1 1 mNDERBIU- OMENTAL • SERIES '.•^vi' ._ : A GRAMMATICAL INDEX TO THE chAndogya-upanisab LITTLE m^ THE VANDERBILT ORIENTAL SERIES HDITHD HV Herbert Gushing Tolman and James Henky Stevenson A GRAMMATICAL INDEX TO THE CHANDOGYA-UPANISAD BY CHARLES EDGAR LITTLE, Ph.D. Professor of Latin in the University of Nashville : Peabody Normal College NEW YORK : CINCINNATI : CHICAGO AMERICAN BOOK COMPANY Copyright, irjoo BY Charles Edoar I^itti.e E-P 1 3 5 2. 1 C 5 L 11 SVO' PRAECEPTORI' ATQVE • AMICO . HERBERTO • CVSHING • TOLBIAN- PH • D • QVIDQVID HOC' LIBELLI- QVALECVMQVE D • D ' D ' Al*'CrOR (iii) PREFACE The following work has a twofold purpose. Its first aim is to classify the linguistic material of this Upanisad for the use of philologists in studying the life and growth of the language spoken by the ancient Hindus, and in determining the literary relation of the Chandogya to other Upanisads and to the general mass of Sanskrit literature. Its second aim is to furnish sufficient gframmatical and lexical data to serve as a special dictionary for those who shall read this piece of literature for the first time. Bohtlingk's text has been taken as the standard, and all deviations therefrom have been recorded in Appen- dix A. These changes are, in the main, those sug- gested by Whitney's article in the American Journal of Philology ; but not all of his proposals have seemed to call for acceptance, and so I have left many unno- ticed. And I have ventured to make five emendations of my own (II.14.1 ; V.23.3 ; VL4.4 ; Vll.z.iff.), though a thoroughgoing criticism of the text I reserve for a future work. Among these emendations, the omission of eva and of tejasa may almost be regarded as misprints. Of undoubted misprints left uncorrected by Bohtlingk himself and by Whitney's review I have taken account in the appendix referred to above. In additional appendices I have sought to classify still further some items of especial interest. In the course of this attempt I have had occasion to use the word to fhitate^ phitated from N/plu, pass.ppl. pluta (cf. to delete^ deleted; Bo. plidircjz, phitirf). The need for such a word is sufficient excuse for its manufacture. (v) 496270 vi Pi'eface The method of treatment throughout the Grammat- ical Index may not be found uniform in all particulars. This was not thought necessary or even desirable. As regards text, for example, it was considered best to pres- ent the word iti so as to show its loose handling ; as re- gards meaning and connection of words, ari and are were taken as found in the lexicons, without any at- tempt at reconciliation ; as regards definitions, no ef- fort was made to exclude all not actually belonging to the Chandogya-Upanisad, but rather to include all with- out fail by exhibiting in good order their natural devel- opment ; and so in other respects. I cannot hope to have shown perfect judgment in all matters of exclu- sion or of inclusion, or to have secured perfect accuracy in all matters of detail. The enormous labor involved must plead for all such deficiencies. As all must do, I have constantly relied on the St. Petersburg Lexicon for the history and usage of words throu":hout the literature. In all doubtful cases that work has been regarded as a sort of umpire. To Grassmann I am indebted for many helpful sug- gestions as to arrangement and disposition of material. Max Miiller has been cited rather frequently, not because his work is considered especially helpful in the elucidation of the text, but because he follows in gen- eral the Hindu grammarians, lexicographers, and com- mentators. Besides the many things for which I have to thank Professor Tolman, I owe him deep gratitude for his painstaking advice at every stage of my work and for the careful reading which he has given the proof- sheets. Charles Edgar Little. Nashville, Tenn., lime, 1900. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Preface v Bibliography and Abbreviations , ix Grammatical Index i Appendices A. — Alterations in Bohtlingk's Text 179 B.— Verb-List 183 C. — Repeated Passages 191 D. — Plutated Words 193 (vii) BIBLIOGRAPHY AND ABBREVIATIONS ChU. Chaiulogya-Upanisad. Bo. Khaiuloj^jopanishad, kritisch hcraiis- srejrcbeii luul i'lbcrsctzt von OUo Iioht- linq-k. Leipzig, 18S9, Wh.AJP. American Journal of l*hilology, XL 407-39: Bohtlingk's Upanishads, l)y W. D. Whitney. Wh.Gr. A Sanskrit Grammar (2n(l ed.), liy W. D.Whitney. Leipzig: J>oston, 1891. Wh.RVF. Tlie Roots, Verb-forms, etc., of the Sanskrit Language, by W. D. Whit- ney. Leipzig, 1S85. BR. Sanskrit-Worterbuch, lierausgegeben von der kaiserlichen Aliademie der Wissenschaften, l)earbeitet von Otto BohtHngls. imd Rudolph Roth. Sev- en volumes. St. Petersburg, 1855-75. Capp. A Sanskrit-English Dictionary, by Carl Cappeller. Boston, 1891. M.M. Sacred Books of the East, Volume I. : Upanishads (Part I.), translated by F. Max Miiller. Oxford, 1S79. Gr.Wb. Worterbuch zum Rig-Veda von Her- mann Grassmann. Leipzig, 1873, The ordinary abbreviations made current by such (ix) X Bibliograpliy and Abbrcviatioiis works as Wh.Gr., Capji., aiitl Lanman's Sanskrit Read- er are used, and therefore need not be given in detail. The following call for explanation : — Adjective, -ly. Certain (kind of), Nomen agentis (fut.act.ppL). Nomen jDroprium (proper name). Substantive, -ly. Syllable, -bles. Verbal f. in periphrastic perfect. Composition (with). With or without. Occurs twice, three times, etc. A word outside the text, in chapter head- ings, etc. A word inserted. A word rejected. a. cert. nm.ag. lun.pr. subst. syL, -11. v))l.f. + + (2t.), (St.), etc [ ] * [*] A GRAMMATICAL INDEX a — agm 1 a-pron. St. I pers., sec ah am; 3 pcrs., sec idam. 2 a-(bcfore vowels an-) ncg. insep. prefix. akartr m. iwn-doci-. -ta (nom.sg.) VI. 16.2. VII.9.1. akamacara a. i/ot moving at will. — ras (nom.sg.TTi.) VII, 25.2. VIII. 1.6. akrta a. uncreated. -tarn (acc.sg.m.) VIII. 13.1. akrtva grd. without effort. VII.21.1. aksa m. a cert, fruit. -sau (acc.dii.) VII.3.1. aksan n. eye. -sua (instr.sg.) IV. 17.9. -snas (gen.sg.) 1-7.4 ■(2_t.).^ -sani (loc.sg.) 1. 7. 5. W . 15. 1. VIII. 7.4. aksara n. syllable.^ esp. the syl. om. —ram (uom.-acc.sg.) I.i. i,5,7,S(2t.); 2.14; 4. i,4,5(2t.). II.10.3. -rasya (gcn.sg.) 1.1.9,10. —re (loc.sg.) 1. 1. 6, —rani (nom.pl.) II. 10.4; 23.3. VIII.3.5. aksi n. eye. -sini (nom.du.) I.6.7. aksita a. indestrztctiblc., im- perishable. -tam (nom.sg.n.) III. 17. 6. aksetrajiia a. not knowing the country. -jilas (nom.pl.m.) \"III. 3.2. akhadant a. 7iot eat In q-. -dan (nom.sg.) 1. 10.4. agada a. free from disease, xvcll. —das (nom.sg.m.) III.i6. 2,4,6. agni m.fre^ Agni (god of fire). — nis (nom.sg.) 1.3.7; ^• l(2t.) ; 13. 1. 11.2.1,2 (1) agnitva — aja 0-0 ' 20.I ; 31. 1. III. I 18.3. IV.3.1 ; 6.1,3; 7.3; I I.I. V.4.1 ; 5.1 ; 6.1 ; 7.1 ; S.I ; 31.2 (3t.). VII.12.1. A^IL — nim (acc.sg.) IT. 12.2. IIL15.6. IV.6.1 ; 7.1 ; 8.1 ; 17. 1. — nina (instr.sg.) III.6.1, 3; 1S.3. — naye (dat.sg.) II. 24. 5. -nes (abl. -gen.sg.) I.3.5. II.22.1. III.13.S. IV. 6.1 ; 7.1 ; S.I ; 17.2. V. 2.8. VI.4.i(2t.). -nau (loc.sg.) II. 12.1,2. V.2.4,5(4t.) ; 4.2; 5. 2 ; 24.3. — nayas (nom.pl.) IV. 10. 2,4. V.9.2. -nin (acc.pl.) IV.io.i, 2 ; 14.2. V. 10.10. agnitva n. q^iality offrc. -vani (nom.sg.) VI.4.1. agnihotra n. frc-saci-lfce. —ram (acc.sg.) V.24.1, 2,355(2t.)- agra n. p-onf, tip^ begin- ning ^ loc. as adv. at Jirst. -re (loc.sg.) 1.8.2 ; 10.5. III.19.1. VI.2.l(2t.), 2 ; II. I, agrasta a. not szuallowed. -tas (nom.pl. m..) II. 22. 5. I anga emph. pel. IV. 1.5. VI. 12. 1 ; 13.1,2. 3 aiiga n. Iiuil\ member^ body. — gena (instr.sg.) II. 19.2. -ganam (gen.pl.) 1.2. 10. -gesu (loc.pl.) 11.19.1,2. aiigara m. a coal. — ras (nom.sg.) VI. 7. 3. —ram (acc.sg.) VI. 7. 5. -ras (nom.pl.) II. 1 2.1. V.4.1; 5.1; 6.1 ; 7.1; S.I. —ran (acc.pl.) V.24.1. angin a. having limbs or mefnbers. -gl (nom.sg.m.) II. 1 9.2. angiras m.nm.pr. -ras (nom.sg.) 1. 2. 10. -rasam (acc.sg.) 1.3. 10. acitta a. tho7ightlcss^ in- considerate. —tas (nom.sg.m.) VII. 5.3(3t.). acyuta a. nnshaketi, im- perishable. -tarn (nom.sg.n.) III. 17.6. aja m. goat. afljali — atha —jits (noni.pl.) 11.6. i ; 18.1. afljali m. ilic hollo^vcd hands put together (for measure or wor- ship). — lau (loc.sg.) \ .z.G. animan m. subtllity^ diI- jiuteness (also as a sii- jjcrhuman faculty), —ma (nom.sg.) VI.6.1, 2,3i4; S.6; 9.4; 10.3; "•3; ^2.3; 13.3; 14. — manam ( acc.sg.) V I . T -7 O — mnas ( gen.sg. ) V 1. 1 3 . 3. VIII 6.1. anistha a.supl. S7nallest. — thas (nom.sg.m.) VI. 5-152,3. aniyans a.compar. s waiter. — yan (nom.sg.m.) III. H-3- anu a. small ^ mi nut e^ atomic. — nvyas ( nom.pl. f.) VI. 13. 1. atas adv. hence, therefore. 1.3.5; 12.1. III. 13. 7. V.IO.6. VI. 13. 1. VII.25.I,3(2t.). VIII. 4.3. ati adv. -prep, beyond. 1. 8. atijana a. {Jyeyond i.e.) withottt inhabitant. -ne (loc.sg.) VI. 14.1. atidhanvan m.nm.pr. -va (nom.sg.) I-9.3. atimrtyu a. beyond death, deathless. — yu (acc.sg.n.) II.io. i, 6. ativadin a. over talkative, tisift<r excessive lan- o irnarrc. -dl (nom. sg. m.) VII. i5-4(3t.)- ativimana a. beyond meas- urement. —nam (accsg.m.) V.18. I. ati^esa a. remaining, lefo over. — san (acc.pl.m.) 1. 10.5. atra adv. here, there. II. 24.6,10,15. IV. 9. 3. VI.i3.i(2t.); 13.2(21.). VIII. 1. 2 ; 3.2(3t.) ; 9. TT* T03 1* TTI2 atha adv. now, so, then (sometimes a mere con- tinuative) ; here bc- ginneth ( a section or athakara — adar9aniya book). 1.2.3,4,5,9,7; 3.i,3(2t.),6,S; 5.1,3,5; 6.5(3t.),6(3t.); 7.1,4 8; 12.1. II. 1. 3; 2.2 lo.i ; 22.4(3t.) ; 24.2 5'9'i35i4- III.2.1; 3 1 ; 4-1 ; 5-1 ; 7-^ ; s.i 9.1 ; lo.i ; II. I ; 13.2 3455»7; H-i; 15-556 7; 16-355; 17-25354 18.1,2 ; 19.3. IV. 1.2 3-355; 5-1; IO-4; i^-i 12.1; 13.1; 15.5; 16.4 17.5,6. V.I. 6. 12, 13 (2t.),i4(2t.); 2.4,6,7; 3.4; 9.1; 10.3,5,7,8, 10; 13.1; 14.1 ; 15. 1 ; 16. 1 ; 17.1 ; 20.1 ; 21. I ; 22.1 ; 23.1 ; 24.2. VI. 7. 2,4 (2t.); 8.5; ii-(3t-); 13-152; 14- 2; 15-2(3'-); 16.1,2 (2t.). VII.3.i(4t.); 4.i(2t.); 5.i(3t.),2; 6.1 (2t.); 8.1 ; 9.i(3t.); lo.i; ii.i(2t.); 13. i(3t-); 15-3; 17-1; 18. 1 ; 19.1 ; 30.I ; 21. i; 22.1; 24.i(2t.); 25.1, 2(2t.). A^IlI.i. 1 56; 2.3,3,4,5,6,7,8,9; 3-2,455(2t.); 4-1 ; 5-1 (;2t.),2(2t.),3(3t.); 6. i5455(2t.); 7-4; 9-1; i2.4(4t-)55- athakara m . ^ /ic soun d atha. -ras (nom.sg.) I.13.1. atharvangiras m.nm.pr. the race of Atharvan and Angiras. —rasas (noni.pl.) III.4. T 2 v/ad eat. atsi (pres.ind.act.sg.) V. 12.3; 13.3; 14.2; 15. 2; 16.2; 17.2. atti (pres.ind.act.sg.) IV. 3.7. V.10.6; 12.2; 13. 2 ; 14.2 ; 15.2 ; 16.2 ; 17.1,2. attha (pres.ind.act.pl.) V.17.1. adama (pres.subj.act.pl.) I.12.5. adatka a. toothless. — kam (acc.sg.n.) VIII. 14.1. adadana a. not giving. —nam (acc.sg.m.) VIII. 8.5-_ adarganiya grdv. not to be shown, unsightly. —yam (acc.sg.n.) 1. 2.4. addha — ana addha adv. indeed^ truly. III. 14.4. adya adv. noiv^ to-day. VI. 4.5. VIII.8.5. adrastr m. twn-scer. • • • -ta (nom.sg.) VII.9.1. advitiya a. wlthotit a sec- ond, uniqtic. —yam (nom.sg.n.) VI. 3. I(2t.),3. adhara a. lower. —re (nom.pl.m.) IV. i. 4,6. adharanc a. towards a lozv- er place, southwards. —rail (nom.sg.m.) VI. 14. 1. adharma m. imrighteoits- ness. — mas (nom.sg. m.) VII. 3.1. —mam (acc.sg;.) VII. 2, i; 7.1. adhastat adv. -prep, on tJic grotmd^ down, below. IV.1.8. VII.25.i(2t.), 2. adhi adv.-prep. above, on, concern? no". on accoitjit of. V.3.3. VI.3.3,4. adhidaivatam adv. in ref- erence to the divine or to the gods. 1.3. 1 ; 5. 3; 6.S. III.iS.i(3t.), 3(3t.). IV.3.2. adhipati m. lord, ruler. -tis (nom.sg.) V.2.6. adhisthana n. standing- place^ abode. -nam (nom.sg-.) V^III, 13. 1. adhyayana n. study in g, reading. -nam (nom.sg.) II. 33.1. adhyatmam adv. in refer- ence to self. 1. 2. 14; 5.3; 7.1. ilI.iS.i(3t.), 2(2t.). IV.3.3. adhvan m. road, space. -vanam (acc.sg.) V.T0.5. adhvaryu m. a cert, priest, esp. the actual per- fonner of sacrifce. — yus (nom.sg.) IV. 16.2. \/an breathe. — 1-apa breathe out. apaniti (pres.ind.act.sg.) I-3-3- — |-pi'a breathe in, re- spire. praniti (pres.ind.act.sg.) I-3-3- pranantas (pres.ppl.act. nom.pl.) V.T. 8,9,1 0,1 1. I ana- pron.st.3pers., see idam. ana — anististhant 2 ana m. breathy s^iration. — nas (nom.sg.) V.2.1. — nasya (gen.sg.) V.2.1. anagna a. not naked. -nas (nom.sg.m.) V.2. 2 anadyamana a. not eating. —nas (nom.sg.m.) IV. 3-7- ananuvidya grd. 77.ot hav- ing discovered. VIII. 1.6; 8.4. ananu^isya grd. without giving indication. V. 3-4- ananucya grd. not having taught or (mid.mg.) learned. VI.i.i. ananta a. limitless. -tas (nom.sg.m.) I.9.2. anantavant a. limitless. —van (nom.sg. m.) IV. 6. 34(3t-)- — vatas (acc.pl.) IV. 6. 4. anandha a. not blind. —dhas( nom.sg.m.) VIII. 4.3; 10.1,3. ananna n. non-food^ ini- prcper food. —nam (nom.-acc.sg.) IV. 3.7. V.2.1. anapanant a. not breath- ing out. —nan (nom.sg.m.) I.3. 34(3t-)>5- anagitu m. nan- cat ing ^ fosting. -turn (acc.sg. as inf.) IV. 10.3. anasuri m. one not zmivise^ a sage. -ris (nom.sg.) IV. 3. 7. anadara a. without respect or consideration., in- differettt. — ras (nom.sg.m.) III. 14. 2,4- anarambhana a. giving or having no suppoi-t. -nani ( nom.pl. n.) II. 9.4. anagakayana n. non- eat- ing., fasting. -nam (nom.sg.) VIII. 5-3- anahitagni a. not setting 71 p the holy f re. —nis (nom.sg.m.) V.11.5. anirasta a. not thro w n forth. —tas (nom.pl.m.) II. 22. 5. anirukta a. spoken un- clearly., obscjirc. -tas (nom.sg.m.) 1. 13.3. II. 22. 1. anististhant a. acco?nplish- ing naught. anu anta -than (nom.sjj^.ni.) VII. 30.1. anu adv. -prep, afterwards ; along, over, ivii/i re- <rard to, in conse- quencc of. III. 16.2,4, 6. IV. 2. 2,4; 17.9. V. 3.i(2t.),4; 19.2; 20.2; 21.2 ;'22.2 ; 23.2. VIII. 9.1,3; 12.4. anujiia f. fcrniission. -(nom.s<4.) I.i.8(2t.). anutkranta a. not departed or escaped. -tas (nom.sg.m.) VIII. 6.4. anuttama a. 7uost highest, best, ivithoitt a szipe- rior. -mcsn (loc.pl.) III. 13.7. anupatapin a. not ill. —pi (nom.sg.m.) VIII. 4.2. anupaniya grd. ■without receiving. V.ii.7. anupalabhya grtl. zvithout gett ing hold on. \^ 1 1 1 . 8.4. anupana n. drink. -nam (nom.sg.) 1. 10.3. anucanamanin a. thinking oneself learned. —ni (nom.sg.m.) VI. 1.2, 3. anrta a. tint rue, false; n. falsehood. -tam (nom.-acc.sg.n.,acc. sg.m.) 1.2.3. VI. 16. I. VII.2.i(2t.) ; 7.1. VIII.3.1. -tcna (instr.sg.) VI. 16. I. VIII.3.2. anrtapidhana a. having a cover of falsehood. -nas (nom.sg.m.) VIII. -nas (nom.pl.m.) VIII. anrtabhisamdha a. fabri- cating untruth. -dhas (nom.sg.m.) VI. 16.1. anevaihvid a. tzot knowing, thus, wit ho lit t h is knoxvledire. -dam (acc.sg.) IV. 17. lo(2t.). anta m. (n.) end, object, border ; loc.sg. as adv.- prep. close to. -tam (acc.sg.) VIII. 1.5; 2.10. -tat (abl.sg. ) VI. 1 3.2 (2t.). -te (loc.sg.) V.3.6. -tesu (loc.pl.) VIII. 7. 4- 8 antatas — anna antatas sAn. finally. 1.2. 9(2t.); 3.12. antar adv.-prep. among^ be- tween. 1.6.6 ; 7.5. III. i2.4,S(2t.),9; 13.7; 14. 3(2t.),4. V.8.1; 9.1. VIII. 1. 1 (2t.), 2, 3. antara adv.-prep. between. VIII.14.1. antariksa n. mid- region., atmosphere. — sam (nom.-acc.sg.) 1. 3. 7; 6.3(3t.). 11.2.1,2; 17.1. III. 1. 1 ; 15.5. IV. 6.3. VII.6.1 ; 8.1 ; lo.i. -sat (abl.sg.) III. 14.3. IV.17.1. — se (loc.sg.) IV. 9.4. antariksaksit a. dwelling in the atjuosphere. -tc (dat.sg.) II. 24.9. antar iksodara a. amid the atmosplicrc. — ras (nom.sg-.m.) III. 15.1. antar hrdaya a. in the heart. — yas (nom.sg.m.) VIII. antavant a. limited. —vat (nom.sg.n.) I.S.S, antavela f. final hour., , hour of death. -layam (loc.sg.) III. 17.6. antevasin ra. a pupil. -sine (dat.sg.) III. 1 1.5. -sinas (acc.pl.) IV.lo.i. andha a. blind. — dhas (nom.sg.m.) V.i. 9; 13.2. VIII.4.2; 9. 1,2, -dham(nom.sg.n.) VIII. 10.1,3. -dhe(loc.sg.) VIII.9.1,2. anna n. fioodj esp. boiled rice j grain. —nam (nom.-acc.sg.) I. 3.6; 8.4; ii.9(2t.); i2.2,5(2t.); 13.2. II. 22.2. IV. 3.6,8 ; I I.I. V.2.i(2t.); 6.2; 7.2; 10.4,6; i2.2(2t.) ; 13. 2(2t.); i4.2(2t.); 15.2 (2t.) ; i6.2(2t.) ; 17.2 (2t.); i8.i(2t.). VI, 2.4(3t.) ; 5.1. VII.4. 2; 7.1 ; 9.i(2t.),2(2t.); io.i(2t.) ; 36.1. — ncna (instr.sg.) VI. 7. 6; 8.4. -nasya (gen.sg.) I.8.4 ; 10.6. VI.4. 1,2,3,4,6. VII.4.2 ; 9.1,2. -nat (abl.sg.) VI. 8.4. VII.9.2(2t.); lo.i. -ne (loc.sg.) I-3'6. annapati — anyatara 9 annapati m. lord of food. -tc (voc.sg.) 1. 1 3.5. annapana u. food and drink. -ne (nom.du.) VIII. 2. 7. annapanaloka m. the ivorld of food atid drink. -kena (instr.sg.) VIII. 2.7. annapanalokakama a, dc- siro?is of the world of food and drink. -mas (nom.sg.m.) VIII. 2.7. annamaya a. consisting of food. —yam (nom.sg.n.) \ I. 5.4; 6.5; 7.6. annavant a. having food. -van (nom.sg.m.) 1. 3. 7 ; 13.4. II.8.3. -vatas (acc.pl.) VII.9. annada a. eating food ^ hav- i/ig food to cat. -das (nom.sg.m.) 1. 3. 7 ; 13.4. II.8.3; 12.2; 14. 2. 111.13.1,3. IV. 3.8. -di ( nom.sg.f. ) IV. 3. 8. annadya n. (eating of) food. -yam ( nom.sg.) III.i. 3 ; 2.2 ; 3.2 ; 4.2 ; 5.2 ; iS-i'S- VI.2.4. -ycna (instr.sg.) V.19. 2; 20.2; 21.2; 22.2; 23.2. anya pron. a. another^ oth- er.j else. -yas (nom.sg.m.) 1.1.6. VII. 24.2. -yat (nom.-acc.sg.n.) II. 31.3, VII.24. i(6t.). VIII.3.3. -yam (acc.sg.m.) V.ii. 3- -yasmai (dat.sg. ) III. 1 1.6. -yasya (gen.sg.) 1. 1.6. -yasmin (loc.sg.) VII. 24.2. -ye (nom.pl. m.) 1. 10.2 ; 12.2. IV.3.8(2t.); 9. 2. — yani (nom.pl.n.) I-3-5- -yas (nom.pl.f.) VIII. 6.6. -yan (acc.pl.m.) I.11.2. IV.io.i. anyatara a. compar. one of tVJO. — ra (nom.sg.f.) IV. 16. 34- -ram (acc.sg.f.) IV. 16. 2(2t.),3. lO anyatra apara anyatra adv. clsctoherc^ otherwise. V 1 . 8 , 3 (2t.),4,6. VIII. 11.3; 15.1. anyatha adv. otherwise. VIL25.3. anyarajan a. having- an- other as ruler. — janas (nom.pl.m.) VII. ^ r -7 anyadrga a. of anot h c r kind. — 9as (nom.pl.m.) IV. 14. 2. anvayatta a. connected zvith (ace). -ta (nom.sg.f.) 1. 10.9, 10,11 ; 11.4,5,6,7,8,9. — tas (nom.pl.m.) II.9.3, 3,5,6,7,8. 111.16.1,3,5. — tani ( nom.pl. n.) II.9. 2,4. anvaharyapacana m. the s out he r n sacrijicia I Jire (serving to cook the Anvaharya). -nas (nom.sg.) IV. 12.1. V.18.3. anvesana f. searchino-. ifi- vestifratio7i. -(nom.sg.) I V.I. 7. anvestavya grdv. to be so Kg Jit after. -yas (nom.sg.m.). VIII —yam (nom.sg.n.). VIII ap f. xvater. apas (nom.pl.) 1. 1.3 8.4. III. 1. 3 ; 3.1 ; 3 i; 4.1; 5.1. IV.3.3 13. 1 ; 14.3. V.2.3; 3 3; 9.1. VI. 2.4; 5.2 8.3. VII.4.2 ; 6.1; 10. i(3t.); 26.1. apas (acc.pl.) V.16.1. VI.3.3(2t.); 7.1; 8.3, 4. VII. 2. 1 ; 7.1 ; 10. l,2(2t.); II.l(2t.). adbhis (instr.pl.) III. 1 1.6. V.2.2. VI.S.4, 6. adbhyas (abl.pl.) VI. 2. 4; 8.6. VII.io.2(2t.); I I.I. apam (gen.pl.) 1. 1.2 ; 8.5. VI.4. 1, 2,3,4,6; 6. 3. VII. 10.2. apsu (loc.pl.) 11.4.1,2 (2t.). VIII.7.4. apa adv. -prep, away, forth. IV.14.2. apaciti f. axve, honor. -tyai (dat.sg.) 1. 1.9. apara ytron.a. farther^ oth- er, latter. aparapaksa apravartin II -rani ( acc.pl. n.) VIII. 9. 3(3t.); io.4(2t.); 11. 3(^t.). aparapaksa m. latter or dark half of a month. — sam (acc.sg-,) V.10.3. -sat (abl.sg.) V.10.3. aparajita a. invincible, lui- conqucrable. -ta ( nom.sg.f .) VIII. 5. 3. aparahna m. afternoon. -nat (abl.sg.) 11.9.6,7. -ne (loc.sg.) 1 1. 1 4.1. apaQyant a. not seeing. -ntas (nom.pl.m.) V.1.9. apaliatapapman a. w it h evil re?7ioved. -ma (nom.sg.m.) 1. 3. 9. VIII.1.5; 4.2; 7.1,3. apahatatamaska a. with darkness rc?noved. -kan (acc.pl.) VII. 1 1.2. apahati f. removal^ de- struction. — tis (nom.sg.) VIII. 13. I. apahantr m. destroyer. — ta (nom.sg.) I-S'i- apana m. old-breathing.^ ex- piration (M. M. dozun- breathifig^. -nas (nom.sg.) 1. 3. 3. HI- 13.3. V.3I.I. -naya (dat.sg.) V.21.1. -ne (loc.sg.) V.3I.2. api adv. -prep, evcfi., also., unto. 1.5.5 '■> iO'4- II' 1.2,3. ill. 1 1.6; IV. 15. 1. V. 10.10; 24.4. VI.7.3,5. VII.5.2;8. i; 9.1; 13.1; 15.3. VIII. 3. 2 ; 4.2; 10.1,2, apidhana n. cover. —nam (nom.sg.) VIII. 3-I- apipasa a. ivithout desire for drink. — sas (nom.sg.m.) III. 17. 6. VIIL1.5; 7.1,3. apupa m. cake (Bo. Ilon- igkucken; M . M . hive^ -pas (nom.sg.) Ill.r.i, apratisthita a. not fixed, uncertai?i. -tarn (nom.sg.n.) 1. 8.6. apramatta a. not 71 eg I i- gcnt, attentive. —tas (nom.sg.m.) 1. 3. 12. II 22.2. apramada a. not negligcjit, intent upon. -das (nom.sg.m.) V.2.8. apravartin a. not flozving forth., inactive. 12 apranant— abhivyahara -ti (nom.sg.n.) III. 12.9. — tinim (acc.sg.f.) III. 12.9. apranant a, not brcathhig it (M. M. uot hrcatJi- ing u^. —nan (nom.sg.m.) 1. 3. 3.4(3t-)'5- aprapya g r d . voitJioiit /■caching-. VIII. 9.1 ; 10. 1 ; I I.I. apriyavettr m. one ivho ye els n nplea s a // f thincrs. — ta (nom.sg.) VIII. 10. 2,4. aprocya grd. 7iot having tan gilt. IV. 10.2. apsumant a. having zvatcr^ maintainiiig oneself in zvatc/'. —man (nom.sg.m.) II.4. abala a. not st?-ong^ feeble. -Umam (gen.pl.) IV.4.5. abaliman m . iveakncs s ^ feebleness. — manam (acc.sg.) VIII. 6.4. aboddhr m. fzon-perceivcr, dtillard. -dha (nom.sg.) VII. 9. I. abrahmana m. non- theolo- gian., false priest. -nas (nom.sg.) IV.4.5, abhaya a. not dangerous., safej n. safety. -yam (nom.sg.n., acc.sg. m.) 1.4.4,5. IV. 1 5. 1. VIII.3.4; 7.4; 8.3; lo.i ; 1 I.I. -yas (nom.pl.m.) I.4.4. abhikama a. desiring (ace). -mas (nom.sg.m.) VIII. 2.10. —mas (nom.pl.m.) VIII. abhitas adv. -prep, around^ near. III. 1.4; 2.3; 33; 4-3; 5-3- VIII. 6.4. abhinaddhaksa a. ivith eyes covered. -sas (nom.sg.m.) VI. 14.1(2!.). -sam (acc.sg.m.) VI. 14.1. abhinanda m. desire. -das (nom.pl.) V.8.I. abhinahana \\. fetter^ bond. -nam (acc.sg.) VI. 14.2. abhipratarin m. nm.pr. -rinam (acc.sg.) IV. 3. 5. -(voc.sg.) IV. 3. 6. abhivyahara m, uttera?ice. abhisayam— amrtatva 13 —ray a (dat.sg. us inf.) VIII. 12.4. abhisayam adv. against evenings towards even- ing. IV. 6. 1 ; 7.1 ; 8.1. abhyatta, see v/da. abhya^a m. expectation^ hope. -fas (nom.sg.) I.3.12. II. 1.4. III. 19.4. V. io.7(2t.). abhra n. raift-dotid. —ram (nom.sg.) V.5.1 ; 10.5,6. VIII. 12. 2. -rani (nom.pl.) II. 15.1. -ama 2d syl. of saman. I. 6.1,2,3,4,6; 7.1,2,3,4. ama- Vedic pron.st,3pers., this, he. V.2.6. amata a. unthought. -tam (nom.-acc.sg.n.) VL1.3; 4.5. amatva grd. not having thought, VI 1. 1 8. 1. amanas a. ivithout mind. -nasas (nom.pl. ) V. i . 1 1 . amantr m. non-thinker, sii7ipleton. -ta (nom.sg.) VII. 9.1. ama adv. at home, near. V.2.6. amavasya f. night of nezv moon. -yayam (loc.sg.) V.2.4. amu- pron.st.3pers., see asau. amutra adv. there. VIII. 1.6. amula a. with no root, without basis. -lam (nom.sg.n.) VI.8. 3.5- amrta a. immortal : n. (i) immortality • ( 2) im- mortal drink, nectar, a7nbrosia. -tas (nom.sg. m.) I.4.5. -tam (nom.-acc.sg.n., ace. sg.m.) 1.4.4,5. III.6. i(2t.),3(2t.); 7.i(2t.).3 (2t.);8.i(2t.),3(2t.);9. l(2t.),3(2t.); IO.l(2t.), 3(2t.) ; 12.6. IV. 15. 1. VII.24.1. VIII.3.4,5; 7.4; 8.3; lo.i ; ii.i; 14.1. -ta (nom.sg.f. ) I'4-5- -tasya (gcn.sg.) VIII. 12. 1, —tas (nom.pl.m.-f.) 1. 4. 4. IIL1.2; 2.1 ; 3.1 ; 4.1 ; 5.1,4. -tani (nom.pl.n.) III.5. 4(2t.). -tanam (gen43l.) III. 5. 4. amrtatva n. im^nortaUty . H amogha — arvanc — vam (acc.s<i^.) II. 32. 2 ; 23.3. VIII.6.6. amogha a. infallible^ au- spicious. — ghas (nom.pl.m.) VII. 14.2. aya m. course , luck., die. -yas (nom.pl.) IV. 1.4,6. ayajamana a. not sacri- Jiciug.. impious. —nam (acc.sg.m.) VIII. 8.5. ayam, see idam. ayasya m.nm.pr. -yas (nom.sg.) 1.2. 12. -yam (acc.sg.) 1.3. 12. 1 ara m. spoke of xv he el. -ras (nom.pl.) VII. 15. i. 2 ara m.nm.pr. of a cert. sea. -ras (nom.sg.) VIII. ^5. 3. -ram (acc.sg.) VIII. 5. 4. aranya n. forest. -ye (loc.sg.) V.io.i. aranyayana n. hermit life (in the forest), —nam (nom.sg.) VIII. 5. 3- ari a. eager: devoted; hos- tile; m. (i) ivorship- <3r, (2) enemy. (So Gr. Wh., Capp., Bo., M. M. The two latter translate some of the occurrences as voc.sg., friend; see are.) arista a. juihurt. -tam (acc.sg.m.) III. 15. are emph.pcl. of address (BR., not in Capp."). IV. 1.3,5,7,8; 2.3,5. arcis i.fame. -(nom.sg.) V.4.1 ; 5.1 ; 6.1 ; 7.1 ; 8.1. -sam (acc.sg.) IV. 15.5 V.IO.I. -sas (abl.sg.) IV. 15.5. V.IO.I. arnava a. waving; m. zvave, sea. -vail (nom.-acc.du.m.) VIII.5.3,4. artha m. aim, business, op- portunity . -tliena (instr.sg.) V.ii. 6- ardha 1x1. side, place. -dham (acc.sg.) V. 3.4,6. arvanc a. turned tozvards or downwards, coming near ; n. ace. as adv. hitherwards, down, be- neath. — nk (acc.sg.n.) III. 10. /arh— avidya -ancas (nom.pl.) 1.7.6,8. ■v/arh be %vortky.. -hati (prcs.iml.act.sg.) IV.4.5. arhana f. veneration. -nam (acc.sg.) V.3.6; 11.5. alamkara m ornamenta- tion. — rena (instr.sg.) VIII. alabdhva grd. -witiiout grasping. VI.S.3(2t.). alpa a. smalh Jinite. -pani (nom.sg'.n,) VII. 24.l(2t.). -pc (loc.sg.) VII. 33. 1, -pas (nom.pl.m.) VII. 6.1. alpavid a. knowing little. -vit (nom.sg.m.) VII. 5.2. x/av favor., protect. — vati (pres.ind.act.sg.) I. 2.9. avadant a. not speaking. — ntas (nom.pl.) V.i.S. avabhrtha m. bathing af- ter sacrifee. — thas (nom.sg.) 1 1 1. 17. 5- avarapurusa m. younger man., descendant. — sas (nom.pl.) IV. 11. 2; 12.2; 13.2. avakin a. not speaking. -ki (nom.sg.) 111.14.2,4. avantaradig f. intermedi- ate directioji or cardi- nal point. -9as (nom.pl.) V.6. i. avi m. sheep. -vayas (nom.pl.) II.6. i ; iS.i. avijanant a. undiscem- ing ^nan (nom.sg.m.) VII. 17.1. avijnata a. tmdistin- p;nished. -tam (nom.-acc.sg.n.) VI. 1-3; 4.5,7. avijnatr m. noji-discemer^ one zvho does not un- derstand. -ta (nom.sg.) VII.9. i. avitti f. tlic not finding. -ty a (instr.sg.) I.11.2, avittva grd. not having found. 1.2.9. aviddha a. tmhurt. dhas (nom.sg.m.) VIII. 4.2. avidya f. lack of knowl- edge., ignorance. —(nom.sg.) 1. 1. 10. i6 avid vans— a^arira avidvans a. not knowings imwisc. — dvan (nom.sg.ni.) I.io. 9,10,11 ; 11.4,5,6,7,8,9. V.11.5; 24.1. -dusam(gen.pl.)VIII.6.5. avi^esa a. vjitJiont diffcr- encCy instr. as adv. iiidiscriiniiiatcly^ in general. — sena (instr.sg.) VIII. 15.1. avyathamana a. not stag- gering. — nas (nom.sg.m.) A^II. 4-3; 5-3- -nan (acc.pl.) VII. 4.3 ; 5-3- ■v/a^ partake of^ eat^ drink. -nasi (pres.ind.act.sg.) IV. 10.3. — nati (pres.ind.act.sg.) I. 2.9. III. 17. 2. — nanti (pres.ind.act.pl.) III. 6. 1 ; 7.1 ; 8.1 ; 9.1 ; lO.I. — niyat (pres.opt.act.sg.) II.i9.2(3t.). VII.9. I. —ana (imv.act.sg. ) IV. 10.3. VI.7.3. afa (perf.ind.act.sg. ) A^I. 7.2,4. acpis (unaug.aor.ind.act. sg.) VI.7.1. -isyanii (fut.ind.act.sg.) IV.10.3. -isyantas (fut.pjil.act. nom.pl.) V.2.2. -itam ( pass. ppl.nom. -ace. sg.n.) VI.5.1,3; 8.3. -yamanasya (prcs.jopl. pass. gen. sg.) VI. 6. 2, 4- — ifisati (pres.ind.act.sg. des.) III. 17.1. VI.8.3. — (-pra cat up. pra9ya grd. VII.9.1. ■v/aQanay be hungry. -y amas ( pres.ind.act.jol. ) 1. 1 2.2. a^anaya f. Jnmgcr. -(nom.sg.) VI.8.3. aqanayapipasa f. hunger and thirst. -se (acc.du.) VI.8.3. a^ani f.(m.) thtcndei-holt^ Jlash of lightning. -nis (nom.sg.) V.5.1. a^arira a. bodiless. -ras (nom.sg.m.) VIII. 12.2. -ram (acCoSg.m.) VIII. 1 2. 1 . — rasya (gen.sg.) VIII. 12,1. agrnvant — \/i as 17 -rani (nom.pl.n.) VIII. 12 3 agrnvant a. not hearing. -ntas (nom.pl.) V.i.io. a^man. m. rock., stone. —ma (nom.sg.) 1. 2.8. — manam (acc.sg.) 1.2. 7,8. a9rad indcl., see \/dha. a^ravaniya grdv. twt to be heard. —yam (acc.s^-.n.) I'2.5. aQruta a. vot heard., joi- ki/otv/i. — tam (nom.-acc.s<^.u.) VI. 1. 3; 4.5. a^rotr m. non-hearer. -ta (nom.sg.) VII.9.1. aQVa m. horse. — vas (nom.sg.) VIII. 1 3. i . — vas (nom.pl.) VII. 6.1 ; 18.T. a^vatariratha m. chariot drawn by female mzcles. — thas (nom.sg.) IV. 3. 2, 4. V.13.2. — tham (acc.sg.) IV. 3. 1,3. a^vattha m. holy Jig -tree. -thas (nom.sg.) VIII. 5-3- a^vanaya m. Jiorse-Ieader. -yas (nom.sg.) VI.S.3,5. agvapati m.nm.pr. — tis (nom.sg.) V.II.4. astama num. a. eirrhth. . . <-> -mas (nom.sg.m.) 1. 1.3. astacatvaringad num. f ar- ty -eig Jit. -9at (nom.) III. 16.5. astacatvarin^adaksara a. having forty-eigJit syllables. -ra (nom.sg.f.) III. 16.5. [astada^a num.a. eight- eoitJi.'^ v/i as be. -mi (pres.ind.sg.) 1. 11. I. II.31.4; 24.5,9,15. III. 14.4. IV.4.1,2,4 (3t-); lo-s; ii-i(2t.); J3.l(3t.); I3.l(3t.). V.i.6(3t.),i3(3t.),i4 (2t.); 11.5,7. VI.9. 2(2t.); IO.l(2t.). VII. 1.3 ; 15.4. VIII. 1 1.1,2. -i (pres.ind.sg.) 1.5.2,4. 111.17.6(31.). IV.4.3 (3t-)4(3t-)- V.I. 12, 13 (2t.),i4(2t.); 2.6; 15. I ; 16. 1 ; 17. 1. VI. I. 3; 8.7; 9.4; 10.3; II. 3; 12.3; 13.3; 14.3; 15-3; 16.3. VII. 15.2 (6t.),3(6t.),4. -ti (pres.ind.sg.) II. 21. i8 ^2 as— asahasra 3. III.14.4. Vn.1.5 (2t.); 3.2(3t.); 3.2 (3t.); 4.3(21.); 5.2,3 (2t.); 6.2(2t.); 7.2 (2t.); 8.3(2t.); 9-- (2t.); 10.2. (2t.); 1 1.2 (2t.); i2.2(2t.); 13.2 (2t.); i4.2(2t.); 23.1. VIII.i.3(2t.) ; 12. 1. svas (pres.ind.du.) VIII. 8.3. smas (pres.ind.pl.) I.S. I. IV.5.1. asani (pres.subj.sg-.) V. 2.6. syam (pres.opt.sg.) VI. 2.3 (2t.). syat (prcs.opt.sg.) 1. 3. 8,9,io(2t.),ii; 10.3. II. 1 1.2. III. 14.4. V. 24.1. VI. 1.4,5,6; 3.2; 7.3(2t.); 8.4,6. VII. syama (pres.opt.pl.) VI. 2.4. astu (imv.sg.) IV. 3. 3. VII.15.2. sant pres.ppL, which sec. asit (impf.ind.sg.) III. 19.1(2!.). VI.3.l(3t.), 2. asa (perf.ind.sg.) IV.i. I. VI.l.l. \/2 as tkrow^ hurl. — (-abhipra set aside. abhiprasya grd. VI. 13. — (-sam Join., cottifose. samastas (pass.ppl.nom. sg.m.) VIII. 6.3 ; 1 1. 1. — tasya (pass.ppl.gen.sg.) II. 1. 1. asamvidana a. ivithozit agreemeftt., separate. — nau (uom.du.m.) VIII. 7.2. asakrt adv. not once, often. V.10.8. asamkalpaniya grdv. 7iot to he imafrined. 6. -yam (acc.sg.n.) I asant a. not existing. -sat (nom.sg.n.) III. 19. 1. VI. 3. 1. -satas (abl.sg.) VI. 2. 1,2. asambadha a. mtconjined., larere, — dhan (acci^l.) VII. 12. 2. asambheda m. non-union., separation. -daya (dat.sg. as inf.) VIII.4.1. asahasra n. non-thousand., less than a thousand. asadhu— asrama -rena (instr.sg.) IV.4.5. asadhu a. not good^ not right. — (nom.-acc.S2^.n.) Il.i.i, 3(2t.). VIL2.i(2l.); 7.1. —(.lb. una (^iiistr.s<4".) II. 1.2. asaman n. non-Saman. — nia (nom.sg'.) 11.1.1,3. -miia (instr.sg.) II. 1.2. asukha a. itnplcasaut^ sad. -khaiii (acc.sg.n.) VII. 22.1. aSUraS m.pl. demons., Asii- ras. 1.2.2,3,4,5,6,7. VIII.S.4. -i-aii (acc.pl.) VIII. 8.4. — ranam (gcn.pl.) VIII. 7-^ ; S.5. asau dem.px'on. yon^ yon- der., that. — (nom.sg. m.) 1.3.1,2 (2t.); 5.1 ; 8.5; 10.6. II. 10.5. III.i.i ; 19.3. V.3.3;4.i ;io.8. VIII. 6.1. annum (acc.sg.m.) 1. 3. 2(2t.) ; 10.7. 11.9.1,8. VII. 3. 1 ; 7.1 ; 14.1. VIII.6.2(2t.); 8.4,5. amuna (instr.sg.) 1-7-7- III.i5.3(i5t.). amusmat (abl.sg.) 1.6. 8; 7.7. VIII.6.2; 12.2. anuisya (gcn.sg.) I-7'5 (2t); 8.5,7. '^ VI.9.2. (2t.). amusniin (loc.sg.) I.9.4 (2t.). IV. II. 2 ; 13.2 ; 13.3. V.1.3. VIII.6.2. asta n. stead., home (of sun). — tani (nom.-acc.sg. ) I. 9.1. 11. 14. 1. III. 6. 4; 7.4(2t.);8.4(2t.); 9.4. (2t.) ; io.4(2t.) ; I I.I. IV.3.i(2t.). astamaya m. setting (of sun). — 3'at (abl.sg. ) II. 9. 7. asthi n. bone. -(nom.sg.) II. 19. 1. Vr. 5-3- asmatkulina a. belonging to our family . -nas (nom.sg.m.) VI. I.I. asmadvidya f. knowledge of ourselves. -(nom.sg.) IV. 1 4. 1. asmarant a. not reinember- ing., thoughtless. -ntas (nom.pl.) VII. 13. i. asrama a. not lame. -mas (nom.sg.m.) VIII. 10.1,3. JO v/ah — aham \/ah speak. attha (perf.ind.act.sg.) IV.i.3,5. aha (perf.ind.act. sg.) I. 1.8. III. 14.4; 16.7. VIIL6.5. alius (perf.ind.act.pl.) II.i.2(3t.),3(3t.). III. I7-5- IV.3.7. VI.3.1; 4.5. VII.5.3; II. I (2t.); 15.3. VIII.6.4; 8.5; 11.3- — [-prati reply. pratyaha (perf.ind.act. sg.) VII.15.2. aha assev.pcl. of course^ certainly. VIII. 11. 2. ahamgreyas n. fre'enii- nencc of the Ego., self- conceit. -yasi (loc.sg.) V.i.6. ahamkaradega m. doctrine of the Ego. -9as (nom.sg.) VII. 35.1. ahan, ahas (ahar) n. day. -has (nom.-acc.sg.) IV. 15.5. V.4. 1 ; 10. 1. VIII.3.3(3t.),3(3t.),5 (2t.) ; 4.2. -hnas (abl.sg.) IV. 15. 5. V.io.i. -hani (acc.pl.) VI. 7. 1,3. aham ipcrs.pron. /. -(nom.sg.) 1.5.3,4; 8.7, 8; ii.i,2(2t.). III. II. 3; 15.3; 16.3,4,6,7. IV.1.8; 4.i,2(4t.),4 (6t.); 10.5; ii.i(2t.); i2.i.(2t.); i3.i(2t.); 14.3. V.i.6(2t.),i3 (3t.),i4.(3t.); 3.6; 3.5 (2t.); ii-S^S- VI.3.2; 9. 2(3t.); 10. l(3t.). V II. 1.3(3 1.) ; 1 6. 1 ; 34.3; 35.i(7t.). VIII. 9.1,3; 10.3,4; II.l(2t.), 2(2t.); 14-1 (3t-)- mam (acc.sg.) II.9.1 ,^3t.). IV.I.5. V.II.3; 12.2; 13.3; 14.2; 15.2; 16.2 ; 17.2. VI. 15. 1 (2t.). VIII.6.4(2t.). ma (end. acc.sg.) 1. 10. 6 ; 1 1.4,6,8 ; 12.3. III. 16.7. IV. 2.4,5; 44; 14.3. V.3.6; 3.4,5(3t.), 7. VI.5.4; 6.5; 7.2; 8.7; 9.4; 10.3; 1 1.3; 12.3; 13.1,2,3; 14.3; 15-3; i6-3- VII.i.i, 3- may a (instr.sg.) I.11.5, 7,9(3t.). IV.i.4,6. me (encl.dat.-gen.sg.) I. io.3,3(3t.),4; 1 1.3. II. 34.5,9,14. III.i4.3(3t.), ahar — akaga 21 4; 16.2,4,6. IV. 2. 3 5.2; 6.3; 7.3^8.3; 9.2 3; 14.3. V.2.i,2;3.6 1 1.5. VI.i.7(2t.);3.4 4.7; 7.4; 8.1,3. ^^11 1-3.5; 2.3; 3.2; 4.3 5.3; 6.2; 7.3; 8.2; 9.3 lu.-v , 11.-, 1 -.- , 15.-^ 14.2. VIII.8.I. mat (abLsg.) V. 1.8,9, 10,1 1, mama (gen.sg.) 1.5.3,4 ; 11.3. avam (nom.du.) VIII. 8.1,3. vayam (nom.pl.) 1.8.5,7. 11.24.4,8,12,13. III. 17.7. IV.3.7; 1 1.2; [2.2 ; 13.2. V,3.7. nas (encl.acc. -dat. -gen. pi.) 1. 12. 3. 11.1.3(2!.). IV. 5. 