TP cf^/ u & UC-NRLF SB S7b SMI LIBRARY OF CONGRESS LIST OF REFERENCES ON s VY V; U DYESTUFFS CHEMISTRY, MANUFACTURE, TRADE COMPILED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF HERMAN H. B. MEYER CHIEF BIBLIOGRAPHER WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1919 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office Price 15 cents LIBRARY OF CONGRESS LIST OF REFERENCES ON DYESTUFFS CHEMISTRY, MANUFACTURE, TRADE COMPILED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF HERMAN H. B. MEYER CHIEF BIBLIOGRAPHER L. C. card, 19-26008 PREFATORY NOTE One of the results of the war important to the manufacturing inter- ests of the country is the establishment of the dyestuffs industry on a scale commensurate with our needs. This list, begun hi 1915 as a typewritten list of 134 entries, has been gradually expanded to meet the continued demand for refer- ences, and now represents the material in the Library of Congress with considerable additions of references to highly technical litera- ture found elsewhere. The addition of the shelf mark indicates that the item is hi the Library of Congress. The subject index presented peculiar difficulties, since the writings listed include many published at a tune when consistency to an established nomenclature was not so rigidly expected as at present. The inclusion of literature in several foreign languages also added to the difficulties of the indexer. By the exercise of the utmost care it is hoped that errors have been reduced to a minimum. Acknowledg- ment is here made to The Chemical Catalog Company (Inc.), New York, for reading the proof of the index, but responsibility for any errors which may not have been eliminated rests with the compiler. H. H. B. MEYER, Chief Bibliographer. APPLETON P. C. GRIFFIN, Acting Librarian of Congress, WASHINGTON, D. C., August 14, 1919. 3 464999 BIBLIOGRAPHIES [In practically every case where the book or periodical is in the Library of Congress the shelf-number has been added at the end of the reference.] 1 American chemical society. Chemical abstracts, vol. 1-12. Easton, Pa., 1907-date. 12 v. Consult general index, or the index of each volume under Dyes. QD1.A51 2 Journal, 1879-date. New York, 1879-date. 39 v Consult general indexes or index of each volume under Dyestuffs. QD1.A5 3 Bolley, Pompejus Alexander. Die Theerfarbstoffe. Begonnen von dr. P. A. Bolley und dr. Emil Kopp . . . Fort- gesetzt unter Mitwirkung von dr. R. Gnehm . . . von dr. Richard Meyer. Braunschweig, F. Vieweg und solin, 1867-97. xx, 1791 p. iUus., diagrs. (part fold.) 22% cm . (Handbuch der cTiem- ischen tecJinologie . . . Tirsg. von . . . BoUey . . . 5. bd., 1. gruppe) Contains bibliographies. 4-20183 TP910.B7 4 Crookes, Sir William. A practical handbook of dyeing and calico-printing. London, Longmans, Green, and co., 1874- xvi, 730 p., 1 I. front., illus., plates, tables, diagrs. 22. Bibliography: p. 702-715. Rich in material on dyestuffs. 8-25445 TP893.C94 5 Garon, Jules. Bibliographic de la technologie chimique des fibres textiles : proprie'te's blanchiment teinture ma- tieres colorantes impression appr^ts. Strasbourg, Impr. alsadenne anct G. FiscTibach, 1893. vi p., 2 1., [3]-170 p., 1 I. 26% cm . (Societe industrielle de Mulhouse. Bulletin special) 14-16148 Z7914.T3G2 6 Georgievics, Georg Cornelius Theodor von. Lehrbuch der chemischen Technologie der Gespinstfasern. Leipzig und Wien, F. Deuticke, 1913. 1 v. diagrs. 23%. "Literatur der Farbstoffe": v. 1, p. [525]-526. "Literatur zur Ein- leitung": v. 1, p. [527]-553. 14-1981 TP893.G33 5 CONGRESS 7 International catalogue of scientific literature . . . Pub. for the International council by the Royal society of London. London [etc.] 1902-16. 18 v. 21%. See each volume of Class D, Chemistry, under Dyestuffs. 5-8722 Z5521.I61 8 Lunge, Georg. Technical methods of chemical analysis, ed. by George Lunge ... in collaboration with E. Adam, F. Barnstein [and others]. English translation from the latest German ed., adapted to English conditions of manufacture, ed. by Charles Alexander Keane ... in collaboration with T. L. Bailey, C. O. Bannister [and others]. London, Gurney and Jackson, 1908-14- 6 v. in 3. illus., tables. 25. See v: 2, pt. 2: 1184-1185; v. 3, pt. 2: 1017. 9-13940 TP161.L92 9 O'Neill, Charles. Chemistry of calico printing, dyeing, and bleaching, including silken, woollen, and mixed goods, practical and theoretical. Manchester, Dunnill, Palmer, and co.; [etc., etc.] 1860. 1 p. 1., ii, vii, v, 407, vii p. 22. "References to English and foreign journals and magazines con- taining articles in connection with the subject of this work " : p. [365]-384. "... Works wholly devoted to dyeing, etc.": p. 385. 8-23829 TP893.O58 10 Wahl, Andre. L'industrie des matieres colorantes organiques. Paris, 0. Doin etfils, 1912. 2 p. 1., 897 p. illus., diagrs. 18\ em . (Encyclopedic scientifique, pub. sous la direction du D T Toulouse . . . Biblioiheque des industries chimiques, directeur: Juvenal Derome) ^'Ouvrages a consulter " : p. 377-378. "Index bibliographique " : p. 381- 387. 12-4664 TP893.W3 BOOKS AND ARTICLES IN PERIODICALS 11 Aladdin's cave of the dye industry. Scientific American, June 9, 1917, v. 116: 570. Tl.S5,v.ll6 12 Allen, Alfred Henry. Allen's commercial organic analysis; a treatise on the properties, modes of assaying, and proxi- mate analytical examination of the various organic , chemicals and products employed in the arts, manu- factures, medicine, etc., with concise methods for the detection and estimation of their impurities, adultera- tions, and products of decomposition. 4th ed. Entirely rewritten. Ed. by Henry Leffmann . . . and Wj A. Davis. Philadelphia, P. Blakiston's son & co., 190917. 9 v. illus., plates, tables. 23. III. Hydrocarbons, bitumens, naphthalene and its derivatives, anthracene and its associates, phenols, aromatic acids, gallic acid and its allies, phthalic acid and the phthaleins, modern explo- sives. V. Tannins, analysis of leather, dyes and colouring mat- ters, dyestuffs of groups 6 to 12, colouring matters of natural origin, analysis of colouring matters, colouring matters in foods, inks. VI. Amines and ammonium bases, aniline and its allies. 9-29872 QD271.A45 13 Alt, H. Thioindigorot. Farberzeitung. Berlin, 1906, v. 17: 169-171. 14 Alternatives in case of a dyestuff famine. Scientific American supplement, Sept. 18, 1915, v. 80: 192. Tl.S52,v.80 15 Alway, F. J., and W. D. Bonner. Umlagerung der Azoxyben- zaldehyde. BericTite der deutschen chemischen Gesettschaft. Berlin, 1905, v. 88: 2518-2520. QDl.D4,v.38 16 Alwyn- Schmidt, L. W. Future development of the dyestuff industry. Color trade journal, Mar., 1919, v. 4' 51-58. TP890.C6,v.4 17 American chemical society, New York section. Report of Chemicals and dyestuffs committee. * Congressional record, 63d Cong., 3d sess., v. 52, pt. 6, p. 7-9. Introduced into the Record by Mr. Wallin, Dec. 10, 1914. Jll.R5,v.52,pt.6 7 8 '*;;*.' .**: : . ; - {u^^R?. QP CONGRESS 18 American dye industry. Gas age, June 1, 1918, v. 41 >' 508. TP700.G14,v.41 19 American dye industry: symposium. Journal of industrial and engineering chemistry, Nov. 1914, v. 6: 941-95S. TPl.J6,v.6 20 American dye industry now leads the world. Current opinion, Jan., 1919, v. 66: 64. AP2.C95,v.66 21 American dye-making. Textile world record, May, 1915, v. 49: 275-276. TS1300.T36,v.49 22 American dyes. Textile world journal, Aug. 24, 1918, v. 54: 853. TS1300.T36,v.54 23 American dyes for the world. Literary digest, Jan. 22, 1916, v. 52: 172. AP2.L58,v.52 24 American dyestuff industry. Scientific American, Sept. 26, 1914, v. Ill: 242. Tl.S5,v.lll 25 American dyestuffs industry and its prospects. Journal of industrial and engineering chemistry, Dec., 1918, v. 10: 1026. TPl.J6,v.lO 26 American dyestuffs industry: unpardonable delay in adequate protection. Protectionist, Apr. 1916, v. 27: 781-782. HFl760.P8,v.27 27 American dyestuffs manufacture: discussion. Journal of industrial and engineering chemistry, Oct., 1916, v. 8: 950-952. TPl.J6,v.8 28 American dyestuffs manufacturers' association, New York. Annual meeting. Textile world journal, Dec. 14, 1918, v. 54: 2968. TS1300.T36,v.54 29 American manufacturers of aniline dyes. Proceedings of the First convention, New York, Jan. 22-23, 1918. 30 American rainbow. Scientific American, Nov. 16, 1918, v. 119: 394. Tl.S5,v.ll9 DYESTUFFS 9 31 American school of correspondence, Chicago. Textile chem- istry and dyeing; a manual of practical instruction in the art of textile bleaching and coloring, and allied processes of treatment, including many useful hints and recipes, by Louis A. Olney. Chicago, American school of correspondence, 1909. 3 p. I., 11-348 p. incl. illus., plates, diagrs. front, (port.) plates. 25. -8904 TP893.A54 32 Analysis of logwood extracts. Color trade journal, Apr., 1919, v. 4' 81. TP890.C6,v.4 33 Anderson, D. G. British national dye scheme. Journal of industrial and engineering chemistry, June, 1915, v. 7: 538-541. TPl.J6,v.7 34 Andes, Xouis E. Neuerungen auf dem Gebiete der Anstrich- farben und Anstrichfarben-Fabrikation. Chemikerzeitung, Cofhen, 1901, v. 25: 1035-1038 TPl.C45,v.25 35 Announcement of the Federal trade commission: with regard to licenses under German dye and drug patents. Journal of industrial and engineering chemistry, May, 1918. v. 10: 404. TPl.J6,v.lO 36 Anthracene and its production. Scientific American supplement, Dec. 12, 1908, v. 66: 379. Tl.S52,v.66 37 Apotheker, Nan. Kise of an important American industry. New France, Nov., 1918, v. 2: 278-279. 38 Application of aniline dyestuffs to leather. Scientific American, Oct. 13, 1900, v. 83: 228. Tl.S5,v.83 39 Armstrong, James. Coal-tar miracles. World's work, Apr., 1919, v. 33: 427-435. Discusses principally dyestuffs. AP2.W8,v.33 40 Arnoldi, Heinrich. Ueber Metallcyanide. Miinchen, C. Wolf und Sohn, 1907. 53 p. 41 Artificial indigo. Scientific American, Nov. 8, 1902, v. 87: 306. Tl.S5,v.87 42 Artificial organic dyes. Scientific American supplement, Aug. 28, 1915, v. 80: 141. Tl.S52,v.80 10 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 43 Artificial vs. natural indigo. American Catholic quarterly review, Apr,, 1901, v. 26: 396-398. AP2.A332,v.26 44 Ashton, B. C. Indigenous tans and vegetable dyestuffs of New Zealand. Journal of agriculture of New Zealand, Aug. -Sept., 1917, v. 15: 55-62; 117-128; June and Sept., 1918, v. 16: 358-365; v. 17: 136-139. 45 Auerbach, G. Das Anthracen und seine Derivate. 2. Aufl. Braunschweig, F. Vieweg und Sohn, 1880. 279 p. 22. 46 Auwers, Karl. Die Constitution der Oxyazokorper. Justus Liebig's Annalen der (Jhenie, Leipzig, 1908, v. 360: 11-25. QDl.L7,v.360 47 Badel, A. Das Aetzen von Indigo mit Reduktionsmitteln. Zeitschrift fur Farben- und Textilindustrie. Berlin, 1912, v. 10: 277-279. 48 Baekeland, L. H. What is the matter with the American chemist ? Harper's magazine, Apr., 1917, v. 134: 707-714. AP2.H3,v.l34 49 Baeyer, Adolf von. Dibenzalaceton und Triphenylmethan. Berichte derdeutschen chemischen Gesellschaft. Berlin, 1905, v. 38: 569-590, 1156-1164. QDl.D4,v.38 50 Ueber Anilinfarben. Zeitschrift fur angewandte (Jhemie. Berlin, 1906, v. 19: 1287-1292. QDl.Z3,v.l9 51 - Untersuchungen iiber die Abkommlinge des Tri- phenylcarbinols. Justus Liebig's Annalen fur Chemie. Leipzig, 1907, v. 354: 152-204. QDl.L7,v.354 52 - and V. Villiger. Ueber die Farbbasen der Triphenyl- methanfarbstoffe. Berichte der deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft. Berlin, 1904, v. 37: 1183-1184. QDl.D4,v.37 53 Baillot, Nouveau manuel du teinturier, ou Guide pratique des apprentis et des ouvriers dans Tart de la teinture, con- tenant diverses recettes pour faire toutes sortes de cou- leurs sur laine, soie, fil et coton; . . . suivi du Manuel de 1'art du teinturier-de'graisseur, (extrait d'un ouvrage encore ine'dit) par L.-Se"b. Le Normand. Paris, Bachelier, 1819. xiv, 334 P- 17- 14-21390 TP897.B16 DYESTUFFS 11 54 Baker, Prank. The structure of carbonium salts and of the triphenylmethane dyes as indicated by their absorption spectra. Chemical society, London. Journal, 1907, v. 91: 1490-1500. QDl.C6,v.91 55 Bally, O. Neue Syn these in der Anthracenreihe und iiber neue Kiipenfarbstoffe. Berichte der deutschen chemischen GeseUschaft. Berlin, 1905, v. 38: 194-196. QDi.D4,v.38 56 Bamberger, Eugen. Diazotierbarkeit der Anthranile und Umlagerung von Arylanthranilen in Acridone. Berichte der deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft. Berlin, 1909, v. J&: 1707-1723. QDl.D4,v.42 57 - Ueber hydroxylirte Azoxybenzole. Berichte der deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft. Berlin, 1902, v. 35: 1614-1623. QDl.D4,v.35 58 - - and F. Elger. Ueber die Reduktion des Orthonitroaceto- phenons. Berichte der deutschen chemischen GeseUschaft. Berlin, 1903, v. 36: 1611-1625. QDl.D4,v.36 59 - and J. Grob. Zur Kenntnis des Benzaldehydphenyl- hydrazons. Berichte der deutschen chemischen GeseUschaft. Berlin, 1901, v. 34: 2017-2023. QDl.D4,v.34 60 and P. de. Gruyter. Ueber Formazylemethylketon. Journal fiir praktische Chemie. Leipzig, 1901, n. s., v. 64: QDl.J75,n.s.,v.64 61 - - and A. Wetter. Diazotirung des Nitrobenzols. Berichte der deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft. Berlin, 1904, v. 37: 629-330. QDi.D4,v.37 62 - - and H. Witter. Ueber Formazylphenylketon. Journal fur praktische Chemie. Leipzig, 1902, n. s., v. 65: 139-149. QDl.J75,n.s,v.65 63 Bancroft, Edward. Experimental researches concerning the philosophy of permanent colours; and the best means of producing them, by dyeing, calico printing, &c. [2d ed.] London, Printed for T. Cadell and W. Davies, by G. Sidney, 1813. 2v. 22%. 8-33999 TP897.B2 12 LIBRAKY OF CONGRESS 64 Bancroft, Edward. Facts and observations, briefly stated, in support of an intended application to Parliament. [London] 1798. 23 p. 21. Asking for an extension of the author's exclusive right to the use of quercitron bark. 8-23831 TP925.Q4B2 65 Barbier, Ph. L'aposafranine et ses homologues. Societe chimique de Paris, 1907, 4- s ^ r -> v - 1-' 468-4? 4- QDl.S4,4.s6r.,v.l 66 Nouvelles matieres colorantes directes. Societe industrielle de Mulhouse. Bulletin, 1905, v. 75: 153-154. T2.S75, v.75 67 - Sur les phe'nosafranines symetrique et dissymetrique. Societe chimique de Paris. Bulletin, 1905, 3. ser., v. 33: 1190-1198, 1906, 3. ser., v. 35: 859-868. QDl.S4,"r.,v.33,35. 68 Barratt, J. C. The staining act: an investigation into the nature of methylen-blue-cosin staining. Biochemical journal, Liverpool, 1906, v. 1: 406-428. 69 Bartholomaus, Erich. Beitrage zur Kenntnis indigoider Ver- bihdungen. Marburg, Koster <& Schnell, 1911. 69 p. 70 Baskerville, Charles. Coal-tar industry and its jubilee. American review of reviews, Oct. 1906, v. 34: J$1-J$2. AP2.R4,v.34 71 - - and T. B. Foust. Rare-earth mordants. Society of chemical industry, London. Journal, 1904, v - $ : 104-105. TPl.S6,v.23 72 Bassett, Henry, jr. Ueber o-Aminotriphenylcarbinol. Munchen, V. Hqfling, 1904- 45 P- 73 Battegay, Martin. Beitrag zur Kenntnis des Hystazarins. Basel, 1904. 80 p. 74 Baumert, R. Ueber Azo-Farbstoffe aus der Pyridinreihe. Breslau, H. Fleischmann, 1906. 4? P- See also Berichte der deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft. Berlin, 1906, v. 39: 2971-2976. QDi.D4,v.39 DYESTUFFS 13 75 Beacall, Thomas, and others. Dyestuffs & coal-tar products; their chemistry, manufacture and application; including chapters on modern inks, photographic chemicals, syn- thetic drugs, sweetening chemicals, and other products derived from coal tar, by Thomas Beacall . . . F. Chal- lenger . . . Geoffrey Martin . . . and Henry J. S. Sand. London, C. Lockwood and son, 1915. 156 p. front, (fold, tab.) illus. 25%. (Manuals of chemical technology 1. Ed. J>y G. Martin} . "Reprinted with additions from 'Industrial and manufacturing chemistry,' vol. I." 15-13392 TP910.B35 76 Beatty, W. Gedney. German trade subsidies. American economist, Feb. 8, 1918, v. 61: 63. . . . necessitate protection of American dye-stuff industry . . . HC101.A5,v.61 77 Bechhold, H. Ein Condensationsproduct von Indoxylsaure und Nitrosoantipyrin. Berichte der deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft. Berlin, 1903, V. 36: 4131-4135. QDl.D4,v.36 78 Becker, Hans. Contributions a Tetude des colorants du type "Azonium." Berne, 1902. 28 p. 79 Beckers, William. American dyestuff manufacture. Textile world journal, Dec. 9, 1916, v. 52: 133. TS1300.T36,v.52 80 Relationship of explosives to dyestuffs. Textile world journal, Nov. 25, 1916, v. 51: 5023. TS1300.T36,v.51 81 Beckmann, E., and W. Gabel. Molekulargrosse des Indigos. Berichte der deuschen chemischen Gesellschaft. Berlin, 1906, v. 39: 2611-2618. QDl.D4,v.39 82 Behal, A. Sur les colorants employes dans la fabrication des produits alimentairos. Revue scientiflque de la France et de I'etranger. Paris, 1910, v. 48: 549-5o3. Q2.R53,v.48 83 Behrens, T. H. Ueber das Verhalten pflanzlicher und tierischer Fasern zu Teerf arbstoffen. Chemikerzeitung. Cofhen, 1903, v. 27: 1252-1254. TPl.C45,v.27 14 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 84 Bemiss, Elijah. The dyer's companion, in two parts. Part first, containing a general plan of dying wool and woollen, cotton and linen cloths, yarn and thread. Also, direc- tions for milling and finishing, stamping and bleaching cloths. Part second, contains many useful receipts on dying, staining, painting, &c. 2d ed., enl. and improved. New-York, E. Duyckinck, 1815. viii, [5}-307 p. 17% cm . 1-9643 TP897.B45 85 Benedikt, Rudolf. The chemistry of the coal-tar colours. Tr. from the German and ed., with additions, by E. Knecht. London, G. Bell and sons, 1886. vi. p., 2 1., 248 p. illus. (incl. diagrs.) 18 cm . (Technological handbooks [4]) 4-351 TP914.B4 86 - 2d ed., rev. and enl. London, G. Bell and sons, 1889. 2 p. 1., vii-xi, [1], 833 p. diagrs. 18 cm . (Technological handbooks) G S 15-472 3d ed. London, 1900. 87 Benzinger, Hans. Uber Derivate des Dithioathylens. Freiberg i. Br., Speyer and Kaerner, 1910. 39 p. 88 Bergmann, Eduard. Beitrage zur Kenntnis der o-Aminoazo- verbingdungen. Erlanger, E. T. Jacob, 1901. 39 p. 89 Bergtheil, C. Efficiency of the present process of natural indigo manufacture. Nature, Nov. 8, 1906, v. 75: SO. Qi.N2,v.75 90 Bergues, L'art du teinturier, suivi de Part du teinturier-degrais- seur. Paris, MaTher et c ie , 1827. 1 p. I., 307. 17. 17-4750 TP897.B5 91 Bernstein, J. , and others. Hydroxylarmere Vorstufen des Fisetins. Berichte der deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft. Berlin, 1905, v. 38: 2177-2182. QDl.D4,v.38 92 Bernthsen, A. Die Teerf arbstoffe in neuerer Zeit. Fdrlerzeitung. Berlin, 1903, v. 14: 158-163, 180-183, 203- 208. 93 Zur Kenntnis der Konstitution der blauen Schwefel- farbstoffe. Verhandlungen der Gesellschaft deutscher Naturforscher und Aerzte, Leipzig, 1908, v. 80: 80-81. DYESTUFFS 15 94 Berthollet, Claude Louis, and Amedee B. Berthollet. Ele- ments of the art of dyeing; with a description of the art of bleaching of oxymuriatic acid. 2d ed. Tr. from the French, with notes and engravings, illustrative and supple- mentary, by Andrew Ure. London, Printed for T. Tegg; [etc., etc.] 1824- 2 v. plates (partly fold.) 22. See especially vol. 1. 8-25442 TP897.B54 95 Berzelius, Jons Jakob, fnherre. Lehrbuch der Chemie. 5. umgearb. Original-aufl. Dresden und Leipzig, Arnold, 1843-48. 5 v. plates (part fold.) tables. 22. See each vol. under name of the dye. 14-22405 QD28.B57 1848 96 Besthorn, E. Uber eine neue Klasse von Chinolin-Farbstoffen. Berichte der deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft. Berlin, 1913, v. 46: 2762-2770. QDl.D4,v.46 97 Bezdzik, A., and P. Friedlaender. ttber indigoide und indolignoide Farbstoffe der Napthalinreihe und deren Spaltu ngsprodukte . Sitzungsberichte der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissen- schaften. Wien, 1909, v. 118: 43-58. 98 Bick, E. C. T. Tests for fastness of dyes. Textile world journal, Dec. 18, 1915, v.51: 192. TS1300.T36,v.51 99 Binder, Felix. Rapport sur les plis cache tes de M. Freiberger concernant les enlevages sur indigo au moyen des nitrates et des nitrites. Societe industrielle de Mulhouse. Bulletin, 1913, v. 83: 225-234. T2.S75,v.83 100 - and J. Frossard. Reserves au citrate stanneux sodique sur noir d'aniline Prud'homme. Societe industrielle de Mulhouse. BuTLetin, 1902, v. 72: 260-261. T2.S75,v.72 101 Binz, Arthur. Addition von Alkali an Indigo. Zeitschrift fur angewandte Chemie. Berlin, 1906, v. 19: 1415-1418. QDl.Z3,v.l9 102 ; Fortschritte auf dem Gebiete der kunstlichen organis- chen Farbstoffe inbesondere im Jahre 1903. Chemische Industrie, Berlin, 1905, v. 28: 321-327. TPl.C48,v.28 16 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 103 Binder, Felix. Die Mission der Teerfarben-Industrie. Berlin, 0. Reimer, 1912. 13 p. 104 Notizen zur Kenntnis des Indigos. Zeitschrift fur Farben- und Textil-Chemie. Braunschweig, 1902, v. 1:229-230. 105 Reduction des Indigos in einem wasserfreien Medium. Journal fur praJctische Chemie. Leipzig, 1901, n. s., v. 63: 497-516. QDl.J75,n.s,v.63 106 Schwefelf arben der Methylenviolettgruppe. Chemische Industrie. Berlin, 1906, v. 29: 295-297. TPl.C48,v.29 107 Technologische Vorlesungs- und Practicumsversuche. Zeitschrift fur angewandte Chemie. Berlin, 1902, v. 15: 1129-1133. QDl.Z3,v.l5 108 Ueber gebromte Indigotine. Zeitschrift fur angewandte CTiemie, Leipzig, 1909, v. 22: 1757-1759. QDl.Z3,v.22 109 Verwendung der wichtigeren organischen Farbstoffe. Bonn, F. Cohen, 1905. 43 p. 110 Zur Theorie der Indigoreduktion. Zeitschrift fur EUktrochemie. Halle, 1903, v. 9: 599-600, 804-805. TP250.Z6,v.9 111 A. Kufferath. Die Salze des Indigos. Justus Liebig's Annalen der Chemie, Leipzig, 1902, v. 325: 196-204. " QDl.L7,v.325 112 Verbesserte Methode zur Analyse des Indigos mit Hydrosulfit. Fdrberzeitung. Berlin, 1903, v. 14: 225-226. 113 and P. Rung. Die Bestimmung des Indigotins auf gekiipten Faserstoffen. Zeitschrift fur angewandte Chemie. Leipzig, 1902, v. 15: 557-559, 616-629. QDi.Z3,v.l5 1 14 and A. Walter. Zur Kenntnis der Indigoreduktion. Zeitschrift fur angewandte Chemie. Berlin, 1904, v. 17: 40-41. QDi.Z3,v.l7 115 Zur Kenntnis der Zink-Kalk-Kiipe. Zeitschrift fur Farben- und Textil-Chemie. Braunschweig, 1903, v. 2: 435-437. DYESTUFFS 17 116 Bird, Frederick J.. The American practical dyer's companion; comprising a description of the principal dye-stuffs and and chemicals used in dyeing . . . embracing in all over eight hundred receipts for colors and shades, accompanied by one hundred and seventy dyed samples of raw mate- rials and fabrics. Philadelphia, H. C. Baird & co.; 1882. xxmi, [17]-388 p. patterns, 24. 8-25441 TP897.B61 117 The dry cleaner and garment dyer. [Philadelphia, 1891} 3 p. I, [3], 182 p. 19. "Dyewares and their uses": p. 59-65. 8-23976 TP909.B61 118 Bistrzycki, A. Ueber den triboluminescirenden Stammkoh- lenwasserstoff des Rosanilins. Berichte der deutschen chemischen GeseUschaft. Berlin, 1904, v. 37: 3696-3699. QDi.D4,v.37 119 and J. Gyr. Das Stammcarbinol des Rosanilins und seine Isomeren. Berichte der deutschen chemischen GeseUschaft. Berlin, 1904, V. 38: 1245-1253. QDl.D4,v.38 120 and C. Herbst. [7.7-Diphenylquinomethane; the charomgen of the oxytriphenylmethane dyes.] Berichte der deutschen chemischen GeseUschaft. Berlin, 1903, v. 36: 2333-2339. QDl.D4,v.36 121 Blitz, Wilhelm. Ueber den osmotischen Druck der Kolloide. Beitrage zur Dialyse und Osmose von Farbstofflosungen. Zeitschrift fur physikalische Chemie. Leipzig, 1911, v. 77: 91-116. ' QDl.Z45,v.77 122 Bloxam, William. P. Our present knowledge of the chemistry of indigo. Chemical society, London. Journal, 1905, v. 87: 974-987. QDl.C6,v.87 See also Its Proceedings, 1904, v. 20: 159-160. QDl.C62,v.20 123 and A. G. Perkin. Indirubin. Chemical society, London. Journal, 1910, v. 97: 1460-1475. QDl.C6,v.97 124 Bluish-green vat dyes. Metallurgical and chemical engineering, Fib. 15, 1918, v. 18: 209. TNl.M45,v.l8 121113 19 2 I 18 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 125 Bluxnenreuter, Carl. Ueber Derivate des p-Dimethylindigos. Rostock, A. Erben, 1911. 63 p. 126 Blumrich, Karl. Ueber den Zusammenliang zwischen Farbe und Konstitution der gemischten Pyridinfarbstoffe aus sekundaren Aminen. Weida i. Th., Thomas und Hubert, 1912. 70 p. 127 Bodmer, Ernst. Delphinblau; Modern-Azurine. Zurich, 1908. Dissertation. 128 Uber die Einwirkung von Amidoverbindungen auf Gallocyaninfarbstoffe. Winlerthur, 1908. 83 p. 129 Borker, Th. Farbstoffe. Chemische Zeitschrift. Berlin, 1907, v. 6: 305-310. QDl.C69,v.6 130 Bottiger, E., and G. Petzold. Das technische Oxydations- schwarz. Farberzeitung. Berlin, 1907, v. 18: 8-10. 131 Bohn, R. Le progrs dans le domaine des matieres colorantes de cuve. Revue generale de chimie pure et appliquee. Paris, 1910, v. 13: 257-267. QDl.R33,v.l3 132 Uber die Fortschritte auf dem Gebiete der Kiipen- farbstoffe. Berichte der deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft. Berlin, 1910, v. 43: 987-1007. QDl.D4,v.43 133 Ueber Indanthren. Berichte der deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft. Berlin, 1903, v. 36: 1258-1260. QDl.D4,v.36 134 Bokorny, Th. Notiz iiber die Giftigkeit einiger Anilinfarben und anderen Stoffe. Chemikerzeitung. Cofhen, 1906, v. 30: 217-219. TPl.C45,v.30 135 Bolley, Pompejus Alexander. Die Theerfarbstoffe. Be- gonnen von dr. P. A. Bolley und dr. Emil Kopp . . . Fortgesetzt unter Mitwirkung von dr. R. Gnehm . . . von dr. Richard Meyer. Braunschweig, F. Vieweg und sohn, 1867-97. xx, 1791 p. ilius., diagrs. (part fold.) 22 m - (Handbuch der chemis- chen Technologic . . . hrsg. von. . . . Bolley ... 5. Id., 1. gruppe) 4-20183 TP910.B7 DYESTUFFS 19 136 Bollina, E., S. von Kostanecki and J. Tambor. Studien iiber das Brasilin. Berichte der deutschen chemischen GeseUschaft. Berlin, 1902, v. 35: 1675-1678. QDi.D4,v.35 137 Book, Q. Constitution der Cyaninfarbstoffe. Berichte der deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft. Berlin, 1905, v. 38: 3804-3806. QD l .D4,v.38 138 - Ueber die Reaction von Aceton gegen Nitroopiansaure. Berichte der deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft. Berlin, 1902, v. 35: 1498-1502. QDl.D4,v.35 139 Borsche, Walther and C. E. Bolser. Ueber einige Oxy- azoaldehyde. Berichte der deutschen chemischen GeseUschaft. Berlin, 1901, V. 34: 2094-2104. QDl.D4,v.34 140 - - and F. Streitberger. Ueber den Einfluss ungesat- tigter Seitenketten auf das Kuppelungsvermogen von Phenolen und die Farbung der resultirenden Oxyazover- bindungen. Berichte der deutschen chemischen GeseUschaft. Berlin, 1904, v. 37: 4116-4136. QDl.D4,v.37 141 Bosch, Emil. Zur Kenntnis des Aethylbenzylanilins. Numberg, W. Tummel, 1904. 48 p. 142 Bottler, Max. Die verschiedenen Schwarz auf Wolle. Deutscher Fdrberkalender. Munchen, 1902, v. 11: 6-13. 143 Boyer, J. New method of measuring the effect of light upon dyes and pigments. Scientific American, Nov. 5, 1910, v. 103: 360. Tl.S5,v.i03 144 Brauer, P. tJber die Veranderungen der Absorptionsspektra organischer Farbstoffe durch Metallsalze. Monatshefte fur der naturwissenschaftlichen Unterricht oiler Schulgattungen. Leipzig, 1912, v. 5: 345-349. Q3.M7,v.5 145 Brand, Kurt. Ueber o-Azothioanisol-und o-Thiodianisidin. t Berichte der deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft. Berlin, 1909, v. 42: 3463-3468, 3988. QDl.D4,v.42 20 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 146 Brannt, William Theodore, ed. The practical dry cleaner, scourer, and garment dyer: comprising dry or chemical cleaning; purification of benzine; removing stains; wet cleaning; finishing cleaned fabrics; cleaning and dyeing furs, skin rugs and mats; cleaning and dyeing feathers; bleaching and dyeing straw hats; cleaning and dyeing gloves; garment dyeing; stripping; analysis of textile fabrics. 2d ed., in great part re- written and much enl. Philadelphia, H. C. Baird & co., 1907. xviii, 275 p. illus. 19 cm . See index under Dyestuffs. 7-31272 TP909.B84 147 Brass, Kurt. Uber Chinon-benzidin und sein Umwandlungs- produkt. Berichte der deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft. Berlin, 1913, v. 46: 2902-2906. QDl.D4,v.46 148 Braun, Julius von. Zur Kenntnis der basis'chen Diphenyl- und Triphenylmethan-Farbstoffe. Berichte der deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft. Berlin, 1904, v. 37: 633-646. See also vol. 37: 2670-2678. QDl.D4,v.37 149 - - and O. Koscielski. Synthesen in der fettaromatischen Reihe. Berichte der deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft. Berlin, 1913, v. 46: 1526-1529. QDl.D4,v.46 150 Brazilian, market for aniline dyes. Color trade journal, Feb., 1919, v. 4- 36-38. TP890.C6,v.4 151 Breuning, Wilhelm. Kombination von Triphenylm than- f arbstoffen mit der Indigo gruppe. Wurzburg, H. Sturtz, 1909. 81 p. 152 British dye industry. Engineer (London), June 7, 1918, v. 125: 489-490. TAl.E5,v.l25 153 British dye industry. Science, Feb. 14, 1919, n. s., v. 49: 163-164. Ql.S35,n.s.,v.49 154 British dye scheme criticised. Textile world record, May, 1915, v. 49: 276-277. TS1300.T36,v.49 DYESTUFFS 21 155 British dyestuff manufacture. Metallurgical and chemical engineering, Oct. 1, 1916, v. 15: 416-418. TNl.M45,v.l5 156 British scheme for state aid to dye industry. U. S. Bureau of foreign and domestic commerce. Commerce Reports, Dec. 9, 1918, no. 288: 933-937. HCl.R198,1918,no.288 . Color trade journal, Feb., 1919, v. 4: 44~46- TP890.C6,v.4 157 The British supply of synthetic colours. Nature, Nov. 19, 1914, v. 94: 322. Ql.N2,v.94 158 British treatment of the dye industry. U. S. Bureau of foreign and domestic commerce. Commerce reports, June 24, 1918, no. 147: 1148-1149. HCl.B198,1918,no.l47 159 Bruce, George H. How may the permanent success of our dye industries be secured ? Scientific American, May 6, 1916, v. 114: 4^3. Tl.S5,v.ll4 160 Bruckmann, R. Rapport fait au nom du comite" de chimie, sur le pli cachete" No. 670, du 12 octobre 1891, de Ad. Feer, concernant un proce'de' de reserves blanc et couleur sous bleu d'indigo. Societe industrielle de Mulhouse. BuUetin, 1903, v. 73: 27-28. See also vol. 73: 214-215. T2.S75,v.73 161 Brunck, H. Die Entwicklungsgeschichte der Indigofabrika- tion. Farlerzeitung. Berlin, 1901, v. 12: 33-35, 51-53, 65-69. 162 Bucherer, Hans Theodore. Erlauterungen zu der Abhand- lung: "Ueber ein neues kiinstliches System der Azofarb- stoffe." Zeitschrift fur Farben- und Textil-Chemie. Braunschweig, 1902, v.l: 150-152. 163 Farbstoffsynthesen mittels der Schwefligsaureester. Verhandlungen der Gesellschaft deutscher Naturforscher und Aerzte. Leipzig, 1908, v. 80: 90-93. 164 Lehrbuch der Farbenchemie, einschliesslich der Gewin- nung und Verarbeitung des Teers sowie der Methoden zur Darstellung der Vor- und Zwischenprodukte. Leipzig, 0. Spamer, 1914* M>, 557 p. diagrs. 24. 14-19748 TP914.B9 22 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 165 Bucherer, Hans Theodore. Die Mineral-, Pflanzen- und Teerfarben. Leipzig, 1911. 142 p. 166 Die Teerfarbenchemie in den Jahren 1904 und 1905. Zeitschrift fur angewandte C~hemie\ Berlin, 1906. v. 19: 1169-1177. QDl.Z3,v.l9 167 - Die Teerfarbenchemie zu Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts. Zeitschrift fur angewandte CTiemie. Berlin, 1904, v. 17: 1841-1851, 1873-1883, 1959. QDl.Z3,v.l7 168 Die Teerfarbstoffe, mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der synthetischen Methoden. Leipzig, G. J. Goschen, 1904- 192 p. 15%. (Sammlung Goschen. [214]) "Literatur": p. 2. 4-35985 TP914.B92 169 Ueber ein neues kiinstliches System der Azofarbstoffe. Zeitschrift fur Farben- und Textil-CTiemie. Braunschweig, 1902, v. 1: 8-10,45-46. 170 Ein Vorschlag zur Nomenklatur der Azofarbstoffe. Zeitschrift fur Farben- und Textil-CJiemie. Braunschweig, 1903, v. 2: 390-395. 171 Zur Kenntnis der Diazolosung fur Pararot. Zeitschrift fur angewandte CTiemie. Leipzig, 1909, v. 22: 731-737. QDl.Z3,v.22 172 Zur Kenntnis der Zink-Kalk-Kiipe. Zeitschrift fur Farben- und Textil-CJiemie. Sorau, 1904, v. 3: 24-25. 173 and E. F. Sonnenburg. Ueber die Einwirkung schwefligsaurer Salze auf romatische Amino- und Hy- droxylverbindungen. Journal fur praktische CJiemie. Leipzig, 1909, n. s., v. 81: 1-48. See also n. s., v. 80: 201-241. QDl.J75,v.81 174 Budkewicz, Eugen von. Studien uber Triphenylmethan- farbstoffe. Berlin, E. Elering, 1908. 68 p. 175 Blickel, C. Zur Kenntnis der ToluylendiaminsuKosauren. Zeitschrift fur Farben- und Textil-Chemie. Sorau, 1904, v. 8: 137-139. DYESTUFFS 23 176 Billow, Carl. Chemische Technologic der Azofarbstoffe. Leipzig, 0. Wigand, 1897-1898. 2v.ini. 25. 177 Ueber die besonderen Reaktionen der Diazoverbindung der Salicylsaure. Berichte der deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft. Berlin, 1911, v. 44: 601-614. QDl.D4,v.44 178 Building a home for an industry. American architect, Mar. 26, 1919, v. 115: 467-475. NAl.A3,v.ll5 179 Building up dyestuffs industry. Orange Judd Farmer, Mar. 25, 1916, v. 60: 20. Sl.A33,v.60 180 Bunde, A. Ueber das Aetzen basischer Farbstoffe. Fdrberzeitung. Berlin, 1902, v. 13: 87-88. 181 Buntrock, A. Zur neueren Entwickelung der Anthrachinon- farbenchemie. Berichte der deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft. Berlin, 1901, v. 34: 2344-2349. QDl.D4,v.34 182 Burda, Jean. Proce"de pour la preparation de de'rive's poly- azoiques de la benzidine ou de la tolidine et de nouvelles matieres colorantes azoiques. Societe industrielle de Mulhouse. Bulletin, 1912, v. 82: 697-699. T2.S75,v.82 183 Burian, Richard. Diazoaminoverbindungen der Imidazole und der Purinsubstanzen. Berichte der deutschen chemischen Gesellschatf. Berlin, 1904, v. 37: 696-707. QDl.D4,v.37 184 Busch, Adolf. Die Holzfarben. Fdrberzeitung. Berlin, 1901, v. 12: 309-310. 185 Busch, M., and Ed. Bergmann. Zur Kenntnis der o-Ami- noazofarbstoffe. Zeitschrift fur Farben- und Textil-CTiemie. 1905, v. 4 : 105-113. 186 Busse, F. Diazoverbindungen des Paraphenylendiamins. Tubingen, 1905. 64 p. * 187 Caberti, L. Einige Mitteilungen iiber den Artikel "Gefarbte und geatze bezw. reservirte Anilinfarben." Farberzeitung. Berlin, 1902, v. 13: 104-107. 24 LIBRAKY OF CONGRESS 188 Cain, John Cannell. The chemistry of the diazo-compounds. London, E. Arnold, 1908. x p., 1 l. t 172 p. 22 cm . 8-27393 QD341.A9C25 189 The international celebration of the coal-tar industry. Nature, Aug. 2, 1906, v. 74: 318-319. Ql.N2,v.74 190 The manufacture of intermediate products for dyes. London, MacmiUan and co., limited, 1918. xi, 263, [1] p. illus. 22. Agr 18-798 TP913.C18 191 - - and Jocelyn Field Thorpe. The synthetic dyestuffs and the intermediate products from which they are derived. London, C. Griffin and company, limited, 1905. xv, 405 p. iUus.j diagrs. 23% cm . 6-1054 TP913.C2 2d ed. London, 1913. 192 Calvert, Frederick Grace. Dyeing and calico printing; in- cluding an account of the most recent improvements in the manufacture and use of aniline colours. . . . Ed. by John Stenhouse and Charles Edward Groves. Manchester, Palmer & Howe; London, Simpkin, Marshall, < co., 1876. xxix p., 1 1., 509, [1] p. front (phot) illus., fold. tab. 23. 3-31728 TP893.C2 193 Camps, Rudolf. Synthese des Indigoblau aus o-Nitroaceto- phenon. ArcUv der PJiarmacie, Berlin, 1902, v. 240: 423-437. RSl.D5,v.240 194 Capatina, Alexandre. Recherches synthe"tiques dans le groupe de la rosinduline. Geneva, 1901. 50 p. 194a Carleton, P. W. Prices of natural dyestuffs and tanning chemicals. Washington, Govt. print, off., 1919. 15 p. incl. tables, diagrs. 24% cm. (U. S. War industries ooard. W. I. B. price ouUetin, no. 52. History of prices during the war.} 19-26779 HD9999.D9TT62 195 Caro, H. Ueber die Entwickelung der Theerfarben-Industrie. Berlin, R. Friedlander & SoJin, 1893. 151 p. DYESTUFFS 25 196 Carter, Thomas. Sur la fabrication de 1'hexanitrodiphe'nyla- mine. Moniteur scientifigue de Quesneville. Paris, 1913, 5th &er., V. 3: 220-221. Q2.M7,5th ser.,v.3 197 Chandler, C. F. Coal tar colors. Scientific American supplement, Nov. 10, 1900, v. 50: 20793. Tl.S52,v.50 198 Coal-tar colors, and the Hall process of manufacturing gasoline from gas oil. Journal of industrial and engineering chemistry, Jan., 1916, v. 8: 72-75. TPi.J6,v.8 199 Chapin, Edward S. The development of the use of natural dyes tuffs. (In National association of cotton manufacturers. Transactions, 1915, no. 99. Boston, 1915. 25cm. p. 278-283.) TS1550.N5 1915 200 The development of the use of natural dyestuffs. Textile world record, Sept. 1915, v. 49: 638-639. TS1300.T36,v.49 201 Natural dyestuffs an important factor in the dyestuff situation. Journal of industrial and engineering chemistry , Oct., 1918, v. 10: 795-798. TPl.J6, Color trade journal, Nov. 1918, v. 3: 369-372. TP890.C6,v.3 202 Natural dyestuffs : a revival of long abandoned methods. Scientific American supplement, Nov. 11, 1916, v. 82: 318-319. Tl.S52,v.82 203 The revival of the use of natural dyestuffs. (In National association of cotton manufacturers. Transactions, 1915, no. 98. Boston, 1915. 25cm. p. 407-423.) TS1550.N5 1915 204 The revival of the use of natural dyestuffs. Protectionist, June, 1915, v. 27: 118-119. HFl750.P8,v.27 205 The Chemical foundation, inc. Prospectus. New York, 1919. 8 p. 206 Chemical industry in Great Britain. Science, Apr. 23, 1915, n. s., v. 41: 601-602. Ql.S35,n.s.,v.41 26 LIBRAKY OF CONGRESS 207 Chemical legislation; not wise but otherwise. Journal of industrial and engineering chemistry, Mar., 1917, v. 9: 225-226. Discussion: Apr., 1917, v. 9: 332-336. TPl.J6,v.9 208 The Chemical review, Nov. 1881-May, 1890. London, 1881-1890. 9 v. TP1.C4 209 Chinese market for coal-tar dyes. Color trade journal, Apr., 1919, v. 4' 85. TP890.C6,v.4 210 Chlopin, G. W. and P. J. Wassiljewa. Die Bestimmung der elektrolytischen Leitf ahigkeit als Methode zur Unterschei- dung von natiirlichen und kiinstlichen Farbstoffen. Zeitschrift fur Untersuchung der NaJirungs- und Genussmittel, Berlin, 1913, v. 25: 596-598. 211 Choate, Joseph H., jr. The Chemical foundation. Color trade journal, May, 1919, v. 4' 103-105. TP890.C6,v.4 212 Claasz, Max. Die Sulfazonfarbstoffe. Zeitschrift fur Farben- und Textilindustne. Berlin, 1912, v. 11: 253-256. 213 Der Thionylindigo. Berichte der deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft. Berlin, 1912, v. 45: 1015-1032. QDl.D4,v.45 214 Uber Sulfazonfarbstoffe. Berichte der deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft. Berlin, 1912, v. 45: 747-756. QDi.D4,v.45 215 Coal-tar colors. (In New international encyclopedia, 2d ed., v. 5. New York, 1914. 25^ cm. p. 505-508.) "Bibliography": p. 508. AE5.N553 1914,v.5 216 Coal-tar dye census for 1917. Textile world journal, Sept. 21, 1918, v. 54: 1319. TS1300.T36,v.54 217 Coal-tar dye industry; its rise and importance. Scientific American supplement, June 12, 1909, v. 67: 380. Tl.S52,v.67 218 Coal-tar dyes. Scientific American, Oct. 10, 1914, v. Ill: 302. Tl.S5,v.lll 219 Coal tar dyestuffs in Great Britain. Scientific American, May 19, 1917, v. 116: 509. Tl.S5,v.ll6 DYESTUFFS 27 220 Cochenhausen, von. Die in der Farberei noch verwendettm natiirlichen Farbstoffe und ihre Wertbestimmung. Zeitschrift fur angewandte Chemie. Berlin, 1904, v. 17: 874-886. QDl.D4,v.l7 221 Cockerell, T. D. A., and F. B. R. Hellems. Scientific comedy of errors. Popular science monthly, Sept., 1907, v. 71: 217-225. Discusses cochineal. AP2.P8,v.71 222 Cohen, Julius B. Organic chemistry for advanced students. 2ded. London, Edward Arnold, 1918. 3 v. Consult index of each volume under name of the dyestuff . QD251.C5 1918 223 Cohen, S. S., and S. von Kostanecki. Ueber das 3.4.2'- Trioxy-fl avonol. Berichte der deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft. Berlin, 1904, v. 37: 2627-2631 . QDl .D4,v.37 224 Cohn, G. Die Pyrazolf arbstoffe. Stuttgart, F. Enke, 1910. 176 p. 25%. 