer my bro.- in-law 10s. Isabel White my god-daughter a rede petticote, Henry H. my best cloke. Thomas II. my godson, best jacket. Rob fairbank, brother-in-law, best dublet. ]\Iary Bawmfurth, my servant, a lined eote. Elizbth. H., my servant, lined felt hatt. Margaret Lister a rede frise petticote. Rest of my Avyves apparel and (j pillow beres to my mother-in-lawe, to bro. Ric. wief, and bro. Thos. wief. Remainder to John, Edward, Thomas, sons. Brothers Ric, Edwd. and Thos. executors. Edwd. Fairbank my father-in-law to have care of my sou Thomas till 15. 1590. John Colen, Norwoodgrene, mentions Jenet wife, and if Laurence my son happen to gett anie coles within my grounde, my son Edward shall share half. 230 BRIGHOUSE, EASTRICK 1591. Feb. 29. In Name of God, Amen. I, William Hoill of Sleadhall, co. York, of prft memory, believing there is nothing more certain then death and uncertain then life, give my soul to God Almighty, trusting in the bloudshedding of Jesus Christ my alone Saviour, and my body to be buried at Halifax Church. To Heiu-y my second son half acre called Thristwells of the nature of freehold in Sutclyff wood. To Danyell, 3rd son, 9 acres in Sutcliffe Wood in tenure of Roger Waddington. To Michael, youngest son, 7 acres and edifices in Shelf in tenure of Rob. Otes, and Longroid in Southoram. To Edward, eldest son, £13 13s. 4d. and one cubbard, one stand bedd in the chamber. Also to Henry £20 in money, Danl. £30, Michl. £30, Sarah, daughter, £00 : rest to wyfe Isabell, the executrix. John Hoile of Hoile House, gardner (guardian) of Henry; Ric. Rayner of Priestley, gardner of Danl. Supervisors, John Hoile my brother, John Hoile of Hoile House, Henry Hoile of Harthorne, Ric. Rayner of Preistley. Each godchild to have 12d. Proved 1592. 1592. Thos. Stancliffe, Hipperome. Isabel, wyfe, Michael, son ; my friend Ric. Thorp, Ellaud parish, to have tuition of Michael. To Thos. Northend, my sister's son, 12d. Agnes Whitwham my maid, 2s. Gd. Godchildren 12d. each. Witness, John Northend. 1592. Thos. Watterhouse, Preistlay, gave to the children of Ric. Kente, deceased, of Preistley, viz., Anne, Jeremye, Grace, Mary, Sarah and Isabel, and to the children of Thomas Walker of Preistley, viz. Robt., Ann, Valentyne, Mary, and Ales, the rents I had of my mother Anne Waterhouse ibr six years, the lands at Whytwood sold by Robt. Waterhouse in Brighouse, the lands in the occupation of John Mitchell, in Preistley, and Ric. Scholefeld's wyfe's rent in Lyghtlyf, to share equally among them, by John Waterhouse of Norwoodgreen. Thos. Hall, supervisor. 1592. John Hodgson, N'ouram ; Mary wife ; John, Daniel, sons ; child unborn. John Firth brother-in-law. Jane Paslew, Doncaster, to have 20s. 1592. Thos. Hanson, Rastrick ; Jenet wife ; Elizabeth and Judith drs. by first wife. Roger, son and heir. To Tliomas, a younger sou, he gave lands &c. and a pair of walker sheires. John and Robert, sons, to be under tuition of Thomas H. of Brighouse. Gift to John son of his brother John. Supervisors, John and Edward H., his brothers. 1592. Christr. Sharde, Lightclyft". Alice wife ; Thomas, Anne and Mary their child's parts. John Smyth of Lyghtcliff, my landlord, and Ric. Frith my brother-in-law, supervisors. 1593. John Hemyngway of ye Mitliom, to Jonas, younger son, Sliarp coite m N'owram ; Robt. eldest son, the rest. To Anne, daughter, bedding, silver spoones. Sec. Susan d. of son Robt., a branded calfe. To the two daughters of Richard Northend, my brother-in-law, two pillow-beares and 5 marks each. To four children of my brother George Haldesworth, deceased, 10s. each. To John Hemyngway of Newarke, my cosen, £2. Annabel d. Leonard Crowther Gs. bd. Thos. AND IIiri'EKHOLME. 231 Hemingway's -wife, L'alifax, Gs. 8d, Brian Otes 3s. 4(3. Rest to my four daughters, Lucy Barraclougli, Alice Uldfield, Mary Haldsworth, and Anne Hemingway. Kic. Hunderland of the High tSunderland and Wm. Haldsworth my brothers, overseers. 1593. Isabell wid. Bryan Hardie, Clayton, gave to Isabel d. Rob. Brighouse of Hipperholme, my brother, £2. To Anne d. Edwd. Brig- house, gent., Hipp., £2. To Jane Drake, N'owram, my new petticoate, my best hatt save two, one patlett and one smock, one apron, one paire of hose, and a paire of sliooes. To Edw. Brighouse of Hipp., gent., £3. To .John i\Jidgley of Headley, Gs. Robt. Rakes ("? Rooks) 5s. Ric. Boothe's wife, my best hatt but one, and to Mary his daughter, 10s. To poor of Halifax parisli and town 10s., Bradford parish poor 10s. To Alice Lacie my bed with its furniture. To Alice and Bridgett Lacie, my daughter's children, the rest, except to my sister Alice wife of Robt. Brighouse, Hipp., my black hawked whye, and to my brother Martyn [Brighouse] one little spelded whie, (calf.) 1594. Edward Thorppe of iSutclyff wood, sycke in body, &c. mentions Elizabeth his wife and three children Peter, Saml., Grace. 1594. Written 1592. Ric. Hole, Lightcliffe, yeoman. To John his younger son, and Anne, Mary, Grace, daughters, mess., lands &c., in Ollerton, Bradford-dale, for twelve years. Edward, eldest son, one range. Janet, wife^ executrix. Supervisors, John Hole of Holehouse my brother, and John Warburton ulias Chadwick. Witnesses, Chr. Wooller, writer, and others. ('.* if C. W. was Curate of Lightclifi'e.) 1594. Thos. Broadley, Lightcliffe, gave to his wife Susan her third part. To his children, Edwd., Michael, and Susan, 2s. 3d. each., Edward to be in charge of Nicholas Broadley of Slead Hall dunng nonage. 1595, March 23. Sarah dau. William Hoole, deceased, of Slaid Hall, declared her will as folio weth, fyrst shee did give hir soule into the handes of Allmightye God, believinge assuredlie to have forgive- ness of her sinnes by Jesu Christe, and her bodie to be buried in the church or churchyard of Hallifaxe, hoping with the faythfull to have joyfull resurrection. And for the giveinge and disposing of her felial and chyldes porcion and all other hir goodes she did give them : unto Issabel her mother £12, Edward, Henry, Daniel, and Michael Hoole brothers, £12 each, to Sarah Wilson l(Js., and appointed her mother sole executrix. Witnesses, Henry Hoole, Halil'ax, Nicholas Broadley, Laur. Pickard. Wm. Hoyle, clothier, Lightcliffe, purchased Sleadhall, 1571, d. 1592. =f= Isabel d. John Beaumont, Halifax. ~ ' \ I Edward, Henry, became Daniel, Michael, Sarah, d. Rector of Gisburn. d. 159G. sold Slead Hall to Jolm Thorpe. 1595-G. 1595. Jasper Brighouse of Bradford, yeoman, mentions his lauds in Southowram, Hipprholm, r)radford, Horton, Shipley. To Wm. Hallstead, schoolmaster of Bradford. £53 Gs. 8d. to redeem lease of 232 BRIGHOUSE, RASTRICK lands ill Horton and Shipley. To Isabel and Susan, daughters, £40 each. Tempest the eldest son to have lands in Bradford bought of James and John Dolhffe. Robt. and Ralph, two younger sons, also provided for. To Ehzbth. B. my sister (Js. 8d., Elizbth. B. my neece £1. Jane Leigh 40d. Alice Hopkinson 16d. Rest to Isabel and Susan drs. of Mr. Martin Brighouse my nephew. Supervisors, Christr. Taler, vicar of Bradford, Wm. Webster, vicar of Calverley, Thomas Taler, Bradford. Proved before Wm. Webster, clerk ; in 1597. 1596. John Scolefeild, of Coley, yeoman; Jennett, wife. John Wood and his wife Susan, my daughter, to have Siddall hall and lands. My wife the Coley properties for life, and the iron range, and cubbord are to be heirlowmes in the house. To John Wood the best chiste in the prior, and one bedd with its furniture in the prior. Wm. Osgrabie, marchant, of Kingston-upon-Hull owes me £20 ; I give the same to Saml. s. of my brother Robert, and a pair of loomes, and its furniture, a press, a pair of walker sheeres, a sherebord, a halfe of my handells. To Mary d. Michl. Hall a black hawked whye to be kept by my wife till she come to her noite. To my brother George, £2 due to me for a carsey clothe. To Henry, my brother, a paire of loomes at Wm. Broddell's house. To Wm., my brother, 10s. To John, son of my late brother John 10s. To Easter, Wm., Robt., Sarah, Prudence, and Richard, brothers and sisters of above Saml., £1 each out of his £20. Rob. and Nichs., my brothers, Gs. 8d. each. Ric. Sunderland of Coley Hall, gent., and Rob. my brother, supervisors. Witnesses, Ric. Sunderland, W. Tillotson, Thos. Hall. 1596. Edwd. Hoyle, Slead Hall, directed that his body be interred at Halifax. To my two younger brothers Daniel and Michael the profits of all my lands, to take up the rents from their uncle Henry Hoyle of Halifax, for five years, then to return to my brother Henry, with remainder to Daniel. Saml. Otes oweth me £5 13s. 4d., Abraham Baraclough £1, Edmund Haigh 17s., John Kepe, Harstead in Essex, £2, Nich. Broadley £10, Jas. Cooper 30s., Paul Person £1, Rob. Sunyard £3 5s., Saml. Auldersley, 23s. 4d., to be paid on his marriage; Thos. Smith £2, Edw. Hoyle £3 10s. 6d., Nicholas Broadley 16s. wanting 4d., Ric. Person 40d. 1597. John Holdsworth of the Hoyle, gave to Saml. and Susan his children £4 yearly rent from lands in Hipp., and Shelfe. John son and heir provided for. Half rest to Wm. and Saray Holdsworth, my base children. John Holdsworth of Astaid, Jas. Maude my brother- in-law, and Thos. Whitley thelder, supervisors. 1597. John Hoyle of Hoyle House, gave to Elizbth., wife, the seeled bed in the new chamber with fether bed, bolster, mattress, &c., rents of lands in Bradford-dale in the tenure of Ric. Hopkinson, Allerton. To poor of Lightclitfe 10s. To son Saml., the bed whereon I lye in the prlour, and a cubboard and sawen boards. To Margaret Aldersley my servant £10, and her brother Saml. £1. To Mary my dr., wife of John Foxcroft of Batley, and her children, £66 13s. 4d. Rest to Saml. my son. Witnesses, Martin Pyckson, Michael Smith, Edwd. Hoyle. AND HIPPERHOLME. 233 1597. Thos. Hole, of Liglitcliff. I owe Gilbt. Saltonstall 40s. 6d. for three stone of wooll at 15s. (kl., ]*]li/,abetli, wife; Mary, daughter. John the younger son to have his share w'hen 14 yrs. of age. John and Gilbt. Hole to be overseers. 1597. John Waterliouse of Norwoodgreen, yeoman ; to John, son, a table, three stande bedds, two cupbords, one great arke, tlu'ee iron rainges, paying to my daughters iSusan, Sarah and Anne £10, when he is 21 or married. John Cowper of Dean House, my brother-in-law, to have charge, with Isaac Waterliouse of Woodliouso, and John Brooke of Eookes, my brother-in-law. The Carr in N. 13ierley, in tenure of \Vm. Wood, to be purchased for £140. 1598. Gilbert Saltonstall, Eooks, gent., gave to Halifax Church £1., Halifax poor £1. Hipperholme poor £1 yearly for ten years to be de- livered at my house at Rooks yearly every Christmas eve. Wragbye poor 10s. To Isabel my wife £10. Mary Savile my dr. £10. To repair of the chapell of Hipp'holme otherwise called the Eastfcild C/iapel or Lightliffe chappel £1. Residue to Saml. sonne and executor. Wm. Eamsden of Longley and my brother-in-law Saml. Ashton of Bisset, supervisors. Witnesses, Saml. Ashton, Matthew (H)eather, Thos. Greene, Thos. Walker. Proved 9 Jan. 1598-9. 1599. John Hanson thelder of Woodhouse, mentions " Margaret my wife." Give 10s. to preacher at my burial. Thomas H. of Brig- house, my second son, to have lands in Greetland, Ealand, Brighouse and Clifton, and a close of one rood between the two roads — Brighouse to Hipp., and Thornall bridge to Hipp. To Nicholas my youngest son and Mary his wife, and Robt. their son, the lands in Batley, "Woodsome, Hipperhome, Brighouse and Eland as stated. Judith my youngest child, now wife of Wm. Deyne, the mess., &c. in Worsbi'o', with re- mainder to Nicholas my son. Mentions his late brother-in-law, Robt. Wade. To poor of Rastrick and Brighouse 10s. To repair of layne betwixt Brighouse and Clifton Bridge Os. 8d. To Thomas my son my best cloak, jacket, jirkin, dublett, lioose, shoes, shirts, and two silver spoons. To the five children of son Thomas, — 20s. 8d. to the eldest Thomas, £2 each to Arthur, Ric. and Joseph, and 4 marks to Judith. To Agnes, Mary, Margaret and Katherine, daughters of my eldest son John £2 each. To mending Brighouse brigge £1. To Margaret wife of son Thomas a peice of gold of 15s. To Doro. Farrer my dau. -in-law and servant £5, and to rest of my wive's children by her former hus- band Edwd. Farrer, £5. To John and Robt. youngest sons of my late brother Thomas 13s. 4d. each. To John and Edwd. sons of late brother Arthur, 13s. 4d. each. To Judith my daughter a gold peice of 15s., and to her husband Wm. Deyne, peice of gould of 20s., an yron bound wayne, a plowe with share and calter, and a spelded oxe at Swillington or Thorpe. To Mary wife of my son Nicholas, gould peice of 15s., and 40s. to her daughter Dorothy. To Robt. son of Nicliolas the first book of Acts and Monuments of the Church. To .lolm, eldest son, a sword, dagger, book of Statutes Rastall translation, my book called Supplimentu Cromcaru', my bil)le in latyne of Jeromes transla- tion, and well of all my prsident books he will chuse, &c. To Jennet 234 BRIGHOUSE, RASTIUCK wife of my son John a gould peice of 15s. To Thomas my son Langueth cronicles and Breviarie of health by Dr. Board. (See 1G13.) 1599. Edward Brighouse of Hipphohne, late of Bingley, thelder, gives to Rob. Barraclough £10, Edward Brighouse junr. gent., £30, Edward Hoyle £10, Christr. Fotherbie 4 marks, Jesper Brighouse £1, Isabel Sager six strokes of wheat, George Thornton a paire of breeches, dublett, nether stockes and a pair of socks, George Rowland a paire of fusten breeches, George Rowland's wife 2s., Jesper Pickard £8, Wm. Pickard £8 and the chiste that lockes with a cheane at bothe ends, and a cloke. To Mary Gill 3s., Raphe Brighouse 8s., Margaret Kighley a velvet hatt and £4, Abraham Brighouse £1. Rest to my brother Robert, the executor. 1600. Edmund Watson, of Lightcliff, clothier, mentions his wife Margaret ; Elizabeth, Grace, Rose, Edmund and Michael, children. 1609. Margaret wid. John Hanson, Woodhouse. To Judith dr. of my son John Ferror £2. John Ferror £10. Rob. Ferror £10. Rob. son of Nioh. Hanson £2. Dorothy dr. Nich. £1. Daughter Mary wife of Nicholas Hanson £10. To daughter Dorothy and her husband £10. To dr. Judith and Wm. Deane her husband £10. Daughter Susan and her husband Robt. Whittel £10. Her sons Hemry, Robt. and John had been provided for. Anthony Wade of Kings Cross, her cousin. 1613. Nicholas Hanson, Ealand, servant and clerk to Rt. Worpful. Sir John Savile, Baron of the Exchequer, directs his burial at Ealand near his late father John H. of Woodhouse, and his auncestors, gives his lands in Eland and Huddersfield to his only son Robt. and only daughter, Dorothy, wife of John Farrer ; the son then a Fellow of Magdalen College, Oxon, who by excess of study or something else had been melancholy but now amended : my daughter married to my great comfort, and having issue a son and a daughter both chargeable to me. To John Farrer the son-in-law and to the gi-andson John F. was given the cottage, &c. in Brighouse. To Mr. Sunderland, preacher at Elland, 20s. for the poor. To my brother John a new sattan dublet which was my late master's. Books to my brother Thomas and Arthur his son ; sister Judith Deane ; and cozen Thomas H. of Brig- house. Half of the books hi his study to his son Robt. Hanson, and the other half (except his precedent books) to his son-in-law John Farrer; to the chapel of St. Matthew of Rastrick, he gives a book con- taining a Hundred Senmms on the Apocalypse : to his brother John Hanson, a manuscript Bnicton in parchment. He had the Acts and Monuments, in two volumes, and the Christian Warfare, of which he makes special bequests. To his cousin Thomas Hanson of Brighouse, " such several books for song and scholarship as he and his brothers did chuse out of my books, which song-books cost me money." To his cousin Edward Hanson he gives four of his own precedent books ; to his brother William Dean the book of Besolution of a Christian. His physic books he had already delivered to his friend John Mitchel, and some other scholar books were some time his. To Joseph Wilson AND HIPPKEHOLME. 235 another precedent book, "a special good one, written." He had already given a book to his brother John Farrer, teaching to Lea in to Liic and Die Well ; and iinally his Fitz Herbert's Natura Brevium and some other law books he bequeaths to his cousin Mr. John Savile, the attorney. 1612. Alice Brighouse of Hipperholm, widow, gave £G to son Jesper, a cow and beef fiicke to son Abraham, a cow to Edward Gill's wife, clothing to daughter, Ann Haldsworth ; rest to Jonas, son. 1014. Edwd. Saltonstall mentions his mother Jane, brothers John and Saml., sisters Anne and Judith. 1G22. Mary Saltonstall of Huntwick, dr. of Saml. S., Esq., of Hull, gives her properties to her brother Sir Ric. Saltonstall, knt. 1619. John Blithman of New Laitlie, Esq., Euston parish, makes his brother Jasper supervisor of his will. 1632. Jasper Blythman, of Eland Hall, Esq., gave his brother Wm. the best horse, armour, apparel. To sister Mary wife of Stephen Skipwith £70. The goods brought to Eland Hall, plate, &c., to cozen Wm. Savill of Copley, now of Halifax, Esq. To governors of Halifax Grammar School £10 ; Halifax Workhouse £10. To poore at my funerall £5. To Gilbert Deane's four children by Elizabeth my late neice £200, to be paid by my loving cozen John Farrer, Esq., and James Murgatroyd, gent. To Edward Hanson, Netherwoodhouse, the writer hereof, £2. Judith my wife the rest. Cozen Sir John Eamsden of Longley, knt., supervisor. Proved 1633. 1632. John Hanson of Boidshall mentions his wife Isabell, daughter Elizabeth wife of Christr. Scott, his eldest son John ; and made his two cousins, Edwd. H. of Netherwoodhouse and Arthur H. of Brighouse, supervisors. 1661. Arthur Hanson, Brighouse, gave to his sister Judith Swift the Parocke in Brighouse for her life, yielding to his son Thomas 6d., half-yearly. To Thomas and Eichard his sons, and Judith his daughter, wife of Thomas Taylor,- he gave nine acres of common on Eastrick common near Eoundhill for 950 years unexpired. To Thomas his son also a messuage in Bothomley in Barkisland for 18 years, paying yearly 5s. to Joseph his brother. To Thos. Taylor, grandchild, a cupboard and one table in the parlor of his father's liouse. 1662. Joshua Hanson of Briggroyd, Eastrick, yeoman, gave Brigg- royd near the Calder in trust to Jeremy Bentley, Eland, gent., and Eic. Eawson, Tong, yeoman, for Dorothy his daughter, Jeremy his son and heir, and Anne his wife ; £20 each to Thomas, Eichard, John and Malon sons of his brother Eichard. | £10 each to Thomas, Tabitha, Edward, Love, children of Thomas Taylor- of Brighouse, gent., and of Judeth his wife, sister of testator. 1674. Wm. Hanson, Brighouse, clothier, gave to his daughter Judith 10s. out of the housing at Brighouse lanehead ; the best pair of loomes at Lanehead to his son John. Eest to his children, John, Wm,, Susan, Judith, and wife Anne. * This was Captaiu Thoiims Taylor, Quaker, f Richard Hanson was a Quaker. •236 BRIGHOUSE, EASTEICK 16G2. Jonathan Priestley of Sowerby, clothier, believing in the resurrection of the body. &c. gave to his nephew Jonathan Priestley ■of Priestley Green, the copyhold lands in his tenure, paying yearly 18d. to the, lord of the manor, and also Haworth field in Sowerby, subject to annual payment of £4 to Thomas and Francis sons of Henry P., testator's deceased brother. To Francis his brother, Grace Wood his sister, £10 each ; Joseph P. of Goodgreave his cousin £2. Thomas, cousin, £2. Mary Nicholson, Warley, cousin, £2. To John, Joseph, Israel and Timothy sons of Joseph P. of Goodgreave £20 each. Jonathan P. of Priestley Green, executor. Signed LP. his mark. 1672. Alexander Bate, of Cromwellbothom, Southowram, clerke, [curate of Lightclifi'e,] give my soul to Almighty God. I give to Alex, my second son two messuages at Parkyate, Southowram. To Daniel, youngest son, messuage and five cottages. Wm., eldest son, Siddall Hall, Sm., and Giles house in Lightclitfe, now in my own iiiB:T"» ^/-h •'■■V '.•"^^^>,. CrlLt^ •^C'J-9^ Giles House. occupation, and all my lands in Cheshire to descend to my eldest son. To Mary my wife, the executrix, Yate-house and Linlands in South- owram. "Witnesses, James Pearson and Joseph Lister. Thus we may proceed indefinitely, and indeed ought to have enlarged on those already given, but space forbids. The wills of Gamahel Marsden, clerk, of West Ardsley, 1681, son of a curate of Coley, and brother of three other clergymen, who like himself were ejected by the Act of Uniformity; Henry Brighouse of Brighouse, 1682, who built Bonegate House, and from whom the Ledgards are maternally descended ; Pobcrt Gibson of Slead Hall, 1692 ; and scores more of interest must be omitted. AND HIPPERHOLME. 237 Eobcit Gibson, clothier, purchased Slead Hall, died 1G92. =F Khenetta Michael, bequest of bread Edward, Mary, Dorothy =f= Hall to poor of Hove Edge, ] d. 1738, aged 72. Mary. =f= (1) Elizbth, d. 1713. =: (2) widow of Bev. Mr. Dade, Qtley. II III I Robert, George, d. 1746, Wm.,M.D., John, Elizabeth, d. 1770, Ann, d.l746. =-- (1) , (2) Prof. d. =pAbrahamFirth, d. = Mary d. Thos. Anat., s.p. s.p. Thompson, unmar. Staincliffe, s.p. Clough-house, s.p. Huddersfield, d. 1709. Abraham William, Elizabeth, Sarah, Ann, Mary, Catherine, Firth, d. 1771. =7=Thos.Macaulay,M.D., d. s.p. I Thormanby, d. 1801. Abraham Firth Macaulay, of Slead Hall, =p physician, d. 1823, aged 48. Ann, = Kichd. Ashworth ; Manchester. I Henry, Wm., George, Thomas, Charles, Edwin, Arthur. 238 BRIGHOUSE, RASTRICK ^lt^JSr of llomititce^ We have laboured thus far to remove the darkness from the Dark Ages, and the reader may be struck with one thing, the glamour of romance and unreality has to give place to a matter-of-fact life very little different from that of the public life of to-day. Wars and rumours of wars did not materially affect the common life ; the Kings and Esquires were the great sufferers, as they deserved to be, though the rank and file fell out of the poorest. Ballad Singeb. AND HIPPERHOLME. 239 We have, however, had glimpses of wars, plagues, fairs, banditti, tragedies, gibbettings, &c., that aii'ord the novelist and romancer full scope to make the old glamour and tournaments return, and perhaps some local Scott may arise, -with wizard wand, to revivify the scenes. I prefer to discover first the real state of society, without forgetting the jolly feasts and holy-days that helped to brighten the existence of the poor down-trodden, yet on the whole, well-fed peasants. They had forgotten the happy days of Saxon freedom, but not the intuitive desire for self-government and improvement, and the decay of feudalism, the introduction of manufactures, the prosperity of the yeomanry class and other accessories, especially a widening of thought in religious matters, and enlarged educational facilities, and the spread of literature by the printing press, were rapidly raising the masses to be an acknowledged power in the land. Though it was impossible for a Robin Hood gang now to exist, or for pitched local battles to be fought, outlaws of the Nevison type, and village antipathies continued long after this time. Nevison had haunts about Hove Edge, Brighousers stole the Eastrick Maypole ; and one township often had sod, or clog fights with the next township. Hals were kept at great houses ; pipers and crowders, or tiddlers, led a wandering minstrel life, and ballad singers like the one given here, as drawn by Williams of Halifax, last century, existed to modern times. The vendor of last dying speeches found his trade gone when newspapers came into vogue. We still find the degenerate song- vendor at some markets and fairs, but Sunday School hymns and improved tastes have worked marvellous results. One would have been pleased if the dying speeches of the Halifax Gibbet culprits had been thus printed and sold. The ballad of the Elland Trag- edies is the best local one preserved to us. To learn how the populace spent their leisure hours, we must study the folk-lore of the district, but have only space here to indicate a few topics. ^^^^^ Speeches. The days of fox, brock, or badger, otter, and foomard or wild cat hunting were not over, for the parsons of Eastrick and Southowram 240 BRIGHOUSE, RASTRICK and other cliurclies were great eucouragers. Bull-baiting and cock- fighting were constant sources of ' recreation '; and archery, football, and other games supplied the place of the reading and rational amusements of this day (barring the outrageous football mania of the past twenty years). Eushbearing had gone out of fashion before George III died, save one or two recent imitations. The singular thing is that Brighouse, though having no church then, kept this annual feast on the second Thursday in August, whilst Rastrick and Hipperholme had no feast. The bodies and bones of malefactors (real or supposed) dangled in chains from poles on Beacon Hill and numerous other conspicuous places down to the end of George Ill'rds reign, many of the culprits for sheep-stealing or coining. No wonder the benighted traveller shook in his shoes, as the wind weirdly whistled against the hideous obstacle, or as he heard the di'eaded tramp of the highwayman. No wonder that hobgoblins, guy-trashes, bloody-tongues, padfoots, boggards, witches, gabble- ratches and headless horses (page 63) scoured the country on dark nights, and did their baneful deeds, in the imagination of the ignorant multitude. We do wonder that such silly notions are allowed to dominate some minds even to-day. Wizards made good livelihoods (especially a famous one at Southowram about 1790,) by fortune-telling, and restoring lost property. These are only a few of the great topics of conversation and belief in the days before ele- mentary education was enacted ; and they governed the minds of learned lawyers, doctors, and clergymen too, down to John Wesley's day. Oliver Heywood, of Coley, who died in 1702, gives numeroiis insights of social life in these parts, about dreadful comets, &c., and to the four volumes I have printed from his "Diaries," and to the *' Register " volume, I must refer the reader for further information. AND HIPPERHOLME. 