1 ; 10.4. V.I. 7, 12 ; 1 1.1,6. VI. 4. 5. ahar, see ahan. ahaha intcrj. of joy, sor- row, or scorn. IV. 2. 3.5- ahinsant a. not har?mng, harmless. -san (nom.sg.m.) VIII. ahinsa f. non - injuring^ h a rm lessn ess. -(nom.sg.) III. 17.4. ahrdayajna a. not knowing the Jicart. -nam (nom.-acc.sg. n.) VIL2.i(2t.); 7.1. ahoratra n. day and night. -re (acc.dii.) VIII.4.1. laadv.-prep. hithcr.,unto ; hither froDi ; as far as. 1.6.6. II. 1.4. III. 13. 6; 19.4. V.2.i(2t.). VII. 2. 1 ; 7.1 ; 8.1 ; 10. I. VIII.8.i(2t.). 2 a- ist syl. of adi. II.S.i. akaga m.. free space., sky; fftJi elemcjit., atinos- phere or sky. -9as (nom.sg.) 1.9.1(3!.). III.11.7; I2.7,8(2t.), 9; 13.5; 18.1. IV. 1 3. 1. V.6.1 ; 23.2(21.). VII. 4. 2 ; 12.1 ; 26.1. VIII.i.i,2,3(2t.); 14. I. -9am (acc.sg.) 1.9.1. IV. 10.5. V. 10.4,5; 15. 1. VII. 2. 1 ; 7.1 ; 22 aka^a vant — acary a vant II. I ; I3.l(2t,),3(2t.). VIII.12.4. — gena (instr.sg.) VII. 13. 1. — 9at (abl.sg.) I.9.I. V. 10.4,5; I2.3(2t.). VII. 13. 1. VIII. 12. 2. — 9asya (gen.sg.) VII. 13.2. —g.e (loc.sg.) V.23.2. VII. 1 2. 1 (6t.). aka^avant a. possess/no- yrcc sj)acc, spacious. -vatas (acc.pl.) VII. 12. 2. akagatman a. 7v/f/i atmos- phere as self. —ma (nom.sg.m.) III. 14.2. akitapatam g a p i p i 1 a k a m adv. i^as far as i.e.) together xvitJi ivorvis^ b?ittc:-Jlics^ and ai/fs. (So BR., Bo. ; l:)ut it is perhajDS better to sepa- rate, in spite of the sg., into a and kita — : see these and Wh. Gr. ^253.c,d.) akhana a. hard. -nas (nom.sg.m.) I.2.S. —nam (acc.sg.m.) 1.2.7,8. agatr m. elective singer. -ta (nom.sg.) 1.2. 14. agnidhriya a. being ivithin the Agtfidhra ^ m. the Jire therein, -yasya (gen.sg.) II.24. 7- angirasa a. descended fr o VI Angiras / m. nm.pr. -sas (nom.sg.) III. 17.6. acarana n. approach., con- duct ; cart. -ne (loc.sg.) VIII. 1 2.3. acarya m. teacher. -yas (nom.sg.) IV.9.1 ; i4.i(3t.). VII. 1 5. 1, -yam (acc.sg.) VII. 15. 3. -yat (abl.sg.) IV.9.3. acaryakula n. teacher'' s family or abode. -lam (acc.sg.) IV. 5,1 ; 9.1. -hit (abl.sg.) VIII.15.1. acaryakulavasiii a. dwe/l- ing tvith a teacher''s family. -sT (nom.sg.m.) II. 33.3. acaryajaya f. teacher''s voifc. -(nom.sg.) IV. 10.3. acarya vant a. having a teacher. acaryahan — atman 23 —van (nom.sg.m.) VI. 14.2. acaryahan m. slayer of a teacher^ Diagistric'nlc. -ha (nom.sg.) VII. 15. 2,3. aji f. racc^ combat. -jcs (gcn.sg-.) 1.3.5. ajya n. i)icltedb?ittcr.,olivc. -yasya (gen.sg.) V.3.4, 5(4t-)- atiki f. nm. pr. -ky;i (iustr.sg.) I.io. i. anda u. csciT' —dam (nom.sg-.) II 1. 19. I. andakapala n. cgg-shclI. -le (iiom.du.) III.19. 1. andaja a. egg-hor)i. -jam (iiom.sgMi. ) VI.3.1. at adv. from this^ tJicrc- npo)?.^ then. III. 17.7. atmakrida a. playing ivith or delighting in self. -das (nom.sg.m.) VII. 2 ^.2. atmatas adv. from self. VII.26.i(i9t.). atman m. breath; spirit ; so2(l ; character ; self; as rcfl.pron. myself.^ thyself., himself., etc.; the self par excel- lence, the sonl of the nniversc. -ma (nom.sg.) 1.7.2(2!.) ; 13.1. III.i4.3(2t.),4 IV.3.7 '■> ^5-^' ^-1 i-i 12. 1 ; 13.1; 14.1 ; 15 I ; 16.1 ; 17.1. VI.8 7; 94; 10.3; 1 1.3 12.3; 13-3; 14-3; 15 3; 16.3. VII.3.1 ; 5 2; 25.2(7t.). VIII.i 5; 3-34; 4-1 ; 5-3; 7 1^34; ^-34(21.); lo i; ii.i; i2.4(3t.),5; 14. 1. — manam (acc.sg.) 1. 3. 12. II.9.4; 22.5(2t.). V.I 1.2,4,6; i2.i(2t.), 2; 13.1(21.), 2; I4.I (2t.),2; 15.1 (2t.),2;. l6.l(2t.),3; I7.l(2t.), 2; l8.l(2t.). VI.16.1 (2t.),2(2t.). VIII.I.6 (2t.); 5.1,3; 7.1,2(2t.), 3; 8.i(2t.),4(3t.); II. 1,2 .6(2t.). -mana (instr.sg.) VI. 3. 2,3 1 J.I. -mane (dat.sg.) II. 23. 2. -manas (gen.sg.) V.12. 16.2 , i/.2 , 18.2. V III. 5.3; 8.1 ; 12... 24 atmamithuna — aditya -mani (loc.sg.) V.24.4. VIIL15.1. -manas (nom.pl.) II. 2 2. 3(3t-)- — masu (loc.pl.) V.iS.i ; 24,2. atmamithuna a. havinsr self as a matcJi^ cotip- led 'with self. — nas (nom.sg.m.) VII. 25.2. atmarati a. Jindi?ig- satis- faction in self. — tis (nom.sg.m.) VII. 25. atmavid a. knowing- scf or the sufreine spirit. — vit (nom.sg.) VII. 1.3 (2t.). atmavidya f. knowledge of self or of the sn- prenie spirit. -(nom.sg.) IV. 14. 1. atmasammita a. self -meas- ured. -tarn (acc.sg.n.) II. 10. 1,6. atmade^a ni. doctrine of the sonl or self. —fas (nom.sg.) VII. 25. 2. athiananda n. finding- bliss in self. .-das ('lom sg.m ) VII. 25,-. atharvana a. belonoring to Atharvan ^ m. the Atharva- Veda. -nas (nom.sg.m.) VII. 1.4. —nam (acc.sg.m.) VII. 1.2 ; 2.1 ; 7.1. adar^a m. mirror. -9c (loc.sg.) VIII. 7.4. adi m. beginning \ used as syll. in word-analysis, -dis (nom.sg.) II.8.1 ; 9. 4; 10.2. aditya a. belonging to A ditiox to th e A dityas/ m. ( I ) son of Aditi, pi. the Adityas (gods of the heavenly light) ; (2) the szin (the com- mon mg. in ChU.)o -yas (nom.sg.) I.3.7 ; 5. I ; 6.3(2t.); 11. 7; 13. 2. 11.2.1,2 ; 10.5 ; 20. I ; 31. 1. III. 1. 1 ; 6.4; 7.4; 8.4; 9.4; 10.4; f3-i 18.2 I9-I53- I V.I I.I. V.4.1 ; 19.3 (2t.). VIII.6.1. —yam (acc.sg.) I.11.7. 11.9.1,8; 10.5; 24.11, 12 (these two latter acc.sg.n.). III. 1.4; 3. 3; 3-3; 4-3; 5-3; 15- aditya jay a — v/ap 25 6; 19.4. IV. 15.5; 17. 1. \\u>.2 ; 13.1, YII I. — ycna (instr.sq;.) 111. 1S.5. -yat (al)l.sg.) Il.i().5. I\".i5.5; 17.2. \'.io. 2. VI.4.2. VIII.6.2. -yasya (gcn.sg.) 1.6.5,6. II. 10.6. III. 1. 4; 2.3; 3-3 ; 4-3 ; 5-3- VI.4.2. Viri.6.2. —ye (loc.si;-.) 1.6.6. 11. 14.1,2, I V.I I.I. W 19.2. VIII.6.2. — yas (noni.pl.) II.24.16. III.8.1 ; i6.5(2t.),6. — ycLhyas (dat.j)!.) 11. 24.14. -yanam (gen.pl.) II. 24. I. III.S.3,4; 16.6. aditya jaya m. victory over the sun. -yat (abl.sg.) II. 10.6. adityatva u. quality of the sun. — vam (nom.sg.) VI.4.2. adibhajin a. sharing' in adi. -jini (nom.pl.n.) II. 9. 4. adista n. instruction. -tain (iioni.sg.) iii.i8. ade^a m. account., precept. -^as (uoin.sg.) II 1. 19.1. VI. 1. 4,6. -9am (acc.sg.) Vr.T.3. -9ns (nom.pl.) lll.yi,2. adhipatya n. lordship, su- premacy. -yam (acc.sg.) HI. 6.4; 7.4; 8.4; 9.4; 10.4. V.2.6. anandin a. jojful. -lias (nom.pl.) VII.io.i. \/ap reach, get. -piioti (jDres.ind.act.sg.) 1.7.7,8. 11.10,5,6. VII. 10.2 ; 26.2. VIII. 1.4; 7.1,2,3; 8.4; 12.6. -payatas (pres.ind.act.du. cans.) 1. 1. 6. (-pra arrive at, tvin. prapnuvanti (pres.ind. act.pl.) VII. 6. 1, —pa (perf. ind.act. sg.) IV.9.1. -ptaya (pass.ppl.dat.sg.) V.3.6. -ptas (pass.ppl.nom.pl.) IV.5.1. -ptebhyas ( pass.ppl.dat, pi.) V.I 1.5. -pya grd. A'"I.4.7 ; 8.6. -payati (])rcs.iacl.act.sg. 26 apayitr — arjava — paya (imv. act.sg.caus.) IV.5.1. f-abhipra attain to. abhiprapnuvanti (pres. ind.act.pl.) V.10.3. ^-sam iviiiijinisJi. samapiioti ( pres. ind. act. sg.) 1.4.4. [-pta pass.ppl.] apayitr m. obtainer. — ta (nom.sg.) 1. 1.7. apuryamanapaksa m. the half-inoutJi cif crescent (moon). — sam (acc.sg.) IV. 15. 5. V.io.i. -sat (abl.sg.) IV. 1 5.5. V.IO.I. apomaya a. made of zvater. — yas (nom.sg. ni.) VI. 5. 4; 6.5; 7.1,6. amalaka m. Myrobalan tree ^ n. fruit of same. — ke (acc.dii.n.) VII.3.1. amiksa f. curds. -saya (instr.sg.) VIII. ■3.5. ayatana n. foothold^ snp- port, seat^ abode ; esp. fire-place., sa?ictuary . —nam /'nom.-acc.st>'.) V i-5(3t-); i-H(-t.> VI. S.2(2t.). naya (dat.sg.) V.^.5. -nani (acc.pl.) VI. 34.2. ayatanavant a. having a support or abode. -van (nom.sg.m.) IV. 8. 3'4(3^-)- -vatas (acc.pl.) IV.8. |. ayamana n. stretching-, bendimr, -nam (nom.sg.) I-S-S* ayus n. life., long life. -(acc.sg.) II. 1 1.2; 12.2; 13.2; 14.2; 15.3; 16. 2; 17.2; 1S.2; 19.2; 20.2. III.16.6. IV. 1 1.2 ; 12.3 ; 13.2. -usas (abl.sg.) II. 24.6, 10,15. aranya a. of the forest., zvild ; m. wild animal. —yas (nom.pl.m.) II. 9. 7. aruni a. descended from Aruna^ m.nm.pr. -uis (nom.sg.) V.11.2. VI.S.i. -nim (acc.sg.) V.17.1. -nay e (dat.sg.) III. 1 1.4. aruneya a. descended from Aruni; ni.nm.pn —yas (nom.sg.) V.3.1. "^VI.i.i. arjava n. rcctittide. — vam (nom.sg.) III. 17.4. artvijya Vas 27 artvijya n, office or duty of th c sacrificing^ priest. -yai's (instr.pl.) 1. 10.6; 11.2,3. arseya a. derived from a Rishi. see rsi. -yam (nom.sg.n.) I-S-y. ava- proii.st.ipcrs., sec aham. avarta m. turning., wind- ing/ activity. —tarn (accsg.) IV. 15.6. avartin a. returning. -tmi (nom.jol.n.) V.10.8. avasatha m. dxveUing- placc^ inn. -than (acc.pl.) IV.i.i. avirbhavatirobhava m. ap- pearance and disap- pearance. — vau (nom.du.) VIT.26. i. a^a f. liopc. -(nom.sg.) VII. 14. 1, 2; 26.1. -9am (aCC.Sg.) 11.22.2. VII. 14. 1, 3. — 9aya (instr.sg.) VII. 14.2. — 9ayas (abl.-gen.sg-.) VII. I4.2(3t.); 1 5. 1. a^is f. prayer., benediction. -isas (nom.pl.) VII. 14. 2. agihsamrddhi f. success in prayer. -dhis (nom.sg.) I-S^S. a^eddha a. kindled by hope. -clhas (nom.sg.m.) VII. 14.1, agvataragvi m.nm.pr. —vis (nom.sg.) V.ii.i. -vim (acc.sg.) V.16. i. \/as sit., scat oneself; re- main^ dxvell. — sse (pres.ind.mid.sg.) IV.2.4. -sTran (pres.opt.mid.pl.) VII.13.1. -sTnas (pres.ppl.mid.nom. pi.) VIII.6.4. -sam (vbl.f.acc.sg.) I. 10. 1 1. |-upa sit near., honor. upassc (pres.ind.mid.sg.) IV. 2. 3. V.I2.l(2t.); i3.i(2t.); i4.i(2t.); i5.i(2t.); i6.i(2t.); 17. I(2t.). -ste (pres.ind.mid.sg.) 1.1.7,8; 2.14; 3.7; 9. 2,4. II. 1. 4; 2.3; 3.2; 4.2 ; 5.2 ; 6.2 ; 7.2 ; S. 3; 9.8; io.6(2t.). ITT. 19.4. IV.5.3(2t.); 6. 4(2t.); 7.4(2t.); 8.4 (2t.); ii.3(2t.); 12.2 28 asura — ahrada (3t.); I3.2(2t.). V.I2. 2; 13.2; 14.2; 15.2; 16.2 ; 17.2 ; 18. 1. VII. 1.5; 2.2; 3.2; 4.3(2t.); 5-3(2t.); 6.2; 7.2(2t.); 8.3 ; 9,2(2t.) ; 10.2 (2t.); ii.2(2t.); 12.2 (2t.); 13.2; 14.2 (2t.). — smahe (pres.ind.mid.pl.) IV.3.7. —sate (pres.ind.mid.pl.) V.io.1,3; 24.5(21.). VIII.12.6. ^ -sita (pi'cs.opt.mid.sg'.) i-i-i ; 3-152,3,5,6,8; 4. I ; 5.3. II.3.1; 3.1 ; 4.1 ; 5.1 ; 6.1 ; 7.1 ; 8. i; 9.1; lo.i; 21.4. 111.13.1,2,3,4,5,8; 14. I ; iS.i(2t.). — ssva (imv.mid.sg.) VII. 1.4; 3.1; 3.1; 4.3; 5. 2; 6.1; 7.1 ; 8.1 ; 9.1 ; lo.i ; I I.I ; 13. 1 ; 13. i; 14.1. — sam (vbl.f.acc.sg.) 1.3. 2,3'455A75iO'^^i2. f-paryupa sit aro/cnd, zvorship. paryupasate (pres.ind. mid.pl.) V.24.5. VI. 15.1. asura a. belonging to the Asuras^ demonic. -ras (nom.sg.m.) VIII. 8.5. astava m. pi'aise-place (for a cert, recitation^. -ve (loc.sg.) 1. 1 0.8. asya n. inoutJi. -yam (noni.sg.) V.18.2. ^yat (abl.sg.) 1.2. 12. ahavaniya (a. w. agni =) m. ohlation-Jire (east- ern of the three sacri- ficial fires), -yas (nom.sg.) IV. 1 3.1. "V.i8.3. — yasya (gen.sg.) II. 24. 1 1, -ye (loc.sg.) IV. 1 7.6. ahafaguddhi f. pirity of food. -dhau (loc.sg.) VII. 36.2. ahuti f. oblation., offering. -tim (acc.sg.) V.19. i. -tes (abl. -gen.sg.) V.4. 3; 5.2; 6.2; 7.2; 8.2. -tau (loc.sg.) V.3.3; 9.1. ahrada m. lotid noise, sozend erf thtmdcr., thunder- clap. —das (nom.pl.) VII. 11. lo i-— x/i 29 i- pron.st.3pers., see idam. V'i, ay i,''o, come/ attain to^ spring J'ru/n / be en- gaged in. eti (pres.ind.act.s*^^.) 1. 5. 1,3. II. II. 2; 12.2; 13. 2; 14.2; 15.2; 16.2; 17.2 ; 1S.2 ; 19.2 ; 20. 2; 23.2. 111.16.2,4,6; 17.2,3. IV.3.i(2t.); II. 2; 12.2; 13.2; 15.5. V. 10.1,3. VIII.3. 3,5; 6.6. yanti (pres.incl.act.pl.) I. 9.1. V.10.8. ay ate (pres.iiul.micl.sL;., Wh.Gr. inadequate,! )ut seeWh.RVF. s.v.v/i) 1. 2. 12. etii (imv.act.sg.) I.11.3. yau (pres.ppl.act.noni.sg.) II.14.1. eta (nm.ag.noni.sg-.) II. 24-5'9'i5- ni.6.4; 7. 4(2t.); 8.4(2t.); 9.4 (2t.); io.4(2t.); 11.4. itas (pass.ppl.nom.sg.) V. 9.2. — |-adhi perceive^ study. adhyemi(pres.ind.act.sg.) VII.I.2(2t.). -esi (pres.ind.act.sg.) V. 1 1.6, -eti (pres.ind.act.sg.) V. 11.2,4. adhite (prcs.ind.mid.sg., Wh.Gr. inadecpiate) VII. 3. 1 ; 14.1. -lyiya ( pres.opt.mid.sg., Wh.Gr. 1 29. a and 616 inadequate) VII. 3.1. — ihi (imv.act.sg.) VII. I.I. -iyanas ( pres.ppl.mid. nom.sg.) VIII. 15. 1. -Ttya grd. VI. 1.2. VIII. 15.1. [-anuyc>//oxr. anuyanti (pres.ind.act.pl.) V.14.1. h^pi enter ^ dissolve into. apyeti (pres.ind.act.sg.) IV.3.i(3t.),3. — piyanti (pres.ind.act.pl.) IV.3.2. VI.io.i. -pitas (pass.ppl.nom.sg.) VI.S.i(2t.). VIII.il. 1,2. — f- a come or go to^ befall. ay anti ( pres.ind.act.pl. ) V.14.1. ehi (imv.act.sg.) V.1.12. ay an (pres.ppl.act.nom. sg.) VIII.6.6. 30 Vi eyaya ( perf.ind.act.sg.) 1. 10.7. V. 3. 1,4,6. VI. I. 2. VIII.9.3; 10.3; 11.2. etya grd. IV.4.3. V.1.7. [-uda ^o II j) ^ go out • ore fortJi. xidey aya (perf .iad.act..sg.) V.3.6. (-parya ivalk abotit^ re- turn. jjaryetya grd. V.i.8,r), 10, 1 1. |-pratya return. pratyeyay a ( perf .ind. act. sg.) IV.i.7,S; 3.7. (-sania gat/icr^ assc/n- ble at, meet. samety a grd. V. i 1.1. — f-abhisama come to- gether to, go to to- gether. abhisametya grd. V.1.12. — |-upasaina conic to- gether to, meet luith. upasamctya grd. 1. 12.2. — [-ud rise, go out. udeti (pres.ind.act.sg.) I. 6.7. III.6.3; 7.3; 8. 3; 9-3; IO-3; 1I-3- -dyanti (pres.ind.act.pl.) III.6.2 ; 7.2 ; 8.2 ; 9.2 ; 10.2, — dyan (pres.ppl.act.nom. sg.) I-3-i(2t-)- II-H-i- -diyaya (perf.ind.act.sg.) III.11.2. -dcta ( nm.ag.nom.sg. ) 111.6.4; 7-4(2t-); 8.4 (2t.); 9.4(2t.); 10.4 (2t.) ; II. I. -ditas (pass.ppl.nom.sg.) 1.6.7. 1I-I4-I. -ditya grd. III.ii.i. (-upa go near, devote o/icseiy to. upeyam (pres.opt.act.sg.) IV.4.3. -etya grd. VI. 1.2. — f-pari 'walk about, at- tain. paryeti (pres.ind.act.sg.) VIII.12.3. — yeta ( nm.ag.nom.sg.) 111.6.4; 7.4; 8.4; 9.4; 10.4. — hpra go fort Ji, depart, die. praiti (pres.ind.act.sg.) II, 4.2. VIII. 3.1. -rayanti (pres.ind.act.pl.) V.3.2. -rayatas ( pres.ppl.act. gen.sg.) VI. 8. 6. -resyami (fut.ind.act.sg.) III.16.7. -rctam (pass.ppl.acc.sg. m.) V.9.2. itara— iti — tasya (pass.ppl.gcu.sg.) — tas (pass.ppl.nom.pl.) VIIL3.3. prctya grd. 111.14.1,4. |-vi disperse^ pcris/i. viyaya (pcrf.ind.act.sg.) IV.9.3(2t.). |-sani come to^ether^ meet. samyanti(pres.incl.act.pl.) IV. 1.4,6. — [-abhisam come toq- eth- er to. abhisameti (prcs.ind.act. sg.) IV. 1.4,6. — samyaiiti (prcs.ind.act. pi.) IV.I5.2(2t.). — |-upasam come fog-eth- er to. (TO to toiTctJier. upasamiyilta (pres.opt. act.pl.) 1. 13. 3. itara pron.a. other^ dijfer- c}itfrom. —ran (acc.pl.m.) 1. 2.9. V.I. 12. itas adv. hence^ from this (^abl.); from this world ^ here^ here bc- loxv. 1.10.2. II. 10. 5. 111.14.1,4. V.3.2 ; 9.2. VIII.3.1 ; 5.3. iti adv. so^ thus ^ used in making direct quota- tion or giving authori- ty ; here ciidctJi (a sec- tion or book) ; often superfluous or loosely used, esp. in ChU. I.i.i( 2t. ),4,5,6,8,9( 31.), 10; 3.1,9,14; 3.2(2t.), 6(2t.),7,8; 4.i(2t.),4; 5.l(2t.),2(2t.),3,4(2t.), 5; 6.7,8; 7.9; 8.1 (2t.),3(3t.),3(3t.),4(8t.), 5(5t.),6(2t.),7(7t.),8 (4t.); 9.i(3t.),4(3t.); io-2,3(3t-).4(3t-)A7.9, 10,11; ii.i(3t.),3(4t.), 4(2t.),5(2t.),6(2t.),7 (-3t.),8(3t.),9(3t.); 13. -7 O C -''DO* Il.i.i(2t.),3(4t.),3(4t.),4; 3.i;7.2;S.i(3t.),2(4t.); 9.2,7,8; IO.l(3t.),2(2t.), 3(2t.),4; 19.2; 21.4; 32.1,3(3t.),3,4(3t.),5 (3t-); 23.1,3; 24.2,4, 6,8,10,12,13,15. III. II. 2; 12.6; 13.1,2,3, 45 5'7'S; i4.i,4(2t.); i54.5(2t.)»6(2t.),7(2t.); l6.2(3t.),4(2t.),6(3t.), 7; 1 7.4,5,6,7 (3t.); 1 8. i(3t.),3(3t.); 19.1,4. IV.i.i,2,3(2t.),4,5(3t.),6, 32 iti 7(2t.),S(3t.); 2.2,3,4, 5 ;3-2,6,7(2t.); 4-1:2,3, 4(3t.).5(3t-); 5-1 (-t-). 2(2t.),3(2t.) ; 6.1,2(3t.), 3(3t.),4(2t.) ; 7-i53(2t.), 3(3t.),4(2t.); 8.1,2 (3t.),3(2t.),4(2t.); 9. i(2t.),2(2t.),3; 10.2,3 (2t.),455(3t.) ; 1 1 -1(21.); i3.i(2t.); i3.i(3t.); i4.i(3t.),2(5t.),3(3t.); i5.i(2t.),2,6; i7.3(3t.), 4'5A9- V.i.6,7(2t.),S(2t.),9(2t.), 10(2t.),Il(2t.), 12,13 (2t.),i4(2t.),i5(2t.); 2.l(2t.),2(2t.),3,4,5(4t.), 6,7(4t-)A9(2t.); 3-1 (2t.),2(6t.),3(4t.),4(2t), 5(2t.),6(2t.),7(2t.) ; 9.1 (3t.); 10.1,2,3,6,8,9,10 (2t.); 11.1,2,3,4,5,6,7; i2.i(2t.),.2(2t.); 13.1 (2t.),2(2t.); I4.l(2t.),2 (2t.); I5.i(2t.),2(2t.); i6.i( 2t. ),2(2t.) ; 17. 1 (2t.),2(2t.) ; 19. 1 ; 20. I ; 21. 1 ; 22.1 ; 23.1. VLi.i,3,4(2t.),5,6(2t.),7 (2t.); 2.2,3(2t.),4; 3.1, 2,3:4; 4-i52,3,4:556(6t.), 7(3t-) ; 5-4(3t-) ; 6.5 (3t-); 7-i:2(3t.),z^,6; 8. i(2t.),2,3(4t.),5(3t.),7 (3t.); 9.2(2t.),4(3t.); io-i52,3(3t.); 11.2,3 (4t.); i2.i(iot.),3(3t.); i3.i(2t.),2(iot.),3(3t.); H-2(2t.),3(3t.); 15.1,3 (3t.); i6.i,3(3t.). VII.i.i(2t.),3(2t.),4,5 (5t.); 2.i,2(5t.); 3.1 (5t-)'2(5t.) ; 4-2,3(6t.) ; 5.2(2t.),3(6t.); 6.1,3 (5t.); 7.i,2(6t.); 8.1,2 (5^; 9'i52(6t.); 10. 1 (3t.),2(6t.) ; ii.i(3t.), 2(6t.); I2.i,2(6t.); 13. i52(5t.); 14.1,2(61.); i5.2,3(6t.),4(2t.); 16.1 (3t.); i7.i(2t.); 1 8. 1 (2t.) ; 19.1(21.) ; 20.1 (2t.) ; 2i.i(2t.); 22.1 (2t.); 23.i(2t.); 24.1 (2t.),2(4t.) ; 25.l(2t.), 2; 26.1,2(31.). VIII. 1.2,3,4; 3-34(3t-): 5; 5.l(2t.),2(2t.),3(2t.); 6.1,4:5; 7-i'2,3(3t.),4 (4t.); S.i(3t.),2(2t.),3 (3t.),4(2t.),5(2t.) ; 9.1,2 (3t.),3(2t.) ; IO.l(2t.),2, 3:4(3t-); II.l(4t.):2 (3t.):3(2t.); 12.4(31.), 5,6. Inserted hy Bo. against itihasapurana idam 33 manuscripts or edi- tors : — I.5.3(ist). II.21.3. III. 18.1. IV.3.S(2t.) ; 15. 6(2t.). V.io.S(2nd), io(3t.). VI. 2. 1 ; 13.3 (last). VII.4.3 ; 5.2 (3iul) ; 7.2; 9.2; 10.2; 1 1.2 ; 12.: ; i4--;i5'-5 i6.i(ist) ; 24.i(ist). Omitted by Bo. against manuscripts o r edi- tors : — I-3-5; 5-5(2t.); 7-6; ^- 4; 13.4. III.II.6(2t.). IV.3.3; 9.3(2t.). V. 2.i,9(2t.) ; 19.2 ; 20.2 ; T *? • 2 3* A 2 ' if) ( '^f \ ' TOO' t ^ '?' if) 3(2t.). VIII. 1. 1 ; 13. 1 (2t.). itihasapurana n. ancient legend j the It i has a and the Purana (Bo) ; book of legends and traditions (M.M.). — nam (nom.-acc.sg.) III. 4.1,2. VII. 1. 2,4; 2.1 ; 7.1. ittham adv. thus. V.io.i. VII.5.2. id emph.pcl. J2ist^ exactly. III. 17.7. idam dem.pron. this^ this here ( contr.w.asau that., that there); this all or universe/ n.acc. as adv. here^ now^ thus; isarvam this universe; f. iprthivi this earth. ayam (nom.sg.m.) 1.2. 7; 3-2(3t.); 5.3; 8.7; 13.1. III.I2.7,8(2t.), 9(2t.). IV.3.2(2t.),4 (2t.) ; 16.1. V.I 1.2,4. VII.5.2(3t.). VIII.i. 3; 3-3; 74(2t.); 9.1 (2t.),2(2t.); II.l(2t.), 2(2t.); 12.3. idam (nom.-acc.sg.n.) I. 3.6; 12.4. II.23.4(2t.). III.II.5; I2.l(3t.),2,3, 4(2t.),7; i3.7(2t.); H- 1,3,4; i5-i4(2t.); 16. 1,2,3,4,5,6; 1 9. 1. IV. 2.4; 3.7,S(3t.); 14.3; i6.i(3t.). V.3.i,6(3t.) ; 34.1. VI. 1. 3 ; 2.i(2t.), 2; 8-3,5'7; 94; 10.3; ii.3(2t.); 12.1,3; 13- 3; H-3; 15-3; 16.3. VII.25.i(2t.),3 ; 26.1. VIII. 1. 1, 2,4; 8.1,3; 10.1,3; i2.i,3,4(3t.). iyam (nom.sg.f.) L1.9; 3 34 idam 6.1. III. 13. 3(21-.), 3 ; 19.2. IV. 2.4. V.3.7. VI. 3. 3, 3; IO.l(2t. ). VII.io.i. imam (acc.sg.m.) 1.3-3. IV. 15.6. V.I 1.3,4,6; 18.1. VII. 3. 1 ; 7.1 ; 14.1. VIII.6.3(3t.); 8.4. imam (acc.sg.f.) III. 1 1.6. anena (instr.sg.) 1.3. i ; 7.8. III.16.7. IV.3.S. VI.3.3,3. VIIL3.5." asmai (dat.sg.) 1.3.7,13 ; 10.3; 13.4. II. 3.3; 3. 3; 5.3; 8.3; 31.4. III. ii.3(3t.),6. IV.3.5; 3.7; 10.3,4,5. V.1.4. VI.16.1. asmat (abl.sg.) VI II. 3. 4; 6.4,5; 12.3. asya (gcn.sg.) 1. 8.7 ; 9 1,3,4. II.6.3; 7.3; 9 2,346^7^; 10.6. Ill 1.3; 3.i(3t.); 3.i(3t.) 4.i(3t.); 5.i(3t.); 12.6 (3t-); 13-1.2,3,4,5,6 i5.r(3t.); 16.1,3,5; 17 1,4.5- IV.3.7,8; ir.3 12.3; 13.3; 14.1 16.3,5. V.I 2.3; 13.3 14.2 ; 15.3 ; 16.3 ; 17.3 24.3,4. VI. 7. 6; . S.6 11.1,2; 13.2; 15.2; 16. 3. VII.1.5; 2.2; 3.3; 4-3; 5-3; 6.3; 7.3; 8. 2' 02* T02'TT2* T2 2; 13.2; 14.3 (3t.). VIII.i.3,5(3t.); 3.1,3, 3.4.5 A7A9. 10; 3-1.2 (3t.); 9.1,3; 10.1,3 (2t.),3,4(2t.); 12. 1.5. asyas (gen.sg.f.) IV. 17.8. ^ asmiu (loc.sg.) 1.9.3,4. III. 12.3 (2t.),4(2t.); 13.7,8; 14.1. IV.5.3; 6.4; 7.4; 8.4; 10.3; II. 2; 12.2; 13.2; 15.1,5. V.I. 3 ; 3.3. VII. 15. 1. VIII.I.l(3t.),3(3t.),3 (2t.).4.5; 9-i(2t.).2 (3t.); 13.3. asyam (loc.sg.f.) III. 13 3 imau (nom.dii.m.) VIII. 8.3. imc (nom.pl.m.) 1-7.6; 10.3,7. 11.31.1. III. 13.3,4. IV. 10.3; 14.3. V. 10.1,3; 1 1-3- VIII. 31- imaiii (nom. -acc.pl. n.) I. 9.1 ; 11.5,7,9. II.9.3. IV.3.3. V.3.4; 10.8. VIII.II.I,2. \/idh— -v/is 35 ini:is (uom. -acc.pl, f.) IV^. 3.5; 4.5. VL3.3,3,4; 4.7; 8.4,6(3t.); 9.2; 10.1,2; 12. 1. VII. 10. l(2t.). VIII.3.2. imau (acc.pl. m.) 1. 10.4. V.3.5. ebhis (instr.pl.) I.4.2 ; 11. 2. ebhyas (dat.-abl.pl.) I. 2.13; 9-i'3; "-S- III- 14.3. VI.4.5. abhyas (abl.pl.f.) VIII. 6.2. esam (gen.pl.) 1. 1.3. IV. 17k V.3.5. VI. 3.1. VII.5.2. VIII.4.1. asam (g-en.pl.f.) IV. 17. 8. VI.12.1. esu (loc.pl.) VIII. 7.4. asu (loc.pl.f.) VIII.6. -7 ^7 \/idh, indh kindle^ inJIaDic. idhyatc (prcs.ind.pass. sg.) III. 17.7. indra m. nm.pr. Indra. — ras (nom.sg.) VIII. 7. 2; 9.1. —ram (acc.sg.) II. 22. 3. -rena (instr.sg.) III. 7. ^50- — rasya (gen.sg.) II. 22. I ^70- ^re (loc.sg.) II. 22. 5. indradyumna m. nm.pr. -nas (nom.sg.) V.il. I. -nam (acc.sg.) V.14.1. indriya a. of Indra; n. —yam (nom.sg.n.) 111. ibhya a. of one's Jiousc- Jiold; ricJi ; m. nm.pr. —yam (acc.sg.m.) 1. 10.2. ibhyagrama m . nm.pr. -mc (loc.sg.) 1. 1 0.1. ima- pron.st.3pers., see idam. iyam, sec idam. iva encl.pcl. as^ as it werc^ ahuost ; JKst. III. 5. 3 ; 13.8(31.). IV.i.3,5; 9.2 ; 14.2(21.). V.I. 7 ; 10.3 ; iS.i. VI. 1. 1 ; 4.6(3!.), 7 ; 12. 1. VII. 6.1 (8t.); 15.2. VIII. io.2(4t.),4(4t.); 13.1 ■v/is scch^ desire. icchate (pres.ind.mid. sg.) VII.3.i(2t.); 14. I(2t.). -cheya (pres.opt.mid. sg.) VII.3.i.(2t.) isikatula — \/is — cha(imv.act.sg.) IV. 1.7. — chan (pres.ppl.act.noin. sg.) VIII.3.2; 9.2; 10.3; 1 1.4. — chantau ( pres.ppl.act. nom.du.) VIIL7.3(3t.). istva grd. VIII. 5.1 ; cf. — f-anu seek after. anvicchama (pres.sul)j. act.pl, ) VIII. 7.2. -cha (imv.act.sg.) VI. 8.4(3t.),6(3t.). anvisya grd. I V . i . 7 . VIII.7.2. 1- pari look aho/it for. paryaisisyani ( cond.ind. act.sg.) 1. 11.2. isikatula n. rccd-ttift^ faii- {cle of rccd. -lam (nom.sg.) V,24.3. istapHrta n. sacrifice and cJiarity. -te (acc.du.) V.10.3. iha adv. here., here beloxv ; hither. 1.12.3,5(2!.). 11.10,2. V.io.6,7(2t.) ; 24.5. VI.9.3 ; 10.2 ; 14.2. VII. 6,1 ; 24.2. VIII.i.3,5,6(3t.); 3.1, 2; 8.4(2t.),5. ihakara m. the sound iha. -ras (nom.sg.) I.13.1. ikara m. tJic sound i. -ras (nom.sg.) 1. 13.1. v/iks look., behold^ consider. aiksata(impf.ind.mid.sg.) —santa (impf.ind.mid.pl.) 'VI.3.4. |-anu look after. anviksya grd. VIII. 8.4. [-ava look at. avcksetham (imv.mid. du.) VIII.S.2. -sya grd. VIII.8.1. — sam (vbl.f .acc.sg.) VIII.8,1,3. idr^a a. of this kind. -gas (nom.pl.) IV. 14.2. •v/ir impel ^ cans, titter. miyati (prcs.ind. act.sg. cans.) VII.4.i(2t.) ; 5.i(2t.). \/lQ avn., be viaster of., rule. iste (pres.ind.mid.sg.) I. 6.8 ; 7.6,9. ■v/is move.,flee. — f-samud rise up to- gether ; rise fully. samudisati (pres.ind.act. sg.) VI.6.1,2,3,4. u — udaka 37 U U cncl. copula and; also; fiozv (stresses a prec. pron. or pel.). 1. 1.8; 2.9,10,11,13; 3.2; 4.3, 4; 5.3,4; 7.8. IV. 1.3 (2t.),5; 3.i,3(3t.); 3. 24.4. VI.4.6(3t.),7. VII.4.1; 5.1; 9.1. VIII.7.4. uktha n. praise; a cert. recitation. -tham (nom.sg.) I-7-5- UCCais adv. high., above. I. 1 1.7. ucchista a. left., rejected; impure; n. leavings (esp. of sacrifice or food ) . -tarn (nom.-acc.sg.n.) T. 10.3. V.34.4. -tas (nom.pl.m. ) 1. 10.4. Uta conj. and^ also. II. r. 2,3. VL1.3; 15.1; 16. I. VII. 5. 3; 36.3. utkramana n. a going np or forth., departure. -ne (loc.sg.) VIII.6.6. utkrantaprana a. xvith breath gone or depart- ed. -nan (acc.pl.) VII. 15.3. Uttama a. supl. highest^ best. -mam (acc.sg.n.) HI. i7.7(3t.). -mesu (loc.pl.) III. 13.7. uttamapurusa m. the su- preme spirit. -sas (nom.sg-.) VIII. 12.3. Uttara a. compar. upper., higher. —ram ( nom.-acc.sg'.n. ) III.15.1; i7.7(3t.). Uttaratasadv. above; north- ward; on the left. III. 7.4; 8.4; 9.4; 10.4. VII.25.l(3t.),3. Utthatr m. upriser ; ' see s/stha. -ta (nom.sg.) VII. 8.1. I ud adv. 71 p., ord (used in close connection w. a verb, though separated from it). 111.16.2,4, 6; 17.7. VIII.6.5. 3 ud used as syl. in word- analysis. 1.3.6,7 (3t.) ; 6.7. II.8.3. udaka n. %vatcr. -kam (nom.-acc.sg.) III. 19.3. IV. 15. 1, -ke (loc.sg.) I.4-3- VI. I3.l(3t.). 38 udanmukha — udgitha udanmukha a. fa c i ng northward. — khas (nom.sg.m.) II. 24.3,7,11. udanc a. directed zipward or t/orthiva?'d., north- erly y' n.acc. as adv. northxvards. udan (nom.sg.m.) III. 13.4. IV. 15. 5. V.io. 1. VL14.1. udak (acc.sg.n.) IV. 17. 9- udici (nom.sg.f.) III. 15. 2. IV.5.2. udancas (nom.pl. m.) III. 4.1. " udTcyas ( nom.pl. f.) III. 4.1. udanya f. thirst (a. xva- tery^. -(nom.sg.) VI.8.5. udapana n. we//, cistcrji^ (Bo., the drinking of wate?-'). —nam (nom.sg.) 1. 10. 4- udaya m. going 7tp, ris- ing. -yam (acc.sg.) III. 19.3. — yat (abl.sg.) 11. 9. 2. udara^andilya m.nm.pr. -yaya (dat.sg.) I-9'3- uda9arava m. Jlat dish or fail of xvatcr. -ve (loc.sg.) VIII.8.1 (2t.),2(2t.). udana m. upxuard breath (one of the five breaths of the body). — nas (nom.sg.) III. 13. 5. V.23.1. -naya (dat.sg.) V.23.1. -ne (loc.sg.) V.23.2. udgatr m. Udgatar pj'iest., cJiajiter (of the Sa- man). -ta (nom.sg.) 1. 2. 13; 6.^6 ; 7.8; 1 1.6. IV. 16.2. — taram (acc.sg.) 1. 10. 10. -tar (voc.sg.) 1. 10. 10; 1 1.6. -trn (acc.pl.) 1. 10.8. udgitha m. chanting (of the Saman ). -thas (nom.sg.) 1. 1.1,2, 3.4.5; 34A7; 5-i(3t.)' 5(2t.); 6.8; 9.2; 13. i. 11.2.1,2; 3.1; 4.1; 5. I ; 6.1 ; 7.1 ; 8.2; 9.5; 10.3; I I.I i; 14. 1 ; 15. 1 17. 1 ; 18.1 12. 1 ; 13. ; 19-1; 23.1, 16.1 ; 20. udgithabhajin— uparistat 39 -tham (acc.sg.) I-I-7, S; 2.1,3,3,4,5,6,7,10,11, 12,14; 3-i'2,3,5; 5.3; 9.3,3; 10.10; 11.6,7. -the (Iocs-;-.) I.S.I (3t.). udgithabhajin a. sharii/o- lii the udgitha. — jinas (nom.pl.m.) II. 9-5- udgithaksara n. a syllabic o/" udgitha. —rani (acc.pl.) 1.3.6,7. uddalaka m.nm.pr. -kas (nom.sg.) V.11.2. VL8.1. -kam (acc.sg.) V.17.1. — kaya (dat.sg.) III. 1 1.4. udbhijja a. propagated by sprouts. -jas (nom.sg.m.) VI. 3-I- I Upa adv. - prep, to^ to- ward^ unto. II. 1.4. III. 19.4. IV.4.5; II. 13.3 ; 13- 3 upa used as syll. in word- analysis. 11.8,3. Upakosala m.nm.pr. —las (nom.sg.) IV.io. i. -la (voc.sg.) IV. 14.1 (3t.). upajana m. accretion^ ap- pendage. -nam (acc.sg.) VIILi3. 0- upatapin a. sick. -pi (nom.sg.) VIII. 4.3. -pinam (accsg.) VL.I5. I. upadrava m.. accident^ ca- lamity. — vas (nom.sg.) II. 8. 3 ; 9.7; 10.3. upadravabhajin a. sharing in calatnity. -jinas (nom.pl.m.) 1 1. 9. 7- upanisad f. {^sitting doxvn near sea teacher) secret doctriite ; esp. an Upanisad (a cert. class of writings which discuss the secret meaning of the Veda). —sat (nom.sg.) VIII. 8. 5. -sadam (acc.sg.) 1.13.4 (3t.). VIII.8.4. -sada (instr.sg.) I.i. 10. Upari adv. -prep, above^fiir- fhcr^ over y (repeated) again and again. VIII.3.2(2t.). uparistat adv.-prep. from abovc.,after, behind. V. 2.3. VII.25.l(3t.),2. 40 upavadin — ulbavrta upavadin a. talking at, abusive. -dinas (nom.pl. m.) VII. 6.1. upavyakhyana n. addi- tional meaning, S^^^'- ther explanation. -nam (nom.sg.) I.i.i,io; 4.1. III. 19. 1. upasattr m. ivorshiper ; sec v^sad. — ta (nom.sg.) VII. 8.1. Upasada m. ( ? ) service; a cert, festival lasting- several clays, -dais (instr.pl.) III.iy.2. upasarana n. ajlozuing to; ■place of rcfige. — nani (nom.pl.) I'3«8. Upastha m. lap; sextial or- gans (esp. of a wom- an.) -thas (nom.sg.) V.8.1. upakarana n. fetching near, commence^nent. -nat (abl.sg.) 11.24.3,7, 1 1. upasana n. seat, attend- ance; worship. —nam (nom.sg.) II.i.i. ubha a. both. -bhau (nom.-acc.dii.m.) I.i.io; 7.7. VII. 12.1. VIILi.3(2t.);6.2(2t.); 8.4. — bhe (nom.-acc.du.n.-f. ) IV.16.4. VIII.1.3; 3. 5(2t.)- -bhabhyam (instr.du.) IV.16.5. ubhaya a. of both kinds, both. —yam (nom.-acc.sg.n.) I. 2.2,3,4,5,6. 111.18.1,2. -ye (nom.pl.) 1.2. i. VIII.7.2. ubhayapad a. with both feet. -pat (nom.sg.m.) IV. 16.5. uras n. breast. -(nom.sg.) V.18.2. urugayavant a> wide-ex- tending. -vatas (acc.pl.) VII. 12. 2. ululu (a.?) m. shont,yell. -lavas (nom.pl.) III. 19. 3(2t.)- ulba n. bag envelopifig the embryo, amnion; ski ft of an egg. -bam (nom.sg.) III. 19.2. ulbavrta a. covered by the ulba; hidden in the womb. usasti re 4' — tas (nom.sg.m.) V.9.1. usasti m.mn.pr. -tis (iiom.sg.) l.io. i; 1 i.i. usna a. Ju)t. blazhi ^■i''- -nas (noni.sg.ni.) 1. 3. 2 '(2t.). usniman m. heat. •warj)ith. -mauam (acc.sg.) III. 13.S. ukara m. the sound \x. I. 13.2. urdhva a. going zepzvarcLs, raised^ elevated^' n. ace. as ad v.- prep, a/afi^ latcr^ after. — vas (iiom.ssf.iTi,) III. 10.4 1 I.I VI. 6.1,2,3,4. VIII. 6.5. -vam (acc.sg.n.) II. 9. 6, 7. VII. 1. 1. VIII.6. 6. yx move (tr. and intr.), raise^ risc^ hasten^ jiicet with. rtva grd. I.2.7(2t.),S. |-sam conic together ^ C'BM'a. fasten. samai-jDitam (pass.ppl. caus.nom.sg.n.) VII. 15.1. -tas (pass.ppl. cans. nom. pl.m.) VII. 15. 1. rktas adv. concerning the Rile. IV. 1 7.4. -vas (nom. pi.) I.4.3. H. 2.3. III.5.l(2t.). -vabhis (instr.pl. f.) VII. II. I. -vesu (loc.pl.) II. 2. 1, usman m. hcat^ steam^ ^pas- sionj sibilant or spi- rant (any one of the four letters 5, s, s, h). -manas (nom.pL) II. 22. -niasu (loc.pl.) II. 22. 4. R rgveda m. the Rig- Veda. -das (nom.sg.) I-3-7- III. 1. 2. VII. 1.4. -dam (acc.sg.) III. 1.3; 15.7. VII. 1.2 ; 2.1 ; 7.1. re f. luster/ verse, hymn/ esp. a spoken verse as distinsruished from one sung (saman) or from a sacrificial formula (yajus), the three col- lectively being man- 42 rtu — eka tra; pi. tiie Rig- Veda. -(nom.sg.) I.i.2,4,5(2t); 3.4(2t.); 6.1,2,3,4,5,8; 7-I5-.3.4.5- -cam (acc.sg.) 1.3.4,9; 4.4. — ca (instr.sg.) III. 12. 5. V.2.7. — cas (<j;cn.sg.,nom.-acc;. pi.) 1. 1. 2; 4.3. III. i.2(2t.). IV. 17.2. VI. 7.2. -d (loc.sg.) 1.3.9; 4.3; 6.l(2t.),2(2t.),3(2t.), 4(2t.),5(2t.); 7.l(2t.), 2(2t.),3(2t.),4(2t.). -cau (nom.du.) III. 17.6. rgbhy as (abl.pl.) IV. 17. ream (gcn.pl.) IV. 17.4 rtu m. Jixcd time., cpocL., season (usually six a year, five in ChU.). — tavas (nom.pl.) II. 5. 2. -tun (acc.pl.) II. 16.2. -tusu (loc.pl.) 11.5.1,2 ; 16.1,2. rtumant a. possessitig the seasons. —man (nom.sg.) II. 5. 2. rte 2^i"f''P' '^^^it^iout. V.I. 8, 9,10,11. rtvij a. sac7'ijicing at the right time; m. priest, applying to any one of the four: adhvaryu, udgatr, brahman, hotr. -vik (nom.sg.) IV. 17.9. -vije (dat.sg.) V.11.5. -vijas (acc.pl.) IV. 17. 10. \/rdh thrive, prosper (tr. and intr.). \- sam pass, be J~ul- fUed. samrdhyanti (pres.ind. a c t . - p a s s.pL, Wh.Gr. 774) VII.14.2. -dhyeta (pres.opt.mid.- pass.sg.) 1.3. 1 2. -ddham ( pass.ppl.nom. sg.n.) V.2.S. rsabha m. Inill. -bhas (nom.sg.) IV.5.1. rsi m. poet -seer., Rishi. -sim (acc.sg.) I'3-9' E e- pron.st.3pers., see eka, eta-, ena-, eva, evam. eka num. a. ojw., alone. -kas (nom.sg.m.) I. 5.2,4. III.6.3; 7.3; 8. 3; 9-3; '0.3. IV.3. ekata — eta- 43 6; 9.2; 17.9. VI. 7.3. VII.8.1; 26.2. — ka (nom.sg.f. ) VI. 7. 3, 6. VII 1. 6.6( 2 1.) -kani (nom.sg.u.,acc.sg. m.) II. 10.2. V.3.5 (3t.). VI.2.l(2t.),3; 7.5. VII.4.1; 5.1. — kani (acc.sg.f.) VI. 11. 2; 12. 1. — kena (Instr.sg.) IV. 16. 3. VI. 1.4,5,6. -ke (nom.pl.) VI.2.1. ekata f. minify. -t;un (acc.sg.) VI.9.1. ekadha adv. smgly. VII. 26.2. ekapad a. having one font ^ lame. -pat (nom.sg.m.) IV. 16.3. ekala a. alone. —las (nom.sg.) III.ii.i. ekaviii^a num. a. Hvcnty- Jirst. -gas (nom.sg.) II. 10.5. ekavin^ati f. Hventy-otic — gatya (instr.sg.) II. 10.5. eka^ata n. hundred and one. — tam (acc.sg.) VIII.ii. 3(2t.)- I ekadaga num. eleven. -(nom.sg.) VII. 26. 2. [2 ekada^a num. a. elcv- cnth.^ ekayana n. union; meet- ing-place; 07teness. -nam (nom.-acc.sg.) VII. 1.2,4; 2.1 ; 5.2; 7.1. ekara m. the soutid e. -ras (nom.sg.) 1. 13.2. ekaika a. each one singly. — ka (nom.sg.f.) VI. 3.4; 4.7 ; 8.6. ~kam (acc.sg.f.) VI. 3. 3, 4- -kasmai (dat.sg.) V.11.5. eta- pron.st.3pers. t h. i s ^ this here (rcf. to prec. oftcncr than to fol.) ; n.acc. as adv. thus. csas (nom.sg.m.) I.i'3 2.2,8,9,11; 3.1; 4.4 5.i(2t.),3; 6.6,7,8; 7 5,6,9; 9.2(3t.). II. 31 3; -4-5^9' 1 5' 1 6. Ill I I.I ; i4.3(2t.),4; 15 I. IV.5.2; 6.3; 7.3 8.3; II. I ; 12. 1 ; 13.1 i5-i(2t.),3(3t-)4(2t.) 6 ; i6.i(4t.) ; 17.8,9. \^ 2.9; 10.2,4,8; 13.1,2 13.1 ; 14.1,2; 15.1,3 16.1,3; 1 7.1; 34.4. VI 8.6; 9.4; 10.3; I I.I 4^ eta- 3; 12.2,3; 13.3; 14.3; 15-3; ^6-3- VII.4.2; 15.4; 16.1; 35.2; 26. 2. VIILi.3,5; 3.3,4 (2t.); 4.2(2t.),3; 5.3, 4; 6.i(4t.),6; 7.4(4t.); 8.3; 9-i'-'3; io-i(3t-)' 34; 11-1:3; 12.3,5. etat (nom.-acc.sg.n.) 1. 1 . i , 5(3t.),6,7,S(2t.),io(2t.); 2.455A14; 4-^4(2t.)vS (-:t.); 6.i,2,4,5(2t.),6; 7-i52,3,4(3t-).7:9; 8-7^ 8; 9.3. II. 1.4; 2.3 2 ; 8.3 ; 10.6 ; 1 1.1,2 12.1,2; 13.1,2; 14.1,2 15.1,2; 16.1,2; 19.1,3 20.1,2; 21.1,2. III. I. 4(2t.); 3.3(2t.); 3.3 (3t.); 4.2,3(2t.); 5.3, 3(2t.); 6.i,2,3(3t.);7. i,2,3(3t.); S.i,2,3(3t.); 9-152, 3(3t.); 10. 1, 2,3(3t-); ii.4(2t.),6 (3t.); 1 3.3,4,5,9; 1 3- 1 5 2,3'4.5'8(3t-) ; 144; i6.7(2t.); 17.6(21.); 1S.2. IV.1,3,4,6; 3.6 (2t.); 4.2(2t.),4(2t.), 5; 9-3; 15-1 (2t.)- V. 2.1,2,3(2t.); 10.8; II. 7; 13.2; 34.2,3. VI. i.7(2t.); 4.5; 8.1,3 (2t.),5(2t.) ; 13.1. VII. i52,3(2t.),4; 2.1; II. i(2t.). VIII.i.5(2t.); 3-34(2t.) ; 6.3,4,5(3t.) ; 74(2t.); S.3(3t.); 9. i; io.i(3t.); ii.i(4t.), 3; 13.4; 15.1. esa (nom.sg.f.) I.i.S; 2. 3; 11.5,7,9. 111-12.5; 13.7,8. IV.3.S; 14.1; 17.9. VIII.8.5. ctain (acc.sg.m.) 1. 2. 9, 10,11,12; 3.2; 5.2,4; 7.6; 9.3(2t.),4. III. I. 3; 2.1; 3.2; 14.4; 15. 2(2t.); 19.4. IV.5.3 (2t.); 6.4(2t.); 7.4 (2t.); 8.4(2t.); 11.2 (2t.); i2.2(2t.); 13.2 (2t.); i5.3(3t.). V. 10.5; 12.2; 13.2; 14. 2* TC2- 762- T'72- 18.I. VI.I2.2. VIII. 3.2; 4.i,2(2t.),3; 9.3; 10.4; II. 3; 12.6. —tarn (acc.sg'.f.) 1. 13.4. III. 1 1.3; 12.2. IV. 3. 2; 17.3. VI.I4.2(2t.). VIII.8.4. -tena (instr.sg.) 1. 2.9. I V.I 5.6. VIII.8.5; 12. 5- etad ena- 45 -taya (instr.sg.f.) V.2.7. -tasmat (abl.sj^.) l-y-*^? 8. 