iJULLS AND yW'^" ^^sA^yyA e "> > * -) SECOND EDITION CHICAGO S. C. GRIGGS AND COMPANY 1894 GIFT OF Copyright, 1893 By S. C. GRIGGS AND COMPANY c c c c c c t f « < t c c c .c ^ c « t r *' t t t Jlte ILakcsitif Prrsg R. R. DONNELLEY & SONS CO., CHICAGO PREFACE. The object of this volume is to amuse and to instruct. Blundering arises from stupidity, and the stupid are found the world over ; but the hull, a peculiarity that belongs almost exclusively to Ireland, is always con- nected with thought, and originates in the imagina- tive power of its people. It is not at all a dull absurdity which no one can comprehend ; it is always comprehensible, even when it is most confused. It proceeds, not from the want, but the superabundance of ideas, which crowd one another so fast in an Irishman's brain that they get jammed together, so to speak, in the door-way of his speech, and can only tumble out in their ordinary disorder. For example, in the opinion of an Irish philosopher, ''The only way to prevent what is past is to put a stop to it before it happens." The instructive mission of the volume is to illustrate the rule that ''A sentence must be lucid in order and logical in sequence." "A great commander," says Dr. Hodgson, "must know how to pick his recruits, to drill them, and to handle them when drilled; but he must still have something more, generalship; and what generalship is in a commander, that clearness of thought and expression is in a writer. A sentence, in M92323 2 ,Ji^4-L& Alkjy BLUNDERS. ; -A ii^yati^»45'sp'aiteb o£ tlie -last century from the west coast of' Africa ^pissvksv of fi native vessel which was *' entirely manned by women." It was a Scotchman who described a very square and thick-set man as being "just as broad as he was narrow." It was a Scotch- man who, at a public meeting, gravely propounded a scheme for increasing the British revenue by "laying the dog tax on cats." It was an Englishman who said of Napoleon that "he might have been a better man if he had not been quite so bad;" and it was also an Englishman who declared that "the best way to walk down the Thames to London was to go in a boat." The French school teacher who, in a fit of rage, threatened to send all his pupils to the foot of the class, was fully equalled by the English school boy, who, after correctly stating that the customary mode of saluting an ancient Persian king was to exclaim, " O, king, live forever!" added, on his own author- ity, "and ijnmediately the king lived forever.'^'' But even these "prize bulls" are completely eclipsed by others which have come within the range of my own personal experience. I have seen in an English provin- cial newspaper the announcement that "the cabman who was killed last Thursday is now dead." I once heard a man speak of having watched a haunted house till mid- night, "expecting every moment the appearance of an invisible spirit;" and another man remarked, alluding to his sufferings while wedged in a crowd at the door of a concert hall, that "he would rather walk fifty miles than stand five.'''' — Harper's Drawer. Chemistry — A chemist inquires, "Will the gentle- man who left his stomach for analysis please call and get it, together with the result ? " BULLS AND BLUNDERS. 3 Danger — The best way to avoid danger is to meet it plump. SIR BOYLE ROCHE. On Fire — *' Hurry up, Mrs. Milligan ! Your house is on fire and a-burning up." "I know better, you rascal ! You can't fool me. The door is locked and Oi have the kay in me pocket." Under Oath — Attorney to witness: "Do you solemnly swear that you never saw a sheep under oath .^" Witness : " Yes, sir, I never saw one under oath^ Ambiguity — A quality deemed essentially neces- sary to the clear understanding of diplomatic writings, acts of parliament, and law proceedings. — Tin Trumpet. Regrets — We regret to find that the announce- ment of the death of Mr. W. is a malicious fabrication. — Belfast Paper. A Difficult Prescription — Doctor: "Well, Den- nis, did you take the pills I sent you ? " Dennis: "Indade, docthor, an' I did not; ye wrote on the box < one pill three times a day,' and I've bin waitin' till I see you to ask you how a man was to take a little bit of a pill loike that three times in wan day!" — Harperh Weekly. Legal Clearness — "My good woman," said the learned judge, "you must give an answer in the fewest possible words of which you are capable, to the plain and simple question whether, when you were crossing the street with the baby on your arm, and the omnibus was coming down on the right side and the cab on the left 4: BULW AND BLUNDERS. and the broughamf was trying to pass the omnibus, you saw the plaintiff between the brougham and the cab, or whether, and when youosaw him at all, and whether or not near the brougham, cab, and omnibus, or either, or any two, and which of them respectively, or