.An \ddress... to Luke Scraf- ton, "sq; in Reply to his ^am- phlet, Intitled, Observations . Vansittart's Narrative By John Zephaniah Holwell, '^sq. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES A N ADDRESS FROM JOHN ZEJ?HANIAH HOLWELL, T o LUKE S C R A F T O N, Efq; In reply to his Pamphlet, intitled, OBSERVATIONS O N Mr. VANSITTART's NARRATIVE. LONDON: Printed for T. B E c KET and P. A. D E H ON D T, near Surry-Street, in the Strand. MDCCLXVII. [PRICE ONE SHILLING.] H(*T VV3 To LUKE SCRAFTON, Efcj; BEENHAM HOUSED BERKS, SIR! January i4th, 1767. T CONFE-SS my obligation to you for your letter, without date, received yefterday, and accompanied by a printed pamphlet, entitled, " Obfervations on Mr. VANSITTART'S Narrative,'* o of which you avow yourfelf the author. Sorry I am that this fingular production of yours did nof S come to my hands {boner j for if it had, be afTured/ ^ Sir, you fliould not fo long have rmpofed on the C3 world, nor on the circle of your own acquaintance, without incurring the juit chaftifement of my pen, in return for the many flagrant calumnies, and injurious infinuationsr it contains againft me. In | all probability, you are pluming yourfelf with the "x thoughts that its poifonots effects have already 5 anfwered your worft purpofes, and wrought fufE- ciently upon th^ minds of others, before an op- B pbrturutV 354632 [ 2 J portunity was given me of replying to k. Herein you may be miftaken -, for thinking people are too confiderate to determine on one fide of the queftion, without giving a candid hearing to the other. I fhall not follow the unfair example you have fct me, of picking out fitch paffages only of my Memorial and letters as feem to make beft for your purpofe : the Public fhall have your whole Epiftle to me verbatim before them ; while I take the liberty of commenting firfl upon it, and afterwards of refuting the mifreprefentations and falfehoods eomained in the pamphlet itfelf. Letter from. Mr. S C R A F T O N to< Mr. H O L W E L L. SIR! " Although I am not the author of the OB- c: SERVER, to which you have replied, I am of the " accompanying Pamphlet, which never was pu- " bliftied, nor defigned to be circulated, had not " Mr. VANSITTART thought fit to take upon him '* the character of head of a party, in oppo- " fition- I 3 ] *' fition to the prefent Directors: his activity in " that character, and fome circumftances which " happened in April laft, made it neceffary, for " my own juftification among the circle of my own " acquaintance, to make fome obfervations on cc Mr. VANSITTART'S publication -, this led me " to difprove your Memorial, which my particu- < lar connection with Lord CLIVE enabled me to " do. " When yau fent me one of your Historical " Events, I then wrote you, that I reprefcnted " your Memorial as falfe, or mifreprefented, in " every inftance ; as alfo your Account of the " revenues, which has been productive of much " mifchief to the Company, and is fo totally falfe, " that befides the grofs fum of eleven crore, be- " ing eight and a half crore more than the real " fact , the items it is compofed of are ridicu- nefs, rather makes my conduct meritorious, than liable to cenfure. You clofe page the 8th with faying, " and in the fame letter he accufes the " SUB AH of engaging in a feparate correfpondence " with the SHAZADA." And at the foot of the page you add a falfe note of reference to miflead the public, and fend them a wild goofe chace that you might more fecurely efcape detection. Your note fays, " Vide HOLWELL'S Vindication, pub- " lifhed by BECKET in 1760 ;" whereas thecorre- Ipondence you make your quotations and remarks from, was publifhed by BECKET in 1764, under the title of India Trafls, by Mr. HOLWELL and his friends j and the Vindication which your fpuri- ous note refers to (publifhed likewife in 1764) was purely a defence of his character, (againft an ano- nymous pamphlet put forth under the title of " Reflections on the prefent Hate of our EAST IN- " DIA affairs,") in which you knew there was not a fyllable contained of the correfpondence with Colonel CAILLAUD or Mr. HASTINGS, wfrich ]s now the fubject of your remarks. Blulh there- - fore, Sir, at a procedure fo unworthy. D 2 But ?o But once more to take up the thread