111.6.3,3; 7.3,3; 8. "50 5 9.2,3; 10 - ^ 50- VIII.II.3. -tasya (gen.sg.) 1.1.9; 3.5; 6.8; 7.5. II.9.3, 35455A7'S. III.13.1. V.18.2. VI.I3.2. VII. 36.1. VIII. 3. 4. -tasmin (loc.sg.) 1. 1.6. 111.16.3,4,6. V.4.3 ; 5. 2 ; 6.3 ; 7.2 ; 8.3. -tasyam (loc.sg-.f.) 1.6. ^■>'^-)3r{i5 ' 7--^5-^'3'4" -tau ( nom.- ace. du.m. ). IV.3.4. V.17.3. VIII. 5-4- -tc (nom.du.f. ,110111. pi. in.) 1. 10.4; 1 1.3. II. 33. 3. III.4.2;5.2,4(2t.); 13. 6; 16.1,3,5; 17-6. IV. 2-5; 3-S' V. 10.3,9; I I.I ; iS.i. VIII. 3. 2 ; 6.3; 13.6. -tayos (gen.du.m.) V. lo.S. -tani ( nom. -ace. pi. n.) I. 3.7. II.7.1 ; 10.4; 23. 2; 23.3. III.3.1 ; 3.3; 5.4(3t.). V.r.15. VII. 4.3; 5.3; 15.4. VIII. 3.5; I3.3(2t.). -tas (nom. -acc.pl. f.) II. 17.1,2 ; 18.1,2. III. 1.2. I V.I 7.3. VIII.6.1. -tan (acc.pl. m.) III. 13. 6(3t.). IV.3.3,3. V. 3-5 10.10. VIIi.i.6 (3t.); 13.5. -tais (instr.pl. j VIII. 6. 5. — tesam (gcn.pl.) I.10.3. -tfisam (gen.pl.f.) II. 20. 3. VL4.7. etad adv. f/iz/s, sec eta-, etadatmaka a. liaving this nature ( Bo. ) ; see aitadatmya. etadatmya a. Jiavluir this nature (BR.); see aitadatmya. etadupanisada a. having this secret doctrine or Upanisad. -das (nom.sg.ai.) VIII. 8.4. etarhi adv. noxv^ at this tiiiic^ then. 1.8.6,8. VI.7.3,6. etr, see -y/i. ena- pron.st. 3pers.encl. ; only oblique casesj unemph. him^ her^ it^ them. -nam (acc.sg.m.) 1.3.8; 11.1,4,6,8. II.I.3(4t.), 46 eva 4; 23.3,4(4t.). III. 19.4. IV.i.3,zi,6,7; 4. 2; 5.1 ; II. I ; 12.1 ; 13. i; 15.2,6. V.i.i3(2t.), i4(2t.). VI.7.2,4; 8. 1. VII.5.2; 15.2,3. VIII.io.2,4. — nat (acc.sg.n.) VI. 13. 2. VIII. 1.4. —nan (acc.pl. m.) 1. 2.1. V.10.2. VII. 15. 3. eva adv. so ; j'iist^ exactly J eniph. prcc. word. I.i.5,8(2t.),9,io(3t.); 2. i.2,3,5,6,7(3t.); 4.3,4; 5-2,3,4.5; 6.i(2t.),2 (2t.),3(2t.),4(2t.),5,6 (3t.),8; 7.i(2t.),2(2t.), 3(2t.),4(3t.),5(2t),7, 8,9; 9.i(2t.),4; 10.5, 7,10,11 ; ii.3(3t.),5,9; 12.3,4. II.i.2(2t.),3(2t); 10.4; 20.2 ; 23.i(2t) ; 23.2, 4(2t.). III.i.i,2(3t.); 2.i(3t.); 3.i(3t.); 4.i(3t.); 5. i(3t.); 6.i,2,3(4t.),4; 7-i,2,3(4t-)'4; ^-1:2,3 (4t.),4; 9.i,2,3(4t.),4; io.i,2,3( 4t. ),4; I I.I (2t.),3,6(2t.) T O -> 2 4; 154,5,6,7; 16.4 (2t.),6(2t.); 17.3,5 (2t.),6; i8.2(2t.),3,4, 5,6; i9-^'3- IV.i.i,5;2.3(2t.),4,5;3. I(3t.),2(2t.), 3(2t.), 4,8 ; 4.2 ; 7.4 ; 9.3(3!.) ; io-i,2,5(3t-); ii-i ; 12. i; I3-M 15-1,3,4,5 (2t.); 16.1,3,4; 17-4, 5,6,9,10. V.i.i5(2t.); 2.3,6; 3.3, 6(3t-),7; 4-1; 5-1 ; 6- i; 7.1 ; 8.1 ; 9.2(2!); 10.5,6; ii.6(4t.),7 ; 12. i; 13.1; 14.1; 15.1; I 6. 1 ; I 7. 1 ; I 8. 1,3 (lit.); 24.4. VI. 1.4,5,6,7; 2.l(4t.),2 (2t.),3(2t.),4(2t.); 3. 1,3; 4-i,2,3,4*,7; 5-4; 6.2-, 8.2(3t.),3,4,5(2t.), 6; 9.2,4; io.i(2t.),2, 3; 11.2,3; 12.3; 13.2, 3; i4.2(3t.),3; 15.3; 16.1,2,3. VII.i.3(3t.),4; 2.1; 5.2 (3t.); 6.i(2t.); 7.1; io.i(2t.) ; ii.i(2t.) ; 13-1 ; 1 5-2,3,4; 16. 1 i7.i(2t. ); i8.i(2t. ) 19.1(21.); 2o.i(2t.); 2I.l(2t.) ; 22.l(2t.) ; evainvid — esas 47 23-i(2t.); 25.i(5t.), 2(3t.); 36.1,3. VnLi.3,5(3t.),6; 3.1,3. S^'SAtA^io; 3.3,3; 4.3(3t.),3(2t.); 5.1 (4t.),3(4t.),3(3t.),4(3t.) ; 6.3,5; 7--(-t.),4; ^-h 3(3t.),4(3t.); 9.t(4t.), 2(3t-)'3(2t.); io.i(3t.), 3,4(2t.); ii.i(3t.),3 (3t-).3(3t.);i2.3(3t.). evamvid a. knowing so or such. -vit (nom.sg.m.) 1. 7.8. IV. 17.8,9,10. V.34.4. VIII.3.3,5- — vidam (acc.sg.) IV. 17. 9,10. — vidi (loc.sg-.) 1.3.8. IV. 14.3. V.3.I. evam adv. so^ thus. 1.1.7,8; 2.7,8,14; 3.1,7; 4-34(3t-)'5; 6.7(3t.); 7.7,9; 9.2,4; 10.10,11 ; 13.4; 13.4. iI-i-4; 2.3; 3.2; 4.3; 5. 3; 6.2; 7.3; 8.3; 9.8; 10.6 ; 1 1 13.3; 13. 14. 1^.2 16.3 ; 17.3 ; 18.3 ; 19.3 ; 30.3 ; 31.3; 33.4; 34.l6(3t.). 111-6.3; 7-3; 8.3; 9.3; IO-3; 1^-3; 12.9; 13.1, 2,3,4:5.6 ( 2t.), 8 (3t.); i5.3(3t.); 16.7; 18.3, 4,5'6(2t.); 19.4. IV. 1.3,4,6; 3.8(3t.); 5. 3(3t.); 6.4(3t.); 7.4; 8.4(2t.) ; 9.3 ; I i.3(3t.) ; i3.3(3t.); 13.3(31.); H-3; 15-2,3,4; 16.3,5; 17.8. V. 1. 8,9, 10,11, 13 ; 10.10 (3t.); 13.3; 13.3; 14. 2' Tc;2" 162' T'7"'' 24-2,3(2t.),5- VI. 1.6; 3.3; 6,3,5; 7-3, 6; S.3,3,4,5,7; 9.3; 10. 2; 1 1-3; 13. 1 ; 14.3. VII.3.1; 15.1,4(31.); 34. 2; 25.3(31.); 36.1(31.). VIII.1.6; 3.2; 6.2; 8.3; 9.1,2,3; 10.4; 11.1,2 (21.); 13.3(31.); 15.1. evammahant a. thus great. -han (nom.sg.m.) VI. I 3.3. esas, esa, see eta- 48 aitadatmya i ka- AI aitadatmya a. Jiavlug tJiis nature. (Bo., M.M., BR., Capp. treat as n. subst. ; Ijut sec Wh. Gr. 1211 and AJP. XI. 413.) -yam (nom.sg.n.) VI. 8.7; 9.4; 10.3; 11-3; 12.3; 13.3; 14.3; 15. 16. aitareya m.nm.pr. — yas (nom.sg.) III. 16.7. airammadiya n.nm.pr. of a cert. lake. —yam (nom.sg.) VIII. ^. 0' omkara m. tAe sound om. -ras (nom.sg.) 1 1. 2 3.4 (3t.); — rena (instr.sg.) II. 23.4. ojas n. strength. —(nom.sg.) III. 13.5. ojasvin a. strong. —VI ( nom.sg. m.) III. 13. 5- om sacred mystic syl. of reverence, esp. at beg. and end of Veda-read- ing. I.i.i(2t.),5,6,8,9 (3t.); 4.i(2t,),4; 5.1, 3; i2.5(4t.). VIII.6. 5- osadhi f. flant., herb. -dhayas (nom.pl.) I.i„2. -dhinam (gen.pl.) 1.1.2. osadhi vanaspati m. plants and trees. -tay as (nom.pl.) V.10.6. AU aupamanyava m.nm.pr. — vas (nom.sg.) V.ii.i. — va (voc.sg.) V.12.1. auhoikara m. the sound auhoi. -ras (nom.sg.) 1.13.2. 1 ka- interr.pron.st.-(i) in- terr. who^ ivhat (subst. and a.) ; (2) indef. some, afty, certain (subst. and a., in neg. cl. and w.pcl. ca, cana, 2 ka — kada 49 cid) ; (3) n.acc. as adv. hovj^ ivjiy. kas (nom.sg-.m.) IV. 1.3, 5; 3.6; 9.3; I4.2(2t.). V.I. 7; I I.I. VI.4.5. VIIL6.3. kiin (uoni.-acc.sg.n.) I.i. S. II.S.i. III. 12. 1 ; 15. 4; 16.2,4,6,7. I V.I. 4, 6; 9-3; 10-3; 14-2. V. 2-i(3t),2; 34; ii-i; 19.2 ; 20.2 ; 21.2 ; 22. 2; 23.2. VI.7.2,4; 12. i(3t.). VII.1.3; 15.2. VIII 1.2,4; 7-3; ^-T. 2; 9.2; 10.3; 1 1.2. ka (nom.sg.f.) 1.8.4(4!.), 5(dt.),7(2t.); 9.1. kam (acc.sg.m.) I-7-9- V.12.1; 13. 1 ; 14.1; 15. 1 ; 16.1 ; 17. 1. VII. 13.1. kam (acc.sg.f.) II. 13.2. kasmai (dat.sg.) III.ii. 6. kasmin (loc.sg.) VII. 24.1. ka n. joy^ /iappit?ess (w. allusion to ka m. tlic Who, the U/iknozi'!/, the highest deity^. kam (nom.-acc.sg.) IV. io.5(4t.). kansa m. (n.) vessel cf met- al ^ vieial. -sam (acc.sg.) V.2.8. kaksa m. hiding - place, th icket. —sam (acc.sg.) II. 9. 7. katama pron. a. supl. xvho of several, whosoever. —mas (noin.sg.m.) I.i. 4(2t.). VIII.7.4. —mat (nom.sg.ii.) 1. 1.4 (2t.). -ma (nom.sg.f.) 1. 1.4 (2t.) ; 1 1.4.6,8. katara ^pron. a. compar. tvJio of tivo. -rena (inst.sg.) V.io. 8. kathain interr. adv. how. II. 24. 2. IV. 1. 3. V.I. 8,940,11 ; 3.4,5. VI. 1.4,7: 2.2; 13.2(31.). katha f. talk, conversation about (loc). — thain (acc.sg.) 1.8. i. kad pron.st. in cpd., see Wh.Gr. 506. kadarya a. stingy, avari- cious. — yas (nom.sg.m.) V.ii. 5- kada interr. adv. when. III. 1 1.2. 50 kaniyans — kama kaniyans a. compar. s^nall- er^ less. — yas (nom.sg.n.) VII. lO.I. kapilasa a. ivith reddisJi pollen (Bo.); sec kapyasa. kapuya a. malodoi'otos^ dis- gusting. —yam (acc.sg.f.) V.10.7. kapuyacarana a. of mal- odorous conduct. -nas (nom.pl.) V.10.7. kapyasa a. like an ape^s fundament. — sam (nom.sg.n.) 1.6. 7. \/kam ivish^ desire. kamayate (pres.ind.mid. sg.caus.) 1.2.8. VIII. 2.10. \/kamp tremble. |-a tre7nble violently y caus. shake. akamipayet (prcs.opt.act. sg.caus.) VII. 8. 1. karna m. ear. -nau (acc.du.) III. 13.8. kartr m. doer. -ta (nom.sg.) VI. 1 6.1. VII.8.if 9.1. karman n, dccd^ sacred work., rite. —ma (nom.sg.) IV. 14. 3. V.2.S. VIII. 1 5. I. — mmii (nom.-acc.pl.) I. 3.5. A^II.3.1 ; 4.1,2; 5.1 ; 14.1 ; 26.1. — manam (gen.pl.) VII. 4.2. -masu (loc.pl.) V.2.c). karmajita a. won by tvork. -tas (nom.sg.m.) VIII. 1.6. kala a. dumb. -las (nom.pl.) V.i.8. kalahin a. quarrelsome. -hinas (nom.pl.) VII.6.1. kala f. small part., esp one-sixteenth. -(nom.sg.) IV. 5. 2(41.) ; 6-3(4t-); 7-3(4t-); s. 3(4t.). VI.7.3,6. -lanam (gen.pl.) VI. 7. 3,6. ■y/kas scratch. kasamanam ( pres. p p 1 . mid.acc.sg.m.) IV. 1.8. kaksaseni m. nm.j:)!-. -nim (acc.sg.) IV. 3. 5, kapeya m. nm.pr. -yas (nom.sg.) IV. 3. 7. -yam (ace. sg.) IV.3.5. -ya (voc.sg.) IV.3.6. kama m. wish, longing. —mas (nom.sg.) 1. 10.4. kamacara — kutas 51 V.1.4. VIL14.2. VIIl. i..j,5; 3.1 ; 12.6. -inam (acc.sg.) 1. 1.6; 3. i3(2t.); 7.9. -mas (noni.pl.) Ill.iy. 3(2t.). IV. 10.3. vin. 1 2 -man (acc.pl.) 1. 3. 13. VII.10.3. VIII.1.6 (2t.); 7.1,2,3; 13.5,6. — manam (gen.pl.) 1. 1.7, 8; 3.14. kamacara a. moving at will or freely. — ras (nom.sg.m.) VII. 35.3. VIII.1.6; 4.3; kamam adv. at will^frecly. VI.7.1. kamalayana m. nm.pr. -nas (nom.sg.) IV.io. i. kamagana m. the fulfill- ing of desires by song. -nasya (gen.sg.) I-7-9- kamya a. desirable.^ relat- ing to a xvisk. — yesn (loc.pl.) V.2.9. karaya f. see v/kr. karsnayasa a. made of iron. — sam (nom.sg. n.) VI. i. 6. kala m. time, right time. -lam (acc.sg.) II.13.1. kiragotra a. of what race. —ras (nom.sg.m.) IV.4. i(3t.),4. kim, see s.v. ka- supra, kila adv. indeed., truly (emph.prec. word). I. 8.6,8. IV.14.3,3. V. 3*4. VI.II.3; I3.3(3t.). kita m. worm., insect. -tas (nom.sg.) VI.9.3 ; 10.3. kitapatariigapipilaka n. worms, buttcrjlies, and ants. -kam (acc.sg.) VII. 3. I ; 7.1 ; 8.1 ; lo.i. kirti f. Diention, renown, glory. -tis (nom.sg.) III. 13.4. -tya (instr.sg.) II. 11. 2 13.3 ; 13.3 ; 14.3 ; 15.2 16.3 ; 17.3 ; 18.3 ; 19.3 30.3. 111.18.3,4,5,6. kirtimant a. having re- nown. —man (nom.sg.) III. 13.4. ku-, see Wh.Gr. 504. kutu mba n . household, family. -be (loc.sg.) VIII.15.1. kutas interr.adv. whc?ice, xvhy,hozu. V.11.5. VI. 3.3. 52 kumara — N/kr (skr) kumara m. boy ^ youth. — rasya (gen.sg.) V.3.6. -ra (voc.sg.) V.3.1. kuru m. nm.pr. ; pi. tJic ^eo^le of Ktiru. -run (acc.pl.) IV. 17.9. -rusu (loc.pl.) I.io.i. kula n. hei'd^ fa7nily ^ g uild^ abode. -le (loc.sg.) III. 13.6. V.12.1,2; 13.1,2; 14. 2 ; 15.2 ; 16.2 ; 17.2. kulmasa m. sour gruel (of fruits, etc.). — sas (nom.pl.) 1. 10.7. -san (acc.pl.) 1. 10.2. kUQala a. ivell^ able, clever, versed in ^ n.acc. as adv. xvell. —lam (acc.sg.n.) IV. 10. 2,4. -las (nom.pl.) I.8.i(2t.). ■v/kr (skr) do, tnake (in the various uses of these words). karoti (pres.ind.act.sg.) 1.3.5. V.8.I. VII.21. i; 22.i(3t.). kurutas (pres.ind.act.du.) I.i.io(2t.). -rvanti (pres.ind.act.pl.) IV.i.4,6; 15.5. -rute (pres.ind.mid.sg.) VI. 16.1,2. VII.3.1; 14.1. karavani ( pres.subj.act. sg.) VI.3.3. kuryat (pres.opt.act.sg.) II.24.2(2t.). -rviya (pres.opt.mid.sg.) VII.3.1. -rvita (pres.opt.mid.sg.) III. 14. 1. IV. 17. 10. akarot (impf.ind.act.sg.) VI.3.4. cakara (perf.ind.act.sg.) 1. 2. 13 ; 12.3. IV. 6. 1 ; 7.1 ; 8.1. V.3.6, 7 ; II. 3,5. VI.13.1,2, -krus ( perf.ind.act.pl. ) V.ii.i,2.VI.4.5,6(3t.), 7- -kre ( perf.ind.mid.sg. ) 1.2.10,1 1,12. IV. 1. 1 ; 4.1 ; 10.2. -kratc (perf.ind.mid.du.) VIII.8.[,2. -krire (perf.ind.mid.pl.) 1-2.2,3,4,5,6,7; lo.ii. akarsit (aor.ind.act.sg.) VI.16.1. krta pass.ppl., which see. -tvagrd. VII.21.1.VIII. 15.1. karayam (caus.vbl.f.acc. sg-) V.I 1.5. krcchrin — \/klp 53 — |-"P^ l^>'ing near, pre- sent. upakrtc (pass.ppl.loc.sg.) IV.i6.2,4. — (-nira separate, select. nirakrtya grd. IV.4.5. — (-vya separate, divide. vyakaravani (pres.subj. act.sg.) VI. 3. 2. —rot (impf.ind.act. sg.) VI.3-3- — [-pari make ready ^ adorn. pariskrta pass.ppl., which see. [-sam ptit togetJicr^ consecrate, adorn (cf. Sanskrit^. sariiskaroti (pres.incLact. sg.) IV. 16.2,3. — kurvanti ( pres.ind.act. pi.) IV. 16.4. VIII.8.5. — (-hiu say hiii, loxv (as cow to calf), hinkurvanti (pres.ind.act. pi.) II.9.2. —ncakrus (perf.ind.act.pl.) 1. 12.4. krcchrin a. finding t rouble; see mithunin. -rl (nom.sg.) V.3.7. krta a. done^ proper; n. stake at game., hicky side (four-spot) of die, best throw at dice. -tarn (nom.sg.n.) IV. 3. 8(2t.). -taya (dat.sg. ) IV. 1.4,6. krtatman a. 'witJi self com- plete. -ma (nom.sg.) VIII. 13. I. krti f. doing., action, pro- duction., xvork. -tis (nom.sg.) VII.21.1. -tim (acc.sg.) VII. 21. i. krQa a. lean, weak. -fanam (gen.pl.) IV.4.5. krsna a. black. • • • -nam (nom.sg.n.) III. 3. 3. VI.4. 1,2,3,4,6. -nay a (dat.sg.) III. 17. 6. krsnayasa n. iro7i. —sam (nom.sg.) VI. 1.6. v'klp he in order, corre- spond,fall to the share of kalpante (pres.ind.mid. pi.) II.2.3; 5.2. — 1_ sam succeed, pros- per ; caws. Join tog- eth- er, determiiie, i?7zag- ine. sarhkalpate (pres.ind.mid. sg.) VII.4.2(4t.). 54 kaikeya — kva — pante (pres.ind.mid.pl,) VII.4.2(3t.). samakalpetam (impf.ind. mid.du.) VII.4.2(2t.). — panta (impf.ind.mid.pl.) VII.4.2. sariikljitan (pass.ppl.acc. pi.) VII.4.3. — kalpayati (pres.ind.aCt. sg.caus.) 1.2.6. VII. 4.1 ; 5.1. kaikeya m.nm.pr. — yas (nom.sg.) V.11.4. kola n. Kola-frtiit, -Ic (acc.du.) VII.3.1. ko^a m. cash^ chesty buck- et j (scabbard^ seedcuf^ womb^ storeroonz^ an- thology^. -9as (nom.sg.) III. 15.1 (2t.). -9am (acc.sg.) II 1. 1 5.3. kausitaki m.nm.pr. -kis (nom.sg.) 1.5.2,4. kratu m. power ^ iiisigJit^ zvisdom. — tnm (acc.sg.) 111.14,1. kratumaya a. endoived with wisdom. —yas (nom.sg.m.) III. 14.1. \/krani stride^ go^ come. ^a tread zipo9t, ascend. akramatc (pres.ind.mid. sg.) VIII.6.5. f-ud ascend.^ depart. utkramati (pres.ind.act. sg.) VIII.6.5. -manti ( pres.ind.act.pl. ) 1.2.9. iiccakrama (perf.ind.act. sg.) V. 1.8,9,10,1 1, utkramis (unaug.aor.ind. act.sg.) V.I. 1 2. udakramisyat (cond.ind. act.sg.) V,i4,2. ntkrantc(pass.ppl.loc.sg.) V.I. 7. uccikramisan (pres.ppl. des. nom.sg.) V.i.i2. |-prati return. praticakrame (perf.ind. mid.sg.) IV. 2. 1, 3. -mire (perf.ind.mid.pl.) V.I 1.7. \/krid play^ sport. kridan (pres.ppl. nom.sg.) VIII.12.3. kraunca (m. curlew^ a. of a curlew^ curlew's. —cam (nom.sg.n.) II. 22. I. kva intcrr.adv. 'where, nvhithcr ; indef.w. ca any w her e. II. 24. 2. VI.2.3,4; 8.4,6. ksattr khadyotamatra 55 ksattr in. cntter. attendant. — tfi (nom.sg.) I A^. 1. 7,8. — tarain (acc.sg-.) IV. 1.5. ksatra n. ndc^ second or ivarrlor caste; 77icni- ber of warrior caste. -rasya (gen.sg ) V.3.7. ksatravidya f. science of warrior caste. — (nom.sg.) VII. 1. 4. -yam (accsg.) VII. 1.2; 2.1 ; 7.1. ksatriyayoni f. birth- sta- tion of a rtiler. -nim (acc.sg.) V.10.7. ksayyaloka a. having a perishable world. -kas (nom.pl.) VII. 25. 2. \/ksar fow, g-lide^ melt atvay. — |-vi_y7cw asunder. vyaksarat (impf.ind.act. sg.) III. 1.4; 2.3; 3. 3; 4-3; 5-3- \/ksi, ksi destt'oy. ksTyate ( pres.ind.pass.- mid.sg.) VIII.i.6(2t.); 6.5. -yante (pres.ind.pass.pl.) I V.I 1.2; 12.2; 13.2. ksudra a. small. -rfini (nom.pl.n.) _V.io.8. -s/ksudh be hungry. ksudhitas ( pass. ppl. cans. (?)nom.pl.) V.24.5. ■v/ksubh tremble, be in mo- tiofi. ksobhate (pres.ind.mid. sg-) ni.5.3. ksetra n. feld, land. -rant (acc.pl.) VII. 24. ksetrabhaga m. piece of land. -gam (acc.sg.) VIII. 1.5. KH kha n. hole., opening (csp. in hub of wheel or in human body), organ of sense; void space., sky., air. kham (nom. -acc.sg.) IV. io.5(4t.). [khanda a. broken; m. break, section (of book).] khadyotamatra a. as large as a {^glowing, flying insect^ fre-fy. -ras (nom.sg.m.) VI. 7. 3- -ram(acc.sg.m.) VI. 7.5* 56 khalu — gandharvas khalu continuatlve or emph.pcl. now^ indeed^ verily, I.i.io; 3-356, 8; 5-i'5- II.i-i(2t.); 9.1,8; 10,1. III. 14.1 (2t.). V.2.7 ; 10.6; 18. 1. VI. 2. 2 ; 3.1,4; 4.7; 6.2; 8.2,4,6; 9. 2; 10.2; 11.2. VIII. 6.5; 9.1,2; 11.1,2; 15. 1. \/khad bite., chew., eat. khadantam (pres.ppl.act. acc.sg.) 1.10.2. -ditva grd. 1.10.5,7. ■s/khid depress (fig.). [-sam impress tog-ether') tear out together. samkhidet (pres.opt.act. sg.) V.1.12. samakhidat (impf. ind. act.sg.) V.1.12. \/khya appear., see. — (-anuvya show dis- criminately further., explain. anuvyakhyasyami (fut. ind. act.sg.) VIII.9.3 ; 10.4; 11.3. |-pari behold., observe. parilvhyayate (pres.ind. pass.sg.) VIII.7.4.(2t.). gata a. gone; n. going., extension. —tarn (nom.sg.n.) VII. 1.5; 2.2; 3.2; 4.3; 5. 3 ; 6.2 ; 7.2 ; 8.2 ; 9.2 ; 10.2 ; 1 1.2 ; 12.2 ; 13.2 ; 14.2. gati f . goings path., origin. -tis (iiom.sg.) 1.8.4(41.), 5(2t.),7(2t.); 9.1. — tim (acc.sg.) IV. 14. I. gandha m. smell., odor. -dhaya (dat.sg. as inf.) VIII. 1 2.4. gandhamalya n. odors and garlands. -ye (nom.dii.) VIII. 2. 6. gandhamalyaloka m. world of odors and garlands. -kcna (instr.sg.) VIII. 2.6. gandhamalyalokakama a. desirous of the world of odors a7id garlands. —mas (nom.sg.) VIII. 2.6. gandharvas m.pl. the heav- gandhara— \/i ga 57 enly singers^ the Gandharvas. 1 1 . 2 1 . i . gandhara m. nm.pr. -ras (uoin.pl.) VI. 14.2. -ran (ace, pi.) VI. 14.2. -rebhyas (abl.pl.) VI. 14.1. -\/gain go^ come^ arrive at. gacchati (pres.ind.act.sg.) II. 13. 1 ; 20.2. IV. 15. I ; 17.9. V.3.7. VIII. 6.2,5. -chanti (pres.ind.act.pl.) VIII.3.2; 6.2. — cheyus (pres.opt.aet.pl.) II. 1.4. III. 19.4. jagama (perf.ind.aet.sg.) VIII.8.4. aganma (aor.ind.act.pl.) III.17.7. gata pass.ppL, which see. -tva grd. VIII.3.2. gamay ati (pres.ind.act.sg. cans.) IV. 15. 6. V. 10.2. — yanti (pres.ind.act.pl. cans.) VI.9. 1. — yatu (imv.act.sg.caus.) V.2.6. jigamiset (pres.opt.act. sg.des.) V.2.4. — (-a come to^ arrive at^ return. agacchamahe (pres.ind. mid.pl.) V 1.10.2. -chet (pres.opt.act.sg.) V.I9.1. ajagama (i^erf.ind.act.sg.) IV.15.1. -gmatus(perf.ind.act.du.) VIII.7.2. agamas (aor.ind.act.sg.) VIII. 9. 2 ; 10.3; 1 1.2. -misyas (cond.ind.act. sg.) V.12.2; 13.2; 14.2; 15.2; 16.2; 17. 2. -mya grd, VI.io.i, — f-abhya visit. abhyagacchama (pres. subj,act,pl,) V, 1 1,2,4, -ajagmus (perf,ind.act. pi.) V.I 1.2,4. (-sama come together., meet. samagacchatas (pres.ind. act.du.) 1. 1. 6. garbha m. womb., fcetus., offspring. -bhas (nom.sg.) V.8.2 ; 9.1. —bhas (nom.pl.) II.9.6. ■v/i ga go., conic. agas (aor.ind.act.sg.) IV. 4-5- — \-ad\\i yall into j study. 58 v/2 ga— gayatri adhyagisthas (aor.ind. mid.sg.) VII. 1.3. — |-apa go axvay^ van- ish. apagat (aor.ind.act.sg.) VI.4.1,2,3,4. |-abhi approach^ ob- tain, abhigam (unaug.aor.ind. act.sg.) VIII.i4.i(2t.). [-upa approach^ come to. upagat (aor.ind. act.sg.) II.I.2(4t.). »/2 ga sing^ chaitt. gayati(pres.ind. act.sg.) I. 3.4;7.7(2t.),9(2t.). III. 12. 1, -yanti (pres.ind.act.pl.) I.7.6(2t.) ; 1 1.7. giyate (pres.ind.pass.sg.) 1.6.1,2,3,4,5; 7.1,2,3,4. — (-abhi sing or call to^ praise with song. abhigayati (pres.ind.act. sg.) 11.24.3,7,11. — yatat (pres.-fut.imv.act. sg.) 1.5.4. abhyagasisam (aor.ind. act.sg.) 1.5.2,4. — [-a gain by sitiging. agayati (pres.ind. act.sg.) 1.2.1^. — yani (pres. sub j. act.sg.) 1.7.9. II.22.2(2t.). —yet (pres.opt.act.sg.) II. 23.2. — yatu (iniv. act.sg.) I. 12.2. — |-ud chant, intone. udgayati (pres.ind.act. sg.) 1.1.1,9; 3-i'4; 4.1. — gasyasi (fut.ind.act.sg.) 1. 10.10; II. 6. udagasyas (cond.ind.act. sg.) I.I 1.7. gatr m. singer. -ta (nom.sg.) 1.6.8. gatha f. song, religious verse. —(nom.sg.) IV. 1 7.9. 1 gayatra n. song, hymn, sacred verse. —ram (nom.-acc.sg.) II. 1 1.1,2. 2 gayatra a. in or connect- ed with the Gayatrl. —ram (nom.sg.)i.) III. 16. 1. gayatri f. a cert, sacred verse/ the meter there- of (consisting of 3x8 • S7IL). —(nom.sg. ) 1 1 1 . 1 2 . 1 . (2t.),3,5; 16.1. garhapatya garhapatya m. sacred Jire of the Ji oil's eholder. — yas (nom.sg.) IV.ii. I. V.18.2. -yasya (gcn.sg.) II.34.3. -ye (loc.sg.) IV. 1 7.4. gir £. pt-alse^ speech^ word. -ras (nom.pl.) 1. 3. 6. gi 2nd syl. of udgitha. 1. 3. 6,7 (3t.). Cf. gir nom. of gir. gitavadita n. song- and mu- sic. -te (nom.du.) VIII. 3.8. gitavaditaloka m. ivorldof sono- and 7imsic. -kena(instr.sg-.)A^III.3.S. gitavaditalokakama a. de- sirous of the xuorid of song' and imisic. -mas (nom.sg.m.) VIII. 2.8. ■v/gup keep., protect ; des. beware of., shun. jugupseta (pres.opt.mid. sg.des.) V.10.8. guru a. heavy., venerable ^ m. venerable person., csp. teacher. -ros (gen.sg.) V.10.9. VIII.15.1. guhya grdv. to be covered j hidden., secret. — gautama 59 -yas (nom.pl.) T "^ v/gr sxvallow. III.5. jagara ( pcrf .ind.act.sg. ) IV.3.6. gesna m. singer. -nau (nom.du.) I.6.S ; 7.5(3t.). go m. f. bull^ ox., cow. gavas (nom.pl.) II.6.1 ; 18.1. gas (acc.pl.) IV .4.5 ; 6. i(3t.); 7.i(3t. ); S.I (2t.) gobhis (i nstr.pl. ^ IV. 2.3. gavam (gcn.pl.) IV. 3. 1,2,3,4. goaQVa n. cows and horses. -vam (acc.sg.) VII. 24.3. gonaya m. cow-leader. -yas (nom.sg.) VI.S.3,5. gopa m. coxv-keeper., pro- tector. -pas (nom.sg.) IV.3.6. gO^ruti m.nm.pr. -taye (dat.sg.) V.2.3. gautama m, nm.pr. -mas (nom.sg.) V.3.6. -mam (acc.sg.) IV. 4. 3. -ma (voc.sg.) V.3.6,7 ; 4.1 ; 5.1 ; 6.1 ; 7.1 ; 8. I ; 17.1. 6o v/grabh — ghrana \/grabh, gxah g-rasp^ seize. |-api shut. a^Digrhya grd. III. 13.8. 1- a cheeky control., draiv in. agrhya grd. VII. 11. i. — f-ud lift zip^ cease (cf. ''■let 2/5^," '■'hold zip""). udgrhnati (pres.ind.act. [-upod lift up towards. iipodgrhnan ( pres. p i? 1 . act.nom.sg.) IV. 2. 5. — [-pari embrace., sur- round. parigrhitam ( pass, p p 1 . acc.sg.f.) III. I 1 .6. j-pratl seize hold of. pratigrhnati (pres. i n d. act.sg.) VI. 16. 1,2. -^rl-iya. grd. 1. 10.5. grama m. dwelling -place., village. —mas (nom.sg.) IV. 3.4. —mam (acc.sg.) VI. 14.2. -mat (abl.sg.) VI. 14.2. -me (loc.sg.) V.10.3. —man (acc.pl.) VIII. 6.2. grisma in. summer. -mas (nom.sg.) II-5'i ; 1 6. 1. glava m. nm.pr. i. 12. 1,3. -vas (nom.sg.) GH ghora m. nm.pr. -ras (nom.sg.) III. 17.6. ghosa m. noise, t u tn ti It , sound, -sas (noni.pl.) 111.19.3 (2t.),4. ghosavant a. so7za?tt. — ntas (nom.pl.) II. 22. 5. x/ghra smell. jighrati (pres.ind.act.sg.) 1.2.2. —rani ( pres. subj. act.sg.) VIII.12.4. ghrana n. nose. —nam (noin.sg.) VIII. 12.4. ca — caksusya 6i ca cncl.conj. arid, l.i.5(4t.),8,io(4t.); 3.2 (2t.),3(2t.),4(2t.),5(2t.), 6(2t.),8; 3.3(3t.); 6. 8(5t.);7-6(3t.)'7(3t-)' 8(3t.); 10.3. II.i.4(2t.); 2.3(2t.); 8. i; i5.2(2t.); 24.i(2t.), I4(2t.),l6(2t.). III.i2.i(3t.),6; i3.2(2t.), 4(2t.),5(2t.),S(2t.); 15.4; l8.l(2t.),2(2t.), 3(4t.),4(4t.),5(4t.),6 4(2t.). IV.i.4,6; 3.5(2t.); 5.3 10.5(41.); II.2(2t.) I3.3(2t.); I3.2(2t.) i4.i(2t.); i5.5(2t.) i6.i(2t.) ; 17.10. V.i.i(6t.),3(2t.),4(2t.); 2.2(2t.); 3.3; 10.1,9 (3t-); ^5-i(-t.); ly-i (2t.); 19.2(31.); 30.3 (3t-); 2I.2(3t.) 33.3 (3t.); 23.2(31.). VI.3.3; 7.4. VII.1.3; 2.i(i8t.),4; 3. i(6t.); 4.3(4t.); 7.1 (32t.); S.i(3t.); lo.i (2t.); ii.i(2t.); 14.1 (4t.); 26.2(6t.). VIILi.3(4t.),4(2t.),6 (2t.); 3.2(3t.); 5.3 (2t.),4(2t.); 6.2(4t.), 6(3t.);7.l(2t.),2(2t.), 3(3t.),4 ; 8.4 ; 13.6(41.); I5.l(3t.). cakra n. %vheel. -reiia (instr.sg^.) IV. 16. 3- -rabhyani (iustr.du.) IV. 16.5. \/caks appear^ see, shine. — [_a proclaim^ name, call. acaksate (pres.ind.mid. pi.) 1.3.3,6. II. I. 1. IV.15.3. V.i.i5(2t.). VI.8.1,3,5. VII.24.2; 36.3(3t.). VII I. 5. I (3t.),3(3t.),3(3t.). caksus a. eye. -(nom.-acc.sg.) 1. 2.4; 7. 2(3t.). II. 7. 1 ; I I.I. III. 13. 1 ; 18.3,5. IV. 3.3; 8.3. V.i.3,9(3t.), 13; 7-1 ; 13-2; i^^-2; 19.2. VIII.i2.4(2t.),5. — susa (instr.sg.) V.1.8, 10,11. VIII.13.5. -susi (loc.sg.) V.19.3. -suiisi (nom.pl.) V.i.15. caksusya a. agreeable to candala — catuspad the eyes, pleasant to see. — yas (nom.sg.m.) III. 13.S. candala m. a Candala. out- • • • * ' cast. -laya (dat.sg.) V.24.4. candalayoni f. birth-station of a Candala. — nim (acc.sg.) V.10.7. Catur num. a. four. — tvaras (nom.pl.ni.) V. 10.9. — turas (acc.pl. m.) IV. 3.6. caturaksara n. a complex of four syllables. -ram (nom.sg.) II. 10. 2,3- caturtha num. a. foiirth. — thas (nom.sg.m.) III. i^-35455A VII.1.4. — tham (nom.sg.n., acc.sg. m.) III.9.1. VII. 1. 2; 2.1 ; 7.1. — thim (acc.sg.f. ) V.22. I. [caturdaQa num. a. four- teenth.'] [caturvinga num. a. tweiztv- fourth.] caturvingati f. twenty-four. — tis (nom.sg.) III. 16. i. caturvin^ativarsa a. txven- ty -four years old. -sas (nom.sg.m.) VI. 1.2. caturvingatyaksara a. with twenty-four syllables. -ra (nom.sg.f.) III. 16.1. catu^catvariAgat f. forty- four. -(nom.sg.) III. 16.3. catugcatvarin^adaksara a. with forty-four sylla- bles. — ra (nom.sg.f.) III. 16. 3- catuh^ata (n.) num.a.yb^^r hundred. -tas (acc.pl.f.) IV.4.5. catuskala a. consisting oj four-sixteenths or one- fourth. -las (nom.sg.m.) IV.5. 2; 6.3; 7.3; 8.3. -lam (acc.sg. m.) IV. 5. 3(2t.); 6.4(2t.); 7.4 (2t.); 8.4(2t.). catUSpada a. fotir-footed; with four padas or verses. -da (nom.sg.f.) III. 12. 5. catuspad a. four -footed, XV it h four qtiarters or fourths. cana >,/car —pat (nom.sg. n.) III. 18.2. cana adv.postp. also not^ not even (w.neg. and interr. ^ n e g . i n d e f . ) . II. 13. 2. 111.11.2,6. IV. 9.3. V.2.1 ; 3.5(2t.) ; 10.8. VI.4.5 ; 1 2. 1. VII.13.1. VIII.6.3. candra m. moon. — ras (nom.sg.) IV. 3.1 ; 7.3. VIII.13.1. -rat (abl.sg.) VI.4.3. candratva n. quality of the nioon^ brightness. — vam (nom.sg.) VI.4.3. candramas m. moon. —mas (nom.sg.) 1. 6.4 (2t.) ; 13. 1. 11.20 I. III. 13.2. IV. 12. 1. V. 4.1 ; 20.3(2t.). — masam (acc.sg. ) IV. 15.5. V.io.2,4. — masas (abl.- gen.sg. ) IV.15.5. V.10.2. VI. 4-3- -masi (loc.sg.) IV. 12. I. V.20.2. \/cam sip. — |-a sip (water), ri/isc the motith. acamati (pres.ind.act.sg.) V 2.7(4t). -met ( pres.opt.act.sg. ) II. 12. 2. -ma (imv.act.sg.) VI. camasa m. drinking ves- sel^ wooden cup. -sam (acc.sg.) V.2.8. \/car go^ movc^ tvalk^ roam^ go to^ engage in. carati (pres.ind.act.sg.) III. 17.3. VIII. lo.i. -ranti (pres.ind.act.pl.) VII.ii.i. -ret (pres.opt.act.sg.) V. 1 1.6. —rant! ( pres.ppl.act.nom. sg.f.) IV.4.2,4. — -|-a behave^ deal xuith. acaran (pres.ppl.act.nom. sg.m.) V. 10.9,10. f-pari attend^ serve., care for. paricaran ( pres.ppl.act. nom.sg.m.) VII. 8.1. VIII.8.4. -ricacara ( perf . ind. act. sg.) IV. 1 0.1. — ryacarlt (aor.ind.act.sg.) IV. 10.2,4. f-sam meet, roa/?i over again. sariicarantas (pres.ppl. act.nom.pl.) VIII. 3. 2. 64 carman — caikitayana carman n. skin^ leather. -mana (instr.sg.) IV. 17.7. — mani (loc.sg.) V.2.8. cakrayana m.nm.pr. — nas (nom.sg.) I.io. i ; II. I. caksusa a. bclojiging to the eye^ visible. — sas (noni.sg.m.) VIII. 12.4. v/cit observe^ strive after • cans, remind; cans, mid. reflect^ consider., think., tcnderstand. cetayate (pres.ind.mid. sg.caus.) VII. 5. 1, citta pass.ppL, which see. citta a. observed., thought., striven after., under- stood; n. attentioti., understandings rea- S071. —tarn ( nom.-acc.sg.n. ) VII.5.i,3(4t.),3(2t.); 26.1. -tat (abl.sg.n.) VII. 5. 3(2t.); 6.1. — tasya (gen.sg.n.) VII. 5-3- — te (loc.sg. n.) VII. 5. 2. -tan (acc.pl.m.) A^II.5. 3- cittavant a. having under- standing or reason., sensible. —van (nom.sg.) VII.5. 2. cittatmaka a. having at- tention or reason as nature. — kani ( nom.pl. n.) VII. 5.2. cittaikayana a. having meeting' place in at- tention or reason. -nani (nom.pl. n.) VII. 5.2. cid encl.pcl. eve?i.,also (w. interr.= indef.). III. 16.2,4,6. V.2.I. VII. 15.2. cira a. long., lasting ; n. as subst. delay ; n. as adv. long time. -ram ( noni.-acc.sg.n. ) V.3.7. VL14.2. ced conj. and ; if. See ca and id. 1.10.9,10,11; 11.4,5,6,7,8,9. III. 16. 2,4,6. VIL15.4. VIII. I.2,4(2t.). caikitayana m.nm.pr. —nas (nom.sg.) 1.8. i. -nam ( acc.sg. ) I.8.3, 6. v/chad— Vjan 65 CH \/chad cover. acchadayan (impf.incl. act. pi. cans.) I.4.2. chandas n. delight^ wisli^ holy song. -(acc.sg.) 1.3. 10. -dasa (instr.sg.) 1. 3. 10. -dobhis (instr.pl.) L4.2. -dasam (gen.pl.) I.4.2. chandastva n. quality or essence of holy song. -vam (nom.sg.) I.4.2. -\/cha cut or tear up. — f-vi ctit or fear in pieces. vicchayayanti (prcs.ind. act.pl.caus.) VI 11. 10. 2,4. [ chandogya a. derivedfrom Chandoga y n. h is teaching.^ -v/chid ctit or tear off. — (-vi cut or tear in pieces. vicchetsyatc (fut.ind.mid. sg.) VI.7.1. \/jaks laugJi. jaksiti (pres.ind.act.sg.) 111.17.3. -sat ( pres.ppl.act.nom. sg.m.) VIII. 12.3. jagat a. moving., alive; f. a cert, meter (of 4x12 syll.). -ti (nom.sg. f.) III. 16.5. jaghana m.n. hinder parts., hips., p7ide7tda ; instr. as adv. -prep, behind. -nena (instr.sg.) II. 24. -v/jan, ja {beget), be bom. jay ate (pres.ind. m i d .- pass.sg., Wh.Gr. 761. b) II.3.1 ; 12. 1 ; 15. 1. III.13.6. V.9.1. VI. 2.4. VII. 12. 1, -yante (pres.ind.mid.pl.) V.10.6. VI.2.3. -yeta (pres.opt.mid.sg.) VI. 2. 2. -yeran (pres.opt.mid.pl.) V.2.3. -yasva (imv.mid.sg.) V. 10.8. -yam anam ( p r e s . p p 1 . mid. ace. sg.m.) III. 19. 3- ajayata (impf.ind.mid. sg.) III. 1.3; 2.2; 3.2; I9-3- VI.2.1. jatas (pass.ppl.nom.sg.) V.9.2. 66 jana — jihva — |-abhi 6e lorn or des- tined for. abhijayate (pres.ind.mid. sg.) VII. 12. 1. hpra {begcf^^ spring forth^ be born again. prajayate (prcp.ind.mid. sg.) II.13.2. -yeya (pres.opt.mid.sg.) VI.2.3(2t.). — yemahi (pres.opt.mid. pi.) VI.3.4. jana m.nm.pr. --nas (nom.sg.) V.ii.i. —nam (acc.sg.) \".i5.i. janapada m. district^ conn- t/y^ people. -dam (acc.sg.) VIII. 1.5. -de (loc.sg.) V.I 1.5. janitr m. progenitor. -ta (nom.sg.) IV. 3. 7. ■v/ jap %u /lisp c r ( e s p . prayers), japati (pres.ind.act.sg.) V.2.6. jabala f.nm.pr. -(nom.sg.) IV.4.2,4. —lam (acc.sg.) IV.4. i. jaya m. victory. — yas (nom.sg.) II. 10.6. —yam (acc.sg.) II. 10.6. jara f. wearing out., decay., old age. -(nom.sg.) VIII. 1.4; 4.1. — raya (instr.sg.) VIII. jarayu n. cast-off skin of scrpe7it ^ onter skin of egg or embryo; cho- rion. —(nom.sg.) III. 19.3. jagata a. in or connected with the Jagati. — tam (nom.sg.n.) III. 16.5. janagruti m.nm.pr. -tis (nom.sg.) IV.i.i, 5; 2.1,3. — tes (gen.sg.) IV. 1.2. jabala m.nm.pr. -las (nom.sg.) IV.4. i, 2,4. A^2.3. -Ic (loc.sg.) IV.IO.I. jaya f. xvife. -(nom.sg.) 1. 10.7. IV. 2.4; 10.2. -yaya (instr.sg.) I.io.i. -yayas (gen.sg.) 1. 10.5. v/ji xvin., conqzier. jayati (pres.ind.act.sg.) 1.9.2. IT.7.2 ; 10.5. IV.5.3; 6.4; 7.4; 8.4. jesyantas (fut. ppl .act. nom.pl.) VIII.8.5. jihva f. tongne. i/jiv — >/jfla 67 — (nom.sg. ) V.7.1. \/jiv live. jivati (pfes.ind.act.sg.) II. I 1.2 ; 13.3 ; 13,3 ; 14.3 ; 15.3 ; 16.3 ; 17.3 ; 18.3 ; 19.3 ; 30.3. III. 16.7. IV. II. 3; 13.3; 13.3. V.9.3. — vanti (pres.ind.act.pl.) I.I 1.9,. —vet ( prcs.opt.act.sg. ) VII.9.1. —van (pres.ppl.act.nom. sg.) VI.ii.i(3t.). ajivat (impf.ind.act.sg.) III.16.7. — visyam (cond.ind.act. sg.) 1. 10.4. jivitum (m.acc.sg. as inf.) V.i.S,9,io,i I. f-upa live upon. vipajivanti ( pres.ind.act. pi.) III.6.1 ; 7.1; 8.1 ; 9.1 ; lo.i. VIII. 1.5. jiva a. Ih-hig; m. life-, spirit., self. — vas (nom.sg.) VI.ii. 2,3- -vena (instr.sg.) VI. 3. 3,3; II. I. —vas (nom.pl.) VIII. 3. 3. jivaja a. born alive or from the womb. —jam (nom.sg.n.) \'I. 3-I- jivana a. vivifying ; n. life. —nam (nom.sg.n.) I.9. 4- 0' jivapeta a. with life gone away, lifeless. -tam (nom.sg.n.) VI. 1 1.3. juhu f. {tongue ^ tongue of Agni^ flmne J sacrif- cial ladle^ / eastern side flfthexvorld-souPs case. -hUs (nom.sg.) III. 15.2. ■\/jr decay., groxv old. jlryati (pres.ind.act.sg.) III.15.1. VIII. 1.5. jaivali m.nm.pr. -lis (nom.sg.) 1. 8.1, 3,8. V ^ T \/jna knoxu., perceive. janasi (pres.ind.act.sg.) VI.i5.i(3t.). VIII.6. 4(3t.). -nati ( pres.ind.act.sg. ) VI.15.1,3. VIII.6.4; 1 1.1,3. -nani (pres.subj.act.sg.) III. 14. 1, -nlvat ( prcs.opt.act.sg. ) V.3.9. 68 jnatr — jnanavant jnapayate (pres.ind.mid. sg.caus.) II. 13. 1. (-anil per /int. anujanati (pres.ind.act. sg.) 1. 1. 8. — [-a attend to., itotice' cans, command. ajnapayam (caus.vbl.f. acc.sg.) V.3.7. — (- prati recognize., agree j mid. answer., confess. pratijajiic (perf.ind.mid. sg.) IV.i.S;9.2; 14.3. — |-vi discern., under - standy cans, report. vijanami ( pres.ind.act. sg.) IV.io.5(2t.). -nati (pres.ind.act. sg.) I. 2.9. III.13.S. VII.7. i(2t.); 13.1; 17.1; i8.i(3t.); 24.i(2t. ). VIII.6.3; 7.1,3; ii.i ; 12.6. — nlthas (pres.ind.act.du.) VIII.8.1. — nlyus (pres.opt.act.pl.) VII.l3.i(2t.). -nihi (imv.act.sg.) VI. 3-4 3 4-7; 8.i,3(2t.),5. —nan (pres.ppl.act.nom. sg.) VII.15.4; 17. 1 ; 25.2. -natas (pres.ppl.act.gen. sg.) VII. 26. 1, vijajiiau (pcrf.ind.act.sg.) VI.7.6(2t.) ; i6.3(2t.). vijnasyasi ( fut.ind.act. sg.) VI.7.4. -atam (pass.ppl.nom„sg. n.) VI. 1. 3,4,5,6. vijijiiase (pres.ind.mid. sg.des.) VII.16.1 ; 17. I ; 18.1 ; 19. 1 ; 20.1 ; 21. 1 ; 22.1 ; 33.1. vijnapayati (pres.ind.act. sg.caus.) VII.2.l(2t.). -yatu (imv.act.sg.caus. ) VI.5.4 ; 6.5 ; 8.7 ; 9.4 ; 10.3; 11.3; 12.3; 13.3; H-3; 15-3; i6-3- vyajnapayisyata (cond. ind.mld.sg.caus.) VII. 2.1. jnatr m. knower. -ta (nom.sg.) VIII. 5.1. jnati m. near relative^ kins- man. -tayas (nom.pl.) VI. 15.1. -tibhis (instr.pl.) VIII. 12.3. jnanavant a. intelligent., wise; where wisdom is. — vatas (acc.pl.) VII. 7. 2. jyayans — ta 69 jyayans a. compar. great- er^ S7iperior^ older. -yan (nom.sg.m,) I.9.I. III.12.6; i4.3(4t.). — yas (nom.sg.n.) II.21. 3- jyestha a. supl. principal.^ dcsf, oldest. — thas (nom.sg.m.) V.I. i(2t.) ; 2.6. -tham (acc.sg.n.) V.i.i. -thaya (dat.sg.) III. 11. 4,5. V.2.4. jyaisthya n. prc'eminencc., pr i mogeniturc. —yam (acc.sg.) V.2.6. jyok adv. long. II. 1 1.2; 13.3; 13.2; 14.2; 15. 2 ; 16.2 ; 17.3 ; 1S.3 ; 19.2 ; 20.2. IV. 1 1.2 ; 13.2 13.2. jyotismant a. having light. -man (nom.sg.) IV. 7, 34(3t-)- -matas (acc.pl.) IV. 7.4. jyotis n. light. -(nom. -acc.sg.) III. 13.7 (2t.); i7.7(4t.). IV.i. 2. VIII.3.4; 12.3,3. — issi (instr.sg.) III.1S.3, -s/jval blaze^ glow. jvalati (pres.ind.act.sg.) II. 12. 1. -latas (pres.ppl.act.gcn. sg.) III. 1 3.8. — f-pra blaze forth^ ig- nite. prajvalTt (aor.ind.act.sg.) VI.7.6. prajvalayet (pres.opt.act. sg.caus.) VI. 7. 5. N nya m.nm.pr. of a cert. sea. -yas (nom.sg.) VIII.5.3. -yam (acc.sg.) VIII. 5. 