■S^-yy 'M*, rr -v^ .•fclf». f- i GEBIR, COUNT JULIAN, AND OTHER POEMS. BY WALTER SAVAGE LANDOR, ESQ. LONDON : EDWARD MOXON, 64, NEW BOND STREET. 183L BRADBURY AND EVANS, PRINTERS, BOUVKRIE STRBET. TO FRANCIS GEORGE HARE, ESQ. Dear Hare, There are people who speak to many what they wish a single one in particular to hear : I am now speaking to a single one what I wish to be heard by many. It was at your persuasion, and through your attention, that I publisht my Imaginary Conver- sations; most of which, unless you had animated and excited me, would have remained for ever a2 IV DEDICATION. \iiitiiiisht. Accei)t this volume, wliicli, if it has no olhci- uoitli, at leasst enables me to make this acknowle(l