/,./. I. THE FEMALE SPECTATOR. B Y Mrs ELIZA HAYWOOD. FOUR VOLUMES. VOLUME I. G L A S G O \V: PRINTED AND SOLD BY R. AND A. DUNCAN. MDCCLXXV. T ^c HER G R A C'E THE D U G H E S S O F LEE D S. May it pleafeyour GRACE O AS the chief view in publifhing thefb Monthly Effays is to re&ify fome errors, which, fmall as they may feem at firft, may, if indulged, grow up into greater, till they at laft become Vices, and make all the misfortunes of our lives ; it was necefiary to put them un- der the protection of a lady, not only of an unblemiihcd conduct, but alib of an VOL. I. A d/Sf\t D E D I G A T I O N. exalted virtue, whofe example may in- force the precepts they contain, . May it pleafe Your GRACED Your GRACE'S, Moft humble, Moft obedient, and moft Faithfully devoted Servant, The FEMALE SPECTATOR- T H 2 FEMALE SPECTATOR. B O O K L IT is very much- by the choice we make of." fubjr&s for our entertainment, that the refin- ed t:ut: uifimguilhes itfclf from the vulgar and more'grofs. Reading is univerfally allowed" to be one of the molt improving as well as agree- able amutements; but. then to render it fo, one fhould, among the number of books which are perpetually iffuing from the prefs, endeavour to finglc out fuch as promife to be moll conducive to thofe ends. In. order to be as little deceived, as pomble, I, for my own pan, love to get as weli'l acquainted as I can with an author, before I run. the riik of lofhig my time in perufing his workj and as. I doubt not but mod people are of this way of thinking, I (hall, in imitation of my learned" Brother, of ever precious memory, give fome ac- count of what I am, and thofe concerned with me x in this undertaking ; and likewife of the chief intent . cf the Lucubrations hereafter communicated, that the reader, on cafling his eye over the four or fi-ve fir ft pages, may judge how far the book may, or may not be qualified to entertain him, and either, accept, or throw it afide as he thinks proper : And . 4c;c I promife, that in the pictures I fliall give of A3, 2 THE FEMALE B.I, myfelf andaflbciates,! will draw no fiatteringlines, aflume no perfection that we are not in reality pof- feffed of, nor attempt to fhadow over any defect with an artificial glofs. Asa proof of my fmcerity, I (hall, in the firft place, aflure him, that for my own part I never was a beauty, and am now very far from being' young; (a confefllon he will find few of my fex ready to make :) I fhall alfo acknowledge, that I have run through as many fcenes of vanity and folly as the grcateft coquet of them all. Orel's,, equipage, and flattery, were the idols of my heart. I fhould.have thought that day loft, which did not prefent me with fome new opportunity of JhewingSnyfelf. My life, for fome years, was n continued round of what I then called pleafure, and my whole time engroffed by a hurry of pro- mifcuous diverfion-s. But whatever inconveni- cncies fuch a manner of conduct has brought up- on myfelf, I have this confolation, to think that the public may reap fome benefit from it: The company I kept was not, indeed, always fo well chofen as it ought to have been, for the fake of my own intereit or reputation; but then it was general, and by confequencefurnifhed me,.not only with the knowledge of many occurrences, which c-therwife 1 had been ignorant of; but alfo enabled jiie, when the too great vivacity of my nature be- taine tempered with reflection,, to fee into the fc- cret fprings which gave rife to the actions I had ei- ther heard or been witnefs of; to judge of the various paffions of the human mind v and difiinguifh, ihofe imperceptible degrees by which they become matters of the heart, and attain the dominion over reafon. A thoufand odd adventures^ which, B. I SPECTATOR. 3 the time they happened, made flight impreffion on me, and feemed to dwell no longer on my mind than the wonder they occafioned, now rife frefh to my remembrance; v/ith this advantage, that the my fiery 1 then, for want of attention, imagined they contained, is entirely vanifhed, and 1 find it cafy to account for the caufe by the confequence. With this experience, added to a genius to- lerably extenfive, and an education more liberal than is ordinarily allowed to perfons of my fex, I flattered myfelf that it might be in my power to be in fomemeafure both ufeful and entertaining to the public; and this thought was ib foothing to thofe remains of vanity, not yet wholly extinguished in me, that I refolved to purfue it, and imme- diately began to confider by what method I fhould be moft likely to fucceed. To confine myfelf to any one fubjedt, 1 knew could pleafe but one kind of tafte, and my ambition was to be as univerfally read as poffible. From my obfervation of human nature, I found that curiofity had more or lefs a fhare in every breaft; and my bufmefs therefore, was to hit this reigning humour in fuch a manner, as that the" gratification it fhould receive from being made acquainted with other people's affairs,, might at the fame time teach every one to regulate their own. Having agreed within myfelf on this impor- tant point, 1 commenced author, by fetting down many things, which being pleafing to myfelf, I imagined would be fp to others; but on examining them the next day, I found an infinite deficiency both in matter and fiyle, and that there was an abfolute neceflity for me to call in to my af- fiance fuch of my acquaintance as were yual> 4 THE FEMAL-E B. I. fied for that purpofe. The firft, that occurred to- me, I ihall diftinguifh by the name of MIRA, a lady defcended from a family to which wit feems hereditary, married to a gentleman every way worthy of fo excellent a wife, and with whom ihe lives in fo perfect a harmony, that having nothing- to ruffle the compofure of her foul, or diflurb thofe- fparlding ideas {he, received. from nature, and edu- cation, left me no room to doubt that what the t favoured me with would be acceptable to the pub- lic. The next is a Widow of quality, who not having, buried her vivacity in the tomb of her lord, continues to make one in all the modiih di- verfions of the times, fo far, I mean, as ihe finds them confident with innocence and honour; and as- dic is far from having the lead auilerity in her be- haviour, nor is riged to the failings (he is wholly free from herfelf, thofe of her acquaintance, who. had been lefs circumfpecl:, fcruple not to make her the confidante of fecrets they conceal from all the, world befide. The. third, is the daughter of a, wealthy merchant, charming as an angel, but en- dued with, fo.mauyaccomplifhments, that to thofe who know her truly, her beauty is the lead diftin- guiihed part of her. This fine young creature I ihall call Eu PHROSiNEjfince (lie has all the chear-* fulnefs and fvveetnefs aicribed to that goddefs. Thefe three approved my defign, aflured me of all the help they could afford, and foon gave a proof of it in bringing their feveral effays j but as thereader, provided the entertainment be agreeable,, will not be interefted from which quarter it comes, whatever productions I fhallbe favoured with fronu thefe ladies, or any others, I may hereafter corref-* pond with, will be exhibited under the general titl% B. I. SPECTATOR. 5 of THE FEMALE SPECTATOR; and how many contributors foever there may happen to be to the vork, they are to be confidered only as feveral members of one body, of which I am the mouth. It is alfo highly proper I mould acquaint the town, that to fecure an eternal fund of intelligence, fpies are placed, not only in all the places of refort in and about this great metropolis, but at Bath, Tunbridge, and the Spaw, and means found out to extend my fpeculations even as far asFrance, Rome Germany, and other foreign parts j fo that nothing curious or worthy remark can efcape mej and this I look upon to be a more effectual way of penetra- ting into the myfteries of the alcove, the cabinet, or field, than if I had the power of invifibility, or could, with a wifh, tranfport myfelf where-ever I pleafed, fince with the aid of thofe fupernatural gifts, I could ftill be in no more than one place at a tkne; whereas now, by tumbling over a few pa- pers from my emiflaries, I have all the fecrets of Europe, at lead fuch of them as are proper for my purpofe, laid open at one view. I would, by no means, however, have what I fay be conftrued into a defign of gratifying a vi- cious propenfity of propagating fcandal: who- ever fits down to read me with this view, will find themfelves miftaken; for though I (hall bring real fad~ls on the ftage, I fhall conceal the actors names under fuch as will be conformable to their cha- racters; my intention being only to expofe the vice, not the perfon. Nor mall I confine myfelf to modern tranfa&ions : whenever I find any example among the anticnts, which may ferve to illuftrate the topic I fhall happen to be upon, I ihall make no fcrunle to infert it. An inftance of 6 THE F E M A L E B. I. (hining virtue in any age,, can never be too often propofed as a pattern, nor the fatality of mifcon- dutl too much imprefled on the minda of our youth of both fexes-; and as the fole aim of the following pages is to reform the faulty, and give an innocent amufement to thofe who are not fo, all poflible care will be taken to avoid every thing that might ferve as food for the venom of malice and ill-nature. Whoever, therefore, (hall pretend to fix on any particular perfon the blame of actions . they may happen to find recorded here, or make what they call a key to thefe lucubrations, muft expect to fee themfelves treated in the next publi- cation with all the fevsrity fo unfair a proceeding, merits. And now, having faid as much as I think need- ful of this undertaking,! fhall, without being either, too greatly confident, or too anxious for the fuc- cefs, fubmit it to the public cenfure. " Of all the paffions given us from above, . " The nobleft, fofteft, and the beft, is love,.- fays a juftly celebrated poet; and I readily agree that love in itfelf, when under the direction of reafon, harmonizes the foul, and gives it a gentle, generous turn j but I can by no means approve of fuch definitions of that paffion as we find in plays, novels, and romances. In nioft of thefe writings, the authors feem to lay out all their art in ren- dering that character moft intercfting, which moft fets at defiance all the obligations, by the ftricl; obfervarice of which, love alone can become a virtue. They drefs their Cupid up in rofes, call him the god of foft dcfires and ever-fpringing joys, yet at the fame time give him the vindictive fury, and the rage of Mars ; mew him impatient of 8. i. SPECTATOR; 7 controul, and trampling over all the ties of duty, friendmip, or natural affe&ion, yet make the mo- tive fandify the crime. How fatal, how per- nicious to a young and unexperienced mind muft be fuch maxims, efpecially when drefled-up in all the pomp of words! The beauty of the.expreffion fleals upon the fenfes, and every mifchief, every *roe that love occafions, appears a charm. Thofe who feel the pafiion are fo far from endea- vouring to repel its force, or being afhamed of their attachment, however oppofite to reafon, that they indulge,and take a pride in turning into ridi- cule the remonftrances of their more difcerning friends. But what is yet more prepofterous, and more evidently (hews the ill effects of writing in this manner, is, that we often fee girls too young cither to be addrefled to on the fcore o( love, or even to know what is meant by the paffion, affecl: the languifhment they read of, roll their eyes, fjgh, fold their arms, neglect every ufeful learn- ing, and attend to nothing but acquiring the re- putation of being enough a woman to know all the pains and delicacies of love. Mifs Tendcrilla is one of thofe I have defcrib- cd: (lie was the other day invited to a concert, and as foon as the mufic began to ftrike up, cried out in a kind of dying tone, yet loud enough to be heard by a great part of the aflcmbly, " If mufic be the food of love, play on." A young lady happened to be with her, who is fuppofed to be very near entering into the marriage ftate, but contents herfelf with difcovering what fcntiments fhe is pofiefled of in favour of her in- tcndedbridegroomonlytothofeintereftedin them. She biuflied extremely at the extravagance of her 8 THE FEMALE B. T. companion, and the more fo, as fhe found the eyes of every one turned upon her, and by their fmiles and whifpers to each other, fhe wed that they imagined Mifs hadburfl into this exclamation merely on her account. A fmart gentleman, on the next feat to them, took this opportunity of rallying her very wittily, as he thought, on the dif- covery her young confidante had made; and the poor lady was in the utmofl confufion, until fhe who had occafioned it, being vexed to find what me had faid fo much iniftaken, and that no notice was taken of herfelf, behaved in fuch a manner as left no room to doubt which of them was the proper object of ridicule. How eafy were it now for a defigning fortune- hunter to make a prey of this bib-and-apron he- roine! The lefs qualified he was to render her choice of him approved, and the more averfe her friends appeared to fuch a match, the more would fhe glory in a noble obftinacy of contemning their advice,and facrificing her perfon and fortune to an imaginary paflion for him ; and one has no need of being a very great prophet to foretel, that if fhe is not fpeedily removed from thofe who at prefent have the caie of her, and fome other methods taken than fuch as have hitherto been made ufe of, to give her a more rational way of thinking, that wealth her frugal parents hoard up, in order to puichafe for her a laiting happinefs, will only prove the bait for her deftrudtion. 1 am forry to obferve, that of late years this humour has been flrangely prevalent among our young ladies, fome of whom are fcarce entered in- to f them having any attachment elfe- where ; and though no more than a calm indiffe- rence feemed to fubfifl between them, yet either through chance, or caution, nothing happened for a long time that could give the lead umbrage to one or the other. His favourite amufements were reading, walking, and the play-houfes. Hers were giving and receiving vifits, and going to operas and mafquerades. He never examined into what company she went, nor did she ever give herfelf the trouble to inquire in what manner he paffed his time. She was infinitely gay and free in con- Terfation, but behaved fo equally to all the men of her acquaintance, that malice had found no room to cenfure her, as guilty of a particular regard for any one. The conduct of Alcaics was much the fcme; he did juftice to the charms of every lady, but feemed affefted by none: fo that jealoufywasa paflion which this happy fenfible pair as yet had never known. With how much tranquility might life have glided on, until both had dropped into e- ternity, and left the faireftreputation on their tomb, had they continued as they were a few years long- er? But their ill fate ordained it otherwife, and all the unity becween them was neareft to a diflbluti- oti, whenmoftit feemed eftablished and confirmed. Palmyra, as flie never miffed a malquerade, was there one night, whsn Alcaics, after {he was 32 THE FEMALE B. I. gone, was alfo dragged thither by fome friends, who would not be denied. Tho' he had not the leaft relifli for that diverfion, yet being there, he thought he fhould be laughed at not to behave in the fame fafhion he faw others did, and prefently fingled out a lady, whom he found had fome wit and addrefs, for his partner. A lady, who had ac- companied Palmyra, and happened to frand near, difcovered him by his voice, which he did not at- tempt to conceal. She ran immediately with the news to his wife, who at firft did not believe it; but the other made fo many proteftations, that he was not only there, but was alfo deeply engaged with his partner, and fhe was fure there was an intrigue between them, that Palmyra, at laft, re- folved to be convinced, and went to that part of the room where her officious informer had told her he was, and where fne found him, ill entertain- ing the lady. A paffion me had never before ex- perienced, now took pofleflion of her heart. She knew (he was not deceived, (lie heard the voice of her hufband diftin&ly, and to find him in a place he had always pretended an averfion to, made her look upon him as a diflembler, and that he but feigned a diflike, in order to come'with the greater privacy, and carry on his amours. In fine, (he had now the moft difadvantageous idea of him, that a wife, imagining herfelf not only injured,, but impofed upon, could entertain. She had fome- ' times an inclination to fpeak to him, and let him fee he was detected; but her ill genius prevented her from doing any thing that might have cleared up this affair, and represented to her, that to fhew her refentment in that public place, would draw on her the ridicule of her acquaintance, and that B.I. SPECTATOR. 33 it would bs more prudent to obfcrve In? behaviour during the ball, and afterwards follow him; and in cale he went not home, purfue him to the place of his rendezvous. Accordingly (he kept her eye upon him \vherever he turned, as much as was poiuble ior her to do, amidft the throng which happened to be there that night, and at length faw hi:n, as (he thought, quit the room before the ailVmbly was broke up. As (he had before loft light of the lady he had been talking to, she doubted not but there was an aflignation between them ; and finding he ftepped into a chair, she took another and followed till she found he entered in a houfe near Co vent- Garden. She confidered but a moment what she should do before she ordered the chairman to knock at the door, which being opened, she defired the fervant to shew her to the gentleman who was juft come in. The fellow, not doubting but his ma- fter expected this fair vifitor, conducted her up ftairs, where she waited not long, before a very handfome gentleman, habited exactly in the feme manner she had feen her hulband, but now with- out a mafk, came to her, and in the moft complai- fent terms, begged to know her commands. Vexed and confufed without meafure at the difappointment, she replied abruptly, that she had miftaken him for another, and turned haftily away in order to go down ftairs; but he feized her by the garment, and told her he should iil deferve the bounty fortune had thrown in his way, if he Coffered her to depart without letting her know she could come in fearch of no man who would fet a greater value on any condcfcenfion she should be pleafed to grant him. VOL, I. D 34 THE FEMALE B. L In fpite of the ill humour fhe was in, there was fomewhat in the perfon and addrefs of this ftranger that pleafed her, and it j uft then entering into her head, that there was a poflibility he .might have changed habits with Alcaics, as people fometimes do at a mafquerade, either out of frolick, or the better to carry on an intrigue, flic afked him, if he had worn that habit the whole evening? To which he anfwering in the affirmative, flie grew more and more perplexed, but was certain (he had not been deceived in the voice fhe had heard, which was that of her hufband, and very differ- ent from his who now fpoke to her. She then ;<.fked farther, if he had not taken notice of a gen- jeman in the fame habit with himfelf? To which he faid, that he had obferved fuch a one, and that . the perfon fhe meant was very much taken up with a lady; but, added he with a fmile, " that " lady was not flie, who now does him the honour to appear fo much concerned about him." Thefe words piqued Palmyra to the foul, and attering herfelf that flie might learn fomething farther, by entering into a converfation with him, fufFered herfelf to be prevailed on to fit down; and having told him fhe was the wife of the per- fon flie enquired for, plucked off her maflc, in order to fhew, that her face was not fuch as might juflify the flight he had put upon her; and con- jured him not to conceal any thing he knew of the perfidy of her hufoand. This gentleman whom I (hall call Lyfimon, affured her, with a great deal of truth, that the perfon who happened to be in the fame clrefs with timfelf, and which made him take the greater eo- B.I. SPECTATOR. 35 tice of him, was utterly unknown to him; bufo exaggerated the compliments he had heard him make to the lady, that Palmyra was (juite loft in fpite and jealous rage; which he perceiving, art- fully blended his praifes of her beauty, with his exclamations on the ingratitude of a hufband, \vho, having fuch a wife, could have eyes for any other charms, till vanity on the one fide, and revenge on the other, rendered her in a fit difpofition to lifteil to the pleas of a new flame; which he fo fuccefs- fully puriued, that before naorning he not only gained the entire poiTellion of her perfon, but of a heart, which, till then, had been infenfible either of the pains or joys of love. It was fome hours paft day-break when ihe came home; Alcaics had not got rid of the com- pany who had carried him abroad, until pretty near the fame time, fo was returned but jufl be- fore her, and not yet in bed. He fcemecl not, however, the lead furprized at her ftaying fo much beyond the time Pae was accuftomed to come from the mafquerade, ncr aflced any queftions concern- ing it; and (he was too much engrofied by the thoughts of Lyfimon, to take any notice tharflae knew he had been there; and ail, perhaps, had pafled over, if the filter of Alcaics, whofe houfe was dire&Jy oppofire to that where Lyfimon lodg- ed, had not unluckily feen her at his window, adjufting her drcfs before fhe took her leivc. This Ia * Blefs me, cried fhe, where have you brought " me, brother?" She fullowed him, however, up flairs, where he, pulling off his vizard, difcovered a face fhe had never feen before. Never was furprize and terror greater than thai which now feized the heart of that unfortunate young lady: fhe wept, fhe prayed, fhe conjured him by every thing that is called facred, or worthy of veneration, to fuffer her to depart; but he was one, to whom, had fhe been lefs beautiful, her in- nocence was a fufficient charm. The more averfe nd fhocked Ihe feemed at the rude behaviour with B. I. SPECTATOR. 41 which he immediately began to treat her,the more were his defircs inflamed ; and having her in his power, and in a houfe where all her shrieks and cries were as unavailing as her tears and intreaties, he fatiated, by the moft barbarous force, his bafc inclinations; and for a moment's joy to himfelf, was the entire ruin of a poor creature, whofe ig- norance of the world, and the artifices of man- kind, alone had betrayed to him. The cruel conqueft gained, he was at a lofs how to difpofe of his prey: a thoufand times she begged he would complete the villany he had be- gun, and kill the wretch he had made; but thisww what neither his fafety, nor perhaps his principle, wicked as he was, would permit him to do. ' He eafily found she was a girl of condition, and doubt- ed not but she had friends who would revenge the injury he had done her, could they by any means difcover the author ; he therefore, after having in vain endeavoured to pacify lit r, and prevail on her to comply with his dellres of holding a fecret cor- refpondence with him, compelled her to let him bind a handkerchief over her eyes, that she might not be able to defcribe either the houfe or ftreet where she was abufed j then put her into a hackney coach, which he ordered to drive into an obfcurc dirty lane in the Strand, near the water-fide, where he made her be fet down, and immediately drove away with all the fpeed the horfes could make. She no fooner found herfelf at liberty, than fhc plucked the bandage from her eyes, ftie caft a difconfolate look about, me knew not where (he wasj but the fight of the water at fome little di- ftance from her, tempted her more than once, as Ihc has fince confefled, to throw herfelf into ic. 4* THE FEMALE B. I. The precepts of religion, however, reflrained her, and (he wandered backwards and forwards for fome time, uncertain what to do; at length me came to a more populous place, and feeing a chair, made herfclf be carried home, though with what agonies of fhame and grief is eafier to imagine than deferibe. The young gentleman, her brother, had all this time been in the utmoft diftratlion; he no fooner miffed, than he went in fearch of her round and round the room, and through all the little avenues that led to it; described her habit to the fervants, and afked if they had feen fuch a lady; but all his endeavours being fruitlcfs, he ran home, flattering himfelf, that miffing him, me had gone before. Not finding her there, he flew back again to the Hay-market; made a fecond fearch,. a fecond in- quiry, and that being as ineffectual as the firfr, his grief and his defpair were beyond all bounds. He truly loved his fifter, and doubted not but fome very unhappy accident had befallen her; but what involved him yet in greater horrors, was how he (hould anfwer to his parents his fo ill acquitting himfelf of the charge they laid on him concerning her. Dreading their reproaches, and even yet more the agonies they would feel at feeing him re- turn without her, he flew about the flreets like one totally deprived of reafon, until day being far advanced, and every body he met flaring at him as a perfon whom drink or madnefs had rendered an objeft of derifion, mame, at laft, got the bet- ter of his vexations, and he ventured to encoun- ter what was more dreadful to him than death it- felf. The anxious parents could not think of going B.I. SPECTATOR. 43 to their repofe until their dear children were re- turned in fafety; they had apprehenfions which they could not account for, none having dared to inform them that Erminia was miffing, or that her brother, many hours before, had called at the door to afk if me was come: but when they now fa'w him enter with a confufed and dejected air, and found their daughter was not with him, they both at once cried out, in a tranfport of mingled rage and grief, " Where is your fifler? what is (t become of Erminia? do you approach us with- " out her?" The condition this poor youth was in, would be very difficult to exprcfs; he trembled, hung down his head, and his flowing eyes, let fall a fhower of tears upon his bread, but had not power to fpeak, until his father, impatient of knowing even the word that could befal, commanded him either to repeat what had happened, or that in- ftant leave his fight for ever. "O Sir, (then cried v he) what can I fay? my fitter is gone! all my ' c .care in obeying your commands was vain, and M am wholly ignorant how this misfortune hap* pened." Scarce had he fpoke thefe words, when the ruined maid appeared. Father, mother, brother, all ran at once to catch her in their arms; but the (hock of returning to them as (he now was rendered, worked too powerfully on theweaknefs of her fpirits, to leave her in a condition to re- ceive their embraces, and (lie fell into a fwoon, in which (he continued a long time, though they im- mediately undreiled, put her to bed, and ufed all proper .means for her recovery. On the return of her fenfes, flic fell into the 44 THE FEMALE B. t mod lamentable complaints, but could not be pre- vailed upon, while her father and brother were in the room, to reveal any thing of the occafion. Her mother obferving their prefence was a re- ftraint, defired them to withdraw; after which, partly by commands, and partly by intreaties, but more by mentioning all the evils that her imagi- nation could fuggeft, at lafl the whole fad fecret was revealed. Never was fo difconfolate a family, and the more fo, as they could by no means difcover the brutal author of their misfortune; the precautions he had taken rendered all their fearch in vain; and when fome days after they prevailed on Er- minia to go with them in a coach almoft through- out London, yet could (he not point out either the houfe or ftreet where her ravifher had carried her. To fill the meafure of her woes, a young gen- tleman arrived in town, who long had loved, and had the approbation of her friends, and for whom fhe alfo felt all the paffion that can infpire a vir- tuous mind. He had by fome bufinefs been pre- vented from accompanying the family in their re- moval, but was now come full of the hopes of having his defires compleated, by a happy mar- riage with Erminia. Melancholy reverfe of fate! Inflead of being received with open arms, and that chearful wel- come he had been accuflomed to, and had rea- fbn to exper,, the moft heavy gloom appeared on all the faces of thofe he was permitted to fee : but Erminia no fooner heard of his arrival, than (he (hut herfelf up in her chamber, and would by no means be prevailed upon to appear before him. To excufe her abfence, they told him fhe was in- B. I. SPECTATOR. 45 difpofed; but this feemed all pretence, becaufe the freedom with which they had always lived together might very well allow him the privilege of vifitirtg her in her chamber. He complained of this altera- tion ia her behaviour, and doubted not, at firft, but it was occafioned by the preference they gave lo fome new rival. The true reafon, however, tould not be kept fo much a fecrer, but that it was whifpered about, and he foon got a hint of it. How ieniible a fhock it muft give him, may eafily be conceived; but he got the better of it, and af- ter a very little reflection, went to her father, told liiu the affii&ing news he had heard, but withal afi tired him, that as his love for Erminia was chief- ly founded on her virtue, an a& of force could not be efteemed any breach of it, and was ftill ready to marry her, if me would confent. This generofity charmed the whole family;, but Erminia could not think of accepting the offer; -the more fhe found him. worthy of htr atfe&ions in her ftate of innocence, tlmlefs could {he fup- port the (hame of being h?s, in the condition fhe was: fhe told her parents, that fhe had taken a firm refolution never to marry, and begged their permifiion to retire to an aunt,' who was married to an old clergyman, and lived in one of the mcft remote counties in England. Dear as her prefence was, they found fomething fo truly noble in her way of thinking, that they would not oppofe it; and even her lover, in fpite of himfelf, could not forbear applauding what gave a thoufand daggers to his hca.t. Erminia, in a fliort time, departed for her coun- try rdidence: nothing was ever more mournful than the leave flic took of her rarcuts and bro- VOL, 1. E 46 THE FEMALE B. t. ther; but not all the entreaties of her lover, by meiTages and letters, could gain ib far upon her mcdefty, as to prevail on her" to fee him; fhe fent him, however, a letter, fuil of the moft tender ac- knowledgments of his love and penerofity, and with this he was obliged to be content. It is not every woman would have refented fach an injuty in thefame manner with Erminia; and it muft be confefled, that her notions of ho- nour and virtue had fomewhat fuperlatively deli- cate in them. What a lofs then to the world to be deprived of fo amiable an example, as fhe would have doubtlefs proved, of conjugal truth, tender- nefs, and a drift observance of every duty the men fo much defire to find in her they make a partner for life! How can her brutal ravifher reflect, as it is impoffible but he fometimes muft, on the mif- chiefs he has occafioned, without horrors, fuch as mull render life a burden? Though he yet is hid ia darknefs, and left no traces by which the public may point the villain out, and treat him with the abhorrence he deferves,his own thoughts muft furely be the avengeraof his crime, and make him more truly wretched than any exterior punifhment could do. It is true that accidents of this dreadful na- ture but rarely happen; and heaven forbid they ibould ever be more frequent! yet I am afraid they fa-e much more fo than is publickly known: me- tlunks, therefore, youth and innocence cannot be too much upon itsguard, even againft dangers that fcem moft remote: the fnares laid for it are fome- times fo well concealed, that the moft penetrating eye cannot difcover them; and fhe whoboafts the greateft difcerament, is often entangled in them the 15. I. SPECTATOR. 47 fooneft. The inadvertent and unwary are, indeed, to be pitied; bat thofe who run wilfully, ami in defiance, as it Avere, of all temptations, even tho* they (hould efcape, merit little thanks from thtir own fex, becaufe-they fet an ill precedent Icr others, who, perhaps, may be lefs fortunate. I cannot fay our fummer evenings public en- tertainments, of which I think Vauxhall not only the moft pleafant, butalib moil frequented by ths great world, are liable to fuch unlucky accidents. Every one there appears with the fame face which nature gave him, and if intrigues arc carried on, it mult, at Jeaft, be with the conunt of both parties; yet here are dangerous excitements, mufic, flat- tery, delightful groves, and fweet recefles, to lull afleep trfe guardians of honour. A certain well known gentleman, whofe acquaintance bodes no good to the young and beautiful of our fex, has often boafted that Vauxhail was the temple of Flora, of which he has long been conftituted high- prieft. I wifli there may not be too much truth in what he fays; but for the vindication of fome la- dies who have been lovers of a ramble crofs ths water, I mud recite one inftance of a dilappoini- ment he met with, much to his mortification, ani which, for fome time, brought him under dif- grace with the moft illuftrious of all his patrons. As his chief employment is the fearch of beauty, in which our modern fine gentlemen allow him to have an cxquifite tafte, he one night fmgled out a, young girl, who feemed to have comprifed iu her every thing that could infpire an amorous inclina- tion. Flavia, for fo I (hall call her, had two com- panions with her of her own fex. He artfully in- trod ucedhimfelf into their converfation,:uKli E 2 4 8 THE FEMALE B. I. that fhe whom he had pitched upon, had no lefs vfit and addrefs, than (he had beauty. This, he thought to hirnfelf was a conqueft worth obtain- ing, and was refclved to fpare no pains in the at- tempt, being certain that if he was fo happy to fucceed in it, his reward would be proportionate to the fervice. The modeft and grave deportment with which he behaved towards her and her friends, made them,as they had no male acquaintance with them, glad of his protection to fee them into a boat when the company broke up. and the great croud and hurry which there always is, rendered him, indeed, fo very ufeful, that they could not, without being guilty of too prudifh a referve, refufe permitting him a paflage with them to the other fide; by this means he got knowledge where they all lived, for his compiaifance would need extend 'itfelf fo far as lo fee each to her refpe&ive habitation. Fiavia being the only perfon on whom he had : defjgn, he went to wait on her the next day, under pretence of inquiring after her health-, the evening happening to be more cool than ordinary, he faid he feared might have had fome ill effeft oa a confutation fo delicate as her's. Fiavia, who fufpecled not the ferpent that lay hid under fuch fair behaviour, received him with the utmoft civi- lity, but her mother with infinitely more: fhehad been a woman of gallantry in her youth, and did not think herfelf yet paft it, fo was very ready to encourage the vifits of any perfon who made a good appearance. She thanked him a thoufand times over for the care he had taken of her daugh- ter; and when encouraged by her manner of treat- ing him, he a&edperrniffion to wait oa themfoms- B, I. SPECTATOR 49 times at tea-drinking, fhe a flu red him, nothing could do her more honour and pleafure, than tocul- tivate an acquaintance with a gentleman of his me- rir. He now looked on half his work as done, and by the dilpofition of the mother, judged he ihouM find little difficulty in his deligns on the daughter-, efpecially aa on inquiry into their circiimftances, he found they were very low; that the father of Fiavia, at his death,, had left a numerous family unprovided for, and that the other children were difperfed, fume with one relation, fome with an- other, the mother beingable to fupport no more than this one. In this confidence he went immediately to the illuftrious, Rinaldo, and, after magnifying his own zeal and jndufiry, to ferve his pleafures, told him he had difcovered a-treafure of charms, iit only for his poilctlion; and with fuch iuicious phrafes painted to him every grace the beautiful Fiavia was miltrtfs of, thatRinaldo was all on fire to fee her. " If I find her fuch as you deicnbr, "' faid he, " and I enjoy her by your means, i will " deny you nothing you. Can alk." The other bowed, and allured him he would bring her into the Mall the next day, where his own eye mould convince him of the truth. This beiug agreed to, he went to the mother of Fiavia, and intreated they would favour him with their company to the Park, for he would not hazard a refufal, by aiking the one without the other; and betide,, thought it would be imprudent to give them any room to fufpec~l his intentions.,, till he mould know Rinaldo's ientimcnts. They now looked on him as one of tbeir ac- quaintance, and were not at all difpleafed to be gallanted by a perfon who-made the figure he did. 3 50 THE FEMALE' B. I; In fins, they went; Rinaldo was there, met them at feveral turns, and found nothing in Flavia but what attracted his admiration. The laft time he patted by them, " You are a happy man," faid he, calling him by his name, " to have the conduct o " fo much beauty." This purveyor for the vices of other men was highly pleafed to find the choice he had made approved. Flavia blufhed; but her mother was tranfported to fee by whom they were taken notice of. All the time they continued walking after- wards they were entertained with nothing but the praifes of Rinaldo, his fine fhap? , his genteel air, but above all, his good-nature, 'gcnerofity, and li- berality to the ladies, were expatiated oa with all the pomp that words could give them. He proceeded no farther at that time; but the next day, when he waited on Rinaldo to know his commands, he found him all impatience for the pofleffion of Flavia; on which he went direlly to her, and made no fcruple of acquainting both her-, ielf and mother with the paflion that illuftrious perfon was infpired with, and at the fame time made them the moft formal compliments of con- gratulation on their good fortune. The mother liftened to him with the moft rap- tured attention, bhe already fancied herfelf in Ler coach-and-fix, and a thonfand wild ideas of grandeur, homage, and magnificence, ran through her head in an inftant. She told him, that fhe knew her duty better than to oppofe any thing the great Punildo wifhed, and fhe hoped her daughter would alfo receive the honour he did her with a Becoming obedience. this time fpoke not a word j the iwr B. I. SPECTATOR. 51 prize of fuch an offer, at firft, and the (hock it gave her to hear her mother's reply afterwards, kept her filcnt: but the bluihes, which, in realk^were excited by her difdain, were taken onlyas the effect of her modefty. Both of them urged her to fpeafc and the emiflary of Rinaldo intreated to know from her own mouth, what anfwer he {hould give his patron : At laft, " Sir, (faid (he,) 1 am utterly " unworthy of any regard from fo great.a perfon, " and equally ignorant how to repay it any other- { wife than by my prayers and good wimes. This is all I can fay as to Rinaldo; but as to yourfelf, " from whom I little expected fuch a propofal, be " affured I am and will be virtuous." With thefe words me flung out of the room, leaving the perfon (he addreffed them to in a great deal of confternation; but her mother foon brought him into a better humour: me told him the girl had forae romantic notions in her head, but me {hould eafily bring her to a more juft fenfe of her duty, when ihe talked to her in private; and there- fore begged he would not mention her foolilh be- haviour to Rinaldo, for me would undertake to pre- pare her to receive his commands whenever he pleafed. It was then concluded between them, that me {hould remove with her daughter to a fmall but pleafant houfe they had on the banks of the river, and which, indeed, was their ufual habitation, they having only lodgings in town for the prefent, on account of a law-fuit the mother of Flavia came to follicit: that Ihe fhould have two or three days, in order to bring her into fuch a difpofition, as they wimed; and that when every thing was ready, fhe would let him know by a letter, after 5* THE FEMALE B. I. which Rinaldo might come privately to their; houfe by water. Our modern Pandarus was no fooner gonej. than die flew to her daughter's chamber, wheie Ihe- found her in tears. Sue called her a thoufUad fools,. " What, (cried the,) do you, grieve for what any THE FEMALE B. 11. indeed the fountain-head of all the comforts we can enjoy ourfelves, and of thofe we tranfmit to our pofterity: It is the band which unites rot only two perfons, but whole families in one com- mon infeparable intereft: It is that which pre- vents thofe num-berlefs irregularities, that would elfe overthrow all order, and deftroy fociety ; but then not to pervert the intention of fo neceflary and glorious an inftitution, and rob it of every blefluig it is full of, lies only in ourfclves. No vio- lated vows before pledged to another, no clan- deftine agreements made up by a hafiyand ungo- verned paflVon, no fordid bargains where wealth, not merit is the chief inducement, no notorious tlifparity of years, of family, or humours, can ever be productive of a lading concord, eilher between the principals thcmfelves, or thofe in alliance with them. Dirges, rather than Epithalamiums, ihould be fung at nuptials fuch as thefe, and their friends pity, not congratulate their let. Pompilius had lived in very good harmony with his former lady, and none would have condemned him for paying his vows a fecond time at the al- ter of Hymen, provided he had made choice of a partner more agreeable to his prefent years. His inclinations might not, indeed, have been gra- tified to fo exquifite a degree, but then his judg- ment had not been arraigned j nor had he forfeited in age, that reputation of good fenfe he had ac- quired in youth. How great a pity is it then, that he fhould give way to the dictates of a paflion, the gratification of which can afford him but a fliort- lived joy; muft be injurious to his own charac- ter, and doubly fo to the object of his affections! What, if the charming Bloometta had been- B. IL SPECTATOR. 61 difappointed in her firft wifhes! What, if the too fenfible Palcmon had preferred a little fordid drofs to the pofleflion of the fined woman upon earth, and her refentment at the indignity offered to her youth and beauty, joined with the ambition of her parents, had fet the pretenfionsof Pompilius in an advantageous light, a moment's reflection might have ferved to convince him of the motives, and if he truly loved, have made him chufe to recommend fome noble youth of his own family, whofe merits might have obliterated whatever fentiments (he had been poflefied of in favour of Palemon! This indeed would have been a proof of the mod generous affection, and at the fame time of that command over himfelf, which is ex- pected from perfons in his ftation. But how much foever the united joys of love and wine may be able to lull all thoughts of re- morfe in a heart which feems intent only on in- dulging its own defires,be they ever fo extravagant, that of the fweet Bloometta muft endure pangs, which every day will become more fevere, by the efforts of her prudence to conceal them : What conflicts between Gncerity and duty m ufl rend her gentle bread, when her doating lord exacts from her a return of his endearments! How muft flic regret the fad neceflity of being obliged to feiga what nature will not grant! Thofe tender lan- guifhmentp, which, when mutual, afford mutual tranfport, feem aukward and naufeous in the man we do not love; and inftead.of more endearing him to us, turn the indifference we before had to him into averfion and contempt. In fine, there are no words to exprefs the miferies of a loathed j and flic who facrifices to pride or pique F3 62 THE FEMALE B. II. the pleafures of her youth, by marrying with the man (he hates, will foon, though too late to repair the irremediable mifchicf, repent in the utmofl bitternefs of foul what flie has done. Methinks it is with great injuftice that the ge- nerality of the world condemn Ariftobulus of in- gratitude, perfulioufnefs, and cruelty : he is indeed an inftance, that love is not in our power j and though his lady's late is much to be commifeiated, his own is, in reality, no lefs deferving our com- paffion. This nobleman, who for the graces of his perfon had few equals, made many conquefls, without the artillery of one fingle figh or protef- tation: Celinda, to his great misfortune, was among the number: Celinda, of illuilrious race, heirels of vail pofleffions, and endued with many perfections of mind and body; yet Celinda, whole love has been the bane of ail his happinefs, long did me conceal the fecret of her paflion from the whole world, as well as from him who was the object of it ; yet indulging the pleafure of feeing him as much as poflible, frequented all places where there was a probability of meeting him, till finding that he paid her no other civilities, than what her rank demanded, thofe foft emotions, which in the beginning afforded only delightful images, now degenerated into horrors, as they approached nearer to defpair. She fell fick: the phyficians foon perceived her diforder was of the mind, and perfuaded thofe about her, to ufe their utmoft endeavours for difcovering the caufe. In vain were all the-entreaties of her friends-, in vain the commands of the moft tender father; her modefty refifted all, and it was not till (he was judged by every one that faw her, as well as by B.1I. SPECTATOR. 63 hcrfelf, to be at the point of death, that fhe was prevailed upon to confefs, that {he defired life on- ly to behold Ariftobtfius. Her father, who had before fufpe&ed the dif- cafe, though not the pcrfon from whom the in- fection came, was rejoiced to find that her incli- nations had not difgraced his dignity; and allured her, that if to fee Ariftobulus was of fo much con- fcquence, (he {hould not only fee, but live with him, till death {hould put a period to thathappi- nefs. He made this promife, in confidence that the father of Ariftobulus would gladly accede to the union of their families; nor was he deceived in his conjecture; the propofal he made was received with the utmoft fatisfation, and the marriage- writings were drawn between them, before the young lord, who happened at that time to be en a party of pleafure in the country, knew that any fuch thing was in agitation. * ^ Celinda was immediately made acqiited with this agreement, and from that momefljthe long-abfent rofes refumed their places in her cheeks, her wonted ftrength and vivacity returned, and fhe was again the joy of all who knew her. But a far different effect, alas! had the news of this affair on him, who was with fo much vehe- mence beloved by her. A fpeciul mefienger being difpatched to bring him to London, he nofooner was informed of the occafion, but he was feized with the moft mortal anguiili ; he threw himfclf at his father's feet, and with all the moving rhetoric of dutiful affection, conjured him by that paternal tcndernefs he had ever treated him with, and which he had never bv.cn guilty of doing any thing i $4 THB FEMALE B. IT; felt, not to infift on his fulfilling an engagement, than which death could nor be more terrible. Never was furprize greater than that of the father of Ariftobulus, to hear him fpeak in this manner; but it yet received a confiderable in- creafe, when on demanding the reafons of his re- fufal, and what objections he had to makeagainft becoming the hufband of fo well-defcended, fo rich, fo virtuous, and fo young a lady, he had none to offer, but that he was not inclined to marry, or if he were, had fomething in his nature which oppofed any inclination in her favour. The match was too advantageous to their family, for the old peer to be put off with what feemed to him fo trifling a motive, as mere want of lovej he therefore refolved that his fon fhould comply with his commands, and to that end en- forced them by the moft terrible menaces, of ne- ver feeing him more, and of cutting him off from all his inheritance, except what was entailed upon the title, which was very fmall, and little able to fupport it. This was a very great {hock to one who had the higheft notions of grandeur, and a relifh for all the expenfive pleafures of the young and gay. He knew his father rigid, and obftinate to be obeyed by all who had any dependence on him; and doubted not, but his refentment would fway him to do as he faid: he therefore repented he had irritated him fo far, and begun to feign a lefs averiion to the marriage; he begged to be for- given, and promifed to vifit Celinda, in the hope, he faid, that he fhould difcover more charms in her convention, than he yet had been fenfible of, His father feemed fomewhat pacified with this at; B. II. S P E C T A T O II. 6$ furance, and bid him go and offer her a heart (he well deferred, and he had too long delayed bc- ftowing. He did not, it is certain, deceive his father in this point; he went, but went with a view very different from what any one could have imagined he would ever have conceived: in the room of entertaining her with foft profeflions, which, per- haps, are fornetimes made by thofewho mean them as little as himfelf could have done, he frankly confcffed, he had an averfion to the married ftate; that it was not in his power to make a hufband, fuch as fhe had rcafon to expect; and intreated that fhe would order it Ib, that the nuptials, which his father feemed fo bent on completing, might be broke off on her fide. How alarming fuch a requefl mufl be to one who loved as fhe did, any one may judge ; but the cxcefs of her tendernefs over-ruled all that pride and fpirit, which is fo natural to \vcmenon fuch occafions: fhe paufed a while, probably to fup- prcfs the rifing fighs, but at length told him, that what he defired was the only thing me could refufe him; that her father was no lefs zealous than his own for the alliance, and that fhe had been too much accuftomed to obedience, to dare to difpute his will in any thing he fcsmed fo bent upon. . As nothing but his eternal peace could have enforced him to have atled in this manner, with a lady of her birth and fortune, and whofc accom- plifhments, in fpiteof the little effet they had upon him, he could not but acknowledge, he was afto- niflied at the calmnefs with which fhe bore it; and judging by that, her affedion could not be kfs tender than he had been told, he left no ar- 66 THE FEMALE B, IL guments untried, to make that very affe&ion fub- fervient to his aim, of being freed from all en- gagements with her: but fhe ftill pleading the duty fhe owed to him who gave her being,hegrewquite defperate, and throwing off that complaifance be had hitherto behaved with, told her, that if, for the prefervation of his birth-right, he were compelled to marry her, he neither could, nor would even endeavour to love her as a wife; that fhe muft expeft only uncomfortable days, and lonely wi- dowed nights; and that it was not in the power of the ceremony, nor in either of their fathers, to convert an utter diilike into inclination. To this cruel declaration (he replied coldly, that as they were deftined for each other by thofe who had the fole power of difpofing of their hands, it was a very great misfortune their hearts could not comply with the injunction; but as for her part, fhe was determined to follow duty,though fhe fell a martyr to it. Though under the obedience of a daughter fhe had the opportunity of veiling the fondnefs of a lover, the honour of our fex greatly fuffered by fuch a behaviour; but, poor lady, the excefs of her paffion hindered her from feeing into the meannefs of it; and at the fame time flattered her with the belief, that in fpite of the averfion he now expref- fcd, her treatment of him, and the tendernefs fhe could make no fcruple of revealing to him iri all its force, when fhe became his wife, would make an entirechangeinhisfentiments,and itwouldnot be in his power to avoid recompenfmg, with fome degree cf affection, fo pure, fo conft^nt, and fo violent a flame, as he would then be convinced fhe long had felt for him. 3. II. SPECTATOR. 67 Ariftobulus, after he had left her, again effay- cd to work upon his father's mind; but all he could urge being ineffectual, he yielded to be a hufband, rather than fuffer himfelf to be cut off from being an heir. A day was appointed for the celebration of their nuptials, and they were mar- ried with a pomp more befitting their quality, than the condition of their minds. At night they were put to bed with the ufual ceremonies; but the moment the company withdrew he arofe, and cbofe rather to pafs the hours till morning on a couch alone, than in the embraces of a woman who had indeed perfe&ions fufficient to have made any man happy, who I. id not that antipathy in nature, which there is no accounting for, nor get- ting rid of. It is not to be doubted but Celinda, not only that night, but for a long time afterward, con- tinued to put in pra&ice every tender ftratagem, and ufed everyargument that her love, and the cir- cumfhnces they now were in, could infpire; but they were equally in vain, as the poet fays, * ( Love fcorns all ties, but thofe that are his own." Ariftobulus remained inflexible, and obftinately bent never to be more of a hufband than the name; neither time, nor her patient enduring the indignity put upon her, 'have wrought the lead alteration in her favour. Th:y live together in one houfe, but lye not in the fame b:d; eat not at the fame table; rarely fee each other, and their very fervants appear as if of different families. Years after years have rolled on in this manner, yet (lie continues dill a virgin-bride; while he, regardlefs of her love or grief, endeavours to lofe, 69 THE FEMALE B. It in the arms of other women, the difcontent which a forced marriage has involved him in. Few men, indeed, have ailed with that early fmcerity, and openly declared their hatred, like Ariftobulus, before marriage; but too many have done it afterwards, and proved by their behaviour, that they looked upon the facred ceremony but aa a thing necefiary to be done, 'either for the fake of propagating their families, or for clearing their eftates from mortgages, or for the payment of younger childr ens fortunes. Thefe, and various other motives, might be affigned for the alliances daily on foot; but to hear of one that promifes an accomplifhment of all the ends propofed by the firft intention of this inftitution, is a kind of pro- digy, and to fay, " There goes a truly happy pair," after the firft month, would call the fpeaker's ve- racity in queftion. Fame either fwells the number beyond its juft extent, or there are now no lefs ;han twenty three treaties of marriage either concluded, or on the carpet, between perfons of condition, of which fcarce the odd three afford the lead profpeCt of fe- licity to the perfons concerned. Can Mrs Tulip, in the autumn of her age, tho* in her drefs gaudy as the flower whofe name (he bears, imagine her antiquated charms will be able to reclaim the wild, the rovingheart of young Brif- common? Not but that gentleman has fenfe, ho- nour, and good nature-, qualities which could not fail of making him know what was due to the me- rits of Claribella, had the condition of his fortune permitted him to marry her. But his intended bride mult become more contemptible in his eyes, than even her gray hairs could make her, when B. II. SPECTATOR. 69 he reflects on the vanity which infatuates her fo far, as to deprive her lovely niece of what might have made the happihefs of her life, only to pur- chafe to herfelf the name of wife to one young e- nongh to be her fon. Who fees Philimont and Daria together, with- cut perceiving that nothing can be more adored by Philimont than Daria; nothing more dear to Daria than Philimont? Do not the equally ena- moured pair feem to fhoot their very fouls at each other, at every glance? Is Daria ever at the o pera, the park, the play, without her Philimont? Or does Philimont think any company enter- taining, if Daria is abfent! Yet Philimont is on the point of marriage with Emilia, and Daria has been long betrothed to Belmour. Strange chec- and vowed revenge; but what alas! could fhe do? fhe had taken no care that proper fettlements, 111 cafe of accidents? fhould be made, and was afhametl to have recourfe-to any of her kindred, whom fhe had difgraced and difobliged byfo un- worthy a match. The refentment fhe teftified therefore onlyferved to render her condition worfe, and add new weight to the galling yoke fhe had fo precipitately put on: he retrenched her equipage and table ; fet limits even to her drefs; would fuffer her neither to vifit, nor be vifited, but by thofe he approved, which were all creatures or rela- tions of his own, and fuch as fhe had not been ufed to converfe with ; denied her even pocket-money; took every meafure he could invent r.o break her fpirit, and make her wholly fubfervient to his will, till at laft his tyranny got the better, and he has now reduced her to the moft abject flavery. Tremble, Mariana, left your father's clerk ihould B. II. SPECTATOR. 7 r prove another Macro; and rather endure the fhort- lived pangs of combating an unhappy inclination, than by yielding to it, run the hazard of miferies, to which death alone can put a period. A few days hence, it is faid, will crown the mutual wifties ofMyrtano and the amiable Cleora. The friends on both fides are contenting; the marriage-articles are figned ; the fumptuous equi- page prepared; the country-feat new beautified; the bride-bed adorned ; and every thing com- pleated, that induflrious oftentation can invent, to make the ceremony, affected to be called private, as pompous and magnificent as poflible : yet, how- can Cleora affure herfelf of being always happy in the conftancy of her Myrtano, when me is not infenfible a lady equal to hcrfelf in tii th and for- tune, and noway her inferior in the perfections either of mind or perfon, is a melancholy inftance of an unfortunate mutability in his nature! Did he not once purfue Brilliante with all thofe dying, ardours he has lately done Cleora ? Was not the whole town witnefs of the adoration with which he treated her? Nay, did he not for her fake com- mit fome extravagancies, which as nothing but the moft violent and real paflion could occafion, f<> could be excufed by nothing left ? Yet did he not, without even a pretence for it, all at once forfakc r renounce, feem to forget he had ever loved this. Brilliante, and declare himfdf the votary of Cleora? Ah Cleora! you triumph now, it is true, and may you ever triumph, fince the divine rites 06 marriage make it criminal to wifh otherwif much is to be feared, and very little to behopeJ,- Nothing is more uncertain than inclinaticn; an-.t G 3 72 THE FEMALE B. II. a heart that once has varied, without being able to affign any motive for its change, may poflibly do the like again; and a time arrive, in which yourfelf may (land in need of that commiferation, your vanity and joy now hinder you from beftow- ing on a lucklefs, though not undeferving rival; while flie, cured of her abufed and ill-requitted tendernefs, may fill the arms of a more conftant man, and tafte the felicities of mutual truth with higher relifh, by having been once deceived. Bellair is a very accomplished" gentleman, has a large eftate, and lives up to his income, with- out going beyond it; is charitable to the poor; liberal to merit, efpecially in diftrefs; hofpitable and generous to his friends; punctual in the pay- ment of his tradefmen ; keeps an handfome equi- page, and a yet better table : is a lover of pleafure, but a hater of vice; and, in ?. vrcrcl, has nothing in his character that might not make a prudent and good-natured woman happy in ahufband: he had many oblique hints given him to that purpofe, tut he liflened to none for a long time, nor feemed inclined to alter his condition, till he faw Miferia. lie had the pleafure, I cannot fay the bappiaefs, to meet this young lady at a ball; (he was tall, \vell-fhaped, had fomething extremely graceful in her air in dancing; a face, though not exquifitely beautiful, yet very agreeable; and the moft wiiv- ning foftncfs in her converfation. and manner. Such as (lie is, however, the heart of Bellair gave her the preference to all he had ever feen before ; and having made fome flight inquiry into her cha- racter and fortune, defired her father's permiflion to vifit her in the quality of a lover; the offer iras too advantageous to be refufed, the old gentle- B. IL SPECTATOR. 73 man hefitated not to give his confent, andMiferia H her new admirer with as much complai- 'hf modefty of her fex admitted. .>",vks compleated the courtfhip; Bel- lair married, and, after fome days, carried her home: But, good gods. 1 what a change did Ihe immediately caufe in his houfe ! A bill of fare be- ing by his orders brought to her every morning* 4he ftrnck out three parts in four of the articles) and when Bellair, on finding his table thus re~ trenched, rembriftrated gently to her, that thers was not fufficient for the fervants, fhe told him, that fhe would therefore have the number of them cHminifhed; that {he thought it a fin to keep fo many idle fellows, who might ferve their coun- try either abroad in the wars, or in hufbandry at home; and as for the maid-fervants, inftead of five,fhe was determined to keep no more than two. She even took the liberty to defire he would make lefs frequent invitations to his friends and kindred; and as for the poor they were prefently driven from the gate, nor dare appear in fight of it again, for fear of being fent to the houfe of cor- rection. This kind of. behaviour makes him extremely uneafy ; his difcontent increafes every day, as none pafs over without affording him fome frefh occadon. His reafon and his love are continually at war; but the former has fo much the advan- tage, that though he is loth to do any thing which, ' may give offence to a. wife fo dear to him, yet he is ftill more loth to become the jeft of his acquaint- ance, for bearing farther with her failings than becomes a man of fenfe and fpirit. He begins of late to exert the authority of a hufband and in . 74 THE FEMALE B. II; fnite even of her tears, has re-taken fome of thofe fervants fhe had difplaced, and put many things relating to the oeconomy of his family nearer to their former footing. As for Miferia, (lie frets in- ceflantly; all that foftnefs in her eyes, which once was fo enchanting, is now converted to a fullen gloom ; her voice, her manner, is quite changed ; fhe either fits in his company obftinatcly filent, or fpeaks in fuch a fafhion,. as it would better be- come her to be mute. The little fatisfaction he finds at home, drives him to feck it abroad, and every thing between them feems drawing to- wards a mutual dhlike. And if that fhould hap. pen, wliat confequences may poflibly enfue! Re- ciprocal revilings on the facred ceremony which united them! Every at of refentrnent again (I each other! remorfe! hatred! fefaraticn! ruin,and eternal lofs of peace to both! A fympathy of humour is therefore no lefs to fee confulted, than a fympathy of inclination, and indeed 1 think more fo; for 1 have known feveral married people who have come together, without any thing of what we call the paffion of lovej who, by happening to think the fame way, have afterwards become extremely dear to each other: whereas, on the contrary, fome who have met all fi remind flame, have after wards, through an unhap- py difagreement, even in very trifles, become ail froft and fnow. There is a vanityin human nature, which natters us that we always judge right, and by confequence creates in us an efteem for thofe, who are wife enough to be of the fame opinion we are; in a word, a parity of fentiment is the ce- ment of that lafting friendftiip, as well as mutual B. II. SPECTATOR. 7$ confidence, in which the comforts of a married ~ (late chiefly confift. But though daily experience might convince us how necefiary an ingredient this is to happinefs, and that without it all the others are ineffectual* yet it is the leaft of any thing xamined into; as if the attainment of a prefent fatisfa&ion was the fole intent of marriage, and it matter'd not what confequences enfued. It cannot indeed be in an acquaintance of a week or a month, that one can be able to judge of the difpofition of a perfon; parents, therefore, are highly to blame when they condemn their chil- dren to the arms of thofe, whom perhaps they have never feen till a few days before the ceremony paflcs, which is to unite them for ever* What I have faid on this fcore rnaypoflibly be looked upon as urged in defence of a late wedding, which gives juil matter for aftonifhment to all the world; fince it certainly could have been brought about by nothing (will they fay) but a perfect knowledge of that mutual fympathy of humour, which I have been recommending as fo great an efiential to the felicity of the marriage ftate. It mutt be confefled, the artful Vulpone prevailed on the charming Lindamira to think as he did in one point; but that is what no more than thou- fands have done, or they could never have been united to the object of their wi(hes, and is the confequence only of that paffion which arifes from a liking of the perfon. This, therefore, I am far from taking to be the cafe; and 1 believe the reader will be of my opi- nion, when I relate the progrcfs of thcfe myderi- c-us nuptials, as it was communicated 10 me by a. 7 $ TtfE FEMALE B. II. Sylph, whofe bufinefs it is to attend every motion of thofe, whom nature has diftinguiihed by fupe- rior beauty. liindamira from her very infancy gave a pro- mife of charrm, which, as (he drew nearer to ma- turity, ripened into the ct-noft perfe&ion : de- fcended by her fathei's fide from a prince, \\ho> while h-.: Ji_viai, v a 1 - juftiy the darling oi his people ; and bv her nr'her's, from a hero, whole name will ever be remembered with honour: bred up in the Itri&dt piinciples of virtue, and never from under the eye of parents diftinguilhed for every ihining quality befitting their high dignity, but for nothing more than conjugal affection. Vulpone has no family to boaft of, being no more than what one may call of the modern gen- try, of which, heaven knows, thcfe latter ages have been very fertile in producing; but to do juftice to him,. he is no lefs indebted to his own merit', than to favour, for promotions he has attained: what he wants in birth, is made up in educa<- tion, and envy cannot deny him, the character of an accompliihed gentleman. He had frequently the honour of yifiting the il- laftrious parents of Lindamira, and was treated by them with that civility, .which they thought his good qualities., deferved. Little, alas! did they forefeethe conference, or that their complaifance would embolden him to lift up his eyes to the pof- feflion of their lovely daughter; much lefs that a young lady, fcarce eighteen, the idol of the court, and an object of univerfal admiration, mould ever condefccnd to entertain the lead tender emotiotis for a man, by fome yeais paft the meridian of his age, aad in every other refpeft fo infinitely hoc B. II. SPECTATOR. 77 inferior, that the diitance between them would admit of no degree of companion. Yet fo it happened! the god of foft defires gave a proof how much his power can do in overturn- in;; what has ever been looked upon as even an antithefis in nature, and made this blooming charmer, who daily faw unmoved the lovelieft, nobleft, and moft accomplifhed youths die at her feet, unable to refifl the felicitations of a man older than her father. Few were the opportunities he had of addreffing her, but thofe he fo well improved, that before one could well imagine fhe had forgiven his prdump- tion in declaring the paifion he had for her, he pre- vailed on her to re ward it byanaffurance ihe \vould never confent to give her hand to another. It is not to be doubted, but the correipondence they held together was carried on with the ex- tretneft circumfpecfcion; but love, like fire, is dif- ficult to be concealed: not all the caution in the world can hinder it from breaking out in one place or another. Some of the family, before whom it is poflible they might be lefs upon their guarJ, as not thinking them of capacities to penetcate into the fecret, took notice of fomc, paflages, which feemed to them as derogatory to the dignity of their young lady, and immediately difcovered it to her mother, who that moment acquainted her lord with what flte had been told. After confulting together, tho' the thing appeared incredible, yet they judged it improper to admit any future vifits from a perfon of his Aation, after having been fufpected of daring to hold a correfpondence with their daughter. Vulponc was therefore in very- civil terms, though without acquainting him with 78 THE FEMALE B. II. the motives of this change of behaviour, defired to refrain coming to their houfe, and a ftri& watch at the fame time fet over every motion of Lindamira. They gave her not the leaft room however to guefs they had any doubts a^ $p her conduct, as believing, that if there was any truth in the infor- mation that had been given them, (he would be lefs cautious, by not thinking herfelf fufpe&ed, and confequently they (hould arrive at the certainty much eafier than by a formal accufation. It muft be acknowledged, indeed, that this ma'nner of acting was extremely prudent; but Lindamira had her intelligence: thofe very fer- vants, who made the difcovery to her mother, could not help fpeaking of it among themfelvesj her woman over heard what they faid, and ac- quainted her lady, who by that means knew fo well how to difguife her fentiments, and affect an unconcern at what fecretly wrung her very heart- firings, that her careful parents were deceived by it, and in time perfectly affured in their minds, that there was not the leaft ground for what they had been told, while the lovejs had this confola- tion, in abfence, to converfe by letters, which were fecretly conveyed to each other by die means of a confidante. Three whole months pafled over in this man- ner, in all which -time Vulpone fed not his fami di- ed eyes with one fight of his Lindamira ; that art- ful young lady, the better to lull all fufpicion,' en- joining him never to come to any public place when (he was to be there, of which (he always took care to inform him ; becaufe as me feldom went but with her mother;, or fome perfon who B. H. SPECTATOR. 74 might probably be a fpy on her actions, and could not anfwer how far either her own countenance, or that of her lover might betray what (he fo much defired to conceal, fhe refolved to leave nothing to chance, or give even the leaft fhadow of an ex- cufe for being fent, as otherwise it is likely me would have been to fome place, where it might have beenimpoffible for her either to give or receive the fatisfalkm (he now enjoyed of writing to her dear Vulpone, and receiving from him every day frefh proteftations of his love and conftancy. At length an opportunity long languifhed for arrived : Her mother had befpoke a front-row in the ftage-box at the playhoure, but happening to be a little indifpofed that day, or not in humour for the entertainment, Lindamira could not be excufed from going, a young lady, for whom the family had a great regard, having been engaged to accompany them. She immediately apprized Vulpone of it, and alfo that they might fpeak to each other with all the freedom they .could wifh, as the perfon who would be with her was wholly unacquainted with him. Accordingly, they had not been in the box three minutes before he came in, and the houfe not being very full that night, there was nobody in the box but themfelves, fo that they were in no danger of having any thing they faid over- fceard, the lady who came with Lindamira being wholly intent on the play. However it was what he whifpered in '-"T ear that night, had the efficacy to draw froi: h r a promife of running all hazard , and mn - : nu " have been educateii in the love of truth, prove " at leaft that you have not fwervcd from all the VOL. I. H 82 THE FEMALE B. II. " virtues inculcated into you by your careful in- 41 flruaors." This he fent to her by her woman, who, in a fmall fpace of time, returned with this reply, feal- ed as the other had been. " MOST EVER HONOURED PARENTS, " It is poffible fome bufy perfon may have " informed you of what I neither can nor will " deny, though by acknowledging, 1 have no o- " ther merit than by fincerity to plead my pardon. " I confefs, then, I have ventured to clifpofe of "' my felf without your permiffion, which be afTured " I never would have elone, could I have enter- <: tained theleafl hope of obtaining it; or if any u thing lefs than the ruin of my eternal peace 14 threatened me, in being deprived of him who is *' now myhufband. Pity, therefore, I befeech you, " the fad extreme which enforced this action in * k her, who in every other thing will always be o- " beclient." LINDAMIRA VULPONE. Sufpence now ceafed ; this iiluftrious pair now knew all that their care would have prevented, was irrevocably paffcd: How greatly they were troubled, none but parents in the like circumflan- ees can conceive; yet did their anger furmount even their grief: the anfwer me fent feemed to them fome what too bold, and tho' they had com- manded her to declare the truth, they thought me might have done it in more fubmiiiive terms ; and looking on her as one that had abufed their indul- gence, affronted their authority, difgraced their family, and in a manner renounced all pretenfions to meir favour, they fent an immediate order to her to quit the houfe that in flan t, and never pre* fume to Zee them more. B. II. SPECTATOR. 8j Lindamira, on receiving this command, fent repeated meflages, imploring their pardon and blefllng, but they were deaf to all intreaties on that fcore, and {he was obliged to depart-, after which they retired to their country feal, to give a Joofe to their difquiet,and avoid hearing any thing on fo difagrceable a fubject. Vulpone alfo carried his amiable bride into a fweet recefs he had pre- pared for her, in cafe any accident fhould difco- ver their marriage, before they intended it. The town abounds with various conjectures on what the event will be ; but I am of opinion it can- not but be happy, provided that LinJamira conti- nues to find in Vulpone the fame charms as fir ft in- duced her to make choice of him, and her noble parents vouchfafe to give a fanclion to their love. Great preparations are now making for the nuptials of beauBelfont gnd mifs Tittup: a . .hey are both of the fame way of thinking,, and tco much in love with their own dear felves to be m much concern about each other, they may agree well enough while they continue as they are; but if a reformation mould happen on one fide without the other, then what in any different circum- ftance would be the greateft bleiling to the party changed, would prove a curie to both; fmce it is only by pei filling in follies of our own, we can be able to endure them in thofe we are obliged to live with: thebeft wifti that can be given them, therefore, as a mutual converfion is not to be ex- peted, is, that they may both be always the fa-ni vain, fluttering, thoughtlcfs creatures they hav; ever been-, fo will they pafs their days with cafe and peace at home, and only be ridiculous abroad. The cafe of Altizeera is extremely unhappy; H a 8 4 THE FEMALE B. II. who, endued with an excellent understanding her- felf, was compelled, by the arbitrary will of her father, to become the bride of the verieft fop in town; a fool by nature, and rendered yet more fo by a wrong education: he thinks he muft have a judgment fuperior to his wife, becaufe he is a man; and that it becomes him to contradict every thirg fhe fays and does, becaufe he is a hufband. Her good fenfe makes her fubmit to him as fuch ; but ihe fears to open her mouth in any company if he is prefent, left he fhould expofe his folly by attempting to fhew his wit in finding fault with what {lie utters., I know not how {he may forgive him in her own mind; but am fure her acquaint- ance neither can nor ought to do it, for depriving them of the pleafure they might receive in her converfation, by his ftupidity and arrogance. I remember, feme year? ago, I heard a lady fay, ilie imagined it was owing to our long peace, that every public place abounded fo with coxcombs and finikinsj and that if we once came to have a war again, a more manly air and drcfs would be fo much the fafhion, that thofe gentlemen who (laid at home would naturally a ft eft it, and exchange their foreign filk brocades for downright Englilh cloth. Some accidents in life have fince that time broke off our acquaintance, it would elfe have given me fome pleafure to rally her miflake. "We are now engaged in three -wars; threatened with invafions, Popifh pretenders, plots, and what not! Great fleets are equipping; huge armaments get- ting ready; preffing for land and fea-fervice; our fields are covered with tents ; our ftreets fwarm with foldiers; in every quarter we hear drums beating, trumpets founding; nothing but military B. IT. SPECTATOR. 9; prcpanuions going forwards; yer, in my opinion, our fine gentlemen appear every whit as clean, as calm, anil unconcerned as ever, except when they labour under the want of any of thofe commodi- ties, the interruption of our commerce prevents from being imported; and then indeed they com- plain bitterly againft the times. One \vho can endure no clothes that are not of the French cut, cries, he is made a monfter by a dunce of an En- glifh taylor: another is poifoned with ill fcent c , and dies for fome i'refh orangerie and bergamot; a third fays. " Pox on the Spanifh war, and thofe " that forced our late minifter into it ; there is not " a bit of right vermilion pafte now to be had!" How long this over-delicacy will continae,hei- ven knows ! but it is yet far from being extirpated. Even among the military gentlemen, there are fome, who being infected with it before they be- came fo, find it an infuperable difficulty to bill-.? themfelves to thathardinefs and neglect of perfo- nal ornaments, which fuit the life of a foldier. A perfon, who has had great dealings wkh the Keau monde, and has lately been, obliged to deliver up her books, on account of a ftatute of bankrupt- cy awarded againft her, one of the affignccs, who happens to be a particular acquaintance of mine, took the pains to tranfcribe, as a great curiofity^ the copy of a bill owing to her from a gentleman now in the army, and made me a prefent of it. As I am convinced all the items in it are genuine, it afforded me a great deal of diverfion, and 1 be- lieve will not be unacceptable to the public. Cornet Lovely, debtor to Rebecca Facemend,, June 6, 1743. For a riding mafic to prevent fun-burn i I o 8(5 THE FEMALE B. IT. For a night mafic to take away freckles r i o For 6 pounds of Jeflamin butter for ? ^ the hair $ 6 6 For 12 pots of cold cream - - - i 10 O For 4 bottles of Benjamin water - - i o o For 30 pounds of perfumed powder - i 10 o For 3 boxes of tooth-powder - - - o 15 o For a fpunge tooth brufh ---026 For a hair tooth-brufli - - - - o i o For 6 bottles of perfumed mouth-water i 4 o For a filver comb for the eye-brows -050 For 2 ounces of jet powder for ditto - o 18 o For 4 boxes" of fine lip-falve - - - I o o For an ounce of beft Carmine --300 For 6 bottles of orange flower- water i i o o For 12 pounds of almond pafie --660 For 2 pounds of Bergamot fnuff - 800 For 3 bottles of efTence ditto - - - i 10 o For 6 pair of dog- ikin gloves - - i 10 o Total 38 9 6 Such was the ammunition this doughty hero, it feems, took with him; the lofs of which, had it .happened to have fallen into the enemy's hands, would probably have given him more concern than routing of the whole army, provided his own dear perfon had efcaped without a fear. Frequent campaigns, however, it is to be hoped will wear this effeminacy off, and the example of others teach fuch new-fledged warriors, that if they would 1 foar to glory, they muft entirely throw afideall the foftcningluxuriesof their filken youth. Not that there is any neceflity that a man muft be a floven, becaufe he is a foldier, and neglel all the decencies of life to prove his attachment to t.H. SPECTATOR. fc> his vocation; there is an affe&ation in this alfo, as well as the other; and I fhould fay, that offi- cer, who, when he might have a good tent to de- fend him from the weather, chofe to lye on the bare earth, expofed to all the inclemencies of the air, had an equal (hare of vanity with him who had his pavilion hung with velvet and embroidery. To endure all the toils and hardlhips of the field with patience and intrepidity, to be fearlcfs of danger when the duties of his poft commanded, as highly laudable and emulative; but to run into them without a call, and when bravery can be of no fervice, is altogether idle; and courage in fuch a one, like all other virtues, degenerates into a vice, by being carried to an extreme. But 1 am moft of all concerned when I hear a man, having done a gallant action in the field, is fo far puffed up with it, that he looks upon him- felf as a little deitjyand that he may, in confide- ration of" having been able to fulfil his duty in one point, difpenfe with all other obligations. Some time before the opening of the laft cam^ paign, Amaranthus, a brave young officer, made his addrefles to Aminta; his paffion had all the effecl: hewifhed it Ihould have on her tender heart: me either had too much confidence in rys ho- nour, or too little artifice to conceal the fenti- ments he had infpired her with: he was ravifh- ed at the difcovcry; fwore never to be but her's, and there pafled between them a folemn promife of marriage on his return from Germany, for which place it was expc&ed his regiment would have orders fpeedily to embaik. Each day fecmed to bring with it an increafe of mutual tendernefs, and fcarce ever was there a 3 THS FEMALE B. Ifc pair, whofe love in its beginning promifed more lading felicity. Amaranthus, in every a&ion, teftifted h-2 had no will but that of his Aminta; and Aminta, by all her behaviour, proved, that whatever (lie commanded or intreatcd of her A- maranthus, was only what flie knew he wimed (he fhould do. At length the fatal hour of feparation arrived, accompanied with all thofe agonies which none but thofe who love are able to conceive : glory, which till now had been the darling idol of Ama- ranthus' foul, loft all its charms, fince it tore him from the fociety of Aminta; and Aminta, in being about to be deprived of the prefence of Amaran- thus, feemed to have no life but for complaints. The cruel necefiity, however, muft be fubmit- ted to: tears, fighs, embraces, and mutual protef- tations of everlafting conftancy, compleated the tender., but melancholy farewel: none that had feen them part,, could have well diftinguifhed which felt the deepeft anguifh; but if we confider the nature of the circum'ftance, we (hall find the difference muftbe wide. Amaranthus, doubdefs, loved with the utmolt paffion at that time, and was going to lofe, he knew not for how long, the fight of her who was the object of his flame-, but then fhat abfence was the fole misfortune he had to ftruggle with: whereas Aminta had not only the fame in an equal degree, but attended with others of a more dreadful kind. The dangers to which a "fife, far dearer to her than her own, muft inevitably be expofed, filled her with apprehen- fions, which (lie was fcarceable to fuppcrt. After his departure, (he pa fifed the greateft part of her time at the foot of the altar, offering up her vows B. II. SPECTATOR. 89 and prayers for his protection; nor could the in- treaties of her dearefl friends prevail on her to partake with them any of thofe diverfions and en- tertainments her youth had formerly delighted in : all the converfation (he coveted, was fuch as in- formed her concerning the army; (lie was conti- nually aflcing queftions on that head; was only pleafed or fad, according as (he heard they were near, or at a diftance from the enemy, the arri- val of every courier gave a palpitation to her heart, till the receipt of a letter from Amaranthus con- vinced her, that her terrors as yet had been with- out foundation. He wrote to her feveral times before the battle of Dettingen, in the lad of which he acquainted her, that they were on the point of leaving Afchaf- fenburgh, in order to join the forces at Hanau, from which place (he might ex peel to hi?ar from him a?ain. Welcome as all his letters wer?, this afforded her a double portion of fatif faction; be- caufe, in cafe of an engagement with the French, the number of the combined armies would give her left to fear from him who took up all her care. But what became of her, when inflead of re- ceiving the joyful intelligence fhe hoped, of having made the enemy fly before them without a blow, fhe heard there had been a terrible rencounter; that great numbers of brave men had fallen on both fides, and that Amaranthus was among the number of the (lain? It would be in vain to go about to defcribe what it was (he felt; her grief and her defpair were above all reprefentation, as they v. ere beyond all bounds; fo I fhall only fay, that both were too vialent to endure long continuance, but muft po THE FEMALE B. II. have found a period with her life, had (he not been relieved by different and more comfortable news. The wounds, which had occafioned the report of his death, were dangerous indeed, but not mor- tal ; and his friends had greater reafon to congra- tulate than condole them, fince the manner in which they were received, purchafed him immor- tal honour. It is certain he behaved with the utmofl intre- pidity, and was fo far from being daunted by the fall of others, that he feemed rather animated with frefh courage to revenge their fate; and though the legiment he was in fullered greatly, and he was himfelf wounded in many places, yet he would not be prevailed upon to quit the field, till an unlucky blow upon the head quite lluiined him, and he fell in all appearance, dead. As his valour had gained him friends, even 1 , -aroon thcfe v.-ho were till now the lead acquainted with his perfon, he was immediately taken up, but for fome hours difcovered no fymptoms of breath j. fo that it was- not ftrange, in the confuiion every one was after the battle, that in the accounts tranf- mitted of it, this young hero's name mould be in- ferted in the lilt of thoie who were, killed. Aminta heard of his recovery, and the praifes which every one gave to his merit, with a plea- fure conformable to the love flic had for him; but could not help being a little alarmed when (he found he had wrote to others, and (he who flattered herfelf with being the firit to whom he would em- ploy his pen, had not received the leafr line from him fince the battle: but it is not without great difficulty we bring ouifelves to have an ill opini- on of thofe we love : her tcndernefs inventc.l ex- B. II. SPECTATOR. 91 cufcs for him, which, it is poflible, he would not have had artifice to invent for himfelf, and chofe to impute his filence to any caufe, rather than neglect. The diflance between them was great; couriers might not have opportunity to wait his writing; the pcfi might mifcarry, or he might poflibly be detached to fome place, whence nei- ther courier nor poft could come; and what let- ters he fent, might pafs through hands, which he did not judge proper to intruft with the fecret of his correfpondence with her. In this manner did (he beguile defpair till his return; and though (he refolved to accufe him, doubted not but he would give fuch reafons for his feeming unkindnefs, that (he would be obliged to afk his pardon for. having been unjuft enough to fufpeft him. Far was flie from being truly unhappy, till after fhe was informed of his arrival; and fevcral days pafled over, without either feeing or receiv- ing any meflage from him. This was, indeed, what all her love and tendernefs wanted ingenuity to account for, and fhe was now compelled, even in fpite of herfeif, to think him ungrateful and perfidious. Amazement, and fome little (hare of pride, which never fails to exert itfclf in love abufcd, prevented her fome time from fending to him; at laft fhe wrote, reproached him with the alteration in his behaviour, yet mingled her up- brauiings with fo much f \veetnefs, as fhewed her ready to forgive, whenever he came to intrcat it. To this he returned an anftvcr extremely com- plaifant, but fir from any thing thatcxpreflsd the ardour of a lover; excufed himfelf by the hurry of his affairs, for having not yet been able to wait 9 2 THE FEMALE B. IT. upon her; but affured her, he would not fail of paying his refpe&s the firft leifure hour 5 conclud- ed with telling her, that nobody could have a greater regard for her than himfelf, and that he fhould be proud of any opportunity to convince her of it; and fubfcribed himfelf, not as he was accuftomed, '< her eternal adorer," but " her " moft humble and obedient fervant." She muft have been the dulleft and mod infa- tuated of her fex, had fhe not now feen (he had intirely loft a heart fhe thought herfelf fo fecure of, and had fo much gloried in: rage and grief had alternately the pofTeffion of her foul; yet love ftill retained a part, and wns fo blended with them both, that it would not fuffer the one to grow into difdain, nor the other to deftroy fome little re- mains of hope, that ihe ihould one day be able to reclaim him. She was apt to imagine, that if once fhe faw him, he could not behold thofe eyes, which he a thoufand timeshad fwcrn were the lights of his life, now drowned in tears, of which he was the caufe, without refuming thofe emotions they had for- merly infpired him with; but having waited his expected vifit longer indeed than is ordinarily con- fident with the impatience of a lover, and finding he came not, fhe wrote a feccnd time, conjuring him not to let her languifh in this uncertainty, and told him, that fhe only begged to know, from his own mouth, her fate, and after that would never afk to fee him more. This preffing mandate he complied with: the fafhion in which fhe received'him may eafily be guefTed at, by what has been faid of the violence of her afFe&ion ; but the c:ccrfTive crUlnefs, and B.IL- SPECTATOR. 93 diftant air of his replies to all me faid, could not be exprefied even by her, who was the witnefs of- it; but the fum of what he gave her to underftand was, that he was convinced a tender intercourfe with the ladies took up too much of a foldier's mind) and that he had made a refolution to em- ploy all his in the duties of his function: he told her, that were he in any other fituation, or could think it compatible with that purfuit of fame he was engaged in, to continue an amorous corre- fpondence, Aminta fhould have the preference of all her fex; but as he was circumftanced, he flat- tered himfelf her good fenfe would induce her to pardon this change of temper in him, fmce his zeal for the fervicc of his king and country was the only rival which had occafioned it. It muft be acknowledged he deceived her not in this lalt article; for, in fa&, the promotion he had acquired, the applaufe of the whole army, the praife beftowed on him by the general, and the compliments made him by ladies of the firft quality at his return, on account of his behaviour at Dettingen, have fo much elated him, that he is no longer the fame perfon : his once foft be- feeching air is now converted into one all referved and haughty; a fcornful tofs of the head; a carc- lefs fling of the arms; eyes that feem intent rather on things within himfelf, than any thing he can find without; in fine, there appears fo thorough a change in his whole manner, that if the geflures of the body may be looked upon as any indication of the affections of the mind, as qucfiionlefs they may, his are full of felf-fufliciency : he feems to think what he has done commands, as his due, the love and refpeft of all who fee him, and that VOL. 1. 1 94 THE FEMALE B. II. it is beneath him even to regard, much lefs ima- gine himfelf obliged by it. Aminta had therefore the lefs to mortify her, as it was not becaufe the fuperior beauty of any other had fupplanted her in his affections, but becaufe in reality he now thought no woman wor-* thy of the ferious paffion of a man like himfelf. She was, notwithftanding, utterly unable to fupport the fliock, and no fooner found his heart was irrecoverable, than defpifing all other con- quefts, though fhe has youth, beauty and fortune enough to make many, retired to a lone country houfe, where (lie endeavours, among rural plea- fures, to forget thofe of the great world, and in the melody of the fweet inhabitants of the woods and groves, lofe the memory of that voice by which fhe was undone. However fome people may approve this action in Amaranthus, I cannot help thinking there is more of the favage than the true hero in it; and I am certain we muft give the lie to our fenfes, and many modern great examples, as well as to numbers in antiquity, if we fhould fay, that love and glory are things incompatible; or that a wife and prudent wife, be her paffion never fo violent, will not always be too tender of her hufband's intereft and reputation, to defire, that to prove ' his regard to her, he fhould neglect any part of what he owes to them. That fiction of the poets, concerning the loves of Mars and Venus, feems built on a very juft foundation : women, in general, are obferved to be moft fond of military gentlemen; and where- fore is it fo? Surely not becaufe they wear red coats! That many others do, who fometimes fit B. II. SPECTATOR. 95 behind a counter, and what is worfe have not the heart to draw a fword, or fire- a piflol; but it is, becaufe a foldier is fuppofed, at lead, to have courage to defend, in any exigence, all who are under his protection ; and alfo becaufe the cha- racter of a brave man is, of all other, mod efteem- ed in the world, as that of a coward is the mod contemned. Will a woman, therefore, by arti- fice or perfuafion, either directly or indirectly, attempt to make the man {he loves, guilty of any thing that might fully the luftre of that character for which me loves him ? Would (lie not rather pufti him on to actions, which might juftify the choice (he made of him ? and whatever Ihe fuffer- ed in abfence for him, or from the fears her ten- dernefs fuggefted as to the dangers he encountered, would me not value herfelf on furmounting them, and take a laudable pride in proving how worthy (he was of her hufoand's affection, by the regard file had for his fame ? I remember to have been one night at the play, when the wife and two fons of a great admiral came into the box; fome who knew them whif- pered it to others, till a general murmur ran throughout the houfe: all eyes, all tongues, all hands were immediately employed to (how the love and gratitude the aflembly had for the family of that illuftrious hero. The voice of the people is the beft trump of fame; it is not by fulfome pa- negyricks, or by the praifes of an interefted few, or by rewards, often partially beftowed, that true merit is diflinguimed, but by the unfought, un- biafled prayers and bleffings of the whole: the acclamations bellowed on him fprang from thi heart j his excellent lady fawand felt an inward I a 96 THE FEMALE B. II. fatisfalkm at it, which diffufed itfelf through all her features, and gave an additional lufue to her eyes; and yet, no doubt, flie mourned his tedious abfence, languidied for his return, had often wept in private, and given a looie to all the tender anxiety the knowledge of thofe numberlefs and imminent dangers, with which he was at that jime furrounded, muft involve her in; yet his glory, dearer to her than all the fatisfaHon his prefence could have beftowed, dearer to her than even his life, fince it was fo to him, enabled her to take a pleafure even in the fufferings by which he purchafed it. Many fuch examples, which I have either heard or read of, I could produce for the honour of my fex in this point; but what the eye is wit- uefs of ftrikes the moft, and makes the moft deep and lading impreffion: I chufe, therefore; rather to mention this lady, becaufe I doubt not but many of my readers were fpetators, as well as jmyfelf, of her amiable behaviour on this occafion ; and perhaps alfo 'on many others, when I was not fo happy to be prefent. Some women, I know, have not ftrength of fpirits to fupport the parting from a beloved and loving hulband, without fuch agonies as might (tag- ger the refolution of the bolder! man, render him Icarce able to tear himfelf away, and when he does, compelled by cruel duty, feem as if he had left half his foul behind him; and yet thpfe very ladies may be far from thinking the foftnefs of their fex ought to be complied with, or would think that hufband more worthy their affedion, who, to the prejudice of his honour, mould humour her foible. But in fuch cafes I would recommend the wife S. il, SPECTATOR. 97 of a late general as an example. Never woman loved a hufband to a greater degree of fondnefs, nor received a more grateful return of tenderncfi and affection ; (he was one of thofe who could ot bear the ihock of parting, without thofe emo- tions I have been defcribing; and perceiving the fight of her diforders had a greater effect: on him than fhe wiflied them to have, intreated, that for the future, whenever they were obliged to fepa- rate, he would take no leave of her: he feemed furprized that a greatnefs of foul, fuch as fhe tefli- fied in making this requefl, could not enable her to endure, with equal firmnefs, a misfortune which was irremediable in the ftation he was, and- would fain have refufed what (lie defired : " How unkind, " faid he, and. how unjufl to your merits mufl I " appear, if I fhould do as you would have me', " And how {hall 1 flatter myfelf you will fuffer lefs " when the news of my departure is brought to. 11 you, than if you actually faw me on horfe* " back!" " No matter, replied fhe, what I mall " fufFer, fince the foolifh timidity of my nature, " will not permit me to govern myfelf as becomes. " a perfon who has the honour to be. your wife; in. *' will be more for my reputation, and your eafe. <{ that theloofelgive my griefs may be in private." With fuch kind of arguments fhe prevailed orv him; and orders foon after arriving that he muft repair to the army,, every thing was got ready for his departure with all the fccrefy imaginable; not the lead mention made of it to the family, nor by any one who came to the houfe; and on a time, prefixed, his equipage attended him at the gates, ami he went forth with no other ceremony, thaa. 13 9 8 THE FEMALE B7 II. he was accuftomed to ufe when he was to return the fame day. All the tender adieus he had to make were fent to her by letter, and how much foever fhe en- dured, none but her woman was a witnefs; fhe could command her pen, though not her eyesj and returned him anfwers, fuch as convinced him nothing was fo much defired by her as new addi- tions to that reputation he had in fo many battles, and amidfl fo many dangers, acquired. The parting of friends and lovers is like the parting of the foul and body, always moft eafy when leaft warned of it. The preparations are more terrible than the thing itfelf; and as reafon is oftentimes too weak to overcome a natural ti- midity, it is infinitely bed to be wholly ignorant of the fhock we are to fuftain, till it arrives. I wilh, however, there were more occafion than there feems to be for this caution; it is jny bufmefs, as a Spectator, to let as little as pof- fible efcape me; and I am forry to obferve, that my refearches prefent me with few inftanccs of that conjugal tendernefs, which require fuch a command over themfelves, as the above-mention- ed lady endeavoured to attain. Thefarewels married people ordinarily take of each other, feem little more than mere matters of form; and fome there are, who, after the moment of feparation, appear like a prifoner juft got rid of !is fetters ; they frifk and fkip about, as if they knew not how enough to repair, by a prefent jol- lity, the anxiety of their lats confinement. .iin-Ja no fooner finds herfelf freed from the pfefence of Romero, than fhe hurries from af- fembly to aficmbly; gallants it with every pretty B. II. SPECTATOR. 99 fellow (he comes in company with; drives from one end of the town to the other; fer.ds for gen- tlemen out or" chocolate houfes, am* i0 the veriefl rattle in nature. Silax pretends the town is full of diftempers, and perfuadeshis wife to go to their country feat for the benefit of the air; but the coach which carries her is fcarcely out of fight, before he fends for half a dozen friends of his own way of think- ing, as many ladies of pleafure to entertain them, and converts every room in bis houfe into a bro- thel : nothing but feafting, drinking, dancing, and rioting is to be feen; till tired with debauchery, and not till then, he retires to his wife, and lives regular by way of penance. Lelia adored Macrobius while prefent with her, but the fervice of his country no fooner obliged him to quit her arms, than (he fought confolation in the embraces of his own brother; yet Macro- bius had married her without a fortune, and ftill continues to love her too well for his repofe. Dorimon had made a figure little to be envied by his neighbours, had he not been fortunate e? nough to appear agreeable in the eyes of the young, rich, and beautiful Clotilda; in fpiteofall the dif- f uafions of her fr iends, flie married him, and makes him the moft obiequious and tender wife; yet the ungrateful Dorimon, quite infenfible of the obli- gations he has to her, as well as of the charms which could not fail to bind any other man, is continually finding pretences to be abfent from her, and pafles the greateft part of his time with a loofe creature, whom chance brought him ac- quainted with at a houfe of ill fame. Can any one believe, that fouls like thcfe were ioo THE F E M A L E B. HV ever paired in heaven! Might one not rather be tempted to imagine, that fome daemon, enemy to mankind, had been permitted to difpofe of them! Thofe who feem moil formed for each other, and fuited for mutual happinefs, are very rarely fuf- fered to give any teftimonies here below of that divine andprc-exifting union fo much talked on,, but ftill by fome crofs intervening accident, fe- vered and doomed to lots of different kinds. Who can reflect on the ftrange circumftance which pai ted Panthea from her dear and betroth- ed Fidelio, without being, fcized v/ith the utmoft amazement! But as there is fomewhat very re- markable in the ftory of this young lady, and fev; have been able to attain a perfect knowledge of the truth, 1 think I fhould not fill the province I have undertaken, if I omitted giving the public 3 full account of the particulars; and. to do that, I mufl trace her misfortunes to their fountain-head, which indeed was from the firft moment of hei being. Miietta, her mother, was miftrefs to the fub- tle and opulent Lacroon, many years before tha death of his lady, but had the artifice to engage him in a covenant, that if he ever happened to ba a widower, he fhould either marry her, or forfeit to her a very large fum of money therein fpecified. Fate feemed to favour her wifties; he became in a condition for her to demand either the one or the other. He knew himfelf bound, and hsfitated not long before he confented to be the huiband of one, for whom his pnflion was then greatly abated, ra* ther than Puffer fo much money to go out of his family. Panthea was at that time about eleven cr twelve years old, but had been bred in the moft B. II. SPECTATOR. 101 private manner, and utterly ignorant of her pa* rents; a perfon, who had been fervant to Miletta, being intruded with the care of her, whatever (he received was tranfmitted through her hands, to whom fhe imagined herfelf fome diftant relation. Miletta, who had always preferved fome fenfe of reputation, was now more averfe than ever to acknowledging her; and the poor girl was not at all the happier for her mother's grandeur. A flrange caprice in fome women! they are a- fbamed of the fruits of their fin, though not of the fin itfclf : every body knew {he was kept by La- croon, for the gratification of his loofer hours, nor was fhe fo weak as to imagine it a fecret; yet could ihe not fupport the thoughts of being called n mother, without being a wife, or, that even after (he was fo, that fo glaring a proof mould appear of her former tranfgreflion. But it was for a very fhort time me enjoyed the title fhe had fo much defired; fcarce had fhc (hewn herfelf in her.fplcndor, before fhe was feiz,- cd with a diftemper which puzzled the phyfician's art to give a name to; fuch as it was, however, it afte&ed both her mind and body; (he became deli- rious, and at fome times had fuch violent fits of frenzy, that they were obliged to tie her in her bed; yet was all this without any fymptoms of a fever: an inward wafting at the fame time preyed on her vitals, and fo decayed her whole frame, that in a few weeks fhe grew the moH: pity-moving obje& that ever was beheld, and died little lament- ed by any, except thofc who reaped the advan- tage of h'er fecrcts. After her death, Lacroon took it in his head to C.U1 Tanthca home, acquainted her with her birth, lo* THE FEMALE B. IF. and not only owned her as his daughter in the face of the world, but treated her with all the marks of a paternal care and affe&ion. A change of fortune fo undreamed of, fo pro- digious, could not but be tranfporting to a young heart; (lie had now a croud of fervants, all ob- fequious, and flying to obey her leaft commands; her perfon was adorned with jewels, and the mofl fkilful matters in their feveral profeffions attended her every morning, to perfect her in all the ac- complifhments of her fex, and the ftation to which (he now was raifed; yet was fhe not elated fo far as to give herfelf any unbecoming airs; and all this ferved only to make her pleafed, not vain or arrogant. Envy muft allow, that though fhe is far from being a beauty, there is fomewhat of a fweetnefs in all her air and features that is very attractive; and thofe who were the leaft inclined to converfe with her on the fcore of her birth, if by chance they happened into her company, were infenfibly engaged riot only to continue in it, but alfo to Vf'ifh the pleafure they took in being with her might be renewed. She had fcarce reached fifteen, before her youth- ful charms were taken notice of by many worthy perfons of the ether fex; but the moil powerful effect they had to bcaft was on the heart of the noble and accompliflied Fidelio. The paflion he had for her made him overlook all thefcruples o- thers raifed on the account of her mother's cha- racter, and indeed on that of her father alfo; who, for many reafons, was little efleemed by the ge- nerality of mankind. Lacroon was highly pleafed with his addreiTes B. II. SPECTATOR. 103 on the fcore of his quality; but Panthea for that of his perfon and converfation. She loved him long before her modefty would permit her to con- fefs it; but at length her paffion broke through all reftraints, and (he repaid the pain fhe had given Kim by acknowledging flie felt an equal (hare. Af- ter this declaration they engaged themfelves by a folemn vow to live only for each other Alas, lit- tle did either of them think they erred in doing fo! Fidelio was entirely at his own difpofal, and Panthea had received her father's pofitive com- mands to omit nothing in her power for the bet* t^r confirming his affections. The confent, however, was to be afked in form, which Fidelio did not fail to do in the mod fub- miflive terms; and Lacroon, though he at firft, to difguife his fatisfation, affected to delay the cere- mony on account of Pantbea's extreme youth, was eafily prevailed upon to fix the day, which was no longer than was rcquifite to prepare for it in a manner befitting the quality of the one, and the riches of the other. But fee the uncertainty of all human events! This equally-enamoured pair, when they thought themfelves mod fecure, and near being joined to each other, were on the point of being feparated eternally; and that too by a way the mod fevere and mocking to them both, that the extremeft malice of their fate could have invented: Lncroon, to acquire the wealth he now is in pofieflion of, has done fuch things as perhaps no man before him ever did with impunity. Not but he had been frequently called to account by thofe whom he had injured, but his cunning, and the corruption cf the timrs, ftill got him oiFj and K>4 TE FEMALE B. II. thofe frequent efcapes having rendered him more bold in vice, he at length arrived at that height, as to add infults to injuftice, which fo provoked fome perfons of greater credit than any who had yet ap- peared againft him, that they refolved to under- take the caufe, and either fink themfelves, or pro- cure that punifhment on him his crimes deferved. This happened fome few days before that which was affigned for the nuptials of Fidelio and Pan- thea. The lovers were wholly ignorant of this misfortune, and paffed their hours in all the joys which mutual affection, joined with innocence> affords; while Lacroon was calling all his inven- tion to his aid for means to remedy the fo much dreaded evil. He had no hope but in Imperio, whofe power was incouteftible, and had on many lefs occafions flood his friend; but how to aflure himfelf that he would exert it in this, he was for fome time at a lofs. At laft the tutelar daemon,who had hitherto never left him without fome fubter- fuge, infpired him with one, if poflible more black and horrid than ever he had yet been mafter of. He remembered to have heard Imperio praife the innocent charms of .Panthea, and refolved to make no fcruple to effsr her up a facrifice to {hame, if by her proftitution he could be preferved from the juft profecution of his enemies. In fine, he went directly to that great perfon, and intreat- ed he would interpofe between him and thofs who fought his ruin, and flily infinuated, that Panthea would think heifelf bleft to be the flave of him who was the deliverer of her father. Imperio, juft in his own nature, had not that ill opinion of Lacroon which he deferved, and dpubtlefs would have done all he could for him i B. IT. SPECTATOR. 105 his exigence, without this offer; but being one of the mod amorous men on earth, could not refufe fo fweet a bribe as the pofieflion of a young virgin, whom he had frequently looked upon with defiring eyes. He therefore took Lacroon at his word, and promifed in return to ufe all the influence he had to make up matters between him and thofe anta- gonifls from whom he had mod to fear. Lacroon returned home with a joyful heart, as being certain thofe who had the greateft malice to him, loved and refpected Imperio too much to difoblige him; but when he broke the matter to Panthea, and told her, that inftead of being the bride of Fidelio, (he muft prepare herfelf to be the miftrefs of Imperio, he found difficulties which he expected not from one fo young, and fo entirely a dependent on him. She had even the courage to tell him, fhe would die rather than forfeit her virtue; to which he fcornfully replied, t( If your *' mother had been a girl of fuch fqueamifh prin- ** ciples, you had not come into the world to con- " tradift my will." This cruel reproach on her birth, and coming from a father, joined with the part he acted in this affair, ftruck her to the heart; fhe burft into tears, was unable to fpeak another word, and was ready to fink on the floor. He then repented what he had faid, and finding the foftnefs of her nature would be more eafily prevailed upon by gentle means, " Be comforted, my child, refumed he, your mo- " ther was the more dear to me, as I found her "the more leadyto recompence my love ; I meant ** not what I faid (hould give you pain ; you know " I have the greateft tendernefs for you; I have by a profufe and riotous manner of living>. has reduced to (tarvihg, thofe who derive their being from him? Not that I would wifli any one to deny himfelf the neceflaries, nor even the pleafures of life, for the fake of his pofte;ity; but 3 .in all thefe things,, there is a golden mean to be, obferved, which is indeed no other than to follow nature, enjoy our- felves while we live, and prudently referve fume- thing for thofe to enjoy who are to live after us. It is certain that no age, no nation, ever were equal to us in luxury of all kinds. The mofl private, low-bred man would be a Heliogabalus in his table: and too m*ny women there are, who, like Cleopatra, would not fcruple to fwallow a. whole province at a draught. Then as to drefs, they feem to fludy now not what is mod becoming, but what will coft the. moft; -no difference made between the young B. III. SPECTATOR. 123 nobleman and the city-apprentice, except that the latter is fometimes the greater beau: gold-head- ed canes, watches, rings, fnuff-boxes, and laced waiftcoats, run away with the fortune that fhould let him- up in bufinefs, and frequently tempt him to defraud his matter; who perhaps alfo, taken up with his own private pleafures, examines too little into his fhop affairs, and when the till is drained, borrows a while to fupport his darling pride, then finks at once into ruin and contempt. Our fex is known to be fo fond of appearing fine and gay, that it is no wonder the tradefmens wives fhould even exceed their hufbands in the article of drcfs; but it is indeed prodigious, that fo many of them fhould, merely for the fake of being thought able to afford any thing, deflroy the reafonable end of finery, and render themfelves aukward, nay prepofterous, indeed of genteel and agreeable. When a gold and filver fluff, enough to weigh a woman down, fhall be loaded yet more with heavy trimmings, what opinion can we have either'of the fancy or judgment of her that wears it! And is not her neighbour, whom to outflnne, perhaps, fhe has flrained her hufband's purfc-ftrings for this coflly garment, infinitely more to be liked in a plain Ducape or Almazen! I am forry to obferve, that this falfe delicacy in eating, drinking, apparel, furniture, and diverfi- om, fo prevalent among us, has not only undone half the nation, but rendered us extremely ridicu- lous to foreigners, who are witncflcs of it. Thus avarice introduces luxury, luxury leads us to con- tempt, and beggary comes on space. J, fear what t have faid on thefe topics will be but ill relifhed by a great many of my readers j 124 TlJE FEMALE B. Ilk but if I have the good fortune to find it has had-. an effect on any one of them, fo far as to caufs them to fee the error they have been guilty of, I {hall be the lefs chagrined at the refentment of the wilfully blind. Times like thefe require corro- fives, not balfams, to amend: the fore has al- ready eaten into the very bowels of public happi- nefs, and they muft tear away the infected part, or become a nuifance to themfelvcs, and all about them. I remember to have formerly heard a ftory of one Adulphus, the truth of which was ftrongl-/ aflerted. This man, who it feems had an eftate of 300 1. per annum, lived happy and contented on it, till one afternoon, as he was fleeping in his garden, he dreamed a perfon of a very venerabls afpett came to him, and faidj." Adulphus! yous * integrity, hofpitality, and. thofe other virtues < ( you are poflefled of,, intitle you to a reward " from above. This day twelvemonth, and at " this hour'precifely, you {hall receive from my " hands the fum of 30 5 oool." This dream made a ftrong impreffion on him; He fet it down in his pocket-book the moment he awoke; and believing as firmly it would come to pafs, as if an angel from heaven had really de- fcended to him with this promife, he began to confider in what manner he (hould live, and how thetreafure mould be employed. Athoufandgrand ideas prefently came into his head : he looked on his houfe, he found it old, decayed, infinitely too fmall for a man of the fortune he was to receive; to lofe no more time, therefore, he fent for work- men, and contracted with them to build it an after an elegant plan he drew himfelf. B. III. SPECTATOR. 12$ A garden, which before was planted with all things ufeful in a kitchen> was now converted in- to a large court-yard in a femicircle, and en- corapafled with a wall ornamented with gilded Rower-pots; a fine portico, raifed with five fteps. led to a hall one hundred and fifty feet fquare, lined with cedar, and fupported by twelve marble pillars, curiouily carved and cornifhed after the Doric and Ionic manner: the cieling was lofty, and painted with the flory of Orpheus and the Bacchanalian dames, who, in their wild fury, tore both the mufieian and lyre to pieces. On each fide, a little avenue led to a range of handfome parlours; and feme few paces farther two noble Hair-cafes, which, t)y an eafy afcent, brought you, the one to the right, and the other to the left wing of the houfe, both which contained an equal num- ber of lodging rooms. Over the great portico and hall was a gallery with windows on both fides> fo that there was a thorough profpecl: from the great court-vard to tire gardens behind the houfe, which had feven defcents, all laid out in- difFerent parterres, and embellifaecl with ftatues and foun- tains. The laft of them terminated in a wilder* nefs, in which was a filh-pond, and near it feveral curious grottoes, where m the noon-tide heats of Auguft,you might feel all the coolnefs and fweets of a May morning. A great number of hands being employed, the building was foon finimed ; and againft it was fo, Adulphus had bcfpoke furniture fuitablc to it. lie indeed fheweJ his good tarte in every thing he did; every body allowed nothing could be more complete, but at the fame time, as his in- come was known to all about the country, it af- 126 THE FEMALE B, III, forded matter of difcourfe, by what means he was become fo fuddenly rich, as to be able to erect an edifice of fuch expence. They took upon them to calculate how much it coft; and found, that though there were many things in the old building which might contribute, yet the whole of what he muft infallibly lay out could not be lefs than 10,000 1. Some thought he had found hidden treafures; fome, that he was privately married to a rich wife; others, lefs inclined to judge favourable, faid he dealt with the devil. Various were the conjectures of what he was a- bout; but all were far diftant from the truth. A- las! they knew not that he had been up to Lon- don, and deeply mortgaged his paternal eftate to purchafe marble, cedar, and other things, which were not to be procured without; and as to the artificers, he had fet the day of payment accord- ing to his dream; and as his character was fair, and he had always been accounted an honcft, fru- gal man, not one of them but were perfectly fa- tisfied. He trufled not his moft intimate friends, how- ever, with the fecret, by. what means fo great an acceffion of fortune was to befal him; but was always fo gay and eafy, that none doubted but he was well affured of it himfelf. At length the wifhed-for day arrived, againft which time he had ordered a great collation to be prepared; all his kindred, and feveralpf the neigh- bouring gentry were invited, before whom he in- tended to difcharge all his tradefmens bills. The hour appointed by the vifion was, as near as I can remember the fiery, about five; and he no fooner heard the clock Itrike, than he begged B. III. SPECTATOR. f 2f the company's pardon for a moment, anil went into his clofet, not in the Icaft doubting but he (hould return loaded with wealth. He fat for fome time in the moft pleating expectation, till the hour elap- fingjhis heart began to be invaded with fome flight palpitations. But what became of him, when not only fix, but feven o'clock pafled over, and no guar- dian angel, nor any meflage from him, arrive*!! Perfons of his fanguine complexion, however, do not eafily give way to defpair. To excufe the difappointmeut, he flattered himfelf that this de- lay had been entirely his own fault, and that as the promife had been made to him while he was deeping, fo he ought to have waited the perform- ance of it in the fame fituation; befides, he did not know but the noife and hurry he had in his houfe might not be pleafing to thofe intellectual beings, who delight in folitude and privacy. Thefe were the imaginations which enabled him to return to hie friends with a compofed counte- nance, and firmly believing, that in the night he {hould receive what his inadvertency in the day had deprived him of, he told his creditors, that an accident hadpoftponedthe fatisfa&ion he propofed in difcharging the obligations he had to them, till the next morning; but that, if they pleafedtocome at that time, they might depend on being paid. On this all retired well fatisfied, and Adulphus pafled the remainder of the evening among his guefts, with the fame jollity and good humour he bad been in the whole day. This, indeed, was the laft night of his tranqui- lity. He went to bed and fell afleep, but no de- lightful ideas prefcnted themfelvcs to him: he a-- woke, and by the light of a candle which he kept 1^8 TKE FEMALE B. III. burning in the chimney, looked round the room in hopes of feeing the dear money-bags lying ready for him on the table, but found every thing juft as he left it: he then put out the candle, ftill flattering himfelf that darknefs would be more fa- vourable. A little ruftling, which fome accident foon after occafioned, made him certain that his wiflies were now completed : out of bed he jumps in tranfport, and feels in every corner, but found nothing of what he fought; then lay down again, in vain endeavouring to compofe himfelf to reft. At length the morning brok'e, and he once more, with withful eyes and aking heart, renewed his fearch, alas! to the fame purpofe as before: all he could fee were pictures, glafles, and other rich furniture, which being unpaid for, ferved only as fo many mementoes of his misfortune. He now began to tremble for the confequences of his too credulous dependence on a vifion; yet dill unwilling to believe what gave him fo much hor- ror, a new matter of hope ftarted into his head : The promife was made to him that day twelve- month, which it was certain was gone without any effect qf what he had been made to expect; but then he reflected, that it was not the fame day of the week, and that poflibly this might bring him better news. He therefore ventured to tell his creditors, that though a fecond delay had happened, they fhould be all paid on the morrow. His character, and the affurance with which he fpoke, prevented them from being uneafy as yet; but when they came the third time, and found that, inftead of having their demands anfxvcred, Adulphus would not befeenby them, but had (hut himfelf up in his chamber, and B. HI. SPECTATOR. 129 ordered his fervants to fay he was indifpofed, they began to murmur; and fome of them, who had been informed of his having mortgaged his eftate, thought it was beft for them to take fome other method of getting their money, than barely afking for it, before all was gone. Several proceiTes were prefently made out a- gainfl him, and officers continually watching about his houfe to take him ; but he kept himfelf fo clofe, that all their endeavours were in vain for a long time. His friends, being informed of all this, could not conceive what had induced him to act in the manner he had done, and came often to his houfe on purpofe to interrogate him concerning his affairs, and offer their affiftance in making them up, in cafe there was a poflibiliry; but none of them could ever get accefs to him; his grief, his fhame, and his defpair, at finding the impofition he had put upon himfelf, the injuflice it had made him guilty of to others, and the inevitable ruin that ftared him in the face, would not fuller him to fee even thofe for whom he had the moft good- will; and nothing is more ftrangs than that, in the agonies of his foul, he did not lay violent hands on his own life. In fpite of all his caution he was at lad arrefted, and thrown into prifon; and this occasioning a thorough inquiry into his circumftances, it was foon difcovercd, that he had made every thing a- wny; bat the motive which had induced a man, who had a]! his life, till this unhappy infatuation, behaved with the greateft prudence and modera- tion, was flill a fecret; and this fo incenfed all xvho had any dealings with him, as making them think he had only a defign to defraud them from VOL. I. M ? 3 o THE FEMALE B. HI. the beginning, that they would Men to no terms of accommodation. The truth is, he was become too fenfible of his folly to be able to declare it, till from* a full belief that he had ben mad, he grew fo in reality, and in his ravings difclofed what fhame, while he had any remains of reflection, made him fo earneftly conceal. His golden dream, and the fad effect it had on him, were now the talk of the whole town; and thofe who had been mofl exafperated againft him, now pitied him. His friends confulted together, and the fine houfe and furniture were fold, as was alfo his eftate, after clearing the mortgage, to pay the creditors as far as the money would go j and on this he was difcharged from prifon, but naked, pennylefs, and in no condition of doing any thing for his fubfiftence. In this miferable condition, it was thought the greateft charity that could be fhewn to him, was to put him into Bedlam, where,as I am informed, he regained his fenfes enough to relate the whole par- ticulars of what before he had by darts imperfectly difcoveredj but the wildnefs of his late diforder being fucceeded by a deep melancholy, he never once defired to quit the place and company he was in, and after languishing fome months, died a fad example of indulging profpects which are merely fptculative. I am afraid one need not give one's felf much trouble to find, many Adulphufes in this kindgom j and that if all who have acted like him, on as lit- tle foundation, were to be accounted lunatics, new hofpitals muft be erected, for that in Moorfields vould not contain a thoufandth part. B. III. SPECTATOR. 131 It is indeed a dreadful thing when people can- not refolve to content themfelves with the fpherc in which they are placed by heaven and nature. It is this reftlefsnefs of the mind that occafions half the mifchiefs which befal mankind: and yet we are all, more or lefs, apt to have fome ihare of it; every one wifhes for tbmething he ha-s not, and that hinders him from enjoying properly what he is poflefled of. We fancy we know better than him that made us, what would befit us, and ac- cufe Providence of partiality in the lot afligned us; and how fond foever we may be of the writings of the late celebrated Mr Pope, it is but rarely we remember this maxim of his, and acknowledge- with him, that Whatever i, is right." But thjs, as I faid before, is wholly owing to the dominion we fuffer ill pafllons to get over us,, and not to nature, which is eafily fatisfied, and ne- ver craves a fuperfluity of anything. I have often obferved,that the attainment of what we have pur- fued with the moil eageruefs,has proved our great- eft curfe; and I clare anfwer, that there are fearer any of my readers but have, fome time or other, in the courfe of their lives, experienced this truth. Thoufands there are in this great metropolis, who have, with the utmoft ardency, wifiied the death of a parent, an elder brother, a hufbatid, or a wife; and yet, a fmall time after, have found the lofs of them the fevered misfortune that could have befallen them. In the defigns men have upon our fex, I appeal to themfelves, if the feducing a wife or daughter of a friend, has not brought on them worfc corn. M z J32 THE FEMALE B. III. fequences, than the refufal of the gratification of their paffion could poffibly have done. Even in lefs unwarrantable aims, we often find that the grant of what we afk is a greater cruelty than the denial. Suppofe the partial favour of a prince fhoukl confer any of the great offices of ilate on a perfon, who had not abilities to dif- charge his truft with any tolerable degree of ho- nour, would it not have been better for fuch a one to have continued in a private life, rather than, by this exaltation, have his ignorance expo- fed, and become the jeft of a fneering world, v/ho- rejoice in an opportunity of ridiculing the foibles of the great? In fine, there is no one thing, let it wear ever fo fair a face of happinefs, but the pofleffion of it may render us miferable, either by its not being eiTentially fo in itfelf, or by our own want of ca- pacity to ufe it as we ought. Not to be too anxious after any thing, is there- fore the only fure means of enjoying that tranqui- lity we but vainly depend upon, in the acquit! tion of what our paffions make us look on for a time as our greateil good. O but, fome people will cry, thefe are ftupid maxims: nature, in accuffoming itfelf to fuch a ftate of indolence and inactivity, would fall into a lethargy, and we mould be little better than walk- ing ftatues. Paffions were given us to invigorate the mind, and roufe us to noble and great actions j and he that is born without them, or mortifies them too much, is incapable of doing any thing to ferve his God, his country, or himfelf. This is undoubtedly true; and whoever under- flands what 1 have faid in a contrary fenfe, does B. IB. SPECTATOR 133 an injury to my meaning. I am for having every one endeavour to excel in whatever ftation or pro- fefficn he has been bred; but I am for having none attempt to go out of it, or to regard promotion more than che means by which he aims- to acquire it. He ought to have ambition enough to do all - .ight make him worthy of being railed, but a ; to make him capable of overleap- ing all the barriers ol virtue to attain his end. I would not have a lieutenant in the army llioot fris captain in the back, for the fake of getting in- to hi., poll; but 1 would have him behave fo as to delerve a better. But there is one very unfortunate propenfity in moft of us; for I know not whether it may be called a pailion, and that is the vanity of imagin* ing we deferve much more than in reality we do* This vanity, when not gratified, makes us murmur and repine at thofe who have it in their power to grant what we defire, and yet with-hold it from us; it excites in us an envy and hatred againft thofe who are in pofleflion of what we think b due to us alone; it infpires us with a thoufand. bafe artifices to undermine and ruin all who have a fairer profpecl; than ourfelves. When a perfou of this {tamp happens to fucceed in his aim, you. may know him by a haughty ftrut, and contemp- tuous tofs of the head to his inferiors, an air of importance to his equals, and a fervile fawn on all who can. any way contribute to exalting him yet higher; for there are no bounds to the ambit- tion of a felf-fufficient man. " What crowds of thefe do we fee ev'ry day, " At park, at opera, at court, and play I " ML 3 134 THE FEMALE B. III. Aperfon who, on the contrary, really rifes by his merit, is affable and mild to all beneath him, fociable among thofe of his own rank, and. pays that regard to thofe above him, which their ftations or intrinfic worth demand, but no farther; fuch'a one is rejoiced at his good fortune, but not altered in his humour: he forgets not what he was, nor his former companions, and thinks himfelf not at all the better man for being a greater. '* What pity 'tis that fuch no more abound, " Whofe modeft merit recompence has found."" That confederation, however, nor a thoufand rebuffs which a virtuous man often meets with in the difcharge of his duty, or the attainment of v/hat he has really purchafed by his good beha- viour, will not deter him from going on in the fame laudable courfe; becaufe it is pleafmg to himfelf, and renders him infinitely more at eafe in his own breafl", than he can ever feel, who by indirect means, arrives at the higheft fummit of his ambitious views. Xeuxis, by a long feries of hypocrify, trea- chery and deceit, pretended menaces on the one fide, equally falfe friendfhips on the other, and every artifice of wicked policy, has at lait forced himfelf, as it were, into a feat, which neither his birth, his parts, nor the mod fanguine wifhes of his beft friends, could ever promife; yet how wretchedly does his new grandeur fit upon him! Do not his fullen looks, and contracted brow,, denote a fecret remorfe, that preys upon his foul, when, infteadpfthe refpecl: he flattered himfelf vith, he meets only with in fulls, and that the dig- nity fo unworthily conferred upon him, has ferved E.I1I. SPECTATOR. r 3 $ but to render him the object of all good men's contempt, and the deteflation of the vulgar! From this lump of glutted avarice and Arollen ambition, let us turn our eyes on brave Timoleon^ whofe untainted virtue would honour the higheft dignities, yet is poffeffed of none but thofe derived to him from his illuftrious anccftors: uncourting, uniudebted to favour, a native greatnefs {nines through his whole deportment; confcious worth* and innate peace of mind, fmile in his eyes, at once commanding homage and affection : his name is never mentioned but with bleflings; and the love and admiration of all degrees of people give him that folid grandeur which empty titles, and all tke- pomp of arrogance, would but in vain aflumc. Who then would fay it is not better to tieferve than to receive? Who would not chufc to be a Timoleon rather than a Xeuxis, did they well weigh the difference of characters before too far entered into the guilty labyrinth to be able to retreat? There are, indeed, a fort of people in the world, who are too proud to be obliged ; who think it their glory to refufe favours, even though they ftand in the greateft need of them, ami with a cynical furlinefs, affront, inrtead of thanking thofe who make offers of their friendship. This is a difpofition which has nothing in it commen- dable; but as it arifcs only from too much great- nefs of mind, or what one may call honour over- ftraincd, fuch a perfon can never be dangerous to fbciety; and how little good foever he may be ca- pable of doing to himfelf, he will be fure to do no hurt to others. In an age fo felfifli and gain-loving as this of ours, there are but few examples of the kind 1 135 t THS FEMALE R, IIF. have mentioned j I fliall therefore prefent my rea- ders with one which happened very lately, and is, I think, pretty extraordinary. Leolin, a gentleman defcended from one of the bed families in Wales, and born to a conf?- derable eftate, had, from his very early years, been attached by the molt tender paffion to a young lady called Elraira, an heirefs of 1600! a year, His vows had all the fuccefs he could defirc; and if he thought that all the charms of the whole f:>: \vers united in his Elmira, me coul.: find nothing woi> thy of her affection but her Leohn. i hei* lathers, who had been long intimate friends, approved their mutual flame; and when Leolin arrival at his twentieth year, and Elmira to that Oi flxteen, they refolved to join the hands of two perfons, whofe hearts had been united even beiore they knew either the nature, or the aim of the paffion ' they were infpired with. Accordingly the marriage-articles were drawr, and great preparations were making to folem- nize the nuptials, when within two or three days of that which was intended to complete it, the father of Elmira had the misfortune to fall off his horfe and break his leg, which turning into a mortification, was obliged to be cut off. Either want of (kill in the furgeons, or his own obflinacy in not fuffering the amputation to be above the knee, proved fatal to him, and he died in twenty* four hours after the operation. This occafioned a melancholy delay of our lovers happinefs. The virtuous and difcreet El- mira could not think of devoting herfelf to the joys and gaiety of a bridal ftate immediately after the lofs of a parent to whom {he had been ex^ B. III. SPECTATOR. 137 tremely dear, and whofe indulgence (lie had al- ways repaid with the moft fincere filial duty and affe&ion. Leolin himfelf, who fhared in all her forrows, durft not prefume to prefs it; and his father was too great an obferver of decency, as well as too much concerned for the death of his good old friend, to urge the completion of an af- fair, which though he very much defired, yet he thought might be more agreeable to all the par- ties concerned, when time had a little worn off the prefent poignancy of grief. The firft mourning being over, and the white garments accompanied with fomewhat of a more chearful afpecr., the paffionate Leolin began, by degrees, to remind his charming miftrefs of her engagement; and flic was half-confenting to put an end to all his languiihnients, when a fecond, and, in its conferences, more fatal difappoint- ment than the former, came between them and the felicity they expected. The father of Leolin was taken fuddenly ill: his indifpofition terminated in a violent fever,, which in a very few days took him from the world; but even this event, afHiding as it was to the fon, proved a flight misfortune to that which immedi- ately enfuecl. The funeral obfequies were no fooner over, than the houfe of tht young gentle- man was forcibly entered by officers, who carrie to feizc on all he had, by virtue of a deed of gift made, as they faid, by his father fome years be- fore, to his brother's fon. Leolin, impetuous by nature, oppofcd their paflage all he could; but the number they brought with them by far ex- ceeded thofe of liU fervatits, and they took pof- icffion: on which he went to the houfe of a 13$ THE FEMALE B. lff r neighbouring gentleman, who had been an inti- mate acquaintance of his father, complained to him of his wrongs, and intreated his advice. Not only this perfon, but the chief gentlemen of the county, perfuaded him to have recourfe to law; it feeming highly improbable, that any fa- ther mould give away the inheritance of an only fon, and fuch a fon as Leolin, who had never done any thing to difoblige him, and of whom he had always feemed extremely fond. The kinfman, however, had his pretences,, which, for the better understanding this myfte- rious affair, I muft not pafs over in filence. The mother of Leolin, when he was not above four or five years old, eloped from her hufband, and took refuge in France with a gentleman who had for- merly courted her, and whom fhe continued to. love, to the eternal ruin of all that ought to be dear to womankind. So manifeft a proof of her unchaflity, it is cer- tain, made him difregard the young Leolin, for a time, as dubious if he were really of his blood* and wit'nefles were produced, who fwore they had hea*rd him fay, " The baftard fhould never *' inherit an acre of his- land;" and when they anfwered, " That it would not be in his power to " cut him- off," he rejoined, " No matter, there " were other courfes to be taken." This they depofcd that theyunderftood as meant, by the deed of gift now produced; and that tho' fince then he had treated Leolin as his fon, and feemed to ufe him well, it was only to avoid any farther noife being made in the world of his dif r honour while he lived, deferring to flie w his refent- merit to the mother on the fon, till after hisdeceafe. . lit SPECTATOR. i 3f In fine, after a long procefs the trial came on, and the kinfman had fo well concerted his inea- fures, that, in fpite of all the probabilities that were againft him, he got the better of Leolin; the judge only, in confideration of his having been bred a gentleman, and in the expectation of fo large an cftate, ordering he {hould be allowed 200!. per annum, out of fo many thoufands. Few there were, however, who did not believe him greatly wronged; nor could the jury them- felves reconcile, to their own reafon, the verdil they were obliged to give on the evidence, who fwore fo pofitively, and corroborated their depofi- ticns with fo many circumftances, that, in law, there was no poffibility for the court to at other- wife than it did on this occafion. Leolin, who, for his many good qualities, had always been highly esteemed and beloved in the country where he was born, had many friendly of- fers made him, and continual invitations from one houfe to another; but he would accept of none, avoided all converfation with thofe he was once intimate with, and (hut himfelf up in a little farm- houfe, ordering the people belonging to it to fuf- fcr no perfon whatever to come to him. But his behaviour, with regard to Elmira was the rnofl aftonifhing, and what indeed excited me to give this melancholy detail of his adventures. During the continuance of the law-fuit, and vhile he had hope of overcoming his adverfary, he was fcarce ever from her; and, in fpite of the vexation this cruel invafion of his birth-right had ' involved him in, found always a fatisfadtion in her unaltered and endearing converfation, which more t . i compeafated for all the frovvas of fortune. 140 THE FEMALE B. III.' But the moment he was caft, that he was certain his ruin was completed, he fhunned her even more than all the world befide; and though her love, and the engagements between them, made her not to look upon it as a breach of modefty to write tojiim, to conjure him in the moft preffing terms to come to her, and aflured him the change in his circumftances had wrought no change in her af- fetion ; and that (lie was ready to make him a prefent of that with herfelf, yet could fhe not prevail on him to fee her. In fine, from the moft affable and obliging of mankind, he was now become the moft ftern, mo rofe, and ill-tempered ; according to the poet, " Great fouls grow always haugh.ty in diftrefe." In vain a miftrefs fo lately beloved, admired, almoft adored, now condefcended to folicit him to accept all in her power to give: all the proofs fhe gave him of her tendernefs, her conflancy, her difinterefted paffion,, ferved but to add new matter for his difcontent; and, to get rid of her importunities, he at laft fent one letter in anfwer to the many -obliging ones he had received from her. A friend of mine happening to be with her when it arrived, aflured me it contained thefe lines : " MADAM, " I Believe there is no occafion for any affe- " verations, that no man has ever loved with " greater fincerity than 1 have done, or more paf- *' fionately defired to be united to you for ever, " while there remained the leatt hope of being fo " without rendering both of us the fubject of ri- " diculc. In fine, I have ftill too much regard B. III. SPECTATOR. 141 " for you, to have it faid, you bought a hufband, *' and for myfelf, to think of fubmitting to the " flavifli dependance of a wife's fortune Were " the balance on my fide, I fhould not act in this " manner; but, as things are now circumftanced <{ between us, I beg you will give neither your- " felf or me any further trouble on this fcore; " the moft prudent ftep you can take for the peace *' of both, is to think of me no more, fmcel ne- " ver can be, in the manner I once flattered my- " felt" with being, Yours, &c. LEOL1N. " P. S. I quit the place I am in this very mo- 44 mcnt, nor '{hall make any perfon in the world ** the confidante of my retirement; fo that no " letters can poffibly come to my hands ; but have * c ordered the honeft man who has been my hoft " for fome time, to pay you 300!. which you may 4 * remember I borrowed of you while my unhappy " law-affair was in agitation, and the intereft due " upon the loan. Adieu for ever; be aflured, I fl wiih you much better than you do yourfelf." Poor Elmira read the letter with tears in her eyes, and cried out, " O what a noble mind is " here perverted! Qume changed from what he " was, by an ill-judging and injurious world 1" But when (he came to the poftfcript, and the man counted the money to her on the table, (he grew beyond all patience. " How meanly muft he ' think of me I faid fhe. How little does he know of Elmira!" And then again, " What! > i( am I turned ufurer then!" Tliis litde indigna- tion, however, foon fubfided, and gave way to the fofter dictates of love and friendship: flic aflc- -cd the farmer athouiand qucftions concerning his VOL. I. N 14* THE FEMALE B. III. behaviour; conjuredhim to deal fmcerely with her, and to inform her, whether he had really leftliis houfe or not, and, if he had, what road he took. To this he replied with a great deal of truth j that he had never feen a man fo changed as to his humour, but that he did not think his brain was any way difordered : that fome time pa ft he fent for a money-fcrivener, and fold the annuity or- dered him for life for loool. part of which he had tlifpofed of in paying all the little debts he had contracted fmce his misfortune, and had taken the remainder with him: that he went on horfe- -back, but could not fay what road, becaufe he was forbid accompanying him even to the lane's end that led to his houfe. In the prefent emotions of her various paffions, ilie would certainly have followed him herfelf, could fhe have known what route to take, and either brought him back or gone with him; but as this was impoflible, fhe difpatched men and -horfes every where fhe could think of, to each of whom fhe gave little billets, befeeching him by all he ever did or could love, to return to her, and not make them both miferable by a foolifli punctilio, which the fenfe of the injuries he had fuftained alone had put into his head. The fervants knowing their miftrefs's attach- ment, and befides having a very great refpecl: for Leolin, who had been always extremely affable and liberal to them, fpared no pains to execute their commiffion. But all their endeavours were fruitlefs; Leolin, doubtlefs, fiifpe&ing what would be the confe -quence of his letter, and obftinate in his refolution, -fuller any thing rather than be under the leaft B. Iir. S P E C T A T O K. r4? obligation, even to the woman he loved, parted through fuch bye-ways as eluded all their fearch. He came up to London, where having furnifh- ed himfelf with all things neceflary for a cam- paign, he went a volunteer into the army. The little regard he had for life, joined to his natural impetuofity, hurried him into the thickeft dan- gers, and he fell among many other gallant men at the battle of v Dettingen. An old officer, who had been an acquaintance of his father's, faw and knew him on his firft coming into the camp; and, having heard the ftory of his misfortunes, offered him all the fcrvices in his power; but Leolin reje&ed every thing that might afford him any advantage, and continued de- termined to the laft not to be obliged to any one. It was this*gendeman, who, on the account of his great age and many wounds, returning to England after the campaign was over, brought the account of him, who elfe perhaps might till this moment have been vainly fought by the dif- confolate Elmira. So anxious, fo unhappy had (he been from the time of his departure, that to hear he was no more could fcarce add to it. The news, however, en- couraged feveral gentlemen to make their addrefles to her, which, while he was living, in any cir- cumftances, they knew would have been in vain; but they found his death of no fervice to their fuit: his memory was ftill a rival, which all theic efforts were too weak to furmount; to that fhe affurcs thenvfhe is wedded, and to that will to her laft breath continue conftant. What now can we fay of this Leolin, but that he was an honed, brave, and worthy man ! Can N a 144 THE FEMALE B. IIL we help admiring him, at the fame time that we condemn him ! And had not that unhappy obfti- nacy, to which he fell a martyr, wounded at the fame time the breaft of the generous, the fweet El- mira, (hould we not have greatly compaffionated a foible, which if we examine to the bottom, we (hall find had its rife from a virtue in excels. The love of freedom and independency, it feem?, was his darling propenfity; and though he had nothing in reality to fear from the excellence of Elmira's nature, yet to know himfelf obliged, and that there was even a poffibility for herfome time or other to think he was fo, had fomewhat in it which the greatnefs of his fpirit could not fub- mit to bear. I am apt to believe, that had (lie been reduced in the manner he was, and he been poflefled of as many millions as he was born to thoufand?, he would, with the utmoft pleafure, have thrown them at her- feet, and found his greateft felicity in her acceptance. Such a man muft certainly have made a very- great figure in the fenate, had he ever arrived at be- ing a member of it; and for the good of my coun- try, I fincerely wiih there were five hundred of th? fame way of thinking. What in private life was his greateft misfortune, would in a publicone have rendered him of the higheft fervice to the pre- fent age, and endeared his name to late pofterity. No carefles, no penfions, no ribbands, no pre- ferments, would have had any influence over a perfon of his principles: refolute to fupport the cative freedom of an Englifhman, he would hav r c uttered his mind without referve; and the more he had been offered by a court parafite for his filence, the more warmly had he fpoke in the B.m. SPECTATOR. 145, caufe of liberty. Perhaps, indeed, he might have been too bold, and, for his particular mortification, have occafioned the Habeas Corpus aft to be fuf- pended; but what of that! It might have burt fome individuals, but muft have been of general fcrviee, and have opened the eyes of thofe, who,, more through indolence and luxury, than corrup- tion, were made blind. So far I blame him, in. refuting a fine woman, whom he loved, and who had an eftate which would have put it in his power to be of ufe to his coun- try, whi.ch, heaven knows, and he could not have, been ignorant of, (lands in need of fuch funportsj, but as he was very young, and the confederation. of thefe things had not time to make the impref fion it ought, I cannot but pity him, and lament; the lofs which the public have in a. friend fo qua-- lified to ferve the common- intereft. ALL the young. and gay of both fexes, who are advocates, for the tender paffion, I know, cannot find in their hearts to forgive him: as to the- confiderations 1 have mentioned, they will have indeed but very little weight with them. The. griefs of Elmira will be accounted of infinite more confequence, and he will be looked upon'as a man ofafavage and barbarous foul, who, to gratify his pride,, could forfake a lady that fo truly loved, anim. "White is bed iJluitrated by being near to black;, and the rough diamond, which at prefent appears N 3 {46 THE FEMALE B. III. of fo little value, will rife in a more juil eftima- tion when placed near a common pebble. Cleophil is what the world calls a fine gentle- man; he is tall, well made, has a gay and lively air, a good fancy in drefs, dances to perfection, tells a thoufand agreeable ftories, and is very en- tertaining in converfation. Belliza, the only daughter of a late very e- minent tradefman in the city, was the object of his flame; for though he was the moft gallant man imaginable among "all the ladies he came in company with, yet to this alone he made his ad- dreffes. It is certain, indeed, that nobody could condemn the choice he made of her ; for befides the large fortune it was expected would be given her by her father, fhe had 2000!. left by her grand- mother, which was entirely at her own difpofal. Her wealth, however, was the lead motive to that envy with which many young gentlemen faw the favourable reception Cleophil was treated with by her. The moft detracting of her own fex cannot but allow her to have beauty, wit, virtue, good- nature, and all the accomplifhments that can at- tract both love and refpect; and as for thofe of the other, there are few that fee, without feeling for her fomewhat more than bare admiration. Never was a more paflionate lover, to all ap- pearance, than Cleophil ; he feemed jealous even of the hours allowed for repofe, becauie they de- * prived him of herprefence; and would fometimes encroach on them, by bringing muficians under her low, to ferenade her with fongs, either of his own compofing, or which he pretended were fo. She was extremely young, ignorant of the ar- . .-iftancy of mankind, and as the B. III. SPECTATOR. M ; perfon of this admirer was agreeable to her, rea- dily believed all he faid, and returned his profef- fjons with the moft tender and fincerc ones on her part: nothing feemed wanting to complete their mutual felicity but her father's confent, whom, (he was too dutiful to difobey, and could not yet obtain. The old gentleman had an idea of Cleophil very different from what his daughter had entertained : he looked on him as a man who. had too much regard for intereft to be ib much in love as he pre- tended: he had a penetrating judgment, and eafily difcovered a great fund of felf-fufficiency; and that arrogance and hypocrify were hid beneath the fp.ecious fliew of honour, generofity, and ten- dernefs. But as he found the young Belliza gave him the preference to all who had made cilcrs of the nature he did, he would not fuddenly thwart her inclinations, but only feemed to delay what indeed he was very unwilling ihould come to pafs. lie imagined, that by repeated prolongations of giving any definitive anfwer, either the patience of the lover would be tired, or his daughter find fomething in him which might give her caufe to alter her prefent favourable opinion : he wifely confideredy that all youth is headftrong, and that whatever bent it takes, opposition oniy ferves to render it more obdinate and blind to conviction; ajid though the temper of IJelliza, in ether things, nu'ht render her an exception to this general rule, yet hf knew not how far 1'hc might be tranfported by her paflion to act in a different manner from ;t:iy other motive co;/ her to i!'->. He therefore thought, by neither fccming to contradict or approve her deGrcs, to give her au 148 THE FEMALE B. Ill, 4 opportunity of difcovering herfelf, what would not perhaps have gained the lead credit with her from any other perfon. The indifferent opinion he had of Cleophil, and his knowledge of human nature, which can feldom carry on a courfe of deceit for any long time, without elapfing into fomething that betrays itfelf, madeliim not doubt but this would happen as indeed it did, but by a way little foreleen, QF even apprehended by him. He had at that time two (hips of his ov/n at fea,, very richly laden, the return of which he was daily expecting, when the melancholy news ar- rived that the one was wrecked, and the other taken by the Spaniards: feveraJ others alfo, iiL which he had considerable fhares, met with the. fame fate, fo that his credit, as well as his fpirits,. was very much funk: bills came thick upon him, and he foori became unable to difcharge them; a {hock, which in the whole courfe of his dealing he had never known before! Beliiza, in, this exigence, intreated him to accept of her.zoool. but he refufed it, telling her he knew not but his other ventures abroad might be as unfuccefsful as the laft had been, and if fo, thefum me was mif- trefs of would be incapable of doing him any real fervice, and it would add to his misfortune to think, that for a fhort refpite for himfelf, he had involved her in ruin with him. This did not fatisfy the dutiful and tenderly affe&ionate Beliiza; fhe continued to prefs him with the uttnoft ardency not to reject her fair, till he at laft allured her, that the demands on him were fo large and numerous, that lefs than 4000], would not prefeive his credit till the time in which B. III. SPECTATOR. 149 he might reafon ably hope to hear from Hamburgh, Turkey, and fome other places where he trafficked. iShe then propofcd to break the matter to Cleophil, who (he knew had a confiderable fum in the bank, and doubted not but he would be glad of fuch an opportunity to iliew the love and refpeft he had for their family. The father cooly anfwered, that fire might do as fiie thought proper, and that if the young gen- tleman obliged him in this point, he mould take all the care he could not to let him be a lofcr. It was not that he imagined his daughter would have any fuccefs in this negociation that he per- mitted her to attempt it, but becaufe he was wil- ling fhe mould put a friendship, the had fo much confidence in, to the teil. Having obtained his permiffion, me fent im- mediately for her lover, and in a few words re- lated to him the prefent occafion there was for her father to be fupplied with io much ready cafh, and then added, thutas (he was in poffcflion of no more than half the fum required, Hie did not doubt but he would lay down the other part. As Ihe had no anxiety in making this reque/T, b^ca ufe allured in her own mind of its being grant- ed, (he never thought of examining his counte- nance while fhe was fpc-aking; which, if {he had, it would have been eafy for her to perceive the change that was in it. All the rapture with which he: flew to receive her commands was now no more, and in its place was fubftituted an air of diflunce, mixed with furprize. When fhe had done fpeaking, he told her, " he was extremely forry for her father's misfortunes, but doubted not, as he 'was a man very much beloved among 150 THE FEMALE B. IIL the perfons he dealt with, they would have pati- ence with him till he could hear from abroad, and would advife him rather to make a trial of their good-nature, than put himfelf to anyftraits for the money to pay them immediately." " How, Cleophil! cried fhe, quite thunder- " ftruck to hear him {peak in this manner, do you " call it ftraits to make ufe, for a fhort time, of " what his own daughter, and a perfon who has- " pretended he wifhes nothing more than to be his " fon, have it in their power to fumifh him with ! < Sure he has a right to demand all we can do " to ferve him!" . " No doubt he has, madam, anfwered he, ftill " more referved, and I fhould rejoice in any op- " portunity to oblige him; but I am under an, 41 unfortunate engagement never to lend money " on any account whatever: my father, at his " death, exacted an oath from me, which there ** is no poffibilky of my difpenfing with, nor do ** I believe you will defire it of me." " No, Cleophil, refumed (he,, almoft burfting " with inward rage and grief, you never fhall be " perjured at my requeft: too much already you ' are fo in the falfe vows you have made of difin- " terefted and inviolable love." He made fome faint efforts to convince her of the fincerity of his paffion; but (lie eafily faw they were but words of courfe, and fuch as no maa could well avoid fpeaking to a woman he had e- ver pretended to love, and therefore replied to them accordingly. As he found now there was no poffibility of her being miftrefs of that fortune, which as it proved was the chief motive of his address, he was not B. III. S PECT AT OR. 151 at all concerned that his excufes had no greater effect upon her ; and though when (he told him fhe vvas afhamed to remember that fhe ever had any confidence in him, or regard for him, he replied, " that when fhe ceafed to think well of him, he * fhould be the moft miferable of mankind}" yet his eyes, and the accent of his voice fo little cor- refponded with his words, that what he faid feemed rather meant in irony than reality. In fine, they entirely broke off: fhe obliged him to take back all the prefents he had made her, and the letters fhe had received from him, and de- fircd he would return thofe fhe had fent to him as foon as pofTible. At parting, to preferve the fine gentleman, as he thought, he affeted an infinity of grief, which, as fhe eafily faw through, fhe but the more clefpifed him for, and for his lake almoft the whole fex. Now will I appeal to thofe who have been the lead willing to excufe the behaviour of my Welch Jhero, if the character of Leolin is notamiablewhen compared with that of Cleophil. Belliza, indeed, was lefs unhappy than Elmira, becaufe the mean- nefs of foul which (lie difcovered in her lover,gave an immediate cure to the inclination fhe had for , his perfon; whereas the true greatnefs of Leolin's way of thinking preferved a lading tendernefs in his miftrefs, which made her partake in all his fuf- ferings, and even continue devoted to his memory when himfelf was no more. But to 'return : When the father of Belliza thought his affairs moft defperate, and there feemed not the lea ft pro- bability of his bring able to retrieve himfelf, hea- ven, by an unexpected way, fcnt him relief: A brother of hi,, \vho had lived a long time in the 152 THE FEMALE B. III. "Eaft Indies, and by his honeft induftry and fruga- lity acquired a large fortune, died without iffue, and left him the fole heir of all his wealth. The news arrived juft as a ftatute of bankruptcy was about to be taken out againil him ; which, accord- ing to the cuftom of the world, made a great change. He might now command what fums he pleafed; nobody was in hafte to have their bills difcharged; all, HkeTimon's friendsjn the play, endeavoured to glofs over the terrors of their for- mer treatment of him, and nothing was omitted to regain that good- will from him they had but! too juftly deferved to lofe forever. Cleophil, above all, curfed his ill ftars: what would he not now have done to reinftate himfelf in Be'lliza's favour ! Belliza, now a greater for- tune than ever, was more than ever adored by him. He wrote; he prevailed on fcveral who vifited her to fpeak in his behalf; he pretended to fall fick on her account; ordered it to be given out, that he had many times fince their quarrel attempted to deftroy himfelf; tried every ftrata- gem, employed every artifice, but all alike in vain: the contempt (he had for him increafed by the means he took to leflen it, and by much exceeded all the inclination fhe ever had for him, while me believed he merited it : me blefled the misfortunes which had fhewn him to her in hio proper colours, and made a firm refolution never more to fuffcr herfelf to give credit to the profef- fions of any one man, till her father fhould have made a fufficient fcrutiny into his character and temper, to be able to judge of his finceiity. She found the happy effects of the prudent re- ferve with which (he now behaved to all mankind. B. III. SPEC/TAT OR. 153 She was in a fhort time addrefled by a young gen- tleman much fuperior in birth, fortune, and good feufe to Cleophil, and had as great a (hare of real affection for her as that unworthy lover had pre- tended. Her father approved highly of him for a fon, and me could not refufe her heart to fo ac- complifhed a perfon, after being told by him, whofe judgment ftie was determined to rely up- on, that (lie could not err in doing fo. They have been married fomewhat more than a year, in which time he has made her mother of a fine fon, who is the only rival either of them has in the tendernefs of the other. The old gentle- man has received all the effects he expected from i.broad: They all live together in the mo ft perfect harmony, and the fhort anxiety of mind they had endured on the fcore of his lofles, ferves only to give their prefent happinefs a higher relifli. The (lory of this family, and many other fuch like inftances which daily happen in the world, methinks, fhould make whatever misfortunes we may labour under for the prefent fit more eafy on us, in the hope, that while the play of life conti- nues, we have yet a chance for better fcenes. I have fomcwhere read of an antient philofo- pher, who, whenever any very ill accident bcfel him, made invitations to his friends, entertained them in the mod Aearful manner, and appeared extremely happy in his mind: but, on the con- trary, on the arrival of any thing for which other people expect congratulations, he (hut himfelf up in his chamber, fatted, wept, and in his whole deportment had all the tokens of a perfon under fome inconfolable affliction. On beihg afked the reafon of a behaviour fo contradictory to that of VOL. I. O ?54 THE FEMALE B. III. all mankind befides, he replied, > is out of bed, fhe runs with her flays and petticoats into the next neighbour's chamber, not being abl<5 to Jive without company even till (lie is drefled. There are people fo uncharitable, as to- believe fome latent crime hangs heavy on the minds of all thofe who take fo much pains to avoid being alone; but I am far from b?ing of that number; it is my opinion, that neither this old rattle I have mentioned,, nor many others who ak in the fame manner, ever did a real hurt to any one. Thofc who are incapable of thinking,. are certain- ly incapable of any premeditated mifchief; and, as I have already faid, feem to me a fet of infen- Cbles, who never al of themfelves, but are acled upon by others. ore one pafles fo cruel a cenfure, one {hould certainly examine, I mean' not the lives and cha- racters, for they may deceive us, but at what point of time this averfion to folitude commenced: if from childhood, and fo continued even to the extremefl old age, it can proceed only from a weakncfs in the mind, and is defer ving our com- paffion j but if from taking that fatisfadion in con- templation and retirement, which every reafonable foul finds in it, one fees a perfon has turned to the reverfe, ftart, even while in company, at the bare mention of quitting it, and flies folitude as an, houfe on fire, one may very well fufped fomq fe- cret crime has wrought fo great a tranfition, and that any converfation, though the moft infipid and worthlefs, feems preferable to that which the guil- ty bread can furnifh to itfelf. I am well aware, that there is another motive* befiiles either a want of power to think, or a con- fcioufnefs of having done what renders thought a iyo THE FEMALE B. IV. pain, that induces many people to avoid being alone as much as poflible; and that is, when the mind is opprefied with any very fevere affli&ion. To be able to reflect on our misfortunes, goes a great way towards bearing them with that forti- tude which is becoming the dignity of human na- ture; but all have not courage to do it, and thofe who have, would fink beneath the weight of grief, Tvere they to indulge the memory of what occa- fioned it. This I am fenfible is the cafe of many who pafs for perfons of good underftanding, and the ex- cufe is allowed by the generality of the world as a rcafonable one; but yet I muft beg their pardon,, \vben 1 fay, that whatfoever fhare of fine fenfe they may fliew in other things, they betray a very great deficiency ui this. The relaxation which ' noife nnd hurry may afford, is but fhortUived, and are fo far from removing that burden which the fpirit labours under, that they afterwards make it i'cJt with double weight. Some are fo madly ftupid, as to attempt to lofe the thoughts of one evil, by running into others of ,ps worfe confequence. I mean that of drink- ing, nnd fome ether excefies, equally pernicious both to fortune and conftitution; but how falfe a ; this gives, I need only appeal to thofe who made the trial. Would fuch people be prevailed upon to make a little reflection before it is" too late, they would certainly have recourfe to more folid confolations. Would not the works of fome of our moft ce- ed poets divert a melancholy hour much more than al! the rhodomontades of a v;-.^ue idle . fation ! Would not the precepts of philo- B. IV. SPECTATOR. i 7 r fophy, of which fo many excellent trcatifcs have been wrote, give them more true courage than all the bottle can infpire! And above all, would not the duties of an entire fubmiflion and refignation toihe Almighty Difpofer of all things, fo oftenand fo ftrenuoufly recommended, be infinitely more efficacious to quiet all perturbations of the mind, than any vain amufements of what kind foever 1 It is not that I would perfuade anyone to a con- tinual poring over books 5 too much reading, tho* of the beft authors, is apt to dull the fpirits, and deftroy that attention which alone can render this employment profitable. A few good maxims, well digelted by reflection, dwell upon the memory, arid are not only a remedy for prefent ills, but al- fo a kind of antidote agamft any future ones that fate may have in flore.. But it may be faid, that this advice can only be complied with by perfons^f condition; and as for the meaner part, it cannot be imagined that they have either -time or capacities to enable them to fquare themfeives by fuch rules: this indeed mult be allowed ; but then it muft alfo be allowed, that they can the lead afford to wafte what time they have in fuch li uitlefs attempts as they gene- rally make ufe of for forgetting their cares; and as to their capacities, we arc to fuppofe that every one ur.acrihuula the trade of buftnefs to which he has been bred, and, in my opinion, nothing is jhorepidin than that an induftrious application to that, wauid be his beft relief for any vexation he jiveri in, as well as the fureft means of a- voiding falii;^ into others. Upon the whole, it denotes a mcannefs of foul, ot to be forgiven even in the loweft rank oi j to- tyz THE FEMALE B. IV. pie, much lefsthofeofa more rch^ d ed ration, when, to Ihun the remembiance perhaps of a L.i- fling affli&ion, they run into ri regularities, each of which their reaibu might in-oim them would be productive of greater ills than any they yet had to lament i and is io far from affording any relief, that it ferves only to give new additions to their former difquiets, according to the poet, juftly defcribing this fever of the mind, " Reftlefs they tofs, and turn about their fe- verifh will, "Whten ill their eafe muft come by lying ftill.** But what can be more amazing, than that pcrfon?, who have no one thing upon earth to incommode them, ihould not be able to take any pleafure in contemplating on the tranquilityof their fituationJ Yet fo it is : there are thofe in the world, and in the great world too, who being poffeffed of every thing they can wifh, and frequently much more than either they deferve, or could ever expecl:, feem altogether infenfible of the benefits they re- ceive from heaven, or any obligations they may have to man. This, methinks, is an indolence of nature, which can never be too much guarded againft, becaufe whoever is guilty of it, becomes ungrateful and unjuft, without knowing he is fc, and incurs the cenfure of all who are acquainted \vith him, for omiffions which himfelf is wholly ignorant of, and if he were not fo, would per- haps be very far from meriting. The beautiful and noble widow, who is fo good never to tail making one in our little fcciety, was inclined to impute this thought' efs behavi- our in many people to the negligence of thoiis B. IV. SPECTATOR. 173 who, having the care of their education, did not infpire them with proper notions of the ncceffity tlure is for every body to enter fometimes into themfelvcs; but we are all againfther in this point, and (he was eafily convinced, that though this was certainly a duty incumbent on all who had the government of youth, yet without fome fliare of a natural bent that way, no leffbns would be effectual ; and that where the fpirits were too vo- latile, any confinement, though for never fo fiiort a fpace of time, would rather mope than render them profitably ferious. But u/ter all that has, or can be faid, the world is more inclinable to excufc this defedl than any other I know of; a perfon who loves to be al- ways in company, and accept of any fort rather than be alone, is accounted a good-natured h' arm- let creature; and though it is impoflible they can- be magnified for any extraordinary virtues or qua- lifications, what they lofe in refpecH is for the moft part made up with love. They have rarely any enemies; and the rcafon is plain, they are gene- rally merry, never contradict whatever is faid or done, nor refufe any thing that is afked of them. People of a middling underftanding like their con- verfation; the moil weak are in no awe of them ; and the wifeft wijl fometimes fuffer them- fclves to be diverted by them: in fine, every body is eafy with them, and how eafy they are to thcmfelves in all events, there are innumerable in fiances. Belinda is defcended of a good family among the gentry, is agreeable without being a beauty, and has foincwhat of a fparkle in her converfa- tion, which with manypeoplepafles forwitj fqr, 174 THE FEMALE B. IV. as (he never gives herfelf the trouble to think what (he is about to fay, butfpeaks all that comes into her head, fome very fmart things frequently fall from her, which, being reported afterwards in other companies, ferve, in this undiftinguifhing age, to eftabliih her chara&er. She came very ear- ly into the great world, and her youth and a new- face were fufficient to make her to be taken no- tice of by Rinaldo, as his quality was to make her pleafed and Tain of his addrefles; but that great perfon looks upon it as derogatory to his dignity to attach himfelf to any particular miftrefs, fo that the amour between them continued no longer than juil to fay there had been one. Some women would have been inconfolable to find themfelves no fooner gained than abandoned ; their pride, if not their love, would have made them regret the lofs of fo illuftrious an admirer; but Belinda was juft the fame laughing, rallying, romping creature as before; (he feemed no more affected by this change, than (he had been at the reproofs given to her by her friends on the firft ru- mour of her intimacy with Rinaiclo; and Lavallie, a man of no lefs gallantry and inconftancy, fuc- ceeded to her affe&ion, if that kind of liking, which ferves only to amufe an idle hour, is wor- thy to be called fo. Equally gay, inconfiderate, and regardlefs of the ccnfure of the world, this intrigue was managed with fo little circumfpe&ion, that it foon reached the ears of Manella, the wife of Lavallie, a lady infinitely fond of her hufband, and fo tenacious of the rights of love, that even a tender glance to any other wcma'n feemed the mod unpardonable inju- ry to her. But though (he had been enough accuf- B. IV. SPECTATOR. 175 tomed to vexations of that kind, to have inured a perfon lefs vehement in her paffions to have borne them with more patience, and the little advantage fhe gained over him by publifhing all the difcove- ries me made of his amours, might have made her fee that it would have been greater prudence in her to be filent; yet the greatnefs of her fpirit would cot fuffer her to fit tamely down under the leaft indignity offered to her love or beauty. She re- proached him on the fcore of Belinda, with a bitter- nefs which, perhaps to revenge, he perfifted in his intrigue with that lady much longer than his incli- nation, without having been thus provoked, would have prompted him to; and the rage (he was in, ferved (being reported to Belinda) to make that thoughtlefs creature triumph in the power of her own charms, and inftead of giving her the leaft (hare of fhame or remorfe, afforded her matter of merriment and ridicule. Manella, finding all me could fay to her huf- hand was far from working the effect fhe defired, was refolved to fly to any extremities to break off the intercourfe between him and this hated rival: me knew very well that Rinaldo had once a liking to that young lady,'and though he feemed at prefent entirely diverted of his former inclinations, yet me imagined it might pique" him to be told that one he had honoured with his addrefles mould condefcend to receive thofe of a perfon fo much liis inferior; and therefore flattered herfelf that he would not fail to lay his commands on Lavallie to defifl. his vifits to her, efpecially when he had fo plaufible a pretence for it, as the complaints of a wife. Slie therefore threw herfelf at his feet, inform- 176 THE FEMALE B. IV, cd him of every thing {he had heard, and, with a fhower of tears, befeeched him to exert the autho- rity he had over her perfidious hufband, to oblige .him to return to his firft vows, and not entirely break the heart of a woman, who had merited him more for love than intereft, and had never fwerved, even in thought from the duties of her place. The noble Rinaldo eafily faw into the thing, but would not feem to do fo; and would fain have perfuaded Manella there was no foundation for her fufpicions; but (lie was not to be fo eafily put off. She renewed her intreatiesj he repeated the rea- fons which convinced her of the injuilice done her, and became fo importunate, that he at laft promifed to fpeak to Lavallie to be at leaft more circumfpecl: in his behaviour. Whether this great perfon thought any far- ther on it is uncertain, but chance and the inad- vertency of the parties concerned gave the jealous Manella a fufficient opportunity to vent all her enraged foul was full of, on the psrfons who had wronged her. She happened one day to go to a millener's where fhe was accuftomed to buy feme trifles be- longing to her drcfs, and finding the miitrefs of the houfe not in. the (hop, ran dire&ly up flairs, where was kept a kind of lace chamber. 1 hough fhe had been often there, and was perfectly ac- quainted with the room, by accident flie puflied Lhe door of another, which being but i ;.t thrown to, without being locked, eafijy gar admittance, and afforded her a profpecl: flie little expected, her hufband and Belinda in a fituation, fuch as might have afiared her of their guilt, had fhe not been fo before. B. IV. SPECTATOR. 177 Aftonithment at finding them in that place for fome moments kept her filent, as (Lame and vexation to be thus caught did them; but the mil- lener, who hearing {he was come up flairs, and fearing the confequence, came running into the room, and was beginning to make fome au'kward excufes, fuch as crying to Lavallie and Belinda, " Good Heaven, how came you here! And you, " Madam! to Manella. Blefs me! fure you ha\^ " all miftaken the apartment! nobody ever comes " into this room but for" " But for private pur- (s pofes, infamous woman !" cried Manella, in a voice quite hoarfe with paflion, which rofe with fo much vehemence in her throat, as to render what me faid fcarce intelligible; then flew at her, at Belinda,, and her hufband, railing, flirieking, fcratching, and throwing promifcuoufly the patch, powder-boxes, and every thing that flood upon the toilette: till Lavallie, recovered from the confufion which the furprize of her firfl cnterance had thrown him in, ran to her, held her hands, and told her if (he did not behave with more mo- deration, he would oblige her to it by worfe ufage. This menace only ferved to give frefli addition to her fury, and that ihcreafing her ftrength fhe broke from him, and flying to the window, where fhe perceived he had laid his fword, inftantly drew it, and made at Belinda with fuch precipitation, that it was as much as Lavallie could do to &ve his miftrefs from feeling a fatal effeft of her de- fpcration. By fuperior force, however, he difarmed this enraged amazon, though not without cutting his own hands in the ftruggle. All this time there vas fuch a mingled found of curfes, (bricks, cries 178 THE FEMALE B. IV. of murder, and (lamping on the floor, as muft be very alarming to thofe who heard it. As this millener got infinitely more by her pri- vate cuftomers than by her public, and kept a houfe chiefly for the meeting of perfons of condition, Rinaldo, who at that time had a new flame, and was come to gratify it with the beloved objea, heard this difturbance from an adjacent chamber; and wholly unable to guefs the occafion, ran with his fword in his hand to inform himfelf of the truth, where the noife directed. He came into the room juft as Lavallie had wrenched from his wife's hand that weapon of de- ftruftion, and feeing who was there, was no longer at a lofs to know what had happened : his prefcnce, however, ohjiged every one to more moderation, and Belinda took this opportunity of running a- way, which before flie could not do, the furious Manella being between her and the door. The millener now began to account for this accident in a more plaufible manner than me had done before. She faid, that Belinda being taken with a fudden faintnefs, fhe had defired to lie down on her bed in order to recover herfelf, and that fhe being af- terwards bufy with cuftomers, had not feen La- vallie enter, but imagined, that being but little acquainted with the houfe, he had gone into that room by miftake. Lavallie took the hint flue had given, and pro- tefted, that being directed up to the lace-chamber, he had opened this door, as being the firft he came to, and feeing a lady lie on the bed, he had the curiofity to approach, in order to fee if he knew her, and to rally her for trufting herfelf in that pofbare in an unlocked chamber. *' As I drew B. IV. SPECTATOR. 179 " nearer, continued he, I found it was Belinda, *' and alfo by fome groans that fhe was indifpofed : " good-manners, as well as good-nature, obliged " me to enquire how (he did, and as I was trooping " towards the bed, that (he might hear what 1 had " to fay with the more eafe, Manella came into the " room with a rage little becoming her character, '* andloaded thatinnoccntlady and myfelf with the " moft opprobrious reflection malice cculd invent." All the time he was fpeaking, Maneila (hook her head, and bit her lips till they even bled with inward vexation; but the prefence of Rinaldo for- bidding her to continue her reproaches in the fame manner me had done before his entrance, (he only faid, that Heaven, who knew how greatly (he was injured, would, one time or other, revenge her caufc. The millener, who knew Rinaldo had reafon to be of her (ide, began now in her turn to refent the afperfion ManeLa endeavoured to caft upon her houie, and faid in plain terms, that no reputa- tion could be faie Irom the idle whims ot a jea- lous wife. Lavallie affected to beg her pardon for the injullice his wite was guilty of to her", and curfed himielf for the unhappy mhtakc which had occafioned all this confufion. Rinaldo was highly diverted at this fcene in his own mind, but would not add to Manila's afllic- tion, by letting her fee how little he regarded it; (he had, however, too much penetration not to perceive, that neither complaints nor rcfentment vjould be oi much fervice to her in that place, and being almofl ready to burft with fpite and rage, went out of the room, giving a look at Lavallie and the woman of the houfe, which teftified how ill iSo THE FEMALE B. IV. fhe was fatisfied with the fhallow excufes they had made,and was indeed fo diftrafted in her thoughts, that {he had almoft pafled the door before fhe re- covered prefence enough of mind to pay to Ri- naldo the refpedlhis dignity demanded. Her abfence put an end to all the conftraint they had been in; Lavallie was obliged to endure a good deal of raillery on the occafion from Ri- naldo, and afterwards to double the prefent he always made to the millener, on account of the confufion his wife had caufed in her houfe. Whether this adventure put an end to the amour he had with Belinda, is uncertain; but if continued, it was with fo much caution, that the- interviews between them were never afterwards difcovered. Manella finding fhe could no other way be re- venged, took care to render this affair as public as poffible; fo that Belinda met with the mod fevere reproofs from all her friends for her ill conduct yet fo infenfible was this unthinking lady either of fname, or the prejudice it might be to her inte- reft, to forfeit the love and efteem of her family, that though (lie heard their admonitions with her fenfual ears, thofe of her mind feemed wholly deaf; nor could all that was faid to her make the leaft alteration in her deportment, or prevail on, her to give herfelf one moment's reflection. Thus with the fame unmoved, unfhaken indo*- lence fhe had ever behaved, did fhe go on, laugh- ing, finging, dancing, coquetting among the gay world for near two years, in which time no ma- terial incident happened to her: the truth is, in- deed, whatever was reported of her, fo little con- cerned her, that her carelefsnefs blunted the edge U. IV. SPECTATOR. iSi of fcandal, and had the fame effet as not to de- ferve it would have had: people grew weary of talking of what every one knew, and was made no fecret of by the perfon whofe intereft it chiefly was to have kept it fo. In a long courfe of unregarded follies might (lie have continued, till age and wrinkles had enforced that folitude her own prudence was too weak to make choice of, had not count Loyter profefled a paffion of a different nature for her than any be- fore him had pretended. So greatly did he feem enamoured with her, that he never was two hours abfent from her ; ^nd his quality and attachment obliged all who were looked upon as her former admirers to keep a greater di- ftance. Her kindred and friends were tranfported to hear with what refpecl: and tendernefs the ad- drefles he made to her were accompanied; but their rejoicing was very much abated, when, on examining her on this account, they could not find that he had ever once mentioned marriage to her; and though he fwore ten thoufand oaths that he was utterly unable to live without pof- feffing her, he had not made one that it was his intention to poflefs her by thofe ways which alone could do honour to her family. As there feemed fome reafon, however, to believe the regard he had for her was infinitely more fmcere than any who before had called themfelves her lovers, they advifed, nay conjured her to omit nothing in her power for improving it, and converting the de- figns he had upon her into honourable ones, if they were not fo already: all this me promifed them to do, but thought no more of what they had faid than the time they were fpeaking, and 0.3 i8z THE FEMALE B. m being herfelf quite eafy in the matter, made hep lover fo too, by leaving him to do as inclination fhould diret him. This behaviour was an infinite trouble to all \vho wifhed to fee her retrieve, by a happy marri- age, the errors of her paft life ; but one more fan- guine than the reft for her intereft, refolved to do that for her which he found there was no poflibility of prevailing on her to do for herfelf, and took an opportunity of difcourfing with the count on the affair. He at firft would have evaded all talk of it, and made feveral efforts to give a turn to the converfation; but finding himfelf clofely preffedj he at lafl replied, that as Belinda and himfelf were the chief perfons concerned, and were perfe&ly fatisfied with each other's intentions, he thought all interfering between them wholly unneceffary. Thefe words were a little refented by the friends of Belinda,and gave rife to fome expreflions on both fides, which if either of them demanded not that fatisfa&ion of the other, which is ufual in fuch cafes between gentlemen, there wanted but a very little of it. From this time, however, their former intimacy was broke off: Belinda's kinfman reproached her for that levity which had like to have proved fatal to him ; and count Loyter, to (hew how little he regarded the difpleafure of any of her family, prevailed on that thoughtlefs lady to come and live publickly at his houfe. All the world now looked upon her as his mif- trefs; and indeed how could it be otherwife! She had an apartment fo near his own, that they could with eafe pafs to each other, without being known to do fo by any of the family; me went abroad with him to all publick places ; (he had B. IV. SPECTATOR. 183 the entire command of all his fervants ; (he did the honours of his table whatever company was there; yet was there not the lead mention of any marriage between tlem: but in fpite of all thefe circumftances,it is poflible they might be in- nocent. After having lived together in this manner, till the talk of it (which never continues long on one fubjecl) began to fubfide, the count all at once declared his intention of making her his wife. New equipages and new habits were prepared,- invitations fent to the friends on both fides, and they were really married at a time when it was leaft to be hoped or expeded. It muft be owned that there was fomething fpiiited, and at the fame time truly honourable in the behaviour of count Loyter on this occafion: he would not be compelled to give any definitive anfwer as to his defigns on a woman of Belinda's character; but when he found himfelf free from the perfecutions of her friends s and that they had entirely given her over for loft, then did he (hew the fmcerity of his paflion,- and entirely wipe off all the afpeifions that had been caft on her upon his account. I fhould be glad there was a pofllbility of ex- cufing Belinda alib; but alas! me confented to live in his houfe without any certainty, or even a promife of ever being his wife, and was, perhaps, not the leaft furprized of any that heard it, that (lie was made fo. Her change of fortune has wrought no change in her humour and conduct; and as fhe would be commended for being no way elated with the gran- deur me pofleflesjfo muft (he alfo be highly blamed i&4 THE FEMALE B. IV; for not remembering her honour is now the proper- ty of her lord, and that every light unbecoming aclipn me is guilty of, is a reflection upon him. I believe it would be very difficult to prove that (he has ever wronged him in faft; but it is the duty of every married woman to behave fo as not even to be fufpe&ed. This Belinda has fenfe e- nough to know, but not enough to remembe-r that ihe knows. Adonius, no lefs amorous and inconftant thaa his brother Rinaldo, and much more endued with thofe perfections which charm womankind, has found in the now countefs Loyter graces, which, till after me was another's, had not been difcover- ed by him. The admiration he exprefles to have for her, and the pleafure his converfation affords, are of too much confequence to her happinefs not to be indulged, bhe forgets the obligation fhe has to her lord, and wholly taken up with this new and illuftrious lover, is fcarce ever at home, but when he vouchfafes to vifit there. It is certain, that in the parties of pleafure fhe makes with him, her hufband frequently is one; yet does not his being feen with them fometimes take off the cen- fure which their being together without him at others too juftly incurs. As yet the count is under no uneafinefs on ths fcore : he looks on the fine things faid in his pre- fence by Adonius to his wife, as proceeding only from an excefs of complaifance; and imputes the fatisfadion the takes in hearing them merely to the little vanity of her fex; the rambles they take together to the levity of both their humours; and, inftead of being angry, often laughs at the recital. B. IV. SPECTATOR. i* S Not fo the young, the beautiful, the tender A- nnadea fupports the being deprived of the fociety of her adored Adonius; (he pines in fccrct, with- out daring to complain, and now, too late, regrets her eafy faith, which nattered her with the hopes of fccuring to herfelf fo mutable a heart. Rumour will have it, that not two moons fince, deaf to all confiderations but thofe of gratifying their mutual paffion, he ran the rifque of ruining himfelf for ever with thofe on whom he depends, and who had betrothed him to another; and (he, of being (hamefully repudiated by that authority whence there is no appeal; they both venturing every thing that might enfue, to be united to each other by a clandeiiine and unlicenfed marriage. If fo, how great a change! the facred ceremony has no power to bind Adonius: he thinks him- felf under no obligations to continue conftant to a wife fo much beneath him: and where fl.all flic apply for juilice againft a hufband, whom to ac- knowledge as fuch, would only incur the difplea- fure of thofe ihe would oblige. What fad efre6r,s do giving way to any paflion, though of the mod tender kind, produce, efpeci- ally in ourfcx! If Amadea thinks (he has fatisfied her virtue, in granting nothing to her lover til! the fanc'lion of marriage has converted inclination into duty, what will fuch a marriage avail, when (he durft not avow it? When the very prieft that, joined their hands, (hall be obliged to dilbwn his ever having performed that ceremony between them; and when Adonius, whofe perfeverance in love,and patience in enduring all that could be in- flicted on him, could alone obtain forgivenefs; and a fandion of ratifying what he had done, (hall be i8<5 THE FEMALE B. IV. fo far from taking any fuch meafures, that he fhall teftify a joy in having made it void! What woe, what mifery, what defpair, would then be the lot of fo every way an abandoned wife. Already has (he a tafte of what {he may juflly apprehend will infallibly arrive in his prefent at- tachment to Belinda; already does fhe feel the cruel ftings of jealoufyand difappointment,and re- flects with agonies not to be exprefled, on the ap- proaching ills, which following the dictates of a blind heedlefs difpofition, and perhaps fome mix- ture of ill-judged ambition, muft involve her in. It is certain, fhe is far from being that vain, wild, unthinking creature that Belinda is; yet had fhe thought juftly me never would have confented to marry a perfon, where the character of wife muft lay her under greater inconveniencies than even that of a miftrefs. As the principal dcfign of thefe fpeculations is, therefore, to con eel thofe errors in the mind, which are moft imperceptible, and for that reafon the moftdangerouSjfuch examplesare not fetdown but with a view of (hewing how the want of a proper way of thinking in our youth involves our whole future lives jn misfortunes, which frequent- ly no reflection can afterwards retrieve. The ana- tomifts, indeed, will tell you, that where there is a defect in the texture of the brain, this incapacity of reflection is mechanical, and confequently irre- mediable; but by this way of reafoning they may alfo pretend, (as it is certain many do) that all vices are conftitutional, which I never can be brought to allow, becaufe fuch an opinion would be im- puting an error to the Author of our formation, wholly deftroying the doctrine of free-will, and^ S. IV. SPECTATOR. i$ 7 in fine, levelling human nature with the brutal, which acts merely by inftinct. I grant that by the-itructure of our parts we may have a more or lefs propensity to good or evil, and alfo that the foul has greater power of exerting itfelf, in what \ve call reafon, through the organs of fome peo- "ple, than it has in others; yet this is in a great meafure to be helped, if thofe who have the care of us when young, begin the work, and we our- felves carry it on afterwards with that vigour and application which it requires. Socrates the philofopher was an inftance of this truth, who being addicted to all manner of in- temperance, gained the victory, by his reafon and refolution, over each inordinate paflion, and was the pattern of virtue and abftemioufnefs. To know ourfelves, is agreed by all to be the moft ufeful learning; the firft lefibns, therefore, given us ought to be upon that fubject. The pa- rents or governors of children can never anfwer to themfelves a neglect in this point. Youth (hould be tried and fifted; and when the favourite propenfity is found out, it will be eafy either to eradicate or improve it, according as it tends to vice or virtue. 1 muft confefs, that where there is a kind of heavy ftupidity, or xvhat they call too much mer- cury in the difpofition, the one requires a great deal of art to enliven, and the other no lefs to fix; and, as they are direct contraries, fo contrary me- thods fhould be made ufe of. But this is a duty which ought not to be difpenfed with on account of its difficulty, nor is perhaps fo hard a matter as it feems, if we confider, that to give fpirit and Tivacity to the dull, nothing but chearful objects m THE FEMALE B. IV. fhould be prefented; and to the too wild and giddy, thofe of the mod ferioua and afFe&ing nature. Where an excefs of gaiety and the love of plea- fure is predominant, the mind fliould be early feafoned with the knowledge of the many difap- pointments, difafters, and calamities, which are the portion of the greatefl part of mankind. Pity for the woes of others, and the certainty that no condition or degree can allure itfelf with being de- fended from the frowns of fate, will give a more ferious turn to our ideas, and ferve very much to abate that impetuofity which arifes from a too great redundancy of fire or air in perfons of that difpofition. Few are fo happy as to be compofed of equal e- lements; therefore, what is deficient in the confti- tution, ought to be fupplied by judgment. The earthy ftupid, and the watry phlegmatic, are to be raifedbyexercife, mufic, dancing, and all fprightly amufements : as the fiery choleric, and the airy giddy, are to be tempered with their contraries. But, as I have already taken notice, this me- thod, though it mud not be omitted by the tu- tors, will fail of fuccefs, if not feconded by the endeavours of the pupils, when left to the ma- nagement of themfelves; but where there is a good foundation laid by thofe who have had the care of inftructing us in our youth, it will be en- tirely our own fault, if we afterwards fall into very grofs irregularities. , R.eflelion, therefore, and recollection, are as neceflary for the mind as food is for the body: a little examination into the affections of the heart can be of no prejudice to the mod melancholy conftitution, and will be of infinite fervicc to the fc. IV. SPECTATOR. 189 too fanguine. The unhappy may, pofiibly, by indulging thought, hit on fome lucky ftratagem for the relief of his misfortunes; and the happy may be infinitely more fo, by contemplating on his condition. So great a pleafure do many people find in re- tiring fometimes into themfelves, that they would not be denied that privilege for any other enjoy- ment whatfoever. I once knew a gentleman, who had a wife of tvhom he was infinitely fond, and whofe fociety he preferred to all others in the world, at thofe times when he was difpofed for converfation ; yet, if (lie offered to difiurb his meditations, would grow quite peevifh with her. So valuable to him was the freedom of his thoughts, that he could not bear an interruption, even tho' he knew it to be a proof of love from her who was by fo much the cleared part of himfelf. 1 remember I was one day at his houfe, when his lady thinking he had been too long alone, had, with a gentle force, dragged him from his clofet. 1 wondered to fee him more than ordinarily grave, and on inquiring into the caufe, was anfwered by him in thefe terms: "'This dear " creature (faid he) robs me of half the pleafure '* of her love, by not permitting me to contem- " plate on the blefiings I poffefs in her." How then happens it, that fuch numbers deny themfelves the .greateft fatisfaclion a reafonablc being can enjoy, and which is alfo of fuch high importance in every accident in life, that without it we have no power, either to attain any good, or defend ourfelves from any evil! But fome people are fo ignorant as to imagine, or fo wicked as to infinuate, that thofe who think VOL. I. R ipo THE FEMALE B. IV. much, and are lovers of folitude, feclude them- felves, not from the world, but with a view of doing fome mifchief to it- According to the fta- tions they are in, they are judged capable of ru- minating on greater or Jefler evils to mankind. They will have a fedentaryftatefman to be plotting treafon either againft his prince or country; a fteward ftudying new methods to enlarge his bills ; a tradefman to impofe upon his cuftomers; and fo on, from the higheft to the loweft degree. A few examples have, alas! but too much au- thorized this opinion. We have feen great think- ers who have only thought to aggrandize them- felves on the ruins of thofe they pretend toferve; great! prcfeffors, who have fpared no pains to gain confidence for no other purpofe than to betray, great advocates for liberty, only to enflave; and great preachers up of juftice, only to purchafe fe- curity for the worft of criminals. So grofs an abufe of the faculty of thinking is, indeed, turning the arms of heaven againft itfelf, and forcing that facred reafon, which was given us fora guide to virtue, to accompany us in the paths of vice. To think of fuch purpofes, I rnuft confefs, is infinitely worfe than not to think at ail; becaufe the one tends to injure and opprefs mankind in general, the other is for the moft part hurtful only to the perfons themfelves. Hypocrifyis deteftableboth to God and man: we are told from an unerring mouth, that thofe found guilty of it " fhall have the loweft place in " hell;" andfureon earth theymeritthe moftcon- temptible treatment from their fellow creatures! When once the maflc of benevolence and fiucerity is plueked from the face of the feeming angel, and B. IV. SPECTATOR. i pl the grim treacherous fiend appears in his native uglinefs, by fo much the more as our admiration before was of him, will be our abhorrence of him afterwards : we fball hate and fly him, as we once loved and followed him: every body will be ready to catch up a ftone to throw at him, and no opportunities of infuhing him will be omitted. Proteus, by fad experience, is convinced, that all his arts are ineffectual to retrieve any part of that efteem he once was happy in from all de- grees of people. The beguiler can beguile no more. By miftaken meafures, vainly aiming at greater homage, like Lucifer, the pride-fwollea bubble fell, at once, into the gulph of endlefs in- famy and contempt, whence he can never hope to rife. Even the very ladies take a pleafure in giving him all the mortification in their power; and as our fex has the privilege of faying whatever we have a mind to, without any danger of refcnt- ment from the men, he often meets with .the fe- vereft farcafms from thofe who have wit enough to make them. He was one day at cards with fome perfons of condition, when being feized with a fudden vio- lent pain in his fide, after diltorting his iace into feveral difagreeable pofitions, he could not forbear at laft crying out, " Oh, my fide! my fide!" On which Tartilla, who was one of the company, with a malicious fneer rejoined, " Your fide, Pro- '* teus! I thought you had no fide now." Thele words, which plainly alluded to his being aban- doned by both parties, gave him,perhaps,an agony more poignant than that he complained of, and both together rendered him fo peevifh, that he re- ft 2 Ipi THE FEMALE B. IV. plied haflily, and in a tone which was far from his accuftomed politenefs, u Yes, madam, and a *' back-fide too." This anfwer, grofs as it was, gave not Tartilla the lead confufion; and with- out any hesitation, " I do not know that," faid {he, t( but all the world knows your wife has one." All the company burft into a loud laughter at this repartee, as the character of Proteus's wife made it no lefs juft than fmart.; and he, having no- thing to return to a piece of fetire which had fo much truth in it, went out of the room ready to burft between fhamc and unavailing fpite, leaving his fair antagonifl to receive all the praifes her. ready wit and preferice of mind deferred. When people of fuch confideration in the world are guilty of any notorious, indirect, or ridiculous actions, they can expect no lefs than to become the theme of every fatiric genius : but I think the jeer which old Pompilius met with from his own fon, on account of his being lately married to a lady young enough to be his grand-daughter, was no, lefs flinging than that I have been relating. Some little time after thefeprepofterous nuptials were confummated, the father and fon were toge- ther at an affembly: feveral who had not before that time feen old Pompilius fince the ceremony,, congratulated him upon it in thephrafes common on fuch occafions; and this turning the converfati- on on the happinefs of the conjugal (late, one of the company happened to afk the young gentleman "Avhen he intended to marry? " Really, fir," an- fwered he, " it is a thing I have not yet given my-. ' felf any trouble about; for (added he, with a far- cafticlook) the onlyladyl wifh to have for a wife, " is the fifter of my mother-in-law; and the only B, IV* S P E C T A T O H. 193 " inducement Ihave to that, is becaufe I mighthave " the honour of beingcalled brother by "my father." Not even thofe whofe intereft it was to preferve the good-will of Pompilius, had guard enough o- ver themfelves to reftrain fmiling at fo unexpected and fo fevere a reply from his fon before his face; but thofe who regarded neither his favour nor re- fcntment, laughed outright; and the old bride- groom, finding what he had done thus publickly fcofted at by his own blood, was in no lefs con- fufion and incapacity of making any return than he had once before been in, when employed to give an account of a battle, while the dreadful rear of the cannons were ftill in his ears, and all the terrors of death before his eyes; nor could now, as then, recover himfelf from it, till more than half a dozen bottles of Burgundy (his ufual ilint) had given him frefh fpirits. It is certain, that of late years the family of the Wrongheads have increafed to a prodigious num- ber. We have feen fuch things as even the very re- port of in former times would have been treated as mere fiction; and, indeed, all the tales that romance can furnifh us'with, come infinitely fhort of many prefent characters. We have knight-adventurers, who, like Don Quixote, when he fpurred Rofi- nante to encounter with the windmill, by attempt- ing to furmount imaginary dangers, run into real ones. We have hypocrites and felf-favers,of whom Sir Hudibrafs, in laying the whipping taflc on the back of his poor 'fquire, is but an imperfect mo- del. We have ourTherfites, our Pandarus's, our Demagorus's too, in a much higher degree than roet or hiftorian painted them. Difficult is ii LO fay, whether wickednefs or folly moft abounds R3 194 THE FEMALE " B. IV, among us ; and whether there are more people who purchafe what they call happinefs at the expence of their virtue, or who forfeit all pretenfions to it by their madnefs: for there is nothing more common than to fee thofe who, in court, in camp, in town, and in country, take as much pains to be undone, as others do to undo. In fine, when one looks into the world, and con- fides the prefent times and humours of mankind,, one cannot help crying out with the poet, " There is no wonder, or elfe all is wonder!'* Yet to what can we impute all thofe miftakes,, mifcarriages, or thofe cruelties, oppreffions, unna-. tural actions, and the innumerable train of mif- chiefs, which we either bring upon ourfelyes, on inflicl on others, but to the want of thought, or to thought mifapplied! The latter I again allow to be of much worfe confequence than the former; but as we are free-agents,- and the choice is in, ourfelves whether we will be virtuous or vicious,, it would be a poor excufe to fay, " We durft not " think, left we mould think amifs." Man was created little inferior to the angels>. and it is his own fault that he is not very near as happy too. This world is plentifully ftored with every thing fuited to the nature of his being; and, borne en the wings of facred contemplation, he may alfo partake of heavenly raptures: but this point I leave to divines! for though it is a truth felf-evident, yet there are people who chufe rather to be convinced by the learning of others, than by the witnefles in their own breads. A friend of mine, who with fome other Eng-* lifh gentlemen was making the tour of Europe, happened, as he paffed through one of the moft B. IV. SPECTATOR. i 95 wild and mountainous parts of France, tolofe his company. On his firft finding himfelf alone, he imagined, that having been in a deep mufing, they bad gone on before without his obferving them, therefore clapped fpurs tohishorfe in order to over- take them: but having- rode fome miles without feeing either any thing of them, or meeting any perfon who could diret him to the town where they had agreed to put up for that night, he was extremely at a lofs, efpecially when he came where" three roads met. To add to his misfortune, there fell a very heavy rain, accompanied with a great \vind, infomuch that he was obliged to make to- wards a wood, which he faw at fome diftance, to shelter himfelf and horfe from the fury of the fr.orm which every moment feemed to gather ftrength. The intermingling boughs of the trees for fome little time defended him> but would not have continued to v do fo much longer, and he was be- ginning to give way to impatience ; when, on a fudden, he heard a human voice call to him to turn towards the right of a little mount, about fome twenty yards from him. He has aflured me, that never any mufic had given him half the pleafure as the found of one of his own fpecies did in that unfrequented wild. He failed not to obey the (ummons, and prefently perceived a man habited like a hermit, ftand at the entrance of a cave beneath the mount. The tempeit did not prevent him from coming forth to meet his diltrefled traveller: he helped him to. alight, tied his horfe under one of the thickefl; trees, and then conducted him into his gloomy l-.abitaticnj vuh all ihe politencfs of a firil-rate sourticr. 196 THE FEMALE B. IV. My friend was extremely furprized, not only at his reception, but at the exceflive neatnefs of every thing he faw in his cavern, which he found was divided into two rooms: the firfl contained a table, two eafy chairs, a fmall beaufet with glafles, and fome china, loaded with the mod excellent fruits: the other had in it only a couch, with a mat- trefs and coverlid, one chair, and a shelf of books, near which was fixed a little altar with a crucifix. He could not help teflifying his admiration at the contrivance of this habitation; and, as he fpoks French very well, began to afk fome queftions concerning it, and in what manner his holt could be provided with necefiaries, as he faw no town, nor even village, near that place. To which the other replied with a fmile, that his curiofity should be fully fatisfied ; " But firft " (faid he) y<5u muft refresh yourfelf with fuch ** things as this homely cell affords." In fpeaking thofe words, he fpread a curious damaflc "napkin on the table, and then fet plates of pickles, feveral forts of frefh and dried fruits, fine manchet, fromage, and a bottle of the beft Bur- gundy. In fine, a more elegant afternoon's colla- tion could not have been prefented in the moft o pulent city, than what this cavern in the midil of an unfrequented wood afforded. The more the ftranger faw, the more he was furprized; which the feeming hermit perceiving, entertained him, while they were eating, with this account of himfelr. He told him, that he was not a conftant inha- bitant of the place he found him in, but repairexl thither occafionally, and when he was in the hu- mour to indulge refls&ioa i that he wore that B. IV. SPECTATOR. J 9 y habit, which was always held facred, even by the moft profligate, to protect him from any infults in ca!c he fhould happen to be feen by any of thofc wretches, who, living on the plunder of travellers, frequently, when purfued, took fhelter in that wood; and that he was called the count de Mon- taubin, and his ufual refidence in a caftle of his own about twelve miles diltant. * My friend, after paying him thofe refpets which the knowledge of his quality demanded, exprefled fome amazement that he fhould have occafion to take the pains to come fo far, and.fubjeci; himfelf to fo many inconveniencies, merely for the fake of a retirement, which he might, doubtlefs, enjoy in as full a manner at home, if he was difj.oied to let his inclinations for folitude be fignified to his ac- quaintance, To which the count replied, that he pcrct4ve4 he was a flranger to the humour of ihe French na- tion : that what he mentioned was a thing whol- ly imp radii cable to a man of his quality: that though he lived -at a confiderable diitance from Paris, or any gieat city, his caftle was continually crowded either with the neighbouring gentry, or perfons who travelled that way; and that befides, he was married to a lady of fo gay and volatile a difpofition,that it was impoffiblcfor him ever to be entirely alone. " To add to all this, continued he, * { 1 have fcvcral children, and a numerous retinue " of fervants, and though I fliould (hut myfelf up " in the moft retired room I have, I could not (till ft be free from interruption of one kind or other." ** The mind, faid he, requires fome relaxation. *< as well as the body; and when fatigued with ** the hurry of thofc pleafures with which it is I 9 S THE FEMALE B. IV. " expelled one mould entertain one's friends, here " I retire, give a loofe to contemplation, and " when I have recruited my fpirits, return again <{ into the world, and tafte the joys of love and " converfation with a much higher reliih than if cc I never were abfent from them." The Englifh gentleman could not help allow- ing the juflnefs of his notion in this point, but ilill thought it rtrange that he did not make choice of fome place where he might be lefs expofed to acci- dents, than in the wildnefs of this wood; but the count, who it feems, was one of the molt com- plaifant obliging perfons on earth, would not fuffer him to remain in a fu [pence, which it was in his. power to eafe, and therefore made no fcruple of relating to him fome paflages of his former life, which entirely banifhed all the difUcuhi^s he had found in himfeif to reconcile to reaton a behaviour that at firil appeared to have in it fo much oddity.- The count in his younger years had the mif- fortune to have a rencounter witlva nobleman, in which he gave him fome wounds which he knew not but were mortal. Befides the law, which in that country is very fevere againft duelling, his an- tagonift was a pericn in great favour with the king, and he had little room to hope for mercy in cafe the other died. To avoid the profecution, he fled from Paris, and not doubting but all houfes where they might expe6l to find him would be ftriclly fearched, he concealed himfejf in this wocd, ac- companied only by one faithful fervant, who hav- ing been brought up with him, would not be pre- vailed upon to quit him in fuch an extremity. He aflured my friend, that they lived for near three weeks on fuch provifion only as that dsfo- B. IV. SPECTATOR. i<;f hte wild afforded; that for feveral days they could not find a brook at which they might flake their third, fo that the fruits they found on fome of the- hedges ferved them both. as food and drink; and to fecure themfelyes from the wolves by night, which frequently prowled about that foreft, they were obliged to take up their lodgings in the tailed trees they could find. Nothing, he faid, but the pro- tecting hand of heaven could have enabled them to fuftain the hardfhips they were obliged to fuffer. Atlaft, quite tired and worn out with defpair, death feemed lefs terrible than the continuance of fuch a life, and he ventured to fend his fervant to enquire what was become of the wounded gentleman, and at the fame time to procure fome place where he might once more be accommodated with the ne- ceffaries which the nature of his being required. The fellow's return brought him the good news .that his enemy was not only recovered of the hurts he had received from him, but had alfo confefled that himfelf had been the aggreflbr, and laboured by all his friends to obtain the fame pardon for the count as for himfelf: that every body expected it would foon be Hgnsd, and that, though it was not proper he mould appear in publick till it was fo, yet, as all fearch after him was entirely over, he might quit that dreadful fituation, and repair to the lioufe of a relation, who would meet him at the entrance of the foreft, and conduct him with all manner of privacy. Every thing happened according to his intelli- gence; and lie had not been a week before the royal clemency exerted itfelf in favour of both the delinquents; who then, as great friends as before they had been the contrary, went together to *<55 THE FEMALE B. IV. throw themfelves at the foot of the throne, and pay their grateful acknowledgments. The count concluded his little narrative with faying, that though this adventure was fo happily ended, the danger and hardfhips it had involved him in, gave a much more ferious turn to his humour than he had ever known before; that during his abode in that folitary place, he had found fo much matter for contemplation, that the remembrance ftill dwelt, and ever would do fo, up- on his mind; and though the ideas which he now had demanded in privacy to indulge, yet they were fo far from having anything melancholy or gloomy in them, that they afforded him the moft icrene and perfect fatisfaclion. " You fee now, added he, the motives I hate " for retiring myfelf fometimes from -the noife " and hurry of the world; and as this place was " my afylum in diftrefs, I cannot help having a " kind of love for it, and think I ought in grati- " tude to make it the fcene of my more pleafmg ** meditations;! therefore made this cavern be cut out of the mount, furnifhed it as you fee* provided two chairs in cafe any diftreffed per- t* fon fhould have occafion to take refuge here, as " it has now happened; and I could wifh that I " had taken the fame precaution as to a bed, for it " now grows late, and 1 forefee the ftorm will not " abate while you can depart with any fafety; <{ but we will pafs the night as well as we can; I < have a fufficient quantity of Burgundy within, " and by the help of that and converfation, we " may beguile the hours till morning, when my " fervant will be here, and then I will beg the fa- ." vour of your company to a place, where it will B. IV. SPECTATOR. 201 " be in my power to entertain you in a fafliion ' fi more agreeable to my inclination and your * merit." My friend then told him, how having loft his company he could not do himfelf the honour to accept his invitation, becaufe, he mufl make the .bed of his way to the town where they had agreed to ftay for that night; and faid, he did not doubt but to overtake them, provided he could but find his way out of the foreft. Count Mcntaubiii afTured him, that what he talked pf was no way to be performed ; that the town he mentioned lay quite on the other fide of the wood, which was wholly impracticable to be pafFed without a guide, even though he had the day inftead of the night before him, by reafon of the many intricate turnings it contained : that the great road was not only the fafeft but the neareft; and as he had mifled it by turning into the wood, be might by the affiflance of his fervant eafily re- cover it : " But, faid he, as the man will be with '* me, as he always is, extremely early, the beft 224 THE FEMALE B. V. her hands, or thofe of fome perfon flie would nominate as her guardian, that part of the eftate, which (he was too fenfible he could not with-hold from her. The firfl attempt (he made for this purpofe was to get the maid that waited On her into her inte- reft; but all the promifes (he made being ineffec- tual to corrupt the integrity of this faithful crea- ture, (he had recourfe to a ftratagem, which one would be furprized to think fhould ever enter in- to the head of one who was not yet arrived at her fixteenth year. Pen, ink, and paper, unhappily being not re- fufed her, fhe wrote a great number of little billets, complaining of the injultice fhe received from aa inhuman father, who had locked her up on pur- pofe to make her pine herfelf to death, that the whole of the eftate might defcend to his other more favoured daughter. Thefe fhe folded up, and directed, ' To any charitable perfon who fhall pa{s this " way, and has companion enough to aflift an '* abufed daughter in her efcape from the moft " barbarous of all fathers." Several of thefe letters fhe threw out of the win- dow as foon as it was dark, but they were either net feen and trod under foot, or fell into the hands of fuch, as either knew not what to make of them, or did not care to interfere in the affair. At length, when fhe grew half diftra&ed at the {cu- pidity and infenfibility of the world, and began to defpair of the fuccefs fhe aimed at by this means, as fhe was throwing out the laft flie intended to make trial of, fate direV.ed it to light on the ihoulder of a gentleman, who happened to be B. V. SPECTATOR. 225 knight-errant enough to attempt the relief of this diftrefled damfel. He Xaw from whence it fell by the light of a lamp which was oppofite to the houfe, and heard the window fhut juft as he took it up : the mo- ment he came home he examined the contents, and found fomething fo whimfical in the adventure, that he refolved to fathom the bottom of it. He was a man of no fortune, and had fupported the appearance of a gentleman merely by gaming; fo thought, that if the confined lady was really fuch as her letter (ignified, he ought not to neglect what liis good genius had thrown in his way, but make u(e of the opportunity which gave him fuch fair hopes of eftablifliing himfelf in the world. Early the next morning he made it his bufi- nefs to enquire among the neighbourhojcl into the circumftancesof Alvario, and was foon informed of the truth of every thing. To be afiiired that the young lady, who implored affiftance, had art eftate independent either of her father or any one elfe, flattered his moftfanguine views; but which way he fhould let her know how ready he was to obey any injunction fhe fhould lay upon him for the recovery of her liberty, was the great diffi- culty. To write, he perceived, would be in vain ; he fuppofed by the method fhe took, that fhe had no perfon whom (he could confide in, either for fending or receiving any letters; or if (he had, was wholly ignorant who that perfon was : at lad, af- ter various turns of invention, he bethought him- felf of one, dangerous enough indeed, but fome- what he thought was to be ventured. The window from whence he found the letter came, was but one (lory from the ground, and be< VOL. I. U 226 THE FEMALE B. V. ing a back-room, looked into a little court, which, though a thorough-fare, was not much frequented in the night. He therefore refolved to climb it, which he did by the help of a ftep-ladder he pro- cured, and brought himfelf to the place about the fame hour he had received the letter. As he made not the leafl noife in mounting, he looked through the glafs, and by the curtains not being entirely clofed, faw the fair authorefs of the fummons fit- ting in a melancholy pofture, leaning her head up- on her hand : he found flie was alone, and ven- tured to knock foftly againft the window: fhe darted at the noife, but being of a difpofition far from timid, ftepped toward the window, which he immediately drew up on the outfide, and making as low a bow as the pofture he was in would ad- mit, " Be not alarmed, fair creature, faid he, I " come to offer you that affiftance which this <( mandate tells me your condition requires." In fpeaking thefe words he prefented her with the billet (he had thrown; the fight of which diflipa- ting all the apprehenfions fhe might have on his being there, on fome lefs agreeable defign, fhe thanked him for the trouble he took, and the dan- ger to which he expofed himfelf, in the moft grate- ful and obliging terms : after this, as time would not permit much ceremony on either fide, fhe in- formed him, that the fervice fhe intreated of him was firft to provide a lodging for her in fome houfe of reputation, and that he would come again the next night and help her to defcend from the win- dow, there being no other way of her getting out of the houfe. This he allured her of performing, and fhe promifed him that fhe would return the obligation with every mark of gratitude a virtuous B. V. SPECTATOR. 227 woman had to bellow, or a man of honour could expect: after which he defcended, and me made fafl her window, both of them highly fatisfied with this interview, though for different realons; (he full of hopes of regaining her dear liberty; and he, of having it in his power to oblige her to enter into a fecond, and more laiting con- finement. The gamefter was not remifs in any thing that might contribute to the gaining fo rich a prize as Chriftabella; he prepared a lodging for her, fur- nifhed in a very complete manner, but it was at the houfe of a perfon to whom he eommunicated the whole of the affair, arid who had reafons to at in fuch a manner as fhould forward his defigns. When the appointed hour arrived, he repaired to the window, where Chviftabella flood in full expectation of his coming, and no fconer faw the ladder fixed than (he defcended, without exacting any other promife from her deliverer than what (he had received from him the night before. - Some hours before her departure, (he wrote a letter to her father, and laid it in a place where me was certain it would be found as foon as her flight mould be difcovered. The terms in which Ihe exprefied herfelf to him were as follow : SI R, " The cruel ufage I have received from you " makes me imagine you forget you gave me be- ing, and abfolves me from the duty I otherwife * mould owe you as a father : 1 go for ever from * { you, and expect you will not force me to take { any meafures unbecoming the character of a daughter, in order to gain poffeffion of my birth- U 2 228 THE FEMALE B. V. ** right, which you have long enjoyed the ufe of, *' and is high time fhould now devolve on, S I R, Your much injured daughter, CHRISTABELLA.' A coach that waited at the end of the ftreet conveyed her to her new lodging, and the perfon who attended her thither omitted nothing that might infpire her with a high idea of his honour, and alfo make her think he was not her inferior either in birth or fortune. Late as it was, he obliged her to fit down to a very elegant collation he had caufed to be provided. At firft (lie was highly delighted with her re- ception ; but fuppcr was no fooner over than he began to fpeak his mind more freely, and let her know he had not taken all this pains but with a view of becoming the mafter both of her perfon and eftate : he made his declaration, however, in the moft fubmiflive terms, and accompanied with a fhew of the utmoft paflion and adoration of her charms; and as me had been accuftomed to hear profeflions of this nature, (he was not greatly dif- pleafed with thofe he uttered, and affected to rally what he faid with the fame gaiety (he had treated her former admirers: but, alas! me foon found he was not to be put off in that manner; he pref- ied her for an immediate promife of marrying him the next morning; told her that he was extremely ferious in the affair, and expeted me mould be fo too, and that he was determined not to quit her prefence till he had an aflurance of being her hufband. She now began to tremble, and as fhe has con- fefled, wifhed herfelf agaia under Alvario's roof; B. T. SPECTATOR. 229 (he was in the power of a man utterly a ftranger to her, and who feemed refolute enough to at- tempt any thing he had a mind to: no vifible way of efcaping the danger with which her honour was threatened, unlefs ihc complied with his de- fires, offered itfelf to her: the more (he reflected on her condition, the more dreadful it appeared; and (he at laft, in fpite of all the greatnefs of her fpirit, burfl into a flood of tears. As he did not want wit, and exerted it all on this occafion, he faid the moft endearing things to her, laying the blame of the compulfion he was obliged to make ufe of, on the excefs of his love, and the apprehenfions he was in, that if he let flip this opportunity, me would not hereafter liften to his vows: he added alfo, that if the place of her abode mould be difcovered by Alvario, the autho- rity of a father might force her back into that con- finement, from which (he had, but with the ut- moft difficulty, got out of; whereas, when (he was once a wife, all former duties and obligations would be diflblved, and (he would be only under the power of a hufband, to whom her will mould ever be a law. During this difcourfe a ftrange viciffitude of different paflions rofe in her troubled mindj fometimes foftened by the flattering expreflions of his Jove and admiration, inflamed with rage at others, when (he confidered that he had the bold- nefs to think of forcing her inclinations : the in- difcretion of trufting herfelf in the hands of a man fo wholly a ftranger now (hewed itfelf to her in its true colours; one moment (he argued mildly with him how incompatible the laying her under conftraint was, with the refpeft he pretended for 230 THE FEMALE B'.'V. her; the next, (he reproached him, and teftified the utmoft fcorn at his proceeding; by turns de- fcended to footh and to revile ; both which were equally effectual: he replied to every thing (he faid with all the humility of the moft befeeching and obfequious love, yet the purport of his words convinced .her the refolution he had taken was unalterable, that fhe had no means of avoiding being his, and that all in her own choice, was to be his miftrefs, or his wife. Great part of the night being now elapfed, and no poffibility of prevailing with him, me at length yielded to neceffity, and confented to marry him; on which he left her to take what repofe fo unexpected a change of fortune would permit; but that no chance or contrivance might deprive him of his hopes, obliged her to make the woman of the houie the partner of her bed. When at liberty to ruminate on the accident had befallen her, the compulfion fhe was under feemed to her the moft vexatious part of it : the perfon andconverfation ofherintended bridegroom had nothing in them difagreeable to her; he had the appearance of a man of fafhion, and had fworn a thoufand oaths that his birth and fortune were fuch, as none of her kindred would have caufe to blame her choice of him : he had told her his name, which happening to be the fame of a very great family, (tho', in reality, he was not at all related to them) fhe imagined it would be no de- meaning of herfelf to be called by it; therefore eafily flattered herfelf that it was, as he pretended, only the violence of the paffion me had infpired him with, which made him take the methods he did for the gratification of it: this vanity con^ B.V. SPECTATOR. *u tributcd greatly to her cafe, and made her, with lefs relu&ance, perform the promife he had ex- torted from her. In fine, they were married, after which he car- ried her into the country under the pretence of diverting her, but in reality to elude any profe- cution which might be made againft him for ftealing an heirefs. AlvariB, indeed no fooner found the letter (he had left for him, than he fearched for her at e- very houfe where it was known fhe had the leaft acquaintance; and not being able to hear the lead tidings of her, doubted not but fhe was gone away with fome perfon for whom (he had a fecret affection. Chriftabella, in the mean time, grew perfect- ly reconciled to her lot; and not in the leaft doubting but her hufband was in reality of the fa- mily and fortune he had told her, was continually importuning him to demand the writings of the eftate out of her father's hands; but he had too much cunning to comply, and feeming not to regard her wealth, fince he got pofleffion of her perfon, won fo far upon her as to create in her a molt perfect affe&ion; and it was not till after he found himfclf aflured that fhe would not join in any thing againft him, by being the mafter of her heart, and that fhe was pregnant, that he brought her to town, and fuffered their marriage to be de- clared; but it no fooner was fo, than the whole truth of his circumftances was alfo divulged: - Alvario was like a man deprived of reafon ; all her kindred aud friends were inconfclable; every one who wilTiedhcr wclljnrr.azet! a:u! fhocked; and the whole town full of no other fubje&of difcourfe* * 3 * THE FEMALE B. V. Chriftabella herfelf, at -the fir/I difcovery of the deception had been put upon her, felt a re- fentment, which nothing but her own behaviour can defcribe: fhe threatened to abandon this unworthy hufband, and leave him to that punifh- ment the law inflits on the crime he had been guilty of: fhe had even packed up her cloaths and jewels for that purpofe; yet did his intreaties and pretended paffion for her, added to*the con- dition fhe was in, and the refle&ion how dread- ful a reproach it would be to the child fhe was to bring into the world, fhould the father of it be brought to fo infamous a fate, prevail on her to continue with him, and content herfelf with vent- ing her indignation in the moft bitter terms flie could invent: all which he bore with a {hew of patience, as he knew it was not yet time to exert any authority, but kept in mind every reviling word, refolving to revenge it hereafter. But not to fpin this little narrative to a too tedious length, he had artifice, and fhe had good- nature enough, tobring about an entire forgivenefs on her part: (he did every thing he requefted of her; fhe affiired whoever fpoke to her of the affair, that no impofition had been pra&ifed on her; that fhe knew before hand the true circum- ftances of the perfon who was now her hufband; and that the love (lie had for him made her over- look the difparity between them. She employed a lawyer to go to her father on the account of the cftate, and before the affair was wholly determin- ed, the death of her fifter gave her a right to the whole; which Alvario, feeing there was no re- medy, was obliged to refign. The pofieffion of this eftate difcoveredto Chrr-. B. V. SPECTATOR. 233 ftabella how mifcrable flic was; the feemingten- dernefs and fubmiffive temper of her hufband had made her not doubt but (he always would be the fole miftrefs both of her actions and fortune; but all being now compleated, and he having nothing more to fear from her difpleafure, he prefently made her feel the effets of the power he had over her, and that he had not forgot the difdain with which fhe had treated him during the continuance of her rage. A fpirit like her's was not eafy to be broke; yet did he accomplifh the talk in a very few months: it is now her turn to fue, and often fue in vain for a (mail (hare of her own wealth, which he profufely lavifhes abroad among his former companions, leaving her at home to lament alone her wretched (late. Never was a greater tyrant; he denies her even the privilege of vifiting, or being vifited by thofe who would wifli to continue a correfpondence with her: as for her father and kindred, not one among them would ever fee her fince her elopement, and the difcovery of her marriage: no words can paint the miiery of her condition, and to render it worfe, there is not the lead appearance of any relief but by death. It is certain that the fate of fo difobcdient a daughter, cannot excite much commiferation in the world; but it ought to be a warning to all parents, who wifh to fee their children happy, to fludy carefully their difpofitions before they go about to treat them with ungentle means, and ra- ther condefcend to footh an obftinate temper, than compel it to a change. Where there is vanity and felf-fufficiency, it muft be only time and reflec- 234 THE FEMALE B. V.. tion that can convince them what they ought to do ; and if, by laying fome pleafures in their way, lefs prejudicial than thofe to which they are ad- dicted, one could divide the inclination fo as to render the former lefs ftrong, it might be eafy, by degrees, to bring them to an indifference for all. This is a method which might at leaft be made trial of, and I fancy, would more often anfwer the end than fail. If Mrs Oldfafhion would, therefore, wean Mifs Biddy from the immoderate delight (lie has takenatprefentinRaneJagh-gardens,and thecom- pany who frequent that place, it might be right to vary the fcene; but in my opinion altogether the reverfe to change it to one where onlydifoial objects offering to the view, mould render the pail more pleafing in idea, than they were even in en- joyment. Did not reafons of ftate, which the SPECTATOR, muft not prefume to fathom, engage us at prefent in a war with France, I mould advife to fend a young lady too much bigotted to any one pleafure, into that polite country, where me would find fo. vaft a variety, as would give a quite different turn to her temper, and make her defpife all that be- fore feemed fo enchanting to her. I forefee that many, on reading this paragraph, will be aftonifhed, and cry out, that following this counfel, fhe would lofe all relifli for the delights- her own country affords, only to become more fond of thofe of another! This objection at firft may appear plaufible enough, but when conGder- ed, will be found of no weight ; for befides the re- membrance of thofe dear friends (he has left be- hind, there is fomething of a natural partiality in B. V. SPECTATOR. 235 us all to the place which gave us birth, which would make her in a fhort time with to return; fo that of confequence, (he would be much fooner cured of this immoderate love of pleafure, than by en- joying it in a place where nothing is abfent to her wifhes. There are alfo two reafons which render the in- dulging one's felf in all, or any particular kind of diverfion, lefs prejudicial in France than it fre- quently proves in England: the firft, becaufe whatever time is fpent in them is fo far from be- ing wholly loft, that it is rather an improvement, than a diminution of the education we have before received, as every body muft allow that knows any thing of the cuftoms of that nation; the arrival of a foreign lady is no fooner known, than fhe is invited to partake of all th^ir entertainments: fhe immediately enters into balls, aflemblies, maf- /querades, arid a continual round of pleafure in the palaces of princes, and houfes of perfons of the firft quality, where fhe is treated with the utmoft ele- gance and delicacy, ami hears nothing of thofe im- pertinencies, and loole ribaldry, fhe is liable to be perfecuted with, in thofe mixed companies at our mercenary places of refort; where all, without diftincUcn, are admitted for their money. A wo- man of honour ought to tremble to think what creatures may join in converfation with her in fome of our public rendezvous, who will not fail afterwards to boaft of an acquaintance with her; and take notice of her as fuch if they happen to fee her in any other place Few of our Er^lifh beaux have the difcrction a French gentleimn had, vho had been in the gallery at an opera in Paris, and fitting near a fine lady, who being drcfled, as 136 THE FEMALE B. V. he thought, a little too gay for that part of the houfc, he took for a fille de joye, and accofted with all the freedoms ufed to women of that character: - (he gave herfelf no pains to undeceive him, but evaded fuffering him to attend her home, as he ex- pelted to have done. Some days after, happening to fee her go into court, attended by a great num- ber of pages and footmen, he afked a perfon who flood near, who that lady was, and was anfwered, Madam de Charleroy, one of the princcfles of the blood. Afhamed of his former behaviour to her, he wasfculkingawayas faftas he could, but her pe- netrating eyes immediately difcovered her would- have-been gallant, and making him be called back, '* What, monfieur, faid fhe ironically, is the lady " you entertained with fo much freedom at the " opera, a few nights fince, not worth a fingle fa- <{ lute? O madam, returned he, with an admi- " rable prefence of mind, in * Paradife we are on " an equality, but now I know the refpecl: due to ** Madam de Charleroy." On which fhe laughed, and owned the blame was wholly her own, for in- dulging a frolic, which carried her to a place, where ihe could fo little be expected to be found. Had this tranfa&ion happened at any of our pu- blic diverfions, it is poflible the lady need not have been at the trouble to have the gentleman called back; he would have made her a low bow to mew his breeding, and never refted till he had gone through all the coffee-houfes in town, and enter- tained the company with his intimacy with a cer- tain great lady, whom, if he did not directly name, * \ bye-word they have in Paris fjr the galleries; as we fay, Among the goJt. $. V. SPECTATOR. 237 he would take care to defcribe in fuch a manner, as every one fhould know. I appeal to our ladies themfelves, if they have not fometimes been put to the blufh, by being , claimed as acquaintance by perfons of both fexes, whom they have happened to join with in thofe promifcuous affemblies; and by whom it is unbe- coming of their characters even to be mentioned. The other reafon I promifed to give why the partaking of all kinds of divepfions in France is not attended with the fame ill confequence as in England, is this : the innocent freedoms allowed in our lex, give no encouragement to thofe of the other to expect fuch as are not fo; it being, with- out all queftion, a place of the greateft gaiety, leaft fcandal, and leaft room for it, of any in the world : - the gentlemen there addrefs, prefent, and treat, with no other view than to (hew their own gallan- try ; and the ladies receive all the marks of refpel that can be paid them, as the privilege of their fex, and not as proofs of any particular attachment. I am forry to fay, that in England, ladies, even of the firft quality, are treated with very great in- difference, except by thofe men who have a dcfign upon them; and as for women of inferior condi- tion, though pofiefled of the moft extraordinary talents of mind or body, they may (hew themfelves as much as theypleafe,inail public places, without being able to make themfelves be taken notice of, if they allow no hope of one day purchafing dif- tindion at too dear a rate. On the whole, therefore, as vanity, and the de- fire of admiration, are th< chief motives which induce our very young ladies to thefe continual rambles, France is the only place vrhere they may VOL. I. X i}3 THE FEMALE B. V. find their inclinations gratified to its full extent, without danger to their virtue, or prejudice to their reputation. But as the enmity at prefent between the two nations, renders fuch an excurfion im- practicable, my correfpondent might fend mifs Biddy, under the care of fome relation, or other prudent perfon, if her affairs permit her not to go herfelf, to Bath, Tunbridge, or Scarborough; in fine, to any place where (he might be entertained with fomething, that (hould render her forgetful cf what (lie now fo much delights in. It would be extremely fortunate for her, if, while her paffion for the pleafures of Ranelagh are in their zenith, one of her kindred or intimates {hould happen to marry, and go down into the country to celebrate their nuptials; to accom- pany the new-joined happy pair, and be witnefs o the rural fports, invented for their welcome, by the innocent country people, would perhaps be a fcene too novel not to have fome charms for her: the woods, the fields, the groves, the fweet purling dreams, the horn, the halloo of the huntf- men, and the chearful ruddy countenance of thofe who purfue the chace, afford alfo a pleafing varie- ty of amufement. By ways like thefe, I fancy (he inight be cheated, as it were, into a tafte more fuited to make her happy, and brought to a more regular way of thinking, without feeming to en-* deavour it. This is indeed a crifis which calls for the ut- moft precaution in a parent: I am told by perfons -who are always confulted oa every occafion that relates to pleafure, that a fubfcription is intended, fome fay actually on foot, for ridottos and maf- querades at Ranelagh next winter; and if fo, our 5. V. S P E C T A T O R. * 39 young ladies will probably live there all night as well as all day. Whether Mr Heidegger will have intereft enough to prevent this invafion of his pro- vince, I know not; but if it mould go on, one may venture to pronounce, without beingany great con- jurer, that thofe no&urnal rambles will be found of more dangerous confequence at Chelfea, than they have proved at the Haymarket. I communicated this piece of intelligence to. a young lady, who at prefent pafles the grcateft part of her time at Ranelagh, and never in my life did I fee a creature fo tranfported : her eyes fparkled, her lips quivered, all her frame was in agitation, through eagernefs to know fomething farther of this important affair; and when I men- tioned the apprehenfions I had, that if fuch a de- fign mould take place, it might be prejudicial to the health of thofe who mould venture themfelves, in the damps of winter, in- a place fo near the water, "O madam, cried me, one cannot catch " cold at Ranelagh!" I could not forbear, after this, giving her fome broad hints of other incon- veniencies, which might probably attend being fo far from home, at hours that might encourage at- tempts, no way agreeable to the modefty of our fex; on which me only faid, " Lard, madam, *' how you talk!" And all my admonitions had' no other effe&, than to make her fhortan her vi- fit; no doubt to impart the difcourfe we had to- gether to fome of her acquaintance, and to ridi- cule my want of tafte. She has one motive, as I have been told by the men, which, notwithftanding, (he would be very unwilling to acknowledge, for her preferring maf~ queradcs to ajl other public diver fioris; which is % X * 2 4 THE FEMALE B. V: that fhe never had a handfome thing faid to her out of a vizard; nature, it is certain, having not been over-curious in the formationof her features, and that cruel enemy to beauty, the fmall-pox, has rendered them yet lefs delicate; but with the help of new ftays once a month,- and ftrait lacing, fhe has a tolerable fhape; but then her neck fuffers for it, and, corifefles, in fcarlet blufhes, the con- ftraintput upon herwaifl: this misfortune, how- ever, (he conceals under a handkerchief, or pele- rine, and high tucker, and never trips it in the walks without feme fhare of admiration from thofe who follow, and are not nimble enough to overtake her. A mafquerade may, therefore, well be the de- light of her heart, where the advantageous part of her only is revealed; yet though me cannot be infenfible of what is amiable in herfelf, and what the contrary, as (lie looks fo often in her glafs, fhe was weak enough laft winter to lay her- felf open to a rebuff at the mafquerade, which occasioned' a good deal of raillery among thofo ivho heard it. To difplay all her perfections in the beft light flie could, (he aflumed the habit of a Diana. A green velvet jacket, fringed with filver, made fo ftrait, that, as I heard, her chambermaid fprained both her thumbs with buckling it on, very much added to her natural ilendernefs: a filver cref- cent glittered on her head, which had no other covering than her hair, of which indeed fhe has a great deal, and well coloured, braided with rows cf pearl and flowers interfperfed; the vizard on, it muft be owned fhe made a very complete figure, 3. V. SPECTATOR. 14* and attracted the eyes of a good part of the aflein- bly who were there that night. But that which flattered her ambition moft, was, that the great Imperio took notice of her, and i- magining that a real Venus might be hid under the fi&itious Diana, ordered a nobleman who flood near him, to go to her, and prevail with her to come to the beauiet and unmafk. He, who was not unaccuftomed to fuch employments, readily flew to execute his commiffion, and, after having brought her to the higheft pitch of vanity by th<5 mod extravagant compliments, to crown all, let her know who it was that fent him, and on what errand. Charmed as (lie was with the praifes hs gave, it was fome time before flie yielded to do as he defired; but at laft her refolution was fub- dued, by the reflection that me ought not to re- fufe any thing to Imperio; and fhe fuffered her- .{elf to be conducted by him to the beaufet, near which Imperio flood, who prefented her with a glafs of wine with his own handy accompanied with many compliments; both which me received with a low obeifance, and at the fame time pluck- cd ofFher malk. But fatal was this complaifance to all her hopes :: Imperio ftarted back, and above the neceflity of" concealing the difappointment of his expectations v " It will not do, my lord, faid he to the noble-* " man, it will not do,, and I am forry I gave you. " fo much trouble." Several of the company, whom this adventure had drawn to that part of the room, faw her facs before (he could be quick enough to replace her mafk; and a much greater number heard the words Imoerio fpoke, as he turned from her-, fo that 242 THE FEMALE B. V; the whole time fhe ftaid afterwards, she was fa- Juted with nothing but, " it will not do," and a loud laugh. Had she been miftrefs of refolution enough to have refiftedtheimportunitiesof theemiffary-lord, and the commands of Imperio, she would doubt- lefs have heard many praifes of the charging Diana repeated afterwards in company; whereas now the my fiery was revealed, and the real Diana 1, her grenteft intimates could not forbear laughing r?r the mortification she had received; and on everv 'little difputc with any of them, the way they took to be revenged, was to cry, ' It '"will rot do." Much more lovely women than the perfon I have been fpeaking of, have fometirnes met with little indignitiesand flights, which their pride could ill fuftain: and, indeed, how should it be other- wife ! The men are fo cenforious,that they lock on all thofe of our fex, who appear too much at thefe public places, as fetting themfelves up for fale,and therefore taking the liberty of buyers, meafure us with their eyes from head to foot; and as the moil perfect beauty may not have charms for .all who gaze upon her in this fcrutincus manner, few- there are, if any, who have not found fome who will pafs by her with a contemptuous tofs, no lefs fignificant than the moft rude words could be. * O wherefore then will net women endeavour to attaSr; thofe talents 'which are fure of com- manding refpecl! No form fo fauklefs, but the inquiring eyes of wanton and ungenerous men may find a blemifh in. But fhe who has not the lead pretence to beauty, has it in her power, v.cuid flic but once be prevailed upon to exert it> If. V. SPECTATOR. 243 to awe the boldeft, or moft affectedly nice liber- tine into fubmiflion, and force him to confefs her worthy of a ferious attachment. If even by indi r gence of circumftances, or the unjuft parfimony fome parents are guilty of, flie is denied the means of cultivating her genius, and making herfelf mif- trefs of thofe expenfive accompliihments, which might render her whafe we call a mining figure an the world, innocence, and modeity are ilill her ownj they were born with her, they will coll nothing to preferve, and, without the aid of any other charm, will be a fure defence from all in- fults. Modefty is the chara&eriitic of our fex; it is indeed the mother of all thofe graces for which we can merit either love or eiteem: fweetnefs of behaviour, meekncfs, courtefy, charily in judging others, and avoiding all that would not fland the tell of examination in ourfelves, flow from it: it is the fountain-head as well as the guardian of our chaftity and honour, and when it is once thrown off, every other virtue grows weak, and by degrees is in danger of being wholly loll: she who is poffeffvd of it can be guilty of no crime, but she who forfeits it is liable to fall into all. How far it is confident with that decent referve, or even that foftnefs fo becoming in womankind, I leave any. one to judge, who has been witnefs in what manner fome ladies come into public affcm- blies: they do not walk but (Iraddle, and fome- times run with a kind of fiifkand jump; throw their enormous hoops almoft in the faces of thofe who pafs. by them', ftretch out their necks, and roll their eyes from fide to fide, impatient to take ike whole company at one viewj and if they ha 244 TH-E FEMALE B. V. pen to fee any one d reflect lefs exact, according to the mode, than themfelves, prefently cry out,- "Antiquity to perfection! A picture of the " laft age !" then burft into a laugh loud enough to be heard at two or three furlongs diftant; hap- py if they can put the unfortunate object of their ridicule out of countenance. Can fuch a beha- viour pafs upon the world for modefty, good-man- ners, or good-nature? I do not pretend to fay, that all the ladies who give themfelves an air of boldnefs, merely becaufs it is the falhion, are guilty of any thing which may arraign their chaftity; many may be innocent in aV,, who are not fo in shew : but are they not then greatly cruel to themfelves to aflame the appear- ance of vices they are free from ? Some are placed fo high as to have their aclions above the reach of fcandal; and others, by their avowed manner cf life,- render themfelves below it; but it is to thofs I fpeak who have reputation to lofe, and who are not altogether fo independent, as not to have it their intereft to be thought well of by the world. Far be it from me to debar my fex from going to thofe public diverfions, which, at prefent, make fo much noife in town : none of them but may be enjoyed without prejudice, provided they are frequented in a reafonable manner, and behaved at with decency ; it is the immoderate ufe, or rather the abufe of any thing, which renders the partaking it a fault. What is more agreeable than freedom in converfation ; yet when it extends to levity and wantonnefr, what more contemptible and odious! Some pleafureis doubtlefs neceflary to the human fyflem;. taken in moderation, it in- yigorates both mind and body; but indulged to B. V. SPECTATOR. 24^ excefs is equally pernicious: in fine, it ought never to break in upon thofe hours, which, with greater propriety, might de devoted to bufinefsin perfons of maturity, and to improvement in the younger fort. Time, always precious, can never be more fo than in our early years; the firft ideas make the flrongeft and moll lading impreffion: while the genius is free, and unclogged with any of the cares of life, and the foul ats through the organs of the body, uninterrupted with any paffions, dif- eafes, or diiafters, then it is that we mould endea- vo.ur to lay in a ftock of knowledge for our whole lives; to acquire thofe accomplishments which alone deferve, and will certainly attract refpeft; and to eftabliih foiid principles of virtue, which hereafter growing up into practice, will conduce to the happinefs of all about us, as well as of our- fclves. This crifis, if once neglected, can never be re- trieved, and will fooner or later be attended with a fevere repentance. How melancholy a thing muft it be for a lady to hear others, who have better hufbanued the ineftimable moments, ex- tolled for perfections flie is confcious me might have excelled in, had me not ralhly and inadver- tently let flip the golden opportunity. Nor are the hours employed in pleafu're all that are loft by it, efpccially when it happens to be of that fort which takes us much out of our own houfes: the idea of it is apt to render ns indo- lent in our arT;\irs, even the little time we are at home. Where the heart is, the thoughts will continually be when the body is abfent: the topic engroffes too much of the mind, and 2}6 THE FEMALE B. V* occafions an inattention to every thing but itfelf. It is not, therefore, greatly to be wondered at, that young ladies, who cannot be expected to have that folidity which experience only teaches, fhould feem fo carelefs in improving time, when we fee very many of thofe who have been married years, negle6t their hufbands, children and families, to run galloping after every new entertainment that is exhibited. But as there is great room to fear the prefent age is too far loft in luxury and indolence to Men to any remon (trances, I would fain perfuade the very young ladies to adt fo as to render the next more prominng. As marriage is a thing which they will one day think of, and a good huiband is both a natural and laudable wifh, who would not endeavour to render herfelf deferving the lafting affe&ion of a man of fenfe? fuch a one, who, as Mr. Rowe elegantly exprefTes it, will be always " Pleas'd to be happy, as flic's pleas'd to blefs, " And confcious of her worth can never love " her lefs." Somany youngcharmers are continually fpring- ing up, and the men grow fo exceflively delicate in their taile, that beauty, in their eyes, feems to have loft all its bloom at fixteen or feventeen; and how great a flab muft it be to the vanity of a wo- man, who, at five-and-twenty, finds herfelf either not married at all, or to a hufband who regards her no otherwife than as a withered rofe! for fo it will ever be, whatever the ladies may flatter themfelves with, where there is no tie more ftrong than merely perfonal perfection, to bind the natu- rally roving and inconflant heart. Convinced by B. V. SPECTATOR. 247 fad experience of this truth, in vain fhe looks back upon her mifpent days: in vain, with heart- felt tears, regrets the time fhe has lavifhed in trifles unworthy of her; in vain effays to atone for paft follies by a quite contrary behaviour: all (he can do is now too late ; with her, alas ! the fun of hope, of admiration, of flattery and plea- fure, is fet for ever, and the dark gloom of cold . neglect: and loathed obfcurity envelopes all her future life. Amafina had a form fo every way exact, that envy itfelf could find nothing to object againft it: all other beauties loft their charms when fhe appeared, and feemed but as Uars in the prefence of the fun; (he was what the fong defcribcs, ** Faireft among the fair." Her high birth, and the accomplifhments fhe was miftrefsof, heigrrened tlu grace-; of her per- fon, and fcarce any age ever produced an object of more univerfal admiration. But of all the ad- drefles made to her, thofe of Palamon were the mod countenanced by her nobje parents, and agree- able to herfelf: his virtue, good-fenfe, and breed- ing, made him refpected by them, as the grace- fulnefs of his perfon gave him the advantage in her eyes, above all others who pretended to her, tho' fome there were whofe eflates were far fuperior, and whofe declarations of love were alfo accom- panied with a greater fliew of vehemence. Palamon, it is certain, was a lover of that fort which all women who judge as they oughr to do, would approve; his profeflions were accompa- nied \yith no adulations, no extravagancies; his pafuon was perk-clly fincere and tenrler, but was &r from either jealoufy or impetuofity: he could 54$ THE FEMALE B. V. know his rivals without challenging them to fight, and could bear the little flights (he fometimes af- fected to treat him with, and not immediately fwear he would threw himfelf upon his fword. Amafina, too confcious of her charms, was fometimes very uneafy that fhe could render him no more fo ; and imagining fhe had begun to place her affections on a man who had not that defe- rence for her which fhe merited, made ufe of her utmoft efforts to withdraw it: to this end (he indulged her natural propenfity to gaiety, in going to all public places; liftened to the vows of every one who prefumed to make them; and in fine, became a perfect coquet: this method feemed to her the only one to render him more affiduous, and at the fame time to regain that liberty for her own heart which fhe found the inclination fhe had to him above all overmen, was beginning to en- thral. " All I defire in the world," faid (he one day to a perfon who afterwards repeated it to me, *' is to fee the infenfible Palamon dying with de- < c fpair at my feet; and that I may, from my very " heart, defpife and hate him." How fuccefsful foever this way of proceeding may fometimes have been found, it was far from anfwering the end Amafina propofed by it; and inftead of rendering Palamon more fubmiflive than he had been, made her appear to him every way lefs worthy of refpecl;. , As he truly loved her, and looked on her as a woman who was fliortly to be his v/ife, all the little levities of her behaviour feemed to him as fo many wounds to his own honour; and he could not therefore forbear reprefenting to her, how un- worthy of them both it was, that ILe (hould be fd B. V. SPECTATOR. 249 frequently feenat places, and with company, which he told her he was fure me muft be fenfible herfelf, gave occafion of cenfure to malicious tongues. She affected to refent the liberty he took, but was in her heart pleafed to find he was piqued at what flie did, becaufe (he took it as a proof of his love, as indeed it was ; but then she too much de- pended on the force of that love, and flattered her- felf with a belief, that at lad it would humble him into that tame enduring admirer she wished: to this end, therefore, she ftudied eternally how to give him fresh matter of difquiet; she contrived to be always abroad at thofe hours when she ex- pelled him to vifit her; she pafled her whole days in going from onepublic place toanother; would often leave word at home that if he deGred to fee her, he might come to lady Diamond's, mifs Toy- well's, or fome other of her female acquaintance, whofe comluft she knew he the moft difapproved of any she had : she fuffered beau Trifle, a crea- ture whofe converfation was shuned by every wo- man of prudence, to romp with her before his face; and in fine, did ever a violence to her own inclinations, as well as to her reputation, only to make trial how far the love Palamon had for her would compel him to bear. Poor unthinking lady! little did she forefee the confequences of this behaviour; and being guil- ty of no real crime, was too neglectful what the appearance of it would in time fubjecT: her to: her mother, tho' a woman of gaiety herfelf, was vexed to find her daughter give into fuch ex- cefles,as all her friends and kindred highly blamed her fop permitting,and did all in her power to pre- vail on ner to be at kaft more cautious to. prevent Vol. I. Y * 5 o THE FEMALE B. V. fcandal : but Amafina contented herfelf with liften- ing to her reproofs without being at all amended by them; and thinking she was the bed judge of her own actions, perfifte'd as she had begun, till by long affumingaboldnefs, which atfirft was far from being natural to her, she at lad really loft all that fimplicity and fweet timidity fo becoming in a vir- gin date; fierce fires now fparkled in her eyes; her voice became more shrill; she talked in- ceflantly; she laughed aloud; she blushed not at hearing a loofe fong, nor darted at freedoms she would once have thought a violation of decency and good manners. Palamon was both furprized and grieved to find this change in a perfon whom he loved with the utmoft tenderncfs, and had flattered himfelf of being one day happy with : he intreated her with all the moving eloquence of an honourable affection, that for her own fake, if not for his, she would reflect QS. her prefent conduct, and re- turn once more to'her amiable former felf : he reprefented to her, how unworthy of her conver- fation fome of thofe were who now were honour- ed with it; the little folid happinefs was to be found in thofe noify and tumultuous pleafures, to which she had, of late, too much devoted her time; and touched, though with all the gentlenefs he could, on the cenfures she incurred, and the dangers she was liable to fall into, by thus indifcri- minately fuffering herfelf to be led into all forts of company, and even into places reforted to by the mod irregular of both fexes. Thefe remondrances she fometimes affected to ridicule, and at others to refent; not but she had too much fenfe not to allow the judice of them; but as her whole aim in acting in the manner B. V. SPECTATOR. 251 she did, was to bring him to fuch a temper of mind as to fubjedl his very reafon to her will, and to think every thing jultifiable (he did, (he refolved to make no alteration in her conduct, till he fhould fay with the lover, in one of Mrs Cent- livre's comedies, " No follies fatal to the fair can prove, ** All things are beauties in the nym ph we love/* Some men, it is certain, have behaved with tha* flavilh dependence before marriage, who afterwards have become very tyrants, and made their wives dearly pay for all the fubmiilions they exacted from them while they were miflrefles. Palamon, however, was of a quite contrary difpofition: he did not defire to marry Amafina but with a view of living with her in that happy- equality which was doubdefs intended by the iu- ftitution; and though nothing could be more fin- cere and ardent than the paffion he had for her, yet he could neither think of making her his wife while (he continued in this inordinate love of un- becoming pleafures, nor of exerting the power of a hufband in order to reclaim her: the one he knew was inconfiftent with his honour, the other with his peace of mind, both which were extremely dear to him ; and though on many occafions he had room to believe he was not indifferent to .her, yet as he found the regard (he had for him was not of force enough to reftrain her from being guilty of any one thing he had tefl ified his difapprobation of, he refolved rather to break off with her irv- tirely, and futfer all the pangs fuch a parting mail inflict, than fubjecl himfelf to others of a yet more alarming kind, and which might probably be as Lifting as his life. Y 2 25* THE FEMALE B.V. With what prodigious difficulty he brought himfeif to determine in this fafliion, none but thofe poffeffed of an equal (hare of affection can poffibly conceive; fo I fhall only fay that it was fuch, as he flood in need of all his fortitude and good underdanding to furmount.. I have been told by one who knew him well, and was indeed the confidante of his mofl fecret thoughts, that he has feen him in agonies fuch as he often feared would have been mortal, and which he imagined, till he was convinced to the contrary, would have got the better of all his refolution; fo hard it is to wean the heart from an objecl: it has been long accuftomed to love, and which has fome merits to atone for its defects ! Had 'Amafina feen him in thefe conflicts, it is probable her good nature would have been too itrong for her vanity, and fhe would have abated fome part of thofe fubmiflions fhe expected from him, in confideration of the rack he fultained ; and thought that that alone was fufficient to prove the height of paflion fhe wifhed to infpi-re in the man on whom (he intended to beftow herfelf. But it was not her good fortune to be informed of any part -of what he fuffered; he revealed himfeif to none that would betray it to her, and the greatnefs of his fpirit would not permit him to behave in her prefence, fo as to enable her to pe- netrate into his foul; fo that (he knew no more than that he had the prefumptionto attempt bring- ing her over to his way of thinking, and obliging her to live according to his rules, and for that very reafon thought fhe mould be guilty of an injuftice to herfelf not to (hew him the vanity of fuch an eflay, and that fhe knew he ought rather to be B.V. SPECTATOR. 253 pleafed with every thing {he did merely becaufe ihe did it. This kind of flruggle between them, and that Palamon had with himfelf, continued for fome time; but at laft his love, infulted by additional provocations, yielded to his reafon; and all the fpells her inchanting beauty hadlaid upon him, loft their power at once : he fat down, and in the pre*. fence of that friend, who was the fole repofitory of his fecrets, wrote to her in the following terms r To the lovely thoughtlefs AMASINI. " Since, unjuft and cruel to yourfelf, as well? tf as to the mod fincere paflion ever heart was pof- " fefled of, you prefer thofe trifling diverfions, un- " worthy to be called pleafures,and the gallantries <* of men, whom, I have ftill too good an opinion '< of you not to aflure myfelf, you in realit-y de- "fpife, to your own reputation and my eternal ** peace; you ought not, nor I flatter myfelf will,, " accufe me of inconftancy, if 1 no longer fuhmit " to mingle with the herd, whofe addrefies yo'i have, of late, not only permitted but encou- raged; nor can I think of pafling my whole Ufa '* with a lady, who feems determined to devote all being informed the fame day of all that had happened, abfolutely fctbade him to make any noife of the affair, and feemed to ac- knowledge, that Palamon had behaved no other- wife than as a reaionable man, and Amafiua, thut if (lie looked on the lofs of him as a misfortune, had nobody in reality to accufe but herfelf. Palamon, in fat, had no fooner difpatched his letter to Amafina than he wifhed it back: a flood of tendernefs returned upon his heart, and made her appear lefs faulty than he before had thought her: he had accufed himfelf of having taken his farewel in too harih and unbecoming terms, and wifhed he had at lead done it with more ibftnefs ; but on hie fervant's return, and informing him fhe was gone to the mafquerade, he'grew more fatif- fied with what he had done; and convinced it was right to part with a woman, whom there was net the leati appearance of ever being, happy with, to prevent the interpofition of friends, and put it out of his own power to recede from what he had wrote, abfence feemed to him the only fure way: therefore without any longer delay than the time, his horfes were putting to the chariot, quitted the town immediately, taking with him that above- mentioned friend, whofe advice and company he B. V. SPECTATOR. 257 knew would ftrengthen him in his refolution, and confole him in the pains he endured, while tear- ing the once precious image of Amafina from his heart. To be told of his departure, inflicted on that unhappy lady agonies more cruel than all his letter had done: (he now was aflured he was in ear- ned; that he was inevitably loft; and by the violence of her grief, knew the violence of the love -that had occafioned it: all the pride, the vain defire of conquering his reafon, and rendering it- fubfervicnt to her will, which had prompted her to al as (lie dki, was now no more : gladly would me have yielded to relinquifh every joy for that of retrieving his affe&ions ; and perhaps, even descended to confefs how far (he had been toblame, .- had he been prefent to defire it of her; but he was at too great a diftance, and to write (he thought would be demeaning herfelf too much, and might jnake him rather defpife than love her. All he fo long, and with fo much ardency, in vain attempted to bring to pafs, while he was pre- fent and continued to admire her, was however ef- fected by his forfaking her. What was denied to love, defpair enfoiced! She looked back with won- der and deteflation on thofe irregularities which had deprived her of him; and it became as great a prodigy now to fee her in any public place of dt- verfion,as it had lately been to find her abfent: (he has, ever fince his breaking with her, been that refeived, that pruden; Amafina he had fo much wifhed to find her, and which would have made him the happkft of mankind; but it is now too late to be any other than a matter of indifference to him; and is accompanied with a misfortune to 258 THE FEMALE F. V. herfelf, whrch is, that the remembrance of his paf- fion, and the ill return (he made, will not permit her to entertain the leafl regard for any other man, though ftill addrefied by the nobleft youths of Britain. Palamon had not been many months in the country, before he became acquainted with a young lady, who, though not altogether fo re- fplendent a beauty as Amafina, wanted not charms to render any man fdrgetful of a miftrefs, by whom he thought himfelf ill treated; and had be- fides, all thofe perfections of the mind, which Pa- lamon fet fo high a value on: in fine, he made his addreiFes to her, was received by her relations with the higheft approbation, and by herfelf with a modeft kindnefs : the courtmip lafled no longer than decency required: the equally defired cere- mony completed both their wifties, and they con- tinue mutual patterns of conjugal affe&ion ; while poor Amafina fuffers her bloom to wither in fecrct repinings and unavailing repentance, her affliction heavier to be borne by the endeavours ihe makes to conceal it. By this example young ladies ought to be warn- ed how dangerous it is to fport with the affections of a man of ferife: a fop, a fool, who has no fenfi- bility of what is owing to the woman he addreffes, or to himfelf, may think the little artifices, which fome make ufe of, in order to inflame their lovers, as a pretty amufement, and be delighted with thofe jealoufies which neither give him real pangs, nor the ecclairciflement of any real pleafure; but the man who loves fincerely, and fees through fuch, idle ftratagems, cannot but refent, and at la ft de- fpife them. B. V. SPECTATOR. 2^9 Too many I fear arc in Amafina's cafe, and for the gratification of a whim, of a moment's dura- tion, have facrificed what would have made the happinefs of their whole lives. According to that great difcerner of nature, the immortal Shakefpeare, nothing is fo much deGred by women as to have their own will; but as it is impoflible for any one, of what ftation foever, to enjoy it in every thing, we ought to confider and weigh well in what we can, with the leaft mortification to ourfelves, en- dure to be debarred from it, and not hazard the higheft wifh our fouls can form to the attainment of the meaneft: but what Sir John Suckling wrote extempore, on the fight of two lovers quar- relling about a trifle, may very well be applied to a number of our prefent pretended devotees to Cupid> of both fexes. " Lovers, like little girls and boys, " Cry for hearts, as they for toys; " Which when once gain'd in childim play, " They wantonly do throw away." After all, no young lady, if me thinks at all, can think the indulging herfeH too much in the modim diverfions of the age will ever be agreeable to any man, whofe good opinion it is worth her while either to infpire or preferve: nor can (he anfwerit to her reafon, that (he takes more pains to engage the idle flatteries of a few unmeaning coxcombs, than the folid praifcs of a man of vir- tue and good fenfe. But I am fenfible all this is talking to the wind : mufic, dancing, love, and gallantry, are favour- ite amufements with the young and gay: they will purfue them wherever they are to be found. Ir is, therefore, a great pity, methinks, that peo- $60 THE FEMALE B. V. pie of fafhion have not frequent entertainments of this nature at their own houfes ; where only fe- leCt companies being admitted, all the dangers, the indecencies, the mifchiefs, which attend ram- bling to public afiemblies, would be avoided : the gentlemen, knowing who they were among, would treat the ladies with the refpect due to them, and exert all their wit and addrefs to render them- felves agreeable : the ladies might be as pleafant as they pleafed; all innocent freedoms are allow- able with men of honour and good fenfe : no mifconftru&ions are made, either through igno- rance or ill nature, on what pafles in converfati- on , all is free arid eafy, and the prefent fatisfac- tion is not hereafter embittered with any remorfe or anxiety. In fine, my fpectatoriar" capacity will permit me to approve of no other entertainments which are paid for, and at which all people, without diftinc- tion, have an equal privilege for their money, than thofe which are exhibited on the theatres; for there, though it is poflible the moft abandoned proftitute may thruft herfelf into the fame box with the fi/tt duchefr, and even have the arrogance to lay hold of that opportunity of fpeaking to her, yet fuch inftanees very rarely, if ever, happen; not becauie fuch wretches want either impudence or vanity enough to mix, as much as they can, with the great and virtuous part of their fex in thefe, as well as in any other public place, but becaufe they know it is not their intereft to do it. Thr defign they have in coming there would be totally overthrown by fuch a behaviour; fince the moft profefled and avowed libertine would be alhamed and afraid to accoft them in the fight or B.V. SPECTATOR. 261 hearing of thofe noble perfonages, or even any lady of reputation: the play-houfe will not admit of thofe freedoms, which may eafily be taken either at Ranelagh, Vauxhall, &c. &c. or the mafque- rade, where a man may lead his little miftrefs of an hour out through a private walk, or run away with her in a vizard, without being obferved by the reft of the company. It is indeed but of latter years that vice has dared to appear barefaced at the theatres; loofe as the age is faid to have been in the reign of king Charles II. I am told no woman of an infamous character ever came there without a mafk, and long fince then, throughout the days of his fuc- ceflbrs, James, William, and Mary,and the greatcft part, if not all thofe of queen Anne, they retained that modeft mark of a lewd life, or exchanged it for a black-hood, pulled over their faces, after the manner of a veil, which diilinguiflied, and at the fame time concealed them from the virtuous part of the audience; fo that there was then no poffi- bility of any difagreeable intermixtures; nor is there any danger of it now for the reafon above alledged. No objections, therefore, can be made againfl ladies frequenting the theatres on thofe accounts, for which thofe others, at prefent more encouraged places of refort, ought juftly to be avoided. Befules, a good play is an elegant entertain, mcnt for thofe of the brighteft and moft elevated capacities, and cannot but afford fome improve- ment to the dulleft and lead informed: it alfo engrofles no more of the time than may very well be fpared from all other avocations, whether of fludy or bufinefsj nor breaks in upon thofe hours VOL. I. Z 26z THE FEMALE 3. V. which decency, and the confederation of our health, fhould devote to repofe. It muft be allowed, that there is no kind of diverfion whatever, in which three hours may fo agreeably and profitably be fpent; and among the many misfortunes of the prefent age, 1 think the vifible decay of the ftage may well be accounted not the leaft; fince nothing can be a greater proof how much the general talte is vitiated, than to neglccT: an entertainment in which pleafure and inftru&ion are blended, ^for others, which the beft that can be faicl of them is, that they afford fome amufement to the fenfes. Nothing to me feems more ridiculous than to hear thofe reafons which the trading part of the nation, and fome of the inferior gentry, give for their averfion to that portion of the drama, which is called tragedy : " We have tragedy enough " at home, fay they; involved in wars, burthened " with taxes, and in continual terrors of worfe " confequences, our fpirits want exhilaration, " not depreffion; our own miferies, and in all " probability thofe of our pofterity, afford us too " many fad ideas, without adding to them by me- which takes delight in contributing all it can to the welfare of others. It was always my opinion, that good fenfe will make good-nature; becaufe it (hews us what is our true intereft and happinefs; and whatever fome people fay to the contrary, I never will believe a perfon can be poflefled ef the one, without fome lhare of the other. A man may, indeed, be an excellent mathematician, philofopher, theologift, lawyer, or poet; have learning, memory, fancy, ingenuity, to a fuperlative degree; yet if in his deportment there be any tincture of arrogance, peevirtmefs, morofenefs, fullennefs,or any of thofe indications by which ill-nature may be known, I will not allow him to have a clear and ftrong judgment. When any extraordinary endowment makes him treat with contempt or impatience the ideas of thofe who are lefs learned, or have lefs bright capacities, it mews his own to be clouded; and whatever fparkles may fometimes iflue forth, there is ftill a dark and uninformed corner in his foul, which hinders him from being the perfect great man. Good-nature is religion too, in the higheft meaning of the word; becaufe it will not fuffer us to do by any one what we would riot willingly i6S THE FEMALE B. VI. nave done to ourfelves: and though I am far from thinking that thofe who have not this happy dif- pofition of mind are wicked, yet this I venture to affirm, that thofe who are really pofiefled of it, never can be fo. A perfon may be a drift obferver of the ten commandments, yet do a great deal of mifchief in the world: he may defpife all mean and bafe ac- tions, and have in the utmoft abhorrence the more capital offences; yet, by a teizing or contemptu- ous behaviour, drive, as it were, thofe about him to be guilty even of the worft, and fo become the author, though not the actor of the crime. A certain noble perfon, who in his time was looked upon as the arbiter of wit, found among the many pieces which were every day laid on his toilet for his infpection, one which had been left by a namelefs author, with a letter, moft humbly requefting his lordfhip's judgment on the perfor- mance : this, it feems, was a dramatic poem, en- titled, Mariamne; and whether it was wrote with that fkill and energy a ftory fo affecting as that of the Jewifh princefs merited, or whether it only feemed to fall fliort by any ill-humour the illu- ftrious reader might happen to be in at that time-, is uncertain; but he was fo little fatisfied with the piece, that he had no fooner looked it over, than taking up his pen haftily, he wrote on the outfide, and juft under the title, thefe lines: " Poet, whoe'er thou art, G d d n thee; c Go hang thyfelf, and burn thy Mariamne." This was all the anfwer he vouchfafed to give, and on the gentleman's calling fome days after, was accordingly delivered to him by the valet de chambre. B. VI. SPECTATOR. 16$ The fondnefs which mod young authors have for their firft performance, made him impatient to fee how his had been received ; but the (hock wai fo great on finding the cruel fentence patted upen him, that he executed it immediately,candemning to the flames his play, and his neck to a halter made of his own garters. Nobody can fuppofe the noble lord either intended or defired fo difmal an effect. of the feverity he had ufed to one alto- gether unknown to him, and who poflibly might be a man of fome merit, though he did not hap- pen to be an excellent poet. It was, however, a piece of ill-nature, which thofe who are full of take all opportunities to vent; and I mention it only to (hew what fatal confequence the derifionof perfons on whom we depend may poffibly produce. It looks indeed as if this poor poet wanted both fpirit and prefence of mind; for had he been ma- fter of either, he might eafily have retorted on the peer>and obliged him in his turn to take fhamcto himfelf: fince I think there could ivot well be greater improprieties in the play,*than in the judg- ment he pafled upon it; as any one will fee who confiders his lordfhip's bidding " him hang " himfelf," and afterward adding, " burn thy " Mariamne;" the fecdnd part of which injunction was impofilble to be performed after the fulfill- ing of the former. This therefore, was with all fubmiflion to the memory of fo great a man, a fo- lecifm in phrafe, which the very trials at the Old- Bailey might have inflructed anyone to avoid. The cruel lines were however wrote inftanta- neoufly, and doubtlefs, as 1 before obferved, to gratify a fpleen, which in that moment got the better of all other confidcrations ; but I appeal 270 THE FEMALE 8. VI; to all the world, and would to his lordfliip's own cooler thoughts, were he living, if it had not been a greater proof of his underftanding, as well of tbat good manners and good-will we all owe to one another, if he had teftified his difapprobation of the piece, modeflly fubmitted to his cenfure, with lefs abruptnefs : nay, it could not have been in the leaft derogatory to his dignity, had he con- defcended to point out in what particulars he had fwerved from the rules of poetry, and even advifed him what emendations he might make in that per- formance, and how he might avoid falling into the like errors in ahy future attempt. It is certainly a fiend-like difpofition to be pleafed with giving pain; yet how have I feen fome people exult and triumph in their power of doing it! and the more difquiet they are capable of fpreading, the more confiderable they imagine themfelves. Ridiculous infatuation of ill -judging pride! Does not a wafp, or even a common fly, buzzing about one's ears inflict a temporary un- eafinefs? Not the moft infignificant reptile the air or earth affords, but has the power of being vexa- tious to us for a while, and is the rival of the ill- natured, who, by being fuch, but vainly boafls of a fuperioj reafon. Perfons of this temperament diffufe a gloom wherever theyeome; no fooner they appear, than converfation is at a {land, mirth is checked, and every oneprefent feemsto have catched fome (hare of the infection: whereas, on the contrary, the fight of one who is known to have good-nature, in- vigorates like the fun, infpires a chearfulnefs where it before was wanting, and heightens what it finds. B. VL SPECTATOR. 271 Whoever reflects on any two perfons in whom this contraft in humour is vifible, will naturally fhun the one, and court the fociety of the other, even though they have no concern with either: but where there is any kind of dependence, or a neceffity of living with, or being much with one of them, the influence muft be felt in proportion to the good or bad qualities of which-ever it happens to be. A fweetnefs of difpofition is what every one wifhes to find in thofe they are obliged to live with, and it is the more endearing according to the authority of the perfon's ftation. When the heads of a family are in amity with each other, and be- have with gentlenefs and humanity to all beneath them, how perfect is the harmony that reigns throughout! If there happens to be any dogged or ill-natured perfons among them, they will either conceal or endeavour to rectify their humours by the example of their fuperiors; and a chearful and ready application to their feveral duties Renders all things eafy, foftens the afperity of crofs accidents, and gives a double relim to profperity. But when thofe, whofe province it is to go- vern, fhew a diflatisfaction with each other, and receivewith imperioufnefs andpeeviGmefsthefer- vice done by their inferiors, how unhappy does it make all about them! A general difcontent runs through the whole; the commands of fuch people are obeyed with reluctance; they may be feared, but they cannot be truly loved; and their very children are capable of paying them no more than an exterior duty. But mod terrible of all is it for either him or her, who, by nature mild and gentle, flnres the bed of one of a contrary difpofition} 2 7 * THE FEMALE B. VI. when, infte^ad of fond endearments, they find them- felves accofted with teftimonies of difguft, or fuch as may very well be taken for it ; when, infitad of foft repofe, they have only fiumbers, broken by diftra&ing dreams, the effects of waking quarrels ; when, inllead of thofe amicable confultations which the aiFairs of two people, whofe interefts are one, demands, they are treated with either fullen fi- lence, reproaches, or equally provoking unreafona- ble contradiction-, what words can paint the mi- fery of fuch a forced enduring ! Still worfe is it where two perfons equally harfh and unfociable happen to be united in mar- riage. Where ill conditions clafh, and both feem to vie which (hall create the moft difquiet to all related or belonging to them, as well as to each other, they form an epitome of hell wherever they come, and well may be compared to the tormenting fiends, who capable of feeling no reft, no comfort in their own bofoms, deny it, as much as in them lies, to all befides. There are two fources from whence what is called ill-nature proceeds; the one is from the feeds of tyranny in the foul; the other, only from habit or accident : the former is hardly ever to be eradi- cated; fair means will but footh, and ferve rather to confirm than abate the impetuous propenfity; and rough meafures, though never fo ftrenuoufly purfued, will fcarce be able to fubdue it; but the latter may eafily be removed by one's own reafon and reflection, without any other affiftance. I have known feveral inftances where perfons who, en a ftricT: examination into themfelves, find- ing a tendency to fall into fbme one or other of thofe many different modes, in which ill-nature up- B. VT. SPECTATOR. 273 pears, have by theftrength of resolution, been able to throw them off; ami by keeping a conftanr guard over all their words and actions, even in the minuted matters, fo rcftrained all turbulent emo- tions from breaking out, that they have in time en- tirely fubfided, and never after returned. This is a tafk which methinks all people, be they of what condition or degree foever, ought to impofe upon themfelves: religion, morality, and even common policy, require it of them; and whatever difficulties they find, or pains they take, while making the eTay, I am well aflured both will be much more than corripenfated for in the accomplimment. In order to enable us to do this with the more eafe, we mould confider who are the objects on, whom we have the power of difcharging our ill- humour. Are they not fuch as fate has in fome meafure fubje&ed to us? for it is not our fupe- riors, or thofe of equal circumftances with our- felves, will brook ungentle treatment, and few there are who tempt the confequences. We fhould there- fore reflect, that old-age, infancy, the poor, the fickj in fine, whatever is helplefs of itfelf, and flands in need of tendernefs, has an imlifputable claim to it-, and as it is only over fuch we dare t flu me the privilege of infulting, how truly mean, bafe and ungenerous, as well as wicked, it is, to make ufe of the means our happier ftars have given us, to add to the affliction of thofe whom it is cer- tainly our duty to confole. In fafit, there would be no fuch thing as cala- mity in the world, did every member of this great body behave with any tolerable degree of good- nature and humanity to the others. Good-nature VOL. I. A a 274 THE FEMALE B. VI. is the cement of love and friendftiip, the bandage of fociety, the rich man's plcafure, and the poor man's refuge. Peace, harmony, and joy reign where it fubfifts, and all is difcord and confufion where it is banifhed. But as all other vices, fo a fournefs of humour isalfo more unbecoming in women than in men: a virago, how much foever fhe may be blown up with felf-conceit,to imagine that to domineer, and rail, and bounce, denotes her a perfon of wit and oeconomy, is as defpicable a character as any I know; and is defervedly fh>nned and hated by the more gentle of her own fex,and ridiculed and laughed at by all in general of the other. Softnefs and affability fhould go hand in hand with modefty; and where the former are intirely wanting, one may very well fufpecl: fome defici- ency in the latter. But as a depravity of manners fhews itfelf in various fhapes, the fullen and thwarting difpofition is often as perplexing as the afluming and violent: unhappy are all who con- trat an intimacy with a woman of either of thefe tempers; but greatly to be pitied is the hufband, the child, and the fervant of fuch a wife, a mo- ther, and a miftrefs. I have often thought it ftrange, that fome la- dies, who think no expence of time or money too much for any thing they are told will afford either addition or fupporttotheirperfonalcharms, fhould, by an ill difpofition of mind, deftroy what all the arts they make ufe of never can repair. Ill-nature is a greater enemy to beauty than the fmall-pox ever was; it gives a difagreeable depth to all the lines of the face; it finks the cheeks; throws a difagreeable deadnefs, or * fiery rednefs into the B, VI. 5 P E C T A T O R. 275 eye, according as the malady proceeds from an ex- c--fs of phlegm or choler; it fwells the lip, fades the complexion, contra&sthe brow, and brings on a decay before the time. Sure, if they who plume themfclves chiefly on their attractions, would con- fider this, it would occafion a prodigious alteration in the behaviour of many of them! Some few there are, indeed, to whom Nature has been fo prodigal of her favours, that it is not even in their own power to leffen the magnetfc force of their charms; and thefe may maintain their dominion over their lovers, and perhaps feern faultlcfs fora time: but when once marriage has, as the poet fays, dcbafed the imperious miflrefs into wife, all that blaze of beauty, which lately was beheld with awe and admiration, becomes fa- miliar to the hufband's eye; the luftre of it dazzles him no longer, and he diftinguiflics the errors which before he was incapable of imagining were hid under it. He then perhaps difcovers pride, vanity, felf-fufficiency, a contempt of every- thing befides herfelf, and all the follies, afcribed to the weakeft of her fex, peep out through that form his paffion had once made him look upon as all perfection. Amazed and angry with the "de- ception it had put upon him, he attempts to re- form and bring the charmer back to what he lately thought her-, perfuades, remonftrates, threat- ens; all, alas! too often proves in vain: incor- rigible, and determined to perfift, (he accufes his too great penetration; reproaches in her turn; mutual indifference cccafions mutual flights; they end one quarrel but to begin another, and their whole future lives are fure to be one continued fciies of difcord. A a 2 276 THE FEMALE B. Vl. This is fo common a cafe, that I am furprifed and grieved to find any married woman can ex- peel to maintain an authority with, much lefs over her hufbandj but byfuch arms as are allowed alone prevalent in our lex. When a woman umvo- manizes herfelf, renounces the foftnefs of her na- ture, and idly boafts of having it in her power to conquer, man has a right to exert his ftrength, and fhew her the vanity of her attempt. Complai- fance, tendernefs, and fidelity, will always have charms for a man of understanding; but rough meafures will never get the better of any thing but a fool. To this it may be alledged, that it is frequently the lot of a woman of true fenfe to be joined to a man of mean capacity, and fo refractory in his humour, that though fhe does all in her power to pleafe, him, yet he is diflatisfied with her beha- viour; and it would be too meanly fubmiflive in her to continue any marks of tendernefs to a per- fon fo altogether unworthy of them. I grant, that a wife thus circumftanced is very unhappy, but muft think ihe would but render herfelf more fo by ftruggling with her chain: the verieft cox- comb of them all is fenfible of a hufband's power, and frequently exerts it the more as he has lefs reafon to do fo; for her own peace therefore fhe ought to do nothing that may ftir up his ill-hu- mour and if all is ineffectual, bear with him as much as poffible. I know very well that this is a doctrine will found but harfhly in the ears of moft wives; but 1 appeal to any of thofe who have made the trial, whether they ever found any thing was gained by robuftnefs. B. VT. SPECTATOR. '277 In fine, there are no provocations, no circum- ftances in life, that 1 can allow to be a fufficient excufe for ill-nature: on fome occafions, it is nei- ther unju't nor impolitic to refent being treated \vith it; but we (hould never return it in the fame manner, fince there are many other ways to (hew we are fcnfible of an affront, without imitating that which we complain of when offered to our- fclves. Much lefs ought we, when at any time we ima- gine ourfelves hardly dealt with by thofe, where duty, intereft, or any other confideration, obliges us to fubmit to without any (hew of refcntmenr,- to v? nt the inward difcontent it may occafion in us on others who have no way contributed to ag- grieve us: that were to ptinifh the innocent for the fake of the guilty; yet 1 am forry to obferve it is but too frequently pradi fed by perfons of both fcxes, and of all ages and degrees. How often have I feen people, after having met with fome matter of difquiet abroad, come home and revenge themfelves on all they find in their way ! Wife, children, fervants, down to the fa- vourite dog, felt the effects of an ill-humour^ which the poor creatures have been fo far from doing any thing to excite, that they even know not the meaning of. Nay, there are fome fo far gone in this folly, that it extends even to things inanimate and infeu- fible of the ill ufage they fuftain; as many a fhat- tered fet of china, glafies, tables, chairs, and other Wenfils,are a proof. What monftrousftupidityis this! What can a by-flander think of the unJ.cr- fhnding of any one who afts in this mad manner f Nor do the bad effects of ill-nature ahvay? ftop Aa 3 278 THE FEMALE B. VI. here. If he who receives the firft offence re- venges, it on another, that perfon may perhaps fall on a third by the fame motive ; he on a fourth; and fo on, ad infinitum ; fo that not one, but many families, fufFer for the mifbehaviour of a finale perfon. Many are the pretences which thofe, afhamed of fuch exploits, will make after being guilty of them: they will tell you, that they are troubled with the overflowing of the gall; that they have the vapours, the fpleen, or lownefs of fpirits, which being diflempers of the body, they cart no more help acling in the manner they do, when the fit is on them, than a min in a high fever can help raving. It is true, indeed, that thefe are diflein- pers of the body; but when we confider how great an influence the mind has over the body, I believe we fhall be forced to acknowledge, that in recti- fying the errors of the one, we (hall,, in a great * meafure, prevent not only thefe, but many kinds of difordcrs in the other. What numbers have pined themfelves into con- fumptions by immoderate grief! How dreadful a ravage has furious paflion occaficned among the human ipecies, under the names of fevers, pleu- rities, convulfions! It is notorious, and no phy- lician will deny it, that the violent agitations of the mind have made more filicides, than poifon, ivv'Oid, or halter. Well then may pur ill-conditions create a con- tinual reftlefsnefs within, difturb the motion of the animal fpirits, and bring on the diforders above- mentioned; fo that the excufes made on this fcore i'erve rather to exaggerate than alleviate the fault. 1 do not fay that the mind has in all conflituti- E/Vt. SPECTATOR. 279 ons fo much the direction of the body, as to ren- der it fickly or healthy, and prolong or fhorten life merely by its own operation ; but 1 will venture to affirm, that in fame it has, and that there are none but feel its efFedls in a more or lefs degree. I am very fenfible there are difeafes which we inherit from oui paierts, others that are contraled in our iniai.cy, and that alter we arrive at maturi- ty, too much fleep or over- watching, violent colds, or excciFive heats, unwholeibme food, bad air, too vehement or too little exerciie, and a thoufand other accidents, in which the mind has no part, may breed diflempers in the body, and haflen dif- folution-, but even then, according to the good or bad affections of the mind, they are greatly mode- rated, or rendered more viruleiit. This is fo plain and obvious a maxim, that it {lands in need of no examples to illuftrate the truth, of it; yet I cannot forbear making mention of one, which filled all who had the oppoitunity of know- ing it with admiration. A perfon, with whom I am intimately acquaint- ed, laboured under a fevere indifpofition of more than feven years duration; often have 1 feen the ilruggles between life and death ; often have the animal functions been at a ftand, and leemed to ceafe for ever; yet did me at Jait get the better of this rack of nature, recovered her fo long loft health and ftrength; and thofe who had taken of her, as they had all the reafcn in the world to imagine, their laft farewel, now behold her in more perfed cafe than many of them arc them- felves. The cure was wonderful, and the more fo as not accompli {hed by the power of medicine, as the phyficians themfchesucaminoufly agreed^ 28o THE FEMALE B. VI, but merely by her own confummate patience, conftant chearfulnefs, and fteady fortitude, in the midft of all the agonies fhe fuftained. To add to her diftemper, and at the fame time to her glory in furmounting them, me had alib many fecret woes to combat with, the leaft of which was fuf- ficient to have overwhelmed a mind not refolved to be above all tilings, in this world, and entirely refigned to the will of the fupreme Being. For this one inftance of true heroiim and mag* naaimity, 1 could produce a great number of others of a different nature. Few, if any families, have been without one or more perfons in it, who, by their careleflnefs in reftraining thofe inordinate emotions, to which the mind is fo liable, have brought forne fearful ailment in the body, and then with an equal meannefs have funk under it. Thaumantius is allowed by all his acquaint- ance to be one of th-e greateft valetudinarians in the world. He trembles at the very mention of a diftemper, though in a fingle perfon, and at the diftance of many miles, and confults his phy- ficians, whether fome fymptoms, he prefently imagines he feels within himfelf, be not an indica- tion of his having catcihed it : he flies the to r .va on the leaft increafe of the bills of mortality, and returns to it on the news of even an infant's being fick in the country. In fummer he is apprehen- five of a fever, in winter of an ague. Autumn and the fpring threaten fome change in the confti- tution, which he is fure to think will be for the worfe. He was told that the attitudes of the body- in fencing opened the bread, and thereby prevent- ed all diftempers of the lungs, on which he pafled three parts in four of his time in that B. VI. SPECTATOR. 281 but afterwards happening to hear one fay, the mo- tion was too violent and precipitate, and might pofiibly occafion languors and fainting fweats, hurtful to the human fyltem, he threw away his foil:, and never fince could be perfuaded to wear a fword, leit fome affront fliould provoke him to draw it to the prejudice of his mufcles. Wfcen the wind is in theeaft, it affects his eyes; if in the north, it gives him cold; in the fouth, it deftroys his appetite; in the weft, it fpoils his digeflion; it can veer to no point of the compafs without af- fecting him, and every change brings with' it new terrors. Nor fun, nor moon, nor air, can fatisfy him for three minutes together; and the conti- nual anxiety he is in at every little motion, either of celeftial or terreftrial bodies, has at length brought him into a kind of jxeeviflinefs, which it is much to be feared will caufe, in a fhort time, fome of thofe diftempers he is fo fearful of, and takes fuch an over-care to avoid. Mirandola had once a very graceful perfon, fine eyes, and a complexion rather too delicate for his fex: his whole ambition was to be weil with the ladies; but envy at his younger brother's good fortune, has worn him to a fkeleton, given afour- nefs to his features, and fpread a livid palencfs o- ver his face, rendering him rather an object of pi- ty than admiration. Placida, finding the charms of her perfon de- cays, deflroys thofe which flie might retain even in old age, by becoming difcontented in herfelf, and harlh in her behaviour to others. Draxalla, poffeffed of an imagination that her hufband had- not that affection for her he pre- tended, and (he believed her due, became fo ter- 282 THE FEMALE B. VI. magant a wife, and continued fo long to perfecute him with caufelefs jealoufies, that he grew at laft weary of her fociety; in faft, fought confolation for his difquiets at home in the arms of a more endearing companion abroad ; leaving her to pine almoft to death, for a misfortune her own ill tem- per had been the occafion of. Thus fo many people, by the fear of imagi- nary ills, create to themfelvcs real ones; and o- thers, by endeavouring to fly a danger which feems to threaten, run into far worfs which they never thought on. As fancy is never idle, and however indolent and fupine the body, it will be always preferring ideas to the mind of one kind or other, we mould make it our principal care to cherifli only fuch as afford a pleating profpet; and when any black and horrid images would force themfelves upon us, to expel them as much as lies in our power. Sad thoughts will grow upon us if indulged, and not only thew whatever is difagreeable in it- felf in a moil hideous form, but alfo make what is moft capable of delighting become odious; all places will be irkfome; all company diftaftefui; we (hall hate our very felves, and even life itfelf at laft will feem a burthen; and then but I for- bear to mock the reader wiih a repetition of thofe fatal confequence?, which too frequently, efpeci- ally of late years, have attended fuch a fituation of mind. But fuppofing we are enabled by Him, who alone has ihe power over life and death, to refrain from any aft of defperatibn either on ourfelves or others, it is impoflible for us, while in this lelf- tormenting ftate, to perform any of the duties of B..VI. SPECTATOR. 283 9. good chriftian, or a good moralift. All love and affetion ceafes in us. We feel no commi- feration for the woes, nor partake in the felicity of our neighbours. On the contrary, to fee any one chearful affords new matter for our difpleafure, and we drive by a thoufand ill-natured actions to deftroy it. Unable to take any fatisfaftion but that hellifh one of giving pain, all about us, as I have already taken notice,, are fure to feel the ef- feb of our little malice; and I know not whe- ther this venting our fpleen, and infuflng fome degree of it in others, especially thofe of a weak conftitution, thereby contributing to diforders de- itru&ive of their health, though to kill may be far from our intention, is not in reality to be guilty of man-flaughter at lead. Vapours, fpleen, a dejection of fpirits, or by what name foever this epilepfy of the mind is call- ed, whether it proceeds from a real or imagined caufe, is certainly the word mifchief one can fall into. It puzzles the phyfician's art, becaufe the remedy is only in ourfelves; and we are incapable of applying itafter the difeafe has gathered drength. Few are ever cured of it, but all may prevent it by a timely care. If therefore we defire a long life, or to enjoy any of its bleflings, let us begin early to harmonize the mind, to feafon it with a tlefire of doing good, to preferve an unfliaken chearfulnefs in whatever dation we may happen to be placed, to be always refigned to the great Difpofer of all things, to keep peace within our own bofoms, and accudom ourfelves to afts of benevolence, affability, and good-humour to all \ve conveife or have any dealings with. Such fen- ti meats, and fuch a behaviour, are the only ami- iS4 THE FEMALE B. VI. dotes againft thofe poifonous conditions which corrupt the manners, pervert the underftanding, and rob us of every thing that either is or ought to be dear to us. I doubt not but I fhall be condemned by fome of my readers, for having exprefied myfclf with too much warmth on this fubje&; and by others for having omitted faying many things which the authority of holy writ gives me a fufficient warrant to have urged. As to the firft, the me- lancholy inftances I daily fee, or am credibly in- formed of, joined with the good- will I bear to mankind in general, would not permit me to be more cool; and as to the other, I thought it proper to leave the ftrongeft part of the argument to the reverend clergy, who can beft handle it, and whofe province it is. Certainly there is nothing more demands their prefent care, or would more teftify their zeal and charity for the happy few, who in thefe times of libertinifm ftill continue to think that attending to divine fervice is a duty in- cumbent on them, and not to be difpenfed with. Let the modifh contemners of all facred rites laugh at me as much as they pleafe, I fhall not be afhamed to give it as my firm belief, that not only all the irregularities and extravagancies I have men- tioned, but many more, on which 1 have yet been filent, owe their rife chiefly to the vifible decay of religion among us. If we throw off all regard for that Omnipotence to whom we owe our being, our preiervation, and our future hopes, well may all confideration of cur fell-creatures ceafe. If we level the dignity of human nature with that of the brutes, it cannot but be expected we mould atas they do; and if we renounce all prctenfions B. VI. SPECTATOR. 28? to another world, it ought not to be wondered at, that while we are in this, we fhould think our- felves bound to obey no rules but the dictates of our own will, and even quit it when no longer Capable of purfuing our wicked inclination. The greateft fceptic of them all readily acknow- ledges, that religion is good for focicty, and ftrikes an awe into vice; how then is it confident with that mighty reafon on which they vaunt them- felves,or that morality they pretend to as the guide of their actions to depreciate an inftitution, which, by their own confeffion, is fo conducive to the peace and happinefs of mankind? But though there be fome who doubtlefs ima- gine they can fathom infinity with the fhallow plummets of their own weak reafon, and make life (with all their might) of what fliare they are pofiefled of in oppotition to him who gave it, 1 am ftrongly of opinion, that the bulk of thofe who affect to turn things facred into ridicule, think quite otherwife in their own hearts : they fee clear enough the truths which they will not own, and but pretend to be purblind in their faith, as many of our modern fine gentlemen do in their fenfual optics, merely in complaifance to others,who have in reality thofe defects. How ample a field for ebfervation now opens to my view! But I may pofiibly be accufed as hav- ing already gone too great lengths for a FEMALE SPECTATOR: and 1 muil indeed confeis, that fome late fad events which have happened, and others which threaten in families for whom 1 have the greateft regard, have taken me fomewrmt out of my way, but I fliall eafily get home again, and return to my old path, 1 hope to the fatisfiiction VOL. I. B b 286 THE FEMALE B. VI. and emolument of thofe for whofe fake this un- dertaking was principally fet on foot. Of all the miftakes mankind are guilty of in domeftic affairs, there is none greater, or more prevents the attainment of our wiflies, be they of what kind foever, than attempting to acquire it merely by compulfion. The proud and felf-willed perfon finds others as little condefcending as him- felf, and the one ferves to harden the other in obftinaoy and perverfenefs. Whereas, on the contrary, a fweet gentle be- haviour fteals upon the-foul by imperceptible de- grees, and melts the moft obdurate heart. In feeming to yield, it vanquifhes; and though the victories it gains are often flow, yet they are en- tire and permanent. There is fomewhat in hu- man nature, through the corruption of ill habits cr paffions, that will not fuffer it always to hold out agarnft a continued benevolence and foftnefs. The prefent age affords a royal example of this truth. We have feen a hero labouring under the difpleafure of his king and father, difgraced, me- naced, imprifoned, and at laft compelled to give his hand to a princefs far whom at that time he had not the leaft inclination. He wedded her, it is true; the ceremony of the church was per- formed; but that was all. The rites of marriage remained incomplete; nor could any confidera- tion prevail on him to become more a hufband than in name. Long did fhe continue a Virgin- ia iJe, long fmother her fecret difcontents; fhe complained not of his injuftice even to himfelf, but preferved an unfhaken complaifance and ten- dernefs to him in private ; and in public aflumed a chsarfulnefs, which was aftcnifhing to himfelf, B. VI. SPEC TAT OH. as w:;ll as to thofe who being about him could not avoid being made acquainted with the fecret of his behaviour, and, at the fame time, (hewed her to others as a princefo poflefled of all fhe had to jrifh. The death of his royal father, at lafir, put an end to the conftraint both had fo long endured, and the poor priricefs expected nothing lets than that, as their marriage had not been contaminated^ he would begin his reign by difanulling it. After the chief of the nobility had paid their compliments to their new fovereign, on his accef- fion to the throne, they all came into her apart- ment on the fame occalion; bat the greateft part of them more out of form, than any belief they had {he would enjoy the title they now gave her: fhe received their congratulations however \virii her ufual affability, though with a heart full of the extremeft perturbations, convinced \vlthinherfelf that the refpet flic now received, was no more than a pageantry of greatnefs, a mimic ftate, which would only ferve to heighten her difgrace, when the king's intentions towards her ihould be re- vealed. But how did her diforders and her apprchsnfi- ons magnify, when the room being very full, fhe faw thofe at the lower end fall back to mate way for his majefty, who in perfon was juft entering! She now not doubted but this unexpected viiit was made to let her know (he muft remove from his palace, and that he had the cruelty to add to the mortification it muft give her, by telling her fo in the prefence of thofe who were at that in- fiant making their court to her. Scarce had fhe the power to rife from the chair 13 b j i88 THE FEMALE B. VI. (he fat on, to receive him; and whence did fo, her trembling limbs refufed to bear her weight, and fhe was obliged to lean on a lady's arm who- flood next her. She was endeavouring, however, to make fome apology for the diforders fhe was fenfible were but too vifible in her countenance, when he prevented her, by approaching with words to this effect: MADAM, " The whole kingdom knows with what re- f{ luftance I accompanied you to the altar, and " you know the manner in which I have lived " with you ever fince: both thefe reflections may <* give you fome reafon to imagine, that as I am tf now the mafter of my actions, I fhall renounce " thofe obligations, which I was but compelled to i omitted, or may not ferve to (hew how much a perfect good-nature may enable us to fuftain, and to forgive. I would have no hufband, however, depend on this example, and become a Dorimcn in expecta- tion of finding an Alithea in his wife: it is put- ting the love and virtue of a woman to too fevere a teit; and the more he thinks her capable of for- giving, the kfs ought he to offend. Numberlels are the branches of good-nature ! Numberlefs are the benefits we receive ourfelves by it, and confer on others! Yet 1 have obferved that this admirable quality,, though in every one's mouth, is undcrftood but by few: mod people are apt to confound it with another, which indeed, in fome refpecb, has very much the appearance of it, but is in reality far (hoit of it in value. It may juitly be called the hand- maid of that great la- dy; it obeys her commands, delivers her decrees, and waits on aJl her actions; but can do little of itfeif, and mould never be put in comparifon. What I mean, is an eafy freedom of behaviour, a ready compliance with any thing propofed in company, an endeavour to divert and preafe, and fometimesan hofyitality and liberality; and yet a perfon may be all this, without that good-nature I have ;'.tte;nptcd to defcribe, and which is able to work fuch prodigious efiefts. The term I would Drf 3 3 14 THE FEMALE B. VI. therefore give this inferior good-quality, is good- humour; and how wide a difference there is'be- tween that and good-nature few but have experi enced. Not but it has its virtues, though in a lefs ex- tenfive degree, and not equally permanent. Meer- good-humour,ifabufed,willdegenerateintoits re- verfe; but good-nature is always the fame, and in- capable of changing: like the divine Source, of which it is an emanation, it returns injuries with benefits-, it endeavours to work on the bad heart that offers them, by foft perfuafion, and pities what it cannot mend. In fine, good-humour is obliged to others for its fupport, good-nature only to itfelf. As they, however, appear fo much alike, that without a long and perfect acquaintance with the perfon they are not to be diftinguifhed, and are often miftaken even by ourfelves, a little retrofpeft into our actions, and the fource of them, is abfo- lutely necefiary ; and then whofoever is poflefled of the one may, without much difficulty, improve it into the other. There is no one thing which affords a greater proof of good-nature than being communicative, and imparting, as much as in us lies, what degree of knowledge we are poflefled of, to thofe who may have lefs extended capacities, or fewer advan- tages of improvement. Good-humour will make us ready to acknowledge and commend, perhaps beyond what it even merits, any excellence we find "in another; but good-nature will make us take the pains of inftru&ing how that excellence maybe heightened. Good-humour fhuns not an oppor- tunity cf obliging j but good-nature i&induftrious B. VI. SPECTATOR. 31$ in feeking out as many as it can. Good-humour frequently promifes more than is in its power to perform; but good nature does more than it gives you reafon to expect. Thefe are fome of the many marks by which, with a little application, you may know the diffe- rence between them; and it certainly is the bufi- nefs of every prudent perfon to make this difco- very in all thofe they have any dealings with, or dependence upon; becaufe otherwife they may be deceived into too high an opinion of the one, and fail in their due regard to the other. There are people in the world, who feel no fatisfa&ion equal to that of doing good; who wait not to be aflced to do every thing in their power to ferve you; -and will not fcruple to do a fmall prejudice to themfelves,. if by it they may procure a great advantage to their neighbours :- yet, notwithstanding all this innate benevolence and fweetnefs of difpofition, have fo ungracious a manner in conferring favours, that the receiver lofes half the fatisfa&ion of the benefit, and the giver more than half the praifes due to his gene- rofity. The foul of fuch a one, has in it all thofe heavenly qualities which make up what we call good-nature; but there are oftentimes deficiencies either in the education or temperament of a per- fon, which will not fuffer it to ihine forth with that unblemifhed luftre that fo much attracts the love and admiration of mankind; and the high c it character he bears from thofe moft obligated to him, is that of a furly good man. A benefit beftowed in a pcevifh, fullen, or die* tatorial way, is making one feel too fcverely the neccflity we are under of receiving it; and fom* 3 16 THE FEMALE B. VI. there are fo delicate, that they would rather chufe to remain under the moft cruel diftreffes, than be / relieved from them by a perfon of this caft. Good-humour is therefore the proper channel through which the benefits flowing from good-na- ture ought to be conveyed, in order to compofe a truly amiable character. I doubt not but my readers will underftand,that by good-humour I mean courtefy, affability, chear- fulnefs,and that certain foftnefs of manners which is fo engaging to all we come among; but more particularly to thofe who are any ways obliged to US.T Thofe qualities, I think, may with propriety enough, be compared to fo many fweetly purling ftreams, which, though too fhallow to afford us any great advantages, delight and charm us with their gentle murmurs; and good-nature to the capacious river which feeds their currents, and is the fource of all the pleafures they produce; yet, but for thefe outlets, would be apt to fwell into a roughnefs difagreeable both to the eye and ear o all who approach its banks. Surinthus and Montano are two gentlemen who have an equal propenfity to atlions of gene- rofity and benevolence, yet are perfect oppofites ia their manner of conducting them. A merchant in the city, who had been in a very great intimacy with them both for a long time, happened by fome loffes at fea, and other difappointrnents r to be very much diftrefied in his circumflances: bills came fail upon him, and though he paid while he was able, and frequently put himfelf to the utmoft in~ conveniency to do fo, being willing to prefer ve his credit, in the hope of better fuccefs in other ven- jures he had abroad j yet he was j uft upon the point B. VI. SPECTATOR. $17 of breaking, when one day Surinthus having heard whifpzrs of his condition, came to hi:n, and ac- coiling him in an abrupt manner, " What," iiii.i he, " is it true that you arc undone? they tell " me you muftbecome a bankrupt in three or four " days, and that there is no poffibility of your " holding out longer." The mei chant was extremely fhocked, but con- fefled that what he had heard was but too true ; and that he mud yield to his hard fate unlefs he could raife a thoufand pounds immediately; which fum he faid, would make him perfe&ly eafy till the arrival of a fhip, by which he hoped better news. <( That is uncertain," replied Surinthus, with his former roughnefs; " however, 1 will advance " the money for you: call on me two or three " hours hence, and 1 will have it ready. But," continued he, , u you have certainly been guilty of " len into thefe misfortunes;" then proceeded to tell him he did not like his dealing with fuch a one, and fuch a one ; and his trading to this or that part of the world; and that, indeed, he had for a good while expefted it would come to this. So true are the poet's words: When things go ill, each fool pretends t' advife^ And, if more happy, thinks himfelf more wife." All this the poor merchant was obliged to k r, for the fake of the favour he was to do hutt ; which Tva?, indeed, truly generous and friendly, though offered in a fathion a little galling to one who was himfelf a man of great fpirit, and had been more accuftomed to confer than to receive obligations, 3i8 THE FEMALE B. V5. But he had fcarce time to reflect on this adven- ture, before he was told Montano defired to fpeak to him. This gentleman, who had heard the Tame news Surinthus had done, and inftigated by the fame motive, came to make an offer of his fervice, tho* in a manner altogether the reverfe. -He took not the If aft notice of his misfortune; and behaving with his ufual cheerfulnefs and complaifance,afteF feme talk on ordinary affairs, "I am glad," faid he, " I was fo fortunate to find you at home; for Ihavd " a rcqueft to make to you, \\ hich your compliance " with will cafe me of a great deal of trouble." The merchanthaving allured him, thatheihouhi rejoice in any opportunity of obliging him, "lhave " juft received fifteen hundred pounds," refumei the other; "and to tell you the truth, I do net " know hew to difpofe of it; I do not care to " keep fuch a fum in my houfe, and I have no [J hanker at; nrefenr, nor any way of laying it out to my mind; I fliould therefore be infinitely " obliged to you, if you would take it and thro.v '' it into trade. Ikncwpeifons of ycur great deal- " ings in the world can at any time have opporta- " nities of getting rid of money to advantage." Two fuch offers in one day, arid from gentle- men who had no other obligations to him, than fuch as were reciprocal and common between per- fons of equal fortunes and conditions, might very wc*l aftonifh him; but the engaging manner in which the latter was made, did much more fo. However, as he was not perfectly affured Montano was acquainted with his neceffities, he could not think of abufing fo generous a friend (hip, and B. VI. SPECTATOR. 31$ therefore frankly difclofed to him all he knew be- fore as well as himfelf. While he was making the detail of his loffes, the other gave him frequent interruptions, telling him, that fuch accidents were no prodigies among men of bufmefs; that what one year took away, another -might return; and that he was fo far from thinking a much greater fum than he had mentioned would be unfafe in his hands, that no- thing could give him a more fenfible mortification tlian his not accepting it." 1 do affure you, Sir, 11 I offer you no more than what I can very well u fpare; and if fortune mould be fo unjuft to your " merits, as not to enable you to return it in one, " two, three years, or longer, my affairs will fuf- " fer nothing by the delay, and I mould take it " unkindly, mould you ever think of the affair " with any fort of concern, till it entirely fuits " with your convenience to repay it." With words like thefe the merchant was pre- vailed on to accept the money; and as foon as he had received it, he went to his more furly friend, and after having returned thofe grateful acknow- ledgements, which it muft be confeffed he merit- ed, told him, that an unlooked-for piece of good- fortune had happened, which gave him the means of fatisfying his creditors, without that kind aflift- ance he had been fo generous to offer. Surinfcaus feemed neither pleafed nor difpleaf- ccl, but in his own rough fafliion, though honeft meaning, faid, it was very well; that he fliould Inve been welcome to the money if he had want- ed it ; and that if ever he happened to have occa- fjon again, he might know where to find a friend. Now though anyotjcin the fame circumftarccs *:o THE FEMALE, Sec. B. VI. with this merchant, would think it a great bleffing to meet with a friend like Surinth us, yet everybody muft allow that the weight of fuch an obligation fat much 15ghter,by the engaging manner in which Montano conferred it. Strange it appears to me, that feme perfons, who go very great lengths to ferve their friends, fhould not go a little farther, and adorn their boun- ties with good-humour, fince it would coft them nothing, and is no lefs conducive to the happinds of the receiver, than the more expcnfive part of the obligation. Certain it is, they do not fee this deficiency in themfelves, or they would never leflen the merit of their favours, by a wrong manner of conducting them; efpecially as it is an error in behaviour fa eafily avoided. I would, therefore, fain perfuade every one who is about to give a proof of his good-nature in any friendly and benevolent office, to contrive it fo, 33 that what he does may feem a favour to himfelf. This it was that made the offer of Montano fo much more acceptable than that of Surinthus : this fets a double value on the fmalleil obligations, and makes the receiver eafy under the greateft. THE END OF THE SIXTH BOOK. INDEX. AUTHOR, her character, Page 3 ** Arminia, her "bad tafle, 19 Alcaics and Palmyra tlicir (lory, 31 Ariftobulus, how cxcufable, 6l Antipathy in nature not to be worn off, 67 Alt zeu-a, much to be pitied 83 Amaranthus, his pafllon for Aminta, 87 Applaufe, how intoxicating, 91 Avarice, the worll of paflions, 109 Adulphus, ruined by a dream, .124. Ambition has no bounds, 133 Aftions unhappy, the true caufe, 157 Avenlon to lolitiule, a fault, 163 Adonius, his charafter, 184 Amadea, her caufcs for grief, I 9 5 Abufc of thinking, worfe than -not thinking at all, ^ J 9 O Adventure of a traveller, "*94 Auctions greatly frequented, *c>8 Alvaro, unhappy in his chilcWn, ft-O Accomplifhments, which moft valuable,.. 243 Amafma, how made unhappy, 247 Armico, too hafty in his judgment, 55 Admiration, by what preierved, 266 Alithca, an infhncc of her generofity, 302 "DLUE domino, caufe of a fad milfoke, . 40 ** Brother, his diftrefs, 4* Blodmetta, her unhappy condition, 59 Ik-Hair and Miferia, an ill matched couple, 73 Beau Uelfor.t and Mifs Tittup, the belt \vi(h can be ir.uJe for them, 3 Bedlam, who fit for it, 130 Bellizo, her hiftory, 146 Belinda, her adventures, . 173 Britifh ladies different from what they were formerly, 265 Beauty, hurt by ill-nature, 274 Body, how far influenced by the mind r 279 Benefits, the manner in which they ought to be conferred, 3^9 CL IT A N D F. R> fuccefsful in love-affairs, 1 1 Country ladies, eafily feduced, 3$ Caution, neceMary in parents, 39 Clergyman, a remarkable inftance of one, Celinda, unfortunate in her love, 61 Clcora, a warning to her, 71 Cleophil, his ungenerous behaviour, 150 Caprice of a philofopHcr, 154 Climate of England the fame as ever, if j Contemplation, how pleafm^in all fhtions, J6r y, madame, her adventure at the opfl-a, z?'t Grids not to be ncglccUd, 245 Compulfion, hateful to all reafonable beings, 286 Comphifance, always ncccflary, 313 VOL. I. Ee I N 1} E X. DALIND A, her mean fpirit, Page 69 Diftruft, a bafe paflion, 109 Diverfion-mongers, very induftrious, 2l6- Difobedience, juftly punifhed, 34 Draxalla, an inftance of felf-created wretchednsfs,. 381 Dorimon, how reclaimed, 307 pUPHROSINE, her charafter,, 4 *" F.rminia, how ruined, Effeminacy in the army cenfiired, 85 Examples of unhappy marriages, 99 Elmira, an extraordinary cafe, 136 Elements, feldom blended equally, 289 Englifh ladies, treated with too Ule refpeft, and wherefore, 237 Examination into otirfelves neceffary, 27* fR E N C H ladies, feldom make an ill ufe of liberty, 18 *" Flavia, her adventures, 47 Father, the locdid e.ontrivan^e of one, 105; fidelio, hisdefpair, ic6 I ortune, the author and breaker of mod friendfMps, 150 Free-will, not to be doubted, 194 France, the many innor.yit. diverfions to be., found there, 234 Fop, may be trifled with, 259, Fr.ncy, never idle, 281 Favours, the merit of them lefleed by an iU manner ,of be- ftowing, 3 2 9 ** I R L S, naturally -?i?jn, . 7 ^^ Genercfity of a lover, AS Glory and love, not incompatible,- 94 Oaming and gamefters, ho\v treated, 1*8 Grant of owr-defiyes often imlwppv,,. I :f Good -breeding inferior to reputation, 157 Gaiety in excels, how to be corrected, iSf Gratitude, highly due to parents, 219 Good-nature, what it is, 267 ar_4 good-humour, .in what they differ, 3^3 28 AS Home n-ews, ^3 3iappinefs, doubly, welcome after adverGty,. 153 'Hope ought to be encouraged, Hoydens, fome naturally fo, 26^ TEA LOUSY, the r p;te it occafions, 25 J Impertinence of fome people, 5,^ Inftance of public gratitude, 95 Inaperso, a lover of beauty, l4 Inrii'-ffion made by a dream, I%J. Iraperio, the mortification he gave a lady, 2,-f, Inconiiflcncies in Ic^e, 243 Ill-nature, the lource of it, 274 Infancy, a claim to tendernefs, 275 KEY to the FEMALE SPECTATOR, forbid,. 6 Kindaefs, ill repaid, J^o , _ , . TJ U S BA ND, the innocent ftratagem. of one, Honour, an inftance of it, I N D E X. LOY3, when to be approved, Page $ Liking, often taken for Ipvc, ib. Luxury, the encouragement it finds,, 3,$ Lindamira, her ftory, 76 Lacroon, his character,. IOO Lotteries, numerous of tate, llS Leolin and Elmira, their ftory, 136 Layallie, his amour with Belinda^ 174 I.oytcr, count, an odd proceeding in him, l8l Letter of Sarah Oldfafhion's, 3IJ Life, what time of it is beft for improvement,. l8 MI R A, her character, 4 Martefia, her adventures,. :a Marriages, hafty, feldom happy, If Mafquerades, how prejudicial, . 25 Macro, his brutality, 69 Mariana, a feaioDnble warning to her, 7* Myrtano and Clcora, what may be expeCteJ from their union, 71 Milctta, her atfefted modefty, IOI Mercator, his ftory, 157 Manella, troublefome in her conjugal affec^loo^ 174 Man, the dignity of his fpecics, 194 Mind, delights in contemplation, 107 Montuubin, count, his ftory, 2OI Mode, not always to be followed, ai0 Modefty, the chief grace of women* 443 Mariamne, a play fatal to the author, 268 Manflaughter, a new way of being guilty of it s8j MelifTa, a great coquette, 39$ Myftery, plealingly unravelled, 310 Montano, the manner of his conferring obligations,, 318 "VJEGRATjIA, her*eharafterv. 2O ^ Nothing cytaJn tiU poflefied,. 103 Nature corrupted by the pafTions, 107 Numbers make their own misfortunes,, 280 , cenfured, 85 PARENTS, fometimes in fa^ilt, 17 Pride, when laudable, r i i ^Jt-i .jient, Page ^ " R ics obfei i. / the FEMALE SPECTATOR, 5 Rebecca Facemend, her bill* Refolva, the obftinacy of one,, 14 Regret, an inftance of it, 1.5 Recollection neceflary, I' Ranelagh too much frequented, I Refpecfr, how attracted, r.. Religion, when real, excites good-nature, 2', Royal example of generofity, 28 CEOMANTHE, her ftory, *' Sympathy of humours requisite to make marriage happy, 7 Source, the true one of our calamities, i.< Solitary life hated by molt, 16 Socrates, an inftanct that virtue is to be acquired by application, 1 8 Saicafm of a lady to an apouate patriot, 19 Sneer of a fon on his father's marrying a very young wife, Subfcriptions intended for mafqueraJes at Ranelagb, Stage affords the nobleft diversion, Softnefs, the moft prevailing aims c" women, Sceptic confcffes too much without he confcfTed more, 28 Surinthus, his furly friendlhip, 31 'TTE NDERILLA, her romantic turn, ^ True love unchangeable, Temptations overcome are pleafures, Tempo-Amiarians, what they are, Tulip, Mrs. her folly, Tennis, a manly exercife, Ti.noleon, his charaGer, Trial of a lover, 15 Tragedy, its intent, 21 Tafte, the difference of the falfe and rlie true tafte, 2] Talpack ladies, their habits may probably become our mode, z( Thaumantius, a great valetudinarian, "i\ VTA U X-H AJL.L, the temple of Flora, t " Vulpone, his ftrange fuccefs, Unity among kindred recommended, i; Vizards, when worn at the theatres, 26 Virago, how ridiculous, Vapours, an epilepfy of the mind, "%\, O RLD, the ridicule of it on unfuitable matches, * * Women, why fond of military gentlemen, o. Wife of a late general, her behaviour, o Wlr.ft, the game much admired, 11 Widow, her reafon for marrying, 16- Widow, her rambling humour, 16! _/^EUXIS, a confummate hypocrite, 13. YOUTH and age difagreeable to each cth-ir, THE END OF THE FIRST VOLUME. L University of California SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY 405 Hilgard Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90024-1388 Return this material to the library from which it was borrowed. REG'D LD-URt 'FEB221995 DEC 2 1996 86-6 LD-U&L LOS Al JC SOUTHERN REG'ONA. LIBRARY FACILI" A 000007145 6 tia