how it was?" A farmer near Bristol, Pa. , has gathered twenty-six pippins from an apple tree weighing twenty-six and one- half pounds. — JVeio England Paper. ("From an apple tree" sht)uld follow "gathered.") Suicide — An Irishman recently spoke of a man who had tried in every way, but couldrCt commit suicide to save his life. Drinking and Working — "When I drink much I can't work, and so I let it alone." "The drinking?" "No, the working." — Fliegende Blaetter. Look — There is one store in town where the propri- etor charges ninety-seven cents to look, or at least that impression is conveyed by a sign in the window, which reads, "Look, 97 cents." — Rutland Herald. O'Brien's Death ^ — Mrs. Murphy : "An' sure, Mrs. O'Brien, did your poor man die aisy ? " Mrs. O'Brien : "Indade not, Mrs. Murphy, it nearly kilt poor Pat to die." A Temperance Meeting — A reporter in describing a teetotal meeting said that "they had a most harmoni- ous and profitable session, and retired full of the best spirits." BULLS AND BLUNDERS^ 6 Some English Bulls — A correspondent of the Lo7i- don Spectator reprints the following literary *' bulls,, culled from English newspapers : To investigate the question would lead us too deeply into the dry and troubled waters of moral phil- osophy. Several chimneys fell, burying the inmates in the ruins. A row of cottages fell, but fortunately the inmates were all out. Hard on Willie — "Willie, I am going to Heaven," she wrote, <'and you will never see me again." A Coroner's Jury — Upon a man whose body was found in a river, a coroner's j ury in Ireland returned the verdict that the individual came to his death by a blow on the head, ''which was given either before or after drowning." Compensation was given to the families of those who suffered in that explosion hy loorkmenh societies.- — English paper. (Italics should follow "given.") Metaphysics — A Scotch blacksmith's definition of metaphysics is, "When the pairty wha listens disna ken what the jjairty wha speaks meens, and when the pairty wha speaks disna ken what he meens himsel, that is metaphysics." A Gushing Editor — A gushing but ungrammatical editor says, "We have received a basket of fine grapes from our friend, Mr. Tompkins, for which he will please 6 BULLS AND BLUNDERS. accept our compliments, some of which are nearly two inches in diameter." Sir Richard Steele — It was Sir Richard Steele who said, when inviting an- English nobleman to visit him, " If you ever come within a mile of my house, I hope you will stop there." Unfortunate Family — Bridget : " Father, I have lost my jjlace ; I am accused of stealing from the wash." O'Toole: * 'Well, I'll be hanged." Bridget : *'Is that so? We're a poor, unfortunate family." — Harper^ s JBazar. What He Died of — During the j^revalence of the cholera in Ireland, a soldier, hurry iif§ irito'the mess-room, told his commanding officer that his brother had been carried off two days before by a fatal malady, expressing his apprehensions that the whole regiment would be ex- posed to a similar danger in the course of the following week. *'Good heavens !" ejaculated the officer, ''what then did he die of?" " Why, your honor, he died of a Tuesday." A Question of Time — Barber: "Do you shave yourself all the time f " Customer: "No; I stop occasionally for meals." Bridget McN's Situation — A lady lately come from Ireland desires a position as a cook, housemaid, waitress, or general servant in a respectable family. Any mistress desirous of securing her services must ap- ply in person between three and four o'clock to-morrow, when the lady will be at home and disengaged. A good BULLS AND BLUNDERS. ^ 7 discharge from last servant indispensable, as she is very particular about her Mrs.' character. Address B. M'N etc. — iVi Y. Paper. Inconsistencies and Ambiguities — It seems, in a considerable measure, owing to the great tendency of our language to idiomatic expressions, that our English is so much infested with anomalies. Under this head a late number of a new magazine has an entertaining article on the inconsistencies and ambiguities of the English language, from which we take the following extracts : <^Show me a fire," said a traveler to the landlord, "for I am very wet ; and bring me a mug of ale, for I am very dry." " You walk very slow," said a man to a consump- tive. "Yes," he replied, "but I am going very fast." Breaking both wings of an army is almost certain to make it fly ; a general may win the day in a battle fought at night ; a lawyer may convey a house, and yet be unable to lift a hundred pounds ; a room may be full of married meu, and not have a single man in it; a trav- eler who is detained an hour or two may recover most of the time by making a minute of it ; a man killed in a duel has at least one second to live after he is dead; a fire goes out, and does not