' ' L .' ' LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA RIVERSIDE A BRIEF HISTORY WESTTOWN BOARDING SCHOOL WITH A GENERAL CATALOGUE OFFICERS, STUDENTS, fc, T C. COMPILED CHIEFLY PROM HINTJTES OP THE COKMITTEE IN CHARGE, AND THE RECORDS PRESERVED AT THE INSTITUTION. hird dition. PHILADELPHIA: PRINTED BY SHERMAN & CO. 1884. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1872, by WATSON W. DEWEES, In the Office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington. COPYRIGHT, WATSON W. DEWEES. 1884. CONTENTS. INTRODUCTION: PAOI EDUCATION AMONG EARLY FRIENDS 9 HISTORY : CHAPTER I. 1790 TO 1810 17 CHAPTER II. 1810 TO 1865 34 CHAPTER III. 1865 TO 1884 46 CHAPTER IV. WESTTOWN 55 OFFICERS: SUPERINTENDENTS AND MATRONS 79 GOVERNORS AND GOVERNESSES 80 TEACHERS 83 FARMERS 92 BOOK-KEEPERS ........92 COMMITTEES 95 STUDENTS: MALES 105 FEMALES 223 SUMMARY 375 TABLE OF AVERAGES 376 ALPHABETICAL INDEX TO NAMES IN FOREGOING LISTS 377 PREFACE. TI^E almost universal possession of at least a good com- mon-school education byjnembers of the Society of Friends, is generally conceded. Among the establishments in America which have contributed to this, Westtown Board- ing School occupies a prominent position. Most of the families of Friends within the limits of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting, and many in surrounding parts, have each con- tributed one or more to swell the number of students ; in many cases all the members have in succession passed some portion of time at the institution. And such is its age, that those who now assemble within its walls are the grand- children of those first enrolled as students. Patronized thus extensively, it has also served another important purpose. It has been a point of common interest to all classes, and the acquaintances there formed by those just on the thresh- old of active life, have bound together in closer union the members from distant sections of the country. To those with whom the name of Westtown has thus become very familiar, who retain pleasant recollections of the time spent there, and who wish to possess, in a form convenient for reference, most of the accessible information relating to the School, it is hoped the present compilation will prove ac- ceptable. The short history, prepared by the aid of some members of the committee in charge of the institution, will be found to chronicle the important events, in connection with the origin and progress of the concern, and the means by which 1* T vi PREFACE. the school attained its present condition. In the preparation of other matter included in the volume, the records in pos- session of the book-keeper and librarian were resorted to. With what degree of correctness these were kept in past times, will be best known should these pages meet the eyes of those who alone are competent to verify the entries, the many whose names are herein enrolled. Care has been taken to follow the records in all essential particulars. The use of register numbers is peculiar to Westtown, but the system is so well understood by its patrons, that it was believed no other order of arrangement would serve so well in a work of this kind. It corresponds generally with the chronological order, and most persons will turn readily to their own entries. It is to be regretted that a more uniform policy was not pursued at all times in the assignment of numbers. In the earlier years of the school, students re- turning after an absence, in some cases received new num- bers. From this cause, the highest register number issued does not indicate truly the number of different persons entered. These re-admissions, when known to the compiler, were omitted in the second instance, and a summary on page 289 shows the result. To obviate all difficulty in finding particular names, as well as to group together those of one family name, a com- plete alphabetical index has been added. In cases where students have in after years been connected with the school as officers or otherwise, the same has been indicated by reference in the index. Only those who have attempted a labor of this kind can realize the difficulty experienced in regard to the spelling of many names. In the space of seventy years, some families change the spelling slightly, or a branch but dis- tantly related may adopt a different spelling as a distinction, or names pronounced exactly alike, but spelled differently, may lead to confusion in many ways. Hence, it will not be surprising if persons bearing the name of Baily (Bailey), PREFACE. Vli Ballinger (Ballenger), Evans (Evens), Lea (Lee), Philips (Phillips), Swain (Swayne), Eayre (Eyre), or any one of a score of other like doubtful names, will notice a spelling unlike that generally used by them. The frontispiece, although most of the large trees in the vicinity have been omitted, in order to show the buildings, will yet, it is hoped, convey a tolerably correct impression of the place, and show to those who have not visited it since 1869-70 the location of the boys' school-building. The compiler wishes to express his obligation to many Friends for encouragement and assistance in the prosecution of the labor. Especially is he indebted to the present Superintendent and Matron, Aaron and Susanna F. Sharp- less, whose extensive acquaintance with those connected with the school for many years past, rendered their advice and assistance peculiarly valuable. The result of many days' pleasant employment is here- with submitted, hoping that The History and General Cata- logue of Westtown School may suggest to many the thought of how much they owe to the institution in its past, and at the same time tend to perpetuate that degree of interest which will insure its usefulness in the future. WATSON W. DEWEES, WESTTOWN BOARDING SCHOOL, Westtown P. O., Chester County, Pa. EigUh Month 15th, 1872. NOTE TO THIRD EDITION. THE stereotype plates of this work being now the property of the Committee in charge of Westtown School, this edition is issued under their supervision. The Historical sketch has been extended, and the Catalogue made complete to the summer of 1884 by the addition of about one thousand names of officers and students not in former editions. EDUCATION AMONG EARLY FRIENDS. THE ministry of George Fox began in the year 1647. Only a short time elapsed before those who came to have a common bond of interest in the adoption of the doctrines he taught, turned their attention to the care and instruction of the youth. A history of the educa- tional movement in the Society of Friends would, there- fore, cover nearly the same period as the history of the Society itself. To what extent private schools were established and patronized at that early day, we know not. In the journal of George Fox, under date of 1667, occurs the following (page 409) : " I advised the setting up of a school there (at Wal- tham) for teaching boys ; also a woman's school to be opened at Shackelwell for instructing girls and young maidens in whatsoever things were civil and useful in the creation." This advice seems to have been at once acted upon. In four years from that time there were reported to be fifteen boarding schools in operation. These, of course, were small, and became wholly insufficient, as the number to be taught increased. London Yearly Meeting strove to impress upon both X EDUCATION AMONG subordinate meetings and individuals the importance of providing for the education of the children of Friends in schools under the care of members of the Society. From 1700 to 1740 there were earnest appeals, issued by that body annually, in reference to their literary as well as religious instruction. The following is the ad- vice of the Yearly Meeting in 1706 : " And forasmuch as, next to our own souls, our children and offspring are the most immediate objects of our care and concern, it is tenderly recommended to all that are or may be parents or guardians of children, that they be dili- gently exercised in this care and concern for the education of those committed to their charge ; that, in their tender years, they may be brought to a sense of God, his wis- dom, power, omnipresence, so as to beget an awe and fear of Him in their hearts (which is the beginning of wisdom) ; and, as they grow up in capacity, to acquaint them with and bring them up in the frequent reading of the Scrip- tures of Truth, and also to instruct them in the great love of God, through Jesus Christ and the work of salvation by Him, and of sanctification through His blessed Spirit ; and also to keep them out of the vain and foolish ways of the world, and in plainness of lan- guage, habit, and behaviour, that, being thus instructed in the way of the Lord when they are young, they may not forget it when they are old." Some of the difficulties of a later day are shadowed forth in the following extract : " The want of proper persons among Friends quali- fied for schoolmasters has been the occasion of great damage to the Society in many places. " We desire Friends would, in their monthly meet- ings, assist young men of low circumstances, whose genius and conduct may be suitable for that office, with the means requisite to obtain the proper qualifications ; EARLY FRIENDS. XI and, when so qualified, afford them the necessary en- couragement for their support." (Minutes London Yearly M.'ding, 1715.) A particular description of the various efforts made in compliance with the oft expressed concern of London Yearly Meeting will not be here attempted. They finally resulted in the establishment of a national board- ing school at Ackworth in 1779. This institution, through the liberality and constant care of Friends, was made an instrument of great good to the youth of the Society. It continues iu operation at the present time. The number of scholars admitted since its commence- ment in 1779, to 1871, was 8,753. Should any one query what kind of an education early Friends desired for their children, abundant material for an answer could be found in the recorded minutes of that period. While they, in common with all other classes, were satisfied with a course of study very much shorter than that now considered essential, it cannot be denied that the prevailing standard was a liberal one. When we view the subject in connection with the state of schools among other classes, their plan of education seems surprisingly broad and practical. An emphatically religious education was desired an education, which, while it made the mind the receptacle of such human wisdom as would conduce to the greatest usefulness upon earth, encouraged that obedience to the manifestations of Divine grace which would restrain and bring under right control the natural propensities of the child. That which puffeth up was to find no place, while that which teaches the accountability that must attach to all human action, and the due subordination of all desires and feelings to the one great end of man's existence on xii EDUCATION AMONG earth, was to be the corner-stone of the system. The spirit which animated many, is shown in the advice to parents to " be good examples in all things, as become men and women professing godliness, that good footsteps may be left by us to future generations, which may be helpful to the preservation of those who succeed us in the right way of the Lord." (Lon. Y. M. Epistle, 1712.) In 1682, a considerable number of Friends arrived in America, and founded the colony of which Philadelphia was the centre. The first mention of schools was at a meeting of a council in Philadelphia, held 1 8th of Tenth month, 1683, at which time, it is easy to imagine, the settlers were not all comfortably housed. The following is the minute : " The Governor (William Penn) and council, having taken into their serious consideration the necessity there is for the instruction and sober education of youth in the town of Philadelphia, sent for Enoch Flower, an inhabitant of said town, who, for twenty years past, hath been exercised in that care and employment in England, to whom having communicated their minds, he embraced it upon the following terms : " To learn to read English, ... 4s. by the quarter. " " " " and write ... 6s. " " " " " " " and cast accounts 8s. " " " For boarding a scholar, that is to say, diet, washing, lodging, and schooling, W for one whole year." Six years later, the "Friends' Public School," in Philadelphia, was opened. This was regularly incor- porated by Deputy-Governor Markham in 1697; and afterward confirmed by fresh patent from William Penn himself, the final one bearing date Eleventh month EARLY FRIENDS. Xlll 2iUh, 1711. The objects of the corporation are thus stated: " Whereas, The prosperity and welfare of any people depend in great measure upon the good education of youth and their early introduction into the principles of true religion and virtue, and qualifying them to serve their country and themselves, by breeding them in read- ing, writing, and learning of languages, and useful arts and science, suitable to their age, sex, and degree, which cannot be effected in any manner so well as by erecting public schools for the purposes aforesaid," &c. George Keith, formerly of Aberdeen, in Scotland, was employed as teacher. He was followed, at the end of a year, by his usher, Thomas Makin, who is described as having been a " good Latinist." Several schools have been maintained, and are still in operation, under the provisions of the original charter. The following, from Smith's " History of Delaware County, Pa.," is of interest in this connection: " Friends now (1692) began to give their attention to the subject of schools. At a monthly meeting, held at Darby the 7th of the Seventh month, it was agreed ' that Benjamin Clift is to teach scoole, Beging 6 y e 12 th of y e 7 th m- ; and to continue one whole yeare, except 2 weekes.' The annual salary of this worthy teacher, as appears by an agreement for employing him another year, was but .12. He probably boarded with his employers." (Page 183.) Thus early did the subject claim the attention of Friends in America ; nor were the efforts confined to a few localities. Schools were established in various places, and their improvement made a subject of special and frequent care, both by individuals and meetings XIV EDUCATION AMONG Difficulty was experienced in procuring suitable teach- ers, and, we may readily suppose, the schools, when established, were not always such as satisfied concerned parents. Philadelphia Yearly Meeting Minutes, in 1746, say: " We desire you, in your several Monthly Meetings, to encourage and assist each other in the settlement and support of schools for the instruction of your children, at least to read and write, and some further useful learn- ing to such whose circumstances will permit it; and that you observe as much as possible, to employ such masters and mistresses as are concerned, not only to instruct your children in their learning, but are likewise careful, in the wisdom of God, and a spirit of meekness, gradually to bring them to the knowledge of their duty to God and one with another ; and, we doubt not, such endeavors will be blessed with success." The same body, a few years after, still further advised, that " The most likely means to induce ' religious prudent persons' to undertake the business of teaching, would be to provide a certain and stated income, for such persons, by the establishment of funds for the purpose. In 1777 the 'consideration of the sorrowful complaint of de- ficiency in the religious care and education of the youth, brought up from Philadelphia Quarterly Meeting, was entered upon ; ' and the minute, then made, states, that ' a lively concern impressed our minds for the advance- ment of righteousness and the real benefit of the rising generation, both with respect to their pious education in Friends' families and also their school education.'" The subject rested with weight upon the minds of many, and the exercise of the meeting, at that time, resulted in the appointment of a committee of fourteen Friends, " to take the matter relating to the youth and EARLY FRIENDS. XV their religious education and schooling particularly under their care, and give such advice and assistance therein, and respecting other deficiencies, as they in the wisdom of Truth may see expedient." This committee deemed it right to issue an epistle upon the subject, and from their report the following is taken : " It is the opinion of the committee that Friends having united with others in employing such persons for masters, who have not submitted to the operation of Truth, hath had a tendency to strengthen a disposition in our youth, to avoid the cross and unite with the spirit of the world, whereby many hurtful and corrupt things have gained ground amongst us." After alluding to the concern manifested upon the same subject for many years previous, and the fact, that, " not- withstanding these pressing recommendations, little has been effectually done therein," after proposing that it should be again urged upon the attention of subordinate meetings, they conclude: " We, also, think it necessary that this weighty con- cern should, in future, become the continued care of the Quarterly Meetings by an annual query, that so the matter may rest on a solid foundation, and every pos- sible encouragement and assistance may be afforded to Friends in the settlement of schools, procuring masters, &c., through the whole extent of the Yearly Meeting." It was also recommended : "First, That a lot of ground be provided in each monthly or preparative meeting, sufficient for a garden, orchard, grass for a cow, &c., and a suitable house erected thereon. Second, That funds be raised by con- tribution, bequests, &c., in each meeting; the inter- est of which to be applied either in aid of the tutor's XVI EDUCATION AMONG EARLY FRIENDS. salary, or lessening the expense of Friends in strait- ened circumstances, in the education of their children. Third, That a committee be appointed in each monthly or preparative meeting, to have the care of schools, and the funds for their support, and that no tutor be employed but with their consent." Some years after (1783), upon receipt of reports from the Quarterly Meetings, the Minutes say : " Though in divers places some care has been taken, school-houses built, and schools instituted under care of Monthly Meetings, importing a degree of promising pro- gress ; yet respecting other parts, it is acknowledged that little improvement has been made, not much having been done toward establishing permanent funds for the regular and liberal support of schools, under well qual- ified, discreet, and religious instructors." * * It should be borne in mind that the period to which these Minutes refer was one of great unsettlement, owing to the Revolu- tionary contest, and the political agitations growing out of it. THE HISTORY OF WESTTOWN BOARDING SCHOOL. CHAPTER I. 17901810. ABOUT the year 1790, the propriety of establishing a boarding school began to arrest attention. A tract put forth by Owen Biddle in this year, rehearsing some facts in the experience of Friends in England, and discussing, at some length, the adaptation of a large boarding school to the needs of the youth of the Society in this country, probably contributed to ripen the concern in the minds of many Friends. In the Fourth month, 1791, the subject was introduced into Philadel- phia MontMy Meeting, whence it was carried to the Quarterly Meeting. That body, in the succeeding year, introduced the subject into the Yearly Meeting. Effort on the part of individuals had already resulted in the formation of a fund of several thousand pounds in aid of the enterprise when it should be undertaken. A subject of the magnitude of that now brought before the Yearly Meeting, of course, required much 2 * B 17 18 THE HISTORY OF consideration before action could be taken. It was suc- cessively referred to the meetings held in 1793 and 1794. In the latter meeting a large committee was appointed to take the whole subject into consideration, consult with such Friends as had for a length of time had the matter weightily on their minds, and report their united judgment when ready. At a subsequent sitting they made a report, from which the following is extracted : " On taking the subject into deliberate considera- tion, we are united in the sentiment that an institution of the kind proposed, if managed with religious care and circumspection, may tend to the prosperity of Truth by promoting the real good of the rising genera- tion ; we do, therefore, recommend the said proposal from the Quarterly Meeting of Philadelphia, to the patronage of the Yearly Meeting, and propose that a committee thereof be appointed to consider s^nd digest a plan and rules for the government and management of the house, school, and other parts of the economy," &c. They proposed that the said committee should be the agents for carrying out the concern, and should report regularly their progress. The Meeting agreeing to this, a standing committee of forty-seven Friends was ap- pointed, as recommended. The women's Yearly Meet- ing appointed seven of their number to join with men Friends in the service as occasion might require. The men Friends thus appointed held their first meeting for deliberation on the evening of the 3d of Tenth month, 1794, in the old Fourth Street Meeting- House.* Thomas Morris was chosen clerk, and Thomas * This building has lately been removed, and its site is now occu- pied by an extension of the Forrest Building in Fourth Street below Chestnut Street. WESTTOWN BOARDING SCHOOL. 19 Fisher, treasurer. A sub-committee was appointed to solicit further subscriptions. The selection of a site for the proposed institution was one of the first subjects to be decided. Some of the members, whose attention had already been turned to this, proposed a tract of land on the Neshamony Creek, some miles below Bristol, in Bucks County, containing about four hundred and fifty acres, known as Langhorne Park. This land was indeed purchased by a few Friends in the expectation that it woulct be selected for the purpose. A delegation was sent to view this spot, as well as any others, thought more likely to answer the end designed. After visiting various places, they expressed themselves in favor of selecting the farm of James Gibbons in Westtown town- ship, Chester County, as the one in all respects best adapted to the purpose. This land, about six hundred acres in extent, was accordingly purchased. The amount paid James Gibbons was 6,083 6s. Sd. == $16,222.22. A small sum was expended to obtain the entire water-power of Chester Creek. This was accomplished by buying the adjoining farm on the west side, and selling with a reservation of the entire water privilege. At the time of purchase only a small portion of the farm had been cleared ; not only that which is timbered at the present day, but much of that which has since been brought under cultivation, was then covered by a dense growth of forest-trees, of a size and age now represented by a few trees in the " South woods." Near the present site of the farm-house stood the dwelling known in those days as the " Mansion house." This was repaired and soon after occupied. Edward Churchman" was the first ten- ant. Preparations were at once made for erecting a saw- mill. This was completed by the end of the year 1795, 20 THE HISTORY OF and afforded the means of preparing the lumber to be used in the future buildings. This mill and dam in the creek were near the northern line of the farm, and the curious may yet see the remains of the latter, and the race which wound around the western base of Wal- nut Hill, to the spot where the mill was situated. Meanwhile the selection of a site for the main building occupied the attention of the committee. By agreement, several members met at the farm on the 17th of the Eighth month, 1795. Their report says, they "viewed the eminence north of the Mansion house remarkable for the fine prospect it affords." Judging this to be the right place, the exact front was staked out. It was the original design to make the main front parallel " to the new road from Marlborough Street road to the Goshen township road." But a south-eastern front was after- ward decided upon. In the following spring a barn was built near the farm-house ; and arrangements were made for the burning of bricks for the school-building, a plentiful supply of clay for which, as well as of good building-stone, exists on the farm. The plan of the building was a subject requiring care- ful consideration ; and it was only after much labor had been expended that one was agreed upon. The generally prevailing opinion was, that accommodations should be provided for one hundred and fifty students and the requisite number of teachers, &c. For this a building, one hundred feet long and fifty-six wide, three stories in height, was thought to be sufficient. Special care was taken that an extension could be readily made, if cir- cumstances should render it desirable in after-years. The sub-committee intrusted with the oversight of the work of building were David Evans, Jonathan Evans, WESTTOWN BOARDING SCHOOL. 21 Thomas Morris, Philip Price, Jr., Daniel Thomas, Sam- uel Canby, James Marshall, John Talbot, Eli Yarnall, and Abram Sharpless. The work progressed steadily from the time of its beginning in 1796 to the period of its completion in 1799. If it should occur to any that the time thus occupied was long, it must be remembered that builders had not, then, all the modern facilities at their command, and material was not to be had in a complete state of preparation at short notice. Those of the cpmmittee, who resided in or near Philadelphia, had a carriage, or horse-back ride, of twenty miles, in order to get to the scene of their labors. The expenditure of time on their part must therefore have been consider- able. The building thus slowly constructed has proved to be of a very substantial character, and although the floors in some places, and other parts of the wood-work, have, in the many years that have since elapsed, re- quired renewal, yet the walls still bear witness to the care which was exercised in the selection of the materials and the thoroughness of the work. During the erection of the building, roads were laid out, a garden was enclosed, furniture obtained for the school-rooms, and other preparations made for the ac- commodation of its future inmates. The total expense of the improvements thus made, including a new barn at the farm-house, general repairs, fencing, &c., increased the total cost of the premises by the year 1802 to $46,020.19. An inspection of the books of the Institution shows that the total amount expended up to the year 1870, in the further enlarge- ments of the main building, the erection of additional structures, alterations, repairs, and permanent improve- 22 THE HISTORY OF raents generally, to the buildings and upon the farm, forms an aggregate of $228,335.36. In the Yearly Meeting which convened near the close of 9th mo., 1796, report was made of the transactions up to that period, in the progress of the building, the condition of the farm, and the exhausted state of the funds. Some " constitutional rules/' also, were presented at the same time, describing several of the main features in the organization of the proposed establishment. The first of these defined the nature and powers of the standing committee to have the permanent care of the school. Others made provision for a superintendent under the direction of the acting committee, for meet- ings for worship in the house on First and Fifth days, for the support of discipline by the officers, aided, when needful, by the acting committee, &c. Some of these "rules" were as follows : "That spelling, reading, writing, arithmetic, and book-keeping, shall be taught in the different schools, and such other useful branches of learning as the cir- cumstances of the pupils may require, and the state of the Institution shall permit." " That the board and lodging of the children shall be plain and frugal, without distinction, except in cases of sickness." " That boys and girls be accommodated in separate apartments under care of separate tutors." " That no tutors, assistants, or domestics, be retained in the Institution, whose deportment is not sober and exemplary." " That no children shall be taken in under the age of eight years, or entered for less than one year." " That if children are sent with clothing not suf- ficiently plain as to color, or which shall require wash- ing, it shall be returned ; but if the make only be excep- tionable, it shall be altered and the expense charged." WESTTOWN BOARDING SCHOOL. 23 The* meeting also took measures to replenish the funds, and strengthen the hands of the committee. As the house progressed toward completion, other details began to receive attention. Efforts were made to engage teach- ers, though with only partial success at first, and especial difficulty was found in procuring men Friends who were qualified for the service. A report in 1799 says: " Encouragement hath, however, been derived from the free and disinterested offer of our Friends, Richard and Catharine Hartshorne, to devote their time and attention to the oversight of the general order and management of the house and its appendages." These Friends, who were the first superintendents, entered on their duties in the early part of the year 1799. Women Friends interested themselves to good purpose in procuring beds, bedding, and many other articles requisite in housekeeping. The books, opened for the purpose, contained in 4th mo., 1799, the names of seventy-three boys and sixty girls, applicants for admission ; but, from the difficulty of starting at once into successful operation with a full house, it was con- cluded to begin with a much smaller number, and to admit at first only twenty of each sex. This number was to be increased by ten of each sex monthly, if it was found to l>e advisable. The price of board and tuition was fixed at .24 per annum = $64 ; it being decided to put it at this low price, in order that the charge should not be an obstacle " in depriving any proper objects of the benefit intended." The school was opened on the 6th of 5th mo., 1799, with John Forsythe, Elizabeth Bellerby, and Phebe Cox as teachers. Some members of the committee were also present, as appears by the following extract from the Minutes : 24 THE HISTORY OF "Our Friends, Samuel Smith and John Cox, being willing to devote a portion of their time for this purpose, their dedication to the service is very acceptable to the committee, and they are encouraged to attend as soon after the school shall be opened as is convenient to them. Rebecca Archer, having agreed to attend, and it being hoped that Rebecca Jones and Ann Lloyd may also find it their duty to give up to unite with the two men Friends above mentioned." It would be interesting to know more of those event- ful days, the 6th and 7th of the month, when most of the forty pupils were arriving and finding places in the new institution. Busy days they doubtless were, as it is scarcely possible but that even the most careful foresight had failed to secure every needed arrangement, and many times the officers found themselves poorly provided with facilities for their work. A glance at the list of students will show who the first admissions were. One of them, William Evans, late of Philadelphia, makes the follow- ing mention of his early experiences at the school. (See Journal of William Evans, p. 8.) /'In the Fifth month, 1799, the boarding school at Westtown, instituted by our Yearly Meeting, was open for the reception of scholars, and I was one of the first twenty admitted there, my brother Joseph also remain- ing a few months. It was quite a novel scene, and re- quired time before a proper system of order and govern- ment was established. Everything seemed in a crude state ; the yards not laid out and regulated, shavings and chips from the hewed timber and the shingles, the woods grown up very thick with bushes, so that it was difficult to get through them, all contributed to give the whole a rude appearance. All this made work and amusement for the boys, who employed themselves under the super- vision of the teachers in burning up the great beds of WESTTOWN BOAEDINQ SCHOOL. 25 shavings, cutting openings for walks through the woods, and making arbors with seats to recreate themselves in during the warm weather." According to the arrangement made, additional pupils were afterwards admitted, until the number was consid- erably above the estimated capacity of the house, being as many as one hundred of each sex at the beginning of winter. At this time there were about one hundred ap- plications on file, and it was ordered that no more names should be registered. To meet the requirements of the growing family, other teachers were added during the summer. Ann Thomas came in the 7th mo., Elihu Pickering in the 8th mo., Ann Bacon in the 10th mo., and Enoch Lewis in the llth mo. of 1799. The pro- gress up to this time must have been very gratifying to those who had labored in the cause. If they foresaw in the future of the establishment a long career of useful- ness, it surely was not more than they reasonably had ground to hope. After a period of seventy-two years, it is difficult to obtain an insight into the daily life of the inmates of the house. At first the galleries were used as collecting- rooms, and the children stood during the periods in which they were there assembled. Rooms on the first floor were afterwards used for this purpose, which were furnished with benches without backs, on which the pupils sat closely side by side, without desks. Dining- rooms were in the basement, as also the laundry. The tables were doubtless furnished in a simple manner. There are those who still remember the large drinking- cups which used to be passed up and down the long bare tables to accommodate all who were thirsty, one or two sufficing for all. There were no wash-rooms, but the 3 26 THE HIS'iORY OP pumps in the yard furnished water, to which the chil- dren carried their basins and took turns before the spout, and where morning ablutions in winter were probably quickly performed. One pump was in the space where the boys' bath-house now stands; another in the same relative situation at the opposite end of the house. No pupils entered this school for a less time than one year, and two months' notice was required before a child was removed. When a vacancy occurred, the next applicant on the list was admitted to fill it. There were no vaca- tions. Children when entered were expected to remain until they had completed their studies. Being thus de- barred from the opportunity of going home, the services of the tailor and shoemaker were often needed, who resided in the house, and kept their accounts with each scholar.* Teachers, if they had any vacation, were released one at a time. The salaries during the first year were as fol- lows : Male teachers, ,100 = $266, and if married, a house to live in beside; female teachers, 30 = $80. *As illustrating this, observe the following; being the sundries charged to one of the first twenty boys: J J , Dr. to Sundries. Tailor's Account for Son. 7th mo. 28th, 1799, Mending Coat, 1*. 'Id. 8th mo. 6th, " ' Trowsers, 9rf. 8th mo. 20th, " Making Coattee, 10*. 6d. llth mo. 30th, " Mending Coat and Breeches, 2s. 6 " 10, 1804. 6th mo. 1, " 8th mo. 21, 1800. 7th mo. 1, " " 26, 1808. llth mo. 17, " 1st mo. 16, 1809. " 1, 1801 ; 5th mo. 14, 1805. 6th mo. 19, 1802; " 10, 1803. 10th mo. 15, " 2d mo. 2, 1806. 3d mo. 1, 1803 ; llth mo. 21, 1809. 3d mo. 1,1804; 9th mo. 12, 1804. 5th mo. 17, " 1st mo. 7, 1813. 9th mo. 7, " 9th mo. 5, 1807. 3d mo. 1, 1805 ; 8th mo. 2, 1806. 4th mo. 28, 1806 ; 9th mo. 10, " 8th mo. 20, " 7th mo. 19, 1808. 9th mo. 1, " 3d mo. 23, 1811. 10th mo. 19, 1807 ; 5th mo. 21, 1815. 3d mo. 1, 1808 ; 8th mo. 3, 1811. 7th mo. 1, " 9th mo. 19, 1814, 83 84 GENERAL CATALOGUE. APPOINTED. RETIRED. John Bullock, 12th mo. 1,1808; 12th mo. 7, 1813. Sally Page, 5th mo. 2, 1809 ; 2d mo. 28, 1814. Septimus Roberts, A *> 9th mo. 26, 1812. Elizabeth Barker, 6th mo. 8, " 6th mo. 11, 1811. Blakey Sharpless, 4th mo. 9, 1810 ; 9th mo. 12, 1814. Robert Parry, 1,1811; 8th mo. 4, 1816. Sarah Farquhar, 6th mo. 15, " 1st mo. 16, " John Gummere, 10th mo. 5, 1812 ; 3d mo. 19, 1814. John Mason, 12th mo. 6, 1813 ; 6th mo. 11, " Rachel Parry, 1st mo. 21, 1814; 4th mo. 8, 1816. Mary Blackledge, 3d mo. 21, " 2d mo. 8, 1815. Ann Stockton, 4th mo. 25, " 1, 1817. Amos Bullock, 6th mo. 1, " 6th mo. 15, 1816. David Whitall, 13, " 2d mo. 1, 1815. Jacob Haines, 2dmo. 1,1815; llth mo. 6, 1823. Hannah W. Butcher, 4th mo. 4, " 2d mo. 7, 1817. Sibil! a Embree, 5th mo. 22, " 12th mo. 30, 1822. Samuel R. Gummere, 6th mo. 22, " 8th mo. 6, 1816. Sarah West, 1st mo. 13, 1816 ; 2d mo. 7, 1822. Margaretta T. Jacobs, 4th mo. 29, " 8th mo. 7, 1817. Joseph Cooper, 6th mo. 25, " 5th mo. 18, " William Neal, llth mo. 25, 1820. Seth Smith, 8th mo. 12, " 10th mo. 23, 1821. Pen nock Passmore, 12th mo. 7, " 3d mo. 29, 1836. Mary Passmore, 2d mo. 7, 1817 ; 5th mo. 14, 1826. Elizabeth Pyle, " 8, " 1st mo. 3, 1820. Abigail Passmore, 8th mo. 6, " " 28, 1825. Elizabeth S. Walton, 1st mo. 8, 1820 ; 4th mo. 12, 1830. Benjamin Hallowell, 12, 1821 ; 9th mo. 8, 1824. Sarah Conard, 9th mo. 6, " " 24, 1830. Alice Comfort, 2d mo. 7, 1822 ; " 5, 1822. Mary Hallowell, " 8, 1823 ; 1st mo. 9, 1826. Charles Farquhar, llth mo. 10, " 12th mo. 29, 1824. Oliver Paxson, 9th mo. 21, 1824; 6th mo. 18, 1826. Jacob Heald, 12th mo. 29, " 2d mo. 24, 1826. Hannah S. Wood, 1st mo. 24, 1825; 12th mo. 16, 1831. Elizabeth H. Knight, 9th mo. 7, " 10th mo. 6, 1828. Davis Reece, 2d mo. 27, 1826 ; 12th mo. 16, 1831. Lydia Ann Buffington, 5th mo. 1, " 6th mo. 13, 1834. TEACHERS. 85 APPOINTED. RETIRED. Samuel W. Black, 10th mo. 9, 1826 ; 3d mo. 16, 1830. George W. Taylor, 3d mo. 28, 1830 ; 6th mo. 30, 1831. Bar tram Kaighn, 7th mo. 20, " 7th mo. 9, 1834. Mary Passmore (2dTerm) , 9th mo. 15, " 10th mo. 1, 1832. Catharine V. West, " 20, " 12th mo. 4, 1830. Howard Yarnall, 10th mo. 6, " 10th mo. 4, 1844. Deborah Cope, 25, " 8th mo. 15, 1832. Hannah Gillingham, 12th mo. 21, " 9th mo. 7, " Harvey Thomas, 6th mo. 30, 1831 ; 5th mo. 1, 1835. Zillah Embree, 9th mo. 13, " 8th mo. 31, 1833. Hannah Allen, 10th mo. 3, " 2d mo. 17, 1834. Enoch Lewis (2d Term), 12th mo. 19, " 9th mo. 27, " Samuel M. Day, 7th mo. 5, 1832 ; llth mo. 28, " Elizabeth Cowgill, 25, " 9th mo. 5, " Rebecca S. Leeds, 10th mo. 8, " 5th mo. 19, 1837. Amy Eastlack, 9th mo. 2, 1833 ; 4th mo. 7, 1838. Martha Gibbons, 4th mo. 29, 1834; 10th mo. 30, 1834. Moses B. Lockwood, 7th mo. 10, " 9th mo. 9, 1835. Rebecca McCollin, 8th mo. 2, " 12th mo. 11, 1835. William Forsythe, 9th mo. 29, " 10th mo. 29, 1836. Mary L. Smith, 10th mo. 30, " " 3, 1835. Edward Richie, llth mo. 29, " 23, " Sarah Baily, 12th mo. 15, " 1, 1869. James Emlen, 5th mo. 4, 1835 ; 12th mo. 27., 1848. David S. Burson, 10th mo. 7, " 9th mo. 2, 1836. Mary Dent,* 19, " 1st mo. 23, " Samuel Leeds, " 24, " 7th mo. 26, " Sarah Ann Dillin, 12th mo. 24, " 9th mo. 20, 1839. Susanna Lightfoot, 3d mo. 28, 1836 ; 4th mo. 10, 1841. James C. Jackson, 8th mo. 8, " llth mo. 7, 1838. Ann Jefferis, 17, " 10th mo. 10, 1840. Joseph Walton, 9th mo. 30, ." 1st mo. 9, 1846. John G. Jackson, 10th mo. 29, " 4th mo. 7, 1838. Sidney Stevenson, 5th mo. 19, 1837 ; 10th mo. 10, 1840. Levis Newlin, 4th mo. 30, 1838 ; 5th mo. 21, 1841. Enoch Lewis (3d Term), < 10th mo. 16, 1838. Elizabeth Baily, 5th mo. 2, " " 8, 1841. Rebecca Kite, 6th rno. 18, " " " 1838. * Deceased at the School. 86 GENERAL CATALOGUE. APPOINTED. Hugh D. Vail, 6th mo. 18, 1838 ; 4th mo. 10, 1847. Yardley Warner, 12th mo. 31, " " " 1841. Mary Emlen, llth mo. 2, 1839 ; 10th mo. 8, " Rebecca Kite (2d Term), 7th mo. 8, " " 1839. Abigail Williams, llth mo. 2, 1840 ; 4th mo. 5, 1844. Lydia Philips. u t( it " 10, 1841. Martha C. Barton, 5th mo. 3, 1841 ; " 1, 1867. Rebecca Biddle, tt 10th mo. 8, 1842. John Newlin, u 9, 1847. Rebecca Kite (3d Term), 10th mo. 28, " 7th mo. 8, 1845. Henry Rodman, tt 4th mo. 9, 1842. Jesse Edgerton, 4th mo. 28, 1842 ; 10th mo. 8, " Elizabeth Walter, 10th mo. 28, " 4th mo. 10, 1846. Rebecca Conard, cc " 5, 1843. Jas. 0. Jackson (2d Term), llth mo. 9, " " " 1843. Joseph G. Harlan, 4th mo. 28, 1843 ; 10th mo. 1, 1853. Priscilla Walter, " 26, 1844 ; " 7, 1849. Margaret Lightfoot, 10th mo. 30, 1845 ; " 1, 1859. Martha D. House, 5th mo. 1, 1846 ; " 1, 1853. Benjamin Hoopes, 10th mo. 29, " 4th mo. 9, 1852. James Smedley, a it 2d mo. 28, 1851. George Baily, it Philadelphia, Pa., Hadrlonfield, N. J., 12th mo., " Lower Merion, Pa., 1st mo., 1802. Horsham, Pa., 12th mo., 1801. New Garden, Pa., 3d mo., 1802. Middletown, Pa., 4th mo., " Alexandria, Va., 1st mo., " Fallsington, Pa., Little Britain, Pa., Radnor, Pa., 2d mo., " Salem, N. J., llth mo., " Thornbury, Pa., 4th mo., " Gwynedd, Pa., 9th mo., " Wilmington, Del., 5th mo., " Philadelphia, Pa., > Sadsbury, Pa., 6th mo., * " Abington, Pa., 5th mo., " Radnor, Pa., " " Uwchlan, Pa., 8th mo., " London Grove, Pa., 7th mo., " M 1st mo., 1803. Plymouth, Pa., 7th mo., 1802. Sandy Spring, Md., 3d mo., 1803. Aston, Pa., 1-t mo., " Sandy Spring, Md., 3d mo., " New Garden, Pa., llth mo., 1802. Uwchlan, Pa., llth mo., 1802. Pottsgrove, Pa,, " " E. Bradford, Pa., 6th mo., 1803. Soleburv, Pa., 1st mo., " Chester* Pa., i< i G 110 GENERAL CATALOGUE. FIRST THOUSAND. 220. Samuel Wood, 221. David Saunders, 222. Isaac Tyson, 223. William Johnson, 224. Thomas Reece, 225. James Lippincott, 226. James Martin, 227. William Jacobs, 228. Burnett Burdsall, 229. Isaac Wilson, 231. Thomas Wood, 232. Septimus Eoberts, 233. Isaac Sharpless, 234. Abiah Baily, 235. Matthew Fitzwater, 236. Daniel Janney, 237. Joseph Paul, 238. George Burr, 239. Jacob Fitzwater, 210. Jesse Evans, 241. Carleton Passmore, 242. Elijah Weaver, 243. Joseph W. Corlies, 244. Samuel Carr, 245. William Taylor, 246. Mordecai Morgan, 247. Ziba Pyle, 248. Jacob Ridgway, 250. Thomas Evans, 251. John H. Hill, 252. Daniel J. Rhoads, 253.* Benjamin Pusey, 254. Thomas E. Deacon, 255. Joseph Buzby, 256. Josiah Albertson, 258. Charles Hampton, 259. Eusebius Townsend, 260. Samuel E. Spencer, 262. Isaac Pierce, 263. Aaron Philips, 264. Nathan Tyson, 265. John Ellicott, 266. Samuel Kirk, 267. Mahlon Kirk, 268. Jonathan Dutton, 269. Joseph Lownes, 270. John O. Rhoads, Philadelphia, Pa., White Clay Creek, Pa., Baltimore, Md., Germantown, Pa., Baltimore, Md., Railway, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., Gwynedd, Pa., Middletown, Pa., E. Marlborough, Pa., Baltimore, Md., Alexandria, Va., Byberry, Pa., Burlington, N. J., Baltimore, Md., Gwvnedd. Pa., Kennet, Pa., Haddonfield, N. J., Shrewsbury, N. J., Mt. Holly, N. J., Little York, Pa., Georgetown, D. C., Londonderry, Pa., Springfield, N. J., Gwynedd, Pa., Middletown, Pa., Upper Darby. Pa., London Grove, Pa., Burlington, N. J., Plymouth, Pa., Solebury, Pa., E. Bradford, Pa., Horsham, Pa., Sadsbury, Pa., New Hope, Pa., Baltimore, Md., Alexandria, Va., Little York, Pa., Harford, Md., Chichester, Pa., Springfield, Pa., DATE OF ENTRY. 3d mo., 180a 4th mo. 5th mo. 4th mo. 8th mo. 5th mo. 6th mo., 5th mo., llth mo., 5th mo., 6th mo., 14 5th mo., 5th mo., 12th mo., 6th mo., 7th mo., 10th mo., 8th mo., 9th mo., 10th mo., llth mo., u 10th mo., llth mo., 12th mo., STUDENTS. Ill 40. 271. Charles Paist, 272. James Brinton, 273. John Gest, 274. Abraham Gibbons, 275. Thomas Lee, 276. Blakey Sharpless, 278. James Starr, 279. Samuel Bacon, 280. Britton Corlies, 281. Nathan Shotwell, 282. Samuel Shoemaker, 283. Caleb Taylor, 28(5. Marshall Smith, 287. Caleb Kirk, 288. Ebenezer Reynolds, 290. Abel Townsend, 291. Samuel Hoopes, 293. Israel Janney, 294. Jesse Gover, 295. John P. Kirkbride, 296. John Malin, 297. Thomas Kimber, 298. Samuel Carey, 299. James Carey, 300. John Bullock, 301. George Eddy, 302. Seth Lippincott, 303. Edmund Pryor, 304. Jesse Bond, 305. Timothy Rogers, 306. David Hutchinson, 307. Samuel Bunting, 308. Jacob Bunting, 309. Thomas S. Roberts, 310. Charles Starr, 311. Azor Gregory, 312. John Gummere, 313. Edward Leedom, 316. Watson Jenks, 317. Robert Wright, 320. Samuel Walker, 321. Hartshorne Moore, 322. George T. Trimble, 323. Yeamans Paul, 324. George Lownes, 325. James Greaves, 326. John Hewes, FIBST THOUSAND. KESIDESCE. Providence, Pa., Lampeter, Pa., Sadsbury, Pa., Lampeter, Pa., Exeter, Pa., Downingtown, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Shrewsbury, N. J., Plainfield,'N. J., Horsham, Pa., Little York, Pa,, Wrightstown, Pa., Centre, Del., Pennsbury, Pa., Beaver, Pa., Downingtown, Pa., Goose Creek, Va., Waterford, Va., Philadelphia, Pa., E. Whiteland, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Baltimore, Md., Springfield, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., Westfield, N. J., New York city, N. Y., Evesham, N. J., Upper Canada, Newtown, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Burlington, N. J., Newtown, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Trenton, N. J., Wilmington, Del., Rahway, N. J., Newburg, N. Y., Germantown, Pa., Springfield, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Chichester, Pa., DAM OP ENTRY. llth mo., 1803. 12th mo., llth mo., 12th mo., 1st mo., 1804 4th mo., " 8th mo., " 1st mo., " 3d mo., " 6th mo., " 12th mo., 1803. 2d mo., 1804. 4th mo., " 5th mo., 6th mo., 7th mo., 8th mo., llth mo., 10th mo., 7th mo., 6th mo., 7th mo., << 9th mo., < 10th mo., 112 GENERAL CATALOGUE. FIRST THOUSAND. NAITE. RESIDENCE. DATE OF ENTRY. 327. Maris Taylor, Springfield, Pa., 9th mo., 1804. 328. Samuel Stokes, Richland, Pa., llth mo., 329. Henry Dickinson, Sadsbury, Pa., 4th mo., 1805. 330. William P. Palmer, Concord, Pa., 1 2th mo., 1804. 331. Samuel Lee, Exeter, Pa., it " 332. Peter Yarnall, E. Bradford, Pa., a n 333. James Smith, Sadsbury, Pa., llth mo., 335. William Trimble, Baltimore, Md., 12th mo., u 336. Eli Yaruall, Middletown, Pa,, llth mo., ft 337. Jeremiah Reynolds, Nottingham, Md., 1st mo., 1805. 338. John F. Randolph, Philadelphia, Pa., 12th mo., 1804. 340. Joseph Wilson, White Marsh, Pa., 1st mo., 1805. 341. Thos. T. Hutchinson, Newtown, Pa., 12th mo., 1804. 342. Joseph R. Smith, a 343. Josiah M. Reeve, Evesham, N. J., n u 344. John Lukens, Horsham, Pa., (t N, it 345. TownsendSpeakman, Richland, Pa., 6th mo., 1805. 316. Isaac Lawrence, Springfield, Pa., 12th mo., 18047 347. Thomas Longstreth, Abington, Pa., 1st mo., 1805. 348. Mahlon Taylor, Newtown, Pa., ti 349. Jonathan Paxson, u < 350. Samuel H. Carver, Buckingham, Pa., 2d mo., N 351. Thomas Allen, Middletown, Pa., 4th mo., c 352. Bartholomew Wistar, Salem, N. J., 3d mo.. c 353. Clayton Wistar, " a i 354. Robert Smith, Burlington, N. J., 4th mo., i 355. Robert Garrigues, Philadelphia, Pa., e 356. William Douglas, Fallsington, Pa., << ( 357. Joseph Elkinton, Philadelphia, Pa., 7th mo., ( 358. William Bettle, " 5th mo., ( 359. Crowell Webster, Plainfield, N. J., 6th mo., 360. Thomas Clark, Woodbury, N. J., 7th mo., c 361. Isaac Moore, Haverford, Pa., 4th mo., ( 362. T F .-.-.-. Tr TT/Mirn */1 /"H- i s\ 5th mo., c 363. Edward Webster, Rahway, N. J., 6th mo., ( 364. John Willits, Maiden Creek, Pa., a t 365. William Wilkinson, London Grove, Pa., 7th mo., ( 366. Elias Marsh, Rahway, N. J., 6th mo., c 367. James Ellicott, Baltimore, Md., 7th mo., 1 368. Mahlon Chandlee, E. Nottingham, Pzt., 9th mo., e 369. Thomas Trump, Horsham, Pa., 8th mo., t 370. Moses Coates, W. Cain, Pa., 9th mo., 1 371. Joseph Y. Tomkins, Baltimore, Md., 6th mo., < 372. Francis Cope, Philadelphia, Pa., u < 373. Henry Cope, " e 374. Isaac Gillam, Middletown, Pa., 7th mo,, t 375. Andrew C. Wright, Trenton, N. J., l STUDENTS. 113 FIRST THOUSAND. RESIDENCE. DATE OF ENTRT. 376. Caleb Maule, Richmond, Pa., 7th mo., 1805. 377. Evan T. Ellicott, Baltimore, Md., " 378. Joel Laing, Plainfield, N. J., 8th mo., 879. Clarkson Vail, 380. Thomas Tyson, 381. Jacob Albertson, Plymouth, Pa., 9th mo., 382. John Nesbit, Philadelphia, Pa., 383. Nathaniel Pettit, Buckingham, Pa., 10th mo., 384. Stogdell Stokes, Richland, Pa., llth mo., 385. Sam'l Satterthwaite, Crosswicks, N. J., 386. Thomas Gumming, Horsham, Pa., 10th mo., 387. Benjamin Albertson, Plymouth, Pa., llth mo., 388. Paul Scull, Pilesgrove, N. J., 390. Joshua Sharpless, Middletown, Pa., 9th mo., 391. Stephen Hambleton, West Grove, Pa., 392. William Ellicott, Baltimore, Md., " 393. Isaac Powell, Chester, Pa., 10th mo., 394. Henry Sharplesa, 395. William Pusey, London Grove, Pa., " 396. Randall Malin, E. Whiteland, Pa., llth mo., 397. Josiah Tatum, Woodbury, N. J., 10th mo., 398. James Townsend, 399. Lewis Sharpless, West Chester, Pa., llth mo., 400. Daniel Milnor, Little Britain, Pa., 10th mo., 401. James Smith, Salem, N. J., llth mo., 402. Elisha Bassett, 403. Joshua B. Sharpless, Downingtown, Pa., 12th mo., 404. David Pancoast, Pilesgrove, N. J., llth mo., 405. William Jackson, London Grove, Pa., 406. Wm. W. Downing, Downingtown, Pa., 12th mo., 407. Samuel Peach, Baltimore, Md., llth mo., 408. James Jefferis, E. Bradford, Pa., 12th mo., 409. Morris Hall, Salem, N. J., 410. Joseph Turner, Chestertown, Md., 411. Joseph Newbold, Springfield, N. J., 412. Benjamin C. Cooper, Evesham, N. J., llth mo., 413. John R. Trimble, Newburg, N. Y., 414. Robert Pitman, Burlington, N. J., 415. Thomas D. Shotwell, Rah way, N. J., 416. Nathaniel Parsons, Providence, Pa., 12th mo., 417. George G. Williams, Trenton, N. J., 418. William Adams, Greenwich, N. J., " 419. Nathaniel Newlin, Darby, Pa., 420. John Hunt, 2d mo., 1806. 421. Joseph W. Thomas, Radnor, Pa., 1st mo., 422. Thomas J. Carlisle, Philadelphia, Pa., 423. Jesse Williams, N. C., 3d mo., 9* GENERAL CATALOGUE. FIRST THOUSAND. NAME. RESIDENCE. DATE OF ENTRY. 424. James Bringhurst, Philadelphia, Pa., 3d mo., 1806. 425. David W. Ridgway, Springfield, N. J., 4th mo., ' 426. John Thomas, Philadelphia, Pa., a c 427. Joseph Thomas, u ei c 428. Daniel Thomas, Germantown, Pa., (i i 429. Daniel Pound, Plainfield, N. J., ti e 481 . Jacob Pusev, London Grove, Pa., 10th mo., ' 432. Isaac Dillon, Gunpowder, Md., 3d mo., ' 433. John Tyson, Baltimore, Md., 12th mo., 1805. 434. Eli Hilfes, Brownsville, Pa., U I 436. Isaac Wilkinson, Head of Chester, Md., C( ( 437. Ellis Comfort, Middletown, Pa., 1st mo., 1807. 438. John Bartlett, Easton, Md., " 1806 439. Thomas P. Stabler, Sandy Spring, Md., 2d mo., " 440. John S. Newlin, Chichester, Pa., 10th mo., " 441. Benjamin Davids, Rahway, N. J., 3d mo., " 442. Joseph Husband, Deer Creek, Md., 4th mo., " 443. Edward H. Bonsall, Philadelphia, Pa., ^5th mo., " 444. Thomas Hilyard, Rancocas, N. J., 4th ihtv" 445. Caleb Stabler, Sandy Spring, Md., 6th mo.;"*" 446. John B. Ellison, Philadelphia, Pa., u 447. Lownes Taylor, West Chester, Pa., 5th mo., " 448. James Winston, Richmond, Va., a (( 449. Charles Denny, New Garden, Pa., llth mo., 450. Isaac Hewes, Darby, Pa., u < 451. Joseph Fell, Makefield, Pa., 5th mo., < 452. William Ridgway, Springfield, N. J., 6th mo., < 453. John Sinton, Wilkesbarre, Pa., 4th mo., 454. Ridgway Thomas, Mt. Holly, N. J., 5th mo., < 455. Franklin Comly, Byberry, Pa., 6th mo., i 456. Edward Mott, New York city, N. Y., ii t 457. Alexander Neave, Philadelphia, Pa., 7th mo., 1 458. Joseph Cooper, Newtovvn, N. J., u i 459. Joseph Mather, Cheltenham, Pa., 10th mo., f 460. Thomas Irwin, Washington, D. C., 5th mo., 1 462. Peter Wilson, Alexandria, Va., a i 463. Jehu House, Ken net, Pa., 6th mo., c 464. Evan Thomas, E. Marlborough, Pa., 8th mo., I 465. Jacob Dingee, u 9th mo., t 466. Samuel D. Thomas, W. Whiteland, Pa., u ( 467. Edward Stabler, Sandy Spring, Md., llth mo., ( 468. John Stabler, K. Garrett, 527. Charltes Ely, 528. Benjamin Garrigues, 529. Joseph\R. Hulme, 530. Caleb Karl, 531. Thomas^Earl, 532. George Britt, 533. William W. King, 534. Stephen Pan coast, 535. Charles Folwell, 537. Joseph Bonsall, 538. Moses Barnard, 539. Joseph Ely, 540. Charles Stapler, 541. John Paxson, 542. Gilbert T. Pell, 543. George Roberts, 544. John Rose, 545. Thomas Penrose, 546. Jonathan G. Macy, 547. William S. Bartram, 548. Joshua C. Oliver, 549. Anthony Thomas, 550. Israel Jones, 551. Thomas R. Hazard, 552. Isaac P. Hazard, 553. William Stroud, 554. Thomas Mifflin, 555. Charles Eddy, 556. James Hutton, 558. Elisha Shoemaker, 559. Abiah Brown, 560. Benjamin Yarnall, 561. Jacob Hewes, 563. Joseph Kersey, 564. Samuel Sinclair, 565. William Baker, 566. Thos. S. Pleasants, 567. Oliver Ladd, 568. George Fox, 569. Nicholas Taylor, 570. Robert V. Massey, 571. John M. Foulke, 573. David R. Evans, 574. Robert Evans, 575. Isaac Pugh, RESIDENCE. New Hope, Pa., Upper Darby, Pa., Buckingham, Pa., Kingsessing, Pa., Middletown, Pa., Springfield, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., Burlington, N. J., Springfield, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., Nantucket, Mass., Buckingham, Pa., Makefield, Pa., Solebury, Pa., M v , i>. i., Plymouth, Pa., Aldington, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Nantucket, Mass., Philadelphia, Pa., Lynn, Mass., Germantown, Pa., Wilmington, Del., Bristol, Pa., H Stroudsburg, Pa., ' Columbia, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Horsham, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., E. Bradford, Pa., Chichester, Pa., Downingtown, Pa., New Garden, Pa., W. Bradford, Pa., James River, Va., , N. Y., Little York, Pa., W. Whiteland, Pa., Gwynedd, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., DATE OF EWTHT. 10th mo., 1807. U tl llth mo., " 12th mo., llth mo., 12th mo., 1st mo., 1808. 3d mo., " 8th mo., 5th mo., 6th mo. 7th mo. 10th mo. 8th mo. u 9th mo. 10th mo. llth mo. 10th mo. llth mo. 1st ino. 3d mo. 5th mo. 4th mo. 1809. 12th me., 1808 llth mo., " 12th mo., STUDENTS. 117 FIRST THOUSAND. 576. Alban Smith, 577. Samuel Rogers, 578. George Downing, 079. Joseph Starr, 580. James B. Smith, 581. Samuel E. Clement, 582. N. H. Gillingham, 583. John L. Kite, 584. Isaac L. Shoemaker, 585. John Brown, 586. Joseph B. Shinn, 587. Joshua Mitchell, 588. Emley Oldden, 589. William Cope, 590. Anthony P. Morris, 591. Samuel E. Coe, 592. William Dawson, 593. Elijah Laws, 594. James Walker, 595. Joseph Hutchinson, 696. Thos. W. Hathaway, 597. Caleb Hathaway, 598. George W. Burr, 599. Isaac Stowe, 600. Davis Hoopes, 601. Benjamin Maule, 602. Isaac P. Cox, 603. George Carey, 604. Robert Pearsall, 605. William Vail, 606. Joseph Shipley, 607. Joseph Pleasants, 609. Joseph Sharpless, 610. B. H. Hollinshead, 611. Jonathan Bell, 613. John Livezey, Jr., T.14. Samuel Biddle, 615. George Abbott, 616. Joseph O. Clarke, 617. John Biddle, 618. Andrew Underbill, 619. John T. Vail, 620. Thomas Wistar, 621. Edward Edwards, 622. William Lawrie, 623. William Black, 624. Edward Newbold, RESIDENCE. Philadelphia, Pa., ... f. ... Wilmington, Del., Philadelphia, Pa., Haddonfield, N. J., Frankford, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Middletown, Pa., Julia Town, N. J., Fallsington, Pa., Princeton, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., Burlington, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., Mt. Holly, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., E. Cain, Pa., Radnor, Pa., Mt. Holly, N. J., Baltimore, Md., New York, N. Y., Plainfield, N. J., Wilmington, Del., James River, Va., Concord, Pa., Chester, N. J., Plymouth, Pa., Germantown, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Trenton, N. J., Princeton, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., Plainfield, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., Abington, Pa., Trenton, N. J., Springfield, N. J. Ridley, Pa., DAM OP EMTBT. 1st mo., 1809. 3d mo., 4th jno., 5th mo., 4th mo., 9th mo., 5th mo., 6th mo., 5th mo., 6th mo., 7th mo., 5th mo., 9th mo., 10th mo., llth mo., 8th mo., 6th mo., 8th mo., 6th mo., 7th mo., 8lh mo., 9th mo., n 118 GENERAL CATALOGUE. FIRST THOUSAND. NAME. RESIDENCE. BATE OF ENTRY. 625. William L. Newbold, Ridley, Pa., 9th mo., 1809. 626. Thomas Ridgeway, 627. Edward Garrigues, Springfield, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., 10th mo., " 9th mo., " 628. Robert Kirby, Springfield, N. J., 10th mo., " 629. Barzillai Smith, Burlington, N. J., llth mo., " 630. Samue\ Starr, Philadelphia, Pa., 6th mo., 1810. 631. John James, K llth mo., 1809. 632. Clayton Newbold, Springfield, N. J., " " 633. William F. Hussey, Nautucket, Mass., n 634. Andrew Swain, u 11 ft 635. Elias Ely, New Hope, Pa., 1st mo., 1810. 636. John Elliott, Baltimore, Md., 4th mo., " 637. Caspar Garrigues, Philadelphia, Pa., 3d mo., " 638. James R. Garrigues, a " " 639. Win. H. Gillingham, Frankford, Pa., 5th mo., " 640. Gilpin Bennett, Pennsbury, Pa., 12th mo., 1809. 642. James Carter, E. Bradford, Pa., 5th mo., 1810. 643. Ferree Brinton, Lampeter, Pa., 1811. 644. Robert Vail, Plainfield, N. J., 6th mo., 1810. 645. Samuel Poole, Wilmington, Del., 5th mo., " 646. Samuel Davis, Birmingham, Pa., 4th mo., " 647. Charles Wright, Columbia, Pa., 5th mo., " 648. Robert Wright, tt " ' 649. Cyrus Jones, Wilmington, Del., 4th mo., ' 650. John Kaighn, Kaighnston, N. J., 8th mo., ' 651. John Haydock, N Y 5th mo., ' , IX . X ., 652. Thomas Bedford, Philadelphia, Pa., " ' 653. Richard Cook, i 654. Charles Mears, te i 655. Thos. S. Trueman, 6th mo. ' 656. Sam'l R. Simmons, 5th mo. " 657. William Richards, llth mo. " 658. William Jones, 6th mo. " 660. Benjamin Pennock, London Grove, Pa., 5th mo. 1811. 661. James B. Price, Philadelphia, Pa., 8th mo. 1810. 662. Henry Newbold, Chester, Pa., 10th mo. " 663. Samuel Darlington, Aston, Pa., 9th mo. " 664. Joseph Freeman, Rah way, N. J., 7th mo. " 665. William Davis, Willistown, Pa., 12th mo. " 667. Caleb Swayne, London Grove, Pa., 5th mo. 1811. 669. Joseph Preston, W. Nottingham, Md., 12th mo. 1810. 670. George Walker, Charleston, Pa., 10th mo. " 67 1 . Francis J. Folger, Nantucket, Mass., 12th mo. " 672. Joseph Baily, Abington, Pa., 4th mo. 1811. 673. James Folvvell, Philadelphia, Pa., 9th mo. 1810. 674. Jason L. Fennimore, Julia Town, N. J., " " 675. Benjamin Corlies, Shrewsbury, N. J., 8th mo., " STUDENTS. 119 FIRST THOUSAND. NAXE. 676. James Eddy, 677. Isaac Bartram, 678. John J. Smith, 679. Morris Smith, 680. Raper Smith, 681. Stephen Phipps, 682. Isaac Kim her, 683. William Gray, 684. Joseph Gibbons, 685. Richards Johnson, 686. Win. R. Maxfield, 687. William Coe, 688. Samuel Mason, 689. Stacy Lippincott, 690. Samuel Cooper, 691. Hugh Smith, 692. Charles Oak ford, 693. Henry Carver, 694. Isaac W. Pen nock, 695. James S. Newbold, 696. Benjamin L. Walton, 697. Levi Foulke, 699. Robert Haydock, 700. Benjamin Haydock, 701. Isaiah Large, 702. Thomas Cook, 703. Joseph Evans, 704. Jacob Stroud, 705. James Stroud, 706. Nathan T. Knight, 707. Warder Cresson, 708. William Kimber, 709. Charles Remington, 710. Joseph Knight, 711. Samuel C. Cooper, 712. Arthur D. Shreeve, 713. Caleb Shreeve, 714. Oliver Martin, 715. John G. Merrifield, 71iJ. Jonathan Jones, 717. James Squibb, 718. Jacob Jeans, 719. Job W. Reeve, 720. Isaac Miller, 721. Warner Cowgill, 723. Benjamin Whitall, 724. Joshua Whitall, RESIDENCE. Philadelphia, Pa., BATE OF KNTKT. 8th mo., 1810. Burlington, N. J., 10th mo., 11 9th mo., " Philadelphia, Pa., ' 10th mo., 1810. H 9th mo., " Kingsessing, Pa., 10th mo., " Philadelphia, Pa., 9th mo., " 10th mo., " 4th mo., 1811. Burlington, N. J., 10th mo., 1810. Philadelphia, Pa., 1st mo., 1811. Haddonfield, N. J., 2d mo., " Pleasant View, N. J., 3d mo., " Philadelphia, Pa., 10th mo., 1810. Darby, Pa., " " Buckingham, Pa., llth mo., " Fallow-field, Pa., 2d mo., 1811. Frankfbrd, Pa., 4th mo., " " 10th mo., 1810. Gwynedd, Pa., 4th mo., 1811. Philadelphia, Pa., 2d mo., " " Buckingham, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., 1st mo., ' 5th mo., ' n t Stroudsburg, Pa., Byberry, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., 2d mo. 5th mo. ! " 4th mo. 1 " 6th mo. ' Byberry, Pa., 5th mo. Cropwell, N. J., 9th mo. ' Philadelphia, Pa., 5th mo. Rahwav, N. J., 6th mo. Philadelphia, Pa., 7th mo. Abington, Pa., 8th mo. Wilmington, Del., 7th mo. Philadelphia, Pa., 6th mo. Evesham, N. J., 7th mo. Providence, Pa., 4th mo. Little Creek; Del., 10th mo. Woodbury, N. J., " * 120 GENERAL, CATALOGUE. FIRST THOUSAND. 725. Ebenezer Whitall, 726. John G. Lewis, 727. Charles Pusey, 730. Thomas Longstreth, 731 Edwin P. Atlee, 732 Thomas Livezey, 734. Caleb Johnson, 735. Morris Longstreth, 736. James Walton, 738. William Rhoads, 739. Chalkley Jarrett, 740. Timothy Zane, 741. Joseph Large, 742. Jotham Townsend, 743. Samuel T. Jones, 744. John Black wood, 745. Daniel T. Tyson, 746. John L. Newby, 747. Robert B. Newby, 748. Joseph Chapman, 749. Charles Ward, 750. Samuel Evans, 751. Samuel Kimber, 752. Erwin J. Leedom, 753. Howard Abbott, 754. Charles S. Cope, 755. Wm. A. Robinson, 756. Edward Robinson, 758. Mordecai L. Dawson, 759. Nathan T. Zane, 760. Edward Yarnall, 761. Edward Chandlee, 762. Benjamin Kite, 764. Thomas Laws, 765. George W. Laws, 766. Caspar Wistar, 768. William Wilson, 769. Thomas Newlin, 770. Daniel Troth, 771. Jacob H. Squibb, 772. Eli K. Price, 774. Thomas Watson, 775. Elijah Lewis, 776. Evan Lewis, 777. Thomas Corbit, 778. Joseph Bonsall, 779. Thom?s S. Newlin, RESIDENCE. DATE OP I NTRT. Woodbury, N. J., 10th mo , 1811 Robeson, Pa., 12th mo., a Sadsbury, Pa., 6th mo., 1812. Philadelphia, Pa., 7th mo., 1811. " 10th mo., a Germantown, Pa., 9th mo., K Philadelphia, Pa., 3d mo., 1812. u 12th mo., 1811. Fallowfield, Pa., 10th mo., tt Springfield, Pa., 8th mo., ii Horsham, Pa., 9th mo., u Philadelphia, Pa., 8th mo., Solebury. Pa., llth mo., < Plainfield, N. J., " ( Philadelphia, Pa., 10th mo., ( Woodbury, N. J., llth mo., 1 Philadelphia, Pa., 12th mo., I Perquimons Co., N C., 10th mo., It (i " (t Philadelphia, Pa., llth mo., (I Woodbury, N. J., u ei Gwynedd, Pa., u n Philadelphia, Pa., 3d mo., 1812. u 4th mo., (C H 5th mo., 1C (i 12th mo., 1811. E. Nottingham, Md., Philadelphia, Pa., Chichester, Pa., Wilmington, Del., E. Bradford, Pa., Buckingham, Pa., Robeson, Pa., n Odessa, Del., Wilmington, Del., 2d mo., 1812. it t( 3d mo., " 4th mo., " 5th mo., " 4th mo., " 6th mo., H 5th mo., 6th mo., 5th mo., 12th mo., llth mo., 7th mo., 6th mo., 7th mo., STUDENTS. 121 FIRST THOUSAND. NAME. RESIDENCE. 780. James Bennett, ' Philadelphia, Pa., 781. Samuel G. Morton, 782. Charles Bonsall, 783. Thomas Williams, Abington, Pa., 781. Ad'm B. Williamson, Newtown, Pa., 785. Charles Hooton, Philadelphia, Pa., 786. Thomas Gillingham, Frankford, Pa., 787. Ezra Jones, Buckingham, Pa., 788. Robert Miller, Alexandria, Va., 789. Matlack Church, Moorestown, N. J., 790. Jacob Hayes, W. Bradford, Pa., 791. J^imes Davis, Birmingham, Pa., 792. Benjamin Parrott, DATE OF ENTRY. 5th mo., 1812. 4th mo., " 5th mo., " tt < it (i 10th mo., " 8th mo., " 2d mo., 1816. 4th mo., 1813. 793. John Tatum, Woodbury, N. J., 794. David Ogden, Swedesborough, N. J., 795. Samuel S. Jackson, Reading, Pa., 79 j. James Bellach,* Chichester, Pa., 797. Daniel S. Cowgill, Smyrna, Del., 798. Charles Cowgill, 799. Charles Farquhar, Little York, Pa., 800. Edwin Bonsall, Philadelphia, Pa., 801 William Earl 5th mo., " llth mo., " 8th mo., " 5th mo., " 8th mo., 1812. 7th mo., 1813. llth mo., 1812. 10th mo. " 802. Henry L. Bonsall, Philadelphia, Pa., 803 John Chapman ft it 1st mo. 1813 804. John Stokes, Darby, Pa., 805. Rowland G. Hazard, Bristol, Pa., 806. Joseph Wills, Rancocas, N. J., 807. George Pleasants, Philadelphia, Pa., 808. Robert Pleasants, 809. Henry G. Hoskins, Radnor, Pa., 810 Job Rid^way 5th mo., " 4th mo., " . 5th mo., " 4th mo., " it (i 2d mo., " 3d mo., " 811. David Jordan, Suffolk, Va., 812. William Laws, Philadelphia, Pa., 813. Wm. W. Longstreth, " 814. Richard B. Gilpin, Wilmington, Del., 815. Thomas Scattergood, Philadelphia, Pa., 816. Joseph Smith, 817. Joshua T. Seal, Wilmington, Del., 818. Timothy A. Conrad, Philadelphia, Pa., 819. William Abbott, 820. Marmaduke Cope, * " 822. John Evans, 823 George F Garretson ... llth mo., " 4th mo., " 5th mo., " it tt (i it tt tt 4th mo., " tt tt 5th mo., " 7th mo., " 5th mo., " <> 824. Robert Morton, Philadelphia, Pa., 825. Georsre Branner. u (( It Deceased at the school 7th mo., 1814. 10 122 GENERAL CATALOGUE. FIRST THOUSAND. RESIDENCE. DATE OF ENTRT. 826. John Starr, Philadelphia, Pa., 6th mo., 1813. 827. Daniel Laws, " " " 828. Edward Bettle, " " 829. Griffith Hinchman, Woodbury, N. J., 7th mo., " 830. John Newbold, Chester, Pa., " " 831. David Chambers, London Grove, Pa., 8th mo., " 832. George P. Harlan, Kennet, Pa., 1 1th mo., " 833. Isaac Trimble, E. Bradford, Pa., 10th mo., ' 834. James Bonsall, , Ohio, n t 835. Isaac Price, E. Bradford, Pa., 11 I 836. James Cowgill, Duck Creek, Del., 9th mo., ' 837. Benj. Blackwood, Woodbury, N. J., 12th mo., ' 838. Jacob Dutton, Chichester, Pa., llth mo., " ' 839. Samuel Bassett, Salem, N. J., 10th mo., " 843. William W. Burr, Mt. Holly, N. J., 1813. 844. Elisha Nicholson, tt 845. Ben. H. Lippincott, Mt. Holly, N. J., llth mo., " 846. Reynell Coates, Philadelphia, Pa., 10th mo., " 847. James Gillingham, Frankford, Pa., it a 848. S. H. Gillingham, Philadelphia, Pa., " " 850. Hughes Bell, Plymouth, Pa., llth mo., " 851. Thomas M. Lewis, Willistown, Pa., 12th mo., " 852. Joseph Davis, (C 853. William Sinclair, Baltimore, Md., 4th mo., 1814. 854. John Powell, 12th mo., 1813. 855. Benjamin Powell, It It 856. Wm. Penn Thomas, Radnor, Pa., 4th mo., 1814. 857. Andrew Griscom, Salem, N. J., tt it 858. Isaac Meredith, Kennet Square, Pa., 11 tl 859. Abraham Bell, W. Nottingham, Md., 5th mo., " 860. Abraham Resin, Camden, Del., 6th mo., " 861. Elisha Townsend, Philadelphia, Pa., 12th ino., 1813. 862. James G. MeCurach,*Salem, N. J., llth mo., " 863. John Carter, Philadelphia, Pa., 12th mo., " 864. Henry Carter, " 865. Charles Randolph, 5th mo., 1814, 866. George A. Downing, Downingtown, Pa., 1st mo., " 867. Robert Coe, Philadelphia, Pa., it n 868. Isaac P. Morris, " 3d mo., 869. Samuel S. Grubb, Wilmington, Del., 5th mo., " 870. Edward Grubb, tt it 871. Harman Husband, Deer Creek, Md., it it 872. George Bullock, Springfield, N. J., llth mo., " 873. Ezekiel Jenkins, Camden, Del., 6th mo., " 874. Benjamin Taylor, Kennet, Pa., 10th mo., " 875. David Fell, Makefield, Pa., llth ino., " 876. Isaac Massey, Deer Creek, Md., 10th mo., " * Deceased at the school, 4th of Second month, 1814. STUDENTS. 123 FIRST THOUSAND. 878. William B. Price, 879. John Husband, 880. William Hazard, 881. John M. Laws, 882. Henry Abbott, 883. Ezra Evans, 884. William Wilson, 885. Howell Longstreth, 886. Samuel Rowland, 887. Mifflin Rowland, 888. Richard Thomas, 889. Charles Reynolds, 890. Thomas R. Lindley, 891. William Lindley, 892. James C. Biddle, 893. George B. Allen, 894. Evan T. Tyson, 895. Wallace Lippincott, 896. Giles Oldden, 897. William G. Chandler, 898. William Hallowell, 899. Edward Garrett, 900. George V. Massey, 901. Samuel Reckerfuse, 902. Clayton Reeve, 903. Jacob Jackson, 904. Mordecai Lawrence, 907. Jacob Ridgway, 908. Thomas Chandler, 909. Thomas Downing, 910. Joseph Harvey, 911. Edward Hicks, 912. Robinson Stabler, 913. Joseph Dixon, 911. Nathaniel N. Stokes, 915. John S. Miller, 916. David Reed, 918. Jonathan Tyson, 919. William Tyson, 920. John Lancaster, 921. Joseph Baldwin, 922. Thomas Ballenger, 923. Samuel Hutchinsou, 9-24. Charles D. Howard, 925. James A. Hewes, 926. Wilson Balderston, 927. Isaiah Balderston, RESIDENCE. BATE OP ENIRT. Gunpowder, Md., llth mo., 1814. Deer Creek, Md., " " Bristol, Pa., 5th mo., ' Philadelphia, Pa., 3d mo., ' M 5th mo., ' Evesham, N. J., < Baltimore, Md., 4th mo., ' Philadelphia, Pa., it ( Camden, Del., 5th mo., ' u West Whiteland, Pa., < if i New Garden, Pa., 8th mo., ' a < Philadelphia, Pa., 6th mo., ' U 7th mo., ' Baltimore, Md., 9th mo. ' Haddonfield, N. J., 10th mo. ' Stonybrook, N. J., llth mo. ' Philadelphia, Pa., 9th mo. ' " 1st mo. 1815. Darby, Pa., llth mo. 1814. W. Whiteland, Pa., Frankford, Pa., 12th mo. " Evesham, N. J., 3d mo. 1816. Darby, Pa., 1st mo. 1815. 3d mo. " Springfield, Pa., 4th mo. " Philadelphia, Pa., U 11 Uwchlan, Pa., 5th mo., ' Ken net, Pa., u Goshen, Pa., < Alexandria, Va., It I Wilmington, Del., 4th mo., ' Darby, Pa., 6th mo., ' Alexandria, Va., 5th mo., ' Westtown, Pa., 7th m,o., " Baltimore, Md., < u < 1C Rancocas, N. J., 5th mo., " Downingtown, Pa., 6th mo., " Philadelphia, Pa., 5th mo., " M n fi ft 6th mo., " Va 5th mo., " Baltimore, Md., u 124 GENERAL CATALOGUE. FIRST THOUSAND. EESIDENCE. 928. Tboinas Abbott, 929. Amos Lower, 930. John H. Stewardson, 931. John E. Lamb, 932. John C. McCoy, 933. William McCoy, 934. Philip Price, 935. William Barnard, 936. Jesse Cook, 937. Andrew Ellicott, 938. Joshua Lord, 939. Thomas Squibb, 941. Robert Stackhouse, 942. Wm. VV. Wood, 945. Job Darnell, 946. Watson Newbold, 947. George R. Justice, 948. Clement H. Kay, 949. Edward R. Justice, 950. Daniel Carter, 951. William Biddle, 952. Jacob Maule, 953. Charles W. Wilson, 954. Pancoast Levis, 955. William Folger, 956. Edm'd T. Williams, 957. Esek H. Williams, 958. William W. Owen, 959. Milton Smith, 962. Mar. Balderston, 963. Eli West, 964. Nathan Haines, 965. James Paist, 966. Haines Reynolds, 967. Cheyney Jefferis, 968. Matthias Brown, 969. Pierce Hoopes, 970. George Roberts, 971. Henry D. Ellis, 972. Charles Denny, 973. John B. Ward, 974. Elisha L. Clark, 975. John Reeve, 976. Daniel Bonsall, 977. Joseph Hazard, 978. Isaac Djxon, 979. William Poits, Philadelphia, Pa., Wilmington, Del., Baltimore, Md., E. Bradford, Pa., E. Marlborough, Pa., Baltimore, Md., Ellicott's Mills, Md., Woodbury, N. J., Wilmington, Del., Philadelphia, Pa., Woodbury, N. J., Evesham, N. J., Springfield, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., Woodbury, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., Delaware Co., Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Radnor, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Springfield, Pa., Nantucket, Mass., Shrewsbury, N. J., tt Philadelphia, Pa., n Baltimore, Md., tt Nottingham, Md., Providence, Pa., Nottingham, Md., E. Bradford, Pa., , Pa., West Chester, Pa., Downingtown, Pa., Muncy, Pa., New Garden, Pa., Woodbury, N. J., Stonybrook, N. J., Woodbury, N. J., Salem, Ohio, Bristol, Pa., Wilmington, Del., Easton, Md., DATE OF ENTRY. 5th mo., 1815. 6th mo., " 8th mo., u 7th mo., 8th mo., 10th mo., u 6th mo., 7th mo., 9th mo., 8th mo., 1st mo., 9th mo., 1st mo., llth mo., 1816. 1815. 1816. 1815. 12th mo., " 2d mo., 1816. 6th mo., " u 3d mo., " it 1C 10th mo., 1815. llth mo., " 12th mo., " 1st mo., 1810 u tt ti ti 4th mo., " tt a 6th mo., " tt a 5th mo., " it n 8th mo., " 6th mo., " 7th mo., " 8th mo., " STUDENTS. 125 FIRST THOUSAND. 980. Elisha Cook, 982. Caleb Pleasants, 983. Charles Iredell, 984. Wra. A. Widdefield, 985. H. W. Ridgway, 986. Richard Wain, 987. Isaac Richards, 988. John Folwell, 989. William H. Stabler, 990. Charles Walmsley, 991. Michael Forsythe, 992. James Hulme, 993. Ambrose Webb, 994. H. Hollingshead, 995. Jonathan Byrnes, 996. Wm. Scattergood, 997. Y. Gillingham, 998. Joseph Reeves, 999. Wm. Griscom, 1000. Charles Atherton, RESIDENCE. Philadelphia, Pa., Springfield, N. J., Upper Merion, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Alexandria, Va., Byberry, Pa., Mt. Hoiiy,*N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., Wilmington, Del., Philadelphia, Pa., Schuylkill Falls, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., -w- v , a. i ., Middletown, Pa., DATE OF CXTBT. 5th mo., 1816. 4th mo., " 5th mo., " 4th mo., 6th mo., 7th mo., llth mo. 10th mo. 9th mo. u 10th mo. 9th mo. SECOND THOUSAND. 1. Eusebius Barnard, 2. Joseph Thomas, 3. Joseph Tomlinson, 7. Richard Towusend, 8. Enos Massey, 9. Jacob Richards, 10. Samuel Richards, 11. Samuel D. Howell, 12. Richard Smith, 13. William Buzby, 14. William Evans, 15. Septimus Smith, 16. Tylee W. Burr, 17. Charles W. Burr, 18. James Bolton, 19. Joseph Tatum, 20. James Remington, 21. Henry Smith, 22. Win. Satterthwaite, 23. Edwin Hallowell, 24. Edward Townsend, 25. William Lukens, 26. Charles B. Allen, 10* RESIDENCE. E. Marlborough, Pa., ft Woodbury, N. J., Plainfield, N. J., Concord, Pa., Upper Merion, Pa., Providence, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Egg Harbor, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., Bucks Co., Pa., Mt. Holly, N. J., Salem Co., N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., STUDENTS. 129 SECOND THOUSAND. KAMI. RESIDENCE. DA TE OF ENTRY. 183. Callender Price, Philadelphia, Pa., 5th mo., 1820. 186. Edward Biddle, 187. Samuel Evaus, " 188. Edward Folwell, 8th mo., 191. Abraham Sharpless, Aston, Pa., 10th mo., " 192. Joseph G. Clark, Doe Run, Pa., 12th mo., " 193. Jacob Heald, Hockessing, Del., " 194. William B. Smith, Baltimore, Md., 6th mo., 1821. 195. Ellis Webb, Kennet, Pa., 5th mo., " 196. Charles Pearsall, , N. Y., 7th mo., " 197. Robert Pearsall, 198. John Palmer, Little Creek, Del., 199. Samuel Jacobs, E. Bradford, Pa., 9th mo., " 201. George B. Deacon, Burlington, N. J., llth mo., 1820. 202. Samuel M. Day, Haddonfield, N. J., 203. Charles Curtis, 204. Daniel Smith, Philadelphia, Pa., 205. George D. Smith, Burlington, N. J., 206. Joseph Warrington, Westfield, N. J., 12th mo., " 207. William R. Kaighn, Kaighnton, N. J., " " 208. Joshua Husband, Deer Creek, Md., 2d mo., 1821. 209. Thomas Shipley, , N. Y., ' 1st mo., " 210. Rowen Smith, Philadelphia, Pa., 12th mo., 1820. 211. Samuel Rhoads, Upper Darby, Pa., 1st mo., 1821. 212. Joshua Rhoads, Philadelphia, Pa., " " 213. Mickle Clement, Haddonfield, N. J., 214. Charles B. Evans, 4th mo., 215. Richard Humphreys, Philadelphia, Pa., 5th mo., " 216. Daniel S. Earl, New Mills, N. J., 217. Stanton Dorsey, Philadelphia, Pa., 218. William Dorsey, 219. Clayton Richardson, Middletown, Pa., 220. Caspar Morris, Lower Merion, Pa., 221. Thomas Evans, Evesham, N. J., 222. James H. West, Trenton, N. J., 6th mo., " 223. William Evans, Evesham, N. J., 5th mo., " 224. Joseph W. Stokes, 225. Alexander Cooper, Camden, N. J., 227. Samuel Johnson, Philadelphia, Pa., 6th mo., " 228. Wm. W. Clement, Haddonfield, N. J., 7th mo., " 229. Daniel White, Philadelphia, Pa., 6th mo., " 230. Morris L. Hallowell, 7th mo., " 231. Caleb Hallowell, 232. Israel Morris, Lower Merion, Pa., 233. James S. Crim, Burlington, N. J., 8th mo., " 234. William Pitfield, Philadelphia, Pa., 10th mo., " 235. John F. Laing, Plainfield, N. J., " " 130 GENERAL CATALOGUE. SECOND THOUSAND. NAME. RESIDENCE. . 236. Samuel C< Taylor, Philadelphia, Pa., 237. Charles T. Deacon, Burlington, N. J., 238. Ellis Middleton, Philadelphia, Pa., 239. Robert Thomas, Germantown, Pa., 240. Sam'l F. Balderstou, Baltimore, Md., 241. George Thomas, W. Whiteland, Pa., 242. Joseph Jobson, Middletown, Pa., 243. Jacob Smedley, 244. Isaac Eldridge, Charlestown, Pa., 245. William Bassett, Salem, N. J., 246. William W. Palmer, Concord, Pa., 247. Rossiter Scott, Baltimore, Md., 248. Aquila B. Massey, Deer Creek, Md., 249. Thomas B. Hartley, Haddonfield, N. J., 250. Ezra Price, Gunpowder, Md., 251. Asa Lippincott, Westfield, N. J., 253. Isaac J. Smith, Philadelphia, Pa., 254. James W. Smith, 9*>fi RirViarH R Bnwnp -NY BATE OF ENTKT. 12th mo., 1821. llth mo., " it tl 1C 10th mo., " it llth mo., " 10th mo., " llth mo., " a 12th mo., " 1st mo., 1822. 12th mo., 1821. 2d mo., 1822. 1st mo., " 12th mo., 1821. ti it ti it 4th mo., 1822. 1st mo., " 4th mo., " 2d mo., " 4th mo., " 2d mo., " 4th mo., " tt it 5th mo., ' a i 6th mo., ' it i 7th mo., ' n t 8th mo., 1824. 4th mo., 1822. tt it 3d mo., " 6th mo., " 4th mo., " 6th mo., " 3d mo., 1825. 5th mo., 1822. it a tl 1C 6th mo., " it it it ti u u 257. Richard M. Acton, Salem, N. J., 258 Genro-p W Cnrlip< -NY AtJ. John Hallowell, 326. Samuel Trotter, 328. Edward Remington, 329. William Remington, 331. Samuel Middleton, 332. Samuel Vail, 333. Richard Lloyd, 334. Watson J. Welding, 335. Edmund Lippincott, 336. Benjamin Bonner, 337. Thomas Comfort, 338. Jonathan C. Jones, 339. Hugh O. Smith, 9* Valley Forge, Pa., W. Whiteland, Pa., Abington, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Duck Creek, Del, Abington, Pa., W. Nottingham, Md., West Chester, Pa., E. Bradford, Pa., Pipe Creek, Md., Londonderry, Pa,, E. Bradford^ Pa., Philadelphia, Pa,, Bristol, Pa., Springfield, N. J., Wilmington, Del., Springfield, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Germantown, Pa,, W. Cain, Pa., Springfield, Pa,, Baltimore, Md., Easton, Md., Smyrna, Del., Trenton, N. J., Wilmington, Del., E. Bradford, Pa., Wilmington, Del., Philadelphia, Pa., Moorestown, N. J., Pennsbury, Pa., Wilmington, Del., Abington, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa,, Mt Holly, N. J., Plainfield, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., Frank ford, Pa., Shrewsbury, X. J., By berry, Pa., G*rinantown, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., DATE Or EXTET. 1st mo., 1823. llth mo., 1822. 9th mo., " 10th mo., " 7th mo., " llth mo., " 9th mo., 10th mo., " 12th mo., " 1st mo., 1823. 10th mo., 1822. 12th mo., " llth mo., " u 1st mo., 1823. 3d mo., " 4th mo., " 2d mo., " 5th mo., " 4th mo., a it 5th mo., 6th mo., 8th mo., 10th mo., 4th mo., 6th mo., 5th mo., 6th mo. 8th mo. 9th mo. llth mo. 12th mo. llth mo. 132 GENERAL CATALOGUE. SECOND THOUSAND. RESIDENCE. 340. 341. 342. 343. 344. 345. 346. 347. 348. 349. 350. 351. 352. 353. 354. 355. 356. 357. 358. 359. 360. 361. 362. 364. 365. 366. 367. 368. 369. 370. 371. 372. 373. 374. 375. 376. 377. 378. 379. 380. 381. 382. 383. 384. 385. 386. 387. Josiah Phillips, Jasper Cope, James Oldden, John Mechem, Jesse Jones, Samuel Dixon, William Garrett, Richard Jacobs, David Trimble, Joseph Trimble, Robert R. Moore, Samuel Bell, John Jackson, Peter Thomas, John Wilson, Edward L. Wood, Matthew Roberts, Thomas Blakey, Hewlings Bryant, Isaac R. Davis, James C. Hallock, Edward Roberts, William Page, Thomas Shreeve, John T. Child, John W. Oldden, Edward H. Trotter, John Lippincott, Wm. Warrington, John G. Hewes, Richard B. Bailey, Lloyd Oakford, George Sharpless, Joseph Grubb, Lewis Evans, Brinton Dilworth, Kennet Square, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Stony Brook, N. J., E. Bradford, Pa., Tredyffrin, Pa., Wilmington, Del., Upper Darby, Pa., E. Bradford, Pa., Baltimore, Md., M Easton, Md., Plymouth, Pa., Darby, Pa., Abington, Pa., Camden, Del., Woodbury, N. J., Lower Merion, Pa., Middletowii, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Egg Harbor, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., u Trenton, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., Stony Brook, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., Mauch Chunk, Pa., Westfield, N. J., Concord, Pa., W. Bradford, Pa., Darby, Pa., E. Bradford, Pa., Wilmington, Del., Lampeter, Pa., E. Whiteland, Pa., William A. Gibbons, E. Bradford, Pa., Edward Hibberd, Joseph Bartlett, Abner G. Kirk, J. H. Mcllvain, Edmund Deacon, Joseph M. Shipley, John H. Mcllvain, Franklin Miller, Clarkson Sheppard, BATE OF ENTRY. 