4- ta- pron.st. 3 pers. hc^ she, it' this^ that (used I. both as subst. and a., 2. w.pron. of i or 2 pers., 3. w. other pron.) ; n. as adv. there., then^ therefoi'e , instr. as adv. there- fore j abl. as adv. tJiere- fore. sas (nom.sg.m.) I-I-3; 2.8(2t.),i3(2t.); 3.3 70 ta- (3t-).4.i2; 4.5; 5.1 (2t),5(2t.); 6.7,8; 7. 6,7(2t.); 8.2,3; 9.2 (2t),4; io.2,5,6(2t.),S; II. 2. II.1.4; 3.i(3t.); 4.i(4t.); 8.i(3t.),2 (3t-)5 9-,3'40'6,7; II. 2; i2.i(4t.),2; 13. i(4t.),2; 14.2; 15.1 (4t.),2- 16.2; 17.2; 18.2 ; 19.2 ; 20.3 ; 21. i(3t-)'2,4; 22.3,4(2t); 24.2,3,7,11(21.). III. 6. 3(2t.),4; 7-3(2t.):4; s. 3(2t.)4; 9-3(2t.).4; io.3(2t.),4; i2.7,S(2t.), 9; i3-K3t-)'2(2t.),3 (2t.),4(2t.),5(3t.),6; 14.1; i5.i,3(3t.),4; i6.2,4,6,7(2t.); 17. 1, 6(2t.); 18.3,4,5,6; 19. 2(2t.),3,4. I V.I. 1, 4 (2t.),5,6(2t.),7,8(3t.); 3.3,6(3t.) ; 4.3,3,4(2t.), 5; 5-3; 6.1,4; 7-I.4; 8.1,4; io.i,3(2t.),5; ll.l(2t.),2 ; 12.l(2t.), 2; I3.i(2t.),2; 16.2,3 (2t.),5(2t.); 17.3,3. V.I.7,12; 2.1,2,6(3t.), S; 34(2t.),5,6(3t.), 7; S.I ; 9.1,2; 10. 10; ii-3'5; J^-i ; ^9- I ; 24.1. VI. 1. 2,4,6; 5 2,3; 6.i,3,3(3t.),4; 7. 2(2t.),4; 8.2,6,7; 9.4 (2t.); io.i,3(2t.); II. i,3(2t.); i2.3(2t.); 13. ir3(2t.); 14-152,3(31.); i5-3(2t.); i6.i(3t.),2 (2t.),3(3t.). VII.1.3, 3(2t.),5; 2.2; 3.1,2; 4-2,3(2t); 5-3(2t.); 6. 2; 7.2(2t.) ; 8.1,2 ; 9. 2(2t.) ; 10.3; I 1 .2 (2t.); i2.2(2t.); 13.2; 14.2; 15.2,4; 16.1 ; 24. I(2t.); 25.l(7t.),2 (2t.) ; 36.2. VIII. 1.3, 5; 2.1,10; 3.3; 4.1; 6.4,5(2t.); 7-i(3t-)'3 (3t-); S.4; 9-2(2t.),3; io-K3t-),3(3t-)'4; II- i(3t.),3(3t.),3; 13.3 (3t-),4(4t-),5(2t.),6; i4.i(2t.); 15.1. tat (nom.-acc.sg.n.) I.i. 5,6,8(2t.); 3.1,4,5,6; 3.4,8,10; 4.3,4,5(3t.); 6.l(3t.),2(3t.),3(3t.),4 (2t.),5(2t.),6(2t.); 7. I(2t.),2(2t.),3(2t.),4 (4t.).5(6t.),6; 12.1,3. II.i.i(2t.),3(3t.),3(3t.); 3.2; 8.2; 9.2,3,4,5,6,7, 8(2t.); 10.1,2,3,4,5 ta- 7' (3t.); II. 2; 12.1,2; 13.1,3; 14.2; 15.1,2; 16.2 ; 17.2 ; 18.2 ; 19. 2; 20.2; 2i.i,3,4(3t.); 23.4. III.i.4(3t.); 2. 3(3t-); 3-3(3t-); 4-3 (3t-); 5-3(3t-); 6.1 (3t.); 7.1; 8.1; 9. i; lo.i; ii.i,4(2t. ), 5; 12.4(2t.),5,7(2t.), 9; I3.l( 3t.),3( 2t.), 3^4(2t.),5,7,8; 14. i; i5-i'4A7(2t.); i6. I(2t.),3(2t.),5(2t.), 7; 17-2,355'^; 1S.2; i9-i(5t-)'-'3- IV.1.2 (3t.),4(2t.),5,6(2t.), 7; 2.l(3t.),3(3t.); 3. 7,8; io.5(3t.); 14.3; i5-i'5; i7-4(2t.),5,6,7. 9(2t.). V. 1.9,10,11, 13 (2t.),i4(2t.); 2.1,3,7,9; 10.1,3,4,6,7,8; 19. 1 /^2t^2' ''OS" 2T ''• 22 2; 33.3; 34.i,3,4(3t.). VI.1.7; 2.i,3(5t.),4; 3.4; 4.i(3t.),3(3t.),3 (3t-)4(3t.).5'6(4t-)'7 (2t.); 5.i(3t.),2(3t.), 3; 6.1,2; 7.6; 8.2,3 (3t.),5(3t.),6,7(3t.); 9-34(2t.); io.2,3(2t.); ii.3(2t.); i2.3(2t.);' I3.l(2t.),2(3t.),3(2t.); H-3(2t.); i5-3(2t.); i6.3(3t.). VII.1.5; 2. -4; 3-2; 4-3; 5-3; 6. 3' ^ 1 ' 82* o''* in 3; ii.i(4t.),3; 12.2; 13.2; 14.2; 33.1; 34. i(3t.); 36.3. VIII. 1. 1 (3t.),3,3,6; 3.3(21.), 5(3t-); 4-2; 5-i(2t.). 2(2t.),3(5t.),4; 6.2,3, 6; 7.2; 8.1; 10.1,3; 11.1,3; 12.1,2; 14.1 (2t.); 15.1. sa (nom.sg.f.) 1.3.3,4; 6.5,6 ;7.4(3t.),5; 10.5; ii-4'5A7A9- III. 13. 2(2t.),3(2t.),5; 13.3; I9.2(2t.). IV.3.8; 4. 2( 2t. ),4(2t.). V.1.8 (3t.). VI.3.2,3; 5.3; 6.4; 7.6; II.2(3t.). tarn (acc.sg.m.) 1.2.3,7 (3t.), 10,11, 13,13; 3.1, 9,10; 5.3; 8.6,8; 9.3; 10.3,7 ; 13.2. 11.32.3 ; 24.2. III. 15.4; 16.2, 4,6; 19.3. IV.1.3,7,8; 2.1,34; 3-6 ;44.5(2t.); 6'»' '7 2" 82*02* TO 1,2,3; 11.2; 13.3; 13. 3; 14.1. V.I. 13; 3.1,4, 6,7(3t,);9.3; 10.4; 11.2 72 ta- (2t.),4(2t.),6(2t.). VI. i.i,3(2t.); 7.3,4(2t.),5 ; 12.2; 13.1,2; 14.1. VII.i.i,3(2t.); 15.4; 26.2(3t.). VIII. 1. 2,4, 5(2t.); 3.1; 5.1; 6.3, 4; 7'i'2,3(3t.); 9.2; 10,3 ; II. 2 ; i2.6(2t.). tarn (acc.sg.f.) 1. 2. 3 ; 3. 9(2t.), II : 10. 10,11; 11.4,5,6,7,8,9. II.33.3. V.3.6; 19.1; 20.1 ; 31. 1 ; 22,1 ; 23. I. VII.4.1 ; 5.1. tasiTiai (dat.sg.) 1. 12.2. 11.24.6,10,15,16. IV. 2.5 ; 3-5A^ ; 5-- ; 6.3 ; 7-3; ^-s; 9-3; 10.2,4; 14.3. v.3.6,7. V11.5. 2; 26.2. VIII.9.3;io. 4; II-3- tasyai (dat.sg. f.) I.2.11. tena (instr.sg.) 1.1.9,10; 2.3,4,5,6,9(2t.), 10, II, 12. II.9.l(2t.). III. 11.2. V.10.8. VI.7. 3,5. VII.i.i. VIII. 2.1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10; 3-5- taya ( instr.sg. f.) 1. 2. 3. IV.3.8.VL7.3,6.VII1. 6.6. tasmat (abl.sg.) 1.2.2,3, 4,5'6; 3-2,34(3t-); 5- 2,4; 6.i,2,3,4,5,8(2t.); 7-1,2,3,4,6,8. 11.9.2,3, 4,5,6,7.8, III. 17.5. IV. 3.8 ; 16.1 ; 17.10. V.2.2 ; 3.7 ; 10.8 ; 12. i; 13.1 ; 14.1; 15.1; 16.1 ; 17.1 ; 24.4. VI. 2.1,3,4; 8.1. VII.5.2; 6.1 ; 9.1 ; lo.i ; i i.l (2t.); 13.1. VIII.3.3, 5; 4.2(2t.); 8.5; 13.6. tasyas (abl.-gen.sg.f.) II. 23.3. IV.2.5; 17.3. V.4.2; 5.2; 6.1,2; 7. 2; 8.1,2. tasya (gen.sg.) I.i.i ; 4. I ; 6.7,8; 7.5. II.9.2. 111.1.1,2,3; 2.2; 3.2; 4.2; 5.2; 13.1,7,8; 15. 2; 16.1 ; 19.1,3. IV. lo.i ; 16.1. V.4.1 ; 5.1 ; 7.1 ; 18.3 ; 19.2 ; 20.2 ; 31.2 ; 22.2 ; 23.3 ; 24.2. VI.5.1,3; 8.4,6; 14.2 (2t. ); 15. 1 ; 16.1,2. VII.35.3; 36.1. VIII. 3-3,4- tasmiii (loc.sg.) II. 9. 3. III.15.1. V.3.9(2t.); A 2 ' C2-62- '72- 8 2; 10.5. VIII. 1. 1, taxi (nom.-acc.du.m.) I.i. tatas — tatha 73 6; 7.5. IV.3.4. VIII. 7.2,3(4t.); 8.i(3t.),2 (3t-)'3(2t.),4- te (nom.-acc.dii.n.) 111. 19. 1. VIII. 14. 1. tayos (gen.du.f.) IV. 16. 3. te (nom.pl.m.) 1. 2. 3 ; 4 3; 7.6(3t.); S.i; 9 3; lo.ii; i2.4(3t.) II-9-2,355A7- III-4-2 5.3,4; 6.2; 7.2; 8.2 9.3 ; 10.3 ; 13.6 ; 19.2 IV.3.5; 3.S; 10.5; 14 I. V.I. 7 ; 8.1 ; 10. 1 3,6,7(3t.); 11.1,2,6,7 VI.1.7; 9.2,3; 10.3 VII.6.i(3t.); 13.1 (3t.); 35.3. VIII.3.1 6.2(3t.) ; 7.3 ; 8.4. tani(nom.-acc.pl.n.) 1. 3. 5. II.9.4; 10.4; 23.4. III.3.2; 3.2; 5.4. V. 10.8. VII.4.2 ; 5.2. VIIL3.5; 1 1.3. tas (nom. -acc.pl. f.) III. i.2(3t.); 3.i(3t.); 3. i(3t.); 4.i(3t.); 5.1 (3t.); 17.1,4; 19.3. IV.4.5(2t.); 6.1; 7.1 ; 8.1. VI.2.4(2t.); 10. i(2t.). VIIL6.I. tan (acc.pl. m.) I.4.3 ; 7. 7'^; io-355'7; 12.3. II.9.8 ; 22.1. IV. [5.5. V.I. 7; 10.1,3; 11.4,7 (2t.) ; 18. 1, tais (instr.pl.) V.10.9, 10. tebhyas (dat.-abl.pl.) II. 21-3; 23.3,4. V.11.3, 5. VIII.8.4. tcsam (gcn.pl.) 1.6.8; 7.6. III.5.4(3t.). IV. 17. 1. V.3.5. VI. 3. 1. VII.4.2; 25.2. VIII. i.6(2t.); 3.1 ; 4.3(3t.); 5-4(2t.); 12.6. tasam (gen.pl.f.) III. 15. 3. IV.17.3. VI.3.3,4; 5.3. VIII.6.6. tatas adv. thence^ there- fore. II. 10.3. III. II. i,6(3t.); 13.6; 16.3,4, ^' VI. 7.3,5; 14.1; 16. 1,2. VII.1.1.VIII.1.4. tatra adv. there., then. I. 4.3 ; 10.8. 111. 1 1.2 ; 17.6. IV.6.1 ; 7.1 ; 8.1. V.2.9. VI.8.3,5; 9.3; 10. 1 ; 14.1. VII. 1.5 ; 2.2; 3.3; 4.3; 5.3; 6. 3 ; 7.3 ; 8.3 ; 9.3 ; 10. 3 ; 1 1.3 ; 13.3 ; 13.2 ; 14.3. VIII. 13. 3. tatha adv. so^ thus ; y^^ ) 74 tad — \/tap also. 1.8.3 ; 9.4(21.) III.14.1. V.3.5,7. VI 1-7; 54; 6.5; 8.7; 9 4; 10.3; 11.3; 12.3 13-152,3; 14.3; 16.3. '5-3 tad adv. there., see ta-. tada adv. at that tijiie., in that case. VI. 8. 1. VIII.6.3(2t.). v/tan, ta stretch (tr. and intr.). — (-a spread over., reach to. atatas (pass.ppl.nom.sg. m.) VIII.6.2. —tarn (pass.ppl.nom.sg. n.) IV. 1.2. — hpra extend. Dratayante(pres.ind.pass. pi. ; so BR., but see v/tay). — |-vi extend (weft or line); perforni (sacri- fice, from comparison w. weft). vitatam (pass.pj^l.acc.sg. m.) 1. 10.7. f-sam make continit- OtiS. samtanuta (imv.act.pl.) 111.16.2,4,6. \/tap be war in., blaze; beshine., heat; be in fain., do penance. tapati (pres.ind.act.sg.) 1.3.1. III.iS.3(2t.),4 (2t.),5(2t.),6(2t.). -pata (imv.act.pl.) VI. 16. 1, -pantam (pres.ppl.act. acc.sg.m.) II. 14.2. -ptas (pass.ppl.nom.sg. m.) IV. 10.2,4. -ptam (pass.ppl.acc.sg. m. ) VI. 16.1,2. -pyamanayas (pres.ppl. pass. gen. sg.f. ) IV. I7-3- -nanan^ (pres.ppl. pass. gen.pl.) IV. 17. 1, 2. — |-abhi ivann^ heat. abhitapati (pres.ind.act. sg.) VII. II. I. abhyatapat (impf.incLact. sg-) II.23.3( 2t. ),4. IV.17.1,2,3. -pan (impf.ind.act.pl.) III. 1.3; 2.2; 3.2; 4.2; 5-2- abhitaptasya (pass.ppl. gen.sg.) III. 1.3 ; 2.2 ; 3.2; 4.2; 5.2. -tayas (pass.ppl.abl.sg.f .) II.23.3. tapas tirtha 75 — tehhyas (pass.ppl.abl. pi.) 11.23.3,4. — \- upa ma^e /io^ /=pass. suffer^ becoine tinivell. upatapasi (pres.ind.act. sg.) III. 16.7. —pet ( pres.opt.act.sg. ) 111.16.2,4,6. — (-ni beam down tipo/i. nitapati (prcs.incLact.sg.) VII.ii.i. tapas n. heat ^ fenance; asceticisnt. -(nom.sg.) IT. 23. 2. Ill, 17.4. v.] 0.1. tamas n. darkness. -(acc.sg.) 1.3.1. — asas (abl.-gen.sg.) 1.3. I. III.17.7. VII.26. 2. tarhi adv. at that time; then^ in that case. I. 1 1.3. II. 24. 2, talpa m. bed^ couch. -pam (acc.sg.) V.10.9. tasmat adv. from that^ therefore; see ta-. tata in. father^ reverend^ dear. -(voc.sg.) IV. 4. 2. V. 3-5- tadrQ a. of this sort ; n.acc. as atlv. in this ivay^ so. -drk (acc.sg.n.) V,24, i. \/tay stretch. — hpra extend. pratayante (pres.ind.mid. pi.) VIII.6.2(2t.). tavant a. so o'rcat^so many^ tasting- so long; n.acc. as adv. sofor^ so long. —van (nom.sg.m.) Ill, 12.6, VIII.1.3. -vat (nom, -acc.sg, n,) I, 9,3; 1 1.3, 111,6,4; 7- 4( 2t, ) ; 8,4(21,) ;9.4 (2t.); io,4(2t.). V, 11,5, VI, 14,2 ; 15. 1. VIII.6.4,5. ti- 2nd syl. of sattiya. VIII.3.5. tiragcinavanga m. cross- beam; bee-hive. -fas (nom.sg.) Ill.i.r. tiryaiiC a. oblique^ hori- zontal. tirafcibhis ( instr.pl, f. ) VILii.i. tilamasa m. sesame fit ants and beans. -sas (nom.pl.) A^.io.6. tisras, see tri. tirtha m. (^passage, access; shrine) the right place or moment ; the right or holy way. 76 I tu— -v/trp -thebhyas (abl.pl.) VIII. 15.1. I tu postp.pcl. biit^ on the otJier hand. I.i.io; 6. 8; ii.3(2t.). 11.22. 1, iV.4.3,4; 9.2; 10.5; 14.1,3. V.12.2; 13.2; 14.2 ; 15.2 ; 16.2 ; ly. 2 ; 18. 1. VI. 1.7 ; 2.2 (2t.); 34; 4-7"' S.6. VII.i6.i(2t.) ; 17. 1 ; 18. 1 ; 19. 1 ; 20.1 ; 21. 1 ; 22.1 ; 23.1. VIII. 9.3; io.2,4(2t.) ; 1 1.3. 3 tU- pron.st.2pers., see tvam. tura a. strong-., ivealfhy., copious. —ram (acc.sg.n.) V.2.7. tusnim adv. silently. 1 . 1 o. • • - 1 1. \/\X cross over., overcome. tarati (pres.ind.act.sg.) VII.1.3. -tas ( pres.ind.act.dll. ) VIII.4.1. tirtva grd. VIII.4.2(2t.). tarayatu (imv.act.sg. cans.) VII.1.3. trna n. grass., grass-blade. -nais (instr.pl.) VI. 7. 5. trnavanaspati m . g r a s s and trees. — tayas (nom.pl.) VII. 8.1 ; lo.i. -tin (acc.pl.) VII. 2. 1 ; 7.1. trnodaka n. o-rass and wa- ter. -kam (acc.sg.) II. 22. 2. trtiya num. a. third. -yas (nom.sg.m.) II. 23.2. -yam (nom.sg.n.) III. 8.1. V.10.8. -yam (acc.sg. f.) V.21.1. VI. 1 1.2. -yasyam (loc.sg.f.) VIII. 5-3- trtiyasavana n. third or evening libatioii (of Soma), -nam (nom. -acc.sg.) II. 24.1,16. III.i6.4,5(2t.), 6. -nasya (gen.sg.) II. 24. 1 1. \/trd split., bore. — (-sam connect by a Jiole., fasten together. samtrnna (pass.ppl.nom. sg.f.) II.23.4. -nani (pass.ppl.nom.pl. n.) II.23.4. \/trp be satisfied., become content. trpti — traya 77 trpyati (pres.incl.act.s<^.) III-6.3 ; 7-3 ; ^-3 ; 9-3 ; 10.3. \^i9.i,2(5t.); 20. i,2(4t.); 2i.i,2(5t.); 22.i,2(5t.); 23.1,2(41.). -yanti (pres.ind.act.pl.) III. 6. 1 ; 7.1 ; 8.1 ; y.i ; lo.i. V.20.2. -yati ( pres.ppl.act.loc. sg.) V.i9.2(3t.); 20. 2(31.) ; 2i.2(2t.) ; 22, 2(3t.); 23.2(31.). -yantyam (pres.ppl.act. loc.sg.f.) V.I 9.2; 21. 2(2t.) ; 22.2. -yantisu (pres.ppl.act. loc.pl. f.) V.20.2. trpti f. satiety^ satisfaction. -tim (acc.sg.) V.19.2 ; 20.2 ; 21.2 2. • 00 1 ^0- trptimant a. sated, satisfied. -man (nom.sg.m.) VII. 10.2. tejas n. sharpness., point offlainc^fre^ vigor. —(noni. -acc.sg.) III. 1.3; 2.2; 3.2; 4.2; 5.2; 13.1. VI.2.3(2t.); 5. 3; 8.4,5(2t.),6(2t.); 15.1,2. VIL2.1 ; 4.2; 7.1; ii.i(4t.),2(2t); 26.1. -sa (instr.sg.) V.19.2; 20.2 ; 21.2 ; 22.2 ; 23. 2*. VI.8.4,6. VIII.6.3. -sas (abl.-gen.sg.) VI. 2-3; 4-1.2,3,4,6; 6.4. VII.i i.2(3t.) ; 12. 1. -si (loc.sg.) VI.8.6 ; 15. r 2 tejasvant a. possessing frc or vigor ^ brilliant or strong. -vatas (acc.pl.) VII. 11. 2. tejasvin a. sharp, bright, strong. -vi (nom.sg.m.) II. 14. 2. III. 13. 1. VII. II. 2. tejomaya a. consisting of fame, shining. -yi (nom.sg.f.) VI.5.4 ; 6.5; 7.6. tena adv. in that tvay, therefore^ see ta-. trapU n. tin. -(acc.sg.) IV. 17. 7. -puna (instr.sg.) IV. 17. 7- traya a. triple; n. triad (the three Vedas). -yam (acc.sg.n.) III. 17. 6. -yi (nom.sg.f.) 1. 1.9. II. 21. 1 : =3-3- 78 trayodaga — tvam — yim (acc.sg.f.) 1. 4. 2. IV.17.3. ^ -yyas (gen.sg.f.) IV.17. 8. trayodaga luim.a. thir- teenth. —gas (nom.sg.ni.) 1. 13.3. [trayovinga num. a. txventy- third.^ v/tra protect^ rescue . tray ate (pres.ind.mitl.- pass.sg., Wh.Gr. 761 .c) III. 13. 1. trana n. protection^ help. -nam (acc.sg.) VIII. 5. 2. tri num. a. three. tray as (nom.m.) I.S. 1. II. 31. 1 ; 33.1. trini (nom.n.) 11.2 1.3 (2t.). VI.3.1; 4.1,2,3, 4. VIII.3.5. tisras (nom.-acc.f.) IX . 17.2. VI.3.2,3,4; 4.7; 8.6. tribhis (instr.) II. 10.3 (3t.). tridha adv. ifi three ways or parts. VII. 36.2. tripad a. three-footed j m. three-quarters. -pat (norn.sg.m.) III. 12.6. trivrt a. threefold. -(nom.sg.f.) VI. 3.4(21.) ; 4.7(3t.); 8.6(2t.). -tarn (acc.sg.f.) VI. 3. 3 (2t.),4(3t.). tristubh f. a cert, meter (of 4X1 1 syll.). -tup ( nom.sg.) III. 16.3. tredha adv. /« three ways or parts. VI. 5. 1, 3, 3. traistubha a. in or cojinect- cd with the Tristup. — bham (nom.sg.n.) III. 16.3. tryaksara a. having three syllables ; n. a complex of three syllables. -ram (nom.sg.n.) II. 10. I(3t.),3(3t.),4. tvac f. skin. -vak (nom.sg.) 1 1. 19.1. tvattas adv. (=tvat, abl. sg. of tvam, which see). V.3.7. tvam 2 pers.pron. thoii,. -(nom.sg.) I.5.2(2t.),4 (2t.). IV.i.8;4.2(3t.), 4(3t.). V.I.I3,13(3t.), i4(2t.); 3-5'7; 12. 1 (2t.); i3.i(2t.); 14.1 (2t.); i5-i(3t-); i6-i- (3t.); i7.i(3t.)- VI. 8.7; 9.4; 10.3; 1 1.3; 12.3; 13.3; 14.3; 15. -tha — darganiya 79 3; 16.3. VILi5.3(6t.). tvam (acc.sg.) IV.4.2, 4. V.I 4. 1, tva (cncl.acc.sg.) I.S.3, 6,S. IL22.3,4(2t.) ; 24. 4,8,12,13. IV.1.2; 2. 3; 4.5; 9.3; 10.2; 14. 2. V.3.1,4. VIL15. 2. te (encl.dat.-gen.sg.) I. 5.2,4; 7.9; 8.6(3t.),S (3t.) 10. 10,1 1 1 1, 4,5A7A9- IV.5.2 ; 6 1,3; 7-^3; ^•^'3; H-i (2t.),2(2t.),3(3t.). V. 2.6; 3.5; 12.2; 14.2; 15.2; 16.2; 17.3. VI. 7.3,6. VII.i.i. VIII. o. 5 10.4 I I.-: tava (geii.sg.) IV. 2. 3. V.3.6; 13.1 ; .13.1. yiiyam (nom.pl.) V.18.1. vas ( cncl.acc.-gen.pl. ) V.i.7(3t.); 11.7. TH -tha 3rd syl. of udgitha. 1.3.6,7(31.). D dan^a m. bihng • gadfly. -^as (nom.sg.) VI. 9. 3 ; 10.2. daksina a. able; rigJit- handj southern. — nas (nom.sg.m.) III. — na (nom.sg.f.) I II. 15. 3. IV.5.2. —nas (nom.pl.m.-f.) III. 2.i(2t.); 17.4. daksinatas adv. from or on tlic right or south. III.7.4; 8.4; 9.4; 10. 4. VII.25.l(2t.),2. daksina adv. to the rlo-ht^ southward. V.10.3. daksinagni m. right-hand or southern altar-Jire. -nau (loc/sg.) IV. 17.5. datta n. gift^ liberality. -tarn (nom.sg.) V.10.3. dadhan n. sour milk. -dhnas (gen.sg.) VI. 6.1. dadhimadhu n. sour milk and honey. -dhunos (loc.du.) V.2.4. dargana n. seeing^ sight. -nay a (dat.sg. as inf.) VIII. 3. 1 ; 12.4. darganiya grdv. to be seeiz or sho%v)i^ sightly. -yam (acc.sg.n.) 1. 3.4. So daga — v/da daga num.^cn. IV.3.8(2t.). V.9.1. VII. 9. 1 : 36.2. [dagama num. a. /c/z///.] v/dah burji. dahet (pres.opt.act.sg.) VI.7-3,5- — hyate (pres.ind.pass. sg.) VI. 16.1,2. — [-pra bur7t zip, destroy. pradhaksit (unaug.aor. ind.act.sg. ) IV. 1.2. [-prati burn against, burn. pratidhaksyati (fut.ind. act.sg.) II. 22.4. — hvyatisam bzirn tip to- gether completely. vyatisarhdahet (pres.opt. act.sg.) VII. 15.3. dahara a. small^Jine, — ras (nom.sg.m.) VIII. 1.1,2. -ram (nom.sg.n.) VIII. 1.1,2. >/da, dad give., grafit. dadati (pres. ind.act.sg.) VII.i5.i(2t.). -dani ( pres.subj.act.sg. ) II. 22. 5. -dyas (pres.opt.act.sg.) I.II.3(2t.). -dyat (pres.opt.act.sg.) III.11.6. dchi (imv.act.sg, ) I. to. 3- datta (imv.act.pl.) IV. 3-7- dadatus (perf.ind.act.du.) IV.3.5. -dus ( perf.ind.act.pl. ) IV.3.S. dasyami (fut.ind. act.sg.) V.ii.5(2t.). dattam (pass.ppl.nom.sg. n.) IV.3.6. |-a receive, seize, get possession oj^. ndadate (pres.ind.mid. pi.) III.16.5. attas (pass.ppl.nom.sg.) VIII. 12. 1, -tam (pass.ppl.nom.sg. n.) VIII.12.1. -tas (pass.ppl.nom.pl.m.) VIII.12.6. adaya grd. II.9.4. IV. 2.1,3- [-abhya appropriate, put oil ; embrace. abhy attas (pass.ppl. nom.sg., ? embracing') 111.14.2,4. _ _j_vya (±mukham) open the mouth. vyadadati (pres.ind.act. sg.) 1.2.9. dana— x-^du 8i — [-pari surrender^ in- trust. paridadani (pres.subj.act. sg.) II.23.5. — [-pra deliver^ present. pradadau (pcrf.ind.act. sg.) I.10.3. dana n. giving^ liberality. —nam (nom.sg.) II. 33.1. III. 17.4. daru n. zvood. -(acc.sg.) IV. 17.7(2!.). dalbhya m.nm.pr. -yas (nom.sg.) 1. 2. 13; 8.1 ; 13.1,3. —yam (acc.sg.) 1.8.3,6. — ya (voc.sg.) 1.8.6. \/daS bear ill ivill. |-abhi bear ill will towards. abhidasati (pres.ind.act. sg.) 1.2.8. dasabharya n. slaves and wives. —yam ( acc.sg. ) VII. 24.3. dasi i. fetnale slave. -(nom.sg.) V.13.2. div, see dyo. diviksit a. dwelUns: in tne sky. -sidbhyas (dat.pl.) II. 24.14 di^ f. region., directio7Z^ cardinal point. dik (nom.sg.) III. 15. 2. IV.5.2(4t.). di^am (acc.sg.) I-S-ii (2t.). VI.8.2(4t.); 14. 3(3t.). -9as (nom.pl.) II. i 7.1 ; 21.4. III. 15. 1 ; 18.3. IV. 13. 1. V.6,1 ; 20.2 (2t.). digbhis (instr.pl.) III. 18.6. di9am (gen.pl.) III. 15. 3(2t.). diksu (loc.pl.) IV. 3.8. v.20.3. dista n. appointed place^ destiny. -tarn (acc.sg.) V.9.3. %/diks consecrate oneself (for performance of a ceremony, esp. for of- fering of Soma), diksitva grd. V.3.4. diksa f. preparation., con- secratio7i. -sas (nom.pl.) III. 17. i. \/dip blaze., shine. dipyate (pres.ind.mid.sg.) in.13.7- \/du, du burn (tr. and intr.), afflict. 6 duhkhata — deva — f-pra grieve. praduyante (pres.ind. pass. pi.) V.24.3. -yeta (pres.opt.pass.sg.) V.34.3. duhkhata f. fahi., sorroxv. -tarn (acc.sg.) VII. 26. 2. durudgitha m. /w</udgitha. -tham (acc.sji;-.) I-5-5' durgandhi a. iU-sjnelling. -(acc.sg.n.) 1.2.2,9. durnisprapadana n. diffi- cult departure. -nam (nom.sg.) V.10.6. ■s/dus spoil., become bad., be impure. dusyati (pres.ind.act.sg.) VIII.io.1,3. duskrta n. evil deed. —tarn (nom.sg.) VIII. 4.1. \/duh milk., derive. dugdhe ( pres.ind. m i d . sg.) I-3-7; I3-4- II- 8.3. duhitr f. daughter. -taram (acc.sg.) IV. 2.3. drdha a. strong., Jirm. -dhasya (gen.sg.) 1. 3.5. ■v/drg see; pass. -mid. ap- pear ; cans. show. dr^yate ( pres.ind. pass. - mid.sg.) 1.6.6; 7.5. IV. 11. 1 ; 12. 1 ; 13. 1 ; 15. 1. V.I3.I ; 13.1. VIII.7.4. -yeta (pres.opt. pass.- mid.sg.) V.1.7. dadarfa (perf.ind.act.sg.) VIII.9.1 ; lo.i ; I I.I. drstam ( pass.ppl.nom. sg.n.) III.13.S. IV. 3.8(2t.). -tva grd. II.9.7. III.6. t,3; 7-^3; ^-I'S; ^-^^ 3; 10.1,3. dar9ayati (pres.ind. act. sg.caus.) VII. 26. 2. — yitva grd.caus. VII. 11. l(2t.). drsti f . seeing., glance. -tis (nom.sg.) III. 13.7. deva a. divine; m. god. -vas (nom.sg.) 1. 12.5. IV.3.6. -vam (acc.sg.) II 1. 17.7. -vasya (gen.sg.) V.2.7. -vas (nom.-voc.pl.) 1.3. i; 4.2,4,5; 13.2. II. 9.5 ; 24.16. III. 6. 1 ; 7. 1 ; 8.1 ; 9.1 ; 10. i ; 11. 2. V.4.2 ; 5.2 ; 6.2 ; 7. 2 ; 8.2 ; 10.4. VIII.8. 4; 12.6. -van (acc.pl.) VII. 2.1 ; devakama daiva S3 7.1. VIII. 9. 1 ; lo.i ; I i.i. — vebhyas (dat.pl.) II. 23.2 ; 24.14. -vanam (gen.pl.) II. 24. 1. IV. 3. 7. V.10.4. VIII.7.2. -vcsu (loc.pl.) IV. 3.4. devakama m. desire of the (rods. o -man (acc.pl.) 1.7. 7. -manam (gen. pi.) 1.6.8. devakiputra m. sou of Dc- vakl. —ray a (dat.sg.) III. 17.6. devata f. divinity. — (nom.sg.) 1.10.9,10,11; ii.4(2t.),5,6(2t.),7,8 (2t.),9. VL3.2,3(2t.), 4; 4-7- tarn (acc.sg.) I.3.9(3t.). IV.2.2(2t.). — tayam (loc.sg.) VI.8. 6; 15.1,3. —tils (nom.-acc.pl.) IV. 17.3. VL3.2; 8.6. -tanam (gen.pl.) II. 20. 2. IV. 1 7.8. VI.4.7. -tasu (loc.pl.) 11.30.1,3. devatra adv. among the gods. III. 17.7. devapatha m. zvay of the gods. -thus (nom.sg.) IV. 15.6. devamadhu n. honey of tJie gods. -(nom.sg.) III. 1. 1, devamanusya m. gods and 7)ien. — yas (nom.pl.) VII. 6.1 ; 8.1 ; 10. 1. devayana a. leading to the gods. -nas (nom.sg.) V.10.2. -nasya (gen.sg.) V.3.3. devavidya f. science of the gods. -(nom.sg.) VII. 1. 4. —yam (acc.sg.) VII. 1.2; 2.1 ; 7.1. devasusi m. cavity of the gods. — sayas (nom.pl.) III. 13. I. devasura m. crods and Asjiras. -ras (nom.pl.) 1.2.1. VIIL7.3. de^a m. region^ spot^ place. -(je (loc.sg.) VIII. 15. I. daiva a. divine. -vas (nom.sg.) VII. 1.4. -vam ( nom.sg. n.,acc.sg. m.) VII. 1. 3 ; 3.1 ; 7. 1. VIII. 12. 5. 84 dosa — dvarapa —vena (instr.sg.) VIII. 12.5. — vas (nom.pl.) V.1.4. dosa va. faulty defect. -sena (instr.sg.) VIII. 10.1,3. dosa f . night ; instr. as adv. at night. -(old instr.sg.) VI. 13.1. doha m. milking^ milk. -has (nom.sg.) I'3'7 5 13.4. II.8.3. —ham (acc.sg.) I'3-7 ; 13.4. II.S.3. dyu, see dyo. •y/dyut shine^ gleam. — |-vi shine forth^light- en. vidyotate (pres.ind.mid. sg.) II. 3.1; 15.1. VII.ii.i. dyavaprthivi f. heaven and eai'th. -(nom.du.) VI 1. 4. 2. VIII.1.3. dyo f . (m.) heaven^ skj, day. dyaus (nom.sg.) I.3.7 5 6.3(2t.). 11.2.1,2 ; 17. 1. III. 1. 1 ; 15,1 ; 19. 2. IV.6.3 ; 13. 1. V. 19.2(2!.). VII. 6.1 ; 8. I ; 10. 1. divam (acc.sg.) III. 15. 5. V.12.1. VII. 2.1; 7.1. diva (instr.sg.) III. 1 1. 3; 17.7. IV.1.2. divas (abl.sg.) III. 13.7; 14.3. IV. 17. 1, divi (loc.sg.) III. 12.6. V.19.2. VIII.5.3. drastr m. seer. -ta (nom.sg.) VII. 8.1 ; 9.1. v'dru run. — |-upa I'un to. upadravanti (pres.ind.act. pi.) II.9.7. dva num. a. tivo. dvau (nom.-acc.du.m.) IV.3.4. VII.3.1. dve (nom.du. f.,acc.du.n.) III.17.6. VII.3.i(2t.). dvatrin^at f. thirty-txvo. -tarn (acc.sg.) VIII. 7. 3; 9.3(2t.); io.4(2t.). I dvadaga num. twelve. IV.io.i. [2 dvada^a num. a, twelfth?^ dvada^avarsa a. twelve years old. -sas (nom.sg.) VI. 1.2. dvarapa m. door-keeper. -pas (nom.pl.) III. 13.6. -pan (acc.pl.) 111.13,6 (2t.). dvavinga — \/dha 85 dvavinga num. a. twenty- second. -9ena (instr.sg.) II. 10. 5- dvavingati f. twenty-two. -tis (nom.sg.) II. 10.4. dvitiya num. a. second. -yas (nom.sg.) 2. 11.2^ -yam (nom.sg. n.) III. 7.1. -yam (acc.sg.f.) V.20.1. VI. II. 2. dvis num.adv. twice. III. 7.4; 8.4; 9.4; 10.4. dvyaksara n. a co^nplcx of two syllables. —ram (nom.sg.) II. 10.2. DH booty t wealthy dhana n. money. —nam (acc.sg.) I.11.3. V.11.5. — nena (instr.sg.) V.15. I. — nasya (gen.sg.) III. 1 1.6. dhanamatra f. a measure of money ^ sotne money. —ram (acc.sg.) 1. 10.6. dhanasani a. granting treasures. — nayas (nom.pl.) 1. 7.6. dhanus n. bow. -usas (gen.sg.) I.3.5. %/dhain, dhma bloxv. |-pra blow forth. pradhmayita (pres.opt. pass.sg., Wh.Gr. 773, 738.b) VI.14.1. dhamani f. reed; vessel of htunau body^ vein^ nerve. -nayas (nom.pl.) III. 19.3. dharma m. custom^ right., lazv. -mas (nom.sg.) VII. 3.1. —mam (acc.sg.) VII. 2. i; 7.1. —mas (nom.pl.) II. 1.4. dharmaskandha m. divi- sion of law. — dhas (nom.pl.) H-Sg. I. \/dha, Adidh. p2it, place., con- stitute^ do^ make/ mid. appropriate^ obtain / w. Qrad have faith^ w. agrad be zvithout faith. (Ihimahi ( Paor.opt.mid. pi., Wh.Gr. 837.b) V. 2.7. 86 v/dha |-antar put betwee?t^ cover ^ conceal. antardhaya grd. VI. 1 6. T 2 — |- ava fut down in^ dip into (water or other fluid), avadhas (aor.ind.act.sg-.) VI.13.1. avadhaya grd. VI. 1 3.1. (-a put on (as wood on fire), adhaya grd. IV.6.1 ; 7. I ; 8.1. V.2.6. — |-abhya put iji place ( esp. wood ), kindle (fire), abhyahitasya (pass.ppl. gen.sg.) VI.7.3,5. hvya pass, he sepm- rated^ be sick. vyadhiyante ( pres.ind. pass.pl.) VII. 10. 1. — -f-sama put in order .^ lay (as wood for fire). samahitam (pass.ppl. nom.sg.n.) VIII. 1.3, 4- — te (pass.ppLnom.du.f.) VIII.1.3. — tas (pass.ppl.nom.pl.) VIII.1.5. — j-upasama put in place^ lay on., build (as fire), upasamahita ( pass.ppl. nom.sg.f.) VI. 7. 6. -adhaya grd. IV.6.1 ; 7. I ; 8.1. VI. 7.5. — (-ni deposit., lay aside. nidadhati (pres.ind.act. pi.) II.9.8. -dhau (perf .ind act.sg.) I. 10.5. nihitani (pass.ppl.acc.sg. m.) VIII.3 2. — [-abhini lay down on., touch against. abhinihitas (pass.ppl. nom.pl.) II. 22. 5. — [-upani deposit., lay down. vipanihitas (pass.ppl. nom.pl.) 1. 10.2. — f-pari surround. paridadhati ( pres.ind.act. pi.) V.2.2. - +vi divide^ produce. vidadhat ( pres.ppl.act, nom.sg.m.) A^III.15.1. vidhlyate (pres.ind. pass. sg-) VI.5.1,3. -yante (pres.ind.pass.pl.) VI.5.2. — (-sam unite., restore. sariidadhati (pres.ind.act. sg.) IV. 17.4,5,6,8. dhatu dhyana 57 -dhyat (prcs.opt.act.sg.) IV.17.7. — |- afrad be iv i t h o ii t faith. a^raddadhat (pres.ppl. act.nom.sg.m.) VIT. 19. 1, — dhanam (pres.ppl. mid. ace. sg. 111.) VIII.8.5. — (-9rad have faith. fraddadhati (pres.ind.act. sg.) VIL19.1 ; 20.1 (St.). 9raddhatsva ( imv.mid. sg.) VI.13.3. graddadhat (pres.ppl. act. noni.sg.m.) VII. 1 9.1. dhatu m. layer., element. — tus (nom.sg.) VI.5.1, 2,3. dhana f. a grain- pi. corns., i.e. grain. -nas (nom.pl.) VI. 12.1. dharmika a. lauftl., duti- fili virtiions. -kan (acc.pl. m.) VIII. 15.1. \/dhav riiji^ stream. |-upa resort to. upadhavet (pres.opt.act. sg.) 1.3.8,9,10,11. dhik interj.w.acc. fe ! shame! VII. 15.2. ■v/dhi think. dhimahi (prcs.iud.act.pl. only in the later lan- guage ; see >/dha and Wh.RVF.). \'^dhu shake, shake of. dhntva grd. VIII. 1 3.1. — |-vi shake apart, re- move, shake off. vidhuya grd. VIII. 13.1, dhuma m. smoke. -mas (nom.sg.) 1 1. 12,1. V.4.1; 5.1; 6.1 ; 7.1 ; 8.1; io.5(2t.). -mam (acc.sg.) V.10.3. -mat (abl.sg.) V.10.3. A'^dhr hold, withstand^' un- dertake, resolve (w. inf.). dadhre (perf.ind.mid.sg.) IV.10.3. \/dhma, see \/dham. \/dhya think, tneditate on. dhyayati ( pres.ind.act. sg.) VII.6.i(3t.). -yanti (pres.ind.act.pl.) VII.6.i(3t.). -yan (pres.ppl.act.nom. sg.) 1. 3. 13. II. 22. 2. -yantas (pres.ppl. act. nom.pl.) V.I. 8,9, 10. dhyana n. thought^ reli- gious meditation. 88 dhyanopadanga — 2 na —nam (nom.-acc.sg.) VII. 6.i(2t.),2 ; 26.1. -nat (abl.sg.) VII.6.2 (2t.); 7.1. — nasya (gen.sg.) VII.6.2. dhyanopadanga a, having as 071c'' s portion the gift of meditation. —fas (nom.pl.) VII. 6.1 (2t.). dhruva a. steady., safe. — vas (nom.sg.) VI 1. 4. 3; 5-3- — va (nom.sg.f.) VII. 26.2. —van (acc.pl.) VII.4.3 ; 5-3- \/dhvans scatter., sink down., fall to dust. — hpra ■perish. pradhvansate (pres.ind. mid.sg.) VIII. 1.4. — |-vi crumble away. vidhvansate (pres.ind. mid.sg.) I.2.8(2t.). -seta (pres.opt.mid.sg.) 1.2.7. vidadhvansire (perf.ind. mid.pl.) 1.2.7. \/dhvail sound. h^P^ sound zvrong. apadhvantam (pass. ppl.nom.sg.n.) II. 22. I. N 1 na- pron.st.ipers., see aham. 2 na adv. not., nor. I.I. 10; 2.9(3t.); 8.5,7; I0.2,4(2t.). II.4.2 ; 9.6; r2.2(2t.) ; 13.2; 14.2; 15.2; 16. '>• \1 1 ' 182' in'' (3t.); 20.2; 21.3; 24. 2. III.6.i(2t.) ; 7. 1 (2t.) ; 8.i(2t.) ; 9.i(2t.) ; 10. l(2t.); ll.l(2t.),2(2t.), 3(2t.),6; 122,3,4; 14. 4; 15.1,2; 16.7; 17.1. IV.1.7; 3.5,6(2t.); 4.2 (2t.),4(2t.),5(3t.); 9. 3; io.i,3(2t.),5; II. 2; 12.2; 13.2; 14.3 (2t.); i5.5,6(2L); 16. 4(2t.); i7.io(2t.). V.i.i5(4t.); 2.1; 3.2 (3t.).3(3t-).4.5(3t-).7; io.3,8(2t.),io; 11.3,5 (6t.) ; 13.2; 13.2; 14. VI.i.i,7(2t.); 4.5; 7.1, 2(2t.),3(2t.); 8.3,5; 9- naksatra nadi 89 2(2t.); 10.1,2; H.3; 12a, 2; 13.1,2; 14.2; 15.1,2; 16.2. VII. 1.3; 2.i(9t.); 5.2 (2t.) ; 9.1 ; lo.i ; 12. i; i3-K3t-); i5-3(6t.), 4; 17. 1 ; 18.1; 19.1 ; 20.1 ; 21.1 ; 22.1 ; 23. i; 24.1(41. ), 2; 26.2 (at-)- VIII.i.3,5(2t.); 3.1,2 (3t.); 4.i(6t.),2; 5.3; 6.3(2t.) ; S.i; 9.1,2; io.i,2(3t.),3,4(3t.); 11. I(3t.),2(2t.); 12.l(2t.), 3; i5.i(2t.). naksatra n. sfar^ constella- tio7i. -rani (nom.pl.) I.6.4 (2t.). II. 20.1 ; 21. 1. IV.12.1. V.4.1. VII. 12.1. VIII.I.3. naksatravidya f . science of the stars. -(nom.sg.) VII. 1. 4. -yam (acc.sg.) VII. i. 2 • 2 T • ^7 T nakha m.n. nail., ciaxc. -khebhyas (abl.pl.) VIII. 8.1. nakhanikrntana n. nail- paring-., shaving. -nena (instr.sg.) VI. 1.6. nadathu m. sounding., roaring. -thum (acc.sg.) III. 13.8. nadi f. {^roaring^ Jlowing water., stream. ~{ly as (nom.pl.) III. 19. 2. VI.io.i. \/nani bend., boxv (intr. ); w, upa fall to the share of. nameyus (pres.opt.act. pi.) II. 1.4. namas n. boxv., obeisance., adoration. -(nom.sg.) 11.24.5,9,14. [navada^a num. a. nine- teenth.'^ navadha adv. in tiitie parts or ways. VII. 26.2. [navama num.a. ninth. ~\ y/naQ be lost., vanish., per- ish. na^yati (pres.ind.act.sg.) VIII.5.3; 9.1,2. naka (m. heaven') a. sor- roxvless. -kam (nom.sg.n.) II. 10. 5- nadi f. ttibe., vein. -dyas (nom.pl.) VIII. '6.1,6. -dbhyas (abl.pl.) VIII. 6.2. 90 nana — nidhi -disu (loc.pl.) VIII.6.2, 3- nana adv. diffei-cittly (as pred.a.). I.i.io. nanatyaya a. going be- yond differeittly^ dif- yerent^ various. — yas (nom.pl.) IV. 10.3. — yanaiii (gen.pl.) VI. 9.1. nabhi f. navei^ nave of wheel. -bhau (loc.sg.) VII. 15. I. namadheya n. name-giv- ing^ appellation^ itamc. —yam (nom.sg.) VI. i. 4,5,6; 4.1,3,3,4. naman w.foi-m name; ace. as adv. by name, name- ly. —ma (nom.-acc.sg.) 1.6. 7; 7-5(2t.)- ni.15.2 (4t.) IV.2.5; 4.2(2t.), 4(2t.); 5.2; 6.3; 7.3; 8.3. V.2.i,6. VI.S.i, 3,5. VII.i.3,4(3t.),5; 3.1; 26.1. VIII.3.4; 14.1. -mnas ( abl.-gen.sg.) VII.i.5(3t.); 2.1. -mni (loc.sg.) VII. 4.1 (2t.); 5.i(2t.). namarupa n. name and form. -pe (acc.du.) VI. 3. 2, 3. -payos (gen.du.) VIII. 14. 1. narada m.nm.pr. -das (nom.sg.) VII. i.i. naQa m. loss^ destrtiction. -9am (acc.sg.) VIII.9. 1,2. nasikya a. nasal. -yam (acc.sg.m.) 1.2. ni- 1st syl. of nidhana. II. S.2. \/nij cleanse. — |-nis wash off. nirnijya grd. V.2.8. nidhana n. putting down^ settlement., end^ death. -nam (nom.sg.) II.2.1, 2; 3--; 4-1 ; 5-^ ; ^-i; 7.1; 8.2; 9.8; 10.4; II. I ; 12. 1 ; 13.1 ; 14. I ; 15. 1 ; 16.1 ; 17.1 ; iS.i ; 19. 1 ; 20.1 ; 21. i. nidhanabhajin a. sharing in nidhana. -jinas (nom.pl.) II. 9.8. nidhi m. setting down; treasure (a cert. work), -dhis (nom.sg.) VII. 1.4. -dhim (acc.sg.) VII. i. 2; 2.1 ; 7.1. ninada — nila ninada m. noise^ hum. -(lain (acc.sg.) III. 13.8. v/nind, nid revile. nindet (pres.opt.act.sg.) 11.14,2 ; 15.3 ; 16.3 ; 17.3 ; 1S.3 ; 20.2. nirukta a. uttered; 11. ety- mological ex pi a 11 a - lion. —tarn (nom.sg-.n.) VIII. 3-3- nirodha m. shnttiuo- i)i^ restraint. -dhas (nom.si^-. ) VIII. 6.5. nirvahitr m. accomplisher^ separator. -ta (nom.sg-.) VIII. 1 4.1. niga f. viglit. -fay am (loc.sg-.) I\".].2. nisanna, see \/sad. niska m. golden ornatnei/t for breast or neck. -kas (nom.sg.) IV. 3. 3, 4. V.13.2. — kam (acc.sg.) IV. 3. 1,3. nihstha f, completion^ con- summate wisdom. -(nom.sg.) VII.30.I. — tham (acc.sg.) VII. 20.1. nihava m. s7t7f?inons. — vas (nom.sg.) 1. 13.2. >/ni lead. nayati (pres.ind.act.sg.) iV.i5.3(2t.). -yate (pres.ind.mid.sg. ) VI.8.5. -yante (pres.ind.mid.pl.) VI 8 3. -yet (pres.opt.act.sg.) I. 8.5,7. nesye (fut.ind.mid.sg. ) iv.4.5. nitas ( pass. ppl. nom.sg.) VIII.6.4. niyate (pres.ind.pass.sg.) VIIL6.5. - _|_ava pour off" or doxufi. avanayet (pres.opt.act. sg.) V.2.4,5(4t.). 1- a lead to., bring. anayanti ( pres.ind.act. pi.) VI. 1 6. 1. -nItas (pass. ppl. nom.sg.) VI.14.1. -niya grd. VI. 1 4.1. f-upa lead to, receive (csp. a pupil), iipaniya grd. IV.4.5. nila a. blue. -las (nom.sg.m.) VIII. 6.1. -lam (nom.sg.n.) 1-6.5, 6; 7-4(2t.). — lasya(gen.sg.) VIII.6. i. nihara — pancala nihara m. mist ^ fog. -ras (nom.sg.) III. 19.2. ■v/nu cry aloiid^ 7-oar. — (-pi's- murmtir^ utter (esp. the sacred syl. om). pranauti ( pres.ind.act. sg.) 1.4.5. nu adv. (temporal, contin- uative, imperative) now^ stilly then. 1. 4. 3. II.7.2. IV.i.3,5,S; 4. 1,4; 9.2; 10, o ' 14. (St.). ¥.3.459.1. VI. nunam adv. now^ iTnmedi- ately, surely. IV, 14. 2. VI. 1. 7. naimisiya a. relating to the sacred for est Naimisa / m . nm . p r . inhabitant thereof. — yanam (gen.pl.m.) I. 2.13. no (2na+u) adv. and not. VIII.ii. 1,2,3. nyagrodha m.fg-tree. -dhas (nom.sg.) VI. 12.2. nyagrodhaphala n.fg. -lam (acc.sg.) VI. 1 2.1. pacchas adv. by pddas or hemistichs. V.2.7. panca xwxva.. five. III. 1 3.1, 6(3t.). IV.3.8(2t.). V. 3.5; 10.10, VIII.II. 3(2t.)- I pancadaga num. fifteen. VI.7.1,2. [2 pancadaga num.a. fif- teenth.^ pancadha adv. in five parts. II.21.3. VII.26.2. paScama num.a. fifth. —mas (nom.sg.m.) V. 10.9. VII. 1.4. —mam (nom.sg.n., acc.sg. m ,) III.io.i. VII. I, -mim (acc.sg.f.) V.23.1. — myam (loc.sg.f.) V.3. [paiicavinga num.a. twen- tyfifth.-\ paficavidha a. of five kinds, fivefold. -dham ( acc.sg. n.) 11. 2. 1,3; 3-1'-; 4-1^2; 5.1, 2; 6.1,2; 7.1,2. -dhasya (gen.sg.) II. 7. 2. pancala m.nm.pr. of a war- rior-tribe, -lanam (gen, pi,) V.3.1, padvigaQaiiku — \/pad 93 padviQa^anku m. tcther- peg. -kun (acc.pl.) V.i.13. pandita a. %vise, clever. -tas (nom.sg.) VI. 14.2. v/pat y?>', fall^ fall mor- ally. patanti ( pres.ind.act.pl. ) V.10.9. -titva grd. VI.8.2(2t.). — \-ati Jly past. atipetus (perf.ind.act.pl.) IV. 1. 2. — \-i\d yly up, shootfo7-th. utpatitam ( pass. ppl. ace. sg.n.) VI.8.3,5. — 1-upani Jly down to- wards. upanipatya grd. IV. 7, 2 ; 8.2. — \- pari jHy around. paripatanti (pres.ind.act. pi.) II. 9.4. — \-^'\Jly asunder., burst. vipatet (pres.opt.act.sg.) 1.8.6,8. — tisyati (fut.ind.act.sg.) 1.8.6,8; 10.9,10,11 ; 1 1. 4,6,8. vyapatisyat (cond.ind.act. sg.) I-ii-5'7'9- V.I3.2. patamga m. bird., insect., asp. btitterjly. -gas (nom.sg.) VI.9.3 ; 10.2. pati m. master., lord., hus- band. -tis (nom.sg.) 1.2. 11. -tim (acc.sg.) I.io.y. -te (voc.sg.) 1. 1 0.7. path, see panthan. v/pad go (in cpd. and deriv.),y(r//. padyante (pres.ind.mid. pi.) V.1.4. — \- ay a fall off or out. avapadyante (pres.ind. mid.pl.) II. 9.6. — |-a approach, reach. apadyeran (pres.opt.mid. pi.) V.I0.7(2t.). |-samud arise, be born. samutpadyante (pres.ind. mid.pl.) 1.9.1. — [-abhinis come fn-th, appear, become. abhinispatlyate (pres.ind. mid.sg.) VIII.3.4;4. -yante (pres.ind.mid.pl.) VIII.12.2 — (-pi"^ e^/er, resort to. prapadye (pres.ind.mid. sg.) ni.l5.3(5t.),4,5 (4t.),6(4t.),7(4t.). VIII. i3.i(2t.); 14.1. 