leave the room ; a lady may wear a suit out the first day she gets it, and put it away at night in as good condition as ever ; a schoolmaster with no scholar may yet have a pupil in his eye ; the bluntest man in business is generally the sharpest one ; Ananias, it is said, told a lie, and yet he was borne out by the by-standers ; caterpillars turn over a new leaf without much moral improvement ; oxen can only eat corn with the mouth, yet you may give it to them in the 8 BULLS AND BLUNDERS. ear ; food bolted down is not the most likely to remain on the stomach ; soft water is often caught when it rains hard ; high words between men are frequently low words ; steamboat officers are very pleasant company, and yet we are always glad to have them give us a wide berth ; a nervous man is trembling, faint, weak, while a nervous style and a man of nerve is strong, firm, and vigorous. — MACBETH, Might and Mirth of Literature. I could see that the floor had been swept with half an eye. (Italics should follow " see.") We have done our best to put this question plainly, and we think that, if the Westminster Reviewer will read over what we have written twice or thrice vnth pa- tience and attention, some glimpse of our meaning will break in even on his mind. — macaulay. Miscellaneous Writings. (Italics should follow "over.") Average — "How many visitors do you have a day, on an average? " asked a lady of the custodian at a pub- lic resort. "Ain't no average," he replied; "some days there's more and some less." Value of Small Words — " If a man followed the directions of a street-car company," said Jones, "he would never enter one of its cars. Once in, paradoxi- cally, he would never leave it. Just read that sign; it says, * Passengers are forbidden to enter or leave this car while in motion.' Now, how in the name of Lind- ley Murray can a passenger do otherwise than get in mo- tion, while leaving or entering a street-car? The sign is one uf the grossest illustrations of barbarous syntax I have seen in many a mile traveled. The pronoun 'it' is BULLS AND BLUNDERS. 9 wanting. It should read, * Passengers are forbidden to enter or leave this car while it is in motion.' ' It ' and < is ' are two short words, and it would cost but little to paint them in. As it is, the sign is not grammatical." Hissed from the Hustings — An Irish nobleman of talents and literature was hissed from the hustings at a Middlesex election, because in his speech he happened to say, *' We have laid the root to the axe of the tree of liberty," instead of " We have laid the axe to the root of the tree." Stupidity — A stupid boy was sent to see if the butcher had pig's feet. Upon his return be said he couldn't see; the butcher had his shoes on. Highland Waiter — to tourist inquiring about the next boat: " Weel, I canna jist say whit time it wull be, but if ye'U leave five meenits before ye see the boat coming roon the p'int, ye'U jist be in time ta catch it." Tourist: *'A11 right, Donald; but I'm a bit short- sighted; so if you will tell me ten minutes before you see it yourself, I will give you a shilling." Nobody could expect the church to resign that spiritual independence which it holds essential to relig- ion, and which till now was never doubted, loithout a struggle. — henry cockburn (Italics should follow ** resign.") Simultaneous — ''You say you heard both shots fired?" asked a Texas lawyer, who was cross-examining a witness in a murder case. ' ' Yes, sah ; I heard bof e shots. Dey was fired simultaneously, sah." "Are you 10 BULLS AND BLUNDERS. sure of it? " *' Yes, sab; bofe ob 'em was fired simul- taneously. I wasn't more dan forty feet off atde time." "But on tbe direct examination you swore the shots were fired one after another, and now you say they were fired simultaneously." '* So day was, sah ; one after an udder, simultaneous like." Mediocrity — One of the Hamilton pupils, a young negro, wrote to request the editor of a local paper to publish an account of an address he had made, and began his letter as follows : *' Knowing your mediocrity to be of the most distinguished calibre, I respectfully solicit," etc. No one who wishes to see the trend of public opin- ion at a glance can afford to be without the paper. (Italics should follow " see.") Parisian Inscription — To the everlasting memory of Marie Ferry. The railing around this grave is the handiwork of her bereaved husband, Pierre Ferry, blacksmith, who will execute all orders of a similar nature with cheapness and dispatch. — Chambers'' Journal. Epitaph — Erected to the memory of John Phil- lijis, accidentally shot as a mark of affection by his brother. — Ulster Churchyard. Humor in the School — School examinations and composition writing produce funny results the world over. An Austrian teacher, Herr Gruser, has recently published, in Vienna, a book called ' ' Humor in the School," which is made up of instances of blunders col- BULLS AND BLUNDERS. 