10th mo., 1823. 8th mo., 1824. 12th mo., 1823. tt (i 3d mo., 1824. 7th mo., " 5th mo., " 12th mo., " 4th mo., " 6th mo., " llth mo., 12th mo., E. Whitelaud, Pa., Brownsville, Pa., Lampeter, Pa., W. Philadelphia, Pa. Burlington, N. J., N.Y., 1823. 1st mo., 12th mo., 1824. 1823. W. Philadelphia, Pa. Salem, N. J., Greenwich, N. J., Samuel Scattergood, Philadelphia, Pa., 2d mo., 4th mo., 5th mo., it 4th mo., 5th mo., 7th mo., 8th mo., 9th mo., 10th mo., 9th mo., 10th mo., llth mo., 12th mo. llth mo. it 9th mo. llth mo. 10th mo. llth mo. 1824 STUDENTS. 133 SECOND THOUSAND. RESIDENCE. 388. Stacy B. Shreeve, 389. William L. Oakford, 390. Chas. D. Stackhouse, 391. Benjamin Acton, 392. George Waters, 394. James Bell, :'.'.'">. Abraham'Shotwell, 396. Nathaniel Cowgill, 397 Joshua Stokes, 398. David Evans, 399. Josiah B. Evans, 400. Bich'd Satterthwaite, 401. Benjamin Hunt, 402. Thomas Conard, 403. John M. Sharpless, 404. Andrew Harman, 405. John A. Harman, 406. Thomas S. Parker, 407. Charles Parker, 408. Joseph Parker, 409. Joseph C. Burdsall, 410. Harvey Phillips, 411. Nath. Hendrickson, 412. Alfred Smith, 413. Seneca Ely, 414. Isaac Parry, 415. Jacob Stratton, 416. David Webster, 417. Allen Hallock, 418. John Kirkwood, 419. John Kester, 420. Edward Richie, 421. Samuel Richie, 422. John L. Passmore, 423. Marshall J. Hunt, 424. Nathan Jones, 425. Thos. S. Dawson, 420. Charles Comlv, 427. Thomas D. Lmdley, 428. Samuel N. Pusey, 429. Ezekiel Palen, 430. Arthur Palen, 431. Elihu Roberts, 432. George Lippincott, 433. Charles Shoemaker, 434. Israel Knight, 435. Henry Ely, 11 Mt. Holly, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., Salem, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., Plymouth, Pa., Plainneld, N. J., Chester, Pa., Evesham, N. J., Haddonfield, N. J., Crosswicks, N. J., Darby, Pa., New London, Pa., Chester, Pa., Middletown, Pa., u Philadelphia, Pa., Trenton, N. J., Hockessing, Del., Crosswicks, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., Buckingham, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Plainneld, N. J., Egg Harbor, N. J., Columbia, Pa., Frankford, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Darby, Pa., E. Bradford, Pa., Easton, Md., Byberry, Pa., New Garden, Pa., Hockessing, Del., Cairo, N. Y., Philadelphia, Pa., Westfield, N. J., Abington, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Buckingham, Pa., DATE Of BXTRT. llth mo., 1824. 10th mo., " 12th mo., llth mo., 12th mo., 5th mo., 1825. 10th mo., 5th mo., 1826. 1825. 1827. 1825. 7th mo., u 4th mo., 9th mo., 6th mo., 4th mo., 5th mo., u 6th mo., 1st mo., 5th mo., 6th mo., 5th mo., 10th mo., 9th mo. llth mo., 10th mo., 12th mo., 4th mo., 1826. 7th mo., 1825. 9th mo., " 7th mo., " 8th mo., " 9th mo., " 134 GENERAL CATALOGUE. SECOND THOUSAND. RESIDENCE. i36. Wm. T. McCollin, 437. Joseph Canby, 438. Jacob Carter, 439. Joshua M. Allen, 410. Benj. W. Paxson, 441. Eden Shotwell, 442. Joseph Jobson, 443. Edward B. Mears, 444. George Maulsby, 445. John Dixon, 446. James Rhoads, 447. Benjamin Stratton, 448. Stephen Proctor, 449. Isaac Martin, 450. Philip Sharpless, 451. Einmor Reeve, 452. Samuel L. Steer, 453. Lea Gause, 454. Samuel Coale, 455. Samuel Painter, 456. Robert Register, 457. Edward Painter, 458. Joseph Clement, 459. Garrett T4iatcher, 460. Stephen Trimble, 461. Edward Johnson, 462. Reuben Williams, 463. Joseph Middleton, 464. John Middleton, 465. Josiah Bacon, 466. Isaac J. Cox, 467. Samuel Oldden, 468. Jonathan Leedom, 469. James Vail, 470. Sandwith Drinker, 471. John Lamborn, 472. Samuel Denny, 473. Daniel C. Denny, 474. Thomas Russell, 475. Jacob V. Shotwell, 476. William Hampton, 477. John W. Haines, 478. John Longstreth, 479. Jacob R. Shotwell, 480. Day Wood, 481. Levi Tyson, 482. Ed. R. Simmons, Philadelphia, Pa., Hulmeville, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Trenton, N. J., Rahway, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., Mauch Chunk, Pa., Plymouth, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Blockley, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Baltimore, Md., Philadelphia, Pa., West Chester, Pa., Evesham, N. J., Waterford, Va., E. Bradford, Pa., W. Nottingham, Md., Concord, Pa., Smyrna, Del., Concord, Pa., Woodbury, N. J., Concord, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Abington, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Greenwich, N. J., Easton, Md., Stony Brook, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., Plainfield, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., New Garden, Pa., Smyrna, Del., New Market, N. J., Rahway, N. J., Westfield, N. J., Westtown, Pa., Rahway, N. J., Little Britain, Pa., Abington, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., BATE OF ENIRf. 9th mo., 1825. llth mo., " 10th mo., llth mo., 1st mo 12th mo. , 1826. , 1825. , 1826. , 1825. u \ 1826. , 1825. u , 1826. 10th mo. 12th mo. llth mo. 1st mo. 12th mo. llth mo. 7th mo. llth mo. M 12th mo. < 3d mo. 4th mo. 3d mo., 1827. 4th mo., 1826. 5th mo., llth mo., 8th mo., u 10th mo., llth mo., 10th mo., llth mo., 12th mo., 5th mo., 6th mo., STUDENTS. 135 SECOND THOUSAND. RESIDF.XCE. 483. Charles Corlies, 484. M. S. Kirkbride, 485. Joseph AV. Pharo, 486. Archelaus R. Pharo, 487. Edward Remington, 488. AVilliam Remington, 489. Edward M. Davis, 490. Aaron Cox, 492. John R. Barker, 493. Charles AV. Bacon, 494. Edward AVoodnutt, 495. Lewis P. Lee, 496. Duncan S. Oliphant, 497. Edwin A. AVeaver, 498. Robert Pharo, 499. John L. Smith, 500. Richard Price, 501. AVashington Irish, 5'2. Franklin Irish, 503. Samuel Mickle, 504. Thomas Dent, 505. Joseph Snowden, 506. Jesse Parker, 507. William Sheward, 508. J. H. Mendenhall, 509. Josiah Haines, 510. Edward Sharpless, 511. AVilliam Forsythe, 512. Humphrey Yearsley, 513. James C. Comfort, 514. Eli Y. Reece, 51o. Nathan Haines, 516. John P. Jones, 517. John Haines, 518. Henry P. Sharpless, 519. Joel Cook, 520. Nathan Cook, 521. Charles Seal, 522. Josiah Evans, 523. Isaac G. Sheward, 524. Milton Painter, 52-3. Benj. D. Garrigues, 526. James Phillips, '>'27. Xathan Conard, 528. John R. Corse, 529. Thomas Knight, 530. Caleb W. Pusey, Shrewsbury, N. J. Fallsington, Pa., Tuckerton, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., DATE OP EXTRT. 9th mo., 1826. llth mo., " 10th mo., " Germantown, Pa,, t Philadelphia, Pa,, < H Bristol, Pa., 2d mo., 1827. Philadelphia, Pa., Salem, N. J., 4th mo., " 9th mo., " Valley Forge, Pa., 5th mo., " Tuckerton, N. J., 8th mo., " Philadelphia, Pa., 10th mo., " Barnegat, N. J., 9th mo., " Philadelphia, Pa., llth mo., " Gunpowder, Md., 4th mo., '' Brownsville, Pa,, " " Sadsbury, Pa,, 5th mo., " AVesttown, Pa., 10th mo., 1828. Indian Spring, Va., 4th mo., 1827. Rahwav, N. J., 6th mo., " AV. Marlborough, Pa., 4th mo., " Chichester, Pa., 6th mo., " Pipe Creek, Md., llth mo., " E. Bradford, Pa., 10th mo., " it Concord, Pa., " " Byberry, Pa,, llth mo., ' Providence, Pa., < t Pipe Creek, Md., it t Pennsbury, Pa., 12th mo., ' Pipe Creek, Md., llth mo., ' AVest Chester, Pa,, " ' Deer Creek, Md., " * E. Marlborough, Pa., 12th mo., Willistown, Pa., AV. Marlborough, Pa., " Concord, Pa., 1st mo. 1828. Philadelphia, Pa., 3d mo. Hockessing, Del., 1st mo. " Egg Harbor, N. J., 2d mo. " Wilmington, Del., 3d mo. " Frankford, Pa., 5th mo. " E. Marlborough, Pa., 136 GENERAL CATALOGUE. SECOND THOUSAND. 531. Thos. J. Husband, 532. George W. Taylor, 533. Charles W. Taylor, 534. Charles Janney, 535. Hugh H. Bowne, 536. William Bowne, 537. Charles Walton, 538. Abel North, 539. James Coleman, 540. George Wilson, 541. Eobert Garrett, 542. John Forsythe, 543. Davis Garrett, 544. Hugh M. Lownes, 545. George R. Baker, 546. Francis W. Evans, 547. Edwin James, 548. Howard Yarnall, 549. Moses Palmer, 550. William Davidson, 551. George Kinsey, 552. Morgan Hinchman, 553. Barclay Hinchinan, 554. Samuel Stokes, 555. John Hicks, 556. William Bancroft, 557. Harvey Bancroft, 558. Lee W. Buffington, 559. Lewis G. Mason, 560. Caleb S. Cope, 561. Isaac R. Walker, 562. Pearson Kinsey, 563. John Mendenhall, 564. Daniel O. Tatum, 565. Joseph Jones, 566. Arthur Howell, 567. Charles L. Willits, 568. William W. Corlies, 569. Benjamin Allen, 570. Joseph Corlies, 571. Jabez Jenkins, 572. Charles Painter, 573. John Thomas, 574. William Wetherill, 575. Charles Smith, 576. Amos Darlington, 577. John Tudor, RESIDENCE. DATE OF ENTRT. Deer Creek, Md., 12th mo., 1827. Philadelphia, Pa., it K (( If M 10th mo. 1830. Rahway, N. J., 1st mo. 1828. u Philadelphia, Pa., 4th mo. " 3d mo. " Trenton, N. J., 5th mo. " CantwelPs Bridge, Del , 7th mo. " Willistown, Pa., 9th mo. " E. Bradford, Pa., 10th mo. " Upper Darby, Pa., u Springfield, Pa., ii W. Bradford, Pa., Hamilton, Pa., i E. Bradford, Pa., ( Edgmont, Pa., llth mo., ' Concord, Pa., U ( Frankford, Pa., 5th mo., ' M < Philadelphia, Pa., 9th mo., ' u < Evesham, N. J., a i E. Goshen, Pa., llth mo. ' Providence, Pa., 12th mo. < it llth mo. < Middletown, Pa., 12th mo. t Wilmington, Del., 1st mo. 1829. E. Bradford, Pa., 4th mo. Tredyffrin, Pa., 5th mo. u Hockessing, Del., 6th mo. It Marcus Hook, Pa., 9th mo. 1C Woodbury, N. J., 10th mo. " Camden, N. J., M 1828. Middletown, Pa., 12th mo. a Haddonfield, N. J., 3d mo. 1829. Shrewsbury, N. J., u u 4th mo. H Philadelphia, Pa., 3d mo. 11 Westfield, N. J., 5th mo. U Concord, Pa., 9th mo. U Goshen, Pa., 10th mo. Springfield, Pa., 9th mo. H Sadsbury, Pa., 12th mo. H E. Bradford, Pa., 10th mo. (I Adams Co., Pa.. llth mo. STUDENTS. 137 SECOND THOUSAND. RESIDENCE. 578 579 580. 581. 582. 583. 584. 585. 586. 587. 588. 589. 590. !91. 592. 593. 594. 595. 596. 597. 598. 599. 600. 601. 602. 603. 604. 605. 606. 607. 608. 609. 610. 611. 612. 613. 614. 615. 616. 617. 618. 619. 620. 621. ti-2-2. 623. 624. Da\ id G. Pratt, William Kemp, Abram Brown, Walter Knight, Joseph Cox, James M. Thomas, William B. Cooper, William P. Newlin, Edward E. Palmer, David Welding, Dillwyn Smith, ,,i,, ,,,,ui... *>.,., Joseph K. Williams, Philadelphia, Pa., James Wilson, Salem, N. J., Joseph Lea, Philadelphia, Pa., B. Wyatt Wistar, Frankford, Pa., Evesham, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., Middletown, Pa., Springfield, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., Newtown, Pa., King's Creek, Md., Middletown, Pa., Frankford, Pa., Baltimore, Md., Philadelphia, Pa., Pleasant View, N. J., Darby, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Stroudsburg, Pa., Burlington, N.,J., Charles Welding, Lindley Haines, Richard W. Davis, Mahlon Moon, Wm. A. Pancoast, Edward Snowdon, Ambrose Smith, John Cassin, John Wistar, Providence, Pa., Salem, N. J., Win.W. Humphreys, Philadelphia, Pa., James Saunders, Woodbury, N. J., Wm. Morris Davis, Upper Merion, Pa., Charles M. Cooper, Cainden, N. J., Francis L. Altemus, Philadelphia, Pa., Jonathan Richards, Darby, Pa., Henry W. Lippiucott,Shrewsbury, N. J., Joseph Walton, Milton Conard, Clarkson West, Mahlon Vail, John W. Vail, Albert L. Vail, William Thorn, Joseph Pennock, Jasper Hoopes, James C. Jackson, John H. Marsh, Jacob Painter, George Ashbridge, Ellwood Welding, Israel Maule, William Parker, 11* Philadelphia, Pa., New London, Pa., Little Falls, Md., Plainfield, N. J., Rahway, N. J., W. Marlborough, Pa., West Chester, Pa., Hockessing, Del., Concord, Pa., Middletown, Pa., Downingtown, Pa., Frankford, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., DATB OF ENTRY. 1st mo., 1830. 4th mo., " 6th mo., 1829. 6th mo., 5th mo., 6th mo., 10th mo., 9th mo., 10th mo., 9th mo., 10th mo., a llth mo., 10th mo., llth mo., 12th mo., u 4th mo., 1830. 3d mo., 8th mo., llth mo., 8th mo., 7th mo., llth mo., 8th mo., 10th mo., llth mo., 9th mo., 5th mo., 138 GENERAL CATALOGUE. SECOND THOUSAND. NAME. RESIDENCE. DATE OP ENTRY. 625. Elias Parker, Philadelphia, Pa., 5th mo., 1830. 626. Wm. L. Humphreys, " " 627. Chalkley N. Thorn, " " 628. Joshua P. Wilkins, Evesham, N. J., 629. Charles L. Sharpless, Philadelphia, Pa., 630. Nathan Hilles, Frankford, Pa., ' " 631. Joseph E. Maule, Philadelphia, Pa., " 632. Elisha P. Maule, 633. David S. Burson, Kichland, Pa., 7th mo., 634. William W. Parker, Philadelphia, PL, 6th mo., 635. Edward A. Parker, 636. Evan Thomas, " 5th mo., 637. Nixon White, Perquimons Co., N.C., 638. John B. Cresson, Philadelphia, Pa., " 639. Joseph L. Maule, 6th mo., 640. Thomas Corlies, 5th mo., 641. Edward Middleton, 7th mo., 642. Nathan Middleton, " " 643. Samuel L. Garrett, Darby, Pa., 10th mo., 1832. 644. Samuel B.Woolman, Burlington, N. J., 6th mo., 1830. 645. Charles Greaves, , Pa., 7th mo., 646. Thomas Kite, Philadelphia, Pa., 647. Joseph Carter, Darby, Pa., 648. Samuel Bunting, Crosswicks, N. J., 9th mo.,' 649. Clayton Stratton, Philadelphia, Pa., 7th mo., 050. Samuel Haines, 9th mo., 651. Joseph H. Atkinson, Crosswicks, N. J., 652. Charles Jones, Cheltenham, Pa., 10th mo., 653. Isaac B. Brown, Fallsington, Pa., 9th mo., 654. Isaac C. Price, Philadelphia, Pa. 8th mo., 655. Jeremiah Comfort, Plymouth, Pa., 10th mo., 656. Samuel N. Smith, Chester, Pa., " 657. Nathaniel Randolph, Philadelphia, Pa., 658. Wm. H. Balderston, Baltimore, Md., 659. Jonathan Fell, Philadelphia, Pa., 660. Biddle Reeves, Crosswicks, N. J., 8th mo., 661. William B. Smith, Sadsbury, Pa., 662. John Lightfoot, Uwchlan, Pa., 9th mo. 6(33. John M. Maris, Chester, Pa., 10th mo. 664. William Sharpless, 665. Samuel Dutton, Aston, Pa., 9th mo. 666. William Lownes, Springfield, Pa., 10th mo. 667. Jesse Evans, Lampeter, Pa., llth mo. 668. Abner G. Hawley, Concord, Pa., 10th mo. 669. Abraham P. Morgan, Chichester, Pa., 9th mo. 670. Robert Wetherill, Springfield, Pa., 6th mo. 671. Spencer Bonsall, Germantown, Pa., 10th mo. 1831. 1830. STUDENTS. 139 SECOND THOUSAND. RESIDEXCE. 672. 673. 674. 675. 676. 677. 678. 679. 680. 681. 682. 683. 684. 685. 686. 687. 688. 689. 690. 691. 692. 693. 694. 695. 696. 697. 698. 699. 700. 701. 702. 703. 704. 705. 706. 707. 708. 709. 710. 711. 71 713. 714. 715. 716. 717. 718. William Whitall, Louis Paxson, Rowland Johnson, James V. Emlen, Yardley Warner, Uomfort, Joseph Gardiner, Stephen Coffin, Joseph Pennell, William Pennell, John D. Pierce, Thtfinas Pratt, Owen Rhoads, Benjamin Lord, Robert G. Hopkins, Isaac Craft, Joseph May, Willis W Wright, William E. Haines, Charles Foulke, Jehu L. Kite, Thos. H. Newbold, Joseph H. Deacon, Woodbury, N. J., Frankford, Pa., Germantown, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Fallsington, Pa., Middletown, Pa., Eveaham, N. J., Guilford Co., N. C., Concord, Pa., Concord, Pa., Providence, Pa., Middletown, Pa., Springfield, Pa., Woodbury, N. J., Spring Mills, Md., Crosswicks, N. J., W. Marlborough, Pa., Spring Mills, Md., Muncy, Pa., Gwynedd, Pa., Susquehanua Co., Pa., Frankford, Pa., Mt. Holly, X. J., DATE OF KXTRT. 10th mo., 1830. llth mo., " 10th mo., " . Enoch Lewis, 771. Benj. S. Bellangee, 772. Samuel Schooley, 77-';. .Michael Trump, 774. Robert K. Wright, 775. James M. Hall, 776. Samuel Comfort, 777. Benj. Atkinson, 778. J. Satterthwaite, 779. Joseph Merrefield, 780. George Martin, 781. Henry Martin, 782. Levi "P. Rhoads, 783. Samuel J. Levick, 784. Isaac Morgan, 785. James S. Lippincott, 786. Samuel W. Bacon, 787. Stacy Cook, 788. Edmund H. Bonsall, 789. Richard Randolph, 790. John W. Chambers, 791. Charles L. Baily, 7 :_'. -Fames Forsythe, 793. Edward Hoopes, 7'.4. Amos H. Yarnall, 795. Wm. P. Thatcher, 796. Elisha Roberts, 797. John G. Jackson, 798. Cyrus G. Kinsey, 799. Thomas Trimble, 800. William Ogden, 801. Caleb Jones, 802. Joseph Thompson, 803. Daniel R. Harper, 804. Joseph Townsend, 805. William Kinsey, 8'.6. Oliver A. Taylor, 807. H. Satterthwaite, 808. Samuel L. Baily, 809. Richard S. Folwell, 810. Joseph E. Dixon, 811. Richard Thatcher, 812. Edward Hell, RESIDENCE. Abington, Pa., New Garden, Pa., Evesham, N. J., Springfield, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., u Trenton, N. J., Newport, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Salem, N. J., Middletown, Pa., Mansfield, N. J., Fallsington, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Pottsville, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Frankford, Pa., Germantown, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., New Garden, Pa., Westtown, Pa., West Goshen, Pa., Edgmont, Pa., Concord, Pa., Moorestown, N. J., Hockessing, Del., Wilmington, Del., W. Whiteland, Pa., Springfield, Pa., Valley Forge, Pa., Salem, N. J., Bristol, Pa., Baltimore, Md., Frankford, Pa., Taylorsville, Pa., Cross wicks, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., Kennet Square, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., I DATE OF BSTRT. 6th mo., 1832. 10th mo., " 5th mo., 6th mo., 5th mo., 9th mo., 4th mo., 1833. 10th mo., " 5th mo., 1832. 4th mo., 5th mo., 9th mo., 5th mo., " 10th mo., llth mo., 7th mo., llth mo., 9th mo., llth mo., 10th mo., llth mo., 5th mo., 9th mo., 183';. 2d mo., " 9th mo., 1&',2 10th mo., ' 9th mo., '" 4th mo:, 1 m. llth mo., 1832. 10th mo., " llth mo., " 6th mo., 1833. 10th mo.. 1832. 4th me., 1833. 142 GENERAL CATALOGUE. SECOND THOUSAND. 813. Samuel C. Willits, 814. John Bishop, 815. Thomas Edge, 816. Joel Willis, 817. David Paxson, 818. Joseph S. Cohn, 819. Isaac Scull, 820. Joshua Hunt, 821. Hugh D. Vail, 822. Phineas Lownes, 823. William Webster, 824. John L. Pennell, 825. S. S. 'G. Eachus, 826. Samuel Register, 827. Joseph W. Thorn, 828. Osborn Hamilton, 829. Joseph Wetherill, 830. Vincent Mason, 831. Charles E. Smith, 832. Alexander Shaw, 833. Thomas N. Black, 834. Nath. B. Hillman, 835. Oborn Levis, 836. William Levis, 837. Joseph A. Miller, 838. George K. Johnson, 839. Chalkley Bell, 840. Benjamin Davidson, 841. John Burson, 842. Thomas Wilson, 843. Lea Pusey, 844. Henry Walter, 845. Samuel Ogden, 846. Isaac D. Phillips, 847. Stephen A. Webb, 848. William Marsh, 849. John Painter, 850. Henry C. Townsend, 851. Edward Matile, 852. George C. Townsend, 853. Jacob V. Thomas, 854. Josiah T. Cook, 855. Jacob D. Valentine, 856. Allen Hinchman, 857. Joseph S. Redman, 858. Oliver Paxson, 859. Jonathan E. Parke, RESIDENCE. Philadelphia, Pa., Mansfield, N. J., Downingtown, Pa., Mount Pleasant, Ohio, Horsham, Pa., Bordentown, N. J., Woodstown, N. J., Downingtown, Pa., Plainfield, N. J., Springfield, Pa., Rahway, N. J., Concord, Pa., Edgmont, Pa., Smyrna, Del., West Fallowfield, Pa., Oxford, Pa., Springfield, N. J., Newlin, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Bordentown, N. J., Haddonfield, N. J., Upper Darby, Pa., Greenwich, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., White Marsh, Pa., Frankford, Pa., Stroudsburg, Pa., Little Creek, Del., Sadsbury, Pa., Hockessing, Del., Springfield, Pa., Hockessing, Del., Pennsbury, Pa., Concord, Pa., Birmingham, Pa., West Chester, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Bellefonte, Pa., Isle of Wight Co., Va. Bellefonte, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Haddonfield, N. J., Solebury, Pa., Dowuingtown, Pa., DAIB OF ENTRT. 3d mo., 1833. llth mo., 1832. 9th mo., " 3d mo., 1835. 1833. 10th mo., " 4th mo., " 3d mo., " 5th mo., " llth mo., 1832. 5th mo., " 2d mo., 1833. 3d mo., " 5th mo., " 10th mo., " 9th mo., " llth mo., " 5th mo., " 3d mo., " 4th mo., " 5th mo., " 4th mo., " 3d mo., " 4th mo., 5th mo., 10th mo., llth mo., 4th mo., u 3d mo., 3d mo., 4th mo., 5th mo., 3d mo., 4th mo., 4th mo., 5th mo., 4th mo., 5th mo., 10th mo., 5th mo., 10th mo., 6th mo., 1834. 1832. 1833. 1834. 1832. 1833. 1834. " 1833. 1835. 1833. 1834. STUDENTS. 143 SECOND THOUSAND. RESIDENCE. 860. 861. 862. 863. 864. 865. 866. 867. 8(58. 869. 870. 871. 872. 873. 874. 875. 876. 877. 878. 879. 880. 881. 882. 883. 884. 885. 886. 887. 888. 889. 890. 891. 892. 893. 894. 895. 896. 897. 898. 899. 900. 901. 902. 903. 904. 905. 906. Jesse Hewes, Upper Chichester, Pa., James Lord, Woodbury, N. J., George W. Trimble, Concord, Pa., Nathan Pennell, Samuel Marshall, Mordecai Lewis, John Ogden, Joseph Hooton, William L. Green, Amos W. House, Charles Sharpless, William Boustead, Charles Middleton, Richard Walmsley, Samuel Roberts, Abm. P. Rudolph, Henry L. Shotwell, Thomas Ballenger, Albanus Smith, William Thomas, Isaac Evans, Charles Canby, John Canby, George Pratt, Truman Forsythe, Edwin A. Tyson, Charles Moon, Levis Newlin, John Newlin, Joshua Newbold, Joshua Jefferis, Joseph O. Ely, Upper Chichester, Pa., Concord, Pa., Springfield, Pa., a Moorestown, N. J., Providence, Pa., Pennsbury, Pa., London Britain, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Byberry, Pa., Cropwell, N. J., Springfield, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Bensalem, Pa., Lam peter, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., New London, Pa., Goshen, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Fallsington, Pa., Middletown, Pa., Byberry, Pa., Birmingham, Pa., Buckingham, Pa., William II. Trotter, Philadelphia, Pa., William H. Corse, Wilmington, Del., William Canby, Wilmington, Del., William Tatnall, Philadelphia, Pa., Evesham, N. J., Plymouth, Pa., James Will its, Henry Haines, Joseph Mather, Elias A. White, Thomas W. Gardiner, Evesham, N. J., Joshua Haines, Chester, N. J., Samuel R. Williams, Philadelphia, Pa., Edward H. Taylor, Taylorsville, Pa., Henry Taylor, George White, Philadelphia, Pa., Peter S. Levick, " DAT* OP ENTBT. ,5th mo., 1833. 1st mo., " 10th mo., " 5th mo., " 9th mo., " 5th mo., " 10th mo., " 2d mo., " 6th mo., " llth mo., " 9th mo., " 5th mo., 1834. 6th mo., 1883. 4th mo., 1834. 4th mo., 1833. 3d mo., 1834. 5th mo., " 5th mo., 1833. 6th mo., 1834. 6th mo., 1833. llth mo., " 2d mo., 1834. 4th mo., 1833. 10th mo. .LULU U1U. 10th mo. 1834. 6th mo. u 3d mo. " 6th mo. 1833. M 7th mo. 4th mo. 1834. 2d mo. M 3d mo. tt 10th mo. 1833. 4th mo. 1834. 3d mo. 14 llth mo. 1833. 4th mo. 1834. llth mo. 1833. 3d mo., 1834. 144 GENERAL, CATALOGUE. SECOND THOUSAND. 907. 908. 909. 910. 911. 912. 913. 914. 915. 916. 917. 918. 919. 920. 921. 922. 923. 924. 925. 926. 927. 928. 929. 930. 931. 932. 933. 93 1. 935. 936. 937. 938. 939. 940. 941. 942. 943. 944. 945. 916. 947. 948. 949. 950. 951. 952. 953. James B. Dolby, Mahlon Kirkbride, William A. Page, William H. Miller, Chalkley Stokes, Charles Stokes, Samuel J. Wills, Chalkley Wills, Paul H. Troth, David Comfort, William Lloyd, James Ladd, Harvey Sharpless, Mahlon Chambers, Amos Evans, William Hughes, Caleb Parry, Amos Whitson, Charles Paxson, Alb't L. Letchworth, Thomas Evans, Joseph Chambers, Hibberd Pusey, Caspar W. Acton, Jonathan T. Jones, Caleb Taylor, Clement W. Smith, John Bushman, J. C. Cowperthwaite, William Whitall, Edward H. Garrig Wm. H. Garrigues, Benjamin W. Mori Thomas Lamborn, William G. Phi Dell P. Peters, Jetferis Wilson, Robert H. Thomas, John P. Lewis, Edward Tatum, Edwin Roberts, Thomas Baily, Samuel P. Baily, John Street, William C. Ivins, Caleb Emlen, RESIDENCE. DATE OP ENTRT. r, Philadelphia, Pa., 3d mo., 1834. ide, Fallsington, Pa., 10th mo., 1833. - e > Tuckerton, N. J., 7th mo., 1835. ller, Philadelphia, Pa., 5th mo., " 8, Evesham, N. J., 5th mo., 1834. a ', Rancocas, N. J., llth mo., 1833. a 1 Waterford, N. J., 10th mo., " White Marsh, Pa., 10th mo., 1834. Nri 5th mo., " . \j., Philadelphia, Pa., 5th mo., 1835. Smithfield, Ohio, 8th mo., 1833. iSS, Goshen, Pa., 9th mo., 1834. ers, New Garden, Pa., 7th mo., " Evesham, N. J., 5th mo., 1833. 33, London Grove, Pa., 3d mo., 1834. Concord, Pa., 9th mo., " Sadsbury, Pa., 10th mo., " > Philadelphia, Pa., 3d mo., 1835. vorth, K 6th mo., 1834. Evesham, N. J., 5th mo., 1833. ;rs, New Garden, Pa., 9th mo., 1835. West Fallowfield, Pa., 5th mo., 1834. an, Salem, N. J., llth mo., ' nes, Lower Merion, Pa., 3d mo., ' Philadelphia, Pa., < lith, Salem, N. J., f Fallsington, Pa., llth mo., ' ivaite, 8th mo., ' n, Woodbury, N. J., 4th mo., ' igues, Philadelphia, Pa., 3d mo., ' ues, 1C tt t Morris, Muncy, Pa., 10th mo., 1833. rn, New Garden, Pa., 5th mo., 1834. Hips, Hockessing, Del., 2d mo., " Concord, Pa., 6th mo., " Philadelphia, Pa., " " nas, Abington, Pa., 2d mo., 1835. Pottsville, Pa., 3d mo., 1836. Woodbury, N. J., 9th mo., 1834. Moorestown, N. J., llth mo., " East Bradford, Pa., 10th mo., " it it r j Salem, Ohio, 9th mo., " is, Shrewsbury, N. J., 5th mo., " Philadelphia, Pa., 3d mo., " * Deceased at the school. STUDENTS. 145 SECON'D THOUSANT). RESIDENCE. 954. Dillwyn Woodward, 955. Asa Hancock, 956. Jesse Lippincott, 957. Thomas Ball, 958. Thomas L. Baily, 959. Abm. S. Ash bridge, 960. Samuel Styer, 961. Henry Whitall. 962. Charles Bell, 963. Samuel W. Taylor, 964. Benjamin H. Pitfield, 965. ^Joseph H. Branson, 966. Henry Warrington, 968. Edgar Thorn, 969. Ridgway Moore, 970. Zebedee Nicholson, 971. James H. Ogden, 972. Stephen Atkinson, 973. Thomas F. Barnett, 974. Albin Pierce, 975. Joshua Fulton, 976. David C.Woodward, 977. Thomas Gibbons, 978. William Kinsey, 979. Samuel S. Lewis, 980. Larkin Pennell, 981. Morris R. Stroud, 982. Dell Pennell, 983. William D. Stroud, 984. Richard Wistar, 985. J. H. Satterthwaite, 986. Joseph E. Haines, 987. Mifflin Morris, 988. Wm. F. Lippincott, 989. Charles B.Williams, 990. Joseph E. Allen, 991. James B. Mode, 992. William B. Coale, 993. James Worthington, 994. William Powell, 995. Samuel Dugdale, 996. Charles H. Parker, 997. John James, 998. William Pusey, 999. Nathan S. Yarnall, 1000. Benjamin Bette, 12 Crosswicks, N. J., Burlington, N. J., Haddonfield, N. J., Richland, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Downingtown, Pa., White Plain, Pa., Woodbury, N. J., White Marsh, Pa., Camden, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., u Westfield, N. J., Rahway, N. J., Newtown, N. J., Haddonfield, N. J., Springfield, N. J., Wrightstown, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Pennsbury, Pa., Sadsbury, Pa., Marshallton, Pa., Lam peter, Pa., Wilmington, Del., Springfield, Pa., Chichester, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Darby, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Salem, N. J., Fallsington, Pa., Medford, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., Salem, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., >^ Y East Fallowfield, Pa., Deer Creek, Md., a Easton, Md., Trenton, N. J., Pennsbury, Pa., East Bradford, Pa., New Garden, Pa., Edgmont, Pa., Unionville, Pa., DATE OF EXTRT. 5th mo., 1834. 3d mo., 1835. 5th mo., 1834. 10th mo., " 6th mo., " llth mo., " 4th mo., 1835. 2d mo., " llth mo., 1834. 9th mo., " 6th mo., " llth mo., " 7th mo., " 12th mo., " 6th mo., " 2d mo., " 3d mo., 1835. 7th mo., 1834. llth mo., " 8th mo., " llth mo., " 6th mo., 1835. 5th mo., " 12th mo., 1834. 6th mo., " 1st mo., 1835. 9th mo., 1834, <. 5th mo., 1835. 2d mo., " ., 6th mo., 1834. 8th mo., " 5th mo., 1835. 9th mo., 1884. 4th mo., 1835. llth mo., 1834. 10th mo., " 5th mo., 1835, 4th mo., " GENERAL CATALOGUE. THIRD THOUSAND. 1. Nathan Garrett, 2. Samuel S. Boone, 3. Joseph B. Taylor, 4. Joseph Stapler, 5. Joshua Cresson, 6. Benjamin J. Edwards, 7. Orrin Pharo, 8. George Collins, 9. Samuel B. Walton, 10. Charles Janney, 11. Francis Janney, 12. Thomas Dilworth, 13. Abra'm G. Mcllvain, 14. Amos Taylor, 16. Jeremiah Bonsall, 17. James L. Webb, 18. Joseph Jones, 19. John Spencer, 20. Joseph A. Malin, 21. Robert P. Thomas, 22. Alfred Walton, 23. Parvin Smith, 24. Lewis Gause, 25. Samuel Kimberly, 26. Hiram Roberts, 27. John Edge, 28. John E. Klein, 29. William Burgess, 30. Joseph Rhoads, 31. Thomas B. Dallam, 32. .William Dallam, 33. Levick Palmer, 34. Daniel Palmer, 35. George Williamson, 36. James M. Price, 37. Henry Handy, 38. William Pyle, 39. Nathan J. Sharpless, 40. William W. Smedley, 41. Hugh Pound, 42. Samuel Pound, 43. William Wetherill, 44. Aaron N. Haines, 45. Isaac Pedrich, 4<). Richard VV. Tyson, 47. Joseph R. Fisher, 48. John W. Wilson, RESIDENCE. Upper Darby, Pa., Georgetown, Pa., Springfield, Pa., Newtown, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Barnegat, N. J., u Byberry, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., u Lumberville, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Recklesstown, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., Abington, Pa., Gwynedd, Pa., Whiteland, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., West Chester, Pa., Sadsbury, Pa., Concord, Pa., Salem, Ohio, Montgomery Co., Pa., Downingtown, Pa., Madison Co., Va., Fallsington, Pa., Springfield, Pa., Deer Creek, Md., Smyrna, Del., Newtown, Pa., Wilmington, Del., Baltimore, Md., Hockessing, Del., Downingtown, Pa., Middletovvn, Pa., Plainfield, N. J., Stroudsburg, Pa., Medford, N. J., Pedrictown, N. J., Baltimore, Md., Woodbury, N. J., Baltimore, Md., BATE OP ENTBT. 5th mo., 1835. 4th mo., " llth mo., " 5th mo., " 1st mo., 1836. 2d mo., 1835. 5th mo., " 4th mo., 6th mo., 12th mo., 6th mo., 12th mo., 5th mo., 12th mo., 10th mo., 5th mo., " 3d mo., " 4th mo., " 9th mo., " 3d mo., " 6th mo., " 9th mo., " 5th mo., " 4th mo., 1844. llth mo., 1835. 5th mo., 6th 7th mo., 10th mo., 5th mo., 1836. 1835. 4th mo., 1836. 7th mo., 1835. 6th mo., " 9th mo., " 6th mo.. " STUDENTS. 147 THIRD THOUSAND. nun. 49. EllwoodKay, 50. Gideon Cotant, 51. Thomas Owen, 52. Milton Smith, 53. Emmor Hickman, 54. Samuel W. Maris, 55. William Maris, 56. James Pusey, 67. James Cooper, 58. Benjamin Taylor, 59. John Deprefontaine, 60. Robert Morris, 61. ESenezer L. Bruff, 62. Joseph Elfreth, 63. Joseph P. Risley, 65. Joshua Woolston, 66. Benj. H. Woolman, 67. William Fisher, 68. Nathan Roberts, 69. Elisha Clark, 70. Win. Worthington, 71. Pennell Larkin, 72. Nathan R. Vail, 73. Richard B. McCay, 74. Samuel J. Peters, 75. James Smith, 76. Joseph Wilson, 77. Francis Lightfoot, 78. Jonas Edge, 79. Benj. Thatcher, 80. Caleb Baldwin, 81. William F. Lukens, 82. Edward Thomas, 83. Jonathan Thomas, 84. Micajah Gardiner, 85. Henry Corlies, 86. Thomas S. Pike, 87. Thomas K. Taylor, 88. George S. Elliott, 89. Jeremiah Healy, 90. Josiah Warrington, 91. Joseph J. Edwards, 92. Edward T. Parker, 93. William Thompson, 94. Samuel Woolston, 95. Edward M. Smith, 96. Charles B. Ely, RESIDENCE. DATE OP BHTRT. Swedesborough, N. J., 10th mo., 1835 Stroudsburg, Pa., 12th mo., " Woodbury, N. J., 8th mo., " Unionville, Pa., 9th mo., " Goshen, Pa., " " Chester, Pa., llth mo., " H ft tt Sadsbury, Pa., 9th mo., " u U ft West Goshen, Pa., 10th mo., " Chichester, Pa., 4th mo., " Tnrl llth mo., " , inu., Philadelphia, Pa., 6th mo., " " 10th mo., " < tt tt Fallsington, Pa., 10th mo., " Burlington, N. J., n tt Woodbury, N. J., 9th mo., " Newportville, Pa., 4th mo., 1836. Princeton, N. J., tt ft Deer Creek, Md., 12th mo., 1835. Chichester, Pa., 4th mo., 1836. Plainfield, N. J., ft tt Mrl " " , 1UU., Aston, Pa., 6th mo., " Unionville, Pa., 10th mo., *' Hockessing, Del., 4th mo., " Goshen, Pa., 10th mo., 1837. Downingtown, Pa., 5th mo., 1836. Thornbury, Pa., 4th mo., " Downingtown, Pa., 7th mo., " Plymouth, Pa., 5th mo., " T>~ 4>Vi rr>r> " Evesham, N. J., a u Shrewsbury, N. J., tt ft Burlington, N. J., ii tt Mt. Holly, N. J., 10th mo. ti Philadelphia, Pa., 3d mo. 1837. Morrisville, Pa., 5th mo. 1836. Moorestown, N. J., 9th mo. a Philadelphia, Pa., 3d mo. tt " 8th mo. tt Tullytown, Pa., 10th mo. tt Fallsington, Pa., tt " Philadelphia, Pa., 2d mo. 1837. Buckingham, Pa., 3d mo. U 148 GENEKAL CATALOGUE. THIRD THOUSAND. RESIDENCE. 97. William P. Ely, 98. Warner M. Raisin, 99. Wm. L. Mendenhall, 100. John VV. Buzby, 101. Ezra Hunt, 102. James A. Willits, 103. Charles Leeds, 104. Charles Wetherill, 105. Robert C. White, 106. William Pennell, 107. Jesse J. Baily, 108. Joshua B. Lee, 109. Emmor Haines, 110. William B. Cole, 111. M. H. Gillinghara, 112. C. W. Thompson, 113. John E. Deacon, 114. David H. Livezey, 115. Charles Potts, 116. Gideon D. Scull, 117. John Brown, 118. Joseph K. Bacon, 119. Charles S. Ogden, 120. William G. Palmer, 121. Moses G. Palmer, 122. Richard J. Hillman, 123. Barzillai Leeds, 124. Ellis Hancock, 125. Wardell Ivins, 126. David L. Vail, 127. Preston Wickersham, 128. Benjamin Hoopes, 129. Charles V. Peters, 130. William Webster, 131. George Spencer, 132. John P. Hutchinson, 133. C. C. W. Taylor, 134. John W. Taylor, 135. Henry Willits, 136. Nathan B. Willits, 137. Charles Lippincott, 138. Samuel Smith, 139. Ed. A. Crenshaw, 140. Thomas Seal, 141. Howard Pugh, 142. Josiah Hibberd, 143. John F. Brinton, Buckingham, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Muncy, Pa., Moorestown, N. J., Mt. Holly, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., Egg Harbor, N. J., Stroudsburg, Pa., Shrewsbury, N. J., Darby, Pa., Bradford, Pa., Exeter, Pa., Lockport, Pa., Sadsbury, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Salem, N. J., Mt. Holly, N. J., Medford, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., Sculltown, N. J., Fallsington, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Woodstown, N. J., Sandy Spring, Md., Haddonfield, N. J., Egg Harbor, N. J., Burlington, N. J., Plainfield, N. J., < New Garden, Pa., M Aston, Pa., Middletown, Pa., Gwynedd, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Tuckerton, N. J., Haddonfield, N. J., Mauch Chunk, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Richmond, Va., Unionville, Pa., a Whiteland, Pa., Lancaster Co., Pa., BATE OP ENTKT. 3d mo., 1837. llth mo., 1836. 4th mo., 1837. 5th mo., 1836. 3d mo., 1837. 5th mo., 1836. 4th mo., " 10th mo., " U fl 12th mo., " 8th mo., " 4th mo., 1837. 6th mo., 1836. 9th mo., " 8th mo., " 6th mo., " 7th mo., " 8th mo., " 10th mo., " 6th mo., " 8th mo., " llth mo., " llth mo., " 10th mo., " u 12th mo., " 10th mo., " 9th mo., " 10th mo., " u 1st mo., 1837. 10th mo., 1836. 4th mo. 12th mo. 5th mo. 4th mo. 10th mo. 4th mo. 5th mo. 1837. 1836. 1837. it 1836. M 1837. STUDENTS. 149 THIRD THOUSAND. 144. Thomas C. Carey, 145. Frederic Richards, 14<>. James H. Crew, 147. Thomas M. Crew, 148. Silas D. Pound, 149. John E. Baldwin, 150. Thornton Smith, 151. Joshua Howell, 152. John B. Parrott, 153. Charles Cooper, 154. Oliver Scott, 155. Tpwnsend Hoopes, 156. Henry Hoopes, 157. N. D, Comstock,* 158. Isaac T. Comstock, 159. Benjamin Warner, 160. John Ridgway, 161. Joseph S. Elkinton, 102. J. Clemson Sharpless, 163. Isaac C. Quinby, 164. Watson F. Quinby, Hi"). Spencer Middleton, 166. George F. Perry, 167. William H. Bines, 168. Samuel M. Bines, 169. William J. Canby, 170. Caleb Canby, 171. Ezra Leeds, 172. Thomas Lamborn, 173. John B.Wickersham, 174. Joseph Brown, 175. Charles Taylor, 176. Joseph Brinton, 178. Ellwood Comfort, 179. Thomas Wistar, 180. Benj. W. M. Ellis, 181. Benjamin Philips, 182. Charles J. Allen, 183. John Tatum, 184. Abraham M. Vail, 185. Ellis Srnedley, 186. Isaac Yarnal'l, 187. Nicholas Newlin, 188. Joseph Passmore, 189. William Trimble, RESIDENCE. Baltimore, Md., Wilmington, Del., Richmond, Va., tt Plainfield, N. J., Downingtown, Pa., Sadsbury, Pa., Edgmont, Pa., Still Pond, Md., Sadsbury, Pa., Montgomery Co., Md., Downingtown, Pa., u Lockport, N. Y., DATE OP ENTRT. 10th mo., 1836. u it llth mo., " 5th mo., 1837. 4th mo., " 3d mo., " 12th mo., 1843. 4th mo., 1837. 5th mo., " Muncy, Pa.. Tuckerton, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., i, Downingtown, Pa., Brandywine, Pa., Moorestown, N. J., NY 4th mo., " 6th mo., " 4th mo., 1839. 5th mo., 1844. 3d mo., 1837. U ft 4th mo., " 4th mo., 1844. 4th mo., 1837. tt it *> Gerinantown, Pa., r" Philadelphia, Pa., New Garden, Pa., , Philadelphia, Pa., Mt. Holly, N. J., Lancaster Co., Pa., Fallsington, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Muncy, Pa., Sadsbury, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Woodbury, N. J., Plainfield, N. J., Middletown, Pa., Kd^rmont, Pa., Middletown, Pa., (roshen, Pa., Whiteland, Pa., 10th mo., a 4th mo. 10th mo. 5th mo. 10th mo. 6th mo. 10th mo. 4th mo. 10th mo. 1844. 1837. 12* * Deceased at the school, Third mo. 1st, 1839. 150 GENERAL CATALOGUE. THIRD THOUSAND. NAME. RESIDENCE. BATE OP ENTRY. 190. George Spencer, Gwynedd, Pa., 10th mo., 1837. 191. James C. Valentine, Philadelphia, Pa., 5th mo., 1 192. Jacob Valentine, M 1 193. Nathaniel B. Brown, 6th mo., 1 194. John W. Parker, Long Branch, N. J., 10th mo., ' 195. Benjamin C. Parker, " 1 196. Reuben Ellis, Plymouth, Pa., tt 1 197. John J. Wilson, tt 1 198. Oliver Wilson, ti 199. Edwin Scott, Baltimore, Md., 5th mo. 1844. 200. Charles Wills, Rancocas, N. J., 10th mo. 1837. 201. Daniel B. Price, Fallsington, Pa., 10th mo. u 202. Nathaniel Lippincott,Chester, N. J., 4th mo. 1838. 203. Thomas Kimber, Philadelphia, Pa., 7th mo. 1837. 204. Samuel* R. Shipley, 4th mo. 1838. 205. Charles Mather, White Marsh, Pa., 10th mo. 1837. 206. Emmor K. Massey, Philadelphia, Pa., a " 207. John N. Reeve, " Medford, N. J., 10th mo. 1838. 208. Cyrus Linton, Newtown, Pa., 10th mo. 1844, 209. Aaron J. Michener, " tt 210. John G. Pusey, Sadsbury, Pa., 10th mo., 1837. 211. Henry Sharpless, Chester, Pa., " 1 212. David Eldridge, Goshen, Pa., ti 1 213. David B. Griscom, Nottingham, Pa., ft 1 214. Ezra Kinsey, Wilmington, Del., it 1 215. William J. Parker, Philadelphia, Pa., ti 1 216. Richard Bruff, it ' 217. Samuel Mitchell, Wilmington, Del., " 1 218. Clarkson Ogden, Buttertown, N. J., it 1 219. Benj. W. Passmore, Goshen, Pa., llth mo., ' 220. Samuel Trimble, Concord, Pa., 10th mo., ' 221. Isaac Morgan, Aston, Pa., " 222. Thomas H. Hall, Uwchlan, Pa., t': < 223. Win. S. Thompson, New Garden, Pa., It ' 224. Charles Mather, Plymouth, Pa., " C 225. J. C. Satterthwaite, Tecumseh, Mich., " 1 226. David Nields, Makefield, Pa., 4th mo., 1838. 227. Charles Lewis, New Garden, Pa., it " 228. Edmund Hunt, Moorestown, N. J., tt n 229. Henry Parker, Philadelphia, Pa., 5th mo. it 230. Isaac Pyle, Hockessing, Del., 4th mo. tt 231. James R. Squibb, Philadelphia, Pa., u " 232. 233. Benjamin Lippincott,Mauch Chunk, Pa., Charles Eldridge, Sculltown, N. J., 4th mo. 4th mo. 1839. 1838. 234. John F. Edmondson, Philadelphia, Pa., 6th mo. it 235. Joshua L. Baily, 4th mo. tt 236. Isaac M. Lowry, " " . STUDENTS. 151 THIRD THOUSAND. 237. Samuel C. Clement, 238. Henry Maule, 239. Jeremiah Willits, 240. George D. Kimber, 241. James L. Clemson, 242. Richard 11. Wilson, 2l3. Samuel Ogden, 244. Jacob Hewes, 240. Samuel Knight, 246. George Coates, 247. George Baily, 248. Levjis Forsythe, 249. Emmor Brinton, 250. George Martin, 251. Nathan S. Martin, 252. William Evans, 253. Joseph M. Kaighn, 254. Joseph Stevenson, 255. James W. Stevenson, 256. Nathan S. Brinton, 257. Parvin Masters, 258. William M. Walton, 259. Benjamin Davis, 260. James W. Kay, 261. William P. Wilson, 262. Eayre Oliphant, 263. Albert Pharo, 264. Benjamin Sleeper, 265. Mordecai L. Maule, 266. Thomas M. Yardley, 267. Thomas E. Lukens, 268. Reuben Lukens, 269. Evan Levis, 270. James J. Levick, 271. Joseph Williams, 272. David Chambers, 273. Edward Baily, 274. David Buzby, 275. Thomas M. Harvey, 276. Oliver Knight, 277. John B. Hillman, 278. Joseph Reeve, 279. Thomas J. Bell, 280. Henry Mendenhall, 281. J. P. Hutch inson, 282. J. F. Hutchinson, 283. Ellwood Johnson, RESIDENCE. Wilmington, Del., Philadelphia, Pa., New York city, N.Y., Sadsburv, Pa., Salem, N. J., Springfield, N. J., Chichester, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Coatesville, Pa., u Birmingham, Pa., Chichester, Pa., Springfield, Pa., Kaighn's Point, N. J., Plaiufield, N. J., tt Lampeter, Pa., Muncy, Pa., -*-, N. Y., Radnor, Pa., Buttertown, N. J., Plainfield, N. J., New Lisbon, N. J., Tuckerton, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., Radnor, Pa., Yardleyville, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., DAK OF BNIRT. 4th nux, 1838. 10th mo., 4th mo. 6th mo. : 4th mo.j Sadsbury, Pa., White Clay Creek, Del Coatesville, Pa., Wilmington, Del., Penn, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Haddonneld, N. J., Whitemarsh, Pa., Edgmout, Pa., , N. Y., u Germantown, Pa,, 1845 1838 10th mo., 4th mo., 5th mo., 10th mo., 4th mo., 10th mo., M 4th mo., a 10th mo., , 4th mo., 10th mo., 4th mo., 1844. 1839. 10th mo., 1838. u 4th mo., 152 GENERAL CATALOGUE. THIRD THOUSAND. 284. Charles Parry, 285. Job Haines, 286. H. D. Thompson, 287. Samuel Levis, 288. Edward Eeeve, 289. John M. Bacon, 290. George Ehoads,' 291. Job M. Lewis, 292. Francis W. Lee, 293. Samuel Walton, 294. Gilpin F. Walton, 295. Sam'l M. Sheppard, 296. James Phipps, 297. Elton B. Gifford, 298. Isaac J. Wistar, 299. Marshall Taylor, 300. Solomon Jones, 301. William H. Webb, 302. Joseph E. Marsh, 303. Jesse E. Maris, 304. Ellis Pusey, 305. John Walker, 306. James Davis, 307. Joel Thompson, 308. Jacob Howell, 309. Albert Hall, 310. George E. Hall, 311. Joseph Poole, 312. Gerard C. Kersey, 313. Pennock Pusey, 314. James Thompson, 315. Eichard Sloan, 316. Hibberd Yarnall, 317. Josiah F. Jones, 318. James S. Jones, 319. Wm. L. Marshall, 320. Samuel Stevenson, 321. Charles Coates, 322. Elisha H. Hunt, 323. Charles Cooper, 324. Edward C. Phillips, 325. Wm. P. Eldridge, 326. Jonathan Cleaver, 327. Charles P. Hewes, 328. Wm. Marshall, 329. William Ehoada, 330. Thomas Yearsley, RESIDENCE. DATE OF ZNTRT. Moorestown, N. J., 10th mo., 1838. -NT 4th mo., " , W. J., Philadelphia, Pa., " " u 10th mo., " Medford, N. J., " " Greenwich, N. J., 4th mo., 1839. Springfield, Pa., 10th mo., 1838. Philadelphia, Pa., 4th mo., 1839. Exeter, Pa., 10th mo., " Philadelphia, Pa., 5th mo., 1840. New Garden, Pa., 10th mo., 1844. Greenwich, N. J., 4th mo., 1839 Whitemarsh, Pa., 10th mo., " Tuckerton, N. J., 5th mo., 1840. Philadelphia, Pa., 4th mo., 1839. Makefield, Pa., " " Byberry, Pa., llth mo., 1838. Kennet, Pa., 10th mo., " Concord, Pa., Chester, Pa., Unionville, Pa., (i 4. Joseph S. Lewis, 435. Richard Wood, 436. William Chambers, 437. Charles Darnell, 438. Oliver Norris, 439. Albanus Styer, 440. James Yarnall, 441. William L. Baily, 442. Joseph P. Smedley, 443. Lewis Passmore, 444. Cloud Pyle, 445. Samuel Hughes, 446. Amos Forsythe, 447. William D. Griffin, 448. Jacob Griffin, 449. Lewis Palmer, 450. Charles Cotant, 451. Job Scott, 452. Thomas Middleton, 453. Henry W. Puckett, 454. Septimus Roberts, 4 ")">. David Haines, 450. George D. Leaver, 457. James Butler, 458. James H. Wilson, 459. Caleb Hewes, 460. Joel B. Pusey, 461. Wm. H. Nicholson, 4G2. Abm. L. Pennock, 463. John Humphreys, 464. John C. Snowdon, 4;~i. Benj. H. Lightfoot, 4(iij. Richard Stephens, 467. Amos Eastburn, 468. Nathan Folwell, 469. Edmund T. Wooley, 470. Wm. T. Hopkins, 471. Amos S. Collins, RESIDENCE. Philadelphia, Pa., New York, N. Y., Richmond, Va., Philadelphia, Pa., Greenwich, N. J., Fallsington, Pa., East Cain, Pa., Smyrna, Del., Philadelphia, Pa., Evesham, N. J., Franklinville, Md., White Plain, Pa., Edgmont, Pa., Coatesville, Pa., Edgmont, Pa., Strickersville, Pa., Chester Co., Pa., Chatham, Pa., Chesterfield, N. J., Poughkeepsie, N. Y., u Upper Providence,Pa. Stroudsburg, Pa., Worcester, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Newport, Ind., - , Pa., Medford, N. J., Burlington, N. J., Uwchlan, Pa., Easton, Md., Middletown, Pa., London Grove, Pa., Haddonfield, N. J., Upper Darby, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Dublin, Pa., King of Prussia, Pa., Attleboro, Pa., Springfield, N. J., Shrewsbury, N. J., Easton, Md., BATE OF tXTKY. 5th mo., 1840. 10th mo. 5th mo, M llth mo, 5th mo 10th mo, 1844. 1840. 1841. 1844. llth mo., 1841. 1840. 5th mo., llth mo., , 10th mo., llth mo., 1841. 1840. 1844. 1840. 5th mo., 1841. 4th mo. llth mo, 5th mo. llth mo 5th mo, < 10th mo, 5th mo, 1844. 1840. 1841. 1844, 1841. 156 GENERAL, CATALOGUE. THIRD THOUSAND. RESIDENCE. 472. Owen Evans, 473. Joseph G. Harlan, 474. John P. Cheyney, 475. John M. Lindley, 476. Nathan H. Johnson, 477. William Eldridge, 478. John Ballenger,. 479. George Massey, 480. Jesse Edgerton, 481. Joseph Fell, 482. Jones Yerkes, 483. Charles Wood, 484. George Wood, 485. R. H. Benington, 486. Joseph Good, 487. Isaac Y. Smedley, 488. Abram P. Smedley, 489. Ellwood Garrett, 490. John H. Stokes, 491. Jacob M. Troth, 492. Franklin Lloyd, 493. John Roberts, 494. Amos Forsythe, 495. Joseph Swayne, 496. John H. Ballenger, 497. J. T. Ballenger, 498. Ezra Magarge, 499. Thomas Woolman, 500. George D. Heston, 501. Isaac S. Cassin, 502. William B. Dixon, 503. William R. Grubb, 504. William H. Black, 505. Levi Pownall, 506. Joseph B. Cooper, 507. Richard Wetherill, 508. Charles Lee, 509. John L. Trasel, 510. Edward G. Trasel, 511. William M. Canby, 512. Ziba Ferris, 513. William Betts, 514. Nathan B. Smith, 515. John W. Hazard, 516. Francis Wistar, 517. John Q. Adams, 518. Richard Pound, Springfield Pa., W. Marlborough, Pa., Doe Run, Pa., Downingtown, Pa., Germantown, Pa., Evesham, N. J., Woodbury, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., Barnesville, Ohio, Springfield, Pa., West Chester, Pa., N Y *" * i u Garretsville, N. Y., Jennerville, Pa., Edgmont, Pa., DATE OF ENTRY. 5th mo., 1841 4th mo., 1842. 5th mo., 1841. 4th mo., 1842. 5th mo., 1841. (t < llth mo., " Birmingham, Pa., a ti Moorestown, N. J., Camden, N. J., 5th mo., " Philadelphia, Pa., a Bristol, Pa., 10th mo., 1844. Chesterfield, N. J., 5th mo., 1841. York Co., Pa., 10th mo., 1844. Medford, N. J., llth mo., 1841. u a K Germantown, Pa., 5th mo., " Philadelphia, Pa., llth mo., " Newtown, Pa., 5th mo., " Providence, Pa., llth mo., " Philadelphia, Pa., 5th mo., " It u Jacksonville, N. J., llth mo., " Penningtonville, Pa., 10th mo., 1844. Newtown, N. J., llth mo., 1841. Manayunk, Pa., 4th mo., 1842. Stonersville, Pa., llth mo., 1841. Blockley, Pa., n u Wilmington, Del., Philadelphia, Pa., Dutchess Co., N. Y., Germantown, Pa., Warren Co., N. J., Plainfield, N. J., 4th mo., 1842. 10th mo., 1844. STUDENTS. 157 THIRD THOUSAND. RESIDENCE. 519. 520. 521. 522. 523. 524. 525. 52(5. 527. 528. 529. 530. 531. 532. 533. 534. 535. 536. 537. 538. 539. 540. 541. 542. 543. 544. 545. 546. 547. 548. 549. 550. 551. 552. 553. 554. 555. 656. 557. 558. 559. 560. 5(51. 562. 563. 564. 565. Robert S. Moore, Randall Malin, John Rhoads, Cheyney James, Alfred Williamson, Ir-aar Good, John Barton, Isaac Mickle, William Janney, Benj. H. Lightfoot, Thomas Pancoast, Thomas Bartram, Jonathan Scott, Joseph H. Cotant, Barton Hoopes, Charles Hayes, Robert B. Bell, Henry W. Taylor, Baltimore, Md., Whiteland, Pa., Springfield, Pa., Birmingham, Pa., Newtown, Pa., London Grove, Pa., Haddonfield, N. J., Camden, N. J., Loudon Co., Va., Goshen, Pa., Springfield, Pa., Marple, Pa., Worcester, Pa., Stroudsburg, Pa., West Chester, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Whitemarsh, Pa., Cinnaminson, N. J., Albert Hendrickson, Crosswicks, N. J., Robert B. Rowand, Josiah J. Watson, New Hope, Pa., 8am 'I M. Alberteon, Plymouth, Pa., Thomas W. Harlan, W. Marlborough, Pa., William Smedley, Edgmont, Pa., Joseph Mendenhall, " Joseph Hughes, Chatham, Pa., Aaron Davis, Downingtown, Pa., Joseph G. Taylor, West Chester, Pa., Richard Matthews, Baltimore, Md., William W. Parker, Parkersville, Pa., Joseph Lownes, Springfield, Pa., Francis Good, Jennerville, Pa., Richard J. Williams, Philadelphia, Pa., Josiah Wistar, Salem, N. J., Jos. W. Lippincott, Moorestown, N. J., Sam. L. Albertson, Plymouth, Pa., George E. Elkinton, Philadelphia, Pa., Edward R. Parry, New Hope, Pa., Rancocas, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., Camden, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., Springfield, Pa., Haddonfield, N. J., DATE 0? JWTET. 4th mo., 1842, llth mo., 1841. Jacob W. Magill, Jon. H. Woolman, Charles Hunt, John B. Mickle, Francis Wistar, Richard J. Allen, John Gill, 4th mo., llth mo., 4th mo., llth mo., 1844. 1841. 1842. 1841. 4th mo., 1842. 5th mo., it 10th mo., 5th mo., 10th mo., 1845. 1842. 4th mo., 5th mo., 4th mo., 1845. 1842. John C. Remington, Philadelphia, Pa., Emlen Satterthwaite, Crosswicks, N. J., 10th mo., 158 GENERAL, CATALOGUE. THIRD THOUSAND. 566. 567. 568. 569. 570. 571. 572. 573. 574. 575. 576. 577. 578. 579. 580. 581. 582. 583. 584. 585. 586. 587. 588. 589. 590. 591. 592. 593. 594. 595. 596. 597. 598. 599. 600. 601. 602. 603. 604. 605. 606. 607. 608. 609. 610. 611. 612. Samuel L. Burrough, Haddonfield, N. J., John D. Haines, George H. Sellers, Edward Taylor, Bolton L. Taylor, William Wilson, Thomas Yardley, Evert J. Wendell, Cyrus Cadwallader, Evesham, N. J., Seller's Mill, Pa., West Chester, Pa., Muncy, Pa., Yardleyville, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Fallsington, Pa., Joseph H. Middleton,Crosswicks, N. J., William Pierson, Concord, Pa., Charles Folwell, Columbus, N. J., Israel Woodward, Crosswicks, N. J., Joseph K. Lippincott.Haddonfield, N. J., James E. Rhoads, Springfield, Pa., Charles E. Rhoads, Lewis W. Leeds, Moorestown, N. J., James B. Bellangee, Yardville, N. J., Rich'd L. Nicholson, Philadelphia, Pa., Edmund G. Webster, Samuel Sellers, George Sellers, Jacob Valentine, Richard Wood, Thomas Evans, Springfield, Pa., James Smedley, Middletown, Pa., Thos. R. Matthews, Baltimore, Md., Ashton Richardson, Wilmington, Del., Asa Elkinton, Philadelphia, Pa., William P. Dawson, Easton, Md., Everett G. Passmore, Edgmont, Pa., Lumberville, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Bordentown, N. J., Frankford, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Concord, Pa., Otto Smedley, Benj. D. Smedley, Charles H. Fox, Stacy Buzby, William Walmsley, Franklin Bell, Edwin Harvey, Enos Larkin, Daniel W. Chandler, Kennet, Pa., Levi Wickersham, Sadsbury, Pa., William B. Trump, Jonathan Eldridge, Benjamin Hayes, Paschall Cope. Reuben Barnard, Joseph S. Walter, DATE Of ENTRY. 4th mo., 1842, < i< 10th mo., 1844. (1 H 4th mo., 1842. 10th mo., (i 5th mo., 10th mo., 1845. 1842. 4th mo., 5th mo.. 10th mo., 4th mo. 5th mo. 4th mo., 5th mo., 4th mo., 5th mo., 4th mo., 10th mo., 1843. 1845. 1842. 1843. 1845. 1843. M 1845. 1843. Philadelphia, Pa., Gosh en, Pa., Newlin, Pa., East Bradford, Pa., W. Marl borough, Pa., Kennet, Pa., STUDENTS. 159 THIRD THOUSAND. SAME. RESIDENCE. DATE OF EXTRT. 613. Barclay Smith, Doe Run, Pa., 10th mo., 1843. 614. Morris" Levis, Springfield, Pa., 615. Thomas H. Webb, Birmingham, Pa., 617. Joseph D. Huey, Kennet, Pa., " 618. Charles E. Gause, Hamorton, Pa., 5th mo., 1845. 619. Joseph S. Townsend, Plainfield, N. J., " 620. William Lawrie, Parkesburg, Pa^ 10th mo., " 621. William Edwards, Muncy, Pa., 4th mo., 1843. \\-l-l. Bethuel Haines, Evesham, N. J., 10th mo., 1842. 623. Edwin M. Bunting, Crosswicks, N. J., 4th mo., 1843. 624. Henry W. Stokes, Philadelphia, Pa., >',~: Francis Stokes, 626. Isaac S. Eastburn, Attleboro, Pa., 627. Samuel Paxson, Trenton, N. J., 628. William H. Wistar, Philadelphia, Pa., 629. Edward Camming, 630. Charles Gumming, " 631. Alfred Jones, " 632. Edward Sharpless, " 633. Joseph Fox, " " 634. Edward Maris, Chester, Pa., 10th mo., 1845. 635. Richard Paxson, Buckingham, Pa., 4th mo., 1843. 636. Benjamin D. Perkins,Philadelphia, Pa., 637. James Neville, , N. Y., " " 638. Joseph W. Neville, , N. Y., " 639. Benjamin G. Neville, , N. Y., " " 640. William E. House, Marlborough, Pa., 5th mo. 1842. 641. George B. Wood, Philadelphia, Pa., 4th mo. 1843. 642. Daniel W. Walmsley,Frankford, Pa., 643. William T. Norris, Harford Co., Md., 6th mo. " 644. James Kite, Philadelphia, Pa., 7th mo. " 64-3. William B. Haines, Burlington Co., N. J., 10th mo. " 646. Joseph H. Borton, Rancocas, N. J., 647. Howard Tucker, Cincinnati, Ohio, " " 648. Thomas J. Levick, Philadelphia, Pa., " " 649. Samuel W. Smedley, Middletown, Pa., " " 650. Jacob W. Shipley, Peekskill, N. Y., " " 651. Joseph F. Shotwell, Vugust F. Shotwell, 12th mo., " 653. Wallace Vail, Plainfield, N. J., 10th mo., " 654. Edward X. Bishop,* Mt. Holly, N. J., 655. Ellis Branson, Bristol, Pa., 4th mo., 1844. 656. George T. Coates, Doe Run, Pa., 10th mo., 184f>. 657. Samuel Coates, " 658. John J. Parker, Parkersville, Pa., Deceased at school, 17th of Twelfth mo., 1843. 160 GENERAL CATALOGUE. THIRD THOUSAND. 659. Samuel J. Parker, 660. Richard Chambers, 661. Alban Webb, 662. Samuel L. Smedley, 663. William Gibbons, 664. Abiah Passmore, 665. Joseph L. Baily, 666. George Levis, 667. Sanderson R. Martin, 668. James Reed, 669. Jonathan E. Rhoads, 670. John W. Rulon, 671. John H. Jackson, 672. Ephraim J. Jackson, 673. John Woolman, 674. James Webb, 675. Jacob L. Crew, 676. Asa Branson, 677. John Needles, 678. Jehu Roberts, 679. Joseph Warrington, 680. Calvin C. Moore, 681. John Pierson, 682. EHsha Fogg, 683. George W. Ivins, 684. Nathaniel N. Stokes, 685. Jesse James, 686. Charles Moore, 687. Joshua G. Allen, 688. William Cope, 689. Aaron Ball, 690. Samuel Cooper, 691. Frederick Underbill, 692. George A. Roberts, 693. Win. F. Kirkwood, 694. Henry E. Lownes, 695. Isaac C. Fallas, 696. George Wetherill, 697. Charles G. Ogden, 698. Henry Benington, 699. Gran vi lie Bassett, 700. Charles M. Harlan, 701. J. Borton Hayes, 702. Isaac I. Hayes, 703. J. Hanover Baldwin, 704. Gerard Hopkins, 705. David B. Trimble, RESIDENCE. DATE OF ENTRI. Parkersville, Pa., 10th mo., 1845. White Clay Creek, Del., Pennsbury, Pa., Edgmont, Pa., West Chester, Pa., London Britain, Pa., Coatesville, Pa., " Mt. Holly, N. J., 4th mo., 1844. Philadelphia, Pa., Brandywine, Pa., Springfield, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Darby, Pa., a Philadelphia, Pa., Pennsbury, Pa., Richmond, Va., Flushing, Ohio, Baltimore, Aid., Chester Valley, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Sadsbury, Pa., Concord, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Shrewsbury, N. J., Moorestown, N. J., East Bradford, Pa., Strickersville, Pa., Springfield, Pa., East Bradford, Pa., Quakertown, Pa., Sadsburv, Pa., New York, N. Y., Chester Valley, Pa., Sadsbury, Pa., Pineviile, Pa, Cincinnati, Ohio, Chester, Pa., Springfield, Pa., Concord, Pa., , Del., Doe Run, Pa., Downingtown, Pa., Frederick Co., Va., Baltimore, Md., 10th mo., 1845. 4th mo., 1844. 5th mo., 4th mo., 5th mo., " 4th mo., " 5th mo., 1846. 5th mo:, " i. 10th mo., " a a 5th mo., " 10th ino., " 10th mo., 1847. 10th mo., 1846. llth mo., STUDENTS. 161 THIRD THOUSAND. RESIDENCE. 706. 707. 708. 709. 710. 711. 712. 713. 714. 715. 716. 717. 718. 719. 720. 721. 722. 723. 724. 725. 726. 727. 728. 729. 730. 731. 732. 733. 734. 735. 736. 737. 738. 739. 740. 741. 742. 743. 744. 745. 746. 747. 748. 749. 750. 751. 752. Jacob Dingee, George P. Hughes, James D. Simmons, Daria W. Hunt, John Pleasants, West Bradford, Pa., London Grove, Pa., Bart, Pa., Guilford Co., N. C., N.Y., Alfred Satterlhwaite, Crosswicks, N.. J., Coleman Nicholson, Philadelphia, Pa., James A. Remington, " Reuben H. Underhill,Poughkeepsie, N. Y., Joseph Taylor, Cinnaminson, N. J., William R. Dutton, Burlington, N. J., Moses Cadwallader, Fallsington, Pa., Allen P. Tilton, Barnegat, N. J., Robert Pennell, Darby, Pa., George C. Hancock, Burlington, N. J., Reuben Battin, Elkland, Pa., Armat W. Lee, Maiden Creek, Pa., James Wilson, Philadelphia, Pa., George D. Hilyard, New York, N. Y., William H. Gill, Haddonfield, N. J., Rowland J. Dutton, Burlington, N. J., Salem,- N. J., Morrisville, Pa., Franklinville, Md., Darby, Pa., Trenton, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., Providence, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Evesham, N. J., New York, N. Y., Baltimore, Md., DATB OP EHTRT. 5th mo., 1847. (i a 1st mo., 1848. 5th mo., 1847. 4th mo., 1844. 5th mo.. " 4th mo., " 10th mo., " 5th 10th mo., 1845. mo., 1844. Caspar Wistar, Albert Comfort, Oliver Norris, Thomas Serrill, Philip P. Dunn, Charles C. Sellers, Marshall B. Smith, Albert H. Smith, Charles Sharpless, Alfred Willits, Edward Darnell, George Wood, William E. Coale, Thomas E. Coale, Isaac Tyson, William C. Matlack, John S. Palmer, Upper Providence, Pa. H. R. Woodward, Moorestown, N. J., Joseph W. Eastburn, Middletown, Pa., William P. Cook, Deer Creek, Md., George S. Booth, Philadelphia, Pa., William Thomas, Burlington, N. J., Richard Parry, Philadelphia, Pa., Wm. C. Shoemaker, Cheltenham, Pa., George Valentine, Bellefonte, Pa., Wm. T. Valentine, 13* llth jno. 10th mo. 5th mo. a 10th mo. 5th mo. 1845. u 1847. 1845. 162 GENERAL CATALOGUE. THIRD THOUSAND. RESIDENCE. 753. 754. 755. 756. 757. 758. 759. 760. 761. 762. 763. 764. 765. 766. 767. 768. 769. 770. 771. 772. 773. 774. 775. 776. 777. 778. 779. 780. 781. 782. 783. 784. 785. 786. 787. 788. 789. 790. 791. 792. 793. 794. 795. 796. 797. 798. 799. Howard Edwards, Philadelphia, Pa., Samuel L. Albertson, Plymouth, Pa., Franklin Levis, Mt. Holly, N. J., Thomas Parry, Plattekill, N. Y,, William W. Janney, Philadelphia, Pa., DATE OF ENTBT. 5th mo., 1845. Edward Sellers, James H. Moon, Thos. E. Lippincott, John C. Tatum, Daniel Wills, Isaac Nicholson, Samuel Eves, John Watson, Jacob M. Watson, Joseph S. Dell, Edward A. Warner, Charles L. Warner, John W. Janney, John Scott, Geo. J. Scattergood, David J. Scott, Ellwood W. Scott, Percival Collins, Stephen G. Collins, Stephen W. Savery, Thomas H. Savery, Charles Ware, John C. Corbit, Caspar Wistar, William F. Spencer, William Albertson, Samuel A. Janhey, Johns H. Janney, Lewis N. Hopkins, Henry H. Smith, William K. Wills, George B. Borton, John K. Bartlett, Stacy B. Haines, Charles P. Pleasants, Samuel T. Proctor, Ellwood Hunt, Samuel Cooper, Benjamin Cooper, Joseph Potts, Thomas Warner, Upper Darby, Pa., Fallsington, Pa., Mauch Chunk, Pa., Woodbury, N. J., Eancocas, N. J., Haddonfield, N. J., Medford, N. J., New Hope, Pa., ci Townsbury, N. J., Kingsessing, Pa., Muncy, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Norristown, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., W. Bradford, Pa., 10th mo. 5th mo. 10th mo. 1846. 1847. Philadelphia, Pa., 5th mo., 1846. Kensington, Pa., CantwelPs Bridge, Del., Philadelphia, Pa., Horsham, Pa., Plymouth, Pa., Baltimore, Md., it Frederic Co., Va., Philadelphia, Pa., Eancocas, N. J., u Talbot Co., Md., Marltou, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., Baltimore, Md., Philadelphia, Pa., Camden, N. J., 10th mo. Springfield, Pa., Muncy, Pa., " STUDENTS. 163 THIRD THOUSAND. 800. John M. Roberts, 801. Henry W. Roberts, 802. James H. Bonsall, 803. Thomas Hoopes, 80 1. Ed. B. Underbill, 805. Charles Decou, 806. Wistar Stokes, 807. James Ecroyd, 808. Edward Y. Cope, 809. George Wetherill, 810. Jabez H. Jenkins, 811. EJliston P. Morris, 812. Joseph R. Stroud, 813. Joseph R. Murray, 814. William R. Murray, 815. Charles Elkinton, 816. David Scull, 817. John Dickinson, 818. Horatio W. Pharo, 819. George B. Pharo, 8-20. J. G. Richardson, 821. Francis Richardson, 822. Henry Lawrence, 823. Thornton Brown, 82 1. Howell Brown, 825. William R. Bishop, 826. Charles Albertson, 827. Clavton Cooper, 828. William R. Newbold, 829. Mark S. Reeve, 830. Pemberton Janney, 831. William Evans, 832. Bailey Llewellyn, 833. William Savery, 834. Samuel L. Fox, 835. Stacy Jones, 836. Mori M. Dawson, 837. Edward Darnell, 838. John W. Cadbury, 839. Thomas Burdsall, 840. Robert Walker, 841. Sam'l R. Valentine, 842. Jon. J. Comfort, 843. Joseph Albertson, 844. Benjamin B. Taylor, 845. William R. Deacon, 846. James Deacon, Moorestown, N. J., Moorestown, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., Newtown, Pa., Poughkeepsie, N. Y., Trenton, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., Muncy, Pa., Bradford, Pa., Chester, Pa., Cainden, Del., Germantown, Pa., Rancocas, N. J., New York, N. Y., DATE OP ENTRT. 10th mo., 1846. Pennsville, Ohio, Philadelphia, Pa., Haddonfield, N. J., Germantown, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Burlington, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Tecumseh, Mich., Plymouth, Pa., Mt, Holly, N. J., Burlington, N. J., Philadelp hia, Pa., 12th mo., 5th mo., u Petersbur Philadelp g, Va, hia, Pa., ti u It Burlington, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., Camden, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., Medford, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., tl It 11 It 11 1847. 7th mo., 10th mo., 1847. GENERAL, CATALOGUE. THIRD THOUSAND. 847. Nicholas W. Hoag, 848. Rob't K. Tomlinson, 849. John Gumming, 850. Issachar Eldridge, 851. Thomas C. Eldridge, 852. John T. Evans, 853. Joshiyi Hoopes, 854. Isaiah Kirk, 855. Thomas Smedley, 856. George L. Smedley, 857. Edward Harry, 858. Benj. H. Tomlinson, 859. Charles T. Bonsall, 860. Joseph G. Rowland, 861. Charles W. Thomas, 862. Robert Dixon, 863. Samuel Roberts, 864. Morris Walmsley, 865. Reading K. Hancock 866. Barzillai B. Stokes, 867. Isaac B. Webb, 868. Merrick Ballance, 869. James Bell, '870. Thomas D. Hoopes, 871. James T. Hughes, 872. Thomas H. Poole, 873. Thomas Pirn, 874. Benjamin Sharpless, 875. Edward G. Smedley, 876. Cidney Lytle, 877. Stephen Reynolds, 878. Jacob Reynolds, 879. Mich'l N. Woolman, 880. Edward Temple, 881. Benjamin Williams, 882. Alfred C. Merritt, 883. Thomas C. Batty, 884. David Reynolds, 885. Isaac H. Thompson, 886. William Hoopes, 887. Robert M. Sharpless, 888. Jonas Janney, 890. Jeremiah Jones, 891. Benjamin Lamborn, 892. Edward Hayes, 893. John M. Harlan, 894. Henry S. Garrett, RESIDENCE. Dutchess Co., N. Y., Brownsburg, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Goshen, Pa., u Springfield, Pa., West Chester, Pa., Goshen, Pa., Middletown, Pa., M Uwchlan, Pa., Middletown, Pa., Trenton, N. J., Newtown, Pa., Waynesville, Ohio, Talbot Co., Md., Downingtown, Pa., Kensington, Pa., Burlington, N. J., Medford, N. J., Birmingham, Pa., Lancaster Co., Pa., Camden Co., N. J., East Cain, Pa., West Chester, Pa., New Castle Co., Del., Downingtown, Pa., Birmingham, Pa., Middletown, Pa., Winchester, Va., Cecil Co., Md., it Philadelphia, Pa., Pennsbury, Pa., Frankford, Pa., Salem, N. J., Collins, N. Y., Rising Sun, Md., London Grove, Pa., Baltimore, Md., Chester, Pa., London Co., Va., Whitemarsh, Pa., London Grove, Pa., Doe Run, Pa., it Willistown, Pa., DATE OF ENTRY. 10th mo., 1847 4th 10th mo., 1848. 4th mo., 1849. STUDENTS. 165 TUIRD THOUSAND. RESIDENCE. 895. Theodore Reynolds, 8%. Daniel T. Burdsall, 897. Samuel Hopkins, 898. Joseph Larkin, 899. Thomas Sharpless, 900. James Dixou, 901. Job Bacon, 902. Cyrus Eastburn, 903. Joseph B. Evans, 904. John D. Griffin, 905. Henry Albertson, 906. Paul S. Reeves, 909. Richard Hughes, 910. Nathaniel Barton, 911. Morris Hacker, 912. Thomas S. Bonsall, 913. Ellwood Bonsall, 914. Benj. K. Wetherill, 915. Isaac Hall, 916. William H. Macy, 917. Joseph T. Moore, 918. George Adams, 919. Joseph W. Stokes, 920. John B. Garrett, S21. Philip C. Garrett, 922. Henry R. Tilton, 923. Thomas Ridgway, 924. Thomas J. Edge, 925. William B. Kimber, 926. Samuel S. Kimber, 927. Nathaniel B. Stokes, 928. Albert H. Hillman, 929. Charles Scott, 930. John C. Griffith, 931. Samuel Jones, 932. James T. Shinn, 933. Josiah Bacon, 934. Joseph E. Ballenger, 935. George E. Yardley, 936. Lewis J. Albertson, 937. Spencer Thompson, 938. Joseph Whitall, 939. Theo. T. Gillingham, 940. Henry Parker, !>41. Clement Ogden, i'42. John Deacon, 944. Isaac Chrisman, Cecil Co., Md., New York, N. Y., Frederic Co., Va., Concord, Pa., Chester, Pa., Talbot Co., Md., Greenwich, N. J., Newtown, Pa., Camden, N. J., New York, N. Y., Philadelphia, Pa., Woodbury, N. J., Marlton, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., Trenton, N. J., Chester, Pa., Mt. Pleasant, Ohio, Nantucket, Mass., Sandv Spring, Md., Philadelphia, Pa., Barnegat, N. J., Egg Harbor, N. J., Wilmington, Del., Philadelphia, Pa., Camden, N. J., Norristown, Pa., Frederic Co., Va., Philadelphia, Pa., u Greenwich, N. J., Gloucester, N. J., Bucks Co., Pa., . Plymouth, Pa., New Garden, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Alexandria, Va., Parkcrsville, Pa., Springfield, N. J., Birmingham, N. J., Stonersville, Pa., JATE nr EKIRT. 4th mo., 1849. 1*47. 10th mo., 4th mo., 1848. 10th mo., 4th mo., 1849. * Deceased at the school. 166 GENERAL CATALOGUE. THIRD THOUSAND. RESIDENCE. 945. Joseph Austin, 94i>. Oliver D. Martin, 947. William Miller, 948. Isaac Thomas, 949. Ebenezer Roberts, 950. Edwin L. Dickinson, 951. Robert G. Allen, 952. George R. Parry, 953. Samuel Kitchen, 954. John Evans, 955. George Haines, 956. Wm. W. Underbill, 957. William K. Knight, 958. William P. Jones, 959. J. Henry Cowgill, 960. Jacob Smedley, 961. Jesse Garrett, 962. Edward G. Dennis, 963. John S. Kirk, 964. Charles Cowgill, 965. Caleb M. Cooper, 966. William Wilkins, 967. Wm. H.Davidson, 968. Aaron Ward, 969. Isaac P. Jackson, 970. Samuel Worth, 971. Francis Worth, 972. Ziba Lamborn, 973. Samuel P. Webb, 974. Morton Morris, 975. Wm. Hendrickson, 976. Sam. S. Thompson, 977. Daniel B. Cotant, 978. Thomas Gifford,* 979. Charles Gifford, 980. Richard Walker, 981. William Fothergill, 982. William C. Alderson, 983. William Poole, 984. Benj. F. Thomas, 985. Edwin Roberts, 986. Thomas Waring, 987. Edward S. Preston, 988. Charles Downing, 990. Samuel H. Jenkins, Nantucket, Mass., Philadelphia, Pa., Bellefonte, Pa., u Moorestown, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., Bristol, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Lumberville, N. J., Marlton, N. J., Medford, N. J., Burlington, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., Camden, N. J., Middletown, Pa., Birmingham, Pa., Wilmington, Del., Goshen, Pa., Camden, Del., Lancaster Co., Pa., Easton, N. J., Bradford, Pa., Camden, N. J., Rising Sun, Md., Bradford, Pa., tt Chatham, Pa., Pennsbury, Pa., West Chester, Pa., Crosswicks, N. J., London Grove, Pa., Stroudsburg, Pa., Ledyard, N. Y., u New York, N. Y., Strickersville, Pa., Cincinnati, Ohio, New Castle Co., Del. Waynesville, Ohio, Haddonfield, N. J., Rising Sun, Md., Downingtown, Pa., Camden, Del., DATE OF ENTRT. 4th mo., 1849. 10th mo., 4th mo., 1850. Deceased at the school, 24th of Third month, 1851. STUDENTS. 167 THIRD THOUSAND. HAM*. RESIDENCE. 991. Thomas Bowers, 992. Thomas Smedley, Sugartown, Pa., 993. Thomas Sharpless, Birmingham, Pa., 994. Webster Edget, New Baltimore, N. Y., 99i5. Charles Temple, Pennsbury, Pa., 997. Enoch W. Heston, Sadsbury, Pa., 998. Alfred Hughes, 999. Samuel Leeds, West Chester, Pa., Westfield, N. J., 1000. Dan. Satterthwaite, Tecumseh, Mich., FOURTH THOUSAND. mum i. 1. H. D. Thompson, 2. B. E. Hendrickson, 3. Aaron R. Comfort, 4. William Stevenson, 5. George K. Wood, 6. Barton T. Thorn, 7. T. T. Sharpless, 8. Joseph Wills, 9. Gideon S. Bolton, 10. Joseph Brinton, 11. Allen Ward, 12. Edward B. Alsop, 13. John Wetherill, 14. Mark Hughes, 15. Nathaniel Robinson 16. John Whitacre,* 17. Thomas S. Bolton, 18. William Potts, 19. Edward H. Smith,f 20. Harvey Linton, 21. George K. Taylor, 22. Edward R. Wood, 23. William Winner, 24. AVilliam Gould, 2~>. Nathan C. Hunt, 26. Reece Alsop, 27. Robert F. Raley, 28. Robert P. Lovett, 29. Edward Balderston, 30. Cyrus C. Comfort, 31. George M. Comfort, 32. Alfred S. Conard, 33. Uriah Borton, Wilmington, Del., Crosswicks, N. J., Tecumseh, Mich., Marlton, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., Crosswicks, N. J., Chester, Del., Rancocas, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., Lampeter, Pa., Camden, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., Chester, Pa., West Grove, Pa., .Highland, N. Y., Muncy, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Springfield, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., West Grove, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., H Williamsport, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Hanover, Ohio, Fallsington, Pa., West Grove, Pa., Rancocas, N. J., DATE Of EWTKT. 4th mo., 1850. DATE OF ENTRT. 6th mo., 1851. 10th mo., 1849. 5th mo., 4th mo., 10th mo., 4th mo., 5th mo., 4th mo., 1859. 1850. 1859. 1850. 5th mo., 4th mo., 10th mo., * Deceased at the school, 6th of Fourth month, 1852. t Deceased at the school, 23d of Third month, 1851. 168 GENERAL CATALOGUE. "t NAME. 34. Samuel S. Haines, 35. Silas Warner, 36. Dallas Reeve, 37. John T. Pound, 38. Samuel S. Cope, FOURTH THOUSAND. RESIDENCE. Marlton, N. J., Rsmcocas, N. J., Allowaystown, N. J., Plainfield, N. J., Wt. Marlborough, Pa., BATE OP ENTRY. 10th mo., 1850. 39. Rich'd M. Chambers, Strickerville, Pa., New Garden, Pa., 40. Thos. H. Bedell, 41. Joshua Kimber, 42 George C. Stokes, 43. Edwin Hendrickson, 44. Caspar W. Haines, 45. Edgar Cope, 46. Sam. E. Dickinson, 47. Edward Pyle, 48. William H. Whitall, Philadelphia, Pa., 49. Edward B. Stevenson, Bloomsburg, N. J., 50. Joseph E. Barton, Fellowship, N. J., 51. William K. Williams, Frankford, Pa., 52. George E. Pirn, Dowuingtown, Pa., 53. William Eldridge, Concord, Pa., 54. Robert Hayes, Westtown, Pa., 55. Thomas H. Passmore, Edgmont, Pa., 56. Edward Congdon, Oswego, N. Y., 57. Benjamin Hallowell, Alexandria, Va., 58. Ephraim Haines, Pipe Creek, Md., 59. John H. Jenkins, Camden, Del., 60. Lawrence H. Hopkins, Baltimore, Md., 61. Henry C. Matthews, 62. Kirk wood Moore, 63. Joshua Moore, 64. William J. Roberts, 65. Edward Maule, 5th mo., 1859. New Baltimore, N.Y., 10th mo., 1850. Flushing, N. Y., " Philadelphia, Pa., " Crosswicks, N. J., " " Medford, N. J., Susquehanna Co., Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., 66. Silas A. Underbill, 67. Henry Fothergill, 68. Joseph J. Pound, 69. Golem an Packer, 70. Clarkson Moore, 71. William Lamborn, West Grove, Pa., Bart, Pa., Haddonfield, N. J., Colerain, Ohio, Brooklyn, N. Y., Parkersville, Pa., Plainfield, N. J., Woodbury, N. J., West Grove, Pa., New Garden, Pa., 72. Charles G. Carpenter, Clarkesville, Ohio, 73. Yardley Brown, 74. George S. Dewell, 75. Stephen Wood, 76. James Wood, 77. James Mekeel, 78. Ebenezer Worth, 79. Mordecai Larkin, 80. Amos J. Michener, Pughtown, Pa., Stanton, N. Y., Brooklyn, N. Y., Bedford, N. Y., Hector, N. Y., Bradford, Pa., Guthrieville, Pa., Rising Sun, Md., 6th mo., 1851. 10th mo., 1850. 6th mo., 1851. llth mo., " 6th mo., " 5th mo., 1859. 6th mo., 1851. 5th mo., 1852. llth mo., 1851. 5th mo., 1852. llth mo., 1851. STUDENTS. 169 FOURTH THOUSAND. RESIDENCE. 81. Isaac Haviland, 82. Henry Palmer, 83. Samuel Cope, 84. Benj. H. Miller, 85. Joseph Thompson, 86. William Smedley, 87. Wilson Hall, 88. William R. Ash, 89. Isaac Yearsley, 90. David R. Hoopes, 91. Henry Gibbons,* 92. Jesse S. Cheyney, 93. William Hunt, 94. Thomas Dell, 95. Irena Bassett, 96. Samuel J. Evans, 97. William B. Gifford, 98. Enoch Harlan, 99. George B. Painter, 100. Stephen Underbill, 101. J. B. Middleton, lo-j. John Blakey. 103. John W. Hilyard, 104. Elliott Winn, 105. James B. Temple, 106. William K. Carlisle, 107. John W. Evans, 108. Francis C. Williams, 109. Joseph Scattergood, 110. Thomas Scattergood, 111. Horace Lloyd, 112. Charles I. Shipley, 113. James S. Newbold, 114. Thomas Wistar, 115. William W. Wistar, 116. Charles Smith, 117. John M. Sheppard, 118. Eayre P. Bartlett, 119. Gideon L. Richie, 120. Richard W. Chase, 121. David Brown, 122. Allen Lippincott, 123. Joseph Lloyd, 124. Isaac B. Lloyd, 12"). William Vivian, South Dover, N. Y., Providence, Pa., West Chester, Pa., Alexandria, Va., W. Bradford, Pa., Middletown, Pa., Harrisville, Ohio, West Cain, Pa., Newtovvn, Pa., Salem, N. J., Thornbury, Pa., Gloucester, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Wilmington, Del., Evesham, N. J., Ledyard, N. Y., Doe Run, Pa., Concord, Pa., Croton Point, N. Y., Crosswicks, N. J., Attleboro', Pa., Rancocas, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., Cincinnati, Ohio, Philadelphia, Pa., Greenwich, N. J., Newark, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., Lahaska, Pa., Fallsington, Pa., Wilmington, Del., Burlington, N. J., DATE OF ZSTBT. t) llth mo., 1851. 5th mo., 1853. llth mo., 1851. 5th mo., 1852. llth mo., " 5th mo., " " 1853. " 1852. 6th mo., 1851. llth mo. 14 * Deceased at the school, 25th of Fifth month, 1855. 170 GENERAL CATALOGUE. FOURTH THOUSAND. 126. Charles Evans, 127. George W. Tatum, 128. James Taylor, 129. Joseph Wistar, 130. John R. Carpenter, 131. Thos. L. Chambers, 132. Josiah A. Roberts, 133. James Ogborn, 134. John E. Balderston, 135. Samuel Alsop, Jr., 136. Rowland H. Hazard, 137. Alfred Morris, 138. Samuel L. Allen, 139. Canby B. Shoemaker, 140. Horatio C. Wood, 141. Edward S. Lowry, 142. Charles Lowry, 143. Clement E. Lloyd, 144. Joseph Evans, 145. Jacob Parker, 146. George Wood, 147. Jos. S. Middleton, 148. Levi Cowperthwaite, 149. John Richie, 150. Isaac H. Richards, 151. Wilson Thompson, 152. William Green, 163. William C. Corbit, 154. Howard Thomas, 155. Bennett L. Smedley, 156. Daniel Lippincott, 157. George R. Haines, 158. William P. Buzby, 159. Thomas Good, 160. Ed. W. Woolman, 161. Lewis Sharpless, 162. Jesse H. Garrett, 163. Ed. B. Stevenson, 164. Dan. W. Stevenson, 165. Samuel L. Moore, 166. Reece Larkin, 167. Joseph R. Downing, 168. Arthur Miller, 169. Richard Carpenter, 170. John W. Storer, 171. Robert B. Underbill, 172. Alfred A. Underbill, RESIDENCE. Springfield, Pa., Woodbury, N. J., Mt. Holly, N. J., Salem, N. J., u New Garden, Pa., Goshen, Pa., Germantown, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Wilmington, Del., Wash'n Hollow, N. Y. Wellsborough, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Milestown, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Marlton, N. J., Rahway, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., Crosswicks, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., Winchester, Va., Avondale, Pa., Edgmont, Pa., Cantwell's Bridge,Del Cincinnati, Ohio, Edgmont, Pa., Moorestown, N. J., Millville, N. J., Columbia, N. J., West Grove, Pa., Blockley, Pa., Chester, Pa., Willistown, Pa., Bloomsburg, N. J., Coopersville, Pa., Concord, Pa., Downingtown, Pa., Wheatland, Va., Port Chester, N. Y., , N. Y., Clinton, N. Y., DATE OF ENTRT. llth mo., 1851. 5th llth 5th mo., mo.. mo., 1852. 1854. 1851. llth mo. 5th mo. , llth mo. 10th mo. llth mo. 1854. 1852. 1853. 1852. 5th mo., 1853. STUDENTS. 171 FOURTH THOUSAND. RESIDENCE. 173. Robert Wood, 174. Henry Underbill, 175. Philip H. Haviland, 176. Joseph H. Miller, 177. John Lee, 178. George B. Allen, 179. Dillvvyn Parker, 180. George Herendeen, 181. Joseph P. Forsythe, 182. James H. Jones, 183. Isaac E. Windle, 184. Jeseph Roberts, 185. Isaac Pusey, 186. James Maule, 187. Ambrose J. Boone, 188. Joshua Waring, 189. Edward Waring, 190. Wilson Thompson, 191. Robert Garrett, 192. Isaac Y. Ash, 193. George Lovett, 194. Samuel Evans, 195. Alphonso Kirk, 196. Llewellyn Miller, 197. James Hoge, 198. Joseph P. Eldridge, 199. Wm. H. Underbill, 200. Isaac H. Griffith, 201. George G. Bartlett, 202. Samuel Pancoast, 203. George Matlack, 204. Robert B. Engle, 205. William T. Borton, 206. Benjamin Warner, 207. Benjamin Dickinson, 208. Charles Ballenger, 209. Amos E. Kaighn, 210. Edwin Wright, '211. Willet Lukens, 212. Elmer Levis, 213. Isaiah Balderston, 214. John Maule, 215. Charles Woolman, 216. Sam'l Worthington, 217. Charles Parker, 218. William C. Johnson, 21(1 Charles M. Palmer, Brooklyn, N. Y., Katonah, N. Y., New Milford, Conn., Vermont, 111., Stonersville, Pa., Springfield, Pa., West Chester, Pa., Farmington, N. Y., West Chester, Pa., Frankford, Pa., Westtown, Pa., Paoli, Pa., London Grove, Pa., Colerain, Ohio, Pickering, Canada, Pictou, Canada, u Avondale, Pa., Edgmont, Pa., Sadsbury, Pa., . Fallsington, Pa., Marple, Pa., West Chester, Pa., Wheatland, Va., Hamilton, Va., East Goshen, Pa., Indianapolis, Ind., Winchester, Va., Tuckerton, N. J., Springfield, Pa., Moorestown, N. J., Rancocas, N. J., Mt. Laurel, N. J., Muncy, Pa., Reading, Pa., Mt. Laurel, N. J., Chew's Landing, N. Y. Columbus, N. J., Horsham, Pa., Newtown, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Port Royal, Pa., Frankford, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Rahway, N. J., Parkeslmrg, Pa., Sandy Spring, Md., DATE OF ENTRY. 5th mo., 1853. 10th mo., llth mo., 1854. 5th mo., " llth mo., 1852. 1st mo., 1853. 172 GENERAL CATALOGUE. FOURTH THOUSAND. 220. Joseph H. Palmer, 221. Samuel Allen, 222. Francis J. Bell, 223. Edwin A. Bell, 224. David Branson, 225. Sam'l C. Woolman, 226. Joseph E. Ba,con, 227. Jonah M. Bacon, 228. Joseph W. Jones, 229. Samuel Whitall, 230. James A. Coffin, 231. Oliver G. Coffin, 232. Edward Savery, 233. Richard Haines, 234. Clayton Haines, 235. Edward Sheppard, 236. Samuel R. Evans, 237. Edward D. Cope, 238. Edward A. Thomas, 239. Robert Mitchell, 240. Amos A. Ridgway, ( ) Leonard Snowdon, 241. Thomas R. Bartlett, 242. George S. Garrett, 243. John Trimble, 244. Isaac Maule, 245. Elijah Bowerman, 246. Wager H. Wood, 247. John H. Wood, 248. Alfred Wood, 249. Samuel W. Stokes, 250. Richard W. Hutton, 251. Morris Bacon, 252. William B. Chase, 253. Charles Bettle, 254. Earl Shinn, Jr., 255. Charles Pancoast, 256. Clayton N. Wills, 257. Wm. J. Hedley, 258. Henry Cope, 259. Francis Decou, 260. Philip G. Biddle, 261. John L. Deacon, 262. Edward B. Kaighn, 264. Thomas P. Conard, 265. Jos. A. Wickersham, 266. William T. Reed, RESIDENCE. Sandy Spring, Md., Salem, N. J., Experiment Mills, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Rancocas, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., Medford, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., Evesham, N. J., Germantown, Pa., Cayuga Co., N. Y., Philadelphia, Pa., Tuckerton, N. J., Westtown, Pa., Tuckerton, N. J., Upper Darby, Pa., Chester, Pa., Radnor, Pa., Scottsville, N. Y., Rahway, N. J., DATE OF J 1st mo, 5th mo !NTKT. , issa Woodbury, N. J., Chester, Pa., Greenwich, N. J., Burlington, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., Marple, Pa., Rancocas, N. J., Medina, N. Y., London Grove, Pa., Columbus, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., Burlington, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., West Grove, Pa., a Darlington, Md., 10th mo. 5th mo., 1854, STUDENTS. 173 FOURTH THOUSAND. RESIDEXCK. 267. Albert Underbill, 268. Walter C. Moore, 269. Edward D. Cowgill, 270. Charles P. Janney, 271. Enos E. Thatcher, ll'l. Kr:ui"i.s Thompson, 278. 4. Josliua G. Embree, 2'.i~>. AVilliam Cope, 2%. Gilbert Cope, Isaac Lippincott, 298. William IJ. Moore, 299. Francis Masters, 300. William E. Dingee, 301. Samuel Maule, Ellis Pennington, 303. Charles Smedley, 3H4. William E. Bell, :;'>.->. EdwardS. Yarnall, 306. Daniel W. Corbit, 307. Thomas M. Coulson, . Joseph Branson, 309. Nath. E. Janney, 310. Edward D. Moore, 311. John G. Henley, 312. Ephraim Smith, 1 .1 Brooklyn, N. Y., Rochester, N. Y., Camden v Del., Hillsboro', Va., West Chester, Pa., New Garden, Pa., Springfield, N. J., Goshen, Pa., Evesham, N. J., Parkersville, Pa., West Bradford, Pa., Avondale, Pa., Winchester, Va., Nonvichville, C. W., Westtown, Pa., West Chester, Pa., Barnesville, Ohio, Colerain, Ohio, Downingtown, Pa., Chester, Pa., Greenwich, N. J., Wheatland, Va., East Bradford, Pa., W.-st Chester, Pa., Concord, Pa., Birmingham, Pa., Marshallton, Pa., Bradford, Pa., West Chester, Pa., Salem, N. J., Nine Points, Pa., Greenwood, Pa., Uwchlan, Pa., Port Royal, Pa., Jennerville, Pa., Fulton House, Pa., Richmond, Ind., Howellville, Pa., Cantwell's Bridge, Del Green, Pa., Flushing, Ohio, Hillsboro', Va., Rochester, N. Y., Caraway, N. C., Barnesville, Ohio, L DATS 0? ENTRY. 5th mo., 1854. llth mo., 1859. 1854. llth mo., 1854. 5th mo. llth mo. , 1855. , 1854. llth mo. 5th mo, lltb mo, 5th mo. , 1860. , 1855. llth mo . 5th mo , 1860. , 1855. 174 GENERAL CATALOGUE. FOURTH THOUSAND. RESIDENCE. 313. 314. 315. 316. 317. 318. 319. 320. 321. 322. 323. 324. 325. 326. 327. 328. 329. 330. 331. 332. 333. 334. 335. 336. 