94 pad — parahkrsna prapatsi (aor.ind.mid.sg.) IIL15.4. prapannas (pass.ppl.nom. Sg.) 11.23.3,4(2t.). \-anupra. yolloTV, obey. anuprapatsi (aor.ind.mid. sg.) VIII.14.I. f-prati resort to^ enter upofz., perforin, tinder- stand, answer. pratipadyate (pres.ind. mid.sg.) 111,13.6. -padyeta (pres.opt.mid. sg.) III. 17.6. -padyamanas (pres.ppl. mid.nom.pl.) IV. 15.6. — pede (perf.ind. mid.sg.) VI.7.4. — patsye (fut.ind. mid.sg.) V.11.3. — ^-sam meet xvith, siic- ceed in, arrive at ; cans. ag-ree. sampadyate (pres.ind. mid.sg.) VI. 8.6; 15. 1,2. — padyamahe (pres.ind. mid.pl.) VI.9.2. — pedus (perf.ind.act.pl.) IV.4.5. VIII.11.3. —patsye (fut.ind. mid.sg.) VL14.2. — pannas (pass.ppl.nom. sg.) VI.8.1. VIII.2.1, 2,3455A7A95io; ^-Z- — padya grd. VI.9.2. — padayam (caus. vhl.f . acc.sg.) V.I 1.2,3. |-abhisam become like, change into. abhisampadyate (pres. ind. mid.sg.) VIII. 15. I. — f-upasam arrive at. upasampady eta (pres. opt.mid.sg.) VI. 14.2. -ya grd. VIII. 3.4 ; 12. 2,3- pad m. foot, see pada. padau (nom.du.) V.17. 3(2t.); 18.2. panthan m. fath. -thas (nom.sg.) V.10.2. pathos (gen.du.) V.3.2 ; 10.8. para a. distant, beyond, Jiigher, better. -ram (nom.-acc.sg.n.) II. 10.5; 21.3. VIII.3.4; 12.2,3. -rasyam (ioc.sg.f.) VI. 8.6; 15.1,2. parahkrsna a. beyond black, dee f -black. —nam (nom.sg.n.) 1.6. 5,6; 7.4(2t.). III.4.3. parama — parjanya 95 parama a.supl. farthest^ best. -mas (nom.sg.) I- 1.3. para^u m. hatchet^ ax. -yum (acc.sg.) VI. 1 6.1 (2t.),3. paras adv.-prep. farther^ beyond (instr.-abl.). II. 10.6. III. 13. 7; 17. 7. IV.1.3; 3.3. parastat adv.-prep. beyond^ later^ after. II. 24. 6, 10,15. paranc a. directed away, folloxving upo7z, bc- yo7id. — cas (nom.pl.) 1.6.8; 7. parayana n. dcpartzirc, ji- nal aim, essence. —nam (nom.sg.) I.9.I. parardhya a. being on the more remote side, best. -yas (nom.sg.) I-I.3. pari adv.-prep. «rc//;?(/. III. 17.7. parigha m. iron bolt or bar. -gham (acc.sg.) II. 34. 6,10,15. paricaritr m. attendaiit. -ta (nom.sg.) VII.8.1. paricaryagrdv./o be served. -yas (nom.sg.) VIII. 8. 4. paricarin a. going about. serving'. -rini (nom.sg.f.) IV.4. 2 ^ paridhaniya f. concluding verse. -yayas (abl.sg.) IV. 16. 2,4. pariskrta a . adorned ■(v'/kr). -tas (nom.sgo) VIII. 9. T 2 -te (loc.sg.) VIII.9.1, 2. -tau (nom.du.) VIII.8. 2(3t.),3(3t.). parovariyans a. compar. J~ar m.ore desii'able. -yan (nom.sg.m.) 1.9.2, —yas (non:i.-acc.sg.n.) I. 9.2,3,4. II.7.I,2(3t.). — yansam (acc.sg.m.) I. 9.2. — yansi (nom.pl.n.) II. 7.1. — yasas (acc.pl.m.) 1. 9. 2. II.7.2. parjanya m. rain - cloud ; nm.pr. the rain-god. —yas (nom.sg.) III. 13. 4. V.5.I ; 22.2(2t.). -ye (loc.sg.) IT. 1 5. 1, 2. V.22.2. 96 parna — pa^u parna n. tuing-^plume^ leaf. — nani (noin.pl.) II. 23.4. parvata m. mountain. -tils (nom.pl.) III. 1 9.2. VII.6.1 ; S.I ; lo.i. pala^a n. leaf., petal. -fani (nom.pl.) V.2.3. v/paQ see^ perceive. pa9y ami ( pres. ind. act. sg.) VIII.9.1,2; 10. 2,4; 11.1,2. — yasi (pres. ind. act.sg.) V.12.2; 13.3; 14.2; 15.2 ; 16.3 ; 17.2. VI. 13. 1 (3t.). — yati (pres. ind. act.sg.) 1.3.4. V.3.9; 12.2 ; 13. 2 ; 14.2 ; 15.2 ; 16.2 ; 17.2. VII.34.i(3t.) ; 26.2(2t.). — yavas (pres. ind. act.du.) VIII.8.1. — yathas (pres. ind. act.du.) VIII.S.I,2. — yanti ( pres.ind.act.pl. ) III.17.7. —yet (pres. opt. act. sg.) V.2.8. — yema (pres.opt.act.pl.) 11.34.4,8,12,13. — yan (pres.ppl.act.nom. sg.) VII.15.4; 25.3. VIII.12.5. -yatas (pres.ppl.act.gen. sg.) VII.26.1. -yantas ( pres. ppl. act. nom.jol.) V.i.S,io,ii. III.i7.7(3t.). — f-abhi behold^ know. abhipa9yanti (pres.ind. act.pl.) IV. 3.6. — 1-pari look around., dis- cover. paripa9yet (pres.opt.act. sg.) 1.4.3. pary apa9y at ( impf .ind. act.sg.) 1.4.3. pa^avya a. belonging- to cattle. -yam (nom.sg.n.) II. 22. 1. pa^U m. cattle.^ animal (esp. for sacrifice). — 9avas (nom.pl.) II. 6. 2 ; 9.2. VII. 8. 1 ; 10. 1. — 9un (acc.pl.) II. 15. 2; 18.2. VII. 2. 1 ; 3.1 ; 7. i; 13.1; 14.1. -9ubhis (instr.pl.) II. 11.2; 13.2; 13.2; 14. 2; 15.2; i6.2(3t.); 17. 3 ; 18.2 ; 19.2 ; 20.2. V.17.1 ; 19.2 ; 30.3 ; 21.2 ; 32.3 ; 23.2. — 9ubhyas (dat.pl.) II. 22.3. pa^umant papisthatara 97 -9USU (loc.pl.) 11.6.1,3; 18.1,2. paQumant a. -possessing cattle. —man (nom.sg.) II. 6.2 ; 1S.3. paQCat adv. -prep. y>-o;« he- Jdnd^ after^ westward. III.6.4 ; 7.4 ; 8.4 ; 9.4. IV.6.1; 7.1 ; 8.1. V. 2.8. VI.io.i. VII. 25.1(2!.), 2. paQya a. looking., intelli- gent. — yas (nom.sg.) VII. 26. 2(2t.). i/'pa drink ; int. drink ea- gerly ^ des. be thirsty. pibati (pres.ind.act.sg.) 1.2.9. III-I7-2. V.2.7. — banti (pres.ind.act.pl.) III.6.1 ; 7.1 ; 8.1 ; 9. I ; lo.i. — bama (pres.subj.act.pl.) I.12.5. -ba (imv.act.sg.) VI. 7.1. -ban (pres.ppl.act.nom. sg.) V.10.9. — batas (pres.ppl.act.gen. sg.) VI.7.1. pitam (pass. ppl.nom. -ace. sg.n.) 1. 10.3. VI. 8.5. -tas (pass.ppl.nom.pl.) VI.5.2. piyamananam. (pres.ppl. pass.gcn.pl.) VI. 6. 3. pepJyamanas (pres.ppl. mid. -pass. int. nom. sg., Wh.Gr.ioi6) VI.ii.i. pipasati (prcs.ind.act.sg. des.) III.17.1. VI.8. 5- pada vcL.foot., quarter j see pad. -das (nom.sg.) III. 12. 6; i8.2(8t.),3,4,5,6. IV.5.2 ; 6.3 ; 7.3 ; 8.3. —dam (acc.sg.) IV.5.2, 3(2t.); 6.i,3,4(2t.); 7.i,3,4(2t.) ; 8.1,3,4 (2t.)- panavant a. rich in drink. — vatas (acc.pl.) VII. 9. 2. papa a. evil., wicked. -pam (nom.-acc.sg.n.) I. 2.8. IV.14.3. VIII. 13.I. papakrtya f. evil doitig., sin. —yam (acc.sg.) IV. 1 1.2; 12.2; 13.2. papisthatara a. compar. of supl. by for the worst of. -ram (nom.sg.n.) V.1.7. 98 papiyans— pitrya papiyaiis a.compar. luorsc. -yan (nom.sg.) IV. 16.3. papman m. evil^ sin. —ma (nom.sg'.) VIII. 6. 3. -mana (instr.sg.) 1. 2. 2 (2t.),3(2t.),4(2t.),5(2t.), 6(2t.). V. 10,10. -manas (nom.pl.) V.24. 3. VIII.4.2. -mabhyas (abl.pl.) 1.6. 7(2t.). paman m. sJ^'m disease^ scab. — manam (acc.sg.) IV. i.S. para n. farther skorCy end^ limit. -ram (acc.sg.) VII. i. 3 ; 26.2. ■v/palay ivatck, protect (Wh.Gr.io42.m ; not the anomaly noted at 1087.C). — l-prati ivatch for^ ex- pect. pratipalayam (vbl.f.acc. sg.) I.12.3. ^ pingala a. reddish broxvfi. -las (nom.sg.) VIII.6.1. -lasya (gen.sg.) VIII. 6.1. pitr m. father; pi. ances- tors or the Manes. -ta (nom.sg.) III. 1 1.4, 5. V.3.1. VI. 1. 1,3. VII.15.1. — tarani (acc.sg.) V.i.y- VII. 15.2. -tur (gen.sg.) V.3.4. -taras (nom.pl.) II. 9.8 ; 21. 1. VIII.2.1. -trbhyas (dat.pl.) II. 22. 2. pitryana a. trodden by an- cestors or the Manes. -nasya (gen.sg.) V.3.2. pitrloka m. world of the Manes. -kam (acc.sg.) V.10.4. -kena (instr.sg.) VIII. 2.1. -kat (abl.sg.) V.10.4. pitrlokakama a. desirous of the world of the Manes. -mas (nom.sg.) VIII. 2. I. pitrhan m. ■patricide. -ha (nom.sg.) VII. 15. 2,3- pitrya a. -paternal., sacred to the Manes (a cert, work). -yas (nom.sg.) VII. 1.4. -yam (acc.sg.m.) VII. 1.2 ; 2.1 ; 7.1. piguna— purusa 99 pi^una a. backbitmg^ slan- derous. -lias (nom.pl.) VII.6. i. v/pis crush^ griiid. — (-prati crush against. pratipeksyati (fut.ind.act. sg.) II. 22.4. pita &. yellow, — tas (110m. sg.) VIII. 6. 1. -tasya (gen.sg.) VIII. 6.1. pundarika n. lottts-Jlotver, esp. white one. — kam (nom.sg.) 1.6. 7. VIII.I.I,2. punyajita a. won by good or right. —tas (nom.sg.) VIII. i. 6. punyaloka a. partaking of the good world. -kas (nom.sg.) V. 10.10. — kas (nom.pl.) II. 23. 2. putra m. son. -ram (acc.sg.) 1.5.2,4. VI.8.1. — raya (dat.sg.) III. 11. 46- — ras (nom.pl.) Ill.i.i. —ran (acc.pl.) VII. 3.1 ; 13.1 ; 14.1. putraroda m. wailing for a son. -dam (acc.sg.) III. 15. 2 (2t.). punar adv. again., back. IV. 2. 3. V.3.2 ; 10.5. VII.26.2. VIII. 9. 2 (2t.) ; io.3(2t.); 11.2 (2t.); i5.i(2t.). punarutpadana n. bringing into birth again., re- procreation. —nam (nom.sg.) III. 17. 5- pur f. wall^ stronghold., citadel. pur (nom.sg.) VIII. 5. 3. purastat adv. -prep, before., eastward. III.6.4 ; 7. 4; 8.4; 9.4, V.2.2. VI.8.6; lo.i. VII. 25.l(2t.),2. pura adv. -prep, formerly., before. II.9.2; 34.3,7, II. IV. 16.2,4. V.3.7. purisa n. crunibling earth., rubbish., excremetit. -sam (nom.sg.) VI,5.i. purusa (purusa) m. man., human being j person- ality., spirit. -sas (nom.sg.) 1. 1.2; 6.6; 7.5. II.6.1 ; 18.1. III. 12. 6 ; 14.1(21.) ; 16. 1. IV. I I.I ; 12. 1 ; 13. lOO purusanaya — prthak I ; i5-i'5- v.7.1; 10. 2 ; 11.6. VI, 2. 3 ; 7.1 ; 8.1,3,5; 14.2. VIII.7. 4; 12.4. — sam (acc.sg.) II. 9. 7. VI.4.7; 8.6; 14.1 ; 15. 1 ; 16.1. -sat (abl.sg.) III. 12.7 (2t.). -sasya (gen.sg.) 1. 1.2. VI.8.6. -se (loc.sg.) 111.12.3,4 (2t.),8(2t.); 13.7. IV. 10.3. purusanaya m. Juan-Ieader^ prince. — yas (nom.sg.) VI. 8. 3, 5- purusavacas a. with human voice. -casas (nom.pl.) V.3.3 ; 9.1. purovata m . fo re-iv i n d, east-wind. — tas (nom.sg.) II.3.1. puskarapalaga n. petal of blue lotics-Jlower. —90 (loc.sg.) IV. 14.3. pustimant a. thriving. —man (nom.sg.) V.16.1. puspa n. bloom. — pam (nom.sg.) III.i. 2; 2.1 ; 3.1; 4.1; 5.1. \/pu cleanse^ purify. punati (pres.ind.act.sg.) IV.i6.i(2t.). pavate (pres.irid.mid.sg.) IV.16.1. putas (pass.ppl. nom.sg.) V. 10.10. pur, see pur. purusa, see purusa. purva a. bei7ig before ^ m. p 1 . forefathers^ an- cients j n. ace. as adv. before^ frst. — ve (nom.pl.m.) VI.4.5. — vam ( acc.sg. n.) VII. I I.l(2t.). purvahna m. forenoon. -ne (loc.sg.) V.I 1.7. ■s/pr, puryf//, sate. piiniam ( pass.ppl. ace. sg.n., BR.caus.?) III. 12.9. —nam (pass.ppl.acc.sg.f.) III. 1 1.6; 12.9. \-Y>Y?i\.\fll tip. pratipiirnas ( pass.ppl. nom.sg.) IV. 10.3. — \-SQxn.fll full. sampuryate ( pres.ind. mid.-pass.sg., Wh.Gr. 76i.b) V.3.3; ^*^-^* prthak adv. separately. V. II. 5 ; I4.i(2t.) ; iS.i. prthagvartman praja lOl prthagvartman a. Jiaving a separate track. —ma (nom.sg.) V.14.1 ; 1S.2. prthivi f. earth. -(nom.sg.) 1. 1. 2; 3.7 11. .1,3; 17.1, III.12 2,3; 19.2. IV.6.3; II I. V.6.I ; 2I.2(2t.) VII. 6. 1 ; 8.1 ; lo.i. —vim (acc.sg.) III. 15.5 V.I 7. 1. VII. 2. 1 ; 7.1 — vyas (abl.-gen.sg.) I 1.2. III. 14.3. IV. 17. 1 — vyam (loc.sg.) V.21.2 prthiviksit a. d-uoelling on the earth. — te (dat.sg.) 11.2^5. prstha n. hack^ ridge. -thesii (loc.pl.) III. 1 3. ■7(*2t.). pautrayana m.nm.pr. -nas (nom.sg.) IV.i.i, 5; 2.1,3. — nasya (gen.sg.) IV. 1.2. paurnamasa a. relating to full moon. -syam (loc.sg. f.) V.2.4. paulusi m.nm.pr. —sis (nom.sg.) V.ii.i. -sim (acc.sg.) V.13.1. I pra adv.-(prep.) onivard^ forth. III. 1 6.7. 2 pra used as syl. in word- analysis. U.S. I. prakagavant a. br ig h /, gleaming. -van (nom.sg.) IV. 5. 2, 3(3t.)- -vatas (acc.pl.) IV. 5. 3. VII.12.2. \./prach ask^ ask after. prcchani ( jores.subj.act sg.) I.S.3. — cha (imv.act.sg.) 1. 8. 3. — chan (pres.ppl.act.nom. sg.) VI. 14.2. aprccham (impf.ind.act. sg.) IV.4.4. papraccha (perf.ind.act. sg.) VI.7.4. apraksis (aor.ind.act.sg.) V1A.3. —sit (aor.ind.act.sg.) V. 3-5- praksyanti (fut.ind.act. pi.) V.I 1.3. praja f. offspring., descend- ant ^ creature. — jaya (instr.sg.) II. 11. 2; 12.2; 13.2; 14.2; 15.2 ; i6.2(2t.) ; 17.2 ; 18.2; 19.2; 20.3. V. 15. 1 ; 17. 1 ; 19.2 ; 20. 2 ; 21.2 ; 22.2 ; 23.2. -jayam (loc.sg.) I-9'3« I03 prajapati— pratihara -jas (nom.pl.) IV. 1.4, 6, V.3.2. VI. 8.4,6; 9.2; 10.2. VIIL1.5; 3.2. -jabhyas (dat.pl.) I-S-i- III. 1 1.4. VIII.15.1. -janam (gen.pl.) IV. prajapati m.nm.pr. — tis (nom.sg.) 1.12,5; 13.2. II. 23. 3. III. 11. 4. IV.17.1. VIII.7. i,3(2t.) ; S.i,2(2t.),4; 9.2 ; 10.3 ; 1 1.2 ; 12.6 (2t.); 15.1. — tim (acc.sg.) II. 22.4. V.i.y. — taye (dat.sg-.) III. 1 1.4. VIII.15.1. — tes (gen.sg.) 11.22.1,3, 5. VIII. 14. 1. -tail (loc.sg.) VIII. 1 1.3. prajapatisakaga m. pres- ence of I^rajapati. -9am (acc.sg.) VIII. 7. 2. pranakha n. nail-tip. -khat (abl.sg.) 1.6.6. pranava m. the sacred syl- lable om. — vas (nom.sg.) I.5.i(3t.), 5(2t.)- pranayya a. attractive^ -worthy. —y ay a (dat.sg.) III. 1 1.5. 1 prati adv. -prep, against^ before^ like' near^ on^ in. 1.9.1. 11.9.1(21.); 13. 1. III.i9.3(2t.). V. 2 prati used as syll. in word-analysis. II. 8. 2. pratipalaya, see \/palay. pratirupa a. xvith likeform^ similar. -pam (acc.sg.m.) VIII. 8.1. prativaktr, see \/vac. pratistha f. steady szipport^ basis^ home. -(nom.sg.) V.i.3,i3(2t.); 17. 1 ; 18.2. VII.5.2. — tham (acc.sg.) I.8.7(2t.). ■V.1.3. -thayai (dat.sg.) V.2.5. pratisthasamstava a. praised as stead or home. -vam ( nom.sg. n.) 1. 8.7. pratihartr m. a cert, fnest. — ta (nom.sg.) 1. 11.8. — taram (acc.sg.) 1. 10. 1 1. -tar (voc.sg.) I.io.ii; 11.8. pratihaira m. {^door^ porter^ utterance oj" the Prati- hartar. pratiharabhajin — prabhuvimita 103 -ras (nom.sg.) II. 3. 1,2; 3.1; 4.1; 5.1; 6.1 ; 7. I ; 8.3 ; 9.6 ; 10.3 ; 1 1. i; 12. i; 13. i; 14.1 ; 15. 1 ; 16. 1 ; 17. 1 ; 18. I ; 19.1 ; 20. 1 ; 21,1, —ram (acc.sg.) I.io. i ; 1 1.8,9, pratiharabhajin a. shar- ing in the pratihara. — jinas (nom.pl.m.) II. 9.6. pratna a. old^ ancient. — nasya (gen.sg.) III. 17.7. pratyaksa a. lying- before the c-yes, flain. — sam (nom.sg.n.) V.3. I. pratyanc a. turned back- wards or towards., op- posite , western. -tyan (nom.sg.m.) II. t3. 3. III. 13. 3. VI. 14. 1. — tici (nom.sg-.f.) II.4.1. III.15.3. IV.5.3 — tyailcas (nom.pl.m.) III. — ticyas ( nom.pl. f.) III. 3.1. VI.io.i. pratyayana n. going back., setting (of sun). -nam (acc.sg.) III. 19.3. pratyasvara a. backward- glea?ning. - ras (nom.sg. m.) 1.3.2. prathama a. su'p\.J'ore7nost^ Jirst. -mas (nom.sg.) II. 23.1. -mam (nom. -acc.sg. n.) III. 6.1. V.19.1. -mam (acc.sg. f.) V.19. I. prathamastamita a. Jirst set (of the sun), Jztsi after {sun-^set (Wh. Gr. io93.b ; cf. 303,3, b,c,d). -tc (loc.sg.) II.9.8. prathamodita a. jirst risen (of the snxv)^ jzist after {^siin-^risc (cf.prec. word), -te (loc sg.) II.9.3. pradranaka a. very poor. -kas (nom.sg.) I.io.i. prapadana n. e^ttrance. -nam (nom.sg.) VIII. 6.5. [prapathaka m. lesson., book (division of a work),] prabhu a. excelling., ?nighty^ lordly. -bhavas (nom.pl.) VII. 6.1. prabhuvimita n. lordly hall 104 prayogya — pranc or hall of the Lord (Brahman), -tarn (nom.sg.) VIII. 5-3- • prayogya grdv. to be yoked; m. "w or k- animal ^ horse. — yas (nom.sg. m.) VIII. 12.3. pravana a. declined^ sloped^ prone. -lias (nom.sg.) IV. 17.9. pravasa m. the being abroad^ absence from home. -sam (acc.sg.) IV. 10. 2. pravahana m.nm.pr. -nas (nom.sg.) 1. 8. 1,2, 8. V.3.1. pra^ansakama a. desirous of praise. -mfis (nom.pl.) II-9.3. praqasana n. direction., gtiida7ice. -nam (nom.sg.) V.3.7. pragna m. question. -nan (acc.pl.) V.3.5. prastava m. meMtioning^ prologue^introduction. -vas (nom.sg.) II. 2. 1,2 ; 3.1 ; 4.1 ; 5.: ; 6.1; 7. I ; 8.1 ; 9.3; lo.i; n. i; 12.1; 13.1; 14.1; 15. 1 ; 16.1 ; 17.1 ; 18. 1; 19.1; 20.1 ; 2 I.I. — vam (acc.sg.) 1. 10.9; prastavabhajin a. sharing iti the prastava. -jinas (nom.pl.) II.9.3. prastutikama a. desirous of -praise. -mas (nom.pl.) II-9.3' prastOtr m. f raiser^ a cert. priest. -ta (nom.sg.) I.11.4. -taram (acc.sg.) 1. 10.8. -tar (voc.sg.) 1. 10.9; 1 1.4. pracinayogya m.nm.pr. —(voc.sg.) V.13.1. pracina^ala m.nm.pr, -las (nom.sg.) V.il.i. prajapatya a. of Prajapati. —yas (nom.pl.) 1.2. i. -yanam (gen.pl.) II-9-5. praflC a. turned forward or eastward; front or eastern; n.acc. as adv. -prep, before. -nil (nom.sg.m.) III. 13. I, IV.6.1 ; 7.1 ; 8.1. VI.14.1. -aci (nom.sg. £.) II.4.1. III. 15. 2. IV.5.2. prana— pratar '05 -ak (acc.sg.u.) 11.9.6,7. V.3-7- — aiicas (nom.pl.) III.i. 2. — acyas (nom.pl.f.) III. 1.3. VI. 10,1. prana m. ah' inhaled^ breathy vital breathy life/ organ of sense. -nas (110m. sg.) I.i.5(2t.) ; 2-7; 3-356; 5.3; 7.1 (3t.); 8.4; 1 1.5; 13.2. II.7.1 ; II. I. III. 13.1 ; 15.4; 18.2,4. IV.3.3 (2t.),4; 8.3; io.5(3t.); 13.1. V.I. 1, 12,15; 7. I ; 14.2(21.) ; 18.2 ; 19. I. VI.5.2,4; 6.3,5; 7- 1,6; 8.6; 15.1,2. VII. 15.1(9^)4; 26.1. VIII. 12.3. —nam (acc.sg.) 1. 2. 2 ; ii.5(2t.). 111.15.3,4. IV.3.3(4t.); 10.5. VI. 8.2. VII.15.1. -nena (instr.sg.) 1. 3. 6. V. 1.8,9,10,11. VII. 15. 1. — naya (dat.sg.) V.19.1. VII.15.1. — nasya (gen.sg.) 1. 8.4. V.2.1. — ne (loc.sg.) V.I 9. 2. VI.8.6; 15.1,2. VII. 15.1. -nas (nom.pl.) III. 12. 3,4; 16.1,2,3,4,5,6. V. 1.6,7,15. VII.4.2 ; 10. I(2t.). -nan (acc.pl.) 1. 3. 9; 5. 4. V.I. 12. -nanam (gen.pl.) III. 16.2,4,6. VII.4.2. -nesu (loc.pl.) 11.7.1,2; 11.1,2. IV. 3.4. pranabandhana n. fetter of the breath or life. -nam (nom.sg.) VI. 8.2. pranagarira a. xuith breath as body. -ras (nom.sg.) III. 14.2. pranasamgita a. %v hotted or prepared by the breath. -tarn (nom.sg.n.) III. 17.6. pranapana m. inspiration and expiration. -nay OS (gen.du.) I-3-3« pranin a. breathing., liv- ing; m. animal. -ni (nom.sg.m.) II. 11.2. pratar adv. early in the morning., to-morrow. 1. 10.6; 12.3. V.3.6; 11.5,7. VI.13.1. io6 prataranuvaka m recital. -kasya (gen.sg.) II. 24.3. -ke (loc.sg.) IV. 16.2,4. pratahsavana n. moj-ning- libation (of Soma), —nam (nom.-acc.sg.) II. 24.1,6. III.l6.l(2t.),2.. pradus adv. forth to view, into sight. 1. 12.2. pradegamatra a. measur- ing a span. —ram (acc.sg.m.) V.18.1. priya a. dear, beloved, one'^s own, n. love, kindness. —yam (acc.sg.n.) V.12. 2(2t.); 13.2(21.); 14. 2(2t.) ; 15.2(21.) ; 16. 2(2t.) ; 17.2(21.). priyapriya n. pleasure and pain. prataranuvaka — barhis matin -ye (nom.du.) Vin.12, I. — yabhy am ( i n s t r . d u . ) VIII.12.1. — yayos (gen.du.) VIII. 12. 1. prota (\/2 va) a. inter- zvoven. -tam (nom.-acc.sg.n.) II. 11.1,2; 12.1,2; 13.1,2; 14.1,2; 15.1,2; 16.1,2; 19.1,2; 20.1,2; 21.1,2. V.24.3. -tas (nom.-acc.pl.f.) II. 17.1,2; 18.1,2. \/plu Jloat, swiin, hover. — \-samfo7V together. samplavate (pres.ind.mkl. sg.) II.4.1. -vaiite (pres.ind.mid.pL) II. 15. 1. B baka m.nm.pr. — kas (nom.sg.) 12.1,3. bata interj. alas f 11.1.3(41. ). 5- badhira a. deaj~. — ras (nom.pk) v/bandh bind. — \-pra fasten. 1. ^ J 5 1.10.6. VIII.8. V.i.io. prabaddhas (pass, p p 1 . nom.sg.) VL8.2. bandhana a. binding; n. fetter^ string. -nam (acc.sg.n.) VI.'8.2. babhasa m. eater, devourer. -sas (nom.sg.) IV. 3. 7. barhis n. straw (of Kufa- grass), sacrificial grass or bed (vedi). -(nom.sg.) bala- V.18.2. budila 107 bala n. might. —lam (nom.-acc.sg.) II. 22.5. VIL8.i(3t.),2; 26.1. — lena (instr.sg.) VII. 8. i(7t.). -hit (abl.sg.) VII.8.2 (2t.); 9.1. — lasya (gen.sg.) VII.S. 2 balavant a. powerful. —van (nom.sg.) VII. 8.1. -vat (nom.sg. n.) II. 22.1. -vantas (nom.pl.) II. 22. bali m. tax., tribute., ff^fii esp. offering. -lim (acc.sg.) II. 21.4. -layas (nom.pl.) V.14. i. balin a. poxverfnl. -11 (nom.sg.) VII. 8. 1. bahirdha adv. -prep. 07it- side. III. 1 2.7 (2t.). bahispavamana n. a cert. sacred song. -nana (instr.sg.) 1. 12.4. bahu a. mjicJi., many y n. ace. as adv. much^ of- ten. -hu (nom.-acc.sg.n.) IV. 4.2,4(these two might be f, according to Pa- nini, cf. Wh.Gr.344.b ; but better as above). V.13.1. VI.2.3(2t.) ; 7.3,5. VII.io.i. -havas (nom.pl.) 1.5.2, 4. IV.10.3. VII. 13. 1. -hvyas (nom.pl. f.) VI. 2.4. bahudayin a. giving much., liberal. -yi (nom.sg.) IV.i.i. bahudha adv. ma7iifoldly. IV.3.6. bahupakya a. having much cooked (for the poor). — yas (nom.sg.) IV.i.i. bahula a. thick.,dense.,ivide., extended. -las (nom.sg.) V.15.1 (2t.); 18.2. bahuvid a. kjzowing much, -vit (nom.sg.) VII. 5. 2. bala a. young., immattire. -las (nom.pl.) V.i.ii; 24.5. bila n. cleft., hollow., cavern. -lam (nom.sg.) III. 1 5.1. bija n. seed., ger?n., origin. -jani (nom.pl.) VI.3'.i. budila m.nm.pr. -las (nom.sg.) V.ii.i. -lam (acc.sg.) V.16.1. io8 \/budh — 1 brahman v/budh knoTv^ awake. — [-anu be axuare of^ per- ceive. anububudhire (perf.ind. mid.pl.) VIIL7.2. >/brh (vrh) tear. — |-pra tear out. prabrhat (impf.Ind.act. sg.) IV.17. 1,3,3. brhant a. great^ loiid; n. a cert. Saman. -hati (nom.sg.f.) 1.2. 11. —hat (nom.-acc.sg.n.) II. 14.1,2. brhaspati {lord of prayer^ m.iim.pr., mediator be- tween gods and men. -tis (nom.sg.) I.2.ii(2t.). -tes (gen.sg.) II.22.1. boddhr m. perceiver. -dha (nom.sg.) VII. S.i ; 9.1. brahmacarya n. devotion to sacred knowledge^ esp. ch astity ; rel ig ions studentship (first of the four periods of a Brahman's life). —yam (nom.-acc.sg.) IV. • 4.1,3; lo.i. VI. 1. 1. VIII.5.l(2t.),2(2t.),3 (2t.); 7.3; 11.3. -yena (instr.sg.) VIII. 4-3; 5-i(2t.)'2(2t.),3,4. brahmacarin a. leading the life of a religious stu- dent. -ri (nom.sg.) II. 23. 2. IV.3.5; 10.2,4. -rin (voc.sg.) IV.3.7 ; 10.3. 1 brahman n. prayer., de- votion^ ivorship^ piety ; sacred text ^ theology ; impersonal spirit per- vading the universe., Brahman., the Abso- lute. —ma (nom.-acc.sg.) I-7'5' 111.5.1,2; 11.4,5; 12. 7; 14.1,4; l8.l(2t.), 2; 19.1,4. IV. 10.5 (4t.); 15.1,6; 17.9. V.10.2 ; II. I. VII. I. 5; 2.2; 3.1,3; 4.3(2t.); 5.3(2t.) ; 6.2 ; 7.2(2t.) ; 8.2 ; 9.2(2t.) ; io.2(2t) ; II.2(2t.); I2.2(2t.); 13.2; I4.2(2t.). VIII. 3.4; 7.4; 8.3; lo.i; I I.I ; 1 4. 1, -mana (instr.sg.) III. 10.1,3; 11.2. -manas (gen.sg.) III. 18.3,4,5,6. IV.5.2(3t.), 3(2t.); 6.3(2t),4(2t.); 2 brahman — brahmavid 109 7-3(2t.),4(2t-) ; 8.3(3t.), 4(3t.). VIII.3.4; 5.3. 2 brahman m. priest^ pray- er^ JBraJnnaii ^ imper- sonal spirit pervading the universe/ BraJi- inan^ the supreme All-soul and Creator (personified), -ma (nom.sg.) III. 11. 4. IV.i6.2(2t.),4; 17. 8,9,10. VIII. 15. 1, -manam (acc.sg.) IV. 17. 9,10. brahmapatha m. path ti> Brahman (m.-n.). — thas (nom.sg.) IV. 15. 6. brahmapura n. Brahtnaii's city. —ram (nom.sg.) VIII. i. 5- —re (loc.sg.) VIII. 1. 1,2, 4- brahmapurusa m. servant of Brahman. -sas (nom.pl.) III. 13.6. — san (acc.pl.) III. 13.6 ■(2t.). brahmabandhu m. priesfs conzpanion (merely), so-called Brahman. — dhus (nom.sg.) VI.i.i. brahmaloka m. ivorld of Brahman. -kas (nom.sg.) VIII. 4-2(2t.),3; 5.4. -kam (acc.sg.) VIII. 3. 2 ; 4.3 ; 13. 1 ; 15. i. -kc (loc.sg.) VIII.5.3, 4; 12.6. brahmavarcasa n. pre'cmi- n e n ce i n d iv i n c science., holiness. -sam (nom. -acc.sg.) III. TOO V.I2.2 ; 14.2 ; 15.2 ; 16.2 ; 17. 2 -sc'ua (instr.sg.) II. 16.3. III.iS.3,4,5,6. V.19.2; brahmavarcasin a. possess- ing preeminence in divine science or holi- ness^ holy. -si (nom.sg.) 11. 12.2. III.13.3. brahmavadin m. declarer of sacred learnings theologian. — dinas (nom.pl.) II.24.1. brahmavid a. havitzg sa- cred knowledge J m. theologian. -vit (nom.sg.m.) IV.9. 2. I lO brahmavidya — \/bru — vidas (gen.sg.m.) IV. 14.3. brahmavidya f. science of sacred knoivledoc. — (nom.sg.) VIL1.4. , —yam (acc.sg.) VII.i. 2 ; 2.1 ; 7.1. brahmasaihstha a. wholly, de voted to sacred knowledge. -thas (nom.sg.) II. 23. 2. brahmahan m. murderer of a priest^ sacerdoticide. —ha (nom.sg.) V.10.9. brahmopanisad f. secret doctrine of Brahmaii^ Brahma- Upanisad. -dam (acc.sg.) III. 11.3. brahmana (a. having to do with brahman) m. priest, theologian. Brahman. —nas (nom.sg.) VII. 15. 2. -nam (acc.sg.) VII. 15. 2. -nasya (gen.sg.) IV. 1.7. -nayos (gen.du.) 1. 8.2. -nan (acc.pl.) II. 20.2. V.3.7- -nanam (gen.pl.) VIII. 14.1. brahmanayoni f. birth-sta- tion of a priest. — nim (acc.sg.) V.10.7. brahmanahan m. murderer of a priest, sacerdoti- cide. —ha (nom.sg.) VII. 15. 2,3- •v/bru speak, tell. bravimi (pres.ind.act.sg.) VI.7.2. VII.24.2. -vani (pres.subj.act.sg.) IV.5.2; 6.3; 7.3; 8. 3- bruyat (pres.opt.act.sg.) 1.7.8; 8.6,8. II.22.3, 4( 2t. ). 111.16.2,4,6. IV.9.2. V.2.3. VII. 15.4. VIII.i.3,5. -yus ( pres.opt.act.pl. ) VII.15.3,4. VIII. 1.2, 4- bruvithas (jores.opt.mid. sg.) IV.4.2. -vita (pres.opt.mid.sg.) V.3.4. bruhi (imv.act.sg. ) V. 3.6; 11.6. bravTtu (imv.act.sg.) IV. 5-2; 6.3; 7.3; 8.3; 14. 3. VI.1.7. Vii.1.5; 2.2; 3.2; 4.3; 5.3; 6. 2 ; 7.2 ; 8.2 ; 9.2 ; 10.2 ; 1 1.2 ; 12.2 ; 13.2 ; 14.2. abraviit (impf.ind.act.sg.) ■34- V bhakta— bhagavant III — f-pra proclaim^ in- struct. prabravama (pres.subj. act.pl.) IV. 10.4. — bruyat ( pres.opt.act. sg.) III.11.5. VI. 14.2. BH bhakta a. divided; n. fior- tion^food. — tam (acc.sg.n.) V.19. i. ^''bhaks partake of^ cat^ drink. bhaksayanti ( pres.ind. act.pl. caus.) V.10.4. bhaga m. dispenser^ lord. — gasya (gen.sg.) V.2. 7- bhaga vattas adv. (=abl. of bhagavant) from yoztr reverence! I.S. 7,8. bhaga vaddr^a a. like y on r reverence ! — gebhyas (abl.pl.) IV. 9.3. VII.1.3. bhagavant 2^. fortunate^ ex- cellent^ blessed; (esp. nom.-voc.) the gentlc- man, your highness^ sir ! —van ( nom.sg.) I.11.3, -l)ruhi(imv.act.sg.) IV. 10,2. -brutam ( imv.act.du.) VIII.S.i. — (-prati answer. pratyabravit (impf.ind. act.sg.) IV.4.4. 4,6,8; 12.2. IV.5.2 6.3; 7-3; S.3; 9.2; 14 3. V.3.4. VI. 1. 7; 5 4; 6.5; 8.7; 9.4; ]0 5 ^ '■•0 •> ^*"'0 5 13-3 14-3; 15-3; 16.3. VII 4-3 5.3; 6.2; 7.2; 8.2; 9 2 ; 10.2 ; II. 2 ; 12.2 13.2 ; 14.2 ; 26.2. -vantam (acc.sg.) 1. 11. l,2(2t.). IV.4.3. -vatas (gen.sg.) VIII. 7-3- -vati (loc.sg.) IV.4.3. -van ( voc.sg.) V.1,7, -vas (voc.sg.) IV. 1. 8; 2.2,4; 5-1 ; 6.2; 7.2; 8.2 ; 9.1 ; 14.2. V.3.1, 2(3t-)53(2t.); i2.i; 13. i; 14.1; 15.1; 16.1; 17. 1. VI. 1.4; i2.i(5t.). VII.i.i,2(2t.),3(2t.),5; 113 bhaya — bhas 2.2; 3.2; 4.3; 5.3; 6. 2; 7.2; 8.2; 9.2; 10. 2 ; 1 1.2 ; 12.3 ; 13.2 ; 14.3 ; i6.i(3t.) ; 17. 1 ; 18.1 ; 19. 1 ; 20.1 ; 21. i; 22.1; 23.1; 24.1. VIIL7.4; S.i,3(2t.); 9.2; 10.3; 1 1.2. -vantau (nom.du.) 1. 8. 2. -vantas ( nom.voc.pl. ) V.ii.2,4,5(3t.). VI.1.7. -vadbhyas (dat.pl.) V. 1 1.5. bhaya w.fear^ danger. —yam (acc.sg.) VIII.9. I ; lo.i ; II. 1. -yasya (gen.sg.) 1.3.1. N/bhal look. — |- ni perceive. nibhalayase (pres.ind. mid.sg.caus.) " VI. 12. bhallaksa m.nm.pr. ( Clear- eye'). -(vOC.Sg.) IV.I.2(2t.). bhavant a. lordly ; as 2 pers.pron. thou., ye., your honor., sir., lady ! — vati (voc.sg.f.) IV.4. I. bhos (voc.sg.m.) IV.4. 4(2t.) ; 14.2. VI. 7. 2 (2t.). bhasman a. devouring ^ n. ashes. -ni (loc.sg.) V.24.1 \/bha be bright., shitze. bliasi (pres.ind.act.sg.) IV.9.2. -ati (pres.ind.act.sg.) III. i8.3(2t.),4(2t.),5(2t.),6 (2t.). IV.14.2; 15.4 (2t.). — |-prati shine against., be clear to., occur to. pratibhanti (pres.ind.act. pi.) VI.7.2. — f-vi illumine., become brio-Jit. vibhatas (pass.ppl.nom. sg.) VIII.4.2. bhamani a. light-leading ; m.nm.pr. -nls (nom.sg.m.) IV. 1 5.4. bharupa a. with light as foi'in. —pas (nom.sg.) III. 14.2. bhallaveya m.nm.pr. -y as (nom.sg.) V.li.i. -yam (acc.sg.) V.14.1. v/bhas speak. abhasathas (impf.ind. mid.sg.) V.3.6. bhas n. sheeii., light. -(nom.sg.) 1.6.5,6; 74 (2t.). bhasvant - v/bhu bhasvant a. shining-. 113 -vatas ( acc.pl. ) VII. 1 1.2. -t/bhiks beg. bibhikse (perf.ind.mid. so.) I.10.2. IV.3.5. bhiksa f. al?ns. -sum (acc.sg.) IV. 3. 7. v/bhid split. bhinddhi (imv.act.sg.) VLl2.l(2t.). bhinnam (pass.ppl.nom. sg.n.) VI. 12. 1, -na (pass.ppl.nom.sg.f.) VI. 12. 1. — \- nis split asunder., di- vide. nirabhidyata (impf.ind. pass.sg.) III. 19. 1. — |-vi split in pieces. vyabhetsyata (cond.ind. mid.sg.) V.16.2. \/bhi fear. bibhyatas (pres.ppl.act. nom.pl.) 1.4.2, x/bhuj enjoy., he of use to., serve. bhuiijamas (pres.ind.act. pi.) IV. 1 1.2; 12.2; 13.2. bhuvana n. being, thing., world. -nasya (gen.sg.) IV. 3.6. bhuvas (indecl. air) sacred syll. ; probably voc.pl. of bhu, O ye spaces. II.23.3. 111.15.3,6.1V. I7-3.5- \/bhu become^ be. bhavami ( pres.ind.act. sg.) VIII. 14. 1, -vati (pres.ind.act.sg.) I.i.4,7,8,io(2t.) ; 2.14; 3-1.7 ; 4-5; 9-2,4; i3-4- II.i.3(2t.); 4.2; 5.2; 6. 2; 7.2; 8.3; 10.3,4,6; II. 2( 2t.) ; 12. 2( 2t. ) ; i3.2(2t. ); i4.2(2t.); 15.2 ; 16.2 ; 17.2(21.) ; i8.2( 2t. ) ; 19. 2( 2t. ) ; 20.2; 21.2. Ill, 1 1.3; i3-i»2,3,4,5,8; 14.1 (2t.); 16.2,4,6; 18.1,2. IV.3.8(2t.); 5.3; 6.4; 7.4; 8.4; 11,2; 12.2; 13-2; 16.3,5; i7-8'9- V.I. 1, 2, 5, 15; 2.1,2 (2t.) ; 9,2 ; 10.6,10; 12.2; 13.2; 14,2; 15. 2 ; 16,2 ; 17.2 ; 24.2, VI.i. 1,3,4,6; 2.4; 3.1, 4; 4-7; 5-i'2,3; 6.1,2, 3,4; 8.i(3t.),6(2t,); lo.i ; 16,1,2. VII. 1. 5 ; 2.2 ; 3.2 ; 4.3 ; 5.2(2!.), 3; 6.2; 7.2; 8.i(rot.), 8 114 ^/bhu 2; 9-i(7t.)'2; io.i(2t.), 2(2t.) ; 11.2 ; 12.2 ; 13. 2; 14.2; 15.4(21.); 25-2(3t-); 26.2(2t.). VIII.i.6(2t.) ; 2.1,2,3, 4.5A7^S,9,io; 4.2(3t.), 3; 54; 6.3(2t.),4(2t.); 9.l(2t.),2( 2t. ) ; lO.I (2t.),2,3(2t.),4 ; 11.1,2. -vatas (pres.ind.act.du.) III.17.6. — vanti (prcs.ind.act.pl.) II.6.2 ; 12.1 ; 23.2. V. 3-3; 9-1 ; io.5(2t.),6. VI.9.3 ; 10.2. VII.4. 1 ; 5.1 ; 6.i(2t.); 10.1 ; 14.2; 25.2. VIII.1.5; 6.6(2t.). abhavatani (impf.ind.act. du.) III. 1 9. 1, —van (impf.Ind.act.pl.) I. 4.4^ babhiiva ( perf.ind.act. 5g.) 1.2. 1 ' [0.5 2. III. 17.6. V.3.7. -vus (perf.ind.act.pl.) 1. 8.1. IV.6.1 ; 7.1 ; 8.1. abhuvam (aor.ind.act.sg.) II.22.3,4(2t.). -lit (aor.ind.act.sg.) V. 3.7. VI.4.6(3t.),7;7.6. bhavisyati ( fiit.ind.act. sg-) I-9-3- V.2.1,2. VI.8.3,5.VII.io.i(2t.). -yanti (fut.ind.act.pl.) 1.5.2,4. VIII.8.4. abhavisyas (cond.ind.act. sg.) V.13.2. -yat ( cond.ind.act.feg. ) VII.2.1. bhUta pass.ppl., which see. -to (pass.ppl.loc.sg.) IV. 6.1 ; 7.1 ; 8.1. -tva grd. III.6.3; 7.3; 8.3 ; 9.3 ; 10.3. V.io. 5(2t.),6(2t.). VIII.8. 2(2t.). — |-anu attain^ cofnpre- hend^ notice. anubhavasi (pres.ind.act. sg-) VI.7.3,6. -vati ( jires.ind.act.sg. ) VII.3.i(2t.).. |-abhi be ag'ainst^ over- come. abhibhavisyamas ( fut. ind.act.pl.) 1.2. i. — f-a be present^ live 7ipoii^ contimte to live. abhavanti (pres.ind.act. pi.) VI.9.3; 10.2. — f-para perish^ vanish ., overcome. parabhavisyanti (fut.ind. act.pl.) VIII.8.4. bhu bhuyans 1^5 — |- a n u J) r a s p read through^ JilL anuprabhutas (pass.ppl. nom.sg.) VI. I I.I. — |-sam cotne together^ origifzate^ develop. sambhavati (pres.ind.act. sg.) V.4.2 ; 5.2 ; 6.2 ; 7.2; 8.2. samabhavat ( impf.ind. act.sg.) II [.1 9. 1, sambhiitas (pass.ppl. nom.sg.) V.9.2. — |-abhisam attain^ get possessed of^ change into. abhisambhavami (pres.ind. act.sg.) VIII. 1 3. 1 (2t.). -vati ( pres.ind. act.sg. ) IV.15.1. — vanti (pres.ind.act.pl.) V. 10.1,3. —vita ( nm.ag. nom.sg. ) III. 14.4. bhu f. tJic iuoj'ld.1 spacc^ eai'th; see bhuvas, bhur. bhuta a. become^ been ^ n. existence^ worlds crea- ture/ demon. -tarn (nom.sg. n.) III. i2.i(2t.),2; 15.4. -tani (nom.-acc.pl.) I. 9.1 ; 11.5,7,9. II.9.2. III. 1 2.6; i9-3( 2t. ). V.10.8; 24.5. VIII. 1.4; 11.1,2. -tanam (gen.pl.) 1. 1.2. VI.3.1. -tesu (loc.pl.) V.iS.i ; 24.2. bhutavidya f. science of hostile beings or de- mons. —(nom.sg.) VII. 1. 4. — yani (acc.sg.) VII. i. 2 ; 2.1 ; 7.1. bhuman m. plenty, abun- dance, multitude. -ma (nom.sg.) VII.23. i(3t.); 24.i(2t.). -manam (acc.sg.) 1.5.4. VII.23.1. bhumibudhna a. with the earth for bottom or foundation. -nas (nom.sg.) III. 15. I. bhuyans a. compar. more, mightier, better / \\. ace. as adv. moreover., further, still. -yan (nom.sg.) VII.4. I ; 12. 1 ; 13.1; 15.1. -yas (nom.-acc.sg.n.) III. Ii.6(2t.). V.10.6. VI. ii6 bhuy istha — bhr atr ban 5-4 ; 6.5 ; 8.7 ; 9.4 ; 10. 3; 11.3; 12.3; 13.3; 14-3; 15-3; 16.3. VII. i.5(2t.); 2.2(2t.); 3.1,2 (2t.); 4.3(2t.); 5.1,3 (2t.); 6.i,2(2t.); 7.1, 2(2t.); 8.i,2(2t.); 9.1, 2(2t.) ; io.2(2t.) ; 1 1. I,2(2t. ); I2.2(2t. ); i3.2(2t.); 14.2(21.). VIII.9.3; 10.4; 11.3. -yasi (nom.sg.f.) VII. 2.1; 14.1. — yasyas (nom.pl.f.) VII. lo.l. bhuyistha a. supl. vwst abundant^ greatest^ best. -tham (nom.sg.n.) VI. 2.4. bhur (indecl. earth') sacred syl. ; probably voc.sg. of bhu, O cafth! II. 23-3- III-i5-3'5- IV. i7-S,4- bhr^a a. strong-^ intense; n.acc. as adv. violent- ly. -gam (acc.sg.n.) VII. 15.2. bhesajakrta a. 7nade heaU ins"., czirative. — tas (nom.sg.) IV. 17-8. bhogya grdv. to be enjoyed^ n. enjoyment ^ use^ (rain. —yam (acc.sg.n.) VIII. 9.1,2; 10.2,4; 11.1,2. bhojana n. tlie enjoying-^ Joed. -nam (acc.sg.) V.2.7. bhos, see bhavant. bhratr m. brother. -ta (nom.sg.) VII. 1 5.1. -taram (acc.sg.) VII. 15.2. -taras (nom.pl.) VIII. 2.3. bhratrloka m. world oj brothers. -kena (instr.sg.) VIII. 2.3. bhratrlokakama a. desirous of the world of broth- ers. -mas (nom.sg.) VIII. 2.3. bhratr ban m. fratricide. -ha (nom.sg.) VII. 15. 2,3- ma madhyaihdina M 117 ma- pron.st. I pcrs., sec aham. maghavanta. rich in gifts; m. patron of a sacri- fice^ esp. Indra. —van (nom.sg'.) VIII. 1 1.3. —van (voc.si^.) VI II. 9. 2,3;- 10.3,4; 11.3,3; 12.1. majjan m. tnarrow^ pith. — ja (nom.sg.) II. 19. 1. VI.5.3. -jnas (gen. sg., ace. pi ?) II. I9.2(2t.). matacihant a. havinsc hail destroyed^ w it ho tit hail{}). -hatesu (loc.pl.) I.io. i. mati f. thought^ reverence. -tis (nom.sg.) VII.iS.i. -tim (acc.sg.) VII. iS. I. matsya xw.fish. -yam (acc.sg.) I'4-3. \/math, manth shake., stir., churn. mathyamanasya (pres. ppl.pass.gen.sg.) VI. 6.1. f- abhi tu rn r o 11 n d , whirl. abhimanthati (pres.ind. act.sg.) II. 12.1. — f-upa ;«/a". upamathya grd. V.2.4. madgu m. a cert, aquatic bird. -gus (nom.sg.) IV.8.1, 2. madyapa a drinking spir- ituous liquors. -pas (nom.sg.) V.11.5. madhu n. mead., honey. -(acc.sg.) VI. 9.1. madhukrt a. makimj- sweet- ncss or ho/iey ; m. bee. — tas (nom.pl.) III. 1.2; 2-1 ; 3-1 ; 4-1 ; 5-i- VI.9.1. madhunadi f. honey-cell. — dyas (nom.pl.) III.i. 2; 2.1 ; 3.1 ; 4.1 ; 5.1. madhya a. tniddle; n. the middle^ mid- heaveii ; loc. as adv.-prep. amid^ iitsidejjetween., among. -yat (abl.sg.) VI. 13.2. -ye (loc.sg.) III.5.3; 1 I.I ; 16.2,4,6. VI. 1 1. I. madhyaihdina m. midday. — nat (abl.sg.) TI.9.6. -ne (loc.sg.) II.9.5 ; 14.I. ii8 madhyama — manusya madhyama a. supl. tnid- most^ medium. -mas (nom.sg.) Vl.5.1, 2,3- ■\/man think, believe, take to be, perceive. manute (pres.ind.micl.sg.) VII.18.1 ; 19.1(31.). VIII.5.2. — nyante (pres.ind.mid.