of your pamphlet, which opens a frefh charge againft me, and intimates my having falfely accufed the Su BAH of a feparate correfpondence with the SHAW ZADDA; this you lay as a corroborating proof of my deftgnmg a revolution. In fupport of this charge you quote (page 9.) my inftruclions to Captain* SPEARS ; and, lower, you fay, I " come nearer to the point." In my letter to Col. CAILLAUD of the 7th of April, part of which you alfo quote, (erroneoufly, or more likely intentionally, giving it a place in page 3 1 of my correfpondence, inftead of page 28.) and at the clofe of your quotation, page 10. you make the following profound remark. " This proves that " Mr. HOLVVELL was carrying on a correfpon- " dence with the SHAW ZADDA at the very time The fpirited, juft, and pathetic conclufion of the paragraph, you have already given. I fet forth, page 41. before referred to, that " The advices fent " from DACCA, touching thefe murders, were dif- *' patched immediately on the rumour of the deed, " and from thence, as ufual, imperfect ; fubfequent "' advices brought the true ftate of the execution " as follows : <{ GOSSETA BEGUM, widow of SHAW AMET * JUNG f " EMN T A BEGUM, mother to SURAJAH DOWLA, '.' 'and widow to GEYNDE AMET : * MORAD DOWLA KHAN, the fon of PATSHA 4t KOOLY KHAN, adopted fon of SHAW AMET " JUNG : " LUTSEN NESSA BEGUM, widow of SURAJAH " DOWLA ; *' Her infant daughter, by SURAJAH DOWLA." The [ 57 ] The advices from DACCA faid, thefe perifhec! With about twenty of their women. Mr. VAN- SI TTART'S intelligence fays, about feventy. Mn HASTINGS'S information fays, nine perfons, being the whole of the family, without Jpecifying the number of the inferior women ; but all accounts agreed, that ALIVERDI'S BEGUM efcaped the maf- facre of her whole family. Whether this charge laid again'ft the SUBAH be true or falfe, I Have made it fufficiently manifeft it came, from DACCA by exprefs from our gentle- men there refident, on the very fcene of action the words of my letter to Mr. HASTINGS minutely correfponded: with the terms of the exprefs, with- out the leaft exaggeration ; the fubfequent advices rom DACCA corifirme'd their former intelligence, 1 and forwarded particulars. Mr. HASTINGS replies fix days after the receipt of mine ; and upon en- quiry is informed, the number of the family mur- dered exceeds the DACCA advices :~If my vera- city is doubted, regarding the exprefs from DAC- CA, I appeal to WILLIAM ^ACQUIRE, Efqj then a member of the Select Committee, and to CUL- LING SMITH, Efq; then fecretary to the Seled Committee, both now in ENGLAND, to declare whether thofe advices did, or did not arrive front about the time* and to the purpofe which J have alleged. Indeed die ranked of my ene- mies would hardly believe I coujd be fo weak, as well as wicked, to tell Mr. HASTINGS, then in the public fituation of the Company** Reftdent, That " By exprefs yefterday from DACCA, we have ad- " vice, &c" if no fuch exprefs and advice had heeri received. On the whole I fay, that fuppofing the charge againft the SUBAH " t ruel afperfions, and void of all ' truth? they were no afperfions of mine ; as his Lordfhip would have found, had he (as in equity and honour bound, before he made fo free with any Gentleman's character) traced this charge to its rife.- I allow his Lordfhip has powerful and interefting motives for defending " the honour of JAF* " FIER ALY KHAN ; n but motives of another kind, motives of impartial juftice, mould have checked his zeal hi the prefent inftance : for as the fact ftands, in place of my having afperfed the Str-; BAH, his Lordfhip has, without any real caufe or foundation, loaded me with a cruel afperfion^ void of all truth, if (as I faid before) the paragraph you give the Public from his Lordfhip's letter be genuine. - I have [ 59 1 I 'have hitherto proceeded on the fuppofition that this charge againft the SOUBAH is falfe, but I will now beg leave to lay before the Public my reafons for ftill believing it true. In the firft place, k can hardly be conceived, that a charge fhould be fo minutely and circumftantially laid by gentle- men on the fpot, without foundation. Secondly, the charge (heavy and cruel as it was, if not true) was never contradicted, during my flay in INDIA, by