241 We liave not space iu this volume to enter upon the great conflicts, civil and religious, that disti-acted the seventeenth century, for to do justice to the Religious, Social, Educational, and Family History of the district a volume as large as the present one is required. Two men on either side in the Civil War were locally conspicuous. No memoir of Capt. Langdale Sunderland, of Coley Hall, of Fixby, and afterwards of Acton, has been compiled, though he was one of the staunchest Eoyalists under Lord Langdale, his kinsman, and a great sufferer when tlie fines were imposed under the Commonwealth. After diligent enquiries we found that some of his descendants are living at Ulverstone, and iu New Zealand, and from them we have secured the portrait of the Captain, copied from an old painting at the Antipodes. Capt. Drake, of Shibdeudale, has preserved to us an account of the Pontefract sieges, which has been printed by the Surtees Society. Capt. Thomas Taylor was a Parliamentarian officer, who married Arthur Hanson's daughter, of Brighouse Park, and eventually settled at the old Hanson home in the centre of Brighouse, and became like his brother-in-law, a follower of George Fox, the Quaker. Of his soldier life wo know nothing, but of his religious life many events are recorded. He was buried in his garden in the centre of Brighouse, "standing upright," says Oliver Heywood, in his Diaries, and the gravestones were discovered some years ago, and removed by Thomas Dearnally to his residence in Brighouse Fields. Capt. John Hodgson's Autobiography was preserved in MS., and printed in Scotland (by Ritson or Sir Walter Scott,) in 1806, and re-edited, with notes, by J. Horsfall Turner in 1882.- Many other local families took active sides in this civil strife, when great events followed in quick succession. Regiments were frequently seen passing our lanes, sometimes they were quartered in our villages ; church services at Coley, Bradford, &c., were abruptly terminated; skirmishes at Kirklees, &c., and hurried burials in and out of church- yards not uncommon. Great national events followed in the train. Charles I. placed his head on the block, Cromwell rose to supremacy. Parliament struggled to preserve its balance between Monarchy and Presidential Autocracy, the second Charles scrambled into an oak tree to save his life, but received an ovationary welcome as King, May 29th, 1660, soon after the death of the mighty Cromwell. Sir John Armytage, of Kirklees, and John Peebles, Esq., J. P., the West Riding Magistrates' clerk, (who, thoagli the soui?f an incumbent of Lightcliffe, we must confess deserved in some measure the popular epithet— The Devil of Dewsbury,) were conspicuous in retorting on the Parliamentarians, now that the sun shone on the Royalist side of the hedge. From this time the strife took more a religious than a civil aspect. The bulk of the Royalists were of the Established * Autobioffraphy of Capt. John Hodgson, of Coley, (and of Godloy, Cromwellbottoui, Ac.) 242 Church party, and the EepubHcaus and Puritans formed the Dis- senters. Stringent laws against the latter, imposing civil disabilities, widened the breach, but into ecclesiastical history we may not now enter. This was the period when scholars were admonished to keep diaries of events, and by this means, in the absence of newspapers, we have preserved for us, along with parish registers, the family, Oliver Heywood. social, religious and local history of the period. Oliver Heywood's Diaries are mostly in existence now, several of them having come into my possession. Heywood's friend and executor — Jonathan Priestley, of Winter- edge, wrote his family history, which has been printed by the Surtees Society. We are thus exceptionally supplied with local history for this district, and we know more of the details of the period from 1650-1700 than of the following fifty years. Bible names were very popular amongst the Puritans, and they invented doctrinal names to give to their children in baptism, as Faith Priestley, What-god- will Lister, Sec. George Fox, the Quaker, frequently visited Capt. Taylor's house, and preached to unruly mobs in the j)ark, where the ToAvn's Office and Bank now stand. Brighouse Monthly Meeting, AND IIIPPERIIOLJIE. 213 ■which has now jurisdiction amongst the Society of Friends over most of the West Kidiug, owes its origin to these visits, Capt. Taylor had two rehatives who became Quaker cliampions, and who, like himself and Heywood, and scores more of local dissenters, suffered imprisonment in York Castle for conscience' sake. These were the Eev. Thomas Taylor of Skipton, and the Kev. Christopher Taylor, incumbent of St. Ann's, Southowram, brothers, who joined Fox and forsook their livings and titles ; Kev. was not used by clergymen then, but these two ignored plain Mr. Of their sufferings there is not space now to write, for the family history of the Friends would occupy much room ; we must follow the civil and commercial chapters for the rest of this volume. An old malt-kiln used by the Taylors and Greens when there was a large malt trade in the district, stood on the actual site of the Town's office. During the brief Commonwealth, Halifax and Leeds had the privilege of sending a member each to Parliament. Mr. Jeremy Bentley, the first and only Halifax M.P. before the great Reform Bill, resided at Nether Woodhouse in 1655, and Mr. Adam Bayues sat for Leeds. ffe Brighouse Malt-kiln. 244 BRIGHOUSE, EASTRICK ^00eS0mettt$, 1590-1699. Lists of names are not attractive reading, but they may be turned to great use. They shew when families settle in a place, and negatively when others leave, also the social status and material improvements ; and the gradual growth of population and the introduction of industries. Pedigree making is a very minor but interesting advantage assisted by these lists. We have been able to gauge the population in 1379, and of Rastrick in 1G05 (p. 168,) when there were only 24 families in the township. The following lists shew the importance of the district as compared with neighbouring townships, and also give the names of every family residing here. 1590. The names of ye inhabitants of ye chappelrie of Lightcliffe, assessed by John Smyth, John Thorpe, Nicholas Thornill and John Boothe : — s. d. s. d. Mr. Samll Saltoustall xiij iiij Ric. ffirthe xvj Samuell Hoyle vj viij Rowlande Gibsone ... ij viij Thomas Thorpe aiid bis sonne vj John Brooke xvj John Smythe vj viij ffrancis Brooke xij Ric.Eaynr & Edwarcle Watrhouse vj viij Hugh Ramsden ... xvj William Whitley iij iiij uxor Wilfrey Peele ... xij John ffairbaiik iij iii.i Gilbert Brigge ... iij iiij George ffairbauk iij iiij Robert Kitchen xij Hugh Norclyffe iij iiij James Rawnesley ij iiij John Bynnes ... iij iiij uxor John Thorpe, of Sutcliffe xij John Bootbes V Isaack Whitley ... xij John Banci-oft ... iij iiij Richard Gill xvj John Barraclough, elder vj John Thorpe of thornill brigge ij Ric. Hanson vj Ric. Thorpe ij Edward Hoyle vj Charles Elliot viij John Barraclough, younger vj John Michell vj Robert ffairbank iiij John Medley xvj William Thorpe Robert Holdsworth xij Nicholas Thornill ... iiij Henry Scholfield XX JohnHollan[?Bollan]... iiij George Bawmforth xij William Barraclough iiij Thomas Relphe xij Robert Judgson Abraham Heminwaye xij Lawrence Cowlings ... XX Richard Stocke vj uxor Ric. BoUan xvj Humphrey Scolfield xij Edmond Watson XX uxor Wadingtone iiij Robert Stocke ij iiij Richard Wade ... viij Andrew Marshall XX George Walker iii!i John Petlington xvij Ric. haghe and f rater viij uxor Thomas Hoyle ij Robert Smythe iiij uxor Edw. Dawes xij John Barraclough, Smyth viij Robert Hargreaves ... ij Ric. Barraclough, girdr ... iiiii John Whitley ... xij Edward .Judgson iiij Andrew Gill xij Peter Thorpe iiij John .Jackson ... xij Gilbert Smythe vj Isaach Longbotham xij This assessment, from the character of the writing and the persons mentioned, must have been made in or about the year 1590. Probably it was made for the repair of Lightclifie Chapel. The sum £7 3s. lid. AND HIPPERHOLME. 245 is a considerable amount wlien we consider the value of money three centuries ago. 1604. Subsidy Roll, Hipp. All in land at 2/8 in the £. Eric. Sunderland viii 1. John Brighouse XX B. Saml. Ho.yle ... vl. Wm. Northend XX 8. Edwd. Waterhouse iij. Eic. Th arp • > • • • • > > ■ XX 8. Eobt. Hemmynp;way ... Is. Mich ael Sclater XX S. Dorothea Smyth XXV B. John Barracl ough XX S. Tbos. Smyth ...XXV 8. Thos . Whitley ... xxiij s. iiij d. Thos. Thorp Xl8. J ohn H( Drst'all ... XX 8. John Eoydes ... Xls. Thos . H anson ... ...xxvis. viijd. Ricus Bradley XX S. Jaco lUS Eawnsley in goods iij li . .. V8 Johes tfau'ebanck ... ... XX s. Sma. Yill. est iiij li- .\ix s. vii, '^- Ob. IGIO. Subsidy Eoll, Hipperholm. £ s. £ s. £ s. Eich. Sunderland 9 Thos. Thorpe 2 Eichd. Thorpe Saml. Hoyle 5 John Eoyde 2 Mich. Slaiter Edw. Waterhouse 3 Eichd. Broadley 1 Jno. Barrowclough Eob. Hemingway 2 10 John Fairbank 1 Joh Horstield Dorothy Smith 1 5 John Brighouse 1 Thos. Eawson Thos. Smith 1 .5 Will Ncrthend 1 Jas. Eawnsley 16C4. Subsidy Eol 1, Hipperholm. £ £ £ Stephen Ellis 2 Joshua Whitley Wm. Greenwood 1 Eichd. Langley 2 John Hodgson W^m. Thorp 1 ♦ Nathan Whitley 1 Jeremiah Field ♦ John Taylor 1 Hem-y Brighouse 1 Thos. Hanson » Joshua Waterhouse Widow Waterhouse ^ 2 James Mitchell 1 Joseph Wright * Signifi es goods. Widow Spiuke J The County Assessment for 1584 is before me, and shews the valuation of each township : Barsland iijs. Hipprholmo cu' Skircotc cu' Shelf ij ^ Bradford Vj 8. Br rehouse vj ^■• Southourani vs Clifton ij s. Hallifax vs. Wharnebie vs Hartshead ij s. Mirfeld VJB. Wike iii 8 Eland cu' Gi etland iiij 8. Northowram VS. Wakefeld XV 8 Huddersfeld Vj 8. Eastrick cu' ffixebie iij s. Land Tax, 1G92, at 4/- per pound. In Agbrigge, Eeall Estate Huthfrsiield Mirfield Quarmby... Wakefield In Morley Wapentake. Bradford Ealand-cum-Greetlaud . . . £ s. d. £ s. d. 181 8 Hartishead-cum-Clifton . H2 2 154 3 Hipjirliohne cu' Brighouse 117 12 222 (; Hallifax . 350 17 311) 11 Northourame 337 10 Eaistrick-cum-Feki.sby . 08 12 8 200 1 Southourame 206 3 ■k 153 10 8 Wike . 40 18 8 24G BRIGHOUSE, RASTRICK Complaints about Eates and Values of Lands, and the way of assessing in Morley Division, 1699. Clifton — - Yearly Kent. John Pilling of Sir John Armitage ... £62 Joseph Priestley, Sir John's Tenant ... £25 John Rawnsley, Sir John's Tenant ... £30 Widdow Eeyner for Hileleigh land, ct for Piapers ... £16 HiPPERHOLME — Joseph Eckles, Coley Hall, of Mr. Hor- ton, about ... £50 Thomas Whitley of Mitholm, about... £10 Eichard Kirshawe of Chas. Best, about £2 10s. Assess. 16s. 4d. 29s. Id. 31s. 4d. t5s. 6d. 18s 3s. Francis Brook, Rish- worth farm, of Mr. Horton ... Same for Shutt of Mr. Horton Henry Burn farms about Josepli Crowther for John Sharps about Broad Oake, about Joseph Eccles of Mr. Horton (dear) Richd. Si^eight Joseph Holmes Shelf — Mr. Clifford's lauds about Yearly Rent. Assess. £8 £8 £3 £12 £i or £5 £60 £i £30 10s. 6d. 9s. 3s. 15s. 4s. 4/5/6. 3s. 27s. £7 16s. An Assessment made for [ye] present [Overseers] this 7tli Novem- ber, 1692, for 8 months towards ye Belief of ye poore of Hippholme cu' Brigghouse by us whose names are underwritten. Hipp'holme Quarter. £ s. d. £ s. d. Mr. Will. Horton for Coley Richard Hudson 00 02 06 hall or ye occupiers • . . 01 08 00 Richard Speight 00 01 00 Mr. Edward Langley for H ipp- ye occupiers of quarrell holme & Whitley land 00 10 06 hall and ye land 00 01 00 Samuell Saltonstall... 00 08 00 Joseph Shuckesmith for Joshua Wright 00 08 00 moses farme 00 04 00 Thomas Kitson 00 07 00 Michaell Ingham 00 07 06 John Holroide 00 05 06 Izacke Mann For Empson tfc for four closes at Broad- Farme 00 03 00 oak 00 01 06 Jeremiah Whiteley ... 00 00 06 Joseph Brooke 00 06 00 Robert Smith 00 01 OG Stephen Hird 00 05 00 John Jackson For Hazle- lonas Coates 00 07 00 greaue 00 01 06 & for Mr. Lister land 00 01 06 Mr. Thorpe ... 00 02 00 George Stockes 00 03 00 Joshua Whitley 00 05 00 lonatlian Priestley ... 00 08 00 Abraham Broadley ... 00 00 06 lohn Waddington ... 00 02 00 Francis Brooke for old Rish- Mr. Gates for Finnis 00 07 00 worth Farme 00 04 00 Anthony Whitley For Mithani 00 00 00 Andrew Hartley 00 01 00 George Ramsden for L ane Ephraim Moore 00 01 00 ends 00 02 06 Daniell Empson 00 01 00 Abraham Walker for other pt. ... ye N 00 01 06 ORWOOI) GR] EEN Quarter. 07 15 00 £ s. d. £ s. d. Mr. Edward Langley for for Eastfield 00 02 00 Priestley ... 00 10 00 For Jackson Jngc 00 00 06 & for Mr. Ellis land ... 00 05 00 For Nickall Roide & Goft For Turner Farme ... 00 04 00 close 00 04 00 For claypitts ... 00 05 00 AND IIIPPERHOLME. 247 Norwood Gricen Quarter. Ab : Langley for Kitcliiuge closes & can- Inge For Gill Farme Tho : Wiley hath it & For two closes at Hou- edge Mr. Francis Priestley Francis Brooke for ye shutt William Ramsden ... Richard Riddlesden for pt. of Rooks Samuell Stuuhope for ye other pt. ... lonas Heaton Thomas Shucksmith lohu Bland For Marshall Farme lerimiah Robinson ... loseph Firth... Michaell Ramsden ... lohn Robbards & For Boolefalls William Hirst For Shuck- smith Farme Samuel Smith Widdow Sov,-ood & for Fayre- banke land Widdow Houlmes ... Ab : Law for Upper clifte hill William Mann for Lower cliffehill Gilbert Sturdy Timothy Roper for John Gills & for peer trees ... lohn Whitaker lerimiah Battley and for pt. of Till carr ... Gilbert Sturdy Botham hall Thomas Grive iov Daniell Walkers it for A litill close Bo : of Tho:Sugden loshua Crowthor Henry Brooke Mr. Michaell Gibson Thomas Sugden Ab : Walker for Richard Flathers loseph Crowther for Sharpes lohn Sharpe For Broade Oake Abraham Mallinson... Henry Burne s. d. 03 00 03 00 00 0(; 08 00 03 00 08 00 13 00 L3 00 07 06 03 00 02 06 04 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 LiGHTCLIFFE £ s. d 00 02 00 04 00 01 & For pt. of Gill Farme... & For Izacke Kirshaw Farme Widdow Holdsworth or ye occupiers ... Richard Robinson ... Robert Willson Richard Robinson for Sharpes William Whitaker For Brook- esbanke land lames (lill for IMitchills leruniah Empsou ... Tetlaw Brookesbauke wh — lin ... 06 00 00 00 02 00 00 02 06 00 0-4 06 00 04 00 00 04 00 00 07 00 00 05 00 00 09 00 00 02 00 00 06 00 00 02 00 02 00 02 00 00 03 00 06 00 00 09 00 00 00 06 00 08 00 00 02 00 HODEDGE £ s. d. 00 08 06 00 02 06 00 05 00 00 05 00 00 01 06 00 06 00 00 02 00 Quarter. lames Brearley Henry Gill for pt. of Smith house Mrs. Brooke for ye other pt. Mr. Kirshaw... Ab: Langley For wharlers... Abraham Walker For Crow- nest Edward Gibson For Nubie Farme ... Mr. Lister for yew trees John Scwnior For Geoi'ge Ramsdens... & For Tazimouds Thomas Ray... cV: For wood Close & lennet Stubbinge lames Hauworth mason lohn Frost where Joshua Smith lived & for Tillcarr lohn Frost for Daniell Hoyle land Quarter. lohn Baumforth Edward Gibson for Armsteads loseph Wright lohn Thorpe ct for pt. of Jacksons ... Mr. Mitchell for ye other pt. lohn Walker for two closes at Houedge or Oake £ s. d. 00 03 00 00 03 06 00 02 00 00 01 06 00 03 00 00 00 06 00 01 00 00 02 06 00 03 00 00 05 00 00 01 00 00 02 00 00 01 00 ^6 08 00 £ s. d. 00 02 00 00 10 00 00 04 00 00 08 00 00 01 00 00 11 00 00 02 00 00 18 00 00 03 06 00 01 06 00 12 06 00 01 00 00 03 00 00 08 00 00 02 00 00 05 00 08 15 00 £ s. d. 00 01 00 00 01 00 00 07 00 00 06 00 00 01 00 00 01 00 248 BEIGHOUSE, EASTRICK HouEDGE Quarter. £ s. d. lames Leake & for Meggroide it springe ... lohu Lum for Springs loshua Holdsworth Joseph Priestley 00 04 06 00 01 06 00 06 06 00 03 06 lohn Lightowlers or ye occu- piers lolin Hanson & For mean- roide 1692. or her Brighouse Quarter. £ B. d. MHclam Thoraeli lieares Wido : Brighouse Mr. Michill ... Joseph Lister, Thornill Briggs 00 09 00 Joseph Lister Sir Thomas Land Joseph Lister for fining millu or occupiers Richard fflather Joseph Crowther, Latte Mathew Scorfeild or oc- 01 00 00 00 18 00 00 12 00 00 03 00 00 02 06 00 01 00 cupiers Timithie Scorfeild or occu- piers Jams Grime for Tho : Taylers Edmand Waterhouse for pound Ahr : Lum Widdo Hoole for bonegate... 00 02 00 00 00 06 00 05 00 00 03 00 00 15 00 00 10 06 Josias Whiteley for Clay farme Mr. Linley for Brooke foote or occupiers Henrie flather Mr. Walker or occupiers ... Joseph Rayner £ s. d. 00 02 00 00 04 00 03 09 06 £ s.: d. 00 04 06 00 03 00 00 02 00 00 01 00 00 04 00 05 16 00 Joshua Whitley Jeremy Hudson Abraham Langley Thomas Kitson Samuell Stanhope Jonas Heaton Collectors of Roy.al Aide for the Township. 1661 Wm. Thorpe, Samll. Bentley 1665 Thomas Hanson 1666 Wm. Ffletcher, Thos. Tailor 1667 John Kershaw, Jeremy ffeild 1C63 Wm. Wilton Septr. 17, 1066, William ffletslier's account given before us whose names are subscribed, be being collector for the Royall aide and his majesties present, further say by these remaining in his hand the which money he hath payd to the Constable, witnesse our hands Richard apleyeard, Nathan Crosley, John Kirshaw, William Wilton, James Phillips 1668 Royal aide collected and our money for Duke of York. AXD IlIPPEimOLMK. 24 i> ^Ijc glcii^us of tljc i^ccvoic^, iru-isar. ese Smith House. There is enough material for a large local history in events of thcoc four reigns, so we must content ourselves in this volume with merely indicating a few topics. In 1738 a remarkable religious revival Smith House Pokch. 250 BRIGHOUSE, RASTRICK culminated in the West Ridnig, under the Eev. Benjamin Ingham, of Osset, who married a Lady Hastings, into Ingham's Societies. This led to the frequent visits to Smith House of that venerable man John Wesley. The Holmes family owned the place then, and when a differ- ence arose between the Moravians and the Methodists, Mrs. Holmes took sides with the latter. Meantime, a number of Germans or Moravians had been invited into Yorkshire to take charge of Ingham's Societies, and they had settled at Smith House, in the high three- storey building erected for them by Mr. Holmes, whilst an overflow >-is.rci.i**h German House, Lightcliffe. Gerjian HoI'RE. AND IIIl'I'KHHOr.MK. 251 was told off to German House, then called Newhouse. A large school was held at Smith House, and if Mrs. Holmes, whose husband had recently died, had remained with the Moravians, it is probable that the Settlement, now at Fuhieck, would have remained in Lightclii'fe. The history of the Moravians reads like a romance, but must be left out for a special ecclesiastical volume ; as must the stoi'ies of Kastrick, Coley and Lightclitfe Churches. We must not forget that to this date and to these events the present century is vastly indebted. The introduction of local preachers, beyond any religious influence, has promoted an independence of thought and expression that has mater- ially advanced the present condition of social pi'ogress, whilst the religious instinct preserved the masses from unrighteous deeds. It would be well if the same considerateness, integrity, and charity were fostered to-day; and then masters and men, capital and labour, would be inseparable factors in social prosperity, and loss and jari'ing would cease. In 1745, Joshua Guest, a native of Spout House in Lightcliffe, had reached the position of Lieutenant General of Dragoons, and, though Spout House. an octogenarian, ably defended Edinburgh Castle against the Young Pretender. The old General died the same year, and he was buried amongst the nation's great men in "Westminster Abbey, where a monument and bust still testify to his worth. Sir John Ligonier, a great soldier from Hanover, was also conspicuous in the wars of that time, and his nephew married Penelope, daughter of Baron Rivers, Earl Chatham's relative. This was an unfortunate marriage, and the story of Penelope Pitt, from the pen of an Emily Bronte, would 252 BRIGHOUSE, RASTRICK abound with romantic interest. I have copy of "An Act to dissolve the Marriage of Edward, Viscount Ligonier with Penelope, daughter ■of George Pitt, 1772," after six years' wedded life, for adultery with Count Vittorio Amadeo Alfieri. The husband fought a duel with Alfieri on this account. A pamphlet of 78 pages respecting the trial was issued in 1771. Jean Louis (John) Ligonier fled from France in 1(397 with his brother. Fought with Lord Marlborough ; became Viscount, d. 1770. Francois Ligonier d. at Falkirk in 1745 of fatigue. Edward, 2nd Viscount, d. 1782. Lady Ligonier was frail and beautiful. Forty years ago, fond grand- mothers pronounced their grandchildren as bonny as Lady Leijoneer, but who she was few remembered. I hunted out a few particulars about the ' grand lady,' and found an oil-painting at Mr. Thompson's, Chapel-le -Brier, depicting a hunting scene, amongst the riders being Mr. Thompson, who owned lands at Sutcliffe Wood, Mr. Aked, the Southowram parson, who shared the usual parsonic sport of that time, and Lady Ligonier. Parson Aked is just clearing a gate in splendid SoTCLirFE Wooa AND HIPPERHOLME. 253- i?" %;^' style. What brought her ladyship to repide at Ncwhouse (not the New house just mentioned as German House, but the one opposite Lightclitt'e New Church), I could never learn, or what became of her eventually, except that the peerages say she married a Captain Smith in 1784. Her paramour at Lightclift'e was a local man named Wright, I believe. In order to encourage the woollen trade, the bodies of deceased persons had to be buried after 1(578, in woollen dresses, or a penalty was imposed, and the undertaker had to sign a certificate stating con- formity to the Act. The certificate bore the grim, unconsoling figure of a skeleton. The constables had many unpleasant duties during the war in obtaining soldiers. I have by me a list of the in- habitants of Rastrick, July 2, 1759, of males between 18 and 50, liable to be called out as soldiers. They are numbered 1 to 117 as they were written down from house to house : — Jolm Bentley, John Garside, Wm. Goodhear, Wm., John, and James Walker, George Bentley, Wm. and Joshua Dawson, Michael Garside, Joshua and Joseph Collens, Ealy and Danel Dyson, Thos. Mitchell, James and John Hodge, Solomon Pitchfort, Michill Knowls, John Eangley, Wm. Aspinall, Wm. Parke, John Brook, Jolm Aple- yard, Jonathan ( ? Apleyard), John Whitwham, Joseph and Wm. (of Nunery) Aspinall, John Brigg, James Sykes, John Wadsworth, George Aspinal, Jas. Shaw, Joseph Brook, John Sunderland, Saml. Garfitt, Wm. Helm, Charles Smith, Joseph Stockill, Abrm. Marsdin, John Milner, John Marshall, Wm. Baritt, Benjamin Mallinson, Joseph Tiffoney, fox Jolm Brook, law John Brook, owld John Brook, Joseph Blagburn, Saml. Sharp, Ricd. Denham, Thos. and John Richardson, Joseph Firth, Joseph and John Goodhear, Joshua and Abraham Richard- son, Joshua Farrer, Joseph, James, and Benjamin Horsfall, Joshua Bothomley, Wm. Clugh, Thos. Robards, Henery Rotherey, Mathew Fislier, Jonas Stot, John Blagburn, John Brigg, John Tifteney, John Morton, Wm. Green, James Evison, Tliomas Thornton, John Bothomley, Tliomas Thornton of Woodhouse, Tlios. Stake, John Hirst, Benjn. Morton, Abram Scholfield, James Denham, John Firth, John Bell, John Rushforth, Jauies and Wm. Bothomley, Jonathan Denliam, Ricd. Boothroyd, Thos. Evison, Michl. Firth, Tliomas Greenwood, Saml. Wilkinson, Edmund Cooper, John Preston, James Pearson, Joseph Marshel, Wm. Robson, frnses Horn, John Dorans, John Richardson, John Smith, .Tonas Preston crossed oil", John Singleton, Josliua Irdale, Wm.Rodes, John Stake, John Mallinson, Isaac Stocks, John Jackson, 254: BRlCiHOUSE, EASTRICK Aabrm Malliuson, Joseph Lockwood, Jas. Holt, Jolm Freeman, Thos. Fox, Josei)h Thornton, Joseph Boothroyd, John Wood. If space admitted, the descendants of many of these famiUes could be inserted in pedigree form, but we mast content ourselves with a few notes, Abraham Marsden was of the same family as John Marsden who was lotted or pressed for a soldier in Wellington's time, and fought in many engagements. His son, Mr. Hemy Rowland Marsden, became Mayor of Leeds, and a large monument to his memory in one of the streets there is but one of the memorials to his worth. They intermarried with the Pitchforths. The Marsdens sprang from the village of Marsden, Colne valley. John Marsden was a farmer and publican in 1750 at Bridge End, like his father before him. Richard, son of John, married Grace Pitchforth and followed the same trades, and it was this man's son who was pressed in the army in 1812, when 22 years of age. He served twenty years and was then discharged with one year's pay (!), having fought in twelve engagements, and was several times wounded. He resided with Mr. Marsden when I got this information from his Worship, having reached the age of 85 on Feb. 14, 1875. The motto on the family arms is a capital pun — Mars Denique Victor est. The customs of pressing and lotting for soldiers broke up many families, and spread the local surnames, along with the tide of emi- gration, over the British Empire and America ; whilst the bondage of * settlements ' Avould have kept the old families at the old homesteads. The poor-law settlements were prolific of law-suits of one township against another. Every township's box contains bundles of papers of settlements, town apprenticeships, and bastardy cases. Here is one of the settlements. John Rushforth, of Fixby, having married Sarah Cooper of Rastrick, bought a little plot on Rastrick Castle Hill, desired to remove there in June, 1757, but could not do so until John Rakestraw, churchwarden, Wm. Drake, overseer, Joshua Holroyd, Joseph Fryer, and Samuel Mitchell, witnesses, had testified on oath before Saml. Lister and Wm. Lamplugh, Justices of the Peace, that Fixby township would be responsible if Rushforth, his wife, and child Susannah, became chargeable to the poor. He became, however, a good townsman, and his descendant, the writer, here gives his pedi- gree. Thomas Rushforth, of Mirfield, d. 1648. =pSarali Hall at Mirfield, April 1G25 ; she married (2) I Thomas Wooen, senr., 1652. Sarah, b. 1G34, mar. W^m. Hubank, 1G57. Ann, b. 1687. George, b. 1639, d. 1668, leaving an infant son Jeremy. Thomas, Henry, Thomas, b. 1631, b. 1626, b. 1630. d. 1681, Mirfield y/- .... ^/^j mouths towards BsDFor.D's School. of her decease, then her executors should appropriate £200 the education and maintenance there of ten poor children, (five boys and five girls), and they should elect a Schoolmaster of sober life. The inhabitants erected a school, the subscription list being headed by Sir Samuel Armytage, 5 guineas : Mr. Radclifle ( ancestor of the Smith-house Radclifies,) 3 guineas; Mrs. Gill (descendant of the Henry Brighouse who built Bouegate House, and mother of the Mrs. Ledgard who afterwards in- herited Bonegate estate), 2 guineas ; and fourteen guinea-subscribers, and others of smaller amount. The story of the defaced inscription, the loss of the endowment, and event- ually of the school-house itself must be left over at present. To Rastrick and Hipperholme Grammar Schools, justice cannot be done in the sliort space left for this volume. On April 13th, 1798, Ras- trick Church Avas consecrated after re-erection, and interments now took place there instead of carrying the Ledgakd Arms. dead to Elland. One of the first S64 BRIGHOUSE, RASTKICK burials was that of the old respected incumbent, the last of the old type of parsons whose character may be judged in some measure by the following notes kindly forwarded to me by the Eev. C. B. Korcliffe, M.A., Langton Hall, the representative of the Norcliffes, of Norcliffe in Shibden-dale, and other county families. Years ago I printed the name of Mercy Lacey in the local papers as the last instance, so far as I could learn, of public penance at Kastrick. 