225 Cohoe, W. P. Industrial preparedness for peace: the possi- bility of a permanent dyestuff industry. Scientific American, Feb. 26, 1916, v. 114: 220. Tl.S5,v.ll4 226 Colli, Edvardo. Reserve de couleurs azoiques sous indigo vapeur. Societe industrielle de MuThouse. Bulletin, 1903, v. 73: 210- 213. See also vol. 72: 424-427. T2.S75,v.73 227 Coming industry: the development of American color chemistry and dyestuff manufacture. Nation's business, July, 1916, v. 4' 16-17. HFl.N4,v.4 228 Cooper, Thomas. A practical treatise on dyeing, and callicoe printing. Philadelphia, T. Dobson, 1815. xv, 506 p. 22%. "Colour making": p. 395-422. 8-23849 TP897.C77 229 Cornelius, Wilhelm. Selenodiarylamine. Journal fur pralctische CTiemie. Leipzig, 1913, n. s., v. 88: 395-408. QDl.J75,n.s.,v.88 28 LJBRAKY OF CONGRESS 230 Cortesi, F., and G. Tommasi. Investigations in reference to henna. International review of the science and practice of agriculture, July, 1916, v. 7, no. 7: 974-975. 231 Cram, M. P. Dyes and other products from the waste liquor of the soda cellulose process. Journal of industrial and engineering chemistry, Nov. 1914, v. 6: 896-897. TPl.J6,v.6 232 Croner, F. Oxydation aromatischer Amine mittels Man- gansalze unter Bildung von Farbstoffen. Chemikerzeitung. Cothen, 1907, v. 31: 498-499. TPl.C45,v.31 233 Crookes, Sir William. A practical handbook of dyeing and calico-printing. London, Longmans, Green, and co., 1874> 730 p. Rich in material on dyestuffs. TP893.C94 234 Crossley, M. L. The development of the dye industry. Scientific American, June 5, 1915, v. 112: 577. Ti.S5,v.il2 235 Gulp, S. Entfarben von Farbstofflosungen mittels Tierkohle. Farber-Zeitung, Berlin. 1909, v. 20: 78-79. 236 Curious use for aniline dyes as a germ-killer and arrester of noxious growths. Scientific American supplement, May 26, 1917, v. 83: 332. Tl.S52,v.83 237 Curious use for aniline dyes for curative purposes. Scientific American, May 10, 1917, v. 116: 268. Tl.S5,v.ll6 238 Dahse, Willy. Ueber das Indigorot. Zeitschriftfur Textilindustrie, Leipzig, 1911,v.l4: 1095-1097; v. 15:9-11. 239 Dale, Samuel S. The HiU dyestuffs bill. Protectionist, Mar. 1916, v. 27: 758-759. HF1750.P8, v.27 240 Dammann, K., and L. Cattermann. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Derivate des Anthrachinons. Zeitschrift fur Farben- und Textil-Chemie. Braunschweig, 1902, v.l: 325-326. 241 Dammer, O. Lexikon der Verfalschungen. Leipzig, 1887. DYESTUFFS 29 242 Dannerth, F. American textile manufacturer: his attitude toward American-made dyes. Journal of industrial and engineering chemistry, Sept., 1916, v. 8: 848-849. TPl.J6,v.8 243 Darby, W. D. Aboriginal American dyes. Color trade journal, Dec., 1917, v. 1: 13-17. TP890.C6,v.l 244 Daur, Guido. Untersuchungen fiber das Verhalten von Farb- stoff-Gemischen. Frankfurt a. M., E. Grieser, 1908. 106 p. 245 Davis, W. A. Present position and future prospects of the natural indigo industry. Agricultural journal of India, Jan.-July, 1918, v. 13: 32-46; 206-221; 441-459. 246 Decker, Herman. Ueber Zweikernchinone als Chromogene. Justus Liebig's Annalen der Ohemie, Leipzig, 1908, v. 362: 320-324. QDl.L7,v.362 247 - - and C. Kopp. Bildung von Indigo aus Chinolin. Berichte der deutschen chemischen GeseUschaft. Berlin, 1906, v. 39: 72. QDl.D4,v.39 248 Dedekind, Alexander. Ein Beitrag zur Purpurkunde. Berlin, Mayer & Mutter, 1911. 848 p. 249 Deichler, Christian. Die Fortschritte der Farbenindustrie, Farberei, Druckerei. Ohemische Industrie. Berlin, 1902, v. 25: 345-351, 371-377. TPl.C48,v.25 250 Dekker, J. Die Looistoffen. Amsterdam, 1908. 251 Delaney, Charles R. The dyestuff situation. (In National association of cotton manufacturers. Transactions, 1918, no. 103-104. Boston, 1918, 25 cm. p. 169-173.) Discussion: p. 173-181. TS1550.N5 1918 252 Manufacture and development of natural dyestuffs. Textile world journal, Nov. 9, 1918, v. 54: 2399. TS1300.T36,v.54 253 Manufacture, use and newer developments of the natural dyestuffs. * Journal of industrial and engineering chemistry, Oct., 1918, v. 10: 798-801. TPl.J6,v.lo Color trade journal, Feb., 1919, v. 4' 12-14* TP890.C6,v.4 30 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 254 Delaney, Charles R. Natural dyewood extract situation. Textile world journal, Jan. 13, 1917, v. 52: 709. TS1300.T36,v.52 255 Status of the dye industry and cotton dyeing. Textile world journal, Dec. 15, 1917, v. 58: 2493. TS1300.T36,v.53 256 Use and varieties of vegetable dyes. Textile world journal, Nov. 25, 1916, v. 51: 5023. TS1300.T36,v.51 257 DePuyster, B. Use of organic dyestuffs for lake manufacture. Color trade journal, Apr., 1919, v. 4-' 98-100. TP890.C6,v.4 258 Determining the money value of dyestuffs. Textile world journal, Jan. 27, 1917, v. 52: 1099. TS1300.T36,v.52 259 Deutsche farber-zeitung. 1871-1879. Mulhausen in Thuringen, 1871-1879. 9 v. TP890.D3 260 Developer situation. Textile world record, Feb. 1915, v. 48: 522-523. TS1300.T36,v.48 261 Developing of the American by-product industry. Gas age, July 15, 1916, v. 88: 68-69. TP?oo.Gl4,v.38 262 Development of an American dyestuff industry; E. I. du Pont de Nemours & co., Wilmington, Del. Textile world journal, Jan. 11, 1919, v. 55: 323. TS1300.T36,v.55 263 The development of coal-tar dyestuffs. Textile world record, June, 1915, v. 49: 362-364. TS1300.T36,v.49 264 The development of German chemical companies. Color trade journal, Apr., 1919, v. 4' 91. TP890.C6,v.4 265 Diehl, Glaus. Ueber alkylierte Aminobenzophenone und iiber den Einfluss von Stubstituenten auf die Basicitat des Zentralkohlenoffatoms in Triphenylmethanderivaten. Munchen, V. Hofling, 1906. 88 p. 266 Dienert, F. Remarques au sujet des experiencecs avec la fluorescSine. Academie des sciences, Paris. Comptes-rendus, 1913, v. 157: 660-661. Q46.A14,v.l57 DYESTUFFS 31 267 Dieterich, Eugen. Neues Manual. 9 verm., u. verb. Aufl. Berlin, J. Springer, 1904- 749 p. 268 Digest of dyestuff patents. Color trade journal, May, 1919, v. 4' 116-119. Previous issues also contain sections on dyestuff patents. TP890.C6,v.4 269 Diguet, Leon. Histoire de la cochenille au Mexique. Societe des Americanistes de Paris. Journal, 1909, n. s., v. 6: 75-99. E51.S68,n.s.,v.6 270 Diller, E., and Stanislaus von Kostanecki. Zur Synthese des Luteolins. Berichte der deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft. Berlin, 1901, V.34: 1449-1453. QDl.D4,v.34 271 Dimroth, Otto. Uber den Farbstoff des Kermes. Berichte der deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft. Berlin, 1910, v.43: 1387-1401. QDl.D4,v.43 272 Uber die Carminsaure. Justus Liebig's Annalen der CJiemie. Leipzig, 1913, v. 399: 1-35. QDl.L7,v.399 273 and S. Goldschmidt. Uber den Farbstoff des Stock- lacks. Justus Liebig's Annalen der CJiemie. Leipzig, 1913, v. 399: 62-90. QDl.L7,v.399 274 - - and W. Scheurer. t)ber den Farbstoff des Kermes. Justus Liebig's Annalen der Chemie. Leipzig, 1913, v. 399: 43-61. QDl.L7,v.399 *275 Dobrzynski, F., and S. von Kostanecki. Ueber ein Isomeres des Galangins. Berichte der deutschen chemischen GeseUschaft. Berlin, 1904, v. 37: 2806-2809. QDl.D4,v.37 276 Doctrinaires and the dye scheme. Spectator, Feb. 27, 1915, v. 114: 291. AP4.S7,v.ll4 277 Dorschky, K. Lakmusfarbstoffe. Erlangen, 1904. 41 P> 277a Doryland, E. D. Historical review of the once important indigo industry of the Philippine Islands. Philippine agricultural review, 1917, v. 10, no. 1: 24-26. S17.P4,v.lO,no.l 32 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 278 Dreaper, William Porter. The chemistry and physics of dyeing; being an account of the relations between fibres and dyes, the formation of lakes, and the general reac- tions of colloids, and their solution state. Philadelphia, P. BlaJciston's son < co., 1906. viii p., 2 I., 316 p. diagrs. 22%. Agr. 7-1530 279 Dreher, Carl. Anleitung zur Ermittelung einiger der ge- brauchlichsten Farbstoffe auf der Faser. Zeitschrift fur Farben- und Textil-Chemie. Braunschweig, 1902, v. 1: 415-417. 280 Beizenfarbstoffe. Fdrberzeitung. Berlin, 1903, v. 14: 229-230. 281 Ueber Verbindungen des vierwerthigen Titans und seine Eigenschaften, besonders in Bezug auf die An- wendung als Farbereibeize. Fdrberzeitung. Berlin, 1902, v. IS: 293-300. 282 Drescher, Bruno. Acylderivate von Indoxylsaure, Indoxyl und Indigweiss. Halle a. S., E. Karras, 1902. 82 p. 283 Drozdowski, H. Indygo i tioindygo pochodne. Chemik Polslci. Warszawa, 1909, v. 9: 417-425, 441-456. 284 Dudgeon, C. G. Utilization of the red dye obtained from the leaf sheaths and stalks of certain varieties of sorghum. International review of the science and practice of agriculture, Apr., 1918, v. 9, no. 4: 506-507. 285 Durrschnabel, Karl. Ueber die Einwirkung der schwefeligen Saure auf Farbstoffe verschiedener Klassen. Basel, Druck & Kreis, 1907. 36 p. 286 : and H. Weil. Einwirkung der schwefligen Saure auf die Triphenylmethan-Farbstoffe. Berichte der deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft. Berlin, 1905, V. 38: 3492-3496. QDl.D4,v.38 287 Duisberg, C. Wanderungen und Wandelungen der Teerfar- benindustrie. Zeitschrift fur angewandte Chemie. Berlin, 1906, v. 19: 1745-1748. QDl.Z3,v.l9 DYESTUFFS 33 288 Dunstan, A. E., and J. T. Hewitt. The methylation of chiysaniline. Chemical society, London. Journal, 1906, v. 89: 482-488. QDl.C6,v.89 289 Dupont, Justin. L'industrie des matieres colorantes. Paris, J. B. Bailliere et fils, 1902. iii-xii, 364 P- Ulus. 1 8 . ([Encyclopedic industrielle]} 3-14698 TP910.D93 290 Dussauce, Hippolyte. Treatise on the coloring matters derived from coal tar. Philadelphia, H. C. Baird, 1863. xi, [2&]-196 p. 18. 8-23861 TP914.D97 291 Dutch, coal tar dye industry. Gas age, Oct. 15, 1917, v. 40: 370-371. TP700.Gl4,v.40 292 Dye bill debate. Textile world journal, July 15, 1916, v. 51: 8185. TS1300.T36,v.51 293 Dye-cure. Literary digest, May 19, 1917, v. 54: 1499. AP2.L58,v.54 294 Dye industry as a factor of national security. Scientific American, June 3, 1916, v, 114: 574- Tl.S5,v.ll4 295 Dye industry requires protection. American economist, Jan. 21, 1916, v. 57: 26-27. HC101.A5,v.57 296 Dye merger and its relation to the industry. Textile world journal, June 30, 1917, v. 52: 3487-3488. TS1300.T36,v.52 297 Dye problems are heard by Congress committee. Textile world journal, Jan. 22, 1916, v. 51: 827, 829-830. TS1300.T36,v.51 298 Dye problems of India. Scientific American, Jan. 12, 1918, v. 118: 63. Tl.S5,v.ll8 299 Dyeing. (In New international encyclopaedia, 2d ed., v. 7. New York, 1915. 25i om . p. 370-373.) "Bibliography": p. 373. AE5.N553 1914,v.7 300 Dyeing of animal and vegetable fibers with hydrogen peroxide. Scientific American supplement, Sept. 29, 1906, v. 62: 25697- 25698. T1.S52.V.62 121113 19 3 34 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 301 The Dyers' trade journal, devoted to dyeing, bleaching, scour- ing, printing, and the sciences and appliances pertaining thereto, v. 1-6, v. 7, no. 1-11; Mar. 1895-Jan. 1902. Philadelphia, The Dyers' trade publishing co., ltd. [1895- 1902] 7 v. illus., plates, ports. 28%. monthly. Edward Prag, editor. Merged into the Chemical trade review which continued as the Chemical trade review and dyers' trade journal. 6-32664. TP890.D95 302 Dyes and coal-tar chemicals. Chemical and metallurgical engineering, Jan. 15, 1919, v. 20: 70-72. TNl.M45,v.20 303 Dyes as curative agents. Literary digest, v. 55, Sept. 1, 1917: 23. AP2.L58,v.55 304 Dyes from our trees. Literary digest, June 26, 1915, v. 50: 1532-1533. AP2.L58,v.50 305 Dyes in England. Textile world journal, June 29, 1918, v. 53: 6404. TS1300.T36,v.53 306 Dyes in the submarine. Literary digest, Aug. 5, 1916, v. 53: 300. AP2.L58,v.53 307 The Dyestuff census. Color trade journal, Nov., 1918, v. 3: 357-361. TP890.C6,v.3 308 Dyestuff industry. American economist, Dec. 7, 1917, v. 60: 272. HC101.A5,v.60 309 The dyestuff industry. Scientific American supplement, May 22, 1915, v. 79: 336. Tl.S52,v.79 310 Dyestuff industry in France. Color trade journal, Feb., 1919, v. 4' 4?' TP890.ce,v.4 311 The dyestuff industry, past and prospective: a sharp competition to be met after the war. Manufacturers record, Dec. 7, 1916, v. 70: 72. TSl.M3,v.70 American economist, Dec. 22, 1916, v. 58: 298. HC101.A5,v.58 312 Dyestuflf legislation with anti-dumping bill. Textile world journal, Mar. 11, 1916, v. 51: 1363. TS1300.T36,v.51 313 The dyestuff problem in England. Textile world record, Dec. 1914-Jan. 1915, v. 48: 334-336; 383-385. TS1300.T36,v.48 DYESTUFFS 35 314 Dyestuff situation. Outlook, Oct. 25, 1916, v. 114: 40o AP2.08,v.ll4 315 The dyestuff situation. Textile world record, Mar.-Apr. 1915, v. Jfi: 557-559; v, J$: 61-63. TS1300.T36,v.48-49 316 Dyestuff situation in the textile industries, 1913 and 1916. Textile world journal, Feb. 9, 1918, v. 53: 8759. TS1300.T36,v.53 317 Dyestuff tariff before Congress. Metallurgical and chemical engineering, July 15, 1916, v. 15: 65-66. TNl.M45,v.l5 318 Dyestuffs and silk. Textile world journal, Mar. 25, 1916, v. 51: 1531. TS1300.T36,v.51 319 Dyestuffs and the textile industry. Living age, Jan. 4, 1919, v. 300: 59-60. AP2.L65,v.300 320 Dyestuffs census. Journal of political economy, June 9, 1917, v. 116: 570. HB1.J7.V.116 321 Dyestuffs from bananas. Textile world journal, Sept. 8, 1917, v. 53: 993. TS1300.T36,v.53 322 Dyestuffs from waste products. Scientific American supplement, Dec. 7, 1907, v. 64: S63. Tl.S52,v.64 323 Dyestuffs in Japan. American industries, Feb., 1917, v. 17: 4$> HD4802.A6,v.l7 324 The dyestuffs industry. American economist, Jan. 5, 1917, v. 59: 10. HClol.A5,v.59 325 Dyestuffs, patents and textiles affected by the war. Textile world record, Sept. 1914, v. 47: 566-569. TS1300.T36,v.47 326 Dyestuffs situation. Nation, Jan. 6, 1916, v. 102: 6-7. AP2.N2,v.l02 327 Eaton, Theo. H., & son, Detroit. Treatise on dyeing and price list for practical cleaners and garment dyers; aniline dyes, dye-woods, dyeing drugs and chemicals. Detroit, Mich., T. H. Eaton <& son [ C 1912] 35 p. 18. * 12-25083 TP897.E3 1913 36 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 328 Eble, Max. Kohlenoxydspaltungdes a-Brom-a-phenylacetessi- gesters. Tubingen, H. Laupp, jr., 1905. 39 p. 329 Eder, Josef Maria. Untersuchung des Absorptionsspectrums von Indigotin, Diamidoindigo und Tetrazoindigo. MonatsJiefte fur CTiemie und verwandte Teile anderer Wis- senschaft. Wien, 1903, v. 24: 13-18. Q3.M7,v.24 330 Edlefsen, Gustav. Experimenteller Beitrag zum Studium der oxydierenden Wirkung fluoreszierender Stoffe. Munchener mediciniscJie Wochenschrift. MuncTien, 1904, v. 51: 1585-1589. 331 - Weitere Untersuchungen tiber die Einwirkung des Sonnenlichtes auf fluoreszierende Substanzen. Munchener medicinische WocTienscTirift. MuncTien, 1905, v. 52: 1967-1970. 332 Ehlert, Wilhelm. Die Farben und ihre Tone. Leipzig, S. Schnurpfeil, 1905. 28 p. 333 Ehrlich, P. and L. Benda. tlber die Einwirkung von Cyan- kalium auf Pyronin-und Acridinium-Farbstoffe. Berichte der deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft. Berlin, 1913, v. 46: 1981-1951. QDl.D4,v.46 334 - - and F. Sachs. Die Darstellung von Triphenylmethan- f arbstoffen aus Brommagnesiumdimethylanilin als Vore- sungsversuch. Berichte der deutschen cTiemischen Gessellschaft. Berlin, 1903, v. 36: 4296-4299. QDl.D4,v.36 335 Eibner, Alex. Indischgelb und seine Ersatzmittel. Technische Mittheilung fur Malerei. Munchen, 1905 t v. 22: 164-167. 336 - Lichtechtheit von Malerf arbstoffen. Technische Mittheilung fur Malerei. Munchen, 1905, v. 22: 174-178. 337 Mechanismus und Grenzen der Phtalonreaction. Berichte der deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft. Berlin, 1904, v. 87: 8605-8612. QDl.D4,v.37 338 Naturlicher und kunstlicher Krapplack. Technische Mittheilung fur Malerei. Munchen, 1905, v. 22: 152-154. DYESTUFFS 37 339 Eibner, Alex. Ueber die Verwendlung von Teerfarbstoffen in der Anstrichtechnik. ChemiTcerzeitung, Cothen, 1907, v. 81: 1252-1253, 1267-1268, 1279-1280, 1292-1294. TPl.C45,v.3l 340 - Ueber indigoide Farbstoffe in der Verwendung als Oelfarben. Chemikerzeitung. Cothen, 1909, v. 83: 229-230, 243-244, 254. TPl.C45,v.33 341 - Ueber Lichtwirkungen auf Malerfarbstoffe. Chemikerzeitung. Cothen, 1911, v. 35:753-755; 774-776; 786-788. TPl.C45,v.35 342 - Ueber technische Priifungsmethoden von Malerfarben und die Verwendbarkeit der neuen Pigment-Teerfarben in der Kunstmalerei. Farber-Zeitung, Berlin, 1911, v. 16: 1390-1391; 1452-1454; 1516-1519; 1584-1586; 1646-1649; 1754-1757; 1813- 1816; 1876-1877. 343 - Weitere Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Chinophtalone Isochinophtalone und Chinophtaline. Berichte der deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft. Berlin, 1904, v. 37: 3018-3023. QDl.D4,v.37 344 - Zur Frage der Existenz des Isopyrophtalons. Berichte der deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft. Berlin, 1904, v. 37: 3023-3026. QDi.D4,v.37 345 - Zur Geschichte der aromatischen Diazoverbindungen. Munchen und Berlin, R. Oldenbourg, 1903. 267 p. 346 - Zur Kenntnis des Chinophtalons. Chemilcerzeitung. Cothen, 1904, v. 28: 1206-1209. TPl.C45,v.28 347 Zur Nomenklatur der Anstrichfarben, Binde- und Malmittel. Chemikerzeitwig. Goihen, 1908, v. 32: 265-266, 286-287, 298-299. TPl.C45,v.32 348 - - and K. Hofmann. Zur Kenntnis der Isochinophta- lone. , Berichte der deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft. Berlin, 1904, v. 87: 8011-3018. QDi.D4,v.37 38 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 349 Eibner, Alex, and O. Laue. Gemischte Azoverbindungen. Berichte der deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft. Berlin, 1906, v. 39: 2022-2027. QDl.D4,v.39 350 - - and H. Merkel. Zur Constitution des Chinophtalons : Ueber die Alkaliverbindungen desselben und seines Isomeren. Berichte der deutschen chemischen Gesellschafi. Berlin, 1904 v. 37: 3006-3011. QDl.D4,v.37 351 Elbers, Wilhelm. Bemerkungen iiber die Ursachen der Faserschwachung bei Venvendung von Schwefelfarb- stoffen. Zeitschrift fur Farben- und Textil-Chemie. Braunschweig, 1902, v. 1: 92-93. 352 - Die Erzeugung schwarzer primarer Disazof arbstoffe auf der Faser. Zeitschrift fur Farben- und Textil-Chemie. Braunschweig 1903, v. 2: 26-31. 353 - Die Fixation des Indigos durch Dampf en. Zeitschrift fur Farben- und Textil-CJiemie. Braunschweig, 1902, v.l: 356-360. 354 Elbs, K., and W. Ejrsch. Ueber m-Azophenol. Journal fur praktische CJiemie. Leipzig, 1903, n. s., v. 67: 265-273. QDl.J75,n.s.,v.67 355 Ellis, Asa. The country dyer's assistant. Brookfield, (Mass.") Printed by E. Merriam & co. for the author [ C 1798] viii, [9]-139, [3] p. 1 I. 17. 8-25440 TP897.E47 356 Engels, Paul, and W. H. Perkin. Trimethylbraziloin and its compounds with formic acid and with hydroxylamine. Chemical society, London. Proceedings, 1906, v. 22: 132-133. QDl.C62,v.22 357 - and others. Brazilin, haematoxylin and their deriva- tives. Chemical society, London. Journal, 1908, v. 93: 1115-1162. QDl.C6,v.93 358 Engler, C., and A. Engler. Condensation producte aus a-Py- ridylmethylketon mit Benzaldehyd und o-Nitrobenzal- dehyd. Berichte der deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft. Berlin, 1902, v. 35: 4061-4066. QDl.D4,v.35 DYESTUFFS 39 359 Erban, Franz. Die Anwendung der Photochemie im Gebiete der Farberei und Druckerei. Ohemikerzeitung. Coihen, 1911, v. 35: 1253-1254. TPl.C45,v.35 360 Fortschritte in der Behandlung von Textilstoffen mit schaumf ormigen Agentien. Farber-Zeitung. Berlin, 1913, v. 24: 51-54. 361 - Fortschritte in der Fabrikation und Anwendung neuer Kiipenfarbstoffe. Farber-Zeitung. Berlin, 1908, v. 19: 137-140. 362 - Fortschritte in der Gruppe der Indanthrenf arben. Farber-Zeitung. Berlin, 1907, v. 18: 377-384. 363 - Fortschritte und Verbesserungen in der Anwendung der Alizarinf arbstoffe in loslicher Form. Farber-Zeitung. Berlin, 1909, v. 20: 5-8, 24-27. 364 Ein roter Farbstoff der Indiogruppe. Farber-Zeitung. Berlin, 1906, v. 17: 138-139. 365 - Studien iiber die Neutralisation von sauren Diazolo- sungen. Cfhemikerzeitung. Cothen, 1907, v. 31: 1011-1014. TPl.C45,v.31 366 - Theorie und Praxis der Garnfarberei mit den Azoent- wicklern. Berlin, J. Springer, 1906. 485 p. 25 cm . 367 Ueber den Einfluss der Halogen-Wasserstoff- und Sauerstoffsauren auf die Anilinschwarzbildung beim Oxydieren und Dampfen. Farber-Zeitung. Berlin, 1907, v. 18: 50-53. 368 Ueber Lichtechtheit und Aetzbarkeit der wichtigsten Schwef eh* arbstoff e. Farber-Zeitung. Berlin, 1906, v. 17: 155-157, 172-175, 188-193. 369 Verzeichnis der im Handel befindlichen Schwefel- und Kiipenfarbstoffe. . Zeitschrift fur Textilindustrie. Leipzig, 1909, v. 12: 389- 393. 40 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 370 Erban, Franz, and Arthur Mebus. Studien ueber die Diazotierung des Paranitranilins als Sulfat. CJiemikerzeitung. Cothen, 1907, v. 31: 663-665, 678-679, 687-688, 717. TPi.C45,v.3l 371 Erdmann, Hugo. Studieu zur Ueberfiihrung von Anthran- ilsaurederivaten in Indigo. Journal fur praktiscJie Chemie. Leipzig, 1901, n. s., v. 63:885-891. QDl.J75,n.s.,v.63 372 - Ueber Thiozonide. Justus Liebig's Annalen der CJiemie. Leipzig, 1908, v. 362: 133-173. QDl.L7,v.362 373 Ettinger, L., and P. Friedlander. Ueber N-Methyl-Derivates des Indigoblaus. Berichte der deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft. Berlin, 1912, v. 45: 2074-2080. QDl.D4,v.45 374 Euler, H. Anilinbasen und Nitritester. Berichte der deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft. Berlin, 1903, v. 86: 8837-3840. QDi.D4,v.36 375 - Ueber Diazoester. Berichte der deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft. Berlin, 1903, v. 36: 3835-3837. QDl.D4,v.36 376 - Ueber die Verseifungsproducte der Diazoester. Berichte der deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft. Berlin, 1903, v. 86: 2503-25.08. QDl.D4,v.36 377 Evans, H. M., and W. Shulemann. Action of vital stains belonging to the benzidine group. Science, Mar. 27, 1914, n. s., v. 39: 448-454. Ql.S35,n.s.,v.39 378 Exhibits of dyes, chemicals and apparatus at 3d national chemical exhibition. Textile world journal, Sept. 29, 1917, v. 53: 1241. TS1300.T36,v.53 379 Expansion of dyestuff industry in the United States. U. S. Bureau of foreign and domestic commerce. Commerce reports, Aug. 15, 1917, no. 190: 595-599. HCl.R198, 380 Experiments on the physiology of indigo-yielding glucosides. International review of the science and practice of agriculture, Jan., 1916, v. 7, no. 1: 70. DYESTUFFS 41 381 Facts about American dyes. World's work, Sept., 1918, v. 36: 451-452. AP2.W8,v.36 382 Farber-zeitung ; zeitschrift fiir Farberei, Zeugduck und den gesamten Farbenverbrauch. Organ des Vereines der Chemiker-koloristen, Association des chimistes coloristes. Berlin, 1918- 26%. Mounted samples, &c., included. 383 Fainberg, S., and St. von Kostanecki. Eine zweite Syn- these des Luteolins. Berichte der deutschen chemischen GeseUschaft. Berlin, 1904, v. 87: 2625-2627. QDi.D4,v.37 384 Falconer, J. British dyes limited. Journal of industrial and engineering chemistry, Feb., 1918, V. 10: 145-149. TPl.J6,v.lO 385 Falk, K. G., and J. M. Nelson. The stereochemistry of indigo. American chemical society, Journal, 1907, v. 29: 1739-1744. QDl.A5,v.20 386 Die Farben-industrie. Veirteljahrsbericht iiber die Leis- tungen auf dem Gebiete des Steinkohlentheers, der Chemie der aromatischen Verbindungen, der kiinstlichen Farbstoff e, der Farberei, Bleicherei, des Zeugdruckes und der Appretur im Verein mit f achkundigen Mitarbeitern hrsg. von dr. E. Bornstein. 1.-6. hft. ; oct. 1888-marz 1890. Berlin, Mayer <& Mutter, 1889-90. 2 v. in 1. iUus. 28. 9-1743 TP890.F3 386a Fastness of dyes. Textile world journal, Feb. 26, 1916, v. 51: 1225. TS1300.T36,v.51 387 Fay, Irving Wetherbee. The chemistry of the coal-tar dyes. 2d ed., rev. and enl. New York, D. Van Nostrand company, 1919. viii, 500 p. diagrs. 23. 19-5949 TP914.F3 1919 388 Fecht, H. Ueber Chinonbildung. Ein Beitrag zur Konstitu- tionsfrage der Triphenylmethanfarbstoffe. Berichte der deutschen chemischen GeseUschaft. Berlin, 1907, v. 40: 3893-3903. QDl.D4,v.40 42 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 389 Feer, Ad. Proce"d6 de reserves blanc et couleur sous bleu d'indigo. Societeindustrielle de Mulhouse. Bulletin, 1903, v. 73: 26-27. T2.S75,v.73 390 Feiker, F. M. Arthur D. Little and the German coal tar color industry. System, Mar., 1915, v. 27: 281-282. HF5001.S9,v.27 391 Felsen, Fedor. Der Indigo und seine Konkurrenten. Berlin, 1909. 75 p. 392 Turkischrot und seine Konkurrenten. Berlin, 1911. 128 p. 393 Fermentation of indigo. Scientific American supplement, Aug'. 25, 1917, v. 84: 125. Tl.S52,v.84 394 Feuerstein, W., and K. Brass. Ueber Gallorubin. BericJite der deutschen chemischen GeseUschaft. Berlin, 1904, v. 87: 827-831. QDl.D4,v.37 395 and M. Dutoit. Ueber das Phtalein des Oxyhydro- chinons. Berichte der deutschen chemischen GeseUschaft. Berlin, 1901, v. 84: 2687-2642. QDl.D4,v.34 396 Fichter, F., and J. Frohlich. Ueber einige Formazylfarbstoffe. Zeitschrift fur Farben- und Textil-Chemie. Braunschweig, 1903, v. 2: 251-253. 397 Field, C. Exhaust steam at high back pressures. Chemical and metallurgical engineering, Jan. 1, 1919, v. 20: 18-24. Discusses dye factories. TNl.M45,v.20 398 Findlay, Alex. The treasures of coal tar. New statesman, Nov. 25, Dec. 2, 1916, v. 8: 177-179; 201-203. AP4.N64,v.8 399 Finger, Hermann. Ueber kernsubstituierte Triphenylme- thanfarbstoffe. Journal fur praktische Chemie. Leipzig, 1909, n. s., v. 79: 492-497. QDl.J75,n.s.,v.79 400 Fischer, Emil, and O. Fischer. Ueber einige Derivate des Triphenylmethans. Berichte der deutschen chemischen GeseUschaft. Berlin, 1904, v. 37: 3355-3360. QDl.D4,v.37 DYESTUFFS 43 401 Fischer, Ernst. Ueber Umlagerangserscheinungen bei der partiellen Reduktion nitrirter Azof arbs toff e. Budapest, 1903. 48 p. 402 Fischer, Eugen, and H. Alt. Der Indigo als Dampffarbe. Farberzeitung. Berlin, 1902, v. 13: 197-198. 403 Fischer, Hans. Tiber Azof arbstoff e substituierter Pyrrole. Hoppe-Seylers Zeitschrift fur physiologische Chemie. Strass~ burg, 1912, v. 76: 478-485. 404 Indigo. Naturfreund. Witten, 1902, v. 1: 99-103. 405 Tiber Tetrachlormesoporphyrin. Berichte der deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft. Berlin, 1913, V. 46: 2460-2466. QDl.D4,v.46 406 Fischer, Otto, and E. Hepp. Zur Kenntnis der Induline der Amidoazobenzolschmelze. Zeitschrift fur Farben- und Textil-Chemie. Braunschweig, ^902, v. 1: 457-459. 407 and F. Homer, tiber die Einwirkung von Hydroxy- lamin auf Safranone. Berichte der deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft. Berlin, 1907, V. 40: 3406-3411. QDl.D4,v.40 408 and G. Schmidt. Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Tri- phenylmethanf arbstoff e . Zeitschriftfur Farben- und Textil-Chemie. Sorau, 1904, v. Q.i I o: l~4' 409 and K. Weiss. Aetherificierung von Carbinolen durch Alkohole. Zeitschrift fur Farben- und Textil-CJiemie. Braunschweig, 1902, v. 1: 1-3. 410 and others. Notiz iiber die Reduktion von Triphenyl- methanfarbstoffen und Azoverbindungen mit Natrium- hydrosulfit. Journal fur prdktische Chemie, Leipzig, 1909, n. s., v. 79: 562-568. QDl.J75,n.s.,v.79 411 Fischer, Richard. Ueber neuere Verfahren zum Dnicken mit Schwefelfarbstoffen. Zeitschrift fur Farben- und Textil-Chemie. Braunschweig, 1902, v. 1: 176-178. 44 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 412 Fisseler, Oswald. Ueber colloidale Verbindungen des Eisens, Mangans und Kupfers. Erlangen, E. T. Jacob, 1904 413 Flachslaender, J. Nitroathylbenzole und daraus hergestellte Tetrazofarbstoffe. Munchen, 1902. 24 p. 414 Formanek, Jaroslav. Spektralanalytischer Nachweis kiinst licher organischer Farbstoffe. Berlin, J. Springer, 1900. ix, [1], 196 p., 1 I. incl. ittus., tables, diagrs. on 58 pi. 25 em . 5-39136 QC437.F72 415 Ueber die Beziehungen zwischen Konstitution und Absorptionsspektra der Rosanilinfarbstoffe. Zeitschrift fur Farben- und Textil-Chemie. Braunschweig, 1903, v. 2: 473-482. 416 Ueber die Fluoreszen der Farbstoffe. Zeitschrift fur Farben- und Textilindustrie. Berlin, 1906, v. 5: 142-146, 164-169. 417 Ueber die Zusammensetzung des Gentianins. Zeitschrift fur Farben- und Textil-Chemie. Sorau, 1904, v. 8: 402-411. 418 Untersuchung und Nachweis organischer Farbstoffe auf spektroskopischem Wege. Zeitschrift fur Farben- und Textil-Chemie. Braunschweig, 1902, v. 1: 289-295, 829-383, 505-522, 660-677, v. 2: 9-16, 45-56, 72-78, 95-100, 219-221, 869-380. 419 2 Aufl. Berlin, J. Springer, 1918. 165 p. 420 Formation of a Russian company for manufacture of dyes and chemical products. Britannic review, Apr. 1915, v. 2: 249. AP4.B66,v.2 421 Fort, M., and L. L. Lloyd. The chemistry of dyestuffs; a manual for students of chemistry and dyeing. Cambridge [Eng.] University press, 1917. xi, 811 p. 20%*. ( The Cambridge technical series) "Bibliography of works of reference" : p. [ixj 17-21994 TP910.F6 DYESTUFFS 45 422 Fox, John J., and J. T. Hewitt. Constitution and colour of azo-compounds . Chemical society, London. Journal, 1908, v. 93: 333-343. QD1.C6.V.93 423 Francillon, Emmanuel, fitude des composes formes par 1'action de matieres colorantes acides sur des matie'res colorantes basiques. Lausanne, 1906. 72 p. 424 Frank, Hermann. Ueber das p-Nitrobenzolazoresorcin. Plieningen, F. Find, 1907. 78 p. 425 Franke, Johannes. Ueber die Einwirkung von Aluminium- chlorid und Aether auf Brenzcatechin, sowie liber einige Derivate des m-Diathylphenols. Heidelberg, J. Horning, 1903. 36 p. 426 Franzen, Hartwig, and P. Stieldorf . Ueber die Reduktion von Azokopern durch Natriumhydrosulfit. Journal fur praktische Chemie. Leipzig, 1907, n. s., v. 76: 467-471. QDl.J75,v.76 427 Fraps, George Stronach. Principles of dyeing. New York, The MacmiUan company; London, MacmiUan <& co., ltd., 1903. xiii, 270 p. iUus., diagrs. 19%. See index under Dyes. 3-2945 TP897.F83 428 Free traders and trade problems. Spectator, Jan. 30, 1915, v. 114: 148-150. AP4.S7,v.ll4 429 Freund, Martin. Ueber einige isomere Diamidobasen des 7-Cyanstilbens. Berichte der deutschen chemischen GeseUschaft. Berlin, 1901, V. 34: 3104-3108. QDl.D4,v.34 430 Ueber Indolfarbstoffe. Berichte der deutschen chemischen GeseUschaft. Berlin, 1904, v. 37: 322-323. QDl.D4,v.37 431 and H. Beck. Einwirkung von Benzylmagnesium- chlorid auf Krystallviolett. Berichte der deutschen chemischen GeseUschaft. Berlin, 1904, v. 37: 4679-4680. QDl.D4,v.37 432 and A. Wirsing. Zur Kenntnis des Di-p-dimethylami- doindigos. Berichte der deutschen chemischen GeseUschaft. Berlin, 1907, v. 40: 204-206. QDl.D4,v.40 46 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 433 Preundlich, Herbert, and G. Losev. Ueber die Adsorption der Farbstoffe durch Kohle und Fasern. Zeitschrift fur physikalische Chemie. Leipzig, 1907, v. 59: 284-312. QDl.Z45,v.59 434 Friedlaender, P. Fortschritte auf dem Gebiete der Teerfar- benfabrikation und der dazu gehorigen Rohprodukte. Chemikerzeitung. Cothen, 1902, v. 26: 697-700. TPl.C45,v.26 435 Fortschritte der Teerfarbenfabrikation und verwand- ter Industriezweige, 1877-1914. Berlin, J. Springer, 1915. 2 v. 436 Schwefelfarbstoffe. Zeitschrift fur angewandte CJiemie, Berlin, 1906, v. 19: 615- 619. QDl.Z3,v.l9 437 Schwefelhaltige Analoga der Indigogruppe. Berichte der deutschen chemischen GeseUschaft. Berlin, 1906, v. 89: 1060-1066. QDl.D4,v.39 438 Teer- und Farbenchemie. Jdhrbuchder CTiemie. Braunschweig, 190 ] 4, v. 14-' 44^-518. See also later issues. 439 Teer- und Farbenchemie. Jahresbericht uber die Fortschritte der Chemie und verwandter Theile anderer Wissenschaften, 1913, v. 22: 450-505. QDl.J6,v.22 440 Ueber das Verhalten von indigoiden Farbstoffen und Indigo gegen Alkalien. Berichte der deutschen chemischen GeseUschaft. Berlin, 1908, v. 41: 1035-1039. QDl.D4,v.4l 441 Ueber den Farbstoff des antiken Purpurs aus Murex brandaris. Berichte der deutschen chemischen GeseUschaft. Berlin, 1909, v. 42: 765-770. QDl.D4,v.42 442 Ueber indigoide Farbstoffe. Berichte der deutschen chemischen GeseUschaft. Berlin, 1908, v. 41: 772-777. l.D4,v.41 443 Ueber Thionaphten-derivate und Thioindigo. Justus Liebig's Annalen der Chemie. Leipzig, 1907, v. 351: 390-420. * QDl.L7,v.351 DYESTUFFS 47 444 Friedlander, P. Zur Kenntnis des Farbstoffes des antiken Purpurs. Sitzungsberichte der KaiserlicJien Akademie der Wissenschaf- ten. MatUematiscJi^Naturwissenschaftliche Klasse. Wien, 1909, v. 118: 19-25. AS142.V311,v.ll8 445 and A. Bezdzik. Uber indigoide Farbstoffe der An- thracenreihe. Sitzungsberichte der KaiserlicJien Akademie der Wissenschaf- ten. MatJiernatiscJi-NaturwissenscJiaftliche Klasse. Wien, 1909, v. 118: 663-G70. ASi42.V3ll,v.ll8 446 and A. Felix. Uber indigoide Farbstoffe. Sitzungsberichte der KaiserlicJien Akademie der Wissenschaf- ten. MatliematiscTirNaturwissenschaftliche Klasse. Wien, 1912, v. 118: 727-751. Asi42.V3ll,v.ll7 447 and S . Kielbasinski. Uber Bis-Phenylthiophen-Indigo. Berichte der deutschen chemischen GeseUschaft. Berlin, 1912, v. 45: 3389-3396. QDl.D4,v.45 448 Ueber die Aldehyde des Oxindols, Indoxyls und Oxythionaphthens. Berichte der deutschen chemischen GeseUschaft. Berlin, 1911, v. 44: 3098-3108. QDl.D4,v.44 449 and F. Mau timer. Zur Kenntnis der Schwefelfarb- stoffe. Zeitschriftfur Farben- und Textil-Chemie. Berlin, 1904, v. 3: 333-337. 450 and G. Schick. Ueber einige neue Anthrazenfarbstoffe. Zeitschriftfur Farben- und Textil-Chemie. Braunschweig, 1903, v. 2: 429-430. See also vol. 3: 218-221. 451 and R. Schuloff. Uber indigoide Farbstoffe. Sitzungsberichte der KaiserlicJien Akademie der Wissenschaften. Hatliematiscli-Naturwissenschafiliche Klasse. Wien, 1909, v. 117: 179-185. Asi42.V3ll,v.ll7 452 and E. Schwenk. Ueber die Zersetzung von Indigblau und Indigrot durch Alkalien. Berichte der deutschen chemischen GeseUschaft. Berlin, 1910, 4 V. 43: 1971-1975. QD1.D4.V.43 453 and L. Silberstern. Oxyderivate des Naphthochinons. Monatshefte fur Chemie und verwandte Teile anderer Wissen- schaften. Wien, 1902, v. 23: 513-533. QDl.M7,v.23 48 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 454 Friedlander, P. and N. Woroshzow. Uber Thioindigofarb- stoffe der Naphthalinreihe. Justus Liebig's Annalen der Chemie. Leipzig, 1912, v. 388: 1-23. QDl.L7,v.38'8 455 and others. Uber Brom-und Methoxyderivate des Indigos . Justus Liebig's Annalen der CJiemie. Leipzig, 1912, v. 388: 23-49. QDl.L7,v.388 456 Fries, Karl and A. Hasselbach. Ueber Oxindigo. Berichte der deutscJien chemischen GesellscJiaft. Berlin, 1911, V. 44' 124-128. QDl.D4,v.44 457 Fritsch, P. Die aus m-Aethoxybenzoesaure entstehenden Tri- phenylmethanfarbstoffe. Justus Liebig's Annalen der CJiemie. Leipzig, 1903, v. 329: 66-81. QDl.L7,v.329 458 Fritzen, Adolf. Ueber die Reduktion von Triphenymethan- farbstoffen. Erlangen, E. T. Jacob, 1909. 27 p. 459 Frohlich, Joroslav. Zur Kenntnis der Forma/ylfarbstoffe. Basel, Reinhardt, 1902. 54 p> 460 From munitions of war to munitions of peace. Du Pont magazine, Dec., 1918, v. 9: 8-11. 461 Fuchs, Herman C. Prussian blue. Color trade journal, Apr., 1919, v. 4-' 92-93. TP890.C6,v.4 462 Funk, C. Brasilin und Hamatoxylin. Bern, 1904. 36 p. 463 Fussganger, H. Resorcinblau. Basel, 1901. Dissertation. 464 Gabba, Luigi. Sopra alcuni recenti studj di chimica organica e sull' applicazione dei loro risultati all' arte tintoria. Milano, G. Bemardoni, 1870. 38 p. 24. (R. Istituto lombardo [di scienze e lettere, Milan} Rapporti sui pro- gressi delle scienze. I.) 8-23830 TP013.G2 . 4k 465 Gachot, Ch. Beitrage sur Kenntnis der beizenziehenden Azo- farbstoffe. Basel, Kreis, 1903. 57 p. DYESTUFFS 49 466 Gaidukov, N. Ueber den braunen Algenfarbstoff. Berichte der deutschen hotanischen GeseUschaft. Berlin, 1903, v. 21: 535-539. 467 Zur Farbenanalyse der Algen. BericJite der deutschen botanischen GeseUschaft. Berlin, 1904, v. 22: 23-29. 468 Ganswindt, A. Einfiihrung in die moderne Farberei. Leipzig, B. F. Voigt, 1902. 506 p. 24. 469 Handbuch der Farberei. Weimar, 1889. 470 Lehrbuch der Baumwollengarnf arberei. Munich, G. D. W. Callwey, 1892. 471 Garon, Jules. Encyclopedia universelle des industries tinc- toriales et des industries annexes teinture impression blanchiment appar^ts . Paris, La Direction, 1901-1904- 15 pts. in 8 v. (Publica- tions de TInstitut universel des sciences appliquees no. 1). TP890.G2 472 [Gardner, John] ed. Bleaching, dyeing, and calico-printing. With formulae. Philadelphia, P. Blakiston, son & co., 1884. vi p., 1 I., 203 p. illus. 19. "Dyestuffs": p. 133-191. 16-8414 TP893.G25 473 Gardner, Walter Myers, ed. The British coal-tar industry; its origin, development, and decline. London, Williams and Norgate, 1915. ix, 437, [1] p. illus., diagrs. 22. 16-11294 TP953.Q3 474 The manufacture of dyestuffs: the government's modified scheme. Nature, Feb. 25, 1915, v. 94: 700-701. Ql.N2,v.94 475 The manufacture of dyestuffs in Britain. Nature, Jan. 21, 1915, v. 94: 555-557. Ql.N2,v.94 476 * Tinctorial chemistry, ancient and modern. Nature, July 14, 1910, v. 84: 56-57. Ql.N2,v.84 121113 19 4 50 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 477 Garros, P. Teinture avec des matieres colorantes de"rivees de 1'aniline para sulfone"e. Societe chimique de Paris, Bulletin, 1904, 8. ser., v. 81: 1082- 1083. QDl.S4,3.s6r.,v.31 478 Gas by-products discussed at American chemical society con- vention. Gas age, Oct. 2, 1916, v. 38: 831-882. TP?oo.Gi4,v.38 479 Gattermann, Ludwig. Die Merkaptane des Anthrachinons und eine neue Klasse schwefelhaltiger Farbstoffe. Sitzungsberichte der Heidelberg er Akademie der Wissenschaft. Heidelberg, 1910, v. 5: 108. 480 Gaumer, Max. Die Gesetzmassigkeiten bei der elektrochem- ischen Reduktion aromatischer Nitrokorper in schwach alkalischer Losung. Halle, W. Knapp, 1901. 124 P- 481 Gaunt, R. T. and, W. P. Bloxam. Analysis of indigo. Society of chemical industry, London. Journal, 1907, v. 26: 1174-1185. TPl.J6,v.26 482 Gave up dyestuff plan. American economist, July 28, 1916, v. 58: 46-4? English capitalists found lack of protection made success here impossible. 483 Gebhard, Kurt. Einwirkung des Lichtes auf Teerfarbstoffe. Fdrber-Zeitung. Berlin, 1910, v. 21: 253-258. 484 - Zusammenhang zwischen Lichtempfindlichkeit und Konstitution von Farbstoffen, Journal fur prdktische CJiemie. Leipzig, 1911, n. s., v. 84.' 561-625. QDl.J75,n.s.,v.88 485 Gentele, J. G. J. G. Gentele's Lehrbuch der Farbenfab- rikation; Anweisung zur Darstellung, Untersuchung und Verwendung der im Handel vorkommenden Maler- farben, zum Gebrauch fur Farben-, Tusch- und Tapeten- fabrikanten, Chemiker, Techniker, Kaufleute, Maler, Koloristen und andere Farbenkonsumenten. 3. um- gearb. und stark verm. Aufl. hrsg. von dr. A. Buntrock. Braunschweig, F. Vieweg und sohn, 1906-09. 3 v. illus. 7-36222 TP936.G5 DYESTUFFS 51 486 Georgievics, Georg C. T. von. Carbinole. Berichte der deutschen chemischen GeseUschaft. Berlin, 1905, V. 88: $84-886. QDl.D4,v.38 487 The chemical technology of textile fibres, their origin, structure, preparation, washing, bleaching, dyeing, printing and dressing. Tr. from the German by Chas. Salter. London, Scott, Greenwood < co., 1902. x, 306 p. illus., diagr. 25%. 2-21089 TP893.G35 488 Chemistry of dye-stuffs . . . tr. from the 2d German ed., by Charles Salter. London, Scott, Greenwood & co., 1903. vi p., 1 I., 402 p., 1 J e>o)cm 1 v. .... . 3-25570 TP910.G35 489 Fortschritte der Teerfarbenfabrikation. Ohemikerzeitung. Cb'then, 1905, v. 29: 902-905. See also vol. 30:549-554. TPl.C45,v.29 490 Der Indigo. Leipzig, 1892. 491 Jahresbericht uber die Fortschritte der Teerfarben- fabrikation. Ohemilcerzeitung. Cb'then, 1904, v. 28: 317-321. TPl.C45,v.28 492 Lehrbuch der chemischen Technologie der Gespinstfa- sern. Leipzig und Wien, F. Deuticke, 1913. 1 v. diagrs. 23%. "Literatur der Farbstoffe": v. 1, p. [525J-526. "Literatur zur Ein- leitung": v. 1, p. [527}-553. 1. T. Farbenchemie. 4. Aufl. Bearb.von Eug. Grandmougin. 14-1981 TP893.G33 493 Eine neue Formel fur die basischen Triphenylmethan- farbstoffe. Zeitschrift fur Farben- und TextiLChemie. Sorau, 1904, v. 3: 37-39. 494 Ueber die Rolle der Oxalsaure beim Atzen von Indigo mit Chromsaure. Zeitschrift fur Farben- und Textil-Cfhemie. Braunschweig. 1903, v. 2: 199-202. 52 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 495 Georgievics, Georg C. T. von. Wie sollen Farbstoffe auf ihre Echtheit gepriift werden? Zeitschrift fur Farben- und Textil-CJiemie. Braunschweig, 1902, v. 1: 656-659. 