any advices from DACCA or elfewhere; nor lince, that I have heard, until very lateJy. Thirdly, For that I find Lord CLIVE founds hjs judgment and cenfure upon the addrefs to him of the loth December, 1765, and the lift annexed to it, page 24 and 25 of your pamphlet ; neither of which invalidates the charge, but only fhews his Lordfhip was deceived by here and there the fimilarity of names : but one in the lift corre- fponds with the names tranfmitted from DACCA, viz. MORAUD UL DOWLA, who call's himfelf the fon of JEER AM UL DOWLA ; whereas the MORAP DOWLA, mentioned in the DACCA exprefs, was inconteftably the fon of PATSHA KOOLE-E KHAN. Neither the addrefs or lift make any mention of GOSSETA BEGUM, widow of SHAW AMET JUNG; nor of EMN'A BEGUM, the mother of SURAJAH DQWLA. The widow of ALIVERDY may be liv- [ 60 ] i ing, me is faid to have efcaped the flaughter. ' The wife and daughter of SURAJAH DOWLA have a place in the addrefs, by the name of Snook A BOLL A CAWN ; whereas the DACCA advices calf her LUTSEN NESSA BEGUM : SURAJAH DOWLA probably had two wives and two daughters, which reconciles the difference. The real faft appears to- be this, that almoft all the lift of prifohers re- leafed by his Lordfhip are the family of SUJAH DOWLA and SIRFERAZ KHAN, who we all kn6w were imprifoned many years at DACCA, and not the family of ALIVERDY KHAN, charged by the advices to have been cutoff by JAFFIER KHAN, in June 1760^ but be they one of other, or partly each, and be the charge againft the Su- BAH true or falfe, it affefts not me in any fhape, as I have demonftrably proved. Here I muft remark, that although you fet out with impeaching my whole Memorial of falfehood or mifreprefentaiion in every injlance, yet you think proper to drop it before you have gone through one third-, for this I believe you had very co- gent reafons. The remainder of it you make Ihort work with; and being determined to clofe with as little good breeding as you began, you fay. t 6' 3, ay, page 26. " The reft of this Memorial needs I' no comment; but here I fhall obferve, that P moft of what Mr. HOLWELL has publifhed, is " entitled to equal credit with this Memorial." That you intended me no compliment in this con- clufion, is pretty plain ; but you inadvertently pay me the higheft you could pofiibly devife : for as I Juve generally, in my Anfwer to the EAST INDIA OBSERVER, N q 6. and minutely here, detected, ex- pofed, and refuted, beyond the reach of cavil, all your ihameful fuperficial attacks and infmuations againft my Memorial, I will not doubt, but from the candor of the Public, and even from the circle 'of your own acquaintance^ I mall be entitled to an equal degree of credit regarding my other publi- cations ; I defire it only in proportion as I have fup- ported (in every inftance) my veracity in that of my Memorial. I now, Sir, take my leave of you aflfuring you moft faithfully, that be your provocations in future what they will, I mall never more think you worth my notice,' in tbis way, at leaft. J. Z. HOLWELL. BEENMAMjioU-SS,' 1 -: BERKS, 24th Jan. 1767. Lately publifhed, the Second Edition, revifed* and corrected with Additions. INDIA TRACTS: J3y Mr. HOLWELL and Friends. CONTAINING, I. An Addrefs to the Proprietors of Eaft India Stock ; fetting forth, the unavoidable Necefflty, and real Motives for the Revolution in Bengal., 1760. II. A Refutation of a Letter from certain Gentle- men of the Council at Bengal, to the Honour- able the fecret Committee. III. Important Facis regarding the Eaft-India Comr pany's Affairs in Bengal, from the Years 1752 to 1760, with Copies of feveral very interefting Letters. IV. A Narrative of the deplorable Deaths, of the Engli/Jo Gentlemen who were fuffocated in the Black-Hole in Pert William, at Calcutta, June 1 756. V. A Defence of Mr. Vanfittarf* Conduct, illuf- trated with a Frontifpiece, reprefenting the Mo- nument creeled at Calcutta, in Memory of the. Sufferers in the Black-Hole Prifon. Alfo by the fame Author, INTERESTING HISTORICAL EVENTS, relative to the Provinces of Bengal and Jndojtan. Two parts, with Cuts. Printed for T. BECKET and P. A. DE HONDT, near Surry-Street> in the Strand. 27 35 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. 1968 Form L9-32m-8,'58(5876s4)444