11 lected in the Austrian schools. The mind of the Aus- trian public school pupil, judging from the instances contained in this book, is of a peculiarly limpid and art- less character. In an examination in history a pupil was asked, ** How many Coalition wars can you name? " *oi8oning the minds of the jury at a time when they are called upon to decide, he will stab the ad- ministration of justice in its most vital parts." — heard. Oddities of the Laio. The Board of Education has resolved to erect a building large enough to accommodate five hundred students three stories high. — Wisconsin Paper. Fearfully and Wonderfully Made — Jones, the other day, while looking at the skeleton of a donkey, made a very natural quotation. "Ah," said he, "we are fearfully and wonderfully made." By no Means the Same — A great deal depends upon the way in whioh some words are used. A Ger- man who applied to a New York business house for 14 BULLS AND BLUNDERS. employment, recommended himself thus: <'The capac- ity in which I like best to earn my living, and the one in which I am most able, is that of a confidence man." He meant "confidential man," and his mistake was rather alarming to those to whom he wrote. A Funeral Sermon — A clergyman, preaching a funeral sermon while the corpse lay before him, ex- claimed, "Here, brethren, we have before us a living witness and a standing monument of the frailty of human hopes ! " Very Sick — "Well, Misther McPhelim, how'd ye schlape last night?" "Ah, bhad, Denny, bhad ! Un- conscious a good dale of the toime." — Harper'' s Bazar. The Fallacy of Accent — The fallacy of accent consists in any ambiguity arising from a misplaced ac- cent or emphasis thrown upon some word of a sentence. A ludicrous instance is liable to occur in reading Chap- ter XIII . of the First Book of Kings, verse 27, where it is said of the prophet, "And he spoke to his sons, saying. Saddle me the ass, and they saddled him." — jevons, Logic. One of the Finest — Some of the errors made by witnesses are very amusing. A policeman said, in speak- ing of his use of the mace, "I am willing to be contra- dicted, your Honor, but not altogether; the law must be dedicated; give him justice tampered with mercy." "Nearly four hundred people committed suicide this year on account of the v^eather.^'' (And it did not im- prove the weather a particle.) — Burlington Hawheye. BULLS AND BLUNDERS. 15 Badly Put — "It's very kind of you, old fellow, to come down to see me off." "Not at all, Bolus, I'm only too glad to do it." — The Epoch. Mr. Carlyle has taught us that silence is golden in thirty volumes. — Fortnightly Heview. (Italics should follow "us.") Typographical — Sometimes mistakes have been made by the officiousness of the printer or proof-reader in endeavoring to correct what seemed to him mistakes in the copy. In a quotation of Gay's well-known allu- sion to Martha and Theresa Blount as "the fair-haired Martha and Theresa brown," the printer thought proper to supply brown with a capital B. Again in Pope's note on "Measure for Measure," which states that the story was taken from Cinthio, Dec. 8, Nov. 5 ( eighth decade and fifth novel), the wise typo filled out these abbrevia- tions so that they read December 8, November 5. The mere running together of two sentences into one paragraph may also be productive of unintentional amuse- ment. A French newspaper had a good specimen of this kind of mixture, "Dr. X. has been appointed head physician to the Hospital de la Charite; orders have been issued by the authorities for the immediate exten- sion of the Oimetiere de Parnasse." The machine printer, or "blacksmith," as he is technically called, is a familiar figure in every printing oftice. It is he who makes a hurried guess at the copy before him without caring whether it makes sense or not; who substitutes 'comic' for 'cosmic ;' 'human' for 'known;' 'plant' for 'planet;' 'I am better' for 'Gam- betta;' 'no cows, no cream' for 'no cross, no crown;' and ' shaving the queen ' for ' shoving the queer.' This 16 BULLS AND BLUNDERS. is the sort of printer who made a distinguished traveler die *' in the richness of sin " instead of " the interior of Asia," and who described a Chicago exquisite as one ^' whose manners would alarm a drowning man," when what the writer really said was that " they would adorn a drawing-room." — Monthly Illustrated American. Water Rates — An Irishman, pressed by the col- lector of a water company for payment of the water rate, replied, "Sure, I pay tin shillings a year for water, and many's the day it's off for a whole wake." Prohibition — The prohibitionist who wished to say that " drunkenness is folly" must have been seriously disconcerted when the printer made him announce that "drunkenness is jolly," and we know that an editor who wished to compliment a soldier as "a battle-scarred vet- eran " was so deeply grieved when he found the types had made him speak of " a battle-scared veteran" that the next day he inserted an apology and an erratum which read, "the bottle-scarred veteran. ?? A Preventive Policy — Mrs. McGinty : " Did yez say yer Denny's loife is not insured ? " Mrs. O'Raf- ferty : "Nawindade." Mrs. McGinty : " Bedad, an' him a workin' on th' rocks wid th' blasths an' things. Shure, Moike has his loife insured, or bedad, many's the toime he'd been kilt long ago." A Foolish Question — Emj^loyer : ' ' Well, Patrick, which is the bigger fool, you or I?" "Faith, I couldn't say, sorr ; but it's not meself." In the English House of Commons : A w^itness had BULLS AND BLUNDERS. 17 been ordered to withdraw from the bar of the House, in consequence of being intoxicated by the motion of an honorable member. (Read, *'In consequence of being intoxicated, the witness, by the motion of an honorable member, had," etc.) Punctuation — Mind your stops is a good rule in writing as well as in riding. So in public speaking, it is a great thing to know when to stop and where to stop. The third edition of a treatise on English punctuation has been recently published, with all needful rules for writers, but none for speakers. The author furnishes the following example of the unintelligible, produced by the want of pauses in the right places. "Every lady in this land Hath twenty nails upon each hand; Five and twenty on hands and feet. And this is true, without deceit." If the present points be removed and others inserted the true meaning of the passage will at once appear. *' Every lady in this land Hath twenty nails; upon each hand Five; and twenty upon hands and feet. And this is true without deceit." — Harper's Drawer. Mending — "Well, Mistress Robin, 'ow 'ave'ye been busying yerself ? " " Oh, Murry, man ; I've been mendin' the whole day." "No, ye 'aven't ; for, don't ye see, if the day was whole it wouldn't need mendin'." At Sea — A lady, whose husband was about making a sea voyage, wrote a note to her minister to read on the Sabbath, in which she meant to say, "A member of 18 BULLS AND BLUNDERS. this congregation, going to sea, his wife desires prayers for his safety." Instead of reading it thus, it was read as follows: "A member of this congregation, going to see his wife, desires prayers for his safety." We have two schoolrooms sufficiently large to ac- commodate three hundred pupils one above another. — Western Paper. (Italics should follow *' schoolrooms.") Too Much Noise — An Irish officer had the mis- fortune to be dreadfully wounded in battle. As he lay on the ground, an unfortunate soldier who was near him, and who was also severely wounded, made a terrible howling, when the officer exclaimed, '' Confound you ! what do you make such a noise for ? Do you think there is nobody killed but yourself ? " A Remarkable Prayer — A Presbyterian minister, in the reign of King William III.-, performing public worship in the Tron Church of Edinburgh, used this re- markable expression in his prayer, "Lord have mercy upon all fools and idiots, and particularly upon the Town Council of Edinburgh." Humor of the Court Room — At the general term in the fourth department of New York, Mr. Benedict, in arguing the Weismiller case, referred to the great mass of testimony contained in the printed case, and said, "There are a great many very important ques- tions of fact in this case. It would be impossible to make your Honors understand them all ; and for that reason, also, we ask that the non-suit be set aside, and that the case be submitted to the judgment of twelve intelligent men." BULLS AND BLUNDERS. 19 Similar to this was the statement made by Mr. Max- son, in submitting to the jury the case of Tucker against Ely, in the Monroe County Court, before the late Judge Morgan. He said, "The plaintiff and the defendant are both lawyers ; all the witnesses who have been sworn in the case are lawyers; the counsel, of course, are lawyers ; in fact, every one in any way connected with the case is a respectable member of the bar of this county, with the single exception of His Honor on the bench." Before Judge Danforth's elevation to the bench, he was at one time trying an important case before the late Judge Johnson, at Rochester. After a very lengthy cross-examination of an old lady, he was interrupted by the judge with the remark, " I think you have ex- hausted this witness, Mr. Danforth." ''Yes, judge," she exclaimed, "I do feel very much exhausted." — The Stenographer, Typography — The prospectus of an edition of the Waverley Novels reads, "The aim of the publishers has been to make it pre-eminent, by beauty of topography and illustration." Transposition — It was simply a mental transposi- tion of syllables that made the actor exclaim, "My Lord, stand back and let the parson cough" instead of, "My Lord, stand back and let the coffin pass." — WHEATLEY, Literary Bhmders. Sign-Boards — Sign-boards sometimes make strange appeals to us. In New Orleans, some years ago, was one which announced, "A Poor Shoe-maker," without any point after the name ' ' Poor. " — Pastime Papers. 20 BULLS AND BLUNDERS. Bulletins — The bulletins of Pope Clement XI Vs last illness, which were announced at the Vatican, cul- minated in a very fair bull. The notices commenced with " His Holiness is very ill," and ended with " His, Infallibility is delirious." A Prize Winner — An illiterate farmer, wishing to enter some animals at an agricultural exhibition, wrote to the secretary as follows: <'Also enter me for the best jackass ; I am sure of taking the premium." A child was run over by a heavy wagon, four years old, wearing a short pink dress, and bronze boots, whose parents are not yet found Mews Item. Fish Pond Sign — Owner of fish pond to one who is trespassing; "Don't you see that sign, 'No Fishing Here ?'" Angler, with an injured air: "Yes, andl dis- pute it. Why, there's good fishing here; look at this string full. The man must have been mad who put that board up." Sharing the Burden — An Irishman, with a heavy bundle on his shoulders, riding on the front of a horse- car, was asked why he did not set his bundle down on the platform. He replied, "Be jabers, the horses have enough to drag me ; I'll carry the bundle." Inflated and Stilted Expression — This style re- minds one of a short man on tiptoe trying to measure up to a taller one. It was Beranger who compared pre- tentious words and phrases to a big, bedizened drum- major, and simple expressions to the little gray-coated Napoleon at Austerlitz. BULLS AND BLUNDERS. 21 Willing to Take Anything — Biddy was bad with colic and sure she was going to die. Various remedies were suggested to her. " Indade," said she, ' Pawsey, Wiltshire, England. BULLS AND BLUNDERS. 67 Misprints — It must, one would think, have been the badness of the ' copy ' that induced the compositors to turn nhe nature and theory of the Greek verb' into ' the native theology of the Greek verb ; ' ' the conserva- tion of energy' into *the conversation of energy ;' and the ' Forest Conservancy Branch ' into the ' Forest Con- servatory Branch.' Sometimes a ludicrous blunder may be made by the mere closing up of two words; thus the orator who spoke of the grand Mother Church, had his remark turned into a joke when it was printed as grandmother Church. A still worse blunder was made in an obituary notice of a well-known congressman in an American paper, where the reference to his ' gentle, manly spirit' was turned into * gentlemanly spirit.' The first edition of the English Scriptures printed in Ireland was published at Belfast, in 1716, and is notorious for an error in Isaiah. 'Sin no more' is printed ' Sin on more.' In the following year was pub- lished at Oxford the well-known Vinegar Bible, which takes its name from a blunder in the running title of the twentieth chapter of St. Luke's Gospel, where it reads * The parable of the vinegar, instead of ' The parable of the vineyard.' — wheatley. Literary J^kmders. An Irish Report — This passage is from the report of an Irish Benevolent Society : " Notwithstanding the large amount paid for medicine and medical attendance, very few deaths occurred during the year." Typographical — The omission of the letter * n ' in a hotel advertisement made the strange announcement that mice pies would be furnished for the delectation of guests. The substitution of ' s ' for * a ' once made similar havoc with the description of the opening of a 68 BULLS AND BLUNDERS. new church edifice near New York, it being stated that it took place under very suspicious circumstances. — Pastime Papers. Translation — He who construed Caesar's mode of passing into Gaul, summa cUligentia, on the top of the diligence, must have been of an imaginative turn of mind. An Irish Hostler — An Irish hostler was sent to the stable to bring forth a traveler's horse. Not know- ing which of the two strange horses in the stalls belonged to the traveler, and wishing to avoid the appearance of ignorance in his business, he saddled both animals and brought them to the door. The traveler pointed out his own horse, saying, "That's my nag." " Certainly, yer honor; 1 know that, but I didn't know which one of them was the other gentleman's." Will and Shall — A college instructor once told his class that nobody but a New Englander was sure to be able to distinguish proi>erly between *' shall" and "will ;" and the Scotch are so famous for their weakness in this direction that the story is told of a Scotch news- paper man who, when applying for work in London, was asked, *