496 Gerlinger, Paul. Uber den Einfluss von Kernsubstituenten auf die Nuance des Malachitgnins. Basel, 1904. 80 p. 497 German dye industry. Scientific American supplement, Jan. 11, 1919, v. 87: 27. Tl.S52,v.87 498 German dye patents now available. Textile world journal, Mar. 15, 1919, v. 55: 672-673. TS1300.T36,v.55 499 German dye patents : they will lead to a valuable expansion of American production. American economist, Nov. 9, 1917, v. 60: 225. HC101.A5,v.60 500 German dyemakers despondent. Color trade journal, Apr., 1919, v. 4' 80. TP890.C6,v.4 501 German dyestuffs and American industries. Economic world, Dec. 4, 1915, n. s., v. 10: 723-725. HG8011.M3,n.s.,v.lO 502 German investments in the dyestuffs industry. Scientific American supplement, Aug. 14, 1915, v. 80: 101. Tl.S52,v.80 502a Germany's control of dyestuffs. Protectionist, June, 1915, v. 27: 83. HFl750.P8,v.27 503 Ghosh, Kedar N., and E. R. Watson. Hydroxyquinol- phthalein anhydride and hydroxyquinolbenzein. Chemical society, London. Proceedings, 1913, v. 29: 9-10. QDl.C62,v.29 504 Gibbs, H. D. Color laboratory of the Bureau of chemistry. Journal of industrial and engineering chemistry, Oct., 1918, v. 10: 802-803. TPl.J6,v.lO 505 Gibson, Richard. An account of the properties and compo- sition of the dyestuffs and chymical compounds which enter into the constitution of colors. Willimantic, Ct., E. S. Simpson, printer, 1857. 134 p. fold. tab. 23%. ' 8-23862 TP910.G44 DYESTUFFS 53 506 Gibson, Richard H. The American dyer, (enlarged and revised): a practical treatise on the coloring of wool, cotton, yarn and cloth, also, calico-printing. Boston, A. J. "Wright, printer, 1878. 675, [1] p. incl. plates. 24. 8-23848 TP897.G45 507 Gilbody, A. W., and W. H. Perkin. Brazilin and haema- toxylin. Chemical society, London. Journal, 1902, v. 81: 1016-1022, 1040-1056. QDl.C6,v.81 508 Gillieron, Ernest. Action de 1'iode sur quelques matieres colorantes basiques. Lausanne, 1906. 50 p. 509 Girard, Ch. and A. Pabst. Application de chimie organique. Matieres colorantes. Se"rie aromatique et ses applica- tions industrielles. Paris, V ve Ch. Dunod, 1883-92. 2v. (Encyclopedic chimique, V. 10, pt. 10, 11.) QD4.F9,v.lO,pt.lO,ll 510 Glaser, F. Ueber Indicatoren. Zeitschrift fur analytische Chemie. "Wiesbaden, 1902, v. 1+1: 86-42. QD71.Z3,v.41 511 Glassner, F., and W. Suida. Ueber die Ursachen der Entfarbung von gefarbten Flussigkeiten durch verschie- dene Kohlen. Justus Liebig's Annalen der Chemie. Leipzig, 1907, v. 361: 353-362. QDl.L7,v.361 512 Glen, C. The dyes of the ancients. Society of dyers and colourists. Bradford, Journal, 1911, v. 27: 293-296.,v.27 513 Gmelin, Leopold. Hand-book of chemistry. Tr. by Henry Watts. London,' Printed for the CavendisTi society, 1848-1864. 16 v. v pi. 22% cm . ( Works of the Cavendish society) QD28.G56 Index to Gmelin's Handbook of chemistry. London, Harrison, 1872. 1 p. 1., 331 p. 23. (Cavendish society) Consult index under name of the dye. 7-15519-20 QD28.G57 54 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 514 Gnehm, R. Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Thiazine. Journal fur praktische Chemie. Leipzig, 1907, n. s., v. 76: 401-4^7, 471-508. QDl.J75,n.s.,v.76 515 Taschenbuph fiir die Farberei und Farbenfabrikation. Berlin, J. Springer, 1902. 229 p. 23. 516 and L. Bauer. Zur Kenntnis der Axazone. Journal fur praktische Chemie. Leipzig, 1905, n. s., v. 72: 249-277. QDl.J75,n.s.,v.72 517 and T. Scheutz. Ueber alkylirte Amidobenzolsul- fosauren und Metamidophenole. Journal fur praktische Chemie. Leipzig, 1901, n. s., v. 63: 405-427. QDl.J75,n.s.,v.63 518 Qohring, C. F. Mitteilung liber das erste Patent in Deutsch- land betreffend die Darstellung von Fuchsin. Fdrler-Zeitung, Berlin. 1913, v. 24: 252-254. 519 Goldberg, A. Zur Kenntnis des Schwefelcyans des sogen- nanten Pseudoschwefelcyans und des aus Rhodansalzen erhaltenen gelben Farbstoffes. Chemnitz, J. C. T. Pickenhahn und Sohn, 1901. 53 p. 520 Goldschmidt, Carl. Formaldehyd. Verwendung zur Fab- rikation von Farben. Bonn, F. Cohen, 1903. 48 p. 521 Goldschmidt, Heinrich, and H. Keller. Dynamische Un- tersuchungen iiber die Bildung der Azofarbstoffe. Berichte der deutschen chemischen GeseUschaft. Berlin, 1902, V. 35: 3534-3549. QDl.D4,v.35 522 Goldstern, D. Zur Kenntnis des Brasilins. Bern, 1903. 43 p. 523 Gomberg, Moses. Ueber Triphenylmethyl. Berichte der deutschen chemischen GeseUschaft. Berlin, 1907, v. 40: 1847-1888. QDi.D4,v.40 524 Ueber Triphenylmethyl. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Carboniumsalze. Berichte der deutschen chemischen GeseUschaft. Berlin, 1902, v. 35: 2397-2408. QDl.D4,v.35 525 Gordon, J. W. The future of the aniline-dye scheme: a fore- thought. Nineteenth century and after, July, 1915, v. 78: 194-203. AP4.N7,v.78 DYESTUFFS 55 526 Government co-operation with our industries. Scientific American, Jan. 30, 1915, v. 112: 99. Tl.S5,v.ll2 527 Government-owned dyestuff works in Great Britain. Textile world record, Jan. 1915, v. 48: 371-373. TS1300.T36,v.48 528 Graebe, Charles, and R. H. Adeirs. Ueber Methylirung von Euxanthon und Alizarin mittelst Dimethylsulfat. Justus Liebig's Annalen der Chemie. Leipzig, 1901, v. 318: 365-370. QDl.L7,v.318 529 C. Thode and H. Bernhard. Ueber Methylirung der Oxyanthrachinone. Justus Liebig's Annalen der Chemie. Leipzig, 1906, v. 849: 201-231. QDl.L7,v.349 530 Graf, W. Oxonium- und Ammoniumsalze. Wiirzburg, 1903. 63 p. 531 Grafe, Viktor. Studien iiber das Anthokyan. SitzungsbericTite der Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaft. Heidelberg, 1908, v. 115: 975-993. See also vol. 120: 765-810. 532 Grand, Louis. Sur la fixation de quelques matieres colorantes par les substances mine'rales. Lausanne, 1907. 48 p. 533 Grandmougin, Eugene. Bemerkung zur Einwirkung pri- marer Aniine auf Indigo. Berichte der deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft. Berlin, 1910, v. 43: 1317-1318. QDl.D4,v.43 534 Fortschritte der Farbenchemie von 1908-1910. Chemikerzeitung. Cbihen, 1911, v. 35: 1126-1127; 1158- 1160; 1175-1177; 1210-1211; 1230-1232; 1246-1248; 1264-1265; 1274-1276. TPl.C45,v.35 535 Die Indigoanalyse nach Mohlau und Zimmermann. Zeitschrift fur Farben- und Textile-Chemie. Braunschweig, 1903, v. 2: 275-276. 536 Kondensation von Gallocyaninfarbstoffen mit Amid- overbindungen. * Journal fur praktiscTie Chemie. Leipzig, 1908, n. s., v. 77: 498-510. QDl.J75,n.s.,v.77 56 LIBRAEY OF CONGRESS 537 Grandmougin, Eugene. Spaltung von Azofarbstoffen mit Natriumhydrossulfit. Berichte der deutschen chemischen GeseUschaft. Berlin, 1906, V. 89: 2494-2497. QDl.D4,v.39 538 Ueber Anilinschwarz. Zeitschrift fur Farben- und Textilindustrie. Berlin, 1906, v. 5: 286-287. 539 Ueber das Verhalten einiger kimstlicher organischer Farbstoffe gegen fliissige schweflige Saure. Zeitschriftfiir Farben- und Textilindustrie. Berlin, 1906, v, 5: 888-385. 540 Ueber eine Reaktion zwischen Diazokorpern und Azo- farbstoffen. Berichte der deutschen chemischen GeseUschaft. Berlin, 1908, V. 41: 1403. QDl.D4,v.41 541 tJber Salicylsaureazo-Farbstoffe. Berichte der deutschen chemischen GeseUschaft. Berlin, 1911, V. 44: 8756. QDl.D4,v.44 542 Veranderungen von Farbungen im Licht. Ohemikerzeitung . Cothen, 1913, v. 37: 909. TPl.C45,v.37 543 Zur Kenntnis bromierten Indigotine. Berichte der deutschen chemischen GeseUschafi. Berlin, 1910, V. 48: 987-941. QDl.D4,v.43 544 Zur Kenntnis der Indigo-bis-arylimide. Berichte der deutschen chemischen GeseUschaft. Berlin, 1909, V. 42: 4401-4407. QDl.D4,v.42 545 Zur Kenntnis des S.T.S'.T'-Tetrabrom-indigos. Berichte der deutschen chemischen GeseUschaft. Berlin, 1909, V. 42: 4408-4411. QDl.D4,v.42 546 and E, Dessoulavy. Einwirkung primarer Amine auf Indigo. Berichte der deutschen chemischen GeseUschaft. Berlin, 1909, v. 42: 8636-3641, 421$. QDi.D4,v.42 547 and H. Freimann. Zur Kenntnis der Azoderivate des Phenols und der Phenolcarbonsaueren. Journal fur praktische Ohemie. Leipzig, 1908, n. s., v. 78: 384-408. QDl.J75,n.s.,v.78 DYESTUFFS 57 548 Grandmougin, Eugene and K. Smirous. Zur Kenntnis des 3.6-Diamino-acridins. Beziehungen zwischen Acridin- Derivaten und analogen Phenazin-Verbindungen. Berichte der deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft. Berlin, 1913, V. 46: 8425-3434. QDl.D4,v.46 549 Grasser, Georg. Die Herstellung der Gerb- und Farbstoff- extrakte. Ohemikerzeitung. Cdthen, 1913, v. 37: 373-375. TPl.C45,v.37 550 Gt. Brit. Board of trade. State assistance to the dye industry. Memorandum by the Board of trade on the scheme for the allocation and administration of the funds provided by Parliament for the development of the dye industry by means of financial assistance to companies and firms in aid of developments, extensions, and research. London, H. M. Stationery off., Darling <& son, 1918. 12 p. (Parliament. Papers fry command. Cd. 9194-) HD9999.D9G7 1918 551 Green, Arthur George. Analysis of dyes and dyed materials. Nature, Dec. 21, 1911, v. 88: 239-240. Ql.N2,v.88 552 The chemical technology of aniline black. Society of dyers and colourists, Bradford, Eng. Journal, 1909, v. 25: 188-194. TP890.S6,v.25 553 lonenphanomene bei Farbstoffen. Zeitschrift fur Farben- und Textil-Chemie. Braunschweig, 1902, v. 1: 413-414. 554 Nachweis von Farbstoffen auf vegetabilischer Faser. Zeitschrift fur Textilindustrie. Berlin, 1908, v. 6: 278-281. 555 Qumonoid addition as the mechanism of dyestuff formation. Chemical society, London. Journal, v. 103: 925-933. QDl.C6,v.l03 556 The quinonoid salts of the phthaleins and the cause of colour in the triphenylmethane series. Society of chemical industry, London. Journal, 1909, v. 28: 638-640. TPl.S6,v.28 557 A systematic survey of the organic colouring matters, *. ' founded on the German of Drs. G. Schultz and P. Julius. 2d ed., rev. throughout and greatly enl. London, New York, MacmiUan and co., limited, 1904. x, 280 p. 28. 4-10089 TP914.G79 58 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 558 Green, Arthur George, and P. F. Crosland. The colouring matters of the stilbene group. Chemical society, London. Journal, 1906, v. 89: 1602-1614. QDl.C6,v.89 559 and P. E. King. The constitution of the salts of phenolphthalein and quinol-phthalein : a contribution to the theory of colour in the group of triphenylmethane dyes tuffs. Society of chemical industry, London. Journal, 1908, v. 27: 4-10. TPl.S6,v.27 560 and R. N. Sen. Azo-dyestuffs of the triphenylmethane group. Chemical society, London. Journal, 1912, v. 101: 1113-1117. QDl.C6,v.l01 561 Griffiths, A. B. Die Pigmente des Geraniums und anderer Pflanzen. Berichte der deutschen chemischen GeseUschaft. Berlin, 1903, v. 36: 8959-3961 . QD 1 .D4, v.36 562 Grob, Armin. Ueber einige unsymmetrische Analoga des Indigos. Berichte der deutschen chemischen GeseUschaft. Berlin, 1908, V. 41: 3331-3334. QDl.D4,v.41 563 Grosheintz, H. Fixation de 1'indigo par vaporisage au moyen de soude caustique et de dextrine. Societe industrielle de Mulhouse. Bulletin, 1901, v. 71: 515-518. T2.S75,v.71 564 Gros smarm, E. Ueber Metallempfindlichkeit von Farb- stoff en und die Gegenmittel. Zeitschrift fur Farben- und Textilindustrie. Berlin, 1907. v. ft* 9 199 u. &i &&. 565 Wie sollen Farbstoff e auf ihre Echtheit geprtif t werden ? Zeitschrift fur Farben- und Textil-Chemie. Braunschweig, 1903, v. 2: 100-101. 566 Growth of an industry: immense development of domestic dyestuff and chemical production. American economist, Sept. 28, 1917, v. 60: 146. HC101.A5,v.60 567 Growth of U. S. dyestuffs industry, with list of new companies. Textile world journal, Jan. 12, 1918, v. 53: 3036-3037. TS1300.T36,v.53 DYESTUFFS 59 568 Gruber, Hermann. Ueber einige neue Substitutionsprodukte des Bittermandelolgriins. Weida i. Thiir., Thomas & Hubert, 1905. 48 p. 569 Gruenberg, Benjamin Charles, and William J.Gies. Chem- ical notes on "bastard" logwood. New Yorlc, 190 4. p. 367-377. illus. 24. (Contribu- tions from the New Yorlc botanical garden, no. 54) From the Bulletin of the Torrey botanical club, 31. July, 1904. CA9-317 QK1.N515 no.54 570 Gudeman, Edward. Solubilities and extraction values of food colors. American chemical society. Journal, 1907, v. 29: 1629- 1634. QDl.A5,v.29 571 Giinther, Paul. Ueber Halogenierung von Oxyanthrachino- monosulfosauren. Berlin, A. W. Schade, 1901. 49 p. 572 Gulinow, G. Studien iiber Reaktionen zur Erkennung und Unterscheidung von kiinstliclien organischen Farbstoffen. Zeitschrift fur Farben- und Textilindustrie, Berlin, 1906, v. 5: 337-343. 573 Guyot, A. Sur quelques colorants orthobenzyle's du triphe'nyl- me'thane. Academic des sciences. Paris, Comptes-rendus, 1908, v. 146: 1043-1045. Q46.A14,v.l46 574 an d !. Granderye. Sur le te'trame'thyldiamino- diphenylene-phenylmethane dissymetrique et le colorant qui en derive. Academie des sciences. Paris, Comptes-rendus, 1903, v. 137: 413-414. Q46.A14,v.l37 575 and A. Kovache. Action de 1'acide formique sur les colorantes du triphenylme'thane. Academie des sciences, Paris. Comptes-rendus, 1913, v. 156: 1324-1327. Q46.Ai4,v.i56 576 Haber, Fritz. Bemerkungen zur Richtigstellung der Aus- fuhrungen des Herrn Binz. Journal fur praktische Chemie. Leipzig, 1901, n. s., v. 64.' 289-293. QDl.J75,n.s.,v.64 577 Ueber den textilen Flachdruck. Zeitschrift fur angewandte Chemie. Berlin, 1902, v. 15: 1177-1183. QDl.Z3,v.l5 60 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 578 Haber, Fritz. Zur Theorie der Indigoreduktion. Zeitschrift fur EleJctrochemie. Halle, 1903, v. 9: 607-608. TP250.Z6,v.9 579 Haigh, James. The dier's assistant in the art of dying wool and woollen goods. Extracted from the philosophical and chymical works of ... Ferguson, Dufay, Hellot, Geoffery, Colbert; and that reputable French dier, Mons. de Julienne. Tr. from the French. With additions and practical experiments. Philadelphia, J. Humphreys, 1810. xxip., 1 1., [25}-311 p. 17\<. Various dyestuffs: p. 267-311. 8-34001 TP899.H18 580 Halland, A. H. On the quantitative analysis of dyestuffs. Journal of industrial and engineering chemistry, Oct., 1918, v. 10: 804-805. TPl.J6,v.lO Color trade journal, Dec., 1918, v. 3: 391-392., TP890.C6 v. 3 581 Haller, A. L'indigo naturel et 1'indigo artificiel. Revue generate des sciences. Paris, 1901, v. 12: 255-264, 323-330. Q2.R49,v.l2 582 Das Mikroskop in der Praxis des Chemiker-Koloristen. Fdrber-Zeitung, Berlin, 1912, v. 23: 255-262. 583 and A. Guyot. Sur les produits de condensation du te'tramethyldiamidophe'nyloxanthranol avec le benzene, le toluene et la dimethylaniline Vert phtalique. Academic des sciences. Paris. Comptes-rendus, 1903, v. 137: 606-611. Q46.A14,v.l37 584 Haller, R. Die Farbung von basischen Farbstoffen mit komplexen Metallcyaniden. Zeitschrift fur Farben- und Textilindustrie. Berlin, 1907, v. 6: 249-252. 585 Halstead, Albert. The future of the German dyestuffs industry. TJ. S. Bureau of foreign and domestic commerce. Commerce reports, May 1, 1919, no. 102: 630. HC1.R198 1919,no.l02 586 Hansen, C. C. Dyestuffs in the trade of Siam. U. S. Bureau of foreign and domestic commerce. Commerce reports, Dec. 26, 1917, no. 801: 1165. HC1.R198 1917,no.301 DYESTUFFS bl 587 Hanson, Edward K. Phycoerythrin, the pigment of the red algae. Chemical society, London. Proceedings, 1909, v. 25: 117- 118. QDl.C62,v.25 588 Han tzsch, Arthur. Die Diazoverbindungen. Sammlung chemischer und chemischtechnischer Vortrage. Stuttgart, 1902, v. 8: 1-32. QDi.S2,v.8 589 Nachweis der Umlagerungstheorie der Indicatoren an Methylorange and Helianthin. Berichte der deutscJien chemisclien GeseUschaft. Berlin, 1908, V. 41: 1187-1195. QDl.D4,v.41 590 Syndiazotate als primare Producte der Reaction zwischen Nitrosobenzolen und Hydroxylamin. Berichte der deutschen chemischen GeseUschaft. Berlin, 1905, v. 38: 2056-2062. QDi.D4,v.38 591 Ueber die Natur der Basen aus Triphenylmethan- farbstoffen. Berichte der deutschen chemischen GeseUschaft. Berlin, 1904, V. 37: 3434-3440. QDl.D4,v.37 592 Ueber die Zersetzung der Diazoester. Berichte der deutschen chemischen GeseUschaft. Berlin, 1903, v. 36: 3097-3102. QDi.D4,v.36 593 Zur Atomwanderung bei Diazoverbindungen. Berichte der deutschen chemiscJien GeseUschaft. Berlin, 1903, v. 36: 2069-2075. QDi.D4,v.36 594 ana j 1 . Hilscher. Gelbe azoide und violette chinoide Salze aus Amir.oazokorpern. Berichte der deutschen chemischen GeseUschaft. Berlin, 1908, V. 41: 1171-1187. QDl.D4,v.41 595 ana R. Vock. Zur Reduction von Diazoniumver- bindungen. Berichte der deutschen cTiemischen GeseUschaft. Berlin, 1903, ^ v. 36: 4296-4299. QDi.D4,v.36 596 Hard, William. The un-United States: how America helped Germany to ruin the American dye industry. 4. Metropolitan, Jan. 1916, v. 43: 9-11, 70-72. AP2.M5,v.43 597 Hannsen, W. Die Fabrikation der Theerfarbstoffe und ihre Rohmaterialien. Berlin, S. Fischer, 1889. 317 p. 62 LIBKARY OF CONGRESS 598 Harold, J. F. X. American dyes in retrospect and prospect. Textile world journal, Jan. 13, 1917, v. 52: 707. TS1300.T36,v.52 599 Hartley, W. J. On a violet colouring matter and its production by a certain bacterium. Royal Dublin society. Scientific proceedings, 1913, n. s., v. 14: 63-73. S41.D82,n.s.,v.l4 600 Hartmann, Karl. Ueber p-Methoxyisatin und seine Derivate sowie iiber Condensationen der p-Methoxyisatinsaure zu Cinchoninsaureabkommlingen. Berlin, A. W. Schade, 1903. 45 p. 602 Haserick, E. C. The secrets of the art of dyeing wool, cotton, and linen, including bleaching and coloring wool and cotton hosiery and random-yarns. A treatise based on economy and practice. Cambridge [Mass.] Welch, Bigelow, and company, printers, 1869. iv p., 1 I., vi-xxvi numb. 1., 131 p., 1 I. 22. 3-30450 TP897.H34 603 Haslinger, C. 4-Anthrachinon. Berichte der deutschen chemischen GeseUschaft. Berlin, 1906, v. .89: 3537-3538. QDi.D4,v.39 604 Hasselt, Johan F. B. van. Bijdrage tot de kennis der con- stitutie van het bixine. Haarlem, 1910. 164 p. 605 Havas, E., and R. Bernhard. Zur Frage der Konstitution des Safranins. Berichte der deutschen chemischen GeseUschaft. Berlin, 1913, v. 46: 2723-2727. QDi.D4,v.46 606 Hayduck, Fritz. , Ueber Versuche zur Darstellung eines Tetraoxyindigos. Berlin, E. Ebering, 190 4. 75 p. 607 Versuche zur Darstellung eines Tetraoxyindigos. Berichte der deutschen chemischen GeseUschaft. Berlin, 1903, v. 36: 2930-2936. QDi.D4,v.36 608 Hearing on the Paige patent bill. Textile world record, Feb. 1915, v. 48: 468-475. TS1300.T36,v.48 DYESTUFFS 63 609 Hearings on proposed dyestuffs tariff. Metallurgical and chemical engineering, Feb. 1, 1916, v. 14' 125-129. TNl.M45,v.l4 610 Heathcote, Henry L. The chemical industries of Germany. English review, January, 1916, v. 22: 64-75. AP4.E523,v.22 611 Hebden, John C. Progress in the American dyestuff industry. Metallurgical and chemical engineering, May 1, 1917, v. 16: 474-475. TNl.M45,v.l6 612 Heermann, Paul. Dyers' materials. Tr. by A. C. Wright. London, Scott <& Greenwood, 1901. 158 p. 613 - Farbereichemische Untersuchungen. Berlin, J. Springer, 1898. 188 p. 22 614 - Koloristische und Textilchemische Untersuchungen. Berlin, J. Springer, 1903. 399 p. \ 615 Heffter, A. Die bei der Autoxydation des Eosins entstehenden Producte. Berichte der deutschen chemischen GeseUschaft. Berlin, 1905, v. 38: 3633-3634. QDl.D4,v.38 616 Heidenhain, Martin. Anwendung des Azokarmins und der Chromotrope. Zeitschrift fur wissenschaftliche Mikroslcopie und mikrosko- pische Technik. Leipzig, 1905, v. 22: 337-343. QH201.Z4,v.22 617 - Neue Versuche iiber die chemischen Umsetzungen zwischen Eiweisskorpern und Anilinfarben, insbesondere unter Benutzung der Dialyse. Archiv fur die gesammte Physiologic des Menschen und der Thiere. Bonn, 1903, v. 100: 440-472. QPl.A63,v.loo 618 - Ueber chemische Umsetzungen zwischen Eiweiss- korpern und Anilinfarben. Bonn, E. Strauss, 1902. 118 p. 619 - Ueber die Nilblaubase als Reagens auf die Kohlen- saure. Archiv fur die gesammte Physiologic des Menschen und der Thiere. Bonn, 1903, v. 100: 217-241. QPl.A63,v.lOO 620 Heidrich, M. Die Gewinnung und Entstehung des natiir- fichen Indigos. Zeitschrift fur angewandte Mikroslcopie. Weimar, 1903, v. 9: 172-174. QH201.Z3,v.9 64 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 621 Heiduschka, Alfred. p-Thiotolylanilin. Journal fur praktische Chemie. Leipzig, 1903, n. s., v. 68: 265-278. QDl.J75,n.s.,v.68 622 Versuch zur Aufklarung des Schmelsprozesses, bei dem die Amidodiarylsulfide und die vom pharmazeut- isch-chemischen Standpunkt wichtigen Oxydiarylsulfide entstehen. Munchen, Bickels Sohne, 1907. 50 p. 623 Heller, Ernst Richard. Ueber die Einwirkung von alkoholis- cher Salzsaure auf Azoverbindungen. Erlangen, E. T. Jacob, 1907. 49 p. 624 Heller, Gustav. Benzoylirung des Isatins, Indigos und Anthranils. Berichte der deutschen chemischen GeseUschaft. Berlin, 1903, v. 86: 2762-2766. QDi.D4,v.36 625 Ueber den Einfluss von Hydroxylionen bei der Azokuppelung. Journal fur prdktische Chemie. Leipzig, 1908, n. s., v. 77: 189-192. QDl.J75,n.s.,v.77 626 tiber den Ersatz der Sulfogruppe durch Halogen bei Oxy-anthrachinon-sulfosauren. Berichte der deutschen cTiemiscTien GeseUschaft. Berlin, 1913, v. 46: 270S-271 1. QD i .D4,v.46 627 Ueber die Farbstoffnatur des Indigos. Zeitschrift fur Farben- und Textil-CTiemie. Braunschweig, 1903, v. 2: 809-310. 628 Ueber eine Verbindung des Formaldehyds mit dem Indigo. Zeitschrift fur Farben- und Textil-Chemie. Braunschweig, 1908, v. 2: 829-832. 629 Zur Geschichte des Anthranils. Sitzungsberichte der pTiysikalischmedicinischen Societat zu Erlangen, 1903, v. 35: 159-186. 630 and H. L. Meyer. Fluorescein und die Nichtexistenz des Dinitro-p-dibrombenzols. Journal fur praktische Chemie. Leipzig, 1905, n. s., v. 72: 197-200. QDl.J75,n.s.,v.72 DYESTUFFS 65 631 Hellot, Jean. The art of dying wool, silk, and cotton. Tr. from the French of M. Hellot, M. Macquer, and M. Le Pileur d'Apligny. Paris, 1785. ix, [6], 508 p. m pi. 23. 8-25439 TP897.H47 632 Helm, E. Kiinstliche schwarze Farbetoffe fiir Wollmaterial. Fdrberzeitung. Berlin, 1902, v. 13: 321. 633 Hendrick, E. How the dyestuffs crisis was met. World's worJc, Mar., 1918, v. 35: 531-534. AP2.W8,v.35 634 Henrich, Ferdinand, and K. Dorschky. Ueber Derivate des Amido-orsellinsaure-athylesters; ein Beitrag zur Bildung der Lakmusf arbstoff e. Berichte der deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft. Berlin, 1904, V. 37: 1416-1424. QDl.D4,v.37 635 and W. Meyer. Ueber den Lackmusfarbstoff und seine Aehnlichkeit mit dem hi Alkohol unloslichen Oxy- dationsprodukte des Amidoorcins. Zeitschrift fur Farben- und Textil-Chemie. Braunschweig, 1902, v. 1: 559-601. 636 and B. Wagner. Ueber Derivate des 4-Amidore- sorcins. Berichte der deutschen chemischen GeseUschaft. Berlin, 1902, v. 35: 4195-4206. QDl.D4,v.35 637 Herbig, W. Ueber den Unterricht an Farbereifachschulen. Zeitschrift fur Farben- und Textil-Chemie. Braunschweig, 1902, v. 1: 24-25, 47-52. 638 Ueber Turkisch-Rothol und die Einwirkung concen- trirter Schwefelsaure auf Oele. Fdrberzeitung. Berlin, 1902, v. 13: 277-282. 639 Herman & Herman, New York. Dyes, intermediates and chemicals produced by Herman & Herman, inc. [New York] 1916. 42 p. 18. 17-13804 TP910.H4 640 Herrmann, Burkhard. Untersuchungen iiber die colori- metrische Bestimmung des Mutterkorns. Wurzburg, C. J. Becker, 1901. 29 p. 641 Herty, Charles H. Dyestuff situation. Textile world journal, Apr. 8, 1916, v. 51: 1755, 1757. TS1300.T36,v.51 121113 19 5 66 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 642 Herty, Charles H. Permanent chemical independence. Color trade journal, Oct., 1918, v. 8: 335-338. TP890.C6,v.3 643 Scathing arraignment of party in power for failure to act in dyestuffs crisis. Manufacturers record, Apr. 6, 1916, v. 69: 56. TSi.M3,v.69 644 Herxheimer, Gotthold. Ueber Fettfarbstoffe. Deutsche medicinische Wochenschrift. Berlin, 1901, v. 27: 607-609. 645 Herz, P. Bidioxymethylenindigo. Berlin, 1905. 34 p. 646 Nebenreactionen bei der Darstellung des Piperonal- indigos und seine Oxydation. Berichte der deutschen chemischen GeseUschaft. Berlin, 1905, v. 38: 2853-2860. QDi.D4,v.38 647 Herzfeld, J. Das Farben und Bleichen. Berlin, M. Krayn, 1905-16. TP893.H58 648 Herzig, J. Fortschritte in der Chemie der naturlichen Farb- stoffe. Chemikerzeitung. Cb'fhen, 1902, v. 26: 351-353; 27: 199-203 v. 28: 287-292; v. 29: 345-349. , TPl.C45,v.26-29 649 and J. Pollak. Brasilin aus Brasilein. Berichte der deutschen chemischen GeseUschaft. Berlin, 1903, v. 36: 3951-3953. QDi.D4,v.36 650 Uber Brasilin und Hamatoxylin. Berichte der deutschen chemischen GeseUschaft. Berlin, 1903, v. 36: 398-400, 2319-2322, 3713-3715. See also v. 37: 631-633; v. 38: 2166-2168; v. 39: 265-267. QDl.D4,v.36-39 651 Herzog, Ewald. Ueber das a-Merkaptan des Anthrachinons. Freiburg i. Br., Speyer & Kaermer, 1909. 28 p. 652 Hesse, Bernhard. C. Coal-tar dye industry, past, present and future ; with review of legislation. MetaUurgical and chemical engineering, Aug. 1, 1916, v. 15: 120-124. TNl.M45,v.l5 653 Contributions of the chemist to the industrial develop- ment of the United States a record of achievement. Journal of industrial and engineering chemistry, Apr. 1915, v. 7: 297-304. TPl.J6,v.7 Scientific American supplement, Apr. 10, 1915, v. 79: 234- 235. Tl.S52,v.79 DYESTUFFS 67 654 Hesse, Bernhard C. Dye situation. Textile world journal, July 22, 1916, v. 51: 3279. TS1300.T36,v.51 655 Identifying amido-H-acids. Journal cf industrial and engineering chemistry, Aug. 1915, v. 7: 674-675. TPl.J6,v.7 656 The industry of the coal-tar dyes. Journal of industrial and engineering chemistry, Dec. 1914, v. 6: 1013-1027. TPl.J6,v.6 American gas-ligJit journal, Dec. 28, 1914, v. 101: 401-406. TP700.A5,v.l01 657 Lest we forget! Who killed Cock Robin ? The United States tariff -history of coal tar dyes. Journal of industrial and engineering chemistry, Aug., 1915, v. 7: 694-709. TPl.J6,v.7 Textile world record, July, 1915, v. 49: 402-404. TS1300.T36,v.40 658 Record of achievement. Scientific American supplement, Apr. 10, 1915, v. 79: 234- Tl.S52,v.70 659 Research, scientific and industrial in the coal-tar dye industry. Journal of industrial and engineering chemistry, Sept., 1916, v. 8: 845-848. TPl.J6,v.8 660 Two problems of the coal tar industry. (In National association of cotton manufacturers. Transactions 1915, no. 98. Boston, 1915. 25 cm . p. 383-394.) Discusses manufacturing and merchandising of coal tar dyes. TS1550.N5 1915 661 Two problems of the coal tar dye industry. Textile world record, May, 1915, v. 49: 225-228. TS1300.T36,v.49 Protectionist, June, 1915, v. 27: 119-120. HF1750.P8,v.27 662 Hesse, O. Ueber eingie Orseilleflechten und deren Chromogene. Berichte der deustchen chemischen Gesellschaft. Berlin^ 1904, v. 37: 4693-4696. QDl.D4,v.37 664 Heumann, Earl. Die Anilinfarben und ihre Fabrikation. Braunschweig, F. Vieweg und sohn, 1888-1906. 4 v. in 7. illus., tables (paitfold.) 23. Agr 9-2244 TP914.H4 68 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 665 Hewitt, J. T., and J. J. Fox. Studies in the acridine series. Chemical society, London. Journal, 1905, v, 87: 1058-1062. QDl.C6,v.87 666 and J. N. Tervet. Oxonium salts of fluoran and of dimenthylfluoran and fluorescein. Chemical society, London. Journal, 1902, v. 81: 663-666. QDl.C6,v.81 667 and P. B. Thole. The colour and constitution of azo-compounds . Chemical society. London. Journal, 1909, v. 95: 1292- 129S, 1393-1397. See also vol. 97: 511-517. QDl.C6,v.95 668 Heyl, G. Dyestuffs as medicinal agents. Color trade journal, Apr., 1919, v. 4' 73-76. TP890.C6,v.4 669 Hiendlmaier, Heinrich. Verhalten von Ammoniak gegen Metallhydroxyde in Gegenwart schwacher Sauren. Miinchen, E. Muhlthaler, 1907. 61 p. 670 Higgins, Sydney Herbert. Dyeing in Germany and America, with notes on colour production. 2d ed., re-written &enl. Manchester, University press; London, New York [etc.} Longmans, Green <& co., 1916. viii, 143, [1] p. 23. (Publications of the University of Manchester. Economic series, no. vi) Agr 17-505 HD9999.D9T764 1916 671 High explosives versus dyestuffs. Textile world record, Feb. 1915, v. 48: 528-529. TS1300.T36,v.48 672 Hill, E. G. The coloured constituents of Butea frondosa. Chemical society, London. Proceedings, 1903, v. 19: 133-134- QDl.C62,v.l9 673 and A. P. Sirkar. A new colouring matter from Nyctanthes Arbortristis. Chemical society, London. Journal, 1907, v. 91: 1501-1505. QDl.C6,v.91 674 Hirsch, A. Chemistry in Japan. Metallurgical and chemical engineering, Apr. 15, 1918, v. 18: 414-416. TNl.M45,v.l8 DYESTUFFS 69 675 Hirsch A. Japan starts its dyes tuff industry. Journal of industrial and engineering chemistry. May, 1917, v. 9: 449-450. TPl.J6,v.O 676 Hobbs, P. W. Remarkable growth of domestic dyes. Textile world journal, Jan. 13, 1917, v. 52: 711. TS1300.T36,v.52 677 Hofchen, C. Quinolinblau. Jena, 1908. 678 Hoffmann, Walther. Ueber die Herstellung von halogen- substituierten Diamidodiphenylmethanen und ihre Reak- tion mit Schwefelsesquioxyd. Weida i. Th., Thomas & Hubert, 1907. 74 P. 679 Hoffmann, Werner. Ueber die Einwirkung von Schwefel- sesquioxyd auf Phenylthioglykolsauren. Weida i. Th., Thomas & Hubert, 1911. 70 p. 680 Hofmann, G. Ueber das Aetzen von basischen Farbstoffen. Fdrberzeitung. Berlin, 1901, v. 12: 377-378. 681 Hofmann, Karl. Carboniumperchlorate. Berichte der deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft. Berlin, 1909, v. 42: 4481-4485. QDl.D4,v.42 682 Hofmann, Karl A., and O. Ehrhart. Melamazin aus Hydrazinsalz und Dicyandiamid. Berichte der deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft. Berlin, 1911, v. 44- 2713-2717. QDl.D4,v.44 683 Holley, Clifford Dyer and E. F. Ladd. Analysis of mixed paints, color pigments, and varnishes. New York, J. Wiley & sons; 1908. xiii, 235 p. front., iUus., pi. 21. 8^594 TP935.H75 684 Home industries before the war. Rural New Yorker, Apr. 8, 1916, v. 75: 595. sl.R9,v.75 685 Hooper, David. A list of the raw stuffs of India which contain tannin, with notes on their composition and the prepara- tion of extracts. Agricultural ledger. Calcutta, 1902, no. 1: 1-56. S17.A15,no.l 686 Hornlehnert, Wilhelm. Zur Kenntnis der Anthrachinon- merkaptane. Freiburg i. Br. Borna-Leipzig , R. Noske, 1911. 32 p. 70 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 687 Howard, Henry. Necessity for an American dyestuffs in- dustry to aid export trade in textiles. Journal of industrial and engineering chemistry, Mar., 1916, v. 8: 273-275. TPl.J6,v.8 688 Necessity for an American dyestuffs industry. Rand-McNally bankers' monthly, Jan. 1917, v. 34: 37-42. HG1501.R2, v.34 689 Huber, Hermann von. Ueber Pyrophtalon und seine Derivate. Breslau, H. Fleischmann, 1903. 67 p. 690 Hubscher, Julius. Farben und Maltechnik in Altertum und Neuzeit. Prometheus. ITlustrirte Wochenschrift uber die Fortschritte in Gewerbe, Industrie und Wissenschaft. Berlin, 1913, v. 25: 193-197. T3.P9,v.25 691 Human, A., and H. Weil. m-Azoxybenzaldehyd. Berichte der deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft. Berlin, 1903, - v. 36: 3469-3475. QDl.D4,v.36 692 Hummel, John James. Colouring matters for dyeing textiles. New and rev. ed., edited by Paul N. Hasluck. London, New York {etc.} Cassell and company, limited, 1906. 3 p. 1., [9]-160 p. illus. 19. [Technical instruction manuals, ed. by P. N. Hasluck] 11-9983 TP897.H93 693 Dyeing of textile fabrics. New and rev. ed. London, New York [etc.] Cassell and company, limited, 1909. 4 P- l-> [7]-160 p. illus. 19. [Technical instruction manuals, ed. by P. N. Hasluck] With this are bound the author's Colouring matters for dyeing textiles, 1906, and Mordants, methods and machinery used in dyeing, 1906. 11-9982 TP897.H93 694 Mordants, methods, and machinery used in dyeing; with numerous engravings and diagrams. New and rev. ed., edited by Paul N. Hasluck. London, New York [etc.] Cassell and company, limited, 1906. 2 p. 1., [7]-160 p. illus. 19 cm . [Technical instruction manuals, ed. by P. N. Hasluck] With the author's Dyeing of textile fabrics. London, New York, 1909. "The matter had been revised and brought up to date by Mr. A. R. Foster." Pref. 11-9984 TP897.H93 DYESTUFFS 71 695 Hummel, John James and A. G. Perkin. Butein. Chemical society, London. Proceedings, 1903, v. 19: 134- 135. QDl.C62,v.l9 696 Hunt, William H. Market outlook in France for chemicals and dyestuffs. U. S. Bureau of foreign and domestic commerce. Commerce reports, Dec. 6, 1918, no. 286: 897-899. HC1.R198 1918^10.286 697 Hunter, J. A. Dye making in Great Britain. Textile world journal, Jan. 11, 1919, v. 55: 358. TS1300.T36,v.55 698 Huntington, Harwood. Certain new derivatives in the aromatic series. [n. p., 1894] p. [171]-193 incl. diagrs. %4 cm . Reprinted from Annals of the New York academy of sciences April, 1894, vol. viii. A 11-1220 TP914.H8 699 Hurst, George Henry. Dictionary of chemicals and raw products used in the manufacture of paints, colours, varnishes and allied preparations. 2d ed., rev. and enl. by H. B. Stocks. London, Scott, Greenwood & son, 1917. 2 p. 1., 378 p. 22. 18-9470 TP935.H95 1917 700 - Dictionary of the coal tar colors. 2d ed., rev. and enl. London, Heywood and co., ltd., 1896. 2 p. 1., vii, 212 p. 5-2777 TP914.H96 701 Husemann, A., and T. Husemann. Die Pflanzenstoffe. Berlin, 1882. 702 Hutchinson, C. M. Importance of bacterial action in indigo manufacture. International review of ike science and practice of agriculture, May, 1918, v. 9, no. 5: 615. 703 Ichenhauser, E. Einige Disazofarbstoffe aus Phenol und Kresolen. Munchen, 1905. 40 p. 704 Iljinsky, M. Darstellung insomerer Sulfosauren mittels Kata- lyse. Berichte der deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft. Berlin, 1903, v. 36: 4194-4200. ODl.D4,v.36 72 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 705 Importance of the chemical industry. American industries, Sept. 1916, v. 17: 20-28. HD4802.A6.V.17 706 Imported and native woods used for dye materials. Scientific monthly, May, 1917, v. 4' 4^6. Ql.S8l7,v.4 707 Importing German dyes. Color trade journal, May, 1919, v. 4' 115. TP890.C6,v.4 708 Improvements in the Indian indigo industry. Scientific American supplement, Aug. 26, 1905, v. 60: 24791- 24792. Tl.S52,v.60 709 Imschwiller, P. The family dyer, containing: a number of excellent dies. Carefully selected for the use of private families; in the English and German language. York [Pa.] Printed for the publisher, 1826, iv, 5-70 p. llf m . 5-25924 TP909.I33 710 Inadequacy of Anglo-Saxon chemistry to the synthetic crisis. Current opinion, Aug., 1916, v. 61: 105. AP2.C95,v.6l 711 Increase in domestic dyestuff manufacture. Textile world journal, Oct. 28, 1916, v. 51: 4623. TS1300.T36,v.5 712 Increasing value of American dyes: the importance of right application. Touchstone, Nov., 1918, v. 4: 175-176. 713 Indian indigo industry. Scientific American supplement, May 12, 1917, v. 88: 304. Tl.S52,v.83 714 Indigenous Indian dyes. Scientific American supplement, Nov. 10, 1917, v. 84: 294. Tl.S52,v.84 715 Indigo in Cambodia. Scientific American, Oct. 27, 1900, v. 83: 259. Tl.S5,v.83 716 Ingram, Arthur E. British dye makers combine. U. S. Bureau of foreign and domestic commerce. Commerce reports, Dec. 30, 1918, no. 305: 1203. HCl.Ill98,1918,no.305 717 - British progress in production of dyewares. U. S. Bureau of foreign and domestic commerce. Commerce reports, Apr. 4, 1918, no. 79: 52-53. HCl.B198,1918,no.79 DYESTUFFS 73 718 Ingram, Arthur E. Dyewares in England. U. S. Bureau of foreign and domestic commerce. Commerce reports, Oct. 26, 1917, no. 251: 860-361. HCl.B198,1917,no.251 719 Intermediate products for the dye industry. American gas light journal, Mar. 1 } 1915, v. 102: 139. TP700.A5,v.l02 720 International chemical industry. Engineer, June 25, 1915, v. 119: 631-632. TAl.E5,v.llO 721 International congress of applied chemistry. 1st, Brussels, 1894. 302 p. 2d, Paris, 1896. 1897. 5 v. 3d, Vienna, 1898. 1899. 3 v. 4th, Paris, 1900. 1902. 3 v. 5th, Berlin, 1903. 1904. 4 v. 6th, Rome, 1906. 1907. 7 v. 7th, London, 1909. 1910. 18 v. 8th, Washington and New York, 1912. 29 v. The proceedings of each congress contain discussions on dyestufis. TP5.I6 722 The international contest for materials. Commercial West, Apr. 1, 1916, v. 29: 20-22, 49. HFl.C8,v.29 723 Isernhagen, Friedrich. ~tleber den Farbstoff der chinesischen Gelbschoten und dessen Beziehungen zum Safranfarb- stoffe. ' Munchen, E. T. Jacob, 1902. 34 p. 724 Ives, Frederick B. New photographic mordant dye process. Scientific American supplement, Jan. 11, 1919, v. 87: 20. Tl.S52,v.87 725 Jacchia, Arturo. Ueber trisubstituirte Derivate des Naphta- lins. Wurzburg, C. J. Becker, 1901. 51 p. 726 Jackson, O. L., and L. Clarke. Formel des Curcumins. BericJite der deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft. Berlin, 1906, v. 89: 2269-2270. QDl.D4,v.39 727 ; Rosocyanin. Berichte der deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft. Berlin, 1905, v. 38: 2711-2712. QDl.D4,v.38 74 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 728 Jaflfe, Max. Ueber den nach Pyramidongebrauch im Haru auftretenden roten Farbstoff. Berichte der deutschen cTiemischen GeseUschaft. Berlin, 1901, v. 84: 2737-2741- QDi.D4,v.34 729 Jalon, Max. Untersuchungen iiber einen synthetischen Sul- finazofarbstoff. Basel, 1908. 43 p. 730 Jansen, Robert. Uber Primulin und Dehydrothiotoluidin. Zeitschrift fur Farben- und Textilindustrie. Berlin, 1913, v. 12: 215-217. 731 Japan's dyes tuffs: the industry to be built up by protection and government aid. American economist, June 22, 1917, v. 49: iii. HC101.A5,v.49 732 Jaubert, G. F. Les matires colorantes azotiques. Paris, Gauihier-Villars, 1899. 733 Jennison, Francis H. The manufacture of lake pigments from artificial colors. London, Scott, Greenwood & co., 1900. 136 p. 25. 734 Jones, G. Dyes and tariff board. Textile world journal, Jan. 26, 1918, v. 53: 3512a. TS1300.T36,v.53 735 Production of American dyes and coal tar chemicals during 1917. Chemical and metallurgical engineering, Oct. 1, 1918, v. 19: 546. TNl.M45,v.l9 736 Recommendations of the Tariff commission regarding dyestuffs. Color trade journal, Feb., 1919, v. 4' 27-30. TP890.C6,v.4 737 The. tariff commission and the dye industry. Textile world journal, Dec. 15, 1917, v. 53: 2493. TS1300.T36,v.53 737a Jones, Webster N., and E. W. Cassebeer. Prices of coal- tar crudes, intermediates, and dyes. "Washington, Govt. print, off., 1919. 32 p. incl. tables, diagrs. 24% cm. (U. S. War industries board. W. I. B. price bulletin, no. 53. History of prices during the war.) 19-26831 HD9999.D9TJ67 DYESTUFFS 75 738 Jorissen, W. P., and L. T. Reicher. Ueber die Wirkung der Oxalsaure beim Aetzen des Indigos. Chemikerzeitung. Cdfhen, 1902, v. 26: 1174-1175. TPl.C45,v.26 Zeitschrift fur Farben- und Textil-CJiemie. Braunschweig, 1903, v. 2: 157-160. 739 The Journal of commerce and commercial bulletin, New York. Chemicals, drugs, dyes and oils. Annual review. [1st 1916] New York, 1917. Iv. iUus. 44%. 17-12564 HD9651.1.J7 740 Julius, P. Die kiinstlichen organischen Farbstoffe. Berlin, R. Gaertner, 1887. 235 p. 25. 741 Junghahn, A. Technologic des Quebracho-Extraktes. Chemische industrie. Berlin, 1904, v. 24: 617-624. TPl.C48,v.24 742 Justin-Mueller, Ed. Bildung der Azofarbstoffe auf der Faser und die Wirkung der Fettkorper wahrend dieser Bildung. Zeitschrift fur Farben- und Textilindustrie. Berlin, 1906, v. 5: 261-262, 271-273. See also Farberzeitung. Berlin, 1906, v. 17: 202-206. 743 Kacer, F., and R. Scholl. Ueber einige Diazoniumsalze der Anthrachinonreihe. Berichte der deutschen chemischen GeseUschaft. Berlin, 1904, v. 37: 4185-4187. QDi.D4,v.37 744 Kalb, Ludwig. Ueber Dehydro-indigo. Berichte der deutschen chemischen GeseUsfchaft. Berlin, 1909, v. 42: 3642-3664. See also vol. 44: 1455-1464 and vol. 45: 2136-2149. QDl.D4,v.42 745 - Uber Diphenochinon und Derivate des Dipheno- chinondiamins . Miinchen, V. Hofling, 1905. 86 p. 746 Kalmann, Wilhelm. Ueber den Stock in Schafwollwaren. Farberzeitung. Berlin, 1902, v. 13: 377-379. 747 Ueber die Ursache des "Stocks" in Schafwollwaaren. Farberzeitung. Berlin, 1902, v. 13: 245-248. 