- pass.pl.) 1.2.10,11,12. VIII.8.5. -navai ( pres.subj.mid. sg.) VIII. 12. 5. -nvTran ( pres.opt.mid. pi.) VII.i3.i(2t.). manvanas (pres.ppl.mid. nom.sg.) VII. 15.4; 25.2. — nasya(pres.ppl.mid.gen. sg. ) VII. 26. 1, matam (pass. ppl. nom.sg. n.) VI. 1.3. -tva grd. VII. 1 8. 1, mimansam (des.vbl.f.acc. sg.) V.ii.i. \- prati anszver, oppose. pratimanvanas (pres.ppl. mid.nom.sg.) IV. 3. 7. manas n. mind. — (nom.-acc.sg.) I.2.6 ; 7.3(21.). II. 7. 1 ; II. I. III. 13.4; iS.i. IV. 3. 3;S.3; 16.1. V.1.5, ii(2t.),i4; 18.2; 22. 2. VI.5.1,4; 6.2,5; 7. 6; 8.2(2t.),6; 15.1,2. VII.3.i(6t. ),2; 26.1. VIII.6.5; 12.5.^ -sa (instr.sg.) II. 22. 2. IV. 16.2. V. 1.8,9,10. VII.3.1. VIII.12.5. -sas (abl.-gen.sg.) VII. 3.2-(3t.); 4.1. -si (loc.sg.) V.22.2. VI. ^.6; 15.1,2. manansi (nom.pl.) V.l. 15- ■v/manasy have in mind, intend. nianasyati (pres.ind.act. sg.) VII.3.1; 4.1; 5. 1. manu m.nm.pr. the man, father oj" matt kind. -nus (nom.sg.) III. 11.4. VIII.15.1. -nave (dat.sg.) III.11.4, VIII.15.1. manusya a. human; m. man. -yas (nom.pl.) II. 9.3. -yan (acc.pl.) VII. 2.1 ; 7.1. -yebhyas (dat.-abl.pl.) 11. 22. 2. IV.9.2. manusyakama— magaka 1 1( — yanam (gen.pl.) VII. 6.1. manusyakama m. human desires. -man (acc.pl.) 1. 7.8. -manam (gen.pl.) 1. 7.6. manomaya a. spiritual^ mental. -yas (nom.sg.) III. 14. 2. mantr m. tJiinkcr. -til (nom.sg.) VII. 8.1 ; 9.1. mantra m. thought., speech., esp. hymn (of the Veda, including rc, yajus, saman). —ras (nom.pl.) VII.4.I, 2 ; 5.1 ; 26.1. -ran (acc.pl.) VII. 3.1 ; 14. 1, -ranam (gen.pl.) VII.4. 2. -resii (loc.pl.) VII.4.1 ; v/mantray speak. — [_a address^ invite. amantrayam (vbl.f.acc. sg.) IV. 4.1. hup^ ^^'^^ ?zear, pci-- suade. upamantrayate (pres.ind. mid.sg.) II.13.1. V. 8.1. mantravid a. knowimx ifi^ Mantras. -vit (nom.sg.m.) VII. i. 3- mantha m . churit i n g / mixed beverage ; spoon^ chzir?ii72g-stick. -tham (acc.sg.) V. 3.4,6. -the (loc.sg.) V. 2.4,5 (4t.). manthana n. kindling Jire by friction. -nam (nom.sg.) I-3-5' marana n. death. -nam (nom.sg.) 111.17- 5- marici f. ray., beam. -cayas (nom.pl.) II.21. I. III.i.i. marut m.pl. the Maruts (gods of the wind, companions of Rudra and Indra). -tas (nom.pl.) IIL9.1. -tarn (gen.pl.) 111.9.3,4. martya a. mortal. —yam ( nom.sg. n.) VII. 24.1. VIII. 3. 5; 12. 1. -yas (nom.pl.) IV. 3.6. ma^aka m. biting insect ; gnat, fly. -kas (nom.sg.) VI.9.3 ; 10.2. I20 \/mah — v/ mahiy \/mah be great; caus. juagnify^ delight^ hon- or. mahayan (pres.ppl.act. nom.sg.caiis.) VIII. 8.4. mahatta f. greatness. -tarn (acc.sg. ) VII.6. i. mahant (mahant) a. great ; n. greatness. — han (nom.sg. ) II. 11.2 I2.2(2t.) ; 13. 2( 2t. ) I4.2(2t); I5.2(2t.) l6.2(2t.) ; I7.2(2t.) l8.2(2t.); I9.2(2t.) 20.2(2t.). — hantam (acc.sg.) IV. 3-7- —hat (acc.sg. n.) V.2.4. — hatas (gen.sg.) VI. 7. 3, 5; II. I. mahayya a. (grdv.caus.?) to be delia-hted. -yas (nom.sg.) VIII. 8. 4. mahas n, greatness ; splen- dor. -(nom.sg.) III. 13.5. mahasvant a. great; splendid. -van (nom.sg.) III. 13.5. mahatman a. great-heart- ed^ mighty. -nas (acc.pl.) IV. 3.6. mahapatha m. chief road., highway. -thas (nom.sg.) VIIL6. 2. mahamanas a. great-heart- ed or mitzded^ Jtoble; proud. -nas (nom.sg. m.) II. 11. 2. VI. 1.2,3. mahavrsa m. great bull; pl.nm.pr. -sesu (loc.pl.) IV. 2. =5. mahaQala m. great house- holder. -las (nom.pl.) V. 11. 1,3. VL4.5. mahagrotriya a. greatly leartied{i\\ sacred lore), -yas (nom.pl.) V.ii.i, 3. VI.4.5. mahidasa m.nm.pr. -sas (nom.sg.) III. 16.7. mahiman m. greatness^ might. -ma (nom.sg.) III. 12.6. VII. 24, 2. -manam (acc.sg.) IV. 3. 7- -mna (instr.sg.) 1. 1.9. -mnl (loc.sg.) VII. 24. 1 (2t.). \/mahIy be great., happy., or blessed. I ma — manusa 121 mahiyate (pres.ind.mid. sg.) VIII. 2. 1,3,3,4,5, 6,7,8,9,10. — yamunas (pres.ppl.mid. nom.sg.) VIII.io.i. 1 ma adv.-conj. not ^ that jiot^ lest (w. unaug. . pret., doubtfully vv. opt.). III. 1 1.2 ; 15.2 ; 16.2,4,6. IV.i.2(3t.); 10.2. V.I. 12. VI. 7.1. VIII.i4.i(2t.). 2 ma, see aham. v/ma 7neastire^ prepare/ caus. build. mapayam (caus.vbl.f.acc. sg.) IV. 1. 1. — |-ativi, see ativimana. mansa n. meat. -sam (nom.sg.) II.19.1. VI.5.1. matr f. mother. -ta (nom.sg.) VII. 15. i. -taram (acc.sg.) IV.4. 1,4. V.24.5. VII. 15.2. —taras (nom.pl.) VIII. 2. 2. matrloka m. ivorld of mothers. -kena (instr.sg.) VIII. matrlokakama a. desirous of the ivorld of moth- ers. -mas (nom.sg.) VIII. 2. 2. matrhan m. ??iatricide. -ha (nom.sg.) VII. 15. 2 ^ matra f. measure^ liunt^ period/ small meas- ure^ particle; due measure., arrange- fnent. -ram (acc.sg.) II. 34. 16. III. 19. I. madhyamdina a. jncrid- io?ial^ midday''s. -nam (nom.-acc.sg.n.) II. 24.1,10. III. 16.2, 3(2t.), 4- -nasya (gen.sg.) II. 24. 7- manava a. h u m a n ; m. man. -vas (nom.sg.m.) IV. 17.9. -vam (acc.sg.m.) IV. 1 5. 6. manasa a. mental^ spirit- ual. — sas (nom.sg.) IV. 15.5. V.10.2. manusa a. human. -sam (nom.sg. n.) V.3.6. -sasya (gen.sg.) V.3.6. -sas (nom.pl.) V.1.4. 122 masa— mula masa m. month, -san (acc.pl.) IV. 15.5. V.9.1 ; 10.1,3. — sebhyas (abl.pl.) IV. 15.5. V.io.2,4. mithuna a. paired; m. pair^ couple ; n. pair^ copulation,, union. —nam (nom.sg.n.) 1. 1.5, 6. -nat (abl.sg.) II. 13.3 (2t.). -lie (loc.sg.) 11.13.1,2. -nau (nom.du.m.) 1. 1.6. mithunin a. pairing. — ni (nom.sg. ; BR. treat as adv., which it is in effect, see Wh.Gr. I093.a) II.13.2. mimansa f., see \/man. mukha n. inouth,,facc; be- ginning., head. — kham (nom.-acc.sg.) IV. 2.5; 14.2. -khena (instr.sg.) III. 6. 1,3; 7-^3; S-I53; 9-^ 3; 10.1,3. IV.2.5. -khat (abl.sg.) VI II. 1 3.1. mukhya a. pertaijiing to the mouth or face; chief., primary. — yas (nom.sg.) 1. 2. 7 ; 5-3- \/muc, moks release. mucyate (pres.ind.pass. sg.) VI. 16.2. — |-pi"3. tciztie, loose. pramucya grd. VI. 14.2. VIII. 13.1. |-vi set free,, abandon^ give up. vimoksye (fut.ind.mid. sg.) VI.14.2. \''mud be tnerry^ rejoice. modamanas ( pres.ppl. mid. nom.sg.) VI.ii.i. musti i.Jist., handful. -tis (nom.sg.) VII. 3.1. mutra n. urine. —ram (nom.sg.) VI. 5. 2. mtirta a. thickened,, coagu- lated. — tas (noni.pl.f.) VII. 10. I(2t.). murdhan m. head,, chief leader. -dha (nom.sg.) 1.8.6 ( 2t.),8(2t.) ; 10.95I0, II ; 11.4,5,6,7,8,9. V. i2.2(2t.) ; 18.2. -dhanam (acc.sg.) VIII. 6.6. mula n. root,, basis ^ origin^ cause. -lam (nom.-acc.sg.) VI. S.4(4t.),6(3t.). s/mr — -v/mluc 12'. -Ic (loc.sg.) VI. 11. 1. x/mr (^ic. mriyate (pres.ind.pass.- mid.sg.) • VI. 1 1.3(2!.). — yasva (imv.pass.sg.) V. lo.S. mrttika f . earthy clay^ loam. -(nom.sg.) VI. 1.4. mrtpinda m. lump of clay. [-das (nom.sg.) 1. 3. 7*, 8*.] — dena (instr.sg.) VI. 1.4. mrtyu m. death. — yus (nom.sg.) I'4'3- VIII.4.1. —yum (acc.sg. ) II. 22.4. VII.26.2. — yuna (instr.sg. ) VIII. 12. 1. — yos (abl.-gen.sg.) I.4. 2. 11.22.3,5. mrditakasaya a. with pas- sion or impurity rubbed or wiped away. -yaya (dat.sg.) VII. 26. 2. mrdu a. soft, gentle.^ tender. -(nom.sg.n.) II. 22.1. mrnmaya a. made of clay^ earthe7t. -yam (nom.sg.n.) VI. 1.4. ■V^mr^ stroke., grasp., co7i- sider. — |-ava grope., consider. avamrfya grd. VI. 1 3.1. — \-\'\ feel., try., examine. vimrstam (pass.ppl.nom. sg.n.) 1.1.4. megha m. cloud. -ghas (nom.sg.) II. 3.1 ', 4.1 ; 15.1. III. 19.2. V. io.6(2t.). medhavin a. intelli<rent. -vi (nom.sg.) VI. 14.3. maitreya m.nm.pr. -yas (nom.sg.) 1.12.1,3. maithuna a. paired; n. copitlation. -nam (acc.sg.n.) III. 17. 3- mauna n. condition of be- ing a Muni or holy sage., silefice. -nam (nom.sg.) VIII. 5.3. %/inred gratify. — (-ni delight., bless. nimrederan (pres.opt. mid.pl.) III. 19.4, v/mla relax., fade. — |-vi wither away., de- cay. vyamlasyetam (cond.ind. mid.du.) V.I 7.2. v/mluc go to rest., set. — |-ni go doivn., set. 124 ya- nimlocati (pres.ind.act. sg.) III.11.3. nimumloca (perf.ind.act. sg.) III. 1 1.3. ya- st.rel.pron. zvho^ ivhich^ what (subst. and a.), if anybody ; n.w. word of any number or gen- der that is, namely ; n. ace. as adv.conj.,-1. that (w.word of say- ing, thinking, etc.), so that, as for the fact that, 2. since, 3. when, if- yas (nom.sg.m.) I- 1.75 8,io(3t.); 2.7,S(2t.), 14; 3.i(3t.),3(2t.),7 (2t.); 4-5; 5-U2t.)'3. 5(2t.); 6.6,7; 7-5'7'9; 8.6,8; 9.2,4; i3.4(2t.). II.1.4; 2.3; 3.2; 4.2; 5.2 ; 6.2 ; 7.2 ; 8.3(2t.) ; 10.6 ; 1 1.2 ; 12.2 ; 13. 2; 14.2; 15.2; 16.2; 17.2 ; 18.2 ; 19.2 ; 20. 2 ; 21.2,4 5 24.2,i6(2t.). 111-6.3; 7-3; ^-3; 9- 3; 10.3; 1 1.3; 12.7 (2t.),8(2t.),9(2t.); 13. l(2t.),2(3t.),3(2t. ),4 (2t.),5(2t.),6(2t.),8 (2t.); 15.2; i6.7(2t.); i8-34vS'6(2t. ); 19.4. IV. 1.4,6; 3.8(2t.); 5. 3(2t.); 6.4(2t.); 7.4 (3t.); 8.4(2t.); 11. 1, 2(3t. ); I2.I,2(2t.); i3.i,3(2t.); 15.1,2,3,4; 16.1. V.I. 1, 2,3,4,5; 3. 4; io.6(3t.),io(3t.); 12.2; 13.2; 14.2; 15. 2 ; 16.2 ; 17.2 ; iS.i ; 24.1,2,3. VI.5.i(3t.), 2(3t.)'3(3t-); 6.1,2,3, 4; 8.6; 9.4; 10.3; ir. i(3t.)'3; 12.3; 13.3; 14- 3; 15-3; 16.3. VII. 1.5; 2.2; 3.2; 4.3(2t.); 5. 3(2t.); 6.2; 7.2(2t.); 8.2 ; 9.2(2t.) ; io.2(3t) ; II. 2( 2t. ) ; 12. 2( 2t. ) ; 13.2; i4.2(2t.); 16.1 ; 23.1; 24.1. VIII.3.1 (2t.),4; 4.1 ; 5.1; 7.1 (2t.),3(2t.),4(3t.); 10. I ; i2.4(3t.),5. yat (nom.-acc.sg.n.) I. i.3,5,S(2t.); 2.9(2t.), 10,12; 3.3(2t.),4,9,i2; 4-2,4,5 ; 6.5(2t.),6(2t.) ; 7-4(4t-),5(2t.); 10.2,6. ya v/yaj 125 II.i.i(2t.),3(2t.),4; 4. i(2t.); S.i(3t.),2(4t.); 9-2,34'5A75^; 2 4-1- ni.1.4; 2.3; 3.3; 4. 3; 5-3; 6.1 ; 7.1 ; 8. 1 ; 9.1 ; lo.i ; 12.1,3, 4(2t.),7; i3-7(2t.); i5-4(2t. ),5,6,7; 17.1 (3t-)'2(3t.)'3(3t-)'4:7; ^9-2(5t-)'3'4- IV.1.4 (2t.),6(2t.); 3.7; 10.5 (3t.); 15.5; i6.i(3t.). V.i.i3(2t.),i4(2t.); 2. 1; 3.2; 8.i(2t.); 10. 7(2t.); 12.2; 13.2; 14. 2; 15.2; 16.2; 17.2; 19.1,2 ; 20.2 ; 21.2 ; 22. 2; 23.2. VI. 1.3,7; 4- K3t-).2(3t.),3(3t.),4 (3t-)'6(3t-)'7; 74; 9- 3(2t.); io.2(2t.); II. 2; 13.1. VII.i.1,3; 2.1 ; 5.2( 2t.) ; I o. I (5t.) ; 24.1, VIII. 1. 1 (2t.),2(3t.),3(2t.); 3. 2,5(4t.); 5.l(2t.),2(2t.), 3(2t.); 8.1 ; 9.2; 10. 3; 11.3,3; 12.6; 14.1. ya (nom.sg.f.) 1.3.4(21.); 10.9,10,1 1 ; I 1 .4,6,8. III.i2.2(2t. ),3; 19.2. VII.io.i. yam (acc.sg.m.) V.12.1 ; 13.1 ; 14.1; 15.1; 16. 1; 17.1. VI.I2o2. VIII. 1. 5(41.) ; 2.10 (3t-); 3-5; 5-3; 7-2- yam (acc.sg.f.) 1.3.9,11. IV. 2. 2. V.3.6; 19. 1 ; 20.1 ; 21.1 ; 22.1 ; 23.1. yena (iustr.sg.) 1.3.8,10 (2t.). V.1I.6. VI.1.3. yasmai (dat. sg.) IV. 3. 6. yasya ( gen.sg. ) 1.6. 7. III. 14.4. yasmiu (loc.sg.) IV. 2. 4. V,i.7. yasyam (loc.sg. f.) 1. 3.9. yau (nom.du.m.) I-7-5* ye (nom.pl.m.) 1.6,8; 7. 6(2t.),7,S; 10.2. III. 1.2; 2.1 ; 3.1; 4.1; 5. I. V.IO.l(2t.),3,7(2t.), VII.6.i( 3t. ) ; 25.2. VIII.i.6(2t.); 3.2(2t.); 4.3; 5.4; 12.6. yani (nom.pl.n.) ^S-S- II.21.3. 111.16.1,3,5. yas (nom.pl.f.) 1 1. 4.1 (2t.). VIII.6.1. yan (acc.pl. m.) IV. 15.5. V. 10.1,3. \/yaj offer ^ Ivor ship ^ sac- rifice. yaksyate (fut.ind.mid. sg.) 1. 10.6. 126 yajamana — yatas —yamanas ( f ut.ppl.mid. nom.sg.) V.I 1.5. istam ( pass.ppl. nom.sg. n.) VIII.5.T. istva grcl. IV. 16.3,5. yajamana ( pres.ppl.mid. ) m. institutor of sacri- fice. -nas (nom.sg.) 1.11.1,3. 11.24.6,10,15. IV. 16. 3.5- —nam (acc.sg.) IV. 17.10. — naya (dat.sg.) 11.22,2 ; 24-559,i4- -nasya (gen.sg.) II. 24. yajurveda m. Veda of sac- rificial texts .^ Tajtir- Veda. —das ( nom.sg. ) I-3'7- III.2.1. VII.1.4. —dam (acc.sg.) III. 2. 2 ; 15.7. VII. 1.2 ; 2.1 ; 7.1. yajustas adv. conceriting the Tajus. IV. 17.5. yajus n. sacred aive^ wor- ships sacrifice^ sacri- ficial formula. -(nom.sg.) 1.4.4; 7-5- -usas (abl.sg.) I.4.3. -usi (loc.sg.) I-4.3- — linsi (nom.-acc.pl.) III. 3.1,2. IV. 17. 2. VI. 7. 2. -urbhyas (abl.pl.) IV. I7-3- -usam (gen.pl.) IV. 17. J(3t.). yajna m. worships sacri- fice. -nas (nom.sg.) II. 23.1. 111.16.1,2,4,6. IV.16.1 (2t.),3,5; I7A9- VIIL 5.1. -nam (acc.sg.) 1. 10.7. IV.16.3,5; 17.10. -ilasya (gen.sg.) II. 24. 16. IV. 1 7.4,5,6,8. yajnayajniya n. a cert. Sa- ma)i. -yam (nom. -acc.sg.) II. 19.1,2. -v/yat unite^ meet. — |-sam ?i7iite., meet to- gether. sarhyetire (perf.ind.mid. pi.) 1. 2. 1. — |-anva connect ^ make to share. anvayatta pass.ppl., which see. yatara rel.pron.a.compar. which of two. -re (nom.pl.) VIII. 8.4. yatas rel.adv.conj. whence. IV.i7.9( 2t. ). V.9.2 (2t.). yatkama— yadi 27 yatkama rel. a. desiring ivJi'icJi. -mas (nom.sg.) I.3.13 (3t.) yatra rel.adv.conj. xvkerc, when^ zvhile^ if. 1.2. I. III.i3.8(3t.). IV. 1.7; 3.5; 6.1 ; 7.1 ; 8. I ; 16.3,4; 17.8,9. VI. 2.34; S.1,3,5. VII. 24.l(2t.). VIII.6.3,4, 5; ii.i; 12.4. yatha rel.adv. in ivhich way., as j that (w. word of saying, thinking, etc.). 1.3.7; 3-5; 4-3; 6.7 ; 12.4. II. 23.4. IV. 1.4,6; 14.3; 16.3,5; 17.7. V. 1.8.9,10,1 1, 12; 3.2,3(2t.),5,7; 24. 1.3.5- VI.i.4,5,6; 3.4; 4-7; 7-3,5; S.2,3,5,6; 9.1,2; lo.i ; 13.1; 14.1 (3t.),2. VII.3.1; 15.1. VIII. 1. 5,6; 3.2; 6.2; 8.3; 9.1,2; 13.3,3. yathakamacara m. motion accoi'ding to desire. -ras (nom.sg.) VII. i. 5; 2.3; 3.2; 4.3; 5.3; 6.2 ; 7.2 ; 8.2 ; 9.2 ; 10. 2; 1 1.2; 13.3; 13.2; 14.3. yathakratu a. according to wisdom possessed. -tus ( nom.sg. m.) III. 14. I. yathanugasanam adv. ac- cording to command. VIII.1.5. yathavidhanam adv. ac- cordinif to rule. VIII. 15.I. yathetam adv. asonccajtie. V.10.5. yad rel.adv.conj. that^ see ya-. yada rel.adv.conj. -when., if. I.1.6; 2.8; 4.4. IV. 3-U3t-).2,3; 4-5- V. 3.9. VI.15.3. VII. 3.1 ; 4.1 ; 5.1 ; S.i ; 10. i(3t. ); 13.1; 17.1; 18.1 ; 19.1 ; 30.I ; 3i. I ; 32.1. VIII. 1.4. yadi rel.adv.conj. if; al- though (-\-Sipi), wheth- er, or (+va). 11.32. 3,4(3t.). 111.11.6. IV. 15-1.5; 17-4.5A ^^-' 3.4.S; 3-5; 24-4- VI. 16.1,3. VII.5.3(3t.); 9.1 (2t.); 13.1; 15.3,3; 34.1. VIII. 3. 1,3,3,4, 5,6,7,8,9; io.i(2t.),3 (3t.). 128 yadgotra — \/yuj yadgotra a. of what tribe. -ras (nom.sg.) IV.4.2 (2t.),4(3t.). -yam 3rd syl. of sattiya. VIIL3.5. v^yam hold^ lift. yacchati ( pres.ind.act. sg.) VIIL3.5(2t.). hpra offer. prayacchet (prcs.opt.act. sg.) V.34.4. |-sampra offer togcth- er^ resign. samprayacchanti (pres. ind.act.pl.) 11.24.6,10, 16. yava m. grain., corn., esp. barley^ barley-corn. -vat (abl.sg.) III. 14.3. yaQas n. glory., fame. -(nom.sg.) III. 1. 3; 2. 3-2 • 1 '^ • 5 •+•- J 5-2 0- 2. VIII.i4.i(5t.). — sa (instr.sg.) III.1S.3, -sam (gen.pl.) VIII. 14. I. ya^asvin a. having glory or fame. -vT (nom.sg.) III. 13.2. v^yas be eager or heated. — f-a <5c vexed or do%un- cast. ayastas ( pass.ppi.nom. sg-) V.3.4. ya sacred syl. 1. 13.2. A/ya go^ cotne; stir., ?nove. yati ( pres. ind. act. sg. ) VII.15.1. yana n. going ; vehicle., chariot. — nais (instr.pl.) VIII. 12.3. yavatsampatam adv. as long as there is re- mainder. V . 1 0.5 . yavadayusam adv. throughout life. V.9. 2. VIII. 15.1. 3''avant rel. a. as great., as far; n.acc. as rel.adv. conj. as far or lofzg as., ivhile. -van (nom.sg.m.) VIII. -vat (nom.-acc.sg.n.) I 9.3; 1 1.3. III.6.4; 7 4; 8.4; 9.4; 10.4. V 9.1 ; II. 5. VI. 14.2 15.1. VII.1.5; 2.2; 3 2; 4-3; 5-3; 6.2; 7.2 8.2 ; 9.2 ; 10.2 ; 1 1.2 13.3 ; 13.2 ; 14.2. VIII 6.4,5. \./yuj yoke., harness. yuktas ( pass.ppi.nom, yuyam — ra§mi 129 Sg.) VIILl2.3(2t.). yuyam, see tvam. yoni f. lap^ zvomb^ vulva ; hoJiic; birih - staiioii^ race^ caste. —1113(110111.8^.) V.8.I. -aim (acc.sg.) V.io.y (2t.). yosa f. girl^ ivoman., wife. -(nom.sg.) V.S.I, yauvana \\. yontJi. -ne (locsg.) IV. 4. 2,4. R >/raks guard. — f-abhi j)rotect. abhiraksati (pres.ind.act. sg.) IV. 17.9,10. rajata a. shinhig, silveiy ; n. silver. -tarn ( nom.- acc.sg.n. ) 111.19.1,2. IV. 17. 7. — tena (instr.sg.n.) IV. 17.7. ratha m. chariot. -thas (nom.sg.) IV. 16. 3:5- rathaiiitara n. a cert. Sa- man. -ram (nom.-acc.sg.) II. 12.1,2. roTV of ch ar ratha§reni f iots. — ijayas (nom.pl.) V.14.1. v/rabh seize., clasp. — [-sam hold together., he hand in hand. sariirabdhas ( pass.ppl. nom.pl.) 1. 1 2.4. v/ram. stop^ settle, gladden. ramate (pres.ind.mid.sg.) 111.17.1,2. VII.12.1 (2t.). VIII. 12.5. -amanas (pres.ppl.niid. nom.sg.) VIIL!2.3. — ^-sama cease. samaratas (pass.ppl. nom. pi.) I.IO.II. ramaniya grdv. to be de- lighted /;?, good. -yam (acc.sg.f.) V.10.7. ramaniyacarana a. having delighted coiirse or good cojtdtect, -nas (nom.pl.) V.10.7. rayi m. wealth, treas?irc. -yis (nom.sg.) V.16. i : 18.2. rayimant a. rich. —man (nom.sg.) V.16.X. ragmi m. Ii7ze, cord, ray. beam. -mayas (nom.pl.) Ill, 1.2 ; 2.1 ; 3.1 ; 4.1 ; 5, 9 130 rasa— ragi I. V.4.1. VIIL6.2. — min (acc.pl.) I-5-2. -mibhis (instr.pl.) VIII. 6.5. rasa m. saf^ essence^ flo-wcr (best of kind), -sas (nom.sg.) I.i.2(8t.); 2.10. III. 1.3; 2.2; 3. 2; 4.2; 5.2. VI.9;2 (2t.). -sam (acc.sg.) VI.9. i. VII.7.1. — sena (instr.sg.) 1. 1.9. -sas (nom.pl.) III. 5. 4 (St.). -san (acc.pl.) IV. 17.1, -2,3. VI.9.]. -sanam (gen.pl.) 1.1.3. III.5.4. rasatama a. svipl. sappiest^ best j m. quintessence. -mas (nom.sg.) 1. 1.3. \/raj rz//<?, be Jirsi ; shine., be illustrious. — (-vi be illusti'iotis. virajati (pres.ind.act.sg.) II.16.2. rajan m. king., prince; man of military caste (=ra- janya=ksatriya) . -ja (nom.sg.) 1. 10.6. V.2.6; 4.2; 10.4. -janam (acc.sg.) V.5.2. -jnas (gen.sg.) V.3.6. -jan (voc.sg.) V.3.6; 12.1; 13. 1 ; I4.i;i5. I ; 16.1 ; 1 7. 1. -jiiam (gen.pl.) VIII. 14.1. rajana n. a cert. Saman. -nam (nom. -acc.sg.) II. 20.1,2. rajanyabandhu m. compan- ion of a nobleman., a mere nobleman. -dhus (nom.sg.) V.3.5. rajni f. qzieen. -(nom.sg.) III. 15. 2. rajya n. kifzg-shtp, sover- eignty. -yam (acc.sg.) V.2.6. -yaya (dat.sg. as inf.) II. 24.4. ratri f. nia-ht. -ris (nom.sg.) V.6.1. -rim (acc.sg.) V.10.3. -res (abl.sg.) V.10.3. -rau (loc.sg.) V.2.4. -rTs (acc.pl.) VII.9.1. ■y/radh succeed. — j-vi 7niss., lose (instr.). viradhisi (unaug.aor.ind. mid.sg.) III. 1 1.2. ra^i m. heap., mass (a cert, work). rahu — revant -fis (nom.sg.) VII. 1.4. -9im (acc.sg,) VII. 1.2 ; 3.1 ; 7.1. rahu m.um.pr. — hos (gen.sg.) VIII, 13.1. ■y/ris be hurt^ f*^^^^- risyati (pres.iiul.act.sg. ) IV.i6.3(2t.). -yet ( pres.opt.act.sg. ) IV. 1 7.4,5,6. — yantam ( pres.ppl.act. acc.sg.m.) IV. 1 6.3. — f-anu be Jucrt on ac- count of. anurisyati (pres.ind.act. sg.) IV.16.3. - 4-vi, see virista. v/rud weep^ lament^ bewail. roditi (pres.ind.act.sg.) III. 15.2. VIII.IO.2,4. rudam (unaug.impf.-aor. ind.act.sg.) III. 15.2. rodayanti (pres.ind.act. pl.caiis.) III. 16.3. rudra m. storm- god; pi. Rudras (sous), JSIa- ruts (companjons). — ras (nom.pl.) II. 24. 10. III.7.1 ; i6.3(2t.),4. -ranam (gen.pl.) II. 24. I. 111.7.3,4; 16.4. v/rudh obstruct. f-ava Jiold off^ kccp^ acquire. avarunddhc ( pres.ind. mid.sig.) II. 15. 2. — f-"pa drive in (cattle), uparudhya grd. IV. 6.1 ; 7.1 ; 8.1. v/ruh rise. hpra grow forth. praroheyus (pres.opt.act. pi.) V.2.3. rupa n.for/ii^ beauty. -pam (nom. -acc.sg.) I. 7.5(2t.). III.1.4; 2.3; 3-3 ; 4-3 ; 6.2,3 ; 7.2,3 ; ^•2,3; 9-2,3; 10-2,3. VI.4.l(2t.),2(2t.),3 (2t.),4(2t.),6(3t.). -pena (instr.sg.) VIII. 34; 12.2,3. -pat (abl.sg.) 111.6.2,3; 7-2,3; ^-2,3; 9-2,3; lo- 2,3- -pani (nom.pl.) VI.4.1, 2,3,4- retas n.foxv^ gush ; semen; seed. -(nom. -acc.sg.) V.7.3 ; 8.2 ; 10.6. -sas (gen.sg.) III. 17. 7. revant a. rich; f.pl. rich ones ( cows, waters, verses RV. I.30.13 al- 1^2 raikva— v/ll ludino- to a cert. Sa- man). — vatyas (nom. -acc.pl. f.) II.l8.I,2. raikva m.nm.pr. -vas (nom.sg.) IV. 1.3, 5,8. -vam (acc.sg.) IV. 1.3,5. -va (voc.sg-.) IV. 2.2,4. raikvaparna m.nm.pr. of a cert, place, -nas (nom.pl.) IV. 2. 5. roga m. disease. -gam (acc.sg.) VII. 26. roman n. hair. -mani (acc.pl.) VIII. 13.1. rohita a. rcd^ reddish. -tam (nom.sg.n.) III.i. 4. VI.4.1,2,3,4,6. raudra a. of Rudra or the Riidras. -ram (acc.sg.n.) II. 24. 7, •v/lap prate, talk. alapayisyas (coud.ind.act. sg.caus.) IV. 2. 5. ■\/labh catch, JiJid., get. labhate (pres.ind.mid.sg.) IIL12.9. VII. 22.1. VIII.3.1,2. — bhante ( pres.ind.mid. pi.) VI.9.2. — l)hemahi (pres.opt.mid. pi.) I.io.6(2t.). alabhe (impf.ind.mid.sg.) IV.4.2,4. labdhva grd. VII. 2 2.1 (2t.). f-upa touch, charge with, blame. iipalabheta (pres.opt.mid. sg.) II.22.3,4(2t.). lambhuka a. tvith a tend- ency to get (ace), -kas ( nom.sg. ) V.2. 2 lavana a. sa/t ; n. salt. -nam (nom. -acc.sg.) VI. I3.l(2t.),2(3t.). nena (instr.sg.) IV. 17.7. linga n. mark, sign, einblein -gam (acc.sg.) VIII. I4.l(2t.). \/lip smear., stain. lipyate (pres.ind.pass.sg.) V. 10.10. \/li cling, stick, settle, stoop, hide. — f-vi cling to, settle down, disappear, melt. A^lup loman '33 vilinam (pass.ppl.nom. sg.n.) VI.13.1. v/lup break. (-vi tear in ■pieces ; mid. -pass, ■perish. vilopsi (unaiif^.aor.ind. mid.sg.) III. 16. 2,4,6. le^a m. particle, bit, drop ^ iiistr. as adv. slightly. — 9ena (instr.sg.) II. 22. 5- loka m. place, ivorld, heav- en. — kas (nom.sg. ) I.S.5,7 ; 9-4(3t-); I3-I- II--4- 2,5^9'i5- V.3.3; 4.1 ; lo.S. VII. 3.1 ; 4.2 ; 8.1. VIII.i.6(2t.). — kam ( acc.sg. ) 1-8.5 (2t.),7(2t.). II. 22.2; 24.5,9,14. III. 13.6. VII.3.1 ; 7.1; 14.1. VIII.3-3.5; 8.5. — kasya (gcn.sg.) I-S.5, 7(2t.) ; 9.1. III. 13.6 (3t.). VII.4.2. -ke(loc.sg.) 1.9.3,4(41.). III. 14. 1. IV.5.3 ; 6. 4; 7.4; 8.4; 1 1.2; 12. 2; 13.2. V.1.3. -kau (acc.du.) VIII. 6. 2 ; 8.4. -kas (nom.pl.) 1.6.8 ; 7. 6,7,8. II.2.3 ; 21. 1. VIII.12.6. -kan (acc.pl.) 1. 9. 2. 11. 7.2; 17.2; 23.3. IV. 5-3; 64; 74; 8.4; H- 3; 1 7. 1. VII.4.3; 5.3; 7.2 ; 9.2 ; I 1.2 ; 12.2. VIII.7.2,3; 8.1; 12.6. -kebhyas (abl.pl.) III. H-3- -kanam (gen.pl.) IV. 17.8. VIII.4.1. -kesu (loc.pl.) 11.2.1,3; 17.1,2. III. 13. 7. IV. 15.4(21.). V.3.7; 18. I ; 24.2. VII. 25.2(21.). VIII.i.6(2t.); 4.3; 5. 4- lokaksit a. dwcllinrr ill the ■world or heaven. -ite (dat.sg.) 11.24.5,9. -idbhyas (dat.pl.) II. 24.14. lokadvara n. gate of the world or heaven. -ram (nom.-acc.sg.) II. 24.4,8,12,13. VIII. 6.5. lokin a. possessing the {bcsf) zvorld. -kl ( nom.ssf, ) II.17.2. IV. II. 2 ; 12.2 ; 13.2. loman n. hair. -ma (nom.sg.) II. 1 9.1. 134 loha — v/vac -mani (nom.pl.) V.18.2. -mabhyas (abl.pl.) VIII. 8.1. loha a. reddish^ n. cofjycr^ iron^ metal. -ham ( nom.-acc.sg.n. ) IV. 17.7. VI.1.5. — hena (instr.sg.) IV. 17. 7- lohamani m. copper ot-na- inent. — nina (instr.sg.) VI.1.5. lohamaya a. made of cop- per or iron. —yam (nom.sg.n.) VI. lohita a. red; n. copper^ blood. -tas (nom.sg.m.) VIII. 6.1. -tarn (nom.sg.n.) VI. 5.2. tasya (gen.sg.) VIII. 6.1. vaktavya grdv. to be spo- ken. -yas (nom.pl.) II. 22. 5 (3t.)- x/vac speak^tell^say^claim. uvaca (perf.ind.act.sg.) 1.5.2,4; 8.2,3 (2t.), 4 (4t.),5(2t.),6,7(3t.),8 (2t.); 9.1,3; 10.2,3 (2t.),4,6,7,8,io,ii ; II. i(2t.),2,3,5,7,9; 12.3. III. 1 1.4; 17.6. IV. I. 5'7; 2.5(3t.); 3-6; 4- 2,3.4(2t.)6(3t-); 5-2; 6-3; 7-3; S.3; 9-3; ^o. 2,3(2t.)6; H-3; 15-1- V.I. 7,8,9,10,11, i3(2t.),' i4(2t.) ; 2.1,2,3; 3.1, 4,5,6(2t.),7(2t.); 1 1.4, 5,7(2t.); 12.1,2; 13.1 (2t.),2; I4.l(2t.),2 I5.l(2t.),3; l6.l(2t.) 2; i7.i(2t.),2; 18.1 VI.i. 1,3,7; 2.2; 5.4 6-5; 7-2,3:4; ^-^7; 9 4; 10.3; 11.2,3; 12.2 3; i3-i:2,3; 14.3; 15 3; 16.3. VII. 1. 1,2,3 24.2. VIII. 3.4; 7.1,: 3,4(3t.);' 8.i,2(2t.),3 (2t.),4; 9.2(2t.),3(2t.) io.i,3(2t.),4(3t.); 11. i,2(2t.),3(2t.); 12.6 (2t.); 15.1. ucatus (perf.ind.act.du.) VIII.7.3; 8.1,3. licus (perf.ind.act.pl.) I. 8.1 ; 12.2. IV. 10.4,5 vatsa — \/vad 135 (2t.) ; 14.1. V.I. 7, 12; 2.13" II .6. avocam (aor.ind.act.sg.) III.i5.4,5(2t.),6(2t.), 7(3t.)- _ -cat (aor.ind.act.si^.) I. 1 1.4,6,8. —can (aor.ind.act.pl.) IV. 14.2,3. — cathas (aoi'.ind.mid.sg.) V.3.4. _ vaksyami (f ut.ind.act.sg.) IV.14.3. VII.i.i. avaksyam (cond.ind.act. sg-) V.3.5. — yan ( cond.ind.act.pl. ) VI.1.7. vakta (nm.ag.nom.sg.) IV. 6.1 ; 7.1 ; S.I ; 14. i. uktas (pass.ppl.nom.sg.) IV. 1.4,6. -tarn (pass.ppl.nom.sg. n.) VI.8.6. — tasya (pass.ppl.gen.sg.) — tva grd. I.9-3. 11.24. 6,10,15. III. 17.6. V. l-abhyanu say ivith reference to, abhyaniiktam (pass.ppl. nom.sg.n.) III. 12. 5. — f-nis litter^ explain. niruktas (pass.ppl.noni. Sg.) 11.22. 1. — |-pra speak fort Ji^ ui- strtict^ address. provaca (perf.ind.act.sg.) III.11.4. VIII.8.4. — [-paripra reproach. paripravocan (nnaug.aor. ind.act.pl.) IV. 10.2. — f-prati afisxuer. pratyuvaca (pcrf.ind.act. sg-) IV.1.3; 2.3. prativaksyati (fut.ind.act. sg.) II. 22. 3, -kta (nm.ag.noin.sg.) V. 1 1.7. f-vi explain^ inform. vivaktum (m.acc.sg. as inf.) IV.4.5. V.3.5. vatsa m. caf^ child. -sas (nom.sg.) III. 15. 2. -sam (acc.sg.) III. 15.2 (2t.). x^vad speak., call. vada.ti (pres.ind.act.sg.) 1.2.3. VII.i7.i(3t.). -danti (pres.ind.act.pl.) II. 24.1. -dama (pres.subj.act.pl.) 1.8. 1, -det (pres.opt.act.sg.) V. 1 1.6. 136 vadha — varsa -datam (imv.act.du.) I. 8.2. -datos (pres.ppl.act.gen. du.) 1.8.2. -dantas ( pres. p p 1 . a c t . nom.pl.) V.I. 9, 10,1 I. avadas (impf.ind.act.sg.) f-ati defeat in sneak- ing. ativadati (pres.ind.act.sg.) VII.i6.i(2t.). -dani ( pres. subj. act. sg.) VII. 1 6. 1. — |-abhi speak to^ g-reet^ allude to. abhyuvada (pcrf.ind.act. sg.) IV. 1.2,8; 2.1,4; 5.1 ; 6.2; 7.2; 8.2; 9. I ; 14. 1. — yude (perf.ind.niid.sg.) IV.14.2. |-vyava interpose the voice, interrupt., re- sume speaking. vyavavadati (pres.ind.act. sg.) IV.16.2,4. |-vi discuss, dispute. vyudire (perf.ind.mid.pl.) V.I. 6. [-sam say together. samudire (perf.ind.mid. pi.) IV. 10.4. vadha m. slayer, destruc- tion, stroke. -dhena (instr.sg.) VIII. 1.5; 10.2,4. I vayas n. bird. -yansi (nom.-acc.pl.) li. 9.4; 21. 1. VII. 2. 1 ; 7. I ; 8.1 ; 1 0.1. 2 vayas w. food, strength, age (esp. youth or pe- riod of life), -si (loc.sg.) 111.16.2,4, 6. vara n. choice, boo?t. -ram (acc.sg.) V.3.6. varaha m. boar, hog. -has (nom.sg.) VI.9.3; 10.2. varuna m.nm.pr. -nas (nom.sg.) 1. 12.5. -nena (instr.sg.) 1 1 1.8. -nasya (gen.sg.) II. 22.1. vartani f. felloe, wheel- track, road. -nim (acc.sg.) IV. 16. 3. -ni (nom.-acc.du.) IV. 16.1,4. vartman n. wheel -track, I'oadj rim, eyelid. -man! (ace. du.) IV. 15. I. varsa n. rain, rainy sea- varsagana — vasistha 137 scni^ycar • f. rainy sea- son^ rain. — sam (nom.-acc.sg.n.) V. 5.3 ; 6.2. VII.4.2. -sasya (gen.sg.n.) VII. 4.2. -sas (nom.pl. f.) 11. 5.1; 16.1. — sani (110111. -acc.pl.n.) III. 16.1,3,5. IV. 1*0. 1. vni.7-3; 9-3(2t.); lo. 4(2t.); ii-3(3t-)- varsagana m. several years. -nam (acc.sg.) IV. 4. 5. varsagata n. century. -tam (acc.sg.) III. 16.7 (2t.). vas, see tvam. v'^vas stay., dwell., devote oneself to. vasa (im\'.act.sg.) V.3. 7. VI. 1. 1. VIII.9.3; 10.4; 11.3. -santu (iiiiv.act.pl.) \ . 11.5. — santam ( pres.ppl.act. acc.sg. m.) IV. 3. 6. uvasa (perf.ind.act.sg.) I.io.i. IV.io.i. VIII. 9.3; 10.4; ii.3(2t.). usatus (perf.ind.act.du.) "VIII.7.3. avastam (aor.ind.act.du., rightly ) Wh.Gr. S83 VIII.7.3. avatsva (aor.ind.act.du.) VIII.7.3. vatsyami (fut.iiid.act.sg.) IV.4.3. -yanti ( f ut. ind. act. pi. ) IV.i.i. iisitva grd. V.10.5. vivatsami (pres.ind.act. sg.dcs.) IV.4.1. vasayaiiti (pres.ind.act. pi. cans. ) III. 16. 1. 1-a inhabit., enter. avasan (prcs.ppl.act.nom. sg.) V.10.9. — hpi"^ -^^'^ '5'Z/(/, g-o or dwell abroad. provasa (perf.ind.act.sg.) IV.4.5. prosya grd. V. 1.8,9,10, 1 1, pravasam (vbl.f. acc.sg., Wh.RVF. wrongly), see pravasa. vasana n. clot kin i^. -nena (instr.sg.) VIII. 8.5. vasanta m. spring-. -tas (nom.sg.) II'5'i ; 1 6. 1. vasistha a. supl. most ex- cellent^ richest^ best. 138 vasu vac — thas (nom.sg.m.) V. 1.2,13. — tha (nom.sg.f .) V. i .2, 1 3. — tham (acc.sg.f.) V.1.2. — thayai (dat.sg.f.) V.2.5. vasu a. excellent^ good^ wealthy ^ m. pi. the Vasus (cert. gods), -savas (nom.pl.) II. 24. 6. III.6.1 ; i6.i(2t.),2. — siinam (gen.pl.) II. 24. I. 111.6.3,4; i6-2. vasudhana a. gi-anting or contahting ivealth. -nas (nom.sg.) III. 15.1. vasti m. bladder. — tis (nom.sg.) V.16.2 (2t.); 18.2. \/vah cariy. |-adhi carry to, place icpon. adhyudham (pass.ppl. nom.sg.n.) I.6.i(2t.), 2(2t.),3(2t.),4(2t.),5 (2t.); 7.l(2t.),3(2t.), 3(2t.),4(2t.). |-apa rejnove. apohya grd. • V.24.1. — 1-prati carry towards or away. pratyudhas (pass. ppl. nom.pl.) VIII. 3. 2. \/i va blow. |-ud bloxv or go out. udvayati ( pres.ind.act. \/2 va weave^ see prota. va encl.pcl. or. 1.12.1,3. II. 19.2. III. II. 5 ; 14.3 (5t.). IV.i5.i(2t.); 16.3,5. V.2.8(3t.); 9. i(2t.) ; io.7(6t.). VI. '2.3 ; 9-3(8t.) ; io.2(8t.) ; i4.i(4t.). VII.3.i(3t.); i5.2(6t.); 24.1. VIII. 1.4(21.) ; 6.5(2t.) ; 8. 4(2t.); i3.3(3t.). vakovakya n. dialogue (a cert. work), —yam (nom.-acc.sg.) ^'11. 1.2,4 2.1 7.1. vac f. voice, word. vak (nom.sg.) 1.1.2,5 (2t.); 2.11; .3.3(21.), 4A7; 7'i(2t.); 13-2, 4. II.7.1 ; 8.3; II. I ; 23.4. III.i2.i( 2t. ); 13-3; iS.2,3. IV.3.3; 16.1. V.i.2,8(2t.),i3 ; 7.1 ; 21.2. VI.5.3,4; 6.4,5; 7-6; 8.6; 15.1, 2. VII. 2. 1(41.) ; 26.1. VIII.12.4. vacam (acc.sg.) 1-2.3; 8.2. V.3.6. VII.2.1, 2; 3-1 5 4-1 ; 5-I- vacamyama IV.16.2 vasara 139 gen.sg.,notn.- -cfi (instr.sg.) V.I. 9, 10,1 1. — cas (abl acc.pl.) 1. 1. 2; 3.6,7; 13.4. 11.8.1,3. ^ •^• 15. VII.2.2(3t.); 3.1. VIII.7.3. — ci (loc.sg.) 11.8.1,3. ^* 212 vacamyama a. checking the voice, silent. —mas (nom.sg.) V.3.S, vacarambhana n. resting- on mere ivords, dis- 1)1 c r e ly m ttnctton name. —nam (nom.sg.) VI. i. 4,5,6; 4.1,2,3,4. vama a. pleasant, good,' n. good., ivcalth. — mani (nom.-acc.pl.) IV. 15-2(2t.),3(2t.). vamadevya a. derived from Vamadeva ; \\. a cert. Sajnan. —yam (nom.-acc.sg.n.) II. 13.1,2. vamani a. brino-if/o- Q-ood. — nis (nom.sg. m.) IV. I5-3- vayu m. wind, air. -yus (nom.sg.) I.3.7 ; 6.2(3t.); 13. 1. 11.20. I ; 21. 1. in.13.5; 15. 3; 1S.2. IV. 3.1, 2,4. V.5.I ; 10.5 ; 23.2(21.). VII.4.2. VIII. 1.3; 13.2. -yiun (acc.sg.) III. 15. 2(2t.),6. IV.3.i(3t.), 3; 17. 1. V.10.5; 14. 1. VII. 3. 1 ; 7.1 ; 1 I.I. — yuna (instr.sg.) III. 1S.4. -yave (dat.sg.) II. 24.9. -yos (abl.-gen.sg.) II. 33.1. IV. 17. 3. -yau (loc.sg.) V.33.2. varuna a. of Varuria. -nam (acc.sg. n.) 11.23. I. vava postp.emph.pcl. sure- ly, just. 1. 1 3. 1. III. 11.5; 12.2,3,4,7,8,9; 13.7; i6.i(2t.),3,5. IV. 3.1,3; 10.5; 14.3. V. 1-152,3,4,5; 3.4; 4.1; 5.1 ; 6.1 ; 7.1 ; S.i. VI.11.3; 13.3. VII. 1.5; 2.1,3; 3.1,2; 4.1, 3; 5-i'3; 6.1,2; 7.1,2; 8.1,2; 9.1,2; 10.1,2; II. 1. 3 ; 13.1,3 ; 13.1 (2t.),3; 14.1,3; 15.1. VIII. 1. 1, 3; 13. 1. vasara a. matutiiial , early. 140 vasava — v/i vid —ram (acc.sg-.n.) III. 17.7. vasava a. of the Vasus. -vam (acc.sg.n.) II. 24. 3. vasas n. garment. — (nom.-acc.sg.) V.2.2 (2t.). vasteya a. in the bladder or cyst. —yam (nom.sg.n.) III. 19.2. [viii^a num. a. twentieth.^ vingati f. twenty. -tis (nom.sg.) VII. 26. 2. vikara m. change^ modiji- cation., production. — ras (nom.sg.) VI. 1.4, 5,6; 4.1,2,3,4. vicikitsa f. uncertainty^ doubt. -(nom.sg.) III. 14.4. vijara a. not aging. —ras (nom.sg.) VIII. i. vijighatsa a. free from hunger. —sas (nom.sg.) VIII. i. 5; 7-1.3- vijijnasitavya ( v/ j n a ) grdv.des. tJiat one must wish understood. — yas (nom.sg.m.) VII. —yam (nom.sg.n.) VII. 16.1 ; 17.1 ; 22.1. VIII. 1.1,2. 00 T VIII.7.1,3. -ya (nom.sg. f.) VII. 18.1 ; 19. 1 ; 20.1 ; 21.1. vi jit vara a. victorious. -raya (dat.sg.) IV. i. 4,6. vijnatr m. discemer. -ta (nom.sg.) VII.8.1 ; vijiiana n. discernment^ knowledge. -nam (nom.-acc.sg.) VII. 7.i(2t.),2(2t.); 17.1 (2t.) ; 26.1. — nena (instr.sg.) VII. 7.l(2t.). -nat (abl.sg.) VII,7.2 (2t.); S.I. — nasya (gen.sg.) VII. 7.2. vijnanavant a. endowed with knowledge. -vatas (acc.pl.) VII. 7. 2. -vatam (gen.pl.) VII.8.1. vitta a. found ^ gotten'^ n. possession^ wealth. -tam (nom.sg.n.) V.3.6. —tasy a (gen.sg.) V.3.6. \/i vid know. vedani (pres.subj.act.sg.) 1.8.7,8. -v/2 vid 141 vidyat (prcs.opt.act.sg.) IL9.2 ; 24.2. V.2.8 ; 3.4. VII.5.2. viddhi (imv.act.sg.) I. 8.7,8. VI.11.2. vettha (perf.ind.act.sg-.) V.3.2(3t.),3(2t.). VII. I.I. veda ( perf.ind.act.sg. ) I.i.io(2t.); 3.1; 6.7; 13.4(21.). II.i 1.2 ; 12. 2; 13.2; 14.2; 15.2; 16.2 ; 17.2 ; ]8.2 ; 19. 2; 20.2; 2I.2,4(2t.); 24.i6(3t.). III.6.3; 7. 3; S.3; 9.3; 10.3; I J. 3; 12.9; 13.1,2,3,4,5, 6(2t.),8(2t.) ; i5.2(2t.); 16.7; i8.3,4,5,6(2t.). IV.i.4(2t.),6(2t.); 3.8 (2t.); 4.2(2t.),4(2t.); ^5-2,3'4- V.1.1,2,3,4, 5; 3.5; io.io(3t.). VI. 14.2. VII.5.2. VIII. i2.4(3t-)'5- vidus ( perf.ind.act.pl. ) V.io.i. VI.9.2 ; lo.i, 2. VII. 25. 2. -dvan (perf.ppl.act.nom. sg.) 1.1.7,8; 2.14; 3. 7; 4-5; 7-7'9; 9-2,4- II-I-4; 2.3; 3.2; 4.2; 5.2 ; 6.2 ; 7.2 ; 8.3 ; 10. 6; 24.2. III. 16.7 ; 19. 4. IV.5.3(2t.); 6.4 (2t.) ; 7.4(21.) ;8.4(2t.); II.2(2t.) ; I2.2(2t.) ; I3.2(2t.). V.24.2,3. — dvansas ( perf .^Dpl.act. nom.pl.) V.18.1. VI. 4-5- -dusam (perf .ppl.act.gen. pi.) VIII.6.5. avedisus (aor.ind.act.pl.) VL1.7. vedisyante ( f ut.ind.mid. pi.) 1.9.3. avedisyam ( cond.ind.act. sg.) V.3.5. -yan ( concI.ind.act.pl. ) VI.1.7. vidita (pass.ppl.nom.sg. f.) IV.9.3. vividisami (jDres.ind.act. sg.des.) I. II. I. vedayante (pres.ind.mid. pi. cans.) VIII. 7. 3. vidam (vbl.f.acc.sg.) I. 2.13. VI.4.5,6(3t.),7. \/2 ^i^Jjud. vindanti (pres.ind.act.pl.) VIII.3.2. -date (pres.ind.mid.sg.) VIII.3.2; 5.1,2. — deyus ( pres.opt.act.pl. ) VIII.3.2. [42 vidya — viraj -da (imv.act.sg.) II. 34. —data (imv.act4:)l.) 11. 24. 14. viveda (pcrf.iiid.act.sg.) VI. 1 3. 1, avidam (aor.ind.act.sg.) I V.I. 7,8. vittva grd. I.4.3. vidyate (prcs.ind.pass . sg.) VIII.1.2. -yante (pres.ind.pass.pl.) 1. 