1 had then no idea the tradition was so old as tiiese notes shew. It ought to be said that Mr. Braithwaite lived to be highly respected in after years. Many other interesting particulars must be retained for an ecclesiastical volume, but this extract from the Archdeacon's Visitations will give a little light on the Days of the Georges. " 1766. Eastrick. The Rev. George Braithwaite, Clerk, Curate, for neglecting to perform Divine Service in the said Chapel on Sundays and Holy Days, and particularly on Sunday the 15th day of June last past. For being guilty of great profaneness and immorality in Drinking to excess and being Drunk within the said Chapelry of Eastrick. For gaming and playing at Cards att public houses within the same and att other houses within the said Archdeaconry of York. For committing the crime of fornication with Mercy Lacey of Eastrick aforesaid, single woman, [and begetting on her body one male bastard child,] and in general for actmg and behaving in several instances so as he ought not to have done, and for omitting to act and behave in others as was his duty to do, as a Clergyman of the Church of England, and as Curate or Minister of Eastrick aforesaid. 1769. Eastrick. Mercy Lacey for Fornication with the Eev. George Braithwaite. Performed Penance." The Kirklees Sale, by which Commercial Street district was thrown open for building, and other plots disposed of, took place in 1816, and from that date Brighouse has gone by gradual leaps to its present population. i fmmk M^^^^^___ _ ' ' " "^^ — — — AND HIPPERHOLME. 2G5 ptobcxnt ^^viiil)c»xt$i% Calher Bridge axd Low Mill. The story of the modern development of Brighouse and Eastrick, of its notable families, worthies, and industrial pioneers, shall be briefly told in this volume, more by pictorial efforts than by statistical accounts. Bradford and Huddersfield Eoad necessitated the building of a, second bridge across the Calder (about 1824-5,) between the two ancient Brighouse Mills — the corn mill and the fulling mill, and additional building land w^as thus available. The construction of the Elland and Obelisk (Dumb Steeple) Eoad took place about 1815, and building land was opened out along Brighouse Wood, and there the Towser, or prison, was erected. The Brighouse and Denholme- gate Eoad improved the ancient lane, afterwards known as John King lane, to Lane Head, Slead Syke, Hove Edge, &c. This was about 182G. The greatest stimulus of all was the construction of the Manchester and Leeds (or Normanton) Eailway. No part of this line touched Brighouse, yet the directors gave the station the name of "Brighouse and Bradford," afterwards "Brighouse," and only recently "Brighouse and Eastrick" station. After five years Parhamentary agitation, the Bill for the construction of this line received the Eoyal assent, July 4, 183G ; altered in 1837 ; ground being first broken in August, when Her Majesty had reigned three months. The Brighouse section, from Hebden Bridge to Normanton, was opened Oct. 5, 1840, and on the completion of Summit Tunnel, the whole line was opened March 1st, 1841. Leeds was 20 miles away, by rail, from Brighouse ; Manchester 34. " Brighouse and Bradford Station " was on the sign- board, and coaches ran regularly from Bradford and Huddersfield to meet the trains. ■26G BRIGHOUSE, KASTRICK oc o H < H 02 a M o H en o H (30HN BOTTPOMLEY, GS «iSt» Bottom Hall. Taking up the leading family names of modern times in alphabetical order, we can but barely indicate the influence of the chief individuals on the prosperity of the district, some as founders of industries, others as serving the public on Boards of Healtli, kc, others for their pro- fessional eminence, and some as authors. Fuller justice to family records will claim amplified recognition in another volume. George J. Arjiytage, Esq., F.S.A., though not a resident, must not be left out on account of the family relationship with the Brighouse Manor. His eminence as a genealogist and antiquary, as editor of the Harleiau Society Volumes, &c., and his qualifications as Chairman of the 270 BRIGHOUSE, EASTRICK Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway Company are widely known and appreciated. Lady Armytage is doubly interested in Brighouse for a branch of the ancient family of Radcliffe resided at Brighouse and Smith House for more than a century. Both the Armytages and Eadcliffes were benefactors to Mrs. Bedford's School, " Top of Brig- house." The Lightcliffe Armytages, Cardmakers, were influential there all the reigns of George III. and his sons. They resided at WiCKHAJI AeMS. SiK Henry W. Ripley. Holme House, afterwards tenanted by Mr. Lamplugh Wickham, and subsequently by Mr. (afterwards Sir) Henry W. Eipley. Mr. Peter Allatt, who died in 1890, aged 81, was a well known inhabitant of Eastrick, and carried on business first as fellmonger and afterwards as wool merchant. Mr. Benjamin Atkinson's druggist shop always calls to my mind pleasant memories of the kind. Christian gentleman, who died in 1871, aged 57, whilst his professional brother. '"^^'^mm^mkr^ LiLLANPS Farm. ^. (q. Bottomley, Gsq. AND HIPPERHOLME. 271 Mr. Cardwell, was equally esteemed. Several pages would be required to note the influence of the Aspinaixs on the stone trade. John Aspinall, of Salford, Bridge End, died March 3, 1849, aged 70. Mary,, bis wife, Sep., 1847, aged 75. William Aspinall, Brighouse, died 1854,. aged 07. John Aspinall, of Quarry Mount, died 1855, aged 52. His- heir, Kaye Aspinall, Esq., on acquiring the Manor, named the mansion: Manor House. He died April 24, 1872, aged 54. Thomas Aspinall, of Manor House, died in 1888, aged 43. The Southowram Aspinalls,. now represented by the Rev. G. E. Aspinall, M.A., J. P., are descendants- of Abel Aspinall, senior, of Rastrick, the father Abel, Jonathan, John,. Cain, and Sarah, whose descendants flourish amongst us. The last named married Mr. William Helm, of the Helms of Lillands, identified with the woollen industry. Mr. Jonas Broughton was father John, Benjamin, Arthur, Jonas, Thomas, Robert and Emma. John, tlie^ eldest son, became a cardmaker, as did his sons, but only one grandson now follows in the line. We are pleased to preserve his portrait as he appeared shortly before his death, though the negative is a poor one to start with. His grandson, Mr. Goldthorp Broughton, has kindly supplied it. The old gentleman died in 1804, aged 88. His children were Robert Heward, d. 1879, aged 80 ; Edward Heward, d. 1883, aged 81 ; Charles Heward, d. 1875, aged 08 ; Lauretta, wife of Job Fawcett, d. 1803, aged 59 ; Rhoda, wife of Wm. Gomersall, of Gomersall, (Vice-Consul at Genoa,) d. 1889, aged 78 ; and Lucy, wife of Wm. Marsden, grocer, d. 1891, aged 70. Mr. Henry Byrne, of Slead Hall, died Jan. 3, 1879, aged 70. Elizabeth Byrne, Jan. 12, 1852, aged 47. Mary Byrne, Sep. 5, 1875, aged 85. Mr. Samuel Henry Byrne, the son, has recently been added to the ' great majority.' His excellent character and business qualifications as partner in the firm of Ramsden, Camm & Co., wire-drawers, &c., cannot be too highly eulogized. Mr. William Bro.\dbent, who died in Nov., 1870, aged GO, served Brighouse officially in many ways, but his wife was equally known as a kindly dispenser of drugs. " Sarah druggist," as she was familiarly known, died in April, 1873, aged GO, but her wholesome advice is still handed down. Thomas and Benjamin Blackburn were brothers, who carried on business as cloth manufac- turers at Holbeck. Thomas was a Cloth Hall Trustee at Leeds. His son Thomas settled at Popplewell, Scholes, near Cleckheaton, in 1820, as woollen yarn manufacturer, but after some years removed to the old water mill at Clifton Bridge. The second Thomas died in 1849,. Mr. John Bkoughton. •272 BRIGHOUSE, EASTRICK aged 70. His son Thomas commenced cotton spinning at Higlitown about 1835. Soon after, be removed to Victoria Mill, Brigbouse, and about 1841, be built tbe Pboenix Mill. He also erected the Atlas and Broadbolme Cotton Mills, tbus affording employment for many hundreds of people. Tbe third Thomas died April 20th, 1879, aged 70. His brother Joseph died in 1890, aged 82. They were no relatives of Mr. Mark Blackburn, of Clifton, owner of the Granny Hall estate, whose property went to Mr. Joseph Eayner, of Slead House, Town Clerk of Liverpool, nor of the well-known Daniel Blackburn, who died in 1883, aged 76. Mr. Thomas Burgess died 1858, aged 76, and Sarah, his wife, 1858, aged 78. Their son John, founder of the extensive dyeworks at Birds Eoyd, died in Dec, 1869, aged 61. His wife, Letticia, representative of the old family of Morton, died in 1875, aged 60. Mr, John Burgess was of a scientific and literary turn as shewn by the fine library he acquired, which was dispersed on the death of his only son Thomas, in 1873. The latter had married a Miss Crossley, whose father had the adjoining extensive dyeworks. For the portrait of Mr. John Burgess, we are indebted to the courtesy of his daughter, Mrs. Maile, now residing in Essex. Mr. Thomas Bradbury, a moving spirit in Rastrick political and social life, and like Mr. Burgess, a devoted antiquary, died in 1870, aged 49. No Brigbouse gentleman was esteemed more highly for genuine uprightness and kindliness of heart than Mr. John Bottomley, the maltster, whose portrait we are delighted to perpetuate by favour of his equally respected son, whom Brigbouse has delighted to honour for many years, and whose long services on tbe Local Board and in every public capacity, besides being the head of the old firm of manu- facturing chemists at Brookfoot, prompted us to apply somewhat ex- actingly for his portrait to accompany these lines, and we are pleased to add his residence, Stoneleigh, as a specimen of the mansions that have sprung up in Victoria's reign. Mr. .John Carr Bottomley's father (John,) died in 1862, aged 71, his mother Ursula, in 1861, aged 64. Mr. John Brooke, senior, of the Rydings, a beautiful mansion near Manor House, and Stoneleigh, was long a well-known and beloved inhabitant of Brigbouse. He removed his busiiiess place, as a corn miller, from Brookfoot, in 1826, to the newly-erected "Brooke's Mill," in Badger Lane, near Bridge End. He was a fine type of the old Squire, and many old inhabitants will rejoice to see his portrait. He died March 26, 1855, aged 71, and his widow, Mary, Oct. 12, 1867, aged 86. The poor lost great friends at their decease. Their son, John Brooke, Junr., Esquire, died in 1870, May 17th, aged 51. He had married tbe daughter of George Higham, Esq., solicitor, of Brig- house, whose professional eminence was acknowledged throughout the West Riding, especially in connection with Railway and public matters. Messrs. Chambers succeeded to the business. The genial kindliness of the Brookes superabounded in the only child of Mr. John, junior, the late Rev. John Brooke, M.A., whose remains were recently brought from his distant vicarage to rest in Brigbouse churchyard. S o AND HIPPERHOLME. 273 HiGHAM Arms. (See Higham family, page 288.; Baixes family, of Shelf, is an oftshoot — like the Baines' of Leeds, and the Mr. Baynes, M.P. for Leeds two centuries ago, — of an old family that settled mainly in Nidderdale and Ripon. They bore for arms, Sa. two shank bones in cross, ar., that in pale surmounting the one in fesse. Crest, a bone and palm branch in saltire ppr., whilst the Baines' of Bell Hall had for crest, a cubit arm erect, holding in the hand a shank bone in bend sinister argent. The bones form a pun on the Scotch name. The Nidderdale family according to Debrett (1808,) had been settled at Middles- moor from before 1484, being then exiles from Scotland. The Baines clan were des- cended from Donald Bane, King of Scotland in 1093. See Bipon Millenarij. The Shelf branch intermarried with the Mortimers and Nicholls, of Field head, as shewn by the monument in Coley Church- yard, from 1742, and there were buried Mr. John Baines of Brighouse, who died March 24, 1807, aged 73 ; Elizabeth, his wife, died April Btli, 1804, aged 71 ; and their son, Samuel Baines, late of Brighouse, Fellow of the Geological Society, who died July 25, 1800, in his 52nd year. The monument was erected by his sister, Sophia Kershaw, of Crow Nest Park, in testimony of his worth and of a sister's love. The vast mills and adjuncts known as Baines' Square, in Brighouse, will justly perpetuate the memory of Mr. John and Mr. Samuel Baines, the former more as an on-looker and adviser, as commercial pioneers, who carried the fame of Brighouse manufactures to the markets of Lancashire and West Yorkshire. Mr. Samuel Baines had also a just reputation as a geologist and scientist. He is referred to as such in James' Bnidford, and I treasure his memory personally because he annually gave prizes at the Brighouse ^Mechanics' Listitute, of which he was President, and I carried away the first prize for mathematics in 1857. By over-trusting a manufacturer, in Derby (I think), he suffered a great loss, and his fine scientific library of 4000 volumes, with shells, birds, philosophical apparatus, fell to the hammer at Holroyd House, Priestley Green, April 19-22, 1805. Catalogue, 39 pages. To Mrs. Kershaw's concession, the future inhabitants are indebted for the portraits of these two Brighouse worthies. 274 BKIG HOUSE, RASTRICK Mr. Joseph Barber died March 19, 18G2, aged 57. He was an attorney-at-law, of wide repute, and highly esteemed. His family alliances included most of the local gentry, but we are proudest of the attainments of some of his numerous family. Judge Barber. Mr. William Barber was the eldest son of Mr. .loseph Barber, solicitor, and was born at Castle Hill, Rastrick, Nov. 12, 1833. He was educated at St. Peter's, York, and Worcester College, Oxford. In 1859, he married Ehzabeth, daughter of Mr. Henry Birch, and niece of the Rev. Joseph Birch. In 1862, he was called to the bar at Lincoln's Inn. In 1882, he was appointed one of Her Majesty's Counsel. For several years he was Professor of Real and Personal Property to the Council of Legal Education. In 1889, he was appointed Judge of the Derbyshire County Court, in consequence of which he removed from Pinner to Ashover. Ill-health compelled him to resign his judicial position in 1891. His death occurred at Ashover, March 29, 1892. He was President of the Jurisprudence Section, at the Social Science Congress, Huddersfield Meeting. In 1889, he was appointed a Magistrate for Derbyshire. His edition of Dart's Vendors and Purchasers is held in high esteem. As a Philanthropist and Temperance Reformer he was greatly appre- ciated. Sometime about 1855 he gave a lecture on the history of Brighouse, and the writer dates his first impulses as an antiquary from that time. A beautiful steel plate portrait of Judge Barber has just been issued to subscribers. The Ven. Archdeacon Barber, Chester, is another of the eminent sons of Mr. Joseph Barber, and as he still lives we are glad to content ourselves with such brief re- cords of his useful life as the Clerical Directories afford, and specially pleased to preserve his portrait for our future townsmen. Mr. Fairless Barber, F.S.A., F.R.H.S., deserves at the writer's hands the highest oulogium, as the reader will see by acknowledgments frequent- ly given in these pages. The pleasant hours spent with him in Church Lane and at Castle Hill, and antiquarian ram- bles occasionally, have an undying interest. We have jIr. Fairj-k.ss BAUjtEi:, F.S.A. (30HN Bl^OOI^B, SENI^., eSQ. AND lIiri'Er.HOLJIE. 275 to be content to retain the copy of the only portrait preserved of him, and to point to the Yorkshire Archieological Association, and especi- ally to the Jourr.al that he edited for it, as memorials of onr towns- man. Mr. Fairle.^s was the second son, and born at Castle Hill, Jan. 11, 183i5. He was educated at St. Peter's, York, and was a born antiquary. His tall figure was always conspicuous at the excursions of the Royal Archicological, and similar societies. As a local man ho laboured with the best in promoting the best interests of the place and people. His enthusiastic labours, legal, literary, and philanthropic, shortened his days. His coi'respondence was almost world-wide ; Sir Gilbert Scott and others sought his advice on arclueological matters. He was a welcome lecturer, and our ne^^•spaper files will testify to his abundant labours in connection with the iJrighouse Mechanics' Insti- tution, Penny Savings' Bank, Church matters. Parliamentary Elections as Returning Officer, Local Gas, Water, and similar Companies, &c. He was a staunch Conservative and Churchman, but never obtrusive or dogmatic. He was the embodiment of gentlemanliness. He died March 8, 1881, and was buried at Pinner, i.ear London. A fitting notice appeared in the pages of the Yorkshire Archa'ological Journal, but no portrait. Some of his articles to that and other Journals were reprinted in pamphlet form. Me. Henry Jocelyn ]3Ai;iiLii. 276 BRIGHOUSE, RASTRICK Mr. Henry Jocelyn Barber, another son, was born at Brighouse in 1846, and was also educated at York. He entered the profession of the Law on leaving school, and is well known in Halifax and Brig- house circles in that profession, but to most West Riding people he is best known as the Founder of the West Yorkshire Fire Brigade Friendly Society. When about 18 he became chief officer of the Brighouse Brigade, which post he held for twenty years. His expo- sures at different conflagrations, through water and frost as well as fire, have almost crippled him, but still his interest in the work is unflagging. In 1878, he published a pamphlet on " Salvage Corps," and in 1883 one on " Fire Inquests." His address at the Barnsley meeting, 1885, has also been printed. At Sheffield, in 1886, an illuminated address was presented to him. He possesses the anti- quarian tastes of his brothers, is well versed in numismatology, bibliography, and the fine arts ; and strongly favours the study of natural history. To his prompting, the issue of this volume must be largely attributed ; to the memory of his brother Fairless it ought to be inscribed. The portrait is from a photograph by Davis and Sons, Halifax, and appeared in Fire and Water, June, 1890. In the literary history we might perhaps claim that the great early astronomer and geometrician, John de Sacrobosco, was a native of the holy wood of Fixby and Rastrick. Scotland and other places have tried to claim him, but Halifax parish has a very old traditionary right. Perhaps our first genuinely proved author was the Rev. Wm. AiNswoRTH, curate of Lightclilie. I have his long poem "The Marrow of the Bible," a very scarce and costly volume ; and after thirty years search, I bought at Mr. Crossley's sale, Manchester, who had been forty years searching for one, the "Triplex Memoriale," three quaint sermons by Ainsworth. This volume I reprinted. The dear old name of the Rev. Joseph Birch must only be referred to here as author of several sermons ; amongst them — " Consistency of Conduct Required from Believers — A Farewell Sermon in the New Parish Church of Brighouse, Oct. 26, 1862, by Joseph Birch, M.A., late Perpetual Curate." Printed by request. Brighouse, J. and A. Rushworth, 1862, pp. 19. " New Parish of Brighouse, Congregational Collections, 1812-62 ;" By Joseph Birch, late Pastor. Brighouse, J. and A. Rush- worth, Commercial Buildings, 1862, pp. 12. In 1842 there was no legal district, being in Rastrick Chapelry. In 1856 Brighouse became a separate parish. Mr. Birch established the Brighouse Clothing Society in 1843, the first of several philanthropic movements he started. The average Church Collections for those years was £'85. In 1854 tlie sum of £10 was raised for Soldiers' Wives in the Russian War, and in 1857, £13 towards the Indian Mutiny Relief Fund. The pedigree of the Brighouses of Brighouse is not quite completed, ]ior that of the Ellands of Carlinghow. An important branch of the Brighouses flourished in Lincolnshire in the reign of Elizabeth. Thomas Brighouse, of Brighouse, and Martin Brighouse, of Glent- worth, gents., were parties in a deed of freehold land in Brighouse, ^OHN Bl^OOI^E, t^UNI^., GSQ. AND HIPPERHOLME. 277 9 Eliz. Col. John Morris's mother was a daughter of Brighouse of Newark. CoL Morris's son became Town Clerk of Leeds. John Brighouse of Brighouse held property here in 1G07, but the most flourishing local branch was that referred to in the preceding pages. Kichard Brighouse, of Boiling, Esquire, has the following registers of baptisms in Bradford Church, — Tempest, Jan. 24, 1018 ; John, March 19, 1619, died July 3rd, 1020, aged 4 months ; Bichard, Aug. 12, 1021 ; Mary, March *23, 1022-3. There were buried at Bradford, Widow Brighouse, 9 March, 1007 ; Edward Brighouse, 7 Oct., 1007 ; Mary, his widow, 17 April, 1009, and Elizabeth Brighouse, 10 June, 1610. Henry Brighouse built Bonegate House in 1035. His son married Susan, dau. of John Gill, of Lightclifl'e, in 1058, and died in 1081, and was buried at the foot of the pulpit in Elland Church. His widow left her property to Henry, son of her brother, John Gill. This Henry married, in 1701, Mary , and their children were Daniel, Hem-y (who married Ursula, dau. of Wm. B. Cotes, Esq., J.P.,) and Ann, who married Edward Ledgard, Esq., of the ancient Ledgards of Mirfield. She died in 1783, having inherited Bonegate, pages. There are a few local references, but the most curious thing is the number of foreigners uho sub- scribed for it. Dyson and Dexham are familiar business firms for future record. The Empsalls have been a well-to-do family in Lightcliffe for three centuries, the most notable member at present being Mr. Councillor Thomas Thornton Empsall, of Bradford, a noted antiquary and bibliopiiile. His mother was one of the Rastrick Thorntons. His grandfather, Mr. Joshua Empsall, had three sons, Jere., Daniel and Joseph. Jere. and Daniel were known for miles round as eccen- tric, 'cute, racy bachelors. A portrait of the elder, by Mr. Lumb Stocks, is in existence, Mr. T. T. Empsall has rendered special service on the Bradford School Board and Corporation, especi- ally in promoting the Free Library, which is a model one. He has been President of the Bradford Historical Society since its foundation in 1878. For a pedigree of the Firths of Toothill, see Yorkshire Countij Miiiidtiue, 1891. ^lary, widow of Thomas Firth, of Firth House, died in 1842, aged 77. Betsy (nee Horsfall?) wife of another Thomas Firth, died in 1804, aged 74. She was an "Elder" amongst the Friends. Her husband, the celebrated Quaker, who refused to let Sir John Ramsden become owner of all Huddersfield unless he would cover the biggest floor of the warehouse Mr. F. owned there with sovereigns edgeways, whose beautifully white painted gates marked tlie extent of Tootliill, whose kind smile was bestowed on the poorest child, and whose half-crowns judiciously distributed by himself on St. Tliomas' day, though he cared nought about saints' days, was the last of the worthy family at Toothill. He died, without issue, on March 3rd, 181JD, aged 79. Mr. Scorah, Bradford, a Hipperholme native, has kindly supplied the portrait. Another branch of the family built and resided at Firth House. Akin to the Firths, and also members of the Society of Friends, were the Fryers, who resided at Toothill Grove. The old Toothill Hall stood where a farm house stands on the top of Toothill Bank. A few interesting particulars will be found in " Recollections of a Beloved Sister," [Mary Ann Fryer, died 187:5, aged 02, an Elder.] by her sister, Mrs. Harvey, Leeds ; privately printed. I wish some friend 280 BRIGHOUSE, RASTRICK would favour me with a copy. An outline pedigree appears in Yorkshire CoiDiti/ Mdf/azine. Joseph Fryer, an Elder, died in 1846, aged 65, his widow, Ann, in 1865, aged 79. Their son, Joseph Jowett Fryer, in 1846, aged 39. Old Rastrick folks were never tired of speaking about old Doctor .Joseph Fryer. He was father of Joseph, (manufacturer), who was father of Mrs. Harvey, mentioned above, and grandfather of Mr. John Firth Fryer, B.A., York School, and of Mrs. Hanbury (nee Mr. Thomas Firth. Pease), formerly of China, now residing in Italy. The old Doctor's third son was Simeon, an esteemed surgeon in Rastrick, whose third son, Mr. Alfred Fryer, born at Rastrick, has recently died in Cheshire. Alfred became head of the firm of Fryer, Benson and Forster, sugar refiners, Manchester and Antigua. He was always of an inventive turn. In 1865, he produced the " Concretor," by which the juice of the cane became solid, and loss in shipping was obviated. He joined the Nottingham firm of Engineers, Manlove & Co., and soon after Samuel Baines, Gsq. AND HIPPERUOLME. 