748 Kametaka, Tokuhei, and A. G. Perkin. Beni no kenkyu [Carthamine]. Chemical society, London. Journal, 1910, v. 97: 1415-1427. QD1.C6.V.07 76 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 750 Kananow, Georg. Studien uber Triphenylmethanfarbstoffe. Berlin, E. Ebering, 1909. 63 p. 751 Katie, Damlo L. Beitrag Kenntnis der Bildung des roten Farbstoffs. HaUe a. S., G. A. Kaemmerer < co., 1905. 84 p. 752 Katschalowsky, A. Ueber Flavindogenide. Berichte der deutschen chemischen GeseUschaft. Berlin, 1904, v. 37: 3169-3172. QDl.D4,v.37 753 and S. von Kostanecki. Synthese des 2.2'-Dioxy- flavonols. Berichte der deutschen chemischen Gesellschaften. Berlin, 1904, v. 37: 2346-2351. QDl.D4,v.37 754 Kauffmann, Hugo Josef. Die Auxochrome. (In Sammlung chemischer und chemisch-technischer Vortrage . . . Stuttgart, 1907. 25. XII. Bd., 1./3. Hit., p. [1]-112) 7-36952 QD1.S2 755 Zur Fonnel der basischen Triphenybnethanfarbstoffe. Zdtsckrift fur Farben- und Textil-Ohemie. Sorau, 1904, v. 3: 117-118. 756 and W. Franck. Ueber sterische Hindemngen. Berichte der deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft. Berlin, 1907, v. 40: 3999-4015. QDi.D4,v.40 757 Kaufler, Felix. Ueber die Einwirkung aromatischer Amine auf 1. 5-Dinitroanthrachinon. Zeitschrift fur Farbjen- und TextU-Chemie. Braunschweig, 1903, v. 2: 69-71. 759 Zur Kenntnis des Indanthrens. Berichte der deutschen chemischen GeseUschaft. Berlin, 1903, v. 36: 930-933, 1721-1722. QDi.D4,v.36 760 Kayser, Edwin C. Einige neue Ueberdruck-Effekte. Zeitschrift fur Farben- und TextU-Chemie. Braunschweig, 1902, v.l: 210-212. 761 Paranitranilin und Paranitrodiazobenzol als Wollfarb- stoffe? Zeitschrift fur Farben- und Textil-Chemie. Braunschweig, 1903 t v. 2: 80-82. 762 Vorschlage zu Neueningen im Zeugdruck. Farberzeiiung. Berlin, 1902, v. 12: 152-155, 229-232. DYESTUFFS 77 763 Kayser, Ernst. Ueber Derivate des p-Anisidins und des p-Diam- idodiphenylmethans. Gottingen, L. Hofer, 1906. 54 p. 764 Kehrmann, F. Azoxonium-Verbindungen. Berichte der deutschen chemischen GeseUschaft. Berlin, 1905 v. 38: 2952-2962, 3604-3607. See also vol. 40: 2071-2089. QDl.D4,v.38 765 Ueber die Constitution der Oxazin- und Thiazinfarb- stoffe und ihre Beziehungen zu den Azoniumkorpern. Justus Liebig's Annalen der Cfhemie. Leipzig, 1902, v. 322: 1-77. QDl.L7,v.322 766 Ueber das einfachste Thiopyronin. BericJite der deutschen chemischen GeseUschaft. Berlin, 1912, v. 45: 290-292. QDl.D4,v.45 767 Ueber eine neue chinoide Atomgruppierung. Berichte der deutschen chemischen GeseUschaft. Berlin, 1907, v. 40: 1960-1966. QDl.D4,v.40 768 Ueber Fluorescenz. Berichte der deutschen chemischen GeseUschaft. Berlin, 1904, v. 37: 3581-3583. QDl.D4,v.37 769 Zur Kenntnis der Farbsalze der Azin-Farbstoffe. Berichte der deutschen chemischen GeseUschaft. Berlin, 1913, v. 46: 2802-2808. QDl.D4>v.46 770 - - and E. Grandmougin. tJber Farbbasen der Chinoni- mid-Farbstoffe. Berichte der deutschen chemischen GeseUschaft. Berlin, 1913, v. 46: 2131-2138. QDi.D4,v.46 771 - and W. Gresly. Ueber das Azoxin-Analogen des Aposafranins. Berichte der deutschen chemischen GeseUschaft. Berlin, 1909 1 V. J&: 347-349. QDl.D4,v.42 772 and J. Steinberg. Uber eim'ge Derivate des 1.3- Diamino-phenazthioniums. Berichte der deutschen chemischen GeseUschaft. Berlin, 1911, V. 44' 3011-3017. QDl.D4,v.44 773 and F. Wentzel. Ueber die basischen Eigenschaften * des Kohlenstoffs und die Constitution des sogenannten Triphenylmethyls. Berichte der deutschen chemischen GeseUschaft. Berlin, 1901, v. 34: 3815-3819. ODl.D4,v.34 78 LIBRAE Y OF CONGRESS 774 Kehrmann, F., and A. Winkelmann. Ueber Azoxinderivate des Phenanthrenchinons. Berichte der deutschen chemischen GesellscJiaft, Berlin, 1907, v. 40: 613-623. QDl.D4,v.40 775 Helper, W. Reduktion einiger Nitro-Azo-Verbindungen. Giessen, 1903. 55 p. 776 Keller, Hans. Dynamische Untersuchungen uber die Bildung von Azofarbstoffen. Heidelberg, K. Rossler, 1902. 63 p. 777 Keller, Karl. Ueber hydrolytische Aufspaltung der Woll- substanz. Heidelberg, J. Horning, 1905. 54 p. 778 Kendall, M. Setting colors with household mordants. Purdue agriculturist, June, 1916, v. 10: 45-46. 779 Kertesz, A. Die Anilin-Farbstoffe. Braunschweig, Vieweg & SoJin. 1887. 283 p. 780 Ueber Anilinschwarz. Zeitschrift fur Farben- und Textilindustrie. Berlin, 1906, v. 5: 304-305. 781 Kielbasinski, W. Die Kontrolle der Hydrosulfitkiipe. Zeitschrift fur Farben- und Textile- Chemie. Braunschweig, 1903, v. 2: 33-34. 782 and W. Slosarski. Atzreserveweiss auf Azofonds unter blauen Kiipenfarbstoffen. (Jhemikerzeitung. Cotton, 1911, v. 35: 1282-1283. TPl.C45,v.35 783 Kiliani, H., and O. Mayer. Ueber die Identitat von Digito- flavon und Luteolin. . Berichte der deutschen chemischen GesellscJiaft. Berlin, 1901, v. 34: 3577-3578. QDi.D4,v.34 784 King, V. L. Domestic dyestuffs during war. Textile world Journal, Jan. 11, 1919, v. 55: 327. TS1300.T36,v.55 785 Kirpitschnikoff, S. Ueber schwarze Pigmente aus Anilin und seinen Homologen. Zeitschrift fur Farben- und Textilindustrie. Berlin, 1906, v. 5: 41-44. DYESTUFFS 79 786 Kitt, Moritz. Ueber Alizarin und Alizarinlackfarben. Warenkunde, Wangen i. B., 1906, v. 1: 277-285. 787 Kittredge, Henry G. The utilization of waste. Scientific American supplement, Dec. 6, 1902, v. 54: 22518. Tl.S52,v.54 788 Kiaber, Hugo. Ueber Farbstoffe der Oxythionaphthenreihe. Berlin, G. Schade, 1911. 39 p. 789 Kleinstiick, M. tiber Holzfarbung an lebenden Baumen. Zeitschrift fur angewandte CJiemie. Leipzig, 1913, v. 26: 239-240. QDl.Z3,v.26 790 Klemperer, Ralph L. von. Vorschlag fur die Beurteilung der Lichtechtheit von Farbstoffen. Fdrber-Zeitung. Berlin, 1911,v. 22: 209-21 1 . 791 Klett, A. Zur Chemie der Weigertschen Elasticafarbung. Zeitschrift fur experimentelle Pathologic und Therapie. Berlin, 1906, v. 2: 655-664. 792 Klipstein, E. C. Present dyestuff situation. Textile world record, May, 1915, v. 49: 185-190. TS1300.T36,v.49 793 Knapstein, Carl. Neues Verfahren zum Farben mit Alizarin- und anderen Beizenfarbstoffen. Farberzeitung. Berlin, 1902, v. 13: 300-303. 794 Knecht, Edmund. The estimation of indigo in dyed cotton. Society of dyers and colourists, Bradford, Eng. Journal, 1909, v. 25: 135-138, 160-161. TP890.S6,v.25 795 Indigo. (In Encyclopaedia britannica, llth ed., v. 14. New York, 1910. p. 485-486.) AE5.E36,v.l4 796 and J. P. Batey. On the condition of some dyestuffs in aqueous solution. Society (f dyers and colourists, Bradford, Eng. Journal, 1909, v. 25: 194-203. TP890.S6,v.25 797 and others. A manual of dyeing. London, C. Griffin and co., 1893. 2 v. 4 1-18632 TP897.K68 799 Kobylinski, Sigismund. Zur Kenntnis des o-Amidobenzalde- hyds. Rostock, C. Hinstorff, 1901. 70 p. 80 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 800 Kohler, H. Carbolsaure und Carbolsaurepraparate. Berlin, J. Springer, 1891. 192 p. 25 cm . 801 Konig, E. Uber die Beeinflussung der Lichtechtheit von Farbungen. Fdrber-Zeitung. Berlin, 1913, v. 24: 366-370. 802 Konig, Walter. Uber Azomethinfarbstoffe aus Furfur a- krolein. Journal fur praktische CTiemie. Leipzig, 1913, n. s., v. 88: 193-226. QDl.J75,n.s.,v.88 803 Koster, Richard. Kritische und experimentelle Beitrage zur Kenntnis. der Gallenf arbstoffe. Rostock, C. Hinstorff, 1901. 52 p. 804 Koettnitz, Curt. Ueber die Bildung von Indigo aus Anthra- nilsaurederivaten. Halbe a. S., 0. Thiele, 1901. 38 p. 805 Kohl, F. G. Die Farbstoffe der Diatomeen-Chromatophoren. Berichte der deutschen botanischen Gesellschaft. Berlin, 1906, v. 24: 124-134. 806 Kornfeld, F. Turkischrot. Chemikerzeitung. Cothen. 1912, v. 36: 29-30; 42-44; 58-59. TPl.C45,v.36 807 Kostanecki, Stanislaus von. tJber die Konstitution des Brasilins und des Hamatoxylins. Zeitschrift fur Farben- und Textil-Chemie. Sorau, 1904, v- 3: 4-14. 808 and S. Kugler. Synthese eines Isomeren des Fisetins. Berichte der deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft. Berlin, 1904, v. 37: 779-781. QDl.D4,v.37 809 and V. Lampe. Eine zweite Synthese des Chrysins. Berichte der deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft. Berlin, 1904, v. 37: 3167-3168. QDl.D4,v.37 810 Studien iiber das Brasilin. Berichte der deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft. Berlin, 1902, v. 35: 1667-1674. QDl.D4,v.35 811 Synthese des 2-Oxyflavonols. Berichte der deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft. Berlin, 1904, v. 37: 773-778. QDi.D4,v.37 DYESTUFFS 81 812 Kostanecki, Stanislaus von, and J. Tambor. Synthese des Fisetins. Berichte der deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft. Berlin, 1904, v. 37: 784-791 . QDl.D4,v.37 813 - Synthese des Galangins. Berichte der deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft. Berlin, 1904, v. 37: 2803-2806. QDl.D4,v.37 814 Synthese des Kampferols. Berichte der deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft. Berlin, 1904) v. 37: 2096-2099. QDl.D4,v.37 815 and L. Lloyd. Ueber ein Umwandlungsproduct der Muttersubstanz des Brasilins. Berichte der deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft. Berlin, 1903, v. 36: 2193-2199. QDl.D4,v.36 816 Ueber gefarbte Umwandlungsproducte des Brasilins. Berichte der deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft. Berlin, 1903, v. 36: 2199-2101. QDl.D4,v.36 817 and A. Ottmann. Synthese des 2.3'-Dioxy-flavonol. Berichte der deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft. Berlin, 1904, v. 37: 957-960. QDl.D4,v.37 818 and L. Paul. Ueber den Abbau des Brasilins. Berichte der deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft. Berlin, 1902, v.35: 2608-2611. See also vol. 35: 4285-4288. QDl.D4,v.35 819 and A. Host. Naphtalin aus Umwandlungsproducten des Hamatoxylins. Berichte der deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft. Berlin, 1903, v. 36: 2202-2206. QDl.D4,v.36 820 and A. Rozycki. Ueber des a-Aethylluteolin. Berichte der deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft. Berlin, 1901, v. 34: 3719-3721. QDl.D4,v.34 821 and O. Schleifenbauin. Ueber das 3.4.3'- Trioxy- flavonol. * Berichte der deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft. Berlin, 1904, v'. 37: 2631-2633. QDl.D4,v.37 121113 19 6 82 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 822 Kostanecki, Stanislaus von, and M. L. Stoppani. Syn- these des 2.4-Dioxyflavonols. Berichte der deutschen chemischen GeseUschaft. Berlin, 1904, v. 87: 781-784. QDi.D4,v.37 823 and W. Szabranski. Synthese des Flavonols. Berichte der deutschen chemischen GeseUschaft. Berlin, 1904, v. 37: 2819-2820. QDl.D4,v.37 824 and J. Tambor. Versuche zur Synthese gelber Pflan- zenfarbstoffe. Berichte der deutschen chemischen GeseUschaft. Berlin, 1904, v. 37: 792-794. QDl.D4,v.37 825 Krais, Paul. Farberische Echtheitsbegriffe. Zeitschrift fur angewandte Chemie. Berlin, 1911, v. 24: 1810-1811. QDl.Z3,v.24 826 Die Lichtechtheit der Korperf arben aus Teerf arbstoffen. Chemikerzeitung. Cothen, 1911, v. 35: 146. TPl.C45,v.35 827 - Der Mayer'sche Farbenmessapparat. Farber-Zeitung. Berlin, 1912, v. 23: 88-89. 828 Die modernen Teerfarbstoffe und ihre Echtheitseigen- schaften. Zeitschrift fur angewandte CTiemie. Leipzig, 1910, v. 23: 387-388. QDl.Z3,v.23 829 Ueber die Fruchtbarkeit der Teerfarbenfabriken. Zeitschrift fur angewandte Chemie. Leipzig, 1913, v. 26: 229-230. QDl.Z3,v.26 830 Ueber die Lichtechtheit der Teerfarbstoffe. Zeitschrift fur angewandte Chemie. Wiesbaden, 1910, v. 23: 1206-1208. QDl.Z3,v.23 831 Versuche zur Verbesserung der Lichtechtheit der Baumwollfarbstoffe. Zeitschrift fur Farben- und Textil-Ohemie. Braunschweig, 1902, v. 1: 22-23. 832 Krantz, L. P. Chinolinfarbstoffe. Jena, 1910. 833 Kraszler, Samuel. Untersuchung uber Farbstoffe der Rosin- dulingruppe. Geneva, 1902. 32 p. DYESTUFFS 83 834 Kremann, Robert. Konstitutionsbestimmungen durch Ueber- fuhrungsversuche. ZeitscJirift fur anorganiscJie CJiemie. Hamburg, 1903, v. 85: 48-54- QDl.Z4,v.35 835 Ueberfuhrungsversuche zur Entscbeidung der Konsti- tution von Salzen. ZeitscJirift fur anorganiscJie CJiemie. Hamburg, 1902, v. 83: 87-95. QDl.Z4,v.33 836 Krembs, Richard. Zur Kenntnis des Catechins. Bern, 1903. 32 p. 837 Kressmann, F. W. Osage orange its value as a commercial dyestuff. Journal of industrial and engineering chemistry, June, 1914, v. 6: 462-464. TPl.J6,v.6 838 Osage orange waste as a substitute for fustic dyewood. (In TJ. S. Dept. of agriculture. Yearbook, 1915. Washington, 1916. p. 201-204.) S21.A35 1915 839 Kronlein, Gustav. Versuche zur Herstellung von Schwefel- farbstoffen aus Diphenylarninverbindungen. Weida i. T~h., Thomas & Hubert, 1911. 66 p. 840 Kriiss, P. Absorption organischer Farbstoffe im Ultraviolett. ZeitscJirift fur pJiysikalische CJiemie. Leipzig, 1905, v. 51: 257-296. QDl.Z45,v.51 841 Kummell, G. Weitere Untersuchungen iiber die Beschleu- nigung des Ausbleichens von Farbstoffen. ZeitscJirift fur wissenscJiaftlicJie PJiotograpJiie. Leipzig, 1912, v. 11: 133-136. 842 Kiister, William. Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Gallenfarb- stoffe. BericJite der deutschen cJiemiscJien Gesellschaft. Berlin, 1902, v. 35: 1268-1273. QDl.D4,v.35 843 Kugel, Egolf. Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Amidophenolsulfo- sauren. MiincJien, J. Fuller, 1911. 34 p. 844 Kurz, Camille. Tannindigotin. Fdrberzeitung. Berlin, 1902, v. 13: 117-119. 845 Kylin, Harald. Ueber Phykoerythrin und Phykocyan bei Ceramium rubrum. Hoppe-Sei/lers ZeitscJirift fur physiologiscJie CJiemie. Strass- burg, 1910, v. 69: 169-239. 84 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 846 Kym, O. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Benz-Imidazole und Benz-Oxazole und deren Azofarbstoffderivate. Berichte der deutscJien chemischen GeseUschaft. Berlin, 1911, v. 44' 2919-2932. QDl.D4,v.44 847 Lagodzinski, K. Ueber 1.2-Anthrachinon. Justus Liebig's Annalen der (Themie. Leipzig, 1905, v. 342: 59-89. QDl.L7,v.342 848 - Ueber 1.2-Anthrahydrochinon und dessen Ueber- fuhrung in Alizarin. Berichte der deutscJien chemischen GeseUschaft. Berlin, 1903, V. 36: 4020-4022. QDl.D4,v.36 849 Lake, Dyer Barker. Studies in dyeing and cleaning. [Ithaca, N. Y., 1916] 1 p. 1., p. [761]-808. diagr. 26 cm . "Reprinted from the Journal of physical chemistry, 20, 761 (1916). ' ' 17-13628 TP897.L2 850 Lamb, M. C. Lederfarberei und Lederzurichtung. Berlin, J. Springer, 1912. 427 p. 851 Lambert, Max, and E. Lebee. Les matieres colorantes artificielles. Paris, 1917. 31 p. 28%. (Association nationale d 1 expan- sion economique. [Rapports. 1: Section industrielle et commerciale. 18]) 18-16584 HC271.A8, no. 18 852 Lambrecht, Rudolf. Studien iiber die Einwirkungsprodukte des Schwefelwasserstoffs auf Triphenylmethanfarbstoffe. Zurich, 1905. 79 p. 853 and H. Weil. Ueber farblose Salze der Triphenyl- und Diphenyl-Carbinole. Berichte der deutschen chemischen GeseUschaft. Berlin, 1904, v. 37: 3058-3062. QDi.D4,v.37 854 Ueber Malachitgriin und Krystallviolett. Berichte der deutschen chemischen GeseUschaft. Berlin, 1905, v. 38: 270-282. QDl.D4,v.38 855 Lampe, Victor. Zur Kenntnis des Brasilins. Bern, 1903. 32 p. 856 and J. Mitobe,dzka. Studien uber Curcumin. Berichte der deutschen chemischen GeseUschaft. Berlin, 1913, V. 46: 2235-2240. QDl.D4,v.46 DYESTUFFS 85 857 Landau, B. Natiirlicher und kiinstlicher Indigo. Technische Monatshefte, Stuttgart, 1912: 178-180; 214-218. 858 Landauer, Paul. Studien iiber das Methylenblau. Munchen, E. Muhlfhaler, 1909. 42 p. 859 Lange, Otto. Die Schwefelfarbstoffe; ihre Herstellung und Verwendung. Leipzig, 0. Spa/mer, 1912. xii, 497 P- iUus., diagrs. 24%- (Chemische Technologic in Einzeldarstellungen, Tierausgeber: F. Fischer) 12-10159 TP913.L2 860 Langer, Josef. Ueber Buntreserven unter Paranitranilinrot. Zeitschrift fur Farben- und TextH-Ohemie. Braunschweig, 1902, v. 1: 116-119. 861 Lasareff, P. Uber den Einfluss des Gasdrucks auf das Aus- bleichen von Farbstoffen im sichtbaren Spektrum. Zeitschrift fur physikalische Ohemie. Leipzig, 1912, v. 78: 657-660. QDl.Z45,v.78 862 Lauber, Eduard, ed. Praktisches Handbuch des Zeugdrucks. Leipzig, Im selbstverlage des herausgebers, 1902. 8 v. iUus. 24. Supplement-band zur 4. Aufl. des i. Bandes und 2. Aufl. des n. und in. Bandes. Leipzig, S. Schnurpfeil, 1905. 248 p. ittus. 24. 2. Supplementband, Hrsg. von prof. Antonio Sansone. Leipzig, Buchhandlung G. Fock, g. m. b. Ji., 1910. 2 p. I., 890 [1] p. iUus., plates (partly fold., partly col.} 24. 11-27843-5 TP930.L3 863 Laue, Otto. Zur Konstitution der gemischten Azoverbin- dungen. Munchen, C. Wolf <& SoTin, 1906. 67 p. 864 Laundry blue. Scientific American supplement, May 31, 1902, v. 58: 22090. Tl.S52,v.53 865 Lauterbach, Fritz. Geschichte der in Deutschland bei der Farberei angewandten Farbstoffe mit besonderer Beriick- sichtigung des mittelalterlichen Waidbaues. Leipzig, Veit & co., 1905. 113 p. 866 Der Kampf des Waides mit dem Indigo. Leipzig, Veit, 1905. 119 p. 86 LIBRAKY OF CONGRESS 867 Le Clear, Thomas. Analysis of intermediates. Color trade journal, Mar., 1918, v. 2: 203. TP890.C6,v.2 868 Lee, J. B. On indigo manufacture. London, 1892. 869 Lefevre, Leon. Traite" des matieres colorantes organiques artificielles, de leur preparation industrielle et de leurs applications. Paris, G. Masson, 1896. 2 v. illus., mounted patterns. "Principales publications pe>iodiques et ouvrages traitant des matieres colorantes": v. 1, p. xv-xvi. 5-25908 TP913.L3 870 Lehinann, Erich. Ueber Trennung von Farbstoffen durch Diffusion. Zeitschrift fur pliysikalische Chemie. Leipzig, 1907, v. 57: 718-720. QDl.Z45,v.57 871 Lehmann, L. Ueber die Fortschritte auf dem Gebiete der kunstlichen organischen Farbstoffe im Jahre 1908. Chemische Industrie. Berlin, 1909, v. 32: 328-335, 362-371. TPl.C48,v.32 872 - Ueber die Fortschritte auf dem Gebiete der kunst- lichen organischen Farbstoffe im Jahre 1912. Chemische Industrie. Berlin, 1913, v. 36: 342-346, 373-381, 397-402. TPl.C48,v.36 873 Lehne, Adolf. Tabellarische Uebersicht tiber die kunstlichen organischen Farbstoffe, und ihre Anwendung in Farberei und Zeugdruck. Berlin, J. Springer, 1893. 96 p. ' SO. - Erganzsbund I. Berlin, 1899. - Erganzsbund II. Berlin, 1906. 48 p. 874 Leipziger Farber-Zeitung. Berlin, 1871-1913. 22 v. Title varies and is sometimes called Muster-Zeitung f iir Farberie and Farberei-Muster Zeitung. TP890.L5 875 Leland, Charles Godfrey and Thomas Bolas. Dyes, stains, inks, lacquers, varnishes and polishes. Chicago, The Photo-beacon co.; London, Dawbarn <& Ward, ltd., 1899. ii, 24, iii-iv p. iUus., vii-xii pi. 18x20. ( Useful arts series, no. 2} Mar. 15, 1900-63 TP935.L53 DYESTUFFS 87 876 Lemoult, P. Matures colorantes azoiques; chaleur de com- bustion et formula de constitution. Academic des sciences. Paris, Comptes-rendus, 1906, v. 143: 603-605. Q46.A14,v.l43 877 Nouvelles syntheses de PIndigo. Revue generate de chimie pure et appliguee. Paris, 1902, v. 13: 759-762. QDl.R33,v.l3 878 Lepetit, R. Derives de 1'indigo. Societe industrieUe de Mulhouse. Bulletin, 1905, v. 75: 379-382. T2.S75,v.75 879 and E. Levi. Azione del solfito e del bisolfito di sodio sopra alcuni coloranti azoici. Gazzetta chimica italiana. Rome, 1911, v. J^l: 675-688. QDl.G2,v.41 880 Le Pileur d'Apligny. Die Baumwollen- und Leinenfarberei von Pileur Dapligny. Aus dem franzosischen fibers, und mit Anmerkungen und Zusatzen begleitet von D. J&ger. Neue Ausg. Leipzig, Fischer & Fuchs, 1834. 1 p. 1., v-xii, 176 p. 21. 8-25438 TP897.L59 881 Lesser, R. and R. Weiss. tTber den "Selen-indigo". Berichte der deutschen chemischen GeseUschaft. Berlin, 1912, v. 45: 1835-1841 QDl.D4,v.45 882 tTber selenhaltige aromatische Verbindungen. Berichte der deutschen chemischen GeseUschaft. Berlin, 1913, v. 46: 2640-2658. QDl.D4,v.46 883 Levy, Albert. Recherches sur un nouvel isomere de la rosin- duline et quelques- uns de ses derives. Geneva, 1901. 63 p. 884 Lichtenstein, Ludwig. UberdieWirkungvonSchutzkolloiden an Entwicklungsf arbstoffen. Fdrber-Zeitung. Berlin, 1913, v. 24: 21-23. 885 Liebermann, Carl. Beizenfarbstoffe. Farber Zeitung Berlin, 1903, v. 14: 197-199. 886 Ueber Beizenfarbstoffe der Bittermandelolgrun- und der Rosamin-Gruppe. Berichte der deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft. Berlin, 1902, v. 35: 2301-2303. QDl .D4,v.35 88 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 887 Liebermann, Carl. Zur Farberei der oxydischen Beizen. Berichte der deutschen chemischen GeseUschaft. Berlin, 1901, v. 84: 1562-1566. QDl.D4,v.34 888 and N. Danaila. Ueber die Oxydation der Phenol- isatine. Berichte der deutschen chemischen GeseUschaft. Berlin, 1907, v. 40: 8588-3597. QDl.D4,v.40 889 and A. Glawe. Ueber die Spaltung der Dioxytetra- methylrosaminsulfosaure. Berichte der deutschen chemischen GeseUschaft. Berlin, 1904, v. 87: 203-210. QDl.D4,v.37 890 and R. Krauss. Ueber die indigoahnlichen Gmppen von blauen Farbstoffen aus Isatin. Berichte der deutschen chemischen GeseUschaft. Berlin, 1907, v. 40: 2492-2515. QDl.D4,v.40 891 and B. Pleus. Zur Geschichte der Anthrachinon-a- monosulfosaure. Berichte der deutschen chemischen GeseUschaft. Berlin, 1904, v. 37: 646-648. QDl.D4,v.37 892 and W. Schiller. Uber Azafrin. Berichte der deutschen chemischen GeseUschaft. Berlin, 1913, v. 46: 1978-1986. QDl.D4,v.46 893 and F. Wolbling. Ueber einige Dioxyfluoresceine und Dioxyeosine. Berichte der deutschen chemischen GeseUschaft. Berlin, 1902, v. 85: 1782-1788. QDl.D4,v.35 894 Liebig, Hans von. Studien uber Oxonium und Alkalisalze von Fluoronen. Berichte der deutschen chemischen GeseUschaft. Berlin, 1918, v. 46: 2736-2745. QDl.D4,v.46 895 tTber Fluoresceinather und- ester. Journal fur prdktische Chemie. Leipzig, 1918, n. s., v. 88: 26-48. QDl.J75,n.s.,v.88 896 Liebig, J. von. Handbuch der organischen Chemie mit Riicksicht auf Pharmacie. Heidelberg, 1843. 897 Lillig, Richard. Ueber verwandte Derivate des antiken Purpurs. Rostock i. M., Druck v. C. Hinstorff, 1913. 64 p. DYESTUFFS 89 898 Lindsay, William Lander. Experiments on the dyeing prop- erties of lichens. Edinburgh, Printed by NeiU and company, 1855. 26 p. "From the Edinburgh philosophical journal, new series, for July 1855." 12-10436 SB285.L74 899 - On the present uses of lichens as dye-stuffs. [London] 1867. 11, 141-144 p. 22. "From the Report of the British association for the advancement of science for 1867." 12-9832 SB285.L76 900 Linne, Carl von. Plantae tinctorise, de quibus specimen botanico-oeconomicum consensu . . . Facult. med. in . . . Upsaliensi athenaeo, preside . . . Dn. Doct. Carolo Linnaeo . . . publico bonorum examini modeste sub- mittit . . . Engelbertus Jdrlin . . . die xvi maji, anno MDCCLIX . . . Upsaliae [1759] 30 p. 18% x 15%. Appears also in Linnets Amoenitates academicae, vol. v, p. 314-342. 6-39077 SB931.L77 901 Lipinski. Paul. Ueber n-Octylverbindungen. Breslau, T. Schatzky, 1902. 4! p. 902 Lipp, Anton. Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Einwirkung von Aldehyden auf Phenole. Ueber einige gefarbte Hydrazo- verbindungen. Bern, 1905. 67 p. 904 List of firms and capitalization engaged in the manufacture of dyes tuffs. Journal of commerce and commercial bulletin, Aug. 8, 1917, p. 8, col. 1-2. 905 Little, Arthur Dehon. Dyestuff situation. Scientific American supplement, May 1, 1915, v. 79: 278-279. Tl.S52,v.79 906 - The dyestuff situation and its lesson; address before Chamber of commerce of the United States of America at Washington, February 5, 1915. Boston, Mass., Arthur D. Little, inc., 1915. 1 p. 1., 10 p. 28. TP910.L5 16-1132 90 LIBRAKY OF CONGRESS 907 Little, Arthur D. The dyestuff situation. Journal of industrial and engineering chemistry, Mar., 1915, v. 7: 237-239. TPl.J6,v.7 Scientific American supplement, May 1, 1915, v. 79: 278-279. Tl.S52,v.79 908 Loeb, Morris, and others. Indigo. (In New international encyclopaedia, 2d ed., v. 12. New York, 1915. p. 128-130.) AE5.N553 1914,v.l2 909 Loewenthal, Nathan. Ueber eine neue alkoholische Carmin- losung. Zeitschrift jur wissenschaftliche MikrosJcopie und mikro- skopische Technik. Leipzig, 1902, v. 19: 56-60. QH201.Z4,v.l9 910 Loewenthal, Richard. Neurungen auf dem Gebiete der chemischen Technologie der Spinnfasern. Ohemikerzeitung. Cdihen, 1902, v. 26: 752-755. TPl.C45,v.26 911 Logan, Thomas. An appeal for dyestuff protection. American economist, Feb. 25, 1916, v. 57: 85-86. HC101.A5,v.57 912 Logothetis, Andreas. ZurKenntnis derAzo- und Amidoazo- korper. HaUe a. S., Wischan & Burkhardt, 1904. 88 p. 913 Logwood embargo. Textile world journal, Jan. 1, 1916, v. 51: 115. TS1300.T36,v.51 914 Logwood of commerce. Scientific American, Mar. 22, 1913, v. 108: 270. Tl.S5,v.l08 915 Logwood dyes. Industrial Canada, Jan. 1916, v. 16: 953-954. HClll.I4,v.l6 916 Lonsdale, John. Levenstein limited: progress made by the British dye industry. Journal of industrial and engineering chemistry, Feb., 1918, v. 10: 149-150. TPl.J6,v.lO 917 Loose, Richard. Ueber indikationsfahige Azokombinationen. Zittau i. S., Schiemann <& co., 1909. 60 p. 918 Lopez Tuero, Ferdinando. Cultivos tropicales. Anil y vainilla. Puerto Rico, Impr. del Boletin mercantil, 1892. 1 p. I., 55 p. 22. CA 17-2328 SB287.I4L8 DYESTUFFS 91 919 Love, Thomas. The art of dyeing, cleaning, scouring, and finishing, on the most approved English and French methods. 2d American ed., to which are added genera] instructions for the use of aniline colors. Philadelphia, H. C. Baird, 1869. xxviii, [17]-343 p. 24. 8-25436 TP897.L89 920 Lucius, Franz. Ueber Farbstoffabsorption. Weida i. TJi., Thomas & Hubert, 1906. 55 p. 921 Lunge, Georg. Coal-tar and ammonia. 3d and enl. ed. London, Gurney and Jackson, 1900. xvi, 929 p. iUus., tables, diagrs. 23. 3-7197 TP953.L965 922 4th and enl. ed. London, Gurney and Jackson, 1909. 2 v. iUus., plates (part fold.} fold. tab. 23. Agr 10-584 ' TP953.L965 1909 923 Technical methods of chemical analysis, ed. by George Lunge ... in collaboration with E. Adam, F. Barnstein [and others] . . . English translation from the latest Ger- man ed., adapted to English conditions of manufacture, ed. by Charles Alexander Keane ... in collaboration with T. L. Bailey, C. O. Bannister [and others]. . . London, Gurney and Jackson, 1908-14- 6 v. in 3. ittus., tables. 25. "A revised edition of Dr. F. Bockmann's Chemisch-technische untersuchungsmethoden, edited by Professor G. Lunge, was published in 1899 . . . practically a new work . . . adapted to modern methods of work. In 1904 a second edition was called for, in which the whole of the subject matter was thoroughly revised and brought up to date . . . The English translation has been made from the second German edition ... A bibliography ... is appended to each section, and all important tables, in addition to being printed in the text, are also printed for refer- ence at the end of each volume." Pref. "Organic dyes"; v. 2, part 2: 845-1185. "Inorganic colours": v. 3, part 2: 910-1017. 9-13940 TP161.L92 924 Lwoff, Aron. Ueber erne Reaktion zwischen Diazokorpern und Azofarbstoffen. Berickte der deutschen chemischen GeseUschaft. Berlin, 1908, v. 41: 1096-1097. QDl.D4,v.4l 925 Ueber Eliminierung von Diazoresten aus Azofarbstoffen durch nitrierte Aryldiazoniumsalze. Jena, B. Vopelius, 1909. 32 p. 92 LIBKARY OF CONGRESS 926 McComb, William. To build up dye industry. American economist, Mar. 16, 1917, v. 59: Hi. HC101.A5,v.59 927 McCormack, H. Why America does not manufacture anilin dyes. Inland printer, Jan. 1915, v. 54: 545-547. Zll9.l56,v.54 928 McCulloch-Williams, M. Home-brewed dyes, and dyeing. Country life, Sept., 1907, v. 12: 566. S3.C9,v.l2 929 MacGregor, D. This man [Dr. T. H. Norton] is teaching Americans how to make dyestuffs. American magazine, v. 83, Feb., 1917: 48-49- AP2.A346,v.83 930 McKerrow, H. Gardner. Conference to consider standardiza- tion of American dyestuffs. Color trade journal, Jan., 1918, v. 2: 27-28. TP890.C6,v.2 931 New dyestuffs industry. Textile world journal, June 80, 1917, v. 52: 3499. TS1300.T36,v.52 932 A permanent dyestuff industry. (In National association of cotton manufacturers. Transactions, 1918, no. 103-104. Boston, 1918. 25 cm . p. 154-168.) TS1550.N5 1918 933 Permanent dyestuff industry. Textile world journal, Oct. 20, 1917, v. 53: 1653. TS1300.T36,v.53 934 McMillen, H. C. Problems of our dye makers. New York Evening Post magazine, Apr. 20, 1918: 2. 935 Maetzel, Johannes. Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Farblacke. Weida i. TJi., Thomas & Hubert, 1911. 67 p. 936 Maffezzoli, Francesco. Beitrage zur Kenntnis des Anthra- chinon-orthodicarbonsaureanhydrids. Freiburg i. Br., Speyer & Kaerner, 1904- 4$ P- 937 Mai, Julius. Azofarbstoffe aus Methylphenylglycin. Berichte der deutschen chemischen Gesettschaft. Berlin, 1902, v. 35: 576-582. QDl.D4,v.35 938 Einwirkung von unterphosphoriger Saure auf Diazover- bindungen. Berichte der deutschen chemischen Gesettschaft. Berlin, 1902, v. 35: 162-163. QDl.D4,v.35 DYESTUFFS 93 939 Mai, Julius, and F. Schwabacher. Einwirkung von Mono- chloressigsaure auf Oxyazoverbindungen. Berichte der deutschen chemischen GeseUschaft. Berlin, 1901, v. 34: 3936-8941. QDl.D4,v.34 940 Mailhe, A. After-war development of the gas industry. Gas age, June 15, 1917, v. 39: 625-626. TP700.Gl4,v.39 941 Maillard, L. Circonstances d'oxydation de Findoxyle urinaire en couleurs indigotiques. Societe chimique de Paris. Bulletin, 1903, 3. ser., v. 29: 535-540. QDl.S4,3.ser.,v.29 942 - Sur la constitution des matieres colorantes de 1'indigo. Societe chimique de Paris. Bulletin, 1903, 3. ser., v. 29: 756-761. QDl.S4,,v.29 943 Sur l'6tat polymerise" de 1'indigotine ordinaire et la transformation isome'rique de 1'indigotine en indirubine. Academic des . sciences. Paris. Comptes-rendus, 1902, v. 134: 470-472. Q46.A14,v.l34 944 Manchester, H. H. A history of dyeing and dyes. Color trade journal, Feb., Apr., 1918, v. 2: 47-49; 141-143. TP890.C6,v.2 945 Manufacture of coal-tar crudes. Scientific American supplement, Oct. 23, 1915, v. 80: 261. Tl.S52,v.80 946 Manufacture of dyes. American co-operative journal, Jan., 1916, v. 11: 532. HD2951.A3,v.ll 947 The manufacture of dyestuffs. Nature, Feb. 11, 1915, v. 94: 646-647. Ql.N2,v.94 948 Marchlewski, Leon. Studien uber naturliche Farbstoffe. Biochemische Zeitschrift. Berlin, 1907, v. 3: 287-306. QP501.B5,v.3 949 Zur Kenntnis einiger naturlicher Farbstoffe. Berichte der deutschen chemischen GeseUschaft. Berlin, 1902, V. 35: 4338-4344. QDl.D4,v.35 950 and J. Robel. Uber Azofarbstoffe des 2.4-Dimethyl- pyrrols und Hamopyrrols. Berichte der deutschen chemischen GeseUschaft. Berlin, 1910, v. 43: 260-266. QDl.D4,v.43 94 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS . 951 Markfeldt, Oskar. Aniline dyes soluble in fats. Scientific American supple' ^ent, Aug. 4, 1900, v. 50: 20571- 20572. Tl.S52,v.50 952 Die Anwendung der Teerfarbstoffe und ihre Wertbestim- mung. Fdrberzeitung. Dresden, 1906, v. 11: 1167-1169. 953 Ein Blick in das Gebiet der kiinstlichen organischen Farbstoffe. Fdrberzeitung. Dresden, 1901, v. 6: 232-233. 954 Einiges aus der Pigmentfarbenfabrikation. Fdrberzeitung. Dresden, 1901, v. 7: 19-20. 955 - Natiirlicher und kiinstlicher Indigo und ihre Bivalen. Fdrberzeitung. Dresden, 1906, v. 11: 1045-1048. 956 - Pflanzen- oder Teerfarbstoffe. Fdrber-Zeitung. Berlin, 1908, v. 13: 1743-1744. 957 - Ueber die gemeinsamen Anwendung basischer und saurer Teerfarbstoffe zur Erreichungs bestimmter Zwecke. Fdrler-Zeitung. Berlin, 1909, v. 14: 1079-1080. 958 Marquart, L. C. Die Farben der Bliiten. Bonn, 1835. 959 Marschalk, Charles. Zur Kenntnis des Oxindols und Thio- oxindols. Journal fur praktiscJie Chemie. Leipzig, 1913, n. s., v. 88: 227-250. QDl.J75,n.s.,v.88 960 Marvin, Thomas O. An American dyestuffs industry. Protectionist, Feb. 1916, v. 27: 644-847. HF1750.P8,v.27 961 Marvin, Winthrop L. Bogus protectionism. American economist, Dec. 1, 1916, v. 58: 261. HC101.A5,v.58 962 Mason, Frederick A. The influence of research on the development of the coal-tar dye industry. Science progress, Oct., 1915, Jan., 1916, v. 10: 237-255; 413-422. Ql.S79,v.lo 963 Matos, Louis J. America's progress in dyestuffs manufactur- ing. Journal of industrial and engineering chemistry, Oct., 1918, v. 10: 790-792. TPl.J6,v.lO Color trade journal, Nov., 1918, v. 3: 362-365. TP890.C6,v.3 DYESTUFFS 95 964 Mat os, Louis J. American dyes tuffs for the American army. Textile world journal, Sept. 29, 1917, v. 58: 1229. TS1300.T36,v.53 965 Dyes from the manufacturers' standpoint. Chemical and metallurgical engineering, Sept. 25, 1918, v. 19: 409-410. TNl.M45,v.lO 966 Dyestuffs. Franklin institute. Journal, Aug., 1918, v. 186: 187-209. Tl.F8,v.l86 967 Shortage in dyestuffs. Textile world record, Sept. 1914, v. 47: 618-620. TS1300.T36,v.47 968 Matthews, Joseph Merritt. Analysis of Dr. Norton's recent dyestuff report. Textile world journal, Feb. 12, 1916, v. 51: 1053, 1059. TS1300.T36,v.51 969 Crucial factors in the dyestuff problem. Textile world journal, Jan. 15, 1916, v. 51: 581. TS1300.T36,v.51 970 Dyestuff manufacture in America. American gas light journal, Aug. 24, 1914, v. 101: 124-125. TP700.A5,v.l01 971 The economic basis of the dyestuff industry. Color trade journal, May, 1919, v. 4: 106-109. TP890.C6,v.4 972 Explanation of dyestuff handicaps. Textile world journal, Feb. 26, 1916, v. 51: 1208. TS1300.T36,v.51 973 Government tariff aid. Textile world journal, Jan. 26, 1918, v. 53: 3453. TS1300.T36,v.53 974 The industrial development of indigo. Franklin institute. Journal, 1902, v. 154: 423-429. Tl.F8,v.l54 975 Laboratory manual of dyeing and textile chemistry. New York, J. Wiley <& sons; 1909. xii, 363 p. incl. ittus., tables. 23%. 9-8903 TP893.M3 976 Safeguarding the dyestuff industry. Color trade journal, Dec., 1918, v. 3: 381-384. TP890.C6,v.3 Gas age, Feb., 15, 1919, v. 43: 181-182. TP700.Gl4,v.43 96 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 977 Matthews, Washington. Navajo dyestuffs. (In Smithsonian institution. Annual report, 1891. Washington, 1893. p. 613-615.) Q11.A66 1891 978 Mayer, Karl. Diskussion uber das Orientierungssystem der Farbstoffe. Fdrber-Zeitung. Berlin, 1912, v. 23: 459-460. 979 Der Farbenmessapparat. Fdrber-Zeitung. Berlin, 1912, v. 23: 25-28; 77-78. 981 Mees, C. E. K. Planning a research laboratory for an industry. (In National association of cotton manufacturers. Transaction, 1918, no. 103-104. Boston, 1918. 25 cm . p. 569-591.) TS1550.N5 1918 982 Meeting the dyestuff famine in England. Textile world record, Oct. 1914, v. 48: 154-156. TS1300.T36,v.48 983 Meldola, R. Indigo question. Nature, July 30, 1908, v. 78: 296-298. Ql.N2,v.78 984 The synthesis of indigo. Society of arts. London. Journal, 1901, v. J$: 397-412. Tl.S64,v.49 985 2 : 3 : 5-Trinitro-4-aminophenol and derivatives. Chemical society. London. Journal, 1909, v. 95: 1378-1386. QDl.C6,v.95 986 Mell, C. D. Fustic; an important dye wood. Scientific American supplement, Dec. 22, 1917, v. 84: 388-389. Tl.S52,v.84 987 Menher, Hans. Ueber Abkommlmge der Anthranilsaure. Journal fur praktiscJie Ohemie. Leipzig, 1901, n. s., v. 63: 241-312, 576. QDl.J75,n.s.,v.63 988 Method of standardizing the fastness of colors to light. Scientific American supplement, Jan. 25, 1919, v. 87: 57. Tl.S52,v.87 989 Meyer, Andre. Sur les matieres colorantes azoiques de la ph6nylis6xazolone. Academie des sciences. Paris. Comptes-rendus, 1913, v. 156: 1992-1995. Q46.Ai4,v.l56 990 Meyer, Hans. Ueber die Verkettung aromatischer Amino- sauren. Justus Liebig's Annalen der Chemie. Leipzig, 1907, v. 351: 267-282. QDl.L7,v.351 DYESTUFFS 97 991 Meyer, R. Die neuere Entwickelung der Theerfarben-Indnstrie. Braunschweig, 1880. 992 Neuere Forsuchungen iiber Pflanzenfarbstoffe. Naturwissenschaftliche Rundschau. Braunschweig, 1908, v. 18: 877-379, 389-391. Q3.N8,v.l8 993 and K. Marx. Zur Konstitution der Phthaleinsalze. Berichte der deutschen chemischen GeseUschaft. Berlin, 1908, V. 41: 2446-2458. QDl.D4,v.41 994 and O. Spengler. Zur Constitution der Phtaleinsalze. Berichte der deutschen chemischen GeseUschaft. Berlin, 1903, v. 86: 2949-2967. See also vol. 38: 1318-1333. QDl.D4,v.36 995 Michaelis, Leonor. Die differenten Farbstoffe als Fett- farbstoffe. Deutsche medicinische Wochenschrift. Berlin, 1901, v. 27: 183-184. 996 Zur Theorie der Fettfarbung. Deutsche medicinische Wochenschrift. Berlin, 1901, v. 27: 759-760. 997 Michel, Franz. Darstellung von Indigo als Uebungspraparat im Laboratorium. und als Vorlesungsversuch. ChemiJcerzeitung. Cothen, 1911, v. 85: 755-756. TPl.C45,v.35 998 . Eine Verbindung des Formaldehyds mit dem Indigo. Erlangen, 1903. 999 Mierzinski, S. Die Gerb- und Farbstoff Extracte. Wien, 1887. 1000 Miethe, A., and G. Book. Ueber die Constitution der Cyanin-Farbstoffe. Berichte der deutschen chemischen GeseUschaft. Berlin, 1904, v. 37: 2008-2022, 2821-2824. QDl.D4,v.37 1001 Miklaszewski, B., and S. von Niementowski. Verglei- cnendes Studium der drei isomeren Aminophenyl- benzimidazole. Berichte der deutschen chemischen GeseUschaft. Berlin, 1901, v. 34: 2953-2974. QDl.D4,v.34 1002 Miller, O., and J. Smirnoff. Ueber den Wirkungswert des Indigotins gegen Kaliumpermanganat. Berichte der deutschen chemischen GeseUschaft. Berlin, 1908, v. 41: 1633-1637. ODl.D4,v.41 121113 19 7 98 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1003 Mobilization of American dye makers. Scientific American, Nov. 6, 1915, v. 113: 392. Tl.S52,v.ll3 1004 Mo hi au, Richard. Die organischen Farbstoffe. Dresden, Bloem, 1890. 402 p. 1005 Zur Kenntnis der Farblacke liydroxylhaltiger Farb- stoffe. Berichte der deutschen chemischen Gesetischaft. Berlin, 1913, V. 46: 443-456. QDl.D4,v.46 1006 - and H. Th. Bucherer. Farbenchemisches Prak- tikuixi. Leipzig, Veil and co., 1908. 874 P- ^ cm - Agr. 9-921 1007 - K. Kllmmer and E. Kahl. Ueber die Farbstoffe der Capriblaugruppe. ZeitscJirift fur Farben- und Textil-Chemie. Braunschweig, 1902, v. 1: 313-324, 354-356. 1008 and F. Steimmig. Ueber die Beziehungen zwischen der chemischen Konstitution organischer Farbstoffe und ihrem Farbevennogen gegenuber oxydischen Beizen. Zeitschrift fur Farben- und Textil-Chemie. Berlin, 1904, v. 3: 353-370. 1009 and M. R. Zimmermann. Ueber cine neue Methode zur quantitativen Bestimmung des Indigos in Substanz und auf der Faser. Zeitschrift fur Farben- und Textil-Chemie. Braunschweig, 1903, v. 2: 189-193. 1010 Ueber kolloidalen Indigo. Zeitschrift fur Farben- und Textil-Chemie. Braunschweig, 1903, v. 2: 25-26. 1011 Moeller, Fritz. Ueber Derivate der Merkaptane des Anthra- chinons. Freiburg, i. Br., Speyer and Kaerner, 1911. 60 p. 1012 Moir, J. The constitution of caerulignone. Chemical society, London. Proceedings, 1906, v. 22: 110- 111. QDl.C62,v.22 1013 Di-indigotin. Chemical society, London. Journal, 1902, v. 18: 194-196. QDl.C6,v.l8 DYESTUFFS 99 1014 Molony, Cornelius. Molony's masterpiece on wool, silk and cotton dyeing: containing his best receipts, without the least reserve; according to his practice in Great Britain and America. Lowell [Mass.] Printed by Dearborn & Bellows, 1837. vi, [7]- 122 p. 17$. S-25435 TP897.M71 1015 The practical dyer. With references to patterns of the several colours, numbered in rotation, and attached to the work. To which are annexed miscellaneous receipts for cotton, silk, and woollen goods, without patterns. Boston, Printed ly Munroe and Francis, 1833. 2 p. I, 107, [1] p. patterns on 3 pi. 19*. 8-25434 TP897.M72 1016 Le Moniteur de la teinture et de Timpression des tissus. Pans, 1894. 1 v. TP890.M7 1017 Monnereau, filie. Le parfait indigotier; ou, Description de Findigo . . . ensemble un traite sur la culture de cafe. Nouv. e"d.) rev., cor. & augm. par 1'auteur. Amsterdam & Marseille, J. Mossy, 1765. xiii, 15-238 p. fold, front. 16%. 12-11633 SB287.I4M7 1018 Moore, Charles Watson. Ueber Emeraldin und Anilin- schwarz. Miinchen, V. Hb'jling, 1907. 1+5 p. 1019 Morgan, Gilbert Thomas. Influence of substitution on the formation of Diazoamines and aminoazo-compounds. Chemical society, London, 1902, v. 81: 86-100. QDl.C6,v.81 1020 and Mary Alcock. The colour and constitution of diazonium salts. Chemical society, London. Journal, 1909, v. 95: 1319-1329. QDl.C6,v.95 1021 and F. M. G. Mickelthwait. A series of azo-dyes, derived from the aminosulphonamides. Society of dyers and colourists, Bradford, Eng. Journal, 1909, v. 25: 107-112. TP890.S6,v.25 1022 and F. E. Richards. Azo-colouring matters derived from artetrahydro-a-naphthylamine. Society of chemical industry, London. Journal. 