10.2. — \-anuJifid, get^ obtaiji. anuvlndanti (pres.ind.act. pi.) VIII.4.3; 5.4. -vindate (pres.ind.mid. sg.) VIII.5.1,3. -vidya grd. VIII. 1.6; 5.2; 7.1,3; 12.6. vidya f. kiioivledge^ sci- ence. -(nom.sg.) 1.1.9,10. II. 21.1; 23.3. IV.9.3. V.3.7. —yam (acc.sg.) 1,4.2. IV.17.3. -yaya (instr.sg.) I.i.io. — yayas (gen.sg.) IV. 17.8. vidyut a. Jiashing; f. llghtn in<r. -(nom.sg.) IV.7.3; I, 1. V.5.I ; 22.2(2t.). VII.I2.I. VIII.I.3; 12.2. -utam (acc.sg.) IV. 15. 5. V.10.2. -utas (abl. -gen.sg.) VI. 4.4(21.). -uti (loc.sg.) IV. 13. 1. V.22.2. -udbhis (instr.pl.) VII. I I.I. vidyuttva n. qitaliiy of lip-htnitiir. -vam (nom.sg.) VI.4.4. vidhrti f. division^ parti- tion. -lis (nom.sg.) VIII.4,1. vinardin a. roaring. -di (acc.sg.n.) II. 22.1. vina^a m. destruction^ ruin. -9am (acc.sg.) VIII. 1 1. 1,2. vipramoksa m. release from. -sas (nom.sg.) VII. 26.2, vimrtyu a. not subject to death. — yus (nom.sg.m.) VIII. 1-5; 7-i'3- viraj a. radiant., bright., ruling ; f. a cert, me- ter. —at (nom.sg.) virajya I.I V19 143 o IV.3.8. virajya n. ivide sovereign- — yaya (dat.sg. as inf.) - II.24.S. virista a. 7-cnf asunder: w. failure^ disaster. — tain (acc.sg.n.) IV. 17. 4,5,6,8. virupa a. varicolored^ inul- tifo nil , of d iffe rent kinds. -pan (acc.pl.) II. 15. 3. virocana m.nm.j^r. — nas (nom.sg-.) VI 1 1. 7. 2 ; 8.4. -nena (instr.sg.) VIII. 9.2. viveka m . sepa rat io n , -proofs insight. -kam (acc.sg.) VI.9.2. -v/vIq settle., enter. [-anva enter after^fol- loxv. anvavi9anti (pres.ind.act. pi.) VIII. 1. 5. t-iipa approach^ sit dozen. upavifya grd. 11.24.3,7, II. — [-upopa sit down he- side. upopavive^a ( pcrf.ind. act.sg.) 1. 10.8. IV. 1.8 ; 6.1 ; 7.1 ; S.i. — [-samupa sit down to- gether. samupavivi9us (perf.ind. act.j)l.) 1.8.2. -avifya grd. 1. 12.4. Y'^ra. e7tter^ penetrate. pravigati ( pres.ind.act. sg-) I-4-5- pravi9am (impf.ind.act. sg.) 1.4.2,3. pravivega (perf.ind.act. sg.) V.I. 8,9, 10,1 1, -avi^ya grd. 1.4.4,5. (-anupra etiter after., resort to. anupravicjya grd. VI. 3. |-sani approach, settle doxun, lie at rest. samvi9ati ( pres.ind.act. sg.) V.2.8. — f-abhisani assemble at or arouizd. abhisariivi9ati (pres.ind. act.sg.) III.6.3; 7.3; 8-3; 9-3; 10.3. -9anti (pres.ind.act.pl.) 1.1 1.5. III.6.2 ; 7.2, 8.2 ; 9.2 ; 10.2. vi§ f . settlement, tribe^ peo- 144 vigoka — \^2 vr ple^ esp. tliird caste or member thereof (vaigya). -9am (gen.pl.) VIII. 14. 1. vi^oka a. zvithotit grief. -kas (nom.sg.) VIII. i. 5; 7-I.3- — kam (nom.sg. n.) 1 1. 10.5. vigva a. all. — vam (nom.sg.n.) III. 15.1. -ve (nom.pl.) 1. 13.2. II. 34.16. — vebhyas (dat.pl.) 11. 24.14. -vesam (gen.pl.) II.24.1. viQvatas adv. on all sides. ni.13.7- vi^varupa a. all-colored., manifold. -pas (nom.sg.) V.13.1 ; 18.2. -pam (nom.sg.n.) V. 13.1. \/vis be active^ make ready. — (-pari serve^ prepare (food), parivisyamanau ( pres. ppl.pass.acc.du.) IV. 3-5- visvanc a. iroinfr asunder • 00 or in all directions. -van (nom.sg. m. !) VIII. 6.6. visphulinga m. spark. -gas (nom.pl.) V.4.1 ; 5.1 ; 6.1 ; 7.1 ; 8.1. Vina f. lute. -nay am (loc.sg.) 1. 7.6. Vira m. man., hero. -ras (nom.sg.) III. 13. 6. virya n. manliness^ might. —yam (nom.sg.) III.i. 3; 2.2; 3.3; 4.2; 5.2. -ycna (instr.sg.) IV. 17. 4.5,6,8. viryavant a. strong., effect- ive. -nti (nom.pl.n.) 1. 3. 5. virya vattara a. compar. stronger. -ram (nom.sg.n.) I.i. 10. -v/i vr cover. — (-apa uncover., open. apavrnu (imv.act.sg.) II. 24.4,8,12,13. |-vi uncover. vivrtas (pass.ppl.nom.pl,) II.22.5. \/2 vr choose. vrne ( pres.ind.mid.sg. ) 11.22. T. -nimahe (pres.ind.mid. pi.) V.2.7, vrka— v/vrt -nithas (prcs.opt.mid.sg.) H5 V.3.6. -nlta (pres.opt.mid.sg.) 1. 10.6. avrsi ( aor.ind.mid.sg. ) I.I 1.3. vrka (\/vra9c) a. tcai-ino- • m. tvolf. -kas (nom.sg.) VI. 9. 3 ; 10.2. vrksa m. tree. -sasya (gen.sg.) VI. 9. 3(3t.); II. I. -sanam (gen. pi.) VI. 9. I. v/vr j twisty set aside ^ cans. shun. varjayet (pres.opt.act.sg. caus.) II. 23. 1. f-sam appropriate. saiiivrnkte (prcs.ind.niid. sg.) IV.3.2,3. ■v/vrt turn, live, exist, be ; caus. spend life. vartate (pres.ind.mid.sg.) 1.1.9. -tamanas (pres.ppl.mid. nom.sg.) IV. 16.3,5. -tayan (pres.ppl.act.caus. nom.sg.) VIII. 15. 1. — |-a turn round, invert, return. avartate ( pres.ind.mid. sg.) IV. 1 7.9. VIII. I5.l(2t.). ^ -tante (pres.ind.mid.pl.) IV.i5.6(3t.). V.3.3. -teya (pres.opt.mid.sg.) IV.4.5. avrttas (pass.ppl.nom.pl.) II.3.3. -tesu (pass.ppl.loc.pl.) II. 3.3. — (-parya turn round or a"i,vay. paryavartayatat ( pres.- fut.imv.act.sg.caus.) I. 5.3. — |-sama go Jiome (of student) ; caus. dis- miss (of teacher). samavartayati (pres.ind. act.sg.caus.) IV. 10. I. -yan (pres.ppl.act.caus. nom.sg.) IV. 10. 1. — |-abhisama return, go home (of student). abhisamavr ty a grd. VIII.15.1. " |-ni ret?irn, cease, van- ish. nivartante (pres.ind.mid. pi.) V.10.5. VIII.4.2. |-nis roll forth, grow, develop. 10 146 \./vrs — vai niravartata ( impf . i n d . mid.sg.) 111.19.1. — f-pra roll or move for- ward. pravrttas (pass.ppl.nom. sg-) V.13.2. |-sam app?'oac/i^ be present. sarhvartate (pres.ind.mid. sg.) VL13.2. \/vrs rain. varsati ( pres.ind.act.sg. ) 11.3.1,2; 4.1; 15.1. VI. 2,4. -santam ( pres.ppl.act. acc.sg.) II. 15. 2. — sisyati (fut.ind.act.sg.) VII.II.l(2t.). — sayati (pres.ind.act.sg. cans.) II. 3. 2. Y'pra. pour fort h, rain. pravarsanti (pres.ind.act. pi.) V.I 0.6. vrsti f. rain. -tail (loc.sg.) 11.3.1,2. Veda m. knoxvledge., esp. sacred knowledge^ the {triple^ Veda. —das (nom.sg.) VII. 1.4. -dam (acc.sg.) VII. i. 2 ; 2.1 ; 7.1. VIII. 15. 1, -das (nom.pl.) III. 5.4 (2t.). -dan (acc.pl.) VI.1.2 ; 7-3A -danam (gen.pl.) VII. 1.2,4; 2.1 ; 7.1. vedi f. sacrijicial bed (a slight excavation cov- ered with barhis, serv- ing as a kind of altar). ve^man n. house., chamber. -ma (nom. -acc.sg.) VIII. 1.1,2 ; 14.1. vai postp.emph.pcl. trnly., indeed. I.i.5,6(2t.),7,8(2t.); 2.1, 14; 3.i(2t.),2,3; 4.2, 4; 5.1,2; 6.7; 8.1,6,8; 9.1 ; 10.3,4; ii.i,2(2t.), 5'7.9; 12.2. II.7.1; 10.4,5; 24.5,9,15^ 16. 111.1.1,2,4; 2.2,3; 3-2,3; 4-2,3; 5-2,3,4(2t.); 6. 1 ; 7.1; 8.1 ; 9.1 ; 10. i; 11.2,3; i2.i(3t.),2, 3,4,7(2t.),8 ; 13.1,6; 15. 4; 16.7. I V.3. 1,4,6,7,8; 5.2; 6.3; 7-3; 8-3; 9-2; lo.i ; 16.1 ; 17.9(21.), 10; iS. 8. V.i.i(2t.),2,3,4,5,i5; 2. i(3t.),2; 10.6; 11.2,4, 5; 12.1; 13.1; 14.1; vaiyaghrapadya vyadhi 147 15.1 ; 16.1 ; 17.1 ; iS. 1,2. VI.i.1,7; 4.5; 7.3; 12.3 (2C.). VII.i.3,4; 2.i(2t.); 3.1; 4-i'2,3; 5.2(2t.),3; 7. 1,2; 8.1 ; 9.1,2; 11. 1 (3t.),2; 12.1,2; 13.1 ; 14.1 ; i5.i,2(6t.),4; 16. I ; 17.1 ; iS.i ; 19.1 ; 20.1 ; 21.1 ; 22.1 ; 23. I ; 24.1 ; 25.2 ; 26.1. VIIL1.3; 3.3(2t.),4,5 (2t.); 4.2(2t.); 5.3; 6.1,5; 11.3; 12.l(3t.), 5,6; 14. 1, vaiyaghrapadya m.nm.pr. -yaya (dat.sg.) V.3.3. -ya (voc.sg.) V.14.1 ; 16.'. vairaja a. belonging to the Viraj ^ n. a cert. Sa- man. -jam (uom.-acc.sg.n.) II. 16.1,2. vairupa (a.) n. a cert. Sa- man. -pam (nom.-acc.sg.) II. 15.1,2. vai^yayoni f; birth-station of a Vaicya (man of third caste). -nim (acc.sg.) V.10.7. vaigvadeva a. of the All- gods ^ n. a cert. Sanian. -vam. (nom.-acc.sg.n.) II. 24.11,13. vaigvanara a. common to all jnen^ complete^ uni- versal. -ras (nom.sg.) V.12.1 ; I ; 17.1. -1-am (acc.sg. m.) V.ii. 2,4,6; 12.2; 13.2; 14. 2; 15.2; 16.2; 17.2; l8.l(2t.). -rasya (gcn.sg.) V.18.2. —re (loc.sg.) V.24.4. v/ vyadh , vidh p i c rce^ hurt^ infect. vividhus (pref.ind.act.pl.) 1-2.2,3,4,5,6. viddhas (pass.ppl.nom. sg.) 1.2.2. VIII.4.2. -dham (pass.ppl.nom.sg. n.) 1.2.4,5,6. -dha (pass.ppl.nom.sg.f.) 1.2.3. vyaghra m. tiger. -ras (nom.sg.) VI.9.3 ; 10.2. vyadhi m. disease. -ina (nistr.sg.) IV. 10.3. -ibhis (instr-pl.) IV. 10.3. 148 vyana — vrihiyava vyana m. breath (pervad- ing the entire body ; M.M. back-breathing). -nas (nom.sg.) III. 13. 2. V.20.1. -nam (acc.sg.) I.3.3(3t.), 5- — naya (dat.sg.) V,2o.i. -ne (loc.sg.) V.20.2. vyavartana n. / // r n i n g apart ^ parting (of paths), -ne (acc.du.) V.3.2. Vyusti f. dazuning y grace^ beauty. -tis (nom.sg.) 111,13.4. vyustimant a. en do -wed with beauty. -man (nom.sg.) III. 13.4. v/vraj go^ proceed. vrajatas (pres.ind.act.du.) VIII.S.4. -janti ( pres . ind.act.pl. ) VIII.i.6(2t.). -ja (imv.act.sg.) VI. 14.2. -jan (pres.ppl.act.nom. sg.) IV.16.3,5. — |-ud leave home. udvavraja (perf.ind.act. sg.) 1. 12. 1. — |-pra go Jorth., wan der. pravavraja (perf.ind.act. sg.) VIII. lo.i ; II. I. -vrajatus (perf.ind.act. du.) VIII.S.3. pravrajis (aor.ind.act.sg.) VIII.9.2 ; 10.3 ; 1 1.2. \-Q!o\\\^rQ. go forth to. abhipravavraja (perf.ind. act.sg.) VIII. 7.2. — (-anusam go along ctftcr., folloxv. anusaiiivraja (imv.act. sg.) IV .4.5. vrata n. will^ decree., rule of life., duty. -tarn (nom.sg.) II. 1 1.2; 12.2; 13.2; 14.2; 15. 2 ; 16.2 ; 17.2 ; 18.2 ; 19.2; 20.2; 2I.4(2t.). v/vraQC cut up., hczu down., fell. — f-pari cut about., dis- fgure., cripple. parivrknas (pass. ppl. nom.sg.) VIII. 9. 1, 2. -ne (pass, ppl.loc.sg. ) VIII.9.1,2. vrihi m. rice., rice-grain. -hes (abl.sg.) III. 14.3. vrihiyava m. rice and bar- ley. — vas (nom.pl.) V. 10.6. v/§ans — gaQvant '49 x/^ans chanty ^^'^ffi pi'ciisc. yansati (pres.ind.act.sg. ) 1. 1. 9. a9akam (aor.ind.act.sg. ) V.3-5- — kata (aor.incl.act.pl.) V. 1.8,9,10,1 1. Qakata n. wagon^ car. -tasya (geti.sg.) IV. 1. 8. gakuni m. bird. -nis (nom.sg.) VI. 8. 2. -nibhyas (abl.pl.) V.3. I, Qakvan a. able, capable; f. -vari a cert, meter (of 7x8 or 4x14 syll.) and a cert, set of verses. -varyas (nom.-acc. pi. f.) 11.17.1,2. Qanku m. pointed stake., peg ^ beani^Jibcr. — kuna (instr.sg.) 11.23,4. Qata (num. a.) n. hundred. -tarn ( n o m . sg. ; also indecl. w. nom.- gen. pi. m.-f.) VII.S.i; 26. 2. VIII.6.6. -tani (nom.-acc.pl.) IV. 2.1,2. Qabala a. brinded. -lam (acc.sg.n.) VIII. 13.1. -lat- (abl.sg.n.) VIII. 13.1. x'^^am be quiet., cease. — |- upa cease., go oict. npa^amyati (pres.ind.act. sg.) II. 13. 1. ^arana a. protecting- ; n. protection., refuge. -nam (acc.sg.n.) II. 33. 3.4(2t.)- ^arad f. aut?^mn. -rat (nom.sg.) II. 5.1; 16.1. ^arira n. body. -ram (nom.-acc.sg.) III. 13.3,4. V.I. 7. VIII. 8.5; 10.1,3; 12.1,3; 13.1. -rat (abl.sg.) VIII. 3.4; 6.4,5; 12.3. -rasya (gen.sg.) VIII. 9.1,2. -re (loc.sg.) III. 13.8. VIII.9.1,2 ; 12.3. ^avya n. funeral obsequies. -yam (acc.sg.) IV, 15.5. QaQVant a. ever repeating itself; n.acc. as adv. repeatedly., always. —vat (acc.sg.n.) VI. 13. 2. ISO gakha — v/i 9! ^akha f. branchy arm. —am (acc.sg.) VI. 11.2. -as (nom.pl.) V.2.3. ^andilya m.nm.pr. — yas (nom.sg.) III. 14. 4(3t.). 9adhi, see v/^as. ganta (-v/gam) a. quieted^ peaceful, — tas (nom.sg.) III. 14. i. ^antahrdaya a. ir//^ peace- ful or satisfied heart. —yas (nom.sg.) VIII.8. 4; 9.2; 10.1,3; ii-l?2. — yau (nom.du.m.) VIII. 8.3. garkaraksya m.nm.pn —yas (nom.sg.) V.ii.i. —yam (acc.sg.) V.15.1. -ya (voc.sg.) V.15.1. galavatya m.nm.pr. -yas (nom.sg.) 1.8.1,3,6. — ya (voc.sg.) 1.8.8. V^as, Qis chasten^ direct^ order. 9?ldhi (imv.act.sg., Wh. Gr. 639.a) IV. 2. 2,4, a9isam (aor.ind.act.sg. ) V.3.4. —sat (aor.ind.act.sg.) V. 3-I- — ^anii instruct^ cotn- mand^ indicate. anu9isyat (pres.opt.act. sg.) IV.14.2. -9a9asa (perf.ind.act.sg.) IV.9.2 ; ii.i; 12. 1 ; 13.1 ; 14.2. — 9istas (pass.ppl.nom. sg-) V.3.4(2t.). j-abhyanu designate^ delegate. abhyanu9asani (pros. subj.act.sg.) V.I 1.3. Qilaka m.nm.pr. -kas (nom.sg.) 1.8.1,3, 6. ■s/qIs leave. — [-ati leave 7'emaining. ati9ista (pass.ppl.nom.sg. f.)"" VL7.3,6. -syate (pres.ind.pass.sg.) II. 10.3. VIII. 1.4. - +ud, see ucchista. — l-pari leave remaining . pari9istas (pass.ppl.nom. sg.) VI.7.3. -tarn (pass.ppl.acc.sg.m.) VI.7.5. •v/i f^fall^ ■perish. — \-ati fall heyoitd^ leave behind^ desert. ati9ryate (pres.ind.mid. sg.) III. 13. 3. -yante (pres.ind.mid.pl.) 111.12.3,4. s/z Qi — gaunaka 15' ■v/2 gi lic^ sleeps rest. 9ete ( prcs.ind.mid.sg. ) II.I3.l(2t.). ayayata ( impf.ind.mid. sg.) III. 19. 1. 9ayitva grd. V.9.1. 911 kla a. brigJit^ zvhite. -las (nom.s^^.m.) VIII. 6.1. -lam (nom.sg.n.) I.6.5, 6; 7.4(21.). IIL2.3. ¥1.4.1,2,3,4,6. -lasya (gen.sg.) VIII. 6.1. ^uiiga n. calyx of young bud; effect (fig. from contrast of bud and root), -gam (acc.sg.) V^I.8.3,5. -gena (instr.sg.) VI. 8. 4(3t.),6(2t.). QUC Jiamc^ burn^ siffcr ■pain^ grieve. 90cami (pres.ind.act.sg.) VII.1.3. -cati ( pres.ind.act.sg. ) VI.2.3. |-rii beam do-wn^ be burnincr hot. ni^ocati (pres.ind.act.sg.) VII.ii.i. ^UCi a. ffamiftg ; light^ pure^ holy. -can (loc.sg.m.) VIII- 15.1. x/gudh purify. 9uddhas (pass.ppl.nom. sg.) V.io.io. ■v/qus dty^ tvither. 9usyati (pres.ind.act.sg.) VI.il.2(4t.). — (-ud dry tip or axvay (or inP). ucchusyanti (pres. ind. act.pl.) IV. 3. 2. guska a. dry. — kaya (dat.sg.) V.2.3. ^udra m. ma/i of the fourth caste. -(voc.sg.) IV.2.3,5. 9ula m.n. spit^ tu7-u spit. -lena (instr.sg.) VII. \/^r cr?ish, — f-vi break in pieces. vya9arisyata (cond.ind. mid.-pass.sg.) V.15.2. ^oka VL\.flame^ distress^ sor- row. — kas (nom.sg.) VIII.4.1. — kam (acc.sg.) VII.1.3. -kasya (gen.sg.) VII. I-3- gaunaka m.nm.pr. -kas (nom.sg.) I'9-3- IV.3.7. '52 §auva — v/^ru -kam (acc.sg.) IV. 3. 5. ^auva a. relating to dogs. -vas (nom.sg.) I.12.1. Qyama a. black, dark. —mam (acc.sg.n.) VIII. 13.1. —mat (abl.sg.n.) VIII. 13.1. gyamaka m. a cert, millet.^ paiiic grass. -kat (abl.sg.) III. 14. 3. gyamakatandula m. viiJ- let-grain. -lat (abl.sg.) III. 14. 3. grad indcl. prefix w. \/dha have faith., trust., be- lieve^ see -v/dha. graddha a. trusting ; f. faith.^ trust. —(nom.sg.) VII. 19. 1. — dham (acc.sg.) V.4.2 ; lo.i. VII.19.1. -dhaya (instr.sg.) I.i.io. graddhadeva a. trusting in the gods. —vas (nom.sg.) IV.i.i. Qravana n. hearing. — naya (dat.sg. as inf.) VIII.12.4. gravaniya grdv. to be heard. —yam (acc.sg.n.) 1. 2.5. x/gri lean, lay against or on ^ mid. lie u^on, re- sort to, abide ^ pass, be contained. agrayata (impf.ind.mid. sg.) III. 1.4; 2.3; 3. 3; 4-3; 5-3- 9ritam ( pass. ppl. nom.sg. n.) III. 15. 1. f-upa Icdfi against j mid. rest zipon, accus- tom oneself to. upa^ray ate ( p r e s . ind. mid.sg.) VI.8.2(2t.). gri f . beauty ; bliss; welfare. -ris (nom.sg.) III. 13.2. — riyam (acc.sg.) III. 12.9 grimant a. beautiful, for- tunate, h ig h ly es- teemed. -man (nom.sg.) III. 13. 2. ^/gru hear, learn; pass. be heard of or famed. 9rnoti (pres.ind.act.sg.) 1.2.5. VII. 12. 1 ; 24.1 (3t.). -navani (pres.subj.act. sg.) VIII.12.4. -nuyus (pres.opt.act.pl.) VII.i3.i(2t.). -nvantas ( p r e s . ppl. act. nom.pl.) V.I. 8,9, II. gruti claksna '53 9rc)syami (fut.ind.act.sg.) 1.8.2. 9rutas (pass.ppl.nom.sg. m.) III.13.8. -tarn (pass.ppl.nom.sg. n.) ni.13.8. IV.9.3. VI.1.3. VII. 1.3. 9U9rusante (pres.ind.mid. pl.des.) VII. 5. 2. — |-a listen to, promise ; caus. make knotvn^ in- voke. VL(^ro.\aya\.i (pres.ind.act. sg.caus.) 1.1.9. — |-upa listen to^ under- stand. upa9rnoti (pres.ind.act. sg.) III.13.S. -9U9rava ( perf.ind.act. sg.) IV.1.5. — (-prati ajiszvcr, say yes, projnisc. prati9rnoti (pres.ind.act. sg.) VII. 13. 1. -9U9rava ( perf . ind. act. sg.) IV.5.1; 6.2; 7. 2; 8.2; 9.1 ; 14.2. ^ruti f. hearing., report. noise; revelation. III.13. — tis ( nom.sg. ) 8. ^reyans a. compar. ya/rcr better, more excellent. -yan (nom.sg.) IV. 16. 5. V.i.6(2t.). ^restha ^.swy^X. fairest, best, most excellent. -thas (nom.sg.) V.i.i (2t.),7(2t.),I2; 2.6. -tham (nom.-acc.sg.n.) V.I.I ; 2.7. -thaya ( dat.sg. ) V.2. ' 4- graisthya n. pree?nine7tce, precedence. -yam (acc.sg.) V.2.6. Qrotr m. hearer. -ta (nom.sg.) VII.8. i; 9.1. ^rotra n. ear ; organ oj sense. -ram (nom. -acc.sg.) I. 2-5; 7-3(2t.). ii-7-i; I I.I. III. 13. 2 ; 18.2,6. IV.3.3; 8.3. V.i.4,10 (2t.),i4; 7.1; 20.2. VIII.12.4. -rena (instr.sg.) V.1.8, 9,11. -re (loc.sg.) V.20.2. -rani ( noni.pl. ) V . i . 15- glaksna a. smooth, soft, ten- der. -nam (nom.sg.n.) II. 22.l(2t.). 154 v/Qlis — \/sthiv v-^qHs adhere^ cling. 9lisyate ( pres.ind.mid. sg.) IV.14.3. -yante (pres.ind.mid.pl.) IV.14.3. Qloka m. sound^ stanza^ esp. efic Qloka. -kas (nom.sg.) II. 21. 3. III. I I.I. V.2.9; 10.8 ; 24.4. VII.26.2. VIII. 6.6. 9 van m. dog. —va (nom.sg.) 1. 12. 2. -vanas (nom.pl.) 1. 12.2. -vabhyas (abl.pl.) V.2.1. QVabhra n. Jissui-e of the earth., pit, hole. -ram (nom.sg.) II.9.7. gvayoni f. birth-station of a dog. < [sadvinga num.a. txvcnty- sixth.~\^ sadvidha a. sixfold. -dha (nom.sg.f.) III. 12.5. sas num. six. -at (nom.-acc.sg.) IV. 2.1,2; 15.5. V.io.1,3. [sastha num.a. sixth.~\ I sodaga num. sixteen. -ganam (gen, pi.) VI. 7. 3»6. -nim ( acc.sg. ) V.io. 7- gvas adv. to-morrow., next day. IV.6.1 ; 7.1 ; 8. I. gvapada n. beast of prey. -dani (nom.-acc.pl.) VII. 2.1 8.1 10. 1. gveta a. white, hoary . -tas (nom.sg.) 1. 12.3. -tam (acc.sg. n.) VIII. 14. 1. gvetaketU m.nm.pr. -tus (nom.sg.) V.3.1. VI.i.i. -tum (acc.sg.) VI.8.1. -to (voc.sg.) VI. 1. 1, 3; 8.7; 9.4; 10.3; I 1.3; 12.3; 13-3; 14-3; 15- 3; 16.3. 2 sodaga num.a. sixteenth, connectedwith or char- acterized by sixteen. -9am (acc.sg.n., Wh.Gr. 479) II.i6.7(2t.). sodagakala a. of sixteen parts. -las (nom.sg.) VI.7.1. \/sthiv, sthiv spezv, spit. — (-ni spit out. nisthivet ( pres.o2:)t.act. sg.) II. 12. 2. I sa- — saiiikalpaniya 155 1 sa- prou.st'.3pers., see ta-. 2 sa- insep. prefix accom- panied by, fni-nishcd with, similar to (nu- merous examples). 3 sa- insep. prefix one, the same in sakrt, sahasra. saihyadvama a. of iminter- ruptcd delight. — mas (nom.sg'.) IV. 15. 2. saihvatsara m. year. -ras (nom.sg.) II. 19.2. V.6.1. -ram (acc.sg.) IV. 15. 5. V. 1.8,9,10,1 1 ; 10.2,3. -rat (abl.sg.) IV. 15.5. V.10.2. -rasya (gen.sg.) III. 19. 1, samvarga a. clutchi ti g , grasping. -gas (nom.sg.) IV.3.1, 3- — gau (nom.du.m.) IV. 3-4- sariisparga m. touch, con- tact. — 9ena (instr.sg.) III. 13. 8. sakrt adv. for one time, at once , , once {^semel, olim^ j once for all, ever7nore. III. 11. 3. VIII.4.2. sakhi m. compa7iion,friend. -khayas (nom.pl.) VIII. 2.5. sakhiloka m. world of friends. -kena (instr.sg.) VIII. 2.5. sakhilokakama a. desirous of the zuorld of friends. -mas (nom.sg.) VIII. 2.5. saihkalpa m. decision of mind, creative imagi- nation, wish, design, intention. —pas (nom.sg.) VII.4. 1,2 ; 26.1. -pam (acc.sg.) VII.4.2, 3(2t.). -pat (abl.sg.) VI 1. 4.3 (2t.) ; 5.1. VIII. 2. 1, -pasya (gen.sg.) VII. 4-3- -pe (loc.sg.) VII.4.2. saiiikalpaniya grdv. to be imagined or designed. -yam (acc.sg.n.) 1.3.6. 156 saihkalpatmaka — satya saiiikalpatmaka a. with de- sicrn as nature. -kani (nom.pl.n.) VII. 4.2. samkalpaikayana a. xvith design as nieeting- place. — nani (nom.pl.n.) VII. 4.2. saihklpti f. will, wish. -tya (instr.sg.) VII. 4. 2(7t.). samgavavela f. time foi- cow - gathering (sec- ond of the five divi- sions of the day),yr;rc- noon. -layam (loc.sg.) II. 9.4. ■v/saj, sanj hang., stick to. — f-P''^ ha7zg on., meet with., join. prasaiiksis (unang.aor. ind.act.sg.) IV. 1.2. sariicara a. wandering to- gether , m. passage. -ras (nom.sg.) 1. 13.3. sat- ist syl. ot sattiya. VIII.3.5. sattama a.supl. most real., best. -mas (nom.pl.) II.9.5. sattiya, form of satya used w. mystic mg. -yam (nom.sg. n.) VIII. 3-4.5- sattrayana n. sacrijicial session (lasting several years). -nam (nom.sg.) VIII. 5.2. sattvaQuddhi f. fnrity of nature. -dhis (nom.sg.) VII. 26.2. -dhau (loc.sg.) VII. 26. 2 satpratistha a. with the real as support or rest. -thas (nom.pl.f.) VI.8. 4,6. satya a. real., trzie/ n. tne real or trtie., reality., ti'ttth; tena satyena as truly as this., on this acco7int. —yam (nom.-acc.sg.n.,acc. sg.m.) 1.2.3. VI. 1. 4, 5^6; 4-152,3,4; 8.7; 9. 4; 10-3; ii-s; I--3; 13-3; H-3; 15-3; 16. 2,3. VII.2.i(2t.); 7. i; i6.i(2t.); i7.i(3t.). VIII.1.5. — yena (instr.sg.) III. 1 1.2. VI.I6.2. VII. l6.l(2t.). saty akama — sant 157 — yat (abl.sg.) IV. 4. 5. -yas (nom.pl.) VIII. 3. 1,2. — yan (acc.pl.) VII l.i 6(2t.). -yanam (gen.pl.) VIII. satyakama a. truth - lov- ing j m.nm.pr. -mas (nom.sg.) IV.4.1, 2(2t.),4(2t.). V.2.3. VIII.1.5; 7.1,3. -mc (loc.sg.) I V.I 0.1. —ma (voc.sg.) IV. 5.1 ; 6.2 ; 7.2 ; 8.2 ; 9.1. satyayajna m.nm.pr. -lias (nom.sg.) V.ii.i. -nam (acc.sg.) V.13.1. satyavacana n. tmtJi- spcaking. -nam (nom.sg.) 111.17.1. satyasaihkalpa a. with the real or true as design^ offirjit resolution. —pas (nom.sg.) III. 14.2. VIII.1.5; 7.1,3. satyabhisaiiidha a. {^fabri- catitig i. e.) employ- ing or speaking truth. -dhas (nom.sg.) VI. 16. 2. ■v/sad sit. |-upa sit near., ap- proach. upasida (imv.act.sg.) VI. I3-I: Vll.i.i. -sidan (pres.ppl.act.nom. sg.) VII.8.1. -sasada (perf.ind.act.sg.) I. n. 4,6,8. VI. 7. 2,4. VII.i.i. — |-ni sit down., seat one- self^ lie., be sittiated or directed. nisannam (pass.ppl.nom. sg.n.) VIII. 12.4. — [-sampra cheer zip., be crracious. samprasannas (pass.ppl. nom.sg.) VIII.6.3 ; II. I. sadayatana a. having the real as support. — nas ( nom.pl. f.) VI. S. 4,6. sanatkumara m.nm.pr. -ras (nom.sg.) VII. 26.2. -ram (acc.sg.) VII. i.i. sant a. being ; real., honest., right ; n. being., real- ity^ the real world. sat (nom.-acc.sg.n.) III. 19.1. VI.2.i(2t.) ; 2. 2(2t.); 8.4,6; 13.2. VIII.4.2(3t.). santam (acc.sg.m.) I.ii. 7. IV.1.3. VIII.12.1. 158 sariideha — samarata sata (instr.sg.) VI.8.1. — tas (abl.-gen.sg.) VI. io.2(2t.). VIII. 5. 3 ; 12. 1, -ti (loc.sg.) VI.9.2(2t.). Santas (nom.pl.) IV. 3. S. satam (gen.pl.) VIII. 3. i . samdeha m. smearing to- gether^ mass^ clod (==human body) ; iiii- certaiiity^ doubt. -has (nom.sg.) V.15.2 (2t.); 18.2. sariidhi m. p7(tting togeth- er^ union., interval. -dhis (nom.sg.) I-3'3- sanmula a. with the real as root or cause. —las (nom.pl.f.) VI. 8.4,6. [saptadaga num.a. seven- teenth . ] saptadha adv. in seven ways., sevenfold. VII. 26.2. [saptama num.a. seventh.'\ saptavidha a. sevenfold. — dham (acc.sg.n.) II. 8. 1,3; 9-158; 10.1,6. -dhasya (gen.sg.) II.8.1. sabha f . assembly - hall., court of a prince. — bham (acc.sg.) VIII. 14. 1. sabhaga a. going to coun- cil-chamber. -gas (nom.sg.) V.3.6. sam adv. -prep, along zvith., together. V.1.4. sama a. even^ smooth., like., same., zmaltered ^ n. evenness^ balance. -mas (nom.sg. m.) IL9.1 (2t.). -mam (nom.sg.n.) II. io.i,2,3(2t.),4. IV. I. 2. samardhayitr m. frospcr- <?/', fulfller. -ta (nom.sg.) 1. 1.8. samarpita, see v/r. samavahara m. abundance. -ram (acc.sg.) VI.9.1. 1 samana a. same., similar. -nas (nom.sg.m.) 1. 3. 2. 2 samana m. breath (one of the five vital airs, w. apana or udana fanci- fully extends the other three; M. M. on- breathing., Bo. Alit- haucJi). -nas (nom.sg.) III. 13. 4. V.22.1. — naya (dat.sg.) V.22.1. -ne (loc.sg.) A'^.22.2. samarata, see \/ram. samasa — saras 59 samasa m. ■putting togeth- er^ iinioii^ collection^ condensation. — sas (nom.sg.) VI. 4. 7. -sam (acc.sg. ; BR. zic- zamenscJiiebend^ but rather appositive vbl. pass.subst.) VII. 15. 3. samiti f. meeting ^assembly. -tlm (acc.sg. ) V.3.1. samitpani a. with fuel in the hand. — nis (nom.sg.) VIIL9. 2; 10.3; 1 1.2. — ni (nom.du.m.) VIII. 7.2. —nayas (nom.pl.) V.i]. 7- samidh a.Jlaming ; i. fitcl. -it (nom.sg.) V.4.1 ; 5. I ; 6.1 ; 7.1 ; 8.1. -idham (acc.sg.) IV. 4. 5 ; 6.1 ; 7.1 ; 8.1. samudra m. sea^ ocean. — ras (nom.sg.) II. 4.1; 17. 1. III. 19.2. IV. 6.3. VI.io.i. —ram (acc.sg.) VI.io.i. -rat (abl.sg.) VI.io.i. samrddhi f. thriving., suc- cess. -dhis (nom.sg.) I.i.S. -dhim (acc.sg.) V.2.9. sampad f. coinciding ; suc- cess., 'Welfare. -at (nom.sg.) V. 1.4, 14 (2t.). -adam (acc.sg.) V,i.4. -ade (dat.sg.) V.2.5. sampata m.Jlying togeth- er^ encounter j resi- due, -tam (acc.sg.) V.2.4,5 • (4t.). samprati adv. just oppo- site j exactly., just. II. 9.5. V.I 1.2,4,6. VIII. 11.1,2. samprasada m. perfect calm., serenity (of the soul in sleep). —das (nom.sg.) VIII. 34; 12.3. sayugvan a. united ■with; having a double team (BR.) ; united zvith the itch! (Bo.) ; ivith the car (M.M.). -va (nom.sg.) IV. 1.3, 5,8. — vanam (acc.sg.) IV. i-3,5- sarana n. running. nam (nom.sg.) I'3-5- saras n. bucket., pond., pool., lake. i6o sarpa — sarva -(nom.sg.) VIII. 5, 3. sarpa m. serpent. -pas (iioin.pl.) II. 2 I.I. sarpadevajanavidya f. sci- ence of serpents a>id the host of gods or de- mons. —(nom.sg.) VII. 1.4. -yam (acc.sg.) VII. 1.2; 2.1 7.1, sarpis n. clarified butter^ ghee. -(nom. -acc.sg.) IV. 15. I. VI.6.1. sarva a. «//, every. — vas (nom.sg. m.) 1.6.6. VL11.2. — vam (nom. -acc.sg. n., ace. sg.m.) 1.3.6. II. 1 1.2; 12.2; 13.2; 14.2; 15. 2 ; 16.2 ; 17.2 ; 1S.2 ; 19.2 ; 20.2 ; 2i.2,4(2t.) ; 23.4( 2t. )o III. 1 2. I (2t.),2; 14.1,2,4; 15. 4; 16.1,3,5. IV.1.4,6; 3.8(2t.); 1 1.2; 12.2; 13.2 ; i6.i(2t.). V.2. 6(2t.),7; 11.3. VI. I. 4'5'6; 74; S.7; 9.4; 10.3; 11.2,3; 12.3; 13-3; H-3; 15-3; 16. .3. VH.2.I ; 4.2; 15. 1 ; 25.i(2t.),2 ; 26.1,2. VIII.i.3,4; 3.2; 8.1. -va ( nom.sg.f .,olcl nom. pl.n.) II. 23.4. III. 12. 6. -vena (instr.sg.) II.9.1. -vasmin (loc.sg.) II.21. 1,2. -ve (nom. pi. m.) II. 22. 3(3t-)'5(3t-); 23.2. 111.19.3(21.). V.24.3. VII.14.2. VIII.i.4;4. 2; I2.6(2t.). -vani (nom.-acc.pl.n.) I. 9.1 ; 11.5,7,9. II.9.2; 23.4. 111.19.3(21.). IV.I5.2(2t.),3(2t.). V. 1. 15; 24.5. VII.15.4. VIII.I.4. -vas (nom.pl. f.) II. 21. 4. VI.8.4,6 ; 9.2; 10.2. VIII.3.2. -van (acc.pl.) II. 22.1. IV. 3. 2,3; 17.10. VI. 1.2. VII. 10.2. VIII. 7.l(2t.),2(2t.),3(2t.); 12.6(2t.). -vais (instr.pl.) 1. 10.6; 11.2,3. -vebhyas (abl.pl.) 1.6, 7(2t.). -vesu (loc.pl.) I V.I 5. 4(2t.). V.3.7; 18.1 . (3t-); 24.2(3t.). VII. fearvakarman — sagarira i6i 25. 2( 2t. ). VII 1.1.6 (2t.); 4-3 5 54; 7-4- -vasu (loc.pl.f.) II. 4. 1, 2. IV.3.8. sarvakarman a. containiiig all kinds of zvork. -ma (nom.sg.m.) III. 14.2,4. sarvakama a. xvishing ev- erything^ having all wishes. —mas (nom.sii;-.) III. 14. 2,4. sarvagandha a. containing all perfumes. -dhas (nom.sg.) 111.14. 2,4. sarvagranthi m. knot ox- tangle of every sort. -thmam (g-en.pl.) W\. 26.2. sarvatas adv. on all sides. III. 13.7. IV.l.l(2t.). sarvada adv. always. II. 9.1. sarvadhatama a.supl. most all- refresh ing. -mam ( acc.sg.n. ) \ .2. 7- sarvabhuta n. every being. -tani (acc.pl.) VIII. 15. i. sarvarasa a. co?itaining all saps ov fluids. — sas (nom.sg.) III. 14. 2,4. sarvagas adv. wholly. VII. 26.2. sarvendriya n. all one's sense or fozver. -yani (acc.pl.) VIII. 15. I. sarvausadha a. consistimr of all herbs ; n. all sorts of herbs. -dhasya (gen.sg.) V.2.4. sarsapa m. mustard., mus- tard-seed. -pat (abl.sg.) III. 1 4.3. salokata f. being in the same world. -tarn (acc.sg.) II. 20.2. savana n. pressing out (the juice of Soma), Soma-libation. —nam (nom. -acc.sg.) II. 24.1,10. III.l6.3,3(2t.), 4- -nasya (gen.sg.) II. 24. 7. savitr m.nm.pr. -ta (nom.sg.) 1. 12.5. -tur (gen.sg.) V.2.7. sagarira a. with the body. -ras (nom.sg.) V^III. 12. 1. -rasya (gen.sg ) VIII, 12.1. 11 I 63 sas — 1 saman sas, see ta-. v'sah prevail^ see sahama- na. saha adv. -prep, xvith^along nvith. I.io.i. II. 1 3. 1. IV.2.3. VII.ii.i. sahamana (pres.ppl.mid.) a. overpowering ; f . southern side of the world-soifPs case. -na (nom.sg.f.) III. 15. 2. sahasra n. thousand. -ram (nom.-acc.sg.) IV. 2.34; 4-5; 5-I- -rani (nom.pl.) VII. 26. 2. 1 sa, see ta-. 2 sa- 1st syl. of saman. I. 6.1,2,3,4,6; 7.1,2,3,4. sadistha a.supl. best. — tham (acc.sg.n.) IV. 9. 3- sadhu a. straight, rlgJit.^ (food: n.acc. as adv. 'Well. -(nom. -acc.sg.n.) II.i.i (2t.),3(2t.),4. IV.1.4, 6. VII.2.i(2t.); 7.1. -dhuna (instr.sg.) II. i. 2. -dhavas (nom.jil.) II. i. 4. III. 19.4. sadhya caus.grdv. to be subdued or ivonj m. pi. cert, deities, the Sadhyas. — yas (nom.pl.) III.io. i. -yanam (gen.pl.) III. 10.3,4. sadhvalamkrta a. well adorned. -tas (nom.sg.) VIII. 9. 1,2. -te (loc.sg.) VIII.9.1,2. -tau (nom.du.) VIII. 8. 2(2t.),3(2t.). samatas adv. concerning the Saman. IV. 17.6. r saman n. sacred song (a Vedic stanza ar- ranged for chanting ; cf. rc, yajus) ; pi. the Sania - Veda^ -ma (nom.-acc.sg.) I.i. 2,4.5(2t.); 3.4(3t.),8; 4.4; 6.i(4t.),2(4t.),3 (4t.),4(4t.),5(3t.),6,S; 7.i(4t.),2(4t.),3(4t.),4 (4t.),5,7,9(2t.); 8.5 ( 2t. ),6,7(2t.),8. II. 1-1,34; 2.1,3; 3.1,2; 4.1,2; 5.1,2; 6,1,2; 7. 1,2; 8.1,3; 9-i(3t-)'S; io.i,6( 2t. ) ; 21.1,2 ; 24.3,7,11. 3 saman — x/i su 1 6: -mna (instr.sg.) 1. 3-8. II.I.2. -mnas (abl.-gcn.sg.) I. 1.2 ; 4.3 ; 8.4. II. 1. 1 ; 9-2,34.5^7'^; --•!• -mni (loc.sg.) I'4'3' — mani (nom.-acc.pl.) III. 3.1,2. IV. 17. 2. VI. 7.2. -mabhyas (abl.pl.) IV. I7-3- — mnam (gen.pl.) 1. 13.4. IV.i7.6(3t.). 2 saman n. possession^ ■wealth (alluded to II. 3 saman n. gentle speech^ kindness ( alluded to II.1.2). samaveda m. Veda of chants^ Saina - Veda. -das (nom.sg.) I'3-7> III.3.1. VII.1.4. -dam (acc.sg.) III. 3. 2 ; 15.7. VII. 1. 2; 2.1 ; 7.1. samrajya (Wh.Gr. 2i3.b) n. universal rule. — yaya (dat.sg. as inf.) II.24.13. sayugya n. community., in- timate union. -yam (acc.sg.) II. 20. 2. sardha a. zvith' a half' n. ace. as adv. -prep, to- gether^ along with. -dham (acc.sg.n.) VIII. 9.2. sarstita f. being of ajual rank. -tam (acc.sg.) II. 20.2. siriiha m. lion. -has (nom.sg.) VI.9.3 ; 10.2. v'sic pour out., sprinkle. siiicati (pres.ind.act.sg.) V.10.6. -anti (pres.ind.act.pl.) IV.15.1. -v/sidh succeed. — f-abhi acqtiirc. abhisidhyati ( pres.ind. actsg.) VII.4.3 ; 5.3 ; 7.2; 9.2; II, o • 1 -^ ^ sisa n. lead. -sam (acc.sg.) IV. 17.7. -sena (instr.sg.) IV. 17.7. v''i SU press out., extract (esp. the Soma), asosta (aor. ind.mid.sg., Bo.)? sosyati (fut.ind.act.sg., Bo.)? sutam (pass. ppl. nom.sg. n.) v.] 2.1. 164 ^/ z su — suhaya |-a prdss out to a de- gree or siifficieittly, asutam (pass.ppl.nom. sg.n.) V.13.I. — j-pra^rt'55' otit foi' the future or lastingly. prasutam (pass.ppl.nom. sg.n.) V.12.1. \/2 su, SU generate ; beget .^ bring forth^ bear. asosta (aor. ind.mid.sg., of woman?) III. 17. 5. sosyati (fut.ind.act.sg., of man?) III. 17.5. SUkrta n. good deed^ merit. -tarn (nom.sg.) VIII. 4.1. sukha a. pleasant., comfort- able^ w.joy., bliss. -kham (nom.-acc.sg.n.) VII.23.i( 4t. ) ; 23.1 (3t-)- SUtatejas a. possessing the fre or vigor of Soma. -jas (nom.sg.m.) V.12. I ; 18.2. SUbhiksa a. zvell provided tvith food. -sa (nom.sg.f.) 1. 10.5. SUbhuta a. turned out ivell ; n. welfare y f. north- ci'n side of the zvorld- soiU's case. -ta (nom.sg.f.) III. 15.2. surabhi a. s^veet -smelling., fragrant ^ n. pe?fume. -bhi (acc.sg.n.) 1.2.2,9. sura f. spirituous liquor., brandy. -rjlm (acc.sg.) V.10.9. surupa a. well formed., beautiful. -pan (acc.pl.) II. 15.2. suvarna a. of a beautiful color., glittering., gold- en; n. gold. -nas (nom.sg.m.) 1.6.6. -nam ( nom. -acc.sg.n. ) 111.19.1,2. 1X^.17.7. -nena (instr.sg.) IV. 17.7. suvasana a. well clothed. -nas (nom.sg.) VIII. 9.1,2. -ne (loc.sg.) VIII. 9. 1,2. — nau (nom.du.) VIII. 8.2(2t.),3(2t.). suvrsti f. coi)iozis rain. -tis (nom.sg.) VII. 10. ■l(2t.). susi m. opening of a tube., hole. -sis (nom.sg.) III. 13. i, suhaya m. spirited horse., steed., charger. sukarayoni — \/sev 165 — yas ( nom.sg. ) V . i . i 2 . sukarayoni f. birth-station of a hog. -nim (acc.sg-.) V.10.7. Stitra n. thready cord. -rena (instr.sg.) VI.8.2. SUrya m. sun^ god of the sun. -yas (nom.sg.) IV. 3.1 ; 7-3- —yam (acc.sg.) III. 17. 7. suryacandramas m. s n n and moon. — masau (nom.du.) \"1I. 12. 1. VIII. 1.3. \/sr rtin^ glide, floiv, has- ten. (-vipa approach, resort to. upasrtya grd. I.3.12. — |-abhinis floiv or has- ten forth to. abhinihsrta (pass.ppl. nom.sg.f.) VIII. 6.6. \/sr j send fo rth, hn r I , throw j spinj engen- der, srjate (pres.ind.mid.sg.) VII.II.l(2t.). asrjata (impf.ind.mld.sg.) VI.2.3(3t.). — anta (impf.ind.iiiid.pl.) VI.2.4. — f-samati let go, dis- miss. samatisrstas ( pass.ppl. iiom.pl.) 1. 11.3. ^-vi let loose. visrjct (pres.opt.act.sg.) VI.14.1. -rstas (pass.ppl. nom.sg.) "VI.14.1. — f-sam unite, mix. sariisrjyate (pres.ind. pass.sg.) 1. 1.6. s/srp creep, glide, slip. sarpaiiti (prcs.ind.act.pl.) 1.12.4. srptas (pass.ppl.nom.sg.) VIII.6.3. — tas (pass.ppl.nom.pl.) VIII.6.2(2t.). — (-a creep near. asasrpus (perf.ind.act.pl.) 1. 12.4. |-prati creep bach. pratisrpya grd. V.2.6. setu a. fettering ; m. band, dam, bridge, barrier. -tus (nom.sg.) VIII.4. I. -tnm (acc.sg.) VI 1 1. 4. I,2(2t.). ■y/sev stay by, serve, tvor- ship. — [-iipa devote oneself to. 1 66 soma — v/stu upaseveta (pres.opt.mid, Sg.) 11.22. I. soma m. extract^ Juice, So- ma (plant and extract, often deified) ; moon. -mas (nom.sg.) V.4.2 ; 10.4. -mam (acc.sg. ) V.5.2. — mena (instr.sg.) III.9. — masya (gen.sg.) II. 22. I. somasavana a. zvhcrcfroDi Soma is fresscd; m. nm.pr. of a tree (Bo.). — nas (nom.sg.) VIII. 5. 3. somya a. i-elathig to So- ma/ moonlike, gentle / voc.sg. my deai' ! -( voc.sg. m. ) I V.4.4,5 (2t.); 5.1,2; 6.3(3t.); 7.3(2t.); 8.3(2t.); 9. 2; i4.i,2(2t.),3. VI. i-i>345556(2t.),7: 2.1, 2(2t.); 3.4; 4.7; 5.4 (2t.); 6.i,2,3,4,5(2t.); 7.i,2,3(2t.),5,6(2t.); S. l(2t.),2(2t.),3(2t.),4 (4t-)'5'6(5t.)'7; 9-1,2, 4; 10.1,2,3; 11.1,2,3; I2.2(2t.),3(2t.); 13.2, 3; 14.1,3; 15.1,3; 16. i,3- saumya(BR.,B6.)=somya. skanda m. nm.pr. -das (nom.sg.) VI 1. 2 6. 2(2t.). "v/stan thunder. stanayati (pres.ind.act.sg. cans.) II-3-I ; i5'i' VII.ii.i. stanayitnu m. thunder. -nus ( nom.sg. ) VIII. 12.2. stabdha ( pass.ppl. ) a. froppcd / stiff, rigid/ puffed up. -dhas (nom.sg.)JVI.i.2,3. ■v/stu praise. stuvita (pres.opt.mid.sg., Wh.Gr.i29.a) 1.3.12 (3t.). II. 22. 2. -vatam (imv.mid.pl., Wh. Gr.617) I. II. 3. stosyan (fut.ppl.act.nom. sg.) 1.3.8,10. — yamanas ( fut.ppl.mid. nom.sg.) 1.3.10. -nas (fut.ppl.mid.nom. pi.) 1.12.4. -nan (fut.ppl.mid.acc.pl.) I.10.8. — f-abhi give praise to, praise. abhistosyan ( fut.ppl.act. nom.sg.) 1.3.9,11. stutagastra — x/stha 167 — \-pra uttei' f raise ^ f raise. jDrastosyasi (fut.ind.act. sg.) 1.10.9; i^-4- prastosyas (cond.ind.act. sg.) I.I 1.5. stuta^astra n. chaiit and recitation (of the Ud- gatar and of the Ho- tar). -rais (instropl.) III. 17.3. stena m. thief. — nas (nom.sg'.) V.10.9; 1 1.5. steya n. theft. —yam (acc.sg.) VI. 16. I. stobha rrio shout ^ trill (in chanting a S a m a n ; e.g., hum). -bhas (nom.sg.) 1. 13.3. stoma m. song of praise. —mam (acc.sg.) 1. 3. 10. — mena (instr.sg.) 1. 3. 10. stri f. woman. —(nom.sg.) II. 1 3. 1. -riyam (acc.sg.) V.2.S, 9- — riya (instr.sg.) II. 1 3.1. — riyas (nom.pl.) VIII. 2.9. — ribhis (instr.pl.) VIII. 12.3. Striloka m. zvorld of zvom- en. -kena (instr.sg.) VIII. 2.9. strilokakama a. desirous of the world oftvoinen. -mas (nom.sg.) VIII. 2.9. sthandila n. leveled piece of ground (for sacri- fice) ; spot., place. -le (loc.sg.) V.2.8. sthavistha a.supl. thickest., grossest. -thas (nom.sg.) VI.5.1, 2,3- •v/stha stand., exist ; con- tinue; spring from ; cease. tisthati (prcs.ind.act.sg.) V.1.3. VI. I i.i ; 12.2. VII.8.i(2t.). -anti (pres.ind.act.pl.) VIII.6.1. sthata ( nm.ag.nom.sg. ) III.ii.i. sthitam (pass.ppl.nom.sg. n.) 1.3.6. -tva grd. VIII. 15. 1. — [-adhi stand tipo?i^ as- cend., surpass., master^ acquire. adhitisthatas (pres.ind. i68 ■v/stha act.du.) V.19.3; 21. !2.2 ; 23.2. -thanti (pres.ind.act.pl.) V.20.2. — |-ud arise^ cojue fortli., sfirout^ grow. uttisthati (pres.ind.act. sg.) 1.3.6. II. 24.6, 10,15. -than (pres.ppl.act.nom. sg-., Wh.Gr. 671) VII. 8.1. — 1-anud arise or come forth after or behind. aniittisthanti (pres.ind. act.pl.) III. 19.3. anudatisthan (impf.ind. act.pl.) III. 19.3. — f-samiid arise^ come into view^ appear. samuttisthati (pres.ind. act.sg.) VIII. 2. 10. -thatas ( pres.ind. act.du.) VIII.2.6,7,8. -thanti (pres.ind.act.pl.) VIII.2.1,2,3,4,5,9. samutthaya grd. VIII. 34; 12.2,3. — \-n\& gi'oiv forth ^ com- plete^ prepare. nististhati (pres.ind.act. sg.) VII. 20.1 ; 21. 1 (St.). -thanti (prcs.ind.act.pl.) VI.9.1. -than (pres.ppl.act.nom. sg.) VII. 20.1. — f-abhipi-a go forth to; cans, drive (cattle) out to (pasture), abhiprasthapay an ( prcs. ppl. act. cans. nom. sg. ) IV.4.5. -yam (caus.vbl.f.acc.sg.) IV.6.1 ; 7.1 ; 8.1. — |-prati stand frm., rest upon^ be at ease., pros- per. pratitisthati (pres.ind.act. sg.) IV.i6.5(2t.). -thantam (pres.ppl.act. acc.sg.) IV. 1 6.5. pratisthitas (pass. ppl. nom.sg.) V.17.I. VII. 4-3; 5-3; 24-1,2. -tam (pass.ppl.nom.sg. n.) III. 1 2.2. — tas (pass.ppl.nom.pl.) 111.13.3,4. — tani (pass.ppl.nom.pl. n.) VII.4.2 ; 5.2. -tan (pass.ppl.acc.pl.) VII.4.3; 5.3. — l-anuprati stand firm., prosper in reference to. sthanu — smrtilambha 169 aimpratitisthati (pres.ind. act.sg.) IV. 16.5. (-samprati / 21 r 11 to- ward^ apply to j caus. conjine^ concentrate. sampratisthapya cans, grd. VIII. 15. 1. — l-abhisani yV;/« oneself to., stand still j caus. bring' to an end at. abhisariisthapay aiiia s ( pres.ind.act.pl.caus. ) 1.8.5,7. sthanu a. standing still j m. trunk of tree., pil- lar., post. —nave (dat.sg.) V.3.3. sthana n. standittg ; state ; station j raizk. —nam (nom.sg.) V.io.S. spar^a a. touching ^ ni. con- tact., feeling j m.pl. mute cortsonants. -gas (nom.pl.) 11.22.3,5. -gesu (loc.pl.) II. 22.4. •v/sprQ touch., perceive., at- tain., incur. sprpati (pres.ind. act.sg.) VIII.6.3. — tas (pres. ind. act. du. ) VIII.12.1. sma end. pel. (slightly as- severative ; esp. with ha; gives value of past to a pres. tense). 1.2. 13. III. 14.4; 16.7. IV. IO.l(3t.). VI.4.5. smara m. remembrance., longing., love. — ras (nom.sg.) VII. 13. I ; 14.1 ; 26.1. -ram (acc.sg.) VII. 13. 1 2 -rena (instr.sg.) VII. I3.l(2t.). -rat (abl.sg.) VII. 13.3 (2t.); 1 4. 1, -rasya (gen.sg.) VII. 13.3. smas, see -v/i as. M^'smr remember., long for ^ mention., hand down., teach. smareyus (pres.opt.act. pi.) VII.13.1. -ran ( pres. ppl. act. nom. sg.) VIII.12.3. smrtas (pass.ppl.nom.sg.) VII.26.2. smrti f . m c ni o ry , good memory y tradition. -tis (nom.sg.) VII. 26. 3. smrtilambha m. acquire- ment of a good mefnory or of tradition. -bhe (loc.sg.) VII. 36.3. 170 \/syad — v^svar •v/syad, syand move on., hasten, flow. syandante (pres.ind.mid. pi.) IL4.1. VI. 10. 1. syam, see -v/i as. srakti f. edge, corner. — tayas (nom.pl.) III. 15.1. srama a. lame. —mas (nom.sg.) VIII. 9.1,3; 10.3,4. —mam (nom.sg^. n.) VIII. 10.1,3. -me (loc.sg.) VIII. 9. 2 ; 10.3. sramya n. lameness. -yena (instr.sg.) A'^III. 10.3,4. ■v/sru florv, stream- drip, drop juice. sravet (pres.opt.act.sg.) VI.ii.i(3t.). — Y^'Axrv'^xQ.Jloxv forth to- gether, beco7ne fliiid. samprasravat (impf.ind. act.sg.) 11.33.3,4. —van (impf.ind.act.pl.) II-23-3- Sva pron. a. (i) poss. oivn, Okie's oxvn (all three persons) ; (3) refl. one- self (all three per- sons) ; m.f. kinsman. —tvoman / n. property, svam (acc.sg.m.) VI. 8. l(3t.). svena (instr.sg.) VIII. 3.4; I2.3(3t.),3. sve (loc.sg.) VII. 34.1. svanam (gen.jjl.) V.i. 2,5- svadha f . sweet, refreshing drink, esp. libation to the Manes. -dham (acc.sg.) II. 33. 3. x/svap sleep, fall asleep. svapiti (pres.ind.act.sg.) IV.3.3. VI.8.i(2t.). suptas (pass.ppl.nom.sg.) VIII.6.3 ; I I.I. svapna m. sleep, dream. —nam (acc.sg.) VIII.6. 3; II. I. -ne (loc.sg.) VlII.io.i. — nesu (loc.pl.) V.3.9. svapnanidargana a. poifzt- ing at or teaching by dreams j n . dream- vision. -ne (loc.sg.) V.3.9(2t.). svapnanta m. condition of sleeping or dreaming. -tam (acc.sg.) VI.8.1. v/svar sound, sing, praise; be bright, shine (see Wh.RVF.). svar — svarajya 171 svaran (pres.ppl.act.nom. sg-) I-5-i'3- |-ati let sotiud die axvay. atisvarati (prcs.ind.act. sg.) 1.4.4. svar n. sun^ stitilight ^ heaven^ inclcl. sacred syll. (dissyl.), O sky I II. 33. 3. 111.15.3,7; i7.7(acc.sg.). IV. 17. 3,6. Svara m. so tin d, z> o ice / pi. vowels. -ras (nom.sg.) 1-3.2 ; 4. 4; 8.4; 12.2. -ram (acc.sg. ) 1.4.3,5. -rasya (gen.sg.) I.8.4. -ras (nom.pl.) 11.22.3,5. -resu (loc.pl.) II. 23. 3. svaraj a. selfrrtding^ in- depeitdeitt. —rat (nom.sg.m.) VII. 25.2. svarajya n. self-r?ile, in- dependent domi7iion. -yaya (dat.sg. as inf.) II. 24.12. svarga a. leading to light., heavenly j m. heaven. -gam (acc.sg.m.) 1. 8. 5 (2t.). II. 22. 2. III. 13. 6. VIII.3.3,5. -gasya (gen.sg.) III. ^3-6(3t-)- svargasaihstava a. praised as heavenly or heaven. -vam (nom.sg.n.) 1.8.5. svas, see \/i as. svasr f. sister. -sa (nom.sg.) VII. 15. i. -saram (acc.sg.) A^II. 15.2. -saras (nom.pl.) VIII. 3.4. svasrloka m. ivorld of sis- ters. -kena (instr.sg.) VIII. 2.4. svasrlokakama a. desirous of the ivorld of sisters. -mas (nom.sg.) VIII. 2.4. svasrhan m. murderer oj a sister., sororicidc. -ha (nom.sg.) VII. 15= 2,3- SVadhyaya m. reading or repeating to oneself study (esp. of the Veda), -yam (acc.sg. as inf.) I. 12. 1. VIII. 15. 1. svarajya n. self-sovereigiz- ty., unlimited domin- ion. 17- svaha — ha -yam ( acc.sg. ) II 1.6. ■\; 74; ^4; 9-4' lo- 4- SVaha excl. used in making oblations; hall to ((lat.),=^4w(?w ! (at end of invocation). II. 24. 6,10,15. IV. 17.4,5,6. "^•24'5(4t-) ; 19-1; 20. 1 ; 31. 1 ; 22.1 ; \/svid sweat. svedate (pres.ind.mid.sg.) ^ VI.2.3. svid slightly emph. end. pel. really., perhaps., then. 1. 10.4. SVairin a.y>-c^, zvanton, un- chaste. -rl (nom.sg.m.) V.n.5. -rini (nom.sg.f.) V.11.5. H ha slightly emph. encl. pel. to be sure. 1.1.7,8; 2.l(2t.),3(2t.),3 (2t.),4(2t.),5(2t.),6 (2t.),7(2t.),8,10,IT,I2, i3(3t-)'H; 3-i'i2; 5. 24,5; 6.7; 7.8; 8.1 (2t.),2(2t.),3(2t.),4(4t.), 5(3t.),6,7(3t.),8(2t.); 9.l(2t.),2(2t.),3(2t.), 4; IO.I,2(2t.),3(2t.), 4,5,6,8,11; II.l(2t.), 2,34.5(2t.)A7(2t.),8, 9(2t.); i2.i,3(2t.),4 (2t.). II.1.4; 2.3; 3.2(2t.); 4. 2; 5.2; 6.2; 7.2(2t.); io.4,6(2t.) ; 21.2 ; 24. 16. iii.ii.3(2t.),4(2t.); 13- 1; 14.4; l6.2(2t.),4 (2t.),6(2t.),7(3t.); 17. 6; 19.4. IV.I.l(2t.),2(2t.),3,5(2t.), 7(2t.),8(3t.) ; 2.i(2t.),3 (2t.)4.5(3t-) ; 3-5(2t.)> 6,7,8; 4.i,2,3,4(2t.),5 (2t.); 5.i(2t.),2,3; 6. 1,2,3,4; 7.1,2,3,4; 8.1, 2,34; 9'i(2t-)'2,3(3t.); 10.l(4t.),2,3(2t.),4(2t.), 5(3t.); II. I ; 12.1 ; I3.I; I4.l(2t.),2(3t.), 3(2t.); 1 5.1; i6.i(2t.); i7.8,9(2t.),io. V.l.l(2t.),2(2t.),3(2t.), 4(2t.),5(3t.),6,7(2t.), 8( 2t.),9( 2t. ),I0( 2t. ), Il(2t.),I2(2t.),I3(2t.), i4(2t.); 2.i(4t.),2(4t.), 3(3t.); 3.i(2t.),4(2t.), 5,6(5t-)'7(4t-); ^«-7 hansa — hastihiranya 73 (2t.),io(3t.); II. r, 2 (3t.),3,4(2t.).5(2t.).6 (3t-)'7(3t-); ^2.1,2; i3.i(3t.),2; i4.i(2t.), 2; i5,i(2t.),2; 16.1 (2t.),2; I7.i(2t.),3; 18. 1.3; 34.3,4(2t.). VI.i.i(2t.),2,3,7; 2.1,2; 4-5 ; 5-4 ; 6.5 ; 7-^is^-)^ 3,4(5t.),6; 8.1,7; 9.4; 10.3; 11.3,3; 13.2,3; i3-i(3t-)'2(2t.),3; 14. 3; 15-3; i6.3(2t.). VII.i.i(2t.).3,3; 4.2; 5. 2; 7.2; S.I ; 9.1 ; 14. "^ ' TCT' ^. \ 2 ' 2(^ T VML3.4(3t.),5; 5-3; 7- i52(3t.),3(4t.),4(3t.); 8.i(3t.),2(3t.),3(3t.), 4(3t-); 9-i'2(3t.),3 (3t.); io.i(3t.),3(2t.), 4(3t-); ii-i(3t-)'2(3t.), 3(4t.); 12.6; 14.1; 15. I. hansa m. goose; swan^ Jlaniiugo ; the sun{^ !). -sas (nom.sg.) IV.1.2 ; 7.1,2. — sam (acc.sg.) IV.1.2. -sas (nom.pl.) IV.1.2. A/han smite ^ hurt^ staf, de- stroy. ghnanti (pres.ind.act.pl., Wh.Gr.637) VIII.io. 2,4. hanyate ( pres.ind.pass. sg.) VI.16.1. VIII. 1.5; 10.2,4. \- aj^a repel .^ t h nest back^ destroy. apahanti ( pres.ind.act. sg.) 1.3.1. -hate (pres.ind.mid.sg.) IV. II. 2; 12.2; 13.2. apajahi (imv.act.sg.) II. 34,6,10. -hata (imv.act.pl.) II. 34.15. — |-abhya strike at., hit. abhyahanyat ( prcs.ojDt. act.sg.) VI.ll.i(3t.). hanta interj. come! go to! -well! 1.8.1,3,7,8; 10. 3,7. IV. 10.4. V.ii. 3,3,4. VI.3.3. VIII. 7.3. v/has laugh. hasati (pres.ind.act.sg.) III.17.3. hastagrhita a. grasped by or with the hand. -tam (acc.sg.m.) VI. 1 6.1. hastihiranya n. elephants and gold. -yam (acc.sg.) VII. 24. 3. 174 s/i ha — hiranmaya ■v/i ha leave, Jhrsake, lose/ pass, vanish, fail^ per- ish. jahati (pres.ind.act.sg'.) VI,ii.2(4t.). hiyate (pres.ind.pass.sg.) IV.16.3,4. •v/2 ha staj-t 7ip, go forth. — [-abhyucl rise in addi- tion to, ascend ivith (ace). abhyujjihate ( pres.ind. mid.sg.) I.I 1.5. — |-sam arise, stand up. saiiijihanas (pres.ppl.mid . nom.sg.) 1. 10.6. IV. I-5- V.ii. haikara m. the sound hai (dissyl.). — ras (nom.sg.) 1.13,1. haiikara m. the sotmd hali (dissyl.). —ras (nom.sg.) I.13.1. haridrumata m.nm.pr. -tarn (acc.sg.) IV.4.3. hi postp.pcl. verily / for, because / ?iam. 1. 1 . i ,8 ; 2.2,3,4,5,6,9,11; 3.6 7-9; S.5,7; 9.1. II.9. 2,3^4:5 A7 A 1 1 1- 5 -4 (2t.); 12.2,3,4; 15.1; 16.1,3,5. IV.1.8; 3.2, 3; 9-3; i5-2,354- V 1. 15; 2.6(2t.); 3.1,4 10.6. VI. 1. 7; 4.5; 5 4; 6.5; 7.6; 8.1,2 Vn.1.3; 3.i(3t.); 5 54 24.2. VIII 1.5; 3.i,2(2t.); 4.2 (2t.); 5.l(2t.),2(2t.), 3; 6.3; 8.5(2t.). hiii onomatop. word w. v/kr make the sound hih, coo, neigh, low (as cow to calf) ; sa- cred syl. ; see next three w^ords. hinkara m. the sound hin. -ras (nom.sg.) 1. 13. 2. II. 2.1,2; 3.1 ; 4.1; 5.1 ;6. I ; 7.1 ; 8.1 ; 9.2 ; 10. I i.i : 12. 1 ; 13. 1 ; ; 15. 1 ; 16.1 ; 17. I ; 14. 1 I ; iS. I ; 19.1 ; 20.1 ; 21. 1. hihkarabhajin a. sharing in the sotmd hin. -jinas (nom.pl.) II.9.2. hiiikr, see -y/kr. hita, see x/dha. hiranmaya a. made of gold, golden. -yas (nom.sg.) 1.6.6. —yam (nom.sg.n.) VIII. 5-3- hiranya — v/hr hiranya n. gold. — yasya (gen.sg.) V.io. 9- hiranyake^a a. g olden - haired. — 9as (nom.sg-.) 1.6.6. hiranyadanstra a. golden- toothed or -tusked. -ras (nom.sg.) IV. 3. 7. hiranyanidhi m. treasure of gold. — dhim (acc.sg.) VIII. 3.2. hiranya^magru a. golden- bearded. — rus (nom.sg.) 1.6.6. x/hu potcr (into fire), make an oblation., off^''i ^^'^- rijice. juhoti ( pres.ind.act.sg. ) 11.24.5,9,14. V.24.1, 2,3- — hvati ( pres.ind.act.pl. ) V.4.2; 5.2; 6.2; 7.2; 8.2. -huyat (pres.opt.act.sg.) IV. 17.4,5,6. V. I 9. I (2t.) ; 2o.i(2t.) ; 21. 1 (2t.); 22.i(2t.) ; 23.1 (2t.); 24.1. hutam ( pass. ppl. nom.sg. n.) V. 24.2,4. -tva grd. V.2.4,5(4t.). the sound huiiikara m hum. -ras (nom.sg.) 1. 13.3. hum intcrj. of growling or buzzing ; sacred syL, see stobha. 1 1 . S . i ; 24.8,12,13. \/hu, hva call ufon^ in- vite, — |-a, call to or hither. ahvayati ( pres.ind.act. sg.) VII. 1 2.1. \/huTch. Jail axvay. (- vi stagger. vihiirchati (pres.ind.act. sg.) II. 19.2. \''hr hold^ carry., brings offer^ take. haranti (pres.ind.act.pl.) II. 21. 4. V.9.2. |-apa take axvay ^ seize., rob. apfdiarsit (aor.ind.act.sg.) VI.16.1. (-a bring near., offer., accept., ■procure. rdiara (imv.act.sg.) 1. 12. 5(2t.). IV.4.5. VI. —rat (unaug.impf.ind.act. sg.) I.12.5. ajahara (perf.ind.act.sg.) 1.10.5. J 76 hrd — homiya — hrus ( perf.ind.act.pl. ) I. 2. I. — [-uda h r ing nc a r , brhig out^ say^ tell. udaharisyati (fut.ind.act. sg.) VI.4.5. (-abhivya titter, -pro- notmce, recite. abhivyaharati (pres.ind. act.sg.) 1.3.3,4. -rani (pres.subj. act.sg.) VIII.13.4. l-anusama ftit in or- der ao'cii/i. anusamaharati (pres.ind. act.sg.) I.5.5(2t.). — l-pari move around, SIC r round, gird/ shun, protect yro/n. — pariharani ( pres.subj. act.sg.) II. 22. 5. -ret (pres.opt.act.sg.) II. 13.2. — f-prati briiig or Jiold back, take, enjoy / take hold of, deal zvith. pratiharamanani ( pres. ppl.mid.nom.pl.n.) I. 1 1.9. pratiharisyasi ( fut.ind. act.sg.) 1. 1 0.1 1 ; U.S. pratyaharisyas (cond.ind. act.sg.) 1. 11.9. pratihrtas (pass.ppl.noni. pi.) II. 9.6. hrd n. heart. -di (loc.sg.) VIII. 3. 3 (2t.). hrdaya n. heart. —yam (noin.sg.) III. 12. 4. V.18.2. VIII.3.3. -yasya (gen.sg.) III. 13. I. VIII.6.1,6. -ye (loc.sg.) III. 12.9; I4.3(2t.),4. hrdayajna a. knowing or suiting the heart. -iiam ( nom.-acc.sg.n. ) VII.2.i(2t.) ; 7.1. hetU m. impulse, cause/ oblique cases as adv.- prep. o7i account. -tos (gen.sg.) 1.3.5. hemanta m. ivinter. -tas (nom.sg.) II.5.1 ; 1 6. 1. haikara, after ^/z ha. ho voc.pcl. I V.I. 2. hotr m. offerer, priest, its]i. chief priest. -ta (nom.sg.) IV. 16.2. hotrsadana n. scat of the Hotar, -nat (abl.sg.) I.5.5. homiya a. sacrijicial, ap- pointed for ofering. hoyi — \/hva 177 -yam (nom.sg-.n.) V.19. I. hoyi voc.pcl. I V.I. 2. haiikara, after x^z ha. \/hnu hide. — [-apa hide or conceal from^ deny. apahnuvita(pres.opt.mid. sg.) VII.15.4. — |-ni deny. nihnute(pres.iud.mid.sg.) IV. 14.2. hraduni f. /^«//, hailstone. -nayas (aom.pl.) V.5.1. v/hva, see x/hu. 12 1.2.7. -2.7f. -3. Iff. -6.7. -I I.I. -I 1.3. -I 1.3. II.I3.I APPENDIX A Alterations in Boiitlingk's Text Read vidadhvansire for -sus. Omit mrtpindas (2t.). Read adhidaivatam for -dev-. Read yasya for tasya; kapyasa for kapilasa. Read vividisami for -sani. • • • Read paryaisisyam for -sisam. Read etu for astu; cf. 111.17.2,3. . Read prati stri for pratistri. -14. 1. Bo. follows all manuscripts and previous edi- tions in reading- madhyaihdinas, aparahnas (-nah) ; Wh.AJP. madh-, ap-; I propose -ne, -ne. The rari- ty of aparahnas, on the principle of lectio difficilior^ would probably be regarded by Whitney as justifying rather than making against his proposal. This word is, however, not merely rare, but is otherwise unquota- ble or quite unknown ; and the whole passage must be taken together for a critical solution of any value, (i) There would have been no temptation to a copyist to alter madhyaihdinas, as that adjective occurs frequent- ly elsewhere, seven times in ChU. alone (see Gram- matical Index). In this word, nevertheless, lies the crucial point, if I am not mistaken. (2) An ancient scribe, finding the series udyan, uditas in the nomina- tive, interpreted the next in the series wrongly as ma- dhyaihdina(s), instead of -na(y). This blunder, helped possibly by the paleographic likeness of -ne and -nah(-nas), caused him to change aparahne to -nas, (179) i8o Alterations in Bdhtlingk''s Text which thus becomes the only difference between Bo. and my emendation. (3) The locative serves as adjec- tive modifier to adityas (suryas) understood, and thus meets all the demands of Whitney's suggestion. (4) And, finally, the series goes on again with yan just as naturally as before. In support of my argument as a whole, cf. 11.9.3,4,5,8, -25. 3ff. Read aqrayata for -yat. III. 1 2.6. Read tavan, tatas, sarva for etavan, atas, vigva. -i6.2ff. Read vilopsi for -siya. -17.7. Restore svah pagyanta uttaram at end of Vedic quotation. IV.4.4ff. Read somya for saumya. -I i.2ff. bhun jamas for -jmas. -14.2. Read nihnute for nijuhnuve. -17.7. Read daru carmana for daruna carma. V.15.2. Read vyagarisyata for -ris-. -23.2. Insert tejasa (cf. V. 19.2 ; 20.2; 21.2; 22.2). This word could not be spared by the Hindu fondness for repetition of set phraseology ; cf. eva VI. 4.4. VI. 2. 3. Read eva (vai?) for va; cf. VI. 2.4 for choice. -4.4. Insert eva (cf. VI.4.1,2,3); see comment on tejasa V 23.2. -8.7ff. Read aitadatmya for etadatmaka. -1 4. 1. Read pradhmayita for -dhaveta. VII. 2. iff. Read a kita- for akita- ; cf. itihasapurana, goagva, trnodaka, dasabharya, hastihiranya, all n.sg. in ChU. That this preposition occurs otherwise in ChU. only w. abl. is no argument for not admitting it w^. ace. in the four places under discussion. It amounts, of course, to the same thing in the end, as the prepo- Alterations in Biihtlifio-k's Text iSi b sitional phrase is adverbial ; but I question the correct- ness of writing so ckniisy a cpd. unless actually found in an accented text. -6.1. Read mahattam for -tvam. VIIL6.I. Read animnas for -na; cf. VI. 13.2. -7.3. Read avastam for avattam. -9. iff. Read bhogya for -ga. (a) Misprints and Corrections Noted by Bo. I.i.i. Read iti hyudgayati for ityud-. -1.8. Read om- for otm-. -3.4. Read yarktat for -ktt-. -4.2. Read tam for te. -5.4, Read bahavo vai (Benares edition) te for ba- havo te. -5.5. Bo. approves durudgita (Benares) for -tha. -10.4. Bo. approves udakapana (Benares) for uda- pana. III. 1 7-5- Bo. emphatically approves the omission (Benares) of maranamevasya tat. I approve his con- clusion. IV.4.2. Read bruvithas (Benares) for brav-. V.3.7. Read taiii hovaca for sa hov-. -10. 1. Read graddham for -dha. VII.S.i. Read akampayet for -yeta. VIII. 7.2. Read lokanapnoti for -ap-. {b) Misprints Noted by Wh.AJP. V.I.I 2. Read nas (nah) for na. VII. 3. 1. Read hyatma for hm-. -24.2. Read hyanyasmin for hm-, VIII.4.2. Read papmanas for pat-. —7.2. Unnecessary, as Bo. had already corrected. -12.4. Read akaga for ak-. 1 82 Alterations in Bdhtlingk's Text (c) Misprints to Be Ahted Further. 111.7,4. Read dvistavaddaksinatas for -vadrk- (a very easy typographical error). -13.2. Read veda for vada. -13.5. Read tadetad for ted-. IV". 1 5.6. Read navartante (2nd) for -vart-. V.1.9. Read agakatarte for -karte. -8.2. Read asminnagnau for -minag-. -1 1.4. Read vaigvanara for -nara. VI. 1.7. Read avedisyan for -dasyin. VII.4.3. Read saihkalpasya for samlp-. VIII. 7. 3. Read vijijiiasitavya for vijnijna- ; vacas for vacas. -10.4. Read dvatringat for dvariit-. Subscription at end. Read chan- for chan-. It may not be amiss to note also the seeming mis- punctuations at VII.3.1 ; 14.2 and VIII.3.3. APPENDIX B.— VERB-LIST I. Moods and Tknses (a) Primary Coiijugatioji — Classijicd by Form and Mcanino". PRESENT INDICATIVE ACTIVE. \/\/ad(i6t,), an(2t.), arh, av, a9(St.), aganay, i as (ii5t.), ap(i5t.), i(66t.), is(4t.), rdh, kr(i6t.), kram (2t.), gam(iot.), 2 ga(iSt.), grabh(4t.), ghra, cam(4t.), car(3t.), jaks, jap, ji(7t.), jiv(22t.), jr(2t.), jna(29t.), jval, tap(iit.), tr(2t.), trp(39t.), da(3t.), das, dus(2t.), dru, dha(iot.), dhi( ?? ), dhya(6t.), na9(3t.), ni(3t.), nu, pat(2t.), pa9(3it.), pa(8t.), pu(2t.), bru(2t.), bha ( i3t.), bhuj(3t.), bhu(22it.), math, manasy(3t.), mluc, yam(5t.), ya, raks(2t.), raj, ris(3t.), rud(3t.), vad(9t.), I va, 2 vid(3t), vi9( 141.), vrs(6t.), vraj(3t.), gans, gam, 9uc(3t.), 5us(5t.), 9ru(6t.), sic(2t.), sidh(6t.), srp, stha( 34t,), spr9(2t.), svap(3t.), svar, han(3t.), has, I ha(4t.), hu(iit.), hu, hurch, hr(6t.). Total, 7^3- PRESENT INDICATIVE MIDDLE. v^v/as(S3t.), i(3t.), is(4t.), ig(3t.), kr(4t.), klp(9t.), kram, ksubh, gam, caks(iSt.), jan(iot.), tay(2t.), tra, da, dip, duh(3t.), drg (only formally so, defective), dyut(3t.), dhvans(3t.), ni(2t.), pad(34t.), pu, plu(2t.), man(54-4=9t.), mantray(2t.), mahiy(iot.), ram(5t.), rudh, labh(5t.), 2 vid(5t.), 2 vr(2t.), vrj(2t.), vrt(iot.), I 9i(3t-), 2 5i(2t.), 5ri(2t.),9lis(2t.),srj(2t.),syad(2t.), svid, han(3t.), 2 ha, hnu. Total, 60. (183) 184 Verb- List PRESENT SUBJUNCTIVE ACTIVE. ^x/\/ad, I as, is, kr(2t.), gain(3t.), 2 ga(3t.), ghra, jna, da(2t.), pa, prach, bru(5t.), vad(2t,), i vid(2t.), gas, gru, hr(2t.). Total, 29. Pres.subj.mid. : v''niail. PRESENT OPTATIVE ACTIVE. v/x/a5(3t.), I as(2it.), i(2t.), kr(2t.), khid, gam(3t.), 2 ga, cam, car, jiv, jfla(3t.), tap(3t.), dah(3t.), da(3t.), dha, dhav(4t.), nam, nind(6t.), m(7t.), pat(2t.), pag (6t.), bru(2ot.), yam, ris, ruh, vad, i vid(5t.), 2 vid, gas, 9ru(2t.), sthiv, srj, smr, sru(3t.), han(3t.), hu(i4t.), hr. Total, 131. PRESENT OPTATIVE MIDDLE. \/\/as(29t.), i, is(2t.), kr(3t.), jan(5t.), dhvans, pad (4t.), bru(2t.), man(2t.), mred, labh(5t.), 2 vr(2t.), vrt, sev, stu(4t.), hnu. Total, 63, PRESENT IMPERATIVE ACTIVE. v/N/a5(2t.), I as(2t.), i(3t.), is(6t.), 2 ga, cam(3t.), jna(6t.), tan(3t.), tap, da(3t.), pa, prach, bru(23t.), bhid(2t.), vad, vas(6t.), i vid(3t.), 2 vid(3t.), i vr(4t,), vraj(2t.), 9as(2t.), sad(3t.,) haii(3t.), hr(5t.). Total, ^'^. Pres.imv.mid. : x/\/as(i4t.), iks, jan, dha, stu. To- tal, 18. Pres.-fut.imv.act. : \/ z ga. PRESENT PARTICIPLE ACTIVE. xA/an(4t.), i as(23t.), i(6t.), is(6t.), krid, khad, grabh, car(7t.), jaks, jiv(3t.), jna(4t.), jval, tap, trp (i9t.), dha(3t.), dhya(5t,), pag(9t.), pa(2t.), prach, bhi, ris, vad(4t.), vas(2t.), vrs, vraj(2t.), 9ru(3t.), sad, stha(3t.), smr, svar(2t.). Total, 129, Verb- List 185 Ci also: akhadant, anapanant(5t.), anististhant, apagyant, apranant(5t.), avadant, avijanant, agrnvant, asant(4t.), asmarant, ahinsant(v/hins injure). Total, 22. PRESENT PARTICIPLE MIDDLE. -v/>/as, i, kas, jan, dha, pad, man(3t.), mahiy, ma, yaj(i6t.), ram, vrt(2t.), sah, 2 ha(3t.), hr. Total, 35. Cf. also: adadana, anadyamana( ??), ayajamana, avyathamana(4t. ; \/vyath ■wavcr'^. Total, 6. IMPERFECT INDICATIVE ACTIVE. -v/\/i aF(5t.), kr(2t.), ksar(5t.), khid, jiv, tap(iit.), pag, prach, brh(3t.), bru(2t.), bhu(2t.), vad(2t.), vig (2t.), stha, sru(3t.). Total, 42. IMPERFECT INDICATIVE MIDDLE. \/v/iks( |t.), klp(3t.), jan(7t.), bhas, labh(2t.), vrt, 2 gi, 5n(5t-)' srj(3t.). Total, 27. PERFECT INDICATIVE ACTIVE. v/v'a9(2t.), I as(2t.), ah(24t.), ap, i(i5t.), kr(i9t.), kram(4t.), gam(5t.), gr, car, jna(4t.), da(3t.), dr5(3t.), pat, pad(2t.), prach, bhu(9t.), mluc, vac(i78t.), vad (lot.), vas(St.), I vid(S5t.), 2 vid, vig(iot.), vraj(5t.), vyadh(5t.), 5as(5t.), 9ru(7t.), sad(6t.), srp, hr(2t.). Total, 421. PERFECT INDICATIVE MIDDLE. V''v/kr(i5t.), kram(3t.), jna(3t.), dhr, dhvaiis, pad, budh, bhiks(2t.), yat, vad(3t.). Total, 31. Perf.ppl.act. : \/\ vid(4ot.) ; cf. also avidvans( i2t,). For Periphrastic Perfect see p. 1S9. AORIST INDICATIVE ACTIVE. I. xA/gam, I ga(9t.), dha, bhu(9t.). 2. N/s/gam (3t.), vac(i3t.), 2 vid, 9ak(5t.), 9as(2t.). 4. v/Vkr, 1 86 Verb- List prach(2t.), vas(2t.), hr. 5. -\/N/car(2t.), jval, i vid, vraj(3t.). 6. v/3 ga(2t.). Total, 59. AORIST INDICATIVE MIDDLE. 2. v/vac. 4. >/x/i ga (Wh.RVF. wrongly 3,), pad (2t.), 2 vr, 2 su. Total, 6. AORIST OPTATIVE MIDDLE. I. ^/dha. UNAUGMENTED IMPERFECT ACTIVE. ^/rud(.?),hr. UNAUGMENTED AORIST ACTIVE. I. \/i ga(3t.). 2. v/\/rud, vac. 4, x/v'dah, saj. 5. v'v/ag, kram. Total, 8. UNAUGMENTED AORIST MIDDLE. 4. vaup(3t.; Wh.Gr.SSy.a). 5. v/radh. Total, 4. FUTURE ACTIVE. -v/x/ag, i, khya(3t.), 3 ga(2t.), jfia, dah, da(2t.), pat (8t.), pis, prach, bhu(i2t.), vac(3t.), vas(2t.), vrs(2t.), gru, 2 su, stu(3t.), hr(3t.). Total, 47. FUTURE MIDDLE. -N/v^chid, ni, pad(2t.), muc, yaj, i vid. Total, 7. Fut.ppl.act. : v'-s/ag, ji, stu(4t.). Total, 6. Fut.ppl.mid. : -vZ-v/yaj, stu(3t.). Total, 4. CONDITIONAL ACTIVE. >/v/is, kram, gam(6t.), 2 ga, jiv, pat(4t.), bhu(2t.), vac(2t.), I vid(2t.), stu, hr. Total, 22. Cond.mid. ; \/v/mla, 9r( ??). NOMINA AGENTIS. \/\/i(28t.), bhu, vac(5t.), stha. Total, 35. Cf. the many vbl. subst. in — tr. • Verb- List 187 PASSIVE PARTICIPLK (A. AND SUBST. USES INCLUDED). v/v/a9(3t.), 2 as(3t.), ap(3t.), i(iot.), rdh, kr(i4t.), kip, kram, ksudh, gain(i4t.), grabh, cit(i4t.), jan, jna (4t.), taii(3t.), tap(i2t.), trd(3t.), da(7t.), dr9(3t), dha ( lot.), dhvan, m(2t.), pat(2t.), pad( 151.), pa(3t.), pu, pr(4t.), bandh, bha, bh.id(2t.), bhu(26t.), man, mrg, yaj, yat(2ot.), yas, yuj(2t.), rabh, ram, ris(4t.), li, vac(yt.), vah(i9t.), 2 va(23t.), i vid, 2 vid(2t.), i vr, vrt(3t.), vyadh(6t.), vra9c(4t.), 9as(2t,), 9is(7t.), gudh, gri, gru (5t.), sad(3t.), I su(3t.), sr, srj(2t.), srp(3t.), stha (i3t.), smr, svap(3t.), hu(2t.), hr. Total, 314. Cf. also : akrta, aksita, agrasta (\/gras devour')^ acitta(2t. ; independent formation?), acyuta (\/cyu move)^ anirasta, anirukta(2t.), anutkranta, anrta(8t.), aparajita, apratisthita, apramatta(2t. ; -v/mad <?vv/^//- ara/t^), amata(3t.), amrta(45t. ; semi-independent for- mation), arista, avijnata(3t.), a9ruta(3t.), adista(2t. ; v^dig point) ^ dista (v^dig), nirukta, bhakta (\/bhaj di- vide)^ murta(2t. ; \/mur thickoi), sadhvalamkrta(St.), sukrta, subhuta, stabdha(2t. ; v/stabh prof). Total, 94. INFINITIVE, Acc. : ■v/\/jiv(4t.), vac(2t.) ; cf. anagitu, svadhyaya (2t.). Total, 9. Cf. also dat. : abhivyahara, asambheda, dar9ana(2t.), rajya, virajya, gravana, samrajya, svarajya. Total, 9. GERUND. Vx/ag, 3 as, ap(2t.), i(i3t.), is(3t.), iks(3t.), r(3t.), kr(3t.), khad(2t.), gam(2t.), grabh(3t.), tr(2t.), da(3t.), dhiks, dr9(iit.), dha(iit.), dhu(3t.), nij, ni(2t.), pat (4t.), pad(4t.), bhu(iit.), math, man, muc(2t.), mrg, yaj(2t.), rudh(3t.), labh(2t.), vac(6t.), vas(5t.), vah. 1 88 Verb- List 3 vid(6t.), vi5(St.), vrt, 2 91, sr, srp, stha(4t.), hu(5t.). Total, 137. Cf. also: akrtva, ananuvidya(2t.), ananugisya, ananucya, anupaniya, anupalabhya, aprapya (3t.), aprocya, amatva, alabdhva(3t.), avittva. Total, 17. {b') Secondary . Conjugations. (i) PASSIVE. Ind. : v/\/idh, ksi(6t.), khya(2t.), 2 ga(9t.), dah(2t.), du, dr5(9t.), dha(4t.), ni, pr(2t.), muc, inr(2t.), lip, 2 vid (2t.), 5is(2t.), srj, han(4t.), i ha(2t.). Total, 52, Pass.opt. : \/v/rdh, du, drg, dham. Total, 4. Pass.imv. : \/nir. Pass.pres.ppl. : ^/v/a5(3t.), tap(3t.), pa, math, vis. Total, 8. Pass.impf.ind. : \/bhid. Pass.cond. : x/Qf. (2) INTENSIVE. Pres.ppl.mid.-pass. : \/pa. (3) DESIDERATIVE. Ind.act. : v^\/a5(2t.), pa(2t.), vas, i vid. Total, 6. Ind.mid. : v'v/jna(8t.), ^ru. Total, 9. Opt.act. : x/gam. Opt.mid. : A/gup. Pres.ppl.act. : -v/kram. (4) CAUSATIVE. Ind.act. : x/v/ap(2t.), ir(4t.), klp(3t.), gam(3t.), cha (2t.), jna(2t.), drg, bhaks, rud, vas, vrt, ^ru, stan(3t.), stha(2t.). Total, 27. Ind.mid.: \/v/kam(2t.), cit, jna, bhal(2t.), i vid. Total, 7. Opt.act.: x/y/kamp, jval, vrj. Total, 3. Verb- List 189 Imv.act. : v/y/ap, gam, jfia( 1 1 1.), tr. Total, 14. Prcs.-fut.imv.act. : \/vrt. Pres.ppl.act. : \/v/mah, vrt( 2t.), stha. Total, 4. Impf.ind.act. : v/chad. Cond.mid. : -v/jna. Pass.ppl. : >/v/r(2t.), ksudh( ?). Grd. : N/v/dr9(2t.), stha. Total, 3. (r) Derivatives. Gerundive : adarganiya, anvestavya(4t.), agravani- ya, asamkalpaniya, guhya (3t. ; v/guh hide), darga- niya, paricarya, prayogya, bhogya(6t.), ramaniya, vaktavya(3t.), gravaniya, sariikalpaniya. Total, 24. Des.grdv. : viji jnasitavya( 1 2t. ) . Caus.grdv. : sadhya. PERIPHRASTIC PERFECT. Vbl.f.w. s/kr: A/\/as(iot.), iks(2t.), mantray, 1 vid (6t. ). Total, 19. Des.vbl.f.w. v/kr: \/man. Caus.vbl.f.w. Vkx'. v^>/kr, jna, pad(2t.), palay, ma, stha(3t.). Total, 9. Cf. arhana and pravasa w. x/kr. This usage takes us a step nearer such cognate and quasi-cognate peri- phrases as vara w. x'^2 vr, brahmacarya w. x^^vas, maithuna w. v/car, etc. The use of hin w. v^kr is analogous. Grand total of verb-forms in ChU., (cir.) 2,925. Grand total of word-occurrences in ChU. (showing bulk of the treatise), (cir.) 15,666. II. Conjugation Classes ( Classified by form strictly. I follozv the arrauge- 7ne7it of Wh.Gr. The numbers in [ ] are those of the native Hindu grammarians . ) 190 Verb- List i[3]. \/\/ad, an, i as, as, i, 19, caks, jaks, duh, dhi ( ??), nu, bru, bha, ma, ya, rud, i vid, gas, 3 51, stu, svap, ban, hnu. 2[3]. \/\/da, dha, bhi, i ha, 2 ha, hu. 3[7]. ^/\/bhid, rudh, vrj. 4a,b[5,8]. -sZ-v/kr, tan, man, 1 vr, §ru. 5[9]. v/v/ag, ap, grabh, jna, pu, 2 vr. 6,7[i,6]. v/N/arh, av, aganay, as(??), i, is, iks, is, kas, kip, kram, krid, ksubh, khad, khid, gam, ghra, caks( ??), cam, car, jap, ji, jiv, jval, tap, tay, tr, dab, das, dyut, dru, dhav, dhvans, nam, nind, ni, pat, pa, prach, plu, brh, bhas, bhuj, bhu, math, manasy, man- tray, mahiy, mud, mred, mluc, yaj, yam, raks, ram, raj, rub, labh, vad, vas, 3 vid, vig, vrt, vrs, vraj, gans, 3 gi, QUO, gri, sthiv, sad, sah, sic, srj, srp, sev, stha, sprg, smr, syad, sru, svar, svid, has, hurch, hr. 8,9[4, pass.], v/v/idh, rdh, ksi, khya, 3 ga, jan, jr, tap, trp, tra, dab, dip, du, dus, drg, dham, dha, dbya, nag, ni, pad, pag, pr, bhid, math, man, muc, mr, ris, lip, I va, 3 vid, vis, gam, gis, i gi, gus, glis, sidh, ban, I ha, hu. These last two classes introduce much uncertainty, especially in an unaccented text, owing to the interfu- sion of meanings among their three voices. Strictly according to form, the following are ambiguously mid. or pass, in ChU. : N/y/rdh, ksi, jan( ?,?), tra, dah, drg ( ? ?), pr, man, mr( .? ?), glis. One act. has a pass, val- ue, see Gramm.atical Index s.v. v^rdh. For the puz- zling problems of these classes in detail see Wh.Gr. 759-74- All roots not classified above occur only outside the primary present or the passive system in ChU., and so cannot be decided. APPENDIX C— REPEATED PASSAGES 1.3.7=13.4; II.8.3 ; scevid- van s. V. \/i vid and upaste, etc. s. V. \/as. 1.6. 1 =6.2-5 ' 7-^~4 5 '^^- ^•^• 1.6.8=7.6,9. 1.8.4=8.5-7; sec uvaca, etc. s. V. v'vac; cf.- 1.8.8=10.10,11; 11.7,9; see avidvaiis, and c£. 1.8.4, ^'■'-* 1.11.4=11.6,8; cf. 10.9,10, 1 1. 11.1.3 = 1.3. 11.2^3-8; cf. 16.1 ; 18. 1. 11.8.3 = 1.3.7, etc. 11.9.3 = 9.4—8. 11.11 = 12-30 and 21 (in part) ; see veda s. ^-. \/i vid. 11.24.6=24.10,15. 11.24.9=24.14. 111.1 = 2-5; IV. 17. 1-3. 111.6=7-10. III-i5-3=i5-4-7- 111.16.3=16.4,6. 111.16.3=16.5. IV.1=2. IV. 4. 21=4.4. IV. 5=6-8; see y/bru. IV.l 1 = 13,13; <^f* 5-^ and 14.3; cf. also V.I9=: 20-24. IV. 15.5 = V. 10.1,2. IV. 17. 1-3=111. 1-5. IV. 1 7.4= 1 7.5,6; see svaha. V.i.S= 1.9-1 1. V. 1.1 3= 1.14. \r _ 2 . 1 = 2.2. V.4=5-8. V.io.i,2=lV.i5.5. V.12=:13-17. V.i9:=20-24; cf. IV.l I, etc. VI.3=4. VI.4. 1=14.2-4. VI.5 = 6,7 (in part). VI.5. 1=5.2-4. VI.6.1 =6.2-5. VI.7-3 = 7-5A VI.8.3,4=8.5,6. VI.8.4=9.4; I o. o 5 II, 3; T '1 • '4-3 13-3; 3; i<^-3- VI.9.3^10.2. VI. 16.1 = 16.2. VII.i = 2-i5. VII. 16=17-23. VIII. 2. 1=2.2-10. VIII.5. 1=5.2,3. VIII.7=8,9; cf.- VIII. 9= 10,11 ; cf. 7, etc. (191) 1^2 Repeated Passages The repetitions as a whole range in bulk from groups of about three words to groups of about sixty. In character they vary from constantly recurring grammatical phrases, from almost inevitable formulae of polite address and of reported dialogue, and from inherited commonplaces of philosophy, on up to the rhetorical and artistic presentation of all phases of a discussion by ineans of iteration with added details. To equate them all and show how they overlap and in- terlace would require more space than is desirable or would be profitable : none but the reader can discover this stylistic clew and follow it with apjDreciation. For this reason I have indicated above only the ma- jor instances. -Even these include, besides the passages which are exact repetitions, those as well which are in a larger way parallel or suggested. A mathematical examination of the entire vocabulary shows with more precision a somewhat narrow scope in its inake-up ; but this fails to bring to light the interwoven, close-knit, though diffuse, t3'pe of discourse secured by wholesale repetition, or the literary flavor thereby imparted. Repetitions in set form are characteristic of ancient narration, where naturalness and simplicity prevail. One recalls them by the score in the naive recitals of the Assyro-Babylonian and the Persian inscriptions, which do not rise to the level of literature proper, but also in the Old Testament, in Homer, and in Herodo- tus, which are enduring wonders of literary form. APPENDIX D.— PLUTATED WORDS Whole passages : L12.5. 11.24.4,8,12,13, Single words : IV. 1.4; 6.2; 7.2; 8.2; 14. i. V.3.1, ;(3 words),3(2 words). (193) ANNOUNCEMENT . - . 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