337. 338. 339. 340. 341. 342. 343. 344. 345. 346. 347. 348. 349. 350. 351. 352. 353. 354. 355. 356. 357. 358. 359. Edward Downing, J. D. Schu reman, Jesse Mekeel, George W. Cloud, Morris Pennington, Charles R. Cloud, Bernard T. Janney, Downingtown, Pa., New Rochelle, N. Y., Searsburg, N. Y., Woodbury, N. J., Jennerville, Pa., Woodbury, N. J., Purcellsville, Va., DATE OF ENTRT. 5th mo., 1855. llth mo., 1859. West Creek, N. J., Tuckerton, N. J., Clinton Corners, N. Y., Lampeter, Pa., Westminster. N. C., West Chester, Pa., a Avondale, Pa., Wakefield, Pa., West Chester, Pa., Marshallton, Pa., u Fallsington, Pa., Nine Points, Pa., William R. Knight, Philadelphia, Pa., Thomas R. Preston, Rock Springs, *Md., Amos R. Bartlett, Job Ridgway, Charles C. Bedell, Robert M. Brinton, John S. Harris, Benjamin Cope, Joseph E. Cope, William Seal, Jonathan Smedley, Edwin C. Forsythe, Moses Worth, Paschall Worth, Abraham Jones, John Moore, Benjamin S. House, Parkersville, Pa., William G. Embree, Marshallton, Pa., Cyrus Pennington, Jennerville, Pa., Edward Tatnall, Wilmington, Del., Benjamin Dickinson, Guiger's Mills, Pa., Joseph Jones, Frankford, Pa., Albert Pardoe, Eldredville, Pa., William B. Jackson, Wilmington, Del., Thomas Jackson, Hugh Townsend, Plainfield, N. J., John Llewellyn, Pennsville, Ohio, William H. Cook, Rowlandsville, Md., James Eldridge, Concord, Pa., Charles B. Sheppard, West Chester, Pa., John T. Cook, Darlington, Md., John B. Wood, Philadelphia, Pa., Dillwyn Wistar, William G. Ash, Richardson S. Reeve, Medford, N. J., Josiah Reeve, Robert Levick, James Gubbings, Caleb G. Evans, Jon. H. Hilyard, Philadelphia, Pa., Germantown, Pa., Brooklyn, N. Y., " 1857. " 1855. 5th mo., 1856. llth mo., 1855. " 1859. " 1855. 5th mo., 1856. llth mo., 1855. 5th mo., 1858. 1857. 1st mo., 5th mo., 1856. 1854. llth mo., STUDENTS. 175 FOURTH THOUSAND. 360. Sam'l M. McCollin, 361. Henry Albertson, 362. James E. Bell, 363. Walter Bell, 364. Charles Richardson, 365. Joseph J. Wilson, 366. Joseph Healy, 367. Daniel Cope, 368. William C. Stokes, 369. Howard Darnell, 370. Thomas Wilduian, 371. Ellwood Evans, 372. J. Gardiner Haines, 373. Thomas A. Bell, 374. Howard Deacon, 375. Willits Parker, 376. Mark M. Eeeve, 377. Richard H. Reeve, 378. James Allinson, 379. Richard Ecroyd, 380. James S. Conrad, 381. Henry Sheppard, 382. Nathan Whinery, 383. Peter Ellis Decou, 384. Walter R. Stevenson, 385. Philip G. Sheppard, 386. Edward C. Jones, 387. Randolph Wood, 388. Thomas C. Stokes, 389. Samuel Trimble, 390. Benjamin Albertson, 391. Alfred Bolton, 392. John Brown, 393. Lewis Woolman, 394. John H. Taylor, 395. George P. Stokes, 396. Charles A. Clement, 397. Josh. C. Ballenger, 398. Charles P. Taylor, 399. R. Satterthwaite, 400. John Kaighn, 401. James Saunders, 402. Adrian Moore, 403. Ed. L. Fenimore, 404. Joseph H. Gibbons, 405. Albert Pancoast, 406. Morris E. Masters, RESIDENCE. DATE OP ENTRY. Philadelphia, Pa., llth mo., 1854. Plymouth, Pa., 5th mo., " West Chester, Pa., " Philadelphia, Pa., " Germantown, Pa., " Philadelphia, Pa., West Chester, Pa., llth mo., Woodbury, N. J., " Mt. Laurel, N. J., Morrisville, Pa., Camden, N. J., Medford, N. J., ' 1859. Experiment Mills, Pa., ' 1854. Burlington, N. J., Tuckerton, N. J., Allowaystown, N. J., Yardville, N. J., Muncy, Pa., 5th mo., 1855. Darby, Pa., " Philadelphia, Pa., Salem, Ohio, llth mo., 1859. Trenton, N. J., 5th mo., 1855. Allamuchy, N. J., Greenwich, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., Chester, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Lahaska, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Mt. Holly, N. J., Woodbury, N. J., Leeds' Point, N. J., Mt. Laurel, N. J., West Grove, Pa., Crosswicks, N. J., Haddonfield, N. J., Woodbury, N. J., Nine Points, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Winneshiek Co., Iowa, Philadelphia, Pa., Muncy, Pa., llth mo., 1859. 5th mo., 1856. 176 GENERAL CATALOGUE. FOURTH THOUSAND. RESIDENCE. 407. 408. 409. 410. 411. 412. 413. 414. 415. 416. 417. 418. 419. 420. 421. 422. 423. 424. 425. 426. 427. 428. 429. 430. 431. 432. 433. 434. 435. 436. 437. 438. 439. 440. 441. 442. 444. 445. 446. 447. 448. 449. 451. 452. 453. 454. 455. Robert T. Martin, Philadelphia, Pa., James R. Kite, Robert Burton, Fallsington, Pa., William H. Phillips, Wilmington, Del., PATE OF ENTRY. 5th mo., 1856. Wm. O. Bartlett, Jon. C. Baldwin, Richard E. Griffith Lewis N. Hoge, Qharles C. Bedell, Asahel Cooper, Bethlehem, Pa., Downingtown, Pa., Winchester, Va., Hamilton, Va., Clinton Corners, N. Y., . \ ^i 1 1 <, i \^\j\/ ij\si j v^iiriSLiHimij i H. j Sam'l K. Chambers, Strickersville, Pa., Barclay Cope, Kimbleville, Pa., Caleb Bundy, Barnesville, Ohio, Melmoth H. Way, Centreville, Del., Pemberton Moore, Gap, Pa., William E. Windle, Milltown, Pa., James L. Forsythe, West Chester, Pa., Wheatland, Va., Gap, Pa., Kirk's Mills, Pa., Oak Hill, Pa., Stephenson's Sta., Va., New Garden, Pa., London Grove, Pa., Wilmington, Del., Marsha llton, Pa., West Chester, Pa., Sadsburyville, Pa., Loveville, Del., Taylorsville, Pa., llth mo., 1859. 1856. Samuel Miller, Levi Moore, John Ballance, Jas. M. Ballance, Thos. H. Jolliffe, Thomas Kinsey, David Cope, Samuel H. Edge, Edwin E. Embree, John M. James, Charles W. Ash, Charles S. Wilson, Elias P. Lovvnes, Franklin M. Grubb, Philadelphia, Pa., George W. Harlan, Doe Run, Pa., James W- Tatnall, Levi Haines, Charles C. Way, James Garrett, Albin Garrett, Nathan Cope, " William H. Jolliffe, Baltimore, Md., Jesse P. Thatcher, W 7 arren Tavern, Pa., 4th mo llth mo 4th mo 1859. ,, 1857. Wilmington, Del., Pleasant Grove, Pa., Kennet Square, Pa., West Chester, Pa., 5th mo., " K llth mo., 1859. 1857. David L. Griffith, Nelson W. Scott, Joel Evans, Levi Hoopes, White Hall, Va., Marshallton, Pa., Marple, Pa., Willistown Inn, Pa., Chris. H. Alexander, Philadelphia, Pa., 5th mo., 1858. Phineas P. James, West Chester, Pa., llth mo., 1857. Henry C. Carlile, W. Philadelphia, Pa., STUDENTS. 177 FOURTH THOUSAND. HAKE. RESIDENCE. DATE OF EICTBT. 456. Henry E. Gould, Newport, R. I., llth mo., 1857, 457. John T. Jones, Fawn Grove, Pa., " " 458. Lewis B. George, White Hall, Va., " 459. Ed. W. Pierson, Avondale, Pa., " " 460. Ziba D, Walter, Centreville, Del, " " 4>1. James T. Wood, Philadelphia, Pa., 5th mo., 1856 462. George J. French, Milestown, Pa., 463. Daniel Decou, Georgetown, N. J., " 464. Joseph G. Seal, Avondale, Pa., " " 465. William Scattergood, Philadelphia, Pa., 466. Charles Gruwell, Damascoville, Ohio, 467. George W. Bacon, Greenwich, N. J., 468. Richard Maria, Lionville, Pa., " 469. Asahel W. Cooper, Christiana, Pa., " 470. Charles Homey, Philadelphia, Pa., " 471. Joseph E. Carlile, W. Philadelphia, Pa., " 472. William W. Stapler, Wilmington, Del., 473. Penrose Maule, Port Royal, Pa., 474. Ellwood Cooper, Christiana, Pa., 475. MarcellusBalderston, Philadelphia, Pa., " 476. Samuel H. Cloud, Woodbury, N. J., 477. Timothy A. Pharo,* Tuckerton, N. J., llth mo., 478. Norris J. Scott, West Haverford, Pa., 5th mo., 479. J. W. Worthington, Philadelphia, Pa., 480. William P. Jones, Coushohocken, Pa., llth mo., 481. Robert Taylor, Columbus, N. J., " 482. William Balderston, Fallsington, Pa., " 483. George B. Taylor, Philadelphia, Pa., " 484. Elias Wildman, Morrisville, -Pa., " 485. Atkinson H. Rich, Three Tons, Pa., " 486. D. C. Satterthwaite, Crosswicks, N. J., 487. Jonathan L. Cresson, Philadelphia, Pa., " 488. John E. Darnell, Mt. Laurel, N. J., " 489. Robert B. Ivins, Shrewsbury, N. J., " 490. William W. Dilks, Germantown, Pa., " 491. Ellis P. Lee, Stonersville, Pa., " 492. Jos. B. Scattprgood, Philadelphia, Pa., " 493. Thomas J. Windle, Guthrieville, Pa., " 1859. 494. David Tomlinson, Ivy Mills, Pa., " 1856. 496. William W. Hazard, Poplar Ridge, N. Y., " 1859. 497. Benj. W. Gauntt, Jobstown, N. J., " 1856. 498. Charles M. Tatnall, Wilmington, Del., 5th mo. 1857. 499. William E. Allen, Philadelphia, Pa., 500. William H. Jenks, " " " 501. Nath. B. Crenshaw, Richmond, Va., " " * Deceased at the school, Second mo. 16th, 1857. 178 GENERAL CATALOGUE. FOURTH THOUSAND. 502. Charles R. Deacon, 503. Isaac Stokes, 50-1. Samuel A. Willits, 505. William Hutton, 606. Benjamin 0.. Reeve, 607. John Blackwood, 508. Phillips Chambers, 509. Walter A. Ricks, 510. Ed. L. Murray, 511. John C. Maule, 512. Joseph G. Evans, 513. William W. Biddle, 514. Charles S. Dutton, 515. Caspar T. Sharpless, 516. Eli Sharpless, 517. Isaac P. Garrett, 518. Samuel B. Darnell, 519. George G. King, 520. William G. King, ( ) Joseph Tomlinson, 521. Benjamin A. Vail, 522. Franklin Eastburn, 523. Robert G. Lear, 524. Rich. W. Randolph, 525. William Taylor, 526. Ed. Mendenhall, 527. Nehemiah Whitacre, 528. Samuel J. Scott, 529. T. Scattergood, Jr., 530. George W. Ivins, 531. Chas. E. Woodward, 534. William Harry, 535. R. H. Johnson, 536. David S. Haviland, 537. Walter Hp.viland, 539. Caleb P. Cooper, 540. Thos. F. Matthews, 541. Ed. H. Matthews, 542. H. B. Gilkeson, 543. Joseph K. Gaily, 544. Isaac N. Vail, 545. Albert W. Preston, 546. Alfred Haines, 547. Jas. Wilson Masters, 548. Henry C. Scull, 549. John Eldridge, 550. William Jolliife, RESIDENCE. Burlington, N. J., Woodbury, N. J., Haddontield, N. J., Chester, Pa., Allowavstown, N. J., Haddonfield, N. J., Fairville, Pa., Ruther Glenn, Va., Flushing, N. Y., Philadelphia, Pa., Haddontield, N. J., West Chester, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Moorestown, N. J., Upper Darby, Pa., Marlton, N. J., Burlington, N. J., Westtown, Pa., Rahway, N. J., Attleboro', Pa., Warren Tavern, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa.,. u Parkersville, Pa., Muncy, Pa., Sandy Spring, Md., Philadelphia, Pa., Shrewsbury, N. J., Marshallton, Pa., Lionville, Pa., Parkesburg, Pa., Harrison, N. Y., Parkesburg, Pa., Cockeysville, Md., Mount Sidney, Va., Camden, Del., Lloydsville, Ohio, Couowingo, Md., Trout Run, Pa., Millville, Pa., Woodstown, N. J., Johnstown, Pa., Stephensou's Sta., Va. DATE OF ENTRT. 5th mo., 1857 llth mo., 1858. 1857. 1859. 1857. 1859. 1857. 1858. 5th mo., llth mo., a 7th rno., llth mo., 1859. " 1858. ii 5th mo., 1860. llth mo., 5th mo., llth mo., 1862. 1860. STUDENTS. 179 FOURTU THOUSAND. RESIDENCE. 551. Charles T. Abbott, 552. Isaac P. Hazard, 553. Isaac C. Hoge, 554. Stephen W. Post, 555. Abiah Cope, 556. Benjamin F. Cloud, 557. George Cooper, 558. Isaac L. Troth, 559. Alfred Whitacre, 560. Joseph Heacock, { ) Ell wood Toralinson, 561. Edmund Wood, 562. Samuel W. Moore, 563. Wilmer W.Marshall, 564. Wm. H. Tomlinson, 565. James E. Bangs, 566. George Balderston, 567. Wm. P. Husband, 568. Mifflin Bell, 569. Ed. C. Hopkins, 570. Samuel Johnson, 571. Samuel C. Hatton, 572. Skipwith H. Coale, 573. Samuel G. Painter, 574. J. Howard Palmer, n't. Amor Nichols, 576. Alban Harvey, 577. George Thomas, Jr., 578. Chas. T. Thomas, 579. William L. Jefferis, 580. Nathan Sharpless, 581. Joseph Conrow, 582. Frank N. Hopkins, 583. Morris S. Cope, 58 i. Joshua H. Shaw, 585. Alfred B. Taylor, -><;. William B. Bell, 587. Edward B. Temple, 588. John F. Davis, 589. Thomas W. Bundy, 590. William E. Bundy, 591. John F. Kinsey, 592. Ell wood Ball, ' 593. Alexis Thomas Cope, 594. Henry C. Valentine, 595. John B. Valentine, 596. George W. Taylor, Salem, N. J., Poplar Ridge, N. Y., Hamilton, Va., N. Jlempstead, L. I., Marshallton, Pa., Woodbury, N. J., Ercildoun, Pa., Columbus, N. J., Muncy, Pa., Greenwood, Pa., Westtowu, Pa., Rah way, N. J., Christiana, Pa., Newport, Del., Willistown Inn, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Port Deposit, Md., Dublin, Md., Bloomington, 111., Darlington, Md., Lima, Pa,, Sugartown, Pa., Baltimore, Md., Fallston, Md., Centreville, Del., BATE OF ESTBT. llth mo., 186Q 1862. 1860. 1861. 1860. 5th mo. llth mo. 5th mo. llth mo. 5th mo. llth mo. 6th mo., llth mo., if 1861. 1860, 1861. 1860. 1861. W. Whiteland, Pa., Chandlerville, Pa., u Flushing, Ohio, Baltimore, Md., Marshallton, Pa., Darlington, Md., Doe Run, Pa., Experiment Mills, Pa., Doe Run, Pa., Barnesville, Ohio, (i Pugh, Ohio, Quakertown, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Bellefonte, Pa., West Grove, Pa., 5th mo., 1862 180 GENERAL, CATALOGUE. FOURTH THOUSAND. 597. Walter O. Sh reeve, 598. William T. Forsythe, 599. Isaac Sharpless, 600. C. Canby Balderston, 601. James VV. Morris, 602. Joseph S. Haines, 603. Henry W. Sharpless, 604. Howard A. Hunt, 605. Samuel F. Rudolph, 606. Win. P. G. Shotwell, 607. John Haines, 608. Thomas Walmsley, 609. Samuel R. Matlack, 610. Josiah N. Woolman, 611. Ira J. Parker, 612. Joshua Brown, 613. David J. Brown, 614. Henry Lippincott, 615. Enos Thomas, 616. Aaron E. Borton, 617. N. Newlin Smith, 618. S. Preston Carpenter, 619. John K. Hulme, 620. Joseph H. Haines, 621. Jos. H. Balderston, 622. Nathan H. Edgerton, 623. Levi S. Thomas, 624. Thomas B. Jones, 625. Wm. Mendenhall, 626. William Roberts, 627. Lemuel Brackin, 628. Milton Starbuck, 629. John C. Hall, 630. Job McCarty, 631. Alfred K. Smith, 632. Isaac Jones, 633. Lewis Pennington, 634. Charles Burton, Jr., 635. John M. Palmer, 636. Lee H. Buffington, 637. Jos. K. Lippincott, 638. Wm. H. Welding, 639. Walter Wood, 640. Cleayton Wistar, 641. Thomas Dutton, 642. Joseph H. Wills, 643. Lindley Haines, Jr., RESIDENCE. Long-a-coming, N. J., West Chester, Pa., Birmingham, Pa., W. Nottingham, Md., Mansfield, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Marcus Hook, Pa., Plainfield, N. J., Oxford Valley, Pa., Burlington, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., W. Philadelphia, Pa., Millville, Pa., Fallsingtou, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Mt. Laurel, N. J., Darlington, Md., Salem, N. J., Bristol, Pa., Medford, N. J., Port Deposit, Md., Barnesville, Ohio, New Brighton, Pa., Fallsington, Pa., Parkersville, Pa., Medford, N. J., Colerain, Ohio, Barnesville, Ohio, East Fairfield, Ohio, Eldredville, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Fallsington, Pa., West Grove, Pa., Fallsington, Pa., Sandy Springs, Md., Philadelphia, Pa., Woodstown, N. J., Brooklyn, N. Y., Philadelphia, Pa., Salem, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., Mt. Holly, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., BATE OF EXTRT. 5th mo., 1862 llth mo., " 5th mo., 1858. llth mo., 5th mo., llth mo., 1860. 1862. 1858. 1862. 1858. 1862, 1858. 5th mo., 1859. STUDENTS. 181 FOURTH THOUSAND. 644. Francis Morris, 645. Joseph A. Haines, 646. James W. Haines, 647. Israel R. Scott, 648. Thomas Hall, 649. Edward Bonsall, 650. Reuben Eldridge, 651. Joseph Matins, 652. William J. Evans, 653. S. Smith Griffith, 654. William Sharpless, 655. Wm. S. Wool man, 656. William H. Taylor, 657. Samuel C. Collins, 658. Jonathan Jones, Jr., 659. Henry Cope, Jr., 660. Arthur W. Palmer, 661. Wm. H. Warrington, 662. Hudson B. Taylor, 663. William B. Conrad, 664. Joseph Pennell, 665. C. Henry Leeds, 666. Thomas S. Bishop, 667. Edward W. Twining, 668. James Hilyard, Jr., 669. Samuel P. Bartlett, 670. Stephen Wood, 671. Chas. L. Sharpless, 672. Edward B. Richie, 673. Charles Boll, 674. John C. Deacon, Jr., 675. Wm. H. Randolph, 676. John B. Jones, 677. Henry B. Abbott, 678. Welding Ring, 679. John B. Buck man, 680. J. M. Mendenhall, 681. Edmund W. Scott, 682. William Matlack, 68. Enos P. Eldridge, 684. George Trimble, 685. Benj. H. Middleton, 686. Joshua S. Wills, 687. Josiah Hall, 688. Howard H. Wills, 689. William C. Haines, 690. Charles J Taylor, 15 RESIDENCE. Philadelphia, Pa., Medford, N. J., BATE OF 1 ENTRY. llth mo., 1859. Concordville, Pa., Spencer's Station, Ohio, Philadelphia, Pa., Goshenville, Pa., Mt. Laurel, N. J., M'arlton, N. J., Eagle P. O., Pa., Chester, Pa., Fallsington, Pa., West Chester, Pa., Trenton, N. J., Branchtown, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Sandy Springs, Md., Cinqaminson, N. J., Rancocas, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., Lima, Pa., Cinnaminson, N. J., 5th mo., 1860. Columbus, N. J., Yardleyville, Pa., Rancocas, N. J., Tuckerton, N. J., New York, N. Y., Philadelphia, Pa., Experiment Mills, Pa., llth mo., 1862. Burlington, N. J., 5th mo., 1860. Philadelphia, Pa., Fallsington, Pa., llth mo., " Salem, N. J., Cornwall, N. Y., Newtown, Pa., " " Westminster, N. C., " " Sandy Spring, Md., 12th mo., 1862. Moorestown, N. J., llth mo., 1860. Goshenville, Pa., Chester, Pa., Crosswicks, N. J., Rancocas, N. J., Harrisville, Ohio, Rancocas, N. J., Medford, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., 182 GENERAL CATALOGUE. FOURTH THOUSAND. RESIDENCE. 691. John Hopkins, 692. Zebedee Haines, 693 William E. Tatum, 695. William Livezey, 696. Richard J. Brown, 697. Edmund D. Wills, 698. Joseph Frame, 699. Isaac S. Lowry, 700. John S. Lowry, 701. Davis P. Walter, 702. Henry Bacon, 703. N. H. Middleton, 704. Samuel R. Matlack, 705. David E. Darnell, 706. John I. Bishop, 707. Robert P. Brown, 708. B. C. Satterthwaite, 709. Charles Collins, 710. John P. Balderston, 711. Giles S. Woolman, 713. W. Henry Taylor, 714. Christopher H.Jones, 715. John Wistar, 716. George C. Kinsey, 717. Henry P. Whitacre, 718. Nathan C. Gauntt, 719. Joshua Sharpless, 720. Lloyd Baily, 721. Joseph G. Fogg, 722. Paul S. Lippincott, 723. Wm. H. Blackwood, 724. Evert P. Maule, 725. David Scattergood, 726. John W. Bartlett, 727. Jonathan Bell, Jr., 728. Ezra Comfort, 729. Ellis Middleton, 730. Edward H. Coffin, 731. Wistar Newbold, 732. Joshua D. Evans, 733. James P. Cooper, 734. 'William 8. Jenness, 735. John M. Griffith, 73(5. Joseph K. Evens, 737. Ezra E. Darnell, 738. John P. Canby, 739. Joseph S. Moore, Port Deposit, Md., Medford, N. J., Woodbury, N. J., Centre Bridge, Pa., Fallsington, Pa., Princeton, N. J., Lloydsville, Ohio, Philadelphia, Pa., DATE OF ENTRY. llth mo., 1860 5th mo., 1861, Parkersville, Pa., " Philadelphia, Pa., Crosswicks, N. J., " Moorestown, N. J., llth mo., Mt. Laurel, N. J., " Columbus, N. J., Fallsington, Pa., " Oxford Valley, Pa., Morrisville, Pa., Port Deposit, Md., Fallsington, Pa., " Columbus, N. J., Fallsington, Pa., Salem, N. J., Quakertown, Pa., Muncy, Pa., Jobstown, N. J., McClellansville, Del., Germantown, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Woodstown, N. J., Haddonfield, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., 5th mo., llth mo., 1863 1861. 5th mo., 1862. Tuckerton, N. J., Plymouth, Pa., Conshohocken, Pa., Crosswicks, N. J., Newburg, N. Y., Philadelphia, Pa., Elizabethtown, N. J., Ercildoun, Pa., Burlington, N. J., White Hall, Va., Marlton, N. J., Mt. Laurel, N. J., Hulmeville, Pa., Nine Points, Pa., llth mo., K 12th mo., llth mo., STUDENTS. 183 FOUKTH THOUSAND. 740. Joseph Lownes, 741. William H. House, 742. J. Howard Masters, 743. Edwin Whitacre, 744. Franklin Bassett, 74"). Henry T. Gardiner, 746. Thomas M. Warren, 747. Joseph G. Painter, 748. Marshall J. Walter, 749. Henry H. Elkinton, 750. James C. Roberts, 751. Edward M. Wistar, 752. T. Ellicott Lindley, 753. Isaac Remington, 754. Samuel S. \Villiams, 755. Duncan O. Bartlett, 756. William Trimble, 757. Chas. F. Welding, 758. Thomas K. Carey, 759. William B. Harl'an, 760. R. Albert Wills, 7<11. S. H. Edwards, 762. Alfred P. Edge, 7(5:3. William K. Smith, 764. George Abbott, Jr., 765. James M. Rote, 766. J. Franklin Hilyard, 767. Richard Wistar, Jr., 768. James W. Janney, 769. Abram H. Smith, 770. K. John E. Forsythe, !'<;(;. Frederic H. Deacon, 967. George E. Deacon, 968. Dan. L. Pennington, 969. Edward Haviland, 970. Samuel R. Pusey, 971. John W. Moore, 972. Nathan G. Green, 973. W. Henry Kashner, 974. Wm. C. Nicholson, 975. Richard P. Pirn, W. Philadelphia, Pa., Jobstown, N. J., Brooklyn, N. Y., Pennsville, Ohio, Barnesville, Ohio, Indianapolis, Ind., Flushing, Ohio, Trappe, Md., New Brighton, Pa., Chester, Pa., Salem, Ohio, Brighton, Md., Flushing, Ohio, Frank ford, Pa., Rancocas, N. J., Chester Hill, Ohio, Clintondale, N. Y., New York, N. Y., Mt. Laurel, N. J., Concordville, Pa., Muscatine, Iowa, Flushing, Ohio, West Grove, Pa., West Haverford, Pa., Sereno, Pa., Quakertown, Pa., Cincinnati, Ohio, Rancocas, N. J., York, Pa., Oakdale, Pa., W. Nottingham, Md., Trenton, N. J., Cockeysville, Md., Chester Hill, Ohio, Oak Hill, Pa., Burlington, N. J., West Grove, Pa., Harrison, N. Y., Thorndale, Pa., Nine Points, Pa., West Chester, Pa., Columbus, N. J., Mt. Ephraim, N. J., Thorndale, Pa., 5th mo., llth mo., 5th mo., 1866. 1867. I860. 1867. llth mo., 1866. 5th mo., " llth mo., 1864. 5th mo., llth mo., 5th mo., a 1865. llth mo., 5th mo., llth mo., 188 GENERAL CATALOGUE. FOURTH THOUSAND. NAME. RESIDENCE. DATE OF ENTRT. 976. Howard Comfort, Germantown, Pa., llth mo., 1865. 977. William Comfort, " " 978. E. Satterthwaite, Crosswicks, N. J., 979. Lewis P. Sharpless, Strickersville, Pa., it t 980. Vincent Edge, Downingtown, Pa., (i ( 981. Charles T. Wills, Princeton, N. J., " ' 982. Charles Wright, Jr., Columbus, N. J., ( t 983. Hilles Lippincott, Rising Sun, Pa., ( { 984. Samuel Abbott, Salem, N. J., < < 985. Nathan S. Roberts, Mt. Laurel, N. J., ' ' 986. Geo. R. Chambers, Strickersville, Pa., ( U 987. M. C. Satterthwaite, Attleboro', Pa., < u 988. John S. Garrigues, West Haverford, Pa., 989. Mulford Haines, Medford, N. J., < 990. John Gardiner, Mt. Laurel, N. J., < 991. Walter T. Moore, Salem, Ohio, i 992. Barclay Decou, Trenton, N. J., I 11 993. C. N. Balderston, Port Deposit, Md., 5th mo. 1867. 994. John W. Cloud, Woodbury, N. J., llth mo. 1866. 995. Samuel S. Leeds, Barnegat, N. J., 5th mo. " 996. Charles Lee, Stonersville, Pa., " " 997. Samuel B. Kester, Millville, Pa., llth mo. " 998. R. Harlan Whitacre, Muncy, Pa., 5th mo. " 999. Barclay Lear, Warren Tavern, Pa., tt <> 1000. Elisha Cook, Glenville, Md., " " FIFTH THOUSAND. NAME. RESIDENCE. DATE OF ENTRT. 1. B. Gilpin Smith, Darlington, Md., llth mo., 1866. 2. William T. Cooper, Woodbury, N. J., 11 3. Joshua Taylor, Columbus, N. J.. " " 4. Charles E. Zelley, Moorestown, N. J., 5th mo., 1867 5. Thos. B. Taylor^ West Chester, Pa., It U 6. Joseph Heacock, Greenwood, Pa., llth mo., " 7. Ev. P. Roberts, Moorestown, N. J., 5th mo., ' 8. Josiah T. Henrie, Greenwood, Pa., " ' 9. Henry M. Jones, Germantown, Pa., u i 10. Wistar P. Brown, West Chester, Pa., (( i 11. Josiah T. Bailv, Yardville, N. J., U ( 12. John C. Stokes, Philadelphia, Pa., 11 I 13. J. How'd Yarnall, Lima, Pa., (I I 14. S. Mason Bines, Germantown, Pa., 11 I 15. William T. Bines, (I I 16. J. K. Worthingtou, Darlington, Md., ( 17. Ezra E. Prickitt, Vincenttown, N. J., llth mo., 18. Thomas B. Gould, Moorestown, N. J., 5th mo., " STUDENTS. 189 FIFTII THOUSAND. RESIDENCE. 19. Edward B. Hilles, 20. Edward Allen, Jr., 21. Charles Willits, 22. Howard Hamblin, 23. Alfred R. Bartlett, 24. Rowland D. Allen, 25. William B. Crew, 26. Caspar W. Haines, 27. Biddle Bishop, 28. I. Henry Roberts, 29. Ellis Haines, 30. William K. Thorp, 31. Jolin Griffith, 32. M. H. Jenks, 33. Chas. W. Warrington, 34. Archie P. Willits, 35. Joseph B. Willits, 36. Walter Price, 37. Edward Brinton, 38. Benjamin C. Comfort, 39. John M. Kaighn, 40. Samuel C. Moon, ( ) Edwin A. Hoopes, 41. William W. Minster, 42. Harvey Sharpless, 43. Charles Hoopes, 44. William W. Leeds, 45. Charles H. Roberts, 46. George E. Embree, 47. Chas. E. Huntington, 48. Milton Rote, 49. Chas. E. Mendenhall, 50. John H. Thomas, 51. James Gardiner, 52. Charles W. Comfort, 53. Lawrence Tatum, 54. Benjamin Edge, 55. Jonathan Hatton, 56. James Chambers, 57. John P. Sharpless, 58. Edward Philips, 59. Ashton R. Tatnall, 60. William S. Bacon, 61. Edwin Thorp, 62. James B. Cope, 63. Ashton R. Tatum, <34. Milnor D. Smith, Frank ford, Pa., Moorestown, N. J., Haddonfield, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., Tuckerton, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., Chester Hill, Ohio, Cheltenham, Pa., Columbus, N. J., Lumberton, N. J., Medford, N. J., West Chester, Pa., Winchester, Va., Philadelphia, Pa., Greenwich, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., Media, Pa., Chadd's Ford, Pa., Conshohocken, Pa., Camden, N. J., Morris ville, Pa., Westtown, Pa., Gosh en ville, Pa., Cinnaminson, N. J., New Garden, Pa., Cinnaminson, N. J., Mt. Holly, N. J., West Chester, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Millville, Pa., Muncy, Pa., Avondale, Pa., Mt. Laurel, N. J., Conshohocken, Pa., , Ind., Downingtown, Pa., Goshenville, Pa., New Garden, Pa., McClellandsville, DeL, Avondale, Pa., Wilmington, Del., Greenwich, N. J., Howellville, Pa., Germantown, Pa., Wilmington, Del., West Chester, Pa,, M BATS 0* KSTRT. 5th mo., 1867, 1868 1867. llth mo., 5th mo., 1868. " 1867. 1870. 5th mo., 1868. llth mo., 1866. 5th mo., llth mo., 7th mo., llth mo., 1869. 1866. 5th mo., 1867. 190 GENERAL, CATALOGUE. FIFTH THOUSAND. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. W. Nottingham, Md., Medina, N. Y., Salem, Ohio, 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. Chas. Balderston, James L. Hedley,* Alfred Hedley, Joseph E. Bonsall, Harmon L. Hutton, Philadelphia, Pa., Edward Cromwell, New York, N. Y., William C. Palmer, Stanfordville, N. Y., Abiah I. Palmer, Levis P. Newlin, William T. Zook, C. H. Warrington, H. Lea Forsythe, Charles H. Brown, William H. Zelley, James F. Sharpless, Birmingham, Pa., Reece L. Thomas, Chelsea, Pa., William H. Roberts, Westtown, Pa., Davis H. Forsythe, Richard R. Tatnall, Wilmington, Del., Maurice Comfort, DATE OF ENTRY. 5th mo., 1867 West Chester, Pa., Downingtown, Pa., West Chester, Pa., nl. Charles Tatum, Philadelphia, Pa., 5th mo., 1872. 302. Enos S. Jones, Gennantown, Pa., " 303. Joseph D. Snowdon, Philadelphia, Pa., " .",'ik T. Walter Einbree, "West Chester, Pa., " 305. Samuel Forsythe, Chadd's Ford, Pa., llth mo., 301}.,. Kit-hard M. Cooper, Haddonfield, N. J., 5th mo., 307. Ed. M. Chambers, Philadelphia, Pa., " 308. Alfred W. Baily, Marlton, X. J., " 309. Morris Linton, West Grove, Pa., " 310. John B. Heston, Bristol, Pa., llth mo., 31 1. "William W. Allinson, Pemberton, N. J., " 312. John B. Xewkirk, Greenwich, N. J., " 313. Charles Williams, Jr.. Fellowship, N. J., " 314. William Lewis Brown, lladdington, Phila., 5th mo., 1873. 315. William H. Thorp, Frankford. Pa., llth mo., 1872. 316. John P. Thorp, Lionville, Pa., " 317. Edward Randolph, Philadelphia, Pa., 5th mo., 1873. 318. Archie Pharo, Tuckerton, X. J., " " 319. Jos. K. Lippincott, Jr., Haddontield, X J., " " 320. X. Ilowland Brown, Philadelphia, Pa.\ " " 321. Henry H. Brown, " " " " 322. Stacy L. Heacock, Greenwood, Pa., " " 323. William C. Chase, Haverford College, Pa., " 324. J. Albertsou Jones, Germantown, Pa., " 1874. 325. Edwin S. James, West Chester, Pa., llth mo., " 326. Charles E. Gause, Jr., Plaiutield, X. J., 5th mo., 1S72. 327. George C. Webster, Concordville, Pa., " 328. Jasper C. McGrew, Pennsville, Ohio, " 329. Robert 1 1. Walter, Xorway, Pa., 330. Henry Ecroyd, Munc}, Pa., 331. Louis Lamborn, West Chester, Pa^ ' 332. Joshua C. Smith, Darlington, Md., " 333. Xathan Kite, Philadelphia, Pa., 6th mo., 334. Paschal 1 Moore, Xine Points, Pa., llth mo., 335. Caleb Moore, " " 336. Josiah W. Prickirt, Medford, X. J., 337. J. Passmore Cheyney, Colora, Md., " Mordecai S. Parvin, Leesport, Pa., " :;:;'.'. Charles Thomas, Avondale, Pa., " 340. Josiah Cloud, Jr., Woodhury, X. J., " 841. John B. Webb, Chadd's Ford, Pa., * 196 GENERAL CATALOGUE. FIFTH THOUSAND. NAME RESIDENCE. DATE OF ENTRT. 342. William Post, Old Westbury, L. I., llth mo , 1872. 343. James Moon, Morrisville, Pa., a " 344. Pennell L. Webster, Glen Riddle, Pa., tt it 345. Francis Yarnall, Howellville, Pa., a it 346. Silas W. Cox, Goldsboro, 1ST. C., a it 347. Joseph N. Willits, Haddontield, N. J., 5th mo , 1873. 348. David W. Masters, Wolf Run, Pa., u u 349. Joshua Thomas, Avondale, Pa., t 11 350. George W. Henrie, Greenwood, Pa., i I 351. Walter L. Moore, Avondale, Pa., 1 t 352. Joseph S. Simmons, Bart P. O., Pa., 1 I 353. Henry Battin. Canton, Pa., I I 354. Edward L. South, Plainfield, N. J., I I 355. William B. Hayes, Thorndale, Pa., t I 356. Brinton P. Cooper, Christiana, Pa., t t 357. Arthur E. Roberts, Masonville, N. J., ' It 358. B. F. Wickersham. Jr., West Chester, Pa., 1 t 359. AVilliam J. A. Hamblin, Camden, 1ST. J., ' ' 360. William F. Smith, Pennsville, Ohio, i I 361. James T. Curtis, Cincinnati, Ohio, I I 362. Joseph E. Meyers, Wolf Run, Pa., llth mo I 363. Walter Brinton, Chadd's Ford, Pa., u 364. John M. Moore, Camden, N. J., 11 ' 365. Robert P. Nicholson, Haddonfield, N". J., ti ( 366. John Worth, Jr., Marshallton, Pa., it 1 367. Howard M. Heulings, Trenton, N. J., It 1 368. Townsend Sb.arple.ss, Philadelphia, Pa., It it 369. J. Henrv Bartlett, Tuckerton, N. J., It M 370. Wilmer'P. Leeds, a a It it 371. Thomas W. Thorp, Howellville, Pa., It tl 372. Harrison W. Haines, Kirk wood, N. J., tl tt 373. Jonathan Cope, Kimbleville, Pa., tt It 374. Henrv M. Thomas, Baltimore, Md., tl it 375. Bond'V. Thomas, U it tt it 376. William E. Jenks, Philadelphia, Pa., 5th mo ., 1874. 377. Richard L. Jenks, tt a it it 378. Robert H. Russell, a tt u " 379. Frank L. Borton, Rancocas, N. J., ti " 380. David A. Bines, Germantown, Pa., 1 tt 381. David D. Engle, Masonville, N. J., I " 382. Howard H. Bell, Mt. Ephraim, N. J., I it 383. William L. Collins, Fmnkt'ord, Pa., i i 384. Stokes Collins, Barnegat, N. J., I i 385. Horace Stokes, Cinnaminson, N. J., t i 386. Edward M. Jones, Germantown, Pa., tl i 387. Pennock Cooper, West, Grove, Pa., llth mo t 388. Lewis W. Taylor, Woodstown, N. J., a n STUDENTS. 197 FIFTH THOUSAND. RESIDENCE. 389. Stephen At water, 390. Joseph Stokt-s. 391. Alexamler R. Jenks, 392. Henry Hall. 39:j. Walter S. Swayne, 394. Charles Lamhorn, 395. William T. Elkinton, :;.;. Kphraim T. Gill, :;'.(7. Milton W. Larkin, 398. Samuel 1 Inline. Jr., 399. T. Kirkbride Hnline, 400 'Allen H. Roberts, 401. Everett Moon. 4o-2. I. Roberts Comfort, 403. J. Alban Kite. 404. Edward B. I logo. 405. Edwin F. Holloway. 4'M',. Rowland Evans, 407. William Evans, 408. Hibbard D. Moore, 409. John G. Sbreve, 410. Eldaah Wilcox, 411. Jesse Williams. 412. Franklin T. lloopes. 413. George A. Rhoads, 414. Richard S. Dewees, 415. El wood Balderstou, 416. Edward Warriugton, 417. Joseph K. England, 418. William W. Heacoc-k. 419. Charles P. Chambers, 420. Samuel L. Whitson, 421. Samuel Worth, Jr., 422. Richard W. Maris. 423. T. Chalkley Palmer, 424. William G. Steer, 425. Aaron M. Headley, 426. John W. Mott, 427. Thomas E. Mott, 428. II. E. Satterthwaite, 429. Henry Zook, 430. Sam'l L. Srnedley, Jr., 431. Eli Heacock, 4:;2. Thomas J. Evens, 4:i:;. Joshua R. Evens, 4^4. Jaiiif.- Walton, 435. Ephraim G. Shrove, 16* Somerset. X. Y., Moorestown, X. J., Philadelphia. Pa., Harrisville, Ohio, \ew London, Pa., Scipioville. N. Y., Philadelphia, Pa., Haddonfield, 1ST. J., Linwood, Pa., Bristol, Pa., U U Moorestown, N. J., Fallsington, Pa., Wm. Penn P. O., Pa. Chester Hill, Ohio, Flushing, Ohio, ii (i Glen Mills, Pa., a u Avondale, Pa., lladdonfield, X. J., Shunk P. O., Pa,, Philadelphia, Pa., Downingtown, Pa., Wilmington, Del., Peiinsville, Ohio, Colora. Md., Moorestown, N. J., Xorristown, Pa., Benton, Pa, Toughkenamon, Pa., Xew Garden, Pa., Marshal It on, Pa., Darlington, Md., Media, Pa., Barnes vi lie, Ohio, Rising Sun, Md., Viola, Iowa, Crosswicks, N. J., Downingtown, Pa,, Howellville, Pa., Greenwood, Pa., Marlton, X. J., .. n.-irm-sville. Ohio, Haddonlield, N. J., ItATE OF E*TRV. llth mo.. 1874. 5th mo., 1875. llth mo , 1876. 1875. 1873. 5th mo., 1874 llth mo., " 1875. 1874. GENERAL CATALOGUE. FIFTH THOUSAND. RESIDENCE. 43(>. Horace L Kille, 487. Charles Allinson, 4W. Josej>h J. Coppock, 43!). Charles Stratton, 440. Joseph C. Stratton, 441. Lindley Fogg, 442. William L. Price, 443. Samuel R. Thorp, 444. Elmer D. Prickitt, 445. Ezra Lamborn, 446. Jervis B. Deacon, ( ) Joshua H. Davis, 447. Joseph C. Chambers, 448. Morris H. Taylor, 449. AVilliam A. Frame, 450. Charles W. L. Wilson, 451. Oliver H. Headly, 452. Lindley M. Winston, 453. Alfred R. White, 454. Cyrus Cooper, 455. E. H. Satterth \vaite, 456. Joseph S. Leeds, 457. Walton B. Leeds, 458. William B. Harvey, 459. Caleb S. Miller, 460. Warwick P. Miller, Jr., 461. John Scott, 462. Lloyd Balderston, Jr., 463. Richard L. Bentley, 464. Elisha Gamble, 465. Joseph H. Ashead, 466. Ira S. Frame, 467. Isaac Brown, 468. Edwin H. Cooper, 469. Ralph Lee Brinton, 470. Henry A. Lippincott, 471. William S. Prickitt, 472. Isaac Lippincott, 473. Samuel C. Webster, 474. Wilson T. Sid well, 475. John A. Hopkins, 476. William T. Cooper, 477. John Wetherill, 478. Thomas M. Reed, 479. Josepli E. Steer, 480. Samuel Lamborn, 481. John N. Reeve, Camden. N. J., Pemberton, N. J., Wiwona, Ohio, DATE OF ENTRI. nth mo., 1874. Damascoville, Ohio, " " Philadelphia, Pa., 5th mo., 1875. Wilmington, Del., " " Masonville, K J., " " Avondale, Pa., " Princeton, Jf. J., " Westtown Farm, Pa., " Toughkenamon, Pa., llth mo., AVoodstown, N. J., 5th mo., Barnesville, Ohio, " AVaterford, Va., " Rising Sun, Md., " Richmond, Va., " Franklin Depot, Va., ' ; Toughkenamon, Pa., llth mo., Fairville, Pa., " Moorestown, N. J., " u u u West Grove, Pa., Spencerville, Md., " II U Butler P. O., Md., Colora, Md., Sandy Spring, Md., East Carmel, Ohio, Salem, Ohio, Barnesville, Ohio, Mt. Laurel, K J., Toughkenamon, Pa., Chadd's Ford, Pa., Salem, N. J., Vincenttown, N. J., Moorestown, N. J., Concordville, Pa., Colerain, Ohio, Thompson P. O., Del., Rutherford Park, N.J., AA 7 est Branch, Iowa, AVrst Chester, Pa., 5th mo., 1876. Philadelphia, Pa., " " Thompson P. O., Del., " " Medford, N. J., " " STUDENTS. 199 482. 483. 484. 485. 486. 4S7. 488. 489. 490. 491. 492. 493, 494. 495. 496. 497. 498. 499. 500. 501. 502. 503. 504. 505. 506. 507. 508. 509. 510. 511. 512. 513. 514. 515. 516. 517. 518. 519. 520. 521. 52-2. 523. 524. 525. 526. FIFTH THOUSAND. NAME. RESIDE: CE. Tnomas II. Thompson, Darlington, Md., "Wakeman IT. Scott, Darlington, Md., Lindley F. Johnson, West Chester, Pa., Benjamin H. Taylor, Fallsington, Pa., I -iiiacr S. Evens, Marlton, X. J., William C. Passmore, Strickersville, Pa., Elmer E. Eldridge, Johnstown, Pa., Horace L. F. Aaronson, Columhus, N. J., George Satterthwait, Langhorne, Pa., William S. Comfort, Townsend Sexton, William S. Yarnall, Frank W. Prickitt, Joseph T. Whitson, Walter Smedlev, William T. Reed, Alfred W. Leeds, George R. Meloney, Walter South, Charles E. Winner, Samuel N. Shreve, Samuel N. Rhoads, Alfred E. Maris, Robert W. Maris. John W. Patterson, Oliver P. Tatum, William P. Morgan, Robert B. Bradshaw, Franklin Depot, Va., Joseph T. Lippincott, Philadelphia. Pa., William Tatnail, Jr., Joseph F. Srnedley, Thomas M. Dawson, Samuel F. Peunell, George L. Penuock, Henry W. Comfort, Joseph II. Matlack, Thomas T. Buzby, Charles Canby, Caleb W. Davis, J. Wetlierill Button, Henry G. Balderston, Kdirar Clement, Edward Hacker, Edward Lownes, DATE OF ,-CMTRT. 5th mo., 1876. llth mo., Tecumseh, Mich., Crosswicks, N". J., Glen Mills, Pa., Vincenttown, N. J., Chatham, Pa., Lima P. O., Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Moorestown, N. J., Avondale, Pa., Plainfield, N. J., Wolf Run, Pa., Mt. Laurel X. J., Haddonfield, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., Parkersville, Pa., 5th mo., llth mo., 1877. 1875. 5th mo., 1876. Hill Pennell, Thomas J. De Cou, ('. Martin Wilcox, Wilmington, Del., Philadelphia, Pa., Baltimore. Md., Linwood, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Fallsington, Pa., Moorestown, N. J., Rancocas, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa.. Westtown Farm, Pa., Wi-sttown Mills, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Camden. X. J., Germantown, Pa., Oakdale, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Columbus, N. J., Shunk P. O., Pa, llth mo., 5th mo., 1877. llth mo., 1876. 200 GENftRAL CATALOGUE. FIFTH THOUSAND. 527. M. Ellis Wilcox, 528. Clayton H. Evans, 529. John B. Evans, 530. Horatio W. Bacon, 531. John Bacon, 532. George Bailey, 533. Charles C. Haines. 534. I. Roberts Newkirk, 535. Richard G. Webster, 536. Samuel Alan Wilson, 537. Gtiion Miller, 538. Irving M. Scott, 539. Dubre K. Masters, 540. James Smith, 541. Benjamin S. Thorp, 542. George T. Whiteley, 543. Edwin Evans, 544. C. Canby Hopkins, 545. Edward B. Fox, 546. Joseph J. Fox, 547. Walter P. Ash, 548. Stephen C. Hinshaw, 549. William S. Whitacre, 550. Adolph Brackman, 551. Wilmer Cope, 552. Howard F. Jones, 553. Edward B. Jones, 554. C. Sharpless Mercer, 555. Alfred H. Moon, 556. John W. Warner, 557. Henry W. Whitacre, 558. Walter M. Jones, 559. Benjamin H. Cope, 560. David E. Cooper, 561. Edward G. Rhoads, 502. Jeptha E. Outland, 563. C. William Roberts, 564. Joseph Thorp, 565. J.Howard Mendenhall, 566. William B. Smith, 567. Chalkley C. Holloway, 568. Win. F. Wickersham, 569. Newlin Mendenhall, 570. Charles J. Mercer, 571. William P. Phipps, Jr., 572. Edward E. Scott, 573. Jonathan C. Hare, RESIDENCE. Shunk P. O., Pa., Medford. N. J., u u Greenwich, N. J., u u Thorndale, Pa., Moorestown, N. J., Greenwich, N. J., Glen Riddle, Pa., Newportville, Pa., Sandy Spring. Md., Darlington, Md., Muncy, Pa., Parkesburg, Pa., Frankford, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Thompson P. O., Del., u u u Philadelphia, Pa., DATE OF 11 th mo, ENTRY. , 1876. 5th mo llth mo 1878. 1876. , 1877. , 1876. 5th mo., 1877. Wagontown, Pa., Emporia, Kansas, Pottstown, Pa., Shunk P. O., Pa., Kimbleville, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., u u u u u u it U llth mo., 1878. 5th mo., 1877. Kennett Square, Pa., Fallsington, Pa., Wolf Run, Pa., Pottstown, Pa., Camden, N. J., Kimbleville, Pa., Marlton, N. J., Wilmington, Del., Woodland, N. C., Bristol, Pa., Howellville, Pa., u u Parkesburg, Pa., Flushing, Ohio, Kennett Square, Pa,, Lionville, Pa., Butler P. O., Md., Suffolk, Va., llth mo. STUDENTS. 201 FIFTH THOUSAND. NAME. RESIDENCE. DATE OF ENTRY. 574. Edward B. Reeve, Medford, N. J., 5th rno., 1878. 575. George H. Mendenliall, Wolf Run, Pa., U 11 576. C. Wistar Thompson, Salem, N. J., llth mo., u 577. Samuel W. Paxson, Aquetong, Pa., llth mo., 1877. 578. William C. Warren, Columbus, N. J., u 11 579. George Sharpless. Jr., Chester, Pa., u u 5SO. Morton Cromwell, Philadelphia, Pa., It u 581. William G. Masters. Pittsburg, Pa., u 11 582. Albert G. New bold, Moorestown, N. J., 5th mo., 1878. 583. Joseph Bailey, Jr., Pine Iron Works, Pa., M 11 584- Charles S. Bonsall, Philadelphia, Pa., " u f>N3* Alfred C. Elkinton, u u llth mo., u 586. S. Howard Haines, Medford, N. J., u t: 687. Thomas 11. Newbold, Media, Pa., it 1879. 588. Morris Longstreth, Philadelphia, Pa., M it 589. Clarkson J. Cox, Kemp's Mills, N. C., u 11 590. Howard T. Painter, Darby P. O., Pa., 5th mo., 1880. 591. Ed. R. Strawbridge, Germantown, Pa., " u 592. Walter E. De Cou, Trenton, N. J., u (I 593. George De Cou, u u u u 594. Robert F. Engle, Mt. Holly, N. J., u 11 595. Daniel S. Kaslmer, Columbus, N. J., u u 596. Willard Child, Henderson, N. Y. u II 597. John Oxley Littler, Kemp's Mills, N. C. u 11 698. Thomas W. Russell,* Philadelphia, Pa., 6th mo , u 599. Clayton L. Evens, Marl ton, N. J., llth mo., 11 600. Charles 11. Moon, Woodbourne, Pa., u 11 601. Richard W. Bailey, Pottstown, Pa., 5th mo., 1878. 602. Lambert J. Jones, Hughesville, Md., u u 603. Henry B. Leeds, Moorestown, N. J., U (t 604. William M. Walter, Norway P. O., Pa., U u 6o:>. Henry A. Thorp, Wilmington, Del., 1C it 606. Robert T. Mickle, Millville, N. J., u " Hi 17. Horace C. Moore, West Creek, N. J., u " 608. Samuel S. II. Stokes, Berlin, N. J., u u tit in. Shellv Larkin. Linwood, Pa., 11 u 610. William J. Fisher, Dymond City, N. C., 5th mo., 1879. 611. Henry W. Fisher, t< u u a " 612. Walter A. Scott, Concordville, Pa., 5th mo., 1878. 61:;. John I). Michener, Colora, Md., llth ino., u 614. J. Walter Smith, Lincoln, Va., M 1C 615. George S. Bacon, Greenwich, N. J., u u 616. S. Harrison Gardiner, Kirk wood, N. J., u u 617. Oliver Wilson Paxson, New Hope, Pa., a U 018. William Gardiner, Mount Holly, N. J., M M Drowned al tlichc'liool, Sixili mo. 19, 1880. 202 GENERAL CATALOGUE. FIFTH THOUSAND. 619. Albert Haines, 620. Howard R. Swayne, 621. Edward M. Bunting, 622. Walter F. Bunting, 623. James M. Patton, 624. Francis J. Patton, 625. Joseph W. Plmro, 626. Wilmer L. McFadgen, 627. Amos Ashead, Jr., 628. William T. Hare, 629. Thomas E. Coale, ( ) George Forsythe, 630. Walter J. Buzby, 631. Thomas Lee Haiues, 632. JSIewlin Haines, 633. William II. Savery, 634. Joseph D. Hoopes, 635. C. Walter Borton, 636. William A. Cooper, 637. William B. Cooper, 638. J. Howard Mickle, 639. Edward Sharpies*, 640. Charles W. Leeds, 641. Alfred B. Jones, 642. William Abbott, 643. William Biddle, Jr., 644. Eoland Smedley, 645. Warren C. Goodwin, 646. Clayton E. Underbill, 647. Norris G. Temple, 648. J. Howard Cook, 649. Alfred Smedley, 650. Alt'. H. Satterthwaite, 651. Amos A. Zelley, 652. Eber N. Gause", 653. John E. Hinsbaw, 654. Isaac L. Roberts, 655. Win. R. Newbold, Jr., 656. John B. Rhoads, 657. Jonathan T. Phipps, 658. Wilbern Hartz, 659. J. Anderson Johnson, 660. Maurice D. Engle, 661. Ho well S. England, 662. Wiltner J. Moore, i.r,:;. Richard II. Lytle, 664. Charles A. Bartlett, RESIDENCE. Moorestown, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., Brick M't'g House, Md., it U U U Millville, Pa., U it Tuckerton. 1ST. J., Jennerville, Pa., Hartford. K J., Suffolk, Va., Baltimore, Md., Westtown P. O., Pa., Mason vi lie, N. J., Rancocas, N. J., U (I Wilmington, Del., Downingtown, Pa., Atlantic City, N. J., Chatham, Pa., West Grove, Pa., Millville, N. J., Strickersville, Pa., Moorestown, N. J., Camden, N. J., Salem, X. J , Philadelphia, Pa., Bryn Mawr, Pa , Greenwich, N. J., Washington, D. C., Cbadd's Ford, Pa., Glenville, Md., Howellville, Pa., Crosswicks, N. J., Moorestown, N. J., Emporia, Kansas, Ik U Moorestown, N. J., Media, Pa., Wilmington, Del., Lionville, Pa., Reading, Pa., Nicholson's Mills, N C., Columbus, N. J., Wilmington, Del., West Grove, Pa., Germantown, Pa., Tuckertou, N. J., BATE OF ENTRT. llth mo., 1878. 5tb mo., 1879. llth mo., 5th mo., 1880. 5th mo.. 1883. 5th mo., 1880. STUDENTS. 203 665. 666. 667. 668. 669. 670. 671. 672. 673. 674. 675. 676. 677. 678. 679. 680. 681. 682. 683. 684. 685. 686. 687. 688. 689. 690. 691. 692. 693. 694. 695. 696. 697. 698. 699. 700. 701. 702. 703. 704. 705. 706. 707. 708. 709. 710. 711. Howard J. Thorp, Harvey E. Pharo, Francis D. Half, FIFTH THOUSAND. RESIDENCE. Wilmington, Del., Tuckerton, X. J., Barnesville. Ohio, DATS OP EKTRT. llth mo., 1880. Thomas L. Passmore, Strickersville, Pa., David F. Bentley, Robert M. Thorp, Edmund Alsop, Albert E. Yarnall, William S. Palmer, AVilliam B. Moon, Horsham, Pa., Frankford, Phila., Colorado Springs, Col. Media, Pa., AVallingford, Pa., Fallsington, Pa., George AV. Balderston, Morrisville, Pa., Henry E. Warner, Joel P. Good, William J. Carslake, A. Lincoln Sholl, George G. AVilliams, Henry F. Ogborn, J. Snowdon R heads, T. AVistar Stanley, David S. Haines, AVilliam B. Cooper, AVilliam R. Tatum, Joseph E. De Cou, Solomon E. Barker, Peter Ellis Ivins, Alfred C. Haines, C'larkson S. French, AVolf Run, Pa., London Grove, Pa., Columbus, X. J., Burlington, X. J., Fellowship, X. J., Philadelphia, Pa., Marple I'. O., Pa., Americus, Kansas, Medtbrd, X. J., Marlton, X. J., GlenelgP.O., Md., Columbus, X. J , Kemp's Mills, X. C., Trenton, X. J., Rancocas, X. J., Salem, Ohio, 5th mo., 1881. " 1883. " 1881. llth mo., " 5th mo., 1882. U William J. Blackburn, East Carmel, Ohio, William E. Mott, Burlington, X. J., Edward T. Middleton, Crosswicks, X. J., Charles E. Ecroyd, Townsend S. Jolitte, Aaron Engle Haines, J. Clifford Haines, George D. Zook, James P. Wetherill, AValter P. Mendenhall, Ilowellville, Pa., Lee I). Hartz, Reading. Pa., Andrew J. Battin, Canton P. O., Pa., Edward Satterthwaite. Fairville P. O., Pa., Roland T. Sattertbwaite. " " " AVilliam S. Garrett, Willistown, Pa., AVilliam E. Priest. AVolf Run, Pa , Elwood Longstreth, Philadelphia, Pa., 1). Howard Williams. West Branch, Iowa, Harry K. Moore. West Grove. Pa., Henry W. Leeds. Cinnamiii>on, X. J., Muncy, Pa., Stephenson's Depot, Vi Mount Laurel, X. J., Vincenttown, X. J., Downingtown, Pa., Chester, Pa , llth mo., 1880. 5th mo., 1881. 204 GENERAL CATALOGUE. FIFTH THOUSAND. RESIDENCE. 712. J. Edwin James, 713. Harry E. Cooper, 714. John S. Hartz, 715. Howard Cox, 716. S. Bolton Leeds, 717. Allen B. Clement, 718. Benjamin W. Cooper, 719. Daniel Griffin, 720. Charles Livezey, 721. Morris Ashead, 722. Herbert M. Bacon, 723. Henry Lloyd Sholl, 724. Delbert L. Brown, 725. Charles C. Birdsall. 726. Richard J. Matthews, 727. Frederick H. Cope, 728. Jesse M. Otis, 729. Franklin H. Goodwin, 730. Lewis W. Thorp, 731. Horace W. Smedley, 732. William L. Meloney, 733. Wm. Alfred Smedley, 734. Edward A. Moore, 735. Cyrus W. McFadgen, 736. J. Herbert Deacon, 737. Herman H. Leeds, 738. Benjamin F. Whitson, 739. John W. Palmer, 740. Dillwyn Stratton, ( ) Henry W. Forsythe, 741. Edward W. Comfort, 742. Charles E. Coates, 743. Jesse Coates, 744. William H. Thompson, 745. Daniel Thompson, 746. James L. Peele, 747. Francis J. Seal, 748. Robert E. Fox, 749. Caleb D. Cope, 750. William Evans, 751. Hilt H. Harris, 752. John J. Scarlett, 753. Lewis N. Scofield, 754. Russell Stabler, 755. Joseph T. llilles, 756. Theodore E. Elder, 757. Merritt W. Pharo, DATE OF 5th mo. ENTRY. , 1881. West Chester, Pa., Chatham, Pa., Reading, Pa., Toughkenamon, Pa., Spread Eagle, Pa., Camden, N. J., Westtown P. O., Pa., Clinton Corners, N. Y Barnesville, Ohio, Hartford, N". J., ' 1883. Greenwich, 1ST. J., 1881. Burlington, X. J., ShunkP. O., Pa, East Coklenham,N.Y., llth mo Baltimore, Md., Lincoln Univer., Pa., Sherwood, N. Y., Greenwich, N. J., Frankford, Pa., " Media, Pa., Avondale, Pa., Media, Pa., West Grove, Pa., West Chester. Pa., " Columbus, N. J., " Spread Eagle, Pa., " Avondale, Pa., Media, Pa., Winona, Ohio, Westtown P. O., Pa., Tecuinseh, Mich., Baltimore. Md., 5th mo., 1882 ( Darlington, Md.. Thompson P. O., Del., Rich Square, N. 0., Londonderry, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Kimbleville, Pa., llth mo. Thompson P. O., Del., 5th mo., Colorado Springs, Col., " Reading, Pa., llth mo. Sandy Spring, Md., Brighton, Pa,, " . Wilmington, Del., Angora, Pa., Tuckerton, N. J., " STUDENTS. 205 FIFTH THOUSAND. 758. Isaac L. Kinsey, 759. Edward F. Kinsey, 760. Edgar D. Larkin, 761. William S. Larkin, 7<>2. diaries G. Cook, 703. James L. Hoge, 764. Edward E. Wilson, 765. Thomas D. Edgerton, 766. Jay Wilkins, 767. Charles D. Ballinger, 768. George W. Borton, 709. J. Harvev Borton, 770. Jolin M. Thorp, 771. Robert B. Edkin, 772. Aaron S. Edkin, 773. J. Stogdell Stokes, 774. Edwin P. Moore, 775. Charles A. Lippincott, 770. Edward S. Harmer, 777. Samuel M. Roberts, 778. Albert L. Hayes, 779. Harvey Mark Thomas, 780. Murrav S. Holloway, 781. Daniel' P. Ilaviland, 782. S. Francis Walton, 783. Josephus Byrd. 784. Thomas A. Henderson, 785. Robert R. Tatnall, 786. Egbert S. Gary, 787. Charles T. Moore, 788. William K. Alsop, 789. George W. Bacon, 790. Maurice W. Bacon, 791. John L. Hare, 792. Benjamin M. Ilaines, 793. George R. Ilaines, 794. George Spencer Morris, 795. Nathan II. Roberts, 796. Daniel L. Leeds. Jr., 797. Allen J. Cadwalader, 798. George W. Scott. 799. John M. Wickersham, 800. Albert, IT. Savery, 801. Addison H. Savery, 802. Henry D. Allen, 803. James G. Biddle, -804. Morris E. Leeds, 17 RESIDENCE. Mt. Pleasant, Ohio, u (. Milford Mills, Pa., U U Glenville, Md., Lake View, Va., Barclay, Kansas, Barnesville, Ohio, M i'd ford, N". J., Marlton, 1ST. J., Atlantic City, N. J., Frankford, Pa., Wolf Run, Pa., >t u Moorestown, N". J., Ercildoun, Pa., Moorestown, N. J., U U Fellowship, N". J., Doe Run P. 0., Pa., Elam P. O., Pa., Flushing, Ohio, Hughesville, Md., Barnesville, Ohio, Suffolk, Va., Hopkinton, R. I., Wilmington, Del., Baltimore, Md., West Grove, Pa., Colorado Springs, Col. Greenwich, N. J., u u Suffolk, Va., Mount Laurel, N. J., Medford, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., Moorestown, N. J., Spread Eagle, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Darlington, Md., West Grove, Pa., Bryn Mawr, Pa., U I. Philadelphia, Pa., DATE OF ENTRY. llth mo., 1882. 5th mo llth mo , 1883. , 1882. 5th mo., 1883. llth llth mo, u 5th mo, , 1882. u , 1883. 206 GENERAL, CATALOGUE. FIFTH THOUSAND. 805. 806. SOT. 808. 809. 810. 811. ( ) 812. 813. 814. 851. 852. 853. 854. 855. 856. ( ) 857. 858. 859. 860. 861. 862. 863. 864. 865. 866. 867. 868. 869. 870. 871. 872. 873. 874. Walter S. Taylor, Philadelphia, Pa., Charles C.Scattergood, West Chester, Pa., Edward S. Wood, William E. Ehoads, Albert T. Bell, Frederic D. Bell, William Smedley, Samuel T. llutton, Thomas F. Branson, William F. Outland, Arthur X. Leeds, Samuel S. Fell, Walter W. Jacob, Caleb Dawson, Allen J. Wilson, Riverton, N". J., Wilmington, Del., Trenton, N. J., 11 U Philadelphia, Pa., Westtown, Pa., Moorestown, N". J.. Woodland, N. 0., Philadelphia, Pa., Suffolk, Va., West Grove, Pa., Bellaire, Ohio, Clayton, Ind., Thos. C. Satterthwaite,Fairville, Pa., J. Willits Moore, West Creek, N". J., Richard C. Brown, Westtown, Pa., Leonard T. Thorp, Wilmington, Del., Joseph Scattergood, Jr., West Chester, Pa., John Way, Fishertown, Pa., Walter S. Holloway, Flushing, Ohio, Allen N. Brown, Charles P. Jacob, Frederick Jacob, Arthur Lamborn, Charles Evans, William C; rter, Arthur H. Masters, S. Grant Miller, Amos M. Cook, Arthur H. Jones, Allen R. Pharo, Lincoln Falls, Pa., West Grove, Pa., DATE OP 5th mo. ENTRY. , 1883. llth mo., " , 1884. , 1883. Edward I. Hoopes, Joseph P. Jacob, Aurelius N. Carter, Latrobe, Pa., Moorestown, N. J., Lenape P.O., Pa., Camden, N. J., Fishertown, Pa., Glenville, Md., Germantown, Phila., Moorestown, N. J., West Chester, Pa., West Grove, Pa., Emporia, Kansas, 5th mo.. 1884. STUDENTS. FIRST THOUSAND. 1 Hannah Hunt, 2. Martha Price, 3. Rebecca Gumming, 4. Mary Ellis, 5. Rachel Ellis, 6. Sarah Phipps, 7. Sarah Spencer, 8. Jane Green, 9. Sarah Sharpless, 10. Ruth James, 11. Hannah Jones, 12. Martha Newlin, 13. Edith Newbold, 14. Margaret Lea, 15. Rebecca Budd, 16. Rebecca Budd, 17. Ann Aston, 18. Lvdia Fisher, 19. Elizabeth Williams, 20. Catharine Rowland, 21. Hannah Albertson, 22. Ann Gilpin, 23. Deborah Mifflin, 24. Hannah Forsythe, 25. Rebecca Butcher, 26. Elizabeth Letchworth, 27. Sarah Butcher, 28. Elizabeth Butcher, 29. Rachel Richards, 30. Lvdia Richards, 31. Mary H. Oldden, 32. Mary Bartram, 33. Sarah Ridgway, 17* BESIDENCE. Darby, Pa., East Bradford, Pa., Horsham, Pa., Muncy, Pa., u Philadelphia, Pa., Germantown, Pa., Edgmont, Pa., Burlington, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., Darby, Pa., Springfield, N. J., Wilmington, Del., Philadelphia, Pa., Mt. Holly, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., Abington, Pa., Plymouth, Pa., Birmingham, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., East Bradford, Pa., Mt. Holly, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., Mt. Holly, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., Burlington, N. J., DATE OF 5th mo, ESTBT. , 1799 8th mo. 12th mo. 5th mo. 6th mo. 223 224 GENERAL CATALOGUE. FIRST THOUSAND. NAME. RESIDENCE. DATE OP ENTRY. 34. Catherine Smith, Burlington, N. J., 7th mo., 1799. 35. Martha West, Mt. Hollv, N. J., 6th mo., " 36. Elizabeth Humphreys, Darby, Pa., 7th mo., " 37. Margaret Wilson, Philadelphia, Pa., 38. Lydia Williams, 39. Mary Hill, 40. Esther Fisher, u Cl 11 41. Mary Wistar, Salem, N. J., 1st mo., 1800. 42. Rebecca B. Oldden, Philadelphia, Pa., 8th mo., 1799 43. Rachel V. Sharpless, Chester Creek, Pa., 7th mo., " 44. Zillah Maule, Radnor, Pa., U (I 45. Sarah Reeves, Woodbury, N. J., 11 46. Tabitha Rowland, Camden, Del., 1st mo., 1800. 47. Mary Webster, Abington, Pa., 8th mo., 1799. 48. Ann Newbold, Trenton, N. J., 49. Mary Budd, Philadelphia, Pa., 50. Ann Emlen, u a 51. Mary Emlen, (I (i 52. Sarah Elston, Rahway, N. J., 11 fl 53. Amelia Evans, Philadelphia, Pa., 11 11 54. Martha Meudenhall, Middletown, Pa., 9th mo., " 55. Sidney Hill, n a 56. Lydia Poultney, Philadelphia, Pa., 2d mo. 1800. 57. Rebecca Jones, Montgomery Co., Pa., 3d mo. " 58. Elizabeth Rowland, Camden, Del., 1st mo. " 59. Sarah Craig, Salem, N. J., 10th mo. 1799. 60. Priscilla Kirk, Byberry, Pa., 9th mo. " 61. Martha Reeve, Evesham, N. J., llth mo. " 62. Phebe Emlen, Philadelphia, Pa., 10th mo. " 63. Sarah Yarnall, Middletown, Pa., n 64. Mary Jones, Wilmington, Del., fl 65. Catharine Ridgway, Burlington, N. J., It 1C 66. Ann Vanlaw, Moorestown, N. J., 11 11 67. Mary Stevenson, Salem, N. J., 12th mo. " 68. Rebecca Yarnall, Byberry, Pa., 10th mo. " 69. Ann Longstreth, Philadelphia, Pa., llth mo. " 70. Margaret Garrett, Upper Darby, Pa., 9th mo. " 71. Ann Rowland, Abington, Pa., 7th mo. 1800. 72. Janet Rowland, Camdeu, Del., 2d mo. " 73. Hannah C. Rockhill, Burlington, N. J., 1st mo. " 74. Keziah Mickle, Cooper's Ferry, N. J., llth mo. 1799. 75. Sarah Hartshorne, Alexandria, Va., 12th mo. " 76. Charity Cope, 77. Sarah Tomlinson, East Bradford, Pa., Haddonfield, N. J., llth mo. " it if 78. Deborah Smith, Philadelphia, Pa. (i 79. Rebecca Hopkins, u 80. Abigail B. Smith, t( STUDENTS. 225 FIRST THOUSAND. 81. Rachel Warrington, 82. Mary French, 83. Sarah Buckbee, 84. Abigail Scull, 85. Elizabeth Thomas, 86. Ellen Atkinson, 87. Klizabeth Hunt, 88. Sarah Yarnall, 89. Ann J. Haydock, 90. Mary Willis, 91. Harriet Logan, 92. Sarah Janney, 93. Jane McPherson, 94. Eliz. McPherson, 95. Margaret Williams, 96. Esther Hewlings, 97. Ann Paxson, 98. Rachel Pole, 99. Martha Roberts, 100. Mary Pennock, 101. Letitia Miller, 102. Hannah Price, 103. Mary Haworth, 104. Jane Longstreth, 105. Anna Oldden, 106. Sarah Can by, 107. Sarah Miller, 108. Jane Malin, 109. Mary Evans, 110. Mary Wiley, 111. Elizabeth Miller, 112. Elizabeth Barnard, 113. Sarah Ann Robeson, 114. Sarah Williams, 115. Hannah Williams, 11(>. Elizabeth Cresson, 117. Elizabeth Wright, 118. Priscilla Mickle, 119. Ann Gaskill, 1 20. Mary Garrigues, 121. Margaret Smith, 122. Sarah Cresson, 123. Ann Bacon, 124. Mercy Maule, 125. Margery Smith, 126. Rebecca Smith, 127. Esther Knight, RESIDENCE. Westfield, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., Salem Co., N. J., West Whiteland, Pa., Frankford, Pa., Downingtown, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Alexandria, Va., Baltimore, Md., Trenton, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., Trenton, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., Allowaystown, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., Salem, X. J., East Bradford, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Cross wicks, N. J., Princeton, N. J., Wilmington, Del., Salem, N. J., West Whiteland, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Maiden Creek, Pa., Salem, N. J., E. Marlborough, Pa., Abington, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Exeter, Pa., Cooper's Ferry, N. J., Springfield, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., Burlington, N. J. Philadelphia, Pa., Salem, N. J., Salem Co., N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., Byberry, Pa., DATE OF EICTRT. 12th mo., 1799. i 2d mo., 1800. 12th mo. 2d mo 5th mo. 4th mo , 1799. , 1800. 3d mo., 4th mo. 3d mo. it 4th mo. 6th mo. 4th mo. 5th mo. 6th mo. 9th mo. 8th mo. 10th mo. 7th mo. 8th mo. 10th mo. 9th mo. llth mo. 1st mo. 2d mo. 1800. 180i 226 GENERAL CATALOGUE. 128. E. Cowperthwaite, 129. Elizabeth Dawes, 130. Edith Pusey, 131. Elizabeth Folwell, 132. Mary Lea, 133. Sidney Pennell, 134. Elizabeth Brinton, 135. Massey Gibbons, 136. Ann Brian, 137. Sarah Fletcher, 138. Susanna Lightfoot, 139. Lydia Coates, 140. Elizabeth Downing, 141. Phebe Downing, 142. Sarah Thomas, 143. Thomazine Thomas, 145. Rebecca Hopkins, 146. Mary Garrigues, 147. Esther Stapler, 148. Sarah Woolston, 149. Phebe Miller, 150. Sarah West, 151. Mary Gill, 152. Elizabeth Reeve, 153. Abigail Pancoast, 154. Sarah Richardson, 155. Eliz. Richardson, 156. Lydia Cooper, 157. R. Scattergood, 158. Elizabeth Cooper, 159. Mary Richards, 160. Helena Abbott, 161. Sarah Abbott, 162. Esther Warner, 163. Hannah Nichols, 164. Mary Denny, 165. Phebe Pusey, 166. Sarah Newlin, 167. Sarah Salter, 168. Ann Wheeler, 169. Sarah Burr, 170. Mary Edge, 171. Rebecca White, 172. Mary Reeves, 173. Susanna Luff, 174. Elizabeth Pleasants, 175. Mary Pleasants, FIRST THOUSAND. RESIDENCE. Moorestown, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., London Grove, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Wilmington, Del., Upper Darby, Pa., Lampeter, Pa., <( Wilmington, Del., Abington, Pa., Uwchlan, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Downingtown, Pa., West Whiteland, Pa., DAVF Or ESTRT. 1st mo., 1801 10th mo., 1800. llth mo., 4th mo., a 12th mo., Philadelphia, Pa., u M Fallsington, Pa., u 1st mo., it Salem, N. J., Mt. Holly, N. J., Haddonfield, N. J., Greenwich, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., 12th mo., u 2d mo., 4th mo., 1801. M 1800. H M 1801. 1800. 1801. Newtown, N. J., " Philadelphia, Pa., Newtown, N. J., " Wilmington, Del., " Philadelphia, Pa., " u u Wilmington, Del., " ft ii Smyrna, Del., " London Grove, Pa., 5th mo., Concord, Pa., 6th mo., Shrewsbury, N. J., 5th mo., Philadelphia, Pa., 6th mo., Mt. Holly, N. J., Downingtown, Pa., Woodstown, N. J., Woodbury, N. J., Camden, Del., " , Va., 7th mo. n STUDENTS. 227 FIRST THOUSAND. 176. Hannah Tunis, 177. Hannah Ash, 178. Hannah Brinton, 179. Eliz. Cowperthwaite, 180. Anna Shipley, 181. Deborah Phillips, 182. Mary Haworth, 183. Rebecca Hopkins, 184. Elizabeth Robinson, 185. Abigail Robinson, 186. Ann Robinson, 182. Rebecca Hewes, 188. Zillah Maule, 189. Rebecca Potts, 190. Deborah Potts, 191. Elizabeth Woodnutt, 192. Rebecca Marshall, 193. Sarah Austin, 194. Sarah Bartram, 195. Hannah Chandlee, 196. Sarah Thomas, 197. Ann Jones, 198. Ann Stroud, 199. Mary Ingham, 200. Naomi Hunt, 201. Rebecca Smith, 202. Sarah Taylor, 203. Jane Lewis, 204. Susanna Cox, 205. Abigail Wollaston, 206. Rachel Gumming, 207. Rachel Schofield, 208. Susanna Howell> 209. Hannah Howell, 210. Anna Thomas, 211. Priscilla Fletcher, '2\'2. Mary Downing, 213. Ann Carlisle,* 214. Susanna Fairlamb, 215. Rachel Wilson, 216. RestSwayne, 217. Deborah Emlen, 218. Edith Sharpless, 219. Rachel Yarnall, 220. Esther Hoopes, RESIDENCE. Philadelphia, Pa., Darby, Pa., Lampeter, Pa., Moorestown, N . J., Wilmington, Del., New Garden, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., -, N. Y, DATE OP ESTHT. 8th mo. 1801 9th mo. " 10th mo. llth mo. " 9th mo. " 10th mo. " llth mo. " 10th mo. " Swedesboro, N. J., Radnor, Pa., Abington, Pa., H Salem, N. J., Concord, Pa., Salem, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., Sandy Spring, Md., Radnor, Pa., Montgomery Co., Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Buckingham, Pa., Darby, Pa., Burlington, N. J., Pennsbury, Pa., Radnor, Pa., Burlington, N. J., Horsham, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., W. Whiteland, Pa., Abington, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Buckingham, Pa., Marple, Pa., London Grove, Pa., E. Marlborough, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., East Bradford, Pa., Wilmington, Del., New Garden, Pa., llth mo., 10th mo., llth mo., 2d mo., 1802 3d mo., " 2d mo., " 3d mo., a 6th mo., 4th mo., 3d mo., 5th mo., ft 6th mo., 7th mo., 5th mo., llth mo., * Deceased at the school, Tenth mo. 30th, 1802. 228 GENERAL CATALOGUE. FIRST THOUSAND. 221. Rebecca Marsh, 222. Khoda Matthews, 223. Lydia Baily, 224. Phebe Trimble, 225. Phebe Millhouse, 226. Eleanor Brown, 227. Sarah Thompson, 228. Pleasant Thompson, 229. Elizabeth Moore, 230. Phebe Embree, 231. Lydia Nichols, 232. Jemima Corbitt, 233. Lucy Wright, 234. Beulah Lippincott, 235. Jane Havard, 236. Ann Paul, 237. Beulah Lippincott, 238. Phebe Way, 239. Mary Lippincott, 240. Sarah Jacobs, 241. Mary Cooper, 242. Eliz. Cowperthwaite, 243. Susanna Jones, 244. Hannah Jones, 245. Lydia Gibbons, 246. Mary Brinton, 247. Ann Deacon, 248. Elizabeth Buzby, 249. Hannah Thompson, 250. Ann Cooper, 251. Sarah Moore, 252. Elizabeth Atkinson, 255. Ann Hunn, 256. H. Cowperthwaite, 257. Mary Hussey, 258. Mary Ho well, 259. Esther Smith, 260. Mary Pennell, 261. Martha Eeeve, 262. Ann Levis, 263. Elizabeth Shourds, 264. Ann Riley, 265. Sarah Thomas, 266. Hannah Irwin, 267. Elizabeth Rowland, 268. Rutli Emerson, 269. Judith Willits, RESIDENCE. DATE OF ENTRY. Baltimore, Md., 6th mo., 1802. Gunpowder, Md., E. Marlborough, Pa., Concord, Pa., 7th mo., Uwchlan, Pa., 8th mo., Waterford, Va., 6th mo., West Bradford, Pa., Wilmington, Del., 7th mo. Appoquinimink, Del., . " Burlington, N. J., 8th mo. Radnor, Pa., 9th mo. Abington, Pa., 10th mo. Mt. Holly, N. J., Lampeter, Pa., " Mt. Holly, N. J., " Uwchlan, Pa., Woodbury, N. J., Moorestown, N. J., 12th mo. ; Baltimore, Md., 10th mo., << Lampeter, Pa., 12th mo. a Burlington, N. J., llth mo., << Philadelphia, Pa., " Harford, Pa., 12th mo., Frank ford, Pa., Camden, Del., llth mo Moorestown, N. J., 12th mo Baltimore, Md., llth mo London Grove, Pa., 12th mo Salem, N. J., 1st mo Aston, Pa., Evesham, N. J., 2d mo. Springfield, Pa., 4th mo. Egg Harbor, N. J., 5th mo. Baltimore, Md., 4th mo. Sandy Spring, Md., 3d mo. Alexandria, Va., " Camden, Del., 4th mo., it Egg Harbor, N. J., 5th mo., 1803 STUDENTS. 229 270. Sarah Shaw, 271. Lydia Bullock, 272. Ann Haines, 273. Tabitha Rowland, 274. Mary Carr, 275. Rachel White, 276. Sarah Martin, 277. Mary Lynn, 278. Rachel Owen, 279. Mary Cookson, 280. Hannah Janney, 281. "Ann Woodward, 282. Sarah Woodward, 283. Sarah Hopkins, 284. Mary Britt, 285. Ann Pirn, 286. Elizabeth Butcher, 287. Hannah Hutton, 288. Mary Butcher, 289. Sarah Evans, 290. Janet Shaw, 291. Sarah Smfth, '2V'2. Rebecca Truman, 293. Sarah Ware, 294. Mary AVelsh, 295. Phebe Ernlen, 296. Sarah Pierce, 297. Mercy Hampton, 298. Elizabeth Phillips, 299. Elizabeth Wright, 300. Elizabeth Warder, 301. Hannah Ellicott, 302. Mary Kirk, 303. Ann Pusey, 304. Hannah Albertson, 305. Mary Hampton, 306. Martha Ogden, 307. Mary Wiley, 308. Mary Way, 309. Mary Darlington, 310. Alice Ann Wilson, 311. Jane Pratt, 312. Esther M. Thomas, 313. Lucy Abbott, 314. Susanna Bullock, 315. Hannah Maule, 316. Mary Branson, FIRST THOUSAND. RESIDENCE. Chester, Pa., Springfield, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., Camden, Del., Mt. Holly, N. J., Buckingham, Pa., Rahway, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., Little York, Pa., Pipe Creek, Md., Alexandria, Va., Crosswicks, N. J., East Bradford, Pa., Mt. Holly, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., Mt. Holly, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., Chester, Pa., Sadsbury, Pa., u Salem, N. J., Little York, Pa., Thornbury, Pa., New Hope, Pa., Little York, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Alexandria, Va., Harford, Md., East Bradford, Pa., Plymouth, Pa., New Hope, Pa., Springfield, Pa., Maiden Creek, Pa., West Cain, Pa., West Chester, Pa., New Garden, Pa., Edgmont, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Springfield, N. J., Radnor, Pa., Westtown, Pa., DATE OP ENTRY. 5th mo., 1803. 4th mo., tt 5th mo., 4th mo., 5th mo., llth mo., 5th mo., Philadelphia, Pa., 6th mo., 10th mo., llth mo., 8th mo., llth mo., 9th mo., u 10th mo., 8th mo., 9th mo., 10th mo., llth mo., 12th mo., llth mo., 12th mo., 10th mo., 12th mo., 1st mo. 1801 230 GENEKAL CATALOGUE. FIRST THOUSAND. 317. Jane Hoopes, 318. Lydia Jackson, 319. Deborah Phillips, 320 Hannah Price, 321. Elizabeth Ehoads, 322. Elizabeth Rhoads, 323. Sarah Taylor, K24. Hannah Pirn, 3#5. Mary Townsend, 326. Sarah Merritt, 329. Frances Kirkbride, 330. Mary Buzby, 331. Martha Gray, 332. Rebecca Potts, 333. Mary Merritt, 334. Elizabeth Moore, 335. Elizabeth Passmore, 336. Alice Levis, 337. Hannah England, 338. Hannah Updegraff, 339. Phebe Harvey, 340. Elizabeth Wright, 341. Lydia Trimble, 342. Phebe Trimble, 343. Margaret M. Smith, 344. Rachel Smith, 345. Hannah Paul, 346. Ann Richardson, 347. Mary Comfort, 348. Elizabeth Heston, 349. Ann Newlin, 350. Jane Hewes, 351. Hannah Sheppard, 352. Ann Hughes, 353. Massey Pusey, 354. Asenath Roman, 355. Maria Fell, 356. Sarah Edwards, 357. Rebecca Matlack, 358. Elizabeth Tyson, 359. Hannah Howell, 360. Elizabeth Stevenson, 361. Hannah Spencer, 362. Sarah Vickers, 363. Elizabeth Williams, 364. Hannah Croxson, 365. Hannah Rhoads, RESIDENCE. Downingtown, Pa., London Grove, Pa., Kennet, Pa., East Bradford, Pa., Springfield, Pa., East Bradford, Pa., East Cain, Pa., Beaver, Pa., Troy, N. Y., Frankford, Pa., Rancocas, N. J., Darby, Pa., Abington, Pa., Troy, N. Y., Lancaster Co., Pa., Pleasant Garden, Pa., West Chester, Pa., East Marlborough, Pa., Little York, Pa., Pennsbury, Pa., Burlington, N. J., West Bradford, Pa., DATE OP ENTRT. 1st mo., 1804 3d mo., a 4th mo. 5th mo. 3d mo. 1st mo. n 3d mo. 4th mo. 6th mo. M 4th mo., 5th mo.. M 7th mo., 5th mo., Burlington, N. J., 6th mo., a n Horsham, Pa., Wilmington, Del., 8th mo., Fallsington, Pa., 6th mo., Solesbury, Pa., 8th mo., Darby, Pa., Chichester, Pa., 10th mo., Pipe Creek, Md., 5th mo., New Market, Md., Bush Creek, Md., West Bradford, Pa., 6th mo., Springfield, Pa., " Thornbury, Pa., Radnor, Pa., 10th mo., Baltimore, Md., 8th mo., London Grove, Pa., 9th mo., Burlington Co., N. J., 10th mo., Horsham, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., 8th mo M Plymouth, Pa., 10th mo., 8th mo., Darby, Pa., 9th mo., STUDENTS. 231 FIRST THOUSAND. 366. Sarah Woodward, 367. Susanna Spencer, 368. Esther Smith, 369. Ann Wheeler, 370. Mary Smith, 371. Rebecca Wilson, 372. Hannah Pennock, 373. Sarah Pennock, 374. Rachel Pennell, 375. Mary Jones, 376. Rachel Lee, 377. "Mary Jarrett, 378. Hannah Foulke, 379. Grace Stalker, 380. Susanna Stokes, 382. Hannah Ellis, 383. Ann Shoemaker, 384. Hannah Jones, 385. Hannah Jarrett, 386. Martha Buzby, 387. Sarah Ann Robeson, 388. Mary Burrough, 389. Susanna Ligbtfoot, 390. Ann Reeve, 391. Rachel Rogers, 392. Hannah Davis, 393. Lydia Lippincott, 394. Mary Pearson, 395. Deborah Potts, 396. Tacy Wood, 397. Susanna Lightfoot, 398. Elizabeth Holmes, 399. Rachel Ward, 400. Margaret Morris, 401. Hannah Clemson, 402. Deborah Williams, 403. Sarah Townsend, 404. Ruth Cook, 405. Elizabeth Williams, 406. Lydia Brinton, 407. Margaret Pound, 408. Sibilla Price, 409. Ann Wright, 410. Jane Millhouse, 412. Martha Newbold, 413. Sarah Miller, 414. Elizabeth Smith, 18 RESIDENCE. DATE OP ENTRT. Crosswicks, N. J., 10th mo., 1804. Horsham, Pa., tt tt llth mo., " Philadelphia, Pa., 10th mo., " London Grove, Pa., llth mo., " M tt ft U tt it W. Marlborough, Pa., ft ft Chichester, Pa., 10th mo., " Exeter, Pa., 12th mo., " Horsham, Pa., llth mo., " Gwynedd, Pa., tt ti East Cain, Pa., 1st mo., 1805. Rancocas, N. J., llth mo., 1804. Mansfield, N. J., Plymouth, Pa., it tt Merion, Pa., tt tt Horsham, Pa., 1st mo., 1805.' Burlington, N. J., 10th mo., 1804. Germantown, Pa., it ft Westfield, N. J., 12th mo., " Maiden Creek, Pa., it tt Evesham, N. J., tt ft M ft ti Woodstown, N. J., 3d mo. 1805. Westfield, N. J., 2d mo. " Philadelphia, Pa., 12th mo. 1804. Abington, Pa., 1st mo. 1805. Woodbury, N. J., 12th mo. 1804. Uwchlan, Pa., 5th mo. 1805. Pilesgrove, Pa., 3d mo. " Woodbury, N. J., 4th mo. " Philadelphia, Pa., llth mo. 1804. Pequea Valley, Pa., Sadsbury, Pa., 1st mo. 1805. 12th mo. 1804. Pughtown, Pa., llth mo. " London Grove, Pa., 12th mo. " Sadsbury, Pa , it tt Lam peter, Pa., tt ft Rahway, N. J., ti tt East Bradford, Pa., 1st mo. 1805. Exeter, Pa., 12th mo. 1804. Uwchlan, Pa., 2d mo. J805. Burlington, N. J., 4th mo. " Salem, N. J., 3d mo. " Woodstown, N. J. tt a 232 GENERAL CATALOGUE. FIRST THOUSAND. NAME. RESIDENCE. DATE OF ENTRY. 415. Jane Jones, Wilmington, Del., 4th mo., 1805. 416. Esther Canby, " U tl 417. Rebecca Thomas, (1 tl 418. Martha Pettitt, Philadelphia, Pa., It it 419. Mary Boone, u " 1806, 420. Beulah Smith, Salem, N. J., " 1805, 421. Anna Bonsall, Philadelphia, Pa., 2d mo., " 422. Esther Speakman, Concord, Pa., (i 423. Pamela Lewis, Little York, Pa., ti 1 424. Margaret Hughes, Exeter, Pa., " i 425. Susanna Phipps, i< i 426. Hannah Baldwin, West Bradford, Pa., 4th mo., 427. Ann Truman, Sadsbury, Pa., 5th mo., i 428. Willianna Smith, Downingtown, Pa., 6th mo., ' . 429. Priscilla Smith, u u ' 430. Hannah Hurford, London Grove, Pa., 5th mo., 1 431. Hannah Hooton, Philadelphia, Pa., u i 432. Hannah C. Ellet, Woodstown, N. J., 4th mo., 1 433. Elizabeth Goodwin, Salem, N. J., " ' 435. Elizabeth Williams, Shrewsbury, N. J., 5th mo., ' 436. Elizabeth Burr, Mt. Holly,* N. J., u i 437. Elizabeth Ellicott, Sandy Spring, Md., 4th mo., e 438. Mary Mifflin, Camden, Del., 5th mo., 1 439. Susanna Webster, Abington, Pa., " 1 440. Lydia Stratton, Upper Evesham, N. J., 6th mo., \ 441. Sarah Bolton, Philadelphia, Pa., 5th mo., t 442. Mary Heston, Solesbury, Pa., " ' 443. Anna Ellis, Muncy, Pa., 4th mo., 1 444. Hannah Pryor, T T 8th mo., 1 , .Li. J.., 445. Rebecca Scattergood, Philadelphia, Pa., 7th mo., ' 446. Catharine Webster, Plainfield, N. J., 6th mo., 1 447. Phebe Webster, " u ' 448. Esther Speakman, 11 i 449. Eliza Jenks, Philadelphia, Pa., i 451. Sarah Pennock, " 5th mo., i 452. Rebecca Way, West Cain, Pa., " ' 453. Sidney Painter, Brandywine, Pa., 6th mo., e 454. Catharine Marsh, Rahway, N. J., " t 455 Hannah J. Alston, Camden, Del., 5th mo. ' 456 Casandra Moore, Pleasant Garden, Pa., 6th mo. t 457. Lydia Mann, Doe Run, Pa., 9th mo. i 458. Hannah Pierce, Thornbury, Pa., 6th mo. ' 459. Rachel Matthews, Easton, Md., 7th mo. ' 460. Amy Cox, Willistown, Pa., 10th mo. ' 461. Sarah Vanhorn, Little York, Pa., 9th mo. 462. Mary L. Cox, Philadelphia, Pa., 7th mo. 463. Rachex Ellicott, Baltimore, Md. " ' STUDENTS. 233 FIRST THOUSAND. 4iU. Ann 0. Whitall, 4ii~>. Hephzibah Roberts, 4'.'). Elizabeth Bunting, 4 ''.7. Annabel la Laing, !<;-. Bethiah Vail, 4t!.. Ann Spencer, 470. Lydia l>avis, 471. Beulah Gaskill, 472. Rachel Gaskill, 47.'.. Ann Matlack, 474. Keturah Deacon, 475. Kezia Eayre, 476. Mary Evans, 477. Letitia Smith, 47>. Tacy Fletcher, 47'J. Deborah Gumming, 480. Rebecca Elkinton, 481. Sarah Coates, 482. Lydia Williams, 483. Sarah Ross, 484. Lydia Sharpless, 485. Lydia Burr, 486. Rebecca Burr, 487. Hannah Roman, 488. Jane Pierce, 489. Maria Reese, 491. Rebecca Rhoads, 492. Susanna Rhoads, 493. Rebecca Pan coast, 494. Anna Pancoast, 495. Ruth Lea, i rah W. Coale, 497. Rebecca Nichols,* 498. Martha Jackson, 499. Eliza T. Sipple, 500. Elizabeth T. Starr, 501. Martha Betts, ">"_'. Rachel Jeans, 504. Elizabeth Earl, 505. Lydia White, 506. Elizabeth White, 507. Rebecca White, 508. Ann G. Williams, 509. Rachel Hollinshead, 610. Mary Jarrett, RESIDENCE. DAT! OF EH FRT. Woodbury, N. J., 10th mo., 1805. Moorestown, N. J., 9th mo., Philadelphia, Pa., 8th mo., u Rahway, N. J., " tt u u Horsham, Pa., 10th mo., it Radnor, Pa,, llth mo., u Springfield, N. J., 10th mo., u u u Moorestown, N. J., 9th mo., 11 Burlington, N. J., 10th mo., If Eavrstown, N. J., u Philadelphia, Pa., llth mo., Bucks Co., Pa., 10th mo., It Abington, Pa., llth mo., It Horsham, Pa., 10th mo., et Philadelphia, Pa., llth mo., i West Cain, Pa., 9th mo., t Goshen, Pa., 10th mo., i New Garden, Pa., 12th mo., l Middletown, Pa., 9th mo., f Mt. Holly, N. J., 10th mo., 4 M M < West Bradford, Pa., llth mo., Sadsbury, Pa., i Baltimore, Md., i Springfield, Pa., 12th mo., et tt ti < it < tt Exeter, Pa., u tt Deer Creek, Md., 2d mo., 1806. u it Hockessing, Del., 3d mo., tt Wilmington, Del., 4th mo.. a it i ft it 12th mo., 1805. Abington, Pa., it Springfield, N. J., llth mo., it Shrewsbury, N. J., M it Philadelphia, Pa., Moorestown, N. J., Horsham, Pa., 12th mo., it 1st mo., 1806 * Deceased at the school, Eleventh month loth, 1806. 234 GENERAL CATALOGUE. FIRST THOUSAND. KESIDENCE. 611. Tacy Jarrett, 512. Rebecca Pryor, 513. Emilia Thomas, 514. Hannah B. Jackson, 515. Lydia Lowrie, 516. Ann Gibson, 517. Mary Hibberd, 518. Rebecca Trotter, 519. Sarah A. Bringhurst, 520. Phebe Quinby, 521. Sarah Foulke, 522. Mary Lippincott, 523. Rachel Townsend, 524. Mary Husband, 525. Rachel Cox, 526. Lavina Hilyard, 527. Junia Hilyard, 528. Beulah Sharpless, 529. Edith Matthews, 530. Mary Price, 531. Hannah Jones, 532. Rachel Biles, 533. Lucy Harris, 534. Deborah Harris, 535. Isabella Ladd, 536. Hannah Bruff, 537. Lydia Bruff, 538. Elizabeth Yarnall, 539. Sarah Cox, 540. Hannah Phillips, 541. Elizabeth Ellis, 542. Martha Davis, 543. Hannah Marsh, 544. Edith Bullock, 547. Catharine Walker, 548. Mary Waterman, 549. Martha King, 550. Deborah Couch, 551. Eliz. Hutchinson, 552. Ann Bruce, 553. Margery Bunting, 554. Charlotte Longstreth, 555. Mary Clark, 556. Sarah Borton, 557. E. Cowperthwaite 558. Mary Thomas, 559. Mary Hibberd, Horsham, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Radnor, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Woodstown, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., Darby, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Little Britain, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Mt. Holly, N. J., Pughtown, Pa., Deer Creek, Md., Chester, Pa,, Gunpowder, Md., Baltimore, Md., New Garden, Pa., Richmond, Va., Easton, Md., Deer Creek, Md., Hockessing, Del., Harford, Md., Pilesgrove, Pa., Baltimore, Md., Springfield, N. J., Egg Harbor, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., Cerestown, N. Y., Richmond, Va., Philadelphia, Pa., Attleboro', Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Woodbury, N. J., Moorestown, N. J., u Springfield, N. J., Darby, Pa., DATE OF E\TET. 1st mo., 1806. 12th mo., 1805 1st mo., 1806. 3d mo., llth mo., 4th mo., 3d mo., 4th mo., 3d mo., 2d mo., 4th mo., 3d mo., 5th mo., llth mo., 5th mo.. 4th rno. 5th mo., 6th mo., 5th mo., 6th mo., 7th mo., 8th mo. 10th mo. : STUDENTS. FIRST THOUSAND. man. RESIDENCE. DATE Of ENTRT. 560. Sarah Ladd, Richmond, Va., 5th mo., 1806 561. Ann Forsythe, Springfield, N. J., " " 562. Abigail Ingram, West Bradford, Pa., 6th mo., " 563. Ruth Truman, Sadsburv, Pa., " ' 564. Sarah Hauxhurst, N w York, N. Y., " ' r>i>">. Isabella Pennock, Philadelphia, Pa., 7th mo., ' 01 it;. Zillah Coates, West Cain, Pa., 8th mo., ' 567. Rebecca W. Pennock, Buck Run, Pa., 9th mo., ' Elizabeth Dingee, Newlin, Pa,, " " 569. Hannah Woodward, West Bradford, Pa,, U (I ;">7'.>">. Sarah Clemson, Pequea Valley, Pa^ u u 5%. Hannah Jefferis, East Bradford, Pa., 5th mo., " 597. Lydia West, Smyrna, Del., u u 598. Margaret Price, East Bradford, Pa,, " " 599. Hannah Richardson, 3d mo., " Ann E. Gregg, Bristol, Pa., llth mo. 1806 601. Grace Rogers, Evesham, N. J., '.). Aston, Pa., 5th mo., 18 KS. Wilmington, Del., llth mo., " 6th mo., Philadelphia, Pa., 5th mo., Sandy Spring, Md., a Middletown, Pa., ti Richland, Pa., 11 Abington, Pa., 4th mo., Darby, Pa., 5th mo., Philadelphia, Pa., " u Darby, Pa., " Rich land, Pa., M Philadelphia, Pa., It Wilmington, Del., 6th mo., Philadelphia, Pa., " Abington, Pa., u Bristol, Pa.. 7th mo. Uwchlan, Pa., 3d mo. Middletown, Pa., 5th mo. " 6th mo. Pennsbury, Pa., 8th mo. K Wrighistown, Pa. 7th mo., Abington, Pa., 4th mo., 1809 STUDENTS. 239 FIBST THOUSAND. NAME. RESIDENCE. DATE OF KJfTKT. 757. Sidney Yarnall, Middletown, Pa., 8th mo., 1808. 759. Sarah Harlan, Kennet, Pa., t< 760. Rachel Mendenhall, Wilmington, Del., 7th mo., " 761 Mary W Smith 762. Eliz. B. Harrison, Philadelphia, Pa., 763. Hannah Nicholson, Haddonfield, N. J., llth mo., " 764. Rebecca Black, Mansfield, N. J., 7 >'>'>. Rebecca Sheppard, Philadelphia, Pa., 10th mo., " 766. Martha Newbold, llth mo., " 767. Sarah Dennis, Greenwich, N. J., 6fch mo., 1809 768. Beulah Clark, Woodbury, N. J., llth mo., 1808. 769 Ijydia Lippincott < 770. Eliza Moore, Willistown, Pa., 771.' Elizabeth Clendenon, Kennet, Pa., 10th mo., " 772. Olive Baily, E. Marlborough, Pa., 9th mo., " 773. Sarah Pennock, Philadelphia, Pa., 10th mo., " 774. Anne Mendenhall, Middletown, Pa., 12th mo., " 775. Hannah Patton, llth mo., " 776 \Iarv Lewis 777. Lydia Carter, East Bradford, Pa., 12th mo., " 778. Phebe Passmore, Pleasant Garden, Pa., 1st mo., 1809. 779. Ruth Passmore, 780. Ruth Hall, ti 781. Hannah C. Pancoast, Mullica Hill, N. J., llth mo., 1808. 782. Rachel Burrough, Westfield, N. J., 783. Kezia Burrough, n u 784. Tabitha R. Smith, Burlington, N. J., 785. Sidney Pennell, Darby, Pa., < 786. Mary Pennell, ti 787. Ann Ivins, Pottsgrove, Pa., U 11 788. Sidney Foulke, Richlaud, Pa., (( 789. Sabina Crownover, Baltimore, Md., ( 791. Hannah Andrews, Darby, Pa., (( (I 792. Anne Sharpless, Middletown, Pa., 12th mo., " 793. Mary Shoemaker, Abington, Pa., 1st mo., 1809. 794. Jemima Stroud, Stroudsburg, Pa., < 795. Elizabeth Burr, Mt. Holly, N. J., 12th mo., 1808. 796. Elizabeth Dugdale, Philadelphia, Pa., 4th mo., 1809. 797. Beulah Paschall, Darby, Pa., 3d mo., " 798. Sarah Bacon, Philadelphia, Pa., 4th mo., " 799. Sarah Starr, i 801. Eliza Matthews, Gunpowder, Md., llth mo., 1808 802. Mary Milnor, Little Britain, Pa., 12th mo., " 3 irah L. Barnes, Horsham, Pa., 1st mo., 1809 vi 4. Rachel Yarnall, Middletown, Pa., 3d mo., " so"). Marv Moore, N-'w Garden, Pa., it < 806. Mary Barnard, W. Marlborough, Pa., 4th mo., " 240 GENERAL CATALOGUE. FIRST THOUSAND. RESIDENCE. 807. Mary P. Barnard, 808. Dinah Barnard, 809. Mary Ann Pusey, 810. Mary Baily, 811. Ann Smith, 812. Margaret Sheppard, 813. Mary R. Latiraer, 814. Sidney A. Gilpin, 815. Harriet Jones, 816. Hannah A. Wood, 817. Harriet Fairlamb, 818. Elizabeth Oldden, 819. Mary Shoemaker, 820. Elizabeth Shreeve, 821. Mary Jones, 822. Hannah Pyte, 823. Ann Jenkins, 824. Elizabeth Fisher, 825. Rebecca Fisher, 826. Mabel Barney, 827. Sally Ann Palmer, 828. Hannah Swayne, 830. Mary Kirk, 831. Ann lOliza Gregg, 832. Deborah Gregg, 833. Jane Sisom, 834. Rebecca Brown, 835. Maria A. Jones, 836. Esther Coe, 837. Sarah Scull, 838. Sarah Sinclair, 839. Rebecca Sinclair, 840. Alice Jarrett, 841. Grace Townsend, 842. Susanna Townsend, 843. Agnes Craft, 844. Mary Borton, 845. Ann Jordan, 846. Elizabeth Craft, 847. Marsha Lawrence, 848. Hannah Prior, 849. Rebecca Teas, 850. Miriam Burr, 851. Eliza Bullock, 852. Jane Haines, 853. Mary Coffin, 854. Sarah H. Parkins, W. Marl borough, Pa., Newlin, Pa., London Grove, Pa., W. Marlborough, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., a Wilmington, Del., Philadelphia, Pa., Haddonfield, N. J., West Chester, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Birmingham, Pa., E. Marlborough, Pa., Camden, Del., East Cain, Pa., JUTE OF ESTRT. 4th mo., 1809 5th mo., Kennet, Pa., Concord, Pa., 6th mo., 5th mo., tt Gunpowder, Md., Bristol, Pa., 7th mo., 4th mo., u < Fallsington, Pa., Merion, Pa., Burlington, N. J., Woodstown, N. J., Baltimore, Md., u 5th mo., u 4th mo., Horsham, Pa., By berry, Pa., it u 5th mo., Abington, Pa., Evesham, N. J., Richmond, Va., Abington, Pa., Richmond, Va., u 6th mo., 5th mo., 6th mo., Philadelphia, Pa., Mt. Holly, N. J., Springfield, N. J., Evesham, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., 5th mo., 6th mo., 9th mo., 5th mo., 8th ino.. STUDENTS. 241 FIRST THOUSAND. 855. Maria Parkins, 856. Sarah Hillman, 857. Elizabeth Coffin, 858. Mary B. Hauxhurst, 859. Martha Parry, 861. Elizabeth Walton, Mil'. Sarah Needles, M; .".. Elizabeth Baily, v.t. I'hebe Pennock, .Sij'i. Mercy Roberta, 866. Ann Clendenon, ;:. iltaHicl Darnell, 868. Sarah Brinton, 869. Hannah Dillon, 870. Sabina Townsend, *71. Martha Thomas, 873. Anna Biddle, 874. Sarah B. Thompson, 875. Eliz. Stcwardson, S7C,. Mary Britt, 877. Esther McPherson, 878. Mary Mcl'herson, 879. Elizabeth Marsh, 880. Ann Buckley, 881. Hannah Haydock, 882. Susanna Lawrie, 883. Martha McKand, 884. Frances Potts, 885. Rebecca Edwards, 886. Hannah Longstreth, 887. Elizabeth Wain, 888. Eliz. Blackwood, 889. H. W. Hopkins, 890. Rebecca Shinn, 891. Amy R. Phipps, 892. Mary Hough, 893. Marv Longshore, 894. Charlotte Wistar, 895. Phebe Rhoads, 896. Rachel Parry, 898. Anna M. Hoskins, 899. Martha (r. Bonsall, 900. Thomazin Trimble, 901. Hannah Clendenon, 902. Mary Jenkins, 903. Rachel B. Wilson, 904. Rebecca Dutton, RESIDENCE. IUTE OF E 8th mo. 6th mo. 5th mo. 6th mo. a 10th mo. 8th mo. 10th mo. llth mo. XTRT. 1809 u < < 1 < < 1 Philadelphia, Pa., NY *i Abington, Pa., New Garden, Pa., Little Creek, Del., E. Marlborough, Pa., Kennet, Pa., Evesham, N. J., Lam peter, Pa., Westtown, Pa., Brownsville, Pa., Byberry, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., 10th mo., 6th mo., " 8th mo. Baltimore, Md., 7th mo. Bristol, Pa., 6th mo. New York,^N. Y., 6th mo. Trenton, N. J., llth mo. 10th mo. Philadelphia, Pa., 8th mo. " 10th mo. " llth mo. Arneystown, N. J., Woodbury, N. J., Haddonfield, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., Makefield, Pa., Salem, N. J., Springfield, Pa., Buckingham, Pa., Radnor, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Newburg, N. Y., Kennet, Pa., Camden, Del., Deer Creek, Md., Chichester, Pa., 10th mo. llth mo. u 12th mo. 10th mo., " 12th mo., " U II II 1st mo., 1810 242 GENERAL CATALOGUE. 905. Lydia Needles, 906. Hannah Hoopes, 907. Mary Poole, 908. Jane Mason, 909. Elizabeth Gilpin, 910. Ellen Atkinson, 911. Priscilla Fentha-n, 912. Hannah Fletcher, 918. Margaret Wistar, 914. Mary Earl, 915. Esther Drinker, 916. Rebecca Knowles, 917. Jane Gaskill, 918. Susan Yarnall, HI!). Ann Wilson, 920. Rachel Evans, 921. Mary Townsend, 922. Ann Sharpless, 923. Sarah Ann Cloud, 924. Ann Sinclair, 925. Sidney Pierce, 926. Mary Passmore, 929. Philena Pusey, 930. Mary Wilson, 931. Elizabeth Jenkins, 932. Amy Yarnall, 933. Atlantic Matlack, 934. Margaret Rawlings, 935. Jane Rawlings, 936. Frances Pleasants, 937. Mary Pleasants, 938. Mary Bullock, 939. Elizabeth Lea, 940. Eleanor King, 941. Susanna Mears, 942. Deborah Hopkins, 943. Rebecca Abbott, 944. Mary Bacon, 945. Susanna Palmer, 946. Eliza Shoemaker, 947. Elizabeth Ely, 948. Deborah Thompson, 949. Elizabeth Oakford, 950. Elizabeth Parvin, 4)52. Sidney Thatcher, 953. Ann Trimble, 954. Grace Trump, FIRST THOUSAND. RESIDENCE. Thirdhaven, Md., Thornbury, Pa., Wilmington, Del., Newlin, Pa., Sandy Spring, Md.. Mt. Holly, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., Abington, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Springfield, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., Makefield, Pa., Springfield, Pa., Thirdhaven, Md., Burlington, N. J., East Bradford, Pa., BATE OF 4th mo 8th mo, 2d mo, ENTRY. ,, 1810 12th mo., 1809. 10th mo 1st mo, n 4th mo. 2d mo. 3d mo. 4th mo. ,1810 Concord, Pa., 5th mo., " Kennet, Pa., u " 4th mo., ' Edgmont, Pa., llth mo., 1 London Grove, Pa., 5th mo., 1 Burlington, N. J., 4th mo., ' Little Creek, Del., it e Philadelphia, Pa., " : Moorestown, N. J., 5th mo., t 4th mo., Philadelphia, Pa., 5th mo., u " Springfield, N. J., u Wilmington, Del., llth mo., Burlington, N. J., 4th mo., Philadelphia, Pa., 5th mo., u M Salem, N. J., U Philadelphia, Pa., " Philadelphia, Pa., 6th mo., 18 1. New Hope, Pa., 7th mo., 18 0. Darby, Pa., 6th mo., u " Maiden Creek, Pa., 5th mo., Aston, Pa., 7th mo., E. Nottingham, Md., 6th mo., W. Nottingham, Md., 10th mo., STUDENTS. 243 FIRST THOUSAND. 955. Anna Moore, 956. Mary Miller, 957. Elizabeth Jarrett, 958. Sarah Turner, 959. Elizabeth Chance, DUO. liachel Littler, 961. Anne Dawson, D*J2. Elizabeth Lloyd, 963. Sarah Shinn, DU4. Mary Vansant, DU5. Mary S. Newlin, DUH* Frances Canby, 967. Sarah M. Garrigues, 968. Eliza Jenkinson, 969. Sarah Hopper, 970. Esther Morton, 971. Hannah Yarnall, 972. Rachel French, 97-{. Sarah Walker, 974. Priscilla Walker, 975. Eliza Hinchman, 976. Elizabeth Drinker, 977. Sidney Bonsall, 978. Marg. Churchman, 979. Catharine Moore, 980. Hannah Ellis, 981. Mary Folwell, 982. Eleanor Love, 983. Hannah Story, 984. Abigail Ellis, '.is.',, rhdbe Miller, D. Martha Lovvnes, 987. Sarah Hall, 988. Susan Hallowell, 989. Priscilla Thomas, 990. Anne Sharpless, 992. Betty Dickinson, 993. H. Mendenhall, 994. Abigail Blackwood, 995. Hannah Whitall, 996. Eliza Webster, 997. Armily Chance, 998. Betty Robinson, 999. Sarah Matson, 1000. Elizabeth Reeve, 19 RESIDENCE. W. Nottingham, Md., Greenwich, N. J., Horsham, Pa., Camden, Del., Greensburg, Md., Wilmington, Del., Philadelphia, Pa., Springfield, N. J., New Hope, Pa., Wilmington, Del., u Philadelphia, Pa., Philadelphia! Pa " By berry, Pa., Moorestown, N. J., Charleston, Pa., H Woodbury, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., Rahway, N. J., > P&-, Philadelphia, Pa., Attleboro', Pa., , N. J., Providence, Pa., Springfield, Pa., Salem, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., Radnor, Pa., Downingtown, Pa., Concord, Pa., Wilmington, Del., Woodbury, N. J., Wilmington, Del., Thirdhaven, Md., Wilmington, Del., Concord, Pa., Evesham, N. J., DATE OF ESTRT. 10th mo., 1810 a 7th mo., " 9th mo., " 4th mo., 1811. 6th mo., 1810. 1st mo., 1811. 6th mo., 1810. 1st mo., 1811. 7th mo., 1810. 6th mo., " 9th mo., 8th mo., 10th mo., 8th mo., 10th mo., 9th mo., 1st mo., 1811. 10th mo., 1810. 9th mo., " 10th mo., " 9th mo., " llth mo., " 12th mo., " llth mo., " 7th mo., 1811. 2d mo., " 4th mo., " 10th mo., 1810. llth mo., " 5th mo., " 12th mo., " 9th mo., " 12th mo., " u 1st mo., 1811 244 GENERAL CATALOGUE. SECOND THOUSAND. RESIDENCE. 2. Amy Wills, 3. Mary Lippincott, 4. Guiielrna Dunkin, 5. Susanna M. Watson, 6. Ann Baily, 7. Sarah Ann Littler, 8. Deborah K. Hall, 9. Mary Nisbett, 10. Ellen Roberts, 11. Dorothea Hoskins, 12. Eliza Palmer, 13. Susanna Moore, 14. Rachel Johnson, 15. Lydia Jeff'eris, 16. Elizabeth Wilson, 17. Anna Bonsall, 18. Hannah Abbott, 19. Mary Ann Newbold, 20. Susanna Paxson, 21. Susan Lea, 22. Elizabeth Barker, 23. Lydia Harvey, 24. Letitia Jones, 25. 'Sarah West, 26. Hannah Scott, 27. Hannah P. Byrnes, 28. Hannah Rowland, 29. Sally Ann Webb, 30. Susan H. Garrigues, 31. Elizabeth Troth, 32. Mary Troth, 33. Martha Jarrett, 34. Sarah Chapman, 35. Abigail Hutchinson, 36. Sarah Brantingham, 37. Hannah Tyson, 38. Ann Tyson, 39. Hannah T. Richards, 40. S. A. Bringhurst, 41. Hannah Garrigues, 42. Sidney Matlack, 43. Eliza Matlack, 44. Lydia Clement, 45. Elizabeth Clement, 46. Hannah Newbold, 47. Mary Satterthwaite, 48. Catharine Leeds, Evesham, N. J., Haddonfield, N. J., Nantmeal, Pa., Solebury, Pa., Abington, Pa., Wilmington, Del., Salem, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., Merion, Pa., Radnor, Pa., Concord, Pa., W. Nottingham, Md., New Garden, Pa., West Cain, Pa., Plymouth, Pa., East Whiteland, Pa., Salem, N. J., Chester, Pa., Sadsbury, Pa., Wilmington, Del., Philadelphia, Pa., Pennsbury, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Trenton, N. J., Burlington, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., Abington, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., a Evesham, N. J., (i Horsham, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., M Merion, Pa., Radnor, Pa., DATE OF ENTRY. 12th mo., 1810. 2d mo., 1811. llth mo., 1810. 4th mo., 1811. llth mo., 1810. 2d mo., 1811. A\JL, illU.j iOl i, llth mo., 1810. 6th mo., 4th mo., 1st mo., llth mo., 2d mo., 5th mo., 6th mo., U 3d mo., llth mo., 3d mo., llth mo., 10th men, 4th mo., 8th mo., 12th mo., 4th mo., u 3d mo., 4th mo., 9th mo., 4th mo., 5th mo., 4th mo., 5th mo., 8th mo., 9th mo., 4th mo., 5th mo., 1811. 1810, 1811. 1810. 181 1 Philadelphia, Pa., 10th mo., Trenton, N. J., Mansfield, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., llth mo., 6th mo., 10th mo., STUDENTS. 245 SECOND THOUSAND. matm. RESIDENCE. BATE OF E5TRT. 49. Charlotte Dilworth, Birmingham, Pa., 7th mo., 1811 50. Ann T. Newbold, Springfield, N. J., 10th mo., " 51. Sarah Lawrence, v Y 8th mo., " F " - 1 > r>~2. Ann Griffin 9th mo., " 53. Hannah G. Davis, Philadelphia, Pa., 4th mo., 1812. '>4. Hannah Pierce, Ken net, Pa., 8th mo., 1811. 55. Mary Pennell, Darby, Pa., llth mo., " 56. Hannah G. Tyler, Salem, N. J., 4th mo., 1812. 57. Abigail Carnahan, 10th mo., 1811. 58. Ann Walker, 8th mo., " 59. Ann Webster, Lampeter, Pa., 10th mo., 1812. 60. Maria Brinton, u 5th mo., 1811. 61. Rachel Wilson, 4th mo., " 62. Lydia Moore, New Garden, Pa., 5th mo., " 63. Mary Parson, Duck Creek, Del., 8th mo., " 64. Margaret Jacobs, East Bradford, Pa., 9th mo., " 60^ Hannah Kersev, Downingtown, Pa., llth mo., " 6(5. Mary Cope, East Bradford, Pa., 9th mo., " 67. Margaret Smith, Sadsbury, Pa., llth mo., " 68. Lydia Trimble, Concord, Pa., 9th mo., " 69. Edith Sharpless, 70. Achsah Clark, Woodbury, N. J., 8th mo., " 71. Eliza Clark, " 72. Elizabeth Kirkbride, Philadelphia, Pa., llth mo., " 73. Martha Lukens, L T pper Dublin, Pa., 9th mo., " 7-1. Lydia Jones, Philadelphia, Pa., 10th mo., " 75. Rebecca Y. Spencer, Horsham, Pa., 76. Susan Jarrett, U a 77. Asenath Hodgin, OViin 78. Sidney Steel, Upper Darby, Pa., llth mo., " 79. Susanna Lloyd, Horsham, Pa., 81. Susanna Iden, Richland, Pa., 9th mo., 1812. 82. Tacv Davis, Radnor, Pa., 12th mo., 1811. 83. Ruth Parrv, Abington, Pa., 4th mo., 1812. 84. Mary Majr'ill, Solesburv, Pa., < it 85. Caroline R. Cope, Philadelphia, Pa., llth mo., 1811. 86. Rachel Jess, u 7 . Lvdia Spencer, 358. JHannah P. Eldridge, Woodbury, N. J., 359. Deborah M. Eldridge, 360. Maria Jones, Brownsville, Pa., 12th mo., " 361. Mary Earl, Springfield, N. J., 5th mo., " 362. Ann Atkinson, Philadelphia, Pa., 4th mo., " 363. Hannah Hibberd, Darby, Pa., llth mo., ' :;i>~>. Hannah Gibbons, Philadelphia, Pa., 10th mo., ' 366. Sarah R. Smith, Burlington, N. J., 5th mo., ' 367. Anna Maria Paxson, Philadelphia., Pa., 4th mo., ' 368. Elizabeth Conard, 10th mo., ' '!i>'.. Maria Pennell, Brownsville, Pa., 6th mo., ' 370. Grace Barnard, Newlin, Pa., 12th mo., ' 371. Anna Maria Wood, Woodbury, N. J., 7th mo., ' 372. Rachel Livezey, Plymouth, Pa., 10th mo., ' 373. Hannah Maulsby, " n i 37 1. Beulah Glover, Haddonfield, N. J., 8th mo., ' 375. Mary Dingee, E. Marlborough, Pa., 4th mo., ' 376. Lydia Neal, Concord, Pa., 9th mo., ' 377. Rachel Richards, W. Nottingham, Pa., llth mo., ' 378. Jane H. Brown, 1st mo., 1816. 379. Sidney Phillips, Hockessing, Del., 1817. 380. Rebecca Price, Gunpowder, Md., " 1822. 381. Mary Ridgway, Philadelphia, Pa., 9th mo., 1815. 382. Harriet Lancaster, Rancocas, N. J., 10th mo., " 383. Elizabeth Woolman, " < 384. Ann Wills, < 385. Phebe Vail, Plainfield, N. J., 8th mo., ' 386. Ann Woolman, Rancocas, N. J., 10th mo., ' 387. Deborah Oakford, Darby, Pa., llth mo., ' 388. Jane Walton 8th mo., ' 389. Sarah Ann Pryor, Philadelphia, Pa., 12th mo., ' 390. Lydia Wilson, London Grove, Pa., < 391. Esther Downing, Downingtown, Pa., llth mo., ' 392. Martha Edmondson, Easton, Md., 2d mo., 1816. 393. Mary Bassett, Wilmington, Del., llth mo., 1815. 394. Abigail Jackson, Reading, Pa., 12th ino., ". r 252 GENERAL CATALOGUE. SECOND THOUSAND. 395. Jane Thomas, 396. Sarah Gawthrop, 397. Hannah Taylor, 398. Rachel W. Cope, 399. Hannah Webb, 400. Margaret Penrose, 401. Sarah C. Rively, 402. Susanna Levick, 403. Martha N. Austin, 404. Hannah Deacon, 405. Ann Corbit, 406. Martha A. Evans, 407. Marg. Mendeuhall, 408. Mary Richards, 409. Mary Shreeve, 410. Rebecca Earl, 411. Lydia Lippincott, 412. Hannah Nixon, 413. Ann Webb, 414. Edith H. Clark, 415. Jane Pancoast, 416. Anna P. Levis, 417. Elizabeth Townsend, 418. Anna Smith, 419. Sarah Roberts, 420. Ann Brick, 421. Charlotte Wistar, 422. Hannah Howell, 423. Mary Howell, 424. Mary Whitacre, 425. Elizabeth Townsend, 426. Elizabeth Thomas, 427. Susan Kimber, 428. Elizabeth Haines, 429. Mary Stokes, 431. Ruth Johnson, 432. Deborah Simmons, 433. Rebecca Preston, 434. Elizabeth Righter, 435. Phebe Ellis, 436. Philena Lamb, 437. Mary Haines, 438. Mary Robinson, 439. Sarah Temple, 440. Eliza Comfort, 441. Maria Spencer, 442. Elizabeth Chapman, RESIDENCE. Newlin, Pa., New Garden, Pa., Pennsbury, Pa., Brownsville, Pa., Kennet, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Darby, Pa., Little Creek, Del., Buckingham, Pa., Burlington, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., M Concord, Pa., Springfield, N. J., Mt. Holly, N. J., Woodstown, N. J., Pikeland, Pa., Muncy, Pa., Woodbury, N. J., Mullica Hill, N. J., Springfield, Pa., Plainfield, N. J., Goshen, Pa., Salem, N. J., M Philadelphia, Pa., H Muncy, Pa., By berry, Pa., Radnor, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Darby, Pa., New Garden, Pa., Middletown, Pa., W. Nottingham, Md., Plymouth, Pa., Springfield, N. J., Wilmington, Del., W. Nottingham. Md., Wilmington, Del., Pennsbury, Pa., Fallsington, Pa., Bensalem, Pa., Byberry, Pa., DATE OF ENTRT. 12th mo., 1815. 2d mo., 1816. 3d mo., " 12th mo., 1815. llth mo., " 12th mo., " llth mo., " 10th mo., " llth mo., " 5th mo., 1816. 10th mo., 1815. 12th mo., " 5th mo., 1816. llth mo., 4th mo., 6th mo., 4th mo., 8th mo., " 5th mo., " 4th mo., " 5th mo., " 6th mo., " 3d mo., " 4th mo., " 3d mo., " 4th mo., " 5th STUDENTS. 253 SECOND THOUSAND. 443. Lydia Burrough, 444. Alice Williams, 445. Rachel Twining, 446. Martha Walton, 447. Letitia Lancaster, 448. Catharine Wood, 449. Elizabeth Paul, 450. Mary Tatuin, 451. Rachel Sharpless, 4-~> Martha Hob.son, 453. Mary Ann Green, 454. *Ann Blackwood, 456. Orpha Thomas, 457. Deborah Passmore, 458. Elizabeth Sharpless, 459. Charity Thatcher, 460. Rachel Garrett, 461. Hannah Thomas, 462. Hannah Hughes, 463. Mercy A. Chapman, 464. Mary R. Chapman, 4G"). Mary Saunders, 466. Hannah Pancoast, 467. Catharine Wistar, 468. Abigail Lundy, 469. Esther Schofield, 470. Mary Tucker, 471. Lucy Bishop, 472. Letitia Wright, 473. Phebe Furness, 474. Esther Musgrave, 475. Mercy Ellis, 476. Margaret Miller, 477. Mary Miller, 478. Elizabeth Pancoast, 479. Charlotte Earl, 480. Hannah Foreythe, 481. Sarah A. Lippincott, 482. Charlotte Harrison, 483. Esther L. Thomas, 484. Jane L. Thomas, 485. Sarah Jones, 486. Surah S. Roberts, 487. Susan Hulme, 488. Rebecca Hulme, 489. Mary Watson, 490. Rachel Quinby, RESIDENCE. Evesham, X. J., Abington, Pa., Wrightstown, Pa., Byberry, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Woodbury, X. J., Downingtown, Pa., New Garden, Pa., Smyrna, Del., Camden, N. J., Willistown, Pa., Edgmont, Pa., Concord, Pa., DATE OF IHTRT. 5th mo., 1816. 10th mo., " 5th mo., " 4th mo., " 8th mo., " 5th mo., " 6th mo., " 8th mo., " 9th mo.. " Willistown, Pa., n Hatborough, Pa., 5th mo., 1821. Philadelphia, Pa., llth mo., 1816. TJr 10th mo., " 9 y Woodburv, X. J., 5th mo., " Mullica Hill, X. J., 7th mo., " Salem, X. J., llth mo., " Rancocas, X. J., 5th mo., 1817. Buckingham, Pa., 10th mo., 1816. Philadelphia, Pa., 7th mo., " Springfield, X. J., 8th mo., " Salem, X. J., 9th mo., " Colerain, Pa., 10th mo., " Philadelphia, Pa., 7th mo., " Muncy, Pa., 9th mo., " Salem, X. J., a 1C 11 Woodstown, X. J., 6th mo., " Xew Mills, X. J., Springfield, X. J., 8th mo., " 9th mo., " Haddonfield, X. J., 10th mo., " Philadelphia, Pa., 5th mo., 1821. Darby, Pa., 10th mo., 1816. Xewtown, Pa., Buckingham, Pa., " ' Greenwich, X. J., " ' Hulmeville, Pa., 9th mo., ' i Fallsington, Pa., 10th mo., ' Stanton, Del., 12th mo., u 254 GENERAL, CATALOGUE. SECOND THOUSAND. 491. Mary Hoskins, 492. Ann L. Wilson, 493. Hannah Shoemaker, 494. Elizabeth Winn, 495. Martha Eastburn, 496. Mary J. Brown, 497. Catharine Evans, 498. Susanna Battin, 499. Mary Griscom, 501. Sarah Denny, 502. Hannah J. Pennock, 503. Charlotte Cleaver, 504. Ann Farson, 505. Rebecca Yarnall, 506. Ann Wilson, 507. Anne Embree, 508. Rebecca Dingee, 509. Hannah Massey, 510. Sarah Elkinton, 511. Mary P. Gibbons, 512. Ann Hibberd, 513. Abigail Musgrave, 514. Mary Ann Haines, 515. Mary Ann Walton, 516. Mary Ann Hutton, 517. Prudence Cooper, 518. Anna Thompson, 519. Mary Lloyd, 520. Sarah Walton, 521. Rachel B. Pennock, 522. Hannah B. Gibbons, 523. Mary Hawley, 524. Martha Tucker, 525. Eleanor Kemp, 526. Ann Clark, 527. Hannah Rhoads, 528. Ann Chandler, 529. Phebe M. Walker, 530. Mary T. Dil worth, 531. Elizabeth G. Clark, 532. Elizabeth Bartram, 533. Betsy Watson, 534. Lydia Satterthwaite, 535. Esther B. Atlee, 536. Elizabeth Wright, 537. Sarah Hannum, 638. Lydia Ingham, RESIDENCE. DATE OB ENTKV. Radnor, Pa., 12th mo., 1816. Rahway, N. J., 2d mo., 1817. Philadelphia, Pa., " " It 5th mo., 1821. Solesbury, Pa., a 1817. Rahway, N. J., 4th mo., it " Muncy, Pa., it Burlington, N. J., 12th mo., 1816. New Garden, Pa., . " " London Grove, Pa., 1st mo., 1817. Radnor, Pa., " " Duck Creek, Del., 8th mo., 1818. Easton, Pa., 6th mo., 1817. London Grove, Pa., 1st mo., tt West Bradford, Pa., " " E. Marlborough, Pa., llth mo., ii Thornbury, Pa., 1st mo., Philadelphia, Pa., 5th mo., tt " tt 1821. E. Whiteland, Pa., 3d mo., 1817. Philadelphia, Pa., " " 5th mo., a Muncy, Pa., u u Philadelphia, Pa., 6th mo., It Pleasant View, Pa., 5th mo., I Abington, Pa., { Horsham, Pa., tt t (i I London Grove, Pa., 1st mo., I East Bradford, Pa., 3d mo., I Uwchlan, Pa., 5th mo., I Muncy, Pa., 4th mo., I King's Creek, Md., 9th mo., t Woodbury, N. J., 6th mo., I Springfield, Pa., u I London Grove, Pa., llth mo., ( Charlestown, Pa., 12th mo., I Aston, Pa., tt 1816. Doe Run, Pa., 6th mo., 1817. Darby, Pa., 5th mo., (i Buckingham, Pa., 7th mo., u Crosswicks, N. J., 6th mo., Philadelphia, Pa., " " Tredyffrin, Pa., " " East Cain, Pa., 4th mo., it Abington, Pa., 5th mo., 1821. STUDENTS. 255 SECO.VD THOUSAND. 539. Lydia Jackson, 540. Eliz. Richardson, 541. Susan Richardson, 542. Tacy Lukena, 543. Anna Paxson, 544. Sarah Ann Tyson, 545. Sarah Conrow, 546. Ann Burson, 547. Margaret Maris, 548. Sarah Maris, 549. Mary Ann Field, 550. Martha Janney, 551. Jane Fell, 552. Elizabeth Lancaster, 553. Elizabeth Burr, 554. Hannah Stewart, 555. Mary Stewart, 556. Sarah W. Vail, 557. Ann Rogers, 558. Martha Davis, 559. Phebe Williams, 560. Martha Woolston, 561. Ruth Bonsall, 562. Ann Baker, 563. Mary W. Reeves, 564. Mary A. Sharpless, 565. Hannah Taylor, 566. Harriet Stokely, 568. Mary Deacon, 569. Deborah Smith, 570. Margaret Woodward, 571. Mary Evens, 572. Sarah Garrett, 573. Rebecca \V. Cresson, 574. Sarah Simmons, 575. Elizabeth C. Cope, 576. Eliza F. Cocks, 577. Anna Longstreth, 578. Agnes E. Marsh, 579. Susanna Stokes, 580. Sarah Way, 581. Hannah Lippincott, 582. Priscilla A. Hooton, 583. Martha Thomas, 584. Lydia A. Thomas, 585. Jane Parry, 586. Margaret Parry, 20 RESIDENCE. DATE OF ENTRT. W. Nottingham, Pa., 12th mo., 1817. Middletown, Pa., 8th mo., Abington, Pa., 9th mo., Middletown, Pa., 7th mo., " Philadelphia, Pa., 8th mo., " Shrewsbury, N. J., 7th mo., * Wrightstown, Pa., 9th mo., New Hope, Pa., 12th mo., " u u Crosswicks, N. J., 9th mo., ti Newtown, Pa., " ti Richland, Pa., " " Philadelphia, Pa., 12th mo., H " llth mo., II Woodstown, N. J., 9th mo., l( " u tt Plainfield, N. J., 12th mo., It Evesham, N. J., 9th mo., ft u tt ft Shrewsbury, N. J., 7th mo., tt Fallsington, Pa., 5th mo., 1821. West Whiteland, Pa., 9th mo., 1817. West Bradford, Pa., llth mo., tt Philadelphia, Pa., 9th mo., ti Catawissa, Pa., 10th mo., te Kennet, Pa., u tt Camden, Del., 9th mo., 1818. Burlington, N. J., tt tt Sadsbury, Pa., llth mo., tt Centre, Del., 12th mo., 1817. Cropwell, N. J., 5th mo., 1821. Philadelphia, Pa., 9th mo., 1817. u u Chester, Md., llth mo., It Philadelphia, Pa., 6th mo., 1821. New York, N. Y., 5th mo., " Horsham, Pa., 10th mo., 1817. Plainfield, N. J., 12th mo., " Rancocas, N. J., llth mo., " Plainfield, N. J., 12th mo., " Alt. Holly, N. J., 4th mo., 1818. Philadelphia, Pa., 10th mo., 1817. " llth mo., " West Whiteland, Pa., New Hope, Pa., 256 GENERAL, CATALOGUE. SECOND THOUSAND. NAME. RESIDENCE. DATE OF ENTRY. 587. Evelina Denny, Little Creek, Del., 6th mo., 1821. 588. Mary Budd, " Philadelphia, Pa., 12th mo., 1817. 589. Cath. W. Baldwin, Concord, Pa., llth mo., 1821. f>90 Priscilla Eves, Muncy, Pa., 1817. 591. Beulah Hubbs, Woodstown, N. J., 5th mo., 1818. 592. Elizabeth Widdefield, Philadelphia, Pa., llth mo., " 5!3. Elizabeth Lippincott, Mt. Holly, N. J., 1st mo., " 594. Mary Baily, Abington, Pa., 3d mo., " 59o. Violetta Lukens, Philadelphia, Pa., 4th mo., " 596. M. Cowperthwaite, Moorestown, N. J., 5th mo., " 597. Jane W. Thomas, Radnor, Pa., (i 598. Mary King, Burlington, N. J., 9th mo., 1821. 599. Beulah Garrigues, Merion, Pa., 4th mo., 1818. 600. Mercy Phillips, Solesbury, Pa., 12th mo., 1817. 601. Priscilla Hopkins, Deer Creek, Md., llth mo., " W'2. Betsy Greenfield, New Garden, Pa., 3d mo., 1818. 603. Hannah B. Stalker, East Cain, Pa., 4th mo. " 604. Eliza W. Hunt, Darby, Pa., 7th mo. " 6('o. Eliza Barnard, W. Marlborough, Pa., 4th mo. " 606. Phebe A Sprakman, Concord, Pa., 6th mo. " 6(>7. Lydia Trimble, Aston, Pa., 4th mo. 1819. 608. Lydia Massey, Springfield, Pa., 10th mo. 1818. 6"9. Margaret Hoopes, West Chester, Pa., < 610. Mary H. Jackson, Darby, Pa., ( 611. Ann Reeves, Philadelphia, Pa., 3d mo., ' 612. Ann Fletcher, Abington, Pa., 4th mo., ' 613. Sarah A. Hallowell, it i f!1,l CUifirmn AT P-ivnr "NT V 5th mo., ' 615. Edith D. Stockton, Mt. Holly, N. J., a < 616. Rebecca Church, Moorestown, N. J., 7th mo., ' 617. Sarah Church, ti 618. Emeline Cope, Philadelphia, Pa., 6th mo., ' 619. Susan H. Newbold, Byberry, Pa., llth mo., ' 620. Rebecca Newbold, a i 621. Hannah Hall, Salem, N. J., 9th mo., ' 622. Deborah Frampton, Hillsborough, Va., < 623. Mary Edmondson, Camden, Del., 5th mo., " 624. Abigail Lawrie, Woodstown, N. J., 6th mo., " 625. Rebecca Howey, <( 626. Mary Carver, Plumsted, Pa., 5th mo., ' 627. Ann P. Penrose, Philadelphia, Pa., < 628. Abigail Penrose, a t 629. Deborah Garrigues, " 6th mo., ' 631. Hannah S. Bolton, < 63-'{. Marv Ann Roberts, Merion, Pa., 10th mo., (. Elizabeth Watson, 657. Judith Smith, 658. Tacy Townsend, 659. Grace Wilson, 600. Zillah Embree, <)til. Esther Haines, Oh-!. Rachel Phipps, 663. Susanna Swayne, 604. Hannah Griffith, 665. Mary Pen nock, 666. Anna Maria Ladd, 667. Mary Steer, 668. Edith Price, 669. Elizabeth Matthews, 071 ). Sarah Williamson, 671. Sarah Ann Lupton, 672. Sidney Jacobs, 673. A. P/Cornthwaite, 674. Rachel Scott, i;7"). Eliza H. Smith, 677. Margaret Wilson, 678. Elizabeth Wilson, 679. Eliz. G. Sinclair, 680. Sarah E. Thompson, Waterford, Va., 681. Elizabeth Gregg, Middletown, Pa., 682. Mary Wilkinson, Wilmington, Del., 683. Edith B. Stockton, Springfield, N. J., 684. Martha Watson, Fishing Creek, Pa., Upper Darby, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Fishing Creek, Pa., Quaker-town, Pa., Buckingham, Pa., Egg Harbor, N. J., By berry, Pa., West Bradford, Pa., E. Nottingham, Pa., Uwchlan, Pa., E. Marlborough, Pa., Columbia, Pa., London Grove, Pa., Smithfield, Ohio, Waterford, Va., Gunpowder, MA, Newtown, Pa., Waterford, Va., East Bradford, Pa., Baltimore, Md., Gunpowder, MA, Harford, MA, Baltimore, MA, DATE OF ZNTRT. 10th mo., 1818. 3d mo., u llth mo., 10th mo., 12th mo., 10th mo., 1st mo., 1819. 4th mo., " 12th mo., 1818. 10th mo., " llth mo., " 12th ino., 1st mo., llth mo., 2d mo., 1st mo., 4th mo., L , 1819. 1818. , 1819. 12th mo. 6th mo. 5th mo. 1818. 1819. u 1818. 12th mo., oio. 6th mo., 1819. 10th mo., 1820. 6th mo., 1819. 4th mo., '* 2d mo., " 4th mo., 5th mo,, 2d mo., 5th mo. 6th mo., 4th mo., 5th mo., 6th mo., 2d mo., 3d mo., 1st mo., 258 GENERAL CATALOGUE. SECOND THOUSAND. RK8IDF.\CE. 685. Eliza Ann Valentine, 686. Elizabeth Knight, 687. Mary Reeve, 688. Mira E. Temple, <>89. Mary Ann Jones, 690. Alice Maulsby, 691. Elizabeth Walton, 692. Emma Cope, 693. Ann Thomas, 691. Ann Wall, 695. Mary Bane, 697. Mary Phipps, 698. Mary Hallowell, 699. Sarah Conrad, 700. Susanna Hall, 701. Rebecca Truman, 703. Ann West, 704. Mary Pidgeon, 705. Hannah Thompson, 706. Rachel Vail, 707. Sarah Poole, 708. Elizabeth Taylor, 709. Esther Passmore, 710. Hannah Pennell, 711. Elizabeth Vezey, 712. Esther Lewis, 713. Phebe Carpenter, 714. Sarah Andrews, 715. Tacy Matlack, 716. Ann Pusey, 717. EmmaZell, 718. Mary C. Jones, 719. Eleanor Cope, 720. Deborah Shaw, 721. Rachel Hill, 722. Hannah W. Hill, 723. Elizabeth M. Hill, 7 '24. Anna Pierce, 725. Rebecca Adamson, 726. Jane B. Temple, 727. Rachel Watson, 728. Martha H. Tyson, 729. Mary Ann Wright, 730. Mary Brown, 731. Sarah Brown, 732. Hannah Brown, 733. Harriet Shotwell, Philadelphia, Pa., Byberry, Pa., Evesham, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., Mt. Holly, N. J., Plymouth, Pa., Frankford, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Hatborough, Pa., Trenton, N. J., Wilmington, Del., Frankford, Pa., Abington, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Springfield, Pa., Sadsbury, Pa., Greensborough, Pa., Waterford, Va., New Garden, Pa., Rahway, N. J., Wilmington, Del., New Garden, Pa., W. Marl borough, Pa. Middletown, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Robeson, Pa., Westtown, Pa., Darby, Pa., Merion, Pa., Darby, Pa., Germantown, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Charlestown, Pa., Edgmont, Pa., Fallsington, Pa., E. Nottingham, Pa., Radnor, Pa., Brownsville, N. Y., Plainfield, N. J., DATE Of ENTRY. 4th mo., 1819. 5th mo. 4th mo. 8th mo. 4th mo. 5th mo. 4th mo., 1821. 1819. 1821. 1819. 6th mo., u 1st mo., 10th mo., 12th mo., 1st mo., llth mo., 8th mo., 5th mo., 8th mo., 1st mo., 5th mo., 1820. 1819. u 1820. 1819. 1820. 1819. 8th mo., 6th mo., 1821. 1819. M 1820. 1819. 9th mo., STUDENTS. 259 SECOND THOUSAND. RESIDENCE. 734. Jane Temple, 735. Rebecca Pierce, 736. Mary Ann Miller, 737. Rebecca Engle, 738. Hannah A. Reeve, 739. Sarah W. Reeve, 740. Jane Yarnall, 741. Elizabeth Woodward, 742. Sarah Thatcher, 743. Elizabeth Garrett, 744. Hetty Ann Newlin, 745. JDeborah Davis, 746. Rachel Denn, 747. Sarah Hulme, 748. Ann Crawford, 749. Mary Painter, 751. Rachel Carpenter, 752. Jane Matlack, 753. Eliz. M. Thompson, 754. Rachel Nicholson, 755. Mary Bacon, 756. Deborah A. Mifflin, 757. Mary Woolston, 758. Emily Cleaver, 759. Maria Tatum, 760. Mary Edge, 761. Massey Pratt. 762. Priscilla Pratt, 763. Mary Garrett, 7<>4. Margaret Garrett, 765. Mary R. Howland, 766. Sophia Haines, 767. Mary Ann Starr, 768. Rebecca Roberts, 769. Hannah Dilworth, 770. Rebecca AIsop, 771. Deborah D. Roberts, 772. Ann Cooper, 77.!. Mary C. Davis, 774. Susanna Conard, 775. Elizabeth Pennell, 776. Susanna Warrington, 777. Elizabeth Laws, 778. Ann Pleasants, 779. Jane Stockton, 780. Isabel Hustler, 781. Mary Hustler, 20* Pennsbury, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Plainfield, N. J., Haddonfield, N. J., Evesham, N. J., Edgmont, Pa., London Grove, Pa., Concord, Pa., Goshen, Pa., Concord, Pa., Birmingham, Pa., Salem, N. J., Mt. Holly, N. J., Brownsville, Pa., Concord, Pa., Salem, N. J., Moorestown, N. J., Salem, N. J., DATE OF EXTRT. 9th mo., 1819. 7th mo., llth mo., 9th mo., 10th mo., 8th mo., llth mo., 9th mo., 8th mo., 3d mo., 1820. 5th mo., " 10th mo., 1819. 5th mo., 1820. 10th mo., " 3d mo., " 9th mo., 1819. 10th mo., " < a if n 4th mo., 1820. 1st mo., " 5th mo., " Philadelphia, Pa., Fallsington, Pa., Radnor, Pa., Wilmington, Del., East Cain, Pa., Springfield, Pa., " tl 1C Upper Darby, Pa., New York, N. Y., 8th mo., W. Nottingham, Md., 4th mo., New Garden, Pa., " Darby, Pa., Edgmont, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., " 2d mo., Evesham, N. J., 5th mo. Philadelphia, Pa., 2d mo. Concord, Pa., 4th mo. Moorestown, N. J., 6th mo. Philadelphia, Pa., 5th mo. Fallsington, Pa., 4th mo., Philadelphia, Pa., 260 GENERAL CATALOGUE. SECOND THOUSAND. NAME. RESIDENCE. DATE OF ENTRY. 782. Sophronia Osborne, Philadelphia, Pa., 5th mo., 1820. 783. Rebecca Shaw, Jenkintown, Pa., 784. Mary Tyler, Salem, N. J., 4th mo. " 785. Susanna Smith, Philadelphia, Pa., 5th mo. " 786. Mary Cook, tt 787. Martha Reeve, it 4th mo. " 788. Eleanor Widdefield, K 3d mo. " 789. Tacy Thomas, Hatborough, Pa. 5th mo. " 790. Rachel Hawley, Bradford, Pa., (C (( 791. Ruth Reed, Westtown, Pa., tl (I 792. Camilla Jacobs, East Bradford, Pa., ft ft 793. Rachel Conard, New London, Pa., " 1821. 794. Ann G. Coates, Coatesville, Pa., 8th mo., 1820. 795. Hannah Wood, East Bradford, Pa., ft 796. Lydia Hoopes, Sadsbury, Pa., 9th mo., " 797. Sarah Walton, New Garden, Pa., 10th mo., " 798. Anne Massey, Deer Creek, Md., 799. Martha Embree, West Bradford, Pa., it it 800. Ann Richards, New Garden, Pa., llth mo., " 801. Lydia Athertou, Philadelphia, Pa., 5th mo., " 802. Albina N. Roberts, Middletown, Pa., 4th mo., " 803. Mary Shaw, Buckingham, Pa., 5th mo., " 804. Prudence Webster, Rahway, N. J., it 805. Mary Book, Germantown, Pa., 4th mo., " 806. Elizabeth Engle, Mt. Holly, if. J., 10th mo., 1823. 807. Jane Heston, Gwynedd, Pa., 6th mo., 1820. 808. Marianna Seaman, 1ST V 5th mo., " , 11 . X ., 809. Sarah Downing, Uwchlan, Pa., it 810. Esther Troth, Mt. Holly, N. J., tl if 811. Mary Gardiner, Evesham, N. J., tl ft 812. Lydia Evans, H it is 813. Ann Evans, (I ft ft 814. Mary C. Davis, Woodstown, N. J., 11 Cl 815. Elizabeth P. Seal, Wilmington, Del., ft ft 817. Sarah Marshall, Philadelphia, Pa., it tt 818. Ruth Reeve, tt ft 81 9. Hannah Thompson, Abington, Pa., 6th mo., " 820. Rebecca Allinson, Philadelphia, Pa., 5th mo., " 821. Martha Howey, Woodstown, N. J., it it 822. Hannah Lloyd, Horsham, Pa., it tt 823. Hannah Maule, Philadelphia, Pa., ti it 826. Hannah Ely, Buckingham, Pa., 6th mo., " 827. Lucy Ann troth, Mt. Holly, N. J., *0th mo., 1823. 828. Ann Lawrie, Woodstown, N. J., 7th mo., 1820. 829. Ann Folwell, Philadelphia, Pa., 8th mo., " 830. Susan Emerson, Little Creek, Del., llth mo., " 831. Mary Green, Frankfc rd, Pa., 10th mo., " STUDENTS. 2()1 SECOND THOUSAND. s a L RESIDENCE. DATE OF ENTRY. 832. Sarah H. Taylor, Attleborough, Pa., 10th mo., 1820. 833. Rachel Mcllvain, W. Philadelphia, Pa., u 834. Ann Hunt, Darby, Pa., Mary Waters, Philadelphia, Pa., llth mo., " - i -arm a Morris, 14 ft 837. Hannah S. Temple, Edgmont, Pa., a K 838. Abigail B. Roberts, Mt. Holly, N. J., 12th mo., " 840. Beulah T. Parker, Philadelphia, Pa., 9th mo., " 841. Elizabeth Trimble, Baltimore, Md., 10th mo., " 842. Philena Pennock, London Grove, Pa., it u *4 '!. Anne Barnard, W. Marlborough, Pa., (i ti 844. Ann Spackman, Wilmington, Del., 3d mo., 1821. 845. Sarah Wilson, Hockessing, Del., 12th mo., 1820. 816. Susan Clark, Doe Run, Pa., 847. Lvdia Yeatman, Hockessing, Del., ft 848. Phebe Walker, i 849. Sarah Phillips, i ft it 850. Mary Woodward, Westtown, Pa., 1st mo., 1821. 851. Sarah Coale, W. Nottingham, Md., 3d mo., 1820. 852. H. Worthington, Deer Creek, Md., 4th mo., 1821. 853. Eliza Ann Smith, Baltimore, Md., 6th mo., " *~>4. Rachel Atkinson, Easton, Md., 4th mo., " 855. Abigail Pyle, East Marlborough, Pa. , 5th mo., " Hannah Sharpless, West Chester, Pa., ft 857. Ann Matlack, Radnor, Pa., tt S">S. Margaret Coale, W. Nottingham, Md., 8th mo., " 859. Mary Ann Roberts, Mt. Holly, N. J., 5th mo., " 860. Priscilla W. Pennell, Edgmont, Pa., 12th mo., 1820. 861. T. R. Pennell, u 862. Mary T. Dilworth, ft 863. Marv Dixon, Hockessing, Del., 1C 86 1. Mary Harlan, West Bradford, Pa., 7th mo., 1821. xi>~>. Anna Seaman, N Y 6th mo., " -, i* . i ., 866. Patience Howell, Camden, Del., < 867. Patience Hunn, tt It It Uary Cowgill, Duck Creek, Del., 8th mo., " 869. Susan Roberts, Mt. Hollv, N. J., 9th mo., " 870. Juliana Randolph, Philadelphia, Pa., 4th mo., " S71. Elizabeth Welding, Frankford, Pa., 5th mo., " 872. Elizabeth Whitelock, tl It S74. Ann B. Powell, Mt. Holly, N. J., 4th mo., " 875. Sarah B. Earl, New Mills, N. J., 5th mo., " 876. Martha Pancoast, Mullica Hill, N. J., it it 877. Sarah A. Pancoast, tt tt 878. Emily Stevenson, Salem, N. J., tt tt 879. Elizabeth Middleton, Philadelphia, Pa., It (( 880. Martha Coffin, u 6th mo., " 262 GENERAL CATALOGUE. SECOND THOUSAND. 881. Elizabeth Truman, 882. Phebe S. Townsend, 883. H. P. Townsend, 884. Sarah Darlington, 885. Sarah Painter, 886. Jane Pennell, 887. Hetty Ann Pierce, 888. Sarah England, 889. Amy Darlington, 890. Sarah Gregg, 891. Ann G. Hill, 892. Elizabeth Smith, 893. Ann Pitfield, 894. MaryGaskill, 895. Eliza A. Stratton, ' 896. Margaret G. Laing, 898. Elizabeth C. Garrett, 899. Margaret Garrett, 900. C. B. Dilworth, 902. Hannah Yarnall, 903. Susan Longstreth, 904. Mary Ann Kirk, 905. Hannah A. Clement, 906. Letitia Brinton, 907. Mary Grubb, 908. Lydia Grubb, 909. Caroline Roberts, 910. Susan Brinton, 911. Mary Cooper, 912. Maria Tatum, 913. Hannah Grubb, 914. Mary Bassett, 915. Abigail Borton, 916. Hannah Marshall, 917. Rebecca Smith, 918. Martha Woolman, 919. Mary Conard, 920. Rebecca Taylor, 921. Mary M. Townsend, 922. Rachel H. Garrett, 923. Rachel Miller, 924. Elizabeth Passmore, 925. Maria Smith, 926. Mary Ann Kemp, 927. Henrietta Nixon, 928. Ann Nixon, 929. Frances Eastburn, RESIDENCE. Sadsbury, Pa., Baltimore, Md., East Bradford, Pa., Middletown, Pa., Thornbury, Pa., Baltimore, Md., Middletown, Pa., Kennet, Pa., Darby, Pa., i Philadelphia, Pa., Burlington, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., Rahway, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., East Whiteland, Pa., Edgmont, Pa., Horsham, Pa., Uwchlan, Pa., Woodbury, N. J., Thornbury, Pa., Willistown, Pa., Lampeter, Pa., Woodbury, N. J., Wilmington, Del., DATE OF ENTRT. 12th mo., 1821 9th mo., " it 10th mo., " 9th mo., 10th mo., 9th mo., 10th mo., llth mo., 9th mo., 10th mo., llth mo., " 1st mo., 1822. llth mo., 1821. a 1st mo., 1822. 10th mo., 1821. Salem, N. J., llth mo., Evesham, N. J., 10th mo., Philadelphia, Pa., Wrightstown, Pa., llth mo., Rancocas, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., 12th mo., Kennet, Pa., llth mo., Baltimore, Md. Willistown, Pa., 12th mo., Downingtown, Pa., W. Marlborough, Pa., 1st mo., 1822. Sadsbury, Pa., 4th mo., King's Creek, Md., Charlestown, Pa., Buckingham, Pa., STUDENTS. 263 SECOND THOUSAND. RAKE. RESIDENCE. 930. Mary Lafetra, Baltimore, Md., DATE OF EXTRT. 3d mo., 1822. 931 Rachel Johnson, Philadelphia, Pa., llth mo., 1821. 932. Martha Stokes, " 12th mo., " 933. Elizabeth M. Smith, Fallsington, Pa., llth mo., " tm. Priscilla Parry, Philadelphia, Pa., 12th mo., " 935. Hannah Lippincott, Westfield, N. J., 936. Rachel Burrough, Evesham, N. J., llth mo., " 937. Sarah Evans, , ion 0-. rn L r> Ar lira X Y 4th mo., 1822. 940. Mary Nelson, u 941. Hannah M.Jefferson, Philadelphia, Pa., 3d mo., " 944. Hepzibah Norris, Q_l Ann Aumicfo C A f\f*\ra - "^ "V 4th mo., y-vt. Ann .Augusta V^OCKS, - , xi. i., 947. Martha Jones, Darby, Pa., 2d mo., 948. Era. Gillingham, Frankford, Pa., 3d mo., 949. Eliz. Gillingham, M 950. Mary Sharpless, Philadelphia, Pa., 4th mo., 951. Eliz." W. Havdock, u 952. Susanna Kite, " 953. Rebecca Levick, Little Creek, Del., 5th mo., 954. Phebe Hustler, Philadelphia, Pa., 3d mo., 956. Anna Gillingham, Frankford, Pa., u 957. Rebecca Abbott, Philadelphia, Pa., 4th mo.. 958. Elizabeth Woodnutt, Salem, N. J., 959. Eliz. Ann White, Rahwav, X. J., u 960. Elizabeth Mott, Baltimore, Md., 3d mo., 961. Augusta Comegys, 962. Ann Read, 4th mo., 963. Mary Ann Mickle, Sadsbury, Pa., u 964, Eliza Mickle, ii 965. Hannah Mechem, East Bradford, Pa., 9th mo., 966. Mary Ann Chandler, Centre, Del., 5th mo., 967. Marv Trimble, Baltimore, Md., 4th mo., 968. Jane Trimble, " u 969. Martha Garrett, Newtown, Pa., 10th mo., 970. Patience Chambers, London Grove, Pa., 6th mo., 971. Mary Ann Sinclair, Baltimore, Md., 5th mo., 97 Mary Shotwell, Rahwav, N. J., 6th mo., 973. Rebecca Ann Hulme, Mt. Ho'lly, N. J., 5th mo., 974. Mary Butterworth, 975. Abigail Butterworth, u 976. Susanna Matlack, Baltimore, Md., 977. Elizabeth Hunt, Darbv, Pa., 978. Esther Price, Merion, Pa., u 979. Elizabeth Haines, Rancocas, N. J., 6th mo., 980. Marv Laws, Hillsborough, Md., 4th mo , 981. Margaret Robbins, Mullica Hill, N. J., 2<>4 GENERAL CATALOGUE. SECOND THOUSAND. 982. Eliza Ann Buzby, 983. Eliza Burdsall, 984. Mary Bringhurst, 985. Elizab'h Nicholson, 986. Deborah Willits, 987. Mary A. Haydock, 988. Elizabeth Pa'ncoast, 989. Hannah W. Jenks, 990. Sarah Haines, 991. Hannah Simmons, 992. Sarah Al ricks, 993. Margaret C. Vail, 994. Ann Sharpless, 995. Hannah Morris, 996. Martha Morris, 998. Ann Preston, 999. Jane Gibbons, 1000. Eliza Burton, Burlington, N. J., Rahway, N. J., Wilmington, Del., Philadelphia, Pa., Maiden Creek, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Springfield, N. J.. Philadelphia, Pa., East Bradford, Pa., Penn, Pa., Wilmington, Del., Plainfield, N. J., Chester, Pa., Merion, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., W. Nottingham, Md., Lampeter, Pa., Little Creek, Del., DATE OF ENTRY. 7th mo., 1822. 6th mo., " 8th mo., " 6th mo., " 9th mo., " 6th mo., " a ii ii 11 8th mo., " 6th mo., " 9th mo., " 10th mo., " 9th mo., " llth mo., " 5th mo., 1823. 9th mo., 1822. llth mo., " THIRD THOUSAND. 1. Letitia E. Austin, 2. Rebecca J. Maule, 3. Rachel V. Massey, 4. Rebecca Lower, 5. Rachel Passmore, 6. Mary Hough, 7. Martha Thomas, 8. Mary Longstreth, 10. Susan Haines, 11. Sarah Sharpless, 13. Ruth Gilpin, 14. Abigail Sharpless, 15. Mary Jefferis, 16. Hannah P. Baily, 17. Sarah A. Pennock, 18. Sarah Hoopes, 19. Eliza A. Balderston, 20. Rachel Balderston, 21. Phebe Lewis, 22. Hannah Pratt, 23. Lydia S. Palmer, 24. Sarah Woodward, 25. L. A. Buffington, 26. Elizabeth Baily, 27. Hannah Garrett, RESIDENCE. Buckingham, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., W. Whiteland, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Darby, Pa., New Mills, N. J., Gennantown, Pa., Horsham, Pa., Rancocas, N. J., Chester, Pa., Birmingham, Pa., East Bradford, Pa., London Grove, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Baltimore, Md., Newtown, Pa., 11 Concord, Pa., Centre, Del., New Garden, Pa., London Grove, Pa., Upper Darby, Pa., DATE OF ENTRY. 9th mo. 1822. 8th mo. " 10th mo. " 8th mo. " 10th mo. " 12th mo. " 9th mo. " 11 llth mo., " 10th mo., " 11 a 2d mo., 1823. llth mo., 1822. 10th mo., " llth mo., 10th mo. llth mo. 1st mo. llth mo. 4th mo. 10th mo. 12th mo. 1823. 1822. 1823. 1822. STUDENTS. 260 THIRD THOUSAND. uan. RESIDENCE. BATE OF EKTRT. 28. Elizabeth Shoemaker, Abington, Pa., llth mo., 1822 29. Esther Longstreth, Horsham, Pa., " 30. Eliza Taylor, Pennsburv, Pa., 10th mo., 31. Abigail L. Middleton, Philadelphia, Pa., u 32. Rachel Evans, it " 33. Rachel W. Stokes, Ran cocas, N. J., 12th mo. 31. Ann Hallowell, Abington, Pa., 5th mo. 18 35. Catharine Thompson, " H 36. Hannah Xewbold, Springfield, X. J., 4th mo. 37. Rebecca Parry, Horsham, Pa., 5th mo. 38. Hannah Singley, Frankford, Pa., 4th mo. 39. Ann Tatum, Wilmington, Del., 5th mo. 40. Mary Bennett, Woodbury, X. J., 4th mo., 41. Eliza Pusey, London Grove, Pa., llth mo., 18 22. 42. Eliza Pennock, " " 43. Mira Marshall, E. Marlborough, Pa., u 44. Sarah P. Hoopes, West Chester, Pa., " 4"). Rebecca Thomas, ' Charlestown, Pa., 12th mo., 46. Mary F. Walter, Concord, Pa., 1st mo., 1823. 47. Gulielma Hunn, Camden, Del., 12th mo., 1822. 48. Mary Griscom, Salem, X. J., 5th mo., 1823. 49. Elizabeth Price, Baltimore, Md., 6th mo., 50. Elizabeth Marshall, West Bradford, Pa., 4th mo., 52. Hannah Monaghan, London Grove, Pa., u 53. Martha Jefferis, Sad.sbury, Pa., " 54. Frances Price, Baltimore, Md., 2d mo., >>. Mary Phillips, Hockessing, Del., 7th' mo., 56. Mary J. Xixon, Pikeland, Pa , 4th mo., 57. Marv Wood, Little Britain, Pa., 9th mo., 18 24. 58. Ruth Heald, Hockessing, Del., 7th mo., 18 S. 59. Amy Green, Chichester, Pa., 4th mo., 60. Asenath Cooper, Columbia, Pa., 61. Mary Vickers, Uwchlan, Pa., 62. Hannah Coleman, Trenton, N. J., 63. Mary E. Mitchell, Bristol, Pa., 5th mo., 64. Elizabeth Cooper, Pleasant View, Pa., 65. Letitia Swain, Bristol, Pa.. 66. Marv Mendenhall, Wilmington, Del., 67. Mary Fell, Philadelphia, Pa,, 68. Eliza Fell, " 69. Rebecca Dixon, u 70. Mary Ridgway, ri. Mary Hallowell, 72. Sarah Whitelock, Burlington, N. J., Abington, Pa., Frankford, Pa., 73. Mary C. Evans, Evesham, N. J., 74. Elizabeth Lippincott, Mauch Chunk, Pa., i 75. Sarah Kester, Frankford, Pa., i 266 GENERAL, CATALOGUE. THIRD THOUSAND. RESIDENCE. 76. Beulah Morris, 77. Hannah Taylor, 78. Rebecca Mitchell, 79. Rachel Matlack, 80. Ann Raleigh, 81. Eleanor Kenny, 82. Ann Chandlee, 83. Ann Burrough, 84. Ann Sinclair, 85. Susanna Lainborn, 86. Rebecca Baker, 87. Esther Meredith, 89. Hannah Griffith, 90. Henrietta Simmons, 91. Mary Wilson, 92. Euphemia Wilson, 93. Mary H. Wilson, 94. Mary W. Haines, 95. Ann T. Lippincott, 96. Kezia Warrington, 97. Rebecca Warrington, 98. Susanna Henderson, 99. Hannah Yerkes, 100. Sarah Hance, 101. Susan H. Trotter, 102. Lydia Shoemaker, 103. Rachel Shoemaker, 104. Mary Sleeper, 105. Mary Haines, 106. Ann Haines, 107. Ann Cooper, 108. Mary Howell, 109. Elizabeth Howell, 110. Mary C. Wood, 111. Ruth Ann Lukens, 112. Sarah B. Reeves, 113. Sarah Parry, 114. Sarah J. Leedom, 115. Elizabeth H. Davis, 116. Elizabeth Stokes, 117. Rachel Welding, 118. Hannah Kester, 119. Susanna Brookes, 120. Mercy Field, 122. Martha Poole, 123. Eliz. D. England, 124. S. Y. Thomas, Philadelphia, Pa., Frankford, Pa., Horsharn, Pa., Rancocas, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., Baltimore, Md., Evesham, N. J., Baltimore, Md., Wilmington, Del., West Bradford, Pa., Uwchlan, Pa., New London, Pa., Penn, Pa., Easton, Md., Rancocas, N. J., Westfield, N. J., Sadsbury, Pa., Jenkinton, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Hatborough, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Moorestown, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., Woodbury, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., H Woodbury, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., Camden, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., Frankford, Pa., u Wilmington, Del., Makefield, Pa., Wilmington, Del., Baltimore, Md., Willistown, Pa., DATE OP ENTRY. 5th mo., 1823. 6th mo., " < 7th mo., " 6th mo., 5th mo., 9th mo., 5th mo., 8th mo., llth mo., 4th mo., 1824. 10th mo., 1823. 6th mo., tt u 10th mo., u 9th mo., it 6th mo., 5th mo., 6th mo., 5th mo., 6th mo., u 8th mo., u llth mo., 7th mo., u 12th mo., llth mo., 9th mo., 4th mo., 1825. llth mo.. 1823 u u 10th mo., " a a 4th mo., 1825. 10th mo., 1823. 9th mo-. " 12th mo.i 1824- STUDENTS. 267 THIRD THOUSAND. RESIDENCE. 125. Beulah R. Wright, 126. Mary Kersey, 1^7. Han'h H. Sharpless, 129. Mary Wood, 130. Susan Pierce, 131. Ann Conily, 132. Mary Knight, 133. Esther Fennimore, 134. Lydia Sheppard, 135. Hannah Potts, 136. Martha Potts, 137. Mary T. Newbold, 139. Sarah Ann Smith, IX). Elizabeth T. Ogden, 141. Elizabeth Pennell, 142. Martha Parker, 143. Lydia Wood, 144. Susanna Wood, 145. Elizabeth Luff, 146. Ruth Anna Moore, 147. Philena Woodrow, 148. Maria Haines, 149. Margaret Marshall, 150. Hannah Moore, 151. Hannah Powell, 152. Susan P. Bacon, 153. Hannah Pancoast, 1")4. Ann Zelley, 155. Rachel Borton, 156. Hannah Collins, 157. Lydia Collins, 158. Caroline Glover, 15!. Susan D. Smith, 160. Hannah Thomas, I til. Mary Stevenson, 162. Lydia Cook, 163. Mary Ann Haines, 164. Sarah Matlack, 165. Ann R. Lippincott, 166. Anna Lippincott, 167. Letitia Parry, 168. Mary L. Nicholson, 170. Mary Updegraff, 171. Mary Bell, 172. Elizabeth A. Worth, 173. Mary Ann Marshall, 174. Deborah Harry, 21 Reading. Pa.^ East Wh'iteland, Pa., Goshen, Pa., Smithfield, Ohio, Kennet, Pa., By berry, Pa., u Springfield, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., Abington, Pa., Cheltenham, Pa., Springfield, N. J., Salem, N. J., Swedesboro, N. J., Concord, Pa., Mt. Pleasant, Ohio, Smithfield, Ohio, Camden, Del., W. Nottingham, Md., Kennet Square, Pa., West Chester, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., London Grove, Pa., Springfield, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Springfield, N. J., Evesham, N. J., Woodbury, N. J., Burlington, N. J., Providence, Pa., Springfield, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., Westfield, N. J., Moorestown, N. J., Westfield, N. J., u Drumore, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Smithfield, Ohio, Now York, N. Y., East Bradford, Pa., London Grove, Pa., East Cain, Pa., Q BATS OF ENTRY. llth mo., 1823. 10th mo., 12th mo., llth mo., 12th mo., " It 1C 1C cc cc Sadsbury, Pa., u cc E. Nantmeal, Pa., 1st mo., 1826. New Garden, Pa., llth mo., 1825, Lam peter, Pa., 9th mo., cc Wilmington, Del., 2d mo., 1826. Hockessing, Del., 9th mo., 1825. Baltimore, Md., 10th mo., cc Horsham, Pa., 7th mo., 1C Blockley, Pa., 6th mo., cc Frankford, Pa., 7th mo., cc Philadelphia, Pa., 9th mo., cc Horsham, Pa., it C Burlington, N. J., u C Philadelphia, Pa., u ' 1C C Darby, Pa., 10th mo., Horsham, Pa., 12th mo., C Baltimore, Md., 10th mo., C u C Woof, ni-ioefor Pa 19tVi rnr. C West Bradford, Pa., Baltimore, Md., East Bradford, Pa., Aston, Pa., Wilmington, Del., Hockessing, Del., Kennet, Pa., Little York, Pa., Lampeter, Pa., Horsham, Pa., 12th mo. 3d mo, 4th mo. 5th mo. 4th mo. 5th mo. 9th mo. 12th mo. , 1826 ,1825 STUDENTS. 271 THIRD THOUSAND. KAMI. RESIDENCE. DATE OF EXTRT. 823. Lydia Walton, Bvberry, Pa., 12th mo., 1825, 324. Rebecca Clement, Haddoiifield, N. J., 1st mo., 1826. 325. Mary Wood, Philadelphia, Pa., llth mo., 1825. 326. Mary Foulke, Ilichland, Pa., 12th mo., " 327. Louisa Gatchel, Philadelphia, Pa., llth mo., " 328. Eleanor Shotwell, Rahway, N. J., < 329. Sarah Comly, Byberry, Pa., 12th mo., 330. Sarah S. Knight, i 331. Rebecca Biddle, Philadelphia, Pa., it i 332. Martha H. Garrett, K 333. Mary L. Bonner, Byberry, Pa., 1st mo., 1826. 334. Lydia A. Walton, 335. Anna M. Matlack, Baltimore, Md., 12th mo., 1825. 336. Phebe Ann Starr, " 337. Cath. Butterworth, Mt. Holly, N. J., 5th mo., 1826. 338. Eliz. H. Jackson, Darbv, Pa., 339. Sarah White, Philadelphia, Pa., 3d mo. " H40. Marv Ann Edwards, " 5th mo. " 341. MargaretH.Eastlack,Haddonfield, N. J., 4th mo. " 342. Hannah Townsend, Philadelphia, Pa., n 343. Ann J. Foulke, Gwynedd, Pa., 5th mo. " 344. Sarah Gest, Philadelphia, Pa., 3d mo. " 345. Ellen Oliver, Milford, Del., 4th mo. " 346. Mary E. Oliphant, Tuckerton, N. J., 347. Martha Comstock, New York, N. Y., tt 348. Eliz. A. Comstock, 349. Anna Mott, Philadelphia, Pa., 5th mo., " 3-30. Phebe Darlington, East Bradford, Pa., <( 351. Margaret Husband, Deer Creek, Md., 3d mo. " 352. Ann Owen, Lampeter, Pa., 4th mo. " 353 Sarah Comlv 5th mo. " 354. Susan Worthington, Deer Creek, Md., 6th mo. " 365. Ann Phillips, Wilmington, Del., 9th mo. " 356. Eliz. K. Meredith, East Nantmeal, Pa., 10th mo. " 357. Mary Marshall, E. Marlborough, Pa., 5th mo. " 358. Elizabeth Jones, Philadelphia, Pa., 359. Deborah Ferris, Wilmington, Del., it " " 387. Ann Penrose, Horsham, Pa., 8th mo., " 388. Deborah Craft, Burlington, N. J., " " 389. Martha S. Ecroyd, Muncy, Pa., " " 390. Phebe Ann Paxson, Newtowji, Pa., 10th mo., " 391. Ann Pancoast, Springfield, N. J., 9th mo., " 392. Susan Shaw, Philadelphia, Pa., " " 393. Marv Kirkbride, Fallsington, Pa., llth mo., " 394. Dinah Kinsey, Frankford, Pa., 10th mo., " 395. Mary Ann Mather, Abington, Pa., " " 396. Rachel Williams, It 7. Agnes Page, 568. Sarah Sheppard, 569. Margaret Lowry, 570. Martha N. Jenkins, 571. Martha Evans, 573. Mercy W. Ridgway, 574. Sarah Wistar, 575. Mary N. Borton, 576. Rebecca Hughes, 577. Margaret Hughes, 578. Sarah H. Brian, 579. Margaret Mercer, 580. Deborah Daniel, 581. Eliza Thomas, 582. Lydia Ann Needles, 583. Ruth Ann Dawson, 584. Martha E. Atkinson, 585. Mary Hance, 586. Mary Neal, ' 587. Lucy Smith, 588. Mary S. Boone, 589. Lydia Lippincott, 590. Lydia Warrington, 591. Anna Sharpless, 592. Lydia J. Sharpless, 593. Elizabeth Dolby, 594. Margaret W. Miller, 595. Mary Craft, 596. Julia Welding, 598. S. M. Shoemaker, 599. R. Deprefontaine, 600. Elizabeth Couplin, 601. Hannah Ecroyd, 602. Martha Ecroyd, 603. Jane Boustead, 604. Amy Eastlack, 605. Hannah Allen, 606. Rebecca Price, 607. Priscilla A. Lukens, 608. Hannah E. Moore, 609. Cath. S. Shotwell, 610. Jane Lafetra, 611. Catharine Sharpless, RESIDENCE. Philadelphia, Pa., Cheltenham, Pa., Evesham, N. J., Greenwich, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., Darby, Pa., Evesham, N. J., Tuckerton, N. J., Salem, N. J., Evesham, JST. J., London Grove, Pa.. Wilmington, Del., Sadsbury, Pa., Lam peter, Pa., Willistown, Pa., Easton, Md., Chichester, Pa., Easton, Md., Philadelphia, Pa., Georgetown, D. C., Westfield, N.J., H Philadelphia, Pa., Upper Freehold, N. J Frankford, Pa., Abington, Pa., Germantown, Pa., Darby, Pa., Muncy, Pa., ft Philadelphia, Pa., Woodbury, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., Burlington, N. J., Evesham, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., Baltimore, Md., Downingtown, Pa., BATE OF ENTRY. 1st mo., 1829. 3d mo., " 5th mo., 4th mo., u 5th mo., M 7th mo., 4th mo., u 6th mo., 10th mo., 12th mo., u 4th mo., 12th mo., 8th mo., 5th mo., 6th mo., u 5th mo., u 7th mo., 6th mo., ., 10th mo., llth mo., 9th mo., 10th mo., 9th mo., 10th mo., 12th mo., 10th mo., 12th mo., llth mo., M 5th mo., 1830. H 1829. 1830. 1829. 1830. STUDENTS. 277 THIRD THOUSAND. RESIDENCE. 612. Sarah Corson, 613. Lydia Evans, 614. Fanny Edge, 615. Ruth Anna Edge, Old. Lydia Gibbons, 617. Hannah Palmer, 618. Elizabeth E. Home, 619. Catharine Morris, 620. Sarah Larkin, 621. Ann Evans, 622. Hannah Cooper, 623. Sarah Wilkins, . Mary Woolman, 71(j. Marv Sharpless, 717. Priscilla White, 718. Rebecca Taylor, 719. Gulielma M. Thomas, 720. Henrietta G. Levis, 721. Rachel Eastburn, 1-1-1. Eliz. W. Lukens, 723. Mary Snowdon, 724. Mary Yerkes, 725. Mary Troth, 726. Phebe Ann Heston, 727. Hannah Lloyd, 728. Margaret Jones, 729. Eliza C. Atkinson, 730. Mary Ann Comfort, 731. Phebe Sharpless, 732. Sibilla P. Entriken, 733. Ann J. Lamborn, 734. Lydia Woodward, 735. Anne Hill, 736. Elizabeth Hunt, 737. Eliza Wilson, 738. Jane Craft, 739. Sarah M. Taylor, 740. Alice Welding, 741. Deborah Cox, 742. Lydia Conard, 74:1 Rebecca Y. Conard, 744. Elizabeth Price, 745. Lydia Abbott, 746. Deborah Clark, 747. Sarah E. Morris, 748. Sarah H. Deacon, 749. Eliz. R. Lippincott, 7oO. Manraret Wendell, T'.l. Elizabeth Dillon, 752. Eliza Jane Cotant, 753. Sarah Lippincott, 7"i4. Mary Scull, 755. Martha W. Haydock, 22 RESIDENCE. Woodstown, N. J., Middletown, Pa., Newtown, Pa., Providence, Pa., Goshen, Pa., Salisbury, Pa., Darby, Pa., New "Garden, Pa,, Perquimans Co., N. C. Pennsbury, Pa., East Goshen, Pa., Darby, Pa., Solesbury, Pa., Coatesville, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa.. Plymouth, Pa., Haddonfield, N. J., Fallsington, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., DATE Of ENTRY. 10th mo., 1830. 3d mo., 1831. 10th mo., 1830. 12th mo., " , 9th mo., 10th mo., " llth mo., " n 5th mo., 1831. Trenton, N. J., 10th mo., 1830. Middletown, Pa., llth mo., " Goshen, Pa., 10th mo., " Chester Co., Pa., 12th mo., " West Bradford, Pa., 5th mo., 1831. M Trenton, N. J., 3d mo., " Downingtown, Pa., " " Spring Mill, Md., 4th mo., " Crosswicks, N. J., 9th mo., " Stroudsburg, Pa., 4th mo., " Philadelphia, Pa., 12th mo., 1830. Horsham, Pa., 3d mo., 1831. Philadelphia, Pa., Salem, *. J., 5th mo., 1832. 3d mo., 1831. Woodbury, N. J., 4th mo., " Wellsborough, Pa., " " Mt. Holly, N. J., " " Westfield, N. J., 6th mo., " Frankford, Pa., 5th mo., ' Plymouth, Pa., 4th mo., ' Stroudsburg, Pa., 5th mo., ' Haddonfield, N. J., 3d mo., ' Woodstown, N. J., 5th mo., ' Philadelphia, Pa,, 4th mo., ' 280 GENERAL CATALOGUE. THIRD THOUSAND. 756. Sarah Mickle, 757. Mary E. Thomas, 758. Margaret Taylor, 759. Hannah Taylor, 760. Caroline T. Vail, 761. Ruth Anna Taylor, 762. Martha E. Wilson, 763. Sarah Ann Starr, 764. Ann Painter, 765. Juliana Saul, 766. Susanna P. Baily, 767. Lydia Yearsley, 768. Mary Walker, 769. Ruth W. Pennock, 770. Phebe Emlen, 771. Hannah Alsop, 772. Rebecca S. Leeds, 773. Catharine Vail, 774. Beulah Townsend, 775. Mary Ann Bellangee, 776. Ann Kirkbride, 777. Elizabeth Kirkbride, 778. Jane W. Edwards, 779. Jane B. Temple, 780. Massey Lownes, 781. Frances Gibbons, 782. Hannah Yarnall, 783. Mary Ann Phillips, 784. Mary Hunt, 785. Mary Cox, 786. Sarah B. Pierce, 787. Susanna Mickle, 788. Elizabeth Hoopes, 789. Jane Harper, 790. Susanna Pennell, 791. Mary S. Lippincott, 792. Mary Newlin, 793. Mary Maris, 794. Deborah C. Evans, 795. Sarah E. Roberts, 796. Susanna Evans, 797. Naomi Borton, 798. Mary Bishop, 799. Sidney Stevenson, 800. Rebecca Rhoads, 801. Mary Ann Engle, 802. Lydia Saunders, RESIDENCE. DATE OF ENTRT. Woodbury, N. J., 4th mo., 1831. Philadelphia, Pa., 5th mo., ' Mt. Holly, N. J., 3d mo., ' Plainfield, N. J., 4th mo., ' New Garden, Pa., " ' Spring Mill, Md., " ' Bradford, Pa., 5th mo., ' Middletown, Pa., 3d mo., ' Appoquinuimink, Del., 7th mo., ' Pennsbury, Pa., 6th mo., " 'Wagontown, Pa., 8th mo., ' Mill Creek, Del., i Marlborough, Pa., llth mo., ' Middletown, Pa., 7th mo., ' Philadelphia, Pa., 5th mo., G't Egg Harbor, N.J., Plainfield, N. J., 3d mo., ' 4th mo., ' Philadelphia, Pa., 5th mo., ' p " u e > Fallsington, Pa., n > it < e > Muncy, Pa., 4th mo., ' Philadelphia, Pa., 5th mo., ' Springfield, Pa., llth mo., " Lampeter, Pa., 4th mo., 1832. Edgmont, Pa., 6th mo., " , Hockessing, Del., llth mo., 1831. Downingtown, Pa., 12th mo., " Kennet, Pa., u Concord, Pa., 2d mo., 1832. Sadsbury, Pa., 5th mo., " New Garden, Pa., 7th mo., " Philadelphia, Pa., 9th mo., 1831. Concord, Pa., 4th mo., 1832. , Philadelphia, Pa., 5th mo., 1831. " 10th mo., " New Hope, Pa., 6th mo., " Evesham, N. J., 9th mo., " a it .< U a (i Burlington, N. J., Kingwood, N. J., 4th mo., J832. Pottsville, Pa., 10th mo., 1831. Evesham, N. J., ' 9th mo., " It U STUDENTS. 281 803. 804. 805. 806. 807. 808. 8<9. 810. 811. 812. 813. 814. 815. 816. 817. 818. 819. 820. 821. 823. 824. 825. 826. 827. 828. 829. 830. 831. 832. 833. 835. 836. 837. 838. 839. 840. 841. 842. 843. 844. 845. 846. 817. 848. 849. 850. 851. THIRD THOUSAND. NAVE. RESIDENCE. DATE OF ENTRY. Eliza P. Worrall, Providence, Pa., 10th mo., 1831. Sarah Cresson, Philadelphia, Pa., 4th mo., 1832. Phebe W. Heacock, Plymouth, Pa., lOlh mo., 1831. Ann Middleton, Philadelphia, Pa., llth mo., " Margaret A. Haney, Mary Fitzwater, Plymouth, Pa., Hannah S. Atherton, Bethlehem, Pa., Mary C. Matlack, Rachel S. Vail, Mary E. Suiggett, Phebe Way, Mary Ann Ogden, Amy Chambers, Mary Evans, Lydia A. Pratt, Elizabeth Tatum, Rebecca Pierce, R. A. Pennington, Sarah Ann Sleeper, Elizabeth H. Sloan, Catharine Thorn, Ellen J. Parker, Mary Shaw, Jane Bell, Mary H. Chrisman, Mary Ballangee, Eliza Ann Emlen, Elizabeth Bell, Hannah Livezey, Elizabeth Watson, Phebe S. Sinton, Mary Sinton, Sally A. B. Sinton, Ann S. Woolston, Rebecca Moon, Surah Baily, Moorestown, N. J., Plainfield, N. J., Cantwell's Bridge, Del Kennet, Pa., Woodbury, N. J., New Garden, Pa., Lam peter, Pa., Newtown, Pa., Woodbury, N. J., 9th mo., Kennet, Pa., llth mo., Sadsbury, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., 10th mo., Burlington, N. J., " Philadelphia, Pa., Buckingham, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Exeter, Pa., Bordentown, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., Plymouth, Pa., Whitemarsh, Pa., Abington, Pa., Easton, Pa., 4th mo., " 7th mo., " 6th mo., " 4th mo., 1832. " 1831. 10th mo., " 12th mo., " 10th mo., " llth mo., " 7th mo. llth mo. 10th mo.. 1832. 1831. Fallsington, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Pennsbury, Pa., Frances L. Clement, Wilmington, Del., Isabella Ladd, Jefferson Co., Ohio, Deborah Bates, " Rebecca Allen, Salem, N. J., Sarah Richardson, AVilnrington, Del., Deborah D. Suiggett, Dover, Del., Esther James, East Bradford, Pa., Mary Ann Chambers, New Garden, Pa., Lyd'ia Phillips, Sarah Forsythe, West Goshen, Pa., Rebtcca Ogden, Port Elizabeth, N. J., 5th mo., 10th mo., llth mo., 12th mo., 9th mo., 7th mo., 4th mo., H 5th mo., llth mo., 5th mo., 1832. 1831. 1832. 1831. 1832. H 1833. it 1832. 282 GENERAL CATALOGUE. THIRD THOUSAND. RESIDENCE. 852. 853. 854. 855. 856. 857. 858. 859. 860. 861. 862. 863. 864. 865. 866. 867. 868. 869. 870. 871. 872. 873. 874. 875. 870. 877. 878. 879. 880. 881. 882. 883. 884. 885. 886. 887. 888. 889. 890. 891. 892. 893. 894. 895. 896. 897. 898. Mary Yarnall, Philadelphia, Pa., Sarah Jennings, Haddonfield, N. J., Martha P. Williams, Blockley, Pa., Jane Livezey, Elizabeth Marshall, Phebe Marshall, Mary Gummere, Sarah Harnian, Ann M. Lovvry, Rebecca Cope, Edith Craft, Elizabeth Willits, Mercy Ann Ellis, Francinia Ely, Mary Humphreys, Louisa P. Michener, Penn, Pa., Elizabeth Hunn, Camden, Del., Louisa Willits, Anna Smedley, Hannah Sharpless, Elizabeth Sharpless, Mary Hicks, Elizabeth Lamborn, Mary Warrington, Margaret Alexander, Fallsington, Pa., Rebecca L. Hayes, Fallowtield, Pa., Sarah R. Hallowell, Wilmington, Del., Rebecca P.Hallowell, Eliza Painter, Concord, Pa., Rebecca T. West, Philadelphia, Pa., Elizabeth C. West, Mary T. Smith, Elizabeth Gummere, Haverford, Pa., Teresa J. Kimber, Philadelphia, Pa., Ann Kinsey, Rachel Johnson, Phebe Roberts, Martha Nicholson, Hannah G. Marsh, Susan M. Morris, Susan Fulton, Esther Roberts, Whitemarsh, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Haverford, Pa., Smyrna, Del., Philadelphia, Pa., Crosswicks, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., Muncy, Pa., Buckingham, Pa., Philadelphia,. Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Little Britain, Pa., Concord, Pa., it London Grove, Pa., New Garden, Pa., Westfield, N. J., Rachel S. Matlack, Jane P. Thompson, Eliza Atkinson, Susanna Kemp, Rachel Griscom, Frankford, Pa., Solesbury, Pa., Moorestown, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., Concord, Pa., Wellsborough, Pa., East Fallowfield, Pa., Moorestown, N. J., West Chester, Pa., Easton, Md., It E. Nottingham, Pa. DATE OF ENTRY. 5th mo., 1832. 1834. 1832. 1833. 1832. 4th mo., 5th mo., 9th mo., 3d mo., llth mo., 5th mo., u 10th mo., 5th mo., llth mo., 1833. 1832. 10th mo., 9th mo., 10th mo., 4th mo., 1st mo., 10th mo., 1833. 1832. 9th mo., llth mo., 4th mo., 10th mo.! llth mo., 9th mo. llth mo., 5th mo., 10th mo.! llth mo. 4th mo., 1834, 1832. 1833. 1832. 399. Hannah Richardson, 900. Mary Edwards, 901. Hannah Spencer, 902. Sibilla Spencer, 903. Susanna Williams, 904. Ruth Ann Townsend, 905. Phebe Pharo, 906. Eliza Pharo, 907. Elizabeth C. Stokes, 908. Susan Edge, 909. Emma Dixon, 910. arah Pyle, 911. Elizabeth F. Coale, 912. Louisa Spencer, 913. Lydia S. Painter, 914. Mary D. Thorn, 915. Ann Evans, 916. Jane Simmons, 917. Albina Bradley, 918. Ann Harper, 919. Eliz. M. Hannura, 920. Hannah Wetherill, 921. Elizabeth M. Corse, 922. Sarah T. Eachus, 923. Mary W. Paxson, 924. Deborah Scull, '.!.!">. Beulah Jones, 926. Sarah M. Thomas, 927. Elizabeth Comfort, 928. Mary L. Newbold, 929. Margaret Taylor, 930. Margaret Trimble, 931. Ann B. Lamborn, 932. Sarah Ann Cooper, 933. Lydia Edwards, 934. Elizabeth Forsythe, 935. Susanna Foulke, 936. Sarah Moore, 937. Susanna M. Thomas, 938. Juliana Powell, 939. Mary Willits, 94'). Grace Worthington, 941. Eliz. Y. Stackhouse, 94 Mary W. Bacon, 943. Mary Allen, 944. Rebecca Gaskill, 945. Elizabeth Troth, 22* STUDENTS. 283 THIRD THOUSAND. RESIDENCE. DAW OP EXTRT. )n, AVilmington, Del., llth mo. , 1832. Westtown, Pa., 10th mo., " Horsham, Pa,, " u M a (f Whitpaine, Pa. " " id, Plainfield, N. J., llth mo. " Tuckerton, N. J., 9th mo. s, Evesham, N. J., 10th mo., " Downingtown, Pa., " " Wilmington, Del., u " Hockessing, Del., 7th mo., " !, Sadsbury, Pa., 4th mo., 1833. London Grove, Pa., llth mo., 1832. West Chester, Pa., " " Fallowfield, Pa , u " Springfield, Pa., " " Sadsburv, Pa., 9th mo. a East Bradford, Pa., 1st mo. 1834. Philadelphia, Pa., 7th mo., 18.52. Aston, Pa., 12th mo , Springfield, Pa., " u e, Wilmington, Del., llth mo., " Haverford, Pa., " u Horsham, Pa., it Woodstown, N. J., 12th mo. Camden, N. J., llth mo. M Philadelphia, Pa., 5th mo. 1833. , Middletown, Pa., llth mo., " Springfield, N. J., " 1832. Makefield, Pa., u " Concord, Pa., u " Kennet, Pa., 10th mo. 1833. , Sadsburv, Pa., 12th mo. 1832. Westtown, Pa., 3d mo. 1833. e, Birmingham, Pa., 2d mo. M Gwynedd, Pa., 5th mo. U Sadsburv, Pa., 12th mo. 1832. as, Abington, Pa., M " Easton, Md., 4th mo. 1833. Philadelphia, Pa., llth mo. 1832. n, Cheltenham, Pa., 10th mo. M >e, Bristol, Pa., 5th mo. 1834. Greenwich, X. J., 3d mo. 1833. Philadelphia, Pa., 4th mo. " Burlington, N. J., 3d mo. M Watertord, X. J., " " R 284 GENERAL, CATALOGUE. THIRD THOUSAND. NAME. RESIDENCE. DATE OP BNTRT. 946. R. W. Hinchman, Philadelphia, Pa., 4th mo., 1833 947. Marg. E. Thatcher, Springfield, Pa., u 948. Lvdia Betts, Wilmington, Del., U 11 949. Lydia Gaskill, Burlington, N. J., 3d mo., " 950. Priscilla Jones, New London, Pa., 12th mo., 1832. 951. Elizabeth S. Ferris, Wilmington, Del., 4th mo., 1833. 952. Mary P. Newlin, Providence, Pa , 5th mo., " 953. Mary C. Wilson, Coatesville, Pa., 6th mo., " 954. Phebe G. Thatcher, Aston, Pa., 4th mo., " 955. Sarah Mendeuhall, Kennet, Pa., 6th mo., " 956. Martha Mendenhall, " u K 957. Hannah Matson, Concord, Pa., 958. Sarah H.Letchworth, Philadelphia, Pa., 9th mo., " 959. Lydia Palmer, Concord, Pa., 4th mo., " 960. Beulah Palmer, K (t 961. Mary Williams, Whitpaine, Pa., (I 962. Sarah Snowdon, Philadelphia, Pa., 12th mo., 1832. 963. Sarah B. Shreeve, Springfield, N. J., 4th mo., 1833. 964. Elizabeth Reeve, Greenwich, N. J., 3d mo., 1834. 965. Sarah Taylor, Philadelphia, Pa., llth mo., 1832. 966. Ann M. Foulke, Richland, Pa., 3d mo., 1833. 967. Letitia Foulke, U (( 968. Elizabeth Roberts, Cropwell, N. J., 4th mo., " 969. R. C. Gillingham, Fallsington, Pa., 12th mo., 1832. 970. Lydia H. Palmer, Concord, Pa., 5th mo., 1833. 971. Deborah Wetherill, Springfield, N. J., 972. Caroline Chambers, White Clay Creek, Del. 6th mo., " ,11th mo., " 973. Deborah Cope, East Bradford, Pa., 5th mo., " 974. Lydia Taylor, Lower Makefield, Pa., 12th mo., " 975. Ann Tatum, Woodbury, N. J., 4th mo., " 976. Phebe A. Whitson, Sadsbury, Pa., n 977. Mary Whitson, 1st mo., 1834. 978. Rebecca W. Taylor, West Chester, Pa., 10th mo., 1833. 979. Anna Phillips, Sadsbury, Pa., 4th mo., 1834. 980. Deborah P. Yarn all, Edgmont, Pa., 6th mo., 1833. 981. Sarah Mather, Gwynedd, Pa., 10th mo., " 982. Jane Mather, " 983. Eliz. P. Williams, Germantown, Pa., 6th mo., " 984. Chlotilda Cook, Isle of Wight Co., Va., 4th mo., 1835. 985. Sarah S. Newlin, Philadelphia, Pa., 6th mo., 1833. 986. Rebecca Walton, " 5th mo., 1834. 987. Rachel M. North, " 1833. 988. Mary H. Bacon, Greenwich, N. J., 9th mo., " 989. Hannah Hogeland, Muncy, Pa., 8th mo., 1834. 990. Susanna Lightfoot, Uwchlan, Pa., 4th mo., 1833. 991. Ruth Anna Gause, Concord, Pa., 10th mo., " 992. Eliz. E. Redman, Haddonfield, N. J., llth mo., " STUDENTS. THIRD THOUSAND. HAM*. RESIDENCE. DATB OF llfTRT. 993. Lydia Eldridge, Goshen, Pa., 9th rao. 1833. 994. Emily Evans, Lampeter, Pa., llth mo. " 995. Anna Garrett, Wilmington, Del., 4th mo. " 996. Elizabeth Hoopes, Westtown, Pa., 3d mo. 1835. 997. Ann Jones, Valley Forge, Pa., 12th mo. 1S33. 998. Jane Ann Passmore, London Grove, Pa., llth rao. " 999. Naomi Gibbons, Lampeter, Pa., < 1000. Susanna Magarge, Germantown, Pa., 6th mo., 1834. FOURTH THOUSAND. ' * H.UCE. RESIDENCE. DATE OP EfTRT. 1. Priscilla Lippincott, Salem, N. J., 2. Amy C. Wills, Evesham, N. J., 12th mo., 1833. 9th mo., " 3. Ann Williams, White Marsh, Pa., 10th mo., " 4. Mary H. Holeate, Philadelphia, Pa., 9th mo., " 5. Hannah Battfn, Elkland, Pa., 8th mo., 1834. 6. Martha Levis, Springfield, Pa., 10th mo., 1833. 7. Mary Kirkbride, Morrisville, Pa., < 8. Gulielma Hilles, Wilmington, Del., 4th mo., 1834. 9. Eliz. Kenderdine, Horsham, Pa., 12th mo., 1833. 10. Prudence Ferguson, Philadelphia, Pa., 3d mo., 1835. 11. Lydia Ann Wood, London Grove, Pa. 5th mo., 1833. 12. P. Worthington, Deer Creek, Md., llth mo., 1834. 13. Henrietta M. Home, Philadelphia, Pa., 12th mo., 1833. 14. Eliz. Richardson, Wilmington, Del., 1st mo., 1834. 15. Emeline Darlington, Birmingham, Pa., 6th mo., 1833. 16. Sally Thomas, Goshen, Pa., 9th mo., 1834. 17. Elizabeth Baily, Parkersville, Pa., 2d mo., " 18. Ann Eliza Powell, West Chester, Pa., 12th mo., 1833. 19. Sarah Matson, Concord, Pa., 4th mo., 1834. 20. Mary C. Price, Philadelphia, Pa., 7th mo., " 21. Rebecca Spencer, Horsham, Pa., llth mo., 1833. 22. Eliza Moon, Fallsington, Pa., 10th mo., " 23. Ann Brown, " " 24. Maria Balderston, " u 25. Rachel S. Yarnall, Edgmont, Pa., 3d mo., 1834 26. Mary Merrefield, Philadelphia, Pa., 6th mo., 1833. 27. Sara'h E. Updegraff, Mt. Pleasant, Ohio, 7th mo., " 28. Mary Ann Ladd, OQ Pnf-h Vin TTrir-irn N" V 10th mo., " 30. Caroline R. Maule, Richmond, Va., 8th mo., " 31. Margaret J. Maule, " 32. Elizabeth L. Maule, < 33. Jane Edge, Downingtown, Pa., 12th mo., " 34. Sarah Ann Bates, Smithfield, Ohio, 7th mo., " 35. Marg. B. Fletcher, Philadelphia, Pa., 3d mo., 1834. 286 GENERAL CATALOGUE. FOURTH THOUSAND. 86. Agnes Spencer, 37. Rachel Wilson, 38. Anne Porter, 39. Anna C. Temple, 40. Dinah Taylor, 41. Sarah C. Palmer, 42. Mary E. Haines, 43. Emily Dutton, 44. Eliza W. Bassett, 45. Sarah Ann Sharpless, 46. Hannah Eastlack, 47. Mary Hill, 48. Mary Ann Spencer, 49. Deborah Phillips, 50. Elizabeth Knight, 51. Ruth Anna Moore, 52. Mary E. Decou, 58. Mary E. Woodward, 54. Mary C. Newlin, 55. Martha N. Reeve, 56. Mary S. Reeve, 57. Charlotte Acton, 58. Mary Anna West, 59. Elizabeth Stackhouse, 60. Rachel Kirkbride, 61. Mary Rhoads, 62. Elizabeth Webb, 63. Elizabeth Shinn, 64. Martha S. Haines, 65. Mary Jones, 66. Martha E. Hillman, 67. Esther S. Hacker, 68. Sarah M. Kaighn, 69. Sarah Ann Haydock, 70. Sarah Starr, 71. Deborah Davis, 72. Eliza Ann Hayes, 73. Mary R. Richardson, 74. Elizabeth Smith, 75. Mary Ann Parsons, 76. Susan Woolman, 77. Sarah Ann Edge, 78. Mary Nicholson, 79. Sarah P. Wilson, 80. Hetty Ann Atkinson, 81. Martha White, 82. Hannah L. Brown, RESIDENCE. DATE OP ENTRY. Gwynedd, Pa., 12th mo. 1833. Ayrestown, N. J., 5th mo. 1834. Va it u Philadelphia, Pa., 4th mo. It Westtown, 1'a., 3d mo. u Dover, Del., 5th mo. 1835. Muncy, Pa., 1st mo. 1834. Chichester, Pa., 10th mo. " Moorestown, N. J., 5th mo. M Concord, Pa., H a Camden, N. J., 6th mo. a 4th mo. ft New London, Pa., 10th mo. 1835. Sadsbury, Pa., 5th mo. 1836. Philadelphia, Pa., 3d mo. 1834. Peuningtonville, Pa., 4th mo. M Crosswicks, N. J., 5th mo. a H n Philadelphia, Pa., 1835. Medford, N. J., 1834. u Salem, N. J., " Philadelphia, Pa., 4th mo., " " 12th mo., 1833. Morris ville, Pa., llth mo., 1834. Springfield, Pa., 5th mo., " Philadelphia, Pa., 7th mo., " " 5th mo., " Evesham, N. J., Newtown, N. J., llth mo., " Haddonfield, N. J., a Philadelphia, Pa., 5th mo., 1835. Kaighn's Point, N. J., 9th mo., 1834, Philadelphia, Pa., 5th mo., " Cecil Co., Md., 10th mo., " Cain, Pa., llth mo., " Philadelphia, Pa., 8th mo., ' Wilmington, Del., U I 6th mo., ' Easton, Md., 3d mo., ' 5th mo., ' Downingtown, Pa., llth mo., ' Haddonfield, N. J., 6th mo., ' Philadelphia, Pa., 3d mo., " Easton, Md., 4th mo., " "VT O " 183< r > Fallsington, Pa., lOlb mo., 1834. STUDENTS. 287 FOURTH THOUSAND. HAM*. BESIDEXCE. BATI OF ENTRY. 83. Anna W. Hinchman, Philadelphia, Pa., 5th mo., 1834. 84. Hanuah T. Cook, London Grove, Pa., 4th mo., 1844. 85. Frances C. Stokes, Stroudsburg, Pa., 6th mo., 1834. 86. Angeline Lee, Exeter, Pa., 4th mo., 1835. 87. Elizabeth D. Stroud, Stroudsburg, Pa., 6th mo., 1834. 88. Lydia B. Stroud, " " " 89. Sarah Page, Philadelphia, Pa., 5th mo., 1835. 90. Rebecs B. Matlack, 8th mo., 1834. 91. Sarah Hood, Doe Run, Pa., 10th mo., " 92. Hannah Newlin, Middletown, Pa., " 93. Hannah Wiley, Sadsbury, Pa., 5th mo., " 94. garah A. Longstreth, Goshen, Pa., llth mo., " 95. Mary Smith, Philadelphia, Pa., 6th mo* 1835. 96. Susanna Buzby, Moorestown, N. J., 12th mo., 1834. 97. Elizabeth Steer, Cincinnati, Ohio, 7th mo., 1 835. 98. Alice Lewis, New Garden, Pa., 5th mo., 1834. 99. Sarah K. Baily, Wilmington, Del., 6th mo., " 100. Joanna Haight, Washington, N. J., " " 101. Mary T. Black, Bordentown, N. J., 9th mo., " 102. Avolina Haines, Medford, N. J., 5th mo., 1835. 103. Elizabeth Davidson, Cropwell, N. J., 6th mo., 1834. 104. Julia White, , N. C., llth mo., " 105. Anna B. Hubbs, Philadelphia, Pa., 10th mo., " 106. Sarah Richie, ' 8th mo., " 107. Adeline Glover, West Chester, Pa., 1835. 108. Sarah Jauney, Loudon Co., Va., 4th mo., 1834. 109. Sarah E. Janney, 110. Ann Eliza Pyle, Kennet Square, Pa., llth mo., 111. Rebecca Matsou, Concord, Pa., 10th mo., " 112. Sarah Cook, Deer Creek, Md., 7th mo., " 113. Rebecca Worthington, 114. Frances Gummere, Haverford, Pa., 115. Sarah Ann Andrews, Somer's Point, N. J., 6th mo., " 116. Hannah A. Harlan, Kennet, Pa., llth mo., " 117. Sarah Babb, Isle of Wight Co., Va., 118. Mary Burgess, Attleboro', Pa., 9th mo., " 119. Sarah Walter, Hockessing, Del., 8th mo., " 120. Sarah E. Ellis, Mnncy, Pa., 10th mo., 1837. 121. Martha Abbott, Salem, N. J., llth mo., 1834. 122. Ann T. Updegraff, Mt. Pleasant, Ohio, 7th mo., " 123. Ann W. Janney, Philadelphia, Pa., 4th mo., 1835. 124. Elizabeth P. Smith, 8th mo., 1834. 125. Anne Boone, Georgetown, D. C., 9th mo., " 126. Sarah Proctor, Baltimore, Md., llth mo., " 127. Elizabeth Proctor, 128. Eliza Hunt, Moorestown, N. J., 129. Matilda Pharo, Barnegat, N. J., 5th mo., 1835. 288 GENERAL CATALOGUE. FOURTH THOUSAND. 130. Mary Humphreys, 131. Catharine S. Palmer, 132. Edith Sharpless, 133. Lavinia Hawley, 134. Ann Hoopes, 135. R. A. Kirkwood, 136. Hannah Williams, 137. Phebe Ann Pharo, 138. Elizabeth Phillips, 139. Alvina Carpenter, 140. Elizabeth Davis, 141. Mary Ann Walton, 142. Dfeborah Bunting, 143. Mary Tomlinson, 144. Margaretta Elkinton, 145. Elizabeth Allen, 146. Elizabeth C. Thomas 147. Ellen Boone, 148. Susan Boone, 149. Lydia C. Fisher, 150. Martha H. Webb, 151. Ann Michener, 152. Susan T. West, 153. Edith Whitall, 154. Miriam Lee, 155. Mary Bell, 156. Sarah A. Merrefield, 157. Hannah Brown, 158. Hannah C. Williams, 159. Mary Fox, 160. Rachel Hoopes, 161. Margaretta Griffith, 162. Eliza Bullock, 163. Mary L. Thomas, 164. Mary Thomas, 165. Elizabeth Hooton, 166. Sarah Ernlen, 167. Anne Emlen, 168. Susan Emlen, 169. Emily Wilson, 170. Hannah Larnborn, 171. Eliza M. Janney, 172. Amelia Spencer, 173. Elizabeth Heston, 174. Rebecca R. Stroud, 175. Lydia Roberts, 176. Tacy Roberts, RESIDENCE. DATE OF ENTRY. Woodbury, N. J., 9th mo., 1834. , Concord, Pa., 2d mo., 1835. Goshen, Pa., 10th mo., 1834. Edgmont, Pa., llth mo., " New Garden, Pa., u <( Columbia, Pa., 12th mo., u Baltimore, Md., llth mo., u Tuckerton, N. J., 3d mo., 1836. Christiana, Pa., 9th mo., 1835. Marshallton, Pa., 6th mo., Birmingham, Pa., 3d ino., M Byberry, Pa., 5th mo., Crosswicks, N. J., 4th mo., u Springfield, Pa., u 1844. , Philadelphia, Pa., 5th mo., 1835. u 4th mo., I, " u H Georgetown, D. C., 6th mo., U u 8th mo., u Woodbury, N. J., 4th mo., 1844. a 1835. Philadelphia, Pa., 6th mo., a Woodbury, N. J., Exeter, Pa., Germantown, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Fallsington, Pa., Newtown, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Birmingham, Pa., Richland, Pa., Arneystown, N. J., Goshen, Pa., ti Moorestown, N. J., Middletown, Pa., Chester Town, Md.. New Garden, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Gwynedd, Pa., Fallsington, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Moorestown, N. J., Newportville, Pa., 5th mo. 3d mo. 4th mo. 7th mo. ]0th mo. M 4th mo. 9th mo, 2d mo, 10th mo , 1836. , 1835, 3d mo., 1836. 10th mo., 1835. 4th mo., 1836 STUDENTS. 289 FOURTH THOUSAND. 177. 178. 179. 180. 181. 182. 183. 184. 18-3. 186. 187.- 188. 189. 190. 191. 192. 193. 154. 1 !>.">. 1'Jo. l'J7. 198. 199. 200. 201. 202. 203. 204. 205. 206. 207. 208. 209. 210. 211. 212. 213. 214. 215. 21(5. 217. 218. 219. 220. 221. 222. 223. Rebecca Warrington, Moorestown, X. J. Mary Comfort, Sarah Pike, Charlotte Beesley, Rebecca Williams, Sophia Morris, Joanna Morris, Emily Lewis, Sarah M. Medcalf, Sarah Ann Xorris, Lydia Allen, Rebecca Morgan, Fallsington, Pa., Burlington, X. J., Philadelphia, Pa., Baltimore, Md., , Ind., it Springfield, Pa., Baltimore, Md., DATE 10th mo. 9th mo., 6th mo., 4th mo., llth mo., 5th mo., 1835. Salem, X. J., _ Aston, Pa., Marg. Worthington, Deer Creek, Md., Lydia Williams, Sarah Mickle, Martha Mickle, Anna Miller, Elizabeth Borton, Rebecca Troth, Mary Ann Taylor, Deborah Taylor, Dinah Hilles, Anna Warrington, Ellen M. Bolton, Claranda White, Rachel Robinson, Penina White, Lydia J. Sharpless, Edith' Hickman, Mary Cooper, Hannah P. Peters, Rebecca Cassin, Jane D. Haines, Sarah Bunting, Mary Pancoast, Baltimore, Md., Woodbury, N. J., u Philadelphia, Pa., Haddonfield, X. J., Camden, X. J., Springfield, X. J., Mt. Holly, X. J., Frankford, Pa., Westfield, X. J., Woodstown, X. J., Perquiinans Co., N. C Goshen, Pa., Sadsbury, Pa., Concord, Pa., Providence, Pa., West Chester, Pa., Darby, Pa., Mullica Hill, X. J. ; A. E. Deprefontaine, Philadelphia, Pa., Mary P. Hull, Martha Brown, Rebecca E. Jenks, Hannah Jenks, Sarali R. Jones, H. Gillingham, Rebecca Jones, Ellen Reeve, Ann H. Sutton, Abigail Matlack, Mary Parker, Dutchess Co., X. Y., Fallsington, Pa., Xewtown, Pa., Blockley, Pa., Frankford, Pa., , X. J., Greenwich, X. J., Dutchess Co., X. Y., Mwrestown, X. J., Shrewsbury, X. J., 4th mo., 6th mo., 8th mo., 10th mo., H 5th mo., 10th mo., H 9th mo., 10th mo., 12th mo., 7th mo., ., 6th mo., 10th mo., 4th mo., 9th mo., 10th mo., u 3d mo., 12th mo., 9th mo., 6th mo., 10th mo., 2d mo., 10th mo., 1837. 1835. 1836. 1835. 1836. 1835. 5th mo., 1836. 10th mo., 1835. 5th mo., 1837. 3d mo., 1836. 10th mo., 1835. 5th mo., 1836 1st mo., " 290 GENERAL CATALOGUE. FOURTH THOUSAND. 224. Susanna Parker, 225. Rachel Moon, 226. Mary Ann Janney, 227. Mary D. B. Levis, 228. Hannah L. Silver, 229. 'Elizabeth Kaighn, 230. Mary Ann Webb, 231. Hannah E. Decou, 232. Hannah A. Livezey, 233. Sarah W. Stockton, 234. Susan K. Stockton, 235. A. A. J. Woolman, 236. Sarah Ann Harrison, 237. Emily Harrison, 238. Mary Pike, 239. Jane White, 240. Lucy A. Pancoast, 241. Beulah Tatura, 242. Susan Haines, 243. Hannah Thompson, 244. Lydia Healy, 245. Etiz. A. Boustead, 246. Mary T. Wilson, 247. Beulah R.Li ppincott, 248. Elizabeth Gumming, 249. Rebecca Allen, 250. Anna M. Worrall, 251. Margaret Pyle, 252. Elizabeth Pierson, 253. Mary E. Carey, 254. Edith Fox, 255. Abi Walton, 256. Ann E. Wetherill, 257. Louisa A. Bartlett, 258. Marcia White, 259. Esther Smith, 260. Elizabeth Webb, 261. Sarah Thompson, 262. Abigail Eldridge, 263. Elizabeth Lightfoot, 264. Rebecca Mendenhall, 265. Jane C. Hoag, 266. Hannah Townsend, 267. Sarah Satterthwaite, 268. Ruth H. Carter, 269. Rachel S. House, 270. Sarah E. Edwards, RESIDENCE. !>ATE OF ENTRY. Shrewsbury, N. J., 1st mo. 1836 Fallsington, Pa., 4th mo. " Kennet, Pa., " " Philadelphia, Pa., 3d mo. " Medford, N. J., 4th mo. " Kaighn's Point, N. J., 5th mo. 1837. Pennsbury, Pa., llth mo. 1836. Trenton, N. J., 5th mo. 1837. Medford, N. J., 4th mo. 1836. Burlington, N. J., 5th mo. " H tt it 4th mo., " Burlington N. J., u it it it ti Milton, Ind., " 1837. Springfield, N. J., 5th mo., 1836. Woodbury, N. J., llth mo., " Christiana, Del., 4th mo., " Salem, N. J., 5th mo., " Fallsington, Pa., llth mo., " Philadelphia, Pa., 5th mo., " Chester, N. J., it tt Philadelphia, Pa., 10th mo., 1838. Salem, N. J., 5th mo., 1836. Fallsington, Pa., 4th mo., " " 1838. Concord, Pa., 9th mo., 1836. Bucks Co., Pa., 5th mo., " Philadelphia, Pa., 4th mo., " u tt tt Burlington, N. J., n Egg Harbor, N. J., 3d mo., " Robinson, Ind., 4th mo., " " tt it Kennet, Pa., llth mo., " West Chester, Pa., 4th mo., " Evesham, N. J., " 1837. West Whiteland, Pa., 9th mo., 1836. Edgmont, Pa., 10th mo., " Yt 7th mo., 1837. , V I., New Garden, Pa., 5th mo., 1836. ~!\TI rtl-* 10th mo., 1837, , iVXIOU., Kennet, Pa., 5th mo., 1836 u llth mo., " Muncy, Pa., 4th mo., " 271. Rebecca Levis, 27-2. Mercia White, 273. Juliann Webster, 274. Ruth A. Hunt, 275. June Ellicott, '2K\. Sarah Farrington, 277. Rachel T. Jones, 278. Mary Hunt, 279. Isabella Pancoast, 280. Jane W. Green, 281.*Susan D. Parker, 282. Rebecca W. Symons, 283. Elizabeth Stroud, 284. Martha M. Haines, 285. Mary Maddock, 286. Martha Butcher, 287. Elizabeth Dent, 288. Margaret Walmsley, 289. Rachel White, 2!>o. MiraTownsend, 291. Mary X. Thompson, 292. Mary Wistar, 293. Anna Jenks, 294. Elizabeth Clement, 295. Ann Deacon, 296. Mary Bell, 297. Mary L. Thomas, 298. Rebecca M. Thomas, 299. Sarah Pancoast, 300. Rachel Wilson, 'iitl. Mary R. Evans, 302. Mary H. Rhoads, 303. Jael Cooper, 304. Cassandra Brinton, 305. Deborah Rhoads, 306. Mary E. Wilson, 307. Ann Evans, 308. Mary Pugh, 309. Ann Wool man, 310. Martha Harry, 311. Mary Fletcher, 312. Rebecca Haines, 313. Sarah Eastlack, 314. Margaret A. Cotant, 315. Susan Hibberd, 316. Mary P. Malin, 317. Sidney A. Welding,* STUDENTS. 291 FOURTH. THOUSAND. RESIDENCE. DATE OF EMTRT. Philadelphia, Pa., 4th mo., 1836. Milton, Ind., fi Blockley, Pa., 5th mo., " Burlington, N. J., " " Baltimore, Md., llth mo., 1843. 5th mo., 1836. Perry Co., Pa., 4th mo., 1844. Burlington Co., N. J., 5th mo., 1836. Mullica Hill, N. J., 8th mo., " Muncv, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., 4th mo., " 5th mo., " 4th mn 18^7 Till 111''., 1 <^')l . Wilmington, Del., 5th mo., 1836. 5, Lockport, N. Y., 1837. Springfield, N. J., 9th mo., 1836. Burlington, N. J., 4th mo., " Providence, Pa., 5th mo., " ;y, Byberry, Pa., Shrewsbury, N. J., 6th mo., " Beaver Co., Pa., 4th mo., " m, Salem, N. J., 9th mo., Newtown, Pa., 5th mo., " ;, Woodburv, N. J., 4th mo., 1837. Mt. Holly, N. J., 8th mo., 1836. German town, Pa., 4th mo., 1837. Burlington, N. J., llth mo., 1836. as, Philadelphia, Pa., Springfield, Pa., Centre, Del., 5th mo., " Springfield, Pa., if n '< (i it Sadsbury, Pa., 6th mo., " i " a n > Springfield, Pa., ti it Caroline Co., Md., 4th mo., " Willistown, Pa., 6th mo., " Unionville, Pa., 4th mo., 1837. Go.shen, Pa., llth mo., " New Garden, Pa., if U Philadelphia, Pa,, 9th mo., 1836. M 10th mo., " Newtown, Pa., 12th mo., " it, Stroudsburg, Pa., 4th mo., 1838. East Whiteland, Pa., 1st mo., 1837. Philadelphia, Pa., 10th mo., 1836. * Deceased at the school, 5th of Twelfth month, 1836. 292 GENERAL CATALOGUE. FOURTH THOUSAND. 318. Hannah Allen, 319. Martha Burdsall, 3.0. Ruth Ann Jones, 321. Edith S. Lippincott, 322. Rachel Garetson, 323 Beulah Leeds, 324. Ann Walton, 325. Achsah E. Ward, 326. Beulah Middleton, 327. Anna Ogden, 328. Jane Scott, 329. Esther Griffin, 330. Mary Ann Phipps, 831. Sarah Vail, 332. Martha P. Vail, 333. Lydia S. Brinton, 334. Anna Sraedley, 335. Harriet Eldridge, 336. Eleanor Baily, 337. Rachel Eastlack, 338. Isabella S. Peters, 34l>. Mary Hall, 341. Sarah W. Rulon, 342. Elizabeth A. Rulon, 343. M. R. Cadwallader, 344. Tacy T. Haycock, 345. Rachel S. Lewis, 346. Elizabeth Lewis, 347. Sarah W. Merritt, 348. Mary N. Jenkins, 349. Ann Magarge, 350. Susanna M. Jarrett, 351. Sarah Holmes, 352. Ann Eliza Holmes, 353. Han. A. Hutchinson, 354. Priscilla Foulke, 355. Mary H. Shreeve, 356. Hannah L. Folwell, 357. Mary Hughes, 358. Hannah A. Green, 359. Lucy A. Leeds, 360. Phebe Quinby, 361. Rebecca Shoemaker, 362. Mary Atkinson, 36:}. Mary C. Wilkins, 364. Mariba Hampton, 365. Sarah Jones, RESIDENCE. Salern, N. J., New York, N. Y., Plymouth, Pa., Moorestown, N. J., DATE OF ENTRY. 9th mo. 1838. 10th mo. " 4th mo. 9th mo. 3d mo. G't Egg Harbor, N. J.,10th mo. Byberry, Pa., 4th mo. Woodbury, N. J., 5th mo. 1844. 1836. 1837. 1836. 1837. Swedesborough, N. J., Gwynedd, Pa., " New York, N. Y., 4th mo, Uwchlan, Pa., 10th mo, Plainfield, N. J., 4th mo. Lancaster, Pa., 10th mo, Little Britain, Pa., " Whiteland, Pa., Parkersville, Pa., llth mo. Newtown, Pa., 12th mo. Concord, Pa., 1st mo. , Ohio, 4th mo. Philadelphia, Pa., , 1837. , 1836. 1837. M \ 1836. , 1837. , 1838. Plumstead, Pa., Abington, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Salem, N. J., NY 10th mo., 5th mo., H M 4th mo., M 10th mo., 5th mo., 6th mo., 1844. 1837. M 1844. 1837. a (t tc > Germantown, Pa., Horsham, Pa., Pedricton, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., 5th mo., Gwynedd, Pa., Wrightstown, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., London Grove, Pa., 10th mo., Edgmont, Pa., Egg Harbor, N. J., Brandywine, Pa., 4th mo.. " Shoemakertown, Pa., 1839. Philadelphia, Pa., 5th mo., 1837 Norristown, Pa., 4th mo. STUDENTS. 293 FOURTH THOISAND. 366. Elizabeth Dawson, 367. Mary Roberts, 368. Rebecca Roberts, 369. Rebecca R. Simmons, 370. Lydia Cox, 371. Abigail W. Brown, 372. Mary Ann Eldridge, 373. Mary H. Buzby, 374. Margaret Masters, 375. Eliz. C.Worthington, 376. *Mary Evans, 377. Jane Brinton, 378. Mary Ann Trimble, 379. Philena Swain, 380. Rebecca Reeve, 381. Mary Brown, 382. Frances Gillingham, 383. Caroline Gillingham, 384. Hephziba Matlack, 385. Cath. Gillingham, 386. Margaret Thompson, 387. Rosanna Thompson, 388. Beulah Ogden, 389. Lydia Ann Parker, 390. Hannah Ellis, 391 Susan J. Wilson, 392. Elizabeth Wilson, 393. Eliz. Cadwallader, 394. Mary Cadwallader, 395. Elizabeth Pratt, 396. Anne Brown, 397. Lydia Price, 398. Sarah A. Lippincott, 399. Hannah Wetlierill, 400. Ann Matlack, 40l.*Mary L. Smith, 402. Sarah F. Phillips, 403. Mary Binns, 404. Mary Cleaver, 40.-,. R. E. Caulk, 406. Mary B. Caulk, 4D7. H. P. Kirkbride, 408. Abigail A. llaines, 409. Tacy S. Pen rose, 410. Elizabeth S. Fell, 411. Phebe Hoopes, 412. Lydia Wetherill, *Tliis number duplicated. Mary \Vo". Su-aii Iv/rovd, Muncv, Pa., a 508. Elizabeth 8. Lloyd, Philadelphia, Pa., 559. Narcissa Mendeuhall, Muncy, Pa., 5th mo., 1840. ViD. Mary Cooper, Sadsbury, Pa., 4th mo., 1839. 561. Lucy Richardson, Wilmington, Del., " " 562. Elizabeth Hickman, Goshen, Pa., " ' 563. Elizabeth Jones, New London, Pa., ' ' o<>4. Ann Benington, Concord, Pa., ' ' 565 Lvdia Wood ' < 566. Ann Trimble, Concord, Pa., < < 567. Sarah J. Coates, Coates vi lie, Pa., t u 568. Sarah Ann Pierce, Kennet, Pa., ' " .~>t;d. Mary C. Emlen, Philadelphia, Pa., I U 570. Huldah H. Bonwell, Frederica, Del., ' " 571. Mary A. Bonwell, I U 572. Gulielma M. Wilson, Easton, Md., I I 573. Elizabeth Tucker, Philadelphia, Pa., ' ' 574. Elizabeth Evans, Willistown, Pa., ' ' 575. Mary Ann Morgan, Aston, Pa., 1 ' 576. Mary Pratt, Goshen, Pa., ' ' 577. Isabella Kemp, Smyrna, Del., 10th mo., ' 578. Mary Moore, Sadsbury, Pa., i u 579. Rachel Cox, Springfield, Pa., i n 580. Sarah Eaves, Muncy, Pa., i 581. Ann Lightfoot, Maiden Creek, Pa., 5th mo., 1840. 582. Eleanor Lightfoot, (t KOO A . Ollirihv- "V v 10th mo., 1839. 584. Sarah Wetherill, Manayunk, Pa., u 585. Anna M. Reeves, Philadelphia, Pa., < 586. Mary Levis, Springfield, Pa., 587. Sarah G. Carmalt, Montrose, Pa., 588. Anna A. Stevenson, Philadelphia, Pa., llth mo., 1840. Ron T ,.Hin Pri -t N Y 10th mo., 1839. 5!M). Esther Rushmore, u <> 591. Rachel E. Sharpless, Downingtown, Pa., llth mo., 1840. 592. Ann Prickitt, Medford, N. J., 5th mo., " 593. Abigail Page, " " " 594. Lvdia C. Shinn, Philadelphia, Pa., u Kegina S. Kimber, It 5%. Joanna S. Kimber, " " 597. Lvdia Smedlev, Middletown, Pa., 10th mo., 1844. 598. PhebeJ.Hutchinson, Philadelphia, Pa., 5th mo., 1840. 599. Mary L. Betts, Bucks Co., Pa., " " 600. Mary Alberkon, Plymouth, Pa., 10th mo., 1839. 298 GENERAL, CATALOGUE. FOURTH THOUSAND. NAME. RESIDENCE. BATE OF EMTRT. 601. Sarah E. Cooper, Sadsbury, Pa., 5th mo., 1840. 602. Sarah Pusey, E. Maryborough, Pa., 6th mo., " 603. Elizabeth Larkin, Concord, Pa., 10th mo., 1839. 604. Susan Williams, Sadsbury, Pa., " " 605. Hannah Pratt, Newtown, Pa., " 607. Mary House, Pennsbury, Pa., " '' 608. Marg. A. Hallowell, Bucks Co., Pa., " " 609. Sarah Warner, Bristol, Pa., " " 610. Lydia Thompson, New Garden, Pa., " " 611. Ann Buzby, Moorestown, N. J., llth mo., 1840. 612. Elizabeth Walter, Kennet, Pa., 10th mo., 1839. 613. Rachel S. Saunders, " 614. Rebecca Reeve, Philadelphia, Pa., " " 615. Sarah Lukens, Bucks Co., Pa., " 616. Sarah P. Moore, Sadsbury Pa., 617. Margaret S. Dawson, Wilmington, Del., " " 618. Mary Gause, Concord, Pa., llth mo., 1840. 619. Albina Garrett, Willistown, Pa., " 1839. 620. Susanna F. Ogborn, Millville, Pa., ' " 1840. 621. Martha W. Moore, Strickersville, Pa., 5th mo., " 622. Anna Mary Hoopes, Goshen, Pa., " " 623. Huldah Walker, New Garden, Pa., 624. Henrietta Woodward,Moorestown, N. J., " 625. Eliza W. Pusey, E. Marlborough, Pa., " " 626. Sarah Lewis, Philadelphia, Pa., llth mo., " 627. Maria Hall, Harrisville, Ohio, 4th mo., 1844. 628. Esther Massey, 5th mo., 1840. 629. Hannah Scattergood, Millville, N. J., " 630. Ann Scattergood, " " 631. Eliza Martin, Allentown, Pa., " 1841. 632. Catharine H. Smith, Buckingham, Pa., llth mo., 1840. 633. Frances J. Simpson, Solesbury, Pa., 634. Mary S. Merritt, Salem, N. J., 5th mo., 635. Jane Johnson, Bucks Co., Pa., 636. Anna Potts, Philadelphia, Pa., 637. Martha Hampton, Wrightstown, Pa., llth mo., 638. Mary W. Wistar, Philadelphia, Pa., 5th mo., 639. Sarah J. Dutton, Burlington, N. J., 640. Ann Eyre, Chichester, Pa., 641. Susanna Palmer, Concord, Pa., 642. Letitia Harmer, Bacon's Neck, N. J., 643. Hannah H. Yarnall, Concord, Pa., 10th mo., 1842. 644. Rebecca A. Wilson, Denton, Md., 5th mo., 1840. 645. Rebecca Buzby, Bordentown, N. J., llth mo., " 646. Rebecca Pierce, Kennet, Pa., 5th mo., " 647. Martha M. Pratt, Goshen, Pa., 1843. 648. Caroline Churchman, Wilmington, Del., " 1840. STUDENTS. 299 FOURTH THOUSAND. HAJfL RESiliENCE. BATE OF ENTRY. 649. MarjraretM. Garrett, East Whiteland, Pa., 5th mo., 1840. 650. Albina Phillips, Mill Village, Del., u 651. Rachel Comfort, Penn's Manor, Pa , 652. Lydia Heald, Hockessing, Del., 653. Ann Eliza Rankin, Coatesville, Pa., " 1841. 654. Km ma (Jonklin, V Y 1840. " * > 65'>. Deborah Light foot, Whiteland, Pa., if a u'~>o'. Ann S. Hutton, Wilmington, Del., v.'. Mary Cranstone, London Grove, Pa., 10th mo., " 690. Anna B. Passmore, Edgmont, Pa., 1844. 69L Mary K. 1'assmore, u tt 0!>2 Mary Ann Hoopes, East Cain, Pa., llth mo , 1840. 693. Susan H. Pratt, East Whiteland, Pa., u 694. Susan Pierson, Concord, Pa., < u Nillv Howell, Edgmont, Pa., If tl 696. Elizabeth Willits, White Plain, N. Y., u S 300 GENERAL CATALOGUE. FOURTH THOUSAND. 697. Phebe Wilson, 698. Sarah E. Haines, 699. Louisa Woodward, 700. Phebe Seal, 701. Hannah Whitson, 702. Leah Whitson, 703. Hannah Thompson, 704. Susan M. Fallis, 705. Martha L. Pennell, 706. Susanna Rhoads, 707. Hannah Rudolph, 708. Amanda Garretson, 709. Maria Harry, 710. Caroline Haworth, 711. Lydia M. Eachus, 712. Rachel Eldridge, 714. Abigail W. Heacock, 715. Elizabeth Lamborn, 716. Anne Sharpless, 717. Ann Eliza Palmer, 718. Beulah T. Grubb, 719. Mary Yearsley, 720. Rachel Michener, 721. Eliz. Humphreys, 722. Sarah Branson, 723. Lydia Tucker, 724. Phebe Rhoads, 725. Jane Walton, 726. Elizabeth Thompson, 727. M. P. Sharpless, 728. Susanna Lukens, 729. Mary Scattergood, 730. Ann Eliza Haines, 731. Ann Trimble, 732. Rachel Price, 733. Mary Nicholson, 734. Kezia Planner, 735. Jane Yarnall, 736. Letitia Acton, 737. Catharine Acton, 738. Sarah Stroud, 739. Deborah Smedley, 740. Sarah Cole, 741. Anna Fulton, 742. Mary B. Hayes, 743. Lucy Burton, 744. Sarah Gibbons, BESIDENCE. Hockessing, Del., Muncy, Pa., New Garden, Pa., London Grove, Pa., Sadsburv, Pa., New Garden, Pa., , Ohio, Chichester, Pa., Springfield, Pa., Springfield, N. J., York, Pa., East Cain, Pa., , Ohio, Edgmont, Pa., Willistown, Pa., Jenkintown, Pa., Lancaster Co., Pa., Chester, Pa., Dover, Del., Chichester, Pa., Coatesville, Pa., Bradford, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Bristol, Pa.. Philadelphia, Pa., Newtown, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Salem, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., Horsham, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Evesham, N. J., West Whiteland, Pa., West Chester, Pa., Haddonfield, N. J., Zanesville, Ohio, Edgmont, Pa., Salem, N. J., ii Wilmington, Del., Middletown, Pa., Sadsbury, Pa., East Fallowfield, Pa., Fallsington, Pa., Lancaster, Pa., DATE OP llth mo 8th mo. llth mo, 4th mo, llth mo 8th mo, llth mo. 10th mo 5th mo EtfTRT. ., 1840. , 184k , 1840. , 1842. , 1840. , 1844. , 1840. , 1841. , 1843. ,, 1841. 4th mo 5th mo llth mo. 5th mo. u 4th mo, llth mo. u 4th mo, llth mo. , 1844. , 1841. it , 1842. , 1841. STUDENTS. 301 * FOURTH THOUSAND. NAME. RESIDENCE. DATE OF EMKY. 745. Susan Valentine, Downingtown, Pa., 4th mo., 1842. 746. Sarah Ann Harry, Sadsbury, Pa., llth mo., 1841. 747. Sophia Harry, 748. Elizabeth Pennock, Marlborough, Pa., " " 749. Mary W. Thompson, New Garden, Pa., " " 750. Mary Smedley, Middletown, Pa., 10th mo. 1841. 751. Jane B. Twining, Northampton, Pa., llth mo. 1841. 752. Elizabeth Jones, Moorestown, N. J., 5th mo. " 753. Eliz. H. Twining, Wrightstown, Pa., llth mo. " 754. Rachel Whitson, Sadsbury, Pa., 5th mo. " 755* M. J. Cowperthwaite, Philadelphia, Pa., 756. Gulielma Jenkins, Camden, Del., llth mo., " 757. Eliz. D. Meredith, Pughtown. Pa., 758. Lydia S. Foulke, Gwynedd, Pa., 75!). Mary Balderston, Fallsington, Pa., " 760. Anna Brotherton, Dover, N. J., 10th mo., 1844. 761. Ann M. Lamborn, Chatham, Pa., 5th mo., 1846. 762. Elizabeth Wilson, Philadelphia, Pa., llth mo., 1841. 763. Elizabeth Wright, 764. Frances Potts, 765. Rachel T. Dickinson, Reading, Pa., 766. Lydia Wistar, Philadelphia, Pa., 767. Lydia Ann Willits, 768. Hannah Kirby, Salem, N. J., 769. Mary H. Moore, Rochester, N. Y., 770. Orpha Pratt, Newtown, Pa., " 771. Anna Harlan, Little Britain, Pa., 10th mo., 1842. 772. Rachel B. Evans, Wilmington, Del., llth mo., 1811. 773. Deb. A. Passmore, Edgmont, Pa., 10th mo., 1842. 774. Abigail Lippincott, Woodstown, N. J., " 1843. 775. Sarah Chambers, New Garden, Pa., " 1842. 776. Frances Garrett, Philadelphia, Pa., 12th mo., 1841. 777. Martha Thomas, Newtown, Pa., llth mo., " 778. Sarah Ann Eldridge, Evesham, N. J., 779. Eliz. A. Hancock, Mansfield, N. J., 780. Rebecca Sharpless, Waterville Pa., 4th mo., 1842. 781. Rebecca L.Chrisman, Reading, Pa., 782. Jane Sharpless, Chester, Pa., 783. Amanda Townsend, Penn, Pa., 784. Edith Barnard, London Grove, Pa., 785. Sidney J. Walter, New Garden, Pa., 786. Mary Ann Passmore, London Britain, Pa., 10th mo., " 787. Elizabeth Bradley, East Bradford, Pa., 4th mo., " 788. Sarah Wiley, Sadsbury, Pa., 789. Catharine Dell, Bridgevllle, N. J., 7DO. Marg. D. Michener, Bradford, Pa., 791. Jane M. Cope, Whiteland, Pa., 10th mo., 1844. 302 GENERAL, CATALOGUE. FOURTH THOUSAND. 792. Margaret Kirk, 793. Elizabeth Poole, 794. Phebe W. Pyle, 795. Edith Webb, 796. Martha D. House, 797. Rachel Garrett, 798. Mercy Healy, 799. Hannah S. Pyle, 800. Lydia E. Cox, 801. Cynthia E. Jones, 802. Cath. B. Trimble, 803. Lydia Haines, 804. S. A. Hendrickson, 805. Rebecca Smart, 806. Lydia Ann Eldridge, 807. Sarah Ann Ogborn, 808. Mary S. Mott, 809. Rebecca Elkinton, 810. Edith Elkinton, 811. Sarah Downing, 812. Henrietta Haines, 813. Sally Ann Tyson, 814. Elizabeth R. Reeve, 815. Priscilla W. Reeve, 816. Rachel Knight, 817. Eleanor Hunt, 818. Anna Hunt, 819. Marianna Haines, 820. Sarah North, 821. Martha Hancock, 822. Elizabeth T. Troth, 823. Sarah Hayes, 824. Mary A. Wetherill, 825. Susanna Townsend, 826. Han. S. Remington, 827. Sarah J. Remington, 828. Meribah Warner, 829. Mary Ecroyd, 830. Mary Middleton, 831. Ann E.Clark, 832. Hannah Tatum, 833. Catharine Stabler, 834. Rebecca E. Haines, 835. Deborah J. Baldwin, 836. Susan Jones, 837. Susan Thomas, 838. Sarah Morris, RESIDENCE. DATE OP ENTRT. Whiteland, Pa., 10th mo. , 1844. Mill Creek, Del, u 1842. Konnet, Pa., u Pennsbury, Pa., u (I ft Birmingham, Pa., It it Fallsington, Pa., 11 1843. E. Marlborough, Pa., u 1842. a 11 tt Gulf Mills, Pa., llth mo. ,, 1841. Whiteland, Pa., 10th mo, ,, 1844. Medford, N. J., 4th mo, ,, 1842. Crosswicks, N. J., llth mo, ,, 1841. Salem, N. J., M Goshen, Pa., 10th mo, ,, 1844. Germantown, Pa., llth mo, ,, 1841. Rochester, N. Y., 12th mo u '> Philadelphia, Pa., 4th mo ,, 1842. a u it Downingtovvn, Pa., 10th mo ,, 1844. Moorestown, N. J., 4th mo ., 1842. Ohio 1st mo > Medford, N. J., 4th mo. a ') u (i Frankford, Pa., (i Philadelphia, Pa., u tt Trenton, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., Burlington Co., N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., Manayunk, Pa., New Market, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., it Princeton, N. J., Muncy, Pa., Crosswicks, N. J., Trenton, N. J., Wilmington, Del., Sandy Springs, Md., Muncy, Pa., Downingtown, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Burlington, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., 5th mo., 1845. 4th mo., 1842. 10th mo., 1844. 1842. 7th mo., " STUDENTS. SOS FOURTH THOUSAND. RESIDENCE. 839. 840. 841. 842. 843. 844. 845. 846. 847. Mft 849s 8-50. 8")1. 852. 853. 854. 855. 856. 857. 858. 859. 860. 861. 862. 863. 864. 865. 866. 867. 868. 869. 870. 871. 872. 873. 874. 875. 876. 877. 878. 879. 880. 881. 882. 883. Mry T. Comfort, Elizabeth R. Evans, Ann Wills, Mary Borton, Mary Masters, Martha Eves, Beulah S. Morris, Sarah Elkinton, Sarah Comfort, Rachel Reeves, Mary Ann Rulon, Mary Ann Jones, Sarah Lee, Mary Downing, Lydia Spencer, Mary Reeve, Priscilla Kirby, Lydia S. Russell, Hannah Albertson, Ruth E. Parry, Sarah Scattergood, Sarah W. Acton, Elizabeth Howell, Margaret Tucker, Anna W. Smith, Martha A. Burrough, Mary Jane Pound, Tacy Trump, Susan W. Harlan, Mary Barnard, Martha S. Matlack, Deborah Harry, Sarah Shoemaker, Elizabeth Leaver, Martha W. Bostwick, Jemima A. Gifford, Marg. J. Walter, Mary A. Wetherill, Sarah Lightfoot, Sarah Yearsley, Frances Bullock,* Sarah Ann Maris, Mary J. Townsend, Elizabeth Ogborn, Hannah P. Webb, Fallsington, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Rancocas, N. J., Greenwood, Pa., Fishing Creek, N. J., Germantown, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Solesbury, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Germantown, Pa., Oley, Pa., Downingtown, Pa., Horsham, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Salem, N. J., Syracuse, N. Y., Plymouth, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., u Salem, N. J., Edgmont, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., ". Y., DATE OF EfTBT. 10th mo., 1842. 12th mo., 10th mo., 4th mo., 1843. 10th mo., 1842. 4th mo., 1843. 10th mo., 1842. 1843. 1st mo., 4th mo., Waterford, N. J., Plainfield, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., Doe Run, Pa., London Grove, Pa., Moorestown, N. J., Uwchlan, Pa., 10th mo. 1844. Downingtown, Pa., 4th mo. 1843. Burlington, N. J., 10th mo. Moorestown, N. J., 4th mo. Rancocas, N. J., Kennet, Pa., 12th mo. Chester, Pa., 10th mo. 1844. Philadelphia, Pa., 5th mo. 1843. Coatesville, Pa., Bordentown, N. J., 10th mo., " Chester, Pa., New Market, N. J., Frankford, Pa., " 1844. E. Marlborough, Pa., " 1843. * Deceased at the school, 18th of Eleventh month, 1843. 24 GENERAL CATALOGUE. FOURTH THOUSAND. RESIDENCE. 884. Deborah Huey, 885. Elizabeth Pratt, 886. Sarah Bradley, 887. Mary M. Jenkinson, 888. Esther P. Taylor, 889. Edith White, 890. Sarah Ann Fogg, 891. Anna Mekeel, 892. Eliz. Letch worth, 893. Elizabeth Mekeel, 894. Elizabeth H. Dudley, 895. Deborah Smith, 896. Martha R. Bacon, 897. Margaret B. Levis, 898. Mary E. Harvey, 899. Mary Parry, 900. Hannah E. Shipley, 901. Elizabeth S. Jones, 902. Sarah S. Bassett, 903. Mary Abbott, 904. Agnes Neville, 905. Mary C. Swayne, 906. Lydia Lippincott, 907. Sarah E. Lloyd, 908. Mary Hayes, 909. Phebe P. Cooper, 910. Marg. C. Stephens, 911. Hannah Evans, 912. Alice E. Moore, 913. Diana Richards, 914. Sarah Starr Pearson, 915. Sarah R. Sheppard, 916. Mary Burton, 917. Rebecca Harned, 918. Asenath Heacock, 919. Agnes Ann Martin, 920. Susan W. Rich, 921. Eliz. A. Crenshaw, 922. Eliz. B. Griffith, 923. Hannah G. Allen, 924. Ann E. Pleasants, 925. Mary Valentine, 926. Caroline Valentine, 927. Catharine Shipley, 928. Hannah Fox, 929. Rebecca Fox, 930. Phebe Davis, Hamorton, Pa., Goslien, Pa., East Bradford, Pa., Kennet, Pa., West Chester, Pa., Guthrieville, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Hector, N. Y., Philadelphia, Pa., Hector, N. Y., Eveshain, N. J., , N. Y., Bacon's Neck, N. J., Springfield, Pa., Columbus, N. J., Moorestown, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., Salem, N. J., Centerville, Del., Philadelphia, Pa., Wilmington, Del., Fallowfieid, Pa., Sadsbury, Pa., King of Prussia, Pa., Springfield, Pa., Sadsbury, Pa., Nottingham, Md., Philadelphia, Pa., Greenwich, N. J., Fallsington, Pa., Rahway, N. J., Muncy, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Moreland, Pa., , Va., Hopewell, Va., Salem, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., Bellefonte, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., < Coatesville, Pa., DATE OF ENTRT. 10th mo., 1843. 1842. 4th mo., 1843. 10th mo., 1844. IS It 5th mo., 10th mo. ; 5th mo. 10th mo. 1845. 1843. 1845. 1843. 4th mo., 1845. 1844. 10th mo., 1845. STUDENTS. 305 FOURTH THOUSAND. NAME. RESIPESCE. DATE OF ENTRY. 931. Martha Larkin, Concord, Pa., 10th mo., 1845- 932. Elmira S. Baily, Cincinnati, Ohio, u 933 Hannah Baily, Douglass, Pa., a 93 I. Hannah Foulke, Gwynedd, Pa., a 935. Hannah Woodward, Mar.shallton, Pa., 5th mo., IS 44. 936. Susan Hancock, Burlington, N. J., 10th mo., u 16. 937. Phebe Moore, Bart, Pa., H 938. Phebe Ann Moore, Sadsbury, Pa., It 939. Alice Hallowell, Middletown, Pa., 940. Rachel Benington, Concord, Pa., 94U Anne Cooper, Sadsbury, Pa., 5th mo., u Id 942. Sarah Ann Thorn, Philadelphia, Pa., 943. Beulah Harvey, Radnor, Pa., H 944. Mary D. Harvey, u 946. E. J. Cowperthwaite, Philadelphia, Pa., U 947. Sarah C. Gillespie, Lam peter, Pa., 11 948. Margaret Passmore, London Britain, Pa., 10th mo., 949. Jane Wright, Leesburg, Ohio, 9th mo., 9->0. Mary Ann Cope, East Bradford, Pa., 10th mo., 9-31. Deborah Garrett, Birmingham, Pa., 9-32. Albina Lamborn, Chatham, Pa., 953. Jane S. Eachus, Edgmont, Pa., 954. Sarah Morris, Bradford, Pa., 965. Phebe B. Price, Fallsington, Pa., 956. Mary E. Coleman, Trenton, N. J., 957. Eliza W. House, Pennsbury, Pa., 958. Jane C. Moon, Fallsington, Pa., u 959. Mary P. Cope, Whiteland, Pa., 960. Susanna Roberts, Moorestown, N. J., 961. Martha C'orson, Plymouth, Pa., 4th mo., 962. Elizabeth Decou, Trenton, N. J., u 9<13. Judith Ann Willits, Philadelphia, Pa., ti 964. Abby Ann Taylor, Mt, Holly, N. J., u 965. Deborah Lee, Maiden Creek, Pa., K 966. Rebecca S. Matlack, Moorestown, N. J., it 967. R. Satterthwaite, Crosswicks, N. J., i 968. Ann Brown, Plumstead, Pa., u 969. Margaret O. Wilson, Buckingham, Pa., 10th mo., u 44. 970. Elizabeth Hall, Mt. Pleasant, Ohio, 4th mo., 971. Kezia S. Jones, Ohin 5th mo., 972. Frances A. Jenkins, Hudson, N. Y., 6th mo., 973. Hannah L Robinson, Rochester, N. Y., a 974. Anna Stokes, Westfield, N. J., 10th mo., 1846. 975. P. A. Mendenhall, Greenwood, Pa., 1844. Rebecca W. Haines, Medford, N. J., it 1846. 977. Susan Winner, Williamsport, Pa., 5th mo., 1845. 978. Mary Warner, Muncy, Pa., 10th mo., 1844 306 GENERAL CATALOGUE. FOURTH THOUSAND. 979. Deborah Ecroyd, 980. Martha D. Ball, 981. Mercy Wilson, 982. Catharine Wistar, 983. Anna B. Eoberts, 984. Elizabeth Bacon, 985. Deborah Whitall, 986. Mary E. Wool man, 987. Sarah Ann Price, 988. Elizabeth Knight, 989. Eebecca J. Foulke, 990. Catharine Evans, 991. Mary Evans, 992. Sarah Ann Rudolph, 993. Mary A. Eastburn, 994. Elizabeth Buckman, 99"). Susanna Bates, 996. Sarah Bates, 997. Mary B. Gardiner, 998. Abby Ann Trump, 999. Hannah Cooper, LOGO. Rebecca Cooper, BF.SIDENCE. Muncy, Pa., Richmond, Pa., Railway, N. J., Salem, N. J., Moorestown, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., Woodbury, N. J., Rancocas, N. J., Fallsington, Pa., Haddonfield, N. J., Gwynedd, Pa., Willistown, Pa., Springfield, N. J., Attleboro', Pa., Makefield, Pa., Montpelier, Va., it Mt. Holly, N. J., Salem, N. J., Sadsbury, Pa., DATE OF ElfTRY. 10th mo., 1844. 5th mo., 1845. 10th mo., 1844. 5th mo., 1845 FIFTH THOUSAND. RESIDENCE. 1. Margaret Wilson, 2. Isabella Wilson, 3. Margaret Newby, 4. Sarah Glover, 5. Eliz. W. Wistar, 6. Anna Pharo, 7. Mary S. West, 8. Catharine Lee, 9. Amy G. Abbott, 10. Sarah C. Tatum, 11. Mary Wood, 12. Miriam Lippincott, 13. Frances A. Adams, 14. Sarah Jane Willits, 15. Sarah C. Wilbur, 16. Rachel Buffington, 17. Susan J. Kinney, 18. Beulah Cattell, 19. Susan E. Dickinson, 20. Mary Warner, 21. Lucinda Lake, Perquimans Co., N. C., DATE OF ENTRT. 5th mo., 1845. Burlington, N. J., Abington, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Nottingham, McL, Exeter. Pa., 10th mo. Salem. N. J., Woodbury, N. J., Rahway, N. J., Moorestown, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., , N. Y., Fall River, Mass., " < Camden, Del., Brownsville, Pa., 5th mo, Philadelphia, Pa., 10th mo, Muncy, Pa., 5th mo, Philadelphia, Pa., 10th mo, , 1847. , 1845. , 1847. , 1845. STUDENTS. 307 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 3(3. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 4--). 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. Sarah Whitall, Amelia A. Pennell, Marg. M. Webster, Lucy E. Healy, Firm THOUSAND. RESIDENCE. Philadelphia, Pa., Chichester, Pa., Plainfield, N. J., Milestown, Pa., Sarah Ann Hay ward, Baltimore, Md., Josephine Carroll, Jane H. Fisher, ^arah N. Fletcher, Semira Hiatt, Rachel Scattergood, 'Hannah Dilworth, Eliza P. Wilson, Martha Ecroyd, Laura Pleasants, Miriam L. Vail, Emma Williams, Caroline Martin, Susan B. Trump, Anna Spencer, Mary A. Rhoads, Anna C. Valentine, Ellen Remington, Caroline Remington, Henrietta Haines, Caroline B. Wood, Elizabeth B. Wood, Mary J. Crenshaw, Martha Ann Bates, Catharine Bates, Anna Lee, Port Carbon, Pa., C'ayuga Co., N. Y., Richmond, Ind., Milton, Ohio, Philadelphia, Pa., Solesbury, Pa., Rah way, N. J., Muncv, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Woodbridge, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., Gwynedd, Pa., Marple, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Evesham, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., -, Va., Richmond, Va., Exeter, Pa., Henrietta Warrington, Westfield, N. J., Tacy Bates, Josephine Clark, Rebecca R. Haines, Hannah B. Child, Marianna Haines, Smithfield, Ohio, Princeton, N. J., Marlton, N. J., Jefferson Co., N. Y., Trenton, N. J., Elizabeth Balderston, Fallsington, Pa., Ann E. McGrew, Hannah J. Parker, Maria Eldridge, Lucy Ann Burr, Rachel Griffith, Hannah Gibbons, Elizabeth L. Hayes, Hannah S. Pennell, Mary Brinton, Smithfield, Ohio, Parkersville, Pa., Willistown, Pa., Mt. Holly, N. J., Middletown, Pa., West Chester, Pa., East Fallowfield, Pa., Middletown, Pa., Lampeter, Pa., PATE OF EKTRT. 10th mo., 1845. 5th mo., 1846 10th mo., Elizabeth A. Dingee, West Bradford, Pa., 24* 5th mo., 1847. 308 GENERAL CATALOGUE. FIFTH THOUSAND. NAME. RESIDENCE. BAT E OF ENTttY. 69. Elizabeth A. Brinton, Lancaster Co., Pa., 5th mo., 1847 70. Mary G. Hoopes, Westtown, Pa., 10th mo., 1846. 71. Anna Baily, Pine Iron Works, Pa., 5th mo., 1847. 72. Wilhelm'aTovvnsend,Plainfield, N. J., 73. Keturah L. Roberts, Haddonficld, N. J., 74. Deborah C. Parker, Woodbury, N. J., 75. Hannah Heacock, Muncv, Pa., " " 76. Sarah R. Conard, Philadelphia, Pa., 77. Lydia Ann Hoopes, West Bradford, Pa., " 78. Hannah Underbill, Sing Sing, N. Y., 79. Caroline Hallowell, Alexandria, Va., 10th mo., 80. Mary Harlan, Little Britain, Pa., " 81. Edith T. Phillips, Hockessing, Del., 82. Anna Mary Harvey, Birmingham, Pa., 83. Mary Webb, 84. Anna Knight, Philadelphia, Pa., 85. Rachel Sheppard, Greenwich, N. J., " 86. Malvina Stokes, Philadelphia, Pa., 87. Elmira Stevenson, Bloornsbury, N. J., 4th mo., 1848. 88. Hannah Hannum, Kennet Square, Pa., 5th mo., 1859. 89. Sarah T. House, Pennsbury, Pa., 10th mo., 1847. 90. Rachel Hoopes, Goshen, Pa., " " 91. Philena Webb, E. Marlborough, Pa., 92. Rebecca Judkins, Cincinnati, Ohio, 4th mo., 1848. 93. Rebecca S. Williams, Germantown, Pa., 10th mo., 1847. 94. Sarah Williams, 95. Sarah Ann Griffith, East Whiteland, Pa., 96. Martha J. Reynolds, Harrisville, Md., 4th mo., 1848. 97. Hannah Llewellyn, London Grove, Pa., " 98. Phebe D. Phillips, Kennet Square, Pa., " 99. Emily B. Phillips, " " " 100. Sarah A. P. Brown, New London, Pa., 101. Mary G. Hazard, Dutchess Co., N. Y., 10th mo., 1846. 102. Rachel L. Albertson, Plymouth, Pa., 103. Clarissa Fussell, Baltimore, Md., " " 104. Lydia C. Hazard, Dutchess Co., N. Y., " " 105. Hannah W. Burton, Fallsington, Pa., 106. Rebecca Haines, Marlton, N. J., 4th mo., 1848. 107. Emma Reeve, Allowaystown, N. J., 10th mo., 1846. 108. Edith Dawson, Easton, Md., 5th rno., 1847. 109. Elizabeth Smith, Sadsbury, Pa., " 110. Mary B. Spencer, Moreland, Pa., " 111. Rebecca B. Price, Smithfield, Ohio, " " 112. Elizabeth P. Wood, Chesterfield, Ohio, " 113. Esther!. Haines, Medford, N. J., " " 114. Susan S. Reeve, " " 115. Ann H.Nicholson, Haddonfield, N. J., " " STUDENTS. 309 FIFTH THOUSAND. 116. Anna Collins, 117. Hannah Wills, 118. Sarah M. Brown, 119. Hannah Pancoast, 120. Rebecca H. Merritt, 121. Sus;m Pound, 122. Catharine Griffin, 123. Lydia Griffin, 124. Sarah L. West, 125. Tacy E. Carey, 126. -Mary C. Eastburn, 127. Mary Knight, 128. Miriam Decou, 129. Eliz. M. Lippincott, 130. Sarah M. Taylor, 131. Thorn. M. Borton, 132. Sidney Ann Bonsall, 133. Temperance Foster, 134. Lydia B. Evans, 135. Rachel Borton, 136. Sarah H. Albertson, 137. Rachel Pennell, 138. Elizabeth Tatnall, 139. Mary H. Roberts, 140. Mary W. Haines, 141. Caroline Williams, 142. Mary Parke, 143. Rebecca G. Wood, 144. Anna Scattergood, 145. Mary Button, 146. Anna Maria Vail, 147. Rachel Haines, 148. Mary C. Haines, 149. Sarah M. Richards, 150. Susan Brinton, 151. Catharine Cooper, 152. Sarah H. Matson, 153. Phileua Yarnall, 154. Lydia H. Yarnall, 155. Deborah Brookes, 156. Elizabeth Kirk, 157. Rebecca Healy, 158. Elizabeth Snowdon, 159. Rebecca D. Maris, 160. Mary Ann Haydock, 161. Mary A. Pennell, 162. Sarah Linton, RESIDENCE. Philadelphia, Pa., Rancocas, N. J., Plymouth, Pa., Springfield, Pa., Salem, N. J., Plainfield, N. J., Clinton, N. Y., Rowlandsville, Md., Trenton, N. J., Newtown, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Trenton. N. J., Haddonfield, N. J., Mt. Holly, N. J., Evesham, N. J., Salem, Ohio, Hopkinton, R. I., Cropwell, N. J., Rancocas, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa.; Darby, Pa., AVilnrington, Del., Evesham, N. J., Milford, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., Rahway, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., Burlington, N. J., Rahway, N. J., Moorestown, N. J., Nottingham, Md., Leacock, Pa., Lam peter, Pa., Chadd's Ford, Pa., Middletown, Pa., u Burlington, N. J., Goshen, Pa., Fallsington, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., West Pikeland, Pa., Wilmington, Del., Upper Chichester, Pa., Newtown, Pa., DATE OF ENTRT. 5th mo., 1847. 10th mo., " u 5th mo., 1859. 10th mo., 1847. 5th mo., 1859. 10th mo., 1847. 5th mo, 10th mo, 4th mo, , 1859. , 1847. , 1848. 5th mo, 6th mo, 10th mo, , 1853. , 1848. 310 GENERAL CATALOGUE. FIFTH THOUSAND. 163. Mary Pyle, 164. Emily Roberts, 165. Mary Pennell, 166. Mary Dingee, 167. Minerva Webb, 168. Han. H. Thompson, 169. Elizabeth Cope, 170. Ellen Cope, 171. Zilla Monks, 172. Margaret Fothergill, 173. Emily E. Temple, 174. Rebecca Webster, 175. Elizabeth P. Ogborn, 176. Eliz. A. Thompson, 177. Esther Roberts, 178. Susanna Evans, 179. Emily Baily, 180. Susan Gibbons, 181. Marg. M. Webster, 182. Sarah A. Webster, 183. Hannah A. Scott, 184. Emily Pusey, 185. Abigail P. Townsend, 186. Sarah L. Passmore, 187. Loretta Thomas, 188. Cornelia Janney, 189. Hannah B. Gifford, 190. Mary W. Cox, 191. Mary Ann Brookes, 192. Sally A. Westbrook, 193. Hannah M. Wilson, 194. Eleanor Hay dock, 195. Rachel Poole, 196. Catharine Levis, 197. Hannah W. Bassett, 198. Eliz. M. Hoagland, 199. Elizabeth Garrett, 200. Sarah Brown, 201 Phebe Embree, 202 Elizabeth R. Wills, 203. Sarah E. Healy, 204. Elizabeth Swift, 205. Mary J. Lewis, 206. Hannah Roberts, 207. Anna M. Hilyard, 208. Rachel Ballinger, 209. Rachel Roberts, RESIDENCE. East Fallowfield, Pa., Lower Merion, Pa., Middletown, Pa., West Bradford, Pa., Pennsbury, Pa., Newark, Del., East Bradford, Pa., u Chester Co., Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Middletown, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Germantown, Pa., W. Marlborough, Pa., Haddonfield, N. J., Springfield, Pa., Westtown, Pa., Salem, N. J., Plainfield, N. J., u Downingtown, Pa., London Grove, Pa., Plainfield, N. J., London Britain, Pa., Gosh en, Pa., Loudon Co., Va., Tuckerton, N. J., Woodstown, N. J., ,N.J., Philadelphia, Pa., Wilmington, Del., Hockessing, Del., Springfield, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Rah way, N. J., Willistown, Pa., New Garden, Pa., Marshallton, Pa., Rancocas, N. J., Abington, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., New Garden, Pa., Moorestown, N. J. Rancocas, N. J., Haddonfield, N. J., Moorestown, N. J., DATE OF ENTRT. 10th mo., 1848. 4th mo., 10th mo., 5th mo., 4th mo., 1849. 1848. 1853. 1849. 10th 4th mo., 1848. 5th mo. 10th mo. u STUDENTS. 311 FIFTII THOUSAND. 210. Rebecca Nicholson, 211. Ann Foulke, 212. Phebe Jane Wood, 213. Lydia L. Ashead,* 214. Hannah A. Haines, 21"). Ruth A. Albertson, 216. Mary A. Sheppard, 217. Ellen Moore, 218. Mary E. Tyson, 219. Mary Lippincott, 220. Keziah Webster, 221. Lydia S. Gifford, 'I'l'l. Louisa BufBngton, 22:!. Emeline Ogborn, 224. Mary Bacon, 225. Hannah B. Roberts, 226. Mary A. Harris, 227. Eliza Miller, 228. Anna Whitall, 229. Harriet Brown, 230. Rebecca Magarge, 231. Anna Thomas, 232. Jane E. Masters, 233. Sarah A. Levick, 234. Caroline M. Rulon, 235. Rebecca Shinn, 236. Elizabeth Matlack, 2-!7. Hannah E. Collins, 238. Rebecca Wistar, 239. Ann E. Butler, 240. Matilda Willits, 241. Elizabeth Pyle, 242. Amy J. Roberts, 243. Elizabeth H. Rhoads, 244. Phebe M. Larkin, 245. Anna Eliza Gough, 246. Cath. W. Bostwick, 247. Mary G. Fogg, 250. Lydia S. Pennell, 251. Hannah Pennell, 252. Mary S. Parker, 253. Sarah Pennock, 254. Lydia G. Thomas, 255. Phebe T. Cook, 256. Elizabeth Linton, Haddonfield, N. J., Somerton, Va., Rahway, N. J., Cropwell, N. J., Marlton, N. J., Plymouth, Pa., Greenwich, N. J., Merion, Pa., Fairfax Co., Va., Moorestown, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., Westport, Mass., Fall River, Mass., Philadelphia, Pa., Salem, N. J., Rancocas, N. J., Bellefonte, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., , N. Y., Germantown, Pa., Burlington, N. J., Millville, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Salem, Iowa, Salem, N. J., Petersburg, Va., Danville, Pa., East Fallowfield, Pa., Evesham, N. J., Springfield, Pa., Concord, Pa., , N. Y., Rancocas, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., Middletown, Pa., West Chester, Pa., Sadsbury, Pa., Goshen, Pa., Harford Co., Md., Marshallton, Pa., DATE OF ENTRY 10th mo., 1848. 4th mo., 10th mo., 1849. 1848. 4th mo.. 5th mo. 4th mo. ; 1849. 1859. 1849. 5th mo., 4th mo., 1859. 1849. 10th mo., 5th mo., 10th mo., 4th mo., 10th mo., 4th mo., 1859. 1849. 1850. 1849. 1850. * Deceased at the school, 8th of First month, 1849. 312 GENERAL CATALOGUE. FIFTH THOUSAND. 257. 258. 259. 260. 261. 262. 263. 264. 265. 266. 267. 268. 269. 270. 271. 272. 273. 274. 275. 276. 277. 278. 279. 280. 281. 282. 283. 284. 285. 286. 287. 288. 289. 291. 292. 293. 294. 295. 296. 297. 298. 299. 300. 301. 302. 303. 304. Martha Cowgill, Martha Griffith, Sarah Saunders, Eosina A. Aronson, Sarah E. Knight, Sarah H. Price, Kent Co., Del., Winchester, Va., Salem, N. J., Mansfield, N. J., Fallsington, Pa., West Chester, Pa., Hannah P. Smedley, Middletown, Pa., Martha Pierson, Esther Eoberts, Esther Good, Emily Kinsey, Anna P. Sharpless, Edith Sharpless, Concord, Pa., Evesham, N. J., West Grove, Pa., Strickersville, Pa., Birmingham, Pa., Eebecca E. Preston, Nottingham, Md., Mary Louisa Walter, Parkersville, Pa., Philena P. Jackson, Eising Sun, Md., Mary J. Hopkins, Baltimore, Md., Anne Ecroyd, Muncy, Pa., Indiana Underbill, , Ind., Hannah A. Griffith, Middletown, Pa., Amy Griffith, Sarah E. Swain, York Co., Pa., Mary W. Moore, Sadsbury, Pa., Edith Cooper, Bart, Pa., Phebe Lukens, Horsham, Pa., Emma Bassett, Wilmington, Del., Abigail C. Woolman, Frankford, Pa., Priscilla Hutton, Lancaster Co., Pa., Philena Pyle, East Fallowfield, Pa., Portia Haines, Pipe Creek, Md., Louisa A. Corbit, Cantwell's Bridge, Del, Phebe J. Underbill,* Poughkeepsie, N. Y., Edith D. Scott, Gunpowder, Md., Mary E. Simmons, Bart, Pa., Sadsbury, Pa., Downingtown, Pa., Darlington, Md., West Chester, Pa., RATE OP ENTRT. 4th mo., 1850. 10th mo., " 5th mo., 1859. 10th mo., 1850. a n 5th mo., 1859. 10th mo., 1S50. a tt llth mo., 1859. 10th mo., 1850. llth mo., 1859. 10th mo., 1850. 5th mo., 10th mo., 1852. 1850. 6th mo., 1851. tt ti ,11th mo., " 6th mo., " Sarah J. Cooper, Charity Baldwin, Elizabeth C. Smith, Anna M. Smedley, Hannah J. James, Ruth Anna Brown Susanna House, Abigail Eldridge, Phebe Lamborn, llth mo'., 6th mo., llth mo., 6th mo., llth mo., 1859. 1851. u 1859. 1851. 1859. 1851. Bu .-lington, N. J., Pe.msbury, Pa., Goshen, Pa., New Garden, Pa., M. E. Satterthwaite, Tecumseh, Mich., 10th mo., 1849. Mary A. Haines, Medford, N. J., Agnes H. Haines, " Mary E. Dilks, ' Philadelphia, Pa., * Deceased at the school, 10th of Fourth mo.. 1852. STUDENTS. 313 FIFTH THOUSAND. KAMI. RESIDENCE. DATE OF ENTRY. 305. Elizabeth S. Richie, Philadelphia, Pa., 10th mo., 1849. 306. Sarah Darnell, Cropwell, X. J., 307. Marv W. Hilvard, Rancocas, X. J., 308. Eleanor K. Wood, New York, X. Y., " 309. Debby E. Cope, Whiteland, Pa., " " 310. Harriet H. Thorn, Crosswicks, X. J., 311. Hannah Haines, Medford, X. J., 31 2. Rebecca M. Hopkins, it ti 313. Deborah Jones, McCartyville, X. J., tf 4< 314. C. A. Hendrickson, Crosswicks, X. J., " " 31^>. "Mary X. Ogborn, Philadelphia, Pa., It tt 316. Jane Croasdale, Stroudsburg, Pa., It tf 317. Anna Hazard, Poplar Ridge, X. Y,, llth mo., 1859 318. Anna Reeve, Medford, X. J., 4th mo., 1850. 319. Hannah Magarge, Germantown, Pa., (4 320. Elizabeth Jones, " ft ft 321. Frances Pleasants, a ft It 322. Elizabeth Wool man, Frankford, Pa., ft 1 323. Anna M. Bolton, Philadelphia, Pa., If 1 324. Martha Parker, Tuckerton, X. J., ft i 325. Jane E. Haines, Cropwell, X. J., ft 1 326. Sarah P. Buzby, Evesham, X. J., C| 1 327. Marv Whitson, Sadsbury, Pa., " i 328. Elizabeth Pettit, Philadelphia, Pa., " ' 329. Deborah S. Evans, Cropwell, X. J., 10th mo., t 330. Sarah E. Atwater, Lockport, X. Y., " f 331. Emilv Hilyard, Rancocas, X. J., it t 332. Susan Wills, a it t 888. Marv W. Maris, Chester, Pa., ft t 334. Rebecca C. Darnell, Evesham, X. J., t i 335. Ann Eliz. Comfort, Penn's Manor, Pa., t t 336. Anna C. Underbill, Poughkeepsie, X. Y., t t 337. Marv W. Underbill, " ' 1 338. Rachel J. Dilks, Philadelphia, Pa., ' 1 339. Martha H. Garrett, u I i 340. Elizabeth Burton, Fallsington, Pa., ' ' t 341. Emilv Temple, Philadelphia, Pa., 1 ' :U2. Sarah E. Wilson, H ' ' 343. Rachel A. Wright, Winchester, Va., llth mo., 1859. 344. Hannah Levick, Philadelphia, Pa., 10th mo., !>">". 345. Elizabeth Hazard, Wa>!i'u Hollow, X.Y., llth mo., 1851. 34U. Eliz. W. Wakey, Bvberrv, Pa., 10th mo., 1850. 847. Hannah C. Saunders, Woodburv, ^X. J., u 348. Sarah G. Smith, Harford Co., Md., it 349. Sarah Nicholson, Haadonfield, X. J., 6th mo., 1851 350. Virginia Russell, Baltimore, Md., " " 351. Mary Sharpless, Philadelphia, Pa., it u 314 GENERAL CATALOGUE. FIFTH THOUSAND. NAME. RESIDENCE. DATE OF ENTKT. 352. Anna Deacon, Burlington, N. J., 6th mo., 1851. 853. Margaretta Thomas, it 354. Mary L. Hibberd, East Bradford, Pa., (C l( 355. Hannah H. Stokes, Westfield, N. J., 11 11 356. Amanda Russell, Baltimore, Md., 11 (I 357. R. C. Lippincott, Haddonfield, N. J., (( 11 358. Ann Bishop, Mt. Holly, N. J., 359. Lydia Bishop, " u 360. Anna Hopkins, Annapolis, Md., 11 361. Ellen Deacon, Burlington, N. J., llth mo., 362. Isabella S. Phipps, Lionville, Pa., u 363. Elizabeth Haviland, South Dover, N. Y., u 364. Rebecca J. Allen, Springfield, Pa., 11 365. Amanda M. Ash, West Cain, Pa., " 366. Mary Yearsley, it (I 367. Ann E. Maule, Radnor, Pa., 5th mo., 18 2. 368. Ruth Ann Riker, Medford, N. J., M 369. Mary Lownes, Buckingham, Pa., (t 370. Mary J. Walton, E. Marlborough, Pa., (I 371. Elizabeth Harry, Uwchlan, Pa., Cl 372. Jane Flagler, Dutchess Co., N. Y., 1C 374. Agnes Alderson, Cincinnati, Ohio, 11 375. Anna M. Alderson, a (I 376. Lydia Wilson, Perquimans Co., N. C (( J 377. Ann Hayes, E. Marlborough, Pa., M 378, Lydia J. Brown, Pughtown, Pa., n 379. Hannah Ann Cox, Philadelphia, Pa., a 380. Jane G. Hoopes, New Garden, Pa., (t 381. Rebecca H. Harlan, Doe Run, Pa., (i 383. Sidney Temple, Parkers ville, Pa., n 384. Mary Tomlinson, Edgmont, Pa., llth mo., 385. Phebe Ogborn, Germantown, Pa., u 386. Lydia Ann Kinsey,* Centreville, Del., ft 387. Hannah Kester, Bloomsburg, Pa., (i 388. Martha San key, Westtown, Pa., (i 389. Jane H. Garrett, Birmingham, Pa., u 390. Jane Garrett, Willistown, Pa., " 391. Rebecca S medley, Middletowu, Pa., M 392. Edith E. Haworth, Wilmington, Ohio, 5th mo., 1853. 393. Marianna Hunt, Mahoning Co., Ohio, llth mo., 1852. 394. Fanny Hayes, Westtown, Pa., a 395. Anne Pennell, Middletown, Pa., 396. Rachel M. Ellis, Kirkwood, Ohio, ti 397. Anna Townsend, Palmyra, N. Y., 1C CC 398. Margaret Townsend, " cc cc * Hannah Elma Kinsey was admitted on same number, Eleventh month, 1857. STUDENTS. 31." FIFTH THOUSAND. RESIDENCE. 399. 400. 401. 402. 403. 404. 406. 406. 407. 408. 410. 411. 412. 413. 414. 415. 416. 417. 418. 419. 4-20. 421. 422. 423. 424. 425. 426. 427. 428. 429. 430. 431. 432. 433. 434. 435. 436. 437. 438. 439. 440. 441. 442. 443. 444. 445. 446, Sarah Ann Pusey, Anne Snowdon, Marian B. Lloyd, Esther C. Miller, Anna M. Taylor, Sarah S. Wil'ls, Sarah S. Reeve, Caroline Whitall, Rebecca W. Zelley, Henrietta Vail, Susanna D. Buzby, Jane Eachus, Mary Walmsley, Sarah Jane Grubb, Mary R. Masters, Mary W. Lee, Sarah L. Allen, Helen R. Bacon, Sally Wistar, Mary E. Harry, Hannah Evans, Catharine Evans, Eliz. C. Ballenger, Rachel S. Fogg, London Grove, Pa., Westtown, Pa., Wilmington, DeL, Salem, N. J., Burlington, N. J., Rancocas, N. J., Medford, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., Moorestown, N. J., Plainfield, N. J., Burlington, N. J., Edgmont, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Muncy, Pa., Stonersville, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., E. Marlborough, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Evesham, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., Elizabeth B. Collins, Burlington, N. J., Abigail E. Haines, Medford, N. Sarah Savery, Deborah F. Haines, Anna M. Bartlett, Martha W. Bartlett, Elizabeth G. Evans, Philadelphia, Pa., Lydia Evans, Marlton, N. J., Em. J. Gillingham, Philadelphia, Pa., Mary Thompson, Elizabeth G. King, Elizabeth Reeves, Jane Darnell, Agnes M. Darnell, Elizabeth Pennock, Deborah Warner, Harriet Griffith, Philadelphia, Pa., Medford, N. J., Huron Co., Ohio, Newport, Del., Burlington, X. J., Woodbury, N. J., Mt. Laurel, N. J., Holmesburg, Pa., Muncy, Pa., Winchester, Va., Marv Anna Roberts, Moorestown, N. J., Priscilla W. Haines, Medford, X. J., Amy Haines, " Siill'iffW. Carpenter, Salem, N. J., Anna S. Haines, Medford, N. J., Deborah O. Ricks, Prospect Hill, Va., 25 T BATE Of EXTKT. 5th mo., 1853. llth mo., 1852. 1851. 5th mo., 1852. llth mo., 5th mo., llth mo., 1854. 1852. 1859. 316 GENERAL CATALOGUE. FIFTH THOUSAND. RESIDENCE. 447. 448. 449. 450. 451. 452. 453. 454. 455. 456. 457. 458. 459. 460. 461. 462. 463. 464. 465. 466. 467. 468. 469. 470. 471. 472. 473. 474. 475. 476. 477. 478. 479. 480. ( ) 481. 482. 483. 484. 485. 486. 487. 488. 489. 490. 491. 492. Alice Hallowell, Phebe Lukens, Elizabeth Potts, Hannah Vivian, Upper Merion, Pa., Horsham, Pa., Springfield, Pa., Burlington, N. J., Hannah D. Mitchell, Philadelphia, Pa., Hill's Store, N. C., Caraway, N. C., Willistown, Pa., Moorestown, N. J., Downingtown, Pa., Asenath Hill, Sarah Henly, Jane M. Eldridge, Eliz. E. Lippincott, Sally E. Pirn, Sarah D. Hoopes, Alice P. Gruwell, Damascus, Ohio, Sarah Ellen Thomas, Midway, Pa., Margaret Eldridge, Warren Tavern, Pa., Sarah A. Michener, Rising Sun, Md., Elizabeth Cope, Whiteland, Pa., Susanna R. Cooper, Parkesburg, Pa., Deborah P. Smedley, Willistown, Pa., Mary E. Cooper, Christiana, Pa., Rachel A. Fawkes, Giger's Mill, Pa., Phebe Jane Walter, Parkersville, Pa., Ann E. Jones, Philadelphia, Pa., Sarah M. Thompson, Newport, Del., Mary Gubbings, New Garden, Pa., Esther Kite, Birmingham, Pa., Hannah Boone, Pickering, Can. West, Rachel A. Holloway, Flushing, Ohio, Rebecca J.Townsend, Plainfield, N. J., Lydia Ann Scarlet, Birdsboro', Pa., Anna M. J. Brown, Avondale, Pa., Annie E. Windle, Guthrieville, Pa., Thomazine T. Miller, Bellefonte, Pa., Josephine M. Hoge, Pleasant Valley, Va., Hannah Baily, Parkersville, Pa., Rachel G. Preston, Westtown, Pa., Annie Cheyney, London Grove, Pa., Elmira Wickersham, West Grove, Pa., Anna G. Edge, Wilmington, Del., Mary Jane Peckham, Somerset, N. Y., Phebe C. Brown, Jennerville, Pa., Elizabeth D. Edge, Downingtown, Pa., Aniy R. Sheffield, Hopkinton, R. I., Deborah J. Windle, Guthrieville, Pa., Phebe Ann Moore, Christiana, Pa., Mary E. Reed, Darlington, Md., Elizabeth J. Brown, New Garden, Pa., Susan Underbill, Brooklyn, N. Y., MTE 01 ENTRT. llth mo., 1852 12th mo., llth mo., 5th mo., 1853. 10th mo., 1853. n *i llth mo., 5th mo., 10th mo., it 1859. 1853. 5th mo., 10th mo., 5th mo., M llth mo., 1854. 1853. 1854, STUDENTS. 317 FIFTH THOUSAND. NAVE. RESIDENCE. DATE OF ENTRY. 493. Mary Ann Temple, Parkersville, Pa., llth mo., 1854. 494. Philena Smedley, West Chester, Pa., 5th mo., ' 49-5. Martha Larkin, Guthrieville, Pa., " ' 496. Sarah E. Harlan, Doe Run, Pa., " 497. Susanna M. Sutton, Norwich, Can. West, 498. Eliza T. Harris, Downingtown, Pa., 499. Sarah F. Cloud, Woodbury, N. J., llth mo., " 500. Mary B. Thompson, New London, Pa., 5th mo., 1853." 501. Caroline E. Cope, Woodbourne, Pa., " " 502. Annette Cope, 503* Sarah Dil worth, New Hope, Pa., " " 504. Edith L. Chase, Burlington, N. J., " " 505. Marv W. Pharo, Philadelphia, Pa., " 506. Eliz: W. Hilyard, Rancocas, N. J., " 507. Mercy W. Brown, Fallsington, Pa., " " 508. Elizabeth B. Kaighn, Philadelphia, Pa., (( 509. Sarah M. Richie, M 510. Mary T. Hilyard, Rancocas, N. J., 511. Martha W. Hilyard, New York, N. Y., < 512. Elizabeth Deacon, Mt. Holly, N. J., c 513. Eliz. P. Albertson, Plymouth, Pa., < 514. Hannah Whitall, Philadelphia. Pa., < 515. Sarah Maule, Port Royal, Pa., c 516. Ann E. Jones, Conshohocken, Pa., < 517. Mary Lawrence, Philadelphia, Pa., << 518. Anna Lawrence, u u 519. Caroline Hoagland, Muncy, Pa., 520. Elizabeth B. Allen, Bristol, Pa., it 521. Mary E. Allinson, Crossvvicks, N. J., 522. AnnaEliz.Dickinson, Philadelphia, Pa., 523. Elizabeth S. Hoge, Pleasant Valley, Va., 524. Phebe Ann Pyle, Strickersville, Pa., i 525. Martha Heacock, Greenwood, Pa., < 526. Anna W. King, Burlington, N. J., < 527. Emma Larkin, Concordville, Pa., t 528. Mary P. Lee, Stonersville, Pa., < 529. Anna Lippincott, Woodstown, N. J., < 530. Elizabeth Lownes, Springfield, Pa., i 531. AnnabellaC.Ogborn, Germantown, Pa., M 532. Mary H. Ash, Philadelphia, Pa., 10th mo., " 5X3. Sara'h Garrett, 534. Mary Maule, Upper Darby, Pa., Radnor, Pa., i < 535. Ruth Kite, Philadelphia, Pa., < 536. Mercy E. Brown, Centre Bridge, Pa., 537. Martha E. Stokes, Stroudsburg, Pa., 538. Mary Kite, Philadelphia, Pa., 539. Mercy Eastburn, Newtown, Pa., " u 318 GENERAL CATALOGUE. FIFTH THOUSAND. RESIDENCE. 540. 541. 542. 543. 544. 545. 546. ^47. 548. 549. 550. 551. 552. 553. 554. 555. 556. 557. 558. 559. 560. 561. 562. 563. 564. 565. 566. 567. 568. 569. 570. 571. 572. 573. 574. 575. 576. 577. 578. 579. 580. 581. 582. 583. 584. 585. Martha Bettle, Philadelphia, Pa., Deborah G.Passmore, Edgmont, Pa., S. N. Warrington, Philadelphia, Pa., M.'E. Warrington, Maline Tostenson, Stawage, Norway, Ee., Anna Hazard, Wash'n Hollow, N. Y., Rachel E. Balderston, Philadelphia, Pa., Avondale, Pa., BATE OF ENTRY. 10th mo., 1853 Stonersville, Pa., " " Clinton Corners, N. Y., 5th mo., 1860. Jennerville, Pa., " 1856. Philadelphia, Pa., ' 1854. Middletown, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Marlton, N. J., Sarah Ann Seal, Mary Jane Seal, Elizabeth P. Lee, Lydia P. Havilaud, Lydia C. Hughes, Mary R. Parry, Emma Parry, Eleanor S. Baker, Rebecca Pennell, Sarah Richie, Elizabeth W. Cope, Mary Anna Cope, Catharine Morris, Margaret W. Richie, Philadelphia, Pa., Mary Sheppard, Greenwich, N. J., Elizabeth E. Haines, Marlton, N. J., Sarah Scull, Philadelphia, Pa., Elizabeth Carlile, " Ann J. Kirkbride, Elizabeth L. Evans, Marlton, N. J., Hannah Ballenger, Haddonfield,^". J., Mary P. Lee, Mary C. Wildman, Mary G. Wood, Hannah Gubbings, Phebe.C. Brown, Sidney Dilks, E. L. Mendenhall, Phebe W. Wilson, Abigail Haviland, Abby Newhall, Leontine R. Corse, Rebecca J. Roberts, Moorestown, N. J., Mary Ann Cope, Marshallton, Pa., Ruth Anna Hallock, Stanfordville, N. Y., Elizabeth C. Maule, Philadelphia, Pa., Asenath Haines, Medford, N. J., Annie W. Hutton, Chester, Pa., Mary Hewes, Sarah Pennock, Holmesburg, Pa., Stonersville, Pa., Morrisville, Pa., Clinton Corners, N. Y., Germantown, Pa., Jennerville, Pa., Germantown, Pa., Muncy, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Wing's Station, N. Y., Philadelphia, Pa., Wilmington, Del., 1860. 1854. llth mo., " Cf 5th mo., 1860. llth mo., 1854 STUDENTS. 319 FIFTH THOUSAND. RESIDENCE. 587 Mary Anna Tilton, 588. Lydia T. Gumming, 589. Sarah E. Hacker, 590. Susan Scattergood, 591. Sarah Scattergood, 592. Ruth Anna Richie, 593. Rachel M. Johnson, 594. Rebecca Trimble, 595. Mary L. Buzby, 596. Rachel R. Haines, 597f Marg. M. Smith, 598. A. W. Albertson, 599. Mary E. Ellison, 600. Ann E. Moore, 601. Mary J. Windle, 602. Hannah T. Cope, 603. Elizabeth A. Joliffe, 604. Hannah W. Roberts, 605. Deborah L. Smedley, 606. Elizabeth Evans, 607. Rachel Dingee, 608. Sarah Embree, 609. Hannah Ann Hoge, 610. Anna N. Watson, 611. Hannah Larkin, 612. Lydia Harvey, 613. Rachel W. Cope, 614. Eliz. A. Sheffield, 615. Hannah M. Smedley, 616. Ellen Knight, 617. Elizabeth Sankey, 618. Mary Anna Moore, 619. Mar'ia F. Cooper, 620. Hannah A. Cooper, 621. Elizabeth Masters, 622. Mary Jones, 623. Hannah J. Troth, 624. Hannah W. Roberts, 625. Emily Kinsey, 626. Ellen Parker, 627. Elizabeth Hoopes, 628. Sidney Pennell, 629. Wilhelmina Bell, 630. Phebe Davis, 631. Sarah Wilson, 632. Anna Mekeel, 633. Martha J. Lightfoot, 25* Barnegat, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., DATE OP ENTRY. llth mo., 1854. Parkesburg, Pa., Chester, Pa., Mt. Laurel, N. J., Vincenttown, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., Plymouth, Pa., Kensington, Pa., Richmond, Ind., Guthrieville, Pa., Kimbleville, Pa., Stephenson's Dep., Va., Paoli, Pa., Lima, Pa., Darlington, Md., Uwchlan, Pa., Marshallton, Pa., Hamilton Store, Va., Philadelphia, Pa., Concordville, Pa., Jennerville, Pa., West Chester, Pa., Hopkinton, R. I., Lima, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Westtown, Pa., Bart, Pa., Camden, N. J., Gap, Pa., Millville, Pa., Frankford, Pa., Columbus, N. J., Willistown, Pa., Chatham, Pa., West Chester, Pa., Downingtown, Pa., Lima, Pa., Richmond, Ind., Coatesville, Pa., Newby's Bridge, N. C., Tompkins Co., N. Y., Malaga, Ohio, 5th mo., 1855. llth mo. 1854. 5th mo., 1855. llth mo. 5th mo. llth mo. 5th mo. 1854. 1855. llth mo., 1856. 320 GENERAL, CATALOGUE. FIFTH THOUSAND. NAME. RESIDENCE. DATE OF ENTRT. 634. Caroline Cope, Warren Tavern, Pa., 5th rno., 1855. 635. Sarah E. Hallock, Searsburg, N. Y., 7th mo., 1858. 636. Ph. P. Mendenhall, Westminster, N. C., 5th mo., 1855. 637. Elizabeth Mekeel, Torapkins Co., N. Y., " " 638. Susan S. Way, West Chester, Pa., " " 639. Mary Barker, Richmond, Ind., " " 640. Mary E. Whitacre, Muncy, Pa., ( ) Margaret Benington, Westtown, Fa., " " 641. Elizabeth F. Perry, Westerly, R. I., " 1860. 642. L. H. Tomlinson,' Ivy Mills, Pa., " 1855. 643. Mary Emma Stokes, Cinnaminson, N. J., llth mo., " 644. Mary E. Harris, Westminster, N. C., 646. Rebecca Lippincott, Woodstown, N. J., 647. Mary M. Rote, Millville, Pa., 648. Mary J. Maris, Kimberton, Pa., " 649. Sarah Jane Scott, Marshallton, Pa., 650. Annie E. Sheppard, Greenwich, N. J., 651. Phebe Ann Griffith, Warren Tavern, Pa., " 652. Abigail N. Hill, Hill's Store, N. C., " " 653. Mary E. Scott, Butler's P. O., Md., 5th mo., 1860. 654. Anna W. Tatnall, Wilmington, Del., " 1856. 655. Margaret Tatnall, " " 656. Mary W. Savery, Parkersville, Pa., 657. Rebecca C. Smedley, Paoli, Pa., " 658. Mary H. Huey, Smyrna, Del., " " 659. Sarah W. Huey, " 660. Martha J. White, Newby's Bridge, N. C., 661. Anna Pirn, Thorndale, Pa., 662. Mary Pirn, " 663. Deborah Cope, West Chester, Pa., 664. Edith H. Pusey, London Grove, Pa., " 6tf5. Phebe Ann Pharo, Philadelphia, Pa., 666. Margaret H. Janney, Baltimore, Md., " 667. Lydia W. Taylor, Chatham, Pa., " 669. Mary A. M. Irwin, Guthrieville, Pa., llth mo., " 670. 671. Hannah Way, Centerville, Del., 672. Abby Gould, Newport, R. I., 673. Mercy S. Townsend, Plainfield, N. J., 674. Sarah Mendenhall, Parkersville, Pa., 675. Susanna T. Ballinger,Leed's Point, N. J., 676. Anna French, Salem, Ohio, 677. Susan Jolliffe, Stephenson'sDep., Va., " 678. Beulah Palmer, Media, Pa., " 1858. 679. Mary E. Webb, Parkersville, Pa., " 1856. 680. Rachel Hall, Mt. Pleasant, Ohio, 681. Elvira Hall, Barnesville, Ohio, STUDENTS. 321 682. 683. 684. 685 686. 687. 688. 689. 690. 691. 692? 693. 694. 695. 696. 697. 698. 699. 700. 701. 702. 703. 704. 705. 706. 707. 708. 709. 710. 711. 712. 713. 714. 715. 716. 717. 718. 719. 720. 721. 722. 723. 724. 1-1't. 726. 727. 728. Emily Thomas, Achsah A. Blakey, Lydia C. Johnson, Phebe W. Hoge, Amy S. Barton, Rachel Moore, FIFTH THOUSAND. RESIDENCE. Booth's Corner, Pa. Fallston, Md., Parkesburg, Pa., Flushing, Ohio, Fellowship, N. J., Nine Points, Pa., BATE OF ENTRY. llth mo., 1856. 5th mo., 1857. Jemima D. Johnson, Danboro', Pa., Matilda P. Ellison, Philadelphia, Pa., Mary R. Tatnall, Rachel E. Allinson, Elizabeth Eldridge, Virginia Griffith, Clara Moyse, Emma Cope, Mary S. Gilkeson, Sara'h Worth, Wilmington, Del., Yardville, N. J., Johnstown, Pa., White Hall, Va., Cincinnati, Ohio, West Chester, Pa., Winchester, Va., Marshallton, Pa., Elizabeth Sharpless, Birmingham, Pa,, Susanna S. Kite, Susan Decou, Trenton, N. J., Elizabeth Gubbings, Germantown, Pa., Jane Gubbings, Mary T. Evans, Eunice Fawcett, Ann Street, Mary S. White, Martha T. Lukens, Mary L. Michener, Ellen Matlack, Rebecca Ballenger, Mary Taylor, Hannah Webster, Sarah Webster, Mary R. Matlack, Marian A. Bartlett, 1858. 1857. llth mo., " it 5th mo., 1855. Willistown, Pa., Salem, Ohio, Newby's Bridge, N. C. Horsham, Pa., Chester Hill, Ohio, Germantown, Pa., Marlton, N. J., West Grove, Pa., Middletown, Pa., llth mo., Moorestown, N. J., Bethlehem, Pa., Haddonfield, N. J., Esther G. Evans, Abigail B. Evans, Annie B. Shoemaker, Jenkintown, Pa., Han. B. Shoemaker, " " " Anna Smith, Darlington, Md., " Sidney H. Brown, Philadelphia, Pa., Eliza L. Brown, Fallsington, Pa., " " Marg. E. McCollin, Philadelphia, Pa., " " Hannah E. Moore, Bart, Pa., Rachel Alexander, Landisburg, Pa., Rachel Barton, Fellowship, N. J., " Anna M. Thorp, Frankford, Pa., 5th mo., 1856. Mary Anna Kaighn, Philadelphia, Pa., " 322 GENERAL CATALOGUE. FIFTH THOUSAND. NAME. RESIDENCE. DATE OF ENTKT. 729. Mary E. Smith, Philadelphia, Pa., 5th mo., 1856 730. Elizabeth Wiggins, Wrightstown, Pa., 731. Rachel Wiggins, it 732. Eliz. Mendenhall, Parkersville, Pa., " 1860. 733. Anna D. Bacon, Philadelphia, Pa., " 1856. 734. Rebecca Kite, < 735. Martha A. Haines, Marlton, N. J., < 736. Hettie W. Gardiner, Alt. Holly, N. J., 737. Emily B. Gardiner, < 738. Rachel R. Yarnall, Lima, Pa., i 739. Emily A. Taylor, Columbus, N. J., t ti 740. Anna Eliza Gruwell, Damascoville, Ohio, tt 741. Mary Anna Bassett, Stanton, Del., it it 742. Mary Susan Wright, White Hall, Va., " 1860. 743.. Alice R. Stokes, Philadelphia, Pa., 1856. 744. Sarah J. Cooper, Gap, Pa., n 745. Phebe Ann Parker, Tuckerton, N. J., llth mo., " 746. Hannah Ann Cox, West Creek, N. J., 747. Louisa P. Pharo, Tuckerton, N. J., a 748. Margaret T. Decou, Georgetown, Pa., it n 749. Rachel Griffith, Eagle, Pa., 5th mo., 1860. 750. Mary S. Reeves, Woodbury, N. J., llth mo., 1856. 751. Mary Griffith, Eagle, Pa., 5th mo., 1860. 752. Lydia Eldridge, Goshenville, Pa., llth mo., 1856. 753. Margaret N. Thorp, Frankford, Pa., tt 754. Hannah Matlack, Gerniantown, Pa., tt tt 755. Rebecca C. Reeve, Allowaystown, N. J., it it 756. Mary E. Rudolph, Woodbury, N. J., it u 757. Rebecca Lee, Stonersville, Pa., it ti 758. Sarah Emma Masters,Millville, Pa., 1860. 759. Eliza J. Barton, Fellowship, N. J., 1856. 760. Anna R. Cooper, Gap, Pa., 761. Mary J. Lee, Stonersville, Pa., n it 762. Hannah S. Leeds, Moorestown, N. J., it n 763. Anna Livezey, Centre Bridge, Pa., tt tt 764. Rach. W. Middleton, Crosswicks, N. J., 5th ino., 1857 765. Sarah L. Rudolph, Woodbury, N. J., 766. Ruth Anna Thomas, Philadelphia, Pa., n a 767. Edith S. Middleton, Crosswicks, N. J., llth mo., " 768. Eliz. L. Woolman, Philadelphia, Pa., 5th mo., " 769. Caroline Deacon, Burlington, N. J., t it 770. Mary Ann Pierson, Avondale, Pa., t ti 771. Mary E. Jones, Philadelphia, Pa., t it 772. Eliz. H. Tatnall, Wilmington, Del., i ft 773. Ann Sharpless, Chester, Pa., ft 774. Hannah Kite, Philadelphia, Pa., < tt 775. Phebe H. Chambers, New Garden, Pa.. u u STUDENTS. 323 FIFTH THOUSAND. 776. Mary E. Dickinson, 777. Rebecca A. Leeds, 778. Esther R. Reid, 779. Sarah L. Woolman, 780. Harriet J. McCluen, 781. Achsah R. Taylor, 782. LucretiaWay, 783. Mary S. Haines, 784. Anna Cope, 785. Hannah Mitchell, 788. E. Jane Pennell, 787. Sibilla S. Parvin, 788. Anna M. Marshall, 789. Sarah T. Wilson, 790. Anna E. Thompson, 791. Lydia A. Hoge, 792. Jane B. Temple, 793. Lydia W. Mussey, 794. Lydia Embree, 795. Rachel W. Yearsley, 796. Susan W. Janney, 797.' Anna Eugenia Hoge, 798. Catharine S. Grubb, 799. Mannah E. Maule, 800. Deborah Y. Rich, L. H. Tomlinson, Mary Thompson, 801. Elizabeth P. Cook, 802. Hannah E. Kirk, 803. Mary A. Forsythe, 804. Deborah S. Yarnall, 805. Martha L. Sharpless, 806. Cath. M. Stackhouse, 807. Rebecca L. Windle, 808. Anna W. Roberts, 809. Elizabeth H.Roberts, 810. Elizabeth Smith, 811. Amy Q. Mekeel, 812. Catharine Mekeel, 813. Elizabeth Lippincott, 814. Emily H. Pirn, 815. Rebecca Moore, 816. Rachel Alsop, 817. Mary S. Jackson, 818. Hannah R. Haines, 819. Mary Louisa Brown, 820. Sarah Speakman, RESIDENCE. Parkesburg, Pa., Barnegat, N. J., Brandy \vineManor,Pa Mantuaville, Pa., Marple, Pa., Columbus, X. J., Centreville, Del., Pleasant Grove, Pa,, Milltown, Pa., Flushing, Ohio, Lima, Pa., Leesport, Pa., Loveville, Del., M New London, Pa., Hughesville, Va., Parkersville, Pa., Mt. Pleasant, Ohio, Marshallton, Pa., West Cain, Pa., Hillsborough, Va., Union Bridge, Md., Philadelphia, Pa., Port Royal, Pa., Plumstead, Pa., Westtown, Pa., Darlington, Md., Ro lands ville, Md., Hickory Hill, Pa., West Chester, Pa., Middletown, Pa., Chester, Pa., Howellville, Pa., Milltown, Pa., Moorestown, N. J., Parkesburg, Pa., Searsburg, N. Y., Woodstown, N. J., Thorndale, Pa., Christiana, Pa., Chatham, Pa., Wilmington, Del., Marple, Pa., Jeunerville, Pa., Coatesville, Pa., DATE OF EMKT. 5th mo., 1857. llth 1863. ., 1857. 1860. 1857. 1860. 5th mo., 1858. llth mo, 7th mo, llth mo, , 1860. , 1858. 5th llth ., 1860. ., 1858. 1860. 1862. 1560. a 1862, 324 GENERAL CATALOGUE. FIFTH THOUSAND. NAf E. RESIDENCE. DATE OF ENTRT. 821. Phebe Taylor, West Chester, Pa., llth mo., 1857. 822. Susanna G. Lear, Warren Tavern, Pa. " 1860. 823. Hannah Ladd, Smithfield, Ohio, " 1857. 821. Martha J. Wood, " " 825. Rebecca B. Moore, West Grove, Pa., 827. Hannah P. Husband, Dublin, Md, " 1860. 828. Edna Stanton, Richmond, Ind., 12th mo., 1857. 829. Rebecca S. Walton, Jenkintown, Pa., 5th mo., 1858. 830. Hannah P. Rudolph, Woodbury, N. J., 831. Susan Farnum, ' Philadelphia, Pa., 832. Mary Anna Brown, 833. Anna B. Warrington, Cinnaminson, N. J., " 834. Mary Scull, Philadelphia, Pa., " 835. Eliz. S. Garrett, Upper Darby, Pa., 836. Sarah H. Roberts, Moorestown, N. J., " 837. Helen R. Parry, Philadelphia, Pa., 838. Rachel Ann Cooper, Chatham, Pa., " 839. Angeline Rundell, Eldredville, Pa., " 840. Ellen McCarty, " " 841. Ruthanna Potter, Westtown, Pa., 842. Sarah Lukens, Morrisville, Pa., " 843. Hester Ann Green, West Chester, Pa., llth mo., 1860. 844. Rebecca F. Brown, Fallsington, Pa., " 1858. 845. Sarah Wiggins, Wrightstown, Pa., 846. Lydia E. Wills, Rancocas, N. J., " 847. Sarah J. Borton, " " " 848. Mary Allen, Woodstown, N. J., 849. Hannah K. Evens, Marlton, N. J., 850. Elizabeth F. Haines, Medford, N. J., 851. Sarah C. Haines, Rancocas, N. J., 852. Rebecca H. Wilkins, 853. Hannah Linton, Cochranville, Pa., 854. Sarah E. Warner, Muncy, Pa., 855. Sylvania Cooper, Christiana, Pa., 5tK mo., 1860. 856. Hannah Dutton, Philadelphia, Pa., llth mo., 1858. 857. Anna B. Allinson, Burlington, N. J., 858. Anna Scattergood,* Philadelphia, Pa., 859. Rachel E. Collins, Mt. Laurel, N. J., 860. Emily N. Balderston, Port Deposit, Md., 861. Sarah L. Evens, Marlton, N. J., " 862. Sarah W. Stokes, Woodbury, N. J., 5th mo., 1859, 863. Elizabeth Branson, Philadelphia, Pa., 864. Elizabeth Dunn, Trenton, N. J., 86"). Anne T. Baily, Germantown, Pa., " 866. Susan R. Lippincott, Westfield, N. J., 8(57. Lydia S. Lowry, Philadelphia, Pa., 868. Elizabeth Kaighn, Chew's Landing, N. J., " * Deceased at the school, 3d of Fourth mouth, 1859. STUDENTS. 325 FIFTH THOUSAND. 869. Hannah C. Wills, 870. Hannah M. Haines, 871. Sarah Ann Whitall, 872. Mary L. Haines, 873. Anna H. Haines, 874. Prudence E. Haines, 875. Eliz. R. Moore, 876. Rachel Ogborn, 877. Hannah Evans, 878. Lydia Kite, Jr., 879." Fanny Lloyd, 880. Sarah H. Reeves, 881. Mercy Buckinan, 882. Marianna Darnell, . 883. Susan Cope, 884. Cornelia B. Maule, 885. Sarah McCarty, 886. Sarah Barton, 887. Anna Mary Moore, 888. H. V. Whitlock, 889. Anna E. Comfort, S'.M. Mary J. Haines, 891. Elizabeth B. Evens, 892. Alice Roberts, 893. Sarah W. Roberts, 891. Eliza Ann Bell, 895. Rebecca W. Borton, 896. Elizabeth M. Cooper, 897. Anna C. Wright, 898. Julia Wood, 899. Deb. A. Crenshaw, 900. Marg. E Crenshaw, 901. Deb. E. Wetherill, 902. Eliza M. Thomas, 903. Deborah D. Thomas, 904. Martha C. Roberts, 905. Lydia H. Remington, 906. Marianna Maris, 907. Margaret H. Jones, 908. Mary Anna Griffith, 909. Hannah Ann Lovett, 910. Esther A. Kashner, 911. Rachel L. Hilyard, 912. Mary Ellen Stone, !>!::. Mary N. Smith, 914. Emily S. Haines, 915. Anna L. Ellison, RESIDENCE. Rsncocas, N. J., M Philadelphia, Pa., Haverford, Pa., Medford, N. J., Gap, Pa., Germantown, Pa., Haddonfield, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., Camden, N. J., Woodbury, N. J., Newtown, Pa., Mt. Laurel, N. J., Kimbleville, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Eldredville, Pa., Fellowship, N. J., Christiana, Pa., Richmond, Va., Attleboro', Pa., Marlton, N. J., Paoli, Pa., u Plymouth, Pa., Rancocas, N. J., Ercildoun, Pa., Columbus, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., Richmond, Va., K Medford, N. J., Bellefonte, Pa., a West Chester, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Darlington, Md., Milestown, Pa., Winchester, Va., Kallsington, Pa., Columbus, N. J., Rancocas, N. J., Sandy Spring, Md., Darlington, Md., Marlton, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., DATE OP ENTRY. 5th mo., 1859. llth mo., 12th mo., 5tb mo., 1860. 1859. << 1860. llth mo., 5th mo., llth mo., 1863. 1860. 1863. 1860, 326 GENERAL CATALOGUE. FIFTH THOUSAND. RESIDENCE. 916. Hannah H. Dilks, 917. Mary Mickle, 918. Annie Mickle, 919. Elizabeth G. Fogg, 920. Ruth Anna Brown, 921. Rebecca A. Frame, 922. Caroline Cadbury, 923. Rachel M. Roberts, 924. Anna B. Temple, 926. Jane A. Kester, 927. Abigail Kite, 928. Elizabeth Balderston, 929. Deb. Satterthwaite, 930. Elizabeth H. Kester, 931. Sarah B. Bishop, 932. Ruth Anna Clement, 933. Rachel A. Wills, 934. R. W. Thompson, 935. Sarah H. Alexander, 936. Rebecca M. Cooper, 937. Mary H. Canby, 938. Anna B. Decou, 939. Sarah Dunn, 940. Mary L. Evans, 941. Mary Branson, 942. Ann Lippincott, 943. Elizabeth Lukens, 944. Susanna Kite, 945. Martha A. Shreeve, 946. Mary E. Maris, 947. Anna Mary Fawkes, 948. Lydia Sharpless, 949. Mary Sharpless, 950. Anna J. Bell, 951. Catharine Masters, 952. Marianna Hobbs, 953. Martha C. Smith, 954. Catharine L. Smith, 955. Mary Ann Abbott, 956. Mary Redman, 957. Sarah M. Wildman, 958. Emma England, 959. Emma H. Walter, 960. Anna C. Collins, 961. Anna P. Canby, 962. Martha J. Murray, 963. Hettie T. Borton, DATE OP ENTRY. llth mo., 1860. 5th mo., 1861. " 1863. 12th mo., 1861. 5th mo., 1862, Germantown, Pa., Marple, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., New Garden, Pa., Lloydsville, Ohio, Philadelphia, Pa., Moorestown, N. J., Hamorton, Pa., Millville, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Lahaska, Pa., llth mo., Attleboro', Pa., " Millville, Pa., " Columbus, N. J., " Leed's Point, N. J., Rancocas, N. J., Salem, N. J., " Philadelphia, Pa., Londonderry, Pa., Hulmeville, Pa., Trenton, N. J., Middletown, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Moorestown, N. J., Horsham, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Long-a-coming, N. J., Lionville, Pa., Beckersville, Pa., McClellandsville, Del., Philadelphia, Pa., Millville, Pa., Bloomingdale, Ind., Darlington, Md., Smyrna, Ohio, Salem, N. J., Haddonfield, N. J., Morrisville, Pa., Thornbury, Pa., Parkersville, Pa., Morrisville, Pa., llth mo., Hulmeville, Pa., " Bart, Pa., " Mt. Laurel, N. J., " llth mo., 5th mo., STUDENTS. 327 FIFTH THOUSAND. KAMI. RESIDENCE. DATE OF ESTRT. 964. El ma Heacock, Greenwood, Pa., llth mo., 1862. 965. 966. Rachel F. Warner, Nancy M. Stanley, Muncv, Pa., Haddonfield, N. J., < 5th mo., 1863. 967. Anna B. Harlan, Salem, N. J., M 968. Sarah Harlan, Philadelphia, Pa., (( 969. Abby S. Reeves, Woodbury, N. J., u U 970. Martha Lee, Stonersville, Pa., llth mo., 1861. 971. Rachel C. Kinsey, Centreville, Del., 5th mo., 972. Ann Gubbings, Germantown, Pa., u 973. Sarah Allen, Moorestown, X. J., u a., DATE OF ENTRY. 5th mo., 1863 llth mo., " 5th mo., " n llth mo., " 5th mo., " (i llth mo., " 5th mo., " llth mo., " 5th mo., " u llth mo., 5th mo., llth mo., 5th mo., llth mo., Martha E. Wright, Priscilla Hoopes, Mary M. Warren, Winchester, Va., Avondale, Pa., Burlington, N. J., STUDENTS. 329 SIXTH THOUSAND. RESIDENCE. 56. Hannah Street, 57. Anne Garrett, 58. Elizabeth K. Roberts, 59. Eliz. C. Nicholson, 60. Elizabeth M. Jenness, 61. Eiiza C. Nicholson, iali 11. llaines, 63. Julia Harvey, 64. Rebecca A. Haines, 65. Sarah X T . Lippincott, Go* Edith Shoemaker, 07. .Mary L. Collins, 68. Anna Brown, 69. Helen Cromwell, 70. Hannah W. Lukens, 71. Rachel C. Wildman, 7-2. Rebecca S. Edge, 73. Anna Bishop, 74. Anna S. Collins, 75. Emma Bell, 76. Margaret A. Masters, 77. Sarah A. Taylor, 78. Ellen Speakman, 79. Emily Maule, 80. A. L. Mendenhall, 81. Angelina Gray, 82. Sarah H. Kaighn, 83. Phebe R. Lear, 84. Mary E. Thomas, 85. Sidney P. Walter, 86. Sophia R. Pusey, 87. Helen E. Bartle'tt, 88. Margaret Rote, 89. Acintha Heacock, 90. Mary E. Bartlett, 91. Susan Masters, '. Sophia K. Taylor, 93. Gertrude Cromwell, 94. R. Anna Price, 95. Sarah F. Wills, 96. Abby W. Brown, 97. Eliz. C. French, 98. Marg. B. Haines, '.''.). Mary C. Corbit, 100. Anna C. Eastburn, 101. Margaret T. Cook, 102. Sarah T. Hilyard, Salem, Ohio, West Chester, Pa., Medtord, X. J., Mt. Epliraim, X. J., Burlington, N. J., Hadduuti.-ld, X. J., Marlton, X. J., Chadd's Ford, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Haddontield, X. J.-, Point of Rocks, Md., Burlington, X. J., Fallsington, Pa., New York, X. Y., Horsham, Pa., Morrisville, Pa., Downingtown, Pa., Columbus, X. J., Barnegat, X. J., Experiment Mills, Pa. Millville, Pa., Eldredville. Pa., Marshallton, Pa., London Grove, Pa., Muncy, Pa., Elkton, Md., Haddonfield, X. J., Warren Tavern, Pa., Ken net Square, Pa., Parkersville, Pa., Thorndale, Pa., Bethlehem, Pa., Sereno, Pa., Greenwood, Pa., Bethlehem, Pa., Millville, Pa., Oxford Valley, Pa., Xew York, X. Y., Fallsington, Pa., Rancocas, N. J., Xew York, N. Y., Philadelphia, Pa., Medford, X. J., Odessa, Del., Attleboro', Pa., Glenville, Md., Xew York, N. Y., BATE OF ESTKT. llth mo., 1863 5th mo., 1864. llth mo., 1863. 5th mo., 1804. n llth mo., 1863. 5th mo., 1864. llth mo., 5th mo., llth mo., 5th mo., 1863. 1864, u 1863. 1864. llth mo., 5th mo., llth mo., 5th mo., 12th mo., llth mo., 5th mo., llth mo., 5th mo., llth mo., 5th mo., llth mo., 5th mo., llth mo., 5th mo., 1865. 1864. 1865 1864 330 GENERAL CATALOGUE. SIXTH THOUSAND. 103. Anna Wills, 104. Mary K. Wood, 105. Anna R. Hopkins, 106. Bessie J. Hopkins, 107. Mary P. Thomas, 108. Anna M. Masters, 109. Pen. F. Michener, 110. Hannah P. Smith, 111. Lizzie A. Moore, 112. Bernice Allinson, 113. Mary J. Warrington, 114. L. W. Satterthwaite, 115. Rebecca B. Bacon, 116. Elizabeth Price, 117. Sarah B. Twining, 118. Ann Trimble, 119. Julia C. Kirkbride, 120. Anna S. House, 121. Eliza C. Crenshaw, 122. Sarah T. Sharpless, 123. E. F. Worthington, 1J24. Rachel A. Williams, 125. Susan P. Leeds, 126. Mary V. Cooper, 127. Mary T. Brown, 128. Asenath Hunt, 129. Sarah J. Perkins, 130. Rachel M. Perkins, 131. Martha C. Smith, 132. Sarah S. Cadbury, 133. Ellen M, Taylor, 134. Hetty E. Haines, 135. Sarah N. Hunt, 136. Caroline S. Knowles, 137. Sarah C. Reeve, 138. Sarah B. Boswell, 139. Anna Mary Richie, 140. Martha J. Tylor, 141. Samuella T. Ricks, 142. Rachel P. Stewart, 143. Lydia Millhouse, 14 1. Marg. E. Thatcher, 145. Jos. M. Tomlinson, 146. Sarah M. Taylor, 147. Mary E. Taylor, 148. Emma A. Taylor, 149. Ann Sharpless, RESIDENCE. Rancocas, N. J., Trenton, N. J., Baltimore, Md., Sandy Spring, Md., Millville, Pa., Springdale, Iowa, Village Green, Pa., Rancocas, N. J., Yardville, N. J., Cinnaminson, N. J., Fallsington, Pa., Greenwich, N. J., Fallsington, Pa., Richboro', Pa., Chester, Pa., Burlington, N. J., Goshenville, Pa., Richmond, Va., Chester, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Rancocas, N. J., Cinnaminson, N. J., Glendale, N. J., Danboro', Pa., Salem, Ohio, Goldsboro', N. C., it Village Green, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Medford, N. J., Rome, N. Y., Smyrna, N. Y., Salem, N. J., Springdale, Iowa, New Paris, Ohio, Richmond, Ind., Ruther Glen, Va., Salem, Ohio, Pennsville, Ohio, West Chester, Pa., Bush Hill, N. C., Burlington, N. J., Birmingham, Pa., DATE OF 5th mo, llth mo, 5th mo, ENTRY. , 1864, , 1865. llth mo, 5th mo llth mo , 1866. , 1865. 5th mo., 1866. 1867. 1866. STUDENTS. 331 SIXTH THOUSAND. KANE. RESIDENCE. DATE OP K5TRT. 150. Rebecca B. Embree, Marshallton, Pa., 5th mo., 1866 151. Elizabeth Wistar, Salem, N. J., llth mo., 1864 152. Anna T. Matthews, Monkton, Md., 153. Jane Maule, London Grove, Pa^ " " 154. Sarah M. Evans, " 155. Mary E. Harvey, West Grove, Pa., " " 156. Isabella E. Stabler, Sandy Spring, Md., 157. Thomazin T. Zook, Downingtown, Pa., " " 158. Mary Anna Haines, Uniontown, Md., " " 150. Mary J. Haines, " " 1 >;<.* Mary R. Carpenter, Salem, N. J., " " 161. Hannah R. Hopkins, Darlington, Md., " " 162. Mary R. Walker, West Chester, Pa., " " 163. Margaret J. Scott, Concordville, Pa., " " 1(14. Anna E. Gove, Hamilton, Min., " " 165. Hannah G. Jessop, York, Pa., " u MM. Mary B. Valentine, Belleibnte, Pa., " " 167. Elizabeth H. Jolliffe, Baltimore, Md., " 168. Fannie M. Jolliffe, " " " 169. Sarah Ann Brown, Circleville, Va., " " 170. Hannah Brown, " " " 171. Sarah B. Bentley, Sandy Spring, Md., " " 172. Anna L. Stone, " " " 173. Mary R. Lytle, Philadelphia, Pa., 174. Ruth Anna Lytle, " " " 175. Hannah Elma Hoge, Flushing, Ohio, " " 176. Edith Sharpless, M cC lei lands ville, Del, " 177. Eliz. E. Lippincott, Salem, X. J., 5th mo., 1867 178. Deborah H. Roberts, Medford, X. J., " 1865 179. Mary E. Hilyard, Rancocas, X'. J., " " 180. Ann J. Faron, Wilmington, Del., " 181. Elizabeth Cope, Jennerville, Pa^ u " 182. Sarah E. Whitaere, Muncy, Pa., " " 183. Annie Zook, Downingtown, Pa, " " 184. Elizabeth Savery, Parkers ville, Pa., 185. Hannah Bacon, Greenwich, X. J., " 186. Sarah G. Embree, Marshallton, Pa., " " 187. Sarah E. Windle, GuthrievSlle, Pa., 188. Elizabeth C. Dilks, Xew Paris, Ohio, 189. Amy E. Michener, Springdale, Iowa, " 190. Marg. W. White, Belvidere, N. C., " 1866. 191. Ellen Painter, Springdale, Iowa, " 1865. 192. Esther Painter, " " " 193. Eliza A. Willits, Smithfield, Ohio, 194. Laura A. White, Belvidere, N. C., " 1866. l:i5. ridiK-y E. Williams, Flushing, Ohio, " 1865 19C. Guli A. Purviance, " " 26* n 332 GENERAL CATALOGUE. 197. 198. 199. 200. 201. 202. 203. 204. 205. 206. 207. 208. 209. 210. 211. 212. 213. 214. 215. 216. 217. 218. 219. 220. 221. 222. 223. 224. 225. 226. 227. 228. 229. 230. 231. 232. 233. 234. 235. 236. 237. 238. 239. 240. 241. 242. SIXTH THOUSAND. NAME. RESIDENCE. Corinne Cattell, Muscatine, Iowa, Mary A. McConnell, East Fairfield, Ohio, Anna H. Taylor, Cinnaminson, N. J., Elizabeth Bonsall, Philadelphia, Pa., Anna Simmons, Bart, Pa., Elizabeth Smith, Leesport, Pa., Susanna Forsythe, West Chester, Pa., Hannah Maule, London Grove, Pa., Emma H. Edge, Downingtown, Pa., Anna P. Harvey, West Grove, Pa., Elizabeth E. Masters, Millville, Pa., Anna G. Shreeve, Long-a-Covning, N. J., Elizabeth E. Borton, Mt. Laural, N. J., Sarah L. Brown, Pennsville, Ohio, Glenville, Md., Damascoville, Ohio, BATE OP ENTRT. 5th mo., 1865 llth mo., " Mary Penrose, Mary S. Willis, Elizabeth Butler, Lydia Butler, Hannah Butler, Eliz. A. McGrew, Anna E. Kite, Martha Bonsall, Mary Ann Elliott, Smithfield, Ohio, Cincinnati, Ohio, Salem, Ohio, Rich Square, N. C., Elizabeth A. White, Belvidere, N. C., Matilda Masters, Benton, Pa., Cordelia B. Johnson, West Ghester, Pa., M. E. Mendenhall, Deep River, N. C., Philadelphia, Pa., Barnesville, Ohio, Warren Tavern, Pa., Cinnaminson, N. J., Anna M. Wrigley, Anna L. Edgerton. Susanna Lear, Ruth B. Leeds, Anna M. Cook, Rebecca Hutton, Anna Moore, Sarah M. Galley, Anna E. Scott, Ann Eliza Wilson, Anna J. Cooper, Lydia Balderston, Caroline E. Smith, Rebecca S. Smith, Sarah P. Thomas, Alice D. Lamborn, Hannah P. Morris, Melissa Cope, Philadelphia, Pa., M Nine Points, Pa., Cam den, Del., Concord vi lie, Pa., Barnesville, Ohio, Woodbury, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., Parkesburg, Pa., Darlington, Md., Philadelphia, Pa., West Chester, Pa., Olney, Pa., Redstone, Pa., 5th mo., 1866. 1865. 1866. 1865. 1866. llth mo, 5th mo, , 1865. , 1866. Rachel E. Pluminer, Barnesville, Ohio, Ruanna E. Frame, llth mo. 1871. 5th mo., 1867. n " 1866. STUDENTS. 333 243. 244 245. 246. 247. 248. 249. 250. 251. >->-2. 25S.' 254. 2f>5. 256. 257. 258. 259. 260. 261. 262. 263. 264. 265. 266. 267. 268. 269. 270. 271. 272. 273. 274. 275. 276. 277. 278. 279. 280. ( ) 281. 282. 283. 284. 285. 286. 287. SIXTH THOUSAND. SAME. BE8IDEXCE. Rebecca W. Hopkins, Havre-de-Grace, Md., Sarah C. Harris, Franklin Depot, Va., Elizabeth H. Wills, Princeton, N. J., Josephine G. Harlan, New York, N. Y., Anna R. Whitson, New London, Pa., A. H. Warringtou, Cinnaminson, N. J., Laura Jones, Haddonfield, N. J., M. Jane Lovett, Bristol, Pa., Hannah F. Gardiner, Glendale, N. J., Susan Hutton, Philadelphia, Pa., 'Mary W. Yarnall, Howellville, Pa., Sidney S. Garrett, Eliz. J. Bonsall, Lydia B. McGrew, Charlotte White, Anna E. Prickitt, Eliz. H. Atwater, Hannah G. Atwater,* Naomi C. Fulghum, Richmond, Ind., Anna E. Marshall, Hamorton, Pa., BATE OP ESTRT. 5th mo., 1866, t< llth mo., " West Chester, Pa., Salem, Ohio, Smithfield, Ohio, Belvidere, N. C., Medford, N. J., Somerset, N. Y., Belvidere, N. C., Brooklyn, N. Y., Jackson, N. J., Wagontown, Pa., Chelsea, Pa., Mary E. Cannon, Anna H. Welding, Harriet Wrigley, Mary Ellen Ash, S. Rebecca Larkin, Rebecca W. Abbott, Salem, N. J., Kath. W. Abbott, Deb. Cadwallader, Jane Penrose, M. Elizabeth Hill, Beulah E. Haines, Rebecca W. Hoge, Lucilla R. Hedley, Jane C. Balderston, Al media Dewees, Emily T. Hilyard, Eliza Gardiner, Sarah L. Brown, Lucinda Cope, Marg. M. McCollin, Anna G. McCollin, Elizabeth C. Wills, Frances Baily, Harriet Randolph, Ella T. Gause, Caroline B. Canby, East Fairfield, Ohio, Pennsville, Ohio. Hill's Store, N. C., Mt. Laurel, N. J., Flushing, Ohio, Medina, N. Y., West Nottingham, Md. Pennsville, Ohio, New York, N. Y., Mt. Laurel, N. J., Fallsington, Pa., Redstone, Pa., West Chester, Pa., Medford, N. J., Yardville, N. J., Chester, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., 5th mo., 1867 llth mo., 1868. 1867. 5th mo., 1868 " 1867 ^Deceased at the school, 12th of Ninth month, 1867. 334 GENERAL CATALOGUE SIXTH THOUSAND. 288. Sarah M. Gould, 289. Esther A. Engle, 290. Emma A. Roberts, 291. Anna G. Willits,* 292. Clara England, 293. Elizabeth E. Roberts, 294. Deborah B. Prickitt, 295. Rachel H. Brown, 296. Mary C. Moon, 297. Sarah R. Harmer, 298. Martha Leeds, 299. Elizabeth S. Warren, 3JO. Helen F. Price, 801. Sallie Maris. 302. Susan Parvin, 303. Helen A. Smith, 304. Anna M. Haines, 305. Anna T. Wills, 306. Lydia Ann Haines, 307. Philena Harvey, 308. Hannah G. Pusey, 309. Anna Hedley, 310. Eliz. J. McFadgen, 311. Eva Henley, 312. Emma Hedley, 313. Frederica P. Hoge, 314. M. Ella Hoge, 315. Margaret Henrie, 316. Mary Anna Brown, 317. Julia T. Walter, 318. Mary B. Phipps, 319. Jane H. Harvey, 320. S. E. Satterthwaite, ( ) Mary D. Forsythe, ( ) Alice Hoopes, ( ) Phebe Hoopes, 321. Mary Chambers, 322. M. W. Satterthwaite, 323. Phebe L. Collins, 324. Sallie T. Cope, 325. S. Roselma Paist, 326. Mary Y. Hutton, 327. Anna K. Thorp, 328. Anna M. Heacock, 329. Eliza Collins, 330. Lydia Cooper, RESIDENCE. Moorestown, N. J., Mt. Laurel, N. J., Bristol, Pa., Haddonrield, N. J., Quakertown, Pa., Rancocas, N. J., Vincentown, N. J., Mt. Laurel, N. J., Morrisville, Pa., Greenwich, N. J., Barnegat, N. J., Burlington, N. J., Media, Pa., Darlington, Md., Leesport, Pa.. Muncy, Pa., Princeton, N. J., Medford, N. J., Chadd's Ford, Pa., Thorndale, Pa., Medina, N. Y., Ercildoun, Pa., Richmond, Ind., Medina, N. Y., Lincoln, Va., Hughesville, Va., Greenwood, Pa., Mt. Laurel, N. J., Parkersville, Pa., Lionville, Pa., Chadd's Ford, Pa., Oxford Valley, Pa., Westtown, Pa., Strickersville, Pa., Fallsington, Pa., Barnegat, N. J., Kimbleville, Pa., Danboro', Pa., Chester, Pa., West Chester, Pa., Greenwood, Pa., Barnegat, N. J., Chatham, Pa., DATE OF ENTRY. 5th mo., 1867. llth mo., " 5th mo., llth mo., 5th mo., 1869. llth mo., 1867. 5th mo., " llth mo., " 5th mo., n it K llth mo., n (i ct II 5th mo., u llth mo., 1868. 1867. 1868. 1867, 5th mo., 1868 * Deceased at the school, 22d of Third month, 1869.* STUDENTS. 335 331. 332. 333. 334. 335. 336. 337. 338. 339. 340. 341. 342. 34.3. 344. 345. 346. 347. 348. 349. 350. 351. 352. 353. 354. 355. 356. 357. 358. 359. 360. 361. 362. 363. 364. 365. 366. 367. 368. 369. 370. 371. 372. 373. 374. 375. Margaretta Gray, Sarah Fawkes, Mary D. Fawkes, Sarah H. Jones, Mary C. Kester, SIXTH THOUSAND. RESIDENCE. Elktou, Md., Bakersville, Pa., DATE OF EXTRT. llth mo., 18G7. << 5th mo., 1868. Moorestown, N. J., Greenwood, Pa., Mary W. Woolman, Philadelphia, Pa., Elizabeth Balderston, West Chester, Pa., llth mo., Mary B. Willits, Philadelphia, Pa., 5th mo., Anna Mary Kaighn, Moorestown, N. J., Mary C. Stokes, Philadelphia, Pa., " 'Anna M. Stokes, Berlin, N. J., Rebecca O. Tilton, Manahawkin, N. J., Phebe E. Middleton, Crosswicks, N. J., Susan M. Brown, Germantown, Pa., ' 1869. Regina S. Heacock, Benton, Pa., ' 1868. Frances B. McCollin, Philadelphia, Pa., ' 1869. Hannah E. Pharo, Tuckerton, N. J., llth mo., 1868. Anna Garrigues, West Haverford, Pa., Elizabeth Shoemaker, Jarrettown, Pa., " Mary H. Dutton, Frankford, Pa., , Caro'line B. Collins, Burlington, N. J., 5th mo., 1869. Sarah E. Decou, Lucy Branson, Rachel Rich, Hannah M. Jones, Anna M. Taylor, Lydia R. Parker, Trenton, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., Danboro', Pa., Germantown, Pa., Avondale, Pa., West Chester, Pa., Elizabeth W. Reeves,Philadelphia, Pa., Hannah W. Ogden, Kingsessing, Pa., M. Ella Ogden, Frances E. Forsythe, Westtown, Pa., Susanna Sharpless, Elizabeth R. Ogden, Kingsessing, Pa., Anna E. Kirkbride, Burlington, N. J., Harriet F. Kirkbride, Elizabeth H. Sexton, Crosswicks, Pa., Isabella L. Pennock, Philadelphia, Pa., R. S. Satterthwaite, Attleboro', Pa., Annabella Sellers, Upper Darby, Pa., Sarah G. Reed, Chester, Pa., Catharine E. Stanley, Oskaloosa, Iowa, Sarah F. Jones, Germantown, Pa., Miriam E. Buzby, Rancocas, N. J., llth mo 5th mo, tt llth mo., 1871. 1869. 1871. ,, 1869. 5th mo., 1870 Hannah H. Ivins, Mary Saunders, Lydia J. Evans, Trenton, N. J., Woodbury, N. J., Burlington, N. J., Josephine D. Moore, Rancocas, N. J., 336 GENERAL CATALOGUE. SIXTH THOUSAND. RESIDENCE. 376. Lydia S. Wood, 377. Annie Thomas, 378. Eliza A. Cheyney, 379. Mary E. Woodward, 380. Anna Foulke, 381. Hettie B. Deacon, 382. Anna M. Janney, 383. Elma Windle, 384. Elizabeth Hunt, 385. Lucy Sharpless, 386. Emma S. Chambers, 387. Sarah E. Heacock, 388. Regina S. Rote, 389. Rachel F. Warner, 390. Sarah C. Leeds, 391. Narcissa Rote, 392. Anna Forsythe, 393. Sarah W. Passmore, 394. AnnaYarnall, 395. Susan T. Hoopes, 396. Deb. P. Chambers, 397. Darnaris Bradshaw, 398. Emily P. Maxwell, 399. Ruth Bundy, 400. Sarah Baily. 401. Sarah M. Sharpless, 402. Geneva M. Babb, 403. Fanny Maris, 404. H. Jane Walter, 405. Emma G. Heacock, 406. Anna H. Darnell, 407. Mary Jones, 408. Mary C. England, 409. Anna Pandrich, 410. Caroline Allinson, 411. Elizabeth H. Decou, 412. Mary C. Lippincott, 413. Henrietta Hoge, 414. Ruth A. Forsythe, 415. Emily Forsythe, 416. Annie Thompson, 417. Anna Morgan, 418. Mary Thomas, 419. Ellen P. Cope, 420. Fannie E. Zook, 421. Elizabeth Zook, 422. Jane D. Zook, DATE OF E.NTRT. llth mo., 1868. 5th mo., 1869. Chester Hill, Ohio, Street Road, Pa., West Nottingham, Md Marshallton, Pa., - " " Pennsville, Ohio, " " Princeton, N. J., " " Hillsboro', Va., Guthrieville, Pa., " " Salem, Ohio, " Strickersville, Pa., llth mo., " Philadelphia, Pa., " " Greenwood, Pa., " 1870. Millville, Pa., ' " 1869. Benton, Pa., " " Barnegat, N. J., " " Millville, Pa., ' 1870. Chadd's Ford, Pa., ' 1869. Concordville, Pa., Howellville, Pa., Downingtown, Pa., Touglikenamon, Pa., ' " Somerton, Va., Richmond, Ind., 5th mo., 1870. Barnesville, Ohio, llth mo., 1869. Strickersville, Pa., Franklin Depot, Va., Darlington, Md., Norway, Pa., Benton, Pa., Medford, N. J., Camden, N. J., Quakertown, Pa., Warren Tavern, Pa., Yardville, N. J., Trenton, N. J., Haddonfield, N. J., Hugliesville, Va., Oak Hill, Pa., tf Newark, Del., Village Green, Pa., Chelsea, Pa., Kimbleville, Pa., Downingtown, Pa. Exton, Pa., 5th mo., 1871. 