1905, v. 24: 652-654. TPl.S6,v.24 100 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1023 Moses, P. R. Buildings for dye manufacture. Engineering magazine, Oct., 1916, v. 52: 90-94. TAl.E59,v.52 ] 024 Mothwurf , Arthur, t) ber Tritolylcarbinol. Munchen, V. Hofling, 1904. 38 p. 1025 Mott, William R. Paint and dye testing. Scientific American supplement, Nov. 27, 1915, v. 80: 850-352. Tl.S52,v.80 1026 Miihlhauser, O. Die Technik der Rosanilinfarbstoffe. Stuttgart, Cotta, 1889. 295 p. 1027 Muller, Gustav. tlber schwefelhaltige Analoga der Indigo- gruppe. Zurich, 1905. 50 p. 1028 Muller, Hermann. Zur Kenntnis der Sulfinazofarbstoffe. Zeitschrift fur Farben- und Textilindustrie. Berlin, 1906, v. 5:357-361. 1029 Muhlert, F. Ueber Trisazofarbstoffe des Resorcins. Zeitschrift Jur angewandte Chemie. Leipzig, 1908, v. 21: 2611-2612. QDl.Z3,v.21 1030 Mulliken, Samuel Parsons. A method for the identifica- tion of pure organic compounds by a systematic analytical procedure based on physical properties and chemical reactions. New York, J. WUey & sons; [etc., etc.] 1904-16. 3v. iMus., col plates. 26%. CONTENTS. v. 1. Containing classified descriptions of about 2300 of the more important compounds of carbon with hydrogen and with hydrogen and oxygen, v. 2. Containing classified descrip- tions of about 4000 of the more important compounds of carbon with the elements nitrogen, hydrogen and oxygen, v. 3. Identi- fication of the commercial dyestuffs. 4-5007 QD271.M95 1031 Muraour, Henri. L'etat actuel de nos connaissances sur les colorants sulfure's. Revue generate de chimie pure et appliques. Paris, 1908, v. 11: 113-123. QDl.R33,v.ll 1032 Murphy, C. D. America's color famine. Illustrated world, June, 1916, v. 25: 457-461. Tl.T2,v.26 1033 Nachmann, Adolf. Kondensationen von Phenylphenan- throphenazonium-chlorid . Berlin, G. Schade, 1907. 55 p. ' , >Y- ' it* 5 * '>: :v- ' - DYESTUFFS' ' 101 1034 Napier, James. A manual of the art of dyeing. Glasgow, R. Griffin <& company, 1853. xvi, IfiS p. ittus. 20. Devoted principally to dyestuffs. 17-29404 TP897.N2 1035 A system of chemistry applied to dyeing. A new and thoroughly rev. ed., completely brought up to the present state of the science, including the chemistry of coal tar colors. By A. A. Fesquet . . . Philadelphia, H. C. Baird, 1869. xvi, [17]~422 p. inc. tables, diagrs. 24- 8-28457 TP897.N21 1036 National association of cotton manufacturers. Report of Committee on dyestuffs. (In its Transactions, 1915, no. 98. Boston, 1915. 25 cm . p. 444- 471.) TS1550.N5 1915 See also Textile world record, May, 1915, v. 49: 211-212. TS1300.T36,v.49 1037 National association of dyers and cleaners of the United States and Canada. Convention report and year book . . . National association dyers and cleaners 1914. [St. Louis, Julius Meyer print] 1914. 1 v. 22%. Compiler: J. L. Corley. 15-857 TP890.N2 1038 Natural dyestuffs. Color trade journal, May, 1919, v. 4- HI- TP890.C6,v.4 1039 Neunhoeffer, Paul. Untersuchungen ueber die Konstitu- tion des einfach kombinierten Zwischenproduktes eines tetrazotierten Diamins. Erlangen, E. T. Jacob, 1911. 63 p. 1040 Neurath, F. Ueber die Untersuchung schwarz gefarbter Baumwolle. ZeitscTirift fur Farben- und TextU-Chemie. Braunschweig, 1902, v. 1: 579-580. 1041 A new collection of genuine receipts, for the preparation and execution of curious arts, and interesting experiments . . . To which is added, a complete and much approved sys- tem of dyeing, in all its varieties. Stereotype ed. Concord, N. H., Fisk & Chase, 1831. 102, 6 p. 15\. 7-23922 TX153.N515 ' J 102 MII* C ?M ::.o6SAKY OF CONGRESS 1042 New colorants from methylene blue for microscopic specimens. Scientific American supplement, Aug. 25, 1917, v. 84: 119. Tl.S52,v.84 1043 New dyestuffs bill. Textile world journal, July 8, 1916, v. 51: 3103. TS1300.T36,v.51 1044 New indigo substitute. Agricultural journal of India, Oct., 1917, v. 12: 673-675. 1045 New phase of the dyestuff tariff fight before Congress. Metallurgical and chemical engineering, July 15, 1916, v. 15: 55-56. TNl.M45,v:i5 1046 New process for the production of ungreenable aniline black. Color trade journal, Jan., 1919, v. 4-' 16-18. TP890.C6,v.4 1047 New use for osage orange. Country gentleman, Jan. 22, 1916, v. 81: 154- Sl.C8,v.81 1048 Newjadomsky, A. M. Methylenresorcin, als Beize fiir die basischen Farbstoffe. Farlerzeitung. Berlin, 1901, v. 12: 293-294. 1049 Next year bulk of artificial dyes consumed in country will be of domestic production. American gas light journal, July 24, 1916, v. 105: 53. TP700.A5,v.l05 1050 Nichols, W. H. Future of the American dye industry. Journal of industrial and engineering chemistry, Jan., 1919, v. 11: 53-55. TPl.J6,v.ll 1051 Nierenstein, M. Chemie der Gerbstoffe. Stuttgart, F. Enke, 1910. p. [219]-276 incl. tables. 25%. (Sammlung chemischerund chemisch-technischerVortrdge . . . xv. Bd., 7. Eft.} 10-20671 QD1.S2 bd.xv,hft.7 1052 Niethammer, Eduard. Beitrago zur Kenntnis der Gallen- farbstoffe. Tubingen, G. Schnurlen, 1907. 125 p. 1053 Nietzki, Rudolf Hugo. Chernie der organischen Farbstoffe. 4. verm Aufl. Berlin, J. Springer, 1901. xii, 338 p. diagrs. 21%. 5-20912 TP913.N62 1054 - 5. Aufl. Berlin, J. Springer, 1906. xiv p., 1 1., 362 p. 21. Agr. 8-867 DYESTUFFS 103 1055 Nietzki, Rudolf Hugo. Chemistry of the organic dyestuffs. Tr. by Collin and Richardson. London, Gurney & Jackson, 1892. 1056 Die Entwickelungsgeschichte der kunstlichen orga- nischen Farbstoffe. Stuttgart, 1902. (Samml. chem. u. chem-technischer Vortrage, v. 7, p. 159-188.} or>i.S2,v.7 1057 Nobbe, Paul. American dyestuffs in their relations with the Far East. Color trade journal, Oct., 1918, v. 3: 846. TP890.C6,v.3 1058 Dyestuffs and the world at large. Color trade journal, Mar. 1919, v. 4>' 58-69. TP890.C6,v.4 1059 Noelting, Emilio. Constitution des Fluoresceins. Berichte der deutschen cTiemischen GeseUschaft. Berlin, 1905, v. 38: 4023. QDl.D4,v.38 1060 Histoire scientifique et industrielle du noir d' aniline. Mulhouse, Stuckelberger, 1889. 1061 The nitro derivatives of benzine and toluene. Color trade journal, May, 1919, v. 4: 120-122. TP890.C6,v.4 1062 Scientific and industrial history of aniline black. Tr. from the French and published by Win. J. Matheson & co. New York, Boston [etc.] 1889. 165 p. 23. 8-23836 TP918.A5N7 1063 Sur les colorants de'rive's du naphthy-diphenyl, dinaphtylphenyl et trinaphtylmethane. Societe industrieUe de Mulhouse. Bulletin, 1902, v. 72: 219-235. T2.S74,v.72 1064 Sur quelques idogenides a proprietes tinctoriales. Societe industrieUe de Mulhouse. Bulletin, 1902, v. 72: 236-238. T2.S75, v.72 1065 Ueber Farbstoff der Naphtyl-diphenylmethan. Berichte der deutschen chemischen GeseUschaft. Berlin, 1904, v. 37: 1899-1920. QDl.D4,v.37 1066 Zur Kenntnis der Beizenfarbstoffe. Chemikerzeitung. Cothen, 1910, v. 24: 977-978. TPl.C45,v.24 104 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1067 Noelting, Emilio, and M. Battegay. Ersatz von negativen Gmppen durch Hydroxylgruppen in orthosubstituirten Diazoniumwalzen. Berichte der deutscTien chemischen GeseUschaft. Berlin, 1906, v. 89: 79-86. QDl.D4,v.39 1068 - and P. Gerlinger. Einfluss von Kernsubstituenten auf die Nuance des Malachitgruns. Berichte der deutscTien chemischen GeseUschaft. Berlin, 1906, V. 39: 2041-2058. QDl.D4,v.39 1069 - and E. Kopp. Amido-p-dichlorbenzol. Berichte der deutscTien chemischen GeseUschaft. Berlin, 1905, v. 38: 3506-3515. QDl.D4,v.38 1070 - - and A. Lehne. Das Anilinschwarz und seine Anwen- dung in Farberei und Zeugdruck. Berlin, J. Springer, 1904. 178 P- 1071 - - and K. Philipp. Zur Kenntnis der Triphenylmethan- farbbasen. Berichte der deutschen chemischen GeseUschaft. Berlin, 1908, v. 41: 579-585, 3908-3911. QDl.D4,v.41 1072 -- and J. Saas. Zur Kenntnis der Triphenylmethan- Farbbasen. Berichte der deutschen chemischen GeseUschaft. Berlin, 1913, v. 46: 952-967. QDl.D4,v.46 1073 Nomenclature of American dyes. Textile world journal, Sept. 28, 1918, v. 64: 1437. TS1300.T36,v.54 1074 No protection for dyestuffs. American economist, Aug. 18, 1916, v. 58: 77. HC101.A5,v.58 1075 Norton, Thomas Herbert. Birth of a dyestuffs industry. Annalist, Sept. 20, 1915, v. 6: 324. HGl.N6,v.6. 1076 - Census of artificial dyestuffs used in the United States. Journal of engineering and industrial chemistry, Nov., 1916, v. 8: 1039-1048. TPl.J7,v.8 1077 - Census of colors: what the government is doing to aid the dyestuffs industry. Scientific American, June 3, 1916, v. 114: 578. Tl.S5,v.ll4 DYESTUFFS 105 1078 Norton, Thomas Herbert. The dyestuff famine. Scientific American, Nov. 6-13, 1915, v. 113: 400, 409; 427, 433. Tl.S5,v.ll3 1079 Dyestuff report. Textile world journal, Sept. 2, 1916, v. 51: 4088-4084. TS1300.T36,v.51 1080 The dyestuff situation in the United States. Textile world record, June, 1915, v. 49: 307-310. TS1300.T36,v.49 1081 Dyestuff situation in the United States at the close of 1915. Journal of industrial and engineering chemistry, Feb. 1916 V. 8: 166-172. TPl.J6,v.8 1082 Evolution of artificial dyestuffs. Scientific American, July 21, 1917, v. 117: 40. Tl.S5,v.ll7 1083 Foreign markets for American chemicals. [Washington 1 * 19151] 12 p. 23. Reprinted from Metallurgical and chemical engineering, October 15, 1915. 16-17235 HD9650.5.N6 1084 Is Germany's primacy assured ? Textile world journal, Mar. 3, 1917, v. 52: 1590-1591. TS1300.T36,v.52 1085 Notes on the application of indanthrones RS, GCD, and BCD. Color trade journal, Apr., 1919, v. 4: 88-84. TP890.C6,v.4 1086 Nottbrack, Friedrich. Herstellung haltbarer wasseriger Losungen von Teerfarbstoffen. Chemikerzeitung. Cothen, 1908, v. 32: 100. TPl.C45,v.32 1087 Noyes, William A. Aniline dye industry. Scientific American supplement, Feb. 15, 1908, v. 65: 107. Tl.S52,v.65 1088 Nuesch, Paul. Recherches dans la s6rie des rosindulines. Geneva, 1901. 53 p. 1089 Obst, Walter. Von der Cochenille zum Scharlach. Technische Mittheilung fur Malerei. Munchen, 1911, v. 27: 184-185. 1090 O'Callaghan, A. The importance of aniline dyes in micro- scopical work. Color trade journal, Aug., 1918, v. 3: 273-275. TP890.C6,v.3 106 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1091 Oesterle, Otto A. Ueber einen Bestandteil des Holzes von Morinda citrifolia. Archw der Pharmacie. Berlin, 1907, v. 245: 287-290. B,Sl.D5,v.245 1092 - - and E. Tosza. Zur Kenntnis des Morindins. Archiv der Pharmacie. Berlin, 1907, v. 245: 534-553. RSl.D5,v.245 1093 Olney, Louis A. The dyestuff situation in England. (In National association of cotton manufacturers. Transactions, 1915, no. 98. Boston, 1915. 25 cm . p. 425-443.) TS1550.N5 1915 1094 Dyestuffs and their applications. (In Rogers, Allen, ed. Industrial chemistry. 2d ed. New York, 1915. p. 865-884.) TP145.B67 1095 O'Neill, Charles. Chemistry of calico printing, dyeing, and bleaching, including silken, woolen, and mixed goods, practical and theoretical. . . Manchester, Dunnill, Palmer, and co.; 1860. 407 p. Rich in material on dyestuffs. TP893.O58 1096 - A dictionary of dyeing and calico printing: containing a brief account of all the substances and processes in use in the arts of dyeing and printing textile fabrics ... To which is added an essay on coal tar colors and their appli- cation to dyeing and calico printing. By A. A. Fesquet . . . With an appendix on dyeing, as shown at the expo- sition of 1867. Philadelphia, H. C. Baird, 1869. x, [2], [9]~491 p. 24 cm . "Founded upon the author's 'Chemistry of calico printing' . . . The substance of that book has been re-cast in a more popular form, all scientific formulae and laboratory processes omitted, with the addition of a large amount of matter bearing upon practical opera- tions." Pref. 8-23838 TP893.O6 1097 Open letter to the House of representatives of the sixty-fourth Congress. Journal of industrial and engineering chemistry, Jan., 1917, v. 9: 4-5. TPl.J6,v.9 1098 Origin and manufacture of lakes. Scientific American supplement, Oct. 29, 1904, v. 58: 24105- $4106. Tl.S52,v.58 1099 Ochsner, Paid. Ueber Antrachinonacridone. Berlin, E. Ebering, 1911. 55 p. DYESTUFFS 107 1100 Osage orange dye. Wallaces' farmer, Feb. 18, 1916, v. 41: 291. Sl.W2,v.41 1101 Ostersetzer, Valdek H. Dynamische Untersuchungen iiber die Bildung von Azof arbstoff en aus einigen Naphtylamin- sulfosaure. Darmstadt, J. C. Herbert, 1901. 67 p. 1102 Our expanding dyestuff industry. Chemical and metallurgical engineering, July 1, 1918, v. 19: 10. TNl.M45,v.l9 1103 Output .of American dyestuff industry. Metallurgical and chemical engineering, Sept. 1, 1917, v. 17: 211-212. TNl.M45,v.l7 1104 Owen, Frank Allen. The dyeing and cleaning of textile fabrics; a handbook for the amateur and the professional, based partly on notes of H. C. Standage. New York, J. Wiley <& sons, 1909. vi, 253 p. 19. "Appendix. List of dyestuff s, makers, and methods": p. 203-241. 9-5485 TP897.O8 1105 Pagnini, Pietro. Sulla sostanza colorante della reazione di Griess. Orosi, Firenze, 1902, v. 25: 225-228. 1106 Paige, Calvin D. Certain phases of patent and other legisla- tion. (In National association of cotton manufacturers. Transactions, 1915, no. 98. Boston, 1915. 25 cm . p. 130-138.) TS1550.N5 1915 1107 [Our dyestuff problem.] Protectionist, June, 1915, v. 27: 117-118. HFl750.P8,v.27 1108 Parker, A. E. Patent situation. Textile world journal, Jan. 26, 1918, v. 53: 3512-3512a. TS1300.T36,v.53 1109 Parker, Frederick W. Lake pigments, what they are and how they are used. Dunellen, N. J., The author, 1905. 15, [1] p. 18. 8-19645 TP936.P24 1110 Parker, T. J. Synthetic dyestuffs and our explosives. Journal of industrial and engineering chemistry, Apr. 1915, 4 v. 7: 272-273. TPl.J6,v.7 108 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1111 [Pamell, Edward Andrew] A practical treatise on dyeing and calico-printing; including the latest inventions and improvements; also, a description of the origin, manu- facture, uses, and chemical properties of the various ani- mal and mineral substances employed in these arts. With a supplement, containing the most recent discoveries in color chemistry. By Robert Macfarlane. New York, J. Wiley, 1860. xxi, 729 p. x pi., diagrs. 24. 8-25443 . TP893.P26 1112 Parr, S. W. Some developments in the chemical industry as a result of war conditions. Science, Apr. 26, 1918, n. s., v. 47: 402-404. Ql.S35,n.s.,v.47 1113 Partridge, William. A practical treatise on dyeing woollen, cotton, and silk, including recipes for lac reds and scar- lets Chrome yellows and oranges and Prussian blues- on silks, cottons and woollens. With every improvement in the art, made since the year 1823. Also, a correct de- scription of sulphuring woollens. New- York, Published by the author, 1884- viii, [9]-179 p. 8-23847 TP897.P28 1114 Paterson, David. Colour-matching on textiles; a manual intended for the use of dyers, calico printers, and textile colour chemists. London, Scott, Greenwood & co., 1901. ix p., 1 1., 128 p. col. front., iUus., 14 patterns on 4 pl>, tables, diagrs. 22*. 2-18235 TP892.P19 1115 - The science of colour mixing; a manual intended for the use of dyers, calico printers and colour chemists. London, Scott, Greenwood & co., 1900. xii, 128 p. iUus., 5 col. pi. (incl. front.} 11 dyed specimens on 4 pi-, fab., diagr. 22. 2-18236 TP892.P2 1116 Paul, Albert. Die Anwendung der Schwefelfarbstoffe in der Farberei. Zeitschrift fur Farben- und Textil-Ohemie. Braunschweig, 1902, v. 1: 178-182. 1117 Paul, Lud wig. Systematik der Azof arbstoffe. Zeitschrift fur angewandte Chemie. Berlin, 1904, v - ^' 1809-1816. QDl.Z3,v.l7 DYESTUFFS 109 1118 Paul, Ludwig. Ueber Diazoamidoverbindungen der Amido- naphtolsulfosauren. Zeitschrift fur angewandte Chemie. Berlin, 1904, v. 17: 863-365. QDl.Z3,v.l7 1119 Ueber die Bildung neuer Polyazofarbstoffe auf Grund einer neuen bisher nicht erkannten Gesetzmassigkeit. Zeitschrift fur angewandte Chemie. Berlin, 1907, v. 20: 268-272. QDl.z3,v.20 1120 Ueber die gegenseitigen Beziehungen der Safranine, Mauveine, Induline, Indazine, Naphtylrot und blau, Rosinduline und Magdalarot. Chemikerzeitung. Cothen, 1904, v. 28: 777-780. TPl.C45,v.28 1121 Uber einige Farbstoffe. Chemikerzeitung. Cothen, 1904, v. 28: 703-704. TPl.C45,v.28 1122 Ueber neue schwarze Polyazofarbstoffe aus Tetra- zodiphenyl und Resorcin. Zeitschrift fur angewandte Chemie. Leipzig, 1908, v. 21: 2086-2088. QDl.z3,v.2l 1123 Pauli, Robert. Die elektrolytisch-organischen Farbstoffe und einige hieraus folgende Deduktionen. Zeitschrift fur Textilindustrie. Leipzig, 1902, v. 5: 385-386, 401-403. 1124 Die Synthese der Azofarbstoffe auf Grund eines symbolischen Systems. Leipzig, J. A. Barth, 1904. 528 p. 1125 Pauly, H., and A. Binz. Ueber Seide und Wolle als Farb- stoffbildner. Zeitschrift fur Farben- und Textil-Chemie. Berlin, 1904, v. 3: 373-374. 1126 Paungarten, P. von. Der Stammbaum der Teerfarben. Natur. Leipzig, 1911: 198-200. 1127 Pawlie, Edward. The practical handbook of garment dyeing and cleaning, including scouring, bleaching, dry cleaning .and finishing of garments, feathers, fur, leather, etc., etc. Philadelphia, Pa., M. M. Frank, 1909. 2 p. 1., vii-ziii, [1] p., 1 I, 357 p. ittus. 22%. "Colors and dyestuffs": p. 77-96. 9-9034 TP909.P3 110 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1128 Pelet-Jolivet, Louis. Die Theorie des Farbeprozesses. Dresden, T. Steinkopff, 1910. vii, 224 P- diagrs. 10-11047 TP892.P3 1129 Ueber Verbindungen von Farbsauren mit Farbbasen und iiber die Dissoziation dieser Verbindungen durch absorbierende Substanzen sowie Giemsas Blau. Zeitschriftfur Ohemie und Industrie der KoUoide. Dresden, 1908, v. 2: 216-217. 1130 - - and L. Grand. Sur les sulfosulfhydrates et les sulf- hydrates de quelques matieres colorantes basiques. Societe vaudoise des sciences natureTles, Lausanne. Bulletin, 1907, v. 48: 241-249. Q67.L3,v.43 1131 and C. Jess. Ueber den kapillaren Aufstieg von Farblosungen. Zeitschriftfur Ohemie und Industrie der KoUoide. Dresden, 1908, v. 3: 275-280. 1132 and A. Wild, fitat des matieres colorantes en solution. Zeitschriftfur Ohemie und Industrie der KoUoide. Dresden, 1908, v. 3: 174-177. 1133 Pellew, Charles E. Acid colors. Craftsman, Nov., 1908, v. 15: 242-245. Nl.C87,v.l5 1134 Application of modern dyestuffs to arts and crafts work. Craftsman, June, 1908, v. 14: 327-334. Nl.C87,v.l4 1135 - Basic colors. Craftsman, Oct., 1908, v. 16: 104-106. Nl.C87,v.l6 1136 Batik, or the wax resist process. Craftsman, May, 1909, v. 16: 232-235. Nl.C87,v.l6 1137 Dyes and dyeing. New York, R. M. McBride & company, 1918. viii, 274 P> col. front., plates (part col.}, 3 port, on 1 pi., diagrs. 20%. "New and enlarged edition.' ' 18-26327 TP897.P4 1918 1138 Dyestuffs of the ancients. Color trade journal, Feb., 1918, v. 2: 50-52. TP890.C6,v.2 1139 Equipment needed for dyeing and the colors formed by oxidation. Craftsman, Aug., 1908, v. 14: 551-554. Nl.C87,v.l4 DYESTUFFS 111 1140 Pellew, Charles E. General description and classification of the artificial dyestuffs. Craftsman, July, 1908, v. 14: 447-450. Ni.C87,v.i4 1141 Indigo and the vat colors. Craftsman, Sept., 1908, v. 14: 672-677. Nl.C87,v.l4 1142 - Modern dyestuffs applied to stenciling. Craftsman, Apr., 1909, v. 16: 114-118. Nl.C87,v.l6 1143 Perkin's discovery of aniline dyes. Art world, Dec., 1917, v. 3: 223-225. PN20O4.B82,v.3 1144 Pennetier, Georges. Les matieres premieres Paris, 1881. 1145 Perkin, Arthur G. Bromination of morin. Chemical society, London. Journal, 1904, v - 85: 56-64- QDl.C6,v.85 1146 Catechin and acacatechin and their oxidation; also their acetyl derivatives and tetramethyl ethers and the oxidation of the latter. Chemical society, London. Journal, 1905, v. 87: 398-405. QDl.C6,v.87 1147 The colouring matter of the flowers of Butea frondosa. Chemical society, London. Proceedings, 1904, v. 20: 169-170. QDl.C6,v.20 1148 The colouring matters of the flowers of Hibiscus sabdariffa and Thespasia lampas. Chemical society, London. Journal, 1909, v. 95: 1855-1860. QDl.C6,v.95 1149 A constituent of Java indigo. Chemical society, London. Proceedings, 1904, v. 20: 172. QDl.C62,v.20 1150 Cyanomaclurin. Chemical society, London. Proceedings, 1904, v. 20: 170-171. QDl.C62,v.20 See also Its Journal, 1905, v. 87: 715-722. QDl.C6,v.87 1151 Gossypetin. Chemical society, London. Journal, 1913, v. 103: 650-662. QDl.C6,v.l03 1152 The indigo question. Nature, Oct. 15, 1908, v. 78: 604-305. Ql.N2,v.78 1153 An indigo-yielding plant. Society of chemical industry, London. Journal, 1907, v. 26: 389-390. TPl.S6,v.26 112 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1154 Perkin, Arthur G. Kampherol, from the hydrolysis of robinin. Chemical society, London. Journal, 1902, v. 81: 4^4~4^, 585-591. QDl.C6,v.8l 1155 Myricetin. Chemical society, London. Journal, 1902, v. 81: 203-210. QDl.C6,v.81 1156 A natural substantive dyestuff. Chemical society, London. Journal, 1910, v. 97: 220-223. QDl.C6,v.97 1157 : Notes on apigenin. Chemical society, London. Journal, 1902, v. 81: 1174-1176. QDl.C6,v.81 1158 Notes on luteolin. Chemical society, London. Journal, 1902, v. 81: 1174-1176. QDl.C6,v.81 1159 An oxidatio^ product of indigo tin. Chemical society, London. Proceedings, 1906, v. 22: 198-199. QDl.C62,v.22 1160 Phenolic colouring matters. Chemical society, London. Journal, 1908, v. 22: 600-606. QDl.C6,v.22 1161 Quercetagetin. Chemical society, London. Journal, 1913, v. 103: 209-219. QDl.C6,v.l03 1162 The reduction of indirubin. Chemical society, London. Proceedings, 1909, v. 25: 127-128. QDl.C62,v.25 1163 Some indigo products from northern Nigeria. Society of chemical industry. Journal, 1909, v. 28: 353-355. TPl.S6,v.28 1164 and J. R. Allison. Rhamnetin. Chemical society, London. Journal, 1902, v. 81: 469-472. QDl.C6,v.81 1165 and W. P. Bloxam. Some constituents of natural indigo. Chemical society, London. Journal, 1907, v. 91: 279-288. QDl.C6,v.91 1166 and S. H. C. Briggs. Jacarandin from green ebony. Chemical society, London. Journal, 1902, v. 81: 217-220. QDl.C6,v.81 DYESTUFFS 113 1167 Perkin, Arthur G., and Arthur Ernest Everest. The nat- ural organic colouring matters. London, New York [etc.} Longmans, Green and co., 1918. xxii, 655 p. diagrs. 22^ cm . (Monographs on industrial chemistry, ed. by Sir E. Thorpe) "Books referred to in this volume" : p. xxi-xxii. 19-6446 TP919.P4 1168 and J. J. Hummel. Butein and its acetyl derivative and trimethyl ether. Chemical society, London. Journal, 1904, v. 85: 1459-1472. QDl.C6,v.85 1169 The colouring principle of the flowers of the Butea frondosa. Chemical society, London. Journal, 1904, v - 85-' 14^9-1472. QDl.C6,v.85 1170 and M. Nierenstein. Some oxidation products of the hydroxybenzoic acids and the constitution of ellagic acid. Chemical society, London. Journal, 1905, v. 87: 1412-1430. QDl.C6,v.87 1171 and F. M. Perkin. Formation of purpurogallin by the electrolytic oxidation of pyrogallol. Chemical society, London. Journal, 1904, v - 85: 243-247. QDl.C6,v.85 1172 - - and S. Phipps. Tetrabromomyricetin ethyl ether. Chemical society, London. Journal, 1904, v - 85: 56-64- QDl.C6,v.85 1173 and A. B. Steven. Purpurogallin. Chemical society, London. Journal, 1903, v. 83: 192-201. QDl.C6,v.83 1174 and E. J. Wilkinson. The dyeing properties of some members of the flavone group. Chemical society, London. Journal, 1902, v. 81: 589-591. QDl.C6,v.81 1175 and C. R. Wilson. Compound of dihydroxybenzyl- idenecoumaranone with potassium acetate. Chemical society, London. Journal, 1903, v. 83: 136-137. QDl.C6,v.83 1176 Mono- and di-potassium derivatives of ellagic acid. Chemical society, London. Journal, 1903, v. 83: 133-134- QDl.C6,v.83 121113 19 8 114 LIBRAKY OF CONGRESS 1177 Perkin, Arthur G., and C. R. Wilson. Monopotassium derivative and monomethyl ether of galangin. Chemical society, London. Journal, 1908, v. 83: 185-136. QDl.C6,v.83 1178 Monopotassium derivative of styrogallol. Chemical society, London. Journal, 1903, v. 83: 139-140. QDl.C6,v.83 1179 Potassium derivative of curcumin. Chemical society, London. Journal, 1903, v. 83: 140-141. QDl.C6,v.83 1180 Potassium derivative of daphnetin, also com- pound of daphnetin with potassium acetate. Chemical society, London. Journal, 1903, v. 83: 134-135. QDl.C6,v.83 1181 Sodium potassium and barium derivatives of carminic acid. Chemical society, London. Journal, 1903, v. 83: 138-139. QDl.J6,v.83 1182 Sodium potassium and barium salts and mono- and di-methyl ethers of gallacetophenone. Chemical society, London. Journal, 1903, v. 83: 129-183. QDl.C6,v.83 1183 Perkin, F. M. Present condition of the indigo industry. Scientific American supplement, Dec. 22, 1900, v. 50: 20892. Tl.S52,v.50 1184 Perkin, William H. Brazilin and haematoxylin. Chemical society, London. Journal, 1902, v. 81: 1008-1040; 1057-1066. See also vol. 81: 235-246. QDl.C6,v.81 1185 Coal tar colors. Science, Oct. 19, 1906, n. s., v. 24: 488-493. Ql.S35,n.s.,v.24 1186 History of aniline and allied colouring matters. London, 1879. 1187 - - The position of the organic chemical industry in England. Nature, Apr. 1, 1915, v. 95: 128-130. Ql.N2,v.95 1188 The story of the discovery of the first aniline dye. Scientific American, Nov. 10, 1906, v. 95: 342-343. Tl.S5,v.95 DYESTUFFS 115 1189 Perkin, William H. Ueber den Abbau des Brasilins. Berichte der deutschen chemischen GeseUschaft. Berlin, 1903, V. 86: 840-842. QDl.D4,v.36 1190 Zur Geschichte des ersten Anilinfarbstoffs. Zeitschrift fur angewandte Chemie. Berlin, 1906, v. 19: 1282-1285. QDl.Z3,v.l9 1191 - and E. Ormerod. On Brazilic acid and the constitu- tion of Brazilin. Chemical society, London. Journal, 1902, v. 81: 221-284- QDl.C6,v.81 1192 and R. Robinson. Brazilin, haematoxylin, and their derivatives. Chemical society', London. Journal, 1909, v. 95: 881-407. See also vol. 91: 1073-1103 and vol. 93: 489-517. QDl.C6,v.95 1 1 93 Petit, R. New after-war preparations in the chemical industry. Journal of industrial and engineering chemistry, Dec., 1918, v. 10: 1025-1026. TPl.J6,v.lO 1194 Petri, W. Untersuchungen uber den Gerbstoff und Farbstoff der Friichte des Weinstockes und deren Garungsprodukte. Munchen, C. Wolf und Sohn, 1903. 48 p. 1195 Pfeiffer, Johannes von. Konstitution des Diacetylindigos. Halle a. S., C. A. Kaemmerer & co., 1911. 4 P- 1196 Pfeiffer, Paul, and others. Zur Kenntnis der Farblacke. Berichte der deutschen chemischen GeseUschaft. Berlin, 1911, v. 44: 2653-2662. QDl.D4,v.44 1197 Piccard, Jean. Die einfachsten chinoiden Farbstoffe. Justus Liebig's Annalen der Chemie. Leipzig, 1911, v. 881: 851-366. QDl.L7,v.381 1198 Uber die auxochrome Wirkung der Amidogruppe und der Amidophenylgruppe. Berichte der deutschen chemischen GeseUschaft. Berlin, 1909, V. 42: 4332-4341. QDl.D4,v.42 1199 Pierce, Edward W. Dyestuff testing in the textile industry. Textile world journal, Mar. 30, Apr. 27, 1917, v. 53: 4431; 4939. TS1300.T36,v.53 1200 Dye testing problems. Textile world journal, Jan. 26, 1918, v. 53: 3453. TS1300.T36,v.53 116 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1201 Pierce, Edward W. The fastness of dyestuffs to light and ultra-violet exposure. Color trade journal, Aug., 1918, v. S: 267-268. TP890.C6,v.3 1202 - Problems in testing dyes and intermediates. Journal of industrial and engineering chemistry, Oct., 1918, v. 10: 803-804. TPl.J6,v.lO Color trade journal, Nov., 1918, v. 3: 378. TP890.C6,v.3 1203 Protection of our dye industry. Textile world journal, Dec. 7, 1918, v. 64: 2889. TS1300.T36,v.54 1204 Technical review of chemical industries exposition. Textile world journal, Oct. 26, 1918, v. 64: 1969. TS1300.T36,v.54 1205 Piloty, O. , and W. Vogel. Ueber die Constitution des Porphy- rexids, eines Analogons des Isatins. Berichte der deutschen chemischen GeseUschaft. Berlin, 1903, v. 36: 1283-1304. QDi.D4,v.36 1206 Pinnow, John. Prufung farbloser organischer Verbindungen auf Lichtempfindlichkeit. Journal fur praktische CTiemie. Leipzig, 1902, n. s., v. 66: 265-320. QDl.J75,n.s.,v.66 1207 - Ueber ein neues Verfahren ,farblose Kohlenstoffver bindungen auf Lichtabsorption zu priifen. Journal fur praktische Ohcmie. .Leipzig, 1901, n. s., v. 63: 239-240. QDl.J75,n.s.,v.63 1208 Planning better output of logwood from Haiti. Pan American Union. Bulletin, Mar., 1918, v. 46: 358-362. F1403.B955,v.46 1209 Plant dyes. Gardener's chronicle (London), Feb. 22, 1919, v. 65: 86. SB4.G3,v.65 1210 Pleschkow, K. M. Reaktionen bei der Herstellung von liisfarben. Zeitschrift fur Farben- und Textilindustrie, Berlin, 1912, v. 11: 97-102, 185-186. 1211 Pleus, B. Ueber die Reduktion von Chinizarin und Anthra- rufin mit Jodwasserstoffsaure. Berlin, C. Schade, 1903. 72 p. DYESTUFFS 117 1212 Pb'rner, Karl Wilhelm. Instruction sur Fart de la teinture, et particulierement sur la teinture des laines. Paris, Chuet, 1791. viii, 486 p., 1 I fold, front. 20%. 8-23846 TP897.P74 1213 Popp, Max. Uber die Bildung von Indoxyl-Derivaten aus Phenylglycin-o-carbonsaure. Halle a. S., Wischan < Wettengel, 1902. 95 p. 1214 Pokorny, Joseph. L' analyse spectroscopique. Nouvelle me"- thode d' analyse qualitative des matieres colorantes artifi- cielles. Sodete industrielle de Mulhouse, 1902, v. 72: 245-255. T2.S75,v.72 1215 Porter, George A. Porter on dyeing. Being a practical guide to the production of the standard shades of color on wool, woolen goods, cotton & silk goods, with directions for scouring wool and the removal of grease spots and stains. Toledo [0.] Blade printing and paper co., 1881 . viii, 9-100 p. 18% cm - 8-23868 TP897.P84 1216 Porter, Horace Chamberlain. Coal-tar products and the possibility of increasing their manufacture in the United States. 'Washington, Govt. print, off., 1915. 21 p. 24%. ([U. S.] Bureau of mines. Technical paper 89} 15-26233 TN1.TT6 no.89 TP953.P6 1217 Power, Frederick B., and H. Rogerson. The constituents of red clover flowers. Chemical society, London. Journal, 1910, v. 97: 231-254. QDl.C6,v.97 1218 Prag, Edward. A course in dyeing for garment dyers. Philadelphia, Pa., The Modern dyer and cleaner publishing co. [ C 1909] 3 p. I, 90 p. illus. 20%. 9-27405 TP909.P8 1219 Prager, B. Ueber die Einwirkung von p-Nitrobenzaldehyd auf Benzolazoacetessigester. Berichte der deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft. Berlin, 1903, v. 36: 1449-1451. QDl.D4,v.36 1220 Ueber fettaromatische Aminoazokorper. Berichte der deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft. Berlin, 1901, v. 34: 3600-3606; 1902, v. 35: 1862-1866; 1903, v. 36: 1451-1459. QDl.D4,v.34-36 118 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1221 Prager, B. Vergleichende Untersuchung des tinktoriellen Verhaltens der drei isomeren Oxyazobenzole. Zeitschrift fur Farben- und Textil-Chemie. Sorau, 1904, v. 4: 177-179. 1222 Prager, Hermann. Etude de Faction de 1'acide nitreux sur les colorants du type triphenylme thane. Geneve, 1906. 80 p. 1223 Preparing for a famine in dyestuffs. Textile world record, July, 1915, v. 49: 402-404- TS1300.T36,v.49 1224 Present condition of the German dyes tuff industry. Color trade journal, Mar., 1919, v. 4-' 63-64- TP890.C6,v.4 1225 Present status of dyes and dyeing in this country. Textile world journal, Jan. 12, 1918, v. 53: 8035-3036. TS1300.T36,v.53 1226 Pritzker, Jacob. Zur Kenntnis des Brazilins. Bern, 1906. 40 p. 1227 Problem of dyestuff supply. Textile world journal, Jan. 15, 1916, v. 51: 571. TS1300.T36,v.51 1228 Procter, Henry Richardson. Leather industries laboratory book of analytical and experimental methods. 2d ed., rev. and enl. London, E. and F. N. Spon, limited; New York, Spon and Chamberlain, 1908. xx, J$0 p. illus. (ind. diagrs.) iv pi., tables. 21 \ cm . Agr 8-843 1229 - The principles of leather manufacture. London, E. & F. N. Spon, limited; New York, Spon & Chamberlain, 1903. xvi, 512 p. front., illus., plates. Appendices (p. 475-498) : Method of the International association of leather-trades chemists for the analysis of tanning materials. The decimal system. Method of analysis of tanning materials of the American association of official agricultural chemists. Lists of coal-tar dyes suitable for dyeing and staining leather, furnished by Mr. M. C. Lamb. 3-15091 TS965.P89 1230 Progress of English color-making. Textile world journal, Jan. 15, 1916, v. 51: 512-513. TS1300.T36,v.61 DYESTUFFS 119 1231 Prospects of the German dye industry. Translation of an article in Chemiker-Zeitung, Nov. 30, 1918. Ot. Brit. War office. General staff. Review of the foreign press. Technical supplement, Jan. 7, 1919, v. 8: 24. 1232 Protection for dyes. American economist, Sept. 29, 1916, v. 58: 146. HC101.A5,v.58 1233 Protection for dyestuffs industry. Protectionist, Mar. 1916, v. 27: 759-761. HF1750.P8,v.27 1234 Protection in England. Textile world record, Feb. 1915, v. 48: 465-466. TS130O.T36,v.48 1234a Protective tariff for dyestuffs industry only possible relief from foreign monopoly. Manufacturers record, v. 69, Apr. 20, 1916: 41 TSl.M3,v.69 1235 Prud'homme, Maurice. Enlevages sur indigo au prussiate rouge et a la soude. Societe industrieUe de Mulhouse. Bulletin, 1903, v. 73: 294-297. T2.S7S,v.73 1236 Nouveaux colorants hydraziniques. Societe industrieUe de Mulhouse. Bulletin, 1905, v. 75: 155-156. T2.S75,v.75 1237 Nouvelles matie'res colorantes derive" es du triphenyl- me" thane. Societe industrieUe de Mulhouse. Bulletin, 1907, v. 77: 79-81 . T2.S75,v.77 1238 Produits de reduction des oxyanthraquinones. Societe de chimique de France. Paris, 1906, 3. ser., v. 85: 71-76. 1239 Pummerer, Rudolf. Ueber Indigrot-anile. Berichte der deutschen chemischen GeseUschaft. Berlin, 1911, v. 44: 346-356. QDl.D4,v.44 1240 tiber Isatin-anile. Berichte der deutschen chemischen GeseUschaft. Berlin, 1910, v. 43: 1370-1376. QDi.D4,v.43 1241 and S. Gassner. Uber die Desmotropie o- und p-chinoider Salze in der Thiazhireihe. Berichte der deutschen chemischen GeseUschaft. Berlin, 1913, v. 46: 2310-2327. QDi.D4,v.46 120 LIBRAKY OF CONGRESS 1242 Purple of the ancients. Scientific American supplement, Apr. 16, 1910, v. 69: 251. Tl.S52,v.69 1243 Quoos, Fritz. Ueber Perchlorate tertiarer und quartarer Ammonium-Basen. Berlin, G. Schade, 1913. 63 p. 1244 Raehlmann, E. Neue untramikroskopische Untersuchungen uber Eiweiss, organische Farbstoffe, iiber deren Verbin- dung und iiber die Farbung organischer Gewebe. Archiv fur die gesammte Physiologic des Menschcn und der Thiere. Bonn, 1906, v. 112: 128-171. QPl.A63,v.ll2 1245 Ultramikroskopische Untersuchung von Farbstoffen und ihre physikalische-physiologische Bedeutung. OpTithalmologisches Klinik. Stuttgart, 1903, v. 7: 241-245, 289-292. 1246 Raiford, Lemuel Charles. A laboratory course in cotton dyeing, prepared for the use of students in the Mississippi agricultural and mechanical college. Providence, Snow & Farriham, printers, 1904- 72 p. 22 cm . &-13923 TP930.B15 1247 Raikow, P. N. Untersuchungen iiber die Abhangigkeit der Aziditat der mehrkernigen Phenole von ihrer Zusam- mensetzung und Struktur. Chemikerzeitung. Coihen, 1903, v. 27: 1125-1127. TPl.C45,v.27 1248 Rainbows from coal tar. Independent, Oct. 4, 1906, v. 61: 828-829. AP2.l53,v.6l 1249 Ramsay, William. The dye problem. Outlook, London, Mar. 13, 1915, v. 35: 350. AP4.O8,v.35 1250 Ramsey, Albert R. J. and H. Claude Weston. Artificial dye-stuffs; their nature, manufacture, and uses. London, G. RouUedge & sons, ltd.; New York, E. P. Dutton & co., 1917. ix,212p. iUus. 22%. Bibliography: p. [203] 18-14366 TP013.B3 1251 Rapid testing of dyes. Color trade journal, July, 1918, v. 3: 242-243. TP890.C6,v.3 DYESTUFFS 121 1252 Rawson, Christopher, Walter M. Gardner and W. F. Laycock. A dictionary of dyes, mordants, and other compounds used in dyeing and calico printing. London, C. Griffin cfc company, limited; PTiiladelpliia, J. B. Lippincott company, 1901. 3 p.L, 372 p. 23. 2-12495 TP910.R26 1253 Rebner, Paul J. Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Kondensationen von Anilin und Formaldehyd in sauer Losung und der einzalnen Phasen des Fuchsinprozesses. Dresden, Thomas and Hubert, 1913. 60 p. 1254 Redard, W. Methodes de dosage volume trique de la fuchsine, et contribution a l'e"tude des derives diazoiques de la fuchsine. Lausanne, 1904- 4 P- 1255 Redding, E. J. Color standards in economy of textiles. Textile world journal, Dec. 8, 1917, v. 53: 2355-2356. TS1300.T36,v.53 1256 Redlich, Fritz. Die volkswirtschaftliche Bedeutung der deutschen Teerfarbenindustrie. Muncken und Leipzig, Duncker & Humbiot, 1914> viii, 101, [1] p. incl. tables. 23. (Stoats- und sozialwis- senschafiliche Forschungen . . . Hft. 180) "Literaturverzeichnis": p. 88-91. 15-6352 HB41.S7 no.180 1257 Reese, Charles L. What the chemist is doing for our indus- tries. (In National association of cotton manufacturers. Transactions, 1918, no. 103-104. Boston, 1918. 25 cm . p. 555-561.) TS1550.N5 1918 1258 Reid, D. J. Ten years' practical experience of Java indigo in Bihar. Agricultural journal of India, Jan., 1917, v. 12: 1-26. 1259 Reid, W. M. The culture and manufacture of indigo Calcutta, 1887. 1260 Reimann, M., and others. On aniline and its derivatives. A treatise upon the manufacture of aniline and aniline colours. To which is added, in an appendix, "The report on the colouring matters derived from coal tar, shown at the French exhibition, 1867." New York, J. Wiley and son, 1868. xiii, 164 P- ttlus., diagrs. 22%. 8-23858 TP914.B36 122 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1261 Reimann's (M.) Farber-zeitung, 1872-1877. Berlin, 1872-1877. 6 vols. TP890.R5 1262 Reindle, Ludwig. Ueber Naphtimidazole. Wurzburg, C. J. Becker, 1901. 31 p. 1263 Reinking, K. Die Entwicklung des Aetzens von Indigo mit Reduktionsmitteln. Fdrber-Zeitung. Berlin, 1910, v. 21: 25-34. 1264 Fortschritte beim Aetzdmck von Indigo mit For- maldehyd-Sulfoxylaten. Fdrber-Zeitung. Berlin, 1910, v. 21: 243-248. 1265 tlber die Reduktion des Indigos. Fdrber-Zeitung. Berlin, 1912, v. 23: 250-255. 1266 Reissert, Arnold. Geschichte und Systematik der Indigo Synthesen. Berlin, 1899. 1267 Ueber die Fortschritte in der kunstlichen Darstellung des Indigos seit dem Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts. ZeitscJirift fur angewandte CJiemie. Berlin, 1904, v * 17: 482-491. QDl.z3,v.l7 1268 Reitzenstein, Fritz. Verfahren zur Darstellung von Azoxy- verbindungen. Journal fur praJctische CJiemie. Leipzig, 1910, n. s., v. 82: 252-270. QDl.J75,n.s.,v.82 1269 - and W. Breuning. Combination von Triphenyl- methanfarbstoffen mit der Indigogruppe. Justus Liebig's Annalen der CJiemie. Leipzig, 1910, v. 372: 257-286. QDl.L7,v.372 1270 - and J. Rothschild. Einfluss, welcher Methylgruppen auf die Nuance zweier durch einen Glutakonaldehydrest verkuppelter Triphenylmethanfarbstoffe. Journal fur praktische CJiemie. Leipzig, 1906, n. s., v. 73: 192-206. QDl.J75,n.s.,v.73 1271 and O. Runge. Einfluss der Stellung von Methyl- und Nitro-Gruppen zum Methankohlenstoff auf den Farbcharakter der TriphenylmethanfarbstofFe. Journal fur praktische CJiemie. Leipzig, 1905, n. s., v. 71: 57-132. QDl.J75,n.s.,v.71 DYESTUFFS 123 1272 Reitzenstein, Fritz, and W. Schwerdt. Ueber Beziehungen zwischen Konstitution, Farbe und Absorptionsspektrum del Triphenylmethanfarbstoffen. Journal fur pralctische CJiemie. Leipzig, 1907, n. s., v. 75: 369-415. QDl.J75,n.s.,v.75 1273 The relation between explosives and dyestuffs. Color trade journal, Apr., 1919, v. 4' 86-87. TP890.C6,v.4 1274 Renz, Carl. Ueber Indophtalon. Berichte der deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft. Berlin, 1904, v.37: 1221-1225. QDi.D4,v.37 1275 - Ueber Thallium. Berichte der deutschen chemischen GeseUschaft. Berlin, 1902, v. 35: 2768-2774^ QDl.D4,v.35 1276 and K. Loew. Ueber a-Methylindol. Berichte der deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft. Berlin, 1903, v. 36: 4326-4330. QDl.D4,v.36 1277 Research work on natural indigo. Nature, Oct. 1, 1908, v. 78: 540-541. Ql.N2,v.78 1278 Reuter, Otto. Ueber den Einfluss der Haufung von Alkylen auf die Farbe der basischen Di- und Triphenylmethan- farbstoffe. Leipzig, TJwilacker & S chaffer, 1904' 53 p. 1279 Reverdin, Frederic. Analyse des matieres colorantes or- ganiques. Archives des sciences physiques et natureUes, Geneve, 1912, v. 34: 339-348, 426-448. Q2.A772,v.34 1280 Revue des matieres colorantes nouvelles au point de vue de leurs applications a la teinture. Honiteur scientijique de Quesneville. Paris, 1903, 4- s ^ r -, v. 17: 21-26, 308-313, 640-647. See also vol. 18: 33-39, 244-250, 566-573, 819-824; v. 19: 194-201; v. 21: 522-530. Q2.M7,4.s6r.,v. 17-21 1281 and P. Crepieux. Ueber einige Derivate des Toluol-p- sulfochlorids und des o-Nitrotoluol-p-sulfochlorids. Berichte der deutschen chemischen GeseUschaft. Berlin, 1901, v. 34: 2996-3004. QDl.D4,v.34 1282 and H. Fulda. Tabellarische Uebersicht der Naph- thalinderivate. Basel, Georg & co., 1894. 