281 established that of Fryer «t Co., at Ronen, now conducted by his younger son, H. D. Fryer. In 1884, lie retired from active business. His Refuse Destructor, for transforming refuse into cement or paving blocks, has been adopted in many large towns. He fitted up at Wilmslow, his residence, an astronomical observatory, and became intimate with Lockyer, Proctor, Balfour Stewart and other scientists. He was author of " Peculiarities of Vital Statistics of the Society of Friends," "Floating Lightships," "Influence of Forests on Rainfall," " Balance of Trade," "Cost of Living in various Countries," "The Silver Question," " Wilmslow Graves— a local history," and edited " American Investments " for the Jarvis Conklin Co., Kansas. He frequently crossed the Atlantic on business. " The Great Loan Land" Avas issued for that Company. His Wilmslow home contains mementos of visits to Egypt, Palestine, the Indies, and the Far West. He died at Wilmslow, Dec. 13, 1802, and was buried in the Friends' Burial Ground, amid widespread tokens of sympathy and regret. The Publisher's Circular had a small portrait of him ; the one we give is from the "American Investments." His family consists of Alfred Cooper Fryer, Ph.D., M.A., Henry Dyson Fryer, Sarah Maria, wife of Rev. J. Collins Odgers, B.A., rJary Emily, wife of Rev. J. Stuart Reid, and Gertrude Anne Fryer, of Wilmslow. Amongst our local authors space must be given to the Rev. F. G. Fleay, of Hipperholme Grammar School, a noted Shakespearian scholar. He only held the office a short time, however. The Rev. W. E. LiTTLEwooD, his precursor, has published several educational works also since his removal from Hipperholme. The Rev. Benjamin Firth had been a schoolmaster at Scholes before 1805. He was the means of building Wyke Independent Chapel, and then added pastoral duties to scholastic ones. He rented the Victoria Mill, erected by James and Hem-y Noble in 1837, and in 1842 became owner thereof, but in 1849 Mr. Samuel Baines purchased it along with the Prince Albert and Canal Mills, built by Mr. Firth. Mr. Firth supplied some of the streets with gas from December, 1843. He was also a versatile educational writer as his school books shew, and to add to all, a con- troversialist with trenchant pen, as shewn by "Church versun Dissent, or Tory Spite and Virulence overshooting their mark, &c.," published by request. By B. Firth, Manor House Academy, Hartshead Moor. 2nd edition, 1835, Gd., 32 pages. S. Easton, Printer, New Road, Brighouse. So far as I remember, this is the first Brighouse printed pamphlet, though I have a trade circular printed by Easton, March, 1834, when A. iuid J. Atkin from Halifax inform the Inhabitants that they have taken the house lately occupied by Mrs. Empsall, opposite the Church Lane. The Rev. B. Firth's memoir appears in the Con- gregational Year Book, 1854. If ever there was pleasure in having a medical gentleman attending one, it was when Robert Farrer, Esq., M.R.C.S., ttc, was called in. He happily lives still at Scarborough, but the author has nearly forty jears' pleasant reminiscences of Dr. Farrer's gentleness, skill, and 282 BRIGHOUSE, KASTRICK urbanity. His sons follow the profession ; but tliey cannot be more beloved by a whole town than their father has been. In his public capacity as Medical Officer, Local Board Member, &c., Dr. Farrer has gained the highest esteem. The Fields of Sowerby and Shipley had an offshoot in Lightcliffe formerly, and the Fosters of Queensbury not only still own land in Hipperholme, but Major Jonas Foster, the third son of John Foster, Esq., of Hornby Castle, made Cliffe Hill his home, and was the main promoter in the erection of Liglitcliife New Church. Major Foster removed to Ludlow shortly before his death in Feb., 1880. The GooDAiREs of Rastrick, Gibsons of Slead Hall, and General Guest of Lidgate, can only be mentioned by name here. The Goodalls have been closely identified with the commercial prosperity of Brighouse during the last hundred years. In 1811, the Rev. Philip Garrett, Wesleyan Minister, published at Manchester a 12mo. pamphlet of 28 pages entitled, "A Scourge to Calumny," arising out of the Brighouse Wesleyan Chapel dispute. William Hattox, of Lightclifife, published "A Sketch of ]\Iethodism in Halifax and its vicinity, from its commencement in the year 1741 to the present period, 1824." Halifax, Thomas Walker, printer; 36 pages. I should like to see a copy. The Rev. Robert Harley, F.R.S., Rev. Robert Haeley, F.R.S. UBN. fll^GHDEAGON BAI^BEI^. AND HIPPERHOLME. 283 F.R.A.S., M.A., for some years minister at Bridge End Congregational Chapel, has published several special sermons and mathematical ■works, to be referred to hereafter. The Rev. J. B. Lister, his successor, was author of a couple of volumes. Mr. Hcholefield, one of the first ministers at Bridge End, was father of the Rev. Prof. Scholefield, of Cambridge, a voluminous author. Mr. Meldrum and Mr. Lowell, also of Bridge End, printed portly books in George Ill's days. John Hanson, of Rastrick, the antiquary of three centuries ago, has been previously referred to. He married the heiress of a Rayner, of Liversedge, whose ancestor had married the heiress of de Liversedge. In the Bodleian Library is Mr. Hanson's collection for a History of Liversedge, now being incorporated into Mr. Peel's " Spen Valley." Mr. Hanson compiled a Pedigree of the Hansons, with arms emblaz- oned, on parchment. I have printed this in the Yorh-^/iiie Gencdloiiist from one of the ancient parchment copies, but refrain from reprinting it here, as the Manor Rolls give the evidences of the same, and we hope to enlarge the pedigree shortly. Sir Reginald Hanson, Bart., LL.D., M.P., late Lord Mayor of London, Sir W. H. Hanson, of Melbourne, W. 1). Hanson, Esq., J. P., Bideford, are representatives of branches of this ancient family, and the name is retained in the Ormerod family by marriage with ^^'si^^'^^^y^^fv^ a descendant. The Misses Howoeth of Bethel Street, were the fashion- able dressmakers of 1800. Their brothers, "William, of Ipswich, and Thomas, of Idle, became clergy- men. An 8 page pamphlet was printed at Idle by John Vint, in 1830, 2nd edition, price 2d., en- titled " An Elegy to the Memory of the Rev, Thomas Howorth, late minister at Idle, who departed this Life the 22nd day of April, 1830, by Benj. Greaves." Mr. Howorth became curate of Calverley in Feb. 1779, at £10 a year. He became curate of Idle Chapel soon after- wards, which he held till his death. He was the first person buried in the New Church that he was the chief means of erecting. His nephew, Winiaui Howorth, produced two volumes of poetry that deserve the highest encomium. "The Cry of the Poor" and "The Redeemer" are volumes that I sought for many years, and now highly appreciate. A tablet is erected to his memory m Brighouse Church. For more than a century the family resided in Red Beck valley, before removing to Brighouse. The portrait of the Poet is from a chalk drawing in the possession of his nephew, Mr. W. H. Howorth, Cleck- heaton. :m^m Rev. T. Howorth. 284 BRIGHOUSE, RASTRICK Mr. "\Yir. Howorth. 1835. In 1739, Lis grand- father, the Rev. Thomas Hudson, late master of Hip- perholme school, buried a child at Coley, and the family had resided in Hipperholme a hundred years earlier still. The Rev. Richard Hudson was Master of Hipperholme School 53 years. Lecturer of Halifax Go years. Incumbent of Bolsterstone, and Vicar of Cockerham. Yet with all his duties he reached the age of 86. He was B.A., Cambridge, in 1708, Eighth Wrangler, M.A. in 1771, when Master of Halifax Oraramar School, removing to Hipperholme in 1782. Amongst the founders of Brighouse, in a double sense, must be recorded Mr. The publications of Oliver Heyta'ood, and the publica- tions respecting him, would occupy several pages, so I beg to refer the reader to the five volumes I have printed respecting him. Isaac Heaton, d. 1871, aged 8-1 nearly, was school-master at Bedford's School for half a century or more. He printed a pamphlet on the origin of the school, of which he was the last master. One of the most notable families of schoolmasters and clergymen in these parts last centurv was the Hudson's, whose services were secured for Idle, Bingley, and Hipper- holme. Perhaps Hipperholme Grammar School was never so popular as during Mr. Hudson's mastership. He was buried at Coley in March, Rev. R. Hulisox. (JOSEPH ©I^AVIS ^LiAY, GSQ. AND HIPPERHOLME. 285- George Hepworth, architect and surveyor, who was pre-eminently the Builder of Brighouse. The family has been located at Yew Trees and Hove Edge for three centuries. Mr. George Hepworth was interred at Brighouse Church in 1875, aged 76 ; his wife, Ehzabeth, in 1877,. aged 07. Yew Trees. Mr. George Hepworth, the son and successor of the architect, has- reared several noble piles, especially Woodvale Mills, built for Mr. Kershaw ; but he has also gained a position as photographic artist as evinced by his charming book — " Brighouse, its Scenery and Anti- quities," 1885. The work consists of thirty platinotype photographs of buildings in Eastrick, Hartshead, Kirklees, Brighouse, Lightclifte, Crorawellbottom, Shelf, and Coley, with a page of descriptive matter to each view. To Mr. Hepworth I am indebted for the excellent portrait of his father, and for views from which several blocks have been made. A pedigree of the Hoyles, like that of the Hansons, would fill a fair-sized book. A notice of the descendants of Mr. Elkanah Hoyle, of Hipperholme, of whom several were eminent clergymen, appears in my Yorkshire Genealotjht, vol. 2. A branch settled at Daisy Croft, one of whom erected the cottages at the Brighouse end of the old Bridge. At Lillands and New Eoad resided the Helms, leading men in the Eastrick staple trade. At Crow Trees, from 1870 to the time of his death in 1891, Mr. Samuel Hirst took up his residence. The old family of Hirst were regular visitors to Brighouse Tourns. Eobert Hirst, of Greenhead, who died in 1G25, appointed his cousin Edward Hanson, of Woodhousc, and Sir John Eamsden, executors. The history of the family for centuries is interwoven with the town of Huddersfield. Mr. Samuel Hirst, born in 1818, was the eldest son of ^86 BRIGHOUSE, RASTRICK Samuel Hirst, of Huddersfield. The younger Samuel marriea, m 1839 his cousin Angelina, dau. of Jolni Hirst, of Baltimore, U.S.A. Their two sons are John Abraham Hirst Hirst, Esq., J.P., &c., Retford, and Samuel Edgar Hirst, Esq., M.A. (of Cambridge), Inner Temple, Barrister-at-Law, of Crow Trees. Armorial Bearings. — The Hirst family have used the following for -three, if not four, genera- tions, although I do not think they are registered in the College of Arms. Arms, Gu: on a Chev- ron Arg : engrailed, three -annulets of the first. Crest, an Arm counter ■embowed cutting an ostrich feather with a scimitar. Motto, Deus mei forti- -tudo. The late Mr. Samuel Hirst having married k -co -heiress, he placed his wife's arms on an escut- cheon of pretence in the centre of his own shield, and being a first cousin of the same family the arms are alike, except the label to distinguish the arms of the eldest son. In 1725-9, Samuel Hirst, attorney-at-law, resided at Thornhill Briggs. The Rev. Robert Harri- son, master of Hipper- Hirst of Rastrick. holme Grammar School, and curate of Hartshead where he was buried July 13, 17G1, resided in Lightcliffe 1747-Gl. Mr. John Harrison, attorney-at-law, of Slead Hall, was buried at Hartshead, Feb. 3, 1754-5. Elizabeth Marsden, grand-daughter of Thomas Harrison, Slead Hall, was buried at Hartshead April 20, 1755. Ann, wife of Mr. Thomas Harrison, Southowram, maltster, was also buried there in 1704. The Rev. Robert Harrison's children, so far as I have found entries, were Siniilc and Fachdrdson, bap. at Coley, 1749. Swaile was buried at Hartsliead, Oct. 1(3, 1750. (Catherine, daughter of tlie Rev. Robert 11., was bap. at Coley in 17G0. S. ©. Gmpsall, Gsq. AND IIIPPERHOLME. 287 Slead Syke Mill. William Holland, of Broad Oak, manufacturer of stuffs, removed from Hove Edge, where his son was born, to Slead Hall as a tenant, in 1785. The son, John, has rightly been styled the Crossley or the Salt of his day, in the religious, political and commercial worlds. He removed from Slead Hall to his own property Slead House, building the mill called Slead Syke Mill, and the Warehouse at Slead Syke. He was the pioneer in the worsted trade, and no merchant was better known or more highly respected at Halifax Piece Hall, or Bradford Market. In 1811, he introduced into Yorkshire the manufacture of moreens, which had been previously made at Norwich only. He was the moving spirit in the Congregational body of West Yorkshire, and the great supporter of Airedale College. Slead Syke JIill. 288 BRIGHOUSE, RASTRICK His wife, Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. Hodgson, of Hahfax, was a most estimable lady, whose name is still fragrant in the district. He died in 1845, and was buried at Halifax, the funeral sermon being printed by request : Comfort for the Dying Christ- ian. A Sermon occasioned by the Death of John Holland, Esq. of Slead House, near Halifax, preached in Bridge End Chapel, Rastrick, on Lord's Day, Oct. 12th, 1845; by Robert Bell. Published by request. Halifax, H. Martin ; sold by G. S. Keir, Brighouse. 1845. 27 pp. Of Mr. Holland's family, we may note that ^Yilliam, of New House, died in 1885, aged 79 ; Samuel died in 1847, John in 1864, Joseph in 1887, aged 72, all and had issue. George Higham, Esq., died Feb. Bonegate House many years. Mrs. MUS. HoLLANl Mk. John Hollaxi>. s.p., but four daughters married, 20, 1860, aged 59. He resided at Ann Higham died March 3, 1858, aged 56. Their eldest son, George Wm., died in 1853,. aged 25 ; John, son, in March, 1859, aged 23 ; Thomas, son,, in May, 1861, aged 27; James Rhodes, son, in July, 1863, aged 24 ; Sarah, their daughter, wife of Mr. Joshua Tolson, in Sep., 1859, aged 30. We are indebted to Mrs. Brooke, of the Rydings, for the excellent portrait of her father. The arms of the Higham family are given on page 273. Other familiar names in the development of Brighouse are Joseph Hamerton, (died in 1840, aged 84), from whom Hamerton Yard is named, John Hargreaves, (died in 1888, aged 79), Surgeon Hopkinson, (died in 1830, aged 49), John Hartley, a famous Methodist Dr^. Rai^i^ei^. AND HIPPERHOLME. 289 local preacher, the Hansons, veterinary surgeons here and at Norwood Green for a century, and the Hoyles of Daisy Croft, of whom James died in 1H2G, aged 49, and George in 1841, aged 74. No name is more famihar than that of Jessop, a family that has been identified with the commercial progress of Brighouse for more than a century. They came from Kirkheaton district as shewn in the Histori/ of Bnchje End Chapel, and in that and neighbouring parishes they were influen- tial yeomen for some centuries. lUchard Jessop, of Low Mill, left his impress on the trade and moral training of Brighouse in its juvenility. His son, of the same name, was a leading spirit in the local Sunday School Movement. Eichard, the father, died in 1835, aged 78. Mr, Thomas Jessop, the Registrar of Births, etc., knew Brighouse from ' thread to needle,' and in connection with Messrs. Barber, solicitors, had much influence in legal matters. He died in 1879, aged 72, His son, Mr, Thos. Ed. Jessop, F.E.C.S., whose name as a Surgeon and a Specialist is a household word within a wide radius of Leeds, we are proud to claim amongst our eminent natives, and to his kinsman, ]\Ir. Charles Jessop, our thanks are due for the portraits that adorn this all- too -brief notice of the family. Mr. C. Jessop has evidently been ' touched ' with the antiquarian spirit, as shewn in the reprint of a lecture, 23 pages, on " Brighouse in the 18th and 19tli Centuries," 1892, The story of the "Brighouse Press" may be briefly told. Following Mr, Easton, we had Messrs. Keir, Siddal, and Rushworth as printers and boolisellers, and Joseph Turner as bookbinder. Halifax has had its newspapers, oft" and on, since 1759, when the "Union Journal, or Halifax Advertiser" was started. On Jan. 1st, 1859, Mr. Jonas Yates, Siddal's successor, issued the first number of the "Brighouse and Eastrick Chronicle," a monthly newspaper that is now extremely scarce. It only existed three years or so. Mr. John Samuel Jowett, from Bradford, then in his father's name, commenced the "Brighouse News" on Feb, 17, 18GG, first monthly, then weekly. On March 14, 1873, Mr. A. B. Bayes began a weekly paper called the " Brighouse and Elland Express," named since the expiration of the first year the "Brighouse and Eastrick Gazette." Our third weekly paper, the "Brighouse Echo," with an Elland edition also, dates from June 24th, 1887, and is very vigorously published and edited by Mr, John Hartley and Mr. J. Caldwell. For some years Mr. Hartley issued a dialect almanack annual. He was a printer under Mr. Yates when the "Chronicle" was started. From the Brighouse press, Mr. Cawthra Woodhead has passed to South Africa, where he edits a newspaper, &c. John King Lane has preserved to us the name of an eminent Quaker resident, who was one of the chief men in conducting town's business before Local Boards were instituted. His house, near Pros- pect Place and Mont Blanc, was demolished nearly forty years ago, and not yet rebuilt, though the cellaring was completed, Jolm King died 7th of 4th month, 1853, aged 75, and his widow, Sarah, 8th of 1st month, 1854, aged 77. s 290 BRIGHOUSE, RASTRICK Two hundred years ago, the name of John Kershaw, gentleman, constantly appears in the West Biding Sessions' Eolls as juror, or as chief constable for the wapontake, and he served the public offices and directed the town's meetings of Hipperholme-cum-Brighouse for many years. His residence was Hoyle House, then a secluded better-class house. His only daughter and heiress, Mary, married Wm. Pdchardson, Esq., of High Fernley, of the notable and learned family at Bierley Hall, lately represented by Sir Mathew Wilson, M.P. By a singular coincidence the Kershaw estate at Hoyle House, &c., has recently been acquired by Eichard Kershaw, Esq., of Crow Nest, wiiose father, Mr. Eichard Kershaw, came from Wyke to Bonegate Lane, Brighouse, and commenced the business of market and nursery gardener. From former old buildings in Wyke, bearing the family initials, from old deeds we have seen, from Oliver Heywood's Diaries, and from church registers, we learn that the Kershaws of Wyke have had extensive possessions in that township. They have evidently branched out from a place called Kirkshaw, in Calderdale, — east and. west, as the early pages of this book and old Eochdale deeds prove. The Wyke Kershaws have buried their dead, amongst other places, at Lightclitfe, where a gravestone records the interment of Eichard Kershaw, of Wike, in 1727, aged 60 ; Joshua in aged 29 ; Timothy in aged GO. The family borne for coat-armour. Argent, three crosses crosslet sable, on a chief azure three bezants or, the centre one charged with a cross gules. Crest, the stump of an oak eradicated and sprouting fesseways proper, thereon a pheasant, in the beak a sprig of oak, proper. Motto, Qui Invidet Minor Est. In a future volume we hope to preserve the portrait of so notable a worthy as Kershaw Arms. ^ Mr. Eichard Kershaw, senior, not less on account of his prominence as founder of an important industry carried out on artistic, beneficent, and honourable lines, than as progenitor of a family who have carried the fame of Brighouse to many distant towns in artistic horticulture. Nearly all his sons have had engagements in planning parks, cemeteries, conservatories, &c. Having known the sons and grandchildren personally, it is gratifying 1728, 1733, have 0)1^. flLPI^ED Fl^YBI^. AND niPPERIIOLME. 291 to note the marked heredity, physical, moral, iuul linguistic, so eminent in the grandsires. A nobility of character is the most pro- minent feature, and such, may be guessed, must be an essential in the gentleman -who can rise to the ownership, and even improve upon the appearance of Crow Nest Park, and who can devise so palatial a factory as the renowned Woodvale Silk Mills. Sir Titus Salt's eye caught the slightest disfigurement at Saltaire, and would have it immediately removed. Mr. Kershaw's training and inclinations are similar to those of his worthy predecessor at Crow Nest, a mansion that demands several illustrations to do justice to its internal and external beauty. We give, by Mr. Kershaw's favour, two views of Ckow Nest, (Xoi-th Front.) the south aspect, but a hundred views are not so gratifying as an hour's sojourn amongst the profusion of hot-house and other plants that adorn the mansion and its grounds. The celebrated Mr. Carr was the architect, and the house dates back more than a hundred years. Yet, the height of the rooms is IG feet, and the beautiful ashlar stone seems as perfect as ever. Probably the greatest wealth about Crow Nest lies in the valuable beds of stone, which Mr. Kershaw knows how to reach without disfiguring the surface. He was the first to discover the finest beds on the Granny Hall estate, now being worked by Messrs. Farrer and others. Indeed, it 292 BRIGHOUSE, RASTRICK seems that all lie lias put his hand to has prospered. Several tried to establish the Silk business in Brighouse since Mr. Eobert Newton, but with only varying success and some failures, till Mr. Kershaw gave his attention to it, and the noble pile at Woodvale, where the town-denizens go as it were into the country to work, is a standing monument to his genius. The surrounding woods and shrubbery, the scrupulous cleanliness and punctuality, the architectural excellence under Mr. George Hepworth's superintendence, the vastness of the concern, several blocks of the square being hid from the photographic view, all testify to months of laborious planning. It goes without saying, that the care and taste displayed in the structure implies complete sanitary arrangements, drainage, light, ventilation for the seven hundred people engaged in this busy hive. Three blocks can- not be shewn by only one photograph, and one of these is five storeys high. Every modern improvement in the art of silk spinning is here used. The establishment covers over five acres, and forty thousand spindles are in operation. This vast concern commenced so recently as 1864 in Brighouse, but the present mills were opened in 1880. Mr. Kershaw's name has for years been identified also with Brighouse as Chairman of Local Board, &c. Our pages shew that the Listers have been considerable property owners, and branches of them have resided in Hipperholme township. Their pedigree is distinctly proved to Mr. Kichard Lister, of Halifax, who was living there in 1100, presumably son of Piobert Lister, the litster or dyer, constable of Halifax in 1372, who seems to have been grandson of Bate the Lister, or dyer, of Halifax, about 1298. Bate, we know, had two sons, John and Eichard, the latter an important townsman from 1329 to 1338. The Otes, Waterhouse, and Lister families have been the owners of Shibden Hall for four centuries. Miss Kettle, in her story of "The Mistress of Langdale Hall," has added a glamour to the interest centred on this ancient timber mansion. The Miss Lister of last generation forms the central figure of the story. Our special interest in the family, for these pages, is because various old deeds at Shibden Hall record the history of Liglit- cliife homesteads, and the owner, John Lister, Esq., M.A., County Councillor for Hipperholme, is a gentleman whose antiquarian labours and favours have, for a quarter of a century, been appreciated by the writer. The Langleys, of Hipperholme, were about the most impor- tant family there last century. They bore for arms, Argent, a cocka- trice, azure. Their mansion is one of the finest we have remaining, with its internal oak gallery, ceilings, &c. It has been sub-divided into tenements this century, and many notable families have resided there, including the Shaws, Scoralis, and some Grammar School Assistant Masters. Close by lived Mr. William Lancaster, solicitor, Bradford, a native of Brighouse, born 1816, buried in Brighouse Cemetery in 1883. John Lancaster, of Brighouse, died in 1818, aged 76. The Ledgards have l^een previously mentioned as representatives of the Brighouses of Brighouse. Edward L., of Bonegate, died in ©. ©. Or^MEI^OD, GSQ. AND HIPPERIIOLME. 293 1812, aged GO ; his wife, Susannah, in ISIH, aged G2 ; Wm. Edward, hi 1827, aged 51 ; KHzabeth, his widow, in 1845, aged GO. William Lundy demands notice as a prosperous schoolmaster at the Eastrick Common British School. He was a native of jNlalton, and left Borough Road College, London, in 1837, for Eastrick. In 1853, he establish- ed a high-class boarding and day school at Prospect Place, Brig- house, having obtained the foreign titles of M.A. and Ph.D. He also joined the College of Pre- ceptors. Square hats worn by the pupils added to the grandeur in rustic eyes, and Dr. Lundy's establishment became widely known and popular. He had some good assistant masters too. He printed a few school books, on " Phrenotypics," "Palestine," " Le Lecteur Francais," &c. His labours were cut short by exces- sive study in 18G0, aged 44. Mrs. Sarah Lundy, his widow, spent Dr. Wir. Lundy. lier widowhood in temperance and philanthropic labours in Hudders- field, and was buried at Bridge End Chapel in 188G, aged 71. The Doctor's brother, Joseph, ex-schoolmaster, became Mayor of ^Yindsor. Edward Jackson Lowe, an esteemed curate at Brighouse published a small religious dialogue whilst there. Lightcliffe Church was noted far and wide for the musical excellence of its services. I have "A Collection of Hymns and Occasional Pieces for the use of the Congre- gation of Lightclifl'e Chapel." 3rd edition, Halifax, printed by Jacobs, 1819, 74 pages. The settlement of the Moravians in Lightclifte, and the fostering hand of Wm. Priestley, Esq., afterwards of Thorp Arch, whose fine library is preserved in Halifax Church, tended much to make Lightclifte and the district renowned for vocal and instrumental music. Luke Settle, George Lister, Ephraim Noble, and others, were eminent teachers and psalm-tune composers. The Leppingtons, of Lane Head, were known in the early Victorian years as manufacturers at Leppington Mill, Brookfoot. The Macau- lays, of Slead Hall, were noted for a long ancestry, mostly surgeons since Aulay McAulay, of Hudderslield, 1727. Dr. Macaulay, of Hali- fax, keeps up the name and profession. Mokton, Mellor, Mitchell, Maksdex, Milnes, Morrell, are well-known local names of Brighouse tradespeople. "Marsden Mayoralty; with sketch of the Life of Henry Eowland Marsden, Mayor of Leeds," 184 pages, 1875, is interesting 294 BRIGHOUSE, RA.STRICK to US as his father was pricked or lotted for a soldier at Rastrick in 1811, and served in the 90th foot. John Moore, Hipperholme, was the author of "A Terrier or Field Book, the number and measurement of every close in Halifax Township, with names of the owners, &c., so that the labourer v;ith plough, scythe or sickle, will find the measure- ment of every close." Halifax, Dec. 1797, pp. iv, 27; printed by Jacobs. Map and List of Subscribers. 101 poles make a day-work. The Rev, Mr. Morrison, of Halifax, was one of the most eminent of Mr. Bnch's curates at Brighouse, and durmg his residence there, published sevei'al popular sermons. Besides the Norcliffes and the NoRTHENDs SO ofteu mentioned, now represented by the Rev. C. B. Norcliffe who inherited Sir Norclitfe Norclifte's estates at Langton, and the Hon. W. D. Northend, Salem, Mass., whose ancestors were of the East Riding branch, the Nicholls of last century and the Nobles of this require to be mentioned. Rkv. Samuel Ogden. GBOI^GE r^IGHAM, GSQ. AND HIPPEEHOLME. 29i The history of the Brigliouse postal arrangements is tlie biography of the John Noble who trudged many miles daily with letters before and after penny postage was devised. Jolni Noble died in Oct., 18G9, aged G5 ; Joseph Noble, silk spinner, in 1878, aged GG. We must claim tiie Rev. Samuel Ocjdex, D.D., curate of Coley, afterwards of Elland, which place he left in 17G2 for Cambridge, where he died in 1778. His Sermons, with Life, were issued in two volumes, 2nd edition, 1780. The long and interesting life story of Mr. Richard Oastler, of Fixbv, steward of the Thornhill estates, must O ' \L >?5 Mr. Richard Oastlee, (Factory Kiug.) also be as briefly referred to. A list of his controversial tracts would fill a page. His life has been written in a pamphlet by Hobson, of Leeds, in 1838, and in Croft's History of the Factory ]\lovement. His works on the "Halifax Tithes," the "Fleet Papers"" written by him in the Fleet prison, are only some of the productions of his trenchant pen. The meeting called to commence a fund to liberate him from prison, and one to commence the memorial fund were held in Brig- house. The statue at Bradford resulted from the last-named meeting. The Ormerods are a very old Lancashire family. Richard, son of Samuel and Mary Ormerod, of Clough fold, in that county, and John Ormerod, settled in Brighouse. Richard was buried in Rastrick 29G BRIGHOUSE, KASTRICK Churchyard in 1813, aged 20, and John in 1853, aged 77. Susan, wife of the latter, died in 1815, aged 38. Their two sons, Hanson, of the Holhes, who died in 1890, aged 83, and Thomas Theodore were amongst the most conspicuous natives of modern Brighouse. They were identified with the civil development of Brighouse from 1846 when the township became governed by Commissioners, with its educational advancement from Sep. 22, 1846, when the informal meet- ing for establishing the Mechanics' Institute was held in Mr. Eobert Newton's warehouse, Victoria Mills, and with the political organisa- tions from earlier years. Mr. Hanson Ormerod's specialty was as President of the Liberal Association, but few local institutions failed to receive his support. ^Yhilst he was universally esteemed, it may be justly stated that his brother was as universally loved. Were I not a life teetotaller, I might be suspected of partiality in writing thus of a wine and spirit merchant, but my remarks are understated rather than exaggerated. It is Professor Ruskin who remarks that "Every noble life leaves the fibre of it for ever interwoven in the work of the world." Few, perhaps, realize how this is the case with many silent, quiet workers for good, who are most missed when death has silenced for ever the kindly voice, and checked the ever ready, generous help. One of these quiet. Christian lives, (whose influence still lives in, and beyond the centre of its life-work,) was that of the late Thomas Theodore Ormerod. He was born at Brighouse in the year 1809, and died in the place in which and for which he had worked and lived, Sep. 18, 1879. He carried on (in conjunction with his brother) his father's trade, that of a wine merchant. He was connected with many of the progressive, movements of this century. In politics he was a staunch Liberal and in religion a Nonconformist, although confirmed m the Church of England. For many years he was the President, and always a liberal supporter of the Mechanics' Institu- tion, which he, together with the Rev. Josei)h Birch, Mr. Baines, Mr. F. Barber, and others, helped to establish. He also took a warm interest in establishing a local Penny Savings' Bank. He was one of the most generous contributors to the Halifax Tradesmen's Benevolent Institute, and he was also well known as a friend and supporter of the Crossley Orphan Home. During the exciting times of the Corn Laws Agitation, he took a warm and active interest in seeking their abolition. For more than twenty years he was the Hon. Treasurer to the Local Authorities, and on the formation of a Local Board in 1867 he was presented with a valuable piece of plate, on which was the following inscription : " Presented by the Local Board, on behalf of the Ratepayers of Brighouse, to Thomas Theodore Ormerod, Esq., as a token of their appreciation of his services as treasurer under the Brighouse Improvement Act, the duties of which office he faithfully and gratuitously discharged for twenty years." As a Sunday School worker in connection with Bridge-end Congre- gational Chapel he was wonderfully successful, and held the post of Superintendent for about 40 years. In 1856, the teachers and scholars of the Sunday School presented a pair of globes to him ; on the terres- ►:: > Q O O 8 AND HIPPKRHOLME. 297 trial globe a silver plate bore the following inscription: "Presented to Thomas Theodore Ormerod by the teachers and scholars of the Bridge-end Sal)bath School, as an expression of their high approval of his talents and worth as a superintendent of the school for the past twenty-six years. Brighouse, January 28rd, 185G." The presentation was made by the Rev. Robert Harley, F.R.S. In 18G9, an illumin- ated framed address was presented to Mr. Ormerod by the teachers of Bridge-end Sunday School, the address being signed by all the teachers, and the presentation made by the Rev. J. B. Lister. In 1882, three years after Mr. Ormerod's death, a portrait of him was presented to the Sunday School bearuig the following inscription : " T. T. Ormerod, Esq., forty years superintendent of the Sunday School, and nearly forty years deacon of the Church : April 15th, 1882." The Missionary and Bible Societies were warmly supported by him, and all sects spoke of him as being not only tolerant, but generous towards them. Strangers of all creeds and politicians generally found a welcome at Mr. Ormerod's house, and the Liberal Candidates at election times were frequently entertained by him. A Conservative Member of Parliament would meet with a hearty welcome when com- ing to preside at some meeting or lecture of general interest, and it has happened to the amusement of all parties that the Conservative Member would be a guest one month, to be speedily followed by the Liberal Candidate or Member when the excitement of a General Elec- tion set in. The late Lord Frederick Cavendish was amongst the last political guests entertained by Mr. Ormerod, and Principal Fairbairn's first visit after settling for a time in Yorkshire was to Mr. Ormerod's house. Mr. Ormerod's kindness to the poor was proverbial, and to within three weeks of his death, when sadly enfeebled by illness, he was in the habit of calling himself to enquire for, or relieve those who were in trouble or need. His private life was without reproach, and in all good works he found a ready helpmeet in his wife. Although a strict Sabbatarian, Sunday, with Mr. Ormerod, was never a gloomy day ; but as one of his daughters wrote, " a day made bright and happy by his, and my mother's influence." Two sayings he always impressed on his children and scholars' minds, "Be good, and you will be happy;" and "A merciful man is merciful to his beast." Many a time we have heard him explain to hired drivers the advisability of going gently up hills, and he presented sundry coins to donkey drivers if their animals were carefully tended. He loved music dearly, and for many years raised the hymns in the Sunday School with no aid from tuning fork or instrument ; himself taking tenor or high baritone as the case might be. It was always his custom to have sacred music after supper, especially on Sundays ; and the solo he perhaps most enjoyed singing was "But Thou did'st not leave" from the "Messiah," and in many of the choruses from the " Messiah " and Mozart's " r2th Mass," he heartily joined. It was a pleasure to him to the last to play the grand old hymn tunes out of " Holdsworth's Psalmody" on the piano. His death was, like his life, peaceful and quiet. For some years his health had been failing, 298 BRIGHOUSE, EASTRICK anil one by one his public duties and offices had to be reHnquished. He passed away on the 18th of September, 1879, in the brilHant sunshine of an early autumn morning. Another axiom of Mr. Ormerod's may be mentioned here, as in these days " old-fashioned notions " are apt to be disregarded. •' Give away a tenth of everything you possess." By this rule he regulated his expenditure, and from its observance considered much of his after prosperity due. Any notice of Mr. Ormerod's life woi;ld be incomplete without these slight allusions to his private character and home life. In common with the thousands of Sunday Scholars who received be- neficent training at his hands, I unhesitatingly place this memorial. His son, Mr. Tliomas Ormerod, has high poetic and literary qualifica- tions, but no collection of his fugitive pieces has yet been issued. His <;onnection with Yorkshire Mechanics' Institutes, Chambers of Com- merce, Liberal Clubs, &c., will not readily be forgotten. The daughters of Mr. T. T. Ormerod are not unknown as writers and musical com- posers. Mr. Theodore Ormerod succeeds his father and grandfather in the business established much more than eighty years ago. A notable curate under Mr, Birch, at Brighouse, was the Eev. John PmLLiPS. He had printed at Bath, in 1846, but bearing the name of E. S. Keir, Brighouse, bookseller, a 12 page pamphlet on " Marriages," a sermon preached in Brighouse Church, Feb. 8, 1846, by John Pbillips, M.A., assistant curate. We learn from "The Righteous Man : a sermon at Brighouse Church, January 4, 1852, on the death of the Rev. John Phillips, M.A., Pemb. Coll., Oxford, formerly curate of Brighouse, by Joseph Birch, M.A., Pemb. Coll., Oxford," printed for private circula- tion only, by E. S. Keir, 1852, 16 pages, that Mr. Phillips was born in Jan. 1813, educated in Gloucestershire, Curate of Egglingham, Laithkirk and Brighouse successively, died at Bidford, Warwick, 21 Dec, 1851, and was buried at Blockley, Worcester. Mr. H. J. Barber has lately given me a pamphlet of 16 pages printed by Whitley and Booth, Halifax, in 1892, entitled "Reminiscences of the Rev. John Phillips," by the Rev.G.Sowden, M.A., Vicar of Hebden Bridge, and Rural Dean of Halifax. It is a welcome addition to our local bibliography, doubly so because the author is a native. The late Rev.Sutclifle Sowden, B.A., friend of the Bronti'S, and the Rev. George Sowden, now of Hebden Bridge, brothers, belonged to the family located at Thornhill Briggs and Sutcliffe .«5*5":%:-=^ .<.-,gf^'*^ Su TCLIFFE WOODBOTTOM. Wood. Rev. Sutcliffe Sowden, B.A., was of Magdalen College, Cam bridge; ordained priest in 1841 ; accidentally drowned in the Calder, and was succeeded in the incumbency of Heptonstall by the above- named brother. Their father, Samuel, lived to a great age, and was ©HOMAS (JeSSOP, GSQ. AND HIPPERHOLME. 299 blind some years. He married Martha, daughter of Mr. Wm.Sutcliffe, who settled at Woodbottom in 1780, having previously been huntsman for Mr. Thompson, of Chapel-le-Brier. Samuel was son of John Sowden, of Thornliill Briggs, a leading Methodist, who died March 21, 1829, aged 91 years, leavmg six out of ten children then living, 45 grandchildren, and 53 great-grandchildren ■of whom 23 were married. He died in the liouse where he was born, and never lived a month in any other. The Sowdens left Woodbottom in 18G5. On a window in Dewsbury Town Hall may be seen inter alia the arms of Peebles. A notice of the notorious 'Devil of Dewsbury,' son of John Peebles, curate of Lightcliffe, with copy of the arms, belongs rather to the ecclesiastical history. The history of the Priestley family, (Surtees Society), by Jonathan Priestley, of Winter- edge, Oliver Heywood's friend, must be included in local bibliography. "William Priestley, Esq., just referred to as a musician, was born in Oct., 1779, and resided at Lightcliffe many years. He was the son of John Priestley and Elizabeth his wife, second daughter of Wm. Walker, Esq., J. P., D.L., Crow Nest. Wm. Priestley was educated at Hipperholme Grammar School. He was eminent as an amateur musician, antiquary and literary gentleman. He married Eliza, daughter of Dr. Paley, Carlisle. He died in 18G0, at Thorp Arch. Joseph Paekixsox, farmer. Pond, had reached 90 years at his death in 1867. Several of his sons, farmers, lived over 70 years. • Lieutenant Henry Pitt, P.M., born 179G, died 1874, was a well-known resident at Slead Syke Mill and Lane Head. George Fredk. Augustus Parry, sou of a private schoolmaster at Brighouse, died in 1890, aged G3. He was the eccentric bellman of his day, rather more than half-witted. Wm. Pearson, of Hoyle House, the farmer and country pig-killer, was a splendid type of the West Riding race ; robust, oval face, full rounded visage, aquiline nose, florid complexion, grey eyes, brown hair, deli- berate in speech, slow in movement, snappish in retort, appetite like a hunter, digestion like an ostrich. Would there wei'e more such ! Dr. Pollard- and Dr. Pritchett are well-known Eastrick names. The pedigree of the former we have not seen, but that of Pritchett appears in Miscell. Genealoi/ica, 1892. The Yorkshire branch starts with James Pigott Pritchett, Architect, of York, born in 1789, died at York in 18G8. He was one of the sons of the Rev. Chas, P. Pritchett, and several of his brother? were clergymen. He married (1) Peggy Maria, dau. Robert Terry, Esq., at Beckenhain in Kent. She died in 1827 at York, leaving issue (n) Rev. Richard Charles Pritchett, born at York, 1814, died at Bristol, 1881 ; (/>) Chas. Pigott Pritchett, born at York, 1818, died at Hastings, 1891 ; (c) Maria Margaret, born at York, 1817; married John Middleton, Esq., whose son, John Henry ]\Iiddleton, M.A., D.C.L., F.S.A., &c., Cambridge, was born at York in 184G. J. P. P. married (2) Caroline, dau. Jolin Benson, Esq., Thorne, co. York, by Anne Atkinson his wife. She died at York in 1879. aged 7G, leaving issue (d) James Pigott Pritchett, Architect, Darlington, born at York in 1830. His Congregational Churches are specially renowned. ■"His son, A. T. Pollard, Esq.,M.A., is Head Master of the City of Loiulou School. 300 BRIGHOUSE, KASTRICK He married Ellen Mary, eldest dau. Kicliard D'Ewes, Esq., of Knares- borough, and has numerous issue, mostly residing in New Zealand; (e) John Benson Pritchett, Surgeon, Huddersfield, born at York, 1831, died at Huddersfield in 188-i. He married Annie, third daughter of Eichard D'Ewes, Esq. Numerous family. (_/') Henry Pritchett, Surgeon, Eastrick, born at York in 1832, married Maria, dau. Thos. Plint, Esq., of Leeds ; issue, two sons and a daughter, all born at Eastrick. The PiNDERs' are an old Brighouse family connected with the iron industry. The outline of the first Eichardsons is as much as we can give to that family. Nicholas, of Bierley, was father of Eichard, born in 157G, the father of Eichard, born 1004. They had estates at Bierley, Woodhall in Calverley, Hipperholme, &c. Six of the latter Eichard- sons must be named. (1) William, (father of Wm. born 1066, died 1716, who married Mary, d. of John Kershaw, of Hoyle House, merchant, and of Dr.. Eichard Eicliardson.) (2) Eichard married Susanna Field. (3) John. (4) George, of Woodhall, b. 1644, d. 1696, married Sarah, dau. of Eichard Langley, of Priestley Green, gent. She was buried at Bradford in 1709, and their grandson, George, the last male heir, was buried at St. Clement Danes, London, in 1748. (5) Samuel, rector of Barnham. (6) Joseph, rector of Dunsfold, married Elizabeth Peebles, Dewsbury. The Brighouse Eadcliffes commence with Abraham, born at Meltham in 1696. He married Betty, dau. Joshua Holmes, of Smith House, gent., heir of her brother John. Wm. E., the eldest son, was a merchant at Brighouse ; born, 1733, buried, like his father, at Liglit- clifi'e in 1778. Charles, the fifth child, was born at Brighouse, July 31, bap. at Eastrick Aug. 29, 1739. He died at Smith House in 1817, buried at Lightcliffe. He married Charlotte, dau. Chas. Eadcliffe, of York, who was cousin of Abraham, of Brighouse. She was cousin to the first Sir Joseph (Pickford) Eadcliffe, and was buried at Lightcliffe in 1797. Wm. Towne Eadchffe their son, an imbecile, b. 1789, d. 1862. The Eayners, of Eastrick, have not yet traced their ancestry, but there is little doubt they are of the ancient stock, once influential in Clifton and Liversedge. The family or person that introduces a new industry into a district must be regarded amongst the local benefactors. When Mr. W. EoHtNsoN opened the calico print works, there was much curiosity evinced in the district, and since then the business has gradu- ally developed under the guidance of his successor and son-in-law, Mr. F. Laxton, as will be seen when the statistical chapter appears. Mr. Laxton's services on the Local Board have been appreciated by all, and he has recently been re-elected the chairman. His additional labours pending the Incorporation question must have been specially exacting, but bis business tact has enabled him to wield them cheer- fully. Presumably he will be Provisional Mayor on the arrival of the Charter. Dl^. (3ESS0P. AND HIPPERHOLME. 301 In past times, more than modern ones proliably, Yorkshire people have been of a provident disposition. Hove Edge, Brighouse, Kastrick, &c. had each sick and funeral societies in George Ill's, days. I have a tract of 10 pages, with 24 pages of Act for Encouragement of Friendly Societies, printed by Jacobs, at Halifax, 1817, giving the " Rules and Agreements to be observed by Members of the Union Society, estab- lished at the House of Mr. Jonas Broughton, Star Inn, Rastrick, July 7, 1704 ; with alterations, Oct. 4, 1817." This was Thomas Burgess' copy, who joined in July, 1810. Meetings were held quarterly ; maxi- mum age at entrance, 30 ; non-benefits first 18 months, then 5s. weekly ; Os. after three years' membership ; 7s. after 7 years. Half- pay if sickness lasted more than months. Ten bearers had to attend the funeral of a member. Easter Monday was tne annual feast day. The Society box had five different locks for safety. I have Rules of an earlier association at Rastrick, whose members were landowners and farmers mostly. This was for the Prosecution of trespassers, thieves, &c. Co-operative principles are not new to our inhabitant? evidently. Bishop Spaxgen- BERG, the Moravian Author and Mis- sionary, was head of the settlement when at Smith House. Rev. Joseph SwAINE, B.D., of Farnley, in 1783, Vicar of Beeston, 1804, second master of Leeds Grammar School, a Leeds benefactor, who died in 1831, aged 77, was a poor lad at Hoyle House. The Swaines were descended from the Anglian Sweyns. Gawbutt Hall and Till Carr were the birthplace and resi- dence of the late Mr. Lumb Stocks, R.A. Just before his death, I obtain- ed from him his portrait and a list of his artistic Mi:. LuMi; Stocks. 302 BRianOUSE, RASTEICK productions, chiefly in line- drawing, which will be found in Yorks. Counti/ Magazine. In 1839, he married Ellen, eldest daughter of Mr, Wm. Fryer, of Rastrick. He died April 28, 1892, aged 80, and was buried in Highgate Cemetery, London. He became A.R. A. in 1853, and R.A.inl872. SirF.Leighton, at the Academy Meeting, said "How much the calling lost in him it need not be said. How sterling and gentle a man had ceased to live in him his many friends best knew." In biblio- graphy, Mr. F. Smith, Tops Grove, Rastrick, compiler of Bradford, Halifax and Wake- field Directories, must be mentioned for his "Directory of Dewsbury and Batley, with Birstall, Cleckheaton, Heckmondwike, Mirfield, &c." 140 pages, 1878. The ancient Sunderlands of High Sunderland and Coley, as a Mr. Lumb Stocks. ^■'^J I- '•'^'vUx Gkanny Hall i AND HIPPERHOLME. 3oa county family, will require special space. Their relatives, the Saltonstalls, of America, have had a separate volume devoted to their genealogy. Other branches should be noted, — as, the present family at Coley who migrated from Elland, and a race of farmers who have resided at Rookes, Lightclift'e, and Granny Hall, a place high in my esteem as my birth-place. Rufus Sunderland, of Rookes, removed to Mrs. Sundeeland. Granny Hall farm. His son John, of Barnsley, died in 187G, aged 68. Another son, Henry, married Susan Sykes, of Sphng Gardens, a foot- path then crossing the three fields from one house to the other. A wide road, with villa residences near, have driven elsewhere the 304 BRIGHOUSE, RASTRICK feathery inhabitants that har- boured in the hedgerows. Mr. James Sykes, of Spring Gar- dens, died in May, 1846, aged 64. Hannah, his widow, in 1855, aged 70. Their daughter, Susan, was born April 30, 1819, and the Sykes family, like many more local ones, had strong musical tastes. She was taught by J. Denham and Luke Settle, followed by the training of Dan Sugden, of Halifax. At 15, she made her debut at Deighton. On June 7, 1838, she married Mr. Henry Sunderland. She soon became renowned as the Yorkshire Queen of Song. She had a rich, powerful soprano voice, with wonderful flexibility and depth of feeling. Profes- sionals and novices were cap- tivated and entranced. Her rendition of sacred song was marvellously sublime, especi- ally "I know that my Redeemer liveth." In 1842 she appeared in London, and was personally complimented by the Prince Consort and the Duke of Cambridge. She took the leading part in the ^'Messiah" in London, Nov. 2, 1849, Dec. 22, 1851 ; in the "Creation," Dec. 31, 1855; and in "Elijah," Jan. 30, 1856, and the "Messiah," Dec. 10, 1858. The highest critics ransacked their vocabularies for expressive superlative adjectives. At organ openings and festivals in the provinces as well as the metropolis, in Scotland and Ireland, as "well as in England, her services were sought and rendered. A special festival in her honour was held at Hnddersfield. The Queen was so delighted with her singing, at the opening of the Leeds Town Hall, that she sent a command tor her to sing at Buckingham Palace, when she was personally complimented. In the midst of her popularity she retired into private life, her farewell concerts being highly successful. Mrs. Sunderland never lost her good graces, and she is to-day as ever the kindly neighbour and respected friend by rich and poor. A pre- sentation was made to her at a musical festival, June 2 and 3, 1864, at Huddersfield, where she had regularly assisted the Parish and St. Paul's choirs. A concert was promoted in honour of her Golden Wedding, in the Brighouse Town Hall, June 7, 1888, when an illu- minated address, enclosed in a silver casket, bearing the letters S. S. and the white rose of York, and signed by Mr. T. Ormerod as chairman Mks. Sunderland. R LiAXiPON, eSQ. AND HIPPERHOLME. 305 of a committee, was presented to her. The "Mrs. HuiiderlanJ Musical Competition" was estabhshed, at her suggestion, with the funds raised at her golden w^edding celebration. The competition takes place annually in Huddersfield, and is open to Yorkshire natives, or residents of five years recent standing, the maximum age being 25. Two vocal and one instrumental prizes are awarded yearly, and though the value is about five guineas each, they are highly coveted. Her son, Mr. Charles Sykes Sunderland,- solicitor, died in 18H9, aged 45. Her daughter, Agnes, wife of Mr. Joseph Wheatley, died in 1HG4. The Shaws, of Kastrick, were also noted musicians, vocal and instrumental. They were amongst the founders of Pratt's Brass Band, the great Christmas attraction of former times, along with its rival the Waterloo Band. Choral Societies, Halifax Sunday School Jubilees, great Oratorios, were the delight of Mathias Shaw, of Eas- trick, who was recently gathered to his fathers. The Sliaws, of Hipperholme, were a well-known family. The Eev. Frank Shaw, son of Henry, of Girlington, was laid in Lightcliffe churchyard in 1890, aged only 25. Hardly another family has made so much im- pression on various Brighouse industries, or taken so active a part in civil afiairs, as the Sugdens. Mr. Thomas Sugden, the founder of the corn-mills, stands pre-eminently out amongst leading Yorkshire busi- ness men. Perseverance Mill was erected in 1832, and additions were constantly being made. Brighouse Old Mill, rebuilt and enlarged, was added to the immense concern when Mr. Thos. Richard Sutcliffe, who died in 1864, aged 03, retired, and to these Mr. Brooke's corn mill was added. The turn-out of waggons, each drawn by four powerful horses, was worthy of observation. Mr. Thomas Sugden died in November, 187G, aged 78. His son, Mr. David Goldthorpe Sugden, a most capable business man, and a musician withal, died in 1871, aged 51. Another son, Mr. William, of Slead House, previously of Rastrick, died in 1884, aged 54. Mr. Henry Sugden, another son, is the one who has taken most hold in public and philanthropic matters, and his neighbours of every political shade give him deserved respect. Sunday School and Temperance work receive his attention as scrupulously as the calls of Local Board and Politics. He is a County Alderman, and Justice of Peace. The Sharps, of Hove Edge, are numbered amongst our oldest exist- ing families. John Sharp was the great supporter of Methodism there and at Brighouse a hundred years ago. David Sharp was the town- ship's road surveyor, &c. He died in 1878, aged 80. From Ripponden came Mr. Henry Stott and Mr. Jonathan Stott, cousins, whose names will henceforth be remembered as founders of the cotton mills in Brighouse. The former died in 1879, aged 04, leaving several sons to carry on the business. The latter died in 1871, aged 58. His son, Mr. Jas. Maude Stott died in 1875, aged 30. Ann Smith, spinster, of Hove Edge, and her brother, Joshua Smith, alias Lee, (d. 1877, aged 82,) were descendants of General Guest's mother. "His grandfather was Jonas, not Rutus, p. 303. 306 BRIGHOUSE, EASTRICK Sib Titus Salt's Birthplace. The fame of Sir Titus Salt, Baronet, ex-M.P. for Bradford, is world-wide. He was born at Morley in 1803. His father, Mr. Daniel Salt, removed to Bradford when the future baronet was an infant, and he laboured with his father in the staple trade till 21. By 1850 he had become a rich man, and might have retired into indolence. He meditated on a large project instead, and it is asserted that he offered to pur- chase a slice of the valley from Brighouse Gas Works to Alegar Well. He fixed upon Airedale, near Shipley, however, and plan- ned out the town of Saltaire, named after himself and the river, a place deservedly renown- ed throughout the world. Its conception, construction, and Siu TiTcs Salt, Bakt. history take more of the romance than the money-grubbing notion. Mr. Titus became a tenant of Crow Nest for some years, under Mr. Sutherland Walker, but the OAnier requiring possession, he had to remove to Methley. However, at Mr. Sutherland Walker's sale, he became the purchaser of Crow Nest, and came to reside there again. 1)3. I^OBINSON, eSQ. AND IIIPPEEHOLME. 307 Of his monuments at Saltaire we need not write, but Liglitcliffe Congregational Church owes its existence to him as a substitute for the old Bramley Lane Chapel. Great and good men like Dr. IMofi'att and Dr. Livingstone were welcome visitors to Crow Nest. His life story has often been told in magazines, and books like Balgarnie's "Life of Sir Titus Salt;" Holroyd's "Saltaire and its Founder;" Holroyd's "Life of Sir Titus Salt," 1871, 24 pages ; " Li Memoriam,— the late Sir Titus Salt, a Study for Young Men," by Kev. B. Wood, Bradford, 11 pages ; &c. A statue to his memory has been reared Sir Titus Salt, Bart. near Bradford Town Hall, which was unveiled by the late Duke of Devonshire in 1874. Great alterations about the conservatories but not the house, were made by him at Crow Nest Park when he be- came 0"svner. Saltaire was opened on his fiftieth birthday. Great banquets to his thousands of workpeople took place at Crow Nest on Sep. 20, 185G, Sep. 20, 1873 (his 70th birthday,) &c. He died at Crow Nest, Dec. 29, 187G. He had given away a quarter of a million to 808 BRIGHOUSE, EASTEICK Saltaike Congregational Church. benevolent institutions in thirty years, besides his special erections. His body was conveyed to the mausoleum at Saltaire Congregational Church, the funeral proces- sion being witnessed by 100,000 people probably. Lady Salt's remains have recently been interred there too. " Joseph Terry, member of the Mechan- ics' Institute, Brighouse," published his " Cottage Poems " in 1817, consisting of 22 short pieces, on Temperance, local scenery, Sec, 32 pages, printed by John Siddal. Terry was book-keeper at a worked energetically for Brethren Sunday School Common, the Temperance Mechanics' Institute. He corn-mill, and the Christian on Rastrick Society, and was a Chartist Salt Arms. also. He removed to Birstall Co-operative mill. His portrait appears in "Poems, by Joseph Terry," Dewsbury, 1874, pp. xv., 160. Mr. J. J. Lane, now residing at Brighouse, has also issued several Temperance and Poetic pamphlets. Under the commercial history, besides those named as pioneers in the stone-trade, must be named the Cliffes, Robinsons, Farrers, Bentleys, Thwaites. Mr. B. H. Thwaite, C.E., A.M.I.C.E., F.C.S., of London and Liverpool, is son of Mr. Benjamin Thwaite, quarry owner, who was killed in a quarry near Brighouse Wood in 1855.' The Thorntons, of Rastrick, are of an old sturdy yeomanry, combining, as was usual, manufacturing with farming, and taking their share in public duties on Local, School, and Burial Boards. Mr. John Taylor has probably been the most industrious and trustworthy feHOMAS SUGDEN, GSQ. AND HIPPERHOLME. 309 Poor Law Guardian and honorary servant Rastrick has had in modern times. The Turners, of course, are ubiquitous ; they are found in various businesses, one has introduced felhnongering, another an iron- foundry, a third, confectionery and pubHc baking, with oft'shoots to Bradford, Hahfax, Sec, another, house-painting, but was even wider known as a vocahst. Mr, W. Marshall Turner, Mr, 0, Sladdin and his sons, Mr, Keighley, &c., are only a few more local musicians to add to previous names. 's^r? M . J';?^^?^' "-'?^^'"' Upper Green, Lightcliffe. Messrs, Wood, of Wilkin Eoyd Mills, wire manufacturers, have a reputation that has reached several distant countries. Their appro- priate trade-mark, " The Old Oak Tree," bespeaks in any market the highest quality of goods. The wire trade came to us from Clifton, where cardmaking was carried on before 1G81, for in that year " Samuell Brooke, of Clifton, cardmaker, was bound to appear at Quarter Sessions, Wakefield, Jan, 1G81, by Wm, Farrar, J.P,, for buying severall quantities of ftbraigne yron wyre for making of wool! bands, ymported from pts beyond ye seas, contrary to ye statute." Thornhill Briggs passed from the Thorpes. Listers, and Bedfords to Newsteads, In 171)2, Messrs, Cartledgo, of Elland, bought part of Newsteads estate and built thereon the mill, since owned by Messrs. Michael Waller and Sons, a firm that has a large establishment here since the old mill was destroyed by fire in 1858, If space had allowed, a list of the confiagrations around Brighouse would have appeared in this volume. It must be reserved for another work, but our thanks are none the less due to Mr.Hopkinson, who supplied it at our request. A long and interesting pedigree of the Wadwngtons, of Lightcliffe, is 310 BRIGHOUSE, EASTRICK not quite completed. Notices of old tradesmen by the score, such as Messrs. Richard Wheatley, Wm. Navey, Benjn. Tiffany; and more recent commercial firms, as Messrs. Wilson, Smith, &c., Rastrick, are necessarily left over at present. Wm. Howorth, Brighouse, (p. 284,) pubHshed " The Cry of the Poor, a Poem." London, 1837; pp. iv., 68; and "The Redeemer, a Poem." London, 1840 ; pp. 300. Extracts from the former :— The bustling mother plied her busy wheel. And only paused to spread each frugal meal. Or nicely sand the floor ; or range, with pride. Her crockery in the ' delf case ' side by side ; Or rub the oaken chest till she might trace Reflected on its polished sides her face ; Or trim the myrtle and geranium red. That gaily o'er the narrow windows spread ; Or caUed, reminded by its grunting cry, To feed the hog that fattened in the sty ; Or roused to whirl the good-man's worn out hat To scare the chickens from the garden plat. . . . In nice prim cap, blue apron, kerchief fair, His partner sate in her well-cushioned chair. With feigned sternness in her look, the while Lurked on her lip a kind good-humoured smile, Teaching the girls to sew, and darn, and knit, That they might be for thrifty housewives fit ; And when those great accomplishments were gained. To work the sampler only then remained, — That they, with honour crowned, the school might leave, — Its subject sure — " The Serpent tempting Eve ;" Full in the front the fatal apple there With all the hues of Joseph's coat did glare ; There too was Eve, for uncouth rhymes below, To those who doubted did the fact avow. And none could miss the Tempter to behold. With scarlet eyes, blue body, tail of gold ; Then last, the needle's triumph to complete. And give to Fame, as surely was most meet. The skilful sempstress, letters small and great, With strange queer things for figures, did relate Her name and age ; thenceforth in jet-black frame Extended out, th' achievement grand did claim, Chief ornament, the cottage walls to grace, Above King Charles's rules — its rightful place — To be at once the wonder and the praise Of gossips born and rear'd in less learned days. r^ENI^Y SUGDEN, GSQ., J. P., G.A. gt$t i-^f ^txtir$ctnUcv$. (An astciish denotes large j^aper copies of wliicli only 100 are 'printed.) Armytage, G. J., F.S.A., Clifton Armitage, J. W., Lane Head Aspinall, J., Clifton Common Aspinall, J., Ravensthorpe Atkinson, J., Springtield, Rastrick* Ayrton, C, Weoblcy Andrews, W., Hull Ayrton, John, Brigliouse Armytage, Lady, Kirklees Axon, Ernest, Manchester Aspinall, Mrs. T., Brigliouse Aspinall, W., Brigliouse Aked, Miss, Brighouse Aspinall, Johnson, Ellaud Asquith, Ben, Brighouse Aspinall, Dyson, Marsden Anderton, H. F., Bradford:^ Aspinall, Joseph, Slcadsyke Bayes, A. B., Brighouse (4) Baldwin, W., Halifax* Bulmer, Mrs., Leeds Brighouse Mechanics' Institute Bradford Free Library ::- Bottomley, C. W., Brighouse Butterworth, T., Brighouse* Brayshaw, H., Liversedge Broadbeut, T., Brighouse Broadley, W., Brighouse Bottomiey, J. C, Brighouse, and • Beaumont, J., Brighouse Brook, W. R., Brighouse (2) Barber, H. J., Brighouse* Blakeborough, R., Brighouse Blakeborough. W., Brighouse, and * Batty, J. T., Montreal Baildon, W. P., F.S.A., London Benson, Capt., Burley* Blackburn, H., Lindley Bilton, Miss, Bradford (3) Bond, Dr., Rastrick Broadbent, H., Rastrick Broadbent, J. A., Rastrick Blackburn, C, Brighouse Bottomley, J., Bradford Balme, E. B. Wheatley, J.P., Mii-field Brintley, Miss, Clifton Brown, Dr., Brighouse Barnett, T., Brighouse Bell, J. M., M.R.C.V.S., Brighouse Burton, E., Brighouse Blackburn, Seeker, Brighouse Bilbrough, W. R., Beech Grove, Leeds Beovers, A., Clifton Beard, G., Brighouse Black, J., Brighouse Boothroyd, W., Brighouse Brooke, Mrs., Brighouse (2 and *) Byrne, Miss, Bracken House, Brighouse Blackburn, T., Brighouse Brook, Mrs., Brighouse Brooke, E. C, Brigliouse Broughton, Goldthorpe, Brighouse Bright, Daniel, Rastrick Bolton, A., Brighouse Bottomley, James, Brighouse* Booth, R. J., Rastrick Bradford Library and Literary Society Bottomley, Tom, Brighouse Brook, Wm., Rastrick Beaumont, Chnrles, Rastrick Brook, Joah, Brighouse Bottomley, H., Brighouse Baldwin, J., Brighouse Bedford, Samuel. Brighouse Barraclough, W.T., Holloway, Derbyshire Brook, J. W. W., Halifax Barclay, Mrs., Liverpool Broughton, Harry, Liverpool Byrne, Mrs. S. H., London Bradford Historical Society* Barraclough, T., London Bentley, J. H., Ca.stle Hill Beanland, Rev. A.. Victoria, B. C. Bottomley, Geo., Brighouse* Bottomley, Mrs. J., Brighouse Bottomley, Miss E., Brighouse Barber, Yen. Archdeacon, Chester Brayshaw, Mark, West Bowling Barber, INIrs., Shankliu, Isle of Wight Broadbent, R , Stalybridge* Bracegirdle. J., Brighouse Bywater, Wm., 5, Hanover Square, W. Cardwell, S., Brighouse Carter, Rev. J. H., :\LA., Weaste Clayton, T., Brighouse Collins, Mrs. (icut, ]}ailifte Bridge Carter, W. F., B..\., Birmingham (2) Cordingley, John R., Bradford Childe, H. S., Wnkotield Cookson, E., Ipswich Camidge, W., York Caldwell, T., Brighouse Caldwell, J., Brighouse Curtis, Mrs., Tuxford 812 LIST OF SUBSCRIBERS. Crossland, C, Halifax Collyer, Rev. Dr., New York Cheetham Hospital, Manchester Crowther J., Brighouse Carter, Wm., Brighouse Chambers, VV. J.. Brighouse* Crossley, John, Rastrick Charlesworth, J., Wakefield Cooke, Arthur, Brighouse Caine, Rev. Cjpsar, F.R.G.S., London Carter, Dr., Rastrick* Clay, A. T., Rastrick -- Cheetham, F. A.. Rastrick Cardwell, Mrs., Rastrick Common ClifFe, Wm., Longwood Clitie, S., Elland Road, Brighouse Cai'ter, J. B., Norwood Gi'een Carter, Edwd , Birmingham Cooke, Edwd., Barnsley Crowther, William, Brighouse* Clay, J. W., J.P., F.S.A.,* Chambers, J. E. F., Alfreton* Crossley, Tom. Oldham Crossley, E. W., Dean house. Triangle Clay, John, Rastrick Cardwell, F., Brighouse Crowther, Savile, brighouse Cocksedge, John, Brighouse Chadwick, S.J., F.S.A,, Dewsbury Crowther, Job, Brighouse Dyson, Mrs., Bridge End* Dyson, G., Marsden, and * Dyson, A., Grays, Essex, and * Denhara, T., Brighouse Denison, S., Leeds Dawson, W., Marsh Denison, R. W., Bradford Dale, Mrs., Bradford His Grace Duke of Devonshire, K.G.* Davis, J. W., F.S.A., F.G.S., Halifax Dickons, J. N., Bradford Drake, Isaac, Brighouse Dennison, Mrs. John, Alverstoke* Denham, Joseph, Brighouse Dawson, Mrs., Rastrick Dixon, Mrs., Rastrick Dyson, Miss, Rastrick Eland, John, London Ellis, J., Lane Head Embloton, J. W., Methlev Empsiill, T. T., Bradford" Edwards, Dr., Brighouse Elliott, W. H., Great Horton Empsall, Sam, Brighouse* Eastwood, Hy., Brighouse Fell, T., Bradford Farrar, G. A. Brighouse Farrar, Dr., Scarborough, and ♦ Farrar, J., OuUon Farrah, John, Harrogate* Fawthrop, J., Bradford Fedei'er, C. A., Bradford Fryer, S., Rastrick Fawcett, E., Bradford Foljambe, C. G. S., (now Baron), Ollerton Foster, John, J.P., Queensbury Freeman, Thomas, Rastrick Firth, Jas. R., Rastrick Fowler, Chas , Brighouse Firth, Mrs. Rastrick Freeman, Walter, Knaresbro'* Firth, A. F., Lightcliffe Firth, George, Rastrick Furniss, George, Brighouse* Farrer, Albt., Bridge end, Rastrick Fryer, Miss, Brighouse Fryer, Miss, G. A., Wilmslow Frver, Dr. A. C, Clifton, Bristol Fryer, J. F., B.A., York Foster, Col. W. H., Hornby Castle Farrer, Robt., Surgeon, Brighouse* Fryer, Miss E., Rastrick Fox, J., bookseller, Brighouse, and * Fielding, A., Brighouse Greenwood, W., Brighouse Garside, D. B., Todmorden Gardner, Miss, Dishforth Galloway, F. C , Bowling, and* Guest, W. H., Manchester Gartitt, S., Brighouse Galbraith, Rev. A., Brighouse Gledhill, A., Rastrick Goodall, J. T., Brighouse* Grandage, Harry, Rastrick Georgeson, J. H., Brighouse Goodyear, J. H., Brighouse Gibson, Miss E., Clifton Greenwood, H., Bailiffe Bridge Garside, Fred, Rastrick Goodaire, Mrs. Joseph, Rastrick Halifax Public Library Halford, E. R., Bradford Howard, Dr. J. J., London Hallowell, A., Rastrick Hirst, S. E , M.A., Rastrick Hirst, J. A. H., J.P., Retford Hepworth, G., Brighouse Hartlev, J. B., Rastrick Hall, H., Lightcliffe Horsfall, G. H., Montreal Horsfall, W., Montreal Hoyle, S. P., Glamorgan Hardy, S., Bradford Hanson, W. D., J.P., Bideford (4 and*) Hartley, John, Brighouse * LIST OF SUBSCRIBERS. 313 Haigh, James, Stainliuul Hauson, Sir Regd., Bart., M.P., London Hainswortli, L., Bradford* Hovendeu, R., F.S.A., Croydon Houghton, Lord, Fryston Hall Hopkinson, John, Brighoiise Hinclicliffe, O., Briglionse Hoyle, Geo. H., Brighouse Healey, George, Brighouse Helliwell, John, Brighouse Holt, C. E., Bailiffe Bridge Hirst, Joseph, Clifton Haigh, Miss Hannah, Rastrick Hutchinson, \V. A., Rastrick Heron, C, Rastrick Heron, Miss, Rastrick Hall, Mr., Liversedge Healey, William, Rastrick Hoyle, Wm., Brighouse Helm, C. H., Brighouse, and* Hall, Mrs., Lightclifle Horsfall, T. W., Heckmondwike Hopkiuson, J., F.L.S., F.G.S., St. Alhans Hanbury, Mrs. Thos.. Yentimiglia, Italy Hartley, Miss S. A., Rastrick Hartlej', D., Brighouse Haigh, Mrs. Ann, Rastrick Halliwell, A. E., Brighouse Halliwell, A., Brighouse Helliwell, Miss, Rastrick Hirst. Herbert, Brighouse Hauson, H. W., Brussells Rd., New Wandsworth Healy, Rev. W., P.P., Johnstown, Kilkenny Horsfall, Jacob, Sleadsyke Irvine, James, Chelsea Illingworth, Thomas, Bradford Irving, Rev. R. G., Rastrick Jagger, W., Bramley Lane Jowett, J. S., Brighouse Jessop, C, Brighouse, and"- Jackson, John, Sonthport Hydro Jowett, E. A., Brighouse (2) Jackson. Wm., Rastrick Jessop, Sam, Nelson Jessop, Dr., Leeds Kershaw, R., Crow Nest Park* Kershaw, H., Douglas Killingbeck, J., Kidderminster Keighley, T., Brighouse Kilner, G., Brighouse Keir, S., Rastrick Kershaw, Charles, Slead Syke Kershaw, Dr. H., Pudsey Kershaw, Albert, Brighouse Kayo, J., Rastrick Kershaw, J. H., Bingley Kershaw, T., Bleak House, Culling worth Kershaw, J. A., Slead Syke Kenworthy, Miss, Rastrick Leeds Public Library Leighton, F. B., Brighouse Lockwood, F., Q.C., M.P., London Lawson, Jos., Brighouse Lancaster, G., Brighouse Laxton. F.. Home Lea, Brighouse* Ledgard, Miss Ludgate, Timms, Brighouse Lucas, Rev.F.W., HipperholmeGrani.Sch. Lancaster, Samuel, Brighouse Lancaster, Seth, Bradford Leppington, VV., Northowram* Lee, J. H. Absalom, Bempton Ledgard, Eyi-e, Algeria* Ledgard, Armitage, Roundhay Lumb, Benjamin, Rastrick Ludgate, John. London Lumb, Miss, Rastrick Lister, Wm., Wakelield Lister, John, M A., Shibden Leach, A. H., Brighouse M'Cormick, Rev. F., Whitehaven Morton, J. W., Birds Royd Marsdeu, J. W., Leeds' Marillier, Eland H. J., Cotham Morrell, W., Brighouse Mayall, J., J.P., Mossley* Murgatroyd, Mrs. J., Bailiffe Bridge Marsden, R., Brighouse Maw, G. W., Bedford Magrath, Rev. Dr., Queen's, Oxford Mitchell, G., Brighouse Morrison, W., J. P., Malham Margei'ison, S., Calverley ■•• Milne, Milne S., Calverley Manchester Free Library Milnes, Tommy, Brighouse Maude, J. H., Brighouse INIarshall, M., Brighouse Mellor, Samuel, Brighouse Marsden, Mrs. Hannah, Brighouse Mitchell, Samuel, Brighouse Milnes, J., Cromwull Bottom Marsden, Joe, Brighouse Miller, Fred, Rastrick Morrell, James, Gooder Lane, Rastrick Marsden, Robt., Police St., Brighouse Mortimer, Edward, Halifax Milticr, Mrs., Barusley Maile, Mrs., Dedhiim Morrell, .Allon, Brighouse Morton, W. K., Horncastle 314 LIST OF SUBSCRIBERS. Norcliffe, Rev. C. B., M.A., Langton Naylor, Joseph, Brighouse Newhouse, W. H., Brighouse North, Tom, Brighouse Naylor, B , Rastrick Nettleton, H., Brighouse (2) Northeud, Hon. W. D., Salem, Mass. Oldham Free Library Oldfield, S., Brighouse Ormerod, Theodore, Brighouse* Lord Bishop of Oxford* Ogdeu, J. M., Sunderland (deceased) Ormerod, Thomas, London Oliver, J., Rastrick* Ormerod, G. F., Rastrick-- Ormerod, Miss, Chagford** Oldfield, Geo., Bradford Ogden, J. H., Halifax Paul, Kegan, Trench & Co., Loudon Pritchett, Mrs. M., Bristol Pickles, W., Norwood Green Pearson, Rev. S., Lightcliffe Pinchiu, F., Rastrick Powell, D., Brighouse Pilling, W., Brighouse Patchett, J., Bradford Poole, R., Bradford Price, C, M.A.. Westward Ho! Powell, Sir F. S., Bart., M.P., Bradford Pitt Rivers, Gen., Salisbury Pearson, J. H., Brighouse Pilling, John, Brighouse* Parkinson, James, Brighouse '■■- Pollard, W. H., Brighouse (2) PUling, W., Rastrick Peel, F., Heckmondwike Parker, Major, Jersey Pollard, A. T., M.A., London, W.,* Pawson, A. H., Faruley, Leeds Pinder, J., Brighouse* Parker, Thos., Manchester Robinson, F. A., Brighouse Rouksley, J. G., Sheffield Rayner, J., Manchester* Randall, J., Sheffield Rushforth, T. H., Ealing Radcliffe, F., Elland Rayner, F., Brighouse Royds, C. M., J:p., Rochdale Richardson, W. R , M.A., Shortlands Radcliffe, Sir D., Birkenhead Robinson, Frank, Rastrick Roberts, John, 13righouse Robinson, J. W., Brij,'liouse Robinson, J. A., Brii,'liouse Robinson, Albin, Brighouse Rogerson, R. F., Brighouse Robinson R. F., Rastrick Rogerson, Rev. G., Brighouse Roberts, J. S., Rastrick Roth, H. Ling, Lightcliffe Rawnsley, Mrs. A., Upper Lane,Brighouse Ramsden, R., Thornhill, Clifton Rhodes, W. Venables, Cleckheaton Southport Free Library Skinner, G., Lightcliffe Schippers, F. G., Brighouse Sykes, John, Brighouse Fields Swift, G. J., Rastrick Sugden, Henry, J. P., C.A., Brighouse* South Kensington Art Department* Squire, G., Ampthill Sunderland, Joseph, Coley* Salt, Edward, J.P., Shipley Sykes, Dr., Doncaster Stuart, Dr. J. A. E. Heckmondwike Stowell, C, Bradford, and* Shaw, Henry, Girlington (2) S., J. W., Harrogate Sykes, A. F., Bradford Stanclifte J., Brighouse Stockdale, A., Huddersfield Smith, Col. R., Lincoln Scruton, W., Bradford Speight, H., Bingley Sunderland, J. W., New Zealand Stocks, Mrs. Lumb, London Sugden, James, Clifton Shaw, Miss R., BrighoiTse Stott, A., Brighouse Stott, Mrs. J.~M., Rastrick (2) Sykes, Mrs. C, Brighouse Stedman, Rev. R. P., Brighouse Stott, Henry S., Brijihouse Shaw, James, Hove Edge Stenton, W. P., Brighouse Sykes, J. G., Rastrick Shaw, Giles, F.R.H.S., Oldham Sladdin, 0., Brighouse Sutcliffe, Jno. Edward, Elland Sutcliffe Benj., Clifton Sugden, D. G., Brighouse* Sowden, G. S., Brighouse Shaw, Samuel T., I3righouse Shaw, Joseph, Brighouse Sykes, W., Brighouse Smith, W., Lands House, Rastrick Schofield, John, Bradford Stocks, Herbt. W., London Swallow, George, Rastrick Scaife, Mrs. A., Rastrick Smith, George, Brighouse Sutcliffe, J. T., Leeds Sladdin, W. H., Brighouse LIST OF SUBSCRIBERS. 315 Sharp, W. H., Brigliouso Shaw, W. M., Rastrick Sunderland, Mr., Briphouse Shaw, Henry, Rastrick Sowden, Rev. G , Hobdcu Bridge Sunderland, Mrs., Brighouse Turner, John W.. Brighouse Thornton, John, Rastrick-- Thwaite, B. H., C. E., Brockley Taylor. Rev. R. V., B.A., Melbecks Tomlinson, G. W., F.S.A., Huddersfield Taylor, \V., LightclitYe Thornton, Wm., Brighouse Thornton, G., Rastrick Thornton, Jno. B., Brighouse Turner, H. J., Brighouse Taylor, John, Rastrick Thornton, Ben, Brighouse Thornton, Robert, Rastrick "■•- Turner, Jonathan. Brighouse Thornton, Abm., Rastrick Thorpe-Wood, H. W., Middleton-ou- Wolds Thairhvall, F. J., London Tacev, Dr., Bradford Thackray, W., Bradford Tolson, Legh, Dalton Thornton, Wm., Rastrick Thornton. Mrs., Rastrick Tinkler, Rev. John, M.A., Caunton, Newark Thornton, Ernest. Rastrick Thompson, J. B., Bristol Turner, Ernest R. Horsfall"-*' Turner, Annie Horsfall-- Walker, John, Coley Mill Whiteley, J., Queenslniry Ward, J. Whiteley, J. P.. Halifax "Wood, Josiah, Hipperholme Whiteley, J., Slead Syke Whiteley, T., Brighouse Wood, H., Hove Edge Wilkinson, Johnson, Huddersfield Wright, Sam. Bradford Wood. W. Willis. Aid., Bradford Woodhead, Cawthra, Natal Walker. John, Brighouse Wood, Matthew, Brighouse, and * Waller, Miss, Bradford Road, Brighouse Waller, JVIiss Louisa, Brighouse* Waller, Miss, Oakroyd, Brighouse Waller, C, (irassmead, Brighouse Waller, H. H., Rookeries, Brighouse Woodhouse, John C, Wath-on-Dearne Wilson, Col., Leeds Woodd, Basil T., J. P., Knareshro' Wurtzburg, J. H., Leeds* Woodhead, W. B., C.E., Bradford -- Woods, Sir Albei-t, Garter, Coll. of Ai-ms Wood, jMrs. S., Brighouse Williams, E. W., Brighouse Waddington, Mrs. H., Brighouse Wheatley, Joseph. Brighouse Whiteley, Robt.. Brighouse Wyatt, T., Brighouse Waddington, Mrs. J., Rastrick -" Watson, J. H., Brighouse Watson, George, Brighouse Walker, H., Clifton Woodend, Robt., Rastrick Waddington, Joseph, Brighouse Westwood, Arthur, Brighouse Waller, Dan, Brighouse Womersley, Wm., Brighouse Woodhead. Jos., J. P., Huddersfield Winn, A. T., Aldboro', Suffolk Waddington, John. C.E., London Wilson, Joe, Rastrick"" Whiteley, Fred, Rastrick Wood, John, Gi'assmead, Brighouse Wilson, Mrs., Dewsbury Whiteley, Rev. A. H., Bradford Wilson, J. G., Rastrick "- Watson, S., Clifton Walton, John, Camm Street, Brighouse Walker, A. F., Meltham Worsnop, W. H., Elland Wilson, Mrs., Dewsbury Wilson, C. Macro. Bolsterstone Wright, N. W., Bradford York Minster Library ■"- Yates, Geo. H., Melbourne Young, M., Brighouse INDEX OF SURNAMES AND PLACES. (Place-names, if spelt like recorded suraames, are in italics. The same name may occur sevei-al times on a pa^e. The vai-ious methods of spelling are not indicated here.) Abraham, 47, 48, 58, 84 Aberford, 278 Ackroyd,Aikerode,Akroyd, &c., 109, 113, 133, 173, 176, 177, 179, 180 Acton, 187, 188, 241 Ade, Adamson, 46, 47, 48, 51, 54, 55, 56, 57, 59, 60, 61, 63, 66, 69, 72, 74, 75, 82, 83, 91, 92, 94,98 Aderichgate, 58, 59, 60, 65, 71, 72, 75, 79, 84, 85, 88, 90, 91, 98, 99, 100, 178 Adekynson , 94 , see Atkinson Agnes-son, 84, 105 Agbrigg, 245 Ainley, Aynley, Aneley, 61, 106, 117, 120, 121, 123, 124, 125, 127, 128, 129, 136, 147, 157, 159, 172, 179 Ainley, Andei/, 123 Ainsworth, 188, 276 Alied, 252 Alanson, 60,61,64,67,74, 76 Alcock, 70, 71, 72, 75, 81, 83, 84, 85, 87, 94, 99, 103, 108 Aldelay, 49 Aldworth, see Haldsworth Aldersley. 224, 232 Alegar, 205, 306 Alfieri, 6, 252 Allatt, 270 Allison, Alisaundreson, 39, 40, 61, 67, 90, 96, 97, 100, 104, 120, 126 Alotson, 49, 51, 54, 56, 59, 66 Alicson, 55, 56, 74, 80, 82, Allenrode. 153, 163, 183, 186, 187 Almondbury, 88, 169, 175, 193, 255 Altofts, 162 Altonlay, 87 Alverthorpe, 98 Alynson, see Elyuson Alierton, 9, 164, 188, 224, 231, 232 Alt, 212 Alric, 9 Ambler, see Aumbler Amson, 82, 94 America, 129, 181 Amyas, 209 Angles, 28-32 Anuabcll, 58, 60 Aneley, see Ainley Annson, 103 Anderton, 258 Anchor Inn, 259, 260, 262 Appleyard, 44, 123, 160, 161, 170, 174, 176, 178, 183, 187, 188, 218, 220, 228, 248, 253 Ardsley, Ardislaw, 9, 64, 69, U6, 192,236 Armstead, 247 Armley, 9 Armytage, 122, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 164, 169, 179, 188, 192, 196, 201, 204,206, 207, 213, 241, 246, 256, 259, 263, 269, 270, 277 Ai-undel, 39, 125, 218 Ashton, 233 Ashday. Astay, 48, 49, 50, 52, 54, 55, 57, 58, 59, 63, 69, 71. 73, 78, 79, 99, 100, 101, 106, 116, 137, 138, 147, 149, 162, 173, 175, 182, 213, 223, 232, 278 Ashmore, 173, 175 Asman, Aspinall, 182, 192, 253, 257, 271 Asshetou, 207 Ashworth, 237 Asquith, 258 Ashover, 274 Atherton Moor, (Adwaltou) 184 Attye, 181 Atwell, 64 Atkinson, 187, 258, 270 Atkin, 281 Aula, see Hall Aumbler, Ambler, 74, 97, 98, 99, 117, 118, 122, 125, 129, 136, 137, 139, 111, 146, 177, 212 Aumbler Thorn, 146, 212 Auly, 211, 212, 214 Avisou, 41, 113, 253, 256 Avitia, 74 Backbraid, 18 Bagger, Badger, 53, 63, 65, 71 Baildon, 88, 95, 227 Bailiffe bridge, Belly bri?, 18, 24, 78, 116, 125, 173, 179, 269 Bailifte bridge, (Hx.) 102 Bailey, Bailiff, 210 Baiues, Baynes, 243, 273, 281, 296 Banaster, 201 Banks, 66, 100, 102, 258, 259 Bairstow,Bristall,Bristow, Birstall, Berstow, Bres- tow, 42, 48, 49, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 68, 70, 74, 78, 79, 81, 82, 86, 93, 95, 96, 99, 114, 118, 127. 129, 131, 132, 135, 136, 137, 138, 141, 142, 143, 149, 151, 152, 153, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 166, 168, 174, 177, 179, 183, 187, 208, 210, 212, 227 Baker, 42, 54, 136, 218 Bancroft, 43, 167, 169, 180, 244 Barber, 20, 21, 22, 23, 88, 189, 208, 274, 275, 276, 289, 296, 298 Barkeston, 200 Barkesey, Berkesey, 68, 70, 101, 102. Barkisland, 38, 44, 65, 68, 78, 82, 87, 94, 95, 97, 98. 99, 102, 103, 104, 108, 113, 117, 121, 123, 125, 129, 132, 136, 137, 153, 159, 169, 183, 189, 235, 245 Barn, Barnes, Lathe, 48, 49, 51, 52, 53. 54, 55, 56, 76. 85. 142, 159, 164, 167, 170, 185, 196, 229 Barrowclough, 24, 41, 42, 43. 74, 116, 117, 118, 136, 151, 152, 153, 160, 318 INDEX. 166, 167, 168, 169, 173, 176, 178, 216, 218, 225, 229, 231, 232, 234, 244, 245 Ban-owclough Bridge, 116 Baro, 101 Barerode, 113, 134 Barrett, 163, 253 Barnard, Bernard, 53, 60 Bartle, 157 Bartrem, 117 Barnsley, 207, 210, 303 Bateman, 59, 72, 76, 91, 92 Bateson, Bate, Bates, 49, 52, 58, 77, 81, 86, 87, 90, 93, 96, 99, 101, 102, 111, 114, 123, 127, 209, 229 236 Bateridding, 116, 140 Batley, 9, 42, 56, 87, 138, 157, 182, 188, 232, 233, 247, 278 Batt, 57, 71, 78, 99, 100, 104, 112, 118, 119, 132, 136, 137, 143, 144, 147, 151, 173, 182, 208 Battle, 176 Baud, 65, 70, 73, 74, 75, 79 Bawdslosh, 177 Bawmforth,Bomforth, 151, 154, 188, 227, 229, 244, 247 Bayes, 289 Beaconliill, 240 Bellehouses, 57 Bedford, 262, 263, 270, 309 Beeston, 9, 301 Bentley, 39,41,42,44,52, 79, 87, 88, 95, 99, 101, 104, 105, 113, 114, 116, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 124, 125, 127, 128, 129, 132, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 154, 159, 174, 178, 183, 187, 188, 211, 218, 220, 235, 243, 248, 253, 308 Bentleyroid, 65 Beaumont, Bellomonte, Bemond, &c.,42, 68,88, 89, 113, 120, 148, 154, 159, 170, 171, 180, 193, 207, 209, 211, 212, 217, 218, 219, 220, 221, 224, 228, 231, 255, 258 Bell, 253, 288 Bekwith, 126 Beley, 167 Benu, Bene, 76, 85, 217 Benson, 299 Berchar, see Shepherd Bermshill, see Barnes Bertwissell, 193 Best, 144, 155, 159, 178, 187, 211, 214, 216, 246 Beverley, 73, 217 Beyond-tield, 56 Bibby, 110 Bierley, 9, 169, 290, 300 Billay, see Wilby, 105 Bingley, 107, 217, 228, 234, 284 Binns, 134, 135, 136, 177, 178, 244, 259 Bkkhead, Burkhead, 44, 47, 57, 212, 216, 227, 229 Birks, 73, 76, 105 Birstall, 63, 84, 96, 120, 151, 209, 219, 308 Birton, 66, 212 Birdsroyd, 106, 272 Bh-ch, 274, 276, 296, 298 Bisset, 233 Blackburn, 93, 101, 114, 125, 134, 167, 177, 180, 214, 218, 253, 255, 271, 272 Blackal, Bakal, 99 Blacker, 53, 55, 57, 62, 65, 70, 71, 72, 80, 82, 84, 90, 91, 92, 93, 96, 98, 100, 102, 108, 141, 153 Blackwood, 173 Blade, 54 Blakeborough, 258, 277 Blakilclough, 128, 173, 183 Bland, 62, 247 Blatheroide, 133 Blois, 196 Blythman, 174, 235 Blythe, 227 Bolder, 51, 53 Bolland, 42, 149, 153, 160, 216, 218, 244, 258 Boiling, 9, 62, 80, 87, 149, 218, 277 Bolton, 9, 104 Bolt, 78 Boltshaw, 128, 145, 147, 148, 159, 164, 170, 176, 183, 187, 222 Boothroyd, 21, 167, 173, 175 Boothroyd, 42, 43, 44, 47, 56, 60, 61, 69, 71, 74, 75, 88, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 104, 108, 110, 118, 125, 138, 139, 141, 143, 144, 157, 167, 215, 253, 254, 259 Booth, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 55, 57, 58, 59, 60, 62, 66, 72, 74, 77, 82, 84, 85, 87, 88, 91, 92, 94, 103, 136, 137, 151, 152, 157, 166, 170, 172, 176, 183, 224, 225 Booth, 43, 48, 56, 60, 65, 66, 68, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 88, 95, 100, 103, 107, 109, 111, 118, 123, 127, 129, 132, 136, 137, 139, 142, 144, 145, 146, 152, 154, 157, 160, 161, 162, 166, 170, 172, 179, 182, 183, 211, 222, 231, 244, 259 Bottomley, 30, 48, 58, 65, 78, 81, 83, 103, 108, 109, 111, 112, 113. 116, 117, 125, 154, 157, 182, 184, 185, 194, 211, 213, 235, 253, 255, 272 Bonegate, 236, 248, 277, 292 Bothom, 66, 67, 114, 117, 120, 181, 197, 208 Bottomhall, 247, 269 Bosville, 97 Bosco, see Wood Boy, Bois, see Wood, 94, 97, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 107, 108, 114, 118, 127, 129, 132, 137, 144, 146, 147, 153, 154, 160, 208, 212, 220, 221 Bowes, 96 Bowers, 154, 208, 227 Bowles, 207 Bradbury, 272 Bradford, 9, 140, 159, 160, 182, 183, 184, 205, 208, 209, 212, 214, 221, 231, 232, 241, 245, 265, 266, 269, 277, 279, 287, 296, 300, 306 Bradley, 9, 18, 51, 54, 55, 57, 59, 63, 70, 72, 76, 79, 81, 82, 83, 84, 86, 93, 98, 101, 169, 194, 201, 227 Bradley in Stainland, 23, 159, 160, 165, 169, 222 Bradley, see Broadley, 194 INDEX. 319 Bramley, 9 Bramley Lane, 307 Bramhall, 42 Braithwaite, 99, 264 Braithwell. 131 Brand, 101, 108, 110, 200 Brayningley, 13-4 Brayshaw, 188 Brear, 213, 215 Brearclitfe, 176, 178, 186, 187 Brearley, 158, 164, 166, 175, i87, 208, 227, 228, 247 Brerehay, 49, 52, 71, 76, 81, 98, 99, 114, 128 Breslington, 9 Bretteby, 109 Bretton, 96 Breuci, 22 Brianschole foi'est, Bryne- scole, 32, 78, 79, 108, 111, 118, 119, 121, 125, 127, 128, 131, 132, 134, 135, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 144, 146, 147, 148, 159, 160, 161, 163, 164, 169, 170, 177, 181, 185, 202, 222 Brickliouses, 55 Bridge End, 271, 272 Briyhome, 17, 18, 29, 30, 31, 33, 38 + Brighouse Park, 122 Brighouse, see Milner, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 46, 48, 49, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 65, 66, 68, 69, 70, 71. 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 78, 79, 82, 84, 86, 89, 90, 93, 97, 98, 101, 105, 106, 108, 109, 111, 115, 116, 117, 120, 121, 123, 124, 125, 129, 131, 136, 137, 139, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 153, 154, 159, 160, 164, 166, 169, 172, 176, 187, 214, 215, 217, 220, 222, 223, 225, 228, 231, 232, 234, 235, 236, 245, 248, 263, 276, 277, 292 Britons, 18 Brierley, 256 Briggs,' Bridge, 43, 99, 105, 122, 125, 162, 167, 178, 201, 218, 244, 253 Brigroyd, 53, 97, 117, 144, 145, 154, 156, 157, 158, 160, 174, 176, 177, 179, 183, 185, 235 Bristall, see Bairstow Broadbent, 271 Broadley, Brodelegh, &c., 40, 42, 43, 44, 96, 108, 110, 111, 112, 114, 116, 117, 120, 122, 124, 125, 128, 132, 136, 137, 138, 142, 143, 144, 146, 149, 158, 161, 163, 164, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 173, 175, 178, 183, 186, 187, 209, 210, 212, 213, 214, 216, 217, 218, 221, 223, 228, 231, 232, 245, 246 Broadoak, 246, 247, 287 Broc, 58 (? Brook) Brodegatehead, 136, 140 Brodehirst, 66 Brokehouse, 41, 118, 141, 158, 159, 161, 164, 167, 174, 178 Broke, Brooke, By-ve-brook 41,42,43,47,48,52,54, 58, 59, 60, 65, 71, 72, 73, 74,75,76,78,81,82,95, 100, 106, 113, 125, 130, 134, 138, 145, 154, 159, 160, 162, 170, 176, 181, 182, 188, 213, 214, 215, 217, 219, 220, 222, 225, 227, 228, 233, 244, 246, 247, 253, 258, 259, 272, 288, 305, 309 Bromley, 74 Brookfoot, 45, 90, 191, 201, 228, 248, 272 Brooksbank, 146, 151, 154, 159, 161, 176, 177, 188, 212, 213, 214, 229, 247 Broughton, 271. 301 Brown, 54, 56, 79, 259 Browncroft, 161, 164 Bukerel, 56 Bulfall, 180, 188, 247 Bui, 39, 100, 102, 104, 108 BuU, 24, 26 Bunny, Bonny, 43, 142, 162, 211 Burgess, 17, 272, 301 Burgh, 48, 63, 112, 115, 118, 127, 128, 133, 136, 141, 154, 157, 164, 208, 209 Burn, 246, 247 Burton, see Birton, 129 Butler, 162, 166 Butterfield, 181 Byre, 85 Byrkes, (?Rookes), 105 Byrne, 271 By water, (? Brook), 94, 95 By-ye-brokc, see Brook Cade, 51 Caiton, 66 Calder, 17, 18, 28, 29, 38,. 137, 140, 141, 144, 147, 148, 149, 169, 173, 199, 201, 204, 219, 265 Calderfall, 134, 229 Caldwell, 289 Calfcliti-, 71, 72, 73, 134 Calthorue, 101, 103, 106, 108, 109, 110, 111, 200 Calverley, 9, 110, 196, 201^ 232, 283 Calys, 90 Cambodunum (Slack), 18, 19, 22, 23, 31 Cambridge, 168 Camden, 23, 165 Camelrode, 55 Camm, 271, 278 Campsall, 144 Cardwell, 271 Cappe, 208 Carhead, 69, 70 Carleton, 43, 169, 188 Carlinghow, 66, 191, 192,. 229, 276 Carlington, 9 Carpenter, 48, 52, 59 Carr, 104, 178, 291 Carter, 40, 100, 104, 107, 111, 114, 118, 208, 258, 277, 278 Cartledge, 309 Cartwrigbt, 257 CarveU, 171, 180 Carwood, 138 Carye, 157, 159, 161, 164, 174 Casse, 98 Castel, 58, 59 Castlcbar, 179 Castleford, 86 Castlehill (Rk.) 18, 20, 21, 31, 147, 254, 257, 274, 275 Cay, see Kaye Cecil, 67, 70 Celts, 17, 18 Chad wick, 231, 258 Chaloner, 123 Chambers, 272, 278 Chapel-le-Brier, 252, 299 Chaplain, 57, 62 320 INDEX. Chapman, Schapmau, 51, 52, 55, 97 Cheetham, '278 Cheke, 166 Chellow, 9 Cherpleykar, 5-i Cheshii'e, 236 Chesterfield, 181 Cheplay, see Shepley Chepedeue, see Shibden ChesweU, 67 Chevet, 66 Chevin, 18 Childe, -41, 145, li7, 229 Cholmeley, 130 Chrispian, Xpian, 46, 47, •48, 58, 60 Chullur, 132 Cinderhills, Synderhills, (Hipp.,) 134, 135, 138, 140. 144, 147, 149, 152, 153, 157, 160, 165, 169, 170, 172, 173, 177, 178, 180, 181, 182, 183, 185, 186, 187, 258 Cissor, see Taylor Clapham, 37 Clarel, 192 Clarke, see Thomhill, 197 Clarkson, 68, 181 Clay, 41, 44, 90, 92, 102, 118, 123, 134, 144, 147, 149, 151, 153, 154, 157, 211, 213, 225, 248, 278, Claybutt, 161, 173, 186, 246 Clayrode, 72 Clayton, 9, 44, 65, 127, 169, 231 Clayworth, 200 Cleckheaton, 64, 169, 212, 214, 271, 283 Cle^clifie, 46, 55, 71, 84, 99, 105, 106, 110, 116, 118 Clegg, 259, 262 Clerk, see Hertshead family, 48, 52, 54, 56. 57, 58, 63, 70, 74, 76, 78, 79, 81, 82, 84, 111, 201 Cliff, 39, 40, 41, 47, 48, 50, 51, 52, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 63, 65, 69, 70. 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 91, 92, 93, 94, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 105, 106, 109, 110, 111, 114, 116, 117, 118, 119, 121, 123, 125, 128, 131, 134, 136, 138, 139, 144, 145, 153, 216, 219, 221, 278, 308 Cliffehouse, 100, 102, 117, 128, 139, 162, 172, 175, 178, 181 Cliffehill, 178, 183, 247, 258 Clifford, 246 Cliffirode, 113, 125, 134, 135, 141, 143 Clifton, 9, 19, 21, 33, 38, 44, 46. almost every page Clifton bridge, 120, 121, 135, 152, 219, 233 Clifton family, 48, 49, 52, 56, 57, 58,"^ 59, 60, 65, 66, 68, 70, 71, 72, 74, 75, 77, 78, 79, 81, 84, 87, 181 Cloughfold, 295 Clough, Clogh, 59, 127, 181, 253 Clough house, 21, 237 Cockroft, Cokroft, 40, 66, 101, 107, 116, 120, 143, 170, 212, 221 Cocus, Coker, see Cooke, 49, 57 Coleman, 55 Coleij, Coldlev, 30, 44, 45, 91, 92, 109, 114, 120, 126, 129, 132, 135, 137, 139, 140, 143, nearly every page to 246, 256, 273,^284, 285, 295, 3o2, 303 Coley Mill, 175 Coley family, 48, 49, 51, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 60, 63, 68, 70, 75, 81, 82, 92 Colen, Collins, 229, 253 Collarhousted, 91 CoUenley, 127 Collier, 48, 52, 53, 55, 57, 74, 82, 99, 103, 208, 210 Colversley, 68, 96 Coniugsbro' 70, 131, 211 Constable, 201 Constables, 39, 44 Constan, 60 Cooke, 42, 135, 152 Copley, 30, 143, 169, 235 Copley family, 48, 49, 52, 54, 55, 60, 74, 75, 78, 79, 81, 82, 86, 90, 97, 107, 109, 126, 145, 153, 162, 166 I Copley brook, alias Coley, 178 I Cote, 21, 30, 52, 53, 181 j Cotes, 174, 246, 277 ' Cosyn, 42, 51, 99, 101,102, , 121, 123, 124, 129, 157, 1 164, 222 ! Coverdale, 187 1 Coventry, 67, 92, 212 ' Cowhird, 59, 61, 68, 70, 78, 81, 83, 92, 103 Cowper, Cooper, 42, 44, 98, 106, 110, 114, 125, 129, 141, 145, 149, 161, 167, 170, 176, 179, 232, 233, 253, 254, 255, 259, 278 Cowforth, Cooper bridge, 76, 205, 225, 269 Cowrodes, 94, 103, 118 CownaU, 111 Cowling, 244 Craven, 144 Creswell, 152 Cristal, see Kirkstall Croiz, (Roods,) 63 Crofton, 216 Cromwell, 44, 191 Cromwellbottom, 35, 69, 71, 74, 84, 89, 90, 143, 148, 168, 169, 188, 195, 209, 227, 236, 241, 285 Croser, 143 Cross, (Rk.,) 32, 98, 103 Crossclough, 164 Crossland, 9, 56, 58, 88, 108, 110, 111, 112, 114, 116, 169, 207, 258, 259 Crossley, 44, 65, 69, 96, 141, 147, 217, 221, 248, 272, 278 Crow-nest, 161, 247, 258, 273, 291, 299, 306, 307 Crowshaw, 187 Cro-svtrees, 285 Crowder, Crowther, 41, 74, 118, 151, 154, 159, 162, 169, 174, 182, 185, 204, 218, 223, 230, 246, 247, 248. 257, 259, 278 Crumbtonston, 9, 33 Cryer, 215 Cullingworth, 200 Culpon, 66, 67, 85 Custerode, see U Dacres, 186 Dade, 66, 237 Dalton, 9, 38, 44, 48, 49, 51, 52, 54, 55, 57, 58, 63, 71, 76, 78, 79, 81, INDEX. 821 82, 83, 84, 87, 93, 94, 95, ;t7, 98, 99, 101, 102, 103, 10(5, 108, 109, 113, 117, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 135, 136, 137, 159, 173, 177, 183, 188, 189 Damhoad, 178 Darlington, 299 Dameley, 124 Darton, 127 Darwin, 182 Dawes, 244 Dawson, lOG, 125, 129, 253 Day, 259 Dedemanclough, 76 Dene, Dean, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 93, 98, 101, 104, 109, 111, 117, 132, 142, 152, 153, 164, 174, 183, 187, 212, 224, 233, 234, 235 Deanhouse, 161, 167, 170, 174, 176, 179, 233 Dearnally, 241, 278, 279 Deighton, Dighton, 117, 196, 220 Dell, 111 Denhara, Denholm, 42, 163, 183, 197, 253, 279, 304 Denton, 111, 112, 113,114, 116, 118, 119, 128, 147, 151, 154, 157, 167, 172, 176 Denyas, 98 Derbyshire, 215 Derwhit, 110 Dewsbury, y, 59, 102, 106, 121, 133, 222, 241, 255, 299, 300, 302, 308 Deyne, see Dene Dickson, Dixon, Dykson, Diconson,or Richardson, 82, 87, 96, 97, 98, 100, 103, 104, 167, 175, 178, 208, 218, 225 Dykonfeld, 128, 138 Dobbe, 58, 68 Dobson. 97, 151, 208, 216, 217, 218, 220, 221 Dodsworth, 191, 198, 201 Dodges, 259 Dogatrode, 92 Doghouse, 134 Dolphin, 4<), 194 DoUifle, 232 Doncaster, 54, 56, 58, 62, 202, 210. 213, 230 Doraus, 253 Dovehouse, 223 Drake, 49, 51, 55, 59, 65, 68, 69, 74, 75, 77, 86, 90, 92, 93. 94, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103. 104, 106, 108, 109, 110, 113, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 123, 124, 125, 129, 137, 141, 142, 144, 146, 148, 152, 153, 154, 160, 162, 167, 172, 184, 188, 208, 231, 241, 254, 278 Drakeroid, 80 Drausfield, 207 Ducksbury, 161 Duke, 40, 41, 114, 115, 126, 128 Dumb Mill, 24 Dumb Steeple, 140, 205 Dunstan, 9 Durham, 140. 256 Dyer, 52, 278 Dynes (Dene), 49, 51, 55 Dyker, 57 Dyson, 72, 179, 253, 259, 279 Earlsheaton, 127 East Bierley, 118 Easton, 281, 289 Eastfield (Lightcliffe), 98, 127, 129, 135, 145, 164, 169, 170, 172 Eastwood, 136, 138, 162, 163, 172, 173 Ebestone, 127 Eccles, 246 Eccleshill, 9, 86, 177, 178, 179, 186, 188, 214, 215, 217, 233 Ecclesley, see PZxley Eccop, Ekecop, 119, 212 Edinburgh, 251 Edeson, 53, 54, 97, 98 Edward, 49 Edwardrode, 224 Edylston, 214 Eikrode, see Ackrode Elenson, Alynson, 79, 80, 81, 88. 93, 96, 104, 194 Elfletburgh, 66 Elieson, Elyotson, Ellison, 47, 48, 52, 54, 57, 58, 65, 66, 73, 79, 82, 94, 97, 100, 117, 208 Ellaud, 9, 23, 30, 31, 33, 34, 38, 45, 54, 57, 58, 62, 64, 65, 70, 72, 73, 74, 78, 81, 83, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 95, 104, 105, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 121, 132, 140, 141, 142, 144, 145, 161, 162, 164, 168, 169, 173, 174. 177, 178, 179, 180, 188, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 201, 203, 207, 209, 210, 211, 212. 213, 214, 215, 216, 218, 219, 221, 222, 225, 227, 228, 229, 233, 234, 235, 239, 245, 255, 256, 257, 263, 265, 276, 277, 303 Ellay, 255 Elliott, 182, 214 Elli?, 245, 246, 259 Elmete, 28 Elmsall, Empsall, Emson, 43,44,79,118,161,165. 169, 172, 173, 176, 177, 180, 183, 184, 223, 246, 247, 259, 279, 281 Elwes, 173, 178, 181 Elynrode, 72, 110, 116, 129 Elystones, 40 Emott, 214, 215, 216 Enotson, 84, 93, 95 Erie, 138 Ennytage, see Armytage Essex, 162 Essington 157, 161, 177 Escelf, 9 Escrick, 101 Eshelt, 198 Esterode, 53, 119 Eustrode, see U. EtaU, 177 Eton, 164, 165 Etun. (Henton,) 9 Everilda, 56 Eveson, 58, 62 Evison, see Avison Ewetrees, see Yewtrees Ewood, 157, 170, 185, 188 Exley, Ecclesley, 30, 71, 104, 132, 134, 145, 152, 174, 209. 212 Faber, see Smith Fairbank, 43, 135. 142, 144, 149, 154. 15H. 159, 161. 162, 16 1, 166, 169, 170, 174, 177, 178, 179, 187, 188, 211, 213, 216, u 322 INDEX. 220, 221, 223, 229, 244, 245, 247, 258. Falbank, Falroyd, 96, 98, 146, 162, 168 Faldingworth, 113. Farrer, Ferror, 44, 129, 157, 168, 170, 171, 185, 211, 212, 218, 233, 234, 235, 253, 281, 282, 291, 308, 309. Fariiley Tyas, 9, 169, 201, 207. Farsley, 9 Fawcett, 271 Fearnside, 184 Feck, 9 Fekisby, see Fixby Feuay, 229 Fennys, 173 Fenwick, 182 Fernley, 96, 121, 215 FeiT, 66, 99 Fesley, 9, 30, 33 Femside, 162 Field, 69, 83, 109, 166, 170, 174, 176, 178, 245, 248, 282 Fielden, 183 Figge, 80, 84, 91, 93, 102 Finchenden, 97 Fisher, 253 Firth, see Fryth Firthhouse, 167, 279 Fitch, 110 FLxby, Fekisby, 9, 18, 19. 21, 22, 29, 30, 31, 33, 38, 44, 46, 49, 52, 53, 54, 55, 58, 60, 61, 62, 63, 65, 67, 70, 72, 73, 74, 79, 82, 87, 90, 94, 95, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 110, 113, 117, 119, 120, 121, 123, 125, 129, 134, 136, 137, 138, 141, 147, 154, 159, 169, 171, 178, 182, 183, 185, 189, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 207, 210, 213, 241, 245, 254, 255, 256, 257, 276, 278, 295 Flansall, 154 Flasl.y, 1H7, 188 Flashes, 258 Flather, 43, 44, 154, 162, 164, 166, 167, 168, 169, 171, 172, 173, 175, 247, 248, 258, 259 Fleak, 161 Fleay, 281 Flemj-ng, Flandrensis, 49, 51, 52, 54, 55, 56, 57, 63, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 80, 81, 101, 102, 118, 192, 193, 198, 199, 200, 201 Fletcher, 39, 42, 97, 101, 102, 103, 105, 106, 121, 122, 124, 132, 167, 168, 187, 200, 211, 212, 248 Flockton, 89 FlyntUl, 209 Fouldes, 149, 163, 228 Foldstead, 102 Forester, 54, 73, 83 Fortescue, 167 Fpune, 49, 57 Fouutains, 57, 63, 76, 79, 86 Fox, 40. 41, 42, 43, 44, 55, 57, 63, 78, 79, 82, 91, 102, 104, 111, 114, 116, 117, 119, 123, 124, 146, 177, 186, 189, 210, 241, 242, 254, 259 Fourness, Furness, 122, 129, 132, 135, 137, 138, 139, 141, 144, 151, 159, 186, 187, 188, 215, 218, 225, 259 Foxcroft, 145, 172, 232 Fotherby, 234 Foster, 282 Franks, Francis, 48, 49, 55, 56, 63, 81, 86, 87, 219 Frankisman, Frauuce, Rishworthman, 105, 106 Freaston, 102 Freeman, 254 Frith, see Sacrobosco, sacred wood Frith, Firth, 39 to 43, 48, 49, 52, 54 to 58, 63, 65, 79, 95, 96, 101, 104, 106, 108 to 129, 132, 136 to 154, 159, 166, 167. 170, 172, 173, 175, 177, 179, 180, 188, 211, 230, 237, 244, 247, 253, 255, 257, 258, 259, 279, 280, 281 Frost, 143, 247 Fryer, 21, 254, 279, 280, 281, 302 Fuller, 49, 56 Fulneck, 251 Fylcock, 64 Gagger, see Jagger Gale, 204 Gamel, 9, 31, 33 Gamble, 257 Ganton, 66 Gariitt, 253 Gargrave, 129, 131, 154,. 201, 227 Garside, 253, 258 Garrett, 282 Gates, 66 Gawbutt, 301 Gawkroger, 167 Gaytiugton, 65, 68, 71, 75,. 85 Gentilwoman, 106 German House, 250, 251, 253 Gemeber, 9 Gibson, Gilbertson, 42, 44,. 68, 82, 87, 96, 97, 110, 116, 129, 134, 138, 141, 142, 143, 145, 151, 160, 182, 188, 200, 208, 210, 220, 223, 227, 228, 236, 237, 244, 247, 282 Giles House, 236, 277 Gigglesw-ick, 9 Gill, 43, 44, 149, 174, 177, 179, 188, 192, 234, 235, 244, 247, 259, 263, 277 Gillesou, Gillotson, see Julianson, 99, 103, 104, 106, &c. Gisburn, 231 Gledclifl; 118, 211 Gledhill, 42, 43, 44, 93, 95, 108, 111, 117, 118, 119, 125, 127, 128, 129, 131, 138, 139, 141, 144, 145, 146, 149, 151, 153, 154, 167, 172, 182, 188, 195, 210, 211, 213, 219, 228, 255, 258, 259 Gledholt, 213 Glentworth, 276 Glover, 254 Godley, 64, 71, 74, 85, 86, 104, 108, 113, 119, 132, 153, 154, 159, 167, 188, 209, 241 Godrobert, 74, 80, 82 Goldsbro', 202 Golcar, Gouthlescar, 9, 48, 49, 54 Gomersall, 9, 153, 154, 271 Godwin, 9, 33 Goodall, 42, 43, 152, 167, 216, 262, 282 INDEX. 32a Gooder Lane, 19, 196 Gooder, Goodaire, 42, 43, 44, 84, 99, 128, 137, 138, 143, 149, 153, 170, 179, 253, 257, 282 Goodgreave, 236 Granny Hall, 272, 291, 302 Grave, Grive, 186, 247 Gregg, 143 Greaves, Gryve, prepositi, 44 + , 69,85, 172 Green, 42, 56, 66, 67, 82, 84, 202, 204, 233, 243, 253, 258, 259 Greenall, 41, 210 Greenfield, 218 Greenhead, 285 Greenhouseyard, 141, 227 Green wayclough, 138, 141, 145, 152, 159, 162, 164, 173 Greenwood, 64, 69, 159, 160, 169, 175, 176, 223, 245, 253, 256, 259 Greetland, 9, 22, 30, 38, 169, 225, 233, 245 Gretewood, 54, 57 Grice, 135, 196 Griffiths, 207 Grimbald, 192 Grimescar, 22, 257 Grime, 248 Guest, 251, 282, 305 Giiiseley, 221 Haddgreaves, 48, 57, 83 Hadreshelf, 66 Hagstocks, 113, 119, 177 Haigh Cross, 20, 116, 167 Haigh, 63, 81, 87, 97, 111, 114 to 120, 144, 147, 149, 151, 153, 159, 162, 172, 186, 222, 228, 232, 244 Hainworth, 52 Haket, 94 Haldisworth, see Holds- worth Halifax, 30, 38, 44, 49, 51, 54, 57, 59. 62 to 70, 75, 76, 81, 82, 85, 86, 87, 94 to 144, 146, 151, 152, 157 to 245, 284, 287, 288 to 304 Hall, del Hall, 39, 56, 58, 75, 82, 83, 90, 93, 99 to 106, 176, 183, 188, 211, 220, 222, 223, 227, 230, 232, 237, 254, 259 Hallcroft, 102 Halliwell, see Helliwell Hallstead, 231 Hamerton, 288 Hamond, 228 Hampole, 117 Hanburv, 280 Hangingheaton, 179 Hanson. 22, 23, 39, 41, 42, 43, 44, 49, 73, 76, 91, 96, 102 to 196, 207, 210 to 235, 241 to 248, 283, 285, 289 Hardcastle, 258 Harden, 188, 229 Harderv, 107 Hare, 79, 80, 87, 90, 92 to 106, 110, 111 Hardie, 220, 231 Hargreaves, 43, 44, 138, 141, 158, 159, 161, 163, 166, 172 to 188, 216, 244, 258, 288 Harper, 56, 71, 72, 122 Harley, 282, 297 Harley head, 257, 269 Harrison, 179, 221, 258, 286 Harryngton, 118 Harshaw, 145 Harthill, 159 Hartley. 227, 246, 258, 279, 288, 289 Hartshead, Hertisheved, 9, 20, 38, 44, 46 to 65, 70, 76 to 108, 111 to 114, 117, 122, 125, 129, 132, 138, 159, 169, 175 to 201, 207, 210 to 214, 222, 245, 281, 285, 286 Harvey, 279, 280 Harwer, 74, 75 Harwithius, 157 Hasilhurst, Hessilhurst, 59, 127, 137, 152 Hastey see Astay Hastings, 250 Hathelay, Haylathe, 116, 124, 125 Hathorne, 44 Hatton, 282 Haughton, 159 Hawkstones, 223 Hawme, Halme, 117, 128, 138, 144, 157, 159, 179, 210 Haworth, 41. 120. 214, 215, 224, 225, 228, 229, (see Howorth) Hawkroyd, 161, 170 Hawkshaw, 269 Haye, sec Hey Hayhurst, 72, 86, 87 Hayley,Heyley,49,52,54, 57, 73, 75, 79, 86, 87, 88, 90. 92. 94, 99. 128, 132. 136, 218, 259 Haynley, see Aneley Hazlegreave, 246 Headley, 231 Healey, 166, 177, 185 Heather, 233 Heap, 44 Heaton, Hcton, 9, 64, 68, 96. 99, 100, 106, 247, 248, 284 Heckden, 59, 91, 95, 109, 126, 143, 162, 166 Heckmundwike, 96, 278, 302 Hebdenbridge, 298 Hekas, 96 Helagh, 58, 119 Helliwell, 138 Helliwell sike, 101, 179 Helliwell. Halliwell, Holy- well, 78, 79, 82, 83, 84, 93, 97 to 110, 114, 124 to 127. 135, 139, 141, 146, 151,154, 212 to 215 Helm, 253, 271, 285 Hely, 58, 65, 66, 71 Hemingway, 41, 42, 43, 44, 57, 92, 93, 98, 107, 109, 111, 112, 114, 123, 131, 136, 138, 139, 141, 143, 147, 150, 152 to 162, 167, 170, 172, 173, 181, 183, 185, 188, 213 to 219, 223 to 225, 229 to 231, 244, 245, 258, 259 Henry rode, 91, 92 Henrv-son (Hanson), 47 to 81,' 99. 105 Heptoustall, 66, 98, 188, 209, 211, 218 Hepworth, 6(5, 79, 81, 88, 93, 103, 106 to 125, 257, 259. 285, 292 Hertshead, see Hartshead Heton see Cleekheaton Heyr, 48, 50, 53, 59 Hevlev, see Haley He'y, Haigh, 52, 94. 95, 100, 1(18, 114, 121, 123, 141, 147, 153 Heywood, 131, 203, 240, 241, 242. 299 Higham, 272, 273, 288 :324 INDEX. Hick, Hyk, 200, 210 High Barns, 138 High Bentley, 137 Highrode, 146, 157, 184 High Sunderland, 150,153, 158, 160, 182, 184, 186, 187, 216, 224, 225, 228, 231. See Sunderland. HUilee, Hylylegh, 65, 66, 107, 110, 118, 124, 141, 143, 159, 163, 167, 178, 186, 205, 206, 246 Hilton, Hylton. 50, 69, 75, 78, 81, 84, 85, 87, 88 Hill, Hills, 66. 67, 68, 81, 87,93,95,105,109,112, 119, 121, 124, 134, 135, 164, 174, 181, 182 Hillman, 94, 99 Hingandrode, 47, 48, 56, 58, 59, 67, 69, 70, 71, 73, 75, 81, 85 to 94, 97, 100, 106 Hilsmire, see Hills, 180 Hipperholme, nearly every page Hipperholme family, de Hyprom, 39, 47, 49 to 65, 70 to 84, 88, 92, 97 to 100, 108, 112, 114, 135, 192 Hipperholme hirst, or wood see Brianscholes, 47 to 76, 121, 13ii, 139 Hipperholme School, 186 Hipperholme thorn, 192 Hipperholme thorpe, 138 Hird, 44, 72, 181, 182,188, 246 Hirst, Hurst, 43, 44, 51, 56, 68, 70, 72, 83, 84, 93, 102, 103, 106 to 129, 134, 135, 144, 145, 159, 167, 176, 211 to 214, 247, 253, 285 Hobson, 258 Hodgson, 182, 188, 228, 230, 241, 245, 257, 269, 288 Hoderode, 193, 194 Hodge, 253 Hogg, 154, 161, 167, 217, 218 Hogh, Hoo. How, 78, 81, 82, 84, 96 Hogson, 50 Holdeubroke, 115 Holcan8,55, 60, 71,72, 75, 93, 109, 115, 145, 162 Holdsworth, Haldisworth, &c., 30, 40 to 43, 48, 50, 52, 54, 55, 57, 70, 71, 72, 76, 79, 80, 86, 87, 90, 93, 96, 99, 100, 104, 106 to 182, 187, 209 to 223, 228, 2.30 to 232, 235, 244, 247, 248 Holgate, 57, 66, 67 Hole, see Hoyle Holeway, 48, 49, 52, 54, 56, 58, 60, 71, 74, 75, 81, 87, 96, 97, 110, 111, 116, 121, 123, 124 Holland, 43, 109, 164, 176, 258, 259, 287, 288 Holmes, see Hawmes, 94, 102, 214, 216, 246, 247, 250, 251, 258, 259, 300 Holmtirth, Holme. Kirk- biu-ton, 9, 38, 42, 88, 96, 113, 127, 128, 164, 176, 190, 257, 270 Holmyres, 115 Holynes, Hollings, 111, 151, 158 Holynedge, 126, 127, 139, 142 Holroyd, Hollerode, 128, 135, 214, 246, 254, 256 Holt, 254 Holtby, 220 Hopkins, 258 Hoppay, 129, 143, 214 Hopkinson, 44, 149, 169, 180, 188, 223, 232, 288, 309 Hopper, 50, 60 Hopper Take, 21 Hopton, 84, 86, 93, 9o, 98, 196 Horbury, 127, 164, 170, 255, 256 Horlawgreen, 102, 118, 119, 144 Home, 57, 71, 73 to 76, 84, 253 Horner, 132 Horseknave, 47, 69 Horsfall, 42, 71, 88, 113, 144, 154, 164, 169, 170, 176, 177, 196, 197, 210, 225, 227, 245, 253, 257 Horsforth, 176, 179 Hortou,44, 53,55, 65,123, 132, 149, 154, 183, 188, 192, 196, 213, 229, 231, 232, 246, 258 Horwithins, 141, 181, 182 Hourum, see Ou. Hove Edge, 23, 33, 102, 176, 181, 189, 218, 237, 239. 247, 248, 258, 259, 285, 301, 305 Hovenden, see Ov. Howley HaU, 164 Howorth (see Haworth), 247, 258, 259, 283, 284, 310 Howroyd. 44, 132, 183, 188, 196 Hovle, Hoole, 162, 163, 165, 177, 178, 218, 223, 232 Hoylehouse, 142, 152, 157 to 161, 164. 170, 176, 182, 183, 187, 224, 230, 231, 232, 290, 299, 300, 301 Hole, Hoole, Hoile, Hovle, 40 to 44, 65, 70, 71, "73, 76, 79, 80, 85, 87, 90, 94, 96, 97, 100, 105, 113, 116, 118, 121, 126, 128, 129, 132, 134, 136 to 138, 142, 144 to 161, 164, 167, 170, 172 to 177, 179, 181 to 184, 187, 188, 193. 214, 218, 220, 222 to 234, 244 to 248, 259, 262, 285, 289 Hoof, Huff, 102, 105 Hubank, 254 Huddersfield, 9, 94, 98, 103, 113, 169, 182, 197, 200, 211, 213, 218, 219, 220, 225, 234, 237, 245, 255, 256, 265, 269, 279, 285, 286, 293, 800, 304, 305 Hughson, 49, 53, 55, 61, 66, 67, 68, 72. 83, 97 Hudson, 134, 208, 246, 248, 284 Hull, 128, 232. 235 Hungerford, 196 Hunslet, 9 Hunter, 93, 101 Huntingdon, see Robin Hood Huntwick, 163, 167, 170, 174, 178, 179, 180, 235 Husband, 74 Hustardrode, see Us. Hyne, 70 Idel, 216. 257, 283, 284 Ilhore, 66 INDEX. 325 Ilkloy, 23, 135, 211 lllingworth, 30,72,81,82, 85 to 87, 90, 103, 130, 142, 143, 109 Ingelard Tnrbard, 49, 02 Ingham, 240, 250 Ingram, 173, 191 Ipswich, 283 Iredale, 253 Ireland, (Southowram), 39, 40, 103, 105 to 107, 111 to 113 Irwin, 191 Isle, Insula, 103, see L'isle Italy, 280 Ivincarr, 131. 141, 143, 145, 152, 159, 173, 174, 185 Ivou, Iveson, 49, 51 to 02 Jackson, 43, 99, 109, 111, 115, 121, 179,180,221, 244, 240, 247, 253, 258 Jackwjfrode, 126 Jacobs, 293, 294, 301 Jagger, 43, 98, 101, 102, 103, 114, 116, 117, 119, 120, 123, 130, 159 JnkstiiLbjng, 132, 137, 141 Jankson, Jenkinson, 105, 135, 211, 258 Jankynknave, see Eisli- worthman Jennyns, 135, 191 Jepgreave, 137 Jepson, 210 Jessop. 113, 289 Johnroidhouse, 170, 180 Johnson, Jonson, see Jack- son, 20, 39, 40, 40, 48, 52, 54, 55, 57, 58, 61, C2, 69, 73, 70, 78, 82. 83, 90 to 94, 90, 99 to 101,103, 100 to 108, 111, 114 to 116 Jordan-son, 47, 48, 49, 51, 53 to 55. 57, 59, 60, 62, 65, 67 to 74, 79, 81, 84 Jowett, 181,289 Joworth, 00 Judd-son, 21, 57, 05, 82, 83, 85, 91, 92, 153, 177, 181, 183. 244 Julian, Gilleson, 39, 72, 79 Kah\ne, 215 Kay'e, 00, 157, 170, 190, 207, 209 V Keighley, Kighley, 44, 100, 173, 228, 229, 234, 259, 309 Keir, 288, 28<), 298 Kclder, Calder, 05, 70, 99, 101, 113, 119, 120 Kendall, 211, 213, 255, 250 Kenerisworth, 192 Kent, 43, 101. 108. 132, 144, 146, 147, 149, 153 to 163, 107, 170, 187, 208to214, 217,225, 230 Ken ward, 60 Kepax, Kypas, 07, 200, 210 Ker, 73, 78, 79, 84, 85, 91, 108, 111 Ker.soe C"arliead,Kirkhead , 79, 81, 82 Kerlinghow. see Carl. Kershaw, Kirkeshagh, 66, 69, 83. 184, 222, 246, 247, 248, 273, 285, 290, 291, 292, 300 Ketylson, (Chettle), 50 Kettle, 292 Ivillingbeck, 159 King, 90, 108 to 110, 112 to 116, 158, 209, 215, 216, 265, 289 Kingscross, 234 Kingshard, 113 Kirk, 90, 174 Kirkbnrton, 48, 59, 66, 96, 100, 177 Kii-kby, 100, 202 Kirkheaton, 169, 173, 175, 220, 289 Kirklces, 17, 20, 30, 33, 55, 62, 09, 71, 101, 114, 115, 117, 152, 154, 155, 104, 169, 170, 179, 196, 198 to 208, 210, 214, 241, 264, 285 Kirkstall, 99, 167, 172 Kitchen. 180, 218, 244, 247, 258 Kitson, 136, 139,141,246, 248 Knaresbro', 176, 210 Knight, 80 . . . Knightrode, 128 Knights' Jerusalem, 132 Kuollhey, 157 to 161, 164, 167, 170, 178 Knolls, Fixby, 123, 216 Kuowls, 253 Kowrode, see Cow. Lacy, Lascy. 8, 9. 33, .34, 35, 74. 79. 81, 87 to 92, 104, 112, IIH, 119, 123, 127, 129, 131, 135, 137 to 145, 147 to 149, 157 to 159, 103. 104, 100, 170, 175, 195. 198, 209, 210, 211, 227, 228, 231, 204 Lake, 174 Lambcote, 179, 227, 228 Lamplugh, 254 Lancaster, 160, 292 Landimere, 107, 187 Lane, 308 Lane-ends, Hipp., 101, 168 to 170, 173, 170, 240 Lane Fox, 37 Lane-head, Brigh., 45, 90, 235 Langdalc, 241 Langfeld, 9 Langfellow, 213 Langley, see Longlev, 245 to 248, 292, 300 Langton, 215 Lassells, 98, 112, 113 Lathe, see Bam Latimer, 203 Laughton, 172 Laverack, 100, 101, 179 Lawe, Law, 153. 157, 176, 177, 247, 258, 259 Lawerode, 118 Laxton, 300 Leach, Lechc, 109, 117 Leake, 180, 181, 248 Learoyd, 66, 93, 123, 127, 144 Ledall, 223 Ledgard, 230, 259, 263, 277, 292 Lee, Legh, 44, 00, 66, 90, 102, 115, 130, 130, 141, 227, 232, 305 Lee-bridge, 183, 224 Leedes, 259 Leeds, Duke, 37, 45, 195 Leeds, 152, 157, 243, 254, 257. 265, 271, 273, 277, 279, 289, 293, 301, 304 Leicester, Earl, 154, 155, 177 Leighton. 302 Leppington, 293 Leptou, 220 Levenot, 9 Leventhorp, 157, 158, 194, 195, 227 320 INDEX. Lewes Priory, 50, 69, 70, 191, 195 Lejlaud, 21 Leyrode, see Learoyd Leysing, 56 Leysingcroft, 88 Lidgate, Lydgate, 102, 127, 135, 149, 161, 166, 167, 169, 170, 171, 176, 177, 179, 180 Lightclifte, 18, 19, 23, 24, 26, 27, 30. 45, 102, 110, 116 to 127, 129, 134 to 145, 147, 149 to 162, 164, 166 to 188, 214 to 236, 241, 244, 247, 250, 251, 253, 257, 258, 269, 270, 276, 277, 282, 285, 290, 293, 299, 300, 307, 309 Lightesles, 65 Lightowlers, 248 Lightridge, 30, 61, 65, 70, 78, 79, 97, 99, 101 to 105 Ligonier, 7, 251, 252 Lillie, 229 Liucolnshire, 276 Lindlands, Lillands, 176, 270, 285 Lindley, Lynley, 9, 41, 62, 71, 118tol21, 127, 141, 154, 167, 193, 194, 248, 255 Lindsay, Lyndsey, 208 Liuthwaite, 47, 56, 70, 192 Lisle, 193 Lister, 59,67, 88, 103, 107, 119, 120, 123, 125, 128, 129, 135, 143, 144, 161, 182, 184, 210, 229, 236, 242,246to248,254,259, 283, 292, 293, 297, 309 Littlepighill, 141 Littlerode, 119 Littlewood, 117, 281 Little Wright, 84 Liverpool, 272 Liversedge, 9, 38, 114, 169, 192, 222, 228, 229, 283, 800 Lockwood, 47, 49, 51 to 58, 63, 64, 68, 76, 81 to 89, 98, 101, 108 to 113, 122 to 124, 127, 129, 135 to 139, 154, 169, 172, 207, 254 Lodyugden, Luddenden, 66, 97, 103 Loftliouse, 9, 88 Lokyngton, 85 Lomb, Lum, Lumb, 44, 99, 144, 162, 181, 186, 187, 248 London, 110, 152 to 154, 157, 159, 162, 163, 165, 166, 169, 170, 173, 174, 176, 293, 299, 302, 304, 308, 310 Lone, 65, 67 Louesdale, 71 Longbothom,116, 120, 123, 125 to 127, 135 to 137, 145, 149, 151, 182, 221, 229, 244, 259 Longley, 42, 53, 111, 113 to 120, 123 to 129, 135, 137, 138, 140, 143, 147, 167, 169, 171, 177, 182, 200, 221, 233, 235 Longman, 42 Lougmere Longmarsh, 92, 111, 118, 122, 126, 128, 135, 161 Longshay, 138 Lougstubbing, 121, 132, 135 Longvilliers, 64 Longwood, 42, 43 Lovell, 136 Lowe, 293 Lowell, 283 Low-moor, 259, 269 Lowroyd, 96 Loxley, 201 Lucas, Locus, 55, 90 Luddington, 169 Luddites, 205 Lundy, 278, 293 Lupset, 141, 154, 256 Lyesgate, 102 Macaulay, 237, 293 Machon, Mashon, 99 to 101, 103, 105, 106, 108 Macok, 52 Magotson, Magson, 51, 86, 90, 95 Maile, 272 Makreth, 113 Malbon, 117 Malhum, 101, 200 Malkyn, 71 Malleshead, 55 Mallinson, Malynson, 39, 42 to 44, 46, 102, 104, 108, 142, 147 to 149, 177 to 179, 219, 224, 247, 253, 254, 258, 259 Malton, 293 Manchester, 237 Mankinholes, 125 Mann, 246, 247, 258, 259 Manniugham, 209, 210 Mansell, Maunsell, 40, 41, 83 to 86, 91 to 98, 96, 112, 118, 119 Marland, 161 Marsden, 107, 236, 258, 254, 258, 271, 293 Marsh, 138, 149, 159, 196 Marshall, 43, 44, 125, 244, 247, 253 Marshes, 134, 136, 182, 187, 188 Marstou, 133, 184 Mar we, 48 Matildason, see Maudson Matthewson,39,50,59.61, 69, 81, 83 to 94, 96, 99 to 103, 107, 109, 110 Maudson, see Modson, 60, 61, 86 Maura, 65, 69, 70 Mawdo, Mahaud, 43, 67, 93, 94, 100, 103, 121, 149, 152. 159, 162, 167, 176, 183, 185, 212, 214, 220, 232 Mawk, Moke, 54, 87 Maynard, 69 Meanroyd, 248 Medley, 152, 158, 160, 164, 179, 200, 218, 228, 244 Megroid, 142, 248 Mekesburgh, Mexbro', 95, 111, 194 Mekilmoss, 138 Meldrum, 283 Melias, 108 Mellor, 186, 293 Meltham, 300 Merchant, 116 Mergeryth, 49, 51, 69, 70 Metcalf, 225 Methley, 117, 165, 170, 180, 209 Meuwes, 69 Meylemakerflatt, 120 Middlesmoor, 273 Middleton, 9, 55, 62, 70, 299 Midgley, Miggley, 9, 66, 129, 135, 166, 176, 185, 208, 209, 231 Migge, 66 Miles, 55 Miller, 258 INDEX. 327 Milne, 101, 113, 114, 116 Milner, Molcndinar dc Brighouse, 40, 42, 48 to 6-2, 65, 67 to 84, 87, 90, 93 to 105, 109, 115, 121, 141, 153, 159, 208, 211 to 213, 216, 222, 253 Milnes, 293 Milyas, 96 Mire, 56 Mirtield, 9, 30, 58, 71, 79, 88, 91, 104, 105, 110, 129, 169, 196, 200, 221, 245, 254, 255, 277 Mitchell, Micbell, 41, 42, 97, 144, 147, 151, 153, 155, 160, 166, 174, 178, 181, 211, 218, 223, 230, 234, 244, 245, 247, 248, 253, 254, 293 Mixenden, 162 Modd, see Modson Modeste, 47, 61, 80 Modson, (Maudson, Mold- son,) 68, 74, 113, 117, 172, 218 Molot, 89 Monkbretton, 99 Moody, 119 Moore, 246, 294 Moorhouse, 188 Moravians, 251 More, 103, 106, 108 to 113 Moregateroide, 129, 142, 235 Moreroids, 180 Morley, 9, 29, 38, 53, 95, 221, 245, 246, 306 MorreU, 293 Morris, 277 Morrison, 294 Mortimer, 82, 273 Morton, 98, 100, 101, 103, 253, 272, 293 Mounger, 200 Mowbray, 259 Musgrave, 161 Myers, 217 Myusmith, 87 Mytholm, Mitholm. 152, 153, 161, 162, 167, 170, 177, 181, 183, 185, 230, 246 Nalleson, Nelleson, Nele- daughtcr, 46, 52,75,81, 82,93,99, 114, 123, 127 Navey, 310 Naylor, 56, 133, 134, 160, 187, 202, 218, 259 Nelson, 181, 182 Nether Bradley, 166, 169 Nether Brear, Lower Brear, 167 Nether Edge, Elland Lower Edge, 219 Nether Mill, Brighouse Lower-mill Nether Woodhoiise, see Woodhouse Nettleton, 49, 56, 57, 58, 63, 118, 175 Neville, 69, 131, 145 Nevison, 239 Nevoomau, 91 Newall, 81, 121, 123 Newark, 230 Newby, 247 New England, 181 Newhall, 142, 196 Newhev, 113 Newhouse (Hudd.) 154 Newhouse (Lightc.) 253 Newlauds, 119, 120, 139, 144 Newstead, 259, 309 Newton, 291, 296 New Zealand, 185 Nicholls, 42,43, 74,75,79, 138, 146, 158, 168, 176, 177, 179, 215, 218, 258, 259, 273, 294 Nicholson, 236 Nidderdale, 273 Noble, 257, 281, 293 to 295 Nodder, 42 Noget, 78 Norcliffe, 41 to 43, 46, 54, 57, 59, 73, 86, 88, 90, 117, 122, 136, 137, 161, 165 to 170, 173 to 176, 178, 180, 210, 220, 229, 244, 264, 294 Normans, 33 North, 179, 255 North Bierley, sec Bicrley, 23, 153, 175, 187, 233 North Bridge, Halifax, 49, 161 North Crosland, 228 North-edge, 123, 134, 159, 169, 172, 180, 181, 188 Northcnd, 43, 44, 47, 49, 54, 57, 60, 62, 64 to 66, 70, 71, 73, 82, 93, 95. 103, 105, 118, 121, 123 to 129, 131 to 138, 141 to 143, 145 to 148, 151 153, loC, 158 to 174, 176, 178, 181, 186 to 188, 210, 213, 216 to 220, 222, 223, 228, 230, 245, 294 Northeves, 100 Northland, N. land. Nor- land, 65 to 67, 169, 178, 194, 225 Northloyne, 125, 126 Northmarsh, 134 Northourum, Ourum, 9, 30, 33, 35, 38, 44, and every page to 200 Nortbtoft, 105 Northwood, 49, 51, 52, 56 Northwolley, 153 Norton, 135 Norwood green, 33, 43, 158, 174, 175, 177, 181, 183, 185, 187, 216, 229, 230, 233, 246, 247, 259, 289 Nostel, 73 Notyngham, 118, 142, 144, 194 Nowell, 178, 179 Nuubrook, 152 Nuumonkton, 171, 180 Nunnery, 253 Nutter, 42, 147 Oastler, 295 Ogden, 8, 259, 294, 295 Oglethorp, 146, 151 to 153, 170, 209 Okcl, 182, 183 Okenbank, 54 Okenshaw, 120, 169, '229 Okes, Okesgi-een, 60, 61, 65 to 67, 73 to 75, 84, 100, 110. 113, 161, 177 Old-earth, 22, 134, 219 Oldlield, 131, 135, 141, 143, 146, 151, 159, 162, 165, 166, 231, 256 Oldford, 118, 154 Oldroyd, Ilolrojd House, 60, 158, 168, 174, 178, 179, 186, 224 OUerton, see Alkrton Ormcrod, 84, 283, 295 to 298, 304 Osborne, 37, 45 Oslmrnrode, 114,162,167, 170, 180, 186 Osgrabie, 232 Ossett, 66, 87, 101, 127, 130. 143, 152, 250, 255 Otcs, Oateb, 42, 43, 53, 90, 328 INDEX. 102, 108, 111, 112, 115, 117 to 121, 121 to 126, 128,129,131, 133 to 137, 139, 111 to 149, 153, 154, 159, 161, 162, 176, 179, 181, 182, 187, 188, 208, 209, 211 to 213, 215, 217, 218, 220, 230 to 232, 246, 258, 259 Otesroid, 169 Otley, 237 Ourum, see Northourum, 46 + Outlane, 19, 22 _^ Oveuclen, 51, 55, 57, 67, 71, 72, 74 to 76, 81 to 84, 90, 92, 96, 105, 116, 119, 132, 162, 169, 183, 191, 195, 214, 219, 220 Overall, 152, 153, 160, 162, 163, 172, 173, 178, 219, 220 Over-Brear,see Upper, 172, 173, 182, 229 Overflatt, 127 Overnew-wark, 157 Over-Shipden, see Shipden Ovcrthong, 179 Oviugton, 215 Oxenhope, 153 Oxford, 160, 165, 191, 284 Oxheys, 224 Palden, 212, 214 to 216 Paunell, 183 Paradise, 173 Parke, 78, 253 Parker, 74 Parkbill, 162 Parkinson, 299 Parry, 299 Parys, 106 Pasiew, 227, 230 Patchett, 224 Patrick, 182 Pault, 176 Pearson, Pereson, (Peter- son), 103, 105, 114, 138, 174, 178, 179, 182, 232, 236, 253, 257, 258, 299 Pear-trees, 247 Peck, 65, 68, 104,135,141, 209, 213 Peebles, 241, 299, 300 Peel, 39, 229, 244 Pennygton, 160 Percy, 48, 49, 52, 54, 55, 70, 87, 90, 93, 95, 99, lUO, 108, 200, 211 Peter-son, 49, 53, 59 to 61, 68, 71, 75, 76, 78 Peti, 54 Petlington, 244 Phillips, 188, 255, 298 Pickard, 220, 231, 234 Pickle, Pykhill, Pighill, 42, 43, 117, 119, 120, 141, 157, 160, 169, 170, 181 Pickle-bridge, 269 Pierson (hal), 205, 206 Pigot, 278 Pilkington, 129, 166, 169, 201 Pilling, 246, 259 Pinder, 48, 49, 51, 54, 57, 59, 60, 65, 09, 71, 73 to 81, 84, 86 to 88, 92, 98 to 101, 103, 105, 106, 108, 300 Pinner, 274, 275 Piper, 52, 66, 108, 110, 112 Pitchfortb, 21, 253, 254, 259 Pitt, 251, 252, 299 Place, 173 Plagues, 44, 183, &c. Pokeland, 138 Pollard, 162,169,181,256, 258, 299 Pontefract, 93, 180, 188, 192, 241 Popeley, 183 Popilwell, 79, 121, 122 Poyde, 59, 69 Potterton, 169 Pratt, 305 Prestman, 64 Preston, 42, 168 to 170, 177, 178, 182, 253 Priest, 49 Priesthead, 88 Priestley, 27, 40, 44, 49, 52 to 55, 58 to 60, 72, 75, 95, 96, 99, 105, 110, 111, 117, 118,123, 125, 136, 137, 141, 144, 146, 154, 157, 159, 166, 181, 185 to 188, 200, 209, 210, 212, 228, 236, 242, 246 to 248, 293, 299 Priestley Green, 101, 111, 116, 117, 124, 131, 134, 149, 151, 153 to 155, 157 to 167, 170, 174, 178,179, 182 to 188, 223, 225, 227, 228, 230, 236, 246, 256, 273, 300 Pricbtrode wood, 194 Priorrode, 86 to 88, 93, 98, 141 Pristson, 101, 106 Pritchett, 299, 300 Pudsey, 9, 53, 141, 153, 159, 216 Pullman, 258 Purlwell, 90 Pygrene, 113 Pykerd, 66 Pykson, 232 - Pymond, 216 Quarmby, Quernbv, Wharnby, 9, 30, 38, 44, 47, 49, 51, 52, 55, 63, 68, 78, 87, 88, 94, 97, 99, 102 to 104,106,113, 117, 120, 125, 137, 152, 159, 162, 169, 183, 189, 194, 196, 225, 227, 228, 245 Quarrell-hall, 246 Queensbury, 282 Quele, see Wheelwright Quynel, 50 Qwalley, see Whalley Qwaynt, 74 Kadcliffe, 162, 201, 207, 259, 263, 270, 300 Raine, 257 Rakestraw, 254 Ralphson, 54, 57 Ramsbothom, 197 Ramsdeu, Romsden, 42 to 44, 125, 128, 136, 138, 141, 143 to 145, 147, 151, 153 to 155, 157, 159, 161, 162, 164, 165, 169, 170, 172, 174 to 176, 186, 200, 227, 229, 233, 235, 244, 246. 247, 258, 259, 271, 279 Rampton, 169 Randes, 112, 119, 168, 170 Rangley, 253 Rastrick, almost every page Rastrick Brighouses, see Brighouse, i06, 147, 165 Rastrick Chapel, (dates 1363, 1393), 119, 164, 167, 181, 215, 239, 263, 264 Rastrick family, 40, 46, 49, 50, 55, 57, 59 to 65, 70 to82, 88,93,98,99, 101, 103 to 105, 107, 110,111, 194 INUKX. 329 Rastrick School, 167 Kathbouuc, 7i Rathmell, 77 Rawdon, 170, 179 Rawcs, (Ralphs), 119 Rawleuce, 228 Rawnsley (Ravenslaw), 42, 43, 99, 125, 153, 178, 179, 180, 183, 211, 227, 244 to 240 Rawson, 141, 173, 178, 183, 205, 220, 235, 245 Ray, 247 Riiyuor, Reyner, 44, 55, 63,74,85,129,132,138, 149, 151, 157. 159, 162, 175, 179, 186, 198, 201. 210, 213, 214, 227, 229, 230, 244, 246, 248, 256, 272, 283, 300 ReJiker, 67 Redis, 210 Rediuoke, 152 Relphe, see Ralph, 244 Retford, 59, 286 Riburndeu, Ripponden, 66, 129, 164, 169, 305 Richardson, see Dyksou, 23, 43, 51, 52, 54 to 61, 63, 67, 72 to 75, 78, 81, 83 to 85, 95 to 97, 113, 169, 170, 171, 175, 177. 183, 187, 214, 253, 256, 290, 300 Ricroft, 151, 227 Riddlesdeu, 247, 259 Rideiug, Ryding, 42, 67, 76, 119, 126, 127, 129, 132, 134 to 136, 143, 161, 272 Rieley, Ryley, 66, 93, 194, 217, 218 Rigg, 70 Rillyngton, 96 Ripley, 270 Rippoii, 187, 273 Rishton, 9, 218 Rishworth, Rushworth, Rushforth, 20, 40, 41, 49, 51, 58, 60, 63, 64, 70. 72, 81 to 84, 86 to 88, 90 to 95, 98 to 103, 105 to 109, 111 to 12;), 132, 134, 136 to 138, 141, 143, 145, 146, 149. 152, 153, 157, 160, 162, 164, 1()6, 167, 170, 180, 186, 187, 194, 209, 211, 224, 225, 228, 229, 246, 253 to 258, 270, 289 Rishwortli. 79 Rishworthman, 100, 106, 108, 112 Roberts, 247, 253, 258 Robertson, see Robinson, 60, 68, 73, 80, 81, 90 Robin Hood, 193, 201 to 205, 239 Robinson, 83, 96, 98, 149, 161, 247, 300, 308 Robson, 176, 253 Rochdahs Rachdale, 58 Rodes, Roids, Royds, 39, 41 to 43, 48, 52, 54 to 65, 68 to 75, 79 to 82, 85, 91 to 93, 96, 97, 102, 103, 107, 117 to 119, 121, 123 to 126, 134 to 137, 141, 142, 145, 147, 149, 160, 162, 164, 168, 170, 174, 175, 177, 181, 182, 210, 214, 218, 223, 245, 253, 256, 259 Roidhouses, 100, 105, 106, 113, 114 Roe, see Wro Roger, 219 Rogerson, 49, 50, 56, 57, 59, 61, 65 to 78, 81, 84, 87 Rogerspowte, 178 Romans, 19 to 27 Rookes, Rokes, 39 to 41, 46, 50, 51, 55. 59. 60, 68, 72 to 81, 86, 94, 96, 98, 100, 102, 103, 100, 108 to 117, 119 to 129, 131, 132, 135 to 137, 140, 141, 143, 144, 149, 161, 178, 180, 181, 183, 196, 209 to 218, 220, 231, 259 liookes, 157 to 164, 183, 186, 217, 220, 233,. 247, 303 Rooley, 220 Roostorth, 57 Roper, 40, 111, 112, 118, 176, 247 Rosedale, 182 Rotherham, 160, 172, 173, 175, 178 Rothalfold, 87 Rothelset, 84 Rotberey, 253 Rothlcv, 99 Rolhwcll, 9, 88, 93, 209 Ronndhcv, 152 RonndhiU, 20, 149, 181, 235 Routh, 172 Rowland, 234 Royds Hall, 123, 125 to 129, 131, 137, 110, 141, 143, 169, 196, 212, 211, 218, 235, 259 Royleshead, 169 Rubilion, 76 Rutland, 145 Ryall, 185 Sabridgcford, 195 Sacrobosco, Holywood, Frith, 276 Sagher, Sagar, Sawyer, 71, 82, 86, 234 Saiutpaul, 135, 144 St. Swithens, 88 Sale, 57, 61 Salforth, 256, 271 Salmon, 71 Salt, 291, 306 Saltaire, 29, 300 to 308 Saltonstall, 30. 43, 49, 50, 53, 54, 58, 62, 66, 67, 72, 95, 121, 128, 132, 1.35 to 137, 141, 143, 144, 148, 1.52 to 154, 157 to 1.59, 161 to 170, 172, 174, 178 to 180, 186, 211, 212. 211, 216, 218, 221, 222 224, 227, 228^ 233^ 235! 244^ 246^ 303 Sandal, 9, 57, 74, 95, 97, 127, 145, 152 Sausermer, 193 Savage, 135 Savile, Seyvile, 23, 24, 09, 75, 78, 82, 83, 80, 88, 90, 95, 105, 111, 114, 115, 118, 119, 121, 126 to 131, 133, 137, 139, 141 to 143, 145, 154, 159, 100 to 107, 170, 174, 177, 179, 180, 187, 191 to 194, 196, 200, 201, 206, 207, 210, 211, 216, 222, 227, 233 to 235 Sawood, see Sowood Savnton, 42, 132, 134, 135, i37 Saxton, 255, 278 Scanionden, Skanionden, 18, 30, 45, 40 to 07, 79 330 INDEX. to 84, di, 96, 97, 99, 111, 120, 117, 148, 157, 159 Scarbro' 182, 281 Scargill 129. 192 Schapman, see Chapman Schepley, see Shepley Scliibden, see Shipden Schippendale,Sliibdendale, Chippendale, 117, 122 Schotield, Scoletield, 42, 43, 117,118,123 to 127, 129, 149, 158 to 162, 164, 168, 175, 177 to 179, 186,215, 218, 221, 222, 228, 230, 232, 244, 248, 253, 259, 283 Schingildhall, 195 Sclater, Sklater, see Slater Scolaybrig, 106, 115 Scolecotes, Sculcotes, 50, 51, 57, 70, 73, 76, 79, 83, 86, 87, 94, 98, 99, 103, 115, 129, 136, 141 Scoles, 94, 108, 121, 122, 218 Scoi-ah, 279, 292 Scotchlane, 93 Scott, 183, 235 Scout, 113, 172, 181 Screvyn, Skrevyn, 62, 200 Sedbergh, 214 Selby, 65 Senior, 247 Settle, 293, 304 Shackleton, 229 Shagh, Shaw, 41, 43, 46, 70, 79, 117, 121, 125, 136, 142, 159, 161, 253, 257 to 259, 292, 305 Sharde, (Sheard), 230 Sharrock, 44 Sharp, 56, 102, 103, 106, 107, 111, 113, 114, 127, 136, 137, 141, 144, 146, 147, 163, 183, 185, 210, 215, 218, 228, 246, 247, 253, 258, 259, 305 Shaysike, 151 to 153 Sheffield, 259 Shelf, 9, 30, 33, 38, 44 and every page nearly to 195, 200, 207, 212, 221 to 225, 227, 230, 232, 245, 246, 273, 285 Shelley, ^9 Shentogh, 87, 90 Shc^pliird, see Eercher, 49, 70, 71, 72, 81, 82, 96 Shepley, Chapley, Schepley 40 to 42, 48," 54 to 63, 65, 66, 71, 76, 77,' 90, 92, 97. 100, 101, 104, 105, 121, 123, 125, 127, 135, 154, 193, 194, 212 Sheswell, see Cheswell Shibden, Schepden, Chyp- den, 30, 35, 46 and almost every page to 148, 162, 167, 169, 209, 211, 213, 218, 220, 227, 228, 241, 292 Shipley, 9, 220, 231, 232, 282 Shore, 74, 128, 129, 132 Shortanhaw, 90 Shortrode, 101 Shutt, 246 Siddal, 289, 308 Siddallhall, 183. 232, 236 Siglesthorne, 184 Simcar, Symcar, 183 Simonrode, 113, 134 to 136, 258 Simson, Symonson, Symmes, 56, 65, 69, 73, 77 to 93, 96, 98 to 100. 103, 104, 107, 111, 113, 116 to 121, 129, 131, 133, 136, 174, 210, 212, 258 Singleton, 209, 253 Sissou, 79, 83 Skarbank, 161 Skelmanthorpe, 88 Skeltou, 213 Skipton, 243 Skipwith, 235 Skircote, 48, 67 to 69, 74, 75, 136, 144, 158, 169, 195, 245 Skurveton, 68 Skyres, 118, 120, 151 Slack, 19, 20, 22, 23, 31 Sladden, 208, 309 Slade Lane, 21 Slaithwaite, 169 Slater, Sclater, 43, 84, 104, 120, 122, 123, 170, 179, 183, 245, 258 Slead Syke, Hall, 120,155, 156, 183, 186, 229, 230 to 232. 236, 237, 258, 271, 272, 286, 287, 299 Smallclongh, 120 Smulloghcs, 94 Smith, Smyth, Faber, 39 to 44, 46, 49, 51, 52, 56, 57, 68, 70, 71, 74, 75, 77, 83, 84, 86, 87, 93 to 95, 99 to 102, 105, 106, 108 to HI, 114 to 145, 147, 149, 151, 153, 154, lo7, 158, 161, 162, 165, 167, 183, 187, 188, 205, 209, 210, 213 to 218, 220, 222, 223, 227, 230, 232, 244 to 247, 253, 256, 302, 305, 310 Smith-house, 110, 161, 222, 227, 247, 248, 250, 251, 258, 263, 300, 301 Smithiker, 53 Smithycroft, 113, 119, 128 Snake hill, 19, 154, 227 Snape, 117 Snell, 160, 220 Snowdeu, 258 Suype, 229 Soil hill, Swill hill, 87, 90, 99 Somer, 69 Soperhouse, 158, 167, 170, 177, 182 Sothill, Soothill, 64, 67, 123, 154, 172 Sourby, Sowerby, 9, 47, 50, 51, 53 to 56, 59, 65 to 69, 71, 72, 74, 83, 88, 90, 93, 96 to 113, 116, 120. 121, 128, 132, 134, 143, 148, 149, 154, 161, 162, 164, 169 to 176, 178, 179, 181, 182, 187, 188, 202, 203, 208, 220, 221, 236, 282 Sourmylk, 54 Souryng, 179 Southedge, 114, 134, 135, 161, 164, 169, 173, 186 South-holme, Sutholme,30 Southowram, 9, 30, 33, 34, 38, 50, 51, 68, 104, 134, 145, 162, 169, 180, 181, 187 to 189, 210, 211, 215, 228 to 231, 236, 239, 240, 243, 245, 252, 271 Sowden, 176, 259, 298, 299 Sowood, Sawood, 43, 128, 147, 151 to 154, 157, 163, 166, 170, 175, 177, 178, 180, 187, 224, 247 Soyland, Soland, 99, 103, 167, 172. 173, 177, 188 Spangenberg, 301 Speight, 169, 175, 180, 246, 258 INDEX. 831 Spen, 182, 283 Spenser, 51 Spillewood, 48, 51, G7, 72, 82, 'JO Spink, 245 Spouthouse, 251 Rprent, 87, 208 Staincliffe, 2S7 Stainland, 9, 30, 38, 44, 48, 54, 55, G3, 05, 69 to 71, 78, 81 to 84, 86, 87, 93, 95, 97, 99, 101, 104, 108 to 113, 116, 117, 125, 137, 157, 159, 169, 179, 183, 189 Stainton, 200 Stake, 253 Stancliffe, 40, 50, 55 to 59, 65, 76, 77, 79, 83, 84, 86 to 88, 91, 93 to 95, 100, 102, 104, 111, 113, 115, 116, 118 to 129, 131, 135, 137, 143, 144, 151, 153, 157, 159, 161, 172, 177, 210, 216, 230, 258 Standeven, 223 Standroid, 149 Standwell, 57 Stanhope, 135, 176, 181, 247, 248 Stanley, 169, 186 Stansfeld,9,40, 68, 88,96, 108, 111, 117 to 120, 129, 132, 167, 194, 200, 206, 214, 227 Stanyden, 66 Staunton, see Saynton, 99 Starkey, 182 Stead, Stede, 48, 165, 258 Stel, Steel, Stigbcl, 56, 74, 85, 108, 113 Stephenson, 42, 61, 65, 69, 96, 97, 105, 140, 167, 169, 194, 228 Steton, 44 Steven, 75, 77, 79, 92 Stirk, 58 Stockill, 258 Stocks, 41, 49, 51, 54, 55, 81 to 84, 86, 95, 98 to 101, 103, 104, 112, 117 to 119, 136, 138, 154, 178, 185, 223, 244, 246, 253, 258, 259, 279, 301, 302 Stodelcy, 66, 67, 202 Stouehope, 161 Stoneleigh, 272 Stones, 83, 96, 154, 158, 162, 174, 178 Stonlee, 99 Stonjjotter, 78 Stott, 253, 305 Strang, Strengfcllow, 48, 85, 92, 93, 99, 107, 108, 116, 121, 125 Strangstigh, 108, 119, 129, 144, 147 Street, 179 Stronger, 120, 195 Strey, 212 Stryndes, 59. 87, 146 Studley, see Stodeloy Sturdy. 247 Stysrode, 118 Sucksmith, 246, 247 Sugden, Shugden, 43. 103, 133, 179, 186 to 188, 247, 304, 305 Sunderland, see High Sunderland. 42, 50, 51, 54 to 58, 60, 62 to 67, 69, 71, 72, 74 to 76, 79, 81, 87, 88, 90, 97, 101, 102, 104, 107, 110, 111, 113, 119, 121, 124, 125, 127 to 129, 132, 134 to 138, 142 to 145, 148 to 153, 157 to 162, 164. 166 to 168, 170, 172, 174, 176 to 188. 196, 215, 216, 221, 222, 224, 225, 228, 231, 232, 231, 241, 245, 253, 802 to 305 Sutclilfe, Southcliffe, Sut- clitie Wood, 52, 54, 55, 57, 59 to 61, 65, 69 to 71, 74, 76, 78, 79, 129, 130, 132, 146, 149, 167, 179, 180,209, 230, 231, 244, 252, 298, 299, 305 Sutor, Souter, Shoemaker, 66, 68, 70, 85, 94, 102, 103 Swaine, 9, 138, 258, 259, 301 Swape, 57 Swift, 119, 235 Swinsoe, 181 Swyer, 51, 57, 58, 63, 73, 78, 81 SwvUington, 64, 174, 182, 233 Sybbeson, 51 Sykes, 197, 208, 253, 803, 304 Synderliilis, see Cinderhills Tait, 168, 223, 259 Talvas, 35, 46, 48, 51, 65, 192 Tarlton, 200 Tashurgli, 200 Tasse, 64 Taylor, Tailor, 21, 40, 48, 49, 54 to 57, 61, 63, 67, 68, 70, 71, 74, 75, 78, 79, 81, 92. 96, 97, 101, 102, 105, 106, 110, 114 to 116, 118, 151, 154, 172, 181, 218, 225, 232, 235, 241 to 243, 245, 248, 257. 259, 261, 308 Teilhouse Grange, 220 Tempest. 36, 136. 140,146, 159, 162, 212, 227 Temple-newsam, 191 Templer, 78 Terrv, 259, 308 Ters^ 79, 84 Tessimond, 44, 217 Tetlaw, 247, 259 Textor, see Weaver Thackmache(r), 49 Thewlis, 124, 127, 129, 135, 141, 144, 176 Thirsk. 87 Thomas-son, Tomson, Thompson, 49, 53 to 63, 67, 69, 71, 72, 74 to 78, 81 to 90. 92, 93. 95, 106, 108, 111, 144, 151, 1.52, 208, 2.37, 223, 252, 257, 299 Thomroyd, 181 Thorald', 201 Thormanby, 237 Thornealls, Thornhills, 74, 75, 80, 105. 114, 120, 193. 196, 210. 218. 220 Thornhill, 43. 48. 49, 64, 65, 68, 88, 95, 99 to 101, 113, 120, 123, 121, 136, 141, 142, 154, 155, 161. 164, 167 to 171, 175, 181, 185, 192 to 197, 207, 209, 210, 213, 223, 244, 248. 258, 259, 295 Thornhill Briggs, 140, 175, 177, 179, 182, 186, 223, 228, 229, 233, 244, 248, 259. 262, 298, 299, 309 ThorntJey, 66 Thorntons, 9. 162, 184, 187, 234, 253, 254, 258, 279, 308 332 INDEX. Thoi-p. 9, 39, 40 to 44, o4, 64, 65, 68 to 7o, 79, 80, 84. 80, 87, 90 to 92, 102, 105, 108, 111 to 113, 118 to 132, 135, 136, 141, 142, 146, 147, 149, 151, 153, 160, 161, 166, 169, 172, 175, 177, 179, 180, 182 to 184. 186, 188, 217, 218, 220, 223 to 225, 229 to 231, 244 to 248, 309 Thorp-arch, 293. 299 Thorp Hall, 152 Thurcroft, 124 Thm-ffoland, 119. 121, 123 j Thwaites, 308 ' Tickhill, Tvkhill, 136, 213 Tiffany, 253. 310 I Till-carr, 247. 258. 301 Tillotson, 145, 168, 179, I 225, 232 Tilly, 40, 58, 72, 80, 83. 94, 102, 105, 107, 110, 112 to 114 TillTholmes, 112,116,120, 123, 127, 129, 135. 141, 143, 146, 162 Tilson,Tylson. 166,179,225 Tinsel, tynsel, 59, 70, 73, 74. 76to79.87, 94, 104, 112, 113. 117 Tinglaw, Thinglaw, Ting- Icy, 29. 53 Tinker, 50, 51 Todd, 43 Todmorden, 201 Toft, 120 Toller, Towler, Tolour, 50, 60, 105 Tolleson, Tolson. Towlson, 42, 43, 146, 170, 288 Tomwyfe, see Thompson Tong, 9, 169, 235 Tontoft, 105 Tonthill, 20, 119,121,139, 1-45, 148, 154, 159, 160, 104. 170, 176. 177, 179, 193 to 195, 256, 279 Toothill, 40 to 42, 46 to 48, 50 to 69, 71, 74 to 86. 92, 100, 104, 106, 110 to 112. 116, 119, 120, 127, 192 to 196 Topclifle, 200 Toppreve, Toftfgreave, 95, 302 Towkring, Tollcring, 146, 102, 108, 224 Townend, 40 to 43, 51, 66, 112, 121, 125, 127, 129, 141, 145, 147, 151, 152, 172. 258 Trenchmyer, 214. 221 Triggot. 135, 144, 196 Tuck. 202 Tukroyd, 125 Turner, 97, 107, 117, 119, 134, 183, 208, 212, 246, 289, 309 Tyler, 104 Tyrsy. 64 Ulverston, 241 Underbank, 138, 145, 140 Underbooth, see Booth Undercliffe, 56 UpperBrear,OverBrear, 32 Upper Green, 309 Usberwood, 169 Ustardrode, 70, 90, 106 Yaysor, 81 Vicars, Yycars. 42, 63, 67, 103, 107, 118, 213 Vidue, 51 Waddington, 141 to 143, 215, 223, 230, 244, 246, 259 309 Wade,' 66, 07, 107, 233, 234, 244 Wadehouse, 179 Wadlove, (Wodrove). 141 Wadsworth, 9, 02. 07, 08, 71, 107, 166, 183, 185, 188. 208, 253 Waiubonse, 258 AVainwright, Waynwrigbt, see Wheelwright, 48, 49, 52 to 54. 58, 59, 07, 08, 72, 74, 76, 78, 87 Wakeiield, 9, 35, 38. 48, 52, 60 to 62, 64, 66, 67, 75, 80, 86. 87, 89, 91, 93 to 97, 99, 101, 102, 100, 107, 109 to 111, 115. 119, 121, 123, 125, 127, 130, 133, 135, 145, 148, 152, 157, 159, 165, 106, 108, 187, 189 to 195. 202, 204, 209, 213, 216, 218, 229, 245, 256, 257. 278 Wakcfield.Lordsof . 35 to 38 Wales. 81, 82. 84. 87, 92 Walker, see Wolfker, 42 to 44, 59, 90, 98, 102, 104, 105, 111, 118, 120, 129, 1.30, 135, 138, 150, 157, 165, 172, 187, 203, 135, 180 136, 178, 121, 211, 212, 214, 215, 218, 224, 228. 229, 230, 233, 244, 246 to 248, 253, 258, 299, 306 Waller, 309 Wallet, 205 Wall-loyne, 132 to 138, 161, 169, 173, Walsh, 258 Walterclough, 157 Walton. 20, 32, 101 Warburton, 98, 191, 231 Ward, 112, 115 Waring, 180 Waring-green, 180, 259 Warlers, see Wharlers Warlev. Werlalley, 9, 60, 66, 67, 69, 83, 84, 101 to 103, 120, 135, 159, 167, 169, 175, 183. 185, 218, 236 Warnfield, 141 Warren, 34, 35, 59, 191, 193, 198, 202 Warriner, 174 Waterhouse, 42, 43, 48, 79, 129, 132, 133, 135 to 138. 140, 142 to 145, 147 to 154, 157 to 160. 165, 107, 172, 173, 178, 179. 182, 187, 191, 210 to 212, 216, 217. 222, 223, 225, 227, 228, 230, 233, 244, 245, 248, 258 Waterloo, 305 Waterton, 115. 127 Waterworth, 258 Watmougb. 167, 178 V!^;^ Watson, Walterson, 20, 23, 42 to 44, 48, 50 to 60, 65, 71, 81, 86, 131, 132, 149, 157, 158, 160, 177. 179, 182, 194, 234, 244, 258 Weaver, Textor, 53, 55, 59 Webster, 48, 50, 57, 64, 73, 75, 78, 80, 81, 82, 90, 97, 232 Welberton, 93 Weld, 64, 68, 72, 76, 78, 80, 88. 194 Welowby. see Willoualiby Wentworth, 196, 207 Wesley, 250, Westercroft, 18, 118, 176 West-heathley, 155, 158, 162, 183 Westminster. 251 , Westwood, 73 INDEX. 333 Whalley, Walley, 78, 87, 88, 1)8, Di, 97, 100, 258 Wliarlers, Waiiers, 121, 158, 163, 183, 186 to 188, 217 Wliarmby, see Quarmbj- Wbeatley, 132, 305, 310 Wheelwrigbt, 56 WMtacres, 68, 70, 71, 81 to 8-i, 86, 07, 211, 247 Whitby, 201 Wliite, 151, 172, 229 Whitehead, 86 Whittield, 259 Whithill, Within, Whittell, •17, 48, 51, 62, 63, 65, 80, 85, 88, 90 to 93, 99, 106, 110, 111, 234 Whitkirk, 152 Whitlee, 97, 100 Whitley, Witlay, 41 to 44, 62, 123 to 126, 138, 144, 145, 147, 149, 151 to 154, 157, 159, 160, 162, 164, 165, 169, 170, 172, 173, 175, 176, 177 to 188, 207, 209, 213, 220, 223, 232, 244 to 246, 248 Whitley-hall, 180 Whitwham, 230, 253 Whitwooa. 48, 57, 58, 68, 70,78, 81 to 84, 86,94,230 Whitworth, 258 Wibsey, 9, 154, 169, 218 Wickliam, 270 Wicklif, Wyclif, 52, 104 Widdop, Wydhop, 208 Wigglesworth, 259 Wighall, 217 Wike, see Wyke Wilcock, Wylcok, lOi, 114 Wild, Wyld, 208 Wildblood, 87 Wildmareker, Wilmercar, 71, 138 Wiley, 247 Wilkes, 177 Wilkiuheys, 160 Wilkinson. 21, 40, 43, 88, 90, 92, 93, 98, 100, 103, 105, 107, 111, 120, 127, 129, 135, 157, 182, 188, 197,210to213, 253, 259 Willans, 258 Wilk'clough, 54 Williams, 200, 239 Willie, 178 Willoughy, Welowbv, Wylby, 40, 41, 93 to 108, 111, 112, 114 to 116, 118, 1-M, 121, 123, 125, 126, 129, 131, 134 to 139, Ui, 145, 146, 210 Williiighill, 97, 120 Willroydhouse, 178 Wilmslow, 281 Wilridiug, Willriddiiig, 92 Wilsou, William-sou, 43, 44, 47, 49, 51 to 61, 66 to 69, 72 to 75, 78, 80, to 82, 85, 86, 90, 92 to 94, 97 to 105, 111, 113, 117, 153, 154, 169, 174, 177, 178, 180, 181, 188, 212, 221, 228, 231, 234, Wnton, 42, 43, 128, 139, 141, 159, 212, 217, 218, 225, 248 Windhill, Wyudhill, 80 Wiudle, 44 Windsor, 293 Wiudybauk, Wyndybank, 40 Winnyrode, Whinnyrode, 82, 135, 138, 182 Winters, Wynters, Winter- edge, ' 85, 86, 88, 92, lOU, 129, 132, 134, 135, 137, 139, 140, 144, 149, 157, 158, 162, 164, 168, 170, 174, 178, 183, 188, 223, 224, 242, 299 Woderove, 125, 129 Wolfker, Wolvecarr, Wolker, 39, 40, 48, 57, 71, 73, 85, 90, 103, 107, 113, 119 Wolfrow, Woolwro, Wolwro, 56, 57, 66, 73, 74, 110, 210, 220, 222 Wolleyses, Welleyses, 161, 164, 169, 173, 186 Wolrouwall, Wonnuall, 42, 65, 66, 69, 110, 111, 128, 136, 144, 145, 162 Wood, Wode, see Bois, Bosco, 41, 42, 47 to 52, 54 to 56, 58, 61 to 63, 70, 90, 95, 117, 120, 121, 123 to 127, 134, 138, 141 to 147, 149, 151, 162, 164, 166, 173, 175 to 177, 180, 182, 194, 210, 224, 225, 227, 232, 233, 236, 254, 259, 309 Woodhall flatts, 122 Woodheail, 42, 43, 68, 81, 82, 93, 100, 104, 106, 108, 110 to 113, 116 to 128, 132, 143, 144, 146, 149, 151, 154, 155, 158, 160, 172, 216 to 218, 258, 289 Woodhouse, 18, 21, 44, 49, 51, 58 to 61, 73 to 76, 80 to 82, 96, 100, 101, 103 to 105, 112, 115, 117, 118, 124, 126, 127, 136, 138, 142, 144 to 146, 148, 154, 156, 158 to 161, 164, 166, 170, 173, 176, 177, 179, 180, 182, 188, 219, 220, 225, 227, 233 to 235, 243, 253, 256, 277, 285 Woodkirk, 107 Woodshagh, 101 Woodsome, 66, 169, 170, 233 ^^'ooeu, 254 Wooler. 231 Worrall, 178, 205, 206 Worsbro', 233 Worth, 197 Wragby, 68, 233 Wright, 97, 100, 101, 245 to 247, 253, 259 Wriglesford. 192 to 194 Wro, 48, 54, 59, 81, 82, 86, 92, 106, 208 Wvahou, 52 Wvke, Wike, 9, 33, 104, 153, 169, 229, 245, 281, 290 Wymark, 46, 59, 60, 66 Wys, 213 Wyvill, 196 Yates, 289 Yew-trees, 166, 247, 285 Yllingworth, sec ill Yuipyerd, 113 Yoiighare, 82, 90, see Hare Yougsmith, 133 York, 89, 107, 123, 127, 133, 172, 173, 181, 185, 2OO, 208, 210, 243, 299, 300 Yorkshire, 94 Yrlaud, see Ircland-iu- Soutiiowram Yungr, 59 Yvucar, see Iv. 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