1870. 1869. 1870. 1869. llth mo., 5th mo., llth mo., 5th mo., 1870. llth mo., STUDENTS. 337 SIXTH THOUSAND. RESIDENCE. 423. Ruth Anna Trimble, 424. M. C. Shoemaker, 425. Rebecca T. Janney, 426. Edith B. Walker, 427. Mary Wood, 42-S. Sallie F. Downing, 42'.i. Louisa Kimber, 430. Mary Tatum, 431. Martha Albertson, 432. Sarah Wilcox, 433." Mary E. Roberts, 434. Anna B. Taylor, 435. Sarah R. McFadgen, 436. Edith Decou, 437. Phebe Nicholson, 438. Mary Nicholson, 439. Anne Evans, 440. Lydia Evans, 441. Cynthia Battin, 442. Hannah E. Forsythe, 443. Deb'h C. Passmore, 444. Mary O. Reeve, 445. Debby C. Pusey, 446. Ellen'S. Parvin, 447. Lydia K. Edge, 448. Sidney S. Larkin, 449. Anna Harvey Chace, 450. Emma C. Isaac, 451. Lucetta McCarty, 4">2. Lucy R. Tatnall, 453. Mary M. Lownes, 4-)4. Catharine E. Rhoads, 455. Lydia S. Winu, 456. Anna T. Bacon, 457. Emily Huliue, 458. Mary H. Lippincott, 459. Anna H. Deacou, 460. Alwilda Collins, 461. C. Eleanor Battin, 462. Jane J. Wetherill, 463. Amelia S. Mott, 464. Hannah W. Haines, 465. Anna B. Kirkbride, 466. Caro. W. Randolph, 467. Laura H. Page, 468. Virginia Nicholson, 469. Ruth Ann Leeds, Chester, Pa., Jarrettown, Pa. Hillsboro', Va., Water ford, Va., Springdale, Iowa, Downingtown, Pa., Brooklyn, N. Y., Wilmington, Del., Norristown, Pa., Shunk P. O., Pa., Moorestown, N. J., Fallsington, Pa., West Chester, Pa,, Trenton, N. J., Haddonfield, N. J., Glen Mills, Pa., Shunk, Pa., Lenape, Pa., Concordville, Pa., Medford, N. J.. Thorndale, Pa. Leesport, Pa., Downingtown, Pa., Chelsea, Pa., Valley Falls, R. I., Lahaska, Pa., Eldredville, Pa., Wilmington, Del., Oakdale, Pa., Haddonfield, N. J., Muscatine, Iowa, Greenwich, N. J., Bristol, Pa., Haddonfield, N. J., Mt. Holly, N. J., Barnegat, N. J., Shunk, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Burlington, N. J., Kirk wood, N. J., Morrisville, Pa., Overbrook, Pa., Fellowship, N. J., Camden, N. J., Cinnaminson, N. J., DATE OF ENTRY. llth mo., 1870. 5th mo., 1871. llth mo., 1870. 1871. 5th rao., llth mo., " 5th mo., 1872. llth mo., 1871. 5th mo., 1870. llth mo. 5th mo llth mo., , 1872. , 1870. 5th mo., 1871 llth mo. 338 GENERAL, CATALOGUE. SIXTH THOUSAND. 470. Rebecca Kite, 471. Lizzie T. Canby, 472. Penelope Kashner, 473. Rebecca F. Bishop, 474. Lucy Taylor, 475. Lydia T. Cope, 476. Eliza C. Pidgeon, 477. Cordelia A. Davis, 478. Emma J. Fawkes, i<~'.>. Lydia D. Jones, 480. Elizabeth H. Brown, 481. Lydia A. Cooper, 482. Mary E. Cooper, 483. Edith S. Reeve, 484. Anna G. Brinton, 485. Rebecca R. J.Pidgeoii, 486. Rebecca Fell, 487. M. Ella Mendenhall, 488. Emily Thomas, 489. Margaretta Cheyney, 490. Edith Fawcett, 491. Carrie W. Hayes, 492. Hannah Thomas, 493. Cordelia Hilyard, 494. Rebecca S. Ashead, 495. Elizabeth Webster, 49G. Lydia H. Smedley, 497. Harriet J. Smedley, 498. Elmira C. Humes, 499. Mehetable F. Cox, 500. Phebe A. Roberts, 501. Mary P. Elkinton, 502. Hannah C. Williams, 503. Martha T. Buzby, 504. R. M. Ballinger, 505. Mary Anna Lukens, 506. Anna Woolman, 507. Eliz. C. Stokes, 508. Sarah B. Chambers, 509. E. Jennette Miner, 510. Rachel S. Warren, 511. Helen M. Allinson, 512. Eliz. N. Powell, 513. Caroline H. Maule, 514. Mary W. Leeds, 515. Mary D. Bell, 516. Ada M. Leeds, 517. Rachel H. Taber, RESIDENCE. Philadelphia, Pa., Hulmeville, Pa., Columbus, N. J., Fallsington, Pa., New Garden, Pa., Wadesville, Va., Westminster, N. C., Beekersville, Pa., Germantown, Pa., Mt. Laurel, N. J., Toughkenamon, Pa., Medford, N. J., Chadd's Ford, Pa., Wadesville, Va., Marshalton, Pa., Howellville, Pa., Chelsea, Pa., Doe Run, Pa., Salem, Ohio, Thorndale, Pa., Avondale, Pa., Rancocas, N. J., Marlton, N. J., Glen Riddle, Pa., Lima, Pa., Chesterville, Pa., Goldsboro, N. C., Norristown, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., Raucocas, N. J., u Haddonfield, N. J., Horsham, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., It H Toughkenamon, Pa., Bloomington, 111., Columbus, N. J., Pemberton, N. J., Trappe, Md., Village Green, Pa., Moorestown, N. J., Mt. Ephraim, N. J., Moorestown, N. J., Mt. Pleasant, Ohio, DATE OF 5th mo., llth mo., ENTRf. 1873. 1871 5th mo., llth mo., 5th mo., llth mo., 1872. 1871. 1872. 1872, 5th mo., llth mo., 1873. 1872. 1871. 5th mo., 1872 llth mo., STUDKNTS. 339 SIXTH TIlurSAND. 1 : - Dl V . 518. Geonrianna Buzby, 519. Jos.phine H. Borton, 520. Elizabeth A. Shreve, 521. Gulielma Ilarvev, 522. Margaret C. Bell, 523. Mary Alice He ul ings, r,24 Elizabeth L. Shell, YJ."). Maria E. Pennock, 5227. Caroline 11. Cooper, 52** Sarah Whitson, V_".. Josephine Winner, 530. Mary W. Cook, 531. Sarah II. Bailey, 5:;2 Alice S. Townsend, .">:!';. Rebec'-a Parker. 534. Susan B.Satterthwaite, 533. Mary L. Cooper, 536. Margaret Pandrich, 537. Mary F. Heacock, 538. Priscilla Hunt, 539. Sal lie E. Cheyney, 540. Louisa Masters, 541. Laura Walter, 542. Harriet, E. Masters, 04-3. Ella Wills, 544 Emma Wills, 545. Elizabeth P.Webb,' 54(5. Sarah P. Ballinger, 547. Abbie T. Walter, 548. Mary B. Taylor, 549. Susan L. llaincs, 550. Abbie L. Evens, 551. Ida R. Buzhy, 5:,2. Martha M. Sholl, 553. Anna M. Comfort, 554. Elizabeth E. Prickett, 555. Anna H. Kite, 556. Caroline W. Baoon, "i7. Annie IT. Barton, 558. Esther Williams, r >.V.i. Keziah Elma Cox, 560. Artilla Ann Cox, .")61. Lydia ('. Mendenliall, "r.-J. Laura Heacock, ">'':!. Mary I)i!i','ce, 564. Marjra"etta P. Dinjjee, 27 Masom ille, \. J., Atlantic City, X. J., Mount Laurel, X. J., West Grove, Pa., Mount Ephraim, X. J Trenton, X. J., Burlinirton, X. J., Philadelphia, Pa., Lionville, Pa , West town, Pa., Gum Tree P. O., Pa., Wolf Run, Pa., Glenville Md., Thorndale, Pa., Rahway, X. J., Parkersville, Pa., Fallsington, Pa., Christiana, Pa., Warren Tavern, Pa., Benton, Pa., Moorestown, X. J., Colora, Md., Wolf Run, Pa., Parkersville. Pa., Wolf Run, Pa., Princeton, X. J., Parkersville, Pa., West Chester, Pa., Parkersville, Pa., Greensbnrg, Pa., Muncy, Pa., Marlton, X. J., Rancocas, X. J., Burlington, X. J., Moorestown, X. J., Vincenttown, X. J., Chester Hill, Ohio, Greenwich, X. J., Mt, Ephraim. X. J., Fellowship. X. J., Ashboro, X. C., Franklinville, X. C., Wolf Run. Pa., Benton, Pa., y. Illinois, DATE OP 5th rno, EXTBT. , 1873 llth mo, 5th rao, , 1872. . 1873. llth. mo. 5th mo. llth mo. 5th mo llth mo , 1874. , 1873. 5th mo., 1874. 340 GENERAL, CATALOGUE. SIXTH THOUSAND. NAME. RESIDENCE. DATE OP ENTRY. 505. Anna T. Griffith, Carthage, Mo., llth mo., 1874. 500. Lydia II. Lippincott, Moorestown, N. J., " " 5'i". Mary C. Price, Fallsington, Pa., (t tt 50M. Hannah Garrigues, Bryn Mawr, Pa., it tt 501). Mary Garrigm's, " " it it 570. L. Gertrude Ilaviland , Bryantown, Md., ft it 571. Jessie Nicholson, Camden, N. J., t< tt 572. R. Louisa Troth, Philadelphia, Pa., 5th mo., 1875. 573. Iluldah M. Atwater, Somerset, N. Y., llth mo., 1874. 574. Myra A. Atwater, EXCE. 612. Anna N. Reeves, ( ) Abbie II. Davis, ( ) Mary S. Davis 013. Corinne Ridgway, 614. Susan Ileacock, 615. Ezraetta Jones, 016. Anna Babb, 017. Zada V. Hare, 018. Eliz. H. Lippincott, 61 9. Mary L. Crew, 62(0 Marion Edith Russell. 021. Marg'a P.Wickersham, 022. Anna E. Wifkershara, 623. Sarah E. Paxson, ">. Susan 1C. Alsop, 70ti. Martha Baklerston, 707. Rebecca T. DeCou, 7nS. Priscilla R. Nicholson, 709. Elizabeth E. Gardiner, 710. Margaret E. Paxson, 71k. Mary P. S medley, 712. Elizabeth N.Woolman, 713. Emily Hotfecker, 714. Sarah 1C. Powell, 71-"). Harriet J. Taylor, 716. Hannah R. Roberts, 717. MargarettaW. Roberts, 718. SibylJ. Lindley, 719. Adelaide E. White, 720. Emily W. Bortou, 721. Sarah S. Kirk, 722. Sarah White, 72:5. Klla T. Good, 724. Z. Amy Larkin, 72"). Anna V. Haines, 727. Emily S. Aaronson, 72*. Louisa II. Bishop, 72'.). Elizabeth Deacon, 7:1' i. Maria E. Garner, 731. Martha E. Garner, 732. Miriam Elfreth, 733. Elizabeth R. Russell, 734. Mary B. C. Lippincott, 7:!."). Margaretta Kashner, 7:l'>. Elixabeth Roberts, 737. Clara P Gittbrd, 738. Helen I'.onsall, 7:!<>. Marv M. Ilartz, 71". Sarah W. Paxson, 741. Charlotte W. Bishop, 742. Emily B. Ilaiiu-s. 743. Mary W. Matlack, 744. Emily A. Darnell, 745. Ella S. Wills, 74ii. Bertha E. At water, 747. Mary E. Lippincott, 748. Caroline E. raxson, 7 I '.I. Sidney W. Eastburn, 27* RESIDENCE. DATE OP ENTRY. Germantown, Pa., 5th mo., 1878. Haverford College, Pa., llth ino., " Philadelphia, Pa., Columbus, N. J., Haddonfield, N. J., Kirkwood, N. J., New Hope, Pa., Paoli, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa., West Whiteland, Pa., Easton, Md., Wocdstown, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., 5th mo., 1879. Monrovia, Tnd.. Belvidere, N. 0., Rancocas, N. J., Montoursville, Pa., Belvi.lere, N. C., "West Grove, Pa., Toiiirhkenainon, Pa., Medford, N. J., Columbus, N. J., Burlington, N. J., Pemberton, N. J., Maryville, Tenn., (i i> Millville, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., Atlantic City, N 1 . J., Columbus, N. J., Centre Square, Pa., Media, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa,, Reading, Pa., Aquetong, Pa., Columbus, N. J., Medford, N. J., Moorestown, N. J., Mount Holly, N". J., Philadelphia, Pa., Somerset. N. Y., Moorestown, N. J., New Hope, Pa., Trenton. N. J., 5th mo., 1880. llth mo., 1877. u i> <( U 5th mo., 1878. llth mo., 5th mo., 1879. llth mo., 5th mo., 1880. GENERAL CATALOGUE. SIXTH THOUSAND. 750. Beulah F. Pennell, 751. Anna Walton, 752. Mary C. Fundy, 753. Emma Thompson, 754. Mary T. Frame, 755. Anna L. Ogborn, 756. E.stella H. Aaronson, 757. Anna L. Seal, 758. Mary E. Peele, 759. Edith A. Edge, 760. Sarah M. Edge, 761. Lydia C. Wilkins, 762. Mary E. Wilkins, 763. Rebecca Bailey, 764. Margaret A. Futrell, 765. Ellen M. Griffin, 766. Hannah Paxson, 767. Hannah J. Littler, 768. Anna N. Rhoads, 769. Hannah 0. Reeve, 770. Mary C. L. Bishop, 771. Caroline R. Bell, 772. Rachel R. Williams, 774. Anna Ileston, 775. Susanna G. Fisher, 776. Mary E. Slireve, 777. Ollie S. Hall, 778. Eunice C. Winslow, 779. Anna A. Mickle, 780. Edith F. Smedley, 781. Emily F. Winslow, 782. Sarah M. Tatum, 783. Anna G. Fell, 784. Lucy B. Child, 785. Cornelia M. Atwater, 786. Elizabeth IT. Smedley, 787. Hannah Smedley, 788. Emilv Haines, 789. Edith Dalziel, 790. Ella Hatton, 791. Caroline B. Hoopes, 793. Eleanor II. Cooper, 794. Elizabeth D. Fisher, 795. Hannah M. Worth, 796. Aijnes V. MoGrew, 797. Abbie W. Parker, 798. Caroline R. Parker, RESIDENCE. Fairville, Pa., Barnesville, Ohio, a a New London, Pa., Barnesville, Ohio, Philadelphia, Pa., Columbus, N. J., Londonderry, Pa., Winfall, K C., London Grove, Pa., <> Medford, K J., DATE OP ENTRY. llth mo., 1879. 5th mo., 1880. Pine Iron Works, Pa., " Rich Square, N. C., " Woodland, K C., Aqnetooff. Pa., . " Kemp's Mills, N. C., " Haddonfield, N. J., llth mo., Camden. N. J., " Columbus, N. J., " Mount Epliraim, !N". J., " Fellowship, N. J., 5th mo., 1881. Frankford, Pa., " " Dymond City, N. C., " " Mount Laurel, N. J., 1882. Mount Vernon, X. C., Jackson's Creek, "N". C., Millville, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., Jackson's Creek, N". C., " Woodbury, N. J., ' " Suffolk, Va., llth mo., Wilmington, Del., " Somerset. N. Y., " Ilowellville, Pa., " Media, Pa., Rancocas, 1ST. J., Germantown, Pa., West Chester, Pa., u u Buffalo, N. Y., Dymond City, N". C., Marshallton, Pa., Chester Hill, Ohio, West Chester, Pa., 5th mo., 1883. u 1880. STUDENTS. 345 SIXTH THOUSAND. man. RESIDENCE. BATE OP EXTRT. 799. Eliza L. Thomas, Toughkenamon, Pa., 5th mo., 1880. 800. Cynthia X. Cox, Kemp's Mills. N". C., 801. Lydia E. Cope, Philadelphia, Pa., 802. Abigail H. Heacock, Greenwood, Pa., s-i-t. Mary H. Bailey, " Thorndale, Pa., llth mo., ' 803. Margaret Bentley, Ilorsham, Pa., u 4 806. Frances E. Forsythe, West Grove, Pa., i Snr. Marv P. Good, London Grove, Pa., i 808. Emily E. Rockwell, Rome. N. Y., ' suit. Martha Scarlett. Reading, Pa , i 810.1Cmily L. Allinson, Camden, X. J., 811. Lillian H. Eastburn, Edgewood, Pa., u 812. Amy Heacock, Greenwood. Pa., M 813. EddaM. Satterthwaite,Crosswicks, N. J., H 81 4. Mary R. Wood, Viola, Iowa, (( si"). Anna L. Prindle, Buffalo, X. Y., U 81ti. Martha M. Holloway, Flushing, Ohio, (( 817. Mary Y. Coale, Baltimore, Md., H 818. Anna .lones. Chestnut Hill, Pa., 5th mo., 1881. 819. J. Delia Hall, Mount Vernon, X. C., k - ( } Anna T. Hutton. West town Mills, Pa., M ( ) Susan E. Williams, Westtown. Pa., llth mo., " 821. Elizabeth F. Babb, Franklin, Va., 5th mo., " 822. Caroline Myers, Xicholson's Mills, X. C., M 823. Hannah Thompson, Thompson P. O., Del., i 824. Fanny Cooper. Chatham, Pa., i S2">. Mariraretta A. Mercer. Kennett Square, Pa., t 826. Mary II. Wiokersham, U il k. / i 827. Gertrude Seal, Londonderry, Pa., i 828. Johnetta S. Griscom, Philadelphia, Pa., i 829. Mary E Hopkins, Thompson P. O., Del., i s:;o. Carrie E. Haviland, Brvantown, Md., i 831. Sarah E. Brackman, Shank P. O., Pa., c 832. Marv A. Brackman, a u <; i 833. M. Ella Penrose, West Branch, Iowa, ' 834. Elizabeth S. Ecroyd, Wolf Run, Pa., llth mo , ' 831. Laura F. Masters, Millville, Pa., i 83 U. Marv A Pearson, Maiden Creek, Pa., i 837. Ellen P. Foster, Westerly, R. L, i 838. Elizabeth It. Allen, Cinnaminson, X. J., i 839. Anna R. Mendenhall, Ilowellville, Pa., 1 840. Susan S. Forsythe, West Grove, Pa., i 841. Rebecca Smedley, Media, Pa., ' 8J2. Emilia Smedlev, it U u si:;. Klixabeth S. Thorp, Wilmington, Pel.. 11 S44. Sallie C. Garrett. Wvst Chester, I'a., u bio. Mabel P. Sharpies, Chester, Pa., u 346 GENERAL CATALOG-UE. SIXTH THOUSAND. NAME. RESIDENCE. DATE OP ENTRY. 846. Abby Walton, Barnesville, Ohio, llth mo , 1881. 847. Marian W. Haviland, Hughesville, Md., u U 848. Julia S. White, Belvidere, N. C., u 11 849. Josephine L. Kester, Bloomsburg, Pa., u It 850. Caroline Edgerton, Barnesville. Ohio, u It 851. S. Virginia Pearson, Barclay, Kansas, u u 852. Bethia B. Elder, Angora. Pa., u V. 853. Ella Leeds, Spread Eagle, Pa., ' 5th mo , 1882. 854. Eliza Hall. Harrisville, Ohio, u u ( ) Mary R. Williams, Fellowship, N. J., a 1C 855. Emma Lam born, Russell vi lie, Pa., it M 856. Melvina Dawson, Barnesville, Ohio, u It 857. Elrna A. Cooper, Philadelphia, Pa., u tt 858. Elizabeth Garrett, West Chester, Pa., u U 859. Alice M. Garrett, u u u llth mo U 1 800. Susan A. Roberts, Centre Square, Pa., u a 861. Anna Scarlett, Reading, Pa., (i it 862. Helen G. Birdsall, East Coldenham, N. Y., " a 863. Eva Hoopes, Do \vningtown, Pa., tt u 864. Sibyl T. Howey, Woodstown, N. J., It a 865. A. Clara Hatton, Malvern, Pa., It u 866. Martha L. Pratt, Toughkenamon, Pa., tt a' 867. Anna E. Garrett, Lansdowne, PA., u tt 868. Pearl L. Mendenhall, Greensboro, N. C., u it 869. S. Jane Ballinger, Marlton, N. J., t t 870. Elizabeth M. Ballinger, it u I t 871. Ella M. Ballinger, It U i t 872. Caroline Whiteley, Philadelphia, Pa., t t 873. Elizabeth II Taturn, Wilmington, Del., I t 874. Emma C. Stanton, Barnesville, Ohio, I t 875. Hannah R. Lippincott, Moorestown, N. J., I t 876. Elizabeth Harmer, u u tt t 877. Jane Thorp, Howellville, Pa., u i 878. Sarah J. Kennard, Barnesville, Ohio, u 1 879. Christianna Schill, Lake Run, Pa., tt 1 880. Katharine E. Kirk, Muncy, Pa., a i 881. Annie L. Branson, Flushing, Ohio, 5th mo , 1883. 882. Anna Holloway, U U llth mo , 1882. 883. Mary C. Scott," West Chester, Pa., a ii 884. Susan E. Williams, Fellowship, N. J., II u 885. Luella E. Jones, Hughesville, Md., 5th mo , 1883. 886. Rettie W. Hoopes, Downingtovvn, Pa., llth mo u ) 887. Elizabeth R. Howell, West Chester, Pa., 5th mo It 888. Frances A. Worth, Marshallton, Pa., u u 889. Mary II. Smith, Parkesburg, Pa., tt M 890. Anna P. Smith, kl U It u 891. Mary Scattergood, West Chester, Pa., u u STUDENTS. 347 SIXTH THOUSAND. RESIDENCE. 892. Anna R. Hoopes, 893. Sarah J. Woody, - ,rah F. FutreU, 895. Elizabeth M. Whitacre, 896. Susan H. Winner, 897. Anna M. Winner, .898. Louisa W. Parker, 899. Elizabeth M. Bedford, 900. Frances Rhoads, 901. Elizabeth T. Haines, 902. Elizabeth X. Henley, 903. Anna M. Llewelyn, 904. Rachel B. Lain born, 905. Sarah R. Matlack, 906. Jane S. Jones, 907. J. Gen've Mendenhall, 908. Mary Ward, 909. Ozella C. Outland, 910. Mary G. Haines, 911. Lydia M. Roberts, 951. Elizabeth H. Goodwin, 952. Ida M. Votaw, 953. Edith Smedley, 954. Pliebe A. Cope. 955. Miriam R. Copeland, 956. Margaret II. Scott, 957. Mary II. C. Wright, 958. Esther H. Eldridge, 959. Annie Way, 960. Ellen Edgerton, 961. R. Anna Coates, 962. Mary F. Chilton, 963. Hettie W. Gardiner, 964. Ada Blair, 905. Emma II. Blair, 900. Elizabeth W. Haines, 967. J. Isabella Crenshaw, 968. Sarah A. Wood, 969. Annie Ecroyd, 970. Mary H. Cope, .71. Martha S Reynolds. 972. Naomi B. Dewees, 973. Elizabeth B. Boone, 974. Ella P. Lippincott, 975. Felicia II. Thomas, 976. Clara Bedford, 977. Elizabeth Moore, West Chester, Pa., Saxapahaw, X. C., Rich Square. X. C., Pine Iron Works, Pa., Wolf Run, Pa., Shank, P. O., Pa., Wilmington, Del., Hertford, X. J., Westminster, X. C., Pennsville. Ohio, Setzler's Store, Pa., Moorestown, X. J., Gennantown, Pa., Westminster, X. C., Coal Creek, Iowa, Woodland, X. C., Medford, X. J., Moorestown. X. J., Greenwich, X. J., Richmond, Ind., Lima P. O , Pa., Kimbleville, Pa., Woodland, X. C., Darlington, Md., Conshohocken, Pa., Goshenville, Pa., Fishertowu, Pa., Barnesville, Ohio, Baltimore. Md., West field. X. C., Mount Holly, X. J., High Point, X. C., Mount Lanrel, X. J., Richmond, Va., Greenwich, N. J., Muncy, Pa., London Grove, Pa., Bush Hill, X. C., Pennsville, Ohio, Pickering, Canada, Moorestown, X. J., Elatn P. O., Pa., Lake Run, Pa., Ercildouu, Pa., V BATE Of EXTRY. 5th mo., 1883. llth mo., " it U II H, II II U U 5th mo., 1884, u u " 1883. llth mo. 5th mo. u llth mo. 5th mo. llth mo. 5th mo. M llth mo., 5th mo., llth mo., 1884. 18S3. 348 GENERAL CATALOGUE. 978. Sarah Hartz, 979. Bailie M. Test, 980. Lydia M. Young, 981. Jane Dalziel, 982. Bertha A. Brown, 983. Jane L. Roberts, 984. Beulah Palmer, 986. Elizabeth Mellor, 987. Sarah B. Stanton, 988. Annie B. Griscom, 989. Mary K. Jackson, 990. Elspeth J. Trotter, 991. Rebecca W. Elder, SIXTH THOUSAND. RESIDENCE. Reading, Pa., Springville, Iowa, u u Germantown, Pa., Lincoln Falls, Pa., Centre Square, Pa., Media, Pa., West Chester, Pa., Barnesville, Ohio, Philadelphia, Pa., u u Bryantown, Md., Germantowu, Pa., DATE OF ENTRY. 5th mo., 1884. SUMMARY. NOTE. Those who were students at the school, but did not board in the In- stitution, or receive register numbers, are not included in the following. Boys. Girls. Highest Register number issued 4,874 5,991 Deducting for vacant numbers and those known to be re-admissions 159 125 Actual number of students (boarders) 4,715 5,866 Distributed as follows; Philadelphia, city and county 1,020 1,018 Pennsylvania (exclusive of above) 1,766 2,524 New Jersey 1,009 1,256 Maryland 256 275 Delaware 195 249 New York 143 114 Ohio 110 132 Virginia 90 90 North Carolina 24 73 Indiana 10 27 Illinois 8 3 Iowa, 9 10 Massachusetts 10 4 Kansas 7 2 Canada 5 3 Rhode Island 4 7 Long Island 5 2 District of Columbia 6 4 Michigan 6 2 Colorado 3 Tennessee 2 Minnesota . 1 1 Vermont 1 Connecticut 1 Missouri 1 Norway, Europe 1 Unknown 27 65 Total 4,715 5,866 28 375 376 TABULAR STATEMENT. TABULAR STATEMENT OF THE AVERAGE NUMBER OF STUDENTS AT WESTTOWN BOARDING SCHOOL, AS SHOWN BY THE ANNUAL REPORTS. Date of Re- port. Boys. Girls. Total. Date of Re- port. Boys. Girls. Total. 1800 1843 109 97 206 1801 . .. 100 100 200 1844 95 88 183 1802 90 90 180 1845 86 76 162 ]8t)3 130 1846 95 84 179 1804 80 80 160 1847 86 80 166 1805 70 100 170 1848 200 1806 170 1849 110 83 193 1807 79 97 176 1850 100 91 191 1808 45 85 130 1851 104 88 192 1809 .... 65 90 155 1852 87 80 167 1810 82 93 175 1853 103 77 180 1811 , 93 95 188 1854 108 105 213 1812 193 1855 115 112 227 1813 74 92 166 1856 110 116 226 1814 71 98 169 1857 115 111 226 1815 75 100 175 1858 106 90 196 1816 62 103 165 1859 91 84 175 1817 73 104 177 I860 82 86 1(58 1818 68 93 161 1861 84 73 157 1819 140 1862 74 75 149 1820 73 83 156 1863 95 73 168 1821 58 87 145 1864 77 79 154 1822 .... 1865 102 108 210 1823 63 113 176 1866 112 " 120 232 1824 59 102 161 1867 121 + 121 + 243 182o .. . 58 93 151 18G8 121 110 231 1826 57 82 139 1869 112+ 87+ 200 1827 51 81 132 1870 108 81 189 1828 35 110 1871 103+ 96+ 200 18 -> 9 45 64 109 1872 106 91 197 1830 45 58 103 1873 109+ 754- 185 1831 70 83 153 1874 104 84 188 1832 100 107 207 1875 106 84 190 1833 101 105 206 1876 113 83 196 1834 122 115 237 1877 113 72 185 1835 238 1878 112-1- 69+ 182 1836 114 116 230 1879 117 68 185 1837 102 129 231 1880 101 66 167 1838 102 120 222 1881 94 74 168 1839 243 1882 97 + 70+ 168 1840 ... . 244 1883 99 79 178 1841 123 120 243 1884 108 101 209 1842 212 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. NOTE. Xamet of Officers at the Institution and Members of the Committee in italict. PAGE Aaronson, Emily S.. 34:5 Aaronson, Estella H., 344 Aaronson. Hor. L. F., 199 Abbott, Amy G., 306 Abbott, Charles T., 179 Abb'., 103 Abbott, Samuel, 140 Abbott. Samuel, 188 Abbott, Sarah, 2-J6 Abbott. Thomas, 124 Abl>ott, William, l.'l Abbott, William, 202 Acton, Benjamin, 133 Acton. Caspar W., 144 Acton, Catharine, 300 Acton, Charlotte, 286 Acton, Hannah, 27.~> Acton. Letitia. 300 Acton, Richard M., 130 Acton, Sarah W., 3O3 Adams, Eliza, 246 Adams, Frances A., 306 Adams, Frank, 187 Adams, George, 16.1 Adams, John l|., \:#> Adams. Robert H., 187 Ad&ms. William, 113 Adams. Wm.,(Teacher,)S& PAGE A damson, Rebecca, 258 Albertson, Abigail W., 319 Albertson, Amos L., 190 Albertson, Benjamin, 113 Albertson, Benjamin, 175 Albertson, Charles, 163 Albertsou, Eliz. P., 317 Albertson, Hannah, 223 Albertson, Hannah. 229 (Teacher,) S3 (Williamg,) (Cum.,) 100 Alberison, Hannah, 303 Albertson, Henry, 165 Albertson, Henry, 17.~> Albertson, J. Morton, 153 Albertson, Jacob, 113 Albertson, Joseph, 163 Albertson, Josiah, 110 Albertson, Lewis J., 165 Albertson, Martha, 337 Albertson, Mary, 297 Albertson, Rachel L.,308 Albertsou. Rebecca, 235 Albertson. Ruth A., 311 Albertson, Samuel L.. 1")7 Albertson, Samuel L., 162 Albertson, Sam'l M., 1-V7 Albertsou, Sarah H., 309 Albertson. William, 162 Albertson. Win. E., 190 Alderson, Agnes. 314 Alderson, Anna M., 314 Alderson, William C., 166 Alexander, Chris. H., 176 Alexander, Margaret, 282 Alexander, Rachel, 321 Alexander, Sarah H., 326 Alexander, William, 140 Allen. Benjamin, 136 Allen, Char/en, 98 Allen, Charles B., lii~> Allen, Charles J., 149 80 Allen, Edward, Jr., 189 Allen, Elizabeth, 288 " (dm.,) 102 Allen, Elizabeth B., 317 Allen, Elizabeth R., 345 Allen, George B., 123 Allen, George B., 171 PAGE Allen, Hannah, 276 " (Teacher,) 85 ( Warner,) " (Gai^tis,) 81 " (Cam.,) 102 Allen, Hannah, 292 Allen, Hannah G., 304 Allen, Hannah P., 274 Allen, Henry D., 205 Allen, John C., 127 Allen, Joseph E., 145 Allen, Joshua G., 160 Allen, Joshua M., 134 Allen, Lydia, 289 Allen, MarmadukeW.,1 39 Allen, Martha I)., 102 (Matron,) SO (Pee House.) Allen, Mary, 283 Allen, Mary, 324 Allen, Mary M., 296 Allen, Miriam, 296 Allen, Rebecca, (Cam.,) 99 Allen, Rebecca, 281 Allen, Rebecca, 290 Allen, Rebecca J., 314 " (Teacher,) 91 Allen. Rebecca S., 102 (See Leeds.) Allen, Richard J., 157 " " (Teacher,) 86 Allen, Robert G., 166 Allen. Rowland D., 189 Allen, Samuel, 172 Allen, Samuel L., 170 Allen, Sarah, 277 (Com.,) 101 (Pee Richie.) Allen, Sarah, 327 Allen, Sarah L., 315 Allen, Thomas, 112 Allen, William C., l'.4 Allen. William E., 177 Allinson, Anna B., MJI Allinson, Bernirc. 330 Allinson, Caroline, 3.T6 Allinson, Charles, 198 Allinson, Edward P., 185 Allinson, Emily L., 345 Allinson, Helen M., 388 Allinson, James, 175 Allinsou, John C., 105 377 378 INDEX. PAGE PAGE Allinson, Josiah T., 193 Atkinson, Ann, 251 Allinson, Mary. ( Com.,) 97 Atkinson, Benjamin, 141 " ( Teacher,) 83 Atkinson, Eliza, 282 Allinson, Mary E., 317 Atkinson, Eliza C., 279 Allinsou, Rachel E^, 321 Atkinson, Elizabeth, 228 Allinson, Rebecca, 260 Atkinson. Ellen. 225 Allinson, Samuel, 127 i Atkinson, Ellen, 242 " (Com,,) 102 Atkinson, Hetty Ann, 286 Allinson, William, 98 Atkinson, James E., 131 Allinson, William W.,195 Atkinson, Joseph H., 138 Alricks, Sarah, 264 Atkinson, Martha E., 276 Alsop, Edmund, 203 Atkinson, Mary, 275 Alsop, Edward B., 167 Atkinson. Mary, 292 Alsop, George M., 130 Atkinson^ Mary A., 269 Alsop, Hauuah, 280 Atkinson, Rachel, 261 Alsop, Mary F., 343 Atkinson, Sarah, 295 Alsop, Rachel, 268 Atkinson, Stephen, 145 Alsop, Rachel, 323 Atlee, Charlotte W., 275 Alsop, Rachel G., 343 Atlee, Edwin P., 120 Alsop, Rebecca, 259 Atlee, Esther B., 254 Alsop, Reece, 167 Atlee, Margaret L., 268 Alsop, Robert, 128 Atlee. Samuel Y., 128 Alsop, Samuel, 87 Atwater, Bertha E , 343 Alsop, Samuel, Jr., 170 Atwater, Cornelia M., 344 " " (B'k-keeper,) 93 Atwater, Eliz. H., 333 " (Teacher,) 8J,%8 Atwater, Hannah G., 333 Alsop, Susan K., 343 Atwater, Hnldah M., 340 Alsop, William K., 206 Atwater. Myra A., 340 Altenius, Francis L., 137 Atwater, Sarah E., 313 Alston, Hannah J., 232 Atwater, Stephen, 197 (Com.,) 99 Atwater, William L., 186 Alston, Susanna, 237 Austin, Joseph, 166 Ambler, Mary, 249 Austin, Letitia E., 264 Andrews, Hannah, 239 Austin, Lydia, 2oti Andrews, Hannah, 246 Austin, Martha N.. 252 Andrews, Sarah, 258 Austin, Sarah, 227 Andrews, Sarah Ann, 287 Ayres, Mary Ann, 250 Antrim, Benajah, 139 Archer, Rebecca, 96 Babb, Anna, 341 Arnold, C. William, 192 Babb, Elizabeth F., 845 Aronson, Rosina A., 312 Babb, Geneva M., 336 Ash, Amanda M., 314 Babb. Sarah, 287 Ash, Charles \V., 176 Bacon, Ann, 225 Ash, Elizabeth, 236 " (Teacher,) 83 Ash, Hannah, 227 Bacon, Anna D., 322 Ash, Isaac Y., 171 Bacon, Anna T., 337 Ash, Lewis P., 185 Bacon, Beulah, 269 Ash, Mary Ellen, 333 Bacon, Caroline W., 339 Ash, Mary H., 317 Bacon, Charles W., 128 Ash, Phineas,' 92 Bacon, Charles W., 135 Ash, Samuel, 192 Bacon, David, 105 Ash, Walter P., 200 Bacon, Elizabeth, 306 Ash, William G., 174 Bacon, George S., 201 Ash, William R., 169 Bacon, George W., 177 Ashbridge, Ab'm S., 145 Bacon, George W., 205 Ash bridge, George, 137 Bacon, Hannah, 331 AKhbriilye, George Q., 99 Bacon, Helen R., 315 Ashead, Amos, Jr., 202 Bacon, Henry, 182 Ashead, Benjamin S., 194 Bacon, Herbert M., 204 Ashend, Joseph H., 198 j Bacon, Horatio W., 200 Ashead, Lydia L., 311 i Bacon, Job, 165 Ashead, Morris, 204 Bacon, John, 200 Ashead, Rebecca S., 33S Bucon, John M., 128 Aston, Ann, 223 Bacon, John M., 152 Aston. George, 105 Bacon, J. Murray, 192 Atherton, Charles, 125 Bacon, Jonah M., 172 Atherton. Hannah S., 281 Bacon, Josiah, 134 Athertou, Lydia, 260 Bacon, Josiah, 166 PAGE Bacon, Joseph E., 172 Bacon, Joseph K., 148 Bacon, Martha R., 304 Bacon, Mary, 242 Bacon, Mary, 259 Bacon, Mary, 311 Bacon, Mary H., 284 Bacon, Mary W., 283 Bacon, Maurice W., 205 Baron, Morris, 172 Bacon, Rebecca B., 830 Bacon, Samuel, 111 Bacon. Samuel A., 184 Bacon, Samuel W., 141 Bacon, Sarah, 239 Bacon, Sarah Ann, 295 Bacon, Susan P., 267 Bacon, Thomas, 108 Bacon, Thomas, 126 " (Com.,) 100 Bacon, William S., 189 Bailey, Emma, 341 Bailey, George, 200 Bailey, Joseph, Jr., 201 Bailey, Joseph, 118 " (Farmer,) 92 Bailey, Joseph L., 160 Bailey, Mary H., 345 Bailey, Rebecca, 344 Bailey, Richard W., 201 Bailey, Sarah H., 339 Bailey, William L.. 155 " (Com ,) 103 Baily, Abiah, 110 Baily. Alfred W., 195 Baily, Ann, 2^4 Baily, Anna, 308 Baily. Anne T., 324 Baily. Charles L., 141 Baily, Dempsey, 192 Baily, Edward, 151 Baily, Eleanor. 292 Baily, Elizabeth, 241 Baily, Elizabeth, 264 Baily, Elizabeth, 285 " " (Teacher,) S5 Baily, Elizabeth L., 328 Baily, Elmira S., 305 Baily, Emily, 310 Baily, Frances, 333 Baily, George, 151 " (Teacher,) 86 Baily, Hannah, 237 Baily, Hannah, 305 Baily, Hannah, 316 Baily, Hannah P., 2H4 Baily, James, 109 Baily, Jesse J., 14S Baily. Joseph, 139 Baily, Joshua, 109 Baily, Joshua L., 150 Baily, Josiah T., 188 Baily, Lloyd, 182 Baily, Lydia, 228 Baily, Lydia A., 278 Baily, Mary, 240 Baily, Mary, 256 Baily, Olive, 239 INDEX. 379 PAGE Baily, Richard B.. 1*2 " (Com.,) 1021 Baily, Samuel L., 141 i Baily, Samuel P., 144 Baily, Sarah, 249 Baily, Sarah, 281 ' (Teacher,) 85 j Baily, Sarah, 295 Baily. Sarah, 336 I Baily, Sarah K., 287 I Baily, Susanna P., 280 ! Baily, Thomas, 144 Bailv, Thomas L., 145 Baily, William E., 126 Baily, William L., 153 Baker, Ann, 255 Baker, Eleanor S., 318 ! Baker, Elizabeth, 274 Baker. George R., 136 Baker, Hannah, 247 j Baker, Lydia, 238 Baker, Pbete E., 327 i Baker, Rachel. 2-M I Baker, Rebecca, 266 Baker, William, 116 Balderston, Anne, 90 Balderston, C. Canby, 180 " ( Teacher.) 88, 89, 90 Batilerstun, Otith. C, 103 Balderston, Charles, 190 Balderston.CTyton N.,188 Btilderston, Edward, 167 Balderston. Eliza A., 264 Bal'.ler*ton t Eliz.,(Oom.,) 98 Balderston, Eliz., 307 Balderston, Eliz., 326 Balderston, Eliz., 335 Balderston. Elwood, 197 Balderston, Emily, 275 Balderston, Emily N.. .Ji Balderston, George, 179 Balderston. George W. ._*):; i Bulderston, Henry G., 199 Balderston, Isaiah, 123 Balder-ton, Isaiah, 171 ' Balderston, Jane C., 333 i Balderston, John E., 170 Balderston, John L., 17 Balderston, John P., 182 ! Balderston,Joseph H.,180 Balderston, Lloyd^Jr., 198 Balderston. Lydia, 332 Balder* ton. Marcellus, 124 Balden-ton.Mftrcellus,177 Balderston. Maria, 285 Balderston, Martha, 343 i Balderston, Mary, 301 Ba! Balderoton, Wilson. 123 28* PACE Baldwin, Caleb, 147 Baldwin.Cath'ineW.,3 t; Baldwin, Charity. 312 Baldwin, Deborah J., 302 Baldwin, Hannah, 232 Baldwin, J. Hanover.160 Bnt'tiriii, John. 83 Baldwin, John E., 149 Balilwin, Jonathan C., 176 Baldwin, Joseph, 123 Baldwin, Thomas, 131 Baldwin, William. 115 Ball, Aaron, 160 Ball. Ellwood, 179 Ball, Martha D., 306 Ball, Mary, 294 Ball, Thomas, 19.J Bal lance, James M., 176 Ballance, John, 176 Ballance, Joseph L., 153 Ballance, Merrick, 164 Ballangee, Mary, 281 Ballenger, Charles, 171 Ballenger, Eliz. C., 315 Ballenger, Hannah, 318 Ballenger, J. T., 156 Ballenger, John, 156 Ballenger. John H., 156 Ballenger, Joseph E., 165 Ballenger, Joshua C., 175 Ballenger. Priscilla, 273 Ballenger, Rebecca, 321 Ballenger, Thomas,. 123 Ballenger, Thomas, 143 Ballinger, Charles D., 205 Ballinger, Eliz M., 346 Ballinger, Ella M., 346 Ballinger, Mary E., 342 Ballinger, Rachel. 310 Ballinger, Rebecca N.,338 Ballinger. S. Jane, 346 Ballinger, Sarah P., 3^9 Ballinger, Susan T., 320 Bancroft. Esther, 27~> Bancroft, Harvey, 136 Bancroft, Martha, 27."> Bancroft, William, 136 Bane, Mary, 258 Bangs, James E., 179 Bangs, William, 184 Barker, Abigail, 99 Barker, E'iinheth. 84 Barker. Elizabeth, 244 Barker. Elizabeth D., 236 Barker, John R., 135 Barker, Martha, 83 (Htllcs.) " (Com.,) 99 Barker, Mary, 320 Barker, Peter. 96 Barker. Solomon E., 203 Barnard, Ann, 237 Barnard, Anne, 261 Barnard, Dinah, 240 Barnard, Edith, 301 Barnard. Eliza. 2.~>ti Barnard, Elizabeth, 225 Barnard. Ephraim, 140 Barnard, Eusebius, 125 ! Barnard, Grace, : Barnard, Lettice, ' Barnard, Margaret, i Barnard, Mary, 1 Barnard, Mary i Barnard, Mary P., , Barnard, Moses, 1 Barnard, Reuben, i Barnard, Richard, Barnard, William, Barnard, Wilson, Barnes, Sarah L., PAGE 251 248 238 303 240 116 99 124 141 239 Baniett, Thomas P., 145 Barney, Mabel, 240 I Barrington, John A., 109 BarMett, Alfred R., 189 Bartlett, Amos R., 174 Bartlett, Anna M., 315 Bartlett, Annie M., 328 Bartlett, Charles A., 202 Bartlett, Duncan O., 183 Bartlett, Eayre P., 169 Bartlett, Ellen L., 340 Bartlett, George G., 171 Bnrtlett, Helen E.. 329 Bartlett, J. Henry, 196 " (B'k-kpr.,) 93 Bartlett, John, 114 Bartlett, John K., 162 Bartlett, John W., 182 Bartlett, Joseph, 132 Bartlett, Louisa A.. 290 Bartlett, Marian A., 321 Bartlett, Martha W., 315 Bartlett, Man- E., 329 Bartlett, Samuel P., 181 Bartlett, Thomas R., 172 Bartlett, William O., 176 Barton. Amy S., 321 Barton, Annie H., 339 Barton, Bathsheba, 256 Barton, Eliza J., 322 Barton, Martha C., 294 " (Teacher, ^86 Barton, John, Barton, Joseph E., Barton, Joshua. Barton, Nathaniel, Barton, Rachel, Barton, Rachel E., Barton, Sarah, Bartram, Elizabeth, Bartram, George, Bartram, Isaac, Bartram, Mary, Bartram, Rachel C., Bartram, Sarah. Bartram, Thomas, Bartram, Thomas, 157 168 185 165 321 341 325 254 105 119 223 99 227 128 157 Bartram, WilliamS., 116 Bas-sett, Klislia, Bassett, Elizi W., Bassett, Emma, Bassett, Franklin, Ba^ett, (irunville. 113 286 312 183 160 i:a.--.nt. Hannah W., 310 r.a-ftt. Irena, 169 t, Joseph, 96 380 INDEX. PAGK PAGE PAGE Bassett, Mary, 251 Bell, Mifflin, 179 (a?fw>)Bi> Bell, Samuel E., 185 Biddle, William. 124 Basselt, Sarali 8., 304 Bell, Sarah E., 827 " (Com..) 102 Bassett, William, 130 Bell, Thomas A., 175 Biddle, William, Jr., 202 Bates. Catharine, 307 " ( Teacher,) 88 Biddle. William W., 178 Bates, Deborah, 281 Bell, Thomas J., 151 Biles, Rachel. 234 Bates. Martha Ann, 307 Bell. Walter, 175 Bines, David A., 196 Bates, Sarah, 806 Bell. Wilhelmina, 319 Bines, Samuel M., 149 Bates, Sarah Ann, 285 Bell, William, 128 Bines, S. Mason. 188 Bates, Susanna, 306 Bell, William B., 179 Bines, William H., 149 Bates, Taey, 307 Bell, William E., 173 Bines, William T., 188 Battey, Thomas C., 161 Bellaeh, James, 121 Binns. Mary, 293 Battin, Andrew 3., 203 Bellangee, Aaron, 107 Birdsall, Charles C., 204 Battin, C. Eleanor, 337 Bel langee, Benj S., 141 Birdsall, Helen G., 346 Baltin, Cynthia, 3:^7 Bellangee, James B., 158 Bishop, Ann, 268 Battin, Hannah, 285 Bellangee. Mary Ann, 280 Bishop, Ann, ;>14 Battin, Henry, 196 Bellerby, Elizabeth, 83 Bishop, Anna, 329 Battin, Reuben, 161 Benington, Ann, 297 Bishop, Biddle, 189 Battin, Susanna, 254 Benington, Henry, 160 Bishop, Charlotte W., 343 Baxter, Mary E., 341 Beniiigton, John. 101 Bishop, Edward N., 159 Baxter, Sarah M., 341 " " (Farmer,) 92 Bishop, Jane, 327 Beans, William, Jr., 191 Benington, John, Jr., 173 Bishop, John, 142 Bedell, Charles C., 174 Benington, Margaret, 320 (Com.,) 102 Bedell, Charles C., 176 Benington, Rachel. 305 Bishop, John I.. 182 Bedell, Thomas H., 168 Benington, Robert H., 15(1 Bishop, Louisa II., 343 Bedford, Clara, 347 Benington, Samuel, 153 Bishop, Lucy, 253 Bedford, Eliz. M., 347 Bennett, Daniel R., 127 Bishop, Lydia, 314 Bedford, Thomas, 118 Bennett, Edith, 23(i Bishop. Marv, 280 Beesley, Charlotte, 289 Bennett, Gilpin, 118 Bishop, Mary C. L., 344 Bell. Abraham, 122 Bennett, James, 121 Bishop, Rebecca F., 338 Bell, Albert T., 206 Bennett, Mary, 265 Bishop, Sarah B., 326 Bell, Anna J., 326 Bentley, David F., 203 Bishop, Thomas S., 181 Bell, Arthur H., 190 Bentley, Margaret, 345 Bishop, William, 192 Bell, Caroline!*., 344 Bentley, Richard L., 198 Bishop, William R., 163 Bell, Chalk ley, 142 Bentley, Sarah B., 331 Black, Joseph, 83 Bell, Charles, 145 Herri/, Thomas, 97 Black, Mary T., 287 Bell, Charles, 181 Settle, Charles, 172 Black, Rebecca, 239 Bell, Charles, 193 Bettle, Edward, 122 Black, Sumud W., 85 Bell, Edward, 141 Bettle, Jane, 99 Black, Thomas N., 142 Bell, Edwin A., 172 Bettle, Jane, 299 Black, William, 117 Bell. Edwin R., 194 Bettle, Martha, 318 Black, William H., 156 Bell, Eliza Ann, 325 Settle, Samuel, 97 Blackburn, Wm. J., 203 Bell, Elizabeth, 281 Bttile, Samuel, Jr., 101 Bl-ickledf/e, Mart/, 84 Bell, Emma, 329 Bettle, William, 112 Blackwood, Abigail, 243 Bell, Ezra, 154 Belts, Benjamin, 145 Blackwood, Ann, 253 Bell, Francis J., 172 Belts, Henry E., 191 Blackwood, Benj., 122 Bell, Franklin, 158 Betts, Lydia, 284 Blackwood, Eliz., 241 Bell, Frederic D., 206 Belts, -Martha, 233 Blackwood, John, 120 Bell, Hannah A., 294 Betts, Mary L , 297 Blackwood, John, 178 Bell, Henry A.. 190 Betts, William, 156 Blackwood. Samuel, 106 Bell, Howard H., 196 Biddle, Anna, 241 Blackwood, Sarah. 246 Bell, Hughes, 122 Biddle, Anna, 249 Blackwood, Wrn. H., 182 " " (Farmer,) 92 Biddle, Anne, 98 Blair, Ada, 347 Bell, James, 133 ( Tatum,) " 100 Blair, Emma H., 347 Bei), James, 164 Biddle, Edward, 129 Blakey, Achsah A., 321 Bell, James E., 175 Biddle, James C., 128 Blakey, Elizabeth W., 313 Bell, Jane, 281 Biddle, James G., 205 Blakey, John, 109 Bell, John H., 1ne, Ambrose ., 171 Brainier, George. 121 Brookes, Mary Ann, 310 Boone, Anne, 287 Branson, Annie L., 346 Brookes, Rachel, 273 Boone, Elizabeth B., 347 Branson, Asa, 160 Brookes, Susanna, 266 Boone, Ellen, 288 Branson, David, 92 Brotherton, Anna, 301 Boone, Hannah, 316 Branson, David, 172 Brown, Abby W., 329 Boone, Mary, 232 Branson. Elizabeth, 324 Brown, Abiah, 116 Boone, Mary S.. 276 Branson, Ellis, 159 Brown, Abigail W., 293 Boone, Samuel S., 146 Branson, John D., 187 Brown, Abram, 137 Boone, Susan, 288 Branson, Joseph, 173 Brown, Allen N., 206 Booth, George S., 161 Branson, Joseph H., 145 Brown, Ann, 285 Booth, Thomas, 131 Branson, Joseph H., 187 Brown, Ann, 305 Borton, Aaron E., 180 Branson, Lucy, 335 Brown, Anna, 329 Burton, Abigail. 262 Branson, Man', 229 Brown, Anna M. J., 316 Borton. ('. Walter, 202 ! Branson. Mary, 2<> Brown, Anne. 293 Borton, Elizabeth, 289 Branson, Sarah, 300 Brown, Barclay, 126 Boriiin, Elizabeth E., :2 Branson, Thomas F., 20f> Brown. Bertha A., 348 Borton, Einilv W., 843 Bran lingham, Sarah, 244 Brown, Charles H., 190 Borton, Prank I-., I'.tf. Breaor, Abel, no Brown, Charlotte, 275 BI trti in. George B., 163 Brian, Ann, 226 Brown, Crosby M., 1'.'5 Borton, George \V., 205 Brian, Sarah H., 276 Brown, David, 169 Borton, Hettie T., 326 Brick, Ann, 252 Brown, David J., 180 Borton, .1. Harvey. 205 Brick, Deborah, 237 Brown, Delbert L., 204 Borton, J. Howard, 194 Brick, Rebecca, 246 Brown, Edward, 128 Borton, James C., 187 Briggs, Anna, 236 Brown, Eleanor, 228 882 INDEX. PAGE PAGE PAGE Brown, Eliza L., 321 Brown, Wm. Lewis, 195 Bunting, John H., 98 Brown, Elizabeth H., 338 Brown, Wistar P., 188 Bunting, Josiah, 95 Brown, Elizabeth J., 316 Brown, Yardley, 168 Bunting, Margery, 234 Brown, Ezra H., 186 Bruce, Ann, 234 Bunting, Samuel, 138 Brown, George, HO Bruce, Elizabeth, 235 Bunting, Sarah, 289 Brown, Hannah, 246 Bruff', Ebenezer L., 147 Bunting, Walter F., 202 Brown, Hannah, 258 Bruff, Hannah, 234 Burdsall, Burnett, 110 Brown, Hannah, 288 Bruff, Lvdia, 234 Burdsall, Daniel T., 165 Brown, Hannah, 331 Bruff, Richard, 150 Burdsall, Eliza, 2f>4 Brown, Hannah L., 286 Bruff, Susan Ann, 270 Burdsall, Joseph C., 133 Brown, Harriet, 311 Bryant, Hewlings, 132 Burdsall, Martha, 292 Brown, Henrv H., l'.>."> Buckbee, Sarah, 225 Burdsall, Thomas, 163 Brown, Howell, 163 Buckley, Ann, 241 Burgess, Jane, 237 Brown, Isaac, 198 " (CbTO.,)100 Burgess, Mary, 287 Brown, Isaac B., 138 Buckley, Sarah, 99 Burgess, Mary, 294 Brown, Jane H., 251 (Cope,) " (Com.,) 100 Burgess, Phebe, 294 Brown, J. Morton, 193 Buckman, Elizabeth, 306 Burgess, William, 146 Brown, John, 117 Buckman, John B., 181 Burling, Thomas C., 115 Brown, John, 128 Buckman, Mercy, 278 Burr, Charles W., 125 Brown, John, 148 Buckman, Mercy, 325 Burr, Edith, 268 Brown, John, 175 Buckman, Susanna, 278 Burr, Elizabeth, 232 Brown, John, 96 Budd, Mary, 224 Burr, Elizabeth, 239 Brown, Joseph, 149 Budd, Mary, 256 Burr. Elizabeth, 255 Brown, Joshua, 180 Budd, Paul C., 126 Burr, George, 110 Brown, Lydia J., 314 Budd, Rebecca, 223 Burr, George W., 117 Brown, Martha, '289 Budd, Rebecca, 223 Burr, Lucv Ann, 307 Brown, Mary, 258 Budd, Rebecca, 83 Burr, Lyd'ia, 233 Brown, Mary, 293 (Comty.) " (Com.,) 99 Burr, Miriam, 240 Brown, Mary Anna, 324 Buffington, Lee H., 180 Burr, Rebecca, 233 " (Teacher,} 89 Buffington, Lee W., 136 Burr, Sarah, 226 (Balderston),"( Teacher, ,)91 Buffington, Louisa, 311 Burr, Sarah Ann, 249 Brown, Mary Anna, 334 Buffington, Lvdia A., 264 Burr, Tylee W., 125 Brown, Mary J., 254 (Teacher.) 84 Burr, William W., 122 Brown, Mary Louisa, 323 " -'(GVss,)80 Burrough, Ann, 266 Brown, Mary T., 330 Buffington, Mary, 275 Burrough, Kezia, 239 Brown, Matthias, 124 Buffington. Rachel, 306 Burrough, Kezia, 269 Brown, Mercy E., 317 Buffum, Arthur H., 194 Burrough, Lydia, 253 Brown, Mercy W., 317 Buftum, Frederic C., 193 Burrongh, Martha A., 303 Brown, N. Howland, 195 Bullock, Amos, 84 Burrough, Mary, 231 Brown. Nathaniel B., 150 Bullock, Edith, 234 Burrough, Rachel, 239 Brown, Phebe C., 316 Bullock, Edith, 246 Burrough, Rachel, 263 Brown, Phebe C., 318 Bullock, Eliza, 240 Burrough, Samuel L., 158 Brown, Rachel, 247 Bullock, Eliza, 288 Burson, Ann, 255 Brown, Rachel H., 334 Bullock, Frances, 303 Burson, David S., 138 Brown, Rebecca, 240 Bullock, George, 122 " (Teacher,} 85 Brown, Rebecca F., 324 Bullock, John, 111 Burson, John, 142 Brown, Rebecca W., 299 Bullock, John, 84 Burton, Charles, Jr., 180 Brown, .Richard C., 206 Bullock, Lydia, 229 Burton, Eliza, 264 Brown, Richard J., 182 Bullock, Margaret, 250 Burton, Elizabeth, 313 Brown, Robert P., 182 Bullock, Mary, 242 Burton, Hannah W., 308 Brown, Ruth Anna, 312 Bullock, Susanna, 229 Burton, Lucy, 300 Brown, Ruth Anna, 89 Bundv, Caleb, 176 Burton, Mary, 304 " "(Governess,) SI Bundy, Emily E., 327 Burton, Rebecca, 275 Brown, Ruth Anna, 326 Bundv, Jefferson, 194 Burton, Robert, 176 Brown, Sarah, 258 Bundy, Jesse E., 193 Bushman, John, 144 Brown, Sarah, 310 Bundy, Mary C., 344 Butcher, Ann R , 294 Brown, Sarah Ann, 331 Bundy, Nathan, 173 Butcher, Elizabeth, 223 Brown. Sarah A. P., 308 Bundy, Ruth, 336 j Butcher, Elizabeth, 229 Brown, Sarah L., 332 Bundy, T. Clarkson, 19:! Butcher, Elizabeth, 250 Brown, Sarah L., 333 Bundy, Thomas W., 179 Butcher, Hannah W., 84 Brown, Sarah M., 309 Bundy, William E., 179 Butcher, Martha, 291 Brown, Sidney H., 321 Bunting, Deborah, 288 Butcher, Mary, 229 Brown, Susan M., 335 Bunting, Edward M., 202 Butcher, Rebecca, 223 Brown, Thomas, 140 Bunting, Edwin M., 159 Butcher, Sarah, 223 Brown, Thomas K., 183 Bunting, Elizabeth, 233 Butcher, Thomas, 106 " " (Teacher,) 90 Bunting, Esther S., 236 Butler, Ann E., 311 Brown, Thornton, 163 Bunting, Jacob, 111 Butler, Elizabeth, 332 Brown, Thornton E., 192 Bunting, Jacob T., 115 | Butler, Hannah, 332 INDEX. 383 PAGE PAGE Butler, James, 155 Canby, John P.. 182 Butler, Lydia, 882 Canby, Joseph, 131 Butterworth, Abigail, 263 Canby, Lizzie T., 338 Butterworth, Oath'ne, 271 Canby, Margaret, 97 Butterworth, Mary, 268 Canby. Mary, 246 liu/.by, Adelaide, 340 Canbv, Mary H., 326 Buzby, Ann, 298 Canby, Merrit, 108 Buzby, Augustus C., 191 Canby, Samuel, 95 Buzby, David, 151 Canby, Samuel, Jr., 107 Bu/by, Eliza Ann, 264 Canby, Samuel K., 128 Buzby, Elizabeth, 2L'!S Canby, Sarah, 225 Buzby, Georgiana, S'.il Canby, William, 143 Buzby, Hannah W., 275 Canby, William J., 149 Buzby, Ida K., 339 Canby, William M., 156 Buzby, Isaac, 190 Cannon, Mary E., 333 Buzby, John W., 148 Carey, George, Buzby, Joseph, 110 Carey, James, 111 Buzby, Martha, 231 Carey, Mary E., 290 Buzby, Martha T., 33S Carey, Samuel, 111 Buzby, Mary, 2: 10 Carey, Tacy E., 309 Buzby, Mary H., 2S Carlile, Henry C., 176 Buzby, Sarah P., 313 Carlile, Joseph E., 177 Buzby, Stacy, 158 Carlile, Thomas J., 113 Buzby, Susanna, 287 Carlile, William K., 169 Bu/.by, Susanna D., 315 Carlisle, Ann, 227 Buzby, Thomas T., 199 Ourmalt, Caleb, 95 Buzby, Walter J., 202 Carmalt, Mary Ann, 268 Buzby, William, 125 Carmalt, Sarah G., 297 Buzby, William P., 170 Carmalt, Susanna, 249 By rd, Josephus, 205 Carnahan, Abigail, 245 Byrnes, Hannah P., 244 Carpenter, AlbinaB., 270 Byrnes, Jonathan, 125 Carpenter, Alvina, 288 Carpenter, Charles, 193 Cadbury, Caroline, 326 Carpenter, Charles G., 168 Cadbury, John W., Ili3 Carpenter, John K., 127 Cadbury, Richard T., 186 Carpenter. John It., 170 Cadbury, Sarah S., 330 Carpenter, Joseph, 127 Cadwallader, Allen J., 205 Carpenter, Mary, 274 Cadwallader, Cyrus, 158 Carpenter, Mary R., 331 Cadwallader, Deb'ah, 333 Carpenter, Phebe, 258 Cadwallader, Edw'd, 190 Carpenter, Rachel, 259 Cadwallader, Eliz., 237 Carpenter, Richard, 170 Cadwallader, Eliz., 293 Carpenter, S.Preston, 180 Cadwallader, Eliz., 294 Carpenter, Sallie W., 315 Cadwallader, El ma, 248 Carpenter. William, 183 Cadwallader, Frank, 192 Carr, Caleb, 106 Cadwallader.M'thaR. 292 Carr, Mary, 229 Cadwallader, Mary, 293 Carr, Samuel, 110 Cad wall ader, Mifflin, 126 Carroll, Josephine, 307 Cadwallader, Moses, 161 Carslake, Wm. J., 203 Cadwallader, Rees. 105 Carter, Ann, 250 Cadwallader, Thos. S., 190 Curler, AureliusN., 206 Cnllev, Alice, 341 Carter, Caleb, 107 Ca! ley, Joseph K., 178 Carter, Charles S., 103 Calley, Sarah M., 332 Carter, Daniel, 124 Canby, Anna P., K26 Carter, Henry, 122 Canby. ('alcb, 149 Carter, Jacob, 134 Cauliy, Caroline B., 3: 13 Carter, James, 118 Canby, Charles, 143 Carter, John, 122 Canby, Charles, 199 Carter, John E., 103 Canby, Esther, 232 Carter, Joseph, 138 Canby, Frances, 243 Carter, Lydia, 239 Canby, George. 154 Carter, Rebecca, L'.vi Canby, James, Jr., 12* Carter, Ruth H., 290 Cuuby, John, 143 Carter, William, 206 PAGE Carver. Elizabeth, 238 Carver, Henry, 119 Carver, Mary, 256 Carver, Samuel H., 112 Cary, Egbert S., 205 Cassin, Isaac S., 156 Cassin, John, 137 Cassin, Rebecca, 289 Cattell, Beulah, 306 Cattell, Corinne, 332 Caulk, Elizabeth, 235 Caulk, Mary B., 293 Caulk, It. E., 293 Cawley, Lydia, 238 Chace, Anna Harvey, 337 Chambers, Amy, 281 Chambers. Caroline, 284 Chambers, Charles, 194 Chambers, Charles P., 197 Chambers, David, 122 Chambers, David, 151 Chambers,Deborah P. ,3H6 Chambers, Edm'd M., 195 Chambers, Elizabeth, 296 " " (Teacher,) 87 (Dunn,) " (Com.,)W2 Chambers, Emma S., 336 Chambers, George R., 188 Chambers, James, 189 Chambers, John J., 185 | Chambers, John W., 141 Chambers, Joseph, 144 Chambers, Joseph C., 198 Chambers, Lydia, 275 Chambers, Mahlon, 144 Chambers, Marg'tM., 272 Chambers, Mark P., 194 Chambers, Mary, 334 Chambers, Mary Ann, 281 Chambers, Patience, 263 Chambers, Phebe H., 322 Chambers, Phillips, 17S Chambers, Richard, 160 Chambers, Rich'd M., 168 Chambers, Sam'l K., 176 Chambers, Sarah, 301 Chambers, Sarah B., 270 Chambers, Sarah B., &!8 Chambers, Thos. L., 170 Chambers, William, 155 Chance, Armily, 213 Chance, Elizabeth, 243 Chandlee, Ann, 266 Chandlee, Edward, 120 Chandlee, Hannah, 227 Chandlee, Hannah, 2a3 i Chandlee, Hannah, 270 Chandlee, Muhlon, 112 Chandler, Ann, 254 Chandler, Daniel W., 158 Chandler, Jacob, V>4 Chandler, Maruatvt, L".I> I Chandler, Mary Ann, 263 Chandler, Thomas, 123 Chandler, William G., 123 Chapman, Elizabeth, 252- Chiipman, John, 121 Chapman, Joseph, 120 384 INDEX. PAGE Chapman, Josiah, 126 Chapman, Keturah, 269 Chapman, Mary R., 253 Chapman, Mercy A., 253 Chapman, Sarah, 244 Chapman, William, 126 Chase, Edith L., 317 Chase, .Richard \V., 109 Chase, William B., 172 Chase, William C., 195 Cheyney. Anna M., 3-12 Cheyney, Annie, 316 Cheyuey, Charles, 194 Cheyuey, Eliza A., 336 " ( Teacher,) 91 Cheyney, Emily, 342 Cheyney, J. Passmore, 195 Cheyuey, Jesse S.. 169 " (Teacher, ) 87 Cheyney, John P., 156 Cheyney, Margaretta, 338 Cheyney, Sallie E., 339 Cheyney, Wilmer, 184 Child, Hannah B., 307 Child, John T., 132 Child, Lucy B., 344 Child, Willard, 201 Child, William L., 194 Chilton, Mary F., 347 Chrisman, Hannah, 299 C'hrisman, Isaac, 165 Chrisman, Mary H., 281 Chrisman, Rebec. L., 301 Church, Antrim, 131 Church, Matlack, 121 Church, Rebecca, 256 Church, Sarah, 256 Church man,Caroliue, 298 Churchman, Edward, 92 Cliurchman, George, 95 Churchman, Hannah, 236 Churchman, Marg., 243 "(Cbm.,)101 Churchman, Owen, 108 Churchman, Rebecca, 97 Clark, Achsah, 245 Clark, Ann, 254 Clark, Ann E., 802 Clark, Benjamin, 95 Clark, Beulah, 239 Clark, Charles G., 184 Clark, Deborah, 279 Chirk, Edith H., 252 Clark, Elisha, 147 Clark, Elisha L., 124 Clark, Eliza, 245 Clark, Elizabeth G., 254 dark, Jane, 100 Clark, Joseph G., 129 Clark, Josephine, 307 Clark, Mary. 234 Clark, Rachel, 250 Clark, Snsan, 261 Clark, Thomas, 112 Clarke, Joseph O., 117 Clarke, Mary, 100 Cleaver, Charlotte, 254 Cleaver, Emily, 259 PAGE Cleaver, Isaac, 106 Cleaver, Jonathan, 152 Cleaver, Mary, 293 i Clement, Allan B., 204 ! Clement, Ann, 248 . Clement, Charles A., 175 I Clement, Edgar, 199 Clement, Elizabeth, 244 Clement, Elizabeth, 291 Clement, Evan, 109 Clement, Frances L., 281 Clement, Hannah A., 262 Clement, Joseph, 134 Clement, Joseph C., 127 I Clement, Josiah, 106 Clement, Lydia, 244 Clement, Mary F., 278 Clement, Mickle, 129 Clement, Rebecca, 271 Clement, Ruth Anna, 326 Clement, Samuel C., 151 Clement, Samuel E., 117 Clement, William W.,129 Clemson, Elizabeth, 295 Clemson, Hannah, 231 Clemson, James L., 151 Clemson, Mary, 235 Clemson, Sarah, 235 Clendenon, Ann, 241 Clendenon, Eliz., 239 Cleiidenon, Hannah, 241 Clifton, Henry. 95 Clinger, Mary E., 327 Cloud, Benjamin F., 179 Cloud, Charles R., 174 Cloud, Edward H., 183 Cloud, George W., 174 Cloud, J. Harper, 191 Cloud, Josiah, Jr., 195 Cloud, Henry J., 192 Cloud, John W., 188 " " ( Teacher,) 89 Cloud, Samuel H., 177 Cloud, Sarah Ann, 242 Cloud, Sarah F., 317 Coale, Elizabeth F., 283 Coale, George M., 131 Coale, Margaret, 261 Coale, Mary Y., 345 Coale, Samuel, 134 Coale, Sarah, 261 Coale, Sarah W., 233 Coale, Skipwith H., 179 Coale, Susan, 274 Coale, Thomas E., 161 Coale, Thomas E., 202 Coale, William B., 145 Coale, William E., 161 Coates, Amy, 97 Coates, Ann G., 260 Coates, R. Anna, 317 Coates, Charles, 152 Coates, Charles E., 204 Coates, Deborah, 99 Coates, George, 151 Coates, George T., 159 Coates, George W, P., 194 Coates, Jesse, 204 PAGR Coates, Josiah, 108 Coates, L. Roberts, 194 Coates, Lydia, 226 Coates, Mary, 278 Coates, Moses, 112 Coates, Reynall, 122 Coates, Samuel, 159 Coates, Sarah, 233 Coates, Sarah J., 297 Coates, Sarah R., 277 Coates, Kidney, 100 Coates. Zillah, 235 Cock, Elizabeth B., 274 Cock, Maria, 273 Cocks, Ann Augusta, 263 Cocks, Eliza F., 255 Coe, Esther, 240 Coe, Robert. 122 Coe, Samuel E., 117 Coe. William, 119 Coffin, Edward H., 182 Coffin, Elizabeth, 241 Coffin, James A., 172 Coffin, Martha, 261 Coffin, Mary, 240 Coffin, Oliver G., 172 Coffin, Stephen, 139 Coffin, Thomas M., 115 Cohn, Joseph S., 142 Cole, Alvin, 191 Cole, Lydia, 100 Cole, Sarah, 300 Cole, William B., 148 Coleman, Elizabeth, 98 Coleman. Hannah, 236 Coleman, Hannah, 265 Coleman, James, 136 Coleman. Mary E., 305 Collins, Alwilda, 337 Collins, Amos S., 155 Collins, Anna, 309 Collins, Anna C., 326 Collins, Anna S., 329 Collins, Arthur. 107 Collins, Caroline B., 335 Collins, Charles, 182 Collins, Eliza, 334 Collins, Elizabeth B., 315 Collins, Emma, 342 Collins, George, 146 Collins, Hannah, 267 Collins, Hannah E., 311 Collins, John, 4 Collins, Rachel E., 324 Collins, Samuel C., 181 Coir ins, Sarah A. , 81 Collins, Sarah L., 341 Collins, Stephen G., 162 Dolling, Stokes, 196 Collins, William L., 1% Comegys, Augusta, 263 Comfort, Aaron R., 167 Comfort, Albert, 161 INDEX. 385 PAGE PAGE PAGE Comfort, Alire, 98 Comstock, Martha, 271 Cook, Thomas, 119 Comfort, Alire, 84 Comstock, Nathan D., 149 Cook, William H., 174 Comfort, Alice, 278 Conard, Alfred S., 167 ! Cook, William P., Ifil Comfort, Ann Eliz., 313 Conard, Ann. 270 Cooke, John, 99 " "(Com.,) 102 Conard, Deborah, 270 Cookson, Mary, 229 Comfort, Anna E., 325 Conard. Elizabeth, 251 Cooper, Alexander, 129 Comfort, Anna M., 339 Conard, Lucy, 277 Cooper, Ann, 228 Comfort, Benjumin C.,189 Comfort, Charles \V., 189 Conard, Lydia, 279 Cooper, Ann, 259 Conard, Maria, 274 Cooper, Ann, 266 Comfort, Cyrus C., 167 Conard, Mary, 262 Cooper, Ann. '272 Comfort, Da'fid, 144 Conard, Milton, 1">7 Cooper, Anna H., 342 Comfort, Edward, 140 Comfort, Edward W., 204 Conard, Nathan, 135 Conard, Rachel, 260 Cooper, Anna J., 332 ' f " (Teacher,) 89 Comfort, Eliza, 252 Conard, Rebecca, 268 Cooper, Anna R., 322 Comfort, Elizabeth, 272 " (Teacher,) 86 Cooper, Anne, 305 (Scatlergood,) " (Ow.,)102 Conard, Rebecca S., 102 Cooper, Asahel, 176 Comfort, Elizabeth, 283 Conard, Rebecca Y., 279 Cooper, AsahelW., 177 Comfort, Elizabeth, 295 Conard. Ruth, 268 j Cooper, Asenath, 265 Comfort, Ellis, 114 Conard, Sarah, 84 i Cooper, Benjamin, 97 Comfort, Ellwood, 149 Comfort, Ezra, 182 Conard, Sarah R. f 308 ': Cooper, Benjamin, 126 Conard, Susanna, 2-"-9 Cooper, Benjamin, 162 Comfort, George M., 167 Conard, Thomas, 133 i Cooper, Benjamin C., 113 " (Cbm.,)103 ' (Com.,) 102 ! Cooper, Benjamin W., 204 Comfort, Harvey S., 190 Conard, Thomas P., 172 Cooper, Brinton P., 196 Comfort, Henrv W., 199 Congdon. Edward, 168 Cooper, Caleb M., Ki6 Comfort, Howard, 188 Congdon, Robert D., 154 Cooper, Caleb P., 178 Comfort, I. Roberts, 197 Conklin Emma, 299 Cooper, Catharine, 309 Comfort, James C., 135 Conrad, James S., 175 Cooper, Caroline H., 339 Comfort, James C., 192 Conrad, Sarah, 258 j Cooper, Charles, 149 Comfort, Jane, 272 Conrad, Solomon, 140 i Cooper, Charles, 1,72 Comfort, Jeremiah, 138 Conrad, Timothy A., 121 Cooper, Charles M., 137 Comfort, Jesse, 139 Conrad. William B., 181 Cooper, Clayton, 163 Comfort, John B., 183 Comfort. John S., 102 Conrow, Elizabeth, 237 Conrow, Joseph, 179 Cooper, Cyrus, 198 Cooper, David E., 2 Comfort. Jonathan J., 163 Conrow, Sarah, 255 Cooper, Edith, 312 Comfort, Margaret, 295 Conrow, Sarah E., 268 Cooper, Edwin, 193 Comfort, Martha, 277 Cook. Amos M., 206 Cooper, Edwin H., 198 Comfort, Mary, 230 Cook, Anna M., 3:52 Cooper, Eleanor H., 344 Comfort, Mary, 289 Cook, Barton, 127 Cooper, Elizabeth, 226 Comfort, Marv Ann, 279 Cook, C. Carroll, 184 Cooper, Elizabeth, 265 Comfort, Mary T., 3ft? Cook, Charles G., 205 Cooper, Elizabeth M., 325 Comfort. Maurice, 190 Cook, Chlotilda, 284 Cooper, Ellwood, 177 Comfort, Mercy, 102 Cook, Edwin, 190 Cooper, Elma A., 346 Comfort. Motet, 101 Cook, Elisha, 188 Cooper, Emma L-, 328 Comfort, Rachel, 299 Cook, Elisha, 125 Cooper, Fanny, 345 Comfort, Samud, 83 Cook, Elizabeth P., 323 Cooper, George, 179 Comfort, Samuel, 141 Cook, George. 193 Cooper, Hannah, 277 Comfort, Sarah, 303 Cook, Hannah T., 287 Cooper, Hannah, 306 Comfort, Sarah C., 327 Cook, J. Howard, 202 Cooper, Hannah A., 319 Comfort, Stephen, 97 Cook, Jesse. 124 Cooper, Harry E., 204 Comfort, .Susan E., 102 (took, J. Horace, 1K4 Cooper, Howard, 194 (See Edge.) Cook, Joel. 135 Cooper, Isaac, 107 Comfort, Thomas, 131 Cook, John, 98 Cooper, J. Morris, l'J3 Comfort, William, 188 Cook, John, 126 Cooper, Jael, 291 Comfort, William S., 199 Cook, John T., 174 Coofter, James, 96 Comly, Ann, 267 Cook, John William, 184 Cooper, James, i>6 Comly, Charles, 133 Cook, Jonas P.. 185 Cooper, James, 147 Comly. Ethan, 109 Cook, Josiah T., 141' Cooper, James P., 182 Comly, Franklin, 114 Cook, Lydia, 267 Cooper, Joseph, 114 Cumty, John, 83 Cook, Margaret T., 329 Ctjfiper, Josqih, 84 Comly, Kebecca B., 99 Cook, Mary, 260 Cooper, Joseph B., 154 (See Budd.) Cook, Mary W., 339 Cooper, Joseph B., 156 Comly, Samuel, 108 Cook, Nathan. !:>"> Cooper, Josephine, 328 Comly, Sarah, 271 Cook, I'hobe T., 311 | Cooper, Lydia, 226 Comlv, Sarah, 271 Cook, Rit-hard, 118 Cooper. Lydia, 334 Comstock, Chloe M., Liu Cook, Ruth, 231 Cooper, Lydia A., 338 Comstock, Eliz. A., 271 Cook, Sarah, 287 Cooper, Maria F., 319 Comstock, Isaac T., 149 Cook, Stacy, 141 Cooper, Mary, 228 386 INDEX. PAGE PAGE PAGE Cooper, Mary, 262 Cope, Edward Y., 163 Cope, William, 173 Cooper, Mary, 289 Cope, Eleanor, 258 Cope, Wilmec, 200 Cooper, Mary, 297 Cope, Elizabeth, 310 Copeland, Ellen G., 341 Cooper, Mary E., 319 Cope, Elizabeth, 316 Copeland, Mary F., 341 Cooper, Mary E., 338 Cope, Elizabeth, 331 Copeland, Miriam R., 347 Cooper, Mary L., 339 Cope, Elizabeth C., 255 Copeland, Sarah E., 341 Cooper, Mary V., 330 Cope, Elizabeth W., 318 Coppock, Joseph J., 198 Cooper, Pennock, 196 Cope, Ellen, 310 Corbit, Ann, 2.V2 Cooper, Phebe P., 304 Cope, Ellen P., 336 Corbit, Daniel W., 17:; Cooper, Prudence, 254 Cope, Emeliue, 256 Corbit, Elizabeth, 257 Cooper, Rachel Ann, 324 Cope, Emma, 258 Co'rbit, John C., 1(12 ' (Teacher,) 88 Cope, Emma, 321 Corbit. I-ouisa A., 312 Cooper, Rebecca, 246 Cope, Francis, 112 Corbit, Marv C., 329 Cooper, Rebecca, 249 Cope, Franklin, 191 Corbit, Thomas, ]'JO Ccxiper, Rebecca, 306 Cope, Frederick H., 204 Corbit, William C., 170 Cooper, Rebecca M., 326 Cope, Gilbert, 173 Corbit, William F., 106 Cooper, Richard M., 195 Cope, Hannah, 237 Corbitt, Jemima, 2'J8 Cooper, Samuel, 119 Cope, Hannah T., 316 Corlies, Benjamin, 118 Cooper, Samuel, 100 Cope, Henry, 112 Corlies, Britton, 111 Cooper, Samuel, 162 " (Com.,) 99 Corlies, Britton, 140 Cooper, Samuel C., 119 Cope, Henry, 172 Corlies, Charles, 135 Cooper, Sarah, 98 Cope, Henry, Jr., 181 Corlies, Edward G., 108 Cooper, Sarah Ann, 283 Cope, James, 183 Corlies, George W., 130 Cooper, Sarah E., 298 Cope, James B., 189 Corlies, Henry, 126 Cooper, Sarah J., 312 Cope, Jane M., 301 Corlies, Henry. 147 Cooper, Sarah J., 322 " (Com.,) 103 Corlies, Joseph, 1:56 Cooper, Susanna R., 316 Cope, Jasper, 132 Corlies, Joseph W., 110 Cooper, Sylvania, 324 Cope, John, 107 Corlies, Margaret M., 272 " (Teacher,) 89 Cope, Jonathan, 196 Corlies, Mary, 99 " "(Gov'ness,)8l Cope, Joseph E., 174 Corlies, Patience, 98 Cooper, Warner, 193 Cope, Lucmda, 333 Corlies, Sarah, 263 Cooper. William, 99 Cope, Lydia E., 345 Corlies, Thomas, 138 Cooper, William A., 202 Cope, Lydia T., 338 Corlies, William W., 136 Cooper, William B., 137 Cope, Marmaduke, 121 Cornthwaite, Ann P., 257 Cooper, William B., 202 ; Cope, Mary, 245 Corse, Elizabeth M., 283 Cooper, William B., 203 Cope, Mary, Corse, Frank, 186 Cooper, William T., 188 Cope, Mary Ann, 246 Corse, James M., 130 Cooper, William T., 198 Cope, Mary Ann, 305 Corse, John R., 135 Cope, Abiah, 179 Cope, Mary Ann, 318 Corse, Leonline R., 318 Cope, Albert. 194 Cope, Mary Anna, 318 Corse, Susan C., 270 Cape, Albert B., 91 Cope, Marv H., 847 Corse, William H., 143 Cope. Alexis T., 179 Cope, Mary P., 305 Corse, William J., 186 Co])e. Alfred, 101 Cope, Melissa, 332 Corson, Hannah, 274 Cope, Alice E., 327 Cope, Morris S., 179 Corson, Martha, 305 Cope, Ann, 296 Cope, Nathan, 176 Corson, Sarah, 277 Cope, Anna, 323 Cope, Oliver, 130 Cotant, Charles, 155 Cope, Annette, ("ope, Paschall, 158 Cotant, Daniel B., 166 Cope, Barclay, 176 Cope, Phebe A., 347 Cotant, Eliza Jane, 279 Cope, Benjamin, 98 Cope, Packet, 97 Cotant, Gideon. 147 Cope, Benjamin, 174 Cope, Rachel W., 252 Cotant, Josenh H., 157 Cope, Benjamin H., 200 Cope, Rachel W., 319 Cotant, Margaret A., 291 Cope, Caleb I)., 204 Cope, Rebecca, 282 Couch, Deborah, 234 Cope, Caleb S., 136 Cope, Rebecca B., 101 Couch, Rebecca, 235 Cope, Caroline, 320 (See Biddle.) Coulson, Thomas M., 173 Cope, Caroline E., 317 Cope. Rebecca G., 296 Couplin, Elizabeth, 276 Cope, Caroline R., 245 (Pastvnore,) " (Matron,) 80 Cowgill, Angelica, 2C9 Cope, Charity, 224 " (Com.,) 103 Cowgill, Ann L., 2C.S Cope, Charity, 83 Cope, Rest, 99 Cowgill, Charles, 121 Cooe. Charles S., 120 (See Swavne.) Cowgill, Charles, 106 Co^e, Daniel, 175 Cope, Sal lie T., 334 Cmagill, Clayton, Cope. David, 176 Cope, Debbie E., 313 Cope, Samuel, 169 Cope, Samuel S., 168 Cowqill, Daniel, 96 Cowgill. Daniel S., 121 Cope, Deborah, 274 Co])e. Sarah B., 100 Cowgill, Edward D., 173 ' ( Teacher,) 85 (See Buckley.) Cowgill, Elizabeth. 275 Cope, Deborah, 284 Cope. Susan, 325 ' ' ( Teacher.) 85 Cope, Deborah, 320 Cope, Tho*. P., 102 Cowgill, Elizabeth, 341 Cope, Edgar, 168 Cope, William, 117 Cowgill, James, 122 Cope, Edward D., 172 Cope, William, 160 Cowgill, John Henry, 166 INDEX. 38T PAGE PAGE PAGE Cowgill, Martha, 312 Crawford, Lydia D., 272 Daniel, Deborah, 276 Cowgill, Marv. 2'>1 Crawford, Margaret, 257 Daniel, Margaret, 275 Cowgill, Nathaniel, 133 Crenshaw, Deb. A., 325 Daniel, Rebecca, 270 Vuwyill, SaraA, 97 Crenshaw, Edm'd A., 148 Daniel, William. 110 Cowgill, Warner, 119 Crenshaw, Edm'd A., 155 Darlington, Amos, 136 Cowgill, William, 131 CrenshaW. Eliza C., 330 Darlington, Amy, 262 COWperthW&it, Kliz., 227 Crensliaw, Eliz'h A., 304 Cowperthwait, Eliz., 228 j Cren.shaw, J. Isabella, 347 Darlington, Bm line, 285 Darlington, Hannah, 247 Oowpertbwait Eliz., 2.!4 Crenshaw. James H., 186 Darlington, Hannah, 269 Cowperthwait, Eliz. J..3U5 Crenshaw, Marg't E., 325 Darlington, Isaac, 131 Oowperthwait,Eather,226 Crenshaw, Mary J., 307 Darlington, Mary, 229 Cowperthwait, Han'h,W Crenshaw, Nath'l B., 177 Darlington, Mary. 274 Cowperthwait, Jos. C.. 144 , Cresson, Elizabeth, 225 Darlington, Phebe, 271 Cowperthwait, Levi, ITU " (Cum.,) 99 Darlington, Rhoda. 238 Cowperthwait, Ma'ha,27.~> (Mason.) " " 100 Darlington, Samuel, 118 Cowperthw.iit, M. J., 301 Cresson. Emlen, Darlington, Sarah, 262 Cowperthwait, Mary 256 Cresson, James, 126 Darnell, Agnes M., 315 Cowperth wait. Sar.A., 277 Cresson, James, 128 Darnell, Anna H., 306 Cox, Aaron, 135 Cresson, John, 139 Darnell, Charles, 155 Cox, Amy, 232 Cresson, John B., 138 Darnell, David E., 1>>2 Cox, Ann, 97 Cresson, Jonathan L., 177 Darnell, Edward, 161 Cox, Artilla Ann, 339 Cresson, Josh iia, 146 Daniel 1, Edward, K'3 Cox, Clarkson J., 201 Cressou, Mary W., 278 Darnell, Emily A., 343 Cux, Cvnthia N., 315 Cresson, Rebecca W., 255 Darnell. Ezra E.. 182 Cox, Deborah, 279 Cresson, Sarah, 96 Darnell, Howard, 175 C.x, Elizabeth J., 295 Cresson, Sarah, 225 Darnell, Jane, 31i Cox, Hannah Ann, 314 Cresson. Snrah, W Darnell, Job, 124 Cox, Hannah Aim, 322 Cresson, Sarah, 281 Darnell, John E, 177 Cox, Howard, 204 Cresson, Warder, 119 Darnell, Joseph II., 192 Cox, Isaac J., 134 Crew, Jacob L.. 160 Darnell. Mariana, 3J5 Cox, Isaac P., 117 Crew, James H., 149 Darnell, Rachel. '-'41 foe. John, 95 Crew, Mary L., 341 Darnell. Rebecca C., 313 Cox, John, Jr., 96 Crew, Thomas M., 149 Darnell, Samuel B., 178 Cox, John E., 195 Crew, William B., 189 Darnell, Sarah, 313 Cox, Joseph, 137 Crim, James S., 129 Davids,, Benjamin, 114 Cox, Keziah Elma, 339 Croasdale, Jane, 313 Davidson, Benjamin, 142 Cox, Lydia, 293 Cromwell, Daniel, 187 Davidson, Elizabeth. 2N7 Cox, Lydia E., 302 Cromwell, Edward, 190 Davidson, William, 136 Cox, Margaret, 250 : Cromwell, Everett, 193 Davidson.William H., 1*>6 Cox. Martha T., 299 Cromwell, (iertrude, 329 Da vies, Mary L., 271 Cox, Mary, 280 Cromwell, H. Maur'e, 185 Davis, Aaron, 1.Y7 Cox, Mary D., 276 Cromwell. Helen. 329 Davis, Abbie H., 341 Cox, Mary L., 232 Cromwell, Morton, 201 Davis, Benjamin, 151 Cox, Marv W., 310 Crownover, Sabina, 239 Davis, Caleb W., 199 Cox, Melietabel F., 338 Croxson, Hannah, 230 Davis, Charles, 128 Cox, Phebe, 83 Crukshank, Kachd, 97 Davis, Cordelia A., 338 Cox, Rachel, 234 Cumming, Asher, 105 Davis, Deborah, 259 Cox, Rachel, 297 Cumming, Charles, 159 Davis, Deborah, 278 Cox, Samuel, 115 Cumminy, David, 95 Davis, Deborah, 286 Cox, Sarah, 234 Cumming, David B., 106 Davis, Edward M., 135 Cox, Silas W., 195 Cumming, Deborah, 233 Davis, Elizabeth, L-r.'J Cox, Susan H., 236 Cumming, Edward, 159 Davis, Elizabeth, 288 Cox, Susanna, 227 Cumming, Elizabeth, 290 Davis, Elizabeth H Craft, Agnes, 240 Cumming, Elizabeth, 294 Davis, Franklin, 194 Craft, Deborah, 272 Cumming, John, 164 Davis, Hannah, 231 Craft, Edith, 283 Cumming, Lydia T., 319 Davis, Hannah G., _r> Craft. Elizabeth, 240 Cumming, Rachel, 227 I'nrin, Jlainiafi P., 101 Craft, Elizabeth, 250 Cumming. Rebecca, 2.'3 (See Price.) Craft, Isaac, 139 dimming, Thomas, 113 Davis, Isaac R., 132 Craft, Jane, 279 i Cunningham, Eliz'h, 271 Davis, James, 121 Craft, Mary, 276 Cur.is, Charles, Davis, James, 1 >2 Craig, Ann, 236 Curtis, James T., 196 " " (Farmer,) \rl Craig, Saran, 224 Curtis, William E., 190 Davis, Jane S., 327 Cranstone, Alfred H., 186 Davis, John F., 179 Cranstone, Charles, 186 Dallam, Thomas B., 146 Davis, Joseph, 1_'2 Cranstone, Mary, 299 Dallam, William, 1 46 Davis, Joshua H., I'.t-S Crawford. Ann, 2"-9 Dalzi.-l, Edith, ::il Davis, I.v.lia, - .', Crawford, Hannah, 2 "> Dali-iel, Jane, JUS Davis, Martha, 234 29 W 388 INDEX. PAGE Davis, Martha, 255 Davis, Mary, 236 Davis, Mary, 246 Davis, Mary C., 259 Davis, Mary C., 260 Davis, Mary 8., 341 Davis, Marii W., 99 Davis, Phe'be, 304 Davis, Phebe, 319 Davis, Richard W., 137 Davis, Ruthaim, 2-19 Davis, Samuel, 118 Davis, Sarah, 278 Davis, Tiicy, 245 Davis, William, 118 Davis, Wm. Morris, 137 Dawes, Edward, 105 Dawes, Elizabeth, 226 Dawes, Jonathan, 105 Dawes, Samuel F., 105 Dawson, Anne, 243 Dawson, Caleb. 206 Dawson, Chalkley, 173 Dawson, Edith. 308 Dawson, -Elizabeth, 293 Dawson, Ellis, 154 Dawson, Margaret S., 298 Dawson, Melvina, 346 Dawson, Mordecai L., 120 Dawson. Mordecai M., 163 Dawson, Ruth Ann, 276 Dawson, Thomas S., 133 Dawson, Thomas M., 199 Dawson, William, 117 Dawson, William P., 158 Day. Samuel M., 129 " (Teacher,) 85 Deacon, Ann, 228 Deacon, Ann, 291 Deacon, Anna, 314 Deacon, Anna H., 337 Deacon, Caroline, 322 Deacon, Charles R., 178 Deacon, Charles T., 130 Deacon, Edmund, 132 Deacon, Elizabeth, 343 Deacon, Elizabeth, 317 Deacon, Ellen, 314 Deacon, Frederic H., 187 Deacon, George B., 129 Deacon, George E., 187 Deacon, Hannah, 252 Deacon, J. Herbert, 204 Deacon, Hcttie B., 336 Deacon, Howard, 175 Deacon, James, 163 Deacon, Jervis B., 198 Deacon, John, 165 Deacon, John C., 126 Deacon, John C., Jr., 181 Deacon, John E., 148 Deacon, John L., 172 Deacon, Joseph H., 139 Deacon, Keturah, 233 Deacon, Kezia, 248 Deacon. Mary. 255 Deacon, Rebecca, 248 Deacon, Samuel B., 191 PAGE Deacon, Sarah H., 279 Deacon, Thomas E., 110 Deacon, William R., 163 Decou, Amelia, 247 Decou, Anna B., 326 Decou, Barclay, 188 Decou, Charles, 163 Decou, Clayton, 106 Decou, Daniel, 177 Decou, Edith, 337 Decou, Elizabeth, 305 Decou, Elizabeth H., 336 Decou, Francis, 172 Decou, Hannah E., 290 Decou, Margaret T., 322 Decou, Mary E., 286 Decou, Miriam. 309 Decou, Peter Ellis, 175 Decou, Sarah E., 335 Decou, Susan, 321 Decou, Thomas B., 186 De Con, George, 201 De Cou, Joseph E., 203 De Cou, Marietta, 340 De Cou, Rebecca T., 343 De Cou, Thomas J., 199 De Cou. Walter E., 201 Dell, Catharine, 301 Dell, Joseph S., 162 Dell, Thomas, 169 Derm. Rachel, 259 Dennis, Edward G. ; 166 Dennis, Sarah, 239 Denny, Charles, 114 Denny, Charles, 124 Denny, Daniel C., 134 Denny, Elizabeth, 246 Denny. Evelina, 256 Denny, Mary, 226 Denny, Samuel, 134 Denny, Sarah, 254 Denny, William, 131 Denny, William, 154 Dent, Elizabeth, 291 Dent, Mary, 278 " " (Teacher,') 85 Dent, Thomas, 135 Deprefontaine, AnnE.,289 Deprefontaine, John 147 Deprefontaine. R., 276 Dewees, Aimed ia, 333 Dewees, Louisa M., 342 Dewees, Naomi B., 347 Dewees, Richard S., 197 Dewees, Watson W., 185 " "(Ast.Gov.,') 8S " "(dov.,) 80 " "(Teacher,) 90 Dewell, George S., 168 Dickinson, Anna E., 317 Dickinson, Benjamin, 171 Dickinson,Benjamin, 174 Dickinson, Betty, 243 Dickinson, Edwin L., 1(16 Dickinson, Henry, 112 Dickinson, John, 163 Dickinson, Mary, 249 Diekinson,MaryElma,3i23 PAGE Dickinson, Rachel, 247 Dickinson, Rachel T.,301 Dickinson.Samuel E., 168 Dickinson, Sally A*., 98 Dickinson, Susan E., 306 Dicks, Roger, 95 Dilks, Elizabeth C., 331 Dilks, George R., 191 Dilks, Hannah H., 326 Dilks, Mary R., 312 Dilks, Rachel J., 813 Dilks, Sidney, 318 Dilks, William W., 177 Dillin, Sarah Ann, 85 Dillon, Elizabeth, 279 Dillon, Hannah, 241 Dillon, Isaac, 114 Dillon. Martha, 237 Dillwijn. G?or9 Earl, Elizabeth, 233 Earl, Leah, 235 PAGE Earl, Martha, 250 Earl, Mary, 237 Earl, Mnry, 242 Earl, Mary, 251 Earl, Rebecca, 247 Earl. Rebecca, 252 Earl. Sarah B., 261 Earl, Thomas, 116 Earl, \Villiam, 11)6 Earl. William, 121 East burn, Amos, 153 Eastburn, Anna C., 329 Eastburn, Cyrus, 165 Eastburn, Eliza. 247 Eastburn, Elizabeth, 238 Eastburn, Elizabeth, 294 Eastburn, Frances, 262 Eastburn, Franklin, 178 Eastburn, Isaac S., 159 Eastburn, Joseph \V., 161 Eastburn, Lillian H., 345 Eastburn, Martha, 254 Eastburn, Mary, 250 Eastburn, Mary Anna, 306 Eastburn, Mary C., 309 Eastburn, Mercy. 317 Eastburn, Rachel, 2/9 Eastburn, Ruth. 273 Eastburn. Samuel C., 183 Eastburn, Sarah, 250 Eastburn, Sidney W., 343 Eastburn, Thomas, 191 Eastlack, Amy, 276 " ( Teacher,) 83 Eastlack, Elizabeth, 275 Eastlack, Hannah, 286 Eastlack, M. H., 271 Eastlack, Rachel, 292 Eastlack, Sarah, 291 Eaves, Sarah, 297 Eayre. Kezia, 233 Ecroyd, Anne, 312 Ecroyd, Annie, 347 Ecroyd, Charles E., 203 Ecroyd, Deborah, 306 Ecroyd, Elizabeth S., 345 Ecroyd, Hannah, 276 (Suowdon,) " (Com.,) 102 " (Matron,) 79 Ecroyd, Hannah, 294 Ecroyd, Henry, 195 Ecroyd, James, 163 Ecroyd, Martha, 276 Ecroyd, Martha, 307 Ecroyd, Martha S., 272 Ecroyd, Mary, 302 Ecroyd. Richard, 175 Ecroyd, Susan, 297 (Lippincott,) ' (Com.,) 102 Eddy, Charles, 1)6 r.ddy, George, 111 Eddy, James, 119 Eddy, I-ewis. 106 Edge. Alfred P., 183 Edge, Anna G., 316 Edge, Anna \ ., 102 Edge, Benjamin, 189 Edge, Edith, 101 TABm Edge, Edith A.. 344 Edge, Edward S , 194 Edge, Elizabeth, 273 Edge, Elizabeth D., 316 Edge, Emma H., 332 Edge, Fanny, 277 Edge, Frances, 299 Edge, Hannah, 277 Edge, Jacob, 101 Edge. Jacob V., 173 Edge. Jane, 285 Edge, John, 146 Edge. Jonas, 147 Edge, Joshua P., 93 Edge, Lydia K., 337 Edge, Mary. 226 Edge, Mary, 239 Edge, Rebecca S., 329 Edge, Ruth Anna, 277 Edge, Samuel H., 176 Edge, Sarah Ann, 286 Edge, Sarah M., 344 Edge, Susan, 283 (Comfort,) " (Com.,) 102 Edge, Thomas. 142 Edge, Thomas J., 165 Edge, Vincent, 188 Edge, William, 140 Edgerton, Anna L., 332 Edgerton, Caroline, 346 Edgerton, Ellen, 347 Edgerton, James, Jr., 191 Edgertou, Jesse, 156 " ( Teacher,) 86 Edgerton, Nathan H., 180 " " (Teacher,) 87 Edgerton. Thomas D., 205 Edget, Webster. 167 Edkin, Aaron S., 205 Ed kin, Robert B., 205 Edmondson, Eliza. 236 Edmondson, John F., 130 Edmondson, Martha, 231 Edmondson, Mary, 236 Ed m on dson . Rebecca, 245 Edwards, Anna R., 328 Edwards, Beuj. J., 146 Edwards, Edward, 117 Edwards, Howard, 162 Edwards, Jane W., 280 " " (Teacher,) 87 (Knight,) " (Matron,) 80 Edwards, Joseph J., 147 Edwards, Lydia, 283 Edwards, Mary, 283 Edwards, Mary Ann, L'71 Edwards, Rebecca, 241 Edwards.S.Hildeburn 183 Ed wards, Sarah, 230 Edwards, Sarah E., 290 Edwards. William, 1.".9 Elder, Bethia B., 346 Elder, Rebecca W., 348 Elder. Theodore E., 204 Kldridge, Abigail, 290 Eldridge, Abigail, 312 Eldridge, Abra'm S., 192 Eldridge, Charles, 150 390 INDEX. PAGE Eldridge, David, 150 Eldridge, Deborah M., 251 Eldridge, Edward T., 194 Eldridge. Elizabeth, 321 Eldridge, Elmer E., 199 Eldridge, Enos P., 181 Eldridge, Esiher H., 347 Eldridge, Hannah P., 251 Eldridge, Harriet, 292 Eldridge, Isaac, 130 Eldridge, Issachar, 164 Eldridge, James, 174 Eldridge, Jane M., 316 Eldridge, John, 178 Eldridge, Jonathan, 158 Eldridge, Jonathan. 193 " (li'k-kpr.,) 93 Eldridge, Joseph, 187 Eldridge, Joseph P., 171 Eldridge, Joseph P., 173 Eldridge, Lydia, 285 Eldridge, Lydia, 322 Eldridge, Lydia Ann, 297 Eldridge, Lydia Ann, 302 Eldridge, Margaret, 316 Eldridge, Maria, 307 Eldridge, Maris H., 190 Eldridge, Mary, 274 Eldridge, Mary Ann, 293 Eldridge, Rachel, 296 Eldridge, Rachel, 300 Eldridge, Reuben, 181 Eldridge, Sarah Ann, 301 Eldridge, Thomas C., 164 Eldridge, William, 156 Eldridge, William, 168 Eldridge, William P., L~2 Elfreth, Jacob, 105 " " (B'k-kpr.,) 92 Elfreth, J. Benington, 194 Elfreth, Joseph, 147 Elfreth, Miriam. 843 " ( Teacher,) 92 Elkinton, Alfred C., 201 Elkinton, Asa, 158 Elkinton, Charles, 163 Elkinton, Edith, 302 Elkinton, George E., 157 Elkinton, Henry H., 183 Elkinton, Joseph, 112 Elkinton, Joseph S., 149 Elkinton, Lindley M..153 Elkinton.Margaretta, 2S8 Elkinton, Mary P., 338 Elkinton, Rebecca, 233 Elkinton, Rebecca, 302 Elkinton, Sarah, 254 Elkinton, Sarah, 303 Elkinton, William T., 197 Ellet, Hannah C., 232 Ellicott, Andrew. 124 Ellicott, Elizabeth, 232 Ellicott, Evan T., 113 Ellicott, Hannah, 229 Ellicott, James, 112 Ellicott, Jane, 291 Ellicott, John, 110 Ellicott, Rachel, 232 PAGE PAGE Ellicott, William, 113 Embree, William G.. 174 Elliott, Daniel, 98 " " (Teacher, ) 88 Elliott, George S., 147 Embree, Zillah, 257 Elliott, John, 118 " ( Teacher,) 85 Elliott, Hannah, 98 Emerson, Ann Eliza, 268 Elliott, Mary Ann, 332 Emerson,Gouverueur,115 Ellis, Abigail, 243 Emerson, Mary, 250 Ellis. Anna, 232 Emerson, Ruth, 228 Ellis, Anna M., 295 Emerson, Sarah, 250 Ellis, Benj. W. M., 149 Emerson, Susan, 260 Ellis, David, 108 Emlen, Ann, 224 Ellis, Elizabeth, 234 Emlen, Anne, 2iS8 Ellis, Hannah, 231 Emlen, Caleb, 144 Ellis, Hannah, 243 Emlen, Deborah, 227 Ellis, Hannah, 293 Emlen, Eliza Ann, 281 Ellis, Henry D., 124 Emlen, James, 96 Ellis, Mary, 223 Emlen, James, 109 Ellis, Mary, 248 " " (Teacher,) 85 Ellis, Marv, 295 " " (Cow.,) 99 Ellis, Mercy, 253 Emlen James V., 139 Ellis, Mercy Ann, 282 Emlen, Jeremiah, 108 Ellis, Peler, 95 Emlen, Joshua, 107 Ellis, Phebe, 252 Emlen. Mary, 224 Ellis, Rachel, 223 Emlen, Marv, 279 Ellis, Rachel M., 314 " (Teacher,) 86 Ellis, Reuben, 150 Emlen, Mary C., 297 Ellis, Sarah E., 287 Emlen, Phebe, 224 Ellis, Susanna, 248 Emlen, Phebe, 229 Ellis, William C., 105 Emlen, Phebe, 280 Ellison, Anna L., 825 Emlen, Samuel, 107 Ellison, John B., 114 " " (Com.,) 102 Ellison, Mary E., 819 Emlen, Samuel, 98 Ellison, Matilda P., 821 Emlen, Sarah, 288 Elslon, Agnes, 97 Emlen, Susan, 288 Elston, Sarah, 224 Emlen, Susanna, 98 Ely, Charles, 116 England, Alfred, 184 Ely, Charles B., 147 England, Clara, 334 Ely, Ellas, 118 Englan d , El izabeth D. ,266 Ely, Elizabeth, 242 England, Emma, 326 Ely, Francinia, 282 England, Hannah, 230 Ely, Hannah, 260 England, Hastings, 187 Ely, Henry, 133 England, Howell S., 202 Ely, Hugh, 97 England, Joseph K., 197 Ely, Joseph, 116 England, Mary C., 336 Ely, Joseph O., 143 England, Sarah, 262 Ely, Letitia, 257 England, Sidney M., 294 Ely, Ruth, 97 Engle, Deborah, 235 Ely, Seneca, 133 Engle, David D., 196 Ely, William P., 148 Engle, Elizabeth, 260 Embree, Alfred, 190 Engle, Esther A., 834 Embree, Anne, 254 Engle, Esther T., 277 Embree, Edwin E., 176 Engle, Ezra C., 194 Embree, George E., 189 Engle, Josiah P., 187 Embree, J. Anna, 327 Engle, Mary Ann, 280 Embree, Joshua G., 173 Engle, Maurice D., 202 Embree, Lvdia, 323 Engle, Rebecca, 259 " "(Teacher,) 89 Engle, Robert B., 171 Embree, Martha, 260 Engle, Robert F., 201 Embree, Marv, 327 Engle, Sarah Ann, 277 Embree, Phebe, 228 Engle, ?arah C., 277 Embree, Phebe, 310 Entriken, Mary, 2o7 Embree, Rebecca, 247 Entriken, Sibilla P., 279 Embree, Rebecca B., 331 Evans, Abigail, 274 Embree, Sarah, 319 (Wood,) " (Com.) 101 Embree, Sarah G., 331 Eva us, Abigail B., 321 Embree, Sibilla, 248 Evans, Alice E., 327 '(Teacher,) 81 Evans, Amelia, 224 Embree, T. Walter, 195 Evans, Amos, 144 INDEX. 391 PAGE PAGE PAGE Evans, Ann, 260 Evans, Joseph, 99 Erans, William, 102 Evans, Ann, 275 Evans, Joseph. 119 Evans, William, 197 Evans, Ann, 277 Evans, Joseph, 170 Evans, William, 204 Evans, Ann, 283 Evans, Joseph, 185 Evans. William J., 181 Evans, Ann, 291 Evans, Joseph, 185 Evans, William P., 184 Evans, Anna, 272 Evans, Anne, 337 Evans, Joseph B., Evans, Joseph G., 165 178 Evaitl, Henry, Evens* Abbie L., 89 339 Evans, Beulah T., 340 Evans, Josiah, 135 Evens, Clayton L., 201 Evans, Caleb G., 174 Evans, Josiah B., 133 Evens, Elizabeth B., 325 Evans, Catharine, 254 Evans, Joshua D., 182 Evens, Hannah K.., 324 Evans, Catharine, 299 Evans, Lewis, 132 Evens, Henry, 192 Evans, Catharine, 306 Evans, Lydia, 260 Evens, Isaac 8., 199 Evans, Catharine, 315 Evans, Lydia, 277 Evens, Joseph J., 192 Evans, Catharine, 102 Evans, Lydia, 315 Evens, Joseph K., 182 (See Wistar.) Evans, Lydia, 337 Evens, Joshua R., 197 Evans, Charles, 170 Evans, Lydia B., 309 Evens, Mary, 255 ra;i* Charles, 102 Evans, Lydia J., 335 Evens, Mary, 101 Evans, Charles, 206 Evans, Margaret, 272 Evens, Mary B., 328 Evans, Charles B., 129 (Xaule,) ?< (Com. ) 102 Evens, Rachel 8., 340 Evans, Clayton H., 200 Evans, Martha, 276 Evens, Sarah L., 324 Evans, David, 96 Evans, Martha A., 252 Evens, Sarah R., 340 Evans, David, 133 Evans, Mary, 225 Evens, Thomas J., 197 Evans, David, 153 Evans, Mary, 233 Eves. Martha. 303 Evans, David R., 116 Evans, Mary, 278 Eves, Priscilla, 256 Evans, Deborah C., 280 Evans, Mary, 281 Eves, Samuel, 162 Evans, Deborah 8., 313 Evans, Mary, 293 Eyre, Ann, 298 Evans, Edwin. 200 Evans, Mary, 306 Eyre. Jesse B., 115 Evans, Elizabeth, 297 Evans, Mary, 340 Eyre, Joshua, 154 Erans, Elizabeth, 100 Evans, Mary Ann, 269 Evans, Elizabeth, 319 Evans, Mary C., 265 Fairlamb, Francis, 109 ( Teacher,) 89 Evans, Mary K., 327 Fairlamb, Harriet, 240 Evans, Elizabeth G., 315 Evans, Mary L., 326 Fairlamb, Lydia, 250 Evans, Elizabeth L., 318 Evans, Marv M., 270 Fairlamb, Susanna, 227 Evans, Elizabeth R., 303 Evans, Mary R., 291 Fa) las, Isaac C., 160 " (tt>m.,)102 Evans, Mary T., 321 Fallis, Susan M., 300 Evans, Ellwood, 175 ; Evans, Owen, 156 Farnum, Susan, 324 Evans, Emily, 285 Evans, Rachel, 242 Faron, Ann J., 331 Evans, Esther, 278 Evans, Rachel, 265 Farquhar, Charles, 121 Evans, Esther G., 321 Evans, Rachel B., 301 Farquhar. Charles, 84 Evans, Ezra, 123 Evans, Rebecca, " 275 Farquhar, Sarah, 84 Evans, Francis W., 136 Evans. Robert, 116 (See Foulke.) Evans, Grace, 1UU Evans, Rowland, 197 Farrington, Sarah, 291 (See Trimble.) Evans, Samuel, 120 Farson, Ann, 254 Erans, Hannah, 97 Evans, Samuel, 129 Farson.Marv, 245 Evans, Hannah, 296 Evans. Samuel, 171 Fawcett, Edith, 338 " (Com.,) 102 Evans, Samuel B., 141 Fawcett, Eunice, 321 Evans, Hannah, 249 Evans, Samuel J., 169 Fawcett, Joseph, 185 Evans, Hannah, 304 Evans, Samuel R., 172 Fawkes, Anna Mary, 326 Evans. Hannah, 315 Evans, Sarah, 229 Fawkes, Emma J., 338 Evans, Hannah, 325 Evans, Sarah, 263 Fawkes, Mary D., 335 Evans, Hannah, Jr., 99 Evans, Sarah A., 270 Fawkes. Rachel A., 316 Evans, Hannah, 236 Evans, Sarah M., 331 Fawkes, Sarah, 335 (Rhoads.) ' (Com.,) 100 Evans, Susanna, 268 Fell, Ann, 248 Evans, Isaac, 143 Evans, Susanna, 273 Fell, Anna G., 344 Evans, Isaac, 191 Evans, Susanna, 280 Fell, David, 122 Evans, Jane, 235 Evans, Susanna, 310 Fell. Eliza, 265 Evans. Jane, 2::7 Evans. Thomas, 110 Fell, Elizabeth 3., 2K3 Evans, Jesse, 110 Evans, Thomas, 129 Fell, Emily, an Evans, Jesse, 138 Evans, Thomas, 100 Fell, Jane, 255 Evans. Joel. 101 Evans, Thomas, 141 Fell, Jonathan, 138 Evans. Joel, 176 Evans, Thomas, 158 Fell. Joseph, 114 Evans, John, 121 Evans, William, MB Fell, Joseph, 156 Evans. John, 166 " (Cm MM Fell. Lvdia, 248 Evans, John B., 200 Evans, William, 125 Fell, Maria, 2M Evans, John T., 104 Evans, William, m Fell, Marshall, Jr., 186 Evans, John W., 169 Evans. William, 127 Fell, Man-, 286 Evans, Jonathan, Jr., 95 Evans, William, 151 Fell, Rebecca, na Evans, Joseph, 105 Evans, William, 163 Fell, Samuel S., 206 29* 892 INDEX. PAGE PAGE Fell, Sarah Ann, 274 Folwell, Elizabeth, 226 Fell, Sarah Ann, 277 Folwell, Hannah L., 292 Fell, Thomas J., 126 Folweli, James, 118 Fenimore.Edward L., 175 Folwell, John 125 Fen ni more, Esther, 2(i7 Folwell, Mary, 243 Fennirnore, Jason L., 118 Folwell, Nathan, 155 Fentham, PriscilhV, 242 Folwell, Richard S., 141 Ferris, Benjamin, 99 Folwell, Sarah, 100 Ferris, Charleton, 130 Folwell, Susan, 275 Ferris, Deborah, 271 Folwell, William, 108 Ferris, Elizabeth S., 284 Forsythe, Amos, 155 Ferris, Sarah, 268 Forsythe, Amos, 156 Ferris, Ziba, 107 Forsythe. Ann, 235 Ferris, Ziba, 156 Forsythe, Anna, 83f> Field, Deborah, 96 Forsythe, Charles, 1on, George F., 121 Gibbons, Frances, 280 Garreit, Albina, 298 Garret-son, Hannah, 294 Gibbons, Hnnnuh, 98 Garrett, Alice M., 346 Garretson, Rachel, 268 Gibbons, Hannah, 251 Garre* t. Ann, 248 Garretson, Rachel, 270 Gibbons, Hannah, 307 Garrett, Anna, 275 Garretson. Rachel, 292 Gibbons, Hannah B., 254 Garrett, Anna, 285 Garrigues, Anna, 335 Gibbons, Henry, 169 Garrett, Anna E., 346 Garrigues, Benjamin, 116 Gibbons, Jane, 264 Garrett, Anne, 329 Garrigues, Benj. D., 135 Gibbons, Jane, 1<1 Garrett. Charles, 108 Garrigues, Beulah, 256 Gibbons, Joseph, 119 Garrett, David, 17:; Garrigues, Caspar, 118 Gibbons, Joseph H., 175 Garrett, Davis, 136 Garrigues, David W., 186 Gibbons, Lydia, 228 Garrett, Deborah, 305 Garrigues, Deborah, 256 Gibbons, Lvdia. 277 Garrett, Edward, 123 Garrigues, Edward, 98 Gibbons, Martha, 248 Garrett. Elizabeth, 259 Garrigues, Edward, 118 "(Teacher,) 85 Garrett, Elizabeth, 278 Garrigues, Edward, 184 Gibbons, Mary, 246 Garrett, Elizabeth, 310 Garrigues. Edward H.,144 Gibbons, Mary P., 254 Garrett. Elizabeth, 346 Garrigues, Elizabeth, 328 Gibbons. Masse v, 228 Garrett, Elizabeth B.. 294 Garrigues, Hannah, 244 Gibbons, Naomi, 285 Garrett, Elizabeth C., 262 Garrigues, Hannah, 340 Gibbons, Richard, . 140 Garrett. Elizabeth S., 324 Garrigues, Isaac. 108 Gibbons. Sarah, 300 Garrett. Ellwood, 156 Garrigues, James R., 118 Gibbons, Susan, 310 Garrett. Frances, 301 Garrigues. John S., 188 Gibbons, Thomas, 145 Garrett, George 8., 172 Garrigues, Lydia S., 294 Gibbons, William, HiO Garrett, Gulielma, 274 Garrigues, Mary, 226 Gibbons, William A., 1*2 Garrett, Hannah, 264 Garrigues, Man,-, 225 Gibbons, William M., 106 Garrett. Henrv S , 164 Garrigues, Marv, 340 Gibbs, Lydia, 237 Garrett, Isaac P., 178 Garrigues, Mary M., 250 Gibson, Ann, 234 Garrett, Jane, 278 Garrigues, Robert, 112 Gibson, Webster, 185 Garrett, Jane. 314 Garrigues, Sarah. 272 Gilford, Charles, 166 Garrett, Jane H., 314 Garrigues, Sarah B., 328 Gilford, Clara P., 343 Garrett. James, 17f> Gammies. Sarah M.. 243 Gilford, Elton B., 152 Garrett, Jesse, 166 Garrigues, Susan H., 244 Gilford, Hannah B., 310 Garrett, Jesse H.. 170 Garritfues. William, 96 Gilford, Jemima A., 303 Garrett, John B., 165 ttftrrifraes, William, 108 Gilford. Lvdia S., 311 Garrett, John K., 116 Garrigues, William II. ,1 <4 Gilford, Thomas, 166 Garrett, Lydia P., 274 Garwood, Daniel, 173 Gilford, William B., 169 Garrett. Margaret. 224 Gaskill. Ann. 225 Gilbert, Ann, 83 (.Vnlin,) , " (Own.,) 100 Ga.-kill. Beulah, 233 Gilbert. Joshua, 106 Garrett. Margaret, 2->9 Gaskill. Jane. 242 Gilkeson, Hunter B., 178 Garrett, Margaret, 262 Ga.-kill, Josiah, 107 Gilkeson, Marv S., 321 (Sheppnrd.) " (Com..) I Gillingham, Frances, 293 Gillingham, Hannah, 85 Gillingham, Hcnrie'a, 289 Gillingham, James, 122 (iillingham, Mahlon, 107 Gillingham, M. H., 148 Gillingham, Nath. H.,117 Gillinghain,RachelC..284 Gillingham, Sam'l H., 122 Gillingham, Theo. T., 165 Gillingham, Thomas, 121 Gillingham, Wm. H., 118 Gillingham, Yeamans,125 Gilpin, Abigail, 247 Gilpin, Ann, 223 Gilpin, Elizabeth, 242 Gilpin, Emily, 328 Gilpin, Richard B., 121 Gilpin, Ruth, 264 Gilpin, Sidney A., 240 Glover, Adeline, 287 Glover, Beulah, 251 Glover, Caroline, 267 Glover, James, 107 Glover, Rebecca, 278 Glover, Sarah, 306 Good, Annie S., 340 Good, Ella T., 343 Good, Esther, 312 Good. Francis, 157 Good, Isaac, 157 Good, Joel P , 203 Good, Joseph, 156 Good, Louis P., 190 Good, Mary P., 345 Good, Thomas, 170 Goodwin, A. Helena, 342 Goodwin, Elizabeth, 232 Goodwin, Eliz. H., 347 Good win, Frank'n H.,204 Goodwin, Warren C., 202 Gordon, Jane, 296 Gordon, Mordecai L., 108 Gough, Anna Eliza, 311 Gould, Abby, 320 Gould, Henry E., 177 Gould, Sarah M., 334 Gould, Thomas B., 188 Gould, William, 167 Gove, Anna E., 331 Gove, Frederic D., 186 Cover, Jesse, 111 Govett. Ellen, 250 Grant, Lukens, 126 PAGE PAOK Grave. Lydia A., 272 Griffi'hs, Samuel P., 95 Gray, Angelina, 329 Grififf, Ann, W Gray, Margaretta, 335 Griscom, Andrew, 122 Gray, Martha, 238 Grisoom, Annie B., 348 (iray, Man ha, 230 Griscom, Beulah A., 273 Gray, William, 119 Griscom, David B., 150 Greaves, Alfred, 131 Griscom, Jolmetta S., 345 Greaves, Charles, 138 Griscom, Mary, 254 Greaves, James, 111 Griscom, Mary, 265 Green, Abel, 105 Griscom, Rachel, 282 Green, Amy, 265 Griscom, Sarah, 248 Green, ElizabethT., 271 Griscom, William, 125 Green, Hannah A., 2>7 Haines, Benjamin H.,K>4 Haint-.s. Benjamin M.,205 Haines. Betiiuel, K>9 Haines. Beulah, Li 19 Haines, Beulah E., 333 Haines, Caspar W., 168 Haines, Caspar W., 189 Haines, Charles C., 200 Haines, Clayton, 172 Haines. David, 155 Haines, David S., 203 Haines, Deborah, 249 Haines, Deborah F., 315 Haines. Edwin M., 153 Haines, Elizabeth, 245 Haines, Elizabeth, 252 Haines, Elizabeth, 263 Haines, Elizabeth E., 318 Haines, Elizabeth F., 324 Haines, Elizabeth T., S47 Haines, Elizabeth W.,:U7 Haines, Ellis, 189 Haines, Emily, 344 Haines, Emily B., 343 Ilaines, Emily S., 325 Haines, Emmor. 148 Haines, Enhraim, 168 Haines, Erasmus W., 154 Haines, E&ther, 2-">7 Haines. Esther T., 308 Haines, George, 153 Haines, George, 1C6 Haines, George R., 170 Ha yies, George R., 205 Haines, Hamilton, 183 Haines, Hannah, 313 Haines, Hannah A., 311 Haines, Hannah M., 325 Haines. Hannah R., 323 Haines, Hannah W., 337 Haines, Harrison W., 196 Haines, Henrietta, 302 Haines, Henrietta, 307 Haines, Henry, 143 Haines, Henry E., 193 Haines, Hetty E., 330 Hafnes, J. Clifford, 2(>:} Haines, J. Leander, 186 Jfi i ines, Jaftib, s t Haines, J. Gardiner, 175 Haines, James G. t 19t Haines, James W., 1^1 Haines, Jane, 240 Haines, Jane D., 2>9 Haines. Jane E., 313 Haines, Jesse, !">:$ Haines, Job, l.v Haines, John, ]:-"> Haines, John. 1*0 Haines, John D., 158 Haines, John*;., 184 Haines, John N., 184 Haine?, John W., 134 Haines, Joseph A., 181 PARE PAOE Haines, Joseph E., 145 Haines, William B., K>9 Haines, Joseph H., 180 Haines, William C., 181 Haines, Joseph S., 180 Haines, William E., 1:59 Haines, Josiah, Haines, Win. Henry, 185 Haines. Joshua, 143 Haines, Zebedce. 182 Haines. Levi, 176 - (Teacher,) 88 Haines, Lindley, 137 " ( #>/.,) 103 Haines, Lindley, Jr., 180 Haines, I.ydia, 302 Hatt. Abignil H'., 102 (^ee Williiims.) Haines, Lvdia Ann, 334 Hall, Albert, 152 Haines, Margaret B.. 329 Hall, Ann, 248 Haines, Margaretta F.,296 Hall. Deborah K., 244 Haines, Maria, 267 Hall, Edward H., 154 Haines, Martha A., 322 Hall. Eliza, 346 Haines, Martha M., 291 Hall, Eliza D., 341 Haines, Martha S., 286 Hall, Elizabeth, 238 Haines, Mary, 2.V2 Hall, Elizabeth, 305 Haines, Mary, Ml Hall, Elvira, 320 Haines, Mary A., 312 Hall, Francis D., 203 Haines, Mary Ann, 254 Hall, George E., 152 Haines, Mary Ann, 267 Hall, Hannah, 256 Haines, Mary Anna, 331 Hall, Henrv, 187 Haines, Marianna, 302 Hall. Isaac, lf>5 Haines, Marianna, 307 " " (Teacher,) 86 Haines, Marv C., 309 " " (Com.,) 102 Haines, Mary E., 286 Hall, J. Delia, 345 Haines, Mary G., 347 Hall, James M., 141 Haines, Mary J., 325 Hall, John C., 180 Haines, Mary J., -;l Hall, Joseph, 187 Haines, Mary L., 325 Hall, Josiah, 181 Haines, Mary S., 323 Hall, Ollie S., 344 Haines, Mary W., 266 Hall, Maria, 298 Haines, Mary W., 309 Hall, Mary, 292 Haines, Mulford, 188 Hall, Morris, 113 Haines, Nathan, 124 Hall, Prudence, 249 Haines, Nathan, 135 Hall, Rachel, 320 Haines, Newbold R., 183 Hall, Rebecca, 245 Haines, Newlin, 202 Hall, Ruth, 239 Haines, Portia, 312 Hall. Sarah, 243 Haines, Priscilla W.. 315 Hall, Sarah, 249 Haines, Prudence E., 325 Hall, Sina A., 342 Haines, Rachel, 309 Hall, Susanna, 258 Haines, Rachel R., 319 Hall, Thomas. 181 Haines, Rebecca, 2">1 Hall, Thomas H., 150 Haines, Rebecca, 274 Hall, Wilson, 169 Huines, Rebecca, 291 Hallett, Melissa C., 342 Haines, Rebecca, 308 Hallock, Allen, 133 Haines, Rebecca A., 329 Hallock, Daniel H., 19-5 Haines, Rebecca E., 302 Hallock, James C., 132 " (Teaclier,) 86 Hallock, Ruth Anna, 3!8 "Taines, Rebecca R., 3r7 Hallock, Sarah E., 320 Haines, Rebecca W., 305 Hallowell, Alice, 305 Haines, Reuben, 1"5 Hallowed, Alice, 316 Haines, Richard, 172 Hallowell, Ann, 265 Haines. Samuel, 138 Hull'iweH, fieiijnmin, 8t Ifaines, Samnel S., 168 Hallowell, Benjamin, 168 Haines, S. Howard, 201 Hallowell, Caleb, 129 Haines, Sarah. 264 Hallowell, Caroline, 308 Haines, Sarah C., ::.'l Hallowell, Edwin, 125 Haines, Sanih E., 300 Hallowell. Elizabeth, 272 Haines. Sarah R., :;-". Hallowell, Hannah, 2*8 Haines, Sophia, 2.".9 Hallowell. John, l:'.l Haines, Stacy B., 1;2 Hallowell, Jonah. 131 Haines, Susan, 2tV4 Hallowell. M. A.. 298 Haines, Susan. 21)0 Hallowell, Martha, 268 Haines, Susanna, 273 Hallowell. Marv, 250 Haines, Snsnn I,.. SW Hallowell, Marv. Haines, Thomas Lee, 202 (Teacher,) 84 396 INDEX. PAGE Hallowell, Mary, 265 Hallowell, Morris L., 129 Hallowell. R. P., 282 Hallowell, Sarah A., 256 Hallowell, Sarah R., 282 Hallowell. Susan, 243 Hallowell, William, 123 Hambleton, Stephen, 113 Hamblin, C. Allen, 192 Humblin, Howard, 189 Hamblin, \Vm. J. A., 1% Hamilton, Osborn, 142 Hampton, Charles, 110 Hampton, Mariba, 292 Hampton, Martha, 298 Hampton, Mary, 229 Hampton, Mercy, 229 Hampton, William, 134 Hance, Mary, 276 Hance, Sarah, 266 Hancock, Asa, 145 Hancock, Eliz. A., 301 Hancock, Ellis, 148 Hancock, Esther M.. 208 Hancock, George C., 161 Hancock, Martha, 302 Hancock, Reading K.,164 Hancock, Susan, 305 Handy. Charles, 153 Handy, Henry, 146 Handy, William, 153 Haney. Margaret A., 281 Hannum, Dinah. 270 Hannum, Eliz. M., 283 Hannum, Hannah, 308 Hannum. Sarah, 254 Hanson, Samuel, 106 Hanson, Thomas, 107 Hare, John L., 205 Hare, Jonathan C., 200 Hare, William T., 202 Hare, Zada V., 341 Harlan, Anna, 301 Harlan, Anna B., 327 Harlan, Charles N., 160 Harlan, Edith, 248 Harlan, Elizabeth, 246 Harlan, Enoch, 169 Harlan, George P., 122 Harian, George W., 176 Harlan, Haniiah A., 287 Harlan, John M., 164 Harlan, Joseph, 109 Harlan, Joseph G., 156 " (Teacher,) 86 Harlan, Josephine G., 333 Harlan, Lydia, 237 Harlan, Martha, 236 Harlan, Mary, 261 Hnrlan, Mary, 308 Harlan, Rebecca. 274 Harlan, Rebecca H., 314 Harlan, Samuel, 97 Harlan, Sarah, 239 Harlan, Sarah, 327 Harlan, Sarah E., 317 Harlan, Susan, 274 Harlau, Susau W., 303 PAGE Harlan, Thomas W., 157 Harlan, William B., 183 Harman, Andrew, 133 Harman, John A., 133 Harman, Sarah, 282 Harmer, Edward S., 205 Harmer, Elizabeth, 346 Harmer, Hannah, 249 Harmer, Joshua L., 103 Harmer, Letitia. 298 Harmer, Sarah R., 334 " ( Teacher.) 89 Harned, Rebecca, 304 Harper, Ann, 283 Harper, Benjamin, 153 Harper, Daniel R., 141 Harper, James, 108 Harper, Jane, 280 Harper, Mary, 296 Harper, Nathan, 98 Harris, Deborah, 234 Harris, Eliza T., 317 Harris, Hilt H., 204 Harris, John S., 174 Harris, Lucy, 234 Harris, Mary A., 311 Harris, Mary E., 320 Harris, Sarah C., 333 Harrison, Charlotte, 253 Harrison, Eliz. B., 239 Harrison, Emily, 290 Harrison, Maria H., 272 Harrison. Mary E., 341 Harrison, Sarah Ann, 290 Harry, Deborah, 267 Harry, Deborah, 303 Harry, Edward, 164 Harry, Elizabeth, 314 Harry, Maria, 300 Harry, Martha, 291 Harry, Mary E., 315 Harry, Sara'h Ann, 301 Harry, Sophia, 301 Harry, William, 178 Hart. Margaret, 96 Hartley, Thomas B., 130 Hartshorne, Catharine, 97 "(Mat'n,) 79 Hartskorne, Hannah, 99 Hartahorne, R., (Supt.,) 79 " " (Com..) 96 Hartshorne.Sam'l H., 130 Hartshorne, Sarah, 224 HartKhorne, Sarah, 97 Hartshorne, William, 95 Hartshorne, Win. D., 187 1 Hartz. John S., 204 | Hartz, Lee D.. 203 j Hartz, Mary M., 343 Hartz, ^arah, 348 Hartz. Wilbern, 202 Harvey, Alban, 179 Harvey. Amos, 97 Harvey. Anna Mary, 308 Harvey, Anna P., 332 Harvey. Beulah, 305 Harvey, Edwin, 158 Harvey, Gulielma, 339 PAGE Harvey. Hannah, 238 Harvey, Hannah, 250 Harvey, Jane H., 334 Harvey, Joseph, 123 Harvey, Joseph C., 194 Harvey, Julia, 329 Harvey, Lydia, 238 Harvey, Lydia, 244 Harvey, Lydia, 319 Harvey, Maria, 296 Harvey, Mary D., 305 Harvey, Mary E., 304 Harvey, Mary E., 331 Harvey, Phebe, 230 Harvey, Philena, 334 Harvey, Sarah, 299 Harvey, Thomas M., 151 " (Com.,)103 Harvey William B., 198 Hathaway, Caleb, 117 Hathaway, Susan, 327 Hathaway, Thos. W., 117 Hatton, A. Clara, 346 Hatton, Ella, 344 Hatton, Jonathan, 189 Hatton, Phebe, 341 Hatton, Samuel C., 179 Hauxhurst, Ann, 235 Hauxhurst. Mary B., 241 Hauxhurst. Sarah, 235 Havard, Jane, 228 Haverstick, Rebecca. 328 Haviland, Abigail, 318 Haviland. Alfred, 1*5 Haviland, Carrie E., 345 Haviland, Daniel P., 205 Haviland, David S., 178 Haviland, Edward. . 187 Haviland, Elizabeth, 314 Haviland, Francis, 184 Haviland, Isaac, 169 Haviland. L.Gertrnde.340 Haviland, Lydia P., 318 Haviland, MarianW., 346 Haviland, Philip H., 171 Haviland, Walter, 178 Hawley, Abner G., 138 Hawley. Lavinia, 288 Hawley, Lydia Ann, 296 Hawley, Mary, 254 Hawley, Rachel, 260 Hawley. Rebecca, 296 Ha worth, Caroline, 300 Haworth, Edith E., 314 Haworth, Mary, 225 Haworth, Mary, 227 Haycock. Tacy T., 292 Haydock, Ann J., 225 Haydock, Benjamin, 119 Haydock, Eleanor, 310 Haydock, Eliz. W., 263 Haydock, Hannah, 236 Haydock, Hannah, 241 Haydock, John, 118 Haydock, Martha W.. 279 Haydock, Mary Ann, 264 Haydock, Mary Ann, 309 Haydock, Robert, 119 INDEX. 397 run Haydock, Sarah Ann, -JV, ll:i'/'ti>ck, Susanna, 98 Haydock. William, 106 Haydoek, William, 115 Hayes, Albert L., 2U5 Have-. Ann, 314 H.iycs, Benjamin, 158 Hayes, Carrie W., 338 Hayes, Charles, 1.V7 Hayes, Edward, 164 ! Hayes, Eliza Ann. 2S6 : Hayes, Elizabeth L., 307 ! Hayes, Fanny, Hiiyes, I Hayes. I>aac I., Hayes. J. Borton, Hayesf Jacob. Hayes, Lydia E., Hayes, Lydia E., . Hayes. Mary, Hayes, Mary, H iye>, Mary B., Hayes. Rebecca L., Hayes, Robert, H.iyes, Sarah, William B., 3!4 92 160 160 121 34') 342 304 340 300! 282 168 302 1% Hay ward, Sarah Ann, 307 i H izard. Anna, 313 i Razard, Anna, 318 Hazard, Elizabeth, 238 ! Hazard, Elizabeth, 313 Hazard. Isaac P., 116 Hazard. Isaac P., 179 Hazard, John W., 15ti Hazard, Joseph, 124 Hazard. Lydia <\, 308 Hazard, Mary G.. 308 '. Hazard, Rowland G., 121 Hazard, Rowland H.,170 Hazard. Thomas R., 116 Hazard, William. 12:! Hazard, William W., 177 Heacock, Abigail H., 3)5 , Heacock, Abigail W., 300 Heacrck. Acintha, 329 ; Heacock, Amy, 345 : Heaeock. Ainia M., 3;i4 Heacock, Anna 8., 342 Heacock, Asenath, 304 , Heacock. Charles C., l'.4 Heacock, Eli, 197 H acc.ck. Eliz. M., 277 Heacock, Elrna, 327 H< .-acock, Emma C,., Heacock. Hamiul Heacock Harvey E., 191 H'-acix-lc, .!'-> W., ]".:} Heacock. Joseph, 179 i Heacock. Joseph, 188 Heacock. Lanra, 339 Heacock. Louisa W., :;12 Heacock, Martha. 317 ( Teacher,) 88. 89 Heacock, Mary K.. 339 Ht.-ac-k, PhtM W < k, Regina S., 335 Heacock. Sarah E., 56 Heacock, Stacy L., 195 PAGE Heacock, Susan, :;41 H-acock. William W., 197 Headley, Aaron M.. I'.'T Headley, Harriet M., 340 Headley, Oliver H., 198 Heald, Jacob. 129 " (Teacher,) Si Heald, Lydia, 299 Heald, Mary Ann, 269 Heald, Kuth, 265 Healy, Jeremiah, 1 17 Healy. John, 140 Healy, Joseph, 175 Healy, Lucy E., 307 Healy, Lydia, 290 Healy. Mark. 154 Healy, Mercy, 302 Healy, Rebecca, 309 Healy. Sarah, 278 Healy, Sarah E., 310 Hedley, Alfred, 150 Hedley, Anna, 334 Hedley, David B., 186 Hedley, Emma, 334 Hedley. James L., 190 Hedley, Luc ilia R., 333 Hedley, William J., 172 Henderson, Susanna, 206 Henderson. Tlios. A., 205 Hendrickson, Albert, 157 Hendrickson. Ben. E., 167 Hendrickson, Cath.A.,313 Heiidrickson. Edwin, 1VS Hendrickson, Nathan. 1:3 Hendrickson, .-ar. A., 3r2 Bendrickaon Wm.. M<> Hendrickaon.Wm. L.. 191 Henley, Elizabeth X.,:;i7 Henley. Eva, 334 Henley, John G., 178 Henley, Wm. Edgar, 190 Hetily, Sarah, 316 ' ( Teacher,) 87 Henrie, Clemuel R., 193 Heiirie. George \\\ 196 Henrie, Josiah T., 188 Henrie, MarKiiret, 3:^4 Henzey, Joshua, 107 Herendeen, George, 171 Heston, Anna, 344 Heston, Charles B., 186 Heston. David, 155 Heston. Eber. 153 Hestf n, Elizabeth, Z'fi Ht-stoii. Elizaheth, Heston, EIUH-II W., K',7 Hcstoii, George D., 156 .lane, 2X) HestoTi, John B., 195 Heston, Mary, J J i, Phebe Ann, 279 Henliniis, Howard M.. 196 Heiilinys. Mary Alice. ::::.) Hewes, Caleb, I'M Hewes, Charles P., 152 Hewes, Elizabeth M., 2:2 Hewes, Isaac, 1 1 1 Hewes, Jacob, 116 Hewes, Jacob, Hewes, James. A., Hewes, Jane, Hewes, Jesse, Hewes, John, Hewes, John G., Hewes, Mary, Hewes, Rebecca, Hewes, Samuel, Hewes. Sarah Ann, Hewings, Esther, Hiatt, Seniira, Hibberd, Ann, Hibberd, Ann. HibberJ, Edward, Hjbberd, Eli M., Hibberd, Hannah, Hibberd, Hannah, Hibberd, Josiah. PAGE IU 123 230 113 111 1*2 318 1.54 273 225 307 247 254 132 185 238 251 148 Hibberd, Margaret, 273 Hibberd, Mary, 234 Hibberd, Mary, 234 Hibberd, Mary L., 314 Hibbcrd. Norm, 106 Hibberd, Rebecca, 249 Hibberd. Rebecca, 257 ; Hibberd, Susan, 291 | Hibberd. William, 128 Hiekman, Edith, 289 Hickman, Elizabeth, 297 Hiekman. Emmor, 147 Hicks, Edward, 123 Hicks, John, 136 Hicks, Mary. 2*2 Hildeburn, Samuel, 105 Hill, Abigail X.. 320 Hill. Ann G., 262 Hill, Anne, 279 Hill, Asenath. 316 ( Teacher.) 87 Hill. Elizabeth M., 258 Hill, Ella, 310 Hill, Hannah W.. 258 Hill, John H.. 110 Hill. M. Elizabeth, 333 Hill. Mary, 224 Hill, Mary, 219 Hill, Man-, 286 Hill. Rachel, 258 Hill, Sidney, 224 ('l'finj,le.) ' (Com.,) 99 Hilles, Albert L., 186 Hilles, Dinah. 289 Hilles, Edward B., 189 Hilles, Eli, 114 " " (Teacher,) *3 Hilles, Gulielma, 285 Hilles. Joseph T., 204 V'trr/nret H., 99 'See Smith.) Hillr*. Martha, 99 'See Barker.) Hillev Nathan, 138 HUle, Samuel, 83 (Com.,) 100 Hilles, Samuel, 139 Hilles. William P., 1X6 Hillman, Albert H., lt>5 398 INDEX. PAGE PAGE PAGE Hillman, John B., 151 Hoge, Rebecca W., 333 Hoopes, Levi, 176 Hillman, Martha E., 286 Hoge, Thomas C., 187 Hoopes, Lydia, 260 Hillman,NathanielB.,142 " ( Tear-to-,) 88 Hoopes, Lvdia, 270 Hillman, Richard J., 148 Hogeland, Hannah, 284 Hoopes, Lydia Ann, :ji>8 Hillman, Sarah, 241 Hilvard, Anna, 328 Holgate, Mary H., 285 Hollingshead", Hnd'n,125 Hoopes, Margaret, 2.">6 Hoopes, Mary, 274 Hilyard, Anna M., 310 Hollingsworth, Eliz., 295 Hoopes, Mary Ann, 278 Hilvard, Cordelia, 338 Hollingsworih, Eliz., 327 Hoopes, Mary Ann, 299 Hilvard, Elizabeth W., 317 Hollinshead, Benj. H..117 Hoopes, Mary G., 308 Hilvard, Emily, 313 Hollinshead, Rachel, 233 Hoopes, Morris, 192 Hilvard, Emily T., 333 Holloway, Anna, 346 Hoopes, Passmore, 115 Hilvard, Franklin W., 187 Holloway, Chalk'y C., 200 Hoopes, Peirce, 124 Hilyard, George D., 161 Holloway, Edwin F., 197 Hoopes, Phebe, 100 Hilvard, J. Barclay, 184 Holloway, Eph'm W., 187 (See Pennock.) Hilyard, J. Franklin, 183 Holloway, Martha M.,345 Hoopes, Phebe, 293 Hilyard, James, Jr., 181 Holloway, Murray S.,205 Hoopes, Phebe, 334 Hilyard, John W., 169 Holloway, Rachel A., 316 Hoopes, Phebe Emma,327 Hilvard.Jonathau H.,174 Holloway, Walter S., 206 Hoopes, Priscilla, 328 Hilyard. Junia, 234 Holloway.William C., 183 Hoopes, Rachel, 288 Hilyard, Lavinia, 234 Holmes, Ann Eliza, 292 Hoopes, Rachel, 308 Hilyard, Martha W., 317 Holmes, Elizabeth, 231 Hoopes, Ralston R., 173 Hilyard, Mary E., 331 Holmes, Sarah, .292 Hoopes, Rettie W., 346 Hilyard, Mary T., 317 Hood, Mary, 274 Hoopes, Ruth Anna, 296 Hilvard, Mary W., 313 Hood, Sarah, 287 Hoopes, Samuel, 111 Hilvard, Rachel L., 325 Hoopes, Alice, 334 Hoopes, Sarah, 264 Hilyard, Sarah T., 329 Hoopes, Amy, 249 Hoopes, Sarah, 275 Hilyard, Thomas, 114 Hoopes, Amy C., 251 Hoopes, Sarah, 295 Hinchman, Allen, 142 Hoopes, Ann, 288 Hoopes, Sarah D., 316 Hinchman, Anna W., 287 Hoopes, Anna Mary, 298 Hoopes, Sarah P., 26ft Hinchman, Barclay, 136 Hoopes, Anna R., 347 Hoopes, Susan T., 336 Hinchman, Eliza, 243 Hoopes, Barton, 157 Hoopes, Susanna, 235 Hinchman, Griffith, 122 Hoopes, Benjamin, 148 Hoopes, Thomas, 115 Hinchman, Mary, 247 Hoopes, Benjamin, 93 Hoopes, Thomas, 163 Hinchman, Morgan, 136 (teat-for.) 86, 87 Hoopes, Thomas D., 164 Hinchman, Reb'caW.,284 Hoopes, Benjamin P., 185 Hoopes, Townsend, 149 Hinshaw, John E., 202 Hoopes, Caleb, 92 Hoopes, Towns'd W., 191 Hinshaw, Stephen C.,200 " " (Com.,) 103 Hoopes, W. Walter, 186 Hirons, John, 106 Hoopes, Caroline B., 344 Hoopes, William, 164 Hoag, Jane 0., 290 Hoopes, Caroline E., 295 Hooton, Aniia W., 102 Hoag, Martha B., 341 Hoopes, Charles, 189 (See Warrington.) Hoag, Nicholas W., lf>4 Hoopes, Cyrus, 140 Hooton, Charles, 121 Hoagland, Caroline, 317 Hoopes, David, 99 Hooton, Elizabeth, 288 Hoagland, Eliz. M., 310 Hoopes, David, 107 Hooton, Hannah, 232 Hobbs, Marianna, 326 Hoopes, David R., 169 Hooton, Joseph, 143 Hobson, Dorothy, 88 Hoopes, Davis, 117 Hooton, Mary, 250 Hobson, Martha, 253 Hoopes, Edward, 141 Hooton, Priscilla A., 255 Hodgin, Asenath, 245 Hoopes, Edward J., 206 Hopkins, Anna, 314 Hodgson, Matilda, 270 Hoopes. Edwin A., 189 Hopkins, Anna R., 330 Hodgson, Mary, 272 Hodgson, Sarah, 269 Hoopes, Elizabeth, 280 Hoopes, Elizabeth, 285 Hopkins. Xeulah, 100 (Nicholson,) " 100 Hoft'ecker, Emily, 343 Hoopes, Elizabeth, 319 Hopkins, Bessie J., 330 Hoge, Anna Eugenia, 323 Huop/'g, Elizabeth W., 81 Hopkins, C. Canbv, 200 Hoge, Edward B., 197 (See Walters.) Hopkins, Daniel W., 190 Hoge, Elizabeth S., 317 Hoopes, Enoch P., 126 Hopkins, Deborah, 242 Hoge, Frederica P., 334 Hoge, Hannah Ann, 319 Hoopes, Esther, 227 Hoopes, Eva, 346 Hopkins, Edward C., 179 Hopkins, Elizabeth, 235 Hoge, Hannah Elnia, 331 Hoopes, Franklin T., 197 Hopkins. Frank N., 179 Hoge, Henrietta, 336 Hoopes, Hannah, 242 Hopkins, Gerard, 160 Hoge, Isaac C., 179 Hoopes, Hannah, * 248 Il<>l>kin$, Hannah, 97 Hoge, J. Barclay, 190 Hoopes, Henry, 149 Hopkins, Hannah R., 331 Hoge, James, 171 Hoopes, Jane, 230 Hopkins, Hannah W., 241 Hoge, James L., 205 Hoopes, Jane G., 314 Hopkins, John, 182 Hoge, Josephine M., 316 Hoopes, Jasper, 1:>7 Hopkins, John A., 198 Hoge, Lewis N., 176 Hoopes, John, 155 Hopkins, Johns, 193 Hoge, Lindley M., 185 Hoopes, Joseph D., 202 Hopkins, Law'nce H., 168 Hoge, Lydia A., 323 Hoopes, Joshua, 109 Hopkins, Lewis N., 162 Hoge, M. Ella, 334 Hoopes, Joshua, 164 Hopkins, Mary E., 345 Hoge, Phebe W., 321 Hoopes, Lavinia R., 295 Hopkins, Mary J., 312 INDEX. 899 PAGE 1 PAGE | PAGE Hopkins, Nicholas, 109 Howell, Patience, 261 [ Hunn, Gulielma, 265 Hopkins, Priscilla, 256 Howell, Sally, 299 Hunn, John, 140 H .pkins, Rebecca, 224 Hmcell, Samuel, '.' > Hunn, Jonathan, 98 Hopkins, Rebecca, 226 Howell. Samuel, 108 Hunn, Patience, 98 H.. pkins, Rebecca, -J-J7 Howell, Samuel D., 125 Hunn, Patience, 261 Hopkins, Kel>ecea M.. 313 Howell, Sarah, 24> Hunt, Ann, 261 Hopkins, Rebecca W., 333 Howell, Susanna, 227 Hunt, Anna, 302 H.. pkins. Robert G., 139 Howev, Martha, 260 Hunt. A.-enath, 330 Hopkins, Samuel, 165 Howev, Rebecca, 256 Hunt. Benjamin, 133 Hopkins. Sarah, 229 Howev, Sibvl T., 346 Hunt, Caleb s., Hopkins, Stirah, Jr., 98 How-land, Mary R., 259 Hunt. Charles, l-".7 H .pkins, William T., 155 Jlnj-ie. Hnirn S., 88 Hunt, Daria \V.. 161 Hopper, Elizabeth, 268 Hovle, Will'iam G., 186 Hunt, David. " 127 Hopper, Sarah, 213 Hubbs, Anna B., 287 Hunt, Deborah, 278 Home. Elizabeth E., 277 Hubbs, Beulab, 256 Hunt, Edmund, 150 Home,, Henrietta M., 285 Hubbs, Rebecca H., 278 Hunt, Eleanor, 302 Horney, Charles, 177 Huev, Deborah. 304 Hunt, ElishaH., 152 IloskiH*. At>i5 Hughes, Hannah, 253 Hunt, Emmor, 126 Hough, Mary, 241 Hughes, James T., 164 Hunt, Esther, 274 Hough, Mary, 2tV4 Hughes, Joseph, 157 Hunt, Ezra, 148 Hough, Oliver, 127 Hughes, Lydia C.. 318 Hunt, George A., 184 Hough, Rebecca, 237 Huyhts, Lydia, Jr., 100 Hunt, Gibbons, 107 House, Amos W., 143 Hughes, Margaret, 232 Hunt, Hannah, 223 House, Anna S., M Hughes, Margaret, 276 Hunt, Howard A., 180 House, Benjamin S., 174 Hughes, Mark, 167 Hunt, John, 113 House, Eliza W., 305 Hughes, Mary, 292 Hunt, John, 96 House, Jehu, 114 Hughes, Rebecca, 276 Hunt, Joshua, 142 House, Martha D., 302 Hughes, Richard, 165 Hunt. Marianna, 314 " (Teacher.) 86 Hughes, Samuel, 155 Hunt. Marshall J., l:u; (Allen,) " (Com.,) 102 Hughes. William, 144 Hunt, Mary, 280 " (Matron,) 80 Hull, Mary P., 288 Hunt, Mary, 2tl House, Mary. 298 Hulme, Edward S., 194 Hunt. Naomi, 227 House, Rachel S., 290 Hulme. Elizabeth K., 327 Hunt, Nathan C., 167 House, Sarah T., 308 Hulme, Emily, Hunt. Priscilla, 339 House, Susanna, 312 Hulme. James, 125 Hunt. Rachel. 96 House, William E., 159 Hulme, John, 128 Hunt. Rachel. 235 William H., 183 Hulme, John K., 180 Hunt. Rachel. 237 Howard, Charles D., 123 Hulme, Joseph R., 116 (Jtobertx,) " (Com.,) 99 Ho ward. Henry, 112 Hulme, Joshuas., 127 " (Matron,) 79 Howell, Ann, 269 Hulme. Rebecca, 253 Hunt, Ruth A., 291 Anna E., 103 Hulme, Rebecca Ann,2f):'. Hunt, Sarah M., 330 i.-ee Emlen.) Hulme, Robert R., 186 Hunt, Susan, 272 Howell. Arthur, 136 Hulme, Samuel, 139 Hunt, William. 169 Jfmrfll. Catharine, 95 Hulme, Samuel, Jr., 197 Huntington, Chas. E..1S9 . Ililmrah, 99 Hulme, Sarah. 259 Hurford, Hannah, 232 >><:th, 97 Hulme, Susan, 253 Husband, Ann, 2-"il Howell, Elizabeth, 266 Hulme, T. Kirkbride, 197 Husband, Hannah P., :-!24 H.,well, Elizabeth, 303 Hulme. Thomas ('., 127 Husband, Harman, 122 Howell, Elizabeth R., 346 Humes, Elmira C., 338 Husband, John, 123 Howell, Hannah, 227 Humes. J. Edwin. 194 Husband, Joshua, 129 Howell, Hannah, 230 Humphreys, Eliz., 224 Husband, Joshua, Jr., 186 Howell. Hannah, 252 Humphreys, Eliz., 9)0 Husband. Joseph, 114 Howell, Jacob, ivj Humphreys, John, l.V> Husband. Margaret. 271 H ..\\<-ll, John R., lid Humphreys, Mary, 282 Husband. Mary. 234 insevh, 97 Humphreys, Mary, 288 Husband. Thomas J., 136 Howi.ll. Joshua, 149 Humphreys, Kieliard.129 Husband, WHUam P., 179 Howell, Margaret A., 248 Humphreys, Wm. I,., 138 Hus>ev, Mary, 228 Howell, Mary, 228 Humphreys, Wm. W., 137 Hussev. WiU'iam F., 118 Howell. Mary, Hnnn. Ann. 228 Hustler, Isabel, 2-".9 Howell, Mar'v, 266 Hunn, Elizabeth, 282 Hustler, Mary, 2.VJ Howell, Mary M.. 27:. Hunn, Ezekiei, 130 liu-stler, Phebe, 263 30 400 INDEX. PAGE PAGE Hutchinson, Abigail, 244 Jackson, Jane, 100 "(tt>ni.,)102 Jackson, John, 132 Hutchinson, David, 111 Jackson, G. John, 141 Hutchinson, Eliza'h, 234 " (Teacher,) 85 Hutchinson, Han. A., 292 Jackson, John H., 160 Hutchinson, John, 106 Jackson, Lydia, 230 Hutchinson, John F., 151 Jackson, Lydia, 255 Hutchinson, John P., 148 Jackson, M'artha, 233 Hutchinson, Joseph, 117 Jackson. Marv H., 256 Hutchinson, Jos. I'., 151 Jackson, Mary K., 348 Hutchinson, Mary, 296 Jackson, Mary S., 257 Hutchinson, PhebeJ.,297 Jackson, Miry S., 323 Hutchinson, Samuel, 123 Jackson, I'hilena P., 312 Hutchinson, Thos. T., 112 Jackson. Samuel S., 121 Button, Ann S., 299 Jackson, Thomas, 128 Button, Anna T., 345 Jackson, Thomas, 171 Button, Annie W., 318 Jackson, William, 95 Button, George 8., 181 Jackson, William, 113 Button, Hannah, 229 Jackson, William B., 174 Button, Harmon L., 190 Jacob, Charles P., 206 Button, J. Wetherill, 199 Jacob, Frederick, 206 Button, James, 116 Jacob, Joseph P., 206 Button, John, 107 Jacob, Walter W., 206 Button, Mabel, 248 Jacobs, Camilla, 200 Button, Marv Ann, 254 Jacobs, Isaac, 109 Button, Mary Y., 334 Jacobs, John, 98 Button, Priscilla, 312 Jacobs, Margaret, 245 Button, Rebecca, 332 Jacobs. Margaretta T., 81 Button, Richard W., 172 Jacobs, Richard, 132 Button, Samuel T., 206 Jacobs, Samuel, 129 Button, Susan, 333 Jacobs, Sarah, 228 Button, William, 178 Jacobs, Sarah, 83 Iden, Elizabeth, 238 Iden, Jane, 235 Iden, Sarah, 238 Iden, Susanna, 245 Ingham, Isaiah, 109 Ingham, Lydia, 254 Ingham, Mary, 227 Ingram, Abigail, 235 Iredell, Charles, 125 Irish, Franklin, 135 Irish, Washington, 135 Irwin, Hannah, 228 Irwin, Mary A. M., 320 Irwin, Thomas, 114 Isaac, Emma C.. 337 Isaac, Stephen B., 192 Ivins, Ann, 239 Ivins, George W., 160 Ivins, George W., 178 Ivins, Hannah H., 335 Ivins, Lambert, 154 Ivins, I'eter Ellis, 203 Ivins, Robert B., 177 Ivins, Wardell, 148 Ivins, William C., 144 Jacobs, Sidney. 257 Jacobs, Thomas, 108 Jacobs, William, 110 James, Cheyney, 157 James, Edwin, 136 James, Edwin S., 195 James, Esther, 281 James, Hannah J., 312 James, J. Edwin, 204 James, Jesse, 160 James, John, 118 James, John, 99 James, John, James, John M., 176 James, Joseph, 115 James, Lydia T., 340 James. Mary, James, Phineas P., 176 James, Ruth, 223 Janney, Ann W., 287 Janney, Anna M., 336 Janney, Bernard T., 174 Janney, Charles, 136 Janney, Charles, 146 Janney, Charles P., 173 Janney, Cornelia, 310 Jackson, Abigail, 251 Janney, Daniel, 110 Jackson, ElizabethH., 271 Janney, Eliza M., 288 Jackson, Ephraim J., 100 Janney, Francis, 146 Jackson, Hannah B., 234 Janney, Georgiana, 294 Jackson, Holiday, 97 Janney, Hannah, 229 Jack&m. Isaac, 92 Janney, Israel, 111 Jackson, Isaac P., 166 Janney, James W., 183 Jackson, Jacob, Janney, John, 186 Jackson, James C., 137 Janney, John W., 162 (Teacher,) $5, 86 Janney, Johns H., 162 PAGE Janney, Jonas, 164 Janney, Margaret H.,320 Janney, Martha, 25 5 Janney, Mary, 328 Janney, Mary Ann. 290 Janney, Nathaniel E., 173 Janney, Pemberton, 163 Janney, Rebecca T., 337 Janney. Robert M., 186 Janney, Samuel A., 162 Janney, Sarah, 225 Janney, Sarah, 287 Janney, Sarah E., 287 Janney, Susan W., 323 Janney, Thomas M., 184 Janney, William, 157 Janney, William W., 162 Jarrett, Alice, 240 Jarrett. Ann, 237 Jarrett. Chalkley, 120 Jarrett, Elizabeth, 243 Jarrett, Hannah, 231 Jarrett, Jonathan, 109 Jarrett, Margaret, 272 Jarrett, Martha, 244 Jarrett, Mary, 231 Jarrett, Mary, 233 Jarrett, Rachel, 295 Jarrett, Susan, 245 Jarrett, Susanna A., 270 Jarrett, Susanna M., 2H2 Jarrett, Tacy, 234 Jeanes, Jacob, 119 Jeanes, Leah, 238 Jeanes, Rachel, '_':'>:! Jefteris, Ann, 274 " ( Teacher,) 85 Jefferis, Cheyney, 96 Jett'eris, Cheyney, 124 Jefteris, Edith, 270 Jefteris, Hannah, 235 Jefteris, Jacob, 131 Jefleris, James, 113 Jefieris, Joshua, 143 Jefteris, Lydia, 244 Jefteris, Malinda, 238 Jefferis, Martha, 99 - (Matron,) (See Sharpless.) Jefferis, Martha, 265 Jefteris, Mary, 264 Jefleris, William L., 179 Jefferson. Hannah M., 263 Jenkins, Ann, 240 Jenkins. Elizabeth, 242 Jenkins, Ezekiel, 122 Jenkins, Frances A., 305 Jenkins. Gulielma, 301 Jenkins, Halliday, 130 Jenkins, Jabe.T, 136 Jenkins, Jabez H., 163 Jenkins, John H., 168 Jenkins, Martha N., 276 Jenkins, Mary, 211 Jenkins, Mary N., 292 Jenkins, Samuel H., 1C>6 Jenkins, Tabitha, 275 Jenkins, William L., 12!i INDEX. 401 PAGE Jenkinson, Eliza, .;.; Ji-nkinj-on, .Mary M., 'Ml Jenks, Alexander K., 197 Jenks, Aim W., Jenks, Anna, '^91 Jeuks, Eliza, Jenks. Hannah, 289 Jenks. Hannah W., L<4 Jenk-s, M II., l>y Jenks. Rebecca E., 289 Jenks. Richard L., 196 Jeuks. Watson, 111 Jenks, William E., 196 Jen us. William H., 177 Jeimcss. Elizabeth M.,329 Jenness, William S., 182 Jennings, George L., 185 Jennings. Sarah, 282 J>-". Ann, 2.0 Jess, Ann, 277 Jess. Kachel, 24"> p, Alfred, 187 JL-- >p. Hannah G., 331 Joitson, Joseph, 1JO Jobson, Joseph, 134 John, Alice, 273 John, Sarah, 238 Johnson, Benjamin, 128 Johnson, Caleb, 120 Johnson, Cordelia B.,332 Johnson, Edward, 109 Johnson, Edward, 134 Johnson, Ellwcxid, 151 Johnson.Frederiek B.,190 Johnson, George B., 191 Johnson, George K., 142 Johnson, Hannah, 248 Johnson, Hannah H., 247 Johnson.J-Andersoii, 202 Juli/ixi>ii, Jaiie, 99 Johnson. Jane, 298 Johnson, Jane, 327 Johnson, Jemima D., 321 J<>hii!trni. John, 97 Johnson, Joseph, 115 Johnson, Joseph, 186 Johnson, Lindley F., 199 Johnson, Lydia, 248 Johnson, Lydia C., 321 Johnson, Mary, 257 Johnson, Mary S., 341 Johnson, Nathan H., l.Mi Jota&aoo, Kachel, 236 Johnson, Kachel, 244 Johnson, Rachel, 263 Johnson, Rachel, 282 Johnson, Rachel M., ;!19 Johnson, Richards. 119 Johnson, Richards H.,178 Johnson, Rowland, 1:!9 J liinson, Ruth, Johnson, Samuel, 129 Johnson, Samuel, 179 Johnson, William, 110 Johnson, William C., 171 Johnson. William 8., 126 Jolliffe, Elizabeth A., 319 Jolliffe, Elizabeth II., ;jJi PAGE Jolliffe, Fannie M., 331 Jolliffe, George J., 194 Jolliffe, Juseph J., 185 Jolliffe, Rachel W., 340 Joliiffe, SarahS., 327 Jolliffe, Susan, 320 Jolliffe. Thomas H., 176 j Jolliffe, To-.vnsend S., 203 Jolliile. William, 17S Jolliffe, William H., 176 Jones, Abraham, 174 Jones, Alfred. 159 i Jones. Alfred B., 202 I Jones, Amy, 273 Jones, Ann, 227 Jones, Ann, 247 Jones, Ann, 285 Jones, Ann E., 316 Jones, Ann E., 317 ' Jones, Anna, 246 Jones, Anna, 345 Jones, Anna S.. 341 Jones. Arthur H., '206 Jones, Beulah, 283 Jones, Caleb. 141 Jones, Charles, 138 Jones, Christopher H.,182 Jones. Cynthia E., 302 Jones, Cyrus, 118 ; Jones, Deborah, 313 Jones, Edward B., 200 | Jones, Edward C., 175 Jones, Edward H., 190 j Jones, Edward M., 196 Jones, Eliza, 275 Jones, Elizabeth, 271 Jones, Elizabeth, 2!i7 Jones, Elizabeth, 301 j Jones. Elizabeth, 31:5 Jones, Elizabeth Ann, 295 . Jones, Elizabeth B., 278 j Jones, Elizabeth S., 304 j Jones, Emily, 295 Jones, Enos S., 195 Jones, Esther P., 278 j Jones. Ezra, Ul Jones, Ezraetta, Jones, George. Jones, Hannah, Jones, Hai Jones, Hai Jones, Hai Jones, Hai Jones, Hai nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, 153 223 228 Jones, Hannah M., Jones, Harriet. Jones, Henry E., Jones. Henry M., Jones, Howard F., Jones Isaac, Junes, Isaac, Jones, Israel, Jones, J. Albertson, Jones, James H., Jones, James S., Jones, Jane, Junes, Jane, Jones, Jane S., 234 250 269 335 240 l'J4 200 153 180 116 195 171 152 274 347 PA<:E Jones, Jeremiah, HH Jwie. Jtnne, 98 Jones, Jes>e. 132 Janet, John, 95 Jones. John, 109 Jones, John B., 1M Jones, John Barclay, 192 Jones, John 1'., 135 Jones, John T., 177 Jones, Jonathan, 119 Jones, Jonathan. Jr., isl Jones. Jonathan C., 131 Jones, Jonathan T., 144 Jones, Joseph, 107 Jones, Joseph, 136 Jones, Joseph, 146 Jones, Joseph, 174 J< -lies. Joseph W., 172 Jones, Josiah, 139 Jones, Josiah F., 152 Jones. Kezia S., 305 Jones, Lambert J., 201 Jones, Laura, 333 Jones. Letitia, 244 Jones, Luella E., 346 Jones, Lydia, 245 Jones, Lydia A"TT 236 Jones, Lydia L>., 338 Jones, Lydia S., 269 Jones, Margaret, 279 Jones, Margaret H., 32-5 Jones, Maria, 251 Jones, Maria A., 240 Jones, Martha, 263 Jones, Mary, 224 Jones, Mary, 231 Jones, Mary, 240 Jones, Mary, 286 Jones, Mary, 319 Jones. Mary, '$.'> Jones, Mary Ann, 258 Jones, Mary Ann, 294 Jones, Mary Ann, 3n3 Jones, Mary Anna, 343 Jones, Mary C., 258 Jones, Mary E., 322 Jones. Nathan. 133 Jones, Nathaniel, 1S6 Jones, Priscilla, 238 Jones, Priscilla, 2St Jones, Priscilla, 246 Jones, Rachel, 272 Jones, Rachel T., 2'1 Junes. Rebecca, 95 Jones, Rebecca, 2i'4 Jones, Rebecca, 289 Jones, Ruth Ann, 292 Jones, S. Morris, 193 Jones, .Samuel. 165 Jones, Samuel T., 120 Jones, Sarah, 2:47 Jones, Sarah, 25:$ Jones, Sarah, 274 Jones, Sarah, 292 Jones, Sarah F., "(Teacher,) 90. 91 Jones, Sarah H., Jones, Sarah K., 2S9 402 INDEX. PAGE PAGE PAGE Jones, Solomon, 105 Kersey, Joseph, 116 Kinsey, Lydia Ann, 314 Jones. Solomon, 152 Kersey, Mary, 248 Kinsey, Pearson, 136 Jones, Stacy, 163 j Kersey, Mary, 267 Kinsey. R.Emmarine, 327 Jones, Susan, 302 Kosler, Benjamin, 108 Kinsey, Rachel, 247 Jones, Susanna, 228 Kester, Elizabeth H., 326 Kinsey, Rachel C., 327 Jones, Thomas B., ISO Kester, Hannah, 266 Kinsey, Sarah Jane, 274 Jones, Walter. 193 Kester, Hannah, 314 Kinsey, Sarah Jane, 328 Jones, Walter M., 200 Kester, Jane A., 326 Kinsey, Thomas, 176 Jones, William, 118 Kester, John, 133 Kinsey, William, 141 Jones, William, 184 j Kester. Joseph, 184 Kinsey. William, 145 Jones, William H., 126 Kester. Josephine L., 346 Kirby, Hannah, 301 Jones, William P., 166 Kester, Marv C.. 335 Kirby, Priscilla, 303 Jones, William P., 177 Kester. Samuel B., 188 Kirbv, Robert, ' 118 Jordan, Ann, 240 Kester. Sarah, 265 Kirk", Abner G., 132 Jordan, David. 121 Kille, Horace L., 198 Kirk, Alphonso, 171 Jordan, Robert W., 115 Kille, Elizabeth E., 340 Kirk, Anna Mary, 295 Judkins, Rebecca, 308 Kimber, Anna, 249 (Tovmstnd,) "(Com.,)ld3 Justice, Edward R., 124 Kimber, Emmor, 83 Kirk, Caleb, 111 Justice, Elizabeth, 270 (Com.,) 98 Kirk, Deborah, 268 Justice, George R., 124 Kimber, George D., 151 Kirk, Elizabeth, 248 Kimber, Isaac, 119 Kirk, Elizabeth, 99 Kaighn, Amos E., 171 Kimber, Joanna S., 297 Kirk. Elizabeth, 309 Kaighn, Anna Mary, 335 Kimber, Joshua, 168 Kirk, Hannah E., 323 Kaighn, JSartmm, 85 Kimber, Louisa, 337 Kirk, Isaiah, 164 Kaighn, Charles, 126 Kimlier, Marm'ke C., 184 Kirk, John S., 166 Kaighn, Edward B., 172 Kimber, Phebe, 277 Kirk, Katherine E., 346 Kaighn, Elizabeth, 290 Kimber, Regina S., 297 Kirk, Mahlon. 110 Kaighn, Elizabeth. 324 Kimber, Samuel, 120 Kirk, MfJrgaret, 302 Kaighn, Elizabeth B.,317 Kimber, Samuel S., 165 Kirk, Mary, 229 Kaighn, John, 118 Kimber, Susan, 252 Kirk, Mary, 240 Kaighn, John, 175 Kimber, Teresa J., 282 Kirk, Mary Ann, 262 Kaiqhn, John If., 100 Kimber, Thomas, 111 Kirk, Priscilla, 224 Kaighn, John M., 189 " (K'k-kpr.,)6 Kinsey, HannaliElma,314 Kirkbride. Robert, 95 Kenny, June, 2-46 Kinsey. Isaac L., 205 Kirkbride, Sarah A., 249 Kersey, Ann, 296 ; Kinsey, John, 98 Kirkbride, Win. B., 194 Kersey, Gerard C., 152 i Kinsey, John F., 179 Kirkwood, John, 133 Kersey, Hannah, 245 Kinsey, John W., 186 Kirkwood. Mary, 278 Kersey, Jesse, 98 Kiusey, Lewis C., 184 Kirk wood, Reb'ca A., 288 INDEX. 403 PAGE PAGE PAGE Kirkwood, \Vm. F., 160 Ladd, Anna Maria, 257 Larkin, Marv, 296 Kitchen, Samuel, 166 Ladd, Hannah, ",-Jl Larkin, Milton W., 107 Kite, Abigail, 326 Ladd. Isabella, 234 Larkin, Mordecai, 168 Kite, Anna E., 332 Ladd, Isabella, 281 Larkin, Pennell, 1 ,7 Kite, Anna H., 339 Ladd, James, 144 Larkin, Pennell, 198 Kite, Benjamin. 120 Ladd, Oliver, 116 Larkin, Phebe M., 81] Kite, Elizabeth S., 342 Ladd, Mary Ann, 2S5 Larkin, Reece, 170 Kite, Esther. 316 Ladd. Sarah, 235 Larkin, S. Rebecca, :;. :; " (Teacher,) 87 Lafetra, Jane, 276 Larkin, Sarah, 277 Kite, Hannah, 322 Lafetra, Lydia, 27:'. Larkin, Shelly, 201 Kite, J. Albin, 197 Lafetra. Mary, 263 Larkin, Sidney S., 337 Kite, James, 127 Laing, Annabella, 233 Larkin, William S., 205 Kite, James, 159 Laing, JoeO, 113 Larkin, Z. Amy, 848 Kite, James R., 176 Laing, John F., 129 Latimer, John'R., 116 Kite, Jehu L., 139 Laing, Margaret G., 262 Latimt-r, Mary R., 240 Kite, John L., 117 Lake, Lucinda, 306 Latiim-r, Num/i, 90 Kite, Lvdia, Jr., 325 " ( Teacher,) 92 Lawrence, Ann, 270 Kite, Ma rv, 317 Lamb, George M., 184 Lawrence, Anna, 817 Kite, Nathan, 195 Lamb, John E., 124 Lawrence, Elizabeth, "."'7 Kite, Rebecca, 275 Lamb, Philena, 252 Lawrence, Henry, 163 " " ( Teacke>',)8d, 86 Lamborn, Albina, 305 Lawrence. Isaac, 112 Kite, Rebecca, 322 Lamborn, Alice D., 332 Lawrence! Marsha, 240 Kite, Ruth, 317 Lamborn, Ann B., 283 Lawrence, Mary, 817 Kite, Susanna, 263 Lamborn, Ann J., 279 Lawrence, Mordecai, 123 Kite, Susanna, 326 Lamborn, Ann M., 301 Lawrence, Samuel, LOS Kite, Susanna S., 321 Lamborn, Arthur, 206 Lawrence, Sarah, 245 Kite, Thomas, 138 Lamborn, Benjamin, 164 Lawrie, Abigail, 256 Kite, Thomas, 100 Lamborn, Charles, 197 Lawrie, Ann, 260 Kite, William, 88 Lamborn, Eli W., 131 Lawrie, James, 127 Kite, William, Jr., 185 Lamborn, Elizabeth, 282 Lawrie, Lucy Ann, 246 Kite. William Henry, 190 Lamborn, Elizabeth, 3UO Lawrie, Susanna, 241 Klein, John E., 146 Lamborn, Emma, 346 Lawrie, Thomas, 96 Knight, Anna, 308 Lamborn, Ezra, 198 Lawrie, William, 117 Knight, Dubre, 93 Lamborn, Hannah, 272 Lawrie, William, 1 ,'. " (Su.pt.,) 80 Lamborn, Hannah, 2SS Laws, Ann, 247 Knight, Eliza, 247 Lamborn, John, 134 Laws, lianicl, 122 Knight, Elizabeth, 258 Lamborn, Louis, 195 Laws, Elijah, 117 Knight, Elizabeth, 270 Lamborn, Mary, 238 Laws, Elizabeth, 239 Knight, Elizabeth, 286 Lamborn, Mary R., 340 Laws, George W., 120 Knight, Elizabeth, 306 Lamborn, Phebe, 312 Laws, John M., 128 Knight, Elizabeth H., 268 Lamborn. Rachel B., 347 Laws, Lydia, 2: !) " (Teacher,) 84 Lamborn, Samuel, 198 Laws, Mary, 263 (Passrmore,)" (Com.,) 100 Lamborn, Susanna, 266 Laws, Nelson, i <; Knight, Ellen, 319 Lamborn. Thomas, 144 Laws, Thomas, 120 Knight, Esther, 225 Lamborn, Thomas, 149 Laws, William, 121 Knight, Israel, 133 Lamborn, William, 1(!8 Lea, Catharine M., 278 Kiuijki, .lane W., 80 Lamborn, Ziba, 166 Lea, Elizabeth, 242 (See Edwards.) Lancaster, Elizabeth, 2~>5 Lea, George, 108 Knight, Joseph, 119 Lancaster, Harriet, 251 Lea, Joseph, L87 Knight, Martha, 295 Lancaster, John, 123 Lea, Margaret, 223 Knight, Mary, 2t',7 Lancaster, Letitia, 253 Lea, Mary, 226 Knight, Mary, 309 Lancaster, Mary, 2">o Lea, Ruth, Knight, Nathan T., 119 Lancaster, Rebecca, 27:! lA>a, Thomas, 106 Knight, Oliver, 151 Lancaster, Sarah, 217 Lea, Thomas, 1 'S Knight, Rachel, 302 Landis, Henry, 108 Lea, Thomas T., 128 Knight, Samuel, 106 Lane, Henry D., 194 Lea, Susan, 244 Knight, Samuel, 151 Larg-.-, Isaiah, 119 Lear. Barclay, 188 Knight, Sarah E., 312 lArge, Joseph, 120 Lear. Isaac H., ! I Knight, Sarah S., 'J71 Larkin, Edgar D., 205 Lear, Malin, i .:; Knight, Thomas, i;',5 Lark in, Eliza. 299 Lear. Pin-be R., 8 :i Knight, Walter, K!7 Larkin, Elizabeth, 29,s Lear, Rob-.'i-l (i., 178 Knight, William K., 166 Larkin, Emma, 317 Lear, Susanna, 882 Knight, William R., 174 Larkin, Enos, ]"iS I.em. Susanna G., 8 'I Knowles, Anna, '_'"> 7 Larkin, Hannah, 319 Leaver, Elixabeth, 808 Knowles, Caroline S., :>:;() Larkin, Isaac, 17:> Leaver, (ieorge 1)., 155 Knowles, Hannah, 235 Larkin, Joseph, li'>:> Lee, Angeline, 287 Knowles, Mary, 215 Larkin, Mariha, :;n.~. 'ina. 807 Knowles, Rebecca, 2jJ Larkin, Mariha, 317 Lee, Annul W., 161 30* X 404 INDEX. PAGE Lee, Catharine, 306 Lee, Charles, 156 Lee, Charles, 188 Lee, Deborah, 305 Lee, Elizabeth P., 318 Lee. Ellis P., 177 Lee, Francis W., 1.V2 Lee, Hannah, Lee, John, 171 Lee, Joshua B., 1 18 Lee, Lewis P., 135 Lee, Margaret, 2:!5 Lee, Martha, 327 Lee, Mary J., 322 Lee, Mary P., 317 Lee, Mary P., 318 Lee, Mary W., 315 Lee, Miriam, 288 Lee, Rachel, 231 Lee, Rebecca, 322 Lee, Samuel, 112 Lee, Sarah, 303 Lee, Sarah P., 299 Lee, Thomas, 11 1 Leedom, Benjamin, 126 Leedom, Edward, 111 Leedom, Erwin J., 120 Leedom, Jonathan, 134 Leedoni, Lydia, 24'J Leedom, Marv, 250 Leedom, Sarah J., 266 Leeds, Ada M., 338 Leeds, Alfred W., 199 Leeds, Arthur N., 206 Leeds, B. Rush, 193 Leeds, Barzillai, 148 Leeds, Beulah, 2H2 Leeds, Catharine, 244 Leeds, Charles, 148 Leeds, Chas. Henry, 181 Leeds, Charles W., 202 Leeds, Daniel L., Jr., 205 Leeds, Elizabeth A., 328 Leeds, Ella, 846 Leeds, Ezra, 14!) Leeds. Hannah S., 322 Leeds, Henry B., 201 Leeds, Henry W., 203 Leeds, Herman H., 204 Leeds, J. Howell, 184 Leeds, J. Powell, 186 Leeds, Joseph S., 198 Leeds, Lewis W., 158 Leeds, Lucy A., 292 Leeds, Martha, 334 Leeds, Mary, 273 Leeds, Mary Frances, 328 Leeds, Mary W., 338 Leeds, Morris E., 205 Leeds, Nathan B., 191 Leeds, Rebecca A., 323 Leeds, Rebecca S., 280 " (Teacher,) 85 (Allen,) " (Cum.,) 102 Leeds, Ruth Aim, 337 Leeds, Ruth B., ;;::_' Leeds, S. Bolton, 204 Leeds, Samuel, 139 PACK Leeds, Samuel, 85 Leeds, Samuel, 167 Leeds, Samuel S., 188 Leeds, Sarah C., 336 Leeds, Susan P., 330 Leeds, Walton B., IDS Leeds, William W., 189 Leeds, Wilmer P., 196 " (Teacher,) 91 Leggett, William F., 128 LeU-hworth, Alb't L., 141 Letchworth, Eliz., 223 Letchworth, Kliz., 94 LeMiwortk, John, 98 Letch worth, sur. H., 284 Levering, Mary E., 327 Levick, Hannah, 313 Levick, James J., 151 Levick. Peter L., 139 Levick, Peter S., 143 Levick, Rebecca, 263 Levick, Robert, 174 Levick, Samuel J., 141 Levick, Sarah A., 311 Levick, Susanna, 252 Levick. Thomas J., 159 Levis, Alice, 230 Levis, Ann, 228 Levis, Anna P., 252 Levis, Catharine, 310 Levis, Elmer, 171 Levis, Evan, 151 Levis, Franklin, 102 Levis, George, 160 Levis, Henrietta G., 279 Levis, Isaac, 109 Levis, Margaret B., 304 Levis, Martha, 285 Levis, Mary, 297 Levis, Mary D. B., 290 Levis, Morris, 159 Levis, Oborn, 142 Levis, Pancoast, 124 Levis, Rebecca, 291 Levis, Samuel, 152 Levis, William, 108 Levis, William, 142 Lewis, Alice, 98 Lewis, Alice, 287 Lewis, Charles, 150 Lewis, Charles W., 185 Lewis, Davis, 141 Lewis, Elijah, 120 Lewis, Eliza, 273 Lewis, Elizabeth, 292 Lewis, Emily, 289 Lewis, Enoch, 83. 85 " (Com.,) 98 Lewis, Enoch, 141 Lewis, Esther, 258 Lewis, Evan, 109 Lewis. Evan, 120 I.i iris, Hannah, Jr., 98 Lewis, Hannah J., 246 Lewis, Jane, 227 Lewis, Job M., 152 Lewis, John G., 120 Lewis, John P., 144 PAGE Lewis Joseph S., 155 Lewis Mary, 239 Lewis Mary Ann, 295 Lewis MaryJ., 310 Lewis Mordecai, 14! Lewis Pamela, 2".2 Lewis Phebe, 2C4 Lewis Phebe Ann, 257 Lewis Rachel S., 292 Lewis Samuel S., 145 Lewis Sarah, 29S Lewis Thomas M., 122 Lightlbot, Ann, 297 Lightfoot, Benjamin, 108 Lightfoot, Benj. II., 155 Lightfoot. Benj. H., 157 Lightfoot, Deborah, 299 Lightfoot, Eleanor, 297 Lightfoot, Elizabeth, 290 Lightfoot, Francis, 147 Lightfoot.Hannah M.,274 Lightfoot, John, i::s Lightfoot, Margaret, 295 Lightfoot, Margaret, 296 " (Teacher.) V& Lighlfoot, Martha J., 319 Lightfoot, Sarah, 303 Lightfoot, Susanna, 226 Lightfoot, Susanna, 231 Lightfoot, Susanna, 231 Lightfoot, Susanna, 284 " (Teacher,) K> (Wood,) " (Com,,) 101 Lightfoot, William, 109 Lindley, Elizabeth D.,278 Lindley, Hannah M., 278 Lindley, Jacob, 96 Lindley, Jacob, 108 Lindley, John M., 156 Lindley, Sarah, 98 Lindley, Sibyl J., 343 Lindley, T. Ellicott, 183 Lindley, Thomas D., 133 Lindley, Thomas R., 123 Lindley. William, 123 Line, Joseph, 126 Linton, Cyrus, 150 Linton, Elizabeth, 311 Linton, Esther A., 328 Linton, Frances E., 342 Linton, Hannah, 324 Linton, Harvey, 167 Linton, Morris, 195 Linton, Sarah, 309 Lippincott, Abigail, 301 Lippincott, Allen, 169 Lippincott, Ann, 294 Lippincott. Ann, 326 Lippincott, Ann R., 267 Lippincott, Ann T., 266 Lippincott. Anna, 249 Lippincott, Anna, 267 Lippincott, Anna, 317 Lippincott. Asa, ISO Lippinoott, Benjamin,] 50 Lippincott, Benj. A., 1'Jl Lippincott, Benj. H., 122 Lippiucott, Beulah, 228 INDEX. 405 PAGE Lippincott, Beulah, 228 Lippincott, Heiiliih. 277 Lippincott, BeulahR.,290 Lippincott, Charles, 1-18 Lippincott. Charles, 191 Llppincott,Charle8A.,205 Lippincott, Dniiiel, 170 LIppincott, Darling, 128 Liiniincntt. Dinah H., 102 (SeeHilles.) Lippincott. Edith S., 292 Lippincott. Edmund. i:;i Lippincott, Edward, 186 Lippincott, Elizabeth, 256 Lippyicott, Elizabeth, 265 Lippincott, Elizabeth, :!'J:'> Lippincott, Eliz'h A., 310 Lippincott. K\\z h E., 316 Lippincott. Eliz'h E., 331 Lippincott, Eli/.'h H., 341 Lippincott, Eliz'h N.. ::o:> Lippincott, Eliz'h K., 279 Lippincott, Ella P., 317 Lippincott, George, 133 Lippincott.GraceAnn,275 Lippincott. Hannah, 255 Lippincott, Hannah, 263 Lippincott, Han'h R., 346 Lippincott, Henry, 180 Lippinoott, Henry A. ,198 Lippincott, HenryW., 137 Lippincott, Hilles, 188 Lippiiicott, Hope, 295 Lippincott, Isaac, 173 Lippincott, Isaac, 198 Lippincott, James, 110 Lippincott. James S., 141 Lippinoott, Jesse, 115 Lippincott, John, 132 Lippincott, John H., 194 Lippincott, Joseph, 128 Lippincott. JoaephK., 15-s Lippincott. Joseph K. f 180 Lippiiicott,. Jo>. K.. Jr., 195 Lippiiicott. Joseph T., 199 Lippincott, Joseph W., 157 Lippincott, Lydia, 231 LippillCOtt, Lydia, 2 19 Lippineolt. Lydia, 252 Lippincott, Lydia, 276 ( \\-iiHini,) "(Com.,) 102 Lippineott, Lydia, 304 Lippincott. Lydia H., 340 Lippincott, MarthaD.,26S Lippincott, Mary, 228 Lippincott. Mary, 234 Lippincott. Mary, 244 Lippincott, Mary, 209 Lippincott, Mary, 27.', Lippinrott, Mary, 311 Lippinoott, Mary * Lippincoti, MaryB. Lippincott, Mary c. Lippincott. Mary K., 3i:; Lippincott. Mary H., 3:;7 Lippincott, Marys., -jsn /.ili/,in:-o/l. Mir/nm, 100 Lippincott, Miriam, 272 PAGE PAGE Lippincott, Miriam, 306 Llovd, Susanna, 246 Lippincott, Na than iel,15i) Lloyd, William, ill Li|ipincott, I'nul S., 1*2 Loctnoood, Mooes B., B6 Lippincott, I'riscilla, 285 Lodiie, Mary, ji'.i Lippincott, Rebecca, 271 Loiran, Harriet, 22-5 Lippincott, Kebecca, 320 Lilian. Mary. L'7'J Lippincntt. Rel.VaC.,314 l.oiix>hore, Mary, 24J Li|)pincott, Sam'l H., 1M Longstreth, Ami, ._,., t Lippincott, sarah, 279 IjOUKstreth, Anna, 255 Lippincott, Sarah, 2% I.on^'streth, Charles, 106 Lippiiicott, Sarah A., 2.">:i Longstreth, C'harl'te, 284 Lippincott, Sarah A., 2'.i;> Loi lustre ll), Elu (Hid, 208 Lippiiicott, Sarah N., :!:".' Lon^strelh, ICsther, 205 Lippincott, Seth, 111 Longstreth, Hannah, 241 Lij>pincott, Stacv, 119 I/ im-ti-eih. Howell, 128 Lii>i>in<-tl, Sn.u'< E., 102 Longstretb, Jane, 225 (See Ecrovd.) Longstreth, John, 134 Lippincott, .Susan R., 324 Longstreth, Lydia, 2 If. Lippincott, Thos. E., 162 Longstreth, Martha, 270 Lippincott, Wallace, 123 Longstreth, Mary, 264 Lippincott. \Vm. F., 145 LoiiKStreth, Morris, 120 Lishman, Hannah B.,296 L..iiitrstreth, Morris, 201 Litler, Hannah J., 344 Longstietb, Samuel, 109 Litler, John Oxley, 201 Longstreth. Sarah A., 287 Litler, Rachel, 21:5 Longstreth, Susan, 282 Litler, Sarah Ann, 244 Longstreth. Susanna, 246 Little, Charles, 115 Longslreth, Thomas, L12 Little, John, 115 Longstreth, Thomas, 130 Livezey, Anna, 322 Longstreth, Win. \V., 1-Jl Livezey, Anna. 340 Lord, Benjamin, 189 " (Teacher,) 90 Lord, James, 126 Livezey, Ascnath, 238 Lord, James, 1 1;; Livezev, Charles, 204 Lord, Joshua, 124 Livezey, David H., 148 Itiinl, Pltineas, K Livezey, Hannah, 2H1 Love, Eleanor, 248 Livezey. Han'h Ann, 2!iO Lovett, George, 171 Livezey, Jane, 282 I-ovett, Hannah Ann, 825 Livezey, John, Jr., 117 Lovett, M. Jane, 883 Livezey, Martha, 248 Lovett, Robert P., 167 Livezey, Moses, 131 Low her, Patience, 294 Livezey, Oliver, 139 Lower, Amos. 124 Livezey, Ilachel, 251 Lower. Rebecca. 264 Livezev, Thomas, 120 Lowler, Jonathan H., US9 Livezey, William, 182 Lownes, Edward, 199 Llewellyn, Aaron, 128 Lownes. Elias 1'., 176 Llewelyn, Anna M., 347 Lownes. Elizabeth, 817 Llewellyn. I'-ailv, if,:; Lownes, George, ill Llewellyn, Hannah, 308 Lownes, George B., LSS Llewellyn, John, 174 Lownes. lleiiry E., 160 LI <,n,l, Ann, 96 Lownes, Hugh M., 186 Llovd, Bolton, 153 Lownes, Joseph, 110 Llovd, Clement E., 170 Lownes, Joseph, 147 Lloyd, Elizabeth, 213 Lownes, Joseph, 188 Llovd, Elizabeth, 270 Lownes, Martha, 248 Lloyd, Elizabeths., 297 Lownes, Mary, 814 Lloyd. Fanny, 325 Lownes, Mary M., 887 Llovd, Franklin, 156 Lownes. Uaraey, 280 Llovd, Hannah, 260 lyownes, Phineas, 142 Lloyd. Hannah, 279 Lownes. Sidney, 2 7 Llovd, Horace, it; i Lownes, William, 188 Lloyd, Isaac B., ]t!9 l.owrie, Lydia, 284 Llovd, James, 1(15 Lowry. Alfred. 192 Lloyd, Joseph, 169 Loury. Ann M.. 282 Llovd, Marian B., 315 Lowry. Benjamin H., 191 Llovd, Marv, I'M Lowry, Charles, 170 Lloyd, Richard, m Lowry, Edward S., 170 Llovtl, Samuel E., 154 Lowry, Isaac M., 160 Lloyd, Sarah E., 304 Lowry, Isaac S., 182 406 INDEX. PAGE PAGE PAGE Lowrv, John S., 182 McCoy, John C., 124 Maris, Mary E , 326 Lowry, Lydia S., 324 McCoy, William, 124 Maris, Marv J., 320 Lowry, Margaret, 276 McCuiach, James G., 122 Maris, Mary W., 313 Lowrv, William C., 192 Mc'Fmlgen, Cyrus W., 204 Maris, Rachel S., 102, 103 Luff, Elisabeth, 2<;7 McFadgen, Eliz. J., 334 (See Scattergood.) Luff. Susanna, 226 McFadgen, Surah R., 337 Maris, Rebecca D., 309 Luff, Thomas, 107 McFadgen.Wilmer L., 202 Maris, Richard, 177 Lukens, Alice, 238 McGrew, Agnes V., 314 Maris, Richard W., 197 Lukens, Ann N., 296 " ( Teacher,) 91 Maris, Robert W., 199 Lukens, Camper P., 155 McGrew, Ann E., 307 Maris, Sallie, 334 Lukens, Charlotte, 246 McGrew, Eliz. A., 332 Maris, Samuel W., 147 Lukens, Elizabeth, !!26 McGrew, Eulysses A., 192 Maris, Sarah, 255 Lukens, Elizabeth VV.,279 McGrew, Gilbert, 192 Maris, Sarah Ann, 303 Lukens, Hannah W., :u McGrew, Jasper C., 195 Maris, William, 140 Lukens, Harriet, 250 McGrew, Lydia B., 333 Maris, William, 147 Lukens, John, 112 McGulre, George W., 195 Marsh, Agnes E., 255 Lukens, Martha, 245 Mcllvain, Abr'am G., 146 Marsh, Anna. 272 Lukens, Martha, 270 Mcllvain, Ann, 268 Marsh, Benjamin, 139 Lukens, Martha T., 321 Mcllvain, Eliza, 248 Marsh, Catharine, 232 Lukens, Mary Anna, 338 Mcllvain, J. H'ph'ys, 132 Marsh, Elias, 112 Lukens, Phebe, 312 Mcllvain, John H., 132 Marsh, Elizabeth, 241 Lukens, Phebe, 316 Mcllvain, Lydia, 268 Marsh, Gibbons, 127 Lukens, Prisrilla A., 276 Mcllvain, Rachel, 261 Marsh, Hannah, 234 Lukens, Rachel, 269 McKand, Martha, 241 Marsh, Hannah G., 282 Lukens, Rebecca, 246 McMillan, Maria, 248 Marsh, John H., 137 Lukens, Reuben, 151 McPherson, Eliz., 225 Marsh, Joseph R., 152 Lukens, Ruth Ann, 266 McPherson, Esther, 241 Marsh, Lydia S., 274 Lu kens, Sarah, 238 McPherson, Jane, 225 Marsh, Phineas, 114 Lukens, Sarah, 298 McPherson, Mary, 241 Marsh, Rebecca, 228 Lukens, Sarah, 324 Macy, Jonathan G., 116 Marsh, William, 142 Litkens, Solomon, 101 Macy, William H., 165 Marshall, Anna E., 333 Lukens, Susanna, 300 Maddock, Mary, 291 Marshall, Anna M., 323 Lukens, Tacy, 255 Magarge, Ann, 292 Marshall, Elizabeth, 265 Lukens, Thomas E., 151 Magarge, Ezra, 156 Marshall, Elizabeth, 282 Lukens, Violetta, 256 Magarge, Hannah, 313 Marshall, Hannah, 262 Lukens, Wilier, 171 Magarge, Rebecca, 311 Marshall, Henry, IKi Lukens, William, 125 Magarge, Susanna, 285 Marshall, Humphrey, 95 Lukens, William F., 147 Magill, Ann, 273 Marshall, Jnnits, 96 Lundy, Abigail, 253 Magill, Edward H., 154 Mars/tall. Margaret, 96 Lunciy, Lydia, 257 Magill, Jacob \\'., 157 Marshall, Margaret, 247 Lupton. Sarah Ann, 257 Magill, Mary, 245 Marshall. Margaret, 267 Lynn, Mary, 229 Matin, George, 100 Marshall, Margaret, 274 Lvtle, Cidnev, 164 Malin, Jane, 225 Marshall, Mary, 271 Lytle, Hannah T., 340 " (Com.,) 100 Marshall, Mary Ann, 267 Lvtle, Mary R., 331 Malin, John, 111 Marshall, Myra, 205 Lytle, Richard H., 202 Malin, Joseph, 97 Marshall, Phebe, 282 Lvtle, Ruth Anna, 3ol Malin, Joseph A., 146 Marsliall, J'/tilena, 99 McCarty, Ellen, 324 Malin, Marfiaret, 100 Marshall. Rebecca, 227 McCarty, Francis, 193 Malin, Mary P., 291 Marshall, Samuel, 109 McCarty, Frederic, 192 Malin, Rachel, 96 Marshall, Samuel, 143 McCarty, Job, 180 Malin, Randall, 113 Marshall, Sarah, 260 McCarty, Lydia, 246 Malin, Randall, 157 Marshall. Susanna C., 272 McCarty, Lucctta, 337 M alone, Charles T., 185 Marshall, Thomas, 140 McCarty, Sarah, 325 Malone, William C., 185 Marshall, William. 152 MeCay, Richard B., 147 Manchester, Jerem'h, 127 Marshall, William L.,152 McCluen, Harriet J., 323 Munn, Lydia, 232 Marshall, Wilmer W., 179 McCluen. William, 184 Maris Alfred E., 199 Martin, Agnes Ann, 804 McCollin, AnnaG., 333 Maris Beaumont, 140 Martin, Caroline, 307 McCollin, Frances B., 3;!5 Maris Edward, 159 Martin. Eliza, 298 McCollin, Hami'h E.,270 Maris Emily E., 327 Martin. George, 141 McCollin, Marg't M.. 3; Maris Fanny, 336 Martin, Gectrge, 151 " (Teacher,) VI Maris Hannah, 278 Martin, Henry, 141 McCollin, M'rg'tta E., 321 Maris Jesse E., 152 Martin, Isaac, 134 McCollin, Rebecca, 85 Maris John M., i:'.S Martin, James, 110 " " (Gov'ness.)) Maris Margaret, 255 Martin, Marv, 294 McCollin, Samuel M., 175 Maris Marianna, 325 Martin, Nathan S., 151 McCollin. William T., 134 Maris Mary, 280 Martin, Oliver, 119 McConnell, Mary A., 332 Maris Mary, 101 Martin, Oliver D., 166 INDEX. 407 PAGE PACE 1 PAGE Martin. Robert T., 176 Matlack, Ann, 261 Manle, Edward. 168 Martin, Sanderson R., 160 Matlack, Ann, 293 Maule. Edward R., l 5 Martin, Sarah, 229 Mntlack, Anna M., 271 Manle, Elisha P.. ' 138 Martin, Sarah, 83 Matlack, Atlantic, 242 Manle. Elizabeth C., : 18 Mason, Beulab, 2*8 Matlack, Eliza, 244 Maule, Elizabeth L., 285 Mason, KltzaMh C., 100 Matlack, Elizabeth, 311 Maine, Emilv. 828 (See Cres.son.) Matlack, Eilen, 321 Maule, Evert P., 182 Mason, Hannah H., 272 Matlack, George, 171 Maule, Hannah, 22 Ma-on, Jane, 242 Matlack, Hannah, 2:n; Maule, Hannah, 28 > Jfason, John. 84 Matlack, Hannah, 322 Maule, Hannah, 882 Mason, Lewis G., 136 Matlack, Hephziba, 293 Maule, Hannah E., 823 MUM >n, Rachel, 235 Matlack, Jane, 259 Manle, Henry, 151 Mason, Samuel, 119 Matlack, Joseph H., l'.<9 Manle, Isaac, 172 Mason, Vincent, 142 Matlack, Martha S., 303 Maule, Israel, 187 Massey, Anne, 260 Matlack, Marv, 237 Maule, Jacob. 124 Massey, Aquila B., 130 Matlack, Mary C., 281 Maule, Jacob, 17.; Massey, Emmor K., 150 Matlack, Marv H., 277 Maule, James, 171 Massey, Enos, 1-J5 Matlack, Mary R.. 321 Maule, Jane, 881 Massey, Esther, 2vs Matlack, Marv W., 343 Maule, John, 171 Massey, George, % Matlack, Rachel, 2!6 Maule, John C., 17- Massey, George, 156 Matlack, Rachel S., 2s2 Manle, Joseph E., 138 Massey, George V., 123 Mailack, Rebecca, 230 Manle, Joseph L., 188 Massey, Hannah, 254 Matlack, Rebecca, 327 Maule, Juliana R., 2M Massey, Isaac, 122 Matiack, Rebecca B., 287 i Maule, Juliana R., 840 Massey, Isaac, 131 Matlack, Rebecca 8., ir> Maule, Lavinia, -77 Massey, Lydia, 256 Matlack, Samuel R., l*-j Maule, Mnrcjaret, 102 Massey. Rachel V., 2(4 Matlack, Samuel R., 180 (See Evans.) Massey, Robert V., ll'i Matlack, Sarah, 267 Maule, Margaret, Jr., 837 Masters, Anna M., :.-KI Matlack, Sarah R., ::i7 Maule. Margaret J., 285 Masters, Arthur H., 20t) Matlack, Susanna, 203 Maule, Marv, 817 'Masters. Catharine, 3-Jil Matlack, Sidney, 211 " " (Teacher,) 88 Masters, David W., 196 Matlack, Tacv, 258 Manle, Mercy, 225 Masters, Pubre K., 2oo Matlaek, William, isl Maine. Mordecai L.. 151 Ma-ters, Elizabeth, 319 Matlack. William C., 161 Maule, Pen rose, 177 Masters, Elizabeth E., :;:;_ Matson, Hannah, 284 Maule. Rachel. 828 Masters, Ellis H., 184 Matson, Rebecca, 2*7 Maule, Rebecca J., .'I Masters. Francis, 17:; Matson, Sarah, 243 Maule, Samuel, 17:; Masters. Harriet E., :>:'J Matson, Sanih, 2V> Maitle, Sarah, '.'7 Masters, J. Howard, is:; Matson, Sarah H., >9 Maule, Sarah. 817 Masters, J. I'arvin, IS I Matthews, Ann, 272 Maule, Sarah Ann, 2fi ' Masters, Jane E.. 311 Matthews, Anna T., 331 Maule, William D., 1 -.'. Masters, Jas. Wilson, 178 Matthews, David L., 187 Maule, Zillah, 22 1 Masters, Laura F., a 10 Matthews, Edith, 234 Maule, Zillah, 227 Masters. Louisa, SI'.' Matthews, Edward, 127 Maulsby, Alice, 258 Masters, Margaret, 293 Matthews, Edward, 184 Maulsby, George, 184 Masters, Margaret A., 3J'. Matthews, Edw'd H., l.s Maulsby, Hannah, 251 Masters, Mary, 303 Matthews, Eliza, 239 Maxfield, William R., 119 Masters, Mary R., 315 Matthews, Elizabeth, 2 .7 Maxwell, Emily P., : M Masters, Matilda, 332 Matthews, George, 127 Mav, Joseph, 188 Masters, Morris E., 1?:> Matthews, Henry C., T.s Ma'yberry. Jer. W., 100 Masters. Parvin, 151 Matthews. Joseph, 127 Mears, Charles, 118 Masiers,Sarah Emma .,.__, Matthews. Joshua, 186 Mears, Edward B., 134 Masters. Susan, 329 Matthews. Matilda, 236 Mears, Susanna, 242 Masters, William G., 201 Matthews, Rachel, Mechem, Hannah. Mather, Barthol'ew, 100 Matthews. Rlmda, 2JS Mcchem, John, 132 Mather, Benjamin, 108 Matthews, Richard, r>7 Medcalf. Lvdia, Mather, Charles, 150 Matthews, liich'd J., 201 Medcalf, Sarah M., 289 Mather, Charles, 150 Matthews, Samuel, 11"> Medealf. Susanna, 270 Mather, Jane, 284 Matthews, Thos. K., 17s Mceteer, (Jeorge, 127 Mather. Joseph, lit Matthews. Thos. It., !',"> Meu'car. Thomas J., 1 I Mather, Joseph, 143 Maule, Ann, 219 Megear, William, 1 - Mather. Mary Ann, 27'' Maule, Ann K., 314 Mekeel, Amy Q., 828 Mather, Sarah, 208 Maule, Benjamin, 117 Mekeel, Anna, MM Mather, Sarah, 2M Maule, Caleb. 113 Mekeel, Anna, : 19 Mathi. a , Joseph, 181 Maule, Caroline H., 338 Mekeel, Catharine, 828 Mathis, William. I,s7 Maule, Caroline R., Mekeel, Kli/abeth, 8M Matlack, Abigail, 289 Maule, Cornelia B., Mekeel, Eli/Jibeth, 820 Matlack, Ann, 233 Maule, Edward, 142 Mekeel, James, m 408 INDEX. PAGE Mekeel, Jesse, 174 Mel lor, Elizabeth, 348 Meloney, George R., 199 Meloney, William L., 204 Menderihall, Anna L., 329 Mendenhall, AnnaR.,345 Mcndenhall. Anne, 289 Mendenhall, Chas. E., 189 Mendenhall, Ch'lotte, 342 Mendenhall, Cyrus. 10* " " (Book-keeper,) 93 Mendenhall, Edward, 178 Mendenhall, Eliz., 322 Mendenhall, Esih. L.,318 Mendenhall. Geo. A.. 201 Mendenhall, Hannah,243 Mendenhali, Henry, 151 Mendenhall, J.Geii'e, 347 Mendenhall,J.Hov'd,200 Mendenhall,Jacob H.135 Mendenhall, Jas. M., isi Mendenhall, John, 136 Mendenhall, JohnW.,191 Mendenhall, Joseph, KJ9 Mendenhall, Joseph, 157 Mendenhall, Lydia C.,339 Mendenhall. M. Ella, 3:58 Mendenhall. Marga't, 252 Mendenhall, Martha, 224 Mendenhall, Martha, 284 Mendenhall, Mary, 265 Mendenhall, Mary E..332 Mendenhall,\arcissa,297 Mendenhall, Newlin, 200 Mendenhall. Pearl L..346 Mendenhall, 1'h'e A., 305 Mendenhall, I'h'e P., 320 Mendenhall. Rachel, 2:59 Mendenhall. Reb'ca, 290 Mendenhall, Sarah, 284 Mendenhall, Sarah, 320 Mendenhall, Stis. M., 342 Mendenhall, Will. P., 203 Mendenhall, Win., 180 Mendenhall, \Vm. L., 148 Mercer, Ann, 2f>8 Mercer. C. Sharplcss, 200 Mercer, Charles J., 2nd Mercer, Margaret, 276 Mercer, M'garetta A., 345 Meredith, Eliz h D., 301 " (Tom.,) 103 Meredith, Eliza'h K., 271 Meredith, lather, 26<> Meredith, Isaac, 122 I Meredith. Jrx.5 Mickle, Sarah, 280 Mickle, Sarah, 289 (Tat um.) " (Com.,) 102 Mickle, Susanna, 280 Mickle, William, 192 Middleton, Abigail L..265 Middleton, Amos, no Middleton, Ann. 281 Middleton, Benj. H., 181 Middleton, Beulah, 292 Middleton, C'harles. 143 Middleton, Edith S., 322 Middleton, Edward, 1*8 Middleton, EdwurdT.,203 Middleton, Elizabeth, 261 | Middleton, Ellis, 130 ' Middleton. Ellis. 182 Middleton, Howard, 18(1 Middleton, Jacob R., 127 j Middleton, John, 134 Middleton, Joseph. 134 i Middleton. Joseph H.,158 j 'Middleton, Joseph s.. 170 Middleton, Joshua B., 169 Middleton. Josiah, 126 Middleton, Lydia A., 217 Middleton, M'ary, :;n2 Middleton. Nathan, 138 Middleton. Nathan H., 182 Middleton, Phebe, 100 (See Sharpless.) Middleton. Phebe E., 3:55 Middleton, Rachel W.,822 Middleton, Samuel, 131 Middleton, Samuel B.,154 Middleton, Spencer, 149 Middleton, Thomas, 155 PAGE Mifflin, Ann, Jr., 97 Mifflin, Aiiim, 97 Mifflin, Deborah, 223 Mifflin, Deborah A., 259 Mifflin, James, 131 Mifflin, John H., 127 Mifflin. Jonathan W., 108 Mifflin, Joseph, 131 Mifflin, Lemuel, 109 Mifflin, Lloyd, 105 Mifflin, Mary, 232 Mifflin, Samuel E., 107 Mifflin, Thomas, 116 Mifflin, Warner, 95 Miller, Anna, 289 Miller. Anna. 328 Miller, Arthur, 170 Miller, Benjamin H., 169 Miller, Caleb S., 198 Miller, Eliza, 311 Miller, Elizabeth, 225 Miller, Esther (J., 315 Miller, Franklin, 132 Miller, Guion, 200 Miller. Hannah, 237 Miller, Isaac, 119 Miller, James, 108 Miller, Jane, 327 Miller. John S., 123 Miller, Joseph A., 142 Miller. Joseph H., 171 Miller. Letitia, 225 Miller. Lev is, 130 Miller, Llewellyn, 171 Miller, Lydia L., 99 Miller, Margaret, 253 Miller, Margaret W., 276 Miller, Mary, 243 Miller, Mary, 253 Miller, Mary Ann, 259 Miller, P/tfbe, 97 Miller, Phebe, 226 Miller, Phebe, 243 Miller, Rachel, 262 Miller, Rachel, 269 Miller, Robert, 121 Miller, Robert H., 185 Miller, Robert V., ]85 Miller, S. Grant, 206 Miller, Samuel, 176 Miller, Sarah, 225 Miller. Sarah, 231 Miller, Sarah, 257 Miller. T IK mi as P., 173 Miller, ThomuzineT.,316 Miller, Warwick, 115 Miller, War\vickP.,Jr., 198 Miller, William, 166 Mi/fa; William F, 99 Miller, William H., 144 Millhouse, Jane, 2:51 Millhouse. Lydia, 330 Millhouse, Phebe, 228 Milnor, Daniel, 113 Milnor, Mary. 239 Miner, E. .la'nnette, 338 Minster, Laura P., 342 Minster, William W., 189 INDEX. 409 PAGE PACE PAr.e Mitchell, TTannah, 323 Moore, Isaac, 112 Morpan, Thomas, 108 Mitchell, Ilaniiali D., Sic, Moore, J. Willita, 206 JfOrgan, William It., 87 Mitchell, Jonathan, 109 Moore, Jane. 245 Morgan, William P., l'.9 Mitchell, Joshua. 117 Mx>re, John, 174 Morris, Alfred. 170 Mitt-hell, Mary K., Moore. John M., 196 Morris, Anthony P.. 117 Mitchell, Rebecca, 'loore, John W., 1^7 Morris, Benjamin W., 114 Mitchell, Uobert, 17_! Moore, Joseph S., 182 Morris, Benlah, 2f-6 Mitchell, Samuel, I't) M Moore, Joshua, 168 r,,,,/.,) 102 M"> Moore, Martha W., L-.is Morris, Elli.sUni P., 163 Moon, Everett, ]'.<7 Moore. Mary, 342 Morris, Francis, 181 Moon, James, 1"7 Mwrf, Muri'i, 98 Morris. < ieo. Spencer. 205 M"on, James 1 '.'"> Moore, Marv, 236 ' Morris. Hannah, 264 Moon, James IL, 1C.2 Moore, Mary, 239 | Morris, Hannah P., 332 il'jtm, June, 100 Moore, Mary, 297 Morris, Isaac I'., 122 M' ion, lane C., 305 Moore, Marv Anna, 319 Morrif, /(< H'., 97 Moon, John B., 1H3 Moore, Marv C., 342 Morris, Israel, 129 Moon. Mahlon, l:;7 Moore, Marv H., 301 Morris. James W., 1KO Moon, Mary C., Moore, Marv W., 312 Morris. Jane, 273 Moon. Rachel, 290 Moore, Murcy, 269 Morris. Joanna, 289 Moon, Kebecca, JM Moore. Puc&all, I'.u Morris, Joseph P., 127 Moon, Samuel C., !*'. Moore, Pemberton, 176 Morris, Levi. 128 Moon, William B., 216 Moore, Peter R.. 1-J6 Morris, Luke W., 192 Moon, William H., 1*4 Moore, Phebe, 9 ft Morris, Margaret, 231 Moore, Adrian, 175 Moore, Phebe Ann, Morris, Margaret, 236 Moore, Adriana, 268 Moore, Phebe Ann, 310 Morris, Martha, 236 Moore, Alice E., 3"4 Moore. Rachel, 321 Morris, Martha, 2M Moore, Allen. 108 Moore, Rebecca. 323 Morris. Marv, 299 Moore, Ann E., 319 Moore, Rebecca B., 324 Morris, Mori/ ff^ 99 Moore, Anna, 243 Moore, Kidgway, 14. Morris, Mittlin, 145 Mo. ire. Anna, r.::2 Moore, Robert, 9o Morris, Morton, 166 Moore. Anna Mary, 3i") Moore, Robert R., 132 Morris, Paschall, 173 Moore, Asa, li;, Moore, Robert s , 127 Morris, Powell. 128 Moore, Asahel W., 192 Moore, Rnth Anna, 267 Morris. Priscilla, 250 Moore, Benjamin, MS Moore, Ruth Anna, 286 Morris. Robert, 147 Moore. Burr wood, 191 Moore, Samuel L., 170 M>,,-rif. *ti,niti, 102 Moore, Caleb. 195 Moore, Samuel W , 179 J/, Sarah, 302 Moore, Casnndra, 232 Moore, Sarah, 2s3 Morris, Sarah, 3f6 Moore, Catharine, 243 Moore, Sarah P., 298 Morris, Sarah E., 279 M'orc. Charles, ICO Jloore, Sarah H'., 88 Morris. Sophia, Moore, Chark- T., 205 " (Goi^est,) 81 Morris, Sns;in M., Moore. Christiana, 251 (See Walter.) Morris. Susanna, 26 1 Moore. Clarkson, 168 Moore, Sidney, 248 Mnrrix. Tltiiniag. 95 Moore, Edward A., Moore, Susanna, 244 Morris. William, H'7 Moo re. Edward I)., 173 Moore, Walter '., 173 Morris, William, 107 Moore. Edwin P., 205 Moore, Walter I,., 1% Morrix.n, Evan, Eliza, 239 Moore. Walter T.. 188 Morrison. Hannah Moore. Eli/a!. ctri. 228 Moore, William B.. 17:: Morthland, Mary M., 296 Moore. Elizabeth, J.'i Moore. William W., M:, Morthland. Susanna, 273 Moore. Elizabeth, 3)7 Moore. Wiliner J.. 2 Morton. Esther. 243 Moore, Elizabeth R., 32.") Morgan Abraham P., Morton, Frances C., 278 Moore. Ellen, 311 Morgan Anna, :U't; Mnrlim, Jnfin, Moore. Hannah, 2>'i7 Morgan Hannah P., 295 Mhorne, 111 Morgan, Lydia, 291 Morion. Robert 121 Moore. Hurrv E., an Morgan. M'ary Ann, 297 Morton, Samuel, l'J7 Moore, Jlibbard D., T.I7 Morgan, Mordecai, 110 Morton, Samuel (J., 121 Moore, Horace C., 201 Morgan, Rebecca, 289 Mott, Amelias., 837 410 INDEX. PAGE PAGE PAGE Mott, Anna, 268 Newbold, Mary F., 299 Nicholson, Jessie, 3it) Mott, Anna. 271 Newbold, Mary L., 283 Nicholson. Joseph L., 191 Mott, Kclward, 114 Newbold, Mary T., 267 Nicholson.. I. Whitall. 191 Mott, Elizabeth, 203 Newbold. Rebecca, 256 Nicholson, Martha, 282 Mott, James, 130 Newbold, Susan H., 256 Nicholson. Mary, 286 Mott, John W., 197 Newbold, Susanna, 99 Nicholson, Mary, 300 il'Ht. Mary, 97 Newbold, Thomas H., 139 Nicholson, Mary, 337 Mott. Mary S., >_' Newbold. Thomas H., 201 Nicholson, Mary L., 'J(i7 Mott, Richard, 130 Newbold, Watson, 124 Nicholson, Pnebe, 337 Mott, Sarah, 2:!5 Ncu-bold, William, 96 ( Teacher, i 90, 91 Mott, Thomas E., 197 Newbold William L., 118 Nicholson, PriscillaR.,343 Mott, William E., 203 Newbold, William R., 163 Nicholson, Rachel, 259 Moyse, Clara, 321 Newbold, Wm. R., Jr., 202 Nicholson, Rebecca. 'J37 Murphy, Let ilia, 98 Newbold, Wistar, 182 Nicholson, Rebecca, 311 Murray, Edward L., 178 Newby, John L., 120 Nicholson, Rich'd L., 158 Murray, John J., 154 Newby, Margaret, 306 Nicholson, Robert P., 196 M urrav, Joseph R., 163 Newby, Robert B., 120 Nic/io/son, Samuel, 101 Murrav, Martha J., 326 Newhall, Abby, 318 Nicholson, Sam'l P., 153 Murray, William R., 163 Newkirk, I. Roberts, 200 Nicholson. Sarah, 313 Musgrave, Abigail, 254 Newkirk, John B., 195 Nicholson. Sarah E., 342 Musgrave, Esther, 253 Newlin, Ann, 230 Nicholson. William C., 187 Mussey, Lydia W., 323 Neivlin, Cyrus, 96 Nicholson, WilliamH., 155 Mvers, Caroline, 345 Newlin, Eliza, 235 Nicholson. Virginia, 337 Myers, Joseph E., 196 Newlin. Elizabeth A., 274 Nicholson, Zebedee, 145 Newlin, Hannah, 287 Nields, David, 150 Neal, Lydia, 251 Newlin, Hetty Ann, 259 Nisbett, Mary, 244 Neal, Mary, 276 Newlin, John, 143 Nixon, Abigail, 236 Neal, William, 84 Newlin, John, 86 Nixon, Ann, 262 Neave. Alexander, 114 Newliu, John S., 114 Nixon, Beulah, 237 needle's, John, 95 Newlin, Levis, 143 Nixon, Hannah, 252 Needles, John, 160 Newlin, Levis, 85 Nixon, Henrietta, 262 Needles, Lydia, 242 Newlin, Levis P., 190 Nixon, Man- J., 265 Needles, Lydia Ann, 276 Newlin, Martha, 223 Nock, David. 115 Needles, Ruth Anna, 275 New! in, Mary, 97 Nock. Sarah W., 249 Needles, Sarah, 241 Newlin, Mary, 280 Norris, Deborah L., 245 Neeld, Hannah, 275 Newlin, Mary C., 286 Norris, Hepzibah, 263 Neely, Elizabeth F., 340 Newlin, Mary P., 284 Norris, Marv E., 245 Neely, Frances J., 340 Newlin, Mary S., 243 Norris, Matilda, 297 Neely, Leonora, 340 Newlin, Mary W., 328 Norris, Oliver, 155 Nelson, Mary, 263 Newlin, Nathaniel, 113 Norris. Oliver, 161 Nesbit, John, 113 Newlin, Nicholas, 149 Norris, Sarah Ann, 289 Neville, Agnes. 304 Newlin, Sarah, 96 Norris, William T., 159 Neville, Benjamin G., 159 Newlin, Sarah, 226 North, Abel, 136 Neville, James, 159 Newlin, Sarah, 294 North, Jesse, 126 Neville, Joseph W., 159 Newlin, Sarah S., 284 North, Rachel M., 284 Newbold, Albert G., 201 Newlin, Thomas, 120 North, Sariih, 302 Newbold, Ann, 224 Newlin, Thomas S., 120 Norton, Thomas, 96 Newbold, Ann T., 245 Newlin, William P., 137 Newbold, Beulah, 274 Nichols, Amor, 179 Oak ford, Ann, 238 Newbold, Charlotte, 270 Nichols, Hannah, 226 Oak ford, Charles, 119 Newbold, Clavton, 118 Nichols, Lydia, 228 Oakford, Deborah, 251 Newbold, Edith, 223 Nichols, Rebecca, 233 Oakford, Elizabeth, 242 Newbold, Edith, 235 Nicholson, Ann H., 308 Oak lord, Hannah A., 257 Newbold, Edward, 117 Nicholson, Anna, 278 Oakford, Lloyd, 132 N.nvbold, Elizabeth, 247 Nicholson, Anna, 312 Oakford, Mary, 248 Newbold, Hannah, 244 Nicholson. Beulah H., 100 Oakford, William L., 133 Newbold, Hannah, 265 (See Hopkins.) Offlev, John N., 106 Newbold, Henry, 118 Nicholson, Col'manL. ,161 Offley, Mary, 238 Newbold, James S., 119 Nicholson, Elisha, 122 Offley. Rachel, 236 Newbold, James S., 169 Nicholson, Eliza C., 329 Ogborn, Anna L., 344 Newbold, John, 122 Nicholson, Elizabeth, 264 Ogborn.ArmabellaC.,817 Newbold, Joseph, 113 Nicholson, Eliz. ('., 329 Ogborn, Elizabeth, 303 Newbold, Joshua, 143 Nicholson, Esther, 237 Ogborn, Elizabeth P., 310 Newbold, Martha, 231 Nicholson, Hannah. 239 Ogborn, Emeline, 811 Newbold, Martha, 239 Nicholson, Herbert M.,191 Ogborn, Henry F., 203 Newbold, Martha, 268 Nicholson, Isaac, 162 Ogborn, James, 170 Newbold, Muni, Jr., 97 Nicholson, Isaac, 185 Ogborn, Martha, 299 Newbold, Mary A., 244 Nicholson, James, 115 Ogborn, Mary N., 313 INDEX. 411 PAGE PAGE PAGE Ogborn, Phebe, 314 Painter, Ann, 280 Palmer Sarah C., 286 Ogborn, Kachel, 325 Painter, Charles, I'M Palmer Susanna, 212 Ogborn, Sarah Ann, 302 Painter, Darwin, 140 Palmer Susanna, 298 Ogburu, Susanna F., 298 Painter, Edward, 134 Palmer T. Chalkley, 197 Ogden, Anna, 292 Painter, Eliza. 282 Palmer William C., 190 Ogd.-n, Heiilah, 293 Painter, Elizabeth, 2:-:r> Palmer William G., 148 ogden. Charles S., 1-18 Painter, Ellen, il Palmer William P., 112 Ogdeu. Cbarlee CK, 160 Painter. Esther, 331 Palmer William S., 203 Ogden, Clarkson, 150 Painter, George B., 169 Palmer William VV., 130 Ouden, Clement, 165 Painter, Hannah, 270 Pancoait, Abbe Ann, 2ti9 Ogden. David, 121 Painter, Howard T., 201 Pancoast, Abigail, 226 O-.len. Elizabeth R., 335 Painter, Jacob, 137 Pancoast, Albert, 175 Ogden, Elizabeth T., 267 Painter, John, 142 Pancoast, Ann, 272 Ogden, Hannah \V., 335 Painter, Joseph G., 183 Pancoast, Anna, 233 Oyden, James H., Ho Painter, Lydia S., 283 Pancoast, Charles. 172 O-rlen, John, 143 Painter, Mary, 259 Pancoast, Charles H., 153 Ogden, M. Ella, 335 Painter, Mary H., 294 Pancoast, David, 113 Ojden, Martha, 229 Painter, Milton, 108 Pancoast, Elizabeth, 253 Ogden, Mary Ann, 281 Painter, Milton, 135 Pancoast, Elizabeth, 264 Ogden, Orpha, 248 Painter, Rachel, 246 Pancoast, Esther, 236 Ogden, Rebecca, 2,si Painter, Samuel, 131 Pancoast, Hannah. 253 Ogden, Samuel, 142 Painter, Samuel, 134 Pancoast, Hannah, 267 Ogden, Samuel, 151 Painter, Samuel G., 179 Pancoast, Hannah, 309 Ogden, Sarah. 257 Painter, Sarah, 262 Pancoast, Hannah C.,239 Ogden. William, 141 Painter, Sidney, 232 Pancoast, Isabella, 291 Oldden, Anna, 225 Painter, Sidney, 270 Pancoast, Jane, 252 Oldden, Catharine, 236 Painter, William, 107 Pancoast, Lucy A., 248 Oldden, Elizabeth, 240 Paist, Charles, 111 Pancoast, Lucy A., 290 Oldden. Emley, 117 Paist, James, 124 Pancoast. Martha, 2(il Oldden, Giles, 123 Paist, Mary, 237 Pancoast, Mary, 289 Oldden, James, 132 Paist, S. Roselma, 334 Pancoast, Rebecca, 233 Oldden, John VV., 132 Palen, Arthur, 133 Pancoast, Samuel, 171 Oldden, Mary H., 223 Palen, Ezekiel, 133 Pancoast. Samuel A., ISO Oldden. Rebecca B., 224 Palmer, Abiah J., 190 Pancoast, Sarah, 291 Oldden. Samuel, i:!l Palmer, Ann Eliza, 300 Pancoast, Sarah Ann, 261 Oldden, Thomas H., 107 Palmer, Annie, 342 Pancoast, Stephen, 116 Oliphant, Duncan S., 135 Palmer, Arthur W., 1S1 Pancoast, Thomas, 157 Oliphant. Eayre, 151 Palmer, Beulah, 284 Pancoast, William A., 1:57 Oliphant. Mary E., 271 Palmer, Beulah, 320 Pandrich, Anna, 336 Oliver, Ann M., 269 Palmer, Beulah, 348 Pandrifh, Margaret, 339 Oliver, Ellen, 271 Palmer. Catharines., 288 Pardoe, Albert, 174 Oliver, Joshua C., 116 Palmer, Charles M., 171 Parke, Ann, 273 Osborne, Sophronia, 260 Palmer, Daniel. 146 Parke, Jonathan E., 142 Otis, Jesse M.. 204 Palmer, Edward E., 137 Parke, Mary, 277 Outland, Jeptha E., 200 Palmer, Eliza, 244 Parke, Mary, 299 Outland, Marv E., 342 Palmer, Gideon G., 127 Parke, Marv. 309 Outland. Ozella C., 347 Palmer, Hannah, 277 Parker, Abbie W., 344 Outland. Sarah J.. 342 Palmer, Hannah S., 268 Parker. Abigail, 274 Oiitlimd. William F., 206 Palmer, Henry, 169 Parker, Benjamin C., 150 Owen. Ann. 271 Palmer, John, 129 Parker, Beulah T., 261 o\ven, Charles, 12s Palmer, John M., 180 Parker, Caroline. 299 oui-ii, Elizabeth, 2i>9 Palmer, John S., 161 Parker, Caroline R., 344 Owen. Kachel, 229 Palmer, John W., 204 Parker. Charles, ]:!3 Owen, Parker, 127 Palmer, J. Howard, 179 Parker, Charles, 171 ( nveii, Thomas, 147 Palmer, Joseph H., 172 Parker, Charles H., 145 Owen, William W., 121 Palmer. Levick, 146 Parker, Deborah C., ::i^ Palmer, Lewis, 127 Parker, Dillwvn, 171 Packer. Coleman, 168 Palmer, Lewis. i.v> Parker, Edward A., i;w Packer, Marv L., 294 -(Teacher,) 86 Parker, Edward T., Ii7 P.i'.;,-, \bigail, 2!i7 Palmer. Lvdia. 284 Parker. Elias, 138 PaLte, Allies. 2"6 Palmer, Lvdia H., 2M Parker, Kllen. 319 Pa-,-. Elizabeth F., 2'.'5 Palmer. Lvdia S., 261 Parker, Kllen J., 281 Laura H., 337 Palmer, Mary, 270 Parker. Ezra, lid Page. Lucy, 275 Palmer, Mimes, !i* Parker. Hannah J., 7 ~i'li/. s; Palmer. Moses, i:;> Parker, Henry, 150 Payc, Sarah, 287 Palmer, Moses G., 118 Parker, Henry, 1'.5 Page, William, 1:12 Palmer, Sallie Ann, 240 Parker, Ira .1.. 180 Page, William A., 144 Palmer, Sarah, 342 Parker, Isabella, 270 31 412 INDEX. PAGE Parker, Jacob, 170 Parker. Jesse, 135 Parker, John, 98 Parker, John J., 151) Parker, John W., 150 1'arker. Joseph, 133 Piirker, J. Walter, 193 Parker, J. Warner, 191 Parker, Louisa W., 317 Parker, Lydia Ann, 293 Parker, Lydia R., 335 Parker, Margaret, 100 Parker, Martha, 2(i7 Parker, Martha, 313 Parker, Mary, 289 Parker, Mary S., 31L 1'arker, Minerva, 327 Parker, Phebe Ann, 322 Parker, Rebecca, 33'J Parker, Samuel J., 160 Parker, Susan D., 2'Jl Parker, Susanna, 236 Parker, Susanna, 21)0 Parker. T. El wood, 193 Parker, Thomas S-, 133 Parker, William, 137 Parker. William J., 150 1'arker, William M., 184 Parker, William W., 138 Parker, William W., 157 Parker, Willits, 175 Parkins, Maria, 241 Parkins. Sarah H., 240 Parrish, Dillwyn, 128 Parrott, Benjamin, 121 Parrott, John B., 149 Parry, Anna, 2-19 Parry. Benjamin, 140 Parry, Caleb, 111 Parry, Charles, 152 Parry, Edward fL, 157 Parry, Emma, 318 Parry, George R., 166 Parry, Helen R., 324 Parry, Isaac, 133 Parry, Jane, 255 Parry, Jane P., 296 Parry, Julianna R., 296 Parry, Letiiia, 267 Parry, Margaret, 255 Parry, Martha, 241 ] 'a rry, Martha, 249 Parry. Mary, 304 Parry, Mary R., 318 Parry, Oliver, 11(1 Parry. Priscilla, 263 Parry, Rachel, 241 J'tirry, Rachel, 84 Parry, Rebecca, 265 Parry. Richard, 161 J'arrij. Robert, 84 Parry, Ruth, 245 Parry. Ruth E., 303 Parry, Samuel, 131 Parry, Sarah, 266 Parry. Thomas, 162 Parsons, Mary Ann, 286 Parsons, Nathaniel, 113 PAGE Parvin, Elizabeth, 242 Parvin, Elizabeth, 328 Parvin, Ellen S., 337 Parvin, Mordecai S., 195 Parvin, Sibilla S., 323 Parvin, Susan, 334 Paschall, Beulah, 239 Paschal 1, Margaret, 270 Paschall, Mary A., 269 Paschall, Stephen, 130 Passmore, Abiah, 160 Passmore, Abigail, 248 " (Teacher,) 84 Passmore, Anna B., 299 Passmore, Benj. W., 150 " "(Cow.,) 102 " (Supt.,) 80 Passmore, Beulah, 246 Passmore, Carleton, 110 Passmore, Deborah, 253 Passmore, Deb. A., 253 Passmore, Deb. C., 337 Passmore, Deb. G., 318 Passmore, Elizabeth, 230 Passmore, Elizabeth, 262 Paswnore, Elizab. A'., 100 (See Knight.) Passmore, Esther. 258 Passmore, Everett G., 158 Passmore, Jane Ann, 285 Passmore, John L., 133 Passmore, Joseph, 149 " ('le.acher,)yi " " (Com.,) 101 Passmor*, Lewis, 155 Passmore, Margaret, 305 Passmore, Mary, 242 Passmore, Mary, 84, 85 " " (Com.,) 101 Pnssmore, Mary Ann, 301 Passmore, Mary K., 299 Passmore, Penriock. 92, 93 " ( Teacher.) 84 " " (upt.,) 79 " " (Com.,) 100 Passmore, Phebe, 281) Passmore, Rachel, 257 Passmore, Rachel, 264 Passmore, Rebecca G., 80 "(Com.,) 103 (See Cope.) Passmore, Ruth, 2.".9 Passmore, Sarah, 79 (See West.) Passmore, Sarah L., 310 Passmore, Sarah W., 336 (Teaeher,\W,91 Passmore, Thomas H.,168 Passmore, Thomas L., 203 Passmore, William C.,l!i!i Patterson, John W., Hi 1 .) Patton, Francis J., 202 Patton, Hannah, 239 Patton, James M., 202 Paul. Ann, 228 Paul, Ann, 235 Paul, Aim, 98 Paul, Elizabeth, 253 PAGE Paul, Elizabeth F., 99 Paul, Hannah, 230 Paul, Hannah, 99 Paul, Jacob W., 6 Paul, John, 98 Paul, Joseph, 110 Paul, Joseph J/., 99 Paul, Sarah C., 277 (Com.,) J01 Paul, Yeamans, 111 Paxson, Ann, 225 Paxson, Anna. 255 Paxson, Anna Maria; 251 Paxson, Benjamin W.,134 Paxson, Caroline E., 343 Paxson, Catharine S.,2ii8 Paxson, Charles, 144 Paxson, David, 142 Paxson, Edward, 127 Paxson, Elizabeth, 296 Paxson, Hannah, 344 Paxson, John, 116 Paxson, John W., 139 Paxson, Jonathan, 112 Paxson, Louis, 139 Paxson, Margaret E., 343 Paxson, Mary, 257 Paxson,' Mary W., 283 Paxson, Mary W., 294 Paxson, Oliver, 98 Paxson, Oliver, 84 Paxson, Oliver, 142 " (Com.,) 102 Paxson,Oliver Wilson, 201 Paxson, Phebe Ann, 272 Paxson, Rebecca, 299 Paxson, Richard, 108 Paxson, Richard, 159 Paxs( n, Ruth Anna, 278 Paxson, Samuel, 159 Paxson, Samuel W., 201 Paxson, Sarah, 269 Paxson, Sarah, 278 Paxson. Sarah E., 341 Paxson, Sarah W., 343 Paxson, Susanna, 244 Payne, Susanna M., 256 Peach, Samuel, 113 Pearl. Rachel, 263 Pearsall, Charles, 129 Pearsall, Robert, 117 Pearsall, Robert, 129 Pearson, Mary, 231 Pearson. Mary A., 345 Pearson, S. Virginia, 316 Pearson. Sarah Starr, 804 Peckham, Henry K., 184 Peck ham. Mary J., 316 Pedrich, Isaac, 146 Peele, James L., 204 Peele, Mary E., 344 Pell, Gilbert T., 116 Pembcrton, Phebe, 96 I'cinif/l, Abraham, 96 Pennell, Abraham, 127 Pennell, Amelia Ann, 307 Pennell, Ann G., 274 Peanell, Anne, 314 INDEX. 413 PAGE Pennell, Benlah F., 344 Pennell. Dell, 145 Pciinell, E. Jane, 3J3 Pennell, Eliza, 2!5 Pennell, Eli/.abeth, 25'.i Pennell. Elizabeth, 2ii7 IVnnell, Hannah, 238 Pennell, Hannah, 258 IVn-.iell, Hannah. 3U Pennell, Hannah S., 307 Pennell. Hill, 115 Pennell. Hill, 199 Pennell, James, 128 Pennell, Jane, 262 IVnn.-il, John L.. 142 Pennell. John S., l.s5 P.-nnell..l.>seph, 139 Pennell, Joseph, 1M Pennell. Larkin, 145 Pennell. Lydia S., 311 Pennell, M'aria, 251 Pennell, Martha L., 3] Peiuiingtou.Tow'd T.. r.':; PeiinliiHton, Wilson, J87 Pennock. Abra'm L . 155 Pennock, Abram I.., 192 Pennock, Heiijaniin, IKS Pennock, Caspar, 191 Pennock, Charles K., 191 Pennock, K. Kldridge,191 Pennock, Eliza, 2C.5 I'riniiH-l;, I'Jiz'itxtti, 97 Pennock, Kii/.-ibeth, H Pennock, KlizalK-ih, 8)0 rennock, George L., 199 PA<;E PAfiE Pennock, Hannah, an Pharo, Harvey E., 2D3 Peimocl;, Hannah J., 254 Pharo, Horatio W., 163 Pennock. Herbert A , 1K6 Pharo, Joseph W., 135 Pennock, It-am- W., 119 Pharo, Joseph W., 2H2 Pennock. Isabella, 2M5 Pharo, Louisa P., 322 Pennock, Isabella L., Pharo, Marv W., 317 Pennock. Isabella L., :>:) Pharo, Merritt W., 2d4 Pennock, Joseph, 1.-.7 I'naro, Matilda, 2K7 Pennock, Joseph E., 191 Pharo, Orrin. 146 Pennock, Lev is, 128 Pharo, Phebe, 283 Pennock. Maria E., 339 Pharo, Pliebe Ann, 288 i'ennoc-k. Mary, 225 I'haro, Phebe Ann, 320 Pennock, Mary, 235 I'haro, Robert, 135 Pennock, Mary, 257 Pharo, S. Clarence, 11C2 Pennock, Phebe, 241 Pharo, T. Franklin, 190 (Houpes,) ' (roro.,)100 Pharo. Timothy A., 177 Pennuc-k, Philena, 201 Philips, Benjamin, 149 Pennock, Bach el B., 254 Philips., Charles H., 194 Pennock, Keb'ca \\., 285 Philips. Edward, 189 Pennock, Ruth W., 280 P/ii/i/ti', John, 97 Pennock, .Sarah, 231 1'ltilili*, Li/ilin, 97 Pennock, Sarah, Pennock, Sarah, 232 239 1'hiHpx, Lydia, Philips, Moses, 86 114 Pennock, Sarah, 311 Philips, William M., 194 Pennock. Sarah, 318 Phillips, Aaron, 110 Pennock, Sarah Ann, 264 Phillips, Albina, 299 Pennock, Susanna, 237 Piiillips, Ann, 271 Pennock, William, 126 Philli]>s, Anna, 2M Penrose, Abigail, 256 Piiillips, Caroline, 274 Pen rose, Ann, 272 Phillips, Deborah, 227 Penrose, Ann P., 256 Phillips, Deborah, 230 Pen rose. Charles, 187 Phillips, Deborah, 2X6 Penrose, Jane. 333 Phillips, Edith T., 308 Penro.se, M. Ella, 845 Phillips, Edward C., 1.V2 Penrose, Margaret, 252 Phillips, Elizabeth, 229 Penrose, Mary. 332 Phillips. Elizabeth, 2S8 Penrose, Tacy S., 298 Phillips, Emily I?., 308 Penrose. Thomas, 116 Phillips. Hannah, 234 Perkins, lienj. 1)., 159 Phillips, Harvev. 133 Perkins, Lindley M., 153 Phillips, Isaac D., 142 Perkins, Rachel M., :>:o Phillips. James, 135 Perkins. Sarah J., 33t Phillips. Josiah, 132 Perry. Elizabeth F., 820 Phillips, Lydia, 281 Perry, George F., 149 Phillips. Mary, 265 Peters, Catharine, 268 Phillips. Mary Ann, 280 Peters, Charles V., 148 Phillips, Mercy, 256 Pciers. Dell P., 11! Phillips, Phebe D., 308 Peters, Hannah P., 288 Phillips, Kachcl. 257 Peters. Isaliella, 246 Phillips. KichardS., 193 Peters, Isabella S., 298 Phillips, Sarah, 2f,l Peters, Joseph H., 154 Phillips, Sarah, 270 Peters. Samuel J.. 147 Phillips, Sarah F., 2n:j IVt'-rs, William 11., ).M Phillips, S'duev, 251 Peltit, Elizabeth. :.!!:; Philli|)s, Thomas. Jr., 1st Pctiit, Nathaniel, 113 Phillips, William. 109 Pettil. Martlin, 2::2 Phillips. William*;. , lit Pliaro, Albert, ].M Phillips, William II., 176 Phuro, Albert E., I'.m Phip]>s, Amy K.. L'U Pliaro, Allen K., 2i N; I'hipps. Ann Eliza, 2!f.) Pharo, Anna, 299 Plii|)|>s. Charles. 126 Pharo, Anna, ^Ki Phipps, Isabellas., 814 Pharo, Archclaua R., 135 P.'lipps. Jiinu-s, 152 I'haro, Archie, !!."> I'hip|.s. Jonathan T., 2' >2 Pharo, Cluirlolte, 1'Tl I'hipps. Mary, 258 Pharo, Elixa. 2K! Piiipps, Mary Ann, 2!2 I'haro. (ieorjre R., Piniro, Hannah, ]:;:; I'hipps, Marv H., 27:! I'hipps, Rachel, 334 257 Pharo, Ha 11 nali E., 335 Phipiw, Surah, 223 414 INDEX. PAGE PAGE PAOE Phipps, Sarah, 245 Pitman, Rebecca, 295 Pound, Daniel, 114 Phipps, Stephen, 119 Pitman, Robert, 113 Pound, Hugh. 146 Phipps, Susanna, 2:'.2 Pleasants, Ann, 259 Pound, John T., 168 Phipps. Thomas, 126 Pleasant:*, Ann E., 304 Pound, Joseph J., 168 Phipps, Win. P., Jr., 200 Pleasants, Caleb, 125 Pound, Margaret, 231 1'icki ring, Eliliti,. 83 Pleasants, Charles P., 162 Pound, Mary .lane, 303 Pii-Lcriiiii. Jonathan, 96 Pleasants, Elizabeth, 226 Pound, Richard, ]"6 Pidgeon, Klixa C., 338 Pleasants, Frances, 21'J Pound, Samuel, 146 Pidgeon, Mary, 258 Pleasants, Frances, 313 Pound, Silas D., 149 Pidgeon, Keb'ca R. J ,338 Pleasants, George, 121 Pound, Susan, 309 Pierce. Abigail, 247 Pleasants, John, 161 Powell, Albina, 247 Pierce, Albin, 145 Pleasants, Joseph, 117 Powell, Ann B., 261 Pierce, Amy S., 279 Pleasants, Laura, 307 Powell, Ann Eliza, 285 Pierce, Ann] 96 Pleasants, Mary, 96 Powell, Benjamin, 122 Pierce, Anna, 258 Pleasants, Mary, 226 Powell, Edward A., 187 Pierce, Cyrus, 109 Pleasants, Mary, 242 Po ell, Elizabeth, 268 Pierce, David, 108 Pleasants, Robert, 121 Powell, Elizabeth N., 338 Pierce, Dinah, 273 Pleasants, Thomas S., 116 Powell, H. Anna, 340 Pierce, Hannah, 232 Plummer, Rachel E., 332 Powell, Hannah, 267 Pierce, Hannah, 245 Poits, Joseph E., 131 Powell, Isaac, 113 Pierce, Hetty Ann, 262 Poits, William, 124 Powell, John, li>2 Pierce, Isaac, 110 Pole, Edward, 107 Powell, Juliana, 283 Pierce, Jane, 233 Pole Joseph W., 107 Powell, Margaret, 235 Pierce, John, 95 Pole, Rachel, 225 Powell, Sarah, 275 Pierce, John D., 139 Poole, Anna, 270 Powell, Sarah D., 295 Pierce, Lydia, 273 Poole, Elizabeth, 238 Powell, Sarah K., 295 Pierce, Phebe, 249 Poole, Elizabeth, 302 Powell, Sarah K., 343 Pierce, Rachel, 246 Poole, Hannah, 247 Powell, Shotwell, 126 Pierce. Rebecca, 259 Poole, J. Morton, 131 Powell, William, 145 Pierce, Rebecca, 281 Poole, Joseph, 152 Pownall, Levi, 156 Pierce, Rebecca, 298 Poole, Martha, 266 Pratt, Christiana, 246 Pierce, Sarah, 229 Poole, Marv, 242 Pratt, David G., 137 Pierce, Sarah, 2CO Poole, Rachel, 310 Pratt, Elizabeth, 293 Pierce, Sarah Ann, 297 Poole, Samuel, 118 Pratt, Elizabeth, 304 Pierce. Sarah B., 280 Poole, Sarah, 99 Pratt, George, 143 Pierce, Sidney, 242 Poole, Sarah, 258 Pralt, Hannah, 264 Pierce, Susan, 267 Poole, Thomas H., 164 Pratt, Hannah, 298 Pierson, Edward W., 177 Poole, William, 98 Pratt, Jane, 229 Pierson, Elizabeth, 100 Poole, William, 166 Pratt, Lydia A., 281 Pierson, Elizabeth, 290 Porter, Anne, 286 Pratt. Martha L., 346 Pierson, Hannah, 299 Post, Edmund, 191 Pratt, Martha M., 298 Pierson, John, 160 Post, Lydia, '297 Pratt, Mary, 297 Pierson, Martha, 312 Post, Stephen W., 179 Pratt, Mary Ann, 279 Pierson, Mary Ann, 322 Post, William, 195 Pratt, Massey, 259 Pierson, Susan, 299 Potter, Ruthanna, 324 Pratt, Orpha, 249 Pierson, Thomas, 153 Potts, Anna, 298 Pratt, Orpha, 301 Pierson, William, 158 Potts, Anne, 99 Pratt, Priscilla, 259 Pike. Marv, 290 Potts, Charles, 148 Pratt, Sarah. 2!6 Pike. Sarah, 289 " " (Com.,) 103 "(Teacher,) 86. 88 Potts, David D., 128 Pratt, Susan H., 299 Pratt, Thomas, 139 Pike, Thomas S., 147 Potts, Deborah, 227 Preston, Albert W., 178 Pirn, Ann, 229 Potts, Deborah, 231 Preston, Ann, 264 Pirn, Anna, 320 Potts, Edward, 155 Preston, Anna Bell, 340 Pirn, Emilv H., 323 - (Teacher,) 86 Preston, Edward S., 166 Pirn, Famfie W., 328 Potts, Elizabeth, 316 Preston, Joseph. 118 Pirn, George E., 168 Potts, Frances, 241 Preston, Rachel G., 316 Pirn, Hannah, 230 Potts. Frances, 301 Preston, Rebecca, 252 Pirn, Jonathan, 130 Potts. Franklin M., 192 Preston, Rebecca R., 312 Pirn, Lydia, 328 Potts, Hannah, 2*>7 Preston, Thomas R., 174 Pirn, Maiv, 320 Potts, Isaac. W., 127 Price, Ann M., 237 Pirn, Richard P., 187 Polls, Joseph, 95 Price, Benjamin, 115 Pim.Sallie E., 316 Potts, Joseph, 1<>2 Price, Benjamin, 184 Pirn, Thomas, 164 Putts, Martha, 267 Price, Callender, 129 Pitfield, Ann, 262 Potts, Rebecca, 227 Price, Daniel B., 150 Pitlield, Benjamin H. 145 Potts, Rebecca, 230 Price, David, 127 Pittlfltl, FJiMheth, 99 Potts, Sarah W., 268 Price, Edith, 257 Pitfield. Robert L., 98 Potts, William, 167 Price, Eli K., 120 Pitfleld, William, 129 Poultney, Lydia, 224 Price, Elizabeth, 248 INDEX. 415 PAGE I PAGE PAGE Price, Elizabeth, 265 ' Pryor, Edmund, 111 Pvle, Elizabeth M., 294 Price, Elizabeth, 279 Pryor, Hannah, 232 Pyle, Hannah, 240 Price, Elizabeth, 330 Pryor, Rebecca, 234 Pyle, Hannah, 273 Price, Esther, 263 Prvor, Sarah Ann, 251 Pvle, Hannah N., 294 Pries, Ezra, 130 Puckett, Henry W., 155 Pyle, Hannah Si., 302 Price, France-;. 265 Pugh, Howard, 148 Pyle, Isaac, 150 Price, Francis L., 186 Pugh, Isaac, 116 Pyle, Mariraret, 290 Price, Hannah, 225 Pugh, Mary, 291 Pvle, Margaret J., 299 Price, Hannah, 230 Pugh. Sarah, MB Pyle. Mary, 310 (Mir/.s.i " (6'om.,)101 Purviance, Guli A., an Pyle, Mary Ann, 296 Price, Helen F., 334 Pusey, Ann, 229 Pyle, Matilda, 294 Price, Isaac, 122 Pusey, Ann, 250 Pyle, Phebe Ann, 317 Price, Isaac C., 138 Pusey, Ann, 258 Pyle, Phebe W., 302 Price, Jacob L., 184 Pusey, Ann, 272 Pvle, Philena, 312 Price* James B., Pusey, Benjamin, 110 Pvie, Ruth, 273 Price, James M., 146 Pusev, Caleb, 1 19 Pyle, Sarah, 283 " (Teacher,) 86 Pusey, Caleb W., 186 Pyle, Sarah, 299 Price, Joseph, 128 Pusey, Charles. 120 Pyle, Sarah Ann, 273 Price. Lydia, 293 Pusey, Debbv C., 337 Pyle, William, 146 Price, Lydia N., 277 Pusev, Edith, 226 Pyle. Ziba, 110 Price, Margaret, 235 Pusev, Edith H., 320 Price, Martha, 223 Pusey, Eliza, 265 Quinby, Ann, 297 Price, Mary, 234 Pusey, Eliza W., 298 Quinby, Isaac C., 149 Price, Mary C., 285 Pusey, Elizabeth, 279 Quinby, Jane, 268 Price, Mary C., 310 Pusey, Ellis. use Quinby, Phebe, 2:'4 Price, Phebe B., 30-3 Pusey, Emily, 310 Quinby, Phebe, 292 Price, Philip, Jr., 96 Pusey, Hannah, 98 Quinbv, Rachel, 253 (Supt.,) 79 Pusey, Hannah. Jr., 97 Quinby, Watson F., 149 Price, Philip, 106 Pusey, Hannah, 295 Price, Philip, 124 Pusey, Hannah G., 334 Raisin. Warner M., 148 Price, R. Anna, 329 Pusey, Hibberd, 144 Raleigh, Ann, 266 Price, Rachel, 97 nueg, Isaac, 100 Raley, Robert F., 167 " " (Matron,) 79 Pusey, Isaac, 154 Randolph, Car'ne W.,337 Price, Rachel, 30 Pusey, Isaac, 171 Randolph, Charles, 122 Price, Rebecca, 251 Pusey, Israel, 154 Randolph, Edward, 106 Price, Rebecca, 276 Pusey, Jacob, 114 Randolph, Edward, 195 Price, Rebecca B., 308 Pusey, James. 147 Randolph, George. 140 Price, Richard, 135 Pusey, Joel B., 166 Randolph, Han'h F., 276 Price, Sarah, 247 Pusey, John G., 150 Randolph, Harriet. Price, Sarah Ann, 306 Pusey, Joseph, 140 Randolph, John F., 112 Price, Sarah II., 312 Pusey, Joshua /?., 101 Randolph, Juliana, L'61 Price, Sibilla. 231 Pusey, Joshua E., 95 Randolph, Marv, 219 Price, Susanna, 828 Pusey, Lea, 109 Randolph. Mary, 291 Price, Walter, 189 Pusey, Lea, 142 Randolph, Nathaniel, 138 Price, William, 106 Pusey, Lewis, 154 Randolph, Rachel. 249 Price, William B., 123 Pusey, Mary, 295 Randolph, Richard, 107 Price, William <;., 185 Pusey, Mary, 327 Randolph, Richard. Ill Price, William L., 198 Pusey, Mary Ann, 240 Randolph, Rich'd W., 17* Prickett, Elizabeth E.,339 Pusey, Massey, 230 Randolph, William, 106 Prickett, Elmer D., 198 Pusey, Pennock, Ufl Randolph, Wm. II., 181 Prickett, Frank W., 199 Pusey, Phebe, 22C. Rankin, Ann Eliza, 299 Prickett, William S., 198 Pusey, Philena J., 242 Rawlings, Jane. 242 Prickitt, Ann, 297 Pusey, Rebecca, 340 Kawlhms, Margaret, 212 Prickitt, Anna E., 333 Pusey, Samuel N'., 133 Ray, William, 115 Prickitt, Deborah B., 331 Pusey, Samuel R., 187 Rea, Marv H., Prickitt, Ezra E., 188 Pusey, Sarah, 298 Read, Ann, 2ii3 Prickitt, Josiah, 195 Pusey, Sarah Ann, 315 Reekerfuse. Samuel, V-':! Priest, Louisa E., 312 Pu-ey, Sophia R., 329 Redman. Charles F., 1..3 Priest, William E., 203 Pusey, William, 118 Redman, Eliz. 1C., 2M Prior, Hannah, 210 Pusey, William, 115 Redman, Joseph S., 112 Prindle, Anna L., ~.'\'< I'usev, William J., 185 Redman, Mary, Proctor, Elisabeth, 2*7 Pvle. Abigail, 261 Redman, Samuel G., l!-6 Proctor, Marv, 217 Pyle, Ann Eliza, XI Redman, -arah H., 296 Proctor, Samuel T., 162 Pyle, Cloud, 155 Recce, L>uvis, Proctor, Sarah, 2S7 Pyle, Edward, 168 ' " (Governor,) W) Proctor. Stephen, i:i Pyle, Elizabeth. 237 Reece, Eli Y., 135 Prosscr. Elizabeth, 218 i T'i'-liir ) M Rcci-e, Thomas, 110 Prosser, Marv, 247 Pyle, Elizabeth, 311 R, cd, Abigails., 291 31* 416 INDEX. PAGE Reed, David, 123 Reed. Elizabeth. 270 Reed, James, 160 Reed, J. Harris, 195 Reed, Mary E., 316 Reed, Ruth, 260 Reed, Sarah G., 335 Reed, Thomas M., ' 198 Reed, William, 140 Reed, William, 92 Reed, William T., 172 Reed, William T., 19S> Reese, Maria, 233 Reese, Walter, 185 Reeve, Ann, 231 Reeve, Anna, 313 Reeve, Benjamin C., 178 Reeve, Beulah, 278 Reeve, Charles, 140 Reeve, Clayton, 123 Reeve, Dallas, 168 Reeve, Edith S., 338 Reeve, Edward, . 152 Reeve. Edward B., 201 Reeve, Elizabeth, 226 Reeve, Elizabeth, 243 Reeve, Elizabeth, 99 Reeve, Elizabeth, 284 Reeve, Elizabeth R., 302 Reeve, Ellen, 289 Reeve, Emma, 308 Reeve, Emmor, 134 Reeve, Hannah A., 259 Reeve, Hannah C., 344 Reeve, Hannah G., 294 Reeve, Job W., 119 Reeve, John, 95 Reeve. John, 124 Reeve, John N., 106 Reeve, John N., 150 Reeve, John X., 198 Reeve, Joseph, 151 Reeve, Josiah, 96 Reeve, Josiah, 174 Reeve, Josiah M., 112 Reeve, Josiah R., 127 Reeve, Letitia, 250 Reeve, Mark M., 175 Reeve, Mark S., 163 Reeve, Martha, 224 Reeve, Martha, 228 (Com.,} 99 (Wistar.) " 100 Reeve, Martha, 260 Reeve. Martha N., 286 Reeve, Mary, 258 Reeve, Mary, 303 Reeve, Mary O., 337 Reeve, Mary S., 286 Reeve, Priscilla S., 268 Reeve, Priscilla W., 302 Reeve, Raehel, 238 Reeve, Rebecca, 293 Reeve, Rebecca, 298 Reeve, Rebecca C., 322 Reeve, Richard H., 175 Reeve, Richard M., 130 Reeve, Richardson S., 174 PAGE Reeve, Ruth, 260 Reeve, Samuel, 126 Reeve, Sarah C., 330 Reeve, Sarah S., 315 Reeve, Sarah W., 259 Reeve, Susan S., 308 Reeve, Walter S., 192 Reeves, Abby S., 327 Reeves, Ann, 256 Reeves, Anna M., 297 Reeves, Anna N., 341 Reeves, Biddle, 138 Reeves, Biddle. 184 Reeves, Elizabeth, 315 Reeves, Elizabeth W., 335 Reeves, Joseph, 125 Reeves, Mary, 226 Reeves, Mary S., 322 Reeves, Mary W., 2,";5 Reeves, Paul" S., 165 Reeves, Rachel, 303 Reeves. Sarah, 224 Reeves, Sarah B., 266 Reeves. Sarah H., 32 > Register, Eliza Jane, 273 Register, Malvina, 27S Register, Robert, 134 Register. Samuel, 142 Reid, Esther R., 323 Remington, Caroline, 307 Remington, Charles, 119 Remington, Clement, 130 Remington. Edward, 131 Remington, Edward, 135 Remington, Ellen, 307 Remington, Han'h S., 302 Remington, Isaac, IS! Remington, James, 1-5 Remington, James A. ,161 Remington, John C., 157 Remington, Lydia H.,325 Remington, Sarah J., 302 Remington, Thomas, 128 Remington, William, 131 Remington, William, 135 Resin, Abraham, 122 Resin, -Margaret, 98 Reynolds, Ann M., 274 Reynolds, Charles, 123 Reynolds, David, 164 Reynolds, Ebenezer, 111 Reynolds, Haines, 124 Reynolds, Jacob, 164 Reynolds, Jeremiah, 112 Reynolds, Martha J., 308 Reynolds, Martha S., 347 Reynolds, Stephen, 164 Reynolds. Theodore, 165 Rnoads, Anna N., 344 RlHHtds, Beutah 31., 102 (See Morris.) Rhoads, Catharine E., 337 Rhoads, Charles, 158 " " (Com.,) 102 Rhoads, Daniel J., 110 Rhoads, Deborah, 291 " (Com.,) 101 Rhoads, Edward G., 200 Rhoads, Eleanor, Rhoads, Elizabeth, Rhoads, Elizabeth, Rhoads, Elizabeth, Rhoads, Elizabeth, PAGE 340 230 230 270 299 (Teacher :) 87 ', 89 (Com.,} ln2 Rhoads, Elizabeth H., 311 [ Rhpads, Francis, ! Rhoads, George, j Rhoads, George A., Rhoads, Hannah, Rhoads, Hannah, \ Rhoads, Hannah, (See Evans.) Rhoads, Hannah. 347 152 230 26 i 100 342 Rhoads, J. Snowdon, 203 Rhoads, James, 134 Rhoads, James E., 158 Rhoads, Jane S., 342 Rhoads, John, 157 Rhoads, John B., 202 Rhoads, John O., 110 Rhoads, John P., 154 Rhoads, Jonathan E.. it;o " (Com.,) 102 Rhoads, Joseph, 107 Rhoads, Joseph, 146 Rhoads, Joseph, Jr., 191 " ( Teacher,) 91 Rhoads, Joshua, 129 Rhoads, Levi P., 141 Rhoads, Mary, 286 Rhoads, Mary A., 307 Rhoads, Mary H., 291 Rhoads, Owen, 127 Rhoads, Owen, 139 Rhoads, Phebe, 241 Rhoads, Phebe, 300 Rhoads, Rebecca, 233 Rhoads, Rebecca, 280 Rhoads, Rebecca G., 103 (See Garrett.) Rhoads, Samuel, 129 Rhoads, Samuel N., 199 Rhoads, Sarah, 275 Rhoads, Susanna, 233 Rhoads, Susanna, 300 Rhoads, Thomas G., 194 Rhoads, William, 120 " (Com.,) 100 Rhoads, William, 152 Rhoads, \Villiam E., 206 Rich, Atkinson H., 177 Rich, Deborah Y., 323 Rich, Howard, 184 Rich, Rachel, 335 Rich, Sophronia, 342 Rich, Susan W., 304 Richards, Abigail, 238 Richards, Ann, 260 Richards, Diana, 304 Richards, Emma, 2'J6 Richards, Frederic, 149 Richards, Hannah T., 244 Richards, Isaac. 125 Richards, Isaac H., 170 Richards, Jacob, 125 INDEX. 417 PA1E I Richards, Jonathan, HF7 Richards, Joshua, 1<9 Richards, l.y.lia, _ > J3 Richards, Miu-y, 226 Richards, Mary, _ 1 Richards, Racket, 97 Richards, Rachel, Richards, Rachel. Richards. Rachel, 2~ 1 Richards, .-'amn;-l. I-'") Richards Samuel, l::i Ri'-harls, Sarah H., _.;7 is surah M., 309 RicimnK William, 118 RieWar.ls >n, Ann, 230 lti.<-h'ir " (Com.,) H)0 Richardson, Eliz., 255 Richardson. Eliz., 270 Richardson, Eliz., 2-5 Richardson, Francis. 163 Richardson. Hannah. 235 Siclutrdton, Hannah, 100 Richardson, Han. W., is: 1 , " (Com.,) 102 Richardson, John, 153 Richardson. Jos. G., 163 Richardson, Jos. P., 15:> Richardson. I.ucy, 297 Richardson, Mary, 247 Richardson, Mary, 275 (}\'iftar,} "(Com.,) 102 Richardson, Mary R., 286 Richardson, Reb'ca J.,270 Rirltnrdnnn. Ruth, 98 Richardson. Sarah, 226 Richardson, Sarah, 243 Richardson, Sarah. 281 Richardson, Sarab T., 275 Richardson, Susan. 2-V> Richards m, Thomas, 108 Richie, Anna Mary, :t>0 Richie, Edward. " 1:13 ' ( Teacher,) 85 "(Com.,) 102 Richie, Edward H., 1-1 Richie, Elizabeth S., 313 Richie. Gideon L., 169 Richie. Hannah, 278 Richie. John. 170 . Margaret W., 318 Richie. Ruth Anna, 319 Richie. Samuel, 133 Richie, Sarah, 287 Richie. Sarah. Richie. *ir.il> A., 103 \llen.) Richie, Sarah M., 317 Ricks, Deborah <>., ::K> Ricks, SamuellaT., 330 Ricks. Walter A., 178 Ridgway, Amos A.. 172 Ridgway, Andrew C., 114 Ridgway, Catharine, 224 Rid-way, Corinne, ::il Roberto, Krentt P., 188 Ridgway, David W., 111 Roberts. Franklin, 192 Rid-way, Henrietta, 2f,9 Roberts, Geort'e, lit! Rid-way. Henry W., 125 Roberts, (Jeorge. 121 Ridgway, Jacob, li'l Robeits, (ieor-c A., HiO Rid-way, Jacob, 12:; Roberts. Hannah, Rid-way, Job, 121 Roberts Hannah. 310 Ridgway, Job, 171 Roberts, Hannah H., lill Ridgway, John, 119 Roberts. Hannah R., :;i:{ Rid-way, Mary, 2 a Roberts. Hannah W.. :;i'J Ridgway, Mary, 265 Roberts Hannah W., 319 Ridsrway, Mercy W., 27f, Roberts, Henrv W., ]r.:{ Ridgway. Sarah, 223 Roberts. Hepzibuh, 2:;3 Ridgway, Sarah, 20 Roberts, Hiram, 146 Rid-way, Thomas, 118 ! Roberts. Howard E., 192 Rid-way, Thomas, li>"> Roberts. I. Henry, U-9 Ridgway, William, 111 Roberts, Isaac L., 2r_> Righter, Elizabeth, -'- 1,'nbeilg, Jacob. 1T2 Righter, Hannah, 2i'.i Roberts, James C., 1*3 Righter. Mira, 273 Roberts, Jane L., 348 Riker, Rut"h Ann, 311 ]{>,!,< rfx, Mm. 96 Riley. Ann. 22S Roberts Jehu, 160 Rin-, Charles A., 193 Roberts. John, 115 Riii}?, Welding, 1S1 Roberta. John, 98 Rislev. Joseph P., 117 Roberts. John, 131 Rively, Sarali C., 2V> Roberts, John, 1"4 Robbins, Margaret, 2<>3 Roberts, John, 156 Roberts, Abigail B., 261 RotKJrts. John M., H'.:{ Roberts. Alliinu N., 260 Roberts Joseph. 171 Roberts, Alice. 325 Roberts. Joseph H., 191 Roberts, Alien II., 197 Roberts, Jo*iah, 98 Roberts, Amy J., 311 Roberts, Josiah A.. 170 Roberts, Ann, 2:57 Roberts, Ketnrah L., 308 Rol>erts, Ann. 247 Roberts. Lvdia, 288 Roberts, Anna B., >6 Roberts, Lvdia M., 347 Roberts, Anna W., 323 Roberts, M'arga'taW., 343 Roberts Arthur E., 196 Roberts, Martha, 225 Roberts, Benlah, 237 Roberts, Martha, 278 Roberts C.William, 200 Roberts, Martha C., 325 Roberts, Caroline, 262 Roberts, Marv. 293 Roberts, Charles. 109 Roberts. Marv Ann Roberts. Charles H., 189 Roberts. Marv Ann, 261 Roberta, David, 99 Roberts Marv Anna, :115 " " (f-,-t*, liailtri II., 99 Roberts, Elizabeth E. ,334 " .Iron.) 79 ts, Elizabeth II ,323 (?ee Hunt ) Roberts. Elizabeth K ,329 Roberts. R:.chel M . Roberts. Ellen. 2H Roberts. Rebecca, Roberts, Emily, :;io RoU-rt". Rebecca, Roberts. Emma A., 3:U Roberts, Rebec. -a. Roberts. Esther, Roberts. Rebecca J.. :;1S Roberts, Esther, 310 Roberts, Rebecca W.. :141 Roberts, Esther, 312 Roberts, Samuel, 113 " (Com., 103 Roberts, Samuel, 164 INDEX. PAGE Roberts, Samuel M., 205 PAGE Rowland, Janet, 224 PAGE Satterthwaite,Mar.W.,334 Roberts, Sarah, 252 Rowland, Joseph, 115 Satterthwaite. Mary, 244 Roberts, Sarah E., 280 Rowland, Joseph G., 164 8atterthwaite,MaryA..S28 Roberts. Sarah H., 324 Roberts, Sarah S., 253 Roberts, Sarah W., 325 Rowland. Joshua G., 98 Rowland, Marv, 237 Rowland. Mifliin. 123 Satterthwaite, Mary E.,312 Satterthwaite. Reb ca,305 Satterthwaite. Ren'n, 175 Roberts, Septimus, 110 Rowland, Samuel, 106 Satterthwaite. Rho. s. .:;;;."> Roberta, fr'jit hints, 84 Rowland, Samuel, 123 Satterthwaite. Rich'd, i:i3 Roberts, Septimus, l. r >5 Rowland, Tabitha, 224 Satterthwaite, R. T., 2n:i Roberts, Susan, 261 Rowland, Tabitha, 229 Satterthwaite. Sam'l, 113 Roberts, Susan A., 346 Rowland, Thomas, 109 Satterthwaite, Sarah, 2'.'0 Roberts, Susanna, 305 Rudolph, Abra'm P., 143 Satterthwaite, Sa'h A.,:!28 (Williams,) " (Com.,') 103 Rudolph, Hannah, 300 Satterthwaite, Sa'b K..:.::i "(Matron,)) Rudolph, Hannah P., 324 Satterthwaite,8u'n B., 339 Roberts, Tacy, 288 Rudolph, Mary. 295 Satterthwaite,Tho8.C.,206 Roberts, Thomas S., Ill Rudolph, Mary E., 322 Satterthwaite. Wm., 126 Roberta, William, 98 Rudolph, Samuel F., 180 Saul, Juliana, 280 Roberts, William, 180 Rudolph, Sarah Ann, 306 Saunders, David, 110 Roberts. William H., 190 Rudolph, Sarah L., 322 Saunders, Hannah, Til Roberts. William J., 1(18 Rudolph, Thomas, 153 Saunders, Hannah C., 313 Robeson, Andrew, 105 Rulon, Caroline M., 311 Saunders, James, 1:17 Robeson, E/izalteth. 99 Rulon, Elizabeth A., 292 Saunders, James, 175 Robeson, Sarah Ann, 225 Rulon, John W., 160 Saunders, James M., 140 Robeson, Sarah Ann, 2:51 Rulon, Mary Ann, 303 Saunders, Lydia, 280 Robinson, Abigail, 227 Rulon. Sarah W., 292 Saunders, Mary, 2.~i:> Robinson, Abigail, 249 Rundle. Angelina, 324 Saundeis, Marv, S!5 Robinson, Amy, 247 Rushmore, Esther, 297 Saunders. Rachel S., 298 Robinson. Ann, 227 Russell, Amanda, 314 Nim/')/, 99 Robinson, Betty, 243 Russell, Elizabeth R.,343 Saunders, Sarah, 312 Robinson. Edward, 120 Russell, Lvdia S., 303 Savery, Addison II., 235 Robinson, Elizabeth, 227 Russell, Marion Edith.341 Savery, Albert II., 205 Robinson. Hannah L.,305 Russell, Robert H., 196 Savery, Edward, 172 Robinson, Jacob, 106 Russell, Thomas, 134 Savery, Elizabeth, 331 Robinson, Mary, 252 Russell, Thomas W., 201 Savery, Mary W., 320 Robinson, Nathaniel, 167 Russell, Virginia, 313 Savery, Sarah, 96 Robinson, Rachel, 289 Rutter, Thomas, 109 Savery, Sarah, 315 Robinson. William A., 120 Savery, Stephen W., 162 Rock-hill, Hannah C., 224 Salter, Sarah. 226 Sarery, Thomas, 101 Rockwell. Emily E., 345 Sanderson, Ann W., 247 Savery, Thomas H., 162 Rodman, Henry, 86 San key, Elizabeth, 319 Savery, William, % Rogers, Ann. 255 Sankey, Martha, 314 Saverv, William, If.:; Rogers, Elizabeth, 2J9 " ( Teacher.) 87, 88, 89 Savery, William H., 202 Rogers, Grace, 235 " (Governess,) 81 Say, Benjamin, 107 Rogers, Jane ^If., 99 Sansom. Beulah, 98 Sav. Thomas, 105 Rogers, Mary D., 250 ! Sansom, Joseph, 95 Scarlett, Anna, 346 Rogers, Minerva, 249 Satterthwait, George, 199 Scarlett, J. Miller, 186 Rogers, Rachel, 231 Satterthwaite, Alfred, 161 Scarlett, John J.. 204 Rogers, Samuel, 117 Satterthwaite, Al. H., 202 Scarlett, Lvdia Ann, 306 Rogers, Timothy, 111 Satterthwaite.Benj.C.,182 Scarlett, Martha, 345 Roman, Asenath, 230 Satterthwaite, Daniel, 167 Scattergood. Ann, 98 Roman, Hannah, 233 Satterthwaite, Dan. C.. 177 Seattergood .Ann, 298 Rose. John, llfi Satterthwaite, Deb'h, 326 Scattergood, Anna, 324 Ross. Sarah, 23o Satterthwaite, E. H., 198 Seattergood, Anna, 009 Ross. Thomas 109 Satterthwaite, E. M., :!I5 Scattergood. Caro. C.. :;i2 Rote, James M., 183 Satterthwaite, Edw'd, 203 Scattergood, Clias. C., 200 Rote, Margaret, 329 Satterthwaite. Ellw'd, 188 Scattergood, David, 128 Rote, Marv M., 320 Satterthwaite, Emlen, 157 Scattergood, David, 182 Rote, Miiton, is 1 .) Satterthwaite, II. E., 197 Bcattergood, Eliz., 269 Rote, Narcissa, 336 Satterthwaite. A. W., l'H Hi-attm/ooit, Eliz. C., 102 Rote. Regina S., Si6 Satterthwaite, Hut'n, 1-11 (See Comfort.) Rowainl, Robert B., 157 Satterthwaite, Is'c H., 140 Scattergood, Geo. J., 162 Rowland, Ann, 224 Satterthwaite, Jon'n, Ml " " (Cbm.,1 102 Rowland, Catharine, 223 Satterthwaite, Jos. ('., 150 Scattergood, Hannah, 298 Rowland. Elizabeth, 224 Satterthwaite, Jos. H., 14 '> Scattergood, Joseph, 130 Rowland, Elixabeth, 228 Satterthwaite, Jos. H., 194 " (Com.,) 101 Rowland. Elizabeth, 237 Satterthwaite, Liz.W. ,:>:;<) Scattergood, Joseph, 169 Rowland. Elizabeth, 250 Satterthwaite, Lydia, -J~>1 " ' (Com..) 1U3 Rowland, Hannah, 214 SaUerthwaite, M. C., 188 Scattergood, Jos., Jr., 206 INDEX. 419 PAGE PAGE PAGE Seattergood, Jos. B., 177 Scull, Gideon, 107 Sharpless, Beulah, 234 Scattergood, Marv, 300 Scull. Gideon D., 148 Sharpless, Caspar T., 178 Seattergood, Marv, 346 Scull, Henry C., 178 Sharpless, Caspar W., 128 Seattergood, Rachel, 307 Scull, Isaac, 1 12 Marplots, Catharine, 97 " (Com.,) 102 Scull, James, 107 Sharpless, Catharine, 276 (Marig.) ' 10:( Scull, Marv, 279 Sharpless, Charles, 143 Scattergood, Rebecca, 226 Scull. Mary, 324 Sharpless, Charles, 161 Scattergood, Rebecca, 232 Scull, Paul, 113 Sharpless, Charles L., 138 Scattergood, Rebecca, 327 Scull, Sarah, 240 Sharpless, Charles L., 181 Scattergood. Samuel, 132 " (Com.,) 100 Sharpless, Edith, 227 Scattergood, Sam'l H., 187 Scull, Sarah, 279 Sharpless, Edith, 245 Scatiergood, Sarah, 277 Scull, Sarah, 318 Sharpless, Edith, 273 Scatteigood, Sarah, 303 Seal, Anna 1,., 344 Sharpless, Edith, 288 Scattergood, Surah, 319 Seal, Charles, 135 Sharpless, Edith, 312 Scattergood, Susan, 319 Seal, Elizabeth P., 200 .-harpless. Edith, 331 SeattergooA, Thomas, 97 Seal, Emma, 274 Sharpless, Edward, 135 Scattergood, Thomas, 121 Seal, Francis J,, 204 Sharpless, Edward, l. r >9 Scattergood, Thomas, 169 Seal, Gertrude, 34 "> " (O>m.,)102 Scattergood, Thos..Jr., 178 Seal, Isaac, 108 Sharpless, Edward, 2<>2 Scattergood, William, 125 Seal, Joel A., 173 Sharpless, Eli, 178 Scattergood, William, 177 Seal, Joseph G., 177 Sharpless, Elizabeth, 253 Schill, Christiana, 316 Seal, Joshua T., 121 Sharpless, Elizabeth, 268 Sdi., tield, Edith, 248 Seal, Lydia, 249 Sharpless, Elizabeth, 272 Schofield, Esther, 253 Seal, Mary Jane, 318 Sharpless. Elizabeth, 282 Schofield, Joseph, lir> Seal, Phebe, 300 Sharpless, Elizabeth, 321 Schofleld, Rachel, 227 Seal, Sarah Ann, 318 Sharpless, Eliza'h C., 342 Schooley, Samuel, 141 Seal. Thomas, 148 Sharpless, George, 132 Schureman, John D., 174 Seal, William, 174 Sharpless, George, Jr., 201 Scofield, Lewis N., 204 Seaman, Anna, 261 Sharpless, Hannah, 261 Scott, Anna E., 332 Seaman, Marianna, 260 Sharpless, Hannah, 274 Scott, Charles 165 Seaman, Percival, 128 Sharpless, Hannah, 282 Scott, David J., 162 Seaman, Willet, 128 Sharpless, Han'h H., 267 " " ( Teacher,) 87, 89 Sellers, Annabella, 335 Sharpless, Harvey, 144 " " (Governor,) 80 Sellers, Charles C., 161 Sharpless. Harvey, 189 Scott, Edith D., 312 Sellers, Edward, 162 Sharpless, Henry, 113 Scott, Edmund W., 181 Sellers, George, 158 Sharpless, Henry, 150 Scott, Edward E., 200 Sellers, George H., 1">8 Sharpless, Henry P., 135 Scott, Edwin. 150 Sellers, Samuel, 158 Sharpless, Henry W., 180 Scott, EllwoodW., 162 Serrill, Thomas. 161 Sharpless, Isaac, 110 Scott. Estlier, 235 Sexton, Elizabeth H., 335 Sharjtless, Isaac, 98 Scott, George W., 205 Sexton, Townsend, 199 Sharpless, Isaac, 115 Scott. Hannah, 244 Shallcross, Esther, 238 Sharpless, Isaac, 180 Scott, Hannah A., 310 Sharj), Joseph., . 97 " " < Teacher,) 89 Scott, Irving >!., 200 Sharp. Sarah, ' 274 Sharpless, J. Clemson, 149 Scott, Israel R., 181 Sharpless, Aaron, 131 Sharpless, James F., 190 Scott, Jane, 292 " " (Own,..) 101 Sharpless, Jane, 301 Scott. .lob, 155 " " iXnpt.,) 80 Sharpless, John M., 133 St*>tt, John, 162 Sharpless, Abigail, 264 " (Com.,) Kit Scott, John, 198 Sharpless, Abraham, 129 Sharpless, John P., IMt Scott, Jonathan, ]">" Sharplegg, Abraham, 96 Sharpless, Joseph, 108 Scott, Margaret H., 347 Sharpless. Alfred, 186 Sharpless, Joseph. 117 Scott. Margaret J., 831 Sharpleg*. Ann, 79 Sharpless, Joseph, l.~>3 Scott. Miirv ('., 846 Sharpless, Ann, 242 Sharpless, Joseph C., 183 Scoit. Marv E., 320 Sharpless, Ann, 264 Sharpie**. Jot/nut, 79 Scott, Nelson W., 176 Sharpness. Ann, 322 Sharpless, Joshua, 1 1:5 Scott, Morris J., 177 Sharpless, Ann, Sharpless, Joshua, 182 Scott. Oliver, 149 " (Teacher,) 8!> Sharpless, Joshua R., 113 Sc..it, Rachel, 257 Sharpless, Anna. 276 " (Com.,) '. Scott, Ros-iter, 130 Sharpies*. Anna P., 812 Sharpless I.ruis, 113 Scott, Samuel J., ITS Sharpless. Anne, Sharpie---. I.cuiX 170 Scott, Sarah, 247 Sharpless, Anne, 2i:; Sharpless, I.ewis P., 188 Scott. Sarah Jane, 320 Sharpless, Anne, 800 Sharpless, I.ucv. 336 Scott, T)wn(>nd, 12H .s7inr/)/f'xx, Jinijuwin, '.'- Sharpless. l.yclia. 233 Src.it. Wakeman H., 199 Src.tt, Wnltcr A., 24 Sharpless, I.vdia, 275 Sharpless, I.vdia, 326 Scull, Abigail, Sharpless, Blakey. Ill Sharpless, I.vdia . I., 2Ti5 Scull, iMvi.l. 163 Scull, Deborah, 283 (B'k-kpr.,) 92 " (Teaclter,) 84 Sharpless, Lvdia .1 bharple&s, Mabel P., 843 Y 420 INDEX. PAGE PAGE PAGE Sharpless, Martha, 83 Sheffield, Amy R., 316 Shoemaker, Charles, 98 (Jefferis,) " (Com..) 99 Sheffield, Eliza'h A., 319 Shoemaker, Charles, 133 " (Matron,) 80 Shelley, Joshua M.. 185 Shoemaker, Kdith, 329 Sharpless, Martha L., 323 Sheppard, Annie E., 320 Shoemaker, Eiisha, 116 Sharpiess, Martha P., 300 Sheppard, Charles B., 174 Shoemaker, Eliza, 242 Sharpless, Mary, 238 Sheppard, Clarkson, 132 Shoemaker, Eliz., 236 Sharpiess, Mary, 263 " (Com.,) 101 Shoemaker, Eliz., 265 Sharpless, Mary, 278 Sheppard, Edward. 172 Shoemaker, Eliz., 294 Sharpless, Mary, 279 Sheppard, George W., 153 Shoemaker, Eliz., 335 Sharpless, Mary, 313 Sheppard, Hannah, .230 Shoemaker, Ezek'l C., 184 Sharpless, Mary, 326 Sharpless, Mary A., 255 Sheppard, Henry, 175 Sheppard, John E., 100 Shoemaker, Hannah, 254 Shoemaker, Han'h B., 321 Sharpless, Mercy, 247 Sheppard.John E..Jr.,194 shoemaker, Isaac, 127 Sharpless, Nathan, 96, 98 Sheppard, John M., 169 Shoemaker, Isaac L., 117 Sharpless, Nathan, 98 Sheppard, John M., 173 Shoemaker, June, 97 Sharpless, Nathan, 99 I Sheppard, Letitia, 295 Shoemaker, John, 95 " (Supt.,) 79 Sheppard, Lydia. 267 Shoemaker, John, Jr., 96 Sharpless, Nathan, 173 Sharpless, Nathan, 179 Bheppard, Lydia W., 102 (See Warrington.) Shoemaker, John J., 107 Shoemaker, Lydia. 206 Shaifiless, Natha7i II., 98 Sheppard, Margaret, 240 Shoemaker, Marg'ta, 276 Sharpless, Nathan J., 146 " (Com.,) 101 Shoemaker, M'tha C., 337 Sharpless, Oliver, 153 Sheppard. Margaret, 328 Shoemaker, Mary, 239 Sharpless, Phebe. 99 S/ieppard, Margaret 6., 102 Shoemaker, Mary, 240 (Middteton,) " (Com.,') 100 (See Garrett.) Shoemaker, Mary H..271 Sharpless, Phebe, 279 Sheppard, Mary, 318 Shoemaker. Rachel, 238 Sharpless, Philena, 296 Sheppard, Mary Ann, 311 Shoemaker, Rachel, 2(16 Sharpless, Philip, 134 Sheppard, Philip G., 175 Shoemaker, Rebecca, 292 Sharpless, Rachel, 99 Sheppard, Rachel, 308 Shoemaker, Samuel, 111 Sharpless, Rachel, 253 Sheppard, Rebecca, 239 Shoemaker, Sarah. 303 Sharpless, Rachel E., 297 (Warder,) "(Com.,) 100 Shoemaker, Sarah M., 276 Sharpless, Rachel V., 224 Sheppard, Rebecca, 277 Shoemaker, Tlios. S. ( 184 Sharpless, Rebecca, 238 Sheppard, Rebecca C., 103 Shoemaker. Wm. C., 161 Sharpless, Rebecca, 301 Sheppard, Ruth B., 296 Sholl. A. Lincoln, 203 Sharpless, Robert, 106 Sheppard, Samuel M ,152 Sholl, Elizabeth L., 339 Sharpless. Robert M., 164 Sheppard, Sarah, 276 Sholl, Henry Llovd, 204 Sharpless.Ruth Anna, 328 Sheppard, Sarah R., 304 Sholl, Martha M.', 339 Sharpless, Sarah, 223 Sheppard, William C., 155 Shotwell, Abraham, 133 Sharpless, Sarah. 264 Sheward. Ann, 273 Shotwell, August V., 159 Sharpless, Sarah Ann, 286 Sheward, Isaac G., 135 Shotwell, Cath'neS., 276 Sharpless, Sarah D., 269 Sheward, William, 135 Shotwell, Eden, 134 Sharpless, Sarah M., 336 Shinn, Ann Eliza, 269 Shotwell, Edward, 130 Sharpless, Sarah T., 330 Shinn, Earl, Jr., 172 Shotwell, Eleanor, 271 Sharpless, Sidney, 278 Shinn, Elizabeth, 286 Shotwell. Elizabeth It., 100 Sharpless, Susanna, 279 Shinn, James T., 165 Shotwell, Harriet. 258 Sharpless, Susanna, 335 Shinn, Joseph B., 117 Shotwell, Henry L., 143 Sharpless, Susanna, 342 Shinn, Lydia C., 297 Shotwell, Jacob R., 134 Shaipless, Susanna P., 102 Shinn, Rebecca, 241 Shotwell, Jacob V., 134 " (Mafn,) 80 Shinn, Rebecca, 311 Shotwell, Joseph, 95 (See Forsythe.) Shinn, Sarah, 243 Shotwell, Joseph F., 159 Sharpless, Thomas, 165 Shipley, Anna, 227 Shotwell, Mary, 263 Sharpless, Thomas, 167 Shipley, Catharine, 304 Sho/well, Kfercy, !<)() Sharpless, Townsend, 196 Shipley, Charles I., 16!) Shotwell, Nathan, 111 Sharpless, Town'd T., 167 Shipley, Hannah, 251 Shotwell, Nathan, 153 Sharpless, William, 131 Shiplev, Hannah E., 3:'>2 Shaw, Janet, 229 Shipley, William L., 130 Shreeve, Arthur D., 119 Shaw, Joshua H., 179 Shober, H. ftec/ina, KK) Shreeve, Caleb, 119 Shaw, Maria, 247 Shoemaker, Ann, 2:!1 Shreeve, Elizabeth, 210 Shaw, Mary, 260 Shoemaker, Ann, 246 Shreeve, Elizabeth, 2, I Shaw, Mary, 281 Shoemaker, Anna, 236 Shreeve, John, Shaw, Rebecca, 260 Shoemaker, Anna. 274 Shreeve, Joseph N., ]('3 Shaw, Sarah, 229 Shoemaker, Annie B., 321 Shreeve, Martha A., ">.'.<\ Shaw, Susan, 272 Shoemaker, CaubyB., 170 i Shreeve, Mary, 252 INDEX. 421 PAGE PAGE PAGE Shreeve, Mary, 268 Smedlev, Benj. D., 158 Smith, Anna P., 346 Shreeve, Man- H., 292 Smedley, Bennett L., 170 Smith, Anna W., 303 Shreeve, Richard 8., 128 Smedlev, Charles, 173 Smith, B. Gilpin, 1*8 Shreeve, Sarah B., 284 Smedlev, Deborah, 300 Smith. Ban-lav. 159 Shreeve. Stacy B., 133 Smedley, Deborah L.. 319 Smith. Barzillai, 118 Slireeve. Thomas, 132 Smedlev, Deborah P., 316 Smith, Beiilah, 232 Shreeve. Walter O., 1M) Smedlev, Edith, 250 Smith. Caroline E., 332 Shreve, Elizabeth Smedley, Edith, 347 Smith. Caroline .V., 101 Shreve, Ephraim G., 197 Smedlev, Edith F., 344 Smith. Cassandra, 341 Shreve, John ., 197 Smedley, Edward G., 164 Smith. Catharine, 224 Shreve, Marv K., 344 Smedley, Biz. H., 314 Smith, Catharine, 2t>8 Shreve. Samuel N'., 199 Smedley, Ellis, 149 Smith Catharine H.. 298 Sid well, Lydia Jane, 341 smed ley, Emma, 45 I Smith, Catharine L.. 326 Si. l*ell. Wilson T., 198 Smedley. <;eorpe L., lt'4 Smiih, Charles, 107 Silver, Hannah L., 290 Smedley, Hannah, 314 Smith. Charles, 107 Simmons, Anna, 332 Smedley, Hannah M., 319 Smith, Charles, 136 Simmons, Deborah, 252 Smedley, Hannah P., :;12 Smith. Charles, 169 Simmons, Edward, 1(9 Smedlev, Harriet J., 33 Simtii. Charles E., 142 Simmons, Edward R., 134 Smedley, Horace W., 201 Smith, Cieiueiu W., 144 Simmons, Eliz. P.. 294 Smedley, Isaac Y.. Kx> Miiitti, ( yru>, 115 Simmons, Hannah, 264 Smedley, J. Larkin, li?6 Smiiii, Daniel, 129 Simmons Henrietta, 266 Smedley, Jacob, i:- f-nntn, Deborah, 224 Simmons, James D., 161 Sme2 Sinclair, Rebecca, 240 Smedley, Rebecca. 314 Smith, Elizabeth, 277 Sim-lair, Samuel, 116 " (Teacher,') 87 Smith, Elizabeth, 2-S6 Sinclair. Surah, 240 Smedlev, Rebecca, 345 Smith, El cnbi :lh, HO Sinclair. William, 122 Smedley. Rebecca C., 320 Smith, Elizabeth, 295 Singlev, Hannah, 2i>5 Smedley, Rowland, 202 Smith, Elizabeth, 308 Sinnickson.Siiinick, 109 Smedlev. Samuel L., IfiO Smith, Elizabeth, 323 Sinton. John, 114 Smedley, Sam'l L., Jr.. 197 Small, Elizabeth, 332 Sinton, Marv, 281 Smedley, Samuel W.. 159 Smith, Elizabeth C., :;12 Sinton, Pbebe, 246 Smedlev. Thomas, 1K4 Smith, Elizabeth M., 263 Simon. PhebeS., 281 Bmedley, Thomas, ]r.7 Smith, Elizabeth P., 2*7 Sinton. Sallie A. B., 2-1 Smedley, Walter, 199 Smith, ElU-n L., 294 Si pple. Eliza T., 288 Smedley'. William, i:.7 Smith, Ephraim, 173 Sisom, June, 240 Smedlev, William, 169 " '<-her,) 87 Skelton. Eli. 127 Smedl'v. William, 206 " ' (Cum.,) 103 Skyrin, Marv, 246 Smedlev, Wm. Alfred, 2'*4 Smith, Esther, 228 Sleeper, Benjamin, l.M 8med ley, William H., 187 Smith, Esther, 231 SU-c-per, Man-, Bmedley, William .L. 153 Smith, Esther, 99 Sleeper, Sanih Ann, 2M Smcdlev. William W.. 1 1C smith. Father. 290 Sloan, Ann Eliza, Smith, Abigail H., 22 1 smith. Franklin, 127 SliMin, Charles, 154 Smith, Abram H.. Smith, Franklin W., 1:2 Sloan. Elizabeth H., 21 Smith, Alban, 117 Smith. George D., 129 Sloan, John, 154 Smith, Albanus, ]i;i Smith, Grace, 249 Uic-liard, 152 Smith. Albert H.. 101 Smith. Hannah, 237 i, Mar-hall, 126 Smith, Alfred, Smith, Hannah P., 330 Smart, Hannah, Smith, Allied K., i-o Smith, Helen A., 334 .-mart, Rebecca. Smith, Ambro.se, l:!7 Smith. Henrv, 125 Smedley, Abra'm P., !"; Smith, Ami tin, 100 Smith, Henry. 130 Smjdlev. Alfred, 2ir2 Smith, Ann, 210 Smith. Henrv II., lf,2 Smedlev. Anna, -:nith. Anna, Smith, Hugh, 119 Smedley, Anna, - :nith, Anna, 321 Smith, Huf-h O., 131 Emedley, Anua M., 312 i Smith, Anna C., 294 Smith, L-aac J., 130 422 INDEX. PAGE PAGE PAGE Smith, J. Walters, 201 Smith, Rebecca, 227 Speakman, Stephen, 126 Smith, Jacob, 106 Smith, Rebecca, 262 Speakman ,Townsend,112 Smith. James, 112 Smith, Rebecca D., 270 Spencer, Agnes, 286 Smith, James, 113 Smith, RebeccaS., 332 Spencer, Amelia, 288 Smith, James, 147 Smith, Richard, 106 Spencer, Ann, 233 Smith, James, 200 Smith, Richard, 125 Spencer, Anna, 294 Smith, James B., 117 Smith, Robert, 112 Spencer, Anna, 307 Smith, James W., 130 Smith, Rowen, 129 Spencer, Anne, 100 Smith, Jesse, 153 Smith, Samuel, 95 Spencer, Elizabeth, 273 Smith, John. 115 Smith, Samuel 95 Spencer. Ellen, 277 Smith, John J., 119 Smith, Samuel, 148 Spencer. Georsre. 148 Smith, John L., 135 Smith, Samuel N., 138 ' Spencer, Georgei 150 Smith, Jonathan D., 131 Smith. Samuel S., 108 ; Spencer, Hannah, 230 Smith, Joseph, 114 Smith, Sarah, 229 Spencer, Hannah, 278 Smith, Joseph, 121 Smith, Sarah, 247 I Spencer, Hannah, 283 Smith, Joseph, 126 Smith, Sarah, 272 Spencer. Jew. 100 Smith, Joseph R., 112 Smith. Sarah Ann, 246 ( Spencer, John, 146 Smith, Joshua C., 195 Smith, Sarah Ann, 267 Spencer, Louisa, 283 Smith, Judith, 257 Smith, Sarah E., 103 Spencer, Lvdia, 251 Smith, Letitia, 233 (See Elkinton.) Spencer. Lydia, 303 Smith, Lucy, 276 Smith, Sarah F., 270 Spencer, Maria, 252 Smith, Lydia, 278 Smith, Sarah G., 313 Spencer. Mary Ann, 286 Smith, Lydia Ann, 270 Smith, Sarah R., 251 Spencer, Mary B., 308 Smith, Margaret, 225 Smith, Septimus, 125 Spencer, Rachel, 251 (HiUes,) " (Com.,) 99 Smith. Seth, 84 Spencer, Rebecca, 245 Smith, Margaret, 236 Smith, Sibilla, 327 Spencer, Rebecca, 285 Smith. Margaret, 236 Smith. Susan D., 267 Spencer, Ruth Ann, 275 Smith, Margaret, 245 Smith, Susan P., 295 Spencer, Samuel, 110 Smith, Margaret, 246 Smith, Susanna, 249 Spencer, Sarah, 223 Smith, Margaret, 99 Smith. Susanna, 260 Spencer, Sibilla, 283 Smith, Margaret M., 230 Smith, Tabitha R., 239 Spencer, Susanna, 231 " " (Cow?.., 1 ) 101 Smith, Thornton, 149 Spencer. William F., 162 Smith, Margaret M., 319 Smith. Walter B., 183 Squibb, Jacob H., 120 Smith, Margery, 225 Smith, \\illiam A., 127 Squibb, James, 119 Smith, Maria, 202 Smith, William B., l'_9 Squibb. James R., 150 Smith, Marshall, 111 Smith, William B., 138 Squibb, Thomas, 124 Smith, Marshall B., 161 Smith, William B., 210 Stabler, Caleb, 114 Smith, Martha, 275 Smith, William F., 196 Stabler, Catharine, 302 Smith. Martha C., 320 Smith, William K., 183 Stabler, Charles M., 185 Smith, Martha C., 330 Smith. Willianna, 232 Stabler, Edward, 114 Smith, Mary, 97 Snowdon, Anne, 315 Stabler, Isabella E., 331 Smith, Mary, 2,11 Snowdon, Edward, 137 Stabler, John, 111 Smith, Marv, 236 Snowdon, Elizabeth, 309 Stabler, Robinson, 123 Smith. Mary, 2;"0 Snowdon, Hannah E., 102 Stabler, Russell, 204 Smith. Marv, 287 " (Mat'n,) 79 Stabler, Thomas P., 114 Smith, Mary B., 248 (See Ecroyd.) Stabler. Walter, 185 Smith, MarV E., 273 Snowdon. John C., 155 Stabler, William, 114 Smith. Mary E., 322 Snowdon, Joseph, 135 Stabler, William H., 125 Smith, Marv E., 341 Snowdon, Joseph, 100 Stack-house, Anna, 296 Smith, Mary H., 346 " (Snpt.,) 79 Stackhouse. Cath. M., 323 Smith, Man/ L., 85 Snowdon, Joseph 1)., 195 Stackhouse, Chas. D.. 133 Smith, Mary L., 293 Snowdon, Leonard, 172 Stackhouse, Chas. D., 186 Smith, Marv N., 325 Snowdon, Mary, 279 Stackhouse, Eliz., 286 Smith, Mary T., 282 Snowdon, Mary D., 342 Stackhouse. Eliz. Y., 283 Smith, Marv W., 239 Snowdon, Rebecca, 273 Stackhouse. Grace, 238 Smith, Mary W., 248 Snowdon, Sarah, 2K4 Stackhouse, Mercv. 238 Smith. Milnor D., 189 Somers. Ann, 2">0 Stackhouse. Howell, 153 Smith, Milton, 124 Somers, Marv L.. 269 Stackhouse, Robert, 124 Smith, Milton, 147 South, Edward L., 196 Stalker. Grace, 231 Smith, Morris, 119 South. Walter, 199 Stalker, Hannah B.. 256 Smith, N. Newlin, 180 Spackman. Ann, 261 Stanley, Catharine E., 335 Smith, Nathan B., l. r ,6 Speakman, Ellen, 329 Stanley, Nancy M., 327 Smith, Parvin, 140 Speakman. Emma, 3'J8 Stanley, T. Wistar, 203 Smith, Priscilla, 232 Speakman, Esther, 232 Stantoh, Edna, 324 Smith, Rachel, 230 Speakman, Esther, 232 Stanton, Emma C., 346 Smith. Rachel, 236 Speakman, P'be Ann, 2."6 Stanton, Sarah B., 348 Smith, Raper, 119 Speakman, Samuel, 1S4 Stapier, Achsah, 236 Smith, Kebecca, 225 Speakmau, Sarah, 323 Stapler, Charles, 116 IXDEX. 423 FACE Stapler, Esther, 226 Stapler, Jo/m, 95 Stapler, John, 108 Stapler, John, 115 Stapler, Joseph, 146 Stapler, Stephen, 107 Stapler. Thomas, 105 Stapler, William W., 177 Starbuck, Milton, 180 Starr, Anna Mary, 299 Starr, Charles, 111 Starr, Elizabeth T., 233 Staj-r, Isaac, 115- Starr, James, 111 Starr, John, 122 Starr, Joseph, 117 Starr, Lydia, 230 (Com.,) 101 Starr, Mary Anne, 259 Starr, Phebe Ann, 271 Starr, .Samuel, 118 Starr, Sarah, 259 Starr, Sarah, 286 Starr, Sarah, 299 Starr, Sarah Ann, 280 Starr, Sarah Ann, 295 Starr, William, 127 Steel, Andrew, 92 Steel, Sidney, 245 Steer, Elizabeth, 28V Steer, Hannah. 274 Steer, Joseph E., 198 Steer, Lindley B., 185 Steer, Mary, 257 Steer, Samuel L., 134 Steer, William G., 197 Steer, William M., 194 Stephens, MargYet C., "M Stephens, Richard, 155 Stephens, William, 153 Sterling, James S., 131 Sterling, Rebecca B., 269 Stevens, Ann, 249 Stevens, Sarah, 270 Stevens. Sarah W., 296 Stevenson, Anna A., 297 Stevenson, Daniel W., 170 Stevenson, Edw'd B., 168 Stevenson, Edw'd B., 170 Stevenson, Elizabeth, 230 Stevenson, Elmira, 303 Stevenson, Emily, 261 Stevenson, James W., 151 Stevenson, Joseph, 151 Stevenson, Mary, 224 Stevenson. Mary, 267 Stevenson, Samuel, 152 Stevenson, Sidney, 280 ' (TfeoeAer.) 85 Stevenson, Walter I:.. 175 Stevenson, Willixm L..107 Stevenson, William, 107 Sleioardton, Annn. '.-1 Btewudton, Eliza'th, '.'41 Stewardson, John II., 124 Siewarri&m, Thomas, 1)5 Stewart, Hannah, Stewart, Mary, 255 32 PAHE Stewart, Rachel P., 330 Stockton, Ann. 247 " " ( Teacher,) H4 Stockton, Edith B., 257 Stockton, Edith IX, 2:56 Stockton, Jane, Stockton. Sarah W., 290 st.x-kton, Susan K., 290 Stokely, Harriet, 255 Stokes, Alice K., 3:2 Stokes, Ann L., 273 Stokes, Anna, 305 Stokes, Anna M., 335 Stokes, Barzillia B., 164 j Stokes, Chalkley, 144 Stokes, Charles, 144 Stokes, Edwin, 153 Stokes, Elizabeth, 266 Stokes, Elizabeth, 270 Stokes, Elizabeth, 275 Stokes, Elizabeth C., 283 stokes, Elizabeth C., 338 Stokes, Ezra, 153 Stokes, Frances C., 287 Stokes, Francis, 159 Stokes, George C., 168 Stokes, George P., 175 Stokes, Hannah H., 314 Stokes, Henry W., 159 Stokes, Horace, Stokes, Isaac, 178 Stokes, J. StogdelL, 205 Stokes, John, 121 Stokes, John C., 188 stokes, John H., 156 Stokes. John W., 183 Stokes. Joseph, 154 Stokes, Joseph, 197 Stokes, Joseph W., 129 Stokes, Joseph W., 165 Stokes, Joshua, 133 Stokes, Lydia, 276 (WUlt,) " (Own.,) 101 Stokes, Malvina, 308 Stokes. Martha, 2f>3 Stokes, Martha E., 317 Stokes, Mary, 247 Mokes, Mary, 252 Stokes. Mary, 2H5 Stokes, Mary C., Stokes, Mary Emma, 320 Stokes, Nathaniel B., 165 Stokes, Nathaniel X., 123 " " (Com.,) 100 Stokes, Nathaniel X., 1V) Stokes, X. Xt-wlin, 194 Stokes, Rachel W., 265 Stokes, Samuel, 111' Stokes, Samuel, 136 Stokes, Samuel S. H., 201 Stokes, Samuel W., 172 Stokes, Sarah. 237 Stokes. Sarali W., 324 Stokes Sto-,1,-11, ll:> stokt-s SiiMinna, 2:;i Susanna. Stokes Thomas <"., 175 Stokes, Walter P., 192 PAOE Stokes, William C., 175 Stokes, W is tar, 163 Stone, Anna L.. 331 Stone. Mary Kllen, storer. John W., 170 Story. Hannah, 243 Story, Rebecca, 2::? Stowe, Isaac, 117 Stratum, Benjamin, K^t St ration, Charles, 198 Stratton, Clayton, 138 Stratton, Dillwyn, 2*4 Mratton, Eliza Ann. Stratton, Jacob. 133 Stratton, Joseph C., 198 Stratton, Joseph D., 128 Stratton, Lydia, ' 2:;2 Strawbridge, Ed. R., 201 Strawn, Johnson P., 185 Street, Ann, 321 Street, Hannah, 329 Street, John, 144 Street. Samuel W., l< Street, Webster, 185 Street. William J., 184 Strode, Richard, Stroud, Ann, 227 Stroud, Charles, 115 Stroud, Eliza J., 296 Stroud, Elizabeth, 291 Stroud, Elizabeth D., 287 Stroud, George M., 115 Stroud, Jacob, 119 Stroud, James, 119 Stroud, Jemima, 239 Stroud, Joseph R., 163 Stroud. Lydia B., 287 Stroud, Morris R., 1 45 Stroud, Rebecca K . Stroud, Sarah, 300 Stroud, William, 116 Stroud, William D., 145 Stubbs, John W., 115 Styer, Albanus, 155 Styer. Samuel, 145 Suiggett, Deborah D., 2M Suiggett, Mary E., L-l Sutton, Adna H., 187 sutton, Ann H., _- ' Sutton, Lucy. 328 Sutton, Susanna M., 317 Swain, Andrew, 118 Swain, Letitia, 'Ju. Swain, Mnrii, !i7 Swain. Fhiiena, 293 Swain, Sarah E , 312 Swayne, Benj. W., 154 Swayne, Clara E., 311 Swayne, Caleb, 118 Sicat/nt, Caleb. 98 Swayne, Hannah, 210 Swayne, Howard R., 2i>2 Swayne, Joel, 127 Swiiyiie, Joseph. Swayne, Mary C., Swayne, I'hilena IV Swayne, I'.e.-t. 227 " " (Com.,) 99 424 INDEX. PAGE PAGE PAGE Swayne, first, (fope,) 99 Tatum, Man-, 2.".:: Tavlor, Joseph B., 146 Swaiine, Samuel, 98 Tatum. Marv, 337 Tavlor, Joseph G., 157 Swayne, Susanna, 257 Tutu m, Oliver P., 199 Taylor, Joshua, 188 Sway ne, Walter 8., 197 Tatum, Richard P., 193 Taylor, Levis W., 196 Swayne. Win. M'shall,;i54 Tatum, Sarah C., 306 Taylor. Lewis, 193 Swett, Jienjainiu, 95 Tatum, Sarah If ., 102 Tavlor, Lownes, 114 S'f. J//-v. 97 (See Mickle.) Tavlor. I.ucv, 338 Swift, Elizabeth, 310 Talum, Sarah M., 344 Tavlor. Lvd'ia, 269 Svkes, Ann, 272 Tatum, William E., 182 Tavlor, Lvdia, 2S4 Syniong, Rebecca W., 291 Tatum, William R., 203 Tavlor, Lvdia W., 320 Taylor, Abbv Ann, 305 Tavlor, Mahlon, 112 Taber, J. John H., 190 Taylor, Achsah R., 3'23 Tavlor, Margaret, 280 Taber, Rachel H., 338 Taylor, Alfred B., 179 Tavlor, Margaret, 283 Talbot, John, 96 Taylor, Amos, 146 Tavlor, Maris. 112 Tatnall, Anna C., 341 Tavlor, Anna B., 337 Taylor, Mark B., 186 Tatnall, Anna W., 320 Taylor, Anna H., 3: J .2 Taylor. Marshall, 152 Tatnall, Ashton R., 189 Taylor, Anna M., 315 Tai/!or, Man/, 97 Tatnall, Charles M., 177 Tavlor, Anna M., 335 Tavlor, Mary, 238 Tatnall, Edward, 100 Taylor, Anna 8., 340 Taylor. Marv. 321 Tumuli, Edward, 174 Tatnall, Elizabeth, 309 Taylor, Benjamin, 122 Taylor, Benjamin, 147 Taylor, Marv Ann, 289 Taylor, Marv B., 339 Tatnall, Elizabeth H., 322 Tatnall. Henry, 154 Taylor, Benjamin B., 163 Tavlor, Benjamin F., 154 Tavlor, Marv E., 330 Taylor, Morris H., 198 Tatnall, Heiirv, 190 Taylor, Benjamin H.,199 Taylor, Nicholas, 116 Tatnall, James W., 176 Tavlor, Bolton L., 158 Taylor, Nicholas, 154 Tatnall, Lucy R.. 337 Tavlor, Caleb, 111 Taylor, Oliver A., 141 Tatnall, Margaret, 320 Tavlor, Caleb, 144 Tavlor, I'hebe, 324 Tatnall, Mary It., 321 Taylor, Caleb C. W., 148 Taylor, Rebecca, 235 Tatnall, Richard R., 190 Taylor, Charles, 149 Taylor, Rebecca, 2.">0 Tatnall, Robert R., 205 Taylor, Charles J., 181 Taylor, Rebecca, 2<>2 Tatnall, Samuel W., 194 Tavlor, Charles P., 175 Taylor, Rebecca, 279 Tatnall, Sarah, 98 Tavlor, Charles S.. 187 Tavlor, Rebecca W., 284 Tatnall, Thomas, 190 Tavlor, Charles W., 136 Tavlor, Richard, 1 10 Tatnall. William, 143 Tavlor, Deborah, 289 Tavlor. Robert. 177 Tatnall, William, Jr., 199 Taylor, Dinah, 286 Taylor, Ruth Anna, 280 Tatum, Amy Y., 100 Taylor. Edward, 158 Taylor, Samuel C., 1-0 (See Yarnall.) Taylor, Edward B.. 183 Tavlor, Samuel W., 145 Tatum, Ann, 265 Taylor. Edward H., 143 Taylor, Sarah, 2J7 Tatum, Ann, 284 Tavlor, Eliza, 265 Taylor. Sarah, 230 Tut it in, Anne, 100 Tavlor, Elizabeth, 237 Tavlor, Sarah, 2o6 (See Biddle.) Tavlor, Elizabeth, 258 Taylor, Sarah, 246 Tatum, Ashton R., 189 Taylor: Ellen M., 3:;o Tavlor, Sarah, 284 TiUum, Beulah, 290 Tavlor, Emilv A., 322 Tavlor, Sarah A., 329 Tatum, Charles, 195 Taylor, Emma A., 330 Tavlor, Sarah B., 342 Tatum, Daniel O., 136 Taylor, Esther P., 304 Taylor, Sarah H., 261 Tatum, David, 128 Taylor. George B., 177 Tavlor. Sarah M., 279 Tatum, Edward, 144 Taylor, George K., 167 Tavlor, Sarah M., 309 Tatum, Edward P., 19:? Taylor, George W., 136 Tavlor, Sarah M., 330 Tatum, Elizabeth, 281 Tayl *r, George W., 85 Taylor, Sophia K., 3'_>9 Tatum, Elizabeth H., 3-16 Taylor, George W., 179 Tavlor, Thomas B., 188 Tatum, Frances C., 340 Taylor, Hannah, 252 Tavljr, Thomas K., 147 Tatum, George W., 170 Tavlor, Hannah, 255 Tavlor, Walter S., 206 Tatum, Hannah, 99 Tavlor. Hannah, 206 Taylor, William, 110 Tatum, Hannah, 302 Taylor. Hannah, 280 Taylor, William, 178 Tatum, Henry, 192 Taylor, Harriet J., 343 Taylor, William H., 181 Tatum, John, 121 Taylor, Henry, W3 Taylor, Win. Henry, 182 Tatum, John, 149 Tavlor, Henry, 185 Teas, Rebecca, 240 Tut n in, Jo/in, Jr., 97 Taylor, Henry W., 157 Temple, Anna B., 326 Tatum, John C., 162 Taylor, Hudson B., 181 Temple, Anna C., 286 Tatum, John W., 99 Taylor, J. Gardiner, 153 Temple. Charles, 167 Tatum, John W., 193 Taylor, Jacob, 115 Temple, Edward, 164 Tatum, Joseph, 125 Tavlor. James. 170 Temple, Edward B., 179 Tatum, Josiah. 113 Taylor, Jesse W., 139 Temple, Emilv, 313 " (Com,,) 99 Taylor, Joanna R., 275 Temple, Emily R., 310 Tatum, Josiah, 140 Tavlor, John H., 175 Temple, George, 173 Tatum, Lawrence, ' 189 Taylor, John W., 148 Temple, Hannah S., 261 Tatum, Maria, 259 Tavlor, Joseph, 115 Temple, James B., 169 Tatum, Maria, 262 Taylor, Joseph, 161 Temple, Jane, 259 INDEX. 425 PAGE PAGE PAGE Temple, Jane B., 258 Thomas. George, 130 Thomas, Sarah, 277 Tttinplu, June B., UNI Thomas, George, Jr., 179 Thomas, Sarah Ann. 209 Temple. Jane 1!., :>2"> Thomas, GulielmaM.. 27:> Thomas. Sarah Ellen, 316 Temple, Joseph E., 131 Thomas, Hannah, -:' Thomas, Sarah M., L'S; Temple, Mary Ann, 317 Thomas, Hannah, 2i>7 Thomas. Sarah p.. :;.',> Temple, Mini I-;., 258 Thomas. Hannah, 29: > Thomas. Susan, 302 Temple, Norris, 127 Tlinitutf, Hnrrey, 85 Thomas, Susanna J., 248 Temple, Sorris G., 202 Thomas, H.irvcv M., 2n.~> Thomas, Susan L., 2C>8 Temple, Surah, 252 Thomius, Henry M., 196 Tliomas, Susanna M.,2S1 Ti in i-i.i, Siilin-1/, 99 Thomas, Howard, 170 Thomas, Susanna Y., 2iiti Hill. Thomas. Howard, I'.ll Thomas. Tacy, 260 Temple, Sidney, 314 Thomas, Isaac, 166 Thomas, Tacy, 2(1!) Toft, Sallie M., 348 Thomas, Jacob V., 142 Thomas, Tho'mazine, 226 Thatcher. Benjamin, 147 Thomas, James M., 137 'I'homas, William, 14:5 Thatcher, Charity, 25:1 Thomas, Jane, 252 Thomas, William, Hil Thatcher, Eliza, 270 Thomas, Jane L., 253 Tliomas, Wm. Penn, 122 Thatcher, Knos E., 173 Thomas, Jane W., 256 Thompson, Ann, 246 Thatcher, Garrett, l:a Thomas, John, 108 Thompson, Ann, 277 Thatcher. Jesse I'., 17ii Thomas, John, 114 Thompson, Anna, 2-'>4 Thatcher,MarK'ettaF..2M Thomas, John. 136 Thompson. Anna E., :',2:5 Thatcher.Jlarg'ettaE.,880 Thomas, John II., 189 Thompson, Annie, 336 Thatcher, 1'helie G., 2S1 Thomas. Jonathan, 147 Thompson. Beulah, 340 Thatcher, Kichanl, 140 Thomas, Joseph, 114 Thompson, ('. Wistar, 2mas, Louisa A., 248 Thompson, Eli, 154 Thomas, Amy. 248 Thomas, Lydia A., 255 Thompson. Elizabeth. 300 Thomas, Amy Ann, 278 Thomas, Lyd ia G.. 311 Thompson, Elizabeth, 342 Tinnitus, Ann, 83 Thomas, Mar^aretta, 314 Thompson, Kliz'h A., 310 Thomas, Ann, 249 Thomas, Martha, 241 Thompson, Eli/'h M..259 Thomas, Ann, 2-'>S Thomas, Martha, 255 Thompson, Emma, 344 Thomas. Ann, 328 Thomas, Martha, 264 Thompson, Francis, 173 Thomas, Anna, 227 Thomas, Martha, 301 Thompson, Geo. H., 190 Thomas, Anna, 311 Thomas, Mary, 234 Thompson, Hannah, 2_s Thomas, Annie, '.'>'-'f> Thomas, Marv, 288 Thompson, Hannah, 2."S Thomas, Anthony, 116 Thomius. Mary, 336 Thompson, Hannah. 2<>0 Thomas, Barclay, 17 Thomas, Mary E., 280 Thomjison, Hannah, 2'.) Thomas, Benjamin F.,166 Thomas. Marv E., 32 1 .) Thoni]).-o!i. Hannah, :UK) Thomas, Bond V., 1% Thomas, Mary L., 288 Thompson, Hannah, :;(."> Thomas, Charles, 195 Thomas, Marv L., '.".'1 Thompson, Han'h H..:;l(i Thomas, Charles T., 179 Thomas. Mary P., :a Thompson. Helen J)., 2!t."> Thomas, Charles W., 164 Thomas, ( trpha, 253 Thomi>son, Henry I)., 1(17 T/IOHIUK. lnuii'l. % Thomas, Peter, i:!2 Thompson, Horace!)., 152 Tlioiuas, Daniel, 114 Thomas, Priscilla, 213 Thompson. Isaac 11., 1(14 Thomius, Deborah D., 325 Thomas, Rebecca, 232 Thompson, Israel, Thomas, Edward, 147 Thomas, Rebecca. 2f..- Thompson, .lames, !.">.> Tlioiinus, Edward A., 17'.' Thomas, Rebecca, 2T>!i Thompson, Jane P., 2*2 Thomas, Eliza, 276 Thomas, Rebecca M.,.".U Thompson, Joel, 152 Thomas, Eliza L., 345 Thomas, Reece, 1H9 Thompson, Joseph, 141 Thomas, Eli/a M., 325 Thomas, Reece L., 190 Thompson, Joseph, lli'.t Thomas, Kli/aheth, 225 Thomas, Richard, 123 Thompson, Joseph, 173 Thomas. Klixaheth. 252 Thomas, Richard, 1S6 Thompson, I.ydia, 2! is Thomas. Elizabeth C., 388 Thomas, Rid^way, 114 Thompson, Margai Thomas, Elhvood, 154 Thomas, Robert, i:wi Thompson, M.irv, 2i!8 Thomas. Elton, 1">I TlniiiKia, AW //, Hil Thompson, Marv, :;i: Thomas, Emilia, 2:; I Tliomas, Robert H., in Thompson, Mary, 2:1 Tliomas, Emily, 321 Thomas, Robert P., 1 Iti Thompson, Marv 11., -17 Thomas, Emily, 338 Tliomas, Robert P.. 1H2 Thompson, Marv X., 2'.H Thomas, Knos, 153 Tliomas. Until Anna, 1122 'I'homp-on, Mary U .. ::"| Thomas, Knos, Iso Thomas. Sallv, Thompson. Pleasant, 22S Thomas. Esther !>., 'J.'.:: Tliomas, Samuel ('., 1.S7 Thompson, Kel>'a \V.. :;-_r> Thomas, Esther M., 229 Thomas, Samuel D., in Thompson, Rosam Thomas, Evan, 114 Thomas, Sarah, 22H Thompson. Sam'! - Thomas, Evan. IXX 'I'homas. Sarah, 227 Thompson, Sarah. Thomas, Felicia, 847 Thomas, Sarah, 228 I Thompson. Sarah, 268 426 INDEX. PAGE Thompson, Sarah, 290 Thompson, Sarah, 299 Thompson, Sarah B., 241 Thompson, Sarah E., 257 Thompson, Sarah M., 316 Thompson, Spencer, 165 Thompson, Thus. H., 199 Thompson, William, 147 Thompson, Wm. H., 204 Thompson. Wm. S., 150 Thompson, Wilson, 170 Thompson, Wilson, 171 Thome, Barton T., 167 Thome, Catharine, 281 Thome, Chalkley N., 138 Thorne, Edgar, 145 Thome, Harriet H., 313 Thorne, Joseph W., 142 Thorne, Mary D., 283 Thome, Sarah, 238 Thorne, Sarah Ann, 305 Thorne, William, 137 Thornton, Elizabeth, 271 Thornton, James, 107 Thorp, Anna K., 334 Thorp, Anna M., 321 Thorp, Benjamin, Jr.. 186 Thorp, Benjamin S., 200 Thorp, Charles N., 184 Thorp, Edward A., 194 Thorp, Edwin, 189 " " (Teacher,)'X> Thorp, Elizabeth S., 345 Thorp, Elizabeth W., 341 Thorp, GeorgeS., 193 Thorp, Henry A., 201 Thorp, Howard J., 203 Thorp, James Albin, 190 Thorp, Jane, 346 Thorp, John M., 205 Thorp, John P., 195 Thorp, Joseph, 200 Thorp, Lewis W., 204 Thorp, Leonard T., 206 Thorp, Margaret N., 322 Thorp, Mary S., 339 Thorp, Mary S., 338 Thorp, Robert M., 203 Thorp, Samnel R., 19S Thorp, Thomas W., 196 Thorp, William H., 195 Thorp, William K., 189 Tilton, Allen P., 161 Tilton, Henry R., 165 Tilton, John Henry, 194 Tilton, Mary Anna, 319 Tilton, Rebecca O., 3&5 Titus. Daniel, 153 Titus, Robert W., 153 Tomkins, Joseph, 109 Tomkins, Joseph Y., 112 Tnmlinson, Benj. H., 164 Tomljnson, David, 177 Tomlinson, Ell wood. 179 Tomlinson, Joseph, 12.~> Tomlinson, Joseph, 178 Tomlinson, Jos'ine, 3;!0 Tomlinson, Lav'ia H., 320 PACK Tomlinson, Lav'ia H., 323 Tomlinson, Mary, 288 Tomlinson, Mary, 314 Tomlinson, Pamelia, 299 Tomlinson, Robert K.,164 Tomlinson, Sarah, 224 Tomlinson, Wm. H., 179 Tostenson, Maline, 318 Townsend, Abel, 111 Townsend, Abigail P.,310 Townsend, Alice S., 339 Townsend, Amanda, 301 Townsend, Anna, 314 Townsend, Anna Mary, 103 (See Kirk.) Townsend, Beulah, 208 Townsend, Charles, 98 Townsend, Edward, 125 Townsend, Elisha, 122 Townsend, Eliza, 272 Townsend. Elizabeth, 252 Townsend, Elizabeth, 252 Townsend, Eusebius, 110 Townsend, George C., 142 Townsend, Grace, 240 Townsend, Hadassah, 274 Townsend, Hannah, 219 Townsend, Hannah, 271 Townsend, Hannah, 290 Townsend, Han'h P., 262 Townsend, Henry C.,142 Townsend, Hugh, 174 Townsend, Israel H., 192 Townsend, James, 113 Townsend, John, 109 Townsend, John K., 127 Townsend, Joseph, 141 Townsend, Joseph S., 159 Townsend, Jotham, 120 Townsend, Margaret, 314 Townsend, Mary, 230 Townsend, Mary, 242 Townsend, Mary J., 303 Townsend, Mary M., 262 Townsend, Mercy S., 320 Townsend, Mira, 291 Townsend, Phebe S., 262 Townsend, Philip P., 154 Townsend, Rachel, 234 Townsend, Rachel P., 275 Townsend, Rebecca J., 316 Townsend, Richard, 125 Townsend, Ruth Ann,2S3 Townsend, Ruth R., 295 Townsend, Sabina, 241 Townsend, Samuel, 127 Townsend, Sarah, 231 Townsend, Sarah, 294 Townsend, Susanna, 210 Townsend, Susanna, 302 Townsend, Tacy, 257 Townsend, WH'mina, 308 Townsend, Wm. P., 102 Townst'iid, Wilson, 193 Trasel, Edward G., 156 Trasel, John L., 156 Trimble, Abraham, 154 Trimble, Ann, 242 PAGE Trimble, Ann, 297 Trimble, Ann, 300 Trimble, Ann, 330 Trimble.Catharine B.,302 Trimble, David, 132 Trimble, David B., 160 Trimble, Elizabeth, 261 Trimble, Gcorsre. 1M Trimble, George T., Ill Trimble, George W., 143 Trimble, Grace, 236 (Evans,) " (Com.,) 100 Trimble, Henry, 187 Trimble, Isaac, 122 Trimble, Jane, 263 Trimble, John, 131 Trimble, John, 172 " (Com.,} 103 Trimble, John R., 113 Trimble, Joseph, 132 Trimble, Joseph, 198 Trimble, Lydia, 2HO Trimble, Lydia, 245 Trimble, Lydia, 256 Trimble, Margaret, 283 Trimble, Mary, 263 Trimble, Mary Ann, 293 Trimble, Mary V., 294 Trimble, Phebe, 22S Trimble. Phebe, 230 Trimble, Rebecca, 319 Trimble, Ruth Anna, 337 Trimble, Samuel, 150 Trimble, Samuel, 175 Trimble, Sarah, 101 Trimble, Sarah. 294 Trimble, Stephen, 134 Trimble. Thomas, 141 Trimble, Tnomazine,241 Trimble, William, 112 Trimble, William, 149 Trimble, William, 183 " "(Teacher,) 90 Troth, Alfred, 186 Troth, Daniel, 120 Troth, Elizabeth, 244 Troth, Elizabeth, 2 rnderhill. Frederick, 160 Valentine. John B., 179 Trump, Abby Ann, 306 Underhill, Hannah, 3eseii.Cath'ine,285 Trump, Thomas, 112 Underhill, Silas A., lf.s Van Horn. Sarah, 232 Trump, William B., 15* Underhill. Stephen, 169 Vanlaw, Ann, 224 Tucker, Benjamin c , 126 Underhill, Susan. 316 Vansant. Mary, 243 Tucker, Elizabeth, J-7 riKlerliill.Wm.il., 171 Vernon. Charles D., 114 Tucker, Howard, r.'.t Underliill, Wm. W., 166 Ve/.ev. Elizabeth, 25S TucKcr, Lydia, 300 , Updegrair. Ann T., 287 Viekirs. Isaac, 115 Tucker, Margaret, Tucker, Martha, 803 UpdeirralV, Hannah, 230 2->l Updegrair. Marv, 267 Viekirs, Mary, 265 Viekirs, Sarah, 230 Tucker. Mary, 25:; Updegraff, Sarah E., 285 Vivian, Hannah, 316 Tudor, Isaac, 154 Vivian. William, 169 Tudor, John, I:M> Vail, Abel C., 127 Volaw, Albert H., 91 Tudor, William, 151 Vail, Abraham M., 149 Votuw, Ida M., 347 Tunis, Hannah, 227 Vail, Albert L., 137 Turner, John, !'* Vail, Anna Maria, 309 Wetfrott, Joteph, 98 Turner, Joteph. 97 \'nil. Heiijamin, 90 Walker, Ann. 245 Turner, Joseph, 113 Vail, Benjamin A., 17^ Walker, Catharine, 2::t Turner, Samuel R., 11") Vail. Bethiah. 233 Walker. Edith B.. 337 Turner, Sarah, 243 Vail, Bethiah, 2:u; Walker, Elizabeth, 270 Twining, Edward W .1*1 Vail. Caroline T., 280 Walker, Enoch, 126 Twining, Eliz. 11., 301 Vail, Catharine, 2SO Walker, George. 118 Twining, Jacob. 192 Vail. Christiana, 236 Walker, Huldah, 298 Twining, Jane B., 3ol Vail, Clarkson, 11:'. Walker, Isaac R., 136 Twining. Kachel, 25:; Vail, Daniel, 126 Walker, James. 107 Twining, Sarah B., 330 Vail, David L., 11* Walker. James, 117 Twining, Susanna, 216 Vail, Henrietta, 315 Walker, John, 152 Tyler, Hannah G., 215 Vail, Hugh D.. 142 Walker, Joshua, 115 Tyler, Marv, 260 " " (Teacher,'} 86 Walker. Marv, 280 Tyler, Marina J., 330 Vail, Isaac N, 17,* Walker, Mary Ann, 274 Tyson, Ann, 244 " - (Teacher,) 89, 90 Walker. Mary R., 331 Tyson, Daniel T., 12on, Jonathan, 123 Vail, Rachel, 258 Walker. William, 1"7 T\>on, Lcvi, 134 Vail. Rachel 8., 281 Wall. Ann. 258 Tyson, Martha H., il. Robert, II- Walmslev. Ann, 271 Tyson, Mary Ann, 272 Vail, Samuel, 131 Walmslev, Anna, 277 Tyson, Mary E., ::il Vail. Sarah, 292 Walmslev, Charles. 125 Tyson, Nathan, 11') Vail, Sarah W., Walmslev, Daniel W.. 1 >'.i Tyson, Richard W., llf. Vail, Wallace, 159 Walmslev, Margaret, '.".'I Tyson, Sally Ann, 802 Vail, William, 117 Walmslev, Marv. Tyson, San'ih Ann, 2.'-. Valentine, Anne C., 307 Walmslev, Morris, 161 Tyv.n, Thomas, 113 Valentine. Caroline, 301 Walnislev. Richard, 113 Tyson, William, 12.; Valentine. Chas. M., i.;i Walmslev. Thomas, 180 Valentine. Kliza Ann, 25* Walmslev. William, 158 Underbill, Albert, 17:; 1 ^/cntine, Elita D., 100 Wain, Elizabeth, 241 32* 428 INDEX. PAGE Wain, Elizabeth, 99 Wa/n, Nicholas, 95 Wain. Richard, 125 Wain, Sarah. 96 Wain. Sarah, 277 Walter, Abbie T., 339 Walter, Alban \V., 194 Walter, Carpenter, 173 Walter, Davis P., 182 Waiter, Elizabeth, 298 " "(Teacher,} 86 (Hoopes,) "(Guv's,) 81 Walter, Emma H., 326 Walter, H. Jane, 336 Walter, Henry, 142 Walter, Joseph S., 358 Walter, Julia T., 334 " " ( Teacher,) 90 Walter, Laura, 339 Walter, Louis H., 193 Walter, Margaretta J., 303 Walter, Marshall J., 183 Walter, Mary P., 265 Walter, Mary Louisa, 312 Walter, Phebe Jane, 316 Walter, Pri.scilla, 294 " (Teacher,) 86 Walter, Robert H., 195 Walter, Sarah, 287 (Moore,) " (Teacher,) 88 " (Gov's.) 81 Walter, Sidney J., 301 Walter, Sidney P., 329 Walter, Susanna H., 340 Walter, William H., 154 Walter, William M., 201 Walter, Ziba D., 177 " (Teacher,) 87 Walters, Edward, 115 Walton, Abby, 346 Walton, Abi, 290 Walton, Alfred, 146 Walton, Ann, 292 Walton, Anna, 344 Walton, Benj. L., 119 Walton, Charles, 136 Walton, Charles J., 127 Walton, Charles J., 186 Walton, Elizabeth. 241 " " ( Teacher,) 84 Walton, Elizabeth, 258 Walton, Ellen, 328 Walton, Gilpin F., 152 Walton. James, 120 Walton, James, 197 Walton, Jane, 251 Walton, Jane, 300 Walton, Joseph, 137 " (Teacher,) 85 " (Cum.,) 102 Walton, Lydia, 271 Walton, Lydia Ann, 271 Walton. Lydia L., 102 (See Lippincott.) Walton, Martha, 253 Walton, Mary Ann, 254 Walton, Mary Arm, 288 PAGE Walton, Mary J., 314 Walton, Nathan, 127 Walton, Rebecca, 284 Walton, Rebecca S., 324 Walton, S. Francis, 2o."> Walton, Samuel, 152 Walton, Samuel B., 146 Walton, Sarah, 2.">4 Walton, Sarah, 260 Walton, William M., 151 Ward, Aaron. 166 Ward, Achsah E., 292 Ward, Allen, 167 Ward, Charles, l'_>0 Ward, John B., 124 Ward, Mary, 347 Ward Rachel, 231 Warder, Ann, 97 Warder, Caroline, 247 Warder, Charles, 108 Warder, Elizabeth, 229 Warder, John, 106 Warder, Rebecca, 100 (See Sheppard.) Ware, Charles, 162 Ware, Sarah, 229 Ware, Sarah, 238 Waring, Edward, 171 Waring, Joshua, 171 Waring, Thomas, 166 ' (Teacher,) 87 Warner, Anne, 327 " " (Teacher,) 89 Warner, Benjamin, 149 Warner, Benjamin, 171 Warner, Charles L., 162 Warner, Deborah, 315 Warner, Edward A., 130 Watner, Edward A., 162 Warner, Elizabeth W., 341 Warner, Esther, 226 Warner, Hannah, 272 Warner, Hannah A., 81 ' (Com.,) 102 (See Allen.) Warner, John W., 200 Warner, Joseph F., 131 Warner, Mary, 305 Warner, Mary, 306 Warner, Meribah, 302 Warner, Rachel F., 327 Warner, Rachel F., 336 Warner, Rebecca, 327 Warner, Sarah, 298 Warner, Sarah E., 324 Warner, Silas, 168 Warner, Thomas, 162 Warner, Yardley, 139 (TencAer,)86,87 " (Com.,) 102 Warren, Elizabeth S., 334 Warren, Henry E., 203 Warren, Mary M., 328 Warren, Rachel S., 338 Warren, Thomas M., 183 Warren. William C., 201 Warrington, Abraham, 96 Warrington, Anna, 289 Warrington Warrington Warrington Warrington Warrington Warrington Warrington, Warrington, Warrington, Warrington, PAGE , Anna, 328 , AnnaB., 324 Anna H.. 333 , Chas. W., 189 . Curtis H., 190 , Edward, 1!)7 Esther. 237 Hannah, 100 Hen'ta, 307 Hen., Jr., 107 ., Warrington, Henry, 145 Warrington, Henry, 193 Warrington, Joseph, 129 Warrington, Joseph, 160 Warrington, Josiah, 147 Warrington, Rezia, 266 Warrington, Lydia, 276 (Sheppard,) " (Com.,) 102 Warrington, Martha. 275 H 'airingtim. Martha A"., 102 (See Jenkins.) Warrington, Mary, 282 Warrington, Mary J., 330 Warrington, Rachel, 225 Warrington. Rachel, 295 Warrington, Rebecca. 266 Warrington, Rebecca, 289 Warrington, Seth, 140 Warrington, Susan N.,318 Warrington, Susanna, 259 Warrington, T. Fran. ,193 Warrington. Thomas, 153 Warrington, William, 132 Warrington, Win. H., 181 Waterman, Mary, 234 Waters, Edward, 140 Waters, Elizabeth, 250 Waters, George, 133 Waters, Mary, 261 Waters, Sarah, 269 Watson, Anna, 238 Watson, Anna N., 319 Watson, Betsy, 254 Watson, Elizabeth, 257 Watson, Elizabeth, 281 Watson. Jacob M., 162 Watson, John. 162 Watson, Josiah J., 157 Watson, Martha, 257 Watson, Mary, 246 Watson, Mary, 253 Watson, Mary Ann, 278 Watson, Rachel, 258 Watson, Sarah, 246 Watson, Susanna M., 244 Watson, Thomas, 120 Way. Annie, 347 Way, Charles C., 176 Way, Hannah, 320 Way, Jane E., 327 Way, John, 206 Way, Lucretia, 323 Way, Mary, 229 Way, Melmoth II., 176 Way, Phebe, 228 Way, Phebe, 281 Way, Rebecca, 232 INDEX. 429 PAGE Way. Sarah, 255 Way. SUMUI S., 320 Way. William, 106 Weaver. Edwin A., 185 Weaver. Elijah, 11" Webb, Albun, 160 Webb, Ambrose, 125 Webb, Ann, 2-W Webb, Edith, :, >i Webb. Edna, 269 Webb, Elizabeth, --!' Webb. Elizabeth, 2;io W*bb, Elizabeth P., 339 Webb, Ellis, Webb, Hannah, Webb, Hannah H., 273 Webb, Hannah P., 308 Webb, Isaac B., 164 Webb, James, 160 Webb, James L., 1 16 Webb. Jane, 294 Webb, John B., 195 Webb, Martha H., Webb, Mary. 308 Webb, Mary Ann, Webb, Mary E., Webb, Minerva, 247 Webb, Minerva, 310 Webb, Philena, 308 Webb, Samuel, 115 Webb, Samuel P., 166 Webb, Sally Ann, 214 Webb, Stephen A., 112 Webb, Thomas H., 1")9 W< hit, William, 96 Webb, William H., 152 Webster Ann. 245 Webster Catharine, Webster Crowell, 112 Webster David, 133 Webster Edward, 112 Webster Edward, Webster Edmund G., 158 Webster Eliza, 213 Webster Elizabeth, Webster _e C., Webster Hannah, ">"! Webster Isaac M., 191 Webster Joseph, IS-') Webster Juliann, 291 Ke/.iah, 311 Webster Diui.su, 219 Margaret M., Webster Margaret M.,:il Webster William. 142 William, 149 Webster William, 191 PAGE Welding, Alice, 279 Welding. Anna H., 333 Welding, Charles. 137 Welding, Charles F., 183 Welding, David, 137 Welding, Elizabeth, 261 Welding. Ell wood, 137 Well ling. Emily, Welding. Julia, 276 Welding, Lydia Ann, 27 / Welding, Rachel, 266 ! Welding, Sidney Ann,2 Wetherill. Mary Ann, :rj Wetherili, Mary Ann. :'tf.\ Wetherill, Mary L., :;i2 Weiherill, Kichani. Weiherill, Robert, Wetherill, Borah, 2H7 Wetherill, William. Wetherill, William, 146 ; PAGE Wheeler, Ann, 226 Wheeler, Ann, 231 Wheeler, Mnnj, 97 Whinery. Nathan, 175 Whitaefe, Ali'red, 17U Whitaere, Edwin. 183 Whitaere, Eli/.. M.. 347 Whitaere. Henry P., 1*2 Whitaere, Henry W., 200 Whitacre, John, 167 Whitaere, Mary, 2-">2 Whitaere. Mary E., 320 Whitaere, Neheniiah, 178 Whitaere, R. Harlan, 1SS Whitaere. Sarah E., 331 Whitaere. Wm. S., 200 Whitall, Ann C., 233 Whitall, Anna, 311 Whitall, Benjamin, 119 Whitall, Caroline, 315 WhitoU, David, 84 Whitall, Deborah, 306 Whitall, Ebenezer, 120 Whitall, Edith, 288 Whitall, Hannah, 98 ' ' ( Matron,) 79 Whitall, Hannah. 243 Whitall, Hannah, 317 Whitall, Henry, 145 Whitall, Joseph, 97 " (Supt.,) 79 Whitall, Joseph, K.5 Whitall, Joshua, 119 Whilall, Lydia C., 328 Whitall. Mark, M5 Whitall. Samuel, 172 Whitall, Sarah, 307 Whitall, Sarah Ann, 325 Whitall, Susan, '.".'. Whitall, William, i:-'.9 Whitall, William, 141 Whitall, William H.. ir,8 White, Adelaide E.. 343 White, Allred R., 198 White.Ann Elizabeth.341 White. Barclay, 140 White, Briltvn', '.'> White, Charlotte, 333 White, Claranda, 2.S9 White. Daniel, 129 White, Edith. 304 White, Elias A., 113 White. Elizabeth, 2 White, Elizabeth, 2I'.9 White. Elizabeth A White, Elizabeth Ann,2i White, Franeis, 144 White.- George, 143 White, Hannah, 269 White, Howard, 140 White, Jane, 290 White, John, 12''. White, Julia. 2*7 White. Julia S., 346 White, Laura A., 331 While, Lyiliil. While. Mareia, glK) White, Margaret S.. 270 430 I X 1) K X . PAGE White, Margaret W., 331 White, Martha, 286 White, Martha J., 320 White, Mary J., 3-12 White, Mary S., 321 White. Mercia, 291 White, Nixon, 138 White, Penina, 289 White, Priseilla, 27'.) Wliite, Rachel, 229 White, Rachel, 291 White, Rebecca, 226 White, Rebecca, 233 White, Rebecca A., 274 Wliite, Robert C., 148 White, Sarah, 271 White, Sarah, 343 Whiteley, Caroline, 346 Whiteley, George T., 200 Whiteley, Mary J., 340 Whiteley, Sarah E., 340 Whitelock, Elizabeth, 261 Whitelock, Mary, 270 Whitelock, Sara'h, 265 Whitlock.H. Virginia, 323 Whitson, Amos, 144 Whitson, Anna R., 333 Whiuson, Benj. F., 204 Whitson, Hannah, 300 Whitson, Joseph T., 199 Whitson, Leah, 300 Whitson, Mary, 284 Whit-son, Mary, 313 Whitson, Mary H., 341 Whitson, Pheoe A., 284 Whitson, Rachel. 301 Whitson, Samuel L., 197 Whitson, Sarah, 339 Wickersham,AnnaE.,341 Wickersham.B.F., Jr., 196 Wiekersham, Elmira, 316 Wickersham.John B..149 Wickersham.John M.,2 Wiekersham, Jos. A., 172 Wiekersham, Levi, 158 Wiekersham, Mar. P., 341 Wiekersham, Mary H.,345 Wiekersham. Preston, 148 Wiekersham, Wm. F., 200 Widdefleld, Eleanor, 260 Widdetield, Eliza'th, 256 Widdefield, Sarah, 238 Widdetield, Wm. A., 125 Wiggins, Elisabeth, 322 Wiggins, Rachel, 322 Wiggins, Sarah. 324 Wilbur, Sarah C., 306 Wilcox, C. Martin, 199 Wileox, Eldaah, 197 Wilcox, M. Ellis, 200 Wilcox, Sarah, 337 Wildman, Elias, 177 Wildman, Mary C., 318 Wildman, Rachel C., 329 Wildman, Sarah M., 32G Wildman, Thomas, 175 Wiley, Hannah, 287 Wiley. John, ' 107 PAGE PAGE Wilev, Margaret, 296 Williams, Henry W., 191 Wiley, Mary, 225 Williams, Isaac, 109 Wiley, Mary, 229 Williams, Jesse, 113 Wilev, Sarah. 301 Williams, Jeai-e, 92 Wilkins Esther, 236 Williams, Jesse, 197 Wilkins Henry H., 183 Williams, John L., 106 Wilkins Ida, 341 Williams, Jonathan G., 102 Wilkins Jav, 205 " (Supt..)XO Wilkins Joshua P., 138 Williams, Joseph, 151 Wilkins Lvdia C., 344 Williams, Joseph, 187 Wilkins Mary C., 292 Williams. Joseph K., 137 Wilkins Mary E., 344 Williams, Lydia, 224 Wilkins Rebecca, 328 Williams, Lydia, 233 Wilkins Rebecca H., 324 Williams, Lvdia, 277 Wilkins Sarah, 277 Williams, Lydia, 289 Wilkins Sarah A., 295 Williams, Margaret, 225 Wilkins William, 166 Williams, Margaret, 277 Wilkins William II., INI Williams. Margaret, 296 Wilkinson, Hannah, 273 Williams, Martha, 272 Wilkinson, Isaac, 109 Williams, Martha P., 282 Wilkinson, Isaac, 114 Williams, Mary, 248 Wilkinson, Lewis P., 140 Williams, Mary, 99 Wilkinson, Mary, 257 Williams, Mary, 284 Wilkinson, Nathan, 131 Williams, Mary R., 346 Wilkinson, William, 112 Williams, Phebe, 236 Williams, Abigail, 86 Williams, Phebe, 255 " " (Gov'ess,) 81 Williams, Rachel, 272 "(Com.,) 101 Williams, Rachel A., 330 (Hall,) " (Com.,) 102 Williams, Rachel R., 344 Williams, Alice, 253 Williams, Rebecca, 289 Williams, Ann, 285 Williams, Rebecca S., 308 Williams, Ann G., 233 Williams, Reuben, 134 Williams, Anthony, 131 Williams, Richard J., 157 Williams, Benjamin, 164 Williams, Samuel, 106 Williams, Caroline, 309 Williams, Samuel, 140 Williams, Charles, 101 Williams, Samuel R., 143 Williams, Charles B., 145 Williams, Samuel S., 183 Williams, Charles, Jr., 195 Williams, Sarah, 225 Williams, Cidney E., 331 Williams, Sarah. 248 (Teacher.) 98, 89 Williams, Sarah, 275 Williams, D. Howard, 203 Williams, Sarah, 308 Williams, Deborah, 231 Williams, Susan, 298 Williams, Edmund T., 124 Williams, Susan E., 345 Williams, Edward B.,192 Williams, Susan E., 316 Williams, Elizabeth, 223 Williams, Susanna, 283 Williams, Elizabeth, 230 W'Uliamii, Susanna R., 80 Williams, Elizabeth, 231 " "(C'oto.,)103 Williams, Eiixabeth, 232 (See Roberts.) Williams, Elizab'h P.,24 Williams, Taev, 269 Williams, Emma. 307 Williams, Thomas, 121 Williams, Esek H., 124 Williams,WilliamK.,l(>8 Williams, Pother, 339 Williamson, Adam B., 121 Williams, Francis C., 109 Williamson, Alfred, 157 Williams, George, 96 Williamson, Anna, 2'. ; 9 Williams, George, 97 Williamson, George, 146 Williams, George, 115 Williamson, Hannah, 246 Williams, George, 139 Williamson, Sarah, 257 Williams, George, 184 Williamson, Thomas, 92 Williams, George G., 113 Willis, Achsah, 235 Williams, George G., 203 Willis, David. 107 Williams, Hannah, 225 Willis, Elizabeth, 249 Williams, Hannah, 100 Willis, Joel, 142 (See Albertson.) Williams. Hannah, 288 Willis, Marv, 225 Willis, Mary S., 332 Williams, Hannah C., 288 Willis, Thomas, 108 Williams, Hannah C., 338 Willits. Alfred, 161 Williams, Henry, 154 Willits, Anna G., 334 Williams, Henry S., 184 Willits, Archie P., 189 INDEX. 431 PAGE Willits, Charles, 189 Willits, Charles L., 136 Willits, Deborah, 264 Willits, Edmund, 191 Willius, Eliza A.. 331 Willits, Elizabeth, 1>J Willits. Elizabeth, 299 Willits. Henry, 148 Willits, James, 143 Will its, James A., 148 Willits, Jeremiah, 151 Willits. John, 112 WHlits. JolmG., 185 Willits, Joseph, 154 Willits, Joseph B., 189 Willits, Joseph N., 196 Willits, Judith, 228 Willits, Judith Ann, 305 Willits. Louisa. 282 Willits, Lydia Ann, 301 Willits, Lydia S., 327 Willits, Matilda, 311 Willits, Marv, 283 Willits, Mary B., 335 Willits, Nathan B., 148 Willits, Samuel A., 178 Willits, Samuel C., 142 Willits, Samuel S., 140 Willits, Sarah Jane, 306 Wills, Alfreds., 184 Wills, Amy, 244 Wills, Amy C., 285 Wills, Ann, 251 Wills, Ann, 303 Wills, Anna, 330 Wills, Anna T.. 334 Wills. Chalkley, 144 Wills, Charles, 150 Wills, Charles T., 188 Wills, Clayton N., 172 Wills, Daniel, 126 Wills, Daniel, 162 Wills, Edmund D., 182 Wills, Elizabeth C., 333 Wills, Elizabeth H., 833 Wills, Elizabeth R., 310 Wills, Ella, 339 Wills, Ella S.. 343 Wills, Emma, 1 Wills, George J., 191 Wills, Hannah, 235 Wills, Hannah, 309 Wills, Hannah C., 325 Wills, Howard II., 181 Wills, John, 1 IT, Wills, Joseph, 121 Wills, Joseph, 1C.7 Wills. JoM-pli H., l.-O Wills, JoshuaS., 1M Wills, Lydia E., 324 Will". I.tj'lin >'., 101 ->k.-s ) Wills, |{. Albert, 1R3 Wills. Uat-hol. 247 Wills, RiK-hel A., 326 Wills, Samuel J., 144 Wills, Surah F., 329 Wills, Sarah S., 315 PAGE Wills, Susan, 313 Wills, William R., 162 Wttxon, Alexander, 96 Wilfun, Alexander, 83 Wilson, Alice Ann, 229 Wilson, Alice Ann, 268 Wilson, Allen J., 206 Wilson, Andrew J., 191 Wilson, Ann, 242 Wilson, Ann, 248 W'lson, Ann, 254 Wilson, Ann Eliza, 332 Wilson, Ann L., 254 Wilson, Benjamin, 130 Wilson. Charles S., 176 Wilson, Charles W., 124 Wilson, Charles W.L., 198 Wilson, David, 105 Wilson. Edward, 126 Wilson, Ed ward E., 205 Wilson, Eliza, 279 Wilson, Eliza B., 236 Wilson, Eliza P., 307 Wilson. Elizabeth, 244 Wilson, Elizabeth, 257 Wilson, Elizabeth, 293 Wilson, Elizabeth, 295 Wilson. Elizabeth, 301 Wilson, Emily, 288 Wilson, Ephraim, 97 Wilson. Euphemia, 266 Wilson, George, 136 Wilson, George, 154 Wilson, Grace, 257 Wilson, GulielmaM., 297 Wilson, Hannah, .249 Wilson, Hannah M., 310 Wilson, Isaac, 110 Wilson, Isabella, 306 Wilson. James, 126 Wilson, James, 137 Wilson, James, lt>l Wilson, James H., 155 Wilson, Jelleris, 144 Wilson, John, 132 Wilson, John J., 150 Wilson, John W., 1 1'i Wilson. Joseph, 112 Wilson, Joseph, 147 Wilson. Joseph J., 175 Wilson, Louisa S., 296 Wilson, Lydia. 2-M Wilson. Lydia. 314 Wilson. Margaret, 224 Wilson, Mnrgnrct, 2.V7 Wilson, Margaret, 306 Wilson, Margaret O., 305 Wilson, Martha ., 2X0 Wilson, Mary, IM2 Wilson. Mary, 2t't> Wilson. Mary Ann, 2.V) Wilson, Mary C., 273 Wilson, Mary C.. Wilson, Mary E., 291 Wilson, Mary H., LVrfJ Wilson, Mary T., 290 Wilson, Mary T., ::u , Wilson, Mercy, 306 PAGE Wilson, Oliver, 96 Wilson, Oliver, 150 Wilson, Peter, 114 Wilson, Phebe, 300 Wilson, Phebe W., 318 Wilson, Rachel, 227 Wilson, Rp.chel, 238 Wilson. Rachel, 245 Wilson, Rachel, 286 Wilson, Rachel, 291 Wilson, Rachel B., 241 Wilson, Rathmell, 128 Wilson, Rebecca, 231 Wilnon, .Rebecca, 98 Wilson, Rebecca, 251 Wilson, Rebecca A., 298 Wilson, Richard H., 151 Wilson, Samuel Alan, 200 Wilson, Sarah, 97 Wilson, Sarah, 249 Wilson, Sarah, 261 Wilson, Sarah, 319 Wilson, Sarah E., 313 Wilson, Sarah P., 286 Wilson, Sarah T.. 323 Wilson, Susan J., 293 Wilson, Susanna, 247 Wilson, Thomas, 142 Wilson, William, 120 Wilson, William, 123 Wilson, William, 158 Wilson, William P., 151 Windle, Anne E., 316 Windle, Deborah J., 316 Windle, Elma, 3=56 Windle, Isaac E., 171 Windle, Mary J., 319 Windle, Rebecca L., 323 Windle, Sarah E., 331 Windle, Thomas J., 177 Windle. William E., 176 Winn, Elizabeth, 254 Winn, Elliott, 169 Winn, Lydia S.. 337 Winner, Anna M., 347 Winner, Charles E., 199 Winner, Josephine, 339 Winner, Susan, 305 Winner, Susan H., 347 Winner, William, 167 Winslow, Emily F.. ::i4 Winslow, Eunice C., 344 Winston. James, 111 Winston. LindleyM., 198 Winston. Lucy A'.. :U1 Wistar, Bartholomew. 112 Wistar, B. Wyatt, Wi*tavid ('., 145 Woolstoi , Sarah, 226 Wood, George, 186 Woodward, Dillwvn, 145 Worrell, Anna Maria, 290 Wood. George B., Io9 Woodward, Eli/a'th, '259 Worrall, Eliza P., 281 Wood, George R., 1(57 Woodward, Francis, 18."> Worth, Ebenezer, 168 Wood, Hannah, 260 Woodward, Hannah, 235 Worth, Eli/iibcth A., 267 Wood, Hannah A., 240 Woodward, Hannah, 305 Worth, Frances A., 346 Wood, Hannah F., 102 Woodward, Henri'ta, 298 Worth, Francis, 166 (See Korsvthe.) Woodward, Henry R.,161 Worth. Hannah M., 344 Wood, Hannah S., 84 Woodward, Israel, 158 Worth, John. Jr., 196 " (Gov'ness,) 80 Woodward, Louisa, 300 Worth, Moses, 174 Wood, Horatio C., 101 Woodward, Lydia, 279 Worth, Paschall, 174 INDEX. 433 PAGE PAGE PAGE Worth, Samuel. 166 Wrigley, Harriet, 333 Yarnall, Priscilla E., 274 Worth, .Samuel, Jr., 197 Wynn, William, 106 Yarnall. Rachel, 227 Worth. Sarah, 321 Yarnall, Rachel, i;:;9 Worthington, Eliz. C., 293 Yardlev, George E., 1G5 Yarnall, Karliel. 99 Worthington. KHz. F ,*W Yardlev, Thomas, i:-# Yarnall, Rachel R., 322 Worthingtoo, (irace, 2*3 Yardley, Thomas M., lol Yarnall, Rachel EL, WorthiogtOD, Han'h, 261 Yarmill, Albert E., 2'> Yarnall, Anna, 33G Yarnall, Susan, L'12 Worthinifton. Prise., 273 Yarnall. Benjamin, 116 Yaniall. Walker. 106 Worthington. Prise., -jvi Yarnall. Benj. H., M7 Yanmll, William 8., 199 Wortliington, Rebec., 287 Ynrnull. Charles, 100 Yearsley, Davis. 185 Worthington. Sani'l, 171 Yarnall, Deborah P., 284 Year-ley, Humphrey, 135 Worthington. Sarah, 328 Yarnall, Deborah S., 323 Yearsley. Isaac, 140 Worthington, Susan, 271 Yarnall. Edward, 120 Yearsley, Isaac, 169 Worthington, Wm., 147 Yarnall, Edward S., 173 Yearsley, Lydia, 280 Wright Andrew C., 112 Yarnall. F.li, Yearsley, Marv, 300 Wright, Ann, 231 Yarnall. Eli, 11? Yearslev, Marv. 314 Wright. AnnaC., 325 Yarnall, Elizabeth, 234 Yearsley, Rachel W., 323 W'rii/'it, Jieiijamin. 96 Yarnall. Elizabeth, 29-"> Yearsley. Sarah, 303 Wright, Beulah, R., 2*17 Ynrnull, EHits. 96 Yearsley, Thomas, 152 Wright. Charles, 118 Yarnall, Ellis, 109 Yeatman. I.ydia, 261 Wright, Charles, Jr., 188 Yarnall, Elsie R., 342 Yerkes, Hannah, 266 Wright. Edwin. 171 Yarnall, Francis, 1% Yer fees, Jones, 156 Wright, Elizabeth, 225 Yarnall, Tieorge S.. lie: Yerkes, Mary, 279 Wright, Elizabeth, 229 YnninU, Ilnnnah, 97, 98 Young, Lydia M., 348 Wright. Elizabeth, 230 Yarnall, Hannah, :M:'> Wright, Elizabeth, 251 Yarnall. Hannah, 2i'.2 Zane, Nathan T., 120 Wright. Elizabeth, 301 Yarnall. Hannah, 280 Zane, Timothy, 120 Wright, Eliziibeth, 328 Yarnall, Hannah H., 298 Zeil, Emma, 258 Wright, Wright. Jane, 3ft') " (Teacher,) 85 Zellev. Ann. -Jf,7 Wright. Letitia, 253 Yarnnll, Isaac, 149 Xel lev, Charles E., 188 Wright, I.ncv. 228 Yarnall, James, ]-V Zelley. Eliza. 249 Wright. Martha E., 328 Yarnall. J. Howard, 188 /ellev, J. Howard, V.<:\ Wrijfht. Marv Ann, 2-'>H Yarnall, Jane, 259 Zellev, R. lM-cca W., 315 Wright, Marv H. C., ::17 Yarnall, Jane, 300 Zelley, Sarah, 250 Wright, Marv Susan, 322 Yarnall. Lvdia H., 309 Zelley, William H., 190 Wright. Xfhcmiah, 1X7 Yarnall, Lvdia T., 342 Xook, Annie, 3:^1 Wright. Karhi-1 A., 313 Yarnall, Marv. 272 Zook. Eliaibeth, 336 Wright, Robert, 111 Yarnall, Marv, 282 /ook, Fannie E., Wright, Itola-rt, Hx Yarnall. Marv A., 251 /()k, (ieorge D., 2 Wright. Robert K., HI Yarnall. Mary W., :;:u: Zk, Hcnrv, 1'.'7 Wright, Knth, 250 Yarnall, Moraeoal, 107 /.ook. J. Trimble, 1'.'-' Wright, William. IK'. Yarnall. Nathan S., 14."> 7.<>k, Jane 1). Wright. Willis W., ]:i Yarnall, Peter, 112 /..ok. Th azin T., :::'.! Wrigley, Auiia M., 332 Yaruall, Phileua, 309 Zook, William T., 1'JO THE EXD "* _*"iL