2 pts. in 1 v. S0 m . 124 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1283 Reverdin, Frederic, and E. Noel ting. Sur la constitution de la naphtaline et de ses derives. MuThouse, Bader, 1889. 1284 Revising the tariff on dyestuffs. Color trade journal, Feb., 1918, v. 2: 45-46. TP890.C6,v.2 1285 Revived manufacture of vegetable dyes. American industries, May, 1916, v. 16: 33-34. HD4802.A6,v.l6 1286 Richter, Paul. Gujuakharz. Archiv der PTiarmacie. Berlin, 1906, v. 244- 90-119. BSl.D5,v.244 1287 Zur Kenntnis des Guajakharzes. Palle a. S., R. P. Nietschmann, 1903. 55 p. 1288 Riffart, Hans. Beitrage zur Kenntnis des Bixins. Miinchen, L. Baeck & co., 1911. 56 p. 1289 Ristenpart, E. Chemische Technologie der organischen Farbstoffe. Leipzig, J. A. Barth, 1911. 122 p. illus., 56 col. pL, 2 fold. tab. 23. (Einzelschriften zur cJiemischen Tech- nologie, Tirsg. von. T. Weyl. 4- Lfg.) 11-26230 TP913.B6 1290 Rodatz, Wilhelm. tJber Fluorescein und einige Derivate. Basel, 1901. Sip. 1291 Rosing, Qeorg. Ueber acidylierte Anilinosulfosauren und deren Umwandlungsprodukte. Bonn, C. Georgi, 1906. 83 p. 1292 Rossler, Hubert. Ueber einige neue Peri-Naphtalinderivate Bonn, C. Georgi, 1902. 49 p. 1293 Roggengofer, Georg. Einige Farbstoffe des Waldes. Deutsche Fdrber-Zeitung. Miinchen, 1901, v. 37: 216-217, 232-233, 248. 1294 Rohland, Paul. Die Adsorption der Farbstoffe durch Kolloid- tone. SUikat-Zeitschrift. Archiv fur WissenscJiafi und Technik der SUikate und Keramisches Zentralblatt. Coburg, 1913, v. 1: 28-S1. 1295 Rohn, Wilhelm. Anomale Dispersion einiger organischer Farbstoffe. Weida i. Th., Thomas & Hubert, 1911. 48 p. DYESTUFFS 125 r 1296 Rosenberg, J. Neuerungen auf dem Thionindigorotgebiet. ZeitscTirift fur angewandte Chemie. Leipzig, 1908, v. 21: 961-970. QDl.Z3,v.21 1297 Ueber Kiipenfarbstoffe, Farber-Zeitung, Berlin, 1909, v. 20: 353-358. 1298 Rosenstiehl, A., and E. Suais. Reduction des matures color- antes azoiques orthonitrees. Academic des sciences. Paris. Comptes-rendus, 1902, v. 134: 606-608. Q46.A14,v.l34 1299 Rossignon, Julio. Manual del cultivo del anil y del nopal: 6 sea Extraccion del indigo, educacion y cosecha de la cochi- nilla, extraccion de los principles colorantes de varias plantas tinctoriales. Paris, Eosa y Bouret, 1859. 2 p. 1., 309 p. iUus. 16. (Enciclopedia Jiispano-americana) 8-23833 TP923.R83 1300 Rost, A. Haematoxylin. Bern, 1904. 83 p. 1301 Roters, Paid. Beitrag zur Synthese der Lackmusfarbstoffe. Erlangen, Junge & SoTin, 1907. 35 p. 1302 Rumpf, C. Herstellung von echten braunen Farbstoffen auf der Wollfaser. FcLrlerzeitung. Berlin, 1901, v. 12: 197-198. 1303 Verfahren, um gewisse basische Farbstoffe wasser- seifen- und saureechter zu machen. Fdrlerzeitung. Berlin, 1901, v. 12: 229-230. 1304 Runge, Otto. Ueber den Einfluss der Stellung von Methyl- und Nitrogruppen zum Methankohlenstoff auf den Farb- carakter der Triphenylmethanfarbstoffe. Wurzburg, H. Sturtz, 1904. 106 p. 1305 Rupe, Hans. Die Chemie der natiirlichen Farbstoffe. Braunschweig, F. Vieweg und sokn, 1900. xii, 332 p. 23%. (Handbuch der chemischen Technologic ... 5. Bd. } 4- Gruppe.) 4-31438 TP919.B9 1306 Fortschritte in der Chemie der naturlichen Farbstoffe. CKemilcerzeitung. Coihen, 1901, v. 25: 656-662, 753-754. TPl.C45,v.25 126 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1307 Rupe, Hans, and J. Demant. Die Chemie der naturlichen Farbstoffe in den Jahren 1902 und 1903. Zeitschrift fur Farben- und Textil-Chemie. Sorau, 1904, v. 8: 810-317, 338-839. 1308 and H. Labhardt. Die Chemie der natiirlichen Farbstoffe im Jahre 1901. Zeitschrift fur Farben- und Textil-Chemie. Braunschweig, 1902, v. 1: 254-258, 295-300. 1309 Sacher, J. P. Der Farbstoff der roten Radieschen. Chemikerzeitung. Coihen, 1910, v. 34: 1333. TPl.C45,v.34 1310 Sachs, Franz and H. Kantorowicz. Ueber die Einwirkung von Grignardschem Reagens auf Kiipenfarbstoffe. Berichte der deutschen chemischen GeseUschaft. Berlin, 1909, v. 42: 1565-1576. QDl.D5,v.42 1311 Ueber p-Substituierte o-Nitrobenzaldehyde. Berichte der deutschen chemischen GeseUschaft. Berlin, 1906, v. 39: 2754-2762. QDl.D4,v.39 1312 - and R. Kempf. Ueber p-Halogen-o-Nitrobenzalde- hyde. Berichte der deutschen chemischen GeseUschaft. Berlin, 1903, v. 36: 3299-3303. QDi.D4,v.36 1313 and E. Sichel. Ueber p-substituierte o-Nitrobenzalde- hyde. Berichte der deutschen chemischen GeseUschaft. Berlin, 1904 t v. 87: 1861-1874. QDi.D4,v.37 1314 Sachs, Hans. Zur Kenntnis der Derivate des Anthrachinons. Freiburg i. Br., Speyer & Kaerner, 1904- 36 p. 1315 Sad tier, Samuel Philip. Dyestuffs from materials native to Latin- American countries. (In Pan American scientific congress. Proceedings, 1915, v. 8. Washington, 1917. p. 153-162.) AS4.P2 1915a 1316 Industrial organic chemistry; adapted for the use of manufacturers, chemists, and all interested in the utili- zation of organic materials in the industrial arts. 4th ed. (rev., enl., and reset) Philadelphia [etc.] J. B. Lippincott company, 1912. xviii, 13-601 p. illus., taUes, diagrs. 25. "Natural dye-colors' ': p. 488-521. See references, p. 519-520. 12-15208 TP145.S2 1913 DYESTUFFS 127 1317 St. Glair, David F. German dyes and American clothes. American review of reviews, Nov. 1914, v. 50: 590-593. AP2.R4,v.50 1318 Salant, W., and R. Bengis. Physiological and pharmaco- logical studies on coal tar colors. Scientific American supplement, Mar. 8, 1917, v. 83: 133. Tl.S52,v.83 1319 Salkover, Benedict. Dyestuff statistics. American pTiarmaceutical association. Journal, June, 1917, v. 6: 528-532. RSl.A52,v.6 1320 Salmony, Alfred. Eine neues Indigosynthese. Berlin, 1905. 44 p. 1321 Ueber einige Verbindungen der Dibrom- und Di- chlormalemsaure und ihre Uberfuhrung in Indigo. Berlin, E. Elering, 1905. 115 p. 1322 and H. Simonis. Verbindungen der Dibrom- und Dichlor-Maleinsaure und ihre Ueberfuhrung in Indigo. Berichte der deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft. Berlin, 1905, v. 38:2580-2601. QDl.D4,v.38 1323 Salva terra, H. Vergleichende Untersuchung von Methoden zur quantitativen Farbstoffbestimmung. Sitzungsberichte der Kaiserlichen AJcademie der "Wissen- schafien. Mathematisch - Naturwissenschaftliche Elasse. Wien, 1912, v. 121: 1289-1315. ASl42.V3ll,v.l21 1324 Sand, J. Salze der Krystallviolettgruppe. Berichte der deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft. Berlin, 1905, v. 38: 3642-3654. QDl.D4,v.38 1325 Sander, W. Veranderung der Farben bei verschiedenem Licht. Leipziger Monatsschrift fur TextHindustrie. Leipzig, 1906, v. 21: 58-59, 94-95. 1326 Sandmeyer, T. Ueber die Synthese von Indigo aus Thiocar- banilid. Zeitschrift fur Farben- und Textil-CTiemie. Braunschweig 1903, v. 2: 129-137. 1327 Sansone, Antonio. Dyeing: comprising the dyeing and bleaching of wool, silk, cotton, flax, hemp, china grass &c. Manchester, A. Hey wood & son; [etc*, etc.] 1888. 2 v. xlv pi. (incl. front.} 211 patterns mounted on xxix pi. 22%*. See index vol. 1 under Dyestuffs. 3-30453 TP897.S22 128 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1328 Sansone, Antonio. Die Schwefelfarbstoffe im Zeugdruck. Zeitschrift fur Farben- und Textil-Chemie. Braunschweig, 1902, v.l: 119-121. 1329 Sehall, Carl. Ueber Farbstoffbildung im Ultraviolett. Journal fur praktiscJie Chemie. Leipzig, 1908, n. s., v. 77 : 262-266. QDl.J75,n.s.,v.77 1330 Schaposchnikoflf, W. G. Ueber die neue Darstellungs- methode des Azophenins. Zeitschrift fur Farben- und Textilindustrie. Berlin, 1907, v. 6: 289-291. 1331 and W. Michireff. Einige Bemerkungen fiber die Wirkung der Oxalsaure beim Aetzen des Indigos. Zeitschrift fur Farben- und TextU-CJiemie. Braunschweig, 1903, v. 2: 57. 1332 Scharwin, W., and Kaljanov. Ueber die Eintrittsstelle der Diazogruppe bei der Bildung der Azofarbstoffe. Berichte der deutscTien chemischen GeseUschaft. Berlin, 1908, v. 41: 2056-2060. QDi.D4,v.4l 1333 ' and others. Ueber Condensation von Anthrachinon mit Phenolen. Berichte der deutscJien chemischen GeseUschaft. Berlin, 1904, v. 87: 8616-3620. QDi.D4,v.37 1334 Schepp, William J. The manufacture of Turkey-red oils from fatty acids. Journal of industrial and engineering chemistry, Sept. 1915 , v. 7: 806. TPl.J6,v.7 1335 Scheurer, Albert, and others. Actionmetrie appliqu^e a la mesure de la resistance des couleurs & la lumiere. Societe industrieUe de Mulhouse. Bulletin, 1907, v. 77: 820-327. T2.S75,v.77 1336 Scheurer, Wilhelm. Zur Kenntnis des Kermesfarbstoffes. MuncJien, V. Hqfling, 1912. 52 p. 1337 Schiller, Wilhelm. Ueber Methylazafrin. Berlin, A. W. Schade, 1913. 27 p. 1338 Schlenk, Wilhelm. Ueber die Natur der Chinhydrone und der Triphenylmethanfarbstoffe. Justus Liebig's Annalen der CJiemie. Leipzig, 1909, v. 368: 277-295. QDl.L7,v.368 DYESTUFFS 129 1339 Schlenze, H. Die Entdeckung des Anilins und des ersten Anilinfarbstoffs. Chemikerzeitung. Cothen, 1906, v. 30: 807-808. TPl.C45,v.30 1340 Der wahre Anilinfarbenentdecker ein deutscher Apotheker. PJiarmaceutische CentralhaTle fur Deutschland. Dresden, 1906, v. 47: 751-755. 1341 Schmid, C. Isomere des Brasileins und Haemateins aus der Benzopyranolreihe. Tubingen, 1905. 61 p. 1342 Schmid, Henri. Die auf der Faser entwickelten illuminier- baren braunen Azofarben. Chemikerzeitung. Cothen, 1904, v. 28: 12-13, 33-34. TPl.C45,v.28 1343 Fortschritte in der Anwendung des Anilinschwarz in den letzten Jahren. Chemikerzeitung. Cothen, 1902, v. 26: 245-246, 261-262, 271-273. TPl.C45,v.26 1344 Schmidlin, Jules. Carbinolsels et cyclohexanerosanilines; phenomenes de decoloration. Academie des sciences. Paris, Comptes-rendus, 1904, v. 138: 521-524. Q46.Al4,v.i38 1345 Comparaison thermochimique entre rosanilines et leucanilines. Academie des sciences. Paris. Comptes-rendus, 1904, v. 138: 542-544. Q46.Al4,v.l38 1346 Composes additionnels ammoniacaux des rosanilines. Academie des sciences. Paris. Comptes-rendus, 1904, v. 138: 1709-1711. Q46.Al4,v.l38 1347 Composes additionnels chlorhydriques des sels des rosanilines; leur dissociation, thermochimie et consti- tution. Academie des sciences. Paris. Comptes-rendus, 1904, v. 138: 1615-1617. Q46.A14,v.l38 1348 La constitution des sels de rosanilines et le mecanisme > 4 de leur transformation. Academie des sciences. Paris. Comptes-rendus, 1904, v. 138: 602-604. O46.Al4,v.l38 121113 19 9 130 LIBRAKY OF CONGRESS 1349 Schmidlin, Jules. Nomenclature des rosanilines. Academic des sciences. Paris. Comptes-rendus , 1904, /y - 138: 504-505. Q46.A14,v.l38 1350 Les sels polyacides des rosanilines. Academic des sciences. Paris. Comptes-rendus, 1904, v. 138: 1508-1510. Q46.Al4,v.l38 1351 Tetraoxycyclohexanerosanilines, nouvelle categorie de derives incolores. Academic des sciences. Paris. Comptes-rendus, 1904, v. 139: 506-507. Q46.Al4,v.l39 1352 Schmidt, Alfred. Farbereichemiker. Fdrberzeitung. Berlin, 1901, v. 12: 87-39. 1353 Schmidt, Georg. Beitrage sur Kenntnis des Pararosanilins. Erlangen, J. E. v. Seydel, 1903. 23 p. 1354 Schmidt, H. Ueber die Wasch- und Lichtechtheit von Im- medialblau und Immedialindon neben Indigo. Zeitschrift fur Farben- und Textil-CJiemie. Sorau, 1904, v. 3: 339-341. 1356 Schmidt, L. W. Consolidating American dyestuff exports. Color trade journal, Dec., 1918, v. 3: 385-387. TP890.C6,v.3 1357 Schmidt, Maximilian P. Uber die Spaltung der Azofarb- stoffe durch Halogene. Journal fur praktiscJie CJiemie. Leipzig, 1912, n. s., v. 85: 235-240. QDl.J75,n.s.,v.85 1358 Schmidt, O. Neue Bildungsweise von Diazoverbindungen und eine allgemeine Methode zur Constitutionsbestim- mung von Azofarbstoffen. Berichte der deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft. Berlin, 1905, v. 38: 3201-3210, 4022-4023. QDl.D4,v.38 1359 Schmidt, Otto. Ueber Cumylindigo und Cumylisatin. Munchen, Weyrather, 1912. 71 p. 1360 Schoellkopf, J. F., jr. The case for dyestuffs. American economist, Oct. 13, 1916, v. 58: 171. HC101.A5,v.58 1361 Development of the dyestuffs industry since 1914. Journal of industrial and engineering chemistry, Oct., 1918, v. 10: 792-794. TPl.J6,v.lO DYESTUFFS 131 1362 Schonholzer, H. Thiocarmin. Zurich, 1907. 1363 Scholl, Roland. Qeber die Nitramine der Anthrachinon- reihe. Berichte der deutsclien chemischen Gesellschaft. Berlin, 1904, v. 37: 44^7-4448. QDi.D4,v.37 1364 - Untersuchungen iiber Indanthren und Flavanthren. Berichte der deutscJien chemiscTien Gesellschaft. Berlin, 1903, v. 36: 3410-3426. See also vol. 40: 933-939. QDl.D4,v.36 1365 and H. Berblinger. Untersuchungen iiber Indanthren und Flavanthren. Berichte der deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft. Berlin, 1903, V. 36: 3427-3445. QDl.D4,v.36 1366 and F. Kacer. Ueber das 2.3-Diamino-anthrachinon und einige Azine der Anthrachinonreihe. Berichte der deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft. Berlin, 1904, V. 37: 4531-4534. QDl.D4,v.37 1367 - - and A. Kreiger. Ueber das Verhalten der Nitramin- gruppe bei der Einwirkung armoatischer Basen auf 2.6- Dibroni-4.8-dinitro-1.5-dinitraminoanthrachinon. Berichte der deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft. Berlin, 1904, v. 37: 4686-4692. QDl.D4,v.37 1368 and M. Parthey. Einwirkungsprodukte von Anuno- niak auf Alizarin. Berichte der deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft. Berlin, 1906. v. 39: 1201-1206. QDl.D4,v.39 1369 Schrader, Herrmann. Herrmann Schraders, Kunstfarbers in Hamburg. Leipzig, C. F. Amelang, 1853. vii, 108 p. 27%. (Schra- der's Schriften.' 11. Bdchn.) 14-12005 TP897.S4 1370 Schrobsdorflf, Hans. Ueber die Reduktion des Hystazarins und Chrysazins und tiber einige ihrer Derivate. Berlin, G. Schade, 1904. 55 p. 1371 Ueber einige Derivate des Chrysazins und Hystazarins. Berichte der deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft. Berlin, 1903, v. 36: 2936-2940. ODl.D4,v.36 132 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1372 Schubart, Philipp. Synthese isomerer Indigodisulfosauren. HaUe a. 8., E. Karras, 1902. 66 p. 1373 Schiitzenberger, Paul. Rapport sur les precedes chimiques de blanchiment, de teinture, d' impression, d'apprets. Paris, Imprimerie nationale, 1882. 2 p. 1., 88 p. 28. (Paris. Exposition universelle, 1878. Rapports du Jury international. Groupe v. Classe 48} 7-22589 T802.D8 v 48 1374 Schulte im Hofe, A. Indigokultur und- Fabrikation in British-Indien. Tropenpflanzer. Berlin, 1902, v. 6: 70-86. 1375 Studien iiber den Gehalt der Indigofera tinctoria an Indican, sowie iiber die Gewinnung des Indigo. Berichte der deutschen pharmaceutischen Gesellschaft. Berlin, 1902, v. 12: 19-30. 1376 Schultz, Gustav. Beitrage zur Geschichte der Azofarbstoffe. Zeitschrift fur Farben- und Textil-CTiemie. Braunschweig, 1902, v.l: 5-7. 1377 Die Chemie des Steinkohlentheers mit besonderer Beriicksichtigimg der kiinstlichen organischen Farbstoffe. 3. Aufl. Braunschweig, Vieweg und Sohn, 1901. 2 v. 1378 Farbstofftabellen. New York, G. E. Stechert & co., 1914. 1379 and J. Erber. Derivate der Amidoalizarine. Journal fur praktische Chemie. Leipzig, 1906, n. s., v. 74- 275-296. QDl.J75,n.s.,v.74 1380 Ueber Derivate des a-Amidoalizarins. Berichte der deutschen chemiscfien Gesellschaft. Berlin, 1902, v. 35: 906-908. QDl.D4,v.35 1381 and J. Flachslander. Ueber Nitroathylbenzole und daraus hergestellte Tetrazof arbstoffe. Journal fur praktische Chemie. Leipzig, 1902, n. s., v. 66: 153-172. QDl.J75,n.s.,v.66 1382 and E. Ichenhaeuser. Ueber einige Diazofarbstoffe aus Phenol und Kresolen. Journal fur praktische Chemie. Leipzig, 1908, n. s., v.77: 100-124. QDl.J75,n.s.,v.77 DYESTUFFS 133 1383, Gustav, and Paul Julius. Tabellarische Uebersicht der im Handel befindlichen kunstlichen organisclien Farbstoffe. 4. umgearb. u. verm. Aufl. Berlin, R. Gaertner, 1902. 297 p. 1384 Schumann, A. Neuerungen auf dem Gebiete des Farbens mit Schwefelfarbstoffen. Zeitschrift fur Farben- und Textilindustrie. Berlin, 1910, v. 9: 97-101. 1385 Schwalbe, Carl G. Benzol-Tabellen. Berlin, GelruderBornstraeger, 1903. 269 p. 29. 1386 Farbstoffe. Ohemische Zeitschrift, Leipzig, 1902, v. 1: 349-352, 373-376; 1903, v. 3: 72-75, 237-240, 265-268, 428-431, 450-454. QDl.C69,v.l,3 1387 Fortschritte der Teerfarbenfabrikation und Farben- chemie. Ohemikerzeitung. Cbihen, 1908, v. 32: 17-19, 121-124. TPl.C45,v.32 1388 Neuere Farbetheorien. (In Sammlung chemischer und chemisch-technischer Vortrage. Stuttgart, 1907. 25 cm . xn. Bd., 4/6. Hft., p. [113]-230) 7-36953 QD1.S2 1389 Rote, schwefelhaltige Farbstoffe. Zeitschrift fur angewandte CJiemie. Berlin, 1907, v. 20: 433-437. QDl.Z3,v.20 1390 Haltbarkeit des diazotierten Paranitranilins. Zeitschrift fur Farben- und Textil-CJiemie. Berlin, 1905, v. 4: 433-438. 1391 Zur Formel des Indanthrens. Ohemische Zeitschrift, Leipzig, 1903, v. 3: 18-19. QDl.C69,v.3 1392 and H. Jochheim. Zur Kenntnis der Halogen- indigotine. Berichte der deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft. Berlin, 1908, v. 41: 3796-3798. QDl.D4,v.4l 1393 S,chweitzer, H. The influence of Sir William Henry Perkin's discovery upon our science. Science, Oct. 19, 1906, n. s., v. 24: 481-488. Ql.S35,n.s.,v.24 134 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1394 Schwertschlager, Jos. Der Farbstoff der roten Radieschen. Chemikerzeitung. Cdt7ien,1910,v.S4: 1257. TPi.C45,v.34 1395 Scidttnore, George H. Development of Japanese dye in- dustries. Z7. S. Bureau of foreign and domestic commerce. Commerce reports, Aug. 3, 1918, no. 181: 454. HCl.B198,1918,no.l81 1396 Science and industry. Nature, Mar. 18, 1915, v. 95: 57-59. Ql.N2,v.95 1397 Secret of German dyes. Literary digest, Mar. 2, 1918, v. 56: 27. AP2.L58,v.56 1398 Secret of the wonderful color combinations used by the Ori- entals and by primitive peoples. Craftsman, Nov., 1908, v. 15: 245-246. Nl.C87,v.l5 - x 1399 Secretary Redfield's preliminary report on the artificial dye- stuff industry. Textile world record, Mar., 1915, v. 48: 571-573. TS1300.T36,v.48 1400 Sedlaczek. Ueber die Entwickelung der Orthooxyazofarb- stoffe. Zeitlschrift fur Farben- und Textil-Chemie. Braunschweig, 1902, v. 1: 173-176, 206-210. 1401 Seer, Christian, and R. Scholl. Zur Synthese des Violan- throns. Justus Liebig's Annalen der Chemie. Leipzig, 1913, v. 398: 82-96. QDl.L7,v.398 1402 Selected quotations bearing on dye shortage from daily papers, Aug. 15, 1914 to Feb. 20, 1915. Journal of industrial and engineering chemistry, Apr. 1915, v. 7: 302-304. TPl.J6,v.7 1403 Sellers, John. The color mixer: containing nearly four hun- dred receipts for colors, pastes, acids, pulps, blue vats, liquors, etc., etc., for cotton and woollen goods, including the celebrated Barrow delaine colors. Philadelphia, H. C. Baird, 1865. xvi, [13]-155 p. 19%. 8-23845 TP910.S46 1404 Serger, H. Kiinstliche Farbstoffe fur Konserven und andere Nahrungsmittel. Zeitschrift fur bffentliche Chemie. Plauen, 1913, v. 19: 226- ?; 245-251. DYESTUFFS 135 1405 Setlik, B. Das Farben von Kunstseide mit 2.7-Dioxynaph- talin. Zeitschrifl fur Farben- und Textil-Chemie. Braunschweig, 1902, v. 1: 121-122. 1406 Seyewetz, Alphonse. Dyes in photography. Scientific American supplement, Jan. 4> 1919, v. 87:6. Tl.S52,v.87 1407 - and B. Seyewetz. Sur la combinaison non colorante du tetrazotolysulfite et sa transformation en matiere colorante. Academic des sciences. Paris. Comptes-rendus, 1901, v. 133: 38-41. Q46.Al4,v.l33 1408 - and P. Sisley. Chimie des matieres colorantes arti- ficielles. Paris, Masson & c ie , 1896. viii, 821 p. incl. tables. 25%. 5-20911 TP913.S5 1409 Sheldrake, T. S. Aniline dye dilemma duties or subsidies? Spectator, Jan. 16; 1915, v. 114: 76. AP4.S7,v.ll4 1410 Shepard, T. P. Receipts for calico printing, particularly with reference to the employment of madder extracts and artificial alizarine. Providence (R. L] S. S. Rider & brother, 1872. vi, 96 p. 8-23853 TP930.S54 1411 Sheppard, Samuel E. Colour of dye solutions. Nature, Oct. 17, 1907, v. 76: 616-617. Ql.N2,v.76 1412 - The optical and sensitising properties of the isocyanine dyes. Chemical society, London. Proceedings, 1908, v. 24: 134-135. QDl.C62,v.24 See also its Journal , 1909, v. 95: 15-19. QDi.C6,v.05 1413 The shortage of dyestuffs and what shall be done about it. Economic world, Apr. 8, 1916, v. 97: 456. HG80ll.M3,v.97 1414 Sidgwick, Nevil V., and T. S. Moore. The rate of reaction of the triphenylmethane dyes with acid and alkali. Chemical society, London. Journal, 1909, v. 95: 889-908. \_ QDl.C6,v.95 1415 Siebert, Werner. Ueber Azofarbstoffe der Triphenybnethan- reihe und deren Lackbildungsvermogen. Berlin, G. Schade, 1906. 71 p. 136 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1416 Siegler, Max. Ueber Dimethyl- und Diaethylanilin-Meta- Sulfosauren. Munchen, B. Anderl, 1911. ^8 p. 1417 Silberrad, O. The relationship of colour and fluorescence to constitution. Chemical society, London. Journal, 1906, v. 89: 1787-1811. QDl.C6,v.89 1418 Sircar, A. C. Azo dyes derived from 2.3 hydroxy-naphthoic acid. Society of chemical industry, London. Journal, 1913, v. 32: 642-644. TPl.S6,v.32 1419 and E. R. Watson. Azo-salicylic acid and azo-hydrox- ynaphthoic acid dyes. Society of chemical industry, London. Journal, 1912, v. 31: 968-971. TPl.S6,v.31 1420 The fastness to light and other agencies of azo- salicylic and azohydroxy naphtholic acid dyes. Society of chemical industry, London. Journal, 1913, v. 82: 641-64^. TPl.S6,v.32 1421 Sirvastava, J. P. Dyeing values of some indigenous dye- stuffs. Agricultural journal of India, 1916, (Scientific congress no.}: 53-64. Abstract in International review of the science and practice of agriculture, Oct., 1916, v. 7, no. 10: 1456-1459. 1422 Sisley, P. Ueber die Fleckenbildung auf Seidenstoffen. Zeitschrift fur Farben- und Textil-Chemie. Braunschweig, 1902, v. 1: 544-547, 568-575. 1423 Slater, J. W. Manual of colors and dye-wares. London, 1882. 1424 Smith, David, dyer. The. English dyer: with instructions showing how to dye 150 shades on cotton yarns in the hank; 50 shades on cotton wool; 150 shades on worsted yarns; 100 shades on animal wool; and 50 shades on silk in the skein . . . With each of these shades a dyed pat- tern and a genuine receipt is given. Manchester [Eng.] Palmer & Howe; [etc., etc.} 1882. xxxii, 340 p. patterns. 23. Discusses the manufacture of various dyes. 8-23866 TP897.S64 DYESTUFFS 137 1425 Smith, Robert W. Synthetic indigo. Color trade journal, July, 1918, v. 3: 246-251. TP890.C6,v.3 1426 Smith, W. R. Experiments with dyes. Scientific American supplement^ Sept. 16, 1905, v. 60: 24836- 24837. Tl.S52,v.60 1427 Society of dyers and colourists, Bradford, Eng. (Yorkshire). The journal of the Society of dyers and colourists for all interested in the use or manufacture of colours, and in calico printing, bleaching, etc. 1885 [i. e. Nov. 1884]- 1913. Bradford, Yorks [1884-1913.] 12 v. in 6 Mus., port. 27%. monthly. 8-33212 TP890.S6 1428 Springer, J. F. The sulphur dyestuffs. Color trade journal, Mar., May, 1919, v. 4' 54-57; 123- 126. TP890.C6,v.4 1429 Springmiihl, F. Lexikon der Farbwaaren. Berlin, 1880. 1430 Staeble, Rupert. Die neueren Farbstoffe der Pigmentfarben- Industrie. Berlin, J. Springer, 1910. 146 p. 1431 Stanilaus, I. V. Stanley. Scarcity of dyes and chemicals during the present war. (In National association of cotton manufacturers. Transactions, 1915, no. 99. Boston, 1918. 25 cm . p. 284-292.) Discussion: p. 292-300. TS1550.N5 1915 1432 Starck, Hans. Ueber einige Neuerungen auf dem Gebiete der Eisfarben. Zeitschrift fur Farben- und Textilindustrie. Berlin, 1908, v. 7: 335-340; 355-360. 1433 Status of new tariff law on dyestuffs. Metallurgical and chemical engineering, Sept. 15, 1916, v. 15: 283-284. TNl.M45,v.l5 1434 Stein, Victor. Zur Kenntnis einiger Carbazolderivate. Berlin, A. W. Schade, 1901. 34 p. 1435 Stein, Wilhelm. Ueber ein neues Farbematerial aus China. Dresden [1853] 10 p. 28. 9-16771 TP925.C6S8 138 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1436 Stewart, Alfred W. Recent advances in organic chemistry. 3d ed. London, New York, {etc.}, Longmans, Green and co., 1918. 850 p. Consult index under the name of the dyestuff. QD251.S8 1918 1437 Stilling, J. Anilinfarbstoffe als Antiseptika. Strassburg, K. J. Trubner, 1890. 2 v. 24 cm . 1438 Stoermer, Richard, and K. Brachmann. Zur Kenntnis des Oxindigos. Bericnte der deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft. Berlin, 1911, v. 44: 315-319. QDl.D4,v.44 1439 Stohmann, A. Ueber das Rotverkochen der Diamidoan- thrachrysondisulfosaure. Zeitschrift fur Farben- und Textil-Chemie. Braunschweig, 1903, v. 2: 389-390. 1440 Stone, I. Frank. American dyestuff industry. Metallurgical and chemical engineering, Sept. 15, 1917, v. 17: 266-267. TNl.M45,v.l7 1441 American dyestuff industry. Textile world journal, Mar. 3, 1917, v. 52: 1591. TS1300.T36,v.52 1442 The aniline color, dyestuff and chemical conditions from August 1st, 1914, to April 1st, 1917. A series of addresses and articles comp. by I. F. Stone. [New York, TTie Carey printing company} 1917. 224 p. incl. front, (port.} 23%. 18-3369 TP910.S8 1443 The aniline dye situation. Metallurgical and chemical engineering, Oct. 1915, v. 13: 663-671. TNl.M45,v.l3 1444 The dyestuff situation. (In National association of cotton manufacturers. Transactions, 1918, no. 103-104. Boston, 1918. 25 cm . p. 148-153.) TS1550.N5 1918 1445 Dyestuff situation. Textile world journal, Oct. 20, 1917 1 v. 53: 1649. TS1300.T36,v.53 DYESTTJFFS 139 1446 Stone, I. Frank. Larger part of dyestuffs business will remain in hands of domestic manufacturers. American gas engineering journal. Mar. 17, 1917, v. 106: 271-273. TP700.A5,v.l06 1447 The manufacture of aniline dyes in America. Textile world journal, Nov. 25, 1916, v. 51: 5021. TS1300.T36,v.51 1448 The manufacture of aniline colors in the United States. Textile world record, May, 1915, v. 49: 236-239. TS1300.T36,v.49 1449 The stoppage of German supplies of dyestuffs. Textile world record, Nov. 1914, v. 48: 194-195. TS1300.T36,v.48 1450 Straub, Walther. Ueber den Chemismus der Wirkung belichteter Eosinlosung auf oxydable Substanzen. Archiv fur experimentelle Pathologic und PTiarmakologie. Leipzig, 1904, v. 51: 383-390. 1451 Streitberger, Fritz. Ueber den Einfluss ungesattigter Seiten- ketten auf das Kuppelungsvermogen von Phenolen und die Farbung der resultierenden Oxyazoverbindungen. Gottingen, Mdnicke & Jatin, 1904. 7 P- 1452 Strothers, French. The drama of dyestuffs. World's work, Dec. 1915, v. 31: 221-226. AP2.W8,v.3l 1453 Suaia, F. Progres realises dans le domaine des mati&res colorantes artificielles en 1900 et 1901. Moniteur scientijiques de QuesneviHe. Paris, 1902, 4> ser., V. 16: 801-817, 871-881. Q2.M7,4.s6r.,v.l6 1454 Sunder, C. Zur Anilinschwarz-Frage. Zeitschrift fur Farben- und Textilindustrie. Berlin, 1906, v. 5: 400-401. 1455 Suida, Wilhelm. Ueber das Verhalten von Kieselsaure und Silikaten gegen Farbstofflosungen. Zeitschrift fur Farben- und Textilindustrie. Berlin, 1907, v. 6: 365-367. 1456 Sventoslavskiji, V. Diazo- und Azoverbinaungen. Berichte der deutschen chemiscJien GesellschafL Berlin, 1910 t v. 43: 1767-1773. QDi.D4,v.43 140 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1457 Swartz, Joseph. The family dyer and scourer. Also, fullers' guide & assistant. Containing the art of dying and mixing colours, according to practice, with, an in- troduction, 150 recceipts [!] for dying wool, cotton, linen and silk. With an appendix concerning scouring, bleaching, &c. Frederick [Md.] Printed ly G. F. Stayman, 1841. 38 p. 11-8026 TP909.S8 1458 Symposium on the chemistry of dyestuffs. Journal of industrial and engineering chemistry, Oct., 1918, v. 10: 789-790. TPl.J6,v.lO 1459 Tauber, Ernest. Uber Krapplacke und Alizarinlacke. CJiemikerzeitung. Cb'ihen, 1909, v. 33: 1345. TPl.C45,v.33 1460 - and R. Norman. Derivate des Naphthalins. Berlin-, R. Gaertner, 1896. 219 p. 1461 Tafel, Charles. Zur Kenntnis der Merkaptane der Anthra- chinonreihe. Freiburg, i. Br., A. B. Erben, 1911. 34 p. 1462 Tagliani, Giovanni. Das Ribbertsche Indigodruckverfahren. Zeitschrift fur Farben- und Textil-CJiemie. Braunschweig, 1903, v. 2: 413-414. 1463 Tappeiner, H. von. Beziehung der photochemischen Wir- kung der Stoffe der Fluoresceinreihe zu ihrer Fluorescenz- helligkeit. Deutsches Archiv fur Idinische Medicin. Leipzig, 1906, v. 86: 479-486. 1464 Tariff not sufficient. American economist, Aug. 4, 1916, v. 58: 56. HdOl.A5,v.58 1465 Tassart, C. J. Les matieres colorantes, etc. Paris, 1890. 1466 Taussig, Frank W. Dyestuffs and the tariff. Color trade journal, Jan., 1919, v. 4' 1~4> TP890.C6,v.4 1467 - Problems of the dyestuff industry. Journal of industrial and engineering chemistry, Jan., 1919 t v. 11: 55-57. TPl.J6,v.ll 1468 Teichner, H. Constitution der Oxyazokorper. Berichte der deutschen chemischen GeseUschaft. Berlin, 1905, v. 38: 3377-3380. QDl.D4,v.38 DYESTUFFS 141 1469 Telle, H. Kamala und Rottlerin. Archivfiir Pharmacie. Berlin, 1906, v. 244-' 44^-4^8. BSl.D5,v.244 1470 Terres, Ernst. Uber 1.2-Diaminoanthrachinon und eine davon ausgehende Synthese des Indanthrens. Berichte der deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft. Berlin, 1913, v. 46: 1684-1647. QDl.D4,v.46 1471 Tests for a fast dye. Textile world journal, Mar. 4, 1916, v. 51: 1305. TS1300.T36,v.51 1472 Textile colorist. A monthly journal devoted to practical dyeing, bleaching, printing and finishing, dyes, dye- stuffs and chemicals as applied to dyeing. Philadelphia, 1879-1914. 33 v. TP890.T3 1473 Textile world record. Kinks on dyeing, from the questions and answers department of the Textile world record, comp. and ed. by Clarence Hutton. Boston, Mass., Lord & Nagle company [ C 1911] 1 p. I., [7]-106 p. incl. forms. 15%. (The Textile world record Icink looks, no. 7) Contains material on natural and artificial dyestuffs. 11-1934 TP897.T3 1474 Thenius, Georg. Alte und neue organische Farbstoffe, deren Abstain mil rig Gewinnung, Verwendung und Verfalschung. Allgemeine CJiemiker-Zeitung. Lubeck, 1906, v. 6: 789-790. 1475 Die technische Verwerthung des Steinkohlentheers. 2. Aufl. Wien, A. Hartleben, 1899. 216 p. 20. 1476 Ueber die Herstellung eines braunen Farbstoffes aus Torf und Gewinnung von Halbstoff f iir Papier- und Papp- deckelfabriktion. Fdrler-Zeitung. Dresden, 1907, v. 12: 448-449. 1477 Ueber einen neuen Indigo-artigen Farbstoffe aus rohem Holzessig von harten Holzern. Fdrler-Zeitung. Berlin, 1909, v. 14: 963-964. 1478 Thesmar, Georges. Contribution a la connaissance des Xylenes. Bale, 1902. 87 p. 142 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1479 Thomas, N. Spencer. Recipes, instuctions [!] & directions for using N. Spencer Thomas's concentrated dye stuffs, for dyeing all colors, on all fibres, and on all fabrics. 2d ed., rev. and cor. [Elmira, N. Y., 0. H. Wheeler, printer] 1880. 132 p. 22%. 8-23850 TP897.T46 1480 Thompson, Henry B. Dodging a dye tariff. American economist, Aug. 11, 1916, v. 58: iv. HC101.A5,v.58 1481 Thorp, Frank Hall. Outlines of industrial chemistry; a text- book for students, by Frank Hall Thorp, with assistance in revision from Warren K. Lewis. 3d rev. and enl. ed. New York, The MacmiXlan company; London, Macmittan cfc co., ltd., 1916. xxv, 665 p. illus. 22%. "References" at end of most of the chapters. "Natural dyestuffs": p. 485-489; "Artificial dyestuffs": p. 489-498. 16-12396 TP145.T52 1916 1482 Thorpe, Sir Thomas Edward. A dictionary of applied chemistry. Rev. and enl. ed. London, New York [etc.] Longmans, Green, and co., 1912-13. 5 v. iUus. 23%. Consult each vol. under the name of the dye. 12-9914 TP9.T7 1483 Tigerstedt, A. Reserve sous indanthrene S. Pli cache te" du 9 novembre 1901. Sodete industrielle de Mulhouse, 1902, v. 72: J+%2. T2.S75,v.72 1484 Tingle, J. B. New analogues of indigo. Science, May 18, 1906, n. s., v. 23: 791-792. Ql.S35,n.s.,v.23 1485 To be made in the United States: German dye patents may now be used by American manufacturers. American economist, Nov. 16, 1917, v. 60: 231. HC101.A5,v.60 1486 To end our dye-famine. Literary digest, Sept. 18, 1915, v. 51: 578-579. AP2.L58,v.51 1487 To protect native dyes: Tariff commission reports on the industry. Boston Evening Transcript, Feb. 16, 1918, pt. 3: 3. DYESTUFFS 143 1488 Tobler, Gertrud arid F. Tobler. Untersuchungen iiber Natur und Auftreten von Carotinen. Berichte der deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft. Berlin, 1910. v. 28: 375-376. QDl.D4,v.28 1489 Torrey, Henry A. , and W. MacPherson. Some azo dyes from p-aminoacetophenone. American chemical society. Journal, 1909, v. 31: 579-583. QDl.A5,v.31 1490 Trade danger in German industry. Color trade journal, Jan., 1919, v. 4' 9. TP890.C6,v.4 1491 Traube, Isidor. Ueber die Wirkung von Natriumcarbonat auf basische Farbstoffe und deren Giftigkeit. Biochemische Zeitschrifi. Berlin, 1912, v. 42: 496-499. QP501.B5,v.42 1492 Trimble, Henry. The tannins. A monograph on the history, preparation, properties, methods of estimation, and uses of the vegetable astringents, with an index to the litera- ture of the subject. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott company, 1892-94- 2 v. illus. 20. "An index to the literature of the tannins": v. 1, p. 101-165; v. 2, p. 135-170. 9-2670 QK898.T83 1493 Troger, J., and W. Hille. Indikator aus m-Toluidin. Journal fur praktische Chemie. Leipzig, 1903, n. s., v.68: 297-309. QDl.J75,n.s.,v.68 1494 cmdP.Vasterling. Einwirkung von schwefliger Saure auf Diazo-m-toluolchlorid sowie Diazobenzolsulfat. Journal fur praktische Chemie. Leipzig, 1905, n. s., v. 72: 511-535. QDl.J75,n.s.,v.72 1495 Tschirch, A. Vergleichend-spektral-analytsche Untersu- chungen der naturlichen und ktintslichen gelbe FarbstofFe mit Hilfe des Quarzspektrographen. Berichte der deutschen botanischen Gesellschaft. Berlin, 1904, v. 22: 4U-439. 1496 Tschitschibabin, A. E. Triphenylmethyl und seine Haloid- verbindungen. Journal fiir praktische Chemie. Leipzig, 1906, n. s., v. 74' 340-344. QDl.J75,v.74 1497 Tswett, M. Phaeophyceenfarbstoffe. Berichte der deutschen lotanischen Gesellschaft. Berlin, 1906, v. 24: 235-244. 144 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1498 Tucker, William. The family dyer and scourer; being a complete treatise on the arts of dyeing and cleaning every article of dress, bed and window furniture, silks, bonnets, feathers, &c. . . . From the 4th London ed. Philadelphia, E. L. Carey and A. Hart [ca. 1830] xxiii, 180 p. illus. 17$. See index under Dyes. 14-12006 TP909.T8 1499 Two good markets for American dyes. Scientific American, Aug. 24, 1918, v. 119: 154. Tl.S5,v.ll9 1500 $20,000,000 dyestuff consolidation to meet foreign competition after war. Journal of industrial and engineering chemistry, May, 1917, v. 9: 537. TPl.J6,v.9 1501 Uhl, Robert. Ueber Merkaptane der Anthrachinonreihe. Frieburg i. Br., C. A. Wagner, 1911. S3 p. 1502 Ullmann, Fritz, and C. Gross. Uber Biphenylen-sultam. Berichte der deutschen chemischen GeseUschaft. Berlin, 1910, v. 43: 2694-2704. QDl.D4,v.43 1503 and C. Klingenberg. Untersuchungen tiber 2-Methyl- anthrachinon. Berichte der deutschen chemischen GeseUschaft. Berlin, 1918, v. 46: 712-725. QDi.D4,v.46 1504 and A. Munzhuber. Ueber die Herstellung von Tetraphenylmethan. Berichte der deutschen chemischen GeseUschaft. Berlin, 1908, V. 36: 404-410. QDl.D4,v.36 1505 and R. von Wurstemberger. Farbstoff-Derivat des Biphenylendiphenylmethans. Berichte der deutschen chemischen GeseUschaft. Berlin, 1904, v. 37: 73-78. QDl.D4,v.37 1506 Ullmann, Irma, and F. Ullmann. Uber Thio-diphenyl- amine der Anthrachinon-Reihe. Berichte der deutschen chemischen GeseUschaft. Berlin, 1912, v. 45: 832-834. QDl.D4,v.45 1507 Ulrich, Gustav. Studien tiber das Reduktionsvermogen animalischer Faserstoffe. Hoppe-Seylers Zeitschriftfur pJiysiologische Ohemie. Strass- lurg, 1908, v. 55: 25-41. DYESTUFFS 145 1508 Ulrich, Louis. A complete treatise on the art of dyeing cotton and wool, as practised in Paris, Rouen, Mulhausen, and Germany. From the French of M. Louis Ulrich . . . To which are added the most important receipts for dyeing wool, as practised in the Manufacture imperiale des Gobelins, Paris. By Professor H. Dussauce. Philadelphia, H. C. Baird, 1863. xii, [25}-274 p. 19$. Contains material on French and German dyes. 8-23865 TP897.TJ45 1509 Uncle Sam becomes a commercial as well as a scientific adviser. Everybody's magazine, Nov. 1915, v. 83: 635-636. AP2.E9,v.33 1510 U. S. Alien property custodian. Report. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a detailed report by the Alien property custodian of all proceedings had by him under the Trading with the enemy act during the calendar year 1918, and to the close of business on February 15, 1919. Washington, Govt. print, off., 1919. 607 p. (65th Cong., 3d sess. Senate. Doc. no. 435) "The chemical industry": p. 25-62. 1511 Report of the Alien property custodian on the chemical industry. Journal of industrial and engineering chemistry, Apr., 1919, v. 11: 352-365. TPl .J6,v.l 1 1512 Bureau of foreign and domestic commerce (Dept. of commerce). Chemicals and allied products used in the United States. Imports by quantities, values, and coun- tries of origin during the fiscal year 1913-14 and statis- tics of domestic production. Dr. E. R. Pickreil, comp. Washington, Govt. print, off., 1919. 194 P- ind- tables. 25. (Miscellaneous series, no. 82.) 19-26402 HD9651.4.A55 1513 Bureau of the census. Thirteenth census of the United States: 1910. Bulletin. Manufactures: 1909. Statistics for the manufacture of dyestuffs and extracts. [Washington, Govt. print, off., 1913] 7 p. 31. 13-35762 HD9999.D9U6 1514 Congress. House. Committee on patents. Amendment of the patent laws. Dyestuffs. Hearing . . . Jan. 13-14, 1915. Washington, 1915. 77 p. TP910.U6 1915 121113 19 10 146 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1515 II. S. Congress. House. Committee on ways and means. To establish the manufacture of dyestuffs. Hearing ... on H. R. 702 . . . Jan. 14 and 15, 1916. Washington, 1916. 248 p. BDD9999.D9T76 1916a 1516 Senate. Committee on finance. Increase of revenue: briefs and statements on H. R. 16763 to increase the revenue, and for other purposes. Washington, Govt. print, off., 1916. 291 p. "Taxation of dyestuffs and chemicals": p. 229-276. HJ2379.A4 1916c 1517 Dept. of commerce. Aniline color industry. Letter from the secretary of commerce, transmitting, in response to a Senate resolution of January 26, 1915, information relating to the supply of dyestuffs for American textile and other industries. [Washington, Govt. print, off., 1915] 5 p. 23%. (63d Cong., 3d sess. Senate. Doc. 952} 15-26139 HD9999.D9TJ6 1915 1518 Artificial dyestuffs used in the United States. Quantity and value of foreign imports and of domestic production during the fiscal year 1913-14, by Thomas H. Norton, commercial agent. Washington, Govt. print, off,, 1916. 254 P- incl- tables. 2 fold diagr. 25. (Bureau of foreign and domestic commerce. E. E. Pratt, chief. Special agents sffcies no. 121.} Bibliography: p. 34-37. "Index of dyestuffs": p. 221-254. 16-26960 HD9999.D9TJ6 1916d 1519 Dyestuff situation in the United States, by Thomas H. Norton, commercial agent of the Department of commerce. Washington, Govt. print, off., 1915. 12 p. 23. Reprint from Commerce reports for May 17, 1915. 15-26494 HD9999.D9U6 1915b Dyestuff situation in the United States November, 1915, by Thomas H. Norton, commercial agent. < Reprinted and rev. May 1, 1916 > Washington, Govt. print, off., 1916. 19 p. 24%* (Bureau of foreign and domestic commerce. Special agents series no. 111.} 16-26557 HD9999.D9U6 1915d DYESTUFFS 147 1521 U. S. Dept. of commerce. Dyestuffs for American textile and other industries, by Thomas H. Norton, commercial agent of the Department of commerce. "Washington, Govt. print, of., 1915. 57 p. diagrs. 25. (Bureau of foreign and domestic commerce. Special agents series no. 96.) 15-26284 HD9999.D9T76 1915a 1522 Tariff commission. Census of dyes and coal-tar chemicals, 1917. Washington, Govt. print, off., 1918. 73 p. incl. tables. 24%* (Tariff information series, no. 6} ' "The commission has had the services of Dr. Grinnell Jones and Arthur R. Willis, special experts, of the commission's staff, in the preparation of this pamphlet." p. 7. "Directory of manufacturers of coal-tar products during 1917": p. 71-73. HF1756.A425 no.6 18-26799 HD9999.D9TJ6 1917 1523 - The dyestuff situation in the textile industries. Washington, Govt..print, of., 1918. 28 p. 24% cm . (Tariff information series, no. 2} HF1756.A425 no.2 18-6365 HD9999.D9TJ6 1918 1524 Tariff commission dyestuff report. Textile world journal, Jan. 11, 1919, v. 55: 324-325. TS1300.T36,v.55 1525 United States chemical and dye industries developing rapidly. National drug clerk, Nov., 1917, v. 5: 752. 1526 United States dyestuffs. Science, Jan. 25, 1918, n. s., v. 47: 89. Ql.S35,n.s.,v.47 1527 United States exports and imports of dyestuffs. Color trade journal, May, 1919, v. 4' HI' TP890.C6,v.4 1528 Urich, W. Oxazinverbindungen. Einige substantive Farb- stoffe der Oxazolreihe. Basel, 1905. 59 p. 1529 Use of dyestuffs in Egypt. Color trade journal, May, 1919, v. 4: 122. TP890.C6,v.4 1530 Use of flame arc in dye testing. Textile world journal, June 3, 1916, v. 51: 2679. TS1300.T36,v.51 148 LIBRAE Y OF CONGRESS 1531 Use of herbs and barks in dyeing. Journal of agriculture (Quebec], Aug., 1916, v. 20: 44- 1532 Vaubel, Wilhelm. Molekulargrosse des Indigos. Berichte der deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft. Berlin, 1906, v. 39: 3587-3588. QDl.D4,v.39 1533 - Ueber das Vorkommen von Diazoamido-bezw. Diazo- oxyverbindungen in Azofarbstoffen. Zeitschrift fur Farben- und Textil-CTiemie. Braunschweig, 1902, v. 1:3-4. 1534 Ueber die Jodaddititionsprodukte der stickstoffhalti- gen organischen Basen. Zeitschrift fur Farben- und Textil-Chemie. Braunschweig, 1903, v. 2: 271-274. 1535 Ueber die Moleculargrosse des Indigblaus und des Indigrots. (Jhemikerzeitung. Cothen, 1901, v. 25: 725-726. TPl.C45,v.25 1536 Zur Kenntnis des Indigblaus und Indigrots. Zeitschrift fur Farben- und Textil-Chemie. Braunschweig, 1902, v.l: 39-45. 1537 Vegetable colors. (In New international encyclopedia, v. 20. New York, 1909. 25J cm . p. 37.) AE5.N55,v.20 1538 Vegetable dyes of India. Scientific American, Sept. 9, 1916, v. 115: 241. Tl.S5,v.ll5 1539 Veit, Ludwig. Ueber chromophore Gruppierungen. Wiesbaden, 1905. 54 p. 1540 Veitch, F. P., and J. S. Rogers. American sumac: a valuable tanning material and dyestuff. Washington, Govt. print, off., 1918. 12 p. (U. S. Dept. of agriculture. Bulletin, no. 706.) S21.A6,no.706 1541 Veley, Victor Herbert. The rate of formation of azo- derivatives from benzenoid diamines. Chemical society, London. Journal, 1909, v. 95: 1186-1199. QDl.C6,v.05 1542 Vetter, Hermann. Ueber Schwefelfarbstoffe aus 1-2-4-Dini- trophenol. Dresden, A. Oelschlager, 1910. 73 p. DYESTUFFS 149 1543 Vidal, Raymond. Le noir Vidal et le noir d'aniline. Moniteur scientijiques de Quesneville. Paris, 1902. 4- s ^ T -> V. 16: ^18-219. Q2.M7,4.s6r.,v.l6 1544 Sur le precede Vidal au sulfure de sodium et au soufre. Moniteur scientijiques de Quesneville. Paris, 1903, 4- s ^ r >t V.17: 113. Q2.M7,4.s6r.,v.l7 1545 Villon, A. M. Traite pratique des matieres colorantes arti- ficielles. Paris, Baudry et de, 1890. 1546 Vi tails, Jean Baptiste. Cours elementaire de teinture sur laine, soie, lin, chanvre et coton, et sur Fart d'imprimer les toiles. 2. 6d., rev. et augm. Rouen, Impr. d" E. Periauxfils aine, 1 827. xxiii, 596 p. 20. 13-33944 TP897.V7 1547 Vlachos, William. Coal tar intermediate plants. [Philadelphia, Press of Review publishing & printing co.] 1918. 55 p. diagrs. 21. 18-22910 TP953.V5 1548 Vock, Richard. Zur Kenntnis Diazoverbindungen. Wurzburg, C. J. Becker, 1903. 35 p. 1549 Vogel, Max. Ueber die Einwirkungsprodukte einer Schwefel- sesquioxydlosung auf das Diamidodiorthotolylmethan und das Diathyldiamidodiphenylmethan. Weida i. Th., Thomas & Hubert, 1907. 56 p. 1550 Vogel, W. Ueber die Konstitution der Porphyrexide und ihre Beziehungen zum Isatin und Indigo. Erlangen, E. T. Jacob, 1903. 47 p. 1551 Vongerichten, Eduard, and C. Bock. Ueber einige Reak- tionen der Di- und Triphenylmethangruppen. Zeitschrift fur Farben- und TextU-Chemie. Braunschweig, 1903, v. 2: 249-250. 1552 and C. Hofchen. Zur Konstitution der Cyaninfarb- stoffe. Berichte der deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft. Berlin, 1908 y v. 41: 3054-3062. ODl.D4,v.4l 1553 Vorlander, Daniel. Azobenzoltrimethylammoniumnydroxyd als Farbstoff. Zeitschrift fur angewandte Chemie. Berlin, 1903, v. 16t 840-842. ODl.Z3,v.l6 150 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1554 Vorlander, Daniel. Die Berlinerblau-Reaktion. Berichte der deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft. Berlin, 1918, v. 46: 181-192. QDl.D4,v.46 1555 and O. Apelt. Darstellung von Indol aus Indoxyl. Berichte der deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft. Berlin, 1904, v. 37: 1134-1185. QDl.D4,v.37 1556 and B. Drescher. Acylderivate der Indoxysaure und des Indoxyls. Berichte der deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft. Berlin, 1901, v. 34: 1854-1860. QDl.D4,v.34 1557 and E. Mumme. Ueber N-Alkylderivate der Phenyi- gylcin-o-carbonsaure. Berichte der deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft. Berlin, 1902, v. 35: 1699-1701. QDl.D4,v.35 1558 and P. Schubart. Ueber die Constitution des Indigo- carmins. Berichte der deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft. Berlin, 1901, v. 34: 1860-1863. QDl.D4,v.34 1559 Votocek, Emil, and J. Kohler. Weitere Untersuchungen iiber Alkoxy-Derivate des Malachitgriins. Berichte der deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft. Berlin, 1913, v. 46: 1760-1769. QDl.D4,v.46 1560 and J. Matejka. Synthesen von Alkoxy-malachit- grunen mittels Arylmagnesiumhaloiden. Berichte der deutschen chemischen GeseUschaft. Berlin, 1913 , v. 46: 1755-1759. QDl.D4,v.46 1561 Wacker, Leonhard. Reductionsproducte der Nitronaph- taline. Justus Liebig's Annalen der Ohemie. Leipzig, 1902, v. 321: 61-70. QDl.L7,v.32l 1562 Wagner, Frederick Henry. Coal gas residuals. New York {etc.} McGraw-Hill look company, inc., 1914- xi p., 1 1., 179 p. Hlus.,fold. plates, tables (1 fold.) diagrs. (If old.) 24. 14-18479 TP953.W3 1563 2d ed., rev. and enl. New York, McGraw-Hill look company, inc.; [etc., etc.] 1918. xiii, 244 P- iUus., fold, plates, tables (1 fold.*) diagrs. (If old.) 24. 18-3982 TP953.W3 1918 DYESTUFFS 151 1564 Wagner, Frederick Henry. Great capital outlay would be required to establish dye industry in this country. American gas light journal, July 10, 1916, v. 105: 19. TP700.A5,v.l05 1565 The world's dependence on Germany for dyestuffs. Manufacturers record, July 29, 1915, v.68: 85. TSl.M3,v.68 1566 Wagner, H. Ueber natiirliche Farben und Farbstoffe. Himmel und Erde, Berlin, 1902, v. 14: 529-551. Q3.H6,v.l4 1567 Wahl, Andre. Constitution des matieres colorantes du triphenylm^ thane . Revue generale des sciences. Paris, 1905, v. 16: 558-568. Q2.B49,v.l6 1568 L'industrie des matidres colorantes organiques. Paris, 0. Doin etfils, 1912. 2 p. 1., 397 p. illus., diagrs. 18% cm . (Encyclopedie scientijigue, pub. sous la direction du D r Toulouse . . . Bibliotheque des industries chimigues, directeur: Juvenal Derome) "Ouvrages & consulter": p. [377J-378. "Index bibliographique": p. [381]-387. 12-4664 TP893.W3 1569 Les matieres colorantes nouvelles. Revue generale des sciences. Paris, 1903, v. 14: lll$-115l. Q2.R49,v.l4 1570 Progres realises dans le domaine de mati&res colorantes en 1905 et 1906. Moniteur scientijlgues de Quesneville. Paris, 1907, 4* &"> V.21: 387-398. Q2.M2,4.s6r.,v.21 1571 Walter, Johann. Aus der Praxis der Anilinfarbenfabrikation. Hannover, G. Jdnecke, 1903. 337 p. 1572 Aus der Praxis der Anilinfarbenfabrikation. Chemikerzeitung. Coihen, 1910, v. 34: 641-642, 667-669, 681-682, 690-692, 701-704. TPl.C45,v.34 1573 Erfahrungen eines Betriebsleiters. Hannover, M. Jdnecke, 1905. 337 p. 1574 Walther, Gustav. Die Cibafarbstoffe. Zeitschnft fur Farben- und Textilindustrie. Berlin, 1909, v. 8:. 359-362, 375-381, 384. 152 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1575 Walther, Gustav. Farben und Farbstoffe. Hannover, M. Jdnecke, 1911. 220 p. (Billiothek der gesamten Tecknik. Bd. 15,7} 1576 Walther, H. Belichtungsversuche mit einer kiinstlichen Licht- quelle. Farberzeitung. Berlin, 1906, v. 17: 65-67. 1577 Wangerin, Albert. Ueber die Titration des Indigos mit Hy- drosulfit und liber die Bildung von Indigo aus Phenylgly- cin-o-Carbonsaure. Halle a. S., E. Karras, 1902. 72 p. 1578 and D. Vorlander. Die Titration des Indigos mit Hydrosulfit. Zeitschrift fur Farben- und Textil-Cliemie. Braunschweig, 1902, v. 1: 281-289. 1579 Wardle, Sir Thomas. Monographs on the tusser and other wild silks of India, descriptive of the objects and speci- mens exhibited in the India section of the Paris exhibition, and on the dyestuffs and tannin matters of India and their native uses, descriptive of the collection in the India section of the Paris exhibition. London, Printed by G. E. Eyre and W. Spottiswoode,for Her Majesty's stationery office, 1878. 88 p., 1 I. 22. 5-31732 T802.G1I9 1580 Warnecke, Gustav. Ueber Diammodisulfonsauren aus H- Saure und Amino-R-Saure. Giessen, 0. Kindt, 1909. 53 p. 1581 Warnes, Arthur R. Coal tar distillation and working up of tar products. 2d ed., rev. and enl. London, Benn brothers limited, 1917. xii, 303 p. illus., fold, pi., diagrs. (1 fold?) 22. 18-19224 TP953.W35 1017 1581a Coal tar and some of its products. London, New York, Sir I. Pitman & sons, ltd., [1919] xxii, 105 p. iUus., fold, tables. 18% cm. (Pitman's com- mon commodities and industries") Bibliography: p. 101-102. 19-12999 TP953.W34 1582 Watkins, W. H. American dyes from a manufacturing standpoint. Chemical and metallurgical engineering, Sept. 25, 1918, v. 19: 401-403. TNl.M45,v.l9 DYESTUFFS 153 1583 Watson, Edwin Roy. A relation between chemical constitu- tion and depth of colour of dyes. Chemical society, London. Proceedings, 1913, v. 29: 348-349. QDl.C62,v.29 1584 The relation between the chemical constitution of mono- azo-dyes and their fastness to light. Chemical society, London. Proceedings, 1909, v. 25: 224, 290-291 . QDl .C62,v.25 1585 and J. M. Dutta. The relation between chemical constitution and fastness to light and other agencies of polyhydroxy-benzophenone dyes. Society of chemical industry, London. Journal, 1911, v. 30: 6-9. TPl.S6,v.30 1586 and K. B. Sen. Dyes derived from quercetin. Chemical society, London. Proceedings, 1913, v. 29: 349. QDl.C62,v.29 1587 Watt, George. A dictionary of the economic products of India. Calcutta, The supt. of gov't print., India; London, W. H. Allen & co., 1889-96. 7 v. in 10. 8. See Vol. 3. 1-9642 HC432.W2 1588 Weber, G. Reaktionen von neuren kunstlichen Farbstoffen auf der Faser. Fdrberzeitung, Berlin, 1903, v. 14: 139-143, 162-165. 1589 Wedekind, Edgar. Ueber Azofarbstoffe der Santoninreihe. Zeitschrift fur Farben- und Textil-Chemie. Braunschweig, 1903, v. 2: 229-233. 1590 and J. Haeussermann. Ueber das Verhalten der Pikrinsaure gegen siedende Aetzlaugen. Berichte der deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft. Berlin, 1902, v. 85: 1133-1135. QDl.D4,v.35 1591 and O. Schmidt. Santoninazofarbstoffe. Berichte der deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft. Berlin, 1903, v. 36: 1386-1394. QDl.D4,v.36 1592 Weidlich, Farbstoffdarstellung und Farbeverfahren in der Praxis des deutschen Patentamtes. Zeitschrift fur angewandte Chemie. Leipzig, 1912, v. 25: 1096-1102. QDl.Z3,v.25 154 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1593 Weil, Hugo, and others. Uber Einwirkung von schwefliger Saure und von Sulfiten auf Farbstoffe verschiedener Klassen. Berichte der deutschen chemischen GeseUschaft. Berlin, 1911, v. 44: 3172-3179. QDl.D4,v.44 1594 Weissgerber, R. Zur Kenntnis des Indols. BeriscTite der deutschen chemischen GeseUshaft. Berlin, 1913, v. 46: 651-659. QDi.D4,v.46 1595 Werner, A., and P. Pfeiffer. Konstitution und Synthese naturlicher Farbstoffe. Chemische Zeitschrift. Leipzig, 1904, v. 3: 323-327, 355-359, 388-392, 420-424. QDl.C69,v.3 1596 Werner, R. Neue sauerfarbende Alizarinfarbstoffe. Farber-Zeitung. Berlin, 1913, v. 24: 102-103. 1597 Weyl, Theodore. The coal-tar colors, with especial reference to their injurious qualities and the restriction of their use; a sanitary and medico-legal investigation, tr. by Henry Leffmann. Philadelphia, P. Blakiston, son <& co., 1892. xii, 17-154 P- diagrs. 20. 12-36347 QP971.W5 1598 Weyrich, Paul. Ein Vorschlag zu einem Orientierungssystem der Teerfarbstoffe. Farber-Zeitung. Berlin, 1912, v. 23: 493-497. 1599 Whittaker, C. M. The application of the coal-tar dyestuffs, the principles involved, and the methods employed. London, BaiUiere, TindaU and Cox, 1919. xi, $14 p. 22 cm . (Industrial chemistry ... ed. by S. Rideal.) Bibliography: p. 10-11. 19-10005 TP914.W6 1600 Who is fighting the development of an American dye industry? Manufacturers record, May 4 } 1916, v. 69: 57. TSi.M3,v.69 1601 Who killed Cock Robin?: notes on the tariff history of coal-tar dyes. Scientific American supplement, Aug. 28, 1915, v. 80: 135. Tl.S35,v.80 1602 Why dyestuffs tariff is needed. American economist, Mar. 3, 1916, v. 57: 107. HC101.A5,v.57 DYESTUFFS 155 1603 Why the shortage in dyes interests you. Current opinion, Nov. 1915, v. 59: 635-636. AP2.C95,v.59 1604 Why we lack dyestuffs. American economist, Oct. 6, 1916, v. 58: 158-159. HC101.A5,v.68 1605 Wichelhaus, Hermann. Organische Farbstoffe. Dresden, TJi. Steinkopff, 1909. 149 p. 1606 Ueber Schwefelfarbstoffe. Berichte der deutschen chemischen GeseUschaft. Berlin, 1907, v. 40: 126-129. See also vol. 43: 2922-2926. QDl.D4,v.40 1607 Vorlesungen iiber chemische Technologic. 3. um- gearb. und verm. Aufl. Dresden, T. Steinkopff, 1912. xii, 884 P- Mus. 24% cm . See index under Farbstoffe. 12-7971 TP145.W5 1608 Zur Einwirkung der Aldehyde auf Phenole. Berichte der deutschen chemischen Gesellschafi. Berlin, 1913, v. 46: 110-112. QDl.D4,v.46 1609 Wicktoroff, P. Erzeugung eines violettrothen Chininiinid- farbstoffes auf der Faser. Farberzeitung. Berlin, 1902, v. 13: 213-214. 1610 Wieland, Heinrich, and Erwin G^nelin. Ein neuer Weg in die Indigo-Gruppe. Berichte der deutschen chemischen GeseUschaft. Berlin, 1908, v. 41: 3512-3517. QDl.D4,v.4l 1611 Willstatter, Richard, and M. Benz. Die Azophenole. Berichte der deutschen chemischen GeseUschaft. Berlin, 1906, v. 39: 3492-3503. QDl.D4,v.39 1612 and R. Pummerer. Ueber Aceton-dioxalester. Berichte der deutschen chemischen GeseUschaft. Berlin, 1904, V. 37: 3733-3740. QDl.D4,v.37 1613 and M. Golclmann. Aminoderivate des Tetraphenyl- athylens. Berichte der deutschen chemischen GeseUschaft. Berlin, 1906, v. 39: 3765-3776. QDl.D4,v.39 1614 Winteler, F. Ueber Indigodarstellung. CTiemikerzeitung. Cofhen, 1908, v. 32: 602-604. TPl.C45,v.32 156 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1615 Winther, Adolf. Zusammenstellung der Patente auf dem Gebiete der organischen Chemie 1877 bis 1905. Vol. 2. Giessen, A. Topelmann, 1908. 1680 p. Vol 2 discusses dyestuffs. 1616 Wipplinger, Christian Hermann. Ueber die elektro- chemische Reduktion einiger Chlornitrobenzole. Giessen, 1901. 41 P- 1617 Wirther, K. Thioindigorot. Farlerzeitung. Berlin, 1906, v. 17: 85-87. 1618 Wise, Louis E., and E. Q. Adams. Photographic sensitizing dyes: their synthesis and absorption spectra. Color trade journal, Feb., 1919, v. 4' 19-20. TP890.C6,v.4 1619 Witt, Herbert. Untersuchungen iiber Ortho-aminoazobenzol. Berlin, H. Blanke, 1913. 44 p. 1620 Witt, Otto N. Artificial versus natural dyes. Scientific American supplement, Jan. 26, 1906, v. 61: 25142. Tl.S52,v.61 1621 Chemische Technologic der Gespinnstfasern; ihre Geschichte, Gewinnung, Verarbeitung und Veredelung. 1.-2. Lief. Braunschweig, F. Vieweg und SoTin, 1888-91. 2 v. (Hand- luch der chemischen Technologic, Tirsg. von Bolley. 5. Bd. 2. Gruppe.) TS1540.W82 1622 Eine Neuerung auf dem Gebiete der Entwicklungs- farbstoffe. Farber-Zeitung. Berlin, 1913, v. 24: 273-275. 1623 Die Entdeckung des Anilins und des ersten Anilin- farbstoffes. CTiemikerzeitung. Cbthen, 1906, v. 29: 845-856. TPl.C45,v.29 1624 Fast and fugitive dyes. Scientific American supplement, Apr. 9-16, 1910, v. 69: 227; 247. Tl.S52,v.69 1625 Proposed British dyestuff industry: a German opinion on Great Britain's prospects. Metallurgical and chemical engineering, Apr. 1915, v. 13: 246-249. TNl.M63,v.l3 1626 Recent developments in coloring matters. Scientific American supplement, Nov. 1, 1902, v. 54: 22434- 22436. Tl.S52,v.54 DYESTUFFS 157 1627 Witte, Erhard. Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Azochinoline. Freiburg i. Br., Speyer & Kaerner, 1905. 36 p. 1628 Wolbling, F. Ueber einige Chrysazinderivate. Berichte der deutschen chemischen GeseUschaft. Berlin, 1903, V. 36: 2941-2942. QDl.D4,v.36 1629 Wood, John Kerfoot. The chemistry of dyeing. New York, D. Van Nostrand co., 1913. mi, 80 p. 19. (Chemical monographs . . . no. 11} Bibliography: p. 75-77. Agr 14-1675 1630 Woroshtzow, N. N. tJber Bisulfitverbindungen von Azo- farbstoffen. Journal fur pralctische Chemie. Leipzig, 1911, n. s., v. 84: 514-528. QDl.J75,n.s.,v.84 1631 Wurtz, Charles Adolphe. Dictionnaire de chimie pure et appliquee comprenant: la chimie organique et inor- ganique, la chimie appliquee a Findustrie, a 1'agriculture et aux arts, la chimie analytique, la chimie physique et la mineralogie, par Ad. Wurtz . . . avec la collaboration de MM. J. Bouis E. Caventou Ph. de Clermont [e. a.] Paris, Hachette et c ie [1868-78] 3 v. in 5. illus., col. plates, diagrs. Avec la collaboration de MM. P. T. Cleve E. Demarcay A. Etard [e. a.] Supplement. Paris, HacJiette et c 16 [1880-86] 1 v. in 2. illus., plates, diagrs. - Deuxieme supplement public" sous la direction de Ch. Friedel . . . (lettres A a H) C. Chabrie . . . (lettres H a Z) avec la collaboration de MM. V. Auger E. Baud G. Baume [e. a.] E. Rengade, secretaire de la redaction. Paris, Hachette et c*, 1892-1908. 7 v. illus. 25%. The separate articles in this well-known dictionary constitute a most important contribution to the literature on dyestuffs. 9-8445-7 QD5.W94 1632 -- Progres de Findustrie des matieres colorantes artifi- cielles. . . Paris, Masson, 1876. 192 p. 1633 Wuth, B. Ueber Indigogelb. F&rber-Zeitung. Berlin, 1911, v. 22: 343-345. 158 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1634 Ybarra, Andres. Abundant vegetable products in Venezuela for dyeing and tanning. (In Pan American scientific congress. Proceedings, 1915, v. 11. Washington, 1917. p. 218-220.) AS4.P2 1915a 1635 The Year-book for colorists and dyers, presenting a review of the year's advances in the bleaching, dyeing, printing, and finishing of textiles. 1898-1912. New York, 1898-1912. 15 v. plates. 19. Editors: Harwood Huntington; H. A. Metz. 1-11035 TP890.Y4 1636 Zacharias, P. D. Zur Chemie der Farblacke. Zeitschriftfiir Farben- und Textilindustrie. Berlin, 1 906, v. 5: 454-457. 1637 Zanker, W. Fortschritte in der Vorwendung von kiinstlichen Indigo. Fdrberzeitung. Berlin, 1903, v. 14: 369-371, 384-387. 1638 - and K. Schnabel. Determination of free sulphur dyestuffs. Color trade journal, Mar. 1919, v. 4-' 69-70. TP890.ce,v.4 1639 Zart, Arthur. Farben und Farbstoffe, ihre Erzeugung und Verwendung. Leipzig und Berlin, B. G. Teubner, 1915. 2 p. 1., 100 p. iUus., diagrs. 18%. (Aus Natur und Geisteswelt . . . 483. Bdchn.} "Naclrweis von spezialwerken": p. [97J-98. 16-11206 TP910.Z3 1640 Zerr, Georg. Bestimmung von Teerfarbstoffen in Farblacken. Eine uebersicht Samtlicher in der Farblack-Fabrikatiou verwendeter Teerfarbstoffe in ihrem Verhalten gegen be- stimmte Reagentien. Dresden, Steinkopff & Springer, 1907. x p., 1 I., 211,[l]p. ind. tables. 23% cm . Agr 8-1167 1641 Tests for coal-tar colours in aniline lakes: a review of the coal-tar colouring matters generally used in the lake industry and their behaviour with distinct chemical re- agents. Authorised English ed. by Dr. Charles Mayer. London, C. Griffin < company, limited; PTiiladelpTiia, J. B. Lippincott company, 1910. xii, 230 p. tables. 23. Agr 11-1026 DYESTUFFS 159 1642 Zerr, Georg, and R. Rubencamp. Handbuch der Farben- fabrikation. 2. Aufl. Berlin, 1909. 878 p. 1643 A treatise on colour manufacture. Tr. by C. Mayer. London, Griffin, 1907. 622 p 1644 Zincke, Theodor, and P. Jorg. Ueber 1.4-Amino-thiophenol. Berichte der deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft. Berlin, 1911, v. 44: 614-626. QDl.D4,v.44 1645 Zwayer, Felicia, and S. von Kostanecki. Ueber die Funktion des Doppelchromophors. Berichte der deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft. Berlin, 1908, v. 41: 1335-1341. QDi.D4,v.4l 1646 Guyard, Antony. De la formation du noir d'aniline, au moyen des sels de vanadium, et de la theorie de la forma- tion du noir d'aniline. Societe chimique de Paris. Bulletin, 1876, n. s. v. 25: 58-64. QDl.S4,n.s.v.25 The conclusions reached are printed in English in American chemist, 1876, v. 7: 114. QDl.A57,v.7 1647 Hommey, . Essais sur 1'emploi du noir d'aniline au vana- dium en teinture sur tissus de laine et sur tissus melanges. Societe industrielle de Rouen. Bulletin, May- June, 1876, v. 4' 263-266. T2.S765,v.4 An English translation is printed in The Textile colorist, and in Ameri- can chemist, 1876, v. 7: 60-61. QDl.A57,v.7 1648 Rosenstiehl, A. Sur la the'orie de la formation du noir d'aniline. Societe industrielle de Mulhouse. Bulletin, Apr. -June, 1876, v. 46: 238-243. T2.S75,v.46 1649 Vanadium, in dyeing and calico printing. American chemist, Aug. 1876, v. 7: 57-59. From The Textile colorist. QD1 . A57,v.7 1650 Witz, G. Sur 1'emploi industriel du vanadium dans la fabri- cation du noir d'aniline. Academic des sciences, Paris. Comptes rendus, July 31 , 1876, V. 83: 348-350. Q46.A14,v.83 An abstract in English is printed in American chemist, 1876, v. 7: 61. QDl.A57,v.7 AUTHOR INDEX [The numbers refer to the items, not to the pages.] Adam, E 8,923 Adams, E. Q 1618 Aders, R. H 528 Alcock, Mary 1020 Allen, Alfred H 12 Allison, J. R 1164 Alt, H 13,402 Alway, F. J 15 Alwyn-Schmidt, L. W ... 16 American assoc. of official agricul- tural chemists 1229 American chemical society 1, 2, 17 American dyestuffs manufacturers' assoc 28 American manufacturers of aniline dyes 29 American school of correspondence, Chicago 31 Anderson, D. G 33 Andes, Louis E 34 Apelt, O 1555 Apotheker, Nan 37 Armstrong, James 39 Arnoldi, Heinrich 40 Ashton, B. C 44 Auerbach, G 45 Auger, V 1631 Auwers, Karl 46 Badel, A 47 Baekeland, L. H 48 Baeyer, Adolf von 49-52 Bailey, T. L 8, 923 Baillot 53 Baker, Frank 54 Bally, O 55 Bamberger, Eugen 56-62 Bancroft, Edward 63, 64 Bannister, C. 8,923 Barbier, Ph 65-67 Barnstein, F 8, 923 Barratt, J. C 68 Bartholomftus, Erich 69 Baskerville, Charles 70, 71 Bassett, Henry, jr 72 121113 19 11 Batey, J. P 796 Battegay, Martin 73, 1067 Baud, E 1631 Bauer, L 516 Baume, G 1631 Baumert, R 74 Beacall, Thomas 75 Beatty, W. Gedney 76 Bechhold, H 77 Beck, H 431 Becker, Hans 78 Beckers, William 79, 80 Beckmann, E 81 Behal, A 82 Behrens, T. H 83 Bemiss, Elijah 84 Benda, L 333 Benedict, Rudolf 85,86 Bengis, R 1318 Benz, M 1611 Benzinger, Hans 87 Berblinger, H 1365 Bergmann, Eduard 88, 185 Bergtheil, C 89 Bergues 90 Bernhard, H 529 Bernhard, R 605 Bernstein, J 91 Bernthsen, A 92, 93 Berthollet, AmMe'e B 94 Berthollet, Claude L 94 Berzelius, Jons J. friherre 95 Besthorn, E 96 Bezdzik, A 97, 445 Bick,E. C.T 98 Binder, Felix 99,100 Binz, Arthur 101-115, 1125 Bird, Frederick J 116, 117 Bistrzycki, A 118-120 Blitz, Wilhelm 121 Bloxam, William P... 122,123,481,1165 Blumenreuter, Carl 125 Blumrich, Karl 126 Bock, C 1551 161 162 AUTHOR INDEX Bodmer, Ernst 127, 128 Bockmann, F 923 Borker, Th 129 Bornstein, E 386 Bottiger, E 130 Bohn, R 131-133 Bokorny, Th 134 Bolas, Thomas 875 Bolley, Pompej us A 3, 135 Bollina, E 136 Bolser, C. E 139 Bonner, W. D 15 Book, G 137, 138, 1000 Borsche, Walther 139, 140 Bosch, Emil 141 Bottler, Max 142 Bouis, J 1631 Boyer, J 143 Brachmann, K 1438 Brauer, P 144 Brand, Kurt 145 Brannt, William T 146 Brass, Kurt 147,394 Braun, Julius von 148, 149 Breuning, Wilhelm 151, 1269 Briggs, S. H. C 1166 Bruce, George H 159 Bruckmann, R 160 Brunck, H 161 Bucherer, Hans T 162-173, 1006 Budkewicz, Eugen von 174 Buckel, C 175 Billow, Carl 176,177 Bunde, Q 180 Buntrock, A 181, 485 Burda, Jean 182 Burian, Richard 183 Busch, Adolf 184 Busch, M 185 Busse, F 186 Caberti, L 187 Cain, John C 188-191 Calvert, Frederick C 192 Camps, Rudolf. . 193 Capatina, Alexandre 194 Carleton, P. W 194a Caro, H 195 Carter, Thomas 196 Cassebeer, E. W 737a Cattermann, L 240 Caventou, E 1631 Chabrie', C -1631 Challenger, F 75 Chandler, C. F 197,198 Chapin, Edward S 199-204 Chemical foundation 205, 211 Chemical review 208 Chlopin, G. W 210 Choate, Joseph H. jr 211 Claasz, Max 212-214 Clarke, L 726, 727 Clermont, Ph. de 1631 Cleve, P. T ,. 1631 Cochenhausen, von 220 Cockerell, T. D. A 221 Cohen, Julius B 222 Cohen, S. S 223 Cohn, G 224 Cohoe, W. P 225 Colbert 579 Colli, Edvardo 226 Cooper, Thomas 228 Corley, J. L 1037 Cornelius, Wilhelm 229 Cortesi, F 230 Cram, M. P 231 Crepieux, P 1281 Croner, F 232 Crookcs, Sir William 4, 233 Crosland, P. F 558 Crossley, M. L 234 Gulp, S 235 Dahse, Willy 238 Dale, Samuel S 239 Dammann, K 240 Dammer, 241 Danaila, N 888 Dannerth, F 242 Darby, W. D 243 Daur, Guido 244 Davis, W. A 12, 245 Decker, Herman 246,247 Dedekind, Alexander 248 Deichler, Christian 249 Dekker, J. 250 Delaney, Charles R 251-256 Demant, J 1307 Demaryay, E 1631 DePuyster, B 257 Dessoulavy , E 546 Deutsche Farber-Zeitung 259 Diehl, Claus 265 Dienert, F 266 Dieterich, Eugen 267 Diguet, Leon 269 Diller, E , 270 Dimroth, Otto 271-274 Dobrzynski, F 275 AUTHOR INDEX 163 Dorschky, K ' 277, 634 Doryland, E. D 277a Dreaper, William P 278 Dreher, Carl 279-281 Drescher, Bruno 282, 1556 Drozdowski, H 283 Dudgeon, C. G 284 Diirrschnabel, Karl 285, 286 Dufay ; 579 Duisberg, C 287 Dunstan, A. E 288 Dupont, Justin 289 Dussauce, Hippolyte 290, 1508 Duitoit, M 395 Dutta, J. M 1585 Dyers' trade journal 301 Eaton, Theo. H., & son 327 Eble, Max 328 Eder, Josef Maria ... 329 Erllefsen, Gustav 330, 331 Ehlert, Wilhelm 332 Ehrhart, O 682 Ehrlich, P 333,334 Eibner, Alex 335-350 Elbers, Wilhelm 351-353 Elbs,K 354 Elger, F 58 Ellis, Asa 355 Engels, Paul 356, 357 Engler, A 358 Engler, C 358 Erban, Franz 359-370 Erber, J 1379, 1380 Erdmann, Hugo 371, 372 Etard, A 1631 Ettinger, L 373 Euler, II 374-376 Evans, H. M 377 Everest, Arthur E 1167 Farber-zeitung 382 Filrberei-Muster Zeitung 874 Fainberg, S 383 Falconer, J 384 Falk, K. G 385 Farben-inaustrie 386 Fay, Irving W 387 Fecht, H 388 Feer, Ad 160,389 Feiker, F. M 390 Felix, A 446 Felsen, Fedor 391,392 Ferguson ". 579 Fesquet, A. A 1035,1096 Feuerstein, W 394,395 Fichter, F 396 Field, C 397 Findlay, Alex 398 Finger, Hermann 399 Fischer, Emil 400 Fischer, Ernst 401 Fischer, Eugen 402 Fischer, Hans 403-405 Fischer, Otto 400, 406-410 Fischer, Richard 411 Fisseler, Oswald 412 Flachslaender, J 413, 1381 P'ormanek, Jaroslav 414-419 Fort, M 421 Foster, A. R 694 Foust, T. B 71 Fox, John J 422, 665 Francillon, Emmanuel 423 Franck, W 756 Frank, Hermann 424 Franke, Johannes 425 Fran/en, Hartwig 426 Fraps, George Stronach 427 Freiberger 99 Freimann, H 547 Freund, Martin 429-432 Freundlich, Herbert 433 Friedel, Ch 1631 Friedlaender, P 97, 373, 434-455 Fries, Karl 46 Fritsch, P 457 Fritzen, Adolf 458 Frohlich, Joroslav 396, 459 Frossard, J 100 Fuchs, Herman C 461 Fulda, H 1282 Funk, C 462 Fussganger, H 463 Gabba. Luigi 464 Gabel, W 81 Gachot, Ch 465 Gaidukov, N 466, 467 Ganswindt, A 468^70 Garcon, Jules 5, 471 Gardner, John 472 Gardner, Walter M 473-476, 1252 Garros, F 477 Gassner, S 1241 Gattermann, Ludwig 479 Gaumer, Max 480 Gaunt, R. T 481 Gebhard, Kurt 483, 484 Gentele, J. G 485 Geoffery 579 164 AUTHOR INDEX Georgievics, Georg C. T. von. . 6, 486-495 Gerlinger, Paul 496, 1068 Ghosh, Kedar N 503 Gibbs, H. D 504 Gibson, Richard 505 Gibson, Richard H 506 Gies, William J 569 Gilbody, A. W 507 Gillieron, Ernest 508 Girard, Ch 509 Glaser, F 510 Glassner, F 511 Glawe, A 889 Glen,C 512 Gmelin, Erwin 1610 Gmelin, Leopold 513 Gnehm, R. 3, 135, 514-517 Gohring, C. F 518 Goldberg, A 519 Goldmann, M 1613 Goldschmidt, Carl 520 Goldschmidt, Heinrich 521 Goldschmidt, S 273 Goldstern, D 522 Gomberg, Moses 523, 524 Gordon, J. W 525 Graebe, Charles 528, 529 Graf, W 530 Grafe, Viktor 531 Grand, Louis 532, 1130 Granderye, M 574 Grandmougin, Eug 492, 533-548, 770 Grasser, Georg 549 Gt. Brit. Board of trade 550 Green, Arthur George 551-560 Gresly, W 771 Griffiths, A. B 561 Grob, Armin 562 Grob, J 59 Grosheintz, H 563 Gross, C 1502 Grossmann, E 564, 565 Groves, Charles E 192 Gruber, Hermann 568 Gruenberg, Benjamin C 569 Gruyter, P. de 60 Gudeman, Edward 570 Gunther, Paul 571 Gulinow, G 572 Guyard, Antony 1646 Guyot, A 573-575, 583 Gyr, J 119 Haber, Eritz 576-578 Haeussermann, J 1590 Haigh, James 579 Halland, A. H 580 Haller, A 581-583 Haller, R 584 Halstead, Albert 585 Hansem, C. C 586 Hanson, Edward K 587 Hantzsch, Arthur 588-595 Hard, William 596 Harmsen, W 597 Harold, J. F. X 598 Hartley, W. J 599 Hartmann, Karl 600 Haserick, E. C 602 Haslinger, C 603 Hasluck, Paul N 692-694 Hasselbach, A 456 Hasselt, Johan F. B. van 604 Havas, E 605 Hayduck, Fritz 606, 607 Heathcote, Henry L 610 Hebden, John C 611 Heermann, Paul 612-614 Heffter, A 615 Heidenheim, Martin 616-619 Heidrich, M 620 Heiduschka, Alfred 621, 622 Hellems, F. B. R 221 Heller, Ernst Richard 623 Heller, Gustav 624-630 Hellot, Jean 579, 631 Helm, E 632 Hendrick, E 633 Henrich, Ferdinand 634-636 Hepp, E 406 Herbig, W 637, 638 Herbst, C 120 Herman & Herman, N. Y 639 Herrmann, Burkhard 640 Herty, Charles H 641-643 Herxheimer, Gotthold 644 Herz, P 645, 646 Herzfeld, J 647 Herzig, J 648-650 Herzog, Ewald 651 Hesse, Bernhard C 652-661 Hesse, 662 Heumann, Karl 664 Hewitt, J. T 288, 422, 665-667 Heyl, G 668 Hiendlmaier, Heinrich 669 Higgins, Sydney H 670 Hill, E. G 672,673 Hille, W 1493 AUTHOR INDEX 165 Hilscher ; F 594 Hirsch, A 674, 675 Hobbs, F. W 676 Hofchen, C 677,1522 Hoffman, Walther 678 Hoffmann, Werner 679 Hofmann, G 680 Hofmann, Karl 348, 681 Hofmann, Karl A. . 682 Holley, Clifford D 683 Hommey 1647 Hooper, David 685 Hornlehnert, Wilhelm 680 Howard, Henry 687, 688 Huber, Hermann von 689 Hiibscher, Julius 690 Human, A 691 Hummel, John J 692-695, 1168, 1169 Hunt, William H 696 Hunter, J. A 697 Huntington, Harwood 69S, 1635 Hurst, George H 699, 700 Husemann, A 701 Husemann, T 701 Hutchinson, C. M 702 Hutton, Clarence 1473 Ichenhauser, E 703, 1382 Iljinsky, M 704 Imschwiller, P 709 Ingram, Arthur E 716-718 International assoc. of leather- trades chemists 1229 International catalogue of scientific literature 7 International congress of applied chemistry 721 Isernhagen, Friedrich .* 723 Ives, Frederick E 724 Jacchia, Arturo 725 Jackson. C. T 726, 727 Jager, D 880 Jaffe, Max 728 Jalon, Max 729 Jansen, Robert 730 Jaubert, G. F 732 Jermison. Francis H 733 Jess, C... 1131 Jochheim, H 1392 Jorg, P 1644 Jones, Grinnell 734-737, 1522 Jones, Webster N 737a Jorissen, W. P 738 Journal of commerce and commer- cial bulletin. N. Y. 739 Julienne, de 579 Julius, Paul 557, 740, 1383 Junghahn, A '. 741 Justin-Mueller, Ed 742 Kacer, F 743, 1366 Kahl, E 1007 Kalb, Ludwig 744, 745 Kaljanov 1332 Kalmann, Wilhelm 746, 747 Kametaka, Tokuhei 748 Kananow, Georg 750 Kantorowicz, H 1 1310, 1311 Katie", Danilo L '. 751 Katschalowsky, A 752, 753 Kauffmann, Hugo J 754-756 Kaufler, Felix 757-759 Kayser, Edwin C 760-762 Kayser, Ernst 763 Keane, Charles A 8, 923 Kehrmann, F 764-774 Keiper, W 775 Keller, Hans 521,777 Kempf, R 1312 Kendall, M 778 Kerte"sz, A 779, 780 Kielbasinski, S 447,448 Kielbasinski, W 781, 782 Kiliani, II 783 King, V. L 784 Kirpitschnikoff , S 785 Kirsch, W 354 Kitt, Moritz 786 Kittredge, Henry G 787 Klaber, Hugo..." 788 Kleinstuck, M 789 Klemperer, Ralph L. von 790 Klett, A 791 Klimmer, K 1007 Klingenberg, C 1503 Klipstein, E. C 792 Knapstein, Carl 793 Knecht, Edmund 794-797 Kober, Hermann 798 Koby linski, Sigismund 799 Kohler, H 800 Kohler, J 1559 Konig, E 801 Konig, Walter 802 Koster, Richard 803 Koettnitz, Curt 804 Kohl, F. G 805 Kopp, C 247 Kopp, Emil 3, 135, 1069 Kornfeld, F 806 166 AUTHOR INDEX Koscielski, 149 Kostanecki, Stanislaus von 136,223, 270,-275, 383, 753, 807-824, 1645 Kovache, A 575 Krais, Paul 825-831 Krantz, L. P 832 Rraszler, Samuel 833 Krauss, R 890 Kreiger, A 1367 Kremann, Robert 834, 835 Krembs, Richard 836 Kressmann, F. W 837, 838 Kronlein, Gustav 839 Kriiss, P 840 Kiimmell, G 841 Kiister, William 842 Kufferath, A Ill, 112 Kugel, Egolf 843 Kugler, S 808 Kurz, Camille 844 Kylin, Harald 845 Kym, O 846 Labhardt, H 1308 Ladd, E. F 683 Lagodzinski, K 847,848 Lake, Dyer B 849 Lamb, M. C 850, 1229 Lambert, Max 851 Lambrecht, Rudolf 852-854 Lampe, Victor 809-811, 855, 856 Landau, B 857 Landauer, Paul 858 Lange, Otto 859 Langer, Josef 860 Lasareff, P 861 Lauber, Eduard 862 Laue, Otto 349,863 Lauterbach, Fritz 865, 866 Laycock, W. F 1252 Leb6e, E 851 Le C16ar, Thomas 867 Lee, J. B 868 Lefvre, L6on 869 Leffmann, Henry 12 Lehmann, Erich 870 Lehmann, L 871,872 Lehne, Adolf 873,1070 Leipziger Farber-Zeitung 874 Leland, Charles G 875 Lemoult, P 876, 877 Lenormand, Louis S 53 Lepetit, R 878,879 Le Pileur d'Apligny 631, 880 Lesser, R 881, 882 Levi, E .I.. 879 Levy, Albert 883 Lewis, Warren K 1481 Lichtenstein, Ludwig 884 Liebermann, Carl 885-893 Liebig, Hans von 894, 895 Liebig, J. von 896 LillLg, Richard 898 Lindsay, William L 898, 899 Linne", Carl von 900 Lipinski, Paul 901 Lipp, Anton 902 Little, Arthur D 390, 905-907 Lloyd, L 815,816 Lloyd, L. L 421 Loeb, Morris 908 Loew, K 1276 Loewenthal, Nathan 909 Loewenthal, Richard 910 Logan, Thomas 911 Logothetis, Andreas 912 Lonsdale, John 916 Loose, Richard 917 Lopez Tuero, Ferdinando 918 Losev, G 433 Love, Thomas 919 Lucius, Franz 920 Lunge, Georg 8,921-923 Lwoff, Aron 924, 925 McComb, William 926 McCormack, H 927 McCulloch-Williams, M 928 Macfarlane, Robert 1111 MacGregor, D 929 McKerrow, H. G 930-933 McMillen, H. C 934 MacPhersofl, W 1489 Macquer, Pierre J 631 Maetzel, Johannes 935 Maffezzoli, Francesco 936 Mai, Julius 937-939 Mailhe, A 940 Maillard, L 941-943 Manchester, H. H 944 Marchlewski, Leon 948-950 Markfeldt, Oskar 951-957 Marquart, L. C 958 Marschalk, Charles 959 Martin, Geoffrey 75 Marvin, Thomas O 960 Marx, K 993 Mason, Frederick A 962 Matejka, J 1560 Matheson, Wm. J. & co 1062 AUTHOR INDEX 167 Matos, Louis J 963-967 Matthews, Joseph M 968-976 Matthews, Washington 977 Mauthner, F 449 Mayer, Charles 1641, 1643 Mayer, Karl 978,979 Mayer, O 783 Mebus, Arthur 370 Mees, C. E. K 981 Meldola, R 983-985 Mell, C. D 986 Menher, Hans 987 Merkel, H 350 Metz.H. A 1635 Meyer, Andr6 989 Meyer, H. L 630 Meyer, Hans 990 Meyer, R 991-994 Meyer, Richard 3,135 Meyer, W 635 Michaelis, Leonor 995, 996 Michel, Franz 997, 998 Michireff, W 1331 Mickelthwait, F. M. G 1021 Mierzinski, S 999 Miethe, A 1000 Miklaszewski, B 1001 Miller, O 1002 Mitobedzka, J 856 Mohlau, Richard 535, 1004-1010 Moeller, Fritz 1011 Moir , J 1012, 1013 Molony, Cornelius 1014, 1015 Moniteur de la teinture 1016 Monnereau, Elie 1017 Moore, Charles W 1018 Moore, T. S 1414 Morgan, Gilbert T 1019-1022 Moses, P. R 1023 Mothwuff, Arthur 1024 Mott, William R 1025 Miihlhauser, O 1026 Muller, Gustav 1027 Muller, Hermann 1028 Miinzhuber, A 1504 Muhlert, F 1029 Mulliken, Samuel P 1030 Mumme, E 1557 Muraour, Henri 1031 Murphy, C. D 1032 Muster-Zeitung fur Farberie 874 Nachmann, Adolf 1033 Napier, James 1034, 1035 National assoc. of cotton mfgrs 1036 National assoc. of dyers and clean- ers . 1037 National chemical exhibition, 3d . 378 Nelson, J. M 385 Neunhoeffer, Paul 1039 Neurath, F 1040 Newjadomsky, A. M 1048 Nichols, W. H 1050 Niementowski, S. von 1001 Nierenstein, M 1051, 1170 Niethammer, Eduard 1052 Nietzki, Rudolf H 1053-1056 Noble, Paul 1057,1058 Noelting, Emilio 1059-1072, 1283 Norman, R 1460 Norton, Thomas Herbert 1075-1084, 1518-1521 Nottbrack, Friedrich 1086 Noyes, William A 1087 Nuesch, Paul 1088 Obst, Walter 1089 O'Callaghan, A 1090 Ochsner, Paul 1099 Oesterle, Otto A 1091, 1092 Olney, Louis A 31, 1093, 1094 O'Neill, Charles 9, 1095, 1096 Ormerod, E 1191 Ostersetzer, Valdek H 1101 Ottmann, A 817 Owen, Frank Allen 1104 Pabst, A 509 Pagnini, Pietro .- 1105 Paige, Calvin D 1106,1107 Parker, A. E 1108 Parker, Frederick W 1109 Parker, T. J 1110 Parnell, Edward A 1111 Parr, S. W 1112 Parthey, M 1368 Partridge, William 1113 Paterson, David 1114,1115 Paul, Albert , 1116 Paul, Ludwig 818, 1117-1122 Pauli, Robert 1123,1124 Pauly, H 1125 Paungarten, F. von 1126 Pawlie, Edward 1127 Pelet-Jolivet, Louis 1128-1132 Pellew, Charles E 1133-1143 Pennetier, Georges 1144 Perkin, Arthur G 123, 695, 748, 1145-1182 Perkin, F. M 1171,1183 Perkin, William H. . . 356, 507, 1184-1192 168 AUTHOR INDEX Petit, R 1193 Petri, W 1194 Petzold, G 130 Pfeiffer, Johannes von 1195 Pfeiffer, Paul 1196,1595 Philipp, K 1071 Phipps, S 1172 Piccard, Jean 1197, 1198 Pickrell, E. R 1512 Pierce, Edward W 1199-1204 Piloty, O 1205 Pinnow, John 1206,1207 Pleschkow, K. M 1210 Pleus, B 891,1211 Porner, Karl W 1212 Pokorny, Joseph 1214 Pollak, J 649,650 Popp, Max 1213 Porter, George A 1215 Porter, Horace C 1216 Power, Frederick B 1217 Prag, Edward 301,1218 Prager, B 1219-1221 Prager, Hermann 1222 Pritzker, Jacob 1226 Procter, Henry R 1228, 1229 Prud'homme, Maurice 1234a-1238 Pummerer, Rudolf 1239-1241, 1612 Quoos, Fritz 1243 Raehlmann, E 1244, 1245 Raiford, Lemuel C 1246 Raikow, P. N 1247 Ramsay, William 1249 Ramsey, Albert R. J 1250 Rawson, Christopher 1252 Rebner, Paul J 1253 Redard, W 1254 Redding, E. J 1255 Redlich, Fritz 1256 Reese, Charles L 1257 Reicher, L. T 738 Reid, D. J 1258 Reid, W. M 1259 Reimann, M 1260, 1261 Reindle, Ludwig 1262 Reinking, K 1263-1265 Reissert, Arnold 1266, 1267 Reitzenstein, Fritz 1268-1272 Rengade, E 1631 Renz, Carl 1274-1276 Reuter, Otto 1278 Reverdin, Fre"de"ric 1279-1283 Richards, F. E 1022 Richter, Paul 1286,1287 Riffart, Hans 1288 Ristenpart, E 1289 Robel, J 950 Robinson, R 1192 Rodatz, Wilhelm 1290 Romer, F 407 Rosing, Georg 1291 Rossler, Hubert 1292 Rogers, J. S 1540 Rogerson, H 1217 Roggengofer, Georg 1293 Rohland, Paul 1294 Rohn, Wilhehn 1295 Rosenberg, J 1296,1297 Rosenstiehl, A 1298, 1648 Rossignon, Julio 1299 Rost, A 819, 1300 Roters, Paul 1301 Rothschild, J 1270 Royal society of London 7 R6zycki, A 820 Riibencamp, R 1642 Rumpf, C 1302, 1303 Rung, F 113 Runge, Otto 1271,1304 Rupe, Hans 1305-1308 Saas, J 1072 Sacher, J. F 1309 Sachs, Frantz 334, 1310-1313 Sachs, Hans 1314 Sad tier, Samuel P 1315, 1316 St. Glair, David F 1317 Salant, W 1318 Salkover, Benedict 1319 Salmony , Alfred 1320-1322 Salter, Charles 487,488 Salvaterra, H 1323 Sand, Henry J. S 75 Sand, J 1324 Sander, W 1325 Sandmeyer, T 1326 Sansone, Antonio 8*62. 1327, 1328 Schall, Carl 1329 Schaposchnikoff , W. G 1330, 1331 Scharwin, W 1332, 1333 Schepp, William J 1334 Scheurer, Albert 1335 Scheurer , Wilhelm 274, 1336 Scheutz, T 517 Schick, G 450 Schiller, Wilhelm 892, 1337 Schleifenbaum, 821 AUTHOR IXDEX 169 Schlenk, Wilhelm 1338 Schlenze, H 1339, 1340 Schmid, C 1341 Schmid, Henri 1342,1343 Schmidlin, Jules 1344-1351 Schmidt, Alfred 1352 Schmidt, Georg 408,1353 Schmidt, H 1354 Schmidt, L. W 1356 Schmidt, Maximilian P 1357 Schmidt, O 1358, 1591 Schmidt, Otto 1359 Schnabel, K 1638 Schoellkopf, J. F., jr 1360, 1361 Schonholzer, H 1362 Scholl, R .* 743, 1401 Scholl, Roland ?. . . 1363-1368 Schrader, Herrmann 1369 Schrobsdorff , Hans 1370, 1371 Schubart, Philipp 1372, 1558 Schiitzenberger, Paul 1373 Schuloff , R 451 Schulte im Hofe, A 1374, 1375 Schultz, Gustav 557, 1376-1383 Schumann, A 1384 Schwabacher, F 939 Schwalbe, Carl G 1385-1392 Schweitzer, H 1393 Schwenk, E 452 Schwerdt, W 1272 Schwertschlager, Jos 1394 Scidmore, George H 1395 Sedlaczek 1400 Seer, Christian 1401 Sellers, John 1403 Sen,K.B 1586 Sen, R. N 560 Serger, H 1404 Setlik, B 1405 Seyewetz, Alphonse 1406-1408 Seyewetz, B 1407 Sheldrake, T. S 1409 Shepard, T. P 1410 Sheppard, Samuel E 1411, 1412 Shulemann, W 377 Sichel,E 1313 Sidgwick, Nevil V 1414 Siebert, Werner 1415 Siegler, Max 1416 Silberrad, O 1417 Silberstern, L 453 Simonds, H 1322 Sircar, A. C 1418-1420 Sirkar, A. P 673 Sirvastava, J. P 1421 Sisley, P 1408,1422 Slater, J. W 1423 Slosarski, W 782 Smirnoff, J 1002 Srnirous, K 548 Smith, David 1424 Smith, Robert W 1425 Smith, W. R 1426 Society of dyers and colourists, Bradford, Eng 1427 Sonnenburg, E. F 173 Spengler, O '. 994 Springer, J. F 1428 Springmuhl, F 1429 Staeble, Rupert..... 1430 Standage, H. C 1104 Stark, Hans 1432 Steimmig, F 1008 Stein, Victor 1434 Stein, Wilhelm 1435 Steinberg, J 772 Stenhouse, John 192 Steven, A. B 1173 Stewart, Alfred W 1436 Stieldorf, P 426 Stilling, J 1437 Stoermer, Richard 1438 Stohmann, A 1439 Stone, L Frank 1440-1448 Stoppani, M. L 822 Straub, Walther 1450 Streitberger, Fritz 140, 1451 Strothers, French 1452 Suaia, F 1453 Suais, E 1298 Sunder, C 1454 Suida, Wilhelm 511,1455 Sventoslavskiji, V 1456 Swartz, Joseph 1457 Szabranski, W 823 Tauber, Ernest 1459, 1460 Tafel, Charles 1461 Tagliani, Giovanni 1462 Tambor, J 136, 812-814, 824 Tappeiner, H. von 1463 Tassart, C. J 1465 Taussig, Frank W 1466, 1467 Teichner, H 1468 Telle.H 1469 Terres, Ernst 1470 Tervet, J. N 666 170 AUTHOR IISTDEX Textile colorist 1472 Textile world record 1473 Thenius, Georg 1474-1477 Thesmar, Georges * 1478 Thode, C 529 Thole, F. B 667 Thomas, N. Spencer 1479 Thompson, Henry B 1480 Thorp, Frank Hall 1481 Thorpe, Jocelyn F 191 Thorpe, Sir Thomas E 1482 Tigerstedt, A '.'. 1483 Tingle, J. B... 1484 Tobler, F 1488 Tobler, Gertrud 1488 Tommasi, G 230 Torrey, Henry A 1489 Tosza, E 1092 Traube, Isidor 1491 Trimble, Henry 1492 Troger, J , . . . 1493, 1494 Tschirch, A 1495 Tschitschibabin, A. E 1496 Tswett, M 1497 Tucker, William 1498 TJhl, Robert 1500 Ullmann, Frit/ 1502-1506 Ullmann, Irma 1506 Ulrich, Gustav 1507 Ulrich, Louis 1508 U. S. Alien property custodian. .1510, 1511 Bur. of foreign and domestic commerce 1512 Bureau of the census 1513 Congress. House. Com. on patents 1514 Com. on ways and means. . . . 1515 Senate. Com. on finance. . . 1516 Dept. of commerce 1517-1521 Federal trade comm 35 Tariff commission 1522-1524 Ure, Andrew 94 Urich, W 1528 Vasterling, P 1494 Vaubel, Wilhelm 1532-1536 Veit, Ludwig 1539 Veitch, F. P 1540 Veley, Victor H 1541 Vetter, Hermann 1542 Vidal, Raymond 1543,1544 Villiger, V . 52 Villon, A. M 1545 Vitalis, Jean B 1546 Vlachos, William 1547 Vock, Richard 595,1548 Vogel, Max 1549 Vogel, W 1205,1550 Vongerichten, Eduard 1551, 1552 Vorlander, Daniel 1553-1558, 1578 Votocek, Emil 1559,1560 Wacker, Leonhard 1561 Wagner, B 636 Wagner, Frederick H 1562-1565 Wagner, H , 1566 Wahl, Andre" 10, 1567-1570 Walter, A 114,115 Walter, Johann 1571-1573 Walther, Gustav 1574, 1575 Walther, H 1576 Wangerin, Albert 1577, 1578 Wardle, Sir Thomas 1579 Warnecke, Gustav 1580 Warnes, Arthur R 1581, 1581a Wassiljewa, P. J 210 Watkins, W. H 1582 Watson, Edwin R 503, 1419, 1420, 1583-1586 Watt, George 1587 Weber, G 1588 Wedekind, Edgar 1589-1591 Weidlich 1592 Weil, Hugo 286, 691, 853, 854, 1593 Weiss, K 409 Weiss, R 881, 882 Weissgerber, R 1594 Wentzel, F 773 Werner, A 1595 Werner, R 1596 Weston, H. Claude 1250 Wetter, A 61 Weyl, Theodore 1597 Weyrich, Paul 1598 Whittaker, C. M 1599 Wichelhaus, Hermann 1605-1608 Wicktoroff, P 1609 Wieland, Heinrich 1610 Wild, A 1132 Wilkinson, E. J 1174 Willis, Arthur R 1522 Willstatter, Richard 1611-1613 Wilson, C. R 1175-1182 Winkelmann, A 774 Winteler, F 1614 Winther, Adolf 1615 Wipplinger, Christian H 1616 Wirsing, A 432 Wirther, R 1617 Wise, Louis E 1618 AUTHOR INDEX 171 Witt, Herbert 1619 Witt, Otto N 1620-1626 Witte, Erhard 1627 Witz, G 1650 Wolbling, F 893, 1628 Wood, John K 1629 Woroshtzow, N. N 1630 Woroshzow, N 454 Wright, A. C 612 Wurstemberger, R. von 1505 Wurtz, CharlosA 1631,1632 Wuth, B 1633 Ybarra, Andres 1634 Year-book 1635 Zacharias, P. D 1636 Zanker, W 1637,1638 Zart, Arthur 1639 Zerr, Georg 1640-1643 Zimmermann, M. R 535, 1009-1010 Zincke, Theodor , 1644 Zwayer, Felicia 1645 SUBJECT INDEX [The numbers refer to the items, not to the pages] Absorption of dyes 920 Absorption spectra of dyes 144, 1618 Acacatechin. . . ^ 1146 Acenaphthenequinone 190 Acetone 138 Acetone dioxalic ester 1612 Acid coloring matter, action on basic colors 423 Acid dyes 1129,1133 Acridine derivatives 548 Acridine dyes 56, 333, 387, 1030, 1518 Acridine series 665 Acyl derivatives 1556 Adsorption of dyes 433, 1294 Aldehyde 902, 1608 Algae, red 587 Algine 466, 467, 1252 Aliphatic series 149 Alizarine 363, 387, 528, 786, 793, 848, 1250, 1368, 1410, 1596 Alizarine lakes : 786, 1459 Alkali compounds 350 Alkoxy derivatives 1559 Alkoxymalachite green, synthesis of 1560 n-Alkyl derivatives 1557 Alien property custodian 1510, 1511 Aluminum chloride 425 American dye manufacturers, mo- bilization 1003 American dyes 242, 381, 598, 639, 676, 710-712, 784, 929, 946, 947, 963, 964, 970, 1049, 1582 Nomenclature 1073 Production (1917) 735 Standardization 930 See also United States: Dye industry. Amines 126, 232, 387, 533, 546, 757 Analysis 12 Amino acid , aromatic 990 Amino compounds 128, 173, 190, 536, 1198, 1518 Amino derivatives 1613 ,Aminoacetophenone, Para- 1489 Aminoalizarine derivatives 1379, 1380 Aminoanthraquinone 1518 Aminoazo compounds 88, 594, 912, 1019, 1220 Aminoazo dyes 185 Aminoazobenzene 406 Aminoazobenzene, Ortho- 1619 Aminobenzaldehyde, Ortho- 799 Aminobenzenesulf uric acid 517 Aminobenzophenone 265 Aminodiarylsulfide 622 Amino-H-acids 655 Aminonaphtholsulfonic acids.. 190, 1118 Aminoorcin 635 Aminoorsellinic acid ethyl esters.. 634 Amino-para-dichlorbenzene 1069 Aminophenol, Meta- 517 Aminophenolsulfonic acid 843 Aminophenyl group 1198 Aminophenylbenzimidazol 1001 Aminoresorcin, 4 636 Aminosulf oneamides 1021 Aminothiophenol 1:4 1644 Aminotriphenylcarbinol, Ortho-.. 72 Ammonium salts 530 Analysis: Color pigments 683 Dyes 12 , 551 , 834, 835, 923, 1030, 1214 Analysis, quantitative 580, 1323 See also names of dyes. Ancients, Dyes of the 476, 512, 690, 1138 Aniline 1253, 1260, 1339, 1623 Analysis 12 Anilineblack 100, 367, 387, 538, 552, 780, 785, 1018, 1070, 1250, 1343, 1454, 1518, 1543 History 1060, 1062 Oxidizing agent 367 Ungreenable 1046 See also Vanadium black. Aniline dyes. . .38, 50, 85, 86, 134, 187, 192, 477, 525, 617, 618, 664, 779, 919, 927, 951, 1087, 1143, 1186, 1250, 1260, 1339, 1399, 1409, 1437, 1442, 1443, 1447, 1448, 1517, 1571, 1572, 1623 173 174 SUBJECT INDEX Aniline dyes Continued. American manufacturers 29 Brazilian market 150 Germ killer, use as 236,1437 History 1188, 1190, 1340 Prices 327 Medicinal use 237 Aniline lakes 1641 Anilinosulfonic acid 1291 Animal origin, dyes of 441, 1501 See also Cochineal; Kermes; Lac dye, etc. Anisidine, Para- 763 Anthocyanin 531 Anthracene 36 Analysis 12, 45 Derivatives 45, 55 Anthracene dyes 1250 Anthracene series 190, 445, 450 Anthrahydroquinone 1:2 848 Anthranil 56, 624, 629, 1030 Anthranilic acid derivatives 371, 804, 987 Anthraquinonacridone 1099 Anthraquinone 181, 190, 240, 387, 479, 651, 1011, 1250,1333,1518 Anthraquinone 1:2 847 Anthraquinone 4 603 Anthraquinone derivatives 1314 Anthraquinone series 743, 1363, 1366, 1461, 1501, 1506 Anthraquinone-alpha-monosulfonic acid 891 Anthraquinonemercaptan 686 Anthraquinone - ortho - dicarbonic acid anhydrides 936 Anthrarufin 190, 1211 Anti-dumping bill 312 Antiseptic, aniline dyes as 236, 1437 Apigenin 1157 Aposafranines 1518 Aposafranone 65, 771 Aqueous solution, condition of some dyes in 796 Aromatic acids, analysis 12 Aromatic compounds 882 Aromatic series 149, 698 Artetrahydro-alpha-naphthylamine 1022 Artificial dye industry: Great Britain 157 United States. 1399 See also under names of countries. Artificial dyes 42, 129, 190, 191, 210, 414, 418, 419, 733, 740, 851,869,871-873, 953, 954, 1049, 1094, 1110, 1111, 1140, 1214, 1250, 1279, 1280, 1295, 1377, 1378, 1388, 1404, 1426, 1453, 1473, 1474, 1481, 1545, 1568-1570, 1588, 1605, 1620, 1622, 1626, 1632 Census, U. S 1076, 1077 Chemistry 1053-1056, 1289, 1408 Reaction 572 Tables 1378, 1383 See also names of dyes. Artificial silk dyeing 1405 Artists' colors: See Painters' colors. Arts and crafts, use of dyes in 1134 Arylanthranil 56 Aryldiazonium salts 925 Aryl-magnesium haloids 1560 Arylmethane dyes 1250 Auxochrome 754 Axazone 516 Azafrine 892 Azine dyes 12.50, 1366, 1518 Azo bases 782 Azo compounds 410, 422, 426, 547, 623, 667, ^ 863,912,917, 1456 Mixing 349 Azo derivatives 1541 Azo developer 366, 625 Azo dyes 74, 162, 169, 176, 182, 387, 401, 403, 465, 521, 540, 560, 732, 742, 769, 776, 876, 879, 924, 925, 937, 950, 989, 1021, 1022, 1101, 1117, 1250, 1298, 1332, 1342, 1357, 1358, 1415, 1418, 1489, 1518, 1533, 1589, 1630 Derivatives 846 History.. 1376 Nomenclature 170 Synthesis 1124 Azo yellow 594 Azobenzenetrimethylammonium- hydroxide 1553 Azocarmine 616 Azohydroxynaphthoic acid dyes.. 1419, 1420 Azomethane dyes 802 Azonium 78 Azonium compounds 765 SUBJECT INDEX 175 Azophenine 1330 Azophenol 1611 Azophenol, Meta- 354 Azoquinoline 1627 Azosalicylic acid 1419, 1420 Azothioanisol, Ortho- 145 Azoxine analogs 771 Azoxine derivatives 774 Azoxonium compounds 764 Azoxy compounds 1268 Azoxybenzaldehyde 15 Azoxybenzaldehyde, Meta- 691 Azoxybenzene 57, 1030 Bananas, dyes from 321 Barium derivatives 1181 Barium salts 1182 Barrow delaine colors 1403 Basic coloring matter, action of acid coloring matter on 423 Basic dyes 508, 584, 680, 770, 1048, 1129, 1130, 1135, 1145, 1303, 1491 Corrosion 180 Batik 1136 Beni no kenkyu 748 Benzaldehyde 190, 358, 387 Benzaldehyde green 568, 886 Benzaldehydephenylhydrazone . .59, 1030 Benzanthrone 190 Benzene 1061,1385 Benzene series 190 Benzenoid diamines 1541 Benzidine 182, 190, 377, 1030 Benzimidazol 846 Benzolazoacetoacetic ester 1219 Benzopyranole series 1341 Benzoquinone: See Quinone: Benzoxazol j 846 Benzyl-magnesium chloride 431 Benzyls, Ortho- 573 Bibliographies: Dyes and dyeing 1-10, 299, 421, 492, 869, 1167, 1568, 1599, 1629 Coal-tar dyes 168, 215, 1256, 1581a Tannins 1492 Bichromophor 1645 Bile pigments 803, 842, 1052 Binuclear quinone 246 B inz, A 576 Bis-phenylthiophenindigo 447 Bisulfite compounds 1630 Bixine .' 604, 1288 Black, oxidizing agents 130 Black dye for cotton 1040 Black dye for wool 142, 632 See also Aniline black; Vana- dium black; Vidal black. Bleaching.. 94, 386, 471, 472, 487, 511, 602, 647, 841, 861, 1095, 1096, 1127, 1327, 1373, 1427, 1457, 1472, 1635 Periodicals 301 Blue, laundry 864 Blue vats 1403 Brazilic acid. 1191 Brazileiin 649 Brazilin 136, 357, 462, 507, 522, 649, 650, 807, 810, 815, 816, 855, 1184, 1189, 1191, 1192, 1226, 1341 Analysis 818 British dye industry: See Great Britain: Dye industry. British India: See India. Brom-alpha-phenylacetic ester, Al- pha- 328 Bromomagnesiumdimethylaniline. 334 Brown dyes 1476 Butea frondosa 672, 1147, 1169 Butein 695, 1168 By-products, dyes from 261, 478 See al o Coal-tar dyes. Calico printing 63, 192, 228, 233, 386, 472, 506, 760, 762, 862, 1095, 1096, 1111, 1252, 1373, 1410, 1427, 1546 Cambodia, indigo from 715 Capital invested: Germany 502 United States 904,1564 Capri blue 1007 Carbazol derivatives 1434 Carbinol 409, 486 Carbinol salts 1344 Carbolic acid 800 Carbol ic acid preparation 800 Carbon monoxide 328 Carbonic acid 619 Carbonium perchlorate 681 !arbonium salts 54, 524 larboxylic acids 190 larmine solution, alcoholic 909 iarminic acid 272, 513, 1181 Jarotine 1488 iarthamine 748 Catalysis 704 latechin 836, 1146 Census of dyes, United States 307, 320, 1522-1524 176 SUBJECT INDEX Ceramium rubrum 845 Chemical analysis: See Analysis. Chemical dictionaries 699, 1482, 1631 Chemical foundation, inc 205, 211 Chemical industries exposition. . . 1204 Chemical industry: Germany 1510,1511 Great Britain 1187 Japan 674 United States 48, 653, 659, 705, 1112, 1193, 1257, 1512 Chemicals, Annual review (1916). 739 Prices 194a, 327, 737a Chemistry, handbook 513 Chemistry of dyeing 1352, 1629 Chemistry of dyes. . . 421, 488, 1053-1056, 1436, 1458, 1481, 1607, 1621 China 1435 China grass 1327 Chinese market for dyes 209 Chloro derivatives 190 Chloronitro derivatives 190 Chloronitrobenzene 1616 Chrome oranges 1113 Chrome yellows 1113 Chromic acid 494 Chromogens 246,662 Chromophor group 1539 Chromotrop 616 Chrysaniline 288 Chrysazine derivatives 1628 Chrysazines 1370, 1371 Chrysine, synthesis 488, 809 Ciba dyes 1574 Cinchonic acid derivatives 600 Coal-tar 75, 921, 922 Coal-tar crudes 945, 1518 Prices 737a Coal-tar derivatives 1206, 1207, 1562, 1563, 1581 Coal-tar dye industry 70,103,189, 195, 287, 435, 940, 962, 1377, 1475 Germany 991, 1256 Great Britain 473 The Netherlands 291 United States 217, 263, 652, 653, 656, 659-661 Coal-tar dyes 39, 92, 135, 164-168, 197, 198, 215, 235, 261, 290, 302, 339, 342, 386, 387, 398, 434, 438, 439, 483, 489, 491, 597, 773, 956, 957, 1035, 1086, 1096, 1126, 1185, 1216, 1248, 1250, 1260, 1318, 1387, 1408, 1581, 1581a, 1597, 1599, 1640 Abundance... 829 Coal-tar dyes Continued. Bibliographies.. 168, 215, 1256, 1581a Chemistry 85, 86 Classification 387 Dictionary 700 Fastness of colors 826, 828, 830 Injurious qualities 1597 Leather dyeing 1229 Marks 1518 Orientation system 1598 Testing 342, 1641 Valuation 952 Great Britain 219 United States 216, 217, 263, 735 Coal-tar intermediate plants 1547 Coal-tar intermediates 1518 Cochineal 221, 269, 1089, 1299 Ccerulignone 1012 Colloids 412, 884, 1294 Reaction 278 Color matching 1114 Color mixing 244, 1115, 1403, 1457 Color pigments, anal ysis 683 Color standards 1255 Coloring matter in plants 561, 1194 See also names of plants. Coloring matter in solution 1131 Colorless salts 853 Colors, change of, by different lights 1325 Commercial dyes, identification . . 1030 Containers for dyes 83 Copper dyes 361, 369, 782 Cotton dyeing 53,84,251, 255, 506, 602, 631, 880, 1014, 1015, 1113, 1215, 1246, 1327, 1403, 1457, 1508, 1546 Cotton dyes 1036 Black 1040 Fastness of colors 831 Cotton- wool dyeing 1421 Cotton-yarn dyeing 470, 1424 Cresol - 703,1382 Crystal violet 431,854 Crystal violet salts 1324 Cumylindigo 1359 Cumylisatin 1359 Curcumin 726, 856, 1179 Cyanine dyes 137, 1000, 1552 Cyanomaclurin 1150 Cyanostilbene 7 429 Cyclohexanerosanilines 1344 Daphnetin 1180 Dehydroindigo 744 Dehydrothiotoluidine 730 Delphine blue 127 Depth of color 1583 SUBJECT INDEX 177 Diacetylindigo ' 1195 Dialysis 617 Diamino compounds 190 Diaminoacridine 3:6 548 Diaminoanthrachrysondisulfonic acid 1439 Diaminoanthraquinone 1 :2 1470 Diaminoanthraquinone 2:3 1366 Diaminodi-ortho-tolylmethane 1549 Diaminodiphenylmethane 678 Diaminodiphenylmethane, Para-.. 763 Diaminodisulfonic acid 1580 Diaminoindigo 329 Diaminophenazthionium 1 :3 772 Diatomeen-chromatopliores 805 Diazo compounds 177, 186, 188, 540, 588, 924, 938, 1332, 1358, 1456, 1548 Aromatic 345 Atomic movement 593 Reduction 595 Diazo dyes 703, 1382 Diazo ester 375,376 Decomposition 592 Diazo solution, neutralization of acid 365 Diazoamines 1019 Diazoamino compounds... 183,1118,1533 Diazobenzolsulfate 1494 Diazonium salts 743, 1020 Diazooxy compounds 1533 Diazo-meta-toluene chloride 1494 Dibenzalacetone 49 Dibrom-4 :8-dinitro-l :5-dinitrami- noanthraquinone2:6 1367 Dibromomaleic acid 1321, 1322 Dichloromaleic acid 1321, 1322 Dictionaries: Chemicals and raw materials. . 699 Chemistry 1482,1631 Coal-tardyes 700 Dyes 699, 1252 Dicyandiamide 682 Diethylanilinemetasulfonic acid.. 1416 Diethyldiaminodiphenylmethane . 1549 Diethylphenol, Meta- 425 Diffusion of dyes through separa- tion 870 Digitoflavone 783 Dihydroxybenzylidenecoumaranone 1175 Dihydroxynaphthalenes 190 Dihydroxytartaric acid 190 Di'indigotin 1013 Dimethyl ether 1182 Dimethyl sulfate 528 121113 19 12 Dimethylfluorane 666 Dimethylindigo, Para- 125 Dimethylmetasulfonic acid 1416 Dimethylpyrrole 2:4 950 Dinaphtylphenyl 1063 Dinitroanthraquinone 1 :5 757 Dinitro-par a-dibromobenzene 630 Dinitrophenol 1 :2:4 1542 Dioxyeosin 893 Dioxylflavonol 2:2' 753 Dioxyflavonol 2 :3', synthesis 817 Dioxy flavonol 2 A', synthesis 822 Dioxyfluorescein 893 Dioxymethylindigo 645 Dioxynaphthalene 2:7 1405 Dioxytetramethylrosaminesulfonic acid 889 Di-para-dimethylaminoindigo 432 Diphenoquinondiamine 745 Diphenoquinone 745 Diphenylamine compounds 839 Diphenylcarbinol 853 Diphenylendiphenylmethane 1505 Diphenylmethane dyes... 148, 1278, 1518 Dipheny Imethane group , . 1551 Diphenylnaphthylmethane 1518 Diphenylquinomethane 7:7 120 Diphenyl-sultam 1502 Dipotassium derivatives 1176 Directory of coal-tar dye manu- facturers 1522 Disazo dyes 1518 Primary 352,1250 Dispersion, anomalous 1295 Dithioethylene 87 Dressing 487 See also Finishing. Dumping bill, Anti- 312 Dye salts 769 Dyeing 116, 117, 146, 192, 233, 278, 327, 386, 421, 427, 471, 472, 487, 506, 602, 647, 670, 693, 797, 849, 869, 880, 919, 975, 1014, 1015, 1034, 1035, 1041, 1095, 1096, 1104, 1111, 1113, 1127, 1128, 1137, 1215, 1218, 1252, 1327, 1373, 1424, 1427, 1429, 1457, 1472, 1473, 1479, 1575, 1599, 1629, 1635, 1639 Early works 53, 84, 90, 94, 228, 355, 579, 631, 1212, 1498, 1508, 1546 Photochemistry in 359 Dyewood extracts 254 Dyewoods, prices 327 See a ho Fustic; Logwood; etc. 178 SUBJECT INDEX Early works, Dyes and dyeing: American 84, 228, 355, 505, 709, 1014, 1015, 1041, 1113, 1457 English 63, 64, 1034, 1095, 1498 French 53,90,94, 579, 631, 880, 1212, 1508, 1546 German 1508 Egypt, use of dyes in 1529 Elastic substances, dyeing of 791 Electrolytic dyes 1123 Ellagic acid 1170, 1176 Emeraldine 1018 Encyclopedia 471 England : See Great Britain. Eosine 615 Eosine solution 1450 Equipment 1139 Ergot 640 Ether 425 Ethylbenzoic acid, Meta- 457 Ethylbenzylaniline 141 Ethylluteoline, Alpha- 820 Eurhodines 387, 1518 Euxanthone 528 Explosives, relation to dyes 80, 262, 460, 671, 1110, 1273 Exports: See United States : Imports and exports. Factories, dye 178, 397, 1023 Famine, dye: See Shortage, dye. Far East, market 1057 Fastness of dyes 63, 336, 386a, 484, 542, 801, 825, 826, 828, 831, 1201, 1206, 1207, 1335, 1354, 1420, 1576, 1584, 1585, 1624 Estimation 790 Standardizing 988 Testing 98, 495, 565, 1471 Fats, aniline dyes soluble in 951 Dyes for 644, 995, 996 Feathers, dyeing 146, 1127, 1498 Finishing 1373, 1472, 1635 Fisetin 91 Synthesis .- 808, 812 Flame arc, testing 1530 Flavanthrene 1364,1365 Flavindogenide 752 Flavones 1174 Flavonol, synthesis 823 Flax dyeing 1327 Fluorane 666 Fluoresceiin 266, 488, 630, 666, 1059, 1250, 1290 Fluorescein ester 895 Fluoresce'in ether 895 Fluorescein series 1463 Fluorescence of dyes. 416, 768, 1417, 1463 Fluorescent substances 330, 331 Fluorones 894 Foods, coloring matters in 12, 82, 387, 570 Formaldehyde 520, 628, 998, 1253 Formaldehyde sulf oxylates 1264 Formazyl dyes 396, 459 Formazylmethylketone 60, 1030 Formazylphenylketone 62 Formic acid 575 Formulas 472, 1030 France: Dye industry 310, 851 Dyeing 1508 See also Early works: French. Market for American dyes 696 Froth forming agents 360 Fuchsine 415,518,1254 Fuchsine process 1253 Fugitive dyes 1624 Fur dyeing 146, 1127 Furfurylacrylic aldehyde 802 Fustic 986,1252 Substitute for 838 Galangin 275, 1177 Synthesis 813 Gall: See Bile pigments. Gallacetophenone 1182 Gallic acid 12 Gallocyanine dyes 128, 536 Gallorubin 394 Gas by-products 261, 478 See also Coal-tar dyes. General treatises : Aniline dyes manufacture. . . . 664 Artificial dyes 740, 869, 1053-1056, 1250, 1289, 1568 Calico printing 192, 233, 386, 472, 506, 862, 1095, 1096, 1111, 1252, 1410 Chemistry 95, 222, 464, 513 Dyeing 427, 472, 506, 557, 602, 647, 670, 693, 797, 869, 919, 975, 1016, 1111, 1113, 1127, 1137, 1215, 1218, 1327, 1575 Dyes 164,289, 421, 468, 469, 471, 485, 509, 515, 612-614, 692, 875, 1004, 1006, 1127, 1137, 1639, 1642, 1643 Coal-tar dyes 435, 1408, 1641 Natural dyes 1167 Rosaniline dyes 1026 Tannins.. 1492 SUBJECT INDEX 179 Gentianine 417,1250 Geraniums 561 German dyes 1317, 1397, 1449 Importing 306, 707 Germany: Chemical companies 264 Chemical industry 534, 610 Coal-tar dye industry.. 390, 991, 1256 Dye industry 102,386, 485, 488, 497-502a, 596, 1084, 1224, 1491, 1510, 1511, 1565 Capital invested 502 Future 585, 1231 Government aid 76 Dyers ' technical school 637 Dye works (Schrader ) 1369 Dyeing 670, 1508 Patents 35, 498, 499, 518, 1485, 1592, 1615 Vereins der chemiker-kolorister 382 Woad 865, 866 Gloves, dyeing 146 Gossypetin 1151 Government aid: Germany 76 Great Britain 33,152,153, 156, 158, 474, 475, 525, 550, 1409 Japan 731 United States 159, 526, 973, 1076, 1077 Government-owned dye works: Great Britain 527 Great Britain: Chemical industry 206, 1187 Coal-tar industry 219, 473 Dye industry 33, 152-158, 305, 313, 384, 697, 716- 718, 916, 982, 1093, 1230, 1625 Government aid. . . 33, 152, 153, 156, 158, 474, 475, 525, 550, 1409 Government-owned works 527 Supply 982 Tariff 428, 1234, 1409 Green ebony 1166 Green phthalicdimethylaniline 583 Green : See also Malachite green. Grignard 's reagent 1310 Guaiacum 1286, 1287 Haematein 1341 Hsernatoxylin 357, 462, 507, 650, 807, 819, 1184, 1192, 1300 Haemopyrrole 950 Haiti, logwood from 1208 Halogen-indigotin 1392 Hamburg, Germany, Schrader 's dye works 1369 Helianthin 387, 589 Heliotropin indigo 646 Hemp dyeing 1327, 1546 Henna 230 Herman & Herman, New York 639 Heterocyclic dyes 1250 Hexanitrodiphenylamine 196 Hibiscus sabdariffa 1148 Hill dyestuffs bill 239 History: Aniline black 1060, 1062 Dyes and dyeing 944 Home-brewed dyes 928 Hydrazine colors 1235 Hydrazine salts 682 Hydrazo compounds 902 Hydriodic acid 1211 Hydrocarbons 387 Analysis 12 Hydrogen peroxide 300 Hydrogen sulfide 852 Hydroquinolphtalein anhydride . . 503 Hydrosulfite 1577, 1578 Hydrosulfite vat 781 Hydroxybenzoic acids 1170 Hydroxyl compounds 173 Hydroxyl dyes, black 1005 Hydroxylamine 356, 407, 590 Hydroxylions 625 Hydroxynaphthoic acid 2:3 1418 Hydroxyquinol benzene 503 Hypophosphorous acid 938 Hystazarines 73, 1370, 1371 Ice colors 1210, 1432 Imidazol 183, 1030 Immedial blue 1354 Immedial indoin blue '. 1354 Imports: See United States: Imports and exports. Indamines 387 Indanthrene 133, 362, 387, 759, 1250, 1364, 1365, 1391 Synthesis 1470 Indanthrones 1085 Indazine 1120 India: Dye problems 298 Dyes 1421, 1538, 1579, 1587 Indigo industry 245, 708, 713, 714, 1374, 1375 Tannin 685,1579 180 SUBJECT I^STDEX Indian yellow 335, 387, 488 Indians, American, dyes of 243, 977 Indican 1375 Indicators 510, 587, 1493, 1599 Indigo 43, 89, 104, 105, 110- 112, 114, 151, 160, 226, 245, 283, 340, 380, 404, 440, 490, 494, 533, 562, 563, 578, 581, 620, 624, 627, 628, 702, 738, 794, 795, 857, 866, 868, 908, 918, 942, 955, 974, 983, 998, 1009, 1017, 1141, 1149, 1152, 1153, 1163, 1165, 1183, 1235, 1259, 1263-1265, 1277, 1299, 1321, 1322, 1331, 1354, 1375, 1462, 1477, 1550 Analogs 1484 Analysis 535 Anthranalic acid derivatives. . 371 Derivatives 878 Fermentation 393 Fixation through steam 353, 402 Molecular weight 1532 Cambodia 715 India 245, 708, 713, 714, 1374, 1375 Java 1258 Nigeria, Northern 1163 Philippine Islands 277a Indigo, artificial 41, 43, 47, 81, 99, 101, 122, 161, 247, 385, 387, 437, 455, 546, 581, 804, 857, 955, 984, 997, 1009, 1010, 1027, 1044, 1250, 1266, 1269, 1320, 1425, 1518, 1577, 1578, 1610, 1614, 1637 Analysis 481 Synthesis 877, 1266, 1326 Indigo blue: See Indigotin. Indigo carmine 1558 Indigo compounds 69 Indigo red:' See Indirubin. Indigo white 282, 1250 Indigo yellow 1633 Indigobis-arylimide 544 Indigofera tinctoria: See Indigo. Indigoid dyes 97, 387, 440, 442, 445, 446, 451 Indigosulfonic acid 1372 Indigotic colors 941 Indigotin 108, 113, 193, 329, 373, 387, 389, 452, 543, 943, 1002, 1159, 1535, 1536 Indirubin 123, 238, 364, 387, 452, 943, 1162, 1250, 1535, 1536 Indirubin-anile 1239 Indole dyes 430, 1555, 1594 Indolignoid dyes 97 Indophenols 387, 1518 Indophthalone 1274 Indoxin 448 Indoxyl 282, 941, 1250, 1555, 1556 Indoxylacid 77,282,1556 Indoxyl derivatives , 1213 Induline 406, 1120, 1518 Intermediate products 190, 719 Intermediates : 639, 1547 Analysis 867 Prices 737a Testing 1202 Iodine, action on some basic dyes. 508 Ionic phenomena of dyes 553 Isatin 624, 890, 1550 Analogs 1205 Isatinanile 1240 Isocyanine dyes 1412 Isopyrophthalone 344 Isoquinophthalone 343, 348 Isorosindulines 1518 Jacarandin 1166 Japan: Chemistry 674 Dye industry 323, 675, 1395 Government aid 731 Tariff 731 Java indigo 1149, 1258 Kamala 1469 Kainpherol 1154 Synthesis 814 Kermes 271, 274, 488, 1252, 1336 Laboratory, research 504, 981 Lac dye 273, 1196, 1252 Lac reds 1113 Lake dyes 935 Lake pigments 733 Lake manufacture 257 Lakes 257, 278, 1098, 1109, 1636, 1640 Latin American countries, natural dyes 1315 Laundry blue 864 Leather dyeing 850, 1227, 1228 Dyes for 12, 38, 1229 Legislation: United States. 207, 239, 292, 297, 312, 608, 609, 652, 1043, 1106 See also Patents; Tariff. Leucanilines 1345 Levenstein limited, British co... 916 Lichens 898, 899 See also Orchil. Light, measuring effect of, on dyes. 143 See also Fastness of dves. SUBJECT INDEX 181 Light brown dye for wool 1302 Linen dyeing. . 53, 84, 602, 880, 1457, 1546 Litmus dyes 277, 634, 635 Synthesis 1301 Little, Arthur D., and Coal-tar industry 390 Logwood 569, 913-915, 1208 Analysis 32 See also Hsematoxylin. Luteolin 270, 383, 488, 783, 1158 Machinery used in dyeing. 694, 1139,1374 Madder extracts 1410 Madder lake 338,1459 Magdala red 1120 Malachite green 496, 854, 1068, 1559 Manganous salts 232 Manufacturers, dye 1104, 1518, 1522 Markets for American dyes: See United States: Dye indus- try Markets. Mauveine 1120 Mayer's measuring apparatus 827 Measuring apparatus 827, 979 Medicinal agents, dyes as 303, 668 Melamazine 682 Mercaptan 1011, 1461, 1501 Mercaptan, Alpha- 651 Merger, United States 296 Meta- compounds: See under names of com- pounds. Metal hydroxides 669 Metal sensitiveness of dyes 564 Metallic cyanides 40, 513, 584 Methoxyisatin, Para- 600 Methyl group 1270, 1271, 1304 Methyl orange 387, 589 Methylanthraquinone 190 Methylanthraquinone 2 1503 Methylazafrine 1337 Methylene blue 858, 1042 Methylene blue-eosin staining 68 Methylene violet 106 Methylindole, Alpha- 1276 Methylphenylglycin 937 Methylresorcin 1048 Mexico, cochineal from 269 Microscope, use of 582 Microscopic examination 1244, 1245 Microscopic specimens 1042 Microscopical work, aniline dyes in 1090 Mineral dyes: 165, 1111 See also Natural dyea Mixing colors 244, 1115, 1403, 1457 Money value of dyes 258 Monoazo dyes 1518, 1584 Monochloroacetic acid 939 Monomethyl ether 1177, 1182 Monopotassium derivatives 1176-1178 Mordant, oxidic 887 Mordant, oxygenic 1008 Mordant dyes 280, 793, 885, 886, 1066, 1599 Mordants 387, 532, 694, 1048 Dictionary 1252 Household 778 Rare-earth 71 See also Titanium mordant, etc. Morinda citrifolia 1091 Morindine 1092 Murex brandaris 441 Myricetin 1155 Naphthalene 97, 725, 1283 Analysis 12 Naphthalene derivatives. 1282, 1283, 1460 Naphthalene series 190, 454 Naphthalenesulfonic acids 190 Naphthimidazol 1262 Naphtholcarboxylic acids 190 Naphthols 190 Naphtholsulfonic acids 190 Naphthoquinone 453 Naphthylblue 1120 Naphthyl red 1120 Naphthylamines 190 Naphthylaminesulfonic acids . . 190, 1101 Naphthydiphenyl 1063 Naphthydiphenylmethane 1065 Naphthylenediamine-sulfonic acid 190 National chemical exhibition 378 Natural dyes 12, 66, 184, 199-204, 210, 220, 252-254, 256, 279, 304, 338, 434, 648, 701, 706, 948, 949, 956, 958, 992, 1038, 1094, 1111, 1156, 1167, 1209, 1293, 1315, 1316, 1473, 1481, 1566, 1620 Chemistry 1305-1308 Prices 194a Synthesis 1595 India 1421, 1579, 1538, 1587 See also Indigo: India. New Zealand 44 Venezuela 1634 Navajo dyes 977 The Netherlands: Coal-tar dye industry 291 New Zealand, natural dyes 44 Nigeria, Northern, indigo 1163 Nile blue base. . 619 182 SUBJECT INDEX Nitramine 1363, 1367 Nitraniline, Para- 370, 761, 1390 Nitranile, Para-red 860 Nitric acid 1222 Nitro compounds 190, 480 Nitrodyes 387,1518 Nitro group 1271 , 1304 Nitroacetophenol, Ortho- 58, 193 Nitroazo compounds 775 Nitrobenzaldehyde, Ortho- 358,1311-1313 Nitrobenzaldehyde, Para- 1219 Nitrobenzene 61 Nitrobenzeneazoresorcin, Para- 424 Nitrodiazobenzene, Para- 761 Nitroethylbenzene 413, 1381 Nitronaphthalenes 190, 1561 Nitroopianic acid 138 Nitrosodyes 387,1518 Nitrosoantipyrine 77 Nitrosobenzene 590 Nitrotoluol-para-s u 1 f o c h 1 o r i d e , Ortho- 1281 Nomenclature 170, 347, 1073, 1349 Norton, Dr. T. H 929 See also Author index. Nyctanthes arbortristis 673 Octyl compounds, Normal 991 Orchil 662 Orientals, colors of 1398 Orientation system of dyes 978 Ortho- compounds: See under names of compounds. Osage orange 837, 838, 1047, 1100 Oxalic acid 494, 738, 1331 Oxazine compounds 1528 Oxazine dyes 765, 1250, 1518 Oxazines 387 Oxazol series 1528 Oxidation 1139, 1146, 1170 Electrolytic 1171 Oxindigo 456,1438 Oxindole 448,959 Oxonium 894 Oxonium salts 530 Oxonium salts of fluorane 666 Oxy compounds 1518 Oxyanthraquinomonosulfonic acid 571 Oxyanthraquinone 529 Oxanthraquinones 1238 Oxyanthraquinonesulfonic acid. . . 626 Oxyazo compounds 46,140, 939, 1451,1468 Oxyazo dyes, Ortho- 1400 Oxyazoaldehyde 139 Oxyazobenzene 1221 Oxydiarylsulfide 622 Oxyflavonol, 2 synthesis 811 Oxyhydroquinone 395 Oxyketone 1518 Oxymuriatic acid 94 Oxythionaphthene 448 Oxythionaphthalene series 788 Oxytriphenylme thane 120 Paige patent bill 608, 1106, 1107 Painters' colors 386, 1430 Action of light on 336, 341 Para- compounds: See under names of compounds. Para- red. 171 Patents 268,325 German 35,498,499, 518, 1485, 1592, 1615 United States. . . 608, 1106, 1108, 1514 Peat 1476 Peri-naphthalene derivatives 1292 Periodicals: American 301 English 208,1427,1472 German 259, 382, 854, 1261 Perkin, Sir William H., discovery of 1143, 1393 Permanent colors: See Fastness of dyes. Phaeophyceen dyes 1497 Phenanthrenquinones 774 Phenazin compounds 548 Phenol 140, 547, 703, 902, 1247, 1382, 1451, 1608 Phenol carboxylic acid 547 Phenolic colors 1160 Phenolisatine 888 Phenolphthalein 559 Phenols 190,1333 Analysis 12 Phenylenediamine, Para- 186 Phenylglycin-ortho-carboxylic acid 1213, 1557, 1577 Phenyloxazol 989 P h enylphenanthrophenazonium chloride 1033 Phenylsafranine 67 Philippine Islands: Indigo 277a Photochemistry in dyeing 359 Photographic mordant dye process. 724 Photographic sensitizing dyes 1618 Photographic uses 1250, 1406 Phthalein salts 993,994 SUBJECT INDEX 183 Phthaleins 12, 556 Phthalic acid 12 Phthalons 337 Phytocrythrin 587 Phytocyanine 845 Phytoerythrine 845 Picric acid 1590 Piperonal indigo: See Heliotropin indigo. Plant dyes 165, 1209, 1299 See also Natural dyes, and names of plants. Plants, coloring matter in 561, 1194 See also names of plants. Polyazo dyes 1119 Black 1122 Polyhydroxybenzophenone dyes. . 1585 Porphyrexide 1205, 1550 Potassium acetate 1175, 1180 Potassium cyanide 333 Potassium derivatives 1179, 1180 Potassium permanganate 1002 Prices: United States 194a, 327, 737a, 1518 Primitive peoples, colors of 1398 See also Indians, American. Primuline 730 Printing 487, 577, 1472, 1635 See also Calico printing. Protection: See Tariff. Protective colloids 884 Prussian blue 461, 1113, 1554 Purine substances 183 Purple 248 Purple dyes 248 See also Royal purple. Purple of the ancients 897, 1242 Purpurogallin 1171,1173 Pyramidon 728 Pyrazol dyes 224 Pyrazolone 1518 Pyrazolones 190 Pyridine 74, 126, 387, 1250 Pyridyime thy Ike tone, Alpha- 358 Pyrocatechol 425 Pyrogallol 1171 Pyronines 333,387 Pyrophthalone 689 Pyrrole 403 Quantitative analysis of dyes. . 580, 1323 Quebracho extract 741 Quercetagetin 1161 Quercetin 1586 Quercitron bark 64 Quinhydrone 1338 Quininimid dyes 1609 Quinizarin 190, 1211 Quinoid atom groups 767 Quinoid violet 594 Quinoidine dyes 1197 Quinol-phthalein 559 Quinoline 247, 387, 488, 1518 Quinoline blue 677 Quinoline dyes 96, 832 Quinone 147 Quinonimide dyes 488, 770 Quinonoid salts 555, 556 Quinophthalin 343 Quinophthalon 343, 346, 350 Quinoxaline dyes 387, 1518 Radishes, red, coloring matter in. . 1309, 1394 Raw materials: Coal-tar dyes 597 Dictionary 699 Receipts 1424, 1457, 1479, 1508 Red algae 587 Red clover flowers 1217 Red dyes 728, 751 Red prussiate of sodium: See Sodium ferricyanide. Red sulfur dye 1389 Redwoods: See Brazilin. Research laboratory 504, 981 Resorcin blue 463 Resorcindimethyl ether 756 Resorcino 1029, 1122 Rhamnetin 1164 Ribbert process 1462 Robinin 1154 Rosamine group 886 Rosaniline 118, 119, 415, 1026 Rosaniline, Para- 1353 Rosanilines 1345-1350 Nomenclature 1349 Rosinduline 194, 1120 Rosinduline group 833 Rosindulines 883, 1088, 1518 Rosocyanine 727 Rottlerin 1469 Royal purple 441, 444 Safeguarding dye industry 976 Saffron dyes 723 Safranine 605, 1120 Safranines 387, 407, 1250, 1518 Salicylic acid 177, 190 184 SUBJECT INDEX Santonin series 1589 Santoninazo dyes 1589, 1591 Scarlets 1089,1113 Schrader, Herman, dyeworks 1369 Scouring 1457 Seleno-indigo 881 Selenodiarylamine 229 Setting colors 778 Shortage, dye: Great Britain 982 United States 14, 251, 967, 1032, 1078, 1223, 1402, 1413, 1431, 1449, 1452, 1486, 1603, 1604 Siam, trade 586 Silicates 1455 Silicic acid 1455 Silk dyeing 53, 318, 631, 1014, 1015, 1095, 1096, 1113, 1125, 1215, 1327, 1424, 1457, 1498, 1546 See also Artificial silk dyeing. Silk goods, spotting 1422 Sirius yellow 1518 Soda cellulose process 231 Sodium carbonate 1491 Sodium ferricyanide 1235 Sodium hydrosulfate 537 Sodium hydrosulfide 426 Sodium potassium derivatives. 1181, 1182 Sodium sulfide 1544 Solutions, dye 1455 Color of 1411 Dialysis and osmosis 121 Sorghum, red dye from 284 Spectrum analysis 1214, 1495 Staining solution 1131 Standardization of American dyes. 930 Stenciling 1142 Steric hindrance 756 Stick-lac: See Lac dye. Stilbene group 558, 1518 Stripping 146 Styrogallol 1178 Subsidies: See Government aid. Substitutes 14 Fustic 838 Indian yellow..... 335 Sulfhydrates 1130 Sulfinazo dyes 1028 Sulfites 173,1593 Sulfoazo dyes 729 Sulfonic acids 190, 704 Sulfosesquioxide solution 1549 Sulfur blacks 1518 Sulfur dyes 106, 351, 368, 369, 387, 411, 436, 449, 479, 626, 839, 859, 1031, 1116, 1328, 1384, 1389, 1428, 1518, 1542, 1606, 1638 Black 1518 Blue 93 Sulfur sesquioxides 678 Bulfuric acid 638 Sulfurous acid 285, 286, 1494, 1593 Sulfurous acid reagent 539 Sulfurous esters 163 Sumac 1540 Supply of dyes 1227,1249 See also Shortage, dye. Syndiazotate 590 Synthetic dyes: See Artificial dyes. Tannin 685 Chemistry of 1051 India 1579 Venezuela 1634 Tannin dyes 549 Tannindigotin 844 Tanning chemicals, prices 194a Tanning dyes 1052 Tanning materials 999, 1540 Analysis 1229 Tannins 12, 1492 Bibliography 1492 Tariff: Great Britain 428, 1234, 1409 Japan 731 United States 26, 76, 239, 295, 317, 482, 596, 609, 657, 660, 661, 911, 961, 1045, 1074, 1097, 1107, 1203, 1232, 1233, 1234a, 1284, 1433, 1464, 1466, 1467, 1480, 1487, 1600-1602 Tariff commission, U. S., recom- mendations. . . . 734, 736, 737, 1522-1524 Taxation, U. S. Drugs and chemicals 1516 Technical school, Dyers' 637 Testing of dyes 98,1025, 1199, 1200, 1201, 1251, 1471, 1530 Coal-tar dyes 342,1641 Fastness of dyes 495, 565 Tetraazo diamines 1039 Tetraazo dyes 1381 Tetrabromoindigo 5 :7 :5 X :7' 545 Tetrabromomyracetinethyl ether. . 1172 Tetrachloromesoporphyrin 405 Tetramethyl ethers 1146 SUBJECT INDEX 185 Tetramethyldiaminodiphenyl phenylmethane 574 Te tr amethy Idiaminopheny lox an- thranol 583 Tetraoxycyclohexanerosanilines.. 1351 Tetraoxyindigo 606,607 Tetraphenylethylene 1613 Tetraphenylmethane 1504 Tetrazo dyes. 387, 413 Tetrazodiphenyl 1122 Tetrazoindigo 329 Tetrazotolysulfite 1407 Textile fabrics: Analysis 146 Dyeing. . . . r 31, 693, 1104 See also names of fabrics. Textile fibers, chemical technol- ogy 487,910 Textile industry, dye situation. .242, 278, 316, 319, 687, 688, 1521, 1523 Textile printing 577 See also Calico printing. Textiles 1472, 1473, 1521 Chemistry 614, 975 Color matching on 1114 Coloring matter for 692 Thallium 1275 Thespasia lampas 1148 Thiazine dyes 765, 1250, 1518 Thiazine ring. 1241 Thiazines 387 Thiazol dyes 212, 214, 387, 514 Thiobenzenyl 1518 Thiocarbanilide 1326 Thiocarmine 1362 Thiocyanate 519 Thiocyanogen 519 Thiocyanogen, pseudo 519 Thiodianisidine, Ortho- 145 Thiodiphenylamine 1506 Thioindigo 443, 454 Thioindirubin 13, 1296, 1617 Thionaphthene derivatives 443 Thionylindigo 213 Thiooxindole 959 Thiopyrone 766 Ttiosulfhydrates 1130 Thiotolylaniline, Para- 621 Thiozonide 372 Thomas, N. Spencer, dyes 1479 Thread dyeing 84 Titanium mordant 281 Tolidine 182, 1030 Toluene 1061 Toluidine, Meta- 1493 Toluol-para-sulf ochloride 1281 Tolylenediaminesulfonic acid. . . 175, 190 Trimethyl ether 1168 Trimethylbraziloin 356, 488 Trinaphthylmethane 1063 Trinitro-4-aminophenol 2:3:5 985 Trioxyflavonol 2:4:2'. 223 Trioxyflavonol 3:4:3' 821 Triphenylcarbinol 853 Triphenylmethane dyes 49 , 52, 54, 148, 151, 174, 265, 286, 334, 387, 388, 399, 400, 408, 410, 457, 458, 493, 523, 524, 556, 559, 560, 573, 575, 591, 750, 755, 852, 1071, 1072, 1222, 1237, 1269-1272, 1278, 1304, 1338, 1414, 1518, 1567 Triphenylmethane group 1551 Triphenylmethane series 1415 Triphenylmethyl 773, 1496 Triphenylmethyl salts 523, 524 Trisazo dyes 1029 Tritolylcarbinol 1024 Turkey red 392, 806 Turkey red oils 638, 1334 Turmeric: See Curcumin. Ultraviolet 840, 1329 United States: Census of dyes 307, 320, 1076, 1077, 1319, 1513, 1522-1524 Chemical industry 48, 653, 659, 705, 1112, 1193, 1257, 1512 Coal-tar dye industry 217, 263, 652, 653, 656, 659-661 Dye industry. 17-30, 37, 79, 159, 179, 262, 292-297, 308, 309, 312, 314- 320, 324-326, 381, 596, 684, 960, 968-972, 976, 1075, 1080-1082, 1107, 1399, 1517, 1440-1448, 1509 Capital invested 904, 1564 Consolidation 1500 Development 16, 25, 225, 227, 234, 379, 566, 567, 598, 611, 633, 641- 643, 670, 926, 929-934, 963- 966, 1049, 1050, 1102, 1103, 1225, 1360, 1361, 1525-1527 Firms 567, 904 German patents 35, 498, 499, 501, 518, 1485, 1592, 1615 186 SUBJECT INDEX United States Continued. Dye industry Continued. Government aid 159, 526, 973, 1076, 1077 Markets 1058,1083,1499 Brazil 150 China 209 Far East 1057 France 696 Siam 586 Mobilization 1003 Situation in 1915 792, 905-907, 1519-1521 See also Shortage. Imports and exports 1356, 1512, 1518, 1527 Legislation 207, 239, 292, 297, 312, 608, 609, 652, 1043, 1106 See also Patents; Tariff. Patents 608, 1106, 1108, 1514 Prices 327, 194a, 737a, 1518 Statistics.. . . 216, 307, 320, 1076, 1077, 1319, 1512, 1513, 1518, 1522-1524 Tariff 26, 76, 239, 295, 317, 482, 596, 609, 657, 660, 661, 911, 961, 1045, 1074, 1097, 1107, 1203, 1232, 1233, 1234a, 1284, 1433, 1464, 1466, 1467, 1480, 1487, 1600-1602 Tariff commission, recom- mendations 734, 736, 737, 1522-1524 United States, Bureau of Chemis- try, color laboratory 504 United States, Congress, hearings. 1514, 1515 Urine 728 Vanadium black 1646-1650 See also Aniline black. Vat dyes. . . 131, 132, 387, 1141, 1297, 1310 Bluish green 124 Vegetable dyes 254,284, 304, 544, 701, 706, 789, 805, 898-900, 1111, 1285, 1477, 1531, 1537, 1538 See also Natural dyes, and names of dyes. Venezuela, dyes and tannins 1634 Vidal black 1543 Violanthrone, synthesis 1401 Violet 599 Violet red dyes 1609 See also Crystal violet. Washing textile fibers 487 Waste, dyes from 322, 787 Wax resist process 1136 Weigert's process 791 Woad 865,866 Wood, dyes from See Logwood; Vegetable dyes; Natural dyes. Wool dyeing 84, 142, 506, 579, 602, 631, 746, 747, 777, 1014, 1015, 1113, 1125, 1212, 1215, 1327, 1403, 1424, 1457, 1508, 1546 Wool dyes 761 Black 142, 632 Light brown dye 1302 Worsted yarn dyeing 1424 Xanthone 1518 Xylene 1250,1478 Yarn 366 Chemical technology 492 Yarn dyeing 53, 84, 506, 602 Yearbook 1635 Yellow dyes, spectrum analysis. . . 1495 Yellow plant dyes, synthesis 824 Zinc lime vat 115, 172, 1599 o BEC'